SLEDS FOR THE BOYS. - Memorial Hall Library


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Transcript of SLEDS FOR THE BOYS. - Memorial Hall Library



Andover Advertiser, I'l 'ltl.lP.IIKH

Every Friday Morning;, —in—

ItlEOItGE s. MI-,l{Itll,l„

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I pa y in u tit.

Tbe Circulation ot the Lawrence A merl- can Is the largest of any paper In tlia County, and more than Three Tim as that ot any <>i htn* Weekly 1 a per nub- Uahad In thin City,

•V Kite* of advwftlslag aent upon application.

■ stored at the Post Office, Lawrence Ma**-, for tranBmlsMoa through the malls as second-class matter.

rhe Daily American Pnblithwd Every CrtBiiti


the LorfMfc Dally tn tha City! wttm Four Ttmee the Circulation ©• tinaf other. j

SUBSCRIPTION, tn advance: One-ear, ao.OO I obxMontha,M-O

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lath* lanraatend most thoroughly rn nlshad in Eastern Maasachusette. With modern presses, and conetan additions of the newest style* of Typa w* are able to furnish the best quail* of work, at lowprlc»a- Order* toy ma promptly attended to.



merola'Ulali mur, It.inui Puuer, [><-eu>atroa* W.B.KIUB, *tt Kaaex Street.

BLACK SI LKS, Velvets, Caab- ■Mies, Silk fringo*. Rutlona, lilovea. As ._

t.StlAUPkf i CO..mBeaei Street BOOTS & HIIOKS, a full *n«i

oomplrtn aiook, at nri"i;« to aull the times. P. B. HOHl SnOS, Hi E**ea Street.

CABINET MAKER and Uph«l atarar,

tl. r. U AKD. Ki.ei street. COOKING STOVES, lUng-aa,

Furnaoea. Sole aaenl Mng-e Steves JOHN t. BINuHAM.SeS Baaezrt.

FW.M1NKK, Hut and Bonne % Bleachnry, l'»4 k'**ei Street, L«wr*ao*

Mai*. uefiu1 r'«H anil Straw llai* a apecUity. tjuyl

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fan- ov Uou.i. and r-rouuee.

aaarruoK BB<H. .■.K.K.MI.AO m PAPER HANGINGS* Window

Shade, an fixture*. B. a. riiKE.m Baaei Siren.

PHOTOGRAPHY, sole Uoen*M for the cilvt.>rliie Carbon Prueee-ee.


SEWING MACHINES. TheNew Hua«, Uome*Uc, item in* loo, Hinger aad

New Howe. W. ACO, Agente S71 steeexSt. TAILORS. French, EngTlBh and

Ai»«r].mii Nova die a. r. W.SOH A A KB B CO., Poal once Block.

TAILOR, Imported and Domea- tio Uood*.

H DBNN1E MOB3E. Ill tun Street.

ANNIE tt. COOPEH, Dress and flosk Maker, I-B Biaoxaireet. Over Warr.n'.

Clothing Siore. lynl


■tl KiieJ Street, Lawrence. tsaa.Bther and Cb orotnrm A'Hnlnletered.

ClOLBURN BBO'8,—DAILY PAPERS JChroma«,Bn«ra»inKi, Period Irel*.<t tat ioocry

Fancy Uood*. Picture* Framed at abort notice Ko.aklEaaex-J treat

c LARA II ROGERS, Diseases or wo- min a Hpeoiallv. Ill Ka-cx street. Law-

rente, Onto* hour*, i to 4 soil 7 to I p.

D L W. F. Mil KS. DENTIST 448 Bates St., Forbe* ■ Blook, Lmrwa,

aa-ijja or hiier ailiulnielered

DR iiiiii'iii. (Jfflcee noun,

DR. U. W. LE DUKB, Lawreno* Den- tal Kooma, 119 Banexl SI.,

*>*t sat Gum Teeili. BIO. i-artiel SeU tl and upw.i.l". 'lemporarv gv Tea lb react oa new plate gi. Ooi.l ruling., BJ and upwardi. Bn- vtr *"i linta, Vns lt-n,eriilin«B.aio Tooth ex. U-acioo, i%e. Una ad lauterfd tor Wo.


R. F. W UEV1NOTON. DentUt suuoeaeor to Dr. C. *-3J.VB ler,ii)iB*«ei

Blruel, l-awril"'- "Mire H i.r. : Ml to II, 1.3U lofl. Vven<s\crj evmius fteai 7 loll. l, a»

DR. O. T. HOWE 1' IVMI'I.-MI ami Sui- geon, aftsa. **» BsMt at, Beaidaace Hi

Hareruliftl. Utboe buura: 1 to 3 anil B to LM p. PI. lyoi

DR.B. W. ABBOTT, office 1U1 Hsverblll Street, cor. Jaukaon, Iterldenoe HO New-

bury Street. *1 rjm.'i'

DR. J. II. KIDDER, DENTAL BUR OKON, No- ill Hanoi Street, Lawreneo

Maaa. Oaa, otiloroform, or KtQui Kircn, aa pra ferred. UloaedilariQg Auauat.

DKiUKliH * WHirriEH, Choice Gre- ourle*. Slruillji i'lire OuIfJea, a^i-* aaod

Oh'.in-. m Tea., Hi.' in: -i Dairies ot Butur sou Obee.e. m AnienOuij areet. ,

C> N. HAKIMS, Tr fj.ii Hunt ■! .. Co..

Tlr.n.m IV ii,-r W:i,■!■!», K ill.III

railing 3took-, OI«M, Kogulalor ariii-ii.'l >II i a" mill arorKUot

apurer of il.e IM Bro*dtr:iy — MHIa, Wii.tiera

, Ac, A.:. Plan*


Portrait* and Landsoauoa. w R*aaxHT.,Ltwaawoi.

G C LOWAltD M. D !• I Mr"!. U.--.I.I' nrc T3 I.II ill Hour*. ■* to '■ i IU , - to :i and 7 k

HOLT A CO., ICE DEALERS. Office Kith Uujrlwo * 4I»ck,!'i3 Kiaex atreet.Law l**.''Iy.


Lawrence,:vl»<«. i'cmn»*lait«nttonlo allhuai as* nwum

FOI-GEK. D. *'i • In Rpectacka asd | I' I.' I I .-■,■■>■':' t !■ = « " ' !'■ i OT ' IIITII'IIVI ■a.-in iii. ■ i ■ !■ ■ ■. i' i !»■" Street, lvit


R. H. EDDY, 67 State St,, opp. Kilbv, Boston Secure* PatonU In the United States; alee m Great Brilnin, France anil oilier forvlxn coun- riee. Coulea ol the r.lnima of any Pauinl tur

nlano.l t'y rutnlnlni; oneilollar. ABeiaiinirnlare- conledal Wa-hington. No Agenoj To the Uni- ted Stavoa ,i.>a»c»-«a auper or facilillea for ob- tslnlnn Patent* or nacerWinin* the patentabllitj efinTontlona. B.H.EDOY.SollcltorolPaieata.

TKBTIMONIALS. "Irosard Mr.K'My nnoneol the moat capable

and auoceaaml practitioner* with whom I bava bad ofllolal iiilcnourao. _ .

CHABLB3 MASON.CommU'rof PatenU. ••Inveatorii'anaoteniploj* person more trust

worthy or morei'-aimlilc of »et urlng forthetn an early and ravorableoosalderstlon at tbePateel 0fflBDMUND BURSE,LateCoafr or Patents.

BOSTON, Oct. II, 1870; B H.BDPT,r5s(|.—Dear Sir: yon procured let

n. in 1S40, my «"l patent. Since then you have ac t«l for ami nlvlacl tnoln hnndredaol cases, anal^l msor ..ntenla.relBaocaan-l eiten- ■tona. lhave occasioniilly eniplove.l the seat laencle* in V.-w Y.,rK, l't,iln.iHt.luft ami Waab- Titon, but I «U.lgh'C you almost the whole ol ■y bu.lnoaa.lnrourlinc.aiid advise others U saployyon. Youratruly, ___._—_ 1 " UEOBOBDRAFBB, B ton. Jan .1. Iri.-.i. IT* *

ICbDliHMdJron lost vttk.)

How Watch Cases are Made.

In 1875, thirteen men eompriaed th* entire working force used in the manu- facture of 1 he Jamct Boar' Gold Wateh Cusfl. Now over fi re hundred are cmployed.and the number is constanilv im-riiiwing. Therea- aon of this iuirease is lbs*! In the /aav» Bo*i Gold Watch tVutc all themetalinsight and sulijettlowwir is «o/i'(ooW,while the re- mainder, whUli only lamia strength to the cm, is of stranger metal titan gold, giving g"ld whero gold is needed, and Strong, eln*tic roeUd whi-re strength and elastieity are needed, a nimbination pro- ducing a watch stM oHkr than aobd gold and at OKB-IIALF tlic ooct, TtfmjSLpmt

Over 200,000 of theso cn«s £ A have l«en aold, nnl every jeweler in the cotintrv can ISaUfV t*> their quality and

nwiL T.fntNnTos. M(0«.. Dal MB, ■w v.- XT.M1I nf tin. i'..»v-rii< IHIIIKIII IM Iwsa"

*J5'lw i \.,*- l-i. rinrn ni.l carricttl until S

tn. eSnTi»Uv *V*elt sVaSsd »- ihqogb th*7 h*i K.*UrtH V'.l. 1-"I ra-r,el,.,«l;.-U«-i n,^Vr

a, mrwiu,:. A should Mil wlindaair." M if in; lua r ,^,'"'e™ -°

worth of tuair iuoney or ^Jfl pSSffiSWataa

{lube iWmuii.)


A LITILY MB Twa* up to the "hating R!nk wr w»nt

MybeatKirl *n.i u,\**K, •**■ her; The mi.on rnlsl,tly ahonr, ilf wfnri did bowl,

rnai cold, iroaiy n gbi la Nufsaber.

I tall it'tiiv roniosnion. "Why ilo ji u fhlvfr *(, a lib Hi c M'i" Me aays, "Brcsua* lamto mili iiiiiiatt si. to leloi'i lo UIP lea mine gander and tbi a b* <<>-\ riven oi p'ocurinit my wiaiiug apt'*>rlai l.icknell Bn.thtit.'" 1 aald, "They bare l*n»>' . l,< .i.| jeld ui u. i?e»i» at UlckntO BIOUKIS' all els aiiUaute you toceaae ablver. lag and lor a Ian.

Twa* opening nlchi, iht Rink a Such s hisln *« never dl I teb'

I.' ■ii-- HI' in it:ri' iii mounted

* nllcd,

Ibnae fie, |ii. fis «n.l llAovaraosta at Bkh- sell Broil era •. r h of its notice ol all who want a <lr-. ,>, slyllab, and ULrabl* Ovcrooat for aliuls noaey.

II '.in .: i. i 'i K* .i'ii »ugl'ter. Ultima nit triih kmoaf ire real

Was a man on wheel* with hladaoiLter.

Ofnt' la ared ofinernderweararala- vllan so t xamii.c lliu aiiaiuiuih mack at Blck- Ball Broibert.'

At <]oatter part nine tbe gongalrnck three, '1 wan a ,i(i na) lor akaier* to nit.

1 he ).. I r.r had hsrdlj cleared tin floor, when 'l*o* oa tha ice bad lit.

Ocntlewtn a bo sr* In reed of an Overcoat ahiib ii-» m It Mjre, besutr, tsrfecllon oflt ■ad durability < oa b m d, nre 1 »it»rt toexamlns Ihoe flue at el KID Overcoat, at Jllokncll Broa.'

(jiiftrninl by ihennaicoi rol'.io*'Ban', The? a.iifd firth * ffh <Uile uomuiollon;

The boi» an. Rirl* all coyer d .heir eyes W'lie. iluy rolledaway la ulni devotiee.

I to!.I mv (irl bow aaramed 1 ahould bj w ITII wi oui ui-'ii ins adtairad.

And .ha .l.oi.lil ■ lin b upon m \ knee, Aud ptdiend in in n> very tired.

Skater* keep joar bead* I. yet by wearing Ita Mil. in llittf, with the patent yemilatid »«eat leather, lor sale in Lawnnce only si tin kmtl Brotbtr*'.

The professionals went the lumMer* earns. B 'iiir ol the bojsatood or (lit n tur-,

'i in ii i u. ii> St w off, pant in.m- ripped. And home they went wrapped up in tear*.

TUB struggle Tor the U. S. Speaker- ship promises to be tlie most sanguinary in the bisiory of the nation ; for aooord- tag to the Bewipspers Carlisle and Randal! feel more and more sanguine every morflinfr.

TUB iron horse now start']s for Pe- gasus and Parnassus is invaded by modern improvements. George Fran-

cis Train is writing a poem of 200 pages—somebody ought to switch him


THE next probable candidate for congressional honors from Montana,

is the well known merchant and steam- boat owner, T. C. Power of the block (P) line. He Is reckoned all through

that region among the " powers that be."

from Bioko-11 would :■■'.■ i aucb ....I, Kink, mutt buy their J

' c se boya who

No* li' M-, if Ton would make good men, t-if'Hi td Ice ol your lathera and molbera;

Art Id calami-. pn\« si tbuSksHnl Kink. By getting vour clothini at Bickoell Brother*.*

STUPIDS," and "milk and water democrats" is what the organ of the boss calls such old time democrats as Hon. Daniel Ssunders, John Hart, David Beatty, John C. San born, John

P. Sweeney, A. A. Lamprey, E. W. Colcord, Hector P. Linn, Patrick Sweeney, S. E. Parker, and N. P. H. Melvin.


Lawrence American. LAWRENCB. MASS.

Htll;AY WUiMM., 1 EC. 7, IbttS.

A CONTEMPORT says that M a shabby

coat may cover a Boston editor," and there is no doubt whatever that the coat of a New York literary man is covered with stresks of beer.

A VEBT useful addition to the litera- ture of temperance societies is the

drink map," such a map has been issued of the places licensed to s. II liquor in the university town of Ox- ford, England. With a population of only 85,000, it has 319 places licensed to sell liquor, and it is supposed that they are all well patronized. They i.rc probably nearly alt public bouses, and we mean to be complimentary when

we call (he EuglUb a nation of inn-tem- porale habits.

THE NorrlBtowu Herald says that great excitement exists in Minneapolis, over the sudden and mysterious disap- pearance of a beautiful and respected young lady, who left her home to pay 1 >v a piano site bud purclused," and it doesn't see anylhi.ig very mysterious In such a dfaappearance. Doubtless the beautiful sntl respected of Norris- town sis lo the habit of paying fur their pianos. Customs difTcr io differ-

ent parts of the country.

| Weekly News Brevities.


La*t night the Windsor Theatre In Hew York was tutally destroyed by Ore.

Yale won the anal fame of the Inter* colleitlale fool-ball series In Now Yurk, yesterday.

Tonqnln reports state that Admiral Codrbet bis cum me need bin advance on Boutay and Bacolmb.

The tart centra of tiM French waste baa elected H. Leon Say Ita president to succeed M. Waudlnaioa.

Tbe greater portion of Oceola, Florida, was bo rood yesterday, *J*e property lues reaching upwards ol #200,000.

It Is reported that Professor Nordensk- Jolk, tbe Bwedlsh explorer, to planning ai expedition to iba aosib polo for 1B85.

A Berlin despatch says that Prince Bur march has had s relapse, sod Is now suf- fering front s rather serlou stuck of Jaundice.

The convicts St the Concord Ststt Prison bad a holiday yesterday, and the pardon ol one of tbam,. named liny, was announced.

Tbe wool.en mills la 8axonvllle, this State, were destroyed by lire early yea- terday nmrnlBB, the loss on the mills ex- ceeding #103,000.

Notwithstanding the embargo on the Importation of American pork into France has been rumored, ail bacon tin pert fecilj salted will be seised.

Mr. Blaise's plan for distributing the whlakey tax among i>je various Slates la ■ot highly favored by either republicans or democrats now In Washington.

An amendment, to the Constitution for- t»er prohibiting polygamy la the .United mates will be proposed at tbe attllMt possible opportunity after the assembling of Congress.

Tarkuy hss addressed s note to the powers, Informing m*m that tbe Port* offered lo send troops to suppress tbe rlt- Isuj in tbe Bondon, Mi lhat Kngianr' v- rased tbe offer.

Il is reported tr- Minister Lowt,.. is Ineligible for tint i- aiiion ol rector a] Jt. Andrew's University, sod bs* been ssked to withdraw. Tna London Dstty News, however, denies rioth of these stau- meuis.

Mr. Carlisle sppesrs to be ahead In the apesktrshlp cosiest, and that g«utl<- i»«u Iuformed a correspondent yeaterdsy that ho was aare of receiving tbe Domina- tion. Mr Springer, of Illinois baa with- drawn from inu CJUUSU


Tb* Now York canals will be closed to- night at mllulgbt for the season.

It Is reported thsi (tootsy snd Bscolmh have been evacnaled.

Tbe Pennsylvania leglilsture will ad- journ slae die on tbe 11. ti Inaunl.

The attgregsle loea on the Saxonvllle Mills, burned on Thu'atsy, Is tSOO.OOO.

Mr. Wheeler 11. Htrkbsm hss been ap- pointed dll'rlct attorney lor the City and couuty of New York.

Vlanssi was the winner of tha lost billiard game In the niaicb wltbSchaefcr In Purls yesierdsy.

Tbe total io-s 3f property by lbs burn- Ingofibe Wio.laor Tt,sa:re, N«w York, aud adlotnlng bnndiags, Is #407,000

A convention baa been formed between English abtpowLera snd M. do Jheeaepa for ihe im.M ..yeitniit of tbe Bun canal.

The Nt-w York bosrd of Ore unilerwrlt- era havu adopted a report d- Being tin- charsctellallca ofalsudard bmldluga.

Advices from Khartoum ata a that tbe panic la lucitaalng there, aud thai tbe teault is said lo have beeu tallalaciory.

Tbe report of the bank examiners ol Maine shows ibe nutiiberof aaviugs bank* Iu that nate ■<• bs C4, and tbe total d - puslta 131,371,606117.

I. la expecled ibal W. T. Fl zgerald A,H be preneured lor Indictmfol by lb'- -graudjuty of the District ol Coiurubi loday, in'couuectloo with the alleged pm- alou fiauds.

The lower bouae of tbe Huogurian Diet baa passad a bill pcraHling cltll mar- riages between Jews and Chrlallaoa, and legalising civil marriages contracted In foreign count tea.

Tbe trial of Patrick O'Donnell, for the murdur of James Carey, lbs Iilsb lnfirm-

A PARA GRAPH is going the rounds of tbe newspapers, that more old folks have been found in pilgrims graves iu Plymouth. From all that we bad beard, we had supposed tbat all the pilgrims who were considered of any historical value had been taken up tenderly, in a modified form, and put. into a box and preserved in thsjsyanopy

over the Rock, but if i hey are going to crop out in unexpected places, and I "• w" *■«■• ■l tn-' <*'d *$** ^"do",

* * i . , yesterday. Tbe government testimony there is a large family of them, the pilgrim stock as a curiosity, will make a sudden drop, as disastrous to their memories ss another fall we have read about. Some people have a way of running even antiquities into the


Until fur Hit r notice we shall give a handsome Clipper Sled lo every boy buying a Suit or Over- Coat from us

Lawrence One - Price Clothing Go., 824 AND 826 ESSEX STBSBT.



Ball from fl° m *•»*■ ■•»•*■ * * Vor<-

OLASti" '"11 'A'iTisVosTiBBBT. KAI'K.snK I'A^AUf,

TO ..iseew, hern, llMfa.l ^,I,'"'X?;» Cabin, 060 w. SIHtl. •;"1",i Csli.n. ».IO Stearaga.Ou1*"'^' *-iW, Pr»P»"l- S'H.

ta» oi aasrgS !■ Eualanl Sootland and

K'lSaa (e. rabln plans, booh of tour*. An., /ifcsDXRSUN BltO».,Nsw^<rlt.

ans Moainr,aMEa.siSt.,or taP*Tatcx ^.WjfiSeill, Lswrtnss. t*UTstT

Tin. American last night gsve the result of tbe police Investigation with-

out a word of comment. Had the bearini; demonstrated nut thing wrong in connection will) the ofTHnls, every- body knows now on the eve of an elec- tion, that that paper would have worked it for nil it was worth.—Car- ney's Paper.

The result was a comment In itself.

What more vivid example of the de-

splcabta you-back-me-and-I'll-back-

tou-poliey of the present administra-

tion, than the police wbitewsshing.

Tbe majority of people, would consider

the language sod actions attributed lo

ihe Marshal and bis assistant in the

Morse case both " and nnbe.

coming an officer." Probably the

Eagle does not.

er- FlMB gJMWKJsWsaaMshiasra*:




",!TH",' ^^^ 'NIT- 'TWILL DO





ltaSBf '

Mason & Hamlin Organs, Kew Illustrated cstaloguo (40 pp. <to}

for season of 18SS-4, Including many new stylei j the best asssrtBWBt of the best and most attractive orgaas we have ever offered, and at lowest prices, •» to ♦floo, for cash, easy payments or rented. Seat free.

IVhson & Hamlin Pianos. 1 rodurlng new and fmrortaBt lm-

prt ementl adding to portr., beauty of toi ami durability. Cnxuiars sent free,

KaaoQ. « Bomlin Organ * Finn Co, l#4

THE Cleveland (().) Leader prints

in its columns tin- following estimate of s New Hampshire man by a resident of Cleveland, after visiting Governor Oidwny, in Himnarck, where they are

erectiog a capital building forthcterri' tor/ at the crpeusc of the people of tbat

city :— We admired th» energy good na

ttire and grit of tbe New Hampshire giant. He Btands six feet six inches higli and wcig'is two hundred and filly poumW. His ladylike wile believes heartily in Ibc man who was born iu Warner, B liitlc New England near the White mountains, which hits nent out nearly a dozen noble gover- nors. The boast of Governor Ordway when he lesves his hi",h senatorial of- fice, he snys, will be that he has built itii flue public buildings snd kept his imtli inviolate, serving Oakoia to the best ol his ability. Ten tbousund dol lars will not make good his personal accounts iu riMchargiug mil. ul duties, and yet there are not wanting envious and jealous ttersouB, many of whom would bitnp tlio very life of this promis- ing Inud uiilefs, like barnacles, tbey were scraped off thin new snip of state. Since Judge Edgerton's late decisiou


Mr. Hurley's Views of It.

EDITOB DAILY AMSJUCAX:—AS there i« been DO report made by the press. - lib snv approach of accuracy—of tbe we presented by both aides to the sisyor

and Aldermen Inet Wedneedsy evening, ipoo tha coasplalDt of Dsvld H. Horn-,

and aa tbe mailer now stands before the public, great InlSattoo Is done Mr. Horse in my view of la i ease,permit me, through your columns to say what I wosjld o->t car* to say If the evidence bod bean fully and falny reported.

Amon-i older charges, tbe complaint charged conn set tn the marshal aud as- sistant, which wsa "divrespeeirnl, pro- fane, and unbecoming in an offlcer." The complainant test.Arid that on calling for hia property St tbe station, lbs marshal told hhn he neither knew nor cared to know where It was, snd that Bhe+aao, the asslstsnt, than aald to bios, "O—d d—n tha thinga to s—1 any way." The Mayor snd Alderman concluded that '•There Is nothing in (As UMimomg of lA* ctmptainant lo warrant the charges ss preferred."

~n tbe light of this testimony, this cos- cloaton bee >BM absurdly inconsistent, unless I'll* tribunal holds somewhat pe- culiar notions open the definitions of pro- fanity sad disrespect.

Tbs parties moat, on trial In this casa were tbe Major snd Aldermen, and In so

ss tbey pretended to give the csse s fair eooalderatlon, or to rescb a sensible and Impartial result, the bearing, with IU conclusion, was a contemptible white- washing farce, Sarvlug only to Illustrate he dominion s police force'can exorcise

over weak city governments.' December, 1, lft&S. S. T.

fortnightly Payments.

was all Introduced, The Indications la Washington, last

night, pointed nnmlatskably to the nom- ination ot Mr. Canials for speaker, st to- night's caucus of the democrats. Ilia friends claim tbtt 100 meridiem have open- ly declaied their Intention ol voting foi bio no lbs Ural Sailot. Tbe Randall ad. bereais, however, sesame a sanguine air, and sre still hopeful of ubtsloing tbe vie ory.


Senator Anthony's health contl nuea to Improve,

Tbe Hajilen minister to UrSal Britain has resigned.

Further new* m.m F.I < Iheld CihflrSH iho deleat of lllcks PaCD*.

Admiral Coarbet enteriMna no doubt of bta success Is Tonquln.

Wm- Meagher, s Psroellltt aide-man, was elected major of Dublin on bsiur- dsy.

Taree frssb contracts have been made for tbe cttllog ol portluua ■• "jt Pjoama canal.

******* Rosisll Lowell has formally ac ceiled ib« rectorship of Si. Aodrew'i University.

There was a reduclloo of t-1.7*1,676 In the national debt during trio netuu November.

Tbe Masonic Temple In New York ctt> was damaged to tbe esleni of 9100,000 bv fire on Balur.lav.

There were two Ares in Chicagoon Bal- urday night, the r.uutegate loss of prop- ult| reaching |*£C0V0.

Jodge Kelley of 1'eDDsylvanis will 1c- iroduao s bill In Congress at the earliest po*aibl« moment to Itoill tbe coinage of silver ilollaiB.

I'strlck O'Dtnuell wss ronvlcted ai I,in, Inn on Baiurday o( klldng James i'.ne>, tin- lt'-v Iui'uiiinr, and was con- demned IO ileli'n.

| fit la not certain that the President's mesasge will be sent to Congress to-dsy. The prub*h:'nl<-H sre that it Will be de- ferred unt.l Tuesday.

The Metbcdlst University c^mmlaalnn. in session it TtfQttte, Oat., ban decided to Ciinaolldste Ali.ert and Victoria col- leges under the name of Victoria Univer- sity.

Tbt Domlrloo government has thrown Open a enle belt ti'K> miles long ihrounb i be Noi tbwesl lei i ilory for settlement at |3 50 *ii acre, OD ceitaiti condllloi-a ol settle rcent.

The lun t-si of the late Rev. Warren II. Cadworth took place at Kast Bo*lon yes- terday. There was a large attendance. The funei-l cortege w*a cacorted u» the CDUflnes oi tbe city by the first regiment of mllllla and an organisation Ol Grand Arm? poais. and bt ibe latter to tbe place •ifbacbl i

It will be remembered that tbs operatives la the Lowell company's mills wars aahed s wetk

iwv lines to sire an sxpreaalon of Ibsir prat- creaca regarding monthly or fortnightly pay- ment*. According IT a vote was taksa aud tbs rcault irannnitttrd lo th* treaaurer, Mr. Artbar T. Lymsn. After analysing tua vote be has made ibe result public.

-.Lymsn tbsuks ihe operative! for their retponic, and aute* tbat the whole number ol

i wss 1M6. Of tbsse 900, or 68 per eeut., ravorsd fjrtoiabtly paymenta, an d tie, or 41 per cent., favored moathlr paymsais. There were 199 absent or not voting. 1 ocludad is the voters were 716 heads of families, and of ibeee

were fortnightly and 250 for mcaihly pay- ments. Of ihe oiher 830 vote* tha count Itaod

o 396 la favor of the more frequent pay* J. In gineral the beads ot tamlllea toted

for foruiluhlly pay menti aitie ratio er S or 3 to I, while tboae who were uot heads or mm Uies were about equally divided. Mr. Lyman says It I* clear that those who have the cblei reaponilbliHy in the expenditure or the wsges received believe that lortnlgbliy payment! will be ol uis to tbem aud eoable them to make a auvini. Accordingly he Intends lo pay wage* tortnithllv a* icon as lbs necessary change* aud arrangements for rucli payments can be


oitiiTMill -.

Booday morning, at tie home of her husband, en Broadway, Mary, wife of

Ueury Farrell, died, afux sofferlag for vents from asthma. Mrs. Parrell was

born in Ireland, snd wss OSyesrasod two

oulbs old. She bad been a resident ol ris city att'iut 88 years, snd lesves four

children, 'we hoys and two, one of hlcb i- the wife of Dr. J. F. Croaton, of

llaveihlu. The funeral will take place

rrom St. Mary'rt church, to-morrow anorn-

ng, at iu 45.

Mr Mou-Scfl Dolan, father of Cap'. D.

f, Dolau, d*ed al kls b'uiu on Croaa St.,

Saturday. The deceased waa seventy-all years or age, and bas resided la this city

ait'ce 1B56. Tua fsaeral services were d at 6>i. Mary's church, st 9 o'clock

- moi nlug.

dr. W. IL McUlsaa, an old resident,

d at hit home oa Weal street, Sunday evening. Ife dsa/ ss> d ban bars s ssfler-

r for some tint from genarvl debility

and thin flnaUy saasael hta laalh. Bs was born st tisaona. hi. H.. March II, 1824,

snd for years pant had been ts th * bslch- Ting iMi-iawss in thl* city. Be leaves a

widow, r we nrtnn sad ane daughter. The

;ral wlil hsfce ptaoe Wadnesdsy Sller-

noon, Trom LIB Went street. Mi. McCAVB* died pressed ef #110.000

In resl e-,iate. He was the senior mem-

ber or Medarn A Young, one of iht Oral provlslos flr-a In the city.

The Knaex Itecoanl.

I Wuodlawo Oemutery st Che

Tbe Hon. John O. Carlisle or Reotncky was noml-s'ed ior speaker or tbe ostioi,- hl bonne i f repr ta'lves by the demn-

„- crstlceaucusonBmorday night, roceiv-

cannot reach the private gift or "he; lag 10* sots* 10 6t tor Mr. *•*****' ... ,' r i_ n i Uin'allol Pennsyivaula, and 80 tor Mr.

generous HismnrckiauB, plucky Ord-, ^ g/tjog 0f Rew York. Tbe nomloatlon way will complete the capitol and next wta enbaequentlv made noaolmosa. Oen. year coriTene thsj legialalare at Bis- Keiferwsi. Bomtnawdrorspesktr by the 1 „",'; v"?{ morck." I republicans. 1 ixct sr nc


-Wllllaa r. Uopklas. or this city, has received s patent for a nailing maclloe.

—The Pacific Mills have plsosd as o

der for two large pump* with Us Daano company.

— Honors M. Llnrb*n was the only aib- acrlber from this city to the Parnell la*-

tlmonlal fund.

—The city government Ii to bi peti-

tioned to beve s rslllni plsced around tbe

issen pond.

-James Howard, of this city, was d« mated, os Tbsnksgivlng, by Edward Bal- llasey, or Salem, In a IliS-vard dash.

—On Tuesday evening, Mr. J. B. Mor- gan Instituted a brsoca or the Northern Mutual Itellef Association at Mancbeiter,


-There will ba an exhibition of fancy

sad trick bicycle riding by Messrs. Brasa- ball snd Scott, at tha Vallombroaa rink, Friday evening, Dec. 7th.

—The gross earnings or the Bistsra railroad for October wars 939,171,84.

agalaat 922,700 47 la OJtobar, 1888, be-

ing s gain of 918,477.97.

—Tbe price or pork has advanced one

dollar a barrel, and lard osx-hslfs eont a pound, sloes tbe receipt of the Informa- tion thai Frsaos bad repealed tha law,

prohibiting tha Importation of American


•The Armlagton A Sims Co., Prov-

idence, srs asking tha second engine for

0,ilnoeb*ug Co., Dsnlelsosvllls, Conn. Tbs first engine Is showing ex- cellent results, glvlsg Indicated borne

power with t 98-100 lbs. of cosl per hour.

■The Lawrence Eleclrlc light company

will put a lamp In Ordway'a drag store,

corner or Easex snd franklin attests, snd two more si Bickoell Bros'. This com- pany propose* soon to complete arrange-

lents ibst all tba outside isospa msy ba

kspt lighted until midnight.

Os Friday, Mrs. J, C. Stuart, whl Is

passing along Jackaon street, wss struck

a severs blow over the right ays, by s boekybloek, "with which some boys were

playing. Tbe Injury waa so serlou* tbat

Drs. Howard snd Frsnea wars csltsd to attend the lady, and found a clean cat

wonnd to 'tha boos.

■A nnuber or pensioners bSVS receiv- ed blanks from a claim agent St Wash-

ington, lately, to flu oat for an Increase

of pension, and some ibougM tney Wars sent by tbs department, which Is not lbs

case. They would do well to pay no at-

tention io thsclrcslsr irthsy would ssve

themselves money, and tbs department

great snnoysnos.

— About 400 feat Of tbe Bplcket sewer H sow completed, snd the street depsrt-

ieat h engaged Is putting tn the Oardea strest abutment. Bat tittle more excava-

tion will be made tbts yesr In Allen strest and th* work oa She new channel will he commenced st th* Short ai reel band, ss

soon ss tbe orders now pending lo tho

city council sre adopted.

-The comet now In tbe heavens reach ea lu perlhe lion or seareat point lo tbe

sou oa tbe 38th of Januesy, being then about seventy million ml lea distant from

ibe great central orb. Il will be locreaa-

Inn la brightness until that time, and will thareiore be In Its beat estate daring tbs

holidays. It la not likely tbat it will be of greatslis, or that li will unfurl a tail

of sstosodlng propoitlons.

'On Wednesdsy, at e o'clock, Charles

l"U/nn was released from lbs house of owrsectlon, alter serving s six months

eeakaBOO for third osTsOCS drunkenness. At 4 o'clock the sssaa aftersoou, he ec- tsaed ihe greenhouse ot his fsther, at lbs la war end of Essex street, and there ss-

nasitedfcbl* brother, who foibsde blu removing flowers from tha premises. In

the police coun ba was sentenced 910 snd cast a or six months.

Arrest of a Baeaac Tiilef-

An opinion waa received, Saturday,

from the Justices of lbs Supienu Conn oa tbe questions submitted by ibe gover- nor and council In regard to the recount

of votes cast for sheriff In Essex county,

where Msjor Lather Day contested tbs election or H. (.1. Ilerrlck. The flrstqaea

lion, which was In substance whether tbs

governor and council bare tbe power to examinu aud recount tbe voles cast for

abeilB In cities and towns, the court an swer Iu the negative. Tha other two

qnesllous the court answer In the afnrma-

tlve lo tha effect that lbs "ntsiemssl wrlllug" requesting s recount In certain

clllef was a proper statement snd that

boards' of aldermen bad authority mint Ihe votea In accordance with Ibe

lui'gt. The petition ot Sisjor Dsy for ecuunt by the governor sod council

waa i :■ ■> il on the clslm ibst the result or rltctlon should be based spon tbe

d.clsrsd lo open ward sal town


The Official Itetnra. Tbe tMin in in re of the executive council,

lo whom had been referred the returns of a for slate and other ontcera, present- hclr report on Baiurdsv, which was

acrepttd Tbe number of votes oaat for George D. ltoblniiou for governor waa

169,1.0^ ugaluBl 150,228 tor BeuJ. P. Bai- Mi. Kobiueon's plurality la 8,864.

it -Qov. Ames'e piursiiy was 18,700

and that uf .he other atate officers was

i*. :' "in. Henry F. Hurlburt, of Lynn, m found to be elected district al-

ley NT ibe eaatern district by 22,442:

oa-. li' 1"", cssl for Henry p. Mootton

of 'i in HI. Fur sheriff to F *ei county atlo O. llertick, of Lawreace, has

a* 493 votes and Lutber Dtf, ot Haver

bill, '^2 444. The report makes no change lb., parties elected ss previously an-

uncrd. Mr. Henry P. Moulton, republican sjaa>

dsie for dln-trlct stlorney lo Kaaex

comity, served papers Saturday on tbe town clerk* of Sangus, Bwampacott and

Nanaut. giving noilcs that Ls proposed

to contest tie election.

Recently several articles or wearing sp-

fjsrel hss been stolen from tbs bosrdlng bouae, No. 1, Duck corporation, bnt not

autll Tuesday evejlng wss tbs thief dc sected. It appears that a boarder st tbs

boose, named Jssses L Bibcock, lefts atw ovsreost on s bslnnur In lbs sntry,

wulle ba went Up Stairs. When hi re-

turned f »r It, tha garment wss mlaalng, Bud be at ones notified the boarding mis-

kiees. Search wss B»d«, whan II was lstrnsd that a man named Taomaa Raven

entered tbs house after tbe cost waa

placed In tha entry, and going to bis

room, tha boarding mistress sccuiad him of the theft. He denied the Imputation,

bat the missing garment wss found In bis eloeal. He was arrested, sod In

court denied all Knowledge of tha cos%

snd could sot account for lu presence In his room. Tbe conn huwevsr, consid-

ered him guilty, sod in default of 910 snd eoaU, he waa taken to tbe n>n»u of cor-

rection for 8 months.

|i< asroaos Ar» Fot Ovsrwo*'"

Dr. CbarlM T V i

Couldn't Afford It. Mad* Boaaat by Bvauaeee Principles a

Drug-gist tells tbe Sqware Truth.

"Now, wy Ii lead, let's be perfeetlv frank ear! andid about this III tie mstlsr," Ike drugtflB'

said, plselag both elbows ea bis patted shew ease, and looking bis ruttomar fairly in tba are.

Ten have a lama baek and want a plaster to pot oa II. Ton don't know me, anil Juilf .n« ot bum an sal art aa It runs tn baalneas, vou art arraW III h«n>bng tea la some we/. Tea may think it aa odd aUtesaeat. but I east afibrd •beat van. Rvea tl I did lha-eel ibesaeana."

'Thai's earioas. (Ofe, sty baek; 111 take a aaalr, 1 geees.) nnat yoa keep pUaterar"

"Oh. yea, one er two klmla. Oaee I bad sbelvaa lull ot them every »ort that were ever iBTaeteS to gull th* Igaoiant aa-t wake nonet tor inlislors, Bal I tUtse *sm eut eae by owe aadaew sell

BIN so*'* circiai roaors n.-tms* prtaelpalty. Tbey always give satlslaeUon and ■ las sad It pava aas to ssl) Ussm tn preiat o all other a." •"Htvent von Alleoifaf" -Tea, bat say on at oen srs'a ad myself prefer

Benson's Cspriie-alurb sre qnlea sathnu eity, aam as govarameel bonds sad sare ss UM aw of gravBaUen. Tba Sactera erdertaem,

and what ts aim la the rout. I have never beard a complaint frees am one who baa need

1. Too nan go alaewhere— If vour bick will vea eat In tn* opnratloa—an-1 get aaotber

sad a obeaper plaitsr, bet—* "Deal talk te me Sheet the money," brake la

Ike eosaforteeealnv atranaei, with some heal, 'Waat'a Ma or SOteaeeals to gettlag rid of this eeafeaadad—ob, Lord r!—lb la pain and lame. aeaa? Let me nave eae ef Beeeea's CanelBe,

Tbsta tba real srtlole, la It, wilh lbs word CAP- CINE eat In the body of the plaster.

Teat bs around In a week, straight sad

agtasa l* oa»h drawer.


[Rheumatism HH£U¥AT/Sy III THE BACK

Cured by

ptimr ot nss pun mum. RHEUMATISM in THE IKES

Cundbf nun T DAVIS S PAN HUEH.





HHEUMA TIC SUFFERERS, be, el me/ Druggie!

Ptrry Davis'* Pain Killer



PH SPICE8. Highly Concentrated Strength. Very eriirioiiil.'Hl. Commended by leading ladles or this rlty. Alt Grocers. " sure you get "WOOD'S" with ah trade mark on every package mid bottle.


SMITH tL WHEELBR, Lawrence, Haaa.



SARSAPARILLA Combined with Iadlde ot rotas

Blum and Uva Drat,

And otaer ef the beat bteed-anrifyuig tagres -au An the euro el Sorofula. Salt Bhsasi, Dys tepala. Bolls, I'lnmlea, aad Bnmer la the foes SvpblllUe ABeeties* and Skin Dassasss; slass •are eere Mr Baeuwallsa aad all Bneumaae Cowplalata, and all dlsaaass arising from ae Impure state or low eondBJea of lbs Wood. It atreagtbeua aad builds up ibe ayaless, ane a, tee same tune eradlealea dtseaea. Tar Ike eat* of Eldasy aad Liver Cowplalnts B has as snsai

A Ulstreaaln? Caae of Dyspepsia

and IU Our*.

and aoeualsuaeii was know aad esteem he*. It *aaak*UMaaaUa>*aw si bis heart, aad he revarked when kasduurn tp tba proprietor ef Stevens* SaraaparIlia, that if tbe medlolae bad net eared klai bs would have told him so lust as frank 'r :

•"Yl^*** aeateeiy an T this*; even bread and aallk dlstraseed me. I was aehiom Irearoraay lengUtot time I row wind la tb* aloweeb. Mv rest was broken, and I lest flesh sad anlrlla. 1 doctored all the tlste. apendlag net lees than **» ior ssedlelae aloae, lo say aothlag of the eo*. of advice; I began to taka JourTsrsapa- . Ilia ten week* age, aad aiier Ukiag thrse bet Lie* quit, for I was etired. That waa a stoatb ago. aad now I leal aaalroegaad mgpadaal did flAeen years ago: 'aa eat aaytfiag aad BeTsrantsrlrOfswIml, Nothing Ibal I -

flftsen rears a __ ir anger DSBSW__ would be too stroeg la praise of the Saraapa- riika; I wta Induced to take It t- "- whose moJer waa oared SyR« rills; Iwit induced lo take it by air. Sargaal ■hose moj er we* oared by U at SmtBk el ea years a'aedt p. lam now lootiM beil

IHATTTJCK, Mrsaani BtBimg,

A Great specific for JtlieiimaUsm „ . Lowell, Oat. It, 1SSS, Ifr. Stevens:—1 wish lo ripresa sty U* bug ad

arat.mde lor He good jour Baraaaarilla has done sae. I have l«an a great aeflsrtr ires* aheasMUam foranuwbei tl yeara which reals* mv whole body, k ye- age ihia (all I (oak three oi tbe meelelne and waa eared. Su.os then 1 have neen nenscUy able 10 'ork. While before I oould ararcciv move. I am BOW ankiyma goad health, a re.utl lam happy lo credit le the use efbteven's Harsapsrllla.

VaUTA .'BILLI PS, SS Appletoa St,

Humor tn the Stomstcb aud itch liif Piles fJured.

LOWBLL, April *, ism, aas: For s long time 1 bsve sanataS

- 'he atoaiaiili, prwdnolag dvapet-

welghllrom IM puuniis had gone does lo lei oty wiTe pnx-urui a bouts ot Sleveas' Ian. aparllla, whl. b 1 wa* peranaded to take. U Belnad me woederiuliy, oarrvma eg *i| the buaiora tros* the auiuiaoh, luprovlaa lbs oaar aoter ol the blood, helping SM appetite, aafl bj fad perturn,iug tor iiic |Ukt ibe •ervioel saaued s BsSenSaM lor. Vt tins auSeilng trom buaer Meaiagaa*#aataed 'otsemiaery aaeead t>, thai daa.^* baaarsapariila cared tsatiroutu aaoSeoioaiit . Ibe other. I have taken salt one boUlu, but will take anuihir la oliaob UM victory ovor Hiaoase.

A. K., 'J other, Tl Oenlrsl Strest,

> I'l lepaal twelve moiitas ailiifcd loth, i j»,ip-

MOTHERS MT. jonr 0EILUEEN Oneol tbegreatsst. soargaeof our ebaagable

*^r CH0.ERA INFUNTUM. An uannmbered ■ id tude or little awes are

yearly aaerlBeae o, bla drnad dlsesae, mot of whoaioeuiddouotes neaaved by a i roper diet, lo thi. ead aa aaslva ytba-etelaa bas devoted lb* past ten rear* la perfeotlan


lag ageeear or tt I atese* S ■-•>* • r 1H.....I of

an article ol autl-n«nt thai ia alike valuable for the aaealww sgetaer or the oail«,aad an

.ted a ■

ttvee, esreel per *era will a ■«• IsaaaeAiat* rails** and added atrawgib f rasa lu ■*•■


OBO. C. OOUDWIB A CO. Wholeeale Dealers. Boston. Maaa.

ttyjylr o

The government Chrmtat Analj/ea Two of t he Lending Baking Powders, aad What He I<1ndB Them Made of

I bsvs examined samples of "Cleveland's Superior Baking Powder," manniaclured at Albany, N. Y., and "Royal Dating I'owder," both purcuaaad by nyietr Is thl* city, sod 1 And they eoauin I ClaTalaad'e Baparler Baklag Powder.

Creaax ol 1 attar BicarboaaU of fijda Tlour

Available c.trboole acid gas 13.S1 per cent., eooivaleni to 118.3 cuble racist,of sag per oi. of Powder.

■Royal Baklac Powder. Cream ot Tartar BicarboBBie or Soda Carbonate or Ammonia Tarurlc Add B i arch

AvsilabU carbonic add gas 12,40 per cent., equivsleat lo 116 J cable Incaei of gai per oa. ol Powder.

Ammonia gas 0.48 par oaat., eqalvaleat to 10 4 cubl: inches per o». of Powder.

Note.—Tba Tartarle Add waa doabttees In- trodueed as tree add, but aubseqneatly com- bined with ammonia, and cxiata la the Powder a* a Tartrato or Ammoota.

R.O. I).

Maw Toaa, Jan'v 17ib, 1881. Tbe above ibowa conclusively tbat "Clave.

hni'i Superior Is aslrlctly pars Cream ol Tar- tar Baking Powder. It haa alae beea analysed bv Ptofeasur Jobcsoa of Tale College; Dr. Oeoth ot Ihe Ualverettr of Pcnnsyivaak; Pre*, rasut Morton ol tb* fUsveas loiiirltue;. Wm, M. HarbUaaw, F. C. S , Analyst for Ike Casaa

^ _ i Trad* of.New Turk, and other esmnsi ' lHJln I Lhow it", *Ilcf wtomptonouaced^tabaoluiaiy

Isrssd | tu« and hsaJtHfaJ,

Vital Questions t t

Ask tha moti entlaeot pbyalelaa Of any scbool, what I* tb* be*t thing lu the

w.whl lor quieting and allaying all IrrltatloB ol the nervsa aud curing all lorm* of aervooa com- plaints, giving natural, oblldllka rofreshlBg aleap alwsyi?

And they will tell yoa unhesitatingly •"" jme form of Hopi I"

nirm i.

A*b say or atl el tbe moat eminent pbyalelaas i "What i* the beat and only remedy that oaa be

relied oa to enre all disease* of Ibe kldaavs and urinary organs; auch as Brlgbl's diaease, dia- betes, retcuUen or laabllHy lo relate urine, and a>l tbe diseases aad alltaaat* peeullar to Worn-

«Aad tbey will tell you explicitly SjgdJ emp'ist- loally • ■ Biieliu"

Aak the same pbyalclan* "What 11 Ibe moat reliable end anreet core tor

all Uver disease* or dy*p«l>*l*; oona uatios. In. dlgeaUon. bilionsnesa, imUrmi fortr.sgue, Ac," sad they will tell yea:

Mandrake 1 or Dsndeltonn Henoe, when these rrmidiea arecoanhlnedwlth

other* equally valuable And compounded Into Hop Buter*, sastrS wen

derful and myalenou* oorrlive power I* devil l which la ao varied In Ita operat.ooa lb it no

diseasa or 111 health van potiibly exlat ot real.t Its power, and vet Ilia

llarmlea* f,.r the moot trail women, weakeal ivslld or amahest child lo eae.

i ii in r n II.

'A Ira oat dead or nearly dving" Per yeara, snd given >ip by phratelana of

Bright'* and other kidney disesaea, livtr ci)«- ita, aevere cougha csled eon.umptiun, hava cured.

BBSS sons nearly erssyl atasgoey olaeuralsta, nervoo*neaa, wabe-

minesa anil varlou* diieaae* peculiar to women, people dr-wn oui of ibape rroot eserndaiing

pan>* of Kbeumall.m. Inflaraautory aod ubrenle, or angering from glBISHI

Cured of DyBpepeUl of 10 Yeatt MUu.iling.

Here I* aaotber oaao ut maraed Iniereat, Is wbtcn ihunaaiida ol .ugerora will *ee reOvcteS ibslr own aitualiueiB, and a suageatJua of Uu) piope/ course M pursue.

LOWBLL, AprilSJ, late. MB. 6TBVBNH:y0rUltp>*Uuye«al tave

sot been Ires from in tar wurat Una. 1 bare hau tooaerolM Ibe muct eatt aa to what t ale. as Iba ■ligbteallBUIaereliea fa tor uiatur oi IUIHJ vanauir le bs loiiuwed | dreaiilui ualns IHI"'— Liilni-y iruublaa bn. ... •it eimuuitv, aad li.a bad lo, and pain* nave waUikllv tacraesed. 1 baaSn luUSe Uieveaa'aarapardla. snd tbe scUoa SI tbe mediiiBB ka* Irowt n,« iron. il)..e|.-s, cured UM kldnev uomplsmt. and lei t el* a* aciiva alrong and vigorouaand with a* |uod aa alps tita as 1 bad before tbe atomacS <ii&uuidi*t began,

. MBS, R. W. 6AROERT, U Plnb SUeak

Scrofulous. Humor Driven front the Blood.

Tbe yonag lady seadlag the following test wvj giaieiul for tbe leliefeaperfeneed Iram tha n*ee*inwBareepanlIs.- *

Lowell, April Ml ISM MB. BTBTBRS: Alter taking ST a kottaseaf

Stsvnea' rtaraapanlla I am able lo proaoeiea myaell free trom arrofuloua humor which has been in mf blood ior setetsl yeara, || ahoatg llaelf meal plainly uuon my aboeldera, Lbuttwe moalbs'laimruluee of vour reatedy haa done ma all the good to us world.

11 ATT IB MOBTOB, C otreeK near Shaw Header

.White Canker Cured. MR. 8TETEB.: . have e'aZree'tt^.-'Urt.

aiilacBecU of wbit* canker la tbe moots fir ■uverai yrara. The canker al time* ceatpieteiv ailed my moulb, and mane at eitrea.ely miser- able. In February 1 he(an to las* your Sais- aparllla, and the canker In a abort time ea'lrely diaat'peared. I hSB BOI knows a like 'reedom fruw It ior a long time. My buaaaad has taken tbe HarHaparil La for blllioua lever aK(j ihausiB lum.wili. eruutiy *ati*lscuiry result*.


An Old I duly Cored of UkeamsUl Neuralg-U*.

LOWBXL, May U, ISBL Mr. Sieves*: Btesmatla neuralgia has Big

poosoaalon el my right arm ior Uiu past Iwe yeara, aad It wsa lutHiaailits for ■• u> waab, •ew, er do any oi the ordinary work about the bouae, fa toe middle el March I begaa te aae your Haraapsi-illa, aud aimual nalantly lell bet u-r. My daugblei, Mra.J. C.Seaver, notices a nbange with almost the Bret doae. The am boitle drove lae rseumailaw away, and the ssssag mads cure comdiute. 1 oaa now do tbe beavteal work In waahirg and boning, one use my arm aa weUasever.

fltlatlJ.I,A I.AKIN, « Uowoxd'* Oourt

A YOIIIIR- Glrl'B Kyenlg-ht l>©. stroyed by (sorofula, ttesto d Slereaa' Saraaparllht la not recocn i ended as a

r till i I l.uloi


Have been curml bv Hap Hitter*, proof of whl<di Le fuuod In cvary oelgbborliouil in Uie

reatored evviiabi lo a girl wm u..ktn« io *ee, Ber eyea being eompielely clewed i>v ■maaaasas sens:

Mr. siBvau*: M* daaghter Oracle, 14 years »lu, ha* irwa> birth been UouUed wilh s eoro- fui..u. aBet-Liuu winch .eeuied lo center in her eves. Tr. «e bav* aiaay. bat a weak aad *ere, snd with! i alow uiiiullia bav* oauaed ber greet dunoyaeoe Altw w«ek» ainoe we wate oblige HI take tier i'>aiM!hool, they beeaa* aoi uOaioti!, • I'd in a aim time .he wa* lutallv unable U> net, ■■■> in... n s* . i 11 ah* waa blind. Wawsreia a-reat diatruti ss plivslciaa* and U.C'HIMI ae. rood uiiauh „ eflcnl a cure. We lied tried Hoo<j'*o*raap*. .||* hut it istled. riually aa were in.luoe.1 lo try ttteveos' oaraspartlis. The "in iKtuie. ■ wundrriul eiieuge. Ike eye* <>il*gr*<liially re-openml, lb* aoreneaa pasaee ^sy.Ute doaire to rub the eye* dim) ,

an.l bv itie lime lb* Sr*l bottle waa eshauaUx', isehwreyi*

we f. w ii ii..ui |,.i ii We i,.1:1:1,1,, ,i iD« n tua UVBI-UI .tedily 1'insri.eed, ui look lor ward willi cooBdenov MSB By hu*band sad my a* Ii lutve bsea iruuimd wiibdv*|>ea>atSBuda low BeSMSwIsaMUWMsae ai.ii by taamg ui tbe mctiicma bav* gained aiiengtb and lost Indiana I u>». We at* all u-u>v giaieiul lor wlial 11 na. ojOkS in our Limit, <ti rl ■ iiiiagly add oar Usaiimoav to urn alrseoy *.*• n you.

MBS. L1NCOI.B M. riBLOS, as Howard Muaal, Lowell Mas

R. RIEDBOO., i..i <i' !■■- ia

WOOD, COAL lIMt add CEMEN1 So. B74 eiaci Strict, Lawrence

aurxajflto. j'*. NHDHAM,

ri.r.ati, MT

A. C. STEVENS. IX1WBLL, MAeta., U. 8. A

rates SI a BOTTL*, atx noTTUaS,'* .|

Lawrence American. T.AWREWCE. MASS.

yuiDlT HORNING, LEC. 7, IftU.

Weekly News Brevities.

GOTCRMOB FuSTS*', oi OlllO, iRT»

Ben. Butler is" arimer-rou* man"tad

Hen. Butler uyi to Governor Fouler,

" you're another."


Cholera prevails at the pert of foocbow, Cbioa.

Cardinal McCaho, of nub.ln. In a pi<- Uira) ietlar, dauouoca secret societies.

A Pn.test ant roii-l-n- service was brokeo op by a nob at Weiiord, Irelsnd. on nunday.

Khar K-T<] la preaching a bolT war a«aiu«t Russia, and ioiends to msrjli agalnat AsftBbad.

Mr. Jobn A. W«!*li oSVra to testify fur th* guvernrnenl to the star route rases, u T certato condltlona oi protection.

An taTirt la being road* by ibe Nst Ions' Cable Uallroad Company of Si" Fianrls'- •o to Introduce luajreiem Into *Siw fork.

A retrial In |i • caaa of Joseph 1'oolr, Conelcied of tbe nmul.-r of K>nny, In loibliu, ou July i, lee's, baa been re- faaad.

The appropriation to be called for n tbe priaeitt anralun of Congress, will li< con-idrrabl* |tn iban waa Raked for ID

the Ust.

Tbe Galon steamship Alaska, testerday ran down a i i boat oateide New Toil berbor, *i»ki,,«- bar, wiib a craw of elithl or twelve persons.

The Si. John's river atettner Frederick It- lUry was damaged to tbe eatent >■' •W.OOO. at ber wharf In Jacksontl le. Florida, ysaterday.

Tbe adlntant-general of tne army baa received odlclal Information of the render, at the camp on Poplar river five lodgea nl Billing Boll'a forcea t the British Provinces, cambering la ill IB persooe.


It la reported that Tennyson, the Rn gllab prat, will probably be railed to tbe peerage.

Renaier Anthony sllll continues to <m prove, ind wee able to all op fi,r »otue time yeeierday.

Fere Hyaclnthe held a reception In New Turk, yesterday, and waa vUlted by a large number of pniaona.

Tbe Anatrlen Itelchtag "onvened yes- terday. The hadget for 18»4 ibuwi ■ ■tBclt of s.uOO.uOO florins.

An effort la to be made to obtain arum- roataUoD of tbe death sentence of OT>on- iir: i, ihe Borderer of Carey, the Irish tu- tor me r.

Tbe lemUceutennlal innlveraary of the orKBcliailon of the American Anll-ali v ery Soclaiy was celebrated In Pbllsdel phla, yn'fiumy,

A belief prevails at Madrid tbst ■ change In the Spanish ministry la Irnml neni. «nd that Benor rJagaata will sooi return to power,

Ei-Ouveroor Rprsgne made aqnlet >m- render of tbe Quidmck mill-, at Provi dence, R. I., yesterday, to C. D. Fame- Worth, ibe custodian of tbe eatale.

Bcoslor Frye, of Maine, |e devising : ■tw plan fur congressional represnoia Hog, wbicb be v/lil enbmll at the roeettnit or ihe republican national comwltu But week.

Mr. MorrtROO, of Illinois. H to be rim I mn> or ibe bouse wsys and mean* con mi' •'-, aud Misars, lUndall el 'he appr* pilillon«aud CJI of tbe foreign i.n .; CominlUeee, reepecllvely.

Mr. Irving made hie Drat appearance In Hi- , n >.i ■ lloiiiiii" in ihln ooiuiry t-ie (Jneaiuui eiruet Opera Ho-ite, Phlla- d>- [ tiia, laet ulgbt. Ills performance l> it netHl aa " lolereatlug tban Iro presalve.'*

'i,. i-in-iicar advices state that Un French bav« bombarded Moharnrm get IVoerlf, <>o tbe nortoeaal C'last, and tw< Fieucli Frigates bave gone to bum ban Furl Uaupbla and other places on ih< aouib coast.

At a meeting of the New fork rnilff A i tiim, ym'.■i.i.iv. ibe scheme u regelate the rale of cotaas lssl ens paid t« Bn-liienrauce broken, aud 10 pre*i-r.i tin- payment by bmkeia of rebate to Uu, waa rejected.

In tbe Massachusetts monlclps! elnr li'ius, y.-it'iiiny. Ttoubllcan mayuta were elected In Fall River, H|irlngneld, Ul»u caller aud Brocklou ; ss Independent war Chilean In Tauotoo; democraia In II ilj- )ule aud Lawrence; a citlsena* esniinlaii m Fitthouig; aud a people's caudidalt In llaveioill.

Thuraxlay. Tbe Cuniiaylranla leglalatarn will ad-

journ sine iii.' H.-.Uy.

The ii- w Haiubaig ateamKhip Moravia, arrived at Now VU>X yeai«rdiy.

Navigation ehMad belwaen HbfdllC Mini' .- I, Iwaid liland y .ii-i.i.,.

Tbe Baauio cil'la bsve om ..| to retranaler Bnsuloland to tbe English gov- erunieul.

It la estimated that tbe Internal ruve- iiin-1 oil--c i HI* i>M ine year will autumn to BboUillSU.OUU.OUO.

• A reauluiiou was Introdaced in the Vir gltilB ei'iiali-.yi-aU-i.Uy Cslllugupou IJu.l. il Blates buualur Mabuue lo resign.

It l« rrporud uiai King Cetawayo *i il be rvatoreu to pow«r over bis tube- and land 4 uuder in« protecilja of BfltUg troi'pr.

lue efloria of tbe peualua agents In Wit-i.nui."n to aecura the removal n1

CuuirniaBionet Dudley wi.l prove un- availing.

Thu amount of spproprlatlons reu-Hred fur ail the oipeuiea of tii- govei e.nuni for ihe t1>iai year vndlug June, U.1,1, H |i(l8,lW 9u,'i.

Much anxiety Is felt In New fork for theaieamxblp I'.auiiu thai sailed Iron ibaipuiiNov It for Auiwvrp, aud baa not i» - n beard IIOIII.

Congressman tieo. Boblnaou was pr.a- eiu wiib a ceriiftcate of lila eluciiou as govtruor of tbla Btste at bis room iu Waihingtuu vueierday.

Thu seventh annual meeting of the American Humane Aaaociailou Oegan In WunliiDgtoii.ilelegaies belug prt-saui from all pane ul n.i- i "in.'.iy.

A epeclal rommltlee of the N-'W V irli Coiiiuiou council last night repotted In la- for ol compelling tlie eleclnv llgbl now paulea lo p.ace luetr wlree uuourground.

At a special lerm of the aepreme couri. held al Uarunlable, yesterday.^ Cbaa. A Frueiuab waa declared "not guluy, b) rgiaoguf Insanity** of tbe murdur ol bla dkugiiur i'. in n.

Tbe exceptlODS taken by Uui nil un Waidwell lo tbe verdlci aganitt blui lot cilmiual libel upoo Sbroff A. B. It ■■. ...rn bate been ovei-ruied by ibe r-u I i- i. ul i tin stale, aud aeuicuci will be fit M-. ,| ueit monlb.

Ail. AnMiaaa H*Ki)iuMa Fa

AF nre, < i -i km will make any ti ■ami • lit ill ug *>l • mi nn. ■■ - tne i.,..u i wn. <u ecliy wl,.... |CIM,II. All IM -Ii Iiear Wbau UuiduiK 11 uiM UiiKr '.In,

talitj ara s *ig«ia UiS reiuedy ol lu.

aj _ Mn i RawfgBl SaLva, at

thai »■!<<■ uiuin.enl u r iMioa, I IS i >■■

Coa i II noi nlired I rota practice, hav hand* liy an Baal Lnitt

ua ol a rnmiiie vegeubi

Anol.l p^e»lclB HID tind pl*itil in i m (.i.riary n,a ler rnu«nv tur ide *|it t\.n.iinij>lion, bioiiiimia, ("alarm, Aatlin aii limn; .i, i i.uiiH Atli'iiiotia, aleu a poaitivi and radvaal care lor Nervous t».l.iluy and at Neir.iu* lAanplslBta, alter Laviita. ta>led li wt.ii-l. inn ruraliva oowurl in iLuusamiii e i ■■.. •. i.n" !.■.( n in.. ,i,in io make n known n i.i' -i.iii'1 ma lelliia*. ,\' in IU-.I nv II.M n nilv, »i>'i a .l-n. lo relieve IIUIIIBD -i,it im'.... [ n I aeoJ tree ol cliarge, io all wbo deolre II, IUI recipe, in Uacnaa, hrrni-li or KHRIIIII! with ■ direct Mm* lor preparing sml snag- ttn. lu.ii; iv miiiK -.ii u wiib aiam|>. t mi n ibo )'»|..-r, W. A No>.», ll'JI'oa,. T. tll..i N.Itin I. euer N. Y. «lyao«ap«*«

Thegr'pof pnaamonia war be warded ofl Will) II a II HUBSJ <ll ll.'i r in.1 I sc,

l'ikv'i !■ i ' ■■.- 11. ■■!'' ■ ■■■!■■■ i ■ one minute

rtirnciatu attatt: "('olden'o l.'qul<t llcei Ti-OW II partl<ulai iy naeiul in mpniini ia, It vei and evary ■■■ i " < Jn-or." lllweod a>

LSTMSHBUW Yin what a laving I baVemade during (lie la-t T>m t>T 'irtneniy ,,wn no-iur tear I p,l| uu |M «-.i |..r il<« i-ii> and their maunlue, mia Jem I (. .,.i rat W "U (or III U-.Hie. ul tlul, I i< tar*, and i bey bars kept nm n m my whoii i -.11:1 i They are ibe bwsi anil purcii madlelBe ■ver made.—cbarlci Klug, 60 Temple meat, buiiun.Maat. daiwcod

11 it kanouncwd in 4 St. Paul news-

|M|.<T that '■ eggs ara a Iriflti easier,'

wliicli ia very «nconmgiDi;, fur some-

1 im.;s Uiej are auhiect to iianl boila.

TIIHIK l«enu to 1MS a difTerence of

opinion between a Boston, g Barn'

stable and o Martha's Vineyard news

paper, in relation to what constitutes

"a aand hole OQ the Cape." Tbe

Ii. ■ '-.II i',i ■• undertook to tie ; "'icul

in a gritty sort ot way, and flounder-

ing around in a sentimental pud le,

(alkcd iilinui *' Fair (iosnold, lovelist

ggnd hole on the C«pc," which had

i'fi'ii Ii'- rd TroiD. Now there is

lug that makt-H a genuine Cape ("od-

der ao downright ADgrj as the geogra

phtcal inaccuracy of the majority of

MasHucbueetta people, who ought lo

know where (not- Cod begins and

ends, and when these baibatiann dou'l

even know correctly the quahty of tbe

makeup or the section they try to be

familiar with, there ia no Kngliah con-

temptuouu enough to express their dii-

ijust. The nearer they nre 10 the spot

ihe more disgusted they Are, so that

there are degreea ol indignation which

correspond to the degrees of latitude

and loogtitudu >n their respective sec-

tions. In relution to Gosnold, which

in doubtless an undiscovered county to

most or our renders, we would briefly

quote from two highly respectable

journ-ila tbwlf respective views, and

from this distance it would seem as il

ototic thrown Irom each newapaper

lice might hit old (iosnold plump in

the eye. The llarnstablu l'atrtot l\

bors under the delusion, and Harn.

stahlo is surely ou Cupe Cod, that

" (Iosnold is composed of the six

lands of Naushon, I'asque, 1'eotkese,

Nasliuwiria, Ciittyhunk, and Nonames'

set, which consume the Elizabeth is-

Innds, aud stretch in a long line be-

tween the waters of Buzzard's liny- and

Vineyard Sound. They have not even

a post cilice of their own, but send and

receivemail at Woods' lb.II. Kalmouth

between which and Cull1)hunk light,

at the end ol' the line of islands, there

are flve wide st rails of water." To the

COO fated comprehension of Essex

county there is not so tcuch as there

might be to catch on to in attaching

one town lo another as in the rase ol

" Woods Moll, Kalmouth," because we

had rlwayn supposed lint Woods Moll

wd ■ one jumping olf place and l*'a!

mouth was another, bm <.l course it i

all right. The Collage City Star

doesn't lb ink HO however, and crl'.ieizes

iu peninsular friend iu a very

munner. " Not quite correct yet

brothers." it says :—** Cocuold is made

up uf ihe island! of Cuttjhuiik, I'eni

lieso, Nu.sliuwiun, I'asqne-inesc, Naus-

hon, Nounnies'set, l.'ucutena and W'v-

|K-ckcla. It has n pout offlos at Cutty

bunk, yet it i* g strange town ; it hai

not a mile of public fond ; a black smith

luoenuker or tailor, nor scarcely any

of the score of trades ibit are neces-

siuy iu every community—still it satli

lies Air, John Al. l-'orl'<-s, who owns

the most of it." Tbe only really clear

poinl lo tins is the position of Jobu M

Forbes. Everyliody knows how ha ia


Ailuurnl Santo, the new Ilalian

M uisier of 53 and aou ol a

neral, lie is reputed a very alile

officer. In the battle of Lltit, 18GC. he sank with his ship, the Italia, but

raising caught a spar. Ho was six

hours in the waler.

The London Tiines'sobituary noiico

of ttargetot Simou, M. P., was lol

L-d by the announcement in th

evening iinpers thai the eminent Uu

w lawyer was belter. This is the

sort of thing the once "lending

urnal" doee nowadays.

Queen Victoria la passionately fond

ol baked applet. The walnut is anoth

er favorite of hers. She has a dish ol

those nuts constantly prepared, wiib

ehella removed and every bit of

brown skin taken ofl, leaving the' nut

ilte and whole.

A well known Vienna actress, Ma

thllde Singer, has hit on a brilliant

idea, which even the versatile Sarah

licrnluirdt bus not yet tried. She has

Dpenetl an oyster bar, over which she

presides herself, and to which the

Austrian mashers Bock in crowds lo

oiisuine her delicacies, and leave

their ducats in exchange.

Among the recreations of school

luldreii iu days of yore, when curls

vciv more in vogue than tHev are nt

•resent, was that of throwing chewing

;iim and burrs at the bead of the un

loi lunate owner of the curls, when

tliey would stick closer ihau a brother,

and could only bo removed by pulling

<>nt large quantities of hair with the

I'uis practice, like the spit-ball era,

seems now lo lu«ve become obsolete

A teacher iu lown, who was giving a

isic lesson to his pupils, ami who

d bard work to get a full tone from

the boys of Ins class, made use of the

ollnwing nmbfgfoue expression,

H'oine, boys, open vour mouths and

el's have something,"

Many primary echool children have

not the slightest idea of Hie words in

> convert raanliHg, or a singing. In H

chool in town once the song hnd fur

mo line, "Cold wind, fresh wind,"

ml the teacher loond ihe majority ol

the school singing "Cold Gab, Ircah


On NOV. 19 aline branch of lilsc

ilhered in a garden at Sleep

Hill, iu I ho Isle ot Jersey. On the

the same tree were many olhei

branches in full (lower. The apple

noil pear trees were also in blossom,

and ripe strawberries were plucked

which hnd grown iu the open air.

"TIG fact," snvs the Dehats, 'V

mil ..lous iu the lulitude of Nor-


K.legant ami Kfltclrnt.

nih^.,a latieaaad p»ms m 11 I *lik'«, . ..- Uenauu* i-spa a

ONCE MORE! ■ ■ —.

Breen Elected by 480 Plurality. 1 ...

Hart Beaten by One Vote.

Democrats Have Their Mayor. Aldermsnand l2Councilmen.

A Cold Day for the Cltixens' Movement


MATOB. e Tolal

Dell. IN tsa torn Horn, Hi Ml BM MO 3W 401 am

Aggregate, KIT HO uu tui 1*J Ml sat! ALOgBMED.

RSruaucae. i'*«*. MB 4U tW Bli w tat tm

ilHI lei m nn

I.M. v-'. lose en VIA eu-j B47< re.

.Vl'j M 177 4S7 671 tai Km

osMocaartc Thorn paon. m Ml Stt 441 W.1 40* W -"-rrmnlaoa, * tt'fl Ml lioi Ml <na Fowl, 1..1 uu m tm 1«H Mi IT*

llti wt loao »-i *]!> em am llruce. ■'■■■i Sit 040 «M; 4oe . 11. Lenane, -.;» M) 401 2WU

Mcboalaad and Jejea were en Both UokaU.

Bxli, vnm

4MHsjerllr'or Breen [1 or NCI 1,11 UN.

■ erl-'111. !<-■*». DSMOOaUTIO. WARII UWB.

Refai1 Andrews BSS II«nry I,. Burkel, Wm. tt. Haul-, B'.l Jarnea KeaeSB, Asdrtw B. ArUor, fiN Lewis Tower, ami

ratrick Mullen. IT WaBD TWO.

JibnF McQiieeaeT.iet Rieharit Doyle, ii.ii,.-n.s Hire, in at..I. KTaii, Tho*. r. i. ,i„iun. 4CU T. H. Murray,

wan 11 Tliar.B. H*. P. Baaner. 3SD TtJSa. 1. HsfraMSTtW lleceur H. I.IBB, 337 Palrlck P. Bailey, ~" I'-inik i.Mian, MA AaUoay Cerwea,


Chaa. n.LlUleSald, 48i Luke A. Golden, , II. J. Couub, 4JU Wir. y. burabara, Ml Ctuu. Lsualllside, 17s Arobelsa Uolduc, '"'


af- 11. Tnwmend, 076 Joe. E. Watt*, I. U. Abbott,, Jr., Jin John CbceHiam. Ueo. hturiar. «D* Wm. A. HOIKIOB, aes

WABD BIS. JonBtban Autr, 287 Deaels W. llnrplif ,.1T.'>

■iniif.) wink -v, ITS John Camiibeil, Tbonaa at Dean. SU MB J. Nagent,


•I ""pli Anatln, IM> Dan'l T. UrCBrthT, M0 K.T. Builey, IM T. C. MeUeferB, "

WltP mri(. (ieo E. Chlekerln|,4U A. A. Glllnesu, Ciiar.u.Tilbwi.e TeS

* 'l'albot uiiuiinali-il on bolh Uckels. ""Iff

Ward 1 I i bom ;• 1

Ward 1 aehonland,

".'i U«J. for Brewn.


Wards, ] ■ S 4 B S Total IU I'-i 711 477 491 314 11^

Mo, 17* .. ity lot

U *j .1 ny last year, Ward Oflleers.


CtUa. II. Hartwsll. S71 II. P. Danfertii, waau

B. i: I'arker, mi iNsrscTOasor ar.KCTroBs.

Fred LeerBBB, B'V JF. Leonard, 0, II. Hegao,

II -i.'i. AdBQia, !.■■■> was. UoueV ovKHSnaa OF THB POOB. .

Herman lirnrkman, >.ia Orlando Lawrence^li AMI ST A HT Assaasoaa.

Jeremlab W.KtaUin, 5iil Jeaepb Dorso, >7 WARD TWO.


JohnM.FIsailng, 4M UlRhael Blnn, ol WABt> CLBBK.

Jobn U. Dickie, 441 BenJ. r. Cbeener, W

iHsracToasor BLKCTION.

Frank A. Warren, 4'4 tieo T. Chanton, 3* ». J Fiynn, 4M all< h n-l Flynn. M I'-H-Uiaok, 4H-4 Jamea Toeuey, it1


Daniel F. Kelley, *'» sllohaol Uearns, Sit


Edwin Flclcber, 4U Tim.. U.mley.

WAlll. THRU.


A. A. Lamprey, ■Ml A. B- Brewaler,

A- A. Bailer, jr BLBCTIOB.

Abiel Merrlann, John J, '.im-ii.,1,

W. B. fierton, t»J iitsriCioRS

John P. TBomaa. Ml Ar bur 8. Doilge, tot Ja«. ii u*w-ii..', UNI J. F. M. Uarn


Jubn S. Tarkina, HO (loo. E. Uogan, AssrsTARr ASaa«aoa.

Andrew SulllTan, SSI Paul Haaneian, A rouB. WABDUt.

Allrod Lang, 187 Cba*. llorrlaoB, WABD CLBBK.

n»i IT j.oiirn. an IBNI-BOTOBSOP lL>CnOMS.

Jaa. j. aianler, MM 8. Jouberl, '■■■■■ .1. Jm.kina, Bol J II. Beyeianct Wm. F. Blrlwell, 4W7

• M aa un bulb llckela. OTBBSKBa or POOB.

Wm. P. Froal, tin ivter Ifollban, ANSISTAHT AssaaaoH.

Anlnbal.lU. Ir'ai lin.ftlu HolaaeaB. Jualioe. *> WARD P1VK.

(Jeo. Bl.COlkTi .VII HtotaBfe J Shea. 3B

(1. A Stiowell, -vij Oils Freeman, If, iBsrKCTonsor ■ LBCTIO R.

John TI.I.III, IWS lasan Keller, Ueo. c«lli»», 5*1 ■ W. St. Wuluolt, 089

OTBHSBBR or rooa. tarn Warbnrtun, Us Jew, L. Barnes,


Jeaaa Hearen, DM Aiben Ullbert, WARD HI.


twi Jelham Bewail, WABO CLBMK.

fit Jsi-Colllm,


R. M-i .vi.. l.ii..,- MI: EufritieU-grlen, I.n Hartev. --'J Law renve Cauli,

< . 1, M..H.I. X1M II. I I.I.IIMI. ,-n I..-1I. tickets.

nvBusaaa or rooR. PI, . .i'l.ii.i.- i.-i i nil-.ul «m Both llckaui.


Jobn r. I '..un-. tn Patrick O'HolllTBn,

Reuben Bulme,

T S. Ilolmea,

\'-i ...... W* got trim bt

T.. . aritM late Bi'.lr Hickft

waa Bw^UaHtif porirared In tbo Ktgla inla mornlug.

Tbere were 8 scatttrlog; votes for may- or.

Oor morning m*l;V> -r'n tMe^traM »u* re ID some respects opporioue, M-

petlallr ihi last, an ol.l paieal rucdlilue

cut oatd almost dallf m our Bdiirilalus* cniamae for years, iatllcatlnj "rslUog siranasa." 'itteKi^le's editor my lisre

■ •a for the oostrum sdrerilsel before be gels the city prirH'.og.

At vbe last state election Outlnr i--"'

Mil votes; K .l>iu,iiii ■.'■^.•J: Aim* I. Tne

lltal gaberoaloriBl rota, anil dller's plurality 1262.

Tbe cop* ara Mellon;.

They 2en*rally do.

Clerk Bsrseerd settled for He sunpers for tbe ward ortl ':TI.

And so he sboalJ.

He boeght It at the St. Janes.

Io I860, Webster defeated Breea 193


a 1881, Breca defeated McAlplaa Sfift rotes.

o 18B2, Breen defeated Bell by 2:6 Totes.

Tbe total rote In 1882 was 6620.

It WSSD'I a rery cold day, but some Ware left.

City physician Hsgee ssya (hit nest

year It will be 1800-

l.uke A. Goldeo. dofeated la ward fonr

for coDDcllaian by 7 totes, will densod a recount.

Col. Parsons went Into tbe clerk's offlts

to coogralDlaU Mayor Breeo.

Ward six came ID rim. at 6.35.

Tboa. Dean, only 12 behind m wsrd alx, will demand a recount.

Mayor Breen bss .-aid, that this was

his lssl csmpAlgo to Lewreoce.

Hon. Cslrb Siaadera, Qol. c.r.m:.-,

John K. Tsrbox sud othera of tbe fo d fed tbe dt-micratli; pbalaos. with ptOBaJt

pap at the city hill.

Ward 8 returns came In at 8 2G; ward

two a* 8 29.

Cltlztns inurements sre not s sacctai.


It looks is though tbe republicans would be whipped standing next time

Mr. John Hart will petition for a re- count.

Faaeral of MlaaBlrtwell. CLKVKRLV CAUGHT.

MA lilt I \*it: III.I.I.S.

Tbe Ooaa-Walker NupUuls.

At il," resideaue ot Hi,- bride's psreu's,

at 40 Believes street, I'jwer hill. Mli-s

Mary 8. Walker, of tbla city, snd rd

A Ooss, of Chicago, we-e oulted In rotr-

nsge on Wtdnesdsy ireniag. Trie cere-

al ony took place at 5.30. ihe EfiUropsl firm bflng followed by Rer. Wm. Law-

rence, or Grace church. Trie spaeiotta pirlors were filled with frleDd«,tu wltnesH

tie service which made lbet*,sla one.

I'liti pressots Ware i'r»n aul worth- I v bestowed i prumluent hirong them

were: A beanlttul pstr of aoltalrediao] .nd

ssrdrops, s French marble clock, uu'd

lined silver frnit diih, stiver ■ u i reneiT-

i-r, silver j. vv. I case. Street bouquet bold*

era, two set silver Bpuous, gold lined sod csse very elegsnt, silver flower,

Bronze vaaea, brOLze pleuu or staiesty

for clocs. Tbe bride's present from ibe grootn

wsa a superb sultslie diamond wedding

ring, of rery elegant design. After the

ceremony the guests were Invited to tbe banquet ball, where a moat sumptuous

tattle WBS spread. Tl.e company having

dine ample lusilce, took leave of the

young couple at 9 V. M., tbuv Marling In the & 30 train for a bills! lotjr to K*W Y.jik, Philadelphia, Balllioore and Woeh- Ingtoo, returning to Lawrence In aboot

two weeks, Wht-nce i ti-v Will go in Chica- go, win ti- tbey Will inako tin ir home, Mr.

Ooss' bnslness luiereais being located



On Wtdnesiisy fjrmoon, Mr. Uustare

Dijoath, brewer si 8lanl'-y A Cu's, and

Miss Emma Si'biudler, daughter of tbe

p oprletor of bchlodler's houl, were

nailed In matrimony at the latter place, I'l'M'iii'ii.'i v being performed according

II legal form, by A. P. Vorholiz, etq

There was a large gslbeilng of (rlnndfl ot

ibe coutractlug parlies, were the

r<tclpleou of mauy useful aud elegant gifts.

ResolutiotiB ot Condoleuco.

Whereas, (J.;d in 111* all *•■«■ ana mjsltrlous P.ovidencr, b-» scan fit to rrmuvc trurn our mldtt our belovfU teacber. Mm Allos Hlrt- well, wbu has lor manr years io Roily plavc i her part amongil ui as Irlei.d and lusliuctor, aid,

Wbereas, her i-it in tbe ilivtii:,.. of her duties, her kindness lowsrd ber pnpllg, her luv ing duposllion, »r..l her -\<.ai- ■■- charactrr, bive ever won tbe rStpeCt, love and ctleem ot ber pupilf, be Ii luerefure

Itssolved, that wi1, ber pupi's, wbllo bnwlns in liiiini.l.- .uM.Hh-i.iii to tbe will -.I oar U.viau Maker, dtei>lr moiifii uu. irrepuralile lots

' Ketolted, '.ii UIV,' tuidi-r 19 li.i family, in hi- ilinr sail in-r tHVC i, our beart le I 'm-, latby, with tbu bouo tbat tBST mar tee brncalb 'bli gr"at i.Ill .MOII. ibu wiae dcsntts uf s loving rtlbtr.

nesolvtd, tbat a copy ol ibe>e resolnlloei be ■en' in the in i ■ i'.'.I (ii rent*, and a Ian bo print- dtn tbe liltb Bokeol Uulletln and tbe Law-

A lir;i: i.anVr of poplla and frlenda

repaired to the residence of Dr. llcmph- gsf OO Haverblll Street, on Friday laat to

look op..ii tbe face of their irlend* and

icacber. Miss Alice E. wbodlt-d

there on Wednesdsy, the 27ih 'oat. In

tbe room where ibe body Isy In tbe egu>

ket, there were feros, antumn leaves and m'uial ili*'T- tastefully arranged by

Mrs. Stai ley. Miss May ttwett and Mrs.

Ayeeha Akhoit, and a basket of beantl.'ui roses leeied upoo the casket. It Is e*tl-

osated tbat nearly Hires bendred came

durlog tbe day to look up ia the remains, tbe greater part of lb-number lining po-

pl's of tbe High School where the deceas- ed waa tor mauy years a teacber. On

Saturday morning,the body was removed

to tbe family residence at 2IS Broadwsy, where the funeral services loot placs at

2 o'clock on the afternoon or Bsturdsv.

| Tiiey were attended only by the immedi-

ate family and relatives of the decesaed, ibe teachers ol tbe High School, with

whom aba bail been for many years IMO-

ciated, the Superintendent of school, a,ad

a rery few Intimate frienda. The remains

■'j-ich preseated a remarkably natural Seal life-like appearance. Were enclosed lu

a hsndjKiiue cisket covered Witb purple

velvet, which was completely surrounded JJ frftgrast fl .w-r* At the head of the

eesft :t rested a pillow of white carnatloos

with nam., "Ailco" lo purple

In the centre, from Mr. Wm. Birtwell, a

brother of tbe rlecossed. At the foot was

a be*ullfol lore) anchor from the rest of ihe family. A large bsakei li'.ed with white j <|i micin, ni'd sod maiden hair

ferns from the High School CssMbeis,

bore a card with tbe words, "In ii< raar> of tbe many pttsssnt days we have pj*s-

ed together." A broken r-i.umn formed of white ti rnations and violets waa from

ihe pnplls or the High School class of tt,

a aiar o.' red and whits rosebuds from

the class tl '85. Tbu (.lass of '80 gays a Urge cr<>si composed of pmk and white

roaioud-, aud ihe cas' of "87 a beauillu

oneent. A bosk-t of fl iwers from Mrs t'has. Maf.iu bore the »■■):-», '-God

knows why." Tiiere was a large basket or 11 «er« from Dr. aed Mrs. Humphrey, one from Mr*. li-.beri. Pickles, a bs*ke.

of cut flowers from Mrs. O-igood of Roch-

tMter, N. H , a wsMtllel bouquet of Msr-

eicesl Niel roees sad ferns from Mis* Mary HiUlrelh of Cambridge, sod oibi r

floral olferltigs w*re dispo*td about the

■ if. ri-i.t rooms. The strvlces were COL-

dncted by It v. Wm. A. Lawrence of Un

tirsco tburch, snd tbey were besntitul In

ibefraloipliclty snd tmpresslrtoess. Tn- altiglug wa- liy a qiartette conatstlBg of j

Mrs. A. W. DyW. Mrs. Sprsgue and | *"PP» '

Messrs. Parlous and Redmnud, who. In

addition Ui the re*ponses.aang "Bleep thy

lent sleep." and ibe following besniHul

and appropriate lines, by John G. Wn.i-

A Horae Thief Atresied at tbe Fast


Tborsdsy, Inspector Neal and offl- Ml George W. Lsue, of station three 3r

Boston, made a clever capture ol a horse thief at tbe pool '.ft! .-. Tbe man's aasie

is Wililsm M'igiiln, 20 yeara of age, and

baa resided ibe greater portion of hi* life

atOanvers. Oi N ivcmber 2C, be blred a horse and carrlBge Irum Jonaiban

Wentwoctb. of B i-:hesier. N. II., ostea- Sibly rui Ur-re to 1>»VLT, promiaini; ta re-

turn at 4 o'clock of tbu same day. In-

stead of .1 .'ii,' so ho drove to Boston, piscina the learn at the Au-ni >m stables,

instruoung the proprietors of the latter W se'l Ibu (ir-lively .ill V/nl.i---ii .y. A

fall descnjJitoo of the elolea iff.cis had been ri c-lvi-d by ibe Boston illkure end

tbey proposed to arrest, the tbiet. Wig-

rln wrote to the piop'lelors oT the Amer-

ican stab e*, u-iiii Wsotwortb's name,

inrorming them lo firwsrd tj him In tin- city, lo-day. by reai->'ered InUer, the

amount received from tho Bile of the property. OfllJer Lsne cime here, to-day, and be and Inspector .\\.aj wire st the

i»'j»i • 111 ■■'•. when Wigjin ca.ted for toe

registered letter, whicii was s decoy, and

promptly took blm Into custody without resistance oo his part, stid be was In

Busion within two h'iurs afier bis arrest.

He csme here last Frldij, aud since that

'imt: hss been stoppiui; st UL,O of ibe

C >mmon street lo.tglng bouses. In

Augast last be wa* released from Ipswich

boass of correction after serving three

months'Btntencu for stealing onions.


HOME GOSSIP. Andovcr Advertisei.

AnalhPr bin.I is beckoning us. Another rstl lagJrsei

A ul , 1. wa or re more wllh ansrl steps Jha path which reaches heaven.

Oiir joung anil gentle friend whose smile UrlBhter nmmrr hours,

Amid the Iroitot Anliimn tiina Has 1.1! IL-. With tne flowers.

n* a sha.low on ths dar, i r no lorEiT rhaers; i on the 11 ii- of nlgtil, * 11 i.i i i.-.ik i in- ui -1. tears.

spup-i IB I'v >iLSor LAWHBMCK HIOI

Cbtld IIti» Over.


Taeaday, Mr. L, O. Lacy, of Sorth A uil-.v, i, |.:...,. ,i a "iea<lei" horse

n s shed at Moore's wood and coa! yard, wtille he;. ,i % |(>t of wood A gen-

. icinsn happened to opt n tbe door of ibe

building where the wss when It isslxd out. Near Coiner's store the torse knocked dnwn a ylrl Named Drmp- ■ey, about 7 janr* oj ay.-. Sh.- wss iskeu n her hoii.e, C4 CIIHIIDD Street, snd I>r 'baniber.alo sUOsSsOtied. Tb.- ;ibt-iciai •srerialned that, wbl « no nones wer iiokee, she tind suaiatord qulir sever i.Juries. Mr. Lacy, with ("rumen.Ishli tludnese, will all Ihe tSptBStti n. ul' ui IO Ibe ■... i il. ! ■

A I.1M..1 MerfcuaatlOMl Paper,

We ar* lo rteeipl nf lbs "Methseloal News" I Decemlisr tut, ami are p eased to IHV It I* <me

o heal Illustrated |iniiei« that noans lo our e. ri.l table. It l* a habdtome tlatses |isi,-r J.o

i.l . ring*.

Mayoralty Vole In Paal Yean taao.

w , I s T*>** ebiter, 5I» tis il$ S 7 Mil SO0

ihii .trrin, 3JM ui wi . ..i (Ti kiO .'*"> Wckatcr-BLusJ^illr, ltd.

UU u. \|.,n-, nit ie. *:il Mi i'■> nil tin

ii-t-ii, a-* fto.i i;i <s iu jit -iiuj brw n1* ii-.sjoniy. 3U.

let*. I'll. SU V.- 3tn 310 H7 «7 VW*

linen. 411 ft'V 77^ fAfl Sill BW 1WI ' m»J irliy.-JiS.


Aldermen Schonland and Joyce, in the

pinion of voiers,ara bigger men than the mayor.

Harry wilt be street commissioner

i-'sin. Ho has proved a faithful aed com-

petent official.

Tbe race for the presidency of tbe

■ miut'in emmet; will be probably ta be- *• e.i ]> iile, Campbesl and M-Qtse nay.

The ]'"reach voters of ward four know

when to se'.se a Golgen opportunity.

I Marshal O'Sullivan, keep on thai gold (badge!

ie ..;i.h,'M|,!.,>-. pries s«kril for it. On psKe <>f ibe uumbrr tn'ioie us sir kevernl

| I f,--1 ike |ii< (urea, rrprSBSnltng the innvlnu of .., tad ilwlr msBufsetu elnlbwlse, at ,HI on in central New York; ibosi- plotnrst srn only one oTn seilna ibat navo bern (.■■..:. during ibeiisit year or Uio ladaslrial Btaaufseturss wl tin. i'. iiniiv unit *liiil I ) bn ciini iineit the eosjlagrsar. ''urh enierprlte »aewi lhai the imbbabcra of the "News" ure alive m tba'wsiiia ot their readers.

Those or readers who wail s fl<»irin>s prnctlcnl mechanl. al paper, OS" hardly do belter iban sebserllw for ibe aaiiin S.impip eoples are furnished Ij the uubibheia, MeasN. Jtmea I.fff I ft Co., No. 1)0 l.iberif stTM t, XeW Y.irk.on appll. sllnn. Their inbse>i|fUoa innna are one di.lar per tear. Thevoffei gooilluduitm nla for Loose who gtl up clubs.

Itesrueil front Ilrusvolng.

About 4 o'clock on Wtdoesdsy after- noon, a t'<-i man led, 12 years o| a^e, rr-

aldlns on Union streei, while nkallnu on

the Bplckel river, near Hie Brook street

dsm, broke Ibrnugn the tee, sad doubt-

less would hare drowned, were It not for

the presence of mind of another ' ■>>-,

Domed Jobn HOBC'J. The latter procured

a long boaid and piaciaj it u, .>u ihe Ice

dr ngfl I himself npon It to ibe struggling

Udlo the water, seccuedle^ la drawing



Fold her, 0 Father, In thine sims; , Ai..! let her hencelorih he

A nilssaaaur • i lete lirtweea Uur human haarU and Thee.

At Ihe conclnsloD of ibu services all

wlnht-a were permlttid to took ouce mote upon thu features of their departed (rleud

and Hie ca-ket was DssTM to the hearaeb) KrsnkL. Porter, 0.;o.W. Hsll, Johi K.

Freeman snd Horace J. Gardner, all ol wnnm bad biin hii puplln lu the High and Qrniomar schools. The solemn com-

mittal service of the Episcopal church

was resd st the grave lo Bellevne ceme-

tery, where tbe bodl was lo'.erred In the

family tot.

AT Titr. man acnoor.-

There wss roucb sadn^sa coHnectrd

with the sssemblliig of the scbilars of tbe llmh Bchool lo their accDntotnen plact-a ibis morninfr aTier the Tbsnksglv-

Ing vscallob, on account of the suddeD

dull) of one of tbe teachers, Miss Alice

Birtwell, who bss been ao inaay years B

member of tho corps of Insimctors. As

tu- pnplls csme lain Hie main school

room for devotional eierclaes, ber empiy chslr was a very promlneul sight ution

the platform, and ao general Wss ihe ei-

pfesgloaof grlif that but (aw BxOld tiuci

themselves to Join la the ainglns anci scripture reading. After the devotional

exercises were conc'iJed, Mr. Lord, the

tM nc! pa I, spoke or the great lose iker

hMlsustt'i'd In the death of M fsltblul nnd conac'i-utinns a teacher, aad the ben-

efit to be .: ■':v« il from such an esamplv.

He then called on Mr. Breweter, lbs Bni>- 11 loleodtnt of schools, to stske some r«-

msrks on the sab] ct, aa he had kaowi.

Miss Birtwell Inngnr and coald Break hum pi;rsi>Bsl ka -wusdge uf her early ca-

Mr. BrewRtet'i* tribute to the rtecesseil

was Las.*, of aslucero fheud and was most

Bttpnilvely listened to by all. He spoke

of her early gir.hood. when she made

such a brilliant record as a scholar lu OBI

l ii -in ■ c r'-.;-' ol her career as a teacher In the Tialul <g School, and the OUvei

Omruimr, when ti" m oi' I was IMnclpsI

of tbu Inniliuilon, and her labors tu tb<

High School, where she brgsn to teach si

the rsrly age of nineteen. Uialso boie

wllness to ber fallhful discharge of In r

duties lo ber profession In which she ws>- onv uf ihe most successful ones he e»ii

know. Uu ■.- !!■!■ 1 to the solemnity ol the lesson taugV, that aeath niu»i com*

IO all to thu youtlg, tbn middle-sued sud

LBS "hi, and that il depended u- n our-

selves whttbttr the summons should b> •"elcatne or otherwise, when tbey should

ome. He closed by eaylng thai ha hon- ed all those who llsttned lo his Won!

would, lir their purity of heart, their sU- eerli* of purpose snd a Ufa void ef of-

fence towa rd all, hi able t« meet lb*

d.. ..1 ovvrsengcr with wllilngnaee sun


Mrs. Louisa Herrlck, wife of James

D. derrick, died at her residence on Cross -street. In t! Is cltr IsnLevenlog, uf psraly

sis, at su advanc-d age, afl many months. She was one m the early Comers lo Lawrence, having beenatescber

in our public schools before tbe ci'y wss

Incorporated. She was a prninlueut an 1 active member of the First Baptist church

for more ibaa thirty yeara, sud a woman

Of high Intellectual sequin men is and ■ luu ordinary culture. As iou^ as ber h allh permllted sho WIB a leacher In the

Sabba'.h School, sad a SiatOeM worker In

all religious mowmente. ller characier

was marked by true Christian geullenesn

and tbat loreilueaa and leiln- m. nt which

denotea tbe true woman. Devoted In ber ( sud beloved -ml respected by

s.l Mb whom eke csme In cou-.aci, ber death will occasion a aad void in many

hosris wbo k iew and lnved her. She died

belief of a blessed Immortal- ly, and triumphing In the chr.atlan faltb

w in h has aaadn her saiULly life so promi

Denisn eiampiuloali. tier aged husband

Wno Is wit alone and lu feeble health, bsa

th, sympathy ol all lu his sad oerea There wilt bo a shoi i religious

at Mrs. Hernck's Isle residence,

Cross A Broadway, St 7 o'ciOQ* ihis< vei,-

1 ig, as the body is to be removed lo Hud.

sou esrly ic-inorrow moililii*-. Mis. Uur

r;ck was seventy ibrte yemn old.

—"Dii .' SBTB he's happy.

—Tho Boston sod Lowell railroad will pay 81/i per share jga. l.

—Miss fcWee Cuam'ierlaln, daughter of

I>r. ObaiLberlaln, Is ajulte III.

-A deed MS years old wss recorded

by registrar l'oor, tbe other day.

—Counierfch go gold piece.a, of tbe Is-

sue of 1869, have been discovered iu Clr- colatlon.

—Miss Nellie C. Magoon, of the High

school clsssor-83 will soon enter Welles- ley Colregc.

— Messrs. Gilbert A S- oil, of low.ll,

will give an exhibition of trick btc>cle riding at ihe risk, Friday evening.

—Tbe Lowell an3 Aodover railroad

bare declared a semi-annual dividend of 3 1-2 per cent, payable to-morrow, at the

Merchants' National bank, Lowell

— Altboegh vury abort notice has been glvunof ibe reappearance of the Amerlssu

Marriage Company, this evening, they

doubtless will be greetud by a 'uii hoese.

—Mrs. Edgar J. Sherman, of thlB city, has ao far recovered from ibe sprained

ankle from Which she has been suffering since last summer that she walks out a short distance every day.

-Tne following la the disbursements for outside poor, during tbe month of No v . r: Ward one. gCO 14 ; iwo, $68 35;

three. 111)7.67', fonr sL'ii.DD; Bve So3.B0; eULftifcOOj Uilgl #432.76.

—Tho *'qsarter eell" lor school now rings at s o'clock ID tbe morning snd half pnst oi:.- lu the arternoon, the first change

In the ringing of Ihls llme-hunored tocsin since thu city ball was erected.

A Jubilate, composed by Mr. Ueo, F.

[lamer, organist of the Unitarian Church

of tbla city, win sung st the Park Street

oess or I Church, Boston, of which Prof. O. W.

Cbadwlck is couductor, on Sunday last.

— On the retirement In January, of Sher 11* Clark, of Suffolk, Sheriff-elect

Hnrn-k, of £<ses, will be the senior BbenU in service la the commonwealth,

Ingsurvt-d continuously since January

Wtuitea to shooi.

One John Kinoy. a "OO»B hostler," win-ii i iii|.| J>I .1. I..i- r-geutlf bean board-

lug wih Mrs. Clare Miicbor on ihe Wash- ington corpoiHiiou. V, ;.. :i ibe time fbl

■■.-!■: ;m -J . ■ n.( around, John was ebon

ol luuds. and in dt-fBUlt of huuidatiog bia

accouul ilnni.'-.iiiiv he gave io Mis Mn-I -

er a g.'.o chain aud locket as eeturlty lot

his board. Ou :.l mi a. be diauk io s

great el'eOlaud becsmo lloisleiiius Bt ihe ii u-e. lid .1 -in in-:-.t iho rc.uru of hi-

property unii Mrs. Mother, and npon

r fuvil liu iin:»v i revolver poluilug the

wespon dlrecily at her head- H^ Was

prooipll) d earned sud his arrest follow- ed. Iu ibe i'-i .. court on ths ahos'lug

thai tbe revolver was mil loaded, he was let off OU the I.KhL sentence of gU SLU

costs, Binouiitlim to tflu.ilu,

IIOBmer'B IUi-.1.


Tbe walking match between Hosnm

aud (liltaghei's "ui.kiiowu" Was won b)

llosmer. The "unknown" proved lo be Wm. Oilmore, sn athlete, who some

v -»i - sgu bud a very good record as a

Dedustnan. H ■* race with llo-un r was

v.-iy light. UL'■!'.if «.!.'.■ i Bpl'Udlcliy.

Tbe Ulobu sate '-Hosmershowed wouder-

ful Improvement over bis loimer t,.

lions s* g |i« If strlSO, exciting ibe cum-

meudatlou of Cbsaipion Meti 111, and will, if propel Iy cared for during the ensum^

lime, make ihe match ou tbe 21si belweiu

bt easel f and Jobn .M- IIJUT the most ls-

horlOBJ thai was (Tur uud«rtaken by tbe



The following nnmen persons bave beer

drawn lo serve u jur ire al ihu Dectm-

her term of tbe bupetl >r Court, at Salem,

and u'.t n ,| to attend ou Tu.a lay, Dec.

I'.u. .Inil^;.- Blodgelt Is expected lo pre-

Am sbury -Moses T. Huntingdon.

Andover—Frauk C. Phelps. B-rerly — It HA, i..i I,: |.,li Bradslrcel.

Georgetown — !!■> den K. Hardy.

Gloueestor-Chas. P. Barrult, Cslvln dargeut.

Ilsmilton-lsaac F. Kuowlton.

llaveihlll-Frederlc C. Stevens, Rlch- tid 0. A>er, A.bert C Heath.

i. ■■..!. i. Win Willcoinn.

Lawrence-John Falun, H. C. Barge),

P. B. Kubluson, Michael F. Sullivan, i'lm". Scott.

Lyne-Cbas. A. i: m .1 : Ben| V. Low-

Is, J isepfc L. Lirrsbee, JAUICS M. i: .H-

soo, Frank M. Fiinn.

Msibiehesd-Tnos. W. Tucker. NewbUryport~J*mea S. Fogg, Tboa

E. Murahnlt. Pcabody-Klchard Lyons.

Salim-Audrew Ih-wbrhlgo, Thomas

•V. Co veil, lleiilsl i. O'Bilee, Alonu II. Seilih.

HallHUury-Ssmuel Blevefia.

Saugue-Ivory II. Foss.

Weal N.-wintry-Sitm'i 8. Chace.



—Tbn Grand Army of the aiate are to

have a grand field day Dec. 12, having

been invited lo nail the foreign fair, and

In accordance with ih .1 Idea Dept. Com.

Evans has Issued a circular to ail the posts.

— Attorney general Sherman conduct-

ed the trial uf Freeman,tbe Pocaasel mui- der at l(ir.islatile on Wednesday. Tbe

Jury leiuni.d a verdict of "not guilt; "by

reueon of Insanity, and Freeman Waa sent 10 Daavers asylum lor lire.

—The superior civil court opened In Salem on Tuesday.Judge Blodgetl on tbe

bench. I'll 1 mi a* B, Robinson, of the

city, was chosen foreman ol the second

jury, and James N. Emerson, or Lynn,

foreman of the first jury.

—Mr. Henry P. MoDllon, Republican

candidate for district siiorney In Esses

county, served papers on Haturda) on ihe town clerks of Skugns, Swampscott, aud Nsbsot, giving notice that be pro-

posed tosconiest the elsction.

—The Cummatider-ln-Chief baa Issued

an order to all 1 osia. to furnish Cunrsde W. W. Dudley, Pension Commlsslgner,

si descriptive list of members, uot for

publication, but to fst-llliate tbe matter of meeting claims f pensions.

— Richard Green oged 65 years, a mem-

b-r of jobn GoodW.D, Jr., Past 82. G, A.

It., died Sundae mornlnit. He was s

member ol Company G, First Massachu-

setts Hesvy Artillery, dnrlng tbe late re-

belllou niel Well known to comradeB here.

—Councilman-elect Dennla Murphy,)»

one of the Tow numbers of the new city

Kovernmenl natlres of ibis city. Mr.

atetphj Is but iwenty-four years of age, a graduate of our public schools, and sn

employe of the Pacific Milts. He will

mike an bouest and capable member of ihu lower branch.

—The double track on the Boaton and Maine rend was completed Saturday and trams began running oter It Suuday. No

delay will bow be tipt-rlenced In waiting

at turn outs un tbe road, and when the spring llmt-;able Is arranged, additional

trains to Uoston sud other points wllhout

change uf cars will be provided for.

—At the semi-annual election of offi-

cers at the Essex Clab last evening, the fOUowlrg were chosen to nerve lor tbe

ensuing term: President, Geo. W. Hsy- 'i-ti; vlct-pres., Fenn W. Boodey; ireas.

Wm. H. Russell; sect., John D. Dickie; executive committee, Frank B. Iyer, A.

C- Varuum, F. S. Wight.

— By the official returns Henry F. Hurl-

burt of Ljun Is lound to be elected dis-

trict attorney for tbe eastern district by

22.442 voles.sgslnst 22,166 cast for Henrv P. Mmili 1 Sal. in For sheriff in Es-

sex countv. Horatl > G. Herrlck, ofLaw- r.-nco 23 493 voles and Luthur Day of Haverblll, 22 444.

Thei iprlor

Vote for M ih- Ofiii-i'is

The followleg Is tho oflklal yole cas'

for the various state ofQjers at the luti

ultClton, aa declared by Ihe governor and

council: Guvernor, G-o. D. Rihlnaon, 1C0 00^

Benjsmln K. Botler ISO 228, Charles ,11

mv 1 181. John F. Arnold 23. all otheis

103 Lleutenanl-Givernor, Oliver Amec

101,890, Jan** S. (i mn.-.l 147 681. John

Bisckmer 1,011, Nathaniel S Cushinu 1,091, George DottoO DH, all others 96.

Hecreiary, H Dry B. lVrcc 164,889, Cbas.

Marsh 141.997, Solomon II. Koot 1,919, Nleholas Fjriong 1.313, A. II. Brown 39,

all oihiTs 44. Treasurer sud recelvei-geii-

e-sl, D -I A Gleasou 164 >•:<. Charles

II. leg-Alls 141997. IIn-.un W. K Last- man 1333, Washington WeuJoll 61, ail

others 49 Auditor, Charh-s R. Lsdd

164 810, J -in! Hopkins 144 651, Jouatbsu Beck, 2,b34, Arad H. Wood 1 Hia. Ueo.

W. Kliubaii 41. all others 33 A>tirooy-

gtBcral, Edgar J. Sb>nnan 164 908. John W Oemmlogs lUSaO.Haoieel M Fsndaid

2 1 MI Grorge Foster 1184, Cnarles A.

Tslie: 41. ail olbeia IK9. Councillor dis-

trict No. « Charles 8. Lll.e> XI.&M Jos. j Bjdiorj, Gi

W. U.-imi-u 18,766, Amos Cummin.a 156, P. Dulaney,

Wills were proved as lollcwa Mondnyi.Jjs 0 Aibiit, ltt-vcrly ; Franels Uurnliara, E<»ex ; Uaiy P. lliini'ai.i. BsMBiMosei 0. Kuigln, Rcwbnrypurt 1 William II fnkerlng, r .1.. i-. . JoalH.1i li'. :-..■ i.:■ L>lm; Jonathan Snill Oeorgetown; sarab D. Ttuiy, Ornvelandt W It. Tyler, Ljim.

InvsaturM »rn fl'rd asRillbwsi S. P Brsy 01 Ntiwlitirnort, ft-J3.137; Ksrs M. Wi lii-m. Nswnerypori, 9>S6«S| W..ilai-e S. Cbsae Maaeetstsr, ev**0fl| .limes Bennett ol Lvi •7IMi J.W. Binaries Ol »«i,ni, gD77n91; P. ot Newtiuiy|i<-rt,g;3 1U7 ; Wocnlundge

arki-r ot Brerslseg, ,?i IH :.

l.lty Klei-tioiis.

to.<k place Tuesday its elites, Follow-

tho major tr-sleet, 1 license quesilou :

,i)esi So^ier- no 1 Cbetsus,

all other* II.

Municipal elaoi n sixleeu .M-i-- .

ngare the names of th

vnh ibu record on tnu Hi Cambrl-lgo, J imus A. Y 1 vllle, John A. Cumoiugs,

rnomus 3 ruluin, 110: Newton, J. W.

Ktiubali.uo; Maidee,L»ring L. Fuller.noi

in. Z baC. K-uh, no; Puchhurg.

AloLZi Divie, yeai 11 i*«rptll,0. H We.k , Lawieiicn.John Breee, yes| 'lioucua.

W. 11 Woodsou. eu| Fall River, Mi, tOU Heed, yes; rauut ,i.,l,'ia^. F. HsiMut),

, ---i'1-.-.-il 'i. II. M. Poillips, nof New

rVlljoo, y»;lIoijok«,Jas.

Northampton, B. fi. Cook I Jr., yes.

t trial In the Su| court al Bslem, a case of Goidon vs. Bos-

t in and Maine railroad, an action of tort

to recover damages for personal Injuries,

cmsed by the collision of defendant's

tritn wiib tbe sleigh of plaintiff, at s

c osslog In AtchlnaoD, N. H. Tarbox & DcConrcey are the plaintiff's counsel.

—Last evening, after the rote f »r niaj

or bad been declared, one of tbe demo,

crate who had 'jeen around to all ibe

wards, and gar the returns, came Int.. ward tnree ward room and salt, "We

fought, we saw, we conq-iered." Uh.

Great Cesar! What bays we done that thy memorable saying should be mur.

dured Hi such s manner Before our eyes.

— Before Judge Nelson, In the United

Slates circuit court, Monday, preliminary

questions of pleading la the sell or tbe Nashua and Lowell railroad vs. the Bos-

ton and Lowell were heard, so that a «aily hearing can be had on thedemurier

This la an old salt aud involves aboui g'.; tj.t'i.ii. which the pla^itifl' claims is dm

r-rODa the il. l.'inlaul, ui.diir a pooling con-

tract made twenty years ago.

—The Unietb wed I luu anniversary of ■lev. John Alden and wife, was celebrated

■ Central Baptist church In Provi-

di-uce, ins 1. eveulug. Nearly a score ol

clergymen of various denominations took .'u; in tli.' exerciaus. Ber. Mr. A (dun is

well known in Lawrence, having preached often In pust yesrs at tie First Baptist Chnrch, In ibis city.

— Insolvency mcetlnga were held on

Tuesday In ibe following cases: Fust meetings in the case ol Leonard Pb-rce,

oi Prsbody, lu which Junes II. Js-kmsu

was appointed assignee, and of H. Sillers

A Co., Deafer*! MOBOS Welch was ap-

pointed assignee. A aecond meeting was held In the cose of Abbott B. Davis, snd

third meetings were held in the coses of

Albert B. Goidon and R. A. Bndger A


— The Salem Oratorio Society, says the

Observer, was not so folly absorbed In Its rehearsal lssl week as to forget tbe

elght)-thlrd anniversary of the veteran tl 11. II. K. Oliver, wbo was one of the

f >under* of ibis society. At tho rehear-

sal laat week a sutUclent sum was con-

tnbuttd 10 purchase an elegant large bas.

uf roses and ferns, which was sent to

him 00 Sstnrday. At tho lebeersal, on We tneadsy evening, President Aggc read

a letter from Gen. Oliver, acknowledging

the gift and indulging ID a few appropri- ate reflections suggested by the gin.

Andover ii Bo*trw,,SSi;i.4J>.aos, ^ 3S. H.-UW

* H>. |. Ol. ,-\V*.liie~Jjj. ami I'm-ai* J*. p. o,-)

ui-.-, s H. 10.-U. Il.-e, B m. 1'.hi, I.IU, I.Oi. j.'l.l ■s, sJM.aAI.eOJ, Jai.B.BS, p. m.

ttijii.1.,i- RKI, H in. K 4.0 4%. u. Ul. Tu I.-w. 1,; 4.1, »1*1. » ">.', 1 il-, a. ui. 11.2U, MS

Sou, i.i-i. i 443 a. Ol. IJ 10.4 W. f, ■■ '.. p. i.i. .1, - .1 a. DI. j IS, 4. JO, JJI, Ul p. B.

rll.,s U a. tu. Hit, J.SI. p. IB. Hiii,-lay. >i It. p. m.

lbs oriain snd development of letters. J. Tyndall. l-'ragmmis of BeUnrs. A. wflsoe, Chai.ieis in Evolution.


Esq., Is at the McLeaa I

»t WJI maniteitel here In th*

Nut B I..--.--I r loi.h

Tbe pabih' aeboola AiT.m ■ nc at the f

ev», i ,g. Wny is Mil,

tbe suai faolei emer E-igfnt C

ig girl—Sal Low. :n-;ir- e- next M IT.

■--.:.:..!, veitry, this

ke a shoe He) It supports

psnj'i ball at the town

ih.1 a Polled* phis. r par toa less la Lonuon

ou weighs 920

l.:-.n. 1 life Ul-

rlsd a Jaue aweaieslug

1 ed A >

n<t lecur r i<l:-li demy H

sou no's, and I Why wa. II

Miteslr—It I lt«».o c.r

at i....-■... n t

lien llmtin.en Saiurdsv morntns;. abot a fox near the Spring Oruva Csmelery.

A volume In lbs pubic Ithrsrv ol llotton cis to* Un autogrspb of Minn Lather. Mr J. A. Macflonsl 1, lats of ilia Ssmloary,

has gons 11 New Mexico lor bia haaltb. n in: d>.etor der-sres Ibai for Invalids tbe

on.v - i*e climate in Europe la Norlb Amerlcs. John Prsy Is thlnglint sad oiherwiss if

proving bit house. II nil/ and Cole do tbe work.

Pumpkin 114 aoritblas, SrUfe Ilurary exer- ses sod.d, arc a feature of ItTs at HoehBtier.

N. Y. A f irraar of 'Clinton,' Uuutk tUrnlina, Nr. lelder, • bachelor, is one hundred and three

years old. Ricbanl Murfev, iormertr -f Ibli •en cbosrna mem'ier ol tbe common council

ot Chelsea. KfT. Poasld Frsser, or Meihuss, will prsacb

a* 'li- Inwer towu hall, nest ttabhaib aiteroooQ, BL 3 o'clock.

The next moniblv meeting of tbe Farmers' Ciu'i will he held ou Tuesday evening, Decem- ber llib.

Tie li rn.1 lair will open next Wednesday at ths town ball, and eontiuus each evening dur- log ths week.

N'lrwiih, fJiian., has a young woman wbo can if il wliii absolute cenalmy ibe pilch of am mu-ii-al tune.

Several parties bsve birsd, nf L. A. Bslsoap the old C itbolie cburcb, eUicb ha* Osan neail) titled up lur .. lawn teauii.

Tie onir inlliionairB of Fall River Is said lo ha Mis. M ii r B. Toung. who 1* wurib aim time* B ii.i ;

W. W. C irceran'a handwriting in "snuli sn- legible, lie Is eigiilv U re. bal still attends pel - Sunahv lo bis business.

At mytbewo'Hl.S C, a lew davs aso, An- drew Mi-Lelisi.aaid In oe 118 yeara, was mar ■ led to toa BisUw oi 27

T ia numb-r of dogs II prsaeat year, as retum'd b the couuly Ireasurvr. ii '4*2

J ibn F. B«ld«ln Is builibag a neal new bars near bis residence on High sireei. Towne.ui [IjX'ord

ds, is wintb iigBtetn miliioBa. E'wnesir Swuet, orSersvan, Oi., ha* mar-

muun, A lemou always rcquirss uiske It paiBiaole. of MsttCew Arnold, lbs celebrat eritlu, win bs g-ven at I'uil i;>i II, n x.t'1'buriday sveniua.

Charles C. Dssn bas SOBS Wen, where hs ba a position s> salesmau In a tailuriog and gan tlemen's furnialnug foods Skisb.isbmant.

1 h" i b-iry II' in.' la's Professor Pbelpi, o SIHIUJ t: . 1 iir, Northampton, it lo Da JITBII to ibai culieie as a memorial nj his relatires.

Asa A. Al hot ami tielrs al ibe lats Sylvester A i> fi will Ham sell at suct'on one or two lot* or several scrts each, ot standing woed and limber.

'I-ur . (TV's iii s-even*. at Marland's Vlllsae. bas I em rtmoved lo > li ■ east side ot tbe rltei ■n't Lasted ii- ar tna reahleucu wl nuptriBleod- mi Jeweit's residence.

WSK, sdeing B dour nearly sff Its blBiei, In »■ in.-ii CBIIIIILIOU il hart for some time, ob- ssrved in ui woeu u bad fsllco sod killed soma- one, it would pmbahlj bo Uund.

Pat says In; ww b irn on tbe last day or tbe year, stnl eon-ralui uui bnmtli that he wai r'.-iii "i i.i, ' t'-ir ii ii bad heeu tba next da< wist wau'.d have become ol me I"

Tbe aVildUrs' II tne in Maine ate l.'iOO poami? .ii ujrkev on Tusiik>ginug day, and Uia USBUI llgspHal psiienis iu luai stale ate 330 pounds ui mi set and 100 pounds ul chicken.

Ths third Unvernor of Msssscbusstt* dr- -.-.-'■■ i-i trum n .I.-I Davis, wbo .^sms ursr la ir. i.i is '«Mv- -ei. . i (ir.ii.e D. K ."uui.u.

tx-UiiTsfeOf Lous having li en ttis^econd. Tne »iy ibat a woman lately identlflad her

stolen paimi was <iy bntijri'n ber bu»bsn<l Into court and sol.ling: liitn. Tue bird »• .n called out "Ub, I wish Yuu were dead, old woman."

A lineal descendant of II innab Uaailn, Ta nn, si tit readers ufaarly N>.« Eualsnd histery. Mr*. Iii'ii-T llalelton, hi.low of Bav. Junalhai 11-,-. ■ urn. ■.!:-.I Islelv ai tbaose or LIB iy-.iii

tlain.aii Nolan, or Ballard Vals. was Ule' b.-h i.' in., |..Mll.'e I', un 'In.-dar. BBBfgl d wiib ilia llleval sale of liquor. So* was tounn guuiy an.I got) aad costs, wlncb slit paid.

Tbe richest man In Maine la Ex-Qovarnor <_'• bum, wbo recenilv made the largest iai» oi we-urn Isn.l. II is said, ever sffacled by nn, person in this country, amounting to eigbl turn drill ilifiiiBi d il.Hlars.

"Tne bees sre swarming, snd there's no end in llicui,'mi ( Isruur Jones, coming into Ibr h.m-.. His llule buy tiaorse came a Mconci ai i vi warn*, aud said tbere was an end U> one ol em, nit linw, Hiiti li waa red hot too.

I'nfossor Qsorge P. Moors preached al tbe L-iwieucssiraet cbnrco, Lawrence, last Sab bath, anil his brolhrr. Rev. Kdwsrd C. Moors of Union Seminary, N:* York clly, offlcialed .at tba Trlu.iy iJongregatioiiAl cburcb.

Lewis Wliiard & 8ons will wind up lbs ul'. '■uf.. tine |.i>'i.'i ■■ business, al Bsllard Vale '. r ■'..--.■■ i ... ■■-.. Mr. WiJitarat win

Humanei, wuere be will bsT« ensree ota large cstabiisbaieni doing a similsr burl-

Utu. W. K. Bsrtlett Post H will meet st O. I. It Hal), ill • svening, fur tbe purpose el lectingi.hirers for tbe ensuing rear, Tbe in-

SPSSUaa h. B W. Thumpsou, Q. D. C.,on ibe reuarlmcnt slall, will use place at tba tame time.

Canyon look me in tba fare, Oars, an« say that i" asked I*red. Bald 01 Bra, "I'm tell- ing you the trmh, Fied; but I'd ratbsr not look vou in tbe (see. Fred, Indeed I wnuldu t. Mr Easel, ibe artlsi, ssys we should avoid lookius at anytblng uui ths htsuniul."

Al the an collection ol New York, opsn the present wesb, n a Inn ssU io bave cost |f 000;

man was a year cu'visg tbe ivory sueKs, a rumen was two years io making lbs Isra for

it, and a psiutiT as. asotbrr year in dscorailni 'be pauels. It la a marvel, bn u irajuot ss ds-

Tbe wife ol s Pnrisian, rsturning boms, rn m at her Door. N ■:> d. comma, sbe rang again ■till aobuily sppeaie I- Pisally, at iba lo-idar i'n. . -':.- .i i- . ,i ii,,ir.i toibow himself. "Pray are you deaf?' said the lady. -I bee psrdon madame,' said be, liBuqullly, "but I hiard onlv tba inn.I ling."

Principal William F. Goldsmith, of tne Pun chard ii-booi, baa been sranted a rel»sse frills ihe duties ..I bi. po.luon until naxi September Dtrtraher 8;li roinpletes bla twenty-five year- ul . ill.-1. tu service. AllbonBb somewhat India po>ed, it Isnoi ihoaabt by eminent pbyiiciani ibat be ha* any alarming dlsesis. He wll prohah'r tike - irip to Colorado.

Brown University \, named fnr Niche'aa Brown, a are lusre. wbo made money and en- ii iT«.elT ; Harvard, for Jobn Usrvsrd wbo. in 1038. Islt li ibne hnndred hooks, an-1 aii -ui lour tUoiisanil dollars; Bowdoln Col'ese ■-V Onverner Bowdoln, ol Mslne; WiH|sms lur Colonel Wi hams, s soldier of the old French war; Dartmouth, for Lord Darinimib wbo wss pre-lden- oi Ibe flrit tioar.i of irusiees. and •mi-, i ii.cil bsndsnrneW ; and Tale, tar Eiibu Yale, one iilln earlv bneloctors.

fi'ice cur last Issue ii*f> leciures of unusual merit has* iwtn « ven in tbe People's Oourse. Mr. Merrill's Irciure uion Gieciriclty wss of aresi liilsresi, plsln Bnd smply i'lnsirsinl by many Inser-hius arran^erreni.. We shall hope m bear him aualn. Tne second Isriure wss or aqu-il Interesi, i.n.I ol dseper IbrsBght, br Hev Clisiles Sinl'h, upon "SiK'iallsni." A vary g.-n eral aatwiactl u wBa , ,|,Jr-- ,i. al ihe way be handled bn topic, n lore the iertuie ti,,. ,\n

dovar oriliestrs dhi Mse'f mueb credit bv ibe metis remlered- Tne ij.'htb leeture will bs liv li-1-. sn. ii, Bsser, ol L Wll. SutWl: Crom- wd! Tuose wbo have Beard Mr, Baker nen] nni be tuM ibst tbey will to a vigorous

Hiram H- Btiai, Benssi

N.i i-'lr , Lawrtacs ei

tin bii-.rn- of piibiif ininortance was trans. sciid at the n-i Sri ■n\ nseetms.

Panics are eomplsiing arrsBsemenU lor opramg a skatlar rl.ik. at H.UI.

Vletoe and Crowlay will prohBblj be aa. gaged by 'h ■ Pbiladrlpnias lor in xt season.

Monday evenlnr. si Elevens Ha1!, there Is ia i a meeting ol He Farmers' snd Mecbknlos*

a of Ihe Selectmen the ■■ end of tho financial

There will bs s meel si day ol the month,

year. Tbe isrond snpplement to Kio llbrarr cat-

'nun- bus beeo issued, and is lor sale at the library.

s and Invited Irlenda wlQ have a social puriy, at ibe Begins bouse, oa Cnnstmsi eve.

The lesiiniini in ol full time at the works of he lli»i»A Fuller Machine t'.iinpanj causal nueb eratitlcation.

Mr. Kotxri E hot bas hren elected a membsr of ths rnief runimitiee fur this town by Post 39, 0. A. II, »l Lawrence.

Prof. J W.Churchill, Ihe celebrated eloea. HonUt. will read at Sievsns Hall, neal Friday evenms, In Ibe .St. Paul's course.

Tne leterdenism entertainment, by Prof. Fitis'nuwn, al Nievens Hall, Tuesdsy evening •asi, was attended by a lurgo and Osllgbted aa- dlenca.

Perkins'fnlt orchestra bas bem enraged for tbe twsilth annual bs I if ibe Cochicbewlcfc Kngiue Omipanr, at Kieveus tiall, Friday

. T-i.iiiK, Jan. is .,. Matthew Arnold Is lo Iscinrc on Ramon, fa

iha Pbillms Academe ball, Antloier, next Thursday evenlmr. Quite a large number will go over Irum this town,

Tbe suit el Mr. Qso. U. Lorlng asalnst Bx- rr.-si.r. i Smith wa* viiirred at the anperior xiart, in Hal. m, last Tuesday. It will not pr»bablT come to tnai mn, March,

Tuere Is to lie a union Sthnntn Scbcet acr- r.ce at tbe CmureKBtiiual Cuurcb, Sunday of- ernoon, at 2 o'clock. Too singing will bs

irom printed prnKrsniniia prepared for ihe oc- L-ssion. Hev. 1' M VinUia H in conduct lb* exercises. All Ineuds sre cord is ly invited.

The sale, nnder lbs suiplcea of ibe Yoang Women's Guild, of St. Paul's Clmrcb, oecurt at the parish rooms, 5UI.1 mreet. on Saturday slternson ami e>. i.i -it uf neal week. A large varieiv offaniy snd domestic articles w||| be for ssle. Tbe object lur wbitb tUc lands sre to •»e rsisid h wuitbv or tbe patronage of all claw ■ of our community.

Tnistiav alterniHiii, an. L. G. Lacy plseed A "-leaili r" horse In a shfit at Moore's wood and .■oal yard, I awrence. while be unlosded a lot ot wood. A iitii il limn happened to open tbe loor of tbe buiming wbere the snlmsl was when Hilasbe-I out. N ,r Currier's store Iks oerse kooekel down a v \: imuii'ii Demaecy, sboui 0 ui'" oi ste. hbe wss taken to bar name, 64 Common xreei, s&d Dr. Cbsmherlsln .uinr .-,.-.I. Tne physician a rrrnilnii] that, srhile BO OOBCS Were broken, -In- bad sustained <|uite severe Injurlss. Mr. Laey, wnh Com- in ini.iij..' kindness bas defiaved all the ti-

pen*ea Ir cUenl io ibe sci'ideai. On Wednesday evening of th's week. Riv.

H. II. LuaviH, pastbr of Ibe Cong regal ton si Cburcb. gave a recsption lo bis otrlsnoners, at ibe ptrsonsse, ami alihouab it rained some lurins the early part nf tbe evening, it did ait prevent a Urge aad happy throng from visiting ■heir beloved mhlsier. Tbe bouse was com- pletely filled, j IJ i e uiis.l on everf coui.te. nance, snd bspplness and sociabiliir reinned •upreme. Mr and Mrs. Leavilt i-..ik e<pe"i«l i>sina tbat ttrlr ,. m-i - mljbt bd well enlertoin- *d. and la this tbey wrre very successful. A'- •r welcome davntionnl exercises, an excellent

collslion was scrv*d. »■■.I many Interesting relies uf Japan, otitained by Mr. Ltavht while % mlsslunary In that couniry, were shown and -xplained io those pfasern. Hamas were is- duiged In i..y ibe ynunner people, and all siem- -d -I'M 'I* to renew ... i. ur form new, ac- quaintances, as ".li sa io snow Mr.and Mrs. L-sviit brlier. A' S lain bour ths rumnmr broke up, glad or mealing their pastor and bis WltO, .1-1.i'.i- li in SUiCrSS 10 li.ll W.IIK. Hi il oleosed at ibe uponrinniiy of a mutual aud lu- iai roettlns ol escb ottier. The iwentv-Dlib anniversary or tbe ruarrinjte

ol Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Liuxet was approprl- (tely ubarrved a' ibeir saw and handsome res- idence. Tbanhsj|lviiiR atcrnrsm Bod evenlns.. ■ioina llftv ol ihe couple's lelatlvea and frleadi aaass in' to ihe invitstliiBi received.. Boston, Lynn. L»wien-e, Woi Medway, Oar-

nd other pieces were represent"I, ili-ion to Mra. J. W. «nd i s. Ames, u lady 75 yeara

sumptuous dinner mil SmsiiK, gnw, pantw-

aii.l Itil.ii -ii- kpceeli'tiiaklng coatti- luied tbe verj plvasmit pixuramrae. The ap- isended ven.'S, bsvms Tor H li'le "Tbe Silver wemorial," ware read by Mr. Cuarles Morumi

We .'ome, dear friends, wilti J is lul h'/urls, "'l.ilri CTUiiliiK slMilea me ^|>rcllUlr,g1

K Usrdmer, Mrs. )■ : .■ I.. -i. ■f sae, Btiendeo.




i tend * - >ile ...> ..ui in

Wi m-cl strain in Oo-i't KJO-1 inuc, Our I'ifB yuu confcaalng,

■To iiriuir seeb srfbetsa as *« ran, And oruWn >ou witu uur biohaing.

Tnese Ove anl twsnir vears bave been A scene ul unupy living,

til -u.iiiiitf ii...

N .i it lie Hi.-

wi, .-■ ii >■,.! ia leva urever. A partial lisi ol lbs reminders 0r (riendihip

' (nni: rlcsuii'i,,,. jami\ from Boston rienda; coramifdeset, Mr. anl Mrs. Charles Norton; hail dn-t lllwr, link knives. Mrs.

Jamei Morion ; silver cske tsaskel, silver pie nlle, pair'iivar vses. two pedr* allppc" Inerf'nendr- -' ray friends; ruli .■■

noidir, Mr. Bnd Mrs. ork baskci and lidies,

'■->i..n was replete s many were **- ipon Mr. ai.d Mrs. Liggot.

DBUQS and m«dicino,s.—i variaiiiy wade t j HUit ibe

TOMPKINS, Kurtii Aadover,

, 8r.; s-iti II ; aiivar apoon Iwaro K.iiii-iwuiiu; Lrnn tnsnds. Tbe 'hi pi eaa an tries, and Ktmiulations bestowid

'ur orlces are times. C C.

Commonwealth, Qf Mastutohusetta. BSsBX, BS.

PROTJATE COURT. To the beta Bt (.,,,>•,xto.Kn, ami all other

Uanlet U. Ti own. Uie of MorU Andover, in ty, wittoWi deoeoate

gapwurei -ucnis :■ u j...,:iII^ to i,j itnniB„u. h li uf , u|

Wherea* certain 1 ie IB<( wnl .,..< la.i

1 ones id. P.«b.u« ny .

en: 'uii.]-1 1,. ,-ui

Vou are heiebj t Court, i ■ in- ii.-1 -

ibe sea

I tn appear al a Probate

it Uu


de«cri|>i'«n ul his su'Jecl Nxi Thurs'liy evtnine, Decemher 13, ihe

Plilietisul Anuoserareto hivuan opportunity «f heannrlho .■'■a Rnxtlib criilc and poet M iillii w Arnold, deliver I,I- leemre on Ralph Waldo i- ..,.-:■. II, lo Phillips A, ..r,-.,.v. This has lisen hruiistii sbuui by ibeefTirU ol tbe senior rlase of the Academy. Tbay shnuld ha bsidumrly suppuned in ibilr cfTort io brlns; this|Trasurv io our people. Tbe commit! s rejret now tbat the lecture should fall to one of the evening* devoied to ihe Band falrai tba

I. Ii was BJi pnisible to prevent it as vasibe'mly date Mr. Arnold ooold As ihe f-lr Is to be held lor fuur evsn-

Inxs. it will heraty io arranse lo attend hob leetoreand fair. Sue nuineui the isciore io

tin'li- i i-i.!ntun.

New I. mi. ... I is io the Memerlal Hall Li- brary ;

A. (IcAmleK Cansiantinople. J. U. Billoek. Tne iicret service of tb.

Cmii.-'i. r«f SUiss in Enrot-e, H. J. L'l.rh. M.ndloNsture.

Clarke. My visit to distressed Ire-

cause, If sny *nu have, against he '»ame. And ibe saldJ.ihoU Siuwn la bereby dlreo U li> SIVH puuiic i.onoe i ,„-,.-.„. i'llsiiins ihi.una i.noneea week, for .„.,

tticettsahe Wee a, in ibe news, sa , aslled the LAWBBNCB AMKHcsK.And AKOOVSB

AHVK.I11SKU, prln'ewa Lvwreaort. ibe last pubi'ostlon to lie two ngya al Mhat Oei >re tai.l cuuil.

Witnuaa, UKOKOK F. IJIIUSTS, K,,,,,.,,. JudBS ef aaidoouil.iln.6th day ol IteuiLner, in in*

uigtil hundruu ari.i tiMlny-

Id7 14-l J.T.MAUO'tKy.Beglater,

NOTICE IS atlKBBT OIVEN, that Ihe suhsuribertia twtn d ly appululedsd-

ihu e>t l-i-it -., in Uerwii.i, at >te i,l Msln... doeuj, n ■LU I that I M-I, 11) law dlreals. All peri.ui

of Jo I a oount. Ol \U k.snd iiti.l inn taken ui»ni

IVI ■ aa the Hiving iloisa ids up.m

—... ._..»„..„■■ are r. tjuirt-d to cxliih- s.nne; ami ml |> rsuni >mlu.,i,..| tosaid ss- rs ual e.t upnn io make UBJ msnl lo Ki.lZtHKl-U U. uoi.UaalJTtl, Adtr'x. laro.Masf., Scv. jfl isa-i. wdfUttl

NO TICK It* 1IEKEB T G.VF,N that the subscriber lias huun duly appointed sd-

nla ibe i |.|iimii...| a. tevens, late :■»«.,, «r„l pun beisehT

.. in lue va MW deueasen, snd has that trust by sivlim bonda as the ._. recU, All persona bavin* demsnda uoon Ihe es- tate ol said iler.cai-e I are required tuezhlbll the same i and all pernont indebted tosaid estale " re 1141lull upon In iimLr |i;iy tueulto

N.i A -, ]..'. v. I- ■ . ■. HSI.

WdTllHl SARAH w. si KVI,:M, Adm'x.


■■■■. H at Pu I c Aiiilinnon Monday Deo.

-rn r ail Mealies' llac. odder, i ■■■ I

J.»* 4 No. A-i Vv. I- I).'.- in .'i ^ , 1SSJ.


The Annual UII« log >l ihsust. ck-io'd -rs of the 4- diner N in.ui.i-. Bank, will >■«■ held at ibtir

is hiien, on lue.-ur. n.. E.a-hth day of " t . i-. M . ttw ihe iiry.ttM. nt thre

r huslneaa lb t tllr come be lore

R-'igioui Duty. »"B. Ii. the Hebrides. Tbe Love or a Llieilme,

i WBya and by-ways.

Ian,I. Y P. C.1 -*\ c. r. o tj. C O. Onrt W. H. U(».... Mrs. Furreafrr, MAM liucpiis. A srest treason. Mi'sidiudsr. f. U. 'Ihe OneiMI Christ. J. J. Murpby. Ma'ni and latslliganca. "h*. s Phstps, Beyond tbe Gates. W. O. Stud.i anl. Wrecked I I. Taylor. Tbe alphabet. Aa secennl

Phillips Academy, Class of 'HI


Matthew Arnold. Subject: EMERSON.



Thursday Eyaaian;, Dec. 13,1883. at T SH.

Tickets, with reserved seats, 60 cents.

For sale at W. F. DRAPER'S,

ON SATL* 11 DAY, DEC. 1. 18tS, kt 8 A. M.


Fair and Festival. lo be lieU In UU TOWN H ALL, AS DOVER,

Ili:( i:.>i Hi:it IS, 13, 14 and IS, will b.i,l»cna lira.




Season Tickets, si .no. Single Admission, 2i> cU

:MISS O. W. M:\I-, Swift's Building, Main Street, Andover

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store, Special sltenlliin tos.l kinds ol Blarnplnir..

Agency fur Uumcatic I'.iiinin ;l „j Baireit'1 I ' . '■■ U "i. ■ r.

Oct. S, UtO. If

The, Ar I la* Methodist Church, In It iil»nl Vale,


Tli-.. wnl be o- >»-i II nr in-ii.1 ami fhasy ailiel-'a. Tnnl A lb ill* q ill, W.ihfelOoaiuiaoi It will ba r i •.!-. A K an I dpvii.r aud rfuod l'.H'.i-ili:.,mr I

CUAb. 11. i.\ l.HVAlT,


NOTICE. a til the >i.i,th (Jtwre.h wil1 hold a . llifir ve-tr* oa* etenini b. Door* »pen al < n'oJock- It ml h> me-ioaue uaody for t«H. A( I J -'ll ,.|ll-i- U.11,1 LA ,■!,,, Ill, ■!.„.

CMniHHUllh of Maasarhasstls.

ESBkX, M. Toltie li in' a'. 1 in- a- ■■'. Ml at. imerctcil lu lae

«■ III' of William Peters, Isle ul North Andover, 111 said

(Jounly, Ucul:ouiiO, i.eueaaeu', le.tate.

Wharea> Ki:s iVtk T. I*, t• ri and Ui)iM Poa- Mr, lu- es i-ulora of tha 1 i-t wi ] >i I le*la- meoluf u nif.l hi,r ^nr.'Olnli'ir allow- ■DCS !'.!■ ili ■ L ii.' i f their adullu- lai ration upon me etUie u: .mJ deceased.

You aro Dorcbv cited lo appear at a probate Mart lo be buklen at "a.eui. in laid count*, on the --ll Moatlay of I ■•■> * iu

i ibe I ..-, Ha .... .-li .uiil not tw allowed,

And ihe aaiif «MMltW*art ordered to eerre tkla citation by iiut.lial.intf the Mm* once a Week io Hie


a newspaper primed o.t Lawlence, three weeka aucceaalvrlf, thu iu«l publication lu be ivto dajaat li'itm litiore nan) court.

~ i i i- li.-, K1 .| . Judge el Mill.' I, llliatl I

ellh'ie.. ti und ml am ll N..\r nuer. In Lit* V'

iDile:gfi.y-lbrre. J. 1'. MAUiiMtT. Betfialcr.




Mr. Wm. Ouard fell on the tee while akailnfj i Jl.inJay alternoun, and broke bla ct


MXt> Ike Grand Armj Foil, will hold in annual MUM lur choice oI oin tis, ilni (Frliiaj)

evening, Dec 7tU. Lord.ol Ipawlcb, and Mr*. J. B. Lord

ul li muni, wera la IOWD, lait week, vieitiog relatives and ft Isnds.

Mr. Freak g. Kelley and Umllr. or Hew B*niurd,paai*d Tbanktgivlag ID tula town, at '-'-Bjr'ert-sideuce.

Milton P. A:i,tin. nf Hoihrook, an 1 Mr. Win. H. Jackman, of Iiiid,e,ort, Conn., were IB lawn on 'thanksgiving day.

. Sawyer and wPe, of Georgetown. P****d Tkmk*M1,lBg In this town, W|lU In. brother, Ebtii-aar Sawyer, E-q,

■torii-k ba* urn ifncd a l| i mil HI in w tinnrf ■ <<I<UK •tore, at Lawrence, fur tbc pnrpoM of learning tbe bualneaa.

A dei*gaiion Irom tb« Urand Army Foat of in [iiwii, •-■[ to Georgetown un Tlmiaday

CTeoiog, to Bttaod a camp Or* |Q tbat place. The Metbacn eo"ion mills wer* cloiod three

aaya |a*t week, lor lb* purpoHor making n- paira. They aro running tbla week u anual.

Jamea A. Horn wbo will graduate fro* Dartmouth C.,iie«a next lane. Intend! t* uke acourae In -:i»u englnetriug, at TulU Collage.

Mr. Qeo. l,„ld and Miai Lillian Taylor were marnod lo Boaton, un Wrdo«t>dar ol laat wrek. Tbty will realdi-in HaT*ih.ll during ti,« win •T.

Mr, Charlai M. Uowe and bla father, Mr. AloBBo Howt. h IT yone to Florida, t > reaa a bruugb the muiir. Th.y lell town on J Mm

uay morning.

dr. Trlntam R. N-we,l fan* gone to Cblc«gn, b a *lew of making tbat city bl* rtaidaDre, aid be bevieaaed with HID aituntlun mud Ha roundiaga.

li tli* town ball pratae meeting next Snnday eTenlna-, t'ie choir ol the Ualferaaitai oburcu,

L.» i ,'ii.T, will be prMCQt, and gna a nnm- ■r ol mualual aelacttoni. Tbe uld bouM on the point near where Broad

way and Uampablre aireet meat, bai u.eti ao il and wai taken away by Wm. ifd«arcla. Tbn landon wnith It atuod la owned by Ueuiy C.

A iHft lot ol perai nal properly iu acid ut auction on tba HUM laim, on Mainrdar aliei. rim [i laat. 8*Ternl piecei of laruliBrn n/ an i if I,L ojaki in tbla tin


Express, Store, Mallet, Milk and Meat I WAGONS.

| ;Bopairihg in all Its Branches. Ifluvll ANDUVBK. MASS.


PHY8I01AN AND (SURGEON. ICorrar ot Central Brook 3ts- n.iT-lv UlUOygB.

XJOTICB IS HEHBJY G1VBN THAT JCi the iuLwcribi'r- ii»»* been dult appointed eiee.toraor thu ol rherou <|*Aa«ttJ l«U •f Norm .ii'v.iM', in the <"'"" ■ *l ' "■■<■»■. ■eu'l -man, l«.;c*heu,ieii'.a!e,Bnd h TU Uken ui^u

■- ■ tb*itrtii>i, liygitlngbondiBa'neiaw* . ,i ._- ■. - viuK iluuiandn oimn the

• raqafi-M to exhl till the ii,.|. i.i. i: in uld eaute

i" hri

BtrOfl .! ili:l'i'llri-.l

r. IU.

-\jOTlCti 18 IIEKEBY GIVEN that tb« El auOBUiiher ba* baa* duiy at pointed at- ■jiBltir.Wr oi the urime of knxaWih 1". -i ey late •I AUUOllt, III 111.- I ' 'II I' IJ Of K.n I,.,TI ,1'WIIN.MH, decea-ed, and Laa takeu LI ■ n h u.i'li mui truatbj KIHiK nouiU attbelawdlrecla-All per- aona Latin* dimunda U|.LB the utUle id »kh| dvceaaed BI en nulled loexhib all peraone bMtebbH toaaid I npen to make pa) unit to

MOSM B. ABBOtT., Adi Andoter, Hot. if, US. n (MRU

i nall.d

FOR SALE OR TO LET. Ahe)fBhiuB*«nn»n,lon Main Btrret, near ■ rai i- -.Llli i u.-- y- quiriuftiau. O.Htll Auduver.N-*». IV !»'■ *

Morril.'s Ice Crccm Parlors, PURE CONFECTIONERY

Mi-in r> ....I ua.ij. iiuii"-- •■.|.i>i"i with -IOfci OHKAM, t-HE-llbtT,

B I I •> Hi" BBKOrtl CU' • ■ i ' l- I-. :il :."i I I...II ■■

Steals Served to Order.

BF. HOLT. Ic« Dealer. Order Uoife ent u.'- Foal Ofllu.a, An.loter and Baliard

Vale. Order* promptly aiteniled lo. t

B. It TUTTLB Will ooDlinue the Jot blng and cii'i'oas bu-iuea-, hm ihg oblaiued a

'Uldlllieruior. GBOITBI Joubiim, niimvlin ptanua, lu-niUre. clu. Fartiea acmHnimi-laU1! r day or atenmu plenaure. Ueaidooco at lira

BKiJiMIN I1KUWN, Dualer In Boots, Hboea ami tiubbora. Il-ou mnde and repaired ut

Sborl nonce. Urdway * Clerk'e celebrated ln'iM..i.i BooU tor ladiea wear, conaUnUr on hand. Main aireet, Andoter.

JOHN H. DEAN, Murcbnnt Tailor, Dex'er in Clothing and Uenfa Forulalilnl

Good-oi all kinda. iiurm.uta madoin the lateat faamon and WHrrantnl ta St. Repairing, nlean- lng and preaaing done neatly, stain bireet,

CHARLKfl «. 1'AllKEK, Furnlablui idei later, atiperlnitudiul ol opiingOiote ™

*«ery. omce Park atrat*, iti.nli.ine tiuuiu.* ntruet, Ando. er, Jan. 1. lOtB.

1) ». J. C PENNINQTON.-Offlce nod reaideun* oter Draper'a hook-atore,!""'-

EDWIN H. BAKNAKD, Faiottug, Ola ling, tiraining and Paper Hannlng i

Ci , t *** .rtuiei.i oi Itii'.iii C-i'i'i cn-tontly Oi BL-nndforaale. bhop Kaaex St. Dm* 1*

bt"B."li Tuille.'Alt ordira p'tomptly atteud»d to at reasonable yricei. Louteyauue lo Law.

Utbiii- HII'I (leiulnau- " li*

CKUKUK PlUlilNUl'uN, aLonel—Bai nndlta lfn.»»>hi.nnullce, FLANTb

#o. lihuielwa nnd F«>r.. .ir,k,S .olWled |iconi|"(v •■•■' iit> 'I- ^•■'", thedi-pot.

MI^S I Pre-

\ A- at- I r«HKtril_ti

MCSU1T, faahlomble M .k. i, i :i- i.-iifii rootua , «i iidin - ii-i-fi, and la id Cloak Makiim. BOlT

Dk <). E. ABBOTT.-OmceaDd Reil- IdBDoe aiMio-Kun" Tyler-a.Maio Street.

Aodoter. OlUce boura 1-10». p.m. t"'^-»

, 1-3 and aftei

M CLAWLIN * I1AXKB- Ag-nla for

Madware, t lui/ Ha.luii.v ruwa and U «f.1hoteir, I No. < HI i .'-■■-,

a'HOMAS HOWELL carries on lb. furniture and Upbi.lB.erv bualneaa (BBII

tbelr bmneliea.alhiaatoreon Fai k alrret Fu allure rouaired sod waolen and oil-'iotli Car ■atlat f ■■ -al-. IvoctlfUl

I1XIAH F. FINliLBY-UMlerio I"! •nribtiAM F- FI III I I

dmivi-i.-. l. Park ■tree."' i- ,,!,'. Br Jyalera. lioodi


of ne


_ ft




Lykens Valley Red Ash Coal,

O«o* In Drapei'a Block, Halt sued. And*r*i HAY AND •HAW. *Ual4

Nuihiui F. Abbott,

[STONE CONTRACTOR. BUinn furnis ed for loum

nnrvOM*, "i ml other

... juBirautrd bUlllbV e^l'i'i H-ii'-'il

1-. my 7

WOOD & COAL White Ash and Franklin Coals.

HAUL) AND son WOOD leslred.

FOB : • i i i. v

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. Orde.'ereceited,abdbllla*cttlii at


_ OanasllfFaat.uace.



and niter alON

th aide of TOWN HALL, rear of Barf 10?* Hri

t,IM U

were buugbt by pariiei who realde

Jirua. Ilnili-y, a |iaiut,r, fell from a ladder, I Saturday, while at work M Chaa. H. I'. u

aey'« buaae, en PlaSi-aniatreet. and broke hla ' j. A pbyalcian waa ,-mni 10 eet tbe none,

d b* wa» then uk*n to Lit bume In Hater-

Une of Ba-indrrt' expreaa horses ran away on UondBy lorenoon, aun r>» se dotnir Ifrew blm- *t II iii*ii and < - iu eonalderable datiafe to ih« wagon tu wbleb be waa attached, lie became " Uhicned by hating a cunuiun atrlke bla beula

ii was hluwn from Ibe wagoi, Mr. Kirk F. Brown la to bate a skating iiu I

bnili oo and aij imnK bis nan «nce, on Bnev*- way. The bnilumg wdi be 118 last in bjai b t>y 48 ID widih, aDuwill A read t lor Mamies on UfetMunj Day. Mr Bt.nnard, oi Law- rsnee, do.a lbs oart)eniur work.

Most of our coltead boys were at home on Tb.mkailiiig d>y, and bats either reiurcrd lo oiilifl^r, org'uwto anme pieie tJ engage In enibingiiuiing Iho *iiter. \V. J. K„k^.i u . tuie.ouut iruro; K,« |, Jactnidn at Hock-

land, und J*me> borne in Mam*. On Friday, one John J. Abbott wat brooslit

hetore the podue court, and cbarucd wnb nrg i-ilng ID auppon LU minor ibtia. n ex* bi* wilnugneos lo cuatht.u'e lor iis ippuit. and was released bj paying a numinal ie. fie was brought ,u.tii Lowell. The mimi-ars ol tte Unitersaiist parish, ite arran edforadiy orm e inga.on Tour* it, De,\ 13.n. The order ol ixerci ei al I h* ifiliuwa: Id A. H, coalerenc* meeting; 11, nsnin; 2 i %., adures^eB by eeti rai clergy. ieu;7, serfifes in reCi»goitiuD of tbe raw

pastor. Inf. W. A. BMrt. of Cn -j-f

Geo. N. Ui I ol Norwood. H A. Gieei.e oi Lowell; A. E White if Lawrcuce, en->w of

irt ill. wm be present IO address tbe mee - Mr, Stanford Mt.ubell, of Boston, will

bem site^dauce and led lb* ilaglng.

Pbrslclans rafotnmend ns a One Bonrboo Ut Iskey ihe ». U.Taylor brand, initi.m by ie old un I honorablB bouse of Cheater H. inive* & Sona, Uusion. For parity and excel- nee tbn Woixkey Is unsurpaased. To be »u- ined ol drnggisia end grocers. dwlweod

"A GOD-SBMD." Thf children ol Iarael otie onre fed by man-

na aenl Irom Ilratt n. This ai. an undoubted ca<eut "(Jo^-aend " The ami-lloration ol bu man Ilia and ailment* baa been oftrn undmak ■ n and baa often fttlrd. Ely'* Cream iiilm biyweter, "ha* been wn, hedin the balance an: not found warning." ]i ■ * .«», rstga, -,•> ■ .ir ceilaln and pleBsaat cure . r C itam and Cold in ibe Iliad. iLni'siula nl perxons bate at lasted fill Isct. "Ely'e Cream Balm !■ a God aend," wrote Mrs. M. A. Jacka»n. or Forts moatb, N. II., - n M,y 22d, 1882. "1 baa Catarrh lor lbr«e years; had tn«d neerly nil I'-ni'-iiii'H, bnl to no purpose. Two or three times a week my nose would bleed quite freely and I thuught the aore* in it would neter heal. Yoor Balm has enred me." Tois preparation i* Ml liquid or s anuaT, and is eaaily applied. Cany-oa, reader, affeid io exp-nniom with in

I ..jr. t uand r

when i *■';.!.w(,: i

TIMi !■ II -In tbla oily, Noy. ::nn, a son to Mr and Mr*, lrtlng Tintar.

BRKKN.-In ti is ci|y, Not. J.), a dnngbtflr lo Mi "tul Ml■-. .I.iiui KIIMI

( AMf'Ui l.l. In Norti Amlof r, Not. Wlb, | II.In. i bi in. and Mil.. U. Campbell.

Winnniii, in North Aad.-ter, Dec. lib, a M>n i ■ M. Mid «i.- TV.-i n ■ Wnllwmk


ABBOTT—MOOM -In Andorrr, Nov. n, by Ret i i.;,,]-- ■ iu. ii. Mr. Chnrlca N Abboll, luimeiiv nf Aiiiinirr. and aliaa Sophia P. M.'inf. both Of Nnrth Reading.

AHKAHS-bCRN-*— In indot-r, NOT. Ulh, by - v. M. J Munhy.Mr. William Aliaarn and

- ■ Mm. J. Burn.. SWEKNKY-GF.KAGIITY-In Andoter, Not.

~" oi lie* H J., Mr. Daniel Swecuey d Mian Knnna M. Ger gbly.

*m I ii H.VII-. hi BaKanl Tale, Not. ffth, iy Krt, I. A. liny, Mr. Samuel .tinittl and Ura. tlarrMN OafM.

IliiuWS HT.I.nlH- I., Baliard Vnle, NOT. .".■ IL by Hcv. J. A. I'HT, Mr. I.'l.vni Browu and Mi - ■■ Ftudence Felluwr.

]in| i.l.A" V"I1TII\. In Andoter. Dec. 3, MI i lin.l LIIUI.V, liy Itet. Habolm 1>.>,.I;1II., H. li„ Mr. HBTIH B. Dooglara, SOB or tin- tilth. allag clvigynian, and Mm Abby II. yonou. daughter ul lion. JU.|K* klai.ui Morion.

l.l.-.-i..,,, in Post 3D.

Al th- reimUr naretina uf i'nl S3 0. A. B., on Wi ■;;, . :»v ereniug, tbej followlus olDc«r» were 4tMW*a for tbe etisulnii "ear;

Commander. 0. U. Plagg; g. V. C, Jamee H. Barney; J. V. C-, Chan. O. Cmilltatd; Surgeon, Dr. E. 8. YaUh; Cnsplaln, Wen. W. Beatl'e; 0. of D., Al- bert E. Holt; Q, M., ChM, E. Li-ckc; U. .if l";., A. M Granger.

Trustecn : John F. Uogan, V. I war.l A Fiaku, Wm. T. HcAlplne, Frank O. Ken dnll.

Relief coramlttco: rYard 1, Jamea Lane ward -'. J..M, C;nis; ward 3, Jobs Harris ward «, CbM, O. Coullllatd; ward 5

Murray; ward 6, Jobn 11. Oilman ; Mo. A-.i ,,-,.■-, Bobart Billot,

Cenieierr ciiiniiu.i , James Noonaa. A. M. Granger.

Delegated ti niDTentioo: W. D. Cur- Us, A. 0. Stone, II. K. Webster, John K.

Tarbox, HaWM S. Crocket, M. W. Copps.

Alternates.' Geo. L. Gagei, A M. QraB* .jer, James L»nti, Wm. W- Beavtle. I» Fr)e, Albert E. Unit.

Kuatern KnllroMil Iteport.

Tiiarnutial rauort ul tttu directors uf thu Eautero Hallruad gives tbe net **rn- ui^t of tbe road lor tbe year ending Sept.

30, 1683, •1,278.679.60, a gain of S163,- ,'.iij '.<,'■ i.v.-i' tbe preceding year. AIL. r

in.,u^ Ibe Interest, rental and xpeclal accounts a surplus of S130 327.84 ra>

msluod. Greatly needed Improvcmenta bate been made lu tbe atatlou gruuuds,

and It la balidVed tbat tbe train M-IITV

bss been generallj aailsractory to tbe

pauona of tbe road. Nu neriuua acci-

dema bave occorrud, und ibe ufllccrs aun .i.upluyes iiavo worked tu^etber loyaitk

jnd earutsily to brmg guud resalta irum the busluesa uf tbe year. Tin: luterual account la now at ltd highest polm, li ba»

oe«U met without Uittlcuity, n 'twltbstautl- iug cxiraordinary cxpeuaituren in maiu- talalDg tbe TAIUO of tbe property. Toe

xpeneuce of the year has dcmousiraud tbe fact tbat thu mud can easily me. i i a

Used charges Irom Us present revenue lieilotiutlonB between this coinpauy mm

be BUBLH:: aud Maine Hailroed Uoiupauy lor a le„«,, of ihe urooerty uf thla road tu

DoBtuu aii'l Maiue, rusQILed lu un

agrcemeut tbcrufor, which has been rati- fied by tbe atocbbuidcrs uf both corpora- tOM. l'ttidliig a sail which has been

brought to teat certain qtmsllous arlalug

therefrum, tble lease baa not btieu ext- culed. MeanwhUe the road conn DM io

operated BB before. Tin: uilua ruu by •Hengcr trstna bavo lncreate.1 frnin 1 -

081 815 In 1878-79 to 1,410 S'Ji la 1082-03,

iBOMMe) ul 31 parcem.; wuuteas ibe

.tuber u: passengers carried baa lucaeaa- ed in ihe same time 11,722 848 passengers,

a gain ul GO pur cent.; aud tbe passenger

earnings bite Incruasod n .:.i 91 4M.8i>7 u 1878 79 tu «1 Kill o7o lu 1882-83, a gain

uf 807,718, or 35 per cent. The freight

traffic has also largely lncreaaed tbe earn-

ings ui the past year belug 940ii,834 In excess of tboau of 1878-79, a aaiu of 47 per Cent.

—Tbe paymaster ul oue or our largest corporations received a letter (rom Bos-

ton Baturdayvasklng Uu- address ut one Mary Murphy. Tu.- paymaster repliad

(hat. B« ibere were 27 Mar; Murpbys ai

work for the corporation, It wou.d be Impossible to ascertain which Msiy Mui- piiy WBS Without MO.ii- liiiUc, ga>

id- no' for iiii liLiiii-iiioti. Tnerit came

be following: * D?*rSir; In reference

io the Mary Murphy I waul to fliul, she has abruther, a calker by trade, but be has beeo dead tlv- yearn "

FACTS AND FIOTJBBS. Trutb ntrongar I h in ctlaoder. Tne

lEecord uf Tbe fuel Year.


DRAWING OP If ARCH 18, itu. J. Allen Bcnaeffer, \lli-ntown, Pa., J Jt}**:'v' 'i","J•ou," u^r^*. Seuthampti P. K. Calender, 81. Paul. Minn-.eWlcolsd' Kabknrsi. PJB|, ]4,0O» _ionn S'npiey, Mi'ri.towu, Tean , s.«W

— uoa.e.ris., a.oaa ■■•>, ISSuanul at., Mew Orleans,

Paid iiiWnatlonal H\uk. Chicago, Ilia , 1 vOO ■ ■"■ ui.i,, ! ,..,, i.,a, lugo

ukaon, Newburjport, atas*., j UJ* tiaan, stunner*, La., l.jM J. Spills, It UopkiDs .L, I iiii-lii'

W U C rl Jno. PraneiaiM,, t asl.lnaloh, D. C. W. U. .ii. Clalr, rVaabiugton, U. C-,

DRAWING Of MAY 8. 1BS3. DOD Antonio MartlBM I>«n s. Havana, Cuba,

roll-cled ili-„u«H Meanra. Mua< a«r A Co., New Ynrk City. :.utn>

UU Meaara. C U. Richard A Co.,« Broad- way N^w Yoik, *4oa

ime-J.MoXiiian, Caliwell.Tsaaa, at** 4Ui .1 HI.'-. i„, Angi-io., Cal, QS

I . ;.liuu,aiker, Ali-ntuau, I'a , s.fxm J. T. Albert, au l..wD«t at.. St. Lonla, Mo.. },tw uenry Kn.iia.d., S W. cor. lOth A Market

U.,SI.Loul.,Mo., llkj

t Hy ExpcuteB lo November.

The following are tbe

various cli* deparicoenta Bi Idge, ivuii'tfi-r, City 1- ■■•■; I-,, lity Hall. Common, Fire, Fire Alarm, Garden Street Extension, Health, In- 1 1. nl::', Iiiduairtsi School, Interest Muul^ioal Loan, Interest Water Loan, Lighting, Pauper, Police, iv- u: Library, I Pruperiy, Salary, School, Hoosi, School Huuse, Special, Sewer, Sidewalk, Street, Sptcket Improvement, Ktate Aid, T>mporary Laan. Water Woiks,-


Eipenaes in the fur November:

•270 7tl Ool Ti-2 1S4T.3 ltUI 11 ol 47

9:'4 40 MSI

883.53 i m 2y L' 33b' .".;

0;to.5i 11 *M bl 3ti 'ja:>AKi

bui!81 |,|U 87 2 9.13 18

475.12 18.t0

175 00 7,3lil 21

272 08 1,391 41

42H.S3 814.IN

8 SHO 43 4 777 66

39UOO 45 11 'LI i. 4 591.79

Ktaex Club It,.II.

The fouilh aunaal assembly of tbe Es- sex Club was held on Weduesday ev<n- Ing, and like Its predecessors was a cutn- plete anccess. The club parlor, whicb was used as a rscepilon roum, was ele- gantly adorned with Mowers and rare pit- ied planis. Ibe dancing was In 8annd»t* hail, the prouramrae comprising twenty numbers. Mr. A. P. Showell managed tbe floor admirably, and in ibis respect waa well a*t>l>ieri by Messrs. K A. Sn.ii. dard. H. W. Boodny, W. EI. COUOD aad A. C Vanillin The music was by C.,l- llna' orcbeei ra.

W ' 1>I.K1I.H -At Woliietfm, Dee. 3d, Mar. Lu. Tli.a w»il pijiti, aneil III yr», 0 >uu>. I'uneralat ibe ro-idebia nfli.r dauibier, Mir.

R ll Hiltllrr, DLC. S, ai Ii M

STAKKKrr_in North Andover, Nit, M, I.nrs ' ill-, ilauohu r or i,r. i It anil Anna 1>. niar

n. .IK' il i in-, V in..1-. II dys. >TKVI'A-, in Andoter, S.-v l*h,Gcor|[* B,

-mi ul Wiliinin H.NBd Mary B. aievena.ageu 7 ))•, i in .it-, 16 dys.

Do not forget when you are In Want ot Bllverware, Pottery, Loiups, Paper llau£iiissorWtu- ilnw Sliadus. that tho Large*! Assorlnieut can always be fount) ut ll. A. I ISKl/s, U70 £ssex St.


BULBS For futumn Planting. CAUCUS, OOo. p-r Huadred. 9> TLousand,

TULIPS, |iper Hundred and upward.

HYACINTH 4, ll a Dosen, and upward.

NABOIBSDS, Mo per Doaen sad upwar 1. LIUBS, |1 per Dosen lo *.-,.


arOrdsrs may be left with KKLLIT A BUTLER, Lawreooe, Mass.

It's your own laolt if you anuae the 8nap yun uae becanse It i-n'i what tea. bonghi It for. Try Beach's Washing Soap aud j nu won't have *uch trouble.

Enconrage the insnulactore uf a pore, unadulterated, full weight soap, made .. the best aMlaiUU, Werecommend Beach's Vashing boap A*k yuur grocer lor it.

We bava a complete SMoriment of Writing l'n|" r- ID all tbe different eolora and liriis, oi tbe . Iterant binds and *<xea and of ibe tny in n in liny. win. ran lop. > lo maii-h. 8ut. era A Manchester. 37 WJM MlHt, lio.-ton.

t3nid ,■■ 7

Bievms A Manihr»irr bate purchased ibi ,n.,'-i,„-k ot I. W. Moody, auiioner, I. r- erlt I'.u, mi & M Miity. tu i d ittlnn to the

iniiir, rtiry bate a vry large aaaarimenioi new ti'l Irrah : ■ .. -. n ■ i, i. -i ■ .1 i - of the see- on, eod a i rge and rn U ut ul Cbrmt naa Cards very ranfullr aeleilcd. Cal and xamlne, 37 Wcuatnei DI-UIH. *;i.u, 7

Siavrna & Mancbeiler make a fpecialty Widdinif Intilatiiina, lleuepilon and Corre- ip'indenre Cards. Cull und examine Hilon'ei ai 37 %Veat ali*-t, B Bli.n. *3 n.J

Bay Mate KaTicnal Bank.

cB 1*. H or the en ire o

l-.t, 1B.11. tAUU"L WINTR Cai'irr.

Poor. White & Co., BANKER8,

■\r> Wall Street, New York Brokers and de«<er» in Railway aud All other


respondent-.* lathed .)epjall soooaais n

and ln<|ulil( o.ite-i a..d li

:■. n ■ I'L li

HOLIHAN & CO., Wholesale aid E: tall

GBOCERS AH and 415 Commoa Street.

(M A.I Haaraaiaa.) Make ,a spseUity of;»_!;_ ■ .>- at|gud*i o

A partial Hal ol the prises sbote Thousand Dollar.., p:ii.l by Tbe Louisiana atats Lottery Coinpauy during the year ending November 11 togetber with Hie namei and addreaaca given tbeComoany by tba bolder*, omitting lb wee wbe ha*e rtquCKtnd tl.

Ke.ei >u for Ihe amounts sre on file at the of- Sees ol the Company.

DltAWINQ OP DEC EM BBS IB, Ifttl Sallle P. King.ley, 1TD Master St., Polla-

delpbh.P... |10 Tboa. P. Bell, l.'-l E.Stli streel, South Bos-

Inn, Mm-.. is Harper s. Prie«, 1ST W. Ceurl street, Cin-

lolm T. Uaivia, iti W.llurd Place, South i;.,.| n .-I'"., il,... ..

P. holliisgen, 711 Pine aireet, 9i. Louis,

L. Mi., M leetsd through Kentucky National Hank,

Mra. Harriet it ..0,innn, Veaper, Ononda- IO Co., V. Y.,

Paid Wi ,«, t „,„u A Co.'s Bank, Ban Fran



I n.l.'i » ... i,I F,,.' >, I...II...-I. .1 thrc h lat rough ... Bank, 1 line It via, Mi,:l

Oeo. C. AD. A>iua, Danville, Va..

DRAWING OF JANUARY B, 18SS, Alf In It ■■.,-, r, Odeasa, M ■. , 7S 090 Augu-Uni' UpSS, W lUr niiicatieet. New

P. T.i*ii..pistra, iu Ooaii slreat, New Or-

N.B \( ■ >.., j ' B. Kuohuo,.iai ooiuwav.New

il.l U i.ion and flanUrs Bank, Mci

DRAWING OP FEBRUARY 13, ISM Charles Risney, Jr. Mayavllle, Ala., col-

J*-. tod inrough W. R. RlMm A CO-, Ilumaville, al*., itenden I. UollmgH, Second National Bank, Louiavidu. hy..

Paid Katfaaal Mctropuiiun Bank, Wash- . m.D.C,.

Georse K dil-r. Ziloell, Ohio, oolleclwl I Maliunal Uji.k, Ciuuln-


Geo. K.

.«>«, 1MW Tenih street, N. W. nigtoii, D. C,

-General's offlcs,

P. street. New Or-

ileniy .wl.nilel.rollBcied ihrnugh *aa*on- m.o.1, 3 ,n. it ,,. c n.ii.lnaU. Ohio,

U. Z-ia., I'h.lhdejphia, I'a.. Paid Nmluway V^ley Bank, Maryvdle,


145U 1,'iOu


I)- A. il.ii

Praf i

i. Mount Lookout, Oble, i,HM MM UN i^ot

CHRISTMAS GOODS, Are stow resvdy tor Uepeatlou. Caatoaaara looking for a

For Gentlemen should not fall to trfif'M our large and varlad stuck of

Hats and Fnrnishing Goods svnd apprsMila-

w»y afuae J CArcfed eelection nad with the knewlsdgo vfwhat la

tad by GtaUaamaB far tbelr wearuaw apparsl, ta Uu rural* fclaaja

W* n Jl..a,l»Hk,ll.,„

FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. There can Y a found the Choicest aad naoat waaplet* line *f

Useful Holiday Goods,

For Oe.U,m,a to 'm.k . i.l.c.u (MB la k. aud la Ik, >UT.

A .1/t.M 11 a. ID, a, U.lld.j, ,f

The J»p»ne»e Tea Honia, The Arabiui Coffee Tent, The Fenian Sherbert Seller The Egyptian Ptramid. The Oeinete Banar, The Rutanrant Vendome. The Centennia 1 Organ, The Algerian Museum, The Turkish Carpet Emporium The Norwegian Fnr Market, The Italian Glaus Department, The Brazilian Feather Flowers The Grand Art Gallery, The Gel man Bronte Exhibition The Aus'rian Beer Vault, The French Oeremio Exhibit, The East Indian Silk Palace, The Veneuelian Ohocal atiere, The Panama Canal Exhibits, The Ketrospectire Art Gallery The Electric Photog'h Rioms, Tke Eraliih Decorated Boudoir

UdtbOOMnd. ffSai lb,U..ll.f» rh.r.rl.r l» UHI.M.'I ...I ,|.,i.lii, TK.i .1.1,11. ,,,,« Japat ..J China lr. .le.l. w.r.h, „, a ill,I a. Bi-K aa Ui.j .... aa.a. MM .411.1i»u ,a m. work!

AtabiloB Onlj 10 Cenls. •nSTwILYI UOUkU' uiu.ts; rople I pltauie

DRAWING OF APRIL IS, 1SS3. Mlnhai'l Connolly, Trot, N. Y.,

II iv M. Kleaailng, IU Dearborn at, Chi.

Anatoli- TrkM, Vermll«ntllle, L*„ I une. B. Diy.MalUHeni.HallneCo.Mo, dam T, hi... b r*. J,- , fhil ..leijihia, Pa., t. It. Uurptr, Hi. GeorgaV, ColleUio Co., a.

IBBTH. Hampton, Tracy Cily. PrBnkllnOo.,

R. P. Krigor, itl Fourth at., Milwaukee,

DRAWING Ol" JUNK IS, iggj, « D.-moiuelle, Truoe at., -Sew Orleans,

■u*e R-xonaibal, Faycttovllle al leljlh, N. C,

Paid L P, Seivirt, bookkeeper Stal < ■! B-nik, New Orleau . I*r ac ouni

phaia, Tean., n.noo



Bank of Comiu rt-., _, Frank Brown, Kaatjiorl. N. Y. W.lLltutebin-on,,IOI.|Hio.lle lk>, rictii.HU.-e. I'l. velanri. Ohtn.

«*«J.h, LrtlV,nok ..L, New York, S.1M fi-rd r., ..i,.,,.. Cat, ooli. uVud m W.-;!., I.icn L,..., Man Piau-

r York, 1U.U-

G.T Km Ml '..lleei.

DKAWIM OP JULY 10. 188.1 Lieut. Jaalab Cuanae, 17th lofaatry. Port

Lincoln, Dakota, ■ Gua ll.ntn.t) ai-alion.Calro, Ilia, and A.

II. (fib-iin, iioii.iuc.or C-Iro Dnirloi", wabaab. Is, I.,UI* A Pacflu tt. R., ('arm', Ua., is

A.T.D.K,uu. Cairo. Us, It .11.31 tC nth at., N. Y., II Tl>i"«l»n- toisl.rt Aiery at, Hi-lrnillui, a .1. T. M..W* Bi.r^in, Merix-i Ce., Kt , I II. K»nit,*a N. i.l.ik at., CIIIK go Ills., 1 E. P Loli-on, till .V. 7in „L. rlnl.1 , Pa., 1 M. imiiuliah-iu, sChaiBtM-ia al, New York

City, llnou.b Gei uiiiila Bank New Yo.-S, ]

DRtWINU OF AUGUST It, im. W. T. Muse, Kn.kf Mount. N. C, It 0M lUv. HIIHI. Z.iMiicb, Qtt 1-; g. canal at,

Chloug.i, Ida., Jack G.u-ea, a.ojLetl Engino No, 4, Nash-

ville, Tenn, Guatue liiuuian, Prrhle Machine Woiks:

., Ilia 0,0*0 MtaVia. Sue. a«l:g suilJ. M.'Liillehale,,ii. Ala.. 5 OH Wm. E. Oatea, C. Wllha, A. A. Preesctl and

Hob't P..JU-, collected through Vlcka- burg ....ii . ..i .1 ■ , • ,..,. giM

I.V Voudenuitli, .',.::. Louuat sl„ Phlla., I'a.. M

DRAVTIS'G OP SEPTEMBER i; MiirtHa Llvingaion. Morgan Cl'y, U. U3.SM


' LfSJ

na LlTingai f, <> r, Mar

l*o saiki W.. . Jri-frni A. Miller, 711

arlgny A > .». ats.,

<ar.' tiirab, Mayei .CIIIOJUO, Ilia.,

<>.:•! I... ,, Ml... ,

DRAWING OF OCTOBER B, 1MB. L. A. (layer, lor Mr,. M. P. Hayer, New

Yurkt,iiv, is Thos. M:,ti. , ia -.■, New Ynrk Clly. I» U.O kii!lirir,l-..ii, collected lluough J. K.

I.J Meding, Washington, D C. J. O. L'urnei U.iunujn A Uaronne sts.,

New Oi leaur, La , 1,5,0

DRAWING OF NOVEMBER 13, IMS. M. A. -iii-.-iii,,;,., 11 MI. Louis si , New Or-

I.-ana, L.i , 15.0a N. It. PII I,.., n., Berlin at.. {Sth Dist.) New

tH em a, La, IB.OOtl PjidBa-ikol M, la., Tenn . 1,1. 0 Paid Julea i.a-aard, New Orl.ana National

Bans, New O.lian., La., 4,000 Kobrrl Aei.n.Kr, ili,-.„^h Lockwood A

Co., San AolonU, Teias,

For full purilmlar* ot tbe Grand Ssml-Annual Drawing ol the llth list, see achcmoin anmhsr column ol thla paper lo- ay.


lyeslgnlng nnd Knsravlng a 8 pee laity. 37 West Street, Boston.

(Formerly I. w. llm, i, ■..)

New Store. Will hate n. rne<t at r«r new stnr", whhn haa

I'l'.i. . -■ .<'i.iii> (It,I up lorni.Tc.nvenlenosa 11 ■» .u..1 U> geu a CUUuuary Gooda.

Fine staticnery. We 011I n'lvntltpyotr ia»p eilon ofnnr Fln«

*a>'4lrg li.vli.iii iu, VisiUig, kic',i,iiU„,,aiid

Engraving, * 11 . \. .. cf onr aample hooka of de-

. .irpa of akil,-J aril-t* lr Ihe proeiwi] ,n. In ■ 'ii.- . .- ■ i' ro- 1 ."..,1 (hit m ,ai elegant MOB "grama. 1 rest, 1 m a f Are* and Art'anc lllu- tai-iai Ion eve.- y<t annwa in l-ie Cily *f Huston,

Fine Paper, &c. Thela'eat , ,.,.,.,.,. ,,. • ,,,,,1 print, will

I- ■ kept co .al miy on r I. as well aa a n ni- plelKMaorirse-ii .» rlunonert eaneclally aaap t ■! 10 9" h^oi children.

Wedding Invitations,&c Older* I" r 'i-iliBg Booka, uolega lav tt-

Il iim, ,r '...■,. 1 M 1... ..1 .—..:, .r I at fh-ri notice and in :bu m*a> n. tl* I-. manaer from or g I • I 'IMIII., or irom >a u, lr* iu(alshed.

Artists' Materials. inof ArlirU'mati:Hal*, Wislsor aad

Ravta alwa-s kept) ■ look.

The Ann n

-r.Jan 1 •I Dlnctiifvo


ui*d4 Irablo HenaBga in* tilSecti ntf .r Hie t an-i Mil re ""b' *"*" ■*"■■' li*t may legally ow

•iw tit JOBN R. ROLLINS, Cashier,














Ladies, Misses and Little Ones.

Byron Truell & Co, Art) now ready to receive orders for Custom-Made, LAD IKS' aaid CIIILDBBN'S

CLOAKS. Our Msuufaeturlug Rooms are umdar lb*■npar-rlslOB ofaat acconspllahed Closvk-Maker. All work

The Grand Foreign EXHIBITION

STILL OPE*. Uf ROSTOV Ylailora lo the "Hub" are reminded that tba

Dircowrs < f tl>* Foreign Kihlbltion bste derided to keep lb* eihlbiil*a 01.1B untu in* Ctirieimaa ll..lid.*a. tbua sfurilina aa opporlsnltv 'bit ta not likely 14 svers-resr aga.n. Aa iaamsna* attractlvo baa beaa added. Tha

Swedish Groups in Custumr.


8P ClAkSALEI •jf" a few nteiai st*

The Best Haxall Flour

S7 50 per Barrel. 1 arwsr a* sa as reom r*r neoieg glisratisas » ir **ar* I have oaa^ladad k< -s-luse my


a saaa aa pees.sis. To da aa I have pat tha ease a* say

Best .lull at S7 50 Per Bbl I 'sweslsrlaeeverasaJe ow this rinui

11 ><a*SM. Aathi. I. lul.y tl M per bbl k.wer aaa any retail prtoa In Ike clr every •sinil* will sea tbe adv*au«* ef erdsrUa-

HU • oae iNin-el at aoea.

111'.l.l VKKICI) FKKK

rsawa, I Aa *are aad Msthuea

JAMES McEVOY; Uoraer Uanapshlra aad Tallay Street




Paiits, Oils, Eye sinlft. Ciiemicau. Mlied Paint*, all salon KeaU Fool OU, Naphtha, Olive Oil, OaaikcAeld, Osham, Pai ultlna Oil, Pa aiii„» Wax. PaUy, Pane While, PI .ater Paris, Pokash, Pumice Stons, Paris liiren. Paial Itruabos, Papwr pMiia. BasUriBBa. Rubber Wi ■saaa* Molten Stone, It ck Salt,

BreecBa, Kaak.-iaelall SiSSS. It* rai. Bees was Bin-lit' Uwka,

Cbaltt, i.r—. T.ruar, Color* of all shades 1 »ri,.ill<i Acid, Ceaeh Varniah, 1 a-mr OH, L'namola Hkln, Cblorbto 01 Lima, Copper HlvcU, Dai til* Soap, Cevparaa,

— —oodea,

Hascoa Bprlair

iaaaan. 1 JWSM'S

■ nt-Uao,

Ml ■ :a, Stone .lars and Muga, Hall pens, Sewing sJMhlna Oil, SUul* Pad •, Shall Rnbbera, 8-ciuO liiu.bvs, : Tar W*odea DlpparSi

Do. __ Dual Brushes, y Pa*»r,

taSE Feather I >u*tera, finer Bruehee, Flak Glue. 'unritur* Varnish, Forest River l.ead, Glu*,all klive, '— Arable,

ri-a.s-iaaih, Gold Leaf, Gold Browse, lalf.'ai I -, Glauber Salt, Whllewaah Sruabee ualvaalseil Iron Palls, Wauregan Soap, Harness Saa* Willlsn.a' Barber »a loiiig*, (map, Kal*..e,me, all Hals, Wnalc OH soap, Purple, Wnuing, Llgutitralnlag TaralthWineor Jt Vewtoa'a u.l. Tub* Uolere. Lard OH

In 2unntiti»s to Suit st Lowest Markut Prices.

191 ES8FX ST.. LAWRENCE •law 'lr laai

We are also prepared to show therin«itStookof CLOAKINCS and CLOAK TRIM V» I NCI to be found is Uwret.01. iDohd- ing aoElegant Afliortmentof SEAL SKIN CLOTHS, from $6 to 720 per yard. Also Fine FRENCH and A8TRAO N CLOAKINCS. With an end 1M I Taribt F of Low Prioed Ctoskii£i, tor cheap garments, Ulsters. &o,

READY.-"Aflr.m-wS Wa now offer the finest Stark of Ladles' and Chllflrea's Btedr Hals CLOAKS

tnavt It has been our plenaure to show, Inrlusllag all tha saw sty la* ef hh* Senaon, viz.: lMH.M ANS, HI NhlAK C1BCULABS, PKUKSSKSj


taJte not lie that every C.arsnrat la our Btoek la NBW this year.

DRESS GOODS. We shall offer Thursday or this week* 5000 yds. WASHmoTOlT ALL WOOL

FOULK, at only fiOc. per yard. Those goods we never aaid l>*fore for 1*** than T.S*). Alao a new Stock of OSflM l'LAIIM*, Very ( holre.

You will find many rholee Style* of DRESS GOODS In our Stock not to b» found elaawher*. J

SPECJH im\m w mmw. Wa shadl place upon our Counters to-morrow one more, and the last. CAM ef

those l.raiit irui l 1-4 LAA1B*S WOOL BLANKETS for only

$5.50 Per Pair. This of the aajae lot of which we sold so many at the Wig vrnna, end have nlweys

been sold heretofore for $7.50.

N. n. We ahall o ffer Special Bargains In every Department for the SMWt fcw daya. All ara COrd'.aJly Invited to examine of Stock. Stylo tvad Priees.

QBROCADE vETvrrsT) The balance of our fine atock of Brocade Vel*

veta we ahall cloae out regardless of cost.

10 Pieces Biocatfe Velvet in ill colors it $1.75 per yd Former Price, $2.25 per yd.



i,mi;i:s,i(iriiiii'i;iiii,iiii[v.siiiiiiiEffl olmans and Wraps.

We have a large atock of Dolmans and Wraps, which we will close out at low prices.

SEAL CLOTHS, at Low Prices.

Ladies' Misses 1 Children's Hosiery Fine Assortment of Silk Handkerchiefs.

RUSSIA CRASH. I Bale Russia Crash, damaged by water, which

we shall sell at a Tow figure.



Flai..l Felt Lastioe as. Satin Skirts.

Ladies and Children's Underwear a


A. W. STEARNS & CO. 309 and 311 ESSEX] STREET,

Stoves, Ranges,


Flrst-I lass House 7 O LET

Owned aad foraterlv oennpted by Henry Barren Situate.! N*. 90 Prospect Bl, Lawrence. A I -tor* B«H will a* let in load ie aoi..,. frvei abl* teraaa. Tha bhuaS IB IB eampkil* entvi with a Uraw arw*. ami other neaal Is pravessenisi al*out ne,0W hwt of land, a eholw varwlr af graC'tluea, qulrea bashas, pear apple trees, la bearing eeaSitloni li.ns raa* husha* la rresl tarletr, aad ataav Sowarlaa

aaUatfwblehara tiardj, reasaaaloa fiver. r belera Maveatoar drat, ale* ens iioriabl** tar sale lavaierlr a*«d la tba abova de- alrabla

Knsjutrsof t. B.aml J. U. CtTRRIKB. (»ii ill K.asa St.. Lawrence, Haas.

FUST CLASS HYBTMIIT. I have for sale a few shares of the

United States Balldlas Co., of Raw York. Par value SSsSO Each. Theao abuare* are conatdared al>*oluteIy safe, a a.I I rfaoaetfally rsall the atten< ttoa ef hot* larwr and small Investors

theavs. Bach shssre repreaeaU Its aqulvaleaat la

New York Rse.1 Estate, and *• what we consider n first-class •eourltj. TheCeanpaay In under good msuiawararait*, and oar aaperleni-e In Sew Tarfc Baad Batata operation* leads us to .believe that tha share* will pay large aad will advance In value vary rapidly.

Now la the opportunity to make money la a good Invaatment. Any oem- tter of shares can be purchased, a or full partliular* apply to,

U. w. I'li.iiKiirt.r, Koom 3 Saunders 111 or h.

wlm a33 Lawrence, Haas.

We are offering the largest variety of Stoves and Ranees, to be seen in the city, at irices beyond com- petition. It will be or the Interest"of anyone in want of either cooking or heatine Apparatus, to call and eee ua before purchasing e se- where. in.

320 Essex Street. Wa.ra a Tall Llaa ol

Girriages, Sleighs and Harnesses ■iir ba fo.<nd at laaaasaule priees.


la all Its branehaa (* aa.1 seally does.

Also " turasn for < arr la|r* ns4 SI. 1st a.

MOQAR S TflOh, - Prepfiato .


Gold, Silver and Nickel Watches, Dta- iiiniid Hliiga, Silver Win.

While a.i I r i . Tea, I'.a er aad Toilet J»i». Uu-a Ho e a...l (. ,1 i il .n I t -«.li i.B aa I'-a H.'i. asit rm.i.ii.1. .f n.b*r 0 MBI BBS Artl-i.a - PHI MIL'MH fat .haiiita.laaof'1'KA CLUBS,

THEamTOTuSIm oo.. 910 SUte Htreet, Bo*ton. Maaa.

and we will wai HMI ou.-ipL.UJ .O JK **■ .i_ina i'tPHtCE Ll»T « oer Tess am


Sow lathe titae to see


Nearer Ma«7ic


CHARLES CLARKE, Pharmacist, 17 Baaex Street, Cur. Jacknoa St,

Lawrence, Maaa. eerl'lm nil


H. W. ELDRIDCE, insurance Agent

BEiOKBB. Slot a Member ot tha Looal Board

'Moaey ta Loan ea Personal Prop«rty and R' a bhtt. Call and axantQ* stj rat** Wore In uriBt *la«wbare.

iMrttioa, Eoora^l Bsnnd*rs|Block. Lawrsao*. Mas

B^SHL.Ofi. THi Ai. lor IB eeata

II* llf |* | UT ■■■ .HUT PAUKaUK, COB , i.lar aa, l" mtsriwi

Bin *ad lurU'ee tellies i I.ISB '■ . "..I ■. 1 i a i. ■

■ .i'l-. H . _ Mold

Bad i.rta.i -n rsrda, I aet enr* i e nnek. la map i-. a nev pusal a, sa Vr m a' m oracle, U "*,a le an, .-ar.l , KNUl.r. B isiiUMiMi Aeaara Wawrvn. a««|,>e Sipw mr Map. B*oaix>o i-i BI.ISHIMI . ....

Bgaala, ale. uwlsnst a


Will receive pmilla In

(.-.*;■.. a "I 1 i-t Ot "ii


MILLINERY. Ellen Braasill,

248 Essex Street, oppoalu Truall'e.

Fa hionabls Drms til Cloak l.kiu. Party and Mourning Dresses a


Follie sol Marriage (U vivid innslratioriB) rewallag real h-eal tietX * and after MBrnase, a.. aral) tealaaa naeiptoriB is., (sIKar or paautaa at ana.) Adiliva* U.UAI1L.ISI 1'srk avs., Bie.tljB.I.T

JMswssBKi .-it "

FARMERS: I With to call i our attsntlon to Ihe

CJreen Mounteln OdorlBaB F«rtt« Mm

as It has ..roved the best ia the Markets lea tear. II yoo wlan lo aav* jour rr«pa rn a> eh* the Urean H suula bdoilstt; fa ■rssa ii'Bo'1 be beat; i.r»>.iii.( <1. ■ a f. |ia* in in* fall voor araaawin not wtsler kill; la :■»!. drSBatagU will keep lhB|r.e> in a *aw Bllllnsi- I •>*• ihe la-n. la Law re see kx a>n tiail laat >P'iB|- CallatU I.. i..|r'i, I. ai It. .,[., ...iia hoai s ami Btaiae l>epul, vr altS Wta Un BI . I.isrnut, MSaa.

■eavli UIO, W. MATXatJU).

FOR PIANO. New England Conservatory Method.

SLS5, ef IB J part*, a i ao a.eti, ha* * *e* tbw. " .e-1.-I ia ttM «..■ it Ll n..rr».ttr», aad III ii.u.* la eaaliil li* I Be uB* Of tli* grral.M Bad Jest I al.uutors,

FOR, OK.O-A3ST Pasion Oaota inarm en m hn i. |IHU

tic book f..r i> sin '*rs laaon s iidht sal - •••4 -ii )■ . .. .1 )• liiitil. .'..ta I i.y au«c sfsl,

i.rn I. a hera. *.n( niliiintf.' U.gia- a.r Bed BdVB red aivide IB, •■ *riias tea • ii'ira, aa.l a iBrsB f mat 17 HI .l-intitui oraan, wa iKiasaaasd trt* atnatiBitN Msniii. Tt>* asnn imaaaa, StA*.

■ i Km i»".. a-ui*-, aad rn rants ery ii.■! s'lVaioeil i.ra.n a oo Ibe herA Di.».i, R«d or i'|.f, i.uitii ia ea* earpaaa

BK'a Ua U.iBlC soa *m- ISM rui nae.B.

SSI.*J»^£ia!ff^aai3rVtJSvsaof Trad* OU Painting, In Raees Bank BuUdlng

'frTitaHand^ofeft \ Cot.Es.ek and Lawrence SI. , Pea. M, hoer. i rom v to 11.SU, and M f>.

Byroi. Truell & Co

V2^isggnjgssssebg2zni\ CLARA TRICKEV, fe±!>S*StVWau»»jfe,,lfta1S!S ] DII Egg MAKEK,

Law a SHC ■. aaSB. Free I Oards and Chromoe.

We will ■ ML 11 tatge ura»'. Cants, oo l."»ee Il.l ..i mrr V" ■ siasip l-ir p.»ii stait a* asjMjrkve

>Bi)s*an|ilr sat of out and IIM.'I i'.u (i.iii'i

■I ...||. .1 . Will a |- r. ' ■ ' a.. . ua i.'. . 11 t oi a 'a w. i.i.ii ..ii'.ii. our he* (il.ii • I...'....

to t..y cr pec*it.f and I'oi.B'li-atlal (.ii-e Uai or I

Aaaol* want,4. 4 ., tjSaaSMrht. Boil

w\ ll ■ a .11 bOBMWO t

A itioroaahlt re iabl* Qlrl t .mini" ii .o i w.ll as to d . a

.. . i a . .. -i ,. iia urn in i iritt lakWane.

1 ApUj 14 ill Lowell atteei, laawrsaee. w itd*

ti ■ THE SOL-FA SINGER, Part 1.

UT K i- ANtiHa*S. PttlUBteetS Tec d.r'of ilia oi arson ro. t ii>«l'if "iitu .Inf.

Ins will U -I .1 tnts ho M » la ta aad var* eseful i .urn. ..f i,i 1'iaalliii \ . '•" '«"W««

I an, IB IS uii.n.l - (.-..« J, r, m, f.i I. I. aa i aU tae re-1, aud t ni*l «i. a i- >u w i» **T a >..iil i Toolo aVd-ITalat* wdl Sad thla ■"Sioser"equal lo as, oltiar.

OLalVAU DITSON « CO. tea ant SSI it>>aui... ai a.-taa.

FABIJ .n in* Ja«eaRi«ai,»i.. la . *- iW ■in -■ ']-»». n . IHusl ar.ici.eaiar rar-J. f. SIMSI, Ul.iesa «.'. Ta.

it/i.iM.—ia o VW arion .n-i.a.' I

, mi-'OiLucm to nl'ls ia mil n. iir*i*rrrd.)

SOOBI is, aauadsrs Mass.

rajs CAPITAL P.'ilZE. 8150,000

BEAUTY SOAP To k*+" *■>• p"Ti

'II1' • •'■ if- HI I tk< piiltUf in Ills t"r

• . 'if -' 1 <

I »M«, <h- OH a'-ind" an.l * lu'nlahsn mill)' for im ■■(rail .n and blood whir* loteh". Math '-•'!. aa st. a-p*rlal'y in an . to he-utit. Ins rtn.miw"

M«i|tr; to keen a fr«.n e ans ■no' . -k ., and a* rip


ti> ho..twiy. '.'.at.*, ■■<< III pi ii •, rul we autbQ, lie ■_,, t H i.e I'- • nertlSoBtS. With f*e- h ,.i „ -igu.tures Ktucteti, (■> (U ,, * r.

8*ls* Ml % l.W*.

Comnuionni, rnprfcedrntMl Attraction I


Louisiana State Lottery Companr. Incorporated in l*M toff B rears, bv Ihe Let-

■situ re lor Klin Irnitl and obsrllabls pur- im'. -will .'1,.nil at (I -om.uoii— to wtiirh ■ f.M»rn I'uB'l Ol over |4-0,1X10 til* llnct bNl

Br At nv-rwhdnilng pnnular vote ihftM- i->i , - « it n L I . L . i i <>l i i ■ g -ateoL HUie Cos ■

■tar (4 A., l> iH7u. MU4BIH U*aWI«Ui Wll

i I it.I lion, n I !..'.■■ I i IMIII


ir NEVES HUMOI POSTPONES. U. ik » i;i ■( i I mni .Ii IritajMMI

■ oil Sfuil n.aall.l< sod IM Bxtra.ordlna.rp Heml-Annu»l Drawlng-

ai New Orlrsnt, TUKBDA V, DEC. in, in-J. (JnJ'tr Iha purtjoal •■IIHTTIHIOD and mansie-

Oen. O. T- Brta.URBOA.«D, of Louisiana, and Uon. JU3A.L A K/ KLY, or Virginia.

CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000.

UBT Dp I-BlZW. tlAO.01 I CAPITAL PltlZE .r

H.IIAMI rin/r. ..r H.U \Mi I''IIZE "I lLlHUKI'KiZeSof 41. A ii- i: fia/K.i .ii

Si I'111/KM of

ArrnoxiatTio* rants. 100 Appnuliuslioii I'lisOBOI |i0>

tl.Vi.orw '"." 'I

■;..,i «K)

ttl.lrOU -u.o u ■.IM.., ta.uoo


tVJJ.MO I.j:.' Prises, mS'intinr to Application for rAlot to elnb* sboold be tnsde

only lotto otlice ol Uie company, la Now Or- leans.

for further innrmallnn writ* clearly, glvi«g lull adilrnaa. Utke P. <>. Mono; Ordera payable sod aid ess Ko«i-l-r«il l.cit. r» to

MEW OKLKA.fn NAll'lNAL BANE, New <Jr*. La.,

POSTAL NOTE*. and ordinary iellera Mall or Esprast UU sumsoi #5 anil upwada by Express st oui cso.mae) to

M. A. DAUPHIN New Or If am, La«

MIL A. DAUPHIN, __ 607 Siteotb .Street. Washington, D. (

lweaaownli a

THE HERITAGE OF WOE, r often a-qu-athtd by parents, !■ nosh

HN tt* .1 ■"! II I'll- h-l ■i.*». Ul • mint |ir unVrins-, to nicer the «k

MIserv, -ham nole legser to nhll

. f a To elea

1 been' I. lb- akin, WajaaHn h» »«lr aotnainri acaof beilluiaaeremal'iaCorictint K-aoi.Tawr. ihe Mf hlo*»| pnrlter dtaratti and ai>rl<wt, «ml CLricia* and CcrlCDBA Boar ihi rtiai *i'n UrTii'lfr-, nf Iwfn'H'ilf.

I HAD SALT SHEUM In the moat ijr. "**" '<• I '"' "' »' •*■ K'1 ' veari. No

il Ol ir<- inirii . nrdh Ine »• oOflora HIil mr r p^Tmnnpnl lood. My ItlPiida In Hald*n >W low I aiiB-re.1. ""hen I hoaan to ne* in* TlCCnt RBMKuiaa m» Hub* wore ao raw and

■I*I id •! I I-IIII i n it near my wlaht on ihrni Pi UI tto aki • crackle*; an I nii-mlui, and wi< ii* 11- K ■ TO ii nn ITIIU'IM U<*d tha CO- liilt RBMCMM itn nnnlhi and *M' con-

pleteiy a


ill |»*-i nri.ii-tilrv .-ii ri|. Mr*. B A. #V, II) ■] ■". ^

.'.*-. Arv .illifn nf M 1 I.d. »!»'

copPER-coinaEO. I bATe been afflicted wlih troGbleenme ibln lueaae, nurririt almo-t eiaiplrlelv tto opp*r nrl of mr b"dr, ranilni my II II It iimiinf ■

rnppfr.'Vj|or*f) ho». Il cml'i be runbe I off like line. Inloierall- Itch-

Eerlna. I hive tried ll-f it ! '■ ' I ■"■'! I '■Mir

*a, hot eipenen'fd at relief un;ll I P'ooo'e ' . ( i'Tu-i it RRMKolia. whlrb, allhniifh oaed releaaiy <ml IrtawSaVlPi enn-d me, a)larl»l

that irni'i- IteblnK an I reowrlBA m» ailn " ID'aleolnr I am will in f to make affliai

In Hi* Irnl - of Ihtt ttafemciit. \m.WUXHM

Pr M r.| c v -■n in-,i*., y. ■M l»'ae >nl»». (1 OarlldeiU BBntM TPIHT || |)*r bntlle.

curicunj mf, 1'. ota. Soldi dranc'eta.

ClIKWIfH. 1 n , Mod for 'How • c re sktn Ulaeaaei,"



Nothing like •nterprlM. .1 dowo river (Uily Announce* three « t«s after the close of the race in Nc\r York, that " Hart woo the walking mA'.-h." More then one Herrlmao fal'.cy daily evidently receives lta newi by freight

train. .

1 * aquftre The Lowell Time* man I

meal, yeiterday.

The Eagle of Thursday morning

was ex'remelr O'Snlllvanlo.

How mnch tlyepepsia did you lay

away yeiUrday?

The DrohibitioLUta are game. No other §et of men would hang together againtt inch meagre socoeaa. They get up agaio as quick as the cbapa who are disappointed in the coming of judgment day.—Detroit Free Press.

He was a Tery thoroughly relormed gambler, and they were glad to elect him a deacon of the church; bat on the very first Sunday that he assisted in taking up the collection, when he met the senior deacon up by the clian- nd,|n whispered softly: "Bet you fifty even I've raked the biggest pot." —Puck. _____

A Chicago man set out to give bit wife a little surprise the other nigbt. He went home early and sober, and by so doing, not only completely surprised her, but also a neighbor.—Post.



»nt Core „■* b-a I t-l* a-i!



MM Cocca. \\'.irriml. ■! .ibnolittlij pur*

Coca. Ir. in wblch Ilia cicaae o: ".i .< : ■■>■■■ ri tucr.-'l. ItbaafArM Urn, 11 A* itrrnglk cf Cocoa mixed wlih Htarch, Arrowroot ur Uugar. an.l . III.-M r.-i.- fjr moroi.'onoml ul. It 1* '!■;.■: I'm, nourUlilac, •Iri'nKihenliijt.cMlly dlfaited, and a.! mln My adaptpd tit Invallda u Will -' 'or ■■■!•,m, 1 a l.i alia.

Sol* by (Jroeeri everywhere.

f, BLOB ■ CO., DmclBiBf, la, Till


SCIATICA after twelve BhVsTntana had pronoon*ed |W j>>* i»*nrtb'e Ii will ■ nrp K"M'mn»«, Nrn S'LSIA. I.kMh lUrn. Ac, after alt ■■>"■ i

Por the i TTae.lla> relkf And Perwia of every '"ru er Catarrh, from a >l. .old orlnflnema. ti Iheloaa 01 Boirl1. " Ilrarlni, Conab, Brnnobiu*. and Inaipieat ton aumption, Kehel In flr* minobia It anranl eiery ''«■*. NoihiOS Ilka H. Urslelnl, Fra (run. wnofonia Cure ''ifina from flrmapi>'l (Ailon, and 1* rapid, radical, permanent, nil B***r lalhnK-

One bolt* Ridlful rnre. ore bo •i.l -CM i. il 'hniiirn'i- li l.a'cr, nil H ae*. f-rmlcaa eotnpbt ■ u*«lrj)*n'. *\'t* fur Bl. Aak for Bauford'

pmr Trrww «wrl rhenalriirw . Btenlaw, ASKI I |JUe^»'l>rTb*,T?iTe7anl.f prerrnti.m. CULUlfVo^ th. It I. - |.,.ll*i.. ol \ MOlTAiC/ -Kin u-nmi-m. HwBTnUHL Bnwtl

Oi> ^n^-^mm^hand B.»wela.9h, ~ - P<lna. Nnrobn HtaKila

X^ remnlePaln', I'alp'tat

: Catarrh il

It V PEPI11CK & CLOBSON enwv iriiinu ■



HAY-FEVgR feMiu ol

i BII«T* rfa INIIII. ui Hie pletaly iai> .1' tacte > mi

■ aW rn prepal , K>e. dn-ipiau

■I it i f"*.-ii nllj .1. HT f. r it * !>».■

^■d Irom aildl

ill. Kiriflelal ■ llillrRllcm.. J

1 i.i Imciuun n-olar. Br m d. fold by ■ .fwiai.N.T. oodlly lanSl

, B,tta y r'iniMn*d i,u flaeler)and in. -■■' ■ •''■' rv* in I*

Malaria the Cause. I


NEDTRALINE? IT ii tUmlutrly Iha nnlr rrmedy known to medical and Kiene. >h il will SArH.Y, fJUlCKLV, andSUHELYiiruO^liir .11 the nffen-iv* .ido*. o( Iha human I, armni fn.m pcrapii of the aaiUarj (lindi and oilier |

Iswrf Hlckneei hnn its. Fnver. Th» J, tl.a )::■.'.-.\ th' •tomoch. Uie bowpJa, the >r, the aplen, n A the Mdncyn cn.h will At ICB bare their liitle I'rter. Eoa:iyaab*

duod if kaken In tta \ bet If dcUyod tfiS ferer aprcndsLle fl-e In m h I--*. v.: i r - wli.ile I»'.y Is IOTOITCIL nr.d the person in nkic In bed.

The ITlAclc Cur© tacG^-clally » Power lrIr-«]lrln*-".>e:'utaudt'hi'A|H-rth3nqulnine.

It la the hone of the ,-. i*-ii, ■ 1. 1 ho bow of prom 1 an to t ho I :i call I.

Krorycaaoof Kcarlet Fewer, Plphthe- rln, PiiniiiiKiil i, i i !■■■ cured, If tliie remedy la 1-iiL-nactHeTy. .

iriulnr!» or Qllaiwm la V.™ air in for the most part the cause (f nil Fevrrt, ar.d the MantC Ctiro la a aura antidote for It In every form It may nmunie.

livery Chill hniiiuFewer, hut not erery fever haaUa<li III. Wecun Uie Fever or the rhlll at Uie lame Una

Aak yourdrutrr'st tor aha Murlc Cure. Put up In both Liquid and Filiform. Price or PlllAFOit". a box, and t*cyare»ei.. y mail. P'nt bottloaof tho liquid, $1-2J, fc--«

eeat by espteaa. Ceo. Tallcot.

1D1 Fulton St., New Ye


A Romantic Tale Exploded. at


1 yiel

Il ii th* only item ihm -nil eff*<" •( any ol :'-,' nun* d '

-- Ara.etthar

allvkill th-odoi I acduloui »*. r

the tart, iin::; :. , breait, (int- via, or ■ ■:i.-i pin* nf ■ *■■■ body.

It la a erlnniin* t*. t thai l.jihlr f ion often, ■■ ntany i*opl« h4« n do. lo fret th»ln■>elv*^ ..(ill*n,l»e odora, HUM • dch.uuiDf, cQtci, and d-wi nn alwayi produce Iht detind rcnull. Two or Ihrco tp|Jk*lll»ll

NEUTRALINE to Iht aliened ptrt* obvuie* iht oeceuiiy uf baitini to alien, and will SBTC inv oidinary caw.

• it perfect ly liarmleae, tod toid undar a poti. tnK et 'T nlee in trtnniplinh lit ohk tl.

h • UK Toil. I Annie of ih* diy, and it hand. •t-i.'-e i.ii MI ii:. .,,,.1*..

Il it t I by *» dniirv»u, and tl>o mailed, noalpald, in paten il'antil/t hi... k tin tuUt, on receipt ol B5 cewUfvud !■.■ i.l HOT), by

J. A. HOITT C03CPANT. Naahua, >.JI. weoige i.. I.I...IHIM A C<>

Wholful. a.r.i.i


[German Remedy.] TBUTHS FOR THE SICK, j

For tboto tlcaUiij Ladle* In ddlcatofl Bilious Hi-"., 33 hcaliTi, w:.i nro allH need en l:,:.rni:c runJuwn, ihpv.!.h:se lm-rr.K%lt i.'Uciin WIATICT tllTTtffif■

TlieCiluntIiy'pcp- rorc.i Alacurtil I y i. dng fmil i-'iniLH Birnaa, aotr

CALL & TII1TLE. Fashion Tailors

and Importers,


t per rent Apply to P, WOOD, ■tuet, New 1 ork I in .

-LADIEH IO TAMC OUH NEW roik a I nek linmnt, in rllv . , rain to to i j .1 «,-, t umLi,,,

run ;T,.I » , !,., i, ,!,. rlfnd lie. I M Ft*. CO.,


Oornigfired and Or'nped Iron tor Roofinr,

BI DINu, M-.

Jloaelnj Iron Bridge and Roof Co ■ AT DET ST.. NEW TURK,

I"am aep I? t

J Qr-nornl 1*1 lllty will curelAvcri ]|,Ti*rda»r™,'o tonic rlalr"!, Doa'tb.

"' i EULTiLL.t HIT jottiif«d;ltwiilci 'A yon vll you.

riasd Inot Lo trouble

Elbe mills sntiwork- jloclMlien you ircl ■uoril tlf-rka, whe ,u i --luritle* bur 1-1 Ida nU r10*"™ "it- .oft i bronco the i' .zl

Iclent Cicrcino and Lnl'i:-i;i!oi,Blo!^hc5,| _.illnho*ro confln*il snd F. rtt, Jlcty ei Iin door»,ibon!.| ti;» SUM-.--- Drrrr:!!? ■sctrutn riiTEBS. snd health will fol-l iThe* "Hi not then low. Abv vrrak and alct 7.


Bn. lion'tbe srttasnii will

,_bo:tlo. Try it: you-maioTJ'J rlrongandl |wiUnotre*retit, healthy.

[Sulphur Bitters.

rrloa. twenty. Sre o

KL ArT"i';.™LT «■- I'M,7' *.d oi?r Trial, Tu '"


A servant girl in town while clean ing heuse this fall took the books oat of the book case, dusted them and put Ihemall back, upside down, and then woo tiered what her mistress could Bee

to find BO much fault with.

A little boy In one of the primary schools in town, when told of the change to standard time, thought everything was going to be reyeraed, and so asked if Ben Butler wasn't

elected. A pbilospbical Scotchman once de-

livered himself as follows, on the sub- ject of eggs, "There's no such thing as a bad egg, but some eggs la better than others."

Hers is what a little girl in our city said last Sunday, in regard to the first snow-storm. "Just think, papa when I got up this morning the world was all white."

With the close of the canals there will be about 1,500 idle horses near

Troy. Tt>e farmers will get $1 a week for each horse that they shelter and feed until spriog.

The French Senate has adopted a bill allowing the reduction of the gold standard ot watches for exportation to 14 carats. The standard ot gold is exceptionally higii in France.

At stations on Russian railroads there is a grievance book, in which the traveller may inscribe his wrongs in any language, and which is period- k-allyreai by ihc authorities. Wheth- er results follow the perusal is not stated.

Mr. Arthur Forwood, Chairman of the Sanitary Committee of Lirerpuul Council, said lately, at a public meet- ing, that there are in that city 15,- 000 houses more or less unfit for hab- itation by reason of their situation

A half breed with three squaws, all heavily laden with skins, complacent- ly permitted his oldest squaw to go ahead and test the ice as he was ibout to cross tlie Missouri near Maudau. She broke through repeat' edly, and had to extricate herself as beBt she could, the noble son ol the lorest coolly smoking his pipe mean- Lime, and awaiting the discovery of a safe crossing for himself and his younger Bquaws.

Wendell PbillipB was seventy-two years old on Thanksgiving Day.

The Philadelphia Press states lhat a grandson of John Eager Howard ol Baltimore, and bearing the honored nnme, was recently dischargad from the bumble position ot turnkey at the penitentiary, within sight of the boms of his ancestors. Another grandaon sougiil in vain the position of private secretary to the mayor. They have a double claim to the'gratitude of Balti- more, for they are also the grandsons of Frsncis Scott Key, the author of the "Star Spangle Banner."

The great German stilesman, Dr Edward L. Lasker, arrived at Cincin- nati yesterday morning from New Orleans.

Mr. and Mrs Moses At wood of Grove land celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary ol their marriage Wednes- day evening.

Matthew Arnold has been engaged to lecture at Social Hall, Smith Col- lege, on the 11 th, under the auspicea of the students.

The late Rev. W. II. Cudworthof East Boston, was chaplain of the Massachusetts House of Representa- tives for two sessions some tears bgb. Ilr was a ficqueut and effective speak- er in its behalf.

Ai.i. WHO W»U IO 1 i nmm- IIUNDJ

In ti e Gnat) ?■* nii-Anm-i Drtw.n*. of Th* 1 Loot iaoa Bute Luiirry <'■ n.| *tiy, may lend ; lor i.' krii in any ut Hie waji tiated m tbe

•i i "-me nui ii- h .i ilstwaers In IBM paper, with lull coDhdcace tLat they will *et them prompt.


ADTICB TO at oTHaia, Are yon dltturord at night and broken ef yonr

real by a *irh child *on>rin|- *nd crying with pain oicuuinp li'elh? 1 *o. tend at once and BW ■ iioiileof mua. w ii«ti.(iv.'i Botxruiiao Uritur tfh c im 1 ri.Tiiiid. Ii* value la imal , i.i.ii..' Hwlllitlifvr tbe poor lutle euffcrer ■"'■'"■i"'" DBMS*) upoB it, stothera, Iheie it no niltlake about it It cure* dytt-ntery and

—' bowel*.

Tin ihe AMBRIOAJI las* May, there sp- oaared a rather romantic story relative tc

ttateooenta made by Mr. sad Mr*. Wm. H Hordes of this city, respecting Iks re-

covery of their sllefea child at Stoaeham

from tbeoxBstodr of a family named Webb. A brief resume of the particular* ot tbe then mysterious affair Is opportune

ID tbe light of developments aande recent-

ly, which received a lttlog climax In the police coort to-day.

Mr*. Mary Bordsn, Isst spring,went to Stooeham, and at tho realdense of Mrs.

James Webb, claimed thst a child. Battle

by name, wblch bad bean to tbe poeses-

•lon of Mrs. Wsbb, wu her lost twin. The story she told wss that on the lent

day or December, 1890, a&e was taken til while on a train of lbs Boston sod Maine

railroad, sad at Melrose was removed to a hoase where alie gavs birth to twine,

that 'he returned home the next morn- In., Informed bar hatband that sbs bad

aivtB birth to a child at Melrost, not knowing that twins bad been bora, and

lhat a few weeks aRerwards she retnrn- edto Bfslroseand clatmed and recovered tbe child there. She stated that until

laat Apr! labs did not know she waa the mother of twins, bat on hearing sneb to be the fact, ebe traced her Biasing off

aprlsg to Stoneaan, aad tiotalBed poe-

aeaaloa of It, despite tbe proteststlons ol Mrs. Webb who made freqoant endeavors to resettle the custody of tbe Infant.

Above, In brief was lire. Borden's story, bet It proves to be a fabrication as

will be seen. Jsrjortlj after she took poe-

sess'oa ef the child Haul*, a verr-weak- ly appesrtng babe,, tbe family moved from

No. 88 Holly street to Booth Lawrence,

and to a abort time aha presented her hnabaud with a boy Infest, which ahe ob-

tained In as mysterloas a manner as she

bad the other two et ber alleged off-

spring. Tbe neighbors dwelling In tbe

vicinity of her residence, bad good rea-

aon to believe that Hattle, whs Is but

2 1-3 year* eld, was bfing submitted to

xross abnse, and reported to district on-

cer Ba'ekelder, who began an Investlgu- Mon. Be learned from the neighbor*

that airs. Borden had been seen to strike

the weakly Infant with a broom handle,

and tbat the Htlle one's face and body

were black and bine froat repeated bcai- inaa. In fact, going to tbe boose he saw

every Indication tbat tbs child was mucn

soused; its tiny face bore tbe traces ol

linger atarka, as If struck with sn open

bsnd, and one eye waa discolored, Uy a -uccassful mae be ob.alnetl tbe confl-

uence of the woman, with aiii-a results

tbat he notified the elate aatborltlea of

tbe c onditlon of the children, especially tbat of Hattle, and an effort la raid to

have been made tu regain tbeo, but lo

ibis Mrs. Burden wunid not assent. Ac- cordingly *he w«wn*rv'|nad In toe police

curl to-day, tit alttotVw treatment or

Uettle, was adinged gallty, sod held In

$300 bonds for her apueeiaoce at ill.

Jauaary terut of tbu Superior coort to be held in Salem

And now comes tbe denouement.

Mr*. Borden has admitted that ber stoiy

of the twins la falao, and baa confvased

tbat none of'Jie three children la ber possession are ber offspring, ai d lhat she

haa obtained all of them thruBgh the

mediation of tbe stale authorities who

are aupposed to provide proper homes lor fooudllngs. The first two she pro-

coored we'e girls, one of then Haute,

who, >y tbe way, appears In mich worse coadliion than sis did when Mr-. Rnou

n-moved ber from her Sioneham k. /ere. l'in: lest one she obtained ie B boy 10

moniba old, and U wan ber Intention, a*

expressed by herself, to obtain another boy, la order thai ahe might have two

girls and two boys In her h^nsehold. Sirsnge as it mar ac. tu, her buband tloti

HOI appear to be connected wlih ber

cullar mulboda of obtaining a family, an<)

so far as he Is concerned he Is eutltlod to

ihe charily of silence, at leant. Mr-.

Bordon baa admitted ibat she baa whip- pud Uattle, on account of bur illi'uy bab.

Us, but when the tender years of t be In.

fact are taken Into consideration, Il don

seem tbat care Instead of liars bneae

ahonld be employed In correction In tbat



Mr. Frank HuDgerford and Miss Gar- trade Cnlrer, ofOranre, III., were mar-

ried ID that stats the 17 nit. The mother

ofMlssCalver wss Mlae Harriet M M#«-

ser, fermerly of afetbaeo and BBfiCOMt- fnl school teacher thers. In Lawreuv, ant

Chicago, she H now living. A corrss-

pindeat In sp*aklng of the mother of the tie bride and tbe wedding ssya: "She

(be mother) Is of a family of nine chil- dren all llvlnrf and grown up, tbe yonng- ett being over 40 years of age. There

are now 19 grand-children, eight having

died, and two ureat grand children. The

grand-mother has been dead Ifteea years

and the grand-Nth*r Is still living and a

resident or Methneu." The wedding re- ferred to above took plsca tn a chorch and was the event of the season. The

altar snd walls were decorated very finely

with evergreen and Hiwers. After tbe

cremony a snpper waa given, and the tablea were loaded down with, nil the

"dainties" of tbe BSBBOw. The presents were numerous, numbering one hundred or more.


How many people bti""p over fn their werk md how f'w iini"er*t"nd It Is a w**vn*a* of the

T» that indooea tide hnra^lnaTOTT, or lame-

S*d iir* Ite.o' Itiriloi'k lllood Blur rs a* * rcme iv for lime birk.

SM It III \I»A< MI:,

nred n°n*li* hv a mxlimne lhat wilt ttrenrthen th* »oD*tite. nld dig-ttion. k*cn the liver act've and the hnweN open. Rurdork Blood Bitter* «re a gearanieed 'ii.c for sick headache.

GENERAL DEBILITY. TbrntaensefiDS vety naaiskunsst waasJalntj,

Tu. i


aoAsn or ALDiutair.

Board met alS P. *.. present Mayor nreen, Aldermen Thompson, Morrison, Joyce, Lindsay and HeAlplne.

/■efifJonj-nfOeorBsU. Wilion A Co., to ob- struct Chalmers, Broadway *nd Manchester street* while raasorlni building;; of SSBkS lo ob struct Chalmers, Broadway and ( b-rl*. atreet* for same purpose, 1* art, granted In both ease*; to enter *ewer In Haverhlll atreet alley, eran led; ©IT. L Davis, lor of I quor llofnae, grant cd in the tun* of IMn, of Marv Major, for abatement of aewe/aateeament, rererred (o onm- mittee on sewer*; ofAllm Btrr, el. »1., lor change ofgrade on Haverbill street, referred lo committee on *trreti.

MuctlUaeoH* I' tlllnn of F.. Babbitt, for •freeilighUoniJ*rden*treet«, laid on the table for one week, the Skater and aldermin Joyee ap- pointed aoonimlllee to Inquire into the eoal.

The check litts were adopted at printed. Tbe petition of V7. B. Oray, of Aodover, of the

city bail for use of the Sal ration Armr, referred te committee o» puDlic properly .

—A convention of delegates froj) the

leading polo clubs of Now England was held In Boston s few days ago. Kail River

Gloucester, Lynn, gtlem, Lowell snd

Providence bt-Ing represented. It was

voted to organise the New England Lesgua of Pole clnhs, and tbe following

'ft! :i rn were choseo : President. George

H. Tartor of Lowell; secretary and treas-

urer, B*nJ. Cloagh, Jr.; directors, F. B. Wlnslow ami H. A. Dltaon. The oi.j.-ct

is to encourage' polo throunhont Mew England.

An Interealtag Hualctd Event.

Mft, Till

Il •:•■■■

*•, TU1 •""' "n Thlri> ita/e* >hn . I i. ■ii"r-.:1(

rt-uiMri* rrn*

m null MtHBfM.- : 111 ■ t r ■ I !-• I i' *m p Q i,

im' Stwen>YalT,!

VoLTticlaT Co., MARSHALL, MICE • II.i" ly novlb

To CONSUMPTIVES Ces VfTSCHEBTKn-B HTPOpHOflPnmnf LIUi iirnBDIA. T0f I m.umiitl.n, UUewaea ,., the 1 Ii n:'i and I,wn*ta. I>> ineptla, an •hmeral I-eliflltTtt tu ^n Brkinwlisdgr.t cparlrlj

Prief.wi mdBlTirr tndl". I'n-tr-,1 only by HIMIIICTI-II A IO, (liMnUli,

SViMby liragtiitn. IN Uoy Bl., Haw Yerau



UEIIHA IMXIN.and other*. A i....lnt.l» |.„r. Superior In Flavor. Tbe klotl fcononili al. Be a proa only hslf the utusl qtnntlij. Sold by al

es'lee. JOHN C. rniuirs, A CO., Ageais fcr tko Calcutta Tea Syndicate. ISO WATBB BT. I. T, sat ITBOI lly marll ak

«t and beat len.ale L.I.J tull-'l MtllP, mi.I I* ft

urougbout illr world.

a Hi* ■ I energy . the

'■> HUM. I* pieataal u. npilt,nofoaeol he old i urn aad onraet In the

Bprsint, Ismrnctt, psina and slltrhea, lnmbago ordlttateof tat *pine will be Immediately re tier cd on aiplicsilon of a Jfcp Plait* over UM

affected pan*, lta penetrative power la vary wm.I. tini. ftarranu-d to be the bcrtaaad*.


rOBTMABTf m BAM'L A. IIS W11T, of Moaierey, Mich., delivers himself In this Wl«»: "Foruoldt, bnrns, tore throat and rh*a maiiira, Themas' Fciecinc "Oil cannot be beat- SD. I say keep It up to tbe standard, and It will ssiisly the people. I shall tean for a new •upply soon." dwlw

MAHI Nsw loaaa ID the linme. core of dlsesses, sccidenta, snd kow to treat ititm, snd many bluts ol valne to the sick, will be toBBii ti Dr. Isefaiann'a great Msdlcal Werk; elegant lllastratlone. iead two ■ seat stamps to A. T. ONwnr A tn., Boa- K*, Ma**., aad retelre a espy free. w-wtSB

A vary pluasant musical entertainment,

quite iiifuriu*] ID Its nature, took place at

tbe residence of Hon. Andrew C- Stoi

on East Haverblll Street, tbs other *»II

log. Tbe occasion waa complimentary to

a very prominent young lady stuger of Boston, Mlsa Snub* C. Bail, who speut

few days with Mr. and Mrs. stone in on

BilT last week. Miss Hall baa a beautlii

ciiiiinllo volcu, well cultlvstid acd uudc perfect control, snd has made a very J

vorable Impruaalon In musical circles In

Boston alace ber deonl there not long

since, wbea sbe sang to great acceptance lo uie select coocerta given at the Com-

monwealth Hotel In thai city. At tbe

musical aolree hers last week, she rendct-

ed wlib great power and sweetness ihe

songs, "Forever aud Forever," " 7'be New KlnKdom.-and ■'Genevlevc," which

were greatly enjoyed Ly Ibua* present.

Anoibor dellgbtfoi leatnre uf tbe ever.- Ing was tbe singing by toe w.l known

quartette of Lawrence gsutlemea. Dr.

PariildgB, Meaara. W. T. Moyea, Artboi

Sweeney and William Krdinm.d, of BBfBfal beaaillul songs snd gtefs. Among th<m

I long for thee," " Goed Night," sad

The Three Chafers." Mr. Sweeney also

aaag with Bne tffect ihe "Sentry Song'* from " Iiilauthe."

Those who were present hope to listen

agaiu to the delightful efforts of tbu ,»ri,

ocallat who so pleasantly entettalut-a

them on tbla memorable ocsasloo.


•«ffEBs sn Inrittora d, MottFlter'd Stomach Bitter*

received th.' mo.t p 'Kilne endors.'meni from eminent phretclaa*, snd haa long eccipifd a f ir*T»ntt rank am**g *lanOa*d proprietary■.. lu, |>ri>perti)a ts analtecaiiv* of dl ordered ran iilloo* <>■ tie Slomach, llvrr in

melt, A> da prevewlveol malrltl tiltess.- eno l*i* renowned, snd hive l**u accorded

MR. E. MARTIN. in Porter's Department of the 17. S.

Armory, Springfield, Mass.—Inter- esting Nluti'liient of his


n*r* are plain faol* ironi a roo«t r-iiali1.. 'Cnro*. Tsur rep .ncf fo-.i.d Mr Msrtln in l,orie.,*rVpa-i:UeaiolliieL'i,it-.| suie* Arm- ..-.■..■■■■: i. M ,- . ARs lieineintroHlUi'i'd.

Mr. kfa.ti,. ..II: -I *ra willing n .„ „.*t i nan for n« ben ill or tbote nlllie'e I nn I nae been. Kur yejrt 1 havolnen a terrible auueier ii..:ii kidney ami 1.1 t-l-i.-i .'nn u ties. Mia-i '■•■- Ing '\ the oal.ulu. or tlony r„riu 1 have vldled ail iho mineral tprnn •he** wslert have b~en reconmend ■ I lu n,« by Hie ... .-i medical author. ulia. 1 hsv* IM,*) rve/y known reaaedy and aubmiltei: to »ever»l op. rulon* and have tried ever.thing that ne> r.,j! i oblLln iu Ike W1V orrell.f. bat I lh«t Dr. lien-ol,"* * AVOB- ITK HEUEI1V Ii the lie*l ine-ln-ln* of *!' mv (ipeileai.— I miv* re'-riVrd inure beneBt frrtiii .1. It in rrrtMnly A Wiinlerflil med i;iU( t.r rlit-

■i-.mmeudea VW- ni Ihe city ol Sp ing- BTifail fr..m''■ —

idrerls e wriifn

nf ueotrle ..-■ - Th-r

da i

%-'■. vet they <ln w*recomm*nl Burd'fk Ft ool iin .-■-. one ■r Iwi. '■■■■tl. -. . r wli' 'i »v :' li ■)■■' i I'IMII T. .. It", mimd kleep sni rid the gonertl d-"l>lltty nfferer nt his -"rrn nn -m ind d*t»inil rat .r.i fni-i-i. Th"»-tt .■**tnfnlir- nnthinu quite ijiiul to Rurdoek HlorMl mtters fur thl* trouble.

CONSUMPTION. B'irdo-k 111. • I It. i .■]■ ■ wll not onre Con*ump.

'en, ">of by koep.ns lb* bl •«■! «trm( and lYeo Iroro lmpu*iti*H t^icv will »tav" on" non'ump' A |..'r«on ij, n; ths midl.-ine, meanwh 1 • li.tti-g

•t te ihe common liw* of heajth. ne-d die Wlih coma uptUn, B.IJby alt dinft-

Foater, MUburn £ «'•.„ 1'roprletors,

Buff Uo, N- Y. dwBoieodnowolO %



II HARD BR SOFT, HOT OH COLD WATER. SATES LAliOC, TIMK and SOAP AMAZ- IKOLT, and give* nu.v.i ■ .'. satlsfactlnm Bo family, rich or poor should Im without It.

Sold by all Grocer*. UEtVABEof imitation* wtll.l—iTi.'l t'H.ii. PKAKLLNK Is lie OKI.T BAFat labor taring compound, and always bears tho above avmbol, snd nnme of JsmM PYI.E. NntV YOItK.

NUHUN ARMY OIL CO. aw Waahlnarten «., Baatnn.

Weeks A Potter, Wholesale Agents. ileod weow ly imt II I»


f:■..,.i.-... BSAItA Til* Ureal , ^„^.. MAAI Cngllt'- --

umi 'AKIKS. 'f Mem-re, Univertnl Itasaltnde, I'nin In tb. ■Ml.. [I ■ \ i- ! -■ , ".■■.:!■■,,■ i i I • :■,- ind in mr oth-r ilisesaes lhat lexl to imanity oi i-onaumptl,>n and it Pirmalnre tirave.

Bewam ■>( the advmti-"menu t ■ reiiind mine) when Srig.'i*lii trini w>mm the eiloire » br.ughldo .i ri. ■■■■fun I, but relnr you in the n<an- nscurer* and 'he rciulieiocnt- "re punh lhai th*. sre Heldom, If ever onuiion with, f*e tbt-li wrtt.n guaranee. A irlal ol .HII'-IIK i' I'Snksai' •il lliav'* Siroclli.' will .'.niviiii" th* nntt skndi

■iI ■■! i real merit*, i in :■ ■■■■■u t ■■! ,. ictnrtelu an hsvu Bdopled tbe yellow wrapper, the onlj feni'ine.

gw-rsll pArticnlara In nor raii)ihtet, wh'oi we ■ let re lo (re br mail tu evervone BtrTheSpe. id-medicine Is ti.i.l l>v II dru tuietr- il*l per pjektse, oi ai* ly.-ktu-* Lu *.*.,■! will eient In* l.v mail on receipt ul Hie nti>n«>

br add re-King the ORAY MEDITINEOO-, Buffalo, N.Y

BoldlnLawrrneeat KELLEY'S DKFC BTOrBR,

letVSN !'.«'. 'Ime DHwtk


A wonderful cbApter could be written on colda. Just now they are very plenty, and they are going togctplentler. Tbesoa- •on Is ripe fur lham No man ever had a safecold.Theyt>cglneaay; but.ah.theend. Ing I A cold Itoftou an ei press train from health to a cuQiu. It runt full, fast and without Stops. Yon don't want to be on board, doynuT Vi ell you needn't be. B*y to yourself, tberu la one great apeclliu for a culd, and that la, avoid catcblug It.

"A person in good health, .rraift a cold. Il te only

the hootVand"in'i'i..i' Tba"iuo*t ..... thoa* who is last in tbe tons of their L-— tern and drciutt).,u l.y NMB habllt, cold baUung, good bub, aud tuuud •lue*'."

Krerywordtme. Oenntne hyphen!* gos- pel I and nothing explains the litvaierv of the Florida I'ine cure so well. The 1'lno- l'almlne bed tlnn't allow your '■ health to nag." ItisAperpetUAl tonic to the "ncr- TOU* system and clrculAtion." Thcrefuro you resist cold, and the consequences of cold. So. when youaredown, Itllftayou up; provide** medical treatment; help* you to sssert yourself, and to throw off

. Utngniir, debility, and disease. This it the jtiulvcnal testimony, ,, -g, "-rff

K ride., ■•-J f,„.ikim St.. tola Agent tor Law en-w, M.'tinen an-1 And rer, for th- FI.NO- I'ALMINK BEDIUVU. B-nd or call furrier.

lUlars. free. Off! e: !.'.t I,, well Bl



pecial Course in Penmanship. IS Lessons for 6VI.50, loci tilling Stationery and ane set of Cannon's Copy Slips ft

e. First I,'■•■'■ "ii tloii'Iii.v Evening, Nov. 12, at 7 oVlot'k. r Iso regular Hay utul Kvenlng Sessions lu Commercial Departmeat. Call <

send for circulars giving particulars.


■its 1 cup.

Jg3UWv*s«|fci -if: A H FEr:a, and tn-nre a^besn-

TtAJBT^m plecei^^oiir ewa laspwTliliiF ■at ■* aelVi»Tj£*TWa Itu.VlAItaio.ji,*ISJ,*Sw !™^i-iy*J.v;;'j7^ni

n,'^,","*_! * ™* *. <** >s>. ?«*

Z£&'l IMI. ri* h.nk^a. '<! .,ll'

O:*\™"TI $mSrn(n!wri'fin BwoTwatC5* *St

THTWREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. P. 0. Box 289. 31 A 33 Yeuj 8t,, Hew York


Salesroom 286. Residence, 285 Com mon Street. f lyrjan 1

OKE ! COKE! 1 Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWBETCE GAS CO. Is selling COEK At tbe following \ noes ;

Per Chaldron of 14 bbls., delivered |5 "» •■ .. 7 . ,. , M

Per barre., •■ " .Sf Order* moat be flat the offloe of ths BSesaaa}

Vn.SiW E^ theCtke im..! lor at li.. one ilia order la given.

OFkICK H'-*- •*; a. w„ mi:ni„ - - 1 to 7.M p. ■.



mill; KKHKDVI.

1 Uei nnd I i Ibnt tba FAVOKITK IlKMEDr list work with a ti soar eompl tenet* ii e.

I I k 11. .1 ...lie ether .(

■ n- ilt ISKll

naged 1 m*dy'|

ml try tl

r. David ken'.eiVa FAVOUITK MCMW . lot a ui... .. 1 easia* of toe human rsc ■re lnWsftoiheli. it ran not raver, Hei.i :■» - . , „, 1 ,i .. , „rv.g tnblj B,ter. *a. Itdo*t loinestnur infls-ie the bl-Kxi, ■■•*!■ a-..] poriQ*. it. In AlleBhea .1 hid ■ ',

People voln tt'ii, Or.K. i,.,d.;.al of wu.ob 11 ■■ !l S t ., ,■ n ■■».■; I


■ 1.1 t>: BBMB 1st, inou andt ofgnnfiil teailfr to u.l~ In letters 10

re Liuainess documeautand

New York Sticks Bought and Sol 1|ID toLs'of

FIVE SHARES AMD UPWARD!!. Oalanvinur- In detlrt-d irom

TWO to TEN Per Cent. WKRRILt. & HL'ALU-

No. 2R3 KKBRZ St, Lawrence. IB'Witer Btrsst. Beaten.

Ton rave been prevented by III hen'lh.rrim enjoyi Ins tbe oidinsry | ol jou' ■ nlly exlsi. nni-e, wm M jou nut dot ire lo to niloiedt. good nraliti?

It raty be huiMAnm, or Nai'SAiO'A, ot dmemc of Die Inm *M> Kitin in or a.m. in rv- ut .'crni.iiin 1 in I EPILITT, lo* ofSLUP. i.AMji'ia, Bo., 11 at ri. 1 1.-, t:. yen of your rlehi

To lltose «he ran appreciate tilt, and to »1 • no have nSercn fo r, Id, 15, -m nrcviaS-' Itnra, we one. a ihnt work* null .' ..!..!■ St lo ,|i-,l,it, b'llcr. ]. 11 II' li. I Mil prl.e-u* II you nre r-ke, Ural. Ton -Iwe b«r e.. .ii.ii .fe.ivc.1." We therer.'re court tbi most eerefal latesOgatk ■ as to lae fasts. ,


have cured tome rf tl-e vor>t rbronlerstca In the world. Tie lettin-ory can be eismi-ed si my offlco. Tnc-e nflar,!-. a;e not hire ric, 'Ihcy imnot give* ahock. Infanta are aetrm<

i.- «■ it rt I'cve " ■■.i.n. ,11 -.: ■ h,,-.(,, bv te. thins l.AMKiare r*|.M-ialiy eiiueetnl lo call sn<

e>amlii. lie M,.omin.| Palo Bell, n wil, inielllvelyrnre. Tne he la am worn otei lie inferclonlntr, not ncxl to Uj«, Y01 will iel ten nn.s younger iua f.w wteke altei

IVeinmaSerk sect for infsnls.frleenH, Tlcad 'fin- i.H'il-, 'J3 cent', ln>nl-t. (,erv thin) 101

-11 d feet, 11) <•• nit 1 • r pair. Mail d nn r. oelpl 01 price. I, jon ctrni'l call write lor inluimalionj A Lady Mill unit on Ladles.

ly.Jl.HilllMVftHj,, II It::'.'., I.-IU'III iirenle. Li.wrei.ciMrlstB. uo'ii


t.m lf"- FosKttvetv enres Nignt Loe*ea, BiiermstorrroNi Ispoteney, Nrrvotin I'fl.ilily, nn.l f,,r nil Vt,ul' i*iB(S of. lu \i< pcrstive I'ri/nii- nn rn'sHtng .ai P.-.fflvc rnre. Tonea up ihe debilitated •i'*lem,arT*fU stl InvooinUry dit.u.nigot, re- uuvet moats) gl.iom snu rb-tpondency, and

.-(■tores w.nileriul power lo the weakens.) ■rgnss. agrrt'ith encb order lor Twelve Pack- ises, .ii-.-jij,,Ti..e.i wilti $9, w< Jusrsntee ti —'■ loe* not ra"i teat Mi-;

Shooting at Walnut Illll.

At Walnut lli.l yesterday, a natch was

ahot between a team of th* Miasacbn- aetis Kills Assejciatl^n, and a *atn nf ihc

Lawrnoce ftifle Club, which was brought

about by a cballunge from the latter as-

sociation. Tbe condiilons were, auven

men per team, ten abols, 200 yards, off band, and the resnlt was 1 ■]•■!.• r. for tbe

visitors bv a score of 2*3 to 291. FollowlBR Is thn 1

uoi 1 a A. Tata TEAM J B Fellow J B Frye a 4 • 4 II a Ihue* 4*44 "~ < ■ ilullsrd 4 4 1 B _ W ii,ti;,ni.:„i,bi 1*4 j A f.... $ ■ 4 * '"--lo*IIOrr 1*34

t I 1 5 A-47 4 5 4 4 4-1.1 • 14 4 4-42

4 3 4 8 4 1- 4 t 3 14...

Total im LAwaancs BIPLS run.

A r> Alden 343(33344 4—40 I' M SmlUl 4444(4443 s—43

>?'" **4T»«444* 6-41 Jewell 4 .'. 4 4 .". 4 ., 4 i , . ;

AW y-iwlssd I I I I 4 I H 11 (-4.1 J W Prost 14(44(344 4-3U u w Dsulten{sj||)4 S g 1 4 S 4 4 4 i-.w

Total "jij n tbe Creednoor matcb, 0. M Jo well,

of Ibis city,-led wlih a score of 41.

Hiss Sarab J. Blrtwell, who has been very HI daring tbs past two weeks wltb rheumatic fever. Is BOW pronounced out of danger by ber physician. It WAS fear- ed that the strain and eicltemenl occa- *lon*ii by the death of ber slater, altae Alice, anight seriously Impede ker re- covery, but ae yet she bag suffered no re lapse of iba disease.

—The ladlos dining room of tbe 8'.' James, bas caen thoroughly renovated j a j Cl M' 8"B,-»-' **airPei.i, lows, neat carpet of brilliant colors has been



In ylew of the reoenl unwirrinlsrl sttacka MSle upon the honu-ty, lnt<grlty sod f„.r deal- log ef "The Loultlsns Slats Lottery," and ihs masydoubti eip-utr-edaa to the drawl-f aud payssfBl OfpruHH by tlra institjtlon, we ili-cm it

1 j t.l.,- ■ in .11 IIL ■ l-i - i-.ii'i.'irv H.ate- nt regardisif eur dealings sud experieneea

11. thucompiur, nnii ..■. 10 ihe fVt Cl hsving drawn and hiving seen paid in full tho prUiw op|K>tlle our (eapeeUVS 1 am '".

kelawcre puieh ltd of COL. C. Fll ASS MOOUE. formerlr 01 New York, but n..w

nXesfvi, 10 wnott h>>ue<i, stralghtf srward, contcitasssBS ssaansi nf nninTsiniISSBJ business, we bear willing tet'.i LBBy,

1 never in ads s atulement nottbeolutcly true; r ■aateaproaiise no, strictly fjiniiel, in icclion with and relative to the op^rntiens ol

1. .n--- 1 in Bute Lottery." lie nsver en- ages the pur-hascof tiikt'l* by parti e* who .ua. I.' to .ake the risk or in f the smui.ut 01 nt. On the eonirsry. he teds you cot to at If you havrn'l the money to lose, and ear.

1:1 in 1 ■. wrieie there la no roinuulnion there should complaint if Ihe iuvestor tall* lo draws

prise. As 10 tho "fieloasaeat tod immoniitT" or

Leitcrles, we leivntne w rid 1> )atlgs, We are mply deillng In fasts. "|*IBI jBalitls ru 0 1 i.n" Tkese prises were pmsipily psi 1 "« prssents .-n ui t 1.' it ken ui t'i.' ir .in.- ..Hi ■ 1 ' New Or-

leans, which ealsiillnbe* beyond ■ o-uon iha in- legrliy and good faith of the company. Frederick Jussow, 31' E. ."■■>.h stieel. New

Turk City, gW.oon Fro.I F. Ho 1.-. rort W-.T .... Ind.i •iO.KW A.L Aekenaaa,Miiiord, Dii., io,uio •-!-■' 1 ,. 1.1. 4."' v.-. oitttlrcct, New Tork

City, is.030 Rev. Moses Zerovlch, :-u\ Csnsl street,

Chicago, III., li.COfl Oeorg* M. it.trkd ■ I:. Nun i-1 -wsi. Pa., 13,0uu JoiiriT. (isrvin, 17 K. Brookltne street l IB 1*0

H..-1-.ii. ■*. 11-- . I 10 000 I' !. lioll. .-'.oti.Ui M:ir»vii:e Ho , 13,<X4 Beary M. sUssaUag, IBB ocsrboin street,

Chiesge.lll., 13.000 W. 11. Hsrlin, For! ScotL Knn„ (formerly

Baneor, Mich.,) 13,000 W. W. 11» in, L. A It. B. B. Co. Lsulsvitle,

Ky., Renjtmin F. Story, Springfield, slAsa., True A. Heath, Concord. B. H-, M. Uchaelis, US s.uth Clark street, CM.

eago, HI., 1,300 Louis Sautidera,".'! Bronriway, New York

City, 3,500 Mias Data If. Hlchatllt,3T3 Wabash Are

Chicago, in.. Wat. Lowery lii West Malison Street.

Cbicag*, 11

uad Ihe money il ibe ir..iiineiii - .iur*. It )K Ho' Cbospesi «nr!

the m-rkei. Full psrlloubir, • pamphlet wliiuh w*. uiail fro* to any add rv t. 'old by all I'rugtfiou, one pncinge Oil CL-; MI

•T | IM, or tcol by mail on receipt 01 price, bt -idnt.Mg tne


*»l\ 10 Lswrenco b, Knlley * liatler, Po* ttloe I;I ■.-'.

I > lb sB VPOW IV mi-'s

Thoy Esgulate tho Circulation of 1 the ENTIRE BOD?. ■■rPrevont Cold Foet-*»avq

and all troubles nrlnlng from Inipcrf net circulation, curt It Iii:i 11 ATi> >i of the feet and all kindre3

sbsolntely prevent rouunit<uiCnim "~ I.<i't ti iirr rrry thin. Hade

•bos. s.u . by mall

mil ^:. ,v j

0 At sny



rO'J^G: MlDDLE-f GcD AND OLD' TIIK untold miteriee thst result frerc t"4iBcrc- I lion tn earl; life may be alleviated * I mrec Those whodoulnihisasaeriion al.otihl pjrchsM .be rew IHM|I.-«I wirk loilili-lied by the l'HA- !MH>V MKlHC.l I. INSTITI'TK. Ponton,ml! In Till-. stlUNtK sir 1.1FI-, oil NKI.I fill *(.itVATK>r*.'ied Vilalili. .-ervout and Plysienl Debility, Prcmmur. in Msn.or Viiollly Impaireii by th. 1 : [■ ■ ■ 01 Youth, or too ■:....,■ Appllrnlion .. mtness, rafij be restored and manhood re

.v.ii edlllon, revised and enlarged, justpnh. Mahtd. It Its slsnilurd mclit si work, lue uv, a the Knglltb lanuuage, wiitien hr sphysloisi d Mreat expehenee, to wiorn was awarded) <0ld ind Jrwulled nuilal by tbe Nations! Medics A a *oc 1A tlon. Il r.*.n tains beautiful snd ver\ -ipvnrivo engrsvl- a. ?on pan,-*, mure thsi lil vaiustlii prcscilui.ionsfio' nil loruit ofdie

dtoi of I nd 1 nat-ful pi sidle

).L. ten llm.'F Ibe prl

Bold by Dracgiats and shoe dealer* or lent 1 po*t-paid. Price BO eta. per pair. .

WtiJOaUA aUONBTlc APPLIANCK CO„ bwo Uroadway, Ksw York, H. T.

YA'llbor'a Cod-Ltver <>ll and Lime, *io iisv.i iresa, 1 ...i 1 m will b.' pir»M I lu learn lhat Hr- Wllbor ' n- sue

;, im-i " nltei ■ tk* ..Ml 1

a r.'.i- . i- urn.- n] ut cflerts In Lunge., mp'amla sre nulv wm, iff ul. Very m»ni |. i.ii,.«'r..,,».,. »,,., unrunce 1 hopeless, and who o-e.| tb* clear t'" Ion* lime witi.oni inhr-cd cff.-, 1, h.ive bee

nirely e.ured >y using tbi* tocptration. if. ii i tho 1 nred t

l'"AH M E1 tS wil: take not ce lhat


GARGET CURE \ For the Cnre and Prevrnt:on of

Garget in Cattle, i« ".I rtl t:,i;. k- .,[■,:.;'. 'nil,'1 -. .■.', Hir',. n A

cor. H.II.II -. in . T3m tep21

LsvlAMen, Madison, Wl Daniel Hreyl, 173 >urlh Clark street, Chi-


'.',!« 1J5S LJBt



SAiuifO raoai

QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL, EVhUY BATUBDAYfrom MAT lo DECEMBEb Making the suoMiksr onEAJ) VOTAOR. flnh rivgOATB from Land to Lsnd RilraWeekh Bliip* Irom i.AI.WAV. l,IMr ItNK, 1.<.'MIIIS"

KBRY andULASljdW TO KtJisToN I'lrlfcCT Only direct Lino Horn fiAiWAVand Liugnica Accommndatiuns uaco,unlcd I'sbin liUanil

BS«i| Intermediate Bitii PiepaMl Btteraga,

For information, Ac, apply * LaVB A ALPEs iSrn. AonuTS, v07 Broadway, h. »'.; or JAMR* Hi'itnir, 'ui ILeses Bt., Lswrenee: PATHICS MrifHT tsn Estei at. «i|lm Inv!

.tto book. B. . : mounted, full gill- I'riceoniy fl.IA; by no (J-aipaid, on rcceli'l of price, llluslisled MIIU| u* cents. Send now. nn. aciEBfCE! or LIFK ; OR KKI.P-I

PRKSlKHVATIOrl, 1 I eyond slioomparnu .'tiemnsteilraoiHInsn work on PhjtintoKy ever publlthed. Thoie:( nothing whstrvirit.utihc married or single car aitbrr or wish i<> know Lu I what is iBlt] ■[Lomlon Lancet. TIIK Aiip..\<i-; or LirEi on BEXJV>

1 • it 1 » n: \ AT 1.1M , 1* a marrelof art*n.i 1- -.utv, ws innlrdtobea HUSr BMBJeal book i, everv res ithancaabi

• htainen cite*here f double the price, or ibi iiitnej will bo refunded in eroi iotisnce.- Atiibor.

N. H vnrvi; and UUDLK AOKD MEB lan save 11111,1- time, suffering an.l expense bi ca.ilng tbe s.-irii.y uf Lite, oeuouferr .1

.he, who nsy Lo .<oiiaii!ted on nil dis "■ ■ - retjtiii wift t-klll snd experience. Ad.lresi


I IltiLFtiECH BT , BogruM, MASS. eel w fts ir n

FARMERS Enow by experiences lhAti It pais mem, durlns

their busy seaeon, 10come directly lo

a O 3 E8HKX BTRRBTi for everything in .our line, where thoy receive

prsmpt attention and the

HfglieBt Cash Price forthoir protui),bssidSS getting their UrJoer

lea al Dmg.iina Ibat sumrtce everybody.

We ouoics few:

Very Best F*n>l y Ciaokors 7 ols. 4 lbs. $ it 1 in...I Pastry Fiour, a •

sanuy Boiler Proies* rp>ur,

PnieBioOoffee, 11

Best Variety and all gra JOB of Groceries,



m A«Ai.?Ik^^-i-/BAifLES v^,"i' '■■'.'...1. ■ .,-.■-..ttiSSfm

$1^ '•jlimaQfXmlttieVt V \ .jutiaCo.4MOtta.aSt.,

Mrs. C. N. HOMAN, ■iiACiii'Sitir—


SEASON I1EOINH OCTOBER4. Frl l* ' and falurday oifl.ach stash alii be

r e* c 1 v *. t orl L» w re sc»I u u pi I a,

roi fuktler nartlcalan ifanlreUat.lAtkisswa's

C. C. CANNON, Princioal, WBSLBYAN ACAOeMY.pS: ■^iKJJ-ILa J. Xli.1 lano-li io \,w BagUart, bMt

■■'HI I 'Mlb-11 v >rd Clssslea iciiitles in Aea

ludlet. oaljr ami ,00 idemic Coulter, together wlih !■.. ' lie. i-K-irv egpensan, except

>»r.l. limned 1. .'.At, -un.a

_ ..-t.'iifi. Bead rtt fa 4. nil',

glBLEY'SREEDS ofALJ, PI-ANTrt, for AIJ. CWoKT forALt^Tl-

ini'.jil,1.""'^.": Of ,'1*111 iry and lart method' Fodder Dm Tn.

' J-Htt ; 1.! ol

■1 iirini., HIRAM SIOLEY 4 CO, Rochnt.r, N.Y.


SteaiTT Machine arpet Beating AND



Ms.J.T.T»r.r.(. Dear Sir;—I lake pleasure in rcoeas men ding your Carpet'Boating Machine a* we have never had our work dea* aa satisfactorily before. The carpets are returned te a leaking aln.o.1 a* hi ighl as new. Yours truly, OasARLBS CLARKE.

Lswanca, April 17. Ma.Tuaa. Dear Fir:—Wears happy lo say that In nnrexperleaoe of nearly forty years, w ive never bad our carpets returned to n* so thoroughly cleansed, ard have never fell such par

feet satisfaction with Ibe work, aa when relumed from yonr establishment. Bespecliully yours, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. HATDEN.

We, the undersigned, have had our Carpet* boat by Treet, New Steam Cartel Beater, an ■ ■ii.'. > ■ e It in (be hlgbest term*. J. K. Turbos, A. Fuller, Charles Hlarko, F.8. Pearson, llothaea, Dr ,1 Auetln, Dr. Ysttng, Charles Hanwell, J. M. Morse, ••

' ~ Dsvis, E. K. lirin:h, Llosepn Bttalluuk, If. M. Pblltlps, 1. J. VT. Port and manv


FWE_FUR$. We havp now rrmly a larsje atad choice Block ot flue furs,

all of our own manufacture, which for quality, style and workmanship cannot be surpassed, consisting; of

Seal Skin Dolmans of the Latest Shapes, Seal Skin Sacaues and Ulsters,

Fur Lined Circulars and Dolmans, IN ALL QUALITIES AND PRICES.

Muffs and Collars, Fur Trimmings, Etc. AI.O, 11 l.nrB.. ami ...nip 1.1,- 4....rim, i,< „r FUH ROSES. <.>..ll.m,.,... Fur l.l.,..I toau, SEAL CAPS AND CLOVES. We make a .peclal.r «r FIAe teal aacaue. to meaaure and perTec, MilUraetloa 11. to flt, qiinlll} and price. Ol.l Heal tarqne. redfed and made over la a superior manner. '

E. KAKAS. 404 Washington St, Boston.

A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that will play any tune, and that any

one, even a child, can operate.

-.1' HI rr.-.-.UiH I. ■-

"II.IK llt.t I.1...1

lat t,1*!"' i,~- — iht UKlurt. tail lurn I . eriTem Hit Ltll^»\ tn.1 pTDfatl, ihe rnpn lutt. TS* per- foiallom in llic I■•(•■[ mil. - II.- i (l.l >ee,l, lo uund and

a pnlKi .uut a iht ituli./ir/r(i in <\m,,,*t.uiiin. ««W (fflil. wiIhoLl the letM Lnovletltr <rf rnuiH. 1<m* rt-

The MoBsnctiUBOtta.Organ Co hetn.1«l,ai. Aniirtw. IM. Hsu.. U. I. A.

Life Accident and Fire Insurance.


Insurance Agency UFSJBSBITS TBI,

KransTlin of rpjia.,i'a. Pennaylve-n!a o**I*enn. Oermsn, A ■,..■.- - .1, N. T. WentcbaBtar, Sew York, ^atertown, Vew York. Orion* Hsniord, Coan. Merlden, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Boston, Bhawmut, Ilnsion. lnt National, Won *ler Qu«en, Rsgiand. Imperial AjVortbeJ o.Euxland. Eoyat, Finilsnd. Matro->oie 'ns. Oo., -'ari«. I ."f.') 1 1 Aeauranca, Engls

Travel «ra'Life and Accident ef Han in.d, Conn.

State Mutual Lit*, Worcester.

THOMAS iVEVINOTON. u\*t Essei.esrsst, s* - Lmrm

Po.tCtfica Sox 38.

g-_ at tm rtflurliy I'Unt, Hiit-h In III* PAINS Sldt,B«ka.-|1B,B-..]|*nJUlnla, r *51" ■? ' aaawl Ssisa Bar* M»KC

Fain in tharhttt. and all [Mint and tA-heteithar local or daty tstird art butastiy r. Ltit I sod tpteilllj cured by Ilia wall-known Ji.r* /"latter. Compounded, aa It at, oC Ika raedirlinJ Tlrtutaiif truth R"|ra, Duma, DalatjoiitDd Bxlraeu, II Ulndttd ISt bait psln klllin*, atlmulatltig,

Vegetine WII.L. CUKE

Scrofula, flrrofulona Humor, Cancer, Cinceroiia Humor, Krlslpclaa, Can-

ker, Halt Kheufii, Flmplcsor Hu- mor In the face. On-:1m uml.

Colds, I'lcera, llrou.liltls, i*J| Neuralgia, l>yspr)->la,

It lie 11111 at Ism, I'ntiis In the Hide, Con- r<-:' Sll],llll.lll, I 'it-.-

llvenesB, Piles, Dlzr.lness, lleadai-hc, Nervousness, I'atns In the Hack, Falnt- neas at the Htomach, Kidney Com- plaints, Female weakness nnd General Debility,

This preua niton Is FclenllflCAlly and cheml caliv eomhinul, snd to Strorgrt eme.rn'rsted 'rum rro<s. hr- li. snd hsrka.ihst la good efleett ate Immediately njon cua mencng to lake It. There lino dleenteuf 'he b..msn tyilen for winch ihe Vittusn esnnot he wed with yerlect tae<j,aa ildoet noi caiisln sny mruti. dc . (l-i 11 .in 'I. For irsdrcstlng th* tysttm of all mi'iu . it a <•' ihe 1 Im d It bsa no enual. It hat

11-.ii im'.ii 10 ifi.i'i a cure, giving tone and • inngili in the attlri. doilliatrrl by rt 'seas . It's win .I. 11111 1 Ai' ta in "ii Hi- .-. iiii.lft'iil- rim <■< mi' .ii urn- ns loall. Msny hsve lutn • nnd In the V«I.M IM. thst hsvelried msny oihtr icii.t. die*. It can well be otlied

lie Great Bleed rnrifier,

DR. W. RO88 Writes, Ecrcfula, Liver Complalnt-ZDy-pepda,

Rhaumatism, Weakness,

II. II. Stevens, Bo.ton: I have bien prscilrlng medicine for 10 years.

and sa a remedy lor MM.III*, LtVKB CoB- riAIKI. l.tBiki'KiA f'lthi-MAUsa, WsAKHha*, snd all 1 i-is-.a of ibi- rd.oiiu, 1 have nevei toiin.i its i«ual. I have tcld Vegetlse lor 7 leaiaatid hiKeierer bad one bows returner).

•He* UamF l'rtorltt.irt ■


"~IW-H.«l*U,,:„„-. I..t I Bstaat esral by rifltj'a

HAEB BALSAM jr£a^.'.as'^'fcv "^ l.tntficialdrsasiag

Cray Hair lbs T.,uiJif«L tolsr A pitveuli dandtufl and ft!i;-i?,.f tbthslr.

Veeetice is Sold b" all Drugf ists.

S6 tO S20 P*rl,,y " horns. Bamptti *„rt h tifros wwwu *s4m*Ji*ts.*Al!0.,Poivlii>itTC


RANK and FILE Jubilant.

Republicans, Demoerata and Greea- barkrrs all llnppy. Robinson rona- dent, Butler and Moody Boynton feel safe. In fart, a feeling of aatlsfaeUoa pervades the whole community, for


HTGIENI; W.NE (The True Wine oi Health)

Is fur sale by all first-class druggists It acts directly upon the blood, purify- ing and strengthening It. And by ao do- ing Strengthens and Invigorates the whols system.

Ask for


. r. RtYMOND, - toll Proprietor. Mm Wl.ll


Andovcr Advertiser, •Evary Friday Morning,

|QBOBO£ s. MKItltlLL.

Post OJiso Hlockf Lawrence, Man. SU'SIC-Tr'TH)-:-Postage PrBpald :-

*3 50 per ---■, from wblcli 60 cent* ■will hi Uodoctod for itulctly tdvwice payment.

The Glrciltttlnn o! the !,nwr(inc« Ameri- can IH the lnrwpni or tuiy paper In the County, tinti 1:1010 Hum Three Time* that ol am other W tmkly i aper »ub- Iwiad la tain dtp,

. 1 ..11. ■...!!,.11. HT Rates i>U,U

■ nt.irnd at to Maea., lor t m.iiln au rfocouri-ci

OTlce, Lawrence ■ ..i-.-i'.nii through the

— matter.

rhe Daily American Published Every Evenin*,

(Sunday Kn«P**d->

I the Largest Dally In the City, wM» four Tltoee the Circulation Ot eeuT

other. _^

BUB9fT*IPTtON,ln advance: On* v oar, *0.00 I 81* Uonthe, «8.0

When not pa!(11n ad nance, SS.OO.

OEO. H. MKiittllJ.. Proprietor


lathe largreatund raost.thorm>*Tbl*f« nlnbed In Eastern Mae-aacbuartie;. With modern presaoB, and CODIUB

««ld)tlonPOltbeneweet*tyles oITyp* wear* able totumteh tbe beet Quail* of work, atlow pries. Orders by ma promptly attended to.



IV. K. ltlGk.1>.

BLACK HI LICS, Velvet*. Ca-b- awree.tJilk fringes. .ii,uoii.,i.loves, Ae J

A., a.I V111*hi ' <>..1\ I K**ei Hire*. BOOTH & SIIOKH, a full a«d

ootnpi m mock, ii i'rt u» 10 null the thee*. I*. U. itmtl VION.JII K.d-i Bire**.

fiAHIVtir ..IVlUitt and Uphel

'"i. T. tl Mil., Keaei Street.

COOKINO STOVES, lUngee, VanuaM. sole :...i,r Hw* stutu

juaa ■.•.-,. r...-i •..

f' W. MINKU, lUtuild Bo • Bit..i.-ii.-f.v, IM kiM'i Bind, Lswi

Mlto. (..■■.' K'i!'vr.iw 1UI*K Specially, Ijujl

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, F*o- uy -i »e<l-i*n I rVinluu*..

kUI.trrtJutt BflKH >r K-iial, Arseabari PAPER HANGINGS, Window

bbadetan m ■>. E. A..KI iKK.175 S.tei Street.

PHOTOORAl'HY, sole Ucen*w forlueeiu lorlne Uai-lmn Proeet ee.


SEWINO HACUINES. The N em Home, Uuiu.MI>I, iimninumn, Mincer "ad

He* lluwe. W. lUi, Agent* 871 ■■HI St. 1\\ I LOUS. French, English t.a.1

. AaBeriean Nore.liC*. eT.W.ii HA IKK ACO-PoelOllce Bloek.

'"FAILOU, Imported and Douie«-

a utfANiH iioasi. iw ■sea*, ■twfc

NN11S S ("IjOl'EH, Urea- and Dnak M ikrr, 1 I i MO* afreet. Over Warn a'*

Clothing S">rr. linJ

AW. UUWi.i.ND, l>. 1). 8., • DKM'AL Sl'llulON,

W Kites Street, l.twren.e. eHt.Klher and

(IIJLUUILV B!tU'S,-Di.ILK PAPERS yChrumui, KILT tvnm., Pi>rli.itlr,Ale, Stationery

fanny Woods. Pit-itirea rraniotl at aliorl lotiw M'>.281H«i>»s4ti-.i>-t

CM.AKA 11. RflQRU, T)lrtea«r» of wn- J mm 1 apMltltT. i'l Ki-«x -t'Ml, Law.

■en.T. iKil v H- 111- , J !■' 1 (til ; ,i » p. ■


K..: ftill-KB, DKNTIST 448

orbn'Btua^i L*«reo'*e, nr Mli'l Ailliiininleiml


Ipy tn'"l, nm the C uon. Oflic01 boun SHU an I 7

DIL U. V,'. ; ■. Mi, Lanrcuofl D«D- iil < .4:111 BtMttUk,

B -t ■<•! On > 0. iMriial Beta (1 an-1 uiiwii'l-. ' - '' tv reoib react on »aw pUl«C<. U "I

Usottiti '.L R*i

i ri : nt-.-'i: Tueta. as- MrJOa, W.iK'^NTKD.

DH. F W Ii: VINGTON. Dentlal bucci'a*' r 10 Dr.C. *■■ ter,mil Run

M. ■■■ i, i. . i ■ s, v. UdiL-r II .an: ~ .m L.I IV, I W lav Ul-UI ■ , . . , I ■ ■ . , L.. .-. I hi

1) U. (1. T. HOWE PliTHtrlau und flu gc-n. olHii.W Kbct-x 81., He*nl«nee I ru Ii ft. t'Ui.uiiuur..- 1 loanniu lo tl. ljb»

DB. H. W. ABHOTT. offlctt 131 Ha**rlilll rllri-fl, 0OT< JattaaOB. Ite-I'lcnne 110 New

burysir.a. m rj4U*I

Dtt. J. H. KlUUKlt, DENTAL 8UR UKO^, He. Ill Kmiex atreet, Lawrence

Haat. 8»»i Outoretorati »r Ether given, ae pre (en-'rl. Cluoct luring Annual.

. Jofl'iei. . t Djiriu* o) UulKi

lj> N. lUHitlH, Tr«iH»or*tr ef tin I ■<„■■. rtitrtl ,i-t.'ii no (Jo., SM Uro«.lwny.—


Purtralle an<l Larnl saw •j ^..LawKinicpj.

GC IKiWAllI) M l> inl E>a •, Hi:.,;.: n'-ti TIMiaiAaa 8t.

DfltM lluur.. ■< in *■> I HI . 9 W ■! iU'l 7 IU fl B ■

HOLT & CO,, ICB UEALEUS. Office ivnii ii i.;',.!.'1 A Haak(aGa Knwi atreet,La«


Laitrcii.'.', .1 Li-, iVrm-HaliillenvIoiilo allbui •a a :itfUII

>:. flp-Ttecleo end PA or >aeet*oH~

iea fitre.t. 1».S


R. H. EDDY, 67 State St., opp. Kitbv, EoBton !"iv !'■'■■ CiiKiH' ;;l the i.'niir-i 8tatna;al*e la (, ,.,[ Brluia, a*ranoeandolbei r-mun tsoun rica (Jniiii-H HI tliu .' ntiy 1'nti'nl lur

DL.1i.-l liy .x..i.-ll'iS«'ii"l«"ar. Ap.i,>.-,i.iil-r.' oni.liv! at tVir.liiiii!l<in. N« AH"":I '" 'ho '*0' teJ rtlil"- i,..-M,-i., ,.;,■-■! l..r?.t.:llit(ra tor ol.- U in I tin l*»tfiln>r lu-ji'ii-niimK M"* |mtt.'nwtiilitj ofiuvuiulona. U.U.KPDV.iollultoiolPuteBlu.


i)N.Coramta'ro(Patent». n.|ilnya orrn'ti moretrual

oa SuJll RD PPBK1.IrftMOoBi'r f rit—w I:O«TO-,OCI. if, mn<

It. II. Km ',i--v -ITI...-ilr: you urocurml la* melnlM.i.ii-v ni-i i.aivnt. .■*tnut thea yeu law a-icii'l idflaeil met* hnndrwlaol case*. *-,rf im.-'i ft l iini.iv t.i.H-nt .ri'iBi-neHanil eieea- aitnl Ih-nr ui'i'ii'iiiiinilj •nii.l»Teil the bea' a<-m'"lrK i.. N ■"■ l"rh. HnlnitHph.B ami Waeh n/uin I .ii i I ^tl,l(ii\i' viiini'.nintttlie wholeol mt bum(ii"i*,in viiuf tuie.amlaUTiae olheratc ««IOJ,OU. VOU'B,rUJtURGKDRApIB.

B too.Jsii.l.lBa3. 1'.' *


How Watch

IffltttUr.Tl n''".'. Uild ■. ■ pn>,l ■ ■ III \U ituiiul ' »

p. Ill ' vliii b i •M/A, i ■ ■ ero/<-« aw I cm*. Jewel) ■■ ■'.' efcrelnj* iui arti le

that U U g" i,.i the ranntifiuiiiri n ofih ■,.. utlflwi U

v;;i ■ Tli- III ■ > '' ■ ' '

I/ma teal week.)

Casc3 are Made.

.-4 f. Ilom a aiifceasftil ■ ,» ii of the liest

i ; and linn it u

...■ t;..!d ll'ifrf Om KM ■ ,.ui nlwjjra lc-11 ilia

'. nuirk iif aci'Mtii, from

a l-'ir "(,.M«j8>Bk BURIMl & * in tlis cap of tba wttek

■ very nuitioiM »'»«' cn_

■,,...:■■ ,it,onlyi-«)ie it tfant tlio clinmrliir of isNii.h tlmt lite qtialitr

. •■ -


A LIVELY SCKXE. *T»*" Hi' t" '

»'y Iw-t K"I The Bh-eMttal

l'i at soldi i

.('kab. H H'hk wr wnt mi'i i^M-eti, x«nv h.r: III) ehnr.f, iK-nlm! iW bowl, o.ty II■iclit in VoiaBiber.

I H.1.1 l< mv . I, lire 'i iir.'nnn»ii- n- i .. it,. . hi it. i'naivliit I lea ate lailtoM d,.i|. ia' eb'C

•niriion, "UN i^iiu.livfr •" -<<■ MIVF. "Ii..»i't-e 1 an> »o g 1 Mori Ui ill' iru.ii lur RFinU-r HMI- i» i ■<■.-' III.K my wtiailuf . ', ll'i 111 IH.' " 1 f:'lil._-|l..-*

t< i'l (ai'bi'>uu to ctaae timer-

:■ , i -l '. ■-.. RlnV *•■ - ml<d, In v. c it -in i I i IH-II hi; n»iln B.oumtd©nwlwrt», nil ■ -..) i ■ , ^':n-U'<ii|.'!M"Hl'l.

Thnjr fin, |19 »i. A Drll Bri-lUl" want adr->ir»lirlla»,i a Hi U noaay.

mil Hrukli.r

tlOmrn-nalaal nirk- t Ml (Hit .mi all who ii iiLrdbleUTcicitkifwr

■i r.irr.ilnK eport, lipl tir,

v. i i hitdanil ter.

[Mriu-k three,

il tin flttrr, wbca

Lawrence American. LAWKEXCK, MASS.

¥ KJDAV Ui 1 .N :M.. 1 EC. M mt.

A ruisOKBit liAsescapail from a peni-

tentiary in Colutnbiia " through &

t Miinii'jtlii v" anil the aituation su^geits

that llie liaheu corpus may have been

" loo thin." ^

IT is .'■Bid that Isaac Sprague, the tiring skeleton, has been married seven times. It seems to be almost imp ■> sible for Pate to supply with that missing rib. ^_^^__^

Onttnm who arnntcil of an <i»ercoat winch lin* In li iljte, bvaotf, (.trteottoi of Dt am1 dnrabllltyeei bml, are I *lt'1 t.wi'*aminB llto-e Cut; llt'lonOivr.-.-.t. aiBioknell llroa."

Cliitrmi'l liv Utaematoel < ol lea'', rii.* nimllK.h *nh 'Hlkf fim'ii. lion;

lit- I on-HI i git!» al. r 4 Imtr <\<» waai thty re.mi away la aU«ntOeWtJea.

Irlhw ■aha moil lahnulJ ba .■ill Hi • h-

Ami >be»l ). I<l> ii b uitt.n in \ >nee, Ai.'i |.run.nil to " *•' Tiirj lirtiil.

PVaipr- lie i» levl Ity wpkrlngthe

bulBi . !<■ rtBM (1-1} al 1... hit. II Bruiln re*.

Tba prolro ahmali tba lumlilera ■ ninr.

lUtlr it' i. ii t nii.t lima* rluii'd. hu.i u tiit-y *• "' wrapiiid up .n Kara.

N, n. Tle'ftrt !■ lli""c niul1 illiln'i roine fro.o Birtu u Broth**1, TII. ae b«ya wh.. VD-I,I a*'.il n..':» ini-uiranrM «t the»-ta<ln(r hub. l'i» t buy their . ■■ ■■■' '■'■ ri- ;.ii..-. if II Kvlhera*.

oiiM m: tiPHiH.ilirfn, tip.. 'Ii : ,) |iM' .i*..i.r i Hi ra ni-i niutbera;

"y a mil *aui tl<ubingiiiBuk.i!ell Bretb' r»


unmi, PERFECTLY S*rE, >ffct-X




■Y ::»-.«•■'..






e BEST. r;o oniu IN IT. IT WILL DO





Ill, ■! .


1 '

■-, ,,.1 lM->. »iik*

ra,N i,Jan«,l«. .,-....-Jmijiealiiwrf

, , > .i,.n*i¥iiiiiaia. - mfliaatlU In »o"4

*., rilirlai, rt.ii*-

Mason & rlar'in Organs. Jow* calnlosn.' (:o I> "»)

te ,.....:. .f irM-.,i...'l'»!:.v r.:::; y new •tjlf«l tta ►?»» MHirimfllt »■ ' u!di»«st.tlr.rlli. urtansv;ih« offrrri, Bit * lo».Jt prices, »22 I

t«r CMti, tij p.ymcnt. or re ' '

Weekly News tSrevltles.

Goiildn't Afford It. ilade Honest by BuBlneee PHnclplea a

Drug-flat tails the BQmare Truth.

"NOB, r.) Iilrrd, Wat* ffifenllr hBBk Bi eiidul al-Otlt Ibla lliae waiea," l^• «rrggl.t

.aid, pleefcil MSk rllrfwaea bla plat** at.oa eaaa, ai:fl U-»ln| Bta r«r*e>ar hWrlt le Ike eye

lett haw a am ml «■« «»i>ta r'a-f r w ,,1,1 on It. Tea d«B'i kLav a>a,an.lJaepDget antaan enure ae It rttae n. l»»li uea, MM art litaJd I'll L'i bug T«1 >a aoata »»;■ 'a'1 ■""

.ma* it aa add aaateiaael. bat 1 eaa'l afloi* rhtatfoa. avea ii 1 atll I ka-eal the ■»»*■•

"ihura aarloaa. (Ok,tty bark; ni takae lali.l aacaa.) Uia'i JOB beer plaaiaa.r" " b, yen, aee ar tee kiad*. Oate I baa

.1.1*1* mi *f ihc«—avert tart lhii«rrree*ei Rtaataa t» gall tba igBurealaa lankamonot n nttaaara, But 1 »u*-e '*» ant an by on*

!■ I

ra OTCr ;o «C00,

nt froo.


MAlLSTEAMSnil'S. ih llier, New Torn.

M?son * Kamlin Pianos. I irodael.r »'" a"'1 lm|»i',""t lc",

,n emmt. «wi»g to r""". ^'"'J o!

to. .oa4.r«Mlltr. Cteatar. «mtt»»

Xuon e B.mlin Organ & Piano Co, 1.. Tr««ont Str*»l. h»."'".

DACKLOG r»S 13 ,..,.-, I.l-'l- l'i ilia, mini-i-n.


QLAFGo'v'uv'i.'.siosnBRUY.: HATH' H» PA-rtAtiE,

,1,l|t.*ll(Mo ■' -(I etc ■■■■ ra!)!li.«4<l t,erra-. -vr, ,-l, fliqHi Pf.,.aM »J1.

T Lino Dre'lii.iuetlal lowrat rntre are i ree Ol oua,he In a.uglau.1 scttinni.l

II tuna '■■ raliln plane, book of lour*, Ac, to UENIiLltaoN BliOi.,New Yuk.

HUM Kftir.i.l.tJCiiaeaat., >r lo PATUOK txr,l*jBSH*bi, Uwnavaa, iaaaiT ■! '

:.l»r»fi'«i' Pr lee. oara-w -*- aiainaatlOi •"•• »i UK Mittta, l i^'-a oi •aril , I pai-k '

,,taii-a.e-a".Irc»- i IB inaau'."

',» waj- weeil'lfui ilfl-etoii .'aril . nl AMl'SbUBNTl A^air"

j i ■.. h-a circma ronotn rt ABTtaa ertaelpallr. Tr.rjalwaje e)*e eailalactk>a and n thti tail II paraaie toaelllhea: la preleieaot ...Il • .lu-r.."

•■ItiiVfaH TOB Allaotl'**" ■Tea, but BU cuaioBteralaml ntraell prelei

Btaaoa*a Cajrlia-aaitli t-r- ar»a aatleo.i -It*, lafeaaaeveritBieBt aenaaaail aura aa mi iw at gravliaUaa. Ike oat w»e erdirihew, ujrj what la ■•re K the i-emi. 1 here at**, t auarB a rcan laiat ireaa aateue wha baa a-ni lhafk. Tea m go aliewaeaa— If four will

, • I J ■ 1 *J • lflt*l-o.l 1» 1 a*l «>!•-':•' tB'l a eheaper plarler, ba»—"

■■IioBliaikian^eakeuuheaioBej," brake la lhi: tr.nilii'-eiillrr (ttirejei, with aome heat, •rraat'a tea at artreneeaia te petiiag rid eflbie ,!i.iiK-un4rt—ak, Lurdtf-tbla eaia aad lanin- tcaaf Let »■• have eoa ef aeaaoa'a Capclaa. Chela Bin real erf ola, la IL vlkk UI NK out la tb« bojy • the ttlaei


Cambridge, declares (hat as a totcgnip h

lor the people. IJe telegraphic acrvice

in this country ia a signal failure and

never once div.ims that he libs said

unylhing very bright.

IT is no wonder that meat pie doea

not agree with people, if the piss are

mvlo by a recipe which appeared yes-

terday in a Lowell newspaper, com-

mencing :—" To make a in«at pie cut

flOlrJ cooked meat iuto quite small dice."

That ia rather playing it on the diges-


GEN. HUIRIOAN gave the Chicago

city government a aly dig in tin; ribs

when, iu his response to the toaat, " a

heart to resolve, a head to cor (rive,

and a band to execute," at the dinner

of the commarctal club in Chicago re-

cently, he said :—After raterring to

Chicago a-* the greatest city in the

world, M If you will spend more money

iu making gaod streets, you will then

>t be obliged to build aa many hos-

pitals, aa.t you will have the most

beautiful city upon which the sun


THE old fogy feeling in the navy baa

always opposed the introduction of all

■ii nii'i'M improvements, anil CTCU in the

construction of the new emitters, the

Army and Navy Register is informed

by a correspondent, that the advisory

board has been t>o short-sighted as not

to recommend double topsail yards.

Now if there is one thing more than

another that, our navy lacks, it ia

double topsail yards on iU cruisers,

an 1 there i-» uo valid reason why thuy

•hould not be used. The old fashion-

ed ships with a large number of guns

and crews proportiouately large, were

eiaily forked in a man-of-war sty If,

but the crewa are now much smaller,

and there are not men enough to sup-

ply the complement. Illustrating this

fact the writer nays that " in a recent

cruise in one of our larger sloops, with

the reduced craw allowed by tin

Bureau of Kquiptjcnt and Hcctniling

d beinc constantly shod ol the com-

plement, whan the heavy topsaiU v.i:c

closed down to ft squall, we had in

hoisting again to put the whole walcb

ujton each tOpMtl halyard m-perately,

and jig them tip mere haul ship stylo."

Hut hreatlica there a matt with voul

ao dead," &•* to listen calmly lo *.he

suggestion that we must jig up our

main top ■alia m merchant ship stylo.

If we aie riding i" hnvc n regenerated .

navy, why lor KOOdoeM uka does not

the advisory board let ua have well iquared double ttipsaili, and ciuise in

naii-of-war al.vle cempU'inent, or no

:oniJiIi'nn'HL lor then is no clew so

bard io iin I UB the clew to Uu ill tigged

maa-of war.

TiiKiii'. tteems to be a modicum of

aense in tho proposition of Mr. Hlaine,

to (ti»-tributc io the states in proportion

to tlieir population, tha tax on spirits,

but Mr. Wharton Marker's scheme for

a diltribution ot the surplus revenue of

thi! National Treasury among tie

liauta, whieh wis ud,»pied by the la-t

republican slate co.ivention inPonnsyl-

van'a, is the poOfOBt pIOOB of economi-

cal maTiagemeut ever JBUggestcd, not

tot tho reason given by Mr. BlfiM '"

his objections that the amount of re-

duudaut revenue is nece-SManly uncer-

tain, but because as any tax payer

must be sure to so? at onco if there

was a respectable amount of financial

ibility among those who rcsjiila'.e the

llnancial airaird of tho eounlry, there

vould be no redundant revenue to be

hazarding such weighty opinions about.

Certainly the most benighted day la

borer whoever earned a few shillings

over his expanses, can aee that by [lay-

ing out his money to the government

and receiving it back again in the form

iyfa redundancy, is uot exactly getting

interest on lm money. Mr. Hlaine

says a redundancy in the national

treasury always leads lo extravagance,

but there must have been some extra-

vagance to have admitted of a policy

leading lo the redundancy of which he

complains. It BcemB to us that these

learned doct>rs arc trying lo cure the

disease without removing the cause.

The humor is in .tnc blood, and out-

ward remedies give only lem[>orary re

Hcf, tho lai'ill must receive proper

treatment or tliu life of the nation is

threatened. The method of treatment

may be speedily considered, if the doe

Friday. Bcoitor Aolbonv, thoujh s 111 conflied

to his room, Is gradually improving.

El Ma'nll. ibe falae prophet, la receiv- ing large accesalone to bla standard.

Rpalu Is seeking to extend bar trade wlitt England and the United States.

Tbe legislative bnlldlngs at (ruasels. Belxlaai, Were destroyed by flrejf jcatoi- dar.

The next meeting of the Am-rhan Hu- ni'iiif Aaaoctailou Will lu held aft Ptllb- nurg, fuau.

Tba Pupa has commended Cirdlaal Hc- t'lui' ui Diiiiim lor deuuunclng a.rratao- cietiea Iu bla recent pastoral latlay. *..

Tho " Waahlngton p.irtr«k* baa been placed on eiblnlili>n Iu ibe rooma ol the New fork Ciambor ot Commerce.

Teiaa parties propnee to seek relffl- niaeroi-nt from tbe Uniud Siataa for :ivi"t mi tie iL-au-il tin'iui;. tbe rebellion.

Senator Krye'a proponed new basla of repreaeuLailun furdelegaiea to republican. 'i i■ convention* la printed ibla morn- ing.

l'rlnce Blsmarek proposal to introduce t bill In Hi" <i. nil f. Itelcllntag in ui"!j II.c ti« nyalem ol electiug members of iii.n rodfi

Tba alleged drntnii'-u coaNpirators, WiiirTand Hintdurand, were exmnloed he-

ro Hie Dow aitcet pjilce cuari, LJU-

>II, yesictday.

Illx bnudrt-d homte*, a Oreek church in.i four Ji'wlab sM.'" were dt- •ttoyed by Widuusday'n llie, ,n tbe Has

rUl 'I i;i: ' il 'it l.' .,it HI .|i'.-.

Mrs. Ki/.i li iiateraott! widow ol i' iui a: tt n.i II Ait-|. ■■ - in, Y-r-L.-niay tilj.

mil it v.-nlh L t,i «ll,03a.20BgBinBl the Cuntiuunial Kite JueUiaute Uouipauy.

Ai a i .:,'! i- .u ■■ ui in- N u I.I.I-.I T in perauce Society, n. New York, resierday, iceoluUuua wete adupie.l, nakliig (>>n urr-as lo pltM by law reelrl^tions on tbe liquor traffic.

1' or. Win. O. Sunnier kaa wrP'ou a Nit tar lu wtilch 1. nivss his vlewa >f Mr Ulalne's prvpoMtlun to diairlouia Un: sur- nins (umi- MI tbe United Ststea Treasury noting tbe States.

Tbe lentil annual reunion of the Na> looal Ha..elation of Mexican War V-- irau began In Waeiilugioa, yeate't^ay. :»p;. R chaid T. Merrick delivered tbe ui.Irene ol welcome,

i' i-■■, .i i. ,: Mr. SberrOi, of Ohio, till -u.'.'.iil Mr. Kitmuuiln Da preeldent ,r<» it-mporo of the Uuned Stated atrnate, n,-l Mr. Mm rin, ot Vermout, will vtaln the chakrmaaahip of the nuance

SJII ii rd, i v. .The New York Natal Rtores and To-

bacco Kv iiaii^- bta been Incorporated.

Tl)« National Farraera' Cangtres will bold tia next annual ajeeilug lu Naahvllle, Tenn.

with ii'.! matters In wtitcb nnlted action on the pail ol ibe cilonlea may be desir- able.

Km lie Welbl has b-eo elected president nf Swiiseriaud, aad Dr. K. e'clifuct rice. p resilient.

Neaollatlone are about lo beejln for a treniv of r-,"i-v between Germany mud Greece.

Cumyln block In Martboio, Mass., was ' i --il ye-l-r.inT, tin- properly loss liii'iiaLiiiu •50,000.

The entire business portion of Wil- I'airtriiowa, N. C, was deatroyed by Are mi 'I'liiin-ii.ty ulght.

Senator Anihnny will he able to leave New York Hot Wa.*niii«uiii this muiuiii If iIn: weather is pleanant.

The German Cfown PrlBte and aoite left MedrM yeateitlay for S. yllle. and will proceed theuce to Gmoa ... .1 Ki>un-.

The )'i'i'..-1'ni governmrut haa pardoned Hie Itoinan QatHolle Blabnp Blem ot Lewbutg, and restored bta stipend*.

Thsconfrreuceof Australian l.-islatlye 'It-ligntfH :.;i- passe I areaotu'lnuiavtjring -„t fiiimiii'-in ol a ivdeial council to Deal

Tiir property toea by Hie buiulogor Mi. Irulslative nuildltigs In Bruserls, Ueigluni, .in Tnurriiuj m-li', wl,l agRre|;a * f-, eOO.QQO.

T'i- MtHMJalct io the nssic mnit Bade hf Levy Biolbris A Co., c;otbler«. N w York, show tlieliatiililli- t» be f-',t7u WU aDd actual uaeta, l,?lt,MS.

Tkelru'.Ii of the story tokl by IM. Jiilui Orvmi Baebe, to tbe eflVr.t lltat be wnt garfuted Is the BITMU OI NPW jratrc, io 'I'M,, -ii M iiixh', tDd lobbeti of V^fiO, a [Old waicfc and ilueKiliaiiinnd plbs, valued it $800, is dtiubted by tlio police.

'1 ;.i- i .■.. in i' I-'- ii l'i'- 'i -..'. ■ 'l to revise t be ii ' <■ ui tbe Culled Biatraneualfi baa OOSB

pJated I'a report, and among oilier r.'cetnnieiKled Is ibe appttintmeni. of a i.mmiitee on Inlerual lU'ptov.metiia ami ji.e mi inn i x p -t.iii I ui'.: ol public uu ui).

Tbe ajaUaloQi nr-mila! recently eirca* ui.-I In Wanbh.gtou. lutimatitig ibst tssator i)iwi» ami taeeretatf teller ecelvnl mtiiiry fur prucunua tho pns-

satre ol tt-i- Cliciokee Iu.lian apjiiiiprini|i.|i ill in ibe Ust Coogroaa, i* fuliv exploded

by ui'i] I'.-'i' II. i eyideuci'.

r.e repurt pteraVat In I'JIIS, en, r-ilay, tlint tni i liiii—tt, B:itbSssit<loi an>tid a auapt n«l iu ef opeiatluui to ijliln, j.i in.... ■4U»«IIBU0M f"f a com* nine ol the diftlcuiilen, Is denied. On Mlh uliituo, AitmltBi Courbai'a pre- UlDtiM were nearly coraplrted. '1 tr

d itate on the Tont|uiii cr. Oil bill was be. uu lu the I " ii n cbamber of dcputUa,

illoiuiay. I nc t',*,i of Craven ia dead, at the age

of 42. The death penalty for murder i« M in

i... ..I i lid In the Caamo ol Vdale, Saiinrlawl,

Sir Klcbard Amphlett,formerly a barer, o' ibe exchequer, died lu London,ou Sal- uiuay, aged 74.

Tbe A'.i.ii... wotsleif mill at MPbuij was damngea to tbe extent of 4)150,000 by Itre ou Saiuiday.

Spals bt* opened n ^otUMona for re> clpiocul OOBrCesalona !■• n- tl. I.I iu trade kM*MI Cuba and the Uuned SiaUa.

The FreUL-li have den ro»rd the port of MaraWcia, Muiiagaacar, and have aian ■'.:.■......! .■ ■ \ ■ . 'i of ihe liora atrong-


Ultmpsea from a Car Window.

rl'i Ci*l. TO TUB AMrMIClH. ST. ri.Aiii.t., IIOTBL,

Ni.iv OaLBANa, Nov. 3D, From ffi t.inR'un, eouitiward, by lite Vir-

ginia Midland H-.ui-. wbicb presents theahurt- lme icbeduls tu pTs* Orluant, Altti tbe ad-

ditional adeanlaga or pa»stna Ibriugli B eon- ■Iderable section of ciianiry liereiofure unijmll-

• me, so nearly completing ibe chain el DBTlaiied aiate*. tlal I bs*e nt>w t>-en w Unn ha lerrltory ui every aiate In Ibe Uoion, wtib

Ibe alncle eaeepuaa of Caillornla. Learlne WAIIUII, [JD at mghl, we paaa through a long i-tbfprveen ao %AHIy familiar tweniy jeari go, AliXHiiilMa, Pilrray, Minaaiaa, Warren- ill, Culpepper, and I.VMII my, to Danville,

N-C, where wu arc alluwi'il toe cuslooiary Am 11. in railroad rating lime of

"Twaxir MnrrtM rounHSAKPAiTi" tbli waa amply turll Irni, b^wevur; not a pat-

er wept lor more; tht meal was a genuine •outbern fry ; clili ken tried to meal, ileak, liver and breid fried aid iwloin,ing in grease; tbe hutter m anUiealty graliu'd. in ebernate

ireaki of duaky white ana uaie ycilow.wid- an aroAialk- a melt that n-, ■..-.■• pertain lo an andent wha'er; I Icoebrd luxuridif ly upon two uhruPa and a tin oi cheese, tor which the t hrlliy landlorrt modestly aec.pteu ib; pitranee ol 70 uenU. Tbe '.■doi>h*<iil,whir:b atUaeta Ike M«W Kngland- tt'iattenil'jn in M-irylai.u, exfenli thr.ingb 'ii* soriion, in i."it, aim.nt toNjwUieans,

Uieeountiy it bll y nud iirnkcn, tbe f.ncetal i It urnv, ',•'!>■ ol t e ■ gug pailern ; log cab- ' abound, usually w|h u huge ciilnin y built one end, uutaldc; tbe lew small frame toueea

e , i an al y tl. i m i of paint, and the working peoplr, n eap'oialir, Wide and hi eli,

ire ragged end aaaampt, Tkroagh North Oar- illna, ihe cotton ares had Ctal IT neon a light me. the bu*btt rtry law, pjriially irom ihe

. fl.'i'Ci ul lot: ■ X'rmr.l i: tiv UrtiUIh i x |>t run f.. 1 tho past season ttironKiin.ii ihe etulie r-oatn; many of ibe cuttoc n.-i.ii ii'Kre lietin but par- ti »!) picked, tome Ml at all, and ibe work ol Cniuerlug Ue crop was in piogrrs* nn aeeeral pls.utati'-Bs buce taukeu hcuped with tbe fleecy

, ttanding here and tkereamiJ ihe brown und dried plant*, llefore leaving North Caro- uia, we paaa through Si.i-lurv. ol nnvivnry rsr memories, ihe railway running elute in- iJL Ibe


ni ii. in in: (,';■ i i i «,«..-.,

hereto many ul the I orb in lilne languished and u e.t. We Unas ih, uonbweiicrn corner ol

h L'jroLoa, and tbruaitb nortUirn Omrgle, reaching Allan's at midu'gin, and Mmti[om- ery, Ala., ou Friday moruiiig. Hire, the eye caught one or Ibe ra lea of *oU-VI!uni dajt,— and of a iprli noiyet exunci in ibe south, in the algnovt-r line of toe dot ra of tha railway tiailun, "Colured Waiitug Jlmm." Fram ihl* point, ib.- SVwUMBj of a etiangr In cilmatu I* moat maik-d; ihe vtnr-t, sbrubbery and under- growtbof t'.e i.'ieati in yit green; tbi leuva

remain only p4itially turni-d brown, on maoy <■■'. 11'.' i,f. -, and it,- ('■:„.■. ,.: tiie ibruh oaka it

juat pulling on lt> au'u.unal b»| Lbn cotp n iimbe* if muc i larger and ItrMUMr In upp ar- nce tli ni In Ntirtb,ia. aaA ■"- avtBri hi

ibe rnrti flrldt t.i l.r mori' tlgjoeni Rrowth. South of Idoutgonir, r, ttie raftway rant tliriugb ui.ri-cse furcslt of maetiiflueni pines, tho centte

lI'ttraHTINB AMD !.■»:■■;

in 'II-ILII ■ oftbal region. 'Ibe hirveallig let non hni alresdy begun; nrar the ground, notih it • li ii,.. .1 into tbe trer, nn opposite tldei

b trad iiilifig nit.,in c)T.,..|i,mill ol Ihe cirrum- :rr. in i ; i!-e ',..(■(.I ihin Inlin'illon, mi linet laward. forming a llnl: k<tlB| n.en Hie t-ark It

WVaKl tor etwa ini-bet anove tba ereviee, UBpaf i oitnni btiuig lift In ibe : .i .u ul a V,

at Uiu ml.I weather itpproatlira, and Ibe *ap 'i'-m :■. it drops troin the bark into the little catch lii-ii., 'r .„ii »!,.,!, n bj cue Had dally, in patbi ami leuiovcJ tor din iliaiio I ; on tbe acc-

fllngjear, tba hark is cal Oil a few Inebi-H hij'ur. miking a fresh op)n- ing lot ihe »sp dmloafa; ihe m ip of b irk left iniaii liEiarverj tun two opjni>ite "bbaea," if.

_e a ihanntl for the NI ■■■■ .i.i nioven onl of sip in toting, hui ibe Mveasa iijirea ihe

ility of ihe trees, und altn a emu'wr ot tra, they mr« cut down lor lumntr, ami new Ctratdi" aahtetea lor uapla|> We rtaih

Hbbt'e al 4 o'clock, and New OrtasH ai 10, no uing. Ihe i.'.intt, bt weat the two

tie. U ndn mby.


t llie trip Is-ing through immeute Heidi ol wild ,'.', and i ver a tuccri.tloo of ireitl^ work and

b'lilgta. I it'll in on it,.- way wilb a pleat mt, iHlorly Kagllsb aeatleeju, Mr. John 8. Uigh,

of Linrlnn, who hat travrled in aim nit all p ins ul i.,i world, and prorcil a BK»I delishiful and SbiertatnlDf eompsnioni hn mi making his tiiiitii II io loCalifvH

irsLS, ef c.,ur>e, al the nuibivu granite pile, ibe fa. Cbarlea, anil rand , :..■■■. ,n,. iv well, gentle tiunilHT btin. w..o. .1 t.i the dulcet Hole, ul a belated rnn-q ilto,—"barred oui," bowi ver, t, ILL uu ruing, oQ m i. ..; lot Morgan Cny,

■ I Hence, via M.eimei Whitney, m Ver* us, JI wbkb, perkapa - i::.t I,.IH:: Imer.

—The Ice-meu begin to feel anxious.

—Tbe present la tbe s't meal terra Of

ihe scliuiil yean It It but elgbt we ka in


—On Ibe approach of the holidays the

'oreigo n.tli-r bnnlaesa at tbe poet oAci

becomes brlafc-

— linn. Caleb Siondera Is having ureci-

el a store and tenement, on bis lot on

South Broadway.

-Mr. <i,-,i. G. Frederick of Methuen,

naa accepted a altnatior lo tl. M. Wtni-

ii-y A Co'a. drag store.

— Barnum baa secured a white elepbaat,

Which will beexhlblttd here Ibu n tinny

summer, probably lu Juu-.

— If you wish to aee a 91500 window

display wait oullt tbe cartain rises Irom

Utckoeil Bros, east window.

—Selllnu "The Comet" la an (He a at

cause for arresting a nuws-Joalet' la

Naahaa, N. II. It abonld be here.

—Tbe loss to poultry handlers, by tbe

warm weather of lasi wei-k, la believed lo

Be greater than lo any season for twenty


— Saturday, lo Boston, one share of Pa-

cific Mills Block sold 'or U00-, and iwen-

li-rjve aharea of Waslilugton Mill-, al

ao i-«.

—The commissioners of Slate aid esti-

mate ihtir current expenses for l-M at

94oOOi the male auditor places those ol

Mia department at B4100.

-Mr. J. Payson Biadlev, well and fa-

irably kuowti here, has been elect-d

iQiinauder of DaJUftM Poet, No. 2, G.

A. U., of South Boston.

J nn Lee, overseer 11 tbe Arling-

ton Mills, la about lo eugage In Ibe inao-

Uiaclure of velvuta, In ihu Essex CO.'B

mill, at South Lawrence.

— .1 >hn J. Kmiii'i y, of Gloucester,

Wi.lum p. Moyea, uf this city, uud Prank

C. Richardsou, of K-.-i-x, were clecird

commissloneiS of lueolveucy.

Ponr year old says sue went to ride

other diy, up on;"Horseback 11111}"

She had become a little confused ou her

proper name, and meant Prospect Hill.

old Krauklln Trilling Park, at

Saugua, has been entirely restored; K--

s. x county tu.!.. iin-ii will look with

much lm i i. .t to ibe openlug uf die parlt.

—A boy named Thomas Byrne Ml

Upon the bidewalkorNewburv slieet, ou

Friday, nccivlug a gaab in tht cbiu that

Oecesiltated tbe taking of eevetai

eiltc hes.

—Tile public schools now close at a

quarter "f lour in lln- a'te,noon, luslead

of al four o'-Uck. T.tla la a eoucesa'.ou ,u n.. u-eua enaaaUsal Uaae and in. ahurt-

oeaa of ibudate.

—Johu Crowlev, of tbls city, who, last

year, was dicker of the Comet B. B. C,

ol Woouaoeket, K L, has ben. eugaged,

fur ihe coiulug aeasou, aa thauge catcher

of the Phlladelpblas.

—Tbe Catholic Herald is now publish-

ed at Liberty Teen Block. Nos. 6io and

ttllO Wasliinglon airerl Boetou. Wllh

oich Is-ue eluce us retitoval, It appears

greatly Improved In all ri a pet Is,

- Il la pr. b itaja that ih.> imuny wr|i-

t.D by Mbja K A. O Ke,uV, mined "Ht-

lulon In EdueatliHi," which was present-

ed ai St. Mary's ball not rD.lf aluoe,

bo glveu in BtMVOB some ilmu this 1

ter. ■■i;> ■■■ niiii:,;iii HI Samuel llaidscre.wuB

lurpneed at big b inn-, ii Warren mn-i,

ny a nu ubei of bit ir-etiji au I pies oi ted

with a n.i',.;.- mi.: ^ui.i waicb, chalu aud

ouar'aa. Tne n was paaaed in aioh-

mg, racltttlooa aud a gaoetal g tod tune.

-Toe peculiarly slippery clintacter Ol

11 j'lt.ii inn.I, uu Saturday laal.oecsaloued

;n i. v by aairliaiMstlli Ou Ibu Usg

■ touu cruas.Ugi, people were ultlig. d to

in,Id eat n other up to k.t n thetuseiVBii

irom Hi .II I'M.i ; round la,ihe IULUI.

— Ur.Georue It ihefte, or ibis city, wtto

lias ii -i'ii In tbe JelerMM Medical College

Hospital, iu fbiladelpbli, for several

wetka, suffjring :rotu ibe resuiui ol

i< i i to be

Sleds for the Boys

Until further miliie wr shall give a handsome flip- per Sled lo every boy buying a Suit or Over-Coat Irom us,



Vital Questions ! 1

Atk the moot eminent pbyilrbtB or any aafeeaL what la the bett iblng la the

woilu lor quieting and allsjlng all Irrliaikin oi the serves and i nn I ^ all li ► ul mi vi n. pi.iMt, giving aaluial.ebUnlike itfreiLlngale,p alwaytf

Aaalbtf will lellyon onbealUllntly "some lm in or tt..i • i"

ouFTea i. Afkanyor all ef the moat eminent phyiiolant: "W lul it the in-, i niul only rimtdj that can be

relied en lo rureall diieasea ol the kldoeta and urinary organs; *u<b aa Brlght't doeate, dla- In iff, r.lPi.tlnn or laalnlny to rruln urine, ami ail Hi. iiir-nt.." ti.ii aim,ni tu peculiar to Worn

>'An.l ihey win lellyon explicitly aril emphat- ically "Uuehu."

Ask Ui* aame phytlnlana "What l» Ihe mo* I reliable and turett cure lor II llitr illeraaesor dt»lHptlai tun.l'i tin n, In IgetUoB. bilitiu.ness, malarial it Ttr.mue, Ae.," itl ihey will laifyeu: Mau.lrake I M Iiandeiloe I" liiiii',', when these remedies are eombintd with

otheit. ijnnlh valuable And ■ ..i.ii . ii...ii .1 Into Hop Blllert, mclia won-

.'tiini mil nyni'iKinci-rnive ptwar is <U*tl (prd whlth IK so varied ID II* operations lhat no nif.aiKor ll'heallhvaa pottibly calal oi ii.i-i

IU imwei, and ret It la llarrokat for the moat frail women, weakest

Invalid or imalieet rhlld to use. iiuriik II.

"I'silsnli •'Almost dead or nearly dying"

t^T j."". aad glvca **. t>> v*»y*M*»» at Jiilghl'a aid ulti kidary .llMn.m. tlvrr . pluinis, at vero eongba called contumptKin, Lave

i.i in cured. W n gone nearly craayl ■real agony ornei.ralgla, neryantnrit, w

■ I.'I i -■ and taileiir dlteatea perullai io wm I'cep'e drawn cut olabape from eaeruclautia

pants . f Mil iini:ii i:-tn. nu.lmy and ebronlc, or mrt.ring from

rental Brjslaelul hsll.t,eum,t

i. roi I l-lll.lll Hll liiMI,,^ I l.ll

Have Wen cured by Hop Blin Blilrli csi i i I in,.I In i li IJ in i|.I,i„ imen world.


Fore FliTirii |EXTRACT8

SPICES. HlRhly ' HI- i'nir..t,'il Mtrenglti. Very ii'.iiiiiiiii .1, <'i on mended by '- ladles <»f this city. All Uror. sure you get " \V001PH" wltl frmle mark on every puehHUe and bottle.

THOMAS WOOD & CO., Boston.

A full Hi by

SMITH A WHKKLKlt, I. i tt I'IIHT. Mass

r at these line goods for an!e

litl-lllll ,V .11.tine UepOI't

„ aroaal ._ . ■■ ■ ' .■ i !■■■! v. ■ .!■•' ■ ■ a ■ .i'*ii'»t, ikrow-1 dually be reduced. "I lie people are

,t the money- "' i i ■■ drawer.

T. I>. 11ALLKV, GreiMilioumee, id ,VJ' .in?.) I >.•

hold i Dishonest methods used In bidding foi

New Yoik cliy street contracts are shown 19 bave d* I raided lax-payers tu the ex- tent of an m 0 ii .tl.

Tbe petipe i t Kanitoba ■ hrealen to a( - peai lo in. United Siatei If ib.y canno. get udiesn tor thetr mieVBucoaot the Cauaoiati government.

Tli ni toooaaod Qkloeae having landed at Victim., B. C , a propor-utou io le- tnct Cbiuene luiLigratlou la under COL-

"ideraiion by ni" sULbMriuee.

Tbe woik ol recalling the membership ol In-. Culled Stares r-cualu ci'Uimllleeo ii.i> i" ' '• completed, aud a irpon will bt made ut acaaean ibis mornlnu.

Hoi 4 K mg advices slate tin t a Cblneae nlgliL attack on tliipbung bs> Meen lius- tllleii. It Is eip-t'ted that the Frenth will advance on Soutay today.

Tbe A'*n.lsi|iiam coilnn-mill at Rock- port, tine Siaie. was destniyed by tire jcBierd.y morning, the loss -g^regati A*ouV'i*J. There was ao *aiK>,ii IJ t»n the properly.

In sn engagement outstJe the wain Suukim. on ihe fiib lustaul, !.. ■■ - 'in troops aud a large force of bill trib-s.Vbe lurmer were defeated, ibe tu-

taxed and hampered iu trude by tho j Ul iwaa reaching 040 men. A oanlc pre-

,,rc.c,it rcgokUon. .nd do not reli.h J'^.^i'.'l.-liStor.'1

the talk about a surplus. For the siikc j in. .«.■ Intention of Mr. Dingley of

wore CAP- | tors are in earnest, ami the cause be-

iwaig'.it ae I '"2 removed the re-luntlancy will gia

The annual repurt of ibe Boston aid

Maine isl.ruad baa beeu Issued. It ia

seen mat tbe gruae receipts lor tbe year

eu.llug bept. ad. w.<re «J.901 429.75. an

ioereaM for the year of fel4 l.Ma »z The

OVOratlll espeosea, inc.udlag tsxes, were

«l,'.ti!4,383 4S, being BH looiolse over the

l'i. VI JUS year nf |106,lUt.'U. Sit loco-

ivea, IS tlrst ciars paaaeriger cars, 1

. -,i . 'i passenger and baggage car ami

freight cut- litre been parcbasad or

l In tbe coiupaoy's shop. Of lliesu.

icoinotlvta, 1 |. " . i.„. ,- car, 1 ba^-

lege car aud 24 fieight cirs Uke tbe

JB 3( the •anje iiUmoer wmuuutor

ken up. 0..e passenger: car bss beub

ludeilcd Into a payotaaiera or, with

a 1 taa Boat ante ace* aeeeaeafy lur safely

trausactinir the hoilQesi of pitting n.. lame nnmber of einpiujes sctUeretl the

el) neleugih of tbe I'ntt. Tbe tqilp-

in uL LOW c'lnainls of 50 paUoBgef locu-

Metlfee, 81 rtelght lucomutlves, 17

•Wlteblag lucoiuunvis, 155 passeng- r

cats, tl parlor cars, !!j baggage and mail

cats, 11)04 merchandise cats and TM

gravel aud ether eats, The duuble track

\i*H beet loci eased the past year live

miles, and cnisitucllou la uuw g<iiug uo

Dbtrtueu Oreliaid and Hem bun.', the

rails bktrlDg already be. ti 'aid bat we. u

Pine Point and Oil Orchard. Tun gr.ntin(t

'.I'lti'in I'm' p.lut siitl Scaiburu' is

nearly cutupleied, ami will be ready fur

ibu raUe as early in tlni aprlug as the

weather will permit. There bare been

is.d during the year Sj.'l lone of steel I

eenTtbf >>«'h', ol which »<:« were iald in tbe new "i.-l Hack. T.ii'fu have been laid tbe

it year 1M.SIS ties, of which 2i,,309

re latd in ib-: now second track.


'1 ■ In Now Or- muuchla benioimages

improvlug, ami hipos are un.y enter-

latoed oi m* ii,i.mai..- recovery. —Tbe v*,ue of Ibe .IMI.I.H IN as an ld-

v r.i-iii- in ..Mini v. . i, ..-. , by the fact

Hal uu other paper lu the cuy announced

M ooejlaf of the Salvation Army, ami

t >ng before tba boul Bpp-nnted foi ttn \-

I crowd of several huodreils g"il-

aasn lu the vicinity ul'KsMi and appleti n

j treet.

—Ou election n'gbl one Dtelel Done-

iu ajai seated uu bla dooraeWpoa Cuum

strtu'., wneu two young rowdus, u*med

E iwartl Murpiiy aud Pairkk Uaut, eel

upou niul beaitug aud klckltm htm in-

uu.i.Iui.y wilbiiui cause. Titey were

arrested on warraol i on Tnursday, and

In the police couit sun eticeu $5 aud oue-

hsil tbe costs

—The official f ole ut Esuex county

■ niniy couiuilsslonera Isi Oeo, J. L Cot'

t'V or Newburyport, ie.7S3] ZicbarUb

Graves, of Lynn, Itl 035. wpsoteJ com-

inis.luners-I) inUI B. Lord, d-mocmi

ol Stlem, 23.471 i Olaudu B. Teuuef, re-

publican, ot Ueorgutowu, 20 ■'■<■'•; Aarou

Sawyer, of Auiesbnry, 0<i; 1'no*. Kevalle

ol Bills lury, is 457; Tuns. KoVilit of

Aineslinrv, 3 HifO; L'U is. K"v«lle of Sss-a

1145; Tho». Keveile of Newbuiyport, ot.



SARSAPARILLA Comblnnd with '..uii.ii- ot PottaV

slum and Uvt* l;r»l,

Ar-d other af the nest hlaort enrttataf Insmd ■nia fm Iharure al akreteta. earl In rur , i,., p<>pala. Built, Plmnlrp, HSII ftniii.r In itii mt svpinliiie AJaetaaaaaud Rkla lilsjiaavet ajaaia •ure euro lor lltti uniaimm nntl all l>Htiin*ik 'HnrpUieu, and alt dlxeasm arising lr,». ar impure slate or low e.tndiiton m tWaaawA, II -M-r>ngtacn* and huJMi up ihe eyswm, art* a t'c nn roe Ilmr i-r.'titin«ier diMStS. For 11., i , >f Kidney and ldverComiilsiiio it ha* no equal

A IHHtrcHsliitf en.*,. »r Oyapt'iMta

ami its Cure

This tesilmon I , tiom a yoona a>»a

now and e«urcn, h in. Il -|., ul- IJ„. .,>,,in,,, ,i( : hie beart.snd he rtiriirt,.,! a-1,1, I.-...,),,,«. ,i iltir |,r.i|,i,im ef BteveB*' '■niM.pi.rllla,

u.e aajwaj bad B*H aared hm. i«' have lold to lualaa ira .I.1, i

if nn, mi. ii, iva. Mr. sie*eB-:-l have ban dysaei

milk dUt.rerrfril O'C. I Wat

MM i. ■ del

■ las ■ l l bei

llea i|lnl, Inr I win, i ,«o, an.l new I In | , lid Ollren years si-e nevei atiiTer Iron, • mini lie tea ■■;,■ i rin*; I wu induced wliots ron.l ■■*,.. en

■ I BBylbjtlg us*

i- ii hi Mr.h.r.iBI ) 'i ol d*Bp«U*M (Si now l.-i.l nu, i irier 'i g il, iti iK|,M.yi II I eii'ili, I .'. [,i,l| 01

nivdlctue I bave aeVef been K..iit,i,(l with lK*d. tone at frMATTTJi'B;,

A Great HpcciUo for . thennittllMa „ _ L<wen,Oct. is, I*", Mr. atevent:- I wbh „, > ,r... my le lm* ot rai.ln.if lor H e sued H-Sl Mm sauaiiii'nla

ia* •limti m«, 1 iiave l»cr r ^icnt ,uo, ray in a Ihiiutnalirm tol a nuwil >■■ • i i'nr,Ki.ii!.Nued iiV wlintr huity. A ye If, II,u tail J UOk brae or tbe meJlclm ■>„< nm cared, si-e bin I bave •ten perieatiy al'le lo "iirt, while isal.irel c,..iu,i -, .,,.1, move, lawBOweaiMS <o»il he*in,, a result f mi, bappy (o credit tu tba

Humor In the Siematli aud Itch

liitf Plloa tHireil. l^WBIrL, A|Wll *, ]»1,

i. HI ni itiat 1 * weight I. V; wile me,

lIllllOD, MO V ilnwn U, ft.

i to uaka, it t.fl Ui| iht

ba the ere*

t'i e I i,,, ,,, ■.Aee '•

HiiaaUii' .1. is t Herman. ,. \.i< other. I Itnvr Intru unit oie liolt;.;, bat will i*Lo ajiul»r tu unn : u,c

A. Jt. llAbau, ij other, 71 Central Ktriek.

Cured of —Tfijiti of IO Vt» ri

BUudliijf. Ifeiel* anoihx aaat ..t BMiud a

«ltl«l>tllwtiHU„UulM,ll..|.,. u.,1 ,-...,.';, 4 hn!ru*ti BiHiaiiimr, Bad a miive .■ j ,,■ nt inopercouinc M i>eiHiie.

LOW«t4„ AiH-i , , it" ...


L2 u a

«* ih. altghiea ■

•i..,, i: i

. Mils. K. W. •''Si. 4i J-.IT., .ma

M0THEE8 sav^ jour (JHILDKiiN | Oncol ibogrealest joargeaofour c'langable

SSf? CHO.ERA InralTOI. Annuniimnsi-d m ,1 tu tsol lltiteeeee aie aarla- .«■ , ill r ,i n tut dreoi disease, n o. t

ie io tht. en I a» «rt i>. |,h t tl, laa baa UVOMU Ihe past tea years Is najfaoUjaj


HcrotulouM Hiiiiiur Orlteu tu m tho ilioitd.

TbeyoLngiaiiy *e,„|In| „,„ („ij0Wli . IMI .r,y gi. cli.t .... II >..■,.,„..*.„ ,/.„. it, IB* oi ibe aaraaManilai

SK. II K>r.Si, Mi. i t.i ,1 „ in-, IM.II,,, «f neveei aaeaepartlla i aa , to j,,, ., ,*

IWliltr Cauacr * tired.

>< null n . nn I" tiiti- valuable it s-r or I'm tl It 114, so I m a •tamti' ln...,.t at l»*-»ii»l>il.'*. Ctw.usstp-

I t«Tallds i.'..I. re> adJel

me ^.i.-i-a a* 11 m In ii t'.l eH*.:k

tlv**, • »■"! par*..*,* a**l Iflwalld .em mil II .1 i"i •<• dl ..* .H..f ■ir*HM'h Irean It* «■■.


(l»'l |U' L'I lOWIt A CO. Wholesale Deaiara. - Boston. Mnee. liyjm o

-TH walkl lake, of »al

ig mi! B. C ni 1>. A. Drlaoll. ol

Lynn, takes place at ihe beef roller »Lat-

101 rlpk, Ha!eM| on the 17th lust. At

Linn, Saturday, an even In l ol 8.">(W *

sldu was made on ILe nsuil of the lace

Tlio cond.tious are to want, fair hi el aud

ton, Uiie.i hours, Iho in ii. erediietl wit'j

tbe blgbesi score at tilled tu be declared

the winner. The flual deposit ot «l(KI a

•Ida was made Saturday. Itolske Is the

lavorlle In




n'rw.tou... ' of our fortimi tnde, and for tlio »«kc ' M.lmi lo In'roduc. I. lb. a.tlou.i hoo.« 1

Wto|fu o|CQ s.%

I,T.S n**a plautj.iur tuc ire NK. L. I»AVK;.»-OUT.

A ■-|i". latty made.oi Parties, Iltlla, We Uinr* m I Parlor o.,.np.rt.ia.n^.ir;i , fc Q( ^ ^^ ^^^

ol lepiesetiUt'Ki

llnh-l'.l.l, 1 A. 11. Pi t'nammouB Approval i>>

■ I Dr.T.G.Convt.ick. r ui iDumtciiwi' ■' .1 iU-Jay,ii pus*i oir, iv«i i —

oflbapoor maus_ ,Kw.'lieL, let us have M :u, j^m,^ t„ ihw atupplhj toteiests of • ^m^*^' a IhorouirU overbatiliog of tlio ti'iiir the cooouv, A l.Ut wtu IIIHN lui.edau-. >' ^ mA th., , ,.._., J i .L , ltd providing Tor tbe promjtiou of tieuer- J',, lu ,, |, laws, and let lmimduala reap the beue- L, 8MriBtll w the rank or general ol the lingering ami.. . .

| aimy. > jfitTai.vl vu» U^.MIW.. ;

- S ■>£•• ni'. M "i-e has received Hie

harjr. T"Ud to tbe homUest man ol the

runt ii .' L'ght Artillery. .Haff at.d

i a beauty In every respert. In iht

D It Is au embossed tt'i.'i shield, sui-

m-motud with a representation of a

mounted artillery man, bi-nea'b which,

half enclosed In a wreath la Inlaid In

{Old "1« Bntl." Below is the l.gmd

'■Lttht. M. V. M. Aittleiy." The ar

nngemenl of tho kgetid Is very gnisUc

Hepresenta' of two cannoua protrude

..-■ra ttie h»-»e of tbe s-iie-d, sinl, on the

. i-.. ■. li.-ar the Inacriptlouj "SergL

Wm. Horse, Sherman CaJeta Bazaar,

J»d9, UvtaUMt Man." The gin cyst »75.


Cured by



Curod by



Cured by



Cured by


'.m.wlu - „i, ,,.i .1,...., ..:,/- K«»-' ' J ■ »

An Old Lutly t ui.,1 uf Khcniimtl* Neuritis i.i.

LUVUJ. .'I*, Ib laa. , swven*. sVeesiaiM ,..!?t,Ll. i.*.ta*d

,■-.! ■■, in tea -.ui r-m.-r..i,l ,.r. My Uaugl ihangc * 1H1 ■

J.I.Beaver.* M , lm Si.I

.eavVrtl Work U.»*,iing ami :. ..nir.g. u„(. u*a ny am) a* wt h:.-, aver,

fUlaCU,!^ I,AKIN, •«i»W. Court

A Youitir ClIrl'H r.yesJul.t I>c- Ntroyo.l liy Scrol'iil », htogt » d

'■ 1- Ba I

■ ■

,i in i ,.

irwjpHiieli oiua.j

ii, ree

■ ilI't.ti.■ i. ,, „ n *»h*v> , ilm a i.iw ,n„

Uranlei It yoai* ■ leu «,.i,* iui..

■ ■ ' '.

" ■,

. ■ i ..- ai

NetetwITae- ' l»o ... ,. ' . - ■ :, -

I .. .

RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buy of tiny Druggist

Perry Davis s Pain Killer

R. REED & CO.. '. ■ '. I . !■:« IS

.V-,.i3D, IM. lit und CEMEhl Sn. fS74 i:sf-ex|Stre«t, Luwrenor

HJI u;t •> -D Jill. hCCDHAM, lir 1st -

1 truly

- - ' .. I.L1NI ''til'-, . .,. . Lea


«1 a BtTTI ►:. *iJl iM>TM s, >■

TUB aetsM tnt'l" tt l I i' -n - .KV- I .


Wtt tmmtM m urn * tJX£fS3l3m£ ae. '

Lawrence American. LAWKKM3K. MAMS.

rn.II. it fcKHMN.U, I EC. 14, IBM.

IVvekly K«W8 KrevlUoa.


pel tbs'f four m/tre Gloucester li I* Ml* fiabitiK boil

A .ml Tennyson, t .1 poet laureate of Human.', baa been made a tarun.

M. Franco of Lunotinaoi. tbe French ■ rCIKl iloglsl, l- (1. i.l; aged 41 yeaia.

By the -inkui.- ui a steam bars* *>a Lake Iluroo, ut-ar I'oil Austin. JeaUnlay, aeV- eu ptiauua Just their lives.

Several betldlnejS vere d-stroyed hy Are lu Piue Buff, Ark., tesieirisy, the prupeny lOU aggregating 8100 000.

A dluuer wan ulv, n t/> Governor-elect Robinson by Congressman liiscucs,, ul New Turk, li vYaehlngtoBi hut night.

Tne Hut. John M p.irbee or Ihla BUta la itin moat favorably mentioned ra»di- dale in Washington lor chairman el Ibi n I'H'ii,. in uaiiuoa,) c .mini tee.

Adniirai Coubet win cuntluu* hlr prer- IIUHiH loi an a.lvante on t>„t,iay an.' ttaci.Hull. Toi q.iiu. but WUI awall Ire-b Instruction* from J-',auc before lukluu. decided at bin.

'l'lit- tumor ihai there li to be another ■Hiiiii g| in.- Kmper.T.. ul Kasala, Q.i. Uiain and Acaina, as ibr UK.U <I[ M. d Glare 1. *.. Free.

A L<>w.

conference with l'ituc« l.l-ulllclsily dt |.., ,| |jy

lihtiatrh will he Bent I

United (IU!.h« II unit ill i in.ti ooai

The rt. rcauiix il

• bl.d In lb,- A 1

L |n Mlelsiei LU il*pBtlllirl>' IJIIII in »-k {Ul <■* ol U'um- iny, ihu lit-h

• IMTIS Claim* ;■• z u o! lb lor war ilaS- .U. snipped u.

« on tb« Tin ipln ere Mia wan Ihr FiiiKii CnamtMti ol Depu-

ties, \. ....I-,. M, y, H, .,.< .,n,,- u lena'h li> . • i IO^ oi hla cuuiae rexardlua llu t-i sting itillli miit-a iiir credl a l,il » ■ B.Bllt MllO|l cd ny ■ Vi.le t,l 8g| I" 146, ..iiuviiiui: vom ol mi niiu.c- it. I be .ovt-iniii.-t,i'» liioulu pooey IIMKJ by Rl) .i.,J . liy.

Ifodeced aini HI lettlsy. ami ibr- I

BOtiVened), aeklu ptesldi i.ij

. il , tlif

WIIM Mr. CornwallieWest deliver*

an arltlreas, it has always aoroelhltifr,

original In it. Il is called ao imped;

uu m in bis speech.

THE Watchman speaks ol somelhiny

which ia " BaptfaUcallr true" uutl (In;

phrase doubtless was hooked up from

the bottom of a well where Truth WHS



has made h«r son-in-law a cripple for

life by scalding, and he may think she

would make a good model for a tuonu

ment io Burn*,

il., i

ni adjourned eau- s.lay. Tut- eullie i» cutihuimd In ibi ni ii iii.uuoiis ui-

BH liatiug been

Tbf (jut-Piion oi I'm Will bt- C'tiKldeiiil at CU> lo bu ti-nl on Thu MMtlOH of llli- h.U-r * linroilutibm ol bill.', a dur il..< rail ol UiuUf prtseui*d.


ninriporifd Ihst (lio Uni'sb Pirlla- iin-1.' win i,.; luribur piuiogutd uuu. February.

It la reported tbat the pint Taapytoa'i tii.r v., , i ■ iiumi Tvnntauaj J,,iuLoim of Abiwonn.

Tk« waa uot coualdt Inn i.i ibu ( abtm

Four cnuapira

A Niw-nrn; called *' Man," in

New York, ia edited and bought, hy

women only. Men of New York do

not care to " gently scan their brother


A Smcicixa factory belonging to 1 >]!n .lu Ma)hen was bu;ne<l in a New

England towu recetflly, and the llis-

marck Tribune says Olhello'B socku-

putioii is gone.

TIIK sidewalks in Suh LnkeCity are

all -2U feet in width, and it is (bought

that the object is lo leave a wido mm-

Kin for ihe collateral wires to walk out

willi their husband.

LtwrenCfl anj Lowell seem blind to

the in I vantages of n ^iiizeus'inovemi'

They i re atnioat the only cities where

partisan poli'.ics predomintttu in c.iy

iiSdira the coning year.


Anwrlcftn pArafraphen art the brignt eUciric lights ol the new world, ami ii

is Into that they, and the dim religious

light of the old world, have very lilile

in t'imimon.

KIGENE FIEI.II, editor of the wi'ty

column iu the Chicago News, says

that the suspicion is rife- tlint wheu the

lemouratic party wakes np on Christ-

miis morning it will dud S, J. Tildeu

in its htoi'king,and this would intimate

that Mr. Tllden was not to be nomi-

nated by the Democratic parly.

A 02,500 FIKE.

PromptnefiH and IHiciom-y oi the Fire Department



lo I


itrtir_r, ln TT^iit ,'t i hate basn **" iJ, In lati'I. .,ii BouUDCud i-.urtl nt-rviiuilu t noli.

r tbe l«i« (J. orii« M TibbtU, V„ IN to h« CIH.NUII by lb.

2j'.r»." '"" "J""t! '" vaiucd at from •'.l*',0,UiU In

Ta» Mil tot legalising inarrlagen b* twteu Jawt, an.i UbilnUana baa baen tl« luatcd in tbe ebaniber ol maunatta ol ttn Jiui,4 .1 diet,

A declalua rcnardfiiM ih« tu«tomfl duty on taijut woo I a, vinuil.y In lavcr tmporl«(i| wan fendfciuU by St Fo.iit r, faaterday.

Thu University u( P.nrayl- vaula Boat 'Jun hna rhnii. niitol Harvard Univemtty to an em hi .-'■ii, race wiiii euzawaitm, lluiv oauin llnie, place un.l distance.

An imtioriant meeituff oi the pas daparinieoi or tbu (oiui eiei mlv« mill ol Hi.- i■ III. III'! eru coauacilura w«« ii. yealeitlay, and w,:l bu

Saakllfl advice* on il thai ihu Kgyptiaua <U, lookout for anileipat< from ihe rebel lore--?-, thu uody ul llkka 1'ach

All ibu merubura of ihu n tlnnal itoramUleu have kill, lllKioii to all in) the meein Tun ll'.u John M. Furbt-a moat uruwlueiiti* uieuiluut Iran.


Ibeir Wet iN.w Yotk,

ii ioiiiid.

pohllcan ia

Tbn nailoual trlbnte li Mi l'-rnell. the l'i-'i auitu.i.i In ibe al-a a che t.'.l lOU. WlH preaenietl J,u. in ;uulm JWt ultflll. In n.p..-, -t! 1 > ihu lol.I saa»or'a *p-t. ll, lie imi.1- .■ell a even - ly iiC-tiu- uu Eu^lul, ol.ey u In-

A.liiilml Ci iiihi'i undo dn< ■ of Lhe 3,id In-.,u.i in|..i mil ihe F. Mil Hovel ii nn-ii Inat h« HMS wanfiiu ,;. all ml i,| Ii . D loiCMIIIlUr. b ■Ullu makiliu o . H It 1 .h ,.i »-niay and it.. ,n. A! Fern lele- tirautieil lo II e IMKIOIHI, t HI. l.i li- aniuv op. IHU UUB wlili Uiu uu ■oat v


J-epi. .*.. 1 >, '.bu OIK. 0 1 inous alita-T, m tie 1,

'lu« rviiuti lean aenat. ri « 1,1 inn ke SI

aini iou pt 1 tOll^l Hill.., H i. 1.1» Culm,, i

Baker I'.n in doi ;• ntt ili tit makt uu MOV iliie .l(.|u the loit IIUW il" bin illf|l i


Ihe raia ' pruniK-i tv t ii- ad on Dail -or wiin luu.m o mi ii.

Tin. « we li ol t ,e K nx i


been ap luVeil i.i lu.- nun. aiol ii in aali] tli il IL wnl i

SKtenili i ot autfragu .,. ad Wuo e sad v>i: t and Wl.o pay la sou-, hi iii[<unaui ii,, nsUi •.a rt l* clvii aia i .Hie.

A lei die gale pi-.-v.ill. d tlin l.ehud and Ui ,11 unit ' i. -in. deauuilng a vu-i ol prop. nv, t.eald.s kil.lUjj Htitl a largo B-be-rol p... nUi.y Wele rt. rt'keil.aad Ho- ol ltd pone i i

an : ... , •ui are kmnn

.d. It 1. ! 1 'in d i!i-i■. c,.. | e"ch

raeio. „ I I 1,'poni: H n lle.W guiUiin

ho. ; i i regaidn.gibwT PUH| HI/ thiO. -.■ .!

U|!OU .- HI ail ii- i.,i,_- ;:

Courb -t Will to !. KM . a ■: I Uuug li J>. Alt. t the tap pl«v«a ii sb n- noii J1 ions , .,1 IM

BllUUid I N«J.»« l.-Mj.e ClilDeae Mir'a will bi 11 . 1 .1

Fr-m li luicea.

The r. pKbllcau nuii■■■.. i oil. nil


nied llws week from our preaa.ia one

of {he most attractive vobimes evei

published in this city. Beside ntrmer out line illustrations from the lmnd»or

Aiin'tiean artists, it will contain na-

tional StatUUoa of great interest, Uu

full returns of the last state and county

elections,the gubetuatorlal and ma\or-

ally votes of Lawrence, and lull inunu

facturlng atatistics of lhe city, ll i*

a book that every individual will find

of intern! to himself, and will be pre-

sented to every subscriber to the Daily

and Weekly American.

VViifii ihe BU,in oi iii.i rang from box

M, at 10 :'o OD Weduemlay night, a Itjrtd

nbeel of fl.irne waa looming 'rum tbe bui

laciory of the Lawreucn Lumber Co. uu

May street. Tbn llr ■ brtifadu responded

proaspUli b«l before water waa available

ll appeared that theoulldlng waa doomed,

alao me T. A. Kmmuna' fac'.ory and al-

j IIUIDK buildtng*, ao rapl.dy did the llamea

Liroitreaa tbruuith every section of the

Hiinvturu. There was but o'lubi delay In

patuag oi. Water, but alight as it waa li

nlTuded M ill i, m.,- for the Ore (lend.

WHO weaved tbruuib the Inflammable ma-

it rial ol whirl, Ihu bUllillUg Is colir.ll Hi I

■ il aud aiored, and r. waa lully two hour*

iji-foru thu j! ,.!!■--i weru uuder CUD TOI.

Nut In late tear* baa ihe efficiency or the

ii.- il- i-- i ui,. I.I i,. i II no aeveruly teaied.

The buildlug was a woodea PIH-U, two

-■"lit--, la height. On tbe lower fl>

Wtrelwo tin,;, r.t. the govemur uf one

-hOWIUufi) p-HIUll* OT HleHID win n tbe

lire hioke out. Aboui Mi- "•' hollers wan

A great iiunnlity of ahavln^a and plne

cblpoiBga, aud It appears ibat lhe fir.

*iaited from a spark rroui the duller fur-

nice, and cuituiiuiiicalliig to lhe iiHiin-

loable d.-bria iiia-lu us way io ibu Bppar

n ury aud roof, Beluru under control the

die bail C mnuined a large qualiUly ol

lumber la pruoeae aud preuand lor inai -

ufacluie, a number ul bo^es ready im

■bipSMtBt,'and w*'.-r, which waa ooploVa>

ly thrown Horn siunmer acd hydrant.

grtally damaged Hie machinery. The to-

tal io..s, bowi-ver, tu ihe Liwreucu l.un,-

ner Cooipaay, Is placed at 8:.' 500. Tbe

baitding and couieuia are lusuted wllb A

U Bwaii lor N.IW) «1 040 in each of the

follow lug Compauiea : .1. in, S|H 'I, ^lb Hi,

North Aiueilian aud ItaiLiord.

By the well directed • ffj'ts of the flre-

in. n i in ll ,n,< -. ilnl not commuulcaie to

be Brnmuaa' factory, and It may aUu be

luit d that Mr. e.mmoua' employ i a worked

rdu..u-ty aud well tu protect bis prupei

\, at ibe Brat visible of fln

ut-ing with i Beet tbe IIOBC atiaehed tu ib'

itand pipe lu Ibu works, By Ibe llr

weuiy wuikuieu are thruwn iempora,liy

iui uf > II |'."> i;o II' . but ll la the luienllun

il the company lo mike all oeceanary re-

|MI- at once.

due to tbe Arc department '.bat not

greaiei damage eusued. Tbe blaze was a

uubboiu one, a lighted ma'.cb atauyiimr

would set tbe attuciure on lire, and did

lhe rllines once uei beyond ibu control ol

iimn, l.iiiiiii.ii.-.' liie.'L.r.v aud the

buildings adjotalBg would duuDtleen have

u cniisuiued, and lu-day many worthy

i II,...i. - wouid be homeless. The police

langtinenta were excellent, so that the

flrein m worked to advJutiife without In-

ference. Iltd a high wind prevailed

ibe result would bave been far different.

, largo number of ptrsous vislled the

ne ol Ibu llru lu-day, anc tbe Irtqueni

iresslOQ was, a uarrow escape froiii a

Annu i ... the Stockhol ten. j Ford's Mnjoitiy looraaaed—TM Ktault

The sann.l saoaUag«llb.atoeWaoldors 0.h^r«Ue Uacfcaago.!.

of Ue B sum and UiUtu railrual w*a „ _ >. ,J . .b ,._ t ■, in . n>i. l On Saturday Hie volt f-ir antermsn rr-im helrl lu lae cliy hall \\ ■ .i, e i.i.. Ibe

... WAid 3, aud con ne nine n hum wards 4 SM attendance was abt ul as n •■.i. Tin '

' weie recoun'ed ss pelill. ned fo^, by meeilug was called lu urd :r by President

u.-o. C. l.uKl, alter wbUti ibu rail waa

r ad by ibe oeik, Couuucey P. Judd.

e-q ,wbo also real the reeurda of ibu taat

annual meetina: which SMte aci.ipied T .<

anuual rtpurt '•' the directuis was acc.-pi

eil wlibuut being r.iel. A ballot waa

■ aken fm U directors fir the aliasing year

Wm. A. Rusi of Bu.ioii, K. C, Walker or

B.atuu.Qeo. A. Kimiiall of lliwriutl, K

It. Uruwo ul Djvcr. K. P. Buriiha.o ul

3ato, beluit appoiuled a coiuiimu-u U> re-

ceive aud count ihu voles. Tin. ballot

reaulteil lu 14 SM volec for the lulloWtllg

WUhoUl oppo-lilou : NtUlllllel Q Willie

Lawiuuc. i Geo. c. Lord, Ni-wiun; A-..<>-

Paul, Buuth Nawmarkvl, N. II. I MalOau-

ie|J. BradlM, Boatot*) Wm. 8. Slevaoa,

U >ver, N. II.; J.mea It No boh, Ua««i.

mill J ,:m F. Uagoo.1. Bust on ; Sawutl K

ttpribg, Poruau.l, M -; NalUaukul W.

Farewell, Uwlalou, M--.

.i inu I.HI ul BoloOj "i Lincoln ul I'■>■■■ the fuilowng -.pi- wan adopted i

u.ed:-Tbat ibe s< aaotvbCe lu

the third arircie ul ibe In-.awa ul tie loi

porallou be aiuendeil lu ti-ud us IOI.O.VB

I .,<■ dlreciura -:,., i hate .authority tu at

ce|it the raalgaailuB ol auy luember oi

ihe BOJI-.I. Any vacancy iu e*M Board

Whether ll arise hum icslgna lou oi

oireiwUe, may br Ulid at a asocial

meeting uf ibe ,. ... ■ . ' lur tt.a


Their Contlid Reception llerr-stoiied, Paltaajiitttl ghut out Kioni 1'helr"

BorrucJcs-Bot 'lot Will nut for u Year.

Amv. swrij »lib r

The ii d f k,l

The SFtronuin -is i .11 rT to ii ra use of lhe p. culm iippei ul ■ o: ik at

sunrise ntnl >un-ei i : : let, S*fd a W« -ll-

luglou dl.-pali li to - 1- T r.. . r ' U<

name pin i.oii,. t.uli Is ■1- - i i 1 ■>-■ l.d

San Fiauci-c i an 1 ., ;." i ■ b

telsiy SeiVles, ol i li A i ... A ■in

m:cal But leii, ihn.k .1 t. . i. LoU 1 -

ed loi on the ib- ..:, ID ,i ll t ,- pasflua tbr.iugli s c! Ill Ul ni'h n e di

and iX.'a View Is sire lg« l.-l -i . L ie 1 ci

tbat u,i i Xi r ,or : n., . .1. , e; u iu. e-

OH has b. ■ ii Visi ... lei 11


A Lawrence young lady Bays she

would rather he a Chicago yirl nnd

bave hi;,? feet, lhan lo be a dud

A Spanish correspondent of the

Paris Morning News says :—Don

Juan Vulera, the ncwly-npuoinled

Miniaterlo Washington, will curry

with him special instructions to ar-

range the basis ol a commercial treaty

between Spain and the United Slate

having paiiieular regard lo Cubau li

teresls. This will be «. step towards

thu fulfilment, of the tariir refottb

promised by the new Ministry,

Matthew Arnold, the cminei't F.nj

lish pool, will lecture on ''Emerson

at Amlovcr tomorrow evening.

"Onida" denies the Btory that she

has been converted to the Catholi

latlb tiy Mous. Captel. She suvs sli

never beard him preach., but ha-i met

liim, and considers him a moat enter-

tainlng man in conversation, and i

person of great inicUuciuut abilities

George W. Cable, lhe Southern

novelist fron New Orleans, has creat-

ed great enthusiasm iu Boston lately,

by his readings from bis own works,

siii-h as "The GranllseimeV sui

"Creole Days." He has One dramat-

ic power nnd ulso sings well.

A gentleman In towu, paid twenlt

il ..Lirs tor a |'ii.; pui vy n •' long

since, aud then killed Hie eoiraal willi

kinbif-s hy overfeeding him will

itK'^i, He is not disuouraged, bow-

aver, nnd is aboul to purchase auothei

pet of the samo kind.

Advices froinZuliilnnd report Cell-

wn \o sulking, and the people in nuicli

du tress.

The Marquis of Tseng is a Chinese

ex Jesuit, who belonged lolhe Society

in Kiaog Nan.

A clergyman of Allegan, Mich.,

sai s tlint there i3 so much profanity

in the alrei'ts of I'm is, thai they are

un'-afe for children and unlit for ladles.

A miscreant bos smirched the beau-

tiful while marble statue of Liohig nt

Munich with a black corrosive prepar-

ation, which it is feared will ruin it.

The pay ol the Archbishop ol Palis

baa jnsl been cut down from $9,000 lo

$6,000. The Bishop ol London has

$50,000 aud two palaces, but lhe

claims on Mm are innumerable.

George iiucknell ol Lake county.

Cat., who is ia his dotage, and has no

confidence in banks, buried his bonds

bu greater safety, and has lorgoLlon

where he. buried them.

A recent return of the Financial

Hoard of Cambridge University puts

the incomes of colleges at $1,156,000.

Trinity has the largest,over $231,000;

Mntrdnlen tbe smalleat 823,000. The

colleges contribute $2^,000 lo the

common university luntl—two and a

quarter per ceut about.

At tl.itup, in Kngluuil, recently a

Rlrl, aged ~, died from mflamaliuu of

tin; brain, brought on by overwork at

'r i. 'Ihe medical ollloer iu report- i ""

u.e i be case strongly condemned the

unit lice of making young children do

Inline i at night. He said it

worried them and nude them restless iu their sleep,

Mr. A.Oakey Hal!, once Mayor of

New York then actor, lawyer, jiumnl-

i-t. dr. in list,etc., is going lo reside

in London us the head of thu New

i'otlt Uerad'sncw bureau. He will

become a solicitor in Luudon idler

seven y ears' apprenticeship. His lines

have not fallen in plcasailtplaces.

hoaid of ii. . and

were ID Stsaicb until ne r v uiidnluh

Tile result reached wss that F ,rd «a:u-.-

•J in wstd one, 7 in ward two, 1 In wai

ihreO, 10 in ward four, lost a ra r ar.l h>

mil ualned 31 iu ward six. 11 -in lust 8 i

one, 8 in ward two, 1 in ward live, and I

in w,rd alx; he gOIBwl 1 in ward Uirei

this rals.d Funl's m.ijtrl'T from 1 to 82.

In waid elx thu vote lor council waa

onilue.t to that cast for Jttin J. Magent

uid TDomss it. I>»u. Tim ruturus gave

Nua>«t 347 aud I) an .135. Thu recount

java Nugeut 3&D and DeaS 838,B nut gala

IO* <he former ul ID Votes.

For cuuuclimeu In ward four the en1 Ire

V.IIH ftu eouuied, resulting ins gala •>'

I for Lacaillade, 3 I >r It <lluc and 1 . i

lioideo. 1. :■ i 'I i Ins-. 1, B iinham ana

Cuocb'o vote nwalDed ti.u same. The

reiuruaaiid nsuit ol tbe , ....... ■ are

tabulated below. A! lil-.liUI N I 111 WAIIOlilKI K.


If they are roc? came, lUey ».W, HI,

i be believed, they arty are hut

ii qJen d. BJI a teoru .ll-^iae-ful

lion, of a Sabbath m truing, ib n

.luted was ntvtr oeen lu the rl

nr lu my of hi



HO* -Hive roti


S GOSSIP. ii ihj c.miiir'

r Beard was In in..

— A skati.ig rlak Is to be opened »'

III;hland Cottage.

ne N.:wliurypurl U rm comes uu

r fur Presidi-ut.



fc' irds m-J >

w uu 11. lin

MI am £U—shil

' SOS :U7 StM-lflW

Hi. Wllley, Anduvi

Tun in^iiu


ved Ibat V

the aeuse of thu mreuug that -

Hhuuld Du u< i un iht road no long*'

ibe Uahbalu. II- -■• ■! n was a vi >:s

ol ihu IHW ol 11 • 1 aud uisioiDB'l ine i

mualiy In Lneir worship

was seconded.

Dr. A. P. Blackrols of Dover, n

as an ainet.diiiL-ui ibal the mailer h<

ferred to ibe Hoard of direct »re wu':

powir. He said tual hail bc.a the COIITM

purpued In '.be past, BLU he ibu!

they were fully capable, or Iddglug whu

was for lb« b.-si luti-resi.s of Ihe flOtl-

hilders. Tbe uinend ueut preval ed by

an aimoii. uiianiiuous v ite.

No further business was trausac ed.

Heaolutioiis of Condolence.

The following resoiuii'ins wereadopt»1

by Ibe advisory board of ibe School Con *

mittee uf Lawni.ce ut a meeting of iba

board held !"-'. eviulng:

Whereas, Disth has removed fnuu Iba eorps ot insuucioih lu the li -o School, Miss Alice E one ol oi.r mom valued U-aibeis, her trust, and ibe con SCI

lea, h»d

.li.liu J Nuyenl IKW 1 lie —as

Kev, Win, i.awieiteei


1 .ll.ii i.i ii.

The puh'lc Installation uf the officers

Tuscau Lodge, F. A. A- M., took place

last eveulng at Maaunlc Temple. Thu In-

stalling officer WIIM I'ruf. Wlsemsn Mar

li i , D - i ii I. Deputy Grand Master; tl,t

musical service was rendered by the full

choir of Grace Cburcti, under lhe lead

shlpofC.U. Baaoders, bq., Mr. 11.

t'uiBoi s the O.guniat ol the lodge having

Iteueral charge. TniB pail or tbe txer Were Certainly one. If not the TOON

Impressive ever heard in this city. Prof

Marshal very delicately complltoenlei

them upon their I florin. Tbe eulus wert

auotalned ov Ed's. Warien Rice, Mta;

LxaiuAoavlB, Me^u-. Uuber Bnlwhtlle H M Pur-nna, wiiu waiter it. i.iiigsriaw

aso'uamsi. Al tbe conclusion ol tbuaei

vices, the meiubera with tLeir ladles r.

p.iredtoihe bstqeet hall, where jaaMe*

Was done tu tbe repast, afierwatds r- patt-

ing lo ihu large bail where ibey were m-

teitalmd ii. Prof. Marsha'., In recltailuu.',

sinning, cic. The wboio aflilr was one of rare I

pieseiveiiei-i , tbe .-oi, mud oratory

Prof. Mioiin, the t iijuisite singing ol

the wall koowa cttolr, sbd ihe Duett b. -

iween Mis, Kiee and Mr. PatSOBB made

ibe evi-muff ouu lung lo be remembered

hy her tlilrlity ■nnous di-cbar, IUHI an enflat

I in b.i ol'ei and Whereas, We leel nv Ibis sad dispensa-

tion Ol Dwlue frovluVnce ibai the acbooi iu wbicu fhe laooreil MO iiiau.v >euis ban kufferrd a loaa which cannot eaally be aupplled, therefore,, lhat we, the members of ibe bcbool Committee ul Liuvii-im-, take occaaiou to expn ia rur sorrow per- H.inaliy on uccoum. of ibis . Ill ciina v.siin- llon ol God's Providence, mm to coovej OBI ayjipalby lo DIM beieaVrd lain by ol Ibe deceaaril, who liavu been thus de ptived of ibe miuis'iuiluiia ol a bwl Veil il-iuyhii-i aud MM. i. May 'hey beeulacti by ibu thouubt 'hat, kbnuuau lor her lb. aibooi of Hie ia over, phc is now IJT re moved [rum all ear hi, care and surrov III tfle pies, lice of ihr (Leat Ti-athi r, Wbl does nm willingly ullhei bt> cblldien, ant '•who ilueib all mn«- w,ll."


" Advising Cum. JOHN C. SA>uoitN, i 11. G IIKIIICK. \A bKUl F IMW-US ) J. L. 1 HKW ■U.i;..Su|.i. of Schu

A 111 .ml C'ruuk.


I i n . .ii i. Hi- !. _. >n uf a-alva

nd at tbe coimr ol Ka^ex

ion streets and, willi. win

rtloa, dlacorttan* cornet, a good

with poor ptajer, and n tatib

me In tbe bauds ol an autlquaud lemale

iu a ptiuw puki bonuei, ilu-y collected a

erowdof aeVeral buodreda, who, while

the singiug. piatlng and p'syug was

4'dag on, amused them*elvea wl*b fuch

nQiBpokea n-tii.iKs as, "vVhere did

i -ll gel Uei ? ' "WlialB lhe Batter With

*aivaii»n, aayhuwT" "Wnu'a capt.iu oi

his Fquadfaud others or similar import.

Tiny marched up Baaex street and Broai-

way, followed by a large crowd, were

peiled Wbfa mud aud, and

aliltuugh the police squad endeavored to Hud the :.s-»liii,tsl!.e).rfVereun.-Uccesaful

Arriving ai tbe Diva Bipi-i tbuich lhe>

Andover Advertiser. .,.!'.

1 lo e , but i met Bt tin

I or oj daacon Oadli:.*. woo denied t

ruirauce, hlating ihai ihe coloitd ; e

leiuplrd the vdillct! by I lit St of re

ni-l, i■* lie lii-si .-.ed HIM keys, he km


Bealg nation s.

neellng of the Ou'Turs.Uv BVeniug, » parUbiunvi-a of Graoe cfiuieli was held In

chapel, ".o tnki ac ion Respecting ibe

gnatlon tendered uy the ncuir, K-v.

.. Lawrence. Dr. J* U RiuJer i te-

d, sfld Mr. Uuiioii Wbiiejuib war

k. Rev, Mr. Lawrence'* .teller ol

gratluo was read, and afn-r expr.a

w of legu-i by v^veral present, th*

gnailou waa accepliid. to t»ka .ff..:

im) I. Tbe wardeM and v.airviuru

-.-autboilitid lo call a meet lug wbti-

r il wan deemed advisable to ctil a

rector io ll.i thu vacancy. A oomm'.itee,

dating ol Mtvis. F. C. McDuffle, A.

.auburn an.l Chaa. G. Sitiiu.lcrs, weit

■luted io draft a aeries ol reaolatloofl,

and prt-eeLted Ine luliowiug, which were

*pi«d: -

GHACE Ciiineii I * V..

, Lti


sjiu ibu the ai

.,1 ihai Hut i

. a time 910 I'-


tidenca ul ihv

J tlpUII lllu IU

Very ill

II ILB l.i'ilay ul Jan. I

yi.ui-, hy lb.- I*«na„, to | i a euiiv oi ili i- reaoiud MII e iu.', and ordered H k'uidtwlibePaiLh.

iy your*, AS U SUSI'H-I.

IBU U. MeilirrhH, ibTAS U. BaaajkN.


J.*,Wr«/; That i ti,.,iUi.nunh,

.^fuiiy dun-, tupaalioven years. iVe uikno* euga wiiti grailludfl Ion davotto'

icbame ol parmba. dad ■; bi« mioini aU. in y v.a) - t , niniiinu ihe tiuU> uf Clirun' IKiuD, ..iduarlmi^ uauur Umj tuwuiuv o.. d u,.-. ,.i .- our ntiahooi; hi, UU1»;MUIK.*IU

. lute b iiii ul ibu pe..|i e c, ISII i ie.l lu in

till *HI»U UFallldtUHIIIJ nil.I _ _ I ,vIui ut.U.d liiaemc anil Utll (I.i Sm: i iv , vi i. n -.. about 10 m'avr vroiia glfut oolb Hum U.III alii

previous io the anlvul ot Ibu 4 25 ualu ! !>•/<;

from ihs Eist. a dispalcF was rneived

ibe B. k U. Depot, at 8 iulh Lawreui lbs' nad as folo *S I A man u feet, IU g~

inch s, black frock overcoat, brown <y ,

brow a far hut. having in bis Doaeeaoior

3 dliinuud rluas, ■• lad)'a gold wslch, :'

gold pieces, tickets Irom BaKUon FBIIB to

1 M-nted.

In Ibe Supi< me Ju<

»u Monday, lhe loilo

I.I l\,uM ul S.l.'in

ng divurces Weie

i..s W. Meriittlroru Annie M. Ifer-

uraduliery. ml. Oliver luni Join II. O.I*cr,


E. Dmle 0 Trefethen fium t. / .<>

Tiele ben, tor desertion.

F.urs Haael from Jo*eph ll ll..,,- i, foi

w neglecting torUpport.

Idwan] F. irom Mary E. Blake

lor desertion.

I. .ii-.i A. <•>'.■ i.I-I.i from John II. Galen

cia, lot gross and cunbnutd habiis of li


l' 11..II..:.> C. Drew from Lucy A. Drew

Boaton. If bo ruiurni

without force, lei him go,

The telegrapL operaioi receiving this, Sm media

to Ibe p-.iii t! siailon, st

Murshal of the facta, t

ib.i Valuable*

If not hold bim

a', ibe depot, on

ly telephoned

lured people im.i.Hi I ,r the use

i the edifice, when I- ihe Old Cliapiu

U'pel. and Intel stf per month, hut when

Japi. Mrs. Isinrie) u-e,l her perena-lve

lowers upon blm, ami explained that tin.

nallOlug halt been rented as a bairack bi

iheaalvatlou Army fur uuu jear at- $J5

p.-r mooth, he rucumbid tu b,-r blandiah-

IUI ut.-.. and tie army entered, lol.uwed bi

a CIUW 1 ol CUiluUe ubes. They remained

l IUII; lhe eiillie. day, hildlni; Ihlee Bti-

viei-s, ut eneb of wliicb pandemonium

r i.m rl. Tin n ityrailoaa were ludicrous

in Ibu ixlieii.e, lintr eXpreaaioUM must

m I.V.I; .1,1., ibe vilest rani. At

eiCil e< I VIC poluemell Were detailed IO

ma uUiu order, but their tUutn weiv Wimii the contribution box passed

It was returned containing mum bultunt

ili in ptnules, some of the huudlum-

pnsetit even uit-.i!^ buituns from then

gsiirm.M in order lu mnnlitsi their ap-

piciaiion of ibis new ami apparently of

fouatte class uf rellalous wuik.

The eapiiitns Shirley, husband and

wile, state lhat they have coinu tu \

bu if Lhe scenes of Sunday nru repeated

i;. |u .ii- - oviii^ dWellera lu lliu vi^lnll)

of the an-called barracks wl.l take steps

io protect their property. The "ainiy"

will bold meetings ninhtly until

condemned as a uulsauce hv the local au-


1 lie Snlviilloriists Assaulted.

The del. g8H3o oi ibu Sal vail on Army,

duc«.d another dlgracefnl eahlbl*

•i HI ui mob role, on Monday evening

riny mot un Essex street, marching

Ui rough to Broadway, followed Oj a larti

crowd, inoetly or ye.uim men and bo)w.

On Essex street they Were not molested,

but on Broadway thoy wets pelted with

•wots uuroi tell ally, Cspt. Rhlrlef ri-

coivlnn blows "O tbe '- cad and limbs iron,

tbe i :. »i ■ >, ur'ilch tliw tbtck and fast.

tl is iluo lu the police, however, that lhe)

made every eu*.ri to deteut ihe asuaHaute,

Oi' ihe lurce detailed WBS apparently IL-

.i.lllulent tu preserve order. Ai tbelr

nsrrack a large crew 1 gatlierm] ami ati-

vlces wen. held, u', wInch the members oi

iIn; aim; prajed 'or Mian assailants

Uule-a problblu !, Hi.-) propose to uiaicii


—Auditor Casbiug will retalu tbe office

luothur year rtuubltjas.

-fhe gaivattun At my has been refusid ibu free use of the ciiy hall.

—Tbe "Couiei" is no longer sold lu

Elsviiibifl, and it will nut be hern soon.

-Cunductur I'luisted, of thu B .stun

md Maine ral road la very 111 at llaverfaill.

— Mr. Wra. W Barrlu has purchased

i :■■ ' cigar sad tobacco store iu Buatu-

man block.

—J Q llitaitlty, estj..has been appoint-

ed a referee on ihe vexed city water que-.--

ilun at Kt wburyport.

—A ear loaded with ties ami stringers

rau iff ihe track at ibu north entrance to

tbs spark shed on Tuesday.

—The rumor lhat , tae corporations

would piy fortnightly after iho present

■ II ii. n Is without luuudatlun.

— On ibeir contracts at Andnver and

Tauntou, Messrs. Moulluu ami O'Mahout)

employ oter loO men uud Hi learns.

—Mr. John L Frost uf Spring vale has

bieu eii|>s^id us a t.;, al lhe high, rue Mlaa Biriwull, deceased.

—TIK- Eastern Railroad compiuy will

belid uu addliion to tbelr ruuud bunas in

SaU-m, tu Bccommodste live locomothas.

— li Is anderstood thai if re-elected city

c.eik Bnepard WIU reslgu hbpu-llon in

tbeofflcaoftfae inamauce couuiiae.oaer,

—Bed telephone stock declares a divi- dend of 3 per ceii;. for the quatler. The

uext dividend la expected

.,*:,, s ot 8 tt, B3SJH ir.i, !.. D. a.|.i. SUB, Tt* a ,■! rihlati las, |i. n.J i, t :.J m p. in.

i II. ii, a m. I'.ft}, 1.10, 5 . T ai.a.oa, p. m. in M. i,. in. ., II.Iii, a. in. U.W, '-M'.i

in i»,, m. i 10.4.30, IM, 7 :tl p. in

. 1', 5.51, p. m.

mil loioi i.. in.ii.i.oi.,ii.v. Hie uu

:,.i h.iu.uuj ■ itiot.g Vtt pioplej ir deep scute that ".e Psrwk win aiinie, BU ubiu in' luiii.itii ii. i, uu a ihu fit) a ivui; anil n'Oilio a

he Marshal

isnnbt the

111 ! Hie

ut lb .ugh .he

iuk, who, whhoui i

he platform. Tbare laicbed In in. ami luui

of bis clothing.

r de! ■ llui

Aimellua L. Carpenter, Trom John C

Carrenter, lur desertion.

i lua V, It.oumer from Gertld G

Uloiimer, on trial.

The case of Mary E Morse VS. John M.

Murae la held SWalttog lurth?r evidence.

-nini- llfty more couples are on the aux-

BaSCXCounty Divorcee.

■followiug divorces were granted

by ibe Supreme Uuu ft uu Tuesday i Bile

llrnwn vs. C-ilvIn W. Bruwu, fur df

llOHi KsiuM. Moore vs. Ctas W,

lore.for d.serllcnjMsrgaret W. Dwyer

lim-ilkf l)*ysr,fur ctuel an.l abusive

a ment; Belle F, Phillip) vs. Alsuu H.

I'nlilipS lor adultery | Minnie 1,. Allen vs

I'B 1'. Allen, lur desertlou ; Amos L. Col-

burn VB, bsrah J. Colburu, for desertion ;

eu F. Wfbster vs. Oeo Webaier, foi

uxichllun; SIM. E. Chaplin vs. Wi-i

Cbaplin, Toi adultery; Andrew J, Dow

Came I DiW for desertion; Ed^ar

Marshall vs. Mercy A. Marshall, lor adu-

r; Esther M. Qnotd vs Ed P. Oouid,

desertion; Wm. F. Hayes va. Ella M

lliyea, for adultery; Addle Rldutit vs

ceola A, IMoUl.fbr IBtOSlCatlOO ; Addle

. Coleinau vs. Jobo 11. Culeman, for In-

ixicailon; Michael J. Ouillvau vs. Caiba-

ue T. Suhlvau, for aduliery, chil i to II-

Bllan'tChar. 11. vThlttler vs. Jjnnle D.

Wbllller, un trial.


uoaaoor akoantaii.

MiHMM-(tr Adolpb Delrle, for atati ment of -iini-e on llro.ik alie.-l. r. b-rrnl to ri uiuiiltee Kira-l-.oi gverelt nulls, to inure preneul k mi Canal street a l, w leet futtMr west, lam

lableltroaeweek; of Botion ami Nmibcn |,li.ine,lieie.-t Iwn Irli-pleme |inlrt on It.iisy ri, R.ioii.-il mi muni vundllloBa; of Hluhaal

e>. ■i Tu lille

I.I,, .Im e-il.,1

uu Hie table.

OnMrcd—Aebange or grade en Cro.n »tr(et; •ewer u- .-»* n. upun reM.le.,1* oi Parker an,I Hu ,ke, II il tireeiaand F.eree * place, heeatng*

U> lie ...i .U.i.nliy. i> eim'ie i\, liml Hit- ill ii lie.

• ID.

., i.l.

i be ielene.1 iu i'ttlu Ul llcleiue

-Mr. .It ins Gews haa opened a factt-

ry for the mauuiaciure ol choice cigars,

si No. 0 Hall eireei.

man's uam ■ Is T. E. bra

School (.'ouiiiult

An a.lj ill i nml III -

Committee wus In-Ill ii

Irmn will- h lne mayor

MiGuve'u and BaUndi

The mailer of fiee i

on the table.

The Introduction

schools was ref. IT. d

Ue ellc" Id him i bai.kt lor ituif uno lUd |-rj> ItaalUoua

<l Iii.i Jen

i, Ue La. cal ed the u. CIIAB O ^Al Faao. U. Bin AMIT.U It, h Hi-

ieo Sleeiiuic.

iiii uf the -Hm,I

I'liurs.h) even. Ii^ ]

Action of the V. M. C. A.

Ataueiuug of the directors .: th

V.iiii-g Men'-, Cbriatian Asaoc . inn, hel

on Monday eveulug, Dec I ; n Iti.-fJ. Mi

roiiowiig preattinleaud n-.ulu I,I.« w.-i

IWI - n' il iiti.i ui.-in'in. > y adopt.d s—

n • Win. La ■ in-, iviiiKa i.l i

den III! I | mm litre on Ursroai

TIleSupiTiuti n J"Ht

lllllee mir MI ' > i I.I

E I: :

ury cm


orda and present u copy lo

lhe deceased.

A vacation from tbe Frit

Christmas until tbe vVedue

inn was ordered.

The reeluaailon < ( Miss (

was arc. pied to take . ir tt un tl.

Friday ol December. M..-» Jacksi

tbe SiiUtideis r-i In.ol Was given Ie

absence from the close ol the p

term lo ihe commencement of the .

Unlucky Duya.

ol Miss A.Ice

ne on th<* n c-

ilie- lainlly uf

ay preceding

Urs. Tun Tnn' id nt.ii tiny du v„r V. X. Hoi-r*,.-

.u.lm cu li.i S Use. (i. 11. Da v ■aehi-.l at lilt Muuili v

1 L-id Col

iy come lo Ilie "

weekly (iliry iiflrs bun-

i""ip e I tin pu'pii of lb*

I-. II' Lsonalislsr. tell, last Saubata. year iwing tbe »ol-


it, hi

u< in.: in ul cuward-

|bt The tlfunic sen me, ware

1'rinclrul vTlUlam 0. Goldsmith led town on TueMlay, fm,, where bu will spend iu until.

A easasva not un lest, ten inches In length vas recently tablhiisd ai Urunavnie, Fla. It -.mli. .1 I.I, i»,uinl*.

Tl a . )i'-..n aale at ibs .'■-,,,". cliurrli ventry,oB KrldaV eveninit. «s» ''"ii HIIUIIIICJ anl the" re- vlpla : ,■! In -.■!■-;.

A tin.i In Ibe upper part nf Npw York r-lly lonisliii ue lulluwins annnnneementi "Day u» re an tuKin hy the Week." ■ A ml-prlnt ii a ie eul mil Iff of a church eoaeert rasiel the atpuunt iu read; 'Ths opening by nm mi ranUsfeU ny a mute cBCrua."

At the ni.ituinnn'iil aeeacles In Paris the it- l-iii v .i ii,.-v.ii.:. ■ leaialai li, "Who \* he?"

ibu ulJer oiK-i tagerly atk, '-IV'Uera is

irut a Meirtod at ii', Pat, have vu

•use ul edu, Taacb r;

il tlin box ofpllil 1 rat; "T ■*. an. but I dun't leel .u •> UJ the i a ii.ui t come ufl

ire deei *.i* recently ahnt neat I. It was a bull aboul five year., ■i ii iMiuR'n to lu in the same

rharn, of :' ■ . r.i bat given a sf-r a Uelboli.t U livursiiy—the ..--',., in i -ii.-i I A lur tbt

"D-tlrie Ida w.ifl exctvatr."

..In line I the hey do not intend to discj'ilieue

tbelr woik here fot one year, at leiisl.

They Ceaso Pai-antiM and ore Not aioieated.

Tbe 8*1 vi'Ion Army di I nut parade on

rueadny evening m was expected, and lu

L-iu-. q lehce Ihu (mil- crow I which gBlb-

ei.rt lu the vlclntt/uf the post cilice a'

7.oUu\i-x:L was doomed lo dlasppoim-

uieut. 'the abaud mmeut or the mated

Was due tua co'iauitatloa wlih ihJ city

ratrahal, wbialvwed th*i (or the pre*-

rut, ul least, ali parades during the CVem

I.IU Would l)u dlsc-mtinued. Ut told tin

cipiainot the army ibai they had as muct

i 'i;iii 'u march upon ih-i streets us olburei imi thu: ii ilu-y persisted in paredlug,

i|,ey wuu'd '»' protested so tar as It lay li

It - powor. 11 iwever, he c >uoldo id It

w JUI.I im more satlsficturv to all, uum

i I) i ,n. lion bid

il". i Itelred i

iiloa to ptd-

ecllht uk be, Toe-da

is-lty 1

laraT. Wing

PrOSpfCtlV e bildes i- "V be Interested to earn lhat ih re are 32 d.i S 111 Ul : uar on

which it la u i lucky t< Hi irry, ac ordinal o a,; ptt'aied 0 be 15th i II Will.

These days a e J mill ti r 1 t. Snd.e h. nth.

7 b, 10th, 15 hi Fehru try (1 II, 7 h 1.1'.b ;

March l-i. C b, H li; A imi r, ii lit..;

May 5 h,6 h. Mi; Jim- 7 h,

5 ti, lath; AUgUsl 15ib, I'J li; October 0 I.; NJV

ICLII; and Dec-mti- r ].> .

Constquently J.niia.y U IM-

October thu best tuuuih fur martini;.-.

HI It. 17


In tbe ye,

One Ol tlisi y-

I AHSRICaM : W il Jon he Ueeess.iy apace 1

htr tu s.k why H ia i nat. ibe II n

io UOl entoice Ihe w. .i k> uwti 11

irnliliiliB a liquor sai oil 1 • uu be

i. 401) feel Oi a si boo bou -c. 8c 10*1 l-t I iu one I wui t li cad .» It Is less tbuii lb nd -lull. M

1'ioHpeei street BTfhu I i. III-.-, k

iqnor blgbt and day Si nluv 1

vi .bom u license. C u lua expl


For Hu.i,in.

Mr. Otis Andrews Ult rjUreday for Now-

Hk, Florida, where lie will engage lu

orange rnltuie. He and aouucllmm Uu-

Sndn-ivs have 'ii acres of urabse

s thcre„ a >-ars budded, un.l expect

• apasiiiaii lur tune. A j . »,»■ Uu-.i

lands an Sdaeies owned '» Eawoith ami

Jatu.s II. Mai tin. O.i ibe ,| ib.

itpplsel Ivei. UuCu. and O is rfinlre-As

e..cb own 0 .OJ acres uf i,u ,il_- soil euiia- bie fur t....v. -

llMll.t illy BSe Bei.m

"vu the ki II.IJ. ..

Kidney 1 roubles.

Ol 111 tin

es M. llllhlniid * Tri- knotra ed In tT. d ed a l the hi in

:e, No •j ^ ern s reel fin Sai

moo ii, a: o uVl, k. I.,.- il.

been lu II be riUll or .-

IllloU h t u b al in fdica. at-

j ni):--

Mr. Jan

and restpec

ily rcslueu.

urduy sfie

CCased had

jeais, and i tendance iiLiaiiiHlili

the natiite ol bis dis

l'i;y uwlll Sunday yf'.-inoo::, when a JIUM-

moriem (xnii,Inatlon WB8 uinde i>,' Dm.

ll.iwaid, Ki-nyon and Abbott, revealinj;

thai the spleen Weighed 7 lbs. and 1:

oUnces, t pounds rme thin IhObld Bi

itisheulthy body. Thu ca*o is so re-

ma-ksble lhat ll Will do reported lu the

bledlca j I'.irmiiJ.

The deceased born in U'.nri', N. if .

and wus 71 years .in.l !> months oat. Hi-

vounuer days went spout at Cambridge,

Vi , l.ul when '21 years of u^,- bu eume In

Ma^>achiiseli-', locating at the l-iin u-

Habbard farm at Nortn induver. Twelve

teara ago he came to LawieflCi and lm- ■Btdtately alter bis bealih bettau to f-.n,

llu vi.i snccessful as a rainier, and In

rtuslni-sa was honest |n all dea.liiits, con-

sclenllous and truatwurthv. 11" e*" a

klud father, Induhteut and lovnig. H-

ieave» three children, Leavltt, of Turitera

F.dls, M fbl table B., of this city, ami Mrs.

A. It Warren, also ol Liwreuc. His

wlfa died aboil' I.i year" ago.

The o .rr 1 Will lake place at 1' p M., ti -

morrow, Sorvicos being ctoducici at ibe

h.,u-e by it v. Mr. Park! urn. Tu ■ r<-

msins will ni present bs eo'.omb-d ai

evue cemetery, afterwards reni /ul

jree of policemen, h

tie el ibe mm.tiog a

'ell si r-iei, lint, llier.

Ibeir luteiveutlun Si

un si-r»,;ri were nil ili.-tui b, il, a

hough thu NtlendariCu USB iBrae uud pii.

UMCUUU?. Tee anoy are uitiing some

on verts tn Iheir p -cudar in-.-t'j,.il sod sp

,■ ir no.iefu' ibui uucceas wili caown ttaeli

Spp of the Holidays out

In as lag their sbo* ocal tnurcliauia ate dnssl

vlndows >o ihni the eye may be ullraciun

f not porchasi-rs indue- il. Already some

"ery lloedi i|'i-.i>S are mmle,hill uutlti DBOn

ieat, nn'que or heanuiul than that al th.

vi sr « \i,w oi Itickoel Bros ,emp-uium

), Sstui.iay ,-vet'it.:t i' was iti'owu opei

o :,MI. c-inn, and -under die ^nru of ibi

id c.ilc lu:i.iis presented a moat beaatlfu

ppearaucejso Urge ciuwds gitbeTen 1,

be vicinity tlint passage upon ine etree

vns oli.'.Mi. i.i-il nntil lain Into tlic ever

ni. Bui Urn gatherings were good ua

un.l, i.l, i.l lent eii Vowing Ihu tlbpia.i


A i - n ,' rmr« e m hardly Sn justice tu

'h'mil-lie Birangfimeut ol tbe elegant

exhibit. Tbe window is surmounttc

w.ii, a sloping canopy ol fancy hsndkir-

i.iui [s, lu elik and sjtiu, all of nm 'ale. t

IMI.o:s aid inWrst d.signs, Ihe varions

shades bi lug uriangud .--u f,iai ih.-y bWnd

most, htppily. A', Lhe window base an '.Ml I ue uKutlca. ie- i

ie ii / pi mis, screw pi

,i PS. Among ibe eti

loi th- ho,

rubber ui

and Frem

ee goods, •prci I

iy i uu ei.k am

beaver BIO

I Uu- iam i ll.'Xfl

• .i .ti I. ni tknrcbii m,

Irivluii ntuVea, genuine seal ui.d neii'rli ;:sps, sl.k wilsleis. velvet neckwear, it

ill the new BUd popular shades, and pui

up In beautliully adorned boxes, lu.ile.-

. -.-, flue dressed kit glav.i, silk and

im ie tiviil is. Bilk umbieilas wub

illcally wrought handles; flue silk iia's

other Choke nnd select goods «-I lib-

'ihe trlsngnlai-shtped. legend m

window, in u liume ui sold,expresses

-iiiiaiioii i,r-lie llrm HI ihia season ol

ua) ei.J ijuteai, far h.iur than can

..-. follows] "Such ;i display u. basu- . selUlb illdsy goods as this wiu-

..i M.uforl, Mt-s. . L l„

--li, laru<

evei jilV- tl ■.

UbU-lUs. 1 I • lb I m i

- i a- Mr. Ab'ii ; - Tue

. tit,' ■ I-u.ji

fur .-Biuur 21 ..riMA's SCI

Of the Baptist deDomlnatIon ami should j iu. j >in v of th-a alJe>nieL-eleet are with

h«accept ibe call, Liwrente may well 11 is icieuliou of lhe posiltou seeuis

(nil proud of each c pastor and CIUZSD. j assmed.


— A mttu, named Malacbi Flyiin, bad »i.

ukle -;■ ..i.,-.i and rlbi in)uted, oa Mou-

uv, by ine fall ol a heavy !mx upon bin,

at the Central iv.e.n.- > ,ni.

— Last year lhe N.-w Enclsud hat fuc-

torles made 14 .(00.010 bats, and other

faclottes lu ibe country nearly as man)

more, making lhe tuial production from

uo,uuu,Li)u to —There were 17 deaths lu this city last

week irom causes as tol'.unsi Consump-

tion and scarlet fever, 3 each; general

debility, s.llt bora, heart disease and

cuuvu alone 2 each ; minor, asthtaa and

aastrlc fever, 1 each.

— Iu dropping letters or packages Inlo

;!m ui,..i i.'.v. ■., M ... important that full

postage is paid by stamps affixed;! and

wbeu IB 1 >uhi, 11 Is I.I i ■ i belter to add

an unnecessary stamp ill m to have tbe

mad mailer ik-lalned.

—Mr. Frank J. Bradley writes from

Magnolia, Florida, auiiuuuclng his safe

arrival, aud saying that iu all th! igs his

expectations have been mute tliuu met.

'■V. hope later to publish some of Mr.

llr^d ey's excellent Iclters, descriptive ol

tbat purliou ol thu country.

— At New Huyeu, lhe ol^hlly parading

UL; i .■ -;. ii. iii.ii.Mi ,:i ,i.i of thu Salva-

tion Army I Lve becume such a nuisance,

and have been the cause of so much cnot-

;> i i.l in n. ' li ■ mayor has Instructed the

cnl.-I ol police lo warn the in my that tkej

DlUbt heteufter, under penalty tif Briest,

ouuflue their so callei digioua dvmui.-

struiions Iu their ban-chs.

— At the aaDQSl meiilrg ol the Basel

StViajui Bank corporallou.faald Nov. Ilai

icB3. ine following geoilemeo were elect-

ee io and have accepted of tbe oltlva

imfix.d to their several names. Presi-

dent, Joseph BbatlUCkf Vice-prvSiiient,

W. W. Harmon, Oeo. U DIVM, K. 0.

While. Trustees, John K. Rollins, A. P.

0 ark. WMie, Geu. E Davis, J. II. r.t.uu, John Uale, JBS. II. K.uner, Jas.

K. Simpson, II. M. Wbliney.

— A •.:.:-■ case came bv.roro the

COUnty commissioners recently iu rtgaril

io the Smuer Machine Compuny vs. the

clti ol Lvun. Toe Lynn assessors levied

a tat on all thu property of l'ie compacy,

i .ciudlna many machines had been

sold ou the luaiallmeut plan. The emu

pniy declined tu piv taxes on these IUB-

cuu,s, on tne gtouud tbatthey should

piy only on the property In the trace.

rau commissioners disuils&td tbe ruse.

—Edward 8- Grew, of lhe Dim c:

Oiitlunt Grew, cum mission in. i.-h mi.-

of woolens, will toiler the flrin of Law.

rente A Co., aelllug aaenls for the PacilU

m lls, Jan. 1st. Mr. Oiew is u gentleAiaii

iu aii rer-pics, a college graduate, anil,

ba-'lngh'd several yetrs igptrteoce lu

the merchumlle busloess, will prove

an abe Bsslataot to Ibe ll in he is i.i. ii'.

tu asiucuie wl'b. The woolen mei-

chmits ot Bistuu regret hla d.-parture

fr ,in 1.1« present fl'in.

— The Temperance Sunday school cot-

ii rt, ui tne Parker sin-i t Methodist

church, last Sabbath, wus unusually in

'wresting. Thu seleetlucs were appn

.II late, and well SJMJK.II. The aingli,(

w,is eaeelleet. Mr. Geo. p. Auderson

'Upi-rtntendcut, Mr. Luke Mills and Ihe

iiustur, were very de.-.i-.kd lu tuclroppu

■iion to thu license system. Which is a

source of evil, and oul) evl., lu our ci'y.

Fbte c.i.'.in .i has always been consistent

m lls practices, and fssrlcss In He advo-

cacy of tnu u-mpt-rauc cau<e.

—It may Do remembered that a few

lays ago a paragraph appeared lu the

columns of this paper, slating Hint a Bus-

ton party senl up to ihls city tu know il a

certain Mary Murphy worked for oue ol

ihe corpora lions here, The paymaster

sent word Uiat, as there were twenty-six

persons of lhat numu at work there, the

writer would have to be more explicit In

ills questions. Wl.ereupon came the very

definite Btatemset Unit lhe Mary Murphy

w -o was named had a brother "who was

i eiilker by irfiil-, but he hud been dea.

rive yearn." Now comes Ibe siqueli I.

-.■■ n; - that the loregolng, whkn fotmeu

ao Item In ifce coiunins ol mis paper,

,.■ n_.lii oin ihe naht Maty _Murphy wbu

v .i wauled, aud she called iusl week on

iho pay master of the corporation refen<u to, and " UB i.roiuse In her thanks ILSI hi

was ao kind us lo "advertise for Ler I1

i ;n. paper."

—Two scents were wltnrsnrtl on s

railroad leading to thlt city on Salurdaj

•vlitch llliisirate the peculiarities of bu

mm i, r in ■■ quite sptly. Two women had

taken posses-t HI uf two seats facing eavl.

other, and had piled up tbelr eff-cis u,

orm a barricade to auy pe-son who

dinuld have ihe audacity lo a-k for 8lta«T

il the seats. The car was crowded, and

]ti-<l as It started Iwu Tewksbury paupi

were put Into thu reals hy a g<mietDau

who had them under his eats. The conr-

ienances of ihe womeu who had mooop-

>l gad the seals Were a StidJ just at t_l*

imuncut, bui i;n- oiher passengers louki d

is i; ti.' y thought, If tbey di.ln'i say,

"served i!i"i,i right." As tbe trsln sp-

pniached llallsrdvale, snd there o -

pifiily of room, a countryoiati, who got In t WllatingvOQ, camu up to a young uuu,

.I., bail a -■■.'. to hlaisetf, and who hail

ila feel comfortably elevated un ih* suai

u Troui. and said, "Liok bare, friend,

lu'iihlsa let He luo much cumiurt lor

u in ,i ? ' vTbereupou tbe yunng man

iu k ,luwn 11% leut, and gave tfi ■ polltS

simur ibo seat. .Why the cuunirymau

iui tu.. when ih»re were pien'.y of uthet

seals empty, can only be sut duwu to tbe

"cuntrarlueaa" of human nature la ten-

ner bmurs Un

senienes iu wln.'li IDs h proptrlv uied. 1'tie baby aaesvates wnjri it :.■;■ tmn" The old Lfieolo bomettead at 3iiiiiig0i-ld. iinois.htsb-jn IIMIJI bv il ■.. i.n... ■.■.■!, , iirn.l* lu i>r .ii v,. |i at nearly ai poailuie ja»t ■ Mi', l.iae i!n kit it when Ue went to Waiti-

I has new heeoma fa«hluiuib'e In Eaitern IK I.I ue in rri-d i« mir.v s- 6 j'elo k in the lornlnc, Trjisgvoa ibe bride's Issttls reia ve* tiRietos.iy ITJJJ ny vei lag Irain gue*. Tne loiue-ii smtenfe on rford

ounce I ny a westi-rn j i late. II. mnlT-iu- io imprisonment lur lire, and aliar- ...... .1 i .,■ LI ,-■■, mure om to Ibe senteniv S-'aOSIlba jTii.-u.r caile.l hllll "no Le:itlt-

ipk'i course was nv Rev. Su.lit) c;„ "Onnawell," ■h amsnner as to


The tljh'h li-riure of lb given ou but Muudiv n i-ski-r uf Lowell. His

ly pr. ml i KtlMllI ul III.

"iilitsinl lls ap|iiuval at Ibe ibe lecture sywethuaieslts applame.

Tlie Ilsiid 1-. i. i>|. 'ii-'-l . n Wcilnssday evan- iui! wiili a Inrge aitendaoce, and will cuntinu* ev.-rv evening rturuifc ihe wc.k willi new lea- luresateaeo aueeeudlag eiiterismineut. Tb-. members ol ihe band have been very pruuipi an.l in | n-i-i fc- i i i^ .nir i-t-upic wlin Ihen enlivening nt'i-ic ni ibe past and merit a gener-

'..:,.■■! ..'i in i,» p<ti bring the let- ters ur- ■(, "How tu JO !■■ ■■ il coukmir," ui in. II. Xt Muuttay niKtit. A ikinunstralion la^auu will be given by Mrs. O. C. ii.unr.i.oi Dedbam In s lulVHle note lu Die roanaivuieul Mi-- I'm- i. :..■■!'■ I-. Mis. Daninl is:—*a u..ruiui„i iiiiinl ol mine, wbi.iu you will bi very fortun- »■( to sevurs, Bba Is « f*ry goud spsaksr, aod I cnihr^c her II. ■! fully."

The laal lecture In the Cat.iedral couraa was Aoademy II^UIB. Downs, Tin


I..-I aw J ■I the hull

..i-llv II.. ,1

r Aiuii-Lii,,.. Am

It »:i bHL,l]zeil at

- tlr ntvr 1. ,..- ■ 111- s l.„- I.L it IU

1.1 11


.ur ti wbu in r i

t a twurd. o«e

1 1 u Wiacbester. au

i lUluil, il.r U'.-i,

l" 'l* f.uu.u mueeds*

'V.iiTiur'i. Uiii|«fl, ii :<-IUil ul SI.-phcli Lai,,, uiy uille, tiijrll>.l.iH.i,

I I -*pt, Ih eofu


• tUe ery pi ull.ei-niuU bitli ID gus-

li- iiuiiit'iitB lieuhL Here t II look |.. .■ . , mid ktsu

Ol IbU Hi.. I I'lllii',- BUI I." Til. 1..-1 view Uf Ih,

" s Hint s pbgl IBU wken

...■I., aatel or ai. Mi. ii.n-i

ii- iHtiiuiea li.ive beuii bill of interest and In tie" I ilie bi-niiiiiiuit |o [lie cluse. n.ii .., IbuMl wlio.o r |B u|,iio these

«bl> ,■ |.,i.

.Ml. V. H svutiie ■

» U dollars wi i bs lul.teu i„ i


Iii limit

IU| H.lll. till

Bint Bi-i-ell ivi

i I..UI- HUll Ut K r,Vi lafc

t,v,',",'V .It- I i"i,l 1 inn will ex u.e sn.

* llu me B "iy OWll ., 1, r |

,-e nave j in ,-..■«■! thffDBgh n political exclle- il.o..e,i in.iiruul liner.,I, „s ii ,ir,^it Hie I |, i-,nleii.nil el.i Uuu. There is rouiuexebt-

»lie . UK eque.

i Sail 1'i.ui. IM-,. Kur tne il,.i n,liu urienta ■m.1uiui, e u.e dilnkiuf Ui- minor libra.-, .-..r.u--- uiri il 1.1,'ir

luiu.e pio.|,Eil.Tul UalirorDla. I lne l.,ct,iliat utiiily all ul ine SBIOOU orebjnera and daiaoarau, ami vote er> iiiuu. HIIU even siiuw a look ut

i ui lieemihu tjov. Builer was nut ri lu-r ul Old Mus,aonuselU. This

I ul Saersmeiuo HU.1 st feral ot Her i Mutuulluif, lieeuie uue>lioD. Los u ao lulu Ilie raiks of nut

, 1,-1 I,,I nil..', , ul BBU.bllll^, i thO"u feuuiij quaa-

Tuere are inme csiei uf IOJ 1st ftvci in tbs West randt.

Tne irtatesl iruthe arj t;,c ilmplett, ai an io- : i ■ ■ men.

Auction im- ut its . Hnj n id next WeJncs. l>y. Hit alvcrii-em u

llev- Dr. Merrlaa.m 3 im villr, vri'l preach at me i ;,„;.. ;. mxi tu b mtu.

1'iof fsor B fl. Bmyib prva ■heil nt ibe Old i.miii ebureli, ll»ioii, 1*M Sa

The last 1 eiure of ins Uourse will bs irm-n next r"n »y eve ilng.

Profesior G. 1*. M ore ,,mi ly UoBgrefBttonal cuunb, L, mill

Be ft la, A'H., lias a vo«B( U ly who has 'eai-bed woiuausugu, 1, .; |« high.

Mre. Mirv E Emerson lias a car-'ut of prickly near, which m-usnrc » turee la

ii" mrrli'i Maslea Visitor (or nc-'pniber has

I.uies ll. Murray. It is a I III i-omenta are unusually

,1 Jnssph W. imiiuK wood lags. It will

"bi-oi, nm eoulda'i ie ii hor-i mu

aid it wan a lur-tinxl Clonk. John Cornell Las inuviiaMd

rosier alxiut a doi n seres, ul - md um'*r, »bu,ie.l near r'ne Vi ie cut unil tn II kite I 11 ■ ■ i « mier.

Wuoklne le.'iurr, next Mmdav evening, Dae. 7. Suiji-ei: MBtbnentieJa, breaded, tomato auce, niuffliu. easts re sonft**, ereaour sauce,

ereamid polaiot-s, uiislmd uouloss, Aii the U.e .-'.ui i and stores in lbs nntitorv

of ll.irm.iii-, new mil k blink no* let and most of lliem ofcupii-.i, an.l tUo nsont ii the second sior.v are all I-I,K -_,.| when cuiiqileted.

Mr. Charles II. Mums, a nuive ot North Andov.r, and reoently a leachar In I.-Kiuuiun, II," (,.. ii placed in c'laigj ul tbe I unctiard sebuol br th« trustees, lur ih* prcSeut tcaool tear.

pany's, on Friday re BoupfSS iires- Suadred persons ,iei were bled. ibe mu-.r.

Tbe nrxt mentbhy BwetiBi of ihe Kan. rf 'tun w]:l be held tuxt iv uve ng. ItesHen fot dlieuuma i "Bow lar is It pru.„- oie lor lhe siule tn ■ ue ii>e In fanning itpera- "■ii* t" Leader, BeV. Charles Smith, tuiluwed

by oiheri. The wealthiest man In Naw Ravaa, Conn.,

i* ex-LUvernur James K. BsgHsIl, wiui li, ttxn iifenn a farm In Kathiebnu, lean «l lbs car- uenitr't IradB, amnarfcad m itio lomtwr busi- ness subsequently, and is now wuttb six mil- don uullars.

llirace Wilion, el (lieth-e, Vt., shot a stay eagle, tlieotb- may, ttiat nieasurrd s.vcn reel, -lybt Ini'bet finiii Up to tip of wlnm nml tipped ihe besm st rievrn .in.I a ball pounds, ll bad a strap some feor leet long sitaeaH io one leg md a n pa ul about ibo taiua kugth on the oiber kg-.

Santa Clsui hat firmed ul Morrill'i sntlsufh SSMUaei conleetion* as he lias broogbt. We ihluk the little snbs wul bu ctinrme.l by a taste ol tliein, and ivt. know low* of larger growth that ihitik they Hte tue wry b si. We advise all our fri-ml* i., ; .,.■ ... uox uf "Mor- rib's candy" for Curuiiuas.

TUB remarkable besatifbl sunseis which liufi- ni-ciii-i-.-.i III \.".. I-. ,,''.i ,.| .i ,,i other sec- iiuns, daring die pan week, i,m-.- ; v<irlou(- iv explained br MleatfsU Tue must reasoo- >bte Ilieurr louts Io be that the cm si in pass- ing ihr.-ii .'(> a fl ck of iBlBseopin incisors, or Is -ntangl. d in tt e tail of a cuintt.

MiiiK-thh (agjdstx the OiliHtM have iu money, ttlia Suniurii mvs iney -ire real com- moil and vulgar, bin I think we hu I I letter ne very nice lo them, as liiere are two Isiys ia the family n)> nt my age, ami ebtq I jirow up -omeiioag ruiglit cctue ul it, \ uu knuw."

A new and rutbsr c imlCSl nka in eonneeilon t-iib I'liiit-m- commons LBS b o.i mtroducd by Itcv. Ur. Hamilton. P,t»|iki.t of Ibr Ml. d 0- nury College Vermont. Tne Mudrnli are io be weigbesl iiiimitny, sealet buvlu^ 'wen pui up lor he i u', in i ul.i io m 'nun,- ny it, if

pob'iblr, what etfeet Ibu culltge di.l, Im* flJHifc

The Andover Ilevlow company of Andover na< taken a cli.rter, with a capitil ot gaOOO, It may print and pub ha n periodical o berlefoteU tn the di-custicu . f rrll.iniia and liiroloaleal suijets, aud sees gensisi literary mailer as may bs deemrd Egbert C. .-,:>. is Presl tnt ■■ ' ■ ■ ,.i,'..i, and vVthiaiu J. Tuekrr it Its Treasurer. Aim nig ihe stockholders are I'rul. J. W. I'tiurcbill, Prol. Geu. Harris, I'r.,1 kdwmd Y II i.ka, .Hanind Joonnii.l*. I). W.-rrin, Hun. ltutua 8. Prestans 11 m. Alpiuns Uerdy,

AtamreiingiTUrn. Wm. I?, BHrl'et Post 99. G. A. H.tield Kinlav eveiibg, the follow- were elected for lbs teasing year: ited lor

f'usl ciiuisud, r, llraintrd Cniiiiiitngi vies cimiinsndei, G.-iii'ue W. t.'Usnd eri junior vies eiiiiiiiiiiiuf.i, John Clark; qiHiie'rnitter. Cuatlts H.Hilhert,i.ur«t,n Oeortie H T.rker; Uupialn, l*el«i D. Simtl,; , (Hi. r if dat, Muses

L PanbBBI; . ol guard, GB .rge 11, .ii.,! ; dilckBie to depart

i ml .■ null, . alt,MUI J. Wrin Ucrry


Rev. W. Wilkir, oi Gr ivelsml, win prtacb at iha Meibudistehureii, next Sunday.

A special corner ii lo be flite.) im l,,r ska cbildten a tl>e (asiivni, ITUI.U .T.H will want tu see whal it cuutaius.

Mrs. llaitie K. Bargrni, u Oroi rsad some Shotee Bslectioni at f.e ■ ne u Bradlae Friday evening, Uee. 21.

Thu Valley Sentinel, * paper pu nnaiiy by Krv. J. A Hay. bBsJual li is fultiii up ih the lot, rest ut tin mo. ii in this vnlriLu, but contains

nsterseiing reailiun matlrr Ivs.d-* local anu v'i- ■inity adverti-euisn's. Tbesiaa ia mupie aud :he quality HUII typographical srraMwnenta of ibe paper are exeeHenr,

Averr pleaaant eorii^nnv cnh.rid at the nocsBoi Jir. r'taaiis C. K-llrv. in Aubrtrn- laJe,Satardayereiitag, Dav.81 u, top.y ibeir

nig, and II l

'■■i'lit.1 an- j cu issued. ' Methodist

ny together lor niiiiy embraced neighbors, among 1'hrre nere also

Rev, ■

ie w.d leg in li one whloS

hll , BOt HtflkUll.l.

asaieyei m tbe market, alao tie ml everj vansiy oi gttteil „, eto pea a a.e Very uieuiy, Uuila s li ■liHwberrles-fur .ieaaerl . inadBy. Tnu .(■> Is ubsrive.l lit i i„i i Tuikeys,

am.- uie Uuisliug Ihe l-t.iliuLm.i nm III llielsuillm. ollliegieatVllf lliaui) be ol^uiiie luiciesl lo [ell u,y isue.i-

' ot the uty. , no nerd ui

.r. H-i- ,U*K< -


ideliahiiul ■ " :" "'ox dav for u .Be IN ,i ii would be eau Ju.e toatl. My o I'I.I, I iu/-,i m mat , Suwn u.- I aniiiiiuiiiii,

1 I .us. beauiiiui on the r leafimc ihu cliy

I .Oi III HI '[|MI.,|ii, ||„ a u. tue tn,. lusl mah-

a IIOIM! leiv .i.ueh like iblvii.g on Ihj road. ,.e suiimb. »l n. siou. A-, »e app ouch na.u -iimiuit vuenii Link I,J,JI, o.e cay down i.lieu, ol foil b.luw,m,ii ur e.iuuan In in. lain e lo ill ill Hi i ll nit. sisu Oi horses lo What ajura like .mini ,i .a.. vV« u.ui see tbe wuu|c

,111 ui .Mink-1 imi Uis.iou iiicets, \UK o^h.e » loo. like .lug cub. be sir i> vet) etear ant ihr smoke 11 ■■ ■ so I. tnai we set a tl'iu vitwoi tnocltv. Tbo J wuuld'hd-sii t»jL-,iliuuj II.III.CK.UI, une lo,

l.ila.l ID the im i , liees, all ulolueU several raueii s, iii-.ia.iues ilia p„.

SBQ IV'sKreo or, HS we eys, tue .on I. ollenien , os.k lu.ulo ,U1|, s., rim,ll*. U.iunwect pu

rthets who bad Walked Ilia's j twenty-flve year". The a large number uf friends . whom were si^ ebtrayns presmt relaiifes and irii-mis Newion, Wellnlev ,.n 1 An.iun- Cu-.ler, pasisr ol ibu Cnnnreai •are a lieaaiiiul word piciure ol Ballatd Vale, and He new UurtstlB eommtnied in Lawreuer, tne Intbt ol has grown biiabier etery year. The ai.ies olall wtroexpresie.lin me wliieh lol- owtd, and heads ami vuieen united in tba

.Inglng tu the grand old tune '-Poriunneie Hjmn,"api>em wiitt^n lur tne by I. M. Oordun, lL>i\ , ul AiihurnUul-; afer which Mr. and Mrs. Knliey were iuvitod to an ad joining room, where a bad b en band-

itnely nrnsmeiitHl with tlioiee fl.weri and iK-sutilui priseNi-, mi,,,.i,. wimii vrne nnmar- rus arilcies of silverware, iluek, rssts and arge and elegant fruit phee in r-ilt trams;

a nli-e easy chair wau also amonir the gifts. In (be centra ol lhe table «as lie brieV* cake, bearing the dales v.S ami H3 ,„,! ,■[,,; lir

iwerity-flveillvedolnrs in c.uinn,. mural ion u'f the happy years. A loaf ,,i the ordinal wed- ding cake was partaken ot, being |o a state of good iire.ervaltou. notwi humming it's twenty-

a very pleasant gathering, i.-mirred ny ths hauuy "'- present.—From ike

Use years. 1 and one lung i couple and Hi- Irlundi Newmn J.iiiriuil.


Prof. Okamhlll reails at Sierens Hall, to.

A newsoclalorgancailoii, the Tarn O'Suantcr ub, i,m been luiim-d here.

Dr. Tabor, of Lawrence !,,. i^kan the offlje formerly uceupiad by U,-. Y„unir.

The Emtrru lt.ilroad Had) bops, will li.iv ■ lelegr^uhic a

An nhltiitry notice ut ,M -, J , former re.idsni, will bu 1


. )ou Tn

'• -cv healthy,

.-.„. uu. luovnalkteaiijim,,,,, ■in pnluw ft, Bars cuiue Im,

.'lli.l.te il iiu; Just s

11. lOl-BlgU Uj N.--W Kll^l'.NU lug Uiu ,,i i.nes- of tl,e cou-i-

IU, lhe . i ,.., 0{ t.,,,| lu II ibe progress is uli room lur lefornu.

luui s trulv.

From pretest indlrarions It 'i very prohrbls that there is to bauj taailug rink etubilsbed

There wilt he ,i Ciirl«ro*s cuncert at the eibmJIsi Cnnreb, a week lion. Suuday, at 6 clock, r.ii.

Among ihe aldermen chum In Newbnrr- pnrt, I uesday, was Mr. M. T. Wauliu, lormeriy "I this luwu.

Mr. 8.H. Purher was Intuited s« Junior rardenuf lusjati L'algcol Maiuus, Lawrence, [omlay svBtiing,

ttnsj, M. T. Sn-vPns purfkav-j i the piece " 'he "JJauey Lot,' Irouimg


e ol llev. Wm. Liwrence, rector or uraee cuureti, Liwr«m-e w,,i n,i da ply re- grated by many Norm Andover people.

wStiPifs1**! r*?"p ,"cip"1 or the t miuiani t-na S, honl. Ani.v-r, uuiinir tha ab.enciol I'dneipai Uuldsin.ib in Colorado,

r J.D. VT. Prenih, owner ul ihe Coch'ch- * Farm was elected a mem sr ui uie BJS-

mni.n SoeaeU, from wur-i 11, Tue>d,y. p-rsons dj-iriiM ti pmeluse if m sile

The drpaitu

ewlek pai

Nl-I room! ol ihe V.i .fiernuo-iauii c

Thou who a

•"ouu ng. !.,i Mi

even .ui

■ ibe I'S iiu i-i, Siturdajr

ih-w Arnold's lec- i'u 1 pa A'lleuy . iron N-rtb An hall, And.v.-r, hi

Ag ntliman lia- a bursa la Lbll place, 34 years old, siiil pusseised ut its olu-iime sp .«- lite for oata, and able to sxerens soma. Tbe animal hu always teen owned ia tbe family.



1 i ace intense trlili « n > * ,■ •' i'. i.'i- I eusiimi la in-. riemitT, Mr. Utahee Halmi/i1 h*n<t o( csrileri #111 u,t,ir In C<irhitn*i inurninK wiili tbeir l> .HI H.i iiuluJie., v..-i.i:ij LIWHIKB an I

Sitiinl.'iT evening last, (WO Cows !i»] mairi, to Mi. Ju in 11 , i,.. in Mi- KlmtMiil ■ broke Un ■ t'. t)|c II Wf, Will's rtl>lea*or< ••Ml I) in- in ,.|(. 11 eXlrlcale IDe mini .: -, lUtirt of ihe ii ..LIU; .oi-!' war. pracMUllil Hire. rnliii bum ow, t.. (tie ceiUr. Tne lir.i iw,

nKieJ njurlei Detei,;t.iliiig |Lflr boing killt-U.

Yesterdnr (brent V" mine wore iinv

, Minnei Kmiennd Nell . I «lon(( Sui.un Street, wi.

n burse atiartn-d i,, ., !,.: ,r |bll«*isc wti« tile animals b-caae I'nitUteneJ ntaliain MD.I

both ladies were throw* to ilia arodiid. Tin former wsa nm lijgie I, hut the latter nj ■oiuewbiii rot xmi ,..«!i, bruise,!, bee w*-

taken into Mr. Ker.lixw's Lome, an J, aner medical auemiam- iij 1) . Murnii, lemoved m ber Two w Lee is of tbe nii,.,,T

Mr. William Hutton. son of (he I Me M.i.- Qen. Button, and a brother of Brie -(Jen. K*r ouiion, died at tit* resilience, in s \iri[ liewlar louridr,., at ihe aae ol 63. lie wae lor nunj Tears » aroaimenl cttilsn ot IV-h KIJ

and Londmted tue wool busmen |Q'Toole'i Hollow, HUMliMml bf hi* 1*1 lie- until re et-nllv. Tne deesasml wat a mrinner of ilir veteran carp* or the s., .„, Caileii, and ol thr MMoatfl tralernity. II; leavea a widow and WIN children. A lew y. are a«o. lor quite I time, be was connected with Sutton, Mm-, and the bai tutpenUed operations ilnce W^ndetdar fur-noon. He * >■ a kincaie, g< ni >l and Irank «enlkin.n. Tbe employe' ot But- ton * Mule seal a inainilf. cil fl.raftrlbme to on late home. Tha luueral occurs io-dar.

Ol viouslv and aUniileul* there i< no orKani- aatlou In ttm f retell V di«of I lo ««•!•• log ibt poor and caiintc dir He »ick whkb t-omparea all ilrr-.M, ,. p-iiltnil. will, ibe North Anrjorer (. bMri'ttiilf Union. It is not anchored to ant

-. '.h* '* P""1*1 '° "° MM, and counts in m ma mi'iiiiii ihi 11■ nilberents

various i ■ lalim. Cli.ii i Its million. mil .ni.i |., i in II nl in a.aurud ss.i.lam That the puiillc. applet ine its pliiamiinpl, work was cli-arly avidi-m-rU bj Ibe lnr|je alien- dance et I tie .,.le, held at ibu spai-luu. roon.a, VWdDiidny and Tburtdnj ai ,■ , ,..., ,

and even)us- ol this week. On the u.cnin evening a numlier "ore present from LrsWtantl AIW.IJN attrai ttve, IMu appeitrance q| theup ■• tnent* was umt'li eiilinnfed br tbo tana oir- played tn the arransrinrnt ol various features, and Ihe an «... |icrfuuie-lade» from a floral collection, ii:n mt a nMla lerce protector. All kinds of dim. sue article* were for lals, and a fancy table contained a rich ami srest variely of needkwnrk. An usmrtoient ol pure coulee- llontry.achanceaillefrabbii;, and an op- poriunity to at.ertain your skin at tbe sbootlUK ■ i.II .I be obtained. The supper room waa also a well pairoDiied feature, (Jfcourse there wat a cm .- caKe Tblaaas rapiured by Mr- Uollu It- Bailey, wbo aucsacd 5 coundi, 3 ounce*. Yesterday afternoon there was a dotla'recep- tion, and the ro^mt were thronged with basipy children. The sales were brisk, and tbe pr creda will reach a bandkome sum. In CODCIII-

-tun It Is a pleaisai doty (O conrraiutale the, I'rt-'iJeni, Mi., II N. rjtereni, aoo ber many co-workers fur the excellent adiniiiisir.itIv<- alulity sbown.

There baa been In Nnnb Andorer, for some time, « leellng amoiiK those intrresied In Bun- dsr School work, that by a uniiail effort much more might Iwacconinlisbed in tbe matter ol brlnjtina tbe yonnit people nod children aodet tbalifluenceaoftbuOospel. Tbe matter bad been under consideration by ihn pastors ot tbt ■ereral churches, suptriniendcnts and teachers 0> tbe SuDday SI.HI'I In town, and it wa* pro- posed that there be a union Sunday School ser- vire by way or experiment. This proposal was favorably rtceind, and it waa arraa^flJ thai ■Dch atervice be held In the Consiegatlonal rbnrcb. I« w..s previously announced lur last Babbath and was held in mat iburch in pi c ol the usual -i ii. MI....II service. Tbe, Epi enpal and TJu'tsrian Sun.lay Schools Were Invited lo be pre tnt, and also (be paalora ot tbe severst rburcbes, and take part in the tx- ercisei. 1 be w-,1.11 cr was good, and tbe cbun b was tilled to oveilluwing, ihe st-boola wen all present, hating refeivrd seats allolled them, ihe Irlends ii I !..■ ihe remaiutler ot tbe ai'iinic in tbe audience room and aallery. A t-ti■ i u~ choir was in alien.inner, at d aang bnely, ihe organlxt being Mr. Crunk I). Foiler, the well- kiniw n orgun at ot Ihe L'ongregational Chureb. Tbcsxireises nt.itily ti.nklaled of q'leniuna propounued to ihe ichoola separately, an) answered by tbrm In concert, by recitation ot ■electnnt of *cripiurca; the llrsi had rel-rence to man'a smiut condition, another to (iod'a love aa shown in His plan of redemption, and still anoint r bad reference to lbt> work we must do to avail ouraelvel of Qod's gilts to us. The •etvices were conducted by Eev. p. M. Vm-

ton, pastor ol lb-Methodist church, and ad- dresses were" Of him, Rev. A: H, A n -i v reclor ol St. Pau.'.MiMioti cutirch, and tu-v. Ii. A. ).. UVIIT. pasiur ol the Uougregmional cborth. Mnulng by the choir interspersed, niabinsT tbewhule exercises very iDttreiilng and I'I-II ■ i, Tins movement will be bene- fle^al, and wil ttoul'ileaa ttud to bring lo tbe aereral. burcbei and Sunday Schools in town. m .n\ ol it,.i adults und children who now are cartliss Ol Ihe church-guing privileges accorded mem. This is only tbe Brit ol these nun.n , ti .!■■•. May liiry be kepi up, and may

tbo r.'-iii ts be rurourrtemg Fitimera' mid 31 t-rbarnica' Club.

Tbe Ur>t merlins', lala season, ol tbe Kann er.' an.I Mechanics'Cub, was bsl.l last Mon- day eteninu, (-resident Poor In the Chair. Ibt recordkOi the latt lucetmi; were read and ap- proved, v i. -I. I-!, i Pour then gave bis mlir,--. wbtcb waa UUotlr. ly linened to and warmly a;v.. II.I. .I- Ii IS gl*-n i..-...-. Tbe r ■ i - ol vlaiiltig cuaniililcc* N.HJ. 1 and 3, were prete-ii- •d hy Mv-i- J I', i-n-er and Albert brry, rei|iett:reiy, in an admin be. manner, lb ir rwi.iu' ctiting ii.nli cin«i terable applause M. I, Msvcns. Ja*. 1. .1 .!..,-.,n. I. >ring 11 Kea. L. ti D^ssett and A. I). Blaucoart*, Jr.. Were app on ltd H committee (with full powei) on the annual anuibtl, whuti octura Jan 9>t. Comiuitie-», as lot #"*, wvia ftppoltited to draft reaoluuon* on tbe ueaths ol Uiree maiuber* : Col. Theron Johnson—Al'iert Uerry, Lormg li ltea, t; ..-■- I.. Ii-ik. i . U b. Foster— Uanlel A, Uuarles t Jobuvon, A. 1'. Puller; LI.UI. Well—Oeo. A. Rea. ,J .a. T. Johnson, J 11 Nason. i; i-iu K. vVllaon was admitted lo luciiitu r-Mp. It was voted ll at, wUen Ibe eretimg tor which a meuting was arranged IO

be held was siormy.a special meeting occur the ftiilowing Monday evening, in lieu thereof, with the topic ol tbe ptMtdlDg dale. Voted, that tbe chairman of visiimg committee, No. 2, bj notided by Ibe atctelary to report at the i,,n

MMbsgi I'M -ll-l >. L IV. ii.'" *|.|.].l -1

iTeasbers ./ far Atria fassmar farmer*' atut Mr

ffi! nuw iieain Ofih year or the existence of tin* '■ .li. Tue Hint two i , in- .; .v.-r. ■ I sails facltoi . Tbe members sppsar.d lo lake bold in oarueat, win kill lugelliui lor the geut-ra g >otl ol thr cml>, uiuking II a rucccB* in point of in- urot and rrmtia ohiaim.i. We lit 11 a lair, Ihe jeputiuion ot tthklt any cotinir loeMji miain Wtll be proud ul. f*lnne Kien, althouali WiUi a much ne.cuncil iiicnili lahlp, ihe uieiliiig* huve, at liine-, been v< i y nlu lined, ami tue bars have nut little luiere-l In tbe t..|. ■ h to be dUcuixed, Jmleed, aome of tm- liBileia nppolniel by Ibe coninnitie on topics Ii re been eSMaUt. u.'Us |.y their alienee, or l.y II.IMT, ii i. .ii uall-d Upuo to .■..mim-i.i.- u ■■...

Now, if we are in hnve achtb, why not tnkc bold and have a jtotnl. Itilerenllng tine; sn organ- isation Hint we ahalldei :ie -oine aatialaetion ti om, and lo WIIIII.II uieetuixi we may, with pleaauie, Inrlieourfrienda.

We bare, I am aurc, Intent and milerlal enough to make tneao .. -II.i Ii-." inviiinir. Wi.en a Eenilemin ia a, I. iteu «a a loader on anr topic,

e ahoi.l I, ir posulile, leeepl tbe purlnon. 1 Here

Wtll deduct opinion ot bia own on alnioal any question that la likely M be. brotiflit Up lor di»- ouasion, aod h:> nptnlon shi.uid be iceelved with resuoul. It i» the mfler. nee ol oplni n Ihat ten- dere a dl-cusalun InLeirslmg and proliiable. And as me aoueca of Hie club lirp.-udi on Ihe luoi- Vidoalexeituiiol wen member, HM tllacuaplon* Should be anticipated In uy all present, and at the urn.-ol the di«ms.|..n.

la dacuaatnx fny tubjec » crop, handling stooi, or, Ulniiigtooiir lai

r."anke-° VoM, u... ■Iveu Ii would enahlo us to avotl nia»y errors wiii'li we aliou d be apt to male K only ro*e col- ored itporia were mule, ll the asirlnei'* < hart dieMrl ud the ilrer .hum. I* ol Hie ocean, ll Would be ol Ihllu toe lo Hie tailor In piiildin* Im. Shio Inioa tmrlHii, tiiillraelna »i It doea all Hie rock* reel" and*. Hie navigator I* enabled toavod lh.m, anil I ting Ida t-hip -"Hi) into p.iri. Bo with the fanner; Ii ne coiiltl becu-e couvi-r- salit with Ihe nunit'ion* inl-laica IIIB.IB t j ilia rellow HaiicLlluraHH". he wnuM, m m;iry en.ta, BKer clear l.oni Hum ll I" no" |L " 'I ll"" """"' Couraa-elonil.lelil'"- publnJ our nnii>, w lint- Others I. II only ol ill ir.u.'itaa, aa ll tnia a len- dancy lo niiMeprmenl our aimtioi- Hot n it became a com in'" cuatoui l"r our to Speak frankly if ll" ir iMatnaen, ll woni.l i). I tend io»roduoean unjust Jutigment ol our abi|-

itles. . . Tnat Ibis club Is a gt oil Inatltmlon I known

ally e "


Fair and Festival. lobclieldlutheTOlVN IlALL, ABDOTM,

DECEMBER IS, IJJ, 14 and 15,

where will begiren a larje

CHRISTMAS EXHIBITION ol line Turkish *...> t, by


Ki:t)M ntK PAR FAST.

SwaaMM Tickets 81.00. Single Admission, 2o<-Is

Mr. Win. Dei Kverai.

proOuet-i ul cheap lain] and

o*i,i« largely i. t. A. Uwlaolltue

rice a- We no* IUKH Hieul.I. la Ul ll, 11

e mast Icuru to leOUce lUo expenau ol produ.

It I* mn b tn be reireltcd th il there I* not a fn> iraer propurllon o1 our > UI.K no n who tlsv a ..i. I ■■■ ■. i ■. ■■!! ' :..■ Tiny ito lolli

i Hie lo*ni-uii.l cine-, to burn trade-, HB.I nunh >■ lirolessb.iu, all ol wliieli ai a overeiowded, bile there aioiiuiiieiou..i|.p.-i'iuiiltlea f.r K-HI.I

n tv Hi a r[>i ii i i i.oy. a pi..-.

I-, iino ti.ii

onoly cling to ii, and be a cuitilnri to yo

■houlil tench ili-xi I', in ail.I lion tooth r ilutin

ah.m i. .I In in.' meeliiiga I am r opinion. " - liihn in Hie extent We nUahl

. i.i ' I.- world, Uui e. liu limuie l.i we Hie 1 all. ml ui Hi. in all uli Hi''

line oilei nil is paa nn.l all th •

Un - ol Hie be. tealurea of me organ n lion i

An.' IL la a aril known lad that, aince the-e com inn'. <■- 'I' l i"-."" tlxir .in-, there ban be. n a great improvement nolle., a-.-* in me appearance Ot Hi.' H.H11. ami I arm Imildn-Ka. Wni-n a iniiii ree. ive-a i*id alalniK Hitl t"« lOuliuil.oe wilt vUlt lil' I'll'-" "» "n ai'poiiiled daj, it laiiu te natuia lot hlm io |."k al.oul to aee .1 lliur |P

BotaOiil'-Hiing .hat waul. aUiinlliiK l-'J " Hien

er ebauuca lo. iin|iiovi luent. Ae be works a -lay or tw-'. m Ulwr_ imp_or

-ju. the I.H

■ i r Ihat he n

aalttewa' via"* <

t.ipe-iiiince nf bia proj H IIJ.HI wiili any {■■

>ni pe.lai. It ml me lb. n.l-li >t

IK'. .... . I.I ,I.I. Ol ltie lanni Ol "IT-HI a )■

With raising a goo.. :ei t aeaaon lie i.aa I

,■ 1* in.or-.I'M-' m Another veiy plua.s and one Uiai tue me Kt well aa thef run DUal -ociible, which fo pas* an . vemng

id He. i op or weeda III me he win in- .1 ■*■■•■ uiai his m< llioda ol cUIIIVatioll. I l.alure id ibe programme, lienefit ol Ihe olub, I

brlna- HC '' mi- in- Kici 01 In. ... If- ■<■ 10.' M' ■ ofu

, s,.u k .ally

I Ihi d 11* im

In ad nwaalaaj ibe iluu. Iboae wli ■ lonow ti.e f rwe.V ioc .(Inn, aa a

rale, uiitluiraieilialroceupiil'ii. I* '" u-ou.-.- llouaUiy tins iBidiiialmlii..iy o. Ihe i oim ly-U.c main atiiy on wliieli ail oHli r m-uutialn-na (inn;e- ■ Ho Ilia* rends Ihe papw.a ojn avoid no Ping Hie sties* that la laid on the crop reports, ll Hie Crops are uoog, Hie pruspeiUy Ol tbe country la assured lor another year, the markets aia ■*d healthy, and, UN feeling coundenl, JJut D

Pat en t medicine mill pr >,n eury art:- clea. 1u great vsik if, coni i in.' a luitii" if ion ■ tuck, and ■.. Jell low aa lilt loweat. Tour (MM* U ti ' Store, So. Andovi


Audi >n an W liu i'. AI.. on the p ami DAY, > K Huh,

all Ihe wood an I ....'...! .. , i, -,

W ll'iK"'

ll nbur rtnn.bog tin about loll

ami . aule^t.oj uf Ure-i

k I'.'.'Li il. . i, contain

oe |.-.i i lor its ivouveri Vale. Dec. 7, IM- II. Si. UAYWAKI).

Orders Aty ft tl

B II. TUT TLB will continue tile Jot ul ll.d express bu-.luo-, li.imaul'i.i -n

ewuultltinereioi. Uuui.rul Joubing, reiu.iv. I pi. II.ll-, 111 1111,11' I' I I'll p. .l.'

Ue.idLlI I. Esat II

d Kubbera. It-i

Lienaula Itirots 1

JOHN II. li:.A.\. M.'i.imiii Tailor. Den'cr in Clothing and Ueul's furiiialilm

-oOiU oi all kinds, t-nnn'.-uia ileln Ihe ratei-. lusmon and wurrunte.i i.. lit. itt pltring, clean ing 4ml pruBaiuit tluno neiitly. kUiu ■!■■... Audover. novltllvr

CHAULKS 9, I'AUKtll laker, nupenuteiiiiiittt

olery. DOleo I'jrk itreat.

I)1: EUW1.N II. ItAHNAUD, Faiiitn>t(,Qla

/.ni,', Urmning und I'uper Hanging a [t . tat* irliuentoi Itooin 1'itpiti iaL. IDil lol a.tle. bbvjl ■« -ex 81. tiiyd IV

plt + NK M. HMITH haabooit 1 mlng., IriL Lojal Kxpiuaa am ..-.un.. i. hi- i>.en run lor a > •v Tnitie. Ai (era pi

renee on any avonlwg when i m»e. ul ibe l'i-i ll.1.. iu..| -.u

mru.o.cun. '■obiilng Itual

m|iHy alti-i.d-.

inaiy.' ti Hi) jaatgiQalTlal I'IUUIMJIWK, a Ll and Un :.(iia4t -In-ilnotic

ironipilv e\ei tiled. Ncur the d lyrncl

, I'L A%Tr a aulieiledam. pot.

a UL.MiA O. MOvUl'T, fa Irea* ar tl ijoak M.ikii, n.i-tak. Ii tiamea,. ho. ll Main -liu

.ud 1.1...I. Miikm

M a.' A. u Bia.nea,, i.II-, .1 to do Lire

I) K. 0- K. ABBJTT.— UIllcc and fatwl

M CLAW LIN k BALM IM Akron in ■ ii I'II

ltindw..ic, Ut.ll.-r> and Cot.I ma- Uai-buie--, Hoire U-ik.e, rows ami Uainnc ^p■lHllll^ ni -iliovel*. Uoes, I'orka, link

L rurnliui-e and busin eir brunches, at hi* store on Park si lure rcuuired and wjoleu and ml-

11 11 v M if. risuLKT-n Wtl.hU all b

LtVBaW.XB^JgABU, Sal o» MISS t). W. NKAL,

Swift'. Bnlldtegi >laln Str.-.l, Anilov.T

Millineiy and Fancy Goods Store. Special tllenti .n

line.un I Hie Uui


Msy be Ion tut ber rooms on aud attar MO.N

■low of TOWN HALL. rei.

ft.laeJ1.1' ' tf


Of Han


Lykena Valley Red Ash Coal, Hard White Ash Cut. tr— Burning WhiK

Ash Coal, Hard and SOU Wood.

Offloeln Drapet's [ili.rk. Main .Si reel. Aodovei


Nuilian F. Abbott, STONE UOMTBACTOB,

line luinl>hed for lo latjona and ol

WOOD & COAL White Ash and FraMlm Coals.

HAltU AND SOFT WOOD. Prepared.ii lasircil.

FOR 3 A 1.1. t>i

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. OrJe:s reooived, and I-IU* letlltt, ni


Oupoalli PoainjHww.





Express, Store, ttfket, Kill ni M WAGONS.

Kepnirlni; In all Its llrfinchcu.



Corr-or of Cenfal ■■>"{! Brook Mv i-.v ■ Iv aMIiOVi H.

HothoOJjt Chiirtli, In BaUatrd Vale, .<).i h-1,.1-1 in ni'i'i Kr. tl tl L.


Th*i« wi l.b* '« |

Evenlof. 0«3. U. All are vre/c .tae; (twd Entertainment.

Comiuoiiwonlth or MiiBBAcbuBetla. JLBSKX, as.


To the bahrtai U'.N'-niiiKii, anl all oilier I'crsons iiiiererli.d in i .■ eKlate ol

Uinie. II 11 own, tata of Nonb Audover, in tali. "ii i.n , widow, deuea*td


Whereas crrtnin birirn^entsparVOI tinu lo le lb la.t wi-| aid Uisisn.ent nnt a JW I II of * ul

0- iiioipnt.d io -in.i eonri, loi - p.ay, "- '

» l< - II el lo loin tut

n Prnbiir

lortbeieln naimd

V.m are he.cbv elte.l tn miprar 0 mn. t > be Held at l.awr-no, in suio HUH Y < i r. .- \. on the ■ .' n I Mon lay ol Jimui'v, uml. ai nine O'eloek b lorn noon, In tbovr aaoaa)) it any ynu have, Against lieimue.

And tbe »«ld John li llmwn Is lerebv dim I'd to (,i».i imiilii: i once tlioi'ol, l.j ,i i illmimi ilihflUtt Ion otto a week, lor ihrwe iitccea-lve wtet-s, in Uiu nuwr ao r cailml tUe

LAWUKKCB AHaWKtA'.lwd ANoovatt Al>VUn1I»Ktt,

i.rln'eda' I.twrennn, the l;mt luiblxtUon to be


in ami ia-ot;y hnve removed

rislling ber parents, in Mru Jnlla I. ni.n VIM and. N. J.

Row, Donald l-'mxer prucbrd at Andover, on Buodaj allarioon, m ills lowo ball,

Mrn. Duniel Meirill Ins wo..: loSunapee. N IL, to retuuiu ILroutib Uiv w.nlir aiiu ber sia-

Uopc Lodn« or 0 Id Fellows will bold ibeir -i-nii-Hiiiiii ,1 el. eima ul itb.'.ri on Monday tveiling, Dec Slsl.

Hiv. L- L. Katman and wire have arrived bituae Him .l..oi. -i i.'.', H, J , wi.cre iiny t.uve Oe«a v ilttDf ib ir ron.

Mr. U'-rrtn Johuion ba« «nkl bii residence im I'lia-aiii llreal.lo Mi. Wiiin.ui Laaniiie. Tue price |<u1d was nl, H.

O.i Sjturdnv n j.i.1 laat tun tblevra paid a

twenty-two IWriaofa CIIOK« vailwj,

rrsiil, M. Dow, sou id 11 .iner n iw. "id on Sundiv lu»l, ul iiii.siiiu, ll m, ntid 20 yiar*.

The county comasUil .ners >■«■ a betrinnai tbe town bdll mi Tue d iy, in rryaid li lLo tiraiit:iienitu »Oil WldaalaUl ol Drown M.

aoierWlUUOi Cuionv of ^ilsrim Kaib.r. wi,i iii -ni, - .in...iii uieciion i.,r ihe ebvlce of . 111 era, on i Lur>d.) i.veiling n. xl, Dec. 2t).

Mr. Wil'.urJ Locke, o< lint town, ami alia Anns M. Trow, ii Lnwrencr, weie 111..1H..I s>n

.y I; ■.. l» 1.. .1 Fru« in,

CHRIS1MAS GOODS. Ara now ready for 1st a ••lion. < astamsrs looktaj fur a

H:OIJ1IDA."X" i=K,BSji3jNn>

For their Gentlemen friends abould not fail to examine our large aad varied

stock of

The Grano Foreign EXHIBITION

STILL ill'I'V l\ liilSTOX.

I<ili>l C Ttie liue bctwieii th:i town anj

Heverbill, bns tinnly been e^tui.i MUM tuohuuicmi placed 10 iiuriiiou and maintain .!, umr.

11..- city ol ■ n.d, aid 10 iutntnj

Mr. riani: M. Dmillau hm been iy 1 no « lei imen un. wo undeiUktr il Mi. 1 mn lit. M !■: .11. naiKoed be |. ■ 1... .. nearly twenty jean.

appointed 111 pure

wbo held

' VVitntisa, buimui: V. j( ul coon, this 5th . •-ear ono ilioumind ti|[tii buudren .broe.

.1. T. "■. M ■>■■'■.. i; ; ■ ■ 1 . Ud7 11 :.l

OSTS, Kt.i|Ulre,.)utlE< ' ol ln-n'ii.iHr. in Ilir


NOTICK IS 11KHF11V QIVKN. that ibe subscriber ha ■ been tb Iy upnointcd nd

:II . 1 ■■' 1.m 1 < ul Ibe e.tile nf .In Inn ■. 1 laiult , lat.'cf BO ih llerwlnk.m H>* cmintt 01 1u k, BI.II

n.toi-I Mttne. decer.^il, 11ml IHTB taken upon 1 1 ■■■■ 1 tint trait, by giving i...i, ,■ as Uie isw dirc-.ts. All pi-nons liuvinir drmaidn upon lie r.lule ol'.rti.l ileeiai-id aie in|llllid to 1 Vliili- 1 Hit) .■. .ii,.-, and all prrsonn indeoled to said e

tale .ne .'.. I e.l u |.on 10 make pa) mint IO

Ul.lZ t lit.ill ti. Utll.lls3l.TH, Adtn'i. Womm.itaB*.. Mtv. -a. ISM, »dl 14 II

NOTICa; IH HKKKliV U1VKN tballm - H.' . 1 I'.I 1 has i.e. ii duly ai imluled Bi

ulnisiratur ol (lie e-tutc ot KI1..I11I1 ltd o> late .■I li.iu.i r. in tlif county nf fc-.o. x,>in..ewm

iiuclOj ji'iving lioi.di- s.llicl.iwillrci'l». All . tUIH llUVIIlK ll'IIUHHlf lll'l.ll lllll OUIll' ni 1 i:d .le. dHii wit- ](uiiii|..| lo tubibil lLo rnme;bi.d ail persona Indebted lo said u>lale sie calkd upon to u.akc payment lo

.Mn .1 ■■ is. AIIBO'IT,. A.I:.. Andover, Nov. in, ,-:. n :<d7ll

Morrlll's ICP Cream Parlors, 1TUK COMPECnOMBRY

n;ii •IOK OREA'M, SHI'.mil'.T,

n u tine aa-nrlueii. . I CAhLnt sawii 1....1 .

Mini 1. Served to Onler. Bl.. rtir^oily 01piisileFe-...Se,ii lirvnndi Sov. a. IttSJ. Anoovr, MJ« ■




, i . 1 .■■■ ■- ■■! .N" cMale nlM.iiy - li-vei s, late .1 >.i. to .ov;r, In tlie^uonly ol K-'t'i, wi.l w iii". ,ii'I.I, ati'l im -;ii.. 11 upon lit'uli list L.I by a-ivlnx t 1 - *■ the luw di-

t-. All pel .11111 Iinv inn deinnioli- upon llie.-h- ate 01 miid daaeaaed pre reqalred Loeahlbii hesninp; and 1111 pern indeliled los.tld eatale lei' upon lo IINILI' pnynieiilto No-An lover, LVn.-I, IIMi.

w.i; Uil HAItAU W. UTRvKN ', Adm*Z.


\tbj phtli iitv

h-r liuiinrni

Anlnver, Dee*

. 1-. II,.

u t 111 le.m y i-.nov bit 1

MLHK« KOiTEK. Cashier. abet 7, laas.

I'tie rcceut tribute sent by lUe Ivintr of A mm in to the Emperor of

Cblna. consisted Ofl 1- Two elt'plinuU' tusks. 2. Two rliinuceros's horus,

Korti'-tiVe. i-aliit-a nC lwt..l nttl*. A.

Korty-fne calties "Hr;l'u,i °f l>»r*- ." 5. 600 ounces of'santliil nuod.

[OOoUDOOBOfgaUTOO WOOtl. 7. tOO liicces of nalive »'lk. 8. 100 pieces

ol'while silk. 9. ! I!) pleow ol' rav? Ik. 10. 100 pieces of niuiveclotli. i(r.., Tf« KtU, sttf. Given Away.

A slim lim ■ KJJO ibute an an LUHII-II .. slock

.:ti 'i., an,'trap tooke, aniocr<ipbiilbuni>,

itc, op.r.el at 0*1 BtWS street, aail Ibe an-

.un...- u made lint Ibu sale would continue

HI Cbriatinas. and that wbh every t... .t. -,, ,.

hire would bu a present orvtlue Ireo to eacb

infer. 'I ne iiiti:-1 i .11: I tbe books are sold

or one d 'liar each, and they are vory Cheap,

t-pcciallv tue childrtu'ti, ol wilcb mere U a

.i>' vaileiy. AuiunR me presents 10 lie plvcn

iway now belore Cbiistinas !■ over, one Lut>

iie.i . .1 .1 ni d silver wattbeo, llity china lea

lataol a pieces each, and oil paitnlngi, aHvu

Watt, Juniiieso goudf. etc. Ii.low are Ibe

iimca LI a few oliLose wbo base DM! giien

waicbcu. tea set*, etc. Oold and silver waicb-

Ubflves totto rollowiDii Mi-, I.H.I.I Ajer,

12 Amehbuiy Mitel 1 11. ll. Buxter, PseiSo

louse; Tbomab Diitgir, C'X> Con moil HRett

Sir*. J IL 8C011, lttBeeeX. streel; Milan Mar

relt,3[>tcitlc; htbHOof*Tullle, ^03 UlMxSl.i

■JefAai .-ii ii band cblun. tea teis, of 44 pieeea

each, given le Ibo iollnwltig: Mis. ii. K (J ol-

jooUoin, 147 liamp.biro si net. Hull 10 I'JU-

;roT, 47 Ciosa ittcei, Mn Plian A. Su-veni 10.

.ul Water aireet, llri Dr. Fiia.urac.ll-; la K 0

mil Bit it,1111 .1 ml |i.iiiiiii..',i;'.v..'i, 10 J. N. K b,

nsun, li \l i-'i'ii ttito', Mum Jscssun, 20 Oi- li .rd street. A p>ir ol opera glasses, (vou to ii.inti' Uradlcy, Huverbill ltn-i, and I. iv iVIIkinron, I1,' Droadwiiy. 1. .■ ■.,.■.< mid gulj ring*, with lar£,o cameo and imcibyst atone*, , [-., n to ibu fillowinni Jnta Browley, 121 Bmx stftett Hn. JUBBFIAI, HtSnatBttrSt,) Hite Mariba Wl.i y, IG8 Wi- er Si.; (Jutla Jolnison, 3 Dunk lorporul on ;

■Sirah Wood, 6 1'acfli ; Jail* Delancy, 302 .-.!.. :■■:-; Lfule Ksfan, 3 P*i iflc; M,, Hare Norton, 2«C Waur gt.| Mn. Liwis llekton, JD3 Estcx 8t-i J L L'mpson,3 i'aci(le;Ms. Strong, 38; Ktsex 8t.; Miss A. fan In, ;.| WuibingloO coiporailon; N K I'ruitr, 53 Unroad St.; Ml>t Nellie Counley, \ Wm.r It ; lie Kale Llnyd, DI> Jarkion "I., and'.... ol otbcri, ftbose imiii we dual ir 1 '.. 'i en: U no donlil but wbu'. I'oois :iake IL lot ol Cumlnul pf|eailUi ai d il

Mill tl.i.V ill ,".'il li'Hl i.i ; 1 1,11 Willie 'i.r-.l

Lepn-eut jiur.uif. Tbe lame feBllr 111- -1 i-t a-..'. In-.e .in un,-. are sold at linui one-hall

in,1 1 ii.c usnnl priee. An wi 1 find It veil worth tbelr lime to loik over ibis Mock of books ai d pro>eiiU.

Oh IN it. T'caxant, brsltby etins are

wlib tol-tgl. wills

John, mn or Mr. and Mr*. L»vrretl Hriflla, Iml 1.n ii.ii.iv laM, 01 scarlet bear, alter 1 -Initl liluo*. aged B«r years and len no nibs. 1'Uu lUDeral lo k place oil Munu.iy ait. tu.iHiii.

M.Skrs. Daniel W. and Gro. W. Tenney ie- itirueii 111111 ibJr N'rib (JHIUIIHH butmug ex ... ,1 11. 11 ilu in ■ r 01 tue profui »,.,. 1 in v

,;■■ 'ii ,■! ..... ...i. , ,iii:. 1. .in. , mostly du L ai geese.

(.'buries V. iii.i.i ■■.: .1 at bis residence near M »'.r> Lio-nn:'. on >atunlay ult.iuoon [.iiMiiMi, agedG3 year*. It e I'unal look pace on Tuenday aliemoon, in WalLui Uiota nu.- eti-ry.

Uoiiett 11. Shiel* Oamo, Son* 01 Veterans, are Lu bold a noeiil mi.iu<ny end dunce, at tbe town ball, on KmUy tvei.l ig, J111 4 b, ibe pioreetls 10 le useont a cbatiiy iunif.rtbe ofyMnliallpn. Onliloa* ortheeim, ot Liemaoe, will tuiiilill lau.ic lor ibe ■ .■ ■ -: m.

Tbe choir Irum tbe Ui ive-»aii*t church, In Litwrenic. ..1 ■.■■ .-■.I tnt pmine tne.'tit'g »l tbi- '•.wn bad, un Suud-y eveiimv lam. a tl it ve 1I1 c loleottuM ol ni isle, ai 1 ilciTjts. 1 u i.ig he Mrtlewfl. Mi*. Hi u, nl Lsaicuie, «a>

alao preseet to nealti a* am umpniui>t.

Mr. J.iiiies Q.ioley, j| Iliven.'ll, who Till (loin ■ li Mi 1 ami 1.10K1 Id. lig.WUiea WOl k nn Mr. (.ha*. IKlVnoe*". bonae, on Plenngni Ktteci.a l.-rtr.(j. h- ano. bus since died irom hi* it juilei. It Is lbiNUj.b.1 ibai bu ausliined aume la lernui Injni lea as well us a llmli.

Mr. and lira, Wm. II. Jewell cel-bratid tb> . laiiieeinn nsntrerwry ol their on Kr-day evening, l.y u-tlvnn' and cut' naming

11 lo' ul 1 i;. Itientl-, at tit Ir r ►Idiuce on llowi- Kreef. 'I ■<■ guiat* numb'red a'tiul Hit) and sere inosi'i Liwrence p.oplo. Mn. JcW- rl was preeanied wi h a mte pulr tt opvra «)»**.» l"J the vlmtlug lnends.

Mr. Daniel ll. Keelson did on Friday after- mam. ■ : v 1 1 , . 1 ■ ■, 1- hi- ""nr.Hng phlM on P.lli in -leel, at Ihe D|(e id Ct) leara Ibeiu- neiul look place on Sun lay allernool, to n- iiii.ttiM being taheu lo Lowell lor inlermeut, be- idi- ibi«u ol Id- wilo ilu wa* a m-nintr nl

tbeO.A IL I*n.l,.,f an.I ibe lunirai ■■...'..: 1. ■ 1 : 1 .i'ii. 1.n ot tbul

foe Oiand Army Poet, o( I bit lown, beld it- annual iliell.iu ■ 11 FitiUy 1 veninit, and CtMse

We'inei ; « unit vr e c. 111,tuufiler. U.urue M Hnnar.i; vie.: iiiiun, ir, )„l.n llo-a; turaoii.Di Oe.,. V,. Wunoliury ; otn er id tie ln>. Wn,. Mi'Lonald; ihjplaill. Cuivip J. Sai-

iteui; o.Hrrul ife guard, I boibax Oogawelll *|tiii itimiKier s.urt.aiit, J >bn Catnip; dele a^te to btuti* C.itinnr 011, (Jeu. M. U.iuaid;

iiate, Jobn 11. Qeorga] reliaf couiinitiie, litniju 11. b.iuard, Jisipo Muiin and J0I.D

>R. t!i»uti.n|.iii ot uBoere Jan. 4ib.

Hats and Furnishing Goods lUyeareruleeleotltinftndwiththoknowIedreorwlintU wonted ami

t*d by (iriit It-m e 11 for their weurl »s apparel, In the way of fine


1'ii.v'ii Trritr-r.rbe Drnps rure tn one minute,

■i br weak, i-orn ntd dispel lie should lake L'otiicn's Lquiu 11 11 xunW. ^o ntner. Oi Iruggtst*. :*Ji*uod

Hup Phntm are 1 lean, awe. I and pka»ant lo

JC Rreeb n< p.s, n minned w»li onlsutfwd

3oral. >rore ti wirlul tl.aii any titLer pvr.ui

ilaattr.Jl.i 1 li ^ ^I*twd

Nil ll. Ubli tu rlo.W Ji O Ibe I.lld'-IIM-

t.nckifi.'W inil t.rith (UdOO mtmh)

■art tier price*, nl Wlnelow'a Tailoring

WILL 11 1 MI n tim KinriiATisM r

' l'.c I't-ini' On naasnenall* inpsr-d lor ihe u tn. 11 malic and lame. KolMM Iciierkir.m ne piople it alive lu Us loanta in nearlv tv. ry iipor in Ibeiouiitry. u>lw

Mis* MIMMI^ HaLTS, aa tmw preiarcri,

live, ollitineil or lotion. Tue neal lainnv iteela Ibt World, ontj 2."» c.n's. A'l lirur- iM-si-H it. Wigjfins fc Co^ pfotirletnra, H--k-

.ud. Maine. ",(110130

Kiev, ni A Han til'st er 1 nve pur based the ife'iuik ni I. W. Mw'tiy, uutnaer, i»r-

nirli piocior & Moody, lu addition io the ■, tHey have a v. ry luige urRotiimnlol new Iresb gnu a, innludiaa no*e(jie* ol ibe Ban- ned a 1 Ego aud r). b a-M.Nm lit ot Cbriit- Oartln eerr cart fully aeletted. Call and nue, 37 Umt sirttt. Botlea. ^3ult.7

S'evens A Manebeatef make a iperlalty Widdlng liivlutbiim,'|iilon and Cm spioitlauce Uarda. Uull .uid examine "inn

I-.'.- . H. ■. ■ tbe liiMlutaclUie of a pure,

niiNnu totai'il, mil e-eigbi euou, nude o

ibu benl u .'. , 1 ;.. Wo reconmeud IL-acbV

vVnabioji s.-a|» Ai-h \I-UI tn.d-r log U.

Fun v iiniiML » ■ pnie Whiskey la 1

1 Dos

. O. T . article. Dine* sic anil Oioci .tr li. Uli'v. - (, null botlle ll.


Mqii ml. A-k III), n. It it a



1 tbe bomernre oldleeme*, nee dentn, mi' low 1 tie t It.nn, und niiuiy l.lllti- 111 va lie 10 lb* ick, will b* louim 111 Dr. k-uluianL'e g'tui I dteel W..rk; eleaatit IMuatrations. ft 1 d *o 3 rent Hen>pn tu .1.1'. Ordnrnf A Co., Hoe-

" ■ "


inl.Kill li daugbier


. M N.-rilt Amlnver ■ IM

11 ... Itili, n


'lAI'I.IM «.s.

tVIMTTIKIt- KLllaHAW.-ln I.nwi , NOT. ESib, ir "f» H I* Moody, «r. Llamie M. \\ ii.:i u>d UIM L'v,i t. hombi-.w.

.\i.\fcvv-1 UBKH -1" Uerrenee, m ,T Htb, bv 11. v, it It Mo .:■., 11. . 1'. ,\:.1...1 aud M ■. LUiiell. Ttc-a.

eOttlEl-ir-KY-in ltd* t-liy. Nov. jut, a son lo Mr. and Mv«. 1 o-. J. Mwrrbaey.

HOOL.-lo IMaOll*, -ov.i-ih.ii .on in Mi. and M.-..J..:.II-UIIII ,wM.n.:iH-.leiSI. It at l.i..

ICUOLSOX.—In ihia eitr, Mo'v. tatb, a ton to

Ilu forget when ynu are in

Want «i Silverware, Pottery, Lumps, Pap*' Hunt: incs "i Wiii- tli nv Nluuli'H, that I lie Lu 1 -L; I- -T

aVnortinent nin nnnnsiie lomui

»t K. A. FIHHK'H, 875 C.-.-ix St.

n 1 , •* 1


I>i'signliiK imtl i:nttrnvliis a Sprrlnlty.

.T7-\yosl Street, lloaton.

(rornte^rgX W. Muod;'s.)

New StorCs^s^/' w .ii 1,11 ve 11 ■ «ir.t aie-nrnew iinrn, w*l.-b h-.a

been .-. M-II.IIV llt-d up 01 "i re riliit. ner n v. and bt aa a-a. rituenini I ttiiunury Uuoila.

Fine stationery. ^Wenord Blviiii..->.

Carre pjeawnee Cn-ti*

Engraving, >ni\.ii.)nu ion ot 0

Wo nn- Jiut iiicil In naylBg that In oar

FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. There can I « found the Cholecet ami mooe>ompleto line ot

Useful Holiday Goods,


to m»kc .elicllun.rr,.mtibBll)nod In 11,. .It,.] A .!>«l»l llu.furtk. Holiday.








t-i.r.l III. lu .1

■id a ■ KWoi. ■i. .It,, Gov, IClli, ...onto; Fme paper. &c.

mi «i>.jj«

■ -.1.. i un eltv, lie

ilai^nt M..a I ...l> Ml lllu- J »t 11...i. i..

ml print, will »el IIH» o ii.-

M0I illy uuap un. . iVM|hinr lo t o mif h muiid.i.oii.

.r^rT-V.';^":;. „,..■„.. ,.,.. „r|Wedding invltations.&c Itev I),. Weo , nr. .\lo.-il A. 1-. 10 »ei „ "'''V r , "u * "'"' U""' ln,,t*

1., ni A.i.lo.LMLnd Jim Ida L.I. alms Hid' »,IXtJn?In"n» m *Vti* '(, ienna!at Ir" '

I>i. AT* IS. Ar.i ts Materials. in l-or and

j-tir lat.onaie, anda

son o| Un-lmel aud Joaspui... -. RSjnl. j


Byron Truell 60 Co. A NEW DEPARTURE!

In onler lo reduce our Immenee Stork of Gooda we hnve concluded to Innugur- ite our < Murk-I>onn (losing out ante before the Ilolldaye, lnat«ad

of nflcr, im liita been our cualom hitherto. Ily ao doing we give our f unto m em the hrneitt of our floalnej-out prlcro at a time

, when they want the gooda, Inatead of l.iti-r lu the winter, when their neetlti ure fewer

Lace and Fancy Goons! We oftor the ilneat atoek of Real Duchesa Plehua HDKPfl, etc., «»ei\ hown In

Lawrenie, from «4 to 920 .-IUN, I.IMI cheaper LACK Mt K WEAR in cxtinlNltf I>ealgna and Kohrlca, nn Imntenae stock of SII.K,

SATIN, LACK and LIN EX ilDKI's. at wholenale prleee. Our Stork of uaeful KANC'V L.OOD9 nutted to thn

Holiday Trtsdc la complete lu every renpect.


I1KOCADK VKLVETS, A-f., mnrked down to cloning out prlcen.

CLOAKS! Wc now ofTrr our whole alock at Wholeanle Prlcen M the Indies all known our

Stank in targe and very choice; und we propone to close the whole stock tie fII re .Inn. 1, 1 ss 1. CLOAKS made to order at abort notice.

FURS. olTer n fine Assortment or l-T UN for the Christmas tra de; useful and beaut

iiriitus urn fiiiiisras GIFTS'.'.

Holid.t-. tl.u* BS.I. 1 '■ nn ornuri.iiit> bt is Unl iu ecererew as1 < a, An lainicnse aitra.-li.. i lie. IMK-H added. The

Swedish Groups In loslume, rrpnsentlig In hi.-■ /■■ iin.--.ri.' i. •'■ i- i.n.i nut ni- <d ih« icu-.i.i. oinwuiiii. Alleat.ou

Thn Japanese Tea HOUBO, The Arab, m Coffee Tern, Tue Persian SJierbert StIIer The Egyptian Pv-ramid. Tbe (Jiiiii«-fi B.iZ'ur, Tbe R'Mtauraiit Veudome. Tbe Centeiiiiiii Organ. The AlgariaD Museum, The Turkish Carpet Empnrom The jNorwegian Fur Maikpt, Tbe Italian t?lass Deoartmsnt, The Bniziiian Feather Flowers The Qran-l Art Gallery, Tbe Oei man Brouze Exhibition Tbe Aua'rian Beer Vault, The French Geremio Eihibit, The East Indi tli tSilk Palace, Tbe Venezielian Ghocalatiere, The Panftma Canal Ezhibita, The Betrospeotive ArtOallery Tbe Electric Pbotog'h Rioms, The Enelish Decorated Bouduir

and lTv.iisan.1. nl Ki ],ll , i :i rhiisrlrr lo lii-iis.i .ni .i.'.ulii. Tti-Khiliil* lioiu .In nan wiiithv it a visit In li.-i.-n, aa liter 1 "•' never oven . aeaJlMl in tlie world.

Admission Only Mj fntU. and T»'KLVE UOUttS' U-IIBU> CJ, U ■ ,..


Tompkins Mann MMI..M.I.S TU


Paints, Oils, Dye SLUHS. Cutmcais., N-1'i.ii,-.


Uai-aelBOl all ..set. r.ii..miieoii.

I!..—.... Putlj, ttruoma, parts While,


1 H|.ir f.iilr. Uuucli Vainub, k. i I...I.1. i^a-u r OH, Kiilnaer » -iiria-r 1.H...I...I. Okln.

t"i Lu.MisandcaiLie, . ..|.;.il .. . l>l|i|.r 1 ». M'.xi.l. n,


" Cloth, f ...I.I.. i l u.lnrs, rliH.i flluslKa, St-aiint M«.ihlneOM,

M.>. !•• t'a.l., -nuriiu.e Varnish, Mmii Rutahaea, ruiest lliii-i Load, hciuu lliu-ites, ', alt uoi".,

vVin.iua'ijili.M, iold La'*l, VVaier Pet la, iuld hrouse, HI-I'I f .. .n.fl nr.-sln» .1-. .i i e. lort-a.r.-iieT.n.s, ilaulwr Halt aSiTHi.ui i Iron rail*.

Wllllsi *' itariK't Ha

1.on.Loi I'oiole. W 1 In*. VamlitoW u-.r ,, Mi-wIon's


In Quantities to Suit at Lowest Market Prices.

191 E8SFX 8T .. LAWRENCE •ln«r * lr tan.

t'irsi-l li!\s House TO LET.

tiwii il *n<l !■ ■ ii,i- K ...-■ d l>y Henry I'sr'on "■■—■■ "« *■ rruepeei It, A B- t.n j Ho as will belli uajtond le am on t mi

sale ti-nns. ine twnsn L In cemntntn ereer, sriib a iarecme-iiirni.rr. ntni oilnr r. rent im

provenientaj aUoul :li.nuu leet f ln.d. a ehoire

ranity ol frn,'C-viie..i|oiio* l.u Ma, near aa.i

apple trt-r*. In liia.ina eoliddlnn; . li ■■ e rose

.ushaa In rnal .ariiir. sin) m,i noaertns

' nes all of wl.leh are hmd-, l'..sresrinn g iei

n i r Delure Nov. mi er tlr>. ; a'.o ona norttMn

ur..noa lor •BIBIOHUITI) uatiilu lit aoore ne

irabia I'remlie*.

ti", . ii.i-i K. J.'lillim.

IM mi IBMI m, i nnretee, Utte,

FIRST CLASS IMKSTMEM. I have for ante a few hlinren (if the

liiitf d Ktntrs ItulUlhim (o.( of Nnw York. Pur valur *.-,.(.(IKitcti. I liiiii aharca are Wed ntiaolnlidy safe, anrl I reapet-tfully t-all tin- nttt-11- tlon of both larac untl - ■ ■ ■ -. a I Investor* tu them. Keen ahare rrpreainla lta egulenient In

New York Real Estate, mnMer a II ml -elmM

OBROCADE VELVETST) The balarce of our fine stock of Brocade Vel-

vets we shall closo out regardless of cost.

10 Fieces Biccafe Velvet in all colors at $1.75 per yd. Former Price, $2.25 per yd.



I!I:I,IMIIIU:IUI[||IIII\M,III«I\I^ olmans and Wraps.

We!t-.".ve a large stcck of Dolmans and Wrapa. which we will close out at low prices.

SFiAL CLOTHS, at Low Prices.

Ladies' Misses 3 Children's Hosiery Fsne Assortment of Silk Handkerchiefs.

RUSSIA CRASH. I Bale Russia Crash, -damaged by water, which

we shall bell at a low figure.



Flanl Fell Iisliin ni Satin .aim. Ladies and Children's Underwear


A. W. STEARNS & GO. 309 and 311 ESSEX STREET,

Stoves, Ranges;


lEFClBBIafiailrtlSIMl. 320 Ease* Street.

Whim a vi'll t.ineei

Carriages, Mei(.hs ind Harnesses mat lie To. n>l4i .» i-■•uanle urloe*.


in nil lit iiniiioues o, > ui."y an l neal If dona.

A: ■> I I !.■■ Ml .in I ;. ■ SI... Slilfl.S.

MOOAR «• TROW. Proprieto


(ioltl, Mlvt-r ami Nl.kcl WaU-bee, I Mat-

We are offering the; ,v„;, „T^T^T^ T..,., , , £ *>i*. Mo . K.i ., K'.il i.1.1 li,ni f. en.h l,fc a I

arrest v&rietv of '"*" ■■"',,, l ""■ f ",h,r u"«'»' ,VV V* .'im in mi A'.";- I'UI \|[t MSI".

Stoves and Ranges, MwB.iw( »*"L»K «ea 1*« ee^^en lea *U« eal*ne 1 THE 0RE4.T CHINA TEA 00.

210 Ntntc Street, llualon, Mi ua to believe that UM nlUaTM v*1U pay \A _ n__ —^^^ :_ *U«. Jeu I large .tivl.lernU, and will MdVMWe In 10 DC SGCtt (11 t 1G CilV, i nl.if mo ralilillv. * I

op purl unity to mal money In a good In. itidni'iil. Any nt'ii ber of shares t-uii b- pn nth ■tilli *"' full parthulura apply <<>.

ii. \v. KLI>KIIM;I., l.noiii li Niiiiintcrit lii.i.-li,

un -e, .ilu

CLARKE'S PtLMOMC BALSAM ml sriiiee DQJOJI Luna., io un. i«ib.or, all

" Nearer Maeic •hanantihlnste* ru.i-l " «>« A. L «e lie,


=--1 Hnnas.irnen. ft.'. Hsnuiacinred i,.i - 11 enfj iiv

CHAULKS (LARKK, PlinrmiuM, 17 it Bnstnt Strrcl. i i.i. in k-i.n St.,

Ijutreini", -MUM.

at ir;cesbeyondcom-:[Vi;:-}"pMi'ca°;r.T»V-t.,JT.'5 petition. Itwillbe or .'/'(:.■ " p-"' V the interest of anvonc in want of either1

Froel Cards aud Otromos. We will ....I f .

. .. MUb.aU. .. i

SULBS For /utumn Plantlnt?. OBUCUS, OOe. ,i r Unadnd. »^S Tl-imsand.

TULIPS, » I"" llun.tre.1 an I ii|ina<l.

HYACINTH *, (i a DM -n. anl mieanl.

NAB'-'ia.'-UK.-ac neeDeneaene u|.w.rl.

LILIES, |1 ner Senna to #«•


«»-Orrlrrs may i«i left wllti KKLLKf 4

Can be found In erory department of our atorf.

We cordl.-tll.v httlte every line to vlnit ibe PALACK before making t.ielr Holiday

[,nriii;i-i-, We assure y on you will trnd our prlcen very low and

our gooda very nice.

Byroi Truell & Co


MILLIIERY. Ellen Brassill,

cooking or heating' mnirimnnni.ijmmTm|s Apparatus, to call'Fd Biii.i.hl. Drill niiloal litiu. and see us baf sre purchasing e sc- where.


•ly ami M'xiriilni, Umssea a Specialty.

H. W. ELDRIDCE, insurance Aeent


BBOKBB. Not. a Moinbar ot t.:*» Local l.oar<-

Wnnej tn Uisn oa Personal Propel tl aedltis gttale. Tall ami essiume mr rales! arm* el.ewheri'-

OVHOK. K'wm ICaur.ders Rial:.


Wipreeelveaenl in

Oil relntlnnj, In Btnajj llnnk BnUdlag

Cor. ten i


,;,,ii,in r «.:.!.i.-IIK-I!. ■»■■; I" ■"'*■ IB^rtMlrriar'C.M'/ailtlrifei,! emaBlaortivafortl*" HdlKl en Fen-lilt

ll .1 ,•■ ■


HUr Sweeney'a lUix-k, 228 Knnex Street

BBZB^ PLASTER • —■ ""■ *T*,r?A?T^V-^,;-tj-T t-V-T *- * -f r a.n ..■. A! uaeeam KimH

ap I. a' ill i . tv ll -lor , I..-I.. ..■

All. HMCV A paaHeil lt»i*e I aer-a-r i> ge kana. r^t in i»l .nu«ir l-M-e

Follieso I Marriage i-n tr si.'l . fier v. ...-, •■ . .... '■•, ■ < «lr i ■■

e-|it"i :a is, (il ■-■ . i -i... >i n>i» ) t n I'vui-.-s r»ifienT»ie .... ,N.\

FARMERS: I to rail .i ■ "ilia

f.ri'.cii Muiiiittilii Oihiilon Fertt* HXTs

it ha* i tovi»l Hi- MM m the naririsla* ner. II )• ti ->i* IO.-II'inur ■ r-I" IH e I"

.. .i. , -. ten un ml| i< r W| ilf . n ft

. KM; .. .'ir. na li will tti|. 111- ar, s ire »•»■-:

i. I r-r .li- U- n ■ In I.H- li Mi I." k x i.-t i. ,[.,,- tiilian. I. ■ i.a». '., k . • I ri

a i mn M.IH Lienvt, ukill v> u •i.l..tviei..i,Ma *

aiO. W. atAY.VAHI..

FOR PIANO. Ni-tv r.n-l.ind (nnaervntory Method.

IH, . r M) i lurti. •> -M) emir, ha- >efn Ittor - >m|.a t-.l in in» *-rv >i C'M'crr >l *;, aa I IU

Mtsii n-i » ene ••i ine «rv*,.si nnJ

iTOK, OEQAN Psmon unota iwVmroit .a fb I.«IMH> I i uuk I r . ul i nra i aah » .unmni . oia.1

s Mnl,

mil, and n

■laiu n>

ii % ii

IIOU! fOl- .. i ■■ I, u-t.nii« tan

.in-.- «, i iKiamtind lee ■ ■ i.■,.■». |.:.'- I f - ...I.... a. >■

on Ihn nnr.nt iM i«" surnesa ,u. run uatt.n.

TIIK SOL-FA NJX(li;il, Part 1. is g. r\ AHUHH t». ■ ' I'alCnaAcn Tei ti r..ii lh-ninii)a «, tinder MMM »lni-

ins -illu-. USkni* . a riendears um-1'a' i .... i ■ I ', I.ii- l'i .-I t i ■•* l-rcsn

I m i MonU i i .... J, r, m, f.» I, I. aa i

.I..'.,- i ...... ' lima em u, I inis


Wood, Coal aitf Hn»Hi tVcod ggsss MI.ABS AM> lta.)HI IM-.

Offloe end fan!. WiCana >rl 91, near Brtwaf IjJgMI _ deojeei nutt eh ai

, i «.li. illn ■«, i.rii..-.|.oi.. .TIULI-.I' i -'■..,«.. (SIMM... lit

S. I Heel, ni ft i* lit ■!..--. an I f >r ine l.n-si- el *a» u.tMT LUiiassa dial tujy I., »:.. . -in.

iOUX g,BOLUHri,Cnabier.

FJEHS: ihe I ana .<,.».. Yi,ln • N-rtS

I -. n . t lueVa tiliti.eulu . J. i . liA.-CnU. aJi.ien.Hi-, Va.

x.Xet, A(»pi/ |,U.i 1NU * ltUtUaNS, 4 IS llatsrtiU i..


Annual >»r*-.l..<. , ., , ., lift CJ n •>■>.. ■> i I , tr»< IheDrtwc, r ,. '.-..,, - , i i H are •-•' 1*1 il Wil ■ i>> .■■.!>, i. ■„■ -. u i |a E«il run [ .*..r,| Hi |,, - „», ml we aulliti IM

» JJ.»,i»|i.i.v L<> a.e tu- ■■ rligeabe. Wltb IJ.-. Blnide* of .mr ki|tbj[.ir«.'t -it lac bed, la Hi ndvariiaoiiienu.''


UnmnctTOf me, Vn|»rri-4'<lrnt«"l Alt rii<-tH>.i !


Louisiana Btatelottery Oompar.f.

To k'f" ."ie pT'n m>en. Me oil jT'^n-t" »■'! (tit— - ■<■ !»■, m I hi* lu-niah an (.nil** for >av l. m tti*. |. m ir.-i n ant hi.mi whir-a a ae hnmUlaller ■■'.!.. Mack > .. Mi an

mHi'-r #i In l.l-nd he* fpfUl'j In'a.ifl trt

I n, fw-i 'r ■.•'I'lluirn *n.| nl'* m"'lrr: to keen I' t,,., . u>r ""i e «t I free ream. »n a ■ unrt .. (rl r--, nvfMI .■■T.'i.m-n "kin »n I B".1p

■i ,i ■- nn-l I .'ill* l- ■%>■ IW*B> •I I- Hi I lol et. >.Vn .n 1 arj*M e aaajattea r-1 . I- iTlltilnHoi lnnrnl'if' and .'rr'ICI'B. h»*lnr Hi'-in en- roTiRirBt Snai* In-

I . „ li ■ '■■.» HIM an-tercnltlB aa *h«oli>ltt'r ly inoilola I- ek'.uB 108I-i l.SM.

THE HERITAGE OF"WOE" " "i•*. •he**ea*'1 nrnne rfcn bwi"'*»'n*^ ■" * 1' (,' 1 • V Inr'Vfrrn IIT pvc>ll>, l« n-Klarlnl ■*■■• t .■«. T> -Iwi" t-e n|v«.l nl lhi« h«ra'l.

n ii,i"ltn •!■»■ tV ".1.1 tT'lfli I c -f in rim miffTii«, lo Hear lhn a*.ln eC ■ I irl nr MI Ml IT', I"- • n* tii-Hire*. nn-ill^lHf rr -Im-, an I ><<e h- m-«"r ■«" iu*-d bv II. I" I ii< r» nnl b'


Arrest and lonvlcllon of the Thief.

The Morse Deikchdlo concerning which Kate Field ia BoiotiroiDg at Salt

Lake City, Utah, and li writiuj; a I th;ro^,„ , „oltce ,„,estlgatlon. waa re. book on the Mormon". covered, Frlrli7, by Marshal O'Ru1

Mary Am.ersoii is now the most »«■* wf><> alM arrested the thief. oopuUr actrew in London, ami It is i"0Dl* ^"^ •»" B"^!*•»»". °" P'-MW...,. gristta,«.ra Ww.wtSS

'.i:- -<l iy 'he Marshal wnti to Hartford. | Hie -un wm< to hav. b«>n obacurul k a ihia

sr I'M .»ll« lOim

ehiOfiimi'1,10'1 in alt iti.i.i, un ■ ■ uii : !. '.. It

ivi't ii in -. i ■■-. i Soau . . i>,.!.'.;■■ i ■• ia:-p i>]»"*■■ ntnaiii >.

I. NKVKit i . n,m i>tt r.> n ■ >K I. U.»:« r., • I - !,. nt.ll .1 , t ,-,:

in I I «lr«aiil If ant hi ( an 1 lit" Extrnanllunrv F>-v.i\- Annual Dr»w1n» '

■i KB* Orlcaaa.'ri Edl»4V, i 1- . Uinler lli« puraunal -I.TX, iiri ,.i. i m ...... •■■

Q an. O. T. D'''«U: BOAltD, of LniUrlana, !

•■idOon. JUUAL \ K/hLY.OfVi ,.-;..i*. :

CAPITAL IMIIZI:, $mo(u»o. ,

lUHAM'l' /. ■1 I. ,0.' I II / 11 i I t.

•A i'IHZk»ol

TMosTiTlriTui tio"l »(T >"i»it(> I I'irm |l|l|Hmr>. No i !(• mi n ."'.II lbs; »>■ 'li-i-Uiri '•M



I'hc Red Hunaria, Cyrlonra and Blartta- quttkrk K-or.'Mllna: Comlog i>U-

UBter.~ii.iiv te Meet I%.

"*"TtlrtMI0M >- apuewaQwa follawinr ■iin*rt itnil preceding -uniijebaveaUrtetM wl.le BttmtlM from Hii.|-nt- >f IQ« aki*a ami la* aeo-

, n ".i-r" the voinin h.»;l tntd Bbt*harl ; nht-r n-ald'oj. Af'«r at of their

i- "I ■'. -1 .11 '»■„!--

i-ilfil lowanl IHe linrl.

tbl thing for every American lo say.

She is a particulnr frianil ot mine."' _,.. rtit^jt* i °l,-» Ibsn y.illow, t!nhn (iranf*. % ■<-

Adelin» Patti »ang one nenlog in | HIH««»M I «lc " h" roood ihit . .«.». I „,„,„ ,„,„„, aolr|> ^ lhe ,,,.„, n ()|1|| p|ln||(

.owell fur levrn bun.lrod dollars, bul: "<•'•'<"' »"r ""criuilon bad wub ,AI ar.iliwaaiko..Hi m..,. .,.,.,...»»• .,.,. ■ I'.I'I ! v at Wat.rvllle. and solen ibi'tur, .ordlnnri nanMtr.fl oUoaaaf lirfct.bat It lin. 1 BILCJ that abl hud r*ro empl.tyel th.r., I ■"""I' '"u'a Hi«l "ipy »r. rUlier lhe ml-ly «ut' bM ...,ri aft.. „.r — r-T" '^*!'*"M""'"'"**""*M*"i*1** i* !'.- i- u . it i-n tret,),,, .1 an «urrnnnilli>r Hratma (oi.n.l In bar room a OOI orj,-wetry beloni-jorwori,.,,....,*,. aaxraajaU mWwra. ProlVaaw In : to li * wife, wlin wa* an invalid. The I Miceka,ef |fte Rei ltou*« Ubaer*aiorr. Phtlpi. Ma'"h«l then went to Waterrmrf, where | "■ Y- ,"1* ■»»*•■ bl* i«>laM"f>M "ptm theae ob-

J cl» an<l 'li- ■I>TITII| wlml hf. Ih.nk* are myrlada »: PJWUW. (i' !■ li' ■ •- ■ ■ i • i ■ - m,iMr. If It IB HaWgaV Ised worM ilual, or il. i-umpiuM tapora. BB UH Demncral »ml I hrunii-le at i: ■■",.-.■

an ■' 'i a.., m x r«v

ItM t -■

i. -"i ll l.n ». V) nU 'a f "in* Mico.Tr-r.Tai p.r llOltlf

nr. o ■- ■ ' i i ■ ■'■ v -it.M.'n ■l iirBiiil-aca'aia.

AH .riiKMic«i. Co . Bovrnii.



this wan aeveralyeara ago.

*A nifirriaap hne been arranged be- tween Mr. Hallam Tennyson, eldest

son of the Poet Laureate, ami M!M

Audrey Boyle, only daughter of Mr. Ctiarlee John Boyle.

It ia reported that the Irish Bgilatora in this coiinlry raised firtv-seven

thousand dollar* in cfish for the pin- p-'Be of aendinp Mr. Roger A. Ppjor to Knfiland, to help the Enfftiab law- yers in their effort to save the mmdor- crO'Ponoell from the gallows.

A young man in Cincinnali tins

agreed to marry a girl there on con- dition til at she wlMjjhs one hundred | or niralinj the chain, and removed II wliti and twenty five pounda on a certain

day, which is agreed upon.

New York elevated Dads bar out

doss and people with big baskets.

Some of the Indiana Demoerita arc nowtalkiugof Senator Vourhuca fjr


Wbarton Barker.of Pennaylvania, is figuring for appointment m* Secroiary

u( the Treasury. Nothing less will

saiiafy his ambilion.

All the editors and reporters on the I A BCfioll

alafl of the Louisville Courier-j0fj. H. |J. Joiirnsl, wlto are Republicans, have tieeu oummarily diaeliai^i'i).

A despatch Irom Salt Lake City ■ays thai the Utah part of President

The Beet Making Powder.

Tha beat baklafDoedrr IB aada Irom p^re Cream of Tartar, BU-arbu>Bte ol, and * amall quanUtf of Soar or tlarch. afrtaaaaU* other Ingredients are u»-1 and Mrvt a purple la redariiii lha coetaad Iscraatiflg tbe arolu • flfaa aiicaiati •-'.

W« give tbe uoverament ChraaiK'a aaalyaot of iwoafabs leadlBf builtva powJern:

I have exBmieed aaniplu of "Clevrland't Ssperier Baklag Poerdar," manufai-iurrd at aibasy, V.T., aaS'atiral Bakins Powdtr,'1

oth par haned by mjulf Ja .th.a Sltf, and t Bad ibar fonUia I "CltTtliat'i taptrltr Rtiiint Pe.vdar '

Creaaa i.f'l'arMr

Btaarboaaie of t?oda Floar

Arailahla oartwikaci'1 a«« 12.61 Ipcr cent., eqalvaltatlo 11M cattle wsaas of gu per os,

c.A.2srjsroN"'s FLDHUJA |

"?~™sf Comniercial College bntba. n1lT"aiir r •• ■* '". f:(rels tUiutdi n rlbod bj l!iu I'hrUinn I n.

" The italleiit li iii-ul" to rir nod-r a pine I

ciil 111 laiiir li ".I I' - Tlnu larWB bim.ll. 1,'jv.i am mnc.T.l'I In li"l "■it>'i\ in wl

k-. urcs, IM.-1-, ■elcdinted pin* I

„...d«i. iBSECHIjf fBLo??., coa."E3;cx 3iassr AND .Baovowtt

In It .il ruaon to hflli'vushe mlub'. be, and luarned at an Intelllfferice f■ 111.-*- thai she li i i hired in the laiully of Jjdite Monatin. av Beymour. Oo'.na to the .IOHHB he was rav at t: <■ door hv th- wrnin he wanted. and she acknowledged ihat Hhe had the ■ i . :. ■,!.,•■ i ;■ ■■, him. He took ■'■■!*.(i- i ciatodt ami arrlvrd hern with her Lbla morning, lie learned that her rlith- attmn Bm Jnmli; Miller, and that she bad a I'ut'itir who win a carriage paln*.er, ann noi a hr'i:k masoa a« nhe ntated here. To

hal i>he Hiii.l Bbe had no Intention

bar uihur affects wlnle ureatly ixcliedon leaving the cuuil bouse at her pfevtoOa trial.

In the police court she pleaded e""'y ln

iticenr, and at the request of ibe Marsha! ttte cum* win c. mllnurril one Week nisi fur h' 111 I'r.'. I.i tllti li ■ t'i ,»!!■ he will have her iff-cts broogni b*trs from Hartford, ■i ud eudeavnr to fi-C. rlam If al:e »Ou«itwti> from here in T- mo'en i>rop«rtv.

hKlilllfS At CIOKNT.

Escape uT Kmployta at J. II. It .rue's IHhop.

I'll \l. M>IK' .... 1 ... > tiin IPI .• i

a.,pi.-....u., ,M-I ,,i

N-W O.I ■-..,«, 1.;,.. ... M V t»\IJPIfl\,

• «*.-* , •,* nil " H

~ _, , - , -. i

V . ... ' ..... ... ... • . , „ ,.

1 rinrna ire. n-e t«i« Cuianhnl ha'er.all In on.' imi't. ueatmeni. »i -ll -tr.w-

- Haoford'a llnllnl

hlent uticttrred a'. I be shop 4 BODS, im Frulaf afte -

ionn, annul t o'clock, daasage bnlag don* 11 lhe ei-en-.w| lie- rlj ft 1000. Kortanatr- ly none of the ■!;.;■ i,.-, at lhe arorba were lijtirvd, "bot ail were ihuroughlj lilgbtened, us well they ml hi be. It

atltbur's message is received with de-| appears that a belt which op-raied a mousirttioos otjoy hy tin; uAmerican" ; e uoier shall, c;.po^ off at the cuupllaga, iu the city ' ll *woud atmit fh« shaft- A 1...1 -■

AtAncona, in ItaU, 100 pUnti bf°J* IM^ni.! •» *J«». •" «»»■. -he . , . . . \ -bail revolting wltD i.^hiuiini-iikc rspidi- bave held meeting with a view to or- ty ||H ,„,., lbtw ^^ 1)jfo;. ^ ^

ganizc a utrike in the event of the j a.0e c-mid im BMpiieJ. Tnuru were Hi- failure of their efforts lo have the U»en workmen in the room nt the lime,

"/»?- ' amount paid for laying mass Increas- DIU aUwaped ibruugh tLe larie o,;.i. | iiK>raee«i taiureBod clnoutaot '-loot tti.houl Injory. Vfnua thu rngitie U»ea.rwUI i>« aa KMI wltb ar'

■topi>- •! a r, vi'iw of the ahowtaH I n°aft",» I""", UaM t ■■ ,. wliu

'llow i,r|,hmdlnr til*.li-i'<""-l ofl Wi 1 li •elllcj1nd(nrm».t(.pi„n„|(,n Lhe enrlh, or re-

lina pnritnt oriaejue itictl Blmut lhe earlh le it "(TH i-nHlonof thi>mn'. IIKI.1 npon ll?" WhstteTer the mr•lerj-I,, Uirra ■• no denying

Hial «omo very -it in«. f.iroe* are at work In ins upper Birr. Tbe terrlblr lornnduet and cvnlonra WHk-h ha»e swept our own rouDtrr, and lhe f.-ar- fill voloaBnea ami ssitbqiiabss whi.h have d«- Btr.ijitl ni.m»nj rillcaand tl.ou« of (en !r —itin Udal Waeet which ■vaurioasr* 11. and lallmi iiia n tinh.rto anvesed bv (hem—the In- mendou* activity whl.h itavldeiu la lbs Bin bv Uwaoa in.t (■■■., 1 .ruii.r ,.ii...i-. in, »|..ti. upon It* kUrihee—all indicate unuxual encrgr in the baaveMly ho.11....

Theae otfoatnttsaeri reajll ProfC *;. nmicr'« pini.|i'j<lec lhat irom i ■ ui 1S-7, (he r>. ••' «l Hie Ovegreat b!aaeu—Mart, Hapiiiae, -lupiier, I -.un - .in.t,— ihn run would pro Uvea aMBOga aail wwlUfU pheooMetia. He Bajra- "Tne wat ra or Iks •.un all! iwcem* moraor NMB . oU.n .».. rha air will be feal wiili no ■unit: ladarB. Anclem rate* will -.i .,\- pear rr iu the t-ailh." He>lUi«|.t« to prove Id* nioidieoi hy ihr rn-iinat in 1 an, ■L.-U Mara and ■ tluui male their B.taSBga.arauad the aun colu. II iBiim.i}, xreal rjaswtwtl >n ami moiUlur Visit* <^i all p iru 01 UN 11B also l"»und lha .-.iii. reanilsla previous psrakaltoa pt»»aiiaa <■! the plaaaia, and axgaea m-t inrae inrmirsilSBins a)* waja protiaee ephl»1.kM and d'almc.ha dir- mhieri wui i.„0, tuarkulof I be ID oat aia- -1 ■ ■■. ].-i ■■ 1 ,1 .. i, 1 :,■:- , .,- w.:i .Ija. L,, K10U-

BaadBi (he eeak and liiltniiHiaic lalhni dirt. UtOaa who** bio ul ha. h«en nn|-t. ri.Besl by el ■ e*a 01 HOI k or dlaaipaUoa ntst and oaQ tboaa who are iu .-.-u.; ., i.. n,- 1tr. r ahal] SaesSS lo »Ai- Joy 1 ,e era «i reaawag acti* ty aad proByivliy WHICH will i' dUm ih« pdiud oi SeeU. etlon.

lua«otioh aa UieeaUra verM aeaaa mijeci to tin' .■ »...! of iht- haaVSaiy liu.llea ao Daft er iba e .1 in, he ihtiitr,, an , ■ -^ ■ n;ouraioa;, He

01 peoiila, LiiMiiMratui* will baatrleaaa with u-i and e*a-e to Ull the soil; thai (.» will make liuuiui iniaery more eieiatird. 'lhat huiidreJa wil See to otBniruwiled c (lea ler aid ia vain Turn •oddan ebaagBSlao.«»n Mrreaia, tasaoav

sarroillilliafla will entirely ItBuarorn ; iba

sd. nl tbe ebopah.p

FR E E! F £ £ !! F t ( - ti! I! (' "5>' ^P^t^BS^i

lllllHll Ul pal- "" ■•■■

A man who knows says there are !,,„,,. tlmt. III- aluiling hud been drltua *,bruu"|i two kinds of fools, viz; "Natural I»wooden parthlon separating the wood bun I'tiiU, ar.d lUrneil ['. ■'■■" ' room frouj the machine ebop, Huty-

The Ixiodon Punch gives the fol-1«**-* *••*«'abaW«» tVastwlsud oat of

lowing arcount of lhe sprightly kind of conversation carried on bet ween •l.iili".. Scene, a, Kuropean steamer, 1 -*iii not totsll

First dmle, "Aw, good morning, go- weeks. Tm

ingover?'* Second ditto, "Yes, are

you?" Miss Genevieve Ward will bail from

" i Ei^laod hy the Peninsular and Orient- I, al line on the 12th of Ibis montli for

I <bS(M, onc-ltil of ll uemg ap luleied; 20 I jiuileys and - baugers wat4 brok«nj alao

agt a planer act saw bench. The dutn "iin.1 within two

"■■■■< 1.1.1 to Itf

capacLf iu tUu aiiuurajlaro of Dulp and Jordao engines, and the acci- Ueut will seriously Interfere with the •v.irk.

Bjmhay. She goes through India nu to Australia, New Zealand, J.ipan, China, Otaheite, and IIOJIC by way ol San l'rantiscu.

Ueavy N rit'iieeg.

On 8iiluula\. Hi ,1 jDunj men, Wm Doyle, Albert Qrlmee, and Uanlel V. 8ul- livun, "rere up before the p'Hlce court. cbarged wi-.h stealing two overcoats. U->yl<j pleaded audiy. i-.ul Gr)mea and

Adflina Patti miy perhaps go to an In van nut guilty. The roots of the Calllorsls negtsummer. In lhat case j< '■-■ "'■■ a* fo!i»wa: Miles o. u^it, who she would no: eeium t.f Cuvcnt Car- ;'V,'H "" "", Pit'illc corportuoo. and

dsn and Flees IVvries would be eu- '"" r' "'"' S '"' Ev,rk- c,"por' ... ... tl m, a complaint a r,,w ,. w, >Lo.

engaged in her place In London. |tha, lh,,r oferciltl- hBd l)eill . ,,"„;

Maria Duraml, born iu New Or- fc' '|a? ni'irnlna, a* ibi janitor •>*» lei loans, anl who ™»ilo Ui >«.«■ auuU 1 tlnK -b" lodgers oat, Aast>taat Uarshal an Immense sensalion «l Coveat Gar- j &t" l',"n Mlw llUM *"""« «"">■ »d »•>-

,. , Iked tbe overcoats on tbem. Tiiry etiuut leu in "Giooonda, is oarrjiug eveiy- : u„t g,„ , MlUlMfc|tJ .„„,,„ „ l(J (1,

thing before her at the Italian Opura manner In whlcb tbey came »y tbe coau>, n St. Petersburg where ghe will hjng '•> ne Io-S-d Ui m ui>. in ihe eoart this wiih the teaor Sylva in Rublnsteiu'a opera "Kero."

A wealthy young man of Nnlh-k, Mass., while much the worst lor drink, hired a horse. He*fell usicep iu lhe vehicle while the stabler-, wer* liar-

ssing the horse, gnd they lei In at

sleep in llje slthl.'. When it-- aw i'-(e ho saiil be had had used the quadrup- ed well and led him at Newton Low- er Falls. He pii.l * Cr Uis drive, ami went off satisfied.



T"n»"i- i

NEUTRALINE tOtt-r- ;,'. v,l , ,-. rl „ li'a-

|. feellj hum i. -. . i ,,..'. n ;

•eat* (wnii 1 . i

j. A. Honr roxp

PATENTS Hrw * ro..ef thf Hnevriw Umini.,. n-

I ... I. ■.,' ' ('ll I it-. .'. .. .'

IB I le'S,"! v '''.' t-.i

-••aSSWI 1 health w^llul'l

11 :ua Biarrnai , McLirellTrrl

■X - ■:. Doa'th .'V ijgediitwtJcuial

--Ji ;,,:::„■ w ' ■■ ■ *rllli™ MTWHI

1 ; n-Jhiia JI3|


ui'irning, Cuanor uml II dt rec. .'-iz-o ih ii i..t:-, sod UilW, GiliU'S au.1 811I v n mill ric-lved two y^ara iu tbe hot.


On T n- -,1 , v

II i- Wn" hi' 'I 11

.BJ's Vleit.

Itejel ■• kilna fawdtr." Creator Tartar Bicsraoaaia af :: ■'.: Carl<onatB ol Ammonia Tartaric Acid Starch

A'.' :'.'> ''.•'"■!-.: ■ aeld f«i 1'i.tS p»r cent.. qnlva'BBt to 116.2 cubic lache* of (ai per u,

ol Powder. Animonh. ffae 0.11 ptr eent.. tqtllVBlent to

10.4 cubit! lnrh*» per os. o' Powjer. X e.—Tka Tsrtarlt Ag|| vai doobtlcsi in

trednced as free acil, hut BkassiStBtlV com- DIBBS with atsnoBli. and eaiati ID US Posmti a> a Tarirate ol Aiuno >».

E. O. LOTIt, PS, n. NBW Toaa. Jan> I7tn. 1881. Tb* shovo Baaiyaea i i ': --• a preterenc* lor

"Clevclantl'a Pvparlur Baklag Powder," BB! earopiaiaa <■ that t lath* ii in prepari'^ni -«aiia, Jaawal aiHssJik.

the pfae wrt, tbe Aiui'ricnii" are .; ■',„ i„ M-n.ii.. More Hit! 1'iili.iit t(.-.>l.. tin: I'iiiu ire... It - enrit ring tree in hi in, in the Blin|H.' of a

ii I M.ii.l'iil!"lne Kd. lie can Oil li.tOiH.-t <,ei,d hr.-allu Hi.lit

> ..."■ ' '• I.,«I..I»II.I.I. imire i . Ul»u). he can einitto

. i,. ,i:,., ,'HlMtltiebed and and a i iit.iuiM.-U Uek to healih. it-1 -a. •■ .mini liir on Pmv. h Wnrrwter,, iiiiiHii-intliroiiirfn'ii-opiira- Ha it.-. .: .t f r )i-:ii- »ltti rlieoinallnoi, tHK i.early l-rai a-:t*t"l for .tumm-aa, li.-l OUT'.'is t-i in. iitioo. Ordered i. ii' l. ..Itr-Mi, wliti fifli fn.i'raltl' n -nil*

i. ■'■ r i ?\ r f r a oiuiifoTter ut nania ! nb li en i f eraal t--ii^ni to me.

e only iu the l'luo-

LlT weal a saving I In .» I'Ufinr i.w'l r imitll rdif...ii

at »"■ "'i far t a •

vt Qii.g a grsnd camp r lha auaplcea of tin

fust, G. A It., at iba. town, 'i ll 'I 'il 'il- I'.inl tl Oil, ,lrr

iniri lr 'ru Hnviriiiil, i,)iiu. 9r<vbaj iport, Ipswich ui.ii

in ibe county, N mi, m , i.- i-ve.l m b'O C i-i.i dee l! -ii.ii, tn. .lir E.ane na» u- -

Ii ; . 11,, ni (.'..uiiiniri,;.- i-tJnmp D <k. u

truub id with. Iianr.ler* ol lhe diKeaiivB urgaoi TnalBMnj whussoapeoik r ill* will blaaa wita ^■oviyaad auddunly paaa away, wbde otheii

iBroW thin ■ . ■!..:,;-..,. ... .t,.„ i,i,ir, ,, ...t!,-r IlideaartbaWS agoiy Tor weaa*. NnuralBie in, in 'IffLTeiifiarth oflhe body will loruieal in. Thev will *j.ii;- lire and lieceuiedeapuinl' . AlUntalMil (haling Hin be lanitatilsd by ily aeaaattoaa, while li i:„ nui.,ii and dread iinocn.iinn ill "id paralyaa all .Sort. "The ■ ia tbe air, the beaaat of tbe a M and g-h oi the ae» will baanais dUaaiea. | "«■ I If the air ami Loiteaiug lhe watera el the globe." Wain lo.deaUiesther hood ISM thooe

ihnnigh ttata period of trial will h..vo lurjfer ei J . m-at ef Hi* aad heallh. Tbe

b willyie;.! moru auundanlly than .»ar be- lure. TbeaalmaJ ..-.[,...„, t, . ,.ie

ami Ine PRtlottged rerv nutertnlty. Tale pro- ■oagauoa oi lhe wl.l be owing to lha healthy

to aad magaeUa ii.aufti.cua mil pei- ti.'..- .',,- ato-Oapbetc. u M.I.M pcrbsiii c.o> Hi;., the prSBSUI redOMB of the ano, aad lha prat

ufa btlior vtlloi cutmic mailer, Ju.tii*d, ina ineatire, the |iredi.:Hon of IVoieoaor a.iiu.- iner, I'ui dlfturbfog a- hi* prediction u.ty t»e, we nre told lor our coiuhirt that Ike auaog ,m1 puia- bloodedaead havelhUBlofaar la ma.e ..;.«. ulea, ibotUMae Who aru delteale or ■ ■ i ■ i. ■ *■•* nhnuid udojit me .n* to keep trie ayale.n w. ll aup- uOi led .ui.I Un.' blood pure .nj tlmt the mon phiU oaopIdeal and eaeeiive ntetood of ng Uii, is io kti p lint L:.|iiiy» iui.i limr iu |..ud ceu- .ii.ion. t-'tuui the le-tiwoniaia Of Slieb BMB as In. In.. I..-..uuiid l',oi. II. A.tiuau. sl.n.. t>eaa ..I tbe I nlled Sutei Oolhtge, Sew Y,.rk. and UHHaaeniia oi iBStianUaJ SOU u aeeuia aim llieru m i»< jirtpiuaiitiu known lo hciraee iqual hi Waroei'a awlu Uure, irttUr knowoat Warner'a sni« Italeey and Liter Cure. Thi- nMuiclae baa Bcq ill e.i lhe Un,.lit-|,inaliuuol JDT pre, uralion lltat waa over, put up.iti lhe u.nrtet. tlinaiadl- .:TI l.lood puriller, hblcb i-Otittii-a BBll bOalS aU >nSno.*d orgi ne, ilieltgilieaB ihuneivouBayataat,

Hvatlun, pretBitia uaUaelmllabua oi lond in u i-l.ii..r.t(,i.i ui ;,i„i mauner. 1'Uil* tne i ■•■'" aga BBI elhiiatio < lmii,.„ and notarial m-

iU-i..f.un.i lhe .„- im Uveaie-itlo-whtckaeet. 11 In -'i .a Ii ii n ;unt :u theae "elil IUJB."

put prut tu dlkputeUMtcoireeiaeaa

»ITTEB AM aa taeta^egafc, Hoatriter'* Slowarh Billrri

!»• raearteg ato ■> i p.,Ki>B aadorsesasat •■in en-lneoiphyairlaa*. and ha* Ntag Seavpied a f x e.m rank nmerg a nnr'a"! aroprietary rrai-.'laa. ll* pn pailit.* aa BB :il'rn.IV- of itl- ■ ant,i»,i ,ow ■ I liana o' f - enmiwh, ll'^r mi aowata. « a preveali** m mni risi .i^t.B.> -r- ii.. 1 ■.. irm.»«.,), r.- ■! h*vn l-e.'ti IM-.H; ...■ eotphalip nuin-Kiiii im o in< n.'.ul ,n.

Por atle by ilnggittB and de-le-a >o wh-ro apply TB. blttalellei'* ilui. ae ti-v I -l .....t" t


w*a yoee lime lo eel Ir.lT. f'.r ., r I Ml ><-

iii-itli TKA9 and .OF. Th.r.i, a i-l *.rUrt a hcail. tirirl HtIM KO!*K nr ' IIPrliM, CHINA

• , i.ur own iDiTHirlatlnii.

I »\"r.*'•.*.',' '"-'rf's'"■", ' ",*"■' ' ' "'"' ' .-,/•"■ T.*>.i|V'.*^ «4... of »W wj"ujl-aMfc V..

THE'GREATAMERICAN TEA CO. P.O.BoxStiQ. 31 A J3 VnL.7 8t.,Mc»Yorlt

Special Course in Penmanship. ."» l^nsons for IM.50, IBHUIIIIIS St«tlattery «n»Jl one set ef Cannoa'n Co»y Slips fa

.p. Klrst beaaon Momtny ICvenlnR, Nov. 12, ad 7 o'elork. * tso, refpilW »ay and Rvealit-) Scanlona III Ottmasersaal l)-t'»rtinont. • our

aenil for elreulars gi\ Inj; parUeUliira.

C. C. C/.PJrJOr'J, Princioal.


8? £iSLai *-•

; ••IIT t(iT fltsBWIBf

Salesroom 286. RcsiJonee, 2S5 Com

r,n Street. llyrjan 1

lp'"i:'t\,!'r,,.'*r.,S,'►."'". ",h :|'"" ''" I" Hl'l^l 1'ietl.ilorewero . ri'.imt li • hUM pi li'ii h in ii y " 1 mily. Tt-y-re ia. h *i .r..; cr ». ii..-.|. i,.- c '''e'' u» '■■'""J hill, wl.ero the) we,

King, Cu T.IMM- ■, fo'inai y Lei: lualun, M..i


Alh-uy, N. Y , M r-n .'11-i. IMS.'. For a looi Hme n ha* iie.ii inr I.. I, i i.. uie

iraodreib'- Pill*. In Iko, I *iavp n- ,i m > »u cr*-inn tonne any .iitier in dklae, and II ..- ■rdsaierraeJ tilet-u-e ta»av list for iiHinu*. ru, draaeptla, and the utbtr lit* ul 'tie ry*. m, to wgich BteQ |n public I re ar nor; *|!

imn oih'r* io be aalj.ct, tfaey are an iuVA u- D-erenjedy.

JOMS (,'. Jac ns.


Fart ir»" n, In-iij(eatu:n, Ft.u' S t fan- IB I nil II attache, IO 11 rdH-ilie -Brand alb' I'll " Pur* and * ilip.e, i na* BO U.' carr thvy a e lau . 1 f lit 1 best a 1. fasua rd. ltl

— rVtiot.-S To.- The child

II - e

**B. It -\.' e fed t.

ten-it, Ihitibpeiaed wi'o vma

ilui-n J: ii ii ,ic. A leiWatda Me

' 'nin-1. in.11 i]i< inaivh t.kiu b|.

.HI, wt.ere ti it-n-t t ib I- cui- '- > I wl. Mil 1 ll 111-' CltDJI - • < I" .1 :.l . I I,IU -...„i .1 l| ,u-

- ,:-,i ,- IUU.MI boi •- bhotii) alter . al. inn. n | i- wub il elr

MIM-ItlOK t'OI'kT.

gubhur BSr.ers. tin's.,;::.:- sitGnofffTKWa^la^kK

ITtce, twciiU Ova eenta.

n III! »■.: Bliataata ba- biea idifn undi rt. K- ard a*« OIMB tailed. B'y'a Ureeta, ttvar, "b> a hi.e wenrfemiin the bslsnu an I

■*■'■ al eaeiii'i " . . ...»rieiaa. »|'t.dy •tin aad ptaaaasii i ur* lor Cata.-ru and C.'d

a ■■ad. ih'B'eu.'Bi.l perm.ns have m ltd ti i. hnet. ''Bty'a Uieaas R..m h » Go I d," Wr.te MM. M A. Jaekai.n. ot I'oria

ta ath, p. ■., ■■ u,, 23d, li82 "1 bad Usiarrfe'or Ibrasyeatsj had tred n*«riv »l; leoitdiae. l.ui h. an ■■ : . ■ Twi or three

■inn a Veil eiv noss wand Meed i.n t. Ireeh < id I i «|M ina SuffcS in it WBH ti niter lu-i.l Tuer k* a* ha* eared ma." Tuia preparaiion • neia ladder .a and la aaaily appntd.

Can M,I...|' ' af. i lo i i. r ui -r Wllh in i.'ea. a, at .Be lrjett.rn when a plestunl and airiaiB cure i* av baad .' "Jfiweod

A •lOIKMlTlliuihaglvli g. at- - -

Chleaao, III , Oe.- tlh, taSS. Iteeeived nf J, I.

i.l-»,'li« l"...*..t.T»i Bk-t.tni I, 3.11 W - A jar lr* al-,. ,

■ U •. Mo. ta wonlv'nii

It] the hupenul C

■ni . Jii.ltte bn dg

.-e Ill GudMI. v,

ii-.l. for lliu (

15.3. I ...1 ci i N ■

T srslay, c vll the | iiy. In U.n

•II A. MalUe ra I-

ii HI 'he num... ILI..-..J vs BOOM


•Ml-li '

e IB waere p alL* nut, III.: d.-fviidani Mild lo the l«i iii4 ol a ■ OAI'JC lor

Tit ■ ii-'- In o III.; 813 K'.tglii V-.. j|u ej ; C33, :.I,;\|.| v.. 11 (I,.

>;.',(, \J..-.T», - b-,. llU'l- V J G,".j KC*

v>. lli.i,. v; 1NU. limes > •. K Udell, eg.; 1224, Martin *.i. Duacoii, iryj.

Mill,.-a vs. McBride j 1238.Ur«y et al., v.. Perkinsi IS65, Hieker vs. Lovej-jyi 1281, tttanley vs. Lynn, la^J Uufie vs Burke; 1285, e*i.ih vs. MuKliiuey] 1295, Pope i*. Pdge; 1331, Dillon vs. L. tin; l.ili, Jtyan V-. I.'. Ml.

I'vXbYESfaMl ohTAlf liriT. and t,

"' !:■■■: BELT CO.,MAMMIX,lira

X'tJEE nroiA

'I'-IIIASMM, <VHI1T*..(iV(, .* nAH, KAM.RA VA'.I.KV, l' -■ r U l.i I M,

>!■; lit . |nii".,;ii„i olbers. Aloolinelt pun i -1 rln tlator. ; '■ : i .. >.. i. ... ■-. n. i't i ntt ii >ui>l*. Sold by BI

.1 'r» .inttN r, ruil.i.ll'ri, A ( O., Ateou II i., Tea »'ete i.«Sm«bi,

* 1'. aatlvaoS Slrsiarll Sh

Ol u I>\1I.Y DIIKAD.

11 ■ ,v in ' . ur iin ml or btaeutt l.a> c n vnsl i; , 1,. 0 [IllOUdl! 11,1' OH. 'alive organai

"r,'', ot'li". hwnoij r. Iliwimpi

1 lllllile II-. .1 '.-"'ll,',' li 11- ■ i ii <l n tumid run iy r, H it wten w,' ll VU Ills)

1,1,11(1 "he cd.ii.- Ami J. , noivii -i. (idine, ll t e l„eta.

ONBt MP110N CVIll.U. An old rhr»l.'i.*n, n fred irom pmett. e, bav-

m« had placed In Lit hamla dv un IV.M ion.. rni«»|.inir.v ibsfarmala <>' a ample vrytut.ti remenr lor (La tpecdv anil permanent me oi L'tin»uBiptloa, Brom-hitlM eisirrh, Attbma i ill 1'liri.Bt and Luna * * lion*, a I In a poult lie and iadica.1 cure lor McrTiius D.btlity and HI,

woiidcrlai i nraii»e puwiri in ibunKSiida ..' eame, ha<) lelt a bit duly to make >t knot a l c hi* ■ f! . e Iw'h.e e. Actuated l,f I lilt n . iii. an.i a detlre IB relief a baman snoeilng, I ei,1

tn-n.l tree at charjtc, to all aho dtalra it, tin* rrcipe. In(l»nn«n, r'rinet. or Bniliaba "lib lull diricil'inH for trcparina au.l u>ii>. fiii.t ■ .

iiyli.V,- rp li-i.l htiad ehe, .lo'i,,iiy muy -i. ippelt-e. Sti-iv ru.iy look palrf If tu, ;i,-1 JO e ti inr. it Roapected. Tne weather, ,e* el out 'lour , [r, or Biilne other eauae, U

.;'!';'! <| "W.dBoe.*on'.' N^'TMreVoir! i ih .ul I ie im..le '.I rood, Bused hbeat ,i,i artintdtno Sue, tlctetsi or baking , r, ebiib liirr.Ubaa tb. r.aing prup<riwa, cat iuporti.I)ie, and of it

A COOD mESTUHT. The a*a>li*aa-l 'all., la (tie we Id I* thai

wltlck ■faraad by tetae aeaa. kuneai . at ■■ avaste-'ike head er band. Waalih lhat BIOII

It HIM t* BB ■•.*,* ofikBeiiacityeri lanaaer. rid U sever SSI lei'at'B'i 11 ikil which t* eei Bed. U. T ;, ., , ■ are tratrl ne ali• .a. ie tbe peer Lau*. hf in.en tflhetf ■ • a • eeejefae at ga La thi o, » ■-1 * dlrsettoa Tbev weal rieha* a« a beaad. taayhavasaea elkari ail ibetf tbaaua by saSM laeky *i ecu a ex sanaeBura, >*a a ■•■ i*.'a tbev roe de tit aea»e Sain*. Ssastuntsah) ia **•* ineir lint ttaar, Vhlek. tee ie eae,lhey a-ver i>* again,

lha xiniie trade baa tealewed upit-e asHSBSS adBa M ,*• ef tatoaJsre-giveak.wi ■ aa n ai n ii i «i .i*-.B-a •>• v * re- **-- ■ e* •ibera '•■■ e*' * • •■' ■ •■ 11 ■••n ra-*> ii |,i. f*... .. : all i

a«a it..a>'.b nan I.I» i a>e 'wr,.l ■>■*• a a ».*■.• • a—aeaftb] a , •ar b *e O . laeuwae' * jtei'ii* lie. • kh it IS* a«v**l et S aea eearf t«ai . leiea'lit le ■ ■•• -a ,M.|ii>aiti, ma - I.I.I a. 'keaaao- aV , ae>i*al#an, -»•»« e*B . m aa a. a ■ i » ■. ' ,■ a «-■ *■ 4 it li I B a ■■ B .... vaio SVi. a.i ■ a:a *av eee St ilir B aae'i.e , » * M tea* *■ "«#.■■»■ ••>>"** aed.i a , e aetae at ■ ">* aa< .i.m - « « * wa k i> a a lew ear a. S a. atatav, *»'ee, h 1. S ei>

ii \wl tiS.faV^ir.1 w?r..V;* r te Wastes Sasat. si lab, "m t ,u »., j asztjtoaaaa,

reovew, MLILarai at Ce-, IVi.i rUtora r. dawweelseweis i

MR. E. MARTIN. IB I'orter'a Department or the V. S.

Aiani.ry, tsprtnglield, llnan.—Intrr- latiag tstutennot of Ma

Ms fi l I !:;■«.

|fe»a are plain ,

I A Cheaper Fuel than WoaS or Coal

THE UTRilCI GAS CO. laealllaS COKK al the tollnwing price*:

Per Chuldroj ef It Ubli.,deilveren #6 OS .. ■• 7 ■ ■. t M

Fci harre., " *■ JM Orders nuatbe fialikessiceei Snoaaapasd

the Ccke pa,,! ler at ibt etbao a ,'IV.

IF n prevnled by ill t.ealth.fn.'n enjoy-

)<u nil dcaire lo ie uatoicd to

To Lh-te eke '■


FIME__FIJRS. XVv hnvp now rt'iitly it largtJ ami cliolro slock or flno fairs,

nil fif our own iiiuiiutlicliirt', whicli for aiuullty, style •■<■ workinitiialilii »;.-.iiun be suriiasscil, a'onalalln j of

Seal Skin Dolmans of the Latest Shapes, Seal Skin Saccjues and Ulsters,

Fur Lined Circulars and Dolmans, IN ALU QUALITIES AND PRICES.

Muffs nnd Collars, Fur Trimmings, Etc. Alau, a l.uruc^ind Co,iipl.'io Aa-urtui.-nl nr FU< ROBES. (Wlemcn'a Par l.l.,..I «,..,», SEAL CAPS AND CLOVES, wet ..... .*- n .iMTlulty «,r Fine t-iitl lo utca.ure and

IKarantata i.t-rl'.-.-. Mituntrllon u. ... nt. quttlllr and |>rlre. Old ftenl Niir.i.1.'. rt'dycl and made over ln»aup«rlor tnnnner.

E. KAKAS.404 Washington St, Boston.

»" ^UAJU -I- Xiit .„„„,,,„ a|,.u. Knirinii.1. Fa-I.eril teeinttaelB Sea temic Stu.lin*. Mioli-, I'nieniie. lr.ln-.-rnl H.-.W.vr art-l .■'re at -Hirl.e-. • - I r ••*>. ••

$WSIE32SgSkl _ sTiuriiiiu HIRAeV. Sit-LEY »5t' CO. Rochestsr, N,Y. Chicago, 111.


Steam Machine arpet Beating ZD-^-ZEJ HOTJSB.



MR.J.T.TSKEB. Dear Sirr—I Hihe iileis'irn in r CBramendiilg vour Carpel'Uealiag Haeklat as we have never had our work done as isUatheturllv batoia, Tha aaraaaS are returned M a leekiuc iiln.o t a™ In '.Jii .1 ■ new. Youra truly, I It A l.l. !■,-, r I. Art kg.

LawSRNCE, April IT. MK.Tncr*. Deal "Tr:—Wraro hii-py I ■ ssy that In our einorlcine o( nearly ferlr VBBra.W

lo «» no thorourhlv cle»n»ed,- a'd have never /alt such r— li-n relin-ncd irom your e*taltli*hanenH

Ite-poetimiy youra, llr.and *Jra. B. B. I1ATDSH.

We, the undersigned, bad our C.»r|iutd beat by Tree*, Hew Iktaai Carpet Btatar.aa ndor.e It In the lijghael terma,

CharlSfl OlarkJ, „ P. H. Peirrnn, Hotliaea,

lee. satiafbetion with ihe wort,:

t;itKrHATi»N. nr Mil'RAia'A. or

.,uatutameeycee( your lubt Mr*. J. W.l'

les 'lartwell. J li. Mirae." on Uliailuak, II. 11. I'hilllps,

ami man* oih"ra.


*lv fe lit I3,n r.'Ut

1 l'i

.1 pe

ii banco. -I Ihu put lew ne astiDhliDce „r verifl- i« eeiUie.a* above Mated, MUgb in!uiuinj be legerdt

POTiBi'f I ■ >a -. ., i rl Ur IM, ?-i.i.ia»tde. alaa . A Dr. Ms-«e eb): "I hK

.rd Ur. Kanln

I. Bt of thorr ilS,-

lepviasa kbo*. v »■

t n. i »t I. l.-,.rl I »g*«i.t Hi-|i«*alliildy e - ten-. It laadut) Wohbei ..If, ...i-i t,i. i, !,.>«-. I.i min. 11. e lie -if.., m ol lutaaii I

1,1. l.hl.ln

t riiiy thtr

late. I ii.. hied ■ » .iilur.Hei .-■ -r>i i*: . | .i.ritLi. f He a orn

o rch-1. Mil Kill a lib liKwMiY i. tie i iiiiit* -.—I haee rec i. ii ... eevtt el> a w< t

pi. I, III! lifledb] lhe

..i.i pi.a.,:.|c

IK * ..i thai lb. T. u.iy the

Retire 1 from the I'nelti'.

Mr. C-TO. iiua I. mad, color n, !-■ at '. e Pacilc ISIIIS bss aiccB'eil a •imliar

position wltb in Idcfrsaa of a i.aiy si tb*

U nb. in u.ll.s, Diver, N II.

Hi. Whl.ii-a.1 has been in tbe -roploy

if tbe Pit-He Mills aince lf5«. Us

wan a CM Hlber nf thn ■ ■■ ■,■ m r ,J

fio.ii ward ii in 1881 sad Iw.' and pro Ted

a ViiiUiMi and ritli lent rnembi-r of

he board, lie lenvia S large clicle of

iriebda bere, who Wblla reaue't'i.g tbkt

toni;-. im ■ sa»oclal ious mut"'. be g, eeied,

1., u nttab,'! "i Grecian imUe ol nlasuns

IglO ol et.ttll « I , thi I

|.,li ( li!L|.*t»N iBkllUB

|Hi Bbd - i ■ ■>- ii ul vii.i rtud ii d ■ IJIUI with i. »eedB*t(.ee.nn.l (..-.

rt. Ui" i dtaebtery i

• Bueia, ■ ■■ I ..■• i and eaersy ie I

I'tirev wind e<".e. loibt

A>>,,le ryilrin. '* *-. ■ ■ i . i ■ . ■ . ■ !■ * i a i !■■*.. i« ptassasa »

i ir la-le, iBf a re..rtpll.,ii .duaeol ha<ild -■-I ami tn-i.1 IrB.air-phyeta *ua aad a . ... In u . ' i ,■ i, *i.■! . for ale »• an druaei iir'tii.-ii.i.ii ihe aorld. I'r'"- "

Pleawl ar

It I v .a. U'JI'UHM'.- 11 ■

Tlv rie,.:t I.I IM lul

We havo a _ ipitaiu ail the liiSir-Bi eiilorv rna Hum, ,i Jr, ibe eiRertnt hind* aid txea ml of ihe v, j .( .

rr«iSi»^.'^-,aS«XM •Umdai 7


IH HAUD l« »f T, MBT W fill! WATSB. SAVFft LA MIL, TI watea'. SOV" AMAI- lalOLY, and f'rtt enl»e.*»l • >': -<■ ' !>■■. No fn^iily, rl'b or peeve*... ]J ,. er.booltl.

Sold by afl • ressis. *Sivrs**tf ln<itBiioas •ielldeai«ii«*. leavi-lrad.. »MA«afirBl la tLe

rir lull. ui.. .*,!. r.A.i niifiiv. IH, thr !i,;j„l 1 OXLT HAL-'ft, labor earl ne e»mp(iiini1, and >Hit|lk-i'i« robin the nriaiiaal pn^.r,j.B ,„-. ilwarelJaart theabiva ayiaheljBndnamBol

inution isilag plBie. The JASHtS PY1A. MLVt TOttat. _


OIL BUCKING KprpB (he Tfarweee keen

rfUEEsrafa nu i HK sn«. Sill.nt. Hiitlimt IwlwriBg.

Olla Willienl *. nitamieg. Klackans W llttont < rerking.

otrARAHT&ico rt :::■: AND ritcic FROJI ILL ACIDS.

P. A. O. CO. 9SS \VeahlnKtnn Bt., Boston, H*u,

wdielii n i

. -■• ■ r i I WbliT l«oiher*,.-l-ip n. Brl. tuBl butw ■■ i ... ■ (n in K. >nrj

■hat Ue' rAVoblil KIVIHT Ml dan? If

n- a oe, •!.,: 1 iruat i on.a Blbi t ink nr.) ri »- dl-c -a. ■'. ce a. an b bear ol it,ami try tie

lir Hand Kaeiedf. KATOlllTK IIKMgfV i* fl"i a mill, eaeet. • t ihr butasn > IM where rtd. raewtfceiB ■■..»» LOI har*». K..*.,i. He • 'a.- ■' t , 1 - a i at .11 .II. Ill bit A >,i-

■ i '■ - It -er* letneatBor il. ■ tne bhayl, io *..i a'e' pur Set n laaJlrs>aa«r -ttdi.ej ir . ia. Invar • ■ . , « an, i *al . . on < i tin How.-la. a 4 die S-l.t-.-ii .."-naem t- l Hi i• i.i we en, lb- ■' ■ > i •■ * » v i . ■■ KCblX

I pr. i ■ ii m i in

a7a*SttM^A^ Z&&&1&L l I. >*|ital,


lllg I U

boeal Trenlmenl eel)- re*)'iir d. ;.i. i -.i.,. . i ■ ,',-.-. of ''i.'.a'i.Bi Uajuuba. loiiubiAim. '*"i,. i im.'.f. IhtSTnrr

iva. I mr si on, ir .■'.-... II a Bt.Hi »)r>ngv .-■■: BT all i BCalftet by h nil. neiircl, .. «>■!. on 1.1. i i ol prli e, UetrriptitB 1 irutin ■ • oe a- :■ ■ ai ■ it. ..alt. A\h llf>( V 'W Hl'l ]< r-i CO.

liei am i, allCll.. or V. iM', IM, . Sold In Lawrence br Keller A Hud ■ce ftloek.

9 ar r Vane raarV 1.



W llbor'n Cod-Liver Oil .,,..] i.*,,,, p. I-....i,. ,. io have itaai iskiue Led Liver Ot will ti ,■.-•■■ I ti lenrn i'i WIILOr I a* iU« ce led. iro'.i .!:r". i- n -. . r : r n- ■■ I ptofea-ioaS

■ml hs cBectt ia t.un« c uiplami* ircnuK uoi .te.iul. Very aeanv p i-s a t,: „,-■,. .,,. . pntanaeee hnpHf**, ami e h . used the clear U, i lenar tin wiltioa' mar-el ifeei, biv« he* aailretj OU e-1 ,y n-u,, tin* l,n'par..ii.-ii. IIF

. - ami .ft the •-■lima-, M»i,uWured on \ *y A (I. ■' t .. . .!, n .... .. M,ij ),y fl

FAltMi:US wil' takeaottaethat GATES'

GARGET CUR£! For t .■ tore and Trerent on e[

Oar.r;«t in Cattle, urn. I ll'-../!., H'-I'MI-SI,..-, mi.. ,i

, |,r. H.inif 1, i, . *S*n eafll

W< ibl. T. * b Kt B or • in lif t

■ IH.IV. Yn, p - ■ ■ ■■ ulle let

90 reel., ne^.i- (.erj lhln)lvt

I'den r.eilpt.r er iBIumai

A lni'ly will ualt on Ladlta. . v. t in M a n ., b.vaatats, li-

, Lawtiei.e, i .. . i. .lr. noil

. fortfint* I,, Inrel.. I ..air Bta.

FARMERS Kaow hy oaperleaie, it pays tnani, ilurln

their bnay veaaon, 10 euaw dirtcilj to

M'.>:: i: HK i: x ST it H ET lor ovtru'tio,! in our line, wb-Talneyre mn

p.enibt ailioii'-n au■: tha

lliailiCKt I'tinli Price tor their prinm. hmile* gitung liulr UrkSsi

in* atbaigjln* tbii surprise arersboa>, We Quote a f. w :

b'ery Beatr^miy Ciaeheia Tois.t tbe. S a Hood I'.etry rinur, 0 * raeey it .Her i>ro-«n flour, Puie Itio UorTce, ]

.Best Yarifty and all grades of Qrocerio'?,


OI'r\ RSStCZl HAV1NBS BANK. Tilyu.,1

Manhood! IIYT*

KHCW THYSELF. i IKK 1(1 !llll It I


PSA :o|.y UEDlCALlkSTItl TICDoal m.cnU i«. Till- MM.ill Ol' I in i UK i-l 1 I I'Itl MlllATIIilt, 1 ■ \i-,.ii-h.| VUnlitv

i.ine In ' mi. ur VltSJiij lini.airiri Lv the ■<•", oi Toutb, or '••» clbeb applicatloa ,t> ii.ti-t., mm I e rcBtnid ar.d manhood re

A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that will play any tuna, and that any

one, even a child, can operate.

Liic sccidsnt and Firs Insurance. JOHN EDWARDS. AGET'iT,

Insurance Ag-encs aaraaisKNin THI: rutto.,

t'. IJ ft t^in»|Cri,»,SMf.,u.r...ii0i^ltl«ra. t?'Vt O. D WB*-* '1'"''7 la.:.a, ttlt-h 1.1 ttie PAIMS |s»-*s»'»*»»»!s«

F< bnaylvei 'J <t "eon.

W**i!tchcAtM, Hew fork Uutwrtown, View V- ih. Orient, llnrnord. Conn. fcltf lden, Cur nesticui.

|gt Nritl.Mn.1, ftcr

Im.oriul \- >Jorth<« o,K

I.ondt i Aeeurmice., Kn

Trn\ i-l flvrt' Ufa end ACCldoiit u 11 BI .1, Cc

Btiite Mutual L>ita, Worcealcr.i THOMAS HHVINCiTON,

as ■asa>ES)ttaeti m - immi, PoitOffics Ooa 38.

QOLli UZDAL, PAEIo, ^878.

sd aad .■■ ■!. j',i-i MI1.

t'5 the National Had

rt»>- acti-. »cit »y LIFF. ; on HKI.F- PliKlt-.IIVATHtl*.

, lieyond »lleouii.Bri,onili.-niei-leMrnot.Ui,nrv miik on I l.ifi,.l.|'.y c.ei pul.lii-ti.d. Tie,en

'Hi' i i..,!.'. • r ui.'h o know hut » l-i.t ia lull) ■ ii I«N...I - [ i kaoet II... BClt-At"Ii (IF LIFFl oil SIII.F-

Pltl HKRVATIU*, * a mnrv.-lol iiil nnd Lfiiny, ue in nil to be a

'H ri.-i nt.-tli. ril Hit i, cvrn un .n.iincanbe •btaiBedi'lecaberar 'loui.le Hit price, ur (he ■i I »ill t'e uleii.n.l in r,.'i n.Mlioi e.—

[ S. II— TOI'NtJ nnd Vll nl.K atQKD MEN

'«u ■■"■•.(■ much Hi, f, run; and rinicnae hy eading n c ol Lt'coreoalrrr i b

br„lutrl,j poee

Bvod. [tboettre*

ndmin.My adapt. .1 f T i.n.ilid* n weU as ie*r«rBone In health.

Sold by IfrorerH i-rcrj-iihera.

..)■ nn.'. ed n id I '-e;i other. Uml lha mi „ h mil, .nil i.c nmni.d dan >g tbe m , If . e..i I -.. us. aul -I'Uuul p.'i-oo.u mmuienls imainBtoaid raiiieu.e hmitb, nu i.mvt li- i

■ il-. e-.-i ui |. .-„i, : ni tl d i'vio...i.r,. t.i!,i,t. :, UbibelUy* Biking

on.aliW1 ' ffi'thont Tlie*' taiaouaHTiuo. nuiLnmna. ftthotit T^ie^' ! la/it'.iitiuT ii:.)-. nu, „. , . »¥ iii.iii.«.»iiLrraii5. Dooat I tiey B9gnlate tno Circulatiim of raariii0H»,4w»iitoa, 1 ih. mrrrai! aw. »,.oon».coR5icai.

lete aaxiUfl.tnt of Wiiiligl ■ j I It's

r I .Soap i "Itesjgb

1 aiid yoB won'; lisve aucii irooble.

Mrs. C. M. HOAAAN,

PIANO AND ORGAN, •HOG lisSHX S'i h i i r

ti ,.'.'■.. *!.■•..lin-iy prerent CoDBIt ABB CtiLOB. I ' ' an a uVavSaT tltrfitlin /i -..n.t». a Safete/lVMBMaBrytm Made to IHany I SII.IN «, ITU SEASON 1.1 (.IN* O OHISB4.

■ a>lm.h,Id.I.'l.J I.7.MB..I1WM., j ro, „Jlh.„,„„„„u„„.m,„.„,,,A[.

the ESTIEE BODY, prevent Cold Peoftjaa Corrueatea ana ur npad

.l..ari.ln,rroalmp.rr..iclrc.ilntl™ ^ln«r,oo.lmp*rf.clcirctilnl!nn, , anxoMATis.ti «r ta. ...t*nd... i ,..,.,I

truL.1,1.. .U.,lmpl7 pr.Trnt Cou.a. ... . ',„.. lion lor,

BAKER & CO., Dcntalcr, Mass.




QHEBEO TO LIVEEPOOL, EVKKI SATURDAY from MAY i;. rtK RUBS Maklna the anoiiTiir otmak TSTaOk. Unl FIVAIiAta fio'i, l.iie-l to Kit Ktm Wrs.,1

• *t.i, InurmcilBte »l(>| Pitp. ktioroi, .te-.n^ t I r. .-(■: A M. !

. Sir* Vi.le, •In* B.i.i . ,-i, ..-,. I,.-.,I ..r bibaesd end *i>4A.ija-aurmi iy (en (•ampmjttJ*J, unu.»t • . 'P*i °.-1Q* sakiaaBi and

i njr. ■ all ■ 11... a i


- :..n^.A-_. •-J.H ;» .li.:ai./JlMJ.*ik^aBBaj

I '■ - 4 e i^'Liv 'I'taklTlSIBBflllJBjt

■■; :??^zmm3a


,K and FILE

Kepiitilieiiiin, Deniocrnta and Oraaa- baefcers nil llnripy. RoMaaoa conl- 'lenl, Batlor and Moody I toy a ton fetal Hiiiy. In fnct, a fcrllnpc „r.nii.fnrilen porvades the whole community, for


irf?.IISM WiNE ( The Trao Wiao ot Eealth )

li Ibranle by all flrnt-'rlnaa druggists It nets directly upon the Mood, iiurlfy- Ingaild atrcnKthenlnglf. Anil by so do- Irtg Btnngtlutis nn<I Invigorates tha ivliole nystem.

Ask for


B. F. R.YM3N0, ■ Sol. Pr.pil.'or


Andover Advertiser, ri>iu-»iu

tverj Friday Morulnf,


Pott Offloe Block, Lawrence, Maw. SUBSORIPTION-PoBtng-e Prepnld--

• a-60 par year, frum which 60 oente wUl be deducted for atrlcUp advance;

' ptyniBai.

Tho Circulation ol the Uwrnnct Am*H- oan Is the Jarreat of any rjuperln the County, and more than Three Tim**

087* Bate* of advertising tent upeaapplication.

Entered at the Poat Office, Uwmo* "«•., for tranamienloa through the malls na aecoud-oiaaa matter.

Ii&WR -•

rhe. Daily American Pnbliihsd Ertiy E«*i*«*

the Lnrnaet Daily la tha city. 1 row- Tunna taw CTrsraleSlea a!

■OBSO^ advenes: ■*>*ar, Sa.00 I Si* Month*, a


OEO. 8. MEBBILU Pr»»ri«f >


lath* larg-watand moat t aorowsrktT fa nlehed la Bestern Maanaehaeawa> With atodara prennae, and eoaanaa addition* otthenawaatetylee alTyaa we are able to turnlah the beat «nalM ot work, allowprlowe. Ordersnyaan prompU y attended to.



meroluldlnll mor, Room Paper, fJ two rations ' W. K KICK, ttfl K—n H|'Ml.

BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Caah- merea, bilk fringe.*. Buttons, UIOTM, a*

A SHARP* . i:.i.,ii,i gaaci Sire** BOOTS A SHOES, a Hill aad

complete nock, al price* to null the HIM. P. S.UOBINtJUN.til BoaeiBtrer*.


H. P. B 4KD. BeeeiStreat. COOKING STOVES, lUnfraa,

furnacsa. Sole sxenl Mac ■* Stores JOHN r.BINuHAU\V»K>Mxr<-

FW. MINER, Hat and BO«B« „ • Blaaobery, IM teaes Otreel, L.w>e*o* Mai.. U«(ii>' Felt and bLraw Baas a specialty,

ljuyl GBOCEBIES, Flour, Tea, Fan-

Of sn-1 Produoe. «H\rrucK BBXM. anr. Bseax. ineilnn

PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shades aa iMxiures.

E. A. rnUK, m Baeet Street. PHOTOGRAPHY, sole llcen«*ae

for toe city tor the Carbon r*roces ea. PBANK RUSSBLL SUIiMiki.

SEWINU MACHINES. TheMaw Home, Uoiue.ltu, attmln*tuo, Minger *ed

Haw Howe. W. BAtikR AUU,Agents 371 Etiti Si.

TAILORS, French, English aad Ata«ric*n Novelties.

F. W.acHAABK ACO.,Poatuanc Blork TAILOR, Imported and Doman-

llijiaji U UKNS1K MOK4K.1K? Essex street.

AN NIK S. COOfEK, Drrw and Honk Mikrr, l-li tHoiolirM. Over Warrru'i-

Cioitalug Store. ljnl


BBS MHI street, Lawrence. Oae.Ktber and Co orotorm Administered.

ClOLItUttN lUto'S,---DAILY I'Al'KKS ^Chromo*. Boa; ravings. Periodicals,Stationery

»awj Uooda. Picture* framed at abort .olio- •No.JdlGsaexttreet

c 'LARA H. ROGERS. Dlseas-r* or WO- ■ !>*<■'-lii. Ill Ks**x "treit. Law. 9 hour-, £ to*and 7 to I p. ,

D» F. MILKS. DENTIST US i , i'■■!lit-,.■ Bluet, Laerente, ...h or htiei adininlsicied

DK. M. J. HILL. pawoiax.

Tailor treel, ne ir Ibe Common. Offlco* houri 1 to * and '. in ii I. m

DK. 0. W. LB DIIKB. LaT^aue D«a. tal Itooma, t .n ICnaext at.,

b-i-t m QUID TeeUi «iu. rarnal BcU «l and apwirda. teniriiarT tV Teeib reatt on nuw plate **. GOKI Filhng-, II and ui>*»r-l>. Hi- Tar riiiain.Vta Boue ri.lloia.lM Toeth B|. trauteo, JVc Una ail lalxaied lorftOj,


DR. F VV RKVlNGrON, D-nilst Miicf'nr to Hi c. * .«fiW lar.ttl Ka»ci

fttaaL Lnwrtoie. UBieeU um: 8 BJ lo IS, 1 .T.i US. U,.t II i-M I V . H,-!,III)I lllllU V H. !'. | ii

DK U. T. HOWE I' b.ihn !,.,.) .'•!,■ (eon, oillri', '.';ti K»<i i at., Keanlencts III

1I»»<TII )l fl. ulli..c. Iiuui'h : 1 (o 3 BM I LO Ii p.-. ijoa

DB. 8. W. A liltOTl', <jllk-.- 181 H.r. Mill: dtroei, oor. Jackaon, Ka-idenca ItONcw

bury Street. II i j mJT

DR. J. S. KIDDER, DBNTAL 8UK UKON, No. 371 Baaez Street. Lawrence

Maai. Uaa, Chloroform, or Etber flron, aa pre (erred. Cloaeddnrmi Aaaoat.

UeiiJKtiK A WilirriKK, Cboico Qr« OTIC. strioUy Pure COS'B,, oni— a and

ChoioaalTuaa, I'ho boat Dairiesoi Mult-r and Oaee«e. m Aiooiburj afreet.

W? H. HARRIS, Trn»ur.T of the JTJ*B. Hunt Maohme Co., 8M Broidwa;.—

Torolue *V-u*r Whaeia, Pulling Hilla, Wa-hcra r*ilin< Slouk*. Uls*. (tisKulaiora, Ac, Ac. Plane arnltbod and all mill woraoune.

BU88I _ auTooa

Portralta and Landacapi »HMir..Li»m(rici.

GC HOWAKli M. O -'Ml I. It> ■.!■!■ IN-.■

Outoe Hoor*. Ulnll., <n . 2 t„ :l

181 K-«. a iden HI. - i.o8p a.

HOLT & CO., ICE DEALERS. Office with BuKben * Hack, wa Baeea iireet,Law

aaoo, 4Ma. apritllr.


l.awroQuo, Mm». PeraonalattenUon to aDbual •aa lii'iiii

ZFOI.GER, DPitor in Hp^ciaclea tad o are O ■■**, tella the i e>t or "peciac'ca

at itiioulm prlrua. 371 tw Btrert. If 11


R. H. EDDY, 67 State St., opp. Kilbv, Boston Seeuroa Patents In the United 8t.ur«; tlen n> Ureat BnUin, rrance and other lorelxn coun rlee. Co|iloa ol the claimi ol any PatenL lur

nlahflil by remkting oncdollar. An'iRiinirntkir- oorde-t at Waitlilncton. No Aicnov In the Uni- ted Sim.:* |)0*Rea>eBRupeilorraollltl«a for ob- talnlax I'B'.untaorascertainlnK the pata-uiahilllj ofinfeiui'iiu. B.U.EI>1>Y,»ollcltnrolPatent*.

TESTIMONIALS. ■'I regard Mr.Eddy aaoneoi the ronitoapabM

and auooespfu) practltlonera with whoan I haf* had omc.Ul interr.ourae.

CHARLES MASON.Commle'rof Patent*. "larentoraoannoiemploya peraon moretrutt

worthy or more capable ofaecurleg for Ihrm aa early and favorable conaldcratlon at the Patent Ottce."

BDMUSDBUBBE.LateUom'rorPeienW, BoaTOo.Oot. IB, IATI.

B. H.E»PV,E»q.—Dear rflr: yon |»rocuri*u ror ate In l-ttD. my Ural patent. Sinoe then you have AcWd for,and advlnml mcln hiiniirmiaoi CUM, and procure! many pntrntn, ri-iimoea and enen- atoaa. Ibave nccu»lnnalW emploved the OMI atrnolea In Now York, Philadelphia and Waah- ■gtoa, but latl.lglve youaiuoit tha whole of ■ r bualonaa.ln vour line,and adviae otberito ■ P'oyyou. Youiktniiv, _ ___

' UEOBGXDBAPEB. B ton.Jan.l.lHs:. lr* *


A LIVELY SCENE. Twaa np to tbe.-katio* Bmk wewpnt

Mybeatgirl ami rut aelf, togebrrj The on-on nilahtlv ahnne, lie wind did bowl,

fbalcold, iroaly L'«ht ID November.

»i. » nh ihecld?" she pay*, "Krratite 1 am to nnl'i iimsic aa to belong lo the lealnlae pender and tbi » br deiirkeii ol ii>ornrlDf my wiailng appairlat Mcinell Biolhm.'" 1 a*ld,-They have imii'' ■ lien H if id tudrneaia at iil'tmli

'Tw** openlrg nlabl, Ibc Blak wai tiled. Such a r-tghi we r e*rr di I bear Id,

Be MV 1.1 in ruin Itv ii.onniiil on wheele. Tout a, middle »(M, giaytaaaded and old.

Tboie lift, fia 111 and tlft overeoau at Blck- aell Broiler* aievonby of ite nnlireoi all wbe want a rir*»*r, ■tylleb, anil dLrable Of crooat far a Hi lo moner.

H" ti i' nor. ni fim, HJCVI rarr.i ing apart. tgeyrnenplilrr, Hfi ar—

UentirBira tn nred orteerndvrwetrarehi. vtlrn no inatal UM aummotb atack at Bid. ncll Brother,.'

At qnatter part nine thr roof atruok three, IwawsaifnaHorakateit toait.

1 h- |.i 1 of had hanlly oleaml the loor. when lao piifmilonal* on the ice baa lit.

I.I J tiiin ri » Im arrlareod nf an Cvrrcaat wh<h h-n In It ttvle, ifaiitv, lerfecllon or It am* diiratillUf • or b t • d, up 1 vli-,1 toraamlne tlio e flric |leItonOveroo«t)atBlokaell Broa.'

Charmi d by (be mnn.o of id) Ina' Baa '. Til v k.nrd f.iiTh Wllb 'iltlf i.iTiliin lion,

Itte bo'aan* girlaal1 covrr d heir if ea Wlic, UM r rolHil away in nl-in ilev ti&o.

1 tnld mi alrl how ar-bamed 1 aboald be Were weuat Hi -ic be admired.

And .he rhoi-ld dm b upon >■> T rner, And pretend to bi ao very tired.

St a'er* keep yenr heada k-vrl hy wearing tre Wli oi Uata. wlih the rib nt ventilated aweit lea bei. tor aaletn Lawr. nee only at Bkkaell Brotbi r*'.

The profeaalonila went the tumblers eaao, S me ol ihe aoya Ktood oi> tht-ir ear'.

Their ■ uton. n w of, paiit lonna rtpp' d. And homo i in y w> nt wrapt*, d up in ii an.

I in-. | Blokn II n ■ i tii •! would avoid aoob onrnrrat Ki'k, oiiri buy ihair pa it Bi other*'.

i would make good men,

(CowHniHNl/roni tail tnwt.l

How Watch Cases are Made.

The many prut imj.rovcnienU iniro- duced in t!ie munnt'icluro uf llio Jaa, '.'■■'•

Gold Wfweh VMC, liavo led lo wtnilnr i;n- provementd in the making of r-ilvrr raaea,

Under the old methods, each [tnrt of a silver case was made ol wvenil piacai of

metal aolderod together, rtqaLriitg n urent amount of culling and aoldefingi wlilcb ■ofteni'd lhemelalandgnvoitthe]dialii!iir

of lead rather limn the elasticity of «i!ver. Under tho baprorad niathoda, each |iarl

of the Keystone Silver Wnl.h Case ia made of one wdid pieoeof metal hitmiiu'red into ghape. The advanlagea arc readily appar- ent, for every one knows that hammering hardens the meLil wliile wdilerlng softens it.

To teat the anpuri'-riiy of tin- Keystone

Stiver Watch (use, take one of 3 OS. wwlght, praatU ainarcly in tho center when closed, and it will not give, while a case of same weight of any other niakewill givo enough to break the crystal. The Silver Watch Case ia made only with cilver cap and gold joints. •■■I ■ MI ■"-? i- air »•*"» cwa rattarto, nn»

(Is I-

ANCHOR LINE. ON ITED STATES MAIL STEAM PHIP». Hall from flW ». Vorth River, New Turk.

Everv i-aior^ay. for BLAMiO* vni.DMO'(i>KRBT,'

rtATr-> or PASSAGE. t Pn bniarw, DMTV, Belfast or I iverpoel, abla, #(i(l to »HO, s'«»"p C«b,n" aMO

|teeraxe,Ootward. SwB, Prepaid. «fll. T Line Drells issued at lowest raiea are re* oi ehart* In Bnglaad aooiisnd and

Lawrence American. LAWRENCE. MASS.


MENTION has been made of a marri- age between Mist Will and Mr. Shall in Michigan, Their lives ire neoei- sarily intense end always future per* feet.

THE Anglo-American Times >>**• the true way for China to regard the matter of the restriction of Chinese immigration to the United States, is to " plsee herself ia the position, of the Pacific Slope." If she could do so she would doubtless incline to the opinion of that section.

THE following reminiscence is valu- able at the present time, and among others appeared in last week's National View :—

Abraham B. Mr.Uvainc, ot 'Pennsyl- vania, in a speech In the House of Re- presentatives, 1846, said:—"Experi- ence had abown that the prosperity ol the country had ever been the greatest when the protection afforded by the taritf was the highest; and that it was reduced to the lowest point of depres- sion when the tariff reached the lowest rate of ad valorem duties. Who could forget the scenes of 1840, 1841 and 1842, when the cry for employment was heard throughout the country, when all business was at a stand, and all classes ot the eommauity felt a gen- eral paralysis ? The effect of the tariff of 1842 restored universal prosperity. as il by a stroke of the maguician's wand. That prosperity still continued. Why, then, repeal the law which had wrought such happy effects?"

THE people of Canada are In the frame at mind iu which a lady once found herself, when a scarcity of cha ir betrayed her lack of comfortable fur- nishings st a time when the scarcity was most painfully evident: She aaid, " thete were chairs enough but there were too many folks," and the Cana- dians find that business Is good enough only there are loo many people who want to do business. The organiza- tion called the Trades and Labor Council of Toronto, has memoralized the Minister of Immigration and call- ed hia attention to the fact that there was no public work uf sufficient mag- nitude to give employment to the pre- sent surplus population. There are more operatives than operations, more artisans than capitalists who can afford to support them. Wages are decreas- ing and laborers are not worth half what they were ; the cost also of the necessaries of lite is higher, and it does seem to be a rather poor abov if the Immigrants are going to make it worse for them.

MITniltl, IT IS





in sS







Mason & Hamlin Organs. Hew illustrated catalogue (« rP- Au>)

tat season of 1883-*, Including many new styles; the Vest assortment of the best and most attractive orgnns we hare ever offered,and et lowest prices, %ti to $600, for cash, easy payments or reuted. Sent free.

M°son & Hamlin Pianos. I rodadng Mir "n! Important Im-

,rt wl'lins *• power, Iwiotj of to« wiMiiratilllt;. CSintaM »■•'■•■

« Hamlin Organ ft Piano Co, Street. ~

RACKLOG Wm uapet. ("-".I wii-—- ^^ IMai o> roe-la

TRIAL for « eenla, *"'

C'ltaie, eabla plans, book of loort, Ac, UENUEBSON BBOB., New York.

HH Mtjirsr.aiS.Milt.otwl'iiilci ray, m Base* si. Lain sail. •ws.YBf


nlns serif I». elorra

'«»eo<* every nwil" MT PACKAU*. eo

ale ngoflOiieoes popular m ■•lo, i" ■nterei m* nnn, 1 ,•*."* o> acja sad lortune lelli: card , I pack "Hold to ' -IKH " cant*, I i aok n soil flirtation rardn. 1 set ehrO . a drda, 11 new irioka In uraslclue* putsUa, gaoae of f. r uoe me in sue omcie, S3 waja lo »el riob. Heller'* wnnn-ifiil delusion earrt . «f . aic. ENDLB S AwliKr-MBtTi Aoaaxa WAPTTD. IJII«T for stamp. Augnaia, Me.

Couldn't Afford It. Hade Hoaest By Buelnese Pilnclplea a

DruaTBtat tolle tha Square Truth.

"Now, my H lend, let's be perfectly frank sad ■ i did about ibis llllle ■natter," the drug*lat

as'd, pi.ring both elbowsoa bis plated scow •ase, and looking bis rnrkraer lalrly la Ihe eye

Yon havr a lave back and wsat ■ plaster lo pat on It. Toe don't me, itnl jadglng oi liunian nslnre is It ruas la ImtlnrM, ton art natd I'll b"obo| von In some way. Von saa)

link it sa odd sUKsseat. bat 1 oaal aferd snratfon. Efealildld 1 ha" eat the aeaa*-

"That'a onrloos. (<>b, n.y back; 1*11 take* ohair. 1 gatSBO Deal yea keep plastersf*

•Mb, yea. eaa er two kind*. Onee I bad •helves lull of them—every tort that were ever invented to gall the l|ooisni aad make Bans* tor iwltatora. But 1 titled Yaw eat one by owe sad now aell

HBK***'! CAFCHK rOBODS ri.AS1f.SS principally. Tbey alwaya give saUaiaetlon aad n the end It pan me lo sell then: la prelerenot ealloibera."

' II -V r,'< viill All.-fUV?"

-Yes, but my customers 'sod myself prelrr Benaoa'a l»)<lre-*hnh it- QSICS aseleo"

■■Itv, safe ss government bonds and sure as the sw of gravitation. Tha dortere or

and what is mere to tbe point, I have never Mard a complaint Irem anyone who haa used .hem. Tea ean go elsewhere—if your b-tck will ■ear ' ou out lalhn ouerttlon— sad gel sad a cheaper plaster, but—"

" Don't i »lk lo me about the money," broke a the ten i< rt-r-fiainr tlrsneei, wllb eoma beal

"What's tea or Ifteeaeeate lo geUing rid af thl* uonloandrti—ob, Lordvl—Ibis pale aed ■essr Let an have one of Benaoa'aCapelae. Thaia sne real art.ols, a i'., with the word CAP CIK It eat la the body af the plaaar.

"Yoe'l be aroand la a weak, straight aad tireaf,* added tbe dlplamaHc drag-fiat, throw ai ibo money in bis uasb drawer,


BACELOO Ptnausnineco.


T. i>. HAbl.EY, (Jreenhoiwen. Oor- Hanobadtar m;l w.uthinarto i sre

The jTAnagemiH of the itjn o Uiweaboase* have been placed, tor t'tapreun . <n the haada m

MR. Is. DAVE\rOBT. A s|>eolallv madaiet

ParUea,Bails, Welling* an 1 Fuaera Lawrsnes 0*v»nport«ManAs:er.

THE great experiment of iGir.n' Foreign Exhibition in Boston la draw- ing to a close and " what is writ," aa Byron says, will soon be "writ." It will go oul of existence in a blazo of glory, emanating from an electrically lighted Christmas tree, to the music of tbe fife and drum and the sounding brass of military bands accompanying tbe visiting militia ol Ibe state, la ibe coming weeks there will be an op- portunity to sea tbe products of dis- tant countries, which will be apprecia- i.cil by tbe wise in time, and by the ne- glectful in after days, when they are reminded Ibat the opportunity is lost. The exhibition is a museum as well as a baaanr. Many of tbe goods are not for sale on any terms, and some of them will be preserved in national museums. The past week a favorable opportunity was improved by theGrand Army of the state, who rallied round the flag of their country and paid their respects to the colors of other landa in tbe great assemblage of nations which tbe Grand Army officers, among the Directors of tbe Exhibition, had assist- ed so ably in bringing together. The militia of the state will now, on stated evenings, attend tbe exhibition by In- vitation of the Executive committee, and will be among the most apprecia- tive visitors. Among the interesting incidents which occurred on Grand Army night, was the signiog of their Dimes by two veterans who had no arms. It was at Mr. TuftJey'B exhibit. The " origin of the Stars and Stripes" with which nearly everyone ia now fa- miliar, is given away, but the one who receives it signs his name in a book. These men took tbe pen in their teeth and wrote the names of living martyrs to the love they bore the flag that floats a > proudly now beside that of other nations, saved from dishonor by men like ihem> Tbe amicable manner in which this large collection of mer- i: mills from all quarters of ihe world m 'd and conduct their daily business, w ml i seem to foreshadow* a period in winch there should be no more war, aid almost to Justify the remark of Pera 1I\acinthe, wtsa he was informed thuTiiMi Pao had a French wife:— *■ [ see in their union, he said, agoar- antee that there will be no war between France and China." Next Wednes- day is Asiatic day .when all the Chinese, Japanese etc., in costume, will be ad- mitted free. It is expected that there will be great interest taken in honoring these people, who have brought such a floe display so many ml lea, to atu rnpt to improve the commercial relations between our country, and espro ally the city of Boston, with Japan, China pud other Asiatic oooairitj.

Weekly News Brevities. m


Sir Charles Hall, ei-vlce chancellor Of BBBlsad IS dead.

The mtvor of Nrw Laredo, Mexico, baa bam ■nested as a tibia robbar.

Secretary Fulger la still con lined to his house in Washington by Maeae.

It la estimated that there will be a at- ddt of 0.000 000 la ibe Bgyptlas budget.

James Baatmsn, convicted for barglarr, asesped from tha aaaasacbasetla Slate Prison, yesterday

MoBtsomerv, Ike marderer of his sea, wss sentenced la Morthsmpton, yester- day, to Imprisonment for Ife.

It Is said to be decided that Baodo'ph Tncker, ot Virginia, is »o ot; chairman of

ie boas* ItHllclary committee. Efforts lo obtain a mitigation of the

sentence of O'Doaaell, tor killing Carry, the Irish Informer, caatlaae lo England.

The lower boas* of the Hnnearlsn Dial Mac decided to malnufo the h'll lecallaini marriages between Jews aad Obrlsliasi.

A floral wreath was placed on the cofflo of Mario, the singer, at hi* funeral In Kone, vesterdav, hi order of Quean Vic- toria

The democrats of the Virginia Assem- bly presented a Joint reselutii-n, yester- day, declaring ihe leltlemeot of the state's d-nt, by the "Uiddleaerger bill." to be flaal.

Charles McLaosbllo, a Sao Francisco millionaire, was fatally shot by Jerome B. Cox, la ibst city, yesurdsv, tbe tragedv being tbe result or a IT yearVllilgauoa lo the courts.

Tbe ferry-boat. Oardea City, waa badly burned at Its dock io Now York city, ves- u-rdaj, the properly loss roseola* A3U.- C00. Tbs pssaeogera sad employes nar- rowly escaped destb.

Sslgoa advices state that a revolution baa occsrrea at Ha«. aod that tbe King ot Aonam bas been killed. I '» slao h oor' ed thai a freak drclsrstl.rt. of w.i bag been proclaim*-: i ,ala-l France by Au- •am.

Tha Chinees ambassador to France oais that Soatay may be evicoaied by tbe Cbine.i, bat evere that Bacalmh will

if he give* up. The Freacb govern- ment bas decided to send large re-enforce- ments to Admiral Coorbet.

At a caacBa of tbs republican members ol tbe United SU'es senate, yesterday. General Alison O UcCook, of Mew York. was nominated for aecr tary of that body, Chen. W. Jobosoo, of Minnesota, If cideI clerk, James if. Tosng, of Peotisyl- vsola, for eiccoilve clerk, tbe Hev. B. B. tlutitley. or WaHblngton, for chaplain, and Col. W. P. Canauy, of Mortb Carolina,


Baturdav. Areqofpi. Peru, baa beeo evacuated by

the Chilllana,

The treaty of commerce between Spain sod Portugal baa been

The Crown PrloCc of G. rrasoy arrived St Darudooa, Spbln, ynatorday.

A Cairo deepatcb asya it la rumored that tho Knedive uf Egypt la auout to ab- dicate.

A recaBctllatloB is likely to etTecUd be- tween the government and toe Sagaata iiartv to Hnoln.

Tbe French governmeat has not yst re- ceived confirmatory lotoldgeoceor tbe rt- porud revolt at Hae aad tbe poisoning ol the Aooamlte Kina.

Rlrenooua iflbrts are Still being; made to obtain a reprieve lor O'Doonell, ibe murderer of Carey, tbe Irl*b Inlormer. I'be prhoner took Una] ieev> ot bis friend

on looraday.

The bill to eatend th" Alabama clai"a court wld be reporteO favoiably lo the senate early Ofit week by tbe Judiciary coinmtute of that body.

Tbe P.iclflc coaat cuogresamrn have igreed apoa a aeil«a ol ameudmen'a to beCblneae iratiicUoo act, which will be

iiii K.iniil to Ibe h'lnse on Monday.

The ii umber of ImmlgraoU arriving In tbta ccuntrv for tbe past tleven m mibs wu SD6 430. a d<ciease or 150 Nf aa cumpaied with tha corresponding pArlwd uf list year.

A seiloaa i lot occurred at Ibe primary lection for delegate* to Ibe democratic

iisLe conveotlon, in tbe aevenlb ward of New Oileans, La., yesieiday afternoon,

euliiiig in killing three men and the uoodlng of il others.

The Bip.lsti PBTSI nieul baa been furth- er pruroKUed until ibe 5 h uf Fcbiuao nt it. Tha loi f meaibera Will propose Sir Hsttbew While Kiuiey, member of Noriliuiiiberland.aa tbe'.r candidate lor Otakur for the bouse ol commons.

The Standard 'theatre at Siith avrnne ind Tbirtv-sacond street. New York, was deatroyeo by Are at abooi seven o'clock last night, r uriunsu-ly the audience bad not aBsembled, and no uue wait Injured. The property ruea will reach ftTS 000.


Meetlag of t*» rUaterw »ai1raaal OB ip.oy.

Tka annual meeting of tbs atewfcbordsri at ■ba Eastern railroad company was kald at ibe Mewoson lo Boston an Wednesday. Two set* of tickets ware Is tbs Held, one for Ihe tsaas with the Bostoa aad M.lna, the ssaer easiest It. Tha certlScalo holders' ticket, la Isvor oi tbs lease, presented tbs aamea or Freak Janes, Portsmouth, N. II.; gassaal C. Uwraoee, Hedfordi Oso. Morrlaeon, New YiirkcltTi Rlchsra Oiaay. Bwtoa; Jacob C. Roeera, Paabody j ArtPar SeamU, Bath, Ma ; dlffjring from ihe old board by ibe aabatHltoa of tae names of Mr Joass sad Mr. Hawaii for those af Mr Oeo E. S. Jackaon, tha president and Mr. Joaas II. French. Tbs other ticket' Is oepoetlfoo to tOS leaae, presented aa candi- dates tbe old board, aahatltailng Mr. Bewail lor Mr. Freacb, ai (ollowa: Oeo. E. B. Jschsen Richard Oloay, Jacob C. Rogers, Use, g. Mor- rison, Samasl C. Lawrence, Artbar gaarall. Tbe atockboldera' ticket lo favor of las loses presented the names n/ Presets 1. Aaaorv af Bnaloo.Thos. W.Hyds, Bath, Ma., Caarlas Uougbtoo, Ilostoa, tbs name of Mr. H*aghtoa belag tbs only old on?,

Before Ihe voting had bepao Mr. Joaas H. French addrsaaad the meetlag, saying thai President Jackaon refuted to alga the (sees alter the vote of tbe atoekbo tders before the laaae bad beca rallied by the leglslawre of New Hampshire. He WSS invited to do so, bat refused. Hence be la left off the opposition ticket ot bondbolden by the geatleraan whe controli Ihe whole affair. Tbe atockboldera' optoeiuon ticket Is beaded by Mr. Ataory, tbs clerk jf lbs company, anal Mr. Hyde who to sot a stockholder. Ao employe of Baring sV Co., absolutely con I toll lbs bondholders' tick-

Backed by throe millions ot bonds he dic- tates Just what shall be deae. Mr. French then Inveiabed strongly against the yielding of con- trol io tbe English autocrat*. Be enquired of Mr. Olnay, the eoaaasl of tbe road, bow much money the Eaatero road bad expended as lit osll tor lbs tbe employment ot counsel In tho case before tha New Hampshire leaialaterc.

Oiney replied that ha could apeak for sa expeadliaroor 17000. Mr. French enqalred If it waaaotSSOOQ. Finally, aald Mr. Frenak. the Leglslawre of Haw Hampshire bad been prevailed upon, but I doubt If say power of these EMM wld prevail aa the Lsgiilatar* of UassschoHtU. W. B. L. Dlloway, lbs at. turner of Mr. Weeks, loliowrd with a strong attack on Mr. Preach aad ha words. Mr. Bias ol Purtamooth. enquired ol Mr. Olaoy bow macb money bad been expended hi Con- cord, uuundo ot tbe connsel fees. Mr. OlBOy replied that this waa sot tbe place where the report was to bs beaded la. The vote of the ceniflcata boldera waa declared at 12 JO o'clock, aa follows — Whole naaaber ba'lota, K 000 Necosary to a choice, IS Oil

Fraawl. Awory bad 2A.i3a Thus. W. nyiie, 14 AM Una*. Houaiitiin, 15 4M J,.int II. Preach, t/M Danus Allen, «.62t John Cammlnga, 6.&H The three Sist name* were declared aketrd

directors oa ihe part ul tbe atcckboidars, The meeting; the re upon dissolved.

MUtliew Arnold at Andover.


The eiproses of Ibe national prim Inn office, last tear, were Sa.eSl.VT4.

The German Crown Prince arrived at Genoa, Italy, yea'erdiy, sod Was cordial- ly received.

Tbs Qaeen building si Hsllfsx, N. 8., was destroyed by fire, yrsietdsy, ibe property ions aggregating $60,000.

Missionary trouble* prevail at Stoat, la Upper Egypt; tbe Copts sre denmt std an outbreak la threatened.

Tbe arguments ia tbe famous tslephooo priority psteota cases weie concluded lo Waahtoglor, on Saturday.

geveral public balldlogs ssd private d w- '.lings were destroyed by Are In Du- buis. Peon., yesterday.

It Is reported that Speaker Carlisle In- tend* to snooorce tbe appointment ol ibe bouse cusin.ii.tees ou Friday unit.

It Is oot expected that Ihe republicans Will try toreorgsoiae tbe senate to-day, aa tbey are not sore of bavlsg a b*a|orliy

' members In attendance.

A delnge of pension a:;d county bills a-e toady for preseutstlon lo Coagreer upon tbs Orel favorable opportunity. Tbay come Trom ocarly every state la tbe Union.

Congressman Ranney and Long will f- ply to tbe l«ter of Inquiry of ibe Masaa- cheaalb, Clvll-Servlce It. form Clu'i, rela- tive to their vote for Speaker Keller's re- election.

Tbe rrhooaer Mary Ann Borlnoft foun- dered off St. Ignate Inland, Lake Superi- or, oo Saiurday uluhl, during s terrlgr storm. A crew ol Ovs snd fifteen Inbui en pvrlsbed.

Tbe prime minister of Franca intro- duced a mil in the Chamber of Depntloa, uit Matu.dsy, demandlne supplement sry 'I'm run credit al W 000.000 franc- fur ihe ri-st six montbs u( 1«A4, snd "nrgency" fcr ibe bill was voud.

The Sparu-h Cortes wss opened at Maditd, on Saioiday evenleg, with tbe u-u« speech by ib« King- Numerous re- nt me lur ihe luiure me prupueed by Al ion-.., snd should ihe government be sustained st tbe new guoeral election a .theme for the revlaioo of the conelilu- tlon will be submitted.

Drowniaff Accident.

A Urge and brilliant audience represent- ing the tbougbt and culture or Aaduver,

bled at tbs ball ot Phillip*Academy, Thursday p.m., to listen to the lecture of

tbe distinguished poet aod author, Mat-

thew Arnold, ou Kmeraon. The lecture

was given oader tbe a an pices of the senior ctsss ei Phillips sad the students

uf that lime honored Institution were

present lo fail force and gave Mr. Arnold

a h'd'j welcome with their three rounds ol cbeera. Tbs lecturer came apoa toe

pisiform with Professor J. W. Churchill, CflebrsWd elucoilualat, who, ia a few

grscrful retriniks Introduced the ''SOB of

the great Tboaae A mold ofRogby." As Mr. Arnold airpird forward, bs wsa ac- corded a hearty welcome by the so Hence,

sad he wss pleased, snd, as ba said, somewhat "alarl'ed" by the novrliy of

be tecepllon given by tbe b.iy* of Phil-

lip-. lleopeoel very pleasantly by referring

to bis college days at Oxford,to the voic-

es which ha heard then, and ahlcb aow baonted bis memory, tho voices of Car- dinal Newman, Csrlfle, Goethe aad Km-

He spoke uf hoping one day to

ton Bsy and Coacord, which the

greet writer, Baeraou, bsd msde so

famous. Be denied Emerson a place

with Ihe great poets, suca as Ml.ton aad Gray, stating thai be had not written a

line of ,ioefy wblcb was qaotsd lbs world over, although bs bad written aome ei- quiaite verses, tie could not ba classed

wiib ibe gresl philosophers, Piato aad

Bacon, neither could be be said to belong in the class of f real writers, sich as Ad- d .son. Bat he had written the beat preaa

of the country, aad bsd helped people to

live the life uf tbe spirit. Carlyle'a histories would net live, Or-

lyle, although be bad altered great

tooaghu, was too wilful, morbid aod tor- bid lo be classed among tbe really great writers. Bat KsMiaoa's works, from

tbclr healthiness of lone Would live al- ways to inspire men to better things. The

meaner ot lbs lecturer wsa qalet and

wholly unaffected and ba did not look at all Ilka ibe conventional Engtlsoraaa.'Mlog

tsll snd thin ID form, and only bis b'oad English accent would betray his oatleo-

ailiy. Be wss tho aueat of Professor

Churchill during bis stay In Audovor.

Jennie Miller's Case.

— Boaday wss on* of the coldest.

Sheriff lierrlck qualified oa Saturday.

—Tbe Essex Company his declared a I'Tldeod of g» per abate.

—Oa fcoaday the Brat skating of the

season oa the river was bad.

—Matthew Arnold Is ality-one years

old, but looka to be about fifty.

- Of the twenty-aix msjorr-elect of

MssaschusetU, twelve are reelcUd.

—Twenty share* of Washington Mills stock oa Saiurday sold at BI par share.

—The Boston aad Lowell railroad have discontinued Sunday trains on the Stony

Brook division, for the season.

—A Sharp* 4 Go's ICbrwrVma* window

present* a very nest appearance. It is

worth golBS. to examine.

—Mr. Wo. Weaver, the well-known

Greenback advocate, whe leetared hers

aevsral ilmea, Sled at sTaahsa, OB Taaa-


•Mr. Luther Ladd, treasurer of the Lawrence Lumber Co., has beea confined

to bit residence for a week With a aevera

m% —Chasv A. Jaekaoaorthls city has re-

ceived patents for telephone system and

electric motor. Both era assigned lo D.


-Mr. Frederic Kusaell Bad Mr. Wil- liam Hsll, of ibis city, are parsniui the

English coarse of study at Andover,

1 bllllpe Academy.

—Mrs Damren, wife of Harvey Dam- ren, fell at the akallog rink last eVeoiog,

sad broke her right wrist. Dr. Cksmuei-

lain attsndsd her.

—The Rsseell Paper Co. are patting

fear new engine* ID their mills lb ibis

city. Tbey will then have In their Law-

rence ml I It nine engine*.

—Mr. Edward Bpaldlng has been elect-

ed preeideut of tho Nashua aud Jackson msnofscturlng companies of Nashua, N.

Mr. Bpaldlng i* a brother of W. K

Spaldlng of tola city.

—Oa Satarday sight, officer Young found a >onng mto named Cuiien Ijlogoa

East Haverblll street nearly froaen to

dea b, and aaeoaacloaB. It was Beveral ours b» fore ha wss re*a»ckiaied.

—A great demand for dimes having arlaen of late, tbe director of tbe mini

baa authorised the pnichaae of 60 oun

ounces of slivoi for the culssge ol money uf ibe above denomination.

N.-gotlatlona are pending In regard

lo tha purchase of tbe Edoi church prop-

erty la ibis city, fur the ase of the Yuuau Meo's Christian AssoelailoO. It Is

owned bj Hoc. WlliUm A. Ruasail.

"Three ycaag men from Andover were i»iow» frees a canlsg* at the corner oi Essex street sad Brosdway, uu Sunday evening, one or them sustaining severe In-

jarka aboui Ihe bead. He wsa tskei Into

Msgee'e drag store.

—Miss Clara T. Wing, asslauot prin-

cipal of lbs training school Iu tula city, baa resigned ter position, snd on J>n Is.,

Will assume tbe prloclpalablp of tbe School of Observation connected with the

State Normal school, at Bridge water.

—Here la what a Chicago genilemau

wrote la the album of a pretty I. Ub girl from Lawreaue, at Oil Orchard la*t num-

A diamond set In emeralds) not

large, bat tufinttuty precious t Bperkllog with wit, and clean as a pure woman's


—Tha Mth sunosl nesting of lbs Maet- achasatts Tracbt r*' Association, of which

a Bomber of teachers In this clly aie

mamt sra, will be held at the garia* high

eCuooi building, West Newioa olrael. Boeios. Tbe rotating will coailaa-

ihroagb the three days, Dec 37, M soo

It. —Tbs supreme dicutor or tbe Kolghte

uf Honor, R. U- Coehrso, of Ohio, stalei- tbat gl.780 000 wore distributed to wid- ows and orphans last year snd up io tbe

prossal time tbls year 91,616 000 bas been

paid out of tbe supreme treasury for Ibl*

The ""

DOLLAR SHIRT! Stands a Ihe head of the Shirt trade to-day. Perfect n 111, there Is no belter Shirt at any price.



Vital <jue*tIon* I I Aak Ibe most eminent physician Of say arboel, what to lb* beat thlsg In the

woilu (oi quintal ai.d alleitog al) IniiaUoa ot the **rv*r and < uring all leimsefaerveaaaeea- plalntt,glvlugMtuial,cbilaUa*'isfr*ahlagsl*ea>

Always F Aad tbey will toll yon unhestbuiagly "ooms luim of Ho. at"

cBAPTaa i.

Aak aay or all ol toe aaesl rmlaaal pbystolana: "What is UV best ana only rtasrdy that eaa be

relied ewiecarealidisaaee* oi ihe kMseya aad urlaary organ►; aaeh aa Brlgfat'a dusaae, dla bttee, 11 iri iimi or isabllliy u> retaia urine, aad an the dlaesie* sad au went* peculiar ie Worn*

"Aad tbsy will isll you explicitly std smphat. eally "Bwehn.'1

Aak the same pbyalolaas "What It ibe meet reliable and saretl ears lev

all BBSs dUrates or ditprprto; renaVpatioa, ii - tiiseaunn. biliwaenesa, malarial fever,agae,Aa*" aad tbey will is lyeu:

Mandrabrl or Dssileliosl" Urare, wliaa these remedies treeemntned wile

ksaSSS tqnally valuable And comi onnded Into Hop Bitters, such a won.

itrluianu BitiiiMuarirnlte joaer is davel < ped which I* *o varied IB Ha operation* ibatao "ituM or II* health »an pmiibl) extol a real*I

Its power, aad f*t II Is Uarmkas for ue wo it frsli womta, weaksal

Invalid or amahest ebUd to aae. OBAPTBa ll.

"Psttoal* ■'Almoal dead or nearly dying"

For yeara, asd gives op by ybyatolast* er Bright'* and other kidney dlseaae*, liver e plainis, tever* coughs called cnaanmpuow, have

been cured. Wosaeagoae searly eraay I Prem agoay efBauratola. aervonsBe**, wake-

fulne*aaud\arl>oe*dPeas*a peeallarlo weatea. Prople drawn eut ul ihang from *BerBoiaiasg

penss>rBbeumaikm. liiSammamry aad chronic, or angering from

ernialal Erysipelas! rait ibtUBi, btord MmwsnBB. dyapepala, ladl-

geHi' n. si din lacl slmoat all diwaaMfiatl Nature Is Iwir l> Have brrn cured bv Bop Blttera, proof of

whi.h ean I e lound In evei) neighborhood in the knuwa world.

X end V lydl



A short lime since city marshal O'Sal- ilvau went to Seymour, Conn., SLII sr<

rested Jennie Millar, Bliss Helen Law renco for ibe larceny of several artlclee uf clothing aod jewelrw, the property of

Mrs. David Morse or this city. She wss

> rough i here Thursday, Dec 6, and OB

Ibe lollowlog dey WBB arraigned to lbs

police cum i aud pleaded guilty to the charge of larceny Tbe caae wsa contin-

ue 1 ooe Week, nisi. for sentence sad since

then ibe marshal has learned that Jennie

bad atoion articles from other persona be-

•Idas Mrs. Morse, Ue seat word to tbe

chief uf police, st Seymour, to search the trunk ahlcb Jennie left at tbat place and

severs) eluleo articles were loaad la ii. Tbe case waa called lo iba police court

tbls morning, when Judge Muaeon, J«D-

nle's employer npp-sred In her behalf sad

she waa let nut oa probation.

Sentenced gar Lwrceay.

Tuursday allernoon.aa some boys were

plajlogonthe Ice at tbe Shanty pond.

one of tbi rr number named Edward

A'Heam broke through and WBB drowned Tha boy was eight years old, sod tbe sou

ol Tlromss A'Hearo, or i* Kingston street. While endeavoring to help A'Besro, Assistant Engineer M. F. Col-1 Mo waa floe/

Hua. lei into ihs water aad with dlffiOOl-jaoO ten Ou.

au rescued. ,w!»*tM>

In tbe police conn, aaterday. Was. Mor- gan, charged with sioaliag ouveral robes from the stable of Btowall * Co., wss

found guilty. Tho blsnkets were found in Morgsn'a stsblo by Asslataat Marshal

Sheebsa aad OOl-er Adbbev. He pleaded

guilty to Ibe charg" ' '■- did

It wbtls nade*- ' >|

—The Aralngtoa A 81ms Co. engine* running the Amerlcsa system of electric

lights *ttb* New Kogiand fair, have beer

shipped to LewLaion, for Ihe station of ihe Consolidated Electrical Lighting Co.

Thay w'll Bee iwo tsuolsr bullets ast

with the Jsrvla furnace fur stesm power

—Dr. Osa. A Crosby, of MsBcbesi>r,

baa rrcelt.d Irom *x-M*yor Bryani 01

SIB Ftakciaco, lotmeii) of tblB ciiy, s

peer Ol txuaoidlnary proportions. Ur wtight being two pounds sod a quarter.

The growth or the pear Is pecollsr to th. valleya aae. ravlaes of certsln sections ol Callforala, snd Mr. Bryant lot warded It

sa a Baapie of lbs neit he caltlvatea.

—The po*t matter-general bas Instruct.

•d postaastors to exebaage, upon ap plication, t and 6-cent at amp* sod sttm| •

ed eovelonpes issuedslooe 1861, for those of other denominations, st the face value

Bumped envslopes bearing printed ctrcs

sad special requests ars lo be egebsoged,

also •tamped envelopes that bear print- d


—There are five eindlJsies ror the p« sllloa of BHSI-tani seder DIst.-Auy.-elrCl

Hnrinnrt. The salary U> S1000 per yBBP, and B. B. Jonas, of Georgetown, now

hold* the position. He will be aaked lo

fill tbs offloe through tho January term, or until his successor Is sppolated. Among

others, Cues. A. DrCourcey, Bad,-, is

meolloaad for tho position.

-Ia all probability ibe next annual ses-

sion of the New EuB'-ndC HI' Teoc.Wlib

which the Parker street clinrch <s eon- oected.wlll ba held In Lynn lo Msrcb. Ia-

atosd of ihe parlahloners being trviud to receive tbe clergymen into their Tami-

lian BS guasU, arrangements have boon mode to pay the board ol tua members ■>

tbs rate of one dollar per day.

—In speaking ol the recent discharges

of help at the different mills In tbls city.

the "Textile Monitor" says : "There Is s

temporary Sloopegs Of a email part or tbe hands at the Washington Mill*, owing io

lbs delay la the placing of spring order-;

*j*o st the Pacific Print Works, wbere the BBBBsl changss of patterns Is taking

piece. Io the mechanical department of

lbs Everett Mills, business Is somewhat

alack aad a few buds have been dis-


Fire Flavoring: | EXTRACT8


SPICKS. Highly Concentrated Strength. Very economical. Commended by leading; ladles of tbls cttv. All (irwer*. Be sure you get "\\'<>OI>\s" with above trade mark on every paciBogn and bottle.


A full line of these One goods for. sale »>F

SMITH at WIIKKLKIt, Law rr rice. Mass



SARSAPARILLA Combined with I*4Ue at Pals.

•lam aad Vn UrU. *M MM «f u* IM.1 >i». asMSjs IIP 11

«m ta ttonM M iwAk tall I k*)l.l^ B.U.. PIM.IM, .Ml BM

HtMMIlMinnW. ..MM, 1.(1.^. drildMririUniOMWiUltHlMMNHI

A aaaasaas om>»ra**snas »ndluc«re.

s£*stsS .,^u.'7r*-u=2.s: irvu-r^.'s'j'^'r^Kzssn;

aim sa last a* srasb1

a*V A* • . &**$• I**T* **> lmm\ MT- B««traa:-I have bad dyapenala la the woiat form far twslra vnsi*. IdaaM If any anasear and er asaM Wvsawsrto ea*#Tl


lawga as ttsts fret* wind to Ibe ilrmnk Mi re** was, arahsa, aad I lsst gash aad *nuiia. I

BBSSMr saedkaao alow*, ens. of ad view; 1 begaa bs take year _

•fa* •ff_»«»w I seal asstroosaad raggwda*! 1U snasn yaara ago: sa **t saytkTag sad eeveresaTor fram *U Nethlng that I eaa aaj wooM bs bee st roast la praise at tbs sferwana- riltoi I w** lodnasd t* kUts k by Mr. sansaai whose me J sr was eared by II of dyspepam ot ie* years -jmU r. 1 an aa* wai.aTW tba* sver beior* sad ealaiag fiaab rs#sarpi forwawrlr I used lo lava daH Besdael-wi wor « See Unas* a week; slaves I kwaaa *a aae the wedlelB* I have sever beta tiwsbtod with bead.


A Great Specific for itheuniatlasBa

. . L lAwafL Oa. is, isa. stst—I wish ia express aay iwlnvsa or ti e good tbal your aaraaatrilto

- _s. 1 havs been s anal asgsjrer ires tlAtnajAUasa far a sn oibs •< ryaara wbkth raufcac -y whale body, I any aga tMa tall I leek aawa el lbs ssedlelae aad was anrad. aaana

teoUy abla lo -era. vrtaUr 1/ aaava. famaowealSakn]

1 am nappy Ie aradll U ibe >ua of aiavea'a Baraspartlls.

VBSTA iBJBsfl PS, «• Apptoeea at,

Humor in the Htomacb aad ltoh tuff FHoa Cured.

—. __ Ifuwau, April a, USB, t>» -wawt: ror* long um. 1 aav. anSeres

„w. 'bostosBaoa, prudBnlag dyaaea- .Isof UK jtiwt dlstreealng ebanetar. It wat bared that 1 waa getaa lam «

Irons IM ponaaa bad i ".SI

R*o.-~- • ■*»S*rsap.ri]Uosr*dtiia4UT«*4*

xSKV^SSSSi •SS.'S •ictory ever Hiasai

A, E. BAaTJU, <; other, 11 OsatraJ Slrtat.

Cured af Uyapeipala af 10 i>ara BUndlng-. ' aaaaai marssd Intrrwat, u

of ■uasran will sss iliaalii m«lrown *iiasu*ea. aad a isagsiilis sa* lbs

MOTHERS uy. jour OHILDBEK One ol the greiUat Marges of onr changabl*

•aa.6*" CH0.ERA INFANTUM. AnnanamKerwi) m il tudeof llttlnwawe nee

easarlp swcr'Bewal o uta drewi disease, n,o. t I,, whim .uniil IIIU'I. ra M*avrd hy a i"i[»r die1. l"u thl* end an wntlv* phyelalan haa j*voted uie past too rear* In |>*rieeU*e


au article ol null what ibat ta alike valuable far .he "Jwral-a "letwsr nr tiir. lull! , and sr. iindnu' tul etoecb tw antswsaer aieowaaa ot the Mtou »■ h. while ItysitopllM, Cwwamann-

' iHVatlals from »e- • r*ll*« and added


OBO. U. ttOUDWIN A CO. Wholesale. DaeUara. - Boston. Masa.

frvjvl- a


Rheumatism BHCUMATIS* 11 THE HCf


Him MUSS rut tlLLllt.

nmumtrisH m THEEHEES







RHEUHATIC SUFFERERS, */•' any Drugfilt

Perry Davis's Fain Kilhr

LOWBLU April n. law. MB. STBVBKS: For the pasi IU year* 1 have

■otlNwarrawIrwmdvaBwp.aiatatiworat arm, I bsve baa » s sarelae lb* naesl sernonssaa care aalowbat . ate,as IA* sllghtMtIsdtooraU** la

■''"-"dns*sore t* bs followed by

bias havn'msmtmCad1**1** ■*,'tt,

.i* (♦ ifceuli», aed U* bad mwliag to the gflmaw aad aaav* have auscsMly Isitraaisa. I nanta tenUUalaavsas'asrapavruH. asd tha aaSlaa ai the mediame baa Iraeri mo Iraa BBBsamaaai earsd the Udaov oomptoiat, aad toft neatTsavrrS alreag aad Vtojnrea* aad with a* goad aa anew UW as I had baSsre the stsaaseh MaanaBnfJ

^"hilta. B. W. BABUKMT, U Plflfe Slrea.

HcroiulouB Humor IrrlTfwa fvasa tba Blaaod.

Tbs young tody aeaatlng tbs following a*r —r a -»■—T-- -rlisTmirlissss rn ■ uu us*a ibe aaraapanlU:

MB.BTBFgWBl AH*r^kl.'g'*fv*1 bouSt. f teavnaa^ssaaganlMl sa sMs 1* oroToT'e -ya*lf metro, wrondeus basswr whtah taa base, la my Uood lor several yaara, 11 aaonsd !**SHftCH*f •***■ ■» M»eBklesn. Laaitwe ■toaiAa'faliarslase af roar remedy hsu daws aae all Iks good la l«s world, "*"""* ■**■

sUTTII MOBTOB, C atrwri, aear Shaw Meatol

I Whit* Canker Cured.

MB. BTBVBMB: 1 bwv* earfuVtd'uV'dmgre* .bia •B*cu of wait* eaahar la the menu, fti ssveraly ars. The caaker at time* sawasaasrv «'tod my month, sad mads ma eauWetyaaar- abto. la Psbraan I bag*a to take year t sra- ap*rilla,*>dU>«c*Bfc«r las abort time aaikory --ai-peared. J is I not knows a Ilk* r.«

1_"**rlLh?'V|,?*>'. Myburtaadhsa unra Bar-aparlltoforbliliouafsvar aaoTrbeina

uam.wilu .' aalisUctory resulU. Mas.fc.J. toaBBJ LL. 17 Forest St

An Old Lad* Cured of ltaeama.Ua Meuraig-la. K__ Lowaxuaay U, ISBk, Blenmau* aasralato haa Bad

aion at my right arm iuf u. pasnw* .aad H waa lmpo.abto far aae to waab, erdoaajMUaeordlwry work *b..ot U*

bsasa, la is* mlddl. M *lareh I beaaa to aa* ,o*r daraaswrilU. sad olstSM a.taatl} lei. bet mr. My daoaa^. Mia. J^. lawver, aoteaed » okaaga.wkb aimowi tbe AIM no**- Ihanral

— rnnasxatkai away, aad tbs asm data I eaa sew da ins

asavleoi west mwaehug sad taealag,*ns aae

A Young- (Ilrl's Kyeaiffht D«w stroyed by ctarofdla, ttaata 4 aaeea*' Barssisullk is aot am a.rj H ,

jaraiet bllaoBsws, baiiBih* wilowuvg ease a restored era*!**I le a girl wao lor wawk* was ■jaStoJ*"**.kwr era* aalag aamplately eksaad

Mr. awevoB*: Mr aaagater tsraeto. it yenrs ■ki. aa. rrem birth bean iroaUsd wbb a sars- injoas aAeMtoo waaeb ••eatad to eeaur a her

TW>. TT *e have slwaya bssa w*aS aae *sn. .Mwltbii alowmuaiaakarsesuMdkwr gmst •a*vy*a*i A few ww*k* Maes we weae oaune - taAe aei>..* sa school, tasy baias,iae isaasssd. and ia a abti ihae saw was letaily auto a set, •« moob as . t U she was blind. W* ware la .rest diaire*. aa nbyaieiaaa aad menials** * Md aaaok e sawoi a ears. We had irtsd Uood'saaraapa..Ua bat II tailed, finally w* «wre m.inowd U try Bavaaa' -araairaria The ir.i Uvtli* wads s w**o*rr*l ehaag*- Tw* *y» idagradaauy rwoveaed, lb* aaisossi saesss

*y. us* dawia tw me la* aye* dlmisisseri, .*Jbf IMUSMIM antbetds was

dilf prwpvased, I

4y husbaad aed myaell safe b***T~u-*«*I d • itbdr-paawaeada tow ooadltiee of Um base* ,au B> taaiag of th* aawlwiaa have sale 11 oerutujas.i kwt IB.IIW**O*B. w*are all iraly

«*i*iul lor wnat It eaa dous la owr lamily, a»4 *iui*gly add ot>r tesbmoav a net already oven yon.

■ihe: *l AOID PaoarasTS.


i^5«uffiw •absuais, sad Its ass to war

R. REED dr. CO.,

WCOD. COIL, lilt and CEMEN1 Sa. B74 E.Mi|8trMt, Ijiwrmer

*vrw\* 5JJ> Jtw. saioHAM,


gl a norna. ax BOTTUSS, no.

TM besuapltod with ST1V. BPS* BABtaPABlLLA tbr*ngh Oeerg* L.

Lawrence American. LAWKENCK. MASS.

ruiDAT MOBNIMQ, I EC. 11, IsS!

Weekly New* Brevities

luetdiy. Ptt-lr, iin ii i f<«iTfr of John KIICT,

wlli be hanged IB Dnblin to-.lav. Tha trial of ib* Glasgow dynamltorr

wss I)- itUti ID Edinburgh yt alerday.

F» Oo»«Tnnr!."»«, of low*. Is lying Bt ih. point oi o- atb, iv hU reside ace, It Washington.

Mr. L. J. Dags, of Chicago, bu beer appointed I r. aturei of tbe rapnblicau ua- tional committee.

M.tihcw Arnold lectured In Wasblng- lo», lest ulfcht, on '-Science aid LlLeia ture." A rov. 1 tpiaode occurred.

lbe German Crown Prince arrived •' K--iue |t*r.-r<ii\ tiler Boon, and »u m»i •i<d cordially received by King llumberi.

There waa a teavj fall or snow yeatei- da» throughout the gteaier part of Iowa Wi-conalu, Iliioola, Indiana and Hicbl giB.

'I In- rrpnhllcan ar.'alora will not pre- sent lb* runic of Senator Anthony (ui pru itiipurt president uoii 1 alier Ihe hoi l'1-iv recess.

Tbe lewer bouae of the Prussian Diet pa»n»d a vota of want of consdeocu I Ht-rr von I'ut'fcanirr, minister of th« In- terior, ytsurdnv,

Tb* su hurltlts of ibe London Undsr- cmutd Railway ailll iblnk Ibe reerut ex- plosloa al ibe Pn.d-.uttt aUtlon was concocted In Amen- a.

Omt lil announcenn rit Is made that Eng- land rranmea cvoirol la Bseutoland, anrl In compliance with ibe piayer of a large UIJJ ulty oi tbn natlvea of that country,

Preaidrnt Arthur will attend Ibe annnal baiqot-is of the Sew Rngleon Society la Brook ho, N. V , no F-tdav evening next, aid la Philadelphia on HJIUUIBJ evening.

A Ore and panic occurred la the P auk- Int.HI Honae. Milwaukee, Wla., Uat uight the KM) t umtred gue»ts rushing Into ibe

Mo one waa seilously Injured,

1 ii> Hrlllah government baa DollOed Euypt Iba: Gnat ttiliain is auable to la lerlere in in.- S.-utlsn, Mil will tr* lo to- duce Hie Puna lo despatch iu txpedliluu thlthn by way ol Suaalin.

The Preaideut baa appointed a hoard of imy mill iiuvy (ffleis lu consider the question of sending an expt diit-m to Ibe rtglona lu aeaicb of Lieutenant Qreely and part).

The Judgment of the supreme Judicial conn ol Massachusetts In tbn cane Dl tin' Providence k New T>i>k 8'esrosbip Company agsfu-l lbe Hill Mai ulaciuilu* L'oBipanv, of Boi-iou, baa be. n nv.-i-ui by the United Slsies Supreme Court.

Hi thon»and Freuch troops were land- ad. W II bum DfpOBllion, w 11 bin Beven rolled 01 Houiav. Tiiiquin, ot ihe II i. haunt, and It waa expit led 1 in I Ii. place would be .uack. d on the llh 'I'm txpetlitna Waa hCcompanitd by ■ floilia of gunnoat..

: ■■" "in 'in 1 1.1 - Ii waa tbat the ( Masse B1 Bacmuih would atiaik Haaol doling the F,euch assault on Son- taf.

Wednesday. Thieata have linn made to hlaw np

L.iiniiHi brldtta and N wti't prleon.

Sir Ilrnr» llawley Oiuver baa been ap< polaud governor ol Mewloundlaat).

The 1 ni.di'h.ii ol 1 x-Governor Lowe, of Iowa, waa greatly Improved laat nlgbt

L-ird l.o'ii- waa >.-UM1IV prenenled Win the ii. 1 ili'iu ol the city of O.'Bt-gow.

A na'lonai bankrupicy coov>mlon In lo be held lu on ine l.'i n |><nx

There wai. • (500 GOO Ore in ibe goverp- m> nt dnckjeid, al Lirbon, Poriugai, Tneaday.

AM B. n> kei. of Brntkton, who mir- d -red hl> Wl'e law! A UJ U-l. baa ai-n- t MM! to M, '. l'nai.ii IT lile.

Tne ol H. Waiter Kvana, to tie riiniiui->i' uer 1 f intemal revenut1, Will be rejioruil lavutabiy lo tbe fenate.

Hix large i-h'fi- and flf ten coaatlog vet- vela have been and lheir ci.w.-. drowned In ren nt »iint atorma In Tar- key. \ Tbe Crown IMnce Fred, rick WiHlnm ol G. 1 mar.y «tailed ihe Pope al Ibe Van can, jealerday, ihe Inleivlew laBtlng an boar.

Ii la reported lhai another Qreely eipe- dlllon baa beer {Tactically deilded upon hv the tioant rmoily appointed to COB- ■Ider the aul)J< it.

By tbe exp" nl'in of boilers In tne oil refinery of Hue I aril A Co., al Pltiaharx, Pen n*j I van la, ) enter day, all persons Wereseviitjy njui-d.

Ibe ten ol r»ncrer-Bmen Lonn ■ 1.i U'IIDI .. i> nply to the lelitr of In qn iy Of the Uofton Civll-Bervlce Reform duo, relative to their voles for Hpeakur Keiiet'ri rtt-lictinn,

The (t. hate on the Tot qnlo credit win cm cuii.d lr, tb< Fieurh tlumber of depu- tlen \, f* 1.1, v. Tt,e crullt was Voted, 312 I" I'O. M. Feiry declined to dUclose tbe t.n .-t in ! ui.'- pollCV lu Tol rr: 111.

The I.. ni-l«r« demdcratlc dlate conv.- ilon uiet ai BaUin K.'Uge yesterday. In np 10 the adjournment no nnminnilou * made. Ii Is iheughl thai Governor Mc- Enery will be reiiomlualed on ihe nrsi ballot 11 - i.iy

Baker Pacha, wbo Is to bsve supreme c. n> 11 at (I ul ibe Soudsn, has left fjalio foi buakim, ami vlll endeavor to cmcll late ihe nlhea before reMirtlng lo Me*. He bae been Ii mi urn .1 bv the Khedive n- !<■ rkhan em ■"• •"■ nl only under Ibe

BBOSt favorable cjcdlllons.

Tlnii -TIIJI v.

There Brsa a I26.CC0 tire yeaieiday al St labu.'j, Conn.

There **a a •1SS.0CO die In Balllmore, w. atetday aiutnuou.

Thf entile hu-li...,. [ of Mldfoid Un n., wsa baimil \eeuiday.

The vVtMein Kail *m i-imi.,11 hi • t" • 'Mil , I nl \l, W11 (1 I -;l WllLS IfU tin 20 b.

Gen. W. T. Bneiman las been elecied C< iiiii.-i it- r ol a Giat.d A 1 my poal lo St. Lonia, BlO.

Mr. K> Ii. r »H. n ( -< <i y< sietday to iea,i

th< B. rtbl.carid in the hi nee tut was anuobid.

F<nr m- n were rirnwred 1 ueiolay nlfb' at Si. Atdiiw*, N. B., ty lU upaeitlntt of a -hll bust.

h.v. Th.n, 1>. ABdetsoB. 1) D. paaioi Ol ib< b« uih Bapilat < luub, bo. Bus tn, d id end' tni> jesuidB).

T.n Icnrteli. POM CiOlt" Col., wei< dihtiotid tiy a 1.11 1 1 e on Tu.suiy and pipona ««>c iijLMd.

Alibeaiinsl miiii« nl ihe Main dniiai Baiiwaj C< n | »t>) nM.idaj a

Wugir TaDuyBOD wrote " Maud," fa«

was B Prince among poeta, but the

<iin|)1etODB of Knglsnd have aented bim

like Mortlecai at the king's gale.

EVEIITOSB who knows Onida wit!

iliink that in her denial that Mgr.

Capel convsrted tu-r to Callioliciso],

i!i« uses a Capetlary arjfumeDt i.e.,

ihe is splittinn; hairs.

IF it 1B true, as tbe Springfield Re-

publican thinks, that aiatlhew Arnold

is *' too insular for America." We

luppose he has dropped the pen in his


VISITOHS to tin: foreign exhibition

Christmas tree, who have seen such

decorations in foreign lands, areplear>

ed to say that tbe/ have seen nothii g

t> compare with it for beauty. Ti.e

effect on tbe audience in electrical, an

well as tbe lighting of ihe tree. The

fashionable salutation among members

of depurtmenta aud exhibitions [g,

" are you going to Chicago?" and then

lhey laugh.

OMK would not have biijipoBed thai

the Clint-Law Nation bud time to

form very extravagant habits in tbe

i»d HI in iii ration of their govern menl,

but it is auihotilutively announced that

the member) of tbe " House of IVHIL'-

and Warriors" of the Cboelnw Nation

must be reduced on account of the ex

pens? of running the government. It

coslB ibe couniry 140,000 per session

or four years, to support BA. Upper

House of 49 in. nidi i« anil a Lasroi

Hotiso of '.>''< members, and there is a

bill now under consideration, which If

passed, will reduce the " House ol

Kings" to 18 members, and the House

of Waninrs to 35 members. With

this reduction in numbers, it is expect-

ed that the expense of caib bestnon

will be about $15,000. That there

should be a relieuchment commilU-i

needed so soon among the Indians,

and, as is hinted, gteat opposition from

men wbo bold ofllcei and men who

wish 10 hold them, amounting to bitter

dislike of the promoters of the econo-

mical scheme, is a mutter of totpriH

and nlso of reijret. We had supposed

we were to Le improved in fonie way

by contact with tbe children of tin

forest, but their eelutaUjn ao familial

in lheir own country of " How?" seems

to represent % conslilulioual inabilil',

to furnish ways and meauajMhith we

as their seniors in constitutional gov-

ernment aie not able to aupply.

1.aid t ill. Si 'i». m 1 lojta In the tilfl

en m (ouitiif nl Ni 1 I bo h. Han) coun- ty, Pel n., ate it n toiai tiy nut ol wi»k.

Cell Cl»> 1 fW.Hi, a BBllam 1'i.n i. n Idler dl>l<DB 1 he vtai, baa leei BIII inn o (blel (til ol the U< pai m.i n

01 Ju-uce

The N* w Yotk Aldermen have decided to it quire ekill t: :ltt I 1 ,mij.a lilea to ta> th.ii wiite ui.ili itn,ULd alier two jeare n. tn MXA Maj.

Th- ProUfll <• nn of Irqulrr rprumi d In. K ---ii 1.- lii WaBbinttltn teaterday, and 1. *I:BUOI v waa fiivtn h\ < .-. 1 1 ,1 , n.- ■ W. Powell aid L.-ui. t'i s aic.

Dlrtllci A <ifr el Coitbill baa hem r.- 0,11. n. 11 10 1. c*i ute Mi Wm A. Pluilif- 01 Kaneae IUI making CMiacia and ie- C*iVli>K Oioart Itiaiba Indiana.

AN" a\.f* I ■ l.r. .0. Ii .. 1, his BBlblS. Za'l. 1 I 1 , la »l O rpuilia All.el I can toil ui-h'i I- t nuce tbe a-aale 1II1I 1101 acieaui loud ■ 1 ■-. o lu 1 < ! • ■(.[,. ,. ■■ be- ha;f.

A petition wca prei-entid In Hi II n-- nun Ainrilcan arilaU an I an

mud. in-MI.V 1. M 1 ,,1 II and I >u---i it .. . proieMing H^'I is 1 lit- piouclue tatilfao spplli J to art.

A former fim«> friend of Farah Derr- hiii.1i haa wrllien aaatlrleal hiouraphy 01 tbe once |H'Hl acuoa, who la »i> ed "Haiab Ban um.' wlncb -u IDCePBed SM-

sb tbat SB* thaMMd Uie aathor with I,. . iiniti.' whip. A iluel has s;roWB out ul the all . 1 , 11 ib rail!.

THE numher ol jtist'flealions and veiiticHiious of the indications lurniHh- ed by the weather bureau to the pub lie press, have been eufliiiently uuiner ous during the yuur to justify the out

lay made by the Government for iu maintenance. The report ol the chief signal officer stales that 68,9 per cent, of Ihe 1,857 cautionary signals dis- played during the year, fur the bent-fit of mariuers, were justified by the re-

BtiltB, and tin- indication* "f weathei furnished to the press were verified 11

88 perceu". of tbe cases. Tbc UitUr on the Pacific coast were veil fled at tbc rale of "-0.5 pel cent. Mcniinn is made of tbe Ohio idea, in regard to

weather Bignnls on a railroad line, aud which attached lo Iho cars give warn- ing lo tbe farmeis wboae lund is on tbc line. It is said that 80 per cent, of

these indications prove to be correct. So great haB been the success attending

the system, thut it is to be extended to all lines of I he tniln ad operated I y

tbe Ilallitnoic aud Ohio ruilroml Cv,

The plans of the bureau look towaid

an examination more thorough than any yet made, into tin; causes of local toina.liM's, urn! if warnings of tbe ap prosch of these terrible uestroyers can be given, ami the direction which the wind will take can lie decisively set- tled, tbe published indic.tioua ol the weatbc bun-uu will not, to speak para- doxically, have been vane.

A Si.'

key titilid [y Ct ton. ai.d IQHOOUU

un.'ei ill' 1.*:

AM M 1MH katajai nf Ma>rartin'«tii

I It l.i-.v ft ». „... h,„

.iu o";.)i. (talweud

la the Hop I'tiutrr a.0 uniitd Frtih Itnfi, Oum* and Balkan.a, and III power Is "iniilnlnl In .111 nt tiaik A.Be, SprBlaa, Biu sea, Neural- gia, Fair In (ha Hide or fturintta *iv*>htre. TDoaaanda tciilly to tbla. I^lweod

IT will strike the general public in

a favuiab!« light, llint the euliated men

of the regular army Hliould petition I'

a retirement law. Tbe Army and

Navy register relers to the fact thru

nearly all the enlisted men ol ihe army

hate signed the petition AS an unprc

icdented occurrence, and also thut the

signatures bflve been bound into H

Im'idtfome volume- The petition asks

congress to consider the wisdom ol

making laws tor carrying into effect

the propositions—that any enlisted

man of the l'. ^. nimy, having served

b r a period ol tmntj -five years or

mo'e MI.ill. upon U\H own request, he

eligible to retirement from active ser-

vice, with a pension of 40 per centum

of -mil pay and allowances as lie nmv

be receiving at the lime of his retire-

ment ; lhal any euElated man having

served for a period of thirty years shall

bu retired Irom active servke, wiib a

pension Ol CO per centum of Mieh pay

and allowances as he may be receiving

at the time of bis retirement. There

aie oilier propositions ol Importance,

for which we have not space, and the

niiftgeslion is made by the pelilloners

that ewry olllcer aud soldier wbo has

Been active service, either during the

rebellion or on the plains wub Indiana,

will bear witness to the expediency and

justice of every provision contained in

ibis proposed retirement bill. Speak-

ing of men who hnvu served before,

during, nnd since ihe war, who are now

totally unfit lor iniliiiirv duly, but who

will remain In Ihe service until tin v

are 60 or C5 years i ( ajje, and thou

land at the Soldier's Home, " from

whence there is nodeptrture but to the

grave," it cites the Mriliih Soldier who

is better taken care of. If be has

served 21 years be is retired on full

pay, averaging from P'.i to $2J per

mnr-tli, which is said to be equal 111

i-..0.„.id to double Ibe amount in the

United States. It in aUo assented

iluii our army is more strictly national

than before the war, and its members

are Inclined to look forward 10 old age

as a searon ol'iesl in the boeom ofiluir

families. It is expected Hint sucb a

proyulrn would improve ihe peraonvlle

of the urn v, nod decrease desertions,

and it will doubtlssi receive the en

couragement of all far seeing men, who

are in favor of any retirement law at


run crickKT SLlHAM

Meetiog of tna Couimlaalooera and

(.•mm it tee.

A mtellot: of tbe Bpicket Hlver eon iaslonars and tbe Cuj Government cua.-

iiiiti.-.: on the IrapruveBMnu In I'le valley

nmn held in lha BlderntBBlc chamber en Muodaj evening, Ik* asayor prealdlBg rioro were present Messrs. Lamprey.

Bell sod Colcord ol tbe comntlsaloa BLU

il iho cominiiiee, alderman Joyce, coan-

. 11 in. u Ford, EHIngwood, Uorrlaeey,

I >ovle and Qsge. Tbe records of the pre vtona meeting were read by tha uiaycr,

after which bo made a few remarks. Me

stated that when Ibe last meeting was ad- j mined It was understood tbat tbn aenar

at the commlitee was, that work npon MI.- iBiproveOients shoald be proaecnitd

vi];oruualy so long aa tbe weather per-

mitted. The commissioners had bt«n au- thorised to make the oecossary COBUBCL-

101 lands, etc., anil. If itiey could noi c .iu« lo tcruia with the owners, 10 nollly

be city c. ci 111 tbat tbe lands might be

.ken under Iho statute*. Ha was lin-

oununed daily aa to the reanoo why tbe

woik waa uol pioifreaslog. Coinmla*looer Lamprey aald tbat tl.e

living of brick had ceased becauaa ot tbe

whether. Meanwhilt! the commissioner'

cad been trytog lo make arrangements ro

that work nilyht bo commenced at tbe ilnri atreui bend. They bad been nnahle

to aat.Bfactoilly uegotlaie with tbe OWL-

-ra of ihe laud n».ili' i, and the consa- queuce was that fuuher progress could

um be made until the city council took tie land under the statnatory rlgbt. Tne

Oilck purcbastd waa ilaiiy being dlstrlb-

uied along tba ronie of ib« propi aed tew-

dr preparatory to Bprlog work, and the location of tin: new coanoel was Slaked

Commissioner Dell aald tbat lie bad upon Mr. Sanuders lo order to

tea what uegollatloua could DM made rel- iilve to Uw transfer of tba laud necessary

gt ibe .V-.i.'l slieet bead. Mr. Hauu4era,

a- lie underalood hi,it. stated tbat be

BToQldalve lo the city ibe land needed f« .ne in w cbaunel, alao M.III n-ui for 1 1 iei t on the uorlb side and aa alley on

inti -■",-!,, prevldod m no beltermeni

■v MI il be aaaessed, either upon hlmseli or

Uiuae. wbo pu.ebased ot him lo the faturt.

lu other words tbat be and builders on be Imp ovtd land would be exempt from

newer and other amassment*. The com- ■alaatoeore, Mr- Bell aald, did not fee

aatburlg d 10 accede to the proposition, and Mr. bauudera said he would prelei

i.nai ihe city couucil should act under Ho

lad and lake tin; laud. TUe city englueei

na'J diawu a plan of ibe location and Mr, .t.-il wn (in (i ocil in uio.ut to tbe al-

lenneo an order tilling for tbu propoaeo


Coiumissluuer Lamprey aald tbat ap-

iiiaiaers bad been hecured aud when Ihi

city couucil weT« prepared to lake lie

liuil. Lbe commlsalouera Were ready to

prucued. Tbe proposition was lo take

H .iil.:i.n'. I»...t for IB* new channel; as 10

i-n- proposed extenaloa of tba abutting

atnals he did not think It waa a mi tier «vuh which the commission conld Ugaily

d al.

Tbe mayor repeated that be was fre-

quently importuned relative to ibe 1m-

profBOKU' and ibe delay. Said be, "A

.treat miuy people are Idle on our baud*

and Ui.ry must be aaslaied one fay or tbe o I,I-I. If ihe work pushed advan-

la;;eou»Jy during iho winter it should be

dune, bo far, tbe wealber has ueeugood for outside work, and contractors hsvt

been making ihe moat of It "

Councilman Kord sjid be understood

Mr. bauudeis (o say tlial he would glv*

to the city Lbe land neceaiarv for lbe new ehauuel and tbe eoutlnuatlon ot Mapl>

and CheatuuL slreeia, H no bellermeuU Were saktd.

Comii'iaetoner Del) said be did not so u iilii.iuni Mr Si, in.ii.-i-' proposition.

Cuuocliman Lamprey said that if any

li 1.1 1:- were derived from tbe Improvi-

ni ibey would acciue in Hi- locality lb -■i:ni'. Ii appeared to blm that were

■ < Ity to 11 I up ihe lew lands the prop-

erly ai!J ilolog would be greatly enhanced

nil:, ui.,) the 1/Weere, thereof, would

accordingly be beueflited. If there w. 1. any betteraieuis they should ha assessed

ai.d the city reimbuised for the Impiovt-

«ni- E

[1 icg a question as tn what the proj -

was. 11 was voted to tdJOBrtl un-

t Friday evening at 7 30 o'ekek.

|ni 11 i.'i:u Mr. baunders present ii

Fmctured Mis SauU.

m -' M'irrill W. Lihbey. aged 42 yeaes.whllt

toilCB'ed, on Friday utgbt, tell from lb<

atepa of *:'. Lowell sireel, receiving *

fracinre or the s^ui:, dielug wlibla iwi boars after tin- accident occurred. Tin

paruculaia appear to be aa rollowa : Lib o*f, hit wile and seven cbl.dren, one s

buy, have dwell at Wo. 42 Lowell street. II - Worked ai bin trade, aa a blacksmith

at Ihe WsehliigloD Mills nntll a few wnkjisgD, when, owing 10 UKbrlstlon,

he WSM dUcharged. Alter his dlsmlaaa 'mm the mill be started 00a epie.-. wbicl

end.d with bis death. About 7 80, m F. ulay evenlug. he It ft aparlmeu s

icrcupied by Ins 1 mi daughter, which

are above those occupied by hla 0*t

'ami y. He found th* doors to hi- own

ick'-d, aud lapped on the window

for his HI i' lo open then.. clteppiDf ■> n kwiiil, w>iilu Will 01-, be Tell down

Hie aleps, hln'hiail coming In coniact

wiiii ihe concrete Sidewalk. He w:i-

skea uo in :m BBCOBBCIOBS c.mdliion BB'1 faorae kin the douxe, whltber Dr. Cbnm leilalo was ,■ ,l, hut all his •flori*

*■ if uuavsliihiji, aud the

mm died as above stated.

Ini vinil H.V Fire.

A' SI 12 Thursday night, su alarm was

uaded from box 32. c alllug the dept rt-

ent to the woodeu stable at the junction Mi;l street and K.-i* street alley. Tbe

lemlcil was the first to arrive at the

sceue. and illd tiood work, but the iffm-

ive execution was done by the wet-r iirnwii fiuin lbe hvdrnnts. The Stable Is

word »y Irena It. t'dUerson, of Muibu< n,

ml was occupied by Cullins A Copfblln,

rho h<d therein a bila of hay and a

borse. The former waa coii«unn d, but

n'msl, after li-ini: bllndioldeif? Was veil wrhout Injury. The Bre was

d.iubiltas of iuceu.ilarr orlglo. Tbe

bulldlrg was loanrtd for $400. with u■ v UgttIB, |Q iti- I.'.i. HI V. tnjjuiiy u' l'eilL-

tlvanla. Tne total damage Is estimated

l 8100.

Mr. I in lini *n Ilia Work.

Mr. Tarboz, Insurance commissioner f the hi air, saya in relation to certain

|cili]alsnia tbit have appealed In tbe pa-

pers In regaid lo the work of bis depart-

ment; "I bsve no deal i e to reply to them

in advance of my leBort <" the leg'sla- lore) In thai I t.b»l) ►bow just what the

il. parimtni has actorrpiloted duni • ihe

eight 11 t pn pi

ny ld> i

a 1* do In ihe future,

i the polcy which ah'


limner wlib ihe It fcl-laiuie, who are the

rapoBtBIa of Hie people, whether tbey W'll adopl lbe ricommet-dallocs or not."

Exactly tbe Right Tblng. i'on'1 vuu cine v. ur baciaoSe whb i MIHH Cajc.Le l'o:i>n» pl.etii. cure i

u«d adveniahrfl ../ of our lead ug

tj of the notice of oar raedtis, > ■ -May eeaaon, that noly a f. w or lbs camber may ba e«rh day meat oncd, with the apacial barga<3i which they are effer-

Wi cinnmanU tba local tradsameo nmsi beartlU to lbs fcvov of oar sabeeribcr*. Lei the liberal amoBBt of moafy wbleh will ba ex panded In tba eoBiins lonaigbt be glvca to car own dealers, rsanamberlng always that patron age, aa wallas cnarliy, ahoa'd beam at borne.

LaWBBMca ON a rSICB CL> THIBQ C3. There are law aaarcswUla aalaltll'hBMaU ba

the aiate ao wail and favorably knows to th people of tha maoiclpslHj wbtre tbey are k- eaud, aa la ibe LAWSJUVCB OMS PBJOB dom- ino COMPANV lotus veople of Lawreace and *ktwBv> Tbsoldaaylsg thai "Nothing tat- c,:edf Itks aaeeesa,' baa bsen ami If verified by the bl-torj of tbu bouae, for from tba vary dm It haa bad a large and growiog trade, and s*ary paaaiag day baa axtroded iia fame sod

unpularlly. The companv waa aainhllabid at Noa. 2i.'a and 226 b.iei air.ft, ii 1SH-J, aid wai ire. ted *i;b some sdvtrae criitclam and powerful compstlilon. But lbe joun« bouae had plenty of money, long buaineaa experience, and able and Judhitua maaagement In Iti tavur and by cartful all. in m lo a law CsrJlnal pli - riplea, aod ccaiinuona and J lolciout advtr i- lag It bai built np,af.ry piofparooi bnalaeaa. Ooaof lha Imporiant advantage* poaietsed Iy iba Lawrence One Price Clutbios Compsnjr la tbat It maaea it* own clothing. Tba cloth It bought in largs quantities direct from ibe man ulectureri lor caah, aod it It maaa Into salts oi overcoats by experienced workmen, la tin latest aod most popular aiylea. Tbe Hare ot iiipi.'j clotblcg ara alwaya oew ar.u complete The company makea a apccialty of cblldreit'i clothing, rarryfng a large and well aelscted aiock, and enarantaclox a perfect Bt to anr Cblld irom ibrea years ot age or aowa Maoy a motber has found It impossible to get hiranthoaiaailcand sdmirins b ur by tbe ma moth a'ors on Eiaex itreet, wllQ lu tempting array of boy'a clothing.

The remarkablu offit la tbla year made of a ooy'a clipper alsd t. be alven sway with averj c-iat or lutt, no mailer bow low tba price may "a. Sblrti of ihabeaimtoafacture and Ur, ibe neweet and nobbleat neckwear, aod a iima-ami and ooa ctber dctirahls articles for holiday

gifts- uatfai ma naTTBa

haa alreadT b come a > familiar to tba penpln Liwrtnce, aa well aa Ibe excellence of his ero m mi aiock, tbat It aetms almovt napeifluoua i recommend blm to tba patronage ol aur reai ara. Few rnrBiabla-(xex>ds ■ ra'/iibnumi uu ■ de of Boaiun have so complete a i saaortm* ol *.IIJ bins ocsdlul in lbe Hoe or men's wear as tbst ol Mr.Hawes. Aod, we mar ■sy, (sw display ao careiuily aelected and I ougbly tastelul goodi. The bolid iy duplay braces ev*ry cioc«1rs< Is v-.rltfty of oee« wear , xndsr-wear, ilrna ahiria, gloves, hosiery, bsi cap*, muffl ra, handkerchief., tusptndm. n laraandcufft. In lact,)uit ihe an c< to aele noilday pretants fur your gentlemen friend* from. No one can be so faatidum ai noi i Hud aometbing lo ault.

Aalde Irom in- lias of aieful ert leu what could more ptssae yoor irltnd f>r Chriatmss gilt tbaa sa *-xta l.-ui box • cigars. Aait cerlaialr no one In tbe cii

C .n »how roa a laeptr.or more careiuily chuai Stock, than can be lonnd at ihe caubluhmeni of


■ e believe we are accurate In aiierlfor that tt baa al*ayi bisn a nrlncip'e wltb Ibtm handle a lot of good*, no matter bow favorable t >e loduccmeota, unleaa aucb are Arat-clasa and en be poribated by Ibcm at Drat baoda. r . uii of tbs atrlci enforcement of Ibia principle can be taall/aipreclated If one will only con alder tbe enviable reputation tbe firm baa oeru pi-d fir ao maoy ye^ra before tbe nublic. Tbi natural retail tf tbla ronrse punued comblotd whh other caoaea, which apses Daforiunately precludes tbe ooanbl |IJ of meotionlng, baa re tuned in the lac; tbat tbe Bim'a banneaa baa now reached proportions aecond to none In the euunty. The foor aiorlea i f tbls immense e- tabliabmeni are Oiled with dealrablr gooda ol every branch of the dry yooda irade, la the aelllogofwblab tbc tnoitocf ibe firm baa ai •BVI been to aell at BMBsJI profit and to ks*p tbeir alock contUnily cbancmR, an that II la a perpetnel novclly la lbe article* off red. A volt to lha atoic during tbe na*t week dUcluaed a ictue uf bualneti activliy ram* ea"eidtd la iba annaia ol tbc Drra, ar.d lbe aat<»racn ladlea have been kept i a bn*y sa b-ea from IJ mom "un nigbk. it -u»ia b. MI>»>

wltbm the llmiia ofa bilif >k('cta like thin, to enum rale ont ilibe of tbe Cbrtaimaa and New Yesr'a novelties to be Inur.d en lbs cou1

every department. Tbe cloak depar m-nt hm ui-. n itiii.i > r. movid lo ihe lecoiid siory * In i c lbe ciceaainea of It e Dims rapidly lr creaaiDa butineia in ibis un- are nut bv gieii er rpace and more iuitable liaht. fl< r-- wlti he lound a muti tahauinve Hoc ol closkaof every ■rade, ai well aa seal p ii-lim and clotbn, A Cult, mera will si way a Doa;ibli a mini sebalBB. lial Dim * i b wbl.b lo do bualnita, reprev at lag, si iidoei.all ibe ilemeots of leiiablllty sod fair and uprisbt dealing!.

osntnaoN, min. n. ANO BtexaiLL.

Tbe well known tum-d DeDi ion, Uaiki Di knell, me la no imud .etsuB lotbe people ol L iwrenca, lur any one vi i Ing their it will aurilv return. Tu.ii- alock is !»ue anu vaiicd. corralling ibe laieit patieroa in tbe market AH good* are made up la tie T ry Isteit nyei, cat hj the popu ar cotteia, air. Hub. Barker and Mr M Moirli, which lasauf- 11 i in K ii II i UF IL- ef ihe le fact fi tins of all gar- coming In m thta boute Mr James U.nnlion can slwara lie lound | milling Ml ibe Je,k, » be will He p'e iBsd to i firm all pnr-

a i.K.uil to iiitrH.m KBBS. A niie ')■■ criiiMi, ur p>lr oi pautaluuni would be a tail ah e Cuii-tuiai pria nt to make to any g«;iilt-

1 itn- enterprl.log Urm ib j.ia> the dim to fill i-i' order.

A. w. STSABMl A co,

TDII bouae la one ofiha very flieat hourei In tbe city, si d In tbe e ccani diiplay of goods made in the winduwi, those in want of Cbrl-t mi Kiln will be able to la'f.'tftm tbe large itock to advantae. fieal tioaklsg* are m«de a «,.fclsn» at d .re made te order at tbe verj abort- •■•■■ in.iii-.-. m tbe woratew goods departrotB'

m be inati.i Laol nsod Jii-m- j icketv, l<ggflBs, KIIIK, nubui, icarfi, iktvea, Loaiery, and * lull ne of r.ii ii..,nii J lOtsls, etc. Hit line or silk indkircblefiar. in k«ei.l'ig witli tbe aea>on. i it a,io s One lineof i Istsd Imuo, in ibe i; .l-uii-it deoatn. Beaver letti, collar and un", lbe muit ai) li.b fur in ibe marUet, can ■« ii-ui to tuit tboae in want of H It f .tblonabie luuet to foBBli ice atnre. Tbe lancjr sooiia

department ii complete In e*eiy dilatl] me lull.-, ptirtuionaisi. In muroeco and p:usb d fine me'ul and ornamenui aril- ei. In il-b

velveta and tl k. A handaon s carpel would be preieot lo ibe bouai bold, snd It may be

found si A. W. Stesrni A Co.

n n. aod c. M. n.iun.v. well eaiaUithtd tlmi ifl.ii for Cbrlat

maa, one cf the laraeai atsorimenia ofsooda My. Among ibelr larae itock may lie

lound bran gooui, cbandalltr*, lampi, dinner md tea ieti, cutlery, anddiplex lampa In args VSratty. Inlormatlon will begnimdby sldng at tbla Ltuie, and examining tbeir


Brashear dty.-sonia War Msmorles.


Muiois CUT,

Dec. 1st, 1888.


Thaateamirs of the Mnrgaa Has are BOI itiapau nnl irons New Orleans, hat the headquarter* of the business of this ti- teaaivt line are si Morgan City, on ibe bayou Alcbafalaya.Hlabty miles westward, bj. rail, from which point ib* uuir Is reached, with a material saving In <!!■- ance, on tripe lo GalsestoB aod V. ta

Crui, over tbe Other roate, dowBthnUls- SlssloyI and throagfat iba passes. Leav- ing New Orleans at 7 o'clock on Saturday, ciwsicig ihe river bj ferry to alglars, woereibe railway benlns, we reach Mnr- uao city at about 11 Tho cooutr> is llm and below the sarface of tbe water or the gulf and from which It \i prolcc- ed by the sjatem of levtmsi for a few milt** orsoee groves abound, the dark areen fol'tase bilsblened by lbe gold n frun yet ungstbered; turnips, cabbages anil either vegetables are Still 10 lbe fleiiis, aod

KOSKS AND OTHEB FLOWERS, nriiihieu tin oa tje-id.t many of tbe bouses. Tben ne pssa great delds ol SB- jar cane. Jast helOJ harvested lor the mills i-catle ii-l iiluliii tile plrntSllllUB i here aud there Is a rlue fie lo, flood, dsftersow- mg, bv letting la aiutces, lbe si- ■ Bf Irom tba osyoe. wblla fBrt*>ar away la a background ot immense cypress swstup ,

ho irere bung from bsse to top with lo' K

lestooua of lBe parasitic grey moss, giv- ing the forenre SO tudlscrlo ibl* wlerdsud 'antas'ic appeBrance, and gradually sap- plug the life irom tbe trees, uu:ll tb*y die. decay aid are tbiown to ibe grouuo ny tbe wind*. Tie rallwsv Is being rebal- lastedsud put indue «r>ndl'.ioD;ihe labor- era were pnsctpaiiy while, the colored people, as a rie, pielerilng planisllon seivlce, and ie»liy mskli>g lbe most d>- s.rable bauds for that, work. A large amouul of northern capital bas been In* va-ud In suuar laisliig tn Louialsus, -..u--- ibe wsr, sud tbe Improved uiacbtuer) .ml iiii-ilin in nave c -mpleleiy revoiuiluinZi'd ihe busmens. lion Kiai.k M. Ames, Oi..'.' - i of the l.leui.-Governor, bas s due p,aniaMoii s t.-w miles aiiove Alalers. A dwod or i r -I'I'HII come tu me, as the train rolla aluug over lb* road which 1 pass, d and repassed. In brick cars, iweni) years sao, sud come to Morgan <JUy, whicb bas been recbtlsteued lu honor of <.be fonndet or ice M.raa" Trausponatl-u (Company, but which, in 1863, was known as

lIlt.lMHK.Ht CITY.

wtaere the fou ib regiment mas enca.npcd wo nioiniis; wbere we bade good a i umbrr of u»od boys fiiisllt

red out." Tbe train pasced wi'n- lu a lew roda ol '.he alte of the hospital, wlitire Ihe ba,f Bcore Woondcd In the ■!• tack on the Louisisns Belle, snd otheis, wen* placed lor ireatment, and slopped m a uew sisilon wblcb has eupplautedtbe luiiii. ■ it \i II atruciure uf twenty year*

BKOi within sight of the old camp ground ; s tine iron bridge taken the |H»C of tbe oi.l feny acinaa the baton, over wbicb esteuda the Texas and Pacldc 8>uiberu rsilwaj. As I ,-. ami on the pier ai.d lm-k alonit the bank to tbe famnisr field, tbe iiiemurifK ol um.-.- months come tioopiug iu tquadrons ; I call tbe ioil of names, JIM recall the loims and fsces of Weil nub so nuudred men,—how maoy of them gone from lile. sudabuudred Incidents ddsn out In clear vlalou. Not lo be forgoitcB is the dsy ■> I our departure lor Port Hud - -mi, in ;be lightest of marching order, uo mm to take au extra pslr of stockings or other cbsnge of el uhlua, — all wa- left in our tenis, which revalued slandin^. with a nundred tn' so of convalescent? in ebarae. A few data litter ibe confeder- ates came down upon the camp, acuope'i m the sick aa pitoouers, and ibe entir. camp equlpuge aud baggage of seven .■i aunt ins i I ever hold an snlorglve grievance s^slosi lbe i filer wbo disport- ed bimaeil su i rode away, In my nearly


and left me aironst absolutely without s ablft. Ir.crl oue lucldent of our d< psrturo, Wbl 'i bsa n.-v.r oeen written ■ houtib GBce or twice repealed, which b deaervlog til record, to tbe credit of tht oue concerned. In my own company, waa a »o!f ler Wbo bad represented Law- rence In the lealslslure, wbo bad held lbe commission of LleOt -Col. or the 6 b regi un tn. t>ut wbo, from un« of those bus o pr.jndlae thsi sometimes, though rsrely, kffccied lha Judgment of Qov. Andrews bad not been t D. oil, as he ouahi, s com- iiii.-Miui, sod wbo, eullsling as s pilvate Nad deo.lned n sergeant's watrsnt wbei tei d.-red liiio. BelSB a capital cook, bt waa place., in charge of tbe company nose whi-i". bis -i i vie, - had proven moat satis factory. Ou the dsy previous to that ot wnUb tbe to take na dt- iure, as It wan utule<s'ood, to engaa* an ssssull npon Port BudsOD, C-tl. Tom weot to lils company commsnder au< a-krli to in- relieved Irom tbu mess il - partBieBl and lo go Into lbe ranks. *-Wbi is the (rouble, now," was the csptsm', nqui \ ; '-uo trouble whatever; I bsv rloiie * bit W:.- isalgued tt> me as W. il S I kuew I" "Yes, of couis« you bsve, wat me reply, "snd that In Just why you »ervlcB ere and netdr.i, and I tl n't, se wbsi wu are to do without v>u; iber iini-t tie BwfB4 ressou tor your lequesl. - wni'. ii- i ?" -Well, Captain," was th inipunte, 'I've been perfectly wllllag ii tir In tbe :m ■ — buBstt, so tona as ihe regl in-ni was in c*mp. hut BK there Is not likely to be s scrimmage, I want to uo In- to Hie tanks and take a QJU-keli If I liv>- io go baik to Lawrence. 1 want bo nan to be able to Clou II in u.v im , . *.-. In . 'he regtOMrBI wus flgtitllg. I was salel> bid iu Lbe cook b.ui-.' " Ttwre was but i ne an. wi r to ibst sBtff1 -"'"" i Owl. Tom Un ': up his tnii-kei, ami ibe Compauy bsO

Ti.e sleamet Whliuey Is a fine, lldv tookina boat, sud lo a lew minutes we are off fur Vsra CrQg.fU Oilveaton; the ■ lies are prupl.loua aud -.hi- winds pro m- ise a good voyage.


The Order of the Uolden, Crosa.


The n mains of Orren Smlib, Itte man>

agei ol i in Bacon I*apt rC'i. were burled

Weiluesdiy at Bvlrtird, Maaa., the home I Mi-, .f t. tu.■■HI. hi*faijer-:n-lsw, at

rbuac j. ..iii.tice tl'e funeral uer vices were,

eld. There were preaenl fiU.nds from Lawrence and other places. Tne aertlcee

were conducted by Rev. A. T. Browser of

Heading, with slugmg by a q»art»ue. The sad news of bis It Jirlea followed lu

a few bourn by the Information of tbeir

fsial result was a severe shock to bis

any friends, especially lo bis immertlatu

family, and hla fstb^r snd mother lo wbom he was an only son To these, ao

suddenly and aad.y afflicted, Is eiteuded

he sympatjlcs of a large number of his

friends sod associates. The comptoy's

mill In thl-t city waa -hut down during ibe dBy Wednesday.

Tbe Beivicesover tbe remains

of Edith Beile, daugh'er of Lr. snd Mis.

J W. Cruwfoid weie beid si the fsmliy

residence on 111*. ilu I street, si S o'clock

Toendsv afiern um. Tbe EpUcnpsl burial

service was lead by Itev. Wm. Lawrence,

Tbe flu al tributes wete veiy hsnd>ome

sod appropriate. Several of lbe fl.isi

pieces came from friends In Boston and

Mew York.

A flu- UUM at Large.

The recent Una, an of wblcb were of In- endiary onaln, ru^kes It evident lbs

.I*IHIU' ts i tll.c .-il with a Are bug, wbo

ppears to have • muuia for selllny Arts

lu wood]aids and woodwoiking tsiablist-

mtnls. Aiumpts have been made lo set

flren at Cfnich's woodjsrd on Bioadwaf,

al»o at PrescotIS luu.ber laid, three limes

of late fire having b. eu dli-covered In It

lucipiency at lbe latter place. Other In

c I.ISII-I > tin s of late have been 'he two at he Lawiencu lumb. r Co's suit, on May

treet, and lo the E-six Co.'g yard. Col" Ins A Cousbllne wood jaid, Hastings A

Suaaiia woodyard. Cram A i'o V junk shop,

hed ou Abbott street. Call A Ttue'o

stable, Runuells Wood>bed, John Murphy's

-table, and Firaeaons shop. Wilh the

excegiiou of the Suudsy Ore, all the sboVi

have been discovered between 7.30 sD( S 30 in the evening, which goes to ehow

tbst th.-y bsve been set by the asme ludl vniiiit'. Whelber the Incendiary is i

ciauk or a hoodlum, Is not known, but if

discovered he may expect no mercy.

A despatch from Worcester siys that

In Heptember last, Hiram Cbaae, of thai

city, disappeared from tba home of the fattier of his first w'fe. lu Mltlbbry, under

I'lrcumstaiicea Indicating that be bad

drowned bimseir. ills second wile bad

goue to Nova Scotia on a vlatt to her parents, aod be bad received a teUgrem

announcing her death. lie oatenslbl)

went ibere to attend tbe funeral and re-

tarued two or three days before hla fluai

tllsappearaoc-'. It now appears that vhc death ol his wife lu No/a Scot la was pre.

tended, tbe object being lo secure 92000 ibiurauce In ihe Order of tbe Golden

Cross, In wblcb both were members. I<

Is probable that wbeP Chase found tbat the order w.tald not par on his state-

ment of her death, hnt rt quired a ph>al

elBta'a certificate and an official record o bar d«ath and burial, he became confuse d

snd Invented bis own desth by suicide as

an easy way out of lbe ccrnp.lcailon. It

is uow known thai Mrs. Cbsse was alhe

at her father's In October and she tbsB ■•aid ber husband waa living lu Bufftlo.

Fatal Acoldeut.

Uaturday afternoon a very serlons ace!

deut occorred at the Bicoo Paper Mllla,

which resulted lu the deaib of Mr. Orren

Smi'h, lha agent and paymaster of corporailon. I'n-' fscu of tbe case aa

told by ihe mill officials, are, that about

half pact four Mr. Smlih, In company wiib Mr. Mark-, a m Clinic In tbe mill, went

mio N'i. S mscbini room for the purpose

of seeing about some Improvem-uK, and while there stepped nebind a mach'ne

used for maktnif the piper. B:lilud tbls machine was a revolving shift, wnlcb

stood shout twenty mr.ii.-i from tbe Cuor

and ten Inches from the wall. There wns

a coup'lnz on Hi.- ibafilog, on which Mr. Smith's coat caoabl and before he could

make an/ aiUmpt to free himself w«

drswn and whlrlud about a couple of

itmea. As soon as tbe machine cmld ainpped Mr. Sinuti was removed and

I) >ctors II iwe, Lougea and Dana were

summoned and on srrlving found tbst th

right leg was brottBB lb two places, one above the inn and the olbe,- abou

ibe hip, several rlrs were broken, and

ihal lie bad a fracture of lbe skull.

When picked up alier the sccldeut Mr. SriiUn was UDCnnsclous, but recov-

ered his seneea In abuul ten minotea. He waa removed to tne Massachusetts

O.oersl Ilospltsl on tbs six o'clock train,

over the Boston aod Lowell K. U-, Satur-

day allernoon, aud was accouips led by Dr. Uowe. Al tbe boepltal Ii- lingered

iinii. twenty minutes of two Sunday alter-

noon, whi-n be died

Mr. S.riih came to this city lb 1874, and took lbe poaltioB of shipping cleik of tbe

Bacon Paper C impauy. and thai poslilon

be held until two ytars auu, wbeu be was

promoted to tbe position of agent and

paymaster, which position li ■ held up to the time of bis destb. The deceased wss

a son-m-lsw of J A. Bicon, owner or tbe paper mills, and leaves a wire and two

-Mldree, a boy ten tears and a girl eight

yesisold. Ho wss 83 years old and a mem

ber of the Puce ne an io-tje, P. aud A M. and tbe H-iw England Mutual Aid Associ-

sr ,ni. Tbe remains will be burled fruui

Mr. Bmltb's late home, at Walnut Hill.


[n tbe probs'.e comt, at Salem, on

Monday, Judge Cboale, wills of tbe fol- lowing parties were proved: William II.

Hart, of L>un. Francis P. Putnam, of

Danvera, Henry S. Shauuck, oi Newborj- port, James White, of Lbwreuce, Eben L.

Wiggm, of Mi i iiiiiiic Twenty admlni-

liatloba were grar-led. Amojg the II-

veutorits ll.tti Weie Ihe following I Itobeit

Q. Utnes, ol Marblebead, 018 000; D.ivid Rojniou. i.l Lviin. S4700i K-iliar A. New- ball, of Lynn. •&! Goo; Hluism L. t oog,

Bslisbury, 81*iil7 6ii; Martha A. Lake,

ol Newburypnii, %i>w, 30; Hark Heekell, of Bait m, til 301 ii;>. F:aSef Caileton. of

Sa.em. U4.9B1 78. lo treati Michael H. Tansy, ol Have,bill, 17117 20. Ssmuel H

Nt wbsil, of P. abodv, 910,751 22 John W.

S, Colby, ul Newbunpon, 84118 79.

A Tin f Caught.

On Sunday,a man usmtd P .trick Keefe,

stole au overcoat belnnitlux to 11 B. Hill, ai Lowell, aud starud lor ibis city. He

stopped at the Widow tJoBse, and asked tbepil>lltge uiwanti bimseif. II.- wi-

th >W«d to do so, nud after bis departure, Mr. Mm-r, tbe pioptleior, dlscovend

Ibst h ■ biokcu Into an so|olulug

loom snd stolen several articles ol J 'wel-

ry. Mr. Morse marled alter tbe thief,

and overtaking him ou the rosB to U>IP

OUli Invited blm to n to I, i veil, aod

eipinln tbe ilielt wblcb Keefe denltd Upon arnvlug at the station, be was r.iiimt lu be the party wbo had stolen ti.e

cost, and be was held to BSaWer for lbe

off ne.-, kre'elving eight moa;bs In Ihe house of tout in,ON.

O. A. It. Cbailty.

It hta l:■ n a c

wltb 1'oat :■:) G. the needy sold-ers

war. also their fai

iMom of long atandlug

k It., lo oUirlbUte to

aid uf tbe late

i|i|.-a, widows and oi-

Delng Gn i Away Free.

The stock of book* now on exhibition

aifi3l Essex street, is larger aud better

It haa been and there la greaur In- ducements offered than ever. As osuat,

very one Is glvea a present free with very book bought, and also a very pretty

cird oa which to register lheir gueea oi

the weight of ihe large, elegant doll In window. Tbe dolt la valued it 925 00

and la the bandaomeat ever M MI m the

city. It will he given on Christmas dsy

to the party having guessed nearest lu

weight. Below are given tbe names of a few of those who got eglr*, vslnable pres- ets vesteidav : Gold hand china lea set.

0 14 pieces, alven lo EHxtbeib Stackpole, 3d Washington; hands <me allver watches

n to Mrs. L tlie Hyde, 31 Howard sreet;Mr. Alons > Patterson. II High -ir.-et ; Mr. J..l.n McE'evaln, St Uxfld atreet ; Mra, Lull.! M. It ed. 28 Morion street. Alao an elegant gold 3aud, 44 plects, di 111 tea set, to Mrs. G. Cole, 61 PSClflo. Tnese are but a few of lbe many. 1 mm now until Cbils>mss each and eveiy day and evenins ><><> ibere will be a great many extra valoahlo j reaents given.


phans, each Chilstmss. a turkey and

'■tber piovialous, to make thn day pleai um as p. s-Mi.e. The relief coicmlUee

takis Ibis 11 1 ant. 0'. Informing those uf

ibu public Wbo feel disposed to contrib- ute to tne csirjina out uf that object, 10

please notily any of lbe following com- tsdes of lheir iDttuUon, aid they will oe upon 1 J n 1 .- Lane,47 Common St.,

U B. IIIOWD. 67 Melbueni John Uanla. Ilik stini; K. M:lion Townseno's isun-

tii BeSeg aiieii; Ctiaa. Il Couilsid,

431 Broadway 1 J. U. Glimao, 17 PatL-

ham atreet.

Settling S'or Klrea.

lha Simmon* Obseaulea. HOME oosaip. Tbe fuoe ' serv:o-a over tht remains

I tbe late Stephen A Simmons took pUte at hla reild> uoe on Havsrbtll Bt., WedUre< <isy Bflemoon, at 3 o'clock, and alibousb

of a private u.i'ure, tbey were largely Bl-

ended by bis friends aud relatives, many

thowlng tb'-lr an".j,:tlou by coming, in

-pits of the storm, from a long disiancu to pay tbe last tribute uf respect to one

whom they had loved so well. There were quile a number of relatives present

from lbe towns ou Cspe Cod, and even from Cooneuilciii. aod other Stales. Tbe

aervicea were conducted by Rev. E. A.

White, of lbe Cburcb of lbe (Jj-.d Sbep- a d, and U-i. Mr. Bass, ol the Uavei St- Methodist church, the piayerhyibu

latter was particularly touching -ud sff.ct

Ins to the mourning fimliy aud friends. Tue choir of lbe Uuiversallst church ssua

T ry sweetly some selection*. Tbe r«-

uiiiii", wblcb w-ru very life-like sod na- tural in tbeir appearance, tested in a

On.d,, 1111.- cankel covered w.U black

broadcloth, aod tbe fi >ral ttlbules were

Bumeroui ami eaq'italte. l'romlueut among them were the "Ualea Ajar," a

beautiful dusigu preaeoted by the em-

ployes uf tbn deceased, at the McliijA

Btgtlow Macbiue Company, of which he

was superintendent, wilh the wotds, '■Ou> Ktlniri" lu purple violets, a floral

wreath from tbe rotnpauy'a Boston office,

a laurel wresin, HIIU from Boston, basket*

ol flowers, a cross, au anchor from tbe

wile aud children of the decease!, and a pillow Of Will 10 euros'. Ions With lbe

-vurd ,. "Boa B-d Brother," in purple vio- lets. These tribute*, the oh*:rlugs of lov-

ing besrta, were burled lu the grave of

tne dead friend Who will be so deeply

moo ued by those who are '-'> rteblud. Ai the close of tbe asrvIces, the remains

were boroe 10 the hearse by Meaara. B -

Hot, Fellows. Jossslyn, Palmer, liagar

snd Perry Rice, and committed lo lhair

fluai resting place in Bellevus Cemeler).

--Scarlet fever Is quite prevalent.

— There were fftleen deaths In thla city last week.

—Tbe board of Lealib waats Ihe peat

nensi reboil".

—Tbs8alvi relused the us

-T^eLswr the New BaaJ


ion Army bis agald been

> of the city hall.

■iiri' polo c'ub 1, . entered md league of polo players.

Smiley, of HavoTblU, well Mob-

Andover Advertiser

and favorably known here, di ■! day.

— It Is ni.-,-; ■■■-, ..1 that Cipt. n ,:•!-

proposes tu go into wool and coal buai-


Baishei Cbnatmaasve.

Tbe insnlsgeof Mr. Mi» I.. Foy. is anno Uunday eveuiug mxt.

A. W. Gibann hia hrta awnnlnl a pennon and amarayea in ibe amount nl ,|1,000. lien- alter be wlli draw 996 a j ear,

Tbe Mii-H'ui Si-bool cbiMran are to entoy lheir Cbri"imai lire on Sniurdsy evening, al tin- cliapei, on Kailrustl itrset

Mr. C. C. Selitra bsa Sone 10 Concord, N. II , anu opintd a .kmnot nnk in tlut city, ociupy lug e Lail inr ibai purpuae.

R>v. Mr. Csrier, nl MancheMrr, N H preaelien st ibe Cue. rrgatiunai cburcb,oa Sun uaj last, in exebanae nub tbu pailur.

ind Mn. Ounniitn, of Ho^-ltlntnn, H., ha*t 1 timum e week,

. the 1 (iii;i in e ol Mi. A. but Butters, un East

Ihs public icboots will close on Fiidiy. for 1 vacsiloa of ten Usyiio si 10 Incluris Cbriil- mas anu New Vest's lor the children's recrea- tion and pleasure.

The Univtraaliit society will lave a cbl1- dfSB'l euiertainmenl, L'brl>tmai ires and »up- u- r at tbe tna n ball, on TutMjuy evening next. Ajllll.M 111, l'jl-illlt.

Trampa are aetiing to be quite aumerooi again; mere are ►everal spplicauts neany tvery iii-iu -i ibe nation ii iua«( for permlsaion to ndge st thai inaiitunon.

Tbs Tamral of Mrs. Helen Emrry took Ea-e on Tnuraday aiternnon, Ktv. Calvin

siuon, of HaveiMII, and Uer. Oaasld FrsXer conduetmg lbs aervicea.

A Cbrlstmaa concert will be glvea st tbe Con- greestlonsl n-.nv on Sun.In? .» miot next. A Uhriitmss trss will lurniata enieruinmsai st the MM piece, on Monday cv^nlcs:.

Man. wtdow of ' ,e lets Capi Aaron JaCM, died un Monday 11. ,1 nine, "f parsljalS,

iceu sge ol S4 f n, si d i mua. Tbe loners! was held un Frluay afternoon.

Tse Moibudlai Sabbath school Will give a oncert st ibe cburcb no Rlondav sveninv next,

snd st ibe etose w.U esj >y li'aii ot s Christ- mas tree, wblcb wlli be dUlitbuted In tbs vei- ry.

Tbs Conprssationsl rbnrcb, it ts said, will receive ©j k0 irom tbc catsts of tba Lie Cat 1.

Jajkn, be having siiitd ibe cburtb tbat smnunt, to lie msde payable at ihe deaiu ot his wife.

Tbe blab Ml,ol literary society beldamret- rir. lo. oil Kiklay evrnms Uat. I-i (iilltiim 1.1 ill ', a Compoalllnn - mt eatl by Ge.i. Pnd rick, and a piano solo wax

t ITI 11 iij Mm 1,1111a tvm-ry. which completed lbs tx-rrlsei of tbu evening.

Mr. Kendall') bonse, on Lnsrell strsot, wai e acvBB oi a alight Are on Thuraday avenlns It, wb en was csu-ed uy so ovcrbenled stove. ut lor lia timeiv dneuvery the bouie wonli)

scon Lave Seen pail wat m-i. Tna room Wbere sioated W'i occupittl by Mr. AIM *V. ud wiie. wbo loat their luniiiure sud

ncuiij all ibelr clotblag. Minerva Lodse, Uansh'en of II -iiekah, held Mui.-innuai e ectiou fur choice ol iffl.era Wednesday evtn'ns, wub lbs following h-

III N C, K la A- A1.1, V. (i , Ail.lir e'nl r; reiotdinK n.ituij, Ab.iie E. NO'JIU; per arrretary, Klia Hurbiusai i>.-.-> ■■., r. <:.aia A.Coaiwcili trsaiiei, BsarM W.C-»i>p, Mis. W. YY.Culbr and Mn. Ssrsb Wma.

Mrs. Helm N. Emtry died on Ssluiday even" tna isai, at tba rtsuf.oce of her brmiier, Mr. \v J Nkboli, 01 coiiSuDipcii a, sgaa 29 yeura aim 10 iii.ii 1 hv. Her hoauauo iiicu about alx jesr* so, leavina btr with a llilk Caaabttr, about

tin -' nioiitbi old, and tbey bava since r.nd.-i: wub b*r krnthtr, at wbo»e b.-no- iba died, AI tot particular rtqucai of Mr. Nichols thd Illtle girl will lu.nain In bli lamlly.

Alier lbs 11 rrt^itit mooib, lbs P. O. wilt not 1 tipened Sunday anon si I en rotors. Toe 1 ills ol ile ii 1 ai 1 nit tit on tbii »L!IJ ci reads: Tie IsW tluea 1101 lequlre a puaimialer lu

open hta t fllce on Sunuay when tucre ti m mail BnI• tug alter tba cloii IK of toe nfflis on Saturday, and U-toro alx.I.ioik Sundaj af- ternoon." Tbn change it li ibuusbi, will not

inconvenience lha law, fur whose ar- d ,111.11 tbe cuatooi Im. been obta.vod


llftrsa iboci ol Iron Were first

I' W >o .S h Ri v. Dr. Merrimsn.

The setting Tor ihu recent fires la the

L'lwreiicc Lumber Co's. works ou May

atreet and In tba IsBBl yard, by tbe In-

surance companion was made on Tues-

day. The Lumber Company, at tbe Mar street holding bad sn Insurance of 8H10

oa building and SUIJO on machinery.

Tbe loss on building was placed at $lt>,1o-

3S; thaton machinery at SS54.S2 Tbe adjjslmeot of the loss and 1 lur Insurant-.,

tit tbs are st the Biseg yard Is aa foi- I twi: .■

Loss 00 buiidmgi, SHtvj 00

Insarsnce on boMdiojS, S3 M) 00 Loss 00 nscblnery, 999 Ti

lusurance on muchluery, 17UOO0

The laaaraaes wa. placed with Mr. A.

D Swan and with him the satisfactory .iiJuMiiii nt was made,

Monday's ntorm.

Monday was the Hist rest wlntcrday of

ibe season. Aboni four inches of aoow fell, and sliabvly more yesterday. Iu Boston over a foot of s»ow fell. Tbe

Boston J'lUtnnl, lu an article on iba storm, says that durlnu tbu paat thirteen

ars tb" flrat snow siorm of lbe season

* fallen 00 the dales wbicb follow,

raelj : 1-70. Dec. 8; 1871. Nov. 10f 1873. Nov. 28; 1874. N. v So; i-U. K. y

1876. Nov. 19: 1677H. v 6; 1878 N-.v.

7; lst-U N v. it. 1880, Nov. U; 1881,

N >V. SA; 18sl Nov. 17.


IB laat 3* si reef, New Tori, starch i-th, ISS3.

I hiiTf nied AilcocL'a I oroua Platters In □ practice wltb rtmarlable aurcrai, and Inund Itnai 1 einiiiily 1 flj.i,iiii,f wl.rn »|i[ lied Lo the Hack tor Weak rptne aril Ktrvnaa Exhamlloi the* ifl'-id nHu.iwi irHam reliefin t;uo»li, soil ],,*< r 1 1 nii'iaiiii. ] curdisllf recunimeod uum si lha bettao.l nfe.t Pinter ever made, and wnuld <■; nu..n lbe public against tbo numer- ous t.vln r HMtiiil Poioua Piasters thai 1 enu^ht 10 be paimrd iflon a crtdnloui puul tbey ire worthiest andtiitenllmea dangerous.

UUHEUT8. klWTOJ, M.D..L-H.C.8. I.ate C In I ill-1 lnii'im- llii.|ihal Im IlLrane- Ol

the 'I In mil and Chen, Medical Offlccr lo lbe Lon- don Urwi-Jlal, CI nlcal A>tlataitt Koya) Lumluii Oubthsln.lclloipital, Aail.tanl to Iba Roatiital fur Dbesiea ef It.e SK10. Loadoo. CUDIUIUDS PbjaieLan and SUITMII,

When yen want itie Bjajt catefnlly piepnred and totl Plaaler n atle, atk lour UruiflM foi Alteock'a 1'umu. riaater, dwlweod

Airt-icx To MOTRBaa. Are yon dlaiurbed at nisht and broken of vour

rest by a sick child Buffering and crriun wilt- pain of colons teeth? 1 so. aend si once snd set a bottle of Msa. WISSLOW'S SOUTHIHO HIHCI rou CniLDBxa ItkTiiiso. Hi valoe la incal eulable. II will irbevs Ihe poor bide suffrret mi n.i-iiinn-1'. I', j 1 ini IIJ 1,11 11, umbers, tbeir ii no mistake atmut II. ll cures djaenierv and riiarrhtsa, resulates Ibe amnnrh and bowelf. cures wind 00II0, soltena Ihe Bums, reduces in-

mati.ia, and sue. i.-ne and rnersj to the whuls nj-riin Maa. WISSLOW'S nonTHlse STBVr roauniUDHBsTBkTMISO la BMBBBBt U- ihe tsate, andie the fre*cri|.iluo»roneot heohl eal suit best femslr iiiitaiciana and nuraea In the t'nlte.i btatea, Bnd la tut >alc bv all druaaiatr 'hroughout Ike world. Price*! BSBM a bottle.

I - 1 v. IBB If


wa will srnd vn Or. K-u msnn'a Great Med- ical Work 1 100 pacra. cnlorsd pistes fn.m lilt 7 hi nm.i vs'usbis sivlser tvrr panlbbed. 1 iav aiinii sf on receipt of iwo 8 cent eiamia. t l>*y posisse. Adilrtaa A P. Ordwsv 1 Ci. Buatun, Msaa. V2*«.d

Fortify feeble luofs asalaat winter hh with Hae'a Hone? ol Hortuoaoa and Tsr.

Ptkt'a Tootbacbe Drop! cars In one nuaate.

A remedy for Indlscitiao. Coninrnplion, Dyr. pefala, Weakneii, Feicr, Agui, etc., Coidea'i Liquid iKei Tonic tllwend

Veaetlns neeta with wonderful aurcssi IB lbe curs ol Cancer and Cancerous IKuior.


T. F'lnk W.nsurns-. giTel orders tu

B. B. Fuller to close ou' tie remaining

stuck of the mill snd Yesebery itoods

.,„„.*. feMMIwl B««4«-| „,., »..,... «>L,.. r,^M

will be lbe last dav of tbls 4/eai aalu Ot furii moro ui-ta.c. ft ibe skn ikan any other sootls. AUtlon each afternoon at |, aod J -alva, omimiut or iwton. Tba neat family * _ , , , ,. salve lo iba world, only IL dnii. AH drna> each evening at 7. PrlVBte sals ontalde rtsajBaH it. wiaami k Co.,propnatnra, Rock- of auctlou bouri, 1 UBd, Mala*. Ithwr»

Th-! disaareiahle oners'Ion of 'orcing liiin'.U nto tbe head, aod ihu m ■ ol ixciuns mull . re hems Fuper>erled bv E r'a Cream in in, a m-a .nt <: -i.irrr, Colds IB mo Head and Hay

Fe*er. F Ice, 60 c-air. Apply into ouairlla wub lbs flo«er.


Jlrt'i". Jnlin-lon. II IIIOTIJ k Co., whVi. asle'irnaaliiao' rbtiaiisipbts. P.. nportosi some 1 one ssna «- mlnman handed them a eal* lar.wnb a nqneii to send a snwd Ctiarrn care to Iwu army oAcera la Arixtina. Ri-csat'* tbe •ame gentleman told them that bo b ihe 1 Metn anrl tie wife ofa well kaowa U 8. A. General bad been cured of CaUrrb by iba two bottleaof Ely'1 Cream Balm. Ytlwted

—Tbe Archibald Wheel (Xmpany ("«

Clares a sc-mi-aunual divi.lend ul 3 1-2 per

(WOt, January 1

—The session of ihe probate court

held lu Salem, on MourUy, is the Iss.B siuu of lbe year.

— Weduesdsy aVeBtnf, Dec. 2Glb, 'he membei s uf the r >.. ,;J,I council will huld

lheir annual banquet.

—Fattier Dtiy. lute pas'or of Bt Greg- orys IMIII 1, in llsverblll. well I

here, died at K ime on the loth lust

-John I* li 1 until will deliver tie neit

White Fund lecture, Jm. 2.

JeCL W11I II ■ ■' 1'il.i li.-^io 1 o! 1 !,

— According 10 the statistics of the Seciitaty ol Slate,the;e aie S 104polls in

Bases County, IM on polls Cit2H,

valuation, fj7 884 8U7, total tax 4&,06t.

—Tbe aaaembly at Uauuders ball, under

the BBBBBBeBHIbt ut It C. K. K. aud wan a Cumplele auccess. There a

abuul BiveLtj-ttve cjuples in me m


—The Concord Monitor metitlous a ie.

pon tbat Col. Johu II. Qeor^e, now spi

clal counsel for the Bnaion aud Lowe railroad curpora'.lon, will, un the 11,-1 ul

ibe coming January, reaumn bis

law practice in that, bis native ell

— Ou Weduesdsy evenlnj:, Dec. ■ ■; -1,

Will be a !'.l:H CUUVeU, to elect a me 111 be I uf tue water

bond f-r il-- years, one trustee ut lb

Um link cemetery, two tr Balnea ol tbi

pub.[c library, three directors of the Ii duatrlal school.

—Tha Eastern Railroad Company last

week tesud the bridges along then

uf road. Tbey are cruascd at c

rates or spe^d by tjcavlty loaded cats, and

especial attention In paid to lbe

and velocity ol' Iho vibrations thtteby


— Miss Lsart Dalotv read "The Fall of

tbu Ptmbeitou Mil:," wiliten by M1«a

Phelps. "efore Ibe Old K-sl-ient's A-soc:-

atlou, Monday p. m., al city hall. It war qulto 10i 111; g. aid created quite n-'iu

tlon, as a latue part of tht audience pre* mi wete iic Wlinesaesol the dreadlu

scenes of tbs ni - he of January 10, 18li0,

when tbe tradegy occured.

-Conductor L. 8. Bean, of tne Bostot

and Lowell railroad, assumed lbe posi-

tion of statics ajitnt al Boston, Decem

uer 1st, la place of K. P. Tlmy nXm many jeais s conductor on the .-ami

road," who succeeded Oen, M. T. Dona

'iue as ststlon agent s few yesrs ago.

Mr. Beau waa formerly ass.slant 10 O-n Dnnobon, hence the duties of tbe posi-

tion are not entirely Dew to blm.

--City clerk Seepard has received lr.

formation of the death of bis brother, F. W., wblcb 1 ci until at Zinesvjlie. Ohio,

OB F.lday. The deceased was 30 >ear>

of sge, and for a long time had been con

Oecttd wlib ihe construction departmt-ui 01 tbe Western Union Telearapb Co., be

Ing amung tbuse who layed tbe wires 00

tbe Hue of tbe Northern Pacific rsili

Tba body will be Interred in Kocklsuu, Me., on Thursday.

— The directors of tin M:,ft-in Ra

mad, lit cud un Wtfneidsy, have oreao- ixtd b) < 1 1 iie.i 1: Arthur Beweli as presl

Cent, N. G- Chspiu as tressnrer. uu

Fields I. Amory as clerk. The nev 111 kid Hi 1 is : i - in 47 jtaia ol a lie, a rest

dent ol liuiii. Me., whtr>- he has "1 .n ai

exiaeslve »Mplui:dtr snd owner, and li

now piisldiui of a Nations) bask, ant

baa l n 11 a diticior of tbe Banters tali

road for i ne Jt ar, and of the 11 nine. Ci 1

iral slace 187S.

—Tbe following conversation wa* beaid

00 E-aei street, ihe other evenins, iwi-en iwo ragged little usmira slim

not have been more than Beven 3 M aaei "I say, J thnnv, was be buna moruinal" "Wbi ?*' "O'Donnell."

be was huna yent<-iday mornina." "Did be say anythlog, Johnn. f -'No, hedidu'i

say um hii.«, but I tell yon he dl.-d gBBlB."

I li- n they weut 00 looking at llm C&flst

maa tblnas In the store windows, their inni's thiu-t Into tbeir pockets and I In ir

uoor lltde noses blue with cold.

—The Essex Congregational Ciub will celeliraie Fore fai beta' D<y. bv a m- r-ii ;:

at Hamilton iluii, Salem, on Thursday

next, st C P M Suppet served pioicp'Iy

a- (J.::0. Addresses are rxptctcd from

Ptof. Oeorge Harris. D. D., of Andover, tlon. Chas. Tbeudore Bnssol), of Cam-

bndiie, Hev. C. M. Lamsou, "f Worcet-

Ur. Rev. Joshua Cult, fjimerly of tMs c t), and others. Music will be furn'shed

by the Cadet Otcheslra, and the "Pilgrim

llunn" will bo snog by Miss Uowe of Balsas.

— Roae Standlah colony, U. O. P. F. at their regular Meeting Tuesday evening, elected the following c(Beers for tbe et-

suingteim: GovernT, F. It- Drake; II. u-

tenant governor, Ltdla A. Bc-al; inasm

er, John Barto ; collictor, Waller ,

Merrill j chaplain, 8. Louise Barton; se -earn at arms, Weodall Beat; depo<y

-tergtan' alarms. Augusta Nldudon; SOL

tloel Inner gale, Mra. N. B. Phelps ; :i sate, N. K Fuater; tiusteea, M. B.

Townaecd, Ueo. Knowlton, J. N. Mc-

DubTee; pianist, Mrs. Addle Drake.

— (>j Moudav evening Mr. ami Mrs.

Sunnier Andrews bad a friendly Invasion

of ibelr residence Ho. 76 Garden street,

snd were agreeably auiprleed when ihe

Import of tbe umxptcied call wss ex- plained by tbe pi. s< tuition of an elegant

silver tea service, purchased of ibe firm

of D. N. and C. M. Msrtln. The presen- islloB nmaiks wire msde by li. v. Mr.

Btacv, and, sit bo ugh completely taken by

aurprlae, Mr. Atdrtwl msde a bt Biting

nsponse, delivering tbu house Into the

ketplng of hla genial and umxptcied guesia. Music and Boclabl.liy tvigued

for an ssreeable period, and all departed w. 11 Kiatlhed with ibelr «ljit ami tbs en -

loyabie collation apeedfly prepared.

— Mr. A. J- Humphrey, driver of At- lantic boss carriage bas of late made

some remarkably quick lime lu reaching Ores, of wblcb the members of lbe com- pany are naturally aomewhit proud. Ai

tbe lire Sunday morning he Brrlvedst ibe Essex jarrl la four minu'.ea and In ad

Vance of all ibe department, except Ea

sex boae carriage, while ID responding to a alarm from b..x 21 on a recent Sunday

T-nlnir, lbe post 1 (Dee was paased In lei s

tban two mlnnlea from the Ural aound of lbe b:lla. the tim-i la this csse beluu rt*

eotded by a -ton-*atch fa -.he haa Is of

8 i|it- Currier, wtiu was at tbe window of j nT'i'sara nd-ne with a"w t:t 1 lelepa too omce. In bliciluu up. it o ; ''"*"'''<' I ■

itullro ad Traina. —:

A dover o Bnttar.,BBI,l a, s no SM. BtssM

IIS 1. Ul ays a J U. Ill

j. ami frltla.B a SB,

>n,a, a InLiiWirne^.S .'» 1

l.(ri,a.i|,4 in, vii,i,a.a (.«», II. !•, a u> UM,,

JtW i.w. a- l.TU,a« ,m. 7 in*. ,.

lAH *.(• g '■'■">. i> II

n. 1 ill, i .v. ,-i ;, . 7 ;ii [ tn.

rtti.s Bt. 1 m., U.»i,

—— , IsTllrB—a

A tWoataot rula —Wear easj 'line*. PrBl Or»t made ofqiiila A. IJ. 635. A ►letgh for a de. See iilvertisement.

■ads uni- a centurr later a Into aie in Hie loirth century,

mads A. D,


ff pr.schai) at tba South

Somarvi:ie, preached

PtilMpa \, siiii!i> dosed veiterdav. and win •lave a vaOallwB of mo weeks.

Thirty IboBsaed ner.ons b tBS r In led the Lurae Uittn. In Virninis liui year.

The e«si ol living in Canada bas Increased rail* 30 percent. ,„ ibe Ul five yetri. ^^

JnsikeOrsy.of ihe Sii,,,€ns it.-nch. |. - 'tsvbelor, .no w,,,!!, over s innlun d.tllsrs.

Tbe ii b—i > ii j.-n nl F.orlila la aa ^anatoe David L. Yntee. wbo i, rated ai *3 000 000.

w'ilsro U. Me,n, bas -old hi-land and tmUttnta on Malt, itreet, In William S.JenklriV

Puthsrn, c.l !..„ April.

The milk of bu-isn Mn>lnsss '. a gn->d desl |keo;dinarycow-5mi,ktb,...dsy..'tI,-.b.d,;

A Niirth Binninnton. Conn., man rewn'lv

.bout ibere" mWd88CI1' tUe vu>* uht> «»«F ■««

Atmut #75 000 worth of goM wsarecratly dli

SHTLIBB." PgekW '■•"*■*«« •-■V

ni«.*°„l".',«£,|"!*nBlrM0'ortdn,"n in lh" Yala woo Un law 8onlh* 'nU ■"

Clisrlei Donovan and Csiiiai Dark left f(>r fioniu on rnnradsy, when thai lasesj w •ptBd lbs wlniir. ^m w

A t «i in v lady, wben penented wlib a pair of oorra ([I-MCS, «,ked: "How In ihe world am I io keep them on ?"

A Oorsla woman ii silj to have a daogbtar ■iBly 12 yean young,, iU«L berlelf, ibe having ueen married al |1. *

Rev. H. M. P.nnlman.oflbo Neminary, wl 1 pnaeuaiihe Lawrence itreet cburcb, Law- rencr, ne.t Saliiisib.

"Whsn will tblicurgofashei a gentleman ihs other evening "AaSbOBasil haiacarao" W4i tneprumpi reply.

the old*** pon'ml.troiilDtha United States is Mi.a l-.i.ti,v Everett, of Weil Fux0oiougbf atass., who ii unjcuiy-iwu,

Jurloe Morton and wile leave town lo-djy for now York, where thuy lutead iu aoeod tha remsluder ul thii mumo.

■oontj, 1. c, bavra K'.M Beauty 8pvt

An-gnigirl In Li

TeBBtauuB Tnucb Me Not."

■ ^"J- Bj"1-1 '"">:• tnwn, wbo Brda.t,d in lbe Normal Mrhonl at Saleai, lbe Isstciau li leaching In Norm Beading. '

Frederick Manning whu hsi h -en viiKinn rrhmdi in town fir asvaraj gkoetu* pait. has ri- lurncd to Uolutsdu Epriagt, Cul.

Cosrl.s Kineiley »a$ very lond ot BBbfi his stable waa n ver without a while cat, or his bouse wiibouta black or isbbr-.

ItlssaidtbiaRev. Jimes Preem,n darks, ol U lion, wait, mi Stoiidsv ablkl to write hi. >croion ibsi be Blsy have It Ireib,

Mr Sudden Wealth, showing bis new b mra tosdmlnnrf trteoj: "Hers is a niche lur a

Wbai ii,- Hi-Milt *j| a 1'arcbe.

The Wen church Stiibaih St-hnol will hold tbeir mn ii .1 OnruHBtaS entenainratfoi, with ln- leieitlnssxeiclija, n.xtTu alay evening.

Mince pfe lesion li here, and tboae VIM ran afford li wi'l now dr^im of e'epban'a with loar trutika and mules si h ii utuinaied besdi.

Nenr &.<a'hman, Oa , li a giant oak tree, Irom ibs lu i ■ ot which t »o distinct iirsami of wstei toting kru.oao ruuuiug BBM aud the other STtSL

Over 10 000 wom«n are rmnloved in the abfrt an.i couar luMuuiBCiorltior Troy, N. Y., and li'.e™"*T ru" ol OM concern avcragd ovor 91 000 per day.

The s itihniti icbool connected wlib tbs Unloa "hurch, BaUard V-ie, wilt bod their annual Cbrii-tioiiB enieriammant, with gilt tree, next lue.d.y eveulng.

An lnilUnapolii man a ild not a word to tbe r I'aurant w«lfr, who brought blm a tough piece of in'st, but marched mio ihs kiienen and wbippe.t ihe cook..

TbeSaib tb irhnol In thi Oij-ood district, W, at I arlah. will liaT. Ibelr annual Cbrl-tmss .-ni.-i i i in ami gilt tree a: Hi- acbool boase next Monday evening.

Tbe E-i.xC airrgaiinal Club ceieursled Forefatbers ll.y ny a meeting si Sdera, on 1'buradsv evening. An sag 'be speakers an- nuunced f r Ibe occaalua wa* f roleiaor UBTII. ul ibiimwn.

Hev. Jsmei F. Clark, a mli*innary In Dol- aa-i-., i;s>ke iitiereailngiy oi ebrlatlsn work In hia fleitl of isisir, at Ibe Fres Ohiin-b, lait 8ab- tiath , v.iiiiL'. 11^ will reiuru io Duuarla lu a a ii-* mutitla.

Pi ofetsor Moore preached at tba Ltwrenco -treet cburcb. Livreucs, IBM Sihlia.b. sua wilt •upply ibe puioit uf tnH TrlB>tj Cms regal Ion a I church In I.twrrnce, fur the present, commenc- ing next

Since Aiex tnd-r II. BtBBBBaaTl, destb, hTr. Evuts a the siuaitcai mm ul political renowa. 4B h-a eleven clnldrei, -oine ol UICQ married, and makea a buuilrcd thuuaaud dollars a veer In iita law prni-ilee.

Oeorge A. Abbott, of tbs Holt dlatilct. r~- '-eive.l a ICVITH piraiytic strnko 00 rjaturday. Hehat noleij-yed robuil hesltb fur i«vsral v<sis, bu h,s besn more efsetlVB tbe past ',, ii-.jii i M ti lor a Ions period.

Wben a Boa'o- eirl l| p-,, nte.t wltb a bou- nd she say*I "lb, bow dt-eideolv a#eat; its asraBcs penetrstea ths entire aimo-phere of he room. AKmi-igri ,J|; -it

ru.l a vi iiii.|,i I-I. ■,. Uruiien,"— Ex. Among lbs inn

he drarfW. ol N> rests flit, ii"" -li ■ is« for Hf y-three yean in iurce*>loa, un.' mill hesriv snd * it as Harp ^i aay of

tbe li-.n be has with hiui on tne road. R.T. JamM F. Clarke, miiaionary nf the

Mnertcan Board lo Bulgarls, mails B very io- . resting ami i cast the Free cburcb, Sundsr •vening. upon proars>i In thsi roun- ire. At tbe clote ot the sdrlreia many ceiaoua expresied ibelr Intent', ba Mr. Clark.

Come," isid a C'aclnnail man, abow'sig a Chicsfo Iriend Ihs inititutnmi ot the cltv

let Bflgoaad aseibo Widm'a n,„n„ ■'■ U'-b," laltl lbs terrified iirang-r; "I «>'«

home i-nce, ai.d It cost me #16 000 for Bead

lectareoponconktnB.on Mnnrlay tvsW. Irg. waa a very pirasant lueccss. Mrs. Danltll

verv aaeccMtul in ber demon«ratloss and ■ UM iy uselul btnti to thn audlsnce. It »

■eretie.l that Ihe itnrm printed rnsnr Jns BeasBBt, Bl tbe lec-we wss ihs mrwt rve one of the coorac, i

interrii. Special s

lbs »ii«as t

the mini ■ne or T«ry

- d vsrr <tim- eata mm male in ibe hall for

... »- „..u -_, IDs Harvest Range," nf which Mr. Btrne.t lnht •gent, and nf wsicb Mrs D.tniril laid : "It give me entireaatlif.nlon."'

Themiilrteaim-tnap in date K«BB In tha north pan of iba lown. He wje polling on h<s bonl lbe other morning, and >lin<-k shit ba anrposed was a nsaiy. slimy make cwlbd ww on tbe ate. Be jiimned two yartls and kleksd the hnoi thronvh s B*B ttollsr mirror snd a ... e.n.r.l st 810 an I wben bu wi'e'i switch

"- -nt of the hniaar, u borpejocky t0 |rlr


ni» floatiig im wnnld li'. ■ ■' rlemorsl h'm talk. Verllv. lbs rle!Hi-nn upon illppery tilacei.-Bnrllnfiun Free Press!

J. R. WMBBI hsirimnved Inlli new store tn Barnard*! brick block, near ihe town ball, wr-o'e bs Will he plrased to ssrva bis old frianHi. and th-public gensrsllf, |„ hia lino. Mr. Whi'lna bat heen enaased |n w.irh and clnck rroa'rlngano th- j. wriry trarla for tha pill sixia n yesron tbla tt-wn, snd th* fnur nr-v...t.s * ears was In iho WaBhSBJ Wstrh Wnrfc*. fiines he c-nts here hla h nin.,, asa roan ennitanily Inr-te a at. an.i bis row quar- ter*, t'e'ne ronv^ntenl and an ran live wltl ram tn him rxrrllsnt secnmndatlona

h- fo-nre. See his sdveriiMBWBt elaewbars md giv D a call.

•ihsw Arnold arrived lo town nn Thnrs .fternoon and ••• th« sn it of Pmbiwr

Chorchlll. Ii lbs f»enln« ha wai psenrfd to Phillips Acaiemy Hsll. h» ths senior claia of ihs iLiMution, wbms invitHtmn had i.rnrrd hia pretence. Tbe Ire ure nl the distlnanlibaal Fnglisb critic wn nn * Em-rstn." and the nsdrni room waa cnmpleiBiT BUed with as nrtlenre of shout live bunriren, tmnroclna lha lite of ihe to»o and vicinity. Tba speaker rsi lu'mdared in a feilttoai manner hy prof.

Cbsr-aiH. Bt »lmae n -i I.TTP a reception was heirtatibaconclu'lnnif the lecinre. Among others pr sent were !)■: Jo-snh Ward. Prosl- dsni ol Tanaion Cnllrws, Pihota, l"r-f,-a-.>i William L—renee. of Camb'lds-. Rev. Mr. Amorv. nf North Andover. Prnfaaior Park. Piinripal Bancrolt ami many when.

MiMti-w A-ro'ii It a man of pleasant prea- rnce. of lull haiaht, nrmare haMt, with sn In- tellectual . ■■1IIH-I...IUV ,■ n...w|-,,.|i ii- pirates,


i-n« Hi. ng hlmremarhahlv w<)l. HIS

tune mi recot I at 11 nioti, where alait, s mbj ct wai q'tlieat Hi command, ' u hti man- are of m.ire fnqneai ocenraoce than bor« I SU'J *"• ^!£* ''n *" si'V.-ei de-k, and ha

■» """'" hid ibe awkward b-h-t el tarnin* sFiraptly sod the men coos-qu.niiy In constant B*l ie, sbom errrv mi-mre, in ttaasa npnn It. practice. Tbs other Silvers of our de- I Mr *rroM la ilxiy-uns. aithonah be icamB

mtcb ynnnser. He stands forward, 81, pirtmenl ara nut slow, hat to beat Paul bap*, ona ot lha koaneit critic*, lha m-xt caill- ihey will be obilacd to get op earlier IB T*1PJ nf *cl)oUri *n<1 Pnllihrd writtra of proas th. moraine- of lbs day. He has but tbrae loploi In all fot the noraiBg. kbJ iWmtu ta mi*- country.

, 1


J. E. WHITING, Watch Maker and Jeweller,

HiiH .. moved to ll.n M.n.r- Block. II living been established In Andover for Sixteen yearn, 1 have been obliged, owing to ray Increased butlneat, to movt to mote i i 11 11 ■ <1'i.i!f quarters, where will ha found a. good aatartratnt of:

Ladles' and Gents' GOLD and Ml.Ml: Wultham WATCAES,

FRENCH MAKBhK CLOCKS, AMERICAN MAM EL CLOCKS, SOLID SILVER WAKE, Hog• rs & Ilros. and Itced and HiirUn Silver Plated WAliK, SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, JKWKLKY, BRACELETS, Lace Tina, Ear-rings, Lockets, Neck Chains,

Ladlis' and Cents' Watch Chains, Plain and Fancy Rings, Fins Watch and

f i - I. Repairing. French and Engllab CLOCKS aipeclalty. A good assortment of Warranted Cutlery. Toys and Confectionery for the Holidays.

J. E. WHITING, Barnard's Brick Block, Main Street, Andover, Mans.

T n , 'Oertu a' ball on iday ev Bi ■>((•

"Wuat U 0, HI V It" r • ild nilemiD tn ( h HI Is . *w IK <>i «ui a ca e WIlKO

"bee "M tnniu,'* .nt a little boy. "what will pipi

do wli. n 1 tfu* Dp to tw a iimn f YuJ s/uu't W.1I1I Iwo luaill 1u I In IlOUSj."

Aa oraiur, declaring thai fonufle k feed at e»vi-v itirtii'n II.HJI .in.-■, .IN owl liWbinan laid, " tVlieii >b* kuutkcil ai luiue I IUUH uave been

•WOO. <' [irii-. "Flln," cbampl'" ru-iiid-beaded null terrier.; v.lued al ftfO CbampluD prl •, "Peppir," I'bamDluD puck Ciii.d Kkje uinrr.i v.lueu at t220 Cnaiu I'l'in prl , "Pen" (IWiuerljr ■Ni.ratt"). cham- pion prick-eared »kje terrier j valued at flit).


| T


TbeadnHr.hlv ma-i*md sate, under Ibe *n> picetol lbs Young women's Guild, an urges HiKun loiniuitil with Si Pour*, at Hi. room", on Main Street, last Salarday slltrn.wti urn! evenlus, waa ■Iteni'td by a aunlnlent nun . I) i ' Mil tt:>' rapacity uf ibe om apartment* Eni/atirjct.ini waa preaentrd tn iniliCd Ibi patruna to txi*. n I .v, and a' ih - »aiue Htm *tv« an iq m .I. ..: in ntiru lor lbs assn. Tut K«ildrat,**iiited by Mill Annlu Mllner, ami

ra. Cua«. Snepn-t, ,-,,ui.j he fount! at a Well- Ctirlitma* services will be b«id gt the Pre* I »"Pplied fancy in I domntic t.ble, and a »..rt-

S-biialti. Tue pantor will prenih \"y "• "WH w«™ "''d by Mi.. M -' ilng a S.bbail. I Mi»» e"»n

concluding, lecture of th* peoples court i! .iv. i. ibi, : hi l*v| uvealee. n> K-v. p. *■* M kvue.cj. BaoJtSM "las flench

icli." 1 cjiuert mil tie bald, Prole nor Miller, who ucrformed at tbe *-"ii

lair laat week, lias |usl b™ m.'iL'.'il to gn. an MtarUHUMl t in ii.t luwn ball, al an earir dais, under tbe nuipicet of tbe baud.

A newly arrived uutnlKr* r t to tlili coantry w ii take. I il be Intended to • ipporl tbe f cv«rn- a ni. "Wuy, be exHaiDnen, <• tbvre a goreni- in in la tbli country .' Ii ibirj i«, I'm sal" ii "

It Is aald Ibat "il you play on an accorde n aiir an oyrier, tbe ov>tar *>i i open bn >lio,i." WaelDenbii nhe-ame it warm to lUten, or la looking lor a ihinue lo, It not known.

Tb> lwnd lair laat week wai well ailanded aud inncb ejj ived durin* the lour uTe'ilnus it waa bald. We ba*e not c iroed tba amount ui it-i'.-i(.i-., inn lit ■ ii.-. ■. II i ni MI.' bind ini.« bare been bani'aomely rei Ieui'b<d.

Tbe UiNii.tiiM-. s icra, wbieb haa. we btl ktfs, b -en pulillabed in Hill lown [Of f..ny yean, bai been removed to Onerlln.Onio, wtirra II will hereafter be i inert. Ibe editorial manage- ment Mill ronm a Frederkk Wnubt. Jndwn h ii ai.d Win (,. IS .1 tine. Prvilniirs at ni.,1 l-.ii, wltb l'i..i. :.-..<■ Park, of ibta town, and otber diatlDgalabed ai*oclatfl edltora and coo- tr|»toia.

Tba reanlar mou'lilv meei ln« of tbe Aodoeer Parmerb'Cub wai beld on Tuinl-y etenina. "J'li luijci-iof ibe animal winter eniertainmtnt w*§ lair- diced and aiier remarks by Hn. Varnum Lmcolu, M C. Andrews and uiben, n Was voted tbst a coniniliieool fl>e ooaopolnifd br ibe cbair tu to: aider tbe suij'Ct and report at Ibe next mi rim*. Ibe cbaliman l| po me I as commliiie: M.C. Andr<«a, Varnuiu l.n. r ll. A. II .i-ill, I). 1. C. Hidden and 0. C. Blurt. T. e f .Unwind quaatlon wns preaented 1..I .Ii.HI-, on : Uuw lar it It pioHiable lor tbe •lil« to engage In latiuinl uperationa. R,... Cnariis Biulib, ibaapnulnud leausr, opened ibe debate, in ipeaklnK ot inii.nn: In cuiinecilun witboui State CUantabls lnnnutloi

n.ility n lr ii itlr > mai rcporii or any data tbey contained, wbeibcr lartn wi.rk sat urufliable ur oitinwisi. He did not i»- )n ee. boaevit, ibat Bnai cally il wn a incces*. bt'Mbitewirn otber ■dianivgcs Incident Ii

aacb an arr^nyemani, wtilcb rendertd tbe pre.cni i.jne-ii, wi-.b pirba't aims Improte- lueuia ur n -ii Hratii.nk.beBi It' lal and te irank. Tbe dlkCiiaou was cmmnind riy Uesirs. V L-nooin, O H Poor, C. O. Cumiulntd, B. P Huit, C. 0. B nut, 11 B. Aibott. M C An- diaaa, £. P. Hult and otbeil As our cbarlU • fie ni.iilullnii. ala loCSI>U In me CuBBiry. tkers was a suanlmliv ot among lbs •piahir* tbai, to some txient. tarmlng, in con flection WilB Hum, iboukl bi carried on,

ciaiiy i-i..rim :rex> 9 wai madn tbai IBase m ; ibouid U' conducted si k

dna regard to ecuuomr IU tuolr agrii aitural op- •raliou as well as all other departments.


Tbe scbooli are to be chmd next week. Mr. Antiur Stott bat nslgned kit poililoo ai

boob k. --ji.-r at Buttons Mill- Mr Will Vmion Is blitortan lor Clan or IH,

Pbnlips Academy, ADUUT. r. It Is pn bahle that ibe Edltru electric light

•rill be placed in Siefens Hi" Tbeconctriat the Metiodltt Cbnrcli, next

Sunday tveuing, prouiiaes to be a very intei- •siing "in .

Tbe Halm.'. CoroMnatton, of Lawrence, will five an exbibmun al Herr.mac Hall, next Fri- day evening.

A ol money, found a few days since, it In ike Laid* ol ibe wmtr, sod tiie owner can have tbe line upon nrovin? property.

Tbe pattoni uf tbe :il>rary art- indebted to RtpriSiBlaiive 8mitl> lor "Am and Resolves tor Haaset-huKHa, 1883," and oiber dot-ununu.

A meeilna of ibe Joboion Hiab Bcbool Alumul ArMnUnoii will lie be<d at tbe Jobn- ■ .'i Htgn Bcbool room, next rViday tvenlug, at 7 to o'clock.

Mr. 8. D. SIM ca' finil Dr. KHIrerlge, of Mtr- bl in mi. !•■'*"■ ttiurnid noiia two weeai' trip lo Waablngion and viciuliy.

Hr. Patriik UtCanby r<aueits a rontrsdlr- t'o" ot the nport ibst be has recrived money wbittvtr In in tbe cliy OF Have'bil ri-ei.i'iiuiiiii dm It g ibe war.

On Monday tvenioetbere will be ChrlKmii trese at inr Conurecatmnai vestry and NHV. Hal (Si. Paai't)) al.ti, Okrlatsial evening Hi V IT.' an ui.d M-1. » -itt veaiiitia.

Una) Katie Hal Ivan, tin ployed M ■ weaver h ■■ i Mhl, I--»». 1-1 one of tbe tin tbe rldbt hand in a near, Ian BatuiU.y, tadly ]..«, nit ibe tanae. l>r. Morrli was calitd

An liluftrsied IrtlBie, hy Ur. Ut-o. P, Oil- man, will le Ibe next enlertalrtnenl in tin- Ht, PaUi'*Cuur>e, lonicurat Sltvens Hall, Tuet* dav ivebins, Jin. 1st, Suljtct; -Cairo aud Constant i nople."

At a ji-T-n-n ef Ibe sriirlee ttolen by ibe MH'ir till wiic rrtomtd tbrooeb "' if Officer Rri. srid a icuarantte made that ilic rtniaitidtr stulo begiven np, ibu case against ber will be dropp

1 a.i Cblli'mss tbe UnllsrlSD Sunday School niii a tit iiaiii.r ol ii MII iiinl nuta to Ibe Day Ntirtcr), Lawictce, and ibii year the tcbo-i) will foiwaid annular couitlbuilon to the Hoi- ion CblldnnaMii'lun-

TberrsdinabliT Pior. Churchill, at S'+ven* Hall, last Pnttsy evening, were attended by a lares and 'nwlligcnt audience which ib>routbiy si>l ret wlrd ibe maalefly ability and accom pilabmenti ol ibe reoownrd slocutloant.

Tbe net receipt-of Ihe side, hild by Ibe North Andovrr Cbaruanle Union, last week, »e -• aboui 9100. To all tboie *-bo, in any nitmit-r. contnlialed lo make Ibe allair ■> tucceiaiul, tin ladu a or the Uuiiin tender ibclr gratetul thanks.

The next meeting of the Farmers' and Mechanics'Clnb win be held at Steveni Hall, Mondav eveninpi, Dec. 3lit. Topic: -What arc tbe'comp*railVB advantaKet ol d'lT.rentsei- lioa-i ol the couotrv at a Ii. I 1 of enu-rpriie i" l,i 4.ifi -1 Win. J, l'-'if, Jr., Ljtlng B. ltea and L. (i. Lacy.

Among the varlon* tocial orstnlntioni eon- slileiable Intrreii lib ing awakened In resird lo iba bill ol the Cofbkbew ck Cjm- pnny— s popular branch ol tbe fire dtpirt- iii. in—.iini thB many friends ol >o. 2 will im- prote the opportunity to ileniniistmie thiir ap- preciaiion ot Uapt- Wilton's Ore laddiet.

School C immlneeRiai Carleton has nntifled Ibe Selectmen that be w II rest n bit nil! . in M.iicb As Dr MtMYtlPi '"fin of i nlni expirei tie same muiilb, tbere wilt be two yacancies to be oiled. Mr. Carleton'i tucce-sor will le ebosen lor one year. It i» very probable that Dr. Morrlll will be bis own mcctsaor.

Many of our readers will learn with rcgnt of the deaib ot Mr Wiiiam Bruwe, tiilierot Mr j. O. Brown, wbio occurred at mi rendence, Oxiord itreel, Lawrence, lnnerdiy aiicroooo, aurra s>me»bat protracUd Hinr-s. The di- eses d w.t born m Borland In 1814. and con- st queutly bad reached Mi-ageoi 61* yean. He cajn«ioibicoi<>irv i , I III settling in Norib Andover, wnere be live i abuM iwenl- yean MB remov. d to Lawrence 'rom lb • place, and bad since It tided in Ibai a If. He was Or re* r ot I'm P> or iiom Ward 6 ibis yesr, and Bin in l»8i. Hit voneilon wa- toil uf a wool lurter, and he work>d tor a long term of yean in ibe Facile Mhi Mr. brown w s an ■unset, po- lite and CbrliiUu gen laraan, of lbs "old itboii" In munter anu habit*. A Mrstlai ot the Board of i.v.rset-rs oi ibe Poor • called for this evening, lo tahe lUinbe sciion in regaru lo hi devih. He leavi i, h s d t a widow, ihree ■on Puneral Suooay all.moon, BI 2 o'clock, at the Ha*en>'ll stieet Meibodm Ckartb. of which be w. a a worthy member

At will be wn hv tt-e fol'owinr paragraph taken Irum tbe Lotctll Morning Mail, In as ac- count tfibs lentil ibuo.ei L^wcii, last week, tbe coin cilun ot ao.t t xhibitid by Oeo. II. ou- tsit, e>q . !■ special.y men'ttmed :—

"Oneot ibe mutt extensive, and probably the most tnibuilaine, isbNMtori i« Cioo. H. 01- beri Biq ,ut Busk n, who has aboutadoi.n' Ii. Ibe abt.w. Mr. Gilbert uwna about ihiny don at present, although be d< not rala Ibtm to »ell. Ilia d t day -

le Hadiday aid Mm Olive Cooper ere in I'Uaigr of ibe CbrUloias card drpirt- ent. win rt: all kinds ol that line of arncles uld be purtbased. A iMi.dy laWe, mppilen It i a floe si-ortmeit ol txc-ile'il contec-

lionery, w.,i superintended by Mist M. Mllnrr. "Mi h.inira UaywMod, and Mies Annie

■ni er. Mill Una Kenbtw and Miti L'xslr llowurih. aitiie.l In sriiudna eosturoB, in.n - aged a ncanui sisml. A pr. tty Cbrliiinai irec, decorated under ibe topeiV ■!<'»» ol kn. B. A. H.itiwm. and "luok.d ader" by Mitt beiile Sb. pard. WHO S .in.. Clans penonsted by .«■»-

I-1 id K r-iisw. niintcied conoidentnle atten- ■i i iiu tboruugbly (quipped rerreibmeni

bootb wat In charge of kn E. A. Baldwin, with tbe following staff: M— A ime Boater- ville. Mill Ada Mllner, Mill Eine M Iner. M i- L txid Miicbeil. Mi'" Jei.nie Uuo^sr. Mm limb « "Oiiioii.f, Hist Venie Woodboose. To. tutles ol tuket agent were flmhsraid hy Ur. Thoa. Weoiwortb. M,-i Pe>ste Buepard al - Iven.d ii." occaalon by ieviralietection>on thi

piauo. TbB amount cleared will reach * 1 lo.

Elegant cat visas boutea,exquisite pa i- lunitH, and a vaile:y of useful Cbrlttmari

i at C. C. Tornpknis' d'utt HI..,IT.

Mcrrlmaek Mutual Fire Insurance Co,

in wi I be held .ilhe tflloeol lb- Uontpany Attdnver. on Monday tu« I4tu I'»J Jnnu ry

I8t4, at 3 o'uloo., p- IU. ,T, A.hM\RT, 8oc.

Aadover, Dee 11, l«83.

A xood H..i. Hniiuireoi He

Autlovei D c

FOHflALb:. ar t"ged tor one or two » ry A Kodeel'. dai l< An HI, leSl. I

FOR BUM**.' Oaa gMd sernil bsnd aielib; newl i.i i.a.nitd. N.i'n as good al new.

to J. 11, Ur A, Nu. Audover. Ap,d

DARDi Mrs. Biaasddi would >a, m t'.e ladle- of An >var that abe baa loam n Ibe .nof lodnlloeoi

paint st.asking, an I la pNasMil to eLamp Si •atiD. velvet, oi sny naleru', niin laassas, ek baas new asetirt.ueut ol patura* 11 the lais

Iso DreB'Ninklug, rikkn a, U tirlcs* ■I,.I . of Uir.s i in*. Nt.d. *, Ao

■-al' "Mi *

A P■ ckcibmik e. a the-i anu utner pavui' be |,siJ tor il. riovvsry.

Ballsrd Tale, Due. 7,1S81 II. kl. UAV rVAKD.

F. HO I.T. lc« Dealer. Order Hoxes sat tbe Putt Uflcii, An.lover and Baliard

aie. Oi-ilar. uruniutiy atlentli'tl to. ti li

U. II.' TUT rut will eontiaue the Jot hing

* uutttt ihoreiui, Usuarai joublug, removing ol piano*, tn: nii.irtr. i i,i Ptriios acuowiuudaleu lor day or avemag pleasure Heaidunce at Mrs.

■■' residusee, KaMia street. U

BKNJtMIN UROWM, Deslur i anil I;.I i. i i ■.. i. ou n.a.le a

■IMMl mil.,:. UrdWay * Clur Uvusola liiMla lor ladiea wear, kand, aialn sireel, Andover.

i Boole, n hut's

'a ueiebraiul oonsUBUy oa

nand warranted

DKAN, Merchant Tailor, Clolbiog snd lienl's Vurnlsblng

■'■ tbelalasl

-illy. Mala street,

^ HAUL US 3. I'ARKKU, Purnisblns Under 'laker, ttuperlnunueul bt spill er». Ollliie " • »t. .lit ii..,: Summer

Uf ^UWIM II. BABNAKU. >■' liaiug, Urainlng and riit.i

. 1.1 >» irlMBUt Ol Ito.llD I'll y i ■■ .i. ■ «nd loi sale, ftbup BsjsSJI I

itlug, Gia laiieing A alanily on

v ll ii Tuiiin All ordtri i al restonuble priess. '

.ties al ibe l*o»l Uilim- and ■eminaiy- ti IH

M 1. A.

its ii,.M;A o. ii. ivr, I..-M ■ l.]..«w al.ik. i. n,..- Mu.ii •„„ Nu. il ».aiu -Ireel, iu»- mid l lui.s Hakins.

MiiLruiTCikt Of,

Ripress, Store M^itet, Mill and Meat WAGON8.

Itopalrlnc In all Its Branches. tflurl) ANDOTBB. MABS.

Hit. J. P. K1 ( H \RD8,


A t" Wardeo"" ( WesipbsJnT) - •&*&■ priaooer waa at bis urgent rtqassi granted parmtuioo to be taken to tb< railroad station, in order ta see a lo cotPotive and train for (he first Unas.

Tbe Ann ni reiUval nl tne Methodist Church, In IlalUrd \a.le,

* .11 I.-hi 1,1 in BHAHI.Bg HAl.L, FRIDAY K\ IMMi, DEC. 21

Tb-re wi.l be ea ,-av tn.nj nn-klmi faney

sill b ■

liKC. Kn rilalnai, ol.

ulalkerlng.with Iba u-ml <w. n IIHAIH-Kr. HAL , MOVDAT

All are we «.•; good Ml

Commouwealth of Maaaacbuaatta. BaaBX, is.

PIIDBATB COURT. To Ike hairs »' La r, Natt oi K n, an1 all other

H.rtls. D Brow of

Aadover, ID uldoounty, widow, dssean

QaggTlMO: Where** certain i.siru^enl* purporting lo Is

1 la*l wl I a. d tr.iaii.cni ami a ...- I il of • Id uraaed, have 0 piertnltil lo •aln conn, lor

' ili.if by .1. ii'i i-. ilr.i« n. h" |>iay- ib»i In. :•!« testarnenitrr mi bo unit I lo biio tne t.■ ■ uiI.I ibereK' itsm. d, Y.iu are hereby el led to anpesr ala Probate "iii-i. I ■ ba beld at Lawr "i., lo tsld counly > f

! • x, on ibe •■ c n I Him lay ut Jaouary, 'St, St nine o'nlock before BOOB, to tbow

inae, If any J«u have, against lie ,sine. And the slid Julio U Uiowa Is t ereny dirre

id to (l*» punlic lonce llieieof, i.y u liHiotn tlil. cna Ion oir«« week, fur itir-e kiooeaxlvs wre's, m ihe Msri aoroailedtue

LAWaaxcfl AMBHlCtV.and inborn AttvBKitska,

'en a'LswreaoiMbe Issi publication to be 'till i least I-I . Hit e _ isss,UaokOB r.CHUATX, Baqulre, Judge

>f saldoouii.lblvSita day n( l>eeaoibsr, in the ear one thouaand eight hundred ana eighty

J. T. M AH'iSIT. BsglsUr,

VTOT1CE 18 11FKKBY GIVEN 11 tbe luhscrlber be-been dily spimi

ol the eit le of Jo <an G..I Intedad

•ffU _ ll lifl -it la of Malnr. deceased, aud ba* taken epos

■r-e I Ibat trust, by giving bon<iB ai the w dlrsnls. All perrons having demands upun e eatalsof ssltl ilecunsetl are r<(|Ulred toexblb- tne same; and all p'rsnni tnde.'ietl tosaid e»- le ire oal nil npon 10 make paj tuti. t la

KMZ 1 Br.lH ll. t.'H u.-M. I'll, *.!'■■*. Woiiirn.Ma--.. N.v. M losi. wdT 14 II

I'm \ axii llmiiL, but I couldn'i help ii. Ever) thing wrBtwrnat with me. snd I ibi'Othi 1 hact/i a Irk ad iniL,

Id, ilj »pr| ala i luted ikis snd lor months 1 lon't eii IBI ilunar and jti'i n n. nil In mis

try ill ICSMI SuiLur Biiters, tftree bottki cored Bie.— I). Ltwis. ~n uosduln Hrett, B.«-


ll«n ill's lee Cream Parlors, rVRE CONFECTIONERY

Masnfsoiureo daily. isniei it.ppli d wllb ■ICtl CREAM, rtHF-KBLT, la Snessoortnem < IXAkkat short aollor.

Meals Served to Order. Aobotl St.. db-BOtly oi posit* gem- "em. Grounds

-s.iv. -'. 1143. Andover, SUM.,,



nilii'htitii'ix nf ibe eaiateolMaiy lav ens, lite ~>ii. An i'Vir, tn the county ol Essex, wid deceased, and bai liken Upon heneli

that trust by giving boads a* the law di- rect*. All persons basing demands upon Ibe es. tale ol aald deceased are required loeihiliit ' iu lime, and all uereoni Indebletl to aald estate

recalled upon lo make payment to No Aadover, Deo, K, Ml. wii: ll il HAKAH W. srgvicx', Adm'x.

ANDOVER NATIONAL BANK. The Annual Mee ing of tbe Stuck.bold r* of the

A' Nailonai bank. Will "<■ beld st their Ranking K.-oni, on lus,>av, th, E ghth day uf January,1KM, at '.hies oviue. . r. H . IT he eb iti.i nl Direotota, arm th. trss-aeliuD ol an. tyh-T buaineaa th 1 aav latahy cosue bef re

M04E*. FOtTKR, Catbler. Andover, December 7, ISsa.


■Dili.-, and K'.-i- ..Kben Tyler*!, Main Htroel, miira i-lua. m., 1-3 and alter

E Machines, Hori ..iisge, Plowf, Mow

.nil iriiiinl I

I Otllli j ibe prrrenl show Is par icuiarly floe,

fatiibet I* subiatiiuiiy attestfd by (be laeitbat ks will takt away 'aVeral cbampiun and several Brttclasi pngef. His champion eo lie, Asrlfp*. bss an boior. d peoigiee, at d is v-lBrd by kis ow UIr si WOO. Brv.™i ot Agrlppa a progeny are al*" ou .xbit.iion, ind b>«e nk-n nr*t pr'M. Mr. Oi-lirrt aiao vXUIbltS a pnck'lars.i BkieurrirrdogSyeai* old. abicb n .. pevl- ou.iytak n >k. nr.l and .ma ebavnpiuB pr.f, for which be ua. lietn «-ffer. d (PW-

Prnwsatfo e*ard«d m Mi. 'lilbtrt H fol- lows! Second Hill*. "Ace Ol f"pade>,' blaca eoeaer inaniel i v.iUed al WOO. Chaaipwn aria, -Aerlpp.," nh.mi.lou i oil* i valued*! fOUO. (Juamplon prtie, "June," champion roi- lia. mrit put-, "Boa." collie -, valued it •'- w. first pfist, 'Qaaea JJtii,' cvlUti Tailed BI

'prlOMAS HOWELL ctrrleB on the I gurollure snd Upholi.erv buslnesi iml)

■ heir braaeasSi at his store on Park street Fur niture rnoaired and wjolen and oil- nolh Car- iwtnigf 'i »*1«. IvticllOBI

-iiealer in Fltb t

OLIVER w. i K^NAItli, .-.. Kin" < O'liu.i. and in . <,»•>>■ <■< ili.-n-i:

■ ot. m ni.- yard done wito uroinpln roaaonsb e ra.ea. Rsekkinee, I enira U. Il..\ It AL.I v.i, si [' .7, .-■ :■

HISS O. W. NEAL, Swift's Dulldlng, .Main Street, Andover

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store.


May belonnl at her room* on and Biter Mt>N UAIf.Ooloo*

Mouse, 8 of Barnsid's


Lykens Valley Bed Ash Goal,


M..i.f niiiii.Mf.l for loundaiion* and o ion |IUM'H, al "ior null e. i.nll.irs ooiirai'ted IOI in iown an I vicinity and bunt bvesoerienoed wttrkmeo. T. m>7

WOOD cSr GOAL White Ash and Franklin Coals.

HARD AND lOFT WOOD. Prepared,li leiired.

I'.u: | .i i i,,

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. ■ ifds's reoeiveo.*i.d Dills seltlti *■


OnanaMi Pn inner.




When a St, Louis girl goes into a shoe store with a sweetheart she winks at tbe clerk and asks for "Langtry twos." Then they lake her imo the back-yard and try them on.—Chicago paper.

Apples are high this year. One bat re 1 in Connecticut cost 18000, ot which 17,999 went to tbe lawyers and l JU cents to tbe boy who picked them.

An alleged grandson of Marie Aatonietie, and prentender to the Fiench throne, hasjustdled in great distress in Holland, and was buried in a pauper's coffin.

A lady resident in London possesses a well auttienticaU'd relic of Lutber. ThlB is h!s marri%ge-ring, probably presented to him by bis wife, Cather- ine von Boren.

Tin re is a negro failed at Alexati- dria.Va., who is said to bare eaten nothing for sixty days.

At a recent sale of autographs in Paris U30f. was paid for a bundle of letters ol Itouget de Lisle ; a letter o Darwin's brought 65f.; ot Scbiller, 100f.| Wsgner lOOf. j Metssonicr, lOOf.; Rachel, 1001.; George Sand, 190f.; L'agauiui, oOf.; Beranger,4Cf.; andGambetla, 35f.

The coral fisheries oil' the coast of Algiers have been e*> badly miscon- ducted lhatlne beds have been neatly destroyed. The dredgers tbrow over- board Irom their boats great Iron takes weighted with cannon balls, which are dragged through the coral* beds, breaking and crushing the coral. Each time the dredge brings up small er and smaller bits ; until tbe uets cou< tain nolhiug but dust. The French government has now published decree forbidding methods which have been so taUl to a valuable industry.

The aristocracy bare fled Irom Dublin. In 1788 twelve peers aid ic. 'Gen members of Parliament had permanent residences in Upper Sack- ville Ktrcet; now there is not a single resident nobleman in Dublin. Tbe bouses of the aristocracy have passed Into the possession of lawyers, medi- cal men, and merchants; and tbe houses formeriy occupied by the mid- dle sections t<f society hive for the greater part become tenement houses.

A man of the nirac of Colas, who had the monopoly of rat killing In Paris, has Just died. He used to leed exclusively on the prolucL of his sport. Kight or ten times lie had nearly died ot indigestion ; this lima be expired after a heavy meal ol rais before tbe doctor could be catted in.

Nuiicea havs been served on the tenants- of the Marquis of Walerford'e W it Mo w estates demanding an increase of rent, in some cases amounting lo SO per cent. The tenants will take the cases into tbe Land Court. Tbe Marquis, since his huuiiug wai inter- rupted, has ceased to reside in ire-


An expert (in aa London will case) lately staled that pencil marks rubtied out revive when the texture of the paper returns lo its normal condition, Tbe existence ot lbeea marks piovid most embarrassing la tbe case iu question. Tbe Bo ton lire, too, [.rov- ed that pencil writing was more en- during than ink.

Ur Charles 8aiHb Lyna, Mass.. writs* Ik* hi* wi|r bat tor ye*r* been a great sufferer fno f mste complaint*. Indigestion, nsrvonanestsin ten. r-1 drli 1 ty. lor -I.VIi I have spent tne 9900. but the received no help until she con nit-aeed to take AwedUb BotALiu Compoanr- wbict hat court ly cured ber. d»U

Bit vent A Manchester make a tpeclattj t] Widdifijr Invtutkni, Reception and Con., ■pnndeore Card*. Call and cxa-nioe saeont. i ai J7 West st,set, B n.-n. a3uu7

firm A*K1KIIHHKNT. "Cumpli telv pio-nsiid Iff two dart with In-

d'gealloo and l.llu.u. lev, r. Tbe iDecUofts' Uttilea uf Buiduik lloid Bni.ri siionlnl.e.


lt'a voar own ftun. if voo touse tb ftonp ynu ase becsoae It l-n'i wbat y.- t>- .utihi It for. Try Hracta'a Washing Sosi tud *uo'i have euctl irouhla.

Bieviui A Mambitrr tavi piirchaasd th. enti'S -'ui k ot |, W. Mutiny, stationer, tin mrrlv Pioctor A Moooy. In di.lliun lo lb same, iaaf hav* a vtry largeanortojentoi n>* and Iresb *■ m -, includinj nuvtitiet of the as*.

and a 1 r«-e and itrb oi Cbrisi Oanis very csnfullv teletted. Cai! *nc

examine, 37 Wen nr.ti. Bot-lou. 1I3UIU7

Kncouraj-e tin- iiihtiuisttute of a pare. otia.iu.itjisi.<l, fell v , lyiu eoap, made 0 Hit.- beat mateilal. Wurecommeud Israeli'. Washing Hi»p Ank ytMU grocer lor It.

DsTicrms SM> PBIVXTB Orrtcaas Uiualir sear tltir t'stitit ol anil ortij nodri

iiflr ciiiti Ins, tui Dr. Ihomts' tcimiicUi 'ears lit IH d|i t II. ibe form or printed label. iiachrd to c*. ti snd tvery tolilr. so that a'

may i.m* It. mit'ton. Ii Is given (all sue Cunplrle aBlbority to arn at all MM and paint snd dost its duly tvery time. dwlw

When Isdltt bavt tried a rood article tbey Iwsys recommend it. let b It the rate with L dj

(Jewell** fecrel ol Bcauiy. dkt LQf l.l'.al Wbliuty A Co. dwls/e.d

OCi>MNKLL.-lnlhlsctiy, Dee. int.a daughlei - Ur. and Mrs .lonn U'Cunntll.

CU*IO-ln this rfSjr, liec. 4tn, * dauebUr to • and Hn. S.J.Cralf.

MoCmrv—In Ihlrclt . Die. 10, a son to Mr. and f. James UcCoiry.

COX—In Uethut', Dec. 1Mb, a tea lo Mr. aad *. t'alrlcS Cox.

FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT. Then cast tm found the Choicest and moat complete Uaa ot

Useful Holiday Goods,


to make selections from to be found In the city. A special line for the Holidays

.tlAltlil VI - S.

ri.t.Miv, 'HKI.K- . n M>. John's church. ' it ur D c. 8. uv H.'V. iv u Wells, Mr.

omas Kit:iu.ii({»ii.i Mi.. Mary g. Piusles.

18BOTT-KE.\TlMU.-^ltberesiden<e of Ihe b.ltie's permit, lire. a. br B-v. E. B. Webb, AUMII t.Abboitand Ida L. Kealii g, noib oi bo. ton.

FISHERMAN'S SALMON, 1 lb. Cans, 14c.

.eghorn Citron! 17 Cento per lb.

D0RLc, CDRRIER & 00., 03sT.faEX8Tft.CET * * 1 AWREMCF


Gossamer Garments Free. will mine lo ih'W ner tn.-e sale' a frieid- w« (.aid It* full -in" I adie*' U

u. > ii paper who da a rt try telnga Ru brr '-t*r|iro..i rjarineetaa* .ennle-. ui i vll.d yofl it Ibi* mil Bud r 1'ira W'tl SfM In pat eo ,

|, t.i. Boaius rureLB .u, H■■ sum


Lung Balsam lures all dis-


*nla Cures Con- •tipatioa.

Ilreitivc tin-ini.

tin run J luvsi'mrnu:

• cliarm en the dl

When tikeo toft, and timi

cures. Writ* Iu*

. ilSKOBIIOKBM, M. n . Lynn, Mts*. Proprietos.

HwenmK H.>T*HIO Courortcn eorr* Dupei ■ la ImlUe.tljn, Luer and K dney com^ Ac

Swtutta l O'B Hsi.stx cures C. u»ni and Cod-n twenit l-iti tin r-

Swtui'B rtrsiH FILLS the hist famil L ■> HVrt. aw il'fh Bo »f to Crmooon I Ti.-. ■ In tlh

BWtMlLb I ui'* "H.lniUmo a it:. DuiaU IftS. Pe i 111 .«

ir **le by slldrnxglttt.

NEW HUB RANGE With the wonderful Reflex Grata

Bvery Kinm - W'Hrrnnteid. A full line

PARLOR 8TOV-9 CHEAP All hinds Kitchen Furnlahlng (looda

TIN, COPPER, SHKKI IRON Work Done. Also Plumb-

Ins; and Wafer Piping.

TOOWPftON A OOOMB, 123 Kates. Street. wlmd22


Axe sow ready for las ectloa. Oiutoaaers looking for a


H'orU»lrO«iU.m.nfri«id.[,L<iuldiiut UI uuuk<> Uwlul raifcd

• KKi» of

Hats and Furnishing Goods i'careful aelectlea and wkth the knowledge of what It wanted and appreoU*

tod by GiaUemen far thslr wearing apparel. In the way of tine Furnishing*

We are justified In saying that In our

The Graw Foreign EXHIBITION

STILL OPEN 1\ BOSTON. Vlaibin in Iht "llui," ai* remlndecl that'h-

Dbajsi rs . fthe rorelan Kihilili on baeedrel'lv. t» kre|i th- ettiititHonoieu unit lneCbr<*ias* Holld.vs, thus sgun Inasa i.|.puriin Ur hit ■ sot likrly io .mi m nil- as* n. An Imaiea.i attraction be. II added. The

Swedish Groups In Costume, repn-MMlr. In lile-.liu d... ... ll.e B.blU a.. 0U l ■■ .'I ,11. I.I.IU ofHwtU... AIW.I.UI u tuo i.»iu a iu

Tba Japanese Tea Home, The Arabi.n Coffee Tent, Toe Fenian Snerbert Seller The Egyptian P.ramid, Tbe Oninese Baitar, The Eutaurant Vendome, Tbe Oentennia I Organ, Tbe Algerian Museum, The Turkish Carpet Emporum The Norwegian Far Mmket, Tbe Italian Ulaaa DeDtrtment, The Brazilian Feaiher Fiowert The Brand Art Galler?, The Qe. man Bronze Exhibition Tbe AusTian Beer Vault, The French Oeremio Exhibit, The East Indian Silk Palaoe, The Venezjelian Chncalatiere, The Panama Canal Exhibit., The Retrospective ArtGallen Tbe Electric Photog'b Eooms, The Endieh Deoorated Boudoii

»iwl llMiUMnil. of K.'i lliH", .ll'if ■ I'h.r.rl.r I. .ml il.lUhl, Th. K-hibll. from -lap*. .ml L'bL.a arc »ln.,e wi. Ihv ,-f a la Bo.bM),

lb,, ,.»a nafar baan cuuallnt In lha wnrkL

Admission Only SO Cents,










Tompkins Mann 8UCCI880BS1TO

HEN It V UAltTON * tlo. OBAUia. IK

Faints, Oils, Dye Ms, I'ttnim stuetl I'.tnti, aUoolbii lSeala Tool Ull. rSjrgihs. UliveUil, Osaiio Atii.l, ftgrsss. i'aratnne Oil, fa mil mi v> as, Esssn I'm i. White, I'listet ftrli, PoUsh. Puniice Bione, PailaUreen, Feisl llrnaUus, l'*l«r Pall*. Hail Lead, huoner Waaon f pitasi Boiin, kunieo Stoae, EssIaBHSj

lur and etl 1., Bm li*e, Bul|>ni

olalltitet, Ht.rsi. Bee i war, Snub bVootns, Cor I., Camiihoi, i;n*tk, Cream Tartar, Colur* ul all sbadst' Carbolic Atilii, Coach Varuiah. Ca.wr Ull. Cbaiaol* Skin, Uhloridt ot, Copj-er alveu, Ca.1 lie Soap,

Oljipeia, woodea, bowaci'* Kenraoaa Oil, Band t'aper, '*■■-' Brutaea, B|>unsea,

Bsleo.ia, SioneJarsaud Hufa, SallOalre, SearlnjalachlntOll, fail-, Shan Kubbert, "niul, Hi u.lies.

■l> kn.n.elllresslni r Uarrlsfe Ttiua, ■ w».h aruahaa

Hoor H __ ruh OliM, ■nnrliu.e Varnish, roresl Ulver Load. lilnr.all klm's, tium Arabic. Uu« Traaajaalk, UoldLeal; U-ild Hronas, Uljoeri.e, tilaubsr Halt, Utivaolaetl Iron rail*. a-BUregaa Sosi>, ««rniu soao, Wllllau-i' UarUer KB Iniilfo, ••■■«(..

Ull notp.

In Juttntities to Suit at Lotveit

Market Prices.


Byron Truell & Co.


In order to reduce oar Immense Stork of Goods we have concluded to Inaugur- ate our Groat Mark-I>own Closing out sale before the Holidays, Instead

of after, aa haa been our custom hitherto. By ao doing wa give our customers tbe beaeflt or our eloelng-out prlcea at a time

when the* WMit the gooda, liutoad of later In the wiutejr. when their needs are fewer

Lace and Fancy Goons! We ofler the finest stock of Real Ducheaa Fichus HDKFS, Ac-, ever hown In

Lawrence, from 94 to »20 each, also cheaper LACK NK(K WEAK In esquielte Design* and Fahrlra, aa Immense stock of hll.K,

SATIN, LACE and LINKN HDKFS. at whole-ale prices. Our Stock or uacful FANCY GOODS suited to tha

Holiday Trade la complete In every respect.


BUOCADE VELVETS, Ac, marked down to rioting out prices.


I'irstllass House TO LET.

Owaeu tart l.n merlj oeeupbd bv Henry ttar'oa Situated No. M Crotpeot St, Ltwrenee. it- ■lory Ho ss Will M let 11 ast.od M> HI .HI I, voi

i.'l, la- "1.1.1,

with a Isreem w lurs.ii'f. *a.i oihi r rtoeat In Bi-oveMnU, aboui H0.0H0 levt . f land, a ehoiet variety of crapc-viaot, quit ce ausMaa, petr aai ayple Irear, In btsrinf coodillon; i-hob'S re*. bushes la treat tarielv, *nd n.ait flowerla.

til of which are imr.l , rusretsioa givei oa or beiore Novamoar flrsi; si*o one )»oriabk< tun.sea lor >ale loimtrlj und in tba abova tie •arable prrml. et.

gaaulreolC. It an.) J. M. Ct'lIIiirR, Iwt.S 1SI Kates Hi.. 1 Hats.

FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT. I hare for aale a few share* of tbe

Unite* States Building Co., of New York. Par value MJM Each. These there* are eonwldered abtolutely ta/e, and I ret pet-1 fully rail tbe atten- tion of both large and small Investors to them. Each share rcprctenta il* equivalent In

New York Real Estate, and Is what we conalder a flrat-claes security. Tba Co in puny la under good mnnas;emeats, and our experieuee In New York Real Kttate uperationa leads ua to believe that the ttharea wUl pay large dividends, and will advance In i .tint- very rapidly.

the opportunity to


A. W. STEARNS & CO. Useful and very desirable gooda for Use Holidays, tn gnat variety, are now dis-

played Is the various departments of our Store.

309 and 311 ESSEX STREET,

A moat acceptable Holiday Present can be selected from c

GARMENTS. Which It tbe finest ever seen In thit city. Styles the Latest. Prices asj— i In SHAWLS a»d WRAPS of .1] description* we have e

SEAL CLOAKING! i specialty. Garments ■ short notice.

A very warm present eaa bo found ni our


MITTENS, WBI8TBBS, Gents* CARDIGAN JACKETS, Ladiea' aad Gents'GLOVES, HOSIERY, .sir., *c. For a very small cost

you can b«y a nice pair of BLANKETS, or one of those elegant Cretonne COMFORTERS, or a

Beautiful Marseilles TOILET gt'ILT

A very attractive Present would be a nice

SILK HANDKERCHIEF. Our .iaplay '.snot b. excelled foe nobby etylea .nd rolortnga, ud o.r price.

wltkl. tk< rtnvrb. of sll. Una Skow ot RMUROIDKKKD UKKIt UDKFS.rromSSe.toSlJSuaeh. Al.a .[erlal Sanjalu la

l*dlca' .nd tienla' Colored Horder l.lnen Ildkta, 12 1-2, 20, 20, «»d 30 cent. ml.


The moat arylUh Fur of the season; nice assortment, very rheap. BLACK FOX Mid LYNX BETS. Also cheaper Fun la large variety. BLACK WOLF* GREY WOLF, and BUFFALO ROBES very much under value to elose. WOOL MOB AIR and SEAL CLOTH CARKIAG E ROBES, Champ.

In our

FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT We show an endless variety of useful and ornamental articles, T1DIKS, I1AN- XKIts, BAGS Of all descriptions, la Leather and Plush, PURSES, POCKR T- BOOKS, French Plate Hand SIIRRORS, INKSTANDS, FANCY TOILET BOATS* VASELINE, PERFUMERY, CELLULOID SETS, CHINA FIGURES, 811 AW b STRAPS, ale, etc.

A NICE TABLE OR PI AM COVER! Would be a suitable gift. We have a fine assortment very cheap.

Fine Dress Goods, Silks, Plushes, Velvets, and Velveteens, HHIKTH IN FLANNEL UHUt* AND FELT.

WUl be found replete with elegant goods for the Holiday*. We mention but m few of the attractions i KIDDERMINSTER MATS and CRUMB




ull particulars apply to, H. W. ELDR1DGR,

Room 11 Maunder* Block, win n23 Lawrence, Mass.

Free! Cards and. OhromoB. ■> will «rn i if* ..Ti"*" * is ni'l" «et Ol OBI

htrga u.iiii*., rimb sod Ainarican Cinoeio Ca.fJs.oo t.-t-tl and (tild noui.d , wlui ■ inior lutol over 1U0 dllf. r^ul teoelj.1 ol ■ ■ lamp lor puiia.a. VTe ai.l tl*i*< Btl free lit nan a* aamjiii r. t.-n nl om bea<ililu( i ourtoapt ni ten C«D<* to pay H-r uaetina tail

. ■■Sahlaalliil « Agenla wantrd. Ad- IMSllin.

ii^ause, alii! OB' Urge til clirnintx dress r. ULaaBot * 0

Christmas Wreathe LAUREL. HOLLY


PRINCESS PINE ! of Ftincess Pine.

l.lltVtSI I'ltlCtl.H


aarertera nay ba letl wltb EELL.t . ■FfLaVk

StWCARRUGtMIrOSlTOR 320 Essex Street.

Where a fnll l.iaa «

Garriages, Sleighs and Harnesses tna» he found al reateaabla arleet.

PAINTIKO AND KKPA1HINU la all IU bra no*** proeatJllr aad seall/ does.

Also t-torai* tor Carriages aatf Sltlgfaa.

MOOAR A TROW. Preprleto


Gold, Silver and Nickel Watches, W** mond Rings, Silver Ware.

"hit* tol TaB, l)ian*r Bad TotM del*. Hois Ro-u anil Utiltl Rtan rreneh Cb *a l>a B*u and Tnauasail* "t other U.eielaau firu.iaa.Tal laMJ ». P1UMIUM8 '« >MMfa.UigofTKA CLUBS.

Bead vour address le

THE GKEVi CHINA. TEA CO.. SIO State Street, Huston, Mass.

wo will ma.I vou ou.' CLUS tOOK *•• leg a PRICE LIST oi our Taaa mi


SUrer, China ami Glass Ware DINNEE and TEA BETS.

BRASS GOODS. CDTLIRT, and a Full Line of

HOLIDAY GOODS At Lowest Prices.

laUtLUITIl 195 and 197 ESSEX STREET.

MILLINERY. Ellen Brassill,

248 KaHI Hlrwl, Trutf'a.

Fa.hioDable Dreti ail Cloak litiif. Party and Mourning Dresses •

Specialty. *lt


Designing and Engraving a Specialty/. 87 West Street, Boston.

(T«rn «rlT I, *'■ Muotl)'..)

New Store. will haveoimed at <-ur new ttnre, which htt

beeu . ■!■( I..M', MI. . up " > ■■■ : ■ nvei.l. not B n.-w tod larfe * ■»■ rimeaioi t tatumary Uoods.

Fine Statlrnery. WeentdiS'lvlnvllevonrlntp-etionof nnr Fin

"frldltg lnvli*il'a*, V,. mi n, hf.[ Cor.e>v.n.l.inie Ca.da.

Engraving. >n i i inilnn'loii uf oar sample fcoofc* of de-

- ii,.- <f »kil.-J httlMS l-r IIJ.I I n>. in u .-, m either e-i ]■ MI-'t-ri.iK ilm cs«iilei*nt Hoe. i.grasi*. t r.-nl, t m * I Arm- and AH', u: lllu- aitnatton evei IIIMWI m I'm t,uy oi imston.

Tine Paper, &c. Tn. litest .til-- In 11in n.»p« sn.1 print, will

be kepi re »i nil, on h ■• tl, »• »#ti. m, ■ e tn- I late at onaie'I'>t Stiiluaerv eiptoialij aaap V ll U> St'h Ol tllllilinu.

Wedding Invitations,Ac Urd-r- I. r t«i-.liing Hook., lo le«* lav ti

tlnn-, r *.-■,, IT *t-i ,,.,•■-. oi., u -I si .h r n.Hlneaa.l In l»in . a ti. 11 .naBserfroB ur.g I tl d;»ign.,or ir m .* .(I., iu eitnetl.

Arthtt' Materials. A tun iinnnl At i.'mm rl.i-. WlBlsor aid

Hewtou r .lala alwata kept la tloek. We reapeel'BlIr lavm

er Hi oal BAaminkiloE >,! jue.

wind! a

We now offer oar whole stoch at Wholesale Prices aa the ladies all known our stock Is large and very choice; and we propose to cloaa the whole stock

before Jan. 1,1SS4. CLOAKS made to order at short notice.

FURS. We offer a fine assortment or FURS for the Christmas trade} useful and beautiful

ARTICLES FOR MIIIS'llS GIFTS!! Can be fttuiid In every department of our store.

We cordially invite every one to visit the PALACE before making their Holiday purchase*, Weattujejou you will find our price* very low and

our goods very aloe.

Do not forget when you are In Want oi Silverware, Polierj, Lamps, Paper llauglngsur Wlu-

dow Sbatlee, that tbe Lanc«Nt Aaaortmeut can ulwuya be fuuml at B. A. PIHKK'H, 27A KeMttl SI


Byron Truell & Co

Poor. White & Co., BANKERS,

45 Wall Street, New York

RAILWAY INVBffTMBNTt s sieelal.v. in the Mlection -ml *-l HMM of eMch ill Ir I.M s c Bii.rili.,. with ■■rot*'. MtHI.I. • r silLm »D*- nve. Htm .|M.tsl wlviataaes oo it->|u denes inviie I snd i uB.iIaa »n.«ned Deposit * cut-bi. rt> ent a si d lairreit allowed

BANK NOTIOF. The Annual Hvlltg ■■* IU.-St. ri holders of

'hr l,*»tetif» Nail.->'»l Pank, will Is- held OS ruetttav, Jaa a » B.h. .1 (••' Wa, icrlbecbovvs ol IIU- ct anve see II ll is de imbie i ■ ca-Me Ih SdSeeb s ■ ( I-m Hi I,-■•. ami f .. ma

el aar "t»«r i usiBBta that a.j ). i*uv ueeae

"u, JOHM k.gOLLIP.'.CaiUer.

PIK SALK.-rnmasnti Hea. ■■Ir , i,..| . Al .i a quaml'i

*1> Ijii.lll.. »■*

H. W. ELDRIDCE, inturance Agent


BROKER. iiu a Mambar ol the Looal Boorc


WillreealvepapU Is OU Painting, In Keeex Bank BuUdlng Cor. Et*. X tad Lewie

Folliesof Marriage (U vivid lllflatrailMii) reeeallBg real k*oat beh ■■ aad after Mamaea, *rturt>lv ssalaue rioeiplol ■ i*., (.lifSrtT un*tag* M WP« ) Aodresa U.UAaL.lSi Psik A»S..


FARMERS: l i uiit our tttsatloa to tbe

Green Mountain Odoileag Fertl- llgcr,

a* It feat ereved the beat IB tbe tuarfeele he tear. U yea am* le *tv* veur • r- n* irus. (b diouth uae lb* Uiern H unlula Hdlimi; IB graaa It I at.'t twbrai; I ru tiling gfi ii"nu Fa ilia fall ytit.r *ra-s Will Bel llilirlll'; I* l-wn tiir.,,ns it will 11 f|, ih, ii, , . ir. a. * ll w tilllnB. I *ee iba la*as la Law ispj-e le. fcnt Iml laal ' ]n liil- I all nil I., bags'*, ..p. tiaiui l.>-i n sad Ha.Be bapvi, lar "i . Itmiitui Ha •


rat II Wut

SlnnSl trees t M " *•'. sad I Ju w

, Keen H, ».LI.



Sweeney's Block, 228 Essex Street, MAS*.

k LL ti>K , .1 po*n*.| I* % I ■■ Rank, oa or Oaf ir. .ii l*U-f It fr.itn 10.1 il

>'«tijuia. i.**!"»Tai.* II .li ' li' «CT< Al 117 MM

New York Stocks Foogbi aud told Is lots of

FIVE SHARES AMI II'tVABUS. Oa SLV n arn* tletttrsd .row

TWO to TEN Per Cent MKItltll.l. A HKAI.It

Ko. SS3 EaaMx St.. Lamrenr*.

mm mm! Unsurpassed

By any Pianos Offered far Salt' to the Public,

A giaai vaeielv In iirlai a' cat*. ] itl reeelvad, WaiBVU«cau/>fiaa*aita aay StUW Puaolet ■ala.

Pianos for Rent.

nPRIQHT PIANOS FOR RENT. r«ir <•••> fe varv lieeral 'ten* any oe »*■!*.o pUiObaaa until ifet laa BiiiaeBt |ili .. nuag MM iaa.ii ui..r IJI real ■»/ be lum Wrli r,>!,U«iimnl'i--i'r.

Aise 'Or -a a ''lAMtiCffUHifor 8ink4uoi>ert PtsVO iT<i > J, fla.O .r,*A->erur Upright uv iquare Man... Pis.m Ta*i»* br ia« vary iH«i tease.. 4tl ayashlaajien ;ei B.uii,


FABIU ia ia* JMNll.ii, V,., )■ * North IIH 'i«m. ■'. Iiiu*lisi*d eiitslaa re*. J. t. kaaoaA, UUi**oat Va. asssri. v


•uSii.^1-SuS kigmsa Wages at* ht* 1 alar ws buwaea' puag aad ana tkauasat

**** ut5rti^AWUaiN8,*AShUvatrfeia*s,

%!"■•■ ■*■«■«— -■*•-■ ■ ■!*■

ct AP ITAIi PB1RK, |1WK»I. T If k„ t, only *fi. ftbare. la proportion

L.S.L. Louisiana. State Lottery Oompur. "Wi <> b*rehye«riliT tlvu we supervise lb*

iTiinn.ti far mil He M eatery Bad *>***!- Amtl Bnfhp of las Loulaiaes )uu Lot lurr C>a >aay, Bad te kar*** BIMI'•■« DM I'd iii i» »*.of. iaee.aelvee, tad thai Ma eas** an IMIIUSI w ita honesty, fsf.-n***, uil li Oil ftln Wftrj all »*rt's*. awd w**titBo,lae IT 'Lenny ti KM thi* eerUioele, w Ik fae- nn-Ui of oir aifailurea eliacbi 4* la II* adt*r*isea.ests." '

UmrnoreUd Is IM isttlara ior Elnnallonal and charitable par ean1ts1 of—lo which a ra'irvs fUB<] of OtBr fISO.000 EH since MB added.

By as everwbslwlag popular rota It* ft-an BI.U art* r» il« a part il lha pre seat flute Oea- alituUea, adaptad Deeeaaber 1.1. A. I) no.

TM Mir I. otterr aver *«tad oa aad eadaretd i / (ha people of »nj State.

IT SKVH SCALES OB POSTPONES". Ire *mui,a Nuniii Uaawinos

tats plane montli y. A alPLBMftlD OPFOmTUIIITI TO

Wllf .iOHTUdl! Blrel U»id l.ria- I■■. <:UN A, at Maw tvrleaawe,TIIKIDAT, J*»a*r) 15lk, <na.-lA.4tBi MaaataUr HriwUi,

CAPITAL PRIZE. »75 000. 100.000 Ti. ' til at Firs Dollats Each

Fractioi ■ in Fifth* In'oroporIon. UBT or WUa.

I CAPITAL PRIZE ol tTB.000 1 •• •• VS.OOU 1 " - it.OOt. 1 PKlZI»or|*.0M 11,'tli a toao )n,«M>

in ■• i,UM 10.000 B « MM M,«M

101 - M0 MOM ,.i ■■ 1M MUM tm " M iB.oao

1.00a ■ **• »••»■ APrBoiiMATiu* raisxe.

• Approximation PIIBOB *f $7W •.TV • da do Mt «■*'

It do d* 164 I.M0

BEAUTY SOAP To ken- the j

airluss in the persnlratlia and blood Wl .. iMM burailia'lnr blotch". Mark beads aa

ir B>la (IUIBI he*. e>p*rlal'y, to . . jae. whiten, BB I be ml.IT IM ahia . remove Ui, freckle*, sunburn snd oily rrcitir; to •Np the hue u soft, wm a aad free frnes n> a I and roughness, prevent cimtaalon* *hln and analp dWa*e*. aad In provide BB exquisite aim bewa- Ho>' and lol'et, bath noil our** j sanative r > 1 >■

- wltn .l-ib-io.,* l-.w«r ml-r ■ and CC'ICUBA Bjr HUiiBi B«ith» CL-TICI I. Soar In

.ed br iih-yaiclana and cbeml*la e>* absolute'? pure aad highly medlcla.I. Hltt ISKI J

THE HERITAGE OF WOE, •err, ahameand MM Bann berioeaihad aa a e legacy to rbildren by parent*. I* neslected ntufe. To rlaaoss Ihe I»I-HK1 ortht* h-ren

Urr polano, and tbn« reraiV* th i mist prol'flo c.u*e of bumaB Buffering, to dear ihe akin of d'llrurinf iniimr*. itch nf tnrinre*. hooillntiBf er aatMMa anl M>BMM0 aora* "!■*«! br It, V> parfr an I beaanfr the -kin, and -«ttor« h» hair •othainri aeoof bodl*eaaerem*lnaCDTiarK« U>f'OL*Kar. the now bi"o | porlder, diuretic aod aperient, and CdTfOUXA and rnn'im 8oAr, ttie urtal flkin Ba»-itinor«, ai-a Infa'liil--.

I HAD SALT IHEUM a the moat rgirarated form arelaht Tin. No lad ol ire"lmen\ medblne *' dn,-t<>ri 'I'd me BT pi-rmanent loci. Mr friend" I" M H.|.n now hoar 1 m'i1l-T*i. v'bra I heaan to uae ine i riCl'Bt ItEMKinii mt hub* were no raw and

leo'lcr that I rouM n-i Dear tar wfiaht on them wlthint the iki" i-.rai'.klri; *n I iilr — lin/, and w»i

Tict.'k* BEMIIMM Bra month* and WM eon* pletelr Bad parmai

Mr*. B Befareaoa* I At)

COPPER-COLOnEO. I hare been etttrted with trnr.hloaonie .kin

Juue, rn.rr in( almo*t c inipletol* the upper part of mr b«dri ean*l«f mf *<la to Bourne a I'l'ppT '.lnr-'l IMI. . 11 i' mi■! ba ruhtte I on* iIke dondrwff.a datllmea canami iMii'm'!- lici Ina, and the moit lnlen*e iiifferlne. I b TO tried blood parlHera, pi I*, aad oth-r m-'c t|a«d roae ditta, hn" e«a*r'n"«ed ,»o relief until 1 p oiiu'o ' IbeCCTICUaa RKalBi'lXI. Wblrb, Bltbnnah ii.r.I Ctrelaeal* »nd IrTeagiailr, camd mr, Uliil-n that larrlhln itrnin* an I reaiorloa-a» ••lain it* nitu'Bl Mi<nr I am willlnt to make a1fl<ia*il to trie triil • of tail *ulcmmt.

Milan, M -m,ll IK.H^B. M ItrlOLTKNT t! per bottle.

.'nTICt.a* 8o*r. W 3la. CUTIOOKJ SHATIHrj toar, th ,■[«, Hold br all druKK'ai*.

I:III*H;»I. CO , Ft. m I. -v . Band for 'Howl o Care okm HI*e»->'-,"

),MT Prl*e« BBiflLinllnf to AppHeailo* lor rate* lo OlabB ihOBld ba atadt

•aly totba OMOa Ol the coinpan-/, la New Or

Por furtbarlBiorMMloa wrtta alMrtr. ftrtaa lulladdraae. Mak- P. O. MaMarf Order, payable aada'ld M* Heai.tered 1-eit-m to _


POSTAL Ktrt'CM and arriiaan lattare b» Mall nr Binraa* (■.'J euro* ol BA aad urat da bj Kipiai* at our aapenaa) to

at. A. DAUPHIN NawOrlaaot. l-a„

or M. A. DAUPHIN, M7 .« ,»enlh Hireot, WMhlBftoa, D. C

iwaaaawdia «


ODITt'ART. Beport of C10T Solicitor.




irrj I" _ ..r IT.II


«illA'« rell f and Prrntinent Cur m ei Catarrh, f>oro a -\- p e h»a ilia, Mlnel'i-- ol S.T.. 1 In-..- B'

~ luii-. and tn-i|.i.-i.i C«i

and SUKKLY iKuinlit* all the nflennre odor* nl the bitua body, ariuae from prnrpb-ation or lb* ciciatioaa ai IM aulUrj gUod* and other prapuatwry pore*.

^ '"■•



It I* tn* onlr irirt that il rRrna»11T Htl tba odor a* any ol ihe MB* fetid addadoui IHMOOM beneath the huaun akin, en her at ih* feet, *rmpiii, briaM, aant- cala, or othti p*n* ol th* body.

It la a BrtamUft* la. t that baihini tofl otien, a* man, peopla haT* lo do. to free ihenuttvet »l nfltniin adon, CBuae* ■ debilimina efleti, and doea not alwayi produc* Ihe dcaircd remit. T*"> "' three »ppbcationa

NEUTRALINE la Ihe aSacted nart* ob*iate* th* nect**itr of baduog M often, and will cur* any ordinary caaa.

1. la perfectly Iiarmleaa. and *oid under a poet- (■*•■*•■ mte to attorn pi nh it* objett.

k • WE Toilet Aiucle of the day, and I* baattV arataf, f, >*p in M and Meant boitl**.

It i> a I by all drurjrut*, and *l» mailed, peetpaid, a* pataa nllapaiblc blotk na tab**, on raotipt ei IB awarta t—nl poaul oat*), mmj 1. A. U0ITT COatPAJT* KuhDA, If.H. Oaorga V. UorKlwin A Co.. Boaton,

Wbulaaala A|Mtl

as aar, Noibinf tike

■ ml I* rapid, radica lima

Dtt>* Bidtcal I'tire. i BVI)>OB1 iPdHanlnnt'- InbB-ei

an, f irmtnia rotnplrt■ liratoirnt, i-t- ft>r •!. Aak lor Naxfaral'

Care. Add 1'h.inlraK'o


iieunai.riK, and

a tmi Cai*nh»l

ol nil draw-

r^fM I IMP.^" lh,. r.'lh.f «I.«1 l.r.r.T " Cvt-L-PrViV* ih. laataBi li 1- - I>I>I le.t, in v \ VOLTAIC/ /(thru ma Li »m, Nuinl.ia, ne.lall

"TOjev*Mlomafh and Bowel*,s'unting -• Palna, Nuroboe*". ^female P»ln«,falp'U

pwlt,I.l» > Feycr, Hal

attar) romblned

> a, md K. i.i.T.■■■■■■

/yX&WC**9 t*a.llt».' -laalera (; aa.' '* i * i_ar I-loetrto I •^a.AiTtr^* wlab - • o.. ui i-iaaiarjanu ••r»*flfc*' ,a|]Bh „ ,,„„_ ifw.eerrrwhere

For Bale by Jame* U Bcott, It* E**eb BtratU


CREAM BALM ba* rained an earia

erer known, displac- ing all outer prepay- I'.loa*. Anarllrlool uniloub'rd merit.^


Cold ii tie Heal li col a lijnnl , ot

Apply by the flneer

:.'|,'.l it cflM-lnalli i-leanura Ibe naaal pawBI or vn ii", rauflBR bealtby lerretion*. It allty* pflan n atton. prolrela the membr*n*l iiniiiK ui the he'd irom addllloBal roM*, ooas- i1 ■ i> i ihe aotea and rtalore* the erne* ot u-te ami nelt. It< ne Oclal reaulla are real lied br * lew tlpllcallon*. A thorough lieal

. V mall

When IO II

Send I

Hi.-Mi ELI _.. ervltir lan-ll

Ba'ehy Jame* B. Fro'I, lift tnei Birrct.


Malaria the Cause.

tathaBTiBn-Tinc ANWK-IH, th* Ui real, on inii-i nldelr elrcnlated aclanllBo aaeer. ta.Ua year. Weekly flatendld enaraylnaB and lnterr>atin« In- Ioronallnn. gpe. i . leallBo A**«r> ran aenl frea. AddraM aH'NN A Ct£ KUNlinc

To CONSUMPTIVES OMWTNcnrBTETl'S ITIPOrTICeTPHrrBofLLtJ. «ii- M'i'V For < .n.unipllon. Ulaoataoa .

iri.t l.nnpit. I)> >pr|in lAnwiedflril t ;U IVbllltT It 1*

",*l aod Wper bottle, Prer^eilonlyb IKTEH A CO., (iirmUli, ._JEF'

itrf *ti., New Vera


CIATICA atltr twelre phTaiman* HI* iBderabla. It will .nr i.i.tii, LAMA BACI, AC, hflad. Bpirihr lnn«nlala

ad pronounced it llll> l:mil-H, Nil

BT PEDIUCK A CLOSSON •iwl Irrlanfl ■

tunr a' Bp4Up*r, be* aimi-i ^a?b**"eiBi^y*b« SpnW w* h... [iHtofarir W ymmn' aUadlag «*mnluiiy raia.i bi f'.m. Ua*a* pobll.h*! *-ma en Oil. Blaaeaa. -hl'fi h> -a.ta -lib a lari-a t--lil* <x hi. •ronOrfal tor. fir. In .ni .affarar vWrnay Had Ualr npna aa.l t « li.ia.Ti liMrlHujn. MiNM.nti Wad-lraa*

pr. an KaaaauLa a*, Hrtfca •*., New T«B.

FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! fhia aeaaon'* New deanrlptlre CaUlogne And

I'rirr Lilt Of Plart, ■*

■i | I


Dta. Par or*, i...i.v Book*, fernery (paper J

Ethiopian tuiiii.-, Labieaui Liable, Colored Fire, Paotomitne, Burnt Cork,

ltear-1. *,„ \, . i rTbeatrfoala.

good* foi for -ampI PiBflth Ai

t Ihehr home*, In ru» or n earn *'i to |ll per week, making or fall and wlatar trade. Bend 15c. u.l parlii Ulara. UU1H.1JI Mm. (u.

F.rrry SlekneM haa ita 1'erer. Tb*> bead, the lunga, the atoraach, tlio bowela, tho llrer, the aplnm, nnd tbe tldnrya naih will at time* hava ihcir llttlw Ferrr. Eaallytub. dued If Uikan la timo, but If dolnrml tlie ferar rpreadauka Are in a hourtn.uulil thewboat body la mrolrod, and the. pcrwm in nltk In bed.

Thai Magic Cure, la enpei-1ally a Farar .TlraHrloa—Ijellei and rlu-aiicr than quinine.

It la tho hope of tho tick-bed. Tbe bow ot pr mil* to tbo Inralnl.

l-.voiyriw«6f Ecarlot F*»er, Dlphthe- rlu, Fnrtimuiitii, run h" cured, If that rciufHly I* t-Jtenactlvly r.adirected.

Malaria or HI la «:■.» In tho air la for Ih*) mi>f.tpartlhat3aur.orf all Ferera, and the M«:do Cureuaguroajitldote fur It In evvry form It map aaeume.

■aarwPf Chill hn^ltn Fare., hut not eyfry [ forer has Its cii 111. We cure tho Ferer or

•he Chi)I at, the urit- !::■..■. A*kyourdrui;pi-t for tho manic Cora, I ut nji In IKII!, |,l<iuldaiid Fill form. 1'rir-eof 1111a WOtB. a biii.aiid t',ey areaent r mall. I'li-t boltloa of tho liquid, |i--■'•,'-u uit byeti'ioBA.

Ceo. Tallcot, 191 Fultvu St., Now York.

8TEPaTEK 41 LBN SiMMONt, eldeat BOB of th* well-known contractor, 8. P. Blm- OJODB, and bro-ber of Mrs. Bdgar J. Sher- man, died or heart dlMBBB, Bt tla o'clock 'Bat eyerjlng, Bt bio reBldence on Htrer- blll atraat, at th* age of fortr-siE tun. AHboBth the decraMd tu coolned to tbe homo bj atckneB* only two weoki, rot hla health h»a been trapttred tor oone inootbi, bat wlih iDdoalUbl* will and eoeriy be port|at*d In atteDdlnc to bit bBBlBCBB tO the lBBt, Wblob WBB that of Superintendent of the HcKarBDd Blj-elow Htcbine CompBB*, a pooltloe he haa oc- ' niiied for aliteeo yearii. fiilfllllu» all Its dntlea In tbe moat cnaclTiUou* manner. IB fict, bio whol* boalBAM career bit been narked by tn Integrity of c laracler anil BB boneatr of purpose that won for him lb* reapect of employers end work- men. H* WBB born Bt WooDoocket, K L, and cume wit> hi* pareou to thl* city at an early age. Be was a rnrioata of oor public rcbootB, and at fie time of hit death an Ictlie member of lb* organlia- t ion of Odd Fellowe, and bo aerred with dlitluction in tlie War of tho Rebellion. There la a pernlltr feeling of ttdnena con oected wllb tbe d.-aih of tbla aprlgbt and worthy cltlzvo, which remorea is tha prime of life ona ao Decenary to tboae wltb whom ha WBB otilted lo tha family rtlatlona. Not only to be monrned aa a butb'nd, father and brother, but Terr bitter la lb* grief of bio aged parent a, who bad looked to him to be tbe companion and Bolate of tbetr I ecllolBg jaara, BDd who are now paaalng tbroBKh tbla, tbelr drat great Borrow. Mr. Hlmmooa waa a gentleman of rethlng disposition, and ol each modest and anaMamlDg mannert, tha*. be was known intimately by bat few untold* of bia Immediate family. Bat those few will ever remember him ana man who acted on tbe flrmeat convictions for tbe right, whoso life eiemplided tbe correct prlnrlplea which ruled It, and which waa Blwaya eiemulary in every re> prct. Ills last moments were ca.m apd

prscefnl, and louod him perfectly pr*- pared to leave the world, where then- •tertj so mtny pleaaaot ties to bind bim, lor tbe ureat unknown that la beyond. tailing hla family to ft Is bedside, bo bade ihem all farewell, and passed away aa qulilly and peacefully as if be Were slat ID* Into s calm ap.l ples»snt Bleep. H« waa a devoted bnsbsnil, fattier and broth Br, and all will feel a deep sympathy wilt tbe alfe so early made a widow, and the children WJO hate lost so kind and Indol- (i.-iit B parent. The drceased bad lived fur many years at tbe mid*nee of bis father, on Haterblll street, a-Jd leaves a f»mih of three cfilldren. K*lpb and Albert, two manly little lelloVB, *«fd ruapectlvely fourteen and eleven years, aid tn iotaut daugbter, a few months old. Two and a brother sarvive blm, Mrs. r*raBCes Draper, of Boston, Mrs. Ed«sr J. rJbor iii»n,"l tbla city, and Mr. Walter A. Sim- mons, of Boston.

While Ii la the desire of the family of the late Mr. Simmons that tbe obatqoleo abould bo of a pi irate nature, an oppor- tunity will be given to all who may desire to view tbe remains at the family real* dence, on Htverbkll atreet, from 11 to 1 I'clock, Wednesday. m Numerooa friend*

and enployeb of tbe decaaaed will doubi- i:« avail I lir.r.i'lyi S of It.

Mrs. Mary K Daniels, a long time-resi- dent ol this city, died In Kast Boaton, on Tuui »iiay last, of apoplsiy. The remalna

ere imerten here an Sunday. Her age as C« jeers, 4 aionibs and 28 days. OuSundny. Dec. la li. died tnddrnly,

afacsrleilev r, Edhb liell, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. rV. Crawford. Age S rears, 7 months and 26 daya. Funeral on Tuesday hit P. M.

The deceased wat an exceedingly bright child, and Lh*. parenta hare the sincere

patby of tbelr mtny frlenda In their be reave me nt.

Died this morning, at the family resi- lience, Wentwortb Parker, son of air, and Mrs. 0. W. Partridge, sged 3 years and 'J days. The bereaved parents hsve the sympathy of hosts ol friends In tbelr loss.

f vml


German Remedy.)

Katlmalfd Militia Kxpeotee.

Adjutant Oenetsl Dsltou estimates thai the militia will rtqjlre for the year lo8i ihe sum of ElW.crjo, an amount »:;u00 in excess of that lut 1883. Ot this esti- mated expenditure K70.UOO Is or unman i> niiuy, 8ai iK u lor *i nun v rents, $13,000 lor trsuepuriailon tnd glLMMO for quai- leimaBler's euppilea, for tbe purchase ol which the aniouifl over and above lh*t ot urn. year In tbe grand tots., Is asked. ,i«i(;euii Gen. Cilley places the expeDdl- unh nl i i- tli psitnient lor tbe eusnlnit

year at 6500 fur tntdical suppllea and f&OO for CJUUIIJ. nt expenses.

TRUTHS F0RTHE8ICK.J ^?^™lnTI3r^te*^rlly^| nHli.ii*Soe11aile|>eml ...... iDHCLrilL'KlllTTBHS ritl'K BlTTIKS Wll I

v.. 11 . IthattlreilAndnllgone Ireelingi If so, use l^itt.eiiiTB BiTTBBa , |it will cure yon.

liKTBtlvrawhoare •ely ronflneil In j mill* and work

I shops; rlerka.whiidn .not procure sufficient usercl*e,sndBllwhn

jareninflnoi) Indimrs. Ishiiulil usoSl'LPnr-

ilood wher you

nt- ttir'innh tho Ii riTiiiil.'s.ltliilrheB.I md H'ires. Rclr onl 4i*LrRi'H BrrruhtJ

ii health will fol I low.

■ sb'Xild use .-i-i.riti it ,,,..,.., .,.„..,

f y..n .loin it uiffcrfromHl

lS[-|.llll'« RlTTKas It never falls H . B with. notile. Try It; you

casnnsisi health, who are a

' —l,should ua l llirrl'KH,

r fnlls.

Hri. a Bn i | 1

botUVol naae youatniBBand|

Ht'LrHm HIT 111 make yourblrKHlS iire, rich and Btrou,

ami ynur flesh hnnl.

Try SILHIIH HIT I ass tnnlgiil, nn.ll nu will sleep wrlll ml feel bettor, f"rlt.|

Do you wnnt tlie beat Minlli'iii H'nrk pulillahed? tend S t-'-eiit alamps to A. 1'. OHHWAT A Co, hVintim, 11 .inn., ami receive a copy, free. For » no by Jame* K. Belt, 115 tv s.iouoei.


VOLTAIC BELT Co., hum, Mica

usingtia»*b»fBe*rad. InSsad.aa nrmilirai i . u.iffearr. mat I will a.»fl T»" i.irfin in: ::. ..hrr -i.l. a Vi LrtsLRTHXAVlia *■ tm. <t!*aat.-

Ul" tipraaa and F O aSSnaa A. SLOCl'al, lit raari Si., B*w Toi*

ry. II, Pluamtr aad J, d. Naenbaat.

PURE mi? ilC INDIA ILAO From the DlitrioUof ABbAfcf, CBITTAOONQ CA0MAB,EA.\OBA VALLEY, DABJEEUA'G DEE1KA IKMJN, ABd Other*. Absolutely luperlor to Flaror. Tbe Ho*i XcoBon>l<

- 'ly balfthaninal qaactily. Sol JOHN (). POII.i,lFS, A CO.,

- --Bdleat*. Wr- lll aaarlS

Tua MBBHT, MsasT Cstkl-TBtSTint. Tbej iy"Ui Holiday season brmgi to miad

Ihe e eg not gill* | ■ e-cnr- .1 in llir City or N«a Uriestts l«S Nov.mlirr 13<b, by Iht 162d Orsne Monthly i.l The Loimlau* 8ut< L"t'rr«. oniier ibe sole msnagament of O n« (J. I llcaun.anl. in 1, . anu Jub.l A Early n Va, -tun uvar *)'i6o.i(i0 wre acaitere-J ruiuCHBi. ibe ■ m- ii>ina win labs Bie<>

satBlB luisday. Jan. 1.V IS84. ibe lul' parina- ari ol wbub tan he bad IH.UJM A Daupt.lo,

N w Orleans. I.e. T . k.-t Nu «S,688 drew ihe capital pr IS. 87-^ <00, ■ .in to llnli. si *l e icit,

..... belu in Mi. M A. Sarerdtilt, Nu. M) 9\. L aiitrett, New Oilenn* ; aoi.tber M Mr N. B I'li-ina, a clerk m tha cty ireaiurer'* offl «.

i-w O lean', L .; Ihe ml), r.i ilt-t line pob- i«l N ■-. ii'' 7IH ih-'w lbs a. road .a:iUI

S'^i,000 BIBU BulU ill Mlili' ai |1 i—line lol- ,i Ibiough Unk ill M-iii...ii, at Jack*'B. i.; -u.i .i i r lit i part* In Mnlden. w. Va. mi"1 capital P'is 910.000, was wou iy

No 40 200. I.I-I ■.■ iiniii*...... wbieb wna .|. mil try ibe N. O. N m>nal Bank. Ti..

i.ortb cn|iiai i" i ».nt EBnoo each, were wen it Hik. la No It Ms ano 33 709, old IB llta* itoo, lo Ko'ierl AI i <i. collected lh'i>Bali dcr- I. pi'kwni.,1 A Co. Ban A ilooio.T.xaa; :. C. Font, UidMna C. fl , Vs., collects. hn ugi. Sme baDk, lln Iinnnid. Va.,*nil so Ob .) ins enu id tbe interminable chapter, sawing be tiiany i.n.n patiiopaniB In the PBctoleaa nisim ot wcailb. dwlt

osatmrTinN CI'HSD.

An old pbysMoa, retired front pracilce, bav- ni: bad ptaeed la bit baitdt by an Bast India ii'i-i n.ti iha sat in ■ la or a simple regetsble

ni.ii' toy the apctdy and permanent cure e ' .n-iiwi u.ia, Catarrh, Asthma ani

ill Throat and Lung AH. .-turns, also a poaitt* mi rBdtuai eur* lor nervoui D. htllty and B! Nerruur CoaBplainlt, alter hs*mg ic-ud it* •tindirlai i-arattiB powers in thousand- aars, b*« I,.II it hn duty to make U know ils "iifl.rnig fsllnai. Actuated hy ibii ntoilre md a drstre te reliuie banian suffering, I lend Iree el charge, to all who deilre it, ■...i.e. in (Jerraan, French or English, with

for prepaiing and nung. Sent by all by adi "-IIC with stamp.

We ht*v,. a -. iii|-'. !.■ Bisot t'aprri in all the diffrrtot rol ibB different kind* .id uses

mini of w 'TI >HS III) and of tbs

ueii qualliy, wllb . ■ *t-1. ■>. a act h Msncbeiier, 37 v, rat • 7

o mum. red, Boaton

AlrViirBTii MOTHBBB. Are yon dlslurbed at night sad broken

real by a *lck child suffering ind frying with pain ofcuitlog teeth? 1 eo.aendat onr* and gef

tbouleof HHA WnasLOW*a SOOTHISO HIKII HIK CHti.nsKS 1 BBTHlao. Its value is meal rulable. It will relieve the poor Mile luffere: immediately. Depend upon it, mother*. UMIII I* no mlaiake shout it. 11 care* dysentery sn. [isnii.en, reguliies tbe Btamaah and bowela

i-ures wind colic, soltrns tbe sums, reduce* IB ilsmnisiHin, sod tires lone and energy to thi whole syetem. afaa. VTinaLow'B aooTHiHtt IIKI I' niH t im.LKKs lr,i imnti the laaie, and is th* sreacrir'Honof one of the old set nn.) best female pbyalei Unitenrtute*, snil I* for n_ . ibroughout th* world. Price U oents


we will tend leal Work; H Tbe mon ral

Boaton, Man

FOB bix Cantt cu Dr. K*u mann'i Oreat Med-

9 pages, colored plale* fn.m Ufa, isble stivlser ever puhllihed, n n receipt of two 3 rent star/)**, t Addrets-A. P. Ordwsr A Co.

113 wood

DBTBCTIVXS AND PBIVATB Orncama Utnally wear tbelr bailees of tmmrity andci tbelr ciotblni. but Dr. ThomaC Eclectric Oil wears its badgri tn tbe form of printed labels aitacbed to each sad every bottle, as ibat all may know 111 minion, ft Is given fall complete authority to arrest all ache* and palna and does it* daty siery tlmt. awl w

To tbs City Conscil of tbe Cltv e( Lawrence AA [nitraeted by t bt ordinance, I lubtnU la

yonr hoeorabt* body mr report as City Solic- itor for tha year 18331

Of eaaae la which tbe cUv waa a party llil- geet. pending at lbs daiB of say report to lbs last city coenell, the following have been Anally dlipeaed ol:

City of Lawrence va. James H. Wood aad other*. This action came oa for trial at tbe March lerm of the Superior CoarL JadarmeBl oa detank was entered against tbe defendant

Sullivan. By reason of his decease a diicoBtbiBBncB waa entered as to the defoodaat

Wood. Upon trial before th* jury, scrtala fact* being admitted, tbs presiding lodge. Chief-Joitlce Brtrham, ruled aa matter

that lbs plaintiff was not sntltled lo maintain In action, aad tbtrennon orderea a rerdfei for tbe defendant William 8. Basra. To tbla ruling of tba Judge th* plaintiff fliod oxctptioat, and the legal qasatlen Involved were In coadliha for argument before the Sn-

Conn. Babstqnently, and apon recom- mendntlon ol tbe finance committee of tbe ciiy connrll, I WBlveii ibe exception!, anil consent- ed IO iBdgrmeat apon tba verdict, without costs.

City nf Lawrence VS. Oeo. W. Kla. Thin action was brought in 1BT9 to recover ex pen* ■ Inrarredby order of tbe Board of Health in tho abatement of a nonance anon land tap- poird to be of tbe dehrsdant. Tbe salt waa bs run under evldeat misinformation of tba fact*, li appearing that lb* DIM ol th* land epw whleb tbe aoiaaaeo oxlated waa not ia ins d»- fendaat, lb* ess* waa dismissed. No a«rvlet of tbe writ wat ever bad on tha defendaat, a non resident of lh* stale.

City cf Lawreac* vs. Margaret Devlin. An action to reOPvar charge* paid for tbe support ol the defendant, BB insane pauper. Joriemem was obiained at th* D*evmh*r Isrm. 1882. o' tbs Superior Court, for «8it 73 and costs. E*- rcutlon was levied apon tba equit* or tbs iir. fendant In certalB real esUta tttnaud la Law.

lace, aad apoa tale nnd.T tba levy tba prop- erty was pnrcbaaed by tbe city For tbe smonn of tbs execution aad co*U of kvy and eele. T .ibtain s lull title to the property Lb* city was obliged toraiafy a mortgags lien ana redetm tbe premiss* from n sale under a former exei u- tlon. The property la ihoaght to be wed worth tbe amount paid, and tba city tha* real-

ad the full smouni of it* execution. Ltwrence Duck Company vs. City of •>«•

rence. ApMltiin foroaaaagea for alligad In. Juiy to lb* plalntlff't mill property, try charge of grade Ol l.'nion streot. "Nsltber Party" waa enured by agreement at tbe March term ol the Srpenor Court,

Oeo. W. Gage, Adm., vs. City of Lawrence. Tut* action was brought by tbe adminlatrhtir of tha et'a'-e of Beijamln Waehe, who was killed by collision with a pott of tba Bosum k Nviribera Telephone Company, lo neuter damages onder tbe statute. Tbe Telephone Company, Ibe party. If anybody, ultimately 1 able, aatamed tb* def.-nce of tbe twit. By ron

tbe pisintiff bad judgment of SfidO. and tbe execution thereon aatitntd by tbe city, hu<

i to paid wat reimbursed br Ibe Ti 1- ephont Company.

Jame* A. Treat va. City of Lawrence. Tblt cas* WM beard by Hon. Oeo, P. Caoate, ref- eree by ro'eot the CoBrt, upon wboit sward tbs plaintiff had judgment for f 1175 In the Su- perior Court. Tbe award waa for abont two- ihlrds tbe amount of tbe plaintiff'a eiaire. A" stated In former report*, the anlt was ior dam- age to cbumlcl "'ifft and other mercuan dlte In tbe hasametti of tbe plaintiffs itore li Brecbin Block by ovarflow of a sewer In 1874.

Willsrd 11. Perkins va. City ol Lawrence Trial at Msr.'h term of lbs Superior Court Tea plaintiff claimed VISA, and lnt*re*i for r-ervke* »» architect ol rapslr* on the ally bad building. Verdict for flOQ with interest, amounting in tbe whole to #138-70.

George O. Adsmi va. City of Lawrence. Bult lor 9600. with inienit, lor icrylcei si archltea In preparation of plans for proposed bospllsl for Inisne on tbe City Farm. Tried before tbe court at the March term. Jadgment for the plaintiff In the earn nl 83M.

Eliaabetb Album vs. City of Lswreno. This action waa entered at ibe September term, lott2, of the Superior Court, bat by Innltertence was ..milled Irom tbe statement ol cs. s pending In my lastannnsl report It was tu i cover for damage to tbe p la lot Iff'* premises by urine In ol Ibe Osrth caused hy excstailoni made on adjoining land of ihe defendant. Being sstla fled unon examination that lbs Injary was ■ sabstaat-Bl oat, and the city legally liable, I cons*.ited lo judgment for the plaintiff In tbe sum of fAO.

Inhabitant! or North Adama vi. City ol Lawrence. Action by tbe town of North Adsmi in ihe Superior Court lor Berasblrc Conoty, for payment for expenses Incnrred IB ibe lurgl cal and medical treatment and care and support aaa pauper of one Daniel P, Davis, whose legal

it was ia Lawrence. Dim was run orer by a train of cart and taken to a hotel where fa ah hia legs were amputated and where

:arsd for, unable by reason of bis In juries to be remortd with safety, tor a long time, at great expense for surgeone, anrsea and hotel charges. Tbe bill or charge* seemed ex- cel* I re. But npon consideration of ill the cir- cumstance*, tbe town ol Nortb Adami bating paid ibe bill, It WBB thought lbs city could noi ■ncceiafaliy resist the Claim and, by tbe advlcv ol lhr|liuard of Overseen i f ibe Poor, I avreed to judgment lor the plaintiffs Ior tbe amount ol iheir claim.

Peter Kelley el. el., TI. City of Le.. rence. This aim arose Gut of a dispute as to tbe IOCE-

llon of tbe wester.y boundary line of Eutaw street, the agents tbe city having removed tbe fence erected by the plaintiffs on the line a<- claimed by tbem, and encloead within tbe rte- Ssed limits or tbe way a strip of land claimeu by tbe platattff*. Trial was bad la tli.' Police Cunrt and judgment given ,li" pUlntiffa lui •£3.34 An appeal to the Superior Conrt wa» enured by tbe defendant. But, In considers '.Ion that Ihe plaintiff- iball release lo the ciij any right and iltle tbey have or mar claim In

IT* In tbe disputed strip ut lend, I navE agreed waive the eppeul and submit to the judgment

Of actions pending at date of last report, and not since Anally diiposed ul, procteJIug therein ua*e been BS fuliowi:

Benjamin Gr.ffla vs. ulty of Lawrence. Tbe iiaiur«ortbl*ca*e Is stated In pririoa* repuria ot tbe City oolk-Iior. Trial »A| bad at tb* September term, 1883, uf tho Supener Court,

uiting la a jury t.rdict for ibe plaintiff Ex- tions were taken to tbe rulings in nuiun

uf law by tba presidingJudfe et tbe tnal, ami g'jment* thereon submitted to tbe Supremi

Cuurt In the lollowlng November. Ia Bepkm- wrlAAtthe Supreme Cuurt rendered it* di-

cwtou tnsieJnlng the exception* and eelting aside tb* verdict.

Benjamin T. Teaney va. Clip of Lawrence. Betjtmln T. Tenaey, executor, ti. City ot Lawrence. These suits are lor alleged tres- p*v»ti by tbe Commissioner of Sirrii*. In hi* filial employment, in depositing tarth upon,

and constructing a way far travel acton tbe plaintiff"! land. Trial was bad In the police court, and Judgment given lor the defendant in both caaea. Tbe plaintiffs sppea.ed and the case* are now in tbe Superior Court.

Musea Perhini vs. City of Lawrence. Thit action came on ior trial at ihe September term Ol the Superior Court. Th* court in cd that ihe action cauld not be maintained, being in tort, the plaintiff* remedy, If any, being by pe- tition under tb* provision* ol the water act. To tbi* ruling tbe nlelntlff excepiad, and Ihe exceptions-were argued at the November letm of tbe Supreme Court. No derision si yet.

In tbe following caaea, the nature of wbicb wesstattd in last report, no action has been Uken wilbln lbs year i

Nu tn Is.i Chapman vs. Lawrence. Lewis Barileit vs. Lawrence. A. T. Armstrong vs. Lawrence. Henry T. Wing ei at. va. Lawreace. Deiing tbe year aeteral suits hate been com.

menced ugainst tbe city, and art now pcudl ng In court, tu wit:

Hadaoa Drivtrvt. Lawreace. Entered March term of tbe Superior Court. The writ allege* tn4i oa Dec. 18,1883, tbe plaiutiff fell and trai iajured by reason of a defect ceased by toot and Ice on tbs sidewalk, upon tba eait side 0 Union. itreet, near Ibe loatneeat corner of Btoeslsod Union Mreoti. A. K- Saoborn I* plain tin ■counsel.

Mary B. Wbittier v*. Lawrence. Entered BI

March term of Ihe Superior Court. The plaint Iff alleges tbe fell and was hurt on ice of s rough, ragged and uneven surface, on tbe southerly sidewalk of Metbuea itreet, 311 feet westerly from Its intersection with Franklin uroct, Dec, IS. 1881. E. T. Burley for plalni-

vAuaoe B. Rollins vt. Lawrence, Josepbiae K- BoHlaa va. Lawreaee. Entered at March term of the Superior C inrt. Aetl"ui are to recover damage* for injurle* leraral y aaffsred bv tbe plaintiff* Dlraasi or a defect tn Lavrranca St.. near Walnut street. Tba defict I* sllesed lo be tbt want or t proper railing or other barrier io an embankment beside tba way. BbtrmaB A Bell for plaintiff*.

afose* Perils- vi Lawrence. Entry at Jan* term ot the Superior Court. Action to recover lor Injuries to bit premleee, on Essex etr 'et, by reason of tbe alleged negligent aad unlawful acts of tbe city, in ob*truetfag tbe old Bases: Compaay's »-wer. Joha C. Saoborn tor plaint- iff.

Julia Conlev t*. Lawrence. Entry St June term or ibe Superior Court. Actlrn for dam- ages for injurim canted by a dtlect In Broed-

ay. B. T. Barley b>r plaintiff. Hodeste MarttJ vt Lawrence. Bntrvat June

term of tbs Buper'or Coort. Action for dam* ages lor inlnrles caneed hy a defective way. The plaintiff atlsgai the lell noon the Ice on Franklin Street, Feb. 3. 1883. end sustained rrsctures or tha boots or her left arm and In- ternal injuries. W. P. Moyee for plaintiff.

Eugene C. Klntha I TI. Lewyence. Entry at September term of tie Superior c -art. Action for demegrs for Injuries alleged to bare been sustained by tbs plaintiff, and caused by a da feet la Ihe way at lb* intersection of Jackson and F.lm itreete. B T. Barley for plaintiff.

Lewis Hani-n TI. Liwrrn-e. Entry at De- ember term of the Superior Court. Prom tbe deela ration of tbepliintlff. this art Ion appears

be to recover uevneaee for Injurlon lo bt* premises, at the corse r of Oreen wood itreet and Bsaex atreet, caused, aa aliened, by excavattoa* 'nude alnec Oct. 11,1877, m the work of the E-aexstie-t oxininn, w Hereby the toll of Ibe close baa been undermined nnl caved la l.on. tbe withdrawal of Its natural support, anl hla ilwel'ing boon*damaged In It* loundationa ard r indered unianantsble. N. P. Fry e for plalni

The Government Chemist Two of t lieLeAdlng Hah log; Powders, and What He Flndn Them Hade of.

I b*ve examined samples of 'Cleveland'* Superior Biking Powder," mtnnrartarrd at Albany, N. Y., and "Biysl Baking Powder," ■otb purcoudd bv myself In this city, end I

And tbey contain | Olevelaad'e Bup*r af Ba ilag 1'nw.ier.

Cream of t«.n4 Bicarbonate of Sjda Flour

Available cirhonlcaelilgu U'2.fll per ceoin

sqnivaleattoU8.3cahici3cQei.uf gasper oi. of Powder.

lto) al Mnklaa; Powder. Ci n on ot Tartar Bicarbonate of Soda Carbonate of Ammonia Taruric Acid 81 arch

Available, c irbonlc acl I gu 13 40 perl cent., qmvelent to 1IA.3 cubic inchel ol gat per os

1 powder. Ammonia gas 043 per cent., equivalent to

10 1 CUMJ Inches per os of Powder. Note— Zi* Taruric Acid waa dountleii In-

Induced as tree acid, but subseqirnit.r com- bined with amm >nta, and exists In tbe Powder et a Tattratti of Ammonia.

E 0 LOVE, Ph. D.

Raw Yoaa.JAH'T^'b.iasl. Tim ,.b)v(. ti conclualTely that "Clevr-

iBBd'i Suoeri .r i* a atrlrtly pure Cream ot Tar- tar Baking powder. It has also been aaalyi d by Professor Johnson of Yste C'IIKB; Dr. Denlli ot tbeUniver*ilVof Pennsylvania; Pret- ld-ni Morton of the Steven* Instltitue; Win. U llarbl*naw. F. C S , Analyst for tbe Cbem- i-al Irii-of N w Y irk. ill other train in cue-slat*, ail of •' o.n pronouncsd It abtolutely pnre end brelttiful.

Mose* Perkins vi. Lawrence. Tola la a bill ii tq-my, entnred et tho D-'cember term of tbe Sup.iriurC.uri. Lie bill iet» |wrlb that tbe plaintiff** ot fa Bellevue Cemeteiy has been Inj ired and readered valselaaa by reason of tbe srecii- i of a wad and other acts by tbe defend- ant, ind prayi that the defendant may be **- j lined Irom d<asg further similar sets, and con- manded t > mm ire obstractloo* and restore ihe premise* to their original cundi.loa. Jjbn C. iatiboi n for plaint If.

Attoraey-aeueral vs Boston A Lowell B.I'- rjad. Tnlsl* a procaediag lo iqnty If Inio • metiun of tbe Attorney-Qjner*. ut the Cou,-

wealib, upo i ihe relation or tbe Mayor of Lavrence, to reetrain Ibe delendant corpora lion from mjintalning It* tranha In Ciual S , and compel il to remove tbe aeme. Tne iai> ro id il dm! the right to maintain It*, irncki hy virtue ot a hceuie therefor from tbe mill cor Biiatioaa, wbo own tbe lee In tbe soil ol tbe s net, alleging Ibat ihe atreel it a private way, ia which the public have no ea* ment. Tuia proceeding ii prosecuted to obtain a judicial determination as to ihe rights of ibe public in tbe way. TbB matter ii le o.der to be beerd by tbs Supreme Court, now in aesal a at Salem B. T. Barley, Biq., is special counsel in the

Besneclfnily inbmltlrd, JUHM K. Tn.ii .s,

City Solicitor. Djc.10ih.1883.


While employee ui the board of health

were engaged In cleaning a vault at the

rear of the tenement block opposite

Joyce's carrlaga .-Imp, on Concord street,

lltey found therein tbe body of sn Infant,

full grostn. Tbe examiner was called,

and gave It ssl.ii opinion that tbe child

ailva when put In the vault, ahortlv

after birth. It is thought that the body waa |n the vault several days, as II waa considerably decomposed.



A week nf good cheer. ChrUuna* pres- ent* arelnor.ler. lKin'twaale money on nonsensical gifts. Buy Useful, keep tbe glvor's niumory fTagrai bring heallli.corr.fort.Jor to lbs recinlet Tba mast *«nsible gift

j fragrant, J' lent.

Ua Plno-Ptlmlne mattresa You can ahow kliidnees, and prove a benefactor Indeed, byglvlngone M yourself and wife, your ai.n or BuammBf newly married,your boyiand Rrls at home. They will not only gel a

tier bed, than any they erer ilepl on, but ooe which, In point of health, may prora a fortune to them.


.0 half-way bualnesa abont Mr. Oeorge, He wanted hi* entire family to partake of th* luxury and benefit* he got out of hia Pino-Palmlne bed.

LV>.W.t m-edertrk. Badti- seehaai

Coniniercial College BREOHIN BLOOK, OOi." ESSEX STRSSr iNDiBSJADrfll

pecial Course in Penmanshio.

onoof your Piiio-I'i

1G Leaeona tor $.f.J>0, Including Stattonory and one aet of C.oiiion's Copy BUpa tor e. First Lesson Monday Kveming, Now. 12, at 7 o'clock.

' lao regolHr Day and Rvenlng Sesalons In (Jommerclal Department. Call o tend for circulars glvlng.pHrtlcuUrs.

uuBuEwW wash — A present of a Plno-ralmlne rr

C. C. CANNON, Princioal.

si CUT , 151 Low. 1 Pranhhn Ml.. Lvnt, « t'iMi-i'U,MlM.;.,ntn-i.i i..-i nee an J nu..... lowi.n. 117 K » \ it'.l Lowe

a d It. eer I- I.,, i ..if t«o

■ ■"I.- Agent tor

COKE!_ COKE! t Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coel


Perbarre., " " *f Or.isrs must be ft at the offloeof thioompan

lo. M Ea*exat.,and ibeCtke pa..i tor at tb. mjo Ibe order is gives.

OPi ICE 0' - ■•,; 7J0 a, BJ- to 19 mH - - 1 to T JO ». ■

till wart


^lffEBs As sn li'V'gi.ia t, IH-I. ii.'i',. i-liimseti Biitrrr ii MTIVIII the i.i".I pi.lUte endoraeBvent

from en Inent pbyslclsas, and haa long f r- n <'fi rank soinrg s •' .'s'.i proprletiry sr-< !•*. Ita pr. peities it- tm ui t-rt i« ■ "f dh lend -

Ton^ateheenrrsvrnled by Hi hea'th,rrnwienJoT- ing tbe oidlaer> ,rl>i*ira oiuu. siljen-1- ■ D'f, woibl )ou nol deaire lo is restated t.. ..."i neakfa?

It iii"> be BBXrHATISM, or VgWBAI O'A, O disewie ol lie I IVLH OH KlDH II or -■'.■" B*rt ua . ersi't" n ml llllllit.ln, of'll I' i.sMit; >a. si- , u at uipriviri, ji n of your



Steam Machine arpet Beatin g AND


change ■ In i ballet ge b liel 1 T. BUB

T 10 ..lien dred.'' 0 I re in,, i ." mi nteaUgati- B as to lie,' is.

e DO 1'-'- lenim in il, an npbslleiro e*>ionaii»

alieram 9 siimnch, II ' nl mal ml ni<eas"v

h *« been acooroed JI nies'tailoii.

and -if itTi. to whom II aa tor IMM anrt" s

■WILSOiTIA. liGMTIG APPLIANCES! hate cured rone rf Ibe • oral cbroi tbe world. Trie teal<nony can be n any oftce. Tne»e s.'t'11ano»>. aie n. 1 bey do not give a abnet. Infante ai tnem to i, I . v.- tt esuflerti g caureu b

ABOUT TEN FitT HIGH. Yiini-iii-k and other Itoar<lera Trnat

not the lnli--f.rti.lii Doductlona.

"How hl.h was tie'.? Juat re ad thai again," • angoutyoaa Yar.Utie.k, one ot 001 boarder^ whi tsm tbedrv-KOodabne, t> frolesxir Stei- llne wno aomi-timen Irad" aloud a paragr.. pn a Her supper. The Pioreaanr oomplie ■, leudie. tne beau'-y of hla voloe lo lbolulluwing aiatc BBBBf,

'In tbe year 1771 B Dutchman named Rogge- weln dlaeoTired Baiter Island, and reii .ne I

in'belgnt.although the w< a unh " liilbh."ln n my opu.l in

ne wia a nying uuionman aou a lyl a Dutch man," and tne other boarder* agreed wih hiui.

While noboily d.ilrva Anieri'-an women io l>e glenis, all wm I I be d'li.hted to eer ihcm well aad .tron*-. Yet a then* ad cause* com- bine to keej a Urue propo.iioo miaerabl , luu iinirti co11flue aent in tie .ted r .,, ur iu Ihu -.■nif bouse, multiplied doinertio ..nd family w.rriee. want . i slcp llt.le 1 Inetaea baid t ilcncrlbe, but peculiar to the.r aes—ure LIIG vt'.'i'.ii i ibat drive Ihe women "b. If out ui their heads "

Mfra at. A, Packard of Nn. 3ji Ewwo Sue. Brook yn, N. V. coulesae* to bating auflei. i Inn nau.eie.s physical MI I . li I, an.I "■■-■ ".'.ii.o. ,« MMiiit l'..M.: I- iuv atrei.glh and shield, it. nr. .1 my ilvapepeis, jmi u.r those general ilia ul wniub woineu ooui o'Bln au much ihe ii ■ li 1..11..'. linn .■ n tmi'g ek*. 1 bAveiiin* ledlorytarsln this WA), an.i sBSjah from exp rtenee. A V.luauk ii.ii.r. i- no urn i* Its <ltlii 1 'Ua li.-l

I'kikT'. i.iM.i.i TONIV ia notanesaeBoeo' .n.sf , IN." a ... L - i r 11. .■ i,i n t

■i".i * geUbie curaliVH agon * tn *u lo lb< rnrdieal ./ruleiaiou. riiv-.r an* i udorau II and

■-■it.', and 41 a bottle. Your druggist keeps it, * OO , i ti.'innl., >0W York.

"f„\i Ale i

vvsom PtARUNt.


II HARD OR ton, HOT OR COLD WATER. SAVES LAUOIt. T1MR and SOAP AMAK- HfOLY. and gltca UIHHT.H1 aatlsfaaUtW) Nii family, rich or poor Bhnnld be a llbuut li.

Sold by all Grocer*. BKWAUEot Imitation* Tell designed to mini cad. PKAItLINK is tie ONLY BAPE labor saving comi>ound, and always bean the Ifbovc lymlml, nml name of


MR. E. MARTIN. In Porter's Department of the U. s.

Armory, ftpiing-flrld, >lass.--Iotrr- estlng Statement of his


Here are plain farta Horn a most reliable icuiee. Tnur rrpi rier tm nd Mr. Mirtln " Ponri'i Lipannenl elite I'I Ind ftslea Ai oi>,PpiitigLeld, alaa>. Alte IM jreinhodue Mr. MB>lii. i»id: "I sm allllre to *av WH ran for Ine ban. lit of ihoae i fll rint *s I hi been. For years 1 hate bun a te nble *nh*e mm kldniy ami bliddn dun.'Uiie* nine ing rf itier*!. nli- nr alor y t>-i m 1 have yl li ail the mint ral mr nga a hote waiere bate b II ■■. n n.-i'. u.i io ti . toy II e hi SI mi dicnl amh Ulei. 1 hate tiled ire.y known renidy a .i.l.niiif. loicteial i pi rations and have irled 11.1- 11 " ,■ ihatn i i.i) lenM ..I.L. in in ihe wst

oi rell. i. lut 1 fli il Hat Dr. Braiedi'a I.WOK UK ItEUBDY la tbe beat medicine of all my • speiltae. —I hsve irceirad nore baattl frnn. il. IlisreilBlnly a winilerlu'medtoini itr dis- ''«'» "I ti.i- llr. . I in* i< " Til■■ fi.ilt-n PAV OblTE br.Ml.DV toi.U'.i'- in iti.'.u, ,.!■.,, ■,., neln 1 IrMW lo hste •uffeird Irom BI.tne) and Livirrcmiitaliis. and I aarui* tbe i-ublln that Ihe rATUHUB KK.MPDY has done it- a oik wilb B'lmitar con | '. .. c a In every single ■Bale ce, snd I liusl use oibty ick snd d's- dlio uiagtd mniim urr bear ol II,sad try the ratcnte h.nirdj'as I ilio" Dr. Uatid Rimredi'a KAVOHITE REMEnv

i* not a .li'iniia. il enem* ■ I the human raci-; where it dt.t a not help It ran not ham. Patoi. He hemrHy n a c< BJ i li M on oi Vig, lehle I stite*. It itorstoiheaiiior Inllab.e ine bl . ., bajteaala and pan l*t it Inallraaeiof gidney ii" ii'if, inn i ■ ).'!' .i n'-, i .nr.!-",,. im ol Ihe Knwala, aid ihe iiebonte* I'ai afflioi won ee, lbs action ol . A v. nu i K KEMK. 1>Y I* bi-iond pn lae. Thou.B'd* ol gr i■ inl people tolurtaiily testlfv to ibis in letters to Dr. Hi nnidt i sml talib a warmth and fullnasa

"I wm.ia winch m. re hualneai documenii and oerLfl. airs never poeaes*. lei - a

Alvln Ksgoon va. Lawrence. Batry ai hfirch term af tha Sapenor Court. Action lo mover or Injuries io plalatuTs ptrsoa and property. • intsd byadafaot la Common stiuM. Bbar- OjaBABtUlotplAUUff.


OIL BLACKING Keep* the llaraeae trwaa

PRKK/.INO AJtD ( It ACKINO. . Soften* Wlthoot Injorlaa;.

Oils WlUio.t Onmmlag. BUckaai Wlthoot CruaMakg.


P. A. O. CO.



V^rfBRHIN 4KERVE F00D.f Poeilltrlv cores Nistiil.oii-er, SpermstotyreM IsipoLcney, NcrTou* Debility, *yd im all V>«ak leaaee nf the Ueneratlte Organ* an Unfailing ind Positive Cere. Tones up the debilitated • yatem.arreata all Invoiuotary dienharge*. re- inivi'h mental gloom anu deapondency, and eatorea wooderiul powei lo ihe weakenid irgana. aay-WI'b eaclioiilei lor Twelve Pack. ni'i, aocompanied with SA. we will n-nd our io a ran tee lo refund the money II Ihe Irtaimenl loss not effect a cure. It Is the Chespeeiand teal Medicine in the markf-i. r"nlt particulars n pamphlet which we mail free to any addroi a. >i lb van Hrio.-.i-1-.i'ae paoaage W cU; Six

■r i'l .V'.oi sent by mall on renelpt ot price, bv

MAOHKTICI MF.IHUIM CO., UlTBtllT. WIfB Hold IB Lawrence by Kelley A Butler, Pea

Htoe HI .* tu lb sa"eow IT rar^r.

eiamno toe ' wilt poelilvely u e i ni.r .Ioi will if I tee ii you have put H

TeeihiDg Sei

Ing fl. f inn, Tne im if are wo _ in*, not in M o. tli.- oody. Y

Bra younger In a I.w wieka all k are- tor inf inie.M i. Head

Iblnlioi eold lift, . 0 oesi* p< r pair. Hall, d on r.orlut ul prior. 1. you cann-i aali write ior intoimatiou. A Lady will watt on Ladiew.

K.I. viiiiM-.l A to., Diugglata, Qenen Ageols, Lawrence, Ma**. o w eodim noiO


"MB.J.T Taaaa. Dear Sir:—I take pleaiuie la reonssmendlag soar Carpet Beating ataehln aa we bare never had our work deue ae latUfa.-.uirllt belore, Tbe carpets are returned t* » looking almost as bilgbt ae new. Tours truly, CRABLBS OLAEEE.

LtWBBMCB, April 17. Hi.Tutu. Dear air:—We are happy l^aay that In ouresporleaoe of eearly fortj vaara, w

■lave never bad our carpet, returned to ua ao thoroughly nteaaaed. a-d have never felt aaab par feet sat lafactlon wllb tb* work, aa when returned from your establishment.

Beepeetfully yours, Mr. and Mrs. ■■ E. if A YDEN.

We, the nnderelgried, have had our Carpeta best by Trceaj Mew Steam Carpet Beater, a*

nan endorse It In the blgbcet terms. J K Tarhng, A. Fuller, Charlatan lark J. P- 8. Pears->■, Melhueu, Dr J Austin, Dr. Young. Charles Hartwel), J M. w "", " Mrs. O. V.. Davis. B. E. Bnn:h, Joaeon Shaltuok, H. II. Phillips, lira. J. W. Poiter, and BISPV othere,


vIT fe 18 1

A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that will play any tuna, and that any

ona, evan a child, can oparata. TvtOnriania Baa (slaaal iwB a -o.W arid* |B|*Wa*a| -■-a fisfihj(**«rVi™i>»l« '* ■« aa-naary. It-ill '--— TOBOAK Ihat)

Wiag belta«n.i 1 ■■:) SVTSM. ALI.II.



ass WaahlnartOfi Bt., Boaton.

Weeks *t. Potter, Wholesale AarenU. dead weow It augM D


BITTERS Ciims Scrofula, Erysipelas,

Pimples and Face Grubs Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tet- ter, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sores, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weakness aad Irregularities, Dizziness, Loss ot Appetite, Juandice, Affections ot the Liver, Indi- gestion, Biliousness, Dyspep- sia and General Debility.

A cawu of Buntotk Blt-vrl ■nanvflj Mllafy IB*


Foster, MUburn & f'n.. Proprietor* Buffalo, N Y.

il whin and eow old a

will be !■''■'> ■■ I I.

:.-nil. in. n, inc. 1

f oil-l.iv.-r OH mill l.iiiil'.

hal i

IB lb* III* Il

he pure Oil and I. . i I'.-.Mi., to II e t

anu ua eflect* In Lung e mplamt* are tralv >teriul. Very many p rscaa whose cases Piiinnn. .-- hopeleas. ami who used the ele* a hmg tin wltnos. msraed egeci, hive

irtl, en ed ,y using this tneparalinn.



SEASON BEGINS OCTOBER 4. fri i. i and faturday ni aoh week will be

reserve', tor'Lawrenoe,pupils. Km fioi'in. partii;ular*ilri]Uire at'Atkinson')

aKIlia tore. HU

v Islhatl a to ■

CLARKE'S I'l I.110MC BALSAM And our* yot and selHea I winter.

Nearer Ma^ic

CLARKE*!* (iLVrKRINE LOTION for Cbanped Hands, |l*aa*> Ac. Msnuraotared and nil only by CHARLK8 CLAKKK, PharmacUt,

17B Essex Street, Cor. Jackson St. Luvvrence, Has*.

172 j AVfltri.Tr.eei.rtytri re*s Tasa A Co., A iB


.OUNG. MIDDLE-AGED AND OLD UK untold mlierles that result Iren- -waiior* lion In early lile may be alleviated > -1 turei

noee who doubt IhiBaaaeriion should v.jrchan ia new uirdlcalwoik luliUhbcd by tho PEA-

BODY MEDICAL INoTlTCTE. Ron ton, enlli lei Till- M 11M I OF I IH i kill Nil.» iHisiiivaynm. Vitalllt, luervoua and Physical Debility. Prematun Dee.Ine In ■* an, or Viialut lmpalreo by lb. Errora or Tooth, or too close application j uunneaa, may be resto'ed snd manhood re

-fifth edition, revised and enlarged. Just pub- lished. It is a standard medical work, the i.e. in the English Isniuige, wiinen by a phyalciai 'it aresl experience, lo wtom waa awarded i iolil end Jrwelled m.-ilai by tbe National Medic* Aiiocutllon. Ii ■'■plain* besunlul snd m expensive cngrsvi> ■■ HbO page*, mote Hn-i lift valuatle freicilptiom "

, the i 1,11 o •eara of exirailte and surceanul practict either ol abicb i- son., ten time* the pilce o ,i,o book. Bound in beaulllul Pianeb ■■ in.hossed.lull gill. Price onij ti.'..'.. by mail postpaid, on leceloi of price. Illustrated sampi iixoenle. Send now. .TIIK HI IK vt 1- OF 1.1 KB ; OB BKL1'-

I'Hl ■.Ir.MVATIOS, beyond *Hconipari>>oiiltemoBieilraoidiBar\

rork . 'iiitbiiifc

plaint. I. ■ [Loi

,1-1., Tbeie

B -ok now but wkatiaiull;


.* s marvel ol art ind briuly, ws "rat.ted lo be i jatier medical book i. irerv ieo tlbnncanb. ■blamed rliewheref double Ibe price, or (h. aoney Will be relunded IB evei ln*lance.- Auihor.

' K, It- Yttl'Sii and kll Hl.K AQEI) MEf inn save much line, mflermg andexpenie bi eadlng Ihe hcienceof Lne, or conn n i > I be noil.oi, w Im pay be eontuited on all die »>e* rtcjtiiiipg ikill »i d exp. Hence. Addres<


4 IU UIMII BT„ lioeion, Mass

QOLL ItXDAL, 1'AlUi, itfTt


Breakfast Cocoa. I'P »'

Coeoa, from which tho i-ice** o Oil li.-ubernrcrautcd. ItbiiaiAre. r u.i--11 hi tlrengl\ of < v mix** wlih Btareh, Anovnnot or fjugar siiil 1* I i.cri fur.- far more t ■■■. i...iul caL It 1* dcllcioua, uoiirlihhai air.iiiii lifiilm;, rosily dlg.-sted, ano admirably adapted for Invalid* ai well aa ior |>craona in beallh.

Sold by Urocera everywhere.

f. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass

riPAIVOBJiaSWOS*or SOCIAL AWVaawawr. TS* Orgaatiia la 'X*j^J^a»*«l «T taw sacearr. ll.s»<K°fa./l*7'..'**M<'- ZjT*Ztn»*il»lW. aad te t*ah kaaoanaH aad arsaawaul .Tha .til JKLTlV*--» ae* BWwrtob.

(Ua gaaally radvicwt - suikH M lUa gaaakly ndi b*lie.1nf Oul Ova aala will •arnal tka r.. __ Th. AMIlamnt. ataailat ia tM«r*ltoa


, Jj»TB*aa*lEaun r->f *»'-auill s*m7HarMi •I Ss-o.ia *faaaak SUBB, ",S.S*-a -111 l*wg H-M.

\:"t.' l/e^o.aad war will lha

Th* HlMMOnitMlt. Organ 00*r>» Waahlitiitsn uMfewWeaawawaajlK »-"£

Vegetine WII^l* OURK

Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Cancer, Cancerous Humor, Krislpelas, Can-

ker, Malt Rheum, Pimples or Hu- mor In the fare, Coughn uml

Colds, Ulcers, Bronchitis,

In tbe Side, Con- stipation, Cos-

tlveness. Plies, Dizziness, Headache, Nervousness, Palna In the Back, Fnlnt- nesa at the Stomach, Kidney Com. Blnlnts, Female weakness and fieneraJ

cbUlty, 1 his pruisrst'on Is Feierilgeatlr snd elwml

callT un-.binid. and to uroirlt roicmiiaiid roo. tons In-, b- snd berks.irat In BtwM iWSWtl

»te rrallnd mrckdistrly nion en mi mug to ui. Ii. Ihtre ler.o .n,..»,.■■ i il r baimsasf' ten

he Vicryip» rinrct le n rtlwlih ■ i ...... i ..i (... i: in any m>ta|.

tlra ii.. lysh n ol all ■I no kqnal. It ba. urr, gittng tin .- ■ in1

lUlll Ho by dun as .

I ltdi • on | ound. in ■ i i"i

nbei ii ni

fiKAY'K BPEC1F1C MEDICINE. RADE MARK, The ti i c u I | ^,..

Engllai ~ dy. ai

quenoe nf dell. IIFOBE'AIISR Abuse; aelr-as TTf" TslH 'I MerATv, Universal Laaailude, Peln in n> Hack. i> tin.. .-... of Vision, l'-i .,,,> in i Age, and m IBV oiher diseases lhal lean io in anltt i 'oniomptlon and a P.emaluieUiave.

Rewere H the advei il... luenta to re'and monc driigrlBt* from whom the aiinine ■ lM-ugbl do notrefund, but reter yoa lo Ibe nsn uiacisrrr* and be rrxniieminf are such ihs- he. are seldom,if etrrcompllen with, r-eelhi'i writ, o guaianiee. A inal oi onealnge pent an ol Orav'* bireclfle will convince Ihe moat *ke| I .islol it real merits. On*-court of i oiiniertelli we have adopud the yellow wrapper, the o»li

*ay*rull partlcnlat* In our rsmphlet, wnn-i we fleaire lo send Ire by mail to everyont. SarTh.- -|i."-ill - medicine Is voln b* all ilrOigit-li at II per packsge, oi s>s psrksges foi 4S, or will

Sold in Lawrence at liKI.I.I'.V'S DRUG STORK,

IwlyolB rxvaHtffl-e file

<^552^jfAj2SS-Hi!2Jjs "ICOIITFST^

They Regulate the Circulation of A tteENTlEEBODT,

jMF^Prevent Cold FoettM anrTiill trouble* • riling from Imperfectclrenlstlon, cura RIIEDMATIKM of the feet and all kindred trouble*, absolutely prevent Cottons ASO COLDS.

"- lo lit any i dealer* or sent

.toCBOO.." M hroavdw.y, Hew York, V. T.

dw3m olB

FARMEHS wm take BWiee ibat


GARGET CURE 1 For ths Curs snd Prevention of

•argot In Cattle, Cklckcrlag'. Drug Store, tt*Ea*«v

ear, Buapahlre.

ner fain il

'a wt'i d< lfid rffe taupobiur. ,. .mi..'- in io nl'- Pan>baveb

. Vi i,i-i IM n 1.s hiti Tied many BB-L It can nil. be c lleti

Ike Great Id rnrifier.

OR. W. ROS8 Writes. Scrofula, Liver CerppislM/Cytpfptfa

Rhiumatitm, Wcaknats.

H. B. r?teven*,Bo*toe: i h . vi 1.. en prsrilcmg medicine for IS yrsre.

nd aa a in v lur -""ni*, Livas ton. riAIKI, ItlBaBrSU » HBl'MAtlSII, WlAKKhaf, ■ui -ii ol 'he 1 i (mi , I bsvt- ."v.'

. I hsve n hi tVgeilB* lor 7

ml n - In nee. 1,0-3. i-rii.-m i ''"'vod'porlner. tB.


v ecetice is Sold b" all Drug*ista. sad eow 'Tie ml*

Por Bale hy James B Sooit, It' Esass Blrett.


BAiurio rum


imf i mm

.__ Onl) —. Extra Weekl;


Only direet Line I mm UAiWAiand i.iaaaio> Accommodations nneqnalrd «abln •»« »n.

*BO| lnlermadiaie t*Oi l'i.*|.... Btseragc

'or informatiou. Ae«apply tn LAVE A ALI'Br ■nst. AuibTS, 107 Broadwai , ». f.l or JABXI Huarrr, »« Rseei si., Lswrence; PATBIOB VIIBI'HT WiiKssflxni. 'im Invl

^JR^J^1.^^IJ1..J.^";?JL._^.—MOtasau '.'.S'.'k'k'.'.'.'iS'.'i'i'i1

OUA DQ|Crlitll(Ai>WiNaMna> anAnrHM' N.urmlgU, aeaalln. "IVZ a Zaara* ItlMay Palna, snick in tb. PAIMN Blda. Dackacb-,*W(>lt*Bjotata. ■^ 4*4 ■ BEl UaV | Heart Illacase, Stir*. Bliscl**.

PsJnKth* Ovrst, and all pain* said acaaw *IU*Tfocal »r aiitly rv'llBTe.1 siul apawlilT eartd br p riailrr. I'.imiKiuivtle, « of fiwah, Hums,

" ' * paln-kII11 as-,

th* wtOl-knowi

prim. JJopriaacVrC Pi-onrktoea anil Uaj, tactarara, Uwl-.ii.Mi


mr MtaasH and n**r ■'-'i.»Hli'a,r <


of it lynndiiclipcKi tlrMcret toflrayBalr the loathful t'oler*

erenti dandmH and llinu of the hiir. naro.ACn.H.y

rSUTW Easel ^iri-eL

Life Accident and Fire Insurance.


Insurance Agency atarRBBBais THI POLLU*,..,

OOnVt^^JLSTT »s Kravnklln of i" n*., i-a. Peyjrjoylvrri'e Of Penn. fJertnan, A ire IATI, B.T. Woatohestei, New fork. Watertown, new fork. Orient, Hariiord, Conn. Morlden, Connecticut. Commonwealth, Boaton, Btawmut, Boiton. 1st National, Won star Queen, England. Iroatertal«Northei a.Englasd. Roy ai, Englend.

Loiulc i AfBtirnnce, Enalanil. Guard an Aimmncs, England. Londo andLanoaablre, England.


coon Ngws IQLADIES!

mmm TltJIET fit plrrca . nor own Importation.

St.". JUBIi ■'■' M'l*fftTfi1ai%M^iT*lij^^ij i II .«W raaStajr^araraanaavlaaeMScnpafJODOTIA m toKii. —a at u.a MH waa, aswsrad .IHNDSOHI CHINS TKANSTT. N.s,.r.a^. f*U T™. *», II aa* M raau tar IS. Baaaltaal Taaa, 1-a. sal m\ . ...J .», *_t rraa, lac. U HW. W.anlk. ^ limilTMC«aai. la Ua aiulaMa. Tka rayavatl.a at aa. a,..* raaalraa a* a«w~«L Wa jaw* aam ,„, la. WHITS CIVANrrB pfatln "grStll* alea), .hi.-* -a .... away will Taa aa* ('-*- arAwa al SM aaat aswarSa. >>r

THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO, P. 0, Bo* >■•. SI 4 39 V...J Bt, K.w Ink


Sllesroom 986. KeiitleDce, 885 Coin oaon Stroot. f ljrjan 1

Travel era' Life and Accident of Ban o .1, t.iiiui.

State Mutual Ldle, Worcester.| THOMAS BEVINOTON,

l»a Kasex-BJIreet,- St - lawn*

PottOfflca Boa 38.

RANK and FILE Jubilant.

Republicans, Democrats and Green- backers all Happy. Robinson, ronl-, Butler and Moody Boynton feel anfe. In rn.-i, a feeling of satisfaction pervades the whole community, for



(The True Wine of Baaltn) la for sale by all first-class drugarltta It acre directly upon the blood, purify- ing avnd atrengthenlnE It. And by ao du» IHK Strengthens and Invlgoratea the whole system.

Ask for


B. F. rXYMOND, - Sol. Proprl.ljt Itaaeps



Andover Advertiser, rcDLi-am

Every Friday Morn lug,


Post Office Block, Lawrence,Mass.

BUBSOBIPTION-Pontuga Prepaid:- 13-60 par vi-nr, frum which 50 cento will bo deducted for ati Icily advance payment.

The Cl rculatlon of the Lawrence A m«H-

e*T- Bate* of nd venial ng icnt upon application.

■ ntored at the Post Offlcs, Lavrrance Maaa., for tranamiaeloa through the maJla aa second-clans matter.

rhe Daily American Pnhliihed Eyery Eyininr,

(luiw IM|M.)

■TTBSCRiPTlON, In MTUM: OD.« \ war, B0.OO | Six Months, ISO

Whan not paid In advanoa. BS.OO.

OEO. 8. MERRILL, Proprietor


la the larraatand molt thoroughly fa nlahad In gaatera kfaaeacbuaeMB. With modim praaaa■. and coootan additions of the naweat aty/lea of Tip* wear* abla to turolah tha baatquallft ol work, atlownclcaa. Orderebym* promptly attended to.



UU'icialilatt 'HIT, tlo.iui Paper, Dec0ratio** W. K KICK, t>IA Kaaex Street.

BLACK SILKS, Velvets, Canti- merei, Silk fringe., Mutton*, lilovea, aa „

A Sil A It fit « CO., lla EaaeX 8tro*-t BOOTS A SHOES, a full and

eomplote Stock, at pnnea to eull tbellan. P. It. ItOBlN.iOS.iJi EsaexStr**.

CABINET MAKER aud Upbel atorar.

II. r. It aitli. Baaex Street. COOKING STOVES, ltunifw,

furiiii:i:i. Sole aaeol Mng a Sluvee JOHV r. BINuUAM.tMSEaMKSi.

FW. MINER, Hatand Bonne • Bleacher/, IM ka.ex Mini, Lawieuc

Maaa. ueola' Pelt and S. taw lia.a a ipecUlit . ljuyl

GROCERIES, Flour, Tea, Fr*n- CV i*.i."I-, a'II I'l liiUir.e.

diiArrucn IIIIIH. «*., Beaex. Am**L*n PAPER HANGINGS, Window

Bhadasan tmurai. B. A. PUICC, ITS Raaet Sires*.

PHOTOGRAPHY, sole llc«n«*M iitANK UU as It LL M Eaaeska.

SEWING MACHINES. Th<- N*>w Hume, Uuiut-r-ir.-. lit■miii.,i..ii, niuaer • «■!

New Buwe. W. HAUkkl ALO , Aporula S71 ■a ae a St. 'PA1LORS, French, EnklUIi a ad

F. W%iJHA^Kh*CO.,PoelOyXceBlork TAILOR, I in ported and I>OIIIMK-

lioUooda. U DCS KIR MQfta.m Eaaex Streat.

ANNIK a. COOI'EK, DrtU and Cloak M ikrr, I-B faaat atreoi. Over Wait. u'-

Ciuiblug >,mil. lint

Aw. aoWLANu, u. i>. «., * DKNTALaUUUBOM,

MB Bnex tireet, Lawrence. Oai, Ether and CO orotorm Adtnlniaterwd.

tlOLHUUN BKU'8,— DAILY PAI'KUh ,/Unromo»,Sngr*vlng*, Periodicals,SUttouery

FanuY Uuod,. Picture* Framed at iborl 'Otic* No.lBTGsaeiltreet

(M,*!U H. ROGER*. Diseases or wo- J nan a -!»<•■■ tlu. i\\ Kn-n street, Law-

rence, tiul >■ r,-... r . :•- i in.i ; . I Dp ■ •

D 1. W. P. Ml. KS. DENTIST 418 Ksiex ht , rorbe." BliH',", Lumen"*.

*#-.,.. or Klin ntlunnlaleted

DH. M. J. HILL. ruvstciAN,

Valley trael.netrlhe Cuuiiuoo. Office* houn. 'i i.. 4 an,i 7i.. w i. m

hi. O. W. LR DUKE. Lnerreuuu 1).- tkl Hnnim, 4i!i K«-r*t "H ,

aet Gum Teeth aju. ilniaj Sol* |l a 1) h «t _.. U|.».i.|.. l.-m|,.„,.rv |V I ,11*1- »i Uolll KllllUXe, |l I var (I iinx ., V>c. n-n.c rnllui>,iHi i.-mu ax- iraOUhi, iSc Uaa ml lul-im tul lor M> -.

*;.l. WullK WAUi.,iMhli.

B. F wT BEYiNGrON. D-nit-t frucceanT toDi'C. >• ..ij.ttt lar.m K.-ri

M.rcl,!..* v. UBJM II aWi DM mil, iSu I J rt. Ui.t n i'M] y ■ *ci.iii|i I nun 7 lv i'. 1. as

Dlt U. T. HOWE PMawtai und ||l. gftoit olBrr.-ilsl h»n iL, HcrlilailCd II!

faamruhfL OOi.aliuura: liulum LO Hot P-W. '>!■«

DK. ». W ABHUTf. OtHceiai Havrl|illi itlreel, oor. Javkaon. Ka-ldeni-a 110 New

hurySireul. 11 rjantl

DB. J. H. KIDDBK, DENTAL SUB JEOtf, No. J71 Kaaex Street, Lawreaoe

Maaa. Uaa, Chloroform, or Biher xtreo, as prt larrad. Cloaed daring Auxo«l.

UiJ^liK * WdlrriEB, Cooice Qio o-rir. Hinoily rare Cud -r», "-1" - tand

Cn-no :n Tn., I'be boit Ualnaa oi Uuiwr ami Qljaaaa, jj Agjaaberj « reel. Co , DH Broidwar — ioia, Kuiiin« Hilla, Waabera <, it-mii IUJI-M, ,iI: , Ao. Piaoa

+<• RMK«XHT.,L4<

01 i; imwAHli M T» Mmi, aaaWttM

OiMua Hoar*. Slo Ua ui,tto3

HI ULT4C0-.ICB DEALBBB. Ufllce wlU Buabee A Maok.iW) Baaex etreei,Law


Lawreaoe,.Kan. PorioaaUitemloiito allbaal e aa Tlirtui

ZFOIGKK. DMM>I In BpHttHlBft Btd • ava U ■" S »i»!li ihr I e.t nf > peel ac're

atieaioiabit l t..-> -■ ';.i IM- Stiett. lvi!


R. H. EDDY, 67 State St., opp. Kilbv, Boston Baaarot Pxtanlt lo Ureal BrlUia, rrai rlea. Coplea ol tin

nlaked by rumlilinx cunlo.l at Wiiahlnxt ted dtiUBi po. IklnlDK t'atenii ofiUToatlona,

e United Statea;alio ■■ ■ ini.i ■■' Mr] I'orelxn couo- i.inii- "i any Patunt iur D dollar. I-

No Agrnoy In tbe da> uiierlor iMuillUca for ob-

oraarertiLIDiux the )i«U-iii«liiliti 11.11. EDUT.aoiloUorolPatenU.

TKSTIMONlALfl. "1 regard Mr. Kildy an one ol tbe moilnnpabla

and iuoooaal'ul practltloneri with whom I BBtl aadofflcUl inn'rrourae.

CHARLBM MASON.Commla'f Of Patent*. •'iByentoraonnnoteniuloja oeraou moreiroal

wottby or morecapaliltoineturlngforliiem an •arlyandrnrorableoontlderatlonaUbePaienl

EDMDNDBURKE.LAteConi'rof PatenU, B(iiTo», Oct. 16,1MB-

B. n.EDPT.Eaq.—Deardlr: you uro«urrU ror me In !"*"( ray Ural patent. Since then you hare gaUd ailrlau.l inein humlredaol caaea, aod proourrd many patent*, relauuea nnd ex<"n- aiona. lhare ociinaiotially etnploven WIW MMOtM In New Vork, Waffl and Waab- Viton, but latl.lglreyooalmo.llhe wholeof ny Tourlme.and aiiyiae otberato »p,o,you. ^""^VORQEDRAPER. B |on.Jaa.l.U»*. 1»* «

(<»»«nuc'l/rwnf^* «■«*■*

How Watch Cases are Made.

In buyin? a ril»« »■*«'» ca"e Prcat cm

.hould be Ukn. to awure one u a,.lid gilw throughout, 'I lie c«p of most <henp ■ilvercasn i» mitila of a (iniip«siD"n knowa ,.s albata, wHd« '* * "7 P°°r «uUslilut* for gilrer, M il t.irna black in a short tim«. The bock* of gaoh COIM* are made much thinner than iboK of nn all silver caaa, being robbed in onlcr to *»*« th« cap thicker and pet in ns much H pomibh) of lha cheap metal. A«»lherimporUntpouil luaaiwew is the joinu or lunges, which should bo made of |Sta. I i. ■■ of most cheap cnsiw are made of silrur, which is not a suitable n:ctnl for lli:it ]»ur|»iw. In a brief period it firm, bends UM spreads apart, allowing the Unfits to become I'x-W upon the CAM nnd adiuitiinf! the dual and dirt that accumniulxto in the poakot The Keystone SilverWstch OhM are only made with tilvcr caps and gold joint*,

si i.ii it. Ha.'

A I.IVKI.V SCENE. Tmip to BH fkatlng Hmk vawnt

Mybattgirl mi-i in n-lr. HIK In i■; Tbe aii o" tiilai tlv shone, il r *lmi old howl,

real eold, tiuaty ni^hi ir I Nuyeaber.

I laid lemy ronrarton, "Why iln jf u ituver at. v Uh tie c In!'" nhe»ays, "hrraute 1 am ao iinii nun:iii JIP ii' lelong IO the lealeloe gfiidrr aso tb< > be deiilieii oi i.M.iurlbg my wining apuairlai I'lrknell Riidh. )•''* 1 ►»«!, -llit^ lave Ihiim'-liirli-lielil uimiumMl Bkbn.ll Brethtia' * hlcL miiain )ou loccase layer- ing and aigbior alan.

Twaa openlrg Bkjbi, ihc Blet wss Blkd, Such a slgbi we beset dl i bch Id;

Re tea of in.mat ltv iLimnuil on * heeU, Youi g. miduk-agrtl, giajibeadad and old.

Tboie llo. 111. (IS and |lf erer*oata at Blck- ■sll Brulltr* mr viniln i [ itie notice ol all w bo want a dr • ay, ityliab, ana durable orerouat lor a In la money.

larh Irnorrnl (n», tuch roiBblB| sport. tl \"i. HI. rtn« i" m unl i'T.

ruttin* iKiniii lie IP.I wMIBHN wbeeU wltb blidsngtter.

Genfriurn in seed of lire rndtrwe-rsreln- Tlteo no (XimineUie nikuimMb «UCk at Dick- in ill Broihara-'

At qnaitsr piFt nine Ihe gnngitruok three, *■ WBH a aignal lor aka'ert to a t.

7 In- \K I or bail hanlli cleared the flrtnr, Wbea lao puttaalvi ala on tbe lea bad Hi.

tiertiemni a bo are la reed of an orereoat ■ baa In It ilyle, heauly, , erfeellnn of at and durability! on In. d, are i *it-d toexsn.lne Ibese Hoe Mellon Of erowt. at Bljkaell Broa.'

Charon d by tbamanloe) rolllna' Ban ', TbeV amed f irih With 'title ointjliitlon ;

Ihebonan. glilaall enter d beln Whei.tbiy relkdai

1 tnld mv i irl bmr aalaraed I ihnnld be W iiv wi. mi I ill Ite. mi in i if.l.

And .tie ihoidd flin Ii ution m * knee. And preltad to be ao very tired.

Slater- keep your beads level by weaHng tbe Wlli ox Unit., wbh Ibe rst<at *eeil1at.d iweat leaiher. tor sale ID Lawr. ncaonly St Bkknetl Bratoera'.

The proleialomla went the tumhlera came. B •■« ot ibe hoya rtood 0" Inelrearx,

Ihelr iitum' |iw off, pant lonnu ripped, Aad home ibey went wrapped ap in tears.

N. Jt. The'net fa tbnae rl1nt, dldnt come from Bloke II lln-iii -,,■■ Tn se boya wbo »on Id a*md auob wrmnm-Pi at iheskaime Rink. mn«t buy Ibelr paiialoons at Blcknell ■jgiifis

•il.'iit devoUon.

No* nera, if you wonM make good men, Her■■ lb id ire oi mi.r mil' I* and inullwri;

Avt 11 ealastr puta at ibMHkattac Hint. By gtiimg tour clothing at B.cknell Brotbera'

Lawrence American. LAWKENCK. MA8R.


KEPBKSENTATIVE Miller of Peuus\l- ynuia, U a Alillerileot a peculiir ttripc) snd is cot willing that CougreBsnaeu abould even let their |>rices ijr trmb- porUlioQ go up without hig content.

TUB Providence $lar ought to be w- iniuded tbht there wilt be plenty of time after the Rhode Island Senator ■hall have adjourned sine die, to nomi- nate hie sucoeaHor. Congreai always adjourns oat of raped, and that would give some leewav, and possibly be iu- leniii to be bis own successor.

iMaSMLxn as Or. ltartol considers Mallhew Arnold's judgment o( Kmer- son, "Ensular and insolent," we pre- sume ihu correct estimate in Hie Doc- lors opinion can he no more or less than peninsular and peniusolent. It is so nhe lo be assisted about ones use ol a language one is Dot quite familiar with.

THE Bonaparlisu have tbeir violets and the late rebellions south, has its peculiar flower as well. It i« a rose, called the "Confederate Rose" thai blends the colors of white and red. It is while in the morning and changes to a deep red at night. It grows in Urge clusters, but is odorless, and it is preserve 1 by some in memory of tbe '■ Lost Caute."

NEW Bedford has long ceased to pride itselt on the prestige ft orce had on account of Hie whale fisheries, and it may now be considered one of the important manufacturing crimes of Ihe state, and San FiancUco in tbe esti- mation of some merchants, is able now to wear the mantel New Bed lord wore B* gracefully forty years ago. A large oil reSucry U nearly completed there and will be utilized for this sea- son's catch, and henceforth San Fran- cisco will be a point of dndribulion. Hitherto tbe oil was sent east and then sliippcd bajk again, as it was required by retail dealers San Frhncisco is comparatively near the whaling grounds where steam is now Uige'y employed, and that ciiy naturally becomes the

I busy centre of an immense traffic It 'is vutvf •*-- *--- ,i.i-- ..1.1.1. MS —

mule themselves necessities to the c likens of tbe United Slates, or the litca they originally occupied.

BiQ'Ut-J D. Mifcotr* \ nil-It a led lor i|,






la nH






ANCHOR LINE. ONITEOSTATESMAlLaTEiMmiPS. Mil trjm fee *0, North Kl»er, New fork.

Tn I.IUW-. H*re-. R«lfti-t er I llrlfMM. abln.ffOl**-»HO.'ew-H*. 0ab,a.*4O

tu»raie,"tin»ied. «Mat, Pi*"*'d. «fJI.

mtti SMrga "n England ScnUxndand

»lasa re, eabln pinna, book OT loors, Be., U HENDSKSON BttOS., ftgW Ytrb

MSS ktOBTHy, «* Kl*el Bt, W to PATaWH

Mason & Hamiin Organs. Sew lllnslrated catalcrrne P» PP- 4to)

for season of 1P83-4, Including lT.arty new styles i the best aesortment of tbl best aud most attract l?e organs w» hare ever offered, and nt lowest prices, »W to •"». for caab, easy pnyments or rcutod. Bent free.

Hhson & Hamiin Pianos. I rodnrlnir 0*W mi Import»nt ItD'

■n «meot« »lJinj «» power, beauty « lor .nadllMbllilj. CllcuUn »»> I~-

Muon ft Bunlin Or^u * Fu"0 Co- lOtTremunt Pin

RACKLOG f M "in-'. Miltt i -'in •"

l-t in inn o'acle, U wajB 'Out rluh. Heilei . Winii iT'U -U'l ■- uti - ai'i . ftu- , - .■ KMn.r, t AlllSr.SltMl Aonwra Waneiu. «<mi'i' piper i»r iiaitp. UACKUXS t-uaLiaui>aco. Augaiin, H«. «wlatn* A

Couldn't Afford It. ' fit Honest hy Bunlnean Principles a

DrUbTkTlst tells tha Squaro Truth.

"Jiow. my Irtend, lei's be ueireell* hank aad atdlo Dili little nalti'i," Ihe drix-U' a'd, plielng imili flbowson bis ilmt.i now are, nud looking MSCBJBmJ irlatrly In ihe aie. Ton Mlf s line hack snd wanta plaalerlc

imi on It- You don'l me.iml jmtglng ol tiiman nalbre Si II nu> in tafbMSS,tonnre natii I'll bfinbugtoola aome way. Yen may

rink it an odd statement, but I cao'taffoid emni ton. nyrnlildld 1 ha ml ihen-ean*."

•Ihat'a curious. (' h. ii y back; Pll takes ehslr. I guess.) Drn't yen keep plsittrar"

"'■h. >e». one er two limit. Onus 1 lad • drive* lull of ihfioi—etery-ortthi t were enei iiiTi-iiie.l to gull lbs lgnoisntsuilmakemonet lor in li»tort. But 1 lilted *em eut one by one m .1 now sell

BaWaosPa CArnsa ronois rLMTxaa principally. They alu ■ j r give railUactlon And nlheentl It pHtime toaell tbea: in prelerence

IK Gene-al Logan has aspirations for the presidency, and bad any thare in locating the natinnal convenliur/, lie must have forgotten tha influence thai the gnllt-ries packed with people from the neighboring country, bsd upon the couvention nearly f< ur years a»o. An influence which he evidently ncknow- Iedged fur all it was worth when re- spondiug to an illusion ot s delegate, to his presumption in nreeskiiifr tor the state:—" I, confound nij Belt." he said,

with the stale of Illinois!" The most willeiing scorn of the pretentious ignorance of his hearers rang through ivery syllable, an lie afterward review-

ed his connection with the state ; a son of Ibe aborigines in direct descent from the denizens or the forest, identified with tbe interests of the state iu every capscit}, from the lowest oflh-e io its gift, to Hie highest honor a brave sol- dier could receive. There was a cry for " Logan." but not enough to be called a ralhingcry, and yet, so power- ful iu the subtle influence that pervades the politics of the western and north and south wesleren sections, that it would not be at all surprising if, be- tween a New Yorkerand an Illinoissn, tbe chances should be with the son of the toil. It would eertainly be some- thing quite new to behoH a genuine lulf-bieed in the Uresidentinl chair.

Weekly News Brevities. ■ —-- ■


Tbe A'shsms claims court baa ad loomed umii the Tib ol In UM).

yesterday LUI Ol 1.1 UklaLS Bl

tJ flansoura a. Jit Ueinaa Own Prince left Bone

at uu0utKbi last u^ni, HDJIU Brest ttJolc- l»K-

The Toiqolu chdtl* Were Sdopttd by a vote ol 911 to T|)j> tbe Fit Lib senate, foMtfday.

It Is irported Iftt EnrrlBsn, in lush iiimim.r, »sa sbotsiCoDg, UuBnty Majo. on WeOonedaj.

Bietet-Usjor-Oineral Tbomas J. Cram (rttlrro) di.d-adtetly in a Pbiladtlphts worne car, yes eiday.

Tbe ••sbori-timJ* •ysteai In tbt cotton tiauifaetuilta of<u>itn*a»t LanemLhe. EuBlnnd, btj;iin (eaerally, ytaterday.

Tbe lorioal optblaa of tbe Cantilever bridge at Buspeialun Bildae, N. Y.. ot- tuiitd jesiuoay, kad wan a pvrltctnnc-

Yocduc baa been prcctsimed Ktog of Annum and li la leniid that sn suack will be in mil- by tbe natives ott iln FM-IK t. teaailoa at Hue.

The. aieaamblp ' Bl. AagBsllns, from Mninis fiti Lit. n.ndi. i iitiiid In tbe Bay of Biscay on buuaay last, and Ii In feared tbat fitly pereODS Lave perlabed.

Tbe hiage carpenter who confessed lbs'. ae at eniultd to burn ibe New Yuik Casi- no Theatre laal week, wan jvalerdaj nen*. irmnil lo sevtu jtaia lo lb<i ptullrntlniy

Tbe Kit in ii torces, ander Admiral Coar- bet, captured seveial of tlm sironKiy for- liih-ii villages uuialdtt of K n.tay, Tix.unin, ■in tbe 14 b Ineiaot. Ti.n Chtueae ate r>- itoiled to have made a h'.ubiioiu realai- «DCO, aud at la»t accouols still beid the citadel. Tbe Fisncb loss la pi- ced at 200 miii and IS utUceia kllkd aud wounded. Pue ndynuoe ou rJtiainy was tu bate coin- iiisuced mi Sunday Isal.


Ourdsn. linker, A Co., of Sparta, 111., have Tailed for BICu.OOO.

The will <t ei-Prealdent Fil.iiore'n widow ban been pronounced valid.

Tbe Yale University crew >iia been agreed upon aud active training will be- gin «: once.

Tie Q'sagow dynamiters were sen- teneed ji-sUrdny—five lo prison for life and live toe seven )«ars esch.

Tbe French forces In Tonquln took the city of Runny, o* Sunday, losing C irr parallvely a email nuintier.

VaiKl.ii i>llt sin! E. K. HvudmiD are said M have putchsned th~ fiaucblss of the 1'ittaburg and AUamlc Kmlwu.

It Is expected ihat lha Qu*eri,or wlilt i flu i-im.i- Day, paruon John M<trai'. HI ii uini'tt d bis sweeibeart lo 18tifl

It U said mat Senator W. II. Hade, and S 'i" Aodilor l.nlit will nut h« i- IIIINN- f >r Governor Bobl^son'n seat lo Coogrosa

A v>nui Udt, dauxkier of a wesl'ni N.w Yor* Hqmir rtealer, was abut, U*t

i^ni, lo bt r la'hei'a boose, snd II la nisrad la .'atally w»unded.

Mr. M tn 'II. Cblef of fus'.nnn Agenta, ti a eatirrliu-d to tbe Secretary ■ r the Treasdry s special report no ibe, subject oT uodeivaluailon of Importaltoos.

T-- ....— of M.n'ii. P. N.MLI.II Was Kir

'cloek a verdict had noi bieo rnidered" od ttie coon aljuoroed lo tbls niormng. Tbe Pre- Ideal bag \--<i-i a pnclaina

lion nuggestlni: tbe propriety ol cniomeni iraiina tk- 100'h nnntversary of ibe mr- vtider hy WaSblDgtun of bis oininin- IliD. Toe remalna of Commander Dn Long

nil coimailt'H of the Hi faied Jesooatie gjtefltUoa have arrlvert at IikutnK snd

w-re received wltb buuors by Ibe lobab-

Ctlvin Kitiin. Consiaole of Hi S'TIH k. N H , air *hol and latally wnuodeti,

boisday night, to 'hit village by a 1*1- w iiaitixi Kdwlo I). DitST. wbo bad nut

tieeu airesttd al IBHI acc>aoia, Yecterdn)'» ftiirm wan a emit one. the

iiit'tcuiv raDglnu belwe^o 'Hi" and 16°; 'he nieso W»f 17°. The Wlltil wan fn.ui ihe uonb snd northwest, and reached a Velocity Ml tWrOly nilif ao boor.

C* jlain Unrdsii, who abdocted Addle fri-m Astoria, L. I., a>B» Ml lenc. d st J-re»> Ci'jr. Fitdsy. to 0*e jesra al baid hiKftt in tbe aiaieprlMtu and to pay a due ol A1C00. He recrlv<d bia aenieuce calml). ilir-c'liiniH will appeal, a The Wesi*ioio Sbi-re railroad r»mpan> dlschaivad 600 meu ai BufTtlo, i: iiu.

■ ml in i WITn loco snd 12o0 more P-»r s, rm u-f itn 'in- weaiera divlaiou. 'XII- Cv.ra glvo an ibe tause. Inability to Wolfe iu tbt. winter. Befere freOlug weatber prey alls, and there \- mow aloug ibe losd io tbe depth of aix luvbta.

A despatch from V;t k>t>ur* says : the pegro Howard, wuo kilted Pal Fivno uear Skldwilb, on ibe 18 .h luat., Wblle itrlng conveyed te lm veaterday, waa iak< U from the sbeMT by DegFo«s, and II la believed was lynched. Ii Uil- be so I' will be tbe dr»t case iu winch a negro has ne»n lynched by negroes for killing a While, in HI.

A Very f-erlooi riot occnrrel yeiterd.iy lo ib« CI'J of d.n in over ibe loiroooc- lli.l. ul the ii. W nrket", Wrllcb the

er classes did Dot take to fctod y. The ■ pus Oually n f«tie,i In a panic, and a

mob iuled ibeciiy tor a time, ea.aahlnp Windows aud commuting olber crimes,

military wia called out and Hually qaelled tbe fllalurbance.

kaTtS »■*«» in "•■•' ..itii fiat T imo ■na U naiii »O0 fces. Addrsai M- BaMH * PK rWtlaud, W.


■Iiv, ia(e safi'ieitiBnri bopdasad aura as na aw M gravitation. The foeirra oidiriheat. ind what la n ore lo tba mint. I hava nevir leard a cumi-laini Irem anyone wbo has user] -lit-ni. Ton ran po eliewhere—II voar biek will wur *oa ouilnlhiouiratlOB—sad get tut! a cheaper planter, imi—"

■•luin'i (alb 10 me ai-i-ut ibe money," broke In ihe t. u n n MfVine itrsnaei, wltb aonae heal,

"Whal'i lea 01 Sheen oenla to galling rkl of thla .inii' nn!' f-oh, Lordt I—thla paia and bune- apaaf Let me have one of tarwleare ranclne. Thats tn" real art ale, Ii r, WHS Ibe word CAP.

■;i SK rut In tbe bndy of tbe niastur. "Yon'l ba amual in a week, atralgnt aad

I nng ' vl-lnl the dlplinnho druggist, throw II Ihe miner in "U oa.n drawer.

r. D. HALL.BT, UreeaboiiBea. .) ir tlintnlif lilt ffis3bi;n dU

The a<.\- gemsnt of tha sba S Ureenboufe. b ,ve been afi e I. mr t>e > re-, ni. in the haul* w

Hit. L. DAVKNPORT. Alpaolaiu inale.oi

PsvrUa , Balls, Weddings ana Fu oern i,aw/snss Oavenpert ;Msna|er>

A BOOK is about to be ymliliahed in London,with the title "The Bitter Cry .rOtlteaat London," wliif li levcaU a

state of wretchedness la the heart of that great city, which would tie simply Incredible if the details were not lur- nislied by iuch very respectable peo- ple. Ho great Is tbe misery, tbat an organised efTurt has been made by all denominations of Christians, to open mission balls for a base of operations for charitable and religious works. Such miseiy as iBdeaciibed can not easily be imagined, even with our knowledge of what American cilieB can produce of wretchedness and squalor. AH over the world there teems to be a movement toward a sys- tem of giving, which perhups will en- onmpsas lbs caith in tulure years, and tbe Bacred thougbtsof ihc approaching seasoi of rejoicing al the resurrection of our Lord will help to quicken tbe seed that is being town io (be name of Him who placed the quality of charity chief among the viitues. Now tbat tbe minds of all arc bent on Christmas presents, planning what will please their Mends, let us remember with tbouiibtful carp, the n wily who are not called poor, who>Mrver beg, hut wear their lives out trying lo BOVO a link: here aud a little, there lo " get along." These will bless the cheerful, thought- ful diver In the secrecy c( a bean's fond devotion, secure In the thought that their need waa unknown bat that

At a ur heater, KtigUud.

Tbe hurry and buaUeol landing from our at earn- er li. lag over, we nave a llitle uaw to think over

Brit experlencee upon the soil ol '-out moid ouuii)." Fi am ibe BKmcni of supping upon

tbe laaalng aUge nova) liable aad lounds are all about us, and evi ry vehtele whleb paasta la m ■ naiige build,-huga "bui.e." drawn by tbree boiaes abraaal and rrowded laikle and eut with

asaangers. otabar aoiilly ever tba aioaaa,—tbe draya and "vint" a>a 01 heav*, elann-y build BOO

drawn bj- noble, broad batked, lulheiwMed bon> as. Of a sly le mi r>. queadj met a lib In oor on a

e. Ibe suiais aia ihraaged wltb eouvey BDOCS loaded with snoda n-om every land—(inaia

probably but one port la the » or d—London— having greater Import trade than Liverpool] wntk aateag theni, hi re and Ibare, dart UwtWu-wbaaaau

em eabe,(<)Mwbere called UM "gondoba 01 London1* rapid aad noUeletr, tba driver painbeo

behind Ida "fare" wbo, guarded Irons tha el* nta and iba mnd by douia and ahutters, give*

hti orders tni ougn a trap door la law root. No tesa sirafga a** Mat railway -earriagas,-

(beae are divided crosswise liilo com part mania hit vmiiiu* "I'lamea." and aoonmmodal!tig from

i ten paaieagers each, the enlraece doora being al tbe aids ortre eairlan*. American trav- eller! uaualiy ride In Brstebisnars—payiagvet) excewlve laret,—att saonr eeonoanleal KaalUh cumins; Ibey lay "no one but I rili and fools rldeBraiola s,and Uwmaelvea ride mint olax isd pay in any part of tbe it-land tbe uniform rate of two esnii par mile.

In travelling Horn Liverpool to Manchester by ibe Nor hweiiirn railway, we traverse Ibe sec- tion nf load upon wMoh Btepaensoa'a eaiine, Ibe "Bocfci I," was 1 st tilt d and used,some ven tevere ceslaeerlog problems bad to be lolvsd, lor Wbkb no jinn'tltiii eintiil, Iba worat « ihcee waa prbbabiy crorslng ol tba Cbai-ases*. ■a inraiialile tkugh, whl.h awallowed stones, eirih mil evil) thing almoft wtilth waa larona upon it, it h. »aM inat ibe roadbed waa Baal y built upon barrels tiled wltb earth aad laid upi i

teaunaoeorina"nMMS." Ktar Keayon Jum- on wa pass a monument, marking iba BOO*

here ibe Hl(hlBon.Hr. Buiklssoa was kill*-, by lha Hot kct aurlag ihe lorn al opening Of tin load. No main me la peimilled locroaa a loot ' ai level." henee we often Ind onraclvea u-avel leg upon a viaduct. In ibli way we enter Maa rhener; so high li lbs railway that 1 heard one man say be "could took down tbe eblmney ami ate what was lor dinner." One geta a fair Idea

Uaache»ler trade In this way for we scam al- M to ba 11 a fbreel of ebhaneys, llitls smoky as beneaibua, tall imoky oaea near as, ant)

smoky onea of all saM as far si Ihe aye can sec. An we approach Ihe alatwn we cross ibe Irwvl) IIKII, Hie initikr t-urfaeeof winch la relieved ly ■rlouacolora,con-lug froai Ibedyobouaealnlbe Iclnlty.—one neculiariiy altacbei lo everything, .ml ihat Is smoblaess, Among the obimaeyt

Kiime it w limiting* aland cut vi ry prominently, Hoi to ealch the eve being Hie Cathedra1, thi

wai bulll for e e psriab church, but aa maaufac- mrlng increased snd WBncbester grew from a hnmlet Into a' great ciiy, It berime Ibe bead ol a itloceie. ibe picsett "tv>rd Blrbep* belrg Dr- Fraaer.oneor ibe snort liberal atclasiasUes Iu Kngland, andone who isbclovrd by many oal-

■le "the church." Olh-r rronlnant bulldinsr e tbe Royal Cxrbanie, New City Ball and New

AisiieCourii, wllh prlaoa attarbmenla. Mai • er i* n< t eapeolally noied lor architectural

i ji-Mi i It 11 ii HI 11» i inn la lha extreme, founder) ml btiin opon cotton, Hiilinivei upon cotton, .ut noi.itged meat aalfa mafwhere llfnrmerl) le a who! one. Ibe (tip's trade has ilrchnr'', inyeis do oot— sa waa onea Ibe raw—ait upor

lha wareboure steps at lour or tve oTIrw b in Ihr ilng iaonler to be trt-lupon Ihe spot wher< nnda weie tratly Tbe good a nt w have io

Begfe the purc.h**er, aad sometime* gi far Bte'd f> do It- alawebester Is weaHhv, but nmen t>< >•' ,1 .ry I. lepartevl; msay *ltlrta»vajrjrtrafj, s.u.d

iperativea b. ve gone. What lourlila gearrall) eeaa "llBnti ieater is really two twin Flues,

Manchester ami Bel'ord, ibe dividing Uaa being tbe ili 11 y lutie Irweil river; ibis stream Is e< annul

any brllgati io aciommixl tie Iranle The mream iittelf l« made udt) duly Bit an open saw

'. (like the PplokeO to carry of tie rrfuas of th> mill-, and dyeboutes upoa lla beaks. Tba law ■ayi ln-bailBKlueBO uatd, bat nobody think.

n. h of : h 'i. app-rcnliy. There aie »ou.e old and Interea Inv building' -i t.t he aeon in bo.b ot Ibeae cltier, but iba-e. till other m .it' r. or puaailile nil rest, I will It* Iur thSIUlllvOl U| nn lie XI I. 1 lit

c. w. w.

1'rlitioii For f'anlun.


There was s $«0,0CO Are lo Men In laterday. Tbe city af BOS'.OD won the soil brongh'.

by Hanui I' Notion. ben the dajs begin to leogtbea Ihe

COld begins 10 ttU'eligitieU." A car aUhle waa burned st Syracuse

on Sunday and 24 horaea perished.

War is balog waged against lbs Hun- garlaoa ampioyed In lha Peunaylv auls

lues. Lots of Ares tbls cold weather. For- ices sod stoves are forced beyond ttelr

powers. • The Meihodist church at Allleboro'

waa burned yesterday moaolog. Loss, ubout BIT.OOO.

It la understood tbat Sunset Cox be it in- .■.! to accept tli'i <'.i..inn m-iii|i oi the Nrvil rmnirtiiti■•■.

Tr.e French Chamber of JVpullee voted tin Baiorday io permit Ibu tmporiailoo ot

V nn i t .1, sail meats. 1 he Loan Art Exhibition In New York

wa« opeiitd tesiertlai for tbe ai»tilmuou Sunday and wsa largely attended

Yesierdsy's snow storm waa parttco- ■ail) aevera In aoine p irilnns of Puuoayl vaniB. blocking tba railway trains.

A yoatig 's-iti.'i named Wm. II. Calltn ol Oitbea, V(., tiled suddenly uu Baim- day uoder ausplcio^n clrcnmstancea.

At the regular bat q'let ot ihe Beacon Society on Saturday, lien. Martin made a anarch In wblcb be outlined bla policy.

A Jewish school and ayaagngue lo Gali - tea, a anburb ol Couetauiluople, were yasierdsy norulugano 16 amduuia perished.

Tne annlveriarv of Washington a fnt. mat retirement I'om crumBinl nf the Bl mv WHB ctioimemorated Bt tbe Y. U. C. LT..ititi Issl olgbt.

Wi'b Ibe eic-pll' B of Biatput. M- . and New Hsvco. C.» a , Bo loo win ih nodeft piaie reco.d-d la thn L'ulie, Siaua al mldolgbt.

TbeCom-el ine on Ways sad McBBt li aoderatood to reprrweut bpeaker Cj

There waa a heailug on Wednesday a< Un B'.st* buuir, Boston, belure tba coo -

oiltli e oo paidooa e I I ■ - -nilve coonc I ■ >n ibe mailer of tbt (.<t.. n ol Psirlta

Dal j of this city, who la bow st tying a lite st uu nee la Iba aiste pnaob. Dan) Iu 1670 bit k« Inio He bt toe of Ihe Ian K tu. i j JtWvlt, who i tn II 11 vi i! oo Ilavei- bhi hut ei. Tbe bi taking uccurnd in tbt

uibbt lime snd Mr. Jewell, wbo wss

sii.uri.d in m s!np, jurtu.d Daley wbo lit nt m him, tba ball being siierwsids

loubd Iu ih-bsblaieis ofibe stairs. At

tin beailbg. Major Utetti i| pcartd, as be baa fitqtit uily dune In other cases doling

tbe laat I w jtars, sod saktd thai Ibe pi-

uiiuu be grebitd. Evidence was loiru- ductd by Biloiiiej-geutrsl SheroiSD, wbu

was dlalilct Silomey st Ibe trial of tba

bad cbaiacier ol Daley aad bis repots-

i nn as a boooly Jumper during ibe war. Ibe commlliee vuled 001 to lecommend

the pstduo. Char. A. DcCoaicey sppesi-

«il lot Ibe pelltluoara.

Lawrence Cricket Club.

Tburad By evening the Lawreoca Cricket

i'.uli held Us aeouud aiiiinal CODCert Bod

ball al Sauoderaball. Tbe concert open- ed wltb aaeleciloo by Collioa' orchestra

after wblcb Mr. B. Dawaon asog "Tbe Four Judy Bml.hs." Mlas Alma C. Pay, of Lowell made a vary favorable Impren-

slon la bar songs, sod ala. Crsblrae f-

cited a couple of piece* wblcb "Oemed to please. Tba btai number oo the pro-

gramme wss Mi. Alfred Barrlogtou'a

alnglog of Mlllard'a "If I wora a Kolghu" Mr. Bsn Ingioo baa s very swaai voice,

and bis t ffuiis last olaht waa tboroogbly

appreciated by all present. There was a -ong by Mr. Cti-ilion and a coroet solo

by Mr. £. C- Qulmby after wblcb ihe con-

cert closed wltb a aeleclloo by iba orcbea ire. Mr. Ban log ton presided at iba pi-

ano dating the concert, ihe aoccesa ol

wblcb la lo oo small degree, doe lo bin ex- cellent playing. At quarter past aloe tbe

grand match wss started and dancing

was indulged In op lo ao early hour ibis

morning. The Boor waa ander lbs di- rt cllun glFred B. Smyibe, «h:i was aa-

laled by M. J- Bradley, A. BID vibe gad a half score ufauta. Tba whole aHilr was one of tbe mt>al erpyablo eutertalnnv nta

ayar beld In the Lawrence Cricket clab.

HOMB GOSSIP. •-Co. M'e rifli IOBIU bav* been present

ad wltb silver medals by lha members of

the company.

- Tba Lawrence polo clab celebrated

th-lr victory, over ibe Havarhlll clab, by

a sapper ai St. JBOJSS.

-John P. Long, n,t this City, wet'-

koowa la DemociBiic pollilcs, diadst bis busae OB Lowell street, Friday evening

—Mrs. Jane Key nolda, late or tbe H-itat Brunswick, wia preaebltd on Iburaday

fveolng with ao elegant pkoo by h_*r


—Tfes members of the Lawreoca polo clati should endeavor to procure a regu-

M uniform. Ii would add more lo their ■ppeeraoce, and canse tba patraes of tbt ink IO lake moie lulereat in their mov. -


-Mrs. Dilaly, tbe Western elocstlon-

at, will appear aooo upon i!te dramBilc

■tage lo a play wrliiao for ber by iba ed- t-or of lb* Colcago Iuier-Ooan eotltlwd

"A Mooulaln Pink." Bb« persoostea a

iiUle waif called "tilocerll* Weeks."

-Nellie B. Allen, or this city, says aba ieni $6 *0 lo Ilerbsit J. BaolOO, of Bat.-

fnf| to sea what sba could draw Iu bit

otiery. She drew ooe broken collar lattoo, one cheap lead pencil, oos Ho

.nimble, sn able-graph of Mr. Bantoa, iod one copy of tbe Eastern Argos.

—Friday evening Lawrence eocsmp- iittit I. 0. O. F. elected the following

cersi—Jobo P. rbomas.c, p.) Chester

Hsger, b. P-; James Paltersoo, H. W. |

John Wlllan, J. w,; Jonatbao Anty, r. s. i Albert Long, f. s. j James Morgan, ireaa- drer. Truaiees, Alex P ilauu, James Barnes, James Spurr.

Roih lodge, Dsaghtars or Uabskab, Held IU annual election of oftlce.s, Ob

ronrsday evening, wllh the following r«-

aulti Msria Slmpaoo, N. Q.: Jeoola foaes, V. G.; Josle Reynolda, Sec-1 John

('.Thomas. Pur. Sec ; Mis. II F. Hed- •y, Treaa.; Tbe officers will ba Installed ihe Orel Tbursdsy eveolog lo January.

Collation fur tbe teambers and lovltod

frUods. Fifty new membera have been doalued darlog psst y«sr, which n flecu

uuih credll upon the retiring oftlcetB.

UKAGIIKIt 111'. \i IN.

Roemer the Wmnur In the Tea Mile Knee.


P.WWI1 imam aa aaaay *\g^Jl«J?%2Smt& tbl giit. ' Blasslvsiy Frca Trad*.

Score two foi the Lawrence clab. Tbnrs day Itlie H-vethlll cico catsa to Law- fence to play With Iba Lawrcuce club A fair Hnd crowd waa preaeul al tbe rink, snd tbe ysme was heartily en)oyod by all ptesmt. Tbe came lasted twenit- Bye Balaaiea. and wss woo by ibe Lsw- renre team WlDnlns 'tin e gt-ala 10 Ha- vefbtll'a ooe. Tbe goala by tbe Lawrenc*- e ob were woo by W. Wbltlredge, B. Wblttredge. and Tbo*. McEltatb.

F«l JWIng are Ibe tearoa and ibe pn-i- l|. fa pIBjtd b) ibe <liI1.i.i.t in. Kill, \- : Lawrvicw. W. Wbinnpga, crpiaio anc point | A.died aod Fa.her, ruabers; M-- Euaiu aid WbltrlSge. balf-batka; Web- rter, etiv. ipniui; It.ibitiMin, guBlgeepwi. Hflvarbllia, Oaaley, cspulo and raaber; Han-, goalfeeepert Dllioo, covarpoloi) WardssBB sad Beach, hall-backj| Dow,

Ooe of the moat exciting walking ■Hatches that baa ever occurred lo ibis vl-

e oily occuire-d In City HaK.Frlria*, p. n .

tha contaiilag pedestrlsua being H. flosmer. of Bo*t"0, tbe w.ll known

■areman aod walker and Jobo Member, ■ f Lawrence, Hie champion pedeainan. Iba couduiinis of Iba much were that

weather sbnold covei 10 mll.-s while Hii-- 'Ber walked 800 yards lena loan Ihat dla- itoca, iquara beel<and-toe, fur 1300 a " "" ,"'•—«>»-ii»ei lapw mane vbv.oijle. 4 special train from 11 J.-'-IO early In ILe

■veulng of.uglit a large nn rt*«w>T "f sport ng men Iroat that ciiy. wiib llille sooty o back their favntHe, out they carn<d

irom beru evei BlftOO, pon'n and beta li- ng nt sily 5 to 1 mi Meagher. lluum- r

*aa In good ti lm, being cared for by J J.

•It-Csulev, of Salem. Meagher appeared loo heavy, but hla frleoda were au c»b(l-

dml ihat be would L-ut-waik tbe Boat^n oedeairlBn ibBt Ibey wagored, Iu Hut au-

xregsie. large anma of money. At 9 01

n'clocb. the walkers Were elaried by Kel- sjtwt B. B. Ciaik, of the Boaioo Herald,

lloemer bt log given fi ur laps andfO feel tbe atari over a correc ly mea»med saw-

dial track Tbe men gut away wall at iha word, Meagber dulug bla utmost tu mike op bla handicap at ibe ouutet, wltb

ilu view, perhapB, of exhsuatlug il Oo tbeaeveotb lap of thn flrsl mile, tbe Lswrence pedealilao came np Bud paaaed tbe Boeiun buy, 'bus gaining C6 fsei, win foor laps lo make In be evao Wllh him

Oo the 20h lap ol the Situs mile Hoemer

regain, il Ibe 86 fast, t<ui Silpplug npoo the track, hs fed, aod Meagber out only

paaaed htm, bot at tbe close of Ibe mile

bsd gained half a lap opon blm. In the Bltb Isp of the a'ecoud mtle, he bsd In-

creased bis lead to three-quarter* of a lap, and al the aeveoih trip aiooad be

was within s tew feel of lapplDg blm. On

tba oloth Isp, amid ibe wildcat of damon- atrsilong from lbs sodlence, Meagber

passed Hosmer, thus gaining a Isp, wblcb lead be alternately held and lost until the

end of the mile, when be waa a quarter o(

a lap ahead on the track. Meagbnr halo hla advantage until the 7tb Isp of Ibe Ihlid mile, when Hoamer, by hard Work, regained bis lost sdvaotage of a quart*i

of a lap, still being, however, ooe Isp b<

hind sctusl walking, or tbree Isps and 60

(eat shesd, ss per handicap. Toward tba •tod of tba anile Hoamer spurted, sod, v Isp altar lap waa told off, he made op ih<

distance whl'b hs had loat, Within about lOOyaida. Oo lb* fbu rib mite tbe met

Bellied down to steady walking, and for baU a mile or more Hoamer refnaed to allow Meagber to malts up tba half-lap.

Before tba mils wss ended, Musgber, by a irameadoos effort, came close tip oo his

•[Poneul's heels, paae-log blm on the seventh lap of lb* nltb mile, making

op Juai one lap aod £6 feet oo bis bsodl-

cap. Al lbs aod of '.be gillatbe men were oeck sod Leek, Hosmer bo.dlug bla own

Tbe tfflclal time en this aii'e wss rim. 12s.

Private watches laade iba Ova mlits record 36m 42'. On lh*Jfib Isp of tbe

flxib mile, Meagber sported for all be

waa worth, bot oo the l«i h lap Weetfphed oBl, como'alalng of bin Stomach. Tflu was al 9 48 i 'cluck. Htismer cooilnoed until ha had made paat 7 mllea actual walking, wbao he Btt.ppad. Ai tbe mu- Mesgber It-It ibe track tbe leleree. io ac Wlih Ibe inlee, stated tail i need in ii flulah lha 10 miles allotted aa Ibe distance lo n« walked. Mr. II w>. ilier, h.-wevel. t vlnced S deelre lu make • even milee. Bud npno m»kiiig ihat 01.- lance, be alopped. lie flnlabed 11. aeven mllea at exactly ooa half uloute pan'. 10 o clock.

Tba result of tbe race waa a surprise to tbo Lawrence public, but some or om leading spoiling mm are so confident ibai Ibey have i h*. re-j io wsgei 92600 Uiai Meagher cao beat Ihe BoBton iuao, am allow him tha odda glwn lo Friday even

Vital Questlonatl

Ask lbs meat easbwal pdjiklaa Ofaay rrhool. what 1* lha bast Iking la the

aoihi ici qnbilni aid ilkjitg all Irritation gg tte i,me, sad tunrgall loimi of at rvoua com- plaints, giving natural, ildhilile > tirevLlng alaep

alwayer And ibey will 1*11 yon "aoass form or Hof.i I'

Aab any or all ol tbo nvoet eminent phytlctaa "W list la tbe bed and only n nit ilj iba I caa t

relied oa I* cure all ditevvs of lha bldaoya aad urinary organ*; luck as ilrtghi'a ojsaaa*, ilut- Utes.rtiai.tiua or laaliilliy lo rat ala urlar, and sU ibe dlscataa and ailwaniB pecBlau-

MAnd lhay will tail you explicitly aid amphat- tally "Bnebn."

Aak Iba same phyiklaai "What l» lha asaal rellaMa sad inraat ear* lor

all IhirdiFCBatsordttpctttls; coaaipattoB, la-

in.I ibey will 1*11 yea: ala ml take t or Da a del! OB ! Beaee, wbsa Ibeaa reawdaH areoombiacdwith

oMeieiqually valuable ADilromiouiidedlaloIIopBUIera, aucbawoB

dtnuiiBd n>*leiMv*enriiiv* jour n dvvtl oped whleb le so varied la Us operations thai ao Dirt B*s or II! hesllh via postIblj CXlat

Its power, aad vet II la llaimlt-as fur lha most frill womea, Wwakaal

Invalid or aauliast cbild la uaa. ciurm ii.

-Pallwau ''Alaacal dead or nearly dying"

For years, and give* up by thyalclana of Brlghl's aad olber kidney diseases, livi r ptsiau, ttvei* coughs called eoaaumpuoa, have

baaa oared. Womea gone nearly araay Freai sgoay of aaurslgla,

lulnrsa and \aih>ue dftrasea peeuliir to woawa People arawn out ol absp* Irom

psgira ■ f Rbeumatlsm. iDtammalnry and abronic, or ■onartng from

Eryslpelsst eaii ilnuai, hlonl pntaonmg. dysperrla, 1*41-

■ end it, aid in tat 1 slmott all aiatatee Lad Namro la heir to Hava been cured bv Bop Blllers, proea* of

which osn t e louad lo every neighborhood in tbe known world. X SBA V lydi

MR. E. MARTIN. In Porter's Department of the V. B.

Armory, Springfield, Maaa.—inter- eating Statement of hla

Hera are plain fseta iiota a most reliable • color. Tour rep rl'r lot rd Mr. Msrtln in Conei'a l'i |'»'in ratofthe Ui i'ad allies Arm-

SpMI>gtn|d, lias . AIM i»li elnliitfiu.eil. . Mail "I I willixitoaaT wii

eaa fur tor In n St ol Ihoaa i Bl ceil na I ha r beta for yaare I hava be, a a Minute aoBerer trt-.t kitlmy MM*M nsaawawtn, Mlaa h, . Ing et ihaoal ulu-OTStony JiMm, IbavovlHao ..| ibe ni ntrkl.pi ngiatiine waiate ha>e ben it rtm.n eniti ■ lo II by Ibe If al n> dical auitaur uler. I have tried tvs. y known rrwedy ano rubmliiM lo»flV(iBlcwrai^na ""-*

ttule Ollll > iba i oi rait i. lull tad Hal Dr. Benn4r*s ' HUH. lib kKSIBDT I- Ibe iM-el intd.rlntiof allntt ■ ai e—I nave teoel'ed mo s hem tt froau I. It i» .etminlj a Wt nilenui it r ilia- .,.(,"iit,l-tii". I lav r eamsaeedeu rav. OHiTK hhMklir lootiiar* intberittitiBu md- II. I. w. , in I ii ew l»bavs.|.g .edtrttmltl inet rti.ti 1. '. I nitii-'.i Is sad I S'lm. Ute I Hblle ■ hat lb* PAVubllE KKvaUT net doa* iu • ml will. ■ - iiinwr CM phyttci eaa iuevrry atagle ni.ia ea, etui I ligel )**>• i.iher iul and .!.*. ■Ji.o maaid atonal ni. v near *l U, aud try tb. Pavonie • ■ ne.t,'a, I dl.i." Or. IMvia K.-n. eh'- PAVUBITE REMEIIY

W mi a di eaawi* if l.™ humao rac ; »iii.- itrn ( ■ ii nt I eii' li eaa i *i iwi ■«. p ,vm lie Itu.i') .> a I'W'I »t or • t *t». labU a lei-

ai ve*. It , it. » i m iimt imr Ma a um bloed I ni t-ai'l- a"d puriBt, il la alienee* nf ktdi.c^

fflftt: »Uv-AiL^^<«ttrfPfS* I'Y li litoiti pr w. Thou a da ofgv itiul psuplo vului la ili leallfv to lid* la Wller* lo in. h i ; ami »l It a naimih aid lullao» I mil* bUBin«>adocument*and

-wit a ateaaevarp wBas>. «vi«nui «











RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, b„,el an/ Cruggiil

Perry Davis'8 Pain Killer


Pure FlaTorim I EXTRACTS


TT BPICB8. Highly Concentrated] gtreaxgth. Very economical. Commended by lending

'"¥• - e» Oroessra. "


"WiMHi's" with above on every pwkage and



SARSAPARILLA 0*mbtn*sd with Iesdlde of PotM

alum »nd TJvm Cral,

AM othwv of th* beat blood-nnHlylet haaajfi aoufot taeeare *| Boro/Bat. Sail rrngx.pji »*>*ta. loll.. Pimrd^ aag ammJuiZ avT tvpblllUo AnV-iJo-i and Saia *" - TI _L-- aara ear* lor Ih umatlam aad all tba'nmsils Oa.pbxl.ta, aaa .il figwsiaag .rl.m, rro. aa '■Par* atatsor low uoadkton of the Wood. II •traagibeo. aag bulbl, Hp Uj, ajBga*ahJB»Jau tr* aaayg BBBW aradleatas dtoaaaa. Por lb* ear* ofgldBaya*dLiy*rCo.pUlauu has a* **aat

A Ulstreeali.g Oas* of I>yspep*TU

and iu Cure, Thla Laattai,

Wh* IBOi

art, and iprletor lo tba pr*

If iba BL„ hay* told hi.

- 1 doubt 17 any wor.a eaa,, i

"M*■ a* UBM Ira. wind la tha aleaaaoa. at*

to tba proprietor of Blevaai' SaraaparlllaJTJL.I

rfiwaii. wov. 1

*f°t Bad BOW I leal ai atrong and rugged aa I

■"•r«"«'re.*lnd. Wotblag that 1 o*\S, would be t«« atroaaTa prnlaeof lha aCatS dn*; I w»a lataead to take li ny Hr.^gtai whoaaasojarwa. eurml by ii oTdy*pcn*«a* aa yaara .fend! ,. j .. BOW loXaVbataw

taaa aver baior* aad aalaiag a**a mMdJri

ava tJaaaa a week: Bhvaa 1 truss t* aaa tha rr1.1^" l ■**• ••»« bwan tronbead wiuTaeag.

CBABl.n. SMATTL'CE, Mraanm Bcieia g,

A QrthBt Hpecltic for KheuruaUsm lAwaii. om. la, last.

. Stovam :_i »uh lo expreaa my fa- luva M 'ratiluds lor U a good your aaraanmUa aaaiioMssa. I ha ve t*aeo s great . uaerer I,n»

w*!to.t,w"»' * »•" ■*« Ibia lali lust

J al Use .edlela* and was cured. SUM -ken 1 bav* sen. p*rt*cU> abla LO ■ orb, wait* '■slurel ouuld >tarcelj aiuve. iB.BOWana/n. toad haailb, a BSSWI am nappy na eradlt i a lh# uaa of oiavas'a aaraBpaillla. «~»'• <■»

Humor ut tbe Mtoniacti hud Jteta lur I'llea Cured.

i ■ proOuciDi Ut*M>- '""'t". J-l diMresaii.aeuara.Hi' It w.i l«r«^ that I wa. gui.f lau, i~"B»KL__ • *lgfa( Itvm in* ouua.ia baa gun* uuaa uTlaV «> wiib uruuu.Hi a aBVM'wTtasaw BBC

«<^ v^arwaeaaanaaag

atfirfl.anTVjf'l7^ ■^wrvnevf*B™vaeT TVI •4*0 i lVBar».ip.Mlla"cJi.o"ta«, Uo^Si

■aJfifS if."w» Ul~m •* win lab* aavher in anao* •— '•Btory wvw oiaesae. *** m

" BAaUB, 1 other, Tl Centra! sir***.

Ciirtxl of DrBpeoalh of 10 Years MLHudli.ic,

h«.h £*ttJ222*SS*J*SM±& .uair «t.u aiuuiliwiia, piopw eourae u> gag ■

a* to. .lignum i _Ml»a.

Irvaullul vaiBa " 'a«y iroublB* .. -* o«™ wf* w to* t**ue*>

...iloul.,. aad tue hM aaallli i. law atowuan. *ad paia* Bav* awli rieltt toureaaad. rbaaaai *laa^i*vw*.'a»r.p.rilj^ ...| iU* aotloo*, •a* BMdWina ba* tr*«. m, (,om SunaTaawaw. «rau to* aidaa, IIOjIsML and lelt.eaa MUW irungandi ti.orouaaud wiwaaguodaa app* lla aa 1 had ualora ma stoeaaob ui.ouiU**

suKgaaUon of tk*

"rat ■_ ""•l tcruuulavaa *L — iatll*ciatioo l*

-- - be followed b) liar. ,< iim pa.t twelve ■

J. *e baea MIOM! to to* t.

MAS. B. W. SABUBNT, •> Fifth StrwH.

Scroiuloua Humor Driven trvm tno Blood.

Tb* young lad, aoading tk* fwttowbag taai' 1WJ!S^U> 5*l** "*** *«P*M--eaoednLw/wan iiaaol luaoaiaauariila; **wm ""■

..*■*. arEVKNS: SJUr laklna iv* knllaai a I Havnaa' "araap-rilla 1 .m a,H w™pronailo* aiyaall Irani root *ero,uioin humor waiab to oeaa i. my Wood ,ut SwWlTS fa alfS •taelf BSII ptolaly uu*n my *U'alders. L"??« mt*th*'l*l*aiBlu** M voar SSawBaxwriawM awaUIMgwawlBUMworMI. *"■•■*■»*- •»•

U Al Tl g MOBTOR, V "T3S "C4f **** aaWawl

.White Cauker Cured. Lowell, May aim

Indies of this ■ tire yon get trade mark bottle.

THOMAS WOOD * CO, Boston. A foil line of these fine goods for sale

SMITH Jt WBBELER, Lawrence, Maaa.

og'a race

t ni.v A- :, HaTirvL, but I couldn't Detp It. K.titiiinn went - r«n» rtth me, snd I i liuimlr 1 Daui.'i a iiliu-l In lb torid, d>ap«p*ia naeaad li « and ii» nunih. '.ul i.'t •*■ ani ibt-ig eno ju i .i.D red In ml ry HI I us-d sn iim- li.u.r.. mr.* I».UI n'en me.—I) L.wis. 22 Uuadulo it"-1. F1-, oa. 1*lweod

M0THEB8 BBT^ yonr OHILDEEH One ol tbe grraltst »nrg*a of oor obaagabl*

AauBnarattered a d. tode of lltllawm** are yearly aaeriBead o Bl* droaa diaeaar, most ,ii •mm raiiKi -loum-es no ■aver) by a i ropst ilia1, lo thla and aa active pkyalclaa baa oavotad U.* pa*i to* year* la pern MM


an arlTle ni null nenl ihalli alike vatnabl* f*i ii.e ajwr*ln*| alwin** or the owl id , and m ni"b.ii ( 'i en*.-a iu aaumaaar in.... . oi iv'inii • h, while iiy>|ti|iil.i,t wp ile««. -»•-! an.I I. VHIIH* from *e- ier. will *..d l.airw* Hat* r.ll.t aatlailOa-i •"•■«ili Irwaw lu ■■*.

CABfEB, HABBJS A HAW LET, wgggt * rorrxM,

OB'I U, onniiWlN A CO. Wholeaala DawJara. Boaton. Uaa*.


*Ma. la ranrnari I begaa so uke ySur%a>a. aparilla. and the eaasorta a ismUMMiMii datei-v-ared. I bad «i kaowT^'iJba SB I'uw llior aloagti.*. My buaoand ha* leata jbaaai.apariiaior bnllou. ■«,«, mmSt^C uaa, witn e,,..,.if mi-lactory reauha. MM. k.J. a. .Hhuix, inaw,tgt,

An Old L»dj Ounsd of UhevAauUit MoumlcU.

Me laawanaaM nt—J?i7tU« MV *!*» axr. sasvenat Kleamaiic at,untilU has bid puaawMlt* ai my rigbl ar. ,or in. paaitw. ywara,nBd II waa Impoaalul* (or aw towaah Miw.o.doauyoiUMordlo.ry work about Us nouaa. la the middle oi Uarob I leega. I* na. yourearMp,rilla,aa.iaimi>.i aalaatrVfall ba? tor. My oaiighim,Mrs.J.c.hw«vsr,Bo*ica>7a Shaage wub almoM u* Brat doe*.' TkVhVt E»u*»-drava laa raauntoila. away, and toe aeond mad. cure CO.IIMI*. | „B now do Ibe isavtest work la waabug aad Uoauaa,oae aia ly arm aa vallaa *var. *■ •*" w"

PIUaCILLALABlH. ^__ aUoward'.Cowi,

A Younr Glrl'a I;yca1gllt D*> mroyod by HcrofUla, Uoato d Stoieo*- saraaparlli* is not rooommaa^ad as a

>ure lor biinnneu....... Ie u» tollawlnT<asV 2 i girl wuoior weasawss being completely oloeid

Mr. atoveaa: M« danghUr Oracle, U yaara **■ ■*• I"* *•«■ been trilled w7m a aoro-

iB>ad to ocntar la ber

R. REED & CO.,

WOOD. Ml. UBtl«(il CEMENl In. 574 Katftx.Htrewit, Lftwronee


TUB Ai mi WB LlKB, Tba medicine wa mist like i, ibat whleb dots

Ha work quici and w*u. Bardock Biowd Bii- ters are tnti quickest slud of u cars Isr dripap- slsaadllvMaudkldBsyair-ctlsoi,

rdyspop. ttlff

1- AHMI'.KS w.i take note, that


GARGET CURE 1 r«e to* Car* aad Prsvwatlon of

Cargat In Cattle, U sold al c nick .-ring'. Drng Store, SN Baaat ■

a-- " NBMM

HI aorululouaai

,ra*t ui*Lret toaaa uaabl iluuu'a aar*a|

a alwaya be., weak sod son, nwaiai bav* oanaed bar sraat

-.^ar waoaa ainn* wa vat oblige m tcooui, tkay booaa.aao lataasad, uaw sa* was totollv unable to sat. i II an* waabliad. W. ware la

a* imvaiciBBi aad meniolM* i o eO.ol * cur*. W* had u-nd a. .lla but ii i.1H.d. riually a* to tr> BUIVCDB- sarsauarila. The

—•' t.a«*e. la* .ye. Utgrauttally ni-upuoed, Ibe i

■ eyaa mmialabed, i waa eiu.u.ic,,

and UNavnii

Sg Oi lb* meutciaa Bay _ i"*t uadlgcauou. Wa ar*

trai*»ui lor wuat n aa* (too. la our la • ihiagly add our laatimouy so Ibat

toubl- d


raaraarit ar


Bl a aorriJ,. sxx ■■•TTI aa, 8'-

Ta*iMt*l1u*d«wllba*aBulad wrtb BTBT E\S -aBt.PAKILL* III gh | >*odwlB 4iii.,t>.M>ti ag-ni*. Boa. tt and l Uaaovar Strsai, a*. *u, Ma*** V, a. A.

Lawrence American. LA WHENCE. MA 88.


WMUI New» Brevities.

„ Taendn*. WedueMlay.

Vermont produces another claimant for ■ •bar* ID low A. T. Stewart rattle.

Dr. A. V 11 .it of Cambridge will be Burgeon Geueref mi Guv. Hobineoas lliff.

A wontn la Uillaud has confer pert to IIUFI-IJILU dcncrmiiinul within ■ fe w jeers.

The Hon. Bradford Miller, prntilbl- llooist, bti been elected mayor of Tone- ke Kan. ^

An avalanche of «no« burled eleven C dorado tamere l.--. Pussy, eix of Whom W r. taken ,,.1 ,|. ,.i.

k-t Hill* Line Ifd M .u.isy by u« , the roof.

s,..-n ■■" .charged with com-


lit ■! ■ Ifj die


lea] Die woman n- ■ L in» s ,.i n Euo

I from the slat*-

A larjeiu Fa.. Mi Bf of an ,w up

Kx-Siuetor I p'imv iu 'be. - Mood

J i in M.inii, wu i Wi- engaged Him.i Iu ItttMl. »n par.] ii piii -.. >t*unt«f.

To* MbootMi mC It »t.i-< lUrti'l i i.. ,V « from tad It >• t<

The sie'-eruioi' which g|i ailaloed wldr clrtuia;;,... >u Lhr . n «i thai iu Ma-saCbu- HUB a*tl«4a bwh* then w«s a ninliou o' rt'iliara o( UJI a in- .I it. puelia la noi •MM.

Au Infernal mac ineev,r>loled npp-talt e Bd-vel ...* t.oUi.- at Ii l< ..n.-..). Ki.i; , T eier.lsy, -i- in

VV I. i. whlc'i a a with ■ in ail

aa not ii. in tn-a

• i i mil'ta i v C Ii

|l| Ml

lit-1 csmpal'.u

A coMsion uf

No OBt

• II 'i i luul Hi.- uexl

ttalns no Ibe Eastern Baiiroad 'in Mo.ui.iv n*gm caused a prop' arty loss ol a'i iui -J;. an I aLUouxri ODO Ol lllflU ««.« IllJoJ pasajtuge rs, au^itiii was hurl

Lal.■■ ■•■,■...'.-• Iiom 8'. LOU!S -!i"W tba< tbe out by in- lire on M i uday Plant win r HCb tSOO.UtM. A He- IU Ibe satne City, early y.n.enl y in truing, dea Liojtil pio(- arty i *i io u-jQ.

Tbe BUOW storm m Otaio tnrued lo rain, fr.-nu.o-, earn 1 on* n II.M, im ■.-.•..- l iin- We IK hi ol -in .- au thai in i.ime cent" bunding- wm ctuehed, and did a good deal ol . .cb ■! «•.„■ jruiy.

A abarp c >. u< vera 14 expec'ed arise iwuwii Q« |a.|. ;iary and pUTl lau ■ Coillllllh S* »i u. a* rfj(i rdii Ma rafareooe i i b ila a 1 | ... u ITM r ape. une; lun : . la mn of railroad l.

Tin- steamship trance, of inn National Hoe, was townl Into Halifax, N S , yea. terdsy i.n,: by ibe ■•'■■.i m i Martuao. wun her otaio abaft hrokaa, Hbe had tw i tlr- -uiaaa anil .". i eleuraKe paaseoiteri< oo Hoard.

Mr. Canialtt hn ulreo Ihn hulk of hla Cii.ii , HI ■.,]-. ■, 11, 1.1 t .,!' |, ■ M fii■-.n'i--i i

Tae 8.>utu.vriih 21 Djooeraile OMareaa m- n. In itiVM. '11 Uiiairmaur JI|IH of niaud iDa c.iiiiiii:ili-'-s, leAftBd tin I v 17 o He drJ irii.iii.--ii auoiifj the North J. ■ aud -V tat

Ii. i- raportad that KfaBOe will pi-rioii Do III'.I I- r. I.- .- With Orr Timuulu pru- wraotaM ; IImiier Will t>ht) oenotlate till Peace tvi I. Caiua until alier Hie F.incli ll...-(:- ... ■ llj.y li ir I V It |M liK-WI-. ri-|"u-r.i tbal the Freucti kaiaaa In tbe re- cent bait!* ft'. Nuit'ity WITH iii.i' Ii (rml.r tbau llie official m>i. ui.-ui. Indicated.

Thursday. Tbe aarfled-M.mori5l iburch In Waab-

laj(iou win be tied <-H >■ i oo ibe - ij prox- imo.

Tbo po«p- iffliiii dedclMncT fir the cor- rao'. a<cal year la e .iLiiatt I at abuDt •5(100 000.

Mr. Coi ufNew V irk decllaeo to n-rve Aac'iairmao ui the boma naval aflalra COrDUilLlUe.

state that Ji>remle lal iinl Mtiagoiue the Same.

An bin i

Icee f i TII Hi pIlDlated. Ji

bsa be i

Hardeubu^s A Co.'a

A anowallrte In ihn M on in.- '2i li I nut., M i p ln'ii.i- ur the Meudoia iu U I-.

An Oraniii-m bor, N b\, IMI

rai|,.-t store Ir.

-i'Vi n-1-.h..c,.

tiutl kn.eit a

■■■ ;■■.■■! St IU-

ITM-II •are Dili, i ■ eevMi ly w..i

A neutintc of Ihe H '< I* call. 1 l..r ibe 1st V H'lll.'. An aori] coo tder 1 1 Ml.- Lal.fT ■«<>- :..II ■■-!■. be t nun d npoB.

Tbi- isrue ihoe aci.rv .if C. M L*-f In Aib.ii, Maes wa* >e« II t i.'if pro) ■irtt '■•*«• II.i .in

b«twai II |Go 000 a i.l »TS COO. Gotii-ral M ii in z e. In looito II, or ihf

ll> |i '■' !!,' Ill 1 I v.» ■ a. i- nifiiiai V 1 llicied Uituuxti n* V.itta |Ho-i r«'i..n, a il baa beeu lempui ill) r ,|«vuU ..Mil Cu IIUIBI.ll

A F.p..M p fr»a' ■ ■1 In Pal la Vr.

that ih- ft.t • I'r. .rit-l am. a<1 Kiiaii.iu.i. In- • -.•-.I advicra In oi t'al- m buWeVal state that lie It i ltd at El Obfid.

The K'andard V r.. In«or»nr. ni of UaaaJua it a d i 1 l.-ll l'< WI It ir

proi iKf »n <iif iia r- Litdical hili. Th- Kim »h Kiall^dlai W.^hliiiii-.n', A«o Soi 1 ■ 1 'ii win eut eavur in itiiiui-H ill llni ab 1' .- I:,II[. n o WllllUraW lUu in- HI* are.

Tbti rttaoalva cotton mauu'aririrInK arm »r A'unft 1>. Suiitn A. Co., ol Print- deoca H. I lul.-'l v HtMPiltV, I IN llai.Hitlea roavhltiM iiaar') $2 uoo uoo. \ ■■> s mt y jif nil.- will "- im .«!i out of emoloy Deal In ton-- quni.fe.

ino*. Mil.- wi- ll. .1. -;II-.: Ion

lovliiU ro'itber hu not only > mU»i.-il IODIIV, but to all who

taoce. 8he luavea a ml ihreu tlau^hter^.


M< ■■ E'ltib i.i S.:i'iio, mother ..fRfv.

Phillip J. Huoi, of Beverly, dladattbt

fa ID l h rcaidanc < on Cbaatnut street, afUi a brief ilia -at, of coogvailon of the brain.

Tba dec iaa«d "•■ a native ol Ireland and

cam* lo ihu coavtry *2 years ago, rtal.l- IOR over 30 yearn In I.

.Mi years of tgo\ umiu

K'-in i- is -ii.'i charitftbl and dulliiic uareut, i-ho

herself to >l«r oWi

,-l.u, I ber a(u.n

husband, two mm

Tbe Mm.T*! w;,l tiki; pi ace from the Im

uscuisle CoDCvp'lo!] cburcb.ou Saiurday

tnorolnfi. Sarsb Elizabeth, w i ■ ..f Igeat Joseph

P. Bstiles nfibe Atlanta Mills, did oi. Sunday morning, at 7 t.'cl.n k, at tbe fsm-

l'y resldeinu on llav.-ibill utrert. Tb. lad* was fi5y«srs i-f Ige, oldest dauahlei

01 (i. ii. II. K. On*er, a i.ailve of Ssleni

and oue of ibe Dtsi to reside In Iviwrence Her death Was tine lo |'neumoola, cm

trsctrd about a wi • k Igo. Mis. liail.t-H sn In niany re^pecta Si-

rZi'r|>llonal wowsn. Fur rllimi yean p ihl Slie llftilli. ill i>n<- il itie RIOBt SCllVi

li tbe el arlllea ol Oisce church, tbe beao Ol the biifplisl'13 etui VlBltiag comruittee

the prehldtnt of the sewmtl school, m..| In fact, the leader In the nohle w.>ik

Wblcb iIn-. i'-i. li baa sccompilabed

among 11.<■ poor oi the cWj.

Tbe Tuneral of the lato Mrs. Joseph

P. Hni.r-i took place at lint Manly resi-

dence on BsTertalll Street nil W.ilnesday ah. in. mi The remains w-r.t eocaatfl 'D

a in lny adorned . ■■'■'■ ' and there was s prolaalon of tba Civic '»t tlnsl irirmis Iropremiv.i aertlc a Sferu t'ondact rt •)

Be». Wn. Ls*ienre, H. M. Wbltavy wi).

atctlug aa ntatui o' e-iemon ea

Mr-. Acb.s'i B Haoioiu. Wlfrt of Jus- aph R. Kanhrim .ii.-i.ii . ir.a.i-ti. n. a her bum-, *7» a'»™ iwsv. Fmltv . v.niB^ Mi- SiO-'iini W-H .. .M. at BMI C.-hC -in N. 11. ■.»■! w.- .;.t y»' a-, t-h i.i lb'- ftiv iftlitv H'U» ayo am baa ie*..le.l h r- . v-i Tli-.i.ces.. edbavaaoue donahtt-r, M™. " Curnor. Tbt remain* Will ba barm ^aal Concord, N. 11.


SOLO* Caua mav Dot have sued hla i Cfarlatman Observance*

last tear, bat the blood of bi. laet steer How ^ ^ ^ -^J

hat been abet] in Auburn Maine. Tbej:- ™7; ""~3Bm Mart ---"■

animal weighed 1.250 pounds, and his

mate having precaeded him be was

" nigb" onto daalb for aome lime and

is now declared "off." Ur. Chase,

bowever, baa been made immurul by

Uia Btcer-opt:can views.

MAMTOUA and tbe Northwest terri-

tory of Canada want lo accede be-

cause tb* government insist* 0.1 mak-

ing Ultra pay tribute in a figurative

sense to Quebec and Ontario. They

object to tbe hijjli tariff on neceasary

goods, to the granting of enormous

tract* ofland to the Canadian Pacific

r.-.iliontl, to the refusal of the govern

mi-lit lo optK bighwuya lo Hudsou's

Bay, arid lo iliegratitinjr nrning lamU

'■ 11.1 other valuable privileges to inei

who arc useful Tor political purposes

Manitoba is a fruitful but muddy coun

try, a cold climate, but a bcalhy om

pervades tbe regiou, but the section ii

woith having. It is not likely thai

the Dominion will part with it easi:y,

al bough its evident liking for ilia Uui-

led States may be a cause of disturb

aut-e. Silling Bull would doubtless

object to annexation, Icr be would

then have no " line' to cross.

A FEW items from ibe Bureau of

Labor Statistic* of Ohio, just publish-

ed iu tbe reports Irum 33 points in the

Biale. are interesting to those who rot-

low minutely the woiklng of our own

iale bureau, '''he average earuingi

f workmen in Ohio who were bend* ol

families in 1881, WAS IG49.15

Hgainst SGJ6.81 in 1880, while the

family expenses increased from SJ32 Cfi

to 660.79, making an iocrease in the

cost of living of aboil 5 percent. To

ibis iueiense in the cost of living is at

ttibutcd the strikes of tbe pistyetir,

otaiiuiics bhowing that ol 11 strikes in

that state in 1882, only five were am-

1 i--.nlnI. The timi' wa.>>tc(l iu tuese

strikes, embraciog principally iron and

steel workers in rolliutr, mills given,

was 16 weeks, boiler makers G weeks,

•Uir builders lliree weeki, and otglf

makers two weeks. In 1882 a rise iu

wages trom 8 lo 1C 1-2 per cent, was

reported in 23 occupations where no

strikes occurred. The doubt is 1

pressed that wages were advanced

consideration for the worth of

operator's work, and il is surmised

that wages in many instances were ad

viini-ed through tear that there would

be strikea, and It is tboughtto be good

discipline for the employers, the men-

ace of a Btiike preventing them piny

ing the l \ mut «iL'i their employes

We have had the subject discussed

in legislative committees, of ettabli

Ing a court of Arbitration, such as is

described as connected with a lioot and

shoe factory ol Cincinnati Ohio. A

board eppeciallv for this purpose, half

of employers and bulf of employed, has

been organized. This board settles

every disputed qttesiioo, and in case a

decision cannot be arrived at, two arbi

traiors, one on each aide arc clDscn

aud tin- aibilralors select an DID,ire

From whatever they decide there is DC

appeal. For each factory is a shop

two persons selected by the employees.

If tuese parties cannot sgrec, the sub-

ject is relerrcd to Lie Hoard. It any

emploj ur refuses lo submit lo a tleciftiou

or this committee, his shop iadeclaied

on a all ike, and if an employe should

be disrespectlul aud decline to receive

and ackuowledge the good judgment of

the committee, he is deprived ol work

in iHdorieB represented in the Iloaid It is thought to be very probable ihul the experiment will prove io lie »uccct.n- ltd, and iu one luhlanee already ihe oigauiznlion hate aellled a disagree-

m in regard to wages of aboe cut- ter*. A wi.ges M-!ili- was also fixed lur fix inonlhu.

TIIKKK is a language, they say, ol

flowers, and there is the elocjueiceol

■Hence which is more potent LOAD tun

guag*. hut which needs interpretation

almost as much as the imaginary tan-

Kutiges of which Ihe poets sing, oud

among which may be numbered, the

language ascribed to ihe fish in Marble*

head Laibur by a writer iu l!ie Phila-

delphia 1 in.-, acconling to this au-

thority, who seems to have been in

Marblclieatl not very long ago, the

dogfish io the harbor hatk like dogt.

ihe whales cry out and the black Bali

uller a strange sound. Il is, however,

a matter ol doubl, na to what the Ashes

talk with, for they are not only very

undivided about the use of llteir lip»

by these fishes, but they even suppose

timt ihe pharyngcal or intermaxilluiy

bones have been called into requisite

They go so far as to sav that one ki

ol flab makes a murmuring sound with

i'.s swimming bladder. The cat fishes

are said to be celebrated conversation

alisls, and they talk by a peculiar pro

cess, namely, forcing the air from the

air bladder into tba cusophagus. IL

will surprise most readers lo hear that

the eel is the most musical of flahai

and its voice bus a metallic trill. U

do not wish ro cast any reflections 011

ihe taste of the correspondent of the

Ptiiuufclfbus Times, but be must have

been a worn out reporter, whose ears

confounded what his eyes had seen ol

the wriggle with what his ears had

heard of ihe trill. It does not improve

millers that he can go buck to Ancient

[Come and find .111 Emperor Augustus

who professed to uudcrslaid Uieir

language. Wo can believe a good

deal when wa hear the eel say it. In

iiiroberalion of the torrespondeut's

statement it is said that JJciiieQHiil

John White heard curious nouud-t when

bis ship was anchored at tbe of

.■„ *• ■ ramlioya which he aitrihuled

lo M . ii'ini of li li. a^mging-scbool of

i-li. as it were, and B.irun Humbjldt

xpeaka ot the gizzard shad as whining.

Wo do not suppose after all is paid Hint

they con find snyll.iug in llie animal

k.ngdom which can surpass the

Utorough-baaa of a bull-frog, not eveu

111 the alii -d liuss of the river, atd the

most iii.-l--i; .us acuenls under water

.i.ii'.r compare with tne carols of the

loukey whieh may be taken for the up

and d«

The greatest holiday or ibe year was ustn re.i in with bright anoshlne, and airly, happy faces could ha aetn peering

from windows, sad flushed with the pro>-

pect ot «■' j .ymeot. It proved In Law- raoce a many day la every respect

There waa a ripple of bnetaeae apon tbi street* during ihe forenoon, hot after 1 F.

H, they were comparatively deeerud. while It waa noticeable that few eiraoee face* were seen opoa the principal walks.

Tbe day wsa never more genemllj ob-

served ber> by all classes, 'in* nofavor- sble tarn of the w.aiher In lbs evening

bsd little perceptible ebVct la marring ine -i,!-»yrt)eif, which brllliaatly lighted

ft..u'1-a avldeooed. Tba principal ob-

•erTaOCea and mber feSlnrea of tbe day,

are given Uelow;

Grace CburcB. ■ ve tbe Haodsy school

ft M their egetesMw, cooalctlog of reclia- iious, aloglng of carol*, ale. aAeiwarda

r ■pairing to tie cLap. I oo Garden atreet, where two large Cbtlatmas traea were

piepared. Each scholar received a a

piper buctet of candy and ware otberwlsa

rrUlued. n '.'iirmimis day, at V A. M., boly

c .(uroDoioo, and si 10 SO A. M. morning

sod MT..nU celebrstlon. Tbe

sa My tbe fall choree cbolr, C. S mil.i.-r-, K■().. dlrecUir. And the flae

n 11.1.1 u.j. ol the beautiful msslc aelecied

for tbe nccapliio gav« evidence of thur-

ouxb treialag sr.d spt'.mdeon behalf tba

• ifjere, the soloists being rfra. Warn a

Ibttt, Mlas Nellie eltoddaid, Meaara. li. P PaJMshA <•'■'' Kotieri Lntw-sue.


Anibem. "slug. Oft II .-ncui," Tours. Venile, Analicsa.

Weed ward. CaUla.

01 .,!«,


"Itlu.acd ba the Lord !.■"[ Of

W asler- UUUDOU.

H)'iuti,"AileateriiIeli*a." off. . i... y« nil.-ail linun." MiotarroB.

Qoaand. 11 > in n, "Aiipii finiu ibe reslma of a lory " 1. m M in r.i,. 1 ih. Uarrott.

An sppropiUte sermon wsa preacbed by the Battler, Kev. Win. Lawrence. Tm church wss modestly bat very ias*efull>

decorated. Tbe cbaocel arch having two

Solid trimmed columns of evergreen au^i

porting an arch of white, on Which were the words, "Gtory to God In ibe highest

Tbe psoela snd tablets lo the rear nayio. amiable emblems and motlos. Under the

cirbles hung a triple bunch ol wreath

lla were generally btatrewed wltb

en, the WI^MIB done

auspices of the,47iilld, Mr. Jobo Bostron

having gtaarsl Jlrecl general



fir tree, the pma snd the box to-

gether, bare been brought to beautify Ibe

place ol Ills Sanctuary. Pine and sprote

trees and brsocbea of hemlock bave been uaerl In > Very part'of the chmcb wl.b

celliot rinulls. From the chsucel arch

two heavy fesloooa awing out Into tbe

nave and are looped at Ihe rallera. Tbe chancel windows ire bordered, and in the

i' i;i mi window alx atars In I

green edue, sre clustered; ablelds eacb

nl« tbe altar bear tbe words, "Good Tin lugs" and ' Great Joy." Tbe cbaocel areh

ia bordered, n 1 1! ftom the loalde prcject

fprsys oT hemlock. The pulpit, et

el Alia sii.l lectern are trimmed with p:

Cfta I' 1 '•■■; 1 In- font baa a pyramidal cover or the sum*. In ihe nave, branches are

eiu-ten il at IIIL- ba.-e ot emb rafier, Slid

boughs are placed lo ■ sell window. Tbi

screen si ihf sutranea has trees at eacb end, and a border ui bemlick oouKha

piaced ali-o IN the rear of the pulpit, aod

in the cornera of tbe church. The decor-

ations were all put to place daring Moo day, and sbow what can be done by the

li. .- oae of tbe evergreen In lla native


Tin; Christmas services began on Christ-

man eve, wltb tbe children's service. Tiiey sisetoblert lo Ibe church st 7 p. m ,

mi) joined lo the eveoln«- worship, (hint

Ing the Magnificat and N-ii.e OliHlttls SO.

!nij the lullowlnu caioli.: "See, amid

wlDlei'a eouw ;"--The stars are abln

bright and clear t" -Umg the bails, the Corialmsa bella " Tbe rector told hi! .'in l-' 111'i- story, and then the happy chil

dr -n moved to the Sunday School room

■ Inglou the lime honored "Gather around ihe Chil-imaa tree." Two trees blislug

wlib llahl snd tilled with csndlea, greeted 'hem »-1 hey entered. Candy sod oraagea

weie piovided lor two Lunrtred, aod escb scholar recelvid a Cbrlsttnaa card. A

ho.'e pile of preaeola, seat by pareois, (o

be ulveu through iha tree, were then ilir- innuied.

Tne n- n r celebration of the Uoly Eu- chsiht took place st midnight.

Un<l->tmis irrrnnu', a: 10 30 o'clock, ih^ second service was held, wlib a sec-

>ud celebrsllun or ibe bacrament. Tbe

i-ecior preached from St. John 1:10, 11, Vi verses.

St. 1. .inem ■■ Church.

The most eiaboiate church dtcoratloBB

msde ID IHL- city were at Bt. Lawreoce

There was s prnfuaion of bou- 4in L- of cut Cowers, smilax aod polled

.is, all most lastelully arranged. Tbe

uie here waa iheelegaoily disposed

ci in. In Viblch the figure of a bai-n rested, on a bed ol roses, so to speak, so profnae

wasthcHoral display. Tbe moalc wac arni.ll, espetlally ibe reodarlog of tba

AtltUe F.dilet by a choioa of 20 male

rtiieus. There were masses al fi, 6, S aod 10.30 st tbe letter Kev. D. J. Murphy de-

.ivciiog an aiiprop UtiB snd alutttieoi dU-

i-i.iu.-i-. Tin- (In isttieiH collection netted 1 ii:uii >IIui.- sum. The prvgramme ol

inuaic for ibe day follow*: rtasT Hasa. i A, 11.

[ly Cu- ... 1,..1 iii.un , H.i.« M I,,11,,u ,,. r flsL

1. "it. •>!..■ 111 r.

..orsnt.Hev. P.

U. -. _^ . -odH.y.,8 - fTla"ir"a" 1 ~.~The choir nay amuer

iba direction of ur. Joseph L>ach and

Mist Mettle Nybao prvalded at tba organ.

Tee aoloa ware vary well rendered by Mr. Leach and Misses Kails 1) gosm snd Mar-

B Doyle. An adapo from BselhovenV

-onats Pstbetlgae was excellenHy pel-

formed by Mr. C. J. Arthur Marlcr, on the violin, wlib organ accompaniment by Ml.« Nyhar. Tbeaarmon was piaacheti

by Father McGovera. Tbe avenlag sei- vlcee commen'-ed at 7 30, aod Coaalaied

of vespers snd a sermoo by Father Flem- ing. Tba singing waa very good. Fol-

lowing Is tba musical programme for

maaa and vespers: MABS 1S4S A. K.

Haydn's sfaaala D. sol '■. Hiss Doyle sad Mr. Leaob.

OaTortBry, Adoata Fi.ui ■•. solo, Hlaa [iiinum. chorus.

Vaol Saacla Bplrllus, t. W. Hut. solo, Mr, Leach.

Duo, Vlolla and Organ, Bee^btiVrn, Mr MartsrandMlasNyhsm.

vaaeaaa la) Oratorio Vespers, Eats. Nasarell). 0.1.11. d. Mr. 1 . - h.

Immaculate Conception.

Maaaea were caletyrated at tbla chorcb,

Christmas 5 8 and 10 SO a. M

Tna taat maaa waa solemn high.aod Fath-

et Keegaa acted aa celebrant, Father Do

vtr aa dascon, and Father Morrlaon, sub- deacon. The altar was ornamented with

everareea, aod tbe ooe special featara the crib, wltb tbe infant Savior therein

which tbla cbnrcb baa hsd for several

years past, was sgsln displayed. The

cbolr under the supervision of Ml*a Mary MrKelvey, who la ala-j organist, scquliu d t,0vmaebyva very well. The aoloa were Bang by Misses Beny, Tanner, McKelvey

aod Conwsy. and Messrs. Mullen, Garvey,

Sullivan sod Lynch. A new feature ol

ibe muslcai programme waa the singing of a Chi l-tmas anibem.

Tbe evening aernlcen commenced al

7 SO, and tne same clergymen officiated

Tba musical programme was aa follows t • sparges, Webb Maaa, ihil'imat anthem. Addle FiiJilci,

«*«"'« -at. OS.lutarls, Tdiii uui Kigo,


St. Anne'a Church. Tb* prlLcipal oOaarvatica of lha day

here was tbe maaa at 10 A. M. Aa at all

tbe Catholic cbnrcbee, ibe decorations were extensive an i beautiful, here much

surpassing ibe efforts made fn previous

years. Best.'.lfal to bebold Were tbe new black walnut pulpit and altnr, JJSI

comoleted from the worka or A. B. Stau-

oard 4 Co. Tbe altar exceeds In tae

beamy of IU carved work aod esqulalie decoration any lo the city. Ii waa de-

signed by tbe onllder noder tbe direction ol Paiher Godiu, wbn made a study of

tbe allars ai Montreal.

The musical programme, which was

finely rendered, was as foilowa 1

S.30oMucs, mass. Singing ur tho ehildrea 01 Si, Anne'a tchool.

10 u'Uuck, bUS mas*. Singing by Iho French cbotr under the dmcduaol Joa. Beioard IhaorgtDial.

Kyrto, by Weiska. aloe**)

It'lUI, Siosklin,, BahoinJt. Agnus li.-i.

Vespers S o'clock, p. ui. Orogorbto chunl. Alms raueiuplurli. Weber Osalutails, LsmbtloUe. Tantum ergo, Lsmbillotte.

St. Palrick'e.

The services h. re consisted or

at & 30, 9 aod 11 a. m , and vespars at

7 3 i p. in. At all ibe servioea the attend

aoce wss large, tbe decorailina onrpasa

usiTonrttfitiMe "MI prtteTja KS! SIC WUU follows :-

ti*»; Lambilr-tts Uffcrlorv, Adsate tMetvs

u Krg.>,



llnvei hill &t. Methodist.

Cbilstmar night ihe liiyerblll M. E. church Babbath school held lla annual

upper was provided fur tbe

o'clock, then came the life- irlbuiluo ol preseula, which uccupled ao

boor or mole. Manyayouog heart was made glad.

children ai

Seaond BapilBt. The I'tirlsuna. tislbenug al tbe Secocd

Baptist church. Tuesday eveatnv, wss s

graud success, belDg the moot enloyabl of soy held by thl- church for yesrs. Th

vestry wss lastelully decorated with ever-

grteo. Tbe tree was ihe centre of attrac- tion, especially for ihe children, It hmi,; been well loaded evlib gifts fur old sod

young Sapper vsao Bjrved to oeatly three

hundred. Tbe eveolog's entertalnmenl waa varied wlib re.idlD*s by Mrs. Sber--

ard and Mlia Daisy Cutler and stoglog by the Sunday School.

• ^awaitWfelJgeJrW edging an*daTSchi bad ihelr Carlslmaa tree oa Monday evet lug, with ibe usual 1 amber aod variety of present* aadearpilsea. Tbe Bngllsbcas-

torn of a braaklast 00 Chrlstmaa morn foi bo children, was triu.l for the Ural time

sad wih vary good success. The cb occjrrvnce, bowever. In ibe Christmas

ibaervances at thla church, waaa conreri

aiven Cbrlstmaa nlgbt. by a cboru* of •Ji voices, Voder tbe lesdera.lp of Ur.

ft'bert gatwiaile. Tbe leading feature

was the cantata. "The Nlgbt or Glory." which was wall rendered, lha choral pas- sagea acd the soli parts balm alike ot a

nigj degree or excellence The caotata

■ass supplemented by readings aad carols, iwoog ibe former being an original

CbrlaUvjas Btory by tbs pastor, constitut-

tog a vary romplBte'BBd aallaIa:tory en tartalnmeat.

IdeerOatlop." were eapeolaily Worthy ol

1^^rhfcdrvhat'*TBtfTroai'aaa^ ©«•"

TBiNtrv ciiuacn. Ser.lcos appropriate to Cbrlstmaa were

Dent ai Trlaiiy cbnrcb, oa 8uodsy. D 1 Its the cold wave there waa a large at-

tendance and a discourse replete wltb

loiiic aod aage dednctlooa was preschi. by Prof. Bitks. Tba musical programme wsa ■ xceis-aily rendered noder the dlter-

Hon ofhtr. J. W. Barrlngton, and com- poaed 1 he following number*:

Oi-gan voluntary. "Cutiimiiaiun. io O" (wltb piaao and organ) assbthd by Miaa g.litta si. Tsiiloy, ValiuUi.

Dnaology lavocaiies. ABIIKOI, •How beautiful opoa lbs moot-

Uiu. " Dsyaa. Eespaasl'e raiding with "Ulorls Pairls,"

Hairuigtiin. Conrregyllonal bj inn. "u come, all ye falUi-

Reading at Berlpturo, Psyar. Ogifiory, recrlailoo and aria ("If wlib all

)ourT>aaru"), MeadeUtobn. llyuii. "Hark what moaas Uoae holy

voices," Blcbter.

Prajer. Ily urn, " Itrlgbtesl sou beat of the son a of tbe

morning,*' Back.

Closing voluntary, "Oraod Cnoraa," Uuilmant.

In the eveolng there WSB B CbriaLmas Concert by the Sunday school and qusr

Utte under tbe direction of Mr. Goo. A. Iiurreii. The decorations were excellent-

ly arranged by Mrs. C. T. Wilcox, Mrs.

Hufus Keed, Mrs, K. M. Teltea aod Mr. Jjho Carter) ibey coosisled maloly of

festoons of evergreen, and beautiful bou- <iuets of cat flowers. A featare of tbe

service was the rendering or MenJels-

sbon's Te Drum by ihe quartette.

Garden M. Chuich. The exerclaea at ibis cboi ch, over wblcb

presided Banta Clans, personated by Mr.

C. II. Uanwell, and ibe "Uld Woman wbr> lived re a shoe." by Mis* Annie Barker,

C 11.anted of Cbrlstmaa carols, ilnely giv-

en oy tbe Christinas Carolers connect. 1

wlib tow cbnrcb; ciatf quartettes by Mas tare Leo Morae, Charlie Duoolug, Irwln

Paraborat and Edgar Barker, which were

excellently given, and wiih as fine tflVci aa many adult male quartettes, li. 1:1 is-

llona were given by ibe little folks, afo r

which the distribution of presents com.

me need, under ihe direction of the Sor et- loteodeot, Mr. E. M. Mooers, assisted by

Santa Clans at-d "The 0.1 Woman who

lived lo a shoe." Tbe whole combined 10 msko the occasion viry Iniereatlug anu

enj-.jable. lo I oili youug sod old. Afia

n stiori a.ldn - by Ssott Clsns to tin

children, the exercises concluded by tbi

sinking of tbe nosology, and ihn beaedlt tlon by ihe pastor.

The Oorah waa tastefully trimmed will every re tii. moltoes and symbols; a Isrg'

Bncbor, trimmed with evergreeu, was

placed on 'bo organ Iront, upon which were tbe worda •■Hallelujah, J<BUB Christ

Is born." also festoons oigrecn gracefully draped from tbe top and centre of the or

gen, upon which was a large gilt star. ■WiWirgara aeu m% 01 tie IsWaV ">

which ibe oigao ttwhitA, were two Urge gilt disks, upon which were tbe word".

" Wenderiei" and "Counsellor;' npon the

1.out of the oicbestia were tismes o'. J*« -UN, " I" aod "Prince of Peace "

The above, togeihor will) tbe trimming and lesiooolug of the wlodowa lo tin

aoollotlum, made a very pretty an*d taslt-

fultffuct. Tbe design anj aiiaiigement

of ibe decorations waa made under lb* supervision or Mr. Cuss. T, Dsulela. Th-

services were largely altended, tiolwlil.-

atandlng ibo extreme colu. lo the mom

log ibe psaior spoke bt 1. fly upon 1 be D-ft

light which the Babe oi BethleLem ban shed opoo tbe thought of ihe world. fspeclslly the new meaning ibos given lo

ibe Faiherhood ol Gud and tu childhood The coucm In Ibe evening waa Interest. ing sad creditable to the children. Tbe

opeetog anthem, "Jehovah's Praise," b)

U.^.- cbolr, Wsc ely ren'iered, parllcniar- iy ibe solo acd du.t, agog by Missis

Flavell and Dear. Miss Severns preslilet

at the organ, and ber plsylog waa hl^hy


Crrdo Schmidt InU.

, U. J. Mshoney.


Lin lii llu lie. 11....1

10 males yjices.

Mt Auguatluto' t 8 3u A. M tb. re w

veapets al S.16 1'. M. ■tally decoraied wu

Hi- 1

Church. ia ln„|] msss, and

Tbe altar waa 1 evergreen aod

reodered nodur the

lOa. LeooaiJ. Tbe line, collectlnu was taken aod

- sum rest x d.

11-1.1 was wel Ion of Mr.

Bt.M«ry*a Church.

Serv'.ces Wire be.d st S, 8 and 10.30

'clock, ije Hist and Isst being The altar wa-. very ia iihy '-" 1 with sveigreta snd pi

Unitarian Chuich.

The services at this church, on Sunday,

ere appropriate to tbe stseoo, tbe prin- cipal beioe me carol service a*. 8 o'clock

oy the Sunday school, assisted by ihe

regular church cbolr. at which ihe follow-

on member■ were admirably rendered by he l*ii-i : 'Festival Te Doom. Want.

Boio, "Mary" Mlaa Nellie Pierce.

rrao, •' Brightest sod Beat," Buck. A Cbrlalwaa aupper and eu'.-rtalnm, in

for ibe children waa given at tola church. Wednesday eyeolog. Maoy of tbe chil-

dren wore accompanied by their parents and older friends, and al hail past alx

arge nombe* ast down to the welt-Diled tables, Then tbs children amssed them-

selves wlib games nntll about half past seven, when they were called lo lake iheli

seals, and the pastor, It,-v. Mr. Junks,

(old iLem something of the Puritan aver-

sion to celebrating CbrlstmBs, and of the

way la which the day wss observed In Kiiu land and In Germany, falling atleoilon

to the many German cu>toms which hav,-

been transplanted to Ibis country, amoug wblcb are ibe ChrlslmaB tree aod Saota

Ciaus, or 81 Nicholas. Mr. lledgo, MI

petloieudenl of ibe Sunday School, Ibeo recited "Tne riighl before Coriatmas,'

hut before hn bad fluisbed tbere arose

such a ciBiter al the lour, thai every one tin i.- 1 ' . «. ■- what waa the matter. To

the eurpiine and delight of the children, It was found that tbey were 10 receive a

visit fn.iii Santa Clsus, blmseir. Cad Iu

coat. Wearing his heavy far Dunning

At (he JHII.

Tbe Christmas txerolaai st tba jail

were o,' a u>o>t lnienailog character, and were greatly erjijed by tbe two huudr.d prisoners, who assembled In the guard

room at ten o'clock in ibe forenoon lo listen 10 ihem. Tbe eoterialnmeot con-

sisted of soogs, readings sod adulates.

Tbe slDatug waa lo the hands ol Miss It'imi Moor!:., use, who was supported by a

large clio ua of I dies snd geoi.'emvn

ioaoog the se.ecuooa given were "Chrl» tlsns Awa*e,""Prslselho Lord," "Chrlsi-

tnas Csroraod Miss M001 boose sang with iLuch feeling and sweetness the ti^aml'u

oog, "Ksthleen Mavonrneei,,"whichwas

roceivtd by tie prlaoners with great tran-

lfeatatlous of yleasnre. Tbe prisoner,

naog togviher a Christmas song, and a

qtisrielte of boys from lb-) Band of Hop. reodered two very pleaelog selections. The addr.csaeB by II.. ». Mr. Bass, ol the

First. Metbndlst Church, City MUaloosrv Dunning aud Sheriff derrick w.-rn luter-

ooilDg sad to the point, aud were listened

to with ibe greatest attention. The

reading was in the hands of Miss Emily

G. Welberbee, wblcb Is, of coarse, iqul%-

alent to saying 'hat It was a complete success. This versatile lady recited

a Melon's a'.ttrlng ballad, "The ride ol

Jennie McNesl." which wu received wlib

much enthusiasm, bni she '-brought down li- home" by sppuariog lo tbe aecoud

part of the programme lo cosiame, son reviling la Ysnbee dialect "Joslsh Allen'-

Wife's 1'lessure E11 u 1 s.ou." which wa,

gree'.ed wlib continual pesls of laoabtar.

the L-Dteriaiomeot the prisoners

allowed ibe freedom of the guard rooji 'or baiT as hoar when llrv. Mr.

distributed Christmas cards

and bad chamber scene, were all excel-

le..i:y carried out. Tne Frost K'ag's ap- psrel was beautiful. Mtas Peakes'accom-

panlmrat waa lo rare uate and skill. Mr, Troll's excellent direction of tbe enter.

talomeot, revealed to a very great extent

tbe Becrel of Ita aucceaa. Tbe bonse

could not seat all present and the audl ence showed lie- appreciation by ri.q.t. m

■ pp'aoae. After ibe cantata a loaded

Cbrlatmas tiee yielded lta nulls to tbe

Suudsy School.

Other Observances.

"Fancboo" waa given la German at

Mnbes' hall end a drama In tbe same langnage at Highland Cottage.

7 be Sabbath achool of the United I'res hyteilan church had a Christina* tree In the Christmas eve, containing many

presents fur children aod scholars. All en-

joyed It floely and went borne satisfied.

There were DO specie! religions servlc-

• K |o the Uol'ed Presbyterian church to

c HI ueci Ion with CM rial rasa, because t'if Scotch PreabyteTtaoa do not believe

11 1 Christ was boro lo mid-winter, and ihey are opposed to all anperstltloo In

woisbip, and aim to go exclusively by

ibe Book. Their motto la "to tbe law

sod to the le-tim nv."


From the Mississippi to Mexico.

gloves aod leggtns, wltb a s'.rlog of sleigb around hla waist sod a heavy pack

oo bis shoulder, Santa t'laua came lo

There was a merry Iwlokle Iu hla eye, as

be took bis short pipe from hla month aod extended a beany greeting lo ail

present; then explaining that he was Veiy

tired, bAvlog come from California since

morning, and thai he could not a lay long,

because be bad many places to visit be.

foi" ulght[ he asked to,see tbe good ctril- .1 CM of ihe cburcb, and ss ono aod annlb.

r were led up to him, as tbelr ostn*a were

,e. I called be addressed some pleaaaot w oils

■a, J to eacb, aud gave a Christina* preseni.

. not as rich as in former years ihey were n movement ofajioklfMhiou-,armoreapproprl»w ,0ll becoming. At

ed wooden pump. hair past ua ibe officiating clergyman

ami lighted caud.ea seemed to .-dine 001. Theu gstberiog up his pack, he look bis

110 in every cnoc. ivable piste. Tim aide leave, promising to lei urn anulber year.

alisr* w. re d'esst-d « 11.11 tbe asms ma- S>on sfier tbe depariute of Santa Clans,

od alibcagb ihe decorations were the ftatlval came to sn end, tbe children having bad a pleasant evening, aod their

elders having eiri >yed It as folly as them-

mong them and they enj iyed them

a they pleased ouui dinner time.


VBBAONVX Maaio, Dao.6, 1S81. Spriial lo (As .tmfrn-un I

Wo arrived ibis morouia*. afters mm: da- Hlbtlol trip Trom Murgirt City. Toe ateemor Whltosylaa line veaail, H11 staieroom* neat, e'ean snd roomy, aod tbs b>ai Is a model of exrBllence thr.-mglinm, Capt. P P. Hoxlo, her cororaander, is sieoiil gentleman anil mxdeat msriner; Clerk Villa is obliging aod atlcailve; Aciiat Purser Hunoodis, eourteotia ana ohllg. In.-, and Steward Tbontas A. Liwls, a New UvlforU boy, aod a veterei of the war, ibon ou^iily unilrri'ard. his business, aa 1 gave na a bill of fare of inch exceeding exeellenee that nothing waa| kit to be detlrod. We reached Ualveslon, S.nd.y fiiremon , stayins two houra, lotako la some S'W baler ofciltofi; tbi* ita cats, attrscilve cHy, with g-Mil pavement* many one bol'dln?*., aad but lor ihe lack of a good harbor, must b come of the most tbrlvine placesol the Soutb; Sunday was qoet, most o' toe placea of bu»lne*a cloaed, and quite a northern appearance attaching lo to tbe city, Tb« offshore storm algnali were flnngaa we left, and lha weather tureen tele- erapbed the proa pact of a norther, but we must hKeonaalled It. If It earns, for wo exoerleocei ooly line wenber and a smooth sea all tbe way bare. Tbo v either Im been so warm tti rough- out the trip II at overcoats h»vj not b en once r qalrefl, not eveo apon the open forward deck, d irine tbe night air, soil I have alspl with my a aiernom window wldaopon, and with only a aliet t for covering, Wo o tared thla city, lbs on a seaport of ibe republic or M.-nci. btfore aoarlae tbla morning/ tbe snow clad peak of (J 11 tba r.aing to greet the Brat rsya of the ta irolng ana, forming a most delightful back- ground to

TBTB CITT Of VSB,A CBCS. timing to anchor at 7 "'clock, wa waited ths leiaarely raovomentaoftba custom buute oO- elsls, not gBtting sear from the stotmir till two hours liior,—amply In time, bowever, fir K ealfot.wblcb la serv-d from 10 t. 11 u'cleck M ,.,.ij hurriea In tbla ciuntry, tbe motto aeem- loelv being, nrver do to dsy whn yiii em put off (ill to morrow. The town, from ibe bar(

preienta aanique spoaaraace; tbe w.ui of tb 1 nolldlngs along the ibore,—for there are no pier*,—rbiof lo a height of two stories, ol b'ick or atone, covered with mastic or cam mi, palo'ed white, hat dingy, bigi I am.d sod cov- ered with black coftwebt; aptrea, towsrs, domrs snd minarets lite lo every direction, glv- lag too place a decidedly Moorlab appesrioce; 00 the right, as *e eoier, la tbalmmenaeraatie, b nit as a protection to Ihe harbor, one of Ibe m at impregnable fortnases. In itt day, known a n win-iv, snd of which tbe Spanish King, who eo istrocted li said, tbat IT ita walls rule pro por Innately high io tbe amount BX^eadod ii IU erectl .n. he oaaht 10 be aole to se; It from Madrid, but whose towera and maaoory walla would ipeedily vrumbls before ra.od.-ru artII-

""■ *• ■ WS». ... », nri,, and oar steamer am bored a ball mile from the snore; long before Ibe arrival of tba coatom ofleer 1. tbe vea-cl wea aorrounoed by b atia, th ir occupants all bmlooted, awsrtby, clotbed In only aihin coiiontiilrl an 1 1 air ol blue over- aiia.cbatierlng lo Ej anhb their aollciuilona (or pass ogera to make a targr-to f r it« trip, aod landing are quiikly disposed bfbf tbe customs iilfeai", who pruvc cnorti oua and obliging, and we repair to tbe Hotel de Mtxii-o,f >r breakTaat rbii la an Immense rsmi lm« airuci.ire ol tliree •lories, 1 mil with aohd masonry Walla, tbi flwrs to all tbe corr dtra above Ibe Irat CUB

sructeB of iron grali ig*. pieelseiy like those o tbe baaem. nt windows on Essex street, for the a vantage evidently of vootilatioa. I atood al my room door, and look down Into tbs laun- dry three Biories below, where washing aad ii.,rung is gome on dire, -t-r u i.l.'r my feet. Ii it oppressively wsrm m- lay. the

VHBHMUHETKB KAKX1KO Si" la Iba absde, aod aa tbe perspiration starts

very pore, aa I write, I toink of the pr ibahle snow snd Ice ifas AMauicaa readers Bra txpsrle-ielng, ann win I could Import a

cimi of No* Bnclsnd weatb:r, fir cooling irpoaea here. Veracrm (r'or hers Ihe name written as If a ilugle wsavrj), ta a aurpriae lo l In it cleanliness; tbe streets will compere

fnvoiahiy, |g nesto.a', wltb Boat in. but the wblie paint wltb wLi^b evrfy buildiag Is ro- toached, It covered with buck cob went, which give s neglecte I and decaying ippearance to tbe ouilUinga. E-erytbing la un- ite the north; thi buildinga are massive ipsnlng decidedly up in the atrseit, Bnu-ancet o Inner coons are on tvsry band, almuat every

window is open, aod >ti ..I . I br a cloih curtain ttratched overs bar upin the ountide; oa tbe lidewalk. lo front of tba lumrruu. del, shad-

ed by a wni K s are cbaira and tablet, where one can sit to enjoy a cap of coffee, or other bgver- BIB. Tbe leltorely movemenu of a tropics' dime are everywhere spparent; for tbren bour> in Ihe middle of lb' dav, most bu* ni s< placea, i eluding the Pos. Offl;e, fiim 1 to 4 o'oloek, sra

CLntEU THIII uot-ai roa Dmitia; It mattera not that a ItaMOHf ta u.i ing the malls Tor d. parturo, it miy wall lunger, or go without ihem. oo pott offlco buiinett Is done within that ttir.'o boors. Tula it 00a of *,be hettbotelt; my room ii aimut 11 by 13, bare wills, painted a tor. bare or o van A run * **'•

'iy B. u lintt-d Wi-i'i-itand and table, two paln'ed chana and a col bed, with only two sheets, one ovar tbe canvas bed (and ano bar

forroverlre; oo tprlncs, no matin si. snd only in apology for a pillow. There is but oni rsln dally, etcb way, over tbe railway lo Mex

tco, to we are. perforte, hooked to remain here morrow morning. The bouses all have

flat roofs, and along ibe walls tie big black rows marly as large aa lurkeys, sre walyjns bd Hying. Ia ibe pints, cocoann't ytt remain

upon the irna snd lowers of e*eij bueaboond lo ibB yatd-i In fact, He wealber it here nevet to severe tttat fl.iwert are not in bkom io tbt opoo sir. An extraordinsry f rt to euanectlon with ihe posts! sff.lrsor the country is, that notoalyinVeiaCrui.bat ell ovsr Uexico.

■Tttljjjjl, Bosmar 1st 1 » a •wespirag Challenge

George II. Uoenier, on Friday nlgbt, st

tbe close ol bis match wl'h MeB«ther. elat- ed with roccesa upon tbe occasion, made

a atatement tbat he would walk an.- p -d eatilao ID tbe coootry. barring Meaghei,

a leu nihe race Tor $.'600 a side. Iaketp-

log wlib thai state me ni, ba aent ihe lol-

luwlng sw< eping challenge : When I made the preliminary arrange-

men's '01 my recml match with Meaxbvr I did not Intend to fo low ibe pedestrisu OUaineaa any lurther. but aa St' friends aod the iriends of Other pad- nt laoa are not satisfied With my efforts O Friday evenlaic last, owing to the feluie nf tbe time keepers 10 give m'- any Hal of a record, I feel ss though 1 Bbould walk oae ■ore race, aad 1 therefore challenge auy pedeattian in tbe United Biaisa or Cana- da, MtAgher barred, to wa.k me a als- (ance or sen miles within a rea-ousbie time and for a reasonable amount ol money. Tins c'lalleiiKc to i.-insln open one week. At ilm end of that time If no answer la received I wilt Wltfllraw In-m tbo bUsIuesB sod Will not notice c.iallena- «s tbat may be dtrecicd to me as a pedee- irlau.

Kelatlye to the \recent race here, ibe

Globe gays : "The fact that no lima wss kept at the

ilus.nei-V-lcBghvr Walk IB City Uali, Law- rence, Maaa., is deplorable, aa the content

was certainly a "blood" affair, and If time bad been kept accurately, Mesgtx (rieode would have erli'eace, not only or

his anilities aa a walker belna not oa<

nbit diminished, but tbat Uoamer bad Improved v> reach in ibis brsntb or sport

tbst Meagber wwald have great dlnlcaliv

labeailugbim at an eve*, s'art. Tbe track upon which tbe match was walked was accurately messuted previous to the

arrival ur tbe referee, aud that aeotie- man'a measurement proved tbe cor.ect-

fleaa of ihe distance aa famished btm by

ibe gentleman who superintended Ita la)- log.

Mr. E. B. Clark, of the Herald staff,

who was lbs referee st tbe Hoamer-

Meagner walk, proved himself a veritable worker on that occasion. Ilia close

scratlny of lbs "peds" daring the entire

walk compelled fair walking on tbe part or both men, and brought forth well mer-

ited encomiums from tbelr friends."

The Herald says:

"Meagber waa not In prime condition

at tbe time or his match with Uoamer In

Lawrence, the statements of bla friends 10 the contrary notwithstanding.

looked heavy, aod tbe opinions expressed by several gentlemen, previous lo the

match, tbat he would not finish eight miles. If st all pushed, were borne out by

sulisiqueot events.

Tba track over which Hoimer aod

Meagber walked In Lawrence, on Friday nlgbt, measured 211 feet to tbe lap. The

track bad been measured and the figures banded 10 tbe referee, who, for bis own

ssilafacilou, rem.aeured ibe course and

came within 2 5 8 Inches of the measure

meot glveo bv tba friends of the contest




Free Baptist.

The Cbrlstmaa entertainment at the

Pree Baptist church wss really a sneceaa The canUIB of "Hants Clsus," broflubt

oot by this Sunday School for tbe first

time lo the city, written fur Cbrlstmsa

time, Is a very sweet snd auggeatlve tbinj. Il Is couatlmted -(.'»-■ of music,

wun a few short dialogues. The m-islc Is broken loto solos, duets, quartettes aud

chorasts, as represented by different char. acters. Several cl the cbotuaea were very

, •-■;.. t-iHilv "Hall all Hall," "To the

Mountains Buowy Ciest," "Wecoms to

la Ciaus," aod the final choius. The

duet, "Gentle Hope, your pretty lacretj" J*"," the solos, "Somebody's Coming,'' "llo«

tba liny llda must cloe V "Merry Chile 1

■aa to all," "The Whip Ud Bella In Kala


Reerr time you write a letter. Vou matt un or send II10 Ibe pott 1 flic, bead It In sa offi- cial, pay ibe postage, snd leave him lo tills tbs itamp; for some onexptunid reason.— probably iiei-au ■ ■ n.ui 1' i.l ibelr grand fat btre,— ibe Mexican olr), lala aeem afraid le iruat sven a sing's postage stamp slier being paid lor out of tin ir own bands. Jest Imagine ibe 40.000 Inhabitants or Lawrence, each and every on., on writing a letter, d*y or nlgbt, bting com- pe ned to iramp from the Souib Side, lb. Artlnelon, i-inn Clover aid Tower Btlla, totlie post offlve, 10 set .be letter lino tbe mail! Bui

•bim Is eve rj 1 Binir, soil I l.e people tore, noi 'ing HI .tri.-nc U ttr-ster eonveiiiBtices, aeem

to m t<. noi in nutke any tlf.rt lo se tire m; in laet, 111 11 n , .... 10 lie IOB one 1 IM SVI i led. American money, 'Xeepl S

dolls ■ s s st s pi n, urn • r at out la per

Ou tbs Hli loal. the body of a female Inreot, badly dtcomposed, wsa foond by employes of the Board of Health, Iu I

visit U tbe rear of 103 Corcord street

Medlcil Examtoer How waa aoilfied

viewed tbe remains, and gxve It as bis opinion thai tbe body was thai of a fully

duveloped child. Acting noder augges

tlons, fie city marshal I, jao an invest)'

gstloti, which reeo'ted, oa Tnarsday, In

tbe arrest, at Bldiieford, Me., ot a woman named Josephine B ji.leau. aged 28 years,

snd she la cow there, under bonda, await- ing iransmlsalon to Lawrence.

It appears that the woman cane here In

Au-unt, to work In the family of Mr. K- Paonetoa, the. Istter's wife being 111.

She hsd, the year previously, been em-

ployed here lo several respectable places,

ctaracter There appears, however, alight

doubt that she la the mother of ibe cbtid foond In the vault, bat It rt 0. eta so

It ia certain well-known quartern tbat the

woman's condition. If as alleged la An

east last, wsa not made known to ibe authorities by the parties with whom she

was employed, and w'm now appear mo*t anxious that tha moat open luueuloes should bn made respecting parties by

whom she had previously been employed.

A private Inquest wss held by Judge

Harmon, on Saturday afternoon. Several witnesses Were, examined, but tbo result

of tbe Inquest Is not aa yet made pnb-

ilc. In conn rsstlon, Mntdsy, Jnifc-e Harmon said to a reporter that tbe cssi WBS of doubtful paternity. It

lay between him, tbe marshal, and tbe

•redical examiner. When prepared to St)

so he wouid make bis report 10 the clerk

of ibe superior coart, aa obliged to do ao by law. If the child wsa thrown Into the vault when alive, he said, what everyone

knows, that li waa a caas of deliberate nioidf r.

Medical examiner Howe was aeen and

stated tbat be could not aay that tbe child

waa alive wbeo deposited Iu tbe vault,nor

would be make a s'ntemtot 10 tbat effect. He farther said tbat when tbe body waa

nronght him for examination It was li badly il. composed state, aod while ibe

presumption might be that the Infant bad betn killed he could furnish no evidence to that iff ct.

Tbe woman Bolllean Is held In $500

bonds at Btddeford, but la all probability Will be Drought here for arraignment un-

der Section 11 ol Caap. 207 or ibe Genera KtMtules. which tnfoices a penalty of a

floe not exceeding glOO, or Imprisonment In jail not exceeding one year lor "con*

c« aitrent, by mother, ol death of bastard child."

Found l). ad.


id ibe- bib rni'i-i.-r in IDS "li.ur-ponce" snd in -p nee" ol twenty-five yesrs sto In New Bnglai.o; in lai 1 ar Am.-rie.n. In euruli g b. r.-. might profitably collect a I ibe worn aid uatieied tlivi r win . Ins " ifrOiii lie 1 .1. as ibe worst specimen |as*e* ■a rea.nlv a* tbs bright' at new com. I his an- unonr.. I'm going eul lo tec more of trie Kleci, agd leays U.e uncuniloiiaby tavy

- tbe City uf Mexico. I have _. Ba'ely rallen ia wlto some gamiemen, IH -

diB'so' thla roantrr, to whom I am ladebseu ior my tflorU la making tbs transit pleasant.

Jails Jones, aged apout at) years waa iimmt daad in »-' laaJ •• W .. j i> _i,^r,„_ lOrporatloa on Tuesday nlxbt about ten o'clock. Toera waa ao ooe In ihe room when the woman died but It Is surmise 1

with apparent irutbrnluese.thai berhut- oand was wltb her st 2 pm. They bad oot bean living together fo' aome weeks,

he boarding on Common steel, aud ah*

st tbe pisc-j where abe bretlbed her laat. They have four children, tbe eldest a

ooy 20 years of age, who la a baa nt from

the city. Adauguter, IS yeara of axe

Uncovered her mother dead and gave ibe tlarm.

The woman ha 1 been working a short 'law el the. Everett mills sp'oliBir room.

Ou Christmas day she lelt lie house to 40 to Si. Laurence church but none 01

tier movements during tbe day aia known

o tbe board. I De* mistress. Hbe had fre-

quently complained 01 a pain atout her

neart, and tbe euimlse Is ibat her death waa csuaed by heart disease.

Medical examiner Howe was called to

ew the remains, hoi not until tomor-

row will he be prepaied to maka a stale- •tent.

Past oral CM 11. ■ ta

At tb- meeting ol Uiace cboreh parish, on Wednesday evening, Il waa voted 10 invite Rev. Augustus II. Armory, tbe

prtaent curate, lo become ncter. Mr.

Arnaory, la addition to his duties as cur-

il", has been IbBtof of St. Pan.'s ctiunh, North Andoter, snd both here aod there

:11a been regarded as sn earnest Christ-

ian worker. It is naderetood thai the call, which Is unanimously ixtended ay .be parlsb. will be accepted.

Uecauae It Is true. All Bebo-tt of MfdleJaa BsMas that Benson.. ^.■-k-iL*- iJ*4*" U *• bast .gtjrual

— Sunday was ihe coldest of the sea-


—There was driving oa the river on


--Meagser, the pedeatrian, left for

Boston on Saturday.

— Dristoll aod Holskv have been match-

ed 10 walk tco miles lor A2i0 a side, Jan-

uary In

—Toe Ural alelablng party of the see-

eon cslile In. 111 Uaverblll on Wednesday


The Salvati u Army paraded Water

atreet on Buoday afternoon aod fnett lo

pray la ihe ano*.

—The boys at the Industrial school em- r.yed their Coriatmas entertainment on

Wednesday evening.

— Hol.-k.! wrllea that if allowed 4140

yarda tu fiO miles, or 500 In 2J, be Will

walk Mesgber for «300 a side.

—The (Mages of InatnnM Icicles pending from the uui of buildings Just

BOW, are (lilts picioresque in their ap-


—Foijheatlng a boarding bill, Margaret Cdlnaau, a minor, 00 We loesdsy, was

seoieuced lo tbe lodnsfilal school at


—Tbe Lawrence AWEBICAN Annual for

l(jf4 laat band. It la llo*ly printed and

contains much In forma lloa.- |"Newbury-

port Herald.

—A slight lira at Colby's undertaker

rooms, on Common street, BIBS extin- guished without alarm, on Saturday eve-

ning. 11 orlgluaicd from a gas J«W

—Tbenunua1 supper of tbe common council was pirtakeu of at ibe St. James

liming r.ioniK on Wednesday eveolug. A

delectable bill ol fare was served.

—An order waa received at 1 30 p, in,, on Monday, bv D uniann, Blcknell A

Barker for a pair of trousers. Tbey were

made snd delivered at S.80. Qaick work.

—Tbe common council melon Wednes-

day evening but tranaacied 00 new busi-

ness. They will meet for lbs last lime

00 Friday evening to revise and accept the Jury list.

— Rev. A. KDrew, formerly pastor or

Garden arrest cburcb in ibis city, snd

00W statloued over tbe Plesasni-eireei

chorcb, si New Bedford, reports over 100

converel'tiia daring the past few Weeks.

—Mr. Jjseph Williams desires tbe con-

tradict tue atatemooi tbst there waa bo daoce av ihe city bail oo Christmas evu.

Ha stales there was dancing until 11.tu

p m .although Lbe ic-uberlag was meagre.

—Congressman Rasswtl has again be.u

appointed to the "ways and ra-aua" com-

mutes. M ruiiii-rshi;. ou ibis committee

la conaidered cqu.vuleui to ordinary


—Mr. A. R. Stanoard has completed

the alter of the f r«neh Catholic Church.

It is Gothic In dealgu aud quite hsud- Bonieir painted In paril-coiora aud gilded

Dy Sueedy A Garvey.

—Blcknell Bros, with chsiiclerlsllc gtnerosity on Christinas dsy, presented

each or Ihrlr clerks with a eesl skin Cap Valued at 91$ The lady book-keeper

was rtmetuotred with a handsomely bouud snd richly embossed copy ul Web-

ster's dictionary.

—Tbe opposition to the coneolldallon

of the Eastern aud Bus'uu A Maine rail-

roads la Increasing. Tha matter will

probably touie before the Lntlslainre the coming aeeilon, aud a powt-rlui rallruad

lobby ta aaid to bv organized to woik on

tje doubtful members.

-The city maishal has applied to the governor lor nquisiilou papers for tbe

CUalody ol of Josephine Bulilesu,

it i- ail. /..d killed *•! cbi d by tbtuwlug

Il Into a vau.t al the rear or lofl Concord

street, on August 22. It Is expected ilia sne will ba brought here Friday.

—Tbe reports are that ihe prospect for

a good Ice crop wss never better at t! I

lime of year than II Is at piesent. Tbi

cold of Sunday msde an excellent lour,

-datum, tbe ice on (be river being from four lo alx laches iblcb, aud a abort pi

rlod only of tolerably Cold weather wi

be needed to thicken it enough to cut.

—Deanls A. Driscoll, of Lynn, chal-

lenges Robert E. Pollock, iis walk £0 miles for gSOO to gCOO a aide, but be does

nut say aoything shoot the start of one

mile Wblcb be agreed to give follock a abort lime eloca. 11 Drlecoll allows Pol lock ibe suit, a match will Immediately be made between tbe two men.

— Grant, conductor 00 the Bos-

ton and Portland nlgbt rrelght train ou

the B. AM. Railroad, bad his left root it ibe ankle by a car wheel, Satu -

day nlgbt, at Rolllnsford, N. U. In

stepping on to the car, bis feet slipped

sod be fell, landing wl'.b one foot on ibe. track.

Wadue* 1 iy tu re was B very pleas

ant gsth-rltig at the residence or Miss 1 la Armstrong, Lowell street, tic oeca-

stun being a surprise party, compli-

ntary to tbat lady, whi Is aboat lo

leave the employment ol Kuluni Brothers, tendered by ber associate employes. Mt.

C J. Fulton, In hsppy Words, present, d

Miss Armstrong with tbe following re-

minders ol friendship from herco-workera sliver cake basket, silver butler dish, catd

album. Tbe recipient'b.leflr returned

h*i thanks. Aa appeiistug repeat waa served, aod a lew hours passed la vocal

and lOBtrnmentst music and games.

—Daring tbe pim year a larger number

o' deaths have probably occurred among

the uld residents of Lawrence than In

say previous year In tbe history or our city. A singular circumstance too, is

tbat most of them have resided on Uav-

erblll street within a short radius ol the common, and were some ur oar best loofta sad most belovert people. Han. sad Mrs. Mnton Boaney, Ms. II. C. Ba-

con, Mr. L. Beach,sen, Mrs. Isaac Fletch- er, Mrs. Joseph ft Battlea, Mr. S. Allen Simmon* aad Miss Btrtwell, faave ail

passed swsy within about the apace or

lime named, while tan last four have died

llbln the past two or three weeks.

an Andover Advertiser.

Kallroad resist.

Andover lo Rostov., a 51. 7 sa, M ot a St, ajgjM II IS, a. re. It IS. Hit t.Ot.H.-t. em. tm, im S.IS.P an. (VV.dne.daj.,.SS«. a. a, 1 Btraileya I a. a. ,., ,1 1... lal i*.*, ».*.*'

To Law re nee. B it Hi.** II. It. a at. ItM, 1 ja. 1 M, .1 1. sot, p. as.

1.7 in. a sj. 11 ft:. 11.IU, a.' 111'.' 11.1a, t«

s,und.yj..B« an I. .I"K K .,-.t. » 'I 1

Praaaed lor time—A mammy. Dog lost.—See Bdvertltem. ot. Linen first made lo England, 1235. Cnimn -v. first put Into hoatea, 12U. Olsat windows were Ant used In UN. William Luce, of Uoultun, Me., Is 101 yean


The jear cornmeocaJ 00 Monday aid

b baa removed to bla a WI it -s oa Moii I. James B. Hmi

dence on Main 1 cm n .t s'ri*b;rriot io Savano il at ba

rale ot gl per basket. A gray wolf wat caught In a trap at F rt

burg. Me., on S.mrJay. "

A rich widow It the on'y aecoud bam ax lets Ibat brings a tint claaa price,

Professor PoeiDa Taylor preached at ibe Houlb church, last Sabbath.

I'r .f.-i.r («.-'. K. Mi S.uiu church. Button,

Wov abould a laiiy not letra Fianah? Be- cause ooe longue Is enough for any wumia.

Atom alx bundrerl slelgba bava beea made In Portland, Me., ibis tear and sold lor au . 000. *^

Saolay wat the coMeet dav of tha teatoa the nii-r. ury raooiog 20 below tiro la touts lo- ca lines.

An ui u'uslly large amount of Cbrlttoui p-r.ents were received by mail ana rxpreti, oe Monday.

A Loa Ang-li« rancher baa relax* a parapkla so large tbat bit two children cae a ha.f tack for a ctadle.

A yniing ladv ca'led her beia "Honey- tnek it,-' neeaetehela alwajt hanging over tha fioi t rallloga.

Atvin Jrnk i ,«, who haa been tick f >r several mmiil t. bat ti iar recovered bia iiaa.ih at ny be about again.

A woman, wbodwet'a In Mlddleboro'. ha* to far this year baked 6-i7 plea fur a lauiily or ruar or Ore peraona.

During Iu rorty yssn the Now York Trlhaaa —"-dfi-ors-lL-cblal, UuracsQreeley

aod WI 1.1. Tbo Presl

tlx al -lllHil

Raid. lit received alx gold canetug

-'"■ Ko.d and sliverbandhi,


The Lawn I Club Defeated.

The range at Walnut Hill w.s occupied

all day Chilstmae by Ihe regular matches

The dsy wss all ibat cuold be deal red lor rifle abootlng.h.ith Ibo light aad wi.d

being lavoraole. Daring the day a lilena-

ly maicn was shot between trims from

ibe Massscbaaeiia R-ge Association, and the Lawrence it fl; Club, Which revolted

in a victory f-.i the Msssscbusstu team- Appended are the sores ;


tor bla Cm Ulmss presenia.

Henry L vtiupb. a Sew naven, Coat- barber will toon reeelva p87 000, which bat lal'ca to bin In Germany.

In eocd old Blhl-i tlmra It waa coaa'derad ■ miracle for an set to apeak, but nowadayi nou i ig short «f, tninru will keep uas qalet.

Abbot Aril my will commence Hi nrxl term oa Tears, ay of next week, snd Vbllllat will begin no fridsy ot neat weak.

The annual new year's entertainmeni ol tb* free CburchSiDhath stb-iol will he be d al tat vestry ol "be church, next Monday eveolng.

"No. air, mv daughter can ntver he yours." "I don't want her 10 las my Uaegbier," broke IS ibe j oung ardent, "I want her to be my waV Hear/ M. Hay ward besj tat built an i -a boos,

ne-r tbe Shawsblr. Ki*er, .1 Ballard Vale It ia 26 bv M leal. Tue work was dois by Uajy

Tbe usual Chrlstmaa a*rvicn were he'd st the L'ailioiic snd Episcopal cburcoes, on Taaa- dsy, but the day otherwise was rtmarkibly quiet

P. T. Btrnotn ea'le 1 In 'hrse doctor! ta wu. nesa a rodlcil to h % will, tbe other rn.irnlef.asa made ili-m aeear that tbey believed him tu ba 01 soui d mind.

Tbe Merrlmack Mutual Plre Ininranre Coa> panv h»ve issued a very neol ra'endar lor tM year 1814. and all pdtcv m> d.r. can ohtara tb n. by apply ing al the t fflce.

Tbe entrrtanrnent lo ba given In tbe tows ba I. BeXt r-'riday . y.-nlng, by l'miea-or Mil or, wel be Interesttng 10 alt Many new aod won- derful tent will ue perform d.

A ynuiiK glnm 11 Shields, of Until Co. Texas. He is 21 veers old. 7 leel, 8 incltt blgh and welsby 291 pounds. He baa itx brothers, all over teven feel tu b'ght.

The Sou'b cburcb Sabhath rcbool will ht'i their anneal etitrriainment and gilt tnelnut vetiry ol tne church. 01 F * t\ enlng ol tali wotk. commenting at 7 o'clock. All ata la- vtied,

Kol'owina tbe anveeatlon of lbs Preiideat, Rev. B. !■' Broiiion made t .e high sod nobl* charterer of Washington ibe theme ef bit da- oiioi 1. last Babialh morning, at tbe Baptist church.

Blabop Warren, of the Meihodlst Episcopal ebnrrb, lie)nn tone married to Mrt. fill), at Colorado, tut widow or tbe f.moii, rattle klsg, "-bo I* rruurUU 10 be worth in m four lo sic

"What are eon going to do when yon grow ni', " inur don't snow bow !•> Ciph-r }" siktd a hne»m or nf a tlrrW hoy. ••flSga ,^|0, n, uo t school- tiachrr, sol make tbe boy a do ihselpb- ei-lng," wss lbs reply.

A Tew dayt since Cbar*at H. Dtle, ot Clara- moni. N.U. 'hula lynx, welgh'ng 2a n..aadi anrl Mainline 22 Ince-s bisk Tha belterii tbal tbla wsa ibe "pantber" which baa done to mack damage In tbat acetion.

Ata town meeting a large tax-oarer rnte np to proteat Bgatsr- hui'illa j a ne v »ciol hoiee lo a certain p.,rt of iba town. "What's the rood of lir"sm.d he. "they are aa Uaorsnt aei down ibere, any war."

Dr. George B. Lorlng predicted a cold wlatsr wiih considerable .-now. aod be look a slslahto Washington ta be ready for an emergency. The anew sto'io of Sunday will sff.rd biro sa opnononi'y toabow a MsMacbusoita inmost for winier.

Ssnta Clam l-a.l a c irdlal w,-lc ims oa Man- day night aod iiiipented gttu »nh a prolate Band. There was suns inconvenience experi- ■ ■ -. .1 in tinning many eiorkfogv naucb too small to contsio l5o slf>a a«»lgoed, altboait '■1 m ■ ..1 Ho HI were immrnaely large.

Loal Friday, Miss Nellie Woodbrtrtga, who haa b. en reseblnr In Methuen tor a num b-r of 'erms, wa* made Ibe recetptent of an elexant oil ..lining, siso a pair ol vasea. Boib picture and -ss. s wete rreiemed to ber by tier pupils at aa ■» 1 rssslua of ibelr love sud respect.

A teacher nk-d a lutte girl who waa the Brat nan. Sh- >.i,| .be rltd not know. Ha thes itkad an I lull girt who. looking very pmad it teir-g Bbl - to g|TH tba answer, said. "Ailain, "r,, J X."0 "*'d BOt '°"k "° arrand aboat «,J

aid the tirti ichoiar,' be wasn't an Iriahman. The Oagood iltfrid. Epiacnnst and Biptltl

Sabbeib schools bad their annual festival* and gilt rreea, on Monday eveninv. and lha Unum, tBa:iard V.Jd, aod the We-t charch had

ibens 00 Tuetsiay evening. They w.ll 11. n led and n e little ii.lks weis much grail- ed wltb ibe prea nia ihey recelsed. An Insbm m tried lo shoot a little chipping

bl.d with an old metket. He fired The bird, tlih a cbtrrop u, i*0, a rw a-ar one scorned, md rst saiftly ssd uomleaslv laid ..n hit Mai

In tbe bicksroned 8b.king bia flit at the blid. hoexelain.ed,"BeJ.hera. ye wouldn't a chirruped ify«'d been at ibis Indoflbe gao."

The stores did a large baslnaaa on M 'odaT. especlaiiv in tbs evening. Wblitog bad two or tbree extra tslesmsn and bit niwq,ari-ra were psL-aed with eager purchasers, so ibat lo- cmotlon wat nearly tinpoiitble. Stacks of t<>»B and oilier articlea were readily 1 itpoeed of. Bla sales for s week past, besides many oiher aiuible snlce>, have embraced maoy vary

Ine gold watebct.

United Statea aenatorlal aqnlba. Saaator Hbaroa tootv like a "down E .si" deacon. Sen- ator Brown, of Oeorgla, Is Ibe moat patriarchal looking pert. na.e. Seoalor Paodl ion. of 2rs5! "AV'''"II"U'1 dlooera 10 tha Demncrscy .1 hi. Wa.b.ngton residence. 8e„,t hr Warner Miller commenced in. ia , c„DOtrv aibuol L*f*^-'g<.*'wawajf|g eetsyaaj .a'a

cat dual, lor Prs.ideal, and never will Senator Mahov-. and tbs Vtrglnia Bead-

lohavedeflntielv deoldosl tojilu am Senator Vest is tdiing lotoa ■ n Washing-urn ilniii bis trip 10

Park, la»t Bummer with Hike I)wight M.


W. Chanel, K. J. Cram,

1 1 1 1 1 1

1>. Kbkaood, J. U. Fellows, 1 4 t s a t

Total 17J

remedy kaows. sto.

LAWBBKCX Itrn CLl'B. O.M.Jewell, itttttSet t-ift T II Howe, StSttStSt l-tt s.Lewis, I I I I t I I I ' 4-et K. r*. ttmhsnlaOB, 4 4444H44I 4—41 A. Il, Ahleo, 4 S 4 ft 4 t 4 W-PlaaWr, I44444B44 4-41

Sheridan i Sabin, tbene* cbalrman < nub lean committee, his an ol *100 OdO Byear. His bohhv Hihamtf. Hi sas 28 pai.a In bia room si W«Lin,wu-a pair fur ev.rr year a* bat iivad.

Tbe closing lectors nf Ibe Tenple's Coarse wss on Friday evening hy R,.. p. g. Uaks-

•ee. I Is much lo he rearetted Ibat the &>l<l, elber with lha npn>—— ■••eet engagamem, id.niis».oehoillav a.asoa, preveu'td »j my nl ih. ticket holders fr«m atteBdasce.

The lecture was an exif pdonal.r Intar-stlBg rne, giving a arspblc n vi <w of tl e caua a and nii.k-n • of me French RaTamtlon, wtib brief itetcti niiieesoi tome ol the ra ire promlneat actors in that tragic t niggle. Those wbo h ad ihe murage „ face tbe c-> d were wetl repe id 'or their daring. Mr Makepeace dterraa ibe

a-iv thanks of the e|i-a os ol Andover tor e energetic and gratuitouseff.trta In sicorlng

for them so credtlanle a course ol lectnrss al to rtaaonablB a charge lor admitsen. And be It to lie-onwrsiu'stcl on the a tcceaa wblcb haa altended bit experiment. Ws bav: many cltl- aens capable or string as laierrs'lar and uiofli- abls lectures, .(„,, we d MI ni ant, would gladly

operate wiih Mr. Makepeace la mis laud .hie

Total w

lu 'l.o Cfv.dmoor practice match, an Lea [a Saumiera wsa loin ; In Hie Cu . d BOOf nilgv m.icli, A b| Mr. 0. M Jewel

BBS ticoto lii ibe .'■ t hnjal isiget malcb.

HoaarokD'a ADtu PUOSPHATB,

Uo. qua lad. Dr. R M. Aiexan.-er, Pauasttabargb, Pa.,

aayai "I ihn.k ll..rtio.d't Acid Pbosphsis ia cot equaled In auy other preparation "

tllwi BT

Last week two farmers In the tooth pa-t of

tbeiown p.i-edawav. O*o. A An not' died al resUencemihell.liu.stnei on the far ■

f irmtri> owmdny h.a faiber, toe lata Orlanoo Abbott, on ibesgeni S3 tears. Hi bad not been able ro perform lull manual la bor lor many years nn acu.rmt of Ur hi adh, inn 11 e pnsi .-e-Miii seemed i-i.hiiy Inner. A few |,»*' a be re.ei'ad a paialyile stieke, Inm ahieb he was en irolv pfjnia red. H a lueergl to. k plies la-r H, ,iMm artorno en, K- v. r. b. M04.peA.ce ..Mealing. M- A MI oil has lelt a widow aa I a Bon and ibreedauublsrs, Ha was a man ol i] net d. mei.nor, uoo'nru< I vi ni-nni-r. good hsniis and ao accomodatlar oelgbbur.

Bfwarirr Jeokfst died at hi home la tha Scotlaod dl irtct, on Satarday. at the age of 78 years. Mr. Jenkmt "at a oaitvs aod long re tj- dest of ibltipwn.snd was well and l.vorskiy

'known In ihlt (.tmiBmnity. It Ms two axwiti


J. E. WHITING, Watch Maker and Jeweller,

HBI nmiivnl to Barnard's Block. Having been established In Awlwver for Sixteen yearn, 1 have been obliged, owing to my lncreaaf»d buelneas, to move to more f( irniodliius quarters, where will l.e found a good assortment of:

Ladles' and tienta* GOLD and SILVER Wo.lili.iui WATCAES,


Lad tit,' acd GenU' Watch Chains, Plain and Fancy Ring*, Fine Watch and

Clock Repairing. French and English CLOCKS a specialty. A good assortment of Warranted Cutlery.

Toys and Confectionery for the Holidays.

J. E. WHITING. Barnard's Brick Block, Main Street, Andover, Ma>8.

MOfet went to U.ilyoke lo it'snd tba faneral I The Unitarians, ever mindful of whatever Ol tin hrolber III-IMW, Jcei ILu--r I. E q On lend* to primmtu p'He- plm-ur ■. bml. TI krr[i- nli reiurn he aioupid sis reluilves in Woi | Ing wltb s Hroe-Doniirvd <u-toro, a Cnritiuia. Npniufl. la, wbrreilie ■*■ lasm enddtOly ink "~~" remained ibeie f'r tjiueiime. Hs *■■

OARD, M-. Rim. l-l1 wni'l snr tol^ltllM of An-

ilor.r tost • »« hva learn •<! IIM srl of lodrllo t or ■miii attin >mg. an I i« prsparsd to tunp m •stIB.rrlvaLor any onU-n . ,<>.. die ha* ■ new AS*"rt.i>eat or ualurn. la the lets-1 a.y'a- alto Drss.BiaBlaa. Makiig, li, uriefa f'.nerna. and ■ uf Die.* 1,1. n .in**, Hai-nm- N.edVa, *o is..i. » sis in it. n la "ail end siamlnr si her loom', k r. sl-iii sad Psiksu ir ,\,>- ,,

Nalliuii F. Abbott,

STONE CONTRACTOR. fclonr ruralinad for loaadsiiona and other

purpose., si sl.on noil a. Cellars ooslrsrieii IUI in lowntml vicinity snilbuillbve.ueriaooed wurtmaa. Kmj7

WOOD & COAL f bite Asb an. Franilu coali.



JOHN CHANDLER. Andover. Ufds.*sr«e»iT«d,aad bills isttln, si

J. H.CHAMDLXB'I Oonoslif Pa tones.

taken boms by bn trii nds teveial week! », o, hoi wa, COOtUlilly tUll g until hi* dv^rsse Ttu funeral of the iln-m-.— .rccarnd on, Taes- dag allernoon, Rev. i. A. Der i rtkiatinf, at hislsie rnk'rnce. He has lift a widow snd

t wo toot snd two dsnubteis. Mr. Jrnklm was an bon'i' mil upngbt cttisen, Mil Mil Is greatly ii.i-stii in ibe oelguoo.bood snd ootn muni'y, wuere be has »o ling rttUirtl. Hs bo'S hi- tlrknen with OBtlenre and wrt laliulj sad trusuns'T resinned lu tbe change which be was coon-lout was to toon spproacblng.


L-wli Wlllard bsd s bone dia on TnetUjy ■lath*.

Til's htonn« factory It ■hat down tor s week or two on account of necti.aary .epalra

Tbe Curia niia ■mice at iba Methrdlit ehsrvb, Soud.y evening, eontlaird of retpon- alva nadlnKi, mule aud ►■ ini rerdi»gt by HIIHI Sarab A. falluwa and Luells Manoon.

The Sunday sthoul of the Hvthod'at cfaunh bsda Cbr'simai tree st Hradlee Hall, atonday ««rnlnir. The tail was Blleu with a vary or- der]*, happy company. AH *-nurd to rij.y tbemaslTea. The Petty hvtil.y. of Lswrenne, farnsbtd tbe Inatrumcntsl n<u*l<s, «.J it wsa ■ very Mofl entertsHtmeni. Nuiimu t»rtt.r here for s long lime. There were alsn readings and rrclrain n» by Hissel Luella Hagooo, Eva Belle Dey aid &srsb A. Krllows.

A'thousb ibe kiotm (fFr.d'ykept many frtm sitajidlag thernnusl lair of <ue Mrti..- dtat cburcb, atill el <>u <h weni to make it quitt a »u" ei u. From ti « as'ea ti>en msdu aou alsn on C'r i in i iff the Elocieiy win nat from S93 lotlOO, 'I ti. iiiiiiia'iim.ut ■ n Pillar eveinH|t Waiibe best we have bad. Hr. K Ft->endn. nod Miav Al«rr i-rraidid si th« pisno, uttme u» tf.ur Uu. ti, abtcb were waimiy ep{<laad<d b> Ibeaunknoe. Ma. II. K, Faraent, ot Grove* land, marie ber rli.i appearai ce here as S ria'- er. snd sit were plrsai-d. Ut-r manntr waa slm|la and pleaa Rg, and b<r rradina* well rendtitd. Sbe w|,i always bavn a cordial ••- come twra, ll^r leitcituns win: "Flying Jim's Lin I«es|> " "Iba BacbS'ora dale." "Thv Jine s"'R'H.kri'sCbilniu««,-' "JoaUb Allau'a WHS st A. T Siswsrt'a S.ore."


Ueellns of the SHrctmsn. Uoadsy, At Uernmac Hall, to-ni|bt, the Halloa Cou-

blnarluh (irrimu. The Faimers' and Michsnlcs' Club holds

nee try Monday CV-HIUK uett. TbeEtMD Buttons mtrrtnined tbrir fr'eods,

tt tbe engine bans--, Cbrldma* ITO.

Hr 0<o. W. KlifcdL-n, of Z.neavltls, Ohio, It ID n.wii visiting Irkads. lie will return lo morriiw.

MIZI Turadsy tvcnlni, st Rtevens Hall. Mr- (Jen. r*. Oi man will give so Illastrated Itcture In St- Paui's course.

The Alumni Aianclstton or tbe Jobnaon Il'dhSili.i i m-ri Ibis evening In ibe school, ai 7 13 u'cluck.

Mr. Onl- lies shot a large tnx on Cbrlftmss D.y. near u e tionae of Mr. George W. Tucker, In the Farnhsm District.

Tbe regular n eetlne of the North Andover Cl aniat'li- Unlin ia pottiine't a wrek, which bring* ibe aiceiing lo Jaeuar) 9 ti.

There Will be a maiteal set vice st St. Paul's ('nun li, Sundaj r*inin«. at 7 o'clock. U«V. na Lawrence wli] deliver a discourse.

At an e'ecrion or i IB re re of Lewrtnce En- esmpmen'. 1- 0. 0. P.. Lswrence, la«t Friday iTenini. Mr Jal. I'-iuiMin was Cboten S. W.

Tbe annual arclaMe of tbe Parmeri' and M— Chanlce'Uub, for mcmlvrxand tbelr faml lee, occurs al Bttvsui Hall, nut Wednesday evea- bf-

Tbe Isil note sgalnet the town bas recently bats paid, ana Ibe town !■ now free from d<bt, *zcr|,t -in b bills as ars contracted Irum mooib lo muntb,

Beivlces were brld In St. Psul's Church. Chrlatmas forenoon, al 10 i-Vlock. As uiusl, on tbe occasion ol tbe great errlr* lest leal lestl van, the inierinr wsa Burly decorated-

Mis. Jos. P. Bitt'e*. who il en In Lswrence, last Sunday, parsed ibe lurnmtr moniba fur a num1 er ol year* here, and waa hi.nlv respect- f-t iiy all a bo had ibe plesaure ol berstqualnl. ■Dee.

A twn-wsif(I sleleb containing; four persona from Andnvir, collided with a breaking ooi sled, near Mr. C-rnry'a residence, Weiinead.-y sttirnoon, lbs rtault that tbe fclclgb war conalderabiy dimssred.

Chief of Tolice Rohlnson bsi notified bis force to prepare and fur* art* lo bei suaccoantof tbe nnmber of srresis (n any) I he can tea iberefor. In unUr that b> may make 'Hit btu annual report.

The f dlowini cm -m were eboeen by Wau wlnet Lex gs ot Od.< Fellowt. Wednrtd-y even In*: N.O , W11...H. S(i,i..:r\ilii-: V. U., MOMS Merrill; Bee., Oeo. S. 8penc<-; Per. 8-c, Win. lid'.Iday, Jr t Ties* . J. A. Psrraer; Trustees, H. B. Fosicr; John Pollard, J. A. Eilleufl.

At -nldtiifht, CbriaimaB eve, Mr. Reuben Bu'Rit's bai.d of (arolari sallied fcinb, sod, by ip.iial Invitation, vulied a bumrier ot resl- denera, sherstbey were warmlj received sad entertaintd. Ibe vocal and iDtiromenial ■nuaic of lbs (otupauy were the mij.uia of many enconlnmi.

At Us Bom*n Calbolic Church, ChrrmsR, Diatfra were e-lebrated at 7 and lOo'clo-k, Itiv. rr. MiMaiiu- celehrsied Ibe DIM mi*-, ■nd Rev. Pr. 8btedy tbe second. Tut; oeco- were In n<>"d is it, and were much admired. Ihe offenna: lo the pastor, It Is said, tact odea In siaouut that of soy preceding collection.

Rev. A. II. amory, mlnister-ln-charae of Bi. Paol'a JJi-non, haa been tinanln.ooily tsvilvd

he vestry, Tuesday evening, ihe descending mow flakes were ft re ly flitven ibrou. b Ibe sir. tendering FT decidedly uncom- lorui.le lor noe to be abroad, hut Mill Ibe num- ber sticndiig wat Isrge. EOT ciive arrangi- menl ol a lib-ral quantity of Urrorative mile- rlsl, added greatly to lbs appearance ol Ibe vtitrr. VVbin lbs rompsry bad psitaken ot a subai. utlsl »n, n. r, ibe tspcrs on tbe taviably bedecked tree were liebted, and many txurea- tlons deoollng nil. ii-inui and delight i m- anate,, IruSi Ihe dnidren. Notsiiiale nirm- berolibocbuoi wat forgotian In the distrihu non of various kinds of gifit, candy I alng a no nil in-lied to escb one. On account ul tbe se- vers atorm ihe tune uiualiy devoted to aoclabil iy atter the Criatmaa ties leatur* waa tunall-

■ d.boi ibe tnurtainmeni was nevcribelcst a Buviehsiul one In every naptct,

Uhrtitmsi bsi come, and Cbrlttmas bat paaaed, but the atone ol 'S3 *a« not forget ten This year, st in pan yesra, Iba celaiirsilun ol be birth ol ibe Saviour of ibe wurHl. by songs

of pralae snd tbe presentation of gilts, in in,- IUIKJB, partly, of iba "whs men ol tbe Rate," abuse story we have all read, was d.riiineiii- ■raied In tbe vestry of ibn Cungrenstionai

Cburrb. Cbnslmaa eve. Ia respunse lo the ln- vi'ii irom ibn pu'pli, last Sunday largo of kith young and

old, gatbertd ia the vretry ; lbs young flrat to anuch/ate, and ihen to receive, ibsir presents, and ibe older ouet an flud thtlr J iy in tbe j iy ii the children. The people gathered early, ind aboui 6 u'c'ock aa maay coul I b« were ■isieii. Tumi Cuilatmaa carols were sang Hiaa Florence Knii'-ad prraldlng al Ibe organ; test came sibort idlresa by the psaior. It v. Ii- It. l.-aviu., Hti)>r.<|t »'.<■ l>< I In: uira-I.Mi At er urayn a liouoiHui collaiim, provided bi

ibe MM if tbe church, nrved by tbe yonng ind lair. b. mil|Fi.e l ibe p eaiore oi all. W brn ba loldlna- dooit ot ibu smaller ve>try ware a beautiful Cuiil maa mo, wtlb its uu in. i >ui> lights and biavily ladi D tub preaenu fur all, ii>« expreaalona of plea- ire were loud snd d. jir. Tbe >*** tairly clapped thru bnud> in alee, snd. aa they msriheo torasrj ana received tneir glut,

pleasure wsa exyi-*>ted in mure way* >n«. In ilil- ihey were br«nlli J >ined by

their parent* and Inenda, Tbe licooraliona wtre approi r ale, and very renly snd prailily arranged. Tne pristtnis weis heamliul, and well seitcted. Mmb credit U) due to tba offl- c ra and iritnda uf ibe nhool fur their inti real gild ikfll in in inagelug ibe sotert>l iment, and it will causa Iba xmaa season ol IStKl u> o« long

Elegant cm gli i u HI. M, and a vat KIIU atC C. To

a:y of Use I ipkina' il i

nnaawcallh at Maaaaekweatta,

William Fro man Isle ol North Andover, In sal luunty. yeoman, dcosaasu, luivalale,


i Qerebv olted to appear st a probate

i ilie -'i Huudsy of Jal

Aud thoaaid 4.l.ii.(ii I. nun l.'if.i to •' ihia clutlou by pui-li.tiiog Urn sauis one week In Iba

Lawuxsce Aatucsx A?<n ANUOVXB iuvi.,11111.11,

snewapsperprUiad al Lawienee, three weeks eueooaalvrly, tne uaal uublicaiiun l« be iwo daia al lea.i beiore aaio court.

vnuie.e. Jeoise r. Uloate, Esq., Ju.lae oi aald e.iuii. Una Jt.i day ol Do.a.uiier, In Ibe m" elgri'iB.. bundi'vdaiiiic.giiiy ilnee.

Ul« 14 II J. T. iAUU.VfcY, KegloUr.


FRIDAY EVENING, JAN. 4th. Return viait of

PROF. MILLER, By request of many Citiieae.

Thia renown'il rieaiiiliaiianur and SI >l«ht <l Usr.d feifurmer will ,•■« snouirr •xbihltlor umitr ihe auapiue, ol the Aniluvrr Brsva M-nu

Doar*limn at 7. 0. Rxhilntl i~ naalna :>' '■■ Admission, 25c. Rosary I:i-uU.3o«

'I'liikuiB al Uiapsre', an auu afver atouday, Deo. II.

Mualc will bofurnlahed i j Ihe Orcbeatrs.

i d, female, pen. beagl"! No

unwrailrd labori snd broad Cbrlatian princi- ples been of incalcnlanhj good, to Ibe joulblul mlaaion, wl ere be is mncb loved, and blidrpsnura will cnata a vacsncy which wli. wltb sfJhnlty be Oikd.

TbescbolBrt attending Ibe Klm"sll dltirlci school, with their psrenii snd Irienda, bsd an entertainment in Ibe t-chnol boute, laai Friday evening. There wet a OsVMUBM tree, singing and a vot'aitoa. A plessaui. pi-odo of tbe or- railtn. wai ibe preaentallun ot an rlevant. illut- tr.i. d volume m Longlellow'a wurki to Mlos Helen Sargrnt, ihs loecbtr, by ber pupils.

Ohrbjimas ilmi BIWSVB brings with U a weailii of goof- beer, aid there •« certainly DO leek ot it at the MnbodiBt vestry Cbrlatmia Bight;setoonted for, nodcubi, hy tbe taci that Ihers wss s great atiuud^rca of Ihiss tnirjga which nil the aiomich, and often tfsf heart a* will, A large nnmOtr touk tupper Ineludme not only KHsaaluM people, nut also mvny other,, sit of whom received sheariy welcome. Alter MI u [«T a stiorl eiilri ulnment wat given, contltling cl singing and tbadow pantommimea, Tbe pn aenta were tben taken i.ffilic tree, many oTwhlcb pnduced muib merriment. The pe-J- pls went homo early uu scio ml jf the snow.

Tbe Cbritimaicorcert, given by Ihs Meth. odi-tCbnrcbBabiiatb School, Suuday evening, proved to be a very Inairt-cilvs snd plc»s*tit tervire, and »st pionounci-d hy »ome ibe best coBiert given In ihe plsce lor someyeur*. tnilre was nasda up 01 exertlir, entitled "Ihe Bo'y CUIUI. , menied Iiy an anlbem b» the choir, sa-t ■ qufcrtciie. Tie moat nouieaNe real the concert ws, Ibe very excellent a Which tscbtiflr "wing l« "becsreluirebt ttudrr tba direct! M at Mr Edward Buitei BndionMqiienlly many i.f iboee fraiuret wbic^ tomellmea render a 8«i oath School — onjoci'onable tor a 8ab0<- ware entirely absent, closed by ihe tinging of Hllra audience.

Troopt uf haipy children, their facet mim lug Ii.ward mcrrlmeni, and a liiwal 0> older folk, participated In ibe Obi tlval ol «t. Paul's rlundaj School, al Slevent Bail, Mood y evening. A beamirul snd ap- pioprlaie aervtce, w'tb an ndiirca* lo lb" ckll dren by Rev. A. H. Amory, preceded Ibe dls- tnhuMi'U ot gltu. The trie, noon which tbe eve* ui ibe children were •iillullv catt, waa gi.rgemii-h decuraiel, a-d bundredt pr Hcbt* gemmed the anmbru fi l<sge. From in brancha* saib cblld neelvedB pi«-enl ami a nii-uv Ot eontectlonrry. Afterwards ail were loviied lo tbi dining rooms, where nmtlo arrangrmenn bad been made lor tupplylng bundieds with a fliat class aupper. An bnur given up P games end tociebiiny lernnntted tbi t'lrl-tmst eve leativulea ol Bt. Psul'a Sunday School, for SJ, in a mtrry manner.

Mrs Marih* Rnmery, raotber of MM. Joel Bioiey. nied at Ibe realilence. or ber daugbiei, Mep.s Aeeuiie. on Tbunday evening ot hs* wess. slier snIllness oi 18 monibs rtnraiiim,tan.ling Uer sdv..t.itd age-gl ytare— ber ftctiHiet were wnnderfony pre*. r»ed. and Ibe could recall BffMII wbi. b hsppemd — y,ar» a-o ami a lorrecti •• wav attooiabing. " H. ti.. hui tba II Ibesa ma state nied.- in town her nowie i -c »-u ..•».»,•.— .»- rauilr rraidul beret like lira. TL« deceas, d wasalsdyotuntwun.Md hosuitsliiy and p-»- setsed msnv private virtues. She wa» a nvein. bar ol tl a CalvlnM B'ptisi Church. Funsral guyices were held at ber lain boos. Monefay forenoon, st if o'clogk, Rev. P. M. fUMM oB- ciaiiai. Tl» rsasalas wsrs iak« M WJaitan..

i-.nitig resrvlce lbs exerci



Andover, Dec. 1>.

GAUD, r. B (Jo , Ni> I, tigetht, a ui' . f ii...v ■ i.. iii a iy

Va» hue Sat lluajvll) a,

o) Will eVai hold them

1 HOW IS ltoWBLIn UnlcUf B "■ WASTH. Xll..*» *■ MBN ILL,

Mn leu iik i- in-idler,




ly oceaptad by Mr. Oeo. H. Robinson. Tbsy wers lbs rectplsnts of a varisiy of uasfnl and btnd.ome prevent,.

Roaar Wi Ham, Colony of Pll-rrlm Patbert, held i'S Semi annual election for choice of officers, on Tbur>dty aveeing or last wear with the follcialug reauli : (Joe , Aaron Clark Ij-ntgov., Mr*. Ciar* Ogaweli; aecreiary, Mr*. E*U Aver; treasurer, Oeo. W. Copp; ci'leoor. Ail-ma H Cuggawell; Cbspldn. Mia Myra B <d|elt i BsrgrsDi st Ami, Oeo. P. Young; deputy Sergasnl-al ,rm>, Mian . ia Rmeraoo; outside senilnt. Kid S. 1'.

ton; lotide w . Mist alary CiunT.



Swift's Building;, Mnln Street, Andover'

Millinery and Fancy Goods Store. Special attention to ail kinds ol bumping.

Agenoy for Doutesiie Patlaraa sod Barraifs By a tlouao.


H iy be to., nl at her rooms oa and altar SKIS'- 1>,VV, UtiooerHili.

Hoasa. 8 .yth aids of TOWN BALL- rear uf Baroai d'a Uriel it luck.

Andovar, (SOI-MHB. tf


Lykena Valley Red Ash Goal,


Euros, Store. Market, Milk aii Meat WAGONS.

Repairing in all Its Brunches. tnu.ll ANDOVER. lUSt.

lilt. J. P. It I < II \ !{| >s,

PHT8I0UN AND oTOOEON. of Csntrsl and Brook Stt* aovfi iy ANi'ovi:it.

Commonwealth or Id sense tau setts. ■■kBX, as.

FHOBATB COURT. To the heira st Ls *, Hevt oi K n, an 1 all other

|ifi-.,i.ii» n.iei .-■ led in li.aeatsla or Uarilet D. H own. lata of Nonh Andovar, 1B

ul.i utiuniy, widow, deteana

UMBBTINO : Where*- certain 1 t'rn'«er<t* purporting to he

ih< l»-i wi I ai d tci ■ lan.eni ami a ..- I Ii of a Id ■I ora<-ed, bate b pir.eni. il'io -al.i cuuri. lo< Piobaie. oy J. hn 0, Hrown, - hn piaya Ibst let- leit Usiameniarr mtv tm it.ue-1 u Llm toe CKUUliil lllllllll I Sill, d.

You are he>ebi r.lted to appear at a Probate Couri, t • bebeldat t.air n,,. Is said county • f K.t x, on the .. c n I H-.n lay of Jsnuary, iifii, si nine o'ulook burore Boon, to abow i.Mii-r, If any you have, ogainat tie >sine.

And Ihe said J hnU. kmvnli bersny dlree td to alvei public i gUN iiien'.d, Iiy ,>u-llauina ibiiciis lononcaa week, ror "n.. iuucewalie w.e a, in ihe now*.to reailevlibe

LavrgBBca AMERICA*. BBd AMoorgg AllVBKIIaKK,

prls'eu v Lvwreaoe, Hie Isat pnbliestlan lo be two • aw HI lesal bei 're »aKl rOUIt.

Witiie.a, UBOROB P. C Ho AT a, Ktqnlre, Judge ot said couit, ihl«5ih day of tieceuiotr, la tbe vear one Uiouasnu eight bundreu and elgbiy tbree.

J. T. HsUasir, Beglaler, 1.1. 14 Ul

FOK SAl.K. One g,od ae<oiH band gielih; ml psniud. N.aeii oa guod at >J. it Audovor,

LOST. A Pceketbnokrantalnlog almul iio in mo-ey, s cheek au.l other |>apei>, A Hue. si reward Will be i.ald fur ila r.ouvery.

H.M.BAYWABD. Ballard Yale, Doo. 7, leBS

Horrill's lee Cream Parlors, PI-RE < O\M;< l IDMUV

Mannfaoturei daily. laities ti.pp.lrd wltb IOUORSAM, SHF.KbkT,

anda anr saanrtn en. ■ fCAkBst abort aolior Meals Served to Order.

Anbolt (tt.. nlroctly uipoalle Feoi.Hem. Uroonds Nov. 1. III). ABdover. Maaa.



ANDOVER NATIONAL BANK. The Annual Me* Ing ottbeStuCk-hoid-rs Of ttu

V II.I.IT Malloosi bank, will *«■ held at tbel Banking n..oui, on Tu*.'lBy.lh« E.gtiUi day u January, 1**, at three oV.loc . I-. M . lor ib .-ii Ice nl Hireoini,. auu Ibe IrsB-aeuuB ol as' inh.T hualneai tb I aay Istsliy OOBM berurs tnem.

MO^Ka rOiTBB, Csahlar. Andover, DrermharT. I8S1.


Urders iirumul r attended n

BB. TU'ITLB will conlinue the Jot blug ■ ami rii'i-eaa bu<lusa>, haying obtained S

■ itulUl UierniOr. Uuoersi Juubing, reiuuvln. IMDIM, iu.u;tjro,eto Firnoe ae^uunt..i,uLed day ur uveniox pieaaurs. Keatdunce al Mra. lason'a ic.i.i. u, v, K....» airset. U

B ■ SJ VMIS IlltUWV, Dealer in Boole, Shoes Uubbera. B-ou uiaiie and ■«paired al

JCI notice, uidway A Clark's uaola Huule tor lauioa aui.iiuilaiiUt irn ud, atato aireel, Acduver.

OUN U. DEAN, Merchant Tailor, _ Ueaier In Cluibing and Uent'a Purnisblni M.fOda oi all kinds. Warmeuta made in iba latesl

on and warranted to ill. Repairing,eleau- _ mil preaaiug dune neatly, aljiu atreel,

Andover. nuvlillvi'

, rurnialilna tfader lent M epilog SMO*a Lai. i at. Uuaiden. "

D*J, 1JWIN II- BAKNAHD, Fain E1>W sing,

inIf, Ola- ■ngiii| A lantly oa myiilr

^.SfkS llilir When mailed. ind femirmy.

CkUKUB i'liiin-i- and [ve-ignaal-li

Ul! Chuiebea and rsl promptly oecutcd. ."«'


UN, llorial—Baakeli ilBullce, I' I. A NTS i. urdeiB auli. Hid an!

M lire. A- at. fismea,

Cloak Hal

do Urat# snd Cluak Makme. ani;

u: R. 0. K. ABBUTT.—UlliLi :«nd Kesl lenne at Mra. BbsB Tyler's, Hsln Street,

Oatoe Hours '■ lo.i. m-, I-.l aad altai

1.11 which j place WBS I.

nda long nme IB EflngU^m, Home tifetn yean

McLAYYMN A BAKEK - iff t'ts f<> Ilia, Akron hrmn dp", also dialer, Il

Hadwi ft Culkry and Cpidlme, Plow., How K » , II.IIM. Bakea, Cultivator*, Ila. wa and Manme r-pnaiirr,. Al.u t lull lln ibovela, Hoet, Fol

t>0. ' 111 II. ,1', ..Hil ll'll ilar.

1 ibtui m every panic.

rMOMAS IIOWRLL csarrli-B ,,ii tbe Furnllure and Uphuls.erT bqtineit Inall

heli brsnehes, |( liir. ators on Park aireel Fur linn.-'I end wjolen and oil. uoin Car. ,*tmefir.ale. ivnniltisi

. riXDLKY-liealar In Pish i

is yard done m rises Ite-ld.i I AL,| TBI.M,

uruinoliioas ■ I .mi '


Merrlniack Mutunl Fire Inaurauu* Co,

lbs oi.ulosof i*i.Biiltr ,a«i t be tr. »i oi s .y o her imain -s« .u-i inav c iu ■ "■ lilt in wiine held .1 the < ntuaiif in. uon. I Ai'd.ivvr. oa tto-iday UM, lito cay Jai ls>4, at I u'oJuo., p. m.

Ir. Cbtrles Q. Fulton, of Chicago, Ii in tows s taw days, vltiting relatives and Irienda. lines Carrie Crocker aad Ai.ce Pmerson home from Ws.leslsy Cjllsgs, to patg the

holiday B.

Roger Wliilami Colony of Pilgrim Patbers will install tbe newly elected offl.era on Taun- day ev.iniu nrit.

James T.Wall went to Vtrtal lav, Conn , to apeni' CbrlMmss wi.h bit parants and oihei members ol tbe family.

Tbe hethuen C mpar.y't Mill, bave been mi down tinea Monday. They will ti.n

a(aln on Monday next. A Cbriiimn oor.oart by ihe Ualven a'Ut Bel ■

bath icbo-.l, will lie mean at tba cbRrcu oa bab- i etaalag ntxi, Dee. 30tb. r. M W. Copp, ot Lawrence, Ii to ocenpy Tenney'v atuoe bouse, on Pleasaat tbaM,

»li, n ibe r< pairs are coiopletid Hr. Jo.epn Hmltb baa letaed bit box abop

mac- iniiytoMr. I'lllaiiaiy, or Derry Uapot. "[. II , snil bat gooo tbvra to work IIMIMH.

Mr. lrwln 0. Bu«< II and fsmilv pasted bnsimst in o»n wnb bit ralat Y a. Mi'

Unwell It BOW la boninaaa Bt tfuuapee, N. H. Tbs prw ,keiit>g rmh was optm d Tor baal

tet on Moncty evening, snd rcesiYed a tslr mount uipatroasga. Mr. Wm. E. Willlama

fttl dm. Rhodes, or Indian Territory, ha- .-1 n ii. ILWB ouring the wnk, ther Ova ya ra

absence irom hire. He la hsidngcaula, lor a i:u-in, a-. IB iba westtrn couutry.

Mr. VLMtgB W. Messer tad MlH Us A. Fuye weie married on Motdty evening, eitbc residence ot ila parents, oi Lu«eil8<., In ibe prevents ol s lew of their near relatives, oy Rev.O. 8. B-ketel.

Mr. Elmer Bstiey and Miss Abbla Fogg were msnled on Tussoay evnnlug Ian, at ihs real it. i.i't- of Ibe bride'a narenta. on Brosdoay, by R.T. O. B. Bakeo-I. Mr. and Mrs. Ballsy tie IO live st L. wiiit.iLrry, N. B.

An I. fantchild ot Mr. BBd Mra. Wm. Bod- well was biougbt ber»lioni Bradford and buiied ..n Baudsy sfiernoun- lbs lunaral wsa Irom me re-ideiee ul i.Mosn B. Osge, who Wat a grendleibrt ul tu< dtceaatd.

Wm. K, Greene foot, U. A. R., bt, hired ibe rooms In lbs -'red but h " iatiiy owrea by tin Catholic Timpersnca Soclciy. Tbe looms ate o tie luted up In gout cuudiilon, snn wb>p fin-

.abed will be *eiy pUaiaLt ifuariiri tor tbe Post io occupy.

The Hstboea Oluh, bed 111 annutl alscllon "f'lriin, on Wedne-d.r ivci.ine. wlih ibe tcliowlng retult: Pie*, Oeo. W. Tgaacy: vicc-prtvideiit, J. Bluney Howe; sen, "'il iriss., Charlet Anatin; co|itt>tor, Qao. B Wuoonniyj ttanoing cotemiiiee, Oeo. K VYoodbary, A. !■■ Qale, BDd Si ami.r Sawyer.

The toaa autbarlilaa ikink It aecestsry that a guardiah tuould r>s appointed to look aiiar

. j thus u. Kant and bar proptrly, end apply io ibe protasus Court, tor that par-

poiasiouce. Mm. Raul It 91 yrars of age, inn need a the aiiemiou ot toiue one to tea ibat he I* k«[it IB a comiotubie condition.

Lewla Cats and Wiu. Mnrelsnd, two of the. young men that burgtaMSed tbe Aril agios mills aale a fewyeati agu, wiP piflbafiy be reieaied ■ mm tbeir ...itl'i. mrni at ti tiaieprleoa toiga time in ai num if. It It a«ul lUal tbiy bav. hajH y rV obedient prlaooert and in cptldera- thin ol thgi win bgverBVsrsl months reuidad Irom ih'lrorlglntl «, III.II-.'.

Council V., of Royal Arcanum, held Its an

in JOIST Coxvgfinon.

Bothbranenes ollbeclly government Join! coLVendon on Wednesday even lag loelset one member or the water board, one trails* or Den Dock eemetsry, two trustees ol tbe public library sud three director! of lbs Initualruml achooL The ballot for a member of iba water board resulted In tba aiaeiloa or Joseph B. Walts by the loll >wlug vote.

Wbols No. 14 .Necessary for S choice. 11 Wm. T. MoAliyblue. S l.'ilher, I M-O'UahoBsr. ■ Joseph E. Wsitt, li Altai ft ballots was taken eonacllmea T. J.

M-irilasev waa e.ho-en a IrUSlOaol Deo Boek com eteiy, rocalv.ngl7 vjtas, U.P. Wiggins andS scsllailng. Tba result of ins other aatlous fol tews-

nX*T Txusixx or ruiuc umui. Whole No. H Nei-eaaarj for a rl.ulce, IS Chat. H. Uiikfljl.l, 4 (.:. n.D.eit 1 John B. BolllBt 1 Abial Morrlatoa * W. T. Metlp'aa 1 B-A.MoCsnhy II Caleb Ssuudsrs 1

and B. A. MoCarthy was declarad elected. BkXSCJMD BALL it.

Whole No. M Moosssary for a ekoloe, U Chia. B. I- UlCBSld U aamuel Barrstt, <■ Abi.l Moniton • Caleb Bannders 1 W.T. UcA'pins 1

and Lass. U. LltUeleM was dselved elected s irusiaeoftbs publlolibrary ror Unee years

Direotor to Industrial school Cor Blears.


Are yon dtstorbed st night and brokea al vtmr reai by a atek eblM aaBartog aad orrbtg with pais ofeottlng teeihr 1 to, send st osos snd got sbmleof Maa. WIHBLOW'B HOOTHISO timop sou CaiLUBl* lixiBiso. In value la iseal enable. Il will reiit-ve tbe poor luile mirror Imn.ediatelv Depend upon it, moihera, tame ta It. It curea dysenisrv aad dlarrncts, reaulaies the ilomaob aad bowela, curw wind colic, aollena Iba sums, redaocs ln- Bammslioa, snd gives lone and energy to tbe whole system. Mas. WIXSLOW'B O-W.THIWO hvuvrriiBCiitLimSiwlBUHiso ia plevsasl U. the tsitcand la Hie prasenplion<>f oaeolkeold eat and boat leu.sle pbytlciant sad nnraea la tba Called nialrt,anil la for •ale bv all druggists

' world, l'rloe » oaala a boitW. teivcwvllanlT


The medicine we ■ jst Ilka Ii that which does its work qaiek and wall. Burdock Blood Bit- | art are the quicken kind of u rare lor dvepep a and llrar and kidney iff ctloae. ljlw

Il'a your own ranli tf yon aoaae tbe Sotr/yon ote becaaae It Isn't, what yog bogghtlt for. Try Heacb'a Washing Soap lad yon won't bave ancb trouble.

Encourage tbe luuiiu acture or a pan, aaadn lie rated, full weight aoap. Bade of >ba beat mateilal. Wo recouniend Beach's Washing bnap Auk your grocer lor U.

B. O. Harrtck BJobard Doyle Jamea Lane Ur. M.,r, boat.

Richard Dnyle James L me Hr. afagre Geu. L. Uaga

It li II 1*

aad Oeo. L.Gai

Another Hui at ot Kliti ipilie,

Tba 1981 Itiat of The Bosion O'nba three tart ago «aa aa Immense bit. On January 1

1884. n<xt Tuetduy. Tbe otiohe wil go lu.t- lOUy e>ra, snd Isaas a f ■ --nuiU of a Boston

leaya ref Jseuary 1781, and give a copy n j reader -n Tne Olooe. Tbe suteot aocl-

ety st tbst ilmsi will also be aivsn. and Tne Uiont Haeir will tu I ludraisd. >hewiag tb nrsuicu, policemen, era . etc., ol 100 years igu.


we Will tend v< n Dr. K-u mann't (treat Med- ical Woik ; 100 pages, colored plate* (mm llle 1 ba most va uable Bnvlatr tver published. t<

adiir. at on receipt uf two S cent siamti, to pay poeiage. Adorsss A. 1*. Ordwny 3c Co., Buuluo, MstS. nil a ee.d

Hi- duacrevthle operation of forcing liquid- am tbe bead, and Ibu uae ol exciting anud . ire being tuperaeded b> Biy 'a Cream oalm, > i-ura ior Caia.-rn Culda In ins Head and bey. Fever. 1' Ice, AO canit.

Apply into noalilla wilb the finger.


Messrs. Jobntton, llolloway at Co., wbote- itlectruggiatiol Pbitadeipbla, Pa. repontbai aume lime egoageaiUmaa handed tbem a dol- lar, wltb a r. quest lo tend a goad Catarrh curt

two army officers In A rnone. ReoenrlT the me gentleman tnld tbem Ifaat bo b tbe ttflixra J tta wile of a wall Lnowa U. B. A Onutrai

bud been cured ol Catarrh I j tba two boitleeot Ely's Cream Balm. *ll3weod m


Auorto>xxa. UK A 118 Be*t llih Street,

Mew York, hi ay If Hi, teal. I hare been tronhled witn an irritation ol the

Throat and a Uouah for some time. 1 am alao a martyr to By I he advice or t ver) earned phy.ieiin I api lied two AllcocL'a Por- ous Plavlers to my cheat and nne on lbs pit ol my stomach. Io tbree days my Cough- was ourod aad my Threat was well. I have now worn ihe Plaelera iwo weeka, and mv appetite and dlgea- aaa nave much Improved. 1 am eonldani that

itnotbsr weak my Dytpepaln will bo aailrely imoved. I hsvs sever used so pleasant an

agreeable a remedy In ruv life. TBoa. UlTHIWI

" Alleork'a" It Ihe only eeanlne Porout Flsslar; lo.hci -so-called 1'uroua I' Itateri are Irsltatlunt.


Nut BAWTSB'B HALVB, aa now prepared caret more oiaeaiea ul lbs skin than any oiber

B, oinimsnt or lotion. The ueal family t.ire In Ihe world, only U cenai. AH drng- glaiaaeil li. Wiggint A Ou.,prvprltioit

■ ul, Maine. ■ilnoiSO

Hievna A Man. Inter IBVB purchased tbe entire stork ot I. W. Mim.iv, aiaiioner, for- merly Piocior It Money. In dultiun to tbe same, i»ey have a v.ry large aasonmvni oi new sad tresb g. o"a. Including nuvelnes of ibe ses- Min, aod a 1 rge and rub a-.orim. nl ot Cbrlst mal Csnip nd ear. fully aeleited. Call and examine, 37 West tin tt. Burton. *>3mu7

Bievent Jt Mtncbetter maka a 'peclalty ol Wedding Iiivltatkmi, Reception and Corre- tpondeoia Carda. Call aad axamlns samo'et

37 Wottti.eei, B linn. 13 ii, 7

HOUIN OV, 1 blnton.

McKENZlB-ln Andover, Dee. llih. a daugh i. i Iu sir and kt a, Juhu P. MoBentle.

ItAiiKklt.-l.i S.irtti Andover, D c. Sill, a a danKinei to Mi. and alre. k,. U. barker.

BAINiWUBTH—In tnla city, Dec. tlat.v. daugh. lor to Mr. auit atrs. Albert Ualnawurln.

BALLIOAY-tn N.n li Andover, Dec. IS I, a daughter to Mr. and Mrt n.n I ntaillday.

WALL—ln N..r.h, lie.-. Ut, a daugh. toi io Ur. and Mir. Rugens Wall.

BtOOxE.—In Mortb AadATcr, Dec. tttn. aaoa lo Mr, a. d an. a ithur Moore-

BEKB'W.-In ibis eitv. Dee. II. a ton lo Mr. ant Mr.. Mm. H. llsirow.

O. O. T'STLOk O'.D BOL'BBOX Is recomnienoed to si! d tlrir.g a pure ttimn- lant. Cbes'er B. Oravia A Boas, Boston, Dot- tle it, god all ui uagKtv and grocers tell IL dwlweod

VOUT AXD UaTIFlL, but I couldn't help It. Everything went wroag witb me, and I thought 1 hadu'i a Irlead in Iba *orld, dyspepsia caused ihit and lor mom hi 1 couldn't aat anything and juvl tuft .-red In mie ■ry nl, I at-d fiu BBjagr Biiiers, urea bottles urert ■a.—D. Lewis. 23 Uowduln street. But-

«».• 1'siweod

No in - u tile lo abow yon tbe lumen"* •tockof new fall goods (BtOOO worth) tad of, prices, at Wlnalow'a Tailoring House.

Are tow ready for Ima Mtte*. ^Cauitoaaora lookLag for a


•rtheir Gentian ■ friends ahould not Ball to exaoalne Bar laurgs-e aad Taried


The-Wop J'iatttr wnt cure Back Acba, aid al) other petal instantly. 26 canli only, al drngglvta. dwlweod

For CoBghs, make a timely uis of Hate's Honor ol H ore hound and Tar.

l*i* 'a TooUBCha Drops cure la one mi jUtr.

Coldsn's Liquid Beef Tonic ii endorsed hy phytk-ians. Aik for Coldan'i; Ukenoolber. Ufdrugglsu lllweod

WatATTaaaa Arn.icsTio!«sDiD. "I was troubled erry murb wlih tore fset.

Tbres app.icaitoBa of Thomas' Ec lee trie Oil ■niirely cured them. N <tomg hatter la ibe market." Jacob Bailer. Rvadiag, l's. l;!*

Tbe onl blest and btni foods made In be world can be found at WIDBIO*** Tallorm* l.ou-e. No lancf prleeM.

GAIN Health and Happiness.

«■»> * «? M At OTBEM <y&OUr I? UiEDOIL

Are your Kidneys disordered? ■ Ktdnar Wart ta-iwrht ms Ireiu my grxe. aa il

nrrr. aiiar t hadkevn g»e*n up l,r 13 Uraf itaSBtH in 1-truU," X. Vf. Um.raui, Maebuic, luila, kUck.

Are your nerves weak ? "tMarr Wois eurarl ma fr.n.i nrnviii •.aknem -,U1«I,UW o-.arIe.lli. lie..." Mra. il. MX

'Our Ctavataad,O.

Save you Bright's Disease? "lUdnar Mm* eniw) ma toy wsMr was jsst bs ckaik ud tiwn Ilk* blood."

trash Wiiaoo, Pvabody. Haas.

Sufferino; from Diabetes ? ■Xlilu 'T W.,r( l.tna in.** ni.-.e-,fuiramai'i I bar*

TVS- ossd. Olraa aJnoal linnwllata erllar." Or. PklUlpU. Balk*, guaktoo, Tt.

Have you Liver Complaint? "ag■ IpraTarl to itle."

rt.nrj Ward, tats C. 1 CMti Nat. Ooard, M. T. L

Is your Back lame and aching*? "kiauer Wart.. I SoStlai ciirad ma wlwa I wssSa

'-me I had to without or_had."

"Kidiicy.Wi.rt maAaaiaaoiiii.ilnllTaraiid kldrwyi aftar s/aan nl auauui matal ■■ tassvjsm IU worth |lt. hot" Sainl Uodirea, WdiUmal*-n, 1,'aaV Vs.

Are you Constipated? IDC-T-WOK cfcuaaa aoay r>aeuOuni and

aCaBsW '

Have you Malaria? TWasTl.orl baa Seao bettar tuan arif othar

n ^gSSC CuullB>l*aih'liaeo,-rt.

Are you Bilious P ^WIFIIJIMLJ

1 "",h""" Mrs. A T. Oabowv, TOk ITat Orsgeaa,

Are you tormented with Piles? "«WMjWorlj)rrma>oiil, eored mi , t LlantUaa;

eusa Dr. w. C. Kt.ns raroiomanilrHl It lo n.." OWJ. U. lloret, iSa**lerM.lJaoli, lIjaenowB, Pa.

Are you Rheumatism raekod ? "Kiris. J Wort rmreo aaa, oiler I ni air. n op to at. h, mi^gg^fgj^ig^ggg^

Ladies, are you Buffering? "Kid Dee Wort eurrrl Bi- of I» cullae lnu..M or

"— Hoar f' IIM ar.i pralaa .1, lata La Mom*, V t.

If you would Banish Disease i and gain Health, Take

!P! ni'l-*sJ7i] THB liOOP OLBAWBBII.


I>eslgnlng and Kngravlng A Specialty.

87 Weat Streot, Boaton.

(Fnrrserly I. W. Muod>'a,)

New Store. Will haveerenert Bte-ur new afore, whieb hat

bfi'i, erneiilly tU"1 up lor oi r c nToab aoa a new and large s-a. rimeuioi t taltunary Uuoda.

Fine Stationery. Waeimd B'lvlnvliryonr Inapeellonof aurFIn

Wfaldlrg i.,viii.ii. r... VislUhg, Btoei.tiocirBB Corrsip.indanos Cs, da.

Engravings, d/ia

tf akil.-J ■ ilia - Ihe |


Andover, Dee31, Ifotl. J. A. 8KAKT, Bee.

^<>Hr3ALE. A good Flit, h arraaged for one ag Iwe teit<

Ksquireol Meory A. Bcds-eU, Maple AVfaug. Anders, Dec II, If #*. II

We.nod i] ling. . Tba,

rittKLIC-HIHIsK-lii Bneton, Dee. Will, by Hev.T. J H li...,-.-, a HHe-i bv li. v. K O.Se> in.uu , li I'., Mr. Kvereit n. Pie rw oi Melhus ami Hlas llailis L. Home, ol Boaton.

FBYB-JUDOB. At Si .1 .tin'. Omrnh, Chrlst- Eve., nv ftev.W.U Well . Ur. rrcdetiu B. fii. and Hiaa wary Jans Judgi.

UKMcV ( llh ATllskl in .ina ellj, Dee. Mlh by MB*, i. U Hi", atr J. hn Hour, and Ur,. Annie (UliveOLhettbam, bulh ol I aarcnoe. IBB-BAH-tT-ln Andover. Dee II, by Rev. A. It bun, Mr Cliaile. ». like and M:.. Hen. i. in, daughlet uf Mr. W air to A. Bsl.ty. ad 01 Ai.di.i. i

COBTHKLL-BUrVELL.-ln Ballard T.te, Ine.' 111.- llellln l-i .-liiiM-ti byBsV.I. *, Daj, -ir. it. plicn g Uurine I sad Atlas alarihu H. Bap) .

KBLt.IT-CQvTPBRTHWAlTI.-ln this eily, Dw.BA|i. |,y H-e. b.t h-». H». Booert Bel. ley si d hiaa L site M. Cuwpeiihwailr, bulb ul

Riil-LISB-HE-iT-In ihit eliy. Dee. With, b B v. a. C. «i- . U>. II. mil.In. an. Hii. Lucy A. Wo-1, iniih uf Lawrence.

I.HKKN U'HiWU.l, In Ml all,, II,,-. M,. Bav. thail . ■ eiirurM Mr Wllll, g

ruB ind alias Atlanta L. Buuwel, bulb of

eliher c..| p r n--teni, oi ibn m an asagsnt Mi -grama. . r. it, I e. a f Arm. and Art's le 111

•nHniloa eve,. y»t aHown in the Ulj of ttualos

Fine Paper, &c. The U'eat »ltl«tn tisi. ahapesnd print, will

be kept eo tt nilv on h.. d, a- well aa a o -.i.- i leln e, nnrae.'t ..I rtHil.mcrv Cipeoially auap t ii loBe-h ■□! ehildrea.

Wedding Invitations,Ac "-dera f. r - i-.irimg Honk*. College last .

, ..r f.....i.t.. kt..„„,r«..-, ex ruie.i at ik r- :e ia.1 IB :he m w a tlai) ,. aniei frum or g

I .IdishjBa.or irom.s.., haiu nlabsd.

Artists'Materials. A lull haeof Aitl-U'mtt rUis. W labor aad

Ksw.on P inta slwsys kapt IB tiook.

Hats and Furnishing Goods By c*reful BetecUon and with tin knowledge of what la wnnted and approctn-

tcdbyUenUemeatforUelrweaxlngAppsu-el, U the way of floe VaBTMaaBaaaffB

We are Justified In saying that In our

FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT The™ c. 1 . Tuuod ti. CholeMt snd mo.1 rompl.l. lln. of Ii

Useful Holiday Goods,

FOK, 0>BlTa?r,E32icEEIlT WBAH

m.k, KlKlliu from t» br fonnd In th< sltr [A spsaUl Urns tor tks Holldars















A. W. STEARNS £ CO. Useful «nd very desirable gocr!e for the Holidays, In great Tartety, are MOW dBH

played la the various depart men ta of oar Store.

309 and 311 ESSEX STREET,

A moat acoeptable Holiday Present uuu bv selected from our elegant shew at

GARMENTS, Which la the flneat ever aeen In I his city. Styles the Latest. Prices the Lowest

t la aaBAWIaS aad WRAP8 of aU dearrlptloiu we hare a splendid tABBortment.

8KAL CLOAKING 8 m a peclalty. liHrntrnts made to order In flxat claaa style at abort notice.

A very warm present can be found at >ur


MITTENS, WKIKTKKK, Oenta' CAKDIGAN JACKETTS, Ladle*' aad GenU' GIX>VKS, HDSIKHV.i.-.,*,-. F-r n very small coat

you ntn b»y a alee pair of Itl,ANkKIN, or nne of those elegant (r.tomi.- COMFOBTERS, or s>

Beautiful UaraeUlea TOILET QUILT

A very attractive Preaent would be a ale*

SILK HANDKERCHIEF. Our nlaplay cannot be exeelled for nobby ttj lea and colorings, and oar prieN

within the reach of all. Fine Show of EMUKOIDKRED LINEN

HDKFB. from 35c. to SI.2A each. Ala.. speolaJ B«rg»lua la SJB

Ladlea' aad tirtits* Colored Border Lneu Ildkls,

12 1-2, 20, 3D, and 80 cents each. BaM

BEAVER SETS COLLAR AND MUFF. The moat atyllth Fur of the teaton ; nice artortment. very cheap. BLACK

FOX and LYNX SETS- Alao cheaper Futs In largo variety. BLACK WOLF ORKV WOLF, ud HI l-FAl.t) BOBES very much uader value to close. WOOL HO II AIK nad SEAL CLOTH CABB1AGE BOBES, cheap.


We abow aa endless variety of useful and ornamental article*, TIDIES, BAN- NEKS,BAGS of all descriptions. In Leather and Flush, PURSES, POCKET- BOOKS, French PUte Hand MIRRORS, INKSTANDS, FANCY TOIL KT SOAPS, VASELINE, PERFUMERY, CELLULOID SETS, CHINA FIGURES, SHAWL STRAPS, Ac, Ac. P-fc,

A NICE TABLE OR 1'IWO U»KK! Would be a aultable gift. We bave a fine [aaeortment very cheap.

Fine Diess Gcods, Silks, Flushes, Velvets, and Velveteens, HKIUTS IK H AN MI. LAbTlKO AMD FELT.

WBI be found replete with elegant goods for the Holidays. We mention but a few of the attrncllont: KIDDERMINSTER MATS and CRUMB


285 BSSJan* 6TBEHT.


A. W. STEARNS & GO. Tompkins Mann



Paiiti.Oils.Djestr.lfi.'J'neiicais, Aloot.j', AlllBs, A ia aoa la, A lie lin Bentina.


1 lb. i'iiiis, tic

Citron! Leghorn 17 Cents per Ib.




la order to reduce our Immense Stock of Goods we have eoacluded to Inaugu r- ate our Great Mark-Down Closing out isle bafore the Holidays, Instead

of after, aa bas been our custom hitherto. By to doing we give our customers the benefit of our rlosing-out prleea at a time

whea they want the goods. Instead of later la the winter, whea their needa are fewer

Lace and Fancy GOODS! We offer the flneat Block of Beat Dncheea Fichus HDKFS, ate, ever ' iwtU

Lawrence, from S4 to *20 each, also cheaper LACK NECK WEAK la exquisite Designs aad Fabrics, aa Immente ttock of SILK,

SATIN, LACK aad LINEN HDKFS. at wholesale prloei. Oar Stock of useful FANCY GOODS suited to the

Holiday Trade la complete la every respect.


BROCADE VELVETS, Ac, ma rked down to closing out prices.

CLOAKS! We aow offer oar whole stock at Wholesale Prices as the ladles all known our

stock is large and very choice; and we propoae to cloae the whole atock before Jaa. 1, LM*. CLOAKS made to order at abort notice.

ofBllBisea, Borax, Boaswer, Irtaa, Brooata, Coras,

Uraam Tartar, Loleiraulalt atiadss Uartrollo Aolrt, Una oh V ara lab, W-Uir Ui I, UttalDola »kls, ol LIBS, Coi>twr Mlveta, l.aali!. '•■laii, .»■ .".«. a Uooparat, gi.i llac, lilaiirsia. wooden, Sulirnor, Uowbai-BataruaoBS Oil, Basil I'tper,

Ml.e.l I Nrata foot on, SBpnihs, OlivaUil, Osaile. Ael.l, Oakna., raraOtnc Oil, fa sriiui' Max, FuUy, Pans While, PI.alar fails, l'lilsali, I'll ni lei' ah me,

Psist Itriialu'a, l*|K r Pails, Kv.l l..-*.., Kuoiser wagon Sprlagi Koala. Hutuio fltoac,

NEW CARHUliK LEfOSITOB 320 Essex Btreet.

Wbrre a rail Llaa of

Garriages, Sleighs and Harnesses maj lie found al isasoaabla prlaaa.

I'MMiNt; AMD BEPAienro In ail iti braBobea proatbtly esd BSAtly does,

Also blcrage for (arrfagaa aad • .sighs.


Gold, Silver and Nickel Watches, Dia- mond Riiura, Silver Ware.

It ra salt. il ''HUI'.

hUMXRY.-ln North An.lover, Use. ttxb, Mrs Ma. in.i Kuusrv, sg.-d Hi wa, Ms Uatuptblre and ttsvsrblll uapert p'.aase

-, George A.

: Ebenizer

eepy ABBOTT -In Andover, Dee, II,

.H4Skl.Ni-in Andover, fee. M, M: Jciielna, aged Wyrt, Tatos.stl .lj.,

SAWTKii.-ln iblt cliv. Dee. Bih, Bsralea I. aswyer, sfotl 1 rr, 1 mo.

8TOHK - In Phil idsluhla, Deo IT a. Ber. Chat. A. ftaffc, o. ii., of Uauyaburs, ra,..g<uu

BUTTLM. 1.. i. wit d UI .!■ '

-la ibis ettv, Dae 1*1, Harsh Ei'ss- i Of l.» r Haiti a, and aiural .1 issatl f r — . OliTrr, .-i >*.!. i

'avegea at K. sum,,ci ; vico-rtHt., K. K. Pi • iratur, John W. 8>lttr, (b.p.ain. Ctaa,. E. Oo si »> i iei. n , J. Frank Kun rw» ; toikoivr, Janiet T. Wa) 1 IroaBlrr. J. tt. Eg r, ; .in- try. Cii-i. M. m; «uil«. M,. v¥. K'.v.t.j

Ur. Evvraii V.- Pirice, Ql Iblt town, aad Hln Kault iluu,j wurs mania J la Bo.Un. (■■ Tue.. day aflcrocpe, bj Rsv.T. |. U, Boats,aaslaied by Bav. It. '.. HtowoBr. TbaT 1-n Boston on ibs svtaing train lor this low i .1 ara sow latidisf, oa Oagood sutet, la uia souts rscset-

l>o not furget w tirn you are in Want 01 KH\crware, Poiiery, Lamps, Paper UaiigluKiorWii]. <low Shadea, that tbe Largest AiBortmeot can al way n be loaud St B. A. FISKE'H, S75 Eseex fit.

H til

H. W. ELORIDCE. insurance Asrent


BBOKHB: Hot a Bomber ol the Local Board

Honey to Loan oa Personal Property snd Bis Batste. Call aad aaaialaa .ay rales before la eriai alat wbera.

iilTi(.a. Room I raandara Bloeh.

Poor. White & Co., BANKERS,

4B Wiill Street, Now York Brokers aad dealers to Railway sad all othai


a aver lain, in Ibe aeleotian and e-il nals of which lb IrlOlrg C-BliroiiOi Wllb"rOOB'a MllHM.Iir SAILS. ai»" gives tlem ipaeml advaaiosaa Oo rranndeor* laviisd sad I»qaiilsa s saw at ad Dagosit acoouate received aad lalcrsat allewsd

■•sal Brasaao, Am-ir fB|>ar,

'< Cloth, feather ImaUra, rlooi Hi nai.i a, rir.1. Ulus,

ruiaalfctlvsr l.sAd, i.lue.all kin. t,

• iini Arable, Uua liaaajaaih, ...ilill^al, i*..lit

.ii-m a i'a, K. 1 -....a, hionv-lart aod Hun, SaliLNOn. r>. HH.K ■i-.htin.nii, urn.I.. Pail-, bliali Kulittara, M. il. Tar


Wtitr Paiia, Wsst't knamel Dre-aiBi . for Uariiage Tnu*,

r Halt, WmteWBah HriiBhos Is*] Iron rails, Waunrgsn «.*p.

H, soap, Wlillaa.1' Barbsr "t la.ilgo, »uaf>, «aia..Biirrf, all tlslt, Wn-la Oil M>tp, l.on.l.-s I'u.fln, Wil.lBg, Llatitiirainiaa- VsrnlsbWis.or a tswion'i < .inaeni U. I, Tube Uolors. Lard Oil

in Juanlitiet to Suit at Lowett Market Price*.

191 CBSFX IT.. LAWRE N',-i

MOOAH a TROW. Proprle te

,ei„a ^^cflfBJ.11""" s l..| t

THE QKE\T 0BIN1 TEA. 00.. 2tO Bute Street, Boston, Maaa.

•aMng iMJtl Ll»T 01 ..or Tasa aa

m I INI Of our Prsmium, • l-U VH a.

EtSFX IT.. •law * 1, Isal

Patents. ifyawl hlnosta'aonev-lva Pao-n' o-

Ir - la<e uis-io.. as IM the paiea sxliilv t m

BKft Pall pt. WaSblaaloB a ..


OtTECTlVE AGENCY, (LiressH by PolleaComioiasioner.)

Offlce 40 Water Street Boaton,

A.P DKARBURN,) M.mMMar. lOjesra'ex- O. vr.tMAPalAK, [ ■aaagws, asjrltaaf,

N. B.—BuslBSas B'.tlntly ooaBduBtUI. No oaargsfor eoB.ultaion. wlyljS

BANK NOTIOF. The AiiB'ial Seating -I th« B> cS-hol.tsrs <

'hr l.iwirnrr. haii« Bank, will be l.el-l • r»eartav. Jaa a » ah, at It.'. Mvi, lorihe nboi.- ..Mlli-rl 'r#,"iis«ll k la dr. Irshls 1-CBar.axlh :tal Heeli n 1 f t •" Hi-I.i--. ani f ■. n.r 1 „II.. to net •tiviUtriuimtM ibatmay kraaiivooni bs'o a 'hem.

wat df JOIl.t R. ROI,LlfV-.t;aaNiir.

FURS. lortaaeat or FURS for the Christinas trade; useful aad beauUfnl

1RTIU FOB CHRISTMAS WS!! Can be fonnd In every department of oar store.

We cordially Invite every one to visit the PALACE before making their Holiday

par chases, We assure yon you will And our prices very low nod

Oar goods very nice.

Byron Truell & Co



Will reoelvs pupil- ID

Oil Painting, In Essex Bank Building

Oer. gss, 1 aad Lswi enra tts , i .... n Is, boar.

(iiissumcr (iiirmiiils Free. To BBy reader V sny lead r uf Uis pspor a l.,, will agrae 10 thow oar «o*0s ami iry to iBlu • nrs sale, a noog friend* we will a ind. to i (•aid two full alsea ladle*' U taan>#>r Km IKI Wat*ruroot Damn •■ni uu. nut aod

BUat*^ *°* *

MILLINERY. Ellen Brassfll,

248 EaBex Street, opposite Truell's.

Fdtn)iii.!iii:Cr^s am Cloak Mm. Party and Mourning Dr*saM ■


Christmas Wreaths LAUREL, HOLLY

PRINCESS PINE. Roping of hincess Pine.' rim MB


New York Stocks Beagbt sad Bold la lota of

FIVE SHARKS t Ml UPWARDS. Oa BBT n tr. 111 dcilrtd iroa


38 WatarlStreet, Soiton. SAwu

IIUIIII rilMIS! Unsurpassed

By any Pianos Offered for Sale lo the I'liiille.

A r-i-si var'elv In ttrlet ot eaww J ist reoslvsd. WainviUcjiB^arlaoa wiia any otasr Piaaeler

Pianos for Rent. The a.i'»'.-.-l'.'ra are fully prepirsd taedart |.r«aaio.hof

UPBIQHT PIANOS FOR BEST. ror whleh very liitsral irrais raiy bs atsdeio .11 aawae uoon Hi- intiailn>vnt p a . aBN| run iari-n mai.r. lot real may be teoau

44* aad 4^1 Waahlagtaa >t Beaten.

OI.IV15K DimON da CO.

r.Bisf; ihe Jamea UKei, Va., la at- 'leatrB'. IMuttrmieil . J. r.atsCBA.UUiam .

wiaiak no', Ta.


Sweeney's Block, 22S Essex Street LAWBKHCr, MASS.

ALL OMtV H-poslie.1 In I »g, Hsiib. on or befits

W.ll dr - In.rr-StfrnfllMl.t.l.

1 l.swrrars Isv- SBUBIV lai.lm, t. dw


«ma a lllOU.s-s, tU HAverhlltSi.


CAPITAL PKIKK, 975,000. Tickets only •£- Shares In proportion.

L..S.L. Louisiana Stats Lottery OomptOT.

"W«4« h|M| MM 'bet we supervise'b* an. ngeat-aals far all W' H'minly and H*-nai Annual Drawing, m inn L.oui.iana >Utt Ml e ■ Otm.iaaj. sad la paraon ID man* and ' «■

tij. ilia U'awtr(• taeinsslvas. sort ih-ti iw ■■"" ere o«B'luni».| wini Qoneaty,", and IB SoO-l [aitn toward >H parl'ea. i r.. i we auliio.ii.

»e W*|ii«H" HI this trerliSoaui, WltS '«o- ■IHIIM o/ our aignsluras alow bed, in it-

iBOoeporaled in ISM f<" IS yes isUtora lor Blu.tlontl »n I on trlttble pur •wast-WIt* nsliltil or il-n.ikH-10 wn.C.h n reserve fund of over #1 n,i*w h*. since Men

Br an •>verwh..mlac popular vote il« ft" tkiwviti«la^«rt.<i IU p.s»eni StateOoo •Illation. adopt* I i»fcaiol»er Id. *. rt '■'■•

Tee only Lot'erv «v«e vuie-1 on end sndorsed br 'he people ui *n I -I i"•

IT MBVBB HI;.LBS OB po-rrTOSBS. IT« Until) SHeU. NUKHtl l»Hi*""l»

Ukr plan* muni' f,

A tXlWI* orPllKTCMITT TO WIJ.KOKH: «*■-. rlrst <.ras>4 !•#■■»«- !■*. t'laae A. -t Seer «n TI'KMUT, J..u-r> 13th, -i. -16-4 it. ii....n.ii

CAPITAL PHIZE, B73 000. 100.000 T>»ai*t Five Dullars Cach

Fra«l*l i iiPlffltll orooorlon. Liar or ratnta.

1 CAPITAL t-IUZB 01) *■'■"" l •* ■■ VS.iB.i 1 H •• lll,WW ■ pmzBsor» i-von I - I.IMt 1<S"M-

10 » I.IXW '"."•*' gO H ,ao 1 ",■"■"


Three large stones hating deeply

k3l%f«!S Kate &A1UX * ] ind«Dt-<' footpriote of birds hare been

^.',,lHumll!^%^"1i^X^ "o.V^s* an" tlken trom lhe fl"""™* i0 Fort-***' laiy .inie.ii*. ra Cinn., 300 feH below the larface.

■ fttf. MINN Brtdfet Heller. Marie Bat-iit.*, , The Beat Baking Powder. — I a»d Nell.e Mabouey. Tbtse yowag ladha ' The beat baVng noa-darli made from inn

-oiUte* *od com- deserve a greet deal of credit .for volte, Cream of Tartar, Bicarbonate of Soda, and a ■1»... Jtm* river Improve- manner and geBter*. ,wall qoaoiItT ol floor or »urcb. Frrquao-ly ■aata wa« liuid In the feldemeu'e cban- Otia uf lha pltaaenteet feeterea or the bar Friday erasls*-, and waa eallad ' eililbliloo WM the diaplay of oeedla^ork,

nl a ami fr»e n

lift ■ id U»l Bt, 1

hin • li


•at a-.»p

fi-icca* h'tlndliNm.! ii-t n- riii. d r-a-l h» i.hya elan* ■ni)chi--> 1- i.ur* in.l li-« il>' uit-ii.-in 1. MI

i'■!(.' »■■-.

1 T9 • 1^1-3 1 Hl|

THE HERITAGE OF WOE, %|l*flr>, >h«mf!«n.l Ficnnr ■ ft*n l''"|i, ■ •vie >>>i4* l'i fh|i iii'n In in ■, i Hn'i'f i «, T'i -li-aTBH t ■<■ "A • -I o I

_ >f n'limi *uff'Hna. •<> "lrnr i| tOdirini nu-»nr«, imi n» f»riii-*«,' i-,«ni hm h< ni* ■-r'-'-iu" f/inllB-im ltlii--l.n ii'.l a*M

I HAD SALT l!H-lliyi ad rax


f n t'ii' inn-! if mtiil i.I >•■ irti- II . ii.fll ir..' I* fli aof nrrmanrnt iool. Mr rr'*n< kfinw "'■» I ■■IB-IT'I. ™Mn 1 h^, 'CTICDIK SawllilKN m» llmb-wi'i -.'ii-io in ■! t ■■I.II -i ii I ■!■' i'- my '• ■! '"il ■'■• ui-''I ■ H'l'iii tn««ki arii',«i>it in ' nl. "I>ai, Bn-t «a

rfOMII BRMrma* flm minih* and w n ■' '»■ I,I, u k anil in-nut ,. nl- v ftl'«<.

8 A.MROW!*. M«-dT, M: lafu i. Ha><

M order at 7 45 o'clock. There wn* be rvaalt of the labor of the puplla. Ii

oilier loandlcoiR are awd, and Mrva a par oaa l,i relncing ibocoit and Intrcailag the [rottu *l tba manotaclur

W« Rita the (iJternnieni Oitmlil'i aoaljriei

I have !>■''■ >

I o i.mi, * d a


oVrai I- It.;' ■ I h mrifd

«i ih-e*l renn

iiTiinim* mis P*IIM.

• Approilmaiioa PilinaoiaTSU

do do

'I.T.M Ufa

4] 1.1BW


nil hi In* ma'le i). In .New Or

1.MB7 Prliaa amoantlai to

A|i|il" Hi.HI lor ratai to Olutl only ti'iim ii nice oi mi' aval icaaa.

for further innrmaHon writ* nlfarlyi aWtna lull ad Irnaa. Makn P 41. M'inur Mruar- t>.i andal'l "*« 1*KI.IT«.| l.wifr- lo

NEVT UBLKASs MAI'lui U. BANK, ■4ew HrlLBiia. ba ,

PO^TWi SOVlCt an-l onl'riir» laUara lij Mail or Ki.-r-it-f .'l - •■■ mi ii|>->a d« n> Riprat* ai oui niu-n-i'i t <

H-A. n ll'IMHN

Near Orluana. I-*.. or M. A. 1.VID-IUN'.

MI i main -tiraat, WaihlDiioa, D, C

1 W«ll5* rllR O

I I Mi'! in Rawi'iaa. whl il.'--iy nl lir-i'W, - I ler'til* llatilna; an I t

■m to make am ant




SANFORDS RADICAL CURE. The Oii-" .i'.,.. ,,i ni-i

less I'ini- UBS

Par Die Datai

ilaaaaa.' Una lira-Inn OOMSK.M


nil b in d, i

lie liox Cal


fl i* lhe KO'T >(cnt that nil effectuatlv hill lhe odor af any of lhe auny Irtid ■ideioiii ircreiim beneeib theheman ikin, erlwr M ilic frit, irmum, breMUgeiu-

klui ■any people h»ie I■■> <ln, in tree i •dun, BaaaM • ill lulu iling .-i'.i peuduce th* dctired tisult. l'»-

md <lo.» nm a If ihiM ai-idia

NEUTRALINE to lha affected pirn obvialea lhe llil—llj of balhini aa ofrtn, and will cure jn v .mtinlry cue.

• i> perfeellv liiirinl.-as .nirf . ,i izi./L-r a ,..-..- tr*-e,a'r niee to nfci.mplinh kiotijio.

L ' UK Tmlei Ariir'e ol lhe day, and la band- •oeaaft . ' up in KS and 60 cent boiilaj

ll u i t by all drugg1"*. aud alte, milled, poatpald, la paten nHapuhle b.i-.k tia lube^on receipt of aft •aata («md (,..ui nniel, by

J. A, HOITT COMPAHT.Hasbua.K.IL tieoiia U

n'hen et> oi h

It all/ya rrann lining ol Ihr Ir il in u, «i<dlui.i» I ■ I'M*. pMab ... n. (pi,R «<d rttUiaalhai o' ia>l« and mil. I <n i - ■. ■■ .. . ■ are lei-il i,v - i<« ' ] ■ i-'i in i -■ A iH'i.11,1. I

PATENTS » Brinrrmti AnaiirrAir. i

Unas to art a- p,>ilHt<ir» IT l'.i"ni«, t'a*«ala, Treda Maria. Coprttahtii, fur the D'ntnl Klalea. Canada, Bnaautd, rranop.Uermaiiy.eto. Hand Buokatmut 1'a'enla a«nl frra. Tlilrt i*e>«> yean" aiprrtinrt..

I'-tmlBaWatuedlhr.eaafcMtlNNAro.arBnollOrd jdthniaial In the tClBNTirir AMKKII ■m a?a«TT ein-iilat. il H Iran aenl tn- A M IB LC '

ipl-mlH! ftaanlaii 'll.'^rj','



CIATICA lafleil. Hold 0T I'liiBHi*


ToDONSUMPTiVES i'ae.wi-»cHF3TFnM nvTornoapflrrnoiUMi IM M ■"<. Fur (nn-einiiiliin, i>u. ,,..., ... i «-■ 't I. imt nntl l.iin(i.. Dyapeuurla I1'" linae'fil lublllly It l< ru toUiwls kgsd e i a. ■ 1'

lT,|..-,»lan.ia-*:)-r I. .■■'..-. lT-paro.1 r-nly b, W «^ tO., t Ix-niUl*,

inKewlork fNTtkecureea* EPILEPTIC PITS.

n.iif „- «pii.i-. KtaBeeTSiai l*aa*kM ilniBuT b**o aatmitW"* I we na»a h»ird »t •awBafo»«*ifT*ae.'.lan.llf« Wap"'."' ' r""'\'l %\m Haku iintiiuiwd .-,.■1 ,,.. .1... ,i -'■«.* »'ii'h aaa^.ta-LiBaiua-1-tiie..i I"' lun.i.rni <■"'»'"■ E ..».af»H«e who tuM*"' «*•" "'"r" *1


iV. WcNNNaVaVlre. MJilhnei.. a»va™«.


1 1)1 it •■«.*

-is > B' fen. Uuk'« Hixil*.

t* il a Aim p in Hr:iniai,

Lablemaa l.mbu, •1 i toieiad fiie.

Wmu Meer.i.Ac, Ac-

Thenlr H1'. BAMUaL riuSCH ft BONi 3H B. UI i >t Ne« ii rk

run-taniBe lu iA

> «i nltklna

for -Bill, •>aud parU ul ra. ncu M

ii bavi ' Ile»l_. . « Ha»r«>rd'e Haitlial

■■at aatal fh.inl»l Pi

.VOLTAIC. - Htic-nmnll-m, N.-ur.Uia. w.latl

■^ Y^2.^V Peinalfl P-ln-.'l'alp'letli-n, i»y. " '\SW l»'i'-i.i,,.ir.r' ^mplHinl,»i loll*

/t LICTMC* ».•« ^•"'I ' * , ■'"-»"- I" A ' »l«» ■ Heeirk i atte'r .•nnit.ln.-il

^For Sale by Jamei K. B.0H, I4S KaaeA tdreel. itaar' —i

Malaria the Cause.

Feery "iickii< i- hai Its Prver. The head, tliolunira, the aeoa»eb,t io boerete,tbe liver, t!ie BTlcen, nrsd Mic UdDeyaeaCB will at tiin-.i ! -f.f c;r Httte Fevr-r. I ..-'.■: unit- rluedlf l.-'ealT tl :■.:•■: If dcl^yrd tUofcrar apreadal.Le fl « In p. hoine,ui.^1 Cowhoto bor!yliln»olTtd,p- \t'i-S riNalatfcktnbad.

Tho Itla<;le Cur* lap^rHt.ul-.y n I'evar !TI*dlflU4»—i)e*,LiM tttili'^MiKTllmnfttdaliia,

it is i; -■! r.r th.> riek^Md. Tuo bow of promiaetot:.ol'-.Tnl t

!■-■.■ iv'"" • IS. :t i '.■•"'.■:, r, r>! [it? tJir>- rfa, iT.ini'.iii"!, c t ha etirtd, U' tbia rempfly li t_Ucd Br:[v'y ,- ■! illrpc/c.!.

llKlair:rior?TJjt>;:i U t'-.a a:r Isforthe D)OGtpa:'tt':tc-ui..aci ull aTetwraakXi M«-tc Cure Is a isn KUIUIJUJ fur it in every

livery (lull t > il'ilfeper, but note fevcrh'Rl:s«liill. WuturoUw Vev* 'he Chill at tt.o anna tkse,

Askyoiirdrujivi: t [or the Maril*- Cut Fut up in bolii 1 !«)in;l ■ ■ : lMil >.,■:: Prkeaf l"'l-t M)( .. n li,.i.nn.|'■■ "Tan»neat

' :1cnot Uiollui:.U, JJ1JW tbj e«|i.

Ceo. Tallcot, I ill Pulton «(., New York,


German Remedy. -TRUTHS FOR THE 8ICK.J

TTr SUM IpSBi iaSpell«'li'pi'iiil

iiuill 1 ll KS I'll


rc<l-m>All|ton w; If an, ll*. Il-R PlTTIHa , i-iirp vim.

Uuarauewn 'lavly toiifloeil li '•"•■S

I mill, and wnrk "" '

<loud wher ymi «ei [a linpurttle. lnir.t 1 njt throimh thn htinl n riiiii.ii-,ni..t.'iiei,

llinn U-. Th TKR*. They will ll„ -I t'I'H,,,,.■!.. I

« !t. " ' i

,. 1. Ill] It" I I he nil h, | run. low n

In "i."lli-.i

raged, RwlUi-i

-H . lft..„,l..,„..Wi.i, ilto.ufl'rrfriiiii Itlicimi

li-m, neaa tuittlo ol "" " "UH BirTKHH ;

T fella to eare. "TwrnS without dlwllimiik.' vour I'l.i.xlJS

f. Try H: you I'lirc.rlcli nn.l 4iroiiB,U

t ii Htm


., .—*• ' ih* aorii kind aad ol I.-** ■ a.i-liTia r,4.a t ■■ureil li".l»».l. w •!">"■ linll («ilh lAM*alXf.l7.l I .Lit tend TWO WTll.H ill , ,.,-.i..,.i,',.i "i I'.Bi.: [;."'.:' :' ■■,! ■■■:•»• ..,

* JAA.T. A. BWK.Va,liir.ariat,ri„T«B,

AWUK«itK I L*Coa7.nViie»; 'W. 'JNak Dil . «■ H. lew.! »f r. U> Plaatiaer and J. d. .Neatlbam.

want l In- I ■■-( \ ■ I...I iVinW |inlii;.,li,-t ■ r>ml 3 a-cent atnrnpt to A. 1'. OHIIWAT .■* Co, Boaton, Wtiea.. and rarotta a copy, free.

iiifiii J^UCTMTVOI.TAW HFl.T, and other Vi.erra.f

Trial, in Mt;N. T..I \'.| ?,R (.tTy, who ara'tuBerma •■ ■■-. VF."„, P.nury.Lorr Tir.ttty an.lth-^

..f a fitaao**). If.TfftH ra-iilltna; f,.,„, . .. . an.tliTHFar.i.i,, »pa»,|, „.,,„,,,,„, ,.„nl

On .atiTiti, ,.i,,i.-,.|'.,ijh. ,'-".'., i' '.'l'^" rre«, Addnat """^


INDIATeEiriS ts-.iM. (-HI1T

AUHAH, \. ■".',«. VAI.I.KY, IIMI KK I^>. BllftA MMiN.aml othirr. .M. ■■ - i i. ,uir( upertar ID riaaor. ThaMOel Pern e. i. i:.

iti'ea. JOHN i. PHILUlrj' l't o!, '(trite or trio Calcutta Tea Syndicate. IN Will a tT, « T, eailTuoe _. fir asarie ih

Pi-obably the wealthieai railroad COD-

ductoi in America is employed on the

E ttt Tennessee, Vlrgtol* »nd Georgia

road. Ho is said to be worth $30,-


Only two actors, have ever held for-

eign appointments at the binds ot the

United States grvernmcDt. Mr.

Cooper waa appointed by President

Tyltf and John Howard Payne was

Consul at Tunis when he died.

Philadelphia men proposes to make

war on the liquor inieresl by decrea*

in^ the numlier of licenses for the sale

of liquor aud putting them up at auc

li'in for premiums over and above the

license fee, the net proceeds to accrue

lo the ciiy treasury.

7A"tins lltmium, of Baltimore, be-

queathed eighty thousand dollars to

hid brother on the condition (hat it

ihoulil go to the McDonough Institute

if Frank became a Catholic priest.

Frank joined the JenuttB, and the

courU aay the Institute can have tne


It is said that the Prince of Wale*

sent his son to Cambridge because he

Ml in love with a beautiful American.

He evidently does not want his

children to follow in their father's


Mrs . L'.ngtry, having told the peo-

ple of Toronto that next time ihey

should see her an actress but never

again asabenuly, certain Americans

[line (o remark that powaiuly the peo-

ple ol AVHOIIIO will not perceive any


A South JTorwalk hat trimmer put

her card in hats she finished and has

received letters from seven different

men. Two of Ihcin have proposed |

one is a western horse car conductor,

one a niiuinliel and one a Dukota bo-

t'l porter, who la prospective heir lo

$50,000, and who spells '•Kate"

■•Cttit."—Lynn Bee.

lu the trial of a will case in Balti-

more a witness testified that a pro-

tuberance as large as a walnut ap-

peared upon the forehead of the tes-

uirix upon her being deprived of

liitfkV, aud disappeared again when

■oaWWU supplied * lib her customary

stimulant. Curious I Generally it's

having ihs liquor that swells a man's


Many Colorado miners who are

nominally id>o are looking around for

the best claims to be struck on the 1st

of January next. On that day the

property of thousands of owners will

be forfeits, under the law, because

Lhcy liuvo not done the annual assess-

enl labor, and whoever digs a ten.

foot shall or lie equivalent will become

msBcssorof the claim for a year there

ifier. There will be more pickaxeB

aeetagtng in th* air on New Year'sDuy

; MII ever before in one day in Coloro,


Cocoanuls, aa well as pineapples

Mini oranges, arc grown in Floridi

Mr. E. G. Chesley writes that Mnjor

K\ HUH ul M>ers has a grove on the

Caloosahalciiie that produces 300 or

more cocoanuts per tree, and that 325,

000 trees are growing in Monroe

cciioty. A vessel has just arrived at

Key West with 120,000 nuts, lo be

planted in Biscayne by a colony recent-

ly started there. Mr. Chesley prophe-

cies that the entire coast line of MOD

rue county will ere long be a vast

cocoauut grove.

At one of his lectures recently, l)r

Erasmua Wilson exhibited a woman

3H yt ars old, end five feet fiva iuchefi

blgb, whose tresses, when she Blood

erect, enveloued her entire form in a

KoMcn veil nod trailed several inches

uu the ground. The longest fibres

measured six feet, three and a half in

cites. Thirty inchea is the mean ler.gtb

f.i the hair of females, and three leet

U considered of remarkable length

Tntl in-t'inL'o, ho said, was exceeded

by two American women, one whose

liair measured seven feet six inche-i,

and another, the wife of a droggist iu

Philadelphia, whose luxuriant hair was

almost as lou; aud so thick that when

aeated on a chair she could completely

cover herself with it.

About the lime Tom Thumb arrived

in Paris, a celebrated rival dwarl had

)tist died there. He was a scion of the

1 > ■ Richebourg family, and a trifle over

half a i artl in height. He lived at lhe

cum ol' Philip Hgalite as a Butler to

he Duchesa when 10. Artetwartl, on

the revolution, he was denounced, but

■atMpcd dressed as a baby, with bin

head wrapped in a bourrelet, and im

jcrtsnt papers concealed in bis swad

.Hin" clothes. For thirty years De-

Uii-hebouig lived in the Faubourg St.

i JiTinniii, and never went beyond the

.innt-iaid. He was very shy, and

avoided being seen til public, but with

iiia friends was animated and wilty

IIi> hail a |ieu*ioo of three thousand

Iraooi from the Orleans family, and

bed at 9*.

Congressman Finerty would like to

we all London blown up with dynamite.

I.oiido.i covers 700 square miles, has

more than TilO.000 houses, and near-

ly 5,000,000 inhabitants. Ftnerty

ilopsn't hanker lur much of a show,

Iocs be? Wouldn't he be satisfied

Nil!) the steam boat explosion ii


Mr. Drum of Case county, Neb.

oarrlei one arm in a sling,the result ol

in iffbrt to shave a mule. If he had

employed an average barber, the mule

would now be the disabled and suf-

fering party.

Of 45.000 persons arrested last

year in Paris, only 6000 wete women,

The proportion of women airesttd

ADniiHfiy in London is much largei

Tina demim»trnieB the superior gal-

lantry ol ths Paris police.

There is a am-!.; sentence In the

English Foreign Enlistment aot which

exceeds iu length any sentence of Mr,

Evarts's. It contains 600 words.

present Mayor Breen, Coromlaalot. waa neat, and In many cases elegant, and gj flTi If awl rltii>| ItTatll f-f-T ire Lanprvy and Bell, Alderman . too macb prslse CADDOI be given for the j hiVe exan|0Mi i.mplet ol "Clevalaad'a | Joyce, Conncltmss atorrlsaey, Doyla,

Qa|o, KlllDRWood and Font, and City Eo- llneer Marbln. The Mayor Stated that ibe last auj lurnment was to allow ibe

Saondera Brutbera and other absttors a tba ceo to decide what they ahoald do ID

.he movement. Commissioner Bell read a commsnlca-

Ion Irom Dau'l Baandera, In regard to tba Baondtr'e estate on the proposed site

of the new channel. Fdllowiai are copies of the commonl-

,;BiU'na between Mr. Bull sod Dau'l Saond-

eta: — Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 19, 1883.


LBAX eiai-Ai a ■BWIHNJ ot lhe cum- niuLi'o of the city government on the i^lckit Btvar Improvements, vl which LOM ommiarlonera were prearnt, Itwia .ugs«sied tnat tnere aiijbi be aume mu- uuderataoding aa to the extent of your |iropoalUou W Da for the scitn-iticiit u! tbe iBBiage* aod IK-H'| in.-mi to your land ou

■ iir north alda of ihv 8|nck«t river, and .0o commlaeloDera weru fQUeaUid lo "O- atn from you a propoaiucu iu wilting, to ay before <he city aovcrnnwut.

Will yoa therefore lavor us at your earUem eouveoieucea WILD aiiub a ptupo- ,iiiou? Iu order to a* jld any prooent ui UlUre BiliUoOcrbtaudiini, We lake the l.b-

erir to aua«eat tne matters w.ncu miy be iBVOlved: -

1 A new chanacl for tbe Splcket river tor wuico tonre will be r*quned approsi- ■iiatelj x9.W0tquar« leet ot high uroond, o660 IBBL of putid bole.

a BiraeUaad adeya with aldewalka, mclndluB I'uiiuiui aireet. Maple atieet aud New Street oo the north aide of tbe new cbanuel; Chaatnut street sliey, M«- ole aireet alley, alley on aootb alJe of lhe new cbauuel. Tue aiuoun ol land eo tt- qulrwd foratreeia aud alleys la approi.- oietely ai f»llow» : Hmb land. 6a 000 ft ; river bed, 11 000 leet; poud bole, 7 BOO feet.

S Sewers, a. Tin- main sewer; b, M |N« alreataeweri C, Cu<-»tuui atreat •%» ■ i i tl, Short aireet aeWeri e, Be Were not L

tin- Hplckel riVer. I' ■;n.,n. Ol )out land will drain lulo eacn ol iher-e aewara.

4 Qrade, Tbe city have auiboity to AX a grade, to wbieb alt land uiual b. Oiled Including tbe river bed. anil lo or- der ibeowitera to All. If they Tail to do

. Ibe cl.y aTav nil. Sad charge the el oeuae to tiif laud owners, who may ibei> mrtender ibe land.

Tne t;itj mm may desire to acquire (ilUiwluti riitot* I —

1 Land lor the new channel. tbe •J Laud lor suetta, sidewalks and "!•

eye. 3 It ght to lay sewer Inland nut t«k<-o

a BeLtermenis for chtnga in channel 5 BeUeiineuie for new atreeia aud al-

leys. 6 Ballet menta for *t were. 7 Uiabi lo I-.JIIIUVI IIUIIIL'.

8 Coiupenat'lon tor fllliiig by the cliy- You will ii*v ■ lhe follow It.« rlgbiH i— 1 TodamageB lor laud lakeo lor chSL-

oel. 3 Todsir ages for land lak--n for streela

aud alleys. 8' To damages for la> Ine sewer, 4 To damag.-s lor land aurrcudered. A To euter aeWer for yoaraclf. 6 To euier atwer fur your grantees. If tne aijov.r la correct, Wl- dealre your

ala'.emeni, wblc i of Ibe aouve ri«hl« )oo dealre lhe city to aurrender on their aid>-, aud which yuu propose to nurrender ou your able la compeusatlon therefore.

lu conalderiug this qaeniioo, we dealre to ca.) yi-ur attention i» the fact thai the prevent area of solid land nnuli ol >be uorth line of lhe airwt oo the north aldf of tbe new chaunel now la aliuut IT6 OoO leet. Too amuuiit a -.tied from the p«uu Oole aud river bed la abt ut 60.0011 feet. The amount taken f >r CI>BUHBI aud r-; i <■<■< - la about 79 000. oo ibat I bo oet lues t j y JU Will be out) »i> >ui lo.OOO feel.

Yoorr., CBAHIKS U- bn.i..

For ibe UoaUBlM loners.

Lawrence, Dec. 21, 1883. Messrs. Bell, Lamprey and Colcortl, Com-

HII-IO..ii..ii of Splcket Kivi-r Valley Improvements:

GBSTUUIKK:-Whenever yon are able to state ueduilcly in regi-id to what the city propuaea to do lo tbe matter ol *ira!g bleu lug tbe Spicket river, ailinu ihe 0«d thereol. locating sewers, laykug oat streets and eatabUahiog lhe grade tnereol. We will OlhraA the city opuu the iHJBt liberal tei nin. In regatd to ihe bak- ing of any part ol ibe eataie of mi late la her. Aud aa anon a« this Inrormailoti ta given we vrlil ii.."i any coromitiee au- thorised In act In in* prumiaea. We fl,. nlre to aid all We can lu the couteraplaled ImpiiiveinrUte. To act tuielligeutiy, w. ■uual kuow precisely Out <mly ibe auiotiui of land )ou want, but also where you waui It; the grade of your streets; what n'Maa yoo propose to do; what eapeuae, ii any. wo shall be at for tilling or uiaoiuu lhe laud lo order to uiaBe tutu avadable af let ynu have located and eaLablialieit Ui. grade ol prop.Mrd streets. Wum ws am tills nl"' ma !!•>■, we Will r f.-noiM at out :• to any Plupueltlul tbe city may desire to aAaae,

With ihe highest re-ptct, I am veiy yours, Ac,


Ifwl Sell aud Bi others.

Mr. Sell said that uo'.htu* coma be dooe in ibeaffjlr UDlll lhe giede bud been es-

tabltsbeil. Cuooctlman Ford atld tbe best thlof to

dowuuldbcto huy ibe land Jost as \-

Tbe mayor said Ihe legislature gayt

prettv broad power In regard lo taking

the land, but did n i kuuw )usi how much

culd be taken. Bell said be thought an order to

take lhe th*nnel, and siterwar-l to uk.

tbe real uf ibe land, ah >uld be InLroducud

In lhe city govuinnaont., aud tbea they

Id goabeal ID tbelr work without any

oppoell.on. Tne mayor said that the people on the

present Hod or the rival would not be

oytlued to dll th) preseoi . Innnel tor »\\

ihiba, and aa ibis would bippea lu sum- mer, would therefore be detrimental lo

In- beatlti of lhe OHlBeLB. Commiss.onvr Lamprey aald It woald

not he utceaaary tt> allow tbe water Inn be new cheoael until Ui. y weie ready to

HI! tbe old cnaunel. A pltin of the liuprovemenia was pre-

sented by Mr. Marble, aud after some dir-cusalon lu regard io Ijs power glvet

ihe t'i on ii^-i.'H, Ii was touud Ibai tbej Were lovested with full ^ower to pu.- base aoy laud that was lor ibe luieieai f tbe proposed improvements.

Mr. Joyce to ■ v.-.i thai tbe comml-alon - rs flud out Wbal tlio wllolc of tbe Uaui d- rs laud could tie bougtit 'or, aud ivpon o ibe cnuiiuiii".'. Councilman Gage tec

uuded ibe uioilon, aod It wan carried. Tbe meeting iben anjoained.

BafSS of the scboltra In this department superior Baking Powder," manufactured at of usefulness. There was a display of aihaay, N. T., and"R)yal Diking Powdtr,' plain sewing aad knitting from ibe prim- o th purchased by myieir.ln tb>a city, and 1 ary poplla, aud as npwsrds to tht higher And they contain : claasas, who showed garments of all sorts ; "ciiTiUaa'iiapiri.rB»iiia«i'i>»«ir'

that bad been cut and fitted by tbe pnplla

themaelves. In these classes they are

slso taught to use tbe sewing machiu«. Beatdes useful articles there was a line

display of [» woik, smong which may be mentioned two elegant carnage

robes, ottomans, many handsome tides,

and all aorta ol embroidery. Including a

large amount In Ibe Kenalnglou aiKch,

Among the visitors present were Ills Honor Mayor Breen, Superintend tot

Brews ter o! the public schools, Mr. Peter llulihan aod Mr. John Harris, mrmbere

of tbe committee lor St. Mary's s.hovl.

It yoim Tun Sunv.

Dare boaih.i albwarl each aupphaot arm TB4 »ii"'> pale .tti e at pale Noveirber,

No aul"iuD'a aiaomu. brealb to »«im ilia red 1-tat waPa explilna eul»-r;

ll.-u-t: ail. i liou-. , a flliuii..niM i-tn.-t; A hirald niaiu <•■ uiinHna aleri, Th« .trtn^iiug dajSiea" li.rsulnf glow, Hour wit a ll-bt BOoal-wia la wailiuaj so.

Wll.-ll ULHI I.M.l ll'ltM" it'nl HI '"t I'.'Ill 'llll.r'l. Ueforatae .now, mm* Uieauow.

A Tillage eot; eyes Sery-blu'. Hum* Mas neoeaih .lie. roof, hlffh raller,

Ki|i ■ en«. k, r.rlxp ' m I ■ Ol ■ lie-inni nu.-. gutok b> art tint leap* to luv.- aoo lauotier.

T11..I i*..i. oo all 1.1.m sui to soil, 1. .». a man aim loving live-, list Uod, LjgBtfeM hu.netiatlj '■■ «nit iro t)» aWdet enafld n..n.- ma, kaow.

Swift .prtlwiUi n i.H-. Iikn wiaga to.waltber. Along the .n'», aloes

A mldaliht room. Ihe »rn9there-l ■peeeh Ol Hi -■■ that wai.,i ariiti tear -t fa

rim heiulea* Uye-iouh Dent by eacu Wnu .UHipa. tint ape iae no', anil eml.rece.;

L> »'■ braving d alb wl>b that laaloij, •Tine lx ilium abe ta mill.-, .lie atlBll i Ot dlS, Tueti boinjwartl atep - r. in. HIIIK Mow T.i tiieni.ilitti'n aid worded e>u«.

And in my ilaik"-«ed tlwelilug.pkr.ea A mi., tin; -.t.m, aeioaa the aojW.

A li .How; a.d gathered there .-.ii-.ii* bieaknia t a. l> -«T BO., bie.k not.

d fatea.

Cream of Tartar

Bicarbonate of Bods Floor

Available carlMoleaeidga. 12.61 Iper cent., ulvaleot to 118.2 cubic inch.!* of ru per ut.

ot Powder.

Itnyal Baking PBOTBCV."

Creanijol Tanar Bicarbonate of Hod: Carbonate (.1 Ammonia Tariarlc Acid Surcb

Ats laMe carbonic acid gas 1V.40 per cent., equivalent lo 116.2 cubic NHBW of |M per ti. ol Powdar.

Ammonia gas 0.4:! per aent., equivalent lo luicurae In ha par of. oi Powder.

Note.—Tbe Tarurlc AcU wa» doubllesi In- raduced as iree acid, but auiscquentlv com-

bined wltb i. and exUls In tbe Powder as a Tartrale of Ammonia.

E. O. LOTS, Ph. D. N«w Toaa, Jao'r 17tn. 1881. Tbe above analyaee in.ll.aie a preference for

■Cleveland'* Soperinr Baklne Powder," and ournplnlon It tttti tt lathe better preparation -Hill'a Journal of Il-allX


'I'm- in,--i-.i hra.i'.Krune aim I..111.1 .| .1 ll H.l. I !.>■'!. -. II..'V M Tney i .in woul.l bleep with m

HIT:.. ' .now, bvucatb It

A green plot aweetwlbahaile and •ountl, A Wbi .- poreO an I a oaiue engraveiii

Wbereilea n unveileil HI kve ait* erowncd In garden i.. ■■ ' ■ with lill'i paven.

Auil llr, ;. Mil. 111.'I 'I that lao.l, A ■■!..■■,l f ■"■ : . h I i..:l.. tl.D.1, Anil In ner li-u a .crolt alisreglnw Ms i. ru-. of mlgni .Mi.i'ii man abali know

In i..v<'. warm, ■ .alowjil I-. y Hiven Beyond this » nv, bctoii.l lliu enow.

gBT. II- BaaNAXtiCAitp^KTia, In H o. ton Travel lor.


InterasUng Teats Made by the Uovern- llieut CherulSt.

St. Mary's School.

Very Intereat'ng eternises were held on

Friday forenoon, at Si. MaryN school,

the uccasioo being the distribution ot

premiums to paplls who have earned ilil-

d'at>pe""n durlug ihe school year thai Ir-

paat. i .,-■ following programme repre- sents the order o( exercises i Cbum-t,

"Welcome," by the pur"*1; dialogue, '•lisifllunrs with the Salniai" awarding

of tokens of approbation to boys uf third

grade; die ogue, "The Hlvalit;" distrlbu-

tl MI ol medals and rlhOooa to gtrla ul Oft sixth ninl seventh grades; Duet, "Ariay-

ed la golden clouds," reciiailon, 'Tb

ci flog year;" swarding of tokens t<

boys of third grsdet chorus, "lllch 1

truth;" Distribution or premiums u> uit. uf .iiumiil, iluiil sod fourth gisd<s; Dia-

logue, "Chrlsimas;" awarding of tokeoa

to boys of first grade ; Dialogue, ■('•■•

giapby;" K tb 11 n ii,. "The London Bee;"

presenting of iokeDS to girls of lhe Or-I grade; E-isty, '"Christinas 11 li1 - ,"

Chores, 'Cnil.ainias caiol." Tbe exeicir-

es were of a most Interesting nature, aud

showed Due drill aud proDcleucy in :b-

pupils. Although It IS ilitll' Ull IO Beled

from so deaervlng a list, yet H may be

said that for flue display of elocutianarj

powsrs, tbe palas sbonld be awarded to

Dr. Edward O Love, tbe present Analyiieal Cbemiat lor ttieO .eeromem.bai rte-atly made

e intertaung rxpennnnta a. lo thseoiupjr t valua of baking | owders. Dr. Love'

leaif wuie made lu . e ermine wuat nranda at ibe mo-t * full i 'Hi leal to u»», anil a. tlieir Caps- • ny liet ID "h:ir luaveiing power, lU'ts were dlretteil .okiy to aseertnto. im- nvatlahle g ■ ol encii puwdcr. Dr. Luve a irporl give. Ibe tui

•Ugf N ■ Mr- 01 tllO

Baking Pi.wilei •ItoyBI- (.-rral


Siirngtn Cubic Ineoei Oaa

i, per each tin Powilrr tartar | 127 t


FLDRIUA Fino-FalniiiiB

The old yeardlea. "Ilowhaa It profited theeT" Wotmuih, If you haven't loamtd thai old ft ".ilior beds and hair mattrMaei an unhealthy. Not much, if TOU haven't learned that tb* only healthful gild In- vhromtlng bed Is one of Pino-Palm tne— nature's boon to the afflicted, nature's gift to all.

flow 1J Plno-Palmlne reckoned as a win. ter bed T Let die doctors bavo a aay:

China; I oliWyaHaboui diaPraciPalnilija

Theae profeaaional men ara much ei- poactl,anil naturally welcome abed whli-h Ihey can retire to after acold Journey, with

against next day'a exposure. O.MeB^ila*tPrrM.

r.-< lit found.1

The warmth f>nm Plno-Palmlne Is mrl- oua. It li tiot aatlcky, sweaty warmth llks that coming from leathers or hair, but aa Invigorating- glow, that makoa yon fret good all over, and conduces lo coiafort- rest and refreshing sleep.

K Hon. i al. t rl'a ir a g ra-rl Drn er I' lloom I- in. i -. JM Low-il rt , Br 1 >|V Franklin St.. I.nv.n ., H.i-r , .ole Agent im PfSn-PALUl.NBe.OOii-trirL.--r • <■■■ anl a>l

J .Ining towua. B17 K . x St.Sad 1 1 L.iwell Bt.

COKE!_ COKE! 1 Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal

THE LAWRENCE GAS CO. la aeltlng OOK Bat the following prieea:

Per Cbaldroa of 14 bbla,,delivered #S Of M t* 7 < it iu

Per bsrre., " " Jn Or. ten muit be ft al the otfloe of '.}■ * ennipan:

1o.SU Ehiex su.aml uheCcae pa.JloratU) one the older la given.

OFhlCI F'— "■: TJ0 a. m„ to Urn., - - | to u. n.

* vitl mart


Conunercial College BBEOHIN BL03R, 004." ESSEX 8T2.S2V A.NQ . BaOADfVlf

pecial GoursB in Penmanshin. 13 Lesaoiis lor 9;1.50, Inrhnllng Stittlui e?ry and one set of Cannon's Copy Slips to*

e. First Leeeoa Hondavy Kveiilim, Nov. 12, at 7 o'clock. ' No. regular Day unil Kvealii^Mi'sslons lu CoiniiiuroUl Department. Call o

send for rli-r-uturs giving pnrllculnra.

C. C. CANNON, Princioal.




I'll.,. ■■ « !I.I .1

emphailo i r.. I-K-I..

Fur aale tj .Im apply fo- Boa an«i

'.e ati nath, li< ir nl in., I II .I - 1-i-i.H-i- ■I h v« i i ru u.'

■ and .I. ii ,,- io whom ■aiseicr l-» aod'1 a

SAY, HELLO, TI1KUK I at t last you If Dr. Thorns*' Kclectilc Oil

gW*B4pSfSf "*ei'.


i; HI i ■■> KUJifonl".' (oi

' i i,i...-.,ti.r. ) innh,

lej <

II -II 'urii' ■ None .•!.* ■'' oiJ, B dni aiiV

■Uuarni' (itlum powtiet), ■Aiuaaoii" (Hum powdtl) Ci.->riaiin - ' (sb .rt weigul ] ui }, ri. a P.wni,"

«C« ir,' •Ur. Prle.'s." •aeow" (OroB'a,8t. Paul! LwiVs" Condensed.

191J n u

117 D liii'i- tll.ft> nun 11)7 9 10SS in.' 8 101 H as 2 07 0

<C B. Andrew. & Co'i. (contains alunO 7)1 17* "HecktrV 82 6 "Olleii," 84 2 -Bulk." 80^

■In bis report. He OovernmentCbemlstiav.' "1 regaru all slum powders aa very uuwhol- -

some, ptiuspbate and larlane Acid puwderu liberals tbeirgaa lo trnteuoi baking, or under rat) tug climatic cban^es autf.rdeteri- orailun."

fjr. II, A. Molt, lbs (miner (J ivernmenl Chemist, aft'f a careful and elaborate examlii. tonuf ihe varioua unking Puwnera of com- merce, reported io UK Q iveromeut In lavor ol the Royal brand.

1.5 h

A N. m... CHAM

While parlaking of ihe Curiums* dinner let n- i i.- 1.1. IN,- mi-,-, > ..I earth'. iiiiH. • unateonr.. Nu oeller i.-rui to do this can IIIUIIU tban toaupnirt ibe w,.ri.i-ianieo Ui.ari Hoaplial .1 N-w Orleaim. La.,and inv.-.t jr, 81 In ibe IM h Oracd Honib y DctnMn I'i.e a SiaeLouery, un " Nnua-y, 1084. under lhe aule care ei.iuu ul Oet-'i. U T- It. .urrtinril, it L* . and Julia I A. Early, ut Va.. when UVtT B'.H'i I Ml will be ic u-i Inoaili:.,-! in mm- of 1)75 01 U down to e-1'. Tas luil -ii n i ■ ul which r.n bad from M. A. Dam-bin, N. » Uritaaa, La.

We bar.'a itrnpleie . ■ ->-i nu i.t of Writing I'-M'-r- in H i ta. .nil ct.'. i« ana lima, n Ibe itirlriii.1 kirda aid ■ ■ /. - mil of the veiy nesl Quality, WR| .im,. p.- to IUHII: Sliv- er. A iiltnnLi-aier, 37 V. ,,i -itui, liu-ion.

* ;t,iiii,- 7

A3JUT TEN FiET HGH. Van'Htlt'k ... I other Boarders Trnst

not the Tit.. —Certain Deductions.

"tin i m ti wj. i ii • lust i.i .d ih. agt a

in iiuigst .HIILUJII Hie w men were ouui.uouly not "IOIO thin t nor 11 II-SL -i.h "

"IV,-II," :, -i ti ung i ,n i-l.- k, ■-in mj Him I ii be wnn a rl,ing and » iyi g Hutch

Willie n.iliotlv .i'lm. Anieri.ian wuni.n iu ha glama, ad «u,.ll bs .I.II.II.'.I l- sip .urn -til ..ini itnuu. Y*t a odcauaea eom-

I.',,., iu ....- . Urea miaefabl ; .... Nin.'ii ciiiimi' ,-,,I la ii,-.i--i I-.".',■■. or iu the -in, hoii-..-, ■ un i, ■'■! iltm.ite, .II i,,i in

W rrfl'a. WSilt ul alu'Ji' I larB.ex h lid I -ii-i-ri il I-, but peculiar in Die.'' -i-. -.!■.■ the wollirh pick that drlte hew,men"u Ifuuluf

i vets' i dtsa

. u uiy iit-peprii

er 111 ui .ill tiling

dtiCSd, _. IUV .i.ti. gth and rhielil It -ll-t I. I' 111 ■' I fc.-11i.IH' 111 - ..I ti'ain.u '-'i ihe tome la I el-e. 1 hiveauffeled lur )ea'.in this wai, sad »peak irom aapTience. A V-luaUle leaiur. Id

i'i.i.i-i'-. tiisoKS l'i.-. c I. not snesasnasor .-in,.. -. im' a ii,^ i > aideiitiflo . i ui in n >i neii V' g?iibitt curst ve age.i'a Lu wo iu lhe medical i.rulo-iaiou. Hfiv.ic ant i ml <rse It and in. « II, ii..,in,- MI mi i ■"■ * I M. m II. I'ti.-r- ;>o ■ and ft a hrxLtle. Your dr J-IM keeps it, rllKox A Uo , L Iieiunta, Sew Turk.

".'nil Ala ■■!




SAVES LAUOIf. TIMK.nd SOAP AMAi,- fcWGLV, and gives universal eatlsfacUoev. So family, rich or poor should be without It.

Sold by allUroocra. BliW AUKuf imitations ■veil dealRne-l to mUlead. I'KARLINH 1. tl.s OS I.T fl.VS'K lalior »riviii« onnipound, sod •lwsysbe.ini Net Shove srmliol, rtntl nnmoof

J4 VII -i PVLB, M-1W limit.


OIL BLACKING Keeps tbe Ilamet. fro™


Softens Without I nj it ring.

Oils Without Ovuamlwg.

Blackana IVIlhout Crocking. PUBJB AMI 1TIKK


P. A. O. CO. •ASS Washington St., BSWIOSJ, Mass.

claimed d not take our wor

wiitetoJ J- Klin-, Asbiey- Lauras Pa. Bee what be »itye He took lhe i-'I u., IN -n'li -i .1 ■■- i < ■•■ ■■■ , ililT 1. inw

was cu ed ofdetetulve b.alrg by llr Thoma. Kolrc rlc<dl.and that he wa< using it for Itv -ame p..i p >-e to vrv pern, p ible ad1

V. II, that'a all light, ail M >.■■•■:. bUt 1

r-l ani t r. Crane ol

f. Ui "A pleo y, air. There

Dunkirk, s. v. Irerfro si all iremllce, i ro. or ,-, i in aelor.e»laelbrdiy isawg Heaays:

'< or dcalne.-s Bid eaiai b ■ Dr Ttomas' Eolee- irlo Oil has wondei. luuiy eitalu know I »dg-.'

. _sd hrig* good il*«l alii'ti' lug a .iilenitid rsoieiiv (or c lairl', 1. .- .iii.i, ti -ay th-S» Ihing-. » (■■. hai .■ i oi catarrh hy im lHOM.S'Eot.1

"V c or f-lilnr aatwasl it-.'oni. ■ or eaiareH it In. BSipsd ,r.n 11 li rt, S»o C"y.

■in. ma' Nates

ill .1 ■ me. Whs el.e i Ur. Tuomia' *c-

m.nirT wawawrW^laeweiM rar

nu i i. r aiivtlnd

■ Ut. every 1. ,i! ih-liN- ■.

By d ss w*tai

FRUMIAN ARMY OIL CO. ana Waahincton Bt., Boston.

Weeka & Potter, W holeanle Agents.

CLARKE'S rlUIOMt 1IAI.SUI Ane) uuie>nur Coigh beirr.- ii IKC tnef ( hvnB e and selllts oo jou, Luifca, lo U.I. p. ihtpr, all

14 Nearer Ma^ic tasaasvtalaa lev-r u-ed" -.- A. L, .kiallin.


for Chai.ped Hand., race, SrS, hlanuiaciured '' nly by

CHARLKS CLARKE, Pharmriclat,



A'...r. aEBBva. SBBrark aamlaVurr-ialldi*- rffillas£B*irn BaWBr"..,, „| L|lc

Lunp. Bwedlstl

'•M"i.„,. Cures COB- Bttpatioo.

on therlieeitlvc argarui. '.WEUISH REMEDIES, „ .

fhen 1-ken teJeSTag sccoidma <" dlr.etlon.,

*"tiie"fi?.t and second .tagev. ''Th uisnd* Of MtimnnlabJ of IW wonder! d cure.. Write for ,amflhlaU and circulars—Sent Free.

V. W. A. LlaaoaKoaaN, M D., Lynn, MM, Proprietov

WKI'IHH it.ITALIC CoHronnn cures n ,.. ,-., i,. In ii .i-.ii ,II. I,,.,.,- n.i.i K.1,1-, ,.,,i .I, iii-

MVH1INH I rjm t Hid- n tveniv tm.

'.'■ Il'l II l'fl-,1',

I Cougli

PILLS die te«i fimilr

■ ™,.i-n ii,> in !■■ L ■> n i Be. a brttle

NEW HUB RANGE. With the wonderful Reflex Orate.

Every J,r,nu , Witrnmled, A fail mis

PARLOR STOVtS CHEAP. All kinds Kltrhen Furnishing; Goods,

TIN, COPPER, SHEET IRON Work Done. Also Plumb-

ing and Water Piping. THOvll'sON A OOOMH.

123 Essex Street. wlmd33

Free I Cards aod Uhromos. We.»,|l-eni iee ov niail a i a-apk ael ol ■

'■iga in lliu,, ii n - li Bud Aim-!'run t IIMJ

Ca.da.oi. miedaid g"id .."nid , wltn > pi o.I ol ovei 3UU ein.-i ut iin K>. . on lerel) I o • lanp lor MBS la B We *i lalala.nd f ce innn a- -nu |.n r i. II ui our beaulilul t im-u nu r.-i-.. |,t nl WO nu1" lo payt.-i psuaii a I p.'.iage; ale" iueh,ea cut ilutailal ( n e li I onr |ar drei-l f Haas,

3JBLEY|S SEEDS Of Ml. l-l.WT-, li M I. I Kill-, -^^Ul^^.

VI ATI S. Jll ,-r.- -il, lNeN-.t i*ut nut -iraln .n« \ firm Seed Han.ali U, mr) ts-t method

Of culture nf (in-n-.K. ■ t t r-] -, tir»«,-.. JtaMer ("mi* Tn. Haulms-, rta oidv lOrla. i „ ■"! miaiorrM aW frttt UM vt

—-a. SBVawaeteral il„ nsaad ■..,t■„<■.. .-, l-lii:i:. „ „ . iiiinitiii, HIRAM SIBLEY& CO. Rocheitsr,N.V. Chicago,Ilk


Steam Machine Carpet Beating AND



T TBKBS. Dear Sir :—1 take pleature In recommending vour Carpet Beattsg Uackla

as we hnvenevir had ourwurk done a. satisfactorily beiora. The ctroett are rsMreeS. to s

looking almost a. blight aa new. Toura n nly, CHABLBS CLARKE.

L-wnascg, Aphis:.

MK.THI.KH. Daat sin—Weare Bappy t'SBy that In our esnerlenn of nearly lony Vssrs,W

isve never hrtil oui iiarpou returned to us .othoroii«hlvcl»*na»d. B"d have never felt sueb par

fool aatisl'uctlon wilb the work, as wen returned ir.m your etlsbllahtuen^

Re.pectiullyyojrs, Mr. ami Mr.. K. R. HAI'DIN,

We, tbe undersigned, hive had our QaVBetS bust by Tress; New Steam Car;iel li.-atar,aa

tan endorse ll In the hlgbeat terma.

J K Tsrhex, A. rutler, CbartasTllarkvi. ^ T. ^ f.-,'« n, Helhsn, Ur J Aui . Mrs.U. K. Havla, Mrs. J. W. I'.iii-r,

J M. 11 ui-. ,11. II. Phillips,

and DUPT others.

K im'. eh

d tin m'tt pitlute sadOri'SH

nl physlclser, and ras long oecupi

rar.k stpoig ear.'ati proprieLiry . ^ ^^ uir.dloBiv.oik c) by ihe I'BA llapripenli-aaaanuleniiiveuj <ii-- BODY MBlHUfl L. INSTITUTE. Boston,enli 'n

nn MII vi ur I ire-1 as nhti I'lllM IllAlllilV e. Hi, n. Iii.l VlUtlltt - t'i i-niir. and t'l ton-Ill In lo ut, . I'ri-uiHLiii. li.,.: nu- In i ID, or Vlialily lB.palreu by tbi Krrora of Touth, or • <• ulose application .i iii.-iii.i-,,, may be restoTd and manhood re

' iftStn edition, revised snd enlsrred, Juatsnl uabtd. It i. B standard ine.lltnl wora, ibeoer ii the gngllah, 1.1 ;m :, bv a phy.lci.i II (treat experience, lu WM.IU waa awamed i <old -ml j- H.-iiKit in, .In l>y the National Ueilioa >...inmii"i. It aentalns beauiiiul and ver oipenrive eosravn .i. .100 i :■;.■- thai [it, valualle preaoiipuona lor Mil lories ot di* saasa, acute aad i-u.oi.ic, n.c isaultoi uiaoj 'ears of axteaalve anil .ut.oeaaiul practiot .■iitH-r ui • liii-ii loan.!.. Uii time, the price i. i.,' book. Uuunii in Le.aiiiul rn-i.. n cloli. alii- fru-eonn S1.85; by man >o leoeiniofprlce. lllueliateilaampl-

In 1 M:II-: « ci. or I.IFF. , OB BEUT-; FBfe.ep.MVAT10II,

, ley I .It r.uuip.r lout, II e nini-l eilr.nirlin.r> work oo Ibyahuiugy evei I'Ubltahid. Theiet' Botntps vthaik-vtr the nuorted ur single cat 4it tier li'in...- i-i auii i. know bet wlal la lull.. -||.IUII..ll. ■ [ l.llllllOU I.IHIlll

tug aclatiarff. OF 1-lFFi Oat SELF. ritrsgnvATio.«,

it a rosrvelol an and be J, ws laried lobei toner ■ .-.I ■ .,i hook wt ■ rj >eo itbaocaubi -iiia, in-. I ej.-c* I..,,- i double iin price, or ib< nonuy will be relunded in eiei InBlance,- Authur. N. H-YOUNiS and MIDDLE *GKI> MB.*-

>aa save much time, suflenng and expense u\ sailing lhe .'-,-,i-iu-i- ..I Lne, or conlert 1

.he authoi, wbo u..y be compiled on alldl.- tasea nguuii.g 'kill .ml eiperienre. Addiesi

1'KA mil'Y UBDICAL INbTITTJTK, % oi W. B.I'AlikKII, M. ll.,

4 BlILFiHCU ST., BUBTOM, slASS. eod w fax lv <•


Vlv ft IB .im mrll


IF It inn he HUHVATIPM. er Mrmni't, oi

■i--.. i- nl lie liru'Mi Kim Ta or s im i.. IT- i - . ,-r i. i.e. II . nl I Mum, Im- ol PLB.w, i t :■ i.i ■*. ■' ,- . II at dipritea )< u uf yuur n hi ru. ,>i MI .-■ i.

To iti.-e v>b* ran ipi-nrisle His, siut lo si • ho have i, .,:,i ie ', in, K, .'- ■ i , HI. .' nin. v>e i Pe, a Hal anil, n-rri .-I.Miie ii- 10 .li.'l .in, l, i;ii. I wll ii- i nu (,. !•■ Ill- 11 Jl.n M. fH., II. ..I. 1 . ll ■ 1,1,M' Un ■O ultt-n ur in..!.' M , H-, HI i. ,.i.ii Ul II). -I •'■,, III) l0M.llg.ll. BS. li, li e>.


HI -all at

II. povlilvrly tue. Tie tteb* are wo n ovei ,, .- . n- i i . :,-. in., n, I in M 1.. lhe o. dy. Y... win in. I ten ■■ ■ ,i - juui.ser ti, a I w w, eka ailei >l ll li,iV-,-| III II I. II.

Tadiiuna r-ek see* lor ii.r nts, an nnti. Bead the lisida, S3 eri.t., lu.olr. (itn lu

■ old leet, « c> »• p, r Mail d inn t* Ipi t f puce. 1. ]■ u reals i nl wnu IBS' lUltiimatiut,, A Lady will wait on Ladles.

li.l.VHHMl (•»., Inn?ghis. Oeasi, \genU-, l.swience, SIM. uwtinUui i.uju ..

icoffrHr^' r° one rks^ ^It^ivk^r^'

They Eegulate the Circulation of 1 the ENTIRE BODY.

aRTProvont Cold FoetrVsi andalt trouble.arl.lngfromlmperfectclrculstTon, cure ttHBDHATISH of ths fee t aad all kindred trouliles.absolntely preyent Co iron a AUD COLDS. InioUifnr Latiinmrtwv fAla. ltads lo St any shoe. Sold by Drnggists snd shoe dealers or sent by TiBll post-paid, rrlea SOcia. per pair.

■' aUflHJnq APl'f.lANCB ctv W0 Broadway, New York, N. T.


M'urranuil nbtoluttly pure Coeow, from which tho exceaa ol Ollliaabeenremoved. IthsstArea laa.r 'As iirtngth of Cocoa mliM

'Vith SUroh, Arrowroot or Sugar, aod I. IheriTora fir more eeoauml cal. It la dullelous, Dooriahlng, BUaagl Iwning, t'tully dlgcstod, nod sdmlrebly sdnpled for Invalids well aa tor persons la health.

aald by Orsesrs averywhsrs.

f i BAKER & DO,, Dorcbester, Mass,


dy. sn uniail-

cF0RE vKl|in 'i';', if Uem-rT, Ueiversal Ussltude, Pstn In IN n.iuti'o. nf Vl.lna, Hiematnre Old Age, an/ in .ny oiber disease, lhal leva to In.anltv o _-o"Bumptlon ami . Piemalm-o <int»e>.

Beware "I the adveiti-tmonlsloreiond mmev when ftri'ggi.ts Irom whnrn the ■ e-tlniee li tf-ughl do not refund, hul reler yoo to Ihe man Uluciurers and he rexitlicmenl- are sunh lha' h-i araael.lom.lfeverenmullen with. Heelhth

wr'll-n nun i in-ee Alrlgloi one sing e Meedta* nl Urmv's r>i"rw|0o will eotivince the m^r-l skeidi o.lni i| res) merit.. On Magsjal or. o lElerieliK *e .dopud the yellow wrapper, the

a.-iii'i paHtenlars In onr ramphlei, ejrsnei « ■Jf"'!* io -end ire bv mail i» rv rne SarTha spariS medicine Is solo hv ■ 11 dm -rl-fs >t ■] prr pnck«ie, oi six In. wilt '.v BfflSr 'rT ''trw."1*" nn '■wsayi ol the mon»\

GRAY MBDIC1NE CO .Buffalo, NY Sold ir Lawfaswal


_d**r 0l* I eat (in-,- Blorg.


A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that will play any tune, and that any

one, even a child, can operate. TiwoTgiriattt hi. gilnri ,..,h ■ a.iM-l.le rtfaSiOSJ Uat ■ frr^U,v.k-.iTi..'n .-f if !> ."I r»-r..«y ll ...ll ■---—.lemi., u.ili.iii,. > nun.»Tiiii.,i»i it., -v.

.it il.i %».i*l sin, p^vular ...IK.- ■ „■

., ,,| VI. II - 1,.„ ... i.> p.j, c Ik* pip*! lane la the II.,II..IIC,II ti mil c , i^iure, «aU n.fn Hie lufi.ll.-. •! :■!■ ■' up tba bclloi.ian.1 fin M\ UI' pa|«i luB'. rti- |ar>

>a> at the iiarvr sll»v ike n^l,i rssd -■ .-rm.M aprilr»ll"a«i,llieiv»ul../.r/«...- '■ - ■ J

IS .•:;.^.s-j^;.i.-.-,s*r„1uiT- -.;-,;■ - .''.'.•tt.;:-,--' l-T. ll il-

r asVoara MotiBSpf •OCIA'I" AMI^S*

.rK-iisS .n,n.l.3 ZZTI:^.™ ,_i "*— hKIMrtDla-rii*., .Bill!;; B..11.

eitsssi-rejijSw.<«jtaa! 6«!'i

lli.prilu.aa.. - - (.■iar-niii die pklaie. «l::il« gi.11, i.!.,n . . playMIInar* the .....n. Iliinn.-! h

taat wiaal lur ilw kywi.n .uKf i.j-:«. 1-y. ll nwioHuJ-n Baaaas sstfc »u .nit yaung. aeslsi. ,« ti.tunc IM ,- -sau. i J^T —'-•OS BOCIAl. AMISBHIrlT. ll ■ [WatS I.



Th. Organ Oo-,-n Kunl^a. lw* fc,i«i «Mt. u. t. »



QUEBEC TO LIVERFOOL, CVBBT SATURDAY from M AYloDKUBMBBl Viking Ibe niiiiiinir OCSAM TOVAOV. la rivaiuva froTi Land to IJiml Burs tj" ■'

■ •'«•

,hll). Irom i.ALWAV, 1.IHKBICK, L«<NDl»J VtkRY andm.AHUOt*Tt> IMI-TOS f'lHKCl Only direct Line Hn» UAI WA* sod l.lferKMlCf Ae.'omni.i.tatlona unnqualod

• NO, inltrmetilale urn l'i

r'ur inMiuv:, ui, fto., a|iplfti I.A"B A AI.I'R! »Biv, AOk>TS. Ml Bruadwav, V i.; or JAM* rloaPHT, *tt Rase» »U, Lawrence; i ATIUO' tfuarnr W B***< «t- "'lim luvlt

AfcJAtfK- '''■IM


^•."'j" vaiir time to get p Ord'-r. r.,r ui:r C !:TK- HAltD TRAS .Bt rilF-

TEt-eTET '.» ptecca . our own

IH a. ...l#r l-t |.'k Tula ll Ik. (•"ilr.ll.-li' ■ <•-'■ ■• '••• tin*. 1*41. y«r ae*« ard IHM ■ ,., .1 (i. H IO V r. t er t.-OSTXIt, a»* .Hi., laata Haw Sevan 1 BAKsMOMl CIII.NATSA-i.IX M >-,n.W. i^r«,Hi.llull< MIM Ik. EanfTlinl tna, f "a. ..4 «nr.. tnt r.ry kril

STk, SSSBM TBt waasaSkss «f as. iiw ranrttjj ■*»«■!. W. he. I'll laiaarHM *xmt T... 1 „• u I1ITI uiadirra IIIN>C:( HET< (in pi.«), -hi.k >, ft,.

THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. P. 0. Box 280. 31 A 33 Vesey St., Hsw Tork



Salesroom 286. Ecsidence, 285 Coin mnn Street. ' I u ii':i 1

Kuilm-n-il hy tt-e iHMll/litimi.rHIIU :IM. Ml; |*-Fl AB UAUI >• Oh lul.lll.i SAFT ■ i ' ■ ' ..!■■■ lv II ,■,-,,. i - i. r

' 1 tta rii-pli,!, It.ilt.Trf.i ne i i.

■ 1 Tn .is inl oily ttquir d. hoeauMour loers of ( ul rbs or Cni alia.

\t1H Ml I 1,1'M.IIMI ,< I'SA. VP, l'i IV,N1 Iva, 1 ile. ♦ I re, ireuiiita hiMii-i,, s,.„ it nil I r..(vi-i',"i n I I liu- I , tisil.iMiur j -.■MA. t.i ,, , , ; I , | blUst I til I J) lite 1 I' .-.I.,| reeoasppllrallon.

.Ilinn/Hin -rr-yii li JHCtt IH1SU1T, MlCB-.or VTlMrSda.OST.

"old In lswienccLbj Kelle) A Uui/ ■ >e Block.

m w f Veow i.iir.'i, lv



WtlhorN 4,»<l-Liv<-r OH and Lime. I MUSS) - , ,i ,,.., ... r>. Ukll.g <llt I. IV.'. l,' ill Ii ■ |.if ...- I lu lesru iii-n IT WUbor I a, sue a ed, irum dlreu lima oi irver.l pioliseiutis

iteniti niu , in.', raioning Ibt pure On aid I.nut. i. ti a .. a .inn- It) a It la pleaaam to tie Ut -t. nillMU In I-""*' u mpiainis ill. Veiy nisny p re. n. wno.e i a»ea wen ..ur ce hopeO-M", ano Who ured Ihe clear V'l na iiaii ait on marked efaci.bive iee i)/ (ini-ii > lui.ifc tht. uiopsratit-u. >,<

i, i-i,. IUJII, Boston, aoiu by i

S H ARPISRfpBrss; -a. at . .,- llaurley l'.l,,., Sllteh In tkl PAIWS KiUa,Bacl(«,-li..,S»..ltaB Joints S A^lBWassF lunirt XHtcart, a.i« Hntclav

Pain In MM Chert, sad all palna auilaibeaeltliarlfjealw d»lf-*utt;dan'liiiilauti)' i- II.TOI .ml spsadlly ouretltry the mill-kBDwn Hup /*iaaler. I.'nm|Hiuniled, a. It la. at lb* nrili.'l:ial Tirtuaaor tir>b Tl .in. nuniit, IlalmniaaaS Extract., Il U tnil.-ed Ihm Mai piln-kllllnr, •timulallnit, foutliln j and itreugtb. aing P.rom l'i ,tt,-r errr etada. I/.^iIlaaCartar-.iil.l i-raUdra^gi t;..0,-.,„Ti.-itr7

II it! led on

r..-tun r--, imiias.MaBa


Life Accident and hie Insurance.


Insurance Agency urK.aki.ih ru. iu.......

rrtkokltn oi t'r-'ia.,fa. PotinaylvrnJs of renn. Gorratiii, A u c .v.1.1, N. Y. WoHtchabtbi, Hew York. 'JV.uertowo, new Tork. Orient, llartiori, Cona. / Mi^riden, Coi.neeilout. (■umijjoritvimltli, Boatoa, Bbawmut, Boston. let National, Won alar Quaeii, Kiigismi. ItDf rirlal *s rforthai Q Euglsnd. Koyau, Knglnnd. Metro iolo 'ns. Co., .'art ■. Londi i Asauranca, Loslsm). Ounrd an Aasurance, Euslsnet. l.ontlo and Latucaeblre, Fnglsnd. Travt.1 arw Llltiand Accident ol

dan •• ■ ,i "in- State Asutual Ltla, Worcester.]

TIUJMAS HEVINOTON, .1WJ Bssai ■.(!»»«, - Law ran

PottOfflca Box 36.

RANK and FILL' Jubilant.

Itepublleans. Deiuot'rnts and Graes- baekera all Happy. Robinson ronfl» dent, Butler and Moody Boynton feal safe. In foil, a feeling ofsfttlsfaotloa pervavfles the whole rommunlty, for


UTGIEKIi W.NE < The True Wine of Healtb )

In for .ale. by all flr.t-eUvsa drafflit* II IU-U directly upon lhe blood, purlf}-

_ lag and .rrrngtb.nln. It- Andby.odo-

Mra. O. N. HOMAN, '■» «»-»»• «»i '"H*1" "" .—Tkaouaa og—


SEA HUN I>BUIXaOCTOI.EU4. frl U * and satnriiar «» ach weak, wlil ie

resetWeu]ioi|LBwr«Du. |UUPI)B,

Foi fWlrsr.wtrtlculars.tBiiulrerat 'Aumson'. Ullis > . . tiu

whole ayatem.

Ask for


B. F. RAYMOND, • Sole Proprtator














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\ft. J. H- Kl / tfEOS, S».

, UMi Ctilorc ", Uiooedrlui

iroi/r & co 1.., ,u, Uiigbec

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67 State Wurc» PMC (Ureal Bnum

h1»(iwl toy ««■ BOMel at W»

Ikiolnii Palenl IlilV.llHI'iii'i

» «ion, hul

w,ii<.y you

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