CLOTHING One-Price Clothing - Memorial Hall Library


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Transcript of CLOTHING One-Price Clothing - Memorial Hall Library


Andover Advertiser, Every Friday Morning,



Post Office Block, Lawrence, Mass. SUBSCRIPTION-Poataff* Prepaid-

SS-oO per rear, from which 60 cant* Will b* diMueiml for Btrlctly ftdrtnet

Th* Circulation of the Lewrenc* Amerl- '" "*.e larweet of urjMwr In the

, and more than Tar** Time* . any other Weekly Paper pub- ln tnt • oitr. ^^ S;

•ST Bat** of ad varUalif HI! upon tpplleilion.

■□tared at tba Post Offloa, Lawrence MM*., for trananlaaloa throucb tha mails aa aaoond-olaaa mattar.

The Daily American. Published Every Evening,

to Uie Un«l Dalle la tb. OHr. w»» roar Time, toe Olroulatloa of Mr

8UBSO BXPTION, In I One tear, ««.00 | BUI

When not paid In adeano., SSvOO.

QEO. g. MKBBILL. Promrlntor

TEE AMERICAS ■TEAM PRINTING OFFICE latka, and ntoat tUorondUT <nr





Catarrh, iiltia aid Bronchitis. !•■■*• IM lh*Hi<>«, l»pr.a>l*. .rSpirit. Ltli.(R»rl>|, Ulaal.aea.l.i.-.lllt?

t» thlak, aaa ether Diatraailas Asa* Its af that raarfa. 1 niaaa *a,


PERMANENTLY BEHOVED. IIMII lafate Mead B»U4.#i«>eftmo

Masai ■•■>•■ Arreete di Laat Sea** e,f •■tall aftaatarad. Bleedr Dli«kiri»

Stepped. DIHMI* I)«>r.<« ■aalad.

OATARRHINE. ■rtitt'i.w WT.r*ii»naiir, wiUIB- lai aa mlaerel polao**, aa do au; or DM ao-celted eatarrfc rem*dt«* which in the oed

ly urn to IfflVlta IB* di*****. Catarrhl** imposed oTTteetlag iraau • ad alia, which

—I aaaUaf U tha di*«a**d **rt* ia taeesly ■aural aed effective av*aa*r, throaah tha pra oaaa sfraapiretloe. Nature never Intended thai liqalda thou Id be poured through tat no**, si ku ill k«i b*rrl*r* la tha torus of hair., _ everv aoalril. la pr*v*nt tba catreaeeof dnat, wkleh U aaaaattaaM called and. To label* CaturhlM reqalre* *o costly laaater, bat only

DIMKCTIONB.—Pot a little af the Catarrh In* I alo aa erdlaarv oleaa alpe, aad -moke it. pass iBf the smoke through ibe BOM. Hi reaeallaa (ha procaa* Bv* ailBulM ihrae llaiaa *anh day, tilt weraleaae* ol aatarrh may b*eur*d.


lag AatAaae eat* anaaaa.Hla. II aaaihaa the ialaaad part*, aad lappllaa faat Una* thing* necessary la aid aatar* la throwing of the ilia •aa* aad r*nal rl*g hei waste places.

OATARRHINE. riaaaaatta t*>* teal*. Stars la ItaaaTaata.



UEO. V. UOODWIl. * to., A.awte. law Halt D


FOR I Bit.


. Medl- 'e. Block.

APOTHKCAKY; Drain, elate, Hi..r.l .'.lor. Tollel IHI


A POTHECABY | oompoundinr ia af f aT.teie..- rraMWpUo.. a ipMi.liv.

bHif. CL.BBB. II, ear. JaekeSa. A POTHECABY, Dnn, M A CWarlaak. T.iln inffl... a«.

JO iVUBB.auBaau...r.r,.akJ AUT 8TOUK, Pled

oor. Jackaon. Med-

.fte. rraaklla.

Picture Frame ' Ma A Nawadaalera.

. Mi Haaiz Btraat. UAKEll, H'i'r Craoken, Bread U.UaUe, faairy, WaddlaKOahe. rroaliaga, Ac.

JdNdTHAlf P. KKNT. Via Lowell Blreat. BLANK BOOK MTrand Com-

morelaldlaUoBor,RoomI'apar,l>eeo'»liona W. a.. UlfJB. M5 E.aei a treat.

L>OOKS, Paper Haniflng-H, HU M-> ttoaerj, Window Htia.te*. Ac.

L.arUATTON. .37 Street.

BLACK SILKS, VelveU, Caiib- meraa, Hllk rrlnfea, Butloni, tilom, Ac

A.BHABPa. « CO., Ill Kaaei Street. BOOTS & SHOES, a full and

eea^leteatoek.BtfTneeetoauft Me tinea. r. B. UOMHaoif, Ml Kaaex Street.

BOOTS eft SHOES, fine goods of all qualltlea. Low prtaad la salt the tlmai.

BOOTS «% SHOES. The largest aad heal aaaortetaai le ee louad la the cltj.


BOYS' CLOTHING, Men's Fnr- ia,

A. ro LI,a it A CO.. U» Baaex Street. CCABINET M All Fit and Uphol-

J atetar. U. r. BARN ABO. ISO Kaaes Street.

CLBANSINO, I>yeliiff and Pin- labiax oiererr aaacription, doae at tba

B8SJ.X D\m IVOMKS, Oau« tls Kaaex St. C-iONFECTIONEHY, pure home

J |—"-

and Silver Plalad Ware, D. S. A C. At. MABT1K 1» Baaeit Streek

CiOOKlNG STOVES, Ranges, J Kuraaoea. Sole ajJ.cnI Uagae atovea.

JOHN r. IHSuil AH, :IMI Kaaax St.

CIOUNTKY PU01>UCE, ProTis- J loaa aad LIT* Black.

JOHN CHU KU111LL A CO., 10 A IS Araeaburr St

tiliOCKEKYv Glass, China, IMa- i ted Ware, Cutlery, Lae>p*. Ac.

JOHN C. Itom * CO., *>i Kaaax Street. DIt V GOODS. For Silks, Shawls

raocT Uooda aad UameUmca, ao to

Life. Accident and Fire Insuraace.

JOHN EDWARD* a CO'* Insurance Agency

aaraaaa.t. ra. foLLOWI..


alth, Boaloa, aalea. , Worceater.

lagiaad. lAaMortbara.Kaglaad.

aIn*.Oo.,Parla. Aesurar.ce, Km I ami.

1 Aaaurance, Baalaa.I. Ottdoa aad iaanoaehire. Kntlaad. ravallars' Life and Accident ol

■tat* Mutual Ufa, Worceater.]

THOMAS BEVINOTON, ASS ataaea Btraat, a - Lawrence.

Pott Office Bex 36,

A. W. ST1 *I,|U> an Ku KAKNS A CO.. SIN A

LASCV GOODS, Ladles' Fur- 17 alablBi Uooda, Millinery, A*.

A. H. CBOWKLL. itJ Kaaex Street. FLOUU, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt,

Butter, Seed*, raralai tool*. Ac. SCO ITA VIKTOR. JWComoaoa Street.

City of Lawrence.

Health Kegulatiom,

irdliif i.i law, of llealili

_- per any Sub, any back ran

Notice ia hereby gltaa, aaeordi the folloaiBf reBulatloaa of the B- of the i liy a) Lawreaea, adopleil March 10u, It-HI, aad theaaaiean' ww la lercc i

Omoi or TU Boiui or Hun H, Lawraaie.Maaa , Mar. 10, lt»l.

ft ordered by tb* Board of Health of lh« City of Lawrecaa, a* follow.:

nrjOB* are atrlolly fbrblddra to Ibrow ' 'P* or garbagv, *r BUT kind, ialo

di or Drlrata alley-waya ol the

.. .jlidTsia With which lliaro la a back yard or other land BIipurl*B*Bltber«lo, aoallcaaaeiatdback rard or other laada at all Uatea to be koiUuleir ol all f Ufa, Barbate, hour* dirt, and of all decayed

.Iileaubataaueai lit" "I ilwelha-

tequireu • aael or

,— .Im ,irr.ii. e lamelnaeoarrnleut »lace

I* be raaaoTsd by tb* Board af Healib. Ho peraoa aball u«rBller aafer savslako'

11 thy water to run orataadon UM aurfacH o» any lead apperteaaat l« aay da clllag beaa* or ■tore of which he maybe the owner, IIIKI, teaaat,(rCCB|>*ator Bgaalha*iBg tha car* toere ol, but the oa aw, leaa**, leaaat, oecupaat or aaydwelllug boaa* or aiore or land

1 alt KiakaaU i >ald lead to

aadallaueh owaera croeoupanl heaaea, Mara* or other butldlaga _ to inraith at all tlaies a auitabl

Bitasaat tbaret* ahaU came all ly wateria aaidbulidlag or oa aal_ _ oaeaa**yed through aauTtable pipe or drain

—* -(Iroiaiag aaiu I coaatraelad

flliby water la aaid building or bee*B*«yed through aauTtab.- „ aarialb* atraet adhiBiag lead or building, or to a eeaapool eoNMn

adappreredby the Baa to a eeaapool

IS* tt P^'jr'tSr** »Pl^»<rby tba Beard or Ueallh.aBdahallcaaaa all drain a or t ering a m. dwelling houae, or atore, to be prorided with L. (rap er tree* approved by Ike Board or llealih.

All prirle* »aat be provided with a regular water cloaet, or eoa* aaitaMe vaalt, aiade ol bard buraed brtck, bolteai aad aide., wtll laid in ceneat and thoroughly tight, and aormty TBulliliall enter aar aewer, and tha eoatenia or nonriry vault ahall erer be within aa* loot of the too of lb* vault, aad whenever any privy aball become oaTeaalve lb* aane .hell be cleaaaed. And no paraoa tball permit or aader any privy or privy vault to be or remain open any land or premie** of which he may be tha owner, occupanl, tenant or let-ire. In a aUte or condition or conatraeted la a Manner contrary to the provlaion* of tail regulation.

All ixraoaa are forbidden to remove lb* coa- lentaol anv privy vault without a llcenae from the Board ol Health. Any peraouhavingcbarge

ly leave la a vaalt whleh need! e*>| emptying ■ once of |

/^ UOCEltlES, Flour, Tea, Pan-

-.UATTUCK BBoT Fine Teas, Pure


as, i Cogaea, FrulU, I ancy Uooda, Fradoea, Ac

M. aUSTMAN A CO.. It* =

11 AItl>WAltE, Tools, Cutlery XI Saada aad ttaaeral asrdwara.

IS. P. B. MKLV1N. MM KMO= Street.

Jl_. Hiiectacle*, Sliver and Plated Ware. L.HUbTooN AS'


R. H.EDDY fO State St., appeal la Hllby St., Maetat, Beauro* Poteat* In tk* United Slate*; alao la Unat BrIUia, Praac* aad other foreign eooa- trle*. Oaaaaa oftb* claim* of any Patent lur- »l*b*dbyr*a.lWlagOB*dellar. Aa.igameBt.ra •orded at Waeh.*gt*e. Be AgvaeyTa Ike Cat. lad suttee aaaeiee** aapartor TacllKlea for ob- mTnrag Pniaau or aacertaialag tba paleaublllty •flavlalloa*. B.H. BDDY.SolloitorolPatcoU.

TMSTIMOMIALS. "I regard Mr. Bddy aa oa* af taa moalcspable

BaA aaeeeeafbl fiaatMlaBar* with whom I hav*


EWELBY, Watches, Clocks, and Plated Ware.

SON, MT Kaaex Street,

JOB PIUNTING, In all the finer breech**.


MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadora WhltUher, *» and mi Buax ST.

VI ILLINEKY aft Millinery Goods IvX Hat aad Uonnel Bieacherv.

L. B, QILMuUK, *1B Kaaex Street. MILLINERY aft MUUneryGoods

Tri-Bved Hat* and Boanet*. J.C.SHACKLETON.r»Baaex Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shade* and Flit urea.

K. A. FISKB. tTB Baaea Btreet. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee X7 lurlnecilTiorlbeCarbuB Procesoea.


PLVMBING, Steam and Gas ruling and Fixture*, t-iovea, lUagea, A

WM. FOMBMS A SON, 6W Baaex St PROVISIONS,Country Produce

Heat, Fruit, Canaed Uooda, do. M. c ALLAH AN. JIB Common Street.

wOAPS; the best Toilet, Family O aadWaahhtg.


TAILORS, French, English and X American Noveiue*.

». wVaCHAAKK A CO., Poll Ollee Block. TAILOR, Imported and Domes- X tic Uooda.

H DBNNIB MOR8K. IM Baaex Street.

UNDERTAKING Furnished In all 1U daUila. Funeial Chatra * anaotaliv


UNDERTAKER; every duty ai>iterUin:ug to Vnaerai*alieniled to.

M. J.MAiloNiv.^iOak SUeet. UrATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry T> Spectacle, aad Hilverwar*. (Bepalrltig)

SAM'L IV. FKLLOWS..U4Kaaax Street.

WORK of every description, in tb* Prlntiag ha*, neatly and cheaply, *l


YOUR A1) V E RTISEM EN Twill reach nearly all purcbaaera, through TUB AMWB10AH. DAILY AND WKKKLT

atreet,aadadulvllceaa*d peraoa will theaerylce of emptying Lb* vault d*L tn aafd nnler. by the u.terleaa excavating pre- eear, at theexpeaae of lb* peraoa leaf lag Ike order.

From and alter June let, 18*0, no neraon hlial keep awtne within the lollowlag ilcacrluctl lim lie: Onthenorlb aide of the Merrltnack rivar, by the Spicaet rlvu on the ***t ami north U SiayeBa road, theae* by Mar alreei, Creaeral • Ireet, Warren itreet, Bodwell ,ireet, aad Mel- rot* aireel to tb* Marrlmack river, axoepllag

fni*n*tr**t**tb*ei**, to tk* Herri mark river. And BO person shall keep aay swine in any other part of the city without a written permit fr**B the Beard *f HaaRh.

All peraoa*, ar* forblddea to keep fowl* ol any kind In any lellaroi bae*ment*r g it welt ing house or atore.

No peraon ahaII throw Into, or leave in, or upon aay atreet, court, aquar*. lane, alley, public aaaara, public •Boleaare, vao*atlot,or any pond, river or body of water within the llmlUofthacltr, aavdead animal, or decayed or decaying Balm-el or v«g*Uble •ubiteaoe, or any houae dirt, rnbblah or Iftb of any kind, or any rcfu.e animal or yegeUble militr waata*. ever, or cauae any animal to be drowned In any ooad, liver or body of water within the limit*, of tb* city without tb* litana* ol the



Admiration or rat

WORLD. Mrs. S. A.Allen's


HairRestorer IS P£X£8C770M

For RESTORING GRAY, WHITE or FADED HAIR to rw youthful COLOR, GLOSS and BEAUTY. It renews its life, strength and growth. Dandruff quickly removed. A roaich- less Hair Dressing;. Its perfume rich and rare. Sold by all Draggiats.

Batatiliirhod ovtir to years. EnorniC'iianiifl ln^r(>aalnaTBa]ea

Thnnnthout Barope aad Ajnerica.

ZYLO BlLSllUI tBlAlla.) A iMiajr Haala aaa abb Hi 111.. It

- ana; aUan all itakinr. Bair aai .,■■■*■■ "

1UT iTawta aritk a riak, koaaiUkl Bloat, aa. i. aaUfraMUl, fVarra,

Pric. 8e.ant,-lv. Cant, la larra I llnllB.lttt.. M.a>allo>aa|Ma

IIU.M mju a



And no peraoa shall r ive, earl or carry


•arty aad favorabl* coaalderatloB at the Patent

■DMClfDBCKKK.LateCom'r of PaleaU. B. H. BD#T, Bae—Deer Sir: y*a preearad lor

" -y iralaataat. diace tboa yo- ■•-' ^ISM,^

l agtea, bn t I atil I give yea alaaaal tb* whole of my hwainaaa. In your baa, aad advia* olhera to

Beatoe.Jaa.l.llM. OBUE DBA FEB.

r\l. D. T. PORTEK.

3D.H3 NTIST. Offloa and Raildanc*. Psrtsr'a Block

BBS Kaaailir«al-.-L»wr.n«.

LAKE AUBURN Minerraal Spring

WATER, Natiire>'aa Wonderful Rentady

For Brighfa Dlaoaaa, all di *•**•» of tha Kidney a, Uvar aad B tomach. A lao Rhau matlarn, Ptl**, Humors, and Dropev Sand tor book. free.


TOMPKIN8 & MANN. ai/ocas*o»* TO


Paints, Oils, Dye Stnffs, Chemicals,

Oreaae, BeMlae,

BMhetaofallalara, Borax, B***w*x. Bnsk Brooms, m^, Cream Tartar. Color* *f all ahatlrx, uat belle Acid Coach Varn Ith, Caator Oil, Chaiaol* Sklna, Chloride or Lime, Capper Blvet., CBsffiaaWp,

Dipper*, wpedea, Dow**r'aBJ>roae*cOll. Ouat Bruabea,

Feather Dualera. Floor llruabea, FUh Ulue,

WANTED. brarlBBTr***,Shmbe,VlB**, Boaea, Ac. Fo term*, addroaa, aUting ag*, previou* occup*- ttoa aad BBBB** B* refareati*.

S.T.CABN0H. !•*»• marts AagaaU, Maine.


Sail every Saturday. MEW YORK TO ULABliOW.

CABINS, S«0 to SSO. BTURAGlr.tM. Thee* St—me ra do *ot carry caul*, abeep orpin*

HEW YOKE To'LoMDOB blKIOT. CABIMB, BBS to S«a. Kxearatoa at Reduced

knyKallreea Station la Europe or America. Draft* Btloweal ralea, payat>le(fr*eoi charge)

throagbeat Kaghuid, Bcotland and Ireland. tar Aaaa* of Tnlorma ion. plane, elo , *pp y

HBBDBaaoB Baoa, 1 kovuio asaan, S.

uia Aral ttnmTi Uetd"

MI,eilPalnt».allcolor Meat* Foot Oil, Na.ihthB, Olive OIL Oxalic Acid, UaAnBj, I'alaiHnrOil, ParaMne Wax, Putty, Paria White, Potash, Pumice Stone, Planter Par!*, Paris (Jreen, Paint Rrushes, Paper Palls, Bed Lead, Rubber Wiigon »nrings, Uo*in, Kotiofl Stone, UockSBlt

forhoraoaand SheUae. Sulphur, Sand Paper, Spongee, Sal Soda, Stone Jara and Mugs, Saltpetre, Sew Ing Maehii Siabl* Palla, Shaft Rabhars, Scrub Brushes, Tar,

-.•gal, awiil, or any decayed or decaying animal or vegetable aubalance (or aay greaae or bonee) Iromaay *f the dwelUaghoaaca, abops.atorea, or other t laoea within the elty, without a writ- tea license oftb* Board ol Heallh, having been Irai obtained therefor, aad all perseaa ar* required to luralah aom* *all*bi* venael or dapeelt for awilI aad houae eflel anade or col. looted upon their preetl***, aad la keen the aame In auoavenlent pise* to he removed by the Board of Health, aad ar* lor bidden to place, cart or throw any awlll or hoateoSalor any kind Ialo any ran It. aewer, *r Into aay vea.el containing aahea, or to mingl* aanei or other rales* therewith.

Special Regulations. 1st — AH awlll, bouae of*I, greaae or bone*

made upea premise* Irom which par tie* may be lieeaaed lo oar* for and remove me tame, shall 1>« deposited a* son* as mail* m regal*, lion bairela, provided by the Hoard 01 Health Department, sad removed from MM premise* In the same regulation barrel*, at leaal twice each week, iron October let to May lai, and at leaal three time* a week front May let lu Octo- ber 1st.

Ko a will, homo ofal. greaae or bones shell be deposited or removed in aav kind ofa voaaelonor Iroin such yremiaea other thaa In "" regulation barrels.

.-No person having sock Hneote shall die- poie or btaawlll, hooaaoaal, gr**te or bones to

y person or peraoaa other Hun tbo r having Icense from aald Board or Health, to col leal

awlll, houae offal, grease or bonra In the City ' Lawrence.

,th.—All granted by the Board of inlth may be revoked at tb* pleaaura oi aanl

—Said regulation barrel* I

upon Ike same. Two barrel* go with eaeb license, aad If nor* ar* ■aeaaaary they can be bad of tb* AgeatroBTUK mat tLe ■ oai, ar rsBHir, and aaid barrels aball be well cared lor aad replaced by tb* peraoaa hav Jag tbeat by Virtue ther should be lostor destroyed,and IIsaid licease should be revoked or expire by limitation, aald barrel* aball be returned to the Health Department OlBce la good order aad coadllloa.

flth.—Satd regulation barrel* aball be aader the directaupervialonotthe Agent ol the Bn*rd of llealih, aad shall b* kept in a convenient place (or examlnatioa by said Agent or by any member ol tba Board.

All Peraons who shall Tiolat* any of tb* fore- going regulation a ahall forfeit a aum not *x caedlBg oa* h«*dr*d dollar*.



a OH,




Haraesssoap, ladlg*. Soai., Katoosnina.ail tints, WhaieOilBoap, London Purpl*. Whiting, LlgbtGiatBiagvarnisli,Win*or A Newton's Linseed Oil, TubeColora. Laid oil,

In quantities to suit at Lowest Market Prices.


redaced M par eeat. National pu Phlta.,Pa. tSeaniye

Floral Designs. Wreath*,Croese*, Lvrea, Harps. PUlowa

Crowns, Anchors, Bouquets. Sic.

T. D. HALLBT, corner Manchester and Waahlngton Streets.

at head ol Washlagton Stn el.

GKAN1TK IRON COFFEE BOILERS, », II, IT aad M plnta capacity. Cogee made

la tbla ware docs not turn black af. in tin. JOUN

Wanted. CBBTaasera In every -unly 1* thla Stale t-

take orders I'm Nmaeiy black. hTKAtiy ABD DB

■1BABI.B KHl'LOTMUTBAUOOU WtUt.-l. Rx perii-ace In tho business not reqiiliod. Nuraerlea

Idety and favorably known. For itrmaad. drea* e. L. varn Van huaen Noraerlea ( *iK»KV A. N. T. IMii. ( Alaoftoekat Wboleaale TeewlM fell) B




Past Two Weeks, IN OUB


CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Many of the Boys who pnrahiued

Suits late Saturday afternoon, did not reoeire a

BAT AND BALL! To those and the Boys in general,

we would lay that






QBULSiD And shall continue to give a



Regardlessof Price Paid

Sarelv Every Boy can auuear re-

spectably clad, when he oan buy a

PUR OF PINTS C^.°) for 25 cts 1 DURABLE SUIT (',S.?)for $2.50



MKATI kfUNOKs A ara.CIAl.TV. Band fag DeierlptlTC Pamphlftt,

LflBOBQL'KT BROS., IS I'nloa St., Boatoa. ffHMi


Will be opened JUNE 10th. by the nnderelgnad, wilh an Extvnalve Experience in ronntng

SUMMER HOUSES. r Invite Correi*ondi>ni-" or Pfirtlea In search

ofaQnlet llonae, and Flrat OIBM Table.

UBS. 0. A. RING & CO., Pebbly Beaoh House, Bass Rocks,

<, MASS.

11 lDionjH

[Troa ttM Bo.l.m Joara.1.]


The Little Sate Stirred Up by toe Vermont Latter we

Printed Laat Week.


Eli HowU Out Matcli AA

Mountain Cure...

Providential Rambling:*.

( From a Kpecial Correspondent.)

raoviDBKca, II. I., Nay 21, ISf*. Miaaaa. KDiToma or BCSTOM Jot a SAL i

My atteulloo wa* CBIUMI to a new*peptr tlltce n this city lo lite remarhab'o letter of" HOTBIO-

natb," Irom Veraaoat. la your daily t>r last Haturday. It lold of the vfnaet of aa ar^kla

In Burtiegtoe. of which we clatm 10 kBow about a* much about here si anywhere elis. 1 have been arged to writ* you a few fact* la regard to It, which I hav* g*tb< red aa 1 aav* raraulid about town, from personal conver- sation with ibe partfe* aaeatloaed. AlikeBgh the home ol several ao called " p*ttnl BKO:-

ctnet," Ibtre la ao aaa talking, IVuvldeiiee (and that laeaniBllof Kbode Ulaad of coarse) can- not help ylelditiK tb* p*lrn to Klrjaey-Win. Itsetrot to be lb* oaly medicine that work* almuiUaeously aad surely.

Everyoa* bere knows HtuVn Fletcher, lb* amiable aigbt watchman at lb* post ofll.-e, who reside* at Mo. 18 Portl*ad Mrvrt. Dertag the ■alter pan of laat rear Mr. Fletcher ate*at* do blliuted, *nd was rapidly ranatag aaern, *w|ng to kidnay, liver and arteary complaint* and dl.ncult.ei. Laat February, ba was attracted by an advertisement In a nrwepaprr which an- nounced that Kidney-Wort was a aure remedy tor (oroplalnli similar to lhose from which be was nuiTiirlng. and which wa* fast gettlrg the beat of blsbtellh, aad deMlncd .veniuaiiyto leav* him a perfect wreck. He bought * Untie of Kidney-Wort (liquid form), and at out:* be- gan to feel iba good remit* irom Its u-e 11* picked ap in strength, and bl* weight ocean to increeee so laat ad tk* prewtit tim* be weighs ***** Bfty pounds aaa** ihea he Iwean to nre the Kldaey-Wort. II* rcc.iv.d permanent re liel Irom in use. Before asiag it lie was treated by a physician of note, but wlibuut suouete. llli appetite wa* poor, bis dlgtatton bad, *m' worse than all wa* troubled with constipation. Alter using oaa bottl* of taa Ki Intj-Won all tbo**dlScttKie*dtaaaaaaied,andai thetwescii time It* eet**lder* hltaaalf p*raaa**aily cared,

" that maritorVmi ' I have no bell

ALLAN LINE Royal Mall Steamers,


atnalew every Thaaradaj lei srpeal

lommodatlon via Ijomlonderry,Offering sui«i bi leCabln PMiengers, at moderate rafe*. Exlr* auamar* Irom 4at.ASt.tltV, ..AIM AV and aUBKniTOWN for MOritoi. dlicot. Kind uaataBSataad comfort lor Bleeraso Passangera

rpald Tlcketa a* low as by any other Era!

Or Outward and Prepaid Ticket* apply Thoe, UrlMn, XI White Bt ; P. Huroby.tSt

Ra*x St.; Geo. L. (.ago. ftui K.MI at.dtOfl well St.; Jama* Murphy,tus Ka*c\ St., agaat*

el Lawreac*. Or le Leve A Aldtn. Oeaeral Paaaenger Ageata, 5 Sutu Slreel. Boston,. Ml Broadway Sew York. ta <W> deJ B



FRAZER AXLE GREASE! cats, brulsiatnd baa the latiUtlon*. Kveiy pa rademark. Call for I no genulu other.

arilc4*>Bfi Addrea

1c •ffinn a year to A

■n every man lo ,e I a *al

heQlorioua Fourth, aad wbetber yoa era or bar* blue lights, a little gool b a pleaaaat aoaoaapaalaiaat. If you


^ eatabrau ta. a lorion, ■ rap er.nkrr. or bar. mmlr lend, a .laaaaat ,,aa.l IN patriotic, or la mill a Br.1 r.l... Hi,. ltkttrnmc.iol ... ,t.M ar d»iorlptlon. of tti. be.t foreign or aa.rloa. raaka,

ao TO

JohnC.Haynesd.Co, 33 Court St., Boston, Maaa B

Musical Boxes, Brass Band Instruments,

American, and Imported Guitars, Violin, Violinoello,Double Bass

Banjo, Zither and Harp Strings and Trimmings of all

Descriptions, Aooordeoaa, Oonoertinas,

Violins, Banjos from $2 upwards, American and Foreign

Sheet Husio, Music Books, ttoAo Can alwar, be bad .1 whotceala aad retail.


Lawrence American, LAWRENCE. MASS.

FK1DAY alOHNlNQ. JUNE >. lt.l

Weekly News Brerlttes.


Ther. were le. acw taw. of aatallpox at ye.unl.j aad one doalh.

Thkre .re rumor, of lt.pen*lin|cba.Be« MTeral of th. department office, aa

INVIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassistsdi- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANFORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.


lead lyeoltt ■ .

and dcMlliating disseise, a* I was at oaa time. It is a tpleodiif talag la Iba way of a remedy and sure cure, lean tack up all thai I have ■aid la relation to It."

William II. Hyer, ol III Lockwood alrcet, this city, a young man under Iblriy jcir. i.f age, a fgweler by occupation, baa been sutf. ring from kidney complaint for the past twelve y.are, During these long years Mr. ttjcr ba, tutT^red terribly from bl* afflict! ms, aad waa nmirr three dllfvreat kinds of treatment, being tn Ike bands of three we.ld.BOWB and prominent physician* of Provldi BJC. But with all Ike medlcln* prescribed and lb* kind attentioB* of tbe doctor* bo felled to receive any permanent relief, and aboat oaa year ago was given up by them, aad wa* prostrated, I elng unable to perform aay functioas wbatcvor. At thla Hair, through tk* recomaaeaiUtltia uf oilier-, bl* father, Harrison Hyer, of 111 llroad s'rert. wai

whole package wa* asatt, th* petit*t haAW to gat bett*r, and the paioiui aad i uji-ciionabic parts of tb* dLsca** were oveic JIB*, and it* ruse irom bis bed, and ia Mm* wa* enabled tu go lo work at bit trade, and sine* laat August ba* constantly been employed. Tbe father a tat *d lone:" That ha, aa well aa his BOB, are eanl dent end thoroughly aatbAed that there at more turallv* qaalitie* In tk* Kidney-Wort than .bar* Is to be oMaiaed froan any payalctan'a prescription ever written and taken for kidney disease." " Why ? "said Mr. ||yrr; " 1 know that my *on baa received more ncneflt from using the Kidney-Wart than all tba medicine thai three lirst-clas* aayaiciin* could give bit* For two yaara prevtoua to using ibe Kumy- Wort he bad not beta able m do manual lauur or any kind." In concludlug bis remark* he aald: "You can apeak In tbe highest term* of tbe Kidney-Wort, end I can prove all that my ton or I hav* said or H* mriii>."

YoBBgHr. Hyer bsd bera lo enormous it pens* In heating bl* Saw hoik with pby>ir|jn*. and m lb* use ol various kind* ai hhlnej retnt- dies, Including oueol Ibe lota I resit e, anil all bad proved worth let-* except tbe Kidney. Wort

Do roa wonder at my claim* that w* know something or the virtues and care* of ibis great remedy? Here I* anotUer case where iheiuf- Icver had taktn it bat a abort litre.

Tbe well known tialtder and loetractor, (>ee B. UiAjrwcoJ of M2 Alwrl.'a avenue, was in- duced to purchase a park-Hie of Kidney-Wort (dry form) frjm seeing tbe remedy advertised ta the city newspaper*. H* had aanYred from a k doey dlrnc-a'ty. and tbe Itching pl'ea, for tbe peat llv* year*. He bad alao coasaiied ttwal physlciBB*, abo prescriixd for hi* all*, but did not recclv* any help from tbeir in atrarnt Over iwu roonihi ago ba i-egan to aaa Ibe Kiincj- Wnrl. and ta aaa Mr. Undarwood* oaa lan- guage : " I coanaenced to improve at once, ar.d Bt the preaent lime I tblnk I am decldtdly bet- ter than for year*." Mr. Undrrsrood bad beea lo a BaaaaaamWBS expena* with physician*, and bad sea. to all part* of Iba country fur raedl clnea, bat did not laccead In hi* i tf.irii until he commenrtd to use tbe Kidney-Wort, He re* commend* It to alt who ar* .utTerer., a* h* bai

I ronld multiply ibese praise* n Imi.-al without Hint, In fact have «ivir-l more rtKs, bat 1

■eve them until another lime. Yours truly,



One-Price Clothing


244-246 Essex St. LAWRENCE.

Ta Marvam* ftamY*'*r*--Tk*Or*a* Kara PMBlUmaly-llr J, a.Hlmpaatta'a

Specific Nsdklna

It I* * post tire cure lor i|iermatorrbea. Semi- nal Weak,ear, impolenry, aad all diseaaes ie- suiting Horn aril Abnap. aa Meaja* l.ossoiMetnori

to UiHfUIUldlOl Insanity and early grave

Tbe SpmlOt Mvilb-lnr ia Ite- i*g need will Wonderful sue ceaa. Pamphlets aent rree to all, Krlle lor them and get mil particular*. Prlee. Specific • UK) per package, or an packrgua lor So. Ad press all order* lo

J. Bt.BMrSOM MKIII' INK <'« , Baaele. H. Y.

Bold I* •BdRllOrogit Wboleaale AK



, laaiell sad

Wldoh can be bi.tight "low, with a liberal ill. cunt, lor Caili,

_—AT-*— W. T. UK HAlfI»S & CO'S,

as Mraslws) ear. Lesvall St.


Gen Jacqueminot Rose, Can be obtala*d at the Ureenhoune* of

T. D. H ALLEY, JForTwantr-Flva Oanta Bach.

Good two year old Plant* at ts and E-0 cent*. Ak**aMktcllo* at rare tsreenheuac aad Bed- dlag Plant* at reasonable price*.

itB Mancheater Street, leidiag to tbcCeme •rtea. % if

JOHN CDOW A CO'S l.i np Store. Odd

•lyaieptlrv, hil- lugcrera.vkliwa

rnrertd health, r


TkeChsaacil, fariu sal Ma* Fa*Blf> ■adlela* Im tbe Warld.

For DYSPEPSIA. CON^IPATION, J*undie* lllou* altatka, BILK HKAUAUHK. Coile,

Depre.alon olt-pii I...eOl RS1\ KaCH, Heart - t,*n,Ae.

. is unrivalled seulhern Ren edv la wan am ed nut m eoatalH a atagl* parti.1* bl MBKOIIKV.

y hjurloua mineral subs tattoo, but I* PURBK/T VKOIi'l AIII.H,

combining those fcouthera Hoots aad Herbs, which an all-wise providence list placed in countries where I.Iyer Disease* most prevail. It Will care all Diseases caused by Derange

icntoi thel.lvei aad Howela. TUB SYMPTOMS of Liver Comp 1*1 nI area

bitter or bad Uale la the mouth; Pain in Ibe ' ilnta, olten mistaken lor Itben

el ApiM-tii* Beak, sideeor Jeln

el» nHernatelv cosllv* *atl I*»j HeadacLs; Lee* ol mrmory, with a painful aenaalloa of haying failad toiroaomethlag which eagbl to b- re been doae. Debility, Lew Spirit*, a thlea yellow appearance ef the Skla aad Kyai, • dry Cough olten mistaken iorCoaa*mr>IIOB.

Sometime* manyol these aymploma attend thariUeeao, at other* y«ry tew; but IheLivxa, Hie largest orga* In the body, ia gear rally the seal ot the dlseaae, and ifaot raguiaied IBUBM great suffering, wi clchrdnetsand DEATH will •BSD*.

Bean recommend a* *B*Bc*cloua remedy for dlaeaae er tb* Liver, Heartbara aad Dyapepefa, Stmmoas' Liver Ragarator.

LswIS O. WcvpBA ' "We hBV* teatad It* virtue*, personally, and

know that tor Dyspepsia, Riltonaacaa, and Throbbing Headache, It ia tba beat medlrlae tba world over aaw, w> hav* tried lortv other rtmedlea before Bimmoaa' Liver Megolator, but ■on* ot tba-m gave aa mere thaa ttmaarary I'sllef, but Ihe Regulator not oaly relieved, bat cured o*."-Ki>. Txi.BaaArH ASD MBatawosa, Macaa.Ua. ■



eod * ly lunlt

U*x S-.r*koacb, theatrics) mioagor. niada an sisignmeni jreslsrda; for tits benefit of sla c red I tore. a

Base ball yeatarday i At Buffalo, Troy U. Buffalo 3; at Clereland, ('leveland f, WorceaUr 8; Bt Chicago, Chicago It, Piovldence B.

The bark Hancock at Cow bay. C. B., from aSoatoa, was f.1 days on tha passage, duiiMg II of which ah* waa Is tha Ice off Kcaltarle.C. B.

Tha French troop* In Tunis are prepar- luil to stuck tha Kronmlr from Hoslarba, and alao conteniplatc ao attack on las Arab* st Mater.

Tba lower BOBBO of the Michigan leg la- let are has passed tha bill reetoriof capital partial, wen'., bst tba re Is no probability of tu becoming s law.

Benjamin P. Day Is, of M*..»chu*ett*, ha* been appointed deputy fourth auditor or the Treaaary department. Is place of Wn.l. Moorv, reatgaed.

Oaorga Suow and Ollbert DeaBpaay ware caught robbing tha poet office of lloboken, of flOOO In tttonej aad ataagpa, and yeaurdaT held for trial.

David Davidson, aged TO, of Aoionia, 't, WSB killed by the upward lrsln on tha

Maugatack railroad, at that place, last night. He was lying acroa* th* rail* when gtrnck.

While KU HartlB, Napoleon Merlin ssd James Borcbard, ware engaged Is break- lr*ll the rac? of toga on FUh river, st St. John, N. H., th«y ware carried over the fall* ami drowned.

Jaioea Uangan, 17 yaara old, hag bees ■nlaalng from Fall Hirer alnce Wednesday afternoon, lie took BlOCbflonglngtohls mother, snd I' supposed lo have gone to New York os the boa'.

Tha liabilities or Lawrence A Martin, ibe bankrupt liquor firm of Chicago, are now aiated at #477,000, with aaaaU of 073.000. The creditors claim to bars rauettlve evidence of fraad.

A largely all coded meeting of Jews was hold ia Chicago, last night, to protest against tht ireaitn«int of their brethren Is aosibern Hassls. Over •1000 was *ub- acrlbed toward aiding tbe *nffervra.

Haturttuy. The French senate bu ratified tha treaty

with Tunis. The IVlnce of Milan will be crowned

King of Aervla In ASgbat Best. Henry Hamburg, of U tlve«lon. Texas,

• hot bis Wife dead last evening. Domes- tic Isfallcty was the cause.

President Garflcld, to-day, appointed Vuloay 0. Smith, or Arkansa*. United buua conanl at St. Thomas.

All ferry and ezcnralon steamsra st Montreal, are to be subjected to the strict- est Inspection by competent expert*.

Tk* remain* of Commodore Null resett- ed Mancheater, V. li., where ba aaabors, yaaterday. Tha innarsl will lake place to-daj.

A freight train on tha Lake Krle Weetera road, was thrown from ih« track ysaterday, and Oaorga Owes, tha was killed. llanlman'a saah factory, Brantford, Out., was baroed last night, and Harrlman pe:lahtd Is the flamee. Loaa #0000.

Patrick Fly no. aged 45, employed st tha Old Colony Iron Company'* works st East Tauatos, fell froan as elevator yes- terday aficraoon, sad Waa killed.

Commander Cooper, of the United State* ablp Alliance, has beea ordered to proceed with all po*nitric despatch, lu aearcb ol the BBlaalsg Arctic steamer, Jtannette.

George Wllkloa, aged 22, waa drowsed ID the Met rlmac river, at Manchester, yes- terday forenoon, n abort distance below Amoakeag fait*, while attemptlag to croes to s small i-land on a raft of log*.

Near Cocbrss. On., yesterday, Mrs. 'i lay Darren and her daughter quarrelled, whereupon tbe daughter aelz>d a shotgun and eboi off ihe top of bar mother's bead. When her lather came home tin Whipped ilto girl nearly to death.

Full official election returns have bass received and abow that Kocklogham coun- ty, Va., has elected by a decided majority democratic tltik* lo the county and cir- cuit courts over Ibe nominees of tha com- bination hfabona republican party.

ry Lee, an aged asllor, belonging In Holderneaa, N. II., was fooad In Bergen Point, If. J., yesterday, naked sad aiarv

_. baviug boas refused admUalos to the Soldier'* Uoase. He lain charge of tha police.

Secretary Blaise denies tha reports Is c rcslailon, endeavoring to Implicate blm

tbe alar-route frauds. His recent visit to New York, was on account of private tiualnean, and thla statement la endoratd by PfMttniaMer-llr-neral James snd Attor- ney-(.eiicral Mi Veagh.


Thi-re are -ixtii-n hundred casea of small pog m tbo London hospitals.

President Oat Held has appointed Cbss. Kfle of Indiana consul-general at Berlin.

SIX hundred csliln panaengrrn aalled from Mew Yuik lor liuropa oa Satarday.

Oaseral (.rant and party sals**, froa* Vera Cruz on Saturday sight for Haw Orleans.

Tha arbitration or tbe United States between Vest zeals and her French credi- tors has been accepted.

A new Italian mloI*try has beea formed with Slgnor Depretl* as praaldent of taa cnuocll and minister of the Interior.

Tbe governor ol Maw York ha* signed the bill to piolilblt discrimination agalsat any person on account of race, creed or color.

The work* of tba Collier Vvhlle Load Company is St. Louis, Ho., were burned Saturday night, the properly IOM amount- ing to between #120,000 and llfiO.OOO.

A Isrgs reduction la soon to bs made in lb« Cessna' bureau employes at Washing- ton. Lick of work ssd tbe necessary ap- propriations am tb* principal casaea ol iba reduction.

Tha Ma**acha**lUi Association Is Washington gave a dlaner to Dr. George

This school closed the last of Hatch,

bst tbo drawings are sot yet all in. The

Isstructloa WBS gives by taa teacher* from' tha blackboard, th* pupil making a rough

draft oa s sheet of paper Is pencil, then copying It for the teacher'* appro**..

8*v*ral of theae Shasta have been exe-

caled alace tba school clsssd. Horn Is.

tares! has beea manifested aad better work doaa than Is previous year*, the

principal rassoss for this being tba fact that there fasve bass more scholar* and

better accommodation*, andlhj Bunonnoe-

t at the beginning or the term that

poplle coold sot Join s higher class uniH

tha esmpletlos of taw aext lower, ssd certificates would ba leaned to pspil*

OS the completion of each course. The awarding of prizes also has bad msch to do With the Interest that ba* prevailed. Tea doflera was to be given to the papll who ateeatad the bast sat of drawings to ba found la tha Brsi Us ssta. Bis dol- lars for tha bast set la tha second set of ten, ssd tear dollars for ike beat sat In tba third sat of las. Tba sat ts tha ■*-

tan coa*lal* or Ira sheet* on lb* following » abject* i

1. Oaosietrlcsl problems. f. Orthographic projection. 5. Bcraws, sals SBd belts. *■ Cams ta elevation sad seclloas. •• Mechanical motion*. Ia tas architectural class ware the fol-

lowlag subject*: 1. Geometrical problem*. I. Orthographic projection. 3. Details of bnltdlng construction. *. Floor plant. B. Frsmlag plans. S. Bstartor elevation* of s wooden

balldlsg. Masars Oaorga O. Adam*. Qgrdnar C.

Slaw, sad John P. Freeman, kindly eon- santed to act as Judge*, tad Wars to mast at the High school on Tuesday evening of this Weak. Mr. Blms being called out of 10WB, superintendent Jobs L. Brewster acted Instead. Tba choice lay between William Hldebottom of South Lawrence. snd William L. Jsdklns of the Lawrence High acbooi. The termer had a aet In the

lachlne coarse, tha latter In the architec- tural. It waa then nan lotoui declalon that th* prise belonged to young Sldeboitoo, ■TadklBB ant being a fair competitor, as the object of the free evening s;hool* la to basalt adult* who are sot atUsdlng the day scbooln. Jadklss having taken tbe eoorae In the public school*, and be- ing now a member of the senior clsss of tbe High school. Hie drawings were ex- cellent aad showed great care and appli- cation to Btndy. Yoang bldeboltom will be remembered aa the maaer of the steam aaglae last winter, sa account of which wss given In our local column* at th* lime. He has showed remarkable ability Is the mechanical Use, snd promise* well for tbe Intnre.

Tbe name* of th* others la the same class who *ro entitled to certificate*, are as follows t Joseph Cospal, A. Albert Oat Is, John P. Freese, Thomas P. Oro- gaa, Jeremiah P. Resrdos, Daniel Roy Jem** O. Bavaga, Albert D. Wilkinson, Edmund 8. Woodliead.

Those or tha aacoad year's architect.? rai class who are entitled to cerllacaies sreBpkraln Sasrie, Edward A. Roger*, Waller B. Merrill, Richard Cnlllvsse.

Those of the secoad year or tbs ma- chine aiBss who are aatlttcd to certificates are, Benjamin F. Hamilton, Ballon F Lingahaw, sad Myron Rounds. The other members or tbe class have haaJed la partial eats or drswIngB, bo*, the nbt-vs named have all completed their eels.

I W. Lawrence, leschsr or ma- chine diawlng, reports the work of Ibis year la that department very satisfactory, and a decided advance over that of last year. Aa an Illustration of lb* Interest that has been manifested in this work, It msy be well to mention that one of tbe members of tha machine claaa Is a middle aged man with a family of five children t be has been absent from the claea bat oae evening through the winter, and bai worked besides, ten boars a dsy st his reguiar occupation. This man completed tba entire aet of drawing* r» quired to make ap a set.

Fred P. Fogg, luatractor or lbs archl- tectnral class, laports *>qual.j good pro- gress la that branch.

Tbe whole has baas nader the sble saparvlsioa of I. C. I"olby, superintend- ent of drawing la tbe public school* o this city, whoa* eMclascy aad success li this departiaent, ta well atieeu-d by Ike fionrlshlsg condilloa of this atady, both

ii tbe day aad evening schools. All these drswlcg* will be ehowo st tbe regslar eiblbltloa ol drawings, which takee plsce st the High school during tha laat we. k of tbe summer term.


IZ-RBKBE'S- CBHBMTIME-Ready Hen X der, without heat for glaa*. eh aa, earUent marble, wood ate, ai JOHN C. DOW SCO'S Crockery aad Uaatawsn, Odd Fallow* Bleak.

B. I-orlflg on Saturday night '.a honor of hi* appointment as commlaaloner of agri- culture. It was a pleasant affair.

Aa attempt WBB made to wreck the af- ternoon train from Boston to Concord, N H., yeatarday. A sleeper was placatd across tbs track just below Hookaelt, sod this was struck by the engine, bat no In- jury was done, ss tbe speed waa slackened la Ume to avoid It,

Tba condition of Mrs. Garlleld, tboagh hopeful aad promising, la a till anfUcleaUy ■e rious to prevent the President from leav- Ing Washington 10 attend tbe celebration at tbe battlefield of Getlyaburg, Pa. Tha President hopes to be present with all his Cabinet a year hence.

At North Adams, Mass., on Saturday, Thomas Holbrook, for tbe mnrderoas se- ason on Marshall Gardner, May t, waa held to the grand Jury la #700. Gardner, whose condition has bees critical, was arreated while Is court oft a charge of as- sailing Ilolbrook with a knife, sod was ballad In #400 for examination next Sat-

Aadjovere Rod Klas:*-

Two gentleman were driving through th* plea-ant town of Andover the past

week, when, entering the street from tbe

Town Halt to tbe Theological InBtilntlono, they were somewhat surprised to per-

ceive la front of a dwelling aboat hair

way ap the hilt, a brilliant scarlet flag.

Well." aald one, la astonishment, "1

did sot know before that Aadovar bsd a ease of small poxj they have kept it

oat of tbe newspapers." "It mail be

small DOS," responded hi* companion;

'It certainly Is not an auctioneer's slg

sal." ••Yes," said tha Bret, "I noticed

that tbs passers by all wast on tbe other aide of lb* ■treet," Ju*t then, a little

distance ahead,' yet another danger signal

ens seen, "Oaly the third boo** iron.

Phillip* Academy, too," was tbe com-

ment. "And there is soother before one

of the Profaaaor's residences.'' "Welt, let's drive oa another street.** The three

small pox cases on s single avenue, were

discussed, when, to make' assaranca

doubly aure, our travellers h.thought to

ask Borne workmen on the highway, If

those red fltgs Wer*. Indicative of small pox. "Pshaw! no," was the laughing

response, ' those are signals for the de-

pot coach lo call.'" Bet lho*e scarlet

coach alunala came very near giving An-

dover S bsd name for epidemic*.

—The sequel to the late wrestling fizzle waa enacted In tha police court Friday, where Thames Klteoyaa, sad his sham*, Patrick Casey alia* "Biulser," aad Jesse* McCabe. were arraigned lor drunkenness.

They doubtless obUIaad their liquor from

the Ill-gotten proceed* of the advertised

match. The court brought them to terms

Alth a bsir-Melsoa of bis own, la tbs

shape of a Baa of #1 ssd cost* or 10

Hear what A Frerwh p*P*r *»T*: Tbe Congress of tbe Stated United ts been possession of taken by Mon-

sieur MalaOney. s geoerai offloer of belonging bo liesujqstcr ia tha State of Virginia In the Old Dominion. He tba members bas locked up dead (isorf), snd will permit General Conqoerlin not to them renwve. , Tbe President bas tx Monsieur Hthklle- beggsr d**H>*to*MM.,. to MosMrleBC Ms* bony force sway: Monsieur Mshooy speaks be will to the t*nnhiA**oa acrid out contain. Ar.ra.rhi Heno.ll fa to tbe capitol bat the march of oao dsy, with the Confederate entire ariay."

Two bachelor* ware walking across the common one chilly evening. Every seat was full. Bachelor Ns. 1: "I should think they'd take cold." Bach- elor No. if i "They generally do— take bold of one another."

Hon. Sawnee Taylor made his ap- pearance from tbe ante-room aaa/ an- nounced the arrival of Judge Kbody of West Virginia. Tba president went oat to greet blm, sad upon bis return expUioed to the masting: " Da judga adwlaad me by fetter sobers! days ago he would like to appear bafo' dia club and dellber a lecture entitled,

•tome Light on de Dark Agca.' lie em heah, but be gibs me to unersUn' dat he baa lost his notes on tbe dark ages an* wants lo eiibatiUite a half- tiour's Address on, ** Why Doaa* Cab- bages Grow ouBusliea?" Cabbages msy belong to the dark ages, 'an dar asay ba fur mo* In a cabbage-head dan we eber dreamed of, but I deemed it beat lo refuse his offer an' ax him to lie down on a bench till the meetin' had exploded. I kin atan' a chantre of thirty degrees of temperature wid- uut feelin' werry much oat up, but de jump from de dark sgea to cabbages, a n' last year's cabbages at dat, am a leetle too fly. Let us ptircced wid de purceedtns. -—Detroit Free Press.

A preacher said to his congregation, 14 Is there anything that seems meaner to you than n lie? which reminds aa of the old conundrum: " What ntskaa more noise than a pig under a gats ? ■ The answer is, " Two pigs under a gate."—Philadelphia Bulletin.

41 Banished from Rome! Wbat'a banished but act free from dsily con- tact with the things I loathe? • • • I go, but I return—perbsps."—It. C, In New York Graphic.

At the dance, the other evening, he was Introduced lo a very becoming miss,and ao, of course, was doing his best to mm it his good luck. Feeling a sudden indisposition, ba eiensed himself for a minute,and on returning was in the sot of removing s few ker- nels of coffee from his vest pocket, when the damsel astonished him by saying: " Don't otiew that; I bad ra- ther smell the new rum." Ha didn't apologise.

On Good Friday a MsJtase, having in his arms a bundle of clover, and leading by a cord his paschal lamb, slopped st the door of a friend to ex- change the compliments of the season. During tlie conversation another "friend" untied Uvo lamb, and tied in Its steed a street dog. The Malteae continued his way, leading what be Bupposed to be tho lamb, bat on ar- rlveng at the end of hla Journey, the dog hung back and tbe Maltese gave sn admonitory pull, when tbe dog trade a grab at his band. Groat was tbe sstoii isbtne nt of the Maltese and laughter of the bystanders when, on turning round, ho olmcrred a dog In tow instead of a while lamb.

A gentleman who has bad lawk at cards enters s forty-cent restaurant. A waiter formerly employed at the Cafe Anglais, recognizing hlui, uya wtlb consternation, " Do you Intend to dine here, sir?" "Hut It seems You are employed hero I" says tbe gentlemau, piqued at tbe question. "Yes, sir," replies tbe waller with dignity; " but I do not take my mesla here."—From the French.

" Here, you young rapscallion," shouted an old lady from her baok door, " where are you going with that old tin pan?" "I aiu's. a-goia' no- where with It. I'm e-gom' to la It." " Fix it? Why, it's all battered and bent up ao you can't fix It." " That's just the ides. I'm goln' to pound It a little in here, and rap It a few times with a atone there, and then I oan sell It lor a Roman ' antique.' Don't you see how the middle-of it bulges? Well, thsl's goln' to bs s bass-relief of Mara Antony 'fore I get through with It." The boy was called In and presented with all the old tins In the botise to further his if. Hit tic and speculative taste.—New Haven Register.

Properly Iteferretl. Neighbor's pretty daughter—"How much Is this

yard?" Draper's son (desperate spoons" on her)—"Only one kiss."

N.P. D.— "I will take three yards; grandma will pay,"

How things do grow this weather," said the deacon to Brother Amos.

Yes, they do," replied bis brother. Last night I beard you aay yon

CAtight forty Bali, and this morning I beard you tell Mr. Smith it was one hundred and fifty."—Rochester Her- ald.

Li ii i.L .IDIINKY OM Duos.—Oae time there was a teller bot a dog of a man in the market, Bird tbe dog it was & otter. Alter it had bit tbe feller four or five times be threw a closllne over Its neck and led It back to the dog man In the market, and be aaid 1* the .logman, tin- feller did, "Otatflmn, di.leut you use to have this dbg?" The dog msn he Inked at tho dog,ami then he thot awhile, and then be said, "Well, yes. I hud him about hsf tbe time and tho other hsf ho had ins.'' Then tho feller he waa fcwrlona mad, and be aaid, "Wot did you sell me such s dog as thlsn forr" And tits old man be spoke up sod said, " For four dollars and seventy a cents, lom> money." Then the feller be gneased he wnde go borne if the dog was will- ing. Uncle Ned, wlch hss been In Indy and everywhere, bo says tbe Mexican dogs don't hsve no hair on 'em. Dogs howl loudern rats, bat cats is more purry snd can wok on top of a fense and blow op their tail like a Moon when they want to spit,— San Francisco Waap.

Lawrence American. JLAWRSKOK. MASS.


the i Vurl

-Tl i Bow I day, ,U)C out

B * 8«r llul Poa Mot


Qt | tktm ta» Woo :

nT I

jrkiiur MOKNINO. JUKE H. its)

Weekly News Brevities.

Tuesday. TIM British forcee have been ordered to

evacuate Ui« 1'isbawur valley an soon a* practicable.

The DuMoUy cotaamudery, nt Ito* ton. arrived home yesls-day from It. irlp to Washington awij H'thmoBd.

Blah (}>a*iul**ioner 9. tl- Power* seel onTrromP.ymouth, N H, MOO Schordic •almoe, lo Siubomtou, jratvrtia*.

JeninUb Hall, U U . aged IS. ex-pre*. Meat or D-nr:l*..o TJnlvemiy, Qrativill*. O , died y.m. rdnyui Port Haven, ol heart

TtW Brltl-h government U lo pay $76,- M|ultl aa indemnity to American Usher ■MB tor la* outrage* si If.,, tanu huJ As- pawesja

Aaolbar Member of 'he IrUh Ued l>s>uu■ execullv a cunmllWe was arrested rn Iron Ill yeetatrday, ender ihe coercion act, ltl,i taken to Naaa Jail.

It la reported la Loadnn Ibat Mr., tba present B<lrieh minister at Madrid, wftt Bfwbably succeed Mir Edward Tuora- toa a* utmlaif r at Washingthan

A. C ftetwtfar. a broker, wss r,»uod daad la his boaaa, la Baltimore, yester- day, wlib u pistol bull In bla brad. The eoroasrV Jury found a vsrdkl of suicide.

Th* barb Nellie, of Co. I.».g, Murwat, from Ortaubr for Quebec, la balia*l, MW abaadoatd on tba sib ta»t., HUII ihe argaj baa arrived al Yarmouth ua ibe uark Bachelors, from Qinagow.

Yesterday forenoon, a Breech child llb«l Berger, X years old, fall from an aillc wlado * In the tblrd auiry of a leue ■Mat boaaa on lied'ord »lr»«i. Pall Biver, aad iiiad ■*** it* lajailoa la SO mlasn**.

Joba Barleb, aa *x-polkemao or ludlau- spoils, lud., wnoss wife applied for a di- vorce, abut brr aad bar father ymverday morning, «nd lh*n abot b'tmeir. Enrich baa since died. Mra. Barlcb'a condition u critical. Har father la slightly woaud- td.

Tba nlga of lawlaaaaaaa atlll pr. valla la varloQe uaetloaa uf Ireland, aad It la with difficulty that the uuihorltl.-s raala- lala poaaa. Near Mallow, Cwaaty Cork, oa Saturday, a bailiff waa anted by woiu- aa aad ibrowa lato I'M river, lhra>hed with fen* aad eubeequeatlv tarred aad teeiberad.

Wednesdny. Tha datctt la tba aagar crop a: Caba la

aatlaiaud at II par oe«l.

Ipak baa baaa aaurad by DarvNb Paaha aad tba taadara of thu Albaalaa laaargt-au eaiHarad.

Tha aiard^rara of M. Saaala. tba TauU corraapoaaViU or tba Parla TaUsrapbc, have bawn abot.

A h«*a*y Shock of •arlbu.aaku waa Mi at Lf i. atboabmaata aad LUIet, y w , aarty this murulus-.

A atroag ibock i>r sartaquaka was W\\ la Marray, Oat., at 3.W tbU worn lag No daasaga was dum-.

Tbuma» B. Arnold, wbolasala liquor «Wsl«r IB N«W Yurk.BBapended yvslsnlay. Llablliilrs. StO.000.

Tba Arctic relief aUsoiar H<Nlgvra want lato coasmlaslofl yestordsj, st Mara la- taad «a»y yard. Hho Is asp>ciwd to ssll OB Sntanlay.

Fred Dwaglssa was lb« orator on Dsco- raUoa day, at Uaip r's Parry, and waa warmly congratulated by old alavrholdwra OB bla eloquunL ■ & irt.

Tbrvu iLor« b.ijs hate escaped from tb* rvftfrm school at W.,ali. One has b.. n ncapiured, aad tba otbar two are brliefed to ba la Worcestur.

BraJ iuiu SUg4C«rs aad Joba StJgaers, brothers, ware abot daad In tha act of robb-ry at night, in lUnry coaaty, at Oascrtlla, Ky., on MoB«lay alght

Jamea Oatabta baa u.-ntler«d bla raslgaa- tloa aaganeral aa|ierlBieod«Bt of PaclBc division of the Wenters Union Tclagrapb Coaipany, to taha tflVci Janu 10.

Governor Cu.-avll of New York, baa vetoed tha bill prohibiting foralga laaar- Boca ooeapaalas tahlua aulu from local courU to tha Ualted Huu-a coarta.

k 10-yesr-old aoa or Joha Brady or Randolph had bis left tbl«b brokea by Iba caving la of a gravul pit. where be had baaa warklag, yesteidey enaraooa.

f latrtasBBt Qarrlaga ducllaaa tha Mew York coaiBilssloBarablp of street cleaning, as, he says, the chief alia of tha bill, as

id, to to parcel oat the spoil* to poll-


__- . . } Knat* I. Prwiajl. asooad aaagbtcr of Mr. A WOUUH Sentenced to Pay • Fine of Bcnry A. Frtacatt of thai cltf, died oa Ta«-

Wllllain Plsbar, whose dtsappearaacw frosj S in Praaclaco recently, created a aensatlon, returne.1 yasierdsy all right. Ua as) a lit- tiaa betra with friends la tbe

The gtswt jeiy Is New York city, yea- torday lied a n.-w Indlotineat as:aiust William Muir. charging blm with forging a«lU00 bond or the California A Oregon company.

Siaih Newmarket, M. II, la lo have a new Catholic cburcli. a lolhavlng baea do. aated by Patrick y ilnn or that towa, and Haverhlll. Mssa., parties bare been award- ed tba coutrsci.

Tba bill levying $l par band on each Immigrant arriving la New York, to de- fray tba eipeasfS of the emlgrailoa com- mission, passed tbe legislature of that elate yeaterday.

A Beerae has bean •Igacd by tha Greek government granting M. Da Lessens a concession to cnt a canal through the Islhmas or Corlath. Tba work «III prob- ably be OQiameoced la IU3, aud be com- pleted la Iva years.

At Denver. Col., last evening, a miner named E. 8. Silckney, entered tha board- ing hoase on IBB corner of Seventeenth aad Bloat stredia, while tha boarders were sealed st the/sapper table, pulled oui a revolver and opened Ira OB M. T. Camp- bell, B rail eatato agent. Two ahota atrack Campbell, canning Instant death, and another pierced tha heart of a Mra. Devcreaax.

Thursday. thousand Immigrants arrived la

Maw York city yeeterday.

Than IU a reduction of tba national debt daring the past moalh of more than •11,000,000.

Tha ntoln points of tha alleged protocol betweea Columbia aad lbs United States

A brilliant rare well baaqaet waa given la Berlin, mat night, to American Minister Andrew D. White.

Tha Kngllab Darby race waa woo yes- terday by Lotillard'a lroqnola la two ml an tee fifty secoadn.

William Kaaatter was arraatad yester- day la New York for sanding obscene end iltay poets! cards through the snails.

Nstlek celebrated yesterday tha ceaUa- ary of har lacorporstloa, with salataa, a proceaslon, ■peechea aad a poem, adlaaer Bad fireworks

A dispatch from tba Oily of Mexico aaya Congress has ad|oaraed. The amen- ded tariff wll* Increase tha revenue »t,000- 000 or Ba.000,000.

A aartoaa eviction riot la also reported In county Clare, and the reign of lawless- ness appears to be on tba Increase at varl- ons points on tha Inland.

Tha National W'iman Baffrags Asaocla- tloa commenosd a two days' aassloa la Portland, Me . last evening. There was as Bllandnnes of sboat 400.

Tha aUsmablp flremea aad coal passara who are on strike In Hew York, last night resolved tobold oat, iba eonspaalea refus- ing to accede to their demaada.

Sixth Auditor of tha Traaaary McOraw »ad bla deputy have resigned at tba re- qaeet of the President. They are both In- volved In tha star route Irregalarltiae.

Tha While Which recently came ashore at My*Beach, V. H., yielded 11 barrels or Brians oil, 400 pounds of whalebone, and 11 toaa of bone Tba oil aad bone have baaa taken by Bostoa psnlaa.

A aarloas riot occurred at Clcamel, eoanty Waterford, Ireland, on Tuesday i tbe mtliury aad police war* atoned by the popatoaaand maay persona weraiajaisd. eosaa fatally. Tba trouble graw oat of the sale of tenants' Interests In farms.

A child named Charles Esslagtoa la eery III la Allatoa from tba effects of ■ bite In the leg. received while ha waa bathing la a pool near tba old Kassell:

boase. Tbe boy saya be waa bit Us by a .snake, bat tba pbyalclans think It laa tur- ile. bits. Considerable or tha lash of tha child's lag bad to be exctsag.

Tha famous lomsn ateamehlp company, although Kngllab, are quite American la enterprise. Tbe new patent Brunswick swinging berth, aow being placed a poa tbclr aii'smcrH, bids fslr lo revolatlonlsa the whole nyatem of traaaatlaatlc traveL With this wonderfal Invention sea-sick- ness Is to become a matter of history, aad tha lacrsaae of oceaa traSk la bayoad coa-

•10 aad i-oats.

Detective Pbllbrlck on Walaaaday In-

aillatad bis first prosecotioa against persons delected In stealing cloth from

tba mills. The awoaacd waa Ann Walker,

a woman Who has be, u aaagdoyed aa a

"acrabbarr In tbe Brunts Weaving de

parunent. At her lioaas tha detective found a aklrt and sporas made of Evereit

mills unOatehed doth, aad !□ har closet at the mill* wer- found remnauia of

aad when arrested sbs bad oa a shirt

or lbs mill g>od< She was ar

ralgaed oa the charge of atoallag fifty

yard* of cloth lb..- property of the Evereit

ilHe. to which ahs pleaded not guilty.

Uoa. Joha | Tarboa wai har counsel, rhe evidence adduced was la an be Uses aa follows:

John P Lmg«hsw and Jjbn Colby

Lewis, oveiseera of the Eventt weaviag, Identified the goods .shown In court, as

aalnlshsd cloth similar to that woven at

tao Kvereil mills. Mr. Lawl* farther tosilled to lading nmnaou of aafinlahud

elotb la the closet of Mra. Walker si tha •IIU.

Datecilve Pbllbrlck tosUded that on

Monday last bo vlallsd Mrs. Walker's

hoase, aad found than n skirt aad aprons

made from Everett anfisisbai cloth. Ha

went to tha mill aad called Mrs. Walker lato the coaatlBg room, and asked her If

had taken any cloth, and aba said abe

not. Also naked If she bad bought

nay clo'b at iba mills, aad abe replied she

not. Ha naked bur If »be had a dnas

skirt madeofKveiaUab«thaadBBadsalod Ua then shown* har

skin ha had found at her bowsa, aad sbs

hesitated a few muaswats, and thou said

that aha bad bought the goods at a rem-

nant store oa Xssax street from a thick-

est man, for 10 cents n yard, aad that abe

hadaotaaoagh to make ih« akin out of

the first purchaea aud was obliged to pur-

chaae saolher reaaaaut at the earns price.

He aaksd her If she had any clothes on

alade oi tha Brerau goods, aad aba said

aba had not. He thea to,.I bar to raise

bar drvea and nader an outer skirt found

a skirt made of nalalahed Everett cloth

She then admitted that aha had taken this

from lbs mill without permission. Us

t'n ii tooh har to tha polios atatloa, aad oa

tba way than Weat lato W.lilamaa ram

aaat elon when ao oae could Identify bar

as havlag purchased retnusuis than, a-

clslmed. At the station, aha removed

tba skirt made of tha atolun goods, and

tha detective asked her about tba cloth,

which be wltb tha ovaiaeer fouod la her

closet. She explained that tba cloth was

In tha closet before sbe weat to work

than, alne months ago. Bha said e''e

tha cloth except tha eklrt found epos her. The goode found

IB the closet wan oa a ahair under Walk- er's hat and abawt.

MlM Jennie Webster, book-keeper at

Mr. Willlama's nton. testified that Everett

remnants wen sold then, bni Barer at n

leas fignn tb in IS cents a ys.d, unless

when soiled, when n alight discount waa

usually made. Bbn never remembered

seeing Mr* Walker la tbe alnre, prevlooa

to bar appearance with Mr. Pbllbrlck.

The defeadeat took tbe aland In bar owa behalf. Baa test led that tha cloth

fbnod in her closet was than whan tha

waa given to tier for ana. Tha

goods or the aklri, foaad M bar hoase,

aba said were purchased al Mr. Willlama's;

«a apron foaad than had buan given her

to wash by a gkl, adw employed at tbe

illl, aad another bid .been gives bar to

wear, by a girl who had loft tba employ

mem of tbu corporation. Tbe goods Ii

•kirt, foaad apoa her when arrested,

she testified she foaad among tha waste.

and made ll into a garment la order to protect her clothing from aoap and pot-

ash. She add she made It to n*e In her

occupation at iba mill and ao whan she.

Sbe eaplslnod Its position, nnder bei

dress nod another skirt when called futu

tbe counting room by tan detective, by

leatKyiug ibat while at work abe plno> d

■p her dress and aodersklrt, and wbun

called to go out to Iba offlce to aee a gen*

tlemaa, sbe dropped them ov«r tbeatoh-u eklrtlu order "to appear grand before ti.e

glatlemln caller.**

Mr. Tarbox argued Ibat tbe gooda In

tha skirt and apron* loaad at tba hoasu,

ware not sufficiently Identified as of Br-

ant! *4itie maua'aoiunt that aUbougb

the gooda found in tbe closet wan appn -

eolly In the posaeaaloo of his client, they

wan than without her volition and bad

not been token by her; aad that the aklrt

found upon her bad bean made from waste

cloth to be in bar employment nt ibe

dsv si bcr rtsideee* on High Street, between the boars of eleven aad twelve, of coassmpilos, at tot sgs of to yean- Ska baa baea railing la beali li lor a long time, and her death waa not unexpected to those whs have welched hsr so Closely fur mnny weeks, and who have knows tor tusjalime that tba hwwItnbU sad woaM

Tbu. has death again entered this sMhawfi bnexliold, and removed nnatber betoved asMar aad daaghter Irom laa haaM circle. It Is oaly losr v asks ago thai thtyanagut iiater was awfi w rest la aa early grave, whmh sad event lbs death of tbe mother prnaafisfi by nary n twelve mostb, sad now tha mtaar aad aaagbtar are la-

I left be res red aad ma chili1 in their loaery a, to moan lbs loaaaf these dear oaas, aho i tbe Joy of taeer haand»ll gaah a pa-

cellar IT heavy aad asTasaasang aSUetloa calls In- deed for tba sympathy of ad baling hearts.

TbU dear daughter who to dsy has Iwds Tare will to all esrthlr sceaas, wss, like the Sister

M death wa sa raiintly neUssfi. a girl of rare mental aittMmaiW aad atharnngh scholar, possessing taleau which pramlsid is sense Is whatever ratara nodtloa she might be placed, aad all this waa Jolaad la a nmassty of deaMaa-

id tnoas gentls qaalltles Of the heart which eafissred hat as nil who kaaw har. Dermg her

te is t be High sehool sbe was a leader hi the large cl MM ol which she was a member, be- loved silks by ithatars aad tsachen, who rae- ognixed bar remarkable uleeie, har spleadld record as a scholar, sad that swsataass of dli- noeltion which slvrayi prompted tha plenmel smile and tha ktsd ward foe every sate.

It doss not seem possible la oaa who kaew aad loved Iheee gentle girls, that tbey have both irons Irom oar sight, saver to ratara. Like lovely aad tender flowers seat en gladden the world tor a short isniaa, bat whleh eaald aat eadare Ibe rede blaali of eertb, they ban been trsjumlaated to celestlsl gardeat, wberethsy will I loom |a beavealy naaaty aad parnstoal frnsTaaea, torever sbelured from t*eTaraS> winds


Lattavn frosn tha Lawrence Wanderers.

Some Vlewa In Rnglwiid.

Tbe court considered tbe charge proven

and sentenced Mrs. Walker to pay a las of Alt) aad costs, or bs> Incarcerated at Us

boose of cor reel ton lor four month*.

Hanaway la tho Ccaaalery. m

Friday evenlnj, Mr. George Porter was

to Believne Cbutetery gstberlag catgrai", when bla boree. sitech* I to n wagon,

started to ittn Mr. I'-trier aelaed the

relna, bat wss tripped up and dragged

some illataiu-i-, rrcelvthg severe bmlaeK,

and waa oollgrd lo release his bold.

Tbe bone rau down Ihe main avenu--

from lbs ParMiua lot at a high rale

of speed, bat fortunately kept wl b

la Iba road. As be wan deacendlng

tha hill leading to tho malo gate, ih«

wagon waa overturned, and SaperlalMid-

eai Koblnsou, who, while driving on the

road between thx cemeteries saw iba

runaway, Jumped over tbn board fence,

and managed lo catch iba boras as

he Beared the main gala. Tbe wagon waa a compute wrack, and Mr. Porter

obliged lo borrow a vehicle with

which to reiarn home. It was remark-

able, aa tha road on which the runaway

occurred Is skirted on esch Bide by

marble tablets and tombstones, that i.ol

one or these wen liijated, nor did the vehicle lonched ibe grassy borders or any

or tbe lota. Tbls road f;>r the greater

part of tbe dlatauce Is 10 feet wide. Had

the bnne and^rlaken to cross the lots,

gnat dnmaga would have ensneo:.


During toe thunder ahower Monday

afternoon, llglitnlug struck the notorious

buffalo hoase at Mesare' Croaalug. A

young woman who waa allllng la a room

through which the electric current pass- ed, waa thrown to Ibe fl M,r by Ibe shock,

and waa badly burned about tba limbs.

Tha building wss considerably shattered, aad damaged A slight Ira broke oat,

which, however, was promptly extla- galabed.

Daring thunder ehowera parlies should avoid u-iug their telephones.

While than la no danger to them, tbe op. eniors nt tha central office do nut can to

woitaNmadtaalf awlith-board wltb the

lightning playing along the wires.

Tbe llgbtolng Mouday afternooo, struck a ■bed adjoining thu houae of Mr.

Sense! Shaw, Ifi Butler street. Mra.

Shaw was In the abed at the time, and waa proalrated by ihe shock, but expe-

rienced no serious effects from ll. Tbe shed was coaslderably damaged.

—Cards an out for ibe wedding of Mr.

Franklin Butler and Miss Curtis Lillian Jennings. Tb* cert atony will Uke place

next Wednesday at 10 a. m. nt Grace


A Novel Law Salt. _ aj

Last wlaur, after tha horse railroad

bad ploughed oat their tracks, Mr. E. E.

Hsnscom, of Ike Boston Branch grocery

■ton, waa driving on Bases street, whan

tbe aleigh tipped, and ha jcmped frem

It. Ill- boree baeaann frightoaad, aad

hlcked aaelaet the dasher j the uolsa made

thereby frightened another Unas. Tbia

latter team ran away and collided with a

sleigh la front or the Central hoass, tha

force of baa collision knocking the boras

attached to Iba latter sleigh, forcibly

sgalnat a lamp put In front of tba lotel, which had bean erected at tba eipenas of

Mr. II utter worth, tha proprietor of tha

house. Tha lamp-poat wan brokee,

restored Ball Tor further ana. Mr.

terworth a >w aaas to recover for tbe

coat of tha lamp-poat, bat enters bis anil,

not against the owner of Una horse who

atrack against u, aad broke It, nor

■galnat tha owner of tan bor*e which

became frightoaad al Iba antics of Mr.

Mr. Haaaoom'e animal, bat against Mr.

Hanacom's, the lipping of whose sleigh

ceased by tha ridge of snow made by tha

ploughed-oat-tracks, started his horse

klcklag against tha dasher. Tha suit is

still pending, bnt Mr. Hsnscom In nt a

loai to know how ha la more liable foe

the damage than tbe horse railroad com-

pany, who ploughed oat their tracks,

causing hh> sleigh to Up aad bin hone to

kick, aad frighten aaothnr borae, which

ran sgalnat a third horse, whleh atrack

against ibe lamp pool and broke it. This

appears to be the case In tbs amalleat

alaad nat aball at present convenient.


Wednesday afternoon, Mr. Lewis E.

IK-ckler. of Bostoa .and Miss Ella Corliss,

Were nulled la marriage, at tb* reelJence

of ibe bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. D. B.

Corlbn, No. 17 Valley street. Tha

ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr.

Bichford. or tha Fran Bspilet chareb, In the presence of a large an mber of friends

aad aniutlnUncee of the contracting

parties, from ibis city, Bostoa, Usvarhlll,

Melhaen and Aodover. Tha fl iral dis-

play, which was from tha greenhouse* of

Mrs. Waterman, of Aadovar, was rich

and elabornto. The bridal presents war*

auroerous aad costly, the moat prominent

being, -liver cake basket, batter dish,

pickle dish, an elegant gold IInad sugar

spoon, ailver rases, pictures, aad a qaaa-

tllyofliueu. A brief reception wan bald

at tbe bouse nt tha conclusion of tha cereneony. nt whleh tba guest* were very

hospitably entertained. The wedded

couple started on thell bridal toar same

evening, going to New York,from whence

they will vlait other principal cities.

Arlington, vs. Imwnll lateraslloniila

Tba above clubs played a game nt crick-

et on the Arlington ground*, In the pres-

aoovoi alnrgananemblr. Scott complete-

ly par slued the Lowell batameo la their

second Innings, by his excellent bowling,

the whole eleven being disposed of for iba

small score of 9. Below will be found tha full score : —

SBUnOTOX. lat Innings. Id lasisga

H goblaaua b Walsh S e Welsh A Stepbsasoa J Lore b Iteed W >inHh ran ont 4* Keed 11 lliii i lion A Hlaaile Welsh A Uoblnae* b Heed

roeahth waun JHarseasMout

Kxtrsa 1 Bairns


lit liinlaa.

felon at H Koblasut teed run unt Joulloa

Karraelotish b Love .1 ba<aiih . U-,1 U Wllkin.on M bSeoU

Moore e - 1 bBoett Kelly b Uarrtaoe, S o Wilblnaet

. bseeit Patternon not out 1 sol wet

Eain* ]| Kim.

A Child MlealHg.

It, IU Morgan, aged 10 >ea.*, hs« 1>am>

mlaalng from her home. Hi. 7* Liwn-aca

atreet, clnoe Tuesday lorrwoou. Har parenta are In needy clrcuiusUscee, and

abe had been »ii to the n,»rporsilua for cold victuals. Hbe n in mad with bar

bnsket bountifully supplied, and loul her

mother that ebe had met a lady who

promised her aomethlaa good If sbe

would accompany her to ufrxof lb" cor- poral I,.n board!ug houses. The luoibar

loollably penollted lga) clilld to go with- oat Drat aacattntolng who the woman In

qneatlon was. Since that time, the child

not baaa seen by aa/ one who la acqanlatod with har, nor Is then any

clew to the Identity of Iba woman with ■in ebe left. Tba police are InvesM-

ghtlag tha case, and an ytt without *uc- When leaving BOOM the little one

e a light wrapper, black hat, nad striped Shawl.

xuBiasn TBS.

■■ ■' ■-' e> rr*m ear ff^rU Can-*lyuwinl.

l.ownoM. Wirv, iwi. > Meaday Morning. (

Arrive.1 bus) halardsy evening, sad what ansll iritbedose? whm Or.neeaf Onr present atoy la lo as vety brief, OB our way to tbs warmer south, hostei lo tarry here longer on oar return. The w—thee ws* pleases! Batsrdsy eveslBg. aad all dsj asadsy, and this swntisg again, aotwiU. steading all that has bass said lo ths contrary, nasaasress laanhmr sky, sad aeeau likely te sold IU own ihreogb lbs dsy. Ws will try aad getsglistDseorsomstblntts-asy we aoetdesire to ess, and •hall wool nope to ess agala.

Shall wage rierr TO THU TO was,

walch eoven so much oi SsgUah Metory. and aa* WHS awed so mneh of royal mveiry end crime, aad wee r or to Ihe Kngllsk amanaws (as Ussy nail It), that tesipU of tons toward, which Xag- land's proadest noble* sad most smblllena com- mon people ktjx, usllsg last ao ens en earth ass been perfectly happy, or attained the highest nostlnle aueeeea ia lire, unlws bis body can be burled, or at Isaat unisex a rsoouaenl esa be ereatoa to his nmesery IhereP So we quaattoned

1 eg ssssssi most agreeable for the tokee Irat the beantlrhl aad nobly estwdnsler Abbey, or a. it I. called

document*, tbe Collegium Cbaroh of Where thla church now *taada.

ehereh fa aaid to ton tons erected In honor of at retsr, about Sla. With lbs church was eoa- ssessd a moasilsry, (ia Lstle Btosasterlnsj), oi a* It was ahovleaed. wlaslsr, which became knows a* Wsstmlaster Abbey, lo dUtlngnlah II from ens then tartber east, oa tbe Thsmea, whleh was oalled EMlmlsstsr. Illustration* of this eeto brntad temple are sseawmoa. and deaorlpUeai se fell la all of oar sacyc loped la*, as well as la laa letter* of all visitors, that 1 shall sn of It st trassat, that aa wa approached it laroturh Ihe ok! ehereh ysrd, trssdlsg on ths pavemsnt of amaewealal ublet* UM aver lbs graves of torsMv parishioner*, we were net disappointed In

an *t grandeur made upon us, ft and wlthla, and oaly fell aad to

ihsltlsM waa already enabling the lot"Ij colnmas of ftsmions.

Wa ware admitted to lbs Tower of Leadea, Tuseosy, for one • Miring sash, and to several ■tsosa tat lbs Tower net anally ahewn, for a *i x. aeoee ar awn. The Tower l> really a large toe it- ■nation, eenslstlng of DMSX, outer sad Inser wsUs, aad Alton or twenty ssnerate towers. Then being young ladles la Ihe party, we of course went to the room eoetaJelag

Twa caown JBWBLB,

la the ascend tower. Hem we aaw a slssa ease, some ton tost square, aad eight tost high, con- teaming jewel* vetoed al ever iltoMee, or sboat •u,eoe,toa to jewsb consisted of gvserowns, these ef Charles td. Qessa Msry'*, Asse Bolayn. tb* rrines SI Wals*. asd Isataait stone, blgbeat In Ins ceee, asset hriHaat and asset eoatly, wss thsl of guess r*ntorw.*a; ssveral aoeplres of gold ■afigrnliei ilinns.wlth royal saseea;ehri»tonleg fsat, used only nt lb* ehrbieetng of the bah- ap parent; eemmnaisa plat*, used at Chrlitsu*. hhwsar aad WhstoantMe, ealy; cup for the anolotuut oil. It-:., An., nil ef pun geld, or geld and gems, queen Victoria'* crown Is apea a foundsilsa of velvet, *et wltb S.oss diamonds, be- sknaanwef pearlssnUrsly aroandll; a luge •a*mh*r*,ia ths eeatre ef ■ (ireeh aahBagfi ths top, ef great brilliancy aad value; a ruby la reset, that looked us; large at a small ban'* egg, sad which I* said to have been wen by the Blank Prise*, sad ia valued at £IO,esO, nad ether precious ■tones. The entire orowa weigh*, aa we wen told, 11 lb*., sad U valued st svw il.070.MO ataeUng.


as K B called, la ia the eeatre ol lbs large area oealoeod by the wall, and many at tba towers, which are belli and form part ef the Inner wall, asd though called white. It I* aearlr black with ana- That tower nimbus i the baaqsetlng hall sad uasuMil chamber; the large room, enelossd with wall* Sen or noeen reel thick, directly under the tonquatlsg hall, where prllowers were sab- Jeetod to tbe rack sad other torture*, but Ittroogh

an sensed* eaald ha heard; the dan- Sir Walter MtkMgh. the favorite of

Qaeen Elliaheth, waa Imprleooed tweiv* year*, aad to which ether nrlsoaera had Usgulshsd. Tbs large council chamber and banqueting hall anaewnasd as na armory tar ths storage of ■mall arm*, enaneeted with whleh I* as sxtoaalvs collection of aaetoal ana* and armor, and of Is. atrnaaentoef tortare and punishment, Isclnding

block, executlooer'aaie aad mask, and Qasea ■luabeth en horaeback, a* aba wa*

g to at FeaTs w rotan thank* tor the destruction ef the Snaalth Armada.

In wa eeaetohtos' tower, prlaoaera of nyal

—The session of tbe police court BOW

begins at 8.30 a. m.

TLOWBB MIDBKIN ~ The annual meeting

ol Ibe ladles Flower Mission, wan holdeo

at Bead of Hope hall, Tuesday afternoon.

Only all persons were present. It la to

be resyeaeasl that so little tolerant la token

In this Important charity. Tha followleg

oScan were appointed for the ennalag

year: I'reoldvui, Mrs, Montsgne; vton prrsldeni, MIHS Farbnnb; secretory, Mrs.

Field; ircsaurer and fruiterer, Mine (m-

good. It was decl.i-d to meet every Wednesday moralag at hair past eight,

aad that each church should take chnrgs of tbe work as hentoren.

ImprtaeesMatta tba llsancsamp lower, and left ea tha wells ef their narrow room*. Insertptlnns eat with their own haads dnring their toag aad

'eery hour*, wbkh shasst Bands as shadder as we traced out lbs still legible words sad lga res. Is M. Peler'* Chaasl we ssw ths shiba that mark Ibe burial i>lace* of

Anns aoLBfa XRII unr JAMS onnr,

and many other* whnaa lives and deals* fnnlsb a *ad chapter la Jtoghmd'* hiatory,

Aftorlasaeh, wenejtlwsnt In St. Paal'* Calbe drat, than whmh there sn only two larger la ehrt.teeatoet,—the cathedra! at Milan, and St' Peter** at Borne. Thl* too, ttmlde beteg a large and beautiful obursh, aad oowtaiahxE a very large organ, is a grand msnaolcum of ths snble dead, lbs mortal remain* ef many of whom lie la Ihe vaults beneath, nag whose monument*, some of them oeatly, adorn the walls, or stand la the corner*, sad along Ibe tides ef the outer nlale*, by the pillar*, Ac. Some have to their memory

iple alsbs ol swrbl*. *et In Ihe well* er In the marble floor, a. a pert of It; other* ban a aurbht boat or statue, likenot* oi themaelves, sad atlll ether*, grease of ststnea of themaelvea sad their families or friend*. The *tntoea art snmetlssn mull, aometlme* mneh larger than life, seme

lists* lying or hassling ever a sareewhsgns, ting or standing, and *ometime. on

horaeback. Though scms have been thu* honored •sur* sag Westminster, who were bin many attorn that ton been en-

tombed In humbler place*, aad have ao stonu- et there i* so doubt thai the peeal

WUtr and the tone of being ton* remembered, ImuaUed ion. to noble effort., sad ena to

nettle deeds. We toshed nt tbe

torrv nona or ST. PAUL'S,

ilred Its richly orasmsatod eelUag, grand eolumnt, It* decoraUd windows. Ilatened to the onaa, sees* ef who** pipes W built in IBM; we heard s portion of tha afternoon choral asrviee, sad Ult aepmg to cease agala, and took ear first rid* to a Hansom cab, ao called, Irom ths asms of Ihe inventor. It ia act unlike a tow two wheeled chalsB, wnh a seal like that of n trotting gig for Ihe driver, placed at the top be- hind, Just high enough to allow the rams to pass and the drive* to look ever lbs eheise top to Ihe* bora*, nad so etots a* to man hereto room fbr

reetbehind toe carriage top. Ths passenger has lull v lew nf Ihe bases sad all be- fore hlw, and esa ipssk to the driver through s amalldoor In tb* roof of hi* carriage; out be esa see nothing nehind blm. aad Bathing nnovs bbn,

leeks Bt It in the dlslssee, as be ap- Ib

Wednesday, we were admitted to ibe Court or Queen's Bench, Is the Parliament hull.ling, and ssw the Lard Chief Juatlce Coleridge nad hi* isaeclsto Juaitees.aad the lawyer*, all clad Is long

gnwu*, nwd wee ring AK» rowDsahD win*, WITH cuts nn-

hwMh andll,lened lean iriumeat In a patent CAM. We thee found eur way to the apsrtmeuls of the Seigeaat at Arnu *f tbe Heuie of Common*, but were to Id we could not see him, a* he wa# if i ana Isg. Ws loi.i hi* saber that wa wen Asasrloane, aao wMbed logo Into the Uou*eef Commons, ladies nad all. Bom* anrprUe ws* manltoatsd st our preeumntloe. Ihe gentlemen could poetlblv be sdmHted, but a* lor the ladle*, ere muil get s eiuv from our UinUtor. We preferred to try

ether mean*, and *o argued our ease. We had en eard with ua, and ao paper on which to write onr anew*, but foaad In one of our pocket* s general letter of Introductloa. welch Mayer Webster bad kindly giv«n n* before we left home. We teat thl* wltb oar request to Ihe Sergeant si-Arms, ssd thnowb we ware told It could net be done, this, to nddllton te oar pnsumptlea, aad perhaps to the hope of a .billing, opened with great cearuey tbe door nf the ladles' gallery toeer ladle*, and of the gemlemea'a gallery to the ml ef na. Ws ssw ths Speaker,


In ths Chair, with Us Immense powdered wig. severing bla head, asd falling over bl* *honldera Hhe na oM womaa'* while eap with a huge anne. Wa batoned to a ip I riled dlsenHlon on a bill to repeat a law which dlsqnalllse a clergyman for a seat la the Hone* of Commons. Tbe discnssioo. took la Ike eeneeatton ef Church ssd Stole la Ihe Mtobllehed church, a* well a* the legal dlsnbUI visa of the Knmn Catbolie clergy. Some of tbe lending Irish member., gs well as the Boms Sec- retary, took sett In the debate. The bill Cally nwaead it* aseead rendlsg by a close aad alter a slight modiacaliee, wbkh wss aid*red by aoma a* iiuita IwportsnL


Ttm board met Is regular evening, with tbs nursed* me chair sad Al derman Dolberr absent. The fotlewtog wag the bnalnssa transacted :-

^sthhSNf-OfSuxsn Graves sad atones, for a •ewar la Atklnssa *treet, retorred to Ihe eeesmW- toe oa sewer* and drnles; Daalel Cealto, to enter sewerMtfsVeadway, granted; hf. J. sfshoney, to sntar s*w*r eoraer of Bradford asd Hamnshlr* streets, grantsd; Msry Hsrsee, to ebstrwet Ores- by street, granted; Marls Henry, to ehelraet Kim street, gran led; M. J. JUboney to obatraot Brad lord sad UsMuablre ttreeta, greeted; Wosdbsry and Webster, to obstruot aUy street, vrhtm mev tog bnlldlng.granted, lieorg* D. Oahet, to eV struct Fraspeol *tr*et, grastsd; Ksrtia Wood, to obstruct Mav (treat, grantsd; Mtoanaf Kiss, fur lean to sell (rework, far tbe week rmiMlTfi July lib. granted, upoe neystont ef the Utanas f«e; Msrgnrat aulllran. for a trsasforef her liquor lloeaee at UT Valley atreet to Deaai* Hurtoy; she wa*gTsstodls*.«to*dv*rti*e. MaraaretSaBrrna to enter sewer at Bl Crass St, granted; Charlsa Walnwright sad others, for tore street hghto en Charm* street, referred to enmmhsss en atrsst*; Aieasq Klaenld, for permlsslen to sel firework* ewe week before July t, sad for a common vletaal- ers lioeass, granted en the nsaal terms.

AejNhsto-Of the committee ea street*, fovnr- nhly, en tbe petition of Jests* Bebieena and oUv er*. foes *treet light on tb* northwest cor Mr of Brosdwsy and llurencs Place; also os the peti- tion of A. c. Stone and ethers, for. a atreet ereea- usgeaamstSba atreet; atoiea Ito peoatoa M *"■ r. Chllas. for rebuilding iba bank wag aa May »lreet,seoept*d. A pproprlsto order* were adopt- ed. Thseemmlticeoa*ew*rssad drains report- ed fsvorsbly os tb* peUuen of daman Lane, far the refaadthg of bla s**B**wsnl en toe rreapsct •met eewer, aeoeptod. an appnerbtss order was adopted.

Ii|w«r Itrea***.—The esmwltto* sa liasesm re> ported favorably oa the petshsni tor Uqner U- ceuee, as sdv*rU*ed, as follow*;

- ■ k COHMO M V1CT V ALUUSS Ihy, T Inetoen street.

. Its Vnuey. Pilx, tJ rraaklln.

JotwJsnnisga, ISSaasipi

Trim A Dew, atosexMoass. The oommUtos reported nantvonbly ea Ihe pa. Uoa of Patrick Dsmpssy, tor in*.bolder* license.

nt ans Common atreet, and it .was voted thst he have leave to withdraw.

Afsnnwanthnsn CMy Solicitor Bnrtoy ssntlas eommnnloslloa la the ense ef ttosrge II. AbbetL atatlng tost to hi* opinion tbs city eeedd nat the but ililsagslnsl his piepertj.asdresasnm tog thai Mr. Abbott'* offer to pay the city gsl.M

gTh* board concurred in the sctton of the lower board la regard to putting etna Ladder house.

The matter ef celebraUng the limber, 4th ef July came up Irom tbe lower board, wheres com- mittee had baea annotated to leek tola it* ad- vlBBhtlUy. On mouoa the matter waa told

I We os* week. A. M. Uodge. nt ■ Metro** itreet, aad Michael eater 1X3 Valley street, were appointed aad con rased a* Junk dealers. Tbe brewers sad wholesale liqnt

sentsd s communication asatog the rheb-lloeass* be rtoened. The wai


-Private lawns about towa are looking finely.

—Tha German population of this city Is rapidly Increasing.

—Tha Father Matthew dram corps have parchaaed eight new drum*.

—Chan. A. DeCoarcey, has been ap- pointed by the Governor, a justice of tho peace.

—Street commissioner Hall Is making

good time with his help on Lawrence atreet.

—The eenlral driveway at the Boxton 4 Lowell depot, leading to the freight of-

fice aad main corridor Is being concreted.

-Bicycle riding try night is now facili-

tated by a little lighted lantern laganlonsly

fastened between the ■ pokes or the larger wheel.

—Believne cemetery presenln n more

beantlfol scene tfasn ever, maay new lota

having been adorned and beautified tbls

—Tad Q. A, R. lot at the cemetery pre saato a laa appearance. It baa been lev

ailed, aad tha grass neatly nad evenly


—BsTf. Henry 11. Johnson, of Newton

Tbeotoglcal Seminary, has been called aa

pastor of the Olive Baptist Church, of lb Is city.

-Tbe Beaten R. R, la bnlldlng a tmck

to Old Orchard; It has erected a hage tent

there for boarding IU gang of a hngUred

Amcny those employed la the Introduc-

tion of the telephone ayatem la this city,

was a young man named Bdward Organ,

19 yenra of age, whose parents rankle nt

Qardloer, Me. Ha had previous!* been

engaged la Boston, la aa establishment

for tho manufacture of electric lighting

apparatus. Soon niter being employed la the business, symptoms appeared to show

that the electricity was having a bad af-

fect upon his eystem, nad on consultation

With physicians be Was advised lo give up

the business. This Intention ha signified

to his employers, bat being a faithful and

competent workman, they did not wish to

part with bin and ha was prevailed upon

to stay. Soon after, however, tba effects of the electricity began to have each de-

cided unfavorable result* lo his system

that he mas obliged to leave tba Bostoa

company and obtained employment bare.

His besllh began to fall rapidly aad after

after a brief slay In Lawnncn be weat

hone. Soon after bis arrival than ha

was token nnddenly Insane, aad at times

became so violent an to be dangerous. Every means was tried by his distressed

parents and friends to restore his mental faculties to a healthy state, bat tboagh nt

HU rational and plennnat na any son

could bo, ha waa liable to break oat lato

violent demooatralions, requiring gnat

force to confine blm. On Tuesday, while

ha waa at home, be was seised with oae of thane attacks and did considerable dan-

age to the house aad furniture, and en-

dangered the liven of bla parent*. It

then reluctantly decided to place bin la

confinement, where be could receive, per-

haps bettor aad more experienced treat-

it than waa possible at home. Ac- cordingly nn officer was consulted, and

nder pretence or going lo Augnata for a

stroll over tbe Arsenal ground* and vi-

cinity, prevailed apoa Cragaa to accom

paay bin to Augusta, when he was en

tlced into tbe hospital and conBned. Ha

made no demonstrations or renletonce on

tbe Journey, and did not seem angry on

being told that be must stop then for n

Unr, even though Ills aa* pec ted that be auspicious of the Intent of tha Joar-

ney shortly after reaching Augusta. The

authorities nt the nsylnn think that his condition can be speedily helped.

A Valuable Present.

Widneaday evening, at tbe meeting of

Font 89. O. A. H., comrade J. T. Onto,

presented the Post with a ground plan of

the famous Aadereoavllle rebel prison.

It IB 2 z 2 l • feet la alse, enclosed In a

polished chestnut frame. It show* tha

stockade and Ibe sarroagdlag fortifica- tions. Inside of tbe fence In msi k.-.l the

plncee when Onion aetdlem dug bolus ia

the ground, the dead line, ibe stream and

swamp on each aide, etc. It defines the

position of tbe bskr bonne, hoepitnl, com-

mandant's baadqaertera, aaxlaoldlen' bar

racks. The picture Is proaoancad by tha comrade* of Ihe Poet, who bad the mis-

fortune to sue the Inside of the famous

prison, a very cornet representation. A

vote of thaaha wee tendered ihe donor, Major Cnie.

JMdn't Kaow It wan Lowdsd

—Tbe bone attached to Shailuck'a milk

wagon, ran awav on Lowell street Then* day,and lo turning into Broadway collided

with tbe lamp poet, smashing tha letter

boa to pieces, also breaking a stone post.

Tbe milk wss spilled oa the street nad

tba wagon waa badly dan aged.

Horace K. Bartlett, former principal

Of the High School lo this city, graduated

yesterday, from the Law School of Bos-

ton University, cam lavde.—wltb honor—

being oae of the first nine In n class of thirty-three members. He has studied

very hard, completing the two yann'

coarse la oae, with gnat credit lo him-

self. He Is n candidate for admission lo

iba tutsan. Bar.

Saturday afternoon, a small boy named

Patrick McKennedy, living nt 48 Union atreet, waa sluing la the house cleaning a

annll revolver. He bad snapped the lock

several limes, and an there was ao expia-

tion, be considered the cartridge worth-

less, tin then proceeded to cleaane tha

revolver, when suddenly Ibe hammer of

loll, and the cartridge exploded tbe ball

going through tba ronflnger of tbe left hand. Tbe wound wa* quite a ssrlous

Oie aad Dr. Sargeal was called and

dressed the Injured member. He thinks

be can nave the finger.

The Jerasalena Consulship.

Bav. Belnh Merrill of Aadovar, who

was nonxlnnted to be consul nt Jerusalem, and who failed of con Or mat loo, will aot

It la atatod, for the pnsent b« r*nominat-

ed. The present consul has been then

bat thne years, sad under tbe rule, which

It le attempted to enforce, that changes

are not to necessarily take place aatll

after a four yean' Incumbency. Tbe con-

sal will ntnaln at least aatll fall. This

result ha« been secured through tba Iowa senator. , the present consul being irom

that atati-.


The deacoae and Metbaea church

committee, met Rev.Mr.Holbrook Monday

evening, nnd agreed on a mutual council

of dismissal. In wbkb nil ol the

Congregational churcben shell be

seated. The council will be touch tbe anne churches as before,

date for holding It has wot yst

decided apoa.

■Mr. Frank Menders, who has assist

ad at tba paWlc library, evenings, bus re-

tired. His place will be filled by Mr. Jo-

seph T. Kaoefick.

—B. B.- Barton, bad the two middle

flngen to* his left baud token off, in a matchtog Btochlae, at the Lumber Go's

box shop, Monday.

—The Messrs. Sweeney have purchased

a salLboal, which they will take with

them to Island Pond when the camping'

out aeanon ban fairly begun.

—Tba United Presbyterian society of

this city an arranging for n gnnd ex-

cursion in June, to aid la ralalug money

to repair their church building.

—Mrs. Waternaaa m* Aadovar, keeps a

■lea variety of fiowere aad plants la Kil

ley's windows, aad orders to any extent,

left then, Will be promptly nnd tastefully


—The American brass bead Intend re-

orgaalslag aooa wltb Mr. Kennedy, or

Kennedy 4 Cantwall's band, as leader.

They have aot net for rehearsals for


—Tba but thlag about tba Park street school house la completed. The around

has baaa graded, trees set out, piths

trimmed, sad aow everything Is ss neat

aad clean aa possible.

—The lot In which the remains of the

late David Nevlne an interred In Mt.

Aubu rn cemetery. Is situated on tbe south

slope of a hill, from which Is a view of Mr.

Kevins' late Brighton home.

—The sanner tine table on the Eastern

railroad from this cltv, hsa been changed

ns follows: A train will nave for balen

at 6.45 A. M., aad from Sslsm for this city

at u.M a. M„ 4.55 aad 5.K r. u,

—J. t. Phillips Of ths Boston 4 Maine,

sad 8. F. Murray of tba Boston, Lowell

* Nashua railroads are elected directors

of Uw Maw Eagland Passenger Railway

Coadacton' Insurance Association.

—for tbs accommodation of people

living oa Prospect Hill, nad In the lower

portion of tba city, tbe Dally nnd Weekly

AalBBlCAB, together with Boston papers,

can be had hereafter at the store of Mr.

A. J. Henley, corner Union sad Haverhlll

—Division No. 8, Ancient Order of

Hibernians, elected the following officers

Sunday: President, John J. Nugent

vice-president, John P. O'Connor; re-

cording secretary, Joha Garveyj finan-

cial secretory, Michael Holllbau; treasur- er, Jeremiah Collins; manhsl, John


—Tha Raymond party'returned lo Chi

cngo highly pleased with tbe trip. At

the neetlng of tbe party In the parlors of

Ibe Palmer hoase, In that city. Mr. Whit

comb, formerly of tbls city, wss presented

with s gold watch and chain, and Master Prank Whltcomb with n gold pencil nnd

a $5 gold piece. Presents were also given

Messrs. Bashes sad Lelsnd.

—The little sou or Mr. John Shlnnlck,

who was raa over on Union street

Wednesday afternoon by one Hatch's Ice

leans, died about s o'clock next evening,

Ha was a bright, handsome, amiable child,

sad the pet of his parent*, who an deep-

ly grieved at bis loss. Mr. Bblnnlck bss

been la the employ or Mr. P. B. Robin- son for thirteen yean, and ban many

frleads who sympathise wltb bin In bis bereavement.

—Last Jnne Joseph M. Moloaey,

strong, able-bodied mis, waa arraigned

ha tbe court far disturbance, bat ss

prow l*ed to do better tba case was placed

oa file. Recently, however, be has re

tamed to.his evil way* nad become a

nuisance to his family, who bad him ar-

rested for draakeunese. In Ibe police

court lbs old case waa proved again! him aad he waa sentenced to pay a fiae of 11

aad costs or 10 days far drunkenness, and

•5 and costs or I months for the distur-

bance he committed List June

—On the tttt irwt-, Tuwts Bishop aud Janes Fee ney entered Ibe shoe shop of

Bdward Hall, sad after negotiating for the

purchase of shoes, Bishop stole s near -

sebsum pipe belonging to Hsll. He aho wed

ll to Peeaey after they left the store, aud contrary to the latter'* advltb, wonld not

ratara It. Complaint wan nude and both wen arrested, bat It being made evident

IB the police court Vnday that Feeney waa

not a party to the theft, ho waa discharged. Bishop paid a Ban of #9 and coats.

—Tbe following scholars or the alnae

of '81, of us High School, will take the

preliminary examination for Harvard.

aJthough Lhey win aot eater antll '8'.':

UshnbT. Briggs, Jr.,William H. Bo4w.ll,

John D. Merrill. Arthur L. Snail, Isabel

OoVdtbwalta. Grace Wadsworlb. Al-

though other young ladles hare before

token the clnsical course IB the High

school, aad have been fitted tor college, tba Mlssas Ooldtbwalto nnd Wads worth

will be the firat who have aver have taken tbe regular examination with tbe boys

for college. These young ladles stand

edunlly wall with the boys of their clase, and deserve gnat credit for their hard

study and sesloae application. Thla will

be the firat clans from tbe High School to

take tba preliminary examination for

Harvard. Blevca sabtocU will be given

nt tbls examination, a correct result In

flee or which will be taken: Lttlu; 1, Csasar's Gallic War, Vlrglls Eclognos and

roar books of Aeneld; I, Traoalstloa of

Latin at alght; Greek; S, Translation at

Sight from Zenophon; 4, Goodwin's

Greek Header, Hind lat nnd Id books,

with iTBiainatlcal questions; B, Ancient

History aad Geography; G, Arithmetic;

7, Algebra; 8, Geometry ; 9, Physios; 10, English Composition on Shakespeare's

Hamlet, aad Romeo and Juliet; firat two

books Mlltoa's Paradise Lost; Gold-

smith'* She stoops to conquor; Irving*

Use of Goldsmith; Hawthorn's Oar Old

i George Eliot'* Silas Marngr;

Abbott; 11, fri-ncb or German,

will lake pnee July I, g,

Thla wilt be tbe eighth

for women, by Harvard Unl-

—District Police officer Batcbelder Is

SgslB able to be out.

—Tho C. L Mather Is being engaged

In towing coal bargea.

—Tbe Kilty Boynlou Is to be enlarged snd made a stern-wbeelcr.

—Charles B. Toner baa been chosen a

member or Atlantic Are company.

—Trains arc running by tha lew time

table on the Eastern railroad to-dsy

—Alomo Klncald will next try his hand

st the restaurant business. In Bsnnden


—An asparagus oug la added to the

season's pests. He Is black and Is said to like l**i Is green.

—The inspection of Co. M, 8th regi-

ment, will lake place June 18tb, Instead of tbe dsy previous.

—The Immaculate Conception church

will hold a picnic nt Shawahln grove,

Saturday, Jane »5lh.

—The new Merrlnnc ntesmer Wsnwl-

net. Is nearly completed, nnd will be

ready for service In a few weeks.

—Mr. James .Desrden, residing nt Mo.

188 Water street, will null for A.htoo,

England, Satnrday, Jane 4th, on a visit.

—A return cricket natch, betweea the

Arlington cricket dab, of this city, sod

the Lowell club, will bl played st Lowell

July 4th.

—Mr. B. H. Wlnslow baa Issued none handsome plans of the seats In ibe Law-

rence opera boase, which can be obtained

nt bis store.

—Mr. Charles Smith Is re-modelllng

bis residence on Broadway, and making

additions. C. R. Merrill snd non an

doing toe work.

—Gorge Shsrrock, residing on Law-

rence street, fell from s ladder nt tbe Pa- cific Mills, while oiling machinery Moo-

day, nod badly Injured bis foot.

—Did Miss O'Keefla write tbe closing

ntoaxss of ber poem to lit the weather, or

was the thunder storm arranged ss sa

accompaniment to tbe poenf

—At Walnut HIH, Saturday, O. M.

Jewell, of tola city, nade tbe second best

aeon lo Ibe Sharpshooters natch, 111 oat

of a possible 180. The beat scon wss 118.

-Tbe second bronze figure, the statue

ol a aallor, for the Lawrence Soldiers

Monument, has been completed, nnd was

shipped oa Tuesday, from New York, for this city.

—We dou 11 If any city In the common-

wealth, had two worthier poems on Me-

morial Dsy, or more tastefully nad, than

those of Misses Wetherbee sud OJEetBu, In tbls city, oa Monday.

—The 81b regiment drill will Uke place

Jane 18, on the Atkinson common, nenr

tbe three roads, In Newbaroport. How-

ard J. Currier, of Hiat city, will cater for tbe regiment Wblle there.

—Some goods which Dslsnd claim* ss

household property, nte to be sold at

auction, to satisfy a claim of B. W. Pierce.

Tbe claims of Carraa 4 Joyce, and Saua-

ders, have been met by tbe proceeds of

the recent sale.

—Miss O'KeeHe's allegory, "Moon's

Anniversary," wss pnsented under that

lady's supervision nt Newboryport, Sat-

urday evening, nt the dedication of n

Catholic parochial hsll. Sbs also read aa originsl dedicatory poem.

—As what waa formerly Ton Byrne's

Zoological Gardens has been named "Rw-

eralde Grove," Lowell parties, who gave

s new plcn|c resort tbe latter name, fore-

go It, snd now call their field of green snd shady grove "Woodlnwn."

— Ex-Councilman Charles McCarthy,

placed himself la rather s dlsrepatsbls position, Monday night, by trylng*,to gala

access to a house on Garden atreet, by a

window, nnd by assaulting the lady who

resides there. There Is talk of a prose- cution.

—MsJ. Plske, who had charge of ths arrangement of the flowers nt tbe city

hsll, on Monday, wss the recipient of a

mammoth bouquet of rare and beautiful

flowers, from the ladles engaged in tbe

work; the Major hsa bad the ornament photographed.

—They were opening a large case In which n piano had been shipped, In front

of Dyer 4 Co'* store, the oiher day, when

two little girls slopptd: "0. what a large coffin,'' exclaimed one. "Taint a coffin

neither," promptly snapped her compan- ion, "it's a organ."

—George Russell aged 4G years, foi s long tine sn employe st the psper mill*

snd an old resident of tbls city, died st

bis residence on Howard street, Monday.

He was s pronlueat member of Monad-

nock lodge I. O. 0|P„ which society tnrned out nt h In funeral on Thursday,

—A man Bussed McGareey, was caught

In sn elevator st the Pemberton Mills, Tserday, aad injured so severely that

the services of s-physlelsa wan needed.

Ha was loading a box on tbe elevator,

when it was started by none oaa IB tba

room below, who did not know of tba situation of affairs above.

—Detective O'Sulllvan, inspector of

kerosene, la notifying dealers from whom

he hss taken samples of kerosene which will not stood n fin test or HO0 Fahren-

heit, to cense selling or dealing In the

same. Twenty per cent, or the samples

thus far tested by the inspector do sot

come up to tbe requirements ol the law.

—The manager* of the Odd Fellows

building have lessed tLe entin firat floor of that block to Fulton Bros, for their live

snd ton cent store. Tbe stores now oc-

cupied by Flood, tbe tailor, sud John C.

Dow, will be vacated. The eatln Boor

will be connected nnd remodelled. Arch-

itect Bmenon hss tbe plans sud work will commence soon.

—The partnership hitherto existing

between Sanborn snd Tucker, hss been dissolved. Mr. Tucker will receive pay-

ment of nil debts due tbe firm, nnd pay

all debt* or the firm. Tbe yard hss been

leased to 8. C.HIIJrath 4 Co, nnd Messrs.

Sanborn 4 Tucker will retire from active business for the present. Mr. Tucker

will continue to make his residence here for the time being.

—Tbe summer meeting of the xtssex

liberal conference of Unitarian churches

will be held with the Firat Religious Soci-

ety In Newbnryporl, on Thursday, Jnne

t. An essay will be read by Bav. C. A

Bartol, oa "The transcendent faculty ia

man." In the afternoon, there will be a

free discussion, led by Bar. John 8.

Thomson, of Gloucester, on the subject,

"Tbs union of religion sod moral*,'

Tbs snnual meeting of the WhltefleU

BJeoeraoa Railroad Company, was held

st the Pemlgewasset Hoase, Plymouth,

Monday afternoon. The old board WU reelected by 1800 TeU> Mek| u

follows: Aaron Ordwa*, of Lawrence, A.

L. Brown, W. O. Bro* , M. R. Parkins, fill or Whiten .-Id ; J. A. Dodge, or Ply.

mouth; J. T. Voae, of Boston j W. V

Daniel!, of Ftankiln, and 8. N. Bell, of Mancbeatorr.

—Mra. Scamell nnd Rosa Doyle an

neighbors op Common atreet They nn inanaarrel most of the time. On Satur-

day last ihess two women became en-

aaged loa wuitto igttw, and the Doyle

woman culled Mr*. Bcarnell lard names,

nad tbe Islter woman msdu coinplalnf, a* lb-police station, bha was arrested for

violation of ihe cliy ordinance In relation

loosing Insulting and profaob language

on the street. In ihe police court Monday

morning, lawyer Knox defended the Doyle

and she was discharged.

An dove r Advertiser. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 87, 1881.

BallresH Train* Lear* Bo,toe for Aadovar, 7.S0. 9.80, lti.iS A,

AL: li at.; 11.30,,, t, S, n, n.U and 7.10 I". M., arriving tore st rsv nad B.M P. H.

Leave Aadovar for Be*ton. e.ftt, 7.13, 6.00, B.», u.M, ll,iu, A. M., and u.w. i.ou, a.ft*. t.nsi 630 and 7.SB V. U. (Wednesday u.S» I* .11 ) (Friday u.u V. at.) for the North gig.

tii.WAJA.M.; U.W,1.0S,3.ia,i.»fl16.aii,7.tiuf. at

A Mund thrashing—Bea ling a dram. The receipt* of tbe Catholic Festival last

week, wan about f275. Mist Fiodiey'* pupil* will gin their set

recital sometime during tbi* month.

Mediterranean, by advice nf his physician. A girl la Indiana, cultivated, nnd barrelled

three hundred aad fifty bethels of wheat last year.

Mr. and Mrs. lease Call of Lynn, are board- lag wfih Mr*. WsM. In ths snath part ol Iba towa.

Tba Revised New Testament has been adopt " services at iheehanel snd Phillips

Prof. W. J.Tacksr will preach st tbe chapel the rinslslag Sabbath* of lbs present terra ol tbe Hewiasry.

Oeergc 8. Merrill Is printing s new and re- Vnhm manual of the Free church, at bl* atonal job office. Lew recce.

Tbs remain* of Theodore O. Dlake, arrived from Dakota OB Thursday, aad wer* taken Wells, M*.. for burial.

Gilbert L. Streeter, Esq., editor of ihe Salem Obasrnr, snd his family asvs bees boarding * few work* at the Kim Sou**,

Bev. Mr. Cot*, pastor ol lbs French Protest- sat chareb ia Lowell, will *peak st lbs Free church next Sabbath evening.

Miss Orsy has nnptledths and others with sxceilest lettaos slnn last February, esnoanUag to glW.

Tba plane need at Urn towa bsll oa Decora- tloa Hay, ws* from Ms manufactory of H. W Barry, fin Washington street, Bostoa.

Cariosity shop.—"Oh, wast a pretty v It'* anuqas, la it not r" "No, ma'am, It* moo- em." "Whal a pity t It was so pretty."

Drill sergeant about to call Ihe roll: "T-ose Ibat an present will answer 'hare,* aad those thst are not present will answer 'absent.'"

The construction of a gymnasium ball in connection with the asaitartum aeon to be erect- ed ia tbe rear ef tbe Sesslasry, b agitated.

Tbe annual masting of tbs Literary and Sci- entific Sociwy of tha Paacbard school, will be bald June 10th, at 74 r. a. Aantowioa free.

Jacob Chkfcerlng bad a seven attack er epi- lepsy on Tuesday alght. Us hss .lace allghtly Improved, bnt is by no nssaa eat of Onager.

K. D. Hardy ef lbs West parish, a few days •Inc*. killed two bUck seaka* asesanrlng respec- tively in length I feet 7 Hchss, aad 4 tu*t 9 laches.

Daring thu thunder stem ofTncnlay eve- ning hailstone* (nil In Bsilard Vale measuring from oae aad a half to tan inch** la ckcum- ference,

CharlesL, Carter, hss bought of David-. Foatsr, of Baton, Wit., sboat seven kens ol lead in anted nsar "Pin* Hill" in the east part of this town.

A toss ball game wss played on Wednesday afternoon betweea Iba Pbillips first nine and tee Tbsntogaas. The latter wen victorious by a score o! IS lo 4.

Thanhs te tbs !*dy whs left a geaerou* quan- tity ef excellent aspsragni al Ihe nsMeaos of the writer, bat enrcrred aot to have hsr asms put la ths paper.

A new street has been eaggeitiJ to ran from Blm street lo Pars street. It wonld require lead af B. Kendall Jeuklei, Oeorxe T. Aubott aad Joseph W. Paster.

Bev. T. T. Sinae, D. D., of Ballon, has hose spending a raw dsy* wtlb bb) old friend, line, N. W. Hasan. Tnsee eeatlemen wen burn ii adjoining towns In Mams.

Tbe last Harpers Weakly contain! tbe pic- ture* of ths re vies rs of the New Testamen*- 1'roi. Tnayer of thl* town, it on* of tbe younger members ol Ihe

Daring the seven Ibnnder storm of Mnsdsy

than lo ehlver two or three clapboard*. B. D. Hatch Is laying oat a neat triangle graw

pint in front or Iba Blm house, aad will plant three Elm tress wttbJa the eaetosan, which win greatly Improve snd benatiry Elm eqearc.

A Oalvasloa maa, who has a male for sale, bearing that a friend In Hoastoa wanted to buy a male, teatgrapbed hba: "Deer friend, if yoo are looking for a No. 1 mala, don't forget me.''

Tbs argaahmttea of tbs sagfaeers of tbs firs department tb* present year 1* ss follow* C. Andrew* chief; C. W. Ilayward lit 1 _ aat; J.S.Starkzd asttoast; B. Freak Smith clerk.

For resident* nnd gentltmeo visiting town, ih< ■laMe ol Mr. Snow oa Park street, wlm hi* Oat collection of vsinablenorMi, present* great *t- iractwas. He has s large aumber of rare nni- msis.

A child who had lived all her life la Loadoa, wss oae day taken into tbe country, where ibe saw for lbs first time a ben, at watch she ex- claimed, "Ob, look, mamma, what n huge cnanryl"

la lbs counting room of sn Irishman, tbe lol lowing notice Is posted na la a eoaapleaoas 8 lace; "Parsons having ao business m thl* of-

ce will get through with It as aooa ai feasible and leave.-

Dr. Arthur P. Taylor, Professor sleet of chemistry In the Csae School of Applied Science at Cleveland. Ohio, will ssll Tor Usmbars, June 9. to purcbsM sppsratui aad sunphss for hi* department

day afternoon, end were eatertsiasd by Shaw- sbineaglns eompaay Ns. 2. Ths engineer* or thefl

> town > Miss Emily B. Filet formerly of tl bnt for Mveral ysar* past residing In sail* w lib a puny nf friends for Xunae oa Sat- urday- They will visit SwltserUnd la Ibeir trnvals, nad expect to reiarn borne about the br*i uf September.

We understand that at a cost' not exceeding Sno, na ample room could be fanlshsd in the Memorial toll building tor ths accommodation of Oea. W, F. aartlsu Pom to, O. A. R. Ills

sided at lbs sixth annual reunion of the New England Alumni of Obertia College, be Pilgrim ball In the Cougregatkmsl House, 1 ton, oa Thursday BOOS. Bev. J. H. Laird of this town, was eaeof the after dinner eneeker*. There wen about fifty person* pnsent.

Mr. Leant Thompson of Florence, |* expect- ed la Aadovar this month la model a best ef tbe late Dr. 8. II. Taylor, which will be placed In the library of Phillips Acadamr. Mr. Thomp- son's work a* a sculptor has tees ringulany incceesfnl. HI* recent boat* of Brr aat, Gee. W. P. Bartlett, and otbora, being much ad- mired-

Thorax* B. May berry died at bis residence on Summer Street, Tuesasy nixfat. He was ban la Naples, Ms., bat bad raided to thla lawn about thirty-five years. He was « csrprnter by trade, but for several years was ng*i*d hi the wood aad coal beam***. Deressed bad burled two Wives aad leave* a widow nad three aaghurs, Mt residing la thu towa. Two of te ueaghiars are married. Mr. Issae Farwell, ths widely

srlse of Dornt, Tt, was has lived to tmriy toe sgs « M" years, died Monday sight, Msy 33d. He waa bora oa the Utbof July, 1778. Ill* bsshh ha* bass remarkably good is his old ■f^"J^S?SS quit* perfectly retateed the ut* of bis faculties up to the time of bl* death. He want to Ibe polls st lbs last PretkJenttal elec- tion sad voted for Ihe lepnblfcsu electors.

During tbe severe thunder ibower of Monday last, ib* lightning — ■■ —-• -■•-».-- *-•— lare* pin* treeoni QoTass

> ton oa the roadside opposite Principal b'a wooded •state, nsar the boas* nf

a part oi ibe |o* • the mhTiBss

. Baxtoa in tha noathara A magnificent elw ire* near L_ , Samuel Cogswell, was also straeh, bat received less Injury Ibaa when a ilmllsr accident occur- red to ll * ysar ago at this Urns.

Master Fred C. Parker la the owner of n

■t en aracterUnlc* which en happily Mended In able vnserlor brand or

uogs, I* al*o dsvelopiag aatnag antipathy for lbs woodcbuc* nmflr. fjarlag the month of May be has killed tight sn ib* farm when to Is

their barroagha with lbs bse*voteat mtentU of ■xterminstiag tb* wboi* race, u a jnit retribu,

tolfc3**i1* I^-*-n.BJ,1nginoiolBloB. JB, preached al lbs South ennrch, Prof. W. J.

Tucker st th* ehanel, sad Bsv. Dr. Wlllerd Ipnnldlngst the Iowa kail. prof. J. W.Chnre.7 11 of lbs Seminary, occupied the pa I oil of lbs

etosel, si i Iowa hall. nary, occupied th* palpi

Uwrence atreet chnrcb, Lawrence. Mr. ... *^*^**? !?"*!*> eswshafi at the TJa- kn church, Ballsrd Vale, aad Mr. J. W. Sav- -WL*^ «sssanary, ogkieied al las Blv- srshtoMhr**fc J*uwruaee. Bev. J. H. Laird preached at atnasna. Bev. O. F. Wright of tha Pras church, Is th* sysoiaa apoks upon the Bevhnna of tbe New TessaaWsto.

Ths fourteenth annual reunion st Abbot Academy, was gives oa Tuesday svsslsg. SEP*"!"1 JS "*»'!**■ "* eehnaSK I"»J1"'' *slluir--Emnsa' J.Lyee. West rreWwary, VL Fsct*. Dickens-Annie K. Ty. ier.Aadover. Tha Fntoou, **snBfsilow-Annle B. Watts, Manchester, N. II. New Bailsnd WMlher MarkTaal-l-BenS.Psrtln^ w«^ Jo., Klaa. aad Co , Jennie Woodvllls-Ssrsb •*. Pafier, Medford. David and Dora'sllM*.

Pkcl^-8. K...T ASM. Noflkl.U, Minn. The Aijrl.m tor Itowjwl r.MUr* o w

«"» •" Urn. >al Ua nrtorauiea oi tb,

C,r r-d.r .1 It, a»rt„|o, "„, J, li«T? ■-••HI • mm** of uuiir.i bni uC

organisation proceeded to Ito dssmtm ssanet ttooraiorto the ball. The fMleaTnig nunwtb*

HH Solo by Hi**Nellie K. liornhnm. Prayer by Tror. W. J. Tucker. Sinning by tbaebuir. ■ Oration by.Col. Getrgu A. Bruce, of Bomer-

vllle, Mia*. Mink-, AmcrLjM, l,r rhotr and audience. Tb* music was rxullenity rendered, and ex-

mayor Bruce wu* bapnlly tl. quent In hu BU- dres*. Immediately ailer Die . xiniir* In tho bsll, a procession wai formo I, the rlcbt resting on Mulii SIU-LI. [n ttic lulloun.*- order i Ando- verUras* Band, Win. \ . Burtleu Toat P3, <;. A. B., pall koldier* mid sMlon, disabled sol- diers In carriage*. Orator, board or selectmen, truitoe* ol Memorial hall, nnd clliaene gener- ally. Tbe route of proctaakin wai through Main, Green, School *ircct», to Old South Cem- etery. I'nv o IS to lbs meeting of tbe Post, st 7 JO a. at., detsebments were tont to Chape], 8prine Drove and Cdtbollc ceiueierk-a. After visiting the cemctcrlei in the vk laity of the town, tbe band and Pc-w iff proceeded to lbs Wett church, wltsre the line was lormed and marched to lbs cemetery.

Gleaning* of trecorstlon Dsy. The weather ws* de igbtful, ssd the prrgnmm* published last week wa* carried out Iu a luccCitful and urslllylne manner. The Illness of Post Com- mander James B. Smith, prevented bti attend- ance, but bla place was filled by Vice Com- manner Paler D. fJmttb who oil dated d urine the uerelsts m tba day. The po»t tnniured

Bfty men, nearly every member being present, snd with their new military hat*, belts •1»J»*,»'Jt nnnsbota Tor tbe go ard, snd beautiful

resMmg m the nrtnii/ Vern present to teitlfy lb*ir respect ror the maityred brave. The town ball was crowned during the .ervlces, snd nn *22B& *m"v"* «Tthe dsy wss nollcsd aoosstswa. Seildei ibe general decoraiion* of '■—,*^.?*ljir.,U" Vott' Prt**1* oand* bad ten- derly swoed Aorsl emblems over tb* tartblr re-

- — of loved Jrlentli who bud in an untimely "I0-! tt6""8- A"* ln Pairing around

_ tie hsbttatlum of the dead, evidence was not wanting of the cbcrubed afieciion of tbe living foriboss who h«d xacrliiced their

annual return wHI be a reminder to our*elv<i aod oar posterity, of Ibe stirring icenc* in our country « history which It I* Intended to com- nmamraw. The lemons or patriotism it lescbei *"' ""Rfi* *■ '■•P'railou to *ucce**i*e genera- Moas. The orator an the occa 'loo, Col. Oeorge

lien. Devees, IB the war. Ornvr* were decorated as followi; Cbspel

■mslsry. 3; Hprln- n«.« x- w-.— --' Catholic. 10; West,a *#s",)*Jl

,y-. * I BfrIn si Grove,*; Bpt'icopal'7; ■""; 8oalh,46; toul/lW.

Letter frem Klorhl*.

MsaathUC, PLA., Hay 13, mi. KDITOB Anoavan AI>V skTtsxs;

tmg lhat perhaps see more Item mlglii be Mb Mr Ito rolumna under your BUpervi*. rill emlesvor to |ive you a little idea of

our hf* lor ilia pa*t two nmnths, la Ihe Bunny

"Joyed Since February twcnlr-second, the dsy o

-" jhrily, we have enl -i- ^vmahadbnlsne ges.__.

■I iv, all day, during lhat thne. but In. •lead have been permitted lo *e)uv the toaulirhl

topsrture from yoer vsilnliy, wo have enjoyed Mm finest of wsnstor, toviag nnd bat one genuine

ty. during that time, but in

bine nnd blue *ky overhead, abe dryTroun, irfhst. nad lbsr*rreebmgnisaseatrMeOher Ltlaalie cr Gulf or hlcxko, aoigst it hss been

■moult lo be otherwin than uo**jerUWe^o s weather bss Seen eoneenenV bnd ws I laaklul that M was ao deereed to Ine y*te-, u.. reaaoeMtahe our departure when we dkl, M »* letter, and psper. which tore^oome u u^ reekly front toe Northern *pnsre, both in poetry poetry

. told a Iwlih pily

a is thst frigid ctfmeV nnd~io undergo thoae —o experience* attendant npon ihj month* or sento nnd mud.

In regard w oar trip I will not go Into detail, MKeeeeendnnloossroln tbe naal. Uunlce It a. say that mm Naw York to Savauush, w« <£. ^^rr2rrt"!rU •J1-*e ■»«B*»WUt aloanter City ofColenihls.BBd for eonvenlenee sake tbe Wfss^ aestef Uw way down, had what tllUe we partook of hi Ihe line of M.™I™_.. . .- to our it oarsVlves to in* u'bto *irt ihereb^P*ive[e"n1ie<,


UMrrlmsal W a togs audience'tnore rertanate indlenee more rertui eap the St. John'* r river

leene- pec lion' ry ef every vsrkty presealed

oeeepytng every moeseat nr ._ !l5aWVHW•i2lm*l^lta■■ **»seUteninai ths first eiUgnters wer*inen.s* tbeylls annnlnr theesaalvea on the bank*, beta* It toon became evident to them that they were th* target for ***•

pussed several orange groves wbiub wen heavily laden wnh the golden fruit '

Theeeaemawdsilen* fur travel grew Ins* and tea* attractive tto tartnr-r lonih we nrorcednl, unbl we flnahy arrive-l at mir deuination In a •pringte** mule wagea.

W* ar* leeated ht the little town ef Merrtmse, In prass* county, wMeh bss an area of le tousr*

orange trse*. M n. Perry I* nsrtnw* hotter known to all remlenUul Andover under ibe SDuelSjulon or 111** L. A-Cummings.

BmldM orange trees they havo tomans. Ume*. basanss, pins apple*, grape*, pomegranate* *n,i ■ uavai, which are ail doing n*w«y,*oon will l« bearing, and then rumes the luna; looked tor re- ward.

fact the whole o ls,men*e foreit, wltb now and then a oleari'nit where aom*. one hue*ui.|l*ried an orange are vc The ires* are .tralaht lolly pine*, wltlwuibmn.-h. es nslll near the top; there I* sots psrtlele of usderbroih, ssd the ground bolsKSMd with a

^-%aTnatt°!rron'*Jl eon,ui"eU* rarM " ponton of the lUte ws* ftrrnerlv devoted kraiiinr, »ml even now caUls ami hi>x» tt large In ths woods, sad van often na we

door is Ihe SMS-oiag, h I* no

Thl* non

docile of temper. Tto Crackers,

in the way ot Information or astlsUhee, to Ire elj granted. They have a dialect peculiar to then- aelvee. snd in slnvoat evary tenieses employ such expressfon* as "I reckon," "nibrhlr bean" "mighty pert," and the like. They Tire meetly

loor* or windows icdonot gven have

.._. but orsck* bein* liihtasd ventllallon are tliareliy

. The climate being in mild bc-niei do not have to be ai tight a* at tho north, ami were beias no soeh ocwonodlty a* tramp*, calm repos* l* esJoved without lochs and hey*, snd open ib-on are the i ule rather than the exception, they are a buy set. the awn apendla

In log home* only nines* for the law places lev Ihe

^ "*■ .TnjTDnas we .hnuld think T!" r*"*1'' "riaelpally on -hog and boe.lny,' sllkmigh mosi of them are wast would be terme.i etthe north rwh, having grove* that are hearieK Sawto asd ytoldlsg them y.*rly msaatre nveerne. *r?fcftlJto,t*,,*t0" their part, a. the fruil in ■lUold for *a ertsch en the tree.

Th* nortbeiner* that an here live in a link better style. Ttorr bon*e* are made of Iward.' moatly.^vlng both door* ami WUMIOW. *n.l *n- tou*slittl*mor*h.>melikeit1n|)iaJsranre. Tltelr grovel are not quite .o fur advanced a* Ihe Cratkor- *"" laa I

treeslaemselve* have a comely' BPUMranee, bi whm ooeered wrth btosMrn* merf*hsnaiy?UU

1., •srpsssed, aad tar exceed* my powers of i|e snrAtdnauatoltofiaaranestormiies aressdean perhsps be UUsr imagined than described. Tl«"n a* the tall approach**, sad eaeb eeeeea has per- fumed Ua work, lbs sppsnrases presented by toe ^salthsair. laden with IU golden elnalerr, ealls forth *icUinaU*n* or ailmirsUoB from tbe ofaaerverBBd to the owner ueicrved feeli*c*ui' pride.

The saying thai "diatsnee leudi enchantment." prove* true her* la r*«*n- te nclghhors, wbicb HUF'VfVfr'X * *»* *° ""* »»• apart, *o Ihst w*ek* sftsn pgs* wlthsetoar seeing ss In. divhjnsl say* eurtel*.*, uul***we aee a Ik tto .^••^^'''^'^'''■''(••l tlsgrore. Msilday UTne great event of the Week. II

betag abseil mite* of travel to go tor the mall an.l reinre, the pott office being In Apo ' rhaee net having one a* vet) -- It weekly, and are InvarUbl rtoae net havlag one as yst) we .enerally go lor It weekly, and era Invariably rewarded with a goodly* Mount of oorre* pond* nee from ourAn- iovsr and Bmdlord frtoml*. One week InparlUv

-: —T agreeably sun»rl*ed at reeeiv tog nne bnadrto and tw.nty itx PMiala, stghtecn tottern aad aur papers, which wais In u* very pkw*iaga*H*howed thst nlthonjth "abeent wc 7iH?JlitVJmP' "rbemwnsfljmtoaeonthrnn Itoaof afjto* sad nstuimssts, botn In poetry ami avMpnallarte sash eatoewn isdivwuafity. which were very ln*lrnet|n a* Wall a* amusing. Tho— past* attained remarkable ineoes*. sad 1 weald *ugge.l last they Immcdlately he**a away from their rsspeettve avocation, snd hereafter

- '- -vthiiiatln cliannel*. where no doubt aurli " will secure to them unbounded

emote. < A*

" iMn much hotter la the

nlghL EveryIhlng" Uns''fsr~tos*t makaonr*Uy pf—— -M -*^^-* wannisstbalai Xl!S!fr^™^F^!lrttouJurt *v*srfed"to'ri"ui,- Stosflbltoe*. Alflr*tw*h*dBoiroul)l*fromUmt Uvery rapid?aatfaVS W'»uaetoe the Incie*^ ■smgisy say! hourly, calKT^to*eanupe^Vto

""•"• " necome* reasonably dart we arrav omsslvmlsnlghlty ofeirrra*. and gy tor prole<-- thMtoaeatolurof^,*pssdJngabe remilUeroi (ft •*.•"'■* "J"11 Um9 "' »*«"r!s«. t" rea.ll.ig »r "'IWI> *° a anarns of thouati.1* nban nml around na, of •ash KulUing tp.l *lecug]vtoj; •train. H nU only he pr-»lu,ed by tl.i- Eloml drawln* irwud, fllll, a* 1 Mldbetore, with tin - •*,^1,,4••• •'Srylhuw I* nerfeeUy lovely, ami 85i,if.rg"' *"'"* \r*lnK ci*^U»stance IHMIH- R*eirthan*ny welisv* a> Vet been calK-il uioii to endure, ■

S,,Sr"!,*r,,,T0,,ro rToa> Ptoida loMaliie, We'll gladly employ our nwulh. To ting with s««| UM Uo llling •train, "flurrah tor Ihe Sunny South."

Very llcrprilfully Yoer*.

J. C. Hundley, Xgq., formally of th s

• ty, ba# bsen appointed s ntobiuer of the State board of health, loaaay aod phsrilr.


Selectmen'* meetlnf, Monday. Mr. W. 1). C. Kin*, an old resident of tin

town, will remove to M- rrimac till* week. 'lue.+'/nsi have received! challenge from

tlio Fosters, of So. LswreoM, Kid Uie Top«- fk-lds.

The JF.iant deftatrd the llaverbilli, for the Hvuouii time this ic**on, IK'curatloa Uar after- noon, by ■ score or 13 to 1.

Although announced to ipeak at toe Lsad l.t-aeuc meeting, Sunder evening, Carl. D. p. Dolan did nr. t put in an appearance.

Mr. Joitph. Kenleton sustained a painful In* jurj to I,H right ankle, wuile layIn*; a atone wail near '.tie residence of Grn. Sutton the oth- er day.

In the lame between the Stan of Andorer, and Ucrrimac'i*. Monday forenoon, the r unr.-r were rlctortoJi. Score: Slam, 13: Merrt- macki, S.

The rumor wbkb bai been afloat for the pait few daya, in regard to tbe audJen death of Mra. llannab Ibllin* ot R. I., formerly of tnli place, li feUc.

Flib Comraiitioner Kreocb, accompanied by •ereral gentlemen Irom Boaion, Tinted tbe fishing ground*, Saterday afternoon, and two battli wen taken by bit orders.

It li nnderatood that tbe plena for tbe new Odd Fellow* Building, compriie eieentlally tbe •aroe feature* ai embraced in tbe iketcb pub- lishod in tbe American a Aw week* ago.

Mr. C. C, Tompklns. Ibo Mala Street drag- gin, dressed the wounded band of an unknown boy, who luted tbat be bad abol biaeetf wbile playing with a revolver, on tba 20 lb, Inst.

Tba largest bant taken by tbe shad n»her- men Ihkf aeaaon, wa* pulled fa Monday, and conejttedof tbiitf. Aline aalmon waa cjp- tured tbe >ame day, but returned again to tbe rlvar.

Willie, ton or If r. Samuel Broil b, residing on Water Street, waa proatrated bj a kick from a bone, at Liwrence. yeaterday, while wltne**- Ing tbe Circus parade. He was onlv nightly injured.

Mr. William O'llrlen, a painter, employed by Davis & Furber. waa attacked with bemorrkage ol tbe lungs, Wednesday afternoon. He was removed lu bis residence, eoraar ot Second and Railroad Hire Ms, and medical aid aura mooed.

Owing to an error, wblch was wot disoorered until alter tbe item in relation to tbe High School, was publhted, Ulss H. Alice Pollard will have the valedictory, and Mr. Cbew. R. Wetl tbe salutatory, at tbe graduation dar «- erctsei. ^

Tb* I/jdki' Sewing Soelsty, connected with the Couf-egallunal Church, will hold a straw - berry festival In tbe vestry, next Wednesday evening. An entertainment roniliting of a fan drill, tableaux, music, tinging, etc., Is to be given. Tickets, 10 cent*.

Usniam reaped n fair proportion of bis re- ceipts, Testerdsr, from tfals town. Davis ft Furber** foundry suspended operation, and al- though tbe nucblnc mop* were In operation, a large number n| tba employes enjoyed a day's acatloa, some rooms being almost deserted. One of tbe wheels ol an Ice wagon belonging

to S. M. Greenwood, passed ornr Walter Urown'a right leg, Wednesday. Tbe lad was riding with tba driver, and, In endeavoring to gain ibo ground while lbs vehicle was In tnutlun, made a miscalculation, " dent, wblcb fortunktely * effect*. Tbe wagon, witb about 2,600 lbs.

The dramatic entertain meat, under tba sas- pIccsofUieKmmet Literary Society, at Msrri- mac Hall, Friday evening, offered an unlimited amount ot fun for tboae wbo attended. Throe farces—" Phenomenon In a Smock Track," "The Mischievous Nigger," and "Brian O'Linn," together with an excellent exblMtkin ol dub twinging 07 Mr. John Morrison, com- prised the programme, wblcb was admirably presented.

tbe orator, wbo was very cordially gioolsjl upon ruing. Tbe orator's effort was a finished production and frequently applauded. Mr Tarbox said in tbe course of his addres*, which ccuplod about a half hour In delivery :—

"Willingly I aecord honor to the Unrolled names In our hlstery who hare terved the stale in great crises la high stations of trust. To LIB- oou, grandly simple, lnriacluia In poUano*. di- vine in charily, the most signally repreeeataUre American of hi* age; to McClenaaa, whose or- ganising genius forged the thunderbolt or war, which, alter launched from Grant'* poworful hand, fatally snsote the forehead of ttekwllioa; to tfhermau, Hancock, Thoiuaa, abcridaa and their comrade* In noble fame, whom eur heroic annals '—lortallj embalm. Bui 1 em so hero worship.

I admit ao man'* claim to the title of con- queror of tbe rebellion, or saviour of tbe republic. I will not rob a people to endow an individual. Tbe union was not saved, nor did It in Us post, nor dons It now, depend lor saJMy upon ths genius or any military aero, or the wisdom of any oivil ruler, hten die, bnt n people live* on. It Is

Andover Business Director?-.

ALBERT 0. WOOD, JR.. ■accessor to J.W.BsnaaBD, Dealer In Boots. Shoea sod

Rubber*, now} Ess-air I •* down la the bant man oer. all at ths lowest prioss. Eank Building, Mala Street, Audover. ■ myl lyr

BSMJAlllsT CUBKVBR. Sexton, tad . JD charge of ionin Ohnreh Cemetery UB- Jsrtakers' larnlshlags provided. Lou In the oossaury siteaded to. House Central street, opposiw Baptl*t church. ^

NOTICE IB HIB1ST GIVEN THAT . the subscriber 40s boon duly orpeUted

administrator of the aelata of MAXTPxaLir. Issaaf North Awdwnr. laths

County ef Kssex. w Idow, dwo eased, i taken upon himself that trast by giving as the tew dirocu. All warsi as having la soon ton asUM or said ■maud new

iulre<l to axhIWt the same; and all wsrsoa*


required iadsMed vajnaeal to

ALBERT BKBBV, Adl North Aadover, May IA, lull. 11917 J

» instlU Uoas, that the iwsnblle, lag Seta today, nnehaJassagsd U realm, was ordained, dereaded

Is war, mode great In peace, by the potiietlo _ tscrity.elvlo virtues and steadiest courage of a ire*, self-reliant people, who brook no auatsr, and need no protector under Heaven 1 • •

The sword wltta lu heroic- surgery hoe fulfilled it* mission. Far the rest we must depend on other snaciee than lorce. The nstkm has set np IUide^s.butlthssaHresul>edtswniM|. Ws, of New England, conn, lent as we are of our sserlU, ere not perfect. We have faults, the asaendateni of which we .tight not to uesdnot In our saw* snot tor the reformation of eur brethren elsewhere.

stion that canbe spoken Into existence by a word oftheuw. Thereon^ Ui. in iho body n«mtl« no cruasdsc«c«re,Bndlala«growHM no mace of UworswerdefrevolucKm onn ton off. We, of the old ruriun and Pilgrim sUoi, beUove tnat OUT laws, manner., luonis, ustes, inwM 1 jus- lice and socUl spirit are the beet; BSMI eonaewbat too much, as It seems to me. In Urn Issnnnr of ue

icier, ws hulst UuU nvwrybnaly else shall . their social and politl<^U*nan« fauUU our *Undarda. But thnee, which we re-

joice In, are the product of patient culture and txlucallon. Our broail lolerstion In religion, our liberty of thought and action, even much of sett aocUI stale* waloh we beast of, were aboea<na IHW In the eyes of our aneeator* whom we inner and revere Air saintly vlrtuoa. And It Is not In reason or philosophy to expect that other eeen- ■iiBities, dlbrsnti* bred tun ours from gener- allon to generation in nusimllar modns of thought and hubiu of Ufa, will at once adopt our man- ners, esusoasa and social chornctarlstios. The 1*w ol tbe survival ef the litest governs as wall



BENJAMIN B. TtTTTLI has bought of JR. Psrha the local express and Jobbing

hSUdMSa formerly of M. K. White, ueneral lobbing, nuvlng 1 pinuo*, rurniiBre, esX, at

e prloea. fnirwnnxs lollci, ralture, oliciud. les.y

BRADLEY * PARLIN, Mercbau raisers and Denser* hr 1'lilblgg. Hat*. Cnje

And UenU' rurnUhinc Goods, Maw direct, Amiorer, Moos.

_ . Carriage T rii _. building. Elm BejWtra, where all work in hi* Una

'- prompUv doo«.aad at mnaonalile prices.

DR. i. a PBNNINOTON has removed hi* omos ls> hha rooms ovor Drnnaf n book-

store. Mela street- Onsoe hours I to hnj a. -.; It to I D. ».. ssd at night.

Mr. George W. Kiitredge of North bos been promoted to tbe position of AssUuni Rnglneer, Department or MalnUinanca or Way on tbe Pittshurg, Cincinnati and St. Loon rail- way. Ue has been connected with the Engine Corps of tbU road alnee April, 1S9Q, aid tbe promotion U a deserved recognition ol his de votlon W duty, *nd knowledge ol railroad an- ginrenng. May tbe success which bos attended him la the put, continue to reward him In tbe year* locomo.

The funeral of Mr*, llebecrs Downing, wile of Mr. Samuel Downing, occurred Sunday al- urnoon, at 'i o'clock, at her Uie residence, on Church Street. The gathering or relatives and friends was Urge, so much so that very many were obliged to stand during tbe service. Her. Ota. Pierce officiated, and In a very Inter- esting way presented a sketch of the Hie or ber

, whose death so many now mourn. The cboir connected with the Congiegaikmal Cbircb kindly eulitjd by singing. There was a pro- fuse and beautiful floral display. The remains were interred at Rldgewood Cemetery.

Tbe elcctr.c Hold struck one of ths chimneys 00 a two-tenement bouse, on Second Street owned by Davis A Furber, Monday evening, about 5 4S o'clock, scattering a number of the brick*. It then passed to tba corner of un""L" of tbe same building, making an aperture In the wall, and displacing a lot oftln ware, and thence through the doorway without doing any further damage. Mr. Amo* Dyer, tbe tenant, wbo ws* sitting in tbe ro>>m where It entered, escaped uninjured. HI* wile bad but a minute prevloui to tbe occurrence lelt tbe sink- near which the destructive element created tba fu- ture. Tbe damage was slight.

At Steven* lls.ll, Tuesday evening, a meeting of St. Paul'* Minion was held. Rey. Mr. Amory occupied the chair, and Mr. B. A. Baldwin officiated as secretary. Tbe mlaut,* 01 the prevloui meeting were read and accept- ed. A letter irons Grace) Cburcb, Lawrence, ■pecifying tbe conditions under wblch It would be accepted as a mission of that church was read. Gen. Eben Sutton reported for tbe com- mittee on lubscripilone. Tbe toUl amount thus Ur sulMcrlbod U #4,005. Mr. Amory read a plan for parochial organisation, and Messrs. Jos. U. Davis and K. A. Baldwin were appoint- ed a committee to confer with tbe cbalr In re- gard to tbe some. An executive committee, composed of the following gentlemen, was ap- pointed: Rev. Mr. Lawrence, Rev. Mr. Amory, Ueu. Kben Simon, and Messrs. Dele, Jr., Da- vU, French, Baldwin, Sbepard, Mllner, Carter. Kerihaw.

LoMSunday morning,at the Congregational chuicb,a very Interesting discourse was preached by ths pastor. Rev. George Pierce commemo- rative of Decoration Day. He not only spoke of the present, the tad but beautllul token ol remembrance, wblch we yearly give, but dwelt Upon tbe Urrlble cause wblch led 10 so msnr vactnt Chairs In hontebolds s)l over our land, and to tbe long rows of graves to bo kindly dec- orated by loving bands on the morrow i be ai* o treated hit subject historically, leading hU bear- ers along step By step from the earlv history ol our country up to the tint gun fired npou Fort Bumpier, showing that In tba Ufa of nation*, they have experiences which discipline- them for their trials and lor their luccessev, and tbat (or own country, whose experience bas been peculiar to itself, has been educated and trained by tbe past and thereby batter Sited to deal with the new experience* awaitlag In the future Tbe music rendered by the regular quartette was excellent, being especially -rrsugsd for tbe occasloa by Mr. P. D. Poster, tbe chorister. In the evening a temperance meeting was held la the vestry. \.

Farmers' tinrt Bloc hut lea' Glab. The following I* the programme of thai Far-

wet's A Mechanics' Cloli for the ysnr 18*11-

Nov.U. 1831, Address by Prruldent Dale, followed by adl*cu*slonof the topk:—"Doe* Farming In North Andover pay i What system ot farming it tbe tnott proHtable r" Leader* J. P. Fo*ter, and Peter Holt, Jr.

Nov. 28, Topic:—"Commercial Fertiliser* v*. Stable msnure." Leaden, J. D. W. French, Moses Goodbue, J. G. Cliudwlck, Qeorre L. Barker *

Dec 12, Report of Visiting Committees. Dec,20, Topic:—■'Agricultural Implement*;

What are tbe host mowers, rakes, slows, har- rows, Ac, for the farms of North Andover t Leaden, JamesT. Jobusoa, II. B. Bills.

Jah. 4, 1882, Sociable fur member* and tbclr families.

Jan. 9. Topic:—Swamp and waste lands, bow to reclaim tbetq. Will they pay the cost r leader*, Jsmes li. Nason, E. W. OrecsM.

Jsa. 23, Topic :-"Cnrrent Literature; Do not our Public libraries encourage tbe reading of too much Action, to tbe exclusion of more solid lllerutnref" Lenders, George N. Croon, N. P. Frye. At tbii meeting It is luggeaud ibit ths iaahjs be jnrlted.

Fab. 13, Topic ^"Poultry, best breads end methods or feeding, Ac. Will It pay farmers to go Into the traslnet* extensively r" Leaden,

If oar ids** an ftuadad la tba eurusl right thay -"• •dtisaalely triumph over Mr ndversnrins ha

rrep#ae^lae.aiat. The «Ws of Ged slowly." We must have aathniea. MatkMUon* rest primarily on lbs la

. Isolpllned iatellbjenoe of the people, eolaet- dentwlth love of liberty and the aantlmank ef country. We do wisely, ib*rejbre, u Inahtt upon popular eduoatioa as a wrasse obleat of nollenal •obcilude and nonrkhtnaas. Tat It I* futile even kt soeh on eotssrpriae to atlasnnt tororeethenaturaloeurseofevnnu. WenrehV

le to stumble If ws run too rust. foconcllUW eonquer the prejudkas of men U aa achieve. wt of auteaaaaaabip eeoreely less la Impor- teetbantha asaqasat ef anew JndfBssats, aa

_ lolivelo anoeeestul govwmnaent. The edaca- tloaal system of Maw EngUnd whlnh brings every child of the people as a ward of the state, within

'--■orWt,Uthe«rwwUef twa eantu. Let ws reflect —

. _._ .'uaMMnea* I believe aha people aflheaoiiii:-n tUse* hive nuk hewerahas ef-

eeUbliahad try Ma laaaHs of the war. Their wisest and beat and liatfihlag elenuals, raeog. atae the ampoctanoe of wapalar edneatson, and theothtr dnmoeantla eimrtnawa* of a polltleeJly aad socially free stats)as tba tr1hrjeas*iTiU prec- edent to thair inlunnssj and fwwer us the oot The seed U brsaaty sews, fie horreet I* e-r.

•ur part was hash tauM of political Aa one wan bar*

apart with the hum)—, tory wa nude. Of the fair Irulu of that victory, moral, social and political, I would surrender aa part. And yst I bear aoesalloa towards thahrava peopU wo fought. If their ihnU was grUye they atoned it grievoasly. My heart warms

osscei^" es^WeanhWa?,'M*tt,'M*" nau7 *" rick Henry, aa wo ofAaaau. Hnneock and Otto. And on the patriotio altar* or that earlier greet history of tbe republic, 1 weald rekindle to Ha ancient fervor ths generous flams oar fathers ML tiledlf 1 forbear reproaches lor the nasUaad give sympathy, good will aad brother^ ktodnses. charity lor their faults and reaped and pralee for their virtues. The eetnbllihment of reVsttoevi of patriotic frlandabtp, einoere aad iniaiiainl, with ear countrymen ef the south, cannot detract from, but flies the crown securely on the dignity and msleslr of our triumph. Surely the tissa has come fur the nailed nation to raise the ;Ud an- them which sang Itself to the prophetic son! ef Lincoln, when '1110 myitic cberde of msanory itrelcUng from every battle held aad patriot

grave to every living heart and hearths tana, over thi* bread land, will yet awell the chorus i uniea, whan aaala toaehed, n* enrery they wl be, by the better aagcU al oar nainra.

Slicing of •'America" try tbe aadkwce, fol- lowed by henedlotloa by Re?. Mr. Vinton, closed the programme hen. The line or march was then uken np lor ths two cemeteries, where tba graves were decorated. Upon the return to the hull, a handsome colUtlon was partaken of, after which the procession pro* eieded to tba tuning point, when K was dis- missed.

M ATHAN F. ABBOTT will famish a i.1 oanerior quality of Ledge atones for cel- lars and foundation* ataboit iiliie and ica- ■oaable prices. Tenoning promptli done, aat laiactlon enaraaleed. VealdencenearS mntar ■**-ei. lyr myl

Notice to Academy Student!. AeaJemy StadaaU who dasira to engage in

remunerative employment during the vacation months, can address


Valuable Real Estate lit Fry* Villas.,. The real estate oI tbe heirs or ths late Elijah

■ uauey.dueeaaed, situated ia Frye Village, is offered for sale. It eonslals or about two acres oflaod oa which are three nou*c*, a barn, saw mill and wash-house, together with the water power belonging therewith. For nartfoatora apply to V. li. UIMSEY, an tba promlsea.


asfflfty a storming tana wheat ahan •I and yon will wear aa*


SMITH AND MANNINOs I>ry Goods, GroceriM, Etc.,


Card of Thanki The committee or urraaresneniefar Msmarlol

Day, deelre to expreia their warsaaat thank* to the orator, Hon. John K. Tarbox, tbe No. An-

ohora*. tbe Eben Suton aad Cooblekc* > engine companies, and to at) ether ■ who •ted in the otiaervance ol the dav.

wick engine comuanle*. and to ' team the oburvauoi

Per order committee Matthias Blxby, William Lahag, stotmrtllhwar

Commonwealth of Masiachuiottt. Eisgx, ■■.

To the Law aad otbars Interested in the estate of

iLmiu POTHJU, late of Andover, la said oouuty. geutleman, deceased, uataU,

Whereas,Charles "hatluck, the executor ef the last will and tesumenl of said deeeasod has prerealed for allowaaot the soooaat or hi* administration upon UeeeUle of said daesased.

Too are hereby cited to appear ata Prahata Court to he harden st Lawreaoa, la said ooantv, oa ths second Meadayor June next, at nine o'clock in the forenosa, to show oauae. If any vo i hare, why tbe same should not be allowed.

And tbe eald executor l* ordered to servo thia citation by publishing tbe asms once a week bath*

LawauNoa AMEKIOAMaad AKDOin AuvKKiisan,

a nawspaper printed at I.awranee, three weeks aucneulvely, the U*t pablloatiou to he two layi at least lie fore said court.

Witness, unonoa F. CROSTB, Ssqulra. Judge Ot said Court, I hi. eighteenth day of War, In in the year eighteen hundred aad eighty-one.

Wfll J. T. HAUOME1T, *■ -

. II. P Ingsilf, F. E. Noson. I Fab, 37, Topic:—"Is It advisable ror common I farmers to build Silo*? Will ennUge Uhe the I Place of roots for stock f" Leaders, Aloort | Barry, Jsmes c. Poor.

Mar. 13, Topic :—•'Orchard Colinre, Wrjnl [ kind* or fruit are the most proflubhr Sb*H

We plant tress b* the borders ol our Held* of In ; oraueru* by iBemaalreef" Leader*, Hiram 1 Goodbus, Leon H. Basset I.

Mar. 13, Annual Meeting. Mar. 27, At this meeting It to Intended to

, bars a tree aad easy talk upon any subject, | which may be proposed at the raeeilug.

HeimorlaJ Day.

Tht services attending the decoration of the I fallen heroes' graves, ftt thU town, were Suing [ In character, aad carried out In aa admirable

About S o'clock, a procession formed i oa Water Street, near the Kben Sutton engine

bouse, In the following order i— Adjt. Daniel Dwane.

[ Ilaverblll Cornet Band, T, D. Perkins, land- er; 24 pieces.

Post 39, G. A. l(. Drum Corps. Chler Marshal, John Morion.

[ Pott 39, G. A. It,, or Lawrence, Commander, A. (.'.Stone.

I■:nginecr, Robert Elliot i Sutton S. F- E. Company, D. W. Sut-

c 11 tic, Fort man. I pocblcbowkk Engine Company, A. R. Durgln,

Porpman. Barge conumlng •lugers.

The rente of the march was as follow*: Wa- ter to Elm, Elm to Main, to tbe Town Hall,

I where tbe exercises occurred. On (be rostrum, I wblch was neatlv trimmed with Bogs, were [ scaled, In addition to the orator, Hon. John K. I Tartox, tliu following pei.llcmcn : Ciimmatider- I Stone, Surf eon-Genera I Dale, Selectman Date j and Johnson, C Lie I-Marshal Morton, Adjt. I Dwane, N. P. Frye, Esq., Mr. James Saonder*. I Mo tie by tbe band was followed by tinging by I the Mo. Andover Uburui, under tbe leadership I of Mr. Edward Bulterworih, after which pray. I er was ottered by Rev. Mr. Vinton. Another I selection by tbe cfaorns came next. Then Mr. I JOOMS Saundera, In a neat apeach, introdnead

Commonwealth of Mattachutetti- Xiaix,aa.

To all pariofa InUrettod ». the nun of PHSIIB ATKI5ION, ot Andover, lu said county,

widow, an Insane person.

Wuereas, I. Kendall Jenkins, tbe guard Ian ef Sid ward, bus presented lor allowaece the sound aocount ol ala guardlanahlp. Yeu are hereby sited to apyearatarrobole

Court, to tae hnldeu al Salem. In eald coun- ty, on tba flrat Monday of Jnue next, at nine o'clock In the forenoon, to show causa.If any yon have, why tba same should not be allow ad.

And the said guardian I* ordered to serve ilila citation 1>Y publish-In* the aame once a week. In tba

L A w BEMCK A MUSIC A x and A u uovna AprKsrriattE,

a newspaper printed at Lawrence, three wwsks aacoeesively, the hut publication to be two days at least belore aa Id court.

Witness,fiaargaF. Cbostte,■squire, Jurlgw ol ■ alii court, this eighteenth day of May, in tbe

, Heilster.

AS5! 17 4

SPECIAL NOTICE. Tbe Subscriber bos opened

Furniture & Upholstering Rooms oTer J. II. FLINT'S UAllKKT. Thoie la want of furniture will do well to examine Ihla Urge aaaortaaeaL Fin* Upholstering a specialty, Caroeta mode and put dowa, cleaned and re- laid ; Holland Window Shade*, Spring Fixtures

Iistfe aad pat up lor auduowarda; Win- o'nr flhajea «hd Lace Cigrtgin* Ituadrled like

anws a*rMattreaies made over, and returned tba

aame day. Feather Bad* Reaovale>T. Draaertos mode

aad pat up. Fine Parlor Furniture nude to order.

All work done prompt) r and warranted as reprsseatvrd. Bv strict attention to business and good wors I hope to merit a ihara or yonr patrouage- Relerenoeaildaalred.

13. C. SWAN, Cor. Main and Park Streets, Andover.


EFiU, TIB. Eartbea .ad Wooden • ****». ■*■■"* '■»►•. otevea. Far.

nacea.eto. Hole agent forMagee stove*, ran. te* and furnace* tor Audever and vicinity. Orders >H^^I> ■■*■ , ■ * i ^~ * _.

aROEG■ riDDlMUTON, Fion.t. _ aad gritahiaiw on flehsii ..rce KpUoeval Oamstary. Laadsaspo u apaotolty. Csmstery toss aatenuvd ti

HENRY QOFF, Painting. Graining. _, faperhtgand Ulaalna.doas.isbortnotloa

and raaeaaabla Wrtaa. Peraon* wtoUsujt week drop a noetal la Foal UMoe, eetieu

JOHS Q. FINDLIY, Dealer la Pish of nil kinds, has ressavia to hi* new and onn-

the publie gsnarally soUoUM. Artietos d

Aflflensiori' Notice. The nndarelgned. asaaosera af the flawth Far-

i-bln Andov.r, aarahy giro aatlea that ther T**? *f!£■*•* Vaj**'" "aww»wr, aapanutaa- dsut or U* Parish Cemetery, under their dlrwe- Iton. Aaj work required on lot. wltlbefaltb- rally done by him at a rensaanble artoa. Me other per.on* are allowed to perrorm Hot oar-


TOHBT II. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, V Daalar la OletUasj and Uoafs furaUhtng Goads at all kinds. Garooaaia made la tarn latest laahlou aad warreated to flt. Kepalriag, clean- lug aad pressing anhM noatlj. Mala attawt, Andover. nor IS lyr

JOHN C. LKONARD, at hi. abvp Is . Baltard Veto, Vlll attend ta ■lankaaollhlag

U 'to braoflbae taoreaghir, promptly and -mhiy. -sawart^^teuraaaj Wbewiw.brbt

OHN B. LORINO.-MACIIINIBT,- Maohlnery of every descrlpiion built nnd


TLf OSt» DROTHKRB Fl.b Dealers, ara -^Pawparui W faraUh aH artlele* la ihwir line


kl.d.«iMMd.»ar*p»lrad. IIHIHI^ H. i.h ■« l,.l>.. H*A*|I* nil K- . H ,».. ZZ .

MM8. M. L. KAM8DKLL. FaahloDablc Dress and Vloak Making, AUO aumptag

*r ^WbMiaaal embroldary. kwcmaaakTaT userhtreet, Audover. no/ll

MT. 0LBA8ON. Mason.-Mason a War* af every deaerlatloa asamntly »■

soutsd. order box aT K. Fllafa Market, Main St. keeideaee. Maple Avenue, mvvttr

Mc, cLAWLIN * _ _ K-uSi**!&J^0****. wsnto" »■ lUrdWBre, CulUryandC*rdage;alsoFarmlBalmptsuenu Waadaa A fall aassrtsssat at tawast prlosa.

Tata Child rest's Annual Keceptloa

Friday evening MUM Barrows of Low- ell, the well known teacher of dancing,

jure an e xhlbltion by her young eel pupils

to too purenu. It la her — t— to give

Ibis little reception, and pot the children through their lessoos once a year. Last

evening tba side seals la the hall won

well ailod, with those who bad gathered

to flOO tba little ones dance. At aboat 7. IS

''clock to music oo too piano, furnished

by Mr W. II. Fawcett, the class entered,

uud participated 1B a grand march, beaded

by Master Moses Stevens of North And-

over, nod Miss joala Spaoldlng of this city. Tba young ladles iron nearly nil

attired In while, and looked exceedingly pretty. Tbe masters with one exception,

worn \m convanllonnl ' .black. Fifteen couples participated tat the march, nod

never was there more Intricate ahaooHj-

vres witb greater celerity aad preclaioD,

than by these little children, BOOM oot

ovur dve years of age. When they

formed nnd came down tba centra of Uie hall lo A platoon of eight It waa Indeed a

pretty sight. Sot a tiny foot missed

time, nod with tbolr bright, attrucUve nod

happy-looking faces, it won eaoagh

make the npocutor wlah he waa young

again. After tba march, walua, too autt>

queue, Newport, nod other fancy dances,

to order. Too prettiest tenure of

too eveolng was the Fairy dance. A large box was placed In the centre of tbe hall

noon too yonag mlsaea lo tarn, wait red In

with wanda in tbelr hands, nod commenced

n aerUa of graceful moveroeatn aroaad tht

boi, oow nod then advancing and tooch- lag the lop of tbe box witb tbolr wands.

Bool tba box flaw open, and oot sprang a

little fairy Witt a golden crown and deco- rated dress. This was Mlas Berths White.

She danced in Urn with each of the ten

attendnatn, and throw lag a kino to til,

dlaupp »red In the note room. This fancy

dgoro wan benrtlly applauded. Then fol-

lowed "Tbe Gurman" of wblcb the child-

ren displayed as much knowledge as hk*

Mtneo of fashionable ball rooms. Tbe

favor*"1 were vary pretty, and for too,

laat flgnta each one locolvod 0 favor wblch oo being opened, waa found to contain «

paper cop of aome peculiar shape wblcb

was pot OO. At obMt S-.U O'clock the tired, but happy children, computed their

exhibition, nod food memmaj took them

borne, making room for too older folk*

who danced nntl) after midnight.

Two World's Fair lo Bontou.

SAURDBBS BROTHEH8, and Tlaamllaa. Also dealer*

aad Waaden Ware, fltatwa and r pair, far all kind* of eUevos, Haia .treat. And*.- ver, Mass. lyr seplT

Till Fu

!OMAH HOWILL csrrlen oo tbe Furniture and UphadsaorT bualneas li

WILLIAM F. _ Koems.-FrnIt, .Candle., vm-n

•ry, ink.,ate.,eto. Uysian aad Meal. lailhju.'a. rjoraaraUlaauj Uroea


FINULkY, Utnlnjt Cigar*. UUUon-

L. H. BARNARD has returned from New Turk with Sovsllle* la

MILLINERY for Spring and Summer «raar. Frloe* reason ub^ 1*J llM* ay*JL. ***"wl doaan Faysl Hats, at» ets. aaeh; Trimmed Male, u ana aa eaato each. W111 give 0000 bargaias In toe ba.krupt .tock af Abho^sa^Trs. Ktown*, and Oraamanu. Wars ted lo oaolo a lap, enav

only called an ounce. MAM ITBBurT, AIDOTIH. tf

WILLIAM POOR Maaalaetareiaadhasfaraalo .*r.,M*rk.t, Milk, flsifs.i

'w^-ca-oirs, Farm Wagons A Carts,

* l,MMlr •. MM! Wl,»l. ..pUrlul, .lilt, bra.u....

asoov aa


Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. ' U ANDOVCR


MIUDfEB J A FANCY GOODS. toeaaaaUa rasmlnms and Barrett'* a>»a

Meatee. awaanptatar onwl Baanawtogt, MAIN STMsTT, AMDOVkk. iv sayls

Coal and Wood. aUasuoo, ■ uaVeua*.asntunrnarsae White Ask


Lvkens Va/ltv Rid Ask Coal. The abOTi (Joala are auoaa ef the best varieties

■lead. A trial cannot fall to coavloee any oas of that fact.

Prloea wary Low. .HI iqi.,jim.M,bS. I*I.U;U*.II..I

Hay and Straw IConttanllyon Hand. JOHN CIOHNKI.I..


DENTIST. OR»PE«'. SLOCK. • aNoovaa,


WOOD & COAL I lite lu ail Fnrtlii Coali.

HARD AND BOFT WOOD, rrapsred,It desired.

Fon ltd Br J

JOHN CHANDLER. Andovtr. O dsrr received, and bill* settled st




B.llart v.le,..d al ■

/IlIiB .*. PAB*KE,

Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKER,

FOR SALE. On arena aired, a house and about a»O0 fee

oflsad. Apply lo WU.n. JKNklMS. ttavsoytl


X BUDUion Jio mH inflTi

At tbe meeting In Boston, 00 Wednea-

newtloy evening, to consider toe question

ot n World's l*aJr to that city, a letter was

read from Congreaeman Hnsaell, In which be aajat —

I tblok tba time. 1885, o propltlou one, and Boaton tbe proper place In which to hold a world'* fsir. Boaion In tbe ceii- ire of a great manufacturing community, among a people alive to progress. We cannot overestimate the advantages to an xhlbltion of tba product* of nil nollooa;

It Impart* knowledge nnd stimulate* com- petition In Inventions, aru, nnd tba ben.fJta therefrom cannot bo measured by the uioaey expended by those attracted here. Many near branches or industry have been notflMlflbnd lo this country tbroogh tbe exhibition In Philadelphia. I trual tbe opoortAwlty BOW presented to Hew England will be Imptovud."

Nfcwbury street from East Elm to tbe

Sptojfcet la being repaired.

—George X. I log an baa been re-elected

8M» SecreUr* of tbe Aouknt Order of Iltb«rnlai.a.

—Fourth of July comae oeit lo the or-

der of gsla-dayn. Nothing abort of n Ilk-

oral approprial I011 will make It kfl good a

ian ao Barnnm.

— Vacations for the police are being

talked of lo olber localities. Most of too

Lawrence police are thinking snore *>f pay

I Of TtCfltlflnM,

The bath bonaee la too city have beta

pot lo tboroagh repair, nod are BOW ready Tor occkpaacy. Tbe ooe np above the dam boa been uken apart Bad been re- modelled.

Kilcoyne, the wrestler, and a Man-

chester yoath, named aucCloskey, had a

Igbt lo n Lawrence street alley Monday

evening. Kilcoyne la Bald to have woral-

ei his opponent.

■The PoBlsckflt navigation Co, have

■hipped to this oily thaw far tbls scaaon,

COO ton* of coal. The/ ■■pact, if the ws-

Ur coaklnnee favorable, to ImWd more coal

hare ibflk over be (ere.

■The Kitty lljflllh at Mewbary-

p\rt being repaired, nthe will ho length- ened SO feet, aad witl receive a Lie boiler

aad engine. Whea la IWrnnansaaa nho will

pit between thin city Bad Newbutyport.

'The newspapers of other cities ore

(jnlte gvaersllj commenting oa ibo ao

lloa or the school Mthorltlon hero, la

giving the Kbootai a half holiday awny on

Mefasmal Day, and ctoaiog MM aoUan day of the Barnnm clrcni.

Everybody will want a' hit of IL'e new trds. |ant la Ibis week, at the grocers.

Buy Beach'a soaps.

Ma* t a on* bu Injured himself by sloofies -SB of dsoieroe* draft wbeo Qusker Bitters weald have prove*, both safe and powtrful for

NOTICU—We were Intlag pahs from lam

One naoakvAion of Dr. skorded slssost li

Mllee eakcted a. O.*. _._

For sale by E.H.Eellsy, drugget. Caiadonla.* attgat. *:i'



CtaaiOAL Kiasmo. s a tan care for Cler

scars teal kuilhag, and Spring Blossom as a *ure cu fbrltytpcpsla, ladlfsatlonaad all disorder*

Trtce, » eotta trial bottles 10 cents. For salebTB.II.Kslley.draulst. M'

CAtAaaat ao TUB BIADDBB. nsWBtnlB e( the urinary

—saris*, cured by liucbu Depot, Ordway Bros. J»S

Ttt* doctors are

[be? O doctors or* all liable to b* mistaken, they hi my case. It cost uss fJOO.OO, because

said I had been dlsaass, and thoa told me

complotut, and #3^0 worth ol sulphur Bitters cured one -Jennie P . Bockport.



Make ft (or K.Q.I Torn. Sead»rUelrea*alc«waa

Hum Home aad Day Nuraery.

Through the coartoey of Mr. George O. Adams, tba architect, oar reporter haa beoa enabled to secare tbe following la- tereatlDg fketo la regard to the new build- ing that will soon bo erected oa hfethaea •treet, near tbe corner of Pemberton St., fronting on the former. The building la to bo throe stories high with n 1st roof, of bine stone taken from the ledge oa the lot, aad the cornlcee, window cape, aad irlmmlags will be of pressed brick. Too main be I Id lug Is to be 60 by V feet, with *n ell 15 by ti feet. It In oot proposed to build tbe oil at present, hat or that wa

farther OB 1 meanwhile go on with the description ol the building as It Will bo when perfectly completed. There WlD bo two entrance* t» the front. The main entrance will be towards the weat ead 0/ the building. The hall way at this part of the etrtictora In to bo 10 by M lost. Oa tba right of the hall way will be the largo nnraery room tor the children, 15 by M feet. Tht* room will bo well provided with cloacu, etc. Oa the left of the ball will bo the reception room, If by 15 foot, for visitors use. In tbe rear of this wll} be too matron's room, the earn* slices the ieceptloB room. A door Will lead from this room Into the entry, lost auoaa from which will bo another largo room 15 by l« feet which may bo Bawd for a ward. At the farther aad of the hall wi.l be placed aa elevator to be run by waUr power. A door from the hall wlU also load into tba ell which will coatala a kltahen II by II toot, B dining room II by tf feet, aad two paatrlos each < by 10 row*. There- will bo

Mtraaoe ma'the alley way leading lato law all. with a hall way • by 17 toot, In which will be auira leadlag to the npper stories. In the roar of the hall there will bo a laundry aad More room. Belurnlng to tbe front ball, there will be •Ulra leading to the second etory. Ill* tie laMtlon to have tbU eatlre d jjr de- voted to the Invalids Hume, and it will be cirapleuly aspirated frim the Dar War- ••ty oa the Irat loor. Oa the right or the npper hall will be a large room ft hy STaeait, wblch will be a*ed for award, glvlag ample room (M beds. Leadlag from this room will ba bata Mime, water closet*, etc. Also 00 the earns nl lo of the hall will be a dining MA a li by 15 feet with a dumb waiter raaning ap from the room below. Oa the left if tbe hall will bo another ward, aad tbe entire oil will bo fltled uplfor words, which will be useful eometlme. The third story will romiln unfinished aatUflach time as li.ulud ac- commodations will c im?*l tan use of the spare room.

Ae haa been before eteAeri It In not tba Intention to build tbe ell at present, thongb tbe pinna are all ompleUd, bat to "Bove the present Day Njraery building np to the roar of tbe proposed atraotaro, aad remodel It 00 that It will cJUUID two b*d room*, dining roam, kitchen aad Innndry. A large bisem.-nt, S feet or wblcb wilt ba above ground, will be aVaad BBefal If It becomes oeceesury to ft It

Noae of the Methaea Mills ware la operation on DecoratlOB Day.

Bar. Salon Merrill ef Andover, will preach at the tfragrnanttonaal church oa Sunday next.

Mr. K- A. Archibald to la Waahlagtaa. D. 0. thtowr-1" '


^«M*e»on ■act and gilt, and Uar.

nuikaofageaadwaar. The oabjset ia s —sal of WaAagton. A moeumeatol mar. risea is tbe centre, Uiminatlng al a height of majbet la a narrow apex surmounted Tiy *u A. W. Stearns & Co.

Ear. a A. Craafr.of Li*oa, M. H„ praadied al ta. Malaodlal cauren u>4, .haroooo.

Mr. P.O. Holr..., al thi. Iowa, gradaatad at -aWinua PalraraHr ra Bo.wa. oa Wadata-

a^.aw Mr. Praak P. a., naa lo Ana.

Wlaoaa coaatr, Hlaa.. wacr. b. will aar la raraitac-

Ur. Mllloa Aaaalaaa. raaiinrad hU [aaillj la

Am.ll aklld oTW«. Jackaaa -a. barlad oaSaurday aftaraooa laal. Kir. 2. 8. Bo!- broak oadalad al la. raaafal.

ikntuataa-imiy, aaoaU waai to

«». Mama. faSar,. ramar lowauaaa,

T>aPaliliii.ilja< BAptwi caaieaaa wan •aalj AnaraaM Ul lav aad aow.r., a. lait Saaiar u raaoha laa Oraad Arw.,.

. °* H^L."*"™' •*•"" Ar«,ra«10ri,wa.ll.»ala».N. H.iaaarrff. aadfaail al*l>.l>arr,.^ raaraaaHa. Patu la ra-aorlal aarrlea. la tk.t towa.

Aa araar tea waa. raaaaI a* taa rawa aataor- ^fcrtj44lr-ilp»»».Kwa bataia. I. S, Kg""ti,i"*" «» " * L. railroad arltan lira Mil aad ra. Lawrwaaa llaa.

-■ trumpet oj.,„ "Trenton, Prlnretoa. MonmouU, Torktown,-

ln .her left hand she holds a wreath, in

Insert bed r '-

.— a'.. Pater ratrla,." Upposltu which It tbe legend. .

the flgure ol rame, a votoot cherub holds a shield aponwUcfaetiors^-siwadtoemblnxotM-d. Be- nastta this, la a kneellat peetnre, 1* the Uoddes* the Goddess

«Lri»r?aAtt'ltw^E..«'%K hto (.toaalrr. aAaadio* niton the (ronud at the rltbl of tbe ulcture Is a lfrlilab lirenodlsr, weep. las;, his muAet tylog at hi* feet. UndcrW*.!..

Ike bate of Ita structure, ■"- Mciuorj of the Uuly

■ton, Uonowne.) In

IttMli^SSit; a^laaajaaaalaaaKaM, palawa. wlla «ii'

met. Cannon, ilruaas, muskot* and cannon ahot.

Ob. Dec. ft, iim." The monamtnt stands be- acath aa arrh of masonry, .uj i. aitod, lathe hMujrenad ulaln and UUA. Tbe marxtn bears tbe name of John Cole., Junior, painter, and P. Q. Urldley.engtavar. .. A. A. MerriU.

"0.0. TAVLOBOLD Bouaaiuf." Ii recommended lo toall desiring a purnstim-

ulant. Chester II. Graves A Moni, lloelon, bot- tte R, and aH drefgtsi* end grocers sell It. Ill

tarsear be held I


Mr. I, Arlhar Batoaslder, ef thb town --i"?L y"*if "^ »••"«». hMe at aaetassMr, K. m*. ware marrted oa Thars-

mf-Tatoalr^ ■* L*'^^wc■• ** *•*• ^i?*«»-J '•* •**--> of the

vest tost sesoe to aeogreemcai BBdlet olsmtosnl, wblcb will three weeks and be composed

Daring the thaadersbowsr oa Monday eftei ^^■^■■^»*««ktae BoaaJo Onuse.

*d entartoda

•ns spues sa ike sewn hall, oa Snadtv even. 'J^ ^^^•fhu'remrtrnn a?' *^l^iR•.■* °- bwsinai, a vote of thanki

, «orusd him for has lastruct ive am tag—^


Work will begla oj the balldlngoe aooa i Mrs. N. O. White, cbalrmaa of

eomaalttsa who have tbe matter In charge, ratnrna from bar trip Weat.

This condensed accouo'. or tao result of the work done br Christian ladles In post few years, la eaUbllaalBg two aaeh aaalal aad benevolent institution*, aad raining money to erect a suitable building to COBtalB them, may oot be plain enough to all, but thoaa Whu would like lo en- quire farther Into It, will doabtkas And architect Adams ready to show aad ex- plain tbe plane.

«tf spin

Hotted. 1 hereby lerbld all persons trusting anyoei

on my account, without a written order free

OBO. T. I.OWI, BallardTals.Wuoe., Lnsasei

MayMiiMi. via n»

TnaBtBLB lx>ee er LIBB. Mllllea* of rats, mica, eats, bed boas, roach-

M, toes their llvee by eolltotoa with " Roeab ea ■am." rtold by druggtom. Ifc. *\t

A Flstl H AIE BBKawIMO. Maatn dresses Ike hair perfectly, aad at i pfemmTeilnn unequalled Mr Bswdkakag

The aaaeriertty ef It-wm'i rtAvaaiaa KXVBAOTB eoaslato la their parity aad graat

For the paat tow jeers aoau han be. n

mora active ta tba temperance cause, thoa Charles McCarthy, who, prevloe* to bin

flappofled reformation, was one of tbe

met cOBBpleaoaa drinking characters la

tbe city. Ha waa toadied by tba eatbaal-

afllB la the temperaoco cause. Bad With

good reason, for be of all other* waa

surely conaldered a brand snatched from the born Ins; flre. Bat bin eaae la not dl«-

elmllnr to that of others, who, whea raised from the dregs of society, presume

too much lo their own eelf-ennsclency, and

with the laueuUblo lYnalt of a toll to a

condition tor worse than that from which

the sympathy of their fellow me J elevated them.

Monday algbl, whiU lati.ilcuied, be waa delected 1B the act of trying to gala aeeeaa by a window, toabooso on Garden Itreet For ibis apt ha was aat proee- Mtad, bat since thai time ba haa been In- toxicated, driving aboat the city la lively

aad by acurrltoos tale* nod die- graceful aeta ban made a dlhgaeting exhi- bition of htmaetf. Veaurday ha hired a team from Kecae Brother*, oateaalbly to be gone bat a Tew bourn, bnt with It be drova to Lowell, re to ruing to tbU city Intoxicated. By hie acts ba appeared to court arrant, and foaad la tbe city

larehal one vary willing to aocommodau hl«. He was takea from the Hotel Bruns- wick:, where be waa not wanted, Bad lodged Ik tba police coart, reinsinine thereover night. This morning he waa krrrlgaed In the police court, aad aea- tetiCA-d to pur B lae f 1 and costs, or go to the house of correction tor 10 daya. Bin floe waa paid, aad he waa released from tastody. after promising to drink no more.

McCarthy should now bridle bis toagaa, If be Inteods to remain la thi* vicinity, aad ceaee to eadeavor lo b scken Abe fame of those who appear lo have tmtm ooly too foolish In taklug nn Inierest la making a maa of him. > _. .--. ^ mmm m, —^»^.,

Tbe rnuaway ol the Board of Health team Wednesday was more airluut than

heretofore reported. Norwoods lenge

waa badly daanaged, also the Iroa toanw hi

front of Mr. Spragae* residence. Mrs.

William L. Halaea had been glvlag her

baby aa airing, aad the little carriage was

stand lot In ft-cnt of the dour a* the rana-

way boree approached. Mrs. llalne* bad

Just time enoagh toaelteher child from

the carriage aad rash luto the house. Tba carriage waa completely demolished. The

UnlUtlsa church fence waa greatly dam-

aged. It ta understood that the Board of

Health will Battle 'or all tbe

Mre. Balnea waa completely proetrated by tbaaboek.

—The City Marsha) Is preparing to aum- man* Into the police court that els** or

iqnor dealers who Imaglaed tbat ho waa perpetrating a hage Joko, when be notified

them, some weeks since, tbat tbfl law

gtlag to tba removal of screens or other

obetractloBB to a view of the interior af their pretalsee naonld be compiled witb,

Aa example of oo* or more transgressors

hi thU respect would doubtless have good newel upon other lardy ones.

—There aaa been ■ noticeable tolling of

In tbe attendance of spectators at tba po-

lice coart tba peat month. Probably the

chroalc loafera have been worklag to ot>

UIB money to go to the circus. No minors are allowed to atund the aeaaloaa,

—Oa tba occnalon of tbe Bead of Bope

eetertalameet at the city hall, twelve

yoaag ladles from tbe High aad Grammar

will give a broom drill, elmllnr to

In Lowell n short time ago. tor It.

—Tba roi,-atU movement ta gaining

■Ajwagth* aad there Bppeere to ha a good

praapact of boat races oa tbe river July

ttw" M Oivf Teesday eveaiag, by

Thsra was a meeting at Associates ball. Hon.

ZLZZ&r&f*" *• **» "**5 -I re- !roks Uat**)r> •■•' dtotmalag ol tbe old

-A^Wrajg'llltllll la Island n.»d Hat- ta^BB&^Jnwakw* i. VP22 ","°" * ***

*3'i£V H2'1' °*8 ur °"r uW"t rfiiaaai. dlarj Hoada, aharaooa. al taa ad.aacad aaa of iStHS'.Tl* »»«a.»aaaeo.aJ««l P«*!rea.alr8lor roan, jean, and held

„T*i aawa aaa ratarad a raw.rd of ,UJ. aad

J.rad Maa Xlrai Mapaa. aa lae lota I..I. TJefollewrai I. u. roale laa.a b, tk. o. A.

£LS2^.5!•"*,,'" "«• »tartla7rrora tk. Caatra, lew weal to R .M Haraprtaad. th.a beck

of Athlmoa, where ta.r. w.r. otwar Boat*, aad

?.. ?^. ■*•'. Tta" ••• ■" ipaakla, ,t tbv -— la taa enela,, a. aaaoaaeid.

=aa be rooarrt. tltp tan beea lane Iowa aboat three rear.. *^

. hlaiara, D. H. Ar.r aad Umrll Swan. t«™«" at lh.ww.rljr perl of lha town, are lo

•iLSf" TJm2*m '" I"" "a* •«• -* ssg&*.'* — ~' -*• ..*"!-!♦f» aaMlaar iporuu. who are

SSTSL'nirS"!?'' *••' » Lf" <" oacoratloa Day, lo wlla.., aa .ahibltlo. nr rU. halt tf^Mhu b, KJT B^I.'lidUr JataaBaatall, 2*iil£?£Sr«S, JS SJ!S.!*E1!I5*"I~.|U ■'• «•*•» *« aoajaofttabaal r«ord.

J^li*-"-'?"'!»» "—■ 'araaj o.t

i£a?S■■»S?„Sf™l,,4 » "• «a-ana. S2E*L? iS*"4 ""'" ■"»Haa. Bar. J. .. Bcabcoah, (Ca^refadoaallei,) r^therfcj

■!*.■**?• ■■ a. aa. Bar. Dr. .. .OalnreelW) dalrrarad a .a, ebla

a>»ea«l lo a dleeooree to BwrVT; I. B. Houie


OL> u to that If you * a sufferer by any disease or the Url no-Dun It ai Organs, that yon can he auickly restored to health by the use of Da. BtWLiapcxeKitwnTEsMaDT, "NBP1I- BKT1C0M." It to satire and sore In Its re- mits, and hai perfoeted numerous cures tbat other remedlci bave failed to rcccb. It j* pure- ly vegetable and aafe for alt. ltlweod

TBB oelebrated LlsMg Co. of New York, Paris and London, has attained Its great reou- tailooby adUtriogio two rales. It offer* no cheap goods. Ittpfferioaly hontit preparations

Extract ol Witch HastH, for Inttsnce, although sold at tha same price as the quack, colorless, weak traib, sold under tbe name of Witch Haa si. Is so mar* superior la evsry way, that once nsee, I* sere w cause it to be nssd always there, after. It caret Pile*, Salt Rbeura, Bkln 1'ir- eaaee, fcbenmstltm, Catarrh, Painful Monthlies, Sore Throat and Neeralgm. Be euro to ask for

J -ttraet or Wllch Haael flaoded with worth.

..-. -■ (IWUorlallii Scienllflc Sup- .. tolBIBauckero.} Bold la Any cents aad dollar sire*. •J-lwcod

TnsFuBuviAsBrai-r bos cared tboueands nho were wfleriog from Dyipepsia, Ueblllty, Uver ComplalBt, Bolls, Humor*. Female Com- plaints, etc. Famnhlete free lo any addrct*. Beth W. Foals A Boat, Beaton.

tend ".sow novit

edlclnc for all Kidney V .Bridgeport.

-The protwawioa tba. retarned

hall, whete the d


T**^5-i"*5 * sWowoaaato neaoarl at I owa hall Tnesdsy aveulag.


with or wlthoot an appropriation the oky government.

Otir Congressman

A Washlayton oorreepondeBt wrlti-e aa follows concerning ..ur C mjres^nsn aad fellow-cltlien: —

"Mr. William A. Raeaell, of Lawrence Ms*e , la ooe of the largo p,p,r maufnc- lurers, and Is besld.-. a beaker and a rail- road president. ll« u«caples n position oa the committee ol comincrce, one of the mokt responsible cummlUvea In Oungress, aad It Is dae to hie li-doecoe IB a grra measura, that New Bagland, New fork and the gnat legitimate commercial bar- boiuoftue conntry have received ibelr due proportion or tbe vast amount of money which Congress hen vou-d for tbe Itnprovament of rlvera aad harbera."

New Brick OulldlnM

Mr. Deanls Woodcock be*. had plans

drawa by Architect Adams for a brick bntldlBg, la ba erected at tbe corner of Broadway aad Daisy streets. It will be

Arty feet from aad nllty feet .sap, three atwrlea with Bsaksard rin,r. ih.- rrmii Will be presoed brick with freestone trrm' niluga. The groand d-.r wll be fltud aulthble lor three atoree, aid the uu.ur atortee Will be a vam.'-d fur tene.nii'pip. and will be provided with alt mudem hi. pllsnoee. t , ( '

-The placing of taalaajaaia. paalm book* and organs la railroad care, aa well

as card tables, le belsg agitated. Aataam

calliope attached to every trnln may be

among the things or tbe future In railroad-


—Congressman w,n. A Hunsell left the city yesterday, accompanied by hie two

daaghurs, for New Yorki ea Baiarday,

with Mr. aad Mrs. George A. fuller, he Balls In the German ia. tor Europe, to be abaeat three uonlb*.

The Wool Hat finishers Association

or thin city, have met Bad elected the fol-

lowing otaoera: 1'resident, Wo. Barnes; secretary aad treasurer, J ,hn J. BheehiB.

Meaera. Anthony Malvey aad Deaala Sul-

llvaa Were chosen delegntoe to the con-

veotlon of the Natloasl Association, to be

held la Maw fork city aeit Taeaday. Wm. Barnes waa chosen alternate.

Next Benday will ba Pentecost

Whit-Sunday, observed Be a solemn feast

la tbe Kplacopal aad Bomaa Catholic churches, m honor of tbe descent or the

Holy Ghost oa tba bead* of the Apostles,

tk tbe shape of tongues of f re. Peatecoat

la Greek signifies the ffUeth, It being the

f fUeth day after the resurrection. It ta

called Whlt'Sundiy from the catechumens

betuf anciently clothed In white, aad bap.

Used, oa tba eve or this feast. The old gaxoaa called It Whit or Holy Bnnday.

—Mill operatives who have purchased

remnaaU of goods manufactured by the

corporatlona of tba city have beea greatly

disturbed since tbe appointment of the

corporation detective, lent they may be

accused of sualing cloth. On* lady waa

considerably frightened the other dsy nnd

going to Mr. Williams ■tore. Baked tbe

clerks lo take a good look at bar, ao tbat

they might Identify her ae having par- chaeed remnant* at tbe atore If the wily

detective should pay ber a vtalk The trade la remnants has mat a shock since

Detcatlve Phllbikk donned hie war paint.

Don't Qnv Diaoovaaonnt because tks doctors say you cannot live. I wa troubled with Dropsy, and given np to die. But alter using Sulphur Bitten for a month*, I am well. It is tbe beet m< ~* ' disease* 1 ever aaw.-Mr* _

lite end

A Love*. UOLU OB boas iHBoa-r should t* Bfrped. Neglect frequently result* In an In Hf'JS ^VS J>''WBse . or Consumption. WWN^.llBONpHIAL TROCHKa do not sordar Ihe stomach like cough .y raps and

bslsams, onloetdlreettyoa tbe Inflamed paru, illaylne: Irritation, give relief lu Aathma, uroa- hills, fough*, Csurrh and tbe Throat trout-It* rkleh Singers aad f ublic Speakers aro inbjtct n. far thirty ysars Brown'a Bronchial Troch

as have been recommended by pby sir-ton*, and always gir* perfect satisfaction. Hiving been tented by vie* aad constant use for nearly an satire generation, they have attained well-mer wed rank amewgtha raw staple remedies of tbu age. Bold at fie. a boa everywhere.

Vood lyr ian*

Delay i are dangerous In diseases or the Kid- ney*. Way'* sttdnsy Pod I* the sure cere.

•*7lw,eed at ■ ..

fInoatline•/■Bew springdrsu gooditat By

Special Bargains for This Week. BlackDolmanCapes

Eporr Lad; should oiamine thoa. elseant and it'liah Oarmaati. Prices from (7.60 to (10.00.

Princess Camels' Hair Gapes. The Tony Garment of the Season, mads in Ur* Bioat itrliah oaassr,

from onr own manufactory. Everr garment warranted to giv* p.rfeot satisfaction. Price, from (12 to (17.

PRINTED LAWNS. A fine assortment of Printed Lawns in new designs and

Elegant Coloring..

Scotch and Madras Ginghams. " In all the Litest Effeots.


Examine our Elegant Stock of Paranoia and Sun UmbrdlUi* Orur 76 different styles- Prices from 50 cents to $10. Would call

Partioular Attention to oar line of afissss Parasols.

WlLLUstNOX.-la Ballar.1 Vale, MnjlW, a to air. and Mr*. Julia Wil.l*M>*n. Esllar.1 Vale. Mar il, a .laughter to Mr, ana Mrs. John Howell. ■

KKILHAN.-lathl* oKr, Msr KHh, 3 *on to Mr. aad Mr*. 0. U. K Kellhan.

■TAItlitJlT.-Iu^tliis cltr, Va lusL.tohTr.aad Mrs. Ckarlss B. Sualer, a dauahter.


IIBL-KI.Ka-COUI.Ifiii.-li. this riij-, Jinn. 1.1, br IU*. C. 1. Bloktord, LenN E. itwoUr ' all** Kile E. Uoriias, boti of Uwreneo.

CALLuy-MlTUUKl.t, -la Aadover, Hay <0th, by tier. Halnolm Hoii|U*a, It. D., Andrew J.CatluMafsIetrirtiao, to kllaa Julia f>. Hlteb. ell Andover,

BATCBELMR-VAllLKXBIl. In this olty.MaT Wlb. by Ber. R B. Mootly, Mr. Sajntwl A. BamBelahr on] Ml** Llule Belt r'aulkHr, botii of aletbncn.

.. Prescotl, aged to rr«, 1 mo*. TATLOB.-la andborr, Usv B, William francla,

ewly eaild of rraacl* and Borah A. Taylor, agetl

HATrTKBltT-Ia Aadover, 4nnr I, Thomas E. iaajaerry,aaedat ysar*. II months.

■fcoAKTHY.-la North Andorer. Mar flltb. Jobs MoCaithy. sged 47 yrs.

rOWSlKO.-la Ho. Ai Bawuel ipowning, *gpL

NewPottery Lamps —WITH Jr lit:


Moehring Burners.




W. B. I1BAI.U 1 X.TiMBXRlLI. aft JlKAIaD,' <

STOCK BROKERS, Msmber* of thi Boston It Stock

I. change. k'san Bortr1

. — ton or Mewl.._ esubllslied rate* of Coma.l.aloaa.

MB. 8 IB Mssea lb, Mass, -—-AirtJ——

IB Caagrats »t . Meatew. ta tf *ai


FILLS Ara 111. rnirdcit


and IKDlCESriOM. Thau

l»ILI> Tont up the tytttm and ror.ore health to hota tuffsrtn^from debility &ni



if froi nervowaaana. SoW by all Drurplil*.

1 por l3»oai

Cider Vinegar! I'ure, and all rlcht." *aya the Inspeetor. lb

oaly kind we sell, a

OOR KEROSENE OIL la taa best prednoerl.

All goods as represented, or Money refunded.-

(ISmENfe COTTON SKIRTS!) Frioes and Stylus too numerous to mention.



Lawn Tennis Suitings. Laces, Kid Gloves, Buttons, &c,

STEARNS & CO., 309, 311 ESSEX ST.

LAWRENCE. Ctmmonwaalth of MattachusetU

PBOI1ATK COUItT. ■tin. ai

o all Parties laUrested in asy of lae Heal ■aialsol tiaoriii! W . Wriitilrr. late orMethnsa luaaldi'ii^uly>|culluinan,ilcirraae<l,'lBleauMs

t.i«l s.UNii :

WboreM, Klien 1„ Wlrlttirr, nr Mflluieii, li. tbe ooantv 01 K«a«s, t>n. presumed to aald ronrl

lltlon, rrt.rcar-ntirijr lliat tin IF Intcmstcil In •eal o.iateor *sH ilPM-aac-l, lyinf In thi*

SUte, and yr*y\n* (feat lutriljljin tlacreftj may tMSBBdsa-Bca^f..|rt>e nHra.uii.l clslnilni. aaesraslr* amiordla* lolaw.

Tea aro berety Hied tn ai>)iesr at » Pre .._ Court U be bnlaloa at Lav.r*nri>, Hi iddireoiinty of tno acoonrl Momlaf ol Juno, nrxi, at alneo'clorh la the lonm nn, to snow cat

any yon bare, arainat the aarue. Anrl lass Kbt-n L. Wrrlltirrla or.lfred to aciro it* citation br il»1irrrm,r a oopr Mtciu pJ to

ea«h person intereatnil.wtioi-nn l»r Intinrt wltnin Ibo btalB toiirtcen ilaya at lenat lieiuie suld Court, anil it any one ranunt Its ao found, wv

lao nubliahlnz 1 lit »s»e la the lawunMT. AatBHiOAVand IKUUVKK

AlivtltTltlU, ncwanaper vrinteil al Lawieaoe, oane In rarli

week lor IbrCttWueaaalleaat before said Court. Willie.,, l,touua r.CiiitATB, Kaifiitre, Judae

f aald Court, tbt* tlsl dav ol May, la Ike reoreiihkea taundi«4badelght7-oaa.

J. T. MAlltl.NKY. lleirslri. A triinCojiy— Alteat, -«..r J; 10 J.T. UAUONBY. Reflater.

FOR SALE. rgatn, one or <he flneat Fruit, Vejrotable

and Milk Farm* In K**cx County, on I'lea.ant Valley Siren, -letlmon, Ma**., H mile* front

Cltyoi Lawrenco. Its sere*, or more If drilrcil; modern S-*lory "use, Il rooms, double |»rlor, laiae dinlan

room, bar windiw, cellar unooi whole house, dne barn *0«4-<, 10 lent culler uinlrr the aame; 40 feet cerr:ase honte it(Ii;lal*f; nsTor-iaillna aoft water, au|>[ilylni bain mil nou.r, 1*11 tgfn elsstlaeorrr 10 all imriaot the hottae; 4(w liirtie frintiriir srauo rinc* In cicvllent coudttlyn, pio- durlnit litrce cn.p. or crape* or aufirrior qosl- ity, spplt, prat'ti, jiear, rbeiry trees, (mall fruit*, etc. Have sold t^o worth 01 peaches In a veer; 000 barrcla apples In a rear; soil ami locality uiisiirpaaasil lor early fruit* and ver-'-; liivc bad rlpepe:nhca th? luthor .Inly ; firapea rlpin In Augu.l, wlmn oilier* Bare lest sin crops by front her* Uiry bars Beea BR.

touched, and sold lor a large price. Large and excellent pnaluro; mo wing nnd tillage No. I Praaent owner lm* llrcl uri Ihla I'ariu more than ""yenrs. Cause or aclHDg, III hoalrh. For far- tpitril-ulrtr./ tni.iilro si ;i3t KSnct Street,

refer, nronihe premke*. ts.*W.U.«|lK, P.O. nox

ttfe-jn . .KHor«et 119. ■ .. M:t,r


Qarlei, FieW. Flo war usi Qra»s Steal. i-' Ball*ltls suit flire.

Lawn Dressing, Lawn Bakes, "EaBy" Lawn Mowe's.

WheftlbaiTows* —aiao——

I'll it- TitrN Citron, Ilollcborc,

i.uiition Purple, Garden Syr- liiffCfi, suti-rs, Bcllotra,

SjtritiKIcrs, Etc.

SOOTT & VIETOB, 343, 345 Common St., Lawrence

Greatest Show On Earth!

Tog't tha (nil v^lriu or yonr money las

CURTIS* Liltlc Hat ft FBraisIiius: Stort,, 565 E*.e&St nsitdaorlo HR R Station

The Best





4 *

Importer's Prices.

249 Essex St. 994

Mrs. L. B. Waterman, FLORIST,

m.m evrnRF.T. ANDOVES. . " - HABa.


MRS-*.L-FELLOW* DRESS *Nl)OI,(IAK MAKER -«Ir«. r.llnw. h.. aaa. .I..riti llomlherll,

wTlciil ten y..r.. IJIIL l.n. rciuim.l tor ID. pur re.Dmlna IUT I.II.IMH.. Will |..rmt'r aleo'l.nixl i.alrmi. i IIHM ,Ivc ber .railI ,',—^... nt. liit.tnBI.rli 11 (.put 13

1. .*' ail.evio


S. A. IXI.IS, Ml for Ihe BTlBrr PIANO awl

Post OfNce Buildi Lawrnnca.

HOUSE AND BEDDING PLAKT8 tlror 10.0110 notsof Heddlng eal PloaU.Ua-

ranlun*, Veroresa. Coleu*, sad all tbe twain. hi* aorta, .aanilseaue Uardealni atlaaaedta liy a HioHHUtri arllll.


Retidsnce at Juniper for tal«. A ftne twn-alorv home, besntlfullr

nn t'ontral Arenae, With a the harhiir, enalalna lea f

I,alnteil tat* stirlai I* larslshed Hweaaaaet ami Is la seed rroair. Jaet lava asase lore siim*B«r r«*ld*ac*,or for the ee—twaaUsa ot iniiinirr a. Fur nartiealora law air* af

BAMUALU.B&KQIST, Keel Batata Aieat

lira nuM Hetswatn, BBWBW

1. has a asJuBf

tilU.AN. Onr Ital drat premluraa LHA-. M.MiMi-', .1 ilattiasote ■ nml l"Weal tn-n■!■• Imri.lieil

i.n ,iiiiil Its aloe, flno TuniaK and nepairlaa, (Mil naaoa roeonttru<ltd antl n.sde nearly an ■IH.II eitanw'wlinnut r*i'"'*al, Urdere Ly Mail

1.■ 11 nt I.. siralloa'ssi'M ii, Room Puf-er, Window Bhedes,Wire sn*TlBWB ""a null Cloth forBeiaraa. Ilai asH

UmbrollaB and Wnnitliadca, HEPAIBRT- at HTUATTON'B.

Bun B- <»r slid oat ■

1 Bai


German Remedy

For those deathly La BUtous SpOllo, dj» Mftll

TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. La, do- Health, who an oil ;Lrtui radown, should use ill »un IOLTBUI Brrrzas.

Thedhuil^.-, l>y*pep- !orac*Mwhmli

•Mill n gentle tonlo ,i

IJerVlbeWllhouti IT

Ladles in dellcsU

11,000 will be paid ■ MNwlimu'i- ;K IIITTUU win uktoroun. Il w falls.

uruua _ can Unr Com-

slnlnt, Dou'lbsdls- UM •uumtm Urr: x>urigtxl;ltwlllcurs

BUL1-I1L1 HI build i'""^'"1

r _ake you * irons; and hsmitby.

Sulphur Bitters,


S@ PUD. Operates through the Nerve For

c«a and the Circulation.

JIOLxUK'H HrLXKN BkLT. Fuf Stubborn eases •I enlarged «nl««w aad anvicLJIng Liver ami "lomneh Iraublrn. |) UU

HOIMAK'S hUW PAD. ror ailment* of In IBBU and Children. fl.BO.

UoLUs.B'1 ABUOlllMaL l'*n. For Uterine, On i In a and Bladder Li ■WOT,

AU. For afscllons ol IIOLSUB'S 1'H'roiiti. 1< Ihe Chest nnd Lungs.

IIOLMiN'a Amwiirtiu Mai HOIK si. Bout PUHM Too b.i«l Piaster la la* world. She.

HOLMS n-s AH-nHfiivK yiuictMAi. FOOT HUITMII ror Cold real, Headache, aad Sluggish Circulation (per pair), SBe.

AMOKPTION SALT ron MnoioATXD IUTHI ror l.'olilt,, mill all ruses where a Mrdlealed lUlh I* needed ; also an egee.'lent loot bnlb (uer i |b. package) inr.

Far sale l>jr all Ornggists, or sent by mall, Kstr.Mil, o» rsoeliit ol nrfee. Tha Absorption

It la not "mallaole," and mutt be aeai by hapreai at inn ohaeei'« expense.

Bee thst each Pao: bears Ibe PBIVATB KKVB- Ufa) STAMP ol the HULMAN PAD (JOHPA.-XY, wlihsiiova Train Mail i tinted In green.

lib. IIOI.Mi*N*sodvlc.e la free Fall Iraatiaa teat free-en Bpi.lir.Mlim. Address,

HOLM AN FAD COMPANY, (P.O.Boiil'f) 74. Broadway, BJ. T.

Over 5000

Druggists AND

Physicians Have Signed or Endorsed the

Following Remarkable Document:

• * John eon, Man u facto r- lnc OrsaanlaBa. 01 PUtt Bt,, Haw Torn : OsnsUesrmn :—For the past few years we

have aw Id various brands of Poroua FUt-

tere. Physicians and the Public prefer

Bsnaons Caprine Ponma FUrttr to .11

others. Wo conaider them one of the very

few reliable household remedies worthy of confidence. They are superior to all

other Porous Plasters or Liniments for

a'aCaflpelns Fhyrtsr Us amuin.

Parmacaut ten 1 product, of the h[sheet order of merit, and so recognised by phymdeiie and drunrUts.

Whan other remedies fail ret a Ben- son'a Cspclne Plaster.

Tow will bo disappointed if you use SBwasl Plastera, Liniments, Pads or Klec- trical Xaemetio toys.




Quaker Bitters! Those aelabrated BUtsra are «osipo«ed of

ebntes BaoU, llerba and Bark., anoaf which are ltenlt«n.ear*apBnlla,Wil,| Cherry. Dande- lion, Jaalrer and other berrlaa, and are so pre-

Kred as la retain all their Medicinal qualities. #y Isvarlablr care or (really relieve u.e

fellowta* eomplal.ia: Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Loas of Appetite, Beadaehea Bllloai Attack., Bastlttaat and later-meat reveTs.A'ur.ColdCnills.Ubcawaltsai.rluuBBer Coaaslalsi., pile., Kidney Itlaeaaea, Feats le DIBeollie*. Lassitude, I.nw Spirits, r.eaeral DeLlllty.and (a laol, eeeryihinf cauiedhyan iMpara atata of the Bloml or deranged eoadllloa otSlomn'h, Llrer or Kidsera. The aged and in the Quaker lllltere, a Keatle, aooihlni •tlmn Uat,aode«irable in their iHUalsa year*. Mo one can remain lone uawall (aaleas aflicUd MB as Inenrable .luea.a) alter lahlea a lew botOSaSJ the gnaker BilMr.. Fo . boiUeaSJ the yaaker Bitter.. Fo'sale every, wheaa. Hold at wholesale by eSHABLU l.ABKI., Isiwrasee, eotlfliataiifi p»



r U Me ears, ■a of high aksssskaa iot»l.

. Oar keek. ■ Bo* a Ufa waa suTHl.-aiTtns ih* assnry oflsktaew assurery. and a larav maun) of swat iinwihaali enrea, aanA free. Write for II

VAT'S KIB'KT TABS an W* ay drasvkaa. ar wtnaaeaalhynaMI(rre.or poelasal as reaetaa of taaar nrloe 1 ■asslar, aim, Speolal, for asssaBB eaaaa at l»ns •ULIHII 11.', a-t.iv. t-klktrrnX 11 4 Aosraea,

BAT ktPMV PAD to., IOIIWI, oaie. RlllTiail OirlBCtotnentaarvoHBiaat Kkdnar PaSa UUIInJI. nc- «rmn» a ml. „n -<xr repalaU.«.wa x^uirttu other. n» Q 1 1 ■

4JEO, C. SOOtkWIFI * CO., flea' Acts, ■OSTOM. Sf ABB.

For tale by II. M. WHIT.1HV * CO.. Lawreaee.


It«H UH Honor, Not Mourn the D«*d." a>

Memorial Day in Lawrenoe, An- dorer, North Andover and


Sunday's Memorial ervices. •

The btautlliil <u-ium of dacorellDjr, with the Not t.wtiaof tprlne, tbegraH'

leaiida BUkff *ltiib lie* mil ibat la asriblf ol tboee who batilid forltie perpetuity of ibe free Inathuilcua of tbe country tad for tbe prtaerThlluo of the nations honor, la obnerwd to day In Maaaat liuaelta, for tha flral ituit! In Ita blalory, under the ■auction and by the aiprraned wlsb of the law. It IK a custom which yearly growa la Importance, a'tbonah with escb rucui ring > ear tbe Btonnda to be. decorat- ed InNtaso. while the ranka ol tboae whose rpeclal boon It la to place npon tb« atltnt grave tha trlbato of cornpanlooahlp la arms, are becoming lesaaned.

Tha observance of the day In this city waa more general than for ycaia. A number ol tbe stores were cloaed In the foratto nt, and during ibe alu-iiui in there ware few doing boalnea', and tbo street pet on its nolldsy attire. Tbe Foal Omce, banks, sad public uOlcua ware cloaed, and were It not that the ham or spindle, and the rattle or loom broke upon the air, it would have been a holiday with sll that tha much abuted term Im- plies.

In accordance with their naual cuntom, Post 80 attended divine aervlce Sunday, gotag la a body, at 10 80 A M., to tba Garden street church, where Rev. Mr. Norrla delivered a touching and eloquent aermon, and In the evening, at 7.80, to tbe «*lr*t Beptlat church, si-re Rev. Mr Montague preached a dlaconrse, abound- Ing In beautiful paaasgaa, and aountl, rellgloBa and patriotic aeailmtnt. Tb« sermons are given below:

The Oardea etreet church was appro- priately decorated for ibe occasion. Resting sgalnat the pal pit was a larga portrait of President Lincoln, wblcb waa draped In tbe national colors. Above this was a wreath and emu. and arraaged at Interval*, ■ profgalon of potted planls and Vaaaa of flowers. The galUtiy wsa drsped with the national emblems, sod also displayed wreaths of evergreen.

following Is sn abstract of Be*. Ma. Noams' DiacotrusB.

Kaodue 11:18, 11:8.—"What mean ye by Utla terrlee. Thla la done beoauae ol what tha Lord your Uod did to roe In Uw day that I came out ofKfTpL" Tasae werda were occasioned by the eatabliah-

BBM ef the great Hebrew memorial aervloe of the paeaover.

Eterv memorial aertloe mint have a central fait or erent, aad a central truth or Idea, la the mrninrlal whir.h our text bringa to flew, the oen iral (act It, Itrarl preecrvtd unhurt amid the plagae that dea*Ute<l Kgypt, while the central truth It. (Jod'e imuple alwaya aafe In Ibe way uf obedience, aad errrr when out 01 II.

Brery memorial •ervloa mutt be of inch char- acter a* .hall attract attention, awaken inuuiry, and .0 .retire Information. It Unit becomes an educational Ineutiitlon—awakening thought, com- mualesUng knowledge, and lacllluttlag cxprea-

A national memurlal mutt have for Ita central event aoma an I lent Tact In the nation', hlatory, about which much of thai hlatory eaally cluitera, Ihea will the ceairal truth recall all Important eventa and esnerMncea lliu.trailog it.

The ceairal fact of our memorial day ia not the rafor ol our toldierr, their Mtlftaetirtrc, their in- Irlllgent ilevotlon, their skill nor their aucce.a Nor vet la It .VoWAern victory over .Sou/Acrn foei, but "It I* tba armed aspprtMfcm of the .lave. Iioldcra' rebellion. Tba ceairal truth la the Im litit.lhillty 01 free toleration of tin In the national (impart li? an eellghlesed ooaaclencc.

1B our dlacBMloa of the niieeliona here ramcn, we recogniie tba provldenilal rite of onr nation, and her oonae<iuent reapomlliilliy; the orovi- drittlal ibaiiiag of our grand charter, and lij human greed of gain: lbs alter coal I'onSiet of duly with deal re, of conaclence With ■pedieacr. until the conflict of arm*. sharpfy daSned In our memories aland the dig-

eiM.loni thai reel la twain two great religioua donowlBBUona. ThU theme waa the dell diMcult one North aad South, a a III Ibe in aearcbof darkae.a, robbed ibe maila by

We recogniie atao the providential Indication our peculiar nae, our broad and diveraiScd

country, our rich endowment of material for all Imluttrlet, and In the peculiar el Aft Icily of our plan of government, that we ihould afford an ntylum and a home for the o|iprea*ed of all nailuaa, end freely welcome men of all clat.c*

nd BstlonBllUaa lo the partleipalion In the ble.a-

Tbeae naemorlee and itlecueak>na will make apparent to u* tbe fact that In our place In the divine plan, our duly la not done when the blood of our bra vet I and beat baa awept the ablp of State over tbe bar, aad patriotic and pinua lui-

1 carried her into the open aea. The crew be tun,ltl patiently, ami trained lailhuillj

In the dutie* of the hour. Ktpeclaily mutt the "land* be Instructed, cdu>sled und held re

.Ible for the faithful and lionet see of their fraaehlee, or the blood of our heroe*, which mark all the way from Baltimore lo Aupo- mottox, will nave been ihc'l In vain, Our hUlory to-day illuuilnea with red ore the Bible decla- ration—aln ia a reproach 10 any people, while rlghtrouiaeia exalleih a nation—see that your magistrate besreih not tbe award in vafs—then tha II your ruleri be a terror to evil doer*, and a praiae lo them that do well. Happy la that people that la in »uch a osaei yua, Happy Ute

lion whose Uod la Jehovah. At the First Baptist church lbs deco-

ratlooa were conflned to tbe palplt, over which, snspendtd from the celling, hang s beautiful floral barket.

Btv. Ma. alMirrAot'R'a DISOOCMB.

Stand, therefore, having your loin* girt about With truth, and having on the breatlplatc ui rlghteouaneaa." lpaes.S:U. Tbe Bgure* or ipeech whloh are used b* the

A pot lie Paul are alwaya worthy of careful at- tention. Tbe Kplxlle Irom which our text ia taken waa doubtleaa wiltten at Home during Ihe latter part ol theae two year* In which Ihe great I hilttian hero »■• a rnptive In the Imperlnl city. He woe allowed many liueruea, and yel night and day hie arm waa chained to that of a faithful Unman soklhr, reapon.ible for hit keeping.

Hit probable lha I the whole of thla in tgul Brent pA.kagp, from which wa keleei a tingle verae.

aa luggatud by a frriiuenl light Bt the barrark* 1 the Fetor la a guard*. By a tuccetalon or de-

tail* are wa remladed how different were the method* ami *<|ulpmenta of amirni warfare from thote of In day. A Ilotnnn eoldmr la pulling on hi* armor In readlseee for training^ and the very outer In which Its part* are taken makca a rlvt 1 impression Npon ike ardent Aim.tie. Flrtl the leathern girdle sad the breaalplale, which meet aad together lorm the body armor, are tight); fattened. Then tbe lamlala are tied to Iheltet. Next the thick) la Irmly mapped to the lelt arm Andallerlhl* the helmet lined upon ihe brad. Than ihe soldier is stmed for drience, ami nae oaly to take up tbe aword and apear to be r<|uippeil for attack.

II It a unking picture which Ihe Apoallc painlt for u* — tills Bosun soldier, clad In [nil armor, ready for battle. The line I* lomied, the ■eon are near, the attack mutt aooa begin. BCetd Ibe tall, robust asd vlsomus lorm. Hark ''wflriuneii ofallltnde. The n.i.iUag ere, I ha 4|»T1iU-d head. the asgei souateaa *«, all alert aluiexpectalinn;

~'—seas aad courage of carriage, the proud ace of a warrior .el for the defence of the

aathorlty ot that rule which iweeps the known world In Its emhrsce are as Hour vary eje* be- held tboLSM " Wherefore take you the whole armor of Uml, thai ye rosy be able lo withstand IB Ike evil day, and having done all, to stand. SSk»d, therefore, having your loins girt about With truth, aad having on the breaalplale ol righteousness. Bad your feet »hod with the preparation of the goipel of peace: Above nil, -Mng lbs shlehl of faiili. • • • __ d take tM belmel of lalvati on, ami Ihe iword of tbe Spirit, which Is Hie word of God." Tola ir the Chritliaa soldier, r<|iilppcd against pi inn Blluss, powers, and tbe rules of the darknets ol

I* world wllh (besll-tuRlelenl panoply 01 liod In tbe armor of the Itorran soldier the girdle or

electure wat Ibe Iral and mutt neoeaasry pai 101 the ci|ulpmcal. II waa not a loose eword belt, nor any ornamental girdle, but a very strong girding apparatus, nude of leather, and covered wllh metal plate*, and fastened nun v round the loins, II was the Hrtt part ol tne armor which the soldier would put on. Il kopt the armor In -ilare. It often formed a part of tbo cuirass. Il jrnced and Hie tiddler lur the con- flict before Man.

The breatlplate, made of It) era rfbronie pro tecteil the heart and Inngt, Hie vlul organ, or Hie linieves Hii- waa li-lil in place and made enVctive by the girdle belos it. First the girdle, then tbe culraaa. In both was strength and pro-

tba girdle aad breastplate were to Ihe Pretorian duardt, truth and 1 ight. outne*t are lo tbe sohllrr. of Jeaua Chritl. They who are to Aght for bis principles must lie cqni|>|>ed with hi. irmor. "An uuginlled Boldier," says Vlryer, "would beaeontndlctlen la lerata." A senior without hi. hrra.tplate misht rail In mortal agony before Ihe flrat poisoned dirt ol Hie enemy, strength to tUsd bravely and aecuielyln ihe battle against evil comes alone from a clear ap- prebaasloa asd keen relish of theiruih Brror brings weakaeea lato every pan. iNiubl baa no derentlveor aggressive poser. It is honest con- viction that can greet fiiend or lire. Impunity In attack and danger, lile aad pei>i*tcoce lor the throbbing, expanding vital. « the tout arc M sured bv a rectitude of charaeUr, encasing ibe heart with Impeaeirable lohls ot Integrity. There Is no rectilude without a sincere kivt and desire lor truth. There Is BO soul loving and living lite truth la wblcb righlroiitnr.s noes niH flourish. Truth and Rtghleoutaet, ihey are the lonnda lions or all heroic, manly character. Sincerity and Duty are the parents of true courage. They are the aaed of oar day.

IB speaking, therefore, uf the Seed nnd Sum. monsoftkeflosr, I think oi no niter word. Win tioduce my thoughl. Lhsn Ihe.e : "Stand, there- fore, having year loins girt about with liwih, and having oa the breastplate of nghieousnesa."

Bach generation Is celled to display Its special Kace aad tlrenglh of character. In tiases ol mls-

rtnne and dsapalr. roursge aad hope MTt the hour's deouad. Wben arme.1 foes are advaeesng upososr homes, ami seeking Ibe destruction ol ourcberitbed iBslitnttnnt. martial bravery, and Ihe ready spirit of patriotic, .arriflre are needetl. In an oppressive and persecuting age, maityra lor liberty mutt go for lb, trine world Is to ad- vance. A nation may lie sunk In dead uniformity of thought, religions or political, aad It Will sure

iuei m ariaa nani IIOIIIIM »""v ... useful and aaafUQiii; Ikera ts the uertyof eplaloa, dlecaaslOB aad acllos; .1 peace with the worM; issrs is a pre-

emper of koaa and eatorprlse. ahsksa by tbe giani bands of Mvtl war, rsafcsd by Saaa- etal panics, wa are satared usea a parted ef un- .jrswlled prosperitv. learning Is desseadai comforts sbOBBilPor

U-ituai Mria, or ia nature, there in- the siaadsrda af

aru are iourishing, aad wale, matsriai

Jasttrlaaa aadaravl> A careful study ef Uw thoaabt asd epMt

of our day. however, shews as lac res* lag uncer- tslsiylnreflecuvaauads aaanaralng ssoral sad religious .ub}ecu; aad the Materv of the work! rbat ear owaagaU already assjmat. . taever taereaTadec.ylB the arm

convicoon of tbe reesaty, of ajdrttual birth, ar ia a clear apprebaaaloa of Ha —■ iuttly follows a aeeJlse la sralliy. Take tmibdswa, II*. For the UltarreaU apat

away msit's bellet la Ibersal allafnmeaiof truth, aad yea wl HklIftbere be sneh a Uksag aa gxwdaaaa, aad wbaisBBdr^wilntaibeibned.

Let BM aafeld aad safatea. at greater length, Hae of these euggeelioae- The Srsl thing for which lbs special Bead of

lesL It U miSHSuS. And B la worth the sesT lag. There Is a power thai makes for righteous. nese. But do yoa oar, wbo Is rash aaaagh to .lueatlon or deny ihU? t* yoa say, whers are tbe men ihat, wbalarar be taelr own want of

ssilonslitlly la . _ „ aa baaaaaa wa bellei e It t...

asps ofmsBklad wlthta il* fold*. Hera, If 1

esgat to floarlsh that tralh aad rkghliieta — ■--—•■ "'"■ ia Jasas Christ, wUah ataat ander-

ithatarete andare. , revereat, brave. Iraihful, upright, 1 America's asanaaa It was for saw Itliagly la aaaay Instances Ihey mskt, that your fallows disd- We

—^ warn aa wa raalixa the

worth, do not value purity aad u| others / J must raplr that tha tsndsacy ger of BB age 4oas not alwaya show itself In the hold assertions of those who openly kaoee away ins props of Ha virtue. They are rather te he found in Ihe aneoaacioaa motives, Uw caasce re- utarks, tbe drifi and curreat ol oaa though* and lile. WhaioeesiimesaltmllheswUsaeialssoat universal auaoiclon ol oalclal iBlegrllv? What Is ibe temper of that spirit la which a lodge-

tnt may easily be foaad for tha resssrk that leryaiaahs. hi. price?" What hi lbs future mm eynfclsm lew anye every man's Tocaltaa,

ratlva lu

"every far Ibat eynfci* m last says every however exacting lu causa, burdens, aad sacrificing IU litma ■ i.r? -™' — his •■traJe," and "In tks kssg ran, will be par- sued as aacb?" What Is the asanry of Ibe in- ei easing anaers at pi llsslhrepy as a "profession." and al God's glad tkliaga aa taa aansraUUoa aad urieet^ralt ol eellah aseer What ssesn tha saaselaee cries about better eras la the past? lb* bni is less a see uf the pre* nail May we not see d^pn-T«.-rrog^isrit wUlrUt^larUs evening oavrupl sad Sstaa-bound t I in Mi- Silent that a careful eaamlnatlea of earraal Uter- Stars will reveal the tame enforlaaale

to aapadlaary and taa— . noeofivmade a mailer of iaberiusoe, ar aur- loundlng*. Our yoaac asea are not free from the harmful inlusacss of this ayaloal skepttcUm.

take tlie freshness, the)<iy and tba purltj

Now the demand ol Uw boor la thai this evil

nee.I 0/ the Urns, urges.1 bayoad saoat men a ana plcion. Is the revival aad ilevMoaasent of an earn esL oonBdeaea ia tbe reanly aad raise of righteous character. It may F " lew; it may be true worthy view, of official dlfsltf aad daiy that Ihey will desert their poeUwbea their wills are hkely to be thwarted; II may be true thai some moo pioml.o well bat fall to keen their ward; there may be those whose pnbba action 1* alwaya modiflcd or controlled brsalash private lataresU; but II is not ao wltb all men. There Is each a thing as character, character last wtll sued Bra loo, snd having done all still stand. Thai man if

M s patriot, desiring his country's future weal, ho will not protest with all bis soul against Ibis

..atiining error.-tbnl virtue dwells in Uw Imagin- -non. but aot In tbe hearle aad lives of men. That rose Is unworthy of asm stars aad frleads. a bo gave their livi .... for hutgood. who lor one hour will cherish Ibe inaploloa that intearilv has no worth. No man knew better lhan dkl Welling- ton the meaning and worth of "Duly." It waa Die repented declaration of hi* life that "the consciousness of duty performed waa its own reward."

] care not what dangers beset m, war, peali- lenoe, panics, lira or hurricane, with lbs help of Uod wa can rise tupeeler to w aaMtbrtanea. Men may avea question Uw trash of much that la taught by our holy religion- But I shall not 1 hope, r or all Just enquiries there are flttlag piles. But when Ibe reality of rood nee* ascot a shultle-oock thrown Irom plsyar to purer In ihe game of life, that game wtll soon and. But little bone remains.

Away then, with these suspicions aud on worthy doubU. Is goodness real? Wa know It is. <iodlv ulber* and mothers are our evidence. Upright frleads and neighbors art ear proof. The safes of history coavises la, Tha demand* or OUT awn hearts aad cosscteacea, which ever protest against our evil, aad assert Ibe duly, possibility, and tba Jay of a better way, are sufficient warrant. Write the serful cosdem lion •■iraitoi"-lraltorle bis oountry, traitor ._ himself, and trBllor to bis Uod, across the brow

forth, branded with hi* sentence, thai mei avoid hla tin and escape bis blighting awa;

Hut to this cootUenoe which 1 think an l needs strcngthing sad revival, tha hear demands that there be added a clear peroapliaa that right- eousness ha* its ground In train. Il Is in tha two together that men sUnd armed "strong In bon- es ly."

It is n fashionable folly of our lime to decry creeds. If by creeds are meant outlines a' lief so lived and binding that they teller pendent, progressive Ibougbt we may all unlle In

-*" their contiuSBcs. "

.... We should be weak IB __ lule In counsel, and ahltUaajaa the winds ia pur- pose, were we sot guided by at least a low fuada- menul convictions. But be wbo holds oaa sim- ple belief, if It be no morn lhan Uw assurance thatheeilsU, has his Individual creed. A little commonsense, wisely applied, would do away wllh a vast amount ef sarcasm aad laueado that have been aimed at tbe oekmUAu attempU to al religious end moral belief. There Is no sign ■ ominous for the future than the present Inert

ntsiorvoi IUWD IUIB wt s«av isuat us, WMII, U.e question ol sceptical Pilots.••What is truth?,' becomes tbe question of a people, morality tol- ler-, snd Inlegt ity has no foundation.

II... ultent.iid that It makes little dlfrreace what men believe. If only they are right la Bailee, ami within due limlU this may he true. But the difficulty with to general a remark i* that men da not set aright unless they also believe aright. Truth and righteousness are Inseparable, it ■■ something more than any mere orthodoxy of Ibe head which the Apostle aseana by "hsring your

witb truth." That sort of ortho- loins girt about a 'oxt h is more U_— al -l.iaih 01 mankind. But Paul would bare tbe

Christian soldier g rdsdnotso much wllh ebjeo '"- truth. In tbe form or outward sutemeat,

1II1 tbe subjective perception of truth and de- iit-lii in It. Nit truth only, hut Irulhlulaess Is hla WBirlor'sglidlo. Bigbleousneos Is exael recti- tude, it la conformity lo Divine law. Bat Os- lo re the law ol Justice, purity and benevolence will be obeyed it must be knowa. Before it will must be sought; aad before It will be loitght it must be desired. The character ofUod « the source or truth and holiness alike. Divine

Uw, or which truth Is only Ihe stated and appre- hended reflection, is the transcript of ine Divine nature. Uod is the souroe otall things. Ooedl- enue to Divine law Is thus conformity to the na lure of thing*. Menoe righteousness Is but truth inject, nnd is Impossible apart from truth. He who with keen and eager delight ia seeking for

deceits tliallds own The need of our time ssd Hurtling Id on "

life will a Is, It la true, a baagartag sThianaanaia, Butaa iucan- '—wa need a revivM "

. Ihetesrch tor truth. Truth must become a paieioo; Iruthf ulnaaa must be a life, before recll .ude abtll have lasting loaadaUoa.

There I* no temptation wore luuue, nor. If left long to Influence, is there one mom daagrro* lhan the undorcy to apparent lo our literature question Ihe siiainment of spiritual truth, and hence the need of seeking for it. Come what may, my friends, hoi I feat lo lids conviction, thai truth It and may be had. Seek It; covet It; you may be discouraged, lor a time you may bo baltled '-

' ap*. juu will never And all k. But pursue it none tbe less

eagerly, and at all eoeL For Ihe delight in it, and iite perception of II underlie all beautiful anil subic chaiacler; and character is ibe basis not only of your individual success, but ef the LB- 1 ui weal. As men, as patriots, as vetaraas who nave toughi for a Baton', existence, gild -'im oins » itb truth and then stand lor it aud fur light

at ■ 1 ierd-, I sbonM bo talthleaa lo the Uetiwl, to 11.v i-.-i.vii lions, aad to nv opporlunMe, did 1 ni.ieutiiuov''sxse nee 1* oftne li"i r la that one want whi. 1 1 ts been the wani ot man. Wa may be lev.< in raw sHtnaj and IU iaberent worth, but we mar lie aati fled la admlilng it in other., and not ace. Il for ouraelve*. W a may covet truth as a IMFIH lor integrity, but may mlsUke the way by ahie.u am h It uth ia tu be attained. Tbe one gr ' ninii.i Ihe lime i* a peisonni raltli In Jesuscht a. the example and source ol riKhieouincar, and the < min.diluent of periecl irutli. Thl* I* not ibe Ume 1-r uicologlcal ulttinciiuue, nor would uulgelu tlieiti, were n Hlling. llulilis.tlkeavery bo.11, s lime lor exalting Christ, as Ihe I) on an ' inspire! on ol all human character, alee IBJ im. 1 in iin'ii theories of his persun and in- soi I but 1 ..inii.i 1111 11 do not diO.-j in their satiwalet in. onislrcd, t|>olless character. Kkbler call him "the bo te.i among the mlgnly, lite mlghtlei amoi.g tha holy." Spmusa pronvuuees him "ib symbuiufdiviiio wisilom.'snd B^nt Iro.ds hn up as ' IheaymlHil of ideal |terlrelio<i;" bVhrlliii. and Hegel itv, "In him Is a union ul the dlviua and huu1.11." Uf Jesus ol Nalaieilt lugged Cat lyle ilrclar.s "Higher as thu human lltuugbt not yet ii'iirheii, ' and Channing leaches that hit "character I. n holly Inexplicable on huinun prii oipiea," "Hit 1. a holy lorm," coalesce* one 1 Ueruianj'a popular poeu, "which il.ea lieloi the poor pilginu like a sUr in the nlgl.t, and aa< isflos his iiineimosl craving, his most seen Eminings and ho|ie»." "Ihat tbe Chi 1st of Hi

lile loiinw t the universal moral order and the will ot liod, without belns; let and hindered as wc are by tne niullona ot pilvule passion and by tell will, this <» evident," .ai* Uailscw Ainuhl, "to whoever can reed the bible a lib op, neves."

Ti.e tpM.iil need of out day la Drui liilrgrlty, baaed un liuthlulnets. The ipcclsl call 01 lb* limn- 1* hey und quotton tisnspareut since) ity and t.n.i lu-ii 1., iiiu-ie. Tim Very exl.tenec 01 n> 1 .ill- lor Ihls. Monarchies may aai ilmugh iheir subjecis be corrupt. Uul republics

invert lag dangers to draw attention away from Hie motives sad deeds of men. Tbere arc no pub- lic or private exigencies tu pat a gloss on que.- lloi able or perterso eouraos. It is me a thai the world deuaads, and men we must have, if W0 a* n people shall endure.

Itut If sound Inlegillv Is Ibeexpreaalon of truth, an.I ilghlroii.ncss and Irulhalike area Irnnsrnpt 01 ine divine nature, where shall wa turn fur truth? Where thnll wa go for character tin ~ him, ahum poets and philosophers, states and general, declare lo It ihe Bower at humaa- ity and the .mage oruod? Much baa been s.ld ni lbs meekness ana sufferings of Christ. Not enough, iierhaps, has been said of hi* heroic In. legrity snd unflinching "ourage. That Is not thi highest honor which rehiaos 10 be bribed Iron 1 known good to a known evil. There la a h>ghri honor which spurns even the alUinraent of a d> sirablegoo.1 by egay but uaworihy moaas. That it not the higheni beioitm which can fsce cannon and abolundsunted. Tbere Is a higher roursge inat in the face 01 opposition, tierarraUOB, .Ian

lUnil boldly lornnides and Irulh ufliitd. They are not ihe only soldiers wbo carry a rifle,

warriors sll over this a hie woild. bal tltag against error aad SIB, who mast have their axed ofglety. And among all this host of men, la all ageo, bent im duly at ibe cost of all sacri- tce, Chrl*l I* Srel. Be I* Ibe hero of all heroes; Ihe uprighiesioi ihe uuilght, the niosi loyal so

lost unswerving Irom duty. He Is tbe 1 he I* the divines! of men. "I am the

the way, the UUtb and the life," is for him no as aming claim. His every wuid and deed prove evairditr- To him then must men go if ihey ill Snd their qulete, t war lo Irulh and righteous rs*. Thai childlike beesusa docile, thst mealy

because rational f.iih In Jesus Christ, which Snd* aad accepts In htm oar Teacher, tinkle ami Savior, la the source of truth aad lateajllv. Of uod is Christ made to us wisdom aad righteous-1

for whrrhUMr feaght

ava'fiiiTvias be native Iowa ■ uadersTadasts of Harvard

, In lha Mighitariag 1



ho was, by the testlotooy are. seal aad whw, far la

ce of hU years, alia mss revereacsd and t IdoUaad bins. His superiors praised and edhim. Coll*<ted la daager, wise India-

aad iBtrspld U battle, be was the laoama- UsmMoMvsJry.aBmtMlolhSWonk, sympathetic wllh Ihe duiroeesd, and eoasklerate to the enemy. Wooed after wound eaaat aot keep hbalrom

qaaMaveeay m honor. Ua was as noble la peace aa la war. Like all great r—"- well the horrors of JvUw anew of tha passions I ~ sustained!!. Ha could

deal *ympslhy. At Cambrklga, at LeilagtoB, at BkamoauVhe spoke ringing words Ihat soaaded throosoat the nation. In all hi* active Ufa he was a BOUU man, soldier, gsauemaa, ChrlsT la a wsmorabsa apooah .tilivsrod by him ai dell varsd tbo aoadlora' Hoanment at Plttsflal "" mloptsd town, luraUg lo his army oomra—.

laid: "As I look upos your faces thai I have a among Uw amoks of batim, aad remember v yoa closed up the gaps nude by the fall of as wham wa honor to-day, I am eoascious

that to yoa slso ssdeaga a eears af the boaor. but with Ihls difference. Taelr lama waa achieved aad secured by dying heroic deaths.-gonrt assist

sdarsaasrt smsf sresrrrsj ly firing MmaehsU ." These are tbe noble words of a man of

Fir by seek lag, may And this Uod

soldier, Wll- efore you to-

night, 1 believe you would sea aa embodiment ol the Apostle's Idea ol a Christian soldier. You would, 1 am sure, hear hi* sweet and powerful

- -'-■eh I can hut echo: <ur loin* girt about 1 tba breaaipMLtem?

Asd soon, to watch ibu mighty strife, the wMe world *wod still,

Wblla war's red lightning wrapped each plain, asch sunny slope and hill.

KM-fear end year* this war waa waged, Blglars "l so delayr-1

stoniest I s afraid

— _wj fl»us • snd sweep

aurdo wire to Soilbern piss, from want to en item deep.

How vallaaUy'iwosbyour bravoa 4 ease bed in Ibetr own hesrt** blood,

Daalara ya heights, ya river baaha. ye aalda

Aad wave thy flog above them now, msjestk, old

Si, Mary's Height, and Vletabarg PUIns, one te

of those herein aaoa yoa saw tar Union

>'s geld, than (Jetlysburg, and thou Btaaa Biver's shore,

With Lundy's Lane and Chancellorvllle add many

. young bl e tarn-Ufled,

JOSS from NoT IS men that died.

But bo the Uod of Battles praised I hla power oar Union ssysd.

Aad Liberty rose purified by blood of heroes

Abut tba great souled man that dared "Bound-

Republic—what a glorious name—purposes " ■""■"aii sad preaotvs those kind and paten

Which have bound together tba ioklie: who aalted to sop pre t. 1

bore urged _J5r= Coauadas and fallow citlaeaa: Twenty years

have passed away since the remains of the mar- tyred HiSdkaia were borne from this ball lo yon- dor 'Wtr of the dead." Twenty years ogrot and many within tha sound 01 my voice were In their Infancy—U they were even bom; asd lo ahem the aervloea of thla day are calcuUled lo excite carioaily. And well they nuy ask, what maaaa this procession wending It* way to the cemetery.

Ho explained tbe cause Irom which sprung Urn bservaaoo eg the day. asd la conclusion said: Fellow chMaena and comrades: Wbo of u* upon

tauoawrasMaamtlwvwn>asl pride In tbe knowl- edge thst be as A ekJeea af this vast republic, ex- taadlag from lha Atmatla te the Pacific, and fee)


e lived Uigre h victory bright.

■ the flogs they bore IB triumph back, noalara

iball we let them be forgot, these where'er ihey He, horse ear western hill side's slope, or 'neath the Southern sky T

before tha cannon's mouth they bravely -lr death.

No, ao, I see before me bore, brave soldiers tried aad true.

The but ones of a gallant band, each year, alas I

reverent Karlli'a ralrnstflowais to deck the graves ot those

dear comrades dead; "ilmea die For this, from chin music rise between

LB net's draped, sad floata

y newatry its of thee, indol tha noble free." ene a Uma when this service must by other heads; aaUl that time asaa Bssssbora of ine timed Army,

- , that ibe that la alt

ill come, let asaa member* of the Urn: 1 as ciUxoas, ao damana nartalvee, •tibart be rooeivod sa a ascred one, I BUsg time the grave* ol the patriot 1 patriot dead may

thla land of ours

-omheavsi ill, A below,

rota your life let Inspiration flow. Tbo !utare?s asset dswaoerate days to thrill; While beta wa take above your lorn bo Nswvowsof oonaocraUonloourrcleemcd nation. And every Uter form that iraedom's cause as-

aumoa. At Ita coocloaloo tbe cborns aaug ••Ood'

Keep Oar Country Free," and Miss Weth- erbee read tbe foUowlof orLginal poem, galolng well-merited applause.


Aa all Uwoe well-hnown faces rise before me, Old mssnorieo crowd thronging si my heart; Thought* of the vanUbad years come stealing o'<

aWA And Irom their depths unbidden lesr-diups stir

It. Tbe stories of brave deeds my soul are thrilling,

- 'he past haunU mo With Ha magic ape" flfe and drum and bugle note are 1III1 air that vibrates to the music's swell

And Bra snd draw sad bogle note are lining The air that Vlbn

again the cannon's rattle ) bio ' '

In K«piHQ*tIon.


You'll bo angry, I fear. Hut her tips were so near- Well, I can't make it dear, Or explain It to yoa. But—her lips were ao near That—wbat else could 1 dor

bric-a-lirsc, Bcrlbaer for Jang.

M0TIIEH.S I MOTHERS ( ! MOTHERS ! I Are y IU disturbed at eight and broken of

your rest by a sick child, auffering and crying with the excruciating pain or catting teeth 5 If so, go gt once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS- LOVV'S SOOTHING 8TRUP. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately—depend up- on ilj there is no mhusks about It. There Is aot a mother on earth, wbo baa ever used it, wbo will not tail you at ones that It wtll rege- late the bowels, and give rest

, and pleasant lo Ibe taste, and .a tba pre tion of one ol the oldest and beat iamale

phyikUns and nurses In tba United Sutea. oold everywhere. V> cents a bottle.


HITB WIOTAX'S BALSAM OP WiLoUnauai alwaya at band. II cures Coughs, Cold*, Droa- etillli. Whooping Court), Croup, Inflaesaa. Consumption, and all Throat and Lung Coal plaints. 60 cents and «1 a boUlo.

leod laow nov23

Moadsy's Bgerclses

At an early boar Monday, bnsy.baada ef fair women were engaged In arranging tbe floral tributes at the city hall, aad tbe sight presented here, waa that of a floral bower to which added beauty could not be lest by tinted loaf or blushing flower. The members of tbe Poet were aot by any means Inactive, and ia gocsdly nnm- bera assembled at the head quarters, at 7 A. M.. wheaot they took earn for North Andover, to take part to the memorial eierclses there.

At 1.80 p. M., tie Post re-usembled at Heedham Hall, and from theoce proceed- ed to tbo City Hall, whence tbe flowers were received, gome we're placed In a barge, the beanUful baskets of floral gams making a splendid sight, while each comrade bore a basket in bis bsad. Among the tributes were many bouquets and plecea designed for special graves. After receiving the flowers, tbe hoe waa formed on Kssex atre«,t, right r-s ling on Lawreaee, lu the following order 1

i'laloon Of Pol ke. Capi. Wright.

Lawroaeo Brass Bend. Sherman Co.lets Co. M. ttlgbth Regiment. Cspt,

Ducbnenoy. Pool M Di nm Corp*,

Jobs Parson, Leader. Needbam tVal an, O. A. B. Commander, A. C. Btoec.

First Compeer. CapL Chna. K. Hall. Beeond Co., Capt. David Crockett.

Third Co., Capt. Amos eeulfawick. Fourth Co., Capt. Ira Frye.

Fifth Co.. Csut. Jaaase Lone. sixth Co., CapL Jassaa SUaloy.

Dram Corps. Roya'DaiUlioa; HomeHuards,

MaJ.Jobn HiBghain.

For this, Columbia'. but hali'.maai high.

That glorious flag whose radUni hues and atara so guidon bright,

Have bees bestowed by heaven ttsetl to All onr land with light;

Tha blushing dawn gave rosy red, the noonday cloudless blue,

Tbo white name from tbo fleecy cloud tha moon ia shining through.

Aad than, to give the gloom of Bight a gleam like golden day.

Uod gave onr lag the aura of heaven to shine In bright array:

And may Ills kindly breeze* wave that flag our dead above! may be blei union, light and love.

Ah! well ye brourhl'this May day ulr' to strew above our dead,

Tbe bluest v lob-is that grow, and roam while and red:

While tbsrelsaw thsu resUag fair upoa the em- -" ward

The Post turned out with very roll ranka, aad made a aplendld appearance" A feature of tbe procession waa tbe Ca- dets battalion, boys, under command ot MaJ. Biogfaam. aad aa ihls wag their flrat public appearance oa parade, they were viewed with Inlereet. Their uniform was attractive, and their inarching quite good. Tbe band appeared la their new and attractive uniform*, and their mnalc was excellent. Co. M mrlied out Wall, aa the command always does on sach occa- sions.

No time wsa tort In forming tbe line, every detail being carefully looked after, sod tbe proceaalon proceeded on the route of march promptly a* follows 1

Countermarch on Koaez to Jackson, Jscksuo to llaverhlll, Haveralll to Frank- lin, Prauklln to Cross, Cross to Cemetery.

At the cemetery, the procession waa draws ap around the O. A. II. lot, wheie fervent prayer was offered by Ucv. C. U. Dunning, and a dirge played by the baud, after which tha service of decorating the graven wan performed. Cos. 1, f, 3, and 4, placed ihu ttlbutea on 106 graves. In Bellevue cemetery; Co. fi, dtooratad 50 gravea lu bt, Mary's enmetrry, end Co. 0 47 In the Immaculate Conception,

After ibe graven In each cemetery were decorated, the line waa reformed r^*J marched through Cross, Broadway, and KSBIB streets to Pow^meadquarters, wben the Post lelitco, and the other organiza- tions acre d!milinsfj.

Flags were displayed at many points on lha mute of march, snd tbe streets through which thw 'procession passed, were thronged by large crowds, while many persons followed the line to the cem etches.

The Kvenings's Kaereloes. Tbe heat of Decoration Day gave way

towards evening to a thunder sbower, welcome on almost any other occasion. Tbe lightning flashed and the tbUnder rolled, aad at Intervale there were brisk abowern, which bad tbe effect of detain- ing at home man1/ who would have at- lendnl thu Memorial aurvlCte at the city city hall. However, before tbe appointed hour lur formally opening th - services, the ball was comfortably tilled, and at 9 o'clock the comrades of lha Q. A. K., to muelc by the band, marched Into tbe edi- itcr and took stain la the centre males. Heated ua the ruwiium w.rc Commander Sinne., MsJ iliiiit, ni Lowell, the orator of the occasion, llou. Wm. A. Ruaaell, Mayor Wen*t. r, President Bell, ol tbe Common Councd, Aldermen Maunders, Uolbinr nod Smith, clergy men of lha city, members of the Common Council, and prominent clll- sens.

Tbe exercises opened wltb the singing of ihe ISOib Psalm, by tha chorus, under the direction of Prof. Blrachsaer, tbe solo part being admirably sustained by Miss Dell Derrick. Prayer by Rev. Clark Car- ter, after wblcb the Governors Memorial Day proclamation was read by Command- er Stone. After lbs singing of "How

•p the Brave," by the chorus, Miss l« A. ti'Kettle waa latroduced, and

read tbe following original poem wblcb wan warmly received: —


A score aad more or yean have passed siaee traitor. Hied to tear,

1 out oar hansei'* 11 ore field, the sure of glory there;

L trail'roui love lor wealth asd power, by Justice

The sUrs Columbia wooed from heaven, lo nuke her banner bright,

lirew pale before their btleful glare, ami would hare tost their light;

Ber radisat stripes have tool Ibe hoes that beauU- ned this land

Had they not boon kept from tear and soil by a brave, heroic bead.

With h s be sees from Heaven upon h happiness hi grave tboae types

So dear to bia*-"Oki Bria'* green with Freedom'* sUrs and stripes;

For Jotnas they are, those banner* blest. In every haart whose flood

Of crimson life runs warm and pure through reins of Irish Wood.

Mingled and melted, fold on fold, cemented too, sodseahM

With tides of Irish blood that flowed on many n hard won field;"

Mid lender inem'riee beading there, and thinking of those yesrs

Sweet hopeful dreams rose frou tboee flowers and dried my tailing taaia.

But soon, above these quiet graves, glowed lalnler gleam on gleam

The netting glory of the sun and mode light but a dream;

But oh f a dream so pure and bright, It* light •hall but for aye,

Aa shall the memory of the men we crowned In lore to-day.

■'enheaven Itself Joined with as then lo boaor our brave dead.

To ket-p our flower* fresh and bright ber pitying tears she abed;

And Just before tbe evening did their gravea wllh ahadea enlold,

Una! Heaven's grand Artillery a parting salvo round.

And now npon tbo flowers we pis red, tbe dew cornea from '

while our souls In

From every flower may fragrance rise and like a carrier dove

On pure white wings go bear our dead the tributes of our love.

And while they're sleeping quietly, our offering; on each grave.

Oh, may they plead wllh liod In Heaven Tor wbat tney died to save;

And msy they ask him soon lo bless with Liber- ty's pure light,

All sneering (amis ins t languish now In slavery's gloomy night.

The orator of tbe day, ICoJ. Stott, wen next Introduced In flttlng terms and de- livered the following: address

It was ins dying wish at one ol Bapulaea*h veterans that hi* name should never he stricken from the muster roll ot tbe Old Unard; there exlsu in every human heart a desire to be remembered- Polly reslralag Ibis fact, tba Grand Army of the

I thi* day to ibe recneas " and sea

el'ninn, •Ul Da

Ibe grateful aergeant of memory should rctpom. They Jell In tbe great conflict; Ibey rail al their posts, martyrs to freedom. But there are those who think they pornotVe a growing decadence ha the observance of this day, but there U no d ofibls kind discernible to me. I believe the hers of the Urand Army am toe loyal to tha

lea, fg permit si g aa mey can mushsr a

1 Is any danger It use* wlui the comrades, but with the people,

and their servanU who quibble over a srosul ap- propriation lo defray neeeaaerv expense. For one, I say away with such a srnril or para barony. Il III becomes them lo do Banking which shall ha sny manner reUrd the observance of Memorial Day. 1 look upon it as oae of tha treat means so keep sure In the hearts of ibe people a spirit or patriotism, aad devotion to country, for It ia a yearly reminder that a united roaster ras "tt preserved without greet ascribes or l.fe. and should imbue ut all with tbe deters-Anslion that Ibis republic shall have but one government aad oaa flag.

"And we, survivors of the fearful strife. While gathered here upon this hallowed day

Let aa aaow pledge fortune, honor, life. That from our flag as sur shall pass away."

Today thouaaeds of veterans are haUlnst li the busy march of lile, to visa Ibe silent earamn menu of their dead comrades, and straw met but resting place.

"With all Iheae flowers which tell Whal word* caa never speak ao well."

This beautiful custom of decking the gravea of the departed with lowers is of ao recent origin, but comes to ua wllh all the charm of il- antioui-

onr floral offerings area sort of parable whit:! .r_Bkslolhe ey transmitted to tl speaks to the eye, sad through that me.bum

wit Ing leaves, 10 lay tneae __. and gratitude upoa the graves of oar conn try's dead, and aa wo ataad slleaUy aad revereotly aboulihelr last rrsliag places "there - —

beail. Wa come In U.uului month of May with IU bursilag bud* and unfold

toe was a souno sweeter loan song, ami M WB bend die listening ear to caub the whUpertaaa ef tho gentle icphyr It seems to say "Uod bless yoa. my comrades, for this aolot remembrance; while you survive we never shall be forgotten." Cosa- rades, what emotions fill our liesrU as we mem lo catch thl* message, "Kemember me; let not Ihe sacrifice 01 my lue be lost upon this or future generations." And aunding here upon till* hal- lowed day we would remember them, yes, we remember tho fathers, Ibe husbands, the BOBS, Ihe brothers, who leaving all went forth al the onll of duly.

And what was Ihat duly, which asserted Itself above ail the tie* of homeaneotloaF It waa the preservation of Ihe union ol lUtes, the perpetua- tion Of oar lepobllcno farm of goveranvent, be- queathed 10 11a by oor miners. They went forth lo Baht for home*, for country, for right, lor free- dom, aad for humanity. Usmcmbevlng all thai, OSB you ever be guilty of lorgetliag them? Uod forbid. The patriotism and devotion to country evinced by the falhcre, mothers, wives, nnd sis- ter*, never nss dualled in any ago. Oh I how II comes up before us, aa memory retraces lu foot steps over tbe psihway ol ibe past, and we recall Uie wor.l. ot honored father, loving mother, de- voted wife, and aiToclionalesister, asylng to at: tin sod defend His government which baa pro- tected aa. which has prospered as, wMeh has flung wide open it. g«t-« tu Hie exiled 01 every land; go, and the Uod 01 bjitle protect you. We went noi lur Ion m wo. m.t for glory, aot for aurbllioa.uul lo maintain the principle via "gov- ernment lor tbe pcoplu, ol the people, and by the

Bat ih* eUnggle was brag and Moody before this was aruMupliabed. snd st times everything looked dark and foreboding, but ultimately th.; rainbow ot peace illumined the bonioa, aad lib- erty and right triumphed.

Of tboee wbo wool from yourmldtt, all are here to day, lo Join In these commemorative ser- vices; many lie in yonder cemetery, aad many nil a soklatr's grave on tho lenloauli, la lha Wilder, net*, or am sepulchred wllh the heroic dead at Uettysborg,or percbonce they sleep lo IBS beaull- rul valley ol the Hnenaudoah. It nutters BOX, lo them where they rest, but, fellow citlxea*. It la for van lo 1 isnanihm that they died for yen; sad

p the hand of the living soldier, with "yea fought for nr*-Bsy It never

. m> tong aa oae remains to aaawer. lo the ron cell, that yon have ever been unmindful of those mk» preserved this aaitoa from dtsasooi menL Theloyal soldiers ofthlsooaairyato], aot U count the eost wben the swlioa was la danger, but relying U|H>II Use sssuraaces of those who remained al home (that the loved oaes should be under ly care,! lor, sad. la case Ihey should never return, that their families should be your wards), kail all, and thiew themselves BMaiaUy Into Ibe breach. Old Massachusetts Uod bless her, baa done nobly for her eoldtera aad their law diet, but the truat has aot yel ended, uer will il end, unUI the wst veteran shall have been mustered out by death.

And this thought leads mt lo speak of the "(U+aloi's Home.* Yon have nadowbtedry had youraiientk-n celled m 11 tbroagh the mediam of tbe pro**, and it only remain* tor me lo remind you that there are in Massacbuaetts to-day vote rase who from oae cause or soother are not able wprovMs lor themselves. They have ne home or mosey, sad are obliged to throw the si selves apaa she Una or eHy la which they haves settle mont; the Or and Army olthe Republic promisee that these aaea shsll have a home, am) abovs It shall float ihe old flag, emblem of lha nation they helped to save. Aad lbs Urand Army af tho

aa you

As Ihe past banana mo with Us magic spell limit


_ __Jla Berne from the bloody fields of strife aad war, Through Sll tba land hurtles tbo aolse of battle, Tbe tramp of men resounds from near and far.

IV, In happy homes la beard the voice of weeping, For dear ones that they never mare may meet; And many a sad-eyed wllh her watch Is keeping For one whose steps she never more shall greet.

111 nuapiuu un win, wiin near i.i 01 love. Band o'er tha wounded soldier and the dying, Like pitying angels stooping 110m above.

VI. Our dear old flag. Its spotless folds are ri ven, Fon) hatred's shadow dims IU lustrous surs; Hot beaded faction not In vain has striven,


Old MassschusetU, evsr staunch and loyal. Beady IB freedom's cause ber sword lo draw, He 11 'gainst traitors loul or tyrants royal, Bailies once mere for liberty and law.

Vltl. Too solid tramp or men now fllln her borders, '—itrceu resound with tread ol armed bands; leroee come, fair Liberty's bravo warders,

Uer patriot men, with valuat hearts and hnnds. IX,

And ber adopted son* their valor lending Insulted freedom's *IUr to Uphold, rairKrin's Bag with our tricolor blending, O'er mustering hosts floeU out the green and gold,

B. And oar young city, honor her forever, Comes now to answer a great nation's call; The proudest place In Fame'* proud temple give

her. Wbo beard her country's mandate first of sll.

XI. Well I remember that and April morning, Wheat aweet aprlngUde its bridal bcanty wore. Our soldier boys set forth at early dawning. The glorious "Bixth" that marched through

Baltimore. xa.

With musio sweet and banners proudly gleaming, Gaily they left ua on that April morn; --eir souls with valor fired, each soldier dream-

Of battles lobe fought and victories won. Bant

How shall I speak of him, the true and daring. Brave Noedham, once a comrade by your slihi; IB life's rah morning, all your danger sharing, The flrat wbo fell and for hla country died.

XIV. Ah, tad tbe day we followed him with weeping To yonder hillside, breathing our farewell; There Bleeps he where the stars their watch are

Wrapped la the lag for whkh he nobly Ml. XV.

Brave heroes of those battle fields so gory, Who board the about, ihe shock, the orash of steel,

lilting ibat you tell to me tbo Blory bor- '— Of all you C a weal. dear countri1

xvs. The bloody Belda you've fought, the marches

dreary, ■ i« When weak and spent the loiltome war vou trod. Von could have laid you down, so faint and

weary. Like tired children on the dnaty road,

xvu. Of nlgbto when camped beneath tbo cold moon

You thought or home and all the loved ones there; And some dear boys so peacefully were dreaming Of Joya and eweeU they never more might share.

XVIII. In cruel prison cella when doomed lo languish, You often prayed for death's all healing balm. You could not sec lu your deep pain aud angui.h, Tbo North triumphant wltb the vkuor's palm.


XXI. A fragrin train of spring, time's sweetest flower' Wi'ru brought lo deck the dwellings of our dead. Watered by teara that fall in copious showers Upon tbe turf that ninths tbe hero's bed, .

XXll. And when aweet May returns our soul* to glad-

den, When .spring', bright glory (Ills tbo balmy air, Our heart, with love, our bandn wtth blotVoms

Dear brothers, who bare won for us our glory. Who can be generous too aa you are brave, Spare of your flowers aweet, your tear drops

holy, Some tender tribute lor tbe Southron's graro.

xxiv. In Southern homes sit many .widowed mothers Whose sons are sleeping rncalb ihe palm tree'*

shade, 1 ■ - Foen for it time, but evermore our brothers, Tbo ground Is hallowed too Where they art ISld.

xxv. ■' IM Forgiveness, god-like virtue. Is of Heaven.— Pity, a lustre now to Valor lends,- l.elchanl> loaltour.foc* bo gives, ! And common sorrow make lit stronger 'Vie ids.

■'' xxvi: Brave hearts who've fought the flriit sn grand

and glorious. On yon a grateful nation', blessing 'frill*; Through you she stands before the world vic-

torious. With stronger ramparts and seourer walls.

XXVII. Soon granite shaft and marble will be telling The world anew of all your wondrjin fame; And orator und poet, with music's swelling. Will apeak with burning word* Ihe martyr', name.

XX VII I. O, not alone in bronse and marble lauding. We keep the memory or our heroes green. Deep ia our hearts their patriot deeds record tag, Tbcir names shall glow with ever, brlghicuiug

. \\t.\. * Dear bov*. the momenu pass, the yaarssre going. And often now some comradu.lays him down Where death's dark river ceaaeloas:y Is flowing) To take the angel robe and «tarry crown.

atom 1 oil-call 1

inly cam ping, grounds.

When death'

On heavenly camping-gronltds, beyond Hi

They 11 meet you, brothers. In that blessed bo mo.

Tbe tinging of America by the chores

and audience., With uccompaiiiment by

tba baud, concluded the exercises,


Opening Night Bt the New I'Uy House.

The new OperaHouseAn this city held a bril- liant audience, on tba ueesnion ul Us formal opening Thursday evening. Maggie Mitchell presenilni; tbe play Of Jane Eyro. No ac- tress Is n.orc popular in this city, or so sure al- ways of a targe bouse, oa Maggie Mitchell, and U10 eiiractioaa ol Ibe new and elegant theatre, combined to nil every desirable tent In tbe house. Ol ibe play aad the star, we have spo- ken at length, bereiolom, and It is only noedlul to eay tbai tha versatile actress was as bright sad fresh Mtrvar, winning ibe heartiest ap- ptanae throughout,tend being twice called be fbre tbe curtain. Tbe opera house, which bas been folly described la these column*, seemed to mem alike the promise and the expectation, and won esrr.cit and universal eosnnunUatloo. Tba ushers, usder Mr. Ueo.B. Parsons, aseblaf, were qolte aaccjosttul hi properly sealing tbe large audience, nnd there wss little confusion tor an opening night. The appointments of Ibe stoge were excellent, nod tba play finely set ihrougboat. Maaasg-r Laaergao was called to ibe front, during tha evening, and mails a brief speech. Tbere waa narita a party present from Boston and Lowell, including a large press rep- resentation irom the former city, tho Hat in- cluding (). II. Smith, oi the Advertiser, CDs*. P. Tower of the Post, Jt hn w. Ryan of (lbs Courier, Horace M. Jordaii of ibe Traveller, Benj. F. Priest ol lha Tram-cript. Frank Drown of lbs Sunday Times. Artbar Ls-vcb uf tbe Now York Dramatic News, E. il. Crosby ol Ibo Sunday Budget. Fred Webster of ihe Journal, A. W. Cook of ibo Polk News, asd Kdwsrd A Ferry of the Herald. After lbs performance the Boston and Lswcll people returned by

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MOTHERS AND NURSES Should see to It that tho infant constitution ia built up end strengthened by proper Iood be- fore tho Irving

SIIXMEB MOUTHS oome, which are the moot dangorona to Infant

Ly ag-la Hoaplti _ PhrslolaBs of all schools have given I uaquallned approval as S HIGHLY NUTKI- TIODe) aad easily aaaemllated food, and espeo- tally adapted for Infanta aad growing child re*. Those sainted wllh nay sraptoms of IND1- UBBTIOM wlU lid 01 trul, It baa all the


i»v i.irs > i»11 i i i i < ,


LAWRENCE Business Directory.


MB Kssex Street, Lawreaee. Baa, Bihar aad Administered.

COLBURN BRO'8,—DAlLi PAPEH8 ChromoB,Bngmving»,FeriodicalB,BUIUiBeiy

Paacy uoods. Mciurea Framed at abort notiu> Mo. as iBssexd treat

C1LAUA H. KOOEhH, M. D. i Dneases of Women a Specialty. O«co and Residence, l..:* llaviibinbiitii.

ONce hours n to u a.m. S lo 1, T tohp. I Hy warlSIS

■v. Bsaax ST., Lawrence, Mass. Particular asaaationpaid topreservlag NaturalTeeih. Ar lioclal Teeth Inserted. Uaa or other gl-ea aa pretmrod. \ lyoell


Cor.-awrance * Ccmmon 81i Has rotaraed frow Bnropo aad resuncd piao- Moeot his.TofeasloB.


378 Havorhlll Strant, ^kaA'.aV' LBwrBBBB.Stae.


DR. i. H. KIDDER, DENTAL SUB UBON. He. in Essex Street, Lawrence

Masa. Qaa, CUoroform, or Bihar given, aa pre ferred. Closed during August.

DBCKEB A WHITT1ER, GROCBBS- Crockery aad Otaaa Ware. ntrlcUr pare

Coroaa.SpicsaaadobolceatTeoa. Tha boot dairies of thmar and Cheese. M Asaoabarx Btrasl, #

I? N. HARRIS, 2G« BBOADWAT, of listbeB, Hunt Machine Co. Turbine Water

Wheels, Pulling Milla, Washer*, Falling Blocks *- Plan* intnialu(land

ill in IS, Regulators, Ac. nlll work dune.

ES.TATX8, M.U. a Surgeoa.

OMce, KIT Essex Street, 004 Residence, S*J Summer Street.


ol Lawreaee


-^ygwflrrss?n»- Medlcated Prunea.





Parlor SuiU, Centre Tables.

Porb-ojuand Laadaeaj dseapea. AMXSSBJ

Etaeeriei h Wal ant Chamber Bsls,

Franca. £■ taa a lew Tables sllaekWalsiataide-


Better and Finer Class of Goods " r-uini I" ssur IAnm.

J. PIL8BURY. Jr.. No. a.M KMM 8trste>tT^swrsjnns>.

JITTER5 slsr mhsa ttlseli' Provides

AgaiBsl Ihe contineenev nf lltnesa bv taking wuh him llnttcttei'h Stomach Bitters, baa oc- casion lo congratulate himaelfon his fore tight, when he sees others who have neglected to do sn suffering from some one of the maladies for which It I* a remedy and preventive. Among these are fever anil agoe, biliousness, constlpa lion anil rheumatism, diseases Often attendant u uon a engage of e Una to or- unwonted diet.

, For sale hr all Druggists and Dealcis geaersllr.

, 1 cod airmail! *


Xa the most .'wesisisJ HttMsdy far sll ISIs- Ib.Hldtteys, Hl.dri.riaSlrla.rr Orgassa, Female Caaa- plnlato susd tieworml »ehlIlly,such BB palm 'ul, draaglMsr *«■*■- lISHlBlhl gltklRd ■.•■as, bw|>press.d ar *-ieawlla*Hl I rlat-

<■, with whlilahsw

. PI I.I- II It KT KI'W baa wa tqail far LameaesenadWoah- aes. p.callnr to *"•- -aalee.

UiniUKTiri'M IB the best kssws ram- ledy far Din bats*.

nKPHBKTfctM.nsaToalenadBllva. ■ leal for agjerl persoa*. la wllhoat a rival. Bo oaura aad ash f«r UH. Mt7a> LOIH't MIDrlKT BEHEbl, MKrilraK- TICVM. Pertalsbyallllrniilili.

Price, awly tl.OO per battle, C. B, BOHIBTBOg, Prop*letsr, B*IUB.

sJKO. C. UOODWlM * CO., (Jen. Aj.aii. BB At SB Htatter Bt,, Bsstsa, Mass.

endllyJaoIS rb

VF- ?YR\*\

Cm, Drawarit. gerwst Afitc tioni, Oawnl Debility. Fever md Ague, Paialyiii Chronio DUrrhma, BtiU, Dnpiy. Knmon, Taasb Com- plaint* Liver lompl&int. EemitteDt Fever, and all dueaaei originating it * bag State ol the Blood, or tSfBS*l*l by Debility or a low State of the Syitem.

ttoJ VMW ITM,» a

TRY THE BOSTON BATTERY. It atiasumtes lbs

blood into acllonsnd should be worn by svsryoBO sublect to Bkonwallaw, Hen TShjls, Nervone DIs- im, Sleepless

rsterl- >yapep*

Pevai aad Ago . Heart, Liver, Lung gad Kidney Diseas- es. Mnratng Moibert aad Children wear the Bootee Balterv; iu acliaa upon Ihe motaer nad eblld

II be foaad vary qolotlng Mothers sow dis- card all aoolhinh syrnpi.aad ute Ibo Bo.toa Bsllcry. thus rollcvlsg iba ohlM ai aim Burn- ing caused bv narcotics. Beat by mail every- where oa receipt af price. e» eenle. Bold by all Hrugjlsta. Moo and Womeo AgoBta wanted B „ ••town. Address, Doson Ualvanle

4 Trownat St., Boston. Mass, tslvdeef

1\/ux m 00., xejsi uBSiiano. voice with Bugbao A Mack, MB Essex street. Law

uM.Mana. nprMSly.

JOHN 8. OILB, Auorney-at-Law aad Noixry Public Removed to No. M Essex

street, cor. of neat street west af oMeeoftbo jSteflrmof W.F. AJ.H.OIIe. Bly myST

MBS. I)B. I No. Hi Valley street, n


Lawreaee,Maas. Personalatteattoato allhuil. ness flit tit


Roomt II and. I21

Csaav Bank Bulldta** Lawrence

OPIUM And mOKPHI*K n«*it caerA la M lo at Ten reacts^ lablishsSi aw* carid. Writ. st*t- tBgessc.Da-aUasa. Qelncy, Bleb.

THE BILLtRICAFAMH.i SCHOOL, JL tut Beys, Blllerlca, Mass. la designed te be

a Honm School ot the Brsl order, ror informal Uon we refer to Dr. O, P. Merrill. North Ando- ver; Bev. A. L. IIoughtoB, Lawmnea; Meaaa Pea tor, EH., Aadovor Ma. Bank, nad Bev. O. C HBSSSV, pastor al the First Pan.h, Blllerlca, and rossaber nf Huu Board of Edanatioa; and for Circular send to M U. MITCHELL, Principal.

feed If dan

MEN Treei UAH I tU. and anpeai Mucamore. Boa toe. Maw

ult and Uraawealal nhra'

paid. LeCUre i tUttlllB


Asms! 'j I fi i ,i«SB,|'tfJISA^IS

BalaaroomlM, Eescence. IM Cowwon Mr* ■lyf*4I


MBS. J. H. (illAHAM. will coniaenco


.1 her r.iMe«c«. rMr.ratnAVUIUILL fcT

If-iJ&WllSON iJ7A KtHtex Street, Lawrence.

Wheeler & f Uioi laiifictirin n. tiyspift


FOB SALE. Ovor 40,000 Feet Choice Land, Entirely snrronsded by streeU, aad a beantllul chance tar boating. Bo nna oaa build np agalnal vou wilhont year eanaant. Every fool of tha

Mad pocBllarly adapted far BUILDING LOTH.

(Joed House, Barn, Carriage Houie, sheda aad Hhop, and all the net covered wllh an excellent variety of Apple, Poor, Peach, Plow nnd other Fruit Trees, tirapee, Ao.

WILL BB gOLU AT A BARGAIK. ttOOO oaa remain on Mortgage. Ualaace Ca*h.

BUTTEB AND I0G8-—Being weekly receivers ef nemo vary o bo lee dairies of

VermoaiButiei and Fresh Eggs, believe tlisi ws can please the aiosl particular purchasers nl this cuss of good., wllh nil ethers la oar line. Prices maeeeable with a liberal dis- count for cash. All are lurilod In favor na with a call to examiuo and aea ihat our state meet* prove Iran street.


*■»« BTJU 9rw issivsr aaais 1 atSSBraadwar, cor I^ewel


Back, Dlwne., of Vl.lon. Pmwatnro Old A p. and many other Dlseaies that leadI to Insssiil or Coasau ptlon snd a Piewalnra Urave.

AarFnll psrlii ulars In onr peaspblci, we desire 10 send tree by nail toevei eaT-The Bi.ecllo Medicine ' gists at gl per pooka or will be sent Iree SMS'

ny mail 10 even «-" 0 is sold by all drill r sll packages for SA nil on rscelptoi «•


Sold In Lawrence by EVER AHD H. BILLET Ooo. C. QoODWin A CO.. Wholeiale Agent;-

- oedVeowlviiecH

\J la no loaai. _._ Wa have sold to?: the best nn-1 chtaniti •<• Webave sold Mi Uraailo Iron Tee Put-, -r, . aad BwAaiseaeripilvoeirnalaral JOHN C.IHJW ACO-aCroekerynadUlea* Btore.od * rellowi Bulldlag.


■ •


Andover Advertiser, » BUMBO

Every Friday Morning, 1Y


Port Offioe-ilook, Lawrenoe, H&si. SUBSCRIPTION -Pontage Prepaid:-

S3.SO psr y»*r, frum which 50 cents Will be del ictsd for strictly advance payrnsnt.

Ths Circulation of the Ltwranct Amerl- can le the laresst of say paper In the County, mi more than Three Tlmee that of >nr ovhur Weekly Paper pub- Ushsd. in turn Oltr.

asr Bats* of * I iMWH seal apon application.

Bntered at the Post Offlct, L4wrinot Haas., for transmission through the mails as sscond-olaaa matter.

The Daily American. Psbliahss Every Evmisg,

u UM rxM Mtr !»»*» OHr.«Mk

, nMOHrtioir. i OnVw, »ftO0 I ■








Catarrh, likim and Bronchitis. rala,*lata*II**d,ntiirsssl* a or Spirits

L«uat*H.«. iag, »mi -• ■■, ius-init» !• tStlak, and sthar aistrsatlag H.iKlliolikit rearfalDies***,



CATARRHINE. "Tatars'* *>wa ■•vtriln rtMtificontain- lag ao mlaaral potto a*, at ilo mesy of lha so-eslled caUrrk remedies which ia the end o*ly serve lo aggravate lb* disease. Caiarrhlne b0OBpos*d or bcallrf gumt ■•! nlif. which ara applied lo Ike dls-ased oarls In the only natural and eteclive manner, throagh lha pro n**s or respiration. Nature never Inlcmli .1 llinl liqnlda ahould be poured through the BOSS, arH ha* aat her barrier* la lb* .orm of bair-. In «v*rv nostril, to prevent the entrance of deal, which li sometimes called snuff. To inhale Catajrhlae rcqnlros no eoally labalar, bat ealy

DIBBCTION*.—Pnta liUleof lha CatarrhIne 1Bto aa ordiaarr clean ulpe, and smoke It, paaa ing lbs smoke through ine nose. By repealing thaproee** Sve minute* three times esrb day, the worstoaMsol catarrh nay be cured.


Mckllla It aoothea the I supplies luat (bi»e things

-ilure In off the dls- •aae aad repairing hei waale plaeer.

las Aat ■slewed parts, <■ I nscestsry It "

CATARRHINE. rlHltalt* the taate. Iar< la ItataT.cta



UEO. C. QUODWIN * CO., A......


OMUON DIRECT. CABINS, *** to SO». Excursion at Seduced

Kate*. Fasaonsar accommodation* ire unturpsseeri

All Stateroom* on Mala Deck- Paisenger* boohed at lowestralce to or from

any stallroatl Station la Kurouv or America. Dralte stlowssirales, psyaole(freeoi charge)

throughout England, Scotland and Ireland. rorlwii- of liilorm* Ion, plena,etc , app y to

HBMbBMua Bnoa , 7 BOWLISO bBBKM N. r., or to, JAUS* Muni-a I, '**l Baaex St., Lawrence.


APOTHECARIES; Medicines Druia, Usemlojla. Toilet Ai tinlct, Ac.,* JO.,oor.Bte*..a Lawrence APOTHECARY; Drun, Modi.

tlHsMiiuni -V*Mr. Toilet aTaaslBlts*. BVKU.VHU II. KKLLKY. foji oaoe Block.

APOTHECAUV; compounding Of" PtiveleiaaV fraaorlplloaa a speclslty.

CUAI. ULAklKB. llDk'.^ oer. Jackal. APOTHECARY, Draffs. BUd-

ART STOKE, Picture Frame HIBUrnelurert, Stationer* A Ns wsdeslers.

OOLBUkU. K.s*. bl'eet BAKEIt, MTr Crackers, Bread

Case, rasiry. W*Mlai Oake.rro-Uam.Ao.

BLANK BOOK MTr and Com- aaaroUl i tutiuner, Itoom Paper, Ueeoratieaa

W.K. KIVB,its Baaes street. I)OOK8, Paper HanftitivB. Sta XJ tloaery, nTlndew »haO«.,*».

L. aruA rr^jN, ui i.m siroet. BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Cash-

■Xarea, Silk W\ lagee, Butleoa, U>gve>, Ac. A. Sll AKCM A CO., II) Bates HUMI.

BOOTS A SHOES, a full aud noaipletaawck.el priceatuaolt the tiuiua.

P. B. UUUlNsON, ill Kiwi Strow.

BOOTS & SHOES, flue ceodaoi alqaalitlea. Low priced lo ami ihc note*.

K. D. at AiluMAV, $>i Laaex St

BOOTS eft SHOES. Largest «s- ■ortaittnl and lowe.-tprlcea luihu vtty.

BAULK allUK UJUSB, KM K.«i SI. BOOTS aft SHOES. The.arrest

and tMtat aaaoriaient to L* IOHBM la in* city. T. J ACBSU.N Will rTUBDUE, 17» Baaci St.

BOYS' CLOTHINO, Men's Fur- ualiing Uotxla, Uaia, Ac. UM j.rloa aaly.

CiABINET MAKKIt and Cphol- J *tar«r.

li. r. BAlUiABD.ttOBtees Street. C'LEANHINU, D/elSLf and Flu-

J lahmtC uf avarr uaacnpUun, done at Ihe BdiEX l*VB WOBKS. oaice tit K.Kiot.

CON FE< TIONEUY, pure home uuile, in greit variety, by

JOHN B1B1>, »M IUM Slreeu COOKING RANGES, Crockery

and Silver Plated Ware, ktlvsee dvoda, " U. B. a O. U. MABT1M 1st Keaex auu

pOOKING STOVES, Koufttw, KJ r'urnjoca. Sole asent Magee StoVaw.

JOH.N P. BlMullAM,J.-Ult.a«iSl. COUNTRY PRODUCE, Provis-

ion* au.i Live atecA. JullMJllUHJlilI.LAtJO.,10*llAmeaburvSl

tiROCKEKY, Glass, China, Pit*- J taxi Ware, Uutlrry, Lamp*, Ac.

Jou> c. HO W A CO., mi Kaaei Street. DR Y GOODS. For Silks, Shawls

raao* U»od* and Caruetliiji>,kw k> A. W.allSiliNS A CO., SOU A ill BaSM St.

L'ANCY GOODS, Ladles' Fur-

LTLO UR, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt, JT Miiltur.Bceda, f*ia,li.B luola, Ac.

sUoIT A VlaMXJK.Jw Coeauion Street. /i ENTtV EuritishiuKGoods.lIaU

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan- uv (iooda aad PradaWMk

SUA1TUCB BROS., oor. Bates, Ametburt

(> ROCER1ES, Fine Teaa, Pure J U»Sa«a,P(MiU,tiiacjO«oda,t-ruducr.*o

aVKAsTUAM A CO.. 14B B*MB streuL

If AUD WARE, Tools, Cutlery AA loailmml Ucneral llardwaie.

H. P. U. UJ1LV1M. ate Baaaz SlretL

JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, SIH.-ctault.-r, Sllvei ana Puud Mate.


m braaeheja.

AUBB1CAN OrriCB, P.O. Block.

MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadore Waitwknr, «*t aad law "- ■

L ■- UJuMuHK, Sit Eaaag Street.

\M ILLINEKY «ft MlIUueryGoods IWL Trimmed Uau aad kWaaeU.

J. C. oU AOELBTOS. rtJ Eaaez Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window ShAoe* aad risiBtwa.

K. A. ridKB, 1» IIMI Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee


R. H.EDDY V* SteAe St., eppealt* Kllby St. secure* Pateate lo the United State,; alto in Great Britain, France and other foreign COUB tries. Oowloa Oftbs ebUBMof nay Patent (ur- alahed by remitting oe* do liar. AaaignarenUre- eordedai Waablngton. No AgracyTn the Uni- ted States poMM*eaaopeilorr*cllille* for ob- talalagPateuuoraMerUinlngtbe patntiblMT oriBTentlont. B.H.BOUY.SollelteroiPatMtB.


OHABLES UASON.CotBMlt'r of Pateate. "InTcatort cannot employ a pcreon moretrutt-

werthy or more capable of tecortag for them an early aad favorable ooaifderation at tbs Patent


acted for, sad adrlaed me la hundred* ol < aad proeared many pateeU, relsss** and • aloat. I have oeoaeHmally employed the beat attendee In New York, Philadelphia and Wath- lngton, bit I still give you aimoat the Whole Of my bualneaa, In yoar line, and advise others t* esiployyou. Youistrulr,

" UKORGB DRAPER Boston. Jsa.X. 11*1. Ill ■!>

Life, Accident and Fiie insurance

JOHN EDWARDS A CO'S Insurance Agency

uruimi T.I roLLOvui.

■YswiBllD.of Phll*.,Ps. twlTsola.of PeaB.

an, American, B. T. Chester. New Terk.

jrtown, Mew Terk. -..JOB. Haruord, Cona. Mertdon, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Boston, Bhawmut, Bootoa. 1st National, V/orceatar.

~~ Ungiaad. — * Northern,Kagland.

letropole tns. Co., Psrls. London AssurftbOs, England. OuardUn Asstirsnos, Bnalaad London Bad Lancashire, Begland. Travsllers' Life and Aooldsnt of

Hartford, Oona. Btate Mutual Llle, W/orcester.l

THOMAS HEVINOTON, BBS Eaaei Btieot, * - J I.twriata,

PotlOfftc* Box 38.

City off Lawranca.

Health Regulations.

uniciorili BoiRUov HBALIH, LasrraBLr, Hat*, Bar. It, IMi.

Be It or.lired by I be Beard or llatlth ol Uie City ol Law recce, a* follows

MB sr* tlrlctly forbidden to Ikrow -■--i or garbage, of any kind,''"

i or private alley-waya ol e, and sll owners or occuui

._*•*, atoret or other building, with whicn there Is a back yard or ether land appsitenant therein, anall canteeald back rard or other l.uda at all tint a to be keplnleir o.' all Blln, garbaf e, Louie dirt, and of all decayed or decstlag anltsal ace TegeuMe tthstaaors andallsucb owners or eeotrpenU of dwelling huuact. alorca or other bu Id Inge are required to inraltk at all tlates a aultable veaavl or vesaela lor holding sabre made apon Ike ureoa. lasa. aad to keep the tasMlnaoeevrnlsnt fW*n to be removed by the Board ol Hcnlih.

No person shall permit or safer aavalnko' filthy water is run or stand on tbesurfheeor say lasd SPBIt tenant to any dwelling houte o' store of whieh be maybe the swner. Insee. tenant,occupnntorageulbsvinglbe care tnere oJ. but Lneuaner, leatee, lenaat, occupant or egret oi nay dwelling hesse or atoreerland appurteaant thereto tkaU eaute all albk and filthy water la MM bslkHsg or on said land to be conveyed bhreegh s suitable pipe or drain to s sewer, It any in the tlreat adjoining .aiu land or building, or laaoessaoel Mostrsetsd lor the purpose, aad approved by the Board ol llesLh, aad shall cnusu alldialat or pipes ea- UriBgBSSWSr or eesspool from BBSS land oi dwelling house, or store, lo be provided with a nap oi trsos sppioved by tbe Board of lleslth.

All privies raast bo provided with a regular tier closet, or some tuitsble vault.made Ol

"" n, will la- nd so prl

hard burned brick, bottom aad aides, will laid is crmenl Bad thoroughly tigti, end BO privy vault shalleateraav aewsr, aad Iks conical* ol no urivy vault shall evtr be withia on* loot of the t»» oi the vault, sad whenever any privy shall b*coute oeTesalve the same shall be cleansed. Aail so perion ihall pem.t or auser any jirlry or privy vault to be or remaiB vpoa anvlaad or prcmlaea ol which he may be the owner, occupant, tenant or leaaee. In B stale Or condition or coBatrucled Is a msancr contrary lo the provisions of this rsgulstlos.

All persoBs are forbidden I* remove the ess. >i aav privy vault without a Iksat* Iron

ol Health. Any person havmgcl ptyiag sssyles'




DHOVISION8,Country Pi A Hsst. rrwlt, Caaaed Ooods, so.

B. U ALLAU AN. tS« Common

PLUMBING, Steam and '- aad Plxttir*- "-

M. BOB BBS Produce


SOAPS; the best Toilet, Family sad Washing-


American Nove.tias. V. W.SUU AABB B CO.. Pott 0«ce Block.

JAILOR, Imported and Domes- X UoUooda.

U UBMHIB MOUSE, 1*1 Essex Street.

UNDERTAKING Furnished la all it* detail*. luncinl Chslrsa si eoisltv

WATAkHUCoBAPAKSOMB UAnie.buiT. UNDERTAKER; every duty to Puner*lssUend«xl to. H.J.MAUOJvBY.sMOak Street.

WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry II SpOjiaaaesandHHrnrwar*. (stepslring)

SAU'L vT. rBL.LOvrS,tS*B*tex Street.

WORK of every description, In the Printing line, neatly and cheaply, St





Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. CuBmicals, Alcohol, Alans, Aasmoals, Aile Urease, Bssslse, Brooms, Basket* of sll tisc Boras, Heaswai, Bri sb Bi Oor Si

tboUusidol Health. Any pertoahavi ol s vault whkh seed* emptying ssayleai ord«r tberelor at tbe oftee or the Board of Health, City Hall, or at Agent's OHoe, Lowell •treet. ami a duly I merited person Will Perform too service of entplvlsg the vault deslasa od m said order, by toe oiarlait asoavatlng pro- catr.attbeuspesko or lha person leaving the

Prom and slier Juns 1st, IBM, so person shall

OS thesMtaiid nerlhtu Sweyea. Pond, hwsasM by Slav ttreci. Crescent ■licet, Warren etreel, lludwell street, Bod Mel- rorO Slrscl to Us Hen river, eicrpiiBg only on lb* premise* belonging to the Cot- Jail and Uoase or Coriectlus. Oa Ihe st side of the Merrlmaoa river, bv the Cove sad Brook oa the weal to the Lowell railroad uriilge; Ibeace by Andover street on Ihe south, sad Union street on Ihe ei t, lathe Utrrtmsck river. And no peraon shall keen Buy twin* la asy other part ui ths city without a wrlilna perrau from ta* Board of Health.

All persoas are forbidden to keepfowleal any kind In any oellar oi basement or a it wall' lug houaa or stars.

Mo person shall throw Into, or Itava la, or open any street, court, iqnaro, lane, alley, public tquare, pnbllc encliware, vacant lot, oi asy uond, river or body of water withls the llmlla orifc*cltr,anv dead animal, or decayed or decaying animal or vegetable ssbstsaos, or sny house dirt, rubbish or filth of any kind, or any refute animal at vegetable milter whatso- ever, or causa Bay animal to be drowasd us sav poBd, ilver or body of water within the llmlU of the city without lha license of tbe Board of Health.

And no narsoa shall remove, osrt eresrrv tkrobgh any (.1 the street*, tqusres, Urea or allays oi the cut, asy hunt* dirt, reiete, affa). awnl, or any decayed or decaying animal or vrgeiable subetaset (or any grea** or hoaes)

loease of tbe Beard of Health, having been ■rat oblaleed therefor, aad all penoat are required to luroish BOSBB snilabln vessel of lor iwlll and h luse ogal autile or col- lected upon their prsmlt**, snd to sacs the ssm* la B convenient pise* to be removed by the Board of Health, and are forbidden lo place, cart or throw any swill or home olsl of aav kind Into any vault. t*wer, or Into nay vessel containing ashes, or lo mingle asaes or otaer retust therewith.

8pecial Regulations. lst.-AII twli

lad* upoa nn be licensed to care for and ramove las taste, sbsll be deposited as sees as mad* m regula- tion bairaU, provided by lit* Board M Us*Lib Department, and tentoved in the same regulation barrels, at least iwloe each week, from October let lo If ay 1*1, tad at lead Ibree Llmea a week from May Li to Octo- ber 1st.

No awlll.houae oflsl, greate or bone* saajlsaeaposlteder removed ia anv kind of a vessel on or Irom such prealaet olhsr ihsnin said regulation barrels,

la.-No person having soch licans* shall dlt- pois or bis swill, bouss olsl, greate or bones to any penes or persons other than tho s kavlng a license from said Board Of He*It*, lo collect sw III. boat* eta], grease or bones la lb* City at Lawrence,

All licenses granted by the Boars] of Health may be revoked at tho pleasure of said Board.

SUwSald ragalaUon barrels ara to be aad remain the property arias Health Ospajtssoat, snd sre palalod bine, baring galvanised Iron rovers, sr* marked Health Denartmeai, and lbs No. ol tbe license golnu with said barrels marked upon lb* tame. Two barrel* «* with each license, and H more are aaeasaary tbsy can be had ef the Agaat ros TBS lea at lb* • oat, sr rsuKir, and said barrel* assail be wall cared tor and replaced by the pertea* having them by vlilno the v should be lost or destroyed,end Has Id license thou Id be revoked or expire by limitation, tsld barrels tbsll be returned to Use Hsslth DeeartsMst Oftes In -ood order and condition.

ftth.—Said regnlailon barrels shall be under tbe direct supervision el the Agent ol the Board

[ riosu the Beaton Journal. ]

The Spring-field Republican.

Its Powerful Influence and Large Circulation,


What Western Massachusetts

Men Say to Rhode Island

Na,d Olive Oil, Oral le Acid. oahttsa, PhisAtatOU, Paraane Wax, P"UJ.

aaaia, rarlsWhlt*

Camphor, Jhalk, Cream Tartar, Cnloraolallahadss, Uaibolle Aokl Coach VarsUh, Castor OH, Cbamjls Sklss, Cnlerldsor Lime, Copper Blvwts, Castile soap.

Pumice Blase, Planter fa. li, Paris Ureas, Patat Brush**,

Bosla, Bolton Stone, Hock salt

for horsss aad calll*

Downer's KeroseneOll. Sand Paper Dnsl Brushes, Sponge*, Basery Paper, Sal Soda.

■ cr—- Cloth, reamer Dusters. Floor Brushes, Pish Olne, rurniluie Varnlsb, roieit Hirer Lead, UltM,ailgradoa, Arabic, GuntTrajraeaatb, Uold Leal, Uold Bronte. aiysarsne, * Olaubar Salt, ■'slvaniied If


Stone Jars tad Hngt, Saltpetre ^^ Sewiag UarhlnaOII, Stable Palls, rbslllljbbers, Serob Brushes,

Whitewash Bruahet.

•■nc KB A BPKCIAI.TT. Deserlptlve Psmphlst.

LaBOSgUKT BROS., TO Union St, Boa

Itt lei


ABOHITEOT Rooms II and 12

B...X Bulk Building. Lawrenoe,


«r * . •ol.. Color..

M!*ili.r?!"inktw.l.h.WI««'' *»•»*■•■

In quantiti** to »ijt at tew**t Market Prk„.


or Health, aad shall bo kept la n convenient -*—1 lor examination by tald Accsi or'

bcrot Ihe Board. 1 Agent or by sny

All Persons wio shall violate any of the fore- golng regulations shall forfeit a sum not ax ceening one l.undred dollars.

WM It. PIIUtlCK.i E. H. DlChU, ) B.S. YATES, U.D.)

B>srd Of






Past Two Weeks, IK OUR


CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, Many of the Bora who purchased

Suite late Saturday afternoon. did sot reoeiyo*

BAT AND BALL! To those and the Boys in general,

we would lay that





liTlB iffl RMLATM

flB ALL Sill *

And shall continue to give a



Regardlessof Price Paid

Barelv Ever? Boy oan annear re- speotably clad, when ha oan


PAIR OF PANTS CSS) for 25 cts A DURABLE SUIT (*,..V.°) for, 2.50 ALEXIS SUITS (hio^/mOO





JSSe of TarraMt'a Saltier Apsrleat has removed lbs agony of rheumatism, and lit noatlaned ass entirely healed the patient Bhenmatlsm is bat little understood, no** empire resort to essbrooslions, which ara really ■' --[erou*. It Is naw aes-BOwlodged le be a

d disease, reaulUng from nclditv. This ajsrlem corrects al| such aeldlly, and lhas cures the glass**. All raesstatss maTcron are advised U try It. SOLD BT ALL DBVUULSTS.

to give the nubile ine beaefit

[ From a Spec 111 Corres pond sot ] Spktsartti.D, M*SB., 11*7 ST, Hi

EPITOB Bi'HTJM Jot'KKAL : » What's lha news ( " asked Joses Of Pogg, ho bad beta poring over lbs nswapsper for

salt sa boar. "Newt!" txobtioied Fogg: Iota if It. A doses or two miraculous curci

by Abraham'* oil, a Aw leiiimonlJs for Jump bluer*. Pi 'garlic'* persistent pills, ar.d Uacss' abcriilsBl cnrtall. Then ibere are thrilling accounts of seventeen different kinds of pads fjf as many parts of lha body, together with a mlarcllsneoBi Assortment of a'isorbenU, «pe- sfllei, detergents, antl tcorbullcr, relleft, renc- Tators nnd res ewer*. Oh. yes, lots of sew . saaer running over with sews."

Ths paper BMStioaad was not last sterling sheet, oar ows itaasasaosss. It docs sot carry quite sacs S load of "ollapodrids" s* is mm- Honed, bat I will say unsolicited or unbeknown to them that Its dally edition bat many saors rondel* and lubicrlber* In Springfield and the atfyilBlsg towns than any other newspaper, while tit aggregate circulation is twice as groat a* that of aay otssr dally joaraal la wetter* or central MassacbBseits, or is Uonnacticat. Iu andlenre la ia lag best Lome* of SpriniseM snd the principal towns of westers klssssc ha tells and norincrn Cjnneciicut, sad goes among Ihe most intelligent portion* of lite New Enrltnd public, hence Its power. Out its power does sot hold a candle lo that of something ol which correspondent* of yours frost Burlington snd Providence bavo within tbe past weak regaled tour readers.

1 refer lo thai well-known remedy K'dnay Wort, aad woald asy ibat from a personal tear ■ mungtl lbs druggitlt, I and Ibat It i* Ihe dest selling medicine Is tbs market, snd what to belter, gives lha very beat ■altolactlon. Feel- ing a ks:n Interest Is ancfa mttur., I bare taken tbe trouble to Interview a fsi here sad bsrcsbOSU in my ram'jle* after news, sad will wllb or wllbont year leave ap MbsUsca of them here.

Ur. U. Burdlct, employed at the Chlcoee* Fulding D .x Cumpanr of ibis c ty.sjld. "1 have used Kidnej-Wort (dry form) for a severe nasa of Kidney iroahtia alb greet success. Previous lo using It I bad triad severs! other well known remedies, all (ailing to give me any relief. After uslnr K'dnei-Work s thurt time 1 was entirely cured I recommend It to afll -ted as it was a great blessing to sae to ha able to attend to my builnei* without being In

unbearable pain, whkh I wit belora taking U. You can ate toy name".

Waring II. Ltstor. lotgman. of Bottling Works, «H Mais Street, asys: "I have bees troubled with a Kidney dMBculiy far tbs past two yean, but aitbls ihe past year It baa be come very severe and annoying, ao lost st Umes It was Impassible for me to work Seeing tbe Kidney-Wort to extensively advertised, and ■ p|ng recommended to use It liy ihe drsgglM

D K. Kaefe), I was prevailed upon to try it. have now taken two bottle*.sad am sallsSed

that It la restoring mv bealib. I recommcBd tl to a'l afflicted wllb Kidney trouble. I am ire* Irom pals, and can do my regular dsy's work with asy one. Yoa raa us* ay name and a umber, aa I will cbeerfnlly testify of its ■01 If I."

Mr. J**. C. Hunl, alio employed at tbe Cbicoptc Folding Dug Co , of tbli cliy sayt; "1 was troubled with a severe aad sslnlnl kid- ney difficulty about IB months ago, and was usable to work at all. By the advice ol friends that bad used Kldarj-Wort succmfully, I tried It; after using it but three or four day*, I conid as* ibat It was helping *■-, aa I received great relief. I used two package* altogether, and sm very happy lo lay, was entirely coied, and siver save had asy trouble since. I bsve tb* nimost cosDdracs that it will rotor* aay on* tbat baa a kidney trouble. Yos can aat my same for it wllb wlaasar*-"

Mr. U, a prominent grocer bets, bs* been inffiTlcg with very terkmi kidney iron bis* for five or >lx yean, and anablo to rxirrbia. any labsrk a* work, most ot the time. He told me tbat bo "had tried B great many taedldat* wiibont uny rellel until be commonced sstsg Kidney-Wort, only n boat two weeks * go, and I* folly **dlsBed tbat k ha* already performed a decided change, aa lor tbs past week be ha* felt belter than for a long time. He, however, bu not progressed far oeoagh to gin It a de- cided endorsement, bnt from ihe prospect* an- ticipated a gnat can.'*

Bnt I shall txhsnit yosr good astsrc, tad I will only *ay ibat wi hi Western Him cbn- (otuiblnk rally as mscb of Kidney-Wort ss sll the rest of lb* people Is tbs coeatry.


Lawrence American. LAWRENCE, MASS.


TUB MOBMOBS sre said'to be pairi-

ng power In sll the notlh-western

states sod lerritoriea.

Is NEW Yotuc, tbs sssociation of

engineers, macbiolsts and liUok-

smilhs are usev ins; fcr a half holiday

ou Sstiirdsjs.

THE ' PROPOSED Constitutional

Amendment,prohibiting the msnufao*

lure and sale of liquors, has been de-

feated 1B the legislature of Pennsyl-


IT IS just a bit singular, that in

North Carolina, the leaders of the

democracy generally favor a prohibi

lory law, wbils Its principal opponents

an among tbe republics*;*.

Aa ADVEBTISBMBST extraordinary

appears In sa Colorado paper, being

the offer of two thousand dollars for

one Dan Howland, "dead or alive"

made by the widow of a man he bad


Gin. GRANT IS expected In Albany

this week, but wo doubt If, as

has been suggested, he enters actively

Into the Senatorial contest though

undoubtedly desires the re-election of

Mr. Conkling.

GAMBLTMO at faro, is what a New

York agent of the Society for the

Detection of Crime, lias been Indulg-

ing in, to secure evidence against ths

keepers of gambling places; a doubt-

ful uae of dubious tnuans.

TUB St a DAY QCESTIOK receives tbe

latest addition, In the decision of an

Iowa court, that railroad corporation*

are liable lor damages to cattlo run

over on Sunday, no matter what

caution is used, because tbe running

of trains at all on the Sabbath is un-


Two CHILDREN, the boy fourteen

and the girl a year younger, wen ar-

rested in Cincinnati, the youthful con

pie having eloped, and come down

tbe river In a PiUsburg steamer; the

girt said she had been abused at home;

they were returned to their waiting


AND Now, the democrats in the

New York legislature ore in trouble

some ot them want to bold another

caucus, ostensibly to come to an

agreement as to voting on adjourn-

ment, but some of the friends of Ur.

Jacobs, one of the nominees of the

party for Senator, but against whom

there was opposition, thought they

scented mischief, and the caucus will

probably fail.

Floral Designs. Wrsaths, Cronsas, Lyre-", Harp*. PUlows

Crowns, Anchors, Bouquets, ate.,

Mads of CbakTS lflow*r», an* at »>»rtmW1«; Can be obtained cheap at the Oreosbonae* of

T- O. HALLSTT, corner Mnncheater ami Washington Btreats.

ilBute'a walk from Br . letertee. MalaUreeboi

pt band af Washington StrtoL

AaalSTS WASTED |..,*,t and r»< eat Selllns Pictorial Book* and Bail**. Prices

reduced^ per cast. B*iionsi rublWaUsg Co,


Which ou b. bi.uihl low,With.Ub.r.1 .11. coo«i, lor CHh,

tfj ■ W. T. RICHA11D8 A CO%

M Mdwi,, »r. I..W.I1 It. 1UMU1

IIIII«V1.< ,■!■—. •« biiiain »,f ],w,■■■ Uoatlrmeea Coals, gl.M, real toauv addraas. poatpaid, oa receipt oi price, aad satlalsstlsn ■uaranlrad. MaaaaramenU required; lenath dawn the baek larelreu'srs, and breast saoaa- ur* for coat*. BALL BUBUBB CC., 11 r*d*ral Street, Boston, Mssa , lbs eldest and largest retail asd wholesale rubber hunte ia lb* world,

the greatest ass< rlnenl of every descrlp- ol rubber goods.

6IVOHCF.S without publicity. Deeertlon, aonaupoti, intemperance. Parties rend ag any State. Advloea and circular* containing

all isfors-atlon for sump 1.1 JUDOS. BIUI O W.1BT Braodway, M. T. 11

(i BAN1TK IRON COrriK BOILER*. T t, M, 17 and tt pir.Ucaiaciiy. CiSee asads

.Crockery tad « a*iwsr*,i) .-sg. Csibjry, SpsoaassdCrs partlti,


One-Price Ming


244-246 Essex St. LAWRENCE

Ask lb* re-overed wrspoptlos, blllos* suSercrs, victims of aver antl ague, tbe sssresi 1*1 d I • e a a a d patient, how thev re- savored he* lib, ol lal iptrile and good nppeUte; ihcj will by taking


TUB. Tko Ckeapett, Parsal aad Mask Fas

■Eesllsiae la ik* World. Uy

THAT WAS the model mean man, who, liavinsr qaarrelled with bis lady- lore in Cincinnati, drew a pistol, and said ho would shoot her; the girl re- plied that be might kiss or kill her, she was Indifferent wuLb; tbe wretch pretended to accept tbe offer of reconciliation, put his arms around her, and while kissing her, attempted to shoot ber in tbe back of the head; luckily, she was not fatally Injured.

For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. JJaundloe BIHons atlseks, SICK HEADACHE, C. " Djpreatlon of Spirits, SOUK 8TO UACli, Hi Burn, Ac

Thia unrivaled Southern Remedy It warranted sot to conUls a ilagle panic Is tt MsucL'nY,*r aay iajurlou* mlaeral tabsUnce, but U

PURELY VEGETABLE, eanblBlng those so*itbern Rest* sad llerbt, Whkh an ail-wiH Providence baa placed la conn tries where Liver Diaease* mmt prevaU. It will c-r* all DUaasss caused by Dersasnaisal af tb* Liver an.l Bowel*.

TMS BYMPIOM9 of Liver Cemplalnt an a liter or had last* In lb* mouth. Pain la the

Josh, Side* or Jolnit, often mlstahea Tor Rheu m.iiam; Sear llsmach, Los* of Appetite) Bow ela aliemauir ceeUve aad l*i; HaadsUae: Loss ol aWsaory, with a pe mful •eaeatloa of haviag failed lo tie sosaethlag which oagbt le have been dose) Debility, Low Spirits, a thick yellow ap- pearancoofiheSkin and Eyes, a dry Cough Often mi*taken fee Can umntlon.

nViatelis*** anaay of tsaae avmptonts aLWnd the i Ise is*, at others vsry few; but tbs LtTse, tho largest organ li the body. i. sen*rally Use seat ei ike disease, and if not ie*ulaied la time great SB gating, wntckednos* and DBATH will rass*.

lean recemmeud a* an eflcacloB* ri*Mdyr*r

MSJ) of ths Liver, Hcart'iara sad DyBpspala. Simmons' Liver Kcgalator.

Liwts 0. W csDBa.

Wo bars teated Its virtues, per oaall), and

THE OIL CLOTH with which many children's carriages are covered, is said to cause poisoning to the occu- pants, from the action ot the sun upon tbe white lead, and other arti- cles used In ihe preparation of these cloths; a leading manufacturer says that this covering ought not to be used, as It Is designed for no such purpose; that baby carriages ought to be covered and lined with leather or plain varnished cloths only.

saw. We have tried forty ether*. We have tried forty other reassdie* be ion Simmons' Liver Regulator, but none of them gave u* asore th*B temporary relief; hat tbe Hegel aloe sot only re- lieved, but cured us."-En. TSLSneAPB AMD MHSKSQin.





blood latoeetlea.and ahould be worn ly evervoae autlerl to BbeumetUm, hen- ralgia, Nervone DIs- eaasa, Stseplaa* NlghU, llyaterl*. K|ilaspsy,Dyapep,i* Fever aad Ague, Heart, Liver. Liag BB I Kidaey DUesa- ca. Bnrelas Mother* and Children wear be Boston Bsucy, i» aetisa upoa the authi sad child

will be found very quieting. Mothers sow die- card all soothing tyrsos, and ass the flosten Hatter y, tnut relieving lb* «h.M of mscb auger. In*-*KU* dhy nareoUr*. Beat by m.ll evorr- where a i receipt ol prior, •* real*. Said by all Drugst* a Measnd women saeats waster! in •very ol.v aad town. Address, Be*loa Oalfaalo Battery Co.. if4 Tremont St, feeaun*. Mass.

A Decision of an English court, may be of interest ss explaining a principle of common law, even If of no effect In our own country. Three men went into the Held (o shoot at s target; they oarelessly so located It, that a country garden was brought in range of the bullets, and a lad In an spple tree was shot and killed by one of their numbers. Tbe three were Indicted for manslaughter, the court holding, that although the fatal bullet was fired by only one of the number, ss all were engaged In the same pur* suit they weie equally guilty.

THE MEANNESS IS beyond question, of tbe man helped by kind bands from the wretchedness of inebriety petted snd encouraged beyond dis- cretion, who upon a relapse into tbe old degradation, goea about shame- lessly boasting of tbe Intimacies he has enjoyed, aud maligning the ladies who have made too much of him In their effort for his reform, by mean insinuations as to tbe motives snd characters of those with whom be has become associated ; snd one such in' stance ought to Illustrate lo the radi- cal temperance people, the danger of making it appear as It they really considered tt a feather In one's cap to have been a drunkard, and tbat a re- formed man was to be set up as a few degrees better and more worthy of confidence than one who has always kept himself from tbe defilement of bis cups.

Weekly Newt Brevities. -a> ■

Frldav. Base ball t AI How Terk, yaslertwy-

Waabiagtoas, l*j Metropolitan*, f.

A ulearam from Oalway, says that * son of Lord DuDsasdla has been shot aad aressded.

Tbe ankles Motes from Gen. Groats bag-gage were probably not worth more

It I* reports that SB ths moaaiala tribe* around hialear have subraiiiad to tbe French.

A man named Uoollng. a ahoemaker, baa beca arrested soar Tralaa, oa euapr- cloa of eayeattlaw.

Dr. Moses K. Brewer, of Borage*, Ct., leave* a beqaest of $2000, oe the death ol hi* .later, to tba at. 1. cbereh at Wllbra- asaa. Mass.

Oseau are arriving at many of ibe asm user Maoris le How Hampshire, aad the todlcaUona ara that tea aeasoa will b* the beat ever known.

Tbs machinery of the Aih'aod (V. II ) woollen mill hsa been removed to Ips- wich, Mas*., and Haw York pariloa will It It ap for raaklBf blanket*.

Albert 8. Clark, of Hoetoa, was arrest- ed la Gloucester, yeateiday, for aUallog two gold Locket* froaj tba Jewelry ston of F. 8. Thomas of that place.

Mr. Davltt was yesterday vUltad Is prison. Ha said bs was wall. It* Is sot pot to coavict wotk or compelled to aaeu- oakt* wltk iha ordinary eoavlcu.

All arrangemcou for lbs etas* nseailag la 11yd* Park, Sunday next, tooapoaatba SovarBOsaBt'a Irish policy, ara completed.

tr. Parws.1 has proaissd to atuad.

The death I* ao BOO need of M. Maxta.ll- las Paul Smile Lilian, pabliclatand phil- ologist, mem bar of lha French Academy, tl* Was oora Is Paris. Fob. 1, 1S01.

Fish Cosaralaslooar Webber of Mas- ckeaUr, took 6000 joaag Schaodlc salmon lo Connecticut lake, yesterday, Irom tba state batching house at Plymouth, N. H-

Mr. L. Trouvelot, tb* well-known Cats bridge astronomer, ha* Jaai received rrorp tha French Academy of Sciences ihe " VaU Prls* *f AatroBoay," aocoaapaslod with a valBsblo and vary bandaoma Boid medal.

Tb* Hsttoaal Woman'* Saffrag* Aaaoci- alloa bald two •aaalooa at Portland, M*., y**terday, and adjonrned limedie. Among tba apeakcts wars Kev. Olympla Brown. Bassa B. Aathesy aad Blliauath A. aUrrl- waathor

Tb* Isod eosimlaslonsrs of Ohio, ysa- terday. negotiated a abort lose fur tbs aisle, with Kahn, Loeb * Ou., of Mow Tork city, for »a,o00,000 at 4 par c**t. lo- urast. The Dim pajs a prtmlum of l-<4 pereeat.

Saturday. Tha tosaoa to Iowa farmers this jear,

from tba poor aaod, will amuunl to S»,- 000,000.

The Treaanry Inveailjailoo al Waahlng- lon, Is dally developing saw and aartova IrregularllleB.

A man named Wad*, proprietor or tbe Commercial Hotel at Halifax. H. 8., died suddenly last night of heart diasaa*.

The fall River police last night arrest' ad David Ooogee far aloallng a baroaebs and a pair of btsraa* from Hewport, B. I.

Jamea Taylor. *«od is. ealy BOB of Tboaaa T*jli»r of Piymouih, H. II., was drowned at Kiat Havirblil, Friday after- noon.

Jacob Bawllnga or ProvlJw>ooa, R. I., died yesterday ef lo]*rle* received by jumping from a window, lo delirium Maassansj

A SihlDg stoop was drivan ashore os Moamoaib baacb, H. J., yaatarday, by ths gals. Tba crew was safely laadsd, bet the vssaal bs* go** to piece*.

Bo* James, colored, was hangod at Marlon Court House, 8. C, yesterday, for tba murder of David Morrlwatber Howell. at Marios, ta August last.

A 10-year-old aon ol Michael Hellbarger, at Lancaster, O.. killed another boy, tb* ao* of Ha*ry Siraakc, yaatarday, by slab- blag blm lo ihe heart wllb a pocket knife.

Ths boat race yesterday, between tbe (uulor, sopbomora and frasbme* elaaaaa of Bowdnln College, waa woe by tba lurmer Daiaoce, ihreo mile*. Time, IfawlaV

Tb* last two bodies of tb* five luckless clllMO* or ML Clemeoa, wlio were drowned In Lake Ht. Clalr, Iva week* ago whlla on a flablng excursion, war* picked up Thursday.

Gen. Grant, OapL Asda sad other pas- senger* by tha awawshtp City of Merlds, arsdeulatd at qaaranilna, at New Or- leaoB. Tbsy will arrive at that elty at BOO* o* Saaday.

A warrant waa gianted yesterday noon, lo lbs police eoart, In Haw York, for the arrsst of William V. 0. Bbsak* of the Tribune, o* a charge of libel, preferred by 0. A. Byre* of Truib.

Yesterday morning ThooJSS Burn* aho aad killed Charles Bell, hi* partner, In a aalona oo Booth Clark atrast, Chicago. Tbalr quarrel bad bean about money mai- ler*. Burn* deal** tha deed.

Secretary Klrkwood was tendered a puoilc reception by hi* old frlenda tsat evening, st tb* St. Jams* Hotel, low* City, Ia. Senator Sbradsr delivered a* address of welcome, to which the secre- tary responded briefly.

Oe* ballot was take* for senator* at Albany, yesterday, tha rss*lt not varying malarial)*/ Irom that of Thursday. Bal- loting will b* resumed at noon to-day, ths propoaltloa to adjourn over nstll Tassdsy, having railed.

Jacob Berry, for years principal of pub- lic school Ho. St, at Bafaso, N. Y , sui- cided by shooting himself through ths heart to-day. Ha waa a gradual* of Yale College, taking flrat prig*. Ha leaves a widow aad two children.

Monday. Intelligence reached Lima on the 18th

elUssO, that tb* United Stale* bad recog- nlied the government of Peru a* organ- ised under Calderon.

The Bey of Tool* **d all tb* membaro of his government havs declared I* favor Of France, aad * portion of tb* expedi- tionary force will ahortly be recalled to France.

Mr*. Lydl* A. Hammond of Hopkloto*. H. H.. agsd 87 years, rocsotly fall, break- ing bar thigh Incurably, sad aoiisiolng other lolorlss, leading her pbyslelsa* to fear fatal result*.

The government ha* Informed the Ut* Indiana that tbey are to be transferred from their prassat abode to • aaw reser- vation, aad that *o deviation from tola determination will be entertained.

Mr. 811a* Cutler, of B*r1l*gtoo. Mass., ths second oldest postmaster in tbe United States, baa resigned bis oiUoa. He wa* appolaiad Movember », 188a, and bi* Sal- ary baa never resetted |t0 par annum.

A deputy sheriff entered lb* box office or McYlckar's Theatre, Chicago, last night, and eelssd a roll of bill* amounting to s**f. under a writ of attachment against Henry C. Peaki a, partner with C. D. Hess In tb* Acme Olivette company, performing at that theatre,

A confidential clerk of Bnmsey, Walker A Co., Cblcaao, whose name la withheld, stats elevator receipt* for 5300 bushsla No. 2 red wlotar wheat, sad negotiated them for bis owe bsoeflt. Tbs theft was discovered yestsrday, bnt frlenda are s*td to have elected a compromlae.

Tbs reign of ISWISBBBMB continue* In Ireland, and nesrly all attempt* of the authorities lo nerve proca**** for rent* ara resisted by fbtce. Timothy Harring- ton, a prominent land leaguer, was arrest* ad at Tralee. yesterday, under tho eosn clon act, and taken to Galway, aad ths government Is considering ihe question of adopllng more vigorous measure* to


Burrlary in aa Essex 8L Saloon.

Arrest of a Youthful Cracksman..

House Hobbery on Bast Haverhlll


Other Criminal Aott.

check the Increasing disturbances.

At sa early boor os Salorday, as Officar

Willie** Sullivan, one of lha oldest team-

bar* ef the police force, was patrolling bis beat le Essex street aonth alley, be-

tween Broadway and Franklin street*, bs

found a roar door and a rear window ol Ami Popplswsll's restaurant open. Bs

taring lb* saloon he dUcovered that a

barglary bad bsea eoesHlited, botUos ot

llqoar broke*, aad ths money drearer

robbed of It* conienU. A ahaiter which

had been placed agalast ths wl idow on Ihe Intatlor bad been throws down atxl

In it* fall broke the bottles ef liquor. Be

blew hi* whistle SBBBBBOBIBI Officer Basil

to ha Bid*, and to lbs taller officer Sulli-

van mads known hi* cluw to the iblef,

which waa ao snoceesfaily followed that

wllhln half *n hour after the break Was

discovered tha burglar wa* I* custody sad the atolsn properly fatly recovered.

Tbe seloos wa* closed at midnight. AtthlsU*** Officer Sullivan was at the

saloon door, snd saw Thomas Lovett. tha

bartender, the wa'iretaea and two yeeag

mas, named McAaally aad Brow a, leave

tbs place. Before he closed the saloon

door Lovett waa obliged lo sued waltlag

at tb* •airano* for McAaslly, who rcmala-

sd at the rear of the saluoa after the oth-

ers had gone late ib* freet dialog room,

preparatory to leaving ihe placs. Me

Anally was beard at ths rear tampering with sons of the aB«cts, sad LJVVU, who

did not saipset Ibat ha had soy siatstat

lauaiaoas, called to him to hurry from

tbs shop. U« tbsa left with the oihsrs,' and was heard by the officar to bid ihum

good night al lbs corner of Fiankiln

•treat, going towards lha IcorporaUon boarding bonssa.

When Officer Sullivan discovered tea

break ha rightly coij ciurod thai McAaally waa tha burglar. Cspt. Wright aad Offi-

cer Small awoke Lovett at his sparlnwBUi

at the HoUl Brunswkk. sad learned that

McAaally boarded at Mo. 1 Pacllc lorpo-

ratkB. QolBg thsrs th«y found tb* youth- ful cracksman steeping In a room with

his brother, awoke blm and notifl.-d htm of hla arrest. Ha took It calmly, bet

Officar Small discovered that he was

about todras* hlmsslf in clothing which

ha bad not worn dating the eight, and

compelled htm to doe lbs attire which wa* foaod oa a chair near hi* bed. He

dM so, aad when taken to ths police na-

tion tbs proceed* of ths robbery,,

were found la hi* poasesaloa. Thar*

were one $6 bill, twogibl.!*, ga 50 In •Ilver half-dollar*, ?5 cenu I* nickel*, aad

copper* to the amouu.1 of GO cent*. Io

police couri Saturday be was arraigned

for lb* burglary anil pleaded guilty, and

waa otdersd to fnrnlah aaralle* la gsOO

to warrant hla apoasrsne* at the October

lertn of tbs superior court to bs hold la this city.

HI* full name I* James Y. McAaally. Ho

IsSJyasrs of kjfe, saJll fur ha yesrs,

bnt hsa quite a pi*poasfaalog eppasraaoe,

sod ordinarily would not be auspecied ol commlillng the beniou.. crime of whkh

hs now acknowledge* hla guilt. U* baa bora* a fair repatatloa heretofore, bet

like too many yooog men bas seamed to

And coogeulal company ojly IB llqujr ss-

looas. Ths burglary was Well planned

for a yoeth who la not an adapt la crime.

When be remained at tbe rear of the sa- loon at cloilng-sp tlsse bs doubtless re-

moved the fastening of its window shut-

ter and loosened Ut* window lock, so thai

svetyiblag woald be In rsadloaaa for hi*

entrance. When be bade hi* cotnpsalone

good night b*do*btk** hid fn the vlci*

Ity of the salooB aaUl tba officer had

go** to aupptr, when he raised ta* win-

dow throwing the shatter upon lbs bet-

ties aad easily gained accesa. Ha ait tba

place by tbs rear door, drawing tbe bolt

OB tbe Interior, leaving the door open

after blm, aa li was found by ths officer.

Tbe police did quick sod active work

la discovering the burglary and ta Icr-

retlBg oat the thler, sad are antlUed ut

prates for their slbrta. Among

fecia found la ha pockets when arrested

was a silver watch and pated chela. Tbs city marataal ramambsred tbat on tha 18in

May, a gentleman named Job* A Built, who boarded st Ho. I Paclflc cor-

poration with McAnnlly, reported at the

police staUoo that hla silver watch and

chela had baa* stolva from ha

Saturday lbs watch and chain fuead with Mc Anally waa abowu 8 oil, and by him

■denuded as hla property. The than of lb* watch and chain McAnnlly deole*. and

■aya that b* bought them for M cent*

from a boy whom he dose not know. mesenry oa Mast HssssblU Street.

Thursday last, a thief entered ths real

dence of Mr. C. K. Pi fishery, en Ksat

Haverhlll am ei, and SBceeaded without osieciloB. IB commlillog a robbery of

money to tbe amoeat ot 850. The money

was lake u from the portantonaale ot Mrs.

Pliabary, which was lo her apartments,

and was not mined by that lady until

some lima afar. Ho eaaplcloe* looking

person wss see* to aav* tbe premise*

durlsg lb* day, by ihe occupant* of the

adjoining hoove*, and tb* theft Is aap

posed to have been committed by ao ac-

complished aoeak thief, to whom circa*

d*y offered s good opportunity for plying

his nefarious calling. A Bttwat Bttw sad Its Oawasajaeatess.

Ia the police court Friday raornlBf,

Freak Stakem, a worthies* chatacur, who bas frequently given ths police

trouble, pleaded guilty to committing a ssrloes asaauit with a heavy pswUr mans.

ur* ou Peter Scanlon, and was arntenced

to pay a floe of S5 snd costs or 8 mootbe

to Ihe hoese of correction. Tb* aaiaull

was committed Thursday, aad oe that day Biakem with hla brother and a boos

companion named Patrick Wulcb, ware

making a toar of liquor selooaa creatlag

trouble wherever thev visited At Deaey'e on Oak alreet, they got Into ae altercation

with two men rained William O'Hell and

Edward Murphy, sad adjourned to lha street to settle It. A l»rge crowd collect-

ed, snd for s Urns there waa a desperate

fight, la which EBlvas wore drawn, bat

not used. Murphy waa struck In the right

eye with a aloe*, and Stakem broke a

Urge pea* ef |i**s with a *u.aa which fa*

stated st sas of ha oppoceeu. Bs,

MerssXp. *a4 Wsleh were **rtelgeed Is the

police- aware Batsresy, for creating a exs

a 8ns ot* 81 Sad one-third of the coats er

8 meats* is tb* hoe** of correction. Ia

aeUtUoa ta tba senteeee Bukam jrss acatsaced ta pay a 8as ef gf and ooais or

sOdayssewVtolaUaga dty otaleanee, la throwlag. Stbee*. Ha brother, who Waa

with hla la the row, aad 0*M*il. ben net

yet bean arrested, aad It a bstUvad thsy ksvs U(t the elty.

The depths to which man lull by tip-

pling, wsa tllnstratad farataty la taa po-

lice conn Stiardajr.when Unas. II. Hays*,

oao* aa Intelllgsnt and sellvs yoeag mas.

who startad ta Ihts with the brighust

prospects, was arraigned at lb* bar of Julio*, for vagrancy, to which be plsedad

gallt/.and was saataaead to three aisaatba

Ut tbs boas* of sseveettaa. Me to tb* sea

if J. F. a H*y*s, B-o.. the asjbneaer

sad proprietor of the liet newapeper

Is Lawrence, the Courier, aOerwares merged Into tin AMBBsoaa. Me waa e

Major IB the First Heavy ArUlkry. aad

made a Boed war record, bet sloe* thai

Um* has baas going down the hill, aetil

now he has made falaaself eabaeraba U .

thaes who woeM wish be b* hi* beat friends. Ha Is a priator by trade, bat for

a number ef yesrs has been a con8rated

tramp, it* to p-aeaaead ef mach ability, aad daring the war a a seise of lattars

from tba seaae of strlfs, wrlttse by blm, sad pebUabed to tbe AUBAUCSM, awn



A Man IIsag* llisaselflaa Bant.

Lx*t Friday, at II.80 o'clock. Jeslah

Isekwtt, agsd M •ears, was rosed hasg-

irg l* the bars or hi* aoa-la-Uw. Kirk F. Brown, Ho. 85 Broadway. Ha bad base

to this elty sad retereed is the 11 o'clock car. gslag law the h tea*, whore he re-

aalaed bet a tow aomsoU, aad eUUBg. that he woald tab* a walk la thetowe, loft ihe hMH. Abitt tsn ml a u la* after-

wards, hi* wire Went v* lha bars, aad

mead hla hsaghbg by the seek fro** a iail ropewbioh ho hal attached tolas

upper dwr timber. Oe* leg was rasUag a keg. fro* which he tbrsw hi at sal I ta

comioUilag ths rash hot. Hi* wife gave

ao al*>«. sad Mr. Kirk F. Brewa aad Dr. Pare* aero epasdlly samssoead, sad eat

ib* rope, bat lira was axtloct. Coroaer

Lamb was MwaiaesJ, SB J after visaing

tbe body, datlvsred It w WsUrhMss A team, oedsrtabara, to prenawe It far

barlal. Th* dilSksid bu bees la HI haalth far

ytars, sad Use* the dssth of fat* wife, bret year* age, has been given he 8u ef

deapoadency, aed at lima* did not appear

of •eesaVmlnd. Thursday hs visited the grave of hla flnt wife, and sot returning

fbr a- luag'Uma, Mr. Brewa's family

bee ins* slarbaed st his abssne*. When

mot by Mr. BruWS OS hi* return, ke aall

that he had faiotad oa hi* wi(*'» grave, snd fult oa passing tba river as if he

should throw hlmsslf I* th* river sad

drew*. Mr. Browa told blm to dismiss •neb nation* from ha mind, aad to hat*

eosrago.' Is the evuelng bs was mure

despondent than ssaal, aad durlsg ta*

night waS beard to leave tha hue**. He

rsieraed, however, after a brief abooSB*,

but whs* Mr. Brews west to tha here this morning, be found the keg from

which the usfortonal* sssa mad* the

fatal aap. *taadlag oxacilv la the posi- tion a wsa found whes tie bedy era* dlacoversd banging. He doubiles* left

the hone* In tho nlgbt with tbe Intention

of commlillog suicide, bet for Some rea-

son delartsd the pereetrsttoe of tbs dser*.

Tba decsaesds wife died three yesis

ago, leaving two daughters, oao lbs wife of Mr. Brown, and tha ether sa Invalid

reetding at Bast Hebron, M. U. Us mar- ried absrtly after bar death a lady sons*

years younger tbsa h t rase If, who anr vlvaa

blm- For a samber of years be wse ass*

ployed as a plpsx at the PaclSc Mlia,

aed for oa* ysar waa ta the employ of tb*

elty .af Lawrence, ss e tesawur, la ihe

street essertmaet, Bsceeily ba bee en- abled at Manchester, N. II., sad came

from that place only Wednesday l*sfc,te

vatt hla daughter, Ml*. Brows. H* was

a member of Mechanics Lodge af Odd

Fsltowa, ef Maacheaur, M. H., snd of ths

EesaK Mortb Odd Fallow* Mates! BseeaA Association. U* wa* aloe ls*sr*dlssa

Odd Fellows Benefll Asa set Si Ion. Is Hew

Usmsehlre. Ha taasraaea was la the la*

tersat of ha Invalid daughter at B**t flsbroa. Hs was welUknown burs, aed

la Mathaea.aBd was held la mock v*taem

by isose with whom ke wa* acqsalatsd.

He kaves ao properly.

The troaba bstwes* Wl.llam Salllvse,

famUlarly ksown as 'Tlge," s*d M<e*r*.

Oonnan aad Doeabos, In relation lo what

to known as the Sullivan property at

Booth' Lawrence, has *o*u**od a Bow

phaee. The property a new Is fall pee*

ssasloa of Messrs. Gorman aad Dpaahos.

and Sulilva* has ceased to have say claim

apon It, bet at every opportunity hs aa-

neevera to awake the pma*ssl*n ex* It disagreeable to lbs owsen and UaaaU.

Wednesday last whoa Intoxicated be went

to Boelh Lawraoca and going to Carter Kreat, kicked IB lb* cellar wlndowe in the

tenament boas** then besOMlng; to Gor-

man aad Paaabes, sad frees tbaace Wank to Broadway **d committed almllsr nl*.

Cbaf at hoasea belonging to the aams xestlsewa. le all bs broke U p*u*s ef

glass. Friday he wa* *rralgn*d la the

police coert far msliclos* mtosMaf le

ahlc* fa* pl*adad sot gnitj. Be Was

repressaud by W. 8. Knox. K>q , who or*re*l BelUvaa's druakenn- a* la •itcaa-

atloa pr the ogsece he had commltai. Tb* ehae wsa contlnned nntll Woines-

day, aad, It was uaderatood, that IB tho

mvaaUme, he wae make good the dam-

ages doss by bias. John C Baabere, Beq., counsel for the complainants, ban

anked tba court to place Bu.Lvan under

b ■! d * to keep lbs peace.

-*fHn r regular *nmm*r redaction 1* fare

for the rand trip between tha city Bed

Ctloeeoaier, on tbe Eaetaru railroad, hes

take* pteee. The fere I* now 11 80 to

Gloucester and back. For minor cbaegaa

In tbe Urn* of renalag of Wales, see um*

table cbwwhere. i

-r Lawrence American.


¥ i : y MuKNINQ. JUNK 10. IMI


Weekly Neva Brevltlen. —.—-*»■ «■

Tuenilav. , Tie HeLla* vtollo-

Uirttf BO") c luto psaseogrrs Ballad from H**/ T >ik for Kjr«>|M yesterday:

Oa« tho**nud emploie* of N«w York w4 B uoklje bmwvtiw ar* oa strike tor an lucre*** ul HlfN.

TM fjruv* di*- lliery it p urla, lilt* >la, w»» burned vf«.nTii*T, iu*idviu*i u prop- erty i..M.. t •lu.oaa

Aua «fir-tiM HUM ..r Mr. John •■ -ouib km- i.-n. w*» run over sod klllrd >e»>t*rday, i>) a height irata.

III! rwy irv-d ihi'ih-Piro|MMp)««ri *r« c'•■'<«ritH<, win a *k>« to NHN lb* ciiapleu* armralii* »f the Panama canal.

BalgerU w II be p<--,ctatmed ia a «UU ofs!**-* to-day, th* pitsourator of Widdlu ha* be. ■ »rr»»iwd nod the situation la pre MMft

tt*v«ral farmer* ta H i-sell cosmy, Ci., DtilWviiiK itlx w.iriii In eu nlng Ut an wuc oa ihe ItHh uf June, bava negk-cled put- (lag lu tbflr crop*.

Timothy rHggina, *u. >l CO, wtt fatally ■hot by his nephew, Jawsa HI a* to*, in a i|u*r..l la O»ot>la, N. Y., yieieiday Jatuea bap burn lothi d ap.

Sloop Moment r Tall River, wlUi coal, able oa bar Way ap Vital rlvar, Huji.i.y. struck th* ph-r 'oolof Strath Fifth sin at. Wllllams-burg, and *nat. ■ i- 'jritll i It un.l rirrnni at Ha* York, fur slabbing Diuiel Cearns, unarm). Sunday night, alKMllha ateamer Bremen'- strike. Cenra* fa dying.

Oa* kj'ttbrl waa taken lor HHMn at Albany yiB'n.iiny. 'I ha tola waa tight. owing to ll,M shannon of no roan? mem- barn. A Tall attendant]* aad oomn anex- pcciid change* ere lo >h«d Tor at to day'a **s»lcn.

At Qr *aj Itldit, eaabi-b of Screaton, Feua , Ka< urday. a boy named Thompson threw a large alone at a dug. Th* eloae accidentally struck Thompson'* brother, crushing hia akull and kliliug him luataui-

Tha wire of Col. !**>*■ Irving, oaa or tha moat estimable clllsena 0/ R.tchlug- bam ooaaty, Va.. waa o'ltragad ■ a ■*- gro'iiiy iilstin. tie waa arraatad Monday aud n-iu<>vid to Greensboro, N. C, Sunday night, to prt-vent tail bring fyacard.

WodnoHilny. Arrrat <>r aintr and aaval oaloara eoa-

llaua la Kwaala. Ibw QtU «*ld«atly dla- t'B-Ung tltrlr loyalty

II««HVB t L-ililrtL', a tahJihi. waa draw m d bv Hi.' u|ia«-tiiH4 d a HNiltMMt, at l.akr Qulup-luniuoi.d, l--t iiljftn.

Tha U»wl M| Mnliaa lu OalUia, bffii d.'»trond by aani Bmratlon. Thrve thoaaaiid |W H ara hOBMlf M.

Tha cadat Wbltaktr ca-a U c.mclud«d. aad the oorat will u<iw maka ap tla dacla Ion ami forward It u. Wa>blegtoa.

Ilrawyr rruala, wiih mui-ti dairaga to trimIIIU en>|w, an- n-purUd Jnitu varloca parta uf Him lltrnpalilrtt and Vennunt.

Tha UnHfd Suiaa rurnim culler, (lima wrui ta'iuie u> Hi. Join.'- bar, liorlda, la>| avauiug. Ili-r i-oiKlitiiin W uiknuwn

The t-arly mvulliig ul lh« New llamp- ablra t e« B^lMMa, .ip<u-d la«t avaakBg, at Ciun-itima, wltb a iarg« audlance of (U'agaUa.

'l'n« Hrldab g>veraia«nt haa baai ln- » i. d i" couau i with olhrr powara, with a fifw of aaaurlng ibu rtt-ntralliy of the Pn ana raiiitl

Jgdjt- BirW. 1,-tdteil Stataa coaaalar Bg«nt at U.iawa hae rt^ljuad. and It la ataiad that la will ba tafvai«-d«d by a Mr. K..I.I.I-. ..r Michigan.

Tht; il-htiiji achoonar C. V WllaOn. of KHz. ib. rli|i,.n, waa dnvxu aahurif near Turtle Gut l»land, > I-M.-iday. Thar crew Of four w -re taken aahorr,

A Maw York Ju Ige IM- drcld«d that th e atockaoldrra In a n>-««|ia(M-r company, ranool 1M InM iaapott»llilw f«f I Ibel.oDB matter prlptid by ib.- run paiiv.

Tba Garden Cliy Di-nlieiy Company, Chicago, III., tl *h.i-r ilivilleiy | fatal rxploalon occurred aaveral moniha ago, baa failed. Uabilitka over i'J I OOP.

A. B. Stearua waaikrowa irom . wagon In llopklntOB, jemerilay, by a noraa oa> coming frlgbtaned at a bicycle, and badly eat oa lha brad and olharwiaa biulscd.

Then appaan to b» amall chance nf a Mnatorlal election bainit held by th* New Hampablra leul*lainr« tbia acaaloh; uetrly all tba ivadlnu caitdldatea ara oppoae I to It.

AHhnuch ib c.tuarea>.f.ti.Bl aiprapria- ib.n «*,ni.(,|.- in- th.. n ii-u- of 1890, Will lie • xhiuiletl in. the ].i h luaUut, the Work t- ■>• IM couiiauml o» * volnntaar Torce nf toe Innt-nu rulylug ou l'ie next Cntiuie.-a lor coiupeiiaatlon.

Tile ualbiMal greeu'iach labor convan- tlup, mat/in tt'. Loala y«aterdav, to uloct a cbainii in In place ol T. II Uuicb, ra- algnt'd. Jeaaa Harper of Illlnola, waa eluded by B baudaoma majority. La* Crandall was re elected secretary. Judge TbomaaT. 1J rani of Washington, ireaa- itrer; B S. Heath, Chicago, correapood- avcrotary.

It waa dlac itered laU yeatarday after- no HI, that the aafe In the offle* Of Ik* Brooklyn board of adnca Ion. hail bee* ro'tb. d of a large number of vouchers and valuabi* papera. An luveatlitalioa had b*en ordered recently Into the method of bookkveplBg by tbe hoard, and ilu- rob bery |a »*ap<fCl*0 to have a iihe conuwe- llon wilb Ibe prop med In V.KI I gallon. The aafe waa found yealerday Utorulog locked aa u-.ual.

Thursday. Th* village of Bradley, Kogland, haa

bean almoet totally destroyed by die.

There are aerlooa todlcatlons of a a rlk* among th* brewers' *mpluyes In Clnclo- atlL

Tha halk of the Tarkl-h forces stationed ■car the Qr*ek frontier bava commenced to retreat.

Th* Theatre Boyal at Deliast, Ireland, Ml burned y.aierday morning. Loss estimated at tso ooo.

Too IMih anniversary or th* Pirat CoDgreialtoasl eborch at Kaadotph was celebrated (esirrday.

The Mew KaglaMl Mertlcal Society of Hpeciailata held Ila snuual meeting and dlaa*r at the Revere Moos* yesterday.

A Ptntance despslch slates that th* steamer Faraday has awccesafally landed tha ibore end of the new Atlantic cable.

. R It. ihedd of Belbel, Vl., fell from lb* top of a high barn |o the baaemeat, Tnesday, aud was killed. Ilia age wu about U.

Th* Cornell crew arrived In London yealerday. They trained eveiy day dating the paaaage from New York in atatlouary rowing apparaiaa.

1 Commodore Jefeis has reolgaed his position aa chief of the bureau of ordi- nance of Ihe navy department, lo lake elect on the SO Wat.

The Ohio republicans renomlnated Governor Foster at their convention yes- terday, and selected J. G. Richards aa tbe candidate for lieutenant-governor.

Th* Oretk ministers of justice and eda cation have been relieved or their func- tions In conaequwocw of revelations con- necting them with great administrative frauds.

The health of Secretary ttlaln* excites th« gravest appreheualou on the part of his Family and friends, and bis retirement

. from ib* Csblaet la reported to be dally growlag mure probable. *

The Soldier-" Home la Chalaaa waa dedicated yealerday afternoon with appro- priate ceremonies. There waa a procee- sloa and a dinner, with speeches by ■ everal prominent gentleman.

A deai stch received from Caimo, N 8., says that a vessel arrived there yealerday, reports that the two men lost Irom the American H-blng acbooner Delterophon. dnritg* fog, bad leached Hsbl* Inland asfsly.

The severest rsla and thunder storm of ihe raaaun vialled Halllmor* yeetarday afteraoon. The llthtalBg strack In **v- >i al plao< s. Tbe tops of ireea ware wrung off by tbe wind sod ■irewel th* aUeel*.

The c. uiennlal telebrallon of lb* Haa- swhuawtla Medical Society was finished teaUnlay with tbe annual business meet- ing, and tddres- by Dr. J. C. Warren. In IlitttUuiiuralhsll.liustO'i, In lha f*renoon, and a dinuar and *i eech :* la Music ball lu ibe Blternooa. . .

The excitement at**. and HafUdebub, Irelsnd, contlnuva unabated. At Ibe latter p see ou 'loi-day S part* Of drty ujarlues were attacked by a formida- ble mob and driven to llantry, gad at Sklbbereeu yiaierdsy tha braacb bub of HaaaUr was wrechsd by a mob.

I Moatit CliiMK8g arc uu^iitig, out- i«a>

wl being ou Uiu way willi Itia

ilmndred lo be eiit|ilu)e<l oouuc ol llio

Bouili western railwti)B.

'I'IIK WIRU ol ■ new telegraph

'.lomjiajiv in Wunliiiiglun, are lieing

run tlirongfa Uie acwcii, aaspenileil

Irom tbe upper atirfnic.

IT ia pleMuui to read Die cordial

endorsement mt ibe Herald for tbat

aatute New Unuipehire politician,

Htm. Jacob 11. Klu.

TH*. THOUBLKS iu Ireland seem lo

grow inor«j and ipore alarming, and

lb* pioa|arvt ol' 4 aolntion wi.iiont re

■ort lo bloodshed avema leaa promls


Ax Ki.ncimriAN in New Voik

| Isims that with the beat reaulla thus

far obtainetl, the electric light cannot

compete with gaa in ihe coonomy of


A Fioirr occurred last week, dur-

ing wedding; foal'mlle* In New York,

aud one man waa severelv cut about

ihe head; tbe police arrested twelv

Of the guests.

THK FitKKiiiT on, from New

York Ui Liverpool, la II .20 per Ion

from tbe latter city to London, alioul

one hundred mile*, ibe charge is

•3.15 per tori^

IIAKM M § avth'eniactneut aaya that

S0.000 people wituesaeil the great

siiow on Monday; ihe AtlvertU

rejMirt aaya perbnp* l.t.U00; so it

aeetna ibat autltorlliea differ.

A SWISIH.K In life insurance has

been uncovered In the work of agents

of the Metropolllal Life Company of

New York, operating in the weaUirn

portion of the state, proeuriiig bogue

risks, and insuring unfit subjects.

THK KLKCTIOM for slate oftJix-ra in

Oliio, does not occur until October,

only one month earlier than In Ibis

atulc, hut Ihe campaign baa already

been opened, and the |H>Hltcal put

will boil llirougb the summer months.

Gov. FOSTER waa unanimously re-

nomiimled by the Ohio republicans,

Wednesday, with state senator Rich

anli fur Lieut. Governor; the national

And Mute administration* were cor-

dially endorsed, and a resolution

adopted in favor of u constitutional

amendment aubmltting nil question!

concerning tbe liquor IrnfHc lo legia


NAI.KM wants a small concert hall,

nigh, conveniently arranged, of good

acoustic properties, and with a seat-

ing capacity of Irom five to six hun

dred ; with ibe loss orSauuders Hall,

in this city, l»v iu conversion to mil-

itary purposes, we believe a place of

the above description, eligibly located,

would prove a well paying hit of

pro|>erty iu Lawrence.

Hun. FAXON is happy, and tbe

little irtek of ap|)ointing tbe irrepreaai-

ble teiii|>erance agitator, u police n

In Quincy, is not proving altogether

• Joke. Air. Faxon accepted the po-

sition, and went vigorously to work

to secure tbe cnfomemenl ol the law ;

be baa brought action ngulnsl four

liquor dealers for viola lion of the

screen law, and secured a verdict in

every <«se. Mr. Faxon U one of the

hard headed sort of prohibitionists,

who believes iu making the mosl

effective use of whatever weapons tire

at band, and enforcing to its ut-

most even a law the principle of

which is not according to his betief,

and tbla Is the sort of work that wins.

TIIKRK Is no recent political story

so ailly, as that President Gsrlie'd

and Secretary HIaine are anxiou* lo

relinquish the star route investigation.

lest it injure the republican party

No party with a desire fur, pure ad-

ministration was ever hurt l»y an ex

post)re of whatever wrongs men with

in it may have committed ; the pride

of the republican organ!zillion hsi

justly been, that unlike the old deiu

ocratic practice, it has been deler

mined to pursue and uproot the tail-

ings and aborlconiinga which existed

in its own ranks, and it is folly to

suggest that either tbe President or

the Secretary desire to shieM any one

guilty of wrong doing, because of

b)eir political affiliations.

TWKICTT YKAK* ago, as Ihe early

regiment* were departing for the

field, the warm and hearty promise*

made to the soldiers, or the unwaver-

ing recognition of the state, from Ihe

lips of John A. Andrew, met with nn

enthusiastic response from Ihe peo-

ple of the entire Commonwealth.

And nobly have those pledges lieen

kept; no stale in all the north has

poured out of her treasure for the

comfort of her soldiers as has Massa-

chusetts. Hut no laws are perfect,

and despite the magnificence of the

state aid allowed, there are here and

there cases, not within the provisions

of Ihe law, or from a narrow construc-

tion by local aulhoi ilies, where an old

veteran who lun couic into want from

his service ami sacrifice for the coun-

try, has been compelled to lake shel-

ter within some of the nlmahouscs of

the state, with tiie prospect before

him of only a paujier's life, a pau-

per's death aud a pnupn ".■* burial. To

meet and remedy such cases as these,

ia the design of ihe Soldier's Home,

tbe movement for which was inaugu-

rated by tbe Grand Army, and which,

recently purchased, was dedicated

with appropriate ceremonies on

Wednesday. For its maintenance,

believe the appeal to the |>eople of

our patriotic slnte will not he made in

vain ; aurely. in all the poor houses of

th3 Commonwealth, there ought not

lo be a single one who was enrolled

among tbe defenders of the Union;

let them IM- given ■; home where their

declining days may tic spent with a

degree of comfort commensurate with

their sacrifice for ihe land in which

they live. We congratulate tbe

Grand Army upon ibis new monu-

ment to their fidelity lo the principles

lor which they Are banded together.

« H.KliltlllMi THK KM Kill

The joint committees appointed by the vity government, to look into Ihe expediency of celebrating the coming "Fourth of July,"

met In th* Aldermen's room Tuesday evening. Th* committee consisted of hia Honor, the

Mayor, aldermen Hoe and Smith, council men Kellcher, Ayrey, Grakhcn and Collins. Th* Mayor stated the object of the sMStlng,

and said thst as far a* h* had occasion to consult lb* citizens, be found the general feeling to be that the "Fourth" should be

noticed in a quiet way, sad when tbe monu- ment was dedicated, to hav* a grand celebra- tion, lie did not think than were many who were in favor of an extensive celebration.

Alderman Doe said his opinion was the same,

and that he was in favor of as small an ap- propriation as ever has been made for thia


Councilman Ayrey thought th* same, and thst It wouldn't be policy to hav* a large

celebration at both th* "Fourth," sad tba dedi- cation, and thereby spoil both. II* favored letting all go towards the dedication.

Councilman Kelleher said that July 4th

was a national holiday, and It seemed toe bad lo let th* day pass without some acknowl edgment. He favored a large celebration If

any, for ia years past the city had tried to do too much with too little money.

Councilman Collins thought It well to have Ihe bells rung, and pcrhsps a salute, but all

he had seen wen In favor of waiting until the dedication, and then having the best lime

Lawrence ever witnessed. The Mayor said that the qucadon of dedi-

cating th* monument appealed to the sympa- thies of Ihe people more than anything else,

as the entire ansoutn of the money raised bad been by subscriptions, and that it would hardly do to let the dedication pass off In a

modest way; the least the city could do' would be, when it was turned over at the unveiling, lo give It a creditable celebration.

Alderman Doe considered the firing of a aaluls very expensive, with little pleasure, and that it might with great propriety be

done sway with. He was In favor of offering prises for horribles, aa that feature of the day

pleased mure people than anything else. Councilman Kelleher was in favor of hav-

ing a band concert on the Common in the


City Clerk Sbepard said that last year th* aalute coat >i6o, and ringing of the bclla p*a

The Mayor thought that a salute was as

appropriate as anything, as it ia the custom all over Ihe country to celebrate tba "Fourth" with a aalute of some kind. Councilman

Collins said, in his opinion I160 was too much 10 be fired away, and that one feature of the celebration might be a bicycle race.

The Mayor thought that by offering prizes to any one club, It would lead the government

into trouble, sa alt other base ball and boat clubs would think they should have purses

ottered. He said that a band concert could

be bad, and the new band stand dedicated. Alderman Smith, when asked for his

opinion,said he was in favor of having a good celebration, if any, but in tbe face of the fact

thai ihe soldiers' monument waa soon to be dedicated, he did not Ibink favorably of any celebration.

The Mayor said that probably private citi- zens around th* Common would make quite s display in the shape of fire works, and with a concert the evening could be made quite enjoyable.

Councilman Kellcher said I bat many peo- ple had come to thia country during the past year, and settled here, and he wanted to hare something to let those people know thai we were celebrating a great event, the "Declara- tion of Independence.

Councilman Ayrey considered that every- thing that was don* on the "Fourth" was In the way of celebration, and that band concerts, horribles, and ringing of bells, was just as much a celebration as firing a astule, and as tbe noise of the latter was very offen- sive to a great many, be strongly opposed it.

Councilman Collins moved that Ihe com- nitlee recommend an appropriation of >-'oo, iid suggest that| it be used for horribles,

ringing of belts, and a band concert on the Common In th* evening, and thai the report be prefaced by the reasons why the commit-

His motion prevailed. tee so recommended.


Quite a faahionabl* wedding took place

Wednesday, at Grace church, tbe|contrading

parlies being Mr. Franklin Butter, son of Mi and Mrs. Fred'k Butlcr.and Miss Carrie Lillian

Jennings, also of this city. The ceremony was witnessed by a large congregation of friends int\ acquaintance! of the couple, among ihem many prominent citizens. A number ap-

peared in full dress. The ushers at the

church were Messrs. Frank Hlscos, W. A, McCrlllis, J. C. Haughlon, and Albert But-

ler. Mr. John Barrington presided al the organ. The ceremony was performed by the

Kev. William Lawrence, in accordance with the impressive rites of the Episcopal church.

Tbe bride, a petite lady of much beauty, and engaging manners, was tastefully attired in an elegant travelling costume, consisting of brown satin de Lyon underskirt, with over-

dress of old gold and brown brocaded satin. She wore a bonnet of yellow lace, trimmed

wilh doited lace of the same hue, and yellow

tips. After the ceremony, the couple started on their wedding tour. On their return to

thia city they will make their home at Mr. Vratou'n, on Haver hill street. The groom's

father is to furnish their rmim«, and the new- ly married couple will know nothing of it,

until their return. Rumor haa it that the apartments will be very finely furnished.

In connection with the nuptials, a notable

circumstance will bear mention, via.: lhat in February 1851, twenty-nine and a half

vi ,m ago, the parents of the groom, Mr. snd Mrs. Frederick Butler, were Joined in matri- mony In the Old Grace church, which

-u! on the site now occupied by thepres-

t edifice. Ihe bridal gifts, which were displayed at

the icxidence of the bride's mother, Mrs. John

K. I'ruell, No. 7j Cross Street, were numer- ous and elegant, the piincipal were a* ful- hnrsi Cold watch and chain from Mr. and Mia. Frederick Untie; ,.u|d lined cikc bank-

et, Mr. and Mi-. Samuel Robinson; dainty

mantel e.lsel, with handsome floral ■ If ■?,-.n, Mb* Sanborn; beautiful marli'e m.intcl

clock, Mr. Albert Itu'ler; silver heny and eugar anoos% Mia. Abbott A. t'o.u; china card reviver, Mr. snd Mrs. VY. K. Field;

Wetlgewood ware. Mis. llubbe; black satin fan, with ebony handle, Mrs. George Tun-ll, apoon*. Mrs. Elizabeth Ryley; pkklejar, Mr; and Mra.J. Mason, Westerly, K. I.; silver

table and fruit knives, Mrs. and Clara Stan- ley, of Lowell; beautiful steel engraving, Mr. Thomas Clegg 1 silver card case, James M. Savage, Chicago; napkins of rich design,

Mian Uagood and Fmma Aldred; an elegant

pair of vases, S. Florence Potter, I'lainficld, N. J.; branch vane, by Mr. George IC. Stan-

Icy, of Lowell; silver pudding dish, Mr. F.d-

wiu M. Truell, of Washington, 1). Cj hand- aonte fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. K, W. fierce;

vcr pie knives and spoons, Mary W. Truell

and Mrs. R. M. Files. A very beautiful gift a card receiver, and vase, supported by

three figures in bronic, presented by Mr. Jos I). Mckce, of Philadelphia.

Mlaa Liixlu E. Wbeelock and Mr. Lut Im I). Baldwin, both of ihla city,

wtre united In man lags Wednesday, the

ceremony being performed at tbe brlde'a

home. No. 88 Jackson street, by Rev. R.

B Mo>dy. The couple afterwards gave a r.c.-ptioti which waa attended by a large

namber of relatives and frlanda. There

ware many besutllul and costly presents.

Mr. Edwin F Pierce, ticket agent of lb* Maine railroad at Lowell, was mar- ried iv all., r inon to Mlaa Flora

Daniels, daughter or Mr. Joshua Danlsls

Tewkwbary. The mr*a*u*j| was per-

formed by IUV K. C. Bullr-o, 1> 1)., ol Salem. The bsMas* waa beauiliuiiy duo- aud an ihgani colts-

waa Ht-ivrii. The aetvicra were

Btlendcd by aboui thirty ui ibe rt-lauvee

and friends of the contractlm; |>Billra.

On Thursday Mr. Jus in Varu.-y, for

severs! J*ara Chain: H< ilia Hi y Slate

National bank ol ibis city, wss J >loed IB

matrlmoav with Ml»a Mary NaW*ll, until

reoentlv a tescber la tha pal



The Supetior Court, civil session, at Salem began Wednesday the trial of tbe case of Mary S "Walker against II. P. Flynn. Th* Utter U

th* local agent of th* Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine company, and the former was

formerly in his employ. This ia the second trial of thia case. On the former trial, ia this

city In 1880, at the March term, before Judge Aldrkh, aha was awarded $il} damage*. Ejuxptiona war* taken to Ihe presiding Judge's rulings in escluding from the evidence, entries of business transactions in Flynn's books, also lb* testimony aa lo conversations wilb Miss Walker's witnesses. These exceptions

were sustained by the Supreme Court, who

ordered a new trial, which should have taken place at lb* March term of this year, but was postponed until Ibe present term. Mean- while Flynn bad instituted cross action for

slander, and both cases will be decided, as far as tbe Superior Court is concerned, at this term. Miss Walker Is represented by

lawyers Moyes andSaunders Bros., and Flynn

by lawyers Cleveland, Sherman and Belt. Miss Walker was employed by Ftyan from

April unlit September, 1878. She claims that after she left bis employ, he circulated

stories detrimental to her character, calling

her a thief, snd so representing her to several persons. She alleges that one of the expres- sions he used wast "She ia a thief, and if you

don't believe it, you can aak Simpson & Os- wald, for whom she formerly worked, and they

will tett you so." While she was In Flynn's employ, ahe alleges, there were irregularities In the office located here, and that the com-

pany sent a man from Boston to investigate them, she helping him, thereby gaining the

ill-will of Flynn. She further alleges that when ahe left Flynn's employ, he circulated

the reports damaging to her character, to the effect that she had embezzled from the Wheeler & Wilson Co., also lhat she had

been discharged from the Boston afore for

theft. Flynn's allegations are of a similar nature,

to tbe effect that she called him a thief, and

accused him publicly of embezzlement from the company by which he was employed.

When the cases were called, Col. Sherman,

of Flynn's counsel, made a motion that the cases be tried together. To thia Miaa Walk-

er's counsel objected, and the court denied the motion. Col. Sherman then made a mo-

tion that the trial of Ihe case* be postponed until the session of the court to be held in this city, on the ground thst the cost of sum-

moning witnesses would be too large for bis client to bear. This modon was also ded.

When tba alander suit of Miaa Mary Walker against II. P. Flynn was called I* tbe Superior Court Wednesday, Miaa Walker waa on hand with her counsel and wiuessti, neither Flynn nor hi* counsel put la a* sppear- aaee. Flynn waa aecordinaly defaulted and testimony was taken oa lh« plaintiff's aide, for tha purpose of consider!a* tbe question of dam- age*. Tba witnesses who teiniled war* Mrs. Anna Stevens and Mra. IIeywood of North Andover, Mra. Rlddeil and Mrs. Mary Mc- Donald of Ilaverhill, John Dlake, James Blake, Mrs. RosaOdmpier. Mrs.Oiden. Mr. Oswald of Oswald & Co., of tbla cltr, Mrs. Kaa laton or Metnuen, and tba plaintiff. These tettifled as lo conversations held with Flynn, In which bs bad called Miss WsUar a thief. Mrs. Kenls- lon of Metbuen, let titled that ah* bnd been Hulia Intimate wllh Mia* Walker until Flynn told brr It ah* bad any regard for bcr repots- tioa aha should keep away from her, snd abe did so, belisving what Ffrnn had told her. Miaa Walker »ned tor $3000, and the jury were out bat a short time when they returned wltb a verdict awardiag bar ai-VX). Flyun'a cross action against her alaodar was tbeu non snitsd.

Flynn Is possesaed of property valued at ab>ut tW-jOO, 00 which, it Is said, there are en- cumbrances to tbe amount 01 f 1700. This property has been uudar attach mint lines the ■ait was comiuenosd, sad Mlaa Walker's attor- ney states ibat ha proposes to sail It if tba award or a part of It i» not paid soon.

Pasnpaav's Ue*suw. —1 as

As has been slrvartr mads known

through thfs* columns, Mr. Patrick |)Hm 1.-.-), ul Lowell, mad* application to

ibe city government for a fourth class

liquor license. It was granted him, bat owing t> Ignorance of the recent law in

rerard lo admitting applications, It was found ibat the sctloa waa lllvgal. H*

made * new potktl in and wss given leave

Undraw. Confident that th* board

waa laboring under a mlaapprehenaion,

Mr. Dempsay petitioned th* board for a

bearing wbieb was on Monday svsalaf given him.

Job* P. Sweeney, Saq , his conasel, asld ibai he represented Mr. DempMj, a

who bad been engaged la bsalnaas

la Lowell for 84 )<-ara, sad always born*

a reputable uam*. H* then reviewed th*

clrcam>tance* of ibe case, as above de-

scribed. IU then said: Something

might be said of tbe propriety of reject-

ing Mr. Dempsey's llcenae, but f will let

that paas. We have been told by oouid*

parlies ibat If ibe board grant Mr. Damp-

say's that It will only b* th* et>

Utlug wedge fur a boat of applleatlotf

from Liwall parties. It baa also been

said that th* board mast of a necessity

protect lb* liquor business of this city.

I don't see th* fore* or J ustlca of either of

tbtsa assertion*. Your hanorabla body need great no more licenses tha* lb*y

see Ol. And aa for protecting eapeclally

Ibe liquor business, we tblak we abould

be allowed Juat as much liberty la that

basinets ee ta any other, and we cannot

understand why tbe board LB under any obligBiioas to any particular business.

It Is folly to deprive a man of lb* privil- ege or going |ato bualnsas because otb*ra

In the same line of trade object. We BOW

reel our claim oa the simple application.

Yon most understand that we don't apeak

for all LOW -11 llqeor daalere, bat almply

for Mr. Damp >*y, aad yoar favorable ac- tion will not bind jou eo that yon will be

obliged to grant another llcenae. Oars Is

a special cue. Ton have censed aa to

seller s positive financial loss. Rely In*

upon the license yonr board granted, we

leased certain premise* for a yuar.and Im

mediately put mechaalca at work remod-

eling the premise'. When tbe board

gave him leave lo withdraw or course be

wss obliged to slop. We did not tblak

ibat becsusa we Wtre just on* day let*

ID making lbs application tbstwe aboald

have 10 saner loss. There la no objection

to Mr. Dempeey ss a bosleess man, aad would It, gentlemen, b* right lo deprive

him of bis due snd oblige falm to. lose

mon*)f We aak yoa to rely upon the ar-

gument. We understand that public sen-

timent la quite strong ia this caae, aad I

hold In my band a petition signed by over fifty buaiaes-a men of thia city favoring

the applicant. Tbey think ha has b

treated ungenerously, sad ask that be be granted S license. Fair play la something

tbet should be a characteristic of bodies

se well as individuals.

The bearing then closed. Later In the session, Alderman Dan forth moved to re-

consider tbe vote whereby Mr, Dempeey

waa given leave to withdraw, bat oe the

motion being pat he was the only oa*

voting In tbe aitli mail ve, and It waa there- fore loat.

An Kxtortlonwte HMkmuam.



Mr. Frank Bitcbeldcr, a second bsnd In tbe cardlag department ul tba Atlantic Mills, waa arraigned In police rojrt Welneedav, on com- of Truant Officer Dime, charging Ibu on Wad nesjay last be illegally employed at the mills a boy named BdwarJ Fhajerald, aged 13 years sod 6 months, wbo ha l racelvej no school cer- titlcste Iro niha proper suthoi i iei. 11* tub elder pleaded not guilty.

Tba truant ofrL-cr ttatlfldd to the siTjct that Flisjerald had (Man a pjp 1 at tba O.ivi-r s.ihool, leaving last week. Ho ascertained that the boy was working at the Atlantic mills, and go- ing there inquir.d at tba counties; room, If be waa. His name was nut on the Hooka. Tues- day be want to tbe card! ig room and a-l;ed tbe overseer it B boy of that name was employed thera and tbe overseer repllud that ha tboagbt not. Ha than r.<| mud ibe overseer to bring into hia ofRje aucti hoys as be had hired within tw-i wevk* at d me n-qudsi wss complied wltb. Tee boy Fiiiieml l wai a-ien there and sal J that Batcbelder ha J employed birr., and bad not asked for a labor certificate. The truant offlcei explknlly stated that Batchcldcr told blm be bad employed the boy.

Tbe bov was placed on the witneia stand and testified that be bsd been employed by Baichei Jsri buton croes-esamlaaifoa by Lb* latter,he teatid d ibat 11 etc bolder bad u-vt-r spoken to blm In the mill.

Bitcbelder testified in Li* own beaatrtbel tbe buy Futzeraiil weal to tbe will wltb a boy named Doyle oa Wednesday last Djyle waa rcsala-ly employed there and representing that Fitzgerald was bis brother, aakad Ibat bs might lie allowed to learn. Batcbeldur Informed blm that be had no objjclioo to that, but could livj blm no wort. He denial employing blm, sod stated that ha bad authority neUnar to employ nor discharge any help, tbla authority being vaated 1* tbe ovcraear alone. His duties, ha said, were to take hta orders fiom Ihe overseer, anj toloit after ihd wnk u.idir tbe overseer's direction.

Mr. William S. Drew ol the ilrrn o( Drew A wbeelock, testified in behalf ul tba defendant, that it was lusiuinary lo permit boya lo learn the work before engaging ibein and very fre- quently b lya were permitted to bring compani- ons into tbe mill to learn,but they never were en- fsurd unless Ibey Brat presented labor ccrtlil- uates and received regulation papers. Overseers al me discharged and employed help, and aec- ond hands acted only uader their orders. Ho admitted ihst In rate the overseer was absent snd some of tbe work ttupped on sccount of in luiBVi.-iti-) of help, th 1 second hand c ml I nte in. .iudf.ui nt In ibe matter of employing more belli.

Ttuant Officer 1).mie In reply, laid that had beeu a second band In the mills for fifteen years, and waa accuatomed to employ help when more was needed. He considered Ibe taking In ol boys to learn an evasion of tha •cliotd la w.

In reviewing the case, judge Harm ia said It was apparent irom the evidence tbat boya were iHroniud by ibe aeoond bands to star fiom school in ika mill, aa evil that ibe law wu passed to guard againat, aa effectually aa though tha directors of lbs mill had by vole en- 4 ged tba boya. lie believed It had belter be anderaiood il boya of school age were permitted to 11 ay In ihe mills, that It waa a direct viola- tion ol the statute. He accordingly sentenced Batcbelder to pay a fine of fJ20 and coats with ihe alternative 01 10 daya in tbe house of cor- r.-ction. He api-ealed. aud waa bald In f£0 w

appear at the October term of the Superior Court.


Died, at ihe residence of her son, Dr. J. G. McAllister, Monday, June 6th, Mrs. Mcrab McAllister, aged 69 years and 7 months, after

along and painful illness. She waa born in the town of Bedford, N. II., in i8ij, where

she apent her early life. She waa the daugh- ter of Kbeneiar French, one of the early pi-

:ri of the town. She waa aister of Eben C. French, father of Dr. A. J, French, of

thia dty. She was a widow the last 81 years of her life, and paased moat of her time with her immediate relatives; untiring in her de-

votion for ihe welfare and happiness of others, retiring in her disposition, beloved by

~ wbo knew her, she has pawed to bcr re. ward.

Wbat th* CoamoB Council Tbluk or tha Hatter.

A case of extortion by a Lowell hack roan la

reported, of which a lady journeying to thia city was made tbe victim. Her nans* hi Mr*. A. I- Blanchard, and ahe arrived in Lowell

from Aver, at a late hoar, on her way to this city. On learning tbat the Lawrence train

had left.she decided to stop with a friend, and

spoke to a hackman, named Adotphna Diette, to take her to her friend's house. While the hackman was after his team a horse car cam*

along snd ahe informed him that she would

ride In that. Diette did not care to be cheat- ed out of an anticipated job, so jumped on the

car after the lady, and demanded fare for hia hack, enforcing hia unjust demand by using

abusive language. A number of persons on tbe car advised the lady not to submit to the

extortion, but the hackman was so boisterous and pressing in his demands lhat she gave him thirty.five cents. Persons who were on

tbe car at the time testify lo the stormy scene, and the virulent abuse indulged in by the ex-

cited and extortionate Jehu. It ia understood lhat there is 10 be an official investigation in- to the matter.

A Team Thief Caught.

No person In tbe city suffers more

from team thieves than Mr. Henry J

Couch, wbo on scarcely any evening left

hia bone hitched near th* Free Haptlat

church , Oat that It v»i atolou. Finally

be concluded to use a padlock la bitching

bis horse to a ire* bag, bat on tba night of Jan. 27 th-t wain was again stolen, Uiu

thief tenrlnst away tb* slats from th* boa.

Tbe horn*! aad cl*-li;h were found the neat

day at Wlliulnitton where ihey had bee* deserted by the thief Tbe police a»

talned that tin- ilm-r waa one BWrautrd Hanney, but alnci thst time he ban not

returned in the en). The authorities of

other places, buwever, were r.quealed

to keep a look-out fir liltn. and their

vigilance but been rewarded, as yealer- day be was am strd In Lya*. and was re-

turning to ihla cliy Tuet-day.

A Tlilef Arrested.

The then of &S0 from the residence of

Mr. C. K. rill.bnry oa Ea t Haverblll

street, Tburaday last, waa fully <Ma

in these column*. At the time, that* peered to he Mill- dou'r. that ihe iblef

was one Fred Lord, who at I i*a*a has bean employed about ill- li .»-,.. mid thee* sus-

picion* were ixirn* nut hv the fact that Lord with hia wifn left th>i city directly

after the theft aa dUcovered. He bee

realded »n Uuiou ntreet, aud yealerday

afternoon th<- oftlcera learned ib.l bn bad returned boinu, in.I goinu to ihe noose

arrealed him. lie a.knowir.i-ed tbe tbelt,

and had f-priit all the mosey stolen. He

Is bat eluhleun je-are til age nod haa bora*

an nnasvoiy rt-patatlw*, bavins la hi* yonnaer daya nerved a term at the reform

school. In Ihe police court Tuesday, he

was held In $1000 to the superior coort,

October n-nn, lo be held I* tbla city.

11111.11 HtIN OVKN.

On Tuesday, aa one of Mr. George Wil- son's men was driving on Park street, a Bom- ber of small boys amused themselves by

jumping on trucks which be had attached to the rear of his wagon. These truck a are

used In the moving nf buildings, snd being made strung and substantial arc very heavy.

The roan whipped the boys from the trucks a

number of limes, but was unable to keep them off. Une tittle fellow, Erneat Frost, 10 years of age, son of Mr. Thomas Frost, em ployed by F. S. Jcwctt A Co., while riding on the truck,

lost his balance and fell between tbe forward and rear wheels. One of the rear wheels passed over him, fracturing his left leg at the

thigh, and bruising the right leg badly. In hia fal I he slruck upon the back of his bead,

inflicting a scalp wound, several Inches In length. The little fellow waa taken lo hia home, No. 41 Kutaw street, where Dr. Cham-

berlain was called and attended him.

-A civil damage suit for ijoo againat Dan't

J. Costell.i, liquor dealer on Eases alreel, has

been instituted by Catherine Fuller. Her husband, John Fuller, while intoxicated, got Into an altercation with Cosiello's bartender,

who in ejecting him from the premlees used

him somewhat roughly. Fuller had the bar- tender arrested (or assault, but in the police

court he wss acquitted. Mra. Fuller now suei alleging lhat Costello furnished her hus-

band liquor to her detriment. Tbe case Is

assigned for a hearing In the police court next Tnesday.


said but evening, after the meeting was over, •' tbe council bax held IU Brat meeting this evening." The occasioa ol the spin! shows was the report of the Joist Special Committee on the eelebrsllon of tbe llh of July, as Brevtoutly given la thee* col urn as. Couacllatea Hellea and O'Connor ware absent.

President Belt reed the report, and said the action I* be taken waa on Ila aeeeptaace. Tbla broaght tha orator, Mr. Orisso, to bat feet, who said that he waa In favor of eitoartlBgt eanrway lo whom It was due,

towao/sIeUiuee appropriate* SAou, and the big ally ol Uwrtnoc only $i00, he favored raanrlng the report back lo the Commlt- ' *.

Councilman Collins said, that all tha reeling Be ad eeea ta thia matter, waa In the Council. Be

had tailed to gad a parse* who waa not saUsoed wllh the action or the Committee. He would Ilka to sea a large oelabraUoa, but he had some little rsaard fee lb* elty'a money.

CoaaellBsaa Urifttn Slid, that tba fealiug outside aa much aaav* Intosae than bs the Council. He

aaid that net •** who bed read the action of ui the papers, but scouted

tbe Idee of ss sasall an approprlatlun. Let not Lawrence uadargo a mock trial ia appropriating •*». Isshoped that the Council would not inxiilt

ie people who wit bed to respect the day. Councilman Array said, he had seen more feel

ing since the meeting eomaseaeed, the* all the Uuie during lb* day ta th* mill. Ila bad see* many

h* thought the Committee look a wise course. ie said Ihe Cemml"«i had take* an economical

view of tJto isesUa*. sad wiasnd to give Ihe city a oelabraUoa at little expense. Jl waa in tbe latareet of the tax payer.

Coulee aaid It was aoosene to re- fer tlie report back to tbe committee, iranything

be dona. It should be decided upon tonight. Whet U to be dene nail be accomplished IB4MHlly.

ConneUssaa Ayrey aaid If the report waa re- erred neck lhat be should vote not to appropriate

a alugle dollar towards a celebration. Cennellman Urban thought In aa acting, the lumber w**ld d* himself honor, lie believed rhen a was enlisted in n cause he abould flrht It Jtbaaod. Ail wbohad read the papers thought

It an Insult to tha people, ir tha committee were so anxious to save ihe elty'a money, thev should bava voted not to anpropnat* a eoat, lie oon- s Wared It a peaay-wla*-ponnd-foollsb notion. People would go out of Iowa to olUea where

ipend lb* money that abould be halt ta the cky.

Councilasan Ayrey aUtod tbat tha committee Bd acted uadsr the consideration that

Lawrence would be called noon to have a oale- bralioa. That the committee had considered tbe

Imlv sad deliberately, and many who had read the papera, coincided honestly with their views. There waa nobsiU action, Urn nun ash to* law tight II the wisest oonrse to pursue.

Councilman Uralobaa thought that IT Mr. Urlf- in had bee* with the committee he would have acted in iheaanse spirit aathflothers. ThencUon take* waa unanimous and seemed to be lb* gen. eral feeling of lha people.

Councilnwn Urimn thought that this thing waa Mr *ug tato a three to one argument. He would ilka 10 aak whailtuatM* waa iwooeemended for;

ItnotforacetebraUoa? Hawae awnrethnt we have n class of people Ie the city of high In- tellectual capacity, wbo wanted band concerts, bet there were hundreds and tnonaanda ol others who do not appreciate band concerts, who have

Be favored respect- ing their feelings and giving then some kind ofi celebration, somelhina that tbey will appreciate. lie aaid tbat there would be hundreds or people who would net be up to nee tha horribler, bui tbe people anfoy tbe aJTelr, not a class.

A mottoa to seoept tbe report or tbe committee was tost, by a vote of S to 8.

CetlJna snored tbat tbe committee be discharged, and that n special com ml tie* of five

1 appointed to meet during tbe evening", and look to tha Bsattar, making n reoort. Conncilmaa Orlmn wanted to know If lb*

council could discharge the members Irom the board ol aldermen. O* being told that It could not, he moved that tha motion be laid upon the table until after Julr 1th.

Counellnasn Collins immediately arose and said ha hoped thst th* members would not net haallly. He was iaterrupted by Councilman Urimn, wbo nrnae to a axent ef order, that a motion to lay oa th* table was not debatable. Hia point was sus talned, aad the stoUen carried by n vote of a to 5.

CouncUeaaa Ayrey aaid that It was unreaaona bta on Ihe part of miaklng men to appoint n com- mit tee, have that 00 asm It tan meet, oome lo n con- clusion which Ibey think will meat the views or the eltlseas, and then try lo make them come lo some ether understanding. There la la* report. ir you don't waa! to accept it, dUoba raw tbe 00m. mil lee. It went do any good to relar It bees. They have mad* np ibeir minds. They hav* noted en their beat Judgment, sad IT their notion does not meet your views, appoint a new 00m asitto*.

Connellesaa Urimn oonaidared II the com ml use's duiv to deliberate again. Ha favored the major Ity ruling. W* are to please tba elllxena, not out- •elve.. We did not eenalder that any alight waa east en the members, but they abould change their views to suit the mejortlv.

Councilman Collins moved lhat $200 be appro- priate.!.

Councilman Urimn moved lo lay It on the tablei which waa loat by a vote of 6 to g.

Councilman fisher moved to amend making it taumh

Councilman Onflla still pretested against the original motion, a* it waa a new motion on an old aulijact. He said all the members wbo voted not to accept the report, abould vole against this motion. UenUsmen, it'* yonr duly lo do so, and yon must.

Councilman fisher said ha didn't sec the use or appropriating a*D0; ha favored making it targe enough to bava a good lima with.

Councilman Urimn aaid be waa In lavor of the amendment, and hoped It would pass.

Councilman Array asld Mr. Urimo would never be aatlaaad.

Coancilman liriBtn aaid tbat he had made a mental ealeuUMo*, and there bring tO.OOO soul* In tbe oily, the expense would be only about 15 oaoL* a***, snd he didn't believe that there was n person who would at pny lhat much for a good limn. He behoved In perpetuating the day.

Ceanetlnuw Ayrey aahl it was well enough to vote away Bi.ouo tor n celebration, hot (ha very one* who voted II away, would rise the next mormng wMhn*gT*nter satisfaction. Therdidn', realise toe wart ti be done, or how llule Sl.uOO would 0 saw Ibat* towards a celebration,

Connelhaaa Collins aaid that the** who now voted to appropriate $1,000, would have to look a hw Breaks banana at n Mil fee nn appropriation for the moauateat, Ue did not waat to aee the elty'a ntouey squandered.

Councilman riabar aaid tbat the dedication of the monument would be participated in by but a tew. Ihe mills would probably be running, while tta a| Jn y nil took a pert In, and be wanted a good tins*.

Councilman Urlaaw aaid Ihe members 01 the Committee aaeabt not be afraid to work a little for Use pnbMe good. Tbey would be appreciated fur il He i|>dn't know what tbe monument waa going lo be, or how high It waa to be built, but totd the Conned not to fret, ibey would be able to get oeur It When tbe time conic; what lha people wanted now waa a celebration on the tlh a* July.

The amendment was put and carried, by a vote of M to 1, end Ibe resolution took Its arat reeding



In the Probate Court, at Salem, yesterday, the following wills were approved: Of Fran cm Amory of Beverly, ef Harriet S. Bailey of West Newbury, of Irs Baker of Manchester,

•f Alice F. Dodge of Beverly, of A. 1'. Fos- ter of Salem, of Eliiabefh K. Gregory of

Marb knead, of Richard Hood of Danvers. of George lloaon of West Newbury, of Lydta Newhall nf Lynn, of Betsey F. Phelps of

Peabody, of Andrew M. Putnam of Danvers, of James Reynolds of Panver*. of Harriet B, Smith of Bangor, Ma, of Samuel Thistle of Beverly, and of James Williams of Lynn.

The following inventories were filed 1 Sarah Gool Crowalngshield of Marbiehead, fm,-

178.29, the greater portion being personal property; George H. Pierson of Salem,

*7S'i-86; Anaen W. Noyes of Andover, *S**5-7S: ISerah B. Peabody of Peabody, ^rS49>86; Aimer io F. Whit ford of Lawrence,


FtiHBiuL ur BOM. K. J. M. IUI.K.—The

funeral of ibe late K J. H. Hal* waa at*

tended rrom hi* former roaldnace la Ha- verblll, ysaierdny afternoon, aad drew

together a great concourse of people. A

large number of the employes at tha Booth

Qroveisnd Mills, were la ihe procession,

which nmhracedJ tbe members of tbe city government nod e lerge numb -r of clll-

1. Buaiaoe* was suspended and ibe

* 1 idled. Hellgloaa services In tbe 8,-t.-.copal form, cendncled by Reva. Hand

nuJ VYIuunte, took place at lb* boase snd

at Linwoot] cemetery. Tbe palloearnis

re N. H. Klmball, A. B. J >qu-*, Jamca

Wnlte, llav.-tblll; Qeoiu* I. Davis, North Audovun Stmu.ii Wbiin, 01 tbla

city; II. C- West 1.1, J. I'. Bradley, 11 ton; William L. S nuns. New York.

■ Teat carvftilly mid yoa will dad tbat Bench's Soap* give yon more weight and

than any other yon enmflnd.

—Canker worms are making their pres-

ence felt on Clover bill.

Now don't; really, Horace, you "kind-

e r hadn't oughler done It."

The Ccntm! dob are contemplating a

combined eicoialoo aud picnic.

When ibu repairs are completed oa

Lawrence street, It will be Ibe best road la the city.

A. I. Glffoid, mister mechanic In

Lowell of the Boston and Liwcll railroad Is seriously III.

Tbe Easei County Convention of the

AoclenL Order of Hibernians will be held In Salem, Junu lUli.

Tbe New England Catholic Herald is

now pihied on tbe mammoth new Hoe

press of tbe AMaBJCiN office.

Tbe recent rains promise well for tbe

msnafactarluz Interests locsted 01 tbe Merrimac river the present munntr.

Emll Inglcbari, employed nl Stanley's

brewery, bad s leg badly scslded In a mall vat, the other day. Dr. Sargentullcuded Mm.

—Kdmond Hstley Is building a six tene-

ment bonse wllh atone front 00 Elm street.

Architect KmereoQ la superintending tbe Mb

—St. Johna l)jy occurs on Ibu 21th Inat.,

and tbu French Canadian i am pi .paring

to celebrate It. In Lowell them Is to be a parade.

—Gen. Weaver, tbe Greenback orator, will lecture burn on the zfHh last. Ar-

rnngementa bsve been made to give blm

a good reception.

—Tbe Boperlor Com t reporter bsa atated thai It is doubtiul If a decision 00

tbe police muddle will be reached before

he latter part of this monlh.

—Street Commissioner Hell la Widening

Lawrence street, north of ibe ti picket

bridge. A substantial plauk walk la being

laid from the bridge to Flu street.

—Tbe lease of tbe Water Board's pres-

ent quarters expired June 1. The city

government committee on public proper-

ty ere her lag plans propsred looking to-

wards alterations In ihe basement of tbe cliy ball for ofJkis.

—Of coarse the psper wlilcb talks of a

"sblned aatib" burial robe, aad of flowers "droped promiscuously on the body,"

thinks It awfully funny If It discovers an

error In the columns of llacotemporsrles;

bay n mirror, sweetness.

The annual reunion snd basket picnic

of the Eleventh UssiscbosetU Veteran

Assocatlon, wl.l be held at Mdvllie Gar-

dens, Downer's Lauding. June 29, the

anniversary of tbe Old Eleventh leaving Boston for the seat of war.

—Telegraph Operstor Samuel A. Rob-

erta, of tbe B. A M. It. It., wbo hss been

on tbe lloosac Tunnel line during tbe past

winter, serving lo tbe eamn capacity, has

recently returned, snd Supl. forber has

re-lnststed blm at Transfer ststioo, Port- land.

— Conductor Chase Stone, or the

tin A Maine railroad, wbo resigned tbst

position about throo months sgo, Bnd ob- tained employment In a similar capacity

on a Mexican railroad, returned lest Sat-

nrdsy. Bnpt. Earner hss reinstated blm In bis former position.

—Daring tbe month of May. the Law

rence letter carriers delivered 61,261 let- ters received by mail from other post

office", 8 719 mall postal cards, 6 227 City

letters, 7782 city postals, 144 registered letters, snd 03,190 aewspspersf tbey

collided from the street boxes, 62,853

mail letters, 9,222 postal cards, 5,837 city letters, and 7,805 papers.

—One good brother of the Me t hod It t

persuasion related bis nxperienca In

prayer meetlag Thursday evening, about

ble wrestle with the "devil," to see If be

should go to tbe circus, fie ssld when he

saw tbe procession in tbe morning, be was sorely tempted, and be went np to

the grounds, and looked around, heard the maslc snd saw tbe picture* bat he

resisted temptation, and didn't go Inside.

—Tbe regular meetlag of Essex Clsb

held at their room, Monday evening, tha

following were elected officer* for the six

months commencing July 1, 1881: Presi- dent, Addlaon F. Merrill. Vlce-Pnuident

Charles II. Sawyer; SeecreUry, Clarence

H. Sawyer; Treasurer. William II. Rus-

sell ; Executive committee, George A.

Sanborn, Frank A. Warren, and Alfred F. 8 bo well.

—Tbe number of aoldlera' graves deco-

rated ou Monday, In tbe severs) Essex

county towns snd clMus era reported as

follows t-Oioncesur, 1171 Usv*ralll,23l; Lawrence, 280! Lyno, 890; Newbnryport

236; Salem, 403; Ameshury, 115 (iuclud log Salisbury); Beverly, 221; DsDvers.

105; Georgetown, 76; Qroveland, 85;

Marbiehead, 140; Merrimac, 19; Metbuen,

55; I'eabody, 84; Saugus, 85; Swsropt- cott, 24.

—Lynn la the most lucrative station oa

tbe Eastern railroad, snd tbe report Is tbst the Boston Snd Maine Intends to gel

even with tba former road, for Ihe Old

Orchard extension, by building a track from Mai Jen, through Sangus end Weet

Lynn, continuing on to Salem. The

Esalarn railroad runs more trains la and out of the Lynn depot, than any other on

their line, and the business there U In- creasing.

—Kent, tbe baker, Lowell street, li

putting in s new machine recently pur-

chased from J. W. Kuger A Co.. or Buffa-

lo, A Co., N. Y. Tbla will enable the

Arm to Increase tbelr corsumpllon Trom 20 barrels of ft >ur a day, to 50. There

are but two sltnilsr machine outside the

stale, snd tbe crackers which tbe Irm hss

hitherto been obliged to Import, will b*

manufactured here. They are engaging

a large force of help, and report business brisk.

—Miss Ella M. Pierce, or Georgetown,

who haa since last December been chief

lady operator at the central telephone

office or thin city, has accepted a similar

position at tbe Haverblll central office. She Is thoroughly acquainted with the

technicalities of the telephone systei

sad Is nn accomplished operator. She

severs her connection wllh the office In

ibis city to m irrow. Miss Sadie

Doberty will succeed her as chief oper- ator be re.

—Accompanying the petlUon of Win. T. Nichols for a c im-non victuallers llcenae

at 43 Manchester street, brought to the

attention of tbe board of aldermen Ibis

week, was a remonstrance signed by

many of tbe respectable class of eltlseas

in tbst vicinity. Alderman Smith ssld be

understood thst there wss s petition being

prepared by one abotior, remonstrating

against the license snd moved tbst tbe

matter be laid on tbe table one week. This was done.

■Oar neighbor or ihe Catholic Herald mskee a and muddle of the facts la it*

article upon the Mitchell trial. Tbe de-

fendant bad nu HleUM previously tried In

Lawrence lor manslaughter,** so tbst no

juryman could bsve made sny such re-

marks -during ihe ulal," when "on tbe

■tepe or tbu court house," nn the Herald

quit,.*: Ill* wholi-i^lmi-jliiary, hut, about ■ Ctsft ,i .-,-. Hi.- Bum- piipei'salatc-

ihu tircuiusuntea connected wltb

Hit, 1. BaTaMBM never W have oc- • ■ isrgf modem tii-Ubbjr, ibnt tbe

opinion ol twelve Jurymen, after n patient

Smart***- of ibe case, in qului aa likely to

btf correct, aa tin -mnvl.lual, uuaupporled

opinion of lb* affair.

-Th* shade trees on Broadway are be-

ing trimmed.

Mr. Mark Manaban or ml* city Is foremen of the second jury st Salem.

Tbu wcreen Inw excludes mosquito bars from compliance with lis provisions.

Tbo poplin or the Hlitb ccbool, class

of'81, will receive tbe Ilojd prizes thin year.

Wild cherry trees la the suburbs show

an annanally fall and perfect bloom ibis ion.

A little four-year old says ibe asw tbe

elephant the other day "with bis nose

banging on tbe street."

Tbe High School foot ball eleven hss been photographed In costume by Kassell.

It la an excellent picture.

—Court Montgomery, Ancient Order of

Foreaters, has presented Dr. M. C.

Noouan with an elegant sword and belt.

Tbu boras railroad company are re-

placing their old tracks at tbe turnout on

Broadway between Haverblll snd Tr«-

muut streets.

The new Urovnlaod bildge wilt have a pier Jti feel deep for tbe draw to rest

upon, aud It will bn SO reel tquare at the

bottom nnd 25 at the top,

—Architect Emersoo Is prepsrlng plans

for tbe alterations proposed ou tbe urat

Boor or Odd fellow* Block. It will cou-

atltule one large store without partitions. Mr. Emerson will superintend the si ie ra-


—Tbe large abed adjoining a Box lord

meeting house, where the church goers

put up tbelr borsee on the Sabbath, ia

lined throughout with Bsrnum'e flaming

circus bills, sod presents s gay and sec- ular appearance.

—Maj. T. J. Cat*, tbe contractor and builder, bas Just been swarded tbe con-

tract for building the large gasometer for tbe city of Brockton. Work will com-

mence Immediately, and It will be nearly

winter before It will be completed.

Oar morning cotemporary thinks It

an sppioprlate thing to atiempt perpe-

trating a Joke over such a disaster ss be-

fell ns Tuesday, In the demolition of our

forma j well everybody according to tbelr

taste snd disposition, we suppose.

—The annual encampment of the Grand

Army or tba Republic for tbe United

State*, take* place on Wedneedny aud

Thursday or next week, st ladlannpolis;

Post 89, of tbla city, will be repreeented by Commander Stone, wbo Ie one of tbe

Messachosella delegates, aad past De-

partment Commander Merrill.

—Tbe roof or tbe Pemberton bank build-

ing la to be raised, snd tbe sDsrtmenla In

the upper story well sited suitable Tor

rooms. Tbe directors of tbe bsnk bsve

not as yet discussed tbe removal of tba

banking rooms to the store now occupied

by Stratum, and tha announcement In a

morning psper, thst they Intended to do so, wss uremature.

—Dempsey or Lowell thinks tbst be bss

s claim la equity agalast tbe city, but bss

never ssld tbst bs should commence a

salt. He tells tbe Lowell Courier tbst

sixty of tbe bnslness men of Lawrence—

liquor dealers sod others—signed s peti-

tion thst be be granted tLe license under

the new law, thst be hod already received

under the old oae.

—Those who ere Intimate with tbe

workings of tbe police court,are laughing

at the shrewdness, II It can be called

each, of aa attorney who appeared on

both sldee of two cases la th* court Mon-

day, having retainers from all parties con-

cerned, In bis pockets. It lent every law-

yer wbo can represent tbe prosecution

and defense of a case so well, nnd It isn't every lawyer who wishes to try to.

—Mr. Joha H. Barry, aa overseer In the

sewer department, and Mlaa Nellie Calls-

ban, eldest daughter of Mr. Ricbard Cal-

laban, provision dealer, were united In

matrimony at the Immaculate Conception

church Taosday afternoon. The cere-

mony wu performed by Kev. John A.

Devlr. and at IU conclnslua s reception

waa given at the residence- of the br tl.:'.. parents.

—The Bacon Paper company recently

purchased a 900 home power engine to ran s part or their mills In this city, or

Porter Allen A Co., or Philadelphia. Tbe engine waa a few daya ago set up snd

started under lha direction or Mr. Gerd

Iner 81ms or the Arm or Armingtoa A

Sims, snd bas been accepted. It |s a

handsome piece or work, and glvea entire satisfaction.

—The proposed remodelling or tbe Odd ■nllows Bonding, to make a single a tore,

Is cresting ao little opposition; th* sev- eral lodges sre dlacussluir the metier, and

a strong feeling against the citing, in de-

veloped; tb* public library trj-iteea hive)

appointed s Committee to luveatlgate th*

effect of weakening tbe bulldlou, wben

such a weight or books has to be suppor- ted, and it-ere Is a eonsidersbld puulle

sentiment that Mr. l).,w is not being handsomely treated.

—Tbe Arm of Armlngton A 81ms sre doing a large business, bolldlng engine*.

Tbey have recently shipped a 200 bora*

power engiu* to be placed In a cotton mill

at Newmarket, N. H.. a 150 boree power engine for Norwich, Conn., and a 75 horse

power engine to tbe well known Arm of

Pratt, Whitney A C*., of Hartford, Conn. machinists. They bsve now on hand or-

ders for engines from New Orleans, Hoi-

yoke. Lowell, New York, Manchester Call form* aad other place*. Tbe superio*

workmanship In tbelr machines recom- mends them lu all wbo eee tbem In opera- tion.

Andover Advertiser. PHIDAY MOItNfNG, JUNE 10. 1881.

1: Tralas. .cave lioston for An.lnver. 7.S0., 10,14 A, «.; li St., It SO, *.M. 3.;W, 4. 6, fl, 644 aad 7.101'. M.. arriving here nt 7.30anda.W P. al.

,eave Andover for Itnsioa. ii.r.1. 7.13, 8.00, s.M, si.-.J II in, A. al., iiinl 1J *•■, l'.' -Tl, 'i.OH, 3.AA, t.toi 5.IU anil 7.W I'. M. (Wednesday ( (Fildar ti.45 1'. Si.) for the North 8.1a, A. at.; li..r.O, 3..M P. M- Tor the Beat • St.; 1.15. t.-Jl. fl-.'.l li. til P.M. for Low el UV.MA.H.. li.'.'li.i.fJ.S.W.I.ia.O 3W.7.0SP. u

Bind concert next Wednesday evening. Onoortwo contributions deterred until next

TbsSbsktriin this country number about 100,000.

Users are ulenty on ihe mountains waat or Randolph, Vt

Rev. Charles L- Hills or tills towns accepts a call to supply st Honllon, Me.

When a policeman cannot maka bla prisoner walk be sometimes lets blm slide.

Rev. Dr. Flanders or Lowell, will preach at tbe town ball next babbatb afternoon.

A New York man calls bis sweetheart Kitty became ihe pel* ber bick ap so often.

Ameabury ablpped 200carrlagei In May, the largest roonitily sblpnient ever made.

Graduating exercises of tbe I'undiard school oa Friday, June 17tb at't o'clock, r. M.

Men are like pins—one wltb a little bead may be juat at sharp as one with a big head.

Within tbe pait we-k several youag seals have i' en captured in riymouib harbor.

Written examination of ciassea In ihe Pno- cbard Free school, ou Wedneaday, June 19th.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jaqnith ol Boston, bsve been on a abort visit to ibeir friend* In town.

Tbe 150th anniversary or tbe First church In Randolph, was held on Wednesday, June 8tb.

There will lie a praise meeting at the West ebnrcb, next Sabbath evening, commencing at 7 o'clock.

Three bears crossed tha AndrosoMsIa river, in Hanover, aft., lately, going for "Hard Scrabble."

Pores li that which aela a body In motion, as, for Instance, tbe police force wbleb make* a body move on.

Farmers say thst grass bsa not looted ao well tba nrat of June, for many years. Hay lag will begin early.

Rev. M. W. Reed of Bildwlnvll'e.haa been Invited to settle a* pastor, by the Daptlit church at Salem Depot, N. II.

Candidates for admission to tbe Ponchard Free school, wjil be examined on lion day, Jnna 37, al 0 o'clock &. M.

Hllst ft Tyler1* Orchestra will tarnish tbe music at tbe Punchsrd BUQOOI reception, on tba evening of tbe 17th inat.

There waas white frost at Richmond, Vt.. Wednesday night of Isst week, not so severe, however, ss In Injure vegetation.

Jobn Plummer Foster of North Andover, brought a load of bay to Jobn Pray on Thurs- day, wblcb weighed over two tons.

A Csmd 1 wedding wa» pnaiponsd for a week, after everybody was a'eemoied, because tbe bride's train did not bang properly.

Prof. James D. Dana of Yale College will visit Be*. 0- F. Wright next Tuesday, wltb reference to Indian Ridge Researches.

A HP eart owned by Nathan F. Abbott, ami Ibe baggy of Hon. N. W. Haxsn, collided on Main street, Tburiday. Tbe bug jy waa dam- aged.

At a meeting ol tbe Andover Association, held st Lowell on Tuasdsy, Urivis J. Allen or Ibe middle class in tbe Seminary, wu licenstd

preach. Mr. Spalding and family, of New Ipswich.

N. It , bave taken apartment! in Ibe block on Maple Avenue. Mr. S. Is employed by Messrs, Abbott ft Jenkins.

Mr. 11. B. Orover, or the Seminary, neeeptx a call to aupply the pulpit st Ludlow, Vt., snd Mr. U. U. McClelland, also or lbs Seminary, accept* a call to Caufle'd, Ohio.

The present "vestrv" of the Baptist cbnrch being too emphatically and inconveniently an "upper r win," plan* are being discussed with reference U> butter accommodation a in tbla u-- sptct.

A very proper D iaton girl wbo rends lbs Bible to lbs family Sunday nights, read of

William Dad, tbe MImtilie," referring lo b:m si Blldad" being consldired too dreadfully fa-

miliar. M. S. fctcCurdy, instructor In mathematics in

Phillips Academy, haa been selected aa one of the gentUiiuu chosen to conduct tbe annnal examination* at Dartmouth College, beginning June 20.

Tba Baptist church will continue to bold fternoon services for ilu prnvnt; preecbinz

at nalf-paat one. 8j»U lr;e, alt Invited, espe- cially tbuse who bave no permanent connection wilb any other congregation.

Persons recently visiting In town. Mist Sarah T. Poster, or Concord, N. II., sirs. Klixa C. Greene, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Amasa Clark and .Mr». Julia H. DarracoH of Brookllne, and Miss Sarah F. Clark ol Yat mouth port.

James 8. Bracket! of Pbl.lipa, Me., who bad for many month* been confined to hia bed wllh Uhgbt's disease, and wbuse case was considered , hopeless, tried a diet of skimmed milk wltl" very favorable results, aud la now In a fair way lo recover.

"We generally bava Dae weather," she aaid, 'except when Uie sun crosses tbo Penobscot." 'Why, my dear,'' he aaid, "you doat mean Ibe

Penobscot?" "Oh, dear, no," aba exclelmid. "Ol course I don't maau tbat. I mean tiie Paasamsqiioddy."

Tncre was a grand land league rally at the town hall, on Wednesday evening, John UVun- nell presiding. Capt. D. F. Dolnn of Law- rence,gave an eloquent addresa of an hour sad a hair In length, which was listened to with mucb Interest by a large audience.

Barnae Seara, agent of tbe Peabody Fund, former President of Brown Unlverilty, and previously Professor ot lha Theological Institution at Newton, was a very intimate triead of tbe genial and learned B. B. Edward* of Andover Theological Seminar;-

'ihe pastors of tbe South, Free and West churcbe* wl I preacb to tbe children next Sab- bath morning, and prabe meetings will be held In tbe evening at tbe Free and Weat cburcbei. Tbe Sabbath school of the South church will bold a moitiiiiy concert In ihe evening.

A good delegation from tba Andover Biplltt church attended tha S. 8. Convention held inat week In North Hillerlca. The convention bs* twenty icbuola, over three hundred teacher* and da****, a total membership of more than four thousand, with about ulna thousand ro- ams* In tba libraries.

Mkm Clara R.Boynton, a teacher In Emer.nn Institute, Mobile, Ala., aad Misa Lncia O. Her- rill, a teacher In Straight Unlveraity, New Or- lean*, La., arrived borne on Weuaesday. Tin y came by way of Waablsgtoa, where tbey •topped two days, and bad the privilege of ibamug band* with toe prealdeat.

We have received Irom Principal Bancroft a catalogue or Pullllp* Academy, Juat issued. Tbe following Is the auinmary ; Classical dt- ps rimenl—Senior class. 23; Middle class, 37; Junior class, &2; Preparatory class. 30—1*7- Englbn department—benlur class, 27; Middle Class, 41 i Jnntor class, 22—93. Total, 24(1.

Fatber Gevassl, tbe well known preacher ami lecturer, wbo bsa ao long been ingsgvd in im- posing Catholicism ani npbo'dlng Protest*nti>m In Italy, will gtva an addresa In Andover . 11 Friday evening, Jane 17, In behalf ot Ihe Free Italian tbnrcb. Ills bopid that n large aut i- «** will greet him, and be prepared to help in th* good causa. 1

Programme for the Band Concert, Elm Siiuarr, June is. x ■-. M . 1 March Pirate* of Penaioea Reeve*

Violet Webb

OersnM M.I had 1st a*el*ty

1 Tyler Webb

The drat German M. K. Society of tbla city, Hav. Aug. Walton, pastor, purposes

to erect a rbapel oa Via* strait, between

Beat Haverblll and Prospect strsata, as

soon aa possible. This society Is a mis-

SIOD of the New York District of the East

German Conference, and was organlaed

three jeara ego wllh a small member

ablp of iwentyone, which hta aloe* In-

creased to more than seventy. They now

bold tbelr service* in th* upper part of the old engine boos* on Union street,

near Uaverblll. Tbls place, lor which

tbey bsva to pay about on* hundred dol-

lars a year. Is entirely unfit for such«

purpoee, besides being altogether loo

small to accommodate th* eOBataatlj In-

creasing society. A lot, MxlOO, oa Via*

•treat haa been bought aad paid for, and

th* erection of a neat and substantial

chapel will be proceeded wltb, as HOOD rs

tbe necesaary fund* hav* been secured.

The members themselvs* hav* already given to tha utmost of tbair ability, bat

being without exception pdhr day labo- rers, mostly mill operatives, they as* I Andover Brass Bend* bsva been ■fiUfof'ber-

-.i*«i .0 .pp.., .0 ou,.,. 10, u.,-»c iKJfcJ^TKSKKrMffi: This enterprise Is oaa wbl«* will un- were to bs held about tbe same time. It ■••

doubtedly commend itself " tbe p*opleof| Sg^ffgW&^sgJgg* Ttwy now pro-

Lnwrowos. Importance that lb*dlvrmnu popuis

Solo tot Piccolo, I Polka March 7 Ualop Wild Oat* S March L'fht Guard lteevr*

Friday afternoon three vlcloei looking traniim were seen prowling around In tbe vicinity of tbe .Scotland school bouee. Monday morning. It aa* ascertained tbey bad broken into trie school room nnd evidently spent lbs ulgM there. After taking poises* I on of several arti- cles, of amall value in tbemaelvea, bnt IndUpen- sable In tha dally roitlas of school Ufa, aad committing other improprieties, tbey ttacere- moniouely took their departure at na early boar the following morning.

It Is deeplr to be regretted lhat tbe grave* In oar cemeteries have of labs. In several inttantei been desecrated by the removal therefrom of floral emblem* placed upon tbom by friend* of deceased person*. No longer ago than lait Saturday,a family tenderly laid across upos tbe grave of a dear husband and father, in the Sonth cemetery, which waa carried away on Sunday nlrbt. It is sad Indeed, to think ibai there are any persona in tbla community *o depraved *a to commit inch aacrllegion* set*.

Last Sabbath. Kev. Prof. Tucker prcncbeil st the cbapel. Itev. Mr. Cote at Lowell occ*- tba pulpit of Ihe Frua church in the evt- ___, Rev C. Weslon of Gloucester, preached ri the town hall la lha afternoon, Mr. J. W. 9a*< age of the Seminary supplied at tbe Tower fill' church, Lawrence, Mr- J-'» Wlilard, sbo 0/ lbs Seminary, preached at tbe Broadway c burcl Somerville, sno Prof. J. P. Unlllver supplied tbe pulpit 0/ 'he Shawraut Cong, cburcb, Bea- ton. B**- V. J. Hartshorns of Lawrence, pre***ed at the Union cbapel, Btllsrd Vale.

Por Ibe pest two years the members ol th'

:ommend IlSeir '•» lQ0 POOP e Ol «™««™ «rvu«ni eu iKisiponc. 1 uey now \">- T , , ,. , r .k . . . I !■»»■■ ho,d ■ ftlr ln w* town hall tha leiiar Certalnly « Is of ths greateat nan ^ (he n„ or ,££ „„, „,„,„, Wo pllll

tbat lb* tfermau popu.silon of! wm be iprrtd to make It attractive to nil. Ti*

irly 4000, b* arought under thu Influ-

ence of th* 0**pel, and be Imbaed wltb

good im.isl and religious principles. It

ia a matter of experience throughout ibe

wb«1e country tbat Chrlallanlanlty will,

ss nothing *lse, make of our Germans good Am- rloan ettlsens, aud lovers of

American institutions. They w.ah to make

an tamest apusml lo the sympathy and

a* ncr.mliv of our American friends. The

pn-lor, Aug. Wallou residue at No. 80 Prospect street.

—Tbst fresh pledge does not appear lo bave been of km*; continuance.

Andover people have always shown tbelr ap- prrrlstlon ol the band in aucb a subst.inini and Iriendly manner, that wltb tbelr coope"- lion tbi, ■fTtir must ha a grand anccess AH are Invited 10 mmrUnite as ibey »ee fit. ""' fair will probably be open roorevcnlng*.

There are In lnealraabou*e37 Inmate* includ- ing Kx t-abie*. Tbe oldest person, ilsrv ntUflh, !» Dftvrar* nf eye and a very remarks* ble woim,n. She retain* tier menial ami pnJM callai-ulttea hit wunderiu! txtenl. snd co*' verses freely and laugba Leariily. To sre ber one wnnld not think her more th*n icvrnir. and *be bid* lair 11 become a Ccnti-nailsn. I"

hit Ibe other day. we noticed aeveral Improve- ■ui' In Ihe Interior arrangement* nf i'"'

bouse, especially In the cook ng department- and a general tidiness pervsdes tha r*iahll*a- tnent. Tbe alderman nnd bl« lady lecm '" Rive very general satii lac thin in Ibe posiiw* tbey occupy.

Rer. Charles Sacombe, ■ graduate of Ando- w Theological Seminary, and paiior of Uic CouftcKUoaai church la Ureen Island, Nab., writes to a friend In Andover In relation to tbe ■ood which aw«pt over tbat town, as follows. 'I was Indeed waahed out from Green. Island,

HHlnf a>y bouse nod home, nay bora*, buoy, harness and cow, Mfeiber with my church ana the bounce of my people. Ton wonder ii that all the menberi of my family, except my otdeit aon, waa away, were not druwncd. 80 Immi- nent waa our danger at one lime, tbat we kined each other a farewell klaa. Hut through the merer uf Ood we were epared."

Mr. W. F. Draper will forward any contribu- tion* which friend* of Mr. Becombe would like to ■■(■nil blm.

Satnrday afternoon Mr. Stephen D. Abbott met wltb what might bare prored a very acti- on! accident, had It not been foribe prompt action or an observing apactator. Accompanied by bta wife ha had ridden to town, and driving throoah lb* aqnare waa about to atop at Velp<y Bros . meat market, when a team occupied by a aeml-Intoxicated individual driving with one rain, unexpectedly turned the corner at the market and collided wltb Mr.Abboti'* team, with inch momentum aa to throw blm out upon

. *roumJ- fortunately Mr*. Abbott had alighted from the carriage a moment or two be- fore the accident. Mr. Abbott, who la a portly gentleman and somewhat advanced in middle

' wllb rel"arkable preaanca of mind retained piiaaMlaa, of hli reini and managed to keep hi* spiritedanimal under eonirol until eene, when the boraea of both tcaroi were «™*P*d by a Arm band, and Mr. Abbott extri- cated from fill reriicw poattioa, aller having

n dragged a abort dUUnca upon the ground. »accident attracted many ipectatora to the •pot, and a* Mr. Abbott la widely known and ■ybly aateamed, congntnlallooi were ibowtr- M afoai him on ail aides, lor hia fortunate ei- enpe from ration* injury.

Ray. O. Frederick Wright, paator ot tbe Free church and Mcioty, In thl. town, ha* been nom- L^&ft"!"?' °* N,w Teaumeot Literature and_Biblical Theology, .a lha Theological De- partment of Oberlln College, Ohio. T*t>. pro. lessorsbtp hss bean ably lilted lor fony year* by Prof. John Morgan, who ha* retired We I^*^"^*"'- Wrtf"* »" accepted the ■oanlaatloo or the faculty or the Initltullon, ■***■«■ H ■ confirmed by the Tra*tee*. will lender hi* resignation of u,e paiiorata of the *™'"< society which beUas incceairully Sit aon tDM nl0' Tears. Tbe relation)

which bar* an banted batwean putor and MM] I dnnag mis period, hare been barmoniou*, and tboM Who have enjoyed hi* mlnlatratlona will P*^-UlK wWh "*CB '•**• ■■ •»■ «■- •aawtatt charge will not, hartver. be the only toaarn by bta departure from oar mldit, but tho

view of hi* removal. The only cooaol.iion In contemplating the change I*, that be li *o em- KHZ?!*1,0*IDe wM#r 'P"8" w iTiniim to which ha haa been called. Be will continue ban Mill the lint Sabbath in July, and bla family will remain until tbe middle 01 August, at which lima ha will probably be dlamkued by council. Mr. Wngkl I* a graduate ofOberlin, and prevloui to coming to Andorer. preached at Baksrsftald. Vt.. ten year*. It I* more a year alaca he wai proffwed the professorship, oa account ol hi* rare qualification* tor the po.liioo. and by tbe urgency wltb which in ac- ceptance ha* been preexed, be baa yielded to wbatseem.tobeblsUa.y. Thereara now loot)

Coile"" "^ ,IUr',r*ald,P,»rlq,«ta of Oberlln


Household Furniture. At Auction.


Next Thursday and Friday tbe Herrimac School* will be examined.

*3*y$!*2* ch"rch » W"I Pooled by Clifford Brother*, ol Lawrence. .

A* yet M meeting of the Fourth of July celebration committee ha* been cold.

**A' * ■*Mh,f of Uta *tnM, but evening. Mr. Walter Stone waa elected financial acretary

Ml.. F. Estella Wbipple acted a* a brideamald at a marriage ceremony in Lowell, Wedneaday.

Ofslrlrt Attorney Htcveni haa taken np bit naidanoe, for the season, at hi* country home

Tha third Sabbath or the month will he oh-" aerred aa Children's Sunday, at tbe H. K. Church. ~

A meetlnjof the Odd Fellow* wilt be held at 2t*HH5 fc0M-' w«"na«day evening next, at a o duck.

The Board of En*lneera held a meeting last

Tbe Mystics, of Low - II, will meet tha .Etnas M the Button Uroocds, at 3.30 o'clock, to- morrow afternoon.

It I* very probable that there will be a go-as- yoa-pleaae In town oa tha Fourth area if lucre la no other observance.

The member* of tbe G. A. R.. maiding In town, are requeued to meet at tbe Foet Office, Tnesday evening next.

Mr. Ed ward Adam* I* making tbe neceaury prepare 1 ion* for placing platlorm scale* near Li* reaidcncc, on Milk Street.

The graduation day exaretae* of the Senior Cleae of the Johnson High School, are to take place Friday evening, tbe 24th Inn.

Blabop Paddock will admin liter the rite of confirmation at SL Paol'a Miaiion, Steven* Hall, on Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock.

Hon. George L. Dark) waa Ma or tha Mil bearer* at the funeral or Hon. K. J. M. Hale, which occurred at Haverblll, Wedneaday.

Her. Mr. Amory, curate of Grace chores, will be ordained In tbe priesthood at 10 30 o'clock, a. ra., Sunday, at Grata Church, Lawrence.

Mr. It. A. Mill, baa resigned hia position aa baggage master at Iba Boa ion A Maine elation, and la succeeded by Mr. V. K. Tllion, of Salem.

There Will be no *erriee* at St. Paul'sMlulon Sunday forenoon, Mt Sabbath School will be -t • ■ o clock and service with preaching at 6 30 o'clock.

Mr. Patrick Ryan Mt a severe gash on hi* left banri, Saturday evening, while (putting wood. Dr. Norrili took several Hitches la the

Jo*. V. Allen. Keq., will aell, by auction, next Wedneaday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, a lot ot koaaebold propeity at tha residence of the late James Steven*.

Tha break lag ol the main bell, Saturday morning, occasioned a suspension of work In IM brick shop and foundry dnrlag tbe remain- der of the day.

Mr*. Clara Brewerton broke in; of the bone* or Mr left arm, the other day, while working at a loom in Button* Mill. She was a'lended by Dr. Yate*, it Lawrence.

The centennial anniversary of tbe Maaaacbu- seits Medical Society, at Cambridge, Tueadsy ana Wedneaday, waa attended bv Burgeor.- Oeneral Dale and Dr. Morrill.

Tbe Cocbicbewlck engine was taken out for trial, Tuesday evening, and worked very rail*. Three new member* were admitted IM rame evening, and the membership now oonsnn of fort)-two.

Tbe portion or Ibe brick building fronting the square at tbe Centre, which waa recently ntil-

\ ned ai a tenement, Is being tramf.irmed into apartment* for tbe use of the Ladle*' Charitable Union. There la to be a working room, dlnlnc ■Mb parlor and ktict.u. Mr. Samuel Holt i* tuperin'erding the job.

A gentleman, who w.t making > call at a ■MM In Stevens' Village, Sunday evening last, waa somewhat surprised and Incensed nton coming out to and the bnree Uken Irom hia ve- hicle, which waa overturned, and tbe forward running part detached therefrom. It we* the prank of some mischievous lada.

Tha Ladles' Charitable Union will bare a alrawberry hativelji the veatry ot tbe Uolu

_ I superior quality of Ledge Stonaa for eel lara and lonnoatioua attHM nitue sndiea- sonable prices. Teaming momptly done. Hat

rlan Church, next Thuraday evening! ■■•»> J»'acl'oa anaranum. besidtacencartl. mmar xectkM with 1 in affair ih«» xn • r.„^- ...,i. "ll"1

a wltb tic affair there will a fancy table, ate. An excellent opportunity la thus patent- ed to pass a social hour and help a worthy organlaaiion. Doora open nt 7 o'clock.

K. B. O'Connor, Esq.. will deliver ah addreas before tbe Land League on Sunday evening. TM regular chorus of tha organisation, under tbe direction of Mr. Mooney, will give several selections from Moore. Cbarlea A. DeCourcev speak* before tbe League on IM 10th Init. and Joaepb V. Sweeney, Esq., M tbe 26th. Ma| Qeo. 8. Merrill It expected to address the league at a fatal re enacting.

Tha pulpit at IM Congregational Chnrch was occupied last Sabbath by the Rev. Mr. Lamb, a* Milford. N. H-, In exchange with tbe pastor. Bar. Qao. Pierce. Ha has preached bare acv era! times before, I* a young man of consider- able ability, quite, pleasing In his manner*, and I* alwaya welcomed wMa he cornea among us. la tha evening a rore'ga muafcmary concert we* MM la the veatry, at which several af the brethren made reporta from the rartous tnls- ■lonary flelda. There waa a good atleadancc.

un Wadnasday evening or ibis weak a atraa- berry featlval waa held at tbe veatry of tbe Con- gregational Church, under tbe aurproee of the Ladles' Benevolent Society, conneded with the church. Beeide the ran frait and confec- tionery, and moat delicious cream* which ware temptingly offered, there waa a series ol enter- talnmcnat given conaUtlng of singing by Ibe children, and aleo by the regular choir, several Ubleaux, and, la addition, the celebrated fan drill, which to alwaya so pleasing. There waa

ice, large sales, and a general a hope II will be thought best

a good attendance.

to have aaother. Mr. Wm. H. O'Brien died quite suddenly at

hi* raaidence. corner of Secoadend Kallroad •treat*. Tnaaday morning. Oa Wednesday of last week, while at work in Davis A Furber's. he aastaiaed a severe bleeding attack and was taken to hia borne. Although tbe lorn of blooJ left him In a week condition, M WM apparently recovering until Tueaday mom lag, wbea be aut-

-^-T attack, which resulted fatally. Deceased waa well known and vary popular, aapecially with iMyouaver element. Ha leaves a wl» and one brother, Jo*,., a graduate of tbe High School, and member of UM Order ot St. Anguatlne, ROW studying |n the Novitiate at Villanova CoHege, Penn. Tha fanarai was from tha Catbolle chareh. yesterday fbreaooa. There ware aeveral elegant Rural offering*-

Very many of tbe older neldaaU af tha town will be Mined to Mar of the death of Mr. Joaepta it. Whlttredge, formerly tor many year* a resident af thto town. While he lived hare M awaad and aneapaid a, haaaa tMt stood upon the elte where the house of Mr. Elijah Wright now .lands, on Elm Street, and was In the employ of Davla A Farbcr, as foreman of the yard. He waa a maeon by trade, and In 1170 be sold bla real estate to the Hon. John A. Wiley, and removed 10 Lynn, where be ha* re- aided »iacc. Hi* richness waa caused by poli- onoui gas Inhaled while repairing a sewer, and at produced a long and painful illne**, and finally reaaltfd In bla dtath on the 2d latt. Tha funeral occurred at Hamilton, Ma*a , on Monday, June 6(h. at 3 o'clock, r. H. Hia age waa *» yeera, 10 moniht, and he leave* a widow and 00a daughter.

WIN be aold at Public Auction on WIDNKS- DAT, June 1Mb, at one o'clock p.m., at lha residence uf tbe late James elevens, in North Andover.a large lot of Household Furniture. consisting of bade, bedateada and baddtag, mattresses, lounges, bureaus, tables, cbaira, looking glasses, crockery, clothes horse, stoves carpets, cooking utemlls, wltb many other arti- cles too numerous to mention.

Conditions at sale. J. F. ALLKR, Auctioneer.

N01 Hi Andovcr, June a, Ml.

Punchierd Free School. J examination orcandldatea lor admission

to tbe Funehard free school will be held In the schoolroom, 00 Monday, June 1/. beginning precisely at B o'clock a. m,

Kacb candidate muni have reached Ibe age ol at leasl twalvo years, of which a certificate muat be furnished by the parent or guardian. Appli- cants will also furnish a ewMswswau from aome teacher that In the required studies they are "rcpared for admission to Lbe school.

Applicants are examined in the whole or Col- burn's Mental Arithmetic, Baton's Arithmetic as lar as Involution, and in the whole of Ander- soa's History of the United HUMS. They muat be able 10 answer the most important questions In Modern tieoaraphr, and must bare a auffl. cleat knowledge of Knxlhb Urammer to parse --rauion sentences In prose. Tbey must be able

rmd rorrectly ami fluently, tospellall words common occurrence, and writ* a fair band.

Wai. U. UOLDJMIIU, Principal. tie 10 IT M

Town of North Andover. OFKICX or ttKALKR or

WxioiiTa AMDMBAaruaa. MAI S, INL

In compliance wit* the provision* of Suction chapter J'i.i, of the Acts of the year I87S, ami

aactlou .', i-h pier Id I, A eta of 1 en, I hereby give notice to all inhahitants or persons bavlnx a usual piano of business la the Town of North Andover, who use scales, weights or measures, lor tbe purpose of hu) inr or selling any goods, wares, meicnandlse, or otter commodities, or lor public weighing, to bring Into this oglne their scales, weight* and measures, to be ad. luiled and ana led.

o, v. Hporr-uiti), Sealer ol Weights and Measures.

Town 11 all. All persons nezlecllng to comply with the

above notice will be liable to the penalties pro- vlUedbyuw. **tjel(i

Andover Business Directory.

aer. all at the lowest prices. Bank Building, Main Street, Andover, myT lyr

BENJAMIN CHEEVKB. Sexton, and in charge oIBoulh Church Cemetery. Un-

dertakers' lurnlshinga provided. Lota In Ibe '- UJUSO Central street,

Shoes A slubbers. Uustorn work a spec laity. Keoalrlnx neatly done at short notice. Jones' Celebrated Kip and Calf Boole constantly on hand. Main St., Andover, Haas. lydaMTI

BENJAMIN B. TDTTLK hax bought of J. B. Parliu tbe local express and Jobbing

huslnoss formerly of M. at. White. Ueneral lobbing, moving of pianos, furniture, Ae.. at raasonahie prlcaa. Patroaaga aolioliM. fetly

BRADLEY A PARLIN, Merchant Tailors and Dealers IP Clothing, Hali, Capa

and Uents- Furnishing Uood*. Main Street, Andover, Maaa.

_ a Carriage Trimmer, baa removed to Bean'a lulliilng, Kim Square, where ail work in his line will be wromptlv done, and at reasonable price*.

DB. J. C. PENNING TON baa removed hia oflee to the rooms over Draper's book-

store, Main street, OfDce hours » 10 91 a.m.: " >» a p. m., and at algbt.

DB. C. B. ABBOTT.-OmeentklRea]- IMaca at Mrs. Ebea Tyler's, Main Street,

1. m., l-J and after

EDWIN II. BARNARD, Painting, Qln- xlng, Uralnlng and Paper Hanging. A

'/ *>a *1V

1^ l'IKE, Tin, Earthen and Wooden X!ia Ware; Hcpaire Pumpa, Stoves, Fur- nace a, etc. Sola agent for Magee atovea, ran- -;ea andfurnaoea lor Andover and vicinity, irdera promptly attended to. Park street, tadover. 0ovJ lyr

jn School atreet, near Ibe Landscape Gardening a

' lou alteuued to,

HENRY GOKF, Piloting, Gralntog. I'aperlng and Ulnif eg, done at short notice

and reasonable price. Parsons wishing work drop a postal In Poal UfUce, octlu U

JOHN Q. PINDLBY, Dealer in Fish of all kinds, haa removed to hia new and con-

vanlaatmarkei House, f ark street, opposite the Town Hall. Paironage of old customers and tha public generally solicited. Articles deliv- *. ly apt.

JOHN U. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, Daa*ar la Clothing nad Ueufa Furnish lag

uoodaotall kinds. Uarmeiits maile In tbe latest laahlou warranted to 0t. Bepalrlng, clean- ing and pressing done neatly. Mala street, *-*»var. novlM lyr

JOHN C. LEONARD, at bla ataop ID Bsllard Vale, will attend 10 Blacksmliblug

iu all its bran'ines Ihuroughly, promptly and reasonably, llorseahoeing ana Wdcuiwilgbt -oik soiitited. lets ly

JOHN R. LURING,-MACHINIST,— Machinery of every description built and

repaired at, Is new shop, real01 Draper's Block Main St, Andover. drnMi

prepare j to furnish all ailiclca In their line 01 business. Orders promptly attended to. lioods delivered. Central struct, opposite the Baptist Church.

ML. RAMSDELL, Antnt for tbe lead aiag Sewing Machine*. Machines or *(

kiuda claanad and repaired. Also Sewing Ma

MBS. M. L. RAMSDELL. Fashionable Dress and Cloak Making. A lao a lam plug

or braitllugund tttubroluer*. buimt UIIULIU ~*r utieat, Andover.

MV. QLBA80N. MMOO. — Maaon a Woiko. every description promptly ex- ed. urdir Lux at J. 11. Flint's Market, 1 at. kesidence. Maple Avanue. mytl ly

Cbarlea L, Carter—dealer* in Hardware, Cutlery and Cordage; also Farming Implements Wooden Ware, Ac. A lull assortment at iowaat


AUNDBB8 BROTHERS, Plunbora and Tinsmith*. Also dealers In Tin, Ulnae,

J tVoodeo Ware, Stoves and Furnacoe. He- pairs lor all kind* ol stoves, Main street, Ando* ver, Maaa. Ivr ie|>li

rHOMAS HOWELL carrl.a on the Furniture aod Uphoie.erv business In all

.heir branches, at his store on Park atreet. Fur- nituru ruualrvd aad removed at short notice and

reasonable terms. ly ocllh III

/1LL1AM P. PINDLBY, Dining Booms.—FrnIt, Cnndle», Cigar*, SUtion-

lnka,etc..etc.UjsiFraaBd Meals furnished 11 JLI.'S. CJI nur Alain sol Uraaa streets,

ly aprtt


-TKACiui! or-

Voice Cultivation and Gesture, TOWN HALL. U ANDOVCR,

oow & N 1 :.M„

MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS, ——aaaurr* roa —

Daaaaetio Faahlawu amel Burratt'a »yu Bawau. ItsmplsfSN* Plahl»x-


Coal and Wood.

Lvkens Valley Red Ash-Coal. The above Coala are some of the beat varieties

mined. A trial cannot fall to convince any one of tMt fhot.

Prices Very Low. Vfaod or; the different kkds, In lota|Io ault, at

fraduoed prices. v>af and wtrawXonstnntlyon Hand

JOHN CORNKI.U Drupara Blank. ■atw at.


—Hon AddlaoB Brown, lately appoint-

ed United Status Jndft* for the aoothern

dlalrlct ol New York, la a naltve of th!a

conol j, and In about *0 yeare of af a.

WOOD & GOAL wmte Ail nl Franklin coals.

HARD AND H()t»T V'()1>1>. prei,«cil,ti ,l,HirM.

rOK 6.L1 11TJ \

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O d.r n *,,-l.e<l ,.wl blllt.etil, i *t

t. B.OHANbLIK'H,,'. OHrc.


ICE DEALER, Families at-d othera aupplicd et lowest uileaa. Order boxes at Tost < dices In ADdovei and Hallard Vale, and at ewM ol J. Baini*. »rje Villas.. mjiill


Funeral and Furnishing



11f septi A Skslwvar, Muss





(trtoaldi Rewards bo Offbrcd.

L- H. BARNARD baa returoad from Xew Tork w 1th Novelties la

MILLINERY for Spring aod Summer »ear. Price* reason- able. New Lace Uoods- 9 .veral doaen Fayal tlata, at llcts. ejcti; Trimmed lists,« ano M

-•- each. Will give good bargsine la Iba ut't (tock ol BTlhbOD*, reaiaers, Klowars

urnaments. Worsted 10 cents a lap. com ly culled an ounce.


WILLIAM POOR Manufacturer sad ha* fors*l*

Kspress.atura.Markat, Mil k , Bwalataa

"w^ca-oisrs, Farm Wagons A Carts,

A>- af Ma.I Wuaiaaia. KepalriaglaalllUbrauahe*


SPECIAL NOTICE. The Snbaerlber has opened

Furniture* Upholsteting Rooms over J. H. K1.ISTS MAEKKT. Too • In want orrurnliuie will do well to exam aa Ihls large assortment. Fine Upbolsteiii* a specially, Carpets asada aad put dawn, .leaned -ad re- laid; Holland Window Shades, S|»mg fixtures mudeaad pntua for II, 10 and upwards; Win- dow Shades aad Laoa C'urtaias laundrled like -*w.

Jur-Maltreaaea made over, and returned tha unuday Feather Beds Renovated. Draperies made

and put up. fine Parlor Furniture made to -rder.

All work dona promptly and warranted a* represented, Ifr strict attention to bualbeaa aad good work I hope to merit a share or 5001 patroiiaxe- Kelereacee H desired.


Cor. Itado aad Park Btrenta, AndoTejc



'Is. R. S. - m gsj-j-, pa— saaaajegsj tha. when ataadlar smoMTjryoMlsmdyon will wear uootaaa,



Dry Goixln, Groceries, Etr.,


Nolle* to Academy Siudentt, Academy BludeuU Who desire to eaaagsln

. jmunerative employment daring tna vacstioa month*, eau add-ess

H. J. MOULTON A CO , tlm leS SI Central St., Lowell.

Valtiabla Real Estate In Fry* Village. The real estaleal the heirs of the late Elljib

[ussey.deceasetl. silnated In Frye Vlllafe It ffered for sale. It consists or about two auras

01 land nn which are three houses, a barn, saw mill and wash-home, together with in* water power heloaglna therewith. For oarlteulars

pply to C. U. tHiaSBT, on tbe premises, tijee

rO LET.—Two email Tenement*, wllb tar deni attached. Apply to C. 0. BLUNT.

Vtrmaitt Andover.

Ahtteggom* Notice. The umlersigned, aaaeeaore or lha South Far-

i.hln Aodov.r, hereby give notice that tbe have appoiuie<l Brnlamia Chrer.r, H.iu irnilen- deatorih. Parish Cematerr, under their direr. Ion. Any work required on lots will be lailh-

fully done by him at a reaeouaMc price. Mo other persons am allowed to perform sunn ser- vice* in the oameiery ualeas purmi.kloa I* grsl obtained or lbe suhncrlbers.

*. H. BAIMAKI). 1 M. C. AMDKCWS, [ Aateaaor*. T. r. PBATT, i


Old oyslcr and tomato cana would seem to be about aa uselesa articles aa any that encumber tbo cailb, but in tbese days nothing ia lost. In New York immense quantities of tbese ex- hausted receivers, to wrest to a new meaning a scientific term,are gathered at the city dumping grounds and sold for $5 a load by the contractors tu metal workers. A Newark manufac- turer buys tons of them.

Hansom Cook of Saratoga Springs, 'ho recently died at the ago of eighty-

seven, got bis plan for making an au- gur that would bore at an angle with tbe grain without starting with a gouge by examining tbe lips of the worm commonly known as the "wood borar," with a microscope, and from this he made his model, which proved a perfect success.

To Mr. II. Vennor, Cauada: Dear Sir—If you have such a thing as s belated snow storm lying around loose, please forward at once, C. (>. D., and oblige yours, etc. P. S.— Put a small chunk of blizzard in It.— Norristown Herald.

Tbe New York Sun apologizes for its late broad hints of Secretary Ulaine's complicity in tbe alar route frauds by admonishing its correspon- dents that, whenever a charge it made against any man, public or private, tbe evidence upon which it is based must accompany the allegation.

Fendcrson was at the theatre lbe other night. "It waa a burlesque, a take-off, wasn't it?" asked Smith. "Yea,'* aaid PenderaoD, "that's what it was, I guess. They had taken off about everything they dared to."

Several of our first mosquito fami- lies have rented cottages for the Hum- mer near West Brighton Beach.

lDe lays are dangerous," as the unpopular orator remarkcu when tbe cggB began to fly.

A wicked wag—he was a Uoaton fellow—said he had hcaid Dr. Bel* low'a anniversary speech nineteen times, but somehow it never sounded "o well aa this year. Perhaps the man had got educated up to it.—New York Express.

■ ' u * w *■» A Maine Sunday school teacher

asked his class, "What kind of little boys go to heaven?" A lively little four-year-old boy raised his band "Well, you may answer," aaid the teacher. "Dead ones!" the little IVI tow shouted at tbe extent of his lungs.

jthtMBT O10A.XB.—A noteworthy Instance of progression in tna construction or ibis popular Instrument, no lea* than 70,000 of which were aold during the peat year, la found In tbe "Baby

0 one seriously pretends to make batter or- gans than It; and few will claim to make It aa good. Tat In the little organ alluded to, aueb progreaa baa 'wen made In simplifying the con- struction of the Inurnment, and so securing economy oloott without loaaof excellence, tbat ibey are now able to offer a real y good organ, retaining Ibe characteristic excellence ol all tbelr work, at a price which really seem* ridic- ulously low. 1'it

Tb« Mn bit head Heaaeagur, of s recent datf. n,01 an ktaelf Into a freniy over lha

fact that th. nurdurer or murderer* of Frank liatliawaj, of that town, bare not as yet bocu detected, aad walla not Inaln-

uailog any lack of seal or falUtfalaasa oa

Lbe part of thu ollcara sad auitorliiea, iDlnka thai "the noal liberal age of mou-

sy, and the emplojmeut o( Lbe vary high*

asL order of dutouUvn skill, la oeceaaary

aad ceuiiiilal to the proper laTeailsailoa of Llit trim.-."

The IT nun waa ihe moil m>aieiloua that aver baiiuuoud In Etaux c mmy. Oa lha

orulujj uf stay 84, lbe u.>.iy of Frank

Hathaway, a young mau WDJ was known

In have uu enemy, waa found la a dlirb at Maiblchu.,1. Oa lha rif nt temple was a

cat ibouL ao Inch long, and la Lbs centre

of lbs fore head was s slight disc oloration.

The condition of lha f round la Lha vicin-

ity of iba dltcb danoted thai a s'.rtiggl<

had takta place, In which Hathaway had

bean alaaned and dragged Into tgrs ditch to die. Tun affair is shrouded la my* Lory, from thu fact tbat Hatbaway'g moTomunia

weru traced among respectable citizens

until slate boar, aod thai no one 1, knowi

to have borne blm audlcienl Ill-will Lo make a deadly assault upon him.

After Ii became evident tbat a murder

bad been committed, District Attorney

Sherman, of this city, telegraphed tha se-

lectman of the town to offer ao reward for the detect.Ion of iba murdurera, sLailng

la his diapateb lha belief that the offering

of a ruwar.l would Impede and obstrnct a

proper iovestlgaLlun. Mo reward wsa of- fered, and because noue la offered ilia

Meassjogur complains, and glvea voice to tbe .(.ailment tbat "a liberal reward at

tbe atari woold bare stimulated Inquiry."

Tha prosecuting officer of the coanty,

itpert detectives la this vicinity, hare

always been of Lbs opinion thai the offer-

ing of rewards for lha detection of crim-

inals la mote detrimental than beneficial

lo the end* of )oaUce. Instead of ailmu-

iaiiax proper and Judlcloo* enquiry, it en*

iiatalnto police service many unprincipled

peraooe, wbo maku uuwarnuied arrawLi on lbe allgbleat pretext, ami by openly

boasting of and publicly following trivial roroom. which they construe low "cer-

tain cluea," Impede loveailgatloH by the

lawfully appololed offlctals. A reward excites ihe cupidity of that class of pri-

vate detectives who an a rale are unprin-

cipled persons, sod sre always ready lo

tall ibdmaelvea to lbe highest bidder.

There ia 00 doubt that bad not tbe select-

men of lbe town of Marble head been wise

snougb 10 follow tbe advice of tbe District

Attorney, would have been by thU

time not leas than a doaun perso oa Ukeu IULO custody for lha murder, aad thu lair

fame of olbera been Larnluhed by onjoal and unwarrantable, anaplclona. Foolish

'CIOWM" would have been taken np and

(fallowed, and the result would bo thai not

aa much progreaa aa Is known to have

been made would be apparent. Tbe Dis-

trict Attorney Is saUaaed that the Chief of Police of Ifarblehead, Dlalrlct Police

Officer slanslag and oar own Batcheldrr,

are dolug their whole duty by thu Com-

monwealth, snd bellevea Lhgl their effort*

III ultimately be rewarded with succeai. He ha. the utmost confidence la theae of-

Dcera, and knowing as be does the calibre

uf the giate police, aod of the aaiherltleo

itf the town in which the unfortunate af-

fair occurred, does not see ihst ihe prom-

ise of reward will stimulate laem Lo great-

er activity. The investigation ia quietly

out actively being porsaed. without lbe

assistance of "bummer detective*,'' for

Wuom the misfortunes of a community loo often provide a bat vest, and tbe aleaaen-

gur ot Lbe clllxena of Marblebead should

n it complain. If lbe officer* aa yet do not

tell ibem all ibey know of the case, or

A1 11 11 they anapeci of the lerrlbla crime.

Uauajhtera of.ltebekwli


The Daughters ol Babckah Degree Mu- isal Oi-nefll AaaoclaUon of Kaaex county,

held their annoal meeting In Odd Fellowa'

Hall, Amesbnry, on Toesdsy forenoon.

The following officers were elected for lbe

easuiog year: President, T. B Falls, or

Ipawlcb; vice-pre* id an l, Hrs. Abby Hill,

of Haverblll; secretary, Mrs. Sarah A.

liogem, ol Ipawlcb; treasurer, Mr*. Mary A. Oil>S. Of Beverly. The secretary rc-

poited but one death Io the AaaoclaUon

luring the pa-tl year—John F. Merrill, of

Amesbnry. After transscllag Ihe busi-

iicsH the Association adjourned, toinoet lu I.jnn the drat Monday In June, loo*:*.

Great Fire lo Quebec.

Capt. Dolan «t Andover.

Kuiroa Aaranangw; , I suppoaa lbe Lawrence AatsaiCAK l. Interest-

ed la ihe great movement ol Ibe Irish Land ;ue, whose object I* to belter Ike condition of

tha Irish people I. their own bind, thereby pre- venting the great drain tbat Is annually aaade up-

the citicena of thia country, to rescue Ibem from the mlaery and dlslreaa el their condition! the remit of English lewUlatlon and landlord tyranny. I had the pleasure of listening to the Hon. Editor of lha Lawrence AMSHIOaJt When be addressed the members of lbe Land League ii. St. Mary's ball, a few tnoaUH ago, and I waa greally pleased with ihe fall ne** or hli statements and ihw sound advice which ha gave for the fcro- secu 11 on ol Ihls movement In Irelaad. Last eve

we had a rally in the town hall here la An- dover, which waa very well attended, and the

leetlng wai addressed at length by Captain Dan- iel T. Dolan, of Lawrenee. The captain gave a brilliant and aaailerlr exposition ef the great question which now agitate* the people of Ireland, known lo tlio world aa t^e Irish land queatlon, in a speech of over an hour. Every important mat- ter connected with Use policy of the British gov- ernment tower da Ireland, since the occupation or that unfortuaate country by tbe Anglo Normana, up to tbe present day, wua referred to In Ceftaia Dolan'* speech, and I am »ure there were many like mveelr, who know the political history or Irelaad much better attor hating listened to tbe gifted and eloquent orator of the evening. 1 was very much impressed with one of thu concluding

tatamcnls of Ibe speech, in whleh the Capt. aaid that "the end of a good government Is to ensure the welfare aad bapnlneaa of Ha subject*, and not to establish order and regularity in the midst of their dlstreaa. Uufoitunata Irelar.dt Kngllah bayonet* are bristling there to-day to maintain order and regularity In the midst or the moat ap- palling distress." Nolhtngeoiild be grand*r than the conclusion or Capt. I>OUM'S speech, in which be sea)phrased a scene ti um the plLy of Rich*,

for lha purpose of illustrating the frlendll- aeas and sympathy of lbe American people with

1 truggllag Ireland, In ihe present crisis. The apeech waa liu.lly and aa thu shut lea lly

applauded throughout. Cheers war. given fur the speaker at tbe close,and an nnanlmoni vole of thnnka waa given him by the audience.

ReepecUntly Yours, JOHS J. Dil.'l.

Andover Lead League.

The Merrlmack Jetties.

Wednesday night, a Are broke oat ia Quebec, which swept away somu sis ban-

died dwellings, s One Catholic church,

ilorra, etc.; loss probably 1800,000.


Wednesday marshal Neal received a letter from the chief of police in Montreal, stating

(hat Patrick Fox, one of the fire who broke away from Ihe jail fn this city, aome time ago,

bad been arrested in that place for burglary. The letter did not state when, but It was prob- ably recently. This cannot, however, affect hi* case in regard to tbe escape.

llocaaow WmnsTisa mceeslty In every bou*ebold. A really reliable brand may be found In tbe "Q. tl. TSTLOU OLD llovanoN," bottled by Mrttrs. Cheater H. Graves ft Son*, of Boalon, and so ba obtained In bottles onlv, bearing their signature ovtr each cork, irom liading drucg>-» and grocers everywhere. II

—There were 9 deaths in the cily last avefjej

—New oUre furnlinre hu been placid la the central telephone office.

Mian Mary WaUer has n.cure.1 her

vindication and verdict; when will alie getthecaahr

—The telephone wire between lb), city

and Manchester, Is down, a tree having

fallen on It, In the Derry. N II., wooda.

-Congressman Huesell. Will prooably occupy one of Gen. Butler's hajhsnt, at Washington, next winter, one lately oc-

cupl d by Senator Jones, uf Nevada.

—Tha Boston Herald nays the Preas A-aoclalton ti Ip this year is lo be but Alti; the olllcial circular aaya ajrO; |B y|„.

prealdenl Haakell lo make up tbe differ. eoctf

— An accident on Tueaday, which caused the demolition of the enilre four

pages of the Dally AMERICA:*, account*

for the curtailment of some of tbe matte r In this issue.

—Thu annual camp-meeting at lbe Kp-

plng camp grounds, will probably com- Aag. 20ib,though tbe arrangement*

sre not aa yet fully perfected.*!

ol Ihe ableat divines In the denomiatllon are expected to participate.

—Tha etea-ner City of Haverblll, will run to Newbnryport the lTtb, on Lbe oc-

casion of tbe annual Inspection of the

Elgbl regiment, carrying Companies M of

thla city, sud F of Hsverhlll. The Law-

rence brasa band accompanies Ibem.

—Ja.nii« Irving, a young man working In tbe Jlggi-r room of tbe Pacific mills,

Wedut'Mlay. bad hln left arm caught In the

machinery snd broken. He was taken 10

bis home, 30 Franklin street, where Dra.

Sargent and McAHUler attended him.

—Agent McDnffee, of tha Kverett UII IK,

returned from bla wedding trip, lo this

city Wedneaday. He will take up bis res-

idence In the house at the comer of

Summer and Nswbery streets, which has

lately been remodelled and refurnished.

—The Portsmouth Chronicle aaya 1

Some idea or tbe manner In which ihe

pstrons of the Eastern railroad hunger snd thirst after righteousness may be at-

tained when It Is known that over three

hundred copies of Ihe new translation of

tbe New Teatsment were sold on one day

of last week st the Boston station.

BQAsto Cur Auisnaisjf.

The board mat In regular session with Mayor Web-tar In lbe chair and all pre e.L

The following business waa transacted. /■rfUfc»««.-A. K. Chandler to enter sewer at SO

slargin atreet, granted; Simeon Booth lo eater •ewer on Holly atreet, greeted j Cieo. Wilson A Co., 10 obstruct Brook, Union aad Farnhaea streets while moving building, granted; James B. Simp aoa to obstruct Kaaex atreet alley, granted; Na- UonaJ Peeabertoa Bank to obstruct Esaex aad Pemberton atreeta, granted; Alice Smith to oh- struct franklin atreet, granted; Kdward Coatelm lo obstruct Middle atreet while building, granted; Patrick Derapeey ror a hearing asj nellon or Ihe board In giving him saaie to withdraw on hie ap- plication for a tth class Uquor license, granted and the bearing glyea, aa reported elaewbere; A. 0. Stone, Esq., for the heir* of the estate or Qeo, If. Faron, asking ror oompemuMion for land need by Tiger engine company for *ever*l year*, for whleh ne rent haa been paid, referred to the eom-

1 claims; Mrs. A. Carrol to sell Sre works at lit Common atreet, for a week preoeedlag July lib, granted on payment of license fee;

Dean to enter newer at II Carver street, granted; F. H. Hogan to eater sewer at SJ Broad- way.granted; Mrs. Kill* and hire. Qlbba at SI aad S* South Broadway for permission to enter Carver atreet sewer, granted on a payment or aa assessment lbe same aa If the building waa situ- ated nn Carver atreet; Rose Uanghton and Kate Callahaa for a sidewalk at 370 and MO Kim street, referred to the committee on sidewalks.

Onttr: Aa order waa adopted Instructing side walke U be built In different part* of Ihe city aa heretofore petitioned for. Tbe aUewalka, with U»e exception of thoae in front of MoCksarv aad Near* block aad tbe residence of William Os- wald, to be of concrete and tbe olbera of brink.

LiquorIACCHM: Tbe following were granted liquor licenses: M.0. Whilty aa Innhohler al ItwCommon, Nichols McOurraa common victual- lers, 41 Com men, Hogan Bros., rel*i,ltso Common, John W. Crawford apothecary, iMOjk, Thomas Dlion brewer, Hampshire.

Tbe committee) on Ueenaee reported favorably on Ibe petition of Waa.T. Nichols for a common victualler's license, nt 13 Manchester. A petition came In remonstrating against lha granting of the petition f jr a license, and on motion of Aldevmaa Senllh, who staled that anoaher remonstrance from an abuitor was being prepared, the ntatttr wsa laid on tha table.

Affece/lowetH**. The Uquor licenie of John lilen- nan nt 1 Mill atreet, wat tranaferred to John Me- Cartfay.

Alderman Dan forth aaoved to reconsi ler the vote whereby Fatrioh-Deeapasy waa given leave to withdraw on a petition for a tlh clnaa liquor

seaae. The motion waa lost. Extcutirc SatioH. John lla'ey and Patrick anergan were removed from the position of

special police. Henry Wilson waa grant*I aa auclloaeer'i



JO 1X3 tN.-'n Suith A-> I <r Jr. May ITth, a son t"*r. a d Hie, Jamo.T Johnson.

BKAl K I I" - l.i HII- .'in-, June ;,ii, iron to Mr. aiul stra. A. r. Hrackeil.

KAiThtAN— It thla e*lr, *•■, a .'junulcr Mrx.KiAU ta-li

ltb»a SOB to

_, of ibe iiwptl-a Habbatb school, will be observed next Su: diy with appropriate exercises at the chare 1.

Mies Alice Bmersou was tbe recipient of s nn.Chickerlug piano last weik, il being a pres- ent irom Mrs. David Nevis, aeal J-, ol Brighton, Mass.

David Nevla* and wife, or Frimlngbam, and Mrs. David Navlas, senior, passed ibiBaibith In town, at the old homestead on llampsune street.

Mr. Laaey Hlbberd, formerly a resident here, baa gone lo Europe. Hu went on n i>u- - Ineaa trip for a Montreal firm by whom be |* employed.

Mr. Kleasar Caller spoke al the p.alac meet- ing, In ibe town ball, on Sunday evening, and gave an Interesting sketch ol California lite aud experience.

Mr. W. J. Nlcbol* aad other workman in the Methuen Co'*, employ, are at woik In Brighton, repairing the belldlnga owned by leira ol the late David Nevin*.

On Thuraday. the day that Barnnm's Circus vtsi'cd Lawrence, 21J children were absent from the public school*, on tbe eaal side of Ibe rlvtr,

" Ibe morning session. An Old Folk* Concert will soon be given In e town hall, under tbo direct-on of Mr. Cue*. '. Keelson. A rah aa re* I was held at tie

Method let church last Monday evening. A special parish meeting will he held st the

Congregational church, on Monday afternoon next, nt 3 o'clock, to take action In rtg:trd to the resignation or the paator, Itev. Z 8. Hwlbreok.

Mr. O. B. Kimball, sold bis lively stable stock at auction, on Thursday forenoon. Tbe horses brought good prices, bat some of the carriages sold cheap. Mr. J. E. Connnt, ef Lowell, wae tbe auctioneer.

Mr. Theron P. Fisher and wife, have been in town the peat week, visiting bis brother, Albert V. Fisher. They were married In Milford, N.

on Wednesday last, aad mere on their way to Ohio, where be It employed aa en engineer. on tbs Michigan Southern A Lake Shorn rail- road.

Hops Lodge of Odd Fellows turned oat about forty maaon Sunday aitcruoon. to attend ibe funeral of Joalah Beckett, who comniltud aaf ride, on Friday morning. A deiegatloa from Mechanics Lodge, of Manchester, N. II.. ol which tha daesaaed was a member, was also preaent. Bar. T. J. II House t fllcl .ted at iba laaeral.

Tbe Bplckal-rlver reform c!u>>, held a meet- ing last Monday evening, ami elected tbe fol- lowing o fllccr*:—President, Cha*. B»ston; vice-presidents, H. A. Currier and U. C. Rich- ardson ; treasurer,, Jacob Emerson; assistant treasurer and secretary, Tenney Morse; ixec- ulive committee, J.C.Noal, Fred Pear 0.1 and O. W. Rice.

The eight inch gaa main on Canal slrcel haa been found inad.quata lo supply (he mills, and will be replaced from Union street

Broadway with a is-incb pipe. The 3- Inch pipe on Broadway la being replaced by 0-inch, and tbe gaa main ia being eKienJid

from Hsverhlll street by way of Park sired lo tbe Arlington mills. Gaa pipes arc also to

be extended across the Merrlmac at the up- per bridge.

Mr. Charles W. Eilingwoo-J, who has

been for a long time clerk for Mr. lloyt, the er on Lawrence atreet, is about lo go

west and settle in Montana.

Tbe work oa tha Newbutyport JnHlea has been suspended, owing lo lbe Inabil- ity of lbs contractor, P. A. Ingeraou. n|

r .Hindoo, lo <omp!y with the terms

of ihu contract. Mr. W. II. Ward, who

Is Interested with Mr. aaageraos In tbo ex-

ecutlon of Ibo work, alstea that ihe troub-

le anise from tbe ahlfllug character of the Saudri sud ihe rxuih wealhrr Dial bus pre-

Vailed for aome time past. I It • rnuiract

price waa S3 cantit a um f >r n*nk* placed la piiHlLlon along the Maw laid out by the

government engineer. If Ihu locks could

be thrown overboard from ih. veasela

itde, as Intended tliure Would liavu been a fair prod', lu the J >», tin' th ■ nand* and

westber prevvnu-.l, ami Ibo at temlty lor

a railroad along HilUburv I'HIIIL became Imperative, lu oni,'i-to nu:i.l lli« Jetties.

This ilm sajajM hiH iBod to

build aud aurreud red Us»Ji-i. Mr. luger-

son's |.ib was baaed ou the original sppro-

prlallon of AI0.0O0. Biace then Congress

bss spproprlated ASO.OOO 11 ore, which

with Ihe «A0,000 given by Mr. M. II.

Simpson, makes AliO.COO now aval labla or the completion of the work.

V.nas Axals,

Under date of 2J iiielnnt. Mr II. O Vennor, Of Montreal, alrei hi* third icrli* ..I ■'predlc-

1" for the cunt' I inniiii or June: "Cool and cloudy generallv, erllb rnqueni raln-ralla

ip 10 ibe li li HI I" :.; an i.n n1 aatm day, and (roats probable altout the 7th and Kth. On ibelOtb, llib and 13 h will W a siorm period, wltb moggy wanthrr, hall *ud ibunder stt rmsi on Ibe IStb and Imnaswlk, fair sum- mer woafher, wltb cmdnigb a; llihto the 18th coo', uLSettlad, Sboecry weuihcr; IU h and 20th warmer weather, with Imrcailng heal, ap to tbe iMii; 3-Ub lo the 'JS h. a -i ■> m perioi, wiib sultry weaiber; on He 99.h ami 30th, cooler, srlih change In tile wlathvr. The foregnlne will prolrably bold giaj (Mir ■ | rg* portion of the Unitid States."

—The Co mm •-•ret si' Bntluilo a«yn that

"It la romored that tbe Nutbern and Eastern railroad*, running imn Hnim,

tin vn 'j.inil.'il tlnii i--:i. H ' tnd are going

to buy lbs Hyailc Wnaif property In

Cuarleslowo, nov co'ilroilod by the Liw-

ell road, and some: adjicent property, sod develop II sll fir nelghtln^ purposes,

Hiving lbe advent 1 •>■ n( doi-p water front-

age. A charter w n ^ivun th'! owners of

this property at the let- xesslo 1 uf Hie

Legislature, for similar p-jrp •*•■*, mil ihe

above rumor la urobabiy a -JUM n for tbe scheme."

—Where the empty fl tur barrels go Lo,

la almost na omlt-cid'-il a question as the

dlsposllloD of the large ti amber of plos maim l';u tin .'d yearly. A large proportion Of the empty li.ti iv;> ;- iki-il up by llinii -

ant Un and glax?) ware dusleis, are used

tbe next llrau for packing sugar. Meau-

tlme tbey pass through tbe of men

wbo shave off dI»adorations, paint snd lettering, from Inn ataVea nod heads, and

then clean oui the lusldu wiih a atlff brush, pulling on uewboopa If necesssry.

For this labor the men receive five cents each. Barrels treated In thla way go oat

from the augur manufactories to tho deal-

ers, and from ihencc to the customers. They often return for a second or even s

third re|uvenatlon. After lbe third tlms

however, they are not usually considered worth repairing attain.

—Tbe annual re-unlon of the Eighth

Ueglment Veteran Auoelallou, will be

h Id In Nowburyport on Monday, Austin 1st.


Bev. J.L. Harris, ol Bait Derry. N. IT. wit) preach at tho Congregational church, next Sun- day.

On Monday flvn hundred rolls of ck-a l«Und baaajlng were shipped fraen tbo Metbueti Vjtton

Mrs. Twlggs, the smallpox pitiem, bu near, ly recovered irom her Into sickness.' Nooiher caaee are aa yet reported.

Mr. Cha*. B. Trow, of tbe Transcript, waa 11 Cbelaea, on VYsdsaadar, to aiiend thu drdiej lion of a Soldier'* Home.

Mr. William Uarne. has been ia Nee TssH I n*T Z,' * •J'** city the preaent week, attending lbe li litre I ""' *■"•*•"'-■ *••*• Convention,a* an alternate delegate. (. '.it'» 11. : - :,■ tm« 1 !■,-. "hi" ,-. u, * dsugh

"" Oscara..Kantwasgrantedad.vvrc«;rom tru,*u *^Mrs.Jiwncsiynbir. hi* wife, for desertion, at ihe Inal tirm ol tin Superior Court, held et Salem, ia May.

Tbe break-dowa el the machinery at ibe M - ibuen Cotieo Mills, baa been fully repaired and |bla week the buiioes* move* ou as uuu1.

Tbe sixty slxtt tial

slra.JeamiUDoaui'd. biKVKvS-ln thia ■!'}, June i\, nton to Mr,

nni Mrs. J iha A. St, » na. TATIJHt-ln IliN epr. JaAa |th 3 ton to Mi.

■■ Tijlw. . ^

i.LUrto Mr.


ATIIEIITUN.~l.AY.-lit Andover, Jnaetl «-». I tsartt-.H. i.iruj-l. O orar K AilK rton ol UiHrtiHi.KiMi". Isabel at .oaashUruf F^eJertck It 11 01 ndi-ver.

RAUKslR-KlllXSUN -1. N <-AThiver, Jare l-i,i.v st-*. c. 1.. I-U'IIMIII, Jacuu llirkerio «l» A .1.1 • J. U.On-nn, boih bl X 1, Audovcr.

UtltltY .-'.'.1 LI. \ II AN -I 1 -Ihl.eity, June Tin, ly at y. J. it J»,-M , Mr. JJI.I li.llari. and kii-sNrllirCillahai.hj.boi UarreBsts.

at TtirJUruuu-UutatLLY.-l ■ thitellv. June .U, l»i Itt*. ki.A. MuA>«al, Tbismu Kutl«r- l,rd, ol ihu gtm Campion * k iilurrutisiaatd Mu* Maggie ueuik-), .,l Lawrcuen.

UlAKlt-iillkKN.-la ml* city. May Ifcb, by Mat. t. U. SsmeiM, Mr. 4,h.,mEJ*ZuiZ Liaata Uiexn, both ot I. iw 1. nee.

VtUVKi-Ns-WtLI.-l.t Amlover, Jane ID, ''".ffT' i "- M""1'". Mr. JiiftlaB. Varuey a. d kins Mary at. HLWCU, bout ol I inieuue.

OKA rust.

—Mr. Thomas Ruskavford of (be firm o

Campbell & Rutherford, grocers, and Alias Maggie Courier, were united in marriage Tuesday, al lbe residence of Mr. J. P. Co'.

quhoun, No. iS Ferry street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. McAyeal of the

Presbyterian church. Tha happy Couple, after ihe ceiemuny, left on a bridal tour, go-

ing lo New York. They will be abe*.it a couple of weeks.

aa a gentle Aperient and Bloud PurlD<r imn alder it unequalled, "yoa are nt llbeitv lo u»* my name ee a reference."

Price, 00 ceniat trial Imitlea, 10 cct.l- For sals by B. 11. Kelley, drutglai. :«lw

Incomparably superior so lbs trashy nrt'cle* which are palmed upon tbe public," -• me > .1 - M.U.. L.I.I*. ' President Royal College or Physicians end largeoo*, Member General Council, Univeittty

of Edlnbargh.etc.etc >, in regard lo the Lie 11; Co's Araicatad Bxiract of Witch llaael. It csree Piles, SaltBbenm, Catarrh, Bhenmailam, Neuralgia. Painful Monthly Plow, rioro Throat, Varicose Veins. Beware of C jumei lens.

Sold In fifty cent* snd dollar stxe*. * JI w

AUSMTS urn CaxYAeeti.a Maks Irom jH to MO per week selling »r.r,.l* Ibr E. Q. Hideout ACo., 10 Barclay street,New -York. Bend for tbelr catalogue and term*.


It It Impossible for a woman afti 1 a f iltb lul coura* ol treatment with l.ydla I'mklium'* "egetaMe t'oinponnil, lu a-.nliii-ie fu 'nil. 1

nh a weakness of Ibe u-erm. Em Inn a •lamp to Mrs. Lydls E. Plnhbam, 233 WI-MI rn Avenue, Lynn, Mass.. for pamphlet*. «. ;iw

Axaa BiTvtaa are acknowledged to be without a rival as a Ionic lor cefuibled consti- tutions and to repair the waste In Ihe *y>icm created by disease. tflt

Tna rxncviAK Sviti !■ baa rurrd ibniisauda wbo Were aoff rlnr In.111 I) sorp.U.'y.

CoUiplalnl, Unit-, 11> a. P. 1.1 Hi' C.,11'- plalnts, rlc. Hamphleis tie. lo an) uddrcrt. 8etb W. Fo*>le A N..n-. Hoslon.

lcod1cowno*24'Bl) ej

Tu ■ science al medicine Is a wondrrlnt onr, hut ae great a wonder I* Dx. BVI.LOCXV Km- HSV llKHBi>v,->r'KrilHKTU;iTM. which cure*

a favorite remedy for yreta, and nothing as yet caotqunltt In curing ibtae Iroublrsome and olteniKtes dangerous dlaeaae*. 1:1 *n>d

AB1.1 sUTSJeVi neliirtli my lathy bad runnina son* nil LI* bead, end f'-r IIIM-IIMB raid ihat hr imat

dir, lor lie could ■<,.; ibi/iii, I aseti tv<l*> ililiiK I i-vi-r ii LIHI .1'. i. I 1 m gnat, li* got m had Ibat be wneid SHH MI>— MI but- ' inn', ti.ur ti.i.i in,-i„ K, an . h ,1 U ir< r-, 1 a

c li-iil ui.l l.ulll 1 . tie ti. I UM 1 11. lit id lbe a ,re- cumaienicd t , ti .11 ,il n using

two iiotllea more, 1I1 - n - a I liialed »ad 1 101 - ilder my liaby saVrw — M -Hit, (.',,;.,.- d k, H.

■:»... HI

A CcpKr.K 1 1-111 *■ My fice lor toe l.i f * rraSI ana (overed

with plmsiirs.soii ii 11 1 I ■ -1 i» I, - - -«! goaavobi-re. | iu< ten* NsaU u, >i Si'pi ur lirr* and th. 1 Mrs ihi.»j.|iriir . 1 ore ,m every syring.-C K. I*. P.ll II n r.

1 £-1 * ■ <*d

PLUS AND stosmri A 1.'.' H'.x <,t ■■!! 1.1 '■ ill lt>

xvusefree from flier, mo nke tbs entire season. Druggists.

will keep a i> an I iu . e


Il I* a poaiiivetv guaianteed cure. forD abtle*. Uravel. Dropsy and every lorni ol llla'tdi r and Kidney trouble—Da)'«Kidney P*d. IHweod

Pnvsiciasa RnooatuaNo IT.

Your Thomas' Er-lei trie Oil command* a I irge nd increasing aale. which It richly merita. I

have always found It exceedingly helpful, 1 use It In all reeet or Khenmaifam, aa well na irac- Inres end dislocation*. I made use of it mynrll to cairn the pain* 01 a broken leg, with dlsn.c. - ilon of tbe fool, and In two days 1 was erllrelj relieved from psln.

EurealehjrE B. Kelley, druggist. *i;i*

A KINK HAUL DRESSING. Ci CJIK■ dresses the bslr perfectly, snd It also

a preparation unequalled Tor eradicating dan- druff.

Tbe superiority of Bvanarr'a FtAVuumo ExTSAcra ronslsu In their parity and treat strength. nrim m» L.I

You are sick; well, there la just one rera i'y that will cure yon beyond posaiMllty ot d >nb'. If It's Liver or Kidnev trouble, C,.n-ini|.t on. Dyspepsia, Debility, Wells' Health lime* r ia Smr hops. fl. Druggists. Depot, Ordway

ror. +111

IIAItl-in Wotlhlngwn, Mian. May Hat, ol puerperal fever, alary Almaada wUe e< fcev. HasUngs II. Hart, aged5* year..

Mil,AS.- lu Andover, June tlli, Mrs. Julia Xolsn, sged M year*.

i.ll.l.lsl'IK --In Andover, June lilh, Hit. label!* (illlisple, ageti ii years, a mu.uu.

MUULTON -In Tilton, V. II, May i::m Alice A , vounge.,.1 daughter or D<ta. Horace and II. L. Moulton, and grand daughter of Dra. 1'aaehal AbboU. formerly ol Aaduver. aged U years, II months.

"Vet again we hope to 1 yffffTB?M.1--*AW«*ii-»'"* »!. Jasssak M.

CA in Kit -la Antesbnry, June Tlh, of paeueaae- "- hben Cirter, lor many yaara n real-

--—' ti yra, dentol Lawrence, __ _ Burial st ramify lot, la Lawrence Cemetery, aa

- ". set viues at First Meth-

•e, aa< — tot, li

r 4 o'clock f. M. __. odlsl church, Friday afternooe.

New Pottery Lamps —WIT* ran—


rrfoehring Burners.



MOTHERS ANO NURSES Should sec to it that ihe infant constitution is built up and atrengihcncd by proper food before tho trying ,1iO.YTU9 come, which arc the most dangerous to infant

A. W. Stearns & uo. 309 AND 311 ESSEX STREET,



Including s great variety of Frists, Osmbrios, Lswos, Giirtuum, Btenraokers, Bantings snd Summer Saltings.

Special Attention Is oslled to onr (took of Blsok French Osshmere snd new Spring

Droii Ooodi, in all the new ihadet snd fabrio«, AT PRICES AWAY DOWN!

Special Attraction In Snn Dmbrellai, Psrssoli, Wonted Slswls, and Game Cider-

wear, slso Muelin Underwear—a ooraplete aiiortment,

Fane for Decorating; at Very Low Prloea! A COMPLETE LINE OF WHITE GOODS,

Piquei, 8wiii, Victoria Lawni. Spotted Muslim, Ohsoki, Plaids, Btripei, Eto., Eto.

11 HOUSEKEEPERS'NEEDS 11 Towoli, Towelling, Nspkini, Tsblo Linen, Sheetings, Crumb Oloths

BLANKETS snd COUNTERPANES. Having purohaaed largely before too reoent advance in Cottons, we

will oontinue to nil st tho same low prices.


CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS and MATTINGS, Whioh will be found to bo tbo mast complete, snd st such prices, si

were never before offered in Lawrence.

liar Dont Fall to Examine Our Stock Before purchasing, ss jou will SATE MONET EVERY TIME I

A. W. Stearns & Co., LA.-WR,E]ITOiBl, MASS.

ha* the indorsement,,! lbs M..1.01,0 aad ._ 11I llie [>rinritul li I-ii.l Aivlunu anil Lyiua-m He*til- i*N IN ilw U MM S.aie*, and I1i,s.ciaiis ol all aclux.s h»»» Riven il ilieir ut,q,n!.fi*d spun,**! ■• a Hvh'f Nair i»«« and s.i-i y a»M ilsiad kssj) a A tseectaUy !■« I■ Um gi.iBinc thilrfrtr. I ktne afltic.vd with sSn(i|.,ni* ol I sslsaUlaa«s9J find on trial, il has

>• qm j *ni,nuc lor II, and Is all tlui ihsy ran dssirs iu il>e » ty >4 nulfition snd tlreogtli

WOCLRIGH £ CO., on srer* UbaL


TO auffrvlnc Irom KiMaBsa Wl svuin>. i/ns 9*!!*?»»lrnsnaejVtjaf^aaaiiy

m M«iililii(rro«n Aamaai MS* SMSS* aBlli ted with

vnfEln. I'srsly-la, K,,lii*l WfJI MvcrTniiiblr-s. Ijinif IWrk, an tho vlliil Or inns. slnMoSI* nt» i^ciillar to thalr MS.

winv-ly nlkr and rompleta H :<i»rsnlrfd. TfcMMstv* !•*••.

aw apatllaana—1 ia.1 I —■•♦■«-« " Taatl iiiuriHiah t'fiifisncjr haa

■>rt>vi'n wiUi ilia stsosaa waaHajS* They (.nvt> Hi" aalsjiiaa* jaidsan

7m£X .'^li.1; a^TJ^a'l'r'nV anst naftattSS r>, xrAsMrrtrsu BtiiTalossaa fa* Book atvlng

mruriiisiiuii rrva. Ad,lr**a tha anaaintaMursra. WAGNER A. CQ„

aft Mlrnliran A*, and Jaeasan St.. CkUaga, I ' in PH-H k* r


tasadkUas knows arac loaaTosuclnioacKdiciaflo/ sack ftecUvaacvcrtJuloraaUiltSai

jii**andLi*«r staialslif aadIL ■aat Baaltfe a, St rasajU Baatar* r Km Vmi.

Ssaansaasaass, and all dis


Witoian-^ STKAiKI) Imn ihueuriMcrllwr'a t-tic'o

nirr, 4 a»|a»i ■-' hlark v*>lin<-, 3 hay, ■ tears oli), vrulcli I'M- onnirr nee Itava Ur l>ruvln< Drop,

nyaasl itaiioa riiar«i* N M'lr \S IHTKII, Nn. Aadovcr.

Jnnr 31, 1ml. ||| -atj^u

I'mbrollns and Sunsliadea, RBPAIUSP at HTIIATTONH.


MRS. A. t. FELLOWS, DRBM A CLOAK MAKKIt. ra, FF?I«*TS ha* be«n absent Irani Um ell* about

I lor iba i-idjn n*

. f*Jn ■» III t iiuii I,iPii-UanJ

40 Eaaex Sr, Cnuodera Block, Boom r

THK BOSTON & GLOUCESTSB Independent Steam-

ship Company. ij ifsTf

play'. Hlnrf.

A Coi'OH, f'oLii, oa Bonn THBOAT shnuld Is* itopped. N«|lect frequently result* I j an In- cnrabla I.riiia ulaeaae or ConsuinptInn BHUIVX'S BaoNOMiAL TnocHBsdo not disorder ibesimn- acb like congb ayrapi and lialanm*, not art di rectly oa the Inflamed pan*, allavlns; Irritation, flTea relief In Astbtne, Broacnlil*, Congb*, CaUrrb and tbe Throat iron We* which "itneera and Pnhlic ftpeaker* are inbtnet to. For il.iny ysars Brown's Bronchial Trmbrs ba*e been racosaoaeaded by pbysleiana and tested by wldt' and constant nsa (or nesrlr an entire srenera- j tloa, iner >ave aitaimd well mrnteJ rtnk aaaoaf tha law sUple remedies or tbe are. ftiid at 25c a box erery wbtre. "Jteodlyjaai'Kl I

'1 aftfr June IA lbs Hea&sh!)' jal'MlHAL "HI Is i».' Atlantic C»m

oans'a winri. Gluunester, iu- B»tU.n, a' i> i'< a m, ami i i< m. sad »n rriuin 11,, Irom tta'larj Wiarl, Itosi nt 10 a m aad i ,, in <laily.

Taw ''Admiral'* la an ... ran .1. sin", anil until rm-ntly carried lao na Is belwea-n Im.eoul*. Krr Wot and Il-ians, tml w*> «. I. r: id aad

.■,1 by thu lie" rntr.nnl lo tvnfer Uaarral i-in and part* to Cuba. KUiu rooms can t^a recured ror tCRular trip*

and bylhnsc wishing to remain on the sUaaser ii'Kh! a rslei

liloucaster, 0) cent*. Bound- iri"iKkri', a I.

Slnrle In,- to M iffWii (stave fare laeluded) Ti.'i'iitc It-.iin.l li i|. IV I. I- I., UsKiinliaji (are iri.-iii.h.l), «Mu. Taka Chrlsei and tefJkM Kerry i-ais to sWtetf Wlisrf.

to. Imialii ami passiRe aiiply ia . li. HAYH*!s *C0., Iiau.ry W!,»rl, mo wali-im kl akiatna,

i Kast


Byron Truell & Go.


249 ESSEX ST. 249

Cammonwaalth of Maaaaohusett • FUOBATB COl'BT.

Elsei aa.

o *u Parikt* Intcrastml fn any or lbe steal ■ria'eol uaorea * . WhlUler, law or MelAnea In«. aly,i;atlsaia,decease I,,

Uittihu: Wbaraaa. Khca L, Wkflllrr. or nUihusn. In .rroi.alv MBaaaa.haa pr«s«B>eO te aaid

* IF I pelKlen, rearaaeMiaf ._ leroal S><SM»T aaUTdeoaaaad, Iffig la thia its aarl snrai IS.l psrtl'lua Usetealsssy isadeamtHsl IM heirs, and taoaa clalaalaa-

Ull^l i li-.ii- — TOM a t hem> * >li«l to appear at « Prehsle

Comttu beh'thlenaltav rem-v. lo -aide jssiy ■if I«n, on the scooad Hoad.ty >l Jane nn , at alaattVlouk la Iba fon at .Low ca, tt, iranr tou ksve.a/ain^i tbe asm*.

Aad aal-l Bk*m L. fThiUI r is ordered to serve .hu eltali.<a br »i-li»erlnf a ropy there r to earb par aa 1 a tare t lad, wnooaa tie found wit da tha btal* lonrlHa days al laa.l iM-lora aaid C>n*l.aad If any oaa naai.ot MM found, by alao nut liahhaa the *aa>a ra ilia

Lawaaaca Atieaicanaad AnDoraa amaamaia,

a newspaper printed al Lawranee, eaoe In each week lor tare* weeka at least before, said Court.

Wtl»es*.OaO»WB f.CHOAT*, Ksquir*. Ju.lRe oT said Court, thla 1t*t day ol May, In tlia yaarelihteaa handradaadelffelyjona. 7 J.T HAHUMCT Kefister.

A tree Copy—AUaat, aasSlJl I* J.T. MABOMT. ReglaUr.

Garten- Field. Fiaffjr am Grass Seels Frcnbf Bellable itnd Pure.

Lawn Dreseine, Lawn Bakes, " Euy" Laws Mowori,


Puro ParU Ureen, Hellebore, London Purplo, Garden Kyr-

lanOM, Hirtcr,, BellOT/a, Sprlnklera. Etc.

800TT A VIETOE, 343, 345 Common St„ Lawrence.

,ta Marl,

Greatest Show On Earth!

To ict the full value ol'your msaey la at

CDRTIS'Lillle H?t t! Stilt, MS Eaanx ft t- next door toHBl 8 tsvtlon

Residence at Juniper. A tae two •tnry house, beautllnlly sttaaiaI

oa Central Aveaue. with a commanding; flaw at liai-bor; eonuina Un room*, ha* a balcony two (.I**!**; t* *nppllad wit* Wniir riam oity oi Hjic;n. Tha bousa haa neon newly

■ *piln., I* luinlsla.1 Ibrouitiunt, ■ml ri-viir Ju*t the olare lor a and la I

surnaor buardvi'i

misled throuitioat, it auol reviir Just tho ulare lor n >en !.<iire. . r r.rme.iecoma>» atioaor

for 1,-riluulais lanuliw at H iKUa.*r.

It.'iil Kalatu Ajani. fim ni.,"ii Mi-t'iawa}, MJ

I (Jit H/C\^ II * li-M*-a.*V<>iw"i •aeBaej.tfrutf, VaAtable a i in I,-ii Uaiua j. ■>* riea-am

Valley "1r.rt, MiHium. Ms** , H inik>,liom Cny oi lawretsna.

:-'. *rr>., i.r iin.i.-if d slrul; modssa J slorf i-u-i-. li in., d.,ui,!«: parlor, laraa dniisi turn, 'I .. wlaliwyuullir tinner wkiVle Wun ;

.in. li nn 4ii i , in i. . i re tit nailer Ihit sami j

pstrleOI tha hiXM, 4U'!arj(a rtuifpf arste Tines In eacelimlaoadillyn. pio- du'lof la.»e er. pa ol eranesor saperiar quaf. It*; rpii'e, pea f, \- ar, ohriiry Irene, • mall 11 in ia-. .-ic. Ilava sold »J o w.irlh ut j.sarh.a in a ti ai ;'<« i.snel. spils* la a vear; soil and laeailiy Miini.jj*ies»d lor aar'y null* ami ye/- mable ; hsya ha-l ilpepaaehaa iht lathau Jaly; Kapesilpen In Auiun, nhnsotatr* bate loss

u erops by frost bare (bay base beta an. tsmetjsmj aad sold lor a tares arlee, Uifi aad Kellent paalare; nsa win ■ and lAlat* Ho. I.

seat owaar has Head en this term more than «years. heejih. For lar- ther panleular* Inqoire at Ut mneez atreet, Lawrence, or oa (he premises,,

Q. W. UAUst, t>. O. Box 119. Ill my!7 Helbaea, Ma aa.

OF COURSE YOU WILL r.lrbrnl. ih.<; ,-rluo. Fon,lh,«Ml»

i«l> r. ,, l>u,. bl.. Ii.h ,, *^l D.II- Irn.l. . ,»i-a -.., If .«,,

■ r. i.aiinii-. .-r -n, . di.i „M,a Hi-k.l I. irup..niui an, al...,. ,1,„-ri|>il n. ol tl,. b«.i r.,.1,. wr Am., l-Mi ml..

ao TO

JohnC.HayneatStCo, 33 Court ft., Boston. Masi

Mosioal BOTCS,

Brsii Band Inttrnmentr, American, and Imported Guitars,

Violin, Violincello,Double Bsia. Banjo, Zither and Harp

Strings and Trimmings of all Descriptions,

Aocordaoas, Concertinas, Violins, Banjos from $2 upwards,

American and Foreign Sheet Husio. Music Books, 4c,4c






Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters.

■■■■Ill war laej an «*r*f.rr.e 1. All QthwVMWW rmun


p**r**f*l and MM with In- Bed**Wc Ud

rft^asftrsB^ssr^ arallM, i

B*ca*M they ere tb* onl y plM.iifl that rallsv* pelaalowce.

lauhh. BNMM Ihsy win poaUlvet* nwdlmm wbkh

other remedies will iiot even twlievw, FUtss.

IMHN orrr WOSiih vale Lass and drsawiet* h»»fl volfluurtlT taatttM tut th*r in BBpartar t* >U other ulaaters of taatdklnr* for Satt«fB*t *•*,

link. BNitM tbe BMnsIaetVtn bar* received late

only auedals ever gIran Itar poroM f|hMfK *,

Benson's Capcine Porois'Plaster! 8EABURY A JOHNSON, Moaaftw*anaaCaa«loio. frew r°-k-


CURE Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy,Loss of Strength,

Want of Appetite, Inter- mittent Fevers, etc.

IRON IUTTKK8 sr. hifblf reoommenileil for nil awe— requiring ■ certain and efficient tonic.

IRON HITTERS «aril> He Wood, ■ wfrtw la* .Hioriss, mi gim ase tif* *> 'lasajsa,

I RON BITTKR8 act like • charm CO the dis«alire organs, all rr/speptle symptoms, nch u aiaVan At

fai, kUiaji, ball .taeoea, tart-

Man, de. IRON BaTTEBS—the only Iron

Preparation that nil «« Woeiea la. leeia or X, aaadacaa

Bold by all droggiata. Writ, for the A II C Book,SJ page, of

oaaful and amusing reading—aent free.


Baltimore, Md.

-«iHiTirtK>'- Medlcated Prunes.





Crewel stitch—A stitch in tb* side. Asoand investment—Hiring s

brsss b-nil. A rhymester calls bis poetry Virtue,

because it is its own reward. An exchange says that ''of the six

hundred young ladies at leading Vassar no two could agree as to wbst they would do In case they saw a bear." To choose between the danger of be- ing bugged under such circumstances and throwing awsy sneb a splendid opportunity to get hugged would cer- tainly be rather dilHcuit.—Philadel- phia News.

Tbe beat thing forabotl,abouttbese days, Is a nice buncb of asparagus.— New Haven Kegtater.

Tbe ■ubber nights are cubbing, lub, tbe boon shines bright and clear.— N. Y. Com. Advertiser. When we go to Brighton, lub, and drink swei lager beer.—Elevated Railway Jour-

,1. Ad bear de buslc of de bad dowd by de irod pier.—Wit add Wis doui. Ad-ad•ali-sb-chew! achew ! scbewl Oh, dearl oh, dear I—Mod- ern Argo.

Tbe man who has the light of weigh —tbe manager of the city scales

There Is one town In Connecticut that has no fesr of tbe measles. It' Haddam.

14 What Is the meaning of the word tantalising?" asked the teacher. •* Please, marru," spoke up little Johnny Holcomb, " it means a circus procession passing the schoolbousc and tbe scholars not allowed to look out."—Chicago Journal.

Monsieur P. Mntbieu, with a tone of conviction: "Yes I I sm so lorry tlmi I scolded my niece just as she waa about to leave me. It made the 'tour child cry ao tha'i I was obliged

i lend ber my handkerchief, and she bss never returned it to me."—Paris Wit.

The War Department thinks seri- ously o( abolishing the bayonet, and we leel kind of aorry. These formi- dable weapons look so bright HI... shiny on street parades, and make tbo troops seem so formidable In the eyee of tbe fair sex. Besides, they used to toast crackers so nicely in tbe army and were so lisndy to poke Urea with. —New York Commercial Advertiser.

In a certain minister's family, the conversation turned upon the charac- ter of tbe baby. Why waa tbe baby so naughty? The brother, who bad reached tbo age of twelve, and was studying the steam engine In btsluur- vsls of catechism, gave vent to bis ottbodoxy In tbe following suggestive inquiry: "Papa, as we all inbcr.t the sin of Adam,and the baby is such a little fellow. Is there not a greater pressure of sin to tbe square Inch in tbe baby tban In the rest of us?"-—Hart- ford Courant.

Fair book agent to venerable iner chant—"I*ve a work here to which 1 wish to call your attention."—Vener- able merchant—"Madam, I blush to till you that my education wan neg- lected in early life; and I am only- just lesrnlng to rea.I words of one svllable. If you had a primer, now- r'Puck.

Why be discouraged? A hundred anil Iwenly-flve years ago John Adams, school teacher, afterward President, sat in his chamber at Wor- cester and penned these lines: "Bui I have no books, no time, no friends, I must, therefore, be contented to live ar.d die an ignorant, obscure Cello1

Mr. Prim went fishing, and on bis return told some terrific lies about what he caught. Said Sharp to him. "What do you want to tell such cussed yams for? Don't yen know that everybody saw that you were lying?**

Yes," answered Prim. "Then what the blazes did you do it for?" "Why, I wanted them to know 1 was lying I didn't want them to think I was ec- centric."—Boston Post.

The New York Tribune asks, with tome reason, "How is a girl to pay for her board an.l the decent clothes which she is required to wear behind tbe counter, on three or four dollars a week? How is she to buy food at nil when she Is paid a dollar a dozen for making women's skirts elaborately tucked and flounced, and one dollar for four complete drcsses.p&ying back acventy-flve cents a week for rent for her machine''"

A subscriber asks if we can recom- mend a cheap and popular watering- place. Certainly ; just let us know where it is. and we'll recommend it. That's tbe kind we approve of.—Bos- ton Post.

A Minnesota paper says that" Peter Butler of Cannon Falls,aged 60 years, shocked 11 seres of grain last week." Some of these old farmers do use pretty hard language when they once get started.

A pressing necessity—The tailor's goose.

Ground for Objection—" Me buy tbe property, sorr? Me be a landlord and be shot in tbo back! Sbure, there's to be no more landlords!—

e're all goin' lobe linnants?"—Ix>n- don Punch.

A lady in Wisconsin prepared a surprise for her husbanl, and confi- dentially told a few of tier lady friends that she had got for him a nice ttoxof cigars. "George," she says, "always inys 117 for his, and I've got these

for Iz.flO. Tbe Seventh Regiment is going to

encamp at Newport. We do hope the ground will not be damp, and llrnt there will be an ample supply of fool- warmers and minors.—Puck.

Tbe dog which was thrown from the Niagara Bridgo and miraculously es caped drowning in the rapid* is still alive on Taylor's point, and unable to save Itself. Food is thrown to the ani ncil every day In a paper bag from the bank, more than 200 feet above. As it strike* the ground liclow the bag bursts open, and the dog devours its contents. This singular operation in watched by a large number of people everv day*. Clifford Kulbflieach, the railroad ticket agent ut tbe place, has devised a plan for rescuing the tbg.of which he boitcs to ninkc a liial soon. Alter the animal has been left witliont food for two or three days.and is fam- ished, a bag with a spring attached to it, and containing a piece of meat,will be letdown. It is expected that when the dog seizes the meat the spring will close upon him, ami he will be drawn up in the bag to the bank above.

Admiration OfTBM

WORLD. Mn.S.A.Alhrts



For RESTORING GRAY, WHITE or FADED HAIR to its youthful COLOR, GLOSS and BEAUTY. It renews its life, strength and growth. Dandruff quickly removed, A match- leas Hair Dressing. Its perfume rich and rare. Sold by all Druggists.

&uhl:.h.dowe,fears., Fnormou.and lnoreaalnaaale

Throughout Europe and atnenea,

ZYLO B«LS«UM Ottiittaw

.ferae falling Hair ani an healthy fiwsrtk with a rich, gUee.aauli.aeUghtfnUyn-agT.nt.

Prtee «oventy-fivo OeaB in large

glaa.eterT«r*°no«le> •*■»■»»»«.»»»■ V,a»aa esrss

Catarrh. B/A.'P. LUttJlill. M. D.. 115 B.nylstoa St



QUAKER BITTERS! Tbss* celebisied K«l-" "• wip"-**" ^ *■?•*-

Boels, Herb. and M^MMl^MOate Saaaaarilla, Wild (berry. Dandelion, Juniper and other bctmt. and are »h prepared M to ft lain ill Ihtjir medicinal qiiahlit*. TSM ini-»n»b|» curl or (r*atly iwhcvi lh« fullo«rir>K COmplauiH: Dyipepau JSBSaMS. MIM CgiiffJsi MM. JKw<£*■■■.£*WP W. otltitt, UES| UwSpir.1*, UtMiil D-Mi'r. and

Wood or daraonrfcoevdihon of Stomach. LIWI or Kirl- n.ya. K a|rd lind m lh« Qu.k.r Matt ■ ■«

■..No ou can rtwai- unwell (unlcaa altliciad <aii1i _ . JSMftW di-»--) afWr laklnni few bcrtlk. ol le. Otiakcr Bilitrt, ror Ml* tiiry litre. Sold at »nol«- ulc b. CHARLES CLARKE, Uorrcncc,

earn ]■» ■) I PI

nil eirlifel ■j-nautoni of C»l»rrh ia a dii JhaiMfnei Hie Iwait, oOBiUllns M>M<-U«M at t\ eli.r aorlal fluid, but oitaacr ol a thick, lirilj puriileMl. jaWow or vrMnUb mailer, wklcn ia u.nally aa r«Ud ia •).«•*•!*« abua.laar*. aad Uiachar««dUirou«hf.r!nt).li-lla or Ihroat, aad IrNHCNtlj bj botta clmnaela.

TlM MUrt orUia iiaeharic rariM In dlfarvat eaa«a. u4 •*•» la iha aaoaaTadoMual ai dlfer- •M was. In tone ii i* cotiiuu*. and or a IOOM or fluid oharaoior. wblla In othora II !• verr, or (on mr, adtwrlnfl in tbo dliea.ed m»n.brnn. with glu« Ilka ItniirU i \ oftaa tbla oflanalT-malvorconcieleilndrif. hard nifa«. or eraata. wbloh olotrucl braathlnt, and art Ttrr difllculi itnlelacli.lUrlr 'iialoJgmentonan requlrlna ntoat vloleul effoit*. SomaUMOa Ihaaej laaruatatlona come »»ir In Intnpa ol a .terpiratn lint, bnt onoaalonally la broad and flat oaaU ola notable tin, on whirl. iraoM of litood mar it lirnaa ue obieryed. Thl, oy ml I lion I* Tory liable to run loaerloua ulieratlon, In- TOIVIDI a loaa ortba boav aLrnclure or tha i.oae aad a eubarquenl flattenlm ol taat oriaa, and lalacariabW aeoompaaled brabrfatl. of ex aflflBsnttf l«Ud and airkealoa odor. ID won oaaca >lU»mei au rcrullloaly off:nti»e aa to lander the sufferer an objector dlafluillo h ro. •ell aa "ill a* to othera.

Tha naaal neubra e I* ■ISSlaaH and conjea tad, can ring tbe no M to be atoppdl u.i, aoatc- 11 Die) a on one aide, aoBellniea on tbe other, and often oa both, flivinf rlne Ion JlMfieeaule, •tuSj aenaatlon in the he*', anil ocuualOBa1!- lo Violent imoxyama ol aacung.

A raeliniof fnlneaa, beat, ii illation, a ore net a or peia la generally aaperlenood In tbenoatrl a, near the root ol the note, aa well «f In tbe upuer part of .he throat, above and below the tolt palate, A dlatreaalngaenaatlon of tMavywaliht orootupreaalon la uaiialtj conplalaM o( over the forehead, aaircelalljr in tbe region iMinddl- atelrnltoye and betwern ihe ejia. Somellmoa Ibe pa'" <■ oUallnatelj flxed in some purtWinlar oart, aa in the templea, on (op of the bead, a I ItM back ol' the nevk, or lehlmi Hie orbjla; and ooi-Mlonalljtlltnaniie'li It ell Inihe rare, of an •arete a charnrier ibaill lalret|uenl y miiiaken

neuralala. ,ie voice It generally affected, and ueconei

hojrae, weak and uneyen, aaaomtog a naaal ebaraolrr. or an unulearnnl, •nilTliBg quality. Cough of varlrble aeverllj ia not untiequenily

ne of the fjiini' an • jeaulia ol Caiairh, Tbe aeeao of finell la generally blunted or

anilely loal.and ■ almilar t flirt oa InaU ma* beoocatlonalh obacrred. Ttieayeaare a pi 10 recome IrriUblr, and dlapoaed lu water eacea- jlvely on txpoaute tolbarold orwlnd.aada •aaaa 01 'wsansssfl of tight it naually expeil- eacad alter alight eierttona. Iteailna beoomea rrr-quenily more or leaa Impalri-it, and bo »ea la the head very often add raaleilallj to tha t-alit-

diaireaa .'bealomauh genernllv auffera more or leaf,

and beconvea weak and Irrilalle; the apt vtite ia rjtnrlcioua and nearly alwaya tMd In tbe morn-

i'he patient oftea eoai&laina of liaaitude aad fSilflue. an Inrapaolty lor either pbyaleai or racni.i I exertion*, and a conatnnt dlapoaition to rlrowalnesa and aleep. Tha mental luculllea are also aomrllmea ilighity affeeted, leea ol memo- ry being not unircqurnlly eiuerlenotd.

CnUrrb nay prof * I'alal, o.thnr by ilablllUtlng Ihaayaieta antl wearing out the pallanl, or by travelling dawnwaid Bad ineduoltig coniump tion. Tbla fact baa been ao repeatedly noticed that all eipeilciiced iirors'itloncra now look up- -inCatBrrhaaoneoribeearlleat manireitMllona if Ihla dreaded ooraulalnt. Among educated tbyatciao* In Ihla or any other conntry, lit.

Igbthlll waa tbe flr.t t» devote hla atud. ' iBvenllafMlion to the cure ol U dred diaeaaea, and the bappy attended hla labor have been aiteated (o by many or the mote prominent cltiiena of Fotton and ylrinily. Caaea abandem d HI hopeleaa by many ol tbe more promlnenl cilia n* of lloetoa nil vlelallv. ■,■

other nhyaKiana have promi t'y yielded to hla ^alnleaa and affecilve treatment.

DR. LIGHTHILL, Can ba onto lied at the

FRANKLIN HOUSE every Tues- day Afternoon and Kvenlngrt

from 2 p. m. until 0 p. in. on Calanh, Throat Aflrel on*, Deafncaa. Ufa-

iraSS Irom the Ear, Iraoalred Sight, Bron. Hit, Cou*unpllr-n and Diacaaca or ihe Ulood ] Mervoua Sjeteia. Tftt

WILL CEHTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Son Throat, Bronchitis, Intlusnta, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and e«ry Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Bold hy all Druggists.

end Hf 1 tjnott




m » niuiuix Acts by Absorption through the

NerTOUt Forces and ihe Circulation.

Dr. HOLMAN'S PAD ia the ORIOINAL and ONLY GENUINE CURATIVE PAD, ihe only remedy thai ha. an hone.ily acqiirrerf riglii lo uae the mla-mork "PAD" in connection with a Irealmenl lor chronk diaeaaei of the SMOUACH, I.IVKR, IPLStM and MALARIAL BLOOD POISON INU.

HOI.MAN'S fADhaiiuchComplct* control oetr lha moat paralalant lllkuSU' DISKAsKS ,.| the smUACHaitdl.lVKK.iiitl.ding INDIOESEION, all of DVSHKI'MA, HII.IOUS ami SK'K HEAD- ACHES. NERVOUS PSOSI RATION and SLEEPLESSNESS aa In AMPLY fualify ihe emi- nent Ftwf. Loomla' high encomium i "IT if naaa- "" i IfMivaaaAL PAHACXA TUAH AKYTHIKO IH


FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST!, Orff.... TREATI ffOf^n.f.r i>.ii> fo.MiM.vr, (P. O. L->. i.

Dn. llniMiN aiiendi Suitable roomi lor ihe reception of lady uatienla.

a eiKi'm j« a o t. tl).

7,4 llro-dway. N. t cl.ti'*. Conaulitt!


FILLS Are tha mildest svor



PIJLL8 Tons up the tyitsm ani rcr-luro health to .hots suffering from gsnsi*1 debilily and n-rvousneis. Bold by all Druggist*,,

f2£k Contta por JCOX. SlVj.S H

preceilrnird advutaflea totourltta, eaabltng theaa to view the magnlltvnt (cenery or ihe Lowei SI. Lawrence. In addition. Ibe tlialam- Irom tjulMc to Liverpool la 500 milre ehnrlai. and 01 Ihe rod need dlaunoe iww ml lea 1» Inland navlgalloti, reducing ihe aetnal oocun voyag- to » uiiniB.Liu ol nvedave. ■ lira thlpa Irom UMSUOW, (IAI.WA.


UAlsCnrTl.oe.iini 'IN, IMIt «1 Lawrence or I.EVE a ALDEN, Agt-BtK, r , D'oa'lway. N V , *>| Waahlnvttua alroet, Ito.lon, 107 floulb nib Street. PbiladtlpMa. t' tm le t


laa I'oaUlvi-fnre IWadl taaaaePaaaJVJ OeaanlelmW eatfl WiaVn

■ i naaaai teewvWatiVmalepnalaUaa II will curt entirely Ibe wort* f ona of Fonda Cv~-

tlaiala,BMirt»raABtJonbs^lB,Ummatlons>JtB Clear* lion, rUltna and Maptatfrntam, aad Uw a—aBn—l Spinal Westknaaa, and la pnrtkalait/ adapted to the Chang* of Uft-

II win dUaxtT* and expel tnaaon from Ibe ntarma In an early atMeof iayaltipswent. Tho tendency lo can.

Tha lajack Lowell SsJaar*.

Tbe islsars of Ittjsors made from Pat-

rick Lynch, of Lowell, Of the Arm of Car- ney, Lynch * Co., Saturday, wsa perhaps

ibe I a rue* t ever *>«de Is tbo state. The

OeVcsn saw Joha C. Murphy, fomsrly of tblfl city, who was employed by Lyach,

delivering • Jag of liquor from hla wsgoa,

aad Brrsatcd bin. Lynch apjwsred at the

police sutloa aoon sfttr afarphy's srrest,

sod balled bias, advlslog Murphy, tbe

officers ssy, to give ao larormstloa as to

hla bualasas, Lyach ststlag to them that

Morpby wsa probably as agent for a Ins of this iliy. A barrel ut whlakey, a two-

aallon jug of whlakey, and a two-gallon

tug of rum wars found la tbe wsgoa.

One or more of the packages of llqaor

was labelled "From P. Lynch aad Son,"

and tbs offlcers ascertained from tha di- rectory, that Joha O. Murphy, WH a clerk

at Mo. 48 Market street, No. it being oas

of the numbers ol LyDCb'fl place at busi-


Soon after this selsura s warrant was

procured, giving authority to search

Lyncb's premises oa Cross street, end to

bring awsy say amount of llqaor, not ex-

ceeding tbst specified ID lbs warrant.

It wsa after mldelgbt, when tbs offlceia

making the aearch, and those assisting

them, commenced operations. Lynch a

wagon,—the one from which tha liqaor

bad been selaed by the offlcers a f«w boars

previous—waa backed up against the

nhed, which Is partitioned off la his bar*. It waa aot necessary to force open any

door to gala admittance. Two) ib wag-

ons were engaged from midnight Satur-

day, mill S o'olxk Sunday ■oralag, le

removing the llqaor, which was as fol-

lows, as far as ascertained i

WbUksy, abost 8138 gal*. In OS packages. Baa, " lOtT '• '-26 Ola, " 385 •■ •* 11 « Brsady, *' SSO •• " IS " Wine, M S»7 « •' IT "

4S47 181 The liquors are valued at 910,000 or

over. Lyach was notlped or the pres-

ence of tbe efflcers with tha search war- rant, before any movement was made to

take tbe llqoors rrom the shed, sad be

made a Dseiflorsndam or them aa they

were loaded. Us claims that ba dig'

charged Murphy from bis employ s fort-

night sines. lie sod Morphv were ar- raigned ID the police court Monday, bat Urn case was continued until Saturday.


The annuil summer excursion of Ihe

Massachusetts Pross Association, Will

this year take place Jane SOlb to the STth.

The trip will be taken at the most attract-

ive season ol tbs year, snd before the

summer tourists crowd the hotels and

avenues or travel.

The party will must st tbs atation oi the Eastern Railroad, In Boston, oa Mon-

day, June SO. and will leave la the 13 SO

train for Portland, stopping over sight

at tbe Palmoath hotel. The next day,

t noon, ibey go by rait via Aagosta to

Uangor. Oa Wednesdsy, s sprclsl Messi-

er will take them down tbe Penobscot

liver, and on to Mount Desert. Here

they stop at the West End Hotel, Ssr

Harbor, till Friday morning, when they

sail for Portlsnd, taking the attractive

tnclde route, At Portland, a special

train will take them to Portsmouth, M.

If.,from which place they go by carriages

to tbe Wvntworth hotel, la Newcastle, sorno three miles ill*tant. Their etay

here will be made Interring by exenr-

slooa to Rye and Hampton beaches sad to

Fort Constitution. Sunday night will ba spent st tbe Isle of Bhosls: *Ld tbe re-

tarn to Boston will be made Monday June


Retirements at the Paclfle.


Llv Ij Competition golag oa Aaaoaj. Ih Dealers.

There Is st Ihe present lime s competi-

tion of the liveliest kind golag oa among tha dealer* la lee, Sad as usual In such

eases the COBS outer Is reaping tbe bene-

fit thereof. There are foar flroos en-

gaged la the bualneas, one rrom Noitb Aadovcr, another from Metbaes aad

two resident dealers, the latter cut-

ting their lee rrom the river, while tbe

former harvested their supply from ponds

la the locality ID which they reside. Tbtea suburban dealers ran lesms Into

tbe city, sad to their cutting of prices. It

Is claimed, may be attributed the low

price of Ice this season. Tbs lee harvest

Was SB excellent One aad large quantities of the congealed cakes were housed at a

comparatively small expense. Yet the

most prominent lee dealer In the city ssye

that st the prices be is obliged to sell

now, ha lads It difficult to psy for the

handling of the commodity at this season.

Every lee hoase Is ailed sad there Is so

danger of an ice famine this year. Mr.

Holt baa taken the boll of competition by tbe horas aad la retaliating with sore ef-

fect on the suburban lee men who are

rustling lesms Into the city. He now

sends teams to the Andovers and Metha-

eo sud bu belli sp quite a largo trade IB

these suburban towns. Tbe demand for

lee has thus far been greater than In past seasons, doubtless owing to the decreased

pries, bat la Lowell and other places

where there Is little or BO competition,

snd where the dealers have combined aad

agreed epos Axed rates, there Is consider- able grumbling among consumers, who

fee} that they are being Imposed upon.

j.ia Idih or What the competition has

alone here msy be obtained rrom the fol-

lowing : The rate for 15 lbs. waa flsod at

the opening or the season at 8 cents, acd that amount m«y now be obtained for 6

aeaUi SO lbs., IS cents and 100 lbs. SO Cents,, as previously fixed, now selling

from 10 to IS cents. Families and others

Were to have been charged the following

rates t ISOlb*. per week, from May l,t toO.t. tat, •S.0B

ItwOlal harmony with thalawa thasl gorern tbe female aj

For tha eareos* Kidney Ctraaaleinte of ettna* m

LYBIA B. riSKWAsrs TECETABLE row. FOUNDL* prepared at EO Bad tM Western Avenue. Lru,ataaa. Frtce (1. SliboUleafor (A. Sent bj-mall la tha form of putt, elao Intaa form of luarngee, oa receipt of price, |l per boa for etlher. atra. rtokhara riealjananaraalllatlaranf Inqnlrr Send (or paaaph let. Aeadnaa aa about Mtmtimi l*if Iwaer.


A Discovery by Accident, pplytmg a eul whlcS men of amiaent aMBty ba

Meetatier'a Sfoanach Hiiltre, hai occaaion to rongralu- lata himaelf On hia loreiight, when he aeea oihiri who haea neglected lo do M fullering Iron, tome one of the maladies tor which il ia a remedy and Iprtvtniin.e Aeong lleee are leeev and agoe, billouaaaraa, cowalipa- lioa and rbeunutiam, dtaeaaea often ailendanl U|XH> a -w * of diaaate or unwonted diet,

— ind Dcalcna

PYLK'S , I I 11 ,



A .wealtbv Chicago wklower is about to marry the wife of Mike Weaver, a notorious burgtnr, und herself belong- ing to a family of thiex'es. Mike robbed this mans house of $4000 worlh of plate and jewelry, and was sent to Stale prison. Mis. Weaver is pretty and winsome, it is needless lo say, for when the widower called ou her lo negotiate for tbo return of the plunder, she captivated him. The marriage ia to take place aa toon as she can obtain a divorce from tliccon- vlot.

The heaviest reign- fall of the season seems to bsve occurred'at Albany, N. V.—Lowell Courier.


ULOUCE8TKR. - - MASS., tb. onuerslfoci', WHO ao anefl.l*. B.perleoea la roeolos

SUMMER HOUSES. I irvitc Curreepoi.ili nre Of parlks In serrtb

or a Quiet Uou**,ai>«l First Claaa Table.

MRS. 0. B, RING & CO.. Pebbly Beach House, Bass Rock?,


t ' lin ii'v 14

SryotMl yean of atari' and ci|»rln>cnl to fin.:-*, *| reaaee ef tbe aLldetra, Blaulater, Uriata If erreeaa ayeteaw-aod Iron tbo Umo of It* a mpWly Incraoaed In fBvor,

appneaiand conndence of BsfllSd man and tnoaa wbe sanve Bawd II i II baa BSSSSM JaeoclU wltb sS claaaea,ajid wnaiwver Introduced baa aatparaBftDd all other treat menta. In abort, aa-.-l- la Iti latrinalri merit earttr, that S la now the anly ncosjnlaod n liable remedy,

18 STRONGLY ENDORSED I W* h**a tbe moet unn, aitocal fcatlmony to lla <

■ re powerf trow many pereono of Ugh • !..-.rartir. I gpaSS and imptaaallilHIy. Our book. ■■ lluwa u;i Sea.KI/'UITing lb* hMory of tblanew dlaeoeery, and* large record of snort ffaihalla cures, beat free. Writ* for it.

BAT'S KIBXET V VD* svro aold by dnigglLta, will awAawflby mell (free of poaUgt. on reeetpl uf to

co, Itagislar. |!»', Bpcclai, f.,i- ,.s«ii:ui; casm g aUmUiir. *>.at)i Cbildrcr'a. f l.:n. Addrcaa, BAT KIDNEl IV. U CO., TOLEDO, OMIS.

UBTIM.^^K,,^!'--"'!|^J»K-"^ devmltiloetlt-aClis-t di.> a KtU»BT PAB. aj-1 taka i

«F.O. C. GOODWIN * CO, t.ei.'l Agcwt


For isle by B. M. WHITMET * CO.. Lawrence).

To Nervous Suffer«rs--The Great European R- medy-Dr. J. B.

Simpson's Specific Medicine.

i-tirc for fperiaatorrhea, Seminal


that lead to Ci>a

ce**. I'amnlitPta sent free to nil. Write for ihcm antl gel full particular*. I'ricc, Specific fl.Ott |>er pachngr, or tig i>ack*f«a (or S'J. Addieaa all or. uera to|

J. B. Simpson, Medicine Co., Buffalo, If. T.

Sol.) In Lawrence br H U. tVHITNKV A CO., anil all IlruggifU. OF.O. C. OOODYV1H A CO Mholcalle Agent", Boaton, Maaa.

tecal Teow ly d*lS

OPIUM A mi "nsi-HHF n-hi t

These prices however are aot adhered

to, aad bf the competltloa have beeo re-

duced over SS per cent. The monthly

rates were fixed at the beglaalag of the oess follows:

lOSIbt. per week, Slat IN - » ' 1AU "» " » l.»

i " ■ aw Vrom tbese prices there hss been a

great decrease. Ice being raialshsd BOW la almost all quantities desired ander SCO lo*. at SI-25 per moath la the msjorltv of

tses. The rales fixed for tbe mills, are the

only Ago re* which arc adhered to aad are:

25 lbs. per day #1.25 par mon'.h; SO lbs. #3.60; 75 lbs. Bfl 50; 100 lbs. per dsy. or

larger qnsnUlle*, IS cents per 100 lbs.

The pablle desire thst the competltloa

sboflld go on, as people generally are aot

apt to care ranch whether dealers

losg as they msy obtain a commodity st s

low price.

A Chapter of Accidents.


Sir. George S. Frost, retire* from tbe service of Pacific Hills, on account of

failing health. Ells services were engagsd

by Superintendent Field, la Feb. 1S7S.

to atai t op aad oversee tha roll shop, and

be has held tbla position to ihla time.

Frost bos been engaged la tha belt

aad roll business 3S rears; wss formerly

overseer of tha belt shop oi

Washlogtoo corporation, lie * volunteer la a cavalry regiment of Mine.,

under Brig. Oea. H. H. Siblcy, la 1SS1,

to fight agalast the Sioux Indian*, after

their great massacre of the Inhabitants,

sod the burning of the beautiful town of

New Uim, Mlon. He will retire to his

farm la soothers Minn., where be will

engage la farmlag and stock rslalog. He

can almost be reckoned ao old resident,

having moved to this city In 1S59, aod

wide circle of friends and acquaintances

will very much regret bts removal from

oar midst.

David Dow, who boa bees la the

employ of tbe Pacific mills ss master ma-

son for tbe past twenty-three years, re*

tires from active labor. Mr. Dow bss

merited the esteem of his employers aad 'allow workmen and has rendered vslns-

ble service to tbe corporation. Tbe re-

pairs on tbe big chimney, after It wss

■truck by lightning last summer, were

msde ander his ■ upervlslon.

The grave of Col. W. B. Oreeue, for

whom the Grand Army Post at Methuen la

naiied, at Fjreat Bill cemetery, Salem,

waa decorated by a detachmeat of the

First Mass. Heavy Artillery Association,

consist lag of Capt, Day sod Beret. Borey

of Co. 0, aod Cbas. H. Shaw of Co. E, the committee chosen for that porposs st tha

lam reunion. The principal feature of tha

decoratloa was s miniature field piece,

aallmbered, ready for ac'loo; tbe wheels

were formed or red aod white, aad the

canaoa of yellow Immortelles, the trail of

white, with purple violet* fbrmlog tha

vunt aad base. The goo Itself was 24

Inches In length, tbe wheels IS Inches lo

diameter, tbe whole was two snd s half

feet loog. This was placed at tbe foot or

lbs grava, with a wreath of violets aod a

boaq'iet. At the head was placed a

Olflceot basket of 11 mere. On either aide

were wreaths of box, violets aad boaqoeU.

Capt- Day aod Comrade Bovay msde somi

very spproprlale remarks before the dec-


A men named Michael Maboaey, while

eagagtd la elevatlag cahea of lee from

one story to another at Stanley ft C »'*

brewery Thursday, bad hit hands snd arms severely braised by belag esdght la

the machinery of the hoisting spparatus.

He was stteadnd by Dr. Sargent.

wagon la which Peter Oormas,

Sid threa others weru riding Thursday

evening, was apset at the corner of Mel-

rose anil Water street*, and Ihe occupant*.

were thrown out, bat escaped with slight


John Welch, employed st the Arlington

mills, wss struck s severe blow In tbe

forehead Thursday, by a piece of bard

wood which flew from a machine at which

he was working. Ha received a cat two Inches In leagth, and was knocked Insen-


Thomas Smith, a blind mas, had a lea

badly Injured on Thursday. Hs was

Hag at tbe rear end of a wagon, which

was backed against s stooe post, bis leg

being eaoght between tbe poet sod tha



Hints KeaairdinK Cnrrent Words i Phrases.

One aad » Half Millions a Moath.

Tbe month of May proved a still more

astonishing season of success for tbe

Massachusetts Benefit Association, In

which so msoy of oar cltlxeaa are taking

policies, aad quite tcllpsed say foimer

month even ol the extrsordlaary basin era

of this orgaolsatloo. Darlag the paat

month, there were Issued 399 policies, «2gregallog ll.iC6.000 or assured benefits;

tbe total membership bss now resched 4,S00, la a period of only seventeen

and a half months, with policies amount-

ing to SIT,585,000; such a growth la satire unprecedented, aad evinces such

s degree of pablle coafidtBCS as to guar-

antee tbe fotare. The almost care la

taken In receiving applications, only the

beat risks being taken, and one dealb

assessment will now realise aoout ASS.-

Home Original Poetry.

The following rhymea are sent as by tbe author, a lady of this city, with s request for their publication, which, with tbe first opportunity, la the crowded state of onr columns, we cheerfully do, certain that oar readers will enjoy, ss we have done, their perusal, —end they will besr more thss one reading : —

"Mr Toolhnche."

Will lla aching never cease? Ihvr and Bight, ami night sad day,

WHS SMttvsly any in terra laa ion, lr you could leel the terrible pale.

Yea would pity My oo-drtlon, I moveabont, now bore, now there,

la agon tee protntcted, I w arcely know what I'm about,

I'm almost distracted.


PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's



WANTED. Soil liing Agesls lo travel In Ihe New Kngtaad fllatei. and lake orders lor Nursery St it, rm brselng'i'reet.Shrulr, Vines, Korrs. Ac. Pot terns, Bildrea*, slating age, previous wcupa tion and nsmea BS rrici eiie,

B.T.CANKOK, Tdm* uiaiJ", Atigjfia, Maine.


DIE 1ST TI8T. Office and Residence, Porter's Block

••B Kaaei Street- - - I.awrewee

—The Visitor mentions a cailous case,

which recently came before tbe probate

court of tbls county. About sixty years

azo s woman married a man who went to

sea and wai reported lost. She had a

child by him. After eight years she mar-

ried again, and lived with her second has-

band nearly fifty yesre sad thea died.

Meantime her first husband came to light

forty rears sgo, bung around s little while

and then went to sea, apparently ssllsfied

that bis wife should remain with tbe sec- ond man. At sea becommlttedsnlcldeby

jumping overboard. Tbe woman hod

somo money, and uow tbo descendants of

ber first child clslm ber estate. The see

ond husband it aboot eighty years old,

and opposes the claims of the first hus-

biad's heirs, while tbey claim that the

womso was not legally married to the llv-

ng man and bence neither be nor hla children have aoy right to her estate. It Is a queer case, sod will excite Interest.

TMK CATHOLIC HBBALD tbls week "en-

Isrgea lla bordera" sad comes to as with a material Increase In Its proportions■, It

1* not often that s new journal flads Its

first year ao eocoaraglag as lo demaad aa

enlargement, aod oar neighbor la to be

coagrslolsted upon It* success, Tha

Herald la a hsodaoma sheet, sad abun-

dantly able to compete with the beat

journals of its elsss.

—Andrew C. Stone, esq., hsa beea re-

i commissioned s Justice of the Peace.

Am) all WL Bat what's tha uae, they do ao good,

My aaflhrtais do aetswA. I tear say hair, I rave, I thou I,

1 frighten Sll the neighbors*; My wife oomee I*, declares 1 am

A unttlte peace dlaturber. There-, only owe thing left to do.

Sty tooth satul ha extracted; Yes, I will go snd have it oat,

Before I go

Law rence, May to. v. a.

—Friday aftaruooa Maaael Shaw, a young man worklns la No. S mill at tha Washington, had hla loft foot caught In

the elevator running through tbo worsted

csrd room. The foot was wedged ba tweea tbe elevator aod tha floor. So great

waa the purchase tbst the elevator was

slopped. Hla crlaa brought workmaa to

his sld, Who extricated him from hla posi-

tion, snd hs was token to his home SO

South Union street where Dr. Sargent at-

tended him. He sustained a very severe lacerated wound, and It will be a long time

before he will be able to ase his leg-

MOTHERS! MOTHERS!! MOTHERS!!! An yon disturbed St nljcrtt sad broken ol

joor rest by a akk child, luUerlng and crying wltn tbs excruciating pain of catting teetb I If so. go at once and get a nottle or MRS. WINS. LOW'S SOOTIIIKU SYRUP. It will rslhtvs ihe poor littls saflertr Immediately—depend upon iti there Is no mistake about it. There la aot a mother oa eartb, who has ever ssed It, who will aot itII yon at once thai It will rega- late ihe bowel*, give rest to the mother, and re- lief SM health 10 the child, operating like majic. It it perfectly safe to ate in ilium,and pleas- ant to the taste, snd Is the preialptlon or oas of tbs old**! sod best fouls physician* and nnrae* In the United Slates. Sold everywhere. 25 cent* a bottle. .Ityeodjaoi St

HAT* WitTAa'a BALBSU or WILD Casaav al-ayf on band. It cure* Coogbs, Colds, Brort- rbitls, Wbooplof Congb, Uroap, Inflaenss, CMsamswIoa aad all Throat sad Loog Com- plaints. 60 cent* and f 1 a bottle,

teed *sow oovSS

Certain words and certain expres- aionsjinitocentantl i nolle naive in tliero- selvea,have degenerated into so-called vulgarisms through constant use and mis-use; while others have become vulgarised, suffering from an exagger- ated mode of pronunciation: and words which have a stamp of vulgarity, if used In one sense, are restored to their original position when useoLio another. The misspplicatlon of words a doubtless one of tbe main reasons Of their becoming vulgarized, so to speak ; added to wliicb, a word or ex- pression tbat is constantly in tbe mouths of all, like a style or make of a garment, adopted by all, speedily becomes denominated vulgar or com- mon.

Thus words and expressions are la booed by general consent, which, hsd they been allowed to retain their ori- ginal place,would never have forfeited their reputation or have fallen into disfavor. There are many words and expressions which are still on the bor- derland of vulgarity from the same cause, and which only require a little fUrtber pressure to cause them to join the ranks of the discarded ones, per- haps to be rehabilitated at some future day, and to resume their proper place all the fresher for their enforced rest,

Tbe terms "ladies" and "gentlemen" become In themselves vulgarisms when misapplied, and tbe improper applies tion of the wrong term at the wrong time makes all tbe difference in tbe world to ears polite; thus, calling a man a "gentleman" when he should be called a "man," or the speaking of a man as a man when be should be spoken of as a gentleman; or the al- luding to u lady aa a woman, when she should be alluded to aa a lady; 01 the speaking of a woman as a lady when she should be properly termed a woman. Tact and a sense of the fitness of things decide these points, there being no fixed rule to go upon to determine when a man Is a man or whon be Is a gentleman, and al- though he is lar oAener termed the one tban the other, he does not there- by lose his attributes of a gentleman. In common parlance a man ia always a man to a man, and never a gentle- man ; to a woman and Is occasion- ally a man and occasionally a gentle- laihii t but a man would far oftener term a woman a woman than be would term her a lady. When a man makes use of an adjective In ipeaking of lady be almost invariably calls her woman. Thus he would any, "I met a rather agreeable woman at dinner last night;" but he would not say, 141 met an agreeable lady ; " but might say, "A lady, a friend of mine, told me," etc.,when he would not say, "A woman, a friend of mine, told me. Again a man would say, " Which of the ladies did you take in to dinner?" he certainly would not soy, "Which or the women," etc.

Speaking of people en matte, it would be to belong to a very advanced school to refer to them In conversation as " men snd women," while it would be all but vulgar to stylo tbcra "ladles and gentlemen," the compromise be- tween the two being to speak of them

s "ladles and men." Thus a lady ronld say, "I have asked two or three

ladies and several men;" she would not say, "I have asked several ladies and gentlemen." And speaking of numbers, it would be very usual to say, "There were a great many ladles and bnt very few men present; " "The Indies were in tbe majority, so again, a lady would not say, "I ex- pect two or three men to dinner," but aba would Bay, "I expect twa or three gentlemen." When people are ou ceremony with each other they might perhaps, in speaking of a man, call him a gentleman;" but otherwise It would bo more usual to apeak of him aa a man. Ladies, when speaking of each other, usually employ the term woman in preference-to tbat of lady. Thus tbey would say, "She Is a good- natured woman." "What sort of a woman Is she?" the term lady being entirely out ol place under such cir- cumstances. Again, the term young lady glrea place as far aa possible to the'term girl, although It greatly de pends upon tbo amount of Intimacy existing as to which term Is employed. Now to turn to the really tabooed

'ords, "stylish" and "genteel" are relegated to tbe show room, where tbey are very much used at borne In each other's company, although considered decidedly vulgar when met with elsewhere. ••Stylish" being bred In tbe show room, is the right word in the right place; but It is hard upon unfortunate "genteel," that, convey- ing In itself so much, It should have met with such a fate. "Nice" bida fair to follow in tbe footsteps of dis- carded words; standing alone as an adjective, though posse, It still has its admirers, bat when to "nice" is added

awfully" or "too," then "nice" is altogether out of favor.

"Jolly" is well enough on the lips of a schoolboy, to whom It now of right belongs, a right which no one disputes; but slang proper is and nev- er can be anything clue than vulgar, and those wbo.delight In its use for tbe embellishment of their speech to all Intents and purposes Intend to be vulgar. If we accommodate ourselves to tbe vulgar in our speech, why not also in our deportment? Tbe verb "lo take" is open to the being oonsld ercd a vulgar verb when used in refer- ence to dinner, tea, or general refresh- ments ; in fact, any request whicb has for its object the fortifying of the in ner man, if prefaced by "will you take II?" Is not considered to be comme il /nut, tbe verb in favor (or the offering of the civilities being the verb "to have." Why one verb should be in fashion and the other out of favor is not difficult of oomprehen sion,snd society may be congratulated upon Its insistence on having the right verb in tbe right place, providing that the verb "to take" be taken to mean "to seize what is not given,*' to "calch by surprise or artifice," to "lay hold on," to snatch, to seize, or to get hold of a thing In almost any way, leaving out of question any other ap- plication of this verb; white the verb "to have," when used in this sense, must be taken to men "to obtain, to enjoy, to possess." Thus all enjoy- ment would appear to be derived through the verb "to have," and not through the verb "to take." "Don't you know," "you know," "don't you see," "I say," are blemishes ol speech whensoever they are used; but some few people contract tbe ugly habit of making use of these expressions un- consciously snd continuously, perpet- ually Interlarding their conversation with them.

Tbe word "fellow," however much In use It may be between men, sounds very objectionable from the lips of women ; and aome women arc given to the foolish conceit of speaking of every man they happen to know aa a "dear fellow," a "charming fellow," a "hand- some fellow," a "clever fellow."

"Beau" and "belle" are terms now no longer In ase; and for bean no equivalent has aa yet been discovered, although the "beauty" has replaced the "belle."


15 Lessons in Penmanship for $2.50 WILL BE GIVEN AT

NO. 299 E88EX ST., - - LAWRENCE For informath n aes bill* or oall at the olflce.

1 reeoamend him aa a superior Instructor of Penmanship. Stale Normal School, nrulee walir. nor. P. KIKMATBR.

leanspeskofhim la the most qnaunllfled terms bolh.i »Ktfg^j^atw'tfiH *g method 1* the be*t. and tbat with the interest whleb he awaken* and NMMm*. leads to rapw M n».«^»-l«-^

a GORDON C. CANNON, Principal.

Summer Complaint$.\. At this season, various dUcoac* of tho bowel* are pSBfmUakg£M| ^ **" ^2

through lack of knowledgo of a *afo and *uro remedy. PEBBY DAVIsS* PAIN reil.I.sKR. U a *uro cure for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Itorbus, etc« and Is jx-rfcctly tafc.

Bead tbe following! PssSMT DAVW' Pal* KlLLJtm „wr /••(* le erferel

<irM-'*-f'aTf*,T,snr""^rTlrf lr*<M,*™'i'*a' Jour* Busuin-r.

The MS-W •Was gstaSJnn I know oa* (or dvweqtor.

&SStVt&Tff!iSJb.!^^™ MoiX!

Ji;,'.i^rlW."l"ir_ Iowi_ Mart* IJ, tan.

For twsntr Tf*/" I hi In my ttmOj. Harem


•i allow itTl. bo out of tho family.

tried your pal* Xii ,!,■■, and found

I bave'SrMi It ID tunny o**f*or3 terr. and cholera, sod user knew,

a *Ss*wlr Be without ibis Irnvwlwabl* renardr. Its price bring* tt .. .. all. For sale by all dnigwtsu at *■«. BOe. slid Sl.oo a bottle.

PKUltV DAVIS & SON. Proprietors* Providence, B. I.

H OWTO; PRINT j cent stamp fur new

eopage pumph let, e mi lied HOW TO PKINT. snd ■IcicribiBg the world-renowned DIUItF.L PHEW

Hand and fool power. Bualneaa men are eeery where uaing Ik, thereby •a.vlBg aS their orijtt- log bill.. Any boy can nvimge It. Price, from fl, to pn- Eeery Preja abfobteiy guaranteed. HOW TO PRINT give, all ihe particular.. Address the Marrufaciurera.

J. W. UAUIaUADAV at to., 7" tt-east nut m., lMillMdclplalau

V 111*0 3711017

WANTED, FARMERS AND DEAIERS TO KNOW Tbat tbs Cheapest and Beat Fertiliser for all crops Is


Sena for onr descriptive pamphlet showing '.nar*i>ieed Analj-ala. ■'SenlFrr.e." Dealers wanted In every Counu, to whom exclusive ten itorj will be given,

Address BAUGH * SONS, Sole Manufacturers, •jam as 20 B. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Out of the nu,csery It is not cus- tomary for children to style their pa- rents other than by the good old-fash- ioned reverential names of "father" and "mother." "Papa" and "mamma' are now nursery nrmos only, but "pa" and "ma," those unpleasant abbrevi- ations, are now happily out of date.

The courteous "thank you" has in a measure replaced the uncourteous "thanks," and It Is no longer consid- ered very fine to make this curt cur- tailment-—London Queen.

A FASHION PAPKR AT FAULT.—A fashion exchange says: "A polonaise for dinner should be cut square." We carve a good deal for dinner, and no- body can tell us anything about it. The idea of cutting square chunks oat of a roast polonaise is ridiculous. Yon would have to cut it right out of the middle, and the one person would get all the rare polonaise and tbe rest would get slices of brown and well done. There Is no eslatlished rule about (titling a polonaise for dinner. Walt till you get your polonaise, then six? it, turn it over, anil it depends on bow many you have at tbe table bow you cut it. Some of these fashion papers don't know anything.—Mil- waukee Sun.

The police commissioners are in dumps—that's where the dirt of the city ought to be.

LiLABA II. BOGKhS. M. D. 1 Diseases of Woman a Specialty.

loe and Residence, us lUvtibltlBimi. Omuuliiiui* H to V a.m. 1 to 4, 7 to t p. ■

Sly marts IS

I \H. C. W. 8YLVKSTKB, Dentist, SSI A1 K**ax ST., Lawrence, Ms.a. Particular •Mietillonpaid to preserving NaturalTeaik. Ar tiiicial I'eelh inaerlcd. (ia* or ether gl**a a* preferred. Iljoell


Is the most sffec'ual RemtdV for all Dit- estesof ihe K'dn vs. madder and Urinary Organs, Fsma-e Cam- Plaints and .General psbl ityi such as pain Tttl, drsfglnf sensa- tion In the Back and Loins. Suppreasd < r

:?eT«r,vi,MrrP\ —1»,

ii , brick-dust RropiV, Qrsy.l, Ola-

>toVo>lsnlc Weak

p ,11

mtfaevieui. Has no equal for Lameness and Weak- ness peculiar to re* ^«PHI»1tTICUMJs

NXPHBBTICUU, as a Tonic-and 8tlm- ulnnt for o«e4 person*, t» without s rival. Be sum and aak for DR. BUL- laOCsTS KlDNBY BBMr.DT, NBPH TICU1T For sale by all Drughg-Uta.

Price, only SI per bottle. C. 8. BOBSB.T80N, Proprietor, BoetfJn, "U.O. C. GOODWIN Si CO.. Oen. Affta..

SO St 38 Hanover Bt, Boaton. Unas codllyj.nll rb


MBS. J. H. QBAHAM, will eessataae.


.1 her residence, rear ofS, UAVESIIILL ST

WANIED astuohmori-,

To sell Fruit ami Ornamental Treat, Ura.'et, bhruba. Bos**. Ac No sxperieno* lequlrod. Salar*

. and sMpSMae* paid. L*Clar* i uostoa, Mass. viliJiJ J e

LAWRENCE Business Directory.


tea Bssex Street, Lawrence. aaa.Bthei acd Cb orotoia, AdiUalfiered.

t^OLBUKN BKOB,— DAILY PAPiiBS .VCsromoe.BniraTinga, Periodicals,6tal.oi.uT

(ancv Uoode. riuture* Framed at short come Ko.iuiBaaexStreet


Cor.'.awrenee m Common Its Has returned Irom Burop* aad rammed prae- qceol hls.irofesslon.


378 HftVorbtU Btreot,

ISJEff1 LawraBBB.alass.

DB. J- H. KIDDEB, DBHTAL BUB UXON, N*. 171 Kasez Street, Lawrence

llasa. Uae. Chloroform, or BUvat siren, a* pro twrTwd. Closed dunag August.

DBCKBB 4 WHITTIEB, OBOCK1 Crockery and Olaaa War*. BtrioUv V

'Jorees,Splc«*a«dcl»ico*tTe**. TBobeatdal of Butter *»dC.MM*. M Ames bur* Slrott.

i.lgf slip ill work don*.

EB. TATB8, at. D., PHY81CIAM aa • Su-s-eoa.

oao*. S07 M— Residence, H 3umrs*r Street.

PortrsIUaad Laudscsj d scape a. IM KSSKX ST., LAW

HOLT 4 CO., 4v>- J with Bnf bee A Hack,

ICB DEALEHB. Office " SSS B—aa street, Law

JOHN S. OILS, Attorasy-sA-Lsw sod Hoiarv Public. Removed to Ho. MS K***x

street, cor. of neit ttreet west of offlce of lb* •le Bra of W. I". * J. 8. title. Sly sijST

Canvas sera in every county la this State in take orders foi Nursery Stack. up si

SISASLI Enru-TMinT at QOOD W AUK.-*. pert-acc la the bualnege not required. Murserla* wld'lj aaS favorably known. For terms ad- dress 0. t*. van nusKtv, Van Duaen Nuraerlas I UBWCV A. V. T.

Xstsbliabed 1MB. i AlaoSlock *, Wboleaal* feowlStrabU . m

JC. HOWKB, *nCic*aor to J. e demeyer. Bock Binder. Room S,SOI BaaBS

llreel. Lawrence. Mala.


Lawrence,Mass. Psrsonalnltentloato nllhssl- aaaa HSfUl


Only Vegetable Compound that acts direcdyupon theLiver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assist" di- gestion, strengthens th«"jyst«ii> regulatesthe bowel* purifiesthe blood. A Book «=ntfree Df- SANTORD, I 6a Broadway, N.Y.

TOB ,1LS BT ALL DBUQOtSTa. TnoiljttU a


$\hf •m*<lM$A%iii SsleeToomfl 286, Resideoce, 885 Cora- mos Street. "Ilyrjsnl

Vsow lot f*US


^i&WliSON Call and Saa us.

H. P. FLVNN, - • Agent 875 Eaaez Street, Lawrence.

Wbeeler i Wilson luilicliriu Co.

■ s*aBs*sM* a-wai-

&f% ■


idover Advertiser, —fniump—

| Every Friday Morning, —m\ —

|GEORGE 8. MERRILL, t Office Blook, Lawrence, Maps-. feOEIPriOhT-PostsaTO Prspold:- BO o*r yt*r, from which 00 osots to* deiicea for strictly advance

tnt. _ Jlrculation of tbe Uwrinc* Ameri-

^ - largest of inypiptr In the al mom then Tar** Times V Other Weekly faper pub-

l.Ltt*S of ad'ortitlng lest upon lost'«»■■

Itored at t*iB Poet Office, Ltwrmci Vess , for trnnamleftloa through tb< Bella aa tsond OIMI matter.

i L. XXVI, NO. 28.

rhe Daily American, PuMishsl Ersry Eraoloj,

tzx DiUy is UM Oitr. w t«

•omo iiPrioM. i °M W.M40 | Six Month., S3.CO


OKO. S,, Pr.»rl«t»r.


th. HTHMOJ »ort thoroughly lur-

Wliiaolm mw, u<i , -imttoiaMa,., aiTra..

*"*'"* '— "ll till ■Mill, «»•«.MtowpiloM. Dro«DH, MtmM to.


1 80VEEE10H SPEOTflO —roit—■

T.. Aitm aid Brondutis. ial»th*,n*i>r***loB*r*|>lrlt.

.■ ofBtwlif, Miilaui. 1 tt* •>llii> ■ think, tM *ll**r l)l*lr I

lawlt*«. th*t r**rr*,t »■■•■••, CATAKH.A.

CANENTI.Y EEMOVED. r* i*> ih.n*«d n<«l.rf. D.r.r eft*.* lal Bo**! di l.nst ••*>■• »f

■■•ll n*ii*r*d. ■■••Ay Dlaeamrg** StoppeS. Dlteatatt Minkriai)


2ATARRHINE. wo • •v.rtlgBS rtntdr, oonUlu-

irat polton*. u do many of (ha I catarrb rerocdiei which in the e*ii

here* lo *g invite the disease. C.iUrrhlae hooted or bealleg guass ad nil*, whin* Epplifl to lb* dlt'Reed warn in Hi*»aly Si aad effective wiaair.titroagh the pro.

if resplrali >o. Ntlure never intended t1i;il 'a thou Id u* poured Ihmfh lb* IOMI, end

_H her btrriere In tha .tirra of hairs 111 I nottrll, lo prevent ltie entrance ol dual,

ii aornetioie* eatlad mar T» Inhal* ■bine rexi-im* no co.lly tnnalri-, hot only

-JOTMM *.—Pel a little of Hie Catarrhl n* R ordinary clean Dipt), anil .moke It. pie* a emote through Hi* no.a. Bit repeating • Ira ajlnula. three llmetcar.ii day,

i* ol catarrh may be cured.

3ATARRHHME. I by all d nffist*. A*k for CaUrrhine*

,j i n > otiier remedy If yon would ilml Thl* reme ly ltcriu-tl s ef mil re la eur- lltsw* and Meanest Ml* It lootlies the d paite, an I sappllnt lu«t ih >•« thlni* wy to aid usturu i> of IheUi*

pd repairing Ml waste plaoet.

SATARRHINE. itallithiUiU. Itura la> Mat* tat a. I USB MO OIUKIt BIMCBT.


, C. 41 >OUHJS * to, Asemta.



PON 1081.

APOTHECARIES; Medicine**. Ohfraleal*. Tullel Arlleh*. te-

ll. M WtliTNUY • JO.,oof. Bieea A bawreac. APOTHECAKY; Drift Medl- ol«.., HiMil *aiar. Toilet aW I at lee.

BVKltAUDIl. KBLLKY. F«.l OBea Block. APOTHECART; compoundlns

or Pnralciaa.' f reaerhaloat a epaelaHy. UHA-4. CLAKKB, ITKKtiei oor.Jackaoa.

APOTHECARY, Dru|ti, Med- klae., ChawlcaK To.lel Arllelae, *e.

J.C. AVOatB,B3tEa*«i.eur.k'raDk.l|B.

ART HTORE, IMcture FfAW . yaauraiilurrr*. eUUeMTI * NawadaaWr. ODI.BUKN BB (THBIto.rtl Kaae. buaet.

J.IN.aTH.Vrl r-KKMT.iaw t-owallwUeMi. BLANK BOOK HTroud Com-

marolaldlktionar, Hoom l'aper,Daoo'a:loai W. K. KIUB,MB Betas All eat-

BLACK SILKS, Velvet*, CAAII- merea. Silk rrl«aa». ButUMt, Olore., Ae.

A. Ml Alt r* * c()..l» K.MI Street. BOOTS A SHOES, m Aill and

coiDi'lrle aiouk, al pru-e* to auil the UBM 1- B. U<IB1NBON,91I IIM. Street.

BOOTS & SHOES. AnegeodBO* a laualil-iia. Low prtcad lo . ull IM. llinea

1 l>. I». MAdtjKBY.SMBaee.8t.

|>OOTS eft SHOES. L»nre«t as-

T.JaCHSON niliriUBDUB. niBaaoibU BOYS* CLOTHING, Men's Fur-

■tlklsg Uooda. Hat a. A*. One price only A. e-ULI.KIl A CO.. MB Keau Blreel.

C1AB1NET MAKER and Upbol J aleiar.

ll. r. BABNABD.Stq Beats Stroat.

/CONFECTIONERY, pure home Kj utMi*. ia great rerlaiy, by

JOHN BlltP.iMEa.a.Blreet.

COOKING RANGES, Crocker) and H.I.or Flated Ware, Kltchaa Ooode. Ac U. *. A C. M. AlAltriN lirt Baacs Street

CROOKING STOVES, Kauffes, J Kurniicua. Sole meal Mag-a Store*


CROCKERY, Glass, China, Pitt tad "

. Accident and rlre Insurance

HJEDNAO) * C>3 l.urance Agency

mi. T.» FOLLOW1X0

tlln,or Fblla., Pa. _ »yIT snls, or Pena. nsn, American, N. Y.

■ TT-Jtoh«»tor. Mew York. [ Watertown, Nte York. I Orient, llartierd, Cnnn. I klerlden, Oosneetlont. SmmenweUtb, Qoeton,

twmut. Beitoa. " NaUontl, Worceiter.

•pole lae. Co., P*rl». __ [■.■land,

roodon ami L^noaeblre, Bnglaad. revrellers' Lire *n? ' -

ilnrtior.i, Coon.

City of Lawrence.

Health Rpgiilatlone.

Nottoall hereby glree. aocordlng lelaW.ti I'M rolloerlng reculuion* or tie B..ard ot llcalt «rthe llwei l.te-r-i'ie. a.ljpted by .aid boar March Hth. ItJI.atd In *ia jare now la lore

OmolorMt BjiM>or lleir.Tn, Lewreax.*. ataaa , Mar. 10. liiLJgB

wMerAvmllrfl'M Bwvl W H««in ef the City ot'Lt#rer.e '. ea fallow*:

AH pyraeaa are ttrlotl/ farb'dde.i le throw ne n th, aloe


with whieB ihJre I* I bAok y«rd or ether laa. •opU'taaaat thereto, enailc*a*e*al I MM far i.othirl.adt al all tiro ■% to be kuuu-le r <

II nil ii, inrbate, nome dirt, and at all daeayi ir deeaylng animal and vegetable HaVlanM ,ml all au'ili owner* or o.i:npant. n| dwallK ii.ii.e*. aiore* or other balding* are requlu o luralih at all. tlmaa a enltable

80 parjoa ahall permit or aarer aar'lab of ty water to rainraUndon the auifacbtp;

my laAappf tenant toany daelllng home or ■tore of which be mat ba tie owaer, Ii tree. leaaal.ocnupaal or agvnt having in* taietteie d. but the on aar, la«ee. leaant. occuuaatat igantoi any dwelling hone* or nor* aupurteaam thereto aball eenea all alak aad ■Ithy waiar la ■ildbulldiagoroei aald l«a.l t* hecoaveved throagh e callable i>lpe ordialu IBTTH aay ia tha eiraat adlotalaf .aid

trap or traae approved by the Bonn! el ll.-alili AllptlVHM mad be provided with a rreular

water eloeet, or tome-tollable ranlt, maila ol bard burned brick, bottom and tide*, wi ll laid ia crmtnt and Uioiouihij itgi Land »o prlry vault aliall enter anr tewtr. im the conteula ei ao privy vault ahall ev» r b« within one tool of tha ton oi the vanlt, tad whenever any privy ahall become oSenelve Ike ramo tball '

MILLINERY. Ml WBitiaher, tw a

TrSTellere' Life end Aooldent oi '(artlord, CoBB.

1 Mutual Lite, Woroaaler. THOMAS 11EVINOTON,

I ass Beeex Blraat, - • Ltenart. Pott Office Bo» 38.



R. H.EDDV T« »tate St., oppoel I * Hllby St., ao.ton, BaoBroa Patenta In tha United Statea; alao IB Ureat Britain, France and other foralga coun trie*. Ooylea or the elatmeof aay Patent fur- nUhodbyremUtlngonedollar. Ae»ipewalere. corded at Wa.hlnglon. No A ma lo the Lnl- te-1 States uo»aoa«e» aupeilor tarlutiea for oh- talalag Paleati or B*eerteJHlns the patentability ofinTenlloBe. R.I1. BODY,9ollcltoroi Patent*.

TISTIHOXlALt. "1 regard Mr. Bdily aa one of tha moateapabta

ead BBOooearul practitioner* with whom I have kadoaelaltnterconree. .

CHARLES MASON. Commla'r of Pateeta.

early a'nd favorable consideration at the Paten I O Bee."

EDMUND BURBB.LaUCom'r or Peltate. at.lI.Bupy, B*q.-Daardlr:jOB procared lor

me In IMt, my Irat peteat. alace thee yon have acted for, and advlaed —' and procured maay u»U~„ eiom. I hare oonaelonally employed the beat ajmatoa In New York, Philadelphia and Waeb- eetoe, hat latlll give yon alMo*l the whole of

my year liae.and advise olherato emp4eyyn. Y.o;..r-Jys.o|

DRY GOODS. For Silks, Shawls Kancv Uood. aad Cart>eUee*.go to

A. W.aTE.kHNaACO..eMagll Baees St. F'ANCY GOODS, Ladles* Fur-

OI*IIIDJ Uooda. Millinery, Ae. B. K. CBuWMLL. su Bates Strati.

FLOUR, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt, But if r, deed*. Parmleg Tool*, A t. BC'M'T A VIBT0B.114 Street.

Ct KNTS'Furnlshluf;Goo«U,Hat« J Cuae*. Umbrella*, Ae,

OBO. r. CUItriS. US BIMI Street.

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan or Good* and Produce.

dllArruCR BROS..cor. Bttei, Amtabun / ' ROCERIES. Fine Teas, Pure U* Coffeet. Pi ulU, raaey Ueode. Produce, Ao

I. EASTMAN A CO.. US Beaes Btreot. HARDWARE, Tools, Cutlery XX aoed- aad Oeneral Bardwma.

N.P. M.MELVIN.aM Betas Street. JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks,

Biwclaulo*. allver end I'Mttil ware. L. IlllftTOHM A BON. 1)7 EtaeX Street.

JOB PRINTING,In all the finer breathe*. AMEEICAN orriCE.P.O. Block.

Mrs. M. Isadore Kn aed lwiBaetx dr.

MILLINERY eft Millinery Goods Hat and •ioaael Bleecherr.

L B, UILMuBB, SI»E«**s Street. MILLINERY t&MUUneryGoods

Trimmed BnW and Bemaete. J. C. 8UACKLBTON. tin Bates Street.

PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shadeaandrisiurea. /

B. A. t'HKB. ITS E*tt<> Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee XT lorteeedyiorlaeCarbua Proceaaa.


rililng eed nature*, »tove*. Range*, Ae. WM. ruRBBS A SON. MS Bt^s at.

PROVISIONS,Country Produce Heat, rrutt, Caaeed Uooda, Ae.

K. C ALLellAN, SIR Commoa Blreet SOAPS; the best Toilet, Family


TAILORS. French, Eng-Ilsh and American NoveiUee. _ _. .

F. ir.»CHAAKKACO..PoetOB«e Block. TAILOR, Imported and Domes-

U. DENKIE MORSE, 1*1 Eases Street, UNDERTAKING Furnished In

ail Ita delalla. funeial Chair** ai ealalty WATBRHOUoB A PARSONS IlAme.buiy.

UNDERTAKER; every duty appertaining le PeBCrelaattended lo.

M. J. MAUONEY, SSJ Oak Street.

VA'ATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry Y*t Hpeotaole* and Hllverwaie. (RepairIna

SAfA'L W. t'BuLOWM.siU Bears Blreet.

WORK of every deBcrlntlou, In the Printing line, i.taily aad cheaply, at


VOUB ADVERTISEMENTwill X reeeh eeerlyed pareMaera.ift?w«*flKLY

meed. ABII no perton aball parmitor tuSer aay privy er privy vault to be or ramala upon aav wad or premleee 01 which ha may It* the owarr, occapaat, teaaat or leeice, In a atale or ojedltloaorienelrBcled la a manner eoBtraty le the provltloaa of tnla raawlatioa,

AHpe *oa* a-a r>rbldl«a tor*m>vo th* see t*a ■ tt «"V privy raut without a I ceate from the Bo i d id eel in, Aay peraaa havinaahArae 01 ■ vaaU wbl.b aoedaax ptylag mty leave la orbr thereior at tee e#Jee or th* Beard of baa lb. City Hell, or at Agaefa Ofloe, Lowell - eet, aad a duly licensed penon will prrforr

Prom antl slier Jiraa til. ISM, ao pertoa thall keep twiae within lee roHowlaa deacrlued 11*. lu: Oathe.oith sldeefthe Bertlmack river, by th* Su eaet river en theeaate>id nor'hto S^yent Pond, thence by Mar atraet, Creerrni ireet. Warren tireel, M-Hlwtlt ntreet, a..d Mel-

^rpiing ro-e tireel to river, 1

aid* of th* Marrlmaoi

BeaUn.Jaa.l.lktl. OBOE DRAPER. Sit Rw


APPARATUS Combining; the Latest Improvements.

HRATINO rtlVATI RIM- WKIYCeia A MPBCIAI.TT. Bend for Deaerlptlve PataphleL

LBBOSQITET BROS., T5 Unlos S*., Boeteeu Vttjel



One-Price Clothing Comp'y OPEN TO-DAY



. $2.50 a Pair. Gentlemen, if you have no immediate uaafor

them'goods, It will pay yOu to buv these good* at title price, ea they are equel In every pertiouler to any $4 pant In the market.


FANCY PRINT WAISTS, 20 ct*., 35 cts. and 80 ct*. each.

BOYS' PANTS (short legs) 25c. a Pair. BOYS' PANTS (long legs) 75c. a Pair.

ALEXIS SUITS, lone lags. BOYS' SHITS, short legs, A Serviceable Salt, $3 00 A Fair Quality, $3 60 Better Quality, S BO Better Grades, 3 00 Neat School Suits ^ . And a Full Assortment

from $3 50 to 6 00 from $3 to 10 00 And an Endless Varietr Boys' Sailor Suits

from $8 to 13 00 from $1 75 to 5 Gu


irlyall pat i ERIC AN. I



Paints, Oils, Dye Stoffs. Chemicals, Mls*dPalala.Blleoior Neet* root Oil, Na,d>tha. Olive OH, OsallcAcld, oakeej, r-aiaelaaOH. Baakeuoralltl*

Boras, Beeewas, Bri sh Ureomt, Cork a. Camphor, Ohalk, Cream Tartar. Cntoraorall -ba. Caibolio Acid Coach Varnlab, Caator OH, ChamolaSalBa, Ckktrld* oi Lite Copper Hiveta, Ca.til*So*p, dipperar. Dipper*, weedea, Snlphnr, DowBer'aKereaeaaOlL Band Paper DuKlBrotbee, Spoagea, Emery Paper,

•' Cloth. realher Dusters,

Patty, Par). White, rotate. rente* Stone, PtB.u-r Paris, Part* Ureea, Paint Bruthe*,

Holloa Sloaa, Rock Sell

for horsrs end cattle

Oa the aonth river, bv the Cova aad

the Lowell railroad

__etr*etor tbeera', tt the klerrlmack river. Aedao pertoa tka.I heap aay awloa le any other pert «t tha elty without a written permit fieia the Board of Health,

All pereoaa are forbidden lo kren r*wla o." any kind la any cellar oi baacment oi a uwell- lag bouaeeratore.

Ho person ahall throw into, er leave la, or upea aay slieel, court, tqnare, lane, alley, lubllc tqnere. pebllc eacloaura, vacant lot, or ny pond, river or body of water wltliie th*

limit* of th* oUr, aav dead animal, or decayed ' taaoa, or

—. kind, or any re line aaimal or vrgeiable matter wbaiao- e*er, or oaua* Bay antatal to be drowned ia eev poad. river or body of water witala the limit* of the city withjut th* I leant* ol iba Board of Health.

Aad no eereee aball remote, eart er carry through any of ihe streett, aqnaret, late* or a'leji ollbe oily, any house dirt, reiurt, ogal, awi.l, or any decaye.1 or decaying animal or vegetable aub*laace(or aay great* or boar*) frees aay et" the dwailihg bount. i hop*, t to ret, er oteer i lee** wllbm th* city, wltboal a wi it- tea lieeaaa ef the Board oi Health, having been aril obtained i be rr for, aad all par to a* are required to lurnlah aoma aellabla vettel of depoeltlor twin and hiuee o*TaI atada or col- lected upoa tbrlr premlaea. and to keep the aim* la aoonreeleat place to be removed by lb* Board of dearth, aad are forbidden lo place, cait or throw any swill or BOB** oSal of aav kind late aay taw It. tewer, er late aay ret.el containing aabee, er lo mingle aanei or other refute therew lib.

Special Regulations. Ut.—All a wilt, borne offal, grease or boaea

mad* upoa Biemlae* from which parties may ba lioeaaeti to care for aad remove lae tarn*, •ball ba deposited aa BOOB a* made m regula- tion bairelt, provided by Ihe Bjirdot Health MepaitincBt, and removed fro** aald premleee In th* tame ragulalira laa* t twice each week, from October lal lo May 1*1, aad at lean Ibree timt* s week from Mayltlto I.J.IL ber 1st. | »nd.—\o twill, bouse oial, greats or boee ebj.l bedeooiluM or removed manv kln>l of a vettel on or irom mck preml.o* other thaa la said regulation barrel*.

No person having such llcante shall dill pot* or bis swill, hou*e oial. create or bone* it aay person or peraon* other than Ibo'* htvlai almeB*afrem aald Board of Health, to collect • will, bout* off«I, great* or boae* In the City Oi Law ranee,

tth.-Ali lleeeaea greeted by the Heard of Health nut be revoked at the pleasure ofaaiit board.

fiih.-Sald regilalkte barrels are I ■ ee ead ■main tte property of the Health Lieparlm ad are palsied blue, hariag gaivaaltrd

rovaif, are mtrkcl Haallfa Department, and Ibe " *i the HceBtegolatwlih said banel* markeil

a the tame. Two banal* to wllb ears i*e, and H more are aeceeeary they can )>e ef the Agent FOB TUB DBU at the ee.-, er — aad nil bjrrela shall be well oar d

cplaceil by th* perioei havlag th.ui i-y their lleen**. Ir inev should be lo.t o.

deitioyed.aad liiaid lioeeieahouli be revoked or eiplre by limitaUoe, aald barrela .hill be returned le the Mcilth Department OHoo In good order eed condition.

Cih -Bald regaUtlon berrele shall ba ui the direct aepervltlonol the Agent oil ha Hnani or Health, ead shall ba kept la a eoBVealett place for esamtaattoa by said Agent or bv any member ol the Board.

All Pereoaa wte shall vtolal* aay ef the for* —" aaum aot as

A Pretty Kilt for - - - SI 50 Very Nice Ones, - - - - 2 00 Better Grades, . •> - 2 75 A large line from $2.75 to $10 00

Remember, we carry the only complete line of BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, In this county* and continue to give a first-class BAT and BALL with every suit.

Floral Designs. Wreathe. Oroeeea, Lvroa, Harps, Ptlw ■

Crowns, Anchor*, Bouquets, Ac

T. D. HALLEY, corner Manchester and Washington Streets,

•at oa* mtente'a walk from Broadway lead lag * th* oemelarla*. Mala Urerhouios and Uanlcn t bead oi Waabiegton Street. » tfal

risbUliM, rurnlluie Varnlth. rin eat Klver Lead, Olae.allgradee, tinm Ar*blc, (JuatTrssacaalh, Uold Leal. Hold Bronte, tityeerine,

SalSoila, Stoaa J*ra aad Mug*, Ballpetre, Mewing Harhla* Oil, buble Pell*, Shaft Robber*, Scrub Hruibea, Tar,

Ulauber Belt,


Which eaa be b-Bght low, wtths liberal cnuit, lor Cash, dl


aa ■r*»aw/*jr. eer. Lowell Si. I Brea Itfi fabii

for Carriage Tops, uiauni nui. Whitewash Brunbea. Oaltanlsed Iron Tails, Wauregsa Soap, Harness Hoop, Williams' Barber Bar Indigo, Soap, Kalsomlae. all Unit. Whale OilSoap, LOBIIOB Pnrple, Whltiag, ■ L.lghtl)rainlBgVaralib,WlBaor A Newton'i LlnietHlOll, Tub* Colors. Lard OH,

In quantities to tuit At Lowest Market Prices.

191 E88EX ST.. LAWRENCE. llvhvaS

leg one hundred dollars. AII regulations or the Hoard of Health IBCOB

tltteol bene lib aie hi reby repealtd. B»rd

« btreby repealtd. WM H. PKIiKICK.j E. II IHCmtt, J E. 6. YATEi, H.D.J

224 and 226 ESSEX STREET.


Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the LiVcr, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun- dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Co* tiveness, Headache. Itassistsdi- gestion, strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels,purifiesthe blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SANTORD, 162 Broadway, N. Y.

rOS .AL. BY ALL DKUOOl.T.. iMd 1, MtlS .




Bell evrry Setnrdav. NEW YDIlKTOt, LAMi >W.

CAMS*, Sao to geu. bThKIIAt.r, ESS. TbettcStaameradoBOtearry cattle, abiep urpUt

CABINS. ESS lo *SV Iseurtlon al Mala*.

Paataager iccommodaiton* are nn> 111 patted. All Mialeroomi on Main Leek.

Pat petit tra booked at lowealraba lo or from aay Railroad Station Is Kitroiw er Amarlea. Drall*allow«Btralra,pa)Bl la (tree 01 charge]

throughout England, bcotLiixl and Ireland. For boo* a of m Ms Of l»lorma lee, pinna, eie , nop 1

*•>*! Bktoe , 7 BoWUBO t,BBBH N.' '..'°


^Tue1"*^Scent aleamihip 1 BRUR1AS Mil. - pool, June r* etoa direct lor i.iter]

__ _g- rroe. WEBBC . commeLClog May 7. Thla

SSlllBga irom (JUBBBC every SA1UKDAY, IBA May 7. Thla route preieatsna led advantage* toionritb, eaabliag

HI 1 Canvassers In every

LV HIITHII I"*' <"den foi Nursery ffUlllUUs block. WIAOT ASP M SIBABLS EHFt nTRBJlT at GOOD WAGE*. Es perleac* lu the buelees* not required. Nuraarie* widely aed favorably known. For itrmiad- draae C. S.. VAST BCSKB, Vea Dusts* Nu.-eerles { OBNEVA. NY

BaUblUk*d IKW. iAIloBlorkal leow IM feblS a

from Qubec 10 Liverpool la MO miles rhorler, and « the reduced dlsunce luM mile* Ir inland navigation, rodurlB* ih* actual oaean voyage ut a mialaaktu ol See dave.


BOTTOBOeTON. *.***»*•• P«r Maaase aed informailoe, ■ealelerAT*

WANTED. dllng Agents te travel In Ihe New England

et, tad lake order* lor Nartery 81 braolagTrees, Shruba, Vluee, hot is. Ac. Poi term*, add re**. Hating age, prevloua ocenpa- "-- aad aamct aa ititrem r, B.T.CANKOrT,

lent'marts Augjtia. Mala*.

r\B, D. T. POBTSR,

3D JUJSTTISI1. Office end Reildance, Porter't Sleek

SSS Meeea Btrnat - - - Lawrtnet,

RANITE IROM CXintR BOILSRS. vlJ, IT eed t3 plat* eepaelly. Ceffaa eiad* ware does not turn black aa la tia. JOHN

GRA *, It, 17aadt3 platseapaeltT. Cote* made

la tbl* ware doe* not lorn black aa la tia. JOHN C.UOW A OO., Crockery ead Olaaaemre.Odd Fellows Ballt*'-- err to let far

A Doee ofTarrAnt'e Seltser Aperient j* removed tha agony of rheumatism, and Ita

continued use eatimly heated tUe palleal. Itbeuoiati.m It but ilnle uadersiood. (Some empb In* retort In embrourit>oa*,wblc. Jarercall) dangerous. It 1* new eokBowlettewd te 1* • blood diseair, reejlilng Irom acMiiy. This aperlaet corrrrla *'| such aeldhy, aad ibtu ouieatneditcaia. All rnrnmailo *aS>rar* ata advued to try It. SOLD BY ALL 0BUUU1STS.


Lawrence American. LAWRENCE, MASS.


MALDBM has voted to accept Its city charter; MassachusetU DOW baa twenty cities.

THE AUTOCRAT of the organ Ion, is wbat toe Freeman's Journal styles the presiding genius of cbureb organs.

TUB SCPRBMB COVET of New Uasip- shire, aava afflnsetl the riglit oT Uie present legislature to elect a successor to Senator Rollins.

GOT. CORXELI. or New York has vetoed the oleomsrgerine Ull pasaetl by the legislature, and produoers snd dealers In the now compound are ix- altant; the governor holds that the hill made unjust and Illegal discritnln- aUons.

IIARTLAED has the model militia, of Its kind; then are 618 enlisted men, and 360 officers ; slmost rival* ling Artemos Ward's brigade of brig- adiers.

TUKUB is a possibility of the ap- pearance in this country the coming year, of the company belonging to the Court Theatre at Saxe-Meiningen, Germany.

THE SuERirp or alenard County, Illinois, shot at what be supposed wss a pigeon on one of the chimneys of the Jail, but It proved to be the head of a prisoner who was attempting to effect an escape.

GEH. SHERMAN, In his speech at Hartford, not only warmly defended Gen. Grant from the charges of Jeff Davis, In his new book, In relation to the Virginia campaign, but completely demolished the slanders as to his own inarch to the sea.

THE CURIOUS Justification was made tn a New Jersey court, this week, sgalnst a charge of polluting the river l'ssssic, from which Newark obtains its water supply, which was brought concerning a manufacturing firm,— that the quantity of carbolic acid poured into the river from their mills, actually purified the water, instead of rendering it unhealtliful; the Jury, however, did not appear to accept the theory as to the drinkable qualities of the acid, and brought in a verdict or guilty.

ippepUee, b 111 o Eerors, vleilmt

aad aaur, the ■Md I teased

"W wood

they will by


ToF The Cheapest, PartttaaA Beet Pel

MeStelee IN th* Werle. For DYSPEPSIA, CONSTlPAT1QJL Jaundice

Bllleu* attack,, HICK HEADACHK, Unite. Deprre.loBof BplrUe, SOUR STOMACH, lleatl Runt, Ac.

Tkl* unrivaled Sonlhern Reeked* It warrealed not lo contain a ilnght particle tfMSbCOat.or nny Injui Inee mhteral tesmtaaee, bei Is

PURELY VKQBTABLE, Mublnlng lh*M Son there Meet* eed Herbs, hick an all wi.e 1'rovtdeeee aea plaocl In roun

Irtee where l.lver DlMaaoe ano.t prevail. It will oara all Dleeete, uuel by Dereegemenl of the Liver an.) Rowera.

THB STUPIOMS of Liver Complaint are a Mller or bad last* I* the moilh, Pain in the Back, Side* er Jolaia.oAoe Msalakaa for Khcu- maii.m; Sour atoraech, Loaa ti Appetite; Btw- em altarnatcly cotttreand Ut; HMdacbe; Lo.* ol memory, with a priBftjl laeaaMia ef having failed to -u> aomelblng whkh ee-fct lo hare be«a done; lability, LewSplrlte, a thick tell.iw np- pearaaoe ef Ibe Hkia end By aa, a dry Cough often ml* it ken for Con 'uiautlon.

Hotneiliae. maay of lls*e* a/mptotat attend the dlteate. al othon very few; bet tha LIVKN, Ihe largett organ ii the Irody. I, generally Ihe teat oi "•sdiM-SM-, and If not regulated In time great

String, wretrhednot* and DEATH will enme. 1 can reeommead as an eBiaeloai remedy for

dlteate 01 the Liver, Heanbure aed Dyeeeeaia, Blmmooa' Liver Ecguleler.

LSWIS U. Wi'»iiKK.

"We have te>ted IU vliteea, per oealli,aad know th it for Dyepeoela, Rlllotitae.s, ami throb blag Heailai he. it i* th* IK-I medlrlne the world ever taw. We have tried forty othur.. V/e have tried forty other remnllea ucrore Simmon.' Liver ItVgiilttur, but none of them ea*e ui more laen letti]nH-*ry relief; bat Ihe Hegolilor not only re lleved, bnl eured ■*."—EI>. TtueiiBArM Alb HESIKHUIM.

rarrtusD ostr ut J A- ZCILIN SCC,


MRS. J. II. GRAHAM, will eeasmeact:

TO EXTRAOT COHNg A Pit I r. leit.

at her resldaacr.rearof St HAVEEMILL IT

Ax EYE STONE IS cUtiined to have made a marvellous trip la New Jer- sey; a man recently, experiencing some trouble with one of his eyes, placed within the lid, on retiring at night, an eye stone ; In the morning he was unable to find the stone, and supposed It hsd dropped from his eyo during sleep, though he could not re- cover It, even by careful searching. A day or two since, be experienced a pain in the Up oi one finger, where there appeared a a welling; be thought a wart was making its appear- ance, but the spot continuing to In- crease In size snd hardness, lie cut open the skin, and found the missing eye stone, which bad mysteriously travelled from the eye lo the hand.


-lade, aad ileairlag In give the Dublin ibe beneSl r i eooil article at a low price, wa will *eH

.-diea' "Uoodwoar'* Uoatamer Rubber Circu- lar* ror St M; M(**eV and Children'*,, and lianlk men'* Coat*, Sa.OU. >enl to any add!***. postpaid, on receipt ol price, aad aatitfaotlon InarantotM. aleaiarameale required; length

owethebeoklorcirru'arr, an.i bream meat- ire lor roal*. UACLRUUKBKCC, 71Fed<ral

Street, Bo*toe. Hat,*., th* olde.l and largest reiall and wbektal* rubber boute la lbs world, wllb in* greatestsitorunenl Of every descrip- tion of rubber gooda.

la any Stile. Advicet and circular! containing tall lafernuttoB lor slame. Bs UIIMIB Btes L>W,tSTBraodway,M. V, . «t



Black WtlBBt Chamber Beta.

1'reweh BBtemelem Tablra.

Bine A wiltat BIAt-Boerd


Belief and Finer Class of Goods m ouu LIHS.

J, PILLSBUHV, JR. V.. ..I KM.. IIIMI, L.w,..«.



AROHITUOT Room, II and 12

B.a.x Bank Building. L.wr.no8.

Floreston Cologne tsyssxsiss&siA'asiiSSi

f&VM' O-e Beat aed Fatl

and Bible*. Pricea NeUeaal PubBealBg Co.,

ISatmrS A

THERB IS sn Incipient rebellion in the Pennsylvania State Normal School, In aflllersvllle, near Lancaster, of which the young ladies are the in- nocent cause; then ere Itoth mskt and female students, altogether some hundreds In number, and recently the managers of the school undertook to enforce an old, and heretofore obso- lete rule that there should be no social intercourse between the male and female students, and this is the prime cause of the present trouble, although another cause Is assigned Some days sgo s Dumber of the stu- dents were reprimanded by Prof. Brooks, the principal, for. some vio- lation or the rates. The students, thinking themselves badly treated, called a meeting and read a number or articles criticising the regulations ol the school snd Ita authorities. The faculty took this as an attempt to coerce them snd destroy discipline in the school. As a consequence they resolved to quell this insubordination and expelled two of the student* who were prominent in the mutiny. Be- fore these students were expelled, threats were made by others tiuttbey should quit the Institution If such ac- tion was taken. Wednesday they carried their threat Into execution. The students, to the number of be- tween eighty and a hundred, headed by s brass band and accompanied by a large number of sympathizers, marched to Lancaster. The two ex- pelled students occupied a conspicu- ous position in the line, and carried bouquets presented by their friends. Each student wore a badge, soil two acted as marshals. A banner bear- ing, the inscription "Free Speech" was carried. On their arrival In town the rebels serenaded the Intettt- ijencer and Inquirer newspaper offi- ces, after which they marched to the rsllway to take trains for home. Others have since been expelled for participation in the demonstration, and altogether the institution It in a slate ol unpleasant excitement.

Weekly News Brevitlei.

MisVfa AS earlhq like has deatr.ivad Ih I rlv-foe

lllagee la ibe of Van, TBikt-f, The I'rtsidt-st sad Secretary Bltlne

both ladiioa low Makotie ■wadJ«»Ur SMVA- sat ia Virginia.

The eesusnlal of tha birth of Oeorge Stephenaoa, W-tS- Celebrated la vailout part* of England jester day.

8 issBel Dibble, dtatocrat. was jntr- dey elected nesaber uf Coegieaa lives lbs second ftoa.ta Carolina district, lu place of M. P. OfJoseitr, decessed.

Jama Beaka, a aegro, who killed hi" wife, la St. Lueui, a year ago yehterdav, pkaded golliv aad wee twnit-mad to life ItnprlBoumeui. Bisk* I* TO jeera old.

William Ik-Queen, of 8i. Lo«ir>, who last April killed his wile, was jeeleida) found gallty And aebteBcM lo iwo jeaia a the peaiU oilarj. Be la 01 jeara of age.

l'oslaiaater-Ocaeral JassesbellvviN Utat lae Post Odke dapartuteul can ba atad* to yield a himleotue revebee to the govern- ment within the next two years, II not

aaWmaa There ware saajorlty aad minority re-

ports presented tw the Now Uawpahlre laglalaiuro jealerday, arguing for ami aaaltrai tbe legality of electlox ofa United Slaita eettalor tbl* year.

Jamt-a Breunstj, a awlicbmin on lb* Old iluesay rallioed at fmi\ River, Ml Does a swlicblag irsia last night, and wa* res over sad killed. Us waall .tear*old, and It-area a WrdoW and (bar children.

Schooner 8eodulpbls of 8t. John. N. B., from New York for Cbeleee, Haas., with coal, struck Watch Hill leaf, Tuesday morning, aud was afterwaid towed il sad ukeu to Stuslngton beabor allgliUy damaged.

Jobs S. Smith ssd William P. Arnold, of the rcaoouer Pl)tno«lh Kock, Ware up- set In tueir dury on tlauk Q'lt-ru, lestvt- day, aad were uolleed by two of the crew

boaid the veeeel, who rose tied ibcin Juat la time lo save taelr lives.

Dlphlhetla baa become • p'demlcai Lud- IORIOO, M ichigan. Ou* hnudn-d and i wea- ty ihlidrea have died recently lu e i ope- allos Of four tbossend peoote. I'D*

a^caools are closed, aud epeoial pstlletaua •Ultoued ai houa j* whete elckneee ealsta to prevent Ingress sad egress.

Airs siQa«b*coe Wedoeadsy sight, burned over en eras of stversl aens, co- atrujlug upward of all hundred and Illy bowers, end nndrrlng Ufuiti batdred families bomelesHi. P.vo or elx ntprewa* war* buru>d to dt-aih. The ptcuulary lose U estimated al * 1.600.000.

KaturUuy. The Franco-Tunisian ircalj has bees

rallBed. Blinon Wolf has Inen app rinUd consul-

genural lo Kgyp'-. In a recent t-aeounter betweea TarLUb

tiotpe and llulgerlau baud" lu Macedonia, eight Turks aud Iblrieen Dulgailaua wire killed.

Joseph Uennessy, sged 17, was fi-ond baaglsg t» a shaft Is the ehop, m ProvL deaee, R. I., where be wse tuipluytd, but olghL

II. M. Stosghios sad Qrorgti Uabbsrd, palbtrrs, were family lijunil yeatfiday by tbe bnaklng of a acbgoldlug, si Rot

nd, Vi. A lerrile cyclone t-wrpt over Sstotaoa

valley, Kansas, on Iburedey night, dr- atruylsg a vast amount of property, aad Inflicting loes of life.

Bi-StBle Senator A. 11. E'wood was kllkd yealerday morniss, by falling

itush a stairway at the Americas Hotel, at KicbtUld Bpringa, N. X.

Fttab aad Important d!*cloterss Is the •tar route ecaBdal sre t-gpetu-d to resell from a salt Jasl Instituted agaibat Samuel B. Browe, at Washington.

Havee While, the negro who murdered jerlff BeSUtu of Crilleudon, rwnnty,

Aih., wss hsnged yesterdsy afUrsoou lu Ibe urescace of s large assemblage.

8L John, N. B., sptcial says tbe dead body of ae Infant wss loesd la a pillow cue, floating la Courtney bay, yesterday. It appeared to have beet bora lately.

Tbe Bpanlah coasting aleaater Alleaete, hss been wreckid near Qlbara, and lu a tola) loss. All os board were saved. In. cladlng a battalion of cbaseeeis do Bain

s 1st factual sllempt wss mads oa Ttiorsdty ulgbt to blow ep tbe town ball

Liverpool. Tw* Irishmen, said lobe nnected With the Ft alaa organization,

have bees arrealed lor the crime, [. QatubeUa'a organ in Paris, admits

ibe defeat of I's patty In the rejection of aerwffn ds ffafs bill by ibe seasts. Ksmora of cbaugtu Is tbe ministry are afloat ut tbe capital, but are sot g- aurally crcdlud.

It ia repotted thai Secretary Kirk wood will make several changes lu tbe Interior department, on Ibe Ut proslmo, aad that among the orBclala designated for remov- al, are Atfiatael Btcretary D«» aad Chief 1 li-rk Lock wood.

Charts 11. Ulbha, B well known butcher of Weal lAOenou, N II., waa kll!«d yoa- Urdey In lae vkleliy ul West Hertford, Vt. by a kick from a fractloae borse, which be was aiding sn acqualutaBcs lo harms* to a csrrisge.

Mareaans Crommett, belonging lo Vaa- aalboro, tn Jampleg from a Maine Oni.-Bl freight train, at Aturrllla Coravr, Mslse. yealerday, atruck upon Sn upi Igbt bWltcb, Which penetrated bla groin, making dan- gerous but not ratal wounds.


MS KaplalM to Hie Kcewee the Operw- tlooe of Has Wetuher Baupaaa.


TsrEey Inlands to proUst sgslsst French prouctlon of Tunlelao* realdlug IS that country.

Turrlble bailatoraa have destroyed the oallre hsrvsat in the dlelrlet or Tetaasvsr lo the south of Hungary.

Jjhu Kline aad bla brother-ln law Wast down lute sa abandoned mine, near Caki- well, la., Saturday, aad were aodbsuUd by the damp.

T. B. Woodall, formerly of Tauntop, lately of Brockton, has wandered from his (rieuda and cannot be found, lie waa aUgbtly demented.

—Uarcana L. Crummel, th* llslae Cen- tral brakem*u who was Injured by Jemp- log from a train, died at the Halse Gen- eral Hospital, Portland, yesterday.

Mr. J. K. Keene'a American colt Koshall „*a wlsser of the face fur the grand prise of FaMs Of 100,000 franca at the French capital yealerday. Tbe coolest was a vary close sad exciting one.

Teresa Towler, Beeper of a bagslo Is Providence, Was arrested Saturday night on a charge of calking two young girl* front Boston for vile purposes. She wss held IB BSoOO for examination.

A German named Belobelmer, who bad atoles shores aad robbed ihe owner In Atcblson eousty, Mo., leal Sunday, was taken from jail early yesAerdsy morning by a party of 10 man sad banged.

A deign on tbe pan of Feslss sympa- thisers to rescue McKevlit and Roberta at Lverpool jeetarday waa frustrated by ihu prompt asacrabllng or policemen aad aen- tila at tbe prlton where the crlmlosla are o oiintd.

The prop of tbe court house roof of Lafayette, lad , gave way yealerday wblle mee were oo tbe roof leering it down. The roof fell Is, berled three men, killing Peter Conk sad Batvuel Biigbam, sad BE* rlou-iy hartlng lbs other.

A plot designed to hill two workmen, wss discovered Is the Chicago move worhs os Frtdsy night. A mould was found loaded whh two pounds of gunpow- der Just as lbs workmen were about to 1.1 It with melted Iron. It lu ■ui>poeed to have been put there by atrlkvrs. Hsd it agploded, great loss of life would have

I see," said Mrs. site laid tbe paper down, "I aee that we ere to have rising,followed by fall- ing barometer, with northeast to south- weet winds, and higher or tower tem- perature, w*tb clear or partly cloudy weather, ami light rains. How Is It they contrive to tell so sccnrately about tbe weather? Do you under- stand un-

certainly," replied Mr. Spoopen* dyke, ••they Jo ll by observation. They have a man out West observing, STHI a easa flown East who observes, and fellows observing around In differ* cnt parts of the country. They pat all their observations together, and we know just what il'agoingtodo."

"I siip|KMto that's what makes the wind eo different every morning, when one man's temperature le rising, sn* other's Is falling; aad when one man ia clusr, all lite rest are partly cloudy witl^-'•

"No, they ain't. Each o'leerver sends In what lie observes, and than the chief makes up his mind from those reports whst the weather will be. Can't you understand ? "

"IViTecllj, "said Mrs. Spoopendyke. rubbing her elbows. " If one sees the barometer rising, snd another aeee It falling; aud it's cold In one place and cloudy in another, they alt aay eo. But 1 should think when one hits if igbt tho others would be awful mad"

"What would they get mad aboiilr"' demanded Mr. Spoopendyke. "You don't Imagine that they all get togeth- er and light It out, do you? They take the weather from different points sod combine it, and they parcel it out among the different reasons. For Instance, ir It snows In the east and Is warm In the west, they strike aa aver- age for the lake regions. Now, what Is the average between beat and snow ?"

"Bain," cried Mrs. Spoopoiitlyke, Jelighted with her sagacity. "I see tew it Is now. They take what is

lly going on, ami equalise It all over the country. I'm glad the Dum- ocrsla weren't elected.

Whst have they got to do with it? Do you think a barometer is a pollU- elan?"

No. But if the Democrats hsd beeu elected they wo tld have had to change It sll aronnd, wouldn't they? And tha South would have got the beet share. That's what the repub—"

The republicans]" They've got no mure lo do witli it than you have. Yon have got an idea that they throw lite barometers and observers lutoone end of a steam engine aud tlie weather comes out of the other. They don't mske wctilhcr. The weather makes itself. It is the only self-supporting tiling about the government. And these signal men only watch it, and tell what it's going to be.

"I suppose when the observers all get together and talk It over, fast is called a storm-centre, Isn't it?"

That's it I" shouted Mr. Kpoopen. dyke. "You've got ibe weaiher,now. All you want is your name painted on the bundle and the spring broken to be sn umbrella. They don't talk ll over; they tell what ibey know, and ll Is Used' up in Washington. They agree on It there, and then they tele- graph It all around everywhere. It Is geiiemlly made in Manitoba and then sent down lierc.

How wide Is ii?" asked Mrs. Spoopendyke, deeply Interested. •Because, it it isn't too big, I should

think thev might slop ll." Wide? It's ah ait a feet wide)

Just a feet wide t Just about as wide as your information, llow're they going lo stop it? Think It (ass the sleeping; car conductor because there'* only an upper berth led? Well It dont. It hires s horse I '* hcwled Mr. spoopendyke, *'aiid the only way lo stop It Is to build a fence around it. There waa some talk about burning tbe laat one, but the wood was wet."

"Well, my dear, yon needn't get angry about it," said Mrs. Spoopen- dyke, soothingly. "1 only thought there might be some wsy they could mske sone arrangements about It. 1 think atorm-centres are horrid.and tho observer in Manitoba must have a hard lime. If he has lo observe much in the a inter he i be nearly Irosen.'

"Does any human being know wbat you're thinking shoot?" raved Mr. Spoopendyke. Do you s'pose he goes around with a spy •glass, looking be- hind rooks ? Think be prowls around all night with a lantern, hunting up storm'centres? (lot an Idea Utat he runs around under the bed with a broom, like a married woman I know of, and when he catches a centre,pull*. him out and observes him ? He don't do anything of the sort. He has 'em In to spend the evening wilh him, and gels 'em druuk, and finds out whst titVie up to. Unlerataatl It now? All you want Is to whirl around twioe and squeak nights to be a weather vane."

"I didn't know how they did It," quoth Mrs. 8|ioopendyke,complsccnt- ly ; "bat I see now. If tbe Prohibi- tionists bad been elected be couldn't have done that; aud we would have been in a bad way. Now that I dersland It I'll learn the indications every morning. How does a barome- ter rise and fall?"

" With jack-screws !" thundered Mr. Spoopendtke. "Sometimes they haul it up wilh a stump machine ; then they drop a carpenter's shot on it. When It gets very low they blow it up wllb gun-cotton, Once In Dakota It got so high they hsd to dig s hole sod ram ll down with a spile-driver. Got It now? Begin to see th rough it? What yon need is s box of pills snd s conundrum to be an alir.auac 1" And Mr. Spoopendyke jumped out of tbe bouse like a conical shot, and banged the door after him.

"I never quite nndcrsteod It before," soliloquised Mrs. Spoopendyke,specu- lating as to whether abe would put tbe plume on lite side or back part of her bat; "but now that he's explained it to me,I wonder they don't observe by steam. Il must be awful hard on the poor men." And, having decided about the plume, Mrs. Spoopendyke


TBS.SSSSAI spring drill of the Sixth R, gj. most, CoL Mel via Besl, of this city, coat. maadlrej, took place at tha stale camp ground >t South Frsssiagham, Saturday. Despite 'seM<xm,taeHersldcrilk«y,,^lM*«veral compaatea turned out In good number*, but k would be dHEcult to tell what special beetest the drill was to lbs ossotrs or sees. The •"cgieaent starched orderly to tbe campground through the mud, and had a abort drill on tbe gravelled road Is the ground* near tha arsen- al, aad then were dismissed tor dinner. Adit - Qua. llsrry.Coh. KlsstbiryutJlkkillrlt Ilosion oa the il o'clock train, accompanied by Gov. Plakded and eon of Maine. Tl*ay hid davaee st the hotel le the riHap, aad tbea

the camp ground. CoL Besl t. Plstatsd a review. Subse-

quently the regiment was drilled In a few movement* thai could be siinilid os lbs gravelled walk about Ike arsenal, lbs grass being so wM that It was deemed Imprudent lo •salts tbe men tramp through k. To the averags man it •setae aupremcly ridiculous lo order militia organiialion* to parade In s rainstorm, sod thus subject the men to ibe liability of colds and thsir attendant dangers. The only arguments lb its favor it that tie militia ought sot lo be fair weather soldiers, but, so long as ihsre Is so necessity for the men parading in * ralnetprm, it would ***** lbs part of wisdom not to compel them lo. Every indication on Friday pointed to a relay day Saturday, snd there was no reason why lbs order for Ihe parade of the 6th regiment could not have been ccHMtcraundsd. If there should S necessity arise far the militia to turn out Is A storm, the men would gladly do so, but than was so buck necessity on Saturday."

The Globe's military man wss eves more disgusted, and writes.-—"The entire days *°*k ***> s Bares. It cost lbs state $j per man, exrltmlveof transportation, to have the poor eshibitlon o( yesterday. Themcndwur- fnlly obeyed orders aad assembled in good numbers, only lo parade (or an hour or two upoa a gravelled walk and then go hosse. Tbe Officers, meet of whom expressed de- cided opinion* about tbe mailer, wets dis- gusted with Ihe situation. This wsa not CO*, fined to lbs regimental officer*. An officer of high rank gave ii as his opinion that to order out men ia tech a Bald was as eahiUtlos of a remarkable lack of sense. Tbe plea that the militia are not, holiday soldiers la SO eacuse. The members of tha militia are always ready to perform say duty asked of them, but when ordered out for a drill thai could be postponed fust as sell as aot, ibey as sensible man (AH to eee Ihe necessity of such action. CoL Bea was not to blame. The authority ray wilh the adjutant general."

Anniversary ICxerrleee.

SET- xSTrsS « .:.-U.."M ■*• J- -~* "il" rto»**w«im under the bed in search ol ber thimble.

Butrdey being uke anniversary of the Sunday school ol the Flrat BapiUt church. It was gea*rally observed throughout lb* day. Ia the morning the pastor, Kv. Richard Meatagus preach* j a very taesi- ssilsg strssoa to tbe children. Tbe scholars look part la the oserslsea. The nrladpalobservance, however, waa la the evening. The exercises were held Is Ike church, which was la*l•folly decorated with potted plant* aud cot Bowers. The exercises opened with raspoaalve readisg and singing, (oliowed by Scripture read- ing by Huperlatendant Sharp*, asd prayer by ihs pastor. The Infant class repeated acrpiiure lens. Superintendent Sharp* then gave a short history of tbe school from tha time he was Irat connected whh

His remark* were vary entertaining. The secretary Mr. J. Q. Jordan then rend his report (or the year oodlag Ms/ tlet, 1881, th* principal polsta of which were sa follows t whole number of clasaea St prtscni, ii. Member of tssebers, officer* and scholars, StUj largest attendance at any one Babbeih, ISO- amalleet. 47. Tbe sversg* ai,L*ndsnc« being 134, so locresao of 1 f over fast1 year 1 M had be* n admitted during the year asd Sj'lert, none being lost by death. Treasurer lboreum trteu gsve his report aa follow. , Cash oa hand, May Slat, lSSO.SU W( received dsrl.g the year, 4m 40; eiasaSii, AIB4.70, leaving s deneli of 00 cents wgeiber with a deit or BM.3.1. Llbratlan Lawrence road quite SB ustsaalve rapcfJt. lie elated that at present there were M0 volume* Is the li- brary, JtQ bad been added during tbe year t at present 110 persons were using the llbiery. lie advocated purchasing new books. ,

Miss BUBBSrd ihsB rssd a German story esUlled "Litue Gottlieb," Baper- Inleadent Anderson of the Lawrence street chsrob Sabbath School, made s few remarks to Ibe children, ll uitrktlng hi* points with stories. Mies Fosllck then road "Tbe Dour or Heaven." Miss Ells Crouse recited "Tbe IsvllStloa." Four yonag ladles sang aaoag, Mies Pay00 read ••Tho Model Church" and Miss Pin- gree rcclteit "The New Jerusalem.'' The txerclses closed with singing by the school


Osa or the most Impressive services ever held si Grace church look place San- dsy, sad consisted of tbe regular SBorslng prayer, coslrmatloo, and ordina- tion of tho Kev. Mr. Amory, curate of this cburcb, lo tho prleathood, by the Itight Rev. Paddock, bUhop of this diocese, as- aisled by lb* rector. He*. Wa. Law- rence, sad lb* Kev. Mr. A len. Tbe al- tar, baptismal font asd pulpit wers beau- tifully adorned with flowers. Tbe ssrssoa preparatory to ordlsatlos wss preached by tbe Bishop, snd wss s most scholarly tfjrt. Tbe church win filled te over- fltwlBgattb* 10.S0 service. Is tha af- ternoon children'* service wss held le the cbspd, when th* Ssnday School was catechised by the Bishop.

—Dr. J. Orowell has been appointed delegate by Ihe MassachusetU Msdlssl society, to Bttead lb* anausl musllsg of the MalM Medical aaeoclatloa, to bo bald to Portland, Jsua fllh, SSJ, sad SS.I.

—M. J. Funton launched a new aatl boot oa lb* river above th* dsm Saturday, bat bs snd hi* companion, to avoid going over the falle, war* obliged to tesr up tho easts aad paddle for th* shore, which they reached Is safety.

—John C. Bowker, Jr., who hss bees a student st Bowdoln College Medical School, Is st some ror the summer vaca- tion. H* will atudy durlag tbu vacation with Dr. Dana, or ibis city, returning to college le October.

— Saturday evening, Mr. Patrick Good- win took a drink or squs ammonia, think- ing It medicine. It burned hi* month, throat and stomach terribly. Dr. Magtre attended him, and thinks be will recover- but may suffer from It sometime; tbe amount taken was about a haif ounce.



Lawrence American, LAWRENCE. MASS.



Weekly News Brevities.

Tuesday. Jobo P. Howard of Burlington, bu be-

queathed 950,00) to the Uulverelly of nnmh

Mi» H. M. QillnUo bu bc*u appointed by President Oil Hold a notary public lor tba District of Columbia.

A hall ami rain atona of gnat severity prevailed at Cincinnati jesterdsy nfter- l*uou, doing much damage.

Prlace AleSander of Bulgaria, Will or- dtr ■ plebvucltH u to whether b« shall re- ■aln on Ihe throne ur tot.

Tba store of S. H. Alkuo 4 Co., at gut Wjare. N. II., WM burmtd Bain day morn- ing. Loan, 830G0| insured for $1500.

The business portion of Lwdlogtoo, Michigan, WJ» dvsiruyod by Hro on Satur- day, ihu properly lo** ruacblu«j #200,000.

The class (lay festivities at ft row a Uni- versity took piece yesterday, having been postponed I'fKin KtUuy ou atoonntof the wcitlii r.

TUB HIM lit) ci rru*po;ident ol lb* St. James Genetic la auihorlly for the state- ment tti-ii. Am M U'.i and France Intend to form a bl metallic uutun.

8. B. W«lkir, of Auburn, He, who bad been missing 21 limn*, was-'ounddrowued la bi* well >e»i<!hl*y morning tin Wat •boat i;.i M:BI > of e£a

Tbo tenement house of Daniel 1'iiiii- mlngs, Chauttlt-r etruet, Worcester, wu damaged S^HN) by lire yeHterday Horning. Insured lorfjiCOU. Ueruiau tenants' loss •1000.

Mr. Keeue SBJH Urn vtlnuluge on Fo*- hall's victory si Farla, wura only the •lake*,*:, a m ' 1114 to ff.lJ.W). lie bis cabled 10 fitter Fotball lur the Ascot

. gold cup on Thursday.

At Ncw'n ryp ill, yesterday, Zollictiffbr girgeut aid Ni-hr,Us Proctor, Were twiitid over lii yilXKl e:ich lor trial in \ Wednesday, for ttoiBittiulau ,u lelotil >u anaiiIt. apou William KuiiU-y or Mem- mac.

The bod? til .-i in in, tin -1 l In sailor's garb, wan found ul ihe moult) or the Boa- liruok mer, at Nuwburypori, yva'tiduy. He was about tOjriir* old, live feet Mi Inches hi height, wi :lgliiii;j about lit) pounds- No one wan uttle to identity h 111

' Ih tile LlWell pollen C'lUrt .H'slH !r- morDlnu, Patrick .}nc;i wa* dcrd Slux) and (otta i.»r Illegally kn [dig. liquor, sud JobD 0. M.UIpll) WWU lined LUff N.rn- lOI Illegally eobVfjIug liquor. The owner- ship of #10 0C0 worth of liquor is cou-

0 erned In oue csso.

It was reported at the employing, brew- era' meeting. ID New Turk. jeau-idav af- ternoon.that the man previously mnJnynJ by the WIIIIHIII-IJU K llrcwltg Company, «Y Z'limT and Ihurj %jltuur had all withdrawn from the unlnu and re- turocd to wotk Ktnploylnu btuWerafay tfiat .'.. far na lhi-y uiu cuuttrued the •trlke In ovur, thai ibey huvu all Lhu men they ni'ed, aud many ot Ihem are DCttr brewers than ihusu who atiack.

Wednesday. The national encmpuaenl of the Qrand

Army of thv Republic, uieuta at ludlac- apolls, In I , to-dar- ;

The rac« fortbe IMncJof Walei* atakea at Ascot Heath. Hag., yeateidsy, waa won by Lorlllai'd's Irotiuuls.

The ■allinu or Mi" Arctic relief steauiur Bodgers from 8«n Francisco, Cal., has h.;t!ii del-tyed until to-day. ,

•III* El 1 ibetli BtkUbWaa arradted at Lancaxter, Pa , yeaiertlav. on the charge of killing her lulaut child, Sunday.

Tbo acbooner Itaac Ujodwin, Cjpt. MiDiiitifii. frotii Oaxpe, bound to Boston, ianp.iiid aahoru al Port Hawkeabory, C. B.

Mr. J. K Van tVomar, P-MImaster Gen- eral Jaajuta' priv^lu aicrelary, has heen appointed Chief ■■..■( k of tbe Pool OUlce drpartuteat.

A ballast irnh on the Credit Valley railroad ran ml th« truck near Mtltoti, Out., yesterday. Uce man wua killed and three injured.

'Commander Siraid has been appointed chief of the bureau ■>! ordnance uf the Navy (leparLinent, I11 place of Commodore Jeffera, resigned.

The Amerletu baik Qftfcirl C. Tobey, ('apt. Crow* II, lani reported, at Havre from San Francisco, lua been aliuhtly damaged In a collision.

Benjamin Betcber of Kindoipb, broke both bom.* of hh rljut arm yuatari)uy afternoon, while at work learning to IUD

a new ateam tin-engine. By the uaju lit of an embankment

near Norway. ML-., yeaU-rday. Irving S. Cnwker had a lea broken, and Orln Kliu- ball received a Ctiiituslun on ibe bead.

At Klyavll:e. on the llulilmore & Ohio railroad, yuateidty, a freight train ran In- to an accoinui (Utlou train, end Thomas Zlpp, engineer of the freight train, was killed.

A boat crtnlalnlna five young men waa earrled over the dam In the I»iva river at Uarabaltown, .u in Blfthtt anil 81m 8. Jones, law studunt, and D. II Krebs were drowned.

Crewa ol I.: each from tba United States ships BafMoga and Portsmoutli, ut New- port, had 11 race yesterday afii^Boon; dia- lant'.', .". ,i l milts, li WM \r... by the Saratoga's crew Uy 2 u. 37 1 3i.f( \

Crop reports show that in the northeru and sooihein couatlae ol Uulifornla, the yield of cereals will be nearly ayerace. la otner parta ol the mate the crop will not exceed two-llilrda Urn of Ja<t year.

Lieut, Jim s H. I.jckwood, IT. S A , With 15 men, ral\il \eaurday Itom Halt more, Md., for St. J1I1-, N. K., wbere they will join the t\■•amer l'roli 11* Of the Ureeb-y expedhlon ti Lady Kfauklin bny

The rcpoil of the treasiajfr ,Sr the Brooklyn brldga saawi that Ura total ex pendliuna ii.iu- been ••v: :-A:,.i:\;. Tin- Legislature IB lo be sxked for uQoUier • 1.000,000. nnd the blld^e ji ,u ire com pitrti il wni,01 a year.

Oen. Terry has sent a ilixpilch to Hie commanding o 111 err at Foil lluford, re- gretting he b»s r.o im.rN sr-pllcat)lu or available lor paying Mr. Ligire Tor bring- lag ludlai e Into P.n t liuluid tonuneuder, and lecdlng tbi-m in route.

The txpert appointed to Investigate al- leged In the toiiNiiuiMl'ni of the m-a wall si Sm Francisco, Oil.! fluds that In the UiliViiy uf inultilal lur Hit t-m- baokmi-nt ib'.-re le :ei»oii to bvUewe ilfai an excess of tr7ti 000 has betu paid the contractor.

Jamea M. Hsrton, fnloon keener, In Providence, sit am-»?ed M^ai 211, for p. 11-11 x counterfeit silver coin. Soon alter Ward a laign nninbi-r 1.1 •■ u-t.-.;. ■: «U bills ol the Centml Nnliual IIMII;M

New Yolk, wrre tried 10 his pjiarajl >n Us waa mmnhled ytaierday on the lae>< charge

Thursday. By the al.l of electric light in Sandeis

theatre at (MIIIUHM1, all ihe sn-msor the Gntk (lay as well as the octori lab* In.j per', i,;.ii 'i,. 1. MI. ., ■. n ,> n.,ii graphid.

Miss Ftorence Parker Slat, d Htshlor ol Mayor Si-r of Pottmiioiiih, N. li.. and I>r. K. Morion Jeweit of PorLiniotuh. turmt'ilvoi Halem, Mais., wero married la tbe Unitarian church In Portsmouth ou laattvinlng. The wedding waa a btlllUot one.

The exports from th- (nstomM district Of IloMiiti and Charlt^town during the last fiscal year were «ia.WH a<l, end Ltic Imports 1(18,503,13fi. The perceiH!t»e of duty collected m. lufttoa •BtlCbarloakawu waa 11 1C —100 of the whole duly colluc- ted.

The appearance of the growing wheel In Prance Is ailmlrablx and prnn l*es a su- per o crop. For tbe litst llmeAiiice Amer- ican wheat began 10 enter ibe Frtncb marheta, there Is a pr'Npeci iliat Fiance will produce more than enoush to eillsfy bar conaamptlon.

A apec'al despatrli from Qnbec .-ays the iillliiil elalimeui of tbe number id houses destroyed an I families nnd* red homeless, and destitute by the Ore on tbe night of the » h of ,1 !■..■ ID as follows: 049 booses, mil families, coaat^tlng of 00JW Individuals. TMo-Diiida of the above have loal ad, and had no Insurance on their properly.

Cadet Whl'-taker, nhose singular cai>e baa occupied so murh public attention for months past, w.ll, lu aii probubllliv, be acquitted. The trlbutiul was divided, four standing fnr conviction and fpnr for acquftial-thtrs, while Wblttaker la dlacbarged by this He vote, tbe fact re- main* that bis luntcenco of the several chargis Is not established. Unu officer waa absent, who woird probably Lave voted In favor of acquittal.

OVEB THE 00EAH. Letters from the Lawrence Watn-


Some Vlewa tn Potrto.

KTMaaa Twsxva.

[ araouL to TUX AUEBJCAV. ] raaia, Tneaday, afaj II, ISfl.

We left Lemlea aa Prttlay, at« p. at, fee farm, by the war or the thirteat ata aaasai) betwoea

two eltles. Wa irnvad at Daver about 10 o'clock, sad saw the waaderfttl etui., ellft br the I ahtof »full inoon, iDsclsarskT. Wecrouelle about 11 bears, UIWB a comparatively aaaoolh sea, sad had our Iratvlewfiae noatlnent of Europe

at lino ah ;n unranillar ilshia and Khadow » areaeeatalhalrfu'Ia<lraaia(a. laataa-tofuklni

aldalgkt trala, aad golaa forward at once, we left tin ladlea at the autloa. and proeoaJed with- la the walls ef the

qoAier aao roartrtBD TOWK OP CALAIB,

in search of a place wlvre we nbjht lay our heads fur the alfht, and braakflut In tba moralaf, paaslng over the moat ea the Brat draw bridge I bad ever seen, really hum, and apparently readr forum at any moment, Tbo moat was Blled with water, aad there waa no other rate to tha Kite-

r, axespt Ike bi idge, which waa hum right al boltoai of the gateway, aad two large tloivan

1 iy aeroas the wall ever Ibe gateway, eae oa each ■le,extending horiaotttally eacb wa* aa faraa

die bridge wci wide, aad ooaaeeled together, and the outer end of each ooaaeeled by a ihala to die farther a'de of the bridge, appearing to be ao balanced aad arranged that by pulling down the Inner end, I boy might easily be brought into a perpendicular posldon, the bridge drawn up, and ike B gate rftVclu illy close Hi ■ gab-war. Br 'he

'1 l|> ■ 1 :i ■HiiiiK.-r He I' mill and lulled Iho bell rope, thai hung bealde tbe gate tithe Hotel do

». Too gale waa opened, and wc were all taken in and made ooDtfottab'e for (be night, aad fed In ■ h 1 moroiBg. We departed feeling thai we aad taken ou. Aral lesson on iha oonllneal, la

TUB AST OV BLXXOIBO AXBBlCAfcS, ml ihtt henceforward II waa 11 be one eoodnual

balile over Ihe prlnea, aad we determined that If we did get aoaae diacoKfdrt out of II, we would it.-1 a t none conno)tulon and eijjjmeni; aail li ti when praciioab'e, we wou'd alwaye a.akecur

bargataa before hand, and when weoould not we sruiitd mibiiiii to the loevitable as bcil we con'd.

In I. imlnn we stopped at n place rec.iinIBended 'i ii- li). Mr. Arilini Kelley of Latwrence. end dee 1 i.M ii d fur by Mrs Dawns ui Andorir,

I Amp hill tqune, N. W.t kepi by Mrs. X, ([•icb, and wereen'lrely sitUAeJ.

In Parla wa are ata bearding place reoom- un'tnL'.l to us by Dr. Cheney of IlaverhllL Vie irrived In Pails nboutlP M., on 9 uunlay. The :ustom Hi.u.i- t.rB.-.u B just looked at as. Baked II where we intended l> -i-ii-, and told ua to pus m. We took a "fluVaud drove pa-1 theTulllerlcs a our "i^enilon," aa auch boatMlng place* are alleil hero, proaounoed aa If spebcl "pontlon." Tbe 11 uatratlona we aiest at home In our

agbanl books sod olaewbere are ao goo<l, that I rooognlzad


■it iiiiei*, although a purilou oftlie Palsee basboen burned. The walls aro still ilaodlng, and iron 1

INe prettiest line of email park.', loantalaj, walk* and urirei, 1 presume, iliat eanbe found

too old world or Ibe new. Wc Ufa driven back and f.itli, Ihtouejh and arcuid ibrra, at a lima when all of Pail* that ride* wss there, ut.t wc have not seen them lu the evening. In Hyde I'm k In I- union, no public carriages are allowed, iiiiljuu raanot therefore lakoapublle cab or bark and drive there, lut you eaa hire at a livery .India your own private carriage, with a hand-

somely titrated driver, and then drive even In Hide Psrk. But here TOU will meet t i- richest ind gayest turnouts aide by aj e with nil kin,it ■ i'l iiblicami private tuams, for all are "citlsens"


lier', and Itwaa good to hear tbe "Preildentof the United States" prayed for In connection with Iho ■ 1.H1...11 and all ibe Itojsl family of Ureal III in ln.ii ml I lie I'll''I I -i.L ut till- wie;il II. pu!il:e." Ws listened lo sa eacelleat sernun or not more than ten mlnutealn :en3th, I should think. Tbe leading thought wa* Iho necessity of right living. Tha speaker aald, "Tba que-tlon la not bow near one can come lo doing wiosg and notdo II, but liow tar one can keep frum it- A lady baring

a iklli'..teilr,v-, and passing a tarred fence, 1 R not see h iw near she can come to the fence I not touch it, hut how fir she can keep from In like manner, a driver tint will keep aa tar

he can fiooiiha edge or a precipice, is lo bo praferreil to one that will see bow near he can drive to It aad not go over It."

la '. ur gUmpae al Pai it, it aeeiaa lo ua A CHKKBPUL, ACTIVB CITT,

lib great 1 x'remee in social life, but we did not purpose lo stop here now, and we leave tonight lur l.yona, and thence under Mount Cenl*. by Turin and Uraoa, to Smith TO. Italy. II.


We left Pail* at SU P.M., on Tusday.end rrlved In Lyons al 7 A. «., Wednesday, and re- gained until nine A. M , Thursday. We have

tiund si our hotels In Lyons, Turin and Uenae, Kngllsh speaking people, eioellent apni tment'

111.1 eervloe, and lair prices. We hare merely topped al the.e places tu break our Journey lo 1 UK-, for occasional reals, and yet we have Milted and rode through their ttreeta and around

tli.ii- public fipiaref, and endeavored to gel n fair !■ leant some of their principal feature*,

l.yona Is lie: Brit city in France In manufac- iraei nnd the aecond in papulstlitn, and la pleaa-

anlly slluatsd at the Junction of the rivers BJione il It has steamers running to Alar allies 1 the addition to 1 la excel-

lent railroad facilities tor trade. Its most alrlk- iiig feature on approaching ur leaving It. Is Iho :liuroll ol Ihe Notre Uuina de Fnurvinres, which tan-Js uponan abrupt eminoiiiojiit at one side mil vet within Ihe city- Il occupies lbs place of nold Rim in fortress, In which II Is said two lotaaa tlmperors were born. From Ita tower we 1 el ,1 line view ut' tiie c.iiy, it- two rlror* and B

largo and leilllo plain, boumled all slin- its •m iil lo by -tiiiw clad iniuntnm tops, plainly

vbdbta tu the naked aye, an) we were told that if the luiie of the hurlatm would clear away we could aca the tumult of Uont Diane, M mile. away.

. \, . 1 ■ l also Ibe old cathedral of SI. J. an, illleil with palming* and alatuea of sculpture chor solers anil scenes, and of early ealnts, with relloa appaartog to I small pieces of bones ruiindei] with Jtwats In gla-is oases, and marked

1 "A relic of ai. Annie tin- mother oI M.u> ," ilk of St. Joan." The heart of anollur lu a

vert IB, Ae.

dlaUnt hlghlaada upea Use other, loo rich aad beautiful la their carvings, gildings aad frescoes, their palBtlaei aad statuary, their various orua-

Ls and few remaining article* of lurallure, for any pen like mine to attempt a description of

1. Il seems la me that there is nothing in oapltol or public buildings at Washington, costly aa they era, aad nagallasat as some ef their aparta,- <ta art, to equal this la the systematic eompleU eaa ef tbe ilahasasand beauty ot it*

Al Uenoe. ■ ore eve* tbaa al Turin, aa we wslkrdnr 10.I* along It* streeti and lookedattae aaataea and carving* upea the walls. In the names povciii'i aad court J, aad upon tbe reels of 11 posing eiliBces, saaay of them not Inaptly called by IhcMMlve*, palaces, dad we realise that what- ever els* mlgbt be true of these countries, we

1 eertalnly aear the hn—a ef tbe floe ail* And we did not wonder ee much (bat a country that had produced auch quaaUtle* of painting aad leulplure, of all grades or merit, ahouM hare louad here aad there among Ihe matrllude* Ihst mutt have used Ihe brush and Iha chisel, genius so great, and achievement *ogrand, iliat ibe ages should not weary hi ykiting to It their admira- tion.

We rode seven miles slung the bay and Ihe ooasl of ibe great Inland aea, from Uenoa to Pa!- IBVICIBI, perhsps iho one place around "Uenoa tbe prauil," that baat piy< tho traveller for hit vlalL It is a Urge territory of hill, mountain and valley, filed up aa were lold, at a ooat of tn.'ii), " francs, and called a garden. It contains trip-

les! and other plants, true* and fruit* and flowers great variety and perfecll>n and from mtny

land*; miniature lake*, river*, and temples, a Turkl h morque, a temple of Dlaena, a floral tern pie, a Poavpalaa 00 flee room, a Chinese pagoda aa old fortress upon eee of lie heights, with ground, and material representing aeelge, a* mils.tin- buijlng place of Ihe fallen contest- ants; a real grotto aud ease, with ita subterrane an poud and abeam ami boatman, Ita wonderlul, aad also real stslacille aad stalagmit.' f irmallon u Hi Baterr.ouschNiabertand waibe. Tnerewaa water everywhere, but none to drink, aad eur Health Ofaour was very thirsty ana kept asking our Italian guide for water, wrier, lo which the guide said "present!, present!,"aad kepi on till we cams to circular walks, shaded seats, swing, bridge, etc., from which, by Ihe touch of secret ipileg-, amall rpraya at water thowercd u* from alt directions and we could not escape. Watei came down, II came up, II einae be Tore aad be- hind, until H. Ox and ail of the real of ihe party cried enough, riioup*, KNOUOII.

PIBA, If outlay Vvealeg, Hay Kb We came from Uenoa lo this place, 104 mils*. In

1.mi hours ami forty mlnntes, Tbo coast for the first three or fares and one half hours, wa* very mountainous and rocky. Precipices from flfiy

) oue or two hundred feet high of hard rock, >andlag out into tho sea all the war, broken only

by narrow raviner, or very 11 ml led vellryr, beio and there routing from ihe »hore back aad ap Into in,- mountains. Our routi run !u*t along Ihe >uler edge of Ibeae valley* and under these pro-

acting cilffi. In tuinel alter tunnel until we count- ed eighty-en e, omitting i-evi-nil miiili oner, and being iniiy a*»urtd ihai we had been under ground much more loan hall ihe time In sixty or

igbly miles, and that Mount Cenla tunnel, ahoul which we bad heard *o long, and read ao much,

really a work ol much imaller magnirido than these tunnels taken together, ofceitalnly, a* I believe, iron twenty lo fo.ty miles In ext.nt, and many of Ihe tingle one* net much, if any

than equal to one-third the lenjlh of that great tunnel, and yet I, at Want, have readnotMng of Ihe.i', in v I The ride In B hoi day

cool, iho Blimp-fa we bad of Ibe aledltcrra- ■ were grand. The .mall valleys, open with

a little village nettling close around a church, upoa the hillilder, were lovely. And the Interest of the ride wia greatly ulednltned when we came oul upon a broad plain oa we drew near 11 I'na. But toon tho claaslo river Anm, the Baptistry, Ibe Cathedral, and the Tower of Plan, were teen, and dint, thirst, hunger and fatigue aoou left our thoughts, and scarcely returned, before, Jn.t we were, we bid vlslied the wonderful trio hnlldlng', atanding within a few reds or each other and entirely at one tide ef the c.ltr. Tbe cut* and descriptions we so often tea ol them very good, Bad there only remains the leellugaor wonder and rererence, aa we realise that auch of the pott are actually before We walk around, we look, ws lake In all of Ihe greatneas of those tint have preceded u* Mat

re capable of, until darknete oometove iv e iil.' 10 our hotel, to wash, eat, drink and

alarp, and be ready to laks the train for Rime at


MaJ. Geo. S Merrill Unanlmoualy Klect- vii Coniinauder In-Chief.

At the National Convention of ibe Qrand

Army of the Uepubllc, beldatlodianapolln

tbe ISlh and 16th Inst., Maj. Qeorfe B.

Merrill, Qrand Commander of Mass- achusetts, ;inj a Past Comtuaoi'er of Post

8ft, of this city, waa unaulmonsly elected Cjiniiiariilin -in-Chief of the Qraud Army

of tbe Republic of ihe Unlit d Slates.

also*attended here, in a pretty pork ael with it and foualiin ', a line band concert, occ

pylng cbalr. al a penny each, U .- Li; I.V.IM am -r. imk on Thursday mor

Ina-, ruling all day through the southern part France, directly lowarda the Alps, with snow rover d in >n:i:iiiH topa In view nil Hi 1 day. plain*and thabdlshlHi were luostly entered with I nine V!>MS. Som^iim-a tho cultivated i-Ioprs

■in.-.! In us lo stand at nn angle of Hit- degrees or more, and we thought one of our good summer shower* would wash whole vineyardi lot) tho ilvcra. flnmethue* tun lilllalihi were terraced with walls, and the earth Uim hell in |iU ■<■ waa sot with vine*. Noplace w hero the rookt iv.'iu covered wiih earth aeemod unimproved, except M ■aslonally a ban en taady plain. The luhabl- l tnt* teemed b> dwell mostly In ..null vlllare*. and ai. we approached Italy, t'to dwulling houses seemed much like those of Ibe peasantry la Iro- land, excc|>t lh) roors. Instead of h.-lng thaleh.d were always corned with semicircular tiles, as though Hive 1 of drain pipe were cut into hnlvus lengthwise, and one row laid In cement along the roorihe hollow side up, and then the joints cov- ered by snother row laid over thete, the hollow nldndown. Thu walla or tho house* are uaually 0 vcred with ul later, and when well kept up look quite milt. We law pretty churchta almii.l everywhere, and Iho rocky nnd aim >*! inaccessi- ble hilltop* were very oileu occupied by walla, aumutlineaapparenlly well preserved, and aomc- llmci In ruins. Fort.lled places, or Ihs remain* of **TOBT loillUeatiuns wtreseeu here and ihcro. And taken as a whole Ihe country In the south or Franc*and north of Italy, Is ploturcttiue, and apparently thickly Inhabited by an Imtu.tiluui nnd frugal people. Hut il looked to us a. though llgftf hues li.i-i fallen unto Hum 11 hard placet.

■Vi.d as though it mutt and did reiiulie a leariuliy hard and steady allUifgln to wrest from mntiier earth abate living, witu lew ooinfjrti and nu luxuries, to far a* we c.otiM sac, evcept tobaeco.

iVe poised several tunnels of conslilerable length before we roaobetl the great one under Uuuui C'enls, The irainswereso delayed by a recent Ian I tilde that hid entirely olo.eJ up me 1: Il 'il mi.' ut tie 'ill .111 tllO I", ill III -1-1 ' Of Hid

mountain, that wc were obliged to pass through HH great lunnel In the night. The train occuplo I alMut thirty niinutea In paaslog throuih, al a putty rale of epeed, and wo walked around tho land slid* from tho mouth ol one ttnaaj t» the mouth of the next ono beyond the sUdfi between four and flveo'cloch In tbe morning, and dcBcend- fld a sleep grade 10 the plains or uorthm 11 Italy, hnvlng paired, since leaving Lyons, ac.cordlog to tbo vur> log judgment of d QVent inemliern ol our

j party, from twenty to Illty tunncli,, many or them ; more than a mile long eaih.

At Turin, Itilian Torino, the llrtt cspllal ofn- unli-tl Italy, ualcr Vie tor Em in an 11 I, and hi* 1.11 ui iic during the real ol lilt life, we ill ore IS rough til* clly, and adinlret Its miny beauilfitl iesidcncss,on the banks of lhu river l''i. We visited the rnysl palace, noil were t .kr-t. through the public roonn anil tome of ibe pi apartment*. The entrance hall, ihe grand way, ihe conned ohamuor, the throne room, tbe King's receplloe family dining room, the Quceu's reception


At Hie seaalon of tbu Ptobatc Court,

held in tbla city, ibia week, the will of ihe lii'.e Samuel Fo.s, of Metbtien, waa

presented, and adml'.ted to proba'.e, an

appeal hclns taken by ibe ut'.oiueya rep-

reaeiitiiiK rnemberj of tbu family of tbe

deceased, who propose to coutusl tha

will. Mr. Von* died recently. He hid

lon<r been n resident of Melhuen, and B

widower for many years. He was for a

number of yearj la the employ of ihe

Mcitiuen Co., and at bis dumlxu waa

poaseivil or real estate vaiued al between

three and fjur ihouiaud dollars, and per-

sonal property valued at aomethlnir over

9200. He left lour children, one Mrs. John

Spear,auolber married dauabler.employed

lo the Methnen mills, Lwo BOOS, Qranvllle

E. FOBS, employed by the Lawrence

Clothing Co., and Charles Fonf, employed

by tbe Methueo Co. Uuring b't tailor

days, Mr. and Mrs. John Bpuar dwelt

with him, and In bis wl'l, which was

I'.rawn uo by J. Sidney Howe, be be-

queathed lo Mrs. John Spear, hi* entire

real estate, and lo tit* three other chil-

dren His residue of his personal property,

valued .it B little over 9200, after all debU

were paid. The la'ter now contest the

■M.1, aud allege thai It waa oblalced by

undue It.llueuce, aud while lite deceaaed

was in an unlit condition to tranaact

im-tuoH. Tli ■ habits of the deceaaed

were not the boat, and an usuil lu snrh

affairs, the Inevitable woman appears lo

Iho case, which, wheu il cornea to a hear-

ing In the Supreme Court, promU'g some

rather unsavory developments. Sher-

man & Hell are attorneys for iho boat**'

fcinUi and lion. John K. Taruox, haa been for thu will.

A Largo Hut Just Stiilrnee


noAxnor ALUKRHra.

The board met In regular tcssion aloaday evening, with the mayor in the chair aa* all present. Tbe following builne** wastraaaaoUi:

PttitlfMU—Tb John Otulhvan, to enter sewer oa Carver Street; granted; Hoary Arnold, to eater sewer ea Margie Street ;f ranted; B Baagar. to enter Carver Street sewer; granted;; Peter ■alley, lar permission to obstruct Perk Street; (ranted; Detnla Woodcock, lo obstruct Broad- way and Daisy Streets; granted; TimothyIfc- Canby and ethers, far a sewer in Atkinson street; referred to the oomuilltce on sewer* and drain*; aflohaol Moauinnls, foe a junk dealer1' liceaaa at gtTCbeabiuiBtrotl; referred to the ocmmitlee oa licenses Clement I'miuii, for a Junk dealer** llcenaealliU Watei Street; 'cfurred to the com- mlltre on lleantes; Jaaue* Dlrcb, for s transfer of hi* liquor license from 121 to 130 Water Street; be wa* granted leavo lo advertise; Patrick Ford, for permits Ion to enter sewer al U Lowell Street; granled; Kl ma Thorn ley, to enter lower on gfel- roae filraei; granted; Wilihm Hoffman, for an innholdor** liquor MfBetf, laid on ihe table.

Brporf-Ot die toiiiiiiU'i- ■ ou Public Properly, reco in me ailing apartments be provide) for the occupancy of tho water board in the city hell baaomciu; accepted. An 11 upro.11 latino order wss adopted, waking tie exp^a^o* ef ibe altera- ' mt not 10 exceed |:jnou.

Order*.—That Uiu mupnrlnlendcnl on Public Property be ; <[ to conalruet tewerafa accordance with Uie previous report of the com

r* and di-aint; adopted; that Ilia (uperinlendtinton public priaartf bu authorised

comlruci a band aland on t!io oommon, Ihe expanse not lo ex-ieed *loo; aalopled; that all iqjor dealer* having boeu granted a license and

not taking ttu tama aatonar before June ITtli, tball on that day bj laialasl. and the o.iy marshal notify auch pntlea of ihoaoiUn oflhe board; ad .pled.

F.iitrlh a f July CrltfiratUnt.— Tho report of the apoclal oommlttee on iho oelehrailon of the com- ing t'.dilUl i>( .lul.v, u-i-i. 11.u.-uiliil^ :i:i itjipi- ipi-iil il-m of *JI> 1, w.n aucepled, the 1 e-tnlution pasted br the common council appropriating |luU> (br the oelslirauon of too coming- Pourthof July, Al

aauodera mortd l> stilkuoutthe word • IIKKi and Insert SJiMl; Danforth mid

was not to make any a;ipropriitlon bat to charge whatevur txpeaae wat incurred to the inn lentil deuarlniant; bo WAS In tavor of having ■aluieandacliildroi.'acniorlaintinnt; tho may r d'd not think th?re waa any way lo charge ueii exiiente to Iha incidental department; Al

de mi a 11 Oanlorlii farored Ihe antiques, ringing of 1..'IP, band conceit, children'* entertainment and the nriugor* lalutc, iuai>lognn ixpeute of *150; kldiTsaau Saumlern tiiou^bt lliut tho expense would exceed tlOU; Al erinan moved lo amend by making tbe a)ipropriution #100; iho Ololiun wat In-!; Alderman Saundcrs mutiun waa

making It 91 <•, which prevnikd. The resolu- tion then took it*second rinding.

aVIseWfoaeow*.— Thomua Dlxon naked for s rc- duclion in Id* lioonao rales at n brewer, on Ibe ground 01 lu beirg cxcc**lrc,ar.d hi* nut brewing upwards or 5000 barrels a year; rileiro.l to Ihe 00 Ileeu-e--; It. V, Cram nod W. K Cram wrie Jink dealer's liuensea al0T3 Baatx Streit; iho committee nn shade trees nod parks II- v,'.i for an appropilption of

0 10 the a:W already apprapeinicd Tur rejalra Ihe wur.I I park; it b.dng aea 1 Mined Uktl any

ei'inni.Uee had a ri^lit inn 1 their appropria- tlon and (ui over. It was decide! not 10 lake any action, at taey had turn ilcni fund* atlhelrdlt- |K»tal; n roaolulioa was Matt' trnuUerring |MJ mini fu- 1 nt-i ii-Nii' 1 partmmt to Uiu Den KucL Cemetery dipiilBienl; pined lo Its accon 1 road- iigjC.H Clieevoratitr Basex Street, Mori III x Buckmlntter at -M.' Entx Street and r'.niikn. S11I1I1 at M I'.r >.i Stra.-t, w.>re granted leave to aall O.-ewo ki one weak b&l e alukf Uiu Pj-arth; Sarthuloiiiew Youuj, wi hing a tiaaslur ofhlt liquor Ucente nils: Cuinmmi Street IJ Eliaabetti Young, he was given teavo to advert:*?; iho peti- tion of W. T. Nlolioli fir a oommon victualler's license waa taken Troui tha lab'c; a n 111 nii'r.ini:-.- 11 uiu Cinrie* II. Oui-aham uf IIjTerhlll, Who •tated that ho wu* intercut d in Ihe p-cmlie* ia afanchcitcr Street, aext to Hi - placu asked to linansrd. WA* read. A It Sinboin, Exq, Bp- pearetl as air. NichoU' coumel. II ■ took the ground that Ur. Uuruhnin's roinaiistisr.ce wsa not made In aej^rdaiia; with ilu liw, irquiriag a remontlrant to fllu hi* paper wiihln today niter the applioail in. F.itta not b-iug known thai wore noccatary for a propel hearing, II waa adjourned Vntll evuilng. John Qan- ney, lolm pleUnilliy, Henry Unit in, James II. r'eiin, Urngory riurns, I>a.infs Koinan, Wjr* granted eouirauu vietuallei'* liceuies.

pcolalaessiiiiofilicbjaril was held Wednes- day cvonlng, at which tie following business Waa trans act* J :— -Ol Howard H Smith, 91* Bsaex St. to sell UreworkKi granted; or Bdwiird Uailey, to

rtrcet, ari-.ttiU-il; nt I'nii.k \. Blood, ■MM Lsmb and I'oler fcdwinls,lo entqr sewer, gran ltd on condition that the a**e**menta are paid.

Brporti.—Ot the committee on claim* on Ibe pe- tition! of lielra pf U. II. r'ava-, fir companaatlon

i>ed by tbu city In Si.ulli Lawrence, of Ellen Stoke* and Mary Uarviu, leHve to withdraw,

ere ncuepteti. WietlUaieoui —A, hearing was given Iho re-

monsira.ita against Die grnutinguf a liquor license T. Mebol, 41 t-tr.ct. By s

voleufonoyei and dm navt. ttkbals wa» rt- fuietUllr^nse.

Tho rrq,ie*t of I>jni;l Conlin. 07 Broadway, for ;he tiiin-teruf I,;, roaimon Vicinallir's Ik-cnse,

.■1 HI luiihohler, at ur Uroaduay, waa re- . and Ibe pjlilionergiven luavo lo adyer-

111 (police court Monday, a young man

namod luul. I Uurphy, waa analgnud on

a complaint, charging him with commit-

11114 an assault wllli a dangerous weapon,

on John Ureenhslge, on Water street,

Sunday. Dogs belonging to both parties

gut Into a ii:-ilii on the above day, and

while the tight was In prognsq, Murphy

conilnui d ii.e.ii ii 1* his animal to ihe c bat. To Ibis Ui-.-! i.b.i •• ■ .iiij.-eie,], when

Mtirjiliy drew a loaded revolver, and

threatened to shoot Qrecubalzn. Mm

jitu denied In court that the wespon ivi.

loaded, hut Judge Harmon, In impoalus

sentence, na.d that had Grvenha'gs sh.

him when he polnttd tho wenpon, In tbe

belief that It was loaded, aud death bad ensued, ho would have to consider ihe luiiii.enle ji.M.n ,i,lr, Hu sentenced Mur-

phy to pay a Unu of floO and coats, or lo

one ytar In the House if Correction. He

was cummltled.


Qood Work by Dialriet Offlcer Ilatc balder.

On tha nlgbt of tha *7lh of April the

realdence of EJwaid Newcomb al Lowell

JnacUon, aad Robert StoU at Ballardvale, war* burglarloualy entered. At l|>.

Newcombs a qaaatltj of Jewelry and

other property, among which wa* *

banch of keys, were stolen, and Mr. BUHls! loss couaiatad of a aun of money

and * allver watch. The following Right a nnasber of dwellings ware entered al

Lowell, and District Police Officer Batch-

alder rightly conjectured that tha Job waa

dona by tbe partita who committed the

depredation!! at Ihe Junction and al

Dallardvale. A few day* after iha bur-

glaries, at Lowell, a yonng BAM, aatranger

I* the city who acted suspiciously, wa*

arreated. lie gave Lb* name of Martin

SUnkard, and atrenuouBly denied com-

muting tha thefts, bat among hla etteeta

were round a small piece of Jewelry which

one of the parllea whose residence waa

enured In Lowell IdenUted. District officer Bxtcbetder beard of the arreat.and

began au Investigation, which haa re.

stilted la flxlng ou Staukard tha burglary at the house of Mr. Newcomb on the 27th,

and, •* It Is evident that the Bar^e party

also entered tbe boean of Mr. Stott, tberu

appear* to bo little doubt thai the ihlef In custody will be mulcted for heavy

punlahmenL Tuesday Mr. Batcbelder

took keys found with Staukard to Mia.

Newornb, and aba readily identified

them as having bean alole* from btr

hon*e at tbe time lh* Jewelry waa taken.

Tho other property taken from the honae

cannot be found and It la believed that

Staukard haa It hidden. lie la now la 1*11 at Kast Cambridge, awaiting trial for

tbe Lowell barglarlea, and whatever nay

be the result of tbla trial he will be

brought Into this county by Mr. Batcbel- dcr to be tried for the burglailea com-

iltled in this vicinity. Mr. Batcbelder haa ancceded In obtain-

ing hla record, which la * bad one. Al-

though young In year* he la an old

ihlel and homo breaker, and has served

three sentenues In various Institutions for

burglarise. lie haa male Ii talon hla

headquarter*, when not In aomo of tbu

penal InsUtntlona of tbe state, and Is

known under three name*, Martin Blank-

aid, Martin f/alrOeld and Martin Phelp*. ilr. Batcbelder baa done good work In

fastening the burglarha in tbla vlcluliy

upon him, sad there Is no doubt but that

ibe community will be rid of hi* preaetce

fur a term of years.

An Old MumifiM-turrr (lone.

law). The printed report of the comm tiee on Improve-

ment* in itie f>aieke* river, wa* accepted. It was voted that too b «r | ggsat'si Saturday

June '.'i-h, at V o',dQi.-k, fbl tho pu.-po.te of assoaa- B[lietlerniealsoa tha abuiio.-s on Cu^iodford treeL

THK H8SMX coirxriiY IAIII.

Meeting ef the Ofllevra of Eases Connly floclely aud Uuitnl f


A minting of tbo b^anl of LrusUcs and ofllcera of the Ka^ex Atricuharal society,

o make arrangements for the approaching

air and exhlbilljn to bo h.ld is llaverhlll

In September, csuicaud lu lt,c Common

Council roiv, City Hall building, Haver- hlil, Tuesday. B. P. Ware of Maiblehead

occupied the chair, and C. 1'. 1'ieaton of

Danvers actod aa secretary.

Tbe following ivoshtiaaa wuru ehiaen

executive comJii'-tut: U. P. Waru ol Mmiileli -;i I, C. P. Pica to :l or Ihun-r...

Richard Webster of Htverh.ll, O. 3. !tnt-

ler, Oeur^otown, Dj-ttiu Cigtwuli, Brail-

ford, to wlikb were added the pn a.rt- Dts

of Ihe farmers' club] In A n is'yury, aud

Salisbury, BradforJ, Wu" N;wjury and

Andover. Thia com War* unipjaj-

ered toappoiuta CJIU iiiloe of arraQg*<

menu. Dr. James It. Nichols of lliver-

hlll was unanimously elect, d to d illvsf

the annual n-l 1 r ■ >■• tH rore Iha S jc'e'.y, at

tba fair.

It wa.i (rated to accept with thnbks the

offer of gioumls made by Qi-or^d W-

Duncan, upon which, to holi tba Tair, and also that of ibe city gover-iiiient for n*e

of City hall bhTldtng fdr tin exhibition of

farm pr.>duce and fincv aitlo.n*. A mo

llou lo allow vacli lariiK-r's etdb to have

a separate divlsl ui fo< 1-x'ilbit at t!m fair

waa lost, aa wan also a i,.n to ehonge

a commllteo of MVeU t't report a lint of Judges for ibe Ibv various titpattmctits in

the show.

Thu mooting procondod to e'i > > > • a list

of Judges and other tuiuor coiniDltteea. At adjournment tho members with iuvitid

guests wott U0Oy*J«d iu bargud lo Wln-

nikt-nni where a somiiluuua luuc'.i was

aerved by tbe praprlutir, 1).-. Ja n.-a It. Nichols.

Daring thoscsilni, Boa. QoO. B. Lor-

Ing entered ibo room and was greeted with a rouud ol applause.

Mr. Cbarlea Slut', rather of lion. Chaa.

A. Stott, who delivered tbu Memorial Day

address, In thla city recently, died at hla home In Lowell, Tuesday. Mr. Stotl'e

health began to fall him about one year

ago,and subsequently bis illneas developed

Into an affection of thu huart, which waa

the Immediate cause of his dealh.

Deceased waa a native of Richdale, England, where he waa born Aug. 21al,

17x1. Hla parent* being In bumble cir-

cumstances, hla school days were few and

bis education limited. At (he age of 7

rears ho started out 10 earn hla living,

and found employment In a woolen mill.

In 132G, at Ibu agn of ti years, be em- barked for America, and on hla arrival

found employ incut in a woolen mill at AL-

il iver. Oa reaching this ccantry he bad

but two English shillings left, and one of

them be kept aa a memento ol his early

career In thla country. Iu 1828 he and three others took charge

of the Merrlmack woolen ra.l's la Dracut,

and contiuued In the baslnta* till 1B35.

Mr. Stotl'e next alep waa lo take charge of tho Belvidere woolen mills, and con-

tinued a large owner until the lime ol hla

death. Fu- several years prior to the

hu run tbe woolen mil at North Blllerlca, now operated by eg-Qov. Thus.

Talbot. Mr. Btolt learned all branches of

tbe bneloesa In bis youib, and followed tie manufacture of woolen goods all his

life, making him one of the oldest manu-

facturers la Lowell. 1'eceased was prominently connected

with tbe Masonic order. He took hla de-

grees In Lodge of Hope, Rochdale, Eng-

land, In 1838, aod became a member of

Pentucket lodge of Lowell. Ha waa choa-

a director of the Preacott bank at lu

institution, and held the position until hla

decease. lie leavea a widow, his aecond wife, and one son, Uon. Cbas. A. Stott.

The funeral takes place to-morrow at 2

o'clock p. m.

Robbery 1* a Liquor Saloon.

Monday afternoon, a jonng man named

Patrick Keaney, while under tbe Influence

of liquor, reported at the .police station

that he had been robbed of a wallet con- taining 115-00, In a saloon kept by P,

Fitx., Franklin street. He alleged that

one John Shea, a young man, who haa no

fixed employment, bet Is known to tbe

police aa a cheap gambler and thief, had

taken the monej from bis pocket. Keaney

waa locked up, and shortly after Detective O'Solllvan and Officer Wm. Sullivan ar-

natcd Shea. Ha was Intoxicated, ami strenuously denied the theft. From tbe

evidence adduced in the police court, It

appears that Bbca met Keanty In a aa-

loon kept by one Kelleber and gambled

with him Ui liquors. They afterwards

went to File's saloon, where Shea assault-

ed Keaney, and lu tbe melee, thrust Bis

band Into hla pocket, taking the mon-

ey therefrom, afterwards hastily leaving

the saloon by the rear door. No wallet

was fonnd on Sbea when arreated, but a

young man named Murphy afterwards

found it at iha rear entrance to Flta's sa-

loon, by which Shea had made hla depar-

ture. The money was a |10 gold piece,

five $1 bills, and two allver quarter-dol-

lar*, and these, ll la believed, She* either

hid, or spent previous to hla arrest. In

default ol •1000 bonds he waa committed

to jail to awali trial at tbe October term of the Superior Court to be held In tbla

clly. Keaney was ordered to fnrnlah iSOO

sureties to warrant hla appearance aa a

witness at tbe same time, and was com-

mitted to Jail until auch sureties are fur- nished.


Tbe graduating clan of tha Lawrence Ulgb School, Ibis year, anaibers 29 pupil*, all lucae having completed tbe four years' coarse. Tbo original claw, when It entered from Iho Gram mar aahoaU, BBmbered 91 number*, ii of these entered la February 1877, forming what la kaewa ai the "Junior B. Ciatt," and the remalulna; .16 entered la September, 1877, Ibe two classes being then consolidated. The clot* entering Febmarv 1877. eaa lbs last Junior B., or "six moaU's elasa" admitted until Februa- ry 1881, the great enmbor of pupil* la the Grammar school* necessitating a return to the eld system of promoting puplii to lbs High School iwloa a year. Tbe dee* atona time, by addition* from outaldB, and dropping down from other clatsei, numbered nearly one hun- dred members, tbs largest elate ever admitted to las school. The following are the names of Iboaa lelt hi tbs claaa:—Florence A. Aldred, Florence u. Ayer, Sallie E. Batiler, Anna. J. Brsd.haw, Margaret L. Brennan, Ltsaie J. Callahaa, Bertha L. Child*, KJna M. Flint, AnnaC. Flanders, Ella L. Joesetrn, Adelaide McArdht, Mlail) R. McCarthy. Martha A. Nelson, Flora M. Hanlurn, Nellie E. Smart, Mary R. SoaldlBg, Oeorglana Sullivan, tier- trade E. True II, Etta U. Webster, Wilson R. Balhr. Jamas 11. Hyland, Everett II. Mc- Duffle. Henry P. Merriaaa, William L- Jud kins, James E. Simpson, James Shirley, Dana W. Scott, Michael Sullivan, Charles A. Pill:- bury.

Oaa reason lor the great diminution in num- bers of this class, li the addition of a yeer to Ibe old course ol three year*. Tula will be ibe second class to graduate from tbe four years' coarse. Two of the class, who have been out

boo) this year for rest, will graduate with tbe class of M,-resuming their studies next September, with that class. These are Mia* Frances M.0Irtwoll and Mils Vinnie 8. French. Two of the elsss have died during the past school year, Nellie 8. Knox and Sad.o E. Praaeotl. Uf tbe graduates tbla year, two be- long to lbs cfaSti'Ml department, Wilson R

BT ani June* Shirley, although ihey will net be examined far college tbo present yesr, bat will probably enter next Summer. The French scholars of tbe class are reduced to two In number, Miss Msry II. Ppal.ling and Mia* Anas J. Bradshaw, although at tbe beginning of its coarse tbs French claaa bad several

ibcrs. All tbs rest of iha class beve studied Latin during the entire lour yean, and ■even of the number bave ukm up German also; tbla claia is new reduced to three mem- bers. Miss Bertha L. Cbllds, Mlas Llsile J. Callsbsn aad Mb* Etta M. Webatir. Two members of ihe class bare takea a course of one year la French, 1 iio amount required for admission !o college and other Initatuiioi*; Ibsas are Miss Flora M. Sanbom and Henry P. Merrlam.

The gradaatlag exercise* will uke place at City Hall, on Ibe afternoon of Friday, July 1st. Tbe following scholars will participate:—Mil* Piora M. Seaborn, who will give the ealutatorv addrets, and read an essay; James E. Simpson will read Ihe elan history; Miss B.rtba L. Cbllds will give the valedictory address. Original etaey* will be lead by Florcnes M. Ayer, Sarah- E. Baltic, Mary R. Spaldlng, Kite M. Webster, and Otoiglana Sullivan. Original dec lem at loot will be given by Wilson R. Ilutler, Henry P. Merrlam, Dana W. Scott, and C. R. M:Ubury. An original poem will be read by Mia* Edna M. Flint, and a selection re- cited by Mia* Ella L. Joiaelyn. Tne word* of

:laaa hymn are by Mi.* Martha A. Nelson, aad the mestc or tbe hymn Is written by MirsN.

Smart. Two scbolara of Ibis ciasa will re- ceive tbe Hood pr!i;i. The awarding of parts for grada iiton depends largely upon scholar- ship balthe ability of tbe scholar in (he branch of English eotnnoiltton, and bis or her powers of voles IBB place as large ai city hall. Is also taken Into account. Tho Hood prises are Basrdrd to those pupil* who by their gentlc- manly or ladylike tearing have won the eticem Oftnelr teacher* and follow pupils, and who have dons tbs mott for themselves and the school. Tbey are In the form of medals, with a lulteblc inscription.

A Pleasawt Festival.


The annual strawberry festival of the Cen-

tral church was held Wednesday evening at

the grounds of Mr. Samuel Williams, Pros-

pect Mill, who kindly placed hia residence and spacious estate at the disposal of the

society. The grounds were fairly in a blue of light, with many colored Chinese lanterns

hanging fiom tbe trees; bis residence was also brilliantly illuminated. Under an arch

formed by the trees, four long tables were temptingly laid with strawberries and cream,

which were partaken of with evident relish, by Ibe large and agreeable party there as-

ibied. A goa pipe extended from the house Into the grove, with four pendants, sixteen burners, adding much to the beauty

of a scene which cannot fail to be long re- membered. Over each table were four lights, A corps of attentive young ladies

served the refreshments. During the even- ing, Mr, John J. Thomas, of Boston, a vocal

humorist, lately admitted to the New Eng- land Bureau, gave recitations and songs,

which were much enjoyed, lie haa a fine voice, and hia facial expression was very

good. Miss Annie Kcnnison presided at the piano.;. The host aad his estimable wife

did tbe honors of the occasion. Among those present, were Rev. Mr. Miles, Ihe new

pastor of the church, and his wife. Horse care were in waiting at the conclusion of the



There baa not been 10 51 rears, says ao

exchange, such a fail of rain la one day. {Friday) or atone time, in Ihta vicinity,

except In 1673, when 6-145 lucbea fell dur-

ing the 26 hours between 7 a. iu. oq June 9 and 6 a. m. on tbe following day. At

Springfield, Maaa., on Oct. 4, 1869, tbt

rainfall amounted to 8 5 incb< s. On June

39 aud 80, 1879, the rainfall In Boaton was

9.68 Inches, and or this amount 2.30 indi- es feil between 7 a. rn. and a p. in. on the

29lh. The total rainfall for the present

month, thus far, is G OC inches, a irealer

amount tban la recoided at the Bl«nal Of- dee fur the mouih of June In any yeai

sfnee 1871, excepting the years 1675 and 1879. Tbe following tlgures show tha rainfall in June for ten years In inches an J

There are forty-six inmates at tbe clly

almahouse, nineteen of whom are Insane,

Fifty shares of Waehington Mills

stock sold Saturday at auction, la Boston,

at 99 5 6.

A charter has been granted tbe Merrl- r*ac paper company of this city, with a

capital of 950,000.

Dentlat 8. C. Bancroft, of unsavory

fame here, la now practicing his profes- sion at Washington, U. C.

Tbe annual reunion of the E'ghlh Reglmsot Veteran Association, will be

held In N^wbnryport, on Monday, Ao«. 1.

The Inven ory of the estate of tbe late Samuel Carter or tbla city, prosented

to the probate court, ahows the value to be 96645.

The expense of lhu repalra In the city ball basement, flttlng It up aa an < (lice for

the Lawrence Water Board, Is not to ex- ceed #8,000.

—Farmera report that they have more

hay than they know what lo do with. Also that tbe cold rains have spoiled the

corn, and most of It will have to be re- planted.

The Lowell Courier Bajis—"Tho Rev. Mr. Picklea, or Lawrence, preached

last Sunday, giving 'Six rcaaooB why I do not go to tbu circus.' Tbe small boy'*

reply was, 'None or these things move e.'"

—Ou iho occasion of the annual drill of

the Ninth Refitment on Boston Common,

Thursday, the 23 I Inst., Company F,

Cspt. Dolan, will escort lhu colora from

reitlmenlal hea^quartere lo tho parade ground.

Al a meeting or ihe Social Union or

the High School class of 'MI, Monday,

hu fallowing tfHcera were chosen. Pres-

ident, Wilson U. Ilutler; Vice-PreSldimt, Jamea E Simpson; Secretary, Mlsa Mary it. Spaldlng.

At Ihe services of ihe Episcopal Soci-

ety of North Andover last Sunday, Mr. R. Frank Page of this cl'.y presided at tho

organ. lie has been Invited to the per

in 11 nent post of organist at this church and will probably accept.

■Le Roy Cameron, who stole surgical Instruments from Ur. Young and others

f tbla city, has aerved his sentence of

threw years at ihe S'.atu Pi laon, and la now

working at his trade, printing, in the of- fice of the Chicago Times.

The case or Catherine Dlederlth for

throwing W. 11. Uamor down a flight of staits sod breaking his leg. Gome months

ago, baa again continued for four

weeks. Since the affair occurred Mr.

Hamor hue bceu unabiu to leave ibe bouse.

—At a meeting of Iho exccntlvo com-

lltee of the First Heavy Artillery Asso-

ciation, 00 Thursday afternoon, Lt. Col.

Dalton, presiding. It was voted that the

Bnnual picnic be held at Oak Island Grove

on Thursduy, An?. 11. There are a num-

ber in this city, members oflbo Associa- tion.

—Tba :cncc around Agent MeDuflee's

lot on Stnimur and Newbury streets Is to

bo replaced hy a granite curbing and neat

ron pickets, and Ihe lot Is to be given a

gradual slope fr :m Ibu bouse to the aide-

walk line. New walks are to be laid, and

wheu tbe Improvement* arc completed the lot will bu much beautified.

-—The ei tension ol the Ka&lcrn Rallroap

to Old Orchard la now being pushed vig-

orously. One hundred men, with a large

number of horaea and carte, bave been

put on, and the work will from this time forward go on as rapidly as possible.

This pleasure rtsart ba.- hitherto beeu Ibe

monopoly of tbu Maine railroad.

—The Father Malhew Society has elect- id the following officer*: President, Dan-

iel J. Murphy; Vice President, James

O'Nell; Rccoidlug Secretary, Juauph J.

Nichols; Correspond lug Secretary, Thom-

as llsunou; Financial Hecrelary, James

Lane; Treasurer. Dinlci Cahlllaa; Marshal

Patrick Dlneeui Surg't-at-arms, Thomas

Elliott; TruatiCi, Michael Hart, John

Orlh, John O'Nell.

The dummy engine which hsa recent-

ly been put on tbe canal track has weak-

c imi the south wall of the can*!, so thit li

must be relald. The engine weighs ihlr-

ty-lhreu tons. Tbe work Is being prose-

cuted Saturday nights and Sundays, under

tbe direction of cx-alderman George Sac-

born. The bed of ika canal bntweeu

Broadway and Frankliu street, Is belcg

deepei.ed by blasting Ihe rocks In ihe channel.

Pbllllp Ii turn, employed by II. P.

Fly nn, aewlng machine agent, reported to

District Officer Batcbelder, that Sunday

morning he detected three men breaking

lulu the office of the agency. He waa In-

toxicated, and the orflcur on Investiga-

tion caul-: to lhu conclusion that Breen

waa capable of doing nil of tbe breaking that took place.

KnlghtBOf Honor.

The following- are the sgifregate stalls-

lie . 0f thu order of Ihe Knights of Honor

of which there are fl.iurlshlng lodges fr this cliy 1

Its membership is 117,000, being an In

create of 90,000 i-lnce the seventh annual session. There has been pild from the

Widows' and Orphans' Bemflirund, since

the nrgar I gallon of the order to May 1,

1861, Ihe enormous sum uf 48,824,003 05,

on 1,941 deaths, with a total number of

assessment* of 80, sverage number per

yesr being 13. There was paid from this

fund during the current yesr ending May , the stale dlnlugi-al), the 1, on C78 deaths, 91,317,000, nqulring 19

assessments. The order Is Increasing In

Flrn un Klili Street. m

At five minutes before six

evening, an alarm of fit* ws* 1 Wednesday


At the aesBlon of the Probst* Coo rt, htld in tula city, the following business

was transacted l Will* approved, of Sarah

L. Stlckney of Andover; Edwin F. Corllts of Haverhlll; Mary C. Tar bog of Law-

rence-, Fmlly B. Klaof Haverhlll; Chas. F. Gilbert, Lawrence [ Julia Austin, Ha*

vurhlll; Ann Mitchell, Bradford. The

will of Samuel FOBS, of Metbuen, waa

. probattd, and appealed. Tba will of Jo-

ining tho drpanment loTfiro which *>"" 8«""o» »'Lawrence, w*apros*nU

the Urge chapel, am! Ihe MII.II uriratc chanel, 1 are all ten grand in thalr proportions, U.rir col- ■*"WI»llp at Ihe- rate of 2 800 per utuni, doorways and wlnduwa, their Interior mouth. view., sail their extenalrr, varied an.! beautiful nulHxik*. over tbe city, tba I'o, lb* ulolnt beyoud, Ben). J. Ilaiailen, recently clerk

ad. Administrations granted 1 — Chaa. II.

Poor, of the estates of Charles Shaw and

Catherine Shaw; Margaret Marley, of

ihe esta*-e of Christopher Marley; Henry

II. Preacott. of tbe estate or Sarah E. Piescott, of Lawrence.

License was granted to aall real estate

a id only limited by the Alps uiionouc aide aa I at tbe Essex House, l.aggo:ie to Veimont. saved.

was burning in a small twosttiry dwelling

house, at the rear of No. 3; Kim street,

owned by Patrick Down. Tho hou« waa occupied by a family named l.aulur, consist- ing of a widow ami two children. The wo-

man was at work at toa'paper mil!*, ami* child twelve years old had charge of the

house. She had started a fire, and placed a | of^orge Jnd'd'of Uwism,' 'joaep'h ft note on the s,ove preparatory U, dohkt some 8baWi of Uwy TBdor) of H.. washing, when she was called from !he hou.e h„ ^ T| ,,„

by a neighbor. During Ur absent*, BrofZfM '

burst out near the chimney, doubtless owing | There waa 7 inventories aad 11 accounta to a defective flue. The prompt response ' presented. and speedy work of the fire department, [ '■ 'no avm *n alone prevented fed*** conflagration, aethe —Una of the supposed safe breakers, buildings in the vicinity are all constructed j who have been operating In Bsasx county,

of inflammable materials, and are very closely | has received a of 8 years In connected. The damage will not exceed S.-oo,! Btate pilsoo, for burglarly al Kaei

The building was insured with Edwards ft j Cambridge. He la a colored man, and

Co. The household furniture was entirely. has gone by the names Edward C. Smith,

aud Chat tea Daly

hundredth*: 1871 685 1876 1.79 1879 4.84 1877 Btl 1873 0 64 1878 2.26 1874 3 94 1979 6.1:4 1875 7 15 1880 0.75 T&e average la 8 61 Inches.

llurie* t* ads Ifeek.

Tucsdsy Afternoon a gang of men

were busily digging tn Amesbury street a

trencn for a sewer pipe running Into the

Boaton A Lowell depot. While ono of

the workmen named Patrick Burke was

In tbe trench a part of the bank caved In

burying him to hla chin. His crlea

brought fallow workmen to bis rescue and

Tor some minutes the shovels 11: w rapidly.

Soon be waa released from his purllous

position. Ha complained of a severe

pain In the shoulder. Her waa taken to

bla home 127 Common alri«t where It

waa found that bis shoulder waa partially

dislocated. Fortunately, he received no farther Injuries.

A Lawrence Man NuloMea.

Robert Robertson, while In a drunken

frenzy Saturday bight, jumped into ibe

rlvar at Providence, n. I., aad was

drowned. He had been ou a prolonged spree, and, ou returning to his,

sailed a large kulle and attempted to kill

himself. Tha knife was taken from him,

and he then rushed out of ihe hous ■ and

ti the river before be could be sucursd,

HI* body was recovered shortly after, bnt

life was extinct. IU is said to have

belonged In tbla city, and leaves a widow

and children here.

The Lawrence AatKRiiiate "pltd" Its whole lour pages of matter tbe other day. We recently pled a colomu ami weru dis- consolate | their sorrow must have been profound and w« fear Impious.—George. town Advocate.

Mistaken I euburban neighbor. Wu

grieve sometimes but are never Impious.

Our morning colemporary has Its bloglc

"exclusive" 1B the latter line.

Tbe aleamer Missouri arrived at

quarantine with three cases cf small-pox

on board. All on the steamer (2L9J were

vaccinated, and the patients removed to

Gallop's ldand Hoaplial. Two men who

had been exposed were also removed.

Mr. Duncan Wood, sgenl of this city, has

nine emigrants on board, whose destina-

tion Is Lawrence. They will be tho,.

oughly disinfected before anlvlng here.

—The sixteenth birthday anniversary ol

Master Andrew Cobu, son of Mr. M. U.

0>te, of the Boston Branch clothing

store, was very appropriately observed Monday. His father presented him with

an elegant gold watch, and In the eveulng

his young Mends, through Mr. Henry Gealng, presented blm with a handsome

gold chain. Master Cobe agreeably en-

tertained Ihe donora at his parents' res- idence.

—An Improvement on a winding bobbin

for nianufacinrlug purposes Is announced.

The bobbin iteclf Is precisely the same a*

the old style winder or spooler, and ihe improvement conalats of *. covering of

corduroy, in place of the red flannel bei

tofore used. In addition there Is a band of rubber around the base. Tbe Idea of

tbe change Is to prevent the yarn from

slipping, and tbs Improvement meets the deficiency perfectly, it Is said.

—The Anti-License League of Lowell

Is Indlanaot that Alderman Lev! Spranae,

President of tbu Pemberton Bank, has

voted to giant llqnor licenses In that city,

and have passed a series of resolutions lo

which they say that he shouli "receive

such censure as belongs, not lo honorabli

opponents In open field, but to Benedict

Arnolds and Jades Iscvlois." Only fanat lea would be guilty of such language, and

the League loslead of furthering , Injures

their cause by the use of It. After this

exhibition of Intolerance, aaou men can

give such au organisation no aupport or countenance.

—The Salem Register saya: "The Lynn

Item thinks District Attoimy Sherman madii a mlslske lu reeitieailng the Marble-

head BUihoilUes not to offer a reward for

the detection of the murderer of Mi

Halhawsy. Rot Col. Sherman has had

more experience In hunting criminal*. than thu editor of the Inm, and probably

knows whet kind of bummers would eullst lu tbe hunt for a reward. We In p„

tbo perpetrator will ba discovered, and

wo believe the regular ofllcera will work

as faithfully- as they woold ir a reward

brought ihi'in such assistance (7) as re- ward* are apt to."

. ll il

—Lowell appropriates 82.~>0O for,*, cele-

bration July 4th.

—A. B. Stannsrd has begun the train

formation of Sauudera halt intoansitnory

for Co. M.

—The City Marshal finds that the pro-

vision* of the screes law are being com-

piled with.

—Samuel Sullivan Morey, of Chinese

letter forgery lama, la now employed by

a Union street wood and coal dealer.

—The photograph and autograph busi-

ness Is now brisk among; the members of

the graduating class of the High reboot.

—The little four-year old resident of our city ssys, ' O, mamma, what pretty

mustaches you've got over your eyes 1"

—The Central Baptist church aid so-

e'ety of Providence, B. I., has voted lo

call Rev. Richard Montague, of this city.

Mr. Francis II. Johnson, of Andover,

has given t£0 towards the building fund

of the French Proteatanl church, of Low- all.

-Arthur E. Colby and Harlan Comstock, who left this t,iiy for Dakota a few weeks

ago, arc employed on the Uulou Pacific


LltUe boy, after his first day at

school, "O, mamma, when I Blood up lo

say my lesson, I waa ao scared, 1 Jarred all over 1"

The twenty-seventh annual meeting of

I'm Mnhsathuselta 8unday rchool convei -

lion will bo held aa last year at Mvrthfe'a Vineyard, June 29-90.

Nines, composed of membors of Iho

High achool, snd the Brechlu club, will

piny a match game of base ball, on the common, Saturday afternoon.

-Tho Biy State lias Works i\>. hta

organised by the choice or Sidney Cook

president. Dr. D. T. Purler, treasurer, and John II. Pipef, goneral agent.

—Mr. L. L. Csufy, ismlllarly known aa

Lute," la now a cleik In tbe Northern Agent's office, of tbe Wabasb, St. Louis

A Pacific railroad, at Detroit, Mich.

Uev. B. A. Brown, of St Ti o:nas chuicb, la visiting his parents at Knlama

zoo, Mich, put, Mr. F.dward*. of Eng-

land, haa ctarte of the parish In hla ab- sence.

The board of aldermen still adhere to

their action In appropriating 9900 for ihe

observance of tho "Fourth," while the council wants 91000. A committee on

conference will doubtlcm bu tbe next move.

— Adelphic Lodge, Knights of nonor,

elided tbu following cfTlcers Wednesday : Dictator, Juliu c. Psynon; vice-dictator,

W. P. Frostj assistant dictator, K. P.

Eastman; teporler,)). M. Spooner; finan-

cial reporter, K. S. Taylor; tieasurer, E.

0. Sirgent; chaplain, Oeorge A. Snell;

guide, Henry Berry; guardian, F. K. Kendall; sentinel,L, K. Crocker.

—The M< amer City of Haverhlll has

Just shipped her crew for thu teaaun. lt

consist* of ibe following: K. K. Bllmp-

son, mauler; Captain John O.'good, pilot;

Captain W. II. Miller, whrelsmau; Jerry

KcitV, engineer: George K. Blckford, fireman; Fred A- Bryant, male; John E.

Gerry, Ira..C. THcoml), deck hands; B. T. Grlllln, steward.

—Monday afternoon tte body of Mr.

Psrsoi s, father-in-law of Mr. Wm. Ja- i]nli\ cashier of thu Pacific Bank, who

died recontly In OaWego, N. Y., waa

brought lo this clly. The funeral aer-

vlce look place at Mr. Jsq-Jlth's realdence

on Jackson street. In the afternoon, Hev.

Mr. Duncan, of Syracuse, H. Y., cmcl- atlnir. Tbe body waa interred In Bellevue

cemetery beside thai of his wife.

—Moreland, tho Arllojlon Mills safe

robber, Is bookkeeper at tbe bat shop in

the Slate Pilson. Ill* companion In

crime, Caes. la working at hla Irade In

ibe machine ahop. Wbltllur, Metbueu's

defaultluj town treasurer, occupies tbe

bookkeeper's ovtk w.lh Hathaway of Fall

River, n the gilt aud fancy moulding

Shops. Mm -eland Is tald to bo ha.dstiiner

than ever In appearanct-, and alt of tbu

above are spoken of as well behaved pris- oners. SlesrnH Keodiil Abbott Is work- lug at piping In the Its', rhjp.

Charm* J. Danfortti, firmarly of this

city, but n >w residing at Manchester, N. II., baa inst launched upon Lake Maaaab*

sic a very lion aall-boat, the dimensions

of which am fifteen feet and six Incbea

lang, five feet aud four Inches wide, while

.-bu carries foity yards of canvuy In her

aall, which Is cat-rigged. He hia doao all ibe work himself, Including tbe sal],

lu seven weeks. He la a'a> the builder of

a number of sell boat* owned la thla city.

He was foi marly a aea captaiu, but Is now working as a loom-harness maker.

—The polico courts throughout the

Coramonwea'th have heietoforu been lim- ited lo dealing wlih cases of assault and

battery, to a maxlmam fine of |i5 and a term of Imptlsooment noi exceeding alx mouths. During the last sessloo of the

Legislature, an ac; ws* paised whtob In-

creases the jurisdiction of Police Courts

lo the extent of permlttiug tba Judge lo Impose a fine of 6103 or a term of lmprla-

oomenl In tho Jail or House ot Correc-

tion ira male, or In the Reformatory pris-

on If a female over seventeen years of a^e,

not exceeding one year. It has often hap-

pened that an aggravated case of assault

has come befbr» the Pollcu Justice, where th?penally under the oil law wa* li

flcluni aa a punlahment and the case has

been sent to tbe Superior Court for Its jurisdiction, noci atliatlng delay and con- siderable expense.

Andover Advertiser. , FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1841.

Itallroad Trains. Leave Boston for Andover, 7.**, SJe, 1*H *

»., 11 at.; i.'.au, ».». s.JO, a, 5, a *M»2t 7.10 l\ al., arriving beraal 7*Saa4l*9P. K cave Andover for Boston. 0.M, 741, *•*, ML H ii, Il IU, A. al.. aud »«,: I*-**.!-**. 14*13 It 3D and :.'■« P. M. (WeUaetday *a»P JI.) (fritter B-U P. al.) For the North a.iV A. at.; lt.M, P. if. For la* ftS MB .*. M.; 1.15, t.ll, 5.51 fl.MP.M- Fa* tmS t.1.ST.5iA.U.;li.^.a.09.3.55.*.13,5*B,7.SaP.M

A dry Buhjsct— An Bgypttaa mommy. Foot note*—Report of a walking male*. Abbot Academy closes Wtdneaday. Jaae 99. The Theological Seminary closes Tbarsday,

Jane 30. Wanted to know—whether fiery man art '

'. i'.-i y fin "Nt.

Jenny Llnd lives lo London, and Is worth a million dollars.

Annual exhibition of Phillips Academy oa Tuesday, Jane 21.

Rev. Dr. K. K. Alden hu resigned as a rjttee of tbe Seminary.

When tbe contnbaUoa box comes roaad, nodding asieot won't do.

The public schools will close their areeeat ermi »n Pridiy, Juac 'it.

What hook (not religion*) woald yo* Bart with last, My pocket book.

Groioo bears ttT the lalmoattw Uxis tkl tar, tbe rats it »a on «1.CC0. Kgamiaalloa of iha Grammar school ail day

on Friday ol nt xt week, Jna* 54. Wh» lube earth lite a beckDoard ? Bccatua

e cuildrtn of mm Biuliiply u|,tn Ua fact of

Rev. Oeorge J. Banger, of Denver*, will uieacb In ibu lower Iowa lull, at xt Sunday at 2 r. H.

There are several dogs not yet tl will be too late lo save rust uakts tl attended to wltbuat delay.

Tbe Emperor of Bassla baa sack phvatcal strength mat he has bee* kaowa 10 bead a boriesboe with bi* finger*.

A beggar btld o*t bis hand. "I haven't a cent," M|I1 iho pentleman. -I did art Sfsaetfy ihe coin," said ibe mendtrunt.

Jan ci II. Smith, who has hi* realdence several moniba, 1 li out again and looks quits tmart.

R v. Owen Street ol Liwell. will preach at ibe Free otinrcn next Uabbetb morale** aad tbs pasti r will preach la the evening.

L. L. Lil.criy of Verrennei, Vt„ receatly sat a nest of parti Idge's egg* andvr a haa, aad now bu nine young partridges wllch are qaltetaaw.

Ilia triangle plot la Ironi of tba Elm Eoass with it* six thrifty maple tree* Iroaa Iho grots of M. C, Andrews, already greatly Improvsa Elm Square.

J. W. ll-meid will givs * seven!aeath ot June treat to tbe Inmate* of the a'jasaoasa, oa PibJay evening, consisting of forty boxes of straw btr rats.

Albert Berry of North Andover, makes tb* but of better, a fit* of wuleh tbe writer has unquestioned evidence. Ii le goto** la color, bard and sweat.

Some seventy-five or a kaadrad rods oa Mala street, here been anderpavtd aad graveled, which will prove another step ia tha Twprovs- n.ein of oar Ligbweys.

An Irishman, ridiculed for alartlaf off oa . irteback wlib euly one spar, repined very justly : "Il I get 1.1.0 tide ol the bores moving I'll trust the outer tide."

Rev. L. H. Cobb, formerly of North Andevir, hat been appuintid HItaloeaiy Mecretary of lbs Aineiiciii home Missionary Society, aavlag hi* headquarter* al Denver, Cat,

Rev. F. II- Johnson and family, leave for eir summer residence at Bar Harbor, Ms-, la week oa Friday. Jamea 8a III van Uke*

care of bis home place during his absence, Tbe Inspection Committee*ol dm Farmer'*

Ciub fa composed of lb* following gaatlaatsB: f. M. Abbott, A H. Itoli.ntoa, tflBBeea H»rd> -'ell, U. A. Gould, C.U. Bleat, P. D. 8e*ltbF

lav.d. Jamison, C. G. L'uuuulngs, 11. M. Hay- ward.

Two smavt Cjlcralne girls have taken their faihea's larm to work ii ilrvagh tb* season l» give their patent* a chance to work la the mill. 1 be girls propose le do all iba work themselves un lbs lOO acre* or more, besides taking ear* of the stock and marketing.

On Sunday night twelve lights of giaia wet* broken in tee Scotland icbooiboaae, a, d several more lu tbe bouse or Horaea C. Masoa, la the name vicinity. Ccr.aln boys la bad resell were teen in ibe uelgLboihood about the Urns the niUchlel wu done.

The third and last of tba present serls* ef Piano Rentals, will be givea la Abbot Acedeaay 'all ea Saturday afternoon, Jna* 19th at 4

clock. Mr. Artuur Foota of Boetoa, will be .»• " o( tbe same e

A little girl wtot timidly into a store at Bel- lalre, (>., tbe other morning, and asked tbs

msny shoe Milage she eoaul sat gar live cents. "How long do yon want tbamr" be uked. "1 want them to keep," waa tha answer, In a tune of slight surprise.

A lady In this town bu received by aaatf, from Florida, a cockroach morttba* two laches In length, lt wu sealed up ia a round paste- board box, and nine daya oa tha way. Altar seeing; daylight aad taking nemrtsbweBi, tha thing was quite tprixbtly, a cbangs of climate evidently proving tentfldsl.

Wa are indebted 10 A. W. Lowe, one of the editors, for No. 3, of tbs Punt-hard Kuaign. a paper [ubllaheJ teml-occaiionaily by the Lit- erary and Scientific Society of the Poscbard Free school. This number fa quits reads bis, and indicates no Islling otT from KB predec**- rors la lolerest, bat an Increased attractiveaets.

A now speclei of worm, tboagbt to be the> srmy worm, has appeared la Addlson couatj,. Vt, which damages ibe grass roots aad whole Held* of corn, especially tbal pleated oa greec- ■ward. The worms are rrom | to 11 tacbe* long, and bave a peculiar gray head. Most of a four acre lot wu destroyed In a day aad a> half.

Tba Baaver Valley, Peaa., New* of Jaae 3 J. contains a very Interesting report of tha eoea-

exerciiea of tbe Beaver Falls High school. At ibe concluikm, tks FresldeBt of tbe DMrd of Education, Mr. J. fcf. Fesg—dse. formerly of Ballard Vale, stepped upon Ibe platform snd surprised la* yoaag ladfea very much, by presenting to each a ac tbs Adrian. Mich., Collage. Mr.F companled tbe pretenutloa With a* 1

How Women May Vote,

Tho Legislature or MsssachusetU In

1881, paused ao Act relative to the right

of women to vole for school comm.ttees, which madii some Important changes lo the laws or 18711.

In older to exeiolae the right of voting,

a woman must bavu paid a tax In (nt

Commonwealth within two yeaia, most

have resided In lhu Stale one year, aud in

the ilty or town in which she proposes to vole, six months. The tsx may have been

paid by herself on thu demand of the as-

sessors, or may have been paid by a par-

ent, guardian, or trustee, on her account.

A woman who holds her receipted lax-

bill mum go with It to the regiatrar, who,

after aacerUioing thatahu ha* tbe proper

qualifications of age, resUfenne and educa-

tion, will put ber name on the Hat of qua).

Illed voters, Being once registered, she

Is oot obliged to register strain as long as

these condlttona are unchanged.

If a woman ha* not already paid a tax,

she mosl take meaaerea to do ao If she

wishes lo vote. For this purpose,

most apply in wrl'.ing to the aaaeaaors of

her clly or town on or before tbe flrstda/

olO^ober, expressing her dealre to assessed for her poll. She mast give a

list of her estate, both teal aod poraonal.

She shall then bo assessed for her poll and

for her estate. She must pay her lax-bill

when precented, and she must then reg-

ister as other women do who have paid taxes. Women who have thus paid taxes

aud registered have the light to vote for

members of tbe School Committee.

Probable Resign it Uon. — m

Street commissioner Hall has been ten-

dared the position of yard master al the

Rosaell Paper Co's Mill*, at Bellows Pal*

Vi. While Ihe pjslilou Is not as Inert-

live as ibe aireet coramlsslooerablp, It la

likely to be morn permanent. It Is quite

probable that Mr. Hal! will tender his

resin nation at aireet commlsalooet, at the

next meeting of Ut oily government.

Lsst SabtMlh was children*' day la several of Iho cbuidars, and appropriate aad loterestlag services were held. Mr. O. L. Merrlam of tbe Seminary, preached at lbs Riverside Chares, Lawrence, and Ur. J. W. Savage, also of lbs Seminary, preached a Ibe TJahta chares, Bal- lard Vale. Ia tbe evening wall atteartad aad luteretllig praias meetings were held al Ihe Free and Weat chorcbe*. aad a Sabbath school and mlasionary conceit at tba South share*.

TbeBiccataorrateiermou lo the graduating clan in Phillips Academy, win be araachai a-. tlic chapel next Sunday, it 3 o'clock, r. at by

W. J. TuckerT" " - Prof. 1

Monday, morning and afternoon. At 9 o'clock *. at, tba United Literary Societies bold their annlvirsary IB Ibe ball. Tacadar morning at half-past ten, ibe Fenlu.* hold their Ivy exer- cises, snd the graduating exereisM take pises at 2 v. M. The examlnarioas are private, ihs public are invited to the olber exercises.

A colored men, and bis little boy of 19 year*, were hoeing tottoe at Amsrleai, Oa, a lew days ago, when tbe father became separated from bla bov. After a while be beaid his boy shoaling lur help, but could in t era him. Start- ing In the direction In which ba bad last aeea blm, hifuund tbe Ian on taegrouad la 1 ha colls of three black SBBliee. Oa bla appears at* lb* snakes prepared to light him, and, aejag that Ihey would soon eboke bis I in Is boy lo dsatb. be 10ik hi. pocket knit* and cat tha oae thai bad mice the fUile (allow a vary aaaamfortabis cravat Into balfadia n pieces, by Inserting the kulfd next the led'a neck aad cutting apwaid. He then caught Ihe other* by the Mad, as* with hi* knife cat them In tvoor larupUcei. Ha wu Utien several limee, .

The annual meeting of iba Literary aad Sci- entific Society nf ih« Purehard Free school, wss held On Friday evening. Raadiags won given by Mfcus Nellie P.- Boatwell Mtd Mi** Dors IKrry. Song* were sung by Hits Mary S. Stone and M lit Sara llaunaa, a declaaaatloB waa given by F. at. Junu. an essay by B. A, Dougl*'*, ao original sketch by Miss Bells ( Hiss Annie C Foster presided el tbe piano. There wss a debate—Resolved; That (he pa rebate of Ahuka was ImeflcUl tolas United State*. Afrlrmatlve, II. C. Green, Wu. OJiln. Negative, J. 11. Ropes, P. II. Fry*, snd a dialogue In which tba follow lag aersoai Grtltipated: ME. tiuttersoa, A. W. Low*,

ncoln Poor. J. B Bolt, Mary 8. Stone and Adele M, Shaw. The presides!* addreu by M. B. Ontterson, closed up the interest lag pro- gramma.

Thank* to air. W. F. Draper for * ottaJogs* of Abbot Academy, juit published. Summary: Pupil* in Lai In 52, French 43. German h. Fainting and Drawing lt, Music27, Graduating ela* 1 13. Senior data 13. Senior Middle clam 30, Junior Middle, el it* 10, Junior class 9 autism - fled 23. Tutsi 101. Ditirihuttou: Has*. 38, New Hsnipgtilro IS, Conn. 7, Maine 8, Vermont 5, New York 4, lowaS. Illiaotaa, New Jersrv 3. Peon.. Ohio, and Colorado 2 each, Maryland, Kentucky, Tcnn , Minn., Wteeoatia, Oregon. N. Urdu.wick, Dialriet of Co umbta and Syrkt 1 each.

Tbe Daecalaureala to (ha ebtat of '81 will be preached at the Sooth rbnrcb. Bandar >. «-, Juue 26, by Bev. A. B. Perkins, D. Il , of Ware. The anniversary address will be IB las »ame place on Wednesday, Jane 29, by Kir, Joseph T. Duryea, D. D, ot Boat**,

The cauloguB of Phillips Academy for its one hundred and (bird year. Is limed. SIBCS the edition :or 1880, two cf tba trasts's ba** died, Ebenracr Alden. M. D., and Pater Smtib, E-q Mr. Beach has retired from tbe Faculty, and Mettrt Eaton and Clary bave been added, a gain of one Instructor. The pupils number 240, representing at usual a wide range of pat- ronage, twtnty-lour slates and territories snd four for> Un countries, a* follow*: Mains 11. N. H. 11, VI. 2. Hats. 74, Conn. IS. N. T. 17, N. I. IS. Pa. 20, De!. 4, V*. 1, N. C. 1, 8. C. U La. 3, 0.4, II. 3, Mo. 4, Wig- I. Iowa, A. Miss, 4, Col. 2, Neb. 1, Oregon 2, Wvomlag 1, aa* Turkey 2, Balm mat 2. China 4, Aastrls 1. There arc lew change* In the cour*e of nudr, tbe most important belmt provision for tear hoursawetk la French, or German or both,. wliii.m eitra charge. The flrit award of lb* Latin prises by O. W. W. Dove. I* annoaacedV and tbs tcholarablp founded by Mrs. Alpbcas Hardv or Boston, In memory of the late Nn. Dr. Taylor,

fSvlB taowlywiv

T-9VC.IUW WU"" -«' JY.—Lowell Courier.

It s*a a* 11


A. ril.. or N., J.W. .. i. *!*-. fg ~;•»■■« arjarss? ™*i when anjlking oouasiuae a Taeprenrrber-wcil, be wit

Itaubtiea* be bad «■»«», J thii.k

. mrtrly wrleomtil About oa* hundred hkMg perm Hi. bnvc el- ( acmmblr for eeet*.

(•Sinfully hOBMlj. I t -aw tn«m t>iic«, but Ihe ill eegr

ree-ty been IteBcd. Bind concert Fri lay

Profrenran next * Mb Dr. P. B. Kirobnll left town on Tba radar, for

m two *etkt' (rip *ert, probably going, A' fjr M

ins. Jane 24-b.

Prof. Oelllver eomaieacee bn Aril eerlei of lecture*, to tbe sector cl«»* uf the Seminary, taw week.

Baild.aa-t ana lum'ter foresto at I be Elm houaeoa8tluniay evening, M i o'ukek. See

of artkulailoe. Tlila peculiarity eeei loaroonnl lor certain deferteia toe preacher', emaciation uf soree eoataoavaut*. Aaelhrr a* noting ilcfoUIn hi* elocution,4*a* IM drepi of lila vuk-e Lhroiiitb a minor Interval on all emphatic wordaand lit elo.ini

The Bret nirawberrlat grjwn In town.tblt season, wblcb we bavu»een. were shown us on Tbarsday by J J^U U. Grieve.

Prof. Coat-chill gave bin annual reception to the aenlor classes of tbe Theological S.minary Knd Abbot Academy, at hit bouaa Inat Friday evealna;.

Tba lint tend concert of tbe action waa given I ■ Elm Square on Wednesday evening- Tbe woilcwai excellent and a large crowd lo nl- teadaaca.

Jacob CblckuliK bej ao far recovered from bl* late sickness at to bi about tbe buu.e. Mra Milton Cuickering !■ very low with cuatump. imo, and bar friend* bare bat little expectation of ber recovery.

At theartalste.*' meeting In BMt» next Monday, tbere will lie » piper by Rev. 0. F. Wright, on tbe Antiquity of Alan in America, cooaldered In the light of rercrjl glacial aiatate*. lllutrated by original chart*.

Thepralae meeting at tbt WcM church, on Sunday evening, conileted or vocal end innru■ aaenul mniie. remarks and devotional taur- claea. Tuey were all t acted Ine. y interning, and litlened to with autntloa and gratlrkatloa by a full burnt.

Mr. Q. 11 B .lea or tbe ienk<r claai In the Beaileary. baa received a call to Kingston, N H., and Mr. A. K. Norcroit, of tbe aame class, toSnlrlay. Meaar*. w. II. l-'urbee anu E. II. Slkknty of the aame clam, go lo labor In Min- nesota, under tbe A. II. M. 8. ' Tbt west lena of Ihe Seminary, will rpen Sept.«, and lectnrca will be given by lie*. Prof. Ladd ol Bowdoln College. Rev. Oaorge Y. Wright,Proi. M Btuart Phtlia of Biulta C I- lege, Rev. A. E. Dunning- Inaiructloe* will alaotegtven KB*. IK* McKeaaie, Duryea,an Prof. Austin phelpa.

Public examination* at Abbot Academy, will lake pi ice MunJuy aim Tueaiay, June 27 AldWth. Baccalaureate to the claea ol 'Ml, ai (be South ebur.h, Sunday, A. M., June Wtb by Bev. A. K. P. Perklni. or Ware. Anniver- sary addnea at tbe sanm place, WednndayL

Jane *>.h, by Rev. Joeepb T. Duryea, D. D , •if Bo*ton.

We have received from Rev. John W. Haley, tneentlior a book entitled, The Hereafter ol gin: What It will be; with answer* lo certain dtieaUune and o''Jectkona. The vutume contalni 1W page* and set* forth, In a plain ana Inlelll- glble manner, tbe tbeorr or Future Punishment, MblctiiliBuuihur conaider* rieiucib'.e Iron lha Scriptures. For Ml* by Draper.

Blgnor Oavtixt, prcililunt of the Free l:alLn church, will apeak in bebitlfcf native rruteaiant Evangelical wjik In Italy, at ibe Bomb i-berro, et hall-paat sewn ibl* evening. Tliiwe who have any knowledge of lulu eloquent Cuilatlao patriot, will not willingly forego the pleaaure ol ieartog hhn. Collecttorj after tbe waViM*

** prevent mliapprtbenelon. It should te stated that Mice Hope Cbrlatle, cook In the boarding bonae of Mra. Carter, on Salem timl Has tbe in a mild lorm. Every pre- caution has been taken lo prevent tbe ipie id of tbe dlaeaa*. The Inmates of tbe houw b»>« been cut off Irom all direct communication w.tu (be ouulde world ilnce the diacovery waamailc, and BO other case )i known to cxlet.

ignm B. Sinitb who baa bad the genera aupsriDtenileitcf of tbe Smilb & Djve MUIIIII.H- turiaiCompany', faoloiis fi'r several jeers. Jus bwsw Oonflnod to bit rcaidencu by iltknt». »wost of aVe lime, lor several weeks paet. It )■ thought be may at leatl ao Inr regotn l-l* bea'lli ustolM alioat again, but thai he wilt not tje able to remnij tbu ardaoni und rcipumliile duties of tbe position be recently occupied.

Caarlea Bbattuck had a verr narrow crap.- from i«rli ut Injnry lam iabbalh at tbo Wiai church. 1* attempting to itrp Into bl* carnage S borae alerted suddenly, and be wa* thrown M On ground and dragged tome tw.-niy roda by guefurua, *ben be wa» relieved from bb out eeuMttou by pertoni woo happened to be war. Hi* deualiter, Mr*. Beard, waa lu ib* carriaie and fortunately escaped li j irv. One •f the wheela passed over Mr. SbttiutVe bo iy, be ni coueMerably bruited und LI* eloihii •vev* much ton.

alrsautatlng Rx£rol*ea of tba Seniir Claaa of that FaUkcbard e', At lover. Kridavalt-n- aTtrirVir- H. l«*l- Ueceputn ir..m 8 lo ll i>- u. AdS*lssioi7by tickets.


JuHull'torv Emata Amelia Glould Kaaay,"Jtcdio tuUialiUu* lbl>.H Mary eluee EM. Jt«Mty, Uourbnn*. Maeay, Urioa-bfac, ptaea/1 Dramatl* P.raota-, Emma Amelia Uould

"Morning Prim" Mr. George A. Bates; urn To-morrow afternoon, at 3M o'doek, the Iapa«»?dVS[ Messrs. Frank Kuettll and Mernmac. play tbe Athletic., ol Uwrune*.

lor of e

i my nerves similarly to 1

he warmed up with the tkweav When tlie preacher opened the aervloee of the

•aomlne. and ladacd, natii well adveneed at Ui» diicourae, 1.1a lUjM were ao lew I waa Ireubl d nonauutly with the Frar that no one behind me could beer Indeed, hia wb >le n»»i was net trial ol one iryieg to edtfy a large c«a«regatloa lu a huad-.u.. toon, but rather luai of a ptlvale In d'vtduui rcad-ng tbe aotlptureaby hlaaaelf, an-l ailerwnrd »ollio<i"t*ing. In nle atudy- I do a I

,y »rmfi't by ului*-!?, for hla set cf devetlou, hicti eoaaiated eaeeaU In au aaapliacslloe o> a

Mngle awe I of Ibe boor to put away earthly Ihoughla and ae«k epirltual eaedtUUona, waa jiu-rly ■l|bou,f"r«*ecaaa»e*te».

III. Uicane. ■uggeated by Ihe coating ennveee- ,ion la Ui-lrooaa tkia weak, of our A. H. M-H-, a-aa PutrwUam In Ms reanUoa Wthe aaorala of eur ■nuntrv. It waa an exeelhaM eerssou for the enll- iloTiairea ol hla MI greamtlou. It waa not a pow- erful ae men— not ao Imi-reeetve lu any wny as t > a constant undertone ol regret In my mind fur a not fully eemueueeted loea of oarl of thai

— Balaam, to be delivered on

Fred T. West; hand mirror on a aland and French gilt frame, Mlaa Mary B. Phillips; sil- ver card receiver. Mis* LUsie A. Stevenson; plush icwel aland, Miae Edecrly; Shelley's Merediths and LongfelloWe poems, Mr. Charles May; ailver ladle* with gold bowl, Mrs, J. B. Coruren; ailver, |old-lined, cheese dish with fork, Mr. and Mra. A. Sack; porce- lain vaae, Mia* Potneror; gilt franta hand

I hla | mirror on stand, Miaa Whitney; silver Ash £ knife and fork, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lane;

porcelain vases, Mr. and Mrs. F.W.Rockwell; brume framed mirror, Mrs. Win. Sutton 3d; bronse plaque, Mr, and Mra. Hall; gilt orna- mented table with tile aetting in the centre, Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Converse; a beautiful portrait. Mils Kale Kobertt; napkina, iltai Minnie Howard.

Alia /. o

Mhluitty"sei',"T,»i»il...- iliUher?" 'What keep* drawlna the-.?' - this be a fair apeciaaea of ike preaeher'a pojarF" "ilavttl iwl aoloagoe 1st aacrrd »we*Uof Zloo'a Hill, lhal I hay* Income a sort ef aplritual dr* iiei t rt" "If au Aaduver prufuaaiir shoul I spine , I. sermons with a IllUe heter-idoKr, would it wake up the Aeaifc-my beys? Would It ill uur al-l.awilh lha ot Ihese dt-gen- ciutj diji?" Komvltodr elan mu.t antwer

Chicago, June «.


"Soft ryot loobsal love lo eyes which spike

And all went merry a* a marriage bell.'' lary V

Papular Cltlaaa Hurprlaad. When Mr. J. V. Csrr dUpcwcri of tba Mock

and fixture* la Lit blacksmith tbop a few waekt lincc, sad comaieneew buiines* la Bradford, It was given out that ho intended to make tbe latter town bit home at no distant day. Tbe

imor was received with keen reeret by bl* any friend* and urqualntauce*', fur It may

aalely be asserted, without fear of contradiction, that ao cittxen ol Ibl* place It more universally re* pec led 01 bold la hlgbtr esteem than that gentleman. During an unbroken residence ol about thirty year*, bit maay tine qualltk* bave frequently been tiiiplaytd. though always In an unostentatious manner. Ev r forgetful of hire- self and mindful ol otbrra, be bat mvsr tilled 10 cheerfully respond to a ta I for hit tsrvlcti when needed lor the perlormacee of a Uak, at beat but an uninviting one, and oft lime* of

character attended with da-iger. That be light be brought 10 real;* J that bt* many lever trait* of character were remembered,

wa* tbe o'.jjct i.f the turpriee ovation which look place Wcdneidiy evening. A large num- ber uf iboss who w«<e Invited assembled al tbe corner of Water and Elm Street*, and lorm ing a procession, In which we* the vehicle cun- slnlag the gilt, marched lo the ebt-y* gctitie- nn'a residence. High Street, constituting en over flow** meeting. To Mr. dm It en a

genuine turpriee, and until ht was ushered Into tbe pjrlor and beheld the elegant tiuffoJ parlor set. be lallcd to cum prebend tba oM ri ol lha gutberlng. Mr Tuoe. A. Mctiowaa, la bvbair or those aaaambld, preacntcd tbe let, speaking inlMt.nllatly as fallows:

Tuta little ripple upon the surface of your ordi- nary placid sea of existence, has been ocaaxlonrd oy tiw kindly lei-Una* enievtaiued by those who have gathered here Uti* evening. Aalde from ihe man/ ebaiitable doeda which you have U-tu known lo perfuim, we are glad lo attest our

ig to some defect with the engine, the train due litre at AM, turn Salem, was detain- ed about 45 ininetca, last even ug.

About twenty-nvo IndlH and gtulleaaetl from Lawrence, turprlted Mr. and Mrs. Wa, Wool- ey, at their retldcaee, Paiaiday evealag. Mr. Morse, of Lawrence, acting aa tpokeemaa lor tbe party, presented the couple with a hair* doaen nice cbalra and labh, Mr. Wuuley re- pjniiing. The remainder of tbe evening waa

very pleasantly posset with vocal and lattti- mental mutlc. A voilaUio was alto partaken or.

Some twenty of the friends and acquaintance* f Mr. C. C. Barker, who baa recently become benedict, astemblid at iberettdene* Of Mr.

George Barhar, Wednesday evening, thence proce ding to lha old bomtt'ead. where icey Wire cordially received and hospitably eatei- talsed. Tbe orcatknt was a vtry pleasant one.

The iinwberry fettival. under tbe unction ol the Ladles' Charitable Union, l» the t'nite- rian vestry, latt tvenlng, wne well ettendaJ. and proved quite n pleasant tocla! gathering, Tbt refretbauvnt arartmenia, fancy tabjf and Sower girl received a liberal patronage. BOOK flninlect'oui weri rendered on the eoroet by Mr. Oeo. Ruvetl, of Gloucester.

daughter o( the lion Geo. L. Davis of North Andover, to Mr. Thomas Dowse Peck Pittafield, Mass., took place at ihe residence of the bride's father, Wednesday, at 2.30 P.M. Preparations upon a grand scale had been in progress for some time to celebrate thil event and the Interior of Ihe house preienled.iiutced, a beautiful appearance. The floral decorationi were profuse, and the two large parlors con- nected by folding doors were a complete bow- er of flowers. Lonjr, before the ceremony took place the guests began lo arrive.a special parlor car bringing many from Boston, and carriages furniahctl by Porter Broa. of Law- rence bringing those 111 the immediate vicinity. Promptly at naif past two n» the guests were gathered In the parlors, a line was itretched lengthwise of the rooms and an opening made. •t was a beautiful eight to aland and look down that aiale, lined as It waa on cither aide l>y beautiful faces and elegant costumes; and 10 see ihe marriage bell suspended at the fur- ther end, but ere you bad lime to consider,the bridal party enieted to music by Baldwin's chestra, which was stationed out of eight the hall above, made up aa follow* 1 Mr.C. Mills of Wimamston as the best man, who an old friend of the groom, Miss Kate Kile* of Philadelphia ard Miaa Katie Whitney- of Uoatrm aa bridesmaid* and the ushers were Mr. F. K. 1 Mvis, a brother of the bride, Mr. l-aplin of Chicago, Mr. II. Pumeroy of lltta- fiekl and Mr. UrenviVht Gilbert of Ware. Following these the bride entered, aupporlcd by her father. 'I he grootn.properly tupported, entered by another entrance and met hia bride tinder tne floral bell. The' ceremony waa performed by Rev. G. W, Pierce, assisted by Kev. W. T. Briggs or Eaat Doug- la*s, an uncle ut ihe bride. The marriage ccicmony was very Interesting, ihe reverend gentleman introducing he pan of the service an incident in the old Jewish custom. 'I hi-, coupled with the raising of the rings in token of aealing the covenant, was new, and though brief was a decided improvement upon the service as usually perloimed. Immediately niter the ceremony the reception began and many were tbe congratulations and well-wish- ta. Next followed the collation, which i* be- round ihe reporter's "ken" to describe. Suf- fice ii to aav lhal it waaone of Cassell"a best,— in quantity! inexhaustible ; in quality, the very bc+t;andin beauty, indescribable, and it i* very rarely Indeed that a table is made to sup- port ao rich and beautiful a load of delicious

lands. Ample justice was done to the repast | ftcr which a mutually social lime waa engaged , large number or mote 1 Ly all, and very many indulged in "tripping " he light fantastic toe." Much sport was had rncw the newly married couple took their .aiiure. Thecairiage was ordered a ''»'* ^a^k^nnbeui'

after 4 o'clock-and Just as the couple descend-. J'^i^^u,. 1 True, ihe lime asa beeaahert, tooahnitindeed,

AUCTION, f 'f Bnlldlnf ■ and Lrxnrbenr. ',

rillbe*old*i Pubrii Auotionoa bATUKUAT, isih, at 7 o'o ock n. m , at the Vim House, building ItxM fret, l ha.hlmg .Bitsreal, BBHI a tie quantity of second band lumber. Tbe olidlags are to be removed from the o.em.aea

Coal and Wood. ■tew, ■■STWlk, KMt*rpries Wkll* Ash


Lvkns Valtty Bid AsWoal. The above Coala are <ome of the beet varieties

Mined. A trial esnrtot fall to eowviaoe aaj one of that fast.

Prices Very tow. Www* of:t»edlu>reB,tklid.,lu late

; reduced pgieaa. Hay and Straw Constantly on Hand.

JOHN CORN KM,. Draper* • leek.

Wat* •!. teStl

Grauw AuctiODi In Antlovw.

On Wednesday, June S-iih, at 1 o'clock 11. m.t

Alae, same day St 5 I I o'clock, p. ain about It seres of grass on the farm 01 Hi In HUaaen.

OB Saturday, July !d, at 4o'clock p. ts„ all thegrasa atsnillnf on the tar ru of the late Chat-lea Cuiutaluga.

Alae, aame day at 6 11 o'clock p. at., about a acres of grass stanulag on land owaed by Uev.

" iKiuieef

Andover Businoe* Uireotorv.

g d 11 Joaaa*. r*rilujr Bss|.

nr at. a, *. „ _w we lie IsJiroken

Wbleb baa uouml our hearu so long, ■re our laat faniwell 1* spuken

From the heart ao sad, yet strong. Prom toe heart ao sad, jet aimiig.

s awell one h>u I, glad ai.lbeu), II*. from UMbearl, TaaTeeUon;

Punohsrd. aa from ibie we pail, Punotaard, aa from inee we part.

Let aa swell one


barrasscd stale to eapria* but besrtlelt ikanki for the beauiimi present, nnd invited all tu maka lOeuisslvM ai home, an Mvltatlas wbl.b waa hc< pcJ whli celerity.

A spaciuu* plaif Jim haJ been erected In the orchard, fur dancing, m d during ue remainder ut Ibe evening It was nliliajd lu Its fnllest cs- pai'iiy. In-Joorngnmct, lo.UMIiiy nud tinn- ing were iu order, anl a gcucioua culls lion »»i t-rvad. Aa near aa cm be eatlmaUd, there w re aboni aUO person* 11 at tends nee. M. Alder ton, of Lawrence, belong! tte crelil of IMI odng the afCtlr, and Mtaars. Cbi WoNlcuck and Gjor^e S.ultb, labored ase'd- uously lo make Ibe atUir a •uoccts. While uol only one Ot the la.gnsl surprise pi ever occurring In town. It was one of tbe t njoyabte, and all departed at mi.lulgbt thoroughly pleased witb the CTtnU

A Meats* Time J It seldom occurs ibat a term or latt than two

yiar»' residence In a place l* tumdeal to anahlc a gentleman to reach tba arms of popularity which wet ao aptly illustrated In the aplewla wbieb iojk place at the foundry, Monday m Tidng. Mr. W. 1. Biaacburri, who has Hen i-iupiot id aa n.iLer In I)«vis A PurbetV foanv dry lor a period «f about eighteen in >ntb>, some weeks since tUnload bit intmdon of ti- movlug lo RlddtlorJ, Me. No sooner had tbi* fact U'.'iime inooii'd abont the "beacu" and 'floor," than a movement wee laaaguiated to testily their appreciation in t >uie more lasting form than words could express. Accordingly a subscription ll.t waa circulated, and Ihe te(|uel waa that a P. 8. liinMt op<B-faced tltver walch, of. lha Waltnem make, with a gold chain and charm was procured. Tbe limc- pivoe bore Ibe fulloniug imciiptlon: "Preaeni- ed to Mr. W. J Btancr-erd. by hi. Inendi ol Davit It rurber't loundry. No. Andote', Ma*«." Helen the en-ploy mint ol tbe firm S.iiurday evening Uo Monday morning, prevkw* lo hi* tl.'paiture for bis new home, be dropptd la to bid adieu lo hie fellow-workmen, who bad gathered in a group, lo wblcb be was tneorted by Mr. Kdward Qtealy. when Mr. TbowMB A. McGowan tendered Ibe ubivt article*, ac- companying ihe pre*tnu with Ibe following words:

rriend Dlantbard, yon aee aronad yon a -— slut wlKmjourMvebeew

than a ) ear,atfciii. HL S bkd togtawer for the puritoae of oawvaflng br

1 had (heir proeeaca here, aa expression er the deep, r dc- UlaamreaodliearUeBrwgre* tlurrreel, Uitt those

- " and eon-

Al.IlEltlO. WOOD, JR., J.W, lUaMAati, Dealer In UOOIP. Miaes and

ttubberi, sud Uet-e'riM done In Iho beat man- ner, all at the lowest prloa*. flaat ttulldiar, alaia S;ruet, Aaduver. myl lyr

Bff KNJAMIN C1IK&VKU. Sextan, nnd iharge ol goulh Ce Jittery Un-

takers' luialsbmga pruvtded. Lota In the uewe;err attendeu lo. Uouae Oea.ral street, oppuaiie H iptl.t ubunfa.

BKMjrsnjiie oitttlV*. Ussier In Booto, ihoes A Uubbers. Custom wnrk a apeelalty.

kUioa,rlaj neatly duneat ahorI notice. Jones' Celebrated Kip and Call lloota ooaatantlVon land. Main at., fcndover, Haas. IvdeMII

BENJAMIN B. TUITLl. baa bongbl of J. ft. Parlla lb* l-iotl eipres* and lobbtag

ouslneas formerly or H. b. While. Ueaeral uhoiLf. noimt of „lsiu., furniture, AV-., al r.-Btotijtilj prlee*. Pair-Maes solicited, ieiiy


—TSAoak. or—

Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. " ANOOVIS.



Deassatle Saaktaws atasel Bsrrelt'sDys ■•nuw. aUatawMataT nasal ritsklnR.

MAIN STttaUsT, AKDOVKB. |r nayli

WOOD & COAL f kite lik ul Frullii Coals.


.0. t,i. arj

JOHN CHANDLER. Andov.r.^i.lT.d..»Jbllli,.iUK',i

J. U.CIIAXOl.K.'it.


IOE DEALER, r tn.ilier ml ellins n r-plirii tt lowest pllcei Older toiea at Post ■ nice* la a ndevei and lnltaid Vale.ano at fioi+cl J., lite Viilava. »>ill

Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKER,


ftaaiDMCK.StJajiiivSTnaarT. fit aaptk Aatdovar.Has.

BR.UILliY A PAttLIN, M^ichan' tailors aad Dealers ir Clutiimi, lln. ca.u

_ Cartlasa TniUMer, lias removed to BSSB'B LUlltllnc, Klat 4^uarc, wbeieall work la In.line will >.epronipuvdoBje,aedalre-aionatjte prices.

j onltr ft, lbe >ounf friends of boih gath- ered on itw pisftta to "aatUt" This was done I-? throwing the proverbial allpper alter them and also several handfub of rice, and the carriage drove away wilh the well wishes of ininy quite loudly espressed. 'rheynrill Iwgtmeaoine two biidal tfi|>, but whei

> or three weeks 1 their

which has aerved to who have 10 deal lac . . lies of Hie, and who are ao Hgarde la glvinf recuKiiitlon 10 UM grnlua that loauaurat'd a

is not known, for it wat aftUtm wrl|cb abolished so many evils of the want,

Beh kt*V bsesftby favor to war 1 ua Ulad we *MJW return thee praiae; As a lass, *s»d, total tribute,

r»©w*5rs7* Ibis aong we ralae. Notrsecepilbe aong we r I.e.

—vflVwilh faltering steps we leave Ibee, WUbaaio'un "to Jo or die"; falrert Pnncbard, lliee we'll honor,

Tdl'ti* whlspcrtd, "culled on high." Tdl 'Us w blf pered, "cslled on high."

Ptnyer and beuedicUon.

Tbe TOlb birthday of Mrs. Abigail drier, wat npprorrlalely and p'eatantiy cclehrtiad at the retldenco or Mr. Albert N. Holt on Eim Street but Tburtday. Detween the bour* ul 8 awtd 7 r. M.. It It estimated tuarnoi lest Iban I*n ladle* «nd genilemon called trd congratu. latest Mra. Carter upon ber aoaptctoui rlrcum-

sitaaoss. aod tbe gentlanets with wblcb lime bit .dealt wttk ber even to becoming a irpinagena- trlu. BeUdcjlocal rrtldent* tlure were Irlnnds firtsent from MaWen. Medfurd, Wobura, Head- ing, Etooebam, Tswktburv, Boston, Lowell, efllerVs. Ametlmry, Salisbury, Lawrence, Mortb Andover and Wilmington. Ue*. Messrs French of Tewktbury, and Wright made re- iBaxki on the occasion, and Rev. Mr. Jubnton otTtred gajayer. Rev. Mctsrt. Lttrd aad Burr wen also prrtenl. 8onaa ware tune by Mira Teeleef Modiord, and Mrs. A. V. Holt; Mitt P/ellls Plesaing* 01 Tewhabiiry, pretidlng at tbe piano. Tbo honored hostess received from ibe wMlort a large number ot tanitibb reminder* aW* tbalr ettetm, among which were geld coin, creeobacka, ar.d useful and orninitntm arilclrt Tbe kdiowing poem, written by Mra. C. C. Flemings of Tawkiburr, wat read by Mtr. C. Uvlng«ton of thai town :

Blrllulej Fa em.

When we set out aa Mule children. To travel on tiW»Jotoua wny.

•Thai day ol all lb* gear soprecloo",

arranged by thg bfirJe not lu inform any one j and, with them, forall turmoil, bluemeea until they did to by stall, irhlcb will bo in n ».■«''**■ ..undine to day or (wo. It U supposed.^how.«T, that L^&.t^U^,, W-JdaVrtawi^taw ihey will K0 notth ai far as Montreal, Uf| Nnoat aad rearets that Use no«r ef rosr.le^rliir* their return they take up their reaidence in l<-em our *»|d»t, la near a* hand, also at ra*aShj(l PiKfield.where?Mr. PeSt i* engaged lo ma... r^^J*g»^J?L>Iugga Jf.it3>

DR. J. 0 PENNINOTON tuta renond Ml1 oflidc to Uiu rooTBs over Oramn's book-

DR. C. I. AUOJTT.-Office and Keel- lluaoe alUrs. kbea Tyler's, Main Slrawt,

andover. U.Uce Hours «-lu», m., 1-3 and alter Bk tl'rlLlii

EDWIN 11. I1ARNAKU, Palming. Ola- unr, UralnlnR and Paper Heaigutg. A

good a.s jrimuni ui Uonot Paiier e m.Untly on OiTlflT

P.KK, Tin, KarihtD and Wooden '-■ ittijiaii's Pumps, stuvea. Fur


rsaro; uepair* rumps, Btuvea, rur- eto. Soloagentloruagee stuvea. ran

ill furnaces lor Andover nnd vlolnily. ■ promptly aiteadiii to. Park street, 'er- sev; lyr

UKSI1Y UUFF, Painting, Oralnlnn. Papering aad Olailni. done aiaharl nonce

and rea.vBBlile pilee. P.rsOUs ul.lmg r drop a poalal In foal Uttco, oollu it

JOHN O. UNDI.I.V, Deakr in Fiah or all kinds, has removed to hia new and eon-

vcuieatasarselliuuat', fark stisit. Opposite Ihe I'owu Hall. Patronage of ui,l eutlutnar* and Utv puhdu gauerally sulielleu. Aiiluhsa deilv- ered. IT aui



1) r lank

L. H. BARNARD baa returned from Kew York With MaWeltlna la

M'l L L I N E R V lor DMlnaaiid bumn-cr sear. Prloee rea

. New UtneUeoda* ■ veial duartn ratal >, at JJ«U.«L«I.; Trimmed H us. Jl aao W

cents eaeh. Wilt Kite good bsrgala* in Ihe uasti nil aiock of Klbbont, r>» there, flowers andUiuBiueula. V)'or.lad 10 cents a lap, oom

innly called ua tunce. al.\JS*ilrlKKT, AMUOVKK. tf

WILLIAM POOR Maaulaeturet and ha t foi sale

Fiprtaa.sJtorr, Market, N II h, 11 wal

Farm Wagons & Carts. A fiatnalniap mt Hen) WnertVaa.

Kepalriniinallilt branunet. ANCCVIR

Pastor Calked. . as . ■

A wpeclal mcellug or the Uuilaiiao rarlth was held on Monday, at which It was voted to exlend a call to Bur. Henry V. Junka of lloaloo, to become pastor of Ibe church. Rev. Mr. Jeoka hat preached at tbla church for the past all month*, and gives great satisfaction. He la • young man of culture ltd education, and a pleasing apeaker. Uo baa been recent- ly married. It It understood that tbe call will be accepUU, H It waa uoanl- woos.

A BftOO Vewdlet.

The case of Lluk Bryant, agalnit Harriet TidgcwelLan action under the civil damage law

concluded bt Superior Court, Thursday, by lb* jury returning a verdict of #650, for Mra. Bryant. Ska claimed, and prosed con- clusively to the Jury, that she had received damage from Mrs. TidgeweH'a eclling her husband liquor. She waa represented by .Sherman* Bait.

The following remaika of tba tipnng- fivld Republican, al'.bough nut meant ta> pnelallr for tbis locality, apply wall here at the preaent lime: 'About, three years Ago, A manufacturing town la Western aiaanacbnaceia. waa rocked for aom 1 tlote by tba Mnrphy apcatieg of tempt-ranee. Union meeting' of tba sects warn b*M for month*, tba ministers worked like good fellows, wblcb lliry wrere, —real, geuuloe, whulctoalid Hew, who got tight down eloae to tba btwpotted, and dragged them op. About a hundred anna wore tba red ribbon of rsfbra, bat to-day wa are Informed that all bat aboat a half d a-a of these hays rvlapaad Into tbn old habit. Thorn la something yet to he lejrued la tbe economy of urrpvraice rerdrta on I la moral aide."

— Tbo New England Manufacturers' aad Mechanic.' lutl'.atr, needing auoiher handred Lhoosand dollars tu com^loto Us ex b I billon building, proposes to Isaac bond* to that amount, and I. R. Ilndga, of tan Was bin goo Mills. >nd James L. Little of lha Pacific., have lu formed the tratioaa of tbu luatllato or Technology or their willlngneai to take •40,000 of tbaae bonds for presentation to the latter lastl- tnte, provided Olher friends of ihe Inall- lole will preseul lbs remaining gow.000 to It.

A Cocoa. COLD, on Sona THOOST sboald l» Btopped. Negloct Irequtntlr reeuIUlj an 1'- cnrabla Lang Utaaan orContonipHoaUaowa's BawroaUL Taeoana do ant disorder lha stom- ach Ilka cough avrnpt aad oalaam", but act dl eetly on lha ranumttd part*. alUrlng IrrlUikMi,

JITM relief In Asthma. Broaehhia, Cugha. CsiBirh and the Thruat trouble* which S.atsrs aad PnMrClpaahatiar* snblact to. For tLirty yaaia Browu'a BronchiaI Trashes have been rseomnaendesl by phyttciina and tanted by side

' oaaMaat aao tor nstrly na eailre seaer. - they have aiiaimd wnJ-aterltea rtnk

ag the few tuple rtmedica of the age. rV«]d ai lie a bos every where- "tjadltjaatll

AB**TBsvaot Since birth my baby bad rnnniag aaree nil

over but aeud.ud the doctor* aakl itiat bt meat d'.e, lor be cos Id nut heal them. luaed tvery-

t. lie Jjf bu»-

__. Bluer*, BI ike had great faith In trre.n. 1 ttsed n t«ttle aad tba sore* eomaseoced to heal. Aflcr otlug two bottle* more, theeoris a 1 healed aad I coa- alder my baby anved.—Mother, Concoid, N. 11.


• •», .»> »■ ws.u s'Assu latwi. t uaeu tv tblag I ever heard of, hat It did no good. C*o bad that ha would not narse. My

•)'■ slater to'd me to try Ss'phur Bluer

or ladl.t lo day chcrltb grattlnl rememhraBoea of ibe half derived I rots the use efLydla B. Plakkam'i Vegetable Cusupouud.

1 nueHIvely earae all nrmala r ' »Mn-LjduK. Piukbam.n:

I.yaa. Mase., for pn■anklets.


ufacturing witb wealthy.

hia father, who is quite

' A* thai whkh mai' ,Lul ourownbltlhday. Sat a weary time of waiting.

Whan b-llt before It cornea again. afJew lana the twth e moi.ln Juat preotdlng,

TAB he*a>f day that makes ua ten I

• prkaerMir twentieth binliday bilngat And near wnfsln would Slav bla prsgtcir,

The west dawmto too twin hat a^ne, Kacb Aeetiag ysr waa not a twelve-moatb.

It eaamadlit scares* *is month, long.

ysos uti; iHriiiu.nniipii,.:-.,^,,. And msoonfea*. witb many ■ itaartAfihe,

The irtrta. that we are Belling old.

fjut o'er lha bear! Im hokla 00 powrr, Tla oura 10 keep It 5 ounu and Ibjtx,

TVn tin.' the outward liuinegroiv treble, TaW spirit shall but thine more bright.

■Than ehe- whose birth we come lo honor. Has seat hssrt jonnp Ihrc." caret and letrs,

■Tnrii' all nkw trial* titat have gathered, Around s tVeof aeveaty lenrs.

Of all her band of aacp-y | larniate*. ■ear atany aieiheret-Ulu-davr

Ana tees their grat ea whan ghwring backward, Lie teatierad all along the way.

■Ltr tears have fallen o'er lather, mother. O'er brother, sister, kindred sum-;

■Twa hatband uf her youth fas* left her. Far thirteen year* (0 walk alone.

Te: are there n«ae bnl gloomy mt merle*, Our friend hsla birthday enn ■eeallr

May, too' tbe Judgasenls bare been many, Still mercies have outweighed inira nfl.

Back cloud ha* had a 'liver Hn(ugf All stitTertng lound n sweet reward,

And lioubl.s have bean rneanl a blmlng. To draw her closer to ber Lord,

HOw full the past with rmmorle* uera inf. or love, and health, nnd happv day*,

O.' IIOIHEB lulnllctl. of Jovous aret'llngt. And peace in quiet, household way*.

And we, her friend', have come tail evening, Wllbklauly with und hopealncere,

-That in her lire tuav yet l>e added Fall many a .inlet, happy year.

-arjA Aiendi moat lovlngaad trnsbeartcd, MaeTwarwtmalnlnir daya be blest.

Alee life so Uaivjuiily slide- onward, its closing y*a>a may be the best.

„„ Peck Is a young man of about 35 years of age,a graduate of Willuma Cotlegc.uf good character and well aitualed in life.

Mm. Peck it the youngest daughter of Mr. I)avit,a greal fivortie among her companions, end will be sadly missed in North Andover and vicinity.

Several weddinci have occured at thu resi- dence before,liut this one was "par excellence." The number of invitations issued waa abont 400, and nearly all reaponded.

Among the most notable present were Mr. [usiicc Morton of the Supreme Bench and family. Prof. J. W. Churchill and family of Andover, Joe. W. Smith and family, Hon. M- T. Stcveni and wife. Hon. J-A. Wiley and wife, J. M. Stone and family, G, E. Dgvjsand wife, W. Sutlon \A and wile, Mr. Whitney and wife of Boston, Gen. Eben Button and wife. Mr. Curwen and family of Salem, Mr. Samuel While and wife, Mr. F. C. McDuffic and wife end Mr. G. W. Hills and wifc^ll of Lawrence, Rev. U. F. Hamilton and wUe,Cco. H. Gilbert and J. C. Roberts, all of Boston, N. P. Frye, Esq., Uiu LUzie Saundera, Misaei Lucy and Florence Kimball, Mlaa HalUa Silvester and n hoat of others.

The coalumei were ilch,elaborale and costly and presented a moat beautiful ipectacle, the bride being dressed In a while satin, trimmed with Duchewe lace and veil, and very many other ladies were most elegantly dressed.

The preaems acre, numerous and ing valued at several ihopiand dollars. They included a lilver service from ibe father and mother of the bride^et of silver ipoon*,ktuvra end forks, and a beautiful marble cluck with bronic mount! nc*,from ihe father and mother of the groom; ailver, gold-lined preserve drab, Mr and Mrs. George II. Davla; silver spoor and case and towel screen, Miss Skllea; jjeai tel, from tba groom to (he bride; one dotai silver Ice cream ipoona, George E. Coruren; flower vases, Mlaa Lucy KimbiTl; pen and ink •ketches, Mesirs. J. H. Greenville and Ltiaa. D Gilbert; poetical workt of Longfellow, two volumci, Mr. A. L. Smith; large tUed «»•— apoon, Mr. and Mra. Geo. E. DavU; a ben ful work entitled "The worlds worship atone, temple, cathedra! and mosque. II. F. Hamilton; Japanese plaque, Mr. T.Bngg* a mirror enclosed in case with doora.gilt orna- mentation, Hon. M. T. Stevens ami wife; a very attractive and valuable bevelled minor, Mr Allred Taylor; pillow of beautiful (lowers, Mr. and Mra. Horatio Harper; landscape painting. Mits Florence Kimball; lined set, with ipoon.Miaa Annie Faiifaa Bul- man; Bennett porcelain, Mr. and Mrs- Jamee If llinidale; silver spoons, Austin ll.Uasactl; vas«, Mrs. W. F. Currier; oil colored photo- graph, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitney; bronie medallion, Mr-and Mra. Looto N. Gilbert; coffee set, Mr. and Un- George Clirjt; vises and different kinds of table ware, Miaa Elisa- beth O. Cott, George H. Tucker, Charles Alamtir.Mrs. Way and Mrs. W.B.Parkhurat; Longfellow's worka, Mr. and Mra. Dodge silver fruit diah, Miaa Mary E. Basaetl; lilvei chacie dish with folk, Mits Mary Davis; glasi Iruit dish, Liszte Halnea, New 1 ork; cologne

.ear as M.u. aisti at tea tMI time, take pleaaure in preaeeUng to )ou, ihb little Ukea, Lb Is liu'e InAitator of lime, aa a idedtaol lbats> miration wlilith arisea ryom •That freedom of mind, which no vulgar domln

Can turn from lha path, a pure eoasclraee sp

bopoU tlM beat hand aoohalaonUie IBIWWJ

Aecipl II w;tb Use klaj aaturanee that we shall ever ehnrl.h wilh pleasant ateatartta. the time whieh you have been among us, and when

tour totes may be cent, whether upon the Ma ov dnwa tea eearr*. ay your

rill «

of your futu't

Doa^er In CloUUng end Uant'a furaUhlaa cioods ut all kind,, liai inputs mado in the iaUst lastiuu and WarrnnlaO t.< it. Kepalring, clean-

pruaaina d«.i.f neatly. Mela nireat.

JOHN U, LEUDJAUP, at bin shop In 11.Hard Vale, will attend lo Blacfcimlthlag all ita hrervihee Iburwugtalj, promptly anu

ut WntMiwilabi

CPEC1AL NOTICE. The Subscriber his opened

Furniture A Upholstering Rooms ever J. H. ri.fS-Tl* MAUKBT. Thoelnwanl al furniture will do well to examine >M* larfa

aar Mailretaea made over, nnd retnreed Ihe

All work done promptly and warranted at IPieeeuted, ilv Uriel alleeslen to business

and good wors I fa-n 1 >,o merit a abaca of I oar patronage. UelertBCea it desired.

K. O, 8WAW, , Oar. Main and Park Btraota, Andover.


JOHN K, LOIHNO.-MACJUINIST,— alaohlaary of evoty deanrlplion built aad

repaired at la ae w shop,rear o> tiraver** Block alalu at., Andover. dscoU

MOUSE UHOTIieifB Flch Dealers, are prepare 1 te furnish nil aiUetee la Utatr Uo.

01 uusiuuas. Orders promullv attended to. liood* delivered. Genual, opiioaltetbe UapltalCbjrch.

r.Ur. and

t idiUulay b 1 thij race I- run, « of innny mntta.

de.l, And when ber la When all ber ei

Wife In tba "Hrni May she icceivo mo u™»,— " **

There to her former frienda united, ".TV. ..... or ,trl|t and tear*, r«r irou) Ihe land uf Uriie and tear*,

sraaaTaVAPwawl »M> vouth linmom'. Where Die i* measured not by itara.

B of tbose "women a-wai.t.laiilae anvstlf to be one of these "worn a^ffiTmT'Tmation of a r^llc*- - adnS> aaclaly." in "rhoca an invHatloa has be

' lie Thwt Chicago this week, 1 jeMn -aider. I viiiiert theapacroutai

_ Hall In which themeeiiaft of lbs l7«M to be held- Tble hill i* ooeupied

e Utsn lllly feet Irom I K»tar,aolh.llerdoye.l an . Melleat opuorlu-

hoillca. If. A, (idmunda; oil painling.l Mra. yerme/; uearl card receiver, Mi . Davla; silver &lA fltw, Marcus Morion; can

may ever will ever I* the earnest pray, ret ret, bid you farewell, and wish you a bapyy Ued ; "

The recipient wai completely tnrprl-ed, and alibougb bis rtpnlcnantp Indicted thai bo waa aliened, lie relnrucd bl) gratel'u| ibanki,

roetllng of tbe ratldeot neaabera of the . II., Tuesday evening, It w»t voted to ex:

p*i<d lb* balance—alioat #T— remaining from ibe Decorailon Day land, on Ibe mldier*' lot at ' i Kldgewcod Cemetery- Mr. Daniel Pwane

at appointed at a coumiiteo for Ibe entuing ytar.

Tbe meet in e of the Odd Prllowa waa peel. poned Irom Wednesday sight, to Ibis evening, at the steamer boose.

On account of tbe rain, tbt game between Ibe MtiiKB, of Lowell, and lha Aftna*, which waa lo have taken place last Sstnrday, waa postponed.

B. II. O'Connor, Ktq., of Lawrence, addicts ed tbe Land League, Sunday i veiling.

Divisions Not. 1 aad 2 of tba Merrlmac School were examined yesterday forenoon, 3, 4 and S in Ibe nlteiaooa, nnd Ibl* lorvouou S, 6 anl / »nl ha examined. The Parntam la to

Kimball Priday forenoon, aad tbe Centre day afternoon. Exercises si the High School, Friday etciiing.

Several ton el* were ilolen Irom the clot hei ling of Abtel Wilson, ou Tuesday Bight. A weak tub left near by, disappeared, and was probably carrlcdilt with the other articles.

New Unllorm*. ilntllar ta stylo tu tbotn wgra by tbe lioiion Fire Department, to beufUiddle< ■ex yatU cloih, are being made by tbe |, iw. renee One Price Clothing Store, lor the Kb.* Sutlon Company. The caps,will be | rocurtd in Boston.

Mr. F. L Strgent it prepared lo Inrnitb back ■id cnrrlagti for weddings, funeral*, tic Mr. Sherman Vintar, of tba Mtrrtmart, will

pitch lur the Soxlorde in a game with the Oeorxe. mwna, at Georgetown It-day, and Mr. Win. Vlater of the Annas, perform* a like ■ rvice lor tbe Ipswich club, abo play wilh tbe Dearborn id Dotton, si Ipswich tL-:ii(irrow.

Sullivan, wilh cutling| wood on He HubtMid farm, Tboratlay aftertoM, received a terrible cut on hi* right foot, tba axe penetra- ting to tbe bone. Ha was conveyed to Law- rence, where Dr. Howe dressed the wound

dr. Hubert Elliot I* tba poatcitor of an lndi- tomahawk. wblcti be lound In Cochictaewka

Brook, aiautiQPi M<i'- Km ma J. Cheney, has brep Lr>tep|ed

a * toe la I e iracbt-rs of Ibe Merrlmu School with a valuable tucar bowl pltehcr In ailver. A Idiir, appropn ed, accompanied tbe ire-cuts. Miss Che Bey resigns her potliloB this leim.

At a asecilnx of tbe .Etna B. D. C , Monday evening, Mr. Wn. Joyce waa elected 1'

Mleslttllk) Mahan, an employee In Sievenn UI1L was struck on one < f her bai.d* by a *but-

' Saturday aticrnoon. Wt.Ue c nveraiag another girl shortly afterward*, ibe fainted and falling upon the li.un which wai in motin, re- ceived .i tevtre gash on Ibe face, and bad Bvi teeth, tome ol which were false, fci o.ked oat.

The alarm, Monday evening, at Ml o'cl'ek, syss occaiioncd by burning bruth.

Laat Friday evening, Mitt List'* Saundera, late Secretary of Ibe teachers' Bible CIBM, B- tbe Congregational L'tiuicb. wat prrnente . tiy the claia. tbroptb Mr- Frank tf. Pi|sbee. with a nvlted copy of lha New T**«meni.

Tba ne*. recalpll ol tba recpat ttrawberry fet- tival, at the Coagiogatloual viairy, wars fU>

Latt Sabbath being observed aa Ublldreu'i Sunday at Ihe Congregational Church, there wat a sermon esptcitily for tbe Children, and singing by the children In addlllun to the choir, There were bandiome floral decoration*. 1B tbe evening there wai a cblldrea'a praise meet- ing.

Ala meeting of tbe trustees ted onVett of the Etaex Connly Atrlcultoral Society, held at Havctnlll, Tuesday, Wa. J. Dale, Jr., waa cnoBcn a member ol Ihe Bxccailve CommlUte.

The Secretary of the Home H lit Ion try So- ciety will pres^ih si lbs Congregailunal Cbnrcb, Sunday forcDOon.

M. L. KAMSDJLLL, Aamt for lha lead

B6. M. L. HAMS Ok LL, Faah kinablo T,—.DreaaandUluak Uaklng. Also aiamplag or braiding and Lot.n,h oabLiu m«r eiieel, Andover. no/ll m

QLE480N, Mason. — Mason o, every detcrlfilou IHOILIJIIJ u

•euled. onl.r log al J. II- Klinfa Ha. lei, Main ai. Itetidehce, Mepie Avenue, nn . J lv


McLAWLIN A BAKEU-tucioaaora to Cbarlet 1>.Carter—dealer* la llnnlware,

Lullury aad iJurdage; also t'aiailna Iwi.leuienta Wojden Ware,Ac. A lull aasoitutvulat luWott



R. S, lAaiatrslnw Be* one I'I'll

atooplng than when Handing' Try pawl and yaw will wear uuotben


SMITH AND MANNING, Etc., Dry Goods, Grocer lea,

ANDOVER, MASS. aajaawl

I waa preieLt to

AFIlfK HAIR DKEBSIKO. fXcoiaaaraeaea tbakalrperltctly, aad I* also

a preparation aotqialltu' far eradlcailsg dan- draaT.

The laparlotliy of Btinarr'a FiAVoatao KnasoTS eoaalsta la their parity aad great ttreasTth. l!lmm}»

SSNCUO rtMt. Bletslegi oa the man.- exclaimed Sencho ■at, "who htvenied Bleep." Urenied, San-

cbo, bal I* not be woo ret lores pa act to achiaj browa more bleased. Neuralgic nnd rbenmaiic SBBerera who have ol Haloed icrmiaeal reik-i from D.-. Thotnai' Bekc.rte Oil ongfat lo antl pro*«My do think to, Tbt medicine relieve* laflammatloe,. xuraal and Interns).

FortaleojK H. XiHey, draggltt. i;i*

rnartv 0oo». Jno. Bacon, La-porte, lad., arkta: Tour

"Spring Blossom" IB all yoo cracked It up lo be. My Pyatnpata has all vaalBhed; nbycloetvou advents* H; abet aliuwance will you uiake'ii 1

< a uotiiea. to thai I could cbllge my friend* occasionally.

Prl'e.Naanitt trial botilea, 14 cent*. For tale by K. U. Kelk-y, j*ii*

A Ccaaroa rianaa. My face for tne last few years waa eovared

with pimples, ao bat 1 uaed to be ashamed to goeaywbere. 1 took two buttle* of Sulphur Bluets aad ibe pimple* disappeared. 1 aee tbtmevery tprlag.-C K. D. Fell Hiv.r.

IfJw eod


Notice to Agailfmy Students. Academy Aludeats who desire in oegsgelp

reoiunerntive employment during lb* vacaUop tnuntbr. can addt-ss

If. J. MOTJI'TOp A CO . v lie kl N Central Si, Lowell,

Dr. KlUder on *,Pnlti."

ueerlor qtialHy ol Ledge Sloae* for eel- lara and luunuatioi.o si skoll tdi.t am lea aonabte price*. Teau-lng pit,uiptl) done. Bal itlactlueauaianltid, l.t.Idttttutrl mmoi Street lyr ml 7

SAUKDKU8 BKOTHEh8, Plumbers and Tinsiulllit. Also dealer* la Tin, lalaaa,

and Wooden Ware, Hiuves ai-d furnacea. Ue- nairs lor all kinds 01 aUve., staiu .tieel, Aado- ter. Naaa. Ivr itpIT , , . „

TnOMAS H0WEI.L can let on the Parwlture and buslneti In all

their branulius, al hia store on Park street f ur- nltere ravatiad and removed al short notice tng on reatupaiitslarnit. ly eellff j«

WILLIAM *• »i«>nis.-Frull.

fry. Inks, i'

HMJLhY, Dining ■ adlrf. Cigars, hlaiIop-

s.,ela.«iy-i.i.n*A aleul.fnriilshed fjorair Mtl i -n 1 Orjen air eel

town of North Autlover.

t'lrttmitraKAutn ii*> '■■'■' *V* H II..Ills AM* hXSBUHSB.

atari, 1*1. la * Itn lie | r ivMu.eof AeetlOB

1, chapter 1SS, ul Hie Aat* ul the yetr UTS, aectlou 1, eh tier mi. Acts of IM7, 1 he give notice In all inhabllaata or pt.-rs.ias ha a H-U il plaea of business in the Town of North Andover, who nse actl*-, weight! or meniares, lor the purpose of buj inr or selling aav gr- '" wares, raerehnndise, or otier eouino'llllSr, ».

public welglilni, l > bring Inle Uil* eat.'.a *- be ad. sales, welslit. and measures, M

lustctl and sesled. Q, r. BpoFroan.

fealer el Weight* ane) Meaenres.

All neraont aefleeling lo comply wilh lue Blwvu uotles will be liable in Ihe peesltles pro- vided iy law. t*.!j:IU

_ Wblle ll.trnkig » tbe ^Wjmjf*-^ Taw bouse I cannot vt ntuie lo deter Ibe. TU

looketl to ni" wlrediAsrealtrora a JB5 aaieinbly In Sew KngUnd. Ibere were jSrn«7a|proi«riionalel/ in re man and were

delabris, Mr. and Mrs. famfi A.. Roberts] hammered silver fruit spoon In case, Mr. and Mrs. Kbcn Sutlon; dresden china tete-a utc let Simuel D. Stevens and Miaa Uawea; col- ored phpiographi of the Madonna with anUque frame Chatlo V~ Cobb; Canton china aet, Joseph VV. Cofflnj silver aswU case, Miaa Eva S. Smith; iilver#old;linadrberry dish and ■poaniMr Joseph Stone; two bronse pitchers, Misus H»tt)C arid .Carrje Manningj mm oyster forki. Metsra, Eben Sutlon, Jr., and J- if. Sulion; silver hand miryor and standard, Mr. and Mra. Geo. F. Roberta; aVW U* cream eel, Mr. and Mra. I. M. Stonci ailver, gold-lined aalia in case, Mra. Mary C. l'cck( porcelain, Mr. and Mr.. William Whealley; Japanese plaque.Mr. and Mra. HIIU; Gocihe s workt Mr. and Mra. D. L. Gllletl; aolid lilver buller diih, the Miases Costello; Ump wilh rrcelain .citing, Edward H. Gilbert, Larllon

and Silas R. Mills; aUvet pitcher, IL A Siivaaiw; "i'ver, gold-lined, cheese diah, fork and case, alLu perglana and Helen William.; carving knives and (brfoi In caaea, Mr. and Mra. Joaeph W. Smilhi solid «"«r water pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Jamee it Davis; pea and ink eketche. la a beautiful frame, Messrs k if 1 jwight and Frank W, Uutton; ailver

painling. Miss Rittie Mg/riam; ailm sugar ionga. Mi** Emma C. Lsne; psArblc clock, Mr. Frank K. Davii; Japanese plaque ffaff, T_ George H. Gilbert; a neilly bound book Of reaidence ul Mr. ^fm. A. Jubnton, Water (he great authors, Mlaa Saundera; Wliiiticr's -rM eontrset .W pcrruriplng all ,he masop poems, Mra. Edward L. reck; silver olive |w(krk at ibe new school house, on Duma dish and spoon. Mis. Sutton; aet of silver | HcUtbls, including the well, hi* been glitnio •poon., Mris^Jobn A, Wiley; tleel engravrnf. j Mr. Henry KaaUtoa lor |300,

Punolmrd Free School.

An Cxanltiatlon er candidate* (or a.lmlstlnn to the I'uachard Free ncbool will beheld hi Ike on Honday, June If, beglnnlns prec'tely at P o'clock a. m.

Each candidate must reached lha age ol '"-■ twelve-year-, of wliieli a r-evt ""'

•hod by tbs lllalao lur n

leaeber thit iu tee reajnlred atu lie* Ihey are prepared for ad at aaloa to ihe aehoel.

Apidleaat* araevamlntd In the whole of Col buea'a MenLiI Arlt'imelln, K*U<n'* Aritameiic

laras Iniolut.on, « In Hie whole rTAnder- _ Vs Ultlo-y.rf ib* United Stale*. Th<rmnal biable loaii'Wrrlhrt m ut Important qM.linnt In y<Mlern (leographv, and must haves teal.

At tbo .cral-annaal meeting of ibe Maa- •acbaaetia Denial Suclety, oa Thurad.y^

Or. J. II. Kldder, of Uila ciiy, who makes careful ami eouBClcutloaa - aiudy of his

profession, read a very latareatlng pater upoa •■1'ein." Moth, b* aald, bad bee a

done to soppreig ihe maaaage uf pala

wblle passing from Ita aoarca to the nerve.a, to that iu effects asay be averted,

and before the In'.roduc'.lon of arnubei-

arlout aietn* Worn employed to

divert the aufferm's mind from ibe pain

of hla body. Tha claaa ifhoaafer nsoat from pain, are those woo cgerciie their

brain moat f>iO,aeqily, to' Iho negltc'. Qf

the body, and oooMtiiuuully, tbey must be treated psychologically at well as phjst

callyi aad It ta thought tbe pro-

duced on the mind of tbp pailcni from aa

expectation of rellET (lord pain by iho uae

of lha Ai mttbellc agent !t»Hf. that li

albllllr to aaaVrlhg Is caueed. One of

Iba moat Imt uriant aln.a of tha deullal

mast be to ptriaoadc tbe patient thal'lbey

n-Uhcr are gtlng lo be, nor have beer,

much hart by ibe operation, aad lha evils

of two moth pelting on Ibe part of the operator, are abuodai.t'y maalfeeL Con-

tlnoal repetition of pain Invariably dulls

the feasibility of tbe sufferer, and 10 ibe

mental apprcLemlua of tbe patient la (loo most of the tormtui which bis mlafortoiie

In ii Ba upon him. There ara three t-laas- ea of pallenta met by ibe deatlst-thoae

who have a rrell'balauced nervooi organ-

Ixatlon, force of will and not acnsliivu

teeth, with them Ihere will be no trouble;

second, Iboae having ouo-aenaltlve teeth but an Ill-balanced nervous organli .lion ;

and, third, iboaa having highly acn.the

dentine, who will be relluvad moat by any

meaiia of producing a slcaily, eontloncua


Tbe palplt if tbt stono charch will be tar- piled from Andover oa Sunday mxt.

Mr, Aases 0. Joaes ha* oUalned aiilaaiion la Lowell, aa con-iuctor on He horac caia.

Mr. Chat. II. Hit k >k hai hired ibe whole ol tbe saond floor in DjJgs'a block, oa Broad- why,

Mr. Jetae A. Towae has a contract lor beild Ing a house in Lawiti.ce, oa Broadway, i«r Mr. frank It ood.

Mr.ay.vaee* O. Xlmhnll baaght the b at wood k-i Ibat wai oAered lor tale at tbe M****r ■union, last week.

The public schools, with Ibe e xeepilon of the blfth and grammar, will close the sumnw term next week Friday.

Fevers! pteple Iron here weal U Medf-ird. on Wetln. srla.e, to be present at lb* contmteca- ment txerclNS of infu C dlegs.

The scholars of ibe blab st boo I pabll.b a (mail paper called "Tee Waste Ba.kci," which ta qslte creditable lo Its autbon.

TbememlH-rt of the Home Circle la I an ea- tertalnmrnt and a nice collation at the Arcsu-im bal), oa Qroadway, oa Monday gvcalag.

Mlaa Sadie K. Wjmao, wlto formerly resided here, ditdoa Frl lay hut, ol toosamnka, a" Real llosford. Th« funeral occurred on Moa day alteraoon.

i, liar tor, or Lawrence, gave aa address before Ike reform club el the town " day cveiling. A large audience' w bear ber remark*.

A charth council be* been called lo convert atxi Wednesday an.rnooe. at ibe I'vagieia- ni.nai tli.ireb, lo lake action on lb. resignation ol Uev. Z. 8. Uolbrook.

Tae qierteily eoersreaeo ol tha Metbsdl.1 larch waa hiIIat their plaee ef worship on i

Monday evening last. Rev. Q. J. Junkies, ibe presiding tljer, wat present.

Mr. Chat. Aiatia la al»att> tract a new eoaie on lai d rentier iy owned by afe*e* B. KimhaU, near tha cupola boate. oa Braadwey. Mr. Jetae A. Towae dee* ihs carpcaiar wot k.

Mr. Brnett Wagaer, oaa of our will kaowa btrberr, wa. acckleauily cat wltharaaor, oa Wednesday evening, while tba via g one ol bla cntu men. II* wa. attended by l)r. Fierce.

D.ini.-I (lleatonand her daogbler. MUi Imogcne Oleaton, arrived borne Ihe Oral or ihe

eek. having piatcd the winter aad *pr<a,{ In ew York c|ty, wilh Mr. acd Mr*. C. ll. Tea-


An "old' rolks" concert will be held at the Meibndisl cbaic'i,*r evening, Jane aid. Mr. Otua. W. Ralston will con duel tbt tlngi.g .ad bar* charge of lha eaiti. tammi at.

Mr*. Helen Warren Header waa (a town oa Saturday, cell in* apon berrriendaaad a qialni- iBcei. Hg he* been uavelllag with Anthony A Ellis' Untie Tom'* Cabin tionpe, fhr lha petl tla monlb. accompanied by ber husband, wbe wat mutual director for tbe org.atatihw.

At Ibe pariah me« he'd in tha Concregc- tonal cbureb. on Monday a:tcTpooa, It was voted to sciepl tbe resignation of lha p Rev. Z S. Hulbrooi. It we* also voted thai I). W. Tennry, J. 8. flow and Joel Fo-ter be a coma Irtea lo obtain estimate* aad plan, for building a new vt.try and retort at a fatal* meeting.

Tbe Ba,.tlit people held a very pleas tat and r lerettlng ineciiiia on Sunday cvenli g, lo cele- brate tbe aluy tlsib anolrenarr of ibi forme. HOB of tbe.r Sabbath school. Lev. Dr. 11. P Branson, (atormer pastor.) of Andovsr. ex- Mayor French and tia*. N. Crete, of Law wcr* prt.eni and a (dretied ibe meellns, Mr. IIQUSO, and other members of tbe pariah, abo spoke during ibe evening.

Mr*. David Nevma. aad her son*, David aa j Henry C. DfrviBB, kave given aVJMa) to the CuBgieBuilonal toelrty. lo be aied in betldiaga veviry or cbapel, tte present eeaaoa. It la their dtslrs that tbis sLonld be uedarstood a* an ol- firing tbe he Uivid N.v.ns, a. be eon. tempisud a ilmilar gin prtvwu* lo hi* doaih. Tbe heir, ol Ike laie IU*. John C. Pblil'pt hava aleo given abont #i"i00 for lbs isme purpose.

A very lively kind of a char eh meet lag WB. bt Id at the Corgn gaUoaal to dry, oa Tuesday (veiling. During tbe ataetoa, a stirring debate wa. carried un, aad a rood deal ol rroat-flrlag wa* indulged In by ibe pastor and other mem- ber, of the tlurrb. A copy of ilia revlacd edi- tion of the Bible waa need oa ibia occasion, and It Is ibOBgbt that perhaps Ibe br. tbr.n tailed to comprehend It* trea meaniag, and ibe d.Oltultlcs which Ihey ereoanttrad.

aAUt.QAN.-In this oily. June llth, a daughter to Mr. and Mr*, jtatnew Uanigae.

BftOWN-Ia tblttl jr,JuaolJ.h, a dauihler to Mr. and alia David Urvwa.

BaMDbUdY.-Ia ibl. cltr, June ».h. a danwfc- ter to Mr. aad Mr*. Alfred Bradbury, 3W Lowell Si.


la this i Itr, June IStk, by lite —' Mr. Arohlb " '

Jane Hume,


alOOAR-iJIUMiLKK -la Andover, June I. ih, by hev. A. II. Berr, J. ' - ML* Rilea K., daugbt. dler, all of Andover.

labua ll.Ohan-

rAKKAK-llMT-Ia Vilpoh-, S II.,June r, br Me*. U. Latatrat-, I>. !>.. a..lated by Rev. t. L. All**, Mr. Uaoitt A. Paiher. al Aadorvr, Ms*-., aad Mlaa L. a. la Rust, of

RASTHAN-DALLTUN—Iu this elty.JuaelB, by Uev. H H., Mr.Wllllau.ll. Rsa. maaaad htlsa Alary A. Dsultoe.

PICK-DA VIS.-la North Andove*. June 13th hv Ptv. Use, rwree, aavlspn by k.v. W, T. II l;ga. of ta.l I'nuK asr.Hi Tboasas I). 1'e.l , of lid.fl, 1,1, and M'-sUtry W. Davis, dau.-: ■ ttr ol Hoe. Geo. L. 1'avia.

BALUMTIM-WIIICIL'HOK-la lid- H'v, Jane Ma. by R.V. R H. Mr. l.uoiau li. Bald WlBBBJ Mis* L sale K. Wheelao*.

BtRKkR-rRIRND.-In Java, N. Y„ Jnte 1, Cll tow V. Barker, ol Noith Aadevtr, Ma«., and M.aa Rita I rle.d, t f Java.

A. W. Stearias & Co., 309 AND 311 ESSEX STREET,



Inoluding s great Ttrittv ot Prints, Osmbrioi, Laval, Oiifkaatl, Sesrnokan, Bantings sad Bunmtr Saltings.

Special Attention I> called to onr (took of Blaok Franoh Oashmen sad new Spring

Drtss Qoodi, in all the new ihsdei snd fabrioi, AT PRICES AWAY DOWN I

Special Attraction In Ban Umbrellnp, Pensolr, Wontsd Elswli, ttd Gsote Utdtr*

wear, also Mualin Underwear—a complete aisortment.

Fans for Decorating at Vary Low Pricea! A COMPLETE LUTE OF WHITE GOODS,

Piques, Swiss, Victoria Lawns. Spotted Mnslini, Oastkl, Plaids, Stripsi, Etc, Etc.

[HOUSEKEEPERS' NEEDS 0 Towels, Towelling, Napkins, Fsbla Linen, Sbsetingt, Oramb Olsfti

BLANKETS snd 000NTEEPANE8. Having purchased largely before the recent advance in Oottoni, we

will oontinne to tell st the isms low prices.


CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS and MATTINGS, Which will be fonnd to be tbe most oompletej snd st inoh prioei, si

were never before offered is Lawrenoe.

H3" Don't Fail to Examine Our Stock Before purchasing, si yon will SAVE MONET EVEKY TIME I

A. W. Stearns & Co.,

New Pottery Lamps WITS rat:


Moehring Burners.



E,B-A.3D IT.


Fi8K:ii's. 275 ESSEX STREET.

NOTICF. All peraaaa Indebted lo Ibe Me ine of Dae.

QaBLaJfD * (auaachi am, are Moarelrd to maLt inmscliaie^aiKeni al ineoacM f

ItB. G. M, C1IAMBEUI.AIX, Car. Lawraaea i aa Cetaaiea *ta.

Ml*It |el«

949 Essex St. 249

-Lle'ilH Co'* Araieatad Ruract of Witcb llapel la tba verr tast ptaaeraika of Witcb ItsSJl wbich I have errr aaed,

V,0- (Jiatiap. M. H. Wbetliae, West Va.

Carat ]"ik», Halt tlbeaai, Palulul Mt niLlks nnd Cntetrb.

Bold la fllij ceatt and dollar 11 ■*. 1\\w

Tailacaaaaao AKHCAL 8*LBB. ol 0.0. Tavlar Old Boarbon Whtikey ata(wd gaaranlre lhal ft iaatl tlie proprtetort, t'betlar H. Graves A Sons, leprvetai II la be. Abso- lutely pnro. Druggln:* and Oroctr* aavs it cvrrvaacrr. "II

MmeAiUDitaBeaU's VEQIT»8LE

TONIC PILLS (lava provea a beee ta tiiiitijsujs el sulerlna wnni'-n. Ti.ev are pr.- Vand l,i,nnd

dlrrolel.aevar rail to rare lae ainai _ jitnatentlai.Un*eienl',tivailan Traabkaa d Chreale ffeeaneaaea, so coutraon to inerestol tbe sex. All latter* are >n>*ertrf livaikilirul ratesle Ph)ad-Ian. I'llla wM bv .Irunla*,, «r laallcd uuoe receipt ol wrlre, M •" uev boa; »l« boaes, fait), aead (er i>an ]>titei and list ol* eared. Address,

H- F- THAYCR ft CO, IS Tempi* Plae*. Boston, Matt*

fvr*4«etw M.

irovioK. MRS. A. L. FELLOWS,

ltltKHH s* CI.HAK MAKI.K. Mra, Fello*ra bat baeaabeeet irutn Ibe eltv aboal lea Tear*, bat aa* reiereed lur the aaraeee or restimlui bar batleo**. W III imtatr irltnJs and ualiona uleaae gIre her a calif

BU latti St. Saundera Block, Room 8. tafaafaal

Evaavoaa kaotts the lassltnda which coatt* over a* eltb tbe warn h|.rlntd*ys. Kvervoi a tbould kaow tb* restorative :—It is Quakar Bil ■ Ura. NuUiag H*e I* so bradag. *Jr,t

A »o*\ tffffiual reatedr for all dleaaee* o| lhe Kidneys, Uiadd.r, Feajala QoatplalaU aad liebi|lty,it twuml la Un. Bt'i-Loca'a Kioeav lUmi.v,"r'KI,MRr:TICUM." In provertlaa ere tucb that ll quickly rratove* the dl*****, and eCda new* to Ibe afflicted tana. It U invaluable at,d tbould be la every laatily


A meeting of ihe Foarlb or Jnlr celebration cpcoaiittee t* tb be bald tli's ev.nrlj, at u.e


Valuable Real Estate In Fryn Village. The real ulaleol the heir* ol the Isle BMjth

BaaarT. d*e*atcd. illoatetl in Fry* Village. Is offered fur sale. II or slu-ut two acre* or land ne ehirh arc Ibree honsrs, a bam, aaw ml.I and wa«b.bouse, together vritn ine water power brlonginr ili-<ewlth, for otrtlculara apply lo 0. U. nOS3KY, en tbe preaalits.


id.' Apply lo *H

TU LKT.-.'wb aatall T. ttea* atiaehcd. Api-lrlo

Fiaenli-, witb car C.C. BLUNT,


—Hatbon Pedey, trlio livea jaat ottr

tha lltte. ID Melbaen, noilfled the Uavur-

hill aulhor.lteis jrtHunlaj that while tlriv-

ja| IU Wi'tl Partah n. ar hi hone, bla

borae nttpped Ihroagti a roi ten plank over a culvtrt, throwing Mr, P«iky and a lady

riding with bin to the (roaad irjoring

lila back and aleo her neck. iBwrlibereaia

aerloaale. The borse'a taj Waa apralned. Mr. Peiloy claime that tbe accident waa

canaed by a defect la lha highway aad

waau daosagea.

Teat carefully aad joa will Snd that Beach'a Soape give yon more weight aad belter ristilus iban any other yoa can find.

ai £. N. W inflow'a, Tailor.

r'Liae aan Moaouivoaa. A lie box of •Roank oa Bats'" will keep a

bt.ute Iree froca flle*. atetqaltoe*. raia aad mica ibe tatire leaaoa. Dragalai*. lttt

Baa llaaa. You are tick; welt, there It Jail oae remedy

that win eara jou beyoal possibility of doebt. II Its Liver or Kidaer trouble, Coasumptloa,, iHhituy. Welia' Health teaawer la Soar bupe. #1. Druggists. Dtpot, Ordway

'roe. (1(1

AtianiB AMD Caavasataa Make front tli to fW per week nalltag gaoaa for K. O. Rideout k Co., 10 Barclay aucet,Hew York. Scad Tor Ibrlr catsiogee aad icrni,


Alitrtpendlagbnadredi of do)lara witboat relief, Day's KMaey I'ad cured toe, ere lha


W. I. HEAI.l). X.T. MKSaMI.L,


STOCK BROKERS, Member* ef tha B Jtton Mining and

Sleek Eschar.-;*. All t lads ef Mteek and Bow<ta uoughl aad aald

_1 either ibe Beaton er *>*w Yeia Eachaegcani established rate* MCommfatloa*,

Mt> 9«ja Eaeei St, Lawrence, klaae

lft Congreee St , Boaton.



Makers ol the Be*l Cabinet or Parlor Organs, offer new and ltii|.io«i il 111 Ira al low- er arlee* fere sab: tare* anal a quarter ettlav ergeae #J1; risuroclaves,*M; four octave, its lisp., H 1 *ve eeUvn.asventtJee.tCfifv* anUve, larg* and ecgtt.l

(aaw «SM), aw vaa alopt,

We ng«r new one ef tba flnetl eieck* el

Dress Goods, in Ihe aew.eholoe shtdea.Graj, Broate, rawn,

Drab, Drown, Cel, Calr.

-—AUo —


"° SURAH, Ihalfordurab 11 yoannolbe caeclled.

SUMMER SILKS, Fine Stripe, Blaok and White, at 60 cts. Your latt ohunoe at these.

ADALIA SILK, STHIPE EOIT- ing.?. The balance of this large lot will be closed out tt 15 cts. s yard.

ZEPHYR SHAWLS, hand knit, White, Blue snd Cardinal.

SHETLAND SHAWLS, in all oobrs.

SON UMBRELLAS, in Silk, Scree snd Cotton, Satin Parasols lined, also with and without laoe,


FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Buttons, Frintrei, Oimm, Orna- ments, Bsanish Laces, Frenoh Laces, that cannot fail to suit them.

GLOVES, SPANISH SCARFS in Cream Oolcr and Blaok.

HOSIERY. We open to-dsy a case of Children's Fancy Hose, all Bizet and colors.

CARPETINCS B0 pieces Straw Matting, Fan-

cy. Plain. While and Red Check. Brunei,. Tepettrlsa, Woolsni

and Hemps. Oil Cloths, Carpet twsspsrs,

Window Shades and all gcodt ar* noted to and kept in s w. II reg- ulated Carpet Hall.

11, br.i. u» o»ri«M r«i, Ik, US aSaSMr na ■ ■M nr.rk r. ,r b«r« WH ll,k,,« HMtonM ...Ir IM*. ■ VlMUMt NMMUIMU. IfM ■ r. |.»lrl.rtk, W ', w.«( »| a In, nhwi NMIMI I, tr.a>H,tol t,,u,kr 4M«,lHllM.»r tte b*.( tonlg* m AM.ri.a, M.,C,

Q i TO

JohnC.Haynea&Co. 33 Court St.. Beetos. Mase

Musical Bo;si, Brass Band Instrument.',

Ameriosn, sod Imported Qnitsri, Violin, Vlolinoeilo, Double Bias,

Banjo. Zither and Harp Strings snd Trimmings of sll

Deeoriptiosi, Aooordeoas, Oonoertinai,

Violins, Banjos from $2 npwardi, Amerioan sod Foreign

Sheet Muiio, Mnsio Books, 4e,4e It. ftlnmj. IN, l» I al wlurlrMi. ,M Ktalt.


• !».■; a aaaa aad atorv.

TUB FaacvtavSYair bi* fared laaaaaada wbo were itilT ring Irom D/*pca*la. l>*i<llli«-, Liver Coroptnlnl, Doila, Huntote, Faatale Con.- pUtate, etc. Paatpbleta rice to anj addreat Scth W. Fowle ft Son-, Kotlon.

laod **ow aovM*W

Uinbrellas and Sunaliadca,

itK.'AiiiKi> M'aTnAiT^N'B. Room Pa|M

•a auieaaae ami t* Onrans, |1U.

vetaatHasen* llatnlin POrfana bnve|renter cower

variety ami c.LutcHy eva-ry . j itrt ttrt araeh better ihea tne ao.n

advertlead •'oaeay araaa* w^ two or three slatae ea aatar eieee.

AD eio'pt Uaverv aataitetl ilyle* of iheta organ* are new sold

FOB KASY PAYMKNT8, froei M par nsonth up; ar will be reeled for rea etnnUe real, wkh prtvVief eel retain at any tlete aal ngreeeseMt thatII reUln.d ui.tll ihewbol* aetetjut ol real paid equal* the value ol Ibe organ It baeateea Ihe proper!v nl tl e part* hli lag with aal lurtber aaiateat The reatU ao organ no Ukea la lea uer ocni. of tUvnln* perqaartar Tear (a as aad ap, teeerdler lo SUM nad value ) Organ* will be larelaltrdoa tbeee loin* lor aaj pbtee wlth.a ea>r aeeeee neat atosUa.

Maaaai ft llaatila eraaaa are oerUlnlr ihe best In the wirbi, harlag takrn ihehlgbetl aw id* nl everveaewf Utatlnat World's Industrial E*kl unions lor store than Utlrt-en yeert. nn etaer Aatevteaa Organ* batl.ig been fjaed eiealte thaat at ear. Iilaauaied pk'ajojutV aad oircnUr* with rail uarUeulaia, srW.

MA-iOH * HAMLIN DBU&X CO. IU Treason! 8t , Heeton, ataaa.

aa*l«awktt ■

3iileB,nBii.rLf;raieeruilttli Frssali, Bellftbto and Pur*.

Lawo Drotiinc, Lawn Baku, " Euj" Lawn Mower..


Pare Paris Oroen, llfjllcbora, Loittlou Purple, tiarden 8jr-

lnirea, Blfterr( Dellowa, HpHaklerw, Etc.

SCOTT & V1ET0B. 343,345 Common St*, Lawrenw.

flfaa *aer»

FOB SALE. Al a bargain, eeaef tbe teeet FreK. Teaeaaaaa nad Milk Farm* la Beaea Couniy. ea fleaaaal Valley •met, Uethaea, Mast.. i| Mile* tree*

• City ol Lnwreee*. •A acre*, ar mere If dealreJ; ■Bil*ra I tatlT

honse. li reaats. deubte parter. terse dlalac I.MJW. bsv wlndiw, cellar uuuar wbetahaaaef dnabirntast ,1« feet cellar neater IkeeaaeeI tlleetearrtn.e ben.* ail In lag; eater aantsa srirt water, seppiyIng eara and b—e.Ml aaas- rlent te nnrrv w all paruai Ibe heane; f 11 uitlng grape Vlaes la nieaWsatcoed" ilurlag large onf*ef nmm$f sept law: apple, Mae*. ff~^" [rolts. eto. Ua

leeeiur al)


Gen. Jacqueminot Rose Una be obtained al tb* Oreenbeuse* of

T. M. UALLBT, Foa Twr.MTir iva Cr art K*o«,

Oeed two rear ebl riant* al 'J aad M teela. Also a teleelloa of tare Oreenheoea aad Bed*

ding riaai* at seasonable iii.'.s. to Hanctieatcr Street, leading te Ine Cent*lei y.



FLORIST, High Street - - Andorer

—Aau— Pont OHM BUllalnar, Lavrrrnet,

HOUSE AJTD BEDDING PLABT8 Over 14,000 pot> of Bedding onl Plants, (ie,«.

nluti.I, Verbenas, Oeleus, and all the desirable sorte. Uads-m.e linnleniaa atu-ntled toby a thoroe|he:l**U *lU

ear*. Cause ef srllleg. Id beskth Per far- IHtrtl.nlara ln-jnlre at Ut Batia Mreat,

--■»***. L*wrenee,e»am


a areaebt* UAUB.F I't-

Greatest Show On Earth!

To g*t the full value ef year aaeaev la al

CDBTlS'UtlkHrtlFllslttlUlllf. MS »t mt Joo. to amasii

Iteeidence st Junlssr. natir at aMla<>>>W«l on Uantrnl Avi

the hai ha' i eeatamn andtwe fctaeaaaj H ineclty oiaaletn. The paia's.1 tbis sprint, f si d la la awed retail teestser reeideana. at liiiaidaaa Fee eaetlealaia




4 A. P. OOUWAI * Co.. CfcMUttT"

Lawrence, Ma**., Bold PioprUton for U. S. A


Benson's Capcine Vv Porous Plasters.

iWkj they are t*raf erred lo All Cther -area* iiuim or Kxteraai

mease-ale* t '

*■»* all the merit of (he plaster, lad coutala In ad rly discovered powerful and

Hrvngibanlnc poro illtlou thereto lb* I

■uuunr Irritant a**c

IMM Ihey are IMM pharaucesllcal prep- arm kin, and to recognised by the protaMloa.

Third. flccae** they aro tlie only plaster* that relkvs

uemsioscc. I'emrtfc.

Ik-caneo Iboy will positively core dlaeaee* which other rested;.■• will not even relieve.

Becaivo over r.O«l [>h> *!il»n« and draggl*t* hav>> v..Jii:itari!y Uslifled thay are a u parlor tu nil uilii r ylaaurr* or medicine* fur external sse,

Sixth. ntcau** lb* manufacturers have received tb*

oUjr siodab over given for porotu piaster!.

Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster! SEABURY 4 JOHNSON,

* _ Matifactinaf Ohamsst*. IM*W Turk. i""rfiTitB HKtiKDY Wi.AHT.~TXw soti*. H BEAD'S Ibdkaiad CORN a»d BUNION PLASTER.

CURB Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Lack

of Energy,Loss of Strength,

Want of Appetite, Inter-

mittent Fevers, etc.

IRON BITTERS arc highly rtcoiuiiH'ii.ltHi fur all diaeaaes requiring; ■ certain and efficient tonic.

IKON BITTBB8 eenVJ, tit Mood, afrswohVsa IA* wuuoltt, <md a i *e «*v /</< to (As rtrrre*.

IRON It 1TTHR8 act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic armptoma, such aa hitting tke food, bekkin-j, AMI ta tie ilomaek, heart- bunt. He.

IKON BITTERS—the oak Iron Pnoantlon that -M not Wuciot M* (erfs

jiV* ktadack*. Bold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book,32 pogea of

uaeful and amusing reading—Mat free,


t'ly f**i *


Sevatid yean of *tady and csuertneal •tB.fWrtHwBKaafllH-KMwj*. Hl«**Vr. I rl.i-rj tiim BjaJI Tin !■■■ ajaaaaaj '"it frrmthr Ihn- -f I'l

approval tad c-anOdenceof Mnllnil awn and thoeevh,]

r Inarodaced haa aavanoded all other treet . la ah,,rt, *ecr lalulatHnale merit and lu^rrl

aajBL (hat It la BOW UM >elr frecetjnlaad reliable remedy.

Sirs EI»XFV r \n>* K ■■ ...i.i i.y .in- ;. i ■. of wtnbeatathy i*sUli*ree<>f pottage) on receipt"' Ibclr artaai Itetjular, *S)*i BperbU, far otetliut* curs of Ms MeaaUiir, SHO, ; i.ikln-r'a! IU* Ailrfrc-ae. ■AT KDHIBT IV.D CO., TWLTa-o, OHIO.

lBpEaSl.wTir "SBS 4JEO. C. «OQ&H Ilf * CO, CaL'l ARcal

■s«T»ir, MASS,

Far aaia by at. H. WUITRET * CO.


FILLS Aro th« rr.iMatt avo-


a iMjmt^i ICh. Th.eae

PILLS Ton* up th* tystam and ro.*Lwr» hea'fito .Sow lufferinp from ganeia' dehilit; nn.l n"»rwu«na«a. Scld by nil Druggists,

' flCS Con'jrj t>«>r *3o^. flvjS ■

OUR SPICE BOX. Profe-aor, to clau in trigononMtry

—*4A man six feet high {■ able to see an object three miles oat at sea. "In- quisitive fresh—"1 low far can be see if bis eyes are on n level with the water9" Professor—"Probably about as far as I he and Of his nose." The recitation proceeds without further interruption.

She—"Why don't you grow a moustache, Edwin? You would look so much belter." lie—"Well, but 1 don't want one. I've not a pair of cricketer's wbiakers." Hlie—"Crick- eter's whiskers* What are they?" He—"Eleven on each side, dear."— London Fun."

The New York papers are discussing the question, "Can s Judge ait when lie is over seventy years old?" If he is like other men, wc should think ha could sit a dreadful sight longer than he coul I stand.—Hurling ton Hawk- eye.

"Waiter, here's a ily in my tea." "Thank you, sir, I didn't notice it." LBJS down a check for live ccnis ex- tra.—Boston Poal.

"They do ml die on the premises," is Ibc recommendation |;iven for a pa- tent rat poison. It makes the rats feel so li.itI that they go away and die at the house o( a neighbor. There is nothing like it.

"Everything I touch, dropi," said Mrs. Jarley, as her fork fell on the floor. Mr. Jarley replied, "I wisli you would touch tlie price of beef," (is he reached for a piece of steak that cost twenty cents a pound.

A 3'oung lady recently presented her lover with an etalKirutely construct- ed pen wiper, and was astonished the following Suoday lo see him come into church wearing it as a era wit.

The Monte Carlo hut, which droops i front and on the right slde,la fluted n the left and is eel well back on the

head, was worn by the bridesmaids t a New York wedtling, Wednesday.

In a railroaJ collision the other dav a young lady's old stylo bonnet was ciusbcd and dented in seventeen differ- ent places. She took It home, put

(lower and two yards of rthboa on it, ant) now has a bonnet of the lutcst style worth eleven dollars ami a

alf. If "the proof of the pudding is in the

eating," where shall wc look for the proof of a printer's pi i"—Philadelphia Bulletin.

An eccentric Wakcliultl, Mass.,tce- totaler surprised a party of fellows hy ashing thein to take a drink with him,

ml they all ordoicd "lhc same," which proved lo be waler.

At sn English wedding die other day, daisies appeared in all the deco- rations. The brido'a white, duchess atin was embroidered with lliem.and

her veil was fastened with pearl dais- ies, and her bridesmaid* wore gowns of white nun's cloth, and satin em- broidered wilti daiaies, and daisy bon- nets and brooches, anil carried bou- quets of natural daisies presented by the bridejii'oom.

The most considerate tramp thai has visited Texas thia season stopped ata house on Austin avenue yesterday. and asked for anine dinner. A good square meal was given, including a large cup of coffee. After he hud fin- ished Ids cup of coffee, he loaned back "n his chair and said lo the kind-heart- ed lady of the bouse, "I would like to make you a business proposition

What is it?" "If you wilt scud out and get a ten-cent cigar lo smoke with l, I'll try and struggle wilb another

cup of coffee.—Texas Kiflings. 'lie widow of an Ambassador at

Berlin took an Immense fancy to the good looks and attractive manners or a young medical man, and there being notiiing the matter with her, demand- ed his constant attends nee, besides in- troducing him to many of her friends. On viailing her lately, however, he was shipped in the hall, and presently ber ladyship's own maid came to say that, unfortunately,my lady could not see in in. "Going out?" "No,doclor; she's really unwell.ami has bad to send for A physician."

The Kiinozeras lives in Ashar and you kani stick a pin In 'irn cause his werskit U bilt ov ole stoves. When a ibinozerus is gonter be kild \ u muz alwazc go up to hime from before soez he'll kno somcthin ov it an' try 'an m:ik a plnce for a bull.t. to git in. His nose is got a upper teeth that's got no busiuez ware it iz,and if a IHM should set down on it lie letter stay plugged up with the tooth rels he'll he all one pore. I'd rather be a polliwog if I wuz a rhinozerus,tho' I spose if I wuz I woodent.

An ordinary ball atlracls nobody at Paris now, or if it atlracls a few per- sons they all but yawn in the face of their eutcrlainer. Benjamin Constant recently Bccured a fair number of guests by giving what he was pleased to call an Arab reception, using his Lybian and North African models dresped up in the most brilliant gar- ments as waiters. lie retained danc- ing and a good supper as part of his programme, and hi had opera shivers an I a guitar player to amuse his com- pau y.

You cannot cultivate a man's ac- quaintance by continually harrowing bis feelings.

tk-cabionallv.yes.vtsry often,a wom- iii is more lhan a match for a man. A fanner living In the outskirts of New Haven was in a hurry to get his farm work along, and went out into the Held with his boys and hired man, nlircly overlooking the fact that the

last stick of wood in lhc woodpile had been burned to gel lhc breakfast. Itiiging huugry the foric came In at noon. The good wife had the table -"i with all tin- laslc of which she was mistress, and itreally looked invit- ing, but there was no dinner upon It. "Sarah,where's the dinner?" inquired the farmer somewhat unxioualy. "I lou't know whether it is done or not. There was no wcod for the lire, so I hung it in the warmest place I could Und. It's on the ladder at lhc south ■His of the house." The whole force was detailed at chopping wood Ihsl afternoon. —New Haven Register.

dlLUNE. v ins, sitt,


la a PoaltWe Cart f.r .11 UMM r*•»(■! (VaaaJaUW ■■*

■awswaa M*ewawatlSaialt B*a-

■plaal Weakaea, and U patUealarty adapted lo laa Cbaaaw of Ufa.

It will dbaolea aad expel taatora from tbe nteraa In ■a early Mace cf derelupEMBt Tke Undeocj to can-

itfaere la t«ee!»d eery •predUl by Ite oec.

of the etonisrB.

Oeawral Dtatttty,

Ral feetlac of bearlna; dowa, SBMBSj I ■ad baekaclw, Li e]w*7« panaaaaatir cared by Ite Baa,

Itvwatalltuweeaad ayntja all r ■ raaaaBwM act la

LTSIA B. KMMAM1 VISITABLE CwM- rauirSIa laaaaaal UWudai Weattra ATOWM, Lyaa,aaaa. rd««L "taaotUeeroeaj, aaatbyaMU la UH torn of ptUa, alaa la Uw fona of loarucn, on rwwlpt of price |l per boa lot either. Mr*. PlakHam fraelyaiuwenallleHeraaf laqeJrj. Send for paaaph- let, Addreae w above. Seaffoa IAi« "aaar.

ajr K»ld br ■! I iiyjoi

To prevent diphtheria, and finally rxtcrmitiate it, every man, woman and • hihl ibrotighout our land and the world should be brought to obey the taws of life and health. Parents •hoald Kgalarly Iced, properly clothe and duly restrain all children, before they come to llie years of understand- ing and accountability. This alone would do much. A late prominent ph\ -irian of Pal is estimated thai iJOOO eliildrcii hot) died In thai city, duriug lite 20 years of his practice there, from short sleeves, short pants, and oilier kindred imprudence in the dressing of children. And I am fully convinced that as (urge a por- tion arc sacrificed, in towns at least in this country, from lhc same cause —all for a wicked fashion. And from careful observation, in this country and abroad, I am confident that HI least as ninny more are carried or! by improper foot! and irregularity in taking it; together with poisonous candies, ami other unwholesome and indigestible Irutdi, that no child or other person should cat.—Dr. Kdwin Maxaon, iu tbe Sanitarian.


luuimu. Operates through the Nerve For

ess and the Circulation.

UOLMAK'I SeactAL FAD. Por Chronic caeca Ss.oi*.

HOLaUM'e sci,at:s lltn. W r alnbtiorn caios oi anlaiattl suleen and umidlttlng Liter an I siniiiii.-li irimhtiM. |l mi

UOLMAN'S IarA<rr»'l*Ai>. ailmenti nf In Unit and Children. gl.SO.

UOLVAB'I AanoMtatL PaD. f*or Uterine,0*a M.! n anil Bladder trimblca. J.VIIII.

OOLMAa'a lli'.AL yxKlDMa r*i.. For Kidney Louulalala. IJVU.

rioiMiH'a ri.i' PAD. For affeclloaaol ItwUbesland aeSSS*, Sa.UO.

Uot-uaa'a ABaoamva MIIICI'AL BOUT PLtaiaa.. Xbe ii!.: Plaeiar In (he world, ISM.

HOI.BIN'S AB^ORPIIVS Mtmrioo. FOOT 1'LABTKKS For Uuld Feel, and B:uisUh Circulation (per «ali) SSo.

Aus lac n >x SALT (oi llSDtCATSi> UATHB FJ Cul'le, all caaea where Hi!iIiosted 11.Ill It needed; also in exoe.'leat loot balh (i>i i | lb. uackaga) Sffc

For a ale I y all Orosilali, or ttnt by mall, Soeipaul, o» ieci'l|>t 01 urine. The|>lion

alt la n»t '■mioi.nile," and moat bo seal by r.B|iicit al purchaser'* expunte.

See ihtl each Pad bear* ihe PaivtTB Ravi NUB STAMP ill III.' II i)],MAN I'A II IOMIMNV, wi.liai.fiTn Trale Mai k iilnted In areiaa.

ha. IIOI.M M N'S adtlce I* IHJ Fall UetUeC •"•..I frat on u |.|>l ii* .tii.n. Addraaa,

HOLMAN PAD COMPANY. (P.O.BoxSUi) *44 Wraadway, IS.T.


Murray & Lanman's


todl 6m ntarU


U the moat effectual Remedy for al< Dii eaiatof ihe, glsddef and Urlnar\ Organs. Femi'i Cam' plaint* and General hebi ily, such at pain ful. dragging tarna- tion In the Sack and Lolni, Supprettd o Incontinent Urtnt lion, with whltlih oi Omp*yl Q-avel. D<" bate*.Organic W *k-

N"*PHeRETICUM Has n o aqti*' *" ' Lamenefiand Wajk- nett peculiar lo Fe- mNrepHRET|CUM it ihe bett k-own ram sdy lo> Dlabetet.

NBPIIRF.TICUM as a Tonic and Stim- ulant for aajed persona, la without a rived. Be aura and ask for DB. BOL- LOCK'S KIDNBT BBUKDY, NSPHBB- TICUM- For SSM by ail Drugglata.

Pries, only tl per bottle. C 8 BOBSBTSOH, Proprietor. Boston OBO. C- GOODWIN At GO-. 0»i. Agta

38 & 30 Hanover St., Boston, Mate IOH:-JIB.'J lli


^imns Ajral

The Traveler Who Wlerly Prorlilee

by UUM filer ■ Stomach Iliiien, hit c-ccmion io ronjtnlt liimeell on lm lorni(In, Hhen lie teei other* who

.._ _ tieglecied to do to lullenrn from lorae on* nl the mbdiet fix otiicli it la ■ leoiedv and 'prevenuiive Itnng i'*>r are le*er and "Kur. Ijillomneaii. conilipa- ■on and ibeumaliwn, diKWce olttn aitcadaiil upou a hjBRt of die ilr or iiawenltd diet.

For ule by all Druuitii and DeaJe. teller* Ily.


?VROt Caret Dyspepsia, Xervoos Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Ague, Paralysis. Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- flaints. Liver Complaint, Remittent

ever, and all diseases originating in a bad State of tbe Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System.

OPIUM And noil PIHT E Rat Sit rurrd tuld<<i»tlayt.Tenreareet- labllahed; loco cured. Write Mal- iBf C*M. lb. AUaaa, yulccy.aieb

[FroB the Dosloa Joaroal ]

Wooden Nutmegs. Their Plaoe of Manufacture was

Oaoe a Howling Wilderness,



ReeosBSHawdaUoH by Ute CHF K-gl-

The Stale of the Health of Some of Connecticut's

Ll'udlntT Men.


llABTroao, CT , Hay 30, 1881 Editor* Bottom Journal.

It Is a wall kni.wti fad iliai oar wintcn are tkorter and mltder. wild milder eumtner* Iban any other part of Near England, owiig It

id to our toutluTfi petition and Dtaititit e Ma. Still tbe extremo* or beat and culd are

tomeilrae*oporettleo, aal It waa Ii all prooa- biltty ooaccouat of tble that our citiaeu* loni gjgava up tbe maenladura ol outmega am a»a fur export, io New llavea peopli', antl urned ibelr autiotlon to all tirUaod k:uJ of

I SH ranee. Our companlci make tho nioti money ont of

inoic «fur e pulicivs run the lunge*), acd any tbing iliat will aitlat In proioncniu life will nut only auit tbe average, hut bring Jty to tbe beam ol tbe intuiaoee euu|wulea.

Yuu bate bad *CVIT.II letieri recently Irom ili Here it tccilon* ol Ihicunntry detatlrg Ibe biaaliuUeileeU I'rom ualng Klrtney-Won, Ibat well-known and popular renxdy.

Dnippleg In at s.kes & Noatok'e popolar drug ainre on A-vlum ttreti, ibe other day, 1 chanced to g«-t Into a dlf cutr i >n aliuul at varte- tlea ofKidnet-Wort an" liaturtt, and i tiffed upon bl* father, Mr. B. V. Rykce, that I waa led lo call on Lint, at No. 87 Main atreel, ibe next day. Ue *aid ibat a inn two yean a no be bad JO etweea* form on bi* kldn.<ya wbleb nially brokei andeoniinulng to dlti-barde, be tried i.'vtri'l regular pbytk-lana altbout any relk-r, aiao t! iifor. nt kind* of kidney cure. Ill* a >n fi- nally recommdnded bin) lo uae Kl.lney-Wort, about January 1, which be did. At ibe tad 01 one month tbe dUcbarge whi aioppid, and by tuoroaab ute or It. bell now entirely well!

In another interview wl'b Mr. Sykca, Jr., be ■ ltd it I* perfectly wonderlol bow tbe i.U cen- ttemae Lad Improved tnce be commenced ut- mg l; Ibat lie had not the Ideal Idea roer month* aioi'iat he could tier do another day'* work, but he it today In belter liaalth iban he baa hern In ten year*. He alaa ml I tbat ibe artldi Ii Ibehett ofanytblna be baa tried, and ibat be bee btard cf otbtr cue* where it bit been or great Item Hi.

Dr Thnmai F- Pannlnr, a well known den- li.t N i 2 8:eie ilrret, told me be bid euRVred wiib blerdins bcmorroli'i Tor tbe peat two year*. Aonut tiir ■« monibt aco, falling lo set rebel liom pbyaLiani, 1M conimenced mlng Kidney-Won, tlrtt In lbs dry and then in liquid iiira; It not only n lit red but perfectly cured him, and be waa dcllgLted with Iu action on bl* whole nyilem.

"Ilcundblmall over'' u he expreucd it. sinceuklng Ki,lney-Wort bla ciUrrb. which he baa been troubled wub for year*, baa entirely disappeared.

Such rree, frank itatementi and (1*11]} 11- fecll are aer-l ante lor regular pbytlclana to crack and I dor.ot wondtr tbat "Homeopilli" your llurllngton cone | undent wai forced lo give in to Ibie wonderful and powerful rvmedy.

I hire beard of many oiben who bave been aMIrtid with SaWSM and the relief SM come tbrooih Kidney-Wort, and wilt give tbelr ci»:i though by epecial rtqucat I mid o nit aeaats.

Mr. 8.—, ■ prominert gentleman of Hart for', over ■evenly year* year* of age, lay a be h»» been trounled wl-h Urarel for over twenty ye* a aud ibat Kidney-Wot bai given blmmurert- llef Iban any remedy (.liber proprietary or of a pbyeldan in all tbat time.

A prominent resident of Wheihenfleld, aayi bii »iit hn been Iroulhd wltb liver compUint for tevtral years and recently commenced taking liquid Kidney-Wurt and Ibat although abe bat been taking it but a abort lime the It very mucb Improved and that it lead* all other remedleaibe bai trkd. SJa was I'unucily a great inHerer.

A prominent offidJ In the deal and dumb aty lum nyi be baa bed kidney trouble for aer> era) year* and ha* been trcut d liy regular pbyiiclant for Bve yean ufibout relief, a few month* ilnce wai Induced to place bltmelf under Ibe caro of a apectalitt wh.i chirged him a round fro but did lum no good. Ilr* Ibe ad- vice ol a friend, a drugiilet, be ba* tinea used tbree bottle* ol liquid KUlney-Worl, aid la mucb pleated wltb ibe reiult. Ilobuinot fell ao well for year* at *)nce h - c immerctd mlng It, an I be anil .-Ipaie* a permanent cure.

A well-known aent.eman or tbia city, former ly a prominent < nVcr on Ibe p-dice force, be* uted l.qnid Kidncy-Wutl lor oi ly fo ir week* for kidney trouble and conttiputlon, and aayi It i* doing I.lm mi ie uoo I than anj thing be ba* ever taken, a* It ba* given bins prmp and iborougu itlkf from all ptin. Tne latter irouhle waa aeverc at limit, i.ul now all !■ eaay andwiihiut>.

Mr. F—, a pntinliieni mcr Ii ml on A-yluni ttrect, bit ta*S trun<>ied for ye >r* with in iliiii- ty to uvuld urine, i i ■ n -■ i nearly all rtmedie* ml pr.'*ertplinni. IIu taw Kidney Wort ad- vtitlstd In every p.itn-r wtnrb h ■ pi.-bed up, and DoadaatrUI or a IHHIIU which relieved turn In twodayi. I|o bu* now uted fmr lioutei and II entirely free Horn irou> la, nnd <ny* be I* pe-

iniiv rared. 8 yt be will bea tlly UIJ bit _ lence all itat i* poitiuiv, lo tpread tbe knowl dje or Iu i i inc.

A gentleman living on Woodhridge airee', *ay* he ha* been inu 1 :U with gravel fur many yean. He cummuueed utlng I quid Kidney- Wort only an >ui five weeks ago It ha* abown n-ui.iri;.ti | ■ rctqtl* In r^'ievltg him cf all naln, and the proapeciaaroa tDcedy and permannnt cure.

Mr. H—, a contractor of C. I '* Armo'y, aiyi bi* motber, a lady of eighty yean of agi, bas been inlfering for n-vcal year* Irom iro jb'ei of annoying nature which t»u»cd excrucijilng pain and grew won* *ll the lime; notwtlL. ■tnoding ibe had need nearly all tbe promlnei.t renuUic, a* well a* tuurougti 're-ttracnt by regular pbyilciana wlibout innciit. She com- uilng Kidney-Wort about two moatbi ■go, and alter a few doaeafourd great n lie fend ba* contlnutd lo Improve. Bar* that it will en- tirety run her, Judging from what it bae done to far. She ha* not been ao well lor yoan.

A in I'liuiicui gentleman nf Hartford, over 5J yearvol age, £** been tuH<>rlng ir kidney trouble and habitual coDiilpation lor year*. He cummin((.■■! uilng I quid Kidney- Won uUiut four luomLt ago at d tan ircly *ay that nuthing be bai ever uted aftordtd bim iueb relict, and •ay* be cannot pralie it loo MgUy- He wai cured by uiing four boti] * of Kidney Wort.

1 laid to a gentleman in tbe Bruwer Houie tbe otlitr day, "Mr. «*-, bow it yonr old trouble r Who I* dicoring you puw I' III* iniwerraaae Komptly, "No more docior'i bill* for inc. J

ve been troubled, as you know, wltb conHI- palion In it* wont ibapc lor ibe part three yeara. and all the citbanlc pill* and pretcrlr- tioni bave never given me any rein r Two bot- leaol Kidney.Wi-ri bavedono u.e online** up irown.and I don't Intend loevir be wflbont II, md I recommend It iu Ui with trouble* of lbl»

k nd." in te tie all llvlnr, cured people, whose tallb

In Kidney-Wort I* nnboended. Tbcte are many more thai ci.u'il be named. Moresnon.



QUAKER BITTERS! Thcic cclcbrilcd Hill i ire composed of tlmit

.puinifl, >» in v IIITIT)., j ..iiuirinii r beniet, and are th prepared it Ic liiml qualniei. Thee in**nab|y v* di* lullowiiij; comulaiati: Dytp

mcdleiml qualiliea. Thee ineanably cur* or grratly rclicv* die lullowinj: comulaiati: Dytpeptit' Jaundice, Li vat Con plain i. Filet, MM) Cwaja Fenirle I>iS- cultiet, Lateiiude, Low Spirit*, Geneial Llebdiir, and in facl, everything cauted by an nnj.iue Mat* ol In* Ulood or deranged ennditinn of Stnmich, Liver or Kid-

1 lie ajed find in Ibe Qiiater Hicieif, a tenlle. toothina Mintulant, to deiircabl* in iticfr declf "" yeara. No one can reaiaio unaell (unite* afflicted an incerable ditaiiw) afler taking a lew botllee ol lea Quaker Biller*. FAT ia!e ererywlicre. Sold at uliole- tale by CHAKLLS CLARKE U*rence,

c ii* jm in I l PI

la September laat, lo coDaeqoence of s

pstltlosi signed by member* of the atsdl- ■cal profeealun sod others, to the number

of JOB. the city engineer waa Instructed

to make s thorough autvey of the Splcket

river sod of Ihe valley throogh which It rune, ae an Important sup towards seenr-

log proper drainage for UmteecLlos. The

engineer has now made hie repor'.ln which

are tbe following recommendation* spper

taiolng to the inbJecL

He sgrtea with the plan of sewage for

thlaaeciloo, proposed bjr Hr. Bice, viz: Ibat i sewer be built to receive the sew-

age dlscbirge from tbe dlatilct norlh of Haverhlll aircet and west of Broadway,

running northerly Iu Broadway to Delay

•treat, thence through Delay street, to

and through ihe Hplckel river, aid con-

tinuing acio.s.i private Und to Myrtle

■treet, UenceerrUurly throogh Myrtle and Fits strut*, land ofBnniiders and Durant,

through Avon, EA*t llsveihlll end Brook streets, end acrusa private laod lo Haver-

h'.ll street at the bead of Allen street,

ihtnce through Allen and Oarden streets,

aud dlscbargit)]; Into the Bploket river some five hundred feet below Butler A

Robinson's dam. Tbe sewer to be of brick, of dlhV-reol

alms, Incri-tK nif as tbe branch sewers uilng aa lucreaae of material, varying

from s diameter of 36 Inches St Broad-

way to 40, SI ai.d 60 inches, which latter to be the tlie, at the p.»lnt of dbcherge.

Ho rteommend* tbe straightening of tbe

river eaat of Lawrence street, tb«A ren- dering possible tbe extension of CnestMt

41m sad Short street*1, sod suggests that

If the tlver be straightened, tbe city should reserve on either bank, s WSJ for

public travel. In relation to drainage be

say* tbst sll sewage should be conveyed to s proper outlet near tbe Merrlmsc,

either by lajlng a suitable sewer In the

bed of tbe river, after the latter has been

properly atrslgblened, or by s sewer In-

dependent ol the liver, having

that lo be straightened or Dot, as Individ-

uals or ihe city may see profit or occasion

for It, the sewer, In either case, to be tbe

main for draining the whole valley.

His estimates 'or -straightening the river

are as follows i Kxcavailuu of new chaons) 60 feet wide,

115,276 cubic yards ut SS cent* per yard,

113,610. Filling In old channel, 160,067 coble yards, about SIO.OCO. Building re-

taining walls OD botb sides of river from

Brosdway to Bast Haverhlll street, 5,900

foel at 817.50 per foot. S103.250. The last Item could be decreased by building

tbe walls only from Broadway to Lawrence

street, In which event tbe expense would

be about «U.662.

He enuiuetates the objections to the

plan oflaylng pipes lo Ibe river bed, such as tbe Inconvenience of repairing, and

the dlflkuiiy of laying ibem Is the old

channel, neceaallatlng from tbree lo roar

thousand feet of piling, Iho stopping of

tho mllla and lbs Immense outlay of m iin-j which would be requited.

If two arches are built, extending from

Brosdway lo Bolter A Robtnsou'a mill,

the cost would be $713,625, "not Includ-

ing ibe coat of proper foundation, which

will probably rtquire piling for about halt

the distance." If one arch ia used tbe

cost would be sbont S475 750, not loclod-

log coal of the pile f.iuudaUon. These

estimates not Including the cost of grad-

ing, which, exclusive of filling the discon-

tinued puls of th-a olJ river, would re-

quire about 252,000 cubic jatiis. Aboot

and three-fourths acres of lso1

would bave to be takeo for straightening

purposes and about tleven sod ooe-balf

acres would be made by filllog the old

river bed. Tbe gain in ares by straight- ening would be abjut eight acres,

He says In conclusion i

Straightening the Bplckot liver would unquestionably be a liviii-fl , as opening op a large territory lo use fulness now com paratlvely worthless, except for cultlva Mop, or as s grazing groocd for cattle ; and tbe Question comes, would the en- hanced vuiue of tbe territory benefitted, be aofllclcnl to wsirsot ibe undertaking* In the consideration of this question, agalna*. sn alUrmallve inswer Would be oroogbt lo bear the feel that, within s few hundred feet of thia same locality Is ample building room st reasonable prices, The largest amount of labor lo straight- tnlng In tbu manner as recommended, comes between Hampshire sod Lawrence streets, rendering avail.tile for economi- cal division loto building lots the large area owned by tbe Aoguallniau Society. • * • Them: streets would, lo three Instances, Interfere wltb present Improve- ments made by Individuals on Lawrence and Hampshire streets; bot an exchange of property and s satisfactory settleaieDi

ugbt to be possible st little expense. ihould tbe river be straightened. It Is

recommended tbat the city reserve, oo either bank, s way for public travel, Indicated, In part a narrow, sod agalo, a fifty-fool elreet. This would be tbe only effectual wsy of preventing the river be- coming a receptacle of Dub from back yards and privies, and alnk drains, which people would pro'-ably persist In running to tbe river, had ihuy easy access lo It.

The public way would give the city ab- solute coniro.. and permit thorough In- spection at all timta, bealdia being con veoiiot for travel. It msy seem ost of place, after recommending tbe building of a sewer ss accomplishing tbe object of the City Government, to urge spy extensive cbinglng of tire river locatlou ; yet there is one section which the convenience of public travel demands to be straightened, and thia d< mami should be carefully con- sidered. Ibe section lo which refer*nee Is made includes Elm and Chestnut streets, eaat of Lawrence street.

liupiov. meiita could be made, as sug- gested, rendering possible tbe t xteuslun of Chestnut, Elm and Short streets, b-mglng Into the market gntte sn ares In ihe very hesrt of a thickly settled pail of ilu ciiy, suit iu.dliing sn Idta evidently In mind wbin tbtse streets Wire first projected.

The greatest depth of tlver was found cast i)I Lawrence street, between Chest- nut and Maple atienlp, where the river bottom was unmet n feet below tbe top of "Hayden's dam."

A plan ol tbe sorveya made end denut-


A Serious Affitlr.

Shortly aRsr 5o'clock lhariday P. ace deal occurred, which came near being f*UI for one of ant tana, of those concerned. Judge W. U. r. Wrssat a as driving up Jackson street ha a tight baggy, and hi* ton Erno y T. Wltb bis wlla la soother. Ai both drove good horses thay begs* lo tpeed along side by aide. At tbe Unluilau cLarch Mr. Albert Emerson wss tit- ling In bis carriage by ibe skle el Ibe itreeL JailoppoalU, Clly MlMlontry Dunning was In bl* carriage, close to tbe ildeasllt. Botb Mr, Dunning sod Baaeraon aaw tbe approaching trams saff, tsnad ont as much •• poaalblc. young Mr. Wright was ia the left, and aeelng Mr. Dunning' carriage, turned In lo get oi hiiwiy; Judge Wright did ibe same for Mr. F.menon'*, and tb* conteq-tenc* wa*; both o' the Wright "turnout*'' came together, there- nit biing a collision. Jadge Wright wai thrown o*j u> the aktawalk. receiving a sjvtre cntoo»hi beaJ. Hli norss ran sway lo* tbe stable ba. East Haverhlll atne*.. Mr. and Mr*. K. T. Wright wars ihrowe out over the front ol Ibe carriage, the lady striking on her bead, receiving severe can and InJJiies, Ytraug Mr Wright fell ue.-lde bit wife, but plscklly held oi to lbs rein* and bla hone did not run. lie tu t- talnSfl savers brultei on the arm. Mi. E ner- ton'tcarrlane WII tlruck, badly iprlngiug Ite axis. The injured parties were taken home, when I'.'. Dana was called and attended them. He gave hit opinion Ibat Mr*. Wright waa bad- ly Jarred, and that lb* shock to her lyiten would bs lbs only injury ibe would it ff r Sbs wai qaile badly bruised and cut about tbe head.


Irn the report.



■•saSMITH •»«*-- Medicated Prunes.

A nun1 Karanr AKBCEBTABrctru VOB




Wood, Coal, Lime, Cement, & C.

594 ESSEYST* and *o6 LOW£.LL ST.

Architect Adams baa prepared plans for

a new city alnuhonse and building for the

harmless Insane, which the Overseers of

the Poor have accepted. It la proposed

lo erect s brick bolldlog, 70 feel front nad

65 deep, thtee stories wltb pitched roof.

This bolldlog will be located 8 feet In the

rear of the present structure, which re-

cently has been filled with ibe city's

wards. Tbe lower atory will be fitted for

dining, culinary and laundry purposes,

and a few rooms will be located here for

the Insane patients. Tbe second end

tbltd stories will be divided Into wards with strong partition-. Pauper* and the

baimless insane, who have been cared for

at a great expense to the city In tbe State

asylums, will be provided here with toch

a Imiie as their unfortunate condition*, and the building will be pro-

vided with nil modern appliances which

coutrlbute to health sod convenience.

grroL-nvit i. The struc:urn will nt present be built in

5f0Sh*S?5S£r*o» I ""Ob n manner Lhat ultimately H maybe extended to 120 f«et frost, with bslcome*

st either end and lire escapes, Tbe Over-

FSSfi of the Poor are oow receiving esti-

mates of the price of construction, sad

propose to keep wlthio tbe aj proprtalloa

made for tbe put pose by tbe clly govern-

uient. Tbe present slauhoose bolldlog

will be icuineel, and the Board are ol

opinion thai it ceo be atlllstd to as grant

n extent as pr. sent.

AI*o Tickets

the W.sU

i all Points in Canada and

rod lyr noi? — Williams, or l*owell. 1* building a

double working boat for parties la this city.

A rumor prevailed upjn the street Sun- day, to the iffuct Ibst a man had been stabbed by another on Union street, Sat- urday night, aod tbst death had result id from bin Injuries; also tbat bin assailant bad been arrested and was at the police station. So extensively was tbe rumor believed, tbst s local pistor nsed It as an illustration of tbe effect* ol Intemperance In bis discourse In lbs evening, sod the result was. that mull late into the night, tbe pjllce station was sought by snxlona Inquirers, deslrons of learning tbe partic- ulars of Ibe reported tragedy. These ru- mors Were utterly unfounded, sod grew out of the fact ibat a drunken row took place Saturday, s few minutes before midnight,st what la known ns O'ltelllej'a corner, oo Union street, the denlsensof wblcb locality bsva given the police great trouble, end have frequently been befoie the police court f,>r Sibling sod disturb sues.

Al the time sbovo stated, tha attention of officer* Stolgler and Morse wss called to U'Rellky'a tenement house, where a Ugbt wu In progress. O dag there, ih _v found a youu-.; man named Connolly, lying senseless on the fl *or, and bleeding profusely from two wound* on bis bend, which bad be co 11 dieted by blown with a bayonet In ihe bauds of OTtetllcy. Soon after being Ton nd,Connolly revived, and fought the officers on the way to the police station. The other occnpania of the bouee, Thomas O.Rellley, O-ven Cor- rlgan nod his wife, Llxxle (Jorrlgan, were Intoxicated, and wltb tbe assistance or offlcers Habooey and Corliss, ibey were taken to ibe pollen atallon, O'Bellley flgLl- log desperately.

The City Cemeteries.

The dt-maud for lots at Beltevne Cem-

etery Is st present fully cqnsl tu the sup-

ply furnished by the work In tbelr pre-

paration upon ibe territory added by tbe

purchase of Ue Parson* lot; these readily

sell st frost g60 to $50 each, for lots tin

lo fifteen feet tquare, aod the entire plot

bids fair to be takeo op In tbree or four

yenra. Tbe lots heretofore sat apart In

In Ibe cemetery for tbe bnrlal of those

whose friends are ooable to pnrcbaae lots,

hns bees entirely occupied, snd there la

ao land for this purpose, without using

the recent addition, wblcb becomes quite

sxpeuslve from ibe cost or filling up.

Tbe Aldermsslc committee oo cemetery,

Messrs. D-infortb, Smith and poe. Lavs

been In consultation wltb the liusteca of

Den Rock Cemetery, aud a section bss

been net apart lo ibat ground for tbe above purpose; the cemetery committee,

one of whom, ss a member of the common

council, strongly opposed the purchase of

the Den Bock property, bare msde a care-

ful personal examination of tbe premises,

and are unanimous lo their endorsement

of tbe superior excellence of the location

for cemetery purposes. Eligible lots can

be sold hers, to persons of moderate

means, at about one-fifth the price of

those in the old cemetery, placing Ibem

within reach of those to whom, under

the cost entailed nt tbe qld ground, bnrlal

had become a burden uf expense of a se-

rious character. Them w|ll be almost no

expenditure needed IR the preparation of

■be tract proposed to be osed In Den

Koch Cemetery.

A' Kolib'e Sveat.

Ad'olant P.O. Kendall of Post 39 O. A.

R., ban Just received from seamsn Thomas

Cowan, formerly of ibis city, now on

board lbs U. S. flagstaff, Trenton, sta-

tioned ID France, the following order of

exercises. ''First Decoration of the graves or the ™tsited States Bailors and

Mariners borned nt VlHefranch-snr--mer,

France, by tbe crews of tbe U. 8. Flat-

ship Trenton, U. B. Ship Nepslc, snd U.

8. Ship Qslena, Sunday, May fad, 188), at

2- o'clock a. m.'1 Tbe programme was

printed nt tbe efflen on board the

Trenton nnd Is s neat piece ol work. Tbe

fact of this being tbe first decorntlqn of

United States sailors' graves In a foreign

eonntry by comrades In service makes It a

notable event and worthy n place In

history. Seamsn Cowan was formerly a

comrade In post Ul) snd si ways recollects

Lawrence people when aoytbln{* special

tskes place on his vessel.


. Whit* Haa te Say About it

B*v. A. E. White of Ibe Uairen«)l*t Church, presclied to a larce audience, Sunday, on Ilia "New Veralon," uklng for hi* leu ihe 17th ver*e or 17Ul chapter ol John: "Sancliry laeni In lh« truth; Thy word i* truih." Wo give an abniracj, as follow*:

King .fame*' vernion read* the above test: "Bacetify them through favtrtiili" Having re- ferred to Ihe edition or Dr. Hill, prlnle 1st Ox- lord, In 1707. which wse afierwarJ adopted, un ler car* of Dr. Burton, Regius Fioftsaor ol Divinity, la ItSI. Hr Whit* made ihe lUlement lhat the literal iraaalalloa of ihe verea Is quaelfon I* cos- •i.leat U the Ureefc texi Iron) which ihe Uxlord exillioa came. But an older m inn cripi Him tint known to tb* O-tiord Profcrenorn, ha. been found In UMM bnerday* by Ti-jch-mloif nt Sinai, and La* revolutionised ihe Biblical- world-being greatly ooutullcd In IheproiiarMliun of DM Kevn-cd Venlon.

In accordance with the text of lint minuscrlpt eur teat I* tranalaied: "Sanr.uiy U»m In Me IruUi; Thy word Ulruth" Hake holy, my dla- elpbts In the truih. Tbe tendency or the ion pel 1* to purify and wake clean Ihi heart* of men. "Verily, verily I .ay unto ynn, Us that bearelh cay word, and bellereth him that rent me, bath eternal Hie. and nomelh not Into Judgment, Hit h:ith os**ed out of deem into lire." Here 'death" It Ibe boadaa-u of ait), and Ihi true believer b> gtna lo kaow eternal or tptrliu-il life." preaching covered a broad view ol irnth. He de- clared kit worj* to be truth, Iwoaute Ibey arc lioaUttt. NlidUciplea bellundhe * poke with

thorny, and sari credence lo Ihe power of

to many thoti-aml ol commentirli-n, that the I* bewildered, and tha heart grow* sl k la ihe effort to know On, truth, and whether tola or lhat HKint haa anv dlreol conneellou with It.

Thu- wa have tha au-called "Word of Uod" anw Htrusetl, antl ihe Utirleilan world la much aaliiilril on the "UevUed Vet elon of the New Tfcl.inn.-ni."

Thaflrrt exeat foci which tha Hrvttiou make* mauir,*! is. thit Ih) Iranalallon, a* it tumli, la not iqflillibi*. Too many hind* are seen In III conip*eltlon.

InTallibliilyor trsnalatlon it sn lm|. ■-•■ibilliv Mnny of ih. ilniijfca wars ad>ipted by a two- third* inle The efuracl -r of ill • changes loude *bow* lb J dlfflciiliy of (tcvltion, I. e., m my error* In ij|ie, expreiHlon* of graisuiar, oiMtoleUi arena. i*m>, many iloub.lul p.uagea and ••ml-.ciune, arrangeu,ent nf eectluni, reduMlon or tbe |real number of Italic! IIHI word*, anil BUsSf oilier* loo numen ui toniantioi.

The New 1'erti.m i* not a New trunslutiom, only a New Veralon Utrgtlg uf an Old tmmilation. fl there i-hould be a .Vrw traotlatlon from the loxi ol Ihs oldeet Msnuieriil*. mii.y thlngi now alluwad lo *Uad would bo expunged. time wilt ecr tatnly cwnte when acl.olirihlp will laaltt on :b*n'get not now adopts.I. " '

Ml.| „ niy worded.

turned lo Its .( unlit langusgu. Its rhythm, II* power ol espre**ion> lhat we sre loath Iu deuarl from the HUlhoiliy ol t'U je»r>. The UevUion, however, was needed. LangHJgS ha* Us gruwil and decaya: word* rite Into u*a a* lucre i* a tie nund fur them; they act Ihalr pait snd par* away. Modern asetwoj* snd wayaofien require new word* toexurci*them. Fte»tnt*r ' ttssranasn unlike the put. Wordc common vogue are ill-placed by (lie deui.indtof an aga very unlike that whluh gave Ibem birth. Been the *ame word* med lu ilirfjient age* h.*e a meaning peculiar ti tha llmu and people aho use Ibem. •Vrevenl" once bad ti.ia men nltij: ' t precede," lo go before. Now we know It lo meai "toobtirucl." Paul laid "We Mcho I acoiupa*-,' bui there wa* no "coupask" In his days. W. have no trouble when we Irsntisle It aa'■circuit.' Vet there ure many obtolcte lonu. ttlll reialoed In the New Vert Ion. "Wl.l" for "knew" and hale, "lo drag forcibly," are in ao langer use I tbould be discarded

Moreover, we required S "Mew Version*' be- tuae llin rcbolaribtp to-day 1- lar superior In

lhat of tho earlier time*. The Iran*:*! >re ot 1011 ■ new nothing uereonally of FshMlne, Byrl* or

lay as reapocli, U lar more liberal ia convlolloa* d seailmeat than that of King James' time. I

im glad therefor* ihi* "reei.ion" haa come, ■ ' hearlily rejoice lhat a msrko.1 tlep In advance taiiile. ll is true lhat here and llieie we allll And traces ol prtjudke and thai in tome point* the •WvarSfBhave been more timid than the irulh will -rarrant.

Tho Trlniiar sns muat lots Utclr There ure Ihree Dial bear record tu .„,„

Father, tlie word, the Holy fUgwtj and these three sre one." We now li.vo"H»d»*- iramfot.d a* "iladet," not "ho I" aa bvietofora. "Uades" It s proper name and I* now to tr*n»lalcd. So too ii '■Gehenna" a of lllnnom, ■


15 Lessons in Penmanship for $2.50 WILL BE GIVEN AT


provemeut. Ill* ■<

For Information lee bills or call st the oftee.

I'Lot F. KlkUATlsL

in ihe unquslided term*, bo'h »• a gentleman and Inalruclor. Bla rest which be awskm* and tutialns, leada tirapidiia-

r been (iroilurlive ol great good.. Aii'H, f'- |, Prin. Urammar School, Brldgewater, Haa*

CORDON C. CANNON, Principal. St*t|uiaisl T r

Summer Complaints, i At this season, various diseases ef the bowels nro

tliroiigb lack of knowledge of a lofe and sure jruiidy. PAIN KiLLKll is a euro euro for Diarrhcei " Cliolera, Cholera JoWbua, etc, and is ptr/cetly tafi

Head the followinfir: an DATIH'1'aiN KluLRB *i—rf*tU t, *£w-d ui r,u,f for eramp aaul peiu in tbe t totnach.

i ef tho bowels arc prevalent, and many Uvtt are lott irough lack of knowlnIKn of a aofe and sure .renicdy. PlIKltV DAVIS*

I'AIN KILIaKIt is a euro euro for Diarrhvea, Dysentery, Bummer Uotnplaiiit,

■,*.£BSrtSfll2iAXh, iioetits^andeeatntaimtbaittauacb. Haw >e yeara, aod it 1« «f. ssts every UnK>-

"tiehenna" a proper name, *ignlfi)ng tho v'suVf a valley near Jeruaslem where tlie th.-lr offjl.and --there lluty kiLt uu a

onllnu*l Uiotodeitroy It. If OeArsaui 1* thu .iluce a* de-teribed, ao acknowhdgwl by alt a ihonty, why not trantlate it *■ "Uehenna" and not "Hell" a* has been UOM IS the New Vertlon Thiro tsnonioieieaton lor the change, in tbe out plaoe than In lha oilier. 1 am glad tu aee, how

, ihui to much or a oonoeiklon ■* made mat word "Uchenna" I* nuMln the mareln, and that people reading intelligently, urn* noili

oni, can t auilate It fjr Inemtelves. The wotd 'anssassan*1 i* iiruck out aod we

have in IU place "reconciliation " BveriHtUug snd Kiernal are tranalaied alike,

but liter ara ttlll ml-leading. Tnoy should be "iiLtiibtH" II" nn I, illr... W.....I f., i.^ f....h.i mid be found. "aieHioH" lino bjtter word

Tu* la-t part ot the Sixteenth chapter of Hark (from tim IMi lo thetOih ver-.e) wnereln 1> ihe ismou* pa**age "He that bebeveih and la bap- tised shall beaavedi bulhe tlislbrlivelh noltnaii be damned," thU la suUrely Ignored by tlie m naitlc manutcrlpt of TiachendinI and Ihe Kevieed Verilon ba* thl* I u the nwiin, "The two oltlusl Greek msnutctlpl* snd *uroo oilier auihoiille* omit from verae II u) ver*e W. dome olher auhi Ule* b.ive a dlffureot ending lo the UOeuel " | Robert* ol lhc Kngliabcomuiitlee ts) s Mark never did write till* part ol Ibe goepel, and Lherelore ll i* (/htteef off ia ibe Itevl.los as not authorized by 'be oldeal manutempts.

TrcgellL*baa*ti.iui ibep:tt*ages In qneitioa KuM-bio*. ursgorv of n-,asa, Vtoior or Xutlooi,

aercriuol' Ami «-li, deroine, a* well a* other writer*, eepeclsily Uieek*, teatlly lhat Uie.w ver*- e-i were nol wri.Uo by BL Mark or not fount in ihe beat Co plea."

U»a have gone mad in Iho belief lhat these new ages meant detonation, and sow the Kevieed

Version acknowledge* iu doubtful authority, ayi admiUiltu be ujWarraatel by Hi ■ oldoet HSs luriusresor* tbo bsr.hsr wor.1 ••damned1

'dtmoiHon'Maahangedto "condemned," "our, damnation." Truly tb* world move*.


heaiuryln the elghih ehapter of Johi ibe auman lakes in adultery, where Jeauaaat-

"Nullherdo|condenin thee; go ihy way, from

Y(ti are eorry (o baa tome bjauiilui patatget titch have had a great Ingueuce on the Chi ttliai irhl. fl-

I off a 4 bating iho beat author

fbeclos,ologyorthaLord'*prayorls al.c, ■ fUjesdja lex ual critlGi.iii. A l.i,at fau«d in .... Lallit Yulgale, it I. qot luund in Ihe Uticiah.;lt la it DQlieasd Ly Ibo ua,rliem writer* ol ibo oburc uitring uc uot into lempUlion but dell ver

from the fctilUoe," one U la Hallo*, slnlbl duubt.sndslMia Ihsmsigln I* "evil" fur '"I evil," an opportunity io Iraottat* 11 be I ore, "Uclieer ua Iron Kvll."

In critioialng Itie "New Vertlon," we mutt be unfair if wo make objection on ia* grounde lhat auay tueg* to whtoa we have been aceu.iomed SH McriSc«l. The quetllon le, |. it genuine; does the New Veralon Miow a n rreamSsal II production or the beat BagII.h or to-dgy. Tuer ara now more than sou word* In Iho Bnglle Itiblp thai are obeoletr, or have changed (lei

ire aa familiar with lbs "lie King James Veralon." W.

i-.ll ill nut complain ollua, of foroe, or of • I vie, or

'Here are alto many word* added not found luourhdc( coacqrdancet, I. e„ beach, cits in- -'III. d|vin|ty, inipube, regtel, Ireighl, #ruAo,

. ar.l. wh|ch niiut be tcry helpful In producing a correct yertbya.

traylng am and __ In menUI and spiritual bondage,—thit leadll freih and visoniUM, reveil.UK Ibe way by which all toul* can be led fruta darknet* luot IhJ light of tbe gloriou* liberty or ihe eon. or Oni Thl* book I* put In our hand* to be intelligent} tiudied, 004 if hero and thirewates thmnwiau wurfct of man. *iiil we shall know lha tiuih when we strive to live up to It- luxlieit .iiouto*, snd obey lie tupreme oouimsnilment*. We sre not to porihip Uw Bible: we are lo tearthtp uo.l o ilv. but lint lint book waalull Sod Ii «v tha way- —tnl Mfiritof man can la Ihe ilmplCHtm

I (Mat, Itlayaihgr, then, with love aod ce, let ua a* djaefple* ell at Ihs leet of tu

ward tplriiof

eoce, Uieal Tcap In burn within uaffhlle ue talk* wilh and while he opeua te u* ibe Scrip.

beaiu io bv tbe way.

Ilr. Charles W. Bbsltnck Is making

mg tan changes racommendtd", s*»sipas^'j^Ml,,lb^ at ata r"ld«nc« on

Jackson Street. Tbe r-jol la being raised and bsy window* added.

—Ex-State Detective William M. II. mil. well known here, now foreman of a tannery In Salem, wss struck on the head by Saachlnery, Thursday, causing n seri- ous nnd palnlnl wound.

— Mr. John Merrill, who for n long tlm< has been connected wltb tbe musical es- tablishment of John M. Richards, leaves the 24tb, for Atlanta, a*., to take n posi- tion lathe Interests of tbe Smith Amerl- cao Orgnn Co.

Hsv. Mr. McAyesI ol tbe Presbyterian church, wss presented by his psrlabloners laat evening with a handsome and costly sliver ten service. Tbe presentation re- marks, Is behalf of ihe donors, were very apppropilately spoken by Mr. J. B. Lynll. Mr. K. II. Dickie made a very neat ad' dress abounding In practical suggestions, snd sound argument.

— Grass cutting hen began on the city bsy field, sometimes called tbe Common, nnd the tnrf looks like anything but tbe smooth, well-kept lawn WS might have bad In this public park, especially where tbe grass haa been trodden down, despite thu signs, ss It deserved to be by ihe people, tor whose use and enjoyment tbe Common was Intended.

Tbe Essex county convention of ibe Ancient Order of Hibernians, will bo held In Salem, June 14. Tbe del'gates from this city are Patrick Waldron, John 0'KceOe, Joba Keegnn, Tlmolby (Jjulll, nail George K.Hogaa from division No. 1, nnd Joba J. Nugent, Patrick Carroll, John Harvey, Michael llollhan and Jere- miah Collins from division 8.

M'J'MK SKI*H-I|l<|

Mondsy forenoon the police made their flrel llqaor seizure of this year, raiding

aasloonkepi by VaootU Qrady, st 170

Valley street,, qrady belongs In Lowell,

and waa granted s liquor lloems here, bat neglected to take it ont. Tbe po.lcu

learned tbst he wa* trying to sell oat,

snd hence tbe raid wblcb wss made by

Officers liaaalu, Qrlfllti, O'Connor nnd

Spalding. Tuey got a barrel of ale, bar-

rel of porter, quarter of a bolt of ale, a

case snd s half or lager, biirdozso bot- tles of brandy, nnd six or eUbt two gal-

lon jugs of liquors. Orady was arrested

sod wilt be arraigned lo tbe police court

to-morrow. Urady Is also wanted In

Lowell, for selling llqior lu violation of

the law. The tfljcts lea lu bla saloja,

pumps, cigars, etc., bave been attached by Currau A Joyce.

—O. M. Jewell, of ihls clly, scored 112

points at the shooting match, oo Walnut IIIII, Saturday.

—The Lowell police hsvs adopted a

regulation straw bat similar to thai woru by tbe poke of ibis clly.

-Tbe County Gomml*>loners here pnr

cbsaed a farm, upon wblchthe aupeifluons

help st ihe Ipswich House of Correction Is engaged at labor, instead or the help

being let out at n small figure.

— It has been decided lo bold .the annual

picnic of tbe Lwrcnce street church Sab-

bath school, Wednesday, July 18th. The

piece has not yet been decjded upon, bat

It will prabsbly be Haggeus Pond.

MOTHERS! MOTBBKSII MOTHERS'!! Are JOB disturbed at nlgbi and broken of

your rest by a sick child, tufforing and crying ' ■>>• excruciating palo of culling teeth i If

onre_end get a bottle of MRS. WINS- lib ih* excruciating paia of culling teeth

■o. go at once snd get a houie of MRS. W LoVV'oBOOTHINO SYRUP. It will relies* lb* poor little sufferer Immediately—depend upon it; tbeiei* no mliuke about it. There 1* nol a mother oo earth, who haa ever used it Who will not tell yoa at ones lhat It will regu- late the boweli, give real to the mother, and re- lief and healib to the child,operating Ilka magic It II perfectly safe tome In all cases, and pleas- ant to Ibe tsite, snd It lbs prescription or une of the oldest snd tett frmale pbyilclam ind

— in Ihe Untied 8lal«. Sold everywhere. Itlyeodjnnasl

Tho...._ eboks-a morboa, need it for yeara,

JVLiua W. Dan Mottooaa, Iowa, March If, Ml.

re used soar Pant Kiuiealn *svar* oases

without s kotos'lii tb*

HavelundPass*DAVU'PAJH KiLLaaluetwei'v*

&»■ Asseca sixst.B ■** 11.1. NAT**

M*> family can aa*b|. be wltbout tl WlUilu tbe reach of all. Fur sale by all druggliU a

PKUKY DAVIS & 80S, I'roprietors, Provldeuee, B. I.

natsaysi ■aSSHsWU

deebb rtmedr. IU prlce^iilgs It IS*. oOe. and Sl.OO a bottle.

OW^TO PRINT How Hand and fo. lag bill*. A

n.°wd:i S|| fOsraio IT

Haad and foot powei log Mil*. j Any boy

dcMzrtbine the wo MODIX 1 __

sen men arc everywhere uaing It, thereby tavlsa all tkelrprist- K-mJSSKf " '^f* from *r to ''"; £™rr "*" *hi»*»*ely TO PRINT givH.ll the partirulan. Addreta ihe M-tnuf*ctsrsn,

I tl lo S17S. givei ill Ihe particiilan, Addn

J. WT. UllUHADAV *k CO., 7Si CKeatnut Ml., Pbllsulclpala.

Admiration OF TBE

WORLD. Mrs. S.A. Allen's



For RESTORING GRAY, WHITE or FADED HAIR to its youthful COLOR, GLOSS and BEAUTY. It renews its life, strength and growth. Dandruff quickly removed. A match- less Hair Dressing. Its perfume rich and raro. Sold by all Draggists,

yWaliLuhi'j over to years. En-Ttii'iuHftfid Innrrsuingsains

Throimhout Rurono and Amorloa.

ZYLO BALSAMUM OtrtiUB.) A lovely tonic and Hair Dressing-. It remove* DantLraff, allays nil itching, stops falling Hair and promote* a healthy growth with a rich, beawtifkd gloss, and is delightfully fragrant.

Price Scvcaty-Gvo Cents in large glass stoppered Bottles. Sold bj all Druggist*.

1 lawns* mySS B

DR. JOY'S ELECTRIC DEVICES til Tifhullia aalTthUif«nr*iihs-'isj



.. _r.iiial"iiimcuitiiw, Kidii"/ or :-L , and other Duwasea of

vital Drrina Alto wottauf troubled with JMv _as to their sex. U|ie.ily relief and complete rest)

; n ara ll iced. Tata**) ' /fse^ww Ar

Ehiivs ibo" ittsdb*-**~wVee^ui *■*■! rialatal tueellrnl wxtl

*■)*->> *>r Awai-rteeu muid ateuca for.boob * all luroruutlon free. Address Ih* wauulaof

WAGNER *9S CO., "i Ikhlgaa Av, sad Jaeasea tit.. Chlcage, 1

IxreodtleS v

To Nervous 8ufferers--The Great European Remedy—Dr. J. B,

Simpson's Specific Medioine.

D for Spermatorrhea, Seminal y, and sll <ll*ea*o* reiulllng lent -■

!tl*auo*illve. VTeiiVnes*, Impoli from *eir Abuse, it tnl Aniielv. LnM of I

o all. Write for them , . Ice, Sprclne SLOW |

r blx pactege* for S3. Address all

J. B. Simpson, Medioine Co., Buffalo, N. T

gold In Lawrence bv 11 U. WUITIf BY fc CO., and all DrnagUU. *'•">- C. QOUl>WIS A CO., Wbolctlle Aaenl*, Boston, Ua**.

tcod <Jeow ly d*i»

MOTHERS AND NURSES Should aee to it lhat the infant constitution

la built up and strengthened by proper food before the trying JTMO.YTHS come, which are the moat dangerous to infant life.

fas* Ibe inrlorHmeiil of the M*1ron* and Phy*ld*nl of ih. iirineipel Intent A-tylen.n and Lyine-Jn Hotpl- talt in the Untied Sl*le», *nd I'h.iicitna of ill achZli

mq.allned approval a* a Highly SSSsrailsted food, and e*peci*IIr

'nited Sl . it ihetrst

Nutriiioui and eaaily i for lafant snd growina children. 'I ho*e afflicted win? »ny tXmplomi ol liidigetiinn will nnd on trial, it hat

11 the qualliie* claimec for ii, ind is all th^i ihev n i* way ef nutrition and Mreaglh. WDOLRIGH A CO., on every labtL

LAWRENCE Business Directory. W. IIOWLAND, D. D. S..

i DB-NTAL BURUXOX, tea Sisex Street. Lawrence. Sti,lUti and Administered.

tiOLBUKN BUO'S.-OAILX PAl'Rha /t-'hromo»,atngraviag», Periodical*, BUtlOLiiy

rancy uoooa. a-iclures Kismtd at shoti rotiea No, jelKaaex Street

C'lLAHA II. KOGKhS, 11. I). ' Disoasaa ot Woman a Specialty.

Office and Beildence, loS IlaviiLuiMt, ,i. osjcu hour* » io tf a. in. t lo I, 7 to i> p. at

rll.C. W.SYLVRSTEH,Ueimat,Ifll Bsaax sr., Lawrence, Mai,*. Paillcaitr

allenllotipuid topreaerviug MatUislTceib. Ar uncial Teuth inserted. l>h* or ether al«tb ss prelerrea. i lyucls


Cor.'.awrsseo d Commes Stt Has returned from Bnropcaad returned piae- —-ot Ule trofeaalon.

DB « U SAN K. CBOCIIR nrsToa ano mtnuiici.

_ 37B Haverhlll Street, Omce Hours: ,

stoSr.M. Lawrence, Mat*.

DR. J. H. KIDDEB, DENTAL SUR UEON, N*. tTl Biaax Street, Lawrence

Mus. Oas, Chloroform, or Biher gives, as pre ferred. Closed during Aniu.t. *

DeeCKKB * WHITTIEB, OBOCKBS- Crockery and Uls*i Ware. Strictlvpuie

^;>ree*,Splcesandcbolce»lTeas. Tke belt datrhs of Buitcraadcneess. «wAn»*oborvStreet.

I? H. HABBIS, 266 BBOAUWAT, of JrK,l,neiJ-1

ll"I"u*llfclne **• Taehio* Waler Wheel,,, fulling mill*, Ws.ben, rsllhtgBlocks Ulga, Regulators, Ac, Ac. Plan* lurnlthtdand all mill work done. tunli*u

t^ 8. YATK8, M. D-, J» Surgeon.

OfSee, St<7 g,a*x Street, eoi Healdence, 18 Summer StreeL


ol Lnwrence


PortralUaad Laud*caj d scape*. xnatasaxa

Ici-i at uu., 1UB UKALKHS. Ofllce with Bogbee A Mask, MS Bases *tr*«t,l.t w

JOHN S. OILE, Attoraey-at-Law artl Nottrv Public. Removed l« No. ftt gisex

•treat, cor. of nest .treet west 3f oMce of tbe »te Arm of W. Y. A J. 8. tille. Sly m>S7

C. I10WKR. anocessor to J. O. K-j-

MRS. DR. M J.IULL baa remove d to Ho. 10 Va lev sirset, soar Ihe Common,

lyr tebie


Lawreafle.afasa. Perional attention to allhutl "*"" flHUI


leow IH febifi


"y&WILSON Call and See us.

H. P. FLVNN. - - Aeent 37S Essex Street, Lmrrence.

Wfiseler & Wlisoj MamfJttHiDi Co. flyapis ^


25 cent* a bolt Is.

llavs WitTaa'a Batata or WILD Cnranv always on band. [ t cares Coughs, Colds. Bron- cbil(», Whooping Cough, Croup, Influensa. Coniemptlon and all Throat snd Lung Com- plaint*, a) centt and gl a bottle,


It ttlmulaies Ihe blciHlintnartlon.and should be ware ty everrone r-ubjert lu Rheumatism, Ntu- ralgln, Norvona Ol*.

flier pi,

".■III. . . I V I'l . J

and Kidney Dh ta, Nuralne Mother* and Children wear the Itottoa Italic.y,

-*>_.-* Il" aetien upon the Tto^/-*»" moiber aod child

Willbefouml vary quisling, Mothers now die- card all aooihinx sin and ute Ihi tlo.tjn lottery, thus rercvfng the ah.ld of mueh .offer

ingesu*edhy aarcotrs. Sent by mail everr. Where on rrr, t nt », lu -»• - ■ - * ._ Druggist*. MM and "wontVn agents w-mudia every rliy and iow„. Sddrei*, Boston QalV ' Battery Co%. m Trent:at St-. *M10TH»1

by all ted la


PYTJE'S I 1111 I I I I ( i





ii\ht m^MMv/iti

Satesroome 28G. 1U d^nco,

mon Siraat. Hjrj 28.", Con.- a I

IV.— Lowell Courier.



THE AMERICAN Andover Advertiser,

—rviuuu— Every Friday Morning?,


Post Office Block, Lawrence, MafiB. BUBaCBIPTIOhT-Poutaera Prepnld:-

•a&O pur roar, from which 50 cants will bs deducted for strictly advance pay me at.

Ton Circulation of the Lawrence A merl-

on-Rate* Of a lvart l*leg BSntnpOnuppllOUtlOU.

malia as second-class matter.

The Daily American, Published Every Evening,

I. th. t*rtwt Daily lltH OIW. with r»ur TlmM th.

sHBsowrnow, i On* t«r, M-00 I ■

Wban not p«ld ID ,e.OO.

OEO. 3. MEBBLLL. Proprietor.


lath. l«r«Mtwid OMMCtbOTWlCfal^fdr' nlpb*d IB BMtMU Ml ' With m'f)4.n) pfMM*! s4dlUonsorth«n«WMt . «MH «M»t»na«l»» WlillHIHIM :!(«MtMMiMM. OtaMaMaaS a*omptlr,lll.'i««<*

VOL. XXVI, NO. 24.



Catarrh, Asbtma ai« Bronchitis. Palms In tasWa**,, Dspr*s* Spirits

I.oss of IlearlKg, IMnl.tM, laa'Hllts »» think, mm* «tl»«r »lilr«iiiii| Hssult s Of that Fasrial Dl ,


PERMANENTLY REMOVED. Ilesrs In tha II. ml firs. lsd. Dseawaf lit*

Basal Bom Airnli di Basis* el* ■MIII Bsslarad. Bloodi- Dlirittrcia

Utap>|i*d. VliMM. M»mM»..i RMll..

CATARRHINE. Nalwrs'sawn several as. BOSS.***, COBIBIB- Ing so mineral poisons, M do mr or the so called catarrh remedies which in the end osly anrve to agrravate the dlMaee. Catarrhlne It composed oi heallag gum* ad nil., which are applied to (ho dli 'aaad nans In ta* only natural and effective rs inner, throagh the pi cess of respiration. Nature never Intended it

every nostril, to prevent the entrance of dual, which It sometimes called snuff- To Inhale (JitaJrhlne require* no costly Inhaler, but only ■ commits ploe-

lMatKUriOSi.—Pula littleof llie Catarrhlne Into an ordlnarv clean pipe, and tmote It, pa** i og the smoke through Ibe neea. Br repeating the prooeaa dre nlautei three time* eack daj, tho oi catarrh may be cared.

CATARRHINE. I* told byalld ugrlst.. Ask for CxUrrhlne, and uae no otner remedy If Ton would dm! relief. Thli remedy Is equally effective in cur- ing* AatkiBt* •■■ at reacts It I*. It soothes the inflimed part*, and supplies lust Urns* thing* necenary to aid nature la throwing off the di* BBSB and repairing net waste place*.

CATARRHINE. Pleasant So th* taste. Bar* l» Its •■Tessa.



OEO. C. U >01>W1» A lO., Agents. It* Ull D


FOR 1881.

APOTH ECAUIE8; Medicines Drns*. Cncmicals, Toilet Articles, Ac,

H. M WHITS KV * ,:o .,>».■. Knurl Lawrence

KVk.l(AKli II. KKLI.KY, Post OH Be Block. APOTHECARY; compounding

ol t'ltyaiuittB.' fi uwripliona a specially. CtlA-t. CLARKE, IT» Bs.ei: cor. Jackson.

A POTHECAUY, I>riifr*, Med- i.~V leincs.CbemluAK Toilet Article*, AC,

J. C. ATOKC. tun Eairi.Aor. Fraaklln. ART STORE, Picture Frame

Manufacturers, auiiunera A Newsdealers. COLBURN BU<>TUKU3.all btreet.

I > AKKit, M'l'r Crackers, Bread L> Uses.f astry, WnddiB*Oaks, fro.iisga, As.


BLANK BOOK MTrand Com- DMi-Olaltttationer, KOOLII Paper,Oecorntioea

W. K. U1UK. US Kaaex atrsel.

BLACK SILKS, Velvet*, Cash- merea, Silk Vrlngea, IIultutu, Ulorea, Ac

A.•HAJLPsT* CO..lilt Kassx Street.

BOOTS .ft SHOES. Largest aa- aortment and lowe.t prlcea iniaeoity.

BAOLB IHOK UuUHK, W3 Bsaes it. BOOTS «ft SHOES. Tlielarg;ent

aad seal aasortoisaL to ne loosd la the oitr. T. JACKSON WHITTKKDUK, 118 Kaaex It

BOYS' CLOTHING, Men's Fnr- uiLbing Oooda, llsta, Ac. Ons prlos only.

A. FULI.KB A CO., 31* Kaaex Street. /CABINET MAKER and Vphot \J eterer.

H. F. BARS ABD, no Kaaex Street. CONFEtmONERY, pure home

made, Is great variety, by JOHN BIUL>, MS Kaaex SlreeL

COOKING RANGES, Crockery and Silver Ptatod Ware, KlKbea woode, Ac. I). N. A V. al. M AUT1N lltt Kaaex Street.•

CROOKING STOVES, Ranges, J Furnuose. Sole ssent Unges Slovea.

JOHN F. UlNuHAM, a>9 Kassx HI.

fiOUNTRY PRODUCE, PrOTis- \J lona and Live Stock. JOHNCmJftuHILLAi;O..I0AliABiseborvSl

t>ROCKERT, Glass, China, Pla- J ted Ware, tutlery, Lampa, Ac.

JOBN 0. IK)*? A CO., .tOJ Kaaex street. DR Y GOODS. For Silks, Shawls

Fancy Uooda and Caruetlnga.go to A. W. STBAHMS A CO., Mv A ail Ssaex 8t.

FANCY GOODS, Ladles' Fur- alahina Qooda, Millinery, Aft.

at. X. CftOWKLL. ill Bases Street. FLOUR, Grain, Hay, Straw, Salt,

Butter, Sseda. Fanslag Tools, Be. SCOl'T A VIKTOR. MS (Jotnmoa Streak

GENTS' Furnishing Goods, Hats Csacs,Ua>krsUas.As.

UBO. F. CUUTI3, 5H Baaex Street. GROCERIES, Rlour, Tea, Fatt-


R. H.EDDY TO «l»te St., oppealta Xllby St., Seeurea Patenla la the United SUtee; a loo la Ureat Britain, France and other forelgs conn- tries. Copies of the claim* or any •*-* nlihed by romlUlsg

it fur- f. mtare- a the Cnl-

for ob-

Clty of Lawrence.

Health Regulatloiia.

Notice t* hereby given, according to law, o tie lollowlng regulations of the B -■ I -f Heslt

of Hi J .tuv di 1. i*reni-,e. adup:.vl l>v n>d boar "larch lath. 141, sad ^kasameeru ■> »w m lores

omoierntBoii >»t -tmi-iH. LawrenLe.Ba.a. ear Is, lasl.

• It oidired by the Board of llmltliol the City Oi, sa follows :

All parsant are strletly forbidden tolbrow any Sub, slept or garbage, ef anv kiad, into e,nj back yard* or private alley-why* ol lbs City of l.awrenoe, sad all owner, sr oacopaeti ofdwalUagfcouiaa, stores or other building, wltb whlou thert la a back yard or other land appurtenant thereto, anall cauaaaaldussk yard or *tber Uade at all um is to be kept clear of all Sltfa, garbage, kosae dlrl. and of aM decayed

' vegaUblaauhatskuta; leeapaatanf dwalltag mldlBsa are required

to tnralrh at all tlaaea a sniuble veaael or *■ "lag oskes made u| on the prein- j the aaoae Is a eoawnleal •■lacs

to be rsmovsd by the Beard of Health. Mo person ihall permit eraaffer anv sink or

SUfar water to raa or stead es toe surfavnot any lead sppartesaat to any dwelling bouse or seers of whmk ha may be tba owner, laaaee,

■--' or agent having the rai e men , leaiea, tenant, occupant or

all llth, garbage, kosse dn or deeaviax animal aad * sndaliiuoh owaers or oe

agsntot ■ appurtenant thereto shall osnas all * ■iiiywaUrlnanldhoildlagoroa *sld be eesreyed through a suitable pips i te a sewer. If any li the ■ laadler bnileMng. or to a

land s

ic dollar, corded at Waahlngton. WOAL ted Htstea poaaasaea auperlor r»olL_ Ulnlng Patents or aacertaialng the pateBtabllllj oflnrentlona. E.U.BODY,SolicitorotPaWnU.

TBST1M0N1ALS. "1 regard Mr. Bddy as one of the aaoaloapable aauaosairul practlUoners with whom I have

oflcisl iatereourse. . . __^ CHABXBS MASON, Commls'r of Patents.

"ISTaotorscaaaot employ a person store trust- worthy or more capable oleecartng for them an early and favorable consideration al the Patent OBee."

EDMUND BUBKB, Late Com'r ofPateoU. Us.—Dssi

. ralpatsal seted for, and advised me In h aad procsred maay psleaU, n aiosa. Ihava occasloeally et

iUATTUCK. BROS. oor. Eaasx. Amssban GROCERIES, Fine Teas, Pure

CoSee*, Frulta, i ancj Goods, Produce, AO B. EASTMAN A CO., U| Essex street.

HARDWARE, Tools, Cutlery XX Seeda sad Ueaeral Hardware.

N. F. H. MEL VIN. ass Kaae: Street.

IEWELRY, Watches, Clocks,

JOB PRINTING,In all the fln«r " AMKE1C AN OFFICK, P. O. Block.

MILLINERY. Mrs. M. Isadora 1>X Whlttafcer, lia aad 1IW Esaax ST.

\f ILLINERY sftMUllneryGoods

ngton, but I atlll give you almost the whole ol say bsslnesa, la yoarlina.and advise others le employ yon. Vou:» truly

UKORGE DBAPEB. B ..ton..Isa.t.l«l.


PAPER HANGINGS, Window r '-^^^^B.mE.aeaStreeL PHOTOGRAPHY, sole licensee

(or ihecitvter the Carbon FRANK RUSSBLLUSBsssxl

PLUMBING, Steam and Gas Fining aad FixUiree. etovea, Uangee, Ao

WM. rOBBBS A SON. Mil Bssex SL PROVISIONS, Country Produce

„ ooavsyed through _. tea newer. If any in the streei

to a aeaspesl eeaetreoted approved by tba Board Of

see sUdrala* or pipe* en- icnniasewer er eeeapoal from said dwelling kouee, or store, to be provided with a trap or trans approved by ike Board el Health.

All privies mast be provided with a regular water closet, or some tunable vault,made ol hard bsraed brick, bottom and sides, will laid ta oemssl and thoroughly ugi.i. and noprlry TBultshalleater say sewer, anit the content* ol no pnvy vault shall aver b* wltlilii one loot of the ton or the vault, ind whenever any privy shall become offeaelve Ute *ama ihall be eleansed. And no person shall permit or tuffcr anyprlvyor privy vault to be or remain upon anv land or premises of which be rosy be tba owner, occupant, tenant or lessee, Ir. a state or condition or ooDStrsoted In a manner contrary to the prevlsloas of this regulation.

All parsons are forbidden to remove tha ooa tentsot aar privy vault without a I ceaao irom tba Board Ol Health. Any paraon ha ring charge of a vaalt wblah Beads emptying may leave la order therefor as tM ostee of ike Board ul Health, Clly Ball, or at Agent's OMoe. Lowell street, and a dulr licenaed pereo* will perform tbo service of emptying Uss vault dsslasa ad in aald order, ej tee edeviesa axcnvatlng i>r«- cesr, at thnaxpense or the person Laving the order.

From sndailer June let, 1SK>, nopjraon shall keep awlaa wllbia the following ilaamrlliail Ha- iti: Oe the north side of Ibe BerHmaek river, by the BetosM river em the seat and aorihtu l-wii Pond, theoee by Mar street. Creaeeat

eartreet,Bodwen street, Mel- roas streei to ibe Merrlmaok river, exeeptlag oalyoatke pramlsss beleaglag toiksCoaaty Jell aad Hoaaa of CorrecUee. On ike so*to sklaof lbs Merrlmssk river, bv Ibe Cove aad Brook oa tbe west to the Lowell railroad urklge; ibeeosbv Awdover street on the south, ssd Union aireet oa Ike east, to ike Mstrlmsoh river. Aad ao person shad ksep aay s wise In asyoUer part of tbe city without a written

All persons are forbidden to keep fowls Oi any kind in any cellar oi bsaemeat of a dwell- ' igbosaeorators.

No person shall throw into, or leave la, or upon any street, court, square, lane, alley, public aqnare, pnblle eaoloeure, vacant lot, er any peed, river or body of water within the limit* of tbe cltv, aav dead sstmal, or decayed ordeca-'" any hoi any refuse animal er ysj ever, or cause any animal to be drowned la anv pond, river or body or water within the limits of tba city wltboat tbe iiceass of the Board of Health.

r MO. l. CAJLLAUAN. am com

LAWRENCE. MA&., tfBXDAV MORNING JUNE 24, 1881. - ...-.■■ if ■• i ;■■ .1. ■*' -.


One-Price Clothing Comp'y OPEN TO-DAY ^


U 1. .

<Sb Gentlemen, If you have no Immediate use for

them goods, It will pay yOu te buy these goods at thla price, as they are equal in every particular to any $4 pant in the market.


FANCY PRINT WAISTS, 20 ote., SB cte. and BO eta. each.

BOYS' PANTS (short legs) 25c. a Pair. BOYS' PANTS (long legs) 75c. a Pair.

ALEXIS SUITS, lone legs, BOYS'SUITS, short legi, A Serviceable Suit, $3 00 A Fair Quality, (2 60 Better Quality, 3 60 Bettor Grades, 3 00 Neat School Suits ■ Aud a Full Assortment

from $3 50 to 6 00 from S3 to 10 00 And an Endless Variety Boys' Sailor Suits •

from $6 to 13 00 from $1 76 to 6 5u


Lawrence American. ..—r O



Weekly News Brevities.

Friday. •wSBtff avBtostw, a Lsrsrsll sslooQ sssp-

r, died msmeslj of apoplexy, jeaterdsy.

APPARATUS Combining the Latest Improvtmsntt.

BKATIffO PSIVAtl HIM- BrBNCBS A SPKCIAI.TV. Send for Daaorlptlvo Pumplilet.

LallOSQlET BROS., 75 Uo|oa St., Bostos. Iltjel

Life, Accident and Fire Insurance JOHN EDWARDS «t GO'S Insurance Agency

airaxaxxis raa rot-Lowtso


TAILORS, French, Knglishand Amarloaa Neveitiea.

V. W. bull AAKB A CO., Post OBos Blooks. ' I"1 AI LOU, imported and Domes- X tic Goods.

H DBHKIB MOKMC, 1M Baaex Street. TTNDKBTAKINO Furnished In

UNI»KKTAKKlt; eTcry duty appsrUialng to Fuaersiastteaded to.

H. J MAtiu.iKV.iWi Oak Street.

W ATCIIKS, Clocks, Jewelry ■ v spectaokta aud rtiiverwaie. (Itapalrlngi

SAM'L Mr.rBuLOvVk.atiaBssBX Street.

WORK of every description, 1B the Printing line, nrnuiy ami cheaply, al


YOUR AI>V1CUTISKMKNTwill rtach ni!m-lj ail iiuixhtmera. through TUB AbBKIUAN. DA1I.V ANDVTBBBXT

oral. ._ any (leca/erl or decaying animal er

vegeWMs substaese (or aay grease or bOasa) from any of Lbs dwelling bouaca, ttiopr, stores, or other i loose within tie elty, wlihout a writ tee lleeoss or tha Beard ol Health, having been Oral obtained theralor, sad all peraons are required to lurniah some anliauta vsasel ul '•iposltfor swill sad htsse oral made or uol-

»ed apes their premises, end te keen the msia aoonvealaat place to be removed by

kind into aay vault, sewer, er Into aay vessel oonUiaing ashes, er to mingle asset er otser reluse therewith.

Franklin,of Phlia.,Pa. PeotieylvAnis, oi PSBB. genqan, American, K. Y. Westobooter. New Tork. Wktertown, New York. Orient, Hartford, Cone. Meiiden, Uosneetleut. Commonwealth, Boston, a*-,wmut,Bostoa.

National, iVoroesler.


Makers of the llest Cabinet or Pallor Organs, offer new aad Improved style* at lew-

irlces. Forcisb: Lnres er i> ami i • ii,

I a quarter octave orgaae ; four oetarai, *»; four arc, live slope, *S ; five

!0;IVS Irian I


Boysu, Bagland. Uetrupole 'na. Co., Psrls.

... _C.gla_ ncaahlre, England. __ lod Lancashire, England

Travellers' Ufa and Accident oi London inilL

llarllur.l, Uonn 8Ut» Mutual Lllo, Woroaater.

THOMAS REVINOTON, •SB Baaex Btreel, Lasvremee.

poitCffice po» 38.

Floral Designs. Wraatba, Crosses, Lvreo, Bar pa, Ptl v s

Crowna, Accborn, Douquete. &c,

T. D. HALLEY, corner Mancheater and Waahlngton Streets.

Bat one minute's walk from Droadway leading e tbe cemeierle*. Main Ureebootes and Oar.len t head ol Washington am et. «»»'


BTew Patemt Preee.s, Hsanll mm* BU BJ««1S Brands.

Wbloh can be bought low, with a liberal conat, for Oaab, i


•s BresSsysr. ear. l*w»n «. t tr isbii

<rrl«« way aad very BSBOI aovartlaed ''okesp' times as many atopa

octave, large case (see cat), elr S101; ons tiundred other

Taulcft'r serve that Meson A Hnmlla Organ* have greater power --Metyand capacity every

ler iinahiy tkaa Iks mswl qtgans with two or three

AH «n"Tpt7 tke"very asaalUut sty lea of these organ* are BOW sold

FOR EAST PAYMENTS, from t.i per month up; or will be ranted for rea- sonable rent, with privilege oi return at any time nnil agrei^nent thai II n-uinrd oullt the whole

out lurlher Davment. Tho rwtol an orgaa so taken Is ten ser cent, or n» value per Quarter year (0 M and tip Organ*w i.|a.B wit

Mason • ns I. 11M worW, h.Yln. Uk.n H« hl,te*i». .gl, .1 eery OM of ,l>. «r«l World1, lodunrl.t Kihl. Mtlon. lor affr. |iw. UiliWeo yur>, ao OUM. 1..IM. Orglll. |l.*l0K b«l roootl .10*1 to itidii .1 a.r.»iert naitlo,u.. .ml circular. .1111 lull u.itirulai a. Ire,'.


A Pretty Kilt for - - - Si SO Very Nice Ones, - - - - 2 00 Better Grades, - - - 2 75 A large line from $2.75 to $10 00

Remember, we carry the only complete line of BOYS' and CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, In this oounty, and continue to give a first-class BAT and BALL with every suit.


224 and 226 E88EX STREET.

Special Regulations. l.t — All twill, bosse olkl, grease or boBes

made upon memlsss from wnich par I lea may be licensed to cure for and remove the rame, sbsll be deposited sa aeon sa mail* >a regals- Uon bairel*, provided by Die Hoard ol Health Department, and removed fr.-m e>M presili-e* In the same regulation barrel-, >t tsaattwlee each week, from October let to slay lai, and at leat.1 three lime* a week from Ma) 1*1 to Octo- ber 1st. | ind.—Ko twill, homo ef a I, grease or bones

ilu-dor removeil iu anv Limi or t __ rom ettchr-reml.ts other than In

said regulation barrels. ■So person having *uch llcsnte kball ilI*

poieof hisaWlll, bouse oils I, area, cor bonr.ii; any parson or persons other than tho r having s license from aald Board of Health, Iu rotleni aw III, house offsl, grease or bonea Is tbe Clly el Lawrence.

4th.—ill licenses granted by the Hoard of Health may he revoked at the pleasure olasts Hoard.

-Said regnrstlon barrels are I> be and j the propsrtv of tke Hsaltb l>epartmen*.

and ore painted blur, baring gs.vanUtd Iron eovers, are marked Ssahh Deuanment, end tbe

oja marked _ vriih serh

license, Bad If more are asaoannry they can be bad of the Agent JOKTBB Dssat Uts • SS>, BV rsBkiT, and said barrel* shall ba well cared lor aad replaced by tha parsons having them by Tlrlue of their license, if tker ahould be lo. lor

■' esld liceaae ahonkl be revoked Btlon, said banal* ihall be

isiu Department OiHca In good order sad condition.

(Hh,-Bs!d regsUllon barrels shall be sader the direct saparvlaloa of the Agent ol tha Board — Hr-*"-

■ beret tbe Board.

All Persous who shall violate any of tbe fore gotag rcgafcttisna shall forfeit nssm not ax eoedlsg eae hundred dollars.

Catarrh. t? A. P. Liebthlli. M.D., 115 Bnylston St.

Boston. THE earliest aTmptom ef Catarrh la a dls-

aliarjir fron the bead, consisting sometimes of a clear acrid Sold, but uneeer of a thick, rmud puiulrnt, yellow or grienith matter, which I* urunlly secreted in exodsslve abui.dai ee. and xlauLaigeil Uiiongh Ike coilrilsor tttiuat.and IU uuenilv by both channel*.

In. mturool thla discharge vaile* IndltTererit reset., an-1 even la tbe fume mdlvIdeal al ditsr em i hue*, Is some it Is copious, and of a loose -■- Hull I character, while is others it Is very ris.lil or tummy, adhering to the dtsSsied mam - brsne sitnglue like tensrkj; alien Ihlssffeselve mat er ooaeretea In dry. how masses or crust". Which obstruct liresthrni, and are very '- dvtsch. their ilislougmeni oiun lequliing

j-l T<«lent (toiaa. kemetimea inrse n.cra* tntiuB* coa.e away in lumps M a deep green tint.

J -it osati of s Wood may at

tatioas coate away in lumps M a deep | but occasionally in broad and flat ■ rtoiable alas, ea wkleh iraeeset bio


Bisrd of


OF COUR8E YOU WILL celelirnte the Glorious Fourth, and whother yon anap crackers er burn blue llghis, s little goort music lends S olesssnl accompaniment If you are patriotic, or in want ol a flrat cla*a Muslcsl Instrnmcator anvslvleor description, of the best foreign or American make,

ao TO

JohnC.HaynesA.Co, 33 Court St., Boston. Mul

BBS ■ Canvaisera In every UJnrkinrl county In this mate i.. nrtnTHll lake orders foi Suneiy If UlllUUl block. WUDT AID D«

. IIUILI Ian ^M»T u UOOI) wtuiC'i. "* pert-non !a the hnslness not required. Nurseries wldt-lj and fkrorablv known, for Itrms ad- dress O. ta. V fcB UVlBM, Vsa Dnsea «u series ( "iESEVA. N.Y. iKiii. 1 AlsoBtockatWnoIesale f cow lit re ii* B

ULA8*l. -n<-i to Fellows

lock as low aa

*••"»" '"JffiV^'KwVK,'


KtW TOVH'TX) ulkfu iW.

Akdevei WEW YOBK TO __.

(J1BINH. iiato «•». Exeuralonalttedueed Balsa.

Paieene-er sccom mods lions are umnrpassr All Stalereems oa Main Perk

Passengers booked at lowest rates to or fro any Ball road Station In Barest* or amei lea. Drall* at loweitralea. payable (ires oi obarxeJ

tbrooshoot England, SootUnd and Ireland. For booka of rniorma'loa, plans, etc, app y to

HXNUKBSOK Baos., T Bowuau uaSBk. H. V , or to IAMBS MVBPWT, tea Beeax m.. or to P*T BIOS atparsr,SW Baaex SL, Lawreaoe.

Km D>yU

aattekingof tail organ,and!* Invarlablrneconv p.nlcd by a breath of exceedingly lenltd and aiefc- ealag odor. In BOOM esses it income* so re- volt fitglv oSenslve as to rescer tbe «offerer

j, giving rite to a dlaagiteable. slufjf seaestiee w Iks bead, aad ocusaionaliy lo

lolcnt yaroijsn.s ol snot sing. A feeliMgormlases, heal, Irrllatlen, Hire net*

r pain ia geaeially e near the root ol The k pa i of the Ureat, palate. A distressing or CMBpres*K>B la naaallv oomptsrned ef over

— - especially la lbs region Immed. and between the eyes. Sometime

theneln 1. shttlnaUly died is some risrtleuii part, as fa Ike temples, on lop of tbe hoed, st it sack of tba neck, or behind the oroila; a*

Ask tbe renovered dyspeptics, bilious swfisrers, victims ef farer and ague, tho mercuilsldiseaasd patient, how they re- covered beslih, cheer- fkl spirits and Roed appetite; they will by taking


CUB. The Cheapest, Beat K.mlly

BfeSlclme Is. th. SFwrld. For DYSPEPSIA, COHSTiPATlOW, Jsundiea

Bilious attacks, 8KK MBADALHE, Colic. Depression of Spirlu, SOt'tt HTOHACII, Hesit Bum, AS.

Mrs. Senator Log ao Is dangerously lit at her home In Chicago-

Tbe bill trgsUnE liberty or public rntel- lagB hn bees passed by the French oea-

LorJliords Iroqoois won the St. James Palace atskes at Ascoi HeiUi, JCnglao.l, yesterday.

The United States steamer Alliance baa put loses for the Arciic ocean In segrtb of tbe Jeanneit

A TrfomlnaUr yoi ng man, saawd Rjb- IOBOB, « taasnUer, was killed yesterday, by being ria over by a B*avy wagou.

Tbe Sostb Acton post ofllce was broken into Wednesday night, and over »100 worth of money and pontage atsmpt wars ntolsa.

United States Commisslonsr or 1'enatons BenUey baa rsslgasil, and W. W. Dudley, af Indiana, has been appointed bis suc- esmsor.

OooFge Osrdser, a painter, of Asblaid, fall from tbe belfry of tbe Orthodox chorcb In Sosihboro, yiaterdsy, aud wan faulty Injotsd.

Judge N. a afcrerlaad, of Kansas, has been appointed commissioner of the gen- eral land offlce, la plane or Gen. WHIIBIB-

aon, resigned. Maurice Ward, a Worcester truckman, on almost Instantly killed yeaUrday, on

SouLhbrldge street, being thrown from bis aeat and ran over.

Co. E, Sib regiment, New Yoik Nation- al Guards, arrived it Hartford tut night, on an excursion, and are being entertained by tba Patassa Phalanx or that city.

THa ASBSM White Lend Hssalaotarlng Cotapanj's Works, In lbs an barbs of Bal- timore, were damaged SIOO.DOO by Art, anpposed to have been canoed by spool*- neons combustion, yesterday.

Ths chair msnnfactoiy of A. II. J.,h.i- son A Co., in Chicago, was destroyed by Are last ulgbt, Involving a property loss ol $20,000. Several emplojea were badly burned In escaping from tbe building.

Tbe influence of the Turkish govern- ment Is being used in favor of rVlNo* Al- exander, of Bulgaria. Tba report that the great powers are nego'.lailng relative lo tbe Bulgarian crisis, is Be mi-official I y de- filed at Berlin.

The New York bnreau of Btreet cleaolng passed loio.lbe control or James Oolemae, tbe new commissioner, yesterday, ill gears owes that all tbe principal thorough fares shall be thorongbly cleaned In three days, asd within a week ail the ntreeie will be cleansed.

Saturday. A plat bag bans discovered by the St.

Petersburg police Inciting a general rising of tha people.

Stallion Bob Woolley died at Leslngton, Ky., yesterday, from a kick received a abort lime ago.

Silas M. Walls, lbs Brsttlohoro (Vl.) bank defaulter, Was yeaterdsy commuted to jail la Ku tlaud.

Severn) sections of Bradford, Fa., are submerged, tbe bonks of To on creek hav- ing overflowed yesterday.

Tan thousand Scboodie salmon were •ant to Winchester yesterday from the New Hampshire hatching bouse.

George D. Rumaey of tbe'weal t by grain immission Arm of Homaey Bros. * Co. of

Chicago, dlsd yesterday, aged 60.

Tbe opening or the Spiritualist camp- ground at Onset Bay occurred yesterday nnder tbe most favorable auspices.

IL Aleehlre A Co., proprietors of tba Baraks Mills, at Oalllpoils, O., have made an assignment; llnblllliea, »40,000.

The British ship Z. Ring, Cspt. Lyons, at QueenstowB from San Franclaco. baa been sctied for rsnnlng down a vessel at ~Bs

Mrs. Nettie Worster. a young lady, was very seriously Injured at Portsmouth, N. H., yesterday, by Jumping from a moving train.

:dv Is

WANTED. bracing Trees, kkrubs, Vlaes, Boeaa, Ac. For terms, address, stating aga, previous occupa- tion and names as referent*.

S.T.CAMBON, tarn* mRrt9 Augisia, Main?.

votes Is generally s fee ted, and becomes hoars*, weak and uneven, aainmlng a nasal character, or oa oaplsssSBt, sniflliag quality- Uough ol variable severily I* not unireqtirnlly ons oi Ike symptotws sad rssalt* o( Catarrh.

Tie sense of smell is generally blunted or entirely tost, aad a Mnillar t-test on taste may be occssloksliy obeervtd. Tbe evea — become Irrlirble, and dl*|>oaed lo ws •tvely on exposure te the cold or* ma, anon seats et woarlssssof aightls usually exoer lenct tl alter light exertions. Hearing becomes ire qnenllv more or iess Iwpalred, aad a. tees in Ibe iHtad very oiten add miterlally lo tne existing dl'trvar.

The stomach generally suffers more or lees, and beeumea weak and Irritable; tho appetite la capricious and nearly always bad In ti-a u*ora- Isg.

The patient often eomplalns of Ursfiude sad ratigue, BB Incapacity for either physical or mental exertion,, and a constant dispOhllloa in drowsiness and sleep. The Mesial fannltiea are Bias sometiasesslightly affected, loss ol memory twtlBg not BBlrrquently experienced.

U.iarrh may prove lalst. either by diblllisting the system and wearlag ont the patient, or bv liavsllinj downward anil producing conaump .Is i. This htitt has keen so repeatedly aetleed hat all experienced p.actltloneranow look upon

Oalnrrhaaonsef ths earilost maslfesutioas or

itt^a^i«,o&,*.o?»Ac«.ffli; was lhagrsi so devote his siadrskil iByesUgBtios *- 'Secure of Catarrh and kindred dlaeases.siid

baawy resell* wMeh sttsnsed hie labor nave _ja attested toby sas. y of the more Brecalnrnt

ollliass or Bostoaaad vlclnlly. Cases abandoned -^■>S*BBtT- C

Ingle particle if MBBCIIHI.I any injurious mineral t-ubataurt', bat Is

PURELY VEUETABLE, nombfnfng those southern Itoota and Herbs, which Bksll-wise Providence has placed in roun tries where Liver Diseases most prevail. It win cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver and Rowel*. '

THS SYMPIOMS of Liver Complaint are a hitler or bad taste in tha mouth; Pain In the Back, Hide* or Joint*, one* a*l*taken lor Hneu- matiam; Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite; Bnw- els alternately costive and lax| Headarha; Losa of mesaorv, with a prtaiul asksation ol failed to do something which ought to have bees

Debllrty, Low Spiriu. a thick yellow ap-

I.iVKB, the Is roost orgaa Is tke body, le sasasraliy ths seat ol lbs disease. Bad if sot regulated In lime great su Faring, wretchedness and DEATH wilt cans.

f BBs reeommead sa as aBcectous re mod y for discs as of ths Liver, Heartbars sad Dyspepsia, BimmOBt' Liver Regulator.

LKWIB U. Wntonsj.

"VYe have tested Its vlrlBcs, personal.],and know thai for Dyspepsia, Biliousness, and throb- bing 1* lbs beat medicine tha world ever saw. Wn have tried forty others. We have tried forty mbsx ismtdsas bsfore asmmoas' Liver Begulator, but none or them gave us more than temporary raller; bat the RegSHtor not only re- lieved, bat oared BB."-ED. TILKUBAI'S ABU MXSSKKOgB.



Musical Boxes, * Brass Band Instruments,

Amerioan, and Imported Guitars, Violin, Violincello, Double Bass,

Banjo, Zither and Harp Strings and Trimmings of all

Descriptions, Accordeoas, Concertinas,

Sheet Music. Music Books, jtcdtc . p|i,|.tBURV JR 0,,l.u,b.b,.«.M™i...a r.1.11. m*wmmnmn*.tMWnmm.



Black Walamg Cha-sar S.ta.

y'raNrh FlUStlss Tablss.

Bl-ck walawt SfSe-Baards

_J bssslsas by etber s*ysteiaB« ha ykldsd to bis painless sod elective treatment.

OR, LICHTHILL, Can be consulted st the

Fit ANK LIN HOUSE every Tues- day Afteruoon aiiil Kvenlns;,

from 2 p. m. until Q p. in., on Catarrh, Throat Affections. Deslness, DIs cnarges from the Bar, Dnpaiisd Higbi, Bron cblllr, CoBsumpilok, and Dlieatea of the Blood sad Nervous nyatesB,

■ BBIVTS VTAWTKD for the Best and Fast Hsal SeHlas Pictorial Hooka and Bibles. Prices reduced 113 per cent. National Publishing Co., Phils.. Pa. llmmye A

OPIUMi-^ MOBPHI'IR H-kit la II M Bday*. Ten yearae*.

tWeursd. Writs ,UH> BusB.O^dBST.MIch

• from QUs.HK.: every SA1UBDAY, Ina May 7. T'III route praseatsnn led B.lvaitijrs t itonrftss, enabling -'—f the n.SKI,ul. t.t see nary of '—

from Ijube'c 10 Li tho reduced

Boaigaimn, resueli i a minlit.tiiii ui il. Kill



OVER THE OOPAJf. Letters from, tlbs LawreBce WBJS-

ileretrs. .

8 1p* irom UEEN1TOWN and LiiMiUNDL'UUY EOT TO BOSTON. F.r passase sod InflnmaMon. apply to PAT-

RICK HUKPHl, JAMKi MltK. UY, UKO. 1.. UAOBorTHOS.OHt FIN. -Kenlaof Lawrence orLKVE A ALDKN. A«,ttt.. *,J Droaowar, N.T.; *ti Waahlngton si reel, HO.IOB; 107 S< nth . Btraet. Phlktdelphls. i««m let



Cure fc r CO N ST IP AT IO N, BILIOU8NE88,


onksns TBST *BS (ha best aparler

ieod ljraovSO frio*S»«s>VsB«lar.

BUTTBH AND EGOS. -Being weekly rsoeiver* of some very rkolos dairies of

Vermont Batter and Freeh Egg*, be I av* thai SI naa nlease the meat perttvmbv

tkla_clas* of goods, with all e ■enable w: ' a% Prices reasonable w I ths liberal dlsoouBt

iBvlted to iBver as wilk a W sxasBtse and ase ttat our statei

Tbe Dublin snlboriilta propose to send to thin country thlrty-mi paupers who bavebeeuln the woikhousu tbaia from tbres to twaaty-Sva years.

Tba custodian of tha Treasury depart- ment baa been dismissed, ai.d the offlce aboliihed. The dntlus or ibe position will be pei formed by tbe chief clerk hereafter.

Sixty thousand Jews are expected to ImmlgrstA to Spain In consequence of tba decision of tba government allowing Jswa expelled from KUSSIB asylum In thai coun- try.

A delegation of Virginia republicans had an Interview wltb President Oarfleld, in Washington, yesterday, regarding the political situation in that ktals. Ths President declared bin unqu ajlfl.d (po- sition to any party or people whose belief would militate against tba public faith and credit. Il In believed that a straight- out republlcaa ticket will be placed la tba field, and that A coalition with tbe read- justee will ba ignored.

Monday. Ex-Senator Spencer of Alabama la men

tioned as flrat assistant post master gen- eral.

Mr. Edwin Booth and wife nailed from Liverpool Saturday, on tbe aleamur Both- nls. for Near York.

Tba Brockton House at Brockton, Mass., waa destroyed by Bra urn n'ght entailing a property loan or f 10,000.

Andrew 8. Wood, a wealthy and be- neficent Northampton clllgen, died yeater- dsy suddenly, of besrt disease, aged SO years.

Mrs. Carolina Btahsr of North Adams, tl8 years old, missing all Co last Wednes- day night, was found dead In bed Saturday uigbL

It 1* expected that Auditor of Railroad Accounts French will Boon be dfposedL

aud that Oeseisi Rusk ul WiBcon»lu will succetd him.

Mis. Catharine Uavlland, a native ol Long Island, wbo has reeided In Now York 00 years, died from old age yeaterdsy, Bged 100 years and S mouths.

Irene, wi.e of Bamsal Locke, of Lowell, diid Haiurdiy gftanioos, from ii Isriea cans"*! by falling down aUlia UM day be- f jre. *he won M years old.

An I tissue man named Wheeler, a resi- dent of Readaboro. Tk„ was losnd dead by the roadside la Sadawga, Friday morn- ing. He waa U years of age and onmar- rlsd.

A abower of rain and hall passed over Frecport, L. I., last evening. Hall atones M] measuring live Inches In circumfer- ence. Oraln In beaten down and vege tables are damaged.

A freight tralo and a construction train collided on the Tnxsa Paclfiu railroad, near Bklrd, Texas, on Saturday, and T. H. Burns, engineer, sod O. II. Rlcbsrdflon, Art-man, ware hilled.

Saturday evening Charles Mathawa and Walter Arms.rong, aged H aad 14 years, respectively, were upset by the propellor Delaware, while rowing In ■ shell, four miles below Norwich, and were drowned.

Tscbt Ids, of and from *.*st Boston, CBpelsed end sank In Naniasket roods ken terday morning. The occupant*, C. SjBcpson, C. W. Lang and two ladles, were rescued to an exhausted condition i y Cspt. Wilder and crew ef tbe schooner Keystone, with tbe assistance of II. Clev- erly, splint of Hall.

I srsWlat, TO THE AMBaWJAM. \ ItotsAMsySLllsl

Whatew l aay or Home? W* hive almost a week. Ws hsvs '— distance*. In the

havsrMdea*«lb*CeBea\UmUl*MsB^8>eoml it ismstsks af sbangtaseal tkwsss

lvamUamleBgU,uralaaUkgBtsach sad la a pretty open iqnsre, or plsass, (preaefmead se-

inoh sqaaree a«e bare oaUsd. Tke sMs- walfcs very from two feet to shoe* three aad ems half (net wide, aad tke street IfcseIf Is most ef las

ilweolrto twentr-lte OM wbts, sad tb« buildings from fourth ill starlet high, with balconies al the wimloWa. Thl* Is tee street la

hlcb the groat processions sad rasas oflba Csr. nival lake place. The houses all ever Boms, more than at Turin, tienoa sad Piss, but some thing as Is those cities and in the oitie* of Proses also, are built heavy sad ao»d ef atoae, or brick, covered with piaster, arosad opea oesrta er gsr-

1 sse esnsred baeeagh ktrgo galatraya, leading to the Inner courts. Tbe gale*, or large door* are closed and Dolled st night. The lower story Window* have Iron bars outside, or eloae, Ui.c*: shutters; so that seen bouse, or bsSok ol houses, is a fortress at ntgkt and eaa be by day. Ws have bees three lime* to St. Peters; we hsvs

HKI it slowly from the opposite aide ef lbs 1'iaaia, and hare endeavored by leoklkg st

sBSe pillars ef baa colosades that stretch out their loBg arms a* each side as tftssmbrsos snd gather Is all last skew near to It; by ruaaiag the eye from atstae to status along ths *dgs of tba roof sad back to Ute dome, sad up four hnsdred

forty eight fstt to the top of the crass thai crowns the dente, to gel BOSS* edesjesls Ides of tt*

y. Ws have read sbat its* «* IBs* aad ■ Incites long, 4tf root snd 7 Inches wlds, sad tU fsst ana7 inabes hlghitaat lbs base Of the dome I* its fast sad S laches la diameter, and that lb* celling cf the dome la W, fast above the deer. Yet the proportion* are BO eomplaU, or the adi- ■ee sad all Its appoUimenls s* maek osUlds of oitllosry experloncs. that this, lb* largest chares la Christendom, does not prasset itself to the tight alone a* very, vary large, eeltherdldHseem to na Mm maay other sharose., sold sad gloomy, or SI all antagonlatla to obeaifsl, quiet, rasUul dsvotlon. Osa of our j ouag ladle* lemarked last

was the ant church she had been la also* she It home, In which sliei houlit be willlngtobe left

alone. We w*r* present st k service there, with only oaa priest and one attendant, sad Iktes straagers besides ourselves; and agala with sow*

hundred priest*, a large choir aad quit* a crowd of people, but ihei* waa BOUilag in lb* place that made either service seem to a* IsBp- propriBto.

Asseg ths sides, aa ws go In Ihrosgh the Im- mense brooxc doors of tho main entrance, In re-

which are small compared with lbs whole church, aie altars, aad these iseams eoostUuts chspela wher* servloe Is nsually held. The ehareh 1* oartalnly one of the brightest and most obeerful church** we have been Into, to aar Bous- ing or IU WSBllh or construction and sdo.-nssBBt. We bop* to vitIt It again aad again tutors w* leave the eternal city. ■•at aitor St. Peters, the Culisacum was What

vreutost doalredlosee, sad ws drove that*, for As distance* here are apt small, aad one less. lbs seed of care in using blratrsagUt, la ths hast ufan Italian summer. We sntertd wllbia lbs maeaive wall*, througli a large opea archway, that perhaps bad looked dowa apes lbs proudest afUMCsssara. We a»t down lo the open area, a portion of a broken pillar, and ws BSkt 1st give up and go home to America. It Is ol ao ess

" of seeing Home la a day, month. •

Ons need* to grow up from childhood and spend a lilelime among Hie** grand old, slowly crumb- ling ruin*, to see them by day and by night, and to follow tha relished marbla colom B*. tha we. dcrleJ etBiao. of god. and m*n, the mnrbl* perch- es, cornice*, altar* gad aUlrwavs, as they have been lorn I mm their original positlos, to help form, strengthen, or ornament new palaces, torn-

lalre* sad tJuines, and havg (rsTolled Irem wall to wsJL or house to heass, as generation or master In Rome, baa cbo.

id to see bow tbe new lias bees bail*, sp- out ef lbs old, if be would form ssy ads-

quats ados of ths sjriBlssii of sautost Boas*, sad Die impoitsnceof the relstious of the past to the present. Ws sit upon the very spot wher* gladl atora fought, and ehero Christian* were thrown towildbeeBUfor Ihaealertalamenial the m,0*o ipMtsAoratbStauaSd the assSj thai rose from Use irons to tbe outer well, upon terrace altar tot- race or lite vaulted walls, that stand sround u* al thla moment. In their bags and savage grandeur,

lib tbe dens and caverns fi om which Imprisokod men and savsga baas** ware led to tbe Irem, opening their dark mouths upon u* la every di- rection, as if to say, wall but a moment, and Christians, gladiators sad wild bSaSU shall all be bsfore you, and you shall see all that roadaslrool the sBVBg* cruelty of tM* promt sad wicked elty. Ths Romas Forum, the sevae bill., tbe always muddy TIIH'I, have disappointed u* by Uislr ap- parent and compBiallve iiulgniDcsnoe, but thla, iwful greatness and Immense grandeur and du> ability et Ik* works of the ancient Romans Is all

sroaad es.' Twsatty A*Berto*u city chore be* could play hide sad ssskos lbs loor of St. Patera, y*t throe such bulldtss* could slsml within lbs outer WBIIB of th* CoilsMum, snd a ttaousasd ben*, tigers and hyena* flnl lairs among tke cor ners snd angle*, and to lbs dsas bsaaaUi. I

IUSI see II more, but I csnset propsrly describe il* m ghtjr ruls.


•ess* bar*, hs *sid It — Otssd fro. bees*. Hs dMlr*4 to be reassmbersd mhUlligkwboaSf.^d-.ssdi-unlculsrlyUkts

there. Was* **Jr»4 by *-*-of **r ama- bm,sMWB**a^*Sdbfr*maadfo«*e*a*sm *BBhi*^BnMtwsSy^ strtpss, ^BlkBh^tTs>rekmla| aBniiill> -

W.havesjilsvAIsnMagsy«ssssa at.low meal, lssSB^sshsgchsrvhseta Bees*, eat era.** or soar

_ ^e^kMpEK

ul at X. Mn M «. a<M .IdaaC U. M, Wb» 1,1—la. Mr. DrU»»atoKl aoxKla. Seeoad Visit ef Miss Vsasr Fernet I to

this City. - *., m ,

.■^•-irSftMsS skin Bilinaaes beseHllliBfc.Hi iMil sad irisantlsimsBka<Bao^yKO»«rv*«gr*atosr« tsbsaof lb*m,BBd lbs greet veossaUoe paid to

, IssrerSvemllssowtol UM csty,**tlrety as it sMmsd to us, Irem

eBonon or SAIST ran, U>e.«^d^r^latls***dB*rtm».lb*Mo»*-l laooalBSd BBSsaMeecee, el Boats- U U built ogwa the spot wbers SL Past 1* sold to hare been Srettmrled. BnB BrSw ee, al Hn efasreh of "St. PBBI st Ibe Tbsee F*ms*alBS," wa were •hewn las pillar tipee wbwh he waa sssd lo bare boss b*a*sdsd, ssd the tares resstalBB which h wsa *sM aprxM ep Btltm«ufc>atlr st these tAres polslB,sbemar«dsasrt.wh*se hU heed struck as It wa* asvsrsd irem bU •bsaldsrsssd boeaded

Isat bsald* ta* Bssass Ferass, aovmlag a porilos ef the *M Tarpssas rock, ws wsrs Ukse down

was nfcslasc, si lbs Uses ef the souvarsbbs ef hi* JstWr aad wsre sbewB Use adtsar towbtchbe was nhBlail. a ivs^asBMnsS essa^ass. Ike jesktsls which mlrscBasealy sprees np ta UM Boor of Ike prisms, la order thai BM huior ungst bs baptised. Oaesfear said* bo*** says the feaalala ws*

i beasts tbsA. il I am set new atakleg say investigation or

gtyhag say splslse le ths* SlrScUee. 1 am simply •swtsMVsriag M nstvsvsat Utwu»« s* Ihsy w*rs rsp- rssented Ions. Ws wsre also takes bssssth this dnaemsatothseeetowbAshJMshlwS'W^ ashsd sad left to die If saTflUBsS Ws bat*

. Is ssrsrol osarches, pieosr, wa ere leld, M sslsrsM BB*« which Jssa* was oreelled, bsvssssa gllnshtsTB MptsmBAls*; thsffkdlag

sadssawttssaueeof It. Which U U aaid was a* Ibl lows: Tbreecrcsas* were dug out of tbe aam* troaeb, near Calvary, sad H esetd sot be deotdsd wkrob was ths real ess, ualU s man who hod b**n*lckBloagUm*, waaolBnad upon sscb of ibe other*, and then npon eae as it lay Upon UM ground, sad be was sameoletsty healed, and ibis was coBsldarod proof that IbU waa the reel erou.

THS ontonrAL tFscarrTf bs or I*ILATB

femtd la saotber place, aad Is sUil pressrved. TaemirslloB.seaslsUtw et* piece* ef the eroei, BOBHsftsetealsalts watch ptorvwd His hsads ssd Usi Ibet. pieces *I (hs beees of tbsAposlk* sad other Saiats, pkoe* of Ike oords with which

■ ef the Bssrtyrs were strsasbkl sad many rskcbuiags.aaosftsji kept to cases of sli-

ver or gold, sod prssiea* abaass, a small perl


Major Oeo. B- MerHU KlsKksd Oosa

Bi'MKBk nrrxsa.

BOBS, Jnwsl.tMl, TSI SAThta or cAksscaii.*

ere, next to tb« Cells** um, lbs Btosl cxtSMlvs sad Imposing single ruin or set of rules is Home. They were commenced In tbe year 111, aad when eompletsd oould aecommodais lew bolktw a

tavsllm*. They contained sassrsts span menu fur men and women, with Bugaiflcent rot isgroomi, hot air baths, botandeoid water balhi aad large swimming basins. A larg* portion ol the walla, whinh wore about 700 reet long aad Mm

wi in, aou Jot iess tana to or N leet high, 1 should Jinlje,* lib pal la olthe arched roof are now

ling, some oi tne rtnt- mo*au floor*, poi tons ofthn rich in irble oolumns, oornless and broken statue*,and a |> irt ol the furosee >, not air and wa- ter pipe*, still rum na, notwithstanding th* snm- ber of inariiio stituo, ssd bathing tub* that bars been r'arri-il aw I,- lo th* museum of th* Vatican and other galien... uf art, aad notwlLbslandlog these walla aad , h > <o ol tee C<dle*eum snd other ruins hive hJ«a usa I s< stsee end marble otuvr-

SOSS TUtM A THOtJBAKn i KAKS. An unilM-giouasi p-tssage conae* ted ih***Uslh*

wltb the palace or tnsCatasr*. shaUmlUormore away. A Isrgti enulose.i Bies, arouml tba baths. ■ oaumsd-a racJ course, a place for gladiatorial combats, ii. Wacaa easily believe,a*lb*book* say, tbst lite magnldoence of ttes* bain* waa un- paralleled. The Kosnna forum, Ihaanclsklwall*, in* long Use of ar.ihus ar,o** lbsCsmpaga*, tbst suslsiesd tbsgrsst nequ*duct. thecxUasivo ruin* of the navlsoa or th* C *-*ars, th* bath* si lilocle-

andTIUis, a mul.itude ofpagan Um Phi* and almost Innumerable other miss, sosse with sad

I without ssmes, furnlth maMrtal for study. tor a mneh leaser time Ihsa ths average traveller eea step, ssd UM best b* ess do I* usually to give the ImprsMion* mads upon htm aadih*ledgm*nl

M uattlty formad, aad Bush atotomsnta or fsets aa hs Ind* In tne booh*, or a* are made lo him an the snot, so Bar ** they appear to .Ml

Wilts WS LBjrr LAWBBJtOB, Father Reagan kindly gave u* a Mltor to tbe Very Key. Dr. Keno, General of ths Ordsr Of lalst Augustine, end hs has ba ea et gvesi ssrvlee In as- coring to a* *dmi**toa to mssy pkto** sot usually opened lo vlsltots, and hs* obtaiasd for us the In- ddatigable altention of Father henna, s young and vary capable Irish priest Bad teacher, is lb* AitgufltlBn convent hers, asguldr, Inurpraurr and gssersl B*sfcHaat every wher*. Ws havsslse been BMlsted very much br Mr. CbsyIs* I. OrlsooU. of SouUi Liwrsuae, a graduate of tha Lawrence High School la 18TS. who I* now s pupil In ltd* convent Be and hi* Keener have keen With a* a costlderable part ef lbs asaa, and bars dose everyuslog In their power lo snake our visit plesAsal sad proflUble. Tber hsvs dined with us twice st our boarding place, anff bfV. t. and I have dined with them sad the otitWsnittie convent. W* were shows Iks chap- ssj eaa seuesl room, the recreation room, aad ths iWrsB/iorie* le the convent, which stands u#oa lb* bsaki of lb* Tiber sad hs* s as* view of Ibe

The fifteenth national encampment of

the Grand Army of the Republic, Is progress lo Indiaaapolla, Indiana,

for three dayi last week. Ths attendance

wse unusually large. A reception was given the member* on Tueirtny night

by Governor Porter. Wednesday night n

promeuade concert MBS held st tke Park

rbcBtrs, ssd Thursday nlgbt las ustul

camp-lrs wse held. There waa a Urge

BUsosBt of buslue 'S transacted, but Bobb- ing of special Importssee. The following

ere the offlcera elected for the ensuing

year :— CommBUder-lu-chief, O«org* S.

Merrill of MasBacbusstU; gSBtsw Tie*

comm»tid*r-lo-ckl*f, CherleB L Voung of

Ohio, laslor vice eonuBtnder, Wlliltm Pond of Michigan | cbaplaln-ln-chi«r, Rev. J, F. LoverIng of MssBSCbuseLU;

aergeasl-geuenl, Charles Bkryer of Penn-

ayIvania. Baltimore wu sslecUd as the

next place of meeting. The Boston Globe has the following In

relation to the sew Commander-in-chief

Tbe newly-elecled national commander of tbs Grand Army, was born In Meissen, Mass., Is 1937, and Is ISat went to Law- rence to nerve an sBpresUceehlp on th* Lawrence Courier. Hs neeulred an la- tares! le Ibe Lawrence AHSSJOAX in UM, aud became Iu editor soon after, and iu

prlelor Iu isfio. Daring his con- nection wltb the AMEBICAM, he waa for eight years prsssdest of tbe Massachu- setts Press Association, and orgauland the yesriy excursions for which Ii hex slooe become famoes. U August, 1H1, President Lincoln appointed lbs Major poet master st Lawrence, to which ofllce be hue been re-appointed every fosr years since, without tiling su application, and entirely without opposition. Iu August, loiti. he wse authorised by the oily gov ernuent of Laareuce, Is company with &. T. Colby and John K Tarbox, to rslse a company, under the caH of PresldsUt Lincoln for IM,000 nine mouths' men. Hs resigned hi* postmasters hip to accept this service. Posimastsr-GestrrBl Blsir declined to accept the resignation, and granted him a leave of abeeuc*. He was elected let lieutenant of lbs company, and OB the promotion of Caplaio Colby, waa mode captain. His company was ituched to lbs Fonrth Masaachiisetu Itegtment, snd east with the Banks' expedition lo Loslslask, where It took part In the Mtge ol Fort Radeon, and other operations Iu thai department. Adjutant-General Schooler, In hie annual report for IMS, especially commended Captain Merrill fur his coolers* and bravery In reacatng tbe steamer Louisiana Belle, from capture by gserllhu. He was adjutant of tbe Slxlh Regiment, M. V. M , from ISGfl to IBItfl, then captain of the Fosnb Battery, Ltgbl Artillery, four years, and since tben hsg Item Major of the First BaiUllon of Light Artillery. He wu also well known for years ■■ a member or tbe Republican Stele Central Committee, aud Iu worthy snd t fnelent secretary for seven yeSrS. But to the old soldiers be Is best known by his cosaecllou With tbe Grand Army of Massachusetts, He was tbe Ant commander of Pout 80 at Lawreace, organised In 1WT, and la BOW one of lin active member*. I" department commander Is 1978, and galsed s hold upon ths hearu ef all comrades, by bin seal Is the older, end bis ready rteptvsue to every cull, tbst nude him the most popular commtnder ibe state ever hud. He has sttend-d twelve suceeigtve national unesmpmenU, snd by BctlvaeiBit oos made the luflneuc* of Massachusetts s potent one In tbe grand councils of the order. His election will be received with greet enihuslssm by ail comrade* who know aim. been for several yesru an active menber ol ibe rolliury Order or the Loyal Legion, for a time a svm'ier of the council, snd et the May election was elecuil senior vlce-commandsr. Iu hla own city he wan for live years a member of the Com- mon Council, end for two years IU presl- desL He will bring to the ofllcs of com- mendtr-li chief, tbe ripened knowledge of years of sxpsrlesce, and an enthusiasm unabated,

Ths Senllnel ssv* i-Thlg Is a distin- guished compllujeut lo our townsman, aad will he gratifying to tbe comrades nerrabouia end throughout tbe State, With whom lb* Major Is largely popular. Whatever udMutstrntlVa abilities tbe position asks lor, Ms|or Merrill U well qualified to give to it.

Tbe city ball was filled on Friday eveslsg byagalsxFofbgppy.aesuist faces, the

occasion being astrawberrv fnutivsiunder Uiesssple*«orta«NouofKsnmaTshranoh

ol the Ladles' Land League, which wss

held aa a celebration of tbe asalveraaryof l^*^"^ bhp BbUie of Beaker HIU. The ootaslon

■ il..mssh i »sg Basse more wUreetMz by tha pres- ence of Mies Fussy Panel!, Ulster of the

Irish agitator, who came from Borden-

town, V. J., to represent her mother, wbo

wu Invited to alien*, but owing to 111-

MB oould not. John P. Sweeny, e*q„ was the moatsr

of ceremonies, and In a brief speech hs

which he alluded la compllmenUry terms

to the guest of lbs. evening, Inlioduced

ibe exercises wltkschorus. enUtwd "Ths preaslMt little Island In tbe ocean," tha

Boty parts being admirably sustained by

Miss Nslllo Cuiack and Mr. Tbotnu

Murphy- The song, "Kris ArooB," rand- snd In s very acceptable sa sneer by Mr.

Thoatss Murphy followed after which

Christopher A. Gallagher, eta.., s rtutng

young lawyer of Mancheater, N.H., WU

Introduced ssd made s brief bat eloquent SddSSSSa

Mr. fiBllsfher **ld that he wu present

to fcaat hie eyeg and chctr fate heart with

the presence of the guest of the sveslsg,

sad had. so* come prepared to make a

■peeoh, bat be would feel ibathe had been

recresnt to hr* duty [did he BM oiwr her

the homage of the Laud Lesgues of tbe

Graolle Bute. In ths Isagae they were

Sal of on* mind, sod wars moved by lbs

one principle aud had ban one head, OBSS.

Stewart Parsed. He detailed the pre*

greag already made In this, cod lbs older

country, and said that while Parnel! was

fighting _itor lb* cause across the water,

his mother and slater had gallantly raised

ud ooriie lbs nundgrd In America. There

were some who sneered st tbe Ladies'

Land League and uld ihsi tfale wed sot

woman's work; Ihst In II she Wu out of

her sphere. When thla wu done they

should (ling the inanll back In tbe teeth of

IU author, and pblut to the noble example

ef Mrs. Parneli and her daughur. Iu

conclusion, he urged the ladles to con- tinue firm end setlve Is tbs cause, sas)

never permit their standard lo Wall IB tbs

dost. He claoed amidst load spplasse.

Miss Emily 0. Wether bee wu Intro-

daccd,a* one who oa more than one occa-

sion had lent a helping bead la lbs Lssar* eal sf Ibe League, aud as ahe stepped to

the front she was lbs nsglpleut of a per-

Tr\^^n»b.rt^triisr usual faultless

elocution, she read "The Battle of Fred-

erlcxsbnrg," and responded toss enoete

with "TheAatomatluCrsdle." which kepi lb* aedlssce In gonllnuous roars of


Mrs. Leon Ulngras sang "I'm leaving

the Brio," eliciting well merited applause,

Miss Ualtlj Flsicau, a jousg lady who posssBsefl a rich musical voloo, wbloh she

la suldulouely cultivating, aaag "Ye

Merry Birds," and responded to an encore

with "ClochsLu," which waa wall song. MbMO'Ketffj wss Introduced u one with-

out whom tbe occasion would bets—

plate and to whoa* endeavor* tbs asm sue Of lb* Ladles' Land Leagns la largely at-

tributable. She read the "Battle or Bun-

ker Hill," and on twins eaoorsd gave "Urine address to England ''

Th* exercises closed with brief remarks

from Mi** Parneli, who had been uuex-

pectsdly called upon. She arquitied her-

self creditably, however, ssd bsbbllsg over with good batnor, tllnstrnted her po-

slUon 0B the rostrum by relating aa apt

story. 8be said sh* wu present as a rep*

ressBtstlve of bar mother, who wu too 111

to accept the kind luviutlou of the league,

•he referred la hippy ksrsta to her recast

visit to to this city, and exprevsed her

gratification at seeing thai Lawrence hu

kept up the magulflceut spirit of lbs

league. This concluded ibe exercises, aad lbs

remainder of ibe evening wu given op to disposing of strawberries and cream, ssd

dancing, music butng provided by uTeeni*

Jy 4 Cu&twetlB orcheaira .The festivities

ware prolonged uutll u late bear, bad

were very enjoyeble throughout.


For a long time the Boston snd Lowell railroad have been trying to obtain some appar-

atus by which tbe canal and their own araehs,

this Bide of tbe river may bs signalled la re- gard to whether the track Is clear or no*. The coral tracks crossing at right angles of B.

ami L. tracks Just as they emerge from ths •park sited, make the running of trains, es- pecially freight, m undertaking of no little

consequence. As it is now, guts tender Bsal

at the canal bridge, has u small pole oa top of which Is a red flog, by means of which he

Inform* locomotive* when they may cross. This primitive method hu It disadvantages.

Mr, Hewitt, a young man of corswdsrabw mechanics! sbillty, has invented s signs) ap- paratus which Is In successful operation al

Reading, and the road has secured his services in pulling up a similar machine at the point

in question. It i* on the system sf liquid

pressure. Beside gale leader Beol'o •*shaa*y," oa the canal, I* a pole, on top of which a bos, opea at the top, is placed. In this box is s

hall connected below by on Iron rod. The

lower end of this rod runs into * tube with an ah tight mouth piece. This tabs le neatly

filled with alcohol, aad from II la a pipe run- ning under ground to the river bridge «nd of the spark shed. Here overhead in ths trusses

which support the i oof of lb* Shed, Is o large box S uy 4 feet. In the end of this, toward*

Ibe river Is a round bole. Tbe pipe coosiag up from below connects with a frame, on which

is stretched a strip of white and one of red cloth. By moving o lever ut tbe canal sad of

the line, the bail con be raised and the

pressure on the alcohol being lees, It will I*' the white cloth slip dows over the opening ul he spark shed, which Indicates to those run. ning on the canal that the road is not open

for them. The white on the railroad tells

those coming over the regular road that It Is all dear. When the lever Is depressed. It brings down the ball, forces tbe alcohol

through the pipes and pushes up the red doth,

the signal, of coarse, meaning Just the reverse. At night light* will be placed at each atstiou This ingenious apparatus i* not yet in work*

Ing order, out ia being placed in potation sod will he used soon.

—O M.Jewell, of this city, did •< excellent shooting st Walnut Hill, oa

Salorday, making a acorn of 2M In lb*

Mass. target match, next to the bigbf at.

-Mr. al- Flab, or this city, boo oecureJ a patent for an opparaiu for bleachls*

cloth; W. McAflltur, s putsat IbC a yarn

pristine, machine, and T. Sowley, for a

machine lor prrparlsg warps for dyeing.

-f _5* "» ~»i, i ""« *- S* «" „ * j*

i,-i . 1 ■ l-TTJI-

Lawrence American. LAWRENCE, MASS.


Weekly News Brevities.

Tuesday. John iUf, Cjtjt marshal uf StougbtoB

Village, Miss , bad bis throat cut last 8at- nrday.

Prlow Leopold too* kit MM la lb* BrW«u h'w.a «(lords, yesterday, u Deae ofAlb**y.

'lb. Tunisian army or occupation It to COiii.l-1 of 10 ww ■*««, lo tM sUtioBed II rarluu points la that cosBtrr.

Ayoob Bass's forua won defeated with hn vy to»» at Karia Baf«d. AfKheaietau, by tbe i»«r'< troops, oa tot Uth IUI.

Thomas Mtllet. wlwi family rasldu la Palmer. Matt., wtt fb«*d dead la a coal eb«d la Woossoehet, B. I., Sesday algal

Frtak Gardiner, oat of tkt ptrfbmtro la Baraum's show, dlelocated bit itbow la ■ jump ottr tot elephants, yulaiday sft-

Mr. J. H. Wtdo b«t give* a large tract of lakd oa lit eartern limits lo lb* city of Cleveland, Ohio. It It valued at #M0,- 0CO, tad will kt kaowo at Wadt park.

Joka Wllilama, a atgra, aadtr dtttk uateaei for tat aiardar of Joka Ander- soa, ia»i winter, brokt Jill at Fort Ooa cbn, T«iaa, Sunday night, tad aacaptd

Mr. George I. Beauty, of Haw Tork, baa donated aaolkar #1*0,000 to lot Wealeyaa Female Collage, al Htcoa, Oa., meklag •TO 000 that h* baa bestowed oa tktt In- ■titailo*.

There war* bat M rotas cut for taat- lon at Albany yeatstday, 69 memhera be- ing tbtaat. Mr. D*n*w casts wltbls tsa vote* of securing tba loagtarm, receiving •7 of lbs M-

Tbt tlort of Dr. Conkllsg, tt Cenlml- tllla, Callforalt, wtt blowa np by gltat gaaposdar, atrly yosierday morning, tad lb* tuiidlnc. stock aad outhouses totally wrecked. Mr. Conkllng arts tabta from tkt roltt la t critical condition.

Commissioner of Railroads Frtsck bat re.urmd to Washington froai lbs Paclgc coast; b« dafaada bla recent latlar to Pres- ident Stanford of lbs Csttral Pnclic Bail- road. Bad drBlea tbat ko ktt yltldsd aaty part of tba goTarotssat't claim* agtlaai tba compaay.

A Dollar at Taratr Kicbardeoa's mill, g mil." north of Walla Polat, Texts, ex- ploded oo Baiarday morning. Bill Ladsn tka engineer, was blowa lo tunas, tad an old matt Baaud Oroaa wtt atrsck by a mill-sloes tad mangled bsyood recogol- tloa. Ttracr Hlcbtrdtot tod J. D. Muff Wtrt in tared.

Tat oortb-boaad tugs oa tkt Baa An- loaloaBd Laredo 11 a* wststoppsdoa Sat- ■rday algkt, atar Blot autlos, Texas, by oaa masked wan, wko ootipaJltd tkt two nasarBgars lo allgbt sod aaalat Is rifling tba malls. Tba OUga wtt dttalned two bours Tba drlvar aad pattsagart wort aot robbed of tayiblag.

Cbrlttopbsr Brtab. of Maw Tork, Tboo- dore Hoffman of Poitcheaier, N. T„ aad tba latlai't two aoaa, tgad twenty.two aad Ma, wblls croaalag Long Island Sooad at Ita-f. la a aall boat, wars overtaken by a ii)tall, ikslr boat ctpaliad, aod Brtab, with Hoffman's two aoaa, wart drowsed. Tba fathar waa saved by t bott from Hya.

Wednesday. Action oa tkt sttr roots praaacatloot

bat bssB potlpoasd uutll Saptaaibor. Tka atacblaa shops at Jersey City art

gtarded by police to p .-event, tht ■ tilkera from laltrfaitag wltk tbs workmen.

Ayoob Khan's snuu la kit rtctat *a- gagemest with tkt A meet'a rorcoa, amounted to 190 la killed tad wouedkd.

A BtW ministry kt* basa foresee la Bouwaola, wltb M. Joka Brails*** at praaldeat of tba council tad mlalaur of

Tba Vlrglola republicans are to bold a alatft convention at Btaaatoa, oa tba *4U of August, for tbo aomlaatlou of a straight •gas) rapablkcaa ticket.

Tba Loadoa rarroapoadtat of tba Llr- trpOOl Post, stales tbat Mr. BooU'a share of tba profits or tkt production of "OtbsHo," was Mats

The Bev. Dr. Joaeph Cemmlagi.foe-mer- IVOT Wealayan Ualvamity, MlddWsowu. CJUU , bat boaa elsctad pre* Id eat of, tbo Worthwaatern Uatvartlty at ■asoatoa, INIOOlt.

Tbo flfhliag between the French aad Itallaa workmen, at Maraalllrt, France, brobt oat tfraab last night, aad al last aecooau a sorlooo struggle waa la pr*> irsm

While Baranna'a clrtmt waa psradlag thastrests In Manchester. N. H , jester- day, lbs booira of tsvsrtl promlasat clt- Ittaa wars rjbbsd. At one plaat tbo plaadar aaeooatad to tbott #400.

Tbo roaaloo of prtsoosra of tba lau war, bagaa at Dotrolt, Mlcb., ysstsrdsy, aod wilt rontlnae tbrosgb to-day aad to- morrow. Mayor Tbompsoa aad Govsraor JtruBte, gave the vaUraaa hearty welcom- ing sacscbts.

At Blddefjrd, Ms., yiNterday, daring tba psrade of tbs Odd Fellows, previous to their learlag tor Lowell, a little aoo of Aatbolot P»Ut wtt ran oyar by a boavlly loaded tssm, crashing bis bead to tbat he eiplred Immadltlaly.

Mrs. Ill W. Basil, aged abont titty ytart, wtt foand baaglag to a closet door at bar borne la PltttloM, Mass., yester- day- It It soppotsd tbs wast hat. been Insane, as tbsra was BO known cause tbat could bare ladoesd btr to tabs bar Ufa.

A stai who ragtstarsd at O. M. Mo- Hasry of Worcester, took t rooaa at tbo Roger WhHam House, la Provldooco, B. I., abont a wosk ago. Bt assaral to ta*s ao baslaota, bat drank hoatlly. aad yes- terday moralug as *u fosad doad la bla bod.

Thursday. Tba Ooori, Saturday, rafattd to grant

Ms). Poad a ditores from bla wife. Tka Klrst MaUoaal Bank of Datrolt wtt

robbed yesterday of •3000. by a couple of adroit lhle»ea.

Tkt British boast of commons baa re- jected by t sou of 171 to 09 tbo bill pro- Tiding for tba abollUoa of capital poalsb- acoat la England.

Tba directors of tbs Great Kaatern Stsssssklp Company bars decided to offer lbs Great Eastern at public aactioo, at) tbo first of Octobtr.

Tbo defanss, of tbs dofaalUaf treasurer of a New Hampshire savlBgs bank, wko robbed tba depositors of #100,000, Is to be laaaatty. Hit counsel matt bt Insane.

There Is llttlo chases la tbs atutada of shipowners aad laalr ttrlklag workmen, tt Moat real. Both parties aaoat datar- mlatd to bold oat to tba atrloaa tsjtry of tba pott.

Fall Blear woavtft, at a meeting last alakt, appolatsd a commute* to tnclu small strikes throughout Bsw Baghtad, wltb tbs flew of making a big atrlka at a mlarfiay.

Tboaaaa OtrfisM, aado of tbo Prsstdsat, waa iBslsBtly killed by tba cars, not far from Cleveland, <»., yesterday, sad Mrs. AhMUHt Arwold, wkfs of Dr. "|B1II was fatall* lajsred.

At tbo Dewocratk eaaawa at Albany, yssurdty. t'lsrkson N. Potter was nomi nstad for Ssaator. Tba Dtaaocrau rs- aolvad to tots as a aalt for every motion for fiaol adioorwavsat of tat Leglalstare

Tba largest fire wbkb baa occarrsd la Salem |a several years, occarrsd late last sight, N. B- Troaowall't large tannery and carrying shops oa Franklin atrest. being totally destroyed, together with a targe qssatlty of slock Aa adjacsat tsa- ■mttt hoaat waa also hwrwsd. Tbo total loot la astlmstcd at gMOOO,

A dsapatcb from Cork to tbo Times sayt, Fstbcr O'Coanor. wko la abont to depart oa a mlsaloa lo A merles, has a Misr from Archbishop Crohe, com mis- aloslBg blm to proclaim everywhere hi ABMrtcs. what Irlahmsa waat, aad to UU Americasa tbat tba Irish people ara ds- tsrmlaad to carry on the prenent consti- tutional aglutlon.

Tbo Cornell University craw, BOW II England, Is not elecaai, nccordlng to tbs tossowbat strict Btglwh Ideas of form, bat tbo* win probably be found fast. They art tfeorosghly wsll together ; their boot Is lighter Uma anything la Kagland j they will bast sa sdfaatagt over taolr oppo- asBto la aot bclag prsstoosly fatlgasd wltb aa tigbt oar race.

Wwatoa withdrew frost tbs contest wltb Bow HI testerdar alternoos, aUsrly aoaMo to continue. Tba score at tka ead waa: Bowsll, M0 miles j Wastes, 301 mtlot sod S laps. After tbs cone las Ion or tbs asnlcb. Mr. Daryta. of New Tork. of- fered to match Bowsll agalaot aay tame asta, to Ukt op rssnlsg when they liked. Par a pa rss of g 10.000, las wlaasr to tabs tba wbolo of tbo gate ssowoy.

Two prominent citizens of Chicago watt) drowned oo Lake Superior, while on a tithing excursion a few days


T» Bgpoan rogardiog troublo bo- twoen President lUyet aad Seta»Ury Blsine, are put an end to, at asOfit of ■uch of late have been, by an emphat- ic denial on the part of tboas) con- cernetl.

Tag SCEX CANAL baa proved an •ncoeat dating the year just and the a lock-holder* are

receiving liberal dividends. The ca- nal It to be lighted by electricity, under the tuperintendence of M. De


Tag r-BoaicLTios in the Star Route fraudt, are reported much dlapleued by the adjournmont of the courts in wbloh the enact an to come, until September; thus postponing the set- tlement until that time.

Tun FIUHT nt Albany oonUnuea, but with a good show of coming to an end with the week. The Great Resigned are slowly bat ttirely loaing ground, while the administration men gain with every day. Aa the aky tooka DOW, the tumult of Ute pollttcal elemenu fa likely to end with pleat- ant weather and tunthine, in the abape of one tUlwart and one admin- latratlon senator.

THE Pautgrura KEPUTATIONof Hamp- ton and Rye beachet, now somewhat weakened to Ldwrence people by the familiarity of years, seems likely to ha rettored by the passage of a bill, yesterday presented to tlie New Hampshire legislature, for the incor-

poration of the Rye and Hampton Narrow Quage Railroad. The old name* will be no more—The Coney Inland of New Hampshire—the Nan- taaket of tba Granite State— will entirely do away with aimpla Rye and Hampton Beach. Lemonade and twinging boree* will be the attractions ; and shooting galleries, and baloon

i, aad clam bake pavilliona will supplant the quiet serenity of Unnte

Dan'a domlnlooa.

Jarr DAVIS teems to have made trouble, not only among union ofttoera, but among hla own subordinates, by bla recently published book. Last, be finds he baa trodden upon the toee of Gen. Joe. Johnson, who comes out with an indignant denial of Davis* charges. Gen. Johnson tare that since the war, Mr. Davis baa lived In practical seclusion, surrounded by a few people, wboae effort* have been directed solely to make him think be Is a great man. They have auooeed- ed, and be imagines that he abape* public opinion on any subject be

one* to declare himself upon. In hla own mind bla decision and atler-

• settles any question of fact or conjecture with which be dealt, and that bit book is written with the idea, which is firmly planted within him, tbat all men ara made or destroyed aa be wills.

TIIK riaa Laws should be publicly rand to our neighbors down the liver, judging from the number of arrests recently made In HavtrbUl,-Bradford, Groveland and other places, rW tak- ing shad from theMerrimac. ft must

be rather expensive fun, even for the millionaires below tu, if tlie courts are disposed to sustain the lecialative enactment* with any aeverity. The law paaaed but Starch, i* a* follows i

"Whoever take* or catches any •had or alewives, in any part of the Merimac river, or it* tributaries lying within this commonwealth, except between snnriae on Monday morning, and sunrise on Friday morning, of each week, from the first day of March to the hut day of May, of each year, inclusive, shall forfeit for each ale wife ao taken, a turn not lews than one dollar, nor more than five dollars, and for each shad so taken, a aum not lea* than fire nor more than twentv dol- lar*."

And while noting this enactment.

It might be well for fishermen in this vicinity, to glance at the acclion in the law* and resolves of the last leg- islature, which proceeds it, and which forbids the taking of flab from the river within four hundred yarde of any flshway on the Merrimac or its trib utartes. In fact, it is hardly safe for yon throw your hook into "tlie purest water In Now Kngland." atany |>oi:it, without making a careful study of the little blue covered production of Ute high and mighty general court.

Is BaptaiBS the rrtsjslpssa sna* ongeesa W tba Mai must I'arty^Interview wllhlbv

Weaver or Iowa, tba GitBBback law for [iresident at tbo late nation-

al tlactlon, and a member of tbs 46U) Congress, addressed t small bat aUoative aadtooca at tba city ball butt nvealag. Tb* soeatlnr was presided over by Dr. Lafay- ette Cbsaley of Cheater, N. H.. who re- cently wss a greenback candidate for Coo- grtss, la tbo Second N. H. District, sod o* tbo roatrom were stated prominent local reprtaaatativsa of tbs National Party, also delegates** from Qrtnnback cltba la Chaster sod Dorry, N. U.

la opening bit SddrssS, 0*B. Weaver Hid tbat b* represented * party Which was In tb* minority 1* this neighborhood boesaso tbo people do a*t understand Its doctrines, tbongh g* cellared tb* people were honest la their political view*. Tb* trouble 1* sot that tb*y wort aot latent* gent bat they bars boaa under tb* tutor- ship of * tubtldliod preen. This bt always tba csso wbea * new party comaa up be- tween two older parties. Their In to raits ***** thtm to ■Itrtprtotat tb* new parti. Tb* nstionsl party It growing, for tb* reason tbat It d If era from avtry other party la the ooaatry la this, tbat it btlltvss •oowthlBg. Greenbacks™ h*v* * wsll- deOacd cod* of principles.

Mo powor wbkb It tstsotltl to tbs hap- piness of tb* paopla shoold ever bo al- lowed to psa* oat of the people's hs*ds Into the hsndsof mennotchonan by tbem. tad who ara not reaponsibla to them. Tkt dlBkaliy with this propoaltloB aalste I* It* application. Art. 1, Sec. a. of tb* eoaatitatloa aajn: "Congreaa shall have powsr to dsclara war." Woald yon be willing to bar* a law paaaad to delegate thla power Into tkt beads of tbo powder manufacture™ aad goo makers? Tbo •arse sectloB says Coagroos shall have tb* powsr to regulate commerce among tba slates. It means It sball have power to control tb* agents by which commerce It carried oat lasso agents art money, trsBsponation aad traaaailaaioa of lufor- istloo by telegraph. Woald yon be

willing to bava a law passed tbat shall say la KBvd that ao man or women aball have anything to say about tbo Issue of money, aatll tbty first become bondholders, aad than national bankers, sad yet you bar* ■acb a law 10 day. When SSOB*T If plenty, prices are high aad labor Is high and limes are good. Who* mooey Is scarce, limes are hltd aod pilot* are low. The** w* b*V* eiperlenced, bat we bivs never stopped to Inquire who baa tb* power to make moaay scarce or plenty. Amass Walker 1B writing oa tbs Science of La- bor, ssys tb* amount of money control* every tLtng M unerringly as tb* law* of nttat a. If tb* amount controls tbo pries, then tka BMB wko control tb* amonat control everything. He characterised tb* law giving national banks power to retire tbslr circulation la whole or in put, and tbs repeal of tb* HmlUllsB law aa iniqui- tous, and said tbat th* republic BOW pot- aeaaed tbs main fftatar** Of the British system of Usance, vis: a larg* national debt; t high rate of Inierest exempt from taiailon, snd tbs power given to tbo banks to tssas or take oot Of circulation, money at pleasure. If tb* people are aot ready for a perpetaal debt they moat do away wltb tbs national bank.

Tb* object or tb* aatwwal party waa to tear sack lofamooa lawx from tt* statute book. It wss la favor of a aiatem found- ed oo gold aad P*P*r, tb* latter a fail le- gal tender; of paying off the BallosS| debt and of bringing monopolies under tbo subjection of tb* law. Said h*: "We make ao wsr oa baaka; bat bonks Issue, tbs power of Isan* belongs to lbs wbola people. We want fair play la tb* interests of capital Bad tabor."

Qon. Weaver waa frequently interrupted by applause. His dbKoarso waa replete with trgimtat aad was delivered la tbat forcible rasaner characteristic of Western orators. Ho Itvlted tbo** wishing to learn more of lb* objects of his party to oall oa him at tb* Hotel to-day.

j ess resist. Wa do not In soy wsy Intend I to Interfere wltb tbs public credit, cor do we Intend monopolies shall interfere with private credit. Wa do sot intend to lias* to uollmlled amount of paper money, bat) oa tba coBtrsiy, will aioutly limit tb* volocne to the business wants of th* country. All moaay, whether metallic or paper, We intend aball bs itaaed by th* government sad not by lbs banks or cor- porallone. Wa are opposed to tb* gov- eroment farming oot its credit to private corporations. Whatever there nay be la the public cndlt, should belong to tba whole people, aod railroad corporations organised to take private property for their owa use under tba plea of eminent domain, must aot be permitted to rob tod plunder tba public.

Senator Coabllog, I tar, bas declared war oo tb* monopolies, aod truthfully states that tbey now largely control th* nation a I legislature 1B their Interests. Tbsy hsva control of tbs United Starts Senate and tb* executive II the present time, tad too* will have a majority of tb* Jodgss of tbs Supreme Court. The work before tb* nstloosl party It vaat and th* slavery conflict waa t mere bagatelle com- pared with it, bat we shall certainly suc-

1 ho democratic party la helpless and parposel***, wblls the republican party la divided and disintegrating. Their vote* will largely come to aa."

Aa Klegsat Double Retldtooe.

Tag RtcxNT DEVKLOPntMrr* of Hie alleged swindling operation* of the Globe Company, a large proportion of whose stock-holder* are women brings up fresh comment on the "gul- libility" or the average American re male. How long she will continue to be taken in by tba flaah advertise- ment* of auch institutions aa Mr*.

Howe's Indies deposit, offering it* fabulous rate of twenty-four per cent, interest to tba Quarter, and now the Globe Company, wltb it* tan per cent., will only be determined by the time aba is kepi in ignorance of the barest principle* of the buaineaa life which is daily going on around her.

We ventnre to aute, that oot one in ten women in New England to-day, could tell you whether a tint class investment ought to pay six, or one hundred and six per cent, dividend* ; In short, where on* woman could tell yon tone few bwMnea* facta, nine could not even give the meaning of the term per cent.

All this moat be due only to a lack of knowledge of the commonest prin- ciple* or commercial lire. Beyond the question of the admission of women to buaineaa enterprise*, would it not be wall, to a country like ours, where wires and daughters are oon- etaatly being left with property to handle, that sufficient knowledge «•* fiances, and financial affair* sboaaVl be given to American womenkuKf, aa to prevent in fntnre any such whole- sale awindhnn; operation* a* those developed in Bcmton during the last lew weeks.

A repreaenutlve or tb* Asraaicaif In- terviewed (lea. Weaver at th* Hotel Brunswick |* tb* evening. He waa met vary courteously tad found tbo represen- tative Gicenbacher or the country readj to converse. When aektd tb* object of bit preseot tear tbroagboat tbo ooaatry, he sa Id tbat the party he repress*!* hat resolved apoa * ihorosgh ctavaa of tbs United States, for th* psrpoaes of organ- ization and propagating Its principles. Hs said tbat be bad tba* far made aru- nlne speeches and that Dr. De Leliaiyr, tod Solo* Chase war* also laboring I* the vlaeyard of the party. Bald be i "We most v. nb tb* great—t enthusiasm wltb* o*t retard to s«clion, aad tbs party It rapidly Increasing in members.

To* say the party la Increasing. Tbat doet aot bur oat tbs MMI.IU.UI Q| the Boston Josraal of tO-Jai, that I* 1B78 lbs party east three quarter* of a mlilloa of votes, sod la 1880 cast only one-qnarter," remarked tkt Interviewer.

Weaver—In 1878 there wa* so national ticket aad the rote referred to

a fusion democratic, tad It oo crlu- rion of the strength or the XaUoaal Party.

vots Is 1C80 showed oar aclaal strength I* th* FrwaldeBilsl contest. Ws pulled not only s quarter mllilo* bat falls 360,000 vote*. These came from DM* not txpectiag victory, but who were alaply voting to eater their protest agalaal th* corruption of tin- "M psrtles, and tb* pretest ayttem or Tba eriterioa by wblcbibaJo*ri.a)J«)dg*sssiwasaulaly of tlie vote la taw Cassgi— slwaal 41 Where Utrra waa a fn-Hia. Tsk# the Con- gnsaluaal vote or lww, sasl a.ihot party Hoe* wore strictly draws, oor vote was lolly as larg*. Th* prospects are unat I* IMS we will poll as tssaten sod tbla year will largtly locre* vote.

' Mo power can prevent oor animate iBCceas; We are sot* lo win. Tbs old party laadera ere shutting their eyes to •>ur progress) aod we are sled tbey 0> so.

"Our party Is pt.- eminently th« sail- monopoly party. Toe great samnte of commerce aecesosry to the hsppl—aa sod weltarr of Ike wbovr rwupta I* lbs repsb- Uc ara Bow mil. ij cootrolled by asooopo- lles, to tkf datilsarnt uf labor snd tba proooctsg claosae. Those saoaopollss ara mosey, trtn* purls tloa, aad toe iransmle- Stos uf latelligeLCo by telegraph i aad through these almost every other comfort of Ilia has to pay toll nod UloOW to tM BMMiey kings of tbla coualry. Tkw coo- stliailus provides that Congress skall regainu- the** sgesta of commsre*. It Is th* purpose of oor party to restore tb* people to their rghirul coatrol of tbea* agents. Wa farther intend to pay of tbs national debt aod relieve tb* people from oppressive taxation. la oaber words the trinity or opswwaaloe. tbs bants, railroads sad public awbt emoold bo compelled to work la bsrssoof for the general good. I sold ws war* a* anil-monopoly party. snd we are. Ws are a« t on* Idea, bat strike st ths bonk, railroad, telegraph sod kindred monopolies st lbs same time. Tbty constitute a coafederallos 10 rob tad oppress the people aod deprive labor of its rewards. Tbey ail march snder slag. It la oar purpose, aad It 1* BOW

evident, that W* shall be able to 1 «1v (be banner of lb* national S|sg|| J| tb* esrU- monopoly, cerrency ggg) taker rafsrm elements la the country, and Wb* •nltad we mill constitute a force ao

Alderman Hoary B. Dyer has had plane prepared by architect W. B. ferklna for aa tlegtnt doable residence, to be erected apon hit lot at th* soatb side of Bradford strut, midway between franklin and Hampshire streets. If the plaat are fol- lowed, u doublleaa tbey will be. It will be the most elegant habitable structure on thla street, where so many handsome dwell- ings have bun built the put few year*.

Th* plans contemplate * double resi- dence, 60 feet frost ted 76 deep, with La- It will bt of wood, two stories la height, with hipped roof. Either front corner for oat story will :oi m a bay window Of BeW design. Io the front centre will be the main entrance, with a porch with heavy doors opening into the porticos of uch tenement, thence Into uulo halls, which on either aide wilt diverge to tbe bsllwayt Isadlog from tb* side entrances, also to t plaua which will bo located at tbe rear, at th* juncture or tbe Ls to tb* main building. On tbe exterior between tbe first tod second stories will be aa orna- mental bolt of shingles, 8 f«et la width aad tb* front pedimruia at th* roof veil' bo similarly adorned.

A large baaeuienl will extend under the main house, sod L, and here will be lo- cated coal bins, a boiler, u lb* entire building will bo betted by steam, cold closets, sad at lbs txtrenu rear laundries, with ut tabs tod boilers, sinks, clout*, and all modern appliances. Oa the first Boor, la front, IB uch tenement, will be the parlor, sitting room, dining room, with cblaa clouts, tic., and tb* kitchen aad store room; la the second story, a guest's chamber, directly over the parlor, tbe family chamber over the sitting room, connected direct wltb the bath rooaa, which are also accessible from tbo main aalL

Other chambers are alto touted on thla Boor. Tbs sitting rooms and family chambers directly above will be octagonal la shape, aod oa ths second floor, easy of acecu*, will bo located linen, clouts, wrap-rooms, and other convenient appli- ances. Tba octagonal sitting rooms and dining rooms will btvt stained glsu win- dows, located ID about the usual position of aa upper sub, aad there will be tiled or fancy brick flre-pltcu, la the main balls and t* th* altliag end dining rooms. Tb* mala hall will be finished In oak, aad the dining rooms lo cherry; the finish of tba other spar tmenu baa not yet been decided apoa, bat will bo tasteful and to conform- ity to tbe Interior decorations, which promise to be elaborate.

When completed the house will be oc- cupied by ktessr*. Arthur W. Bad Clarence M. Dyer and faaliUa. Tbe foundation has nearly all been laid, aad u HOB U

tba working plans are prepared tbe con- struction of the building proper will be

sjaaced and pu had rapidly to com- pletloa.

John Merrill, a young mat brought op lo tbla otty, aad far several ytart well known tO tb* commnnlly U * clerk In tb* music store of X bt, Blebsrdt, baring ac- cepted a vary important position u sales- man at tb* soatb for the Smith American Organ Company, wltb headquarter* tt Atlanta, Oeorgls, aad havlog decided to leave for his new Bold In a few day*, hi* friends considered It too opporteoe u

Ion to exprese for him some token of their great regard aad esteem, to be lut Accordingly without letting Mr. Merrill know of their loteutlons, arrangements were made%i a farewell reception at bit ruldaacs oo Broadway, oo Wadauday evening. The young man bad a sus- picion tbat be was to be visited, Bad wu therefor* prepared to meet th* crowd of OV*r sixty of hi* Intimate friend*. Who ume at aa early boar. After seeing that lb* eotlit party, lo which were uvaral well known bsilnua gentlemen and their wlvu. war* *t*d* acquainted, Mr. Merrill retired for* moment, but hardly had be stepped out of tbe room before be waa re- called ud wu greatly surprised to see the company all gathered In on* room and In their raldat hi* putor. Rev. Hlchard Mon- tague, who, u spokesman for tb* compaay, addressing bit remarks to Mr. Merrill, referred to hi* going away from friends snd born*, and bit friends, through blm, bad takes tbla opportunity to glre him MOB* slight token of their regard, ud uked thai be woald accept It u a re- membrance from* thou he wu aooa to leave behind. At tb* concluaton he handed Mr. Merrill a very handsome gold link wstch chain and cameo seal. Tht preaent wu a beautiful one, rained at about #60, aad wu pnrchaud of L. Haotooa 4 Boa. Tb* yoeag man wu completely taken by auprlu. He ac- knowledged that he had aa Idea that he should be visited by bis friends, bat ths prusot be did not expect, tad he wu at a low what to uy. Ho heartily thanked the company for tb* beautiful gift aad as- sured tbem that wherever he went b* should wear tbe chain, aod carry la his memory the klad act of hi* many dear friends la Lawrence. Aa opportunity wu given all to examine the gift. When order again reigned, Mr. aad Mr*. Merrill, parent* of tht hut. Invited all present to partake of refreshments, which wu done. Tbe remainder of tbo evening wu spent In a social way. Mr. Fred Kennedy won hearty applause by his excellent rendition of the beautiful song, "In tb* Glooming." Mlu Bessie Bnlkley read with fine taate, "Little Elsie." Mlu Nellie Stedman, Mr. John Bowker, Jr., aad the Mlesw Peakea, added greatly to th* plwiar* of the occasion by playing selection! oa th* pltao daring the evening. At a late boar tbe lut visitor left the house, btddlag Mr. Merrill farewell snd Qod speed oo bit Jooraoy.

Mr. Merrill, during his Uf* la tbl* city, hu endured himself to all who have had the pleuar* of hla acquaintance, aod It It ufe to nj that no young man In the city hu a larger clreie of warm friends, then he. HI* position In Mr. Richard*' store, and bis connection with tba First Baptist church, bu brought him fa contact with a large number of people, who will fed tbat by hi* luvlog this city, what 1* bis gain I* their lots. He will be greatly missed in this city, but as he I* going to a place where friends are easily made, wltb 1st* Mrs of IntrodactlOB to many prominent citizens, It ls confidently expected that he will aoon become u well acquainted u be is bars. Tht Smith Organ Company-

be coagratalated on securing to excellent * ulesman and falthfnl aa employee. Mr. Merrill Intends leaving for tbe aoulh la a few days. He carries with him tbe but wishes of all his friends.

Tbe Metfctf n - ••ostlng Affair

On Wadauday, la th* police conrt, came oat tht sequel of tbe noted shooting affair la Methoen, lut August

Aa will bo remembered by al) oar read- er*, la Aagut, 1880, s party of youog men from this city went to Metbuen on Sunday. Tbsy entered tbe premises of Asa Boawali, and stole apples. Special officers Lei ranee Mitchell and Horace WbltUsr uw them, and attempted to arrest tbem. Thsr* wu a fight. In which one of lb* BMB, Sullivan, wu shot, and afterward* died. Tbl* cut, of course, occupied too great attention of the com- munity, ud th* other otuadera war* not thought or except a* witnesses. Tbs result of th* cue, all are familiar with.

Tuuday, Mr. AM Bodwell and officer Horace Whlttlor came to this city, aod golsaj before Judge Harmon, swore oat a warrut for lb* arrest of the accomplices la th* above affair, whose names are John

"■an, Jeremiah Beardou, John Fitz- gerald, ggd Michael Fitz-ertld, on two complaints. On* for trespass, and tbo other for assault on Wklttler. Lut evening bat oa* of the parties named la th* warrant, John Freeman, could be found, bat notification wu made, ao that at court next morning, all were present. Jouph T. Bweeuey, eiq., tppeared In their behalf. They etch plead not guilty to tbe charges, sad through their counsel, waived examination. Tbey were Dud •10 each, and one-fourth the costs, or 4 months, for assault, and $10 snd each one- rourth tbe cut*, or SO days additional, for trespass. Tbsy all appealed and were each held la gsuO bonds, oo etch cue, obtaining ball.

Runaway Girls.

I>e»tb of Dr. Ktggs.

A Kasral Sightly Dealt Wltb. o>

1* tb* police court Monday, John J. Fin- neran, aa employee of tbe Boston A Maine railroad, wu i mlgned on a charge of asssultlng a girl named Eunice Fallon, aged fourteen years. From tb* evidence adduced, the facts appear to be, that on Tuesday evening, the 14th lut, the girl met Finnernn at the corner of Caaal and L'nli n streets. H* WU seated IB a car- riage, aad uked her where abe wu going. She iBfortud him that she wu going to Common street, to au a girl of about her owa age, named Ward. He told her to gut late tbe carriage wltb him, sad he would give her a ride to Common street Althoagh she bad aever seen tbe mu be- fore, sbe got Into ths cirri age, bellev lug

be would do as be promteed, wbea be whipped the boraa lo a run and drove across th* Duck bridge. Seelag that tht wu being drlvea la aa opposite direction from Common street, she requested blm to perml I her to luva the carriage, but he refsaed to do so, telling her that he would drive ber over the upper bridge. He stopped the earring* at a rum abop, tod eadearored to -nske ber accept s glsu of bur, bringing It to her I* lb* carrlsge, bat tbe refaud to tan* it. and U raw the liquor koto tbe rood. He then drove on tb* rwsd leaning to lb* riding park, when tbe began to cry, ami struggled to jump from the carriage, but be held her. Her crle* called the attenlloa of two gentle- men, who were driving la tbe vicinity, to her position,and after ume brisk driving, tbey succeeded In reaching Flnnerin, end took tbe girl from him.

Plauraa wu arrested Sunday sight. Ha denied having a tes m on the 14th, bat tbe books St StOWeH's stable showed that bs had,althoagh Mr. Thomas Murray, tbo gentleman wko let klw have lb* tUW)

ooUM aot testify positively tka*. It wu aot on the 13.b. Tba girl positively tdeatlied blm sa the man with whom she rode, sad be wu seLtenced to pay a flu*

■ad oosta.or one year la the Hoase of vorreciion. He appt-nltd, aad 1B de- reutl or fWO bonds, wu committed to tell.

FiBaeran la a disreputable cbsracter. He Is ao stranger to the police court, bsvlsg been arrested various Urms lor

iy, druBkeanees, and aaaaall spos If*, la 1*77, b* wss arrested for

commuting laps upon bla sUp-dughter, snd wu bald to tb* Baperlor Coert IB

bat tbe grand jury railed to find a bill against him, th* girl doabtleu hav- l*g bee* prevailed upos not to tuUfv tgalBlt him. It Is said tbat he has also aerved * term la the State Prison, sad his act of Tuesday night Is believed to be aa old game of bt*. He came to this city origlulry from Lowell, where be hu a


Cnssute Is Tlnse Table.


Saturday evening about nine o'clock omcereat Msocbuter, N. H.. took Into custody, two girls whom tbey found wan- dering abont the atrute, their names were Belle and Maggie Morgan, aged re- spectively eight and tan years, daughters of Mr. Frank Morgan, ruldlag on Bla street, this city. Tbsy left home on Wednesday lut, aad walked to South Londonderry; the next day they continued th*ir Journey on foot, tod arriving IB

Manchester, stopped with parties by tb* ntmt of Deamond, In Amoskeag. The latter became tired of them,and directing; tbo attention of aa officer to their condi- tion, they were taken to th* police station. The girls were fairly dressed, bat had not a Mat of money la their pos- uuloo. The reason tbey gave for leaving home, wu tbat their mother wu abuud, aad sent them away to Manchester, where the family lived at one Ume, saying that th* woald tbortly follow. Tb* officer took no stock IB what th* girl* itld, u tbey did not appear to be telling tbe truth. Th* Lawrence officials war* telephoned about the matter, and Sunday evening tbe mother of th* girls went there, and flatly contradicted the atory told by them. She allowed the girls to leave th* house for th* purpose of pity, wben they embraced the opportunity to run away, tb* older no* having don* so oa a previous ecculon. Tbe girl* war* given over the care of th* mother.

Serious Accident.

Dr. W. E. Klggt, tbe well-known den- tut, died at four o'clock a. m. Monday, tt tbe Essex bouse, of consumption, from which diuue hs bad been a sufferer for pear*. HI* death wu not unexpected, aa be hu bun gradually sinking since his return to tbls city from the South. He paased away calmly tod peacefully, without pain.

Dr. Blgga wu born In Portland, Me., Juae 18tb, 1843, coming to tbls city In 1865, when he went Into Dr. Hayes office, and studied dentistry. II* afterwards married Dr. Hayu daughter. After com- pleting hit studies, fa* opened an office at the corner of Lawrence and Esaex Sit., where be continued until a little over two years ago, when falling health Warned htm to reek a warmer clime. He sold out, tod went to Atltats, Oeorgls, opening an effice there. Hit health aot Improving, be went Into the mouotalna just outelde of Atlanta, where he wu arach better, bat on his return to th* city he wu sg*ln prostrated, and unable to work. After about s year's confine- ment, he made op hi* mind that he must die, and expressed t desire to spend hit last dtyt snncg his friends In this city; bo wu accordingly brought bom* four week* ago. Since ha bu buu bore, his lut moments have bun made lighter ny tbe kindly office* of the Odd Fellows snd Masons, to which societies bs belonged.

His first wife died several yean sgo, also a obllf which was born to tbem. He married again, and his preunt wife and one child, survive him.

He WU a prominent memberof the Odd Fellow*, being a member of Hoosdnock lodge, and having passed through all ths chairs in Kearaarge Encampment. Ha also belonged to Grecian Lndgeof Ma* sons and lbs Knights or Fythlu. wu In ths late war of ths rebellion, en- listing u hospital steward, lo November,

1861, tod being mattered oat Novem- ber 22,1868. He wu t member of Poet 89, G. A. B.

Dr. Bigg* stood high lo hi* profusion, snd while In tbe practice of It wu very popular. He wu a genial companion and was much esteemed by thou who enjoyed fats acquaintance.

Tbe funeral occurred on Wednesdsy afternoon, from Odd Fellow* Hall. Tbe services were conducted by Bev. A. E. White lo tbe lodge room, st 2 o'clock, tbe Eliot church cboir rendering ths mule. Put Chief Patriarch Dyer 8 Hall wu muter of ceremonlet. There wu a larg* attendance at the funeral services, and tb* floral tributes, noticeable among which wu a pillow, presented by Monad- nock Lodge, I. O. 0. P., aud a floral crou, presented by the put officers of Kearaarge Encampment, were profuse and beautiful. At the conclusion of tbe services, KearssrgeEncampmsnt, Monad- nock Lodge and Qulodaro Lodge, Knights of Pytblat, accompanied by the Lawrence brass band, escorted the remains to their Ana! retting place lo Belltvae cemetery. The deceased having been a Put Chief Patriarch of Kearaarge Encampment, the pall bearers war* Put Chief Patriarchs A. A. Seaborn, A. H. Salisbury. George H. Htdley and 8. C. I'arcuns.


Tba polk* court win almost dally afford a chapter for In* most enthusiastic tem- perance orator to dwell upon, bat It sel- dom ru rn Sioes a more terrible e xampl* of ths ravages Intemperance can make la a family than WU illustrated tut week. First the mother of five children wu brought before the court u a common drunkard, to which the pleaded gnlltpt •ud wu taken to tbe Woman's Prison at Shcrboru for ou year. Following la her footstep*, * ftw day* after, wu bar hus- band, and be too wu deprived of hi* lib- erty for a year, u unfit, owing to hla dis- solute habits, to coatrol or provide for hi* childraa, or to associate with hi* fellow-

Nh Their names ara Oeorg* aad Elisabeth

Cbarlton. Tbey have two children, yoeag men, who are able to provide for tbeav ulvu, and do to, and bava endeavored without avail, to reform their parents from their dissolute habit*. Tb* husband Is a man of education, snd a graduate of oat of the flrat universities of Ireland, bat early In youth contracted tbe habit of In dutglng IB Intoxicating liquor-, which has proved hla ruin and brought his Ismlly of young childraa to look to strangers for the wbeiewlth to keep thorn front starva- tion. Doubtless bis dissolute ut* brought hi* wile to tb* level with himulf, and so abandoned had the couple become, tbat they not only n eglected the children whom a gracious Provide BU had sent them, bat they tore from their ahlveilng forms the clothe* glrea I* charity and pawned ihera for ram.

There In no doubt or tbls. Tbe City Missionary not long since paid (W for a suit of clothes for one of the children, and tbla the father, la t fit of draahea frenzy. tore from the wasted form of hla rffaprlag aad hastened with It lo tbe pawnshop, when be disposed of It for 75 cent*. To make th* cap of bitterness for thus ur- rerlag children more fall, tht rum-craxed parent* broke their kitchen stove into pieces and sold It for |unk, placing th* money tbu obtained where already their earnings of yesrsbefore bsd gone. Their household furniture, It la staled, I* BOW held by a rum-seller la lieu of payment for liquor furnished them.

The City Missionary Is endeavoring to provide for the three children who are ua- able to care for themselves, the youngest of whom tt ss !nfant.

The Boston A Lowell Railroad make ike following changes IB Suaday trains, to take elect ftaaday, June JeV.h. Leave Lawrence for Boston aad Salem at 7.48 a. m. i retsrslBg leave BoetoA tad Salem at T p. m. Leave Lswreace for Lowell at 6 a. a. aad 6 p. m.; returnlag leave Lowell m. aod 7 p. m.

dress rood* at By- Finest Use M Trull a Cos.

Agreeable to invltetioB, aearly oaa hundred parlahonera or lb* Central church society, met at their pastor's resi- dence, Wednesdsy eves lag. The affair took tbe form of a reception, Mr. Miles wish- lag to become better acquainted with th« members of bla church. For several soars roclablllty waa the order, tbe pu tor aad bla charming wtfa making the callers perfectly at home. During tbe evening, tltglag by the church choir, and readings were listened to With msch pleassre. The compaay Bully dispersed lor their homes, reeling that th* evening •put with their putor had proved of lb* greatest benefit to all preaeU.

A very urious accident occurred to Mr. 8. M. Davli, one of tbe but known cltl- xeu aad a greatly re apected resident of this city.' Thursday alterooon Mr. Dav'n had driven hit wife to lbs dettal offlce of Dr. Elliott, and wu about hitching hi* bora* to a pout IB front of tba store of A. W. Sturns, Esq., wbea tb* animal be- came frightened at some boxes which W*r* on tbe sidewalk sad reared apoa kit kind fut. Mr. Dsvls retained bis hold ou th* baiter, bat tb* animal la regaining his former position atruck blm apon tbe fore- head, over the left eye, with hi* boor, fell- lag hist to tbe earth. Mr. Davis Isy htunaed until gentlemen who ssw tb* affair carried htm to the drag store of H. M. Wblteey A Co.. comer of Essex and Lawrence streets, where Dr. Cham, berlaln waa summoned.

He nude a huty examination of th* wounds Inflicted, and tail Mr. Dtvla to his home la a carriage, subsequently at- tending him. The injuries are very url- ont, but Dr. Chamberlain doet not antici- pate an unfavorable Issue. The boot over and under th* left eye wu badly crushed and it wu fonnd necessary to re- move three pieces of It. Tbe eye li greatly Inflamed, snd by his fall In tbe road after hs received th* blow, Mr. Dav- is sustained painful contusions on tbe buk. His many friends will be psined to learn of the accldeat that hu befallen him, bat will be gratified at th* Intelli- gence tbnt bla phyalcliB does aot antici- pate vary serious results therefrom.

Members of th* Common Council BOW declsre that tbey purpose to vote the same amount for tba dedication or tb* soldier*' monument that tbe board of mayor aod aldermen voted for a Fourth of July celebration aod BO more. Tbl* certainly would aum a lalrproposllloa.— Basfja,

We cannot believe tbat mt tubers of tb* Common Conncll hsv* made any auch an? patriotic suggestion, notwithstanding tbe plamp editorial endorsemeu t of our neigh- bor U to tbe "fairness" of sucb a propo- sition. The proposed soldiers' monument 1* tenet emphatically** affair or tb* whole people; when the project took shape, our clllaan* universsliy, men. woanna sad children, enthusiastically responded, aod by small centrlhetloa* from oil clause, 810,000 wu promptly raised without call- ing upon th* city government, u bu been Hii case a'roost everywhere In such cases, for oa* dollar ol aa appropriation. When tbo moan neat aball have been completed. It is the purpose of the committee to uk tba city government to officially tab* charge and assume lb* as peas*, or the services Incident to It* dedication. What possible connection then cia be between this ceremony In honor or our petrlotle dud, and th* dlffanau or opinion be- tween tb* two branches u to th* advisa- bility or a Fourth or July celebration, woald pnxxle uy on* to Imagine, aad we believe tb* people, whose monument thla hi. Will demand sa observance be Biting tbe occaalon, aad wltb such an emphasis u will make tka position or say who ob- strsct it, decidedly aapleaaant. It Is per- haps, wall for tbe friends of the enterprlu to understand what some people consider * "fair proposition" U lo tb* uaonsment dedication.



The board met Is regular teuton, Monday sves- H, UM Mayor presiding and all present. TU

following business was transacted. PttUwni. Of W. W. Spaulding, to enter Mel-

rose street sewer, grsaled. Jota F. James I* enter Use Broadway sewer, grsntsd. Darby Ken- nedy, to enter Durham street sewer, granted. Patrick J. CoUiss, lo enter Valley street sewsr, granted. LoebUne Welch, to eater Uatos street ■ ewer, granted. A. W. Stearns, tor tba removal efatree unreal of hl> residence. No. 7 Lowell Street, granted. Qeorga A. WUeoa, to obstruct Comsson, Jackson, A TOO, Kast HsverhUl aad Vine streets, while moving building, granted. Cells Marslasd, to obstruct Crescent street while building, granted. Timothy Doolinjr, to obstruct Newton and Crosby suute while bnlMtag, graatod. Samuel Lowe, to obstruct HaverhlU ■treetwblle building, anwted. C. T. Thresh, for compensation tor damages dene to his horse by reason of a dense* la Ualoa street, referred lotho

A Scuta ttWe ASSSJSU. m

There I* considerable comment la ward alt, ia relation to aa alleged uaaaltby a Catholic clergymaa on u aged usteu; sa AMBJUCAH reporter hu latervtswed the parlies, hat tbey decline to give per tlcelsrs. and u ao nclioa bu bun utored I* tbe courts, which ara opea to aay comptsiat, there seems to be BO reason for enlarging apoa the occurresoa.

—Mrs. Waterman hu a floe variety of dalrcraes hot hoase grapu, st Asoour, which may be bsd, fresh rrom the vise*, at a low pilce; they may be ordered, or flowers or all kinds, at Belley a, post of- flce block.

Monday Bight, the provision market of Job* Charchlll A Ben, MM. 10 ana Aaaesbery strut, wa* entered by bur- glars, who, however, u nets dad I* get- lleg ilttl* plunder. It hu been customa- ry, dsrlsg th* hasted term, to leave tb* ventilator window, over tba door, open during th* Bight. The burglar climbed th* door at Bo. 19, aad •attend tb* store by the Op** ventilating window. He broke tb* mosey drawer from lla fasten- ings, aad left tb* store by removing tb* bolt un tb* Interior of the door at No. 12. Tb* miauy draws*- was toaad la the alley BUT tb* store, Oy the police, about a o'clock that aaorgoag, and later, officer Sbecdy fvaad on Commoa street a bug* ol bologna asossge, which was tak- en wbea tbe mosiy drawer waa stolen. Tb*n wu only abont» unto left la th* drawer by Mr, Cnnrehlil, when a* locked tbe store for the eight, bat tbe imention* of the thief war* good enough, for had there hue ■ large um of would BOW be la bt* pBusulo*.

Jail look over lU large stock ud tow price stE.N. Wmstoe's. Tattor.

Mttobition. To Uaiunr *tH from the inciden- tal departsseal to tbe Daa Rock cemetery depart- ment, read a second Ume and passed to to en- rolled.

AnstsassNesHs: Thomas 8mlthstMo,S30aki!L, Joka Donahue aad Hannah Creela ware granted leave to advertise, on their petition of liquor linens ss.

Cha*. 8. Cobura was granted leave to sell Are works, at 111 Essex street, a week previous to July lib.

James McCorry was nominated and a special police uJacer.

John Mailer waa appointed aad e wit rased Jank dealer.

Tba petition of wholesale liquor dealers for a reduction la rates or licenses, wu table, and UM petitioners given leave to with- draw.

Oa the report of Ute committee ea licensee, Thomas DUon who presented a petttie* for a re- dnettoa lathis brewer's ltceaae fee, wu tivu leave to Wllhdraw,


At Wlnnekennl said Lakeland Height

In response to as invitation from Dr. J. R. Nichols, the officers of Esaex county Agri- cultural Society and the Board of Trustees paid t visit to Lakeside Farm tad Winne keani Tuesday afternoon. Tbe visitor* were conveyed thither in the barges ''HsverhJll" aad "Red Wing" aod, on arriving at Winne- kenni spent an hour or so wandering through the avenues and groves of tbls delightful summer retreat At two o'clock the visitor* were ushered into the dining room where am pie justice wu bestowed upon a palauble Inncb.

Among those preaent wu Hon. Geo. B, Loring who wu In company of Mr. Thomas Saundera, and, in response to an invitation from the latter; the visiting agriculturalists look a stroll down the wooded elope, and np through a good footway to Lakeland Heights where upwards of two boor* wu apent In in- specting tbe fine residence recently erected by Mr. Saundera. The barn, stable, and Other out buildings were inspected, including Nr. Saundera' fine herd of Jersey cows, and several valuable horses and colts. A silo bu been built capable of storing thirty ton* of en- silage.

After tendering their thanks to Mr. Sun- ders for his courtesy, the party returned to Winnckennl where they expressed their grati- tude to Dr. Nichols for bla hospitality.

Shakespeare Cub OaAharlag.

Monday eve., tbe Shakespeare Club wu entertained by Mrs. beaver at her rasl- deBce, Mo. 119 Essex strut. The mem- ben of th* club, together with Invited guests, used the rooms to their utmost upacity.

Tb* earlier part of the evening wu occupied wltb rudlBgt by the dab, which, though somewhat Impromptu, war* keen- ly relished aad enjoyed by all pteuBt. The scenes selected war* from "Hamlet, "Merchant Of Venice," and "Richard III, Which, Interspersed with moat excellent mule aad singing, furnished no evening' entertainment, which could bardij have beag Improved by a more elaborate prep- aration.

About tee o'cloc* ton large company wu aahered Into the spulooa dialog room, snd Mated st a table laden with delicacies, rromlaent among which wu the luscious strawberry. Beautiful flowers adorned tbe board, here tod there, and every detail abowed tbe careful prep- aration me good taste or tbe estimable hostess. Before lbs gnal separation ol tbe company, a vote of ibaant* wu glrea for the hospitalities of the evaalag. The midnight boar had atruck before the lut loiterer had said "good night.'' and de- parted feeling that this bed been ou or tbe moot enjoyable occasions la th* his- tory of th* club.

—Tb* shade treu on Lawrence strut are being trimmed.

The common looks u If tt wu mowed by an Italic-eyed granger with s bsnd- saw.

—Tbe common path, leading from Ap- pleton to HaverhlU street, U being re- paired.

—Miss Alice Clark arrived at her home this morning, after a year's absence In Europe.

—D. N. A C. H. Martin will move across tbe street while their store ls belog re- modelled.

—Patriotic Young America ls picking rags and scrap Iron now.for foods to cele- brate wltb.

—The Eastern railroad's Old Orchard Beach extension will be opened to tbe public, July 1st.

The Ilttl* picnic psrtles on the com- mon, daring lb* noon hoar, have com- menced again BOW the grau bu bun cut.

-Tba ntw dress uniforms or th* Sher- man Cadet* with th* exception of tbe hat* tnd belts, arrived by express Satur- day.

Mr- George 8. Froat, formerly an overseer at the Pacific mill, goes this week to Spring Valley, Minn., where he Intend* to reside.

—Ths alterations being made at tbe National Pemberton Bank building neces- sitates the removal of uveral telegraph snd telephone wire*.

—Street Comalssloner Hall hu con- cluded to retain bit position, aod will therefor* decline th* flattering offer of the Russell Paper Co.

-John A. Murphy wu arrasted Satur- day, for throwing stout at the Ashes In tbs Commoa pond, ud IB ths police court wu sentenced to pay s flue or •> ud cost*.

— Major Cat*, the contractor, bu se- cured tba contract to build a four tene- ment brick houu on HaverhlU strut, mat west of tbe Central church, for Sam- uel LOW*, esq.

—Rev. Job* H. Barrow*, formerly pas. tor of the Eliot church, bat now of tbe Maverick Congregational church, But Boston, hu received a call lo a wealthy church la Chicago.

—Mrs. Libby, late of tht Western Union Telegraph office, la BOW located at Qlea Button, N. H. Miss McCarthy, of Low- til, temporarily lakes htr placa at the Western Union office.

-William Sldauottom, th* young man who recently mad* th* miniature engines referred to la these columns,and who took prizes for drawings tt tbe schools, It BOW la th* oflc* of Architect

A gospel tent bu bun pitched corner ofAllatonaad Howsrd streets. Prospect HUI. Messrs Martin, of Scotland, and Douglas, of New York, are conducting meetings la It every Bight at 7.45.

Mr. Charles Clarke, druggist, It hsv- log th* store, No. MO, Common strut, fitted up suitably for a labratory. Tb* Quaker Bitter*, la which Mr. Clarke Is Interested, will be manufactured hare.

Mr. Oaorge J. Boardmaa, or this city, will deliver an oration apoa the "Progreas of Science," at the commencement oxer elsu or the blow Hampshire But* Agrl cultural College at Hanover, gegt Tues- day.

-After long aad persistent pleading. Postmaster Merrill bu secured from th* department authority to purchase a sew, large-sited Ore aod burglar proof safe, for th* Lawrence office, g very much needed security.

The city chirk hu Jut received the law* and resolve* paaaed by tb* legisla- ture of MsaetcbBtctu during the uulo* of 1881, and they are BOW ready for dis- tribution, gad may be had at hi* offlce In tb* city ball.

—Tba prlu, a gold pea bolder, offered by Mr. Cannon to bis psplla for th* un* who mad* th* moat Improvement In wri- ting In oaa month, bu been awarded to Edmund Cotter. Another similar prize will bt offered.

Mr. Frank B. Cordley, formerly of thla city, wu oa Wednesday lut elected ualtUnt cashier of tbe National Ex* change, one of th* largeat banks la Bos- ton, a position which hi* ability aad thorough knowledge of banking bar* fairly earned for him.

—Tba annual reunion aad basket picnic of the Eleventh Massachusetts Veteran Association will be odd st Melville Gar- den, Downer Landing, ou tb* KOlh—the twentieth son I rerssry of tb* departure of the regiment for tb* war. Member* of "Hooker's Old Brigade" hare bun Invited to participate.

—Mr. E. C. Colby, superintendent or drawing In the public schools, bu com- pleted thru charcoal sketches of up-river scenery which ara vary artist Ically done. One I* a view of tb* river with Barker 'i Creek, the second takes |o Barker* Grove, sod the third reprsuou an ad] a- unt Held with rocks aad pines.

—The young woman who wrttu Ik* Cambridge letter* for th* Providence Journal hints that tbe young ladies at Bradford Academy consider Kev. Phillips Brook* th* Ideal type of man before tb* fall, and credit* th* story tbat Santa Claua brought him one hundred and tno pairs of slippers last Chr|stmu

—Saturday evening. J. H, Bey*olde, flsh dealer, while driving oa Valley street, ran over a child two years of age, named William Mono. Tb* abielng or lb* horse cauaed th* accident. Both wheels passed over the Ilttl* fellow, who. however, es- caped with BO broken bones. Dr. Craw- ford attended but at Mr. Bejnold's re- quest.

—On Saturday afternoon, a gams of buu bell wu played oa tb* Diamond ground, betwee* tbe L. II. S. bu* ball ulna aad a nine front the Brecbln club. Tbe game wu remarkable for the numer- ous brllllaot nlars eg tb* part of th* Brechina, and the faeuy belling op the psrtof IheL. U.S. At the close of the gam* tba tcore stood SS to 18 la favor of the L. II- B. alu.

—Th* militia bop* ara extremely SBI- Ion* tbat tb* city government aboeld re- pair tb* rifle range at th* city farm. Th* targets ara down, and tb* trench Is car< lag in. Thla trench should n* waited, tad If tba targets ware atada of iron la- stead of wood, there would be an Bead of reptsclng tbem each gear. The trench whore tb* marker* Maud should be en- larged.

^Mai. Oeo. 8. Merrill, the uw Com- naaadarda-ChJaf 0f the Uraad Army, bu appointed s* Adjutant general for Ihe cur rent year, Col. William M. Oils, private Secretary to His Excellency Oor. Long, sad the position hu bun accepted. Obi. Oil* Is Senior Vice Commander of Pottlfl, of Boston Highlands; he wu a private soldier IB tbe war. The headquarter* of the Grand Army will be IB Boston.

—Apropos of tht ridiculous Ulk that I* going oa la relation to the ?*£!££ mills, the following Is told t A ecru dlschsrged recently and oa pay bill at the counting

An dove r Advertiser.


Iliillrouri r in la*. Leave Boston fur And-iver, 7.80, !>..ui. }•>•■:, A.

ftta? !!'; tuml ,;t0- "*■ *• ■• "■ "Saurf 7.11) r. M-, arriving here at J.30 and 8.W1-. at. Leave Aadover forftonlon. U.St, 7-43, P.OD. n.15.

a.M, ll.ltt, A.M., an,] ItM, IJ.;:I, MV, a 55, l.tfli D.sci and T.wi i*. ll. o*"ii'u"iuy F .Mi (Friday S.55 f. M.) Tot tlie North 8.U, A. St.; li.3i). a.ol 1>. M. Fnr tU Kast

IS.&.sf.j 1.(5, imiP.M. ForLowel - ]i.'iil.i!.(*j.XM.1.S6,5.3!>,7.Wr.M IsWesAJl.)

Oraas auctions neat week; Sit advertisr-

Meverteil your secrets In a cornfield, for it has a thousand eari.

Mrs. Charlotte Pood Is mall carrier between Vergennes andAddlenp, Vi,

Tbe bouse or Jstllt -Carter bae received a new coat of palat, aad a set or Winds,

Ml«t Flndley's pnnils will give their leconl annual Recital on Monday evunlng, June 20.

Bar. Dr. Sptnldlng of Peabody, sill pnac'i at the lower town hall, next Sunday altsrr.oou.

Mrs. lewis r'. Hay ward ot Holyoke, and Mill Minnie Klmdall of Metroac, have been in lows.

Oa Wednesdsy morning three sheep owned by Henry R, Uould, were badly mutilated by dogs.

Be noble-minded. Our own heart, and not other meu's opinions of us, formi our true honor.

Seventeen young women received diplomas at ihe recent Commencement, at Boiton Uni- versity.

Mrs. Mary E. Emerson bni a brdraniu with lour blossoms; one of tbem Is larger than a quart bowl.

The preaching service at the Free church, Sstibstu evenings will hereafter commence al a past 7 o'clock.

Joseph W. Smith purchased tbe real estate of Jamei B. Smith, sold at auction on Wednes- day, for 17,000.

Tbe teachers of the public school* will be paid al tbe selectmen}' room on Saturday af- ternoon of tbls week.

Hlu EmmsB. Casgbey ol Kingivllle, Ohio, Principal of Emerson Iotlltute, Mobile, Ala., Us been In town vniiing a ft lend.

Her. B. F. Branson, last weeli addressed ilia graduating class of tbe Putnam, Conn., High school, one of tbe best In New E.iglan I.

A Boston Sunday school boy on being aektd to stand op snd say bis verse, did It thus: Bs not overcome uf evil, but corns It over evil with good.

A Boston ' ^er somewhat sarcastically re- otsrU: "T police of New York us being vaccinated, bat what's tba ase of it- They

iver caicb anything " A very Ufa Ilka half slse bait or Prof. Pork is Just been executed In plaster. Mr. Draper

exhibits a specltnon In hit window, and will re- ceive vubacriptioos for copier.

General Daniel Pratt, lbs Great Amerlun Traveller, was in town on Thursday. He de- clined to spaak here, saying tbat the young men preferred fun to argument.

Henry Knowics Wilbur, ton of Bev. ll. it. Wilbur, t graduate of Worcester Academy, has been admitted, without conditions, to the sci- entific course of Brown University.

ix-vear-old fellow was forced to wear a ihlrt three sixes too large for blm. After stral- Ung round a little while, be tiurtt out with) Ms, I feel awful loDuome In tbls iblrtl" A new comer remarks tbat "tbe addresses ot

the Phillips sraduate* were very free from fus- tian and paddlna. Tbe raott essential views and facts ware given, and tb* speakers stopped short off."

Wain't it rather hard in the Abbot girls lo punish all the Phillips boys for lbs n a few f Bat then, perbspi tbe boys, as a whole. need toning up and tbls i Of doing It.

i may be one good way

Highway Surveyor Baker has (Jons a gaol job oa the river road In the West Parish, oetweeo the Rural* place and the bos to of Thomas Saunders. Nearly three-fonrtbs or a mile bis been greatly Improved by a heavy coat of hard gravel.

At lha meeting of the Merrimac Hirer Mini** ter's Meeting, held io Lowell, last week, Bev. B- F. Bronson gave iketth of Bav, Wa. Batcbelder, a man of great gifts aad graces, pastor of the Baptist church in Havei- blll, where be died in 1818.

At the Baptist ebnrch, next Snndaj will be devoted to tbe consideration of Sunday school work . Tba pselors topic IB lbs morning will be Bobert JUIiei not the founder of Sunday

1 ord Of God." Owing 10 protracted lllnesn, Uea. Albert Ab-

bot la compelled to elose np bis business, car- ried on for nfiy years at tba well known "Hill Store." Tali Is s rare chance for some young man to carry on and enlarge tbe irade smong use resMesu on we bill. See advertisement in

The senior class of Phillips Academy planted the class vine Tuesday morning, with tbs i"l- towlng order of exercises : lit* e, Bostu Ca- det Band: Class History, F. p. Greene: Cjau Oralmn.J.T. Symoni; Music; ClaiaDrophecy. C. B. Dnrant; Music; Class Poem, C. A. Jonas, (Ivy Post.)

TU reception of tba Pan chard school, oa Friday evening, was largely encoded. Bliss A Tylers Orchestra, with six pieces, furnished the music, and tbe evening was pleasantly spent in promenading and stflability. {t wu an enjoyable occasion and titling concln*|op of the acbool year.

A elargymtn once, while reading tbe burial service, came to the place where he mnitasy, "our deceased brother (or sister.)'1 He did not know wblcb; so, turning to a mourner, hs uked whether It was a "brother" or a "sister." The mourner (nnopemly laid, "No relation at all, sir i only an actual slues."

B. F. Smith, Esq., on Wednesday evening, entertained a targe party or ladles snd genlle- !iu, at bis farm near Haggets Pond. The arm house, grove and walks were lighted with

Chinese lanterns, and two large fires iTlumionted tbe grounds and pond, prodndag a flap effect. Tbe Andover Brass Band furnUbed the muni, which added much to the enjoyment of the oc- tal ion.

The Bev. Father Aleaiaadro Gavaxii. wbo Is now In tbls country as a representative of the Italian Free Cburcb, ipoke at tbe South chnreh on Vrijay eren|ng. His mission in this country it to secure aid for tbe sevepty JJrotesiant parishes aad the Protestant Theological Semi- aery, la Italy. He Is fi years old, A collecv Uon wu takea, a mounting to f 110.

Psbtto •xeailSBUoas at Abbot Acuemy, will Uke Place Mceday and Tuesday, Jane 27 and 28. Bacfnlaaraais to th* class ot lbs

A. B. P. Pwklas, of War*. Anniversary ad dress at the same place, Wednesday, JnoeW, at 11 a, at., by Bev. Jaaeeh T. Dnrys*. D. D , Of Butts. Diplomas will be presented to tbe gradsataag class by Mr. John ft. Googh. . B»id«wi5fi" ■•■ *<"OM» ,,h ***** *vu. lag, a* a o'clock:

) Aria (or Baritone, KB . —». «st*nusd IIT D. i,«4 %T. ™ I Polka. Besmie Lassie, 4 Wain, Birthday *,„>- 8 Ualon, Fairy o.£— * Uleetlon for - Uf

Two genieel tramps called at tba boardia«r Lou.• ol Mrs. Darius B'eUrdsoa, Main stree" oo Thartuay, to obtain board, staling that they were going to pat *P uw machinery In tbe factory ol Ihe Smith A Dove Manameturlng Company. After much urging tbey were re celved apdftald that night. The next ssora- ing ihay pretended logo for their rroaks, bat bava sot ilnce been sen. Tbey s*olt a pollaj beloagisg to a boarder, and a small aeso*st pj money aad torn* postage stamps Irom the trunk ot ib* servant girl, gbe had but tba day be- fore deposited fftg dnllari |n IU tavlnrs Bank, or sU woald ksve lost last slao They gevs their samas as Madlau. ^ *

Prof. George H- Tartar, Principal st Amster dam Academy at Amsterdam, N. t.,diadsad- dealy at that place, Snaday, of heart disease. Prof. Taylor was for several years a teacher In Phillips Academy. He wesaeTaduaieot Dart month College, a captain in lha army, after- wards Associate Junks of tba Nashua Police Court, late Principal of Klnderhook Academy Klnderbook, % Y. Hs was abont 40 yean ol age. He leaves a wife and three children, the yosegeet but six months old. Prof Taylor wss a toe of tbe late Dr. Samnel Taylor, I.. L. D. TU father and mother of Prof. Taylor both djpd inddenly of heart disease, some yean ago. u Igaosw morafBgy.

•U^O^UBX?^1 "" *" C,'|Pf, "»

[est Sabbath. Bev. Owen Street of Lowell, pturAsd st lha Free charcb In the morning In exchange with the pastor, (n the afternoon. Ber. Georgp J\ Singer preached gt tb* town Sft"Sf W' H* **-B|l "' tbt nbuoousr. prof. W. J. Taeksr gave ihe UcMlureau ser

berbretbegraduatiag claw, Phlfllp* Acad

qualities re a alike fur making a moral power and Impression a.i.l

^— to gam this power ol Impression. T»e i wu* ysrr abtt ou. asd the closing 5 •ddrsaaadaarecklty to tbe gradsstuu

■—-a of as eloquent aad Impress!*<< the ubject of lU discount.

' i chapel was filled. The third joint exhibition of the Pbitoma-

leWBa Society snd Society of Inqarry.was given at KlJIipsi •eadseny, Mceday evening,the mu-

Order UagartsUs Lwstsacll; Dadsnaniki, Tbe Bel Uletice, Copnee. E. Q. Tattle, Wart: Musi - Gavotte,-Heart* Kaee;" Mirror, First Uhori F. D. Greene, Constantinople, Tsrkeyi \|it-i Claries* Sow, Air el Varie, by Lorena > WU. ■' Orabee. Tbe Execaiion of Asere, It. L. DOE Kt, Kanias cay. Mo.: Mosie, Selections ■!.»

JlDee," Lecocy; Debate, Beanlved,—Tin! IsAe BrowVs Raid oa Harper's Ferry was ju<-

■ b woman Was "**5*bla. > fflrrutiive,—J. I. Symoni, Larsons nrZH^Jl Ofty, Wy-Jr« c. Heiiiwaii. i.iwr*ace, $*,-- pruentlngber USM-P. J. Weils. Vyetfevllje, m7l..Vi room, she in- Pbelps, Andoverj M*tfc, (Wt-rr v/*V' lfh,r„ -k- "Oalete." Waluieofeli Fsrtfag gong, (■. \ scharge. T;ha JOSKS. Etbridgn, N. V. The VtTnds'eee «..

paying c U-rk Informed her that be knew i«rge, and tbe sundlngof the soctetlaa in form nothing of U and Lbsx frl* bjalnejs was tr>*ara, rally swtalned. a I moli to nav UM amonnt JMWL SSS School In sesame ibis lerm 59 days. Tnc " I'. .^.7?"^.™B<TT^*0- su^olaedisareporiofMdays: Wbolenurr.- Ihe bill. •Butlknow/'Bhsrepllod, —, plUi [oerof scholars »f. hjineteen members cf tl a lose of her head, "tbey waat a aerab. •eko°l n,»« retired perfect ms/ia'in drbqrt-

i. n i. or II'.MJK. Adele M. Sbaw, Mary S, Stone, Prank T.

■ Carlelon. AnniaO. S. Clemons, Abuy A.Ilay- IwarJ. Jonathan E. Holt, Albert W. Lowe, ■ Grace C. T barer, Nellie Bouiwell, Lime A. I <ii.n-.ii), Daniel II. Poor, Laura A. if pence, IKIorrnre L Howler, Annie U. Harry, Freddie IN. Uuutwell, Annie I). Holt. Mabel P. Smith, ■ William K. Toye. Wiiinor P. Jenkins. Pilty- f four nave been tardy. Tne following I* ibe

f ilie lirM tweniy-lbur in* it appears from I tbe term report: Amy P. But lea, Adele H. I Hliaw, Emma A. Gould, Lime A. Oleruon, A. 1 Ikitiflait, Jonathan E. Holt, Jobn A. I Leltcb, Nellie E. Uoulwell, Frank T. Carleton, I Mary S Stone, Florence I. Rowley, Mabel F. I Siniiii, Trouer H. IVw, Annie D. Flint, Fred I H. Jones. PreUdlob. Bouiwell, William B. Toye, I Albert tv. Lowe, Mrron E. OnUerson, Dora 8. I Barry, Sirei. A. Ilirois, Cornle A. Sullivan, | L'jrlog N. Farnnm, Harry U, Greene.

be follow l»* Hat of leotureri, and their nib ■, lor tbe advanced ola*a at tbe seminary, bai n announceu for tbe year 1961-81:

I Tbe Reiisud Version 0( tne New TeiLameui. Prof. Tbayar

■ Tne Origin and Composition of the Pentateuch, " with relerence to Kerent Opinion*,

Prof. Mead ■Tbe Scientific Method in Theology contracted ■ wltb the liuamaliu and Katiuiialntic Mrlho-U,

Prof. Uulllier iMiHlern Cin Islulogy. Prof, Smyth | Modern School* of Preaching, with Criticism of

S.nnons, Prof. Tucker The Delivery of Sermon*, with Individual crlll- _ciiin, Prof. Churchill ~" o iniplrallon of the Scripture*,

Prof. Ladd, of Bowdoln College

inndny School Work, In. A. ■. Dunning "In Method of Invcitlgatloa rn Physical Hcience,

with i|«cial refereno* M Uw qaesllon or Han'* Antiquity uuon the Earth,

Her. U. Frederick Wright . ,..(. Amlin Phel|i*encourage*Ibe expectation

ml he will take part In tbnTnatruction of the

i* Will lie allowed to the lecture* on Ililiii- »I Theology to bed* list-red to Ibe Middle Class iy Her. Dr. Duryea of Boston, and (probably) r Her. Dr. atcKeniio of Cambridge.


Awderer Tli«ilegleml SemUnr). Anniversaries June 28-30. Sunday, June 26,

r M, Chapel: Sermon to Hie Qra'luailng Class. Monday, 27, 7] r-H, Cbapel: Anniversaries of Society Of Inquiry and Porter Rhetorical So- ciety ; addresses by members of the Societies. Tuesday 28, 7\ r K, Cbapel: Addrea* betcre tbe Society of Inquiry by Rev. Dr. Dorcneater, or Natlck. Wedneaday, 29, 8j* M, Cbapel: An- nual meeting of tbe Alumm; 9 A M, Necrology by Rav. H. A. Haien, Secretary; 9i A x, Ad- draii by Rev. W. H. Fenn ot Portland, Me., on ibe New EngUnd Pulpit of Fitly Year* Ago— (he Comparutive Hold on the Congregation and Community Then and Now; 3 PM, Cbapel: Alumni meeting resumed; Disunion of iba Revised Version—IU Outlook—to be opened by Rev. Y. Hlncks of Andover; 6-8 * M, Bartlet Cbapel: Social gathering or tbe Alumni and "*■ rlrietids of tbe beminarj. Thnrsday, 30,

H, Chapel: Anniversary addresses by tbe Graduating cuts : 1 p M, Bartlet Chapel; An- il versary Dinner.

— - ■ <t^_-—-4% KldgeweoU duett v*-.

A *|>eelal meettngof the '•RhJgewejod Cemetery Association" baa been duly caJlud, to be held on Saturday, Juae 23 ID at * a'ulock, P.M. It is

Preliminary to tbe Commencement of lbs Phillip* Academy waa tbe third Joint eihibltion y the I'll i lorn«tbe an Society and tbe Society of fcquiry in Academy Hall, befjre ft largo and ftlerestcd audience, on Monday evening. The ■usic for the occasion was furnished by tbe Boston Cadet Band. O. C, Woodruff, President

r Pbilomsthean and C. A. Jones, President of r, occupied tbo platlorra, presiding joint-

' Tbolittrary exerciiea wars: Dec lain at ion. le Benedletion," E. O. Tnttle, Ware, M***.;

nadiog or the Mirror, F. U Greene, first editor, I Constantinople, Turkey; Oration, "TbeEx-

lou of Andre,"-H-L, Daggeit, Kansas Ciiy, Dobaia, ResoiawrT "Tbat Jobn Brown'.

Laid on Ilarper'i Kerry wai justifiable." Ill) stive was sustained by J. T. Sjrnoai, ale Cltr, Wy. Ter.; C. tlcltiwell. Law . Mass. Tbe negative by P. P. Welles,

tuyntevilli', N. Y-; B. J. Pbeips, Andover, liip. In closing, tbo parting song, written by l. A. Jones, ol Kibridpe, If. Y., was lung. A

.lure nut tu he overlook.d in tbe very excel- it entertainment, was tbe well eboaen musk.

rjc exercises Lifted about an boor and a balf. bid were thoroughly appreciated and heartily

itayod. Yesterday njornlni tbe dais vine was planted,

'. p. Greene reciting ibe claaa history, J. T. Ijmoo* del|retlog [he class oration, a B. Da- --\ altering tbe claw prophecy, and C. A

e* reading the clai* poem. . je annual exhibition of old Phillip), bad ill

icual crowd, "parent* and fri'Ldi of tbe acad- " owltneu exerciies Of more than uiual

; tbe north aide or tbe river being well (represented. Tbe audience began to assemble

in the ball of tbe academy long before two o'clock, the hour act for the exhibition, anil tbi seat* werejutt comfortably Oiled when the pro-

Iceaaion, under the tnarabalibip of Mr. Illncle %t [be iingliuh department, *nU beaded by the J Bui ton Cadet Band, entered gud took Its place ■near the platform. I At tbe north end of tbe hall over ibe roatrum ■ were suspended tbe mottoci of tbe two depart ■ menu, the Greek of tbe classical, on pink Aground, "Zealous, ditertet, upright," ana os lplum color and old gold, the "SONS Fantf" M line English—both eurmonoted by tba ngnre*

""" " and elegantly framed in walnut and Igilt.' ■ ' The platform wai occupied by Prof. Bancroft,

Encipal or Ibe academy, and members or tbe faculty.

" ; precisely two o'clock tba exerciiea were ed by a selection Irom the Cadet Band Or-

lo'lowed by an English oration on "The Ballad-Writer*," by Jobn Dennis Ftiri*

•uatliam, N. J. eglnulng pomewbgt In ths line of a ssluta-

... r, tbe ipeaker axtended a conllal welch me to the people of Aidover, and proceeded to give a moat interesting disaerution on tbe Old English l)»i:*(]n and tbelr author*. His delivery was Intclis*, hut one adverse criticism being ap- plicable, and tbat aa well to every other partic- ipant, too much precision in the articulation. Every aocaker on tbe programme, bad almost aa bl» ooiy fault, this precise, evidently studied delivery, and a seeming anxVetv to bring In gestures to correspond with certain expressions. |n abort, what might almost be called an over- training In delivery and gesturing, which pre vented natural manner on [lie platform.

Tne second number, an English uration by the salutalorlan of the Scitniibc Departmental tbe "Vain* of Method," was a carefully pre- pared piece of work, but waa In a great part lost to the audience by non-committal.

Theiuljectof "The Witchcraft Delusion in A.l.tvjir " k* Alhemin Nnv»m nf WtlmlnvUui.

e of ail tba alumni and friends of the aca , we thank you. d

.lie parting ode, whose words and music ware by Charles A. Jones, of Klbridsje, N. Y., waa sung with prchealrgl accompan Ins eats! Hon. Joseph B. Ropee, of Boatow, offered prayer; Be v. Dr. Wellnun prononnced I ben- ediction, and tbe Commencement was at an end. At frequent Interval* during the after- noon, tbe band contributed eelectlons, which were enthusiastically greeted, a cornet solo by Mr. T. W. Henry, eliciting npecial marks of approval.

the inhabitant* of North Andover. upon certain conditions, which it 1* understood are *ub*Unll- *lly aslullows,vis:

1st. That the real eataus and premise*, ao con- veyed, shall be permanently held by Ibe Town a* il> public itcmetary (lesnrviug to pre*ent owner* and proprietors of Iota therein all their legal right*)- and bear the name of "The Judge wood Cumeiery."

3d. That the tow n shall adopt by-law*, similar > those which have been adopted by said Asso-

ciation, and choose a board of flve or more trus- tee*, or manager*, in .such manner a* may be dcturtulneii by the town, tbe town treaaurer to be

- member ofaalil b"ard, ex ojfoi*. advantage*, deeirabte from the lavorable

action of the A***ouuioaost ihU project, should the proposal be subsequently accepted by tbe town, we Will endeavor briefly to set forth.

The town, becoming the proprietor of tk jee, a more generel interest Would natui

awakened, aiuoag lu clilaea*. toward I . -d improvement of Ibe saute. The town tkould in and control a public cometcry; should saak*

It an attractive place of resort to tbe Bring, aa well a* a beautiful and eoaeeonted, real!eg place of the departed. Not many years hence, an en- largement of the grounds hv the purcu**e of ad> ditioaalarea wiUbe reqaired, and. u nan hardly

he pram iraily IM the care

bo expected toatth* trtulfM fc „ will >o readilr voluateer as liaa been done la the iinei, and from their own private fuads asaka pro- vltlon Tor suoh ealargeuiunU Therelore WilU* account alone, the town should be the proprbHor and pnnciuel partv in internal

• —lainlp, A township, a* a body-corporate Is of tbe very bigbeel reapoaelbility, tar above and beyoodtbat

iralioo organised under I" " UommoaweeJth. A* anel general laws of ...

boUa iboeontiJeucc accepted with en (Ire per-

the holder in trust of testamentary L

a gift of imparting, In a pleasing mannei knowledge to his pupils, who became warmly attached to him. From bti yontblul daya he

been • clone student, and waa at Lending, ■Mil a few months preceding hi* death, lect- ures on chemistry—bis favorite itndy—at tbe Boston School or Pharmacy. A too severe ap- plication to stndy, doubtless kid the lonndallon of his diseaae—consumption—with which be was afflicted tor eboat three years. Since mot April, when he resigned his position at Canton, he has been at bis father'* bom*. Mat high moral worth and acbolarly attainment*, coup- led with polished manner*, caused blm to be much esteemed, albeit of n very retiring disposition. Ills age was 31 years. He leaves a wife and two children. Tbe funeral will be from his father* reskknee, tomorrow eltci- noon, at 2 o'clock; Rev. J. 11. Clifford, to offi- ciate.

ObHrvtan of In Slope adeem* JJay Pursuant to pooled notices, n good-sired as-

semblage of citmens met in Merrimec Hall, Monday evening last, to tske Into consideration the matter of celebrating the coming Fourth. The meeting waa called to order by N. P. Frye, Esq., who was subsequently choeen chairman, and W. P. Kelley, secretary. It waa voted to hare a celebration. An Executive Committee, wltb full power, was chosen by marking list, a* follows t N. P. Frye, Baq., Gto. L. Harris. (Jeo. Bewail, Jobn Crowther, Charles O. Woodcock. J. L. Tattersall, W. P. Prince, Jaa. Ctapoerton, F. W. Frlsbee, H. R. Smith, W. P. Kelley. This committee afterwards met and organised, wiib tbe following result: Chairman, N. P. Frye, Esq.; lecreury, W. P. Kelley; treas- urer, Gto. L. Harris,

Wednesday eveulng the Executive Commit- lee met again. It was voted to ha*e a go-as- you-please around Union Square; three lap* to constitute the distance, and the public library to be tbe atartlBf point. A purse of #30 will be offered, sj-20 to 1st, f)10 to 2d, and tbe entrance money to 3d ; ft to be the lee tor entering. Another feature will be the entlque and horri- ble procession, tor which *lo Is offered in prises. Serg't Joeeph C. Ducbesney wai cboeen hy tb* committee 10 organise and take com- mand of the parade. Several luoacriptioo Hits are in circulation, and already tbe committee have about «1S0 at tbelr disposal.


CLOT FAtjiTK.-TBi* I* to eertfy that for- year* 1 here been afnleted with el. ft palate, ec aloned by an opera Una performed lor the re- moval of a tumor. It has oocationa" 1 nse great Inconvenience on aoeouat af Impairwd arttcula. (ion; eaueclnlljr la tkeallei of three or more ayRabies, ••'make mvselt f-*" jpoa soveral occaal aud bare spent large pliaacea to obviate tie until 1 applied to Dr. N. B. Russell, Denti.t, «, Rssex street, Lewrewee, yase., who gtud ma C 1th an obturator, which is a complete suoc

y articulation Is now ao perfect that no would ail**--" fn proounct

New AdTortinemeDts.

sens* of aecuntr gifui, donations, or testamentary beqi lor the benedt and improvement ot tea public cemetery; while in regard W an ordSaa stion—like the pre*eutorgM>iaatioo—tb must be in some soil, a lack of confidence end- a feeling of distrust. The earn of the several bu- rial lot* in our cemetery and their surroundings, is or should be, an object of the moat sacred Inter- est both In Ibe present and in the iulurcend if pro- vision can possibly be made whereby "perpeiaai care" can be secured—even In tbe ease of so*** of these lota—the proprietor* thereof while Be- ing, should enjoy Uj* privilege of securing inch provision. Itl* believed that this oau be done. It baa been tried already a* an experiment la other towns and so tar has succeeded well and aatisiaeiorlly, not only muring the otafe but si the same tine radoui " advantage of those towns. _ _ lion surrender its corMinia fraaohlte, vey it* property by a roluntat y deed Of gilt there- of to the "Inhabitants of North Aauover*' (the town anoaWh>g the aaase upon tbe condition* above enumerated) and who nan be prrleuieed as

hi* right* by ther iraaeaaioaV Wbit i

Commonwaith ol MttaachuMtta, PBOBATB COURT.

ESSEX, M. To tbe olher

person* interested in tbe estate ol THOU is KinnisAM, late of Lawreneo In *ah

eonnty, lanortr, deceased. SKHlTlgO:

Whereas, a certain Instrument purportini to be the mat will and teatnment o •aid deceased baa been presented to sale court for probate, by Ueerge Poster, who prays that letter* testamentary may be issued to htm. the executor therein named.

Ten are hereby cited in appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Lawrence, In aald county ef law, en Ike second Monday of July next, at nine Vetoek before neon, to show nauae If a* y yon have, against the

1 e rosier is M thereof.

citation once a week, fo

CAUcfDKM BROTHHHrJ, Plumber* Also dealers In Tin, tilass,


ver, slaw. Irr seplT

THOMAtt IIOWBLL carrfc* on tbe furniture and (Jphblaierr bnslnns* in all

iheir bran, lies, at Ills siore on f'ark atreel. fur- niture repaired and removed at abort notice ana! on reasonable terms. ivoctUW

* v Boom*.—Prnlt, candles, Ctgmn, SUtion. erv, inks, etc., etc, ujtier*end IteauinrnUbed.

a. Corner Main and Ureen lyaprf

FOR SALE. On Green street, a house and about MOO tc*

or land. Apply to WM. 8-JKNK1NS. vfniiSill

Orau Auctions In Audover. On Wednesday, June Nth, at 1 o'clock p. m.

on tbe premlena, all the ares* siamflng em Urn farm of the la l* Dean and Bai lard Holt. _ «, same day atfi 1-: o'clock, p. m, about it

acresofgraaaon the farm ot Eltae Mianou. - 1*7. Jaly rd. hi to'olock p, m., ail ndlngontbeiarm of the late Charles

Also, seme da* at 11 a o'clock p. m.,ako«t g acre* of great standing on land owned by Rev. I. H. Sheldon, and situated near ths house of Widow Hannah Plasm. The gran* wiU be sold In lots, may be cnt aitbe pleaaure of purchasers

Jel7MJyt '

Valuable Real Estate in Fry* Village. Tbe real eatata ol tb* heir* of the laU Klijah

lusaey, deceased, altuated In rrye Village, te tiered for sale. It consist* of about twe acrea

of land on which are three bouses, n ham. aaw -III and wash-house, together With the water

Puncliard Frees School. An Examination of candidates for ndmlaslon

o the Pitnchnrd Free School will be held In the. eboei-roem, on Mnnaay, June 17, beginning, ireeleuiy at » o'clock a. m, Kaoh candidate must here reanhed the age of

JthnuttereUnyeets,of whioh neertlgeatemart

ca*U will also hralshacertJioaJeirom some teacher tbat In the required aindme they are prepared far admission to the aebool.

AgorJeaaU are examined In the whole of Col- burn's Menial Arithmetle, Baton'* ArilhmeUr aa laraa inrnintton, end in the wholaof Ander- son's History of the United Slates. They mint be able to answer the moot important qneatleme la Modern Qeographr, and must have a *uM- clent knowledge of ■agllth Grammar to parse common aeeteweeu U preee. They must be ante to rusd eerreolly and IneaUr. to spell all words

—-race, and write a fair band.

Notice to Academy Students. AesJemy Students who desire to engng

remnneretive employment during ibe vacation months, can add-ea*

H. J. MOULTON A CO.. Vim 1*3 n Central St.. Lowell



Voice Cultivation and Gesture. TOWN HALL. II ANDOVER,

Sdlnatcd to lUbln. (hi.



—AoanT* worn*- Denaaatle Fasltlena ass A Bsrrstt'iDys

■ •man. IUBBla|>adPlakia«. MAIN RESIT, ANDOVEE. IT my It

Andover," by Albenoo Noyoa of Wilmlngtoi was quite well handled, being especially inter- esting through its local Interest.

Atter jnuiic by the orchestra, an Ko«l'»b oration by faUmnre Abram Wllleta of Belmooi, N. Y-, ou-'Terseverance as an element of suc- cess," dsiivered perhaps somewhat more slowly than necessary, bat excellently treated, received well merited applause.

To our mind, tte gem of tbe occasion, taking |gto consideration both tbe development of tbe subject, aud tbe detlrery, wai the oration on tbe ■Trospeci of tbe I'ertuanence ol Hcpubllcau Inatltutlons," by Wo. T. OUdden Weymoutb of Beaufort, S. C.

The plan of the oration waa well conceived. Ite somewhat dltncult suiiject handled in a moat masterly manner, tbe delivery and gestur-

ing faultless. tbe^aluialorlan oflbe classics! deportmeni.

Ur- Waller A. HalberPof Bingbamton, N. Y, dllvered an oration, remarkably good in ita libject-matter, but bardiy receiving the amou f of lire da* to good n production—"The Nervll.

Tit Cadeta rendered another well eboaen selection and tbe exerciiea were Interrupted by the award of tbe Dunn Classical Prise* which wai made by Prof. Banerclt. In n few words,

as folfows, lor Latin essays: tile first of *25 to Oreenougb Thayer of Andover; the second Ol SIS to Paul I. Wells of Payelleville, N. Y. i and the third of #10 to Herbert L. Doggett of Kr sai City, Mo.

The oration hy Clieong Ling Chow of Hong Kong, China, on tbe "Opium War," receiv"1

perliimv is much attention as any number [he prWrnanme, tendered more Interesting as it wai hyMie speuker'i sllaht accent, and being in i|a«|f a most able production. The speaker gave a most iplrlipd dpnunclatiou of opium •picking, and beaongpt tbe help of America to Kt • MOP f.O 'be internal trafflc. He waa the

MpiQQt of a number ol bonnets. The elgblb number, a spirited defence nf Ibe

South and its feelings regarding negro suffrage, was given by Cbas. Arthur Jones of Klbrldge, N. Y , under tbe title of "Negro S jfTragc Iron. a Southern point ot view."

The ninth and last oration before tbe confer- ring of diploma*, wai delivered wltb good artic- ulation, and with admirably worked up mb- iect-matlor: "Tbe outcome or Fanaticism' >y Fred.'jjavls Oreen of Constantinople.

The awarding ol diploma* (otbe graduates ol the English peparlment, In ipe ai>«enceof tbe president, was made in behalf of tbe trustees by the Rev. Pr. J.W.Wellman of Maiden, who addressed the class alter egpresslng bis re ?«ts at tbe absence of the principal, as follows i

oong gentlemen, to-day, some ot your num ber, by graduation from Phillips Academy, lln lib your nholast |c course; others of you go on —to college or higher ichooli of learning. But all of yon, have come fo tbat point, so moment ■ ODI in the life of every young man, when he do cliles what to be and what to do. The trustee* ot Phillips Academy, whom I represent, powered to give diol •«»* on completion by yon f»f a wr»la*WaW*l-s*-aoorse of «udy. This diploma, watch yon receive torday, In Itseir can do bai 1111)1. It Is an honor. It is true; but la jiseil will arcopnpllib nothing. V"" must de- ckle something now to reach over your whole lite. £gt tne urge upon you In pariEcular, two or three poin li. First: Have some definite and dtrinedplanor life, pon't delay | Don't wall loo long to iorm tbia plan. Cbooso now yonr rocoffew in life, and let everything elscsubordi nate Itsell to tbnt. Have one vocation and all other action I, arotationi. Do not idle yonr time away. Know tbat yon have a plan ol lire, and pursue that plan with indomitable energy ; it you would accomplish anything In yonr lives. Want ol adherence to yonr plan U equal to failure in Ufa. «-.

Aspire to *sr what Dr. Bmbnell c».'.» the higher clesi of men. Men who make their own place, and then (111 it. Feel tbe importance of evcrynoeVdoIng something. As Oen Sherman H|d" recently to (he graduating class at West Point, "po not *4y, ' wW be i*"*1 general bniasy knddo s's well."

Baabove all' meanness and falseness. L|vi nooly: Mil ii not inpreme. He who doci moat for others, doei moil for himself, you do most (or yoqrielf, wnen you do most ipr thow about


.jaa.'UrW e can eaterUin a Ityof tbe new pr ,.__

security are two very essential and aatialactory element* In proprietorship. The owner* of burial lota, or many of them, would be <iuite likely to follow tbe example of lot owners lc other towns to ensure tbe care and improvement or (he earn* in future. Donation* by the living or testamen- tary betiuMt* to the town upon condition tbat percent (or theraabonU) of the-amount . ..jld be annually exawmded la (he care inn im- provement of tbe burial let ot the donor or tea- taior, and the bilanoe of the Income to become tbe property of the town, absolutely for Ita own nse and disposal, would, we thiak, prednoe a fa** oraulo result all arouud. The nuclena of a mad would thus very soon be created- ona proprietor aiter another adding thereto, and Deface the lapse of many year* the "iiMgewood UemWery fund" mUW become hi many way* of aubetaatial pecuniary benefit and advantage to tbe town. Moreover as this fund accumulates, the town might well afford n liberal outlay annually from tbe Income thereof, toward* Ibaeape gad Improve, meat of those lots for which (here should happen to be no provision made, thus bestowing n gen- era! a* well aa a genarou* care upon the entire premises. Ami this brief article 1* wrtl the purpose of nailing the ntianilon of all Intereesed lu the subject—owi ol burial lot* in tbe cemeto1. _ Itself and tbo citixeti* of Uictown generatly.t tlioy may oara/uitvnnd thoughtfully consider aame ana thus prepare themsnlrse to act well i wisely, when called upon lor action thereon.

of all parties


Crimed at Lawrence, the hut publication to be pro days at lessl before ssid court. Witness Oeorge r. Caoate, Esquire, Judge of

•aid Court, this eighteenth day or June, In tbe year one thousand eight nundred and

Ighty one. v3tlM» J. T. MAHOMET. Boglster.

Coal and Wood. • tsimtea, awsreik, ■wtorprlsa Whit. Asls

NOTICK 18 HEREBY OIVKN that the aubsoiiber baa been duly appointed

executor ol tbe Will ol &AHAH I.. STicxsnr, Ute of Andover,

In l he con a ty of Essex, widow, deceased, test ute, and baa taken upon himself that trust, by giving bonds, a* the law direct*. Alt persons having demands wpwa the estate •( said deceased are mnfrodto exhibit We aame: and ail persons

ebted to en!4 estate are called upon to make pajmem to

Lvkns Valley tod AsOCoat. The above Coal* are some of the beat varieties

A trial cannot fail to confine* any one of that fact.

Prices Very Lew.

Closing Out Bale The old "Hill Star, nf Andover la

sad th* stock In trade, hseloding ffrc goods, hardware, wooden ware. Ac, offered to the pnfalse at greatly reduced price*, in order to cloaeoultbes'ook. Tbi store Is pleasantly all uated, and offers an inducement tor an enter' piUing man to carry oathe busf*we*. Bentlew.

ALOKET ABBOTT. Aadorer, June M, lnSl, lmo



Cnpt. Beeves, or the alerrimacs, tendered hli reilgnation, last night.

Another meeting of tbe OJd Fellows Is called for next Wednesday evening.

Tbe .\i tnai play the Fosters, of Bo. Lawrence, to-morrow afternoon, on tbe S.tton Grounds.

Tbe graduatioa day exercises of tba Senior Class of tbe Jobnaon iiigb School, occur tbfs evening.

The Albletici, el Lawrence, scooped the Mer- rlmac* In by n icore of 13 to 8, on the Button Grounds, Saturday afternoon,

A new street will be com' meted by Mr. Sam- uel Hodge*, f> run Irom a point nearly oppo- site the 11. tk K. slat ion, (0 Ferry Street.

A large hive of honey bees were taken from a tree beside the E. K- K . near the bridge croaa* ing Suttoni' pood, try Mr. Prince, the other any.

To H* axn KM, 4. W. BAanAuu We, the inmates ol the Alms boo**, wish to ex

.ress oar ihaoka lor " slrawberrle* that we June.

It was a source of gnat graUffoalion to base well lanaanilmed by outsiders.

W. OALLAHAN, la behalf of Inmates.

Aadavcr, Jnae W, )ML

Andover Business Uirectory.

A meetiDg of Ibe C"romo« Conncll

would ba tan. Indeed without an exhlbl-

tlon of oratory front the Ward three

•lofltatlonlat, Councilman Giiffln, who haa acquired thn repuUllon, since bin connec-

tion with tbe cl*.y coTernment, or sight-

ing "a cat under tbe meal" In nearly

erery project, bnt who, when b« cornea to look for big Mine, Buds It noddenly

lnlHlnE. He was In one or his oratorical

mood* Wedneaday evenlny, when the

resolution transferring 9200 frena the In*

cldeutal fund, to the Pen Bock cemetery

tlepartmont, can. np, on 111 reference to

Uw committee on bill. In a aecond read- Ing. He bad, by hli vote, mpported the

reaolnUon am lu Introduction.

When the resolution was read, he Hid, that when he had previously yotod tn fa-

vor or ita pannage, he did not fall/ under- stand He p.rporL He wished to know If

the money was to be oevotcd townrdt

making a Potter** fleld of the Dea Rock

i, or whether there wai to be one

cemetery for the rich, nod another for the

poor. Councilman Melton said tbat be under-

stood that th. lota In Boletue cemetery, ullolted to the poor, were all taken up,

and that It wag necessary at tbi. time to make eapeclal provision for this Mfbrtn-

surte claaa. Conncilmao Grlfllu replied: "Then I

tuderetawl Ik 1* aoing to be* a poor maa'a

cemetery. If I thought ttwa-, I would

awt hive voted for the reeolntto.. .It to me the poor people moat have

poor weddlnga and poor burials. I

thought tbat, In this broad land, the' poor man bad aa many rlghta aa tb* rich Ban.

The burial ground (.Bellevi. cemetery)

la getting too high-toned, too exalted,

Eld too well-liked, aud don't coiue within tbe reach of tbe poor man. I nndereland

that men in authority bav. a 'Bah to fry1

around Den Bock, and want to beautify the place, to enhance the vain, of their

own property." And the members of the

Council looked at him aghast, expecting

startling developments, bnt the oratori- cal member resumed his seat with a know

tag tlr. Councilman Place aald that be undcr-

fftood the transfer waa asked for lu

order to make roads. There was a sec-

tion of tbe Dea Bock land transferred for

burial purposes, and be understood that th. money was wanted In order to form

road, to react H, and to make suitable

Improvements. Councilman Coliins, or Ward ive,

wanted to knew if lb. maklag of read.

Wasn't tbe business of lb. street depart-

ment. The President explained that th* street

department had control only of legally ac-

cepted highways. Councilman Griffin moved to lay tb*

resolution on the table. In order to give

an opportunity to member* to fully In-

vestigate th* matter. 3

Th* motion was not seconded, dad the

President explained tbat a motion to refer

the resolution to the committee ol Mils In

a second reading, would have Ibe serce

effect, and Councilman OrlfRn'a' motion

was withdrawn. It was than voted to

refer the resolution to the committee.

MOTHERS! MUTUBE8!! MUTltKUS Are you disturbed at night and broken ot

roar root by a sick child, seff«rlng and crying with the eacnclaUu pain or cutting teeth i If so, go at once aud get a bottle of MSB. WINS- WW'aBOOTUIeTbBTBlJF. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately-denend upon it; there ii no mistake about It. There is not a mother oa earth, who haa ever eeed It, who will not tell yea at oeoa that it nil! reg n- late the bowels, glee reel to tbe motbsr. and re- lief and health to the child, operating Ilk* magic. It la perfectly safe to use ia all cases, and pleas- ant to the taste, and is tbe prescription or one of the oldest sad best female pbysldaa* snd ears*. 1* the United Stale*. Bold every * here. 26 cent* a bottle. «llyeodlsn3Bl

A Cocoa, Com, oa Son. TMUOAI should be stopped. Neglect frequently results la an In- curable Lang irtnease or Consumption Baown'a BaoKcatiAL Taoomne«' "" >eb like conga ayrupe ectly on the Inflamed

and balsams, bet act di-

al vs* relief la Asthms. srvussm hy physician* aad tasted by wide use lor nearly an entire genera-

tber bav. atUiaed well-inwrftsef and constant use I

Co re meet wealth of_Mau*oheia*ttg. PBOBATE COKBT.

Essli, SS. Telb* Heirs at t»w, Meat of Via, and all other

person* tutor**ted In the estate of jA.n*C.Unao«, Uae eg Lawrence, la sesdeoan-

lT. oar.eetar, deceased.

Whereas, a cereal. ls*trnmaat pur.eeting la be the lasi will and teeUment efaaldsmasaaed

nteou mid oeril f*nr probate.

among tb* few staple remedies of lbs age. Sold at 24c a box everywhere. Iteodlvjsnfkl

are hereby eited to appear at a probate .0 h* held at Lewrencr. in said county of

Bises^n tbe seoeedMoedav ofJulynext, ntnine o'clooh. before aoea, to show can**, If aay

^rim'ld^mtfn"!!!. I. herrtj di- rected to air. MMM notice thereof, by pub- lishing this citatie-n, eaee a week, for three successive wa.ha.Ut the aewspaper eelUd the

LAvaastcB AMaaiOAE AKU Aimovaa

printed at Lawrenee, the met'pablic aUon to be

"»sc.rssw«ii^,»«,.,- Judge of said Court, this twentieth day " June, ia the year one theaaaed eight Vna dred and eighty one.

J. T. HAH ON El. Regial at. WStlltS

TUT HATB MBVBE FAiLnp! _ bar* been sick more or lesss for the last ten

yean, which has coat me many dollar* in doc- tors aad dragnet's Mils. Ths last two years It only cost me tb*** dollars. Way I Became I used Sslnbar Bitters instead of employing tiictors. They cared me or Jaundice—J J. Boyd, Hobokeu. "J*'2weod jelS

WHBH I Was 8tcx 1 Hy room looked like a drug store, I bad so manv bottles la It- Tbe more 1 dosed tbe worse off I was. Finally I paid my doctor and told htm he needn't come any mere. I was *roab*adwlihfJhr*allBhsnmaisims.< ceeUia't

bave been entirety cared or female ry tbe asset Lydla B. Ptnkbnm'e Veestable ^MBpoasd. Bendtohtri. Lydia B, l'lnkham. 08 Weitem Aveune. Lynn, Mass., for pern phleti. itlweod

TH. paauviAw Svnvr haa cored ihoesaada who were saBbrtac from Dyspepsia, OeWilty, Lfvsr Complaint, Boils, Hnmora, Female Com- platnta, etc. Pamphlets fie* to any address. Bath W. fowl* mBona, Boston.

leod **sev eovtCSO

Ilunnkxns of Man, Women aad Children rescued from beds or pain, iteknese, and nlmost death, aad made strong aad hearty hy Parler'a Ginger Tonic, are the best evidences In tbe world ofUa Marling worth. Yon can led these la mry community. Post. Bfo advertise-


City Of

FubUc .School*.

Closing Week June 37 July 1. I'U.UO DATS AXI) KXniBtTIOMI will ocenr i loilow*: HnlDDi* north of the hlerrlmac river aad east

ol Jsokeoa Street, Monday, Jaae 17th. all day: west ol Lawrence aad Tree tea streets, and ana* of tbe Manchester aad Lawrence U, 11, Tnaeday, JuaeUlh, nU day; High,Oliver aad Tralnina swhoots7Wodae*dar, Juae »l, ISreaea*: Boa th Lnwreaoe and west of railroad, Thursday, Juae ■Otfa, all day.

ExinimoxB. Oliver, Wodnasday anemooa; Paotard,Tnor*darani>rnoon (*tschool hoese*)i High, ot City Half, Friday afiernoen.

ill Bead Friday forenoon, July 1 __ of High Bnhool graduatea by the

Alumni, Iriday evealag. Kxaiainon IN DaAWlwo. Diawlng-reom,

Hlgn —best Hose* flower loot-). Monday, June a*, asthi Wednesday, tsu; Thnri to U r, u., each d»f.

J. L. BREWBTER, BupL of Seheol*.

Lawreaee, Jnae So, 1»1. deodAwlw

»7in ; day,;

LADins who ainareciat* SMcaaoa aad pertly. are using farker'a Hair Balsam. It U tbe best article sold for restoring gray hair to its original color and beauty. ttlmjeffl

■ ■—-" m ■ " . "Liebig Co'i Arnieatod Extract or Witch

Hasel I consider superior to aay Witch Uaisl fn tbe market." . .

H. B. STOUT, M. D. Jackaonville, Fla.

Cures Piles, Salt Rheum, Painful Monthlies aed Wank Byes.

Sold In flityicenl* and dollar sisaa. I'.l w

Don'r allow yonrself to anffer from Indiges- tion and dyspepein when a few bottles of Quak- er Bitters will restore iireneth to the stomach and give tone to the whole lyiiem. *Jjlt

WesHI or; the different kinds. In lota'to suit, nt ■rsdnosd priees. ,

Hay and Straw Constantly on Hand. JOHN CORNKJX,


la to be obulned In the O. O. Taylor Old Bo ur- bos.and at a ressoaable price. Bee that tbo proprietors Arm name le ovor each cork—Ches- ter H. Graves & Sons. and Oroctrt.

for lleiton at B.tS r. a., will leave at BAB r. M. Tbe train now leaving I.-iwsl' "~

u.lD r. •*.. win leave at sou r. H.

To be bad of Drnggiats

aad back, with ma. race are afflicted, will give place lo ease and restrulaese if Da. BVI.LOOK'S KIPKST BBH- si)T, "FEFHBETICUM," is used. It be* m tqaal among medicine* for this trouble.



Hake from $U to SflO per week selling good: for £. O. Hideout & Co., 10 Barclay iireet.New York. Bend for tbelr catalogue and terms.


WOOD & COAL White Ail ant Fraiklti Coals,



JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. O -der i r ecel v a d, a ad blilsasttled at


ALBERT O. WOOD, JR., suocessor to J. W, BASKASD. Dealer!. Boole, shoes and

Rnbbers,a*d Uepgirlng done in tbe best man- ner, all at the lowest prieee. Bank Building, Main Street, Andover. mj7 lyr

BENJAMIN CHEIVKR, Sexton, and in charge of Sooth Church CemeUrj. Un-

dertaker*' furnishings provided. Lots la the cemetery attended to. Ujuse Central street, opposite Baptist eburch.

I who beet "rrei his iellow men an4

Paul Irving WeMi.olFajpi

i iptereitfos; et,Sft* Mound Bullderi," followed by ah

pr«bci»l°n apd discussion of

rlu'resi to th* people ot Andorer-o-ibe Vnder, ClsMmen,—tbe Truiloti,—the Faculty—and the class uf HI.

At Its oiose, tbe president ol the clui pre- sented to thetruiteei or the Academy, repre- sented by Dr. Wellman, a foundation for what Ii to be known aa the "campm fund,"

He said that it waa wall known that the ath- letic sports or the students are hampered Irom the condition ol tbo campus- In order that It may be Improved for ths use or fiilure icbol- BriLthe Clnai bai made up a purse ol ffBHi to t/bipV ifN tnemlirrs hppe lo Qkke addtt!:><» tp time (o eome and ip which thn Trn«»« e*W rtlready added about «1». , -A

Rev. J. W. Wellman. D- P-. received ibi gilt for the Trojices, He Midi "I give ek- preaason to the teelingi of ell present when l say. this is . beautiful and significant pert of tbe eventi of this hour. Tbe trustees prise this gift tor Its own worth, end lor what it will accomplish. We era in loll lympatby with got* 14 the oblsotwnlph yoh seek In tblagin, r

Among tbe graduates from Phillip* Academy, Andover, in the eleislcst course, Tuesday, were Messrs. Tbo*. 8. fojlard and If rank Ban n der s.

In propqriiou to the population, there ll a larger circulation of books at tbe public library, than In nay other city or tows la the Common- wealth.

Mr. Oeo. N. Cross reads at palmer, before a High School reunion, Monday evening. On Wednesday he attends 4 reunion ol hi* sUss, 76, at Ambers*.

In the list of contributions recently acknowl- dged by Rev. Laurence Welsh, national treat- irerot tbe Land League, appears thai of Soil from the branch here.

Complaints have been entered against several illeged liquor dealers, aad as a remit District Police Officer Batcbelder made a friendly call at several places, teiterdey.

At. Wm. Vlnlon, pitched for the Ipewlch ie, against the Dearborns, ol Boston, at Ip-

■wicb, stlunlay. Tbe former were vktoriou* by a score oft to 3; 13 Inning*.

Tbe contract for erecting the new school house on Union Heights,' haa open awarded to Ur. P. P.llau/. Work will be commenced on tbe woodwork In about

The treaiurv of the Women's Charitable Union, at Ibe Centre, will ba enriched to tbe amount of 830. dom the proceed! ot tbe straw- iierry festival Uld In thn Unitarian vestry, on Thursday evening or last week.

Rev. Father urr, formerly pastor of tbe Im- maculats Crejceptlon ('*i»rcb, Lawrenee, and gt. Michael's, but now sta.-oned at '^oilu-idge, will deliver a lecture before tbe Land Leagw, Friday ivenlng, Jaly 1Mb, at Mcrrimac Hall.

Mr. K. Q. Merrill, employed ae a carpenter it Davis h Furbers, severely lacerated tali left band, Wedneider. fhlls porking at a mould- ing machine, pr. Merrill amputated bit little linger, aJtl the chances are about crjus) a re- gard* saving mother one.

Tber* Will be a review ov the past three months of the Congregational Sabbath School at 12 o'clock, M-. Sunday. A prise will be awarded the person answering correctly lbs largest number of question. Adults, as wi.fl as children, are cordially Invited.

A fellow, who made himself obnoxioui to several ladies In tbe KimbelJ District. Moaday, by first asking for food and then entering tbe houses without a formal invitation, Was escort- ed to a point near tbe Boxford crossing station, by six stalwart citlsens, and admonished not to retsra— ' *

Chm. *.. DiConrcy, Kin,, of Lawrence, ad- dressed lb* Lsssd Leagse Huifdar evening N. P. Frye, H>q., Messrs. Frank W. FrUbne aad Tbo*. \ MtOowan, slip spoke. Jos. V- ^wceney, Ksn.', Ii to speak, SuVtday evening, hi. I'- Frye, ft*!]., bai consented to apeak at some dele 10 bo announced. . Children'* Sunday was observed at lb* Meth- odietCbnicb, last Sebbaih. Ip the morning ibe pallor, Rev. Mr. Vlnlon, preached n *ernton £0)* children, and In the evening there was a

bbatn School concert, on "Children of the Bible.'' Hearty all tbe characters la th* Bible, or whose childhood we have any account, * taken by tbe different classes. Tbat of Mi wgs nude especially interesting by Miss PTST'I claaa. (t was arranged for qasetloss by ths teacher and answer* by the scholars. All tb* principal erenli in his life were taken np. Ths exercises were concluded with remarks by the pastor- THS church waa prettily decorated, and showed considerable taite and skill In tbo arrangement of tbe flowers.

e>5hoee A> Rubbers. Custom work a specialty. KooaLrina neatly done ai »horl notice. Jonea' Celebrated Kip aad Calf Boot* constantly on •i*nd. Mala St., Andover, Mas* . lvdoMTI


ICC DEALER, Families at.d others supplied at lowest prieee. Order boxes at Post Ones in Andovei and Italian! Vale, and at store of J, Barnes, Frye VII mas. mye if

BENJAMIN B, TUTTLB haa bought ol J. R. Farllo the local express and jobbing

business formerly of If. S. White. Ueneral iobbiag, mo via* of pianos, furnitura. An., at reasonable price*. Pslroaag* solicited, leery


Funeral and Furnishing UNDERTAKER,



ll ispii Aneevsri M ena

<L A. It.

The following/ order haa been Issued 1 HgADQUAKTERB OOAKD ARMY OV Til*

RKPUBLIC. ■ Boston, June 82, 1**L.

QKHKBAL OBDKB», i , No. I. )

I. The National Encampmedt of the Grand Army of ibe Republic, hi He«T- teeaih annual session lo IntlUeanolis, Ind., Jane lOtb, bavin. elepled,.m« Pom- mander-ln-Chief, I hereby sssnm* tb* du- ties of tbat office.

With giateful thanks for tbls marked distinction, and pledalng any most hearty efforts toward, a continuance of tbe good work, of oar organisation, .0 aaeeeMfully pushed forward during th* pest "ears, snd especially under my Immediate prede- cessor, I ask of all tba Comrade* of ibe Order, such a spirit of co-operation as will make the record of progress tbe coining year amonff the beet I* our his- tory.

II. Headquarters will be established, a* hereafter to be designated, at Boaton, Mass.

III. Comrade William If. Oiln Is here- by appointed Adjuiant-Qencral.

IV. Additional appoint meet* will be aoDonuced In future 0tdera.

Gco.'S.'Majctux, Comsaeoder-ln-Cblef.

Boston St Lowell R. R. On and after Sunday, J u n« 26th,

The trsto seating Boston Sundays, at 1.11 r. at., will leg re st LOO r>. II.

The train leaving Lowell for Ayer JaaeUoa at IJir.M., will leave at«. 1.1 r. a.

Until Further N otioe, Additional trains will leave Lawrence I for Boston aad awleea, at ".** A. M; reluralng, leave Bostoa and salem at T.W r. M. Leare Lowell fur Beat** aad da Mm at T.4S A.M.; re- luming, leave Boston aad halem lor LeweUat 1.N p. |l

The train leaving lioston at I.w r. kt. will have a oar attached for Wohnrn.

On and after Mo.iday, June 27th, The train now leivlng Boston Tor Concord, Mass. at 7.10 A. M., will leave at TM A. «-

The tnaln now leaving Concord K. % JoacUoa far Bos ten. at l.el r. M., will leave at S.M T. U

The train now l«ar<ng Concord at. «. Janet Ion

I.iwell for Boston, at

WntTttl Why are cowardly soldiers tike butter r When

sapowd to fire they run. Running sorrs and Impurities ol tbi blood cured by Spring Blot som.

Price. 00 cents; triat bottles, 10 cents. Poi sal* by R. H. Kelley, dregghiL t*Ji*

. WlHlOW, Tailor.

OomrsDivM. Why are tosO yards or land bought on credit,

like a drinking aougr Because rt is "an acre ©a tie."

Why Is a mas who break*a window and Ibcn payi tbs damage tike Dr. Thomis' BcleC.rlcOil la curing ■aesaealkm t Because it breaks tbe pain aad the. makes Rail right.

For mis by R. H. Kelley, druggist. *+!"

in r. ss., win sea*, n Tne train now 1 eat lag Lowell for Bostoa at

SLIQ r. M., Will leave at SOD r, ».

Additional Train* will be run at follows i Leave Boatoa for Lowell aad North at 1.0

Leave Boston for Winchester aad way stations at BIS A.M.

Leave Boston for Woburn and way stations u P. ... dairy, except aumtsv*.

Leave Uomon lor Arlington ami wny stations at titts A . H.,'4 SO and 1 01 r. s.

Lnave Nashua (C. K. B.Jet.) for Boston all.** V. at-

Leave Lowell (Middlesex St-Kor Boston at i n r. H. J. F. CKOCKKTT,

Master of Tranaportatioa, dluneutf

Something Ne*w —In ths line of BUrts


Ths bosom is only attached to ths Shirt down tbroagh ths middle, and st the top and bottom, the sidee being altogether detaohed. In this waj the bosom osnnot rumple, no matter whether ths Shirt ii, or is not a fit, no matter whether the Shirt is large or small | the Shirts may rumple, the bosom oan not be effeoted by it,

The bosom cannot meat down In Summer, and 1, a cheat Protector In Winter, and when once worn wHl ne»ar be discarded for anj other.

If yon wish s perfect fitting Shirt, with a patent boson whioh osn- not be rumpled, and will fit any person large or small, get ens of the JEW GLOBE SHIMS, the Best Shirt in the World fcr ONE DOLLAR. For sals by




We have a large stock of Turkish Towels at very low prioei. Ladies' and Cents' Merino and Gauze Underwear.

—ALSO— Ladles', atlases' and Cents'

Hosiery In endless Variety, r*-AND AT LOW PRICES S3

Eiamine our Stock of French and Spanish Lust, GIMPS, FRINGE8 ^oasaa-arasT. AND ORNAMENTS. If yon are ia want of Gimps, Fringes or Ornaments, eiamine oar large

Btook. and you will find all the TOUT STTLEB of the Season.

Paraaola and Sun Umbrillas.

Baskets, Bags and Beaded Satchels, TIM IN LACE AND MULL.

03-JD O L HVC A. IsT C A. I> El S .^BD We are very sorry we had to disappoint so many

ladiee on our Dolman Capes. We have made over 800 the past week, and are In hopes that we snail be able to supply all dsmanda. Prices from $3.90 to $15.00.


A. W. Stearns & Co., 309 AND 311 ESSEX STREET,

B BADLBT * 1'AHLIN. aawrchsn l.. Cap* Street,

(1 H. SIIATTUCK, Harness Maker and VaCarrlaie Trimmer, baarasaoved lo Bean'

Da. j. falso

C. PENNINGTON bas retrovrd lee lo the rooms oeer Dra|t*r'* book-

lore, Main street, OBlce hours 8to»la.n>.; tt to | p. m. at Mrs. a. K. llai ward**, ouh'iol Btroat.

D ,n. C. B. ABBOTT.-Office and Besl- Idsao. atHra'.'Etnn Tyler1*, Main Street, over, Ottoo hours 4-Ua. as., 1-3 aad after

EDWIN II. BAKNARD, Pal.ting, Ola- sins;, Gralnlna aad Fapar Hanaing A

tood assoriraent ol Boom Paper constantly on oand aad for aal*. Sites Bsesz BL nt it 1*



WILLIAM POOR ManulaotureaanJ liasforaale

SipreeslataretMavket, Mil lc, Bwalmee

Farm Wagone A Carts. A •F'.l.lir ,f M.»t W.MH-

Mep.lrl.jlm.llU. br.nch... ANOOV SR

E, l*IKK, Tin, Bsrtben and Wooden • Ware; Ho pairs Pumps, atovea,

Sea and furnaces tor Andover ■ rders promptly attended to.

Andover. I



■Mr. «. Mrs. JoUo lUrdj, fsaldenU nf

this city twotjtj rears ago, eslobtatsd

tbelr allver weddiog si Qalaaburg. ill*,

nccailr- Tliej ware presented wltb a

silver asrvicsofsovea QICCM, catui basket

And other gifts. Th«y were married la this clljr twenty-d*tj years ago. During

blB roBldeaoa. there, Ur. Hardy waa em-

ployed by ibe B salon A Malm.- lailrosd, and at present U fo reman of thu car abops

of Uw C. B. A (J. railroad.

FLtnS aXB HlMUt-ITfltS.

HiYsWiiTAa's BALSAM or WILD CHISST always on band. 11 cares Coartnt, Ootdi. Brtm- ebitti, Wnnosisf Conih, Croap, Inllnenta, Consumption and nil Throat and Lung Com- plaints. 00 cents and gl a bottle,

{aad *!«ow nor23


Tbe best of all 11 sir Drawings. It allayi] lrrHalkm, removes ill Kndsncy to

dandruff, aad Invigorates tbe action of the cap- llariei In tbe hlghcit degree, Ibm proraottng n

vigoroai sadbesltbr growth of hair. Its ctso upon ths glossiness and richness ol tbe hair is sacb aa cannot be surpassed.

UUHMBTT'* t'LAVonifio Eaiaaon are lbs best. 1'lsajilK

tf.n|a;» ■•iuSnyn|X»p jnivji**! at|) no uowje »tj»i [it's *ewel teanas ■IA **ilrl see 'sssinoiued J»itiin) lOiST

I 03XIANI 3UV 11V ■OAOIQ i9Aig nsoqianig

'qnio UBiuopaiBQ em

i xi iivaH a A vKNia

IHIP snouoio 3M1 DR. N. B. ROBERTS,


I.»w rencc. Mass.

Lawrence Seed Store

rl ireeanouse* tfi) Bchi

HBBBT GOFF, Palollng. OralnlDg. Papering aad Olaslnn.doneatshori notice

and wasnnsWe nriee. Person* wishing wot* drop a aawttl In reel OSes. oetIS ti

J~OHS O. FINDLST. Dealer lo Flsb ol all kinds, has removed to his new aad eon-

vealeniansrsei bonse. Park street, ospo.lie Ue Town llali. Patroaaie of old oostomer* aad the pubilo asnerally solicited. Articles deliv moil, IT apt

JOHN II. DBAN. Merchant Tailor Dealer la detains and Qeni'a ParaUhiag

uoods M all hinds. Uerment* made in the Uteal lashton aad warranted in ft. atspetrlng, elean- 1UI aad pressmt done neatly. Main street, Aadorer. SSTI* lyr

f OB.N C. LBOH4BD. at'hi. abop Ii

_ ail its _ rsaansaMy- llot-s* workaoliciled.

•Ing and fMftir

LOBIKQ,—MACHINIBT,— -"i built apd

Main St,, AadoTsr, dssaM

OBITUAKY. It Is with feelings of sorrow tbs Irkndi and

*<.<iualnl*nces of Mr. Cisrencs H. Berry, will read ol hi* death, which occurred at tba res- Jtieppep,rbl»r*rnM- Hiram Ji:rry,K*Q., Wad- pe|da>s,enlM7ai 10* -'«*«■ Tusbscos-sd first saw lbs light of aay fn UlonCeiter, wbers bis ftdKjf wss theo onsagetl in wacblo* school, snd csrao to tbli town at tbe age of roar yean. Ilia early edacatioa wairSoclved at bli latberi private iciiool, irom wbtcb be became a studenl at tinTunrnard Free School, Andover, irsd- uallng tbcreirom. He next entered Harvard Collage, from wtiich Insiliutlon be Rraduatcxi In 1872. Al Ibe eomplelion of his college conrie,

beloved Phillips, an trmletii, and ol tbe faculty, In the name ol all . at Mlllbrldji the young mtn who In y.ars to come shall test, hrsiM JTIJBJB

1 —i the caasoni-in lbs j when be remained nbonl Bra y^rs.

MOUSE BROTHERS Fish Dealers, are prepare 1 |o famish all arUnlae in their Hi nsineee, Orders prompt IT attSBiled t

Uood* delivered. Central aircet, opposite the Baptist Church.

Is. R. fBa gwTow^T^l^Ka^wu.^ no^thX

For sale bj ,, , .

SMITH AND MANNING, Dry Good*, GrocerleH, Etc,,


L. H. BARNARD has ret.rsad from Kew Tori with HbnlUea In

MILLINERY for Bpriaa aad gammer wear. -Prlees reason- able. Kew Lane Uoodr Several dosa. Fayal Uati, aim eta. each; Trimmed Hats, lo ana »

at of ■ihbona. r«*ih*>*, rioi te. Woffted 1(1 cenli a lap, • in onner.

aad Ornament*, mnnlr called an ouacr.


SPECIAL NOTICE. Ths Subscriber kw opened

Furniture* UpholatoringRoomg OTcrJ.lI.»'HNT'» sfAUKCT. Thsie In want □ 1 furniture "" assortmr * Carpets laid; Holland Window Bhadss, Spring Pictures madsnndpstn. for ahd onwants;W1n. daw ghades and Laos CurUiaa faundrled ""- new,

ear Bai tresses made orer, and returned lb* •ante day,

realber Beds RflnovstO'l. Pranerles made - lassie made to

ituis will do well to examine ibm larse >eat. Pins OpbeiMor!eg.e asmelaiiy, i made aad ynt down, eIeanod_a»il --


sirs. Dr. Pierce Is vlsttlsg frk.ds al Alfred, Me.

Mlse Adah Tenaey Is visiting friends Lo New York city tbls week.

Mr. Chandler Crocker and family bive goas Is Wlatbrop lo spend tbe warm season.

< Mr. Fred Lowell Is cootrlboilss to tbe Law- rence Sentinel, asMetbusn correspondent.

Mr. David Gige bas returned to town this week, nnvlpg passed tbe last eight months in Chicago, III.

Tba funeral ot Mrs. L.tbcrla A. Wison, waa bald oa Samrdav elternooe, a* two o'clock. The rsstains wire burled at Salem, N. U

Itev. O. 8. BafcsOr bai spent tba weak st To- ronto, Canada, attending n Sabbath school con. renilon. Be will return to occssy bis pelpll on Sunday,

. _r. Netlns bss fnrnlibed granite edgeitonea, tone Uicd on Hampshire street, mar his resi- dence. The town will place then In proper po- •Itton, In Ibe courts of * lew days.

Mn. Simuel 8, >!JBea.l west to booth Mad- ley, ibis week, u, be present al Ibe anniversary exercise* or Ml. Holyoke rteBrlnary, where one ol her daughters Is attending aeaool.

Tbarfaaday areaing prams assetlngi.'st tbi town hall, are to be dlacnnUa»ed through tk* wans weather. Tbe last mealing for tbs pre* sat will be held neat Sabbath evening.

Daniel Pratt was tot tow. last Friday, aad staid aa long ni anyone i and to bare blm. He spoks at the Rome Clnb room, on Satnrday evening, wiin more or less InterrhptiOB.

Tba Ladle* -lAtd Society," ol the Metho- elected tin.- following esnosrs President, Mn. Cbas. Haiti vice president, Mrs F. S rwarson; trsniutei, lirs. Oso. W. Ten

The graduating exercisu* ol tbe High School Class ol tU.wiriboheld <"> Turadar evening, at 74 o'clock. A reeeption will be give, lo in- vited gueste, at ths close cf tbs psblU cssr*

i Cblldren'i Day tbs ifteraooa the

pastor preached la the children, aad la the evening a concert was given hy ths Sabbath school.

Be*. Cbx*. Smith, ol Andover. preached at . is Congregational cbarch, on Sunday last. At the Baptist churcb. Re*. Ur. House preach

gas liana. You are sick; wall, then Ii Jait one remedy

that will care yo. beyond positbilitr of doubt. If It ■ Liver or Kidswv trouble, Consumption. DvepepsU, Debility, Wells' Health Be newer is

ar bone. VI. Druggist*. Depot. Orgwny . till

He wbo neglects lo uss Buys Kidney Pad, tor any diseaae of ths Kldorys. Bladder or Urinary Organs, courU suffering and Invitee dealb. 1:lweod


BBOWS.-lnllils r.lty, June 1Mb, a dluihtarlo Br. aad Kr*. J. A. Brown.

KgHSHAW-In North Andover, Jnae 10th, n daughter to Mr. and His. Jobn Kershaw.

HOD"DON -In thl* cltr, June toth, a win lo Mr. end Mr*. E.J.Hodsdon. HUM*.

PIDDIHGTON.-I. Andover, Jnae 10th, a *oa lo Mr. and Mr*. Oeorge Piddlnglow.


MOHa«-B*RAW.-ln ihU city. June SOtli, bjr Kr. B. 1. Moody, Mr. Hotlls Morse and Mlas

ibel Baraw. PALMAK-LAKKY.-ln this oUr. Jsne ISlb,

brier. HssnyHmekmy. Mr. John C. Palmer and Miss Jannjr. Lakay, botuof Lawrenoe.

:.-4a \t _„.phy,r

aad Mlsx Mary Maggerty. BAXTKB-GBOBQb.-ln AudoTir, June Sid,

by Be*. O. tTederlckWrlalit, Mr. Robert U. banter, or Bioofclyn, B. Y., sad Mlse Jennie Oeorge, ur Andover.

V*CAt~BCBSXLL.-ln An^orer, Jnne tl.a Wem chore*, l,y Kav. An-tln B. Iliirr, Mr. Mr. Prederioh D. Bacon, ot* Boston, and alias Mule A. Hussell, of Andover.

While, aied M yr*. H mo-; a re.ideat, i

. andCloA* Mefclng. Also sUnsplag >I aad es**T—"

,er Street. Andover

AC Y. GLEABON, Mason. -Maaon JU. Workot &ttWMGff&&

>^ssii paylag naah, — -old. oloaaad. repalrsd aad to int. Casters. nssdwa, ell, always oa laud; also good_second

McLAWLIM A BAKEB—aaccoaaors to 'Charms L. CarUr-dee lera la Hardware,

• -Soli ;eBwry TpadsJ rlCn*.

F?&frv$ Ba*pnp iperior quality ol Ledge stones for oel-

... and founaations at short notice andiea- Wo next find sonable prices. Teaming promptly done. Bar Bat-

of the Canton High School, | lalasilosaaaraateed. BewtdehoeaearBumaasr

Iftilr ikl|laytd strsn|tb oil \wm

and pat up. Pins aoval Part ler rumiw

All work done prompllr and warranted a* •presented. Br strict attention to business

aad good war* 1 hope u> a sham of youi nstronage. Belereaibe. * ■•ttrt'f. ^

E. C. SWAN, Oor. Main nndp^rig BV/*g»s. AnJjOT?


B ATINU lassed the above Hotel for the eagaoti Ml tfi

tbi CongTSgatwaBl churcb, At ibe Baptiit churcb, Bar. ed on tbe Revision of tb* New Testament, giv- ing a review of the worn.

Same of the friends of Mr. sad Mu.nsnser Cotter save tbtm a pleasant surprise on Mon- day uvenlRg, at tbe M. K. vrstry. Tbey were jffaaatsd with a parse ot g.v.i, and a variety of articles of household use. • * ^

Mrs. J, Q. Parker end Mrs. S O. ear gent, have been elected dele**tes i>r tbi Congrega- Uonos Ssradsy icbool, to atlqud tba s%U annual convention * (Udder ^n'^t Teacbers, to be held at Uotlag* City, Martha's Vineyard.

The cbnrch council tbat assembled oa Wedneidar snerptta.for the d ism I teal ot Rev. ti S. Ilolbrcxi,., from tbe Owsgregetlonal churcb, had not concluded lu Inborn at tbe time of writing this item on Thursday after boas.

olsrfc. w il I be at Ue lie- __. rom 10 tetrrldaje and

Salnrn»ys,nad st ths Anwrleaa,Lowell. Maaaars, Taaedaya, Wesmasdiys aad Thundajj to make term* ana show •^■1,„f^"A,_

MaaAier Hotel htempi Joaala,|jai. ^^ HI talS

Tbe Alums' ml the'high school 111 bold their anansl rftjpiidh andehtertnin-

ment, at tbe town hall, on Friday evening next, " iss A Merrill's orrtftetra will



240 Eaaex St. 249

We ofer now one of lb* laest stocks ol

Dress Goods, la tbs sew, choice shades. Qrej, Breasa, Fawn,

Drab, Brews, Cell, Oalr.

G&rdee. Field. Flower aae Qrdsi Seeds., ltellxble and Pare.

ExM!n« Ih. .,,

VICTOR MOWER, Cook's Herserakes,

GkRHElD'S AMERICAN TEDDER Before buying sny olber,

800TT k vnrroE. 313, 346 Oommon St., Lawrence.

W. a. IIKI.II. 2.T. MH.1I.L.


STOCK BROKERS, Membsri of the Soston Mining and

Beck Cichnnge.

All keada of Miock an.l llom'* houghl and sold atettlvr tht Uu»ton or new VMU BiesaugesBl established rales olComnii*al»ne.

No. SAO Taaea 0b. Lawrence, Mass.

lfl> Oongriss Bt, Boats*.


New Pottery Lamps -—WITH TBB


Moehring Burners.



D ID El 35T TI S T. Office and Residence. Portsr'i Blcek

BBS Kiisiftts«|..-Lawi

st % o'clock. SUB furnish music for tbtoccssion other pleasant ssMSaments will be provided lot the entertainment or tbe company.

Idr. Matthias WeNsmara and Wife, left town on Wadhesdsy, for Maryland, where they la (end to reatde. Tbir bas been ber home tbu* t*r tbrewsh life, but on account of continued nt-healih, II was Ihongbt best for blm to seek

i..^r. ■ ■ rr-


Hot House Grapes —AT—

Mrs, Waterman'e, ASOOVKK, - - MAS*


"« SURAH, ttattoff duablUlr W.MI M «x«ll*l.

SUMMER BILKS, Fins Strips, Blaok and White, at 50 ots. Tour last chanoe at these.

ADAXIA SOK. STEIPE SUIT- ings. Ths bslssos of this large lot will be olosed oat st 16 ots. s yard.

ZEPHYE SHAWLS, hand knit, Whits, Bins and Cardinal.

SHETLAND 8HAWLS, in all colors.

SUK UMBBELLA8, in Silk, Ssrra sod Cotton. Satin Parasols lined, also with snd without lace,


FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT, Buttons, Frinrss, Olmss, Orna- ment., Bosnish Laces, Frenoh Laces, that osnnot fail to salt them.

OLOVtS, SPANISH SCARF! in Cream Color and Blaok.

HOSIERY. We open to-day a osso of Children's Fsnor Hose, all sites snd oolors.

OARPETINCS. 10 Straw Matting, Fan-

cy. Plain. Whit, and Rod Check. Bru.Ml.. Tawtri... Woelane

and Harnps. Oil Clothe. Carpst Sw.eper.,

Window Shad., and all foods aCavUd to and leapt in a wall r«(- ulatad Carp.t Hall.

OF COURSE YOU WILL clab.aU tk. Gtorloo, Foarlb, aad wkala*. JWI .aap cr.oa.ra ar kara MM ligMa, a katla Mod ataalr laaaa a plaaM.t anoomvaalaiaBl. lrraa. ar« patriotic, or,a araal ol a .rat^tlaaa kl.aloal la.iraai.BtoI daacrlptloo, of taa bast roraliB or Aatarloaa flaaaa,

ao TO

Joh n C. H ay nee dc Oo, i3 Court It., Boston. Max

Musical Boies, Brass Band Instruments,

American, and Imported Guitars, Violin, Violinoello, Double Ban,

Banjo, Zither snd Harp Strings and Trimmings of all

Descriptions, Aooordeoai, Oonoertinaa,

Violins, Banjos from $2 upwards, Amerioan and Foreign

Sheet Musio, Musio Books. 0.0A0


II KN Ii V BARTON * OO,, DaULama m

Paints, Oils, Dye StidB. Cieiicali,


Dippers, w Downer's Maroeeae Oil. Das I Brashes, ■■err Passsr.

" UMb, foataar Dusters. rioor Braakes, flail UIBVB, Famltaro Teralsh, fereet Wear Lead, Oles.allirradee. Uaai Arabic, (JuasTraaacaBtb, Qold Leal, «old Broase Jljr*n»*.

atoaoJar*e>a Mais, Saltpetre, ttewlma Harhleo Oil. Slabla Pall*. Shaft Retteten, •UnsbBraibee, Tar, Woods* D aaers, Wladow Ute**, Water pailit West's K aaase)

Olauber ftail. tialraalsed Iron Palis, Waurssfaa Sees). ' Uaraeea aeao. WiUiasaa' Barter Bar

b0aeeaue,all tints, waJSTsUllleBs*, Lottoeta Farple, Wailisn, Llfbtt.ralalniVaralsn.Wlaaor A Hewtea's Linseed Oil, - Tatie Colors. LanlOU. . . -.^.

nquant itias to suit at Lowtwt Markst Pricts.

191 I»steJ#:. LAWRENOB.

MHH. .J. H. 6K\HAH*


al her r«*lo>nce, r**rorn IIATEBB1LL ST tMieehour*«o,oio«ks.ajcnallli,iFfc, Saaoera

oieeaeatt. Um taarN

Butter & Cheese! Tse oaatftr atia rarietf ef'ear steak *r ue above la aet excalled ia Utwrewee. We keep

east aallj ea bead the bast

CREAMERS & DAIRY BUTTER ke aurket elorda or noser can bar. We are

now reselling flee new Hairy huiicr lasasall inbs, lust rlaht Or ratntlv aee. direct rroas

Vemtoat sverr week.

Calt and Examine. H-A. BUELL&CO.

Floral Designs. WnaAbthOrasaaM. Lvrea, ■arpe.PU wa

Crown, Anohora, Bouqusl*. Atr.

beater end T. D. HAIXBT. corisest WswWBftOM-

• MnM-lanU's walk frees Br-adw»r laadlaf e the eessetertea. Mala Oreekeaeee aad tiardee t bead of Waeklafftea Siraet, eUal


Haw Pavleari Pr*>aesa. M-a-H ■•* 1

—*s>— ■ W. T. RICHAltDft Jfc CO'H.

ea ■mlwsr, awr. Lewai 1 at.


At a barfala, oae of the Saaet Fruit; TevetaMa aad Milk Farati la lasex CeuBtyVoaV Taller street, Msflnea, HBSB..3| aslles freta

Citjof I*wreSrOe. saodara 1 -Storir

' rnssi m „ -„ jTarl* ot thaboeea; fa* large

fraittnc grape rlaas ka eaeeJlealcoadit^a. pre daeiag large nrop* of rrepee of seperler «ael: it*; apple, paaei, pear, eksrr rruiia,eio. Hare aold SS9S w, la a rear; attt barrela applsa la 1 loeaWr aasarpBiSSd lar eartp stable*, kar* bad rip* peaebea trapas ripen la Aagaat, wkea s

>te orops bj frost here t**J teeeked. aad Mid lor a large pr

Preeeat owner baa Ileed oalbtsfaras aaora Nk*w {•rears. Caaeeef setfatf. lU'kartb. .»£*** tker panicuUrs taqafra at -H Base* asrass,

■*"— "ZFJSSlTo. a.,.» Wtfairn Meihaea. Mesa.

Greatest Show On Earth!

Te get the mil vsiueoryoar moaer IssS

CDET1S' Little Bet iFiriullu Stare. 5*56 BsajM atv na« ttoos- to H B » aSMM.

itr :


MOTHERS AND NURSES Should »r« in It thai the infant coaaUtiMtoB.

ii Wll tip ami itirnjihesed by prop*' food

Iwlxt th* trying

aVMMKM MO.YTH* c MM, wlilcK arc the most daiwsroys to Islam lit*.

haa the (Mtoi<wmf«i nl the Matt-osa east Nnjitni •I IS* >*.*H*I IHIMI A*»k.— *MI L**S*.* IW- USti.tH* I'ltl*** *>at+a,a*«l Fhr^<M«-r»llMk.r* tuo* Bites II IMI tmaiaeia** MMd aa * HaaBh Na*,t" •. .Ml ,«t|r» MMllMlik B*d NTHbill h>.l»l*>l aiarf rrvari-a tktWwk llHMtaM»£ * ., .»-,,.'■•— -J !*«*«.** «U «** •* ItWl. * hat ■U Ik* iiwaliiw* rU**** be It, ami It all ttul iber faa jMlrv IH lha oai .J amrUiss twal aartttgth

WuOUtllUl • CO, w .eery MM.

CURB Dyapapala, Ind'gtstion, Lack

of Energy. Loaa of Strength, Went of Appetite. Inter-

mittent Fever*, etc.

latON 1UTTK1W are hi#Uy ne*BB*t**WWe. fee all »w«a*** requlri** a ctrtaia sad eaVteal (Mite.

IHON W1TTKRS MM «* *A*-i wjriw, saW asm **v V •»

IRON BITTKRSM lit* i <**rm «» Ik* die**!™ trim, twasaviae ait ili»yiflic •Twptt^wM. MK-h a* tmtmmg

I1CON PiiaaiHliB


lb* i«h Ima

mm Writs fcriWAHi1 M.n,^ of

—III *J*1 tAWNta! t>C*dleeI— ***M T>


THtt Nhw ctcNava,

'ill! MV WIWUI lllU*l tlWi Mini*' tit* immlwr of mil.'* <'X^Ma thai ..r fcsnale* In tin «l*.ld toiirttrj- B#nH«.- iw, in man)- ol lli*> Stales, notably in MM A Unit tic ivjili u, Hierw la a oooaltl erabia iiniiouiterauue of female*. Ill la exect* of ft'iank-a over mala* is

grrataai In tbr lHslrl.4 of tuttuabte. where tin-re are >»ut SR.M'I inaka to 04,044 fi'timli'N.oi In tlte proportionof 11S.5U1 feinalea lu l<W,(*K>toal*e. In I MO the proportion in tlte District of Columbia 111,7114 fcmaled to 100,000 male*. A liMiafi |nii»«iiiloranoeof fu- malea exists In all ot Uu> States ex- tending along the Ailantlc coast* wlib tba exception or Dataware, wbara there are 74,108 mslea to 7 It, 601 IV malea. Tb* prottorllon of female* to ma let In Delaware ba* deereaaad alnce 1070, when U wa* 90.fiIrt females u> 100,000 mate*, inatea<l of 07,771 fb- tualea to the 100,000 tnnles at at proa- eat. la two ol tba Uulf .States—Ala- bana and Louletaea— there ara more females than mains, la the allaalnlppl Valley the i<»w la alhjhtl* In favor uf the male population, * change In the normal uoitUition of UK popnlaUon probably tlao i" the *i» tuHttng irtevl of liataWiation oa the natnrnTpropuriiun i»T tba aexee. Tin- exeeea of ualc* ov >r l^aialca U more markeit In the Weatern TerrltoHte *ntl Slate*, wbara aaitlement hi reoral ami laiMigratton atlll active, hi Montana tbeia.are 88.180 to 10,977 tVnalea.antl In AHxona there nre *H,jftK •mle* to U,3;U» famalaa. llie anlaa prepon. ctareta in Iblrtf of the State* nml Ter> Jiloiiee, whit* the numbertrf" Slat** Hi which female* ara In exceee over ■UN la aevemeen. l't*h,*ltho»gh a Ten). un\ of iinnparativflv recent settle■ meal, I* jwopletl by a *ettled commit- nllA of farmer* baVtug Imuiliea, wliUli fuct.tuken together wllh the exlitence of |vtl\ tininv, acoount* for the ctoae appnweb to ftpialit) in that Territory* the proportion being 74,47o makti to 88,48ti female*. In New York Slate the prommion of female* to male* h*a

im-rea*ed In the ratio of 14 to the 100.000. or from 104,608 to 100,000 la INTO to I03.H13 to 100,000 In lHrtt). The greatMt tneraaae lit the proportion of fctualea to male* ha* taken place n IIUIHI, where the female population

ha* Incicaaeil la ten >-*ar* <o.8t)4. bringing ibe ratio tip to the 48,488 to I«K»,.ii»i m*lee. The female Increae ha* been hi went In Main*. Where the ONLY proportion In 1870 wa* lOO.Stft; IV- ankw tu Ntalea. ami m IHtaj waa 1 *MS9 female* to lOtt.OOO male*. ami Ihe actual exoeu of fenmlea over malra la 777. Ifi (V>h>niilo the pro* portion ol female* to malce baa tic- araaaed from im.cis fcnwlca to loo,- 000 malea in 1870 to 30,.ili female* In 18N0. Commenllng on tUo reason* for the relative proportion »f the *ex- aa la aom* parta of tba South, tba re- port **v*, "la tba South Atlantic ami Gulf State* there haa been a marked increase in tba relative proportion of mala*. The ran** fur this change ia probably to be found ataiuty amttag tba people rvs'tleiit therein", ami not In extraneous influence*. It may with coattdenoe be aaurihetl to a practical ceanation of emigration aad to the ef- fort of nature to reatore the normal equilibrium of the aexe* which was tlaturbed by the war." This laat statement will saute aciautttic men.



Lfstt a. naasAva ntnuu ca«- p*«a»a PSRPM* at aa an* aa W**M im, *at>imwfciav *Mikr«*u IBIMSMI ■* P*K iwlilki Mi ^l-mt, M

niiaiMwiwaatasnwjrfSiiMaT- a—* *» •«—•*>

uvaa FOLS, *a« • „. e«t«»n«ML aaMSikwa WfcMki'JPmitai swieiyjat


. _. p«V«laUnl t'HaO! srou.\i'Han4Lt\XR,ii all U OVSVKMIA. *lll Al'HIii, NKKVOU3

neMlrse uarwawe1* rateaeeawxf.

Act* by Absorption through the Nervous Forces and the

Circulation. Dr. HOI.WINS riO i. ih. HKIi'.tNAL awl

" tlKNUINK iiKAIIVk PAD, tto «-1T . . kU kM an MMMly —jHlt«J !*!*> M MM llM

nik-iauik 'TAD" m CUHMIIW* wilfc « (tMtewt Mr S>ro*K riiMMH «f tk« SMOMACIt, IIVIR,

PLKKN a*i UAl.AatALI1U>l>nK>1SONINa HOLMAa'a PAD MMMA edMJkiM t—trol PWi

"TT*C DIM AS as «l tkw _ih»t INIHOXSEION,


il.Kkl>t.r!sSNKSS M i* AfctM.Y Miily ih* «-t- ~ >* k«k rMMMM I "IT it lUi-



ifof-w.«.v NO faarj.vr, If. a MM int. T44 BVnasTway, M. T.

IH. HtuuM wnli Aaily. Cianakatim FrM, Siuiab)* i*m tar ihr racvpliwi «f Uaty pMirat*.

a wAM|t«««a K

MPortlM Mates-

Bttsitliy was «e)M* tJsj Ibr raoteaUaa. Several socUU** b*ld picnics which w*r* Isrgnly aUeadsd. Thi Qaraun Babbatk schoel barl a ptaaaant tint* si T*r* Hall during ta* altertoo* sod svsnlag. Qsmsa sad snorta were tlte order. Th« prlmlpal featare* of th* day w*r« a* follows i

am K*M

Mr.ThaaM* Holmes, the well haowa proprietor of the host bee*** *boe* tbt daax, sad a gsalr»s»aa who uaea a llwwljr lat*re*l In »qu iilc mallets, la order to ••oosraf • bosdag oa lh« Herrlauc, oa oaa ol th* tint coaraars in New Beglsnd, reeeotlj oSVrad a parse of 885 to be rowsd for ov single »*■!! eoaHstaaU, oa astardsj, th* tlih. Th* day wa* as fla* ■ac a raee a* eonk) be wlsh*d. Th* Mm* of ta* raee was MI 'or 8 o'clock, bet aa Is steal In »«cb ea***. It waa a long hair hoar from th* Ume *«■ beiore th* r*os oomaMaeed. Th* haadaom* tittle st**msr ■•arastjo,'" Cspuin Hsrry Ward- ■aa, took on board ths iwfirae, Mr. Tsr- rto, and mambar* of lbs pre**, and staaat* •8 oat latath* rle*r. Wbe* «h* whistle •onsded, four coatesUata cam* Into line, taking thair poaltlons la the order naated, baglnalng at tba north bank, Jtmea A. Dafrea. William Gallagher, l>eanl* Long tad Aadrew CaBray, Jr. At 0 8t o'clock, U« prttparatorv wklatls was soeaded, bat two of MM eoatettaate started off. Tbt-y wats recalled and at tba second whistle ibe aUrt wa* m*de. Q*ll*gh*r look the Isad. He was clnssly followed bj Cafrsy aad De8>en, Lorg netag a little babied. tsch *>*a rowed for ell b* wa* worth, *p to ta* pamplag autloa. Hera thsjr began to tab* rather wild coarses. Qallagb*r tamed hla Slake drst, DatYea aeeond, clostly foilowed by CaJTre*. Loag taraed last aad bad bet fairly got oa bt* way boat* wh*n be caagbt a "crab." and ovsr- taraed hi* boat. He wss obliged to swim for shore. The other three eoaueueU started foe the bom* *t*a* la th* ordtr aa*ed> Gallagher had the race bia owa way alter leaving the pumping station. rsschlM the tuning polat la 18 ealeaiee aad ** aecoads, three aad a half boat mngUw sb*ad of Oaffrsa, Cs8r»j taking third poaltlo*. Tbers wa* ao evMenea of snytblng wiong, *nd th* prlat*. 811. 89 **d p reapecuvely w«r» «lv*a to ths wlaaera.

CtMtl MMrfcM.

In iht sfurDooa, lb* Arlligton cricket slab played a match gams on tbelr groaads near ta* St. Tbomaa ch*rch, with th* Porumontb cricket etnb, bvfor* * large crowd of specutora.

The Arlington* ssada tzcallaat play*, wlealag the gam* la three taalaga, by a score of 88 to IS.

Appended la the compute soore. tausuToat.

j. a


QUAKER BITTERS! Rag* aaSaSaataS^jaSM** we •raaaaaMjS ri«*M*

•SWJ3*S> *Mj «•*«*>;

Beware Fraud BENSON'S


HAWC BEt* aaHTATTO, Axast kmear iSAittasw * imiln

1 Iwdd beah la n v ban* a letter from New Kagland. axln' me what in- atltushun of Uraln' 1 grmluateil at,'' began tba ohl man. as ue itoga were tuntcd i*ut ami u>edoo*locked. *1V enter may have bia ha an nest, aa' ha mat have met at to insult ate, bat I have only owa reply, lay aefeietaou** waa it* cotton field ; my teacher era* d« slave obereeac wkl bis whip. my teat book weea da boa. do ax. tta «W- ton gin sad it* auction bloc*. For ober thirty y'ar* I won an ox, to he whipped,starved, worked.sltut, burned, sold or placed la a pcauheu to phraae de whims of a maater. Ikat waa college .aa' I kin loaft up an't Mr* bait aa' see de lace* of a acore who grmluated wiJ as* from tie same mstitmhun. t Kir acbool dkd not teavh a* to rend or write; our teacher* did wot swek to iocukate pruK*|»k« id varcbew, boswetv aa' iniegviiy, Xe> owe co«M hsame aa far baas' bast, aa' I yet, hohhV a seeood place as we> tw>. orf-coksr an' tgwarant. 1 *ill put dVl record* of de im oM slaves iu dm hall j uv-night agin tie iveord* of aay t« > • hit* men ol de -name rge, lhar orn wot a drinker in tie tot; aot one vt .less ba* been acesmed of a crtsm. j „£**$ Kbery snaa has a good retyaiashna 'to jmt sobnety an' hoM*t>. aa his word am " taken a* far as a aswa'a weed km

"I km abow ytsa in IVuoit ;<**.» white asen. all well edweatcd. well taught, an* bxi in* n life time d* start a/ aa. who sm tsenier dan w* ar*: who am trWky. dmbcsaeot an' embwitni w«a>l, an' wwo ttodye oossUabha aat* | avoid creditors snase aa sm hssm net J tur nssnl d«f«. It am not cdtcaahw* j dat atakee tW saan any mo' dan il mm i de hsnaee* dat nuk.-e de haw*. I dndx j sheet eaihkuuatU oa the subdt k I [ know wbite seen who eexngia** »Ut a sons fuebne am all sereaesy »rii.«>i a» soon a* ba bin write to' baea *af n aa' U iniIan alx a*e« cst «r*ea:, I kwow csdld men who have wxwko>>


Murray A Unmans



Is the asMt •fHe'»al Melodies*jit* »•- • '••der *-d Ue£»ar« Orgeat*. Peaaaie C«# P'«iitt» ana Oewe*al pSW u i, soeh as pain la I. dirggiMg seasa* !•• ha tao Back aae •Ism. 8oppra*id >

itlooot U r« t a' wita wStiiih ar

;<*a*st asp *i .I.Otin. 0

>g*ai*Vf *s*


JAgai.V>' aaanwae *a Fs- tTICUM I*

t aa' d«y ai lonmsflat i to cram deir boia tu

of ed lenahnn. It nm tree dat tW SWT | edweesnun' wr hav* *W We* view wrl baea. but dona' ga u.v> far. Awton j stands tavday in de front rank of aa-1 abwms. an' tit \er Wmlin* meat am ir.~ j ree e*4Wge grmtoatesv 1 akc de me* | M IMredt who war echscnled da a*..-. ' aa' yon h'ai da bma' of deea. IV > ' mm wot at de k*w*lof owr big meenrses.^

" «»! I


:\ \\ a i

BITTERS vyi* mat mar beg dwa wva msadaad

•to'-^^celuai' us it* weevy city on »A * rsea ot Urn dam 83M a weak. FW m «me stoag de nbbec front. K;n a** awe assosty. de sbip-owwees, FVa1 as* awe sswcmg we temaetp mAehV 1 ane* csdhtge nWaWRmWsf sbrect ths *«>irs «l < star bag stove work*-, oar tmnssaitne . works or oar »s*mia rsiiroasm?

"1 h*et yea. aay f*Hna8i, a boy wid . aonw-aemse as ass iwasa to eeg'in em. ti^nred nm wed two van *f mssoa aobosd eahscaaban. wsM' anakw lam way wbere gradwatee cnn*t gw thsr aeon'

latwdby* PamRaaraa



I. CswanWi, b. Kawij. w. W. BMiia. u. x-

A.B*»d.e. Wi J.tita*ss.nti< ~ Uhaa*8afl.e

Iran, «k)Ml,-wul. *t

T. UelhUM.*, bw two.

J. Daeta, ta. SMHI,

J Ura*S,t TkMtta, W. CaBe*T—< Wh.

BTMA; wide* l.-kattiL ii. Tba employ** of lbs Merrlssaek angrav'

isg room, who are msmbera of th* later* aaUoasl Cricket Ctab, played their relar* game with the employs* of the PaclSe engraving room, of this city. Satardmy sfteraona, no Tataey>a fMd. The Lowell team name to this etty la Hssiooa's barge "tlea. GrsaL" Lswrsnoa wlantng the tows seat their eapaasnm ta the bob. Mr. Ru- les Dnchworth showed good styts In bav- ilag. Mr. Thaass* Deckworth, who mads the highest »cor* In msk sear** match sgsiast Lawrence, dleniayed good asjm fat baiUag. The gsidtng of th* Laenwnc* esseen waagwod, and they ssnde desnerste sttrstpu to keep down UM aosee. The Lowell aoore cmecd with S4. The Law- rence team then tank the hat. Thongh good style of b*tU*g emre atowty ssada aad ibetr acore cleat a for M, After in* amich, saaaer was pro- vided by BOM tmhoXhJ at the FrsakUa Liana*, which wa* ihorvaghiy soysped. A set* ee}oyab»e e*r*i*g won aAerward

nmshe, etc The foUowleg an



Last Friday the t&aaal spring nuur and drill of the Slgbth regiment, took place at Mawbaryport. The comneales from ihla city aud HavethiQ ware eon- eejed ihltber by tbt staamsr City of Hs- vsrhtlL. AllOt.tu. tba rsglmsnt formed on ths mall, sTlerwards tahlag op the I loo of march as follow*: DownOrseBBt,tbroagb Wsshlsgtoa, by lb) retld**cs of Mayor Conch, who by invitation of Co:. Pesch, will review thwin ; up Coort. and op High to Alhlaeoa common, wbsrs th* dfllllBg eomsatneed. At balf-psst tWslva the reg- Imeat repaired to dinner, after which th* drllllag coattosad.

Th* following I* the rotlsr of th* Held and staff i-i- Ooleaal. SenJ. F. I**ach, Jr., Lynn. Lle*L-Col. Law. L. Ay*r. R*wbnryport. Major Bdward f Bartltlt, Mawboryport. Mnlor FrsBCla A. Otgood, MsrbUbaad. Major WlllUin N. Tyler, Wakafisld. Adjtunt Cbsrlet C. Fry, Lynn. QaartarmsaUr FUS W. Parkin*, Bskm. burgeon Preetou M. Ohasn, Daavars. AsslsmntgargeoB Tho*. Klitredna.galtai. Ptymtamr Joan O. Warsex, Lynn.

Ths line waa formed In three battalion* of fonr eompsnle* esch, sa followa J—


Ma|or. Rdwsrd F. Barllttt. Co. Ht Lawrence.—Csplala. Lawrence

[. Ducbeaaey; Bret lleaUMSBl, Oeorgs W. LlKrW(e«oond iletiteDsst, Oeerge La. Ban- ' as*.

Co. B,M«wburyport.—Captain, OecarC. nogee i Srst lleuieosat. Cast. If. etaford j

aecosd ileatouant, J. Hermsaa Career. Co. A, Mewberyport.— Csptata, Jobs

W. Sargeai; flr*. lleeHasat, Chsrlss W.

Co. F, lltvrtblll — CtpUls, Oaorgs H. Haaacomi Srst lieutenant, George W. (Urgent! **co*d lltratassnt, Beojtmla H. JelUson.


Major, Franels A. Ogood. Co. H. Chelsea.—Cnptaln, Chsrlss 3.

Foyet Nrst llaatsnsnt, Selda* A. Lesnoa; •ecoad IraeUtnsat, Amos. BT. Klncsld.

On. D, Lyna.-CaptalB, CUrsace M. Sprtaae; SrM llsatanant, flarnan B. Moa-

nant, « roa; secoad llentanaat, Htsry B. Palmar. CtpuiB, Chat. B "~

ant lleaktBint, Jsmee F. Pool Co. 1, Ljaa—CtpUlB, Chat. K. Chass | wt tlealenaat, Jamee F. Poolj second

llentansst, Nathan B. Monlton. Co. C, Msrhtehead.-Captain, Smart F-

McCtasra i second licetsnaut, Bdwsrd D. TatL

ruian aUTTAUOa. Mayor, William N. Tyler.

Co. K. Salem.— Ctptsla, Usalsl Caaey; Aral llentensnt. Almoa Allsrdj second llaataaaot. Chariot H. Marsdaa

Co. L, (tal.m.-Capttla. George A. CopeUsdi Brat lleateaant, William F. Hart; aecond lleeteasBt, James f. Mc- Murphy.

Co. B, Bavarly.— Captain. Charts* L. Dodge| Bret Iraetensat, Wlathrop B. Perry; aecond lieutenant, Joha Usnnsra.

Co. O, Qloewaur.-Ctpuia. Stephen Btch; Aral Iteettnsst, Flu B. Uakee, |r.t aecosd llcatoaaat. Bdwsrd 0. Winchester.


Ontraaae a Child of B*aartaea Year*.

A dastardly ootrag* was commuted Ba'arday night, nt Soath Lnwrenos, th* victim being n little girt, fourteen year* of tge, named Katie Met triby, and tba perpetrator, a dlsrepatabl* character, ■■mill Town** Kennedy, who bsB fre- quently Bgarsd In the police coort on va- rloua charge*. Tba facts follow:

The little girt, who 1* th* daaghtar of a widow realdlaa on Klnsgton street, had attended n picnic si BlvsrsMs arove, and on returning horn* between 10 and 11 o'clock, wa* requested by her mother to go to the teat on Broadway, In which Bt, Patrick's church fair was being held, and tall her brother, whom she bed teas** to believe waa attending the fair, to come home. The child went to Broadway, and while waiting auur the Mat for bar brother was met by Keaaedy. He resided near he r and k ae w the girt w *U. Be seeestad her and on being Informed of her object in remaining on the strest, be told her ta glvw herself no natw*iaa*a oa sccoest of her brother, and to go bom* with bam. She waa prevailed spoa to accompany htm. Aa they arrived at the alley bet' Klngetoa aad Salem streeta. be gave her a handle, which he carried, to hold, threw her to the ground, and ptaclng hla band over her month to atute bar erica, he arxomplinhed hi* base narpoa*. Ha left her oa the grvned and then weet as htaaome.

Th* CblM was sJterwarda met by oaacera Webatcr aad Joha CBaUlvna at the ear- ner of Broadway and 8* km ntrwata. She was crying Utterly .and told the oStcere of the otcniroacc, tu« giving them the name of her raetoher. Cham. Wright 1 formed of the facts, sad eeaa sf ar ths of- Seer* w*ot to Keaaedy* boa** and arrest- ed aim. He wa* taken from hM bed with- oat rentatamce, nor did he esmnire the oo- )ect or bis arreet. Bs had beea drtsklag awt was nat latoxtcatsd.

Dra. Tale* sad Lamb ma da aa exsmlaa- thsa af the chHd Saaday, aad kaad na> mmtahahl* nvasrea of th* comattui af aa oatrage. The chlht wan severwry

ttilaUmu j^iBttirbed, Louie J. Jennings telegraph* from

London i Tba recent Fenian outrage* and repeated rumors ofdjnamlte plots, have given rise togreatdiasatiafactioii at the Impunity with which such con- spiracies are hatuhnd in New York. 1 have reason to know that tba report thai tba foreign office will call the at- tention of your government to the matter U well founded. Karl Granville will coo land that, to allow subscriptions to be publicly solicited for the avowed purpose of destroying life and ptoper- V ia this country, Is nn unfriendly act on tba part of tba American gov- ernment. O'Donovsn Boaaa's boast about tba gnnboat Doterel, which was at first ridiculed, Is to some extant confirmed by news received to- day, that tba divers have discovered that the explosion did not originate in either tba boilers or the magazine. Commander Kvsns.who was in chargo of the Ill-fated boat, was of opinion that one of tba boilent exploded, and that tba concussion fired the gan cotton and powder la tba magaiin*, but to day's report knocks that theory on the head,and Boaaa'* story about dynamite having been placed in Ibeooal bunkers Is now deemed more plausible- Oilier projected outrages have only been frustrated by the treachery of persons hind to commit them. It is said that McKevItt, one of the men arrested for the Liverpool Town Hall affair, has given the potion a list of tnan.r dyna- mite agent* at Liverpool and Blrken- heatl. Tba government, according to trustworthy report* which reach me, will point out to Mr. Blatne that au organisation, openly at work day after d«y under tba eyas of the United States authorities, in arranging scheme* for blowing op English public buildings and destroying innocent lives, is an evil calling for redress. No doubt this representation will be made with per- fect courtesy, and it Is believed here that tba American people will call for a fair aad candid investigation of the foundation for It. No demand will ba made aa to any particular nation. Cardinal Manning Is greatly troubled over these outrage*. They excite the people terribly against tba Irish resi- dents here. Several mill owners and other large employer* of labor in the Liverpool district have given notice that, If any further outrages are at- tempted, they will ba reluctantly com- pelled to discharge every Irishman in their employment. AH who make themselves agent* la such schemes, however, received warning the other day from Mr. Justice Hawkins, who, in the course of a speech to the grand Jury at Chester, referred to the at- tempted outrages there, that they will be punished to the limit of the law— life imprisonment—-and that any loss of life from these explosions will be avenged by capital punishment. A friend of mine who is well acquainted with the Home Rule members (many of whom,as you know rare Journalists) tell me that these Irequent outrages are rendering them powerless. They cannot complain of anything Mr. Fos- ter may do in Ireland, when it is charged that their allies are planning

asaaore of Innocent and children in this coun-

try. Obstruction is one thing, dynamite another.

The M»nMBlllcai Troubles.

Concerning the trouble* in Marseilles it Is ascertained that five persons are dead and two are dying. There are 17

" In the hospital. One hundred aad twenty-live persons have been ar- ■mated. Order appear* to be perfectly

How VOLTAIRECC'REI) His STOMACH. In the "Memoirs of Count Segur*

there is the following anecdote:— My Mother, the Countess de Segur,

being asked by Voltaire respecting her health, told him that the moat painful feeling she had arose from the decay of her stomach and the difficulty of finding any aliment that It could bear. Voltaire, by way of consola- tion, assured her that he was once for nearly a year in the same state, and believed to bo incurable, but that, nevertheless, a very simple remedy had restored him. It consisted in tak- ing no other nourishment that yolks of eggs beaten up with the flour ol potatoes and water." Though this circumstance took place as far back as 50 years ago, and respected so extra- ordinary a person as Voltaire, It is astonishing how little it ia known, and how rarely the remedy* haa been prac- tised. Its efficacy, in cases of debility can not be questioned, and the follow- ing is the mode of preparing ibis val- uable article of food as recommended by Sir John Sinclair:—

'Bent up an egg in a bowl and then add six tablespoon fills of cold water, mixing the whole well together, then add two lulilt'sp nmt'itls of fan ha ol potatoes, let it be mixed thoroughly with the liquor in the bowl. Then |iuur in as inocli boiling water as will convert the whole into a Jelly and mix tt well. It iii;iy lie lukcti ulone or

lb tho addition of a little milk, in vase of stomachic debility or consump- tive disorders. This dish is light snd easily digested, exlit'im-ly wholesome and flourishing. llrcud or biscuit may be taken with il ns the stomach gets stronger."

Gttowa KITHKK WI.I OH Dm.— Chief-justice MahsHcId, probably with a viewtoprolong his own days,wassl- ways anxious when old witnesses were lncourt,toknowthuircustomary habits ol life. It so happened that two very old men by the name of Kim were one day the objects of his inquiry.

Yon are a very old man," said his lordship to the older brother. "I sup- pose you have lived a very temperate life?"

Never drank anything but water, my lord," said Elm.

"Nor you, either, I suppose," said the Judge, addressing himself to the younger.

When I could get nothing else,my lord," was the reply, "I always took my gloss with my friends."

"Well, then," replied his lordship, 'all that wc can aay is, 4an Elm will

flourish wat or dry.' "

A STORT OF VACcnuTiON.—Some members of a certain noble English household were desired to submit to rev (urination. The lymph was to be extracted from the arm of the infant son of the house. All underwent the process quietly enough, until it time to the cook's turn, a brawny Scotch woman, who positively refused on the ground that "no English blood shonld enter her veins." After much expos- tulation she was vaccinated with lymph taken direct from a Scotch calf. Her arm alone took among those revaocio- ated, and with much triumph she as- serts the fact as showing the superior- ity of a "wee Scotch beutie" over a noble English lord.

Dr. Phillip C.Ballou. OP VERMONT. m

A laettar (roan tola well auaewa geotlc- aaaa, who la a '*re»ul*r** of the



15 Lessons in Penmanship for $2.50 WILL BE QIVEN AT



Admiration Or IBM

WORLD. Mrs. S.A.Allen's



Tor RESTORING GRAY, WHITE or FADED HAIR to its youthful COLOR, GLOSS and BEAUTY. It renews its life, strength and growth. Dandruff quickly removed. A match- less Hair Dressing. Its perfume rich and rare. Sold by all Druggists.

Xsttbl MuA o»er ** years. Xaormous and lewnialnasalea

ThiDuahoat Bnropa ana America

ZYLO BftLSlBuH Ofiiiuai) A lanftrM. aai *hk- l)indi«. It iMiiTi n».iirf aiap «n iiitiin, ■M tklUmt BUir ul lliailll • fcraltkr »r^rt» witk . ifck, knW (1», \MI la 4di(ktlUlr IWrurt. ntt» a«—ii a». an ta km i««Hil|Mii*ii1n ami.tamia

U* rricht ■!... h«r oj iW i.h.BU uj

HHN I* lrw*». M4 ... .1 «M tla. .»-

iaaiaaa»ea ami. MaMa**f**aal Ur to k lava >• ta. ..H« m . iwa caar. «ctof, *»1 aa. tMa uraut a* dn....- ■«• M* MML MM IMC at* a* aa, unaH IM WMUityud WM I. •**)

l.ta.n Uitl|M4M , t»»rs* ot a aaaw tanaa. u. il il a M>4 tarMS. a* fUMil, B.

atnaM.aana|i ***»l. Mm .a* aahWar w ! a canal* aa,« M.iaa;< Mar naym. :

•HaVMCa won- CalCima

DGftson s Ccipcine Porous Piasters


**i d-e*>. •jyWV.*! rs.rai


daawgemWns.' £?&&***?■ twamy an sdlMM-iii sa, aaaam^MMa?/memimty sa a haw •auee s*ra*aa aa' aaanaa* awah | "".'"'.'"T- i has snaate dm IVsmtrx warn! ft' »**»aaw »> **>**■ a

KwM feet af eemr hay* am' see at da \ Uwd gas Vas say bean ssesajK IT be ebd. A am vwmr Jwty to mivehsy aa* dam*. ;t. 'if a* demiV -V eamry way

amat iiSWSa aaa lavyaara tea*dTree«jaarge *»' saasf >*a *w Sad «•* Hfewm. Imftim. awalurx. amcafwt haahocx am* ob*ssscal

a* *T It warn small a*wr

y emam *Wa> tmsasV We

r paacud wett amr rag'mtr **sv>

A depulatioa of five French work- aa wen t to the Julieo tannery yester-

day and summoned tba proprietors to dismiss their Italian employe*, threat- ening that, la UM event of a refusal, 600 French workmen would visit the works to-morrow and prevent the Ital- ians from gaining admission. The deputation stated that its action was resolved upon by the syndics! cham- ber*. Tba aflalr haa increased the excilemena. Precaution* have been taken to prevent tba threat from be£gg carried, out.

Ia tba Chamber of Deputies yester- day, M. Cone tans, minister of the in- terior, replying to a question, said the fighting in hlarseilles beenn by a num- ber of Italian laborers attacking a party Of French workmen. This caused reprisals, aad. in the ensuing aeries of affrays, four persons were killed aad aeeeataen wounded. He added that every precaution bad been taken to preserve peace.

The Journal dea Debate intimates that the Italian* were tba Beat to fo- ment tba quarrel by hissing, tat re- marks that this did not justify the tba act* of the municipality or the excesses which took place oa Satur- day.

Two regiments have reinforce.] the troops. The shop* are abut ia the popular oaartere, and the pnliee have ordered tba people aot to q lit thair bouse* after 10 r. at.

A laier telegram report* thai ap to 11 o'clock r. a., ITS atiaets bad beea made.

Tba Tiaaee oonespoademt at F*ri* say* many leading Itanams stroagty read.?mm the hataiag nt th* Italian dab ia afareolile*. aad repudiate aay auiasosily to France.

»t«aLMt>aaa 'oolHaltata,

From th* Bvton Pmily JowmU, /MM TN*.

Wt pabUalMd Mnial kuera Ui«ly,

betai read la oar. rarica aba have copied

laoar rnlaasi _ W* relar te lat-

tuafnam Barinitoa, prorUtaoa, 8pr»Bta*M a*il Hartford, oa itM aabject of tb* woatdcrfal caratlv* power* af * rtmadj esUed KlOBtr- Wori. *tkb Daa beea ao thoccmahLr Okd as tt ****■ 10 be UM k>*i looked tfer mediciM. Orwi rood U doa* by a reailj Brat clata sruck. aa tba teem* to bt, aad wbao tt ta i*eof Wed by renter pbjakii** ta all part* of tbeetaatrj, It w auaitu; iKdTcd b* th* |*oMt at targa •htfartfc. WeMM*< a tousr ea ihtamibjaat tmatvei by aa, from a wall kaowa "ranlsr" ■akrttcHa af Nonacra V. carefai rsadmj.

htcMrBTOW, TT , J**« lat, 1811. iV.ftar* Bottom Jctrmml:

I ban *!•■»• reea of pates' to the*** ot MS eai aaedklae*. aa 1 am of ■■eaatateaUMiaaoi* barm ibaa jofd ia doa* by taetr mdwortmlaata aaa. Sealag ib*t tcterti [orrmptadaatt bare beta aiagi** lb* prstae* of Kida«\-Wort aid aswwmge* aaaa* remarfcafcl* err* ■wSwmaa by M, 1 k«4n *«i jsat. ibtai tbt faalte iBaal* iMwaf item. 1 »** ladaeed W ■** W ia my praankv, by ao* brt tTHtraare af N* vlttaas,aaal aat« haae to to a eteaadenbt* cxieat lor ibe faaat two rean.

Oai of ibe Aral cares waa that of Mrs, a— waa had sastefad for jean trot* •* shstmSBS ktdaey troebl*. comil^sted wRb coasftaailue aad aswta* ddBeahT- There ■s»aj,iaS.*i»a. •we eaaaataa af the anata* watch csaBtdmeca

MdarecUoma. W reiaieed the psi* aod a*afh*Sag •masaf iamrat'saVly aad pea * tSroraMc tars l**l.>b***.s» oase..

Her racwver/ sruarnsnl rsatdly, **t W caaassraliTtla saon laa* I ws* stl* ta pi BM*te bee tared. SB* Laa **er Uae* Lea* aserb nro**tt aad beslibtee thsa lot year* be- ta**. I cssld detail * acor* me nm et* etht caam ia waaa I mm sasd a was ta* mm marked naafct, nlU am* tad »■»«*.

la tat vwrtew* ttdser uvaese* u has keen -i, far man dasSasd m ■_

Uva, tr»*. SfsritaNar*.

TW Bockawav beach boat Grand Wrpabhc ran iato the Xorwalk eteai Batsymi Momdav aAeraooa. opposite pier tt. East river. New York. The

■ rail os* the Adearmi was t away* **** the Grand aar^addk broke

' aal. The trngbeat C

ivdsmmrm. No per TW Graad ■!■ alii.

fBilxie C- Eaii -t. M. D.


INVIGORATOR ra. »» Ud -li ia. A*aiakfc7»7ii. acts «recth- <moo Ae Lnrr. and Naata riTCT. TV AoWpki. oa Man* cures Lhrcr Complaints, laun- Sl laat jaar waa ran baa. ky aa aa- j JJ^ Biliousness. Malaria. Cos

•*■- cv^ness. Headache. It assists di- 1 g«ataan. strengthens the sj-stem, | regtiUl»»ltieboTrels.pajri»esdie

M blood. A Book sent free. Dr. SaxKOKU. i6i Broadway. N.Y.

Scasaa) la > Cfcarrh.

For InfornalloD M. bflla or call at tt). Ottet

raor. r. KIKUATER.


Summer Complaints. Ai this Samson, various disease* af (he bowels arc prevalent, ami uinav Ji tw ore foal

' lack of kMwledge of a safe and cure remedy. PEBBY DAVIS* PATn KXUJER is a sore euro for DUrrWa, Dysentery, Ehunmcr Compisint. CaoUra, ttolsra jMorbta, **o, and k perfttils miff.

Th* wry Utt lsaMasni l'YfH™Jc**Vm*f'r1

tuast It (o* jraara, and it ta ~-. oar. ersry ttroa. JITLID* W. Das.

MontMH. Iowa. March it, URL

1 Ni-aj-tjernr (itnllf knUiaaai ; InUaahuuaw.

f^^^ tJ. a OOTamjajj^


Um fksslly asva ssJely k* without tbt* la.vtUaij.fel. rested withla tba rnaah *f alL For sate by all '—

Csxraxn, Baasiaai Psotwi^leb. 1 ML

rsaax Iw aala by aU drufflaa at aaa. aoe. .n,l ai.oo a bottle. * DAVIS a* SON, Praprletora, Providence, It. I.

H OWiTOaPRINTMli maad —d fast ass*l. auala—I mm a— werysherc mini it. .hereby uving ail tleir jjiini- Isg billi. Aay bse ea* ■■■■** it. Prtcet rrats $\ to (171. Every Irreu a(K<,fuirly ■W.IS*t*irt HOW TO PtWKT tt™ all the particufar.. Attdrna the M:.i«rfi«-toirn

J. W. DAIOUADAV* to., »ai Chestnut Ml., Pmllavslalpala. eisiention A


an Maatx Street, Lawrence. Oaa, Ether and Cb oroiormAdLSlaletered.



■^ae*C„_ .fltiaaaeaStraet

C^LARA H. ROQEkS, 11. D. * Dtseases ot Women a OBo* aad a*a)deacc,luS UaeitLiliMieet.

Oace S t* *, 7 Is V p. a HyaarUT* _

paid! tlScial I'eelb i preierreu.


TSAM BARI T» tis*ir/«AB« MAS*

«S^SSS^a3rS ■May asher W****** IBat baad t* fasaaHy er asstpus* aad a Framalar* Grata.

OB"Fall raittcatar* ia ear . we desire la *ead Ire* by mall ta eetwr •**.

" dklse t* aaU byailDrss

a*U la Lawresce by avaaABD II. KEt.LET.

Oao. C. Gooowta A CO.. Waoleeak A*e *U.

WM. W. COLBY, ratniL de rraxuanto nrrMtarAtua.

t*\lliyA»J3&Az Mt. IU aVaoa. MS Caaa

Straw. fljx jaa 1


TWaaiaiai liiaijil mmt Ua> ta.aa_t-~jn ,1a.m. "'"•

1W, mi i II /'MKira imajni imay.

Oaaaraaa «f at* I i *r *■ i


FEUS *-a at. • r-art WK- **r*, tSrj car. f«££3 i— r. naj.'.'tJSL Kl :asr:. t LICJEKTS-, ~>a. t^aa

T«a«a»twi.iiaiii altr^ag-s, * aim .«atac->»a

- "^SSaa.


Business Directory. IS

DAI LI PAPIBB orlodlcal,

tamed at ■

^re.crtlaa Natai.lTeMb. ■ ertcJ. Ua» 01 olttr (l*,a aa

% lyaatl


Cor..awronoe h Ceairaea (tt Ha* retnrssd (root Enropeasd reasmed piae

D* . a U » A » K. CROCK KK nrric* tin Bsaioaaaa,

37d BaverblU Btraet, tto* Bosra: tiosr.a- Lawrence, Man

UEOM, N*. tn Kaeex Street, Lawrence Staaa. Oat, CbloroTom), or Ether (.Tea, as pre fsrrsd. CloaeddnrtagAniati.

DICKBB h WH1TTIEH, GROCERS. Crechery sad Qtaaa Ware- StrlcllT v»ui*

— ibeatdalrka

Wh**l.,r*llinsllil "'—. atanlBMts, mt

111 work dose.

, Wathart.lalhT.i , Ac. MaBnltiriiialnilAEiJ


E8.TATB8, X.D., rUlBKIAb »n • liim.

OS***, SSI Basaz Streei. eerser el Lawieaet aaahtasus. SB laaatr SUee t.


l— g-sae T

HOLT * CO., ICE DEALERS. Ollce with Bag bee A Hack, IM Basex atreet.Lrs-

JOIIlf S. OTL1, Attorner-at-Law aad Neurr FaMte. Restored is Ko. MS Eaaei

atreet, cor. of sen atreel weal af «*te* M ika ale Srm of W. F. * J. S.UIW. Sly aajlT




A Dca»of Ttrnni"a Soltzer Aperlont id um aamay af iaeam*Hsm. aad a*

»,s*ie .are real akeisi is i*

isajii.aa frssi ataaatty. T' *m a* ascfe srt~sr. sad I . las.

— sUrsisstsiK aa.akr.ra air tdetaed u try M. SOLD BT ALL OaA7wfeU9T*

wiiauecresusissa* tws»*Siab*swgttli

sf ceerr deecr: f..

; BBSUCllT. _ awaa** Fartsmiw**L*s

. Adewsa aad eseaaaus amatt*i*i*s aw MS» luutti Biua ly.K. T. Si


Cert. Jacqueminot Rose T. It. BALLET,


CaJI Bed \m* II;.

H. P. FLVNN, - Agant 3T3 Kaaax Stree-t. Uareinf.

I fiist ItiiactBriif Co. •