IiiLWMM - Memorial Hall Library


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Yhe L^wfeivic omefuian,

»fff)ov«ii Kf>v*;i\>i,i0*;f{,

ETERT i itnt.tv Himwirtr.,



Thf circulation of llir l.nntuit Aiueil- easi la th« largest of nity paper In Ike ,

J, ■■■ morr than Foi— "' MV other T


any- RATS* of Adrertialng eent upon application.'


■ ' ■ ■



tnllna *4* u f ■■

■' ■ ■>.-..

: ti MNUTH <: «*■ *'

r>91* Nub ■-- . I .. : ■■ '

vol.. xix, NO. <;. LAWRKNCE. MASS., FRIDAY MORIWKI, .NOVEMBER 7, IS73. ...., .■_ , .

m*m*1*mrw^**" wfj m i wff

EVERY EVENINQ, (Sunday eknepted,} Dillj m He ett/, will irrnrauon rf MT other.

• I HNfltirTION, iKlJowfi

One Year, ea.oo | Six Months, SJ-OI j Wlaaauot|*a^O»ud»*t*^f^*L

GEO.SMEKKll.T. *<*>.; Prop're.


07*? #.# PRINTING mm. J* the Largo* Hiiil Mil t IllWISghll fUiqlshail I* Eastern Miiiknu, Imrhaf naly made* a Presses, man with ronih at additions of the HffM I afylei of Type, wo arc ablt I* furnish the beet eushty of work, *xr*lltl«e*ly, at low price*. Orders by mull given prompt sttentica.


1*1*11*1. 10 •r;jJ'fP\- 13.50 PER YEAR

I A W R K S (' K


LAWRENCE LAWRENCE THF AMFRTPAN Business Directory. Business Directory.; l n^^

narnaaxsTs THI Foi.t/iwma


Incorporated. Asset*.

*, 19W $3,309,341 IW 1,363,602

Card* wot ririrllnf Fowr Line* 1*1 1 •■(!*, Itrdi uot rurrrilai Four I.liic i In length hit ralnm* at «B par year. Inserted IK this mluma at glf per year.

rrmnkUn, of Phils., Pa.. Pannaylvanla, nf Tronn. Gorman, " 1BW North linwourt, Missouri, I*: Weetchaeter, New York. Iten Otrman American, N. Y., 1171 Falrfleld County. Conn., ISTO «re*N*tloiial, Worcester, is* Qlouceetar, Gloucester, le"iu Faxteull Hall, Boston, i':«

343,01a 710,846 689,800

1,360,000 386,464 106,176 116,338


Knglifth I )orapnme>i>.

Inr.erihl, lito, gold. 8,000,000 American Branch, 1,367,861

Quean, 18M, gold, 10,000,000 American rtraurti, 873,000


III Iv.at* atrrrt, - Lawrence.


MISS H. B. FIELDING wishes to in- form Ute ladies of Lawrence and vicinity

aha haa Just received all the LaMat rlprtwe; east ■wasaner Style from New York, and la DOW ready to execute all order* for

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKINQ at bar Room*. »«l F,u»> W., Lrnrr ene, Mess.

Cr-rartk-aiar attention paid to CUTTING ai-» FITTINU UAM' »■"! Chllilrpn1" DKEH8K8.

NKW SrrLT.t reoolred erery week. LauW Dresses Cat and Fitted for »1.00.

Machine Stitehing and IlrnMina; iii>nr to onlrr. A liberal share of patronage aollrlhHLwitli

taaaka for past fa TOTS. lyf ]a*



rUKCToirs omen, it counr STUKST, BOSTON.


ALL Tam IWOflTB rATO TO rOLICT ntit.IiKM. The low rate* and large dlvldewla of this old

Oeaapaar, loaesher with exc^Uunt managi-tucnl, fair JealiDjr aitd promptneHn In the adjuftmi'iil m Inssea, makfn ft the lw«t Company in New Ktialand tu InsHra in, esiieclally for Eaduwuifnt 1'ulliilc*.

S. K. I.AWKKM K, Agent for Lawrence, UarerbilL Andovrr, and



If*. SO l »l-» htre.t,


BAKNAKD-S VtORSTKD STOKE, for- | A mi'rlr Pnimer'a, Is the place to gel your Wpf. : iVe im

sted* and W orated tiooda. Pattern a MM Kamy Toilet Article*, 1'erfMinary, UOXMIS, Yankee Kotions, Ac. -tlKaanat- o31y Soapa.etr. Comer Kitser "

L.VDIK"' WAlTlKfJ null Hal | igfcimi at no place in the world wUere sntahtll nature j . shows to such haddi»udvaat4|MBn«uwfl!t- 'tewlnton. Me., mills continue to rnn-ou lUK-rooras ut rail way Htntlouh.fapeciallv fnM time. In the "Ladies* Itooros." Wt|o',ncm!c-. The New York CeitraJ K. If. men's Room*-" there In le** of tan Rhnsi- , dueitl waste* lt> per oent. lyapaihetie silence whleK^Jti-a onl* . Tte nril^oTL. roeDtroyw Kons, Htta.

GLIDDEN, DRUGGIST.—Put* Sonirhodr, enlllnu hlrn-df a »8t. boulu fipUlnaWe iw in Intsyrrti bsKweeii two . IlohL lt runnioar half time and Chemical-., Patent Medletnes, I Chap,"write* n«follow« : "CbJci)ro, wfcm *"■.>*■ c.Haatrophea. Hwwiasii ritr TW WiUlrtdI1 fg^, KMttmmbtxm, are

- ^Crrtu^T '! ftrrt rthcwml, wan wnrly on mA I« «• «°nh(


hoMi; nieiiKsryccTFri. ■BTMARU-

rihirajro, when ' terrtlhV cataatropbea. ,Hhasi w« r° •« f'ir ly on a; -levei | ■* ** confcsu* that evea ttie —

' wKhtlif lake, lint ttio Ural ii.iar.l of Al- !twon'1. ^ ^". owauniiljf i ACON & HOPKINS, Attorneys and , TJALDWIN C00LID0R, riVTLRNrtl- <»ennwi thai wna eleei^l "W.1 the wra<le ■ ^"^ 1' ^

__ ( ounaeJIor* at IAW, and CoawntaaloaeM for 1) NhKK ■».; Murveror, t* Eases Street. ! fortv ft«t. Everr •occuasi v<* lH>anl elet't- "f*1- ■,...?' I . '< Tt , lilKI

VIL_»7Ka*iia8THaKT.Uwrenee._ _ ! At on™. „„ Monday. Tneailar an. t Thumlay «i have felt it incumbent upon them t<» go ; "**&, \ ,,tlk' °*. (™'^*,?■^^E.■^"t,,

eronlng*. . „ f(,R. ft.(,l n,rtiicr than thetr predecessors *'»Pb- "ecailsc almost any MM a bet- KKAMAPK I" aiidtjin raatill |. the, areaent hichtlon of! *■?.'■"■. 'I,">r ln>>t^^.*a.i*t»ttl'y

L7 tlon. carets olappn^ at all honra. alae. 1 JJ lNaER5n(VA«INTr>. thecftj.on a I.iRh blOrT, Wltlr the l>ewt' *'">« "f^.^ *» '^^fttati^, , II the leading Patent Hedk-ine. and Toilet ArU-' A^uoowa^-d lieVlcr. In fc>i.l Estate, Ufllre drainage of «UV cfly in the worhl. The ; «" "P*** »" **» l>U«W W^fsjP ,no[



Weeltly Kewj^ SrevitdWiC


II. P. Honkms. setiftf



OfDce, WS Ksaex atreet BMlaenee.il Oak atreet.

Q a community of intercut

attjrrSljr [wBseexltreet, "" mrrronndltt(fii ■"►# the eitt arcvrwbftbiy tlto I *?"Y'^ f"l"vU,5 li.B'?, U*i"'* & I flOLBUlfN iTRm.,-^DAlLY^APERci, | "»7*t hejutifnl of «nyj. tiw world. Lin- , JJJ In ««»"^«* ."«

■Ucbromos, Knsrr»vings,Pe*lo,ll<ala, Stalionary, ! *"ln Park haa the 6ueal natural aoBOCry of (■J^*1n *,*".',u,

|l" "'J"5 '

Pancy KSda. Plctitrea l"nime.l al ahtirt notlw. any park ID tht» world, beatdva having thu ■»*** harilt, 10 Itretlk i So. sal RsseaMrwt. ,- \ tlie nnej,t collection of wild animals to he [ S{;"1,*,,\ "J"1 hr

fc^> KiDORR, D*m W p,YRU8 WILUAMi. laanttfacturex^of \ ^^^^^ afcurtSiS j ™"«*«-M?r«e of Uhtae m..d «ttS

^^* « ' fte—a- «"-•— * *•-'— » « i' nprr Depot. , well, for his jjrrnt »bft«r. Chicago la t|ie i d««y j twp or three low awcophagc of

D. ii-i rcit. closed dnr.njt Aoa;ii'

W. LORD, Sole Agent "VICTOR" HKWJNU ptf'f'flTTl

to Kanrln atreet. Mew Shuttle, New Tssnriesi, aetf-aetunji needle.

. APOTHKCABY.—Pre- scriptlons carefully comiiouwlen.

Opposite Boston A Maine K. it. l'a

for the I 1 |YKIt s HALL, itca.lv Matli VK. I » ' Hata, Cape, lieni'a I'urnlnhlni

EH. KELLEY • aeriutlnna M.

Drugs aad Cbemloal-, Patens Madlolnas, Toilet ami FancT Articles, etc. Poat Office Block.

» ' iisw, Cape, (Jent'a I'urnlphlni One Price Clothing Store, iw souii uiiriir r Jack a on Street.

SURGEON to W. W. Buasel. Sltnma Oxifle tins


U) Hssaz ST.. LAwkaacx. MASS. Over Dyer A Cow.

.„ /WA*».HKI greatest rMlrond centre In tht United j greenlah^rav Iron iu open BI».C.*, Mir- .2*u'K'isutea; every road of any Importance , rounded by bli.e-JJpped women, Indifferent SsWeKeJS; : haa to centre there. Wlscoualu haa been i in|l« ami attitudes of nwkwanlnc-a, try-

i -trnggllng along for the laat few years, l"tTtn keep the-noln of their fret in *per-

REENK, GLEA80N A CO., Maim- . .. (artnrer* IIC CDXI'KCTIONEKT. Dealera ii>

Foreign and Itomeatlc fruits. .No. l.i; ESHKA STiiKLT. augTWIImnfl


it niggling along feebly trying to make Milwaukee their railroad centre, hut llnnlly had to cvntiv in Chicago. The 1'aciBc rallroutU, the AUftiitlc Cable, the Gulf IStrratu, the Equator, and tho North Pole also centre there. The Pyramids of Egypt, theLeafa- Ing Tower, the t.litin'.- i'auaeway, apd

pefldlcnlar position, to IK- wanned at what thay have been led to liellcve la a atenin- lieating apparatus; ■ fbw more women equally liatloae ami weary-Uoktng. sUnd- ing In equally tllmeult and awkwanl poai- i ions before a rotmter, holding pie In one hand, ami tea In a cup and aattcer in the



: place In the city.

PHILLIPS, Hand-knit Worsted irmenta, Skirts, Corsets, Collars, Under

Sleeves, Hoalery, lilovea, Head Dreaaes, Lacos, Kmbnadertee, white Uooas, ev., SST Essex St.

J" 'OctcTk. N6Bw6fjD"GeneJar Inaflr- ance Agency, make* Insurance, In all lh

branches, a specialty. Call In and inspect OUT terms. SBD Essex Street.

LD. DB MARS A CO., WATCHES, • Clocks, Jewelry, allvei and Plated Ware,

rancy COXMIB, Cutlerv, Km. Ac. J00 Bliei SL Bepahing, (.old and silver Plating.

~ ...ay to 1H Broadway, head of Valley aireet. A fall stock "for*-1-- of Horse Clothing.

per annum, free of tax ™ " >oelts made on or before the Urst day of

h are then placed upon Interest, and share ttdrvidewf.

Dividends as soon as declared are at once added k> the aebMM of awpesmrt, and at once tiegtn to •arm Interest, thus giving rcHVoi'Mi tnstrest

411 deposits made o say atonth are then pla »the next divliLtiHl.

a OFFICE, 417 Essex Street, (FalrUHd's new blouk), Lawraaoe. Uas, Chloroform or Kthet given as preferred, for the extraction of teeth.

MURPHY, MANUFACTURER Dealer in Boots Shoes and Rubber.,

erery dealrahle fctvle and Qualltv. *» Kssex .■ Lawrenee.


Thomas L. Jeaka, Daniel II. Whitney,

ison, Oeo. S. Derbr. ly*lalO



A Dwelling House, nearly new, situated on OeorM street. Lot conuina WOO reel; house S3 by eft two stories, (with basement under part of IM seated contalnini Hi roomn, nil milahed, paint adanrHi"-J-

WP. SMITH, Jr., Plain and Decora- stive Paper Hanger. Special attention given

to executing ornamental designx. ftlrn 1'amtlns and I/etterlnfof allklnda. Shop Ml Cusanson at


Manufacturars of Wool Machinery, Hunt's Dou- ble Acting Turbine Water Wheel.

AMMKR FALtmO STOCKS, FnUlnft Mills, DnllT Waahera, Shafting, Regutatora, Uiga, Dye Tabs, Ac. K. K. HARRIS, »w Broad way Lawrence, .Mas*. Director and Selling Agent,

-apples, grapes Irasrne £c3we -, i-Sliyti, ETl

water, apd a aevor faillni well. Location eenuml, and very desirable. Prfe* lew, terms easy.

Also, House and Lot situated on High street. Lot containing SUM) feet Ilouae has 1H rooms, two stories, painted and blinded. Thla propertv la sltaated in a vary desirable locality, and can bo bought at a bargain.

Also, aeveral central and desirable Ilouae Lots.

A FAUM situated In SALEM, N\ it., about one ■lie Iross Salem Depot, contalnlns; s.1 acres land, suitably divided Into tillage, pasturing and wooi! land, tt» cords at least. Fruit—apples, anil currants. A prime worklngUmr"- OD the place. House ti by Hi Barn SO by 58.



at Waa. M. Hogrra' Law OAaee,

Tapts Near Town House, Methoen, Mass.


la a ■•alttva esira fur Sciatica, Itheumatlam, Ssnraslta, Spinal Comidalnt, Contracted Conla, I ASM Sack, spralna, etir. From 1 to • large bottle- will care oases given up bv physicians. The only Cierhaln cure for Sciatica. Large itotilea #140; assail ksMtlss TV. Sold by all Druggists.

lyaowtsohToh it

Suex Canal, ami the CiedU MobllU-r , "M^^J^K alternate mmiHinila of nch, would have been built there If they could «"<* wptuln|r both: tho rent wedged bn t

DYER A CO., No. M7 Ksaex Street, June stood the taxes and found A aiifflcl- npriRht agalnat tlie wall la narrow parti- publish the only good Stereoscopic Views i ent|v ptrmawiil foundation ' tiO"«l "eats, which only need a length of

Chicago has the best governed ajidintwt I rssrforated foet boardi In front lo laake efllelent l'ollce Deptirtment Iu the world, , *«<™ ^ *» e» Mtwilwl as tlie beat method not cxt-cptlav I'aris, being rnualternatoly of potUun; whole couiiuuiiUea of cltUoita by the mayor and Hoard of Commission- Into the itoek,alonce. All beet warmers, era in perfect liarmonv. VlUIans give Ple «»".!and those who alt W tjie red

. | that city n wUle 1*rlli. knowing the car- Te,Vtt ■»<«» 'n'cfr ^° Mtartry the same ex- GROCERS ulmv ofdeucUou nn.l immediale punlNh-' preaslon of vacuity and fatlgne that they strlctlv t.uro I munt when committing anv little Irregti- tmWht alawat be taken roronegigaBtlcniMl

Co^.Hple^aad choicest Teas, The I sM dairies larltv within the limits of the mnqt^lrnil-


"olTce hours, H till | and S iill 0.

of Butter and Cheese. 86 Amealm

E. A. FI8KE, PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shadea, Artlats'Jtatarials, Chan-

ITS Essex Street,

i Uent's Custom Boot and Shoe Makers, fl Ap SleUsaStreet. All aaasja of ready made Boot, and

hoc* constantly on hand anil very cheap.

ES. VAXES, M. D., PHYSICIAN and • Surgeon.

OlBce, 307 Essex Street, c< Resilience, 103 Concord Street.

L. s Commission Meruhai Carpets. 3H1 and 3B4 Easex St, Lawrenee, Maas. Sales at oUoe, Wedaesday. at * P. n.

FRANK 0. CLARK, Millinery Good*, Small Wares), Trimmings, Embroider ea,

White lioods, Ho.lerv mat (Harea, Ne-tll Es ex ■Haws

There is ao little use for policemen lit Chicago that the Legislature arc thlnit-

unhappy ntrolly connection, on Ita-way to wliHl is callctl in newspapers ii ".tstdevent " The only wonder in that stiffened, dtslccat ci! crowd retains vliallty enongh to renxetn- her the hours lit which Its several trains

lug of nbollslitn'g the Board of Police torn

Uis currently reportetl (and believed depart, and i**** «P «iu 'unatt ftseir by ChlcagoaM)'that since the great tiro atite ami go on twanl. tine I* Haunted thecitv contains about 4,000,000 Inhabit-' Mmtitlrnak ■ by the fancy that wnno (hiy ants. (TbU, po doubt, Includes Mllwati-1 w«« tho ■*"■■ Jha room U awually bad aU kec and Bridgeport, two anburdan vll- j the trains arc delayed, a curious pheno-, iages contignons to that mtmlelpalltvlH awuon wtti be Men. Ike petritieation There arc no rpoor people In the city; ■ will be rarriptt a little farther'thau usual: those that were not burned, up were lib-. on<l. when *e bell rings and tho pITltlnl medlatelv pkaaetl ont of the city by the «"* ""*, "Tntin made np for HahcL railway companies, and have not been! Hlnndin and way stations!- no wotnanvill abletoget back since. II Is generally |cota* forUi • Irrwi the "Indies roowi,'' supposed in the rnrul dlstrlet» that MM. P**/" wl" n,OV(- "° «ta»°le W'11 "«r. (Vl^eary'a cow wha hired to kick over the) Husbanida andbrolhers willjjfeU and lamp aa a Chicago advertising dodgp. > anarch vainly for th.;so who »hot|ld kttvo -rs. n'Leary'a cow Waa exatninctl by ike, mel thorn at the station, with buoilles of lioantof Pollen < ommbsloiiw, and tei *V day's shopping to l>c enrr ed QUt; tilled positively that there-was no. shiutjv homes wni lie desolate, and the hlMnry of

The liosjtcprsrt,Mas*, tettssrj sguatowlilj,^ A T V-*1-15 A Y -s .. resuate work «iti Msuwlav tlie 17th. insi. , Juhnson, the warden ot the Tombs, *ays he

TI. . -™ s. a**. ,.!.««„: !ff»^rSsWiK ova. m s». mm. r»- K Mt0 -fflBttiiS-*'* £»» 64

The lumbermen of Michigan aye eoA^ rX!**'U,!?S? "f"*" "if"' ?*lt ***s*wT' incuvu>,iri»a.w««^.i ,r th|{fe'^'wffi« V.^.^SS!S5 l'aml' «r reeeiems; bribes and a grand j.rrS- wilt bires-

The 1'lunket Woolen Co. have placed Ugaia. .,. 1r mills at Itiqsdale on three quatjera,! jhe cosuiltsor, of ue artsir. of A. aad W.

- -■ -v. >-w LZ^ST 1?>winn>TslfeareBtjy less^pjsauarog loan si 'he

. Ti. lJw'kwo.K(and It. B. ]>iirinl^u*^y^'T!!^L?*„'JlJf!Jfc'l!"J''^:

hnllda new cotton mill at 'Vrnter. j itgfJSES, ifthnTS-MUf repoToftaowitu Tin*-, Mr. tnataw anpoftrbnl hy the hanks *> InTeetfgata

Four hundred employe* lu the car-Worka of Gilbert Bush at Green Island,» T.j Am out of work.,""™"" "7",. .

The Smith Paper C«. ..f Ue, dismissed fifty workmen on Saturday last and Is run- ning half time,

Two hundred hands ha** been ills- charged froui a feather fartory iu W. Ilo- boken, .N. X.. .• ,',

The Erie It. K. haa plat^esl the wprkinen In. Lu sliope who receive over 81.4s a day on three quarters time.

The Exeter, N. U„ Machine Works, not withstanding the depressing ' tlines. I« nuinltig wllft Ihll Ibrce.

Hartford, Conn., m aim factories, are generally giving their old employes work enough to earn a livelihood.

The Annlaquani Mills it Rock port have suspended work. About mka I are thrown oat of employment.

Windsor Lock*. Conn.,is nut affected by the hard times, and the Seymour Paper Company la running night and day.

Two hundred men are thrown out of employment, by the suspension of Aaron ,Ionesf woolen mFII at GermaTJtrjwri, Pa.


..airing d. opposite »

llnots, Shoes and Iiub-

at E. DAVIS A SOM'B Jaoa >OI;M.UT,



MM Kaaea a treat, * - - LsMnssii

Nitrous Oxide Oas, and Ether or Chloroform administered. OtBce closed during August- ^



Plans and Bpeoincationa Pnpared.


For Sale on Easy Terms and To Let.



mytl LAWRENCE, MASS. irrr

m • Hoods, IS8 Essex Street. The Low I'rlce Store of Lawrence.

tiiva ns a call.

CHOWS—Mechanical Draughts- rj Ko. o. nerrimaok 1

HB. DENNETT, CTGARS AND TO- s IIACCO, Wholesale and Retail: also SnntT

sad Smokers' Articles. Meerschaum Prpea neatly repaired. So. B Lawrence Street, I .awrenrr.

HOOP SKIRT MANl'FACTORY,'at A. A M. Atkinson's, formerly at Mrs. J. A.

Knnx's. Millinery and fanry goods. Stamping a < per is lly. Madame FoVs corsets. 310 Essex atreet.

. _ inter Essex and Lawrence' SL—Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Perfumery, etc

•ortmcnl of all articles In oi


street. Orders left at Dean A Haaeltme's, iTI Cornnion b^reet, promptly attendeil ta.




who practices the Cornet Is heard all .... laasL Be be in hasln, in the fxehlon, and in sen- son, and purchase the best suuading

CORNETS, ALTOS, Or any other nanrl Instfumeats, which with


all Orchestral: In fact all instruments In common as*. Violin and liultsr Strings, and all Muss-si Marchaudlae will be found In plenty, variety, and at reasonable prices, m the store of

J. C. HAThtEat A CO.,

low Screens applied at short notice

JOSEPH FLOOD A CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. Chambers, I, J and 8 Sounders

Sew block, Essex Street Vnder the immediate lupervlslonnrJoa. FLOOD, (late Savage A Flood.)

JOHN C. DOW A CO., (su Charles S. Woodman A Co.,) Crockery, Class

tad China Ware, I .amp lioods, fisted Ware, Table Cutlery, IM Essex Street.

D. DREW'S OYSTER AND ICE Croats and Dining Saloon, SSI Essex Street,

Lawrence. Ice Cream, Jellies, Weddiog Cake, Confectioner)', Ac. Meals at alt hours.

M R8. a N. HOMAN,


(Op. the Court House)

$6 to $20 ffi.£ aether sex, young or old, moke more work ror u» In their spare mi r'nT/th

an at anything elae. Particulars free _l>>jill| U. STlNftON A CO., Portland, Maine.

1 lyraovllrny- ,

PIANO AND OHGrAN. •CMS F.saex ■treat, Lawrenee.

Mrs. Homan Is an experienced teacher. Satis- lactlon gaarhnteed. Also, agent fur the Prescoii Organ. This Organ Cosniiany I* the oldest eatab li-hmcntof the find in the t'nlteil States. Th< experlenoa of in vears In the bualaess easblee tk nuuiitactui'ors to place lu the market Cabinet Or- ganaof such variety, iiualltv of lone and rlnlsh s> Kill chalHtnsw romparlson for elegance of style, volume, and purity of time. Sold on lumslluieut*. ""' 'natrumenta taken In exchange. setSftr



PAINTERS. *»e Bases BHrset, (Ordway Blaek).


WAWtaa liAit.xT, ALBwrr Aanaawa.



Per In vsn tians, TrsSa Marks, or Designs, T4 Mlate It-, opposite Htlby BL,, Uoatow, after an extensive practiee nf upward- of thirty yaara, inisTliisii tu secure Patenta In the United States, atao In Ureat Britain, Xranee, and other rbtwtga eountries. Caveats, Speclflcatiima, Assign- aaaaia, and ail paissrs far Feteats, Bxeeaksd n

iT33^^%TlSft«u,«r3rffiS.W hsrontlona, and legal aad other aitviis rendeee-1 la all ssaUers touchlna the saaaa. Copies of the alalnu of any Patent Turnlahe,! by remitting stoUar. luliaisiatl misiilil Is its TilnsjSsii 1 Agency m the United Slates posses

. r facilities for obtaining Patents or as _*- the pateau blltty nf Inventions. JJ aeoaseUy of s Journey to Washington to | « a Patent, and the usual great delay there,


mSSSmtai M term to 'tocni. fcr tkm

TESTIMONI A I.S. regard Mr. Rdilr as one or the most capable successful praoUUoaere with whom 1 have

on? lal Ititerrourae, CHARLES MASOS, Cotnmlsr of PatenU.'

- luveatora the1

rostpWenf aad

1 C K (' 1. 0 S S O N

Appleum StreeL e'lani'

DENNING, JEWELER, Watch and Cl.sk Maker. Fine Welches, Clocks and

Iry. laSkasex street. All kind, of Watches, ;s and Jekelry rejsilred at short notice.

li.1 Essex St.



going nn at the time. 'Vise destruction was ordered, undoubted I.y^ for similar rea- sons alleged for the des'tructsenT of KoO- bin, in Bible times. It wa? taWltv>il by Hontonlans until recently'"'

■rare fossils nml pefttnentlona will have novel addition. Or, again, that 'If some sudden convulsion of natnte. like those wadchbefore nowhave buried Hlckjedcltle-i

., aetl the dwellers In them, were ta-ilay to The farpenters and brick- tussons pf] swallow up the great city of New Sodom

Chicago, however. Intend erecting a mag- j'» America, and keep it under ground for nlftcenthraaenlma»eeftheeow,tiieom-l^ru^-thoi)ssnd years, uothng in nil its memorattori ot*the beat kick their unions ! circuit would so piiKT.Ie Ihe tenrned arch- ever h*d. This nionnineut will he erect- ! sHH»giHts of A. D. 6WI ns the positnn of

1 as Soon aa soon as a pse»* of real-en-1 *■* hkeletona In these same waiting moina tnteennbe ibmrd within the city llmus j«*«"w*7 station—From Hits ofTelk by large enough for the row to stand upon,. ,l- a* " . »

' la not mprtiiaged for more than It would be worth ut :i liberal estimate teu years hence. We understand .George Francis Train has expressed an oplntsn tliat iTIccow will have err nrfrW wrj man-

' Esi.ii.wn F.upi J,*lic.lli:us.--Tliere1So!Le thing that I observe abbot these otherwise beautiful English farms—that Is, the labor- no ■■ ssiaiii ■a.awi as *aTjsM»Mlaji.■Mssi of their produce. Tho woiHtakew m the lleldx

S»&I;"'«««EHx«»sr^S hashed In their bnstllc.



HOH. '

A correspondent of the f'iuriuniiii Ga- 7.ette writes from Germany.a* follows a— "Among the peassntry of the llartr. there la no diatiuctlre pecuilarity of dress. This destroyathc plctnresnurt beauty yon tlhd among the prnsantrj' tu other' parts of Ger- many. Here the women wear eonme woolen shirts, woven from odds nml cuds of wool, old socks and other cast-off gar- ments. It Is thick and remarkably dura- ble. One, nn old lady assured me, she had word six years, and It good as new. She had pnid three grosch- ens snvll for It; but now such material was deur, and this would have to last her during her lifetime. A handkerchief is tied across the head, or sometimes rolled around it. like the blacks in the

niime nn them; but then- nn- s< and these men who have lui me of IraYlng the poorest farm tenements tcpt to encounter (he Wolf whose name Is hunger; gre mfurrtptf <jhl>n*. tmd hear their broiiKt' collars In their brtmied facaw and clod-like headv. One feela that It mast have taken ages nf natural selection to produce this race so related to the soil, And ts,pot surprised to find Intlteohi Brit- ish laws imw inqny of them tended to draw to the fields, and fix to them, those fittest for shell work. The laws bribed men menial fBrm servlon by the prospect of owning the Intnl. It' ;m_\ one laid dung nn u Held with the consent of the proprietor, he was entitled to use that tlehl fur out'

"'.',;■'''",', year. It the diuu; was tin rird out In great eihlentlvas ..lhm„|.ulrei hsj^2|lo hn,,. , |„. „„. „r the

land tor ibree jWgtVf Wlinevcr rendered land arable by naawwR down n wood, with consent of the owner, wa- to have the use of It for five years. 1?any one, with the owner's consent, folded his cuttle upon piece i,f ground for one year, he wus

toenconrage the laborers to lenm higher the labor of the fields la over they lay In the winter wood, which. In many' cases, consists only of small twigs and branches or pine cones that lutd been gathered after the best wood had been drnwp away. It Is really nol sn henry to carry, as it la difficult to collect, and the long distances they go for It, ami (Ip and down the moun- tain makes It wearisome enough. Often, lu my early morning walks, I met dozens of them together, with their hamners upon their backs, and their hands bully en-

EbaSfrESS MS rsnWtfM


Auottoneera. Seal Batata Appralsera, .

No. 3BI E.n. Slreat, Lawrenes, Man. Always ready togive their personal service and

serious attention to selling Tteal and Personal Estate al auction or oUierwise, obtalalng Meaty and kulng the same at fair rates for all concern ed, nesnxiaflat Mortgage* and making an Ttuas, Banhac Property aad couealiiig RunU, etc. No Title passed of Property unleas uie same be per- feet; no Money InVeated but upon Ow asost uti-

rSWaWa cash iiroeoeds, deal-

years successful practice in Obstetrics and iiimaaea nf women and children, offers her service- to She public. once, 18 Madlaou St., Seivlmryport.

VI1SS LIZZIE CAKLETON, :*Jti ESSEX IU Street, Saunders Block. May be found a va rleil and select stock of Fancy (lomla, to which 1 would rosi-ectruliy Invite aitenlioa,

MB. KENNEY, M. D.L PHYSICIAN e and Surgeon. OaVe SS3 Essex St House

Partrsular attention

PEDRICK A CL0880N, FURNITURE, Carpeta, Crockery and Cutlery, together will.

Housekeeping Hoods awuerally. Tlie heat assort- ment la the city. 1S1 Essex Street


Tln.Clasa and Wooden Ware, 111 Rssax ST., Lawrence, Mass.

D. CROWKLL, OY8TBR A DINING _ a Uooaaa, trull and Confectionery, ITS Essex

Street, Near City Hall, I-awrence, Maas. Choloe branrls of Cigars always on hand.


Ttssy greet you with a "guteu tag," but it is not the cheerful tone of ilie Thuriugian peasants; ills forced and harsh, as though time was too precious and labor too bard

alentOnV*u t of Patents.'

Sen basui wed on their eases,


—Bttaa Ctl*l S'Olt—

Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrkaa. atasjst fail a* gel III Only 00 cents.

acesuing ai holding that confidence of our fellows wbkih Is only obtained by strict attention to business, aad the haghaat lype'of honorafcls koallng.

aar Tenna reaaoualile, and accunllng to the #ork and reaponslblllty. fJallupon us. Real Estate Office. 381 Essex St.

K, B—Property for sale In many actions of New England, but more especially In the nlty of Law- rence ami vicinity. So better city In ihe Union Tor a permanent Investment ,

Read Heal Estate column in Lawrence Sentinel and Lawrence Dailr American. luufta-

C. K. A J. P. PliXSBURr,

M ACHINISTS. (Suocassora to Webster, Duatln A Of.)


Cotton «% Woolen Machinery AJTO

MACHINE WORK QENERALLT. [ and Shafting, Jack Screws.

. _ ilu on ban.* ~ __ of Forging doni

„JMK11AL JOB WORK and Mill res promptly ami faithfully.

Dealers In Manufacturers' Supplies.

TW. HEALD, Sole Agent fur Singer's e Improved Sewing Machine, Ma Essex St.,

Ssumters Sew Block. Sewing Machine Findings.

THOS. LEYXAND, Dry Goods, lisl Es- sex Street Full Value, Fair Healing, " Nc

Blowing," Ko TrickeTy, One Prfce. We mean what wa any.

. Call*. It larn Cholera faunxatsusiu It eaures Chraaale Dyaasstery. ItraresMparadleChuIera. Itcnrsa HlaoslT ■SlassieiT H ewrea Chalara Msrbai. It •auras all B. vsl Ca-plalata. It ewres Headaehr. II ewres Dyep.peia. It sarss ■ ■dlgeallor

■vary family slronld have It .,^^><rH' ests. r^rweared hy W. D. CHAMBkBLAIS,

nm, MaasT Charles Clarke, Arjnt for Uw-

KIB08ENK CHANDELIERS, Brack- sta raaeaals Lamps, etc. Call and look al





I.imniA « omuuo, Aiiunnaic and Counaellnra at Law, Saunders New Block,

Rooms IS and IT, Lawrence, Mass. J. h. TAAUMSI. I E. ItBieos.

WHTTFORD A RICE, JEWELLERS, dealers In Pa tier, Stationery, Paper Hang-

ings, Window Shades and Shade Fixtures; Blank Book Manufacturers, 'hid iie»ti SU, J-awienoe.

arts than the carrying of manure was decreed nt one period that no man should gnldo a plow who could not make otic, and that tnc driver should mnke tlto ropes of twisted willows Which drew Bnt us a general thing the effort seems to have been to put premiums upon the coarser farnvwerkt ami when by thla menus tlie agricultural laborers had lm- come persouaily Identified with and virtu

then cumi the Conqueror with his peers to be made fKfseasor* and masters of them all, as they continue te. be to this day. So now, without the proapects of owning any land thereby, the lasnhrWs do hy uecess

resamrasrssaB:' sss* Kretr KL2r fir 2 mtorestcd mc particularly. She had ap- parently just cuwmenccd her work ;

furtiiiie. Ages have moulded them to their dismal work, so tliat nine ont of ten might answer with the little girl, when

For what end back waa not y.t bowed with the weight i X, at son lav ichoo. of her burden; her face was fresh and\^SflVSSSr ^

rnely, for as wadchens they work as ^:™"'' ..„ It Is not until they arc married ^^'a,r v,^,l the responsibility of a family Ja»gfli*a«.ft

ihdr affairs. The afadrs of the Cmastaa Sav- ings Bank are not tails factory.

As a passenger train from Boston was passing isodgerlik., H. I., Friday cyentag, a rdsii) aafi was fired Into the car, narrowly ml• slag a paa- enjrer. A later trahj was stoned at Ihe tame

Bargtsrs attempted to rob the Savings Bank 1 Betbet, Mc, early Friday morning, tial were

frightened hy the appearance of the Treaiurer when their work was bet half dona

John Bailey was arrested I at Albany, N. Y„ Friday nlghtf** oatragiag the paraou of a Hale girl six years old, the daughter ofa Boston and Albany Railroad conductor.

ThoBontbera Pseltte Railroad track will 1M completed to Los Angelas to-day, A Large force ofmer -'" Bernard lao

A WasUagton Pennsylvania will be urged upon Speaker Blafne for the chalrmanHhlp of the Ways ~ '

nectsl asys Jndgt Kallev of " tker -, - and

Means Committee. A dispatch from Brnsseli says that all the

French officers there ou a furlough Irsva left (or France under orders to rejoin tbeir regl- nasta. T

The that of the TAclihorae dalsaant Is Ad- . luraed until Nevembtr 17, when U Is sxrsfrted Important wPnrases will have arrived fiem

False rc[Krrts wars circulated rMterday tkat Uis extensive dry goods house of Cktala A Co., orHewTork.had sitccitmbed to the force ofpe

... the degree of 1>, D. _ Sphuldlng of Erie, Pa., Bishop elect of Colorsdi

Mike McCoole baa been held in 090,000 for Is connection wrlrh the murder ot PataVy

Man ley In St. Louli. Mr. Deal, father of Mrs. Or.mt, U daagtr-

ously 111, with no prospect of recovery. The November coupons of the Chesapeake and

Ohio Railway bonds will not he paid.


Tho investigation pf the affair of the tsursiruNi detnonstraies thai their assets over liabilities amount to «M^l°,stH. Thi coaualtteeof the Providence banks appointed to uivsstlgale die financial condition of the concern reported ad- yersalyesi them(nestf,w n loan of #l,UrsO,iitiO on (he ground that under tlie circuuistaaces It wonhl scarcely carry the Sproguce through Ikelr embarrassments, and recommend that the corporation mortgage all their affairs to three trustees, to control and manage the property, these trustees to insure the notes to an amount which Shall fully cover the awsnaatlof ntaSsnt Indebtedness, these obllgationa having three years to ran and drawing seml-annnsl lntcre«i at the rate of 7 3-1" per cent, of the debt as of- ten a* ia their judgment shall he practicable.

The report of the Commissioner of ths Land ^s hut A (Mice shows that ws that during the but tsea) year

4eV37tpatents leaned: Ibe number of

servants and li they perform tbla heavy labo>, 1 met her [ Ko wonder there Is a pressing immlgra- waUing very slowly, acttlng up the first tton of tho working classes of Europe to stitch of a little purple yarn stocking. thlft country, If the following picture of She passed mo with n modcat, Jiflf-shy forvianj prices of labor Is oorrect. Says glance, and nod of the head. Eor several L „»,„„( wrtt€n. on thwntatbitlceon this mornings we met almost In the same flBbieRt place. I knew her a long way off by the -SUty ceaU Is agoo.1 day* wages for bright purple of her work, and became B WOrklng-man any where In Europe. In quite interested In lu progress. It was tbe Tyrol nUk r(.g[ori „d Jn llalv ^tj

Idcntly her walking work, fpr it did not oflen ,|u not gct niore tIl(in t«o cents. In grow very Ihst. Still It came to an euds | the ronntry In fiermany ten cents Is the for I saw the Wrtli of Its mate, as aheicomTnon pty. women there Tfien gft passed me again counting tier stltchan. ,,ut nvo centt. Itl sWeden ,,*., often Wc haul come to know each other, and I work p-om 4 o'cror* In the morning till « a ways received a pleasant smile and a O'ciock in the evening, aiiddonoV get nnv kind-'(.nten morgeii. I^ugrastorc the I mon,, i>uring the late war miny poor second bit of knitting was fintshetl 11 WOmen In Berlin were hired to krotstock- mrsaedher. I Scarcely knew how to de- ; .„,„ n,r ,h„ aoldlers for flv* ceris. The scribe her so ns to enquire for her, but lu-r l -„«,,, of the poor who keep petfry shops, little purple slocklngs helped me out of | ^|, trinkets In the street, or actfss sut- my difficulty, nml I learned she was lying j lcn flo imt ttrenfe more than three or on n sick bed with no hope or recovery, fbnr per cent. Barbers In BorlH, since Tlie beButlfbl Isle valley lost ha f Its I the raising of thulr prices, get live cents charm to mo that morning, and the brook fufhalr cottlng and two and a half cents that laughed and sung as It Ml In mlmlc ( ^ „m\nK. nervants at hotels ret from watermlls over ihe great rocks chanted (BJI to W a month. Servant girls in prl- oajy a sad rennlem for the dead born and , vMf, ftra|lfea often get bnt ttola year. the sefferlng mother.,^ ^ ., j Sometimes these claaaea can not get work

_. * •*• •" ~ "" j at Any price. The most pitiable aWrM of The old farmer who wgs dictating his , Berlin and other large cities, aremf men

will took an unusual view or things. lie i hinting employment Tlioy will some- said, "I give nml bequeath to my wife the j timea tM)Bet strangers that they may get sum of £ 100 a year. Isthatwrit down?" j rhnres to do.

Yes" said tin lawyer; "but she Is not

The wages of the umbrella nml parasol akerk In New Yotfc, which average only

as per week, hsre been TWdrrtid ;W pef

The Morris i Essex It, it. hats cut down track laliorers from A1.A0 to tnMhn) re- duced imichlnists' pay HI per cent, and diacbarged 400 men-

Three CJitcago eatabiishMuaU devoted to the production of pig-iron and UaasreeeT Bteol have an aggregate capital of an.Hdo, OOQ and employ :1,60b men.

Gloucester la feeling the panic keenly. The rialt market is almost stagnant and there are large stocks of Ssh upon the wharves wllli very fc* buyers.

Mr. J). nV Wood, of Northhorough. is making Important addlilons to hi* wool- len mills. TPilMT >t> Nortnborough itoee not.altew signs of the prevailing de- ^resslon.

The Merrlmack Woolen Mills "at Dracut Navy Yard hare Issued orders to discharge all their employes and close ths mills as soon as their stock on hand shall have been worked np.

There Is not a cotton or woolen mill In Chicago, though there are ?Sti manufac- turing establishments of alt kinds In the city, employing an aggregate invested capital of 8." 1 ,OJSI,IKKI nnd employing Ml, Ono persons. eases at saadaurravadaaatJ&aen^uAl aaisY

TTte iramerm rower CD. attsiwrti, now S-^lK orraT&Tn^^ Ti have reliable water power, and all their !■*»■ 9\*fi»fiM. The sal available land Is occupied by manufactor- ies in operation, for which a rental of sjin.othi per annum Is received.

A prominent manufacturer says the panic affects Rhode Island more seriously than other manufacturing states hecause mill-owners there have branched out too extensively Into other business.

The large mill al.Mauvlllc, R.I.,is closed. Moat of the mills on the Biaeksloue and Pawtucket river- are running, however, on full or reduced lime. In Pawtucket some of the mills are running day and night.

The Seoor Sewing Machine Brlilgrport, Conn, has closed Its door*. Wheeler A.Wilson's factory la running wII h l .itsi operatlyes and the Howe Hew lug Machine Co. continues In operation with reduced i'un e.

The shovel business at North Kaatou has become very quiet, the shovel Works running bnt four days per week. The sus- pension nf railroad building, which usca up s vast number of shovels, has had a depressing influence uti the trade.

The Cochero mriTs lu Dover, N. H„ miming on full time with their usual dors in iuh mice, and have ao thoughts of yielding to the times. The shoe maiiufac- Hirers, although somewhat embarrassed hy thi-li- inability to get money at the banks, are still hopeful and generally nt work.

Matthew Hale Smith writes from New York that over LII.INMI working girls are out of employment in that city and that 100,0*10 operatives hare been discharged within the last ten days. From Canal St. io 11th St. the houses are plastered with announcements of apartments, ofllces and tenements to rent.

It Is stated that the mills of tlie Pep persllCorporation at Bkfctefbrd, Me. now running on abort time, will reaume a full day V. work next Monday. The directors of the York Mills In Saco, are reported to luivu had the mutter of short tune snider coiwldcration, but nothing definite ha; beer, determined upon. The company is piling up huge stocks of goods In Ita storehouses.

Works, Vine Street. Dyers of Piece Goods, Yarns, Braids, and all kinds of Job Dyeing,. .Ca- salable goods re-dyed and put in marketable order.

WHTTTREDOE A BURNHAM, Fine Boots, Shoes anil Rubbers of every descrip-

tion. Popular Store. Boaton Union Bool and Shoe 111 Essex Street, aomer Jackson.


BIT Essex Street. W. A- hUnUll, W. P.



Parlor, Office and Cooking Stove*. Plumbing, Tli. Roofing, and all klntU of Jobbing

\JU O. HOWE, Ml, «M, tSfi ESSEX

Manufacture™ of Chamber Furaitufe, Bent aad

Old bnt she may marry agaii you make any chiiage In that case? Most people do."

"Ali! do they V Well, write again, nnd say If my wife marry again I give and be- queath to her the sum of L'lm a year. That'll do, won't It?"

"Why, that's just double the sum that she would have had If she had remained unmarried," said the InnrjeT; M|| [, gener- ally the other way."

"Ay," sold the fanner, "he thnl takes her will deserve It!" ,.

IN VentBUla they have large, vssjomoua ants, about two Inches In length. Mr. Richard Spruce waa bit hy a swarm of. them on bis feet nml ankles, the pain was felt all over tlie body like that or "a hundred thousand uetUe-aUiigs.'' His feet and hands trembled as if from palsy; he was twice ackzed with violent ablver- ings, while the perspiration ran 0g him in streams. Toward morning he slept and on awakening felt uu inconvenience beyond a very slight numbness iu the efet-

An Ingenious way to develop, the po-1 At a recent meeting of the school com- lite hypocrisy of society, has been de- j mlttce of Chelsea, Massachusetts, It WHS

vised by a lady who has an orange plant suggested that there be a delay oftwentv- in her parlor,which bearsnellher hud nor Pour hours Before a teacher inflicted pun- blossom, hut she haa had two full-blown ishmeqt Ibr any offensr-Vuntll passion flowers and a hair-opened hud of wax had cooled. After much debat^, how- plaeed upon the barren sulk. Her lady ' ever, It wan decided to paaa nnd Issue an caller- odium the sweet perfume of the order to the teachers not to Inflict punish- lovely flowers, and the getitleuu n lemark .menl upon their pupils tilt they shall that the hud hag eapanded considerably .have consulted with the suh-eommitlei- nf since they ssw It last. ! their respective schools,

M *■ -i ■ •■ ...',; t« i. . *.. an ■..-^uaia,.

Tho officers of tho Now York, New Haven and Hartfort read have given notice that after to-day the hoars of work Iu the shops at Hartford will be reduced from ten hours to eight. Thla reduction of course carries with it a reduction ot twenty per cent. In the amount of wages. There are about ft:, mum employed there.

Iu all the mills at Maaayunk, Penn,, es- pecially the large establishments of Qen. Patterson, Messrs. Hudson, and (amp- hell d Co., there haa been a decided cop* traction both in hoars of labor and the number of rmployes. Many of the'manu- facturers relieve the Wants of thetr work- men as rar as the nature of present clr cumstnneeH Wttl IWTmlt.

In New "Haven several manufacturing establishments are running on eight hours time. During three days In each week Sargent's nine hundred employes art kept at work, while during the other thre< days about one hundred are employed. The establishment haa been running only half time for two weeks, bnt will probably resume Dill time before long.

A notice kaa been posted at the ]£enr- •arge Mills lo Portaunouth, X. II stating that "In consequence: of the present state of the market and the depression In business, that corporation Is compelled either to stop the udlls wholly or In part or reduce the wages of the help. The latter course is helToved. to be the beat for all concerned, and has been decided np-

The reports concerning the Spraenies have had very depressing enVeta eat An- gus**, Me. The factories owned hy them will probably be closed, and all employes diaeharged. They are large owners In the Cobsirti IAIHI Company and Kennebec land and 1.umber Tompauy, hut it Is be* lleved that their failure will not seriously Interlace with the extensive lumbering operations carried on by these companies.

The Manchester, N. H., Print Works mills hhire decided to close their depart- ment devoted to the manufacture of fancy and woolen dress goods and delaines, for the present, as there Is no rail for such goods In the market They will work up the present stock of wool on band, and shnt down, throwing out of employment about too or SOO persons. They will con- tinue thetr cotton manufactories as uaual,

wrence ( inder dlrrectlon of Qto. L. Miller, drum

ijor of the (Mb Regiment, add proceeded to the city hall, where their honorary gneets, la command of Cot. Melvth Seal, Were received. Had the weather been sabre favorable K Is cc.r- tata Ike cons seat srrmld IMVO keen greosed with the largest tura-out of honorary ntsasWrs yet observed m tins city, ag ii was, about forty were la the lines, and as the column passed down Essex street, to the target ground, a five display was made ■ the white cross be)ti ,shd round-abouts of the cornpany giving them an atrracfivs appearance.

At the target ground ew^e oprrafkwis «rr» aeeaee iiiahuiaansl.aBi In shooting the hon- orary monikers were a I kissed precedence. I'ol. PUUUrick. K. W. Coloord and 1'-1. Krljey were appointed a committee lo lake charge of the target Tho target was painted by Mr. A. Yv. Dyer, and presented a very laughable view ofa iwwnish look log gentle man who had lievn piTs-

trAtedUythe premature discbargeof hbt (bwl* !ng piece. A good picture, but a poor Mrgrt, the objective imlut living'ta'djMlntt; tlih would snake bat Hale daaVrerae' te rooM or themsrkf-

( r| hut to "crack snots" It was otflaattan- alne, and dualities* to this circusmbanee ow mlafbrtuac Is due la not securing the first prise, tor 'lii t'sii to lac-iutic that never having taken a prlxc, we were certain of success this time, but for ajKuBostanoes over which we bad po control IT)Iring the day the number ofgacits

'as largely hrcreased, and it was nearly thfec 'dock before the buHorary memtters hAd cm-

eladed their prscrtce. The target sorecvldeuce of vary fair ahwahos, but few shou hating

ilcdto strike me board at s«a« patet. . The aatlrs mow ben of the eowpauy l»eg»ii

their pmctice as soon as tholr, guest* had 'ceased firing," and Adjutant Whltucy, James

Murphy and A. H. Brcwslcr were selected to superintend the target. Over thirty members participated la the eVercise, and although rath member had three allots, there were scarcely

holes la the target than tiers were mem- bers, and the ■■Isilat eye" felled M receive a single coinpllaaent. Their practh-e waa gourh Inferior te that of their guest*, as Is generally the case; Ibis 1« uoduntsledly aceonued fcr frem the fact of the honorary members being generally older and heavier men. making II easier for theni to carry ttie'rlfle wttu a ftrmer hand. ■'*"'

The untavorable weather had necessleiated

last year by eight million Mr. James Gordon Bennett has offered a cup

ofthevatuc of aihouaatnt pounds for fonipntl- tkm Between the Harvard, Yale and Oxford or Cambridge boating crows, If either one or both of them can l« Induced to row In American waters.

The President will not commence writing his Ksasgelor two weeks. Several of the heads

ol the departments have begun their reports. That of tne Postmaster General Is In Hie most forward state of coiopktion.

Stokes, the dandy assassin, started let Slug ng Prison lest Saturday. Two of the jurors

la his last trial are now occupying the cell va- cated by Btokc*. It Is said that tliev hid fair to follow Stokes to Sing Sing.

Nearly two millions of the Erie Canal debt fell doe on Saturday. Bids fur the new loan to

W. U. Alexander, tbu taraRst Indlviekaal de- positor wftb Jar Cooke & Co. lu Washington. hes addressed a letter to that firm declining to accept thenroiMieliion made for settleaneni.

The aald coinage el ths Philadelphia Mint, during October, amounted to 011,010,000 In double eagles. The gold weighed thlrty-elght teas.

Mrs. Kdwia M. Stanmn lies in a precarious condition at her residence In Germantuwn., and Is not expected hi recover.

C'laiim & Co. of New York announced on Saturday that tiny were not In need of a«-!«-

The Vienna Exposition has closed.


There was great compctltiuu tor the late lav grand Lnekwood'i splendid furniture At the suction sale at New York. One '—"

Others from »W0 i •H90 each. Ten sets of furniture of thi* description sold for. t Isronie figure "Hlatory, flllO: French clock, *W. and other articles at eqoatlv high flgnres, not at all eaggestlve or bard ttsuas.

The New Raven lighthouse keeper reports that large quantltses of *y tiers were washed up on ths bench during the recent storm, and that they were carted off In wagon toads. II Is also

In sand that they will be almost a total and that many owntrs win tote thetr entire

Right lo ten theusaad peepis assetnhied m Baa Francisco yesterday to witness Ihe balloon aacenalon and wedding ot Prof. 1-acv and Miss Braiih of that city. Tba balloon got away with- out the wedding party or anyone else and when last seen was going northward at a high altl- ewM

The principal feature In Wall etreei ycaierday as the decline of gold to RHtl, the lowest t ' "

-luce the close ofthc war. The fall In the was tba decline of gold to RHtl, the luwcsl pulst

I ofthc war. The hill In (he jwv- nriara 1* all the more remarkable In view of the Bank of England's raising the rate of discount to s per cent on ftaturday.

Mn. John r. Heenan, wno Is now in fturbpe has been telegraphed to, and will return Id New York at once lo administer Ihe estate or her late hutliand. Mr. Heenan leaves property to theyaIneOf»10fl,000.

The Civil Servret Commlssle*l ham nnder aoneldsratton a new rule, which la all examlna- tlons for promotions will re.|ulre the promotions to b* made from apptrcenl* In the next Infertor rrade.

The lea levy «.i Cbleagu is over asijisi,oi«ir and the discouraged cltUrna are ls-ghinlngto eonelnderbat they ma» as welt rtlenf |*nle as

Tom Allen, ihe St. I-oula prise flghUr, left that city last night for Omaha, where he will go Into training for his tight with Hogsn nn the l.'rtti lost.

It is staieil that me European steamship lines rnaaUf lo New York eoelemplste saaklag 81a- ten Island Ihelr lending place on this side the rjeean.

The lateat advices from Providence are that the Bpraguc difficulties will be satisfactorily ar- ranged and that the worst of the difficulties are

The report of Ibe state of the lsnilenllartes of the Canadian llosuinion lor the past year shows a steady decrease In the number of crim- inals.

A Wll will I* Introduced In rongress provid- ing ssr Ibe establishment nf a United States mini at Chicago-

The First National Bank of Washington will ravy fkcreditor* from Irspreaent aeaeets ahont wpwesat.

There was a much better feeling In New York financial Hrdea, yeeterday, than for — daya

Bines Tuesday last ths B. OaVe has paid out S3IO0 in silver coin,


A gloomy sky, with cold and cheerless as* mosphen, uiherrd lathe day selected for the annual parade and frstlrlties of thf larwrenre light Infanwr, and the hoys were In no Pleas- ant mood as they sauntered toward tbesr ar- auory at tee prospect n**sm them. Tho hour iuraaaembUag was nine o'clock, but ii was ds> ' ej('ed to remain in quarters for aa hour, sod '■ give Old Proh. a chance to redeem himself by granting clearing weather, bnt this worthy in dtrldual only favored their white* So far as K

cease act Ire hoi-tilttirs. be t stltT lekre a sold And \ was paM to the remarks of speakers. drlr».ling day. Bui Ike arrans*>men*» nf the . del atmosphere of the ball bore a' cernpaay were inch that it was dlftVnlt ta post- [ grre of differepco fretn laat ohaarveit neson Ihe pone the parade, and they decided to snake the ocotefcm, of Mrs. Woodhuira •netun oa the pre- bast of it. i|„ ,fj. „,, ([ [Vkais evening, gynspathette feelings existed ■ ■ Toe oonusmy, under rrmnfrntl nf Heat, sesirsen ipuhrr and audlea.ee. and word* of Timothy Bcswdou left their armory at hajf-patt I reason and wt*dr»n were gindiy receive,! by the tan II'I lui 11 isya^kaji VJhj'itsiajtJIgM.f'iiiiii j IhaCMra.

The autUenee st the gathering of .Woman Suffragists, at the City Hall on Thursday even- ing, was not as large si might have been ex- pected, from the annouaceraea* or each good

•-ere preaent; however, ths meet- in r was of much interest, and as Its object wa* to preaent Bound argntnent to the people, and secure names to tho membership si* the dab In the city, it must be considered a tameest. The audience comprised about four hundred adlee aad gentlemen, and marked stteptlnn

the so-

sasjly made, and a chowder, wim ths atttt- aras, waa anaanaeed at ■Jrowell's Snaeeg reoms.

The largtt exercise* hsvlag cospyudad the «te*rF

their gacsts to their new armory In Brechln Block. Upon arrival at the armory, Council- man Whitney, In behalf of the dry government, tendered the use of these elegant rooms to the company. Sergeant Dolan made A response, And brief remark* were made by Judge Stevens and Col. Phuhrick, hearty cheer* were given for the city government, the company, honorary guest* aad the band, alter which the company sad their guests passed through the different apartments of the armory, end then marched down Eitex street to Crowell'* dining rooms, where an excellent edllnilon was served, and the members' dismissed-

In the evening the 1*11 was the principal fea- ture, but the Terpalrhorean festivities were pre- ceded or sn exhibition drift, which was highly rrrdrtable to the company, and wee the warm apBtauee of those present. Following the drill tte presentation Of prises waa made, Judge Ste- vens tendering, with hmnoroua resaarks, those won by honorary tucmbew. The Urs* prUe, a beautiful silver coflVc urn, was presented te Major S. M. Decker; the second, an elegant silver cake laukct, to Col, ('. Pbllbrick. these gentlemen rcprcicnt the field and stall or the regiment to which the Light Infantry is at- tached. The third price, a silver cup, was won by Mr. J. W. Frost. These prlr.es having been presented, Sergeant Dolan stepped forward and tendered to Judge Stevens a toy pistol, In token of making the poorest single shot. The same gentlemen then presented the prises to the active member*: First prise, a stiver watch, to private Thomas Hoar; second, revolver, to pri- vate Michael nweeney; third, silver rap, to private Francis Desmond. At this point the Judge got even with tits Sergeeul, lay present- ing elm with a tin knife, fork aad spoon, a* prise* for the jswrest shot. The company then marched from the ball, and soon after the mer- ry dance began, and was continued until a hue hear thi* morning. The music was excellent, furnished by Chapman A Butterwovtb'a Band, aawt the management nf tho hall lhat nmhl he desired.

.,■ CaTT

The i 'iima-ll met at elghi o'clock, the ifesldeni latiiecliaii. Absent, 4 ouarllaicii Lsaery, Whit- aey, Joyce and Jiaiirnhan.

The records being read and approved, papers frvmi the other Bonn! weresulimltteit and concur- red h*.

Jtan.imM.~Of t. S'rtslerlck MMhswa f-a alMtc ment o| aewaf aaacsstneiit. relerred to iouiniiuee on Hewers and Drain*; of l\ T, Weiton •< ml for stone paving St (he Junction of Cobeord and Brad- ford atreets, nfernil hi t :«ms Here on SsVeeta.

i'-«™sM^ee*e|.,^«.-Comsill***a»MiUlaryaii1| Annorlas SAdiadSkwl a report un patjljon nf to. I. wh Kegt. for suitable gup rm-ks for tlH'li armory. Accepted. aJ/fspsTV irfVSNinf.-The Joint Special CfanssttMe in whom was referred the subject of pure has log nddllhmat land tnr cetneterr purposes, swSjsaiued Uieh r*|MiiI whirb was res.I ami accepted.

Tho report of Hi? ComsultUM) Is as follows.-

"Yew CssamiM'* have aaoertaiaed «om the owiicin ol 1 1 (idjiio-iil 1.1 I be I '(■ brj tlicpi»-e at whlfhShavwill -ell. Tho lot awnari by Mr. Parsons, contaluiuii siiout ttti..s*i souare feel, can he bought Ibr a^o/a^. That owned try Mr.BisI well aorta of the proposed resa. rob, atsl f entass ■ ing about *i acre-, fnrSllse an acre. Your Com msnae, althosarh ■arosmlslM the fact thnl more land Is needed lor i•eroetarj puruuaes tlian is eon tanMUItn Mr. I'araoo.'I.S, yettfley do not deem II expedient IS rrcanisieeit U« expeedlmse at so large s sum a* would be rei|iilrcl t" pun base Mr BodWen'a lot. Bui they wowM iwonssseml the p-reua**ortlw h* owned b>Mc. I'araona.aiUols fng She cemetery, at sn early day.''

Order.—An order ws* adopted for the CnntMlt- tee on Mllttary sad A rsaortes M he sutkartsad to prneure suluiUe gun rack* tor the armory of Co. 1, Sth Regl.

Adjourned one week to meet at Tljao'clock. met that the clerk notify the absent members of the

Tlie UP- Mi Cyrua WahadeM pski Uw Fifty A ssoeiavas Stso.utsi for property adjoining Use old Braple Square Chureh, Boston, paying but SMtal down. ' ft Is now protiaMe that the Assnelaus will retake the pmi-ertr aad build a biota facing the new extension efWlehlnfWn street.

itapt'Mnses Young startedfrosa ftever with n WhaWbonnnerle.! with ,-hrbleeo barrels of Sis for

When he ranched ■ aaif.Item aaah" Hersr Point, Uieesmftenpsksed, iwi the rap

ohuat by means of the II they w ird. The ale went down river,

r of UwasSsheil out i Newtngton hy hy drunk hy Ibe

W. H. P. Wnght, Esq., j^l^and. hi ap proprlnte words InteddareV the flrtt 'spehker, Miss Mary aUstman, of Lthrell'. This lady l- of prepossessing njipcanince, siidheruke-nat voice and manners at oatl wen the kksd sag ard at her aaMssnoc. «he sneaks ctohrty, her words are the retort Of much thought S»d oXperienre, sod none will doubt the sincerity of the wdy'* moU<e* la advocating this canse, and none will attribute to her Brian* mefires. Her remarks cashraaad saeny thought* sugmtted by her at the afternoon session or thq fohtentlon held In thll clly but a few weeks ago. She dwelt upon the school syjtem with taarh rcrver. and her atgAmestsrnuat hare ben reccired Uifh (avor by eTery listener. The school system ws* badly managed, not intenlkinally, but through the sbaeuce of oamasteat wesnea upon school cemmtttees. Men of imerli|«ice and geod rr- pnM were placed upop the board of school dl- reesar*, to tare for a largo number of cklkbeii, while at t holr own homo they were hrresaeetent to manage a single child. The ape»*ei weald have women admitted tu their boards of gov- ernment, women of experience, with, braitu and sympathise, it was eminently ttttngtiiat women, whose Immediate care at home wa. thetr children, should have a voice In task man- agement nnd cere while at school.

At Ihe dose of *Miw Eastman's rnta**caw,Mr. Wright read the eonstHutlen of the Woman suffrage Clah of this city, anil aonoancedihst two ladle" would pea* through the aadlaarc to rrctiTc the signatures of those nswiftng to »- come niemken. Ilemsntousxksord tlr.Blarl, well, of Boston.

Thi* gentleman addressed the audience in s genial wanner, parukiug more of a fanullar talk than a riadlad address. 11* was giad the BBaulgsili were norara*s«d in ttrls etty y an orgsni/.ed political party, which recogullloii waa proved by Ao free use of the City Hall be- ing tendered them, ths sawo as It would he to the Republican or llcinorralte i*»rty. The ipnslnfir then explained the caaeae system of ward IS of Boston, which was a wimple nf the system of i-onduct ing primary meetings Uuongb- oot the country, A few men met at one of their number's residence, ssade np a Its* ot'del- egstcs, caused their names In be printed sn s dip of paper, and when the renews of the peo- ple ws* cslrsd, thrust these lisJIoU Into their hands, and without question thay were voted.

Such a caucus consisted of thirty persona, representing three thousand voters, and thus n haadfhl of men derided who should represent the Interests Of three thousand coniflluepts. Allusion had been made to the small number

ltd* quite a respectable canens of the woman suffrage party, when compared tu Ike caesusr* of other parties. He urged the people*o sus- tain only those rspreseatativea and seaalora who would pledge Their honest support to the cause of woman suffrage Whether Republi- cans'or Democrats, no voter should give them his rote until the desired pledge should be made. A severe attack wst made on the for- eign element of our population, charging, ihcm with allowing Americans to nsauege their po'1

tics, which resulted In their votes keeping rbem ta ofgre. The speaker etoeed hit remark, with as earnest appeal mr the suffrage of women, and stated that the whole western txMuttry »«• In readiness to adopt the measure, while ft was only necessary for Massachusetts, the eld Puri- tan state, to lead off In the cause, and pyt-ry State In the I'nioii would InimexUalely Mlo« . Oar tsoskUeal syatem was about to undergo * great change, and now wes the opporRrehy for tbc friend* of woman suffrsge to strike s blow for the elevation of the best lyortlon of bnuiaultv

At the close of the meeting It was asrertabie i that sixty name* had been added to the mem- bership of the club, among them some of Mr most prominent and inllsenlisl cftiaans.


The Republican Representative Conveaslon met at the Common Cismrll room on Frrflnc evening, for the purpose of nominating candi- dstesfts: Repreeentatlve* to the General Court.

Muck Interest wsa msnlfsstod la the result of the suarention, both hy the dslagalss addspei tators, many of wham were present. It **- generally conesded that Mr. Fua* hi Meftnen, who faithfully served the party as representa- tive last year, should be returned this year, provided he could serum an election-Henom- inalion, at least, should be given him. Then' befng two vscanrles to be filled from lawrenee, the candidate* wen numcrost, and the coiscu-- ing previous to calling tbc convention to order was quite auaoated. The uasnes of Wto. 8, Knox, Ataneun llrlggs, Byron Truell. A. Yesw, A. V. BagbhC, 8. B. W, DAvf* and Luther Lsdd, were each brought forward by thch friends, hut the ran) cesnaet was between Messrs. Knox, Truell sad aVitgs.

The convention was called to order hy Col. Tho*. A. Parson*, rhahmsn of the Ulsirln Committee, and the call therefor was reed by Vt. (ioldsrultk, the soerrtary. Wm. H. I'. Wrlgbl wae abuaaa chainnan, and A. V. Bug- bce, secretary. Mr. Knox moved that s com- mittee of throe be Bpuohted on credentials, by the chair, and the following gentlemen **md W. H. Knox, Alamo*) Briggs. lavl Emery ;

reporting that each uelssellon wai mil, and that (llty-akrae uelegates were preient. On motion of Mr. A- C. Stone, It was unanlmoasly voted, by aeeuntattou, that Mr. OranvKk E. Fots. of Medium, should again be a candidate lor RepresenUttlve. On m.rlian of Mr. Parson-, the chair spoointcd Messrs. Parsons, Emerson. snd Stone a commliiee so cntlant and saant iMllofi, and by the same gentleman It was moved to proceed to a formal Issllot, with the following resell I

Whole number votes. sk Neeaeaary Kw a choice.

Lather I add had A. Yeaw Alanson Briggt " Brron TnisIT " Wm. n. Knox " *1.

end there was no choice made. lot resulted i

Whole number voles, Necessary tbr a choice

Yeaw had A. Brigs* Brron Trus W. ft. Km


and Mr. Knox ws* declared Ihe nominee of the eonvewtiou. A ballot tat Ih* rsmamfagean.il- dslurr WAS taken With the following result:

Whole number vote*, 08 Necesserv for s choice, - ST

A. Yeww s. ll. w. Davis A.lWtt* A W ByronTruell M

end Mr. Trnril was declare*! nosninaled. Mi

Knox was then (ailed upon, and responded In B brief address, full of sound sense and gnsl 'Advice. He wa* followed by the other nom I- asss, Messrs. Truell and Foes, who tendered tlieir thanks to the eontentlon for the honor nuiferred Upon fhehLsnd more exUnded re- mark* wart' mad* by Messrs. Parsons, Raton and Harmon, after which Ihe Convention ad hsssssjsaj, havtag bed a brief s*snuoa, and a wnrni hntajwdseMmleantest.


A... 6a

• f

■ •

■? '•





i-rloos disturbance nf tin- tntrkct


■ocnuns ilon -Wi

Weekly Xewj* Stfevitiejl WKDNKSOAY,

A ■pedal fron Kaoxvtlle, Trim., aavs that the strike of the engineer* on u,c ymM Tcn- urtses, Virginia and Georgia rUitmad threaten! to aaaumc a dangerous character. Nome em- ploye*, yesterday, prevented a freight train from leaving by uncoupling can. The night passenger train and all freight train* hare been discontinued.

.K ! ^".i?1!. *« !*> Pope Is tlwugbt in some of the Catholic districts of Italy to be imprisoned by the national government, and In thcte prov- meet there are peddler* who aell bit* of straw from tbe foal bedding In Hli Holineee'dungeon.

The Supreme Court of Illinois, yesterday jpwjed a new trial to Christopher Raffeny, the »»*»* «"• Onntxtaonollcem.u who bad a warrant for hit arreat. He has twice been con- victed and sentenced to be banged.

An English member of Parliament stated In f? Iff*** J"«erdV- that h* had been offered 10,000 tone of English railroad Iron, now lying In New■ York for a prlca two pounde lee* than their original coet In Kngland.

The SHI,, of Rhode Iilaod bwnt stock to the • mount of .100,000 In the Olobe Bank of Prov- idencc, pan of the School Knndoflhe State I>e- iag thus Invested.

Another balloon accident It reported from K"BL5fa Ind-' wnerfl ■ "Pro'eaaor" fell 30 feet from hie balloon, and It not expected to

The nt the itio*>t taopportuiir- season of lo*! U* Suutbern HiMorieal Society, year, that h* follfWttl tht-flnfjlhBlBl panic, ; hotM").' IbJ WSSIOM» at afthmone) Is having a widegpwi.l, nlraoet lM^erial i ca* filler lrn|M)rta*fli'rvie> to tbe •fleet upon MMNrfaeturing, tud tt would | of ejarrcit history. If Ite "nemoer* will be worse thtt''folrjr to dMQ' thai grave > roofl»p tlisanselvr-a to their proper bnsl- apprehcnslua. for the imf&eUlate future,\aau ami trull alrntR thtlf Kri«T»orea. disturb, to-day, th«> mind* of the rendlng'The opening aewelou of the Society, on and most experienced manufacturer* of: Wednesday la«t, unfortunately was not New Kuglaml; and while wc arc confident j calculated lo Inspire much confidence in that the present revulsion Is to Iw of but Its aticeesa. If the South needs any one short duration, perhaps even now at It* tWu*i mom into another to aid her re- worst, we fear the ordinary condition* of eorery fmra the eflwcU of the war and the trade are already so unscttleti a* to lead [ plundering* of carpet-lm^gecs,

The Ward Four Frauds.!

• T.,., WIHenaa larger oauWUhmeMs In manufar- presunie that. CLEAREST PHOOF OFTatst BAL- turing dtls* nnd towns of Wew England are re-

during their operations hi a greater or leaser

THE VOTE FOR COUNTY OPFICER8 - - E83BX COUNTY. H o me (^ o js £ i p.


ouae AstonitUm Difference betw Year and Last.

It Is

The capital o( tbe Central National Bank, ->ew York, amounting to n,000,Q0Q |i |m- paired to the extent otwTSDflOO,

Sir John Duke Coleridge has accepted the position of Lord Chief Justice ot the English Conn of Common Pleas. .

Twenty persona ware injured by a colllilon on the Midland R. R. m England, yesterday

The Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention has adjourned to meet in Harrlsburg, Dec nth.

Another largo Bra fn Constantinople yester- day, destroyed forty houses.


Slagerly's printing office at Hanrtsbarg, Pa., employlngfnimlWio 300 persons was destroyed yesterday. The last three days' proceeding! o the Constltatlaaal Coavsntkw, extra copies 01 the convention proceedings, and thousands ot volumes belonging to the State Library were named. The presses and machinery are a toul loss. The State Journal office In tbe wirae buildlna wat also destroyed. Slngerly's I JSS is ff 100,000; no Insurance. ~ '

Arthur Oorham, a student of Phllttps Academy at Exeter, N. II. and son of Dr. Wni. Oorham who holds a position In the Boston Custom Monse. was killed at Kxcter vesterday by the accidental discharge ol a gun. Dr. (Wham tit thus canted to mourn the loss of a mother father and only child In lent than three months' time. Ills wire died during the infancy of hit

Tbe seUienwnt of II. fi. Claflln A Co. has progressed satisfactorily. Ho far, every creditor that could be reached by mail or telegraph ha> assented heartily to the terms, and the neces- sary details are being rapidly completed. The terms of settlement are precisely I24 per cent, per month, which will liquidate all claims In eight llimitli-.

The annual report of tbe Commlstloner ol Pensions thowt that l,5,40.r> new pensioner were added to the rolls last year and I0,23,'l dropped. Tnr total pensioners of all clsase* sre 339,111. The rates have been advanced in 21,711 cases. The total pavmenU, Including salaries to agents, Ac, were anaVIJTWI.

Kdmimd Dwigbt, who was recently chosen treasurer of lbs Manchester Print Works Cor- e>ratlon. declined the position, and Charles II.

slton of Motion hat been chosen In bin piece. Mr. Dalton has arcepted.

On Tuesday afternoon nine fishermen were drowned from a sail boat off Almcoe Island, in the Ht. Lawrence river. Three or the nartv were Hetb (Irccn's men engaged 111 culleetlng nth spawn.

Charles Flwell, for the killing of Oeorgc P. Peabody at Oorham, N. H. In July lust, hat been indicted tur murder In the second degree Ills trial will take place on tbe 18th.

Mrig.-Oun. Hlcbard Dulafleld, of the Engi- neer Corps, retired, died at Washington, Tues- day night. The deceased has been on the re- tired list since 1866.

It U reported that two German merehanraien, with 2000 rtiles intended for Malay pirates, have been captured near Manila by a fipanUh war steamer.

stocks rapidly declined yesterdar, fi. 'luence of the tuspenslon or the Callfornln and Texas Construction Company.

Rev. John Early, D. I).. Bishop of the M. K. Church of the Mouth, died yesterday at Leach. burg, aged 88.

Sterling Price A Cu. of St. Louis have (ailed.


The mortuary report at Memphis. Tenn., for the 2t bonrs ending at 6 r. u. yesterdav, show four deaths from yellow fever. The weather Is cloudy with moderate temperature. At a meeting ofthe City Council, yaatarday. Chair* man Cicaila, of the Board of Aldermen, asked that a camralttee be appointed to Investigate the chart** against him o( defrauding tbe cltl- I teats relief committee.

Harris, the first mate of the tblp Sunrise, ac- cused of brutality to seamen, was arrested at San Francisco, yesterday. He says he has not been oul ofthe city tince the arrival of the ship at that port. Ills arrest causes much excite- ment. There [s a crowd ol aitout one thousand iwrtnni in the vicinity of the County Jail, where Hurls h In custody.

The numerous rumors In relation to Vice President Hcott, of the Pennsylvania railroad, Induced Inquiries from official sources, and It h it been learned that all stories afloat are with- out the slightest foundation. The board of di- rectors ha<i no action on tbe declaration of the dividend, but will meet to-dav for the deci- sion of that qnetiiun.

A motion was made in tbe Court of Oeneral s;--si.nit,Sn* Yora, yesterday, to o.uasb the In- dktment against Klchard II. Connolly, found In 1871. on the ground be wat Indicted sndwas co-defendant in tbe trial now pending against Wll lam M.Tweed. A further hearing will 1* htld on the 1.5th.

Henry C. llcnlism, one of tbe oldest foreign merchants In New York died suddenly yester- day morning st bis residence on flth Arenne,

Xd 80. Dcnhemwai, h 18*36, connected with faniiuM Greek frigate Arbitration, in which

the IIowlHndit and Baysrds were conctrned. The mstn cylinder head of the engine at the

Natigatuek mills, at Providence, blew ont yes- terday morning. Thomas Crowe, fireman, wss be lly scalded, but he shut off the >tea<n am eaped through a window. Work will be pended lor a few days.

The government commission and a large number of persons Interested In boiler tests left for Sandy Hook, rT. Y. yesterday, Tlie tests will he the explosion ol boilers by gradual In- crease of steam pretsnra.

There was a riot In Portadown, Cltter Co, Ireland, Wednesday, growing out of the Oui Pawkes celebration. The police had a fight

'—Orangemen, and several persons were

to a much greater aud mare general cur-

tailment or production than ha* already

occurred. We have no feara that we are

entering any atteh period of disaster to manufacturing or general depression as

that of 1857; the business of the country la weakened by no such intaUnient of long

credit*; unlike that autumn, when crops

had almost failed, alone sufficient to en-

sure a train of suffering, we have had a

moat abundant harvest; then, aa the busl-

ni-v» Isecam.' disordered, the prices of the

necessities of Ufa increased; now, thanks

to our abundance, aa dollars grow scarcer,

the -Mtsentlals promise to become cheaper.

There la far greater wealth among the

masses of the people at the present time,

thousands more families in every commu-

nity who hare accumulated a little some- thing, which nay, If demanded, be used

to keep from the door grim and sullen


But, on the other hand, our finances,

rather onr currency, Is not In a condition

to command confidence, and, whether

rightly or not, and nobody seems to know why, operates to keep the country In a

uervous and panicky state, liable at any

day. and by a small occurrence, to be

thrown into confusion. The basis of all

trade, of all prosperity, is leas money than

confidence, and this latter seems to be the

commodity most lacking In business cir-

cles to-day. Already the largest manufac-

turing house In America, of vast wealth,

and In the front rank for shrewdness and

capacltv, has practically suspended, an enormous amount of their fabrics had

already been placed upon the market at

figures far Itelow the cost of production

with these prices, others must come Into

competition, compelling thus soon, a ma-

terial reduction In price of Important sta-

ples on the part of other manufacturers

while tbe general uneasiness has not only

largely stopped sales, but led to the recall or orders in advance.

The unpleasant results are thus early

evidenced In the curtailment of production

by tbe partial or entire stoppage of ma-

chinery, or the redaction of the hours of

labor, and In many cases there has been

slao a diminution of wages; while we

earnestly hope that those conditions arc

not to become more widely spread, or uni-

versal, and believe no permanent disaster

can overtake the Industries upon which

communities like our own are ao largely de- pendent, we percolre occasion for thought-

fulness In the near future. Our nvrn mills

have as yet experienced less of the dis-

turbing Influences than In most cities, and

we know full well that not onl; arc they

generally In the soundest condition, but tbe muuageincut fully determined to make

every effort to avert the disaster of an en-

tire cessation of employment to their thou-

sands of work people. But a material re-

duction may become a necessity, and we trust the good sense of those whom It

most closely affects will accept It aa such;

It Is far better for all concerned, for the

mills, and surely for the people, that there

should he a reduction ofthe hours of labor, with corresponding diminution of wages,

than an entire or even partial stoppage of

machinery; the wiser course, to whatever

end or extent tbe curtailment may become necessary, Is rrrtainiy to give an some

employment, even a moiety of constant

pay, enough to meet Immediate, absolute

necessities, than to run only a portion of

the mills on full time, and throw a part of

the operatives entirely out of employment.

Those of our corporations who have already felt compelled to reduce their produc-

tion, have wisely adopted this course, aud

so long as. In the confused conditlou of

the markets there were no sales. It was

surely prudent to reduce,—better to trim

and curt-ill now.—and be In readiness to

catch the first new breeze or prosperity,

than to rust uuthlnklngly Into excessive

production, and risk possible disaster and ruin. There need bn no apprehension but

that with the first promise of reluming confidence and trade, all our nulls, what-

ever their reduction now, will make haste

to return to full time, and the most abund-

ant production; they are In no posslhk

danger of failure, have ample resources,

aud the present curtailment is ullke for

their safety aud the best Interests of the!

employees and the public; we confidently

trust It Is of but short duration.

etn this degree, It eaanot but be a matter of Interest to all readers to know the present condition of the large aianu factories In onr ownclty. in visiting these corporation* we found the gener-! AHOOT'^? ' al feeling quite aopeful, and a determination to jt,'vfriA' view financial affairs upon the cueerral side.; BradTtrn, Thai far ht the struggle Lawrence stands tec-' l>snver«, ond to no other city, save, perhaps, Lowell, In withstanding the pressure brought to bear up- on it 1 ntaauractories. None of our mills have :cased operations, and only one corporal)'

stop sniffling at what she Is and bragging of what she proposes to be. This is what Oens. Jubal Early and Wade Hampton ought to have Warned. There baa boa* a good deal of such talk as they Indulged in on Wednesday among the bummers of the South, but there are bummers In every cause aud It was reasonable to expect better things from men who live at head- quarters. Gen. Early Informed the socl-

ty that the "greater number or the Southern states are In tbe hands of those who are Interested in falsifying history" and that '• those at Washington are en- gaged in suppressing the record of the South." He proposed to "strip these Northern boasters of their vain and false pretenses to prowess." Eev. Dr. J. L T. Curry, of Richmond, was proud to say that he had been a Coufederate aoldler and that Oea. Joseph £. Johnston was " tbe greatest living master of the art of war." Gen. Wade Hampton led off with the moderate aud considerate statement that " the whole fabric of this Govern- ment la tottering while Idiots are gibber- ing and laughing beneath-" "Prussia," he said, " though so badly defeated aud sub- dued by Napoleon I In the campaign of Jena, yet overthrew her conqueror at Waterloo and still later conquered Prance, taking Paris and dictating terms to her former conquerors." lie commended this to the reflection of all who beard him—It "taught a lesson from which the South might profit." Rev. Dr. Moses I logo aald he could not conscientiously "give this government bis benediction"—which Is very bad for the government—and would suggest that if "Lee was not as great and good as Washington, we can add Lee to Jackson and claim that both are at least equal to the rather or his country." This Is a fair specimen of what the society did for the cause of Southern war-history. We regret that I>r. Hoge should have done Lee and Jack-

Injustice by his shrlnkiug modesty lu claiming that it would take both of hem to beat Oeorge Washington; the

Southern men who could do that alone have been a drug In the market for years. But seriously, whatever may be thought of the version of Southern history given by by the North, It hasn't much to gain from such friends as have assembled at Rich' mond this week.

An Hoaasst Count reduces tbe Demo- cratic aaadcatty more than One-Hair.

If a single voter, In rmr city, after the revela- tions before tbe Aldermanlc committee In the early part of tbe year, and the verdict of a Democratic committee, questioned as to the perpetration of a gross fraud at the ballot box ^_ In Wart fc-our, by Colcord and hit associates, I ^ 0^^^""^ eT<r^ d»y „" the wesk, and every shade of a shadow of doubt isremoved, Mf OM nu |w fM Um# fo|ir ^ ^^t and proof, clear as holy writ, presented In the Wf<<t ^ tmu j^,^ ln unt onB milI|

result-f this ward on Tuesday of this week, |llloagn »,,,,, „<„, thtl m,y occur In other mills when Colcord was absent, and the ballot boxes | u ^ kMW||| ^ Ba0eruio u u noir mttKn too closely watched to permit s like theft, eve11

bad he been present. Look at the vote, at

in il

rowMtd ut that weed last year and this, taw I

Waahbnra, flMM Bud, M« Washbura. > Qastoa, —« Democratic Halorlty, SS* Ul

Last year la the entire elty, the Democratic vote for Governor was In a minority of 96; this year It U a m*j*ity of 381, a Democratic gain In the city of 4771 while an Aewstt ret*** this year, la plat* of the fraudulent count of Col- cord ft Co., in Ward Pour, rednees the Demo- crarle majority there, over one half!

Al the same Mm*, with a republican loss In the city of oao from last year, an honest count in Ward Four Increases tbe vote three from the u mid uli muU ^ COMr. 1.., A .. - .. 1. _.l I... -L. _....., AJUJW* ■■ lint ' lying figures cooked by tbe ward officers at that

time. We ask every man, Democrat or Republican

who wishes to maintain an honest count of his own and other people's ballots, to compare last year's figures with those or this, and explain Ward Four, If be can, on any possible ground than that, aa Aid. Kelvin and Lamprey offi- cially declared,— BsxLore waaa STOLBK, AXD

TUB Waan Orncsas MUST aara STOLBK



may tun. Tbe demand fur tbe products or our mills Is

at tbi present time very small, consequently manufactured stock Is accumulating, and the tupply without a demand, as s matter of course, cannot long continue. Tbe demand for worsted

j goods tt brisk, and this department of the ' Wuhhtgtoa Mills It required to run evenings to fill their orders. We present s brief state- ment of tbe present condition of the larger manufactories In this city

TUB Pactvic HILLS are In full operation, cm ploy tag their full complement of help, some 4.500 people. The management have under consideration tbe reduction of wages, or a re- duction of hours of tabor. It is thought no necessity will rise to cease a reduction of tbe number of employes. Even should reduction

(ieorgelowii. (Gloucester, Oroveland. Hamilton, HftverhiU, Ipswich, Lawrence,

JymtVeld. >f«nrhet.ter, Maruleheud. Uetbuen, Mid.ilel

ffl V* I m am

*« .,,„ ._.„, iiT Hi" ISI i U 00 43 00

N'ewttury, Sewburyport, So. Ami.'vi 1, Peabody, Bock port,

Salem,' ' Salisbury, t>auguii, Swampecott. Tnpifield, Wenhani, W. New bury.

Total, urn SOM I io,:o7 ion ■!■>,■;■•"* H*l ItMls &*si


10,5111 ■aOH 40)1

Completa, excepting only West Newuury. Liwrsace, Asdovar, Hctlmen and North Andwer, vote for Register of Deads for (he Northern District. In these places, also, no oaadldate for BealMnr of Probate waa on the Deasoeratlo tickets. In Marblehead, the Demoeratln vnu for Register of De*ds-*SI'-waa cast for Story instead of Putnam.

la several of MM towns flans were votes for Gen. BeUer for Uovornor; In Dancer*, "Junior." was omitted la the name of Mr. Uoodell. is over half the ballot*; In Topineld, only *ne Democratic ballot was east, and that onlv for Uoveroor and Lieut. Governor.

MUSK; AND MOXKT.—Perhaps tn the long run. tbe respectable and cultivated classes are as good a reliance for the amusement manager us the old debauchees

the young "godsor the gallery" who go Into ecstasies over )lg-melodles sung by scant-clad sultanas or yell aud whistle In brute delight at the gory spectacles of William Buffalo and John Texas. But It looks as if the choicest blandishments of Old World art and the best artists ln the noontide of their fame will fall to excite us In these dubious days to tbe point of

tgtlng three, or four dollars for a two hours hearing of tbe Berllncrs' Lucca or of Tamberllk and PI Murska. The first week of Italian opera at tbe Hub baa closed with only measurable success tn money- getting. The really good material In the troupe—better far than hut year—Is, It appears. grtassMkhi asutasaasxaxti hut even tbe musical public Isn't superior to the Influences of tight times and either tries to content Itself with the water-gruel of cheap concerts or goes with the good people who never take their theatre un- less It Is called a museum, lo see Warren and ltnn-.ni and Mother Vincent. Boston cannot, us It did last year, quite reconcile a lavish outpouring of its greenback dollars with Its affectionate, regard for artistic culture and, In hrief, plain Kn- glbth, Mr. Mtrettek will not carry away as much of our money as he did last winter because wc can not afford to give Ittohltn; we can " make It up" to him when wc feel richer.

There wat a lively contest at the gathering or EBocrats in the common council room Mon-

day evening, to see who should come befbre the people as candidates for representatives. The meeting was called to order by J. C. San- born, Esq., and Major John H. Brown was iboscn chairman, and W. II. tlurnham, secre-

tary. The first ballot resulted as follows 1 J. B. Howard, I J.O.Parker, 5 C. J. Tlgh, 3 J- H. Brown, « H. J. Couch, A t- W. Colcord, IB Daniel Hayes, 3

Balloting was continued, with a slightly vary ing result, till tbe sixth, which resulted :—

Whole lamher, 41. necessary, St. J. B. Howard, 1 3- H. Brown, 7 C. J. Tlgh, 1 J- 0. Parker, » Daniel Hayes, 1 E. W. Coloord, 21 H. J. Couch, I and Colcord wat declared the nominee, where- upon he arose and stated to his friends thai he was thankful for their kindness, but that cir- cumstances were tuch that probably he could not be elected, and fn a very effecting manner declined lo serve as a candidate, and balloting proceeded, the ninth resulting In the choice of Daniel Hayes, by a vote of 21, lo 19 for J. 0. Parser, and oae Tor Tlgh. The aaxt ballot gave Mr. Parker 86 of the 41 east.

On tbe thirteenth ballot N. P. H. Melvin received 11, Coach, 12, and Brown 18. The fourteenth ballot showed a gain for Conch, he receiving 14, Melvin 7, and Brown IB. The fifteenth ballot was successful, and resulted as follows:

Whole number, 40; necessary, 21. N. P. H. Melvin, 2 J. H. Brown, 17

II. J. Concb, 21 aud Mr. Couch was declared the nominee, after which the convention dissolved.


i itsMlsnl Potlcr, ui' l'ni< u College, lias hern notified uf a new endowment of glOO.OOO, tie gift nf a gentleman who desires his name and the details or the donation withheld for tbe I'M sent.

It New York, early cesterdav morning, Jo seph C .stelloaud llenjauiin Mallery quarrelled, wiuti Mallery "11111.011810110 fatally In the throat. Mallery wat sent to jail.

Il is announced that the Receiver of the First National Bank, ot Washington, will declare a .(.-■ 1.11.1 ..I 30 per cent,, payable on Mondav next.

A despatch from Perls lo tbe London Times says the Inn:. Mlnhtrv have resigned, reserv- ing, however, the right of reconstruction.

Thur>dsy, the 20th Instant, has tieen appoint- ed as a day of general thanksgiving In Nova Scotia.

TiissKsiitviso I'm.. 1.m. [..-.. Witii the ad- vlre and eonsent »f the Cimnrll. Thursday, the

s hereby designated I November nest, h

tor and Preserver, (or the fisvor shown during the yesr. Mils pulille and united . ti..n ami MMftwltdgUMtt Of humnn dependence uiwi Inflnitu Power la such a proper and dutiful ml that wu ought tn be fruitful for tbu adoptlm by ths nation nf s rust'.m crtaldixhed by the earli Mil ■Ciller.- nf our slaxsactiHaatU ecilmii-. WB gather m our homes and »ur places at win »hlponilierl,,VB|,..■ i„i-.,i. let a, ppreiallv remem- ber with humble 1 nd hearty thanks :—

Tsat we stive U.n given another year ol op portunity r..r dom* »r I, and that men a large degree nT health has generallv prevailed amoog our citlsens;

That uio-i uf our imlustrlea have pniiwred that our storehouses are illl-d with an abundan. harve.t. that we have ■unVml an little Front the great Are In our rlil.f crtv;

Tliai broader and more xvstematlr rfforta than heretofore hate been made to raise tbe fallen, ■ f 'it the di-tre.«ed, auccor the unfortunate, and re*cue lln.-e who are pursuing career* of vies aad crime,

lu-> "u> eountry abides la lb* hive of peace >rd. thai Ihere ia a lively .1. .| ■■■.

■ward the reform nf abuser.

THE ELECTIONS In our own state and elsewhere, pretty clearly Indicate a disposition on the part of tbe people to manifest their "sovereign Independence" by voting very much as ili. > 'please. In Massachusetts, partlcu- arly, the foot of Its being an "oft"" year,

the dissatisfaction within the Kcpohtlean party with some of Its officers and actions the reaction after the sharp contest for the gubernatorial notnluatloti, the nnturul

tailless In the disturbed financial con- dition of affairs, havu led to a vote of un-

xampled lightness, aud the election of Gp*. Wnsliburn by the smallest majority given lo tiny candidate since the rt-oubll- ciiii party was organised. That this result lias any special political significance, wc do not perceive; Massachusetts Is ito more neitrly a Democratic State than It was n twelve month ago; but It does Indl cats a feeling of discontent within the lie publican party that It will be wise indeed to heed In the future and we Imagine that those enthusiastic dreamers who claimed the support given to Gen. Butler during the canvass for thu Humiliation, ;u only the effort of personality and Intrigue, will as they glance over the footings of the voles, gain a new revelation ofthe extent of dissatisfaction with "the things that be," among tbe masses of the people.

ing Information, when we consider that this large corporation stone employs about one-sev- enth of our entire population. The new print cloth mill, recently built by the Pacific Mills, is being tilled with machinery, and unless some severe stringency In business should prevent, will be well hi operation by Christmas—adding quits a per orntage or Increase lo th* manufac- turing production of oar city, and giving em- ployment to six hundred people.

TUB ATLANTIC MILL* arc doubtless st work on their basis for the winter,—four days each week, and ten hoars per day,—end If any change occurs It will probably be for Increased rather than decreased production. The prodnc-

tbese mills hat been reduced to fifty per cent of full capacity, bnt there has been no re- duction In number of employes or wages, and It li the hope of tbe management to proceed on thlt hst's.

Tax WASHISOTON MILLS are In as full op- eration as when the panic was announced, hav- ing since Juna bad a portion of tliclr woolen department supped, on account of the de- pression of the demand for woolens. Other than this the mills ore In full operation, on tall time, but reduced pay. Eighteen hundred haudi or* employed. In the wonted depart- ment work Is unusually active, and the ma- lb Inery fa kept in operation until ten o'clock

each night. Tn Pr.WBr.aTo* MILLS ore alto In fnll op-

eration, ran n Ing full time and employing fall complement of help. Tbe waget have been re- duced ten per cent, bnt thus tar this It tbe only effect observed from tbe panic. There will be no diminution of product unless the state of li nandal affairs assume a far more serious t»

pect. Tim DECK MILLS are not only carrying on

their full production, but to meet the demand for their class of goods, are obliged to run foui nlghu each week. No reduction in help or time it contemplated, though the wages may be trimmed slightly.

LawnPHCE WOOLKS HILT.. At this etlah- llthment no material reduction has been made since the panic, though, like tbe Washington Mills, a portion of their machinery has been in activf since mld-iummer. Full tbree-fourtbt of thi mill is now In operation, but to-day a re- duction in hours wat made, a portion of the help being dismissed at flvc o clock, the re. raalnder working full time. No redaction ot pay his been made.

TUB EVBUKTT HILLS to-day commence op- erations on three-quarter time, the hours of ta- bor being from 7 to 12 and 1 to 4. No reduc- tion of pay or employe* has been made, and It


Little Effort and a Small Vote.

The Republican Tioket elected by 18,000 Majority.

Considerable alarm I* Justly felt throughout the city, at tbe frequency with wMob stores and dwellings are being enter*! and robbed, in the night time. During lb* last two week* three

occurred In various localities, extend- ing even Into tbe suburbs, and offences perpetrs- j [a hoped" „,„ w„j ^ no necessity for rarthe: ted In a manner showing skill and tbe utmost daring. What is still more significant tbe robbers an discovered la each cose to be young persons

The Be.olt 1st other Mates.


The foUnwIoa- are lb* State o««era who were s-ekwtad:

1 invernur—W ill lam B. WnsMiura, (ireanueld. Lieutenant Governor—Thomas Talbot,BUlerica. Hecretary of .State—•Oliver Warner Nortneroii-

n. iTeasvrevand Receiver Ocneral—*Charle* Ad-

ma, Jr., North Brookneld. Auditor—* Charles EndiooU, Canton. Attornay General-* Charles R. Train, Boaton. The vote by counties, wlth*lof the Ml towns

In the stale to hear from, Is as follows, with MS mattering r—

Suffolk Eases Middlesex Worcester Hani ["I en Hampshire Franklin Berkshire Norfolk Bristol Plymouth Bametable Dukes Nantuoket


VTasbbum. s.tM S,1M

11,213 U),A4«.

Mas Mil 3,371 4,311 l-asl 0,010 1,051


lasloe. B.M3 ijm

1S.0BB S0.91S UN l.asi l.UV MM MOT l.Kfl 1,901


Goo**U. Nay son,

Knol, Traell, Foas,

Coach, Hayes, Parker,

COl'STY MsmillltKM. Ill 871 186 SOS 117 IT* M HO 1«J 373 199 118

BEOISTEK Or I' nil. #}| !Ti K'I Hi; m m 00s 000 000 000 000 000 11 KI' 111 .- K S -H I I \ f ■>.

3*0 S0J 197 SIS .'.v. IBS ■as i-.u lafi i*i JOJ na m *a i;e wv *u i*s no son sre mi m 117 3A9 27ft T,r. vv. ID: UT

878 1ST 387 174 173 113 RKrnRSKItTATIVE a CUM AST.

Melhuen. UTS ISM

1458 13111

-jr. 1 ■m


Total 1|89 1303

Tnr. SUNDAY QL'KHTION-—Whrn the Evangelical Alllauce waa considering the other da) how they could tio us most ifood, A librarian In Cincinnati gave his testi- mony as to A much-discussed matter that wo believe the Alliance negkcled, The people, the librarian says, will go some- where on Sunday, uud wc would liked to have heard what the great divines of thu Alliance could have said as to opeulng the libraries and thu pktnrc galleries on thi holy day. Wc know that the religious community Isn't unanimous on the sun. Ject, but just now tin- advocates of open- ing the doors on Sunday seem 10 have the case to themselves. The Mercantile Li- brary in New York voted to unbar last year, tin: National Academy of Design has (tone thu simie. and so have thr I'uhllc Li- braries- In UoKtoti and Chicago and the Mercantile Library In Cincinnati. The omtchtn have grown feebler, and I he plain, practical tiuestton whether wc shall con- tend with the worst resorts by openiug better scetns to be settled ln favor or the people who demand Sunday resorts of ao innocent kind, HO that outside onr own homes there should be sotua place to re- pair besides the church and the street.

eni«ng ' and Hint

ir Ibnnk-giving!-, and ueli - -■->• fall

• not forget In give 1 HI,. !■■ cidenee Unit Vie t ml.." the i-liffertng and Die newly, whose number* sre not likely lu .I.- 1.- !•.- during the winter near at hsnd. I.ei us cultivate that hencfleent spirit which has Its nrigln In the fountain nt sll Ui.n.1, aud pr.iinnle Christian fi'lluwnbiu by mini-, ei in* l" ltnne.il i-lir ntlgb liors on ahum the Imnfen. or life liu heavily. With gratitude for ihe meirlcH of th* i*-t, let us seek wisdom lioni alxiv* in guide tin in the iiihit,-,

" « pathr

a.ldtlei-e H,[ ' li* B !■!■■■ in,- 1 ite assoclab*.

..Ml - m

oaethuusundeisht hiin.linl andfevent) .ti , snd of the independent-* nf the United SUI*« of America the nln-'e H«hth.

WILLIAM H. WaJRtnui. By His Ricellenry the Governor, with th* ad

vice of tbe council. OLIVItB WABSBB, Secretary.

(.■"■J tan Me '".'ii»i"..K.i»» 1/ Jfuii.i.Aimfft

t:\er.-i V II. wants the BletSff Hirer Widened and otherwise Improved, U-lieving that thereby Ihe old ciimmcrrial prosperity of Newmarket, Kouth Newmarket ami Kxcter csn h* restored. The river is BO narrow lhat only vessels of the iinin. ■ ilratl ran navigate it, although in the older ilays reuse I* ol large tonnage were liuill and UuiK'lK'd at Lirter and neighboring lawns.

HOME FNTBHTAtNMKXrs.—The purpose or the Grand Army of the Republic to give a series ofentertalnments in-gt week Illustrates tbe way In which willing nii-n lu active life eini lend a hitnd lo a worthy cbailty. The Urund Army every where has inude Itself the chief patron of aol- dicrs or soldiers' families In need of ra- id f. Tosslhty they might readily and In less lime ohlalii MM 'money needed by a subscription paper, lint this method would not quicken and Instruct the whole community In the Interest of a soldier's relclf fund, anil the method which they adopt seccurt almost universal attention to the charity. The appearance ofperaous wcll-knowu st home putting •themselves In position where people do not common- ly expect to see Iheut i* usually a atilBcl- ent attraction to ensure a rrowd at a local entertainment, uud are trust that, lu con- sideration ofthe good eaote they have at heart, the eaTortt of thn ladles unit geiulf- nicii concerned In thn en to rtain meats of next week, will be crowned with entire success.

eighteen years, who att*mpt their escape snd accept their arrest, with tbe nonchalance of

rnfi'aatonal lb(*»«. On Friday another case was reported, and

four youthful offenders held to answer. Some time after twelve o'clock Thursday night, the gro- cery store or Jeremiah Lucy on Elm street, wss

1 ei I'd through the cellar, and twenty pounds of toboceo, four boies cigars, a package of blacking, and as In money, all of tbe value of 1.33, taken therefrom. The early discovery -if the burglary, and the prompt arrest of the burglar*, was effected through tome woman, who was overheard, by an officer, to sav to same boyt. In an alley-way, " If you don't take those things, I'll tell tbe police.' The officer reported the rlrcumntance at the sta- tion house, and Ass't Marsha! Bullivan proceeded to Investigate It. doing to the alley-way referred to, he found four well-known Juvenile deeper* does, while a further search revealed the article* named, which Mr. Lucy Identlned as bis proper- ly. Their names are Patrick Gavin, Mkhasj Maddm, Vincent Sullivan, and John Mulrahcy On being arraigned In the Pollee Conn Friday and pleading not guilty, a continuance was asked' for, and granted for seven days, the accused being lu tlie meantime held in the sum of *000 each.

Michael Madden, one ot Ihe party, was also charged with partlcioat'on in the robbery nf air. Qao, II. Couch's house, lait Friday, and held untl' Monday, in the further sum orai.OOO. s sis m


Heaekieh Dow, J. W. Folfanabee and Cbsrlet Dow were brought from Jail Friday, on a charge continued for ten days, of Ineendlarli E'ld Mn-iek appeared lor the Government and staled lost he was not prepared to gn

all the witnesses be de ired to procure, hart I yet been rrarhe.l. Ill* attendance at the Su-

potiar Court prevented him giving tbe matter the uroDtpi attention h* desired. lie asked for s further postponement.

T. A. Parsons, representing Charles Dow, ■aimed that there was not a particle of evidence

against his client on which to bold him,and there- fore ii-li.-l tor hli discharge, lie said Charles Dow caineuu 1mm Bo-tun ttw ilay In-fore thu

HIS III-, brother fn referunu* tn starttug a hare Of the Order of Aasericsn Mechanic,

and could nxt lu any way Iss connected with the cause ol Ihe Arc.

Mr. Burlcy follow* 1 in behalf of the ether if tnttrt Muni, lent time, ha raid, had been given lb* Government to prepare, th-lr ease. If Ihey had one; and he could not see th* Jnvtlce of Messrs. How nnd 1- "iinii-ii.'c being fnrlhrr committed lu prison on such exorbitant b*U s* that under which ihsy ware held, and bo claimed tbe thorough and immediate, investigation which they courted. IM court should decide to huld them further, tie hoped the suggestion to which Col. Philhrick would, assent, via 1 lo reduce ihs bail to frjouo, would be accepted.

Judge Steveat then tUseharged Charles Dow, with the assent ol ths Gsvarneamit, and continued the ease of In* Other anlil Tuesday nest, reducing lit* bail to MOOO.

redn 1 on. Tui. Mi:tin-EX Huts have not felt any

pressure, and an running full lime all machin- ery that tbe water power can carry.

Thaa I* will b* HMi'hit,i»nps(ls*iinr In- dustrie* with those of other manufacturing cities we have much reaton for taking pride In tbe solidity of oar corporation*, and thdr ex- cellent management. And the masses who de- pend on these corporal ions for their dally tut-

nce must feel grateful that their employ- ers are exerting themselves to provide them means to comfortably get through tbe winter, now upon tbem. And while there may be no Immediate or real cause Tor alurm among oui people, It Is an excellent time Tor an exhibition of prudence and economy, and the depositing of spare change In tbe savings h.inks against the hour of need.


Ila.Mts AND VKIIKV.—-A noteworthy cir-

cumstance of tbe legislative campaign Unit dosed yesterday Is that, whcrevi-r

Democracy or the Independent Ite-

pnhllcaus bad astrotig desire to put mcu

pun their ticket who were specially dis-

tinguished for character ami ability, 111 ■ ■ >

did uot Hud them among old members of

the Democratic party. Gen. N. P. Hank*, nnd Kx- Mayor (ieo. K.Verry, the Ftcnato's

elect lu the Wnlihain and U'op-cstur Dis- tricts, made for themselves M Kcpubil-

causn rcputstluu for vigilance, iuu-grltv, •adadministrative skill that command, d TIIK Cmais AND TUB ELKCTIOM.w-Tbt

the votes or enotiith Republicans to send i Republican party could not expect lo es.

them to ihe LcKlslature. Uolh arc ittrii '• cape hetnK held accountable for the flnan-

torwboa the office tbey have reculvid oiil crisis, simply because wheu a .rent

has no attraction, except the honor or I disaster Of uny sort ovcriakvs the

lilling It well, anditwill ben grm.t udvan-1^ try, In the lack of anybody to stand op

taaje lo the people that men or this clu*» ' and say "I did It," It la laid at tbe door of

have volunteered to serve the Stste In the I the party In power. It Isn't tbu fault of

legislature—the place of all others where the men who have made most out of It,

they aru most nuoded. il»»t Ihe panic did not coma before, 1 so—— m when thu country was less pmpared to

Tint BtDiT COMMK-VT we have heard on | WCulher It. The UepiUdicai. party

tbe Stokus verdkt. is thai of a Lawrence ywm ^a hUvi.u off jllini,- nnd riuancial

man who says 1 "K hud had another trial j rujn, whl|0 UewocrtOJ bus aboutwl lUilf In New York, the Jnrj would have duit up > noiirS(. w„h tlll. cry ()f ■ .R, ,,i,dlatlon." and

Flak and hung him," which suggests to I <>Piy tbe golfl contracts In gn-i'iihacks."

reading of I The cmulry bus tttBsoU lo thank Its lucky

stars Hint ilic Dtiwocraoy did not brhiu;

upon It. lu much more erltleal times than

tbe present, rue in

UH that It's time for

Honea Itlglow's notions of murder, "Kryer take a shooter-ml drorll,

And g» bleed a Yorker dead, You h'aint got to tnawar for it~

Tb« Jury'11 la It, «( you'U ht bled." I iliau those through which we have paasvd- | ing.


TIM ltutfutu llouae, sltuatsd immediately aeroi-a lb* line at fcUtser'a Crossing, Is a popular nsort fur Cast young men, lo whom drinking aad gener* al carousal sppear to b* the legitimate methods ol ubservlog the Sabbath day. During the slter- 11." HI and evening of Sunday, the bar at this place

crowded, and often free tight and Ull caring give variety to ths spectacle of deuaucli-

y enimUiilly to be ob-eried. It is no malU'r of ■.urprlsc, then, that on last bunday evening, one of these urgies should result in a general ntele* and 111111 or ri'11 • assault.

sometime about sevas o'clock on the night referred to, a party of yousg fellows from I.nv. rem-e gathered around the bar or this

ilu House, and while drinking freely of lu staokdn.trade, another crowd from Hethiien put la an appearance, and made several attempts to fraternise or amalgamate with the Lawrence men. The union waa resisted by the second party, and a war of words followed. This was tnexeeded by hlows In which the whole party Joined, britg- lag tumblers, glasses and other missiles l|(0 re- quisition. Ths Lawrence party aoon ejected Ibe Mrthue.11 delegation, and pursuing them to the platform o*Uule, the dght wax resumed- Promt. ■tent among Ihe rough.- now. Ucthuen wst one named Paul ClfBord, who made ssveral Incfix ualattsaipU to torcath* door after his opponent* bad retired inside, and Just aa be tuoeesded In breaking the door, a pistol was discharged twice at him, one of the shot* passing through tbe Reshy part of the left arm, Itlo other through the left thigh. This ended the row. Clifford plooed on a stretcher and earrled to the Station bouse at Mslhueu, where Dr. Woodbury dressed lit* wounds and ordered his removal lo his holm In ths "Pines."

\o one etas s to be able lo tell who fired tin pistol,. iiB»ei|iienlly no arrest* havs been made. The stall', however, Is new under investigation by the authorities. Clifunl's wound- are not liiiagerou", tlnuigb b* will uecongned to hie bod for a considerable lime, during which be will luue amok Msart tu ivalue that there are sate .■nid mil -null wiiynil'pending 8undii> tl-n- M-...1U11W nt the Jtutril" i eat steer's Cross

This familiar military drama is again to he brought before our people, and Its merits are so well known that little need be said by as to se- cure ll'H-ral patronage to tbe effort. The object of placing this drama before the public, at is well known, is to replenish tbe treatarv uf the Posi fund of the Orattd Army, which li*? reached a low cbli consequent upon the recent repairs and alterations made npon their now assembly ball, and a more worthy object could scarcely be found. The drama Is to be present- ed on Tbursdsv, Friday and Saturday, the lath. 14th and 1Mb eveningi of this month, ami Uf cast or characters will he largely of local talent, as heretofore, which Tact we believe to have been one of tbe chief causes or success npon former occasions. Of those who have been prominent in former dramatic efforts of the Post, we find the names of It 0. Parsons, Messrs. Rdwln Churchill and John Shannahsn, gentlemen who have always proved popular with lovers or the drama. All are good natur- al actors, and will add much to tbe success ol Ihe entertainments. We also observe filenames of prominent citlsens lu tbe characters of the play, which will doubtless add witch as local attraction. Capt. 11. F. Chandler sustains the character of Qen. Johnson, H.F. Hopkins, Esq., appears as Senator Toombs, and H. F. Barnard, Senator Stevens, flood music hat been se- cured for each evening, and all tbe details cared for In each a manner as to secure an entertain- ment of Interest to the public.

Gov. Waahburn's plurality. 11071

COUMCILOE9 ELECTED. All ths Bepubllcsn candidates for Councillors

re elected. They are as follows :— one set LOSS.

district l-'Alfred Maeey, Saniaekel. 2—t .ie iti Turner, Randolph. 3—• Milo Hildi-e.ili. Nortbboro'. t -'KufuH 6. Frost, Chelsea. :>-»Itanlel H. Stlckney, Orovelsnd. i'— Ucorpre O. Braalow, Somarvlll*. 1—*U*org* Whitney, Uoy*l>ton. 8—HUsha H. Brewhter, Worthlngton.

• Be elected.



The State Senate stands W Kepublieaaa, to It Democrats and S Independent BepubUoats— .n* latter being tien. N. I". Banke, who carried dw second Middlesex Dlatrlct, by I.lw Is l.OflJ for

1. W. C'opelanil, Begularttepublican nomluee) 1. F. Verry, who la elected la the First Wor- er, and Jonathan L. Lane who It elected over n L. Stevenson, Bcpubllean and DemiH-.ratio

nominee, ln Iho FUtli Suffolk District. Tlie State Senators elect from K«»e\ Co., are;

First Dbtrlrt—Thomas tngalls, Uatlileheail, Dem., t*S majority.

Second District - •(ieorgn R. Loving, Salem, Hep.

Third I'iMit.-i -11.....■» v. iiaeun. Lawrence,


The next House or U*pr*sentslires, so for as heard from, stands IM Keptiblicans 10 SO Demo, crate, with 33 ofthe 940 Districts unreported. The K.nA Co. delegation so far as reported stands as follows: Dlst. i -William E. Blunt, Bep. and LIU, of Ila-

veridll: James II. Carleton and La- burton Johnson, Detns.

3—William S. Knox, Lawrence, Bep.; lten- KJ. couch, Lawrence, Dem.; James

Parker, Hetbuen, Dem. 1—.Samuel II. Boulwe.ll, Hup., Andover. u—John B. Uoor^, Dem.; K. <i. Kelly.

Dem.; B. CCurrier, Sep., all nfHew- buryport.

7-Edward U. HuU, Dem. s-Aililieonl>iibeitand James (i. Tarr, of

Gloucester, nnd Aaroti LOW, of K--ex, all Hepo.

V—John J. lille-, Rup., of Itoekporl. Il>-Krsni:iii E. Porter, ftcp. I'm.; John B.

Hill, Buverlv, Dem. Fro. tl—Heorge J.sangcr, Danrers, Rep. M—S. F. Blanev, t'sabo-ly, 1ml. Rep. I J— W lllard I*. Vhiliips, Salem, Hep.; Chas.

8. Osgood, Salem, Rup. 14—John If Bud, Salem, Kep. _ In-WUhani B. Ilrovin, Maildelicad, J. II.

Oabom, Salem, Betw. IB—Edward J. Johimon, Mahant, Rep. i;--.iiinie- U. liu iluin. Lynn, Bep. IS— I.overlng, Dem. 11»—I. nunley Nttwlin.11, Lynn, Rep. -J.I -iv iliiiunR. Houndy, Lynnfleld,Rep. and

Knoa, Trueil, Fost,

Conch, Hayes, Parker,

Knox over Hayns, VI; Coonh^overTrnell, IL.II; Parker over Foss, Itf,

SK**T(llt,—3d DISTKICT.

Andover, flM BoxTord, Su H aver h in, »;» Lawrence, |0m Hetbuen, pn North Andover, 83

in..1-11:1; or ORKOS,-NoarnaRN DISTRICT.

J. L. Psrtriilge. Able] Morrisoa Andover, Ml ne Lawrence, ftST Melhuen, Ml North Aadoesr, T»t

—The Everett Mill Honday, reduced its working; time to elgbl hont • a day.

—Davis A Furbcr's works at North Andover hats dlscb.11 ::.d one Imndi .■ , employes.

—Theri were tut rainy day? in October. The tnoiiili wag inmsnall ■■■ mild nnd pkaaunt.

—The Sabbath was a clear, bright day, and the attendance at the various churches was large'.

There was a large lot of JtaeM cured on Tuesday—at least, he lays he feel* much better tt-diiy.

-Tin Light Infantry propose to formally dedicate their new armory in Brecbln Block, about the first of January.

—On Sunday, Lawrence officer* arrested one Frank Donnelly, at Lowell, for n larceny com- mittal in this city In April last.

—Old Andover Is about the only town In this vicinity that did its duty by the Eepublican candidate* In a creditable manner.

—A baptism ceremony occurred tt ihe pond on thi Common Rtndav afternoon, under the auspices of the Free Baptist Church.

—A special train It to be run from this city to Lowell, on the oacasfon of Kev. Uf. UoKovcn's acrtnon at St. Anne's church, Noveml)er Sib.

—A neighboring country sheet hat a column for brief Items beaded "Brleflttt;" iU last issue had three Items, and why not call them Trip- lets .-

■City Clerk Rowe was very sceomnwdarlng on Tuesday evening, In giving the crowd which thronged his rooms, the result of the election returns.

An Irishman stepped Into the basement of tbe AMI-.IIII.-AN offl.ee this morning and attempt-

set hit watch by the iteam guage (*i the engine.

—The woman suffrage movement has the support of the larger portion or the clergy or this city, and st a matter .'of course the most able and popular portion.

The death of Sergt. William Bastion, is the first that has occurred among the membership of Battery D., ortbrt elty, dnrlng ihe entire ten yeart of ill organisation.

—Mr. Msnsur, lha grape man or Draeut, tends ut a challenge, open to all community. One of hi* cows, Nov. 4th, dropped triplets, all rail grown, bright red bull calves.

The election, and handsome vote rendered

1 foot; those in Florence Court 30 cents. This It rcpmlcd us a (cry successful sale, and ludU

j rates u healthy stale of the real estate market

» nr this city. —Janitor HerroW at the cite ball, Mys it's a

r -ilium- to hold political meetings In the common counci: room, aud be i." nlxiut right. After the

0 convention of Monday owning there was uhund- , ant evidence thai those who use the tllthy weed

,1 known as tobacco, were present In no small ,„' numbers. Stuiftd furniture and nice carpet*

j arc |ioor substitutes for spittoons. Neither polit- ical party should be allowed to MM the room.

—Mr. Manuel C. Fivanco, and several of hit countrymen of this city, contemplate an oxcur lion to the Azures Isiandt, starting from this city the latter portion of this week. Mr. 1'icsn- co will |iavpthcl«tt w -hesof his many friends; daring his reHdeneu ol" some twenty years In onr city, be has won the respect and etteeni of all with whom he hat come In contact, and by hi* industry, and careful management, has gathered a goodly portion or Ihe world's inore.

—Mr. Parker C. Kirk, for many years the efficient superintendent of the Wtehtniiton Mills, on Saturday assumed the position, or Agent thereof. Mr. Salisbury, the late sole manager of these raills,wlll, in on Indirect man- ner, remain In the Interests of the corporation during the remainder of the year. No change has been mtdu in Ihe management or any or tbe departments, and tbe tame gentlemen are retained who were formerly m charge.

The friends and associates of Mr. J. A. Morse called at his residence, 142 Franklin street, Thursday evening, and made acknowl- edgment- of their appreciation of that gentle-

liss Emma J. Jewell, ln bebalt of tbe party,presented numerous gifts, among them two valuable chromos, a large mirror, silver water pitcher and salver. Mr. Morse accepted the tokens with grateful remarks. Hssse Wat prnvidci by the Reform Olee Clah, and a Ine colletmn was tendered the visitors.

—A seaman named Lynch wat arrested la Newlmrport last spring for attempting to mur- der a shipmate on. board a vossel to which be belonged. He wat held for trial, and fal Hng lo give bonds was committed. His trial should have come on at the present term or tbe court lo this city, but In tbe meantime the venel and all on board of her have been lost, and hence the witnesses have gone, while he has saved his life. As he is known to he gnflty there'll no hurry tu let bini mil of Jail, but at tbe seat term of iho court he must be discharged.

—There was a good deal of merriment al t


Total. last Morris no • ver Partridge, SI3.


Wadibum, ill Uaaton,

Talbot, iswr, i.n\f 11N..U

Oi Smith,


2*1 MUU,

Train, ATToastT oasaaAi..

331 Coburn


I III V-l K! II.



Clark, t04

Morse, *»i

Harmon, 181 Bacon,


(era res, tit) Ho wo.

Pro. Lowell elects Artemas 8. Tyler snd Jonathan

Johnson, IIeptiblleans; James K, Hill, John C Blood, Jobu A. J. Richardson, Demoorats.

COL'STT lltKAilHKIt. Hodge, 137 Lord. aaj

aauisTaa o» roouATR. li.Kideli. SOT Nay son, i«XI

ntoiMTaa OF IIKRIIS. Partridge, Ml Morrison M

BKPRRSgXTATIVga. Knos, Ul Couob, Trucll, we Hayes. Koss. 1T1 Parker,

M 1T^



VTaahlmrn, SO lladon. |IS

J.IICXT. '.HI kUMiM. Talbot, tu Smith. IM

il-' IU.( \\\\ or STATK. Warner, ne Mills, IIS

moR»ET (IgSKlAt- Traln, 80 Coburn, IU

Adams, SO Clark, 115

AUOITOtt. Endlcntt, SO Morse, 11-

Harmon. Ha «on,




Talt>ot, j Smith,

A tail CASE.—Of all Ihe Instances of niisf.n tune, [ haaiship and of a bleak ami gloomy future

that nave come under tlie wrlU-r's observation as . eonsfeuit atUnilaat at U>e alUings uf Ihe Police loartirtuU city, no one proved so sadly touching * Dial ..1 a young man, minied Ilobert ateel, who

on Mtrtday was sefitonced l« the House uf Cor- rectl'S for rour months. Ho Is sbonl aeventeen yearsr>fage, ufrather preposseeelngappearance, aad at far as Ihe offi.ers had learned, of good reputation. He has worked a considerable time In tbe Washington stllb-, but had been discharged early In the summer, since which time be lias falledjto obtain employment- His mother 1- dead and l*s father broke up house and went to Lowell, fesvltg him without a home, and dependent upon Ibe coartty of strangers fnr whatever meagre sus- tenssce tie had received during the intervening tnonlis. It hna been his habit to seek shelter st night In some desert** barn near the gas-house; hst fc* weather becoming rold, he was unable to resort there longer.

As a sad and last alternative he went lo the ststi.-n House Bunday night and gave himself Into the caslody or the City Marshal, requesting lhat he might be tent to prison, wn*r* be eoul.l work for Ul* shelter It would afford him during the winter. Judge elevens, in eommllMng him, de- plored the clrcntnitanres thai necessitated such a cuurse; but fcellng lhat the lad's chance*during the coming dull season Tor obtaining employment would be small, he thought II was the best thing that could be done. He wl.hed Steel to under- stand Ibal he wat nut going lo tbe House of Ccr roctUw as a criminal, and for punishment, but to obtain wh*l he had so long wanted—a home. He nl-uhsid ir at any time ao offer of employment was given him by any charitable person, he would givo su order for the boy's release. We conaidtr | 9Uokn(.T, the last suggestion ono which could beat-ted upon Gi0,„, a Uh peculiar propriety and credll by some true

libllaathmplst. r ,_ I tlravet.

White and smoked pearl buttons, buttons of Howe, i-ui ttevl, cut Jett, oxidised silver, and enam-1 i-lled steel are all used in the finishing or Juck- partrldfC .is, swniJt*, and siesks. | Morrbme,


Woshbnrn. Oaslon. Andover, Ml 110 A HO" 111! IV,

Beverly, W7 Boxrord, fll

Br id lord. 151 Iianv. re, IM H Esses. lit M Oeorjetown, Gloucesler, Ml Mn uroveland, 119

Hamilton, M 83 llaverhlll. Ml MS Ipswleh, Ml Ml Lawrence, 1MT


Lynnfleld, M e Manchester, Marblehead, too M Methnen, Sll tx

Mlildleton, M Nahant, » Kewbury. IDS 31 New bury port. Ml m North Andover, Peabody, Ml 331 Rookport, Ml Bowley, IM Salem, |MI Ballsbury, Saugns, Ml

Swampscott, m 5 Topsai'ld, 47 We 11 ha in, li

West Sew bury.

0 Ulsrer, llfi OQtnTtfl OOIIMISOIOKIK.


Partridge, 7u Morrison, lie rin srv niKASinni.

Dodge, tn Lord, ltt REOISTER OF PROBATE.

IT.IO.II-11. TI Nay son. UUD asFaaaiNTATtvm.

Bontwell. — Parker. —


The returns from Arkansas indicate tlie eloc 1 em or the Retiubllean tloket.

There was a short vote la Mississippi. Alnorn, fur ti.iveinijr, carriSs Vloksburg,

The Kepublleans elect MotTntt, Mayor or Ike troll, and have a majority ln the Common Conn ill. . I

The entire Republican State ticket It elected In Minnesota. Davis, Republican, Tor Governor, Will have 14,1X10 or 14,000 majority.

The estimate In Hew Jersey it that tbe B*pub. Ilcans will have 11 Senstors snd the Dinocrais n anil in the House the Kepublicans will have B? and tin■ Democrats 23.

Kansas chote a Legislature which Is Ui elect a United States Senator lo aaoceed Csldwsll, re- signed. The anil mi il.tratton party claim a majority «n a Joint ballot.

A considerable tslliua off in Urn Republican vol* Is reported from Maryland, where the Con- servatives bare chosen a majority of tb* Legb* is tin c, wb leh has Ihe election of a United Stites Senator to succeed Senator llauiltton.

In Wisconsin, Taylor. DtmoeraL Ulssral and K.-i.'i in candidate for Governor Is elected over WiU'liiiiim, Ihe present Kettubllcan Oortrnor, by a niajm ity estimated at 9,000. Waahburn's major- ity was 0,371 in 1871, and Granl's was l*,m In 1ST*.

Virginia hat undoubtedly elected the Conserve live emiiliduUi tor Governor, Jsmcs I.. Kcmper. Ills majority orer Hughe* (B*p ) Is estimated at

: tO.Outt. The Cunaervallvet have a majority lu the I Legislature on Joint ballot, which gives (In gi 1!

> bechoseu ln place < 78*1

In Beverly, Gen. II. K. Oliver bad t votes, Gen. j ta- D. Colvin, peopli Itiitler. 3, and Weudell Phillip*. 11. In Saturn, Ukvor 1)f Chicago, over L. L. Bond, Haverhill, and other place* there were abo slnd far votes.


Ward* !• »#•'•* OOVPRKOR.

waahbum, 1W Ml IN »3 MS IM Gaatoo, M7 V* 300 301 *» lit

l.lf.lT. (IOVKKSOK. mo tn i-i 3W i.t m 311 *»7 -Ji-i 3711 list I1M

iriHKrmr or «TATE.

»10 173 It* •« ITU m 30t UT7 iSU 3711 100 lie

nH'iiMi IWstBiAl- 110 171 IM 3"^ **'

an did ate. Is 11 eel." I itlieta-

law aad order candidate. One of tlie princl|isl point* at i-i-in- was the sunday liquor law, * tin h will doubtless be repealed. There are verr few reports In from tbe country elections IB the Itsle, but tlio>e received show a large farmer's vote.

The Democratic majority on the Mate ticket In N«W York.Ulyls #4090. Tim Republican, have lost tbe suite by abcut MOO. Conner,th* Taaigiany rnndidaie for -iierlff «f New York City, gat* ■»>,■ 000 majority. B. 8. Cox, Democrat, Is elected to Congress in ibe 6lh Olstelet, The Assembly Is Itepublteait by s reduced majority, and tie Sen- ate, doubtful. A Republican majority on Joint ballot will secure tlie election of a Kepnbllran

WffSOf to Reuben leul.nl, I. S. sSaalor,

S07 *07 |M JTD 107 lit


11a iTt isi 30s m MM

307 .117 SM 371 IM US

AlUITOB. 110 173 1WI *W Ml 1") 307 BIT »0 37*1 1W lit


100 10U 1 It 111 170 17& 137 151 Wl IM *» HI

. HUM 11.(111.

110 i7t ne 30s ->'<" '•o B07 mi liti 373 IM lit

ROITXTT coaaiwsioNEt*. W W0 tut 3M M in 107 tea »*9 877 i«t iw


IfB MB 171 Ml WG Wl CM »0t I7S W< m «°

TIIP. l-'.t.1.1 mil Uastars ln our city will af- ford grstitlcstion, we apprehend, to but a small portion of our readers; with a light vote, 800 less than a year ago, tbe democracy have1 swept the city, electing nearly their entire ticket, leav- ing thdr opponents only the single morsel of comfort derived (rum securing ope member of the legislature. Iu another column we publish the vote In detail, and commend Its corefal pc rasal to inch or onr readers as may derive a melancholy satisfaction In this mournful rlasi of literature. We have beard nnmerout expla- nation* or this extraordinary remit, but only one seems perfectly clear to our coin prehension that more democratic votet war* east tkofi re publican, and if any Impertinently cotton* per. son jetlrei to propound to us any Other conun drum in connection with tbe subject, without ibe asking, we respectively give It up.

Wm. S. Knox, Etq„ the talented young lawyer, Indicate what the young America of our city I can do when they moke an effort.

—Tbe Washington Mills corporation an- nounce that they will reduce the pay of the op- eratives on and after Monday next, bnt do not state the per centsge ot reduction.

—In the slucnce of Colcord from the ward room on Tuesday, the democratic majority in ward four was reduced more than one half from that rtjwrttd lost year; self-ox plain ing !

—During the past month the letter carriers In tblt city, delivered 30,900 letters received by mall, 3412 drop letters, and 26,899 newspapers; they collected Irom the street boxes .Vi.'l'H let- ters and 2,847 papers.

—Co. I, Atb Iteglment, last week vacated their old rjnartcrs In Saunders Hall, after an occu- pancy or twenty years, and move Into the ele- gant armory ln Brecbln Block,—one or the fin- est In New England.

—Tbe tire alarm telegraph Is now fn good striking condition. A new box Is to be placed at tbe corner ot Andover and Farnntn streets, south tide, which will necessitate putting tip about a mile of new wire.

—Tbe giant chimney In Ihe yunl of tbe Pacific Mills is progressing with an upward tendency. It It octagonal Jn shape, rests on a neat granite inundation, and it being constructed from a superior quality of pressed brick.

—The "PariAc Print Mill" Is to be the name or the new mill Just completed by tbe. Pacific Corporation. It it a flno building, but cbietlv notlcable for the elegant and chaste design of lu tower, which certainly It a thing of beauty

The Republican ticket used Tuesday cnnltl not he well counterfeited, or mistaken, face, bearing the nominees of the party printed In blue, and coveting the entire back was the picture of a large spread eagle, alto printed in bluish tint.

—Wednesday was the 5th ol November, the anniversary or the famous Gun Powder Plot In England, and one of onr popular young clerks lo the postal service duly celebrated the event by taking to himself a wife, which same was highly appropriate to the occasion.

—The Water Commissioners have rejectod all proposals tendered tbem, Tor tbe constiuc- tion of the reservoir, nnd again ask fur bids. We understand the rejection or all hit}* was caused by Informalities contained In several or them. Try 11 again, gentlemen, and stick to the text.

—About two o'clock on Tuesday the Bab team of Mr. David Kennedy met with an acci- dent, the damages being confined to tbe wagon. The accident wat canted by ono of the front wheels coming off. Mr. Kennedy and his little boy were thrown oar, hot received no serious Injuries.

—The woman suffrage meeting at the city hall Friday evening, was attended by about live

hundred ladies and gentlemen, and we under- stand several prominent gentlemen who have hitherto been In the dark, came forward to the anxious test. •' While Ihe light bold* oul to bum," etc.

T. \V. Heald, tbe enterprising agent for tbe Singer sewing machine In thlt city, b as secured the store for 10 msny years occupied by Mr. Lewis St rat ton, In Boardman's block, nearly opposite hit old agency, and will move bis largo ttock lo his new quarters the last of thlt week.

—While In the live wards in thlt city other than ward four, the Democratic vote, as com- pared with the Republican, was Increased 670 from lait year, In ward four, putting an end lo tbe ward officers* ballot robbery reduced Ihe democratic majority IT'1, or more than slaty per cent.

—The four young burglars who entered and robbed the boast of Gen. 8. Couch, some days ago, were brought up In the Police Court Mon- day afternoon, when a partial bearing of their case was bad. The absence of Important witnesses necessitated a fnrtnrr continuance until Saturday.

—Mr. William Mallcy, or olo F.ttex street I* winning an enviable reputation at a flipey baker, and deservedly too. We have lately seen specimens of wedding and fancy cake, that would do credit to any cake establishment In the country. Thlt gentleman li always pre- pared to supply parties and weddings, at brief aottce.

—Aaiong recent Ileus of marlae Intclllgane we notice tbe report of the abandonment In a sinking condition, near St. Michaels, or lb* schooner Valentine Doane, a whaler, owned by John Medina, of thlt city; the crew reached SI. Michaels safely In tbe boats 1 Ihe schooner wat valued at about #5000, on which Mr. Medina held 83000 intu ranee.

—The Concert by the Gennanla Band, Wednesday, was tbe belt, and most enjoyable ever given In ibis city. The performances of Mr. Schubruk, on ibe cornet were wonderful, and showed artistic aklll and execution, rival- ing the famed Arbuckle. Tbe Camilla Trso troupe, tbe best In the country, appear next Wednesday evening.

■A few friends of Mr. T, W. Hceld, the ac- tive agent of the Singer sewing machine, took possession of bis apartments, during his absence Friday eveplng, and thai gentleman was some- what aroated on his return from business. A right Jolly evening was spent, and although Mr, Heald was taken unawares, his hospitality was found eqnal lo the occasion.

—A queer oversight was connected with tbe democratic ballot tn tblt city, at the late elec- tion. The name of Mr. Ntton, the democratic candidate for register or probate, wat omitted from all the ballot* for Lawrence, and for the towns of Andover, North Andover and Melhu- en, as the ballot« were furnished from one place. fly tbit meant Mr. Nason lost the fnll strength of tlie ballot, about 1,000 votes.

—The Archibald wheel company's smoke stack, some forty feet high, was blown down by the strong wind Monday. As there waa a meeting of the Directors In the building at the time, tbe accident tsaght be attributed to some littlo breeze In the session. The work* will have to ceate operations for a week, when the new brick chimney will be in readiness.

Saturday afternoon, which was of looal in- t. Half a dor.eit horses contested the

pnrse; the first parse was won by'he f

—Another evidence tost the times are not very hard. Mr. S. M. Davit, on Thursday, told over 14,000 worth of land no the wett tide ol Broadway, near Florence Court. Building krts fronting Broadway brought W| cent* per

imal named Hull*, supposed to be iw.ied by Mr. Mother; second money by the famed tew- ing machine nag owned by Bed* llobiaaon, while It must lie gratifying to the clilsen* on O. P. Wiggins full route to know that hit an- imal took third money, and that a mile of said route can be traversed by said animal in lets than four minutes. The most remarkable thrie f 3.09 was made. —A little fallow, named Prank Strout, re-

iding at 91, Oxford street, was ran over by two drunken fellows Taesdav afternoon, who were driving 11 horse ln a very protnltcuont manner. The llUle fellow received a gash on the top of his bead, about throe inches In length, and was severely bruised, bnt bit phy- sician, Dr. Chamberlain, pronounces him out of danger. From the description of the team, and tbe men driving, we should Judge ths par- ties were tbe tame who were so saccetsful In running down two ladles on the Amesbory and Rtsex street crossing the same day.

—An accident occurred on Tuesday, caused by the reckless driving or three drunken' fel- lows. Mrt. W. F. Jordan and Mist Untile Richardson were crossing Amesi.niy street, on Essex street, when a team was turned into Ameiiiury from Essex street, knocking down both ladles, and tbe wagon passing over the body or Mrs. Joroan, who wot quite severely bruised, receiving had rut* on tbe fees and head, and bruising tbe body. No bones ware broken, and the Injuries, fortunately, were hot very serious. The other huly received slight Injuries.

—One Otis Norvross, of Methnen, has got in- to trouble at Salem. He wat discovered by an oiileer attempting to force open tbe door leading to tbe Asiatic Bank. Ills action* being {ookrd upon with suspicion he was followed by the of- ficer who Inquired of him his business la the building. In answer the man said thai bo wished to see a gentlemen in tbe office, that be came from Melhuen and was going to Boston. He. contradicted himself several tlmet, and tnb - seqaently tsld he was going to Lswrence. These statements Mug considered doubtful, be wat taken In charge by the othccr.svid while on the way to the Station attempted to escape but without tueceti. He gave hit name at Otii Holbrook, and said that bo belonged in Me- thnen. Investigations arc going on, and tbe man Is detained In the lockup.

—The improvements In the channel of tbe Merrimack river, between tblt city and Haver- hill, have progressed satisfactorily dnrlng the past season, operations having just closed, and Ihe dredging fleet retiring lor the winter. At Mitchell's falls lielow llaverhlll, a channel -V.'n feel long, 60 feet wide, and 4 feet deep at the lowest stage nf water, lias been opened by dredging. About ilOU feet remain to be dredged at both the upper aud the lower falls. Half a mile below Mitchell's falls are Haseltlne's rails which have been accnrately surveyed, thlt lea- son, preparatory to dredging. About 929|000 of the appropriation remains to 1* expended, and the work will be resumed In the spring. General Butler, who secured the appropriation for this Improvement, baa glvea careful atten- tion to the work, and is seconded by the gov- ernment agent and contractors In his* efforts to hasten the completion or an enterprise, which wilt prove of ao much benefit to the people re- siding In the Merrimack valley.

—We welcome the return of onr former clti- icti, Mr. Noah Parknian, and are glad to an- nounce that he has again taken permanent residence In this city. Mr. Parknian will he well remembered from bis long connection with the police department of Ibit elty. For tbe past eight or nine years be has been seeking his fortune on the Pacific coait.and we hope he has been successful. At any rate be believes

there's no place like home," and has seconded hi* belief in a practical manner, by purchasing tbe well-known dining rooms tnd restaurant of Col. J. D. Drew, on Essex strelt, and wil| carry on that branch of business to the best of hit anility. Col. Drew hat thought It advisa- ble to dispose of bis saloon property, on aceosnt or bit health, and contemplates spending the winter in Florida, though he will not cease to be a resident or Lawrence, For many years prior to the war he carried on the business of tailoring in fblt dry, snd srnee the war hat conducted a lint class restaurant.

— I he anniversary festivities of the Light In- fantry occurred on Friday, and notwithstanding Ihe weather, the celebration wat highly tuc- i-essful, the target practice was excellent, aad a large number of gentlemen competed for the various prises. Two or three experts Is mstks- manthip wete In attendance, much to tbe an- noyance of amateurs. Mr. Joseph W. Frost. tbegnntmltb wat there, who It said to be tlie best marksman In ihe city, and whose pocistti are always full of plttolt, rifles, shot guns, tar. gets, etc But " not tor Joe," was ths first or second priie. Civil engineer Coolldge, the man wbolt abloto strike a liee-line, through, over or nnder Bodwetl's hill, found bit way down to the target field, with (much assurance, but be too returned disconsolate. I: is said Mr, Cool- ldge can wing a hamming bird at s bundled yards, hut be fulled to Injure the broad features or the old gentleman on Ihe target. It was kit to a grocer tnd State constable, the Utter also interested la pocket pistols, to carry tsjuy the Drat and second prises, while the veaerable Judge, who shouts criminals into Jail, with un- errlng precision, was awarded tbe poorest shot.

Accrues- M 1. SHOO I IM.. An example of care- icss iiie of lire-arms wss shown Saturday eve- ning, at l'28 I :iin sneel.ltla.lv tn be followed wits fatal results. James O'Brien possessed a small il.\-barrelled revolver, and to show hit skill ns a marksman, extemporised a turget outot the back door ofthe house where hs lettdtd. He placed toino person outside to want any poss- ers-liy of Ihs dangerons amuaerneM In which he was engaged, who, teehag David Haley ap nroaelilnjj, told Mm Of what WM going on. Haley, prorastad by rniusnvy, walked i|f to (lie 1I1M11, and a* he placed his hand npon the knob the pistol was discharged. The ball en- tered the left breast. Medical aid Wat sum- moned, and although at tbe lime the wound wat thought to be slight, It It now thought DM man will die. _

Sealskin plush it a new woolen labile, pit In- trodnced. It hi of French manufacture, aSd Is almost a perfect imitation of the best Shetland ie*l. Beaver cloths lor cloak* continue very popular.

Y^e Sudover Sdvertiset IT OWN HAM., E STATE OF JANE L. BALI-



THE FOURTH Kntcrtaiiiroent In tbe "Citlaen1*

Reading*, by The panic goe*uguln»t the grain.

How to make a slow barse last: Don'l i.-! blm,

James II. Smith ba* been drawn atjuror fur the£Supreiuc Judicial Court, at Salem.

Samuel W. Blunt oi BatUrd Vale, taken the tenement on !'«n street, recently irceu'iied by ! Mr. Feroswortb. I

Tho old maxim tint "man proposes" i« flatly , ■ contradicted liy Mass*, chime lit spinsters, who (inly wish be did-

Lightning recently struck a lelegrnpti pole, and caiatoog tue wire into theothVu at Ogata. vllle, Indiana, when the operator, seated at tbe [Ultraman!, excitedly telegraphed back, "Don't send so bat!"

By Divine permission, tbe Hector of Christ Church will deliver,

Mrs. Mary Scott Siddone! ESgggffl Introducing the famous

Slaep-Walking Seen* from "Macbeth.

On Tuesday Eve'g, Nov. 18.

Mr. Etlhu 1 ison, tho.>ldc*l person In Lasre- ter, died *■ Krldn; at tlie residence of iii son-it

hn* law, Dr. t". Flint, al ihe great ngc of 1« j ears

Jani-L7bali;otnWHUiV<Vdh-dJati«'Lrhnliti<itHi, three month*. II Isle of Lawn-nee, In thee..umy .irLs-e\, ;« ile ot » U, for Initial. Ti.hn llalll, nWoa^'il, ami baa taken ii| Mini- _. . . r „„_.„ „. M__,h.,,m h,. sell thnt trust bv giving l.«n.|*,aa li«-law din-.■!.*. Th* Amn^keaf Company at Manchester, ha* All |HT**III* having diiri.iii.hiiih-iii the e..i;iii-of said rccenll) received order* for new steamer., from rlecc***.! art required lu exbftll lie HM! anil uli >wrlmento> tab, Springfield and Newtou, MM*.,

|SovH3rE^AXi"l,J «nd for hose carriages from Ctiarle»towu, Mull-, November a, 1*7:1 nov7if.it and Portland Me.



I CAMILLA I'ESO.—The mention of tbla famed artiste gives a thrill of joy to all lover* of muiic und her reappearance in our city will be bulled

^SSL'SFSSaBBZS ^!f^.;Hi£?g *V\A Line of All-Wool Cashmeres ! ,.1...... It would seem a. if the eupplvol "lib the Adelaide Puillippe concert company. J

-- year ago, and her reception



Tiokrt* with check* for tteserrvd Usat* for *ala at W. V. DnsrxK'i bookstore, on and after Fri- day, November 14. Door* opan nt T.IS. at il o'clock. nTlftt

Fubllr. Auction, on SAILS DAT, >ov. Sth, at 1 o'clock, F. J*., at the Furniture Wart Hooras of the late Tern-are Henry, de- ,, „ ^esisc'l.i.e.veralLc.ta of »M:(J.\D lUNti ILHMTIUI , letter from him read bent*OH society, which, in

. and other Article*, tfi i Parlor and Cooking clear and pointed lorm*, decUreii the ruinor l<> lw .... „iomlng of next Stove, Hetriirerator»,r.M*ntiinn, Toilet and other *,,,., The let'-ris tnbe nuhlished

V J. 7Z1 .a. O.K . .. ,k .n i»r - .n^=. Table™, Bureau*, Chamber Met-, (hair--. Carpel*, . tord'i d-r. tbe 9th iu«t, the iblrd of a scrle* ,;tni. gjg R-whlng Chair, Lol of Lumber, of dl*courses on "The Irrepri■■-ihle rniitlict be-! Signs, Glass, Chimney*, ate. The Article* will be

_lul *old without rcierve, a* the parties owning them , rvicei j taw m m(lt, eMM lef, [(JWD 1 „.,, ,„,. Andover, Yov. Sth, 18TS. The acarlel ferer Is prevailing at Hifi

——— f> an aUnning extent. A li.MINISTRATOR'8 SALE. WOOD- Newburyport lia* a lligh and ■ Low St Two

■ l.LAMl in Andover. Itv virtua of a lln*nr« at Public 'clock, P.

,_, premises, 41 A cats nr WOODUMI, Cplled that batoaxlny to the csUte of tbe late Major J.w-ph

Esaex County. , FUDAT—That judirtal Sawtuary.—n«r Po- IIAM.HU 11.1.. j nee Court.-whcrt Ju»tlre »umd* with *ole»aity

A valuable hor*« and carriaf* beungliiir to andBternneneoverihadowiuaii* much ot her vlaafe Judge Cartel were j,tolen from tbe *hed nt tho | M thn liandage acre** her eye* will permit «• to Bafle Bowse Monday forenoon. . ,. ,--i- not rhn mo*t appnipriate place for mirth

The body or Jnmu* Miink-e, one of the men j or badinage, -Mil wo am oetof-lonally permitted drowned in tltu .Merrimnck on tin-night of t>ct. «, j within its porlftli- a vbam-nln Indulge in a good was found yterday by Loin Ilopkin-nn, f.Dnlinj \ nntured t-nule and even an nulbiirH .of laugMer, in theriM-r near t'tovclaml. ; Todny «n bsrt one of ffeose enjoyable treat*-

The report that h>v. William H. Spencer. Into | imT Conner-, on bniog placet at the bar ac

pastor of the Uniuriau Society bere.ha* embraced ! 21Si^^l?!2l^JJ25* jf?2?™ the Orthodox faltb, ha* been put to

saw YIIBK. NOT. Kt, nm 111 1* token to Norwich, I *>-r Ja*rrt«g NotliUtg In »W Yw* ju-t now

, is so unrertaln 'a* failure*. It would eeem •* if the supply ..

wing* which rlchc* take to ttaem»clvea MI luicerc- IW ""»" than mooiously woald son. bo oxhau.tod. bot eve17 «« enthusiastic. The artl«e now appear. | aiUArv-AK day there 1* a newly .fledged failure, and tbe rich- with n musical contWaatlon under her immedl- | A i,l> T- Or UOJLOKE.U Al«x'Atjt_-AO e* fly away, no one know i> whllber, while the late ate iuana(temenl, and » Stronger and mom tab supposed puaaessor, in a fleeced condition, In cntedcompanr never appeareil In this City,

lead ofmlgrmtingio Florida or Bouihem Fraooc, M/llet'no, with her TtoUo, is more clever than ALL-WOOL EMPRESS CLOTHS, iriil take a cottage by tho sea, rent free, live on , eW] ,f lh[i were pMIiule. Her delicate touch lK.rt and bean., lisun to the music of thn wav„, ; infctnlmollt 1B wondertul, And |WthM Of Instead of the Jargon of tbe gold room, and leant'

If you want to rare 30 oent» on ^W. STEABNS ft CO.

thn dollar, oall and examine) the

n Holy Scripture and Cuivinhm." commence at 10.30 \. K.

At tbe election on TnMday there were nine- teen scattering rote* for Governor. Gen. H. K. i Oltrer had 18 and Oen. B. F. Butler 1. A very | rrotn~ine''Prubiite Court,*!' s mBblUgent lady In-tulred of one of the vote dl*- ■ A.uclloB!« "w«»*T. N?r. Mth, s tribntors. If she could \ tbe "good time a coming" bad not yet i but be hoped It would bo hastened.

The Porter Rhetorical Society of the

*°cd. It i ,v«r, n en r I

. equal dlnuiii •■ from Andors

new streets will l« named Jat-k and the Cairn. Newburyport has a quarter of a hundred of It*

son* and daughter* or resident- liuldlug offices under tbe Kathnal govurnmeut.

Innocence with a vehemence worthy of thn molt fnnoeent of Innocents, lie accounted for hi* pniwling the stret-t tbi* morning at three o'dook by *tatlng that without cause his wife bad looked him out, and was only Indulging In a little pedes- trian exercise preparatory to hi* taking a long walk Into tho bowels of Kaw Hampshire, when an officer took him in. "Very well," remarked bli honor, "I'll give you Ihlrty day* In the House of Correction, and stay the mtttiwv* until one o'clock in order that the earnesl exercise of your feet may carry jou beyond the precinct* of this city. This is Just tbe very day for you to make your time toward New Hampshire and The last words of hi* honor were hardly spoken

u organisation ofaclivu men lio* been formed when Jerry made a dire for the door, stumbling

Lawrence. A Urge portion of it I* covered with Lowell and fur tbe purpooe of buildings railroad to be known

ry, held a pnblic meeting st tbe chapel on Thursday tVeafng. Oration, Tbe Cathedral, by Charles L. Short; oration. Rhetorical Expres- sion, by L. H. Woodwortu. Dlicnssion, Re- solved, That tbe Tendency of our Educational System should be towards Its Ihdependt ibe State. Affirms!nv. Jsmes L. tire, C. (..Baldwin.

Rev. Nantjan ftbeshsdnl, tbe tnrbaned del- egate from India' to ihe latsAlllanie Confer- ence, visited this town on Wednesday and gave an address at the seminary chapel. He 1* the converted Brahmin, a good looking man of me- dium height, smooth face, regular features, a dusky complexion and bair touched with gray. He wa* dressed In tbe costume of his country, and attracted much attention by bl* singular at> pearance. He gavo many fasti In hu own per- sonal history, and spoke at some length upon tbe Idolatrous notion* and worship of Jadea, and exhibited remarkable nhility and profound learning, as well as a knowledge of our country. He speaks good English.

Mr. E. K. Famswortb has removed to Fitch- burg where he hns engaged In business. Mr*. Famswortb bos for several years been tbe or- ganist at the Free Church, and on Tuesday evening quite a large party gathered at the ft* try of the chnreb to express to her their appre- ciation of and gratitude for her valuable and protracted service* in their worship. Vocal aad instrumental music, remarks and prayer filled np the passing hour, and rendered tbe oc- casion one of great interest. Their numerous friend* part with tbe family with very deep re- gret, and all unite In Wishing them as sincere friends In their new location as they have en- joyed while here.

Tbe election on Tuesday passed off In a very qniet manner, not more than halt tbe registered voters In town putting In an appearance. The candidates for representative each carried thn full strength of tbelr respective partle* and are both vary respectable gentlemen. Every thing at the poll* was conducted with the utmott fairness, there being no disposition to mislead the honest voter In regard to ballots. If be wanted tbe straight ticket on either side, he bad It, and If be wante*1 a split ticket he bad that. Samuel H. Boutwcll Esq., the representative elect Is one of our worthiest citizens, wa* formerly a school teacher, is now a member ot the town school committee and recently re- ceived a commission as Ju*tlce of 'he peace.

The third lecture In the Citliens' Course of entertainments was delivered ou Monday even- ing by Dr. J, 0. Holland, editor of Kcrtbner'* Monthly. Subject: The Element* of Personal Power. The lecturer enumerated these elements in the following order: Honesty, will, self-pos- session, coorage, magnetism, knowledge, ex- pression, earnestness and enthusiasm, character and faith, elaborating and illustrating each in a scholarly and eloqnent manner. It was one of the best lectures we bnvs ever listened to. George W. Foster, Esq., introduced the speak- er, after having given a notice of Ibe concert by tbe Hampton students on Monday evening next, and announced that the next entertain- ment in tbe course will bo readings by Mrs. Mary F. Scott Siddons on Tuesday evening, Nov. IStb.

A cancu* of the Ucpubl tctuis of Andover and North Andover was held at ibe town hall, In this place on Saturday evening. The caucus was called to order by George W. Foster, FIso,., chairman of the Republican Town Committee. Hon. George L. Dmi- was chosen chairman and John Cornell secretary. The following votes were given for a candidate for Represen- tative to the General Court.

Informal Ballot: \\ In ili- number of votes, Necessary to a ebnUv,

Samuel K, Johnson hail George H. Poor " Samuel II. Bontwell " pal Ballot:

loli' nnttit>er ul" vote*, HIT to a choice, lei K. Johnson had _e H. Poor "

larnaal H. Boutwell " n of Mr. Boutwell was made

is the vote of Tuesday r—

uonwHon. Watikbnra, Mo Uastou. no

. i.an renro. A large iiunutn ui it i* covered wiin „ ,, ■ „ Ina- j oak. Maple. Walnut, Yellow Pine and Birch «B "» ■""Mi ««v«

Wood, a part furnishing a heavy growth. well watered, good soil and excellent land fur cultivation. Entrance on the West, near the house or Sylvester Lovejoy, and on the Kast near the bite residence of Joshua Phelps, deceased. Person* can examine tbe prendses any time pre- vious to tbe Auction, and obtain Information respecting the same by applying to either David Jameson, or the subscriber, who bss a plan of the

Hill: Negn-1 land as mode from a recent survey. The sale will take place near the house of Mr. Loveloy on the West side. Condition* "' payment, Sale, tieunre on the flrst day of January nest, when in* .teed will be delivered, o" ~ purchaser dealt ~ " opportunity for speculation.

OEOKftK rOSTBB, Ailm'r with Will annexed,

Andover. Nov. 7th. fit

Bf STATE OF JOSHUA PHELPS. .. - jreby glvea that tbe subscriber ho*

been duly apiinlnieil admluli-lrator of Ihe estate of JOSHUA PHKLPS.

late or Andover, in the county of Essex, yeo- man, deceased, and baa taken upon him- self that trust by giving bond*, as the law direct*. All persons having demands upon the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the same: and all person™ indebted to said estate ore called upon to make payment to

' Beaehnnd l.ynn Ballroad.

Roger Harris, of Ipswich, a highly eHteetned young man, died of hennorrhsge of the lungs on theiSthlnnL He it's, an orupluyc, of Hover A Co., Boston.

The water has worn II* way under the light house on Plum Inland, which has been blocked up to keep It standing, If not looked after soon, It may go down In some storm.

The Ba*sy farm at West lloxfonl has been riftbej suggested e*a good e*tat- to make Into a grand

park for Boston. II comprise* about loo acre* nf bill and valley and woodland.

Mary Lane, of Poabody, an operative in the Naumkeag Cotton Mills, had her right hand caught n the maehlnriy. on Cnlurdny, cutting off one Anger and badly lacerating iwe o'tiors.

Itev. E. I in* , the pastor elect of the rlecond Universalliit Koi-lety, l.ynn, entered upon bis patdaraI duties with thst society yesterday. Hi- installation will tahu plsce ou Wednosaay,

II choice color*, i~- In. wide, at Otic-

lit 10 different coloring*, at ±3o.

how "blessed is nothing." If he 1* a good fellow, '

TAKES All. TIIK FAMILY ALOXO, Including the big dog, little dog* and neOnse cat, :

il a* many more of tbe luxuries or life a* bi« broken fortune* will allow of, he may tin t that xlstonce out of hearing of the din of TlrM-lviay,

and without the pale or Fifth Avenue society, sad cut off from commuaioatlon with Wall Street,


A mognt "cent assortaw.tt of

fftl.tt K DH*.r 1»E Kit, HI,\CK cAsnarEBsta,


expression and tenderness of seti'.iinen t are ex- quisitely illustrated In ber effort*. Tbe New York Times says: " In Europe sue has sur- prlscd the most critical audiences. lu America the lady it well known, and we now have no heaiutiun In placing herns /bre»osf of tiring iM,/wrt..' With berie the beet roeal talent in the coubtryV MU» Edith Aben.'lbe^soptwno.-is

Umcw.reaMM.Tto* Bitching. Engll.h opera company; ,,.. ! Mr. Tom Karl, tenor, is from the Parept-Roea ■ la the Inset good* ■awM, m all otln«hii. utato ssod Uursks tbe sweet °Pe™ company, Mr. J. B. Thomas, baritone, Meat«Ja*ors, Lnraha, Ac. A line of Meanwhile. Mhwon nml Mursks, the sweet ^ ceiebrltcd composer, while Mons. Anguste

RungarUn song*tr«*s, and Luooasnd TorrUni, ! Soure*is one with Tamberlll, the prinoe of tenors, ami Cam or p^^ -j-ti panlal and other stars, and a host afhuier light), , tingle cuueen, and mvolres n great expense



Iuimenae.srtock ot DRV GOODS



They nave MARKED DOWN their

Entire Btock to Pricefl compatible

with the Tlmaa. Ton oaa only


form an Ida* of thaw Paota by a poser, 'Miiie nun*. ■ i

of tbam.»*tdistinguubed itianut*iPura Silk and wool Valours l\ v < SSffis ™H*S3 A. * cent,, .^mer price a, j P-"Ona» '"■"■■■

luaing to us night]*', a* If Italian opera was , the management, bat we believe our citlaani | ,((< 0|| i1BpM,ibuily to mantlon ail our good-, st axnenslvo of luaarles, mid long will gkM tbo entertainment a liberal paUOuage- but these f«« are Bpswlaltle*. to whieh we IBTlie not the

purses were tbe rule rather than tho exception However, Sew Vork rarely disappoint* those who try to amuse ber or add to her enjoyment, I am] whether It boa regenerated heathen but sensational play, if U Is only

BOMoTitlxri |Bx#nnBa]tasaaaj l: is ballad with Joy, and accorded a wans lion. So if the two Italian opera troupe*,

The concert occurs Wednesday. Xov. 17lh. l thu»e in want of trst-cl*** foods

CT FK1NK, I). 1). B., Int.*' witu Dm. e Webber A Twltehell, of Boston, wl*bes to

announre to the people of Andover and vicinity, hat he ban taken room* In Barnard's building, opposite the Post Offlce, where be will attend to dentistry in all Its branches.

Andover, July is, ltrfs. '<'


—at THR—

Hampton Colored Students.

At the earne*t request oflhe cltlsens.the Hemp, ton Colored fttudenL* will give one concert only, In the


Monday Evening, November 10, At :\ o'clock. All the proceed* of which will

be for the benefit of the Hampton Normal In>tl tute, with which they are connected. The follow- ing are some ot tha aougs they will sing, most of which are entirely new i OH, DE OU ARK A MOVIMtl ALOSti.

Jess wait .i little while, I'm gwlno to tell ye 'boutdeole Ark.

SOME .)• DBW MOBHINti9. (i wlue to see my mother some o' dese mornLugs, Hope riljlnede band.

TOE LITTLE OCTOEOOS. Glorr, glory, how the freedmen sang, Glory, glory, how Ihe old wood* rang.



[V LORD DELIVERED DANIEL. Oh Daniel east In de lion's dan. lie prnyed BOtt night and dag; Tho iingel name Iron* Ualllee And In. ki-dde Host's |is.

THE OLD .SLAVE'S fAlHWKI.I.. Oh boy*, carry ma 'long, I'arrv ma till 1 -lie; Carry me stawm to da kwryksg ground- lU.B.i, don't yeu cry.


The llekeis with Reserved Sest* are for sale si Draper's Bookstotw, at ion eat 6j concert cotnmsaeas at 7t-

The Btihscrlber will ibe apt

ii in' v i -■ in i ■ <•■■ that was . ...J 16th Intl.


CTEREOSCOTIC VIEWS. Thn sub- O scribor ha* for sale an extensive assortment of line view*, including Memorial Hall. Month and

•■"■"fp* and Abbott Academics,

Nor. 19.

Mr. Samuel K. Friend, a well known eillseu of Gloucester, of late year* employed in tha coal trade, was stricken with paralysis on Thursday morning, and died after a few bourn'Illness, nt the age of sixty-six years.

Mr. Michael A. Harrington, the sw-retary of the Y. M. C. Temperance Society, of Salem, nw seised Ust Friday morning st about two o'clock wltha severe attack of vomiting with hem- orrbage, ami died In about an hour sftanvaidt.

The Atnerican JuBtlOer, a paper formerly puh- llihed In MIII-IH, but which has been siiHpendetl t >r several years, appeared again on Hetuvda; It litet* devoted tnrntlrosd rerbnu. and it ili slgaextto Uke tbe plaoe of a local paper In Hal.-i and WakenebL

Tbe people ofMorblehead ar.'l>eginnlDg (u lie excrnised over an cfbrt to have a port of their territory sot off to swampacntt, which they feel to be unjust after the low paid roundly toward tha building of a new between th? tw plates-

The County CoamnU*loners bare awarded to the city ofNowburyport il.Dfll.Si* a* their propc Uoa or a*V>00 which Hie LeirUlsture of last ye nusborlind th<taMb-ii»>*rkcWl.iii yi>eftaml*i

I'bury, on aecnunl of txpensi* Incurred In i ; Imilil i nit the Newburyport brblgc. ] Nathaniel H. Atkins, Deputy CMIei'lor of Mi i blehend, died on the Uth ult. of roniumpllc 1 from which he has -onvr.d Rtf nereral years. , | the time of hi* death be had hw-n i-iuinut-il to tho I house but a few week-. During the war lie I served In Co. C, i>th regiment, In the nlnn inonlht,' I campaign, and afterwards in the Fifth flattery

until the close of the war. Ile wa* appointed | Deputy Collector m INK).

I At hatf.paat four o'clock Monday afternoon two | boys started from Salem in a dory, with the Inten- ; tlon of rowing to Aqua Vita' Ledge. J.ni.-r in the afternoon the occupants of the boat were pr-r-

! eeived by persons on the shore to be in' distress, i and several memlier* of Ihe Nnumkcag Boat Club launched a boat and pulled ngalnht the hcavy

j wind uinl rough water to the ledge. The dory was picked up, but tha oceupante bad disap-

I peered. It is feared that they

over chairs, and upsetting several bead gear or thelegal fraternity as be po*sed ont Tbapatter- Ing of bis boots down tbe stairway sounded like the reverberation* of distant thunder.

Derid Unary, mm stepped foi ward, and tak- ing bU enefrani Jerry, owned to having hern drunk, bat said be was willing to vamoaM In- stantly, Uke his |.rcderes*or, If he was so permit- led. "Wall, sir, go, and I'll give you until ten o'clock to know Lawrenoe.no more." Ho went, and we all indulged in a hearty laugh at tha agi- lity which the terror of punishment had forced the two tramps to exhibit.

SATUaDAT —A solitary young man was in the Dock ibis morning, charged with that offence mom pregnnnt of future ills to young men—drunken-

John sloe) showed that he was of rasperl- nble parentage, by hi* address proved that hehada good education, but through hi* own waywardne*,-

of proper discipline exercised on the part of those to w lm-- care he was naturally eon- Ihled, be became, though a lreaman born, a slave or tbe rilest s. n imde. Judge Steven* Justly de- plored the presence of Iheae yowag men In court to answer suck a charge as that of being drunk. He looked upon such spectacles as being, should they revail, a* certain a loreranner of our re public's fall as the rush of the Visigoth* over th Alp* had been an omen of tha Boman Empire' dismemberment. To permit such an intelligent young man to loose an opportunity of knowing the enormity of tbe offence he committed against himself, « *• never bU course, nor would il be presently. He would send him thirty days to Jail that bo might have time to teleel. and follow Ing, prnlinbly reform.

Mymvr— The usual Monday's compliment of IlochanalUos was In th* dock tills morning to eel m Ibe reward of their Sunday devotions. They all presented that meek and pious aspect whiob Ihelr pecultar worship creates, the aider* and deacon* ot the failh being distinguished by sun dry mark*, to wit, broken now. eat lips, dish*v ellen hair and torn garments. Patrick Shay wot deemed thn gresttwt light of th« littls ooesrle. and he receive.) the Bret call to pay a fine or ai and costs, falling which, to Uke a real In the House of Correction for thirty day*. John Kennedy nesl mapped In front or tli.i judicial pulpit and heard with profound humility hi* award that If he could not pony up the co^-ts of court, be would accom. pany Patrick te the same sacred aejla*rO|. Win Sui.din" ■. who I* only six weeks in tbe country opunly proclaimed hi* will In renounce the Bach- anallsn croud, and Join Ihr temperance church; and upon the strength of id - apostacy, he was per- mitted to eseane by a nominal On*. Henry Taylor waaalsooneof the "never.rorae-bere-agaln" clays, and he wa* given Hie same penalty. Mary MeOabe who didn't know how many limes she had been before the court, was dUobarged on the ground that she wonld go right to work. John Ueffney and Robert Steel, fur being vagrant", were sent each for four mouths to the House of Correction• Thomas Donshoe, charged with wiling liquor,

lined $10 andcosK or thirty days. Col. Beal requested that tbe mliiimu* be stayed, one month, to sea if a promise he had made to Mm,

lou.d,! tnui he would give up the tramc, would 1"' fiililllcd. ( idmiel Ilsal uecams surety for the accuied.

OQXE TO TUB SM-M-MI: Cot-BT.—T,he case of "(Jj,! Thornton, who In witjjnnrtlon with the notori-

; .mi Harry Jennings disgraced this city last i summer by making U the scene of a dog fight,

,n|h ; was called up yesterday la tbe Baperior onart bile 1 Major J. IL Brown, who appeared lor dnlend-

linginiof loveand rslor, donotmak^imsll for- ant, stated that upon his client'* first arralga- tune*. Ihey can hardly be dissatisfied with tbe j raent, he moved m nju»*h the Indkimasiat hi patronage which the metropolis beatowa upon j now renewed bl* motion became the otlence ' That *ehavnoTarl them. We ham an Idoa tliat there are enough or charged was not known to the *Utntea, and [ ""^ ^**r

the Knickerbocker* ami their descendants in leoond|T (h,| the charge was not folly, plainly FANOY GOODS DHPABTMBNT flAlh.B. wl... Aft nnt ,>!■> aliuh In "Ca,.^v nail. I ^"W "■ ' ~rm ' _, w I ^^^

and anbstantUUy set forth. Judge ritroan Wa tare opened a line of overruled tha exceptions taken, but allowed tbe ■ case to go to tbe Supreme court, aa tha statu- tory feature of ibe question prulmbly required revision. Il is said the qacstlun Involved ef- fect* many of the belling and dog .lighting fm- lerrrifJI ertkeStam. :-*.

Uothasn wbo do not Uke stock In "fancy rail rood*," ot commit "financial Irregular!ties," and ! whom these fancy timna do not affect to keep us from utter overthrow.

Brooklyn, whlah Is phrased a sister city, can- not be more than a hall sister if we can Judge any -

by her tastes and teesperansent*. New Vork Is hot-headed, impulsive and extravagnnt, while Brooklyn la considered by

DIB FAST OOIPQ M STXII ■low, cold and pokey. But If congregational singing find* a warmer response In her heart than Ihe iii-iii or a primn donna, Isn't she true to bar In- itlncts, and doesn't ahn soslsln the reputation (barring the embeoslemenU) which a city of churches would be supposed to have? And ifoa an opera night there are vacant seats la the dress circle, and at a reception given to the delegates or the Evangelical Alliance une «nn find, Uke Noah's

dove, no ptace to rest the *olc of hi* loot, and ticket* sell In the hand* of the speculators for fire Lollitra. 1* the not also constant lo ber vow* of re-

nuncUtlon of the vanities of the world? Sili-on, as Hargneriu in Ooethn'a Immortal

pUy, I* simply perfection, and LF-AVKS KOTHINO TO BK "Hill." r.ni,

while Capeul, as Fanat, combine* to posse** the pUy or a purity and terror which bin rarely If ever been equalled when executed by other ar- tists. Whether, When the scene open* which dl*- clote* Marguerite **> *e wonderlag even of Faust, as well as to tbe audience, sitting by ber spinning wheel, the very qulate**enc.o of purity and lovell- asss, or later, When In all the abandon ot a child, aha trie* on the ooatly jewel t with which the evil apiritof thspUyaaak* to teuvpt bar.nnd behold* herself In the glass—thn simple girl In her plain white dress and tong braids of golden hair—and eagerly questions herself whether that sweet face there reneounl can belong to Marguerite, or still later, when she discovers thtt Id praast pal' itm

full possession of her fond heart, ami picks the daisy, "Ihe flower of love,"

and plucking Its leaves to divine whether she U loved, murmurs,

"MK I.OVFS KB! WO, III LOVES MB HOT!" She risen where tbe most ardent Imoginailsn has nothing left to wish for, and so on to the sari end - Ing.


OUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT! b filed wt» the most elegant array of

Brsehi nst« Pwl.iey. Low, am* «,«•« ■IfAWI.a,

Ladles' I*s«ar W.ar, Chemise, Dnv ass* Ptlght Bflwaan,

TO wnmri *VB rwvmi ATTBtrrioai.

FaTAX. ACOIl>B>K. TO AM AoKp L*I>V.—A painful accident occurred to Mrs. Love Koger*. living at 24 Hlaneoard sirret, Wednesday even- ing, resulting in ber death. The lady wa* somewhat advanced inyears, and at an early hour was ascending tbo stairs, prepnrntory to retiring fur the night, she gained but a lew step* when It l* supposed she received a shock, or wai thrown Into a fit, causing her to fall tn the lloor. A severe ga»h ws* cut In Ibe aide of her bead, and she died la a few moments. Lamb we* called but deemed no offlcUl action awcsnaary.

THE PXOI-LB of Lawrence are earnestly Invited by tbe pastors of tbe Evangeli- cal cbartbea of our city, to .swerve Friday, Nov. 14th, as a day of fasting and prayer for tbo out- pouring or the Holy Spirit npon all oar c'lurch- aa, our bniineas men, laboring cls**e», and youth, and to spend tbe noon hour of that day in an Union Prayer meeting at the Eliot Church Air a general revival of spiritual life and activity

with all.

tWin.ej(j* Jfoticepi.


Conett, Hoilery, Glovot, Skirts, Wrap'

pars, Walatt, ae.,

And In (Bet everything wanted in a first cla.s Va- riety Denartmenu In this depsrtmenl you can hava either Udy or gent attendant*. We nave oncnrd to-day a large assoruient of

NEW CARPETS ! Kleg.srt KatglUk M.4 —"• T.pestrles.

ITntireir f»#. Anrrlrmn TepestrUs, llsll and Stair* t»

ir sa4 MeAtman upward*.

OUCtoths, Straw Matting. Bugs. We wilt make and tay earp«» at lb* sbortast no-

DAMASK-New Department.

..ought cheap, * lot nf Damask and Ureton* for Curtain*, Lounge Coverings. Ac- AchoUe*took Of f-aeo Ctsrtnlsia, t'vtala ■>•»• hj the jrd. CswTslees, 1-owps a*sd Teasel*. Ha^ng th-


160 Pair, ot Wool Blank •«, at


1 Ca» of SorgM, st 09 1-3.

worth 37c. - SO Pieces of Black Brilllantln.a,


Color** and Black Alpaca,, at

25 cent*.

Shawl,, Shawl., from »160 up-


Colored and Whit. ConMt*.

eflo., worth SI-

Fr.nch CoNSta, at »1 per i


IMr roll and irul.










Mi** Kate A. Carlelon, teachar of piano. Address 2M> Ksscx St., Maunder* Block. Kefer- dice, Mr. It. Merrill, Mo. S, Lawrence street.

HaLMMLh's lu < in U still In the senlth of Its popularity. Notwllhstanding the absence of Dr. Heluibold, tne celebrated medicine 1* auli mauufactnrcd at tha laboratory at futlndrlphla. and is gold by all respectable druggist. It is

■ John T.

Kdwin Booth will re-appear on the bosrds ©f

Hamlet. Lester Wallaok, alnay* a ravori«e with urm4ry orfMit. Beware of counterfeits. Oen- theatre goer*, enmes hack to us this wee*, after a ! nlrla h'ae proprletor'a prlvaie stamp, long absence from bU theatre. As be ia the l.e it ' Hebry, New \ ork. Sole Agent. living representative of Ihs ni I school of cSioeilj, ! ■»■■•-■ hU re-appearance U predlefd as the dramatic j Ir Vi.winw i* taken regularly, aorording to event of the year, "ahe *toop* to c-nqUer." I» j dlractlons, a certain and speedy care of Dys- tke pUy. Maggie Mitchell Is playing fanchon, : pepria Will follow ft* n" —

Their n Middlesex County.



other ..lileet- of IntereaL All . Picture Vrsme*. Fancy Bracket*, mture*, Cord, Tassel*, etc.

great variety of - ip*«, PteUes,

turUilne ami a, 1UKII, Bel'. JOsCl'll AHilOTT, Malnfitreet.

Andover. October IT IfTS. Aim

SII.VI rr. K,


*77 Smith,



Itndlcott, Monr,


ngAToa Ml Bacon,

COLTtCILLOK. tW i.lover,


Grave*. >7fl Howe, BBOISTBB OF DBRTUI.

Partridge, wa MurrUon, OOUMTV imBASVBBB.

Dodga, UQ Lord. BBOIBTBB OT 1-noiiATl:.

Ciwovlcll. «u» Soyson, BBPBBeSNTlTIVK.

Boutwell, «0 Parker,


Tbsr* was quite a happy gathering in the Meth- oll>t church ou Wedncnay evening. Hie ocea- sion of Intelett which brought the people together, aui which Uisy had como to witness, was the marrrag* ceremony between Mr. Baneroft T. Hayae* and Mi** Charlotte D. tslbley. The bride and brlilegrooni uindu their entrance Into Ihe ehnrchabontslgtit o'eloek, taking th.ir position tafr-ntoftna altar. The bridal._.«o»wme_ wo*

mired. Kev. ■ raarrUga Swrvlos, after which the Itev. Mr. Ureeoe unltjd the couple in w^lloiik. ^ Tha_ oxerc.Ue*

e pres- to th*

iciui cougratu

|?OR BALE. A good Horae, Buggy and iv llarneas, two extra good Cow.., Tigs, .'oiilirr Ac. Apply to.J.W.rTOSTEK, Kim strVet, nenr Kim House. ,

Andover, November a, IHT.i. n.Ttl


The subaeriber ha* a supply of COAL of differ- rerent *Ues and quality, which be will furnish customer* at a reasonable price and short notice. Orders may be left at JOHN II. ill AMII.KK'.H

I'ei ici'i- il Store or at my residence, JOHN (HANDLER.

Andover, Sept. BlaTi.- * , C~ OMMOrTWHALTH UK MASSACilltSSTTS

Essex, as. To the heir* at Uw, and other* Interested in the

estate nf LKVI BEAN, Ute of Aadover, In said countv, yeoman, deceased, testate,

U reeling: WIIUBBAS, Arthur N. Bsaa, the oxecu.or of

tho Ust will and lestsmenl of said deceased, bss presented for allowance the account or hi* ad- mlnUtrallou upon lite estate of said deceased,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to be holdeo at l.aw*ence, in sold county on Ibe Second Tueedny of Sevember neit, at niu* o'cli>chumelb*^nooo,toahow cauae.lfany von have, why the same should not I* allowed. "Anilsaiilessvutor i.or.Ured toservv lhi» Citation br iniliUitldng tbe same onos a week. In the LAW- KEMCK AMtntOAWANUANimvBBAtiVKHTlSKK. B newspaiar printed at Lawrence, throe weekr -- ces-kely, tbuUst piiblloatloa to be.two da bar. inters **dd Tiiaaday.

Wltnest, OBOBOB •*. CHOATB, B.qulre, Judge of *ald Court, this i3d day of Mi-wber, In tha year

iit'thousi * .SI-.iJI

I/OK SALE. A house and stable In No. X Andovu Marble Uldgel..,- nnghly built In modern style, with both water closet on second Boor, marble mantle*, 11 good colUr, contain* furnace, nice stable, room "or two horses, two cows, carriages, etc. The land contain* 11 acre*, with fruit tree* and shout MO Concord grnp* vine. U bearing eendh*a*r Prlcs low and term* easy. Apply to IMhltON JOHNSON, North Andover. [C*rWnaaal

t absence In Kuruiie for a warmly greeted by id*

No action has been taken bv the Incorporated manufacturing companies of Lowell In regard lo stoppage nr a reduction of wages.

One hundred share* of the Lowell and Andover railroad atock ba* Irueu* subscribed for by tho agent 01 Ihe Corbero milln at Dover, N. II.

The Ancient Order of HiberaUne of Lowell, sve vole.) lo semi fi.lQO to Memphis, In aid of the

nnfferlng brethren of the order In that city.

There were nineteen deaths last week, four ol consumption, four ot scarlet fever, three of ty phoid fever, and the others of various (lUenses.

Three em piny es of the Lawrence will-, John W. Eaton. John 0, Young and Edwin .1. Bell, were arrested Friday night, charged nith the 1st ccny of hosiery from the milts. The iius.nl.lty s|r> leu was not large.

On Saturday, Jeba Tayue, an craplsveof the Boiton and Lowdl Railroad Company, was run over and killed on the Mystic branch nf Ihe Lowell road near the Chelsea hridge. Ile wa* twenty-eight year* of nge, and was known In this City.


ence In Brad lee Hall on Wednesday 1 last week. The subject of his disco.. " Life en th* Rail." lie commenced by 1 historical sketch of railroad building, re** and management, a* generally c*

Thl* was followed by a variety of truthful and antartalnlug sketches of characters which are met with on nearly every line of transportation. There was tbs constantand everyday traveler; the " onetlae wane" people; tbe emigrant; tbe mer- chant; tbe swell; the drummer; the dead head, and various other specimens which go toward ■aaklag a cnsBfluM list. Many- incident* of per. ■onal observation find ej])crlcnee were given which were i|u|te Iniereslbig. Thji JMTB1 .lecture

Dr. Barrows

The political arena did nol offer any special at; •raotian on Tuesday lor ths voter* «f this locali- ty Th*o*tayat iioine" class will have »ome- thing to answer for, should the emmtrj go to

Notice 1* hsreby given that the ■uUcriber ha* been duly appolnU'd eiecutrls of Ibe will of

JUHS PHILLIPS, Ute Of Lawrence, In Uie county of Esiex, dn:ea*«.l, testate, and has taken upon khrsetf Ujn trust by giving bonds, a* the law ilirocu. All Sersons having demands upon the estate or said

eceaied.are requlml to eshlblt the sages: and all prrson* Indehied to sold estate, are called upon to utake payment^ g pHILLIp8i Kw.

Lawrence, Sept. ft 1*TI. oetHf3w_ _

JUT ILL A CO., e MAM-rA.tcat u* or

Sofas. Lounges & Parlor Suits. Also, dealers in all hinds of


FURNITURE of iwry description. which they will sen at the


Call and *ee the Patent ■■■» l.a»Tf UU.

N. B.— Aesstlas* smles every THURSDAY

Tho Flr*t Presbyterian Society have com- menced afternoon and evening worship at the A p. pleton street Congregational church building, having already paid aToou inward (he pureha*e of the church building, tbe entire purchase money being J 15,000.

On Wedne*day evening, Oct. Stub, a pleasant gathering assembled st the residence nf George W. Shsltuck, E.q, the occasion being the mar. riage of his daughter, Miss Jennie II. Khattuck to Mr. Reginald Canning of Waverley, New York. The wedding gift* were numerous and elegant.

On Wednesday morning, at about nine o'clonk, fire broke out in the waste room or the picker house In the Msssaehusetts mills, nndfbra while threatened a serious conflagration. Ry prompt application of water, the flame* were subdued, not, however, until eonslderable ilamage was

CapL Pox showed hi* faith In the proposed Lowell and Andover railroad, by eubM-rtbtng for one thousand shares, with trust funds, and one hundred »bare* (or himself, although he doe* not own a dolUr's worth of real e.lale In the elty. By a mistake in the type*, tbe amount subscribed for by CapL Fox was slated at a much le*« amount.

Some tine ago. Mr. Mealey, a well known tea dealer, had jtolen from the Irout of hi* »hop on Merrimack street, in Lowell, a Urge chest nf tea. Not relishing such treatment, he set an Ingenions trap to catch the thieves, which proved success- ful lest week. He filled a Urge chest with sstr dust, first boring s hole in the bottom, end set it out In front of hi* ihup. About 7 o'clock, while the attention of ihe men In tbe shop was diverted, the chest wa* stolen. Its whereabouts was easily found by means 01 the sawdust trull, though the thief wa* not then found. Ile was subsequently arrested, however, and proved to be a young man named John Roark, tweaty-two year* of age.

Trna DAT .—There are rertam case* of crime ut coma Into this court to ba passed upon that • nevsu- nMtm to apeak Ho romdi about,.—B<rJ that e would shield Ihe offence- of tho offender*—

but that their minute cUboratinn inculcates sen- timent* the reverse of moral. Those who thirst for ihe detail* or such life Incidents,-hnsbands absconding with other men'* wives and vie* r"*i,

-are amply provided for-by the Polk* Xtn and Dat't Doing: and we are thereby relieved of nn uni-i.-.i-.iiii duty. How we come to speak thusly is because Margaret ShereUu, n rnther re spectable looking young woman, ws* thl* mom lag charged with deserting tbe "bed and board' ofhitrhusliand. Peter ShetcJln, and transferring her affection* lo some worthies* black-guard named George Tucker. Margaret tramped round the country withTucker, imtllthe Utter thought they might as well ride during port of tbelr jour aeylrnti, and tmrefer* possessed himself nf a horse and buggy, Ihe ownership ol which ws* to him unknown. He came to a short stop some- where In Middlesex County, and now lies in Cam- bridge jail, awaiting trial fcr that free ride. Pe- tar sin-vei in then procured a warrant for adultery ugalnathi* wife, and ml* morning *he wa*airest- ad by Col. Bent and Ucn|. Roberta, in Andover. The government asked for a continuance, which was granted r«r seven days, Mr*. Shevelui being held In **00 bonds.

Nominal fines and the eo*U were Imposed upon Samuel H. Bcrivner and Wm. Wbitmarch f.u drunkenness, which they paid. John Murphy, another or the breakers and enterers Into tbe

e of Mr. Goo. 8. Coucb, pleaded gultty, and held for sentence In the SuperlorCouTt In the

sum o( - in"'.

playing Hamlet in the new Brooklyn theatre. ' j Broadway, thn avenue and the park am aa gay I

illy on these lovely uiitumnulaflerso, nua* I ' if no panic existed, and haul tltu** was not the j WKitfltT. phantom nf the future. H. H. B.

BOOT.BLACKB OR I'.H k-kl -ODOh* P. 8. A sentence lu my Utter of last week WIN

iderfully transformed from III nrlgi- I opened my mouth lo say irocket-

book* and some evil spirit made me say boot- blacks. Now, eon there be two word* in tbe Ka- giUh language moro widely *ep*rated than their

~ "BTTWHe ulISM WwJITTMVe »Bken th» place of the one intended with greater IncnngrHl-

'The mysterious disappearance of boot- bUck* denoted the presence of pickpockets I" And this at a woman's eongressl Do women, sag tend Ing for their rights carry boot-block* In tbelr pocket..- And are they a community thtt can be picked up at will, and mysteriously dlf. posed of tor future use? AUs, we have yet to see one of auch convenient dlmwi*lon*. What have boot-black* and pockeMiookl In common? nriakaapaara says, "He who steals my parts •teal* trash." But be who steal* rsy boot-bUck' What of him? Echo anawers, "W**t?"

111 i| rt.

Invite those ra-tttlag lo call and examine.

lm nnt Imagine by the advertl*ement nf our up. mwn irtantt iluu no one else ha* •* large and well ■elected stock, or can offer so "great luiluce menu." main can. You will do wall to esomine, (heri*epuroiiasingl,ta- stock of the CKVTHA1. (STORK.

BYRON TRUELL A €08. a4» & _a»5 Effwox Street / 1 KilKUK D. ARMSTBOEJO,

289 Etiei Street, Lawrence,


. : I

Grtat Raduction in fVlcat! . ■■ ■ ■ ■ . :



Our $1.25 All-Wool Dress Coeds

AT r« <^KNTM.


Gauntlet Kid., 11.36.

Mantle, and Jackata, a Lara*

Variety at Very Low Prides.

Ho.iery, Glove., Neok Tie.,

Ribbon., Lac.., Gimp.. A Full

Variety of S mal I Ware., add much


At Thrr..qn.r..r, Tale*.


Daat go to Boston to buy a dollar's worn of ood*, Whan yon coin purchase any article full a* seap, and many gas a*


And find a* good Good* and alyles In Urge a* tauerit at home. In stteamt ft Co.'* >t>rc, Law



... Jn Andocer, Xov. tth, a son to Us r. and Mr*. 11. M. Wilaht.

M AliliKN.-loUii. oily, Nov. 4th, a son to Mr. P, Madden.

I>RHAnS.-lntbls.-1ty.< Mr*. L. 1>. duUar*.

M h 11 i h i e ji. ABB0TT-nKrmLnH:^iiTne4-iTiir*:». r..

Oet.sotk, AIU*oii It. Abbott. BtVtlhngMriyof Andover, and Miss Sarah M. Heynold., daugb- ter or tbe Ute Jame* Morgan, nil of G lea* rails.

TRAHK-CAMPELL.^In llodiOnl, Ma*-.. Nov. 3d, by tho Itev. J. If. Richardson, Mr. A. TrnsL *f Chslara, Ma-s, ind Mr*. Laura M. (uuuphcll ol Mativuen, Maa«-

LVr-likTr-CIUkXHlLL-lu Miis vltjr. Jiov. fitli, bj Itev. T. T. Mnii/ei, Mr. V. Henry Everrll to MIS* BH M. ('rum-hill, both of Lawrence.

A Card.

Thk Mnginnsr* •a* thr nr- department of Ando Y*w, axtand Ueir aloi^r* (hank* to the Hoard of ■agl sod fire Urpartmcsit ot User liy of Lnwrseee, for Ibu liberal and cvntrteoii* tnsaner In which they were received and entertained on

' i of their annual parade »>(. 1Kb, JAMUN II. SMITH, -

CUrh of Us* Beer.I. Aadover, Nov. 7. 1ST». U


the oci-ssinn i

Ata meeting or the Andover S. I*. K. Co. So. 1, limit,il «a.ini:inh. -1' i"lel!..cs ._rs. ak__L- .A ,ha, TaMr tn. F- K-, Co, ffiSK l.S-.OIl.OI

snks to it

W .nr! lire Dsatartnsent nf IJIW- .aaoe.for Ihelr generous sod liberal attention ahown them st their annual parade on Tuesday, OeL Wlh, 1*73. Par order, UKOBOB T. AMBerr,

Aadover, Nov. Mb, 1171.


trap** J- HILL ft CO.,

Gas-. AnaaoaitUT * Basra at., lawranee.

COFFINSAND CASKETS. Thehnal- nes* of the firm or Woodman ft Cm boras ha*

passed into the hands of the *ub*crlber, and he will continue In furnish Cofflns, Caskets, Uoltcs and other ortleU* coanerted with tha business, Smmiitly and in tb* latest stvUs and finish. Cor-

ns and Caskets gabbed la Oil, Was, or covered with broadcloth. JAR. M. CBABTBBB,

In Draper's Building, Main strast. Andof er, Oct.^ 187*. Itf



HARD AND SOFT WOOD ! Making a spaclalty of delivering It Prepared.

Order, received at Walter I. Donald', trull i ■ -' prices can be fou_

B. a w*Bpwii.i.

The Wake field Kiittnn Co., successor* to Cym* Wakafiebl, comiaenced lo run the factory at WakefleM on Monday, the first time since the de. cease of Mr. Wakeficld.

While oaaaboollng expedition In C helms furl, Sunday, Columbus Cinpelby, n i.-i-lini on Walei street rn this city, had one of big flogers .hot off by an occldtnt*l ills.iisrge of s gun. Dr. Davis alien, led him.

A public memorial meeting In honor of th* late yru* Wakefield wa* held in the town hall at

WakeUeld Saturday artarnoon. Hlchard Britten, chairman or the board of selectmen, presided over

leeting, and addresses were made by itev. Messrs. Potter, Bliss and Boyd. Daniel Allen, K.lward Mansfield and C. W. Koton. Es<>.

Tha funeral of Mr. Hen. W. Parhburst took place at the house of hli father, Mr. L\ K. Park hurst. In t'heloisiord, on Wedneaday, at t o'clock P. M, The decease*! was a young aaaa of exem- plary character, genial sod aassioaarng and wa* universslly esteemed by all with whom he asso- ciated- He ws* for a number of years eWrklu the clutliiug establishment or Messrs. Put man ft Son, I.IIH'SH. until about two years ago, when be ae- eepted the potltlou of station agent at Cbelm*-

WgDHBBDAT,—In keeping with the remarkable quletae** with which the city election* came off yesterday, the proceeding* In our 111 tie JndlcUl ward room ou Lawrence street, were tola morning sholly without Interest.

Wa do not wonder at this, for had there been any unpleasantness in tbe Democratic Greek meeting the Republican Greek at tb* poll*, any "early and often" engulphlng of gin potation* any "repeating" Of closed digits op*n partisan frontispiece*, we a**uredly would nave polled a large vote in the dock to-day. We rejoice, how- ever, at the change from post experiences, ll there was say eicltemaat at all, It nmauVitad absolute respect for the law. There were many Knock*, to be sure, but these ware M CowrA-ed In language aa to fosi-ter sen* hat tin maul harmo- nious r**l log*. Eveunm gssnw-lagafMmdcfejt. ed candidate* wa* so gently perpetrated aa to be Tntr.ii y wonderful at a tins* whan paUbvlim- usuaily ihow *o litiU raspaol for each other** sen IMIItlo*. This Is how that one solitary augtagin ippeamd in i onrt,-asu*nci B. ■tiihney- Hi- ballot, eleatlog himself into a raepacUhle, sober

i rejected becausaha bad been hero yes- terday for drunkenness, and was fiaod %'i and ousts. To-day be was pronounced a "repeater,', and given slaty days lu th* house or correction.

TnUMoar.—"Well done thou good and faithful voter*," was uur congratulation aa we oaw but two sinners in the Judicial confessional, who were there to eaplate the offence* which they had com- mitted on that greatest or nay* In olden tlines— election day. "nurtwoprUoneisrweexcburhed, "after election." Bui then, we remembered 11 sat we were aome three hundred miles away bom the model city -on an election d*y, -Sen York where pool* ofbluod divided nppoaUgpurtles, and where the eighteen precinct* were crowded with offenders ogaln*t lire law* whleh they had voted to sustain.

"(ill Cord," shouted the i-lsrk- Cunliiood up. "You ore charged with being drunk, are you guilty, ornot guilty?" "My name, »ir, Is not Col cord," answered the cnlpriL "You are charged with being drunk, arc you guilty, or not guilty?"

guilty of drunkenness, but 1 dent want you In eunnect my name with that Fourth Warder.

wa* drunk, I'mrronrst." "Cnnl, )*Hi are fined dolUr and costs," was the betmh. Two others, for the saggy

tbe mitlimv stayed.

-Unite a teriout a^ddVfrt nappaoed to Mr Knapton Wardmag, M aj*ugnstr on Ibe Wash- Ington corporatloa. Ae ha wa* attempting to adju.ta hall It canght Mi arm. and Instantly broke It.


Tbe local Democracy bare been wandering so long In tbe wilderness of the "oat*" that the new* of the day put them la Joyous mood for the jubilation mini-meeting held at tbe City Hall In the evening. The hill and galleries were well filled. Col. John H, Brown presided, and speeches were made by Col. II. C. Bacoa, Senator elect, Messrs. i. 0. Parker and H. J. Coucb, Representatives elect, Hon. John K. Tarbox and Mr. John J. Sotattd. The Democ- racv, Col. Brown aald, had carried nearly every fiwu in tbe District except one, bad given thetr candidate for State Senator 1,000 majority, bad elected a Democratic Register of Deeds and two Democratic Representatives. " And here," said tbe speaker," I must pauie. Why haven't you elected three Democratic Representatives ?" [A voice. "Because you wasn't there." — Cheers and laughter]. Tbe Colonel repudiated the Idea that the defeat of Mr. Ilsye* wai at- tributable to bU absence from the poll*', It wa* ihe UHH at the party.

Col. Bacon, Senator elect, was weary In body and mind. He meant someHrlng more than ordinary thanks. Arnold Von Wlnkelriei made way for liberty and dUd; tbe Democrat r party bad cleared the pathway f"r liberty and would live. Hetbuen bad struck for freedom, North Andover wai redeemed, Hsvarblll thai never witbln the memory of man had gone oth- erwise than Republican, bod sent two Demo- crat* to the Legislature. Ha hoped to do some • thing in the legi-lsiure for tha interest* of la- bor, and to represent fairly the whole Senato- rial Dislrlct, and not merely Ike political party to which be belonged.

Mr. J. O. Parker, of Methtien, pat In an ap- pearance because be suppose J the people wished to see what *ort of a represents tlve Ihey had elected. He was surprised at tha malt him- self. Melbuen had beto alladed » as " Ward 7 of Lawrence." When It whs brought Into the city, Ihe IJevBocracy wonld Uke care that II was a Democrat ward. Mr. Parker *aid " I am not, however, under obligation*, (solely to Democrats. Many Republicans mpubrtcd me t>-duy andl an» tbe Repre*eatatlve ';of both

parties." Tbe chairman said I " Ward 1 to-4*v gave

CrMM.NO*-BT.tNKY.-ln BrWtOn. Oct. Wtb, by Rev. D. (-. Kdnj, II. D„ Mr. V. M. Cunvnnngs and Mrs, Harriet A. Kepne). both of Ijswrence.

\\AKIS" -llAVl'fclL-in Metbuen, Oct. tld, by M. li. Sargent, .1. P.. Mr. Benjamin U. Waklns snd Mrs. Mary Baxter, all of Metbuen.

BAYNK6—HIBLKY.-At BalUrdvale, Nov. Bth by Rev. air. Clreene, OMlsted by Uev. Mr. Park Inron. Mr. Ilancioft T. Hsyne* sad Mi** Char. letlc K. Slbley.


trade, a Urge as*crrtracni of

BLACK ALPAOCA8 At lower prlne* than known for tan rears, at the

follow log prior*:

33, 37, 42, 60, 08, 02, 76,

OUR 42 AND 50 CENT QRAOE Are K>.ra*r«l**«ry B.rsr.U...


BLACK BRILLIANTINES Ws claim lo tie tha bast gooda of that clea* eve offered to the trade In I,a-, iciue. We also are receiving dally


OVER 4000 YARDS DRESS FABRICS In New and BUgant •tries,

AT aa CE-fra PKR TAB»,

PlannelB. Cottons, #' Printa, Caahmaraa, *fec.

ubundaace, all at our popular low

HEAVY SHEETING 10 TO 12 GTS SHAWLS in Woolen A Cathmem.

Booh aqmvra and Long. We alto are opesdng a Urge assortment of

WOOLEN OJ.OTHR us and Bors wear, In low price* and fine

goods. Tailor, .ttppllrcl «t wholeials prl-

■ II IISlSjl' II WcHwl-lde. taPhjaaj Oawnty, Ind., Oct. tld, CbsrloUe Barker, dSlighter vl Henry itarker of West Uosford. - UaverliUI paper* plo**0 copy.

ABM>LD.-lu Ihi* city, at tbe residence of All-crt Warren, Kr». lMliiuli A. Arnold, aged H3.

/ UTV HALL , L.VH'llKNi I:


Camilla Urso Troupe ! -ea/iu, oiTB— '


M.d.Mc itiiiLu ftiao. The great CUi*lcsl VlullnUL

MlisF.DITR A BF.1,1.. Noprs.no. in' |he BUchlngs* KngUtta Opera t.'onipanr.

Mr. Tb* KtHI.. Teamr, or the Parspedtosa Opera Company.

Sir. i. H, TalOMAK. gtnritaaw, Tlie c-ieiirsieil Musical Cnmiio*er.

Mnna. At til BTH BAIrgUr/T, The dlttlngnlshed Pianist of Pari*.

Mr. FREDERICK Ll ER, Ulreclor.

1'BOIJHAMtrt-;, I. Plane goto. "Rondo Caprloelo*o," Vrndrfssokri

MB. RAL'BRT. t. DueU, "Love and War," Cos**

Messrs- TOM KARL AM' THOMAS. "Ouee Agaus." JiulUran



228 A 230 Essex Street.


(Foi on P«*4n Krsansniss.l


F. 8. JEWETT A CO., Auctioneers. r BK XXt-LU BTOCK OT

FUKBKSA WITHKlsifiLL, BANKHIi**TS Will tssiwMat psagiin anMnag, ai ib- «*♦«• ■pled by than,

aaa a\*i>w atr*«t, Lmr,.,., -n■«.,

Wednesday, November 12, 1873, At 10 oVIockj,Aj.a. Tim Stock e*iu»i*l- qf flu beil and CnthttRbed


A* follows: ITU fnflnislied Bedstead-. i'i Flo Uhsrd B«Ml*tead-. 7 lln|nid*nlAPh Chamber Set-. .1 Parlor hum , I Wnlmil i loiul.ee Bet, Marble Top. 1 AahOiemberrV-t, Mnrble Top, n Walnut iUt Tree*. 1 Wohiul hide BMM, • large Mantle

Tabtes, Mssgrd Safor, Cars* rlrnt Choirs, Wood Baal Chairs, Common Leaf Tablrr, Cblldren's Carriage*, 19 KOTI* Oil Carpet, it I Sec e* Straw Mntthsg, tm .S«k* Bed Cn*t-i*s, lot Varrstsbes and PsJntePa Tools, ir.


A Urge assortment of

Yarns and Smalt Wares of alt hints. ■BMhlBto Twist, a aaau*

UH* a*aa>*>l Ttar.-d, <ttn yds.) — m tpsel


No. 369 Kraftex Btreot, GEORGE D. ARMSTRONG.

Lasrrence. Sept- S, IITS. '"if

D O T T O M'

P R I 0 E S!

Ml** HUTU ABF.I.L. ■■Loiij

o anil ■otigirm. sung By MB. TOM KtBl..

During tlie ••bard time*" that are upon u*. every- ho.lv <ii-sirr« t» economic'. We have accord-

ingly placed our figures at the

LOWEST MARK (br tlie immense stock of

¥ENS AND BOYS' CLOTHING now on hand for WIKTKR Wi m. al

Q. H. RICHARDS, 24 A 25 Dock Square

llvrrte.l. ate is t Wnrklatgajnlti. Matrhed Mnll • Bare* *>,,!t 4 hlldrCN'. Hntlt* Top ca*ia I»r».* Bait. .

I.r rinstsials

CAM; 1 u. »*rcna.U,"SwsctlielhyMapose.'y, Jl.T»omm

UK. J. B. THOMAS. 7. Piano Solo, Concert Caprlelo,

fin. lAintrr. i ». Ballad, "I Love ray Love," Vinmtti

■MM HUTU ARKI.I.. ii. song, "The Shade*of fcWaning Closed

Around,*' *''ng Mil TOM KIM .

10. Violin SoK'Tho Wltche*' Danre," I'aoanM CAMILLA VWHC

tm ISO or more Democratie msjorttyl Up In] IE Arta frc* Ctafiewlla," Ye Tnt^ Ward 4, they didn't do ai well. 1 can lonty ac

THOMAS. IJ. Trio, Y. Nuvlguntl (TheSAVigatorsJfloBdcpprr

count for this by tbe fact lhal Mr. Bukbee ba* „,-. AUKLL, HBISBS. h mi. AND THOMAS. moved irom that ward Into Ward 1." i

Mr. IL J. Couch, legislative standard, hearer | tdmliils* BOa I M***rr«d M««l* Tfl. No. 1, wasscmiewbit backward In cortlnu loi - ! For isle st elraUon's Uwrcmr. Harria', M> ward hat " booed to go lo the general . i.mt ■ thorn, .ml Ursiier'.. Ainlover. H»r«- ear.go to wusa.sm* sMspeuwav *i« B"*™** Metbuen and North Andovrr at CIOM) nf concert, with ibe Ha*, object of serving his oonltHnenti | ^^ SSlflii Wtbft"|y " I aTTriB KATB A- fJARLETON,

for. I. Blaawbere.

Henry it. Tracey, a well known Jonrnatiit of Boston, *n*d Ol Cambridgep«rl, IVetlneadsy avaning, of coasiuuptluu.

A wagon containing seventeen person* wa* overturned lu Wnrchim on Sunday, injuring Mis. John O. llarrer, Michael 1'rindable and a young saan named Bellies; none of them seriously.

■Mr. Alden Wasbbnrn desires to exprcu bis gratUnda to th* friend* Hg« kindly contributed ^,,,4-, ^

toward* the purchaafgg afnlnablc hor»e. pre-1 Uertin ?»j ns. tarbox peroratod with tin •ented him a lew •«■"■■■ e lllMP*\9|l

. Klehard-' . Itlrh.rd.' . Blehnrsta'

BJIcfcarda* Kleharel*'

. Rlch.rd*'



■"LU *• ""iX—.



/ kave now in stock a full line ol

New Patterns for Fall Trade of

1878. E. A. FI8KE 275 ES-


■ ■



Good Winter Clothing! DOTNTON'B NBTW BLOCK.

Ws have Jtut made Urge nsUltlnst* to our already



The price* we'have *et anon our Qouda are


Irsss, tea BSHI BL, Sa»r,d. r'. BlsMIt,

John K. Tarbox was introdurefi a* tbe cltlien of Lawrence who would One dly lie a Desnocratlo Ooveraor or Massochuieta. The wnrmth of hU heart wonld "thaw oat lit voice If h wa* covered with Iceland'* enow*," The Ifeiaaeracy of Lawreaot bod bad Taw nsvaibm* | ^^^ 1,,, % tjLfa Sf). . riwrent** (hr congratoletlrmi In the past; they have strvei u^ :r 11 grown more freqnent of Ute and " h)t'» keep It np." Tb* Regliter of Deed* elect was n man who wonld win tbe pbudlt" Weil done.

All grade* and stssi . . at Hit-hard.'


24 A 23 DOCK SQUARE. 24 A 2fi nfitffiw tt.



Tho-r wh* Bs*KMM III veslina.(awl Who doe* nol lu ticket* for the

Fourth Grand Gift Concert Fur th* benefit of tbe

PUBLIC 1.11 Ut Att V OF KENTUCKY Which wrae* off In Louisville on the M of Do

rember next, have no Ibne lo IBM.

ONLY 00,000 TICKETS II AW. HI ►■*. «-l I I', AM.

18,000 <;AHH ttiiTft, .1 urn •. 11 M. TO

•9-1 , r»-o

RVF.IIY VARIETY OP GOODS for Ladle*' wear.

lu Millinery we hava everything that Ladle* ra quire, and in price* w*


Our itoch of Lailles4 Und*r Wear baa been largely added to. Prke* low. Children'* and BaJ»*>'U*4*r Wear, Jenkete, etc, W* ana ply ladle, with


In all stj les and at tb* tewsst price*.

We or* making thU a *r«claUy and 'in famish every style mouired. In other rUvartateat* our ■lock of good* cannot be *un«***n-

HAIR OOOD8, Reel and Imitation. All kindsof lrr***Trisns*iag*.


a whleh were sold and are worth fro. , we will glv* away far lv*m it u

U rente. Parasols, wbleJ. w*ra*old for a»lure worth front il to $i we will rive away for from tWcealacaglJ*. The*- are fact*. Call and ••*. The beat Corset st-we in Lawiiasl, —

Stomping for Baitsrol'UTy. *

IH Ht>X BTfflkT. 1**.






Pi-i-...« th* I,.*..' 1 < l..„d- in all Style- I

Everybody oen l,.> Rnit.-.i'.


K K A I> 1 rTO .

J f ATS. j Auction, ..11 ■

Tarbox waa " full to baratJng;.,' He heped the ' ft* of J™ ™ Kepublrcans would slot* well—some of them ' " werelnawhlngonv. (A totac, " How's liar mon i"] The speaker-" lam inrprlted ni my

^XEcrTovrs'sALi OF KBAL EH- , _!JTAI Auelloii,

mbscrlber will sell ut Public RluV, lb* tld inrl., at . o'clonk,

Uage ug Uml, U-limglng lo the *.. e As* Currier, .Ituatcd in Metbuen,

Mas*. The pn.i.criy L finely looted on the ror- of Main mi I High slraete, within S minutes'

mark that *sffa*>ncrscy looked loth* f«|urc —Col. Deal ami Baa*. l*a*>*tU, of tlie Slat* I Mr. Joho h DoUnd made the dUcovery that I

police, have caused usow* naag vender* to be j It" WAS going to lie a hard winter," that he ; •ent to tbe home ol correction daring the pre*-1 "*" In 0»* LaglsUture himself In 1882," at ent term ot the Superior Court, than any other that Kepretan tat Ires now were too well pal

, walk of tbi< 1

. : Contelni- 7 I n cl.tem ol

- Hie time an

.erly I. Illieiy I High street*, Iroarl siHtlon, horse __ im-iiknt lo Mihool* snd rhurehe*. ns, u lib wood Jiuiiri- Hitm iie.i. and I Hater. Term- made kuuwn at aeP of sale. i' iMI I "

officers In Essex County.

A while ago a farmer In the Highlands lott hi* wife, and out of km for bar memory tailed hi* estate "Ulcnmiry." A aaljblsor kiting met With tbe ssme affliction, and equally daplr- ou* of keeping before him tbe Image of hi* daar departed, followed bU exempli, and known try th* name I "

Mr. Dulnnd concluded after smashing ■ goblet by the vshaanucc ol bl* eloquence, by telling twi, old *•***«■ and saying good night, where- upon the Bead played and tb* o***rably dis- persed.

THB BBOCL Ah muiillily meeting of tkseily par- lor*, will ba held at Ibe residence of the Ber. Mr. ■ougbton, come* of Cres*

next it IUo'clock, A. M.

vl Ll-:. A retail atore, wt-ll eitab- I' llshedand adv*rtl*cd. A good d'snee for a

man with about IM. Addre** "A- H. BJ Law- rence, Mai*. novT»4w*

*30. t«iO. A O00D BUSINESS.

Is offered to any A. in work. THIBTT DOI.I.J

made above expenacs. Sew Englat

W. F. STETSON g CO., OBc* 0 ket, Beaton.

Mini, who U willing 10 s 11 week can *a*ily be We want a raw such men

Addre** wlib a damp

111. BE H . ■ > 1 - ■ 111 ■ i > ■ SH

I.IBT or ajirTaj

"OTO * MKW ABTICLS FOB THE TABLE. O 0»0'*'0 A f*1^1 Hll»*r !',"t"1 Tnrk* cf",nd T.^"" *.* , «^c v-' 'at Jotsss f. I>*w A Ca's CrvtcaeiT aa I «U*s

. ASH urrr .

CAMll Oho- <;n \M CAMFI

lOtMnlll irai 8 wm mm JlrTI !-."«> each iirn ■ lr'T^I .irT» .IKTM

,1111 11.1**11 Ar>ll tvu.1. Ttekets, gBO. < .-pews. (Maths) 1


Tot ticket- nr Inrormatlon, addre*! TBO*. K. fiKAltKTTK,

Agent Public Library of Kentucky, LauUvlIU,

Tiiov n. II*V A CO..

ntmwMtiy — Irssl-s,, M. T,

i Ware ntore, 1* K«

m\ COTTAGE HOUSE AND LAND! S;S£| -iiirATBow- Itffi ! MlgA ■treat, al tha hand *f **>*•*> BMr***, *fl',U0 s. , -1 ... I..,I-I go.7l,*a .

5uS| SATURDAY NOVEMICR l»th, 00,000 At 11 o'cteek in tb* mranaoa.

j % PBDBICK a Cl^OaaOM, Aoentaasferi.

JKKM1E D. KKN>OS. Ciuardlau. oagUf t

RENOVATES. THS COMPLEXION - Ontauaal ami lilyceriB* Boap- At gefcs* i

. B>*>w * €'•.'. Lsmp fiuw*. IM Bssaa itraat.

(tLKAN YOU 11 BILVKB BABY, J ar uaixo

MU1 holp. fit ta* C¥aa<la| J f^ Y LOR'S K LENZER unelurlng Co., Cornwall, OnU- '"'*•■'•'« ^_jH— , .,, u.*.

lansre lt.-el.r-. Skelo Winder-. Speeder, , th* Ise.l article iu lb* market fbrUMuhog^Ubtd* tindarsand w"»vvi. U00.I wage- wOJ be uaiu | ..f U.toi and PUtsd vVare ftbwa^rl»e« aa toX£*»Mop«rBll***. AuplvteJ.B.^B*«T\ bottle. Fnr *aU by JOHN C..DOW *CO, A£i&&will,0*tAf*,&»**■ ottitttiwl Mat .a»g^x«r**t Lawrene*

TjtrANTEI). VY Cotton Man

Harriet Baecher Stovva Will git* •election* l>otn ber own book-, at



mured *l atraUon's.


TNAININQ SCHOOL. There will ba an eraoalnattea of a

thl* ochool, on fBlliAV, tha Itih hui.ai Igjabsck s. M., la the High Behsol Hall- Candidate* pnsl b*gradaatea *f tbe Uwranp* Uigh s.l^-1. or has* obUlnsd an equlvolent sulucati"" riser* bei.

11. E. MOOD, *auM< Of School' I^wrenrr, Sovcmber*. If73. IHMi


A l>wfir.|chss* *gawt* to canvass f»r

•HOME LIFE IN TIIK BIlUiF." A awtr wot* by Th-. March, author of

NIGHT SCENES IN THE BIBLE For tarritory, apply at eae* ta




■MMfelvi ), hasItcu luldiutluou

Our $i>tce Box. Men who havo risen—Democrat*. To Sport mien.—Mark your bird*— wltli shot

To all Whom H Mar Cemccrn.-I* htatag 11 f-Jg-ggj-.. pretty girl I capital olfcncc I , „ hoUK of ,„ limt..

Culinary Hcripe..—How to nuke • Mice Dtrr- Joseph B- I'aiu-ivjo, 6| I'tabody, hMfla -l.""» II.—Contradict tbe wife rrfrour boeotn. j by ibr burning of a *t»upln which heoianuiiu-

Tokeep warm on ■ cold day, tbc women Y&* " »t««ng-lor curriers'us*, double tbc (Ape and tbc men double the Horn. A raw da,

Note for Orulthologttt*.—Tbc moat sensible I bird* »re rook*. Tor they never quarrel without "cawi."

"Lee* of* China packet-ship!'' exclaimed r.'.Fsrtingtoa. "Nowondcr when Iron one* • Th,.ilM:pr Ihcncw KUtc Lunatic Asylum ar 't at way i aaft." Denver*, nn the oM SewburyiBirt mad, and

>n obi lady think* the Bond* unit be a ftm- ' ntaasls a tm rltw of tbe neighboring towns llr of strong religion* Inatlnrti, became ihe ! A full baa been brought against the tor bear* or to rainr of them being converted. Rockpbrt by Mr. Ambrose Modgkln*. to recover

The excuse of a young Udy to her minister, j •w0° *" *»-- "U^d tQ *" who caught her napping, *u, " Don't you ' think ladle* bad batter be fhtt asleep than /n*f \ ***** ' -_*..• .k. ufii.iin/ tlu> Eiiun H. R. to furnrsb

hllu •■ llir-ti- .ulcd Innu r llorkland, Maine, Capt.Savnirei.iii

j begc « uli ruigoei. nr cabbage.

A >«wburypurt Udj *nlkc4 from t Amesbury Mills and berk. nilWtaricit

in thin hour* umt U n minutes.

Stffeeiiil Voti-ief*. nAHKlSONH rKHUTALTIC LOZ-

KStii>. IMenaant, Prompt and IlYeotiTe. Two mkcii atnlght move Hsu bowcla once next rooming. I nlikt-alt Pills, ihey never tauso |<ain nor rcifiiirc increase of Mat lo partial a MM.

They eur* Headache, I>i*ilne*s. Oppression »|. IcrKiiHwp. Sour Ulidejr. and crerr evilarlalni from Co»liv<'uc-s and Indigestion. Warrauf-d in all .uses of I'lh-s, cither bleed ins; or blind. Trial boa 30 cent.-. Large bag 00 eenU; mallei free for this Inil mice.

Hit. llAltltlhONt* ICELAND BAI.NAM, • splendid cure lor Coii«hs, lloarsuno.*, and all Throat and I.nnjiiotnnlnlnt*. For sale In K. o. II UH.I.MlN A CO- ■'

" Nothing In the world beat* a good wife," Mid Jonea the newly-married. " Yea," an- swered Smith, the loejg-inerrirrt, " a liad bn*. hand does."

Sputtering* from Judy's Pen—Before tbe a Term Begins—Judy'* word of warning to *tu-

denti for examination will be the tame a* ever. — ho not crib, but cram.

A sharp Toledo girl laid of a gentleman to whom ihe had just been Introdnced, that he would be very preventable If tbe Lard hadn't turned up ao much of his lega to tnako feet of.

"Pray, Mis* C ," aald a gentleman one evening, "why an ladies ao And of ofllcers':" "Howitnpld!" replied Miss C ; "In It not natural-and proper that a lady should like a good ojftr, Sir?"

Did Scotch l.aily. " Take a anulT, .Sir t" Gentleman iwith lerg* nasal promontory. In-

dignant lyj . I in I look like a anufler?" Old Lady. "Well, I ranna jlai *ay ye do,

though 1 maun -ay ye hae grand accommoda- tion."

And It ought to be a warning to us all.—- reniloner—" Ab! yon may well any that, tnlia and to think that at one time they had half i mind not to let me Join all, because these 'ere two lega of mine, that was blown off at the very first engagement, wasn't straight enough afore that to roll 'em!"

A yonng lady, while walking with her lover waa attacked by a savage dog, who seized her by the breast and tore It from her body. Tbe lover waa paralysed with horror, bat eke went for the dog with a picket, remarking that " that era cost a dollar and a half, an.I wan't made for no dog to chaw up."

A while ago a farmer in the Highlands lost hi* wife, and oat of love for her memory called bis cstati' "Olenmary." A neighbor having met with tbe aame affliction, and equally desir- ous of keeping before bun tbe Image of his dear departed, fallowed hi* example, and bis farm is known by tbe name of " Olenhetay."

A lad with a very good appetite swallowed a small leaden ballet. Hi* friends were very much alarmed about It. Tbe doctor wa* found, beard the dismal tale, and with a* much un- concern a* he would manifest in a cue of com- mon headachet wrote the following laconic note. to the lad's Tatber: "TWI alarm yourself. If, after (brce week* the bullet I* not removed, give the boy a charge of powder. Youre, etc. P. S. —Don't shoot tbe hoy at any body."

Scene:—Parlor of a fashionable residence In New York; Jenkins on the eve of departure for the African diamond mines, making his udletix to Mist Mary-—Mr. J., hastily—"Work. Mi** Mary, work ? Ah, I don't mean to work." Mia* Mary—"Then how do you expect to gel your fortune.'" Mr, J.—"O, I should knock out some fellow's brains, and run off with hi* diamonds." Miss Mary icrushlngly) —"Then you would make a fatal mistake. You should ran off with tbc brain*." Collapse of Jenkins.

A writer fn the California, delivers a Sunday School address, of which the foil owl nc paiaagc la an example:—"You hoys ought to be kind to your little slater*. I once knew a bad hoy who struck hi* little sister a blow over the ere. Although she didn't fade and die In the early summer time, when the June rose* were blow- ing, with the sweet word* of forgiveness on her pallid lips, she rose up and hit him over tbe head with a rolling pin, ao that be couldn't go to Sunday School for more than a month, on aeeonnt of not being able to put hi* lieatbaton."


miHUS or Tint Nt'N LAMMS.—The new volurae ir.im the pen of Jnaquln Miller, just Issued by BoherM Brothers, Boston, to which Ihe author srive* this title, will hardly tend to end the dispute concerning tho place he Is lo occupy among tfee song writers of the day, Ftashins; suddenly, and with unchallenged brilliancy, like a newborn meteor, across Ihe literary sky, confessedly writ- ing with great spirit and power, he awakened high expectations of future expansion anil reputation. We doubt whether the present vol- ume will Increase the admiration aronsad by his earlier efforts. Not that these iioems are wanllng In erralln genius, that unrestrained frrvor.glowiag In the •■ Snng* of the Sierras," for we surely hare bright gems of originality,—not only grains hut nugguls of pure gold, a f t of picturing and boldness of fancy, that attract and Win Irreslsta hly. There Is marvelous power In some of the do scri|>liun, but a rein of coarseness inat thrusts Itself hi to mar the beauty of ihe conception. Vet, one of the best English ni.miiiini'N pronoiinr** this to I* n work that will lire, aert Into which Miller has put bis real strength. There Is an ill- Iractlvruess lu the half-known lands or which be treats In the leading poem, and he has iiiiny n •Ittalnt picture of strange scenes, with darkr-kinnad maidens, hluefved men and tropical verdure. Thelongeit pnem, "The Isles ot the Amainns," arranged In live- ports, occupies one hundred pages, "tly the Mim-Down Sans," an«lher long poem, displays nil Mr. Miller's pronounced char- acteristics; and, fur uneonvtntloual rreadom and vigor, a wide range of Imagery, a power to paint pictures In the warm tints of tropical climes, Is perhaps among his best. Klght short poems under the title of " i Hhrc Leaves," are, we suppose, to he classed aa sacred, though sosae reviewer has ■ north- observed, they are not exactly of the I >i Watts' style. The concluding thirty pages com prise fragmentary poems, and among them tome of tbe pleaaantesl bit* of verae In the volume. We ran hardly resist the temptation toeopy this earn est anil foaling appeal.

Is it worth while (bat we JosUa a brother Hearing his lotsfl on the rough nuoI of life-

Is It worth while (hat we Jeer at each other In blackness nrheart?—that wc war to the knife;- (lod pity us nil In our pitiful strife.

I en i us all as we Jostle each other; Qod pardon us all for the triumphs we feel

When a fellow goes down 'ncatJi his loud on the heather.

Pierced to the. heart: words are keener than steel, And mightier far for wi>e or for wenl.

Were It nnl well, In lids brief little Jottrafl) On nrer ihe Isthmus, down into the tide,

We give inn) a il-h Instead "i a serpent. Ere folding the hands lo ho and abtde r'orcveraod aye in dual at Id* slda'*

on account of » detective highway. About a hundred Bockport ticket subscribers to

the Cloucesttr Popular Course, are rery Indlg- nan', at the refusal of tbe Kasiarn It. R. "

T>KATT« A8TKAI. OtL. Absolutely I nafe. Perfectly odorless. Alwaya uniform. Illuminating .pialHlcs Mi|>crii>r to gas. Burn* in anv lamp without danger or exploding or taking ore. Manufactured expressly lo displace the me MI volatile niuldaiigoriimuil*. its nafaiy under every posslhle test, and its perfect burning i|un1i- ties.are. proved bv lm continued use In over *<0,.

M families. Millions of gaHoa* have iieen sold and no arel-

dent—directly or Indirectjv-ha* erer owured

an evening lecture train, and they affirm that the disposition of the Itoad to accommodat* »* P«' rons U very mlcroeeeplc.

Mr. Win. P- Hununi has ban suspended from the offlre ofluspcstor In the Salem Custom House. A paaw« bat been <kmwn up lor the smpoiatment ot Mr. A. V. Hlleblngs in bis place. Mr. Charles A. Ileckibrd. who was suspended >', few weeks ago, has been reinstated. 'Soiilli Amesbury sends out annually about TOO

carriages, ranging lu price from *'i7."> to anon. The largeat munnftisturer* are J. W. "-argent, Wm. liunnison, nud Wm. C.Colby. It Is said that a carriage, to lie good and durable, rwpiire* not less than three mouths lu the process of man- ufacture.

LUIOMI Tin*** Jteher, long a prominent c Ul- tra of Gloucester, a native of Maine, ami n lead- ing man In Austin, Texas, died In the taller place A few days ago. He was the Ural superintendent or school* in liloucester. serving from IRU t» Hjjl Inclusive. Cntll age enfeebled him, he was 1 eipgl of the asvlum far aha titled at Amuin.

James 11. Parker, a runner for Barker A Of New York, has been held In #1,000 bonds foT trlal at Salem In January, on charge or conspira- cy to commit rape on Mis* Susan l*. Paris, ol Lynn, n is alleged that he went to the girl'* bousewlth Kdward Keeler. a fellow runmn*. that be urged Keeler lo gain access to the girl' that tbe hitter did *o, and throwing the girt uoon tbe floor, attempted rape. Alarmed by her cries, Keeler Jumped from the window, and has not hince been seen, Parker Is married ami wealthy.

The nrth anmialfrrport of Ihe Penbody Acade my of Science has just i" en Issued from tbe Sa- lem Press. It contains a report of the annual meeting of the Hoard, at which the following ort- eers were tdecled :-WHIlam I'. EndIcott of Salem. prenMeut; Aaaiirevof Cambridgt.U. Paabody Kussell or BrisHd, tKhnlel C. Marsh of New II*. veil. Henry Wheatland of Salem, vice president; Aimer C.fJoodell. dr., of S*lem,secretary ; James It. Mcliol-or HavrthlU, traaaurer; fi. Kntileolt PealMsly of London. Thirty-seven thonsnnd [M-r .on. have visited the Academy during the yenr.

The Trustees named In the will of the late Wll loan WbtelwrigM, tor the. maajigeweot or kit- tnu- niltceiit gift for the establishment or n scientific aehool In Ncwburyporl, are the Mayor, « ofcio, Hon. Caleb Cushing, Klien T. Stone and WIIHam II. Atkinson or Newburyport, and Messrs. Itobert Codman and Charles 0, Wow I of Itonlou. The advantages of the ■ebon) are to be confined to Protestant ynnlh, and the ino-tee* are limited In an ex|ienditure for n hullding, wlilch is not lo , \ ceeil Blty thousand dollars. The time of estab- lishing the eehw.l is left to the dUrn-llon of Hie Trustee*.


The subsrrlptloiis to the library hind foot up HMT1.

Mr. r. A lienrgc b-aves HsVerhill to eugnge in Ihe shoe business In Chicago.

UtO, W. Kelly's ham mi Inimeil Tliumdny evening. It M supposed to have bean en Incen- diary fire.

Knur large business blocks are In course of erec- tion on Washington street. The wnlls ol the Ma- sonic Temple uic flnlshed.

The new bridge belween Ihls elly and llrndfonl will probably l» passal'e for pedc*trian> lu-fore the loe slops the ferry boats.

There Is some croaking because the nttygof* prnment has undertaken to build the Merrimnck bridge and the new high snboftl building the same year.

Middlesex County.

A youth named Westnn, principal ol a lirauimar school In Matdgm, and a recent graduate from n Maine college, ha* by way of variety, given hi* boys and girls, as reading lessons, the proceed logs in the Sloke*' trial ns reported In the news- papers.

The 1-I-1--10H- named as administrators of ihe estate of tbe late Cyrus Wnkefleld, are Kramls E. Parker.fattornc: of llnrlng Brothers,) William II. Kussell, and Mr* Vf'akeflvld, widow ol tin' de- ceased. Mr Parker Is now on hi* way home from

A man named John Doonhoe nttempted lo take the train frnm Boston RW Wakcfleld, where he re sided, at 7.30 Friday evening.while It was moving, and In doing so Tell beneath Ihe cars nud Ihe wheels passed over his body, killing him almost instantly.


The provision dealers deles led the grocers al base ball. Wednesday, 27 to 21.

The Kuban A Lowell Railroad ha* declared a neml-annual dividend of live per cent.

lien. Hutler ha* given Ihe sum of «50fl toward* extinguishing the small debl ol St. Anne's fiptsco pal society.

The late A. C. Whitney of Lowell bequeathed his enllre property lo Tort- College, zunouullng In

from burning', storing or handling yearly IOM to life

- Ilglllr— . ASTRAL as the best safeguard wbed lamps ar*

The immense yearly loss to life and property, * '- m the nan of cbeau and dangerous

,1ted States, Is appalling. —-' rira "—

retail by the trade generally, and at the proprietors, ClIAS. PRATT ft

resutUag iron IntheUniu w In* u ram ,ers lllrimgl

. I'KAI.nslfii usad. Seud for clrculai

esale CO.,



land, and vour oblldren will never be elck. Ml Inftfanltv enre »our stomach, dvsentery. Ing in the tiowela, wind colic, etc. Give* re-

.... In teething. I'lea-nn! to take. Contain* no o|ilum «r laoriihtno Believes your child by cur- ing, not by causing It to sleep, as Its restored health and'thrifty growth will soon indicate. Sold I'j- druggi-ts. Price U cent- |wr bottle.


I* the best preparation In the world for beautifr- lug the eomptark n. It Impart* smootrme*. trans- parency and rosy freshnass lo the skin. Cure* all eruptions Of the rare, Is aot Injurious. Bold by druggists, or senl bv mail. Price !W) eta. per box. Address MILLKIl (iHtW., lia Maulen Lane, New York. Kept13umo*i*nHny

.. ii.rni", LI-C PKKRY'S Ira- proveil Comesbmu and P imp Is Kennedy, the great -kin mwlirlne. Preparwl only by Ih-. B. C. PER-

Lotion. It Is nKMAM.it ai Soldb' it, W Hond strae bm1no.I[mhKKb

1' K i' I A I. BALE. !CA ANVA8SIM; BOOKS Tf -BB>T i KIT. rim—

PHOF. FO«U:H'N WHKAT tVURH »m Manhood, Womanhood and their Mutual In- ' ter-relation*; Luve, its Laws, Power, etc I

land Sep. | Agents arc selling from Lib. ;0cot.ic* a .biv, and we seud a i-auvassing book free lo any'book

.airenl. Ail.lrc-. -t«lln- e\|,erlencc, etc., ,\A- TlnNAL PlIll.ISHINb (cl., l'hilaiklphin.l-n. i

BOOK. Now n-iirlv lor Act-nts, ! I Home Life Us the lllhl. . Bv IUMH i

iutR'll, D. I)., author of "Mjihi s,-, i,e«" in (lit- III Me," and ••'>ui Katlier1* House," id which ne.irlv i lOO.Ufsi copies of each were sotil. Svnil lor run, lav. ZIKULKi: A Mil l!1l\, i7l " • iugfleld. Ma**

E SISfiKi:





■MTU, M MIIAD1>, K1C-, Ktr.

Will be markid down lo suoh prices thai wll sure a speedv sale. Let every man. womuu ami ~ ' child, thinking >n'buying good*, looking for any „,„.. ,.1KT1'ui.\.„' kind or goocU, nanlln* lo look and see If I "„'LAb,rfW-? ' h"

■ , J. brltllng tutataal) r|i

f. McK AY is doing us he Advertises,

\ slrwi, |

iiu<lue**M, al


brick woik ew First V

eaaon prnbgbly. ellar till work Is

John N. PkltJ

Ull he laid on the lo billon o ilvcrsallst cliurcli biiihllng thli

A flooring will he laid over thi commenced in the spring.

-, has lieen indicted In Hostel



This Is the only prompt, efficient, and aafe mas- or such symptom* aa loss of appetite, heart.

burn, palnttntiun of tbe heart, mstineaa, sleep- lessness, melancholy, co*tlveness,.wlnd, mental and physical debility, e* weO a* many others, which If neglected, which will *oon place "tbe honie we live In" beyond the reach of any remedy.

From Ms liottan Juurital.

Tuai'KrniA. White's Specialty for thut aggra- rating complaint ha* been thoroughly rested by thousands who have lieen beneited by It, and are

tiling to testify to its efficacy."

Anas f>e Cos.nreooliniHiHsl (Jloatoa;.

WHtTU'a BrxciALTi for Dyspepsta, from pure merit and virtue alone, I* fast overtaking, and bids fair to exceed la Its sale, all the old popular medicine* of tbe day.


«#- For sale by all druggists. si5I"U3wt'hsn

On and after Wednesday, July, 30. Trains will leave the Depot* lo Lawrence, aa follow * :—

for Boston (from North Depot), at H.So, 7.30, OSS M-; AU.HM5, 3.40 and !U0l\ M. rjuuday W A.M.

3.UI, 5,:tl, c. jo, (express) T.ftt, 0.10 r. M. Tor Portland (from South Depot), at S.U, « III

A. M.; I.IS, i.J-i, H.U r.RU For Georgetown and Newburyport (from South

Depot), at 8.19 A. ■<■; 1.10, 4-Sa, */r, X. For HIIVII hill (rroru South Depot), at B.1B and 16 A.M.; and 1.15, i.30, 6, H.« H. at.; and from

Ninth i>n„,[ at 7.BA r.M.

Train I leave Boston for Lawrence at 7, 7.30,8.80, 111.IU.M.; MM.; li.80, s.so, s.w, 5, t% B.ts r. u.

JAMRS T. KURDKB, Sup'L Ijtwrence. July 30, leTTS. fl 1



WHITPORD & RI0SV8. fmal.

' i O K K. <' <> K K.

COKE DELIVERED. P«r (-hw)drun, t«.00 Half Chaldron, 3.ll« Barrel, 4>

At tbe Works, Per Bnrrol, 441

Orders received at theOdloeor the LtWitatfaR UAB CnnpANT, N t&S Essex Street.

<■ !-:<». D. CABOT, *««.it.



TALBOT'8 IRON TONIC Dare tested and proved lu wonderful ourntlveant strengthening properties. Thousands who havt used the "Tonic" can attest lo Its virtue*.

Bnt those complaints ami Ills only dependent up on n disordered and low state or the blood, and

Of too Nervous system.

The Qrtat Majority of Chronic Diieatt

Are duo to an enfeebled condition or the oyitmn. and a great many person* who are complainln* of feeling weak, languid ami "half sick," an merely suffering from an exhausted condition ol the constitution. For auch, all that Is neceaear) la something to

Stimulate and Strengthen the System*.


And immediately tbe various organ* will aaannu their peculiar function*, and the system that ap poured to be lb* prey of disease, will


And a new lease of life will seem to be gained Many dlteaae* will never yield until a Tonic b administered. A person Buffering from

RHEUMATISM After having taken all tbe remedies known to • good for that complaint, without any benent, wll oftentimes be astonished at tbe rapid recover} made, when commencing the n*e of a Tonic. So,


One may use a hundred medicines, which are sale to be good for thla troublesome complaint, and to none tbe better; but after a short oourte with i Reliable Tonic, he duds hlnuell entirety free Iron his suffering. Thi* is because the Tonic ha strengthened the Btomnch and the whole ayateu, and put It Into a healthy state- bo, too, with

Scrofula Diseases and Humors.

Ther will thrive in a worn out, debilitated s>> tern, but let that system be strengthened by i Tonln and the blood enriched with Iron, and tie Scrofula ean no more exist than them can be nr without fuel.

Talbofa IRON TONIC Purifies the Blood.

Strengthens the Whole Sysltm

Creates OH Appetite for Food need, at som. M,.o>

A Syst*m wall Strengthen,d la Proo againit the many MU prevalent

la Warm Weather.

THE IRON TONIC 1* prepared with great care In our laboratory,anc the materials from which it Is compounded an tbe very beat that ean be obtained.

We append only a few lestimonals, preferrim rather that the IHOX TONIC should aland on lb own merit*.

Messrs. Emerson & Howe, drug- gists, of Noverkill. Mass., sue cessors to Dr. Jas. R. Nichols tke well-known Ckemtst. write: us as follows:

•aar*. Talbol Brother*, •Bomtlaanaa*— We knv* »old ysar Iroi

Tonic aona* year*, and earn tcmify- to H- IH-IHH ■ r«luahla preparation. It prtti

e ami br > thing you c

Sli-ipod di

I.etoet Sli.i ^ 1".

WTalts* I.lornn ShawU,


'lo.nl Cottnnsf,


Pi-int*>dM.i«lin«, -lO,

■ lie

w\ »l.©l.'iO



.10 tea .11 l'.etnrt.in

new book of . .plcudidly :!in-ii.,r>-i

\„'cr,l- »soiled. Kiin onilurr HIOI tern..- nrile I-. COM MItlAN H'MIK OO., llnrlfonlCI.

N. Y. MOOUE'S Kt It AL NEW ■» - VOIIKKH, Ihe lireat Iliu-traud Agr.cul !

tumland y.iniily \V,.eklv.;oi<l l> the Mt.udard Authority ii|ion iv.uiii al MibjeeU and a High- Toned l.ilerari dournul. Only gi-fttl a year—IC.M

(•rent Premium- or Cash Connulstdou-

Stv.pexl Cnmbi*


Pnotflo Pofliiis..

, (tonner price*)) ,.lrt

y$, M, », n, to, tw

of the heat lines or

trial, lor o«ly riftjr C«MIS. Premium LM-, eto.,aent free lo all trial sutourlbers. Address ». D. T. -ROOHt, G«w York Cltg.


TRY IT!!! The •>. iI:M iKL AUKRICAN IS the cbeapeid and best illiudraled weeklv paper publl.he-f Everr nnmlHT oontalns horn 10 lo U original engraving- or new marhluery, uovrl inventions, IwidgeH, en- gineering tvorke, arch 1 tee lure. Improved Ihrm im- plements, and every new discoverv In ehemlhtrv. A year's nurol"rn.e.mUln HM IMlg*a and several hundred rugravinge. Tbonrandn or volumes are t>re**rve.l for hiiidiiif and n " leal receipts are well worth

Ch.ek.d and Strip.d Miutfri* liKjfe ©MLW^M _ May PATKKT* obtainclou the best tenns; Models new Inventions and sketches examined, nud a vie* free. All pm.-it- are imhllabetl In the fk


[King I.car, net n, scene t.)

Why will you Shiver, Shiver, Shiver

when there i* plant} «f


Tor rptlaml winter, m

At the Vienna Kxhlbltlou the fllNUICR received Ihe Medal or Merit, the Medal of Progroa*. and three other Met bis lor superiorly of productions. Theeearethe


AWARDS AT VIENNA. The Singe- received all the medal* _ either or Iheeomiietlng machine", and


183 Essex Street. 183. (Neil lo Clarke'* A],iuhecary (HntfA,


-r<> Hl»- */■ MAVg AJ.*O



—; Simpson, Oswald Si Oo.

i Foreign & American Dry <£ Fancy Goods Eicr offercil in Lawrence, including

ORESS GOODS, in Camal'i Hair Cloth, Diagoonl, Sergei, Repps, Thibati,

{inallilieNi-t. Shades ivhicli arc deefrahlc this Full.

"OUINBT" BLACK SILKS lu nil wnltliH and •lualitle*.

SHAWLS, in CMliniefe, Striped aid i Long.

Has given hlui room for a donble atook of Im- ' mense ilie and >inalliy,

■lied to j medals Tbe Content soft he Branch Ntorr It a vine;

more than any other obtained. Then, In the or Truth, u hut Is it that promiiU iieoide to claim

' lions fir lite I)i|ihiin:i„l aliiM.ii-:- The hns been given lo any Sewing (net :■ .1

Kill imiiicH-ncilih

J IIK WORLD'!- -provi



been kdtirtl lo ttali


mg |ialents, MINN A CO.,

WHITE LAWNS 1 close them nut VVtTHOf r , Kirk rb'w iCfMTT.


A call will convince you that yon will get more " "letter goods (or your monev than you ever

■fore. Cut thU nut and bring it with yon, to


204 EltjR ttreet, Baaeh's New Block |


aaahown by anles—provtnlliv hie urn relurustolhe owners of the principal Sewing Machine Patent*, which Instyenr amounted lu two hundrexl and nineteen thtiu-antl, seven hundred and lift] (JUi.T.V, iiimhiiii-h, nine >mt of ten of Ilwiu for Family Cse. This la over t-Vrt)more Sewini Machines tlinn were •obi try any otlwr tMimpan;

HATH, Itl'N, TlttMiM.


'I'II.' whole firming tho


Which «e offer much under original colt. To meet the requirement* 01 our customer* we hate put in a Urge stock Of

Ladies *. Cent's, Miiiaa t Boy'i

UNDKRCLOTHING lnalti|ualltles. A lot of

LAOICt CORSETS worth •! selling at 75c.

In all our other department* oar atock la vet y large, and o lowest.


Ilfty-elght I BJtrirK! AHERR'AN the week Uwy Wue7 "heed i" for I'Kmphlet, 110 |mges, containing lawn nnd full .....

t3»»j!K« ^S»pSX!ft*#ftgl<fP»:*. i In ... «.,.. eauu. ..,B..»e. S..,d a. mle. I *>» «**»« 8TRKET. Ageols for Gaaex Dye Houee.


eatlc Mew In K Tl»chliir Co., Item Tork

WH IT70RT) A RICE ■ r Tree. .1 to T fert tilgjli. Apple pie Ttreee BteSFeet high.

) Flrat-clai* trees, true to name and at a low price Continue to keep up with the tune*, and offer one I by the hundred or Ihnnsand. A fine assortment of

ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, AC. »f the largest and beat selected stocks of


4 0,000 ROLLS it Otlta, Brooxaa, Statins, Blanks, Brown

Please examine our Stock.

1 2C5 ESML-X Street.

$eml for circular. KIM. A Ml'ltKAV. noshing, New York.

HE POLARIS MYSTERY I* cleared up In our new and fascinating hook Tke Fronea. atosse aud Ua Kaplorcr*.

A splsetlid octavo id' NKI iiages, MOST HIIOITflX- i.v I I.LI-STB ATI; ii, wltli line Mod mid Wood Kn graving- and Minis. The handsomer •.alenhlc book of the year, If for a book which every body time. Noadiertiheiueiiiean do It jm-tiee. Send

' dilresa :. I'uii

with to canvnaa


I »l "Livillgnliine l.d


, and Found."

S1M.RR MACHINES which ii t the o .■on- ol tho public in sui>eiiorltv anil niiuplleltvol' i-iuistnietinii, and cajKildliiv mr great varied- and excellence of work. That tho ;

users of Sewing Mm-hliics rtnd these desirable qualltioK in tin1

SINGCR. BEYOND ALL OTHERS. Is shown try the sales above given, aside from the awards of International Juriee. either at bomeur Ahr-ip.il. The MM,Kit itl-1 r.s-eive I lUe First Prrnalnm frnm the N. K. Fair, three venrs In auoresnion, the last beinjf at Mystic Park, laat


•epltrlltr »14 Kaaea Street.


If you have a Sewing Machine yon should


ADJUSTABLE HEMMER. It will Tuck or Hem any desired width In tbe most perfect in miner, without creasing, marking, Imsilng

■-'-" -gbv hand. It la not a tuck marker. It Ih tuck while Hitching. Full direction* h one. It Is verv simple nml 1" easily ail-

juxted. No lady would fie without one after once iihlng it. If yniir Scivlng Machine Agent ha* not Kt them, send *,l to lite uiideivlgneil.iinil one

sent yon by ma"

Cheaper than the Cheapest.



j Q R K A T I M P 111 > V R M K N T.

Wonilerful Nuecris A. eouipl Iskod I

Pe.rfe.ol Hwwi

Oie> New J iHi Mm-liiin-


.„. ■raptAL IMDl'OBMlCKTa T»> I WAHHINU M.W'lllsr. ACKKTa AMI THE rill'NTHV ITIAHK. Lihuinl terms. Agents wanted. Send

AMKKICAS MACHINE CO., Manufacturers unit Patentees, ulliee, 4.10 Wnlmil St., Phlladetphifl. Pn.

By buying (loods at the

30STON 99 CENT STORE, ,,r Car. of Eeaex natal Brwaderng Bta.

<.v> tiave con stnntlv on band a large aaaortre rOCK»TaoOKa.rrTLP.RT,«LAM i-yilOlNAL iMPORTRD 1'ACKAOKH



«. o. \vim-',,




in name iHclIenlee, AN lBO.> TOHIC. Owe cosloiners who hats used li nleemga apeak well of II.

Tour a respeet fully,


I.■>'■!. nt the rii.-es salnling each oilier, l»nh al the herds all at peace on Out plain-

Man, and man only, makee war on his In-other, And laughs In hi* heart al his iieril and pain , .Hhamed by the l>easl> that godovn on tho plain.

I* It worth while that we battle to humble some poor fellow soldier down Inu. the dint?

tiodplty aialll Timeeftaoon will tumble All or us together, like leaves In n gust, Humbled Indeed down Into the du*l.

TiliTiiKlMi or TMT. TlUat, is amilher oj the WhIs|iorlii« Pine Keries, by thai nu>*t aaoellent wrller, who has eslnbllihed hlmaelfln the si >■<'•■ of the Iroys as nae •■( the heM story teller* ..f the day, Kev, Elijah Kellogg. It in a continue- lion of the story of a graduate or Hoe doln col- lege, showing bow, when hU father's business and menus u[ suiiriorl went carried away, lie went lo tbe anvil, and after awhile succeeded In getting a position In an academy aa teacher, and Anally worked hlmselr Into a large practice as an M. II. In order to give a connected story, however, an Interesting sketch of the hero's ancestors Is riv-i given. Heveral sclentlOo (kcl* arc woven lnl» ihe slnrylnsucauntaaaar a* to render It init. In- s true lire *s well a* Interesting and amusing, and ilischiirat-terliedhy the fieshness ami hreetl ness that have made the previous stories by this author so eagerly welcomed by the young; there is always a high lone and healthiness pervading the ii i Min*-- of this novelist, ami the boy* cannot he given more pmlltahle light reading. It is pel llsttad with a numlier of Illustrations, in the HHUAI

neat form of ihoee skillful ualerers to the mi-n llesoflho Imys, Messrs. I.ve A Shepard, lloston

All of the-e volumes have l>e.-n recelve<l by Me*srs. W hit ford A Mice, In this city.

Tfll Xl'HaEHv, that brightest nml beat of all lltlle publieatloiia for yenngeat ifgilars, praaents ;t --I; ilium.: number for November. It is flill or good things, attmetrra mid annaiag. its ivpr, lilaasanl sbiries and exi|ul»ita piutunv make lltllu people hiinii}, and wu pliy tb se who hnvi-n'tit. Tbe publisher uOirs liberal iadocemeiil. Ibr in-w suhscriher*. and will furnish Ihe la*l tun ninn her* of l"7;l gratia to ihose who -.-«■.i in their names for W7t previous lo lleoemlier I. .Inhn I.. MmrtVi *■ Hromdrkl street, Bottton.

-mbsszlemeiil of money from the Merchants Natinnel Hank of Lowell. The Indictment eon tul*» ten cumin., all selling forth Ihe same el.-no In ejigerent forms.

Itev. 11. II. Miller, who so recently «n« pnitor in l.itwrlL was sellle.1 btst HUnday over the Ply mouth Hnptisl Church of New York i ity. Thi

edirli e Is only a cho|>el, but is very heau 'ifuland coram<Mllnur, and will ere long give plane In a large church edlllce.

Capt II. V. Pan stated at the Lowell A Andovei It. It. meeting Thursday nlghl, that tbe frclgli' chai'gvs of the Itoslnn A Lowell l: K. are twenty five per cent lighter then those of Ihe lloston A Maine. Lowell pay* the former corporation #«n nun a year. .Inalah C.atra hn- snhxcrllieil 1U0 shares.

Chae. C. Cotton, formerly of Lowell, and broth ei HI lir. John J. Cotton, of Irrncui, died at Mo. bile, Ala , of yellow fever, on Ihe tOtb ull. lie was Co in in is* loner of Kdiioatton for the colored schools of Louisiana during the war, suhseipienl. ty District Attorney of Wlh-ox Co., Ala., and at tin- time of his death, Judge of the County Court.

A playful ciliAMi of I ,o«, II entered the teb-griiph oMce early one morning last week, and drnw Ing a revolver, discharged three nhnU al a llk-kering light In rear of I lie operator- You couldn'

know, he was "hound to put out Itinl light." He then adjourned lo his place »i business

id con tinned tiring at a mark during Ihe forenoon.

Bl an where.

The Mill llegb, it is expecleil, will hold a reun ion In Tannton.

The Island Pond House at Manchester, V II. was sokl at am-lion Saturday.

UtO, Frost, of Taunton has lost a hnnd by Ihr accidental discharge m a gun.

Joseph ■■! .,(, i . ..1 iHir. ii-.,,. . N. II. hung him self Wednesday evening of h.i week.

frank P. Oreutt has been appointed postmaster at BrIdgewater, vicet,. YV. ColUn*, resigned.

(ieo. Urown. of Boston, lia* been arrested lor |Ki*tlng bills over those of a Chvltea bilbpusu-r.

The floor timbers of the new lloston and Malne depot In Dover, are In poBltion, and tliehrlik tciiii ■ in .■ huflnning to rise.

•tone work of Ihe Silver street bridge, Dover, over the rorlsmoulh and Dover Itallrond,

pluled, and the timber will aona tie in

Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AND

COLLECTOR. OMce, M* Keeez ntreet, Lawrence.

Hours, S to I and T to I P. M. i iSepl.t

MERCANTILE SAVINGS INSTITU TIOS, No. ts; Washington Street, Boston.

AU itauoidts mad* In thin institution ooeamencu drawing Interest on the Orst day of each anil every laanth. Interest Is paid for every foil calendar month the mtmev reiunlni lu bank, thereby secur- ing to the depositor an average rate or interest exceeding Uiat 1'iiid by anv other savings iustitu- lion, The institution hai a guarantee fund of giiH.omi.Oil for Ihe express protection of depoei tors. ociHIHeiib


Black Walnut Chambers Sato I



rulK TKVri.RAKV W.l

The following is from Ur. Jack son. of the Lawrence AMERI- CAN:

Meaara. Talboi Brother. ■ OeMllemen—I he.ee beem using yeut

Iron Totilr" for some time, for llyape|>- l«, w It h which I have been I mil hi td,snil

It •fiords me much amtUftaCtleia to infWu yeiii, that I hare derlred (rent henefl'

at Ike prauaratlon. I here need It •■ sllreet**! It* yoar printed Instructl*m,aurl SUBS no longer troubled with that hem 1- nea* end irmr of oppreaelow after tnral*. .owhlrhlh.rtl.ni been tmlijerl. 1 re «■ nl the Iron Tonle na an eaeellent atnto- ■chle, and ahowld recommend nil Isys- peptlee In give It a trial, heeanuw It ***■ eeaaea the rlrtnea t hat while nrllnpr hene- nclall) upon the stomach, it ilr*nglhr«i ■ nd lnrlgaratee the lysicm.

I am, gentlemen, Yanra




The Jury Friday found Pilot Pcaslce, the prixe randy vendor or Huston, guilty of maintain Ing a Inllery. The case ba* lieen ean led In the Supreme Court.

Prominent prohibitionists waited upon i.overn- ■r Washburn. Thursday, and t rged an impartial snd thorough enforcement ot Ihe prohibitory lle> HOT law, especially In Itoston.

Tho hardware store of I), f , Hulllns A Co., Dover, X- ft. was robbed Wednesday night of a considerable quantity ot plsiob, revolver* and olher goods. The money drawer was overloi

Win. Mmk, of Manchester, N. H., brotlier of lien. (.eo. sink of Mashna nod great grandson of MaJ. Uen. Utark of lie v oh HI unary memory, dire in the Somerrlllo Insane Asylum on Wednesday. He was a graduate of Williams College.

Charles I.. Handersou let*Ml suit against Ihe Lowell Kailroad.for inlurle* inflicted upon Mm by alnromolive which slmck his team while erod- ing Ilu Hack al North C helm-.ford. His horse wu- kiiied and his own arm and shoulder broken.

Tbetwo Urgent retail drygoiHUesUblUhnwut In Boston report thnt Ihelr sales during the month ol O tobri-kavc equalled Urn trade of the aame u tlilastyear.whloh was an unu.'Uallygoodooe. Things are looking lieltrrlnrelui|busines|rlrcles.


where we are CLOSING OPT a large stock oioi manufacture at i.ow i-Kicge.


Of) and .»7 Friend Street, i In roar of old stand la llayumrket nqO

llilllllllaj BOSTON t*Xb

MORTOAOEE'B HALE »y virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mort-

gage deedglven liv Hem v T. Leavilt, of Met.men to Jessn Kiiiibnll, ol i-md Methuen, dated June iltn, IM.I.BIIII recoil led in Sorlhi'iii I llstrii-t of he- sex Iti-gl-trr, book 1). page IHt, will be sold at pub- lic auction, Upon Ihe premises, on SirtKHAT, the i.Mh d«v ot Sovemlwr. IST:i, at :l o'clock in Ihe af. ernnori, all nnd singular tho premises consigned by said mortgage deed, namelv, a certain parcel of brad situated In MM Methuen, on llniadway, nnd deacrllH'd as followst being aU and U * same premises deeded to -mil Hi mv T. I.eavltt, by the said Je-se Klmball. et Us, by deed dateil the 1st •lay of -luuo, 11*71, and tho samccmivtived lo H. K. Hatehelih-1- bv Alvab Klmball. etal by deed dated the 1st day id March, 1HU7,recorded in Essex Heg- Isiry of Ueetls, b-iok 7I'J, leaf 171, lo which deed* refereuee may lie made for further deserlplloi

JJEjjfl! KIal»Al.I„ Mortgag.




PHOSATE COI'IIT. 'o ibo heirs at law, next of kin, and all

lonslnlerestedlntheestate of Kuih W. Ion, late of Lawrence, In said rouuty, wiauw, deroased, greeting:

Whereas, a certain instrument, purporting lo be lie last will and tea lament of said deceased, has ee* presented to said Court, for probate, by (iep. I, Merrill, who prays thnt letters testamentary lav be issued to him, the executor therein minieil. Viu are herebv cited to appear at a Probate

Mfc to lie held at Lawrence. In said county of Cssix, nn tho Heeond Tuesday of Novemliernext, t nine o'clock before noon, to show reuse. If any ou Ware, against tbe name. And said petitioner Is hereby directed to

ive public notice thereof, by publishing this It*UJn once a week, for three succesalve week*, ii tin- newspaper called the I.nwrcuce American nd Anduver Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the


Npanlsh stu ii) nnd Port H'lixes,

PKOH THB CLLEIIltATlLt' II(11 HE OP MAHUATI SANCHll A AlirJA.itF CAIHZ, Sl'AIH. ORKJI ■■ ii. is Mil i i iMfn in-- :■ \--. t, in iiAi.uiN* KAi-ii Of Pl'KK WINKO, l-OHHALK Ul'

TKANCIri C.DAVIS, r~ Cominerrlnl St., lloston.

can Jewelry, Hooks, I.nines, Ac, In their own calllles. Nneapltnl needed. Catalogue, Tenns, Ac seal free, P. O. VlCKEItl A Co., Augusta, Me

either *ei, young or old, make more money at work for ns In their spare momenta, or all the lime, than at unvtlilng else. 1'aitieulars free. Ad drea* tl. s'li \>i )\ A CO., Portland, Maine.

oat pubticatiun tt days, at least, before aald

Witness, George F. Choate, Ksipjlre, Judge of aid Court, this twenty Orst day of October, in the ear one thousand right hundred and serentv- hree. A. C. (100IIKLL,

ncrHTOw Register.

i may 1

PEDRICK A CL0880N. Aucl'rs.'


Qllt Paper Hanginu* And Bordtr*

1 lust opened br WHITlfOUD A RICE.


Wholesale and Retail Healers In



Pianos ami ■ Hrgan* sold low for cash, or on easy monthly payment*. My slock comprise* Use b*»l makes lu iha couuLry. I warrant all of my In. -irumcnts, and sell them loAer Iban can be bough elsewhere. If you dnubt It come and »ee.

INTAlll.lMIKIi !-."•:.

■,I ;v ,:,i , S)O0 Kaara Vtreet, Liwrsart,

DKi'nKAl Kl) CM A Mlir.ll KKTK. Con -i.tingor Water Cairier, root Tub, Slop Jar,

umt slop Pail, in vaiiouscolors.at John C. bow •tt «Jn*e Ulass; War* Dim*, leg MM Sirert.


Six Bcrttlasfor Flv* Dollar*.

Talbot's Vegetable Cathartic Pills « oenu a box. a boae. Ibr II.



Caraer af Mill Bt, I.«wr.»... afaae.

-raoratmn or—




u. r. TAi.iioi. c. c. TAUMyr, H. D


In Lawrence, Methuen and Andover.





JOHN F. HBNBV, New York Cltj,

Wh..l..,I^A,eiiU for tbe V. fi Irttl.Ia,

JUST R K C F. I V T. D 1

10,000 ROLLS












Lnnrrnrr, - Mass.

The Hank will be open every nay from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M„ evrpt rtatunlay. Cm ThurwUy ami saiunlnv Kvenlngs, from 7 lo 9, for reeelvlng <le- l>oslts only.

Deposits ptMSf on Intereet the Plrst Day ol fi.h month. »W3,i»o net tlenoelt* at the close of -iiteen muutliB busine**.

JonS FALLON, Preelflent. JOHN tt. BKEWflTBK, Treaanrer. ***tf


On Etwterly stile of High Street, between Ore** *a<\ Plau turret*, a one anil a half story, douhlr tunenii'Dt house, six rooms in eaeh tenement, w Itli barn anil well, af I on a One lot of land *0 feet ou llijch Street and MO feet deep. Koom en lot hi

t coltafie bones to rent. Raid premise* rent __j for elf hi ami a half per rent on twenty-two miBilrnl dollars. Price gMSO.

Alsoasulemlit] Imlhliug lot for gentlemen's ros- itenee on Union tftreet, Suulh Side. Alsoaarand chanre fur avnUeinco's rosldenres

n lota to suit, west of Clover Hill. Kor information ami hmpeetlon of said property

lipljlollALIiWIN COOl-IlMiB, Civil Rngliieer mi IUaJ tsUle A«e*U, *U Essex Street, I*W- renie, Mess.

OlBee nighta: Hcmdav, Tuesday and ThuratUT- lUileco-

It is aeknowledgM by m.ntntT rivals, and all who have used other Marhlnea, to be the great KiWAi. Tilli Ni'H of American genius.

Now and Improved serf threading Shuttle, leu slotl perfect, ean lie changed without removing work or taking out Hhutile; In short it ia the most complete lock-stitch flhnttle Machine erer made. Sold on Installment*. We also have tlie

Blees, Domestic. Nome, Wilcox A Qibos Weed, Singer, Davis, Elliptic,

Florence, Etc., Etc.

We here still on band a large lot of ancoml hand Singer, Howe, Weed, etc., taken In exchange for the AMK.HU-AS, ami we will close out at lees Ihnn half price, and warrant them la perfect running

nerdo*. (ilHUs ft PlIIJ.I.U'.s, T.'i Kint ston St., . ... ., . hoaton, Mas-. SeWMft |w*r' ■A"""""'0'


SUAUTIES Wl to and P

as Howe Isnpi

Mms. Demorett'i Rsllibls Pattern*

AI*o, Han>er1«



JajgMtaaa .. lien my and excellence of stitch alike on both

aides or the fabric ■-•.—Strciijrlh, beauty and dwr* iillliv of seam that will neither rip nor ravel, a. Complete control over lioLh Ibreads 4.—Af en- tirely new rotary tension for the upper thread, which eoiitrlhirtee so muuh to thntbeautyand unl- furuiilv ol stitch for which the "Howe lsarti)ne"la no celebrated. .V—A perfect uniform tension In tbe shuttle which doe* not vary from a fall loan empty bobliin-an objection so common to other machines. A.—An automatic self regulating take up thai prevent* missln* of stiit.l*e* la rroaeanc heavy scam*. T.—short straight and stronanre dies, not liable to break In parsing over heavy •ieam*,ss do the curved needles ol other machines. H.—r'incr needle* for the same Hi read than any other machine. «.—flewlnir eimally well with atj

I kind of thread. 10.—Keonomr of thread beyond thatof anv oilier machine. II—A hemmer that

I will make nny width of Hem or Pell. II.- Braid- ing the most complicated |iatterns with any width nnd kind of Braid. IS—A Quilter that will adjust itself to nn v thickness of material. H—Tuellnr nnv rabrio wHhout inlurvor uncAer, IA—A con!

r. so eonstrncted as to com around very shon nrve*, even th square corners. ]«.—rVawmf Che

Hnest fabric without injury or pucker, aai the — -lies I ease.

M .


Fourth Grand Gift Concert For tlie I..ii.Hi nr the


13,000 CASH GIFTS 11,000,000,

181950,000 FOB lifirtO. The Fourth Grand UIR Concert authorized by

srsnc.ial act ol' tlie Lculstatlire for the beneflt of the I'uioli Library or Kentucky, will UtO place in Public Library Hall, 11T Lnuiarltle, Ky,

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1673. Onl) siiiy thousand tickets will be sold. The

tickets are divided into ten coupons or parts. At this concert, «liic.li Wltl be the grandest mu-

,lcal display ever wltncsHed In this country, the unprecedented sum of f



$75,000.00 IN VALUABLE (i IFTS !

TO HE ni-Minu Tin l!t

I.. D. SINK'S ItHth Regnlar Monthly

GIFT ENTEEPRISE ! -uwn Monday. Novemlier "itli, M, isa nttAKO rxan mm or

J . a H A P I N


r Bannder'* Block, Lawrence.

invite your attention loan inspection of

NEW FURNACE WAREROOMS! Where can l>e found the laTgeat aaeortiaeiu of largei .

! Kurnuces In be seen in nny similar eetablishmeal oast of Huston. We also invite a crltleal e«nml-

, O (> 0 I X GO I.. Hainan™ of OMC OHAXI> CAHH 11:1/1 Of

(85,000.00 IN SILVER!' Two Prlsea glOOO cacb In l.i-er nbarka HU Prlaea «HO» esch In t.rernliaeka Ten Priaea "lots rsrh In (iririibsrln

inOO Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Walchee, (In all), worth 11 "in atnto|«io eaeh!

Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Double-• Iatetl ! Hilver Ware, Jewelry, Ac, Ac.

No. ol Qifti. 10.000. Ticket* limited to 7S.00O. 1 AGESTS WANTED lo sell Tickets, lo whom!

liberal premium* will lie paid.

Blne-le Tickets 91; Six TlcknU *f>; Twelve ] Tickets «10 ; Twenty-Five »20.

Circulars containing n full list of prizes, a de-i scrii'Lion ol [he manner of ilvnwina, and other In i lorioiilioii in icl,ivii.-e lo the lll-li ilmlion, Will lm |

7 cut lo iim one L.nli-i-iBj,' Hi,-in. All letters must . be addresstvt to I,. I». MIKE, itm Hft,

J1AIN (IFFICE, CIXCINNATl, O. 101 W. Kiflh fitreei. oliiJBwrny


100 CASH lilr'Ts ISO CASH IllKTn xM CASH i.ill-- 3i.1 CASH l,!KT>

ll.orti CASH UIITS

.'i.issin I.IKsieiu-h

BWSMl. ■IIK1 ,■„.■},


•aito.ooo IIMI.OOO

tld.lMMI l.viiim 1T.IHIU

■ OHMMIU im o ;I»,OII» lll.UOII

■I 'I' IM.OIIO .-.O.OIMI :i-j..-\"o


CL 0 T H I N O

Ji-i *-iu-h llMI.-.'U'll 1MJ each

TOTAL, lx.000 GIFTS, ALL CASH amounting to The distribution «

tickets are sold or n< . In proportion to the tlckelr


now reaily fur sale, and all orders accompanied lip tin- IIIHIICV iirnmiitlr dlbd. Lib- eral lerins Klvcn to those who Inn to m'll again.

THOS. E. IHtAMLETl'Ei Agl. Publ. Llbr. Kv., and Manager Gift Concert

l'ubllc Tdbrary ltuiMih«, aepHlKtwKnv Loulavllle.KT-


STEEL PENS. Special attention called to the well-known numbers

60S-7S-28-20 aV 22.

Iron in the Blood THE PKBiTTIAN BYUl'l' Vitalize* nnd Klirlehes tin lltorsl. Tones Up tin) r-i-:. in I.n..'!- 1.1> II." llmken-doMn. Cures femslo Complfilnlx. II|.||..V.(I..|.:IIIL.11I,

—mil Taut—


TrKiiisamls I. n ■ n ,■!:,!:■■] bv tho

UN- if Hi- I ■■::■ ' ■ IKsn lvcuk, sl.kly, .Uifl-rlru; rreatunrs, to

■T>AfBNTBD .IN 1861. The Mlllrllle I ABno.pliorn Kruit.lai. Glass top sooure.1 by

Operated and ul excliuW by rnblier 1 JtHllf C. DOW A CO.'M C V. .,-., -|..i, . I- :' I

... ..ith thumb. Set screw rnblier parking. Tor sat* at

'' kery and 1.1ns* ea street. %

<Bti OX A MONTH t« lsdy aRenta every- epliitJ where. Adilrese Ki.ua UUnmum/* inu, (o. Waltham, alas*.



md iTencta aci Kiiusi, who speak* both German

accurately and luently, will lastruot pnp*,elther*lngryor lnol***e*,ln reading and speeilni the** languagee.

PIAlffO INBTaltlOTlOlg

glvak, with special attention paid to beginner*.

±K. can be found St 1W ESSEX 8TBBBT. nee la mads to Dr. Longee, Dr. Talbot, Dr.

Horlaml, llr. H. A. Klmball, Mr. Thomas naott, Um E. II. Herrich, » Waahlagtan Corporation Ur*. Jatne* Kelley. SB Union street. Inquiry mav V* nude at AMEBICAX Office. Vleodagwa


878 ESSKX ST..

at short notice and In a workmanlike manner,

Locks repaired and Keys tilted. Sawing Machine* lei, by week or month, et rr.uee*,ble rate*.

Remember tbe No., 378 Ease* Street.

■—tf*' ■


In a dry good* store. ipcrli'iici-il sslssmsn

To one coming —'

^?'!?fe.,fi;TJ?';;'ft:^'J,"r>te, r.-uaphsl*lHv. Sviidloi-m.-. KIM II AV. KlWl-!i ilBOSB, Proprietor-, lloetno. Mass. YT sal- I ilniinrltl* ip-eeralrj-.

octu sow t" eotl lyr rny

Fall and Winter, 1873-4. We hnvo lusl receive.! » lame lot of

Men's, Youth's & Boy's Overcoats

Call ami;: eo them, at

SMITH'S, 131 Essex St.

No trouble to *liow yon our goods. Kvery slielf -ininlcr Jam full ol


Larson's New Ruby Furnace A lafre numlier of irhich ha*e been set up in this city the past seasons, and are giving per lee I Kill*. faction,


I9S Eaaea Street, I.evrrenee.

1'. s. rartlciilnr attention pa.'d lo re-paclili and repairing or old Vumare*. ivcttuniv

if"V R i C K A B I C K E R ,

(Successor* to A. 8. BCHKKH.) manufacturers and dealer* in all kinds of

Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Lead, Tin Lined and Seml-Elaetk Plpa.


lor hand or power nae.

*"*- Mowing Machines, gcalea and Wringing ] Hae bine* Ronalred.

j Plumbing, Tin Roofing and Genoral Job- bing done at abort notioo.



I Get ready for the Flys and Buge.

heaviest materiiil- t'ompartness, shnp of ojieraUon awl inanagerneiil. IS.—Beet maealne In the world lor family use.

Call and see these machines wort, with the new IVI'KllHIi IKKAKl.K I'HW.U, at UAtiAK'.S AUKNCY, IDH Ksscx 81., Lawrence. oH'tf

Attached to tin-no patenteil ftpectacle* are two soicntiOrallvconstmi-ted Ualvankr Beuerles—nn seen when worn-delivering through Ihe nerves ol the head a

Soft and tiiiillniiuui Ml ream of Klnstlclty.

rltallilng and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those parts, ABrXH.IJT»XT and CKKTAINLY I IIIIM. Partial Paralysis *f tke Optic -Verve,

Week or ISlseesea Vlalon, Heauraiajla of tke Heed aa- Fataa,

A'rrrtitiM T» Itches In the If naelea of the Fere,

rtotaes IM tit* 11 ead. Loss of Menial

hosl of Nervous Diseases, arising rroat —' of tbe nervous energy of (*■

lahingde ._ rfthe*:_

astoulahing degree, trlhutlng. In a

Life and Vigor and Health. by tlie means of tbe *oft flowing stream af *ab iH'-Ity, giving Rrl(l«tHesa to the V.yr,

qwleh»eaa to la* Ka», Knera;jr to the ahnalat.

Ther are set with lense* of the flaeettaaaaAic ture, to suit all sightr, and with glass** for these not needing sjiei'taclcs to read with, but daalnng the beneflts to be derived from wearing Ihe Bat- terle*. and to be had In this city only of


Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optlelan.


No. 23S Essex Street, Lawrence

.V. & Alto Ay/nt for Ltuonu 4 Morrit' Ftr

JktUd SptcUKluamd K,t ritmuti,the BMSTimUit

1712. An-1:.Zl""x 1873. A ud a Plaster for every fain.

Dr. T. Ogden's Celebrated Black Salve, Which he warmnls to cure every kind of Aches ami Pains the human liaine is heir to. that la cur- able eiternal. Price by the H..1I, 50 cents, with full direi-tlnn* for use. Agents wanted lor Ihe sale of this salve in every eitv and town *hrou«li out the 1*. 8. and Canadas. Ur. T. (MiDEN, Hole I'miirletor, No. I* Middle street,Li Og Uarden street

v, Ms', aturotilr

COR N i¥ "BTN*I> E In Die country will receive a splendid piece of BAND MI'HIC free, bv sending a two-cent stamp loKIiWAKli A.aiA.ll'KI.S I'lib-r Boston,Muse


MINI?; free, b- 'Aai>A.hAUl


EOOS FOR HATCHING from all ihe beat breed* of Poultry.

]''oWls for wane in thnir -eiiaion. White I.eghonis a ril-i:f:lil.Tv.

Fv WOODS, No. 4 Broadway, 8011th Lawranes.


made to onler, any site, br


A very large "wieo* »f Shade* eon*Un tly o and Haw Mtdealrahle pauerna. lm



BVBBT TOWN. All uerson* In want af h.moralde and lucrative ^iXn.enlc.uTlninM.y addr.-sslna THE t.HI-

Postotiee. **pill,.f *H" '" -™

SMITH'S, 131 Eseex fit.

Fair and Hqmar* neallng with nil. The rail (trie* of

BUSINESS SUITS Ally splendid in erery respect.

SMITH hjs them, at 131 Essex St. NEW STYLE HATS

Kecelved to.day. We have the largcet *toek of


Ever shown. AH kind* and HUCS, at the lowest price.

WIllTK * KtviV MlllltTN n apeelalt)-.

Men's, Boy's & Youth's Suits

Very cheap. Don't spend a dollar for nothing nntll you have railed at

SMITH'S, 131 Etsex St.

Remember that the beat it ths cheapest.

lientleiuen mako yourselves look cheerful,com forUble and neat, by dropping In and obtainlnga new i.-.itlii. at

SMITH'S, 131 Essex Street.

[■'air and square dealing, nnd every sllleh of our lothlng warrnnleil Junl ns ropreuentcd.

An entire new

SCREEN FASTENING. No wear and tear, or giro to the frame. Tbe b thing ever invented. rniil


365 Essex Stre".t.

G H SMITH 131 Essat Strsst.

Opp. eulrance WnahlnRton Hill*. tf


City of Lawreiu;« Water Loan. Six pec rent. Coupon Bond* ortha) City or Law-

reaee, duly authorised by set of the Legislature, City Ordinance and reeolntlons or Ihe City Coun- ell, will be i-s.ii.ll October 1*1, for a limited amount Conpon* attached for seini annual later, esi, payable In Boston or Lawrence, al the option of holder*. For price and full particular* call i or*ddre*s H. II. TKWh>IH^V,

City Treasnrar Per onler of Kinanr-e Committee. iSBlftf

0° lilllMdNWKALTH Or" MASHACHI.'HXTTg Eaaoz, sn.

rltOBATE rot'HT. To the heirs-a Haw, next of kin, and all other

uerson* Interesteil lu the eslote of Charlotte Weed, late of Lawrence, in said eon ' widow, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a oartnin instrument, purporting lo lie the last will and testament of said deceased, has lieen presented to said Court, for probate, bv John It Well.™... who prays Uat letters testamentary may be Isaued to htm, the egeeatnr

ed. Ton are berebv cited to appear at a Probate

Court to tie held at Lawrence, In said county of Kssex, on tlie Second Tuesday Of November neit, nl nine o'clock In Ihe forenoon, M show cause. If

public notice thereof, bv publishing this citation, once a week, for three sucievelve weeks. In t|ie newspaper called Ihe Lawrence American and Anduver Advertiser, printed al Lawrence, the hist publication to lie two days, at least, liefore ■aid Court

witness, (.eorge F. Choate, Rsqulre, Ju< aald Coart. UttsSweatielh day of October, year one thousand eight buiidredand seventy-Ihree

BBBMNE A. C. tMKirwi.L ~


The 11 public t

American and Foreign Watches

In i.oi.n or Hii.VKIt (uses.

i,A ■•■ i■:«* AID«nrn «oi,i» * PI,ATMD

nunh, NI:ti.e., *c.

ttoiiiD nir.vKH Anrn miI.VIi* FT,ATHI*


1.1ini■:*• Hiii I.OI.II MKT*.


Clocks, Spectacles and Jewelry,

Of every style and deeertpttoe. Bvery article sohl by me will be warranted aa roeonietenAed. or money refunded, and a* low aa can be aftertax!.

Also, wotl.1 inllelt a liberal share or jour



Done al ahort notice, and la a newt mtnaer. (a and e i am in e for ynurselres.






SLATE ANDJIETAL ROOFER. Meeat.ae.na, • KAf*T ELM ST., Lswrraci.

LeakT Soots trnvU Tisut al short uottee. »IratTlT . Boawogim'* Twenty-lire cent package candy.

Out of NsaHy Ons Hundrsd and Fifty ■ Over ilimikmaand packages sold! A new lot oriW IHM J|Jtta*rt«lfrt,tl»sb«atwshar.h,d.

Sold and in oiieratlon in this city, I ermllenge any ' II I'MAN 11AI It H W11 I'll KM, that doe* not glee en | |

From Tt Cent! to *U0, at! salt fa. lion.

K. U. WAJtUKNT, st|**m 11 LawrenneBt, Ijiwrenee. Ma**.

• wiihJ. M.


SMITH'S 143 Btwex Btrf>et.




f MllUeea Mr at, US...H,

- *J a

4LrIetl}- In «d»«

Tki ulrculsUvu uf lite Ltmtucr A;

•#- RAT as uf Advertising acnl uponappllcatlon.



r A W R E N C I


LAWRENCE LAWRENCE Tur AyTDTPAM '"""' jBusiness Directory. Business Directory. IntAMtKltAlN



Incorporated- A net*.

sYnnklln, of Phlkt., Fa., law a3,80«,&41 Pennsylvania, of 0MM ., lsti German. " iwt North Miaaourl, Miatuuri. 1st: Westchester, Now York, i<\: 0*rminAmulcui.N.V, lsTx Fuirfleld County, Conn., WTO niwtNaHonnl,Wofcester, IBM Gloucester, Uiouoestar, i«"«

lrfdlni Fa Mr Lines In Imflh

ISi this column nl grt wrr year.


rcn made off In tears; my wife, rom- o see what was the nutter, fared little

better. I must of bad u sunstroke or something, she told me, and brought ban- dages and euu dc Cologne. 1 flung ilium


i,sea,50s 34*1,01© 718,345

608,300 1,300,000

380,464 180,176 116,838


t'nrAa not ricMdlng Fur IAna* In Wngrtl* Card* nei

Inirrl■(! In Ihli column nt fin per y*nr. I butrh rrT__-- —_-.._--..-_-- I rtw„ ,,ear|j. ti,n.e (,.clook uu ft not j I "twt tie doing something, I felt, and

I. GLIDDKN, DHL'(JOIST.—Pure 'summer.s dny; the long polished counters | hailed a cab and drove to Tnrspttow's Ih-ug* and Cjwniicala, Patent Mediant**, jofourbank, the Royal Domestic Bank, '"rtglng.".

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORK, for in.'i i i i' 11 iit-i-v, It the pi* re to gel your iv.

1 away In a rage, and wentottt of the house .dock uu a hoi ' llltlst ,"' doing something.

sled* am .i *°2*' Sfffe^S^gZ T""e, ArtS%s, *W*****HJfn'*"i »"■■*«■■ I wwi- crowded" with customers—money: Mr, Thrapstow wasn't coming borne that <****anL.-«Xotion.,ac. S4ih.*e,si. nfly , Soap*, etc. Comer K.Mt and PHXMM at, | w*a flowing in and runlng ontln the iiaoal night, hla landlady told mef she thought

business-like manner. he was swsy for a little Jaunt; but ahe From a raised desk In my private room, , didn't know. He orrnplc* the grnund-

""■Tl street, NKKK ami Surtvvor. tit F.**ex HWrt. . Mnndav, ""


Kn glint I t'ompltlliuK. laiB, gold, •10,000,000

Cl. 11. LOW, APOTIIKCARY. Prcscrip- '' ItmiB carefully dlappnsed it all hours, *IHO,

all the lead Inn Patent Medicine* ami Toilet Art! cms, it. B and 14 BKOAHWAr. augetlyr


N&Bee, ttSKi


American Branch; I m-oriel, Isttl, gold,

American Branch, Queen, lest, roi.i.

American Bra orb,

1,600,000 8,000,000

1,257,861 10,000,000



■a« Kaiaa Itreet, -

lyUapltt P.O. Bex S8.

f lUWiUIIH, JAMS* aUCaami

M IB8 II. B. FIELDING wishes to tn- _ form tbe Ladle* of 1-wwrence and vlcluttv

that ihe hm Just received all thr Latent Sharing ami lanxirr Stvlr* rvitin Nr* Vori, anil n now reatty to sxartite all ordera lor

DRESS AND CLOAK MAKING at her Rewna. »•! KIKI HI., [.HOT err. Mite*.

BfuSeSU* att«nTon \>m tot'l'TTINti nM MTTINK LaillAt' amt Chll.trfiiV DKESHEit.

NRW HrTLKM rt*elY«l every week. Ladles' Dnmw Cnt and Fitted forgl.OO.

Murhiuv auuhlnc "i"l Braiillngilooe to order. A liberal iluire of patronage ai>UrrhHt,vlth

thanka for pant nivori.





fUBKLT MITTIAL. AIHU ever •■«■"."•"■ go.ooo.ooo.oo

AU. TUR eKorrra PAID TO roucr Houiaaa. The low rate* and larar HiTtdend* of Nil* old

<:onimnv, loeether with exrdlont niaiiaK«*mrnt, fair ileallntr and prumpOma In Hie luljuntnent ' loaae*, uinke* H Uu-ln>itt('«miMit)v i " to Inaura in, e*peelHUy fnrEndown


Agent for l.nwriwc, Havrrliill. Amlover, and imyUV- Hethuen.

lyt m





Thla Bank lian never paid leaa than *lx per ceet per auutiHi, in'.' of lax-to l(a de|>oalU>rt.

All d«poult* nude on or before UH> flrat day of aay month are the:i plared upon Internal, and I " In the next dlvideiul.

Dividend* aa aoon aa declnreil are at once added to the aocountu of dopoaltora, and at once begin to earn Iniereal, thus giving ooneousulntereat. IttiBBRT UABMH, Uan. C. T«i-mtuLi,

Pre* h tent. Ti*««in-er.


ex Street. Rn*idene«,U Oak atreet.


. No. tbl Kaeex Rtreet.

DH. J (1EO

H. KIDDER, DENTAL BUR*-' OYRl'S WILLIAMS No. 371 Keeex Htreet, iJiwrence, . . BON, ._.

Hani. Uaa, CBlnrofom), or Ether given, a* \> li'iri'il. Cloaed dur,ng Augoi"

Hanufaeturer of \^J and dealer In Been, Doom nnd Blliutf, Win- dow and Door r'raiiirn. All kind* Honiie PtnlKh. Oppoalte Boaton A MaineK. It. Pnaaenger lirpot.

iby ml Thnraday 11, the manager of the Royal Domestic | floor of » small honse In Et ! Bank, looked out on the busy scene with , llnilleo, two rooma openli I a certain pride anfl pleasure*. The Royal ■ "*■ I told the woman fl | Domestle Rank Is not ,i long-estabH-hed! down and write a letter,

in HnlEaUte. o«ce ' Ittstitntlon. nnd, without vanity, I may I welleooagh, — say that mnch of Its prosperity cc'» I. utcltaubl. 10 Ike MM «u - . ^ UJ-^J—S:

on the chlm- iutp^UdrtWirt of "tt.'c"directors"," laid ! ney-nUce, they awreonry clrealars from before the -hareholders at their atinnnl! tradeamen. In the flreplare was a con- meeting, In which they are pleased to ' alderahle quantity of charred tinder. He sav—. But after nil. perhaps I mav be, had evidently bean bunting papers reeent- tliofwht gulltv of undue e(rotlsmand eon- I ly.aaulaquantttyofthem. Iiumedthetln-

D celt. If I repent the flattering terroa In I der carefully over, spreading it out upon a YER 8. HALL, Ready Made Clothing, .. , ,. *" k f "■ newanaptr. I found noUiIng legible ex-

at*. Csp*. Genf, Puml.hir^Ogdgg ^SS TS \S luaide my door. | cept one lltUe -crap of paper whleh the "Mr. ThrapHtow, sir. to speak to you." «« had not altogether reduced u.powder,

"Send him In, Roberts," I said. on which I saw the name Isabel shining Charles Thrapatnw 1 had known from ' with metallic luatre. Then 1 went to the

boyhood: we had both been reared In the ! bedroom, and searched that. Here, too, same country town. The fact that hla ' "ere evident preparation for flight; coats parents were of ronslderablvhlKhBr social | *nd other gannenU thrown hastily into

JOSEPH A U 8 T I N , I HtntnH than mine, perhaps, imtdt our BIIIH i cupboards, boxes turned out, an odd glove DENTIST Mmmttm Mtmm ] aequnt Intimacy all the pleaaanter to me,; lying upon the dressing-table. I carefully

Ovei l)»r * c'> ^ ""'■ and caused me u» set a value upon hh . "earclied all the pocketsfor letters or other 'good opinion greater limn lls Intrinsic documents, but I found nothing. The

istowwns.1 stockholder, a keys were left In all the receptacles; an [very clever, pushing fellow, who had! Instance of Charlies thoughtfulness for

a&Htx ! "jJjfgH*^ p,™,, tKmlB the reputation of possessing nu excellent I "thers. In the midst orids pascallty. 1 Judgment and great good luck. At my re- Lying upon the wash-stand was a card.

"i ETYOCH HEWING MACHINES HE- T""|Jt *. D. YOlT?0, PHYSICIAN and I quest lie had brought his account; he al- which was blank upon one side but on the JTPAlHKDnt.1. C 8HACKLET_>N'fl, I -L/ flurfreon. omro and reaidenrp, ssi MM ! ways kept a fair bulauee, and the eushier utlier had the name of a. photographer

No. iw RsHtx nrnitRT. l8tf«;t. ,„.,„„ ' had never to look twice at his checks. , printed upon It. The card was wet, a* If The beat place In lite city. ^ I _OB.-s hour*, l* till. and u mi... Charlie, like everybody else inbuslness, It hail been soaked iu water; and neae the

PHILLIPS, Hand-knit Worsted I t^ECKER t WHITTIER, GROCERS, occasionally Wanted money. 11 had let | the upper cud wu a round Irregular cut,

Mlaa Maidmont waa really going to be married to-morrow morning at St, Splke- euanl's Church te a Mr. Charles Tempeat, a very good-looking young man, whom they had not known long, but who Beemed to be very well off. My description of mv friend tallied exactly with Susan's of the bridegroom, but the coincidence mlght.be merely occidental.

"UadfMlea Maidmont a photograph of her loverr** I asked. ■»

She had, In her own room. It seemed. Susan couldn't get at It MOW without ai


Crop Estlmntee. The wheat crop of ls7:l Is credited with

an Increase of six and five tenths per cent. aa compared wins ISTx. The average quality of the grain Is reported good, many correspondents In Wisconsin and Minnesota reporting It aa unequalled by any recent crop. It is thought the crop will exceed 2tW,0uO,U00 bushels against SM,(K>o,ooo last year. The corn crop la

L not encouraging. The decrease as coiu- plciou; but she promised to secure It. and i pared with last year is estimated at M bring it with her if I would meet her ai I percent, or an aggregate loas in round



ne o'clock at the comer of the street. I was punctual to my tryst; and at nine

Susan made her appearance with a nto- roooo case, containing an excellent like-

LORD, Sole Agent for the


One Price Clothing store, corner J at'kaou Mreet,

I)" sou Eaaax ST.,


C3 REENE, GLEASON A CO., Mauu- j T^VER & CO., No. 3fl" Essex Street, ! worth- Thrapstow was ti stockholder, a. heys w JTrscturer. of CtlNr Kl I'lONEItY. I>faler* in ] Aaf-faaUssli the only gooil Stereosropte Views

HaHt;. _ tiarracnte, BkirU, Coraetn, CoIIarti, t'nder Skerra, IIoHlery, tilnvcH, Head Dretntea, l^kcee,

' White (iooda, etc., «7 Eaarx St.


>■:«111 - i«- ■ i - ■ i

Crockery CoiTi'i'-, splices* of JlutUir ami Chttehe.

il «.I l V.M

» A uu ■■■ I'm i N

General Inaur- IJ Agency, make* Insurance, In ail Its I -A?'1

- * ectslty.

NORWOOD, ■kea lni

Call in ami Inajiecl ■

A. FI8KE, PAPER HANGINGS, Window Mnt.li'-, Arii-1 ' Materialu, Chan-

delier*, I.-.IUMI ■, Vaxeu, etc. .','-'• Kriacx street, Lawrence.

LD. DE MARS & CO., WATCHES, • Clocks, Jewelry, Mivet and Plated Ware,

Fancy Uood*, CnUerv, Ton, Ac. *M Kaaex St. Repairing, taold and SI I ver' Plating.

,■ 11 i...., ■ ii. ;-r. All kii..i- of r


Ulinton VUea,



l^E A L ^KS T A J'¥

Thonsu U Jenk*, Daniel H, Whitney, Ueo. ». Derbr- LyVlalO

ay u Is Broadway, head «f \'*llry atreeL A full iloci of Horte Clothing.

OrriCE, 4IT Kiaex street, (Palrfleld'a new block), Lawrence, (iaa. Chloroform or Ether glreu aa preferred, for the extraction of teeth.

TJ. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER a and Dealer In Boot* Hhoea and Itubuera, of

every desirable Style and quality. Jtttt Kaaex St., Lawrence.

• PATTERN and MODEL MAKES, at E. DAVIB ft nOs's IRON PounDnr,


WP. SMITH, Jr., Plain and Decora- • tlve Paper Hanger. Special attention siren

executing ornamental design*. Shm Painting il lettering of all kinds. BhepMICommo: '



IX MI;THIK.\ t II.i.At.t;.

A Dwelling House, nearly new, altuated < iJeorgp itreet. Lot contain* SJOOieel: houses by 40, two alories, (with luiiiement under part of tlie aamel containing 1« rooinn, ail •aasMdj paint- ed and blinded. On the premines a clatenrVf soft water, and a never tailing well. Location centra), nnd very deelrable. Price lew, terms easy.

Abo, House and Lot altuated on High street. I:<it containing sow I'ttt. iloiir-e has 18 rooms, two Ktoriei, palntcl and blinded. Thla propertv I* altuated In a very denlrable locality, and can be nought at a bargain.

Also, several central and desirable Honaa Lots.

A FAB VI situated In HALBM, N. II., about sails from Haleiu Depot, containing B5 acres land, aaltablv divided Into tllinge, pBBturing and wood land, 400 cord* at leant. Km It— apple*, grape* and currant*. A prime working Urnnlte Ledn* on the nlnee. Hguae two storlea, 41 bv ti; I. :f liy IS; Bam SO by H, Apply to



at Was, M. Bog;sra' l.m* Ossee,

VapK Near Town House, Methueu, Has*.

JI8H0P SOtJT.E'8 LINIMENT B" I* S unalllv Neuralgia, Si; Lame Back, »

H Manuracttireni of Wool Machinerr, Hnnt'a Dou ble Acting Turbine Water Wheel.

iMMRR FAL1 Milln, Dolly Waaherf, shafilni Oigs,Dye Tubs, Ac. K. N. lIAHKlS, 3WI llrosd way Lawrence, Maaa. Director and Selling Agent,



•HS Eaaex fttreet, • - - Lswrcac*.

him have aflVancei nt various times, of: which did not quite penetrate the card, course amply covered by securities, nd- It had evidently once had a photograph, vances which were always promptly re- j fastened on it j accordingly, the card had paid, and the secii ities redeemed. At this > been wetted, to facllatc the removal of the time he liad live tliousaud pound- of ours, i photograph, whilst the face of the portrait to secure which we held City of Damascus j liad evidently been cut ont. In order to Water Company's bonds to the nominal- j place It In a locket or something similar, value often thousand, My directors rath- It atrnckme at once that the photograph er demurred to these bonds as being j abont which a man on the ere of flight somewhat speculative In nature; but as I' would take so mnch trouble, must he of a represented that the compaur was hsghly i person very dear to him i probably his

K VATRH M II 1'iivsirnv ■ i I respectable, nnd Its shares well quoted in sweetheart. Although I had been Intimate Burp-on ' the market, and that I had full conlldeneo ! with Thrapstow, he liad always been very

Ufflce, m E»*ex Street, comer of Lawrence. ' l» our customer, our people sanctioned ' reserved as to his friends ami associates, Ru*ldence, 1UB Concord Mreet. | tlie advance. 1 had, perhaps, a little tin- and I had no clue to guide me to any of s-» a lutt-vw A *•.. .I<TIOV ,vn i *•*• feeling mvself about those bonds, tor {them, except the photographer's card. V t- ,lv £L *T«h.ni v i. » . thev were not everyliody's monev, and Rc^ntering my cab, I drove off to the r . tommU.I,™ MercluuitH. . 1 uralture ,a»d | ^ nfm ^ ,^ ^ )|u|e (i|mcul. ; l)hotOKrmphe?B. 'The^ wt#l no nnmrH.r

ty In finding s ciiatoiner for them hi case ; or distinguishing mark upon thecard, and of the uecesslty for a sudden gale. j the chances seemed faint that lie would be

Thrapstow came in radiant. He was u | able to tell me anything abont It. Indeed, good-looking fellow, with a fair heard and j at ilrst, when the man found I wasn't a


8. JEWETT A CO., AUCTION AND j _ CummlH*lon MerchantH. Kuruluire and

Car)***. *« and 364 Eases SL, Lawrence, Mas*. office, Wednesday, at t r. at.

F'RANK C. CLARK, Millinery Goods, Small Wares, Trimmings, Embroider Be,

White i. I-, 11.' ■■iii y and Ulovea, No. Stl Ea ex

F'KANK KNOX.—Boots, Shoes and Rub- bers of all klnda sold cheap for cash. Ke-

£13 Essex Street,

GIL TEBBETS t CO., Dry and Fancy • Uood*, lss EMCX Street.

The Low Price Store of Lawrence. '.ivc ns a call.

Murrunac.k Machine Shop, near Herrinuick Iron Foundry.

B. DENNETT. ctoARS AMD TO- • BACCO, Wholesale and Retail; alao Snuff

and Smoker*' Artlrlea, Meerschaum Pijws neatly rej>alred. No. 0 l^wrence Street, Lawrence.


moustache, bright eyes of bluish gray, nose tilted upwards, giving hlin a saucy, resolute air: he was always well dressed, the shiniest hoots,the most delicate shades of color lu his light trousers and gloves, the glossiest of blue frock-coats, a ueat light duster over it, a blue, bird's-eye scarf round his throat, In which was thrust a massive pin containing ti flue topaz, full of lustre, and yellow as beaten gold.

ustoraer, he neemed little Inclined to trouolehlmselfabout the matter. The pro- mised of a fee, however, made him more reasonable, and he offered to let me see his books, that I might search for the name I wanted to And. It waa unlikely t'jat the photograph bad been done for Thrapstow; if it had there would probably appear In the books only the useless re- cord of his address, already known to

"Well, I've got a customer for those Then the man shook his held. If I didn't



Plans and Specifications Prepared.


For Sale on Easy Terms and To Let.


MIUT* eture for SoiaUna, Kheumatiara, ' , Spinal Complaint, Contracted Lords, \ Sprain*, ete. From 3 to a large bottle*

win care caaea given up bv ubv*tclan*. The only certain cure for Solntloa, Large boUle* gl.50; small bottle* T5c. Sold bv all Druggists.

Jyeo*»ajah7pb_ _•

A BAND IN KVERY VILLAGE la, or I* soon 10 be, and the mellow nolae of him

who practices the Cornet la heard all over the land. So be in hs*te, In the fashion, and In sea- son, and paranaa* the neat unending

CORNETS, ALTOS, BASSES, *>r any other Hand InstromanU, which with


all Orchestral; In hot all instrument* In eomstou use, Violin and Guitar String*, and all Musical Merchandise win be found In plenty, variety, and at reasonable price*, at tiia atnre of

J. O. HAV.1E* 4k CO.,

■• Cenrt St., Beaten,

6n.loe.17ra (Op. the Court House)

either tea, young or old, make noru money at work for ui In tliclr spare moment*, or all the HUM, than at anything else. Parunulara free. Address <i. STISSOS A CO., Portland, Maine,




For Invmiions, Trade Mark*, or Oesigaa, T« Slate Nt., «]>[.<,.Ilr Kllby HI., Beaten,

after an extensive practice of upwards of thirty year*, rontlnnes to secure PaBinu la the United

alao iu Urcat Britain, Franco, anil othar


niyll LAWRENCE, MASS. Ivr*


—TBAOHaa or—

PIANO AND OKGAN. SOfl Eases Mtreel, Lnwrence.

a. aaaawaa fkotionguaranteed,

liahnie experience of 3d veal* in the husines* enables the

tarhmced teacher, nalia- l-o, agent for the Preae.oU

i- the oldest c-tab.

iinalitvt.. will challenge compariHon for elegante of style, volume, and pitnly uf tone. Sold on laatnllmetil*. Old iuatrunient* taken iu exetaange. *anaritr

I7R i w s DAILKV A


PAINTERS". IWV IHM Ntreet, (Orlw*) Blnck)

corner Easex and Lawrence SL—Tni«sea, ..lent, shoulder Braoes, F "

full aaaortinent of all articles In

URMTDRK MOVER. Ilonae, Its! Cro«a Street. Urdera ten at Deap A Haaeltlne'*, in Common Street, promptly attended to.

HF. BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and e Cabinet Maker.—Renal ring. Laying Car-

pets, and Curtain Work. Mayhcw's Patent Win- dow Screens applied at short notice. It Jackson sL

JOSEPH FLOOD A CO., MERCHANT TAH.uKs. Chambers, Lt and 8 Saumlera

New Block, Essex Street. I. ruler lliu iiuniediale tupenl*lonof Jos, FUM>D, (late Savage A Flood.)

JOHN C. DOW A CO., (assessors to Charles S. Woodman k. Co.,) Crockery, Ulaaa

and China Ware, Lamp Goods, Plated Hare, Table Cutlery, law Eaaex street.

Cream and Dining Saloon, 381 Essex Street, Lawrence- Ice Cream, Jellies, Wedding Cake, Confectionery, Ac. Meal* at all hour*.


LSTRATTON, BOOKSELLER and a Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.—

1'apcr Hanging", Window Shade*, Newspaper*, etc.. 113 Essex .-t. Branch Store, 1 :'■ E*aex St.


No. 171 Eiwtx ST.,


year* aucoeasful practice in Obstetrics and iiiKaae* of women and children, offers her services totbapubilc. Ualcc, laMadUonBL.Newburyport.


ipeoUuliy invite attention.


Damascus bund- waiting nt my office sold'em well, too—to Billings Brothers, who want them for an Arab Arm. One premium, and I bought one at a rtlacount."

"I'm very glad of It, Chhrihs^I said, and I felt reully pleut-cd, not only Tor Thrspstow's sake, but because I should be glad to get rid of the bonds and the direc- tors' shrugs whens ver they were mentioned

"Hand 'em over, old fellow," said Char- He, "aud I'll bring you Billing's chuck lu live minutes. You by then; or ITyou hav the'private door."

I went to the safe nnd put my linmls up- on the bonds.

Charlie stood there looklug so frank and free, holding out his hand for the bonds, that I hadn.t the heart to say to him, AS I ought to have done, bring your customer here and let him settle for the bonds, and then I will hand then over. I should have said this to anybody else, but somehow I couldn't say It to Charlie. There would only bo live minutes' risk, and surely it woe no risk at all.

The thing was done in a moment; I was carried away by Thrapstow'a irresistible manner. 1 handed over the bonds, and Charlie went off like a shot.

It wanted seven minutes to three, nnd I sat watching the hands of the clock In a little tremor, despite my full confidence In Thrapatow; but then I bad so thorough a knowledge of all tlie rules of bunking that I couldn't help feeling that I hail done wrong. A few minute.., however, wonld set it right. Charlie's white hat and gilt tering topa*. would soon put in ■safe,

Just at u minute to thrcD the cashier

brought me three checks, with a little slip

of paper attached. They were Thraps-

tow's checks for fifteen hundred odd.

I turned white and cold. "Of conrse

you must refuse them," I agld to the cash-

ier. When he went ont I sat lu my chair

quite still for a few inomeuts, bewildered

at tlie sudden nils fortune that had happen-

ed to me, Charles Thrapstow was clearly

a defaulter; but there wits this on, chance

—he might have given the check* In the

confidence of selling those bonds, nnd

placing the balance to hla account. In

due course these checks, which wen- cros-

.1, would have been b rough to the clear

know tlie name, It's no use looking

card was nothing he said; lie sent out hun-

dreds monthly. What information could he possibly jdve? Then 1 tried to-aaarWbe

the person:.! appearance of Thrapstow.

Rut again be shook his head, Ifhehadn't

taken his likeness, he wouldn't be likely to

remember him ; hardly even then, so many

people passed through his hands.

All this time he had been carelessly

holding the card In his lingers, glanclngat

t have closed 1 It now and then, and suddenly an idea

I'll come In at | seemed to strike him. "Stop a bit," he

said, and went Into hla dark chamber, and




tliillspatiiii. Uosearche* inada dlty and utility of Patent* of I and other advice rendered

all papers for l-raiouablB teruia, with ill to determine the valid'*- Inventions, and legal In all matters tourhlttg teeearse. Copies of the alaimi of any Patent rurnUbed by remitting one dollar. Assignments recorded In Washington.

aW-No Agency la the United state* po**e**es ■uperior faclutiei for obtaining 1'ateuls or aacer- ■Inlng tlie patentability or Invention*.

AU aanasilty or a Journey to Washington to pro- aura a Patent, and die usual great delay there, are " e saved Inventors.

KSTIMUM Al.s. a one of the moat capable loner* with whom 1 have

-..ARLRflMASOTC, Commis'r of Patent*." -1 have so hesitation in assuring Inventor* that

they cannot employ a man mart eomptttnt nnV rrwarNWrttg, and more capable of pulling their an iilicatlons In a form to aerrrre for them an earlj

"Mr. R. H. awfaVj ha* made Tor me over THIRT1 applications for Patent*, having been snoceaeful In almoat every ease. Such uiiuiiitakable proof of great talent and ability on hla part, lead" me to reooHuaand ALL tnvantora to apply to him to pro- cure their patents, a* they imiy be sure or having the stoat faithful attention bestowed on their cane* and at vary reasonable charge*.

JOHN TAUUART." Beaton. Jan. 1.1873. Irian


—nan or/ai roe—

Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrhaa. Dent flail te ajet III Only no .nits.

Twenty years' experience ha* fully established

Bead Batata Agents and Appraisers,

No. 381 Et.t. ttrttt, Lawranoa, Mm. Always ready tngive their personal service and

serious attention W selling Kaal ami personal Estate at auction or otherwise, obtaining Money had letting the aame al fair rate* for all concern.

"• ..?..__ u . i i«.Li.. —, -ri,iu

B. KENNEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN a and Surgeon. Offlee 3K3 Essex SL House So. 110 Nswhnry etreet. Particular auention

eta. No tame be per-

is vented but upt>a the isoat uu. - AU luusM**, Iniruated to us

Hunting Property and roller ling Rent*, TJUe paaaed of Proeerty unless Us. aam

ed to promptly, ami all win with strict fulcgrity being ment of aunceaa in the Keel

o the true iatereat ot tha

5UTM ably dealth

imjHirUiil element _. buafseis, prenrnt pay ment lag In all honor with the same time looking well Ui percha*er,lhatbU title* ar. _ all which be la aatlund to-lliu* aaeurlng and lMildlng that confidence of our fellowa which it

ly obUined by strict auention to business, and ' highest type of honorable healing.

**n>Terms reaaonalile, and aiconling to the work sad reaponalblUty. Call upon ua.

Real Estate Office. S81 Essex St. opcrty for tale In many section* of New t more especially In tha ■aTOr Law-

r elty in the Union England, reuce and vicinity. for a permanent investment.

Bead Heal Estate column In Lawrence Sentinel and Lawrence Dally American. Hmylt>-

C. K. A j. P. PILLSBl'RY,

MACHINISTS. ISucceinors to Webster, Duatln A Co.)


Cotton *% Woolen Machinery aim


It anrea Cranp t'elir. It Intnattnss. It earn t nrnnla Dyaenterr. ltcnreaSlPnrndlerholrra. It rura* Bloody Dysentery' it enrea Chelem Morbnt. It

enrat nil MB

He.na.he. It lnAI*jaa*lnn.

Every family ahonld lisvc it.

KEROBSNR OHANDKLIEHB, Brack- eU, Pendants Lamps, etc. Call and look al

BhematJowsc. Uow'a Crookary ***** sa» Ea.

made to onl a

PEDHICK A CL0880N, FURNITURE, Carpets, Crockery and Cutlery, together with

Housekeeping Goods generally. The beat aar —• mint in the city. Set Essex HtreeL

STOVES, FURNACES A RANGES, Tlu, til*** and Wooden Ware,

(IB ESSEX ST., Lawrence, Mass.

U D. CROWELL, OYSTER A DINING ui Boom*, Fruit and Confertionerv, 17:t Eaeex Street, Near Ctly Halt, ljiwrence, Maaa. Choice brand* of CIgara alwara on band.

then presently emerged, smelling strongly of chemicals. "liook here," he said tri- umphantly. I looked and siw ft very faint, ghostly Impression of it photograph. "It's printed itself through." said the man; "they will sometimes—and I've brought It to the light. Yes, 1 know the original of that." Again he dived Into s closet and brought out a negative with a number and label to It. Then he turned to his book and wrote down an address for me— Mrs. Maidmont, Urkspur Road, Notthing Hill.

Away I went to Larkspur Road. Mrs Maldmont'a house waa a small, comforts lily residence,with bright windows, veran- dahs, gorgeous window-boxes, and atriped sttubllnds. Mm.Maidmont was at home, said a very neat, pretty-looking maid; and I sent my card with a message, "On most important business." The maid came back to soy that her mistress did not re- cognize the name, but would I walk In? I was shown Into a pretty drawing-room on

appear- the first floor. An elderly lady rose to greet me with an old-fashioned courtesy, at the original of the photograph, who was a young nnd charming *glrl.

"Madame," I said rapidly, "I believe that my friend, Charles Thrapstow Is well known to yon, now, it Is of the ut- most Importance that I should ascertain where he la at thin moment

"Stay!" said the old lady. "You are la- boring under a mistake; I knew nothing whatever or the gentleman Whose name you mention; a name I never heard be- fore."

Was ahe deceiving met I did not think so.

"Perhaps Miss Maidmont may know," I said eagerly.

"Mlaa Maidmont la not likely to hare lug -house ami have lieu presented on the j formed any acquaintance wltheut her mo- morrow. But it seemed that his creditors < ther'a knowledge," said Mrs Maidmont, bad some mistrust of him, and had caused with dignity. There seemed to be no al- the checks to be demauded hut of due ternatlve but lor me to retreat with apol-

opax lu, and ajTT Row what was" to he done? Should I

go to Mrs. Maidmont and tell her how she waa deceived in her daughter's loverr That would have been the best way adapt- ed to Bparethe feelings of the Maidmont's but would it bring back the five thousand poands? Itboaghtnot.

"Miss Maidmont, 'tI *oHluuulHed,I"wlll ilnd some way to want her iover. Erea mhhlng a banklinay'not embitter ftgirt against her sweetheart, and no doubt she's over head and ears In love with Charlie." No; I determined on a different plan. I rose early next morning, dressed my- self with care/put'on npsalr'of pale prim- rose gloves, donned my ncweat beaver, and took a cab to St. Spikenard's, Nolllns Hilt. *

Tin- bells were ringing; merrily as I al- ighted at thejt liureh4dtKir ;*a small crowd had already gathered on the psvement, drawn together by that keen foresight of excitement characteristic of the human apeolen. "Friend of the bridegroom," 1 whispered U> the verger, and I was forth- with sho\»n Into the vestry. The clergy- man was there already, and shook hands with me In a vagne sort of way.

"Not Hm bridegroom>" he said. In a Interrogative manner. I told him I

was only one of his frleuds, and we stood looking at each other In a comatose sort of way, till a little confusion at the ves- try door hroke the, spell. "Here he

whispered some one; and the next moment there appeared In the ves- try, looking pale and agitated, but very handsome, Mr. Charles Thrapstow,

I had caught him by the arm and ted hi in into the corner before he recognized who I was. Wheu he saw me I thougltt he would have fainted. "Pon'l betray me," he whispered.

1 held out my hand with H significant gesture.

'Five thousand pounds." I whispered In his ear.

You shall have It In live minutes." Vour minute-, are long ones, Master

Charlie," I said. With trembling ilngn s he took out a

pocket book, and handed inc a roll of notes.

"I meant It for you, Tom," he said. Perhaps he did, Ml we know Ihcfatc of good Intentions.

It didn't take me long to count over those notes : there wire exactly five thou- sand pounds.

Now," said 1. " Master (liarlle, take yourself off."

Yon promised." In- urged, "not to betray me."

" No more I will, If you go." " Sbe'8 not ten thousand or her owu,"

he whispered. " Be off, or else—" " No; I won't," said Charlie, making up

hla mind with a desperate effort; "I'll make a clean breait of it,"

At that moment then- was a bit of stir, and a general call for the bridegroom. The bride had Just arrived, the people said. He pushed his way out to the carriage, and whispered a few words to Isabel, who fell back In a faint. There waa a great fuss and bustle, and then some one came and auld that there was an in formal I ly In the license, and that tlie wedding couldn't come off that day.

I didn't wait to sec anything further, but posted off to the batik, and got there Just as the board was assembling. I suppose some of the directors had got wind of Tlirapstow's failure, for the flrat thing I heard when I got into the board-room was old Vcnablea grumbling out, .' How about those Damascus bonds, Mr. Manager?" I rode rongh-ahotb over old Venablcs, and tyrannised considera- bly over the board lit general that day, but 1 couldn't help thinking how clone a thing It was, and how very near ship- wrecked I bad been.

As for Thrapstow, I presently heard that, after nil, he had arranged with his creditors, aud made it up with Maid- mont. He had a tongue that would wind round anything. If you only gave him time, and I wasn't much surprised at hearing that his wedding day was fixed, lie hasn't sent vie au Invitation, an) I don't suppose he will, and 1 certainly shall not thrust myself for- ward a second time as an uninvited guest.


What e'er the passion, knowledge, fame or j>eif, No one will change hi* neighbor with himself; The learn'd ia happy nature to explore, The fool la happy tliat lie know* no won-, The rich ia happy la the plenty given, The Deaf "intents him with the rate of heaven.

l.ii.- ller rye* In heaven,

Would through the airy region ttream so bright. That birds * noil ting, and think it were not


numbers, of xttU,tKM),nou bushels upon the whole crop of the country. The quality 1B also inferior. The oat crop also shows s loss aa compared with last year, the de- E-' bring estimated at U&.UOO.WQ

hete. Roturns of the hay crop indicate a loss of seven per cent, as compared with 1ST*.' The pork crop wilt be about the game and the cotton crop from 10 to l* per esnt. teaa titan last year.

Poultry. Cot. Waring, In bis " Elements of Ag-

riculture." says; Poultry dung 1B nearly etiual lu value to Peruvian guano (except that It contains more water). If granted that a lien will ronsnine Of the different kinds of grain, meat, and vegetables, dar- ing a year, the equivalent of two bushels orcorn which weigh 120 lbs., then It Is certtiltih low enough to place the excre- ment—teas result of tho digestion of these two bushels—as equivalent to lu Lbs. of guano. AB the manure from one hundred fowls, during a year, would amount to !,- son lbs, or gnano, taking the above sup- position as, at least, safe; and as 800lbs, Is ordinarily sulMcleut for au acre of com, It will hr si-rn that the HlHIllln' I'rolll One hundred fowls will make compost enough for tire acres. ,

Leaf Mold Now )s a good season to dig and draw a

plentiful supply of leaf mould from fhe woods, muck from the swamp or hogs, and soils from the roadside, to be mixed with the liquid manure of the barn yard, or composted with lime, ashes, plaster,

, to make fertilisers for another sea- The manure pile is the secret of all

good gardening. You cannot have too large a aupply. Ten curds to every acre you poasess would make your garden the wonder of the neighborhood. So gather np the fragments that nothing may be lost, and Increase the fruit fulness of your garden for the ne

On mist Lag his three others itarted hi pursuit, overtook the party and arrested them. During the night the negroes escaped and reported that they bad lascn attacked hy Ku-Klnx. They raised a of snout 30 nrgroei and started after Ka-

I Slat, killed three of the party and

Oaiary. Remove all the yellow jr decay lug

leaves, and earth up well with dry earth, but sand is better, as It is not so apt to rust the tender white stalks. It must be earthed up on a dry day, and care must be taken not to let the sand or earth tail between the leaves Into the crown, as that will surely rust it and spoil its ap- pearance.

Lettuce. Lettuce eau be sown In boxes aud

placed In cold frames,or in a light, warm ceUar, where it wlU grow nnd head finely, and provide a dainty dish In the wintry days. Onions.

irseed is sow u lu this month lu very light but rich soil, It will start much earllsr In the spring. Plant in drills a foot apart, and cover] slightly with dry leaves or litter.

C.ICKi-iNU ovut KMI-i v NK4W— We have frequently pointed out that our State Government would he far better adminis- tered than It now la in the presence of as

st-iT 1 1 ■*(''!; / *[) ■' * J *etlT*' rlgilant, Intelligent opposition, W eekly .N eWJ» 3 >l*e Vltie*}, possessing tome claims to public respect

—■»—n j and capable of taking advantage of lbs A "LU R D A Y • I faults and blnnders of Republican". Tlie

front K0^ P-rty S MaasaehtuBU. has, had the misfortune for years to be the only organization In the State possess- ing any degree of public confidence. It' has been Jogging around the political track year after year and an uniformly coming In winner without an exertion that itlars-

n il Hinting vi in^",„ am "Hm -

the race of Tuesday was flnished, the op- position had got nearly half around the

track. This extraordinary development

of spaed, we know. Is unexampled In the record or the pnrty that has been going on In Massachusetts*luce UUvltkft' a skel-

eton mole In a ghostly bark mill, making

no headway and forever traversing the

same circle. There has Iteen, however, some very dreary rejoicing thiSwse1^1n,

Democratic news-paper offices "The

Democracy," cry these jubilaut prophet a "have demonstrated their strength even

in Massachusetts,"and, "uo reason can

be given why tho same courage and ener- gy which reduced Wssbbttrn's majority'

this year etc. should not achieve entire success In 1H74." We think the self.conu-

deuce of ft Ihamocrstic editor ought by

this time to have Isitn moderated a liltlr by hla long experience of his own nnfall-

ing foolishness, Will It nerer OPCUT to these ecstatic gentle me u thai to make a

hub-bub over what Is no victory at alt,and and not even the shadow of one to come

cither in Massachusetts or In the nation, Isthesurestslgnofweakuess. And don'i

the nests over which In off years ttmf

make frantic fuss and flurry always provn

empty in their time of iteed? Ami what sense Is there In prophocylng about the

future parties In tlie United States on the bisls of s languid contest In three or fbnr

states that, when the real push comes,

every man of sense knows, will never touch Democracy with a "forty foot


The sheriff of ouachlb .. „_ r * en «™, „Jt,„. gone fa pursuit of the marderera.

That " murder will ant,'' has been demon- strated in a singular manner. A Ocrman mur- ders and rob* a man In Rings county, Vs., April, ltWB; he reterni to Germany; Is can- scripted i ia thrown Into prison for a petty ot- fence; hla conscience will not give him reit, and be utilKstoraa hli guilty secret of murder.

In the rase of William A. Britten against Hen. B. F. Butler, to recover the value of two drafts for 81.1,000 aelxcd by Butler at New Or- leans, Judge Woodruff, on Thursday, gave a decision for General Butler, holding that tlie general was justified in making the aeiinre.

The parties interested In the proposed prixe fight between Allen and Hogan are making ef- fort! to hare lb* Dgtt come off In Kansas City, Mo, Allen bad a benefit last night. Hogan will nave a benefit on Tneadav night, after which they expert to suit for Omaha.

The tribuoslat Msntlagu dc Cubm, taifore which the prisoners captured on the Yjrginlut were brought, condemned Berrabe, Verona, Pedro Ceapedea, Jesua del Sol and Oeu. Ryan to death, aad they were shot on the morning of the itb init.

Kvane Rogers and wile discovered ... . arrival at Halt Lake City, Thursday nlghl, from the East, that they had been robbed of #7,700 in gold. It ii laid that) there Ia a regular iy*- tem of robbery on the railroad trains to Ogden.

Tbe Wash in irt on authorities have ordered every street lamp iu tbe immediate vicinity of R fire plug to 1st plared with red glaai, so that thev tnav tie readily dlatlngulibed by the firs department iu cats of fin,

Mr. W. Earl ol Brooklyn, had squeeasd the hand of MUi Roxana Roman, made her little presents, walked with her to church, and after that he went oil and married another. Rox-

IB bat recovered 913,000. A bold but nnineceMhil attempt wai made

last evening to rob tne Bank of Delaware, at Wilmington. A policeman was nearly killed by one uf tbe rufllans, and the wonld-be-rob- hers escaped,

schlmp A-Sim'* planing mill at AI lea town, a., waa burned yclcrday morning, with the

adjoining dwelling. Lou, 820,nno; insurance, asjoSA. su pposed TO he earned hy an incendi- ary.

The money contributed iu New York on election day In twenty out of thtrtr-one pre- cincts tor the aid of Memphis sufferer* foots np •434 JO.

The trial of Iddwiool, at Weateh eater, Pa,, lor the murder of Oow, terminated r *~ being given tothejnry about 6 o'rlocl

I*t*i expensive and elaborate buildings will IM erected lu Philadelphia for the Centennial Exposition than at tint contemplated.

Tbe dlrectori of the bank of Rngland at a meeting yertrrday fixed the premium rate of discount at th« bank at '> par cent.

Five thousand striking cigar-maken mostly colored, paraded In New Orleans yesterday ;

Laura Keenc. wai buried yesterday In the Csthulie cenastsry at Moutclalr, N. Y.

I'lltiburg, Pa.,



conrse. The clock struck three. Charles bad

not come back. Tbe bank doors closed with a clang. I could endure the suspense no longer. Telling the bank porter that If Mr. Thrapstow came he was to be ad- mitted at the private door, and was to be detained In my room till I returned, I went

II A UOHTO N , out and made my way to his office, which wss only a few hundred yards distant. He wasn't there. The clerk, it youth of fifteen, knew nothing about him, He was In Cupel Court, perhaps—shy where, he didn't know. Had heJieen In within tbe lost hair hour? Well, no; the clerk did not think he liad. Ills story, then, of the cus- tomer waiting nt his ofllco was a Be.

With a heavy heart I went back to the bank. No; Mr. Thrssptow hadn't been In, the porter said. 1 took a cab snd went off to the office of Mr. Uedgemonnt, tbe W. HEALD, Sole Agent for Singer's

sing Machine Findings.

THOH. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 881 KB- X aex. Street Full Value. Fair Dealing, « No mowing," No Trickery, One Pries. We menu what we aay.

TARHOX A BRIGGS, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Saunders New Block,

Booms HI and IT, Lawrence, Maas. J. K. TANHOS. C. E. Baioos.

WHITFORD A RICE. JEWELLERS, dealers in Paper, Stationery, 1'aper Hang-

ing*, Window Shade, ami Shade. Fixtures, Blank Book Manufacturers. 3*» Essex St, Lawrence,

Work*, Vine Streot- _ Braid*, and all f '

salable good* re-dyed a


il Mill repair* I promptly and faithfully.

Dealers in Manufacturers' Supplies,

Fmtir'i ■sita'fng, Corner o Franklin and Msthses Wtreeta,

visp- uwnaacn.



Parlor, Office and Cooking Stove*. Plumbing, Tlr. nothing, snd si) kinds of Jobbing

dons promptly. -f

WHITTREDGE A BUHNnAM, Fine Boot*, Shoe* and nuhbera of swy ilSSOrip-

11 lAwrenoe Street Lawreno*.

Wn ILLIAM RUSSELL A SON, ilanur.ietiirer* of

BOOK, NEWS. AND MANILLA PAPERS, Canal Street, KiWer end.

aATTOSSKTS and CoussKLLoas AT LAW, tie Ktaex itreet.


W. UHng Room Ohaira, ate.

ogles. 1 'I am very busy, yon see," went on the

old lady, with a wave of the hand; snd in- deed the room, now I looked about me, I saw to lie strewed with preparations FOE some festive event, a bait perhaps, or, from a wreath of orange blossoms that 1 saw peeping out of a milliner's box, more likely a wedding. I waa about to take my departure reluctantly, when a young girl, a charming young girl, bounded luto the room; she was the original of the |hoto- grapli,

"Oh, mamma!" she cried, "here's » let- ter from poor Charlie to say be cauTpos- sibly lie here to-night! Isn't It provoking'- And I want to consult him shout so biany things."

"Well my dear Isabel," said the old lady placidly, "youTI have enough of his company after to-morrow." From Which

i 1 lodged my surmise as to the wedding

ere well WlUi moat, Of bnuka, last could

Their childhood, plrna'd iln-ui al griper age; The man approving what hail charmed the l«>>

,' ould die at hut lu comlurk penes snd Joy , .ml not with cm act on hi* art, who Hole

The gem ef truth from hi unguarded soul.

CabtMage. The heads of cabbages bbccoius more

Bollrf and compact after cold weather aeti in; therefore it Is weR to let thess grow until Just before the ground freezes hard. Then Winter them lu trenches, leaving the heads nearly level with the surface, aud covering them with cornstalks, straw, coarse litter or leaves, laying a Urge board over it so that It will kovp lu place. lu cold climates, however, tbe lireuebj.-* should bo mode deeper and the roots placed upwards, and covered with a foot orntorsof soil, and then leaves or straw. Winter a part of them In the cellar. Bet- ting them roots downwards around the walls. *

Beans. Gather nit the potts thst are in a fit

stair to cook, and lei them stand In ft cool outhouse, shelling them when desired for the table. Pull up the vines before a hesvy frost, and let the beans ripen for seed. The Lima, Bleva and butter beans can be needed for tublo use, shelled, looked over night, and boiled like fresh beans.

Turnips. These roots are much Improved by

remaining In the ground mitt! very late, or before It rreeseshsrd, tut the Influence of the frost sweetens their flesh.

Parsnips Dig a supply for the winter Just before

the ground li'ce/.ei. solid, nod psuk them lu sand In the cellar. Lear* the greater iinautlty In the ground, for they are dell- clous fur the tula In March snd April, or as early aa they can be dug.

Strawberries. (Jive the bed a good covering with finely

lecaved manure, or If hard wood ashes can be procured, sprinkle them all over the bed. When It freexes hard, cover the plant with hemlock boughs, leaves or lit- ter.

Beets. Refore tbe ground freer.es, gather tbe

roots and let them dry two or three hours in the sun before storing them. If kept In barrels of sand, they will be much more

rlsp and sweet. They are better baked than boiled.

The query Is often made, "Where do the pins go tot" A similar inquiry might be appropriate In reference to needles, lady In Rochester wanted some need! the other day, but :t rained, so that It was not easy for her to go out. She therefore coroawoeed an Investigation of her pincushions. A couple of pairs of cushions yielded 447 needles.

solicitor to the bank. I told him In fldence what had happened, and asked his : was correct, and that Charlie wan Uu advice. "Could I get a warrant against i brlilegroom-elert. this Thrapstow for stealing the bonds'?'' "By the way," she went on, "herfc'.. _

"Upon my word,'' said (ledgemonnt, I gentleman, Isabel, who insists that we I don't think you cati make a criminal; known Mr. Charles — I forget the name

matter of It. It Isn't larceny because you ' now." abandoned the possession of the bonds "Thrapstow," T Interjected, voluntarily. No; I don't see how you can I "A Mr. Charles Thrapstow. Yon know touch him. You must make a bankrupt I orno snefa person, Bella?" of him, and then you can pursue him, as "I know of no Mr. Charles but Charles having fraudulently carried off Ids usBcts." | Tempest," said Isabel.

But that advice was no good to uic. I. "It is singular, too, that the initials of think I was wrung lu taking It. I think I our friends should be the same. May I ought to have gone straight off to police ask If you have given your portrait, taken office, and put the affair In the hands of! by Blnbore or Kensington"— the detectives. Dignified men or law, ! "Upon say word," said Mrs. Maidmont like (iedgemount, always find a doxen rea- j rising, and sounding tbe belt, "this is ra- sona for inaction, except In matters that I thnr too mnch from a total stranger. We brlug grist to their own mill, | don't know your friend, snd we don't

1 went home completely disheartened i know you. Hunan, show this gentleman aud dejected. How could I face iny dlrec- j out." tors with such u story as that I had to "But a gentlemau," 1 cried, "with blue tell? The only excuse that 1 could urge eyes, and yellow heard and musitacbe, and of private friendship and confidence In the turned-up nose." man who iifld nibbed us wonld make the! "No morel" cried Mrs. Maidmont. matter only the worse. Clearly, st tho i "Am I to repeat once more, ww know no- same time that I tohl the circumstances., thing about bliu?" to Hi*- directors, I should be bound to! What could 1 do under tho clrcumsUi)- place my resignation In their hands, to lie , res but Lake pay leave. In Susan, how- put Into force if they thought fit And ever, I found an unexpected ally, there would lie little doubt but they would She had heard my pmt ing words of de- accept It, How damaging, too, the story scriptlon, and she turned to me as we would he to me, when I tried In obtain were descending the stain., and ssld, another appointment. I "Miss Isabel's young man Is exactly like

I had promised to take my wife and i that." Haifa crown and slew blandish

A gentleman ol wealth, one day, while practicing penmanship, wrote hut name upon a blsnk slip of paper, ami allowed It to lie upou kls desk. It attracted the attention of a neighbor, who, for a Joke, rilled tbe space shove Uie signature lu the form of a promissory note, snd a few days afterward presented the paper, with an offer to allow considerable discount if the upparent drawer would cash It at I hat time. The gentleman recognised the Joke, and the holder of the document, placing It In his pocket, departed, nnd nothing more was said about it. Subsequently the hol- der was suddenly stricken with paralysis and died, and his executors finding the note, and having no knowledge of the Joke attached to II. broiigh suit, and recovered the sum—(WOO—-for which It wss drawn, thus Illustrsting the danger of persons carelessly writing tbelr name on blank scraps of paper.

VOUUIVS'SKSS. Forgive and forget!—why the world would 1st

Tbe garden a wihlernaaa left to deform, If the Sower* hm rememberM the chilling winds

only, An.I the Hi!.i-1 ..i. < verdure for fear of we

What y*a keep by you, yo mend;

Itot word*, once spoke, eau u

storm. Ikat. SH-oiai.

children for an excursion down Ihe river as soon gs the bunk closed, and tlie young- sters eagerly reminded me of my promise. I replied so snvngely and sternly that the

meat*, which under the cbrciunstanccs 1 think even my worthy spouse wonld have pardoned, put me in posiesslon of the facts,

rdsyah 1111>II I ■■-,■( ei-> tiny

Obey glide

and in luV'a decline wey ly.

if. V. ilrsnst.

How few are found with rest talents IdsaaM!

Fewer with aauir<-'* gill* contented re*l.

Man from hla sphere eccentric starts astray,

All hunt for fame, hut moM mistake the wny.


usgjnuxa, Could ev'iy drunkard, ere he tilt lo dins. Feel In hla head the diary fumea of wine No more would Baccbui chain the willing soul. But loathing horror shuu me poiaeu'd bowl.

Tnm.wiM. DHWN THK (IIIXTLKT.—A few days ago a Hartford puteut-lawyei was ou board the In mini-bound momiui train over the Connecticut Western roan, fin board the same train wss a pretty young lady, whose destlnalleii was Tarlffvllle. The pstsnt-htwver was acquainted with the young lady, uuil conversed with her during the lourney, ami when she reached Tarlfr- vllle (as she had a trnvelllng-bag, *>.) politely assisted her from the train. Re. entering tin- car, li<noticed lying In Hi stale, close to the scat which according tQ

his impression, the young lodyhsd occup ed, « lady's hkl glove, color green. It nt once Hashed upon him that his pretty ac- qualntanre bad dropped It and, the train having started, he sprang to the window, raised It. looked out, caught the eye or the young la.lv on the depot platform, and waved the glove at her. The young lady nodded and smiled, and the patent-lawyer, natorally thinking the nod and smite Co ens of proprietorship s nd gratitude, drop- ed the glove lo Ibu ground and dosed tho Window. Dot us he settled back In hla sent, thinking what a good thing he had done, and congrstulstlng himself upon has qwick comprehension of snd mastery over the situation, his eye fell upou s young liidv In the opposite seat who had on nno hand a kid glove, color green, and who wsS looking anxiously shout for its mate. Ami then that wretched young patent-lawyer arose aud betook himself to the smoking-car to smoke and tear his hair and liewall his folly. And those two yonng ladles have each an odd gk>ve from which to out the fingers If they are so un- fortunate ss lo have a felon.

McVay 4 Co., haaker* fltllod yesterday.

Philadelphia Ii Riwiied Tor #W,fJ0u,< than last year.

California hanaiMiu lioen allocked.

M O N DA Y. For tbe year ending Sept. 30, there were filed

In the Patent Office 20,3.51 application* for pa. tents, Including reissues and designi, 2S1 sppll- cations for extension ol patents, aud ftlv appll- catiopa lor registering ot trade marks. There were lamed 12,017 patents. Including reissue* ami design". 2&6 extended and AM allowed, hat not iiaued, by reason of the non-payment of tbe final fee. There were :i27i caveat* filed and 475 trade marki registered. The fees received dur- ing the lame period from all source* amounted 10 &X7qiR20, and the total expenditures to #W.i,- 449. The appropriation asked fur tbe flical year ending June .10, 1X76 i* 6803,/SOO,

The iteamibip City of Richmond, oa the In* man line, which a London dlipatch announce" aa overdue, left New York two week* ago Satur- day. She li one of the largest vessels, and it one of the latest additions to the Ionian fleet. She 1* tbe lister ship of the City of Cheiter, and 1* remarkable alike for her great site and tbe completeness of her internal fitting*. The agent! of tbe Inman line say that no anxiety need he felt concerning the Mfety of tbe vessel, as tbe delay in her arrival is probably due to tome accident to her machinery.

Oen. Rolit. K. Lee, widow of the Iste Hen. Lee, commander of lbs re lie I army, died at Lexington, Vs., on the Alb m«t. Mrs. Lee wai the only daughter of 0. W. Curtis, Ran., of Arlington, who WRJ the yoangeat child oflJues Parker Curtis, a son of Mr*. Washing- ton bv her first liusinnd, ami sn ahl-ile-camp to Oen. Washington at the siege of Vorktown. Hla twe younger children, one ef thorn the father of Mr*, l-ee, ware adopted by Qen. Washington.

The Annual Convention of [he Methodist Biahopa, for tbe purpose of laying out the work of tha church for tbe enudng year, commenced Its lea*Ion In Newark, N. J., Saturday. There were present Blubopi Janes, Scott, 'Bowman, Wiley, Merrill, Havens, Andrew*, and Pack In fhe order nf their seniority, and Blihopi fllmp- *on and Aruei, who follow Bishop Janet In se- niority are expected to-day. The senior Bishop Morris It too Feeble to attend.

A reward of (WO baa been offered by tbe Iritndsof Mr. Thomas Armstrong for all re- covers. Mr. Armstrong la a merchant loins trailn'ew at 104 William street. In New York. A week ago he left his residence, Hkki street, Brooklyn, and baa not lines bsenseea. Tbli It the fourth partv mining from Brooklyn la*t weak.

A match game of billiards (Saturday night, French carrom, between Maurice Daly of New York, and freorge Slosson of Chicago, Daly giving rlloaaoa odd* or 100 point* la 000, waa won by Rluason. Daly made AWL Tbe match was for fl ,0U0.

Tbe Supreme Court of Illinois has decided that the bond* tsiued by Ihe various towsi snd count!** in aid of the Ottawa, Oswego and Fox River Valley Railroad are voul. They amount to f4.st.0W.

Secretary Delano wilt, In hi* annual report, renew hit recommendation for a census to be taken In 18?!!, the result* of which could be pub- lished In season for the centennial celebration.

The Jury in tho Cdderaenk trial at West Chester, 1'*., where thr prisoner is charged with the murder of one Wm. FOBS, has rendered n verdict of murder In the Ilrst degree.

The Corsui iaaionen who have been making boiler experiment! al Sandy Hook, will meet sgaln at Pltuburg snd resume their tests on tbe IHtb.

flnlr M feet remsfn to oc rut in order to complete the atooaac tunnel.

ill EIDA1 - Thr dbapptarance of Dennly U. S. Marshal

Limi- Ncwi oiidi, who left IIoboi.cn, N. J., hut week, for New Bedford, excites grave aptire- baniioni. Hs had in charge a boat he had seised fur violation uf law, aud It is (eared be has been foully dealt.with,

illlilon between sn express snd a mixed train on the Buffalo A Lake Huron branch ot the Grand Trunk II. R., resulted Iu tbe death of tbe fireman of the express, and the Injury of a hrakeman and a hagvsgernan.

A well dretaed (inrman, heheved to be 1n- .iic. called on the Stale Utpariment at Wash-

ington yeStSrusy, and demanded that »15,oO0,- 0U0, tbe amount of ihe Geneva award, he paid hiss.

The Republican caodi'iats* for Comptroller and Canal Commlsrioiur In.New York, the of- fices next In importance So the Secretary of Stats are probably elected.

TbonMS Cssev who appeared a* a wllnr** lor Stokes under tlie nsme of Brennsn, has been recognised a* an escaped ronVlei, and sent fo BUcswell's i.l.ii.I.

Jswei U. Lucas, the waaltbieat cliksn of HI. Unas, died of paralayti* on Bundsy sight. Ills rn-osertv la estimated to 1w worth W.OOn.OflO to •10,000,000,

Scvcnty-flvc freight ear* were deitroysd by


ment of the condition of business %\ Fall

River contains some facts of interest re- garding the manufacturers of thai city.

Every mill In the place Is OH ned by Fall

River men. Thirty-three mills are In op-

eration, fifteen hare been built since ISTO, and two more sre in course of construc-

tion, and twelve of tho fifteen newtntlr*

costing on BiiBVcrageWrOft,(M«irarh. have,

it It said, been built and paid for entirely: ont of profits. The oldest mill In tile city

Is the Amman built lu 1**5; the largest Is the Durfee having 8T,et4 spindles and

running a,mil looms. The whole number of spindles in the thirty-three mills'>,

l,30»,«hi4, the number of looms z",7»4 and the capital employed #14,470,000. The

yards of cloth manufactured In 1*7:' num-

bered dl0,ils.i,00i) and the employes 14s*

370, the monthly pay roll tielng on 1tu> averagef4iil,,sMi.

The mills are nearly nil Working half

time but tho mill-owners III agree that they have reduced hoars only as a precau-

tionary measure nnd are looking confid-

ently to a revival ofbuslness In December. Mr. Shove, of tbe Granite Mills, says or

the prospects of the winter: "We ilos't owe anything Our inJIJa ai* all

paid for. Tlierc Is uoladidUrmortgageous"hi lie mill In this cite Whether Individual *tock holder* have borrowed money on tlsrir atsek 1 eaaaaetaer. BuilfUury have, that would not af- fect Uie rorpuretionn owning the mill*. Ws have no goods in stock, and very Uttlecottni. I do not

ia no demand lor good*. We don't wast te pMBB good* which nobodv wanU. Bui lor our opera Bvas, iho.easaoncsa sho have no conirsct* uie Sued would all shut down entirely.

the ImrnTng of Osbert'* oil refinery at Parkei Iwrg, W. Vs., on Sunday,

Feurbaadrtd men einpleyed ou the street pavements of Ne* York were discharged, ye*- terdsy.

Rumor again give* the Chief Justiceship to Senator Roscos Cunkllng.

The ttcamsblp Calabria brought •126,000 from Europe yesterday.

Seven Jurors ua v* been accepted In the Tweed case In New York.

Yesterday waa the coldest of the season.

LiNItLOltti vs. TKNANT.—Leases of

buildings often contain a covenant that

the tenant shall keep tbe premises in good

order snd repair. The tegsl aspect of the

tenant's obligation has Just been de- scribed In a case on trial In the Superior

Court of Bsltlmore. Tbe wold "keep" the Judge declared. Implied an obligation

to put the premises In repair, If they are

out of repair when received, Tho cove-

nant, he said, was then-fore equivalent to

put snd keep and deliver np" In good or-

der aud repair. Tbe real difficulty, how-

ever, was In the words "good order snd

repair.' It was not necessary that an

out-going tenant should re-palnt snd N*

paper.but only lesve the pslnt and psper lu

such condition as is consistent w it b use; not allow It to be defatted; use It with

proper and reasonable care, and deliver It

up aa 11 msy be left after such care. The

Judge remarked thst there was no custom or rule of Isw hy which sn out-going ten- snt wan obliged to repair and paper unless

under n distinct and well-defined agree- ment to that effect.

Tux FIUK AKMVKRsanv.—The marvel

of the solid granite blocks or Boston swept away like chaff from s threshlug

floor will lie forgot ten In the greater mar-

vel of its sudden, nrvr criA'Inu. La*t

Sunday was the first anniversary of the great Are, and It finds the position of Bos-

ton with reference to her commercial rela- tions with New England and the Went as

secure ss ever, snd the "burnt district" substantially rebuilt. Over tho sixty or

seventy acres devastated by the fire, arc

built new snd solid palaces of trade, that architecturally. It Is no exaggeration to

say, sre the finest buildings devoted to

commercial pnrposes lu this country. Having the advantage of newness and her

own sad experience, Boston lias started

In the new district with wider streets and new safeguards against fire, and though

It Is too soou to celebrate a restoration of

the city, tbe city fathers at the'rtourof

inspection on Monday will find much for

Jnst municipal pride.

THK VIKS.VA KkroaiTMN has cloned rather liiglorlously. Jtls publicly slated

that It has sddert n.OOO.Oon florins to the naUousl debt of Austria. Tlie certainty

of a second flnsnclsl crisis In Vienna ow-

ing to the losses by the exposition bga tieconie apparent, and In some Instances

the officers of the law have seised the goods of delinquent exhibitors and are

selling them out for sccount of tbe gov- ernment. The serious attllnde of aflatrs

has been discussed at n meeting called hy

the Austrian Minister or Finance, the eon

elusion reached being "thr conclusion by

whlch nothing is concluded," the general opinion being that affairs ware so very

bad that it was hard to say bow lo set

them right sgaln.






Weekly }Jewtf 8r<evit.eyi WEDNEDS.AY.

The boston Herald's Washington special eayt "It If stated here Ihnt among those who lire affected by the embarrassment of the Cali- fornia mill Texas Construction Company, Tom Scott's Credit MudtllliT contrivance fur building the > ...Hii-iii Pacific Railroad, In (Jen. Uullcr, who 1* the owner or N'KIJMI (,t flock in ii.. concern. Of tin- amount only a portion wu l' i.'l 11,', and the sudden demand Tor money by . the company at this tlm« la reported to have nary demands upon ;i city save rim nut troubled him, M well —


In but a m 11»- mure tlutu two weeks the

voters of Lawrence are to determine, In

the election of city official*, the charac-

ter of our local government for the Bon-

ing year, and we are glad to perceive in-

dication! thnt the tiueutlon In recelvlug

on the ]>art of car thoughtful citizen*, a

degree or that attention which, ID the dis-

turbed condition of buslm■•*•> and the nn-

rjertalntlce of the fottire, it more than over

demand*; with the existing depression of

the (jreat industries of our community,

and the Important public work yesterday

Inaugurated, added to the usual and ordi-


is other stockholders, a iiix hi deal."

The Central Vermont Railroad Company have leaned the llarlem Extension Railroad, the lease being filly executed yesterday, wbeo formal possession wo* taken or the road. The Irate I* to take effect from Nor. l«t. Thla gives one management to an unbroken line from Canada, vie Hi. Alhane, Burlington, Rut- land and Benntngton to Chatham, N. Y., where a connection will be node wlih the Harlem road nntll the New York, Boston and Montreal line i- completed.

It I* said thai a numlicr of English capitalist! came to this country tlx week! ago during the height of the panic, with 810,000,000 In gold and began buying Western Union Telegraph ■lock. They were an successful that they ob- tained possesil in ot all the stock on the market with the exivpHon of the large Mock owned by 1 on11 lure Vanclerblit.

The suit of O. B. I Amor of Savannah, (it.. against Charles A. Dana, for alleged false im- prisonment wldle the latter wan Secretary of War, was argued In the United States Circuit Court yesterday. Dana's reply It that the ar- rest wait made In good faith under urdera from I'reildent Lincoln.

A holler exploded yesterday afternoon at the corner of Fourth avenue and 128th itreet. New York, uaed hy Coyne A Becmor, contractora on the Fourth avenue Improvement. Seven peraona were Instantly klllwd and acvcral wounded. All the glass in the Immediate vicinity wan de- moliaheif.

The Boston, Hartford and Krlo llallwar Com-

orSP.'TuV/Yn'mW^ru^o'T.Ve.tlga'tStneVu^ ot Nathan J. Cole'a death, a freight brakeman on the road. The bridge guards have not UTII kept In order, and the company if certainl; " blame.

The Cabana In New York hrld n private meeting at tho residence of General Qursadn Monday night to consummate plans lor a new expedition. It la now thought thai It will be ready hi sail before the end of this month.

A very atrong attempt will be made thla winter to tccuru the passage of a law autboi lilng the opening of the Indian Territory to «et- t lenient. The railroad companies are very urgent for thin acheme.

The trial ol tbc New York Police Detectives on the charge of complicity with Maedonald, the Bank of Kngland forger, baa ret u I ted In u Wi/W. lnfact.no case baa Jieen made at all against the accused.

Snow ilorma last night at Hartford, Conn., Buffalo, Rochester, Oswego and Chicago. Between I and 2 thin morning snow commenced falling in Boston, the second squall fur this autumn.

A contemptible teilow named Win, J. S. Olover, an employment agent at 'ITrcinonl street Uoston, Ini" heen arreited for defrauding poor aervant glrla or their herd earned auving*.

Mi-. II.in desires tiie U, H. (iovernment to fit out an expedliiunto bring home the laxly of the lamented Arctic explorer.

At the Plcelwood fark races yestenlny Full- crton beat American Ulrl; beat time, 2.24..

Violent gale on the Buglilh and Irish coaat Monday.

The I'.itn ■!!■■ Arab chief, Abdcl Kader, dead.


mng lady named Nellie Steven*, about

Lawrence requires In the year Immediately

before at, the ablest, wisest, tuoHt honest

and capable citizens -lie possesses na

councilors and law makers; never before

hits It been so Imperative that the Mayor,

Aldermen and Common (.'ouuctlmen of

city should he In every respect first

class men; they should thoroughly under-

stand the necessities of the city and the

peculiar demands of the hour; they should

he Intelligent and honest, able and willing

to gt*e their time ami best Judgment to

■ service of the uinnklpality, without

rsonal or political ends to advance at

n expense of the public welfare.

That this should be the character of the

member- of the city government I" assur- edly of greater importance than any con-

sideration of how they may be selected,

or under what form of organization placed

baton the people; as our readers are well

aware, wc have not been Inclined to re-

gard so-called "citizens'" movements In

local elcctlous as certain to embody all

the graces of good government, or reach

the highest limit of human wisdom; on toe coitirury, the specimens Lawrence

has been favored with in the past, have

been far from possessing n character to

Inspire perfect trust in their Infallibility;

without exception they have been only

Democratic disguises, — have given our

city some of the weakest governments U

has ever I wen so unfortunate asljfo rats'

seas, while for ruuk partlzauship, the

lias been actually no limit to their mpn-

ctousncHH. That of such shams our peo-

ple or both parties had become fairly

ashamed, was evident by the dropping of

he disguise on the part of the Democracy

me year ago,and a contest within straight

party lines. The success following the

peculiar half-and-half division of the gov-

ernment, has not been so brilliant as to

result In any application for a patent or

copyright upon this form or plan of local


Nor, we wish frankly to sny, do genu-

ine, unbiased citizens' movements pre-

sen I to our vision, only roue colored hues

of unanimity and pure government; It is

Impossible that all men should regard

public matters from the same slamli>oint

or arrive at like conclusions; we must dif-

fer lu our Judgments of men and events,

and so long as divergent Ideas will he ad-

vanced and distinct purposes be advoca-

ted, no community of voters will for any

considerable period act unanimously; di-

visions are sure to occur, ami if not upon

partyllnes.sureiyaud Inevitably over some

local topic, the question of waterworks,—

tlud already we see how easily a quarrel

might be cultivated in the matter of locat-

ing a reservoir,—or of Improvements lu

one section of the city or another, and a

bitterness arise and a partisanship he «B-

t/riidcred, far more Interne Mian nny likely

to grow out of party divisions or political


On the other hand, It Is certainly with

THK DtUtaiOM Of HisTm-ST.—The thing

to be cried and prayed for In this panic

la a return of confidence. A cloud at first

no bigger than a man's hand, has become

a whirlwind, mainly because people have

yielded to an insane delosion called die-

trust. A little lire lias created n conftoV-

gratlon. The retail business of the coun-

try, Its commercial traffic, Is not affected

aa In '57. There are no failures of any ac-

count outside of the speculators; the

ovement of grain from the west to the

■aboard hns been Urgar during the month

of the panic than lu the corresponding

month of last year; and the country Is in

the midst or plenty, in the heyday of Its

growth and prosperity, with a census

written all over with wealth, and teeming

with productive resource, and yet we

have been compelled to succumb to a hair

dozen speculators, who, because they con-

trolled a few millions of railroad stocks

or have overtraded, held the key to our

coffers, and made haukiug institutions

that had given undue credit upon uncer-

tain ventures dependent upon them tor

means to pay depositors. Partial or com-

plete stoppage or work does not menu

failure. The need Is not more corrency

or more tnouef, as the Idiots of the Inter-

national are asking for. There Is money

enough,—as much money as ever,—ami

with confidence once restored, money will

begin to circulate, and most or the Indus-

tries affected will resume work at full

power. The private hoards of currency

are still in their mysterious hiding places,

keeping matters at a standstill. As a

measure of self-defence, the banks decline

accommodations. All of this, or course,

la of serious portent, but what real dan- ger there Is has been aggravated from the

first by the dismal belter that the worst

had not yet come, and a vague, uncertain

fear that a deeper gulf or financial disaster

than any wc had yet known, was lying

somewhere beyond. We believe that nil

the real disaster of the stringency culmi-

nated e fortnight ago with the failures lu

Wall street, and that what has come upou

us since, Is due mainly to the disposition

of manuracturers and employes generally

to hold In their forces until they could get

time to look around. The times are hard

enough, Mini may possibly be harder, but

what is more needed than anything else

to make them better Is the payment or the

small debts, a disposition to keep money

log, to pay our neighbors the " little

hills," and to trust that they'll pay us.

in i i: i is one crumb of comfort In the

panic. Though the money that is In the

country will not come out Into easy circu-

lation, yet the money is here somewhere

and there is really more of It than lucre

was at the beginning ol the year. Since

the 1st of January, 1878. the Imports of

foreign merchandise into tin- United States

hare diminished .>:;!..".!«■. i-'.i aa compared

with the sane period In 1*7:.', while our

exports during this time have Increased

SJS5,sin. no, in all it gain of aflO.aoii.oat.

The balance or trade Is in our fuvor, and,

as stated above, tl heerfiil feature of

the depression Is thai this halancc ofnlnc-

ty million.-, must be paid for in some of

the colu tllat for years we have been ship-

ping to Europe with such lavish hand.


The Committee i

Portsmouth. daylight, clad only In her night clothea, and ■be boa not atnee been board from it U sup- posed (hat -In- liaa committed nuicidc. It In ■tated that ahd bin <-( ! «■• been ■abject to aea- aona of mental depression. A vlgoroai search la being mode bv IRT I'm ml. with a loud hope of finding her alive.

A sail affair occurred at l'nwtneket, It. I., on Taeadsy. A well known printer, Frank 11. Adstna, who was u» have been married publicly veatetdav in St. I'aul'i Church, tiled of typhoid fever after an illness of hut a few days. The deceased WM univt-raalty l>elovcd, sml had held several important ponltlona In the town.

Pool selling on the four mile race for #-.1i,000, to come off in San Francisco, on Saturday next, Iwgan Tnoadsy night, at the l.lck House, in the presence of a ' great croud of ^porting men.. Thad Steven- I- tl"' favorite, tin- )HH>IH -elliuj; m Hie power ot the two political organi-

zations of our city, to unite fairly and cor-

Ihdly lu arranging such a non-partiznn

as follows : Thad Stevens ».*>, Joe Daniels *», True Mne 098, and Ktthfaen) ■-!..

Trudo lu Nuw York cite within tin: past two or three days, has received a moat encouraging Impetus aided hy the action of A. T. Ntewart, H. B. dunlin At Co., I»rd It Taylor, Paine, Goodwin St Norvull, Devlin (* Co.. and other leading merchants who he.ve reduced the price or goods.

Alderman (.'Icallaof Memphis, while acting in the capacity ol Mayor duriug the recent le- ver panic, was charged wiih robbing l«sir peo- ple of etiiiilty i>c-i.ow.| nimii iiiem.li!.>! whether the chargea weru true or false, the Hoard of Al- dermen yesterday expelled lilm from the Hoard.

When goods re offered el price* really on a level with the time* they will lie iiurchssed. H. II. I'Liilui .■. C-. , "i New York, having reduced their prices, void on Tuesday - inn,i«n worth or dry goods. " Snail profits and (prick sale*" • honl.l he the motto.

William H. darker, checker champion of the United States, Issue* a challenge to Jnmca Wyiie, champion of Oreat hritam, to play s match of fifty games, on Ills visit to Boston, for tWO a side and the championship ot the world.

A wrestling match tor w-'sxi, between John HcMahun of ItotJaud, Yt., und Homer Lane of Net - won by MeMuhon. The matrh was decided t>y three hack falls nut of fire, square hold.

The snow Storm yesterday moraine was gen eml throughout New I'.ugland. l-'our inehci fell at Concord, V H., ml srven inches at Bradford. Sleighs wen out at Bnngor, Me.

The Supreme Council of Rorerelgai, consist Ingol Masons of the Md degree of the north em urn-.iii II i the lulled States, met Ir Chicago yesterday.

His reported that William, Alfred and Ar. til ii r II ii in* A Co., seticral initid men-limits Ir London, have railed. Thcfrliabilities are sahl to be 9l.0OO.oiMi.

William Lewis was fatally cut hy Wilt Ian UIHMIC, in.- step father, at I'lttt-rson, N. J., yes- terday, for Interfering «blle the latter was beat- ing hla wife.

The Du Qnesne Savings Hank, nf I'ltlshurg. Penn.. and the savings Deposit hank, of Kasi Llvny, suspended yesterday-

An effort i-i being made to give I'ddersook, the murderer, a new Uriel.


Whitman C. Huston, ol Washington, I). C. a pirtner Of Itlggs A Co., bankers, and a Hi Ii man, shot himself through (he head yesterday morning, dying Instantly. Hearing tiie report, his wife rushed into the room to find that he had planted himself before the mirror in order to take sure aim, ami lay bleeding on the floor. The csnsc was narthil Insanity, snpcrimhtc by kid health, lie wan widely known ami i spcctcd.

Police Superintendent Mnisell, of New Ji sty, says that Irving, ot Nathan murder not rlrty, has promised if accepted aa a witness to make further revelations respecting the muvrii and that the District Attorney wl.l inquire in the worth of Irving'* atory, and If found of an; value, will give lilm a promise that be.slinl not l«tried on pending Indictments for burg lary.

The bondsmen of Stephen Wanlwell, the de- faulting cashier of the Commercial National Auk, Providence, are Thomas It. Itoldeu am Qen. Amhruee B. Bumslde, who are reapoaal hie for ■JM.'SIO and the personal property ol Mr. Wanlwell, which is to be transferred to the lionk, amounts to probakly 01i),<«K) or $li,iSHl more. The salary of the cashier was g.lDOO.

A passenger train on the Loofirtlle Ilalln bound west, waa thrown from the track miles west of Memphis, Tuesday urnmlng, M miscreant having tied an iron liar across the rails. Mrs. Agnea Melierule, who had just ar- rived from Scotland, *iu fatally injured, ami some thirty other passengers Wew burned and braised.

The preparations ftir the fight between Allen and llugun on the Itih inn., are atiout com- pleted. St. Louis sporting men recently, at Utilaha, have succeeded In chartering a spe-

tested twelve miles from Dmaha The Police Commissioner* say they cannot

::nv a decision in the case of the Hunk of l in- land against Capt. Irving and Detective Farley until they have thoroughly read the evidence. Tbu evidence which the Bank of Knglsnd re- lied on was not admitted t>y the Commissioners on trial.

Washington special* say that all ji. ; ■ of dii posing of the balance ot the new loan at 14 an 4 per eent., as contemplated by the funding sc is Sliamloticd.and the Seeretary w(ll ask Col grass neat -e--i.il. lor antbarlty to place the en- tire loss at i per cent.

Judge Dcwey nf the superior court ruled in Worcester on Wednesday that a hackman who carries a passenger toono place and then to another—owing to the pa-sseugcr's mistake---is entitled to double fare.

A committee nf medical men who wore sum- moned to Inspect a skeleton suspiciously dis- covered i'i .II- Mnrengo. Iowa, sadly wended their way homeward when they found it a hoop skirt and a juke.

The Dutch have taken something beside* Holland, namely, some two hundred million dollars' worth of American SMoritlw, U. 8. bonds, State Isinds, iailroa.1 bonds ami shares, etc.

The books of AuffWordt A Co., silk Import- ers, were seised on the charges thai the Dim have undervalued their importutions lo an ex- tent estimated at from 9140,000 l(, g-jm.onn.

The body of Miss Kettle Stepnenson, the ruunglsdv who committed suicide -t l'orn- "mouth, N. II. ««--fi.un.l >c-l. t.liy in a milt

ment as ■■ 11 LiI command the contl

nod support of the muss of our

voters, auil If thus wisely made up, the

ment cautiously and in perfect good tlillh Inaugurated, Its beneficial effects

Id be seen T»r years to come, however

long or short might be the existence o

organization itself. At the preacn

time theru appears to be a coneldembl

leslrc among Influential Democrats and

Itepubllcans, for such a movement, and

ihatcvcr our personal doubts ns to the

Islou therein of the perpetual dawning of

polltlral mlllenlum, wc believe It would

offer,—always premising thorough hones-

ty anil fairness,—too many possibilities of

Hence to he thrust aside without the

st consideration by those of cither

party who renllze the fbllleaofthc past or

the necessities of the Immediate future,

line feeling we believe to be clearly and

unmistakably evident that the best men

nf both parlies In our city are fully deter-

mined, within party limits or hy breaking

through and over them, to Improve the

character anil standing or our city gov-

ernment ; (he epidemic or voting pretty

much as tiny please, has already largely

affected the people the present year, and

the tickets (o be nominated, In whatever

gulae, must he made up of strong men, or

the nominees v>IH ignobly fall; If wv can

have an open anil tfuncst citizens' move-

ment, well; ir otherwise, the best men,

however nominated and lo whatever party

'..(.■iii-iii;-. inn a strong city government

for ls)7t, the people, we believe, are ftilly

determined (o secure.

A CUI/.KNS' MovRMKNT lins already

been Initiated, looking towards uon-pnr-

tnn nominations for city officers for the

coming year; n considerable number of

signatures of representative Democrats

ami Id publicans has been obtained to u

tall for a moating to concert measures to

ibis end. It will succeed or Ml, Record-

ing to the spirit In which it Is carried out;

with broad views, liberal policy, honest

management ami wise uumlbatlotu, It

may secure almost or entire uuuniinlty of

popular support. Hut there uiu-t lie no

mini or partisanship, no suspicion of

trickery, above all, no possibility of weak

nominees, or the effort will utterly Tall as

It ought. Let the best men of both par-

ties come to the iTOUt, — Dot (he cheap

camp followers who nre eager to ride any

horse that appears to be In the advance,—

meet each other lu the spirit or candor,

and Insist upon the service of the ablest

tlzciis we have; then, and loam- then

III It deserve or receive the commenda-

tion of the people mid secure their en-

dorsement at the polls.


—The statement of the Registrar or the

Treasury to be presented to Congress next

month showi some unexpected and very

gratifying facts regarding American com-

merce aid ship-bulldlng. The decline

Which set In with the war appears to have

been arrested and Congress will have

submitted to it ;in exhibit more encourug-

Ing than any we nave known since iswi.

Tin American tonnage employed lu foreign

trade has increased during the year 19,493

tons mid the touuogi- employed lu the

coastwise trade X38.AS8 tons. This In-

crease Is represented by l,51W vessels, of

which )RU are sailing vessels, Ha stean

vessels, s7."i cunul boats and 117 barges

The amount of tonnage built during tie

year Is the largest wince tho war ami

owing to the advances in the cost oflahor

itiitl materials abroad, American ships

• an now be bnllt nearly as cheaply as the

British, The tonnage employed In the cod

and mackerel trade Is 109.618, an Increase

over Hie previous year—or which SO per

cent belongs to Massachusetts and 4t) per

1 eiit to Maine.

WHATEVER NKW HOMOBI SenatorBomner expects from the Republican party, he

has good reason Just now to pray that he

may be delivered from the active rapport

or such superserviccable friends its Mr.

W. S. Robinson, or Maiden. Massachu-

setts scut Into the field fill,000 to 80,000

soldiers and, since they came home, some

of them have had the good fortune to win

respect enough from their old neighbors

to secure them seals In lhe#H*me Legisla-

ture where Mr. Uohiiisou battled through

the rebellion on a high stool for &'>00 a

month exclusive or back-pay and penpils-

Ites. Mr. Koblnsoit has some personal

reasons perhaps Tor reeling that an ex-sol-

dier of the Union has no business in the

Massachusetts legislature, and especially

In any ofllce lit the legislative girt. But

In advocating the re-election or Mr. Suni-

ner to the Senate, the gentleman from

Maiden is a long way from helping his

cause, when, as In his lust Republican

letter, he talks of "blustering youug war-

tors," who "come home with suppositi-

tious bullets in their bodies" and "get In-

to the ' l.cglshitcr' and spout liarhara

Frietchie and lament over the full or Whlt-

tleruud Buranar." Mr. Sumner did fait

out of the Hopublloau parly, went over to

Greeleylsm, expressed his convict ions

manfully, and with the consciousness, as

we believe, thai he was Imperilling bin

seat In the Senate. And while lu the

light of his peerless record, there Is hard-

ly any limit to the forgiveness of Massa-

chusetts Republicans towards our senior

Senator, whether concerning the prospec-

tive Senatoi>ltlp, or the buttle-flag reso-

lutions, we do believe his friends had best

put a muzzle on stay-at-home patriots who

revile the soldiers In the name of Mr.

Sum tier.

WS TlliXK IT FointNATK for our city,

regarding all Its Interests, that so consl

ruble an enterprise as that or the wat

rorks construction should he entered u

11 at (he present time; It lias been stated

that President tiranl will advise. In lib

next message, a material Increase lu pub

lie works, lu order thnt the government

lu Its power and ability, may do some

thing to meet the necessities of the la

horlug classes, growing out of the dis-

turbances; of private Industries by tin

business depression. And the best Jour

mils are urging people of wealth not U

defer contemplated Improvements, which.

If generally postponed, would he sure to

Inflict suffering ami misery upon the work-

classes,—but rather to enlarge oper-

as, and prevent the total loss or em-

ployment to tin- people who can most Illy

afford to be idle.

We believe this policy Is alike one of

humanity ami prudence; with so large u

degree or Interruption to ordinary voca-

tions, labor will lie less in demand and

certainly >piltc as cheap as lu times o

pressure and thrift; there will he lurgi

numbers of working people out of employ

IMR FIGURES, plain enough for say

1, have been given or late by the lios-

toii Herald In Illustration of its showing-

up of the " llrst offence " farce in the liquor

procedures by the State Constabulary In

that city. Taking the case or one nun-

seller, who was up this week for a "first

offence." the Herald shows, and refers the

IncredaJoui to the court records for veri-

fication, that this same man has been

prosecuted in the same court twenty-one

times for "first offences," since January,

1N70, besides lielug represented nine limes

hy Ids next friend, the bar-keeper. As a

specimen of the working or the prohibi-

tory law, as now enforced, this Is sug-


TUB BRST twenty-five minutes work that

has been done or late by a lloston jury Is

the finding of a verdict of guilty In the

case of a medical shyster who has fot

years proclaimed his nefarious trade rTlWIngh «ilvorlls«ii»BH ID tl.-.. I),e-i,.,,

press. Mr. Anthony Cumstock, the special

agent or the United States l'ost Ofllce De-

partment Is entitled to credit for obtain-

ing tho evidence lending to conviction,

and there Is reason to hope that the "ve-

nereal sheets" as Gen. llutler once called

them, have no further gains to make out

f obscenity and Indecency in advertise


HBTTKII -BOSTON."—The Mayor and

City officials of Boston took their "walk

round" onMonday.accordlngto announce

ment, lu commemoration of last year':

blaze. The party of Inspection was n very

decorous and proper one and with rare

scir-dculal let slip the opportunity for a

dluuerat the city expense. We read that

the members of the party "paused foi

moment" to view a clothing store, that

(hey were specially Interested in a jewel-

ler's sign-board, and that the programme

of the day, concluded with the spectacle of two flre-eiiglnu horses harnessed in

sixteen secouds by the watch.

City Cleril, City Treasure i-. City Auditor, Clerk of Council, City Marshal, City Solicitor, Street Commission! City Physician, City Me-..elite' , Sup'tof Cemetery, Clerk OrafMNM'aulT tntpeeterdf Milk, BcatorWeignta.ti'ea

efnmrellcii'l. Asi.'t Engineer, Sitp't nfFlrfi AUrnt

TimTHANKSutviNfi proclamations nre

coming iu 011 the heels of the late election

returns. So far as heard from lien. Bevu

ridge of Illinois, has the stiottcst procla-

mation ami the festival In most of the

States has been voted in guberiintoriully

for the InstrThursdny In the month, which

is aa unobjectionable a dny ns any wc

know or for shutting up the bunks and

the post-olllcc and omitting lo publish a


WIIKN the panic strikes you, you will be

referred to In the New York Herald as

"being embraced by the octoplau arms of

the demoniac hydra whose lair Is lu Wall





nl. nd v ■eive [ley 1

iti charges jlnst Hat

Tun Umn willing, the American na-

tion will begin the Centennial business un the llHh or [h-cember nest. Thnt will make up a cintury since the Boston Tesv pally, and Boston will observe and cele-

short-slghted, Ill-advised and without the

temper of humanity, than that which

would discontinue a work such as our city

now has in hand, until "better times"

shall come. The labor can be had at fair

prices, anil the very expenditure for hon-

est service received, mny keep hunger ami

want from mnny a door, ami perhaps pre-

vent a large disbursement on account of

charity or from the alinshousc. Let not

our fair municipality be the llrst lo mid to

I he struggles and Increase the discom-

forts or burdens of the laboring masses,

who need more than ever work to do.

Tiie l'KN'sjoNKlts.—Uncle Samuel's pen-

sinners, according to the Commissioner's

report for IS78, numbers a little over a quarter or a million (SitS,411) and last

year they received an average or 41

each. Considering that our second war

with Ot. Britain ended nearly sixty years

e generation that fought under

Jackson and Perry seems to have been a

tough one, ns |S,0B8 of Its survivors are

h us. A suggestion or tardy jus-

lice Is the statement that 8,086 survivors

of 1«12 have been placed on the rolls the

past year. It appears that since the foun-

dation of the Government, land warrants

for military services have been issued lo

the amount of $74tO&9,0tM> acres, and ns the warrants ore for no more than Hit) acres

there ought to be some half million farms

(403,830) cultivated by veterans or their

families. We are a little dubious US to

the fact of cultivation, but the Commis-

sioner's statement as io the amount of

laud issued to soldiers Is undoubtedly



last week, will he a pretty close tit In both

branches. Most anywhere except hi New

York, this close division between the Iwc

parties would bo a comparatively good se-

curity against lobby jobbers. But the

New York legislature has been close be-

fore and the trouble has been that where

only a vote or two from one side or the

other was needed to turn the scale, a par-

tisan Job with money in It really cost less

to engineer U than it would IT It re-

quired the purchase of udoien or more


Incident upon a practical In- ginning of the construction of the water work* of the city of Lawrence, were observed on Thursday nltcniisiu. The Water Commlssli crs extended Invitations to the city government and citizens generally to lie present, and at tin hour announced fur the exercises about live h.ni dred people had assembled upon thegronnds About two o'clock tho Water Commissioners and Chief Engineer, with their guests, the Mayurand members ol the city ftovennnent,

Rev. Dr. Packard, Ocn, IN*11 Head, and ncn- 1 i.■111/11 or the press, departed Irom the city Hall In 1 HI 11.u. lie--. Immediately repairing to the ■ceneof operations, on Bodwetl's hill. Here were gathered a hip- concourse of people, lu eluding many prominent eitlsens In carriages. Mr. William Harhour, chairman of the Water Com miss Ion era, Inaugurated the exercises by calling upon Rev. Dr. Packard to offer prayer. The reverend and venerable gentleman fervent- ly sought Divine hlci-Mng to rest upon the pub- lic enterprise, and In titling wonln alluded to the past ami present of our city. Mr. harbour then spoke as follows:

,V>. .Wiyor, OMHMM* ./ thr VUg Council -The Water ('mil 1111 KH inn em are iilcaneil to meet you here ,it tin* tliuu U> uartielonU- u 111 11 in brenting Kiiiiiint Im the <li-ti ilniliiiif rt-»t-rviiir for tiie Lawreni e Wi.U-r Work-, wlii.li i» iler-lgncit in iluc tiiiHi lo liirni-li no iinijile *u|iply of pure water to the eitv mi- limnetic soil tire |iuruo.e». Mr. Mayor—It U the ilu»ire of inynult ami ■•MH'kii.4 In iiriineeute the work In a 111*1111 er uecusfary to M-eiire Ihiiniugli riiiixiiueiiim, anil with a preper rvnaril to ei-iHiuniy. We a-k the hearty 00 OIHTU UUII nail .Q|iport <il liie I ity Council In thin urea! enUTurl-e; ami now, lie. Major, nllnw tut* in hnuil v.111 UII.H *|»ulfl in your oRirial cai-aelty to lircak Hie Ur»t gnninil, ami un yearn roll mi mar Uiu work iHiguii today Is- uf such a character Unit von may look back with faltnl'aciion, ami pay, '■ Well sons."

In i.-i».ii' t>> the remarks of Mi. HarlHiur. Mni.ir Tarlmx nllmleil to the Importance of the ,-iilei |iii.-c u|i.m w liii'li till,- ) 11UI1K city vru> enter- intt, Which wan more elioely cininn:Unl w ilh the 11nHe1i.1l |.IO-|I,TIU ol tin- |ila<'i' mill ihf weltart- .it'll' inliiitiitmit- than MIIV iiii.lrrUiking ill which l.awieiice lnul ever lat-ii.or won),I In- eiigngrd f.n year* hi iiuiie. Tiny were huililing, not lor to. elm, tun for the lu-.iiie. 1'hiy liuihl 111 liiith, hi tiie 1 il.ihticn ..1 "in )>-ui\ji mi<l thrUing inuuici- palily. Ileeiuill.leil 111 the wixlimi, iut.-i.-i itv mill It,.oil" iiiilKineut ill Ule ( oiiiminniuiiern In who.-e li.ncU He- eit-, ii.nl |.la.:eil llii.-' greul enO?rprii.L-. tic tiehcve.l llicv n-niM i-ou- Im, [ Hie Witrkv eeo iKinnciilly mnl nrmlently, anil In behalf nf Uie giivcruiuciit uilii the |»*o|ili-, lie ankeil tiifiu tu 1I11 ■t w ilh a Jililiciuli" hlieriibly, looking not U> Uif mris.itiei, of the proem, but lo future year", meI the new la nl the increaring piipiilntinn with which the lniie-t eily of tiie valley ol the Merrl-

:k wu- teeming. In rnnelu-loii lie >atil thnt in iinlanoe witii Hie ren e.rt or the Commission- lie wiuilil Inauguiule the 11 mi hy temuvlliK tll-l h|i.l,lelllll i,l' earth, l> llietl tie ,11,1 I..Hi,1-1 n|i[il;U|ie of tho n—einhleil iiiulUlnile. his ceremony occurred at almtit quarter

past two, nod was followed by the ■hovelling if earth hy Win. Borboor, Cbslnnan of the omntlssloucn 1 W. F. lleCounell, chief engl- leer of the works; Rev. Dr. Packard. Aldcr-

Tuculay morning, Ilexeklab Dow oud John II. rollansbee, were brought up in the Police Court lor wraS^SMen o ekaSBt ot setting lire to the *" iiuilillna; oaEssev street, whlcJi was htrrncal oa 11) iinimlng of (h - EM of but October. The orig- inal complaint w'uch cluirged thu hicendiary with " Intent to defraud the insurance Company," was aluimliineil, ami the hearing comlacte<l under anothnr. allt-gini:, the " malicious andwilflit burn INK of a bttlliilog."

(nl. l'hilbrlek appeared for the (iovarnment ami Uie priaeners were represented by E. T. Barter and Thomas A. Parsons.

!.-<<it IFrus was th^ first witness for the pro- e nl;,,n. He tal.L—1 owned tbe building that

was burned on F.ssex street oa the list Oct. It OOMBUMd two store 1, one occupied hy Mr. Dow, lor UM sale ami manuhu'luieof trunks, and the olhurby Mr. Kulian^boe, aa a kboe shop. The 'miiillivr cost -1 ■■■», was br-lH of wood ami brick , be Kiacx Luuit>auy rei|ulrltur tti.- fiout to be made of the latter material. Ilaii been in the

itihiing three or four dny* before the lire, und SW Ik* ■tores well slocked. On the morning of

Ike Ore I had some eonveisatlon with the prison. Dow told me Hint at Inn minute* past six

o'clock in the morning, lie waa in hi* store, and tnle there he rtruck a match and lit hla pipe

throwing thu fragment on the floor, and then west out. Three of them proceeded to the Railroad Depot to see lil> hmtlier off. When became lnul, someone tohl him there was nmuke down the -licet. He remarked that the smoke must come Irom tin- Washington Mill. He tl: 11 harried up the street and found thnt hi* own *bop was on lire I bad tilao -pokon with Pollanabee. I called tipou bun at bis room, and told him to come met to the Station llouaeta *-a hi* l.rotiicr-ln bw, sir. Dow, who wa* arrested. Oa the way over we mel 'nl. l'hilbrlek, sail on being ipicalionet! about the lire, KOIUOHIH 1 saiil he lind heeu in tbe store llrst at t o'clock 1111.1 subsequently hadgnnedown again about half-past six lo get some kindling wood for. hi* souse. I have often carried goods for Mr- t'nlhinabee. Some two week* before the Are sarricd a trunk to the depot. 1 knew where It wns cheeked to. Follansbee itM it contained be- tween ♦«mand tats) worth of hoot* and shoe*.

On ■ross-examinntlon, the witness saiil lie ■xiught the building from I.aUvrasji a Wlhler. for SHOO. John Hi 10.11, bulkier, bad a mortgage of

the property, and latterly collected the tow and follansbee told tlielr stories

freely, and apparently without reserve. yhnm.ii Cimriie Mid hi' store adjoined the

building that was burned. Had been notified of the lire almut half psM »lx, and hurrying down found the place In flame*. Hi* own llOTt not tw- ing iu any huniedlale dungi'K he went out Into the htrcet; *nw Dow, hut not Follansbee; asked Dow ll' be knew how the Are onc/hutted, when Me re- lated siitmtflutlnlly the same story told by the pre- ceding wltne**; Dow tohl lilm that hi* loss was i?-.'.»HI nml that he wns ruineil.

ffsk A. Kimliilt tesllfled also to having conver- sation wllli Dew, and his story proved to be ma- terhilly the Kame ns told to other witnesses.

Akm» Jay said he worked in the Paclllc Mill, mnl mi the iiiumlng or the Slst of October, was going to hi* work when he observed smoke issu- ug Irom Hie back part of tho Fullnmibuc store; in ran towards Uie place, and was Joined by an- tiicrmnn; they broke 0|ien the door of the ihM tore, and went In, but Uie smoke wa* so dense hut they could not see. They retired nml nto Dow'* store, which was nut then on lire, and

tried lo save all they could. The lire wo* not «p- ntljf In the trunk *hop, but appeared to lie in

tiie nouth ea*t corner or the other store. They li-it the burning building only when the partitions

riding the -tores took Ore. Mr. F. C, ;ncr bod talked with the prisoner,

Dow, niut In reply to his asnaUons, the tatter *a)d there was s stove In his *hop, but il had not

a.- time, and licit bu had ulso Hi. luilf can of lieuxiuu wliiehhuused for manufac- turiug purposes, how sho (.tated to him, »ouie

eekshcfoio when he vlalted hi* trunk *hop,that tic hmljust ordered Sini worth of trunks.

J/iss Anna 0*tjUBSa>WlW lives at*BK«.(-x -iiert, stated that warly Bvc rainutw* |iast *ia ihe was out on Uie roof or the ell of tbe houw, which I* next to the huililing destroyed, when she ob- served smoke; shewent bai-k to aeuuaint Mr. I'eukof What aha saw, ami on returning found Uie whole place iu Hanic*. SoWaM one nOSM in or go out at thnt Ume,

(W>avwWs lieol was present at the dec, very shortly after It commenced, and had the fli*t ntrenni of water thrown upon it, from Allanlh- No. ■-. The flro ■..-im ■ I lo IHI coming fi-ont the front; went hnek alter U10 titc, and took a sahadale of what eoata be rmmd or had hwn 1,1,111.1 Hi saved. Cob heal tesUSad In a variety of articles foiiiid. He said be saw n gentleman whom ii,- now think* to have lieen Mr. Kollaus- bee, carry out a bOS of ladies' shoo-, but where he look them to he eonhl not say.

Ilriijamln /foftrr.'s gave evidence to laing nt the ■h-e, .u,.| !•■ ;i- -iiu ■ in making the schedule of the property discovered. He counted the remains of -His pair* of hoots and shoe* In the ruins.

A. X. .tf ict'. an insurance agent, presented a written list of what hail liecii 1, 1 nftcr Uie are.

ATr. /,'.■'.;:i - •■-. boot and shoe manulUcturer, had examined the ruins and counted WO pairs of boots ami sh<*s In a more or less damaged state.

jfr. S*Naxr, igant, predneed the apptleaUoa of Insurance lu the American Insurance Co. uf l'lill- ailel]diln, in which It tin found that a policy luul beenlaauedtoItatUo Plaltted, in behair of Hez- eklakDew f»r<i<M0.

OjNcrrs ShnAmi, LpatU nml SuUiiau testified that they kept guard on the premises until alter

"yUilug was i-chcdulcd. They knew of noth- ing stolen or taken away.

(W. PUlbriok stated tiie elrearMtasera under bleb ho felt constrained to make tho arrest, and

then submitted tbe case for the govunmient. Alter the aecu/'cl had been sworn nml declared

that they anew nothing of th.-Hi.- or IU origin ■ther than kid been revealed iu lb* testimony

HUbmilteil uiiiiln-i 1 hem. Judge .Stevens de- larod il'iii a* r'olbvn*bec liad no insurance on hi*

property, he could not hnve had any motive in netting Uie lire ; and that a- the tire bad been dis- overi-d lu Pi 1 banshee's nlore, and not 111* own, lie aioumption of lhiw's connection with such a lime wa* ci|iially uiueasnnable. Iiu discharged

tho prisoners.

11 Finance, from tbe city | lied together on Tuesday j

evening for tiie. purpose of fixing the salaries of city oHidals for the coming year, as provided by city ordinance. The reeoUof their ilellber- I ationa was iii follows —

OiTiesns. Aatot'vr, "I*. AWOPXT, 'fi. !


Cc 0 j< ji ' P- —The lirst snow 1-1.11111 of the 1


—The letter carriers have tieei

' The Drummer Hoy," the programme r puiilislied hy the Lawrence fSrand Army , is authority for the statement that Stoke 1 promised to kill tbe Bustou Traveller's y man on cundltion of receiving a pardoi

—The sensational military drama 01 the Pruumier Hoy couinienced at the city hall last evening, when we hope a largo audience will 1 ,■■ present. The play has been In rehearsal Ibe part two or three evenings, and it* first preseu-

:,hel-. ivided with ;

i-your tackle Ibr pickerel B"h


SIM •->,I*KI

d.000 -If the winter prove* suv

! would he a good Idea to e

*iu,i7i iii.r-.i

The salary list for the comlmt year hi- been .Teased over the amount of the present year,

ami we doubt not that tbc city government will cur in tbe aetloq of their Finance ConmiU-

, The salary of tbe city treasurer hns l>cen raised from fr',000 la eV,-r»3<,. The duties of mi one city official are more arduous ,..r n .-]■■■ ■:;-: lib', and In view of the Increased lalsirs ol this department, In connection with the water loan bonds, the Increase of compensation U certainly just. An Important increase has been made In the salary of city solicitor, the present amount being but SiW, and the amount tor next year,

91,000. It Ii well known that the present mea- gre salary will secure mi efficient k-gil talent,

unless the honor accompanying the office Is an attendant object, and we believe dollar* and cents more an object with the profession gener- ally-, than patriotism for oar municipality. It would be well to mahe tho compensation com- mensurate with the services required,or abolish the office, and we think tbe lietter course has been taken by tho committee. The salary ol Street Commissioner has also been increased by tbe addition of QUO, and this is hut just. It Is one of the most Important offices o f tbe city, requiring skill, judgment, and Incessant laUir, while Its responsibilities arc great, Involving an expenditure or many thousands of dollars. During the present year tho pay of the mem tiers of tbu lire department has been materially in- creased, and the committee thought It hut just that the directing power of the department should have their compensation adjusted on a proportionate scale; nn addition ol 8100 bus 1 tern made to the salary of Chief Engineer, and C7o to each Assistant Engineer. Thu Super- intendent of the lire Alarm Telegraph ha* re- tired an Increase of 1TJD0 to bis salary, making

It 8.100. Tbo business of this department It constantly Increasing, requiring scientific man agement and almost constant attention, and ihi proposed talary is none ton large for tbc office. The total amount of increase in the salary list will lie -,',!.'1. iiu.l we believe Ihc committee have acted wisely, for the liest interests of the city, and that good judgment has been exer- cised In the changes made. The salary of the Mayor Is too small. The office now, more than ever, requires close attention, experience and sagacity, and to one competent iu hold the y

sbttM a salary of *•[.-'> >" Is far too smalt; wit out doubt a salary of eU,(XKl, or even 33,00*, a competent man, who would devote his entire attontlon to the Interest* of tbe city, would be a matter of economy.


—The private assemblies w laccessfully eon- j dueled by Mestr*. McKay, Morse ami Beetle, during last season will lie renewed the- present winter, COiiitncin'io- Thanksgiving evening, nt Batiiiders Hall. These parties arc very select, am! ore tho mo>i popular and enjoyable of any

v, nml labor dull, *c.icn ever conducted hi this city. alili-h MWji boas. ' —protu n New vork paper we learn that

I 1 ulted Brother.' Lodge of Odd l-'cllows, of Lawrence, Mass., contributed tfi'i to the relief

" Memphis, Teiin.. to aulst In re- ulllicicd hv vellow lever, it Is

i the (lr>t we have heard of nuv subscript ion for in? in-i'ihtloii than ; tinu worthy object from this city.

—The contract for the reservoir uf the water \ works liaa been awarded to Boston panics for

ght to have full SHH),IKHI. They take S-Ji.OtfUn bonds and em- ploy laborer* In this city. The next move of

: the Water Commissioner*, will tie the construe-

.■sssr sTStfLSMfss: a««saffaTswr- scrs pockets. j —Mr. S. M. Newbull, paymaster of the Fein-

—The annroachlmi miinlcii.nl ele tion la lie ' "*"""" M1,l"' l- lnlro.lueing a self-instructing insthoigi'.ii' '■.'■., li.v , /id" "•VM''1" "r l*n'"«nship. Mr. Oaskell, the an- Sh^K-a ,"1"'"ruM,-v ""r lHl'w"^'tl«ir.ifthi'Vsieni.isclaliucdt..ls-thels-stpen-

lur" ■ man in the country, ami u inccratthl tsaeher of —The UaueliMter psofde phnne tsesuelvM Ithesn, The svstem can be olKaiuetl bv od-

<m their steamer* which made a tiiul 111 this ' dressing Mr. Newhall.at this city,aim enclosing. City reec.itly. letl.UO.

of feellnc, ha> iiiHhi:<.Med tation will he given in tho most satiafaetory j manner. The Sherman Cadets Will contribute

Interesting feature to the enlettalnmcnt, the tableaux will he good, and tbe familiar faces of Mr. Churchill, .shiinnahun, and others, will live the drama a local interest which should ertniilly draw fall home*.

-That 1 the tiraud Armv, and It -1 1 ; tw wscmlv I |Kirted.

— The Dmuiiner Uoy 1

man Caleb Maunders, Maj. .Oeo. H. Merrill 11. Daccy, one of Ibe contractors, am;

Oen. Nstt Head, of New Hampshire, who wat present as a guest. Mr. Win. O. Dacey was then introduced, as one ot the contractors, and

spoke as follows; Afr. Cl>nrirsisnjm-J OktseM 0/ £*M*r«eatt—1

.ne .iv. 11 r that Coiitrui'tors arc usually men work, and m>t of word*. Thirefore we shall lie c\ |,ecie,i to speak until our work nprak* u*, at the eml ot our contract. I can, howei i.roinice lor mv-ell ami my nn-oeiiiio, that •hall adhere rigidly to the h|>ccin>allnii*, and in nil rcMieela pcrfiimi our work thomughlv inilhliillv, uecoiiling to our ugrc,ment. In teritif upon our heavy U.k we n-cl Hint ne have the eonndence uf younlti/cn*, and we .hull-pare no pains to show 1011 1h.1t vour confidence is not mi.placed. WIKMI Ulis im|n.rUiil work In com pletcd we hope it will i.e a credit lo ourselve*, your commis.inner* and chief engineer, and un oraasaesl and brnettl to the city of Lawrence.

Major den, S. Merrill ticlng railed upon, nllu ilnl to tlw< inception of thin enterprise, which oc- curred Junl as Lawrence wa* ruunding out the IMI quarter century of Its corporate eahuaaee, This breaking at grouml wa* *eciimi in Impor- tance only to the like work wlilali wns done in preiiarlng tho foundations of our city, lie waa glad lo welcome ••> many of the people n ho were present on Uii- inispieiou- iH-cin»ion. It wa* pe- culiarly an cnterpri*e for tbe Uencnt of th ass- es. The wealthier portions of tlir eonnnunity might nut so gcnviidl) leel the immediate uecc*- slty of this Work, hut to the larger portion of the people,- the working men ami women,—an abun- dance nl pun- water distributed by the city, Hoillil e il.- III.- he I ,,! 1 '■ (i.K ■ !■' mini. He congratulated the citi upon Hie courage with which, while a cloud wa- lioieiiox over their in- dustries, ln-teail <>l Im-rroalng the unrerlainlh-*ol ttic lioiir, bj the pii-lpiuieiiicnl "I ihi- ciiterprhe, il waa to he pu-bed ^leaililv tmuind to Hie no III cnclderablc- relict of the h.borlng pnpllhitinn ol the city.

The ceremony over, the guests in carriages repaired lo the Commissioner*' office, where an opportunity wa* given lo Inspect llie plan of

the water works.

—The following extinguisher on the Admin- istration was found by the Librarian in a liook returned to the I'ublie Library i

oh once 1 could eat My tl1l.il good meal And whiskey galore I could regie Into mo 1 could itrol I'p and down Bran street In this t«w" t>h bad luck to him early Had luck lo him dearly May the devil admire lilm Wherever h« may be May iiiusqutloe- finite him And lalllemuks. bite him This cm re.I i o nut that brought

these hard time* upon as.

A5UTHIS lIl'RGf.jiRY. The failure of each or Ha- bile burglaries committed iu tii i - city,tbe speedy ar e,t of their perpetrators, nml the severe punlsh- aent with which tliey wilt certainly be visited, ■■cm lo huvc no power in checking the repetition if this ne. i scrkmsntid daring of offences. Our olumn* for the l.i.-t four week* liavc feari-cly .ecn a day relieved o( making record of such rimes, and now we are called upon tu replicate

the duty. I'ti., in. ir. Iiurcey, a joang man IT years of age,

eiiteicil, Batunliy sight, the boose Of Mr. l'atrick I, on ChcBlautftieet.amUtolo #M from a box

w hlch had been secrvtvd uwaj by Uie unid Ityau. liorrey, It appears, luul keen in rather straight- ened eiiviiiii-Ljiie.... lor some time, und tin- lieing I.:,.,-.,i to Ityan hu invited him lo share the huspi- Lility of his table until he could get work, and ho

imi.i. i to lead ' 'N- ii Doreey bud lodging* ■OSMWhere else, and after eating hi* supper he would leave llynu'* bouse. Oa Mntunlny evening last, Ityau, N ho Is agent for sonic beer company, bad collected n number of hi* bills, and on re- turning 1 Kinie look out tho money in presence of Horsey, and Hading it to amount to SsA, stowed It carefully awav as we have tluted. Ityan went away as usual, and no one entered Kyan's house thai night. Ityan was very naturally »urprl*ed lie,I bis moiic) gone iu the morning, while the window on the lower floor being removed from 111 fiiHtening* proved eb-arly that burglars been Ids guest* during tho night. Information at tbu HLillmi House of thu it.blH.rj-, set Aaafa Marshal Sulllvna oaoe more upon the burglm lou* trail, and after some careful Impiiry and tveon- neutering, he traced Dorrey to the lluffulo House, at Messer1* Crossing, where be found him al eight o'clock Bandar morning, engaged in hiring u suit iST rooms. Irrespective Of cost Ills quar ters In the Hiilmibs were soon exchanged for humour uparUiicnt* on Lnnrem-e Hlreel, and being Itouglit before the police court next im ing, hewaived nn eiauiluatlon, nml was held to the BnHrier Court in SI.0UO. Klftyoiie dollars of the nti sV'ii money have been recovered.

bids of ( Alter .i second reception of for the construction of the reservoir of the Lawrence water works, the Cimiml»s|oneri have granted the award to parties In Boston ,nd Chelsea, and the contract was signed Mon- lay. There were ten bids received by the

comiulsshmm, Ihc lowest being that of Messrs. J. C. Dacey & Co., of lhiston, and Patrick Kteruan ol Chelsea, ami thu amount t.ltU),om These gentlemen have given ample and satis- factory isjnd* for (he faithful fnttilmcnt uf their contract The bids ranged Irotu 81lW,0o0 to SiW.loo, and were made by the lollowing mrties, the lost named lieing the hlfuest bid-

len: Cbarlca A. Trttinbull ft Co., Lawrence. William Sullivan. Lawnnea Charles I,in, kin, Camhrhlge. Htevcns i'... iJ.e.,., A Son, Lawrence. James IL Frcctnuti, lloston. 8. IL Tarbell and M. Hayes, BMIOU. Leach A Wellington, Mount Auburn. L. Spragae, T. K. Uutehmson, l*. Hill, LoweU. Ueorgc Coyle and M. Lcnnan, Boston. In awarding the contract for the distributing

reservoir we believe the Commissioners have bad the best Interests uf the city In view, and thai their action will meet the hearty approba- tion of OUT citizens. Not only have they ac- cepted tbe lowest hid olTcrcd, with accompany- ing gi-.nl security, hut they have stipulated that

-»,0GO uf the amount of the contract shall be taken In the city water Imnds. Another, arid lust now most important stlpntatlon, Is that the laborers on the work shall Ire employed frum residents of this city. The construction uf so xtcnslvc work* will require a Urge number of

■ ■ ii I.ii'.iivi-, and it will boa blessing to those thrown uut of employment by Ihc present low pressure of our (Ininclnl condition, that they can obtain employment, with assured payment, In their own city. Operations are to commence at once, Thursday U-iiig the day agreed upon, and we may congratulate the

ilty that building tbe Water Works for tbc city i.f l. i-.-.-i.-:i r has been commenced, and is a reality.

PHOSUIOIAM Lonui: made the Installation of olHeers for the current year an oucaalon of fra- ternal anil social enjoyment, 0U Thursday even-

he large Masonic hall was completely Oiled with the ludy and other friends or the

including representative! of the other lodges of the city; the Installation ccrcmouh were conducted hy Hon. lot, S. Il, Deputy Orand Master, with K. .

—People .lie Ui.-e.iiiuin„' to talk of candidates at the coming city election, and tbe contest will tic a warm one.

—Wages are lielug reduced, and dry good* juice* have fallen; but dry good* will not cook or furnish a dinner.

—The "ward seven," or Melhuen, annexa- tion scheme now receive* favorable comment on In.th rides of the Hue. ,-

—The Washington Mills eomtnonccd Operas lion* Monday ou u reduction of twenty per cent, from loriner wages.

—"Who's going to be next Mayor r" is tbe fre<|ueut query on tbe street, and it's a cuuun- drum thai all give up.

—"The Itcpellaiil," would he a good name for the circular saw arrangement the ladies now weararuur.d their neck*.

—Bparoue* observes that some of the bank*' cashier* would make good public lecturers, s* they draw su suce.ssfully.

now mammoth chimney at the 1'nelflc, rises slowly, and promises to U) decidrdly or- unmeuial as Well us usuful.

—Four in,, l.l castor gun support* are being anufactured for the Light lulnntry, at the es-

tablishment of II. J. Couch.

■One of the lending Items of society gossip just now, Is thu prospective marriage of one ol our bachelor clergymen of name and lame.

-Now is tbe time to advertise. In dull times tbe people nre more careful in trading, and ' ok to those who offer the beat Induce mull IS.

—The tableaux In ibe drama of the Dramnwr Km,.ii the I'u.v Hall, the remaining evenings oftbis week, Will lie uucxceptiuiiuhly attractive.

•Advertisers will find our columns a valua- ble im Irani through which u> reaeii the trading public, especially tor the coining Holiday trade.

—Rev. Phillips brook*' address at the dedica- tion ot Mumorial Hall, AJKlOver, has just liecn issued iu a neat pamphlet from the Aufciiic.iN press.

— IU- Sunday trains continue lu do a thriving btisiiu-BS. Thu ii.iin oui from l'.,i ,n Sunday evening comprised seven or eight ears, nil well loaded.

—Wendell I'hfllipps lectures In the White I nn.I tun !■.,■. .HI.I in. i. ;■■ ipiitc a general de- sire t:iat his lecture on '-The Lu>t Am," should bo given.

—The noun-day, half boor prayer meeting in the retoiin club rifo.i/*, Appleluo street, un spiritedly maintained und earnedly iuicicMlug ail are mvlteil.

—Counterfeit money is getting to be plenty, and large amount! are In circulation. The ■!-.•■ nominal torn are mostly «jld ami yl bills, and hlty cent Himjb

—Now i* the time lor fruit ralsun to cure for their trees, and alop UlU canker worm ra»agcs. Apply printer*'ink H> the trunks of the trees, near the ground.

—Mrs Suuthworth's works of fti-itim are the most sought ot all book* iu our public library. These works are not allowed In the Andover public library.

Daring the month of October thirty-eight pernoiis were Iraiinferred Irom the Salem to the

TCIICO Jail, for trial at the criminal term of the Superior court.

A Wr.otsTios.—Tho following lion iapcrhnps none the less timely, not withstand hj| Ihf distrustfulne** of the special subject hy whichII was dulled:—

fi'ituu AHWUCAS :—The htateiuent made Iu the paper* nf last week of the young man who re- i|iic.i*i lo be .--nt to Uie lloune of Correction for

tiller, rather Uisn remain at liberty without linme or employment, should, 1 Uiluk, tend to open Die eyes of us who have the good of our city at hafct. end especially of those who have nny pity S>r the homcle** and outcast. 1* it neccsnary that such lie sent to prison, or way not some oilier placebo ei-lablii-heil where tfaty may be cured for without being Huhjected to the influences of priHimllfe? What i- n> become of those young ■nun who are discharged almost dally from pri*on When Unr/are released! Tbewinleria at hand, .- ..!■■■ e le '■ Und employment, and Ihi prison i« iMtter lor them than blurty wlthou food. I* there not *omu way to prevent their being thrown hock Into ihu track which bring them again under Uie penalty of Uie law? I have read that there Is In Qarmaaj an institu- tion opened many years a«o to provide SOSM and employment for those who sru hoaseluss and out- oasts, where they might come and go at pjean but when Ihure, were under favorabloregulath a* t" labor and good habits- Started by private ■nusorlptlaa, II aoonbeeame nearly if not <piiw aelfKUpportlna, and has been the means of saving u swat many who munt otherwise have been a dlsgraea to themselves and their country.

I think Lawrence needs such an institution, notonly for her released criminals, but for those who are likely to become her crlrnlnal*. Hoping that the time may aeon earns when we may Oml lesfl suitable provblon made flir this much neg lecied class, 1 am

He -),.-i iiuiK yours, C. K. R.

rW Methodist Kpiscopal church nt South Lawrence is hearing completion. It i* a line looking building, ami n a credit to that portion of the city.

Husbands, love your wives," remain at home evening* mid chop applCR und meat lor thoae milieu pin, which sic iiidlj[Hjiisablii on Thankngitiug day,

—There was a pleasant party at the armory of the Sherman Cadet) Monday evening, un-

the auspices 0f tho company. The imcin- hly A as the llrst of a series.

i he theatrical gentleman who announced his intention ol laeaUUt Sauudcr* Hall lor the season, with a view Ol running a theatre coin- tipte, ha* very Wisely abandoned the Ides.

■The committee on Finance met on Tuesday evening, and agreed on lecoinmemlation* for the salaries of city olllcialsfor the coming year,

t will be seen by reference f i another column,

—Our incut and provision markets nre sug- gestive nf thanksgiving dinners. How mauy of our more wealthy i Itixens will renietnlier u>

id their poorer neighbors turkeys and chica> ens?

Ward Six was the banner ward un election day. and the republicans of that precinct arc entitled to generous praise for their successful cit.iii-. in maintaining a handsome republican

lajorhy ■ —The debt on the Cnivcrsalist church 1* to

lie paid at mice. The total amount ot indebt- cdne«a Is &ma, and of this amount all but tfIJpS bus lieeu raised by the subscriptions or


Patrick McCsrty, who ha- lieun in prison at Ipswich nine months lor violation of the prohibitory law, wa* released Wednesday. A barouche with a span of horses went off to re-

rive him.

—One of our corporations, al least, la feeling very hopeful of an early ruvivul of luislnees. Their oidur* are good, and continue promising.

hope we may Soon chronicle

—Till UoitonA- Maine road has d3ne a suc- ceasfuJ tiuslners the hut six mouths, having earned $10,000 more than a -i per reitt. divi- dend, tint the Directors delaveil declaring a div- idend till the meeting of the Board the 17th of November, when it is expected a divldem be declared, hut po.'siblv pavable after 30 or ft) days.

—-Ken-en.- ,-ii; ii;i- wafted »o many victims oui ol this world into tho next, that it is grati- fying to know that even keroauue bat Its com- pciisation*. Lamp exploaion* are not set down in the pharmacopoeia as a cure for dumbness, bat we commend tho local accident In another col- umn to the consideration ot the Deaf and Dumb Institutions!

—Some mean fellow addressed a letter to worthy Mayor, without paying postage, and it was sent to thu Dead letter office. From there It wa* secured by tbe Mayor advancing; tbe pontage, and, when 111* Honor opened it. It was only to lin.l a lilierul amount of abuse and pro- fane epithets tow,ml him, from some disap- pointed office seeker.

—The fourteenth anniversary of too cstab- lishmeiit of the 1-awrencc City Mission, will

cur on Sunday, the 23d inst. It 1* proposed observe It Appropriate I v hv a public meeting the City Hall, at which tbo first full report

of the present City Missionary will bo present- ed. Addresses will he made by several clergy- men Of tho city and others.

A few days ago wc stated that Messrs. 'le and Me Council weru seriously consider-

ing the advantages of opening the new hotel at Hnverhill. ll Is quite probable they Will do so, hut, we are glad lo say, they will retain the i nni i age incut of the Essex House In this city, and the gentlemen are doubtless able lo care for both Lawrence and llaverhill.

—Mr. II. J. Couch, the carpenter end builder, has erected, and now occupies a fine shop ad- joining tbo E*sex vard, ami next to the card manufactory or U. V. Ituhintou. It Is one of the best arranged csutdishmenu, of the kind In Ibe city, and lite proprietor ha* added to bis former bu.-iuo*Jbst of stair building, and the manufacturing 9 doors and sashes.

—Recently, one of our city clergymen w< convening with n pastor in a neighboring towi who Is well advanced In years, and nut In pet feet health, when thu younger inquired why he ■lid not retire from active ministerial lalsor. " Ob, if 1 did," promptly responded tho elder, " I should have to go to meeting myself every Sunday I"

—A clergyman or a neighliorlng town, Hating to some of his flock on the advat of thu penny posuil curds, observed that hy writing very line, and crossing tbe line*, he could place a whole sermon on tbe (sack of the card, and mail it to any part of the country -for oneeentl -*'Yes," said one of his tnrnlng aside, " and that would be tbc full val- ue of the sermon."

—The management of tbc readings of Mr* Harriet Bci cber Stowe, announced tor Tuesday evening, found it nceesaary to alstndon the en- tertainment, for want of patronage. It shootd tint ho ;i ; ■■ . i. for n moment, huwover, that Mr*. Stowe i* uut popular with onr citizens, hut the want of patronage was ceased by nn excess or entertainments, and also the weak state of the money market.

—The dty should rc-trenco the II the Sherman cadets, as tbu company coii-hlercble expense to beautify their hall but it short time ago, and the celling has been en- tirely ruined from water leaking through the roof. Their iiutirters being in a city building, it look* reasonable that the city should lie re- *pon*it>lc for damage to company property, caused by defect lu their building.

—The contractor* for nuitdlng the new reser- voir for the city water wonts, entered the city Wednesday evening, with n long line of homes and dirt lurlfc, making quite ou impnalng pro- cession. They mado tbu journey from Boston by csirriaire road, entering thu city by the turn- pike, lending Into llrooitway, und then passed down Common street in the stables. Opera- tions on tho works commenced Thursday.

f their

District l. l-'Uke us

Marshal and hlaater of Ceremonies, his suite otherwise consisting of N. W, Harmon, U. S- W.; N. H. II. Melvln, fl. J. W,; Oeo. F. Tsl- bot, O.T.; CUM. II. Llttletlcld, O.S.; lie

ning, (i. Chaplain. Past Hatter Hiiij.li, hy invitation, assisted Ihc Deputy,ami delivered tho charges to must of Ihu officers, who ore as follows;—Caleb .launder*, Worshlp.u! Msntcr; Thnmoi Inland, 8. W.; Andrew C, Stone, J.W.; Arthur W. Dyer, See'y; Sam'l M. Stedmun Treat.| B. 0. Rerrlch, Marshal; C. D. Moore, S. D.; Andrew Kharne, J. D.| K. H. Kelley and P. O. I'lllsbury, Stewards; Win. Smith, I 8.; Cbas. Abercnmihle, Organist. One of ihc moat enjoyable features of tbe eveultig wna tin admirable music, by that meritorious i HI uric He Miss Aggie I>nua, Mrs. Spraguc, Messrs. Dyer and Smith, wllh Mr. Chadwlck ns organist, with also, the addition of a sweet trio by Miss li.m.i, Mrs. 8pragueandMrs. CIiaml>crlafn. Conclud- ing the Installation acrvlces, which proved plea- ant throughout, the company repaired tu the kui.(iict hall, where a taitcful collation had been prepared hy caterer Slater, and a half hour was agreeably disposed uf; then, with a dU- crimination we commend to future like gather- ings, tho Master announced that Instead uf the customary after-dinner speeches, singing would

lislitulcd, ami Miss Dans, Mrs, iSpragne and Mrs. Chamberlain responded with choicest songs, eliciting merited and hearty applause Mr. Abercromble was also called Inti service, and added to the enjoyment of tbc hour. The tallies were then removed, and an hour or two of dancing merrily concluded the thoroughly

pleasant occasion.

WnrnrsTaCUJUSTMAS ASNCAI..—This use- ful work Is announced to appanrabout Ibelenlb of Deeetnlier. That Ibe pamphlet is one of the bet mctbotls for advertising the llnllday trade, none will deny, and those who have hereto- fore used its columns will hardly lull to I.e rep- resented the present season. It is not only valuable as a special means of advertising tbc Holiday trade, but Its greatest valueMan ad- vertising medium consist* In the work being useful-for reference to local natter* laroUfh- out tbe year. It contains the time tablet of tbe steam and horse railroads, the postal wrvlcr, location of Hri- alarm rsMtCl, church directory, pay days of the corporations, and a full page plan ol Ihc city hall. This but feature, ban been especially useful during the present season, as nearly every family arc Interested In cutertain- tiienls occurring at the city hull, and the plan of seals Is constantly consulted. Tho rates of advertising have been reduced lu correspond with the ilmei. Ottr most successful merchants pre aware that the time to advertise Is when trade is nulct, and money rather close, for thui the peoplt nre more careful to study tlielr Interests and search for Iho best Inducements to buy, and the trading cot inlty ore tally aware that the .liberal advertiser Is generally the one who keeps the Itest assortment or goods and disposes of them at the lowest prices.

—Consequent upon bis perntntient nbsence froiii our city, Ocn. H. K. Oliver has resigned hi* trusteeship ol the White fund, and James tl. Baton, K*|., has been chosen in mi the va- cancy thus occasioned.

—There area only a dltfcrenee of about one huil'tlreit ll Mind dollar* iu Hie various bids for tbe construction of the reservoir uf the water works. The lowe-i bid wa* accepted, and waa -|i;n.i, HI, n,e highest «JttS6,lso.

—<lii S lav evening, Bov, Mr. Pidge will deliver the next of Id* ritliliuth evening dis- course*, iu the llrst Baptist Church, Ihc subject being,—"Modern M... ■.■ ■■ the gods we worship;" the seats In this house are free.

—If any one not familiar therewith, would appreciate Ibe value of tbu new public library, lei him spend n half hour In the reading room any evening, and observe the number anil class of people who spend their leisure there.

—In our table ut county returns, the vote of Ooodell and Nason, for Register of I'rulsUe, in Peabodv, was transposed; a correction would give the former 'ill teat, and the latter tbc same number more than in our footing.

—At a Probate court held Wednesday, in the Citv Marshal's room. Judge Ilarmun sentenced Cornelius Nooimii to tbe iteform school during his minority, for larceny of n pair ot pants. Two other hardware soul unite same Institu- tion for like offences.

—Mr. Loamml V. Baldwin, a graduate of tbe school of Technology, lu Boston, has taken up his re*idenee In tin- city, and connected him- self with Mr. Baldwin Coollnge, In the business of civil engineering and surveying. Tiie Arm is Coolldgc and Baldwin.

—Mrs. Scott Slddons, or worldwide celebrity wilt give one uf her charming entertainments In this city un Saturday evening, the '29th lust. It I* seldom an artiste of such rare attainments visits our city, and wc can assure the lady an appreciative and large audience.

—Alderman M.treus S. Dodge, with bis fam- ily, will l>c absent from this country through the winter; thu state of bis health renders it necessary that he should seek a differ cm cli- mate, ami he bus decided to visit Peyal, in com p.iuv with Mr. Plcunco, and his party.

Will tbo larap-ligbters in our streets, ami particularly in ballon and Spring street*, re- member that darkness comes on earlier now than in June, mid that to accommodate pcrsoiii coming from the mills and others, tbe lamps must be lighted before seven o'clock ?

—The morning train from this city to Man- hester, Tuesday, arrived in that city an hour

late. Just nliovc this city some portion of tbe engine gave out, necessitating sending lo Man- chester for another. An additional delay was caused by a freight train on the track.

—The following oAaan or the Sixth Regi- ment have received permanent commissions daring tho past week :—Ambrose M. Page, U, Lieut., Co. E, Marlborot CaptL. N. mehes- ney, Co.-K; 1st Lieut. J. C, Plunders, Co. K, I..UM, n.e, Major S. ki. Decker, Lawrence.

—Tt.e I,e(ler Carrier*' annual hall occurs Dr- ee m her ■■irti. Wednesday evening. The ball given by the fetter carriers last season was a happy ulfalr, and a very largo number were present, ami it is the Inumllon of tbe hoys in tho coming ball to asccl then effort of last year.

—A small iaiy In Lawrence yesterday, be«ged a pie uf one of thu city bakers to present to a street tramp who claimed he was hungry. [We trust the funny man of tbe Boston Travel- ler will perceliu tin- opportunity this item gives lilm to remark that "tbe boy did a very pl-ous

weather approaches, the reading it' public library gain patrons.

—As rooms of the public ir nuv gali Duriug the day the rooms are occupied mostly by adults, and evenings the young people Hock there In crowds. As hours of labor are re dined the iiiti'iiiagc of the library is greatly" Increased.

—The Savings Banks have the fullest eonll- dence of the people, who know that tho securi- ties of the iimiks aro as good as tbc money de- posited. Ol course Ihc drafts are larger, and deposits smaller, just nt tho present time, but this Is attributable to the approach of cold

tether, when money is needed; for fuel, cloth- ing, etc. The drafts and deposits arc alsiut In proportion to the transactions nf former years.

—Miss Wheeler Is in the midst uf tbo must iccessful dnnclng school Tor children she has icr held in this city. Over, titty pupils, mostly

girls, are present at each session. Not only do the children spend so afternoon of innocent ■mueanrent, but they gain Instruction, preparing them to appear in society with pleasing deport-

and graceful manners. The sessions of the school are held In the Armory of the Sherman Cadeut, each Saturday afternoon.

Mr. II. J. Couch, Hie contractor for build- ing the large brick I dock on Ksscx street, above Hampshire, and adjoining thu new block of the Messrs. II iward, Is delayed from completing

structure for the want of the iron front Ibr first Btory. The building presents a pecul-

iar appearance with its three- sides, open Iront, roofed, and floored for the several stories. A Boston party owns ihe building, and will let It lor stores, oftlccs and sleeping rooms.

—On Wednesday, John Gardner, employed in the Dye House on tbe Washington corpora- iuii, carelessly leaned against the railing or the lei at or, when it slipped from Its place, and he

was precipitated nearly 30 feet to the stone floor below. He received *erious Internal Injuries in iiddiiion to u dli-luriited shoulder and a frae- tured i-■ -:T. i -. nml was removed to bis residence nn Jackson street, where he lies in a critical londltioit, although Dr. Home, the surgeon in attendance, has strong hopes of bis recovery.

agrant was before tbe Police court on Saturday, and received a home at Ibe county's expense'for four months. The officer said he wnson the streets begging money, and suc- ceeded in getting a dollar from Senator Bacon. Mr. Sunburn was present and stated that he wo* asked to give a dollar, the vagrant stating he bad voted for Sanborn. This in itself I considered sufficient, without any charge of graney, and he received sentence. Ho was s . eessful in touching the benevolent heart of Mr

—A pleasant all'ulr occurred at tbe residence of Col. J. D. Drew on Friday uvening. Th Colonel having disposed of bis restaurant busl ness, and contemplating an absence from the city during the winter months, a party of gen- tlemen tendered him a complimentary visit The evening was |>ossed in a happy mannci. under the genial direction of the Colonel, and about ten OClotk the puny were Invited loan elegantly Laid Cable, spread by Mr. Park: the new proprlrfnr of tbe diultig rooms lately cimduetcd hy Mr. Drew.

—Twonf Hie employes of Clcgg's establish- ment, at tbc tower end of tbc canal, partlci patcd lu the fulfilment of ihc terms ot an elec- tion bet, on Saturday evening. The bet was on I'ml, i and \v;i'-l:uni ii, tor tbc Governorship, and Mr. Patrick Carroll being defeated, pre- pared a wheelbarrow, shipped Andrew Boots, and lu tho music of a drum marched ap Canal street to Broadway, through Broadway to Es- sex down Ksscx street lo tbe original starting point, slopping along the route for an occasional rest.

—A convention of tho two branches of the city government was called for Monday even- ing, for Ihc parpoee of electing trustees of th Ueioritmiury institution lo lie established in this dty. The hoard of Aldermen were in read- iness to act, hut the council failed to present a tptorum. The President and nine members H ero absent, many of th, in douhtles* aol know- ing of the meeting. An endeavor will be mode tu convene tbe government next Monday even- ing,

—A few evenings since, daring nn auroral display of considerable brilliancy, two ladles were crossing the Common, when their atten- tion was attracted by a discussion, between two colored girls directly In advance, concerning the light, which they regarded ai thnt of a con- flagration In the vicinity uf Mcthmn. Turning to tbo ladler, aa they drew near, one of the girls iiein,i in:, i v said, " I bit must lie a big fire, miss." " It Is the Anrora," replied one of the ludtes. " Gullv ' " came the response, " you're right, . 111; il ass a roart r, snrs!"

—A lire occurred at Weiihnin Sunday even ing, destroying Ihu fee houses, with :I.,INHI tons ol Ice, and 2tM) tons of hay. The evening was very dork, the clouds low, nnd tho names gave such a brilliant reflection that the Are wa* thought to lie at no greater distance than North Andover village, two miles. An alarm was ■houted on the streets In this city, while In Bradford the fire department repaired to their engine booses, lint did not take uut the engines. Wonhatii lies Inu southeasterly direction from this city, at a distance of etventecn milr; and aliotil cipjally distant from BradlOrd.

—ir there Is any one place in the city that need* the attention nf the committee on streets, or the street commissioners, we believe It to be that portion of Essex street, im mediately wett of Ihc rniliond erosaing. Tbo numerous work- men who ore employed In the chops alx>ve the railroad, and the, ladies and children whi ■hie in this vicinity, are always obliged to ... low through mini and water ankle deep. The expense of grading thi streota and laying a sidewalk would lie small, while the present III thy condition Is a disgrace la the city, ami those who have the care of onr streets.

-The chief topic of conversation in the bar- ber shops ii the near npproucb of tbe new year,

lieu the tonsorlul palaces can bo allowed to main open seven days of tbe week. It Is con-

fidently asserted that not a barber has attended church during the present year, while their Sunday diet ban been largely composed uf line iiiook-trout, grey squirrels and partridges, cap- tured after closing of shops un Saturday even- ings. Such desecration of the puritanical pot ot baked ' n-a 11 - and loaf of brown bread should

tic tolerated ui thu expense ot our rititeni attending Diviuo worship with unshaven laces.

—A lurnier resident ol Ward Three in our Ity, now located la another city of the Com-

monwealth, writes us contrasting the noise, con- tusion nnd huh-huh of our Wards 'three and four,with tbc quiet, orderly election day appear- ance of tbe like wards, In hi* present residence, whose good behavior he tbtnks might lie advat.- tagcously intituled here. We have already be- gun to improve, and if our friend bad been in our city on eke lion day, be would hardly have

lignnted his old ward, in Us orderly and quiet demeanor; and we feel sure that tbc change was so agreeable, that It will prove hut the be- ginning of continued Douce and good order.

—The Tenlb Annual Course of the " While Fund" lectures, (free to tbe Industrial cissies of Lawrence), will commence on Wednesday evening, December 3rd, 1H73, at | to 8 o'clock, In the City Hall, and continue every other Wednesday evening, until tho course of six lectures I* completed. Tickets ot admission will laj distributed to the corporation* as here- tofore: to others by lot, at the City Hall, on tbe Saturday afternoon prior to each lecture, at If o'clock. Tickets fur the clergymen of Isaw- reuce will lie reserved by the chairman of the Trustees until 9 o'clock of the morning ol the lecture; if not then called for, will be given to others. The nrst lecture will he given by Rev. George H. Hepwortb, of New York.

—The following letter, evidently Intended for the mall, and picked np on the street, waa, we •anpoae, designed for the California gentleman whoadvertiscd for correspondence In the AMU- IQAU of Saturday :—

DftUVH Kin:—I seen Saturday evening that a gentleman would like to form the aco,uaintanoe of a young lady so I would like verrj much to have your acquaintance 1 wish you would please write me and fit an interview plea*c write a* noon as possible. Direct your letter to

Miss NKI.I.IK M U .

Mass. On the reverse side of the letter appears tbe

following, which the writer entitles a I'l'ZZLK.

I thee; read nee that me. Lovel* up will I'll nave but that and you have you'll one and down and you. If

■Investigation into Iho record of the lad Robert Steele, considerably lessens the force of his pathetic story before the police court a bw days alnce, which, with tbc sympathetic words of the tender hearted judge, had awakened so

in tore hi as to lead to several application* mi Derrick, by parties who were willing

to interest themselves lu bis welfare. The 6resent la far from tbu Hist committment of

foe le to tho House of Correction i Nov. 9th, 1H71, be waa sentenced to ninety days fbr lar- ceny, and liound over for breaking and enter- ing; February ltfth, when released but ten days nn former sentence, aga n committed for tbiny days for violation uf a city ordinance j May 'llii, 1*7-, served a sentence, uf sixty di.ya ou conviction fur malicious mischief.

—One of onr nice young gentlemen, who plumes himself upon bis attraction ity to the ladles, vlalted the fair at llaverhill a few even- Ings ago; he was faultlessly arrayed, and after making the circuit of tbo hall wltb assured con- fidence of an impression,—drawing near one of tbe tables of fancy articles, presided over by a hew itching I v bright eyed daughter of our slater eitv, the gallant ehtcred Into busy coitveraatloa with tho fair one, who Indeed teemed nothing loth, though aalhe momenta sped, she Increased her suggestions as to the attractiveness ot va- rlous articles upon the table; but the yonng man's tongue wagged glibly on, until, with evi- dent complacency and an additional air of gracious condescension, le said,—"Ye«, ex- ceedingly pretty. Miss; another evening I wilt draw a hundred or two from my funds, come In again, and hny ont your entire stock." "In- deed fiir." Hashed tho young lady in reply, "bad my goods been one-half a* cheap as your talk, they would have been told out the tirst hour ol the fair,"

—Messrs. Fnwlc & McConnell, tho popnlar proprietors of the Kssex House, Hre serionaly considering tho Idea ol ttkni.: the now hotel now being finished at Haverblll. They will de- cide the matter inn few days, nnd Ills qnlle probable the change will lie made. If any city in New Kngland needs a decent public house, it Is llaverhill, and If she secures the above gentlemen to conduct such im establishment, we liellove she will make It for thi ir Interest to remain theru; this cannot lie said of Lawrence. Unenf our greatest needs I* a down town bo-

ie nearest approach lo it la the Kaaex House, which has only tho n ceo mm mint Inn a of

boarding house, lint tin. house, during the past few years, hat been conducted In a first class manner by Messrs. t'owlo & McConnell; yet It is not large enouith for the cn|inclty of these gentlemen, ns landlords, or for the de- mand made upon It by the people, many of

'hum arc turned away nearly every evening. Wo hope the proprietors of tho l'.-sex House will remain with us, hut cannot blame them fbr going to a place where better Intlncementa ore offered. •

Prime LNIHAKY and Reading ltoom is proving a public bussing to tbe hundreds of

working pcoplo whose lelsnre hours have i ■• en unwillingly Increased by the reduction of the hours of lalxir In tome ol tbe mills ot onr city. Last week there was a very large Increase In the number ol volumes delivered from the library, and a considerable addition of na—cs '

the registry list; in several Instance* appli- cants have staled that the additional leisure Incc curtailment uf work, proving burdensome,

their attention had been turned towards the li- brary as a source of relief and improvement. There is alto a marked enlargement of tbe pa- tronage in the Reading Room, crowding tbe apartment uncomfortably dnrlng the evening, while throughout most of ibe day nearly all uf the tables are fully occupied; dropping In a moment one forenoon, we were tarprlsed to find hardly a vacant chair In the whole room; no email portion of tho punms are lads and yonng men, and if the dullness iu laboring cir- cles l> to continue or Increase, the present ac- commodations will shortly prove altogether In- safflcient for those who wish to avail themselves thereof.

And it la turely the wisest possible public policy to make ample provision to furnish spacu for all who, temporarily out of employment during the winter, preler to make a wise uie of their leisure by thu perusal of book* and pa- pers,—uspeclally ot the large number who have no attractive homes or warm rooms of tbelr

own. Wc suggest the procurement ofau addi- tional, temporary reading room during Ibe con- tinuance of tbe dull 100000. The expense would be comparatively light, and tbe gain, Immeas- urably great, in keeping tbu partly or wholly unemployed, from tbe allurement* of places of vice and folly. Solely as a measure or public, policy, sufficient reading room aetvimmodatloni, in a season of temporary business depression, pay bettor than pollcuinon ; go-id books and at- tractive reading will prevent much ol tbe vice to which idleness lead*. And as the Indies have thus far used the reading room hut little* owing doubtless to hesitancy 'n tniugling with to many men and boys, If a separate apartment ,'oulil be provided fbr them, we believe It would be warmly appreciated and widely used. The library has already dotio much In meeting the necessities of our community; lu existence just

will prove aa incalculable bleating, sad If the demand Increases, we are euro no wiser course can be adopted than to fatly meet,—even anticipate it. _

1(1 1,1 ( 11"', "I \S Ai.1.4 \ I W.tlHlN.i-lllX Mll.l.*

The managers of tbe Washington Hills have decided to reduce the wages of all employe* twenty per cent., the reduction to take eifcel on Monday next. The Washington Corporation now employ alum11 ,S00operatives, their month ly pay roll amounting to about tJIO.Otio. Tbe reasons given for the reduction are ibe depres- sion of tbe market, tbo falling off In orders, and the heavy decline in goods. The mill manufac- tures incus* clothes, dress goods, shawls, and a

large variety uf cotton and woolen fabrics. It has also been decided by the directors o

Ihe Washington corporation lo suspend the running of Cotton Mill No. 8, on the 13th Inst., for tbc purpose of making repairs. The wheel* in this mill have been out of repair for some time, and the mill has been running with steam power. The directors, however, do not feel In the preient condition of business, like running with steam, and have decided to discontinue work In this mill at above staled. It Is not known how soou they will IM ablu to resume. The number of employes who will be thrown out of work at this mill will be about three hundred.

An Kiiiiii DafS MKKIIMI.—Kev. William McDonald, will hold (D. V.) meetings In Ibe Haverblll itreet M. R. church, this city, day and evening, lo aid In promoting a revival of cellgfon,—from Nov. 23d lo 90th inclusive. The public generally, and eipcclally Christian people of all denominations, who are willing to oaths In the work of God, are cordially and in nest! v invited to attend.

What you keep by you, yeu may change and mend,

But words, once tpoke, can never be reealtM.

■ I

VJV Sudovef Stlverti^sci4



Reading! In the dtiicnV course, un Tanadar evenlng next by Mr*. Mary F. Scott Bljijoni.

The lira Handing wood auction lale of I tie season will laku place on Tuesday, ,\,,v. •l',iii.

A new quadrille baud lute been funned, most if not all of Its members \mng good mutiiUm at the start.

Mr. Henry Ketrham, a griuhmtc ot tin sem- inary In 1&72, wan or iLtincd pastor of the church in Austin, Minnesota, Oct. 28th.

Tfac Hand of Hope will hold llielr next pub- lic meeting at the vc»try of thu South ehnrch on Friday evening, Nov. 11th.

Tickets tor the remainder of the citizens' course of entertainments, Including |Mrs. s,.i ■ don's readings, can now he obtained for two do'Ian.

A Woman Suffrage Convention will be held in Andover, next Wednesday arteruoon and evening, Nov. 19th, at town hall, at J.30 and 7.30 v. M. Rev. Wra. E. Park of Ijiwrcnre will be one of the speakers.

II. Frank Smith baa purchased of the Higgins belm, the small cottage and an acre of land on Central atrect, oppoalte the house of Chan. W. Iligglns. Mr. Smith will prohalilr erect an elegant residence upon the premises.

The Memorial hall library wan opened June 9th and eight hundred and severity-nine names have alnce been registered and up to Nov. 10 six thousand nine hundred and fourteen vol-

umes had iwen delivered. This Is a good be- ginning.

George Rlpley, Esq., of tbls town, U very generally suggested In this vicinity for director of the Boston mad Milne railroad, [u place ol tbe late Cyrmi Wakefleld, deceased. Mr. Rip- ley ia a very shrewd and efficient bailneaa nan, and would be a valuable member of the board of director!.

John B. Jenkins, Esq., of IbU town, has re- moved his steam saw mill to Tmscolt, Maine, where he baa liecotne interested with others li about three thousand acres of heavy timbered land. Mr. Jenkins la one of our most enter- prising citizens, and we sincerely hope he tuny make a good thing wit of this new speculation in which be !■ engaged.

Tbe Hampton colored students gave one of their interesting concerts at the town hall, on Monday evening. The choir consists of six la- dies and eight gentlemen, and their plantation melodies were sung in such a natural and pleas- ant manner «s to afford an entertainment of very great enjoyment to tbe targe audience in attendance. During the recess Oen. Armstrong, who stands at the head of the institution repre- sented by the singers, and accompanies them, stated that their object is to unir.li Virginia Hall, one of their bnltdlnga which has been erected, and Is In process of completion. Tbe whole expense of It will bo 876,000. They have already raised by their concerts, exclusive of expenses, 810,000, and received In donations, 830,000.

The county commissioners visited town on Wednesday on the petition or John H. Flint and others to locate nnew the road lea-ling from the Abbot village bridge to the house of Peter Smith, for the purpose of establishing tbe boun- dary lines and making necessary alterations. The selectmen submitted a very )udkious and well executed plan lor tho new location ot tbe street. After viewing the premises the com- in ls» loners gave n hearing to nil parties Inter- ested at the town hall. The necessity for ac- tion In tbe matter was fully admitted, and very little opposition was expressed to the plan pre- sented in any of Its details. If It li adopted, this thoroughfare will the letter accommodate tbe traveling pnbite, and greatly improve the estates affected hy the improvements contem- plated. The widening of the street rcnuli that the first house on the right in passing up tbe bill shall be moved hack about seven feet Tbls will give an opportunity fur gutters, am. relieve the public from dangers.to which they are exposed. The expense to this town will not be large, while the benefits derived from the Im- provement will he many.


The bam belonging to Mr. Thomas Cnvennugb on River street, was destroyed hy lire an Thurs- day night, or last week. The thuelv efforts of the nulghbora prevented Hie house, which was close by, from taking Ore. fthawshln erurine labored at tiome disadvantage, water being loo far away. Their work was effective, however, In putting the Are out

The third lecture in Ihe tiriidW Hull Course was given oa Wednesday evening hy Kev. I>r. narrows or Lawrence, 'the speaker look for his theme "Belf Culture." The subject w«« treated In a very able mannrr. The lift' and character of Peter the (treat was livid up as the reprr-entatlve type ami class of men who stand first and highest In personal effort and

THE FOURTH it in the "Cltueii'ii Course," will b


Eusex County. I1AYEUI11M..

Edwin iinv.iei, Esq.,

Mrs. Mary Scott Siddons

lor a The r High School Ituilduig, It is aakl «iil

Sleep-Walking Scene from "Macbeth."

On Tuesday Eve'g, Nov. 18.

■ Ingle Tickets, .SO

Ticket! with CIICCLH for Itescrved Soots for sail atW. K. DRAMA'S bm.ki.loru, on und after r'n. day, November It. Doors open at 7.15. Commence

•'clock. nTlt'Jl

IIMi.Utsj to IliVOU.

Dr. J. li. Nichols, or Haverhill, Ufa he will take Ian thousand dollars « «; th of stoek in a new bowl in this city.

The resultant* the late election have so stirred uppolilfenl elements that there will lie a sharp conflict over the municipal election next month.

The staging mr tha two spans or the new brhtgc on the ilaverhUl side, is nearly completed, ami the work of laying the iron will soon bo com


Notice Is hi MM duly am line I., [tall, otherwi-e eotled .hme I.. Hatim

late of Lawrence, In the county ol Ksscx, (wile ol John Ball), deceased, and tins taken upon him- self that trimt by iiivmi.* Iannis, as the law directs.

hunngihiiiiiml' HI ttieei-tatiM.fr.alil jereou'rudloexWbiltheiane; ami all

perms indebted to said estate- are called upon to make payment lo UEO. roSTKH. Adii.r.

Andover, November 6, l!*T:t. nov71i.1t


Notice is hereby given that lite subscriber has ■en dul v appointed administrator of the estate of

JOSIll'A I'lIKI.l'S, late of Au.luvcr, in the county of Essex, yeo- ■aan, di ear I, and has taken upon fiiin sell that trust hv giving bonds, us the law directs. All per,-.HI . Iisviug demands upon tin' estate or said iloeea.-ed arc required t4i enhlblt the i ami all persons indebted to aald estate are upon to make pay

■'.,11. <i

The subscriber will reward for tbe appre

nension ami conviction ol tiie person or persons who set Are to the timuc on hi™ preudies tliat WUB burned on ttas night ot the inth last

i II .\ iri.iv. C. III.UMT. Andover, October ... 1B73. H:tl

I70R SALE. A good Horse, Buggy and .T Harness, two extra good Cuwr>, Pigs, 1'oultrv Ac. Apply to J. W. IHMTEU, Elm street, nmi Elm House.

Andover, November fl, IB7S. nTltf

QOA I, .

The subscriber has a supply of COAL of differ- Terent sixes and quality, which be will furnish customers at a reasonable price and short notice. Orders may I* lull at JOHN II. CHANDLER'S Period fill Store or at my residence.

' JOHN CHANDLER. Andover, Sept. BIST3.- 1 ,

IrOH SALE. A ionac and stable In No. . Andover, situated within a few steps of the

Marble Ridge Depot. House Is two story, thor- oughly built in modem stylo, with both room end water closet on second Door, marble mantles, n Sood cellar, contains furnace, nice stable, mom

>r two horses, two cows, carriages, etc. The land contains 1\ anres, with frail trees and about JUU Concord grape vine- in bearing condition- Price low and terms easy. Apply to THEItON JOHNSON, North Andover. oCtlOltiluel

J. " Sofas, Lounges & Parlor Suits.

Also, dealers In all kinds or


FURNITURE of every description. Which they will sell at the

LOWEST LIVINO PRICES Call and see tbe Paumt BED l.oi \\<. i;.


lap*) J- HILL A CO.,

Cor. Ameilmrjr A Keaea at., Iiawrcnee.

p T FH \JeWehbei

RINK, 1). D. S., late with Dm, r A Twllihell, of Boston, wishes to

announce to the people of Andover and vicinity, hat bo lias taken rooms In Barnard's build l»K, opposite the Post Office, where he will attend to dentistry In all Its branches.

Andover, July 1M, 1*73. ' f tf

An unusually large number of people bare ap- plied to the city authorities tor assistance, and the situation of innny of the people out of em- ployment bee IK particularly distressing.

A woman residing on Henry street became vexed at tome occurrence in the lii.u-r, Tuesday evening, and snatched up a bottle of laudanum and swallowed BOOM of the content*. Dr. Ware was called. At last accounts Iha wonld-he--.nl- clillstwaa recovering.

Thu great fair In uld of thu public library, closed on Saturday night. The net proceeds will

■ iidi.lv reach en.Onfl. The library building will erected on Summer street, the situ being inclu-

ded In Mr. Bait's donation. Plaiui will be pre- land during the Winter and work on

the spring. The report of M. V. Ames, Treasurer of the

Children's Aid Soelety. for thoyear ending Octl, UIS, shows reoelpta or*2tUl.Ui, of which *]r.i:l.l_:

expended in purchasing n house and aguo used for the expenses of tlie Hume. The Aid Society has li.euo In government bonds and

1,700 In currency deposited in tbe Snvings Bank.

The chsmnel that has been cut in tlw Merrtiu* at Mitchell's Falls, the past season. Is more than

hundred feet long, sixty reel wide and lour reetdsepatluw watermark. His said a bugi appropriation will be asked Tor at the coming ■■ess I on of Congress. There will be an effort to remove neat year the- obstructions In Ihe Merrl- mao at Rooks bridge, where a large stone has re- mained in the draw for many years, sinking two schooners and dnlng other damage.

The Haverhill school system is ID sad condi- tion, If we may believe a Haverhill paper. The High School bonding Is "an extravagance in it In upon "too small s piece of ground;" the "piping" for gas la in keeping with the net of the work ; the "school committee is too large, and should lie cut down one-hall." the "primary schools should bo doubled up:" UisUmnlta «. School Is "inac- cessible," aud "thete" says tbe local chronicler, "aro but a tew ehangen in our schools that are

Library Fair netted upwards or AA,0CN> The result of the balloting at tbe Fair waa an Col lows: t ho p ild headed oane to lion. J. V. Smiley layorof the City; oil painting, J. I.. Hobsoii; Kolwrt's Holy Land," Rev, Dr. Hyde; silver

pitcher and salver, the Masonic fraternity; a**° d pen and pencil, B. Y. SUntoa, city editor of

the !■•'!'■ tin; dictionary. C. C. Hunklns, principal -at Heiiooi; "World noted Women," Mis*

Lucy II. Brown. Over »n» net waa mnttied from vataa alone. Tbe " tide shown" iwmprlslng Uie art gallery, parlor concert, shooting git 11 ury, etc,, added about ioou.

Uev. S. II. Sweetier has published a letter in re- ply to tlio strictures II|H>U i>ilhodoxy recently published by llov. Mr. Speneer, the late pastor of theUnlUriunChurrh. Mr. Bweetser thinks Mr. Spencer Is a little weak or a little ditty If ho sup- poses himself of so much consequence ns to di«- lurli the foumlatloni of orthodox faith. Air. Sweetscr concludes his letter by conceding, "that there may be more counterfeits In our ttilda than tn his, both because counterfeit coin la quitu likely to ho oftenest found where there is the freest elr eulatlon of genuine muuey, ami also because wise •' knaves" are far more apt to counterfeit hundred dollar greenback-, than ten

;■■'■'' ■' .."..''■.. - ; ' - ' "—

I The total loss by the tire which destroyed Ad- \ dlson, tinge A C0.1 Ice-house at Wenfaani, ia *'-'.,- : 000, <>ii which tn.ie Is InsaraaiM- to the amount of I eW.ISW. The houses were ten hi auinberand bar. ingil capacity of(3U.UOil tons, tn entirely lull The inluc ofiee-hnuscsts ordinarily estlniateil nt *i.t*. per ton on the rapacity,so tliatlhe ten build- ings were wortti a lltUe 1CM than *IH,IMI, rvhlle the IT t inioted value or their coiitvut* waa t ■■>.'•*•■ |

David R. I.e Craw, aged 79 years, t month* and 10 days, died at Marblehead on Wedncsilay, and , his funeral will lake, place on Friday nltemoou. Marblehciul was tho place of Ids birth, and from it he took bis first departure for the sea in early youth, and followed II over fifty years, ronimund- ing vessels for forty-two years. The la*t ves-c he commanded was the rli|>|ier (hip Dashing Wave, ofwhlch he was part owner, and m which he made Bevi-rnI voyages around tho (dob* hy the way ot California and tius East Indies.

A. O. Hall, died a few days since In Skan- eatclei, K. Y. Bhe waa formerly a reeMent of Sa- lein. thosurh she leuioved to New York in Ife-. Her linsUand, Ralph Hall, died 11 years ago. She

a* the mother ot Snrab .Itid.on. wifooTDr. Jud- m, the missionary- l»arah Judson first married eorge Dana Ronnlman. She wns a memlier of ie First Baptist Church in Salem, and sailed ith Mr. Iloardinan to India in l(ili. Mr. Bourd-

mun dieil among the Kuruus, in l~ II- and Mis. II. married Dr. -ludnoniu IKlt. llenleath In ISIS, and her burial at ftt. Helena, are fresh in lb mlndi Of many. Mrs. Il.il), mother of Mrs, Jud- son, was born In Metlmea in HtW; married Mr. Hall in l«B; Joined l»r. Holk-e' rhnn-li In Ma For the but nine years she has been cunQued to her bed. She was a good old lady, and greatly resorted.

Middleaox County.

El new ho re.

The new town houso-ut Miodluitoro, which lui* cost Bboul s '.',""", Is tn bo dedicated on Tuesday, IHth inst.

tine of the nehool ciiniiiitlcc ol I! ii-n l:.i- of. tared a resolution thai the girli- in the High aejwo

i be iii-tntcU'd In photography. ! The old M-bool ship Massacbnselt-. has


h*Tt-niiAV— After seraral MnttMaacoa ami da lay*, the first siiuad ol the little hand of burglars now In jsilawuiting trial, was brought into the Police court thla morning. Their mine* are Thomas I.eiiry, Patrick Daley, Michael Madden, and John Murphy. These are the yount' fellnwa Who on the night uf the 21th of l.s-i mm

Hamburg, Oet 11th. and lia. gone under tarad the house or Mr. Ueo. S. Couch, No. U Cedar the Norwegian flag. She was bulli in 1*41. j street, and robbed it"! various: articles. Theev-

The Boston burned dl*tilcl was inspectol Moo- i bkatna produced ngain.t UR-UI « as at Hie hegit


Lowell lias a tiood Templar Lot I ge called the Aipiublbeutlon.

The Mi.idl.--i- nnotlier meeting.

I.on-ell will emulate Boston hy calling tlio southern portion of her territory Lowell Hlgh-

Ontlie Lowell Horse Railroad, the number of trip.- run by the cars In the afternoon has been reduced one third.

Lieut. J>. D. Teamon of the Cnlted States Army, and son of John Pearson, Esq., of this city, ar- rived home on a three months' rurlnugh Hatur-lay night.

hundred ami three shares In the Lowell and Andover railroad were disposed of one day last week by one bfftt directors, and the remaining stock is being gradually taken.

Hills will be introduced in the next Legislature to authorise the annexation or a portion of Drn cut to Lowell and i- - sat off n portion of Middle- sex Village from Chelmsfonl to Lowell.

The city's monthly draft for October nraminls to tHS,tii2.9U, of which a*,tttr7.fi0 is for the Bremen' oenil-annunl pay. Of the above amount, n&VOOfi will be used Tor Die Appleton street extension.

Mrs. Joseph Hoar, a native of Waltham, and mother or Samuel Hoar, ot Lowell, died ia WaU tham on Saturday last, at tho age of seventy-sev- en years, deeply mourned ami much respected-

- thought the citizens or Dracut will make opposition to the annexation to Lowell of

the portion of DracnJ through which thu wator mains prnm. Dracut has already glvon Lowell a slice or her territory.

Mr. James II. Francis, hydraulic engineer, has been engaged tn asrdst the City Engineer or Dos- km In Investigating the supply and duality of the water lu Mystic Pond.with n View to obtaining an increased supply Inr Boston.

WhileJosoph S. Farmer, a reekteat of Fifth ■ireeL Centratvllle, waa driving near Id. real- denoe, Monday, the transient bolt of his wagon broke ami lie was thrown to the ground, sustain- ing a anvnre fracture of the arm.

wisdom, and whine ambl- lion and se-lr-sacrillcInK InU-ir-t, had won tho es- teem of the world. Those were elsuiuuts of char- acter which gave men power for much good. Next Wednesday evening llov. John Hogg will deliver a lecture at the same place and time.

On ■■utiiL.l.ii night Are was discovered In i of the tenements In Schooner Block. It was- tlngulshed, however, before It had ramie much headway, and with.ml verv K'-neial alarm. While



HARD ANI> SOFT WOOD ! .king a siicclaltv or delivering It Prepared.

is received at Walter 8, Donald's Fruit ami Fancy Store, where a list of prices can be found.

J AS. 1'. BOllEUT*. oilll.l X. II. U. WAKUWKLL.


PROasATK COOBT. To the next of kin, creditors, and all other per-

sons interested In the estate of ranny Hunt- well, lalu of Andover, In Bald county, widow, deceased, intestate:

Whereas, application has bean made to nahl nirt to grant a latter of administration on the e*.

tate of nald deceased, to famuel H. Boutwell. of ' dover, In the county of Essex.

on are hereby eilad tn appear at a Probate Court, to be held at Baleen, in said county ofE»- ses, on thu First Tuesday of December next, at ■doe o'clock before noon, to show cause, If any you have.ajtaiiml grantiturtfee same. And said hamuel It- Boutwell is directed togive public no- tlcc thereof by publishing tins citation once a week for three IUCCCBSIVI! weeks,in the newspaper called Lawrence American and Armorer Advertixer, Printed st Lawrence, thu last publication to be

,vo days, at least, before said Court. Witness, QcOHt F. Choatc, Esquire, Judge of

said Court, ihls olnvonUi day or November, In tbe year one thousand eight hundred and sevent"

nm l I'M. A. C. UUODELL, Register.

ailway, u _.o parties _. approaching footsteps were henrd In the street, and a moment after James Itlley alias thu Judge, entered Ihe building, carrying under his arm a small bundle Of ruiy. A bottle containing some kerosene oil was also found in one of thu rooms. Thu Judge's appearance at such nn hour and under such circumstances, seemed t" lie sufficient cause for his arrest. He was brought before Jus tiee Poor on Monday, who bound him over for trial In tho sum of aabu.


The members or the Kl.en Sulton S. F. Engine Co. de-Ire tn express their grat itilde to the friends Who so liberal I v contributed towards winning tho maanlflcssat trumpet at tho Odd Fellows' Fair, held at Uwreaee, OoL 18th. ._.„.„.

Tne Ceaipany were verv much pleased With the rourteoua aaanner in which thev were entertained hv tlie I.awmnreFtre Departiuimt at their parade Oct. trth, and hope some day they will be able U> return the eomplenicnt which is so justly due;

Thleree senea to he ^^..ng around .rather plenty la this vicinity of Isle. About midnight Saturday Blgbt they entered Real meat market ami carried oaTa small quantity ef meal u>goiher with clothing etc., broke tin- money drawers open

round nothing hut a few Copper*. Means are "inn, for Their ospture and ibey will — y be handle 1 roughly, as Uulc-hei

apt to be ratber


being aafcan, — doul^edlylis h:\mllc I roughly, apt to be rather cruel in such r third traie the market has been hi the past six months.

The money pnnie necni-. to li;is this village. AboutlMham discharged li ..in the Machin cjii--.-t.-d to he out of work .

Stevens' mills are running i three-quarter tin

Mr. Geo. W. Chandler, ot this city, recently completed a soldiers' monument, which lias been erected In tbe town of Boxfurd, at an ex- pense of 01,100. Tlie money to secure the monument was presented by Mr. J. Tyler Bar. ker, or North Andover. Concord granite was ited In |H construction. The style of architect-

ure is pltiln and neat, the only ornamental Ion being two crossed aabrea oa tbe front of the ihaft. The monument ia eigbtoon feel In height, with a base nve feet square, and i. constructed from five blocks of granite. The base Is hewn from a single block, and U twenty-one inrhts high; the die Is constructed from two blocks, and complete Is fourlcet square at the base, two feet and ten Inches nt the top, with a height ef three feet, ten Inches; the cornicais twelve Inches high, projecting eighteen inches; on thh pedestal rests the shaft or column, two feet square at the tutse by one foot at the top bevelled to a point, with a height of nine feet and ten Inches. On one side or tbe die is the* name of thu doner, i. Tyler Barker, in raised letters, while on tlie opposite side nre tlie namci of twelve soldiers of the First 1'arish in Boxford and fourteen of Weal Boxford, ail of whom died In tho late civil war. Following i

Fill NT PA li inn, BoxroBD.


It. Frank Iknnnlson, e-c-Statc rhanploii of bill- iards, his removed lo Salom.

James P. Foley, of Salem, U among the graduates or Dailninulh Medical College.

The Warren Fivo Cents Savings Rank n( peg. body, will pay a dividend or three and a half per

'nt. on thu lutli of NovciuUr.

Miss Sarah K. Uorrill, a native of Salisbury, id a highly esteemed young lady, died In 1'mt- uutli N. II., on the 4th ioet.

M.F. Hertford, who attempted to commit sni- de nt Lynn, hy rutting his throat on Sunday i-uulng lust, Is pronounced out. of daugcr.

Thu town of LyiinltcM in oat or debt, raises lib- eral sums for schools and roads,and Die rated taxation is only eight dollars on one thousand.

The Lynn Museum of Natural History has been transferred rroin tlw High School to the Young Men's Christian Association, hy vole or the City Council.

The night trains will bo taken off tho Eastern and North American Railway on Monday, Nov. lutli, and alter that date no Pnllmnn cars will be run un that road.

Among the students having |«rts at the Harvard commencement In Tt are N- D, C. Hodges, of gslem, D. L. VTIttington, of Ncwburyport, und E F. renullosa, of Balaam.

The new pumping engine for tbe Salem Water Worku Is nearly finished at II. H. Wortliingtnn'i manufactory, nnd will probably lie tn operation at tVetiham Pond by the Hit of Jauuary.

Atthe session ofthelaw term of the Supreme Judicial Court at Salem, throe criminal and Iweu- ti-three civil cases weni argued. On Momlay next Jury trials will be held, Judge Devens pre- Idlug. Three young men, residents or Topsfleld were

onvictod lo Salem yesterday, of throwing stones nttbedwullingofMrn. Sarah and Miss Almlra

mings,olTopstleld, and each lined *lu aud «ta.

AUCTION HALES 1»Y OEO. FOSTER. . Will be sold at Public Auction, on SATVII

l>AV. Nov. 8tb, at I o'clock, P. M., at the Furniture Wara Hooms or tlie late. Terrenes Henry, de- ceased,several Lots efaacuMii RAHII rvusrtvut. anil other Articles, via: Parlor and Cooking Stove, Refrigerators, Eitension, Toilet aud other Tables, Itureaus, Chamber Sets, Chairs, Carpets Cane Scats Rocking Chair, Lot of Lumber Signs, Olass, Chimneys, etc. The Articles will h soil without reserve, as the parties owning them bare hi most rases left town.

Andover, Nov. Sth, 1BJJ.

ADMINISTRATOR'S BALK. WOOD- LAND In Andover. Hy virtue of a licence

from tho Probate Court, I sliall sell at Public Auction, on HUMIIAV, NOV. Jlth, at U o'clock, P. M-, on the premises, si Aiuka n» WUHIIUMI, lielonging to thu esUlc of tlie late Major Joseph L. Low, ueceascd. It is situated In the West I'arudiia Aadover, ■enrllagm*tsl*oud,aBilBb.Hit Wiual distance fnnu

oak," "Maple, Walaut, Yellow Pine and Birch Wood, a part fnrnisblng a heavy f(ror-"- It la welF watered, good aoll and eaeelient Und for cultivation. Entrance ou the West, near the lioasa of Sylvester I.ovcjoy, and on the East near _ cjoy, nnd

IP tats residence of Joshua Pbelps, deceased. Persons uan examine the preiuises miy time |>t vlous tn the Auction, and obtain infomistli respecting the same hy applying to either Dav d Jameson, or the suliscrihcr. who has a plan of tin- land as made from a recent survey. The sal. will lake place near tbe house of Mr |Lovejoy on the West side. Conditions of payment, a-ltw at sale, balance on the flrsl 'lay of January next, when tbe Sal will be delivered, or sonnet-if the purchaser desires. This furnishes an excellent opportunity for a permanent investmentor a good apeculatlon^ ^^ KM- AdBrt

with Will annexed. Andover, Nor. 7th. "'It

CTANOINO TIMBHIl LAND. Will bo O sold at public auction, on TlieuAT. Nov. «, at 10 o'clock, A. n.,un the |.rei.u,es. all the HARD ami SOFT WtM)D and TIMBER abtndlng »n ahinit lu acres ol land, known as tbe "Berry Fond Lot." opposite the "Hall Acre 1'ioie," on the Mid- dleton wad, about half a mile east of the house of John B. Jeahlus, E»o. The Wood win bo sold In lots to accommodate; and it the weather i« atormv at the Hi Icignnicd, the sale will take place tho next lair day. Team, will bo providc,l at the Town House in Andover, at» o'clock, A.M. on the day or sale, to convey purchasers to the auction, and a lunch will be furnished Conditions at sale.

Andover, November 11,1873.

Martin 1. Ames, John y. Datohelder, Oscar F. Curtis, Albert A. Frye, WilUam A.Gurlcy, Matthew Hale, Ifatvlson Hale, Thomas A. Masiiry, John Sawyer, Jr., Leonard C. Savage, David M. Sullivan. Benjamin S. Twlsden, A. Spoflord, Jr., 8. II. Brown, C. W. Cole, T. I*. Perloy, C. L. Foster, A. E. Perky, J. H. Cbadwirk, H. C. C. Morse, g.B.Oago, J. U. Day, J. F. Cole, D. Butler, li. A. Kilbm. D. M. Anderson,

died SepL Sth, 1SS4. Oct. 17th, 1MB. Juno 8th, IBM. Dec. sTtb.iati. May 33d, IStO. Aug. lDtb,lBtii. Feb. tltn, lam Feb. Dili. UK. Aug. Ttii, last. Dec. 30th, HUM. March 1st, IBM. Nov. 14th, 1MB. Aug.30th, i-i-J- Oct. Dd, lt«H. March Id, i -. i. Aug. llh, 1MU3. Aug. 8th, ixi.l. Aug. IDtb, ISO. :-eiit. .'.Ill, IN;:!.

Mar. 13th, ISM. May IDtb, ISM. June 8th, intu. June I nil, 1-M.

Sept 13th, i.-ni. , lUli, intu.

March *th, I

hlle there


T7>OB SALE IN NORTH ANDOVKtt.- I1 The "Fellows place" in North Andover. Is of

fcred for sale. It consists of a twoslory house bam and shed, together wUh about tan --

ing, tillage, pasture and woodland, and Is — the ''Ba'


TVRBliVvi.nWbnntt Village.

situated on tho 'Wlern Turnpike, mllos from Lawrence. The siir 1 id low ir applied for soon. lnp|i.lrc off

Andover, November It, 187.1. ttt

\J ness of the Arm of Woodmen * Craotree has passeil into the hands of the subscriber, end ho Will continue b. funiisli Co»m-. Caskets, Hnhca and other articles , vu-l with the b'tsiuess, promptly and lu the Ink-si r-lylss and ilnish. l^oi- mis smi'ca.krts Ral-hcd in gffi ^«LjH;i«**,*J

with brondelolli. .IAS. M. lltAlI'UlKE, In Draper's Building, Main street.

Andover, OetA)M7tt. *«

ltcv. Henry & Fay of Brldgewator at ccpu a call to Townacnd Contra.

THBDniMMgR Bo«.—ThU MlliUvry drama had Ha flrst represeiiutlon last evening and will I* repeated Friday and Sutarday even- ings. Tbe scenes and Incidents of the play are

mirrored from the Into war, wHh aa much accu- racy and effect M possible to be poHraycd on the stage. The play Is relieved from monubuiy by the introduction of a good natnrcd and pat- riotic Yankee, who has a warm friend in the person of an irrepressible member Of the col- ored race; the witty Irishman Is .also ilmnd in the ranks, nnd adds no small amount or amuse- ment to the play. In l'attic Peaslee Is found the amusing lady character and as usual In men dramaa, the play Is brought to a success- ful close by the termination of the war, aud the union of heroine and hero. Interspersed through the play are numerous tableaux, which

greatly add lu tbe effect of tbe performance, and which may be said to be a leading feature In Its presentation. The Wile* of the drama will be fought by member* of the Sherman Ca- dets, who have bravely and generously volun- teered to imperil their existence for the good of tbe order, and the gratification of the audience. During the evening the Cadets will give an ex- hibition drill, and those who know of their of- flicieucy In the manual of arms, will certainly tleslre to witness the exhibition. Altogether the entertainment offered by the boys In blue will afford great satisfaction to all who paWoone it, for it really combines features that make at least two goad performances.

An exciting race is soon to take place between ro fasttnllinj[Newhuryport schooners lo Dela- arc breakwater and return to Gloucester. It is

said that quite a sum ix made up lor the wlauer of the race.

The project of forming a Joint stock In West ynn, for tbe manufacture of carriage wheel: nd baby carnages, has met with the incoui :w

ment which It deserves, nnd flock enough hm been hubscrlbcd to Insure success.

The contested will ense of James P. Putnam n liens, which waa presented last Tuesday and untested, was urged before dmliate Judge

ChoHte, Monday morning and admitted to probate. The will, it U said, disposes of somu adAO.uuo.

A Female Suffrage Convention wilt lie held in Lyceum Hall, Salem, on Monday nnd Tuesday next. Mrs. Lucy ftlonc, Julia Ward Howe, Misses II. U. Loud, U. T. Folaom and M. F. EasUunu, with other celebrities, are expected tn be present

James M. Wellington, of Ipswich, a wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer, died at his home, of hemorrhage or the lungs, on the inth ult. He hnd pursued his trade in Ipswich since 1W7, aad was a man of excellent character and business ulilli-

ty- Miss Abble goodwill, a graduate or tlie New-

huryixirtUigli fvhool, i-. prufCksor of l-niin Ia College, N. Y, Man Hannah l.unl, a

ti nchcr st Mitplewood, Mass., has declined aa offer from tbe same college of the chair of Rheto- ric.

Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Lord, of Ipswich, baring been married fifty years, tlie golden wedding an- ulversary was very pleasantly coiu memo ruled by a gathering nt their residence, of children, grand children, brothers and sisters and their lamllles, and a large circle or neighbors and friends.

Tlw proposed ocean raoe from Newhwrypor between the schooners Crown Point and Ll/zie Thompson,wesbrwnghtto a close Saturday, by Urn mailer artbe Lheale Thompson withdrawing an.I.Ic. lining to sail. The amount depniiled II*

toried In ease either party withdrew, was paid to the owners of the Crown Point

Mr. M. F. Ilaunm, lonnerly or bkoWMgan, Me-, attcnipted to commit suicide at his bouse in Salem, on Tuesday, by cutting hla throat. He MI< ie*o>d In cutting a gash three and a half indies long anil half an luch in depth. The

i ■ not thought to be a Tata! one. Tbe c: ilmtight to have been temporary Insanity.

At about seven o'clock on Monday evening last a house and several outbuildings situated on tlie line of tbe Essex Uallroad, about half a mile

he HiddleloH Depot, were totally ue Ptroyed hy fire. The house wns occupied by t» i elderly families named Esty and Dorman, nn. wns valued at * 1,-JI-J. The urlgiu uf the lire is un

KrA Mary Eastman, of Lowell, In lier speech nt Worcester tart week, i>ul<l there was a case In Lowell ol a man's leaving a position nfteachir at •j.nttO n year, mid Hint ull that was allowed n woman who took hi* place waa *TtsJ.

Carl Zermhn, the inusicnl director of the Cho- ral Society, hnia hard time getting to Lowell. He started from llosten two weeks ago, got tbe wrong train and broaght up InWobum. l.a-t Frldny evening tbe society waited a long time fur hlin, and finally a telegram was received raying he hud been carried by Lowell and was In Nashua. The society concluded not to wait Mr. Eerrahn will try agnin thla week.

In the Superior Court Mondny, Jas. Williams of llOkton, and James Moultoii an Itinerant were

mil guilty of setting lire to n amall bam InCcu trnlvllle, Lowell, located in the grounds of D. ti.

envill, and of hill lltUu value. It was located mote from any buikllng and used as a tool iurc. Sentenced to four years In the Horn trrectinn each. They had rucenlly hciore the it beeu iu LeavIll's employ.

Monday was Judgment day in the Buperli Court. Judge Hacon presiding. The sentences were mainly for violations or tho llqnor law. John Fort), or LowelU wns fined #:si and eoata lor keeping a ll<|uor nuisance, nnd Michael Dunn, or Suxonvllle, attempted to escape sentence by pleading he hod abandoned tho liipior huilocas ami offering lo pay the costs. Judge llacon would consent to no evasion of penalties, and fined him • IU nnd n..t- and tent bian to Ihe House of Cor- rection for 30 day;.

In the I'nited States Circuit Court at Hoston Mt

Satnrdny forenoon, John N. Pierce, of Lowell, against whom un .Indictment Tur embcaillng Ihe tlie funds or tho Merchants' National Hani- or Lowell was returned by tlie grand Jury ten days

appeared to have his hull again Justify, as has been no renewal since the indl'-tinent

wns found. The bail remains at$Sfi,Mu, Messrs. Aldeu 11. Ilutlrlek and Win. K. Livingston being the sureties fur Ills appearance from day to day during the term for I ■ lal.

the opening of the Superior Court In Lowell day morning, the Jury returned n sealed ietof guilty or manslaughter In the case of in, tho Aclon boy murderer. Tbe prisoner not apparently affected in tlie least by tho

announcement of the verdict Coder tho general rtatutos, chap.7fl, sec. in, he may be sentenced to the Reform School, flrst obtaining tho consent of the mayor or tho city or the neleclmen of the town where the an was committed; consequently there Mill lie nn sentence until the necessary' notice -1 i.i 11 bo returned to the court ll was a sad scene, demanding n w tteepMt sympathy of all iu attend-

day by the Mayor, City Council and others. The t"tc.l ce-i i.l un- Hi completed buildings li *-!,7lB,.V«.

The old engine huuau of the llm-lou and Aliwny Railway nt Springfield, with sixteen locomotives, was de.i. in i'd hy lire about four o'clock Momlay morning. Loss ai'tf.ouo.

Tlie Novemlier term of Hie .-.-.ipnniii' Judicial Court commenced in New tledford yesterday bioraing, Judge Drvens pn-ridiug. Tbbt term will proliuhly last hut a week.

A Hoston lawyer has taken tlie ground that the law against street walking a- it stands in the Massachusetts Statutes I- uncomdlluli tl, lic- rnu-tc it Is directed against milv one sex. l-n't the point well taken :-

An exchange says tin- Kastern Railroad tom- I ptiny is repoileil tolmve offered the Lowell Uail- ! road Company g.to.noo n year for the Joint IMO or : the new Lowsil Railroad slatiou in Huston, ihe | price asked Is ntXI,UH>.

I John (i. Cuhow, a well known ltu.ton tailor, has been indlctetl for unaUegclattempt to extort aid. 18 fronioneChas C.'Smitli.a dealer in furiil-hlng)(Oisli by falauly itoewsing tbe latter of steaJi'i- from him and then demanding a settlement

At a ineetlug of Hie creditors of Mr. !.. K. Washburn, of Worcester, Friday, It was agreed

cpt a proposition made byMes«m. I.. J. lesACu.,to take the assets ami pay the

ere.liters » per ceut or their claims. Tlie amount or claims is understood to be upwards of gru.OOQ.

The State Police during the month ol October caused K£3 lk|uor prosecutions, Ul for general of- fences ; made 711 liquor seizure; 1- gaining sell- lire.: cau.-cd « U.'iTMU worth ef flues; ait.ll07.un worth ot ■■■ --i - and were au expunge to tlio iieo- pleof the State of *1J473.1I1. A

A man named Joseph Miller, a printer by trtule, aged « years, shot himself at the Allis llonse, Tuesday morning, at hair post eight. Miller hns

-tlininpton at tbe insane awyluui.and basnnly lioenbomo six months. Domestic trou-

au-e. He had not lived with his

t»lfc tor some time.

A marble tablet lias just been placed in liie city library or New llodibnl, tlie purpose of which Is beat Indicated by its inscription, ns follows: " This tablet aommetnoraies tbe ealiglilened Hb- eralltvor Sylvia Ann Howlnnd, who liestowed upon the city or New J! .■■! i ■>-■ I two hundred thou- •anil dollars; ouo hnmlred thousand to nld In supplying the city with pure water; and one hun- dred tthousnnd as a fund for the promotion of lib- eral e> I ucation by the enlargement or the free pub!;

s library." lu the Supremo Judicial court at Concord, N. „ on Monday, an Important flowagu oaasj was

cmnmenced. The action is brought by Retsey F. and Edwin E. C-nodalc of HonkseU against the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company of Manrhcu- bnr, N. H. The plaintiffs allege that some twenty anres of their land, located on the westerly bank of the Msrrimnck river, about• mile and a half below Hooksett Bridge, litis been damaged to the value or •10,000, In consequence of di-rendnnts erecting certain flash boards on their dam In Man- chester, and seek to recover therefor.

M.S. Underwood, Skate Liquor Commissioner, has made his annual report to tho Secretary of DIP ComIUWVwealth, from which the following (act* are taken: The amount of sales from U.'- lOber I, IHTi, to October 1, 1KT;1, was if 71,271 70, upon which there was a commission "I fli"d -I- Tbe expense of tlie department amounted to *i-M7 --, lonvlng tho QommlMloner's profits for Uievesr M9THM. The e^tlmnteil nuioui.t of li.,iii.i- ronfiscnted during tho year was about

N gallons, of which in.**', gallons were deliv- fur redistillation.

Mr. Israel Fellows of Balem has Just completed n.et of elegant r ■. Including drawing room, parlor, hall and chamlsrr sets, tor thu Washington residence of Hon. lieorgo 8. Rout- well. The woods used nrs of the bud quality, combined with rare beauty. Nearly every (vari- ety of wood known In the manufacture of furni


Arlington Is In an uproar over the condition of the Town Treasury. The deficiency tor last year amount' to * !,"■> - and there is n strung dcslro tor nn investigation

The lllllerlca Fanner's Club hns elected tlie followlug officers for the current year: president,

Ueo. II Hills) vice-presidents, Lcander Crosby and It It. Hold; seorutary. Chats. W, Lund; treasurer, IIarlow Colhy.

Theponl mortem examination of the body ol Cyrus Wakefleld. showed him to lie in perfect physical health at ihe time of bis dentil. Tbe re- port that he died of heart complaint Was not truf. Ilia heart was sound, and no cause Is known for his death except mental anxiety growing out of the panic.

The town house at Ayer will not be completed. tills winter, and protiably not liefure next summer. Dr. Ayer, who partly croon it, will not furnish fuel to hunt for tho punicrors, and the town au- Uiuritlos have been np|>enied to, and they refuse to have anything to do with the portion that Dr. Ayer agreed to build.

Pastern! Uc-idemin Adams, or North Coclmslord, a few days since while engaged at a bank In tran- sacting of business In Lowell, was affected by paralysis»f the h-n side. Deis yet helpless, but his medical uttomUnt predicts fnvorablv lu hir

He is over 70 years of age, and widely known among business wen.

Tlw store owned by D. P. Lawrence in Forge Village, and occupied by George Uf, Rntterfield as a grocery store, waa burned between and one o'clock Tuesday morning. Tbe Ira Is HUppoicd to have been Irreudlary, as the Are cnught In a part of the ptoro remote from the stove. The post office wns in the store, and the mall mat- ter was saved, as well as a barrel or two of vege- tables and Mr. RnttcrncM'* lmoks. Nothing Hie

could be saved, as the lire had gained possession wlien discovered. This Is the lliird or fourth fire in this Immediate vicinity within a abort time, and a fire-ban I* supposed to lie around.

There was a bad smash up on the Stony Brook Railroad at Ayer. Wednesday inumlng abool six O'clock. The freight tiaiu i'ruui Lowell, followed the engine after separating, Instead uf going Into tlie yard, as usual, driving the engine Cbeluuford lulu thuengjue house, where thu engine Naslu was stationed, and driving the engine Nashua throngh the end uf the house, smashing both en- giuos badly aud diimaglug several cars. The en- gineer, (Iranian and hrnkeruan Jumped or nnd were not hurt. Mr. Lawriaia, law conductor, jumped from the UHiof* boxaar aasg was not riou-dy hurt. The amoke ban* down and ihe


■inter begins to show his qiiiillly by ■asapa ...anoe. Tne lughtsare rtinglngeohl, the d tough and blustering. Frost collects on the pohinl window pane, mid remnin* ihrouidiout the day. Ice clings along tire eilgi-s or the pools nnd Htrenin* from Min to sun. The gmtinil is getting solid preparatorv to donning its shaggy oven-oat of snow which will come whirling down some of these near days.

On Tuesday morning tho mercury indicated IS" above tero.

Wood chopping hns begun in right good earnest. The forests lire lalliti;: hciore tin inej.ih-^ I.hides of tbe brawny nxmen. Messrs. Niiver A fluff em- ploy a little colony nt "liaimrh.," who have Ira- pruvUed a veritable li>u cabin In tlu< midst of the pines, mid lire in humldc, vet comfortable quar- ter,-, according u> their country tastes. Tlu-.e Canadian French an- a tough, hardy race, inured to the rigors of Minici, and Miiningly as happy and conleated with their lot as tbe more effenilnnte and tavored «oa- Of toil-

Two fairs havs been held in the town hail Wllh- ..i na many weeks. Tho Orthodox society, Oct. tilth and 30th, ami 11K' Methodists, Nov. 5lh nnd (Ith. Tho former society had a very pleasant time, and realized perhaps :n*J dollars. The lat- tcr CM-.tiled their own expeotiilues In their r»- colpta.and It was a matter or general MWM among nil huw well the success of Uio fair culml - rotted. Tho hall was decorated 1* unique stylo and furnished convcnlcntlv for the various tables loaded with niceties of every description. Ever- green festoons, wreathr, crosses, eU'., appeared In abundance. Singing birds In beaiilllutcaRcs Warbled sweetest auugs, lirililant lumps shed a glnw of clear light over the happy throngs, tnimlo floiiU'd dalicluusly upon tho air, delighting the ear and warming the heart, while universal good humor and pleasure kopt every one spell bound In the festivllit's of the occasion. The display of eaiifec-tlooerv was pnrlleularly flue, and woe fur- nlshed from the establishment of Mr. Rosworth, JSMFlssex street, Lawrence, who personally hud aupervislonofllu-tables. Tlie tables devoted to fancy goods were covered with a profusion of rich articles which found ready sales. The col- lection ot itereoaeopie views was rery complete and embrace.) some of the flnest series extant Among these we noticed several gooil pictures taken by Hamur, or 371 Essex street. Lawrenre, eoinprlsing views of the rjjurch, Insidn and out tlio village, and private residences, all of which found eager buyers nt rein sue rail ve prices, "rum these tables many articles were sold nt

u< limi by C. M. Vittum, Esq., bringing good J rices. The ire cream tables were rupplied with

elicloue creams prepared by C. E. Sleeper and assistant*, the sale of which attested to the excel- lence of this luxury. A beautiful arbor for tbe sale of "Moral favors" adorned the east sldo nf the hall, and wax unanimously conceded to lie the prettiest feature or thu I'nlr. Here a l.ivi-ti display or choice flowers greeltsl the sight. Vel- vety mosses, rich In emerald freshness-, linn.' upon their soft hosnni* numberless brluhl und fragrant boquets netting off hy tlie vivid contnirl their cap- tivating charm-. Hundred* of fair ladies and gallant men bore from tbe howjr these delicate rhi store .regal hcautluft from thu court of queen Flora. The handsome and i ostlj rase, presented hy Mrs. ItlU-hlniiH, was voted to Uev. Henry Dorr, by a larae majority. Tho sewing machine was sold to Chas. Day. Esq., forDi dollars. The supper was extensively iialronl/.eil, and gave complete satisfaction. Tlie method of serving wn* generally liked, and no doubt conduced to the greater consamptlon of lh* delicacies fur- nished. The paper published i*r the fsir was well received, and hundreds sold. Tho society feel liml. 1 p.Hl iilihKillK.il- 1.' U ■ li | '-I"! I'"l In ■ unwearied efforts In aid of the fxtr, and feel that Sap " '

tine Miration, a brake-twister on the Newbury port branch or the Rostan ft Maine it R. ac- cused his wife oflnndolity and proceeded to beat hoi-. In revenge, she complained of him ft>r steal - ing good* from freight Irulns, and an cxaniiaalton disclosed the fact that he It v I In his possession |M worth uf rattan beluuging to tin- late Cyrus Wakclleld, and uumeroiu oilier articles, lie has been arrested.

Jo-enb Sclman, a wall known cltixen of Lyaja, reading with Ua broUier lu-lsw, Mr. Natlianwl llnldsT.owmEbMsnleWeon Thursday morning last hy lumping frnm the window of his npftrf ment. lie luul been u very prominent mi-BU>r ol li..- I nn Longregailiiual Church, but had been Attacked iv uh iciiqxii.ii i insanity,and at the time of his death was undoubtedly Buffering frotn men. ml derangement.

■-- H ■ i. the

During hb D. Trlpp. who died at bis hoa*oln A

week, had u fnitliful and trusty bar*. his constant cotnibja* esteem almost as a betel

which enjoinH upon tho fatatty aW utimv-t and kind Irealmenteftoe^lB Vnarborss dnrini bis natural lite, and wbidi aRasabrbis that. mi., i lis decease, tlie body -ball lie dd,,,-, e-i to a skill-

liestowed as 001 respondent In the AMBHI- *s. The agaregste receipts will reach gl.JOO. i- tlinugiit that neerlv MUM will be realised.

„'hlcb willbeor great lienefitto Uie society, and go far towards iKmlaishinK its debt. Thu thanks oflbe society are tendered lo Its numerous friends for their ready and liberal responses to its ap- peal* for rnaasrial aid.

Father Merrill, of Hoston, preached In tho Method let church on Sabbath morning before an atlenllve eongregstlon. The discourse was re- plete with power and palheti- fervor. Not a drowsy worshiper could be aeen. At Ihe con- cluding hyma the vanorablo prnaeber Joined with UH- choir and congregation. Hir atrnlorisn lungs breathed forth tlie sublime notes with glai ' rr, distinctly heard above the multitude organ's peal. He is an old-fashioned orator, full or fire and the Holy Ghost, and his utterances fat) from lips touched with the sacred lire, whose words iiin n into the listeners' heart in spite "i hmiselt and awaken emotions almost uncontroil able.

The free Masons dedicate their nsw list) this week, ofwhlch more anon, v i

ItKxuBsun r. Ki.t'iivr.Hv or Void.—Some

five months ago we published an actxiunt of the sudden and remarkable loss of volte to a highly esteemed and well known yomg lady at tbls dty—Hiss Haggle Unmack. At that time she was seised with a minting Mt-ni-m •ndlag upon re< ..very that her TOico ball gone. We are now must h-tffpy '" announeu ili.n in a ■ttll more remarkable manner she basis sud-

denly regained the power of speech, tin Bun- day evening, while reading a letter frost a dis- tant friend, tbe contents alluding to hor Ions of voice, tbe kerosene lamp mar at hand explo- der]. Immediately on recovering fron the ■hock caused by the explosion, the young lady found she had regained her voice In Its lull ca- pacity, and at once hastened to her friends to make known the Tact.

NRXT Sulilmtli evening, at half-past seven o'clock, Die pastor of the Free Baptist Church will deliver tbe first m' a series nf discourses es- pecially adapted to young people, and Ihe mu- ses, to be delivered in that church occasionally on Smnliiv evening'. Bohjoel of tbe am dis- course, "lleasun in itellgion." Seats free.

MnnniN linn ■, or tbe giuls we worship, will lie the subject of the evening discourse of Kev. Mr. 1'iik'c, at the lii-t Daptitit church, next Sunday, commencing at 7 o'clock.

nlnir «f the examlnalloii, very slim, and it have been doubtful whether there Wj,*pr,H>i enough or guilt to hold them, had not John Murphy. oM

it'd " blowcd" on tlie rc»l. He wns rltnese stand and related nil theclr- or the robbery. Ho said Leary, Da-

ley and himself seeing Couch's Imck-door open, id It, and walking direilly to the bedroom-

where Couch nnd his wife ivire asleep, turmtl their clothes untU they found the husband's

pantaloons from which Uicy took a pocket book, containing over tear ihillarsjtn bills and scrip. De-

ding to Die kitchen, they found five cranberry ptaa ami n eake, which they nlsu earrled "IT. The Madden Imy refused toffn into Die house, hut raid

uld wait until Ibey would come out lie kept Ms promise, mid look a share of the pies and en!;.'. What they couldn't ent they threw away, lindlhi'li riiqmrated. InfbtttwUOB being ulven at the i mil..u bouse, AssUlant Marshal Hulliviiu pursued tlie burglars as far us Messer's Crossing, Where be ■ me- in sight ul two of them, hut i.nled to Brraat them aa tlicy ■: ■ i.- ■; into the wood. dUappoaretl. Learywns nrrosted lu his luiiisc the following day, and through him the rest uf the gang were gathered in.

After an examination lasting three hours, court deemed the evidence ul Murphy sulueieut In bind over the iiarty, and they were each "-oni- nutted to Jail, ill detaiilt of I.' ■■ ■ hall, lo await

ic aetiou of thu tirnnd Jury lu January next Thomas Doiiuhoe was sentenced to no days in ie limi-.- of i .irrecti.n., lor being idle and di

oivlerly. ,

ii.-- 'the entertain ment provided nt Ui judicial theatre this morning, was excellently nrleil owl attractive. Monday being always poked forward to as a gala day at this little place

ofniiiusement,—when tho heaviest hill or the week Is submitted— Its petrous come out In strong numbers, tilling not Only tho iiHiiirorimu, hut crowding the ineloeure reserved for reporters, lawyers and policemen. The performance wns all Unit tho audience could have desired, a highly eraclent criminal troupe presenting some brev- ities from such classic works as "Itobcrt McCain" "Jack Hhepard" "Sunday Mghl In a Common Street Bar-room," etc., In which each of the char- acter* was admirably rendered.

<>rtlie principal artiste, Dorcey, who took tbe role of "Jack Sh«|iard," by adroitly entering the house or James Ityan and taking therefrom some #<> in money, wu give a rooro extended criticism in another column. Hugh Hurray made a very illiberal "Itobcrt McCnire," because he Introduced

many eccentrlclUes Into the character which are not In keeping with the text For instance, when Murray steals that beer ruticet from John

and tin n turn* upou the man ho robs lures him on tlie sidewalk, be mlsrcpro

rents tho suaply peoulaUre nature of the inoffen Itobcrt. Tills actor, however, goes twr

months to jail that he may have time lo study tho over again, or see that ho might not advan

tageoualy ap]s*ar In aoiue otlier cipndii. Tlie bar-roocu re|iresentatlans were given by Thomas i.rabaui, William Crossley, and Mnry McCabe, w ho came here as veteran player* of their pai lie uliir parts. Crossley, tlie Common I irunkanl and Mtulani McCabe, his supporter in tlie same char- acter, uppeared well, as did also tirabnin, al- ttiough a younger performer in thin line. All Ibaae artistes seem to be patriots as well na play- ers, for aa this show I* gotten up in the Interest of t in- Commonwealth, besides giving their sea-vice* free, Uier gi-nermisly offered to do chores at Hie HoM-e "ft orroelioii for iierioils varying f.-om '■'<> days to three months, as soon as tlie theatre di- misled. Urahain finally backed out, am) pro- v Idcd a aotistitute In the payment or ■■ V lu

Tha iierr.irmance.as wo have said, wn* an ex cellent one, at times affecting many ef the audi- ence, anil even the actors, to tears.

TUKBDAY.—We had no maurlnl to-ilny with which to koep up the interest or our daily show. Anson Mckerson wouldn't let u> know snythhig alio.it him, or Ins connection with some disturb aece somewhere on some day. He pleaded guilty and thanked his honor Torn tine. ..!>!" and costs, lie-nld In-did nil Hint to cheat Ihe reporters out of nu Item.

■ i -i in. Walsh couldn't be shown to have stolen n horse and buggy, and we don't think that our readers eouhl ask us to slutpeoutaa> tiling smooth or polished nut of such raw material as Uint

WniislKHiAY.—We assure you, dear reader, thai tin ie Is nothing n--i-t- us so much pi "draw' i<;! housus nt our little Lnwrcucc street niurctim, ns a copious fall or rain or snow. Much a* these elements operate ngulnst other place* nf amuse- ment, they aru always our veriest hleislug. They nut as n sort of broom, sweeping folk- In, w bet her tlmy will or not Although no special attractions were advertised, our matinee this morning was attended by nn uudlcnce that left not nn inch of window, wnll or floor to be seen; nnd we can now thoroughly appreciate tho charming verses beginning with "The beautiful snuw."

sot in the dock, send w kited bc- glurs, and tho scene which the five

presented, reminded u* "f one of tho glittering spectacles With which some stagely pantomime I*

She Wa* pretty, pert and proud, and one would have Judged Irom her appearance thai her ropi flat Ion wn* n* white as tho snow outalde—In fact, that snow wouldn't melt in hrr mouth.

ending ofn pn|ier In the hands of Hie clerk of ronrt changed tho picture awfully, for it set

forth that on n recent date this "Pretty .lane" haft Metimen with I gold ring lielonging to A. Illggs, nii-l thirteen dullnrs that lind reposed iu the pock- et I....,I. ufCharles Heals. Thu way in Which sho did it was simple enough. Her smart Innocent appearance got her a situation hi n hoarding house lu our'Tth Ward," where mob confidence was reposed In her tliat she wuspcraiilludlbe run of Do- uetablisliuieut It must huvu occurred lo hor that aim could run 11 on her own account, Tor when she hod served eourti-ly one week iu her situation, sliu was off with the boarders' goods nnd chilli, 1; . Col. l'hilbrick then run after htr to Ho den, and run her mi-' the dock to-day. tthe pleaded noiKtilhy, witli en emphasis ou the "not' Ihaltitureis not type largo null in thla office to indicjiUi. Hut lh.- wu* of no avail. I>ulll tared In her lumdsomo lace, and now rlu- leaves

nil tumptations ways lor a |four month's re POBOM at file House of t nlvcliull. The younghousubreukcrs, I'etertinvln, Mlchao

Madden, Vineetil liullltau and John Mulcahy WMS brought up on remand, but as tlio sister or tlie Nullivnn buy, who Is a material witness in thu t .uvei indent'., ruse, hnd "cleared out," tliuir trial was again continued two weeks nisi, thai a capias issued by the court tuny be served upon the ab sconding witness.

THCn«l>A>.—Proceeding* in rourt to-day were 11 II Intercut! h*- UanlclIL Neville wan fined tin and costs fur larceny. Patrick Itarb, for bel g Idle nnd dlsonlcrly wns given 30 days In Ihe House ur Correction. Win. Ilronn uud II, t I'Nrll enrh paid fine* for drunkenness.

hrr Idealism, we suspect most renders will rise from a perusal of the story with somewhat of dis- satisfaction with her solution uf the subject; there seems to bo a something,—a Savor of pure unself- ishness, htcking In the author's treatment or the loplc, which mars and defaces tbe picture she presents. Kul there Is an Intensity and'power, a fiecdiiin in discussion ol hitherto almost un. touched phases of the relations of tbe seine, that cannot fail to attract and warmly Interns* the reader. As the story runs, Chester Elms, who is married to an Invalid wife, warmly loves Lucia Denney, a widow; the love Is passionately re- turned, hut only the tova of a soul | there Is a king

ii-on of severe selfdisoipllne; Chester keeps -rupulously his marriage vow; after years his He dies, und in tho end he nnd Lucia Are mar-

ried, imo reviewer rays of the volume, that while It purports to bo written in the lntoruatuf

marriage, yet It Is aa far removed from the nscelle morality which would condemn a man for tlbtrov-

iug that s dower was a rose because it grew outslile of his own gnrden, ns from tliat Ikeuse which would pluck n rose, no matter where It grew, because it is awaet." It la evidently a work

' lunch thought, vtfTortinsly and tersely writu- ul will be widely read. Wnllfiird & Hire have

ii..--..- lit it.- * is another or those capital orwf from the rascinating pen ui'J, T. Trow-

brldge, tlmn wlimn Ml Is hardly ;i mora enter talnlng writer "f hooks fbr youth. With a thor- ough appreciation of boyish character, ho gives us ndiittrablu ski-UtluM or their feats and ndveu- tures, and while his heroes nre not of that namby- pamby sort of creatures round Infthe olden style or siimlny Scliool literature, so aeoil ns to induce tho filling that If they do nnt, they ought, to die y "iing, - they yet possess such sterling i|ualitlc«, real, manly lieylshrtesi, suoceeilingin overcoming their weaknesses and faults, ns to be well worthy of Imitation. Thin volume Is n coutlnuaiioo or thu story given in "Jack lltuard and lib fortunes'' and "A Chance for Himself;" and presents new adventures in the school and vacation life of thl a wide-awake, resolute lad, who certainty ha* within hiTii-eli'ihe making iu> ofn true man. The buya who bsve read Ihe previous volumes, will none or them rest until they have secured this seiiual, while tor all tlwre 1* a.genuine treat in store. We know uf no inorefnsc.inntlngnrhcaltby book for the young, and this bright volume will besnreofn wide sale, rubllahed by Jame* It. Oagood At'o., Bostom sold hy Whllrord ft Illce.

If you want to save 20 cent* on

tbe dollar, call and examine the

Immense fcrtock ot DRV GOOD8


W. 8TEAKN8 ft CO.

—wtu. nrcn OS—


Ir ii not the great ralamitlei that embitter existence; It is tbe petty vexations, tbe little disupiiolntmenie, the small everyday tronblea that make the heart heavy and the temper eonr. Now avoid everything that will lead to these trouble.-, always use Beach's Washing Roan.


Djiv Uuona, Fancy Ooods and Carpets. You will find tbe best assortment of fine choice goods at Truelt tt Co's. Seo new advertise- ment. Ull-tdtnovll

53 i 111\ ^.


isa Pormella C. West, of Chi- Chester, X. 11.

OWKN8-KUWAltl)S.-in MeUiuen, Kov. U, by ». ii. Sargent, Mr. Thomas t rirajna, or Lawrence, ami Miss Ellsn Kdw.trds ,.1 Uelhuen.


They have MARKED DOWN their

Entii-e Stock to Price;-, compatible

with the Times. You can only

form an idea of these Facts by a

personal examination.

150 Pairs of Wool Blanket.1, at


1 Case of Sergei, at 22 1-2,

worth 37o.

60 Pieces of Black Brilliantinoa,

at 46c.

Colored and Black Alpaoas, at

36 cents.

Shawls, Shawl*, from 81.60 up-


Colored and White Corsats,

62c, worth |1.

French Corsets, at $1 per pair.

Gauntlet Kids, $1.36.

Mantlet and Jackets, a Largo

Variety at Very Low Prices.

Hosiery, Gloves* Neck Ties,

Ribbons, Laces, Gimps. A Full

Variety of Small Wares, sold much


NOTICE. Washington Mills

Remnants, in Beavers, Flannels,

Cloakinga, Broadcloths, Pant

Cloths, Waterproofs, at Half Price.

Their l*ull and trnly







ron m:s ASD stosM. mat t i





Great Reduction in Prices I



Our SI.25 All-Wool dress Oopds


D e h t h. 0.

TXTriTWlPW MKS.UIrlHiuiillIiiyawnnh-; W LJJSU.HJJN iu sell .luih'i-emti anil Amt-ri ran Jcwwlrr, lt.H.ks. <iun *e., tn tlielr owu Ie ealllle-.. Nu eni'itiil nmxlotl. Cittnluirtir, Terms, ft sent Inn-, I*. O. VICKKHV A CO., AugusU, alt

UV 0001)8 AN1> CAKPETS. I)"




,-,, ...


At .IT I-tl n ml r,l» rsnU.




In- Hlach nn<l Colors, at *1, former prkc,ai.*V To-day nil olfer n very liamUomn hue at








Extra Lengths. Tlio balanei' ot our st.iek of


CflKMIMF.*, initlVlliS ADin ItlMIIT llolli:s,

Will lie sold Very low.


And the Inrxost assortment of ■altssi In the rlty. Can inntoli any color.


S3.30 TO S7 PER rD.

Just rooelved from tho manufec-

turors, ft new lot of Furs. Brmine,

Seal, Squirrel, Mink, Astraohan,

Lynx, White Pox, &o., to match.

CHILDREN'S PUBS will bo sold

at the Lowest Priofi.



228 & 230 Essex Street



Dont gn to Hoston to buy a doOaVs worth of Ooods, when you can purrhase any MatffU H cheap, and nuuiy Roods


Am! llml B. K""'I "»"-l. ftnl «t^l« III lalffc .« aortmnit At horn., In Mnnu A Co.'. .Wr., IA¥T renra.


■ KRSGX, ra. riioBATK cotnrr.

To the heirs at law, ncit of kin, and aUnaharaa**, sons InUresU-.! In thu rsUle i.r John HlaU', Into or Lawren«, In said county, laborrr, ilwoased, jtrw-tlna:

Wtwreaa, a eerUIn iii.truinnnl. l-uriiorUnK Ui be Uiu last will mid luslamcni »r snid ifi'-'easod, has IH«U iiwwnlml to said Cinirt, for «rot>aln, liy Wrl

■ Iiei.liv tnWsl lo ajiiwnr at a iVwhata t ourt, . Essri.i

you liave, UL .: Andsal.lV'

(Civo iiublli

■ how IBUIO, If any inst UH- same. ,. . . . ;i ■ "tlam J. Illake IK hereby directed to Hl.-« Uien-of. by nnnlkhlnjt this

cek, lur throe pticraaaJxaMaeha, •iliilluii once n week, lur three rnvreaalru wwhs, iu the nnwspai»-r callo.1 tti» f^wrencs Arnerleait and las-niai ill laitamiL i>rtntr-t at 1 Jiwronce, iha last iiubllrallontnUawodayB.alleast,IstlurvaaM

Wiimvs, Ue<ir«t' V. Cboatv, atstralrfi, Jndflnof sniiU'i-iiii, Hit* I'lcvriilh day of Niivembsr, In tha

■ear tmu thousand rljrht TininTrml and aWMbty-

i I'.-n-i.. I'-.-i.i.r-i.in..)

I,.I'-1'1 ■■'• A. C.

IjVJK 8AI.K. A rvtnlt wtor*,1 wt-11 ethaal 1 llshe*! and advertised- Aimad r*aarn fnr

Address "A. D, P L».

HUMAN IIAIU s» 11'l'IlliK,

From 7» C«nU tQ SI0, »t!

SMITH'S 143 Essex street



I have now in slock a full line ol

New Patterns for Fall Trade of

\l873. E.A, FISKE 275 ES-


—There Win M I i. . i: ij'ii-t. .Ian . An old folks su[.j'< and i>iiiHu!uiine wi

|l sum iMthei-in/i at lbs

iJ»y avenlng next, « served, and music rise the caerclsii of

iCIia r»

lul linldsrnnH. I

^^S^^iSlFX I f&m fr^rni^lflf ..,. nla.scMeanduU.redU.HnapX <he rooms of tl.. ,,|))rl.n(,0 Com|lllTly 1M1„ rrsramrlnd to tl.P e, r.- house. Col. T.ii-iil>ei|iirathPda seal rum siren (.rllj c>|| lor Inwer' (Tires fur acwlntf maebiui-, hlrnliytrrerelii'lstr^^rainarlniaaMaitlie time ot i hni\ witl fcenorthrli, sell their well- feaWfti mil his .1. ui, on ti.- linttln Held, to Ids friend, Hon. superior machines nt a reduutlun of from :t(l t. J. H. Portsr *° I*r cent- from rontier prices.

Fi m:«i: i: MAIMS, to which tbe compiler nwnnls ie name of the "sweeU-st and sunniest" or all the ritlnjrs of that fhmnus wit ami satirist, limiein. jrrolil, forms the tUU of a neat volume from the rras or Lee and Kliepnnl, Boston, luiliidliiK also, Tr. CIIUIMI flgcir/mr Talk, The llatgrhuf I,n r*, ini.l Mar Paper; now fur the Hi.-1 tlmo e.ol- 'i nil, liy.l. i:. Ksbsuii, t" vlio-i K.MNI taataand

Industrf the reaillns i>iil>llr. are lndehte<l for the I'i'e-i i viiti.,tiiit'|tai>«i'r. Ironi utlK-r e I v. i it.- -1." i i.l-l was -i man of marvellous'<|iilr;knea* ai brilliancy,—« liatar of cant, mnifhly Intolerant of a Ac elation and slmuu,; ijulck at roparti-e, his gru;

i|oo i.ui.-.. clothing sren tho realities or lift ii u pictures')ue Imagination, and despite the ority and bitterness of his retorts, (Hissossed a mil, kiml spirit, and wns mucb I" I,.ml bv 111- meillnh'eiri'leofrriends. In bin plensant nre e, tlie cunipiler assarts tbal In Uie volutni- there more honey than stlti*-- TIIHUKII some of Uiu |.ei -, In- says, "are full of caustic humor and

lotinit wit, keenly and uus|Nirin|rly exposing the hypi>rrUy c.r life, many or tlie essays, sketrlmr. and stories In the i-.illi-.tir.ri are remarkable. Hw their plt'asant satire ami ensy, Kooil-tiaiored It i balaWM phllosoph)'." Tbe bulles will aspeelally lie lnteresU.il in the Break fast Talk, which may lie considered a fair aaqnal a* Ike Caudle Curtain Lectures, will la tin- author's wit and .-,it i'.u kla In every page. W bltford A Itiee have it.

Oa TIIK AttaJHm, N the sixth ami last ol tie 4'ampi nf Out Series, written hy 0. A. MtepheiH, and pulillslied by Messrs. James It. OsgMd A Co., Bnstoii; thus far, the aeries hns jiroved not only onisof the most attractively weir une, espec tally to the boys, but among tlin vury bust ami most Instructive as well. Tho author Is an enthu- siast In the lUrnrtwn lie has givnn to his stnttaa In these volume*, and v. Ith a keen Sanaa or Ihe task's or flesh ami Woo 1 Imy-, hu carries his liltle party through a wti.H r>r e*.-itl:ig adventure; Ibero Is hardly any ii.miu i nf law glob* poaaaaelng I'.-n lures of m ire idla'tive Intcrosl than thu valley or this river ot rivers, with iu nuinerou- floods, Its iutmense (umsli, alnwat attwhattaas triimui- ies, tropical verdure, Wild IHIU-H ami curious

birds. There i- n -trann.i I'mein.itinn In thu story lorn us, ami tie hoys will IH) deUattad with it.

incidents and picturing*, Tlier(i Is added, lh< • ee..ld VIM III eiiii-e ill HodaM III), II ,■ !■ -■ :■ ■ = l

Ive, enllvei.e.l with genlnl humor, the tola Esiiuluuu it.li.' being suaolally latigfaab

There aro a nuiulj-r of illustrations. tVhitiord Una have It.

Ills ManuiAun Vow, by Sirs. Caroline V.i: Lin, ami publish.' I b) Lea A ■■ .. . .,-i Boat will bo pretty sure I" • luilleuge iTllieisiii ri. .in advanced or perhaps '""re Justly, prononni opinions In relation |o Ihe moat Important aru rebition*. The lending ile.t or Ihe author Seo to have liecn tha dunnilion of trim luve. Wit she ualta to the Ugbcst plane, ami yet, with all

ANEW AKT1CLR fOB THE TABLE. rlleel Silver 1'lnte.t Forks, Call and see them

a J<ih» t . ln.it «v 4'e'a Crockery and Olasi Ware Wloro, 1OT Esses strecL ___^_

( i UARUIAN HALK \\ —tiF A—


High attract, nt tbe bead of Ureeai eHreet

So. 71, on

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, At 11 o'clock In the forenoon.

By PEIMUCK A CLOSSON, Aurtloneers.

.iLNMi: D. KUnftHf, Quanllan. oeMlItt

RENOVATK8 TUB COMPLEXION - Oatmeal nnd (flvecrine Hosp. At John C,

llow *L Co.'a Lamp Utoru, Mfl Essex slrswt.

■ ■ ■

- . . 1

PINE SHAWLS a Specialty.


0 ABPETSI Aro ilio*|i. Wo .Moll kooi* If «ur Stix-li, will give you ...wi li:i: .-.i.i. -, in-! cry .nd muk. U Mi ob- Jwt ft. you laU«.lo ul


SJ40 & ii-r..''i Essex Sti-oot. L" U 11 N I T U It E .

Black Walnut Chambers Seti I



ATorjnr«nP"in»aT WARKKI-MIMO.



1)5 and 1'7 i-Vicmrt Sti-co

(In roar of oM sUnd In ILiytuarkot Bq.)

o-Jtoorllw BOBTOS. «**b




KLENZER liehestartinlcln the market for Cleaning alU'nJn ,f Metal and rintedWnre. 1'rl. r only M een'aa

boUle. Kor sale by .HHIN t. IK)W A CO.. t jM .00 Ks»ea_"troet Lawrence

ANTKHK8. DEHEQL'K, TUHL'LAR, Jand other cheap pntU-rus to bum Kasaosni d apemi oil. I.iiiil.-.'i e'libes to malrb, «l

j-.iit. i . inii. A < o.'s Kerosene Lamp atore,



E Notice la honlri i(lv,» Umt the snUc.il*. has

beeu duly ai>i.'>n<n- 1 ."■eeulor - f the will ol

late of Lawr-ne,. in Uie umiul) '■( Ksse>, widow dKrastHl, to, at. . ami ba ' l-kcn upon hinisidf that trust by L-iv.iu: Imud-, n- the bur rllrects. All persons hMVl.iK lei.ia ids Upon the v.lals of Salij deceased, ur.. iciiin'.l I" i-*bibll Ilm slime; and all t-rrsun* Ir del.;«l w suiil eafcile, are called upon t.,u^.p.yme,,.,))^ MKimf (iiu((ir

| Lawrence, Sov. II, 1*73." novlt«Sw


Jewelry, Albums, Qamei, Smohtra' Sets,Vaies, Buitt, StatueUat.Cutpe-

ttorai, Pocket Books, Baskets, Iron, Wooden and Tin Toys,

Brackets, Wail Pockets,

Slipper Pockets, Paper,

Towel, and Book Racks, Perlumei,

Toiiet Articles,

Drening Casei,

Hair Brush*i,Mirrors,

Bronied Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware,Pictur*s,Dom-

lnos,Check«r Boards, Cribbage Board i, Work Boxes, Wilting

Desks, W a t Dolls, Meerschaum Pipes, and thousands of other articles.


itlhnnsK.irtmeiil IK romplete In every dej.arV nt. Oar pices are reasonable, and wn advise r i"ii i ■ i. to parahaM ibelr jirusenU bt-fure the

irreat rush.

ST. JOACHIM BAZAR, ii|i>[«lmii I"? WashlHgtavn Ml., ttestea).

WANTED. Mill help, at the Canada Cotton Muiiui'-eiuriiiKi'i'.. Cornwall, tbiU.

rlo. dpinntrs. Heelers, Hkrln Winders, Si«.dir. Tendeta and Wearers. <i..od waars will h*jgaM lo tlrst-elns- operative-. Aj.plv to J. U- ''bUHt. Aifrni, Coruwall, OnUrlo, (,'auadn. ollli3IIBw


2Q9 Eitex Street, Lawrence,

Offers aa a special bargain fnr the opening of t*U trade, a large assortment of

BLACK ALPAOCJAS At lowor i.rlce. Uu.fi known .or ten nil. .1 Ui.

following i-i i- - -:

33, 37, 42, 00, 68, 82, 78,

OUR 42 AND 50 CENT GRADE Are Katraerdlnarj- Bargains.

.11 M si IK.'H o»—

BLACK BRILLlANTfNEl Wo claim to be the best Binds or that elaas aew offered to thn trade In I^wrenee. We also are reoetrlng .tally

NOVELTiKS IN DRESS GOODS In Ww Trtcos anil fine <lo«4s.

OVER 4000 YARDS DRESS FABRICS In Sew and Elegant styles,

AT an CKHTS rlti VAHW.

Flaunols, Cottons, Prints, Oashmerea, &o.

In abun Jatiee, nil at our popular lew

HEAVY SHEETING 10 TO 12 CTS SHAWLS In Woolen It Cashmere.

fintli Square and Long. We also are openlag a large assortment of

WOOI.RN OliOTHH Kor Mens and Bora wear, In Inw prlres and One UH.HIP. Tnllnrs anpplit-.l at whnlesnle pri- ces. A large assortment of

Yarns and Small Wares of all kinds. ■TrltlllgrT Twist, • •••»** «.oo.l «|.o<il Tkrss*. (tOO yds.) •* ■ epwwl


No. 9H» F>sox fitrnot,


I,awrenee. SepLS, ten. fW "

XKi'l Iciit'S 8AU-: "6B" 1.KAL *W- 1,,.' i-nli-lil-l Will sell al 1'utdie.

n ItmitaV, Hie «.l Inst. at ! o'.'l.sk, ntn«' and land. Indnnglnc lo Ihn e.- ie AsafJurrb-r, situaWin atiiUiosw, •nipei'iv Is limlr located on tlie eor-

„,,,„„.' Ifl/h .treeta, »UIH» ■ nilnnlM' ilk nf tbe mdmnd slnlbm. MM ««r»MaVfM

|l -.1 ■■MM'

i.'.xnci Fv TATK.

(1ARPKT tWBKKSB. Wiotre Patent ' Doable<lear(:o«Wli™l, gs. At J«li»f-

How aV « o.'s, I'.'.. l..--e\ Mreet


Fiind" IJW: Ijimsnei'), wiHer.aiinenoi IIIIIK, IX-rember s, lsT3, at City Hall, andeonllriii

" ' "iiAhlKl/l' UtUtUK, Kir- alor, Melliuiii,S.'\emlKTit, hli. nTISt

ihliriHTEFm-iyT-sWrrrRBS. Tho VV T—u. Annual *'-nir-e of tbe "Whr»e

, (ires lo thr tadnilrial ehw.ee of on Wtutumilat Evs- .. i to B o'elmk. In the

every other WerWadaj B__, tlw uourse of sis lorlaree Is eeaa

plet. .1. Tlekets .if ailmisalon will bu .llslrlbuud IO the rort.nrntions as heretofore; M otriers, bv loi.atlbelltv Hall,on the aalnrdav sfterneon prior to ease lrct«re,al i, o'elork. Tlnksgn tar Ihn elcrmoi.n el l-iisriincSill I* It«ivcd by :!X»!l lliafrnsCeea until » oVloek n£

ttis-rnornimtol'ttieleeitire; (mm then railed, tar will lie n.venl.. others. Tbe flrst lactMl

'"""■> ,u'u°°l,n'nlT>',' , fiKO. l». OAHtlT, JAH. II. KATON, !

Lawrence, Nor, II, lXTt.

. of '.'-■* Vork.

Our $i>icc Bo v. H j>eoia. \ ot i CCH.

I'ElllSTALTU' LOZ- I sHbetlve.

tcl'1'..U-.- pOIII


County. Hie Hns sttissrsRsn" (i.«i4iiiii.r. i |AUHIS0SS l'KKISTALTK' „_, . , T: lutli Mauachusotb Inlnulr. AMMIIIIH llllUI,'. l'le.i*..[ii. Prompt and 1 Criminal associations—Handcuff-.

A criminal's wonlilp—Tbc inagiktrulr.

A Table or Interest.—The dlnfanf HMr

An F.udslwav* to lie kept In View—Dividend. '

Remedy for the nailer*'strike— Knock It on the head.

A bad habit i ■', - into—A rout Ibat'l not paid Tor.

Whan la a ladv like a shuw-wiud.iv-' .-—Wlicn

*•««-"*-• —•• i"^,^^^..^."vrr.jrw:,:::;":-:.;--.',:;-I>.;.VLv.^ .v>,i;.f]-v.: <"^--^»;*;^;;,^ An organist ought to i>iiin m.ih mil, •» hf tojto lilm. HI .'.• ,'..■' MI .'. .'■'■"'. ':'.\',i •]'■■! to jr:.». Kuril- in

so accustomed to minding hi* slops. ' Tliehorse.wk-n ftcmi Judge C.rler I i-l Mon ■"'' ' !" •:.*:•-. i .■.■■;. dm* ..r inking : i . i _, , ■.,., | i ■.| n---l. In ili-pbire thn u.o

IS- KCIAL SAL] ] O l C II y A It M I X G LiRDll

Tin; HKHT is»r:.iT«Kvr: HA* ijiim.t.

The lutli Mauachuaottj InHtulr;.' A- —Luion ' Mill hate a grand re-uni'm, tapper, tic. In uita|Vw>lAm al nflMe riiy.-ti.i.. daj, tin-, nth,at Hi.-;.- Hall.

A man's haland trunk wen Annul doming In ,, Ihe river nl Jlnvrrhill on Tiir-dn.* laat, by tins |',. ferryman, fein C Ilia cloaking hi Ibe i!ii«k,n bears ihe name of n m. X. Johnson.

John (J. Whiltiri " ItedUawnblimT day. Sl.-raHc.l "ii Mn-terOlrr*r Carleto.i. wh.nn !'"[",,;.

: hid nut ■<■■ i for iv. 'iH'-Iiic yt-nr..aii<i \i ■■■• HA . . j( M;I:I~U\ A «' ■■■ .'*.'■,• r-iei-r.'-. \>'i. I TW I

! I.U t«irhrv in I".'-!' M in tii" Itarrvhlll Aende. JTratpto, B.»aion,« : who read hi* Brst poetic vrr.r*, and ; ive

tniihet, Mir remainder of our stocl


I UK BALK VE-Itl' i Mini'.

i; UK No Fluctuation)1 Always Improving in Valua

rrilK SIKQKR *


■K or Until. Trial K , matted rroe in

SHHAl.MAM, i.-ii-rnca*, ami all

:■ In I-.. i iVtni.i o.ilKli.,1.1.

NOW IH TUK TIMK: Milllona of acre* <u the lliie.l land- M Uic Con

SHAWLS, SILKS, LACK GOODS, | many or ihrin never hcft'irc In the mark, r 'si'ini Ices that IIKH ('UMI-KTITIOS.

ill!-, ft \SHAI.I ■■•*. KIC, i:tr. md to Yean Credit 0>«« *i i I-

Thc I .anil ',rnul Bond. »r the Will lie marked down Ui *uch prices that will in. -ore s xpeedv nale. Let every man, woman and , , i.n.i. "'it. child, thinking of buying goods, looking lor any ,i{S,-SlIDIWIt kii.it Uf g.H.d-, wnmiiia; to look and ««■ If mf. >u|| |llrii,-uUi>ai*«-ii, ».«1ioi.lv v. ill. new

, Unp-ninil'.l dv, I,.- iol.lri-i>.|iiK f. McKAY is doing as he Advertises, »■ »M>AVIV, t-^icom-ri->. rit. K

, "Have you liranl my last apcrtli;" a-l,i-d n il.i'.iiit i-iimil'i.iiir-ibj 1... "I i i.;i lUyinoml

haranffuerofn wit. "1 ilncerely liope »«," «a ■ j andsutoi .wu-Uhle Hovvr, i;i i. n-ilrcd part >.i the ii'ph tnainnw ot PrarnL The niiiin.il wai pirked up in

tb«lilfh«ra) l.i lUowlu nlyln '■) » farmar and Lpiuph on a Uooaotitt^CoUkkKU (bur of ■■ „Ull Mre ,„■ Tll(. lliirn).... „ ;,„ 1(,.. |)UOT> ,,„,

Qraihebore; the *l«naU were in valti. grown |ha(hk*r,««i till among ilj.-iiil.-in thin oldand^utled. her boiler bu'ated, and -ma->li«'<l iL«Ewrinti thc<xounlon train. lalhhui ■ ha .. Ore alnrm.

A watarioj-place rorrespmiilrnt Wthfi "that BBoirfelHii Solom laatFrbtoi im. rery few batheri bathe at the Weal i'.nd,' wheranpon Mr*. Partingtun >av* aha "l.id a idea that they bathed alt over.

U il.t jr. ■.•■■■ In ii' urn.I.' their :i|i

lc-,'tir,-pr..».iHiv ii-1-.nilni.H'.t "-.' in uHT Mm,. uo Iniinlic-. .Million- ui gallon* havrUi'ii "LI mid M anal

letit-dirwtV or indirect I' - Im- ever IM-( mr.l ... IN tiiiriiiiD.'. nnrmrorhsnitlniitIt.

Tlw iuiuirinn yrorlr lo»i> to lil^ mid properly, reaulUttg (rum Ilia* iwei ol • l.i'lin mid duliK'-r.ni^

, oil., in lli*> I'niir.l Stntc». I- iippnllliur. " • limiruDOe CoaipaniiiB imd Ut<' Goutiui*-

Tbara nara HnMliimken women otallon houae itn Ttnrratlay nlRiii.

What relation i- a loaf of bread to it i». OIIK-

(ive ? Iti mother. Why | BecaiiHe liren.l b u neceMlty and a loromoilvr an Inrentlnn, and we all know that Me-mhjr h the mother of In- vent) on.

Confenlon in t'onliiMoti.—"No», tell me, llooUn, triilniullv, boa ofteii do yon i'n to

I, K-ae

ii llmiM

11 the

lloi iuruiraaca Coaipaniea rjitiTi fin 1. u >r I hint ltn> i.iui,::. i.'n.niiiieTul till*

ASTr\l.r-tJ«t-^crt-eTij^i ...id lamp. «re JALBOT'S IRON TONIC

Stii|x>a tii-nnilnia-x.iit .12

[l.m.«Hli-iwl-. (fill

IRON TONIC ! I \AT»U« Umm* simwi., •l.m.Aol Printe, .lOi Good Cotton B.ifl Lin**!!.

Printod MM-1




Simpson, Oswald & Co.


iKing l.ear, tutS, ar.ene i.)

Why will you Shiver, Shiver, Shiv cr I \re in in anowiag me inriroi iin.i oan

WlHin tliei-i' i- plenty of aelerteil -lork of

THIN CLOTHING Foreign & American Dry & Fancy Goods KiTTcHi-rctl in I "iwn'iiiv, iiirliiilin";

ror rail ami Winier.ai 0RE8S GOODS, in Camel'* Hair Cloth, Diagonal, Sergoi, Reppt, Thibet!,

all the New Hhrnlen winch nre .i-.ii-nV.ir thi- WEU;» <>I,I) STAND ! WKLI/S <>U > STAND ! WKII.'S OIJ) STAND !

183 Seeex Street. 183. (XeM lo llnrkt-'- Apothecary ^lore.


In .ill u ..HI.- nnil i|iialiliea.

SHAWLS, in Cattmcre, Striped and Long.

"irl hi Mr. Itiifu. lireenlraf, nhlrli a

Pat.—"Will, now, ihiireoill till.vcrriv'iTi,,,- '" ">'''" It'l.onh live yenr- mir, the In vein thetrof. Viix, I RO an often I can avoid'" ofIho In.trunp-nt.

, , , . TlmCoiiitrrKiitioiiMl rhumb ;.i Aiiir-lnin v Ayoangledyln UllOBller Im- the Initial, mm,,.^)TThtir«hi) ovenli*. Tim wall, lu

V. M. C. A. engraved on one corner of tier | Uvn nci.lt n. -. oid. jra« iKinrv- iniimiu. ...I, ■ ti-lii..iic.| mill iiooi- rarpetnl. Tin* ro*i


visiting caida, which she hand* to ccrtnln gen-1 tlemcn vIMtori. At llrst they nupponed nhe lielougcil to the VOWIg Menu Clirisllan AM-O-

datloa, but it it not Umg bebrc they tightly . .in.tniit the letter- to mean "Yon May Come | Again.""

Valnllngtha l.ily.—(A I'dCij.—Wnrihy Old Party [In reiponie to an Invitation Innu UaiWer l*ike)—"How long d' It takoyerthu". afr!"

Mr. I... KM].—"Ob, not long; jn-t :i pliclil ■ketch; I ■liau'tdoall the flirure—1 Jii«! want to paint yuur face."

W. 0. P.—"Oh, ah! youtiK giiitltiiiiin,■ I don't mind; bnt ycr knoo—I—. Well, yet'II 'ave to waih It off agin !"


■ lni'llHl I *.;,«».

para t.i he In alnglrtnr gmwl

ntaaaoMiara' I'tirlililir


Ii" in:iiitlaiii(iii.r ol* it frc -.''iif.l'in It.vvn.

Tin. HanvtTHTrotting rink Cunant airect, ,;i-in,iil> lini-hcil ;i- tin- weather will iiermit. lie graillns i- nil I!»HC, itw drain* in i«rfii't or-

ler, nn.Ki Imlf i.nliMra-U,:n gnml a« the" lie«l iill lu* in readlnnaM mum whlr.lilo Iry Hie

..I' tin' i 1 Hie vicinity.


i|i[i.y.'r- of tha Kantrrn rta*lroB<1 fneai* ... riii- r.li."i>< in Nalcm,havi' nntiiiilaeil i-iniou wniely for Hie pnrpO't) nl'n- irli ..iiirr dnrliig protractcil aleknena,

!■- ill fa inenibcr.hereceive*


An aged Highland divine having occaakMiaUy to avail bimaelf of tlican.intaii.-oof proimtlotnr-, a young man, very valu m' hi- aeeompll*hmenta i'' aa a preacher, nrHelated, and on dcacendlng , „ from the pulpit, waa met by Hie old gentleman

with extended handa. r'xtierting blgh praiae, „,,,,,,

beaaid, "No mnipllmeiitK, I pray." -Su, nn, ! ,-nni ,„i 'j'liiii>dn^, uiien -om,-.mr pUiri.-i Hi ua, my young friend," aald the mini-tcr: w* | gtite, and Mr. Hiiiicy araa itmwnlntu Ihonnv ailayi I'm glad o' onytiody!'' ehim-ry and very badly .uhn.-l in I lie leg an.

"You her hearn, gentlemen of the lory." mid ' l"'" -l!"'1"-1' "; """ U'E u'ht* ,"r"''l! ' '""l''!*" an elo>|uent advocate—"yon Itev heern the ul;.';l" "!"';'" |,l't' ' "" I"'1"'" ""'' "'"' "' neii twar he aw the prlioner rul-e tiif^un; yon hev beem him awar he nre Hie tla>b ami ''on. i: lini.mi lvon:.,ill ..t W.iiit.ii.i^- .Icml.^ i

Ueerd Ihe report, von hev heern .hi.i. ,wnr he , ', ^ ^ZZ law In HovLnan.i "irnct'iced f.' aaw the dog (all dead ; you hevbeeni him swar i „„„„.„.,„■.. n,. ii„B,.|l.rtcim,-pM'.,'ni:itiiciioi he dog the ballet out with hh jackulie, and you j iinstmi In l«n, amlHennMr on aiihanlueni oeei hev wen thebnlletproilucediiii'iiurt: limnlinr, j i-i.nb, «mlim-mfv imiin'iil.iiti.'i'i.i- \tiii..iniMi gentlemen, what, I a*k ynn, 1- Ihe man who j fr puiih> Hi.', u. ,n„<-H'm Weiihiiiii'.in Hi aaw tbat bullet hit that dng i" tjenernl' uurt.

cn-iii dvatrurti'ui of tin' ,\meabnr> Tow


11 II „-■»•:- , DM coiiniiiiitiou. , 1» BumclliiiiK |o

^elul for elreiikir. K..r f.il.'iiL retail by lln-irmlr (leucrnHy, ami nl ;

wln.l. .il.'li. thrpiopri. tor-, i li.Asi. I'llATT A n.,vt. if.,t,..l :.n,l proved Itn wombi fiilrurallveans ('!..!.» Hilton Sli-wt, New yor!. nSffffl ftUly BlM.nXti,ciiinK pmpertlee. TbonfaWtl who have

AltM'IIMKS KK.V1) THIS. u.e.l tbe"T.H.k"e«n ntteM to it* virlnea.

KJCBY ;iIII.I.lilt"S B.UIV riVltCl1 It I. \- r ., HrtUrlue if inicndad !•

n.ilmn.l.aiiiiv.>ur .hildrrn will never be aiik. rur* all DlwaMi, llivill Iti.-L.nlK emu .our nmiii.il,, .l> nuitcry, .

irs;e;;;",';;:;;:;;t,:;.';*1.,:;z::;."».".»- 'r^- ■-'»"»'? *i^«°"»", i|.iuni or mori.tiiiic ltelleve- y-mr. hiM by cur- vn :\ -lnonleiiMl am) low dlnte of the blood, and mi.', n.it lit mining ii lo rivc'i". " iH le.-loiiii (|i'riinin.im:nt of tlic Ncrvona »y»P*m. Ii<-:.llbiiiid'tlii'i!ti J--MHVIII will ..-ii lmli.:il.". Soil

ilru|r«lil-. l'i-lce;iSc*nt-tH'r lmttle. The Great Majority ofChronic Dneata .PAMK DK HOaSA'S

A N T II 1. O : Arcilui'liinneiit.-rMfit rnudltkin of tlie ajatem, I. the licit I'lrptirall'iii In the world lor beautllV- ■ md ,, prcat ninny peraoua who are complaining

"'"':rt;s;„..!:,si:r;,.:,:n;;",K:;;:i.-' **•»» «.* '»■« •-' •«' •-*■ «• I llmfai'v. In not injiirioue. Moi-t II> , merely ■ufferliiw from an exluiuatcd condition of

..-. .iraent b;, mull. Piirr :»u-n. per boV. : A.) >nI.I I-:I:III:I>" , nn.Mni.icn i.ntic. New I Voi k. Ki"ptl'Hmoa1laniiny


SJti-ip«d Cainlii'ii'H. (lormer price JO) ,.1 ft

Good 11IU Alpaooew, u> *>. **• "•»

Pncifio PoplhiH. .SJrt

Una of i be beat linaa nl

Checked and Striped Muslim —AJIll—

AOKN'l'S WANTED. -I.M' 1 till l I I X\ llt.l 1 .

■ LO { Daaaaitlc BW» lug XMhuVawa €•.,Haw Vork


Attlie Vh-uiia Exhibition Hie blNUKU recelve.1 T H K UlUNl) ADDITION OTTOMANS, in all Qualltlei. the Mednl of Merit. Hie Medal of I'rogreaa, and three other Medal, for .uperiorlty of production*. _.JO uin— WK ii.in, AUIO These I


Has gleenhlm room for a double stock of Ira-

iitrh, nil 11 * necessary

poR I'iMi'J.tN ON THE I.'A.;K, Bi.ck stimlotr and Strength™ tee System} L Hem In Ninl rlu.li Uornn-, u-e 1'kltltVr) lm- ° ' prove.I ('.iiiii'ilmi.' mid l'lni]iie Itrmi'dr, Ihogrent «ki lirlne. l-rennrnl onlv hi- in-. "B. C. PEK- ItV.Dciiuiiinlofri-i. Jitlloiul , irect. New York. Sold bv OriWKl-t-i cvoi-jrwli


■voiTwhere. toTeodtmhttab Ani, ,mm,.di;llely the vnrloua orgnn. will i

I?OU MOTH l'ATCHKS, FItECKLES their pciullat-fimctlone.ftndihe system that ap- . and TAN, ua" PKUKY's Moth au.l Krcklo pr*"Hl to tie tbc prey of illeoH.e, wlU

Lotion. It I' I>rufntl«t4 evsrvwbent. De|Hit, 4H Hi.wl . New\ork. hm'leoiltmhwab




And H new lenm- of llfu will seem to be gained. V'.II-.'.,; ..I..MI;I never yield until a Tonic is administered, A iieraoa nntrering from


A V E D menseslseand qunlJir, urgent demand* of ihe limrH, ' Tin- BltUtl in rK.-.l nil the meilolri swarded to

.r.w-c Hewing Machine Comp..., l^Ij^Vluol'm.V^thSitflEa^^ The CoMteistaoriaia »a»**eai 11^. havlai*; hnve deternilnetl to of Truth, w lint la It fiat prompt* penile to claim ■"»•-* added to tktte.

ItKDI CV. PHKJKS. recommnndatlon* for thu Diploma of Honor? The


is UM OSI.Y Sewing Machine that feed* Uw work 1HB \l OHLD'S AWARD backward and forwanl. or to right and left, an | m W1| ,,VMll|M_„rnlrfc| ,,„_„.„„„,„„.,„,hA HATH, CAPS, TKI\HH the pun-tutaer may prefer. It ha* been jfrsatb ""•KOVtlVANHMIMl'1 IKll:li, i.n.l i


. To hart

'iK'Sit' '■ ownereof the principal Sewing Machine Patents, i _,,__-, _ ..,_ , ._ __«,__ . . * . -hlch last year aniounU-d I.. two bnudred and'BUFFALO AND LAP ROBES, *C, ftd.

ter iba i. an> other machine in the mm-ket. B|hPY«n thousand, seven hundred and flttv-ebrtit IT IS NOW THE CHEAPEST 1 (JIH.IW) machine*, niue out of ten ol them' lieing

WHITE LAWNS ! "-—.»*».*»• >.*** *^tH^tl^S^^mA^TSF^SS Ai *-» . .i.v ,.,„„,„,i ,„ .„„„,. ..i,,,.., ,■ i during tbc same perl.nl. and over One Quarter of $18 « &Pu,!x 1 r.i K M Pi LXi ' »" ■» marUnea Mild Li MM The** enormons iLltimorc, Md (Mr*e''|saleaa«)owlngu.thelong-te.»dmeriUorthe

M" ONEY made rapidly wTthTtiwl. and i H1NGEK MACHINES Key Click OutBU. Catalogue- and full , wl

TIII:HI: IN lumai.v* HKiir. i all will convince you that you will got more

ami liettor gomls for your money than you ever got before. Cut thl* out and bring It with you, to

E . M *• K A Y ' S ,

204 Eitai street, Beach'* New Block

IJyut NaAM TBI Poor Ornci. it


Key _ particular- KltKl: Mtreet, Boston,

The whole forming the


lii i in- State, outnidir of Boston. Sold at rate* Cheaper lhan the Cheapest. *i-p-i'i*[f



lYbkb we offer niui-b under original meet the requirements ol our customer put in a large stock of

Ladias Ii Gent's, Miitei * Boy's UNI) KBC LOTHING

In all (pialltle*. A lot of

LADIES CORSETS «orth SI tslhng at TSe.

lu all our otiier deparUnenla our stock is vary

Simpson, Oswald & Co., 213 ESSEX STREET.

o3*tf Men la for Ksaex Dye House.

llti.- Is the only prompt, Btaoioat, nml safe n lor of such symptom* ai loss., of upptttile, he burn, piilpiMtl.iu of tin* heart, dladnpaa, -Icp-, Alter hnving tnken nllHie remedies known to e k-.-siie**, mctaiichuly, uo-klveuftss, wind, minimi , K,H„l r„r thai compbil.it, without any benefit, will ami physical debility, en well a- ninny others, (>tu.nt|ine* beu'tonl.hed nt the rapid recovery v.locb if neglected, Which will toon pbicc "the made, when eniiunencing Hie tmeof UTonic. So, hou-c we liic in"hcvoml the renchof nuv romeilv.

.„„„».»».,,.„*,,„»,. ALSO IN DYSPEPSIA,

"l>teeKt>aU. Wliil**'* tiporinlty for U:ia aggvn- One m:.y men luimli-.d lucili.-iiies, which are said rnlltiK complaint ha* Veen thoroughly Seated by to be good for thi* troublesome complaint, and be tb>iii-:iii.Uivlin have been benellleil by it, and are nooa the better j but alter a short course with a wining lo testily to It* eOeaey." KellableTouie, lie llml* hliimelt entirely Ire* Iron

his sufloring. This ■■ IMOBOM the Tome baa ■ i i-'-ii-iii.-i.nl the Stunaoh ami the whole *y*tem,

VVlliTK's MTCISLTV for Dy»|iep»la, from pure ! nml put It Into a health*" stnle. Uo, too, with merit ami virtue alone, is intt nvortaklnjf, and

biit- mir to eSceed iB.it* anie, all (he old Pindar Scrofula Diaeaeee and Humore, medicines of the day.


**- Kor aide by all drugiti.t-. rioT* U.

... Ihr CoHffrtotrtioiutlisi (jBos'oa

They will Uirlvc" in n worn out, debilitated *y* A clergv-man informed hi-people at tho Clow M»" ™*"\d" .'"" " . "". A "'w' "''J, , " i **r Kot *.il* by all drn»gi«e. rtoHl-wrbsn *„, but k, -j,tl ,y,t« be strengthened by a

of hi* sermon that he Intended in « lew day* hi I JJ°£ \_ gJJ ;.'„;,;. "„ .V,.,' 7 ,i? ,,! ,V ,,,',1 Tonic •""' Uic *-»- rBrlr,,pl1 wlth lr0B' •n,, ■*• gouna mission to the beatbe... After the eon- \ Uw ,..„..,,,;„ ,,,„. , , ,„ ■„ ,,.;„„, ■ 1>OSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD, hVroftila ean nn more nM than there can be art gregatlon was dismissed, a number of ihe mem v.,,,,,, „ „„,;, li(, mi..t(. n n(1B. lli>rli< n.m „ j,,,,,,,^. | X> Summer Arrangement. without fuel. Iier* waited for their pastor, antl, rrowdlng ■ ,ilhll,,, aU„„, „,,,,,. ., ,„, i.p,,,,.^,,,,', |„ ut„ mcn-.i, On ami after Wcdiicbday, Julj-,30, Train* around him, expressed their Wtoaiahment at I „r,.t Whicb lurineili'evlaled, Im* In u gri the new torn In lit* nnatrs, asking liim where he ' lire died awn;

, htch SI. Si-K>CBM, HTHniiover and simplicity of

great variety and excellence of work. Tbat the . . . _ ._ . .. users of Mi-wing Miie'ilncn Hud these desirable

(tpHTCllOMAKCY, OK HOl'l. CHAHMIM.." .(imtllies In the A7 How either sex may fascinate and gain the I n,,,nrn nruswn AI i nruraei /a i> i." A

love and alfei-tion* of UytaanM they choose, In , SINQER. BEYOND ALL OTHERS, O R K A

r«rrrl\gMluVle Kgy,:;'r.n'<^clV. &S3MS2. j KS* '^kXSSS^^iSS stu??&2 W"-"rttal "-"•» *—-I------ to Ladles. A tSffvES. IW.eOO s.iW. Addl*-.* ll*2*l-i fr !.« he A F Fair th ee vSr- !

^WILUAMsttU..PuWUk*r..Phnadrtuhl.. iJJSSa,*^^ ; V„.„ J^AURISON, BRADFORD A COS I«« y - ^^ ^ ^

FOH LAWRENCE AND VICINITY,! it i, acJrnowle-iged by tio-taar rivals, and all 1111 Ksaei Btreal. | who have used other Maehlno*, to be the great

' rtNit. TKitMi'ii of American genius. New and Improved self threading Shuttle, ten-

alod perfect, can lie changed without remnvlug work or taking out Shuttle; In short It is the most complete lock * tin-h rthulile Machine ever made. Sold on Installment*. We nl ■.. have Uw


STEEL PENS, Spi'i-la! attention riille.lt.) the well known numlieri

505-75-28-20 A 22. Factory, aft.Version | Oilier, Til Jolt■■ Nt.. M*W York. diijj.",:*:h,niiiy I

1) 0 T T 0 M

P R I O E S!

I M IMtoV K M 14NT.

Sewinu Mavohinat.


Fall and Winter. 1873-4.

We have 1u«t receivetl a large lot m

Men's, Youth's & Boy's Overcoais Cull ami M*j in,-in, at

SMITH'S, 131 E...x St. how you our good.. Kvery -.helf; fur u^ |wme»,e .tuck of


lViirlog ihf "hunt Lime." that ure uiiou u, body desires to woiiumiar. We linve a

iogly placed our Ilgures at the



SMITH'S, 131 Essex St.

was going, and bow long i hey would I prlved of his ministration*, lie snld to them, j "My good friends, don't in* wbirmed—I'm not. going out of town."

The tolluwing] stniug ilgurc of speech was I used io Illustrate the grent SIM nf America lo u \

Pat who could not mtke up JliN mind about | emigrating.

"Where did Ihe baccy come from ! why, from 'Mertky, where else? that scut us the fliiwt petaty. Long life lo it for both, says ' '."

"What sort ofn place is that, I wonder ' "'Merlky! They tell me it's mighty ■fxglde,

I'm tonldthat you might roll I'.nglsnd tbroslgh it. an' it would hardly make a dint in [be ground. There's u fresh-water ocean Inside of It tbat you might dbrown In-lnnd in, and rare Father Matbcw a wonderful sight ..f thronhle ? an' as lor Ki-otland, you might stick ii in a [,',,',!','■'. comer ofthelr toreats, an'you'd never be able to And it, except It might be by Hie smell of Hie whisky!"

,.,,,.(_. i"..I i-i.

n ih.ii populatlou and bun ■*t* liefng ■"• nldeli dlhVi lion, It Is believeil tin »erl In* iirgeil iiunhi"-' Mil* pre

Mu.i.neatiK Conn

A litll- li.ni'i hllngonri -nv.'i.r.'inVc -diiy. and I

lie i-llnitt.

nt Mrs. riiimli - Ironnling it sllpiu-ilonlliclliHtrnnil fell

hit. lujuriinr her spine, pevirni

William i.u:."i..n. cuargvi i ii girl iinnir.l IVhUabini

Mr. Kin ,.,| .. ir;,'i

The mild looks

t'bv bright oi

I.Ike glances IV

l.u in.

(- free and *lnd.

IUH Blelnd ■'.'

sweetly and. ttohtrt


i.-The till n

'_ :ic.-|.lciitnlli striking i n idle gelling ililna r'mii. Tinn-.l:

I Fril.it nllernmin u > g m;i : linri rt'-ldinii mi fir..'lie 'lirel

I There nn- n plen.i.ul -nil.tni';.

W. I.. Blmbaimi, .1.. i • rots on ihe forehead b

nuniual n HH- buniei

•orge II

h»veumt,1-tVb.i;^1x.nc,a-:fuiow*■-'" Talbots IRON TONIC for Boston (from North Depot), at«.«, 7.S0, VV- ■"■**"-' M.; and Iftli, iktoi "' For Boston (from South Depot}, nl fl.*7, 7..1S, •pot), nl H.J7, 7.38, K I'.",

•J.l.,, (o\|.re*s) li.ftO A. ».; and 12.Iw, li.t«,{cxpresn) 3.50, h. tt, ll.'.'O, '

Purifies Ihe Blood, Strengthens the Whole System

Creates an Appetite for Food (express) 7.wi, 11.101*. M.

For I'.irlliiml (from Houtb Depot), at &,tS, 1 A.M.; I.l.'i, U'.'i, B.4A P. M.

KIT lieoi'itetown and Newhnryport (from South ...... , „ __ IVpol). ntfilA. M.; 1.1.-,. l.'j;-. .: r. M. Andis lust whnt every one needs at some aeasoo

Kor Hitvcrlilll (from South Depot), at 8.15 and of the yenr. 11.15 A.M.; mid l.i:., *.V>, ii, ii.l.H". 11.; nnilfroui North Dopot At TJU i*. M. A Systom well Strongthonod is Proof

Train leave Boston Air Lawrence at T, 7.30, n.:tn, ,„.;..« -k. manu 111* nmvilant 10.1.-, A. M ; Ui:.; ii..w, a.:io, xin, s, H, o.i.i i-. n. againittna many HIS prevalent

.IAMKS T.rURBEB.Snpn. in Warm Weather. I.HWr, lire, .Inlv .'10. n-;,:. «r I

L* N. COTTLK * CO., THE IKON TONIC -a a _ i.. prcimred with jrenl cure In our laboratory .and

It tM l",SSh\ ST.. the mnterinl-i from which It 1B compounded are

Clenn nml Hcpalr all kinds of Hrvrlng ilie very l.r-t Unit ran ho oblnlncd. ■ ml linllllnfr UfaehlB

at short ootlcti and in.. workmanlike manner,

Looks repalredand Koya iltted. Sawing Maohlni

Wo nppi-nd only a few tculimonnls, preferring iiiUiertliiit the IKON TONIC ihoald stand on Its own meriU.

Messrs. Emerson & Howe, drug- Remombor tba No.. 878 Baaeg Stroot. g/'stS, Oj HQVerhitl, MdSS., SUC~

nu-lt1lfl cessors to Dr: Jas. H. Nichols, gIDSE Y A. J E w ETT. //•<? well-known Chemist, writes

us as follows: Adjuster of Complicated Accounts -.««.. T»ibot Brothers,

AJIP t.eiiil.iiien -We Inn sold your Iron

Ton I. ii- j . -in -.. itii.l can testify toll*

COLLECTOR. beings- valnable preparation. It proves

om.rr. •«• BWaaa Ntrcrl, LsnsTOBOO. "* he, a* ita name Indira!**, Alt IBOlf I O \ 11 . Our I-I i- Who liavt iiseil It

nonra,9to3andTtoSP. U. IlSepW n|„-«,-« speak well of II.

.j, IMPIS*- * "iii - reaprctfullj-

tagtamon *■ nowi.

riTORUta OF iMIMtl,- The title ol'n neii ml In nine from the prei ll.istnn, hardly sugge.tn the maelrol hunglnaltuii ! nml re ol Ihe Imnabtlioii .Mr. S. |{. Iroek. I Im- gt.eu 11„. | iVoui the French, of a brilliant, nyhleliou*, -emi ' nnw rj, -clenlill.- book, iiillof^tninitc nUlelva con. ernlng lernont Uw world or InlnU). The « riler. Camllh< Finn. „ innrion, Ucertniuli |Mi.>e..ed nl Hie livt li.-l nl Nu mil Freuch Inisginml.in-, nml wllh nu apparent Imll pnrlloii tiellrf in hU wildly Ingenioii-. tl ric. he has , ,l(.,.|,,,„ Klven fanry a loo** rein, nml iim.le n ninrvehuisl) .... , , attraellre star}. Tin- volume I- dltidrd bilo ,.' iht-cepiirt-.~~l.umeu, lll.iory oral „inci, lulntln | !. ily. In the Ural, Lumen, u dl-eiul..idi.'d i-plrlt ."',""' narrate- lo an liiliuinli' friend, hi. ndreiilure- ,.„..,,.■„„' t'|".'."It'. ""inilii' hlnee leaving the b,nlj. Death. In- II-M-H.-, I ■■ j '" '' .,. . (i i ,',, ^'„.!', v, palnle.s; bin .pirll, on release fcuiu the lio.lv I '.' "'! v'" ." ^ r alneu In space, ami win, .hot HIOIIK u iib uivnt ' swinawM lowanls u magnlleent sun; his i^l.: Hri'broke out nl abi grati keener, ami IH' wa« soon able lo .IMinirui-li *',n """" "' ""* 'lv''""' the eanh rrom whleh he eame; but time i- ie ' ■'","1 v''o.nili mid Mr, .piired for llghl |.> trnver-e s|Ntee; it cimlSM I , Ihe '"'"'":" "' ""'"""ll ,""1

earth Irion the-nn In eljibi iiiinuti- Ihirl. -e. i"1''11" i:"' ■l"11' ' ■ I-. Wheu.tuerel'iire, we sin ,'clc.linl b .... ""' ""' ""' """''""i ' we see tt, mil as It I* at the moment we arc unbli ; 1U'"' l,:"'"'i:l1' 'i'-i'".'. log It, hut as It wu.nl the moment a hen Hie liglu ''ll '" ,:' which gives in> the iiiipreT-.ioii I, It Ihe body lu i Kl.nl .(iie.tioti, and tlie *tar on wkull Lumen slooil wu- I I In* town <■! I.lent I :.i .itch au Imim-u-e di*liiure, thai only the MMI.II hplclluilclj pn.lpi.iic n ..f many year, pa.t renchiil the »po1 whence | vere II. It. ir.t be gaaetl, and the scene be -an n.i- of near I; | [,, iru.t.e- ol tbf eight' years la-fore his own death. 1'ndei* thee ! |11IW ,.|,< I, d ( apt. Inn -trange comlltimih l.unieu'. power- ul' o1i-.cn .t- j ;., |i„. |*(,ce if the late lion are iiracllcnily uiibnumle'l. 1'roj •,■ tin„' liim (■;.,.t J,,lm j|. t'nte. Ii wlfatlll farther Into .pace, he review „ the wholo j M.;HI,„,„,(],, K-o.n-sl lii.tor; ofiheenrlli, book even to the eitatjnti, de W:l. ,),., u,\ „ nn i,e. I'i.-tlng the m*eue with all Ihe glow of fancy which .,„ ,,„(..>,.„t.„t t„..iH.. is nntural lo a 1 reuehiuan who U uiieuuilh p.-irn ' .,,„„,i ;,,i,| pn.-pi-roiM Hat and nine leiillnnlreaturr. Other marvel* fdlow „. I.umrn dlwover. Hint lie Im* hsd a varlolj ->f es! | I-lencr- In illflerciil spheral, and rrom lite la-th Aue»url i- Iwlng me

,', ll..n,„'.|,.u.| lirie R-il

rs, nlleglnjt that it I- i


Co.-. Broadway * Twentieth nl..

NEWJ[°RK- The following is from Mr. Jack On both American and European Plane. SOU. Of fhti t-QWrenCC AMERf-

I.M-IM.in.biy CAN:

vine imrlo"*! 'i!.'ith-,' cb'vn" Me.ar*. Talbot Brothera t -eil. being in the t.cntlrmrii-I liave been nilng yoaur

ilhiiiil New York ..",„„ Tonic" for sonic time, fbr ltyspep-

lJs Arnold ft Con ' *la, with whir h I have been troiiblcd.ann Irj UIMHIS p.ilncc-. It attnrd* me much ■atlsfkcllon to Inform

i0,'l"Vi. of ^1 '.'"'i ' Ton' •n"t ' ■»**• derived great ncnreU rcrctitly of Now from the preparation. I have nurd It aa Iturumii's llolel, dli . ■ inl In yonr B| liitr.l In.d nctlona.aaid

itITt amfln] nm no longer Irnnbled wllh that heavi-

ness and -iinv Of oppression attar meals,

to which I had long; been anbjrrl. I re*

:;....I the Iron Tonle aa au excellent atom—

arble, and should n. nriid all Dys-

peptic* lu give II a trial, lirranae It pos-

sesses the virtues that while ai ling b-ne-

fli'lnlty upon lb.'«l «i h. II .Irengthens

and hivlKoratri the *y*lrm.

Pall llhi arylug dl.tiineen between planel*. he i-

.ec hini.elf at -c, living under ditlcrtni

tlons and In di.lliicl piuce-. Ills new vl.inn re [ ul

veaht hiiu*clfliilng up.tntiic star Virgo in HUM.

nltb*vrrytimeHiatbuace> biiii.clf living upon i„-

Hie earth in the year lltri; a I'lrcum-Inure »,> I

. uuntiil fur by lie* fact ih.it tlie rays of l,K1i i

which bnnight liim tin pereeptinu ,.| object-. In ! ,

t Irgo, took one huudrrd nn.l seventy-two yearn i

in Iraver.liig Ihe iiilemie.llal.' space, while the

earth was so much nearer thai the ray. froui it '"''"■

iciuirvd lor their IW.snge, :i - Me lime .-.. n, t.nli II '"'" ';' :,i"1 """"' ■*

liUle more than sen-nti .,ncyear-. Klvc hnndnd -Mo-i ol ;n. mnrhi

years belbrv, he llteil In n star -Hunted In Ihe n-.liiee 1 their bnitr.

eunslelUtiimkmiwa a* Aintronied*'- Hn-ii.t. Pour l "lay. mi I in.., -n.-■*

liomtriilyear- bcf.trc tin-, he was a WO*m Ihe , linn .

planet Venn-. Some centurle* hePirO Utli, he was , The < ..iiiin-.n i mi

* soft «l man pl.nl In the ronstellatinn rjgnu- , Ul,. hamr| , \iwy,

prior to Ihi*. wllh a more ihun Dnru (mini bo.In. ' , , ,, .,,,, ltl,. lorn„.,

ey, be WHS one ofa .picer |H*oplc hi Hi it ho ||,,..M ,| ,,j Able'u.in,

nioyei-lowly, hobling iheiii-chi- ereel In ;, pri t ,!,„ |„ , «,..,„

cess nfsurtloii, and bar log the power to cr

i.teaoe mid ratinno it .«.. m at will.

The remalinler of the voluin ■ I. ijuitu a. JI- ' i',,,'." Hi ■'■ laaqoelyodd and etirlon* In it- laucle* .-,- Hii-

oprning paper, ami Ibe lnuwlnal>nn und lot.;. Menu II. r*\n

run the H llde*t -ort ■■! riot, and it will lie -lire i- Ihe .iib.cri|tlo.i

nl'.rartgeneialniu-nlloii. WhiUonl* Hire liaroil. I'"'""'1' •H-intfo

TkiHTts WBtaMXii Tot K ami slory Book, by lime-.

Kllaabath Slawrl Pl,eip>. u the aaubtat. m>i*i m , ., ,,.t,,_,

tractive Juvenile of Ibe nea.on.— it. huml-onie i ||l( (ii',

binding, enlivened wllh Trotty'a big bonk, borne ' ,h"-..J.u'h'oi .11 y

mi lii* .lioiil.lcr. of n youngster whom Ii nrarl) i . u .'

Illngbniu H.o.l. dii.

n for trial. He plee

Ml I,



Addrea*. SAO Esses Nt„ Maunder-* Block.

Itefen-nec, Mr. It. Merrill, S... :. Liiwieuee



Fourth Grand Gift Concert Purtltoboneiltof the

I'l BMCLIHRARYOFKENTTCKY ii - .nf i 'Ville i the of hi

\t, harem, (lino to I«j(.


l-'.nnii CASH (IIKPS.

- 1 -1 > - o . o - o - o


l.l.ST OF I.IC'I'S i

M; ■ HAS 1 ASH i \f, -KAN 1 Fr- si i CAsll it FT Nl, . r.WI N».

il! ■■: .in '.'-'. em h

17,500 . iim.oun

I;SI,IIMI . 50,CI!0

ti'.MSI . A"ll ,in- iuo each . 40,I.UI

•ii r> I5.0OU .ll'T- . -, 1,000

1 A-ll HKI each . •i.Vi IT* S.'H

b-hblirg, <

, II liolr Ticket-, |,-i(). Cou|inu*. (.nil.- $.->.


I For Hrkel. or InformatloD, aildress

T1HIS. li. llllAMLITTi:,

1 V:, i Piibbe Library .>f Keiituckj, Louisvllle.or


j nlI"lwKii; "Ul* Broadway, .>. V.



. Li nl-.

■traggllng doubtnillj ipliiigly larltesln tlm |iage« '

. -,1M conceal', and who with hi* burden, r. .... within, where Ibe lUlnUeal of pl.t.nv. iliu.l.nic ■!"■ ei'l. I ■•-M - cl,.t!,i„'."-i Hie charming little .tone- .purklim. will. I !,n H. "■'-c.n redTiiur-.ls, nl^bt by buiglara an of veritable child life', morning. Mi.- Phclp.* ' ''**\ ""!"' '" ' t"i:"»-t ,-'**',» ■ "'■" ■■1""11 "' biuwilUen these little .ket-'lH-wiih r-urtin he^l, " m'. "'e.ti h t. i.i.lmiing ell wortli of clmiii

n ml realne.*, that we .,u.ry nhetbc, her | ""'' h,',er U> ur ■**ta •*■ •"*■• 1"'u■"'■ i.irte I* not ipiile a- much in juvenile, :i« Ibe re | Ala mealing nf the •tueklioldu-- ■»' lii« Nii-nu. .tdiaucril literature in which -he b,i- ■Ircioiy nuu A uin nud ll.-tou Kail road, held in Ii i.i-i.il.lr .. -i, high reputation. This volume open- with n Thursds . ll wa. v„t.-,| .(,■„, t Hie dlnitoi |,hotngr*|di Of Trolly, ami J charm irri-lir foe b> pvnenre auUiori(> from the Sin v.iiliii rd-l... -imile lelter from Hint original eharaeter, a genu . Isbiture i" l n-t Uw rond. AI*.,, to rtgnge it |. me boy', letter, in which hcvaryfteelyrrlUcJ.es ! "'" pun tee ^i lumdag it..- ilebt, nml b>pul ll In- own l.kene.-. II will nol le.-en tl terOSI "I"'1'1"1"11 "' ''"' ,'"1,1 ,!l "" b.m.l be ni.m.i; ,.f the book lo our render*, thiil it i- loei I n ,r

Hi.- idea.ani village where Ml*. Ph*lji« makes Tlie "a)»rol Bo-tnu lu. ap|,.»uti-d the I'oib.t Her home, alii "lib ll* genial ebeerfiilr-e-- nil i mj I'iic Comuils*loner* Alln-l P. Itn kilil ebaruilug vivacity, ran but prove one nf the mo.I 1 lintel Uiamberihi. Tlmntliy T. nawyer. M nel.ui.ie and be.l circulnled eh 11, Iron'* book* uf] Hock well Is pro! n ,n tt..- i,i i.i.ue ..I "ie, bin IJ,e year. Hubli.lie.l by .lame- It. 0.g,HH| ., I'.,.. „g;. Iblvld ( linmbcrlii. wii. I..i ineily :m engine. Boston, Which .ulUcieiilly answer, f.ir Ihi nl of IheFii.- Depnrluient and I- mm ln-p.-n.,r uessof form In whi.-b it l» presented WhlH'onl ; Bulb Hags, nod Mr, Ma wit ■ mis inrmerli May. A Blue bavs i( "' ' harleeinnr.

inch accurately and HuenUy, will iastruel nupils, either singly or In classes, in reading nml •peaking llie-e Iniigungei..

■•IA.TO l-fBTKrCTlO.*!

given, with rpe.-lnl attention paid Ut beguwera,

Mr. K. ean be found nt 1*1 KS9EX STIIKKT. t(. fen nre I* mode to !»:. Lougee, Dr. TalhouDr. Ii.)wl.-ir.d,llr. II. A. Kimbull, Mr.Tlwmae Scott. Mi-. I:. It. If nick, ii Washington Corporation Mi.. J.oues Kcllcy, >., Puion street. Inquiry

BIIIBM r» \ i iiiirc. v t iiodwrift*

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC It sob! all over the country lor


Six Bottles for Five Dollars.

Talbot's Vegetable Cathartic Pills 19 cents e box- f> bones tor 91.



earner of Mill Bt , Lawrence, Haas.

— ruiii'iiir.ruKS ui






In Lawrence, Methuen and Andover.



* HOST O N .

JOHN V. HKNHY, New York City,

Wholcsnle.Agnnte l*r the 11, s ivitltlm

ri O K E. COKE.


Per Chaldron, Sn.i.i. IlairChaldrou, :l-"» Barrsl, 4.1

tt the Work*. Per Barrel, 1"

der* received at IhcOnVeoi the LtWBjlsOl UASCoMrtat.N SU KM x Ml •rk

rtiocsi- i 1JBO. D. CABOT Agaai.

,,-VKI.V C O Ii N i; I BAND

ill Hie roimtrv IIVNII MtTSIl' 1., IhlV Mill \ - ■»i'i ■ fV >

ft Sp ig ill I'ub'i



d piece ol

- "M.1."1-

»'alr and Hqnara Healing with all. The fall styles of


iteally Mdendl.l in every respect.

Btees. Domestic, Howe. WHcox & Gibbs Weed, Singer, Davis. Elliptic.

Florence. Etc.. Etc.

L—Benutv and excellence ofstllch alike on both sides of tho fabric. S.-Strength, lieauty and dura bllltv of .cam thai will neither rip nor ravel I. t: pletc cimtrnl over both thread* t—An eo- llrely new rotary tension lor tin* upper thread,

now on tuinil for WlNTKR Wi in, at

C. H. RICHARDS, 24 tt 25 Dock Square.

GIF The only reliable (.lit Dlstrihutlm

$75,000.00 IN VALUABLE OIFTS !

TO in. l.iSTmin-1 i:n i.s

II. SINK'S i.,iiii BeguUr Mont lily Mm*. Demorett's Heliable Patterns

jjGIFT ENTERPRISE !>orM,..„d,.h„„m,, »,.„. .„.„. „.n„. -rd,- ' To IH- drawn Mou.Uy, .Novemtier inh, lMT:t. Basaar Pattern*.

elebratod. 6.—A perfect uniform tension la the .buttle which dnw not vary from a full loan co.ptv li.ibblii—an objection ro eommon to oilier

i machines. «.— An automatic self-regulating uki. 1 up that prevents ml..bjg ol ,lUUu>. In eroeaing

We have .till on binut it large lot ol .iiroiul hand I heaw seams. ',.—Short slralsht and strong on — ska Singer. Howe, Weed, etc., taken hi exchange R>r dies, not liable to break in passing over heavy

«.......... v- i in i - ., . *eam*,a-. tlo the curved nrodk** M other machine*. Ui* AV11.HI. AN. ami we a ill i lose out at lesa Uinu U _[,-,„„ a*>MlaU (bribe name thread than any half price, ami warrant them In perfect ruiinliig | other machine. !i.—Hewlngmually well with any

he counter I order. All kinds or kind of Uuroad. llk-Kc*.nomy or Ihreatl beyond nc country * ' tlult of nny other machine. 11.—A hemmer thai

I will make any width of Hem or Fell. ll.-Bratd- MACHINB REPAIRING

I. Olrrrouli ■tows Workinganlts.. Matched Hull. Bo-"■' Holt * Children's NnMs Top liuli Drasa Baits at Rlehards' fnder Flannels at Kir hard*' F'urnlahlng tasiods at Rsehard,

SMITH has them, at 131 Essex St. I -» ■—•' «* -•*-- ■ ■ -« ***** \A« ono * TV,rivl?wt OTOKHUFOIIBTgCHBAPBRM §5,000.00 IN SII^KR!

NEW STYLE HAT8 ^"^ < Tws Prl»s|1000cath la «r*tnbatks THAN KLSKWHKItK IS HOST.IS. Sli 1'rlaes »!.«« «aeh In l.rrrnl.ark.

24 A 25 DOCK SQUARE. 24 & 25 Db{ftw '.. ll. HiiiiAHii*, Clothier.

J|!«, ri,0(»o IN GOLD!; OJtl (.IIAMI CASH i'i;i/i. OV

lug Die roost i-ompliratcd pnttern. wKh any width ami kind of Him',1. 1:1. -\ politer thai will ailjust Itself to any thickness of material. 14.—Tucking nny fabric without Inlury or ouckcr. I.V—A rord- cr, so constructed as to con] around verv short curves, even to st'uarc comer*. W.—Sewing the tlnnst fabric without Injury ur pucker, and the heaviest materials with Uie gresteM ease, 17.— Compactiiee*, -ImpllrltTandOurabllltv. IB.—Ease of opcralion HIUI managrmeii1. Hi.—Best machine In the world for family upe.

Call and see the** machine* work, with the new I IMPIIIIVKII TiiKAtiLR iiiwatt, at IIAOAIPS

AGKNCY, IRO Kssex St., l.nwrrnce. ollVtf

s-eived to-day. We have the largest stock of


i-er shown. All kinds and sixes, at the lowest

WIIITr, SV l't\(V NIIIItTM a .net :Ultl .

Men's, Boy's & Youth's Suits Very cheap. Don't spend a dollar for Clothing nm 11 '.■.,! have called at

SMITH'S, 131 Essex St.

Remember that the bast is the c Keapest.

UenUemen make youraetve* look cheerful,com tortable and neat, by dropping In and obtaining a

ew outul, at

SMITH'S, 131 BBSBZ Street.

sir and s.piare dealing, and every sUtch of our ..thing warranted Just aa represented.

a. H SMITH 131 £■■•! Street.

(»,.[. MM. WH.IllT,KtOP Mi,,.. H


1 0 , O 0 0 ROLLS













LawnMt. - lu.

.- 1 V. H.. UMffl rt.1 Smtunuiy Y.,.'iiin,., ^..u 7 b> B, lor racel.m, d. po.lU only.

DepoalU, ula<-«. un htu—.. Ute Flnt O., of rml. m.iti.h * i^.irti nn ilei,.i,lu ,t the cloe. of

* NEW nrroitt.

Qilt P.p.r Hanging, and Border,

ii lu, oueoed ... wi.rrro.u) . RICE.

I QpiwixTvYRY~EVIr.lNO. I

HOW EVERY ONK CAN HAKE HONEY It; buying tiood. at the

BOSTON 99 CENT STORE, Cor. of Kssn and Broadway eta.

We have donilaiiUy on hand a large assortment of

POCKCT BOOKS), < ITl.l.It V , (i I. A t»*l \\ till:, PI.tTKB WAHF AfHH

■■■;« MI.IIV.

Also, BUculei, Basket*, and other arti.lct loo nuiueriiuitbi menUon. Any one of the aliove ONE OK TWO AKTl'XKS HOLD FOB WS CENTS.

saf tf is. O. WlaUB.

1712. •rsST"* 1873. And a Plaster for >»«r Pain.

Dr. T. Ogden's Celebrated Black Salve, Which he warrant* to cure svery khid of Ache* and Pains th* human frame I* heir to. that Is cue able external. Price by the Roll, Mi cents, with bill .In .-.'li.iiis for use. Agent* wanted for the sate or this salve In every cltv end town through- out the V. 8, and Caaaila*. Dr. T. OUDKN, Sole Proprietor, So. I* Middle atreeL Lawrence, Mr - Of Harden stnsl eugol*l7



We have Just made targe addition.

Ten Prliea aifio each In l.reenbach*

10OU Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches, (In I aU), worth from »■:» to *:ii"> each!

Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Double-plated silver Ware, Jew»lry, Ac, Ac.

No. ef o,tn. 10.000. Ticket! limited to T9.0OO. I - AOKSTSWANTKIHo sell Tickets, to whom T-

"■> in.i.l. 1



ami liaVD


The prices we lave set upon our Uood* are unprecedented!} low.


for Ladles' wear.

lu Millinery w* have everything that 1.a.lies re quire, and in prices we


Our stock of l.;.i|ii'..' Under Wear has been ami sup-


In all styles ami si Uw lowest prices.

We are making Uils a epectalty and can furnish

liberal premh

Slng-le Ttcket-s Si; Six Tlckoto S6; Twelve Tickets 110 i Twenty-Flvo *30. ; Ton*

Circular* containing a full list of priies, a de- I "P™ peription or the manner of .hawing, and oilier in I formal Inn iu reference to ihe hi.ir ilmtlon, will be

them. All letter* n ' _. _ . WINK. Uoi MB,

MAIS OFFICE:. CINCINNATI, I 101 W. Pinh street. olojiiwrny

Jyintf *lauuilei''s Block. Lawn


Good Winter Clothing! Is seasoi nvit.'d I



Real and Imitation. All kind* of Ores*Trimmings.

Real Laces, Hamburg Edgings, Sashes, and Saab Ribbons, Jewelry, Perfumes. Some Idea of our prices may be got here from the following list: Kid Oloves, which sold for il.U, we will give away for So cent*. Bolt*,which were sold and are worth from 35 cents to SI, we wilt give away for rrom IS to ii cent*. Parasols, which were sold for and are

orthfromSI to tt, we will giveaway for from ) cent* lo ILH, These are farts. Call and see.

The best Corset store in Lawrence.

Stamping for Embroidery. "






WHITFORD & RICH'S. "**w^ -,0' ! where 3 complete assortment

MORTGAGER'S SALE By virtue of( u"arments will be found a jiowcrof .ale contaltie.1 In a certain mort- . vnu nVKTI KMKN'R WFAIt

gsge.leeitgivciitv ifrmvT. [., itviit. or Methuen I *UK "K» lLBM*.ft » » r.AK, - Jesse Uniilinll, of Mini Methuen. dated June ! KOR R0V8' WEAH, flth, IH71. and recorded in N.nih. in lilstrlct of ks- sei Regt-trv, limik ii, page HH, will lie sold at pub- lic auction, upon tlie premi-e-, on SATIBUAV, the ISth day of November, lBTl, at 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon, all and singular the premises consigned by said mortgage deed, namely, a certain parcel of land situated in-aid Methuen, on Broadway, and described as follow*: being all and U.e same premises deeded to said Henrv T. Leuvltt, by the said Jesse Kimbnll, et ux, by ileed dated the 1st day of June, IK, I, and the same conveyed to 8. K. Balehelder by Alvah Klmball, etal by doed dated the l*t day of March, IKi7.reeor.1isl iu Essex Keg- Istry or Deeds, book Tin, leaf ill, to which deeds reference may be made for further dceripUon.

JESSE KIMBALL, Mortgagee. i ■ i i > i! 11 K A i i .< i-.- .. - Am



c , HI till in- lo keep up with th* times, and offer o of the largest and beat selected stocks of


1*1.Ling or UP

4 0,000 K O LL S

ur (lilta, Bronsoo.Batlns, Blanks,Brown *C.

Please examine our Stock. 1 9GS Vs-iex Street.

rftroiI.t.ooitP. flllUlAT.lNFH'.

KN7.A, WHOOP* I tta i'ni: ti II.

which lines tint dry up n eolith nn.l leave thr canto I- iiind. but l.-.trinlt. eleiuisi * tti.t hiiiKtand Bllnyi lrriumin,wu*n'*uuvltitftboijau*>uofthiii'«iii]iialiit-

CONSCMFTION CAN HE Cl'KED , hf) * timely resnA tn this stanibud renirdy, s> U

1 proved by liunilrtiU ef t,'nil n inn I ids It has IWHIwL

EGO FOR HATOHINOl teSSSSliaC from all tlie beat breeds of Poultry.

nwla fin- nnlft III thfii- xeiiHrii

Whit* L.|ksr*i a SPKCIALTI.

F.. WOODS, No. 4 Broadway, South Lawrence.

ion, MASS. Mold by lAsslcr* genenulj'. octn now *H eod lyr


A few first class agents to canvass for


A new work by Dr. March, author or NIGHT SCENES IN THE BIBLE."

For territory, apply at once to H. D. BROWN Si CO.,

■• WANIIIS'.TO* MTKKaTT, BOWTOM, nov7 *!rb

Atmosphorlr fruit Jar. flange cla.p. Operated with Uiuuiu. Set screw

and air excluded tiv rubber packing. For sale at JOHN a BOW k CO.'H Crookery and Ota** Ware Store, low Kssex atreeL H

INU, Co. Waltham, Mas*

DOWNER'S KEROSENE OIL. Best and Cheapest In the market, at JOHN C.

DUWkOO.'H Lamp Store, UM) Bssex Street.

WANTED. An experienced Haiuwiimi In a dry goods store. To one coming well

recommended and willing to work ran nave a good situation. Address P. O Box is.'., l-awrrur* PostOflee. septll]tf



Loakv Roofs mad* Tight at short notice. llvmvlT

*;io. *?o. A GOOD BUSINESS.

In offered to any Active Man, who is willing to work. TIIIBT ■ IHii.i.AH* n week ran easily be made above expenses. We want n few such men I _ to canvas. NewTngl.n.1. Address with a.tamp 0«l of Nearly On. Hundred and Fifty

W. F. STETSON A CO.. Office over yulncy Mar , OF THESE RANGES ket, Boston. novntwab

T;6~THa. CITIZENS OF LAWRENCE J. AND VICINITY: We Invite your attention to an InsperUon of BSDJ

NEW FURNACE WAREROOMSI ,t l.-MII till I'll r .'.tabllshm.... critical examl.

Pri,',.- tl..- Lowest!

Goods in nil StyIs.M !

Kvei'vliody ,>nn bn Huile-l I




(Successors to A. S. BtmxiR,) manufacturers and dealers In all kinds of

Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Lead. Tin Lined and Semi.Flattie Pipe.


lor hand or power use.

Mr Mowing Machines, Scales and Wringing Machines Repaired.

Plumbing-, Tin Roofing- and General Job- bing dona at short notice.



Wholesale ami Retail Healer. In




Piano* and Organ* sold low for ca*h, or no easy monthly payments. My .tock comprise* the best make* In Ibe country, i warrant all of my In- slruwenU, and sell them lower than can be bough elsewhere. If you doubt it come and see.


olTtSm BO* Kssex Ntroat, finnan.


Get ready for the Fly* and

An entire new

SCREEN FASTENING. wear and tear, or give to the frsate. The In

thlngeverinventad. fmvll

WHITFORD t% RIOE 265 Essex Streit.

Attached lo these patenlml fjici'taules are two s.-lenliflcallv rourtriicted Oalvsntc Batterlea—un- seen when worn—delivering through the nerves ot the I I a

BOft and Contlnnon* Nt ream of F.laillrlty.

vitalising and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those part-, ABiMH.LTxXY nn.I I'Kin AIM., Cl'RINU

Partial PnrnI, •!> or the «PtIe Worve, Weak or IHirkird Vision,

Ms ut mlsjta of tha Boast or Face.

J.HTBUI Twllrhri In tha

Mu.tln of th* lace,

Kolaes la the Bead.

!.*■• or JlnUI Knargy.

and a host of Nervous Diseases, anting from presslon of the nervous energy ofthe svatom.u ti ibuting, In a most astonishing degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. by the means n( the soft flowing stream of Kb trlclty. giving Bright tie., lo the V.yr,

■sntahnas* to tha Bsur, I'-nrrgy to th* Brain.

Thev are -ct wlUi lea*** of Hi* (liie.t manufar ture, in .uilall.igliU, and wlUi glasses for tfaoM not newliug spectacle* to i e*.l wlUi, but desiring tlie benefit, to lie derived from wearing tha Baf- terie.; anil to la* laid in tin- city only of

HUMPHREY MOOAH, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.


No. 330 Essex Street, Lawrence

A/. It. Alt) Agtnt fbr Laaarut if MorrW Per

fitttd Sptrtaelti mut Kft fflsuus*, Ihr BKBTtm Mr

IPorlrf. VlrlS-

agaj gTw

e»»( In operaUon In Uila city, 11 iu.il.-i one in produce a single one that does — lire hiili-lm linn.


.(|''lin 11 Lawrence St., Lawrence, Hsss.


On Kaaterly side of High Street, between Orove

-}->l.l ■*

barn and well, all on a fine lot of land U feet High Street and ISO fret deep. Boom on lot lo erect cottage bouse to rent. Said preiniaea rent now for eight and a lulf per cent, nu twenty-two ; .... __ ___ . _ hundred dollars. Price sljoo. ' City of Lawrence Water Loan.

kiSos ^T'XrsS^u'Hl %&*—" «• I Six per cent. Coupon Boada ofth. City of Law- A bo a grand chance for gentlemen's residence* ] rer.ee, duly authorised by act of the Legislature,

i.'hy Ordinance anil reiolutbrns or the City Couu-

Lawson's New Ruby Furnace A large number of whkh have been *et up la thl. city the pa«tseasons, and are giving iwrfecl *sll*. nWBOR


ISA !:••.• SOHt, Lawrence.

paid to n-Buttsj

In lot* to suit, west of Clover Hill. for information and Inn portion SjfaaUHwnwsr | -n _

apply to HAI.im-IN niilLfHOR, Civil Engineer *** wiM g '""Wl October 1st, for a limited and Real Kstale Agent, CM Bssex Street, Law- I amount Coupon* attached fbr semi annual Inter r, nre, Mas*. *-L payable In Boston or Lawrence, at th* opUon

0(Br* "'^eSr1"' T°**U' ""1 ThUn<tar- of Inwanm Por priee and fuU particulars call on - ;oradilreas R. II. TEWKSBURT,

Lily Treasurer. | Par order or Finana* Commit lee. aSOf If



Tlie undersigned would call the attention or the public Ui a well selected stork of

American and Foreign Watches In UOLD or S1LVRR (as*.


CBAIFH, HKA1.N, rke.





Clocks, Spectacles and Jewelry,

Of every atyie and description. Kvery article told by no WlU be warranted a* rwomraeuiW, or money refunded, and a* low a* can he afforded.

Also, wow .1 •olkit a liberal shara of jroar



Done at short notice, and in s neat raaiwar. Ca and examloe for yourselves.





wrtifflrf fin ItoM with J. M. RUterd,..

At JOB. f. now * CO.'.,

. Anind a larfe



BVBBT TOWN. j gaAUTIFUL WINTKH All MrrtM. ID want of hononlile and Incratire U I C \U O t\ C I . ur n r a, n enrto«Bta.nllaaitl,y a.lOrMeuiTHLCHl fit Wb Uf L A W H E N C HlSimik BAI.I..O, Au,„.ta,Tle., will, K „ ,.,„»„». ,„, , * ~ T M.,,1. awd twu .Unp*. for .ampin ann ten,,,. * COLBUBK BRO-R,

"*» ■ . *a a :m I • ui man ... .,, i..»„.M.



I* ttw Large*! Dairy In the city. wlUi ton Time the circulation of say other.

ii!iiciirrnon,uM«Mf> / UUVMT, •*.» I 81a Months, »».«■

When not paid fct adTssnoi, ■*.#*. •-

GKO. g. M KltRILL * CD., rrop'ra.


8TEAM PMNTINQ OFFICE. la the Large*! Mil VMM itwrongtaly furnished In Eastern Massachusetts. Haying only rsodeia Presses, will with constant aanJUons of Ike ufM I styles wf Type, we an able to furnish UM heat

Orders by Mil ft vest pHMHUwOW,




U..O. 8. MERUII.I. ft CROCK**.


AW R X K-C ■



lm-orturaifil- AssoU.

Ttmmtrnii; M )*** •3,30Q,34i PttWMrlVMl*. «f FrHM-. Is* 1.SOU ,603 flmm. 1SUS 342,610 MorlhHl.iourl,MiH.oVii, is;; 718,346 Westobeetar, -Nf * York. IW7 598,390 Otmuu American. -W, im 1,300,090 Fairfleld County, Conn., 1CT 380,484 nrstNaUonftl.wWester, Is** 180,1TB UUMK!Mtcr,«'.<MM**Ler, loTO 116,333 V«n«uU H*U, Boatoa, IBM ^04,044

l'*tiieli«ii I '"itii.iu.i..-.. Boyal, MS. S°U. »10,OOO,000

American Branch. Im.-ertal, 1

A nriit'in Urwneh, UH, gold.

l,BO0,0OO 8,000,000

1,987,801 10,000,000


EPyYAKDs * MACiiELL, Agents, M« Kuri street, ... Lnwrrnrr.

IfliffW ' P. O. Box M 1 h'US KI.SV . ill).". JAMB" MACHKI.L.

i] ms H. B. FIELDING wishes to In- 1?A (arm use bwUwof Lawn-ace and si.-u.ny too? she hit* Just rn.-iv.-a all tin- L..U-,t Kprlug ami Mnixwr styles fr«m New York, aad Uvsoft rtskly toaASsmtoaUanVSMiur,


riTTINli IssdieVanilCtdMreo'sDIlKKn*:*. ,Jtaw HTII.ES received <• vary week. Ladies' Drew* Cut ami Fitted fur $1.00.

Machine oiitobbtg an.l Bntl.ling done to order. A liberal share of patronage sol Id led, with

tftW thiuiju for pest favors.



Business Directory.iBusiness Directory. 1 "_e:f>MgrH'g)gL Irll.,Ku«r Line* lu length j I'.riU Ml eacerdiu..; Four Llssas US leSUJtl. LAWRENCE MANUFACTURE!.

Inaertsdi In ii»U Mliaii at 9ft v" *•*■*•

BAKNAKIVH W0B8TED STORE, fur- nterlv Palmer**, i- tlie place to get yuur Wor-

sleds ami Worsted lioods. Patterns and r"at.<v 4..HM1S. Yankee Knuoiu, in. Ml K»B*X fix "Sly

Inirrlrd lu llili luluinii *t |1 |itr ) r«r,

AR. QUDDEN, PBUGOIST.—Pure • Drugs ami Chemicals, Patent Medicine*,

Tutlet A i tides, Porfumerv, Huonven. Hni-I Hoapn, ii' ■ »'ni-iiiT Y.r*r \ >m| 1\'MIIH-I i.iu SL

B ACON t HOPKINS, Attorneyd ami \ T>AI.HWIN COOUIH1K, CIVIL ENOI- (^niBnallDra at Law, ai.il Com BUM loner-, lor i MJ NKEI1 nn.i Surteyor, *W H»«« KlrWt.

j At tiBli*« un Momlay, Tiuw.lay ami Tliurnlay Raeon. . evaaliif*.

Tl.r YoHMKeM ufihr I««w i;«RUi>4 MHN-

HtaetvrlMB Cltlaa Irait a«Vittd

by aha H»ui*-.

"Xo, our oaemtlvea liave it claim upon iw, and I do Hot nee at preNeiit why 1 simll do eltftwr OOP or th* other till Iaee Kood ami "nnVteiit cauwe. How hoontbat causn might Ithow ttftfllf, la, of course, liu- tHiHHlhta (bf Mt« aay. I can only hope and traHttNtttt will not come. I have a very larjrafofMof op«r»Ufoii—aln>ut 4.IMX) —atHllatnHMl*object to tftklux auy ac- tion that may ttuid to Ulsornatii/.f m- in- cikuvcniw


(1. H. LOW, APOTIIKCARY. Prcacrlp- I Uoaj carefully tU*JfMad at all hour*, aIno,

all Uw lauliiif Patent Hfilletiu>» ami T.iiloi Arll- lei, *■■. i-l anil Si HftUAUWav. »U«TTIIJ r

TinAHLES T. EMERSON, U AHCIHTKCT. Offiue, ttt Eiiex StreeC

HMriil«tiea,tt Oak atreet.

I liriilerc In Iteal Kxlate. OMue

(lOLBUBN BROS,—DAILY PAPERS, 'Chrirtiios, EiurravliucH. I'eriixlit-aU, Kta tinner j,

Ksiiii-v ii.").lt. Plvturi-* Fntliiiil ut »hort uullee. No. 1*1 K*»e* Hlievl.

1). rV. LORD, Soh> Aisciit for the "V1UTOR" SKW1NU MACHINE.

DYER S. RAXIb Beady MAB Clothing, Hate, Cnpa, Uent'i Punii-lun.; "

li« wHith fi.tit Ewnei,

1? H.KELLET, APOTHECARY Pre T^a«- A- w- HOWLAKD, RURQEON i 1-, ,.. ' -*-' OKST1ST, Kiu-e«.nor to W, W. Hi. :. II.

Portralti ami I.anilneai iiaa'axH

G REENE, GLEA80N A CO., Manti- uraranrcoNKKt Tl.iNKitV. IMalamin aud Uiiut'i.lU' Pntil". No. 1">I KHI-K\

8TSRW. BUgTOtfimoa


The beAt plaice In the rity.

RfKJt /ffKcrcin-*' OFFICE. S7 rtiyfir UTIIKET,

BOSTON; '■ ptnatr MTTlTjii.

AatMa ever - i - - M,ooo,oo«.«o * AL|> TIW rTtorrra FAIO TO POUCT HOMIEBB.

The'low raten and targe .livt.U-ml, of dtln old Oaaapanv.tlOat-lhar wild axiieUenl uiaaaKeineut, UlrJealliiKjtuii i.mmptnen- in tin- :i.ljii-ii.i.'.n <-; loi-r., mnfea It Hie hart Cnmiiaiiy In Ve« Kii(rtnn.l to loHure |n, tHpaelaliy far Eadownient Polklaa,

H. E. LAWRENCE, 'Aer-nt for LawrewW, llnvrrhlil, Ando*er, and

■ fatylw- Matliwen. OFFICC »73 Si«tX JTaEET, LAWHtNCE,


HU. PHILLIPS, Haud-knlt WoraU'd • Uaraieab, aairlf, Ciiratita, Collar*, Under

SleeveH, Hosiery, Clove*, Head llreMiOi', I.aeun, Einliroideriei, white CornU, ete., *JT Kuex st.

JOHN K. NORWOOD, General Iunur- anee Agancy, makea lnaurance. In all lta "la, a luaolairy. Call ia awl liupaot a—

m Kinex Street,


wt auuuin, fre.' of lax to Itt depo All iJeiHwlU made on or liefon

._ja than ajas per ueat it i k|.. - ■ 11 ■ >i ■■.

'" AH 'deiioilla mmle on or l>eforo the Unit day of '•ay wuaui ara then olared ni>on Interest, uail al«r< MHMftc . to it* iwM ilivldi'iul- .WTi.taj.la M aoou " diTlare-l ina] om^ndded lo the aneotmn or.lejiiwlt.ir^. ami at imee ftejrii

" ^^flTlogOuiirouNiJlntareat. O»0. C. TmtijfaVti,

_ Clooka, Jewelry, Hllvei and Plated Ware, Kanry Uooil*, CuUery, Tuve, Ao. *80 Raatl SU tteiMtlrlng,

lUery, Tuve, Ao. # mil Silver Prating.

REMOVAL.—P. M. MORGAN, Harneati Makar, baa rewov»l from 71 Broadway t<


.139 KBBKX ST., LAWRENCE, MABI. Oar Dyer ft t.'uv.

DYER" ft CO., No. 887 Ewtux Street, ynbtliri the only good Mtereoacoplu View*

HargeuH. Utttee and residence, i"il KMUX StroeL

Office hour*, N till ? anil S till *.


EA. PISKE, PAPER HANGINGS, • Window shades Artlnta'Matartal*, Chnn-

daUara, LamtM, Vatae, eto, *", Eeacx atnwt, Lawrence.

EDK ItlNZ V ft BROTHBR, Lftdlea'and • Ueut'* Cuitom Root and shoe Maker*, a A|>-

Eletou atreet All hind* of ready made Boots and hoea constantly on hand and rerr eheap.

~ 8. YATE8, M-lT, PHYSICIAN mid

r of Lawroace, 1 J> Surgecn.

Otttee, tKR E.nei Street, io IWWajQIllT. 10* Concord Street.

SC. BAJICROPT, D. M. P., DENTAL • OPnCE, 417 Eixex Street. (HBUMP* new

hlnek), Lawnmee. Oaa, Chloeoforut or Ether given ua preferred, for the extraction of teeth.

WP. SMITH, Jr., Plain and Decora- • tire Paper llaiiger. tipeoiaUtieniliHtgiv.'ii

Ui cxeiullnjc ornaineiiUil il.-elaim, Mkn I'aintlnK and I.i'Kerhig Of all kind*. Shop Ml Coamion at.


'■■ M atwmvmw Itiani

"A DWMHAg ' HoaaeJ hearl* aWW, (■Ihweed on Uaorsa .lea*' Lot oontAitP. *wefe«; hou-.S3 ti» i#, tu.i atorlen, iwllli li;i-i-nn'iit under piirt of tnVaaaWV vimtalninK W fiunnn, all ftnl*l>ed, i*lnt ad aad Minded,. On tUe w»ail»e* a uittwn of -oft w^ter, aud :t never falling wrll. Lm-nii.ni i.'nii ;.l, awa^i-ryde.rffiiil... Prfif l*w, ttrwraeaar-

A1..II, rtniia'e and Lot »Ituated on High xtreek Let ronwlalftg Maw feat. Hnuae ha* iw moian, two aturie*. ualuted, and Ullmled. Till* property I* altuaU'.inu a varv desirable tm-alltv, am! ean be tejugfct at a bargain. 1 Alto, several central ami de*lrab!e Honae LoU.


Maauiaotiuwr* of Wool Maeliloery, Hunt'* I'on- ble A.ttog Turbine Water Wheel.

TTAMMEB FALLINC STOCKS, Fulling 1. L Mill*, Dolly WiLliei*. Shaltint:, lu'guliiUir*, flige, »ye Tubs, *e. E.V. HARRIS. Mil ltroa.1 way J«wreai<e, >IBM. IMreetoraud HHafl Agent,


1 Cloves, No. J31 Ma ex

H. TEBBHT8 ft CO., l>ry and Fancy

Ulve ui a rail.

A ■ Uoo.U, l»» K*»ex rttreeL The Low I'riue Store of Ll "

BHiararaarsaaTM iwpii*, •unnMouifjw ■«>»»■»

aadriwtnata.- A arwhe woekimr 4JrM.lt* Led


aud wood

SB jlou*e tvt n Ktorle-, (i by it ;l»



I WM.H, R««era' I-*w OttUia, 1 ai«aa , - Nt-ar Town Home, Melbuen, Maai.


1 large liottle* .-ecB*e"*ilvei.uuliypliy*li'iar.f. Tkeenly

.wSfftflT" mjL. -

K Boldby all [>ruirglHt«.

i;\ i. BAND m BVERY VILLAGE la, or ia aooa to be, and the mellow noian of Mm Hraoltoe* the Cornet (t heard all

■., opbNHTB, ALTOS, BASSES, Or awy atlier Bund InitrumMtt, wblah with

VIQLttfB, GUtTABB.FLUTBS, ■AOriebetUal; to fact all ia.lrinm.-iiU in eonnoon u.e, Violin and Uiiiur Striugs. aad nil Muaieal

' Marefniadlse Will be found In plenty, rar iely, Uul LlaAwajpaaalilrt'TlrT- ai »ha atoea of Hum . t ■ J..<). HAVMK* * CO.,

baort«d'«*>* T;_ '--gg tParilW 8t., ■•■te*. ,*«4kti •.- fi •

flmHo-nrh (Ou. tlxi Court (louaa)



MB Kiaei-Mtrr.t,- - - I.avri

irons Oxide tJaa, am Inintered. OfttceClo*-



Plans and Spocifioations Prepared.


For Sale on Eftty Term! ind To Ltt.


REfftDKntCE, T* PAf It'lt' niltPOHAM,

mill LAJvYBKNCK, WANs lvif

0. N. HUMAN,


PIANO AND ORGAN. •Oft E»«.x fttraat, I..wt.«t.

Mr*. Iliiiumi In au exiiei-iumii'd tctacker- Sati«- faetioii ifiiariintoeil, Al.o, agent fur Hie Preseott Oivna. Tina Orgaa Coiauiuiy I* tb.i nldeil e^tab- li-ruuontj.fUmklnd In dm United HUb». The experience of *1 year. In UM BMAWBI enables taa ■aaaukaoMtwra to ataee in the market fJaU-etOr- ganaof ajuth variety, onallly Of tone and rlnl-b a* will elianenge roinparlnon for eleganre of atyle, volume, nniptirily of Mat, Hold OB PfAHMftUa. Old lualruiueiilK tuken In exi-hauge, »e*fKtf

man, Pattern ami Mm let Maker, Merruitaok Maehlne Shop, near Mun-tmack Iron Eouudry.

B. DENNETT, CIGARS AND TO- a I1ACCO, Whoie*ale and ltotnll: aleo Snuff

HM. WHITNEY ft CO., Apothecaries, • corner Kanex and Law retire 8L—Truiaea,

Uuuuortoiw, Shoulder Jlmrei-, Perlamery, etc. A full:. ■■ ■. >i r iiH'iu of all :> 11 i.-l< ■ lu our lino.

I F. BABNABD, UPHOLSTERER and i Cabinet Maker.- Repairing, Laying Car-

oetH, and Curtain Work. MnyhcwV Puteiit Win- dow Screen*ajiplleilataliortuutice. llJaekaon *L

TOSEPH FLOOD ft CO-, MERCHANT O TAILORS. C)iamber», 1,3 aad " Saumlera New Block. K»aex StraeL tinder the Immediate anuervialuu of JOB. FLOOD, (late Savage ft Flood.)

JOHN C. DOW ft CO., (eu:cci).K>rs to Char!.-* B. Woodman ft Co.,) Crockery. Claaa

and China Ware, 1 -nuip t jooilr, PbOed Ware, lablo Cutlery, 1U9 Eauex Street.

DREW'S OYSTER AND ICE Cream and Dlnlug Saloon. 311 E**ex Street,

jnee. Ice Crenm, .lellle*. Wedding Cake, Cunraeilonery, ftc. MeaU at all hours.



T D. fj a Cr» LHWrcni-e.

T DEJ fj • t l... Jaw-elry. 1

DENNING, JEWELER, Watch and . . Clork M, "

l.-urliv. mE xk Maker. Fine Watelies, ( Im-k* ami

atreet. All I" Clouka aud jBWalry re|>aired at -li-.rt iiotloe.

x atreet. All kind* of Watches,

Paw-r Hiingiug*. Wludow Slimier, Ni-wapapers, etc. jtll E^sei St. Itranrli Store, liS hSsev HU


No. 471 K.-KKX ST., I4>wrawea.

BSjnat«B9taaMria| Or ohb make more aaoney at

.AMf.N«.ivrisAoN £ C.I.,- ■1, mWWW"-:.

HK1CAN * rORXlON PATKNTS. 3BSS !££,'','.,"», -R..H.. BODY, W»I.i<JiTOll OP l'ATKNTS awmtafc—a—* *«** mas, e DOWN I

.iiiaaaaa; >aB>o to OraM Hrttaia, FrBnee, aad oUier

>MawsM4hiatarms,wllhdJspaah. Itosaaretmamade




.\*"'"1'".!'*."!''.'.t'..AI!■! »'■*• K"rl «re*t, (Orawa) »loek>. LAWMXMOB.

WAJUiftft BAiutr, ALiEar AMPJUFWI-

5 E DR l"c K ft Ct 0 S 8 ON, ,nd

MBS. A. M. POOLE, M. I)., after 20 yeari aUCTeaarol practice In UbateUicx Bad —-* nnililiililrvii, offrr* her services

r-No A

I AllSeiWaKyoraj/mrBeTte Wi

.1 In Washington. ltedNMWa:|>OMHM*c

Ai>yraJH*ra, He. Ml alwtX »tr»«t, Lawranca, M.»t.

Alw»ya raady toglva their portonal aerrh-e and aorloua htUiiititm to aelling Heal nud Peraonal Estate at nuctlim or otherwise. ota»mlnir Money

feet; uo Money Invested but U|HM W« ino-i ui doubtad atwurtty. All builiiata liahruatal tot

1'M.nU ut MCttT- -.allotif.

j jouraay t* Waahlngtnn to pro* B PatoaU aad 440 uaaal great delay thaia, are

„ TEHTIMt>NlALS. «I regard Mr. Billy as one of Hie mint capalJo

^■JeaaaWl prachuoaer* with Whom I'takva

**^ *1!rW4l?E9W4litsOV, CommliT of Patent*." .••I ha*B no baajlatku) la a-auriug inveutor. tluU g,Pe,f^ft«^^»w

Inn at the Put. ill I Me! , I*ato uam'r of PaiawU.

./» |A imAfag well to the true fcuaraal.ul tie

an- irly

llu'lilghot tyi>e of honorable keatlng. S-Vorma reaaeaaMe. aad aoeia .

and responsibility. Call upon u*.

Real Estate Office. 381 Essex St. N. 11,—Property for sale In many aectlona of New

England, hut more enpeelally hi the eltrof Law- rrm-e aad ritialty- No better city La MM Uftion

Uitlwutibllu. Oa*ee,lBaUdl»oa»U,Newbury|>urt.

MISS LIZZIE CABLETON, S50 ESSEX tttreet, Sauinters Block. May lie found a va.

rled and eclect atock of Fancy Goods, to widen I would respectfully invite altentlun.

, MTD, PHYSICIAN Oftwa SKI Ksaax St. Houaa

Particular attention

MB. KKNNKV • and Surgeon, 110 Nowbury Ut

paid to Caooero.

P~ BDRICK ft CL^0880N7rURNlTtJRiv Carpet*. Crockery awl Cutlery, together wlOj

Uouaakeepiag tiomla n-narnlly. The beat asaort- ment In the city. Ml E**ex Street


SD. CBOWELL. OYSTER ft DINING • Rooms, Fruit and Confei'Uonery, J7S Ksnex

Street, Moar City Hidi, Lawrenoe, Maa*. ChuM brand* of Cigar* alwaya on UaaiL


11B Baaax atreat-

rp W. HEALD, Sole Atrent for rtlnger'ai X a linpruveil Sawing kUcnlna, iU Kt—x. SL, Saundcra New Block.

Sewing Machine Findings.

T^^H^sTLBYLAliDT Dry GoodaT^flTKa"- tex Street Full Value, Fair Oealing, "No

mowing," No Trickery, One I'riea. We r

for a permanent iuvosUnenL Read Real Estate column In Lawrence Sentinel

ami Lawnmea IMilv American. fmyBJ-

Bupllcatliin* f< ■ al ^..reai recommend A LI. aura toe I r paten U, .,__ —...., n.i,l.r.,L mil

I uamlalakalrtBproof md ability on liia part, leada rue t :. iuTentvr* to apply to him to nn

jit*; aa they may ISB sure of harln most faiUiful aUauuua beatowadu at vary reaaonaule charges.

ftoeton. Jan. 1.1B71


Cholera. Dysentery <ft Diarrhcea. Poatt foil tagtt Ut Uuly BO ecilta.


■t ewraa fhntaap r«ll«. It mrea Chi I iftBBllr— II eakra* CpuwaMa iryaentari-. U e »r . a ftp-r adlet h. »la r.. It car.. ma»*> »f aeaiter J. It rare. Cholera Marlia.. It

It «wr«a OrBgapaaa. St tarn

HAMBKHLAI Agaat for Law cUltlvr

■ Every fMlUy ihoukl hava.it. glato. Preiiarad by W. IL Cl Lvwa, Maa*. Cbartea Clarke,

■^EBOSKNE ('HANI)EMKItfi, BrocW- JfttauUPeaaaWwa Laataa, eto. Call aadlM at •faVat JoWx C. Uow'^CroekavF atore, 1M gr-

C. K. ft J. P. PILL8BURY,

MACHINISTS. (Suoceaaorl to Webster, Buatin ft Co.)


Cotton •% Woolen Machinery AJIO


_ i'liuii and Mill repair* do"1

promptly and fkrthfnlty. Deatara In Mann fas-Hirers* Sapplfea.

rotitr't Building, Corner a Fraaklia aad

ylaa- LAWsUtBCM.




rARBOX ft BRIGGS, ATTORNKY8 aad Counsellor* at Law, SaBialers New Block,

Itoom* III and 17, Lawrence, Maaa. J. K. TABBOX. C. B. BBIOOB.

HITFOBD ft RICE, JEWELLERS, . . dealer* In Paper, Stationery, Paper Hang.

hgf, Window Shades ami Hlunle Fixture*; Blank Maawraeturer*. MAatanex St, Lawrenoe.

WMr"BTtrABT ft CO., Eaaei Dye Work*, Vine Street I»yer* nf PleceGond*,

" arn», Braids, and all kind* of Job Dyeing. Un- ■ 1IA1.1I- good* re-dy ed ami put lu raarkatable order.

IIMIITTKEDOE ft BUBNHAM, Fine Boot*. Shoes ami kubber* of ovary dewtrip-

ihurStore. Boston Union Boolar " ""■ B Essea Street, corner Jackson.


117 Easei Street ' W. P. Klmball.

Parlor, Offioe and Cooking' Stoves. Plumbing. Tlr. RooOng, aad all kind* of Jobbing


Canal FHreet. lower aad.


[J^atgg eofOTaiioiHfcntee of tar **w l>r* 7VaMt.I

Uy of Ijiwrfitrc mnst he ronce- ili'.l the proud honor of poKwaalng within Its llmttH thf laraoMt cotton IIIIIIH In the lulled sinii-s iHdongiiip: to one corpora- tion, and, with one exception—a mill near St. Ivt.T-burn—tin* larjri-st Hiuglc mill In the world. This mill ia one of the four IjeloiigLntr to the J'aclflc Mills Company. The trrowth of Lawrence (named after Hon. Ahhott Lawrence, one of lt«-Asund- er*) 1ms liei'ii marrellonalv raurd. Fall River had a cotton mill In 1HU), only two years after Win. Slater built the drat in the Utilled State*), near Frovltumce: Low- ell linil out- lu tfti'i—her yoangeat waa bom NO uir Imck aa is:t»—and the jfreat AiRoakcau MIHa at Mauehefter, were built In 1H31, But iJiwrenct* was not evne founded till the year 1SU, aud Us popula- tion numbered juat one hundred In Hi.".. To-dftT iJtwrence has n popttlathtti of IIU.OOO', of whom 10,000 are employed In the cotton, woolen und woratetl mill-. The city h altout twenty-fix inllea from Boston,*aud some twenty miles from the ocean, ami in located on the Mcrriuiock River ut the point where the Boston and Maine R. B. strikes it. The full of the river caused by the atone duin above the city, Is ttv-futy-i-luht feet, Ihua provlillllK the city with splendid water power for itt mills, in which, aa ,-it Lowell, the water li conducted by n canal.

Six liu-«!■ corporations have their mills located in IJtwrence—the Pacific Mills, Waautiifftou, Atlantic, Everett, Pemberton and Arlington. The Pacific Mill la the (riant. The compauy started their mills in ] -C. 1. Their capital stock la gL',5oO,iliri). They run Ho.mm Hpludlett, .I.7INI I.HIIUS.

etiip'lov l.""ii operatives, and tnni out a Dnlshed product of 400,000,000 yards a year. They lunnufacttire calicoes, lawns, worsteds and (hie dress good*, and theli four mills and palut works are running full time. The Washington Mills eonalst of n cotton mill, worwtetl and woolen

There are 20,000 Hplndles In the cotton mill, veveuty.two seta of woolen lnochlnerj', and eight seta of coiirbera for worsted. Finding, woolen manufacture very uncertain during the last year or two, lu coiiKeouunee of the extreme nuc- niiii l.HIS In the price of the raw material, the company havo j;rndiutllr let their pro- duction run down, till they are at present only nalng twenty sets of machinery. This has'reduced the number of their operatives 11- about 2,i)00—the number wheu all their mills aud machinery- are In full oper- ation— to o,000. This state of things haa nothing whatever to do wltli the financial crtHlw, the change having been matle near- ly a year ago, for the reason assigned. There are 1,17B looms In the mills. The mills were erected lu 1 sin, and were for- merly known us the Bay State Mills. The orlgl'nnl company,however, fulled in I-G.S.

mid the present company, composed of new men, wax bnllt upon Its ruins. The Atlantic Mills are next dtror neighbor* to the Pacific Mills. The company lias a stock capital or gl.aoo.ooo, runs jrr.ttao spindles uud 1.S00 looms, and during the pust summer has been maklug 420,000 yards of brown sheetings mid nblrtlugit per week from about number eighteen yarn. Their machinery is all arranged so its to mute c-iiiirsi- or fine goods. AH they have beet) running the mill- lately they would work up about ifl.Ooo bales of cot- ton a year, hut they cau vary from 8,000 to L'.">,000 bales a year, according to the fineness or coarseness of the tfoods they arc making. The Pcmlkcrtoii Mills were started hi lrltiT.on the site of tho old I1

berton Mill, which fell lit on the imh or January, l -'■". while the operatives were at work. This was, I suppose, the most awful mill tragedy ou record. No less 11 fiW persona were killed and wound- ed lu the catastrophe, many being burned t.j death by being caught lu the heatm and lloorlugs In the ruins, imd unable to extricate tuemselves before the furnaces set the ruins on tire. 'Die present com- pany have :HM*nOapliidles, II sets of wool machinery, and Otto looms. They employ about 850 operatives, and make 100,000 yards a week of cotton fiauncls, ticks, cot- tonades, all-wool casslmercs, and water- proof cloth for ladles' eloaks. The Ever- ett Mills run aliout .'1,",,IHHI aplndlea and ;IHI looms, aud employ nearly 1,000 oper- ative!. They make very much the BBIUC

class of goods as are uuule at the Pentber- ton Mills. The Arlington Mills give em- ployment to about 8.V) or 400 operative* hi inaklug fine worsted rtrcsa goods, ul- paens, aM

The manager of the Pacific Mills, Mr. K.i hn mill.-.. Is running his tnUlaon full time. He has neither reduced the wages, nor has he discharged any of the operatives, nor hus he any liitcntlou of doing so. On the contrary, be has determined to go on as usual, and hopes that an Improvement In financial matters will soon come, and en- able him to get through the winter with- out making any change whatever. At all events he has resolved to make no change unless absolutely driven to It "1 have been approached by managers of otger mills In tin- state to know what I Intended doing, and I have given tfaem all one awep—that I shall run till I am compelled to atop. I have told my overseers the stmie. I shall make no change till the ne- cessity la so imperative that our opera- tives will easily perceive it and readily acquiesce In it. If the financial atoaos pbcre clears a little, 1 shall pile up goods, and quietly await the arrival of orders aud an Improvement In price. I consider low- ering the boars of labor to be a costly and unwise proceeding. Nothing is so easily disorganlacd and so dlltlcult to reorganise aa a large force of skilled labor. Skilled labor, like ours, la always more or less In demand. The gkllled operatives know their value. They will not work half tine till t In-y have faUed to get full time else. where. They may very likely succeed In doing so. where la tho manufacturer, then, When business becomes active again? ills force of skilled labor ll thor- oughly disorganized, and he find-* out his nutftke. Again, I object to a number of corporations making changes at the name time. It looks too much like concerted action against the operatives; a theory to which we strongly object when the opera- tive applies It to 0*. Again, one maim facturing bnainesB may be as different as possible from another, even If tin-raw material used be the awne. I have heard complaint* of aalea tailing off for ooine time. I cau ouly aay that 1 round the de maud for goods very good up to the 1st o November; since then It has fallen off. But I look for a fair Spring trade—noth- ing remarkable, but a fair trade, The Sooth may not take so many goods as she would have done bad she ^A a better price for her cot ton crop, but with more coutldence and easier money 1 think we nay anticipate ft fair Spring trade. I base lids oplutou on the position of tho trade, Its thorough soundness, In fact, the sound- ness of manufacturing busluess generally throughout the country, Is more than a source of gratification and congratulation. The soundness of oar home manufacturing Interests has been the savins clause of the country In this crisis. Had the panic found the manufacturers extended and apreml out aa they Were In \»", thh count rv would have been the arena of one of the moat fesrfal commercial convul- sions which that world has ever known. Bnt we have done very well for the last few years. We had no stocks of goods oa band when the panic began. We wore strong enough to withstand the shock, and we are strong enough to begin to-day to make all the goods that buyers could lake. The buyers will come in time—not pressing aud crowding together, but at 1 *ahl. enough for • fair Spring trade.

"Philopena!" It Is saM to have origin- ate! In Germany, ami as itgoes iaakann- less custom, the source or no little amuse- ment, and In the case we arc about to re- late was productive of something akin to "fun alive." At a party In this city, u short time ago, a gentleman and lady went through the ceremony of disposing of the twin kernels of an alsoottd, ami, con-

Mr. wilUftM Grav the manager of the ! tr»ry to the nanal custom, the lady sttpula- Atlantlr Mill*, takes another view of the i Jed that Ifshe should he aueceasrul lu ssy- .iuestlon,audfayno means a singular one, . ""8 "pbJlopena Urn, she shouhl have « either. Ha waited tUl he was convinced rlaa of a certain wiulue and costly pattern | that tha nanlawfts going lo spired from and he In turn—well, what do you think financUlVosStlle Urcl»s. and acted . He »«? Why, the "horrid thlng" actual- ImmedlatelyTBe bad certain things which »y »ad the Impudence to do a little sttpulat-

The annual reuort of the directors of the Boston ft-Maine railroad, for the year ending Sept. 80, 187.1, has beau made puh-

an.l we abstract ft few of the more im- portant Items t-r The groaa receipt* of the year ending

September .ta, 1ST*, were H.HW.apj a* The Dparatlag expenses were l,ttisVS> ""

he wanted ioUt, and which he had to and he at ones, three weeks ago, cnt down his productiea to Just that and no more. Tins reduced We production to forty-five percent, of win* It 1B wheu his mills are railing full tlasfi. Mr, Gray had his well- cousldexed re Mas to* this course of ac- tion. THaffleoTyVBwiliaiUwUi be.no brtafc and healthy trade after the shaking up we have had till producers, manufact- urers, and Jobbers are prepared to accom- modate themselves to a lower scale of prices. "Have you seen Mr. Clafiln's ad- vertisement of the private sale of his entire stock ot goods'-" asked Mr. Gray. I told him that I had not. He pointed it out to me, remarking as he did so: "There Is the action of a man who, I take It,understands this question as 1 do. He believes ia the Inauguration of a new state of thluga and lower prices. Any business man will'tell you that to thoroughly adapt yourself to a new state of things there Is but one course to pursue: Bell out all your old stock, be- gin again, start anew, and with a atock based on the new prices. That la my view. I do not suppose tbst 1 had more than half the proportionate amount of stock held by my neighbors at the time I re- duced my production, three weeks ago. To-day my stock does not exceed ft month's prodoctlou. I -hall keep my pro- duction down till that stock is sold, and then I shall be hi a position to launch out and go right In for ttw thick of what I be- lieve will be a new trade at new prices. I think we shall be fortunate If activity shows Itself by the 1st of February: It may very likely not come till the 1st of March. If I were to ran my mills full time now, I should accumulate a heavy stock ol goods. How, then should I tie pre- pared to go in for a sew order of things! Why, before that time comes, I might have to shut my mills down altogether! Ami where would my operative* be then'f As it is, they earn enough to live upon, and I think my system will turn out most advantageous In the end."

hen, again, there, ia another view of question. Mr. Coe, the manager of Washington Mills, and who bos a

force of £,000 opcrarllvca, says tlffet tnan- iifiieimvrs cannot possibly go on making goods to sell at nillnif prices, and that Homethiug must be done, lie looks to it reduction of wages as a corrective, and has given his overseers notice to bring about a reduction of twenty per cent. In the pay-roll. Mr. Coe gives figures to justify his notion. He says that since laco the average rjarnlnga of the operatives have Hicrensed from >■■> to IrO per cent. Aud yet the price they paid for hoard In the mill boarding-houses has only in- creased from 30 to 40 per cent., while cal- ico and almost all articles of clothing arc now nearly as cheap as when the low rate of wages uirvlllCBf TTrhT TcfrrVw the bal- mice to the operatives to clothe them- selves and pot IBto tlte savings banks. "1 see no prospect," said IK1

, "of business before the Spring, uor do 1 nidlcJoato any very brilliant trade then. The panic has gone too far and la-ted too long Air that, we shall have to mbvc cautiously und eco- nomically, and I am of opinion that the i|u.-stion of wages la the question with which, considering the state of prices of both raw material and finished goods, the manufacturers liave principally to deal. I am acting on that opinion by reducing my pav-roll to the extent of twenty per cent."

Of the other mills, the Arlington will continue to ran full time, hat Mr. Whit man, the Treasurer, will make a reduc- tion of fifteen or twenty per cent, most probably during the current week. Mr. Crombie, of the Kv»rett Mills, will most likely confine his change to shutting off work by gas-light, reducing his time to eight honrs a aay, Mr. H. S Shaw, of the Pemberton Mills, wilt also make some necessary reduction to meet the exigen- cies of the times, i OB the whole,, this cannot be called a bad showing for Law- rence, l iiitoi'au aggregate force of 8,500 operatives, 4,000 are working full time for fu'.l wagos; 1,000 are working a little over lliree-finartcr time for full wages; l.soo are working half time for full wagett and ii.aoo will have to submit to a redac- tion of abont fifteen to twenty per cent. lu their wages. Comparing this with the accounts one reads of the condition of the operatives In other sections of the country, especially In tlte Iron districts of Pennsylvania, It would appear that the operatives of Lawreate have every reason to be thankful that they hsve so good a prospect of getting through the Winter without actual suffering; for all the mill managers who have made a change tell me that they fell confident that no further reduction, either of Wages or hours of la- bor, will be necessary. They have brought matters down to a level at which they can control them, and that Is til they arc desirous of doing. They have no thought of pushing their operatives one lota. Ou the contrary, they all seem most solicitous ou their In-half.

JOHN AND JONATHAN.—Will ck Englishmen Insist upon making us ask If tlmy are really unable to see that the glory of America Is not alien to Ihclr own" The Yankee Is tlte younger Englishman; Englishman uninsulated, mure coRmopoll-

rlrher snd broader by the Infusion or other Mood, and solving inder other < lltlons the gresteat of sit problems. The

elder brother has the hercdllary balls, the family plate and pictures, the local associ- ations. He has individual Illustrations of a higher culture, a uiorp thorough scholar. ship, a more exact science, and even a dm

heroism of thought. Whv should be nourish a foolish jealousy? The bicker. tugs of nations ant really as puerile an those of children. John and Jonathan are Englishmen and Anterlcaua. But above all they are men. W lien Sir Philip Sydney went to see Wlllluiu of Orange lu the Netherlands, the young Englishman was clad In all the gay splcador of the Brittlsh court, and the silent Wlltlam In a plain serge coat. Not they were both

sincerely united In a great cause, and neither of them wo* troubled by the do- llies of the other. Under the ■ campus "f the Cornell University, oa that pictur- esque height In the garden of .New York that overlooks the Lake of Cgyuga, Is a noble tree under which an English scho- lar, who came from ilxfbrd to live In America because he found Amerloft more congenial to his true English soul, has placed a seat. And ftpon that Seat lie lias carved an Inscription which he and all generous men would carve upon the heart of the world—"Above all nations is hu- mahlty.**—Kdttor't Kan Chair in IJar^t,

rascT. Oss ef lausB uaealng rainbow dream* Half Ufa*, half ahade, which Faacy'e beam* J'aial m Ute SeeUag mi.l* that nil, in tease* or aiuniber, round lbs soul.

.W-sra. sosaow.

You've sees the lightning lash si night Play brightly uVr lla cloudy pile. The nwanihiur tri-mhli-on the height. When water glisten* cold aad bright, And like Hun Aaah, ami like that light,

vain ami awaurilBM aaifle. J. U. irttfMer.

lng on his own account. In ease be lost he agreed to draw his greenbacks for the aforesaid ring, providing she, In the event of losing, would penult hint to kiss her in public—say at the lln-t party they attended after the wager was decided. This waft agreed to, and each went home thinking np a plan to outwit the other.

Ttieycmng lady wade no aseeet of saalr. and confidently told alt her friends teat she couldn't help bnt win, as she WSJ determined to 1H> SO very, rers cautious. She was sure It would mortify her dread- fully If she should be complied to offer tier cheek to the impudent fellow before a crowd of people. Besides, she had actual- ly wanted Just sach a ring as she had bar- gained for. No fear of her losing. She would like to see the masculine who could outgeneral her. Indeed she would.

Now Charlie (that's bis natue), evon In these hard times, wouldn't mourn much at the loss of a ring, but when he heard that his fair antagonist had advertised him as a "fiat," whom It would lw so easy to cap- ture, bis pride was touched, and he resolv- ed to go tor that hiss with all the energy be could command. He made up his mind that, If he should fall, he would ever after be In favor of woman suffrage, aad shake hands across the bloody chasm with Anna Dickinson niiil Susan B. Anthony, la truth, he had pretty much made up Ids mind that lie ought, hi such a case, to leave tlte capital and take up his residence la New Haven—In the "Third Wa-tl," where he could vote for womsu suffrage every day In the year. But as we remark- ed above, he didn't Intend to fall, lie had already hit upou u plan that he thought he would work. That plan was burnt cork.

One night, not long ago, Charlie got himself up for the occasion in a manner that would have done credit to the "boss" Ethiopian delineator, and headed

Lord's Hill." The lady lives In that di- rection, ami If this was not a strictly true story we would give her name, when Charlie started from home, ho thought his

julse was complete; bnt by the time hi reached the Post Office his faith In burnt cork had shrunk almost as much as some of the Wall street securities, and he great- ly feared detection. To test his disguise he dropped Into Conklln's where he waa known by all hands. He asked the price ofapalre of gloves. "Fifty cents," an- swered tho gentlemanly clerk. "Too mnch," said Charlie. "Alldc money I' gotlude world am fifteen cents." Just then ''Conk" stopped up and told him that owing to the hard times business wasn't quite so brisk, us usual, and he should make a liberal discount ou Ihe gloves "Inflict," Said he, "111 make you u pres- ent of 'em."

Charlie put tlte gloves In his pocket and went ont, feeling that his itlagnlM was complete.

twenty minutes later » "colored gem- man" stood at tin- front door of a certain aristocratic mansion "on the hill," wott- ing for Miss ,WhOIII the servant had gon to summon! She soon made her ap- pearance, wondering what a colored man could possibly want of her. And not nn- til she reached out her hand for a prolfer.-i I package, and heard the aggravating word "Phllopenn 1" did she comprehend the trick. A trifle less than one second after Charlie heard the word "Wretch 1" and be glided down the walk, followed by a east Iron nnbrella rack, which was the only thing that the Indignant Miss——could get hold of.

"I don't care," she said, "he Is juat as nii'uii as be can lie." Then she west to her room and gave vent to her outraged feelings In the usual feminine way—that Is, she had a right down good cry, all by herself. She wouldn't euro so very mnch If Charlie wonld'nttell of It; hutsheknew well enough ho would. Aud be did. The very next day every girl and fellow lu their circle knew It, and poor Miss—felt awfully "worked up" In consequence. The girls all declared that she was too blgb spirited to let him kiss her, after playing such an ungentlemanly trick. But what could she dor Hadn't she prom- ised r The only way she could escape paying the wsger was to absent herself from the parties. That was un alternative she would be little liki-lv to accept. What then T

To make n long story short, a little par- ty was given, last week, to which both Charlie and the young lady were Invited. Vharlie was on bund early, dressed In his cry best, ready aud determined to claim

the forfeit. When tho party had all assem- bled and no Miss being present, Char- lie who had gloated over bis triumph In advance, wa* evidently annoyed. Just then n only, closely veiled, came Into the room and was introduced sa Mb Charlie stepped briskly forward, ascribing the face of her being veiled to motives of delicacy, awl raised the veil. Did be kiss herf Not Amid the most terrific peals of laughter, he retreated to the opposite side of the room. The tables were turned. The handsoine-festured Miss stood-be- fore him, but her beautiful complexion was as black as burnt cork could make It. Charlie dldft't claim the kiss. Burnt cork was at ft discount.—liurtfiml Ti„tn.


oftftjjnaaj Being n little more than eight per cent.

upon the whole capital authorised. The gross carton*:* of Iwelva nn.nlbn

ending Sept, So, ISTI, were **,«**,(!• IS AmlUeripaw-eaioribcaaiBo. . l,M1,tK« u"

- . moM Net l»wr*»to*ft!r'rear ending SepL 30,

WW, waa Ml,I IS in Showing a net Increase in net Income

of *e present yearnvernrevlou*. 08,101 l» The extreme severity of the last winter,

the extra eost of steel rails,and .the ra- the Miller phttrorms aad

Very largely Increased the



Weekly Newri Sfevitiejl 8AT U RDAY, '

A fire at Newport, N. 1L, yesterday, de- stroyed 8. E. Bowers' stable, occupied by M. L. Jaekaon, together with six horaes, fonrteea atolaas. 400 bushels of oats. HO tsaa ax* hay and

property, fl. II. Edes' Iwlck block ng waa badly damaged, and a nrlek

dwelling math ot'ihe atable and a wooden barn wear by were destroyed. Lose 87,000, huinred. The fire was caused by a defective chimney,

Mr, J. B. Smith, the colored member elect of UielloB-eof Bepraaenutllvea ''wtahlugeo are the cloud moved from "' ■bone so bright I the Hon. Chart.

legislature to rweind lu ''baU-a tlajj " of last year, and i» circulating s

vpraaeu taut Tea WMIIHK *o are I Iran that great atar .thai has In the pear"—meaning thereby le* Sumner—ask* the Msssn-


KATT Cntl.WV, a North Km), Hofttou damsel, of questionable clisntcter snd morality, saenu destined to lw»u*e inti match- associated with an entirely hew phase In the question of equal rlihu re gardteaa of sex, and vThapa rank fts a sort of martyr by which this abstruse probtowi lh at least to he advanced out- step towards solution."' Last week. Kate waa brought before tkt'Bostou Mu- snsdpul Conrt, upon the eanrgs of at«ht - walking, an offence defined With conalder- »b)e clcariieas by abate**a; there seemed to In- no qneWrlou raised as to the coin auaslou ga* UM aliened offer**,-~eiate made no ut tempt at dental of r*rnSifgtit I- nets-; hat that cunning- legal crHt*niuio, Get*, Scnuott, steps forward, and claim- that as the constitution or the Common WeaUIi, expresAly pn>vtdes "galne.V the lu

stands as follows

Pa*■enfers carried, Passenffer* carried one mile, Tims freight carried, Ton-, freight carried owe talk*. Sal

- W?*. Passenger* carried, .. ,

" " one tnlle, TUBS frabrhl carried, one mile,


Showing a net gain of B72,00.,i passen- gers; aiidfor one mile, 4,R1K.«H1; and in freight a gain of ai.L'Mi' tons; and for one mile of l.v*.4.-.7 tons.

There has been added to Ihe equipment IS new passenger cars, Including :t parlor cars; 1 long baggage car, besides 177 freight ears, two first -class passenger and four first-class switching engines. The road now has 130 passenger cars, Includ- ing 3 parlor cars, 1400 frchrht cars, aud >'■'■' locomotives. The roud bed and super- structure has ltcen kept In good condi- tion, aud at (lie present time Is believed to In- equal to the trust road lu New Kug- land.

The litat rail ou Ihe Portland extension was laid Dec. lith, freight trains began running Ftwt, 15th, and passenger trains a month later. The belief is strongly ex- Srcaaedf'luAt ihe courta of Maine wlllstas tain

ic demands of the road for a conuectlon with the Maine Central. To secure deep water communication In Portland, Smith's ■rharf was purchased at a cost of 8200,000; this contains aboot eight snd one half acres, and since Its connection hv the long disputed ,frn*/, the frelgtrt receipts from this source alone, have Increased folly

hundred dollars dally. At the. close

'IT. t» opaats of tha United Slates tuirrag the .. . winter ■eaaon, (or tne purpose of rendering aid to teetetB In distress.

Ttta orlcers of the German iteaoiere have re- ceived a large number of applketloas iroen eni- hrrants who came to trdacounlrr,to work (bfir pasaage lack, they having obtained no etnwroy- steat here and have no money to pay-thru- passasc.

The number of vacant bouse* in Chicago has greatly Increased and rents have fallen twenty percent. The theatres are not doing wrU and the attendance at a recent concert by the Men- delsBohn ijulntetie Club wu deplbrslfiy thin.

The Chicago merchant*, who are looking to Ihe holiday trade to make up lor tin- light hmd- nea* m' the past two months, protested *o en- ergrflcultv against the proposed T. M. O. A. Baxar In that city that it bad to Is- given up.

Great Joy is felt among the many anxious friend* ol the passenger* to the City of Rich- mond, by the announcement of her safe arrival at Queenitovm. The news 1* confirmed by private dispatches.

The statement that Professor Del linger, Ihe leading mind among those who originated the "Old Catholic" movement In Europe, ha* aban- doned bt* friends and aubmined to the Pope, I* now contradicted. ,

Bishop Cummin*, of the diocese of Kentucky, has withdrawn from the Protestant Episcopal Church. He will continue bis Episcopal office, he rays, on the basis of Bishop white's prayer book.

statute Is clearly aaM**HurtMarln**at r a*ite nntntntly, the rntrrt overruled tbe'JfVbJee-

tlou, but exception* were IsUu, Kale, re- leased on hall, ami the point ferried to

the at^rfW'aSHsr* 'frit Nqftftinclttf Mr. Scnuott slating Unit u sliuUar status liml

already Isecn pronounced uuc^utstlMtAtriiiil

In Mkisoarl. Mnch mnr fn^rSlrfWjTArglv-

eti to the eiriug Kate, if her cueu sncceci I - In overthrowing unjust dlscrluiiiiatlnn by the law, against her sex, aud the Wnimtn

suffragists may rejoice iu the sill gained

from so nnexpccttwl a qsuurhr.

intelligence ha* been received here that a famine prevail* In (irvcnlaad. ranaed by the failure of the fisheries. In one village,alone ISO persons have starred to death.

In the Chicago Billiard tournament vestcnlav. BeMutigrr defeated Snydcr, 400 to Ml, Claroler

.defeated stusson 400 to 360, and I'bassy de- of bUBlness on the 30th day of September I j^,^, Jwepn Vion 40O lo 2M. last, there had '>oen expended dnaeronnl, ^ muM vrpecltiW tbe ^^^^ „»„

' '- ' and Hour market, la much 9ail*r,and large *" of the i'xtehslon tn Maine, 88,041,11: The new wharf hi SomerrUle will be

completed early next year, 801,400 having I already been expended thereon. The West Aniesbury branch road, leased by the corporation, was opened lit January last, audits extension to Ameabnry Mills Is suggested. The Lowell ft Aiidovcr road, also leased, will lie speedily con- structed. The whole length of road con- structed by this corporation la ijfi 1-2 miles. The Whole, length mow operated by them, Including Ihe Delivers, Newblity. port, Dover and Wlnulplsseogee and West Amesbury branch ruflroails, Is l-1:' 1-4 miles. The various business disturbances of tlte past year, the borne distemper ami the iiosti.u lire, are alluded to, nota'Ub- ntajuliu" which, the business pf the roatt during tne past year has been satisfactory,

ill. a handsome Increase over the year previous, lit closing, the report men- tions ihe death of Mr, Wakcfiotd, a di- rector and one of the largest stockholders In the road, whose character and'services are appropriately alluded to. A supple- mentary report shows that the noM dur- ing the year of removing snow and ice lias been 8d.ail4.ss; switchmen, gatetuen, signalmen and watchmen, J#i 7,.'i| li.i'o ; gra- tuities mid damages. 8ll,r.sT..44; coat for locomotives, 8aot,s1ii..V_': renewal of rails, Mils s.|s.|:i: tilea-raph. ftfl.fl'S.'in.

tiers have been sent in. Money |* alto easier. The great running race between Joe Daniel*

Thad Steven* and True Btnc, for 820,000,conic, off At San Francisco to-day

Fetter Palmer's new hotel in Chicago has been opened and price* fur tbl* mouth are put down to 83 a day.

ltosenrwelg, the notorioti* New York ahor- tintii.si, was finally discharged ycsicrtlay,

A severe lire ocvurred at ('urlton, N. It., near St. John, last night.

Sleighing in Montreal, un.l navigation will sism close.

MONDAY. The Italian Parliament was opened on Sat-

urday by Victor Bmmswnel tn peraon. In hi* aprech he laforais III* 11 oil new that ho must keep his oHii aide of tbe house. HI* liberty and rellgleri will lie re»pectcd, btit Pin Norm mrsu not Interten* In State matlers.

The scandal monger* of New Bedford are Bit agog over the reported elopement of Ihe daugh- ter of one of the wealthiest cltlxen* with her father's hostler. Tbe nairwere married Friday evening, and immediately left the city. The groom Is an American by nlrth.

Partlc- inst arrived In Washington, Who are largflviaterested In the Northern Partite bonds, slate that tbe company will not las able to pay Its Interest on the first of January, nor proba> Uy for two Tears then-after. An appropriation will doubtless bo made by lbs company to fund the first four maturing coupon*.

'A formal protest from the Chatham Avenue Church and the Church of the Pllarlm* agahist

At lalsa accusation doth tbe mure Confirm ll-elf; and gulli la I**t dUcoverM By it* own fear*.

tub 1-BAlBg.

For praise, that's due, doe* give no more To wonh than what it had before; Bnt, to commend Wltliont divert, rtequlrea a master? nf art That **(• s Btaas on what's amiss, And say* what should be, not aliat is.


MKMioav. There are W<>UHH.is of life thai we never forget. Which Brighton, ami brighten, as time su-al*

away. They give a new charm to the happiest lot. And they stUae on ihe gloom of the leuettVst day.


There la aonnd sense In tbe following little sermon by John Paul: " Is It not about time thai a good many gentlemen began to think seriously of going to work and doing something'r For we can't all be merchants and lieukera and brokers and dealers In real estate. There's a good deal of square work tnbe done about a country, and some one's got to do It."

A wretched soul hruls'd wrlk ait varsity, We bid be fjaJStj wbsa we hear it cry; Hut were we burden'd wlUi like weight of pain, A* tiiie-li. or more, we should ourselves complain,



roe as tbe light Not ..nit serve* to show, but rentiers us Mutually pronlable; *o our liver, In sets exemplary, not only win Ourselves good names, bat do to others tft»o Matter for virtmmi d«sl., by whieti snj live.


. osrl.MI-l.tlln>.

Thanks to Use human heart, by whifh we live, Thanks to lta tenderness. IU joys ami fears, To as* the maSsvast fiewar tlutt id.situs can give Thought, thai do often lie Urn deep for tears.



Ami ever-waksnil l>hu here dotli dwell. The mymuh of aporUte mockery, ihrn still

Hid.■- Whlnd every rtwk, In every .1.11. ' And BOftlygfide*, .m-.-.-n, I'I on. lull l^l.ill.

So aonnd doth rise but mimic M .be wig— The sturgeon's splash repealing from tlte shore,

Apiag Use boy1* voiea wKh a vole* sa ahrlll, Tke Mrd's lew warbk, and Um Usuwdiw'* roar. Always she watches there, each murmur telling

ris^nsMV 8. sag.

"MIKK" WALSH.—The ecceutric, abb:, houest, snd cynical "Mike' Walsh was then a member of the House of representa- tives from New York. Mike was the per- Setratorof many-practical Jokes which jmlshcd subjects for Washington gossip.

A fenow-mewiber of the House, whose pri- vate avoeartlon was tthnt of a hotel pro- prietor, rose to make bis ebtbqrati'ly pre- pared maiden speech. As lie pn>cceded, Mike, whose seat was distant from his,

Bat tha star*, the *oft Blsrst-wssn Utry gsllmr abeveust

1 saMoatoelr l"*m* WKhsfasliagdlvias, r'or, SB Irue friends in sorraw suere leiidcrly lore

!■-1 w i-11. '' . 'I'll-- following statement Is not iwrhaps correct In every particular, but it Is a close approximate to the 'fool figures :

lit-U. Valuation. Hate. Sew York, *|:aJ,ts*i,«SI •l.ltV^UU.UIII

latlrlphla, .1O,D0»,00O V..;,I>.I,I.SI

Brooklyn. W. LOul*. Wastiiugt.in,

The Londi maud

It. B l.'l|,l.«].l.l •QS.IaW.rsi

•8 IS 00


n Times states that the da-, i In i. dm I stresses has greatly

incmascd In England since the passage of the elementary education act In USD.' The mistress gets from t-74 to £80 s year for five dsys of live or six hours each lu a week, with six weeks' vacation during the year,

The oldest limber in the world Is In Th* darker Hie heareu*, the Wlghter they shine! ancient temples of Egypt. It H 4800 yW*

Aft*. i**eMi a. tf'itm. ' old snd perfect ly ton ml

the dropping of Tlicoaort) Tlltons nsaieAvm the roll of raeinlienhip without any Inveitixa-

~""' "i agamsl ckort'

In the Chicago billiard tournament on Satur- day, Gamier defeated Snydcr, 400 to 10«, Rlos- son defeated Bessiiuger, 400 to Ml, C. Dion de- feated snv.hr, usi to '.nsi, and Utiaasy, bv ■ wonderful display of nerve, boat Daly 400 tc ;nHi. His but run was 42 points.

Tbe centennial anniversary ot tho Intiodu.- tion of UhlversalIsm Into Portsmouth, N. II., by Rev. Joha Murray wa* com mem orated at Portsmouth yesterday

Clarence Prentice, the only surviving son of Geo. I). Prentice, of Lonlsvllle, Ky., wa* thrown from a baggy and instantly kilted Matnrdsy.

The question of tbe Chief Justiceship I* re- Ssr.lcd in well Inl'ormed circles aa virtually *et-

c I In favor of Senator Conkllng. A man, supposed to tie William C. Stebbfn*,

halllag from Boston, died suddenly at Bock- land, Me., Saturday evening.

Stephen H. Alden, of New York, a street broker, has brought an set Ion against Daniel Drew to recover 82rsijw«.

. A brutal fellow named Duncan T, Temple- ton shot his wife In the face in New York on Saturday.

There wa* a 8a"i.(>00 fire st Contoocookville, N. 11., early Sunday luorniag.

Thad. Stevens won Um 820,000 race at San Francisco on Saturday.

TUESDAY. John B. Fox A Co., or Philadelphia have

begun Involuntary proceedings in the United State* IMBtrictCnun in Bankruptcy, against Jay Cooks ft Co. Judge Watch kind has issued sn order fug Jay Cook* A Co., to show cause why the prayer of the petition should not 1* granted, and bas also Issued an order restraining them from parting with any of their assets until Ibc question of ailjdolcatlng the finnfjuvoluntary bankrupt* has been passed upon.

X Washing!m dispatch reports Senator Shar- us*n as saying that notwithstanding the de- mand* of the South and West for an Increase of currency, there will lw no Inflation nfthe sag* reatiy unless war should reader It necessary.

The Pacific Mail Company's steamship Coll-

A SlNOt'LAa TRvirT..^JOne of the Wtost

singular trials of recent times Is thai of

William Udderxook who has been fonml guilty of murder In the first degree al

West raeattT, Peun. The evtdrflrtfwas Wholly circumstantial; Imt Jt was cumula-

tive mid left llUtodtmbt. ^ The theory of

the prosecution was tbat rddcr/ook anil

GOBS', brothers In law. entered Into a con- spiracy to defraud certain life Insurance companies of 8sn,000, the pollete* being

on floss" life. Ooss1 laboratory, pt^pared

for the occasion hy <kiss and Cddcr/.ook.

was trurned down and ft body, ehsrrsHl In yond recogttttldn, *rfts found In therulns

The Insurance compoules suspecting.fiaud

discovered Goss was living. White Ihev

were un his trail, a hitrrlbLp murtlff was

■ommllcd aX Jcn«cravilUi, l'euu. sisrl IM- derBOOkjwaa arrested for the crime. 'Mti-

eatlgntlon seemed to prove t hut tin- irun-

dered man waa Gesaa, who had kston baBetl

by Udderzook In, order that llu> orffjtual

conspiracy, wberehy he was lo gain ■slime part of the Insurance, might bt* MMied

not. The body found lu Gosa' inVrhtoi■> was probul.lv procured from a grave y si -1

TheTecord of the Jnry's struggles Is as

curious as that nf the crime. Theru.wct e twelve bulloLs In all and thnra was rsme stage in the procntlings whw* tit* jury men stood four tor uonvielltm and eithi for acqalttal.- < •■■--

fin*. BaMisiTcitlTeii-iiBirteworllivrimi

l.llnieiit In the public ri-iepllou-lven hi in at Maiden last Friday, and lu his apurtii

sub! many quotable, and timely things.

The shisll men who lael that a seal In the

Massftchnsetts ktgtslsUiro Is Iwuesuh Ihdi aspirations will Is! rttteTCsltHi In theflenc-

rhl's decUrotloJi th»t he' aecepW, Ifte re-

sponsibility of a State rVnatorshlp with

gladness. "I »ec," he says nmnfuHy, *'no illstinetlon.s in position, clliici- high or low; It is iiu- position that makes ami

renderstheffpnor. 'Bey?*** member* of CongreMs hayc.beoii known hi resign ami go home to till positions In the Stale Lci:- lalatuTe. "Tliv? Ibwer (he *poslttmi, the greator, however, uiay lie Uie honor." And the few words the Oennral hail lo say upon -personal atnttrs"ba,te so mnrli of the ring aud vltu and vigor of Hunks old days about them that they wilt be read with Interest. He says:

After Oilrty years of poUlitaUtrlfc, t'stsajd here and say that I entevuht no pevsMral frellug tewnntsniivman wittt whom I Itavr eomshie.ni tacL I lav up no enmity ajraiast sly SawsMates, and can Uiank (jud U

would, at every pause, call out In Ms deep m,t which left New York, Octntscr 1, for Ban Kranriseo, put Into Itio fie Janeiro with her shaft broken, and remained there on the '£kl ultimo.

Two octal! steamers and one salting vciiel arc lu pert at Montreal. The latter ha* every

bass voice, lon'd enough to be beard by those In bio Immediate neighborhood, bat uot so loud as to reach tbe orator's car,"

John, a pitcher of Ice-water to No. J2!M "William, answer the bell of ISA!'' _._

etc., etc. Upon the same fellow-member | pnawectof being detained in Un: iw for the ■ plsyed the rather rough Joke of send- winter, Navigation I* practically dosed, lng hi i ii an Invitation, In tlte name of th Prsfthleut, lirdiiie at the Executive Man* slim. That iiierc might lie no occftaioti for an answer, the invitation was only dc- n vend an hour before the time appointed for dinner. The victim, suspecting noth- ing, arrayed himself In evening dress and started for tbe White House. He was ctosery followed by Mike ami half a dostn or bis eroulee, whom he had lot into the seeroi for the purpose of witnessing tbe discomfiture of the unexpected guest. its the I'resi.lelll had happened to go to Baltimore that very afternoon, this dis- comfiture was complete.—Uutpeft Maya- tiht for /Vcftn'srr.

SOCIAL SIMI'Licir.—Social entertain- ments, .-\eept In purely fashionable circles are growing simpler and more agreeable year after year. The clatHirotely tmsin-; cesshil attempt to entertain guests which was once deemetl an Indispensable part of a hostess's duty Is so no longer, tlneats arc allowed lo wander about as they choose, talking to whom they please or not talking at alt, us units them best; and Iteyoml a careAil overslgbt of their com- fort and pteasure, she does not fret re- sponsible for them. I'o pn-sent to each other such persons as she thinks, have hliiiln d tssles or Interests Is on.- of Ihe necessities of her position; but to try to make people converHowlvo have nothing In common, Is aimost a discourtesy on her part. While Ills usually more agrceanle to be Introduced lo your neighbor at a re ceptlrtii, since hearing Ids name wilt prob- ably five you a key to his personality, yet the Iftck or an Introduction should not pre- vent your speaking to him II ron be so In- clined, the fact of meeting him In your friend's house being sufficient endorse- menuaf til* position.

The small pox I* iteadlty on tbe Increase at M.Hrttreal, snd complaint I* made that the rity authorities as* not taking atop* to prevent Its spreading Into an epidemic.

Oen. Oarflcld.who I* now In Washington, say* he looks for a reteal of the bankrupt act as the first measure Of relief from the name

French Canadian* are returning In large usm- Isrx* from tbe States to Canada, ft

John Arnold, or Khuira, N, Y., au old dtiaen and leading hanker, I* dead.

Asm ui i: lit i ..M in or Votes.—That there I* something about the human voice not ua- derihjod by the medical fraternity I* quite evident, and from the fact that the power of speech departs, without evident cause, and al- tevlhe lapse of time is renorersdlln aa squally remarkable stamssr. It would soeni reasoesble to fluppusa that uieiltcal ahl might Is* made available. We clip the fullowlag from the llr.rtilJ, and publish It on account of IU bclng a parallel case with that of Mis* Cnmack, of Un- city, who lost her voice Wt sn anaccoiiHtaMe manner, ami a few day*ago, after a season of five month* whliperlng, a* suddenly recovered

it: Among Um


rfMirs. lie was former!v *n active husiness nifln, •ulby irowbls bad tost l«mi h> WftMst ami Ua- imwer.'f si.ws b. i.r.t.tnsllt hi- mind came back Ulilnnamf h* beeaiiman ImliMtrkwM readfror

ENrCswrhJuK jap m, tie hoisr, I...H .-v.-r, was eiiterUliie.l lltat lie wonld

--—•- --rain, tin tin- .lav that tin- lialln.i lit dflil

Some one msTieil snd cried that a k-.l

iHMt was swing over ttji town, "A Itafiooiil s Itamswtt I'll K" '"" and see It," suddenly spoke Mr. Hemingway. He west out and gascd al toe flllag Sa It *aHed hy, an.1 from that moment could SIHSA again, ami a- welt *- lie-fur* his .leraaga 1.1.-ui, and I" uow at bis borne In this any*.

laU-h nf a private lutujlic aayhtai - ski ftet.iing

ri-vllin I OH- I

niu-r tlie war, <*tuae I knew know

thftl I have Iseeu right.

slain usem, smt l ,» It to be a wr. .unmsrUWamg. I .oviirniNsnl was strana^hsamg. Uself

-, I vou*d for some innasures, put I- w them to I"" rigiS. he* tsAeWe l

; I w«hh**lsay vol..-

Till PANIC will not have been In vain If

ll bringa about the' thorough reform In bank management proposed by the • Ctbv- ernlng Committee of the New York Clear- lug House Assoc|ailou,andwhUk,if at lop! t)d, will go Into operation with the' New Year. Tbe proposed reform Includes the abolition of Interest ou dwpmlts; the re- peal or the certified Check privilege so far as lo oblige depositors to provide deposits equal to their checks; and • number of other prudent restrictions such as recelv- lug none lull Associated Hank checks -m deposit, taking all checks at the risk of depositors, coiloetlng them through the Clearing House, whl wtoramrthos*1 found worthtessto drposltors on (hp'ftillowlng day. The fact that U I- deemed ssawessary to rewmmewl saeh obtlbufir)' r»#entlal reforms Is au opui* admtasiou of lbs char ges so trftetl IftM at Um doom of the lead- ing New York hanks, fh«t they h»ve hern the abcttoia of sUK-k-gambllng aud wild financial ventures to lite nes^ert ofth«ir obllgfttltms to tbe regrutaf tradenndTndus- try of the country. t

Tn ntr. is jfo I** *o prevent ft, laborer Who thlttka bis services ara worth #i.Au a dsy from refusing to work ftir 8LI8.' ' It wHI he tolerably ebvlMis to ritnat newspa- per readers, however, llist work uiwh *he Water Works at l.awrencc W vtot Irhery to he Inrerruptctl ftvr the want nf men who will accept Uie lower wage* shovu naiae.1. The Is-at charity we can have to ofiVr Is work. The Wiitier Oommlrirfoncrs have deserved tlie public gratihide by resiiUting the reservoir comrBctnrato find Holr labtir hrre Instead of Importing It, hut ihe crWitractors cannot be expected to pay a premium for Tawrcnre labor, Mor is the man who find* himself ihce.io face with hard times and out of work, and then strikes for higher wages, likely to ex. lie unieU charllaohi cumpassiuu if he ■■■ urvlug for h.Jp before the winter Is out.

TifK IMPUOVKO CosniTion of things is shown by the edvaucu lu solid slocks within the past week. Bosl.su A Maine stock mi Friday commanded #11- wbleb is

oore than it brought forty -eight btsui« before, and mil road Stocks generally, whb I. have hern more serionsly ftifreh'tl btfthe panic thrtn any others, were the stroflgcst on the list. It.i- L Albany, Lake Shore, Bock Island, ami New York Cent mi hat .■ an appreciation from l> hi 10 par or nt. .lu ring the past week aud there is every rea- son t" anticipate that ihe upward teuden- i'y will couilnne.




Weekly l^ewj* Bfcvitietf. WKDHIbOAY.

Edward K. Wtusulp, or No. 3* Broad street, New York, with wboM reputation rumor ba*

lb* purchase of claim* of govern- . oyea, at ■—

retiring drposlu, ■Ml employe*, HUnpu cent. dlsooaiit,

1, on which he paid 3 and ;4 _ Ha continued to pay inter-

oat, but when asked for the principal In the re- cent crisis be tailed to respond, and at ft inoel- iitff of bit creditor! Informed them by letter that

While U|e itaamer Francea of tbe Neptune line wai Jnit below Warwick Neck, on Monday evening, on her way to New York, ihe collided with « Khooftu supposed to be tbe John A.

1 Qrl«n, froak>Pro«ldmee to Philadelphia. The result wss about 9800 worth of damage to tbe steuator, ntarnly m tbe IOM of a portion ot her wheelbouss. the oaptaia'i room and oae or two staterooms. The scbooour alao lott bowaprlt and fib. Captain Burton of tbe iteamer wai injured by * blow from the acboooer'l Jib.

Tbe Belknap Barings Bank of Laconle, N. H., hai suspended paying deposit* for tbe pres- ent and i* calling In lu notes. When tbe re- cent panic came on they relied their rate of In- terest to borne borrower! to twelve per cent, and thought they could secure better Invest- menta at 4loatun than at thla rate. Thereupon ft la tald, they Inverted largely there In securl ties that bare alnce very much depreciated. In eluding 018,000 of the Spraguea' paper.

There wilt be considerable Increase In the public debt thin month, which Is to be mainly attributed to the heavy falling of In customs receipts. About four and one-hair million* will be paid out by the Treasury tbe last of this week to pension agents to meet quarterly pay- ment of pension*. The legal tender reserves will be drawn npon to the extent ot about

(1,000,000 additional, to meet the demand on £ George B. Fanning, tea dealer, died at bla

louse In Brooklyn, ye-terdar, from poisoning "' try Impregnating hi* system with the

partkks ot lead nsed in wrapping tbe tern, wklle chewing and tastini tea In inordinate ,and wbl " "

of water. Fears are eaasrtssns*] at Klngiton, Ontano,

that ike an. .teamer Ada, which left King- i board has



TUB SKASOII ur JTIBU.—It It because events move In cycles, as Mr. Backle con-

tends, thftt November seem* to be tho

choscu month of conflagration, and great

disaster* liy Ire? It there gar/ rcasoa,

too, why Saturday and Suoday should contribute so much more liberally to the

tire record the* any other forty eight

hours In the week except that thou* are

tbe daya wbcu least can U exercised, and

watchfuliieaa is most relaxed? In certain years there am riot* and commercial

troubles and tbe people who believe that

events like plauets are under the domain

of natural law, are telling us now that the

commercial panic means a political nip-

tore and that it la the logic of history that a revolution of government must follow a

stringency of money and a stagnation of

national Industry. Catastrophe by however,—"the Are fiend"—has made five

or six weeks of tbe autumn season peculi-

arly Its own. And after all that is said of

"events moving in cycles," does it mean any man than that the faults of property

owners have tempted fate? The tornado

and the drouth were a partial explanation

of the Chicago and Peahtlgo calamttle>>

but all they explained waa the extent of

the calamity. The origin of It was In

somebody's carelessness—In Mrs. O'Lce-

ry's keroaone lamp, It may be, and, If not

that, assuredly In the thoughtlessness of

somebody. Unlike railroad accidents as Interpreted by the modurn coroners'Jury,

fires don't occur without somebody to

blame. The destruction of Sunday morn-

ing at Haverbllt la too near at ham! to re-

quire more than reference, and, this

morning, there are announcement* of the leas of «3M0,000 by the burning of a print-

ing establishment at Buffalo, New York,

$100,000 awept out or existence by the

destruction of an extensive tannery at

Dangor, Maine, an acre burned over at

N. H. ,and of fifteen poor families

turned out In the storm by a Are In a flre-

trap at Worcester. If this property had

been deatroyed by an earthquake or a vol-

cano, or any other convulsion that could

not be foreseen or provided against, It

might be called a special Judgement of

Heaven, but coming aa It does at a time

v.n, with rotty officers anil men

veen lost with all bands. Mrs. £. M. Stanton, widow of ex-Secretary

of War Stanton, died, yesterday, at Chestnut Hill, near Philadelphia. She bad been 111 kMgtlBM.

Than an 10,000,000 pounds of tea In bond In London wklch have been condemned as un- it for coaiumptlon. baring been adulterated In when abundant experience shows there is China.

Yestarday morning Hobert Porter, the lltb Juror in the Stoke* case, waa arrested for bri- bery on an Indictment found by the grand Jary.

Tbe salt of Hsskir* v*. Wall, for possession or the Windsor Mine* at Little Cotton wood, Utah, Involving 92,000,000, bsi been dismissed.

Hermann Koarwla, who attempted to hill his wife at Elisabeth, N. J-, the other day, tuts been arrested in Philadelphia.

Tbe Mercantile National Beak of New York has suffered a considerable loii bv the irregu- larity or one of Its Director*.

Captain Matthew C. Perry, of tbe United States Annv, and *on of Commodore Perry, died yesterday.

Edward Qubrtey and Richard MeDerraott, two newapsiH r reporters living In Brooklyn, died yesterday.

The woolen mills at Henderson, Ky., were burned yesterday. Loss 930,000; Insurance unknown.

A rumor I* afloat that the United States iteamer Ada, Irom Kingston, I* lost, with all board.

A cotton mill near Manchester, England, waa deatroyed by lire yesterday. Loss »">oi>,uuu.

THURSDAY. Respectable gentlemen who witnessed

fight between Allen and Mogan, declare Ibat the whole thing appeared like a put up Jot: the part of tbe Omaha roughs to cheat Allen out of the atakea. Hogan never had tbe slight- est show to win the fight, and even bad ho been able to come to time for another round he would thereafter have been a mere plaything In Allen'i bands.

In tbe Sui yesterday, t_. t

Kitty against the Eastern Railroad for killing ipt. Norton in the Seabrouk smash np. Jndge

Foster baa not yet announced tbe amount of damage he will award. The case of the brake- man Jeff Howe, lor Injuries In the Revere acci- dent, is to commence Tuesday morning.

Work on tbe new pneumatic tube between tbe Capitol and Government Printing Office ha* begun. The new tube will be incased In iron. The Inventor Is confident of luccess; others are doubtful. Twelve thousand dollars of the fifteen thousand appropriated were expended upon the old tube.

Hod en felt, Seymour & Co., extensive hour mill operator* in Cincinnati, made an assign- ment of their estate Tuesdav night. The assets are estimated at from «WJ,OO0 to 970,000. The liabilities are not known.

An order has been received at Sing Sing State Prison to place Edward s. Stoke* In tbe next draft of prisoners for Clinton Prison. 1* at present too ill to be moved and i* confined In the hospital.

Through the connivance or stupidity of the turnkey at the Tombs, In New York, Sharkev, the condemned murderer, has escaped In fe male attire from that Institution.

John T. Gordon or Thorndlke. Me., bat been round guilty of murder In tbe first degree for killing hi* brother, his brother's wife, and oae of their children.

Sixty cases o( small-pox are reported In Cleveland, Ohio, ao far. It Ii almost entirely confined to the west side of the city. It appear* to be Increasing.

After the (lr*t of Decemticr postal card* can he seat toUermany by tbe pro-paynient of u one cent postage stamp, making the postage two cent*.

The report that tbe Belknap, N. II., Saving* Bank ha* impended la a mistake. Nor has II lost a dollar by had Investments.

Tbe schooner F. t). Turner or New York was wrecked In Long Island Sound curly Tuesday morning; three lives were lost.

The lug hnaj Senera on Lake Winnlpistogvc waa dashed to pieces In the recent gale.

Arlaonabaa been brought into telegraphic communication wltb the ouuddu world.

President Grant commenced hii annual mc*»- age yesterday.

Thomas Baring, the fsinou* London broker, Is dead.

Stock* look an upward turn yesterday.

FRIDAY. A draft of fifty convicts went from Sing Sing,

N. Y., prison to Auburn Wedneiday evening, The authorities Intended tbat Stoke* and Wal- worth should have been among tbe number, hut tbe serious illnes* ofholh prevented their removal for the present. Sloke* i* nneasy under prison rale, aad was greatly alarmed when Informed by the warden that be must go to Auburn prison. Watwortb bat become mel- ancholy In the extreme since the novelty of prison life has passed.

"Boss" Tweed, who has been convicted In New York uf Heating, was engaged Wednes- day nigbt In adjustiag fats badness affair*. He refused u> see any hut a very few friends. An opinion of Judge Davli, delivered at the flrst trial, w primed, to Ihe effect that the prisoner can be sentenced only on one count.

Tbe officer* of Ihe Domestic Sewing Machine company say that if the company were forced to gn Into liquidation at onro they oould pay their drill* and have a handsome *urplus. Over- tures have been uiade to tbe Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Company to merge the two, aad the bargain Is nearly completed.

Tbe statement of tbe foreign commerce of New York, made up by tbe Journal or Com- merce to the end of Octotier, show* a rontinu- anca of the lucrease of exports and the decrease of Import*, which promises to leave the balance of trade In our favor for the year.

Tbe latest reports seem to show tlutt Hogan had ibe better uf Allen at tbe lime tk« prise fight between them WM broken up In a row. The stakeholder bat divided the money between them.

Il U estimated tbat there are t.OOO.lKMj bushels of grain in transit on tbe Erie Canel. for New York, in danger or Itrlng delayed by the sudden freesing of the water.

P. T. Barnum't wife died In New York Clly Wedneiday night. Her hnslumd 1* In Germany. She was born In Fafrfleld, Cl., and was M year* old.

The funeral of Hon. John P. Hale will take place at the Unitarian Church, in Dover, N. II. nsxt Saturday afternoon at two o'clock.

Ill in II L.IN,. AT H.iwKinr I .--Mr S. F. Present!, who owned the fines: of ihe building' burned by tbe Are [or Sunday, and lost nearly 930,000. Is in itu w|*e discouraged by his 111 luck. He bad a force or men on tbe ground at 7 o'clock Monday morning, cleaning brick pre- paratory to rebuilding. Other* arc preparing to resume with the leait po**|hle interruption. Boston creditor* and buslne** men Interested In the burnt out firms are offering every Induce- ment to tbctn to continue and establlih them- selves In new quarter*. The funeral* or Amo* George and Amoa K. Heath, the two men who lost their lives, will take place to-morrow. George was Si years or age, and Heath was t-i. It Ii not yet certain that other lives were not lost, and tbe search In the mint Is "till con- tinued- The origin or the Are l* lyct unknown. It It believed a committee of Inquiry will la; organlied to Inquire into Its cause and all _ihe circumstance* aud factt connected with tbe dis- aster. U I* believed that safety to property and the beat Interests of tbe public call for u review of tbe great calamity.

Imperative need of the cloaest watchful'

urns, the wisest way to construe It seems

to be as a timely hint fren the power that

works through the elements, to build of

brick, to look out for the ash-barret and the stove-pipes, clean out the chimney

flues and to avoid Mansard roofa, wooden cornices and kerosene oil.

TIIK COMMON <'OITH;II. of our city, flrom

Its numbers and Influence In muulclpal

legislation, la of scarcely leas Importance

In the construction of a strong city gov-

ernment than that of tbe Board of Alder-

men, and yet It has usually received a

mere fraction of the consideration at the

hands of the voters. It has, certainly, no

voice In the pollen and n fow minor ap-

pointments, hut with a majority of the

membership of all the joint committees It

may nearly shape the entire legbdatiou of the year, while no appropriations or pub-

lic expenditures eau pass without Its tut-

sent. A weak Common Council may set

at nought and render nugatory the etTorts

of tbe best Hoard of Aldermen possible to

be convened, while a strong lower board

could make a tolerably successful admin-

istration, uo matter how lucking In char- acter might he tho A Merman Ic body. We

trust this branch of the government will

lie carefully considered In the nominations

for the coming election, and men uf Judg- ment and experience,—live, earnest, hon-

est citizens be placed upon the ticket.

IT IS HIUNIKICANT, and Just as the ques-

tion of au honest government Is being

cuusldcrcd, of practical worth to honest,

law abiding citizens, that such disturban- ces and efforts to break up public meetings

as occurred on Tuesday evening, never

occur to democratic meetings! When that party holds Its conventions, Its oppo-

nents have deceucy enongh to either lis-

ten In quiet, or reinuiti awuy; but lei

there be a political gathering other than

democratic. In ft time of excitement, aud

there Is pretty sure to bo a gang of rude

fellows who attempt to Interfere with Its

proceedings. To be sure, tin- police have ordinarily had character enough to repress

the disorder, but just now, their back- bones seem singularly pliant. Possibly

the democratic party can afford to suffer

the stigma of these shameful proceedings,

but they arc alike disgraceful to the party

from which they proceed, nnd the police

permitting their occurrence.

Til CtTlnsota MOVKMKXT of which we reacnt a mil report elsewhere, was fully

ud fairly Initiated on Tuesday evening;

considering the severe weather, the galli-

rlug wus ns large as could reasonably

uvc been hoped for; there WON n good

representation of both parties, and the proceedings dignified and prudent. The

f delegates, as a whole. Is a utruiig

one, and ought, as we trust It will, to pre- I nominees which shall com-

mand the cordial rapport <>f both parties.

Hut the convention has no uusy task bo*

rythlng depends upon Its wis-

dom and good judgment; u strong ticket,

pel-feet glaut of capuhlllty must be

placed lu nomination or the project will

fall utterly ; with such a lltl of nominees

as may be selected, success Is assured,

1 the city affairs placed lu wise bauds

for the year 187*.

THKUK tsA COMMOTION of an unusual

character In the Democratic camp

sooner was the call, signed by Democrats

and Republicans alike, Issued for a clil-

tens movement in the approaching muni

ipal election, than there waa visible emo-

tion In the ranks of the body of the de<

itinerary; patriots of the Colcord, Ham,

Clark style, might l>« seen confabulating

on the street corners, darting hither and

thither In evident uneasiness; the city

eommltteu were puremptorlly summoned,

and with them came together a small army p followers, clamoring for an un

diluted |uiriy ticket; the committee auc

umlMKl, ami the calls an* Issued for

straight democratic caucuses. The bum-

lenient lifts seized the relus, and with

Colcord as Grand Mufti, are driving at

their pleasure.

i'ni.cuiii), the mournful martyr to the

mysterious manipulation of majorities In

Ward four, is happy once more; the Bour-

bons upon the city committee of the de-

mocracy,—the fellows whocoutended fur Colcord's nomination, and not the men

who, revolting nt the shame, forced his

declination,—have secured the ascendancy

and pronounced against the proposed citi-

zens movemeul to which so inauy of their

best men bail already committed lliem

aelrea. iff course the spirits of such

hangers-on as Colcord rise with ever)- out

and out partlzan proposal like this, and al-

ready his eyes gleam with the wild anilcl-

patlon of new#upportunltlcs to count the

republican ballots lu the ward where they

were lost year stolen under his supervi- sion.

Tux Dr-ATii of Joint P. HAUt-The In- telligence or tbe death or Hon. J. P. Hale,

which occurred at Dover, N. H-, Wednis

day, though not wholly unexpected, will,

nevertheless, be received with sadness and

Homw. Ma had been esasateed ta> his

bomt for mattths irona the e*Vcts of a fall

from his carriage, and when be had par-

tlally*ecovered, a fall down the stairs of

his house caused a fracture or tho hip. lie rallied to wmt extent Irom the effects

of these Injuries, but It was obvious from

tbe Brat thftt he could have little hope of

recovery. Mr. Hole's best fame was won In big early political.life and the most

vivid Impression ho made waa In the dark

and dubious daya when the friends of sla-

very at tbe National Capital were a host andlueiemlea a handrul. With Joshua

R. Glddluga, Benjamin Wade aud Charles

Sunnier, when the flrst great thought of

abolitionism shone through the arloom, be

accepted it. He had a marvelous gift of

brilliant apeech, a tine and effective wit

and a courage and self-possess Ion In tie

bate, and these combined to give him In

the rancorous debates of Free Soil days a prominence nnd a reputation of leader-

ship to which. It la questionable whether

his after career materially added. He waa

born In Rochester, N. H-, March 81, ISOfi,

and waa consequently C,~ years old. He was graduated at Bowdoln College In 1827,

was admitted to tbe bar In 1H30, nnd al-

most Immediately became prominent In

politics. He was a member of the State

Legislature In 1882, from is** to 1841 was United States District Attorney, went to

Congress lu 1843 as a Democrat but In lH4fi was denouueed by his l>emocrstlc

constituents as a traitor to the party on

account of free soil sentiments, and, though ho was an Independent candidate

for re-election, was defeated. In 184(1, he

was President orthe New Hampshire House

of Representatives. His career In the

United States Senate began the same year;

he failed of re-election but was again cho-

sen two years afterwards and retained Ids neat for two years, making a total service

In the Senate of eighteen years. He left

the Senate In l HI;:, to accept the position

of minister to Spain, where he remained

until I860. In 1851 he won distinction as counsel for the famous Sbadrach rescue

trial In Boston and In 1861 was the candi-

date of the Free Soil party for the Presi-

dency receiving lo7,680 votes.

n-,nnf TJI;_. „+ TTavravViill frame bnlldlog in the rear, known as Washbum Great Fire at Havermu. | Block ^^ brlck mortlir „„ haet 9ro — * — ; brand* Jn every direction; the east Wall per-

CIQHTEEN BUILDINGS DESTROYED tormed a ilmlUir raisskw, but one far more



TM1-: lOsussU* MY THa. i-sm*^THInWa* IIVi: BI'NI.tOS KI It VIM lit ItM'.K

OUT.—THE I \M HA \« I .

THK Conviction of " Boss" Tweed is

noteworthy ss tho flrst Important verdict

emanating from a NcwYorkJury room for

some months which will be received with

satisfaction. Briefly stated, the charge

on which he la fbnnd guilty la tbat, hold-

ing a place of trust as a member of the

Board of Supervisors of New York, he

Issued warrants for unaudited claims and that, or these unauthorized warrants.be

passed 91,000,000 worth to his own

private account between May and Septe.ni-

IT, 1*71. In brief, plain Kngltah, the

boss" who, his counsel, Mr. John Gra-

ham, took pains to asaure the jury, " Is a

gentleman from head to foot," stands

convicted of having pocketed ft round

million dollars of public money; and the

chancier of Judge Davis, on whom it will

devolve to pass sentence on Saturday

next, Is happily such aa to give assurance

thftt a wholesome verdict Is not likely to

be rendered of little avail by trivial


TIIK CiriiAN BOOMS Kr-KKt.—The de-

nunciation of the administration because

the Spanish massacre did not And the

United States Navy on a war-footing are

ntertainlng when it la considered that

the unnecessary size and cost of the naval

service have formed a staple subject of Democratic growling ever since tho war.

The frlgftto Worcester, fifteen guns, passed Fortress Muuroe, on her way to

Santiago do Cuba, yesterday; the Pow- hatan, seventeen guns, is nearly ready,

the Junlata, eight truns, will get oft* this week; the Franklin, thirty-nine guns, the

Colorado, forty-six guns, the Hinnesotu,

forty six guns, and altogether, twenty

fonr vessels carrying about 320 guns arc

getting ready with all possible dispatch. This hardly looks like slceoy-headedness.

WK SHALL Now 8m how fur the aver- age Democratic conscience is in Individu-

al keeping, und to what degree subject to partlzan dictators; some scores, of leading

representative Democrats of uur city, have

signed a mil declaring their belief In a

citizens movement in municipal affairs,

and now comes the flat of the party com-

mittee, the official mouthpiece, protiouitr

Ing ugalust such a project, and Issuing

partlzan culls, under the old slogan of un-

diluted Democracy, Already, one prom-

Istng young Democrat, hi a personal card,

rise* to disavow any connection with the

movement now under the ban, und we

shall curiously note the result of the edie

fsr oeu ows ui.roart.as.]

Tho extensive conflagration in Htverhlll^un- day, will long be remembered a* one of the most prominent event* In die history of oor ilstcrclty. About ten minute* before 3 o'clock In the morning, a polireman patrolling hi* beat saw asmall ttame lisulng from a wooden build- ing near tbe river, and within four hours there- after Are bad awept over an area of nearly 4-5,- 000 square feet Uf tbe MOK compsrtly built por- tion of tbe city, destroying two and poolhly three human lives, reducing eighteen building* to ashe«, rendering thirty-five buiincss tlrmi homeless, and sweeping out of existence about SaOOnoo worth of property. The disaster Is

iperalelled in the history of Haverhlll, and though it would have excited sympathy at any time, the destruction of so large a number of manufacturing establishment* as was buried yesterday morning^mp.oylDgas they did 000 (WO workingtnen, la now particularly distressing

lew or the general condition or bnstaesi, and the difficulty of obtaining employment.

The property burned over—what may appro- priately be called tbe Haverhlll" Burnt IH*- trtct,"was on the south side of Washington street, tbe principal business thoroughfare or the town, and, thongh there are some alley- way* running between them, the buildings de- stroyed covered an area or ground between the street and the river, about S0O feet in length by ISO In depth. Little Hirer, a stream twenty or thirty leet wide, running through the city, en- ters the Merrimack on the east aide ot tho "burnt district" and ju*t across tbe river Is the engine- house ef tbe steam Are engine. City of Haver- hlll, one or the three iteamsrs thai belong to tbe city ore department. The street front on the burnt side ot Washington street, was close- ly end substantially built with brick. In rear of the brick buildings and reached by alley- ways and lying along hy the bank of tbe nler- rimsck was a number of wooden buildings, used as tenements, shoe bottomers' tuopi, stables, etc., and in Waahbarn Block, the largest of these wooden itructnres,

TUB F1HB OHIOIXATSn. There was little wind at tbe tune; there was

a steamer close at hand, a lupply ol water to be had from either or both of the rivers, and down the street two or three hundred feet was a hydrant connecting with the City Water

There seemed to be no cause for fear- ing tbe Hre would be oxtenilvc. The Hook and Ladder company arrived very soon after tbe alarm, and though Waihburn Block was rather formidable structure, II was thought tbat

prompt use of tbe hooks and tbe efforts of the ateamers, the flame* could )>e kept from breaking through to Washington itrcet, snd laying bold of tbo brick buildings—yet tbe names broke through. When tho wooden buildings with their content* were ablaze, the steamer* wero forced to retreat. They had taken position at first on tho point where Little River enter* tbe Merrimaek, and near a Urge wooden building occupied hy Sawyer & John' son a* a machine shop. The spread of tbe names was very rapid, and tbe germ or the fire in the Waahburn building could not be pressed. Tbe Intensity of tbe beat, and tbe volume of smoke forced the firemen to take up anew position, and, leaving four or five hun- dred feet of hose behind them, they drew out into Washington square. The work ot the en- gines thus Interrupted, tbe flames went through the wooden structures at double quick. They were quickly disposed of, aud made magnifi- cent kindling for Prescott's block and the splcn-

frigbtfal, lor as It fell outward, earn lag down ihe slender block adjoining, It burled two l>ersoa* Into eternity. A. portion of the front wall was yet «und*of, and In the third story were some doaen firemen. In

A MOOT rr.Bii.oiB POSITION, with all opportunity of escape oat off, save from tbe front windows, into Washington streeL Thebr posttkm was seen with tsxror by the crowd, as the cloud* arising irom the debris cleared away; the firemen were about to leap Into the street, when tbe cry of "Walt for the ladders 1 Wail for the ladders! ■ went up from their comrades below, and Immediately tbo long ladders were raised to tbe windows by scores of anxious and fearless men, an easy re- treat was effected, and all escaped from the tot- tering wall.

Tbe flame* jumped from tbe ruins and fly- ng assbar* of 1'reaooU's Blocs:, aided by the Impetus of the exploalon, to tbe roof and wln- daw* of John V. Oilmen's brfck Muck, and al- most instantly the entire upper portion of tbe structure was a sheet or fire, and the relentless enemy gave no quarter till each story had been devoured. In succession, to tbe first floor; in this block were three stores, with their upper Doors, occupied by Run at Noyes, L. A. Fin- ney, Johnson A Wlggtu sad Johnson & Carle ton, the two last mentioned firms occupying one store. When the destruction of this fine block was assured, the flames, as If working out some detailed plan,or strategic accomplish- ment, divided their forces, and wltb a deter mined advance guard, leaped to the roof of

NICHOLS HBIOS. BLOCK, and again commenced a successful downward course, bnt soon meeting ft determined resist- ance from the untiring firemen. A fierce en- gagement ensued on the second floor, and here

were finally conquered, but not tilt the building,waa ne better than a total ruin, its loner story walls being left In a tottering con- dition. It may be said toe Ire waa cheeked at Nli-hol*' Block, yet the roof of tbe block next west was entirely consumed, bnt the fire did not get down Into the building, although great damage was done to the shops and stores be- low by tho thorough drenching received from water. Nichols' Block was occupied by the shoe eatabllsbsaenta of Ktmhall Brothers, and A. I.. Klmball.


lice force of our city, that a body or eltl

zcus cannot convene In the city hall, tt

eousult upon public matters, without be

Ing Interrupted by the noise, rowdy Ian

and Interference of a gang of fellows

with no sympathy for the purpose of thi

gathering, and who are only present to disturb Its proceedings. We believe there

Is no other police force In New England

whose Inefficiency or partlzan bias would

permit such disgraceful proceedings.

THE Citizens CONVKNTION on Tuesday

evening was evidently burdened with

more ot respectability than enthusiasm

there was a pleasant aroma of substan-

tiality about the gathering, but it could

hardly be called exciting; the property

owners In both parties were largely rep-



did unw or

fronting the street. It was not long after four o'clock when Oilman's frame block, on the street front and nearest the river, wns attacked and fell a prey to the advancing flames. The timbers of this frame building were still standing, however, and the firemen and the tenants wero endeavoring to aavo some of tbe property In tbe rooms above when Prescott's building, the next adjacent on the west, and the finest manufactory In the city, was seised upon. Most or those In the frame building law the propriety of falling back upon safer ground. There was chance enough or escape, so that It was only by a sad and 111 mischance which conld not be foreseen that there were any

i Tstl ■■IKK.

ComrnnfODfi among the line In the rear of the city hall, on Tuesday evening, whence proceeded the disturbances orthe

cltlxens convention, stood Kllhu W. Col-

cord, Ihe honest ballot counter of Ward


Tun Point or "Sunset" Cox's New York

speech on the Spanish massacre which aroused the most enthusiasm was hi

peroration lu1 which, pleading for Cuban

annexation to the I nlttd States, he said:

Time, which ba* seen tho coa.tenations change their place* above ua, Mail the Southern Cross It. ssir, iiitin- down (row the northern skies, to sblne as an emblem of *sursisOSt— IMS ha* iU rev.ilu lion* of earth as wall ns or bouven, and in tbe vl clsslludr* of empire nothing 1* plainer than Ibe horoscope which cash i'litm wlUiimiur fraternity uf States, to mtil * (i. I, It-11 nun, in nui eosUrred

Tun IIAVXUHILL Fins.—Tbe number or those thrown ont or employment hy the disas- ter, will probably not exceed 430, a* the force at work at the time was very light. There were fortunately several vacant stores and shop* to which the burned out Anns cenld re- move. According to the latest intelligence ob- tained by the Bulletin, two of tbe forty ftniu have secured permanent quarters, vis., W. H Carlelon & Co. In the store with Huntingdon Bros., No. 15 South Block, and HUM A Noyes In the nardncr Block, near the depot. Tbe Coroner's Jury, at tbe Inquest held on Sunday afternoon, arrived at no verdict. Uaalai Dan- iels, Alphena Currier and Deacon Snow narrow- ly escaped a horrible death. The same wall which buried (leorgo and Heath fell upon these three al*o, complstely covering them from sight. Before tbe dust had cleared away, Po- lice Officer Nolan *praug upon Ihe pile ef rub- bish, and, selling a large beam which was ly- ing near where he had seen tbe men Just before tbe fall, he succeeded hi raising it with tbe mas* of buck and latb*. He was fortunately in Just the right place, for Immediately the bead of Mr. Daniel*, who wa* not visible before, appeared, and be himself wa* assisted out. Currier and Deacon Know followed through the same hole. In five minute* more Ihe cnllre heap was a mass of flamus.

Nearly all Ihe safes In the burnt district have been removed, and they and their content* found to be uninjured. Sawyer tt Johnson'* was crushed by a falling chimney, and ihey have been unable to force It open yet. No fears are felt for tbe safety of tbe books aud

Tbe Orarton, Mass., Mills, of Which I, II. Smith la president, nnd Aaroi Hol- brook, treasurer, ir.nitain JM7 loom*, and manufacture annually slmut threo million yards of printing cloth* and sheetings. The company was Incorporated tn lHf>2. Its capital stock la fi|uO,000.

imi.inn A One of the manufacturer* doing business In

the upper portion of Prescott Block wa* Mr. Amos George. In the hope or saving his books he had gone up the stairway from Washington Street, got Into his office and with such of his papers as ho bad snatched together had nearly regained the street, when an explosion in Pres- cott's building, like the report of a cannon, throw a hot wall upon the weak frame* of the Oilman building, another wall ever upon the Wash- burn building, Ihe hot brick crushing down into ibe cellar all that remained of both of them. Mr. Georgr.who was on tbe stairs wben the well crashed over, was borne by It Into the blaring brands end scorching heat. 8ome of those who had seen him at first felt sura he bad escaped, but Mr. Tyrell and other* who were among the last to leave the Oilman building, were sure he must have been overtaken by tho crash. The crowd* In tho street* had grown almost frantic when the explosion occurred, and the belief was that It was the boiler in the basement. The firemen and citizens were rushing, tumbling, crowding all about Ihe building, aud there was a terrible fear that numbers of people bad been buried by tbe crash, or stifled with tbe but breath of tbe flames.

is TUB wnscx Aim WMtSSdfATtO* the attempt to gather any satl*factory Intelli- gence as to who was lost seemed a hopeless one, Mr. George's body was found soon aftor day- light; It was a charred and shapeless fragment. The coroner directed lu removal to the City Hall building, and the firemen and cltisen* tinned Ihe search as rapidly a* they could for others. Perhaps half a dozen different persons were reported during the morning as having perished, but, so far as known, the fire de- stroyed but two live*—those of Mr. George and Mr. Amos C. Heath. Tbe charred body of the latter wa* found about noon In tbe basement of the Oilman bnlldlng. He was In the employ Boynton, wbo occupied a portion of the upper floor, and It la supposed he went Into the build- ing to save some or the chick or tools. Mr. Tyrell, who has been mentioned above, had a very narrow escape. He was struck In several places with tbe falling brick, bnt escaped se- rious Injury. He wai confident in tbe assertion, after tbe bodies or George and Heath had been taken out, that a third life had been lost. HI* statement Is that a tall man with side wbiikcrs, who was behind him in the building, could not have escaped, and he was confident tbat further search would disclose at least another body.

TUB CAI'HS or TUB Bxnxaioi*

wa* generally believed lo be the boiler In tbe basement of the Prescott Block. This, how- ever, l> probably an error. Mr. Bartlett, orthe firm or Stockhridge A Bartlett, wbo are among he list or those burned out, just before the fall if tbe Prescott building bad groped bis way through the basement to the boiler and opened the safety-valve. lie had not got out uf tbe building, however, before the explosion oc-

irred, and,havlng caught bis foot In some way In the timbers, It was only by a narrow chance and at tie cost of a badly wrenched and twist- ed foot that he made bla escape. The opinion of Mr. Bartlett and tbat of others who have since Inquired Into the matter, ii that tho walls were blown out by the explosion of a barrel of shoe-manufacturer's "cement"—a composition made In f«n of turpentine and Inllammable In- gredients, and used for filling the grooves In what is known as "channel-ualled" work.

All tbe Haverhlll clergymen referred to the disaster to the city In their sermons Sunday. It Is the first time the rity ha* hod a fire in which the loss was over g-25,000.

The bodies of Georgo and Heath wero taken to the city hall. Coroner Jeffers held un In- (]iie«t, and a Tsrdict was rendered lu aooor dance With tbs) fact*.

A restaurant and confectionery store owned by Kempton Brothers was the only huilami; damaged on the north cide of Washington , on the method of street. Tho flft** wss cracked nnd the fruit

«stcd tn tbe front windows. Among the narrow escapes was that made hy

tbe Inmate* of Patrick Forney's house, a wooden structure near Washbum Block. There were fourteen persons in tbe houso, and they

caped by a very narrow chance. Hubbard A Poor, ftboe stitchers, lost ncarly

ntl their machine* and stock, and 124 girt* arc thrown out of work In thi* establishment alone.

Policeman Nolan assisted Alpbeus Currier and Daniel Damlll In getting out from beneath tbernlns after the crash. Several others es- caped uninjured.

Ms*t*>r thesugurers nillbe found to-day in new places, actively preparing to commence again In business.

). W. Haynes, one or the burnt out manutac tnrers, had received bis policy of 91,000 the day before the fire broko out.

Frankle & Jcnncs* hau risks on the burned property to the amount of 909,000, and the Goodell Brothers to tbo amonnt of 9102,600.

Telegraph wire* at Haverhlll were *o twlitcd up by tbe fire that for a time only one wire ol the International line was available. Tbe Bo*- ton Herald got through a special from Haver- hlll, a small one waa sent to tbe " Journal," but the details a* given In Ibe Herald, \<hn- riser and Globe, and In tho Associated Press snmmary were written ont and telegraphed from Lawrence.

Crowds of people were In the streets all day, watching the pulling down of tbe walls of tbe Washington street blocks, and. In conteqaenec tbe churches were rather thinly attended.

Two gentlemen who drove from Lawrence Haverhlll Sunday morning made the distance over a very rongb road. In fifty minntes.

The body or Amos George wa* recognized by hi* raise teeth, and that or Amos C. Heath, hy a bunch or keys be bad In bis pocket,

TII« Loaaxs AST> ncsiiuAKcn. The. following are tho losses, beginning nidi

those on building* :— John P, Oilman, frame shoe manufactory ami

brick building, total lu**. Inaared In the Home )Heo, Sew Vork, *•«*»; .Springfield. Ma**.,****); .Etna, Hartford, ♦*KNj; Magara, Now York.SdOW; North British, e*uou.



In compliance w ith tbe call for a cltlxens-

■meeting, signed by a larpu asjsnber of snb- stam ial men of the ItepuMlcan aad Ussaocratic

parties, about one thousand people gathsredat rity nail on Tuesday evening, to deliberate

idoetlng tho sniiroachlng city election. The atisembiy was called to order by Wm. B. tipaldlng, Esq., who called for the nomination of a chairman, which resulted in tbo choice of Hon. Daniel Sauudvr*. Tbe gen- tleman, In accepting the chair,, made brier re- mark*, earnestly endorsing theobiccuof the meeting. He thought all clttieni, with tbe In- terest* ol tho city at heart, saw the necessity and Importance of inch a movement; for many

had been ravorable to such action, and thought that municipal government should not IK conducted in a parti inn spirit. The gentleman was very earne»t in his remarks and they were listened lo by Ihe audience with much interest. The meeting wa* further or- ganized by the choice or Jesse G. Oould as secretary.

wa* then moved by F. K. Clarke, that a committee •. i' four from each ward, con- Sitting of two Republican! and two Democrats, be appointed by the chair, who should retire and report to the meeting the names of five democrats and five republicans from each ward, wbo should, If said report be accepted, meet in convention wlibln one week and nomi- nate a list ol candidate, for Mayor, Aldermen, Common Counellnien, and all other offlcer* to be voted for at the municipal election. The motion was adopted by the osaerahly, and tbe chair appointed tbe committee, as follows, the first two names troiu each ward representing tbe Republican interests, tbe last two the Democracy:

>Vu:n;, V. K. Clarke, W. V. Olle, Sylveiler Mitchell, James V. Brady.

WAHII ■!, Milt,.n Ilonney. J. H. Katon, Wm. Ilar- Istur, Ttmollty tieacey.

WAHI.I, If. A. Wadsworth, W. 11. Conn, .1. .1. Detaad. T. F. Tucker.

WAft!>3,-I,uth*r Ladd, Alfred Lang, V. P. II. Melvin, It. A. Beaver.

ID 0,—D. 0. Ki.-ii.ii,I■■.ui, tieorgo I.itUeneJd, Caleb Maunders, A. H. Hanker.



Itnss Jb Noyes. *»


Klmball Bros. Q>

A. )-. Klmball.

| Bam. |


Fire Association m l'hila., 11,**!; llan.ivur,N. Y., *l.nou: Howe, N. V., on stork, »i,i"», Oomian, F.rie, Pa., *I,UQI> on -lock.

Uoorge A.lirven, frame bloe.k; Insurance, Mer- eliauts ot I'roriilenco.auo.

George A. tireen, brick shoe block, total loss; tn*uran«e, Niagara, N. V., SlOOO: Home, K, V.,

O. F. Prescott, loss s3-J,0Di); insured tor i'lMW In tbe l'embprtnn Mutual of Lawrence, SM»0 in the liolvokf Mutual or M.tli'in, !<vn.i In the Central Muiual Of Worcester.

John B. Nlc.hoL, lots on two htorch entirely ■!> ntroyed, ;iml anothur store iiartiallv Ueilroycd. IK tietween $20,000 nnd SM.OUU; snppnited to be wholly covered by insurance.

The losses and Insurance among manufacturers and tenant* arc a* follows:—

Cbarlert Phillips, machines and tool* in Wash SUM Block, loss lid; St,(**Jin Fire Annotation of I'liiludtdphia.

Slock bridge- .1 llartlvlt, S2.000 over insurance. A. K. Wenlwortb, leather commission denier,

et.euu to ti,iAW. i.j" falls on uoniignett* In Dover, N. H

Thomas Maunder*, ll&OW tn *W,O0u; only par ■ le leather

SUSHI, HI Phlladcl

Tbe above diagram presents * good idea or the district burnt over, looking toward Washing- ton Souaro easterly from J. is. Nichols' block. On the left I* Washington street, shown to Washington Simare, at which point Little Riv-

Itow* under the siuiareend enter* Merrimaek river, making a bend to the right as indicated in the diagram. On the right Is the Merrimaek river. Thus Washington street, Little River and Merrimaek river, as named, form tbe northern, eastern and southern boundaries of tbe district burnt, the western limit being Nich- ols' block, occupied by A. L. Klmball. Tbe letter " A" designates the starling point of the fire; " B" designates the locality from which the bodies of Amos George and Amos C. Heath were taken; "C" locates the explosion, In Pres- roit's block, the walls of which falling on Oil- man'! block, next east, caused tbe death of the victims.

tats RKSIT.TS or TIII: mi!'.. briefly stated, are tbe bnrnlng over of forty thousand square (Vet In the best built business part orthe city, the loss ef two lives, tbe reduc- tion or eighteen buildings to. ashes, the inter- ruption of business and tho loss occasioned to thirty-live builness firms, most of whom are small shoe manufacturers, and tbe destruction of 817,5,000 to 8180.000 worth of property, on which there Is an lasuranceof 9140,000 to #160- 000. Tbe disaster will tall most heavily, per- haps, on tbe operative! In tbe shoo shops. Di- rectly and indirectly Mr. i'inmv employed 160 and Klmball Bros., Prescott A Davis, Ruse & Noyes, Johnson & Carlelon, and one or two other firms gave aniploymeut to 100 oacb. 600 or 800 worklngmen and operatives of all kinds will sutler for a time by the los*.

TUB VICTIM*. Mr. Amos George, one or the victim* or the

fire, and the first to be taken from tbe ruins, wa* a well knowi and highly respected cltisen, and one or the old resident* of tbe city. He was a shoe manufacturer, doing business In Oilman's block, snd bad been Interested in the shoe business of ihe place for over twenty years. He wa* upwards of fifty year* or age, and leave* a widow and her daughter, the former bring hi* second wife, and the latter (Mrs. Henry Pike. The deceased was possessed ot comfort- able menns, and was an attendant ot Ihe Meth- odist church. Ill* body was taken to the po- lice station, under the city hall, to await tbe remit* of the coroner'* Inqueit.

Mr. Amos C. Heath, whose body wss recov- ered about hall-past Un o'clock, was an em- ploye of Boynton Bras., and a resident of Brad- lord. 11* was well known In the vicinity or hi" business and residence, and formerly resided at Eaat Haverhlll. He leaves a wife and two or three children.

■tule lent! Insured

whlrb ♦'.■ootl i* In tbe North An pfata.

ItussA- Soyes ail'000; covered hy Insurant tH«ii iiilliel .iiiliiuntnl ol New York.

ii. H. Hubbard, seouu; of which tlUOD wn* I IDS machinery not set up. Imtured MMO,

O. L. Sleeper, shoe ntock and nmllnt,'*. SnuDO BS000; covered by fnimraner, S.1UW In the IIH over of New York.

Johnson and Wlggin. i-'SWU; covered. Ion • Carll sdoooi covered. L. A. Fiiincy, loaea heuvily; Insurance n

Klmball lb-others, SMSXI; in-und SIUUU in the North JSrlilsli, *:tOU0 Ii. Hi.- Sin Hi America or Philadelphia, ♦»-» In Urn Continental or New York, »*«» in Urn Niillonsl.nl Hartford. - 1,. Klmbsll. S,-ss>i. Insured****) In the North

British, a.pasmi Home New York. A. W. Chase .t en., sli.iss): covered by Insur- ice- a:inon in Un- Hanover of New York. WiKHlburv A MniUi, Siuou; covered. J. Kl.lge.wny, S'i.VH>; no instirainw. orrlutVlton. 11009; Insured #i"» lu the No

tlonal ovHiirttord. Boynton Brothers, SPflO: covered. Sawvur Jt Joliasou, SMOUU; iu-urnne.i unknown. A. H.Thornton, jcwrni; in.iUidly covered. OenrgnA. lVelmter, e.'Wotl; In-nreil I'ho'lllt of

Hartford. •«*«, .1. W. Ilnvnes, .1 fully insured. (.'. II. Kellev, heel manlil'aclurcr, SI.WU. A. L. Heed,' S'MXIU 10 $.1000: In-i.red. X. ». llarrlman, tlOOO. hamurl Siunri. damage bv water SiMU; Insured

■ the itttna of Hartford SWOtl. Ordwav A Carltnn, UBS by Water SIU00; Inxunil. J. II. Itlaisdell, S1S0O; no Insurance. C.A. WehBler, S.WTO; insured In Phienlxof Hart-

ford, fi-JOOO. Joseph Goodrich, Jr., stock, Hartford, (.'ODD.,

£1,000; Lancashire, Knglnnd, mjmi Springfield, Mass., Si.OOD.

]». II. Foster, #1000; insured. G. !-. Ilaleoni, S.W0, Stock moved out, and only

the roof was burned over. lisle ft Hort, Block, Imperial, Kngland, SI,son. C. r. Horse, slock, No. liritndi, Kajtland, a«,0(W. .1. ¥. French, stock, No. llrlUi.li, Kiutlnnd, *i,U0O. J. II. Hlal-ilell, Steeper Bro*., and Ueorge II.

Nichols suffer bv water. Inpured fully In Hanover of New York and North Itrillsb.

Nichol* I- insured in the No. Ilriti-di, Knuland, S.l.ilUO; Niagara, X. V , *.1,(xsj; hupi-rial, Knuland, -.■.'.-i», Hunnver. N. V., fii.AOO.

Tbe following companies had tho amounts named at risk In the burnt district on which their loos Is from M to UA per cent, Hoyal of Liverpool

The committee as reported above served in tbo capacity lor which they were chosen, all the gentlemen llrst named by the chair sot being present.

unmlttce having retired, A. C. Stone, moved that ReproseiiUtlse-elcct Wm. S. Knox, Hsu,., be invited to address the mectlag. The gentleman complied with the request, came forward to fhe rostrum, and made brief and M-IIRHIIC remarks stating tbat It wa* sot often a Republican had ihe opportunity to id- dress so large and respectable a portion of the Democratic party a* it was hi* privilege at the present time, nnd It afforded bIm pleasure to meet so many of each party assembled together, for so laudable a purpose. It was evident Ibat party lines were gro ving dimmer and dimmer, and that the people were demanding that great Intereat* *buuld TM controlled and directed out- ■Ma of mere partisan interest*. The (mentions o] the post wore not tho question* ol to-day, and the parties of the past were not such a* should direct present issues. And consequently we were present to organise a citizens* move' ment, In which ullparllzan feeling should he banished, and only tbe greatest good of the city and the people should be studied, business Interests and city affairs we could well afford for once to unite for Ihe common good of all. Few men existed wbo foiled lo connect themselves wltb some party, and In organizing a dtiseni'movement the utmost liberality should prevail. Tbe effort should be honest in particular, and the spoils uf office lie equally and fairly divided. Tho liesi men in each party should be selected, for It wa* able men and fair representation tbat were now demanded, this result was accomplished, ihe effort* of the citizens'movement might not end with the in- terest now sought, but continue in year* tc come, and prove a great blessing and materially aid In the prosperity of our city.

An earnest call was made for Col. Parsons, ho was reluctant to speak, but was about tc

consent, wben the chairman of the retiring committee appeared on tho rostrum, much to the Mid of tbe Colonel, who gave way for Ihe report ol tbe committee, which named the fol- lowing gentlemen a* delegates to a convention to nominate candidates for all offices to lie illled by ballot, at the city election, the first five names In each ward being democrats, and the others republican*.

WABII 1,-n. Ssunders, Henry Thompson, II. P Danfortfc, Henry Hurkel, Tho*. OrCen, W. A. Husacll, J. it. Kollla*, A. H. Pay, John Brown, Oeo. I'. Cabot

w AIU> t,~Patrick tlweeney, A. H. Hsll*bury, .In-. V. Brady. Michael lirwn.Jas. K.Whep- urd, W. K. Spaliiing, Oeo. K. Iifkrl*, W. V. Oilc. E. J. Hherman, F. E. Clarke.

WAUO3,~Wm. Ttarbour, P. tJ. Pillsbury,

Couiieeli.ul of Hartford Fnneull Hall of Ho»ton Weatchoater, Itochelle, K, Y. Franklin, Philadelphia American, Philadelphia Commercial I'm London IVNII ■■. I'.MI'M. Philadelphia German's, New York

«c.,.--«i X,l.-I



ini: \ri.o There were one or more barrels ol this com-

pound in tbe building,'ami the Hre reaching H, the explosion occurred. Tho «cene from the street was grand and fearful. At thi* hour thousand* or people were gathered In Washing- ton Hqnere, the street and on tbe river banks, while the adjoining building* contained gangs of men busily engaged in removing good*. The almost consternation and alarm prevailed among the crowd, and Ibe suspense awaiting the clearing away or the clouds or smoke, iteam and dait, wa* most terrible to IsBhold. Ibe great brick structure spread apart from the top, the front wall falling In and carrying down the floor* and machinery of the second stories to the foundation; tho rear wall Ml outward, as already stated, crushing through ihe large

llll. I I HI

was well managed throughout the Are, and every effort was made to sul-due tbe flames. There was bnt little wind, but tbe atmosphere was quite wld, the mercury Indicating eight to ten degree* below freesing point, and the lirem-n suffered considerably, ibe water freesing on their clothing. About four o'clock the flame* bad gained each headway tbat a wide-spread conflagration was threatening, and assistance from this city was solicited, and Washington Steamer No, 5, was immediately dispatched the scene. Four horses were attached to the machine, aud the distance between tbi* clly and tbe fire, about nine miles, wa* traversed In the remarkably short space or one hour and ten minutes, while tbs firemen attached to the engine were conveyed In carriages, Upon their arrival tbi flames were found to lie under con- trol, and Ihe engine not being needed It wns placed la ono of the houses. But the services of the Bremen were found lo be most acceptable, and Ihey at ones relieved Ihe bosemen of Steamer No. 2, amid ihe hearty cheers from their llawrhlll Mends. At the outset the lines of hose wire laid on between tinman'* and Pres- cott'* block* i at this time there existed no fear thai the Mocks oa Washington street would be burnt, but tbe beat become *o Intense that it wa* fount necessary to retreat from this posi- tion ; while, making their retreat Oilman's wood- en block i>ur«t Into flames, tbo lines of hose were alwndoncd, and some four or live hundred feet were burned. Tbe engineers caused a sub- stantial collation to be served In tbe bouse or tbe City ot Haverhlll steamer, and all the lire- men, In reliefs, made themselves comfortable over hot co-foe, liaksd Imam and brown bread, crackers, cheese, etc—Indeed, a most becom- ing and puritanical Sabbath morning break- fast. There were no fatalities among the fire- men, but three or fonr member* suffered from accident*.


In so extensive a fire, accompanied by explo- sion and loss of lire. It la quite remarkable that the lives or no nrerasn were lost, and the inju- ries received so slight. Assistant Engineer Cheney was badly Injured about tbe face by a fall. The saoat seriously Injured was Capt. J. Frank Little, of the steamer F.iux, who was struck upon ihe head and arm by the railing wall* and knocked senseless.

A fireman named Hutchlnson was badly cut in the face by running Into a window.

There was a commotion at the rwervnli the Water works last Satiu-day and a large gang of workmen (truck for higher wage*. Tbe amount offered by the contractor* Ii JJl/JI per day, while tho amount demanded by tbe labor- ers 1*81-'*. The terms of the contract require tbe employment of resident* of Lawrence, and

> tbe conditions are that help *ball,J>e hired at tbe current rate for such labor. It u the worst timo of the year, and tbo worst of a number or years, for laborers to dictate to theh employer* what wages thoy shall receive; ami on tbe other hand the contractor* should not take advantage of the depression or business and tho pleatltudo of help, to grind down thi wages, though none can ceo*ure them for re- fusing to pay more for labor, than the amount or rate made current by such depression. If tbe contractors can employ hundred* of labor- ers from Boston and the larger cities, at $\.'2S per day, ot course our own people mnst accept the same termi. A delegation or thirty or forty men passed down Essex street In the forenoon, attracting much attention, and halting before Ibe Sentinel office, a committee was selected to await upon Mr. Murphy, ono of the Water Commissioner*, to gain his Interference. That gentleman very conrteously and sensibly ad- vised the laborer* to make no trouble, itatlng tbat the matter wa* entirely In the band* ef tbe contractors, and that they must conform to the dictation of their employers, in whatever was reasonable, If they desire work. The commit- tee retired, bat did not seem to be quite satis- fied with tbe result or their visit, and for some time loafed about tbe corner of Knex and Ap- plcton street*, and presently dispersed.

Isn HisiiM, TO YOI-KO NIK.—There Ii connected with the Universe list Sunday School of thli city a large number of young men. About forty of these sre in one class, known as the "Barean Class," which is under the charge of the pastor. Tbe class was formed three years ago by Rev. Oto. 8. Weaver, the young men eompoilng it being, to a great ex- tent, sought out by him In the shops and stores of tbe city. Thoy are now at Undent* npon tbe regular services ofthe Univcrssilit Church, SS well as the Sunday School, *ml are Identi- fied with all the interests or tbe parish.,. Next week this class propose to celebrate theh/ third anniversary with appropriate service*, to which they cordially invite nil the people of Lawrence. On Sunday morning at Ibe usual service the pastor. Rev. O. W. Perry, will preach a sermon especially adapted to voting men. On Monday evening at 7 J, o'clock, the anniversary services proper will be held. Tbe address will be given by Bev. C. W. Middle, or Lynn. The rest of the services will be conducted by the member* of the class. New members uf thi* class are coming In nlmott every Sunday, and all who desire lo avail themselves of tin religious and social privilege* thus afforded arc cordially welcomed.

ntutcniits op IHIKSTUIAI, SCHOOL, —The two branches of tbe city council convened last ovening, and elected Director* of the Industrial School, as Mil.iw*.—Coot. II. o. Hcrrtck, for five years: Rev. J. P. Qtltnore, foar years; Rev. George Packard, three years; Fred E. Clarke, two year*! IV. Timothy Hallivan, one year. The selection or these gentlemen ensure a most efficient board of management

lor the school.

Scribncr's lor December I* received, and a Ulns the moi.ii amount of luitruction and i tertnlning paper* with profuse lllndrallons.

-„. -ieo. W. (iarland, II. ('. Bacon, Pulcr Jiolli- han, .1. 11. Raton, A. J. French. Milton Ilonney, N. It. French, Oeo. 9. MerriU.

WAIIH t.-Patrlek Murphy, V. I>. Mahoney, B. A. Jewell. T. F. Tucker, .1. J. Poland, W. II. HiJditmau, W. It. Coan.X. P. Poor, II. A. Wadsworth, J. N. I'rntl.

W*nii3,~x. I*- If. Melvin, W. II.8t>ne,Cba*. E. Hardy, N. J. While, C. J. Tilth, Tbos. Scott, John Phillips, Jr., 8. M. Davln, P.. B. Dollori, l^vi Kroery.

WAUD i.. A . 8. Hunker, J. M. Wood, Tho*. Shan IK-unl* Whalloy, Caleb Hnun-


On motion of W. F. Olle, Esq., the delega- tion* from each ward were empowered to fill vucancles, and tbo secretary of tbe meeting WLIS Instructed to notify the delegate* <>f their position and the time of tho convention, which would occur Saturday evening next. A deter- mined effort wa* made by anumber or tbe nn- terrl lies* fnl.

Tn K lYiu.tr I.mm ur.—The report of tho li- brarian to the trustees, at their regular meeting, on Thursday evening, shows that during tbe month of October, 10,028 liook* were drawn from tbe library, makings toUlof 101^S7B for tbe ten months of the present year; tbe largest number drawn in a ilngto day, during the month, wa* 782, the smahest, 24(1, with a dally average ottOH. In the reading room, 3S8 mag- »iines and IU book* were drawn, 173 new name* were registered making a total of 4720; tke fines collected numbered 295, and amounted to 913-76, being 27 tines and »l.£i In amount lo each 1000 hooks drawn. 423 booki kept over time, were sent for by mall, and 3 by messen- ger; only 3 now remain unaccounted for, Tbe Increase was 141 volume* during the month, and 3030 thus far for the year. The whole num- ber of volume* now In the library I* 11,108, or wltb Ihe duplicates, 13,214.

A COOL BIT or m urn.*uv was perpetrated on Wednesday night, at tbe clothing store or Messrs. Blcknell A Wlnilow, No. ACS Essex street, In Ihe new brick block or Messrs. How- ard & Son. Sometime after the closing ef the store, a sharp rogue climbed npon the one ttory ell In rear of tbe building, removed a llgut of glas* from the iky-llght, Ihe fact thai tbe new putty had not fully hardened, making hi* tabor

iparatlvely easy, and than placing a stout -tiik ocros* tbe opening, lowered himself Into the store. Here bo seemed to have proceeded

entire deliberation, turning over pile* of garments, carefully fitting himself to an entire

and not finding among tbe ordinary ready mads good* everything lo bUllklag, hs selected a custom coat that probably happened Ri be of the right sine. Having secured a full new suit, the thief departed a* he came, and as yet no trace has been had of the fellow.

In our issue of Wednesday we published an Item stating that the Washington Mills [■oration had furnished their operatives with coal at prices mnch less than the current rates, thereby saving to thorn several thousand dol- lars In the aggregate. It Is perhaps bat Justice to tbe trade to state the reason! for Ihe wide margin In the prices charged lbs operatives,a ml the prices demanded by regular dealer*. Cor- poration* purchase their coal in Immense car- goes, do their own freighting, and assnaie all risk*. Their local tales arc strictly confined to tbelr own operative*, and there I* no risk taken In the pay therefor, as tbe amount das tab be deducted from their regular wages. The ad- vantages of tbe corporation* for supplying tbelr operatives will readily be seen, and to them it I* a most acceptable accommodation tendered through the care and thought**Ines* of the management for tbo Interest* or their help. With these advantage*, or cbnasf the retail dealer cannot compete. AU or bis coal niusl be thoroughly screened, sad Ihe profits arising from tbe sale* must pay for team* and help lo carry on tbe buslne**, and. ajae In a measure secure the dealer agalnit loss by bad bill*, more or less or which must Ire calculated npon In every branch or trade. Tbe cause tor dilhmucc In tariff* between corporations aad re- tail eleatsra must be obvious to all.

—Double windows and storm door*.

—The clly election occur* one week from ucxt Tuesday.

—Which will win, individual conviction* or party dictation ?

—The Psuilierton Mutual, of tLls city,held a risk otflfim) In tbe Hsvarbill fire.

—Antic weather ami weather for arctic* has pnt la a slightly premature appearance.

—Many or onr citizens visited Haverhlll on tbo Sabbath, to view the ruio* of the great Ore,

—Messrs. SaunUers arc almul to lay a spring floor in their hall, to better accommodate tbo dancing people.

I* the huli-bub in the Democratic ranks re- sponsible for the lack of an Aldermanie quo-

in* on Monday evening ?

—Rev. Wm. K. Park, or Ibis city, delivered forcible address at the Woman Suffrage Con-

vention In Andover tbi* week.

- The net receipt* ol the late fair or tho Odd Fellows, amount to Ibe nice little sum of »ix tbouiand, three hundred dollars.

—Owner* of horse flesh are Improving the sleighing, which Just now I* very fair. Tbo scene on Broadway 1* very lively.

■During October, 10,9-26 book* were drawn from our public library; prcUy jpu] circnla tion for a library or only 13,264 volume*.

—Tbe dedicatory services or tbe new M. E. Church, So. Lawrence, have been postponed on account or unavoidable delays in finishing.

—The meanest man on Essex St. leave* tho snow unshovellcd In front of hi* place ol busi- ness and "guesses the rain will clean It all off."

—About this lime where are tbe gallant Knights of tbe Sons or Malta, every mother's son or whom made oath tbat he would "fight for Cuba."

—The St. Mary's church fair la progressing most successfully, each evening the spacious stone [church being crowded with people. It will continue for several days.

—Considerable amusement was caused at the Citizens' meettuir, at the City Hall, by tbe obafr- man announcing a* a republican member of ono of the committees, N. P. H. Melvin.

—ir tbe street commissioner would run bla aaad carts over tbe ky walk* of the city, he would confer a favor upon humanity, and per- haps *avo undertakers several engagement*.

-The New York OmpkU thinks tbe bnlldlng or a reservoir for the storage or U,0OO,OOO gal- lons of water. In Lawrence, 1* an Indication or tbo determination of Massachusetts problbi- ttonlsta.

-Sunday witnessed a good old fashioned mow storm, leaving about three Inehe* of snow on Ihe ground. The atmosphere was qnks cold in the morning, but grew milder In the af- ternoon.

—Bar. George W. Perry of this city assisted at the Installation of Rev. K. A. Drew as pas- tor of the Unlversallst society at Lynn, on Tuesday evening. Mr. Perry delivered tbe charge to tbe society.

—Tbe bead of the household, shivering vim- peratlou* on tbe slippery and slosliy sidewalks, and thon sweeping aronad under tho bed wkb a boot-jack after hii "gum shoes" was a famil- iar spectacle thi* morning.

—Our lady readers will be interested In a freih and chatty letter npon winter f unions, from our special New York correspondent, who supplies Eleanor Kirk's place, during tbo some- what protracted illness orthe latter.

—Mr. Dunning, the city missionary, 1* pre- paring for his annual contribution for the poor of our city. Let tbe wealthy deal liberally from (heir abundance, remembering that a sever* winter I* upon ut, with many people out or employment.

—The Washington Mills have delivered to the borne* of tbelr operatives this fall 1 ,"#) tons of coal at 88.30 per ton, amounting to 915,21.1.00, thereby saving tbe operative* 93.00 per ion, or an aggregate saving of 91,370.00 over the cur- rent market prices,

—Abbott's express office has been removed from the west to the cast aide of Apptctoo street, just opposite IU former location.' Tbe change Is already familiar, as for years tbe of- fice of this express, formerly Cooper's, was lo- cated on the east ihle or the itrcet

The members of Atlantic Steamer company, liual, will give their annual ball on the

everlng preceding Thanksgiving, at the City Hall. Tbe management of the annual festivi- ties Is always excellent, and tbs dancing com- munity may anticipate a pleasurable gathering

i ihe ere of thanksgiving.

—A good number of Eassx street merchants overreached themielvos In their calculation! ol the rain itorra of Tuesday, thinking the rain would remove the ball doaen Inches or snow. This morning they bad tbe pleasure of Indus- triously playing Ibe pick and spado lo remove

>] id beds or Ice from tin ir walk s.

—Messrs. William O. and John Dacey, con- tractor* for building tbs districting reservoir of the Lawrence water wora*. are young men of culture and refinement, with an appearance certainly indicating that they have Ihe ability to puih matter* forward to a mcccssful and satlslaotsry fulfilment of their contract.

—Tbe interesting article, giving at length the few* of the manager* or our leading corpora-

tions In relation to the prospect of the various mills during tbo coming month, published In tbe Daily AJIBHIOAN of Friday but, and for which there lias been a great demand, appears In fnll on the tint page, to-day.

—At a meeting of the Democratic City Com- mittee, on Saturday evening, It was voted not to sanction tbe cltliem movement lo which many DemoeraU bad committed themselves, but to proceed forthwith to call purely party meeting* to put In nomination a straight Dcm ocratJe ticket. Now things will be lively.

—The new Methodist church at Booth Law- rence Is nearlng completion, aud this *f ternoon the Lecture Room will be formally ded tested, the services commencing at two o'clock. Rev. S. Y. Uphem, D. 1)., will auks use dedi- catory address, and several prominent clergy men are expected to 1M present and participate In the exercises.

, —The two branches of the rity -council at- tempted for a second time, a Joint convention on Monday evening, and failed a* before, for want of a quorum In one of tbs boards,—thi* time In tbe Aldermen. The object of tbe cos- ventlon Is to elect a board or five Directors for tbe Industrial snd Reformatory Institution for Juvenile offender*.

—Mrs. Scott Bidden*, who read* In this clly Saturday evening, Nor. Will, Is without ques- tion the best lady reader of comedy and trage- dy In the world; her wardrobe comprise* the most costly and magnificent dresses; ibe 1* the most attractive aad beautiful woman ever assn upon the stage. Her entertainment cannot fall to be one or the grandest of the aeeson.

—The call has been Issued for straight demo- cratic caucuses In tbe several wards tor tbi* evening, lo nominate ward offlcer*, nnd to choose delegate* to an Aldermanie convention to be held on Tuesday evening next at lbs ward room In City Hall; a Mayoralty candi- date I* to ba nominated hi mas* convention on Friday evening of neat week.

— The audience at tbs Besebsr BkStnre, Wednesday evening, comprised the best class Of onr chlaeos, bnt probably tbs eminent cler- gyman never delivered a lecture to a smaller audience. Less than seven hundred nsofus were present, bnt those wbo were fortunate enongh to be present listened, douhthwi, to tbs beat address they ever beard,

—The moat cheeky thing we have witnessed of late was half a doaen nterchanU standing la their itore door* this morning ■musing them- selves wltb the dexterous effort! of pedestrian* trying to pas* over the sty walks la front of their 'lores. This would be commendable in a newspaper reporter who was short of Harm those merchsni* would create a better reeling by a liberal distribution of ashes.

contractors had no work for. None ot ihe tnkrrs were allowed to return to their work.

—Rev. U. E. Flstier, who is aliout to leave thi* as*, to accept an important trust in Oherlln 'ollegc, was the recipient or a pleasant «ur-

I'rise on Tuesday evening. A party of Id* for- mer parfshoners met at the residence ot W. H. Bnardman, Btq., snd proceeded to the rest- donee uf Mr. Flitter, snd tendered their kind

gards for the welfare of the family accom- panied by a purso continuing over 9400.

—During the past week, permanent comuils- stons In the Massacbuseiu militia, have been issued to Lawrence officers from tbe orhue ol the Adjutant General:—Oeo. R. Merrill, Major, 2d Battalion Light Artillery; Smith M. Decker, Major, 6th Regiment Infantry; George G. Durrcll, Captain, Battery D. 2d Battalion Light Artillery; Josiah C. Flanders, 1st Lieu Una nt Co. K. Stb Regiment; Timothy Reerdou, let Lieut. Co. I/Vih Regiment.

■The light or Ibe Haverhlll Ore on SuuiLsy morning was very brilliant la ibis city, aad on* could almost see to read print at hah* past fonr o'clock. From Prospect 11(11, a distance of eight miles, the flame* rould be seen, and'the' policemen state that men could be seen running about tho fire. This is a pretty strong stals- ment, but n* these gentlemen don't claim Unit they recognized any parties, we must accept it as true ; tbs I lame* were distinctly seen hi Low- ell, a distance or eighteen mile*.

--A pleasant family gathering occurred at tbs residence or Henry Barton, Esq., on Thurs- day, that being the seventy-thlra annlvsnary ot tbe gentleman'* birthday. Five children and eleven grand-children were present to make glad the heart* of tbelr ancestor*, aud the day and evening was spent In enjoyment Incident only to inch occasions. In tbe evening a sere- nade was tendered the Inmate* of the house, and tho party was Increased by the presence or Rev. Dr. Packard, II. M. Whitney, J. P. Bat ties, Col. B. F. Watson and others.

-The City Missionary Is ont with Ms annual plea In behalf of the poor of onr city. Onr citlxen* are called upon for the contribution of such articles of clothing, of all kinds, as they can spare from their wardrobes. The cold weather Is upon ua and there are many poor wbo an nearly aa tblnly clad as In tbs summer. What may seem worthies* to some will be treasures to tbem. Please forward to tho ml*- sionary'* office in the City Hall, or hand In your name and number and yonr bundle will be called for.

—Chief Engineer Brewster dUpatchsd tbs Washington steamer to Haverhlll Sunday rooming, In response to a call for assistance. Four horses were attached to the steamer, and It was whirled over the Intervening nine ■Asa between IU bouse and the scene of lbs firs, over a frosen road, covered with an Inch and n half of snow, In the short space of one boor and. tan minutes. No accident or Injury oc- curred to the machine or horses,which fact, with tho time made, credits the driver of the steamer with an enviable repntatkai for "draw- Ins tbe ribbon*" over four la hand.

—Colcord, the tearful decllnlsl ol the Democ- racy, has emerged again, asd la once morn a* busy as that other, snore ancient though not less active persuader of votes, Is said lo be In a gale of wind; last week, when the striking res- ervoir laborer* bad congregated around a cor- ner near tbe city ball, Colcord waa one of tbe earliest lo scent I he opportunity for damagugus- Isiu, and his graceful form wa* scon moving bnilly among the throng, a veritable ward four smile illuminating the serenity of bU essssje. nance. Hs was probably exhorting the labor- er* to return to their work,—probably.

—Never was tbe capacity at the dty ball more fully tested than on Saturday evsnkng, ua the occasion or the last of tbs three reprasen- talion* of the Drummer Boy, m the In an HI U f tho Poet of the Grand Army or this etty. Every available silting Was bcentsed, and the larger portion or the atandiag room was taken possession or. The play wa* presented with mnch better effect than upon the prevtesrs even- ings, without tbe duagreeable delay so'tedlons to the audience*, and everything passed orT most happily. The Post cannot help making a good profit from tbe enterprise, and the effort of the public to sustain tbe order U well repaid In the benevolence and care of tho cosaradea toward their needy soldiers.and Ibe widows and orphan* bereft of their natural protectors, by tbe great civil wnr. .The Grand Army fund I* tho fund of tbe destitute comrade, br coaurade'* family.

—A* the people were returning from the city hall on Tuesday evening, a prominent cfllsen remarked that be came to the meeting opposed to tho gathering, but after witnessing Ihe row. dy Ism with which IU opponents strove to Inter- rupt and disturb IU proceeding*, and the appar- ent sympathy ur helplel*ne*l of the police, he thought II quite lime for an hone*: effort t cure a res* disgraceful state of ftnhlrS.

—Tbo work on the Dnmibnting Reservoir of we waterworks U pingtnsslna! ssuunwtorily. The striker* of last week found their places filled on Monday morning, with men wbo were anxious to earn their daily bread at 91 *J per day. Nearly an bandred tahorsrs were on tbs ground anxlom to gala employment, wbowa the

-The race* at the Riding Park on Saturday afteruon were of no great Interest, aad the num- ber or Lawrence people who were present wa* equalled by the manger*, most of whom were from Providence and Boston, and Interested tn the foot races, which were of chief importance. Previous to these, however, there was ft match trot between 0, Lawrence's while mare, Lady Shingle*, and W. Woodruft'** grey awe Minnie, for a purse of 9300. Minnie, without enort, won In three straight hesU, fa each nearly dis- tancing her competitor; iimea.00(, 3.0S, 3.0T.. Tbe track waa In bad condition, consequent npon the late rain*, and frost In Ih* ground. The Brat foot race was between Or*bom and Raynor, distance two hundred yard*, and was won by Graham, with two yard* Is span. Tho hut foot race was between Gallagher of Cleveland, and Adselt or Philadelphia, tbe latter giving the former two yards start. The paras was for 9500, nod was won by Gallagher, who gained tho contest by feur yard*. rnMtisg Adsett, with an even start, by two yards.

—lloston leads off In a most corssnmdable enterprise, snd one worthy of following In every dty In the country, snd especially in Hew Eng- land, where the annual Thanksgiving la ob- served with especial attention. Tbs plan In Boston I* Inaugurated by Chief of Police Sav- age, who inggesu that tbs waa Why people and those In comfortable ettcnniitaacss, ssna) toube headquarters of the suites department, of tbe (tiitiou bouse, contribution* Of food or clothing, which will be faithfully distributed by tnartnhers of the force, who know la Just whose hands to place such girts, and those who are the most needy and das erring. The thief th«saghtmily states that there are many poor people wbo have no means to procure a Thanksgiving meal, and wbo would not seek charity, bnt whom the police would readily reach. Cannot sosaetnsng be done In Lawrencer We doubt not that either the police force, or aha clay missionary would gladly distribute food or clotLing to the deserv- ing on that day. Let the sagxtstlo* be carried out, and many homes be mode happy.

An accident, and sertoa* deky to tsata*, on Teesdsy, may be acercdised to tbs ass-era ilorm or tbo prevlou* night. Tba SaJcro passen- ger train left tbe north depot si eight o'cioak, and passed on to the Broadway crossing, where the switchman was removing snow from the switch, and was uunMe to change Ihe Ms**, causing the lender of the engine and lbs bag-

to be thrown oft Thtonglne regained the track, dragging the tram on In tho bridge, where It stopped. The track was fturtly WHTi up, and the prospect for several hour* work he- fors tbe accident could be remedied caused the making op of a new train for Salera.' The freight engine of the Kastem road haaasswaVto be present, and waa attached to the passenger cor which remained on the track, and after but fow minute* delay started for Salem. About thirty passengers were oa the Iratn. A .large gang of trackmen, and employe* of the ear shops, under the direction uf Sap't sUohardaon, were ai ones set to wort extricating Its* tangsr and baggage car, and repairing the track, cotn- pletlng their ksbots sun*) after noon. In ihe

si all train*, outward and inward, passed over tbs westorn tract of tho bridge.

'Notwithstanding the severe now norm ol Monday evening there was a genarous atten- dance at Ihe Old Folk* fMttvltie* at tbs Free BaptUt church, and SB enjoyable entertainment

The exercises were decidedly novel, consisting of a comb opera chorus, ootsuarisiag a double quartette, each person drmag at an- cient costume, and bringing tbtth smustt front ordinary combs, covered with thin paper. The nmelc and the scene wore very Interesting, and the effort was a grand comUaailon of reed and wind Instrument*. A kitchen scene WS*,B\uch enjoyed, and therein were presented In native operation the spinning wheel, Ironing board, shoe bench, churn, Ihe vIIlags sqsjfa, ISM) hen- pecked husband administering toothing syrup to the Infant, etc., all animated to the accom- paniment or piano and violin, and the tuns of Yankee Doodle, Mr*. Ells Hogla gave a rend- ing In Ins touts, Mis. A. L. Honghton ren- dered two piano solo* In an excellent asaaner.

with ' amused the sndlsOte. The chief festunt eras lu tbe old fashioned topper, and a better or more acceptable repast we doubt could be tarred hy anodern natnhni; the anaassT was pat- ronised by nearly all present. It waa nearly midnight before the partlclpsal* forsook the r*ht- Uhtles, and faced tho Hvere snow ttorntssi re- pair to their home*.



A action sales of woodland on Monduy, and standing wood on Tuesday uf IIUX^WU!..

* V. !t.B. ^oot-lln lint liccn drawn il Juror for the Hupcrior (civil) Court nt Balctn. Decem- ber term.

Ttn'iv i- to be ■ grand ball at the town lin.il on Thanksgiving eve. Music By Tlney's full quadrille band.

ROT. HI. Wright or tho Free Church ex- changed with ttev. Mr. Flngg of North An- dover l»t Sabbath afternoon.

The Marland factory \- running un threc- q Barter* time and tbu wafif* of tlie employes hare been reduced twelve per OMt

Union Senlcei will lie held at tlio South Church, Thanksgiving, monrihp, nt Kkj o'clock. Nefmon by Rev, Mr. Wilbur of (he Baptist Cbitrcb.

J. W. Faulkner is building a wheelwright's ■hop in the rear of hit hlacksnitlhinj; establish- Mit on Pearson street. Cola and Tinrdy do the work.

John Cornell li to erect a two story building, 38 x ■ on the new street near the town house. It will be occupied by Charles Meyers for a lwmeM shop, and James M. Crabtrce lor un- tlertaker'•rootna. Mood/ Ibunell fa Uio builder.

The severely cold weather which aet In but week and tbe recent mow etorm hnve taken some of ont fhrmer* by anrpriac. We understand that hundreds of dolUrs waftfcvf tegettiilcH Mill remain In the ground unharveited.

Mr. Charles K. Hoyt of the Seminary han engaged to —W|? the nnlted churches in West- morland. N, H-, with preaching during the winter. Mr. A. M. llice, al-i> ut I lie seminary, will supply the ehnrch at Little Compton, U. 1.. for «ix months.

The lian.1 0/llope luli a psjbllc meet in;- in the Sooth vestry on Friday craaiing. Tbe ice- retarr, Mlaa Unit A. Fasbo, read the prucecd- Inga of tbe prcrtott* meeting, which shows a surplus tundra Jkaml of about 950. Remarks were made by H,VK. ('.. Smith end (1. F.Wright and Meesr*. Kiptay and Kelsey.

Soiiie forty or My ladle and gentlemen made a very pleeAant call on Mr. and Mm. David rllrnle, at Pryo Village, on Friday even- ina>. TLu enjoyment oi'tbe occi^ltm wa-iiitii-!i enhanced by tbe fawtof Ma being tbe tenth nlreraary of their marriage. Mutually kind grating* ware exchanged! varied and valuable gtrta presented, and a bountiful repast partaken of. The interview waa exceedingly enjoyable.

Wo are ladsslstsd to Saiuu-l Kay mini.), £si|. one of tbe truateee of tbe Memorial hall library, for copies of the admirable address of tbo Rejj. Phillip* Brooki delivered at tbe dedication of the lull on Decoration day, May 30, 1S73. It la a pamphlet of thirty-three page* got op in excelient style. Every Andnverian should have a copy and preserve It on account ot tbe bletorieal facts tt contains, tbo ability displayed In Irs pages hy the distinguished apeaker, mid the memorable occasion on which It was de- livered. For aale at Draper's, price twenty- Hvecenls.

The reading i>y Mra. Mary P. fleott Slfldons, In the Clt teens' Lecture course, at the Town Hall, Tuesday evening, was the most Httfjaf- lul entertiiiiLinent yet given. Altliougli 11■.- weather was an propitious, Mrs. Klddoiis wns favored with a very large and appreciative audience and much curiosity was exhibited jto see and hear a lady of such wide renown, rmth aa an aetreasand reader. The readings con- sisted of aekctions from Bhakeepeare, Tenny- son,- Hood and others. The natural manner la which the readlnga were rendered, tbo dear. flail voice and w«**t> little lady wo* golden opin- ions from all present. The sleep walking scene from Macbeth was tbe masterpiece and wan rendered In a manner evincing acarcl'nl study and lirougbt out in a wonderful degree the power of dramatising. To ber power aa .a reader must 1st added the demeanor «f a lilgli- ly cultivated lady, and possessor of a rerun k- able force of attraction. Mia. Mlddoas wan In- troduced by Mr. Owi H. Gutters,*.. The 1mlI was finely decorated with the American and English flagw, rariVexollea abd evergreen, dis- playing mucb skill In the arrangement and re- flecting great credit upon tbo committee for tbelr eudeavors to pleaao tbe public who BO

generally patronise them.

AWomans' Suffrage Convention was held at the town nail on Wednesday. In the afternoon Capt. George H. Taylor presided, and addresses made by Miss Maty F. Eastman ofTewksDury, Rev. w. ii., Park, of Lawrence, and Mrs. Jnlla. Ward Howe, of Boston. In the evening, tin- chairman of the afternoon being absent, Mr. Henry B. Ulaekwcl! presided, and speeches were made by Mrs, Lney Stone of Boston, Mr. Black well and Mitt Hnldah B. Loud of Abing- toD. A collection waa taken lor the cause anil twenty-four names were given In Tor tbe forma- tion of a club. The speakers wcro all able and eloautat, and if a majority of then repreaoM the "weaker aex," it would be interesting to know something more of the stronger portion of human kind. Although tbe object is to form political clubs In furtherance of the cause, tbu discussion very naturally Involves the whole question of womaaa' rights. And while many may not be prepare* to commit themselves fully in its favor, the agitation of the subject will no doubt result II the fiiriner modification ot our lawa which discriminate against woman, and (O aome extent at least change tbe usages of afMefey to her advantage. The .meetings wet* well attended, and respectful 'attention was paid to tbe forcible arguments presented.

Ilieir hubjUtds, brother", or sweetheart* dual the voting fur them. Thl* sceun to li*. the trading nrgmm-M fordefence, but wu want u stronger ar- gument than this, before we ran, or ougln, to do il) Diet it-li tfil' women in Hie exeieisr ol thet tjht ..'HI [Tinge. It neo.1 not Uu saiil that nubile tuaeh- rs ought to ion-r ii|i'.n Ha- lotiiiininfly any prin- lpleu ot iiioraliiv, dill il i> never ilotihi/d, that veiv eunuaunily is safer and liappier whose

Wholesome ruien and laws are eutor. eil and

,tiplleable to women. Children seldom ■Wil otlluii own tree uill.lhey gnnt'm

■ivr the street*, eonsefjiifutly, If it i» riffhl and |ir"|HT lor parent. uiculoieir lln-lr at'enuaili -■-howl, ie It not right and ju-ttlist both men rum

omen Klmuld becowa pupils In liie groat mtliool " government discipline. This imeotiun shoal.I

he hronglit moro promlnenUv betore the pnblk', that, If there in any good thing in It it may Iw-

MM appanJU. The ftallnrdvale engine eoinuimr No. I met 111

IlrntlleuHall last week, and ctTccled a reorgaai- utton. Tliey will sinm Kl-t into their engine house, lately Imilt. ami w\,u\i liar been ver) hand omelj tlltol up for them. The odleers were

_hopen ii« follow* John Kallinvr',forcmnn,Ttu>m- as Mathers, l*i nsst; John Hullerw ortb, Jd ass't; ThainSH llutrhinnnii, eieik ami trausnrer; Jolui Morrl»on, nlewanl. The men Itelonalng to the eompauv are all employwl at the mill, and there la litllii doubt but that lliev will take an interest In the protection of theproperlv.

gsi TATB OF J081IUA 1'llEI.l'S.

.|.T (II* In.eii iliiU .qiLMiinteil tubni

JOblll A 1 lute of Aadover, in the

,le. ml

iMi-atiii iiflhcci IKLP8, ..unty of Esae:

taken U|KH M'ii iii.il Iriiftl-v i^vlns N>nd-, All persona having demand- n,..,,, „„- tir.ill ile.caned are rPo,uhtnl to exhilni iiml alt persona indebted tosuitlerfciLo upon 10 make payment to


Kaaex County.

iiA%aautbt.. lamiiel Cnasc of Ayer's village, fell on Mer

.el, Ttiestlay, hi-eaking hin shoulder blade.

eonnnunieatloii by

-.No" ilth. n iii;ui:.

Apply to.i. W.FusTKH, Flm i-u-ci-t, i


SATi'UDAV.—Although HMKJ was a large i IT ol'eiliuiiialr in the ipv-k to-dtiv. there »a-

K'l-y little bn~,in-r: iraii.a. Ky|. Ill- Ilvnoi uoiini'pil lli.it In- ilei-kaml bini.-ili iU>ireil I

i Ilo^l.ju liv the M" liain, i.n.l iai.ne.liaulv i ■ailing tlie roll, di»|>o-lng or (

— tHshion:—li

THf NoltTK Asi.u' Steven" Hall, i

Base Bull club glv(

tbe laiei-ny of aid, wan lnxiinl . haiuu.. .

■vfie.Mit.coi.tinueil until


Pro;. J. W. Churchill, On Monday Evo'g, Deo. 22.

■imgle Tieketa, wltli Reserved Scat*. AO.

Tickets with cheeks for Hi-nerved Scuts for saje at W. V. |II(AI-I-.i:N i L-it.re, on and niter Kri- day, Decesalarelfl. Door* opea at TJi. Ceuiitiesiee at B o'clock. nainst


By virtue of a license from the Probate Court, I shall Mil at |wblio auction, en Moxuav, Dee. 8th, l"TJ, at » o'clock, I'. St., on the premises, all the real estate of the late Terrenes Ilenrv, de- ceased. It eonslats of the bulhllng sail !■ sale saw neete.l therewith, siluatcl ua the corner of llaln street ami Kim s mare. The lutllduiR I* two sto- ritis and roomy, ami the stand lor business is one

_. Joseph Wil- who Is eharge." —"

irlnflaol till:.'

hargenrrtnttliigB nine ihiv, be giliag iv\< bond* I'nl' His appear. Hire to answer, iiinrv HflTroii. John Kellcv,

_in.l Thomas Clark, the v.mug lads who went found ye-tcrdny morning, a.-nil> tm/cn In death, sleeping in an' empiv ei-llnr <>n Common ntreet, were aim held over until Tue-.bv, when thev will hear Just how Idle ami vagrant they have been. These "eontlmiamW passed, Marv K. Collins stenpcil forward mnl plendcil guilty to being dnina, but stating she bel.ei- . . to unn- Chester, N. II., was given one liniir t.i gitt over the linn into ■tirnalle" Urrilorj". 1 ou ought to lune

pcraneu spell nt the House of Correctim went towanls the Spl.-kel, ami his Honor, neeom- pnnleil hy BlftsWki went towaiili tbu depoi.

MiiM'.u. Wlitihei- Ihu law-breaknrs betook

The floaiiiM (errias U'i»i-eii here an< lumiiurarily anapandBd on the bridge by of lite storm. All hr>|»> oleoniplellug the bridge IN fore Christmas is ubnndoneii.

The Bulletin snvs that a man was seen cmerg. nig lioiu Julia I*. tiiluiuti's wooneu building on Ihc inoniliiuof the lire, ami not two niluuk's he. 'ore Hie exiila.ion in 1'ivscoti'ii Block with fi^' tti'gthttfmPt-liipti* U* aims.

D. W. Currier, who died at llrhlgeport, Cunu., reeentl>, was a brotlu-r of Alpheus Currier m llavcrbill, ami tuvim-rly did Imsmess in Uiat city, lie was for iiianv > ear- a piomineiil memlier mid otlicerol Ike Ikaver street it. fc\ ChurcJi.lu 1U-

Thi) ilepublictm ward cuect at its* dty ii:dl mi't i.. aumlaawacttmlieUHiifor Mn> i.i ihar<SF|Mj.ttv*w-art roeats eat

Ward officers. The Itepuhlican City Committee e. :!! :il ■> in' .'li ileil at the last named eaucui-cs.

1'ivuf the Hiitli School graduates shows the » lii'ieshouL- oi qajtu a number of ma ng ieen

en who lonaeilv ntnlreil berr-Edwin A. ing, agradnuleol llmwa, U sludving |beuL at Newton. .V. J. Corning, A gradiiab- of

■luti'inlipK a sugar rwfluer: *sW*. tlmore. diaries V..

butit Is certain Uiere were in Hie dock this morn Ing, an unusually MIMII roll to be called for n " iday. Besldus, In the majority of

ALMtWItXItf:. The new Cntvary Bnptlsl Ctmrcli lii Salem Wh*

dedicated Wednesday evening. Tlio ■ ■■ :i-i")i oi lie- Boston A Maiuo Itailmad,

which was uslimaivd to cost two million dollars, has already co*t i.l.:.il.:;;: TO.

Tboltev. I. :--..■ i.i A. Drew, roeenUy of New- bun port, was Installed over the Independent Union Church of l.ynn, Tuesday evenlag.

The last granite blocks of Die Scott monument to Ite'erected at the National Capital were 0y

the offences was tlmt li h Inland commonest of nil limuea w Iwriiiu tbenccuneii Is always more Hiuned against tlian sluning. Win. Kobiusou, Thomas llenu, tlarlin U'Nenl and Mr. .Union, accom- panied by his agod spouse, nil received lliu alter- native t" pay the coil ,ii proseeuUun In green- back- and script or bv the -weal of their hi luringU thirty days' vacation at llmlarRe stone

1 -.ulrliiitf near the Splcket. An over.grown, lull Uarded lnimurall-t, named

last July. The in fore full posseasi the deceased will l-dn in the

srgnsl be WWOW of

iveyance, making Hei>erfrCt. Conditions of pnrment #*Mi at

sale, balance on the drat day ol January neat, when the deed wdl be delivered, or sooner If the purchaser desires.

UBO. FOari'KK, Administrator. Andovcr, Nov. IB, l»7;i. ullllUt

WOOD- _.. _ty virtue of a license

lite Probnbi Court. I shall sell at Public Aurtien, on JuiNl.AV, Nov. 'iith, nlJ o'clock,!*, M , on the premises, 41 sfnxa or wonni.i.Mi, lielonglag to the estate of the late Major Joseph L. Low, ueceased. It Is situated in the West l'arishin Andoeer. iiRarllagJtetU I'ond, and about equal distance rnuu Amlovcr Centre, Lowell and Ijtwrenee. A large portion of It is covered with Oak, Maple, Walnut, Yellnw l'Ine and Birch Wood, a part lurnlsbbig a lieavy growth. It ia well watered, good aoll and excellent land for cultivation. Kntranee on the West, near the house of Sylvester Lovcjov, anil on the East near "he Into reablauou of Joshua l'help-, deceased. 'ersons can examine the premises any time pre- lous to tbe Auction, and obtain Information

.espeellng tlie same hy upplviug to either David Jameson, or the subserllH-r, who has a plan of the land as made from a reoent anrvay. Tbo sale will take place near the bouse i.rMr Lovcjov on the West side. Conditions of payment, gJOO at Sale, balance on the first day of January Mat, when the deed will lie delivered, or umiiei■ M■ tie- purchaser desires. This fumldiea an oacellent opportunity for n permanent investment or a good • peculation

tiKOlttiE FOSTER, Adm'r with Will auncneil.

Audovei, Nov. Tin. ««

CTANT>INO WoOI) 4 TIMBER. Will bo \J sold at public auction, on TraauAY, Nov. Si, at 10 o'clock, A. H.,on Uw promises, all ths 1IAKI and SOFT WOOll and TIlIHElt sending on about SO acre* or laml, known as the "Kerry I'ond Lot," opvosllc Us* "Half Acre I'lcoe,- on lb* Mid. dlelon road, about half a mile east of tbe house of John R. Jenkins, Ksu. The Wood will bu sold In lots to nccomnio>intej and if tb* weather Is stormy at the time designated, the sale will tako I'lae.' tiie next liiir day. Teams Will be provltlud at (he Town House la And over, at 9 o'clock, A. at. ou the day of aale, to convey purchasers to the auction, and a lunch will be lurnlshedwhile there. Conditions nt aale.

Andover, November 11,1H73. nltH'Jt

John Cropsgaildeu ami a dlsoiiaitcd-looking spil stcr sidling herself Ann Davis, were charged with lewd and lascivious eonduet, and sneh wan the aggravating r-lrcum-tniices in tlie ram of Cro-t gad.leu that he was sent to prifoa lor six months, while Ami waa let on' with a urn- ot live dollar- without costs. Kdgar HU>VI-IIS wa- fined five dol. Inrs and cost* for Iwing idle nnd dlsnrderlv, and Ellen Prince was out on piidii.iion Im'tuw there

ns soiarlhliig cMiiiuatiii/ nlioul her earning off nne blankets and pillows irom the jail. " Trasiuv.—The (.uncloiis and well appointed

llillt- building which stand* ai the «ornev of l.mr- '•"—noa street*—aa cash- In the erlai

ipetired to IM as otmrina a gootl ... Wbiull IS> .'olllllli lee a si'lli ■

_ nlertainuiurua tor iju- IM-IIUUI of our eaflers, and ue acoortllnglv opeiuil Monilav

week a variety show, in which we gave short tahlraiiv from soveral leading uijinbial plays.

'—nr aaionishmrtit, Imjsaftlal reudcr, to rind lerlbe "lake Use hint" sug^sen'd in-out

.and forestal us yesler-lay by appropri ating our idee, of a theatre, and iiilrmluejin; the

>st i-isb.irali' of comedies and Irageilte* In «ne, ami three acU on tbeJadfcsil stage.- .We, know fblty the dramatic resources oi Ibises.

tablishUHSnt, were conscious Unit we eonld not ■■nmpeto with such exlraordlmuy enterprise,an.'

-'—ltasdswlons*wr*s^isiriba*trt.'al *-n-> -'- morning we evpe. inn-ntsst wiik :


Hilie lillll.lOlg ITIIIC reneo autU'ouiiuof Inal ua*.i-ar.|-et oppor«talt> in w of morning culert.i

Edged Pit) l'lalea, rioo. yellow and Ko< i deep Custard Plates, 1'u.lding Dishes, nw and Buckingham. Mixing Howl- in ... arsg TttV.. ..

5 KM itssl For

vellon mnl Koekfiflhi t'hinn, white, granite i Table CutletyTu wood, __ haii.lies. Roger* Tims. P la ted Forks, Knive. ,


Iwrt conceri. . einbcaciOK a were fltvorcil with n lileli in cotir.e.[ii.'iiec nf thi. . .

expetwefc atajt w* warn nst piviisred tra mark "f estccin which we received from the striking Water Workers, they nling into the *JMJ lerle* In a bt«ly a few moment-, before the buglu-

- large audleuc

nit .radiiu - cry iu ML ."tr

at Deln.it. Mu-h. Cluiries E. Johnson is o-luringntlbadfonl, William Uunroo Is urn medicine In Huston and to-o H. Carle-

i lunnura-t'iicr in llavcrbill.

wanled from Olouroster to Wni-blugton last wee! Ituliei t It. Hall, a graduate of tlie Audover

S*-miii;irv, was ordained pastor of Die First Con. gregalloai.l church in Wubboro'. S. 11.. on the 13th insluiiL

Col. Jonas French has introduced In his qrtar. rlesat liny View an improved drill which oubi hole two ami a half feel deep in solid granite, in □ ttoeu minuter.

Two graduates of tlie Newhuryporl Herald of- lice—«i. W. Iluse and David I.. Wtthlnglon— hope to graduate at Harvard. WiUiington U In tlie senior class.

Un Wednesday afternoon ('apt. Thomas Mauri, of Salem eighty-seven venrs of age, anil for manv years an nilleer at the court house, fell In a fit on Essex street nnd received serious injuries.

Thomas 11. Newli.ill or Lynn has i»v,i nouua tolhy tbctiavernoi and c.mtlrnicd by tbe Cout. Hl us a memlier of the Stale Hoard of Health, la place of linn. P. Emory Aldrlch, resigned.

Thei.rnndAnnv post al Ncwburyuort is are- partng font grand fair for Ihe purpose (if nhtgla- inga limil to erect a ••memorial halj." They have

iiiu'iml all g.imi'ling nssW'S ot raising money.

James Landers, of saleiu, hail the thumb and ' nf his left Imn.l nearly severed h; "

Rev. lieorgc It. I't.u i of Harvard lias accepted cnli in Ihe Congregational church of Hamilton tils and Heabrook, K, II. Mr. A. C). Corbetl, tlie llost.m lunaUc, has writ-

ten a drama entitled " The lii-ent Flro of 1IT2 and the Ituslnesa Men of Boston."

Iliniiliiiii, « !i ■ li;o. I-.-I n In charge of the Wakerield schools, ha* resjgoLd to acnept a posi- "ou in the Lincoln School, So. Ilostoa.

A man found ou Cliarleatowa bridge Hatuxibvy night, ami wlm died Hutidny morning, lias been Identilled MOaotfe Whilford, a painter.

A meeting was lidil In R.vston yesterdry fttr tlio puipoHu of making arrangements for the approach- ing stansanbuaeU* billiard Tournament.

Emlllc Mu-si'l, a young gentleman of French ■scent, iiltcni]itei! mieidt: In ll'.-ton, on TIICMIBV

morning. He sbot himself m the head, l'ecunl- iry embarrn'sment was tbe can ■<■. His womid rill probably prove ratal. Jesse Eddy, Kin,., the well known woolen inan-

.lacturer ami an old and highly osti*m*d ciliaen ■I Fall Hirer, died suddcaly on Saturday niU-r lOOU. Mr. Eddy had UM-II in feeble health for srvaral montlis. He was 71 years of age. The newly completed through railroad from

Athol to Springllelii .- f.u-ti -eik-lit miles In luugtli, and has seventeen stations along tbe route. 1 la noaiiiiai capital is »7<i0,ui0, (1r which tWjMljl U owned by Athol. The floating debt Is set down at MUM

Within two and a half years there have died In Blackstune seven persons whuae united ago* amount to fttf years, ns follow* I airs. Annie Tour idiotic, nl; KuiorTourtelolte.Wi/jilieiieeToucig, H); Thurber Warflald, M0; Lawlon Walton, >; nnd Stephen Tucker, Tfl.

The Jewett family of Boston have gicm the i:(uiKTt'gntlnnal Churrli In Winchester, their na- tive place, a fund or asooo toward tlio annual sup- port of preaching, and ihe Benevolent aorfotr a valuable tract of woodland to beoome a part oi the parsonage property.

Two suicides oocurred in Boston on Wednes- ■y. Mary l'lyHer, a nurse hitheCllv Ho«piui,

about If years of age, committed self destruction '-' :- loaiuialu a It of hysteria; auilayoisns

ied*.ludson Crocker hung himself atluT lroardlng house, No. 37 EdlnlH.ro stieet. He was dispirited ny lack of employment.

Ills proposed lo build a new railroad frou liclluunioAttiehuro'; the length so be twenty three miles; to run through nedham, *" -


The members of tlio Essex County Hoinii<o|>a- thlc Medical Soeielv, to the number of twenty aml Uiree, with invited guests—held by invllalinu of the President. Dr. W7 11. Lougee, their i-egubu monthly uieellug, Wednesday, Nov. IKtli, at his residence, in Lawrence.

Tlie member* oi the Mrrietv on their arrival by the vnrlnu* noon truin?, were ineL aL Hit: depot by llr. C. W. Ur,oU,who politely escorted UH-IH lo tlie

- e.So,— '

:, Wrendiain. i uien into liristol county, to terminate at Attlflmni,; fix tba gauge all feet *4 inches, ami tbe capital stock at three hundred and lift) Ihousaml ilollara., r, **k ,

Tho Ttoslnnft Maine VUftroaiJ (Unapany are •'lit ting a large and substantial round house at Exeter, N. II., whleli place Is tn lie the half way Stint where the change iu engines will lake place,

y adopting this location a saving of about one- third of the number of engineers reiiulred for through Portland trains will lie acconipllt.hed.

The aecnnd trfslof James A. Coe, the fan _ State street Ananeier, upon the Indictment* against him for forgery, waa assigned for venter. .say. It appeal ma. koWevsr, that Oea. KuUi tbe senior counsel for Coe, was engai

nice of llr. I.0UB1 1.171 Essen tit, wln-re that

m The sftth, annual rVunlnn of the fiulent High

School Association is to Lake place n I Central nail on Frida>. Nov.JMh. An oration will bedel eredlo Ml. Ttiouin- K. Waters of Sal: piK-m by Miss Nellie F. Thiirston.

Joseph st. Rmmet.thenctor, weuttn Lum last Saturday night to play "Frits." The house was entirely too slim lo warrant tin- performance nf the play, so the money was returned, and the "crowd"gracefully retlr ' Hani liim-tt!

itolre , sang of

..... released Mvtenbiv irom the no lion, and of her prowling round Co

street last night during the raging of the Moan. She provrd bersoil on the oecjision a iier- fi'clMij7fll-in.fluo,

1 and made such an Impress low UIHUI Ihe court that she was pcmviltcil lo wall. abroad, although a charge for drunkenness hung over her I wad. Ncgromuisirttlsv was nestlnoi- der, the end—the principal—man being an ehony- colorod geutUnaan, naiatol Joseph WIlllMas, whn t.Kik some two hours In delineating how ho was not guillvofaleatiiign poekei Imnk fiom lllinnl-i >oi,ig. Mr. Sci-i>; li.el 1ml In- wallel, - ooLiining *i0 on the show case of Mr. l.eo. II. nmlth's store, on Friday last, and the colored per>mi being In an approximate iKiallion to the money, ib-dlsappcai- nncewa^ nttrll.nl-.1 to Un- operations of Ethiopian digit*. Thorn was verr little portrv in the whole but It was altentiveiv observed bv the

Hose Coni- r Salem on Thanksgiving day, for the pur-

pose oi making the latter n piowint, In ankuuw- le. h-ineni *1 oourtesles hfretolore reocived.

The ■■ ent - in the Milem Normal School are IHU tie re-et, so Unit ill* may be HJMsgmg Into tlie main hall. The catalogue now •numbers juu. WJwn Mr'Hiigarlfgan. In l*tt, lla-so were 13* neat* r..'. I .'■■ |. ii ].!!-. Tlie school Is constantly growing.

Wm. Parsons, of T>cabndv, was knocked down last week ami rubbed of #i. The amount of mo bo-tlv did not coinpciii-nte Hie :..li].ei> for the flesh knocked off their knuckles. Von cunt find money about any one's person nowadays. H is a poor lime lo commit wihberlcs. ' ■ .1

The first military baud in K.sex County was Inaugurated by lliu Salem Light Infantry in Hep

inef, , and

'Ullge, Whn expressed !ii- approval of Mr. Wil. Hams' efforts, by discharging lilin. The renresi n. talives of so sa« s] wiring rlulnm Cminnnn sli

Sponus: Butter and FM Kalves; -hd f-

i.pb lflO Essex Stroet.

II varieties. I plal

. Knlv . Ladles for

Two pure bred Chested ; alxnml seven months nld.

■IIMKMI KtTTuini.i:, North Andovcr.

Hams' efforts, by dlsehniglnf tn lives of souse, spurring rlul fohn Kelley, Henry Heffrmi, and Thomas Clark, next gave us sjieiiinicna of Juvenile elocution. They nnd been found sb-eping on the floor of the club room, when nMcer ljulim found out that tlwlr ingress had ln?en cffeeU'd by their Liking Improper libertiOH with tlie Irak. The cliurge against them for being Idle and disorderly gave tlw vonng orators an opporltunity to display their talents. They talked the ln'tu-h into ecstatic.",— so at least did Clark nod Hefiion, as they were discharged,—but bell.■■,'■ genim failed htm, nnd ho retires lo tbe Splckcr. Cnirerslty for two months' further study. Samuel O'llrlcn wns ills- dinrged in the case against him for stealing a ont WEDN«l>AT.-jriiegoml effects of the non-parti

plcluusly i,i.in.-. .... t|[-u

1,-inl.er, I-"-. I ■ -■-..-, was urgani/iH]. The limti uuusits wureeiarlunfl horn.-, ha-feniis, a serpent, irum|M)ts, drums, at cymbal-, anil the baud was uuilcr the lead John Hart, n famous musician of thai dny.

A vnung sou of Mr. Conrlos M. Ptuumer, Of Newhuryporl, aliout twelve yeBflH of nm>, has had some inaliLii ination of tlie ankles, and latelv he Iiadasi'vcvemrgitsaloiieriition parfnrmol which iftiliiired rotnu live minutes for 11* eonrtdetlnn. Tbe surgi-oii wf-heil to administer oilier, bul tlie IHIV relured in lake it, dcclar-ior. Int couM bear the pain, and he did so without ninotilng. I'

In Pealtody.fiatnwlny night, a il.iritrg attemjit wns made to burn the hou-ej lieloiijfng to K.

with ker risen* oil, wn*pbiccd In the corner lurnicd by the I. and lupin paM m the housv, and ignited. II ntirarutl ilia altvniion of n prli'iite watchman, whoextlngulsuxdit lx-l>ueitcommunsfali'd with

lhTOTrGB. Tbe Subscriber takij* Ud* method to inioi in tho

chased and somewhat remodelled the tlrlsl Mill In North Heading, formerly owned by Eauics A Itulterilebl, he 1* uow prepared to do all kinds of custom grinding and Imltlng, In the liest possible manner; alio, ltyu rinur, Corn Heal, and Oats, eonstanlly for aale. Thankful for former favors, IteresiHN tflilly solicits a raiillnuancu oi"the same.

Andover, Nov. II, 18TL

barn and shed, together with about ton acres of mowing, tillage, pasture and woodland, and is

tuati-d on the -'Salem Turnpike," only three ..dies from Lawrence. The aoll Is good. It wil' lie sold low If applied for soon. Inmilrc of PE TKKMUAVLIK, Abbott Village.

Andover, NovemtWr 1'. lKST «t

alt**) Impnivenn'iit ou Mkln street ■ m ■nfmUbcd eon ditto*, W the great

I or Ihe travelling pobllc. It Is at mistake was made in this

I M the street, in tba opinion of 1 authority, waa well enough

Wbat has hewn tba effect of this 111 a.l- vlaad maganrf ? It has been the mean* ofad- vaaeaag lha market value of a vacant lot of land, to the isuussaa t lajary of nearly all the residents of the atrart. "tl la belleyad that no necessity existed to plough up the road-bed am I side wall, s to OU extent as now done; a far better pkin being to lay a drain In brick work, from the schoolboaae through Chestnut street, or Into " Swift's Brook," an arrangement which wo bare rendered unnecessary tbe removal shade trees which were an ornament to the place, and vastly batter for tbo Interest* of the town. U is to lie wished that at the an: town steering,'.in the choice of surveyors, that none will be cfaoecn who have an axe lo grind atlhe pnMkaxpanae. •


J. P. DirrrxuFirxi eat

Fg OR SALE IN NORTH ANDOVKR.- 'Vellows plaoe" In North Andover. Is o sale. It conslats of a two-story lio"'

no 10PFINS AND CARKETH. Tlii'lnt«l- ' noss of the Arm of Woodman A Crabtree has ted into the hands of the subscritier, and br

. ill eoiitinuu to luniisb Cofnns, Caskets, Rolws and othur articles couneeU-il with the business. irompAy and In the latest styles and finish. "" cot!



well, btto or Andover, In said county, wld decamaesl, Intestate: 'Ueroa», application bn* bueu aindo to aaii)

rt lu grant n letter of BdiuiuUlrntlnu on tlio es- late or said det-eased, lo Samuel II UoutweU. of Andover, ia the unun.y of Essex.

*' u era hereby cited to appear at a Probate l, to be **l.| at bale**, In said county ufKs- mi tin) First Tuesday ot lieeeiiil-er next, al o'.-liH'k lie-fore noon, to show cause, ifauy

, Jiuve, against granting the same. And said Samuel li. Boutwell Is directed to give public no. tirethercufhy puldlshinKHiiBcltutlononcua week for three sucecssleo weeks,in tliciiews|>n|>ere.alleil I.awronoo Auieri.au and Aieniver Advertln- printed nl Ijiwren.i, Hie last publication lo two days, at least, before said Coon

enlng, nere veil ngiccilih us tin ted lu 1 cd-

il IV

. ■ oi OUT- nine eiiiiiiinit Lneuiricn prise. He said It was a capital thing, ; only precaution now wanted to Meat* 1;

nen'l -iiceeis, was tho Ill-ion of Itepllldll

nnd tlie Its t>rnnn-

nen't success, wns tho fusion of Republican and Democratic newspaper elements In Its mnunge-

' He anld lurlher that such a coalition

towards the bjrlal of Uiu parllfan hatohef. In tin regulation of the political ufrnb* of "the city. Tla. nuinly couutenaiiee ol Mr. S. lairly bcuued with exultation a* he expatiated on the prospect or thus shaking bands over the sanguinary chasm, Which we could uot help recognising with a friendly, approving smile. In reply, wo staled that the matter should have our gravest and kind- Inv-l conafateratlim; tluit

"Jaiae* t^iilun,'* pr.moon.iil the clerk, "Voti are charged with lieiug drunk; arc you guilty, oi

isasg:"1 asked Junes in albmiali

appimrrrig, >r counsel for Coe, was engaged lu

['lifted States Court and could not posnlblvakU. the District Attorney assented lo a pnilponemeut of the trial till next week. ,

In Laeonla, N. II., last week, a alek man's aog went nut and beat about the bush all tbe after- noon to get a nice, lender partridge for him, ami Just as he reached ilia house at night, tired, faint and empty handed, and thinking bow be should consolftheold nun for his .".l-sppointment, a gi- gantic hawk Hew over and dropped, nlpioitat his feet, t*s»^e**aavnrlds^tiBWanU*.. T.'Pi

Tho new flshway oonstructeil by the lladley Kails Water Power Company, over tho .lam at Holyoke, wa* formally opened on Wednesday af tornoon In the presence or Ihe Governors of Mass. acliosells and Connecticut,and the IU Commiafc loners or those states, Vermont and New Harass- shire. The structure Is 400 feet long, and was designed by Fish Commissioner tllraekctt of Dos- 'Tlk.

In the old cemetery In Princeton are three raves of col.ircl men, burled lietwaen. 17*1 and 7!*J, forraaHyamvasWHo.,. K..*ee TiirV nVuten-

nnt-goveroor oftlie Commonwealth from 17U4 to IM, and acting governor for a short period, wfao reatdcil In that town. On the headstones thename of each slave is engraved over the vrarda "Wm I'—I of Hon. Moses (illl." Ofcourse tlie constitution >f l".*i freed them, but It would appear that thev ilterfardsres+VedwithUHrfenuarmastetv ..

Mewnurypnrl nas aiiouii.o o m aeetilcnts. i.e sides the fatal accident to Capt. John II. Spring, several others have occurred within a few days, " eorge Cutter had his arm broken by the falling fa slick of timber; Agnes McLaughlin broke or leg by failing fnam a led.to*) Ani*fW.Ca*ey

lost a hand In the machinery of the MuVnnomet Mills; Mr. Morse, the expressman, cut off bis lowers in t laf cutter; a Putnam aekeoi. hay ir<ike through the ice on Frog Pond; not to men.

tlon several runaways, one of which resulted In a most complete sinashnp to tlie team of Mr. Clif- ford, and ailnor dginage lo leain* that happened


. dcoraed fly Dr. Lougee'* partner. . A. Wilcox.

It was Hie liitcntinn ol !«■«. French and Ken It of Lawrence, Who had made previous arrangement *

give tho members of the Society and Ulclr Suer.li a ride through Ihelrenterprisingaiul beauti-

.il City, but mo'li.r nature liming ouito uliOK- Ktedl) i-ohed herself In white, it was .leemod t to defer the proposed ride till she should cant

off her present mantle and clothe herself again In living green.

Wu may thank a kind Providence that "It is an 111 wind that blows no one good." for we were

i privileged to see what but few, lr nny of us, evei enloviil, a virit lo the Print Work of Ihu

Ifie. Mills-Hi* largest mill in tbe Culled Slates, the flooring of which rovers an (true of more than seventeen acres, ami the largest mill hut one lu

Cmier'titc gfulnnUflf Dr. A. J. frenUi!w«4ero escorted to tbe Counting room of said mill, where the *u periutemlrut, John Fallen, courteously re- ceived and conducted us through tho various departments, aiid kindly explained Ihe delicate working" ol llminUJoalc and einvtiilli adJuiUxl machinery mere employed.

.StRMBClimttl .as Uw wonder less betghtiaeil tiv tlie fact, that

IIHSSO ubuice fabrics, which are so iouch worn by the ladies should go through so many manipula- tions of which those who wear them knnw so little ere thev appear so t-orreetly tlni*hed and beauM- Tul.

After tlie brief yisil.su Interesting and In* true- tire, we repaired lo the rrsldenee of BK I-o0ge<i under the dirvutksu of I>rs. Kraav b and Houtt, where we were warmly welcoiuod by our worthy President and his accomplished lady, who bad spread for us one of the eSMsessjt tables tltat It ha* been our good fortune to be seated at for many

Noiuss tlian live bountiful courses were laid up- flla4ahleere we llulsheil our splendid repast,

Inner man had enjo'. . Dinner finished, we refialml to the parlor,

where tlw BcleaUibn aession eomuaeaoad. Tbe Pre Ideal baring calhsl the uteetiug lo order. I lie secretarr, Dr. X7H. Morse of Salem, read the rec- onl* of the ilelooer aieetlng. which were duly ap

Dr. II. SI. Hunter of Lowell, was proposed for membership. Dr. C. A. .Norton, of Portsmouth, Nil., now read an Interesting and valuable pa oer ou ■• Nasal and llroncuial catarrh," It waa listened to with deep Interest, and at it* close, Dr. Sherman of Lvnu, moved thai the thanks of Die society b*trm*n+*lt* Dr. Narwafbrhh valuable

Adopted. r be requested for the s ' dupted.

atltiil upon Dr. (mermen t

■i ii" Herald -:r. ■: ■Iotv wu— '


" The Woman HnffTngo flo-


JOICHS, i,eoi]fp *. bswKi #,-.41101-, ■■o.c^i- Ol said CourL UiU eleventh dar of November, In the year one thousand ulght hundred and aevent) tkrar.

navltflv- A. C. UOODELL. Regiatar.

p f vjtrsK, v. v. H., IAM witb on \Ji WelilawA TwItebaJJ, «r lloston, wi-he* t> namainre lOttie people Of Atidover aad lielafty hat he ha* m*en DHMU la Hnriiiird'a builrllag opMnte the Post OfUua, arbare he wfU all* ml ia


In tbe death of tbe wtf* ox Mr. Uouifr J'oster. which event took yllat-e on WednesdaS' «.-liliig, 11 faeliag of aadne** and muumlug has been caul awHrWrRanag^ will b* sadly UuMnte.1. airs. Kostor was ref manv years a resident of lloston, and was during a long

talnment* weru profli'leni and cxcelkit above or- dbwy ablUty. ,..,,-.

" National Ureatoe**" wa* the subject uf tho ■lev. Mr. John Hogg** discourse ou Wednesday evsulnf la Uradbst flail. The spswker lanmuled tb* iDsraM of the band, whose presence, oh pre- vious occasions had somewhat inspired him witb

ttt*?b*ter«st lu mualcal aOklra. _ Kjoe, but tbu

Andover, July IK, ItfTS.



HAItD ANI> SOFT WOOD ! Making a -peclahv isf delivering it Prepared.

Orders received at Waller f. Donald'* Fruit and Kamiy Hloro, Where a lister prices can be ton ml.

t. r. loini.it i«. o'M1:l N. II. 11. WAKtiw KLL.

•■Dflielng drunk." ■'Whv, of course not. I only eao e liere lur 1

keeping. I had a couple or'nips,' lo be sure. 1 only came here to be la safe keep lag."

"Well, sir" In! Inal fine and the ol safe keeping fnrtlni

"Joseph Murray, wl charging you with dr _

"Well, sir, all 1 have ta .^,. •hornt'wlth my friend INUL Unit wmdil make a man drnsdt- 111 Ho !■". "

"Where did you come from and when: his honor.

••I came from Iloslon yesterday, to try and get something to do on the wnter works."

••Ifvou want to get out of the»sinall end of the 'hon/lo which you so easily wok on your Intro- duction among ns, pay t|io costs or go thirty dny* to Ihe llouac of Correction," nas the ukase fare- il.mslv pronounced by .fudge Steven*.

This embracing the moniii.g's docket, the court adjourned.

TlItinaiiAV—Perhaps the Police Courtis tho place of all others where lliu foolishness or weak- nesa of men 1* Issat and most frequently lllur. (rated—but In all our experlciicu we never saw anywhere one exhibit m mm li ludicrous iiussl- laillmltv.sotnucli l.nlo i~m,tli:iu o|<l Tlinina-llgiloii, while nil occupant of the dork Ibis nsanlng. lie was charged with Wickedly and imillcim ,ly break Inga pane of glass; when asked for what reason he perpetrated the of_-nce, he explained with a pout on bis lip* wnrtliy an iolnnt twu months old, (lutl ho- wile onb-icl Inn) to « ret up and fit," OT go find work. Nothing of dial kiwi coming invit- ingly lo hand, he determined to break the. Khu* ** a moan* of gutting to prison. The Judge thought thnt Bitcli a strung able-lsiilieil man could II lie would, do iH'tlerlK-yimd tbe walls of tlw prison, nnd told him tn go to tho contractors lor the build- ing m" tho wnter work's resin-roir, and preientlng them theconipliinenii .0 He lourl, demand the .1 col one or their shovels. If Uiey could not insist hbn he was to let urn next day, and tbo I'ourt would have hhu enrolled among tho nellve defender* 0/our insalled aag nnd sue |hat he woitlH have an opimilunlty or visiting I'ubun' Water*. Turn reports to-morrow morning.

llaniel HeUnv W.IS lllll'd OlKUll ciist* fur maintaining a linuor nuisance. Appealed ami iel.1 in *."s-i- Julia Ib'iirdon, a little aiil not quite leu vears

old, residing at the rloutti >*ldr, ili-cnvi'tvil Ihut In the pocket of a pair of pant-, hanging lu the clos- et, and lielonglag to a boarder In her father1* lmm-e, named Thomas llarrlgan, tlirre were two lolhirs. I mined Intel v mi making this discovery ibe re I mired to (he house near bv of Margarci l.eiiaon, the inolbei■ of three little children, aged

pecllvely five, nine and twelve fv«rs>jmd " "

I, I ■-. I.H. ;.> ie.|iie-i In the evening Mr. llluckwell and Luce rltone enterluiued the audi- ence. fMxLy iiersous iu Salem have pledged flilel-

estalilisbml.by an art ol Congruss approved b. PresUhm«Ueitru>i Washington, Ik aholisherl thnt Salem may have more political power and patri age."

A tieorgelown rorre.|Hm-lenl ,aj s "there IB tu pmsiwcl oriiavtiiKiinruldlUoiitothp list »f otir hlww inaniirarturciH, In the person* of Mr. Ilanlel H.Hnpklnsoii.laleut tb* firm, C. Stieknev A Co. tirnvelaiiil, and Mr. (o'orge II. Tenner, late fore maa of tar same well known Mmbrtsfimmtt. llr aiiekney IICIIIJI ills .11; lo remove hi* business from lirovelaad to Haverhlll, the two gentlemen inon- lloueil have decided to east their lot with those In tbo Mime business In IJiorgrtown."

l'nssengvrs on the Tlangor evpress on Ibd Hast-' em road were lOtrwd bat starthvl M ihsyj- bassM' Swnnipsi'ot Monday niornlur [o hear the ala-Ul wlUsthi of "down brakes," and a moment laUir to Unit the train running into the .Swampscot and Martilebead branch track at Iho rate or tklrrv miles an hour. A misplaced switch. Was V*B

the awlb'hman uilr-takingtlieexuress*— '- '- —is rono

dr Iwhiml, but whieh, taroagh the orouipl action of e—,_

ln time lo prevent

r*r being mixed up In the publication nf ol, -■'. wa* lormorly a resportable g

family and residing In lilonre-tei

setmol In ihe town. Atter she was belrnth 1. voiiiiK nut, bunt In lloston, »iie fall In love wish a carirenter working near her fhlhar'* luuiso; _, J J t-M 1- ..•_ - |lw,,.|,|„.,..«*

tid, a boarding tsiust 11

Mlddlanex Oourtly. KIWKLL.

he number of alarms of fire within the past few week hn« been unusually large.

There were 1 weatykleatb* In thksahtv last week, tliive eaeh 01 earlot fever, typhaT.l lever, ami couslllnptloii. \

The Lowell t'oarierls nmhbartriK Ute snow ' •ai^No. :r and in-

1P0S & r ipsM

of the kev. genUeman's argument mi which he claimed tu be Tbe basis and Inundation of all true national greatness and preeminence.

The power and g/ealms** of national prosperity could only be *n**m\irt*l aad ree.igaraotl in propor- lion as It* people were morally upright ami vir- tuous; M way ware guldad hy, and trustud ia Ood'* eacretf word) as |ieopie rueognlied ami obeyed It* precept* and commands *oWo«rM the aatfons of the earth be exalted. Christian men aad women were earnestly exhorted to niake deadly warfaiw agaiast bnmoralitvt to thruw around tbe youth ot uur uwn country an arm, powerful iu life and strength, which would aavu mem framiaasramt ■aaoclatb.ii, and lead them up- ward to a sense of moral obligation, Lo Ut* liiglswt Integrity and moral excellence.

Uur system or education, the speaker claimed was eicaUant, built jailed ju oua elumeut and priaelpsafarjVotevaiaatit; ta« head mily wasmadu

.K. A how." and atable In No. situated within a few step- of tile

«*rbl« itutg* liopot. Ilouae is two story, Ui. ughty bulntn mii.lern stele, with both room u rater closet on second floor,, marble mantles ■ood cellar, eon tains furnace, nice abihle, n« br two horses, two cow*, carriages, etc. Tlw

land contain* J) acres, with fruit trees and about 3UU Coucurd.grape Vine. In bearing condition- Price 1..W aireHonas baay. Apply mTIIIilMJN JUHSSON, North Andover. ocllOHtdecl

Bulro of discipline, while tlio nun ..I attribute* aad feelings wore shut out Ho argued that much

3aSSmmtaMmstE ■along the Judiciary, was 111 e on soy, 110 ace or put-

only brain dlawnalons, leaving out all other ipial- iac*Uuns, such a* Imnestv, integrity, and sound moral Christian character. Those who hekl tlio right of suf rage were greatly to blame for not taking a higher estimate of character. In those whom they would have to rule, ami who make

■—-a oar lawa. Women, he Mftfj dH not jrefore he would not tmforc would aillniKl) gi-Liiiibc,

Our pensile hare always takenh ffenj.of sureialssaHitghlr. Hogg, and thny were well idSlliril sni T""*- §—**■-' -'"■ ■•'- dlseourse im this occasion. Wo are perhaps 0 hood oa the ipaeslii have wall ground, constitution and -

Id- .li.

of' I .mill.■ HuffrRge, but WO

hanca, wa shall grow *oiue, and when tbo womeil


Want to rote, I

J. Sofas,'til/nges I Ptrlor Suits.

Also, dealers in all kinds nf


FURNITURE of mery description, whi.li they will sell at the


Call and see Ibe Patent matls tofjlf «E.

s. H Aweti.it males avary TIIIUMIW


Vapta S. ill LI. A CO.,

Car. Anaeahstry sk Baaaa at..I^wreana,

I rely nvu inn'ilie eldest girl to one side Informed her

knew where to get some money. Lmin - ' the mrbrmatloa w bar m»i


dniiKhhtf Imparted the larbnaaUoa ta hat moihe,-, who, iHM-koalng the child toward, hat sal.IV'.fidi,. M>II go and get that two dollar* and we'll have 1 party. Hurry up!" Julia wonts* instructed, am firiiiKiag the money, wante.I to know what sin ,.lioul.| do with It. Some besltatloo seems to hav taken place, when It wa* rellrved bv Julia nnsn hnicdlrgoing lo the cloaet amlbtafctga bottle w iili wMM she went toa rttm-bolc oa Daraan HI. kc|>t lie Mrs. O'llrlcn aad purchased a nail pint or whiskey. Uaturrdng WlW tlie liuaer, a ah wssproiluecl, and Julia, with tho nonel.nUi ol an experbmceil to|>er proecciled tn ireat Ihe liuallj. ohe iti-M olTered il In llaniel l.ctiuuti. Ihe lather, who was present, and whn drank il to the charcoaled dregs; next to the mother, who also swallowed It, and following to the eldest twelve year Id, hlargaret, men to ibe boy Daniel, nine years, all of whom drained their glasse*. HarliiK aome vague knowlrslsM of what me "O. I'." prop- orllesnf Whiskey miaul, she diluted .1111111 lUjuoi with water, and in pie nice .1 the Infamous par- ents, administered It to tin- Infant child not yet fire years in existence.

Tlie parly bacaroe hiiarloua, audJulia tn keep 1111 Iho Hilarity wonl out again and brought from Hark Vsulstau's another lull pint of whiskey which was distributed round ns before; mi a third


The subscriber 1ms a supply of CO A I, of differ- ferent sixes anil qnallty, Which he will furnish rnstomers at a reasonable price and short notice. Order* may be left at JOHN 11. CM AMU,Kit's I'erledhal Store or at my residence.

JOHN rilAMH.KH. Andover, Sept. MBTi.- 1 ,


Notice Is hereby given tluit Uie sub sea duly aiipoini.il admmisrrntorot tl sno I.. Hall, otlwrwPkuj called Jane 1.,

ubarrllif-vhae f tlie Cstib'iff

Jane I„ Hall, otlH-iwiMienlli-d Jane L. Halmund. lalu of l.awrem-e, In the county of Kssex, (wife ot John ltnll), decuaeesl, aad has taken u| him self that trust by glvhiir limd., as the law dlreela. AllpersousJiuiiu^din^uudsujiuu^ieeJaHidsAltl

.. iiicoaamt aa . .._ seir that trust by gKhrg UnVhi, All persons Imi iua dcinuud* uimu I decaased are reoiilro.1 b> eihlblt Hi IHTSOIIS ludohti'd to said es '

isaaw; nudi


farl proelaliiM'il hi court, that every being In that huute from the father lo the fnlunl e.hibl, wua raalaeod to a state of hclplesu Intoxi- cation. Tho residue of the stolen money not MM Julia held In her lutnil, and when she Is*, came drunk, .bo let II fall but saw the Irf-nnnnbov tick It up. These, facts becoming known to Julfa

enrd.oiV parents, a warrant for lareeay against tlie mother, Margaret l.ennim,W4M lssue.1, re-ull. Ingin her apinaraneo |bl*morning. Herdslenee Wta the sMtament that she was not present nl the scenes nl ills'lpiili I"si rilied, lod was out look lag for work at tho Kver.it and Paelfln Mills. Sheenuld not account, however, rnr the whole three hours *ho allrgi-d hi haTo been absent, nnd

-JJiidgingliergulhv, rlnod here*) and . 1 11,..mi. in n "

- Us* sfarlilrhcad train which 1 ■II..win

pel ivrsof the society

TbePraaWeatuow open tlie illscu**iuu ou tbe L Interesting debate now folluwVd, parlicipab»l la by Drs. Sherman, t.'u.hlng and iirean uf Lynn; lirs. Cate and Horse of »*lem; I>rs. Cummlngs, Foss and (sale or Nawburyport: thru. r*e*mh. Follows, Lougee ami Scott ol Lawn-nee; Dr. Whiting of Dauvers; llr. Morse of Marbleln-ed; Dr. Holt of Chetsea; fin Meah-* of Newton: l»r. Brooks of Clinton, and Dr. Moore of HaverhilL

Ou motion of l"r. Cato the following rosolullon wa* unaniraously adopted!

liefilreil, That (Ida soclely tender Its mo.i In-arty, f M awl grate rut ihan'ks k> Dr. and M r*. I^mgeii for the verf eonrleoini and «unr)>nmus r*> past with which It* members nave been provided

^ ** inn, L.H' r-.,iH,r ncfrr -|iofc.i v him. We bad no oldci'Lion Lo ., WA we protest against the in,- r In which he obtained lb

On inoliuD of Dr. Cusblng tlie tluuika oi tbu soci- ety were extended to the several homieipathlc pirrstrma. of I .a wren re who had aided to make our ilr*t ia*)'tlng hare *o pleasant and auone*aful.

Jir. Cummlngs offered tlie following! That the thank* or till* soclaty be cotumunicatail to the tupcrlnisxuwTtof Usei priat works, raerfle Mills, for hi* kind permission to visit the works under Ilia direcUoat adoasmd Dnanimoasly.

Su motion ot llr. Cusulag; Voted, to meet lu •m, at the house of Dr. Cate, on the third

Wednesday In IH-comber next. A.IJouraad-

X, IL Uoua, M. IJ., Sec'y. Salem, Nov. lh, 1673.

■ - m *»m m . OTTT GOVBRNlaitNT.



Our Whole Stock Below Panic Prices. Our M, M 1-S aad TOc

Black Alpacas and Brilliantines Harked Dawrn to H, a» 1-t 1 Hit.

Fine Double Width Ctushmeree,

IN Heaatlfwl Gwlawa, at BT 1-»c.


nut, (former price TBc and fI.


from 3*1

Fine Frtnch Diagonal Goat's Hair, • I, Marked VowMfrwan f.l.*lt.

KILK'ANIr-WOOl. RpmGUNRS, Hednrrd fr.w. #!.»-. !••• l-» are yd.

MERINOES. THI8ETS. PLAIDS. Ac., At a flrMl niirouai.

SHAWLS, At »»i raw <-..!. DlaasuH,

DOMESTICS, Way i»»tv-f, I>O-TH.


w>w M Tt.UK



VTn bare this day npeueil lu connection witb our very large atoek nf


A linn In all alias of

K.ADIKSP FUZ.I. FAflHIOriai. rstDKg.


*AT,I, AlwT> SKK THEM. -«


Black Alpacas for 25c Per Yard.


lo.'unii'nl-, lormorly a respectable girl, of ami residing In tiloueeater. rtho

aliout isluuousler tweaty-flvo yearn

li iieii<ttia*Niibeln<tae nuke a wlaler serial.

Merrlmnrk and Hui

d.ler f«llli< upon Urn. "• . "~

It- F.—at Use

Tlie lititehi-r* IIII Jlerrlmi III clo-o their simp* »n fl ay evenings nf each week, at . e < iocs. In tie-l.mu.iii'e mill*, llonjm morning, Kii-

u.inl II. Mint hud Ills band can^lil in a joinliim ni.ieiiine, Mi-niamga iialnful lajm v i icnf hi-

Aii eiii|,l.icc af tbe Ipideton mill-, nnmesl Hvl- -i.r -in. kham, snrtalnad a aavare acal|i wnuful, icudnv, by reason of a ta"""

bead. llr. Oarl* attended nainerl

heatsaf bnljWu'iirei .turdav that fears are entertained that In. may

lose his eyeifght. In the sii]-i-ii..r Court nt I.nwel), afonday,

George Hi I ward Curtate, Us* Iwy Wuiisidc at Ac ton, last Julv. waa scnicnrcl t<> the Stale Ileform school during bis minority. It Is gansrallr be- lleveil that bin term m'. iinflnesHnl may be sliorl- enwl by good liebavlnr. He reeelveil his sen- tence In aa lmllfTereut and Rbmllsh manner.

Two nice little l.uwcillioy* who hadn't any sled coaxed a big dog ii|i hill Monday and when Isv turned In run back, aiuii-ed lli.'iiKelsna by erab- l.iag hokl of hi. tul aa-i ►ISIui^- dawn beautifully. The Courier says tlie little boys are not so haeuy

. and that tbu |>uui 11 ould have srurkud better HitliairiKxlnatiiredilng- a dog Hull didn't take *o much yrldu la bis tall.

An adjourned movtUig of Uie .\Jiit.llos*x Finrth Medical society from Oct. :MKh. at whleli lime chargen of a t.r.-aota of uMdloal ulhlcs were made agaim-t aevernl luemhei». and an exdllagiliaeuM ' "i rrtlliiwe.t, wa* MM lure «n Wedne-dav and

ening with closed doors, and wIC "~ ._mv*b|f f*--* lliat 11." in adjusted as re tbu shade an to Uie

i I'n I il let111 i nt | ek river

agonl, have HII|,J, ri.i Ineoriioralei. ..._ in oration fur damage, takiag of nsier alK.i-r 1'nWtucket Fall* iu the Mirrlmaek river for the purpose nf tbe water work* by tbe city, by a written rruuawt, directed to tbeMnynr, tlou tin. in t. iidci 1,1 Umm a rea- FoiialilecoaiiH-iissuiiiB for dasmtfst la Miu taking,

a»«K»«»MM»fif*tt* river liank at several |i»lul». iH'louglng to lh^ I.en'ks and Canals coiiijuiiy, for Uw eoantructtoo of the water wosks.

MMMS\ WWMk H9M1D1 mmfc'lU'llJra.cfc—- ^rfiMJ«f«HMt W.'k''

and the public kept 'ily disicnsiun.

ad Canals ■

IFVoinrte mmMW "Jsmmm" nflnit jTmsmm>1

issuguaamJtt^,isA CIan of the hiirncil illrtilct from till* nOlce liv-

ing a barefaced lie. llu nollod at tbo oDice -,ml reriuchlei! a proof oftbe plan- the man in liarge declined to let him take it uwnv, e.ivinsr it vas ooutrarv to onlera to allow miythlnguf Ihe

kind to go from the office before printing, The reporter, finding that the man wa* Posted, then rrvnrted ta a do«n-vta:ht Un lo gain III* ends. He said tluit one of the edi torn lold HI in he could nave it, when the truth was that the editor never apoki to him or ever saw hll" ■ hi* taamur the plan, ilcr handed man tier

In general imswtr to tbu above, wa dkslre almply to say:

1—Neitlier of tbo two reporters of tbe I^ITT.

nee AmtUKAM wlio i'e|iorIcil the Haverhlll '■■ for Ibis uiul other pa]>ors asueil any dia- iiin or aaj other uk or or tlie Havi ruHl •• liul-

loilii"—iir any other pan**. J—They knew nothtng of any diagram in

m " Utillciln'i>" possession until Uie clerk In ctinrgc of tbe cilice volunteered tbe Informa- tion that tt was In type, took a proof of It and gave It to them.

3—Tbcy cared nothing for tbe " Bulletin," and at tbe time of calling ut that oflco had In their posses-lion two diagram! of the burnt dis- trict, one m .ile by tbcmielvca art a poatal card tho other drawn from the Insurance agents maps of Hat or hi II by a gentlengn in Uie offlce of l-'i .inkIe A Jenneas, and one of which they used. There wa* sio Malm or desire on the part of either reporter to have seen the editor of (he " Bulletin" or obtain any permliilott of htm, for the "Bulletin" had no facts of any Importance;

j In regard to the fire until It got the Boston paper* the next morning. The spectacle of a lieaten neas^fHirreporterpleadlug the baby act la a aomewbat nntreo.uent one and, ID tbo case In point, no arc not unpleasantly -reminded of the young lady In Marryatt's novels who bad the misfortune to Imcoaje a mother be- fore she waa a wife, and aaked tbe mercy of the conn on the ground that" It wns such a little Ihlng." The plaint of tbfs three-pounder IIJ.-

peals to iwr sympathies, We tppreclate his agony of spirit and he ought to pray, first of all things, to he given grace and understanding b» know how to collect his lava! news, which will be asking a good deal of Providence. If a great tire bad broken out In Lawrence at 3 o'clock la the morning, and two ■ rangers ar- riving here lu the middle ol the forenoon, bad wrti»en out that evening a fuller account al Ibe Occurrence than we onld succeed In making In thirty-six hours, bad telegraphed four columns of the news to Ihe-umrHipersaud tbt Associated Preta which we couldn't do better than appro- priate for our own paper next afternoon—wt aay that, under these i-lrcittnstance*, we should feel badly. But we should try to bear II philo- sophically and get up earlier when there was a

An ocrasluflal item of laval news Is a good thing to bavo lu the local department of a paper,and as the "Bulletin" gentleman iu question hu received ny popular vote In Lu town, a 030 pea and pencil, wa suggest that he endeavor to work out of It some lucid ami orig- inal intelligence of hi* local afsaln ami lot get

* llaverliill news by the way uf Lawrence d Boston. If aay man regards the AMKUI-

M as open to Ihe suspicion ol having obtained IU diagram of the burnt district from the " I (nl- letla," he will be disabused by comparing Ibe two diagrams as published. The " AKIKH I -," diagram bad the merit of belag correct, and tho difference ta-tween It and the Chinese poc- cle that decorates the " Bulletin's" account of the (Ire I* as marked and obvious a* the dltTer- ence between the " HulUjUn" and aa wterprig I log newspaper. And we remark In com la-ion that If any man upon tba " fiulkUn" can ever nnd a clerk on the " AMBUIOAS" with the Jolly greenness to go uUcrliig iwoofs uf uupublnlicd matter t» strangers who havn't asked for them, the" Bulletin" will lie most welcome and wc shall endeavor to keep stitl.

Tu shuw how utterly nnfair and foundatl.iti- Icss is tlie attempt «>f irnr llaverfaill aaartib.* to make this paper appear aa drawing ujxm Un resoiireei of the' hnft.tin, we re-publlsh to-day, the report of ihe fire as It appeared In the Ant: IOAV of Moudgy, thai our Haverhlll resu^rs may (iimparc its liillasssof detail and compltb nets, with that of this ADNM journal ot tba asm

neighbor la gratified with the cotn-

,, i CuMMll.t (XlVM'IL..., |. '' -'Ttniwhiy, Eren'g, *ov. i*.' H*lt. I

Tlie Council n as called to order m ', i •> ■ o'cl'k. rraal.leat Sargent In Ihe chair. Absent, C.san-.il- iaenl>ane, Haraer, ltasaaU, VYebatar aasl liaura-

am . . Heading of rroc* ds (tiapeosed with. Notiee was ordered and sent the other Board,

luformliig them Uiat Hut Common Con noil were rsagy t/e*ist>to eaavem.ia for- tin ohKaaa M five director* for Uie I inlu-.rinl Hcbool for Ju veil Ie offenders.

IN lliMIMIiiK.

Mayor tn the elialr, who stated Urn object << Uie convention to be ibq eksoUon of flv Uie ImthstriSJ Bcihoot ' Alderman Balmier* i iinifijiniiiH Wuod 'leie appointed to collactNul, count tho ballot*. Tbe following gentlemen, were chosen us directors, each by separate ballot, and for Uniterm cat yeaia agaiaa*thoir wmiea.-<4lit- lloiatlqCi.lIeiTkk, five years; Hoy. Johu P. UU- more, four voars; Ker. Georgo Packard, three yearn; Fred K. Clarke, hin years; br. Timothy Hulllvan, I'IM' year-

Tim olijee t nf (lie emi venlimi bcind a.-complished It was dissolved, Uw Alderman ictlrituf to Uieir owu apartment

IN CnMSIiH riii'XIt.. Come dawn, petition from l.ei 1 Kmery lor WJt

pensation for damageii eaose.1 on his Ihiia by the •peraUons In the Interest of the water works, In lUTS-"!;. referred to committee on water worka, I'clltinii nf Arlington Hills coi-|.oral ion lor BUaU m«sstof seweessn*e*amaiil| re*\ I red- ta uesaasiavss on sewers and drain--.

Adjourned to Tuesday evening, at one *|0artcr to eight o'clock.

If you want to save SO cents on

the dollar, call and examine the

Immense etock ot DRV GOODS



They have MARKED DOWN their

Entire Stock to Prices compatible

with the Times. Ton can only

form an idea of theae Pacts by a

personal examination.

150 Pairs of Wool Blankets, at


1 Case of Sergei, at 33 1-3,

worth 87c.

50 Pieces of Black Brilliantines,


Colored and Black Alpaoas, at

25 cents.

Shawls, 8hawls, from $1.50 up-


Colored and Whit* Corsets,

62c, worth fl.

Frtnch Corsets, at 91 par pair.


Dry Goods and Carpets.

A. W. STEARNS A CO. WUleoatlnue their U&EAT SALES by offer!**

their stock of




rrom the First Coat of tbe Uood*. We would ia rite a careful comparison of our tiood* and I'I i ee* by partleawho am la ths habit or not aalr soandlng tbetr money la Boston, but use their In- laoaoo with taalr friends to rblkvw, Instead bf patronising home euturprise and thrift, wawro Ibey can and


Than In


With B.atOM lu Rich.... .mi t'.rlrl,.

A, »M* Ml an


Oar Btsl Quality of AII-WDclVigognf: Ketluo-il flroDi ,1.33 lo '.:. ronu.

AmiUMMW IIIM radimdla»■.,,mt OMV*,1 Mr r«l,iwl Ie » ud lli MtiU, ud All


Full Boiled Lyons Black Silk*

lln.h. II..H) -H.de .u.l M.dc to O.d.r.

B1R0N TRUELL & COS. 3411 & U5."> Essex Sti-oot. / )NE ORANU ENTBKTAINMKNT



"Tb. fc*.l r«.d.r of Tr.,rtl, and lo.n- .d> I. tk« world." -I.I.M IM»« TIMK..

"Thr Arll.l'.w.rdrob. 1. ... m*,C M«ft> NltVMa. o.d oo.lly wo.u MUOU Ih. •!.,.."

1.1 V 1.HI-IHII. HBHCI'ltT.

G.untl.t Kid., 11.110.

Mantlet »nd Jaclc.t., a Largo

Variety at Vary Low Prioea.

Hosiery, Glove., Neck Tl**,

Ribbons, Lace., Gimp.. A Full

Variety of Small Ware.,aoldmuoh


NOTICE. Waahinuton Milla

Remnant*, in Boavere, Flannels,

Cloakinare, Broadcloths, Pant

Oloths, Vv"aten)roots, all Half Price.

Just received from the manufac-

turers, a new lot of Fun. Bimlne,

Baal, Squirrel, Mink, Aatraohan,

Lynx, White Pox, *o., in aeta. to


CHILDREN'S FOBS will be sold

at the Lowest Price.



Tn isi.si.n IM. ;-i it-, ii i:. 'I'li.> I..HM111.'.' 84., Eliot and Central cliurcrsns, wiUitbe */reab)'U- riiiiicLuiirli i-l tbfs city, will AiiiiW l» lioldint ;i rcHgiuuj. service on the laorulngol' Tbanksgiriug •lay, the -'Tlli in-1. The exercises will be held In the Lawi'i'iice street, eumej', at liaU'-past ten. A.SI Tlje seriuon will la, pritached b> the ltt-v. i'.,H*i atunger. All aiveordlgily JLnrlted tu in- ini'.-ini]

The management of tlie Bntrrtainmrrnt Bureau hare aeeured this eminent artiste at great expense andasmrre the piiblle of a rare entertaininent This entertainment Is NOT IKTlIKC-JUKSk%and the beat seat* can lie bad by the early application at Stralton'* store leadittrsO-fllt

llfiirml Haata OStljr SO r»*.


o.partneralilp laralgwcal and of Barker A


all j for tfin .■•mrb'sy shirwu ns en the occasion ol our visit to j-uuri ily, iKiniliug jour serious oun- llagiiinuaHumlBriBOramg. But nsoeu MpaMaHy ■ oulil wo rtiiiemlicr a» our fast Irlemln our INTOUI'

_ m or the " Ulty or Uarerhlli" r). V. K., Co. ."to. I. for tboir unceasing sUeiillon ami lio*jii tall lies. And while wu hope wo may aswar baw* srooaaloa

ilmll not forget that •* we owe yon one:* ..... ' laWkasf af tbeUeanjaiay.

f»«tM^^BWE IBssTamWWa.

parison, It la unite welcome to tbe credit likely to be gained by iu effort

Tlie Wakot>l,| rlrln ivill niukti li-lal ul Ibe ■Hiiio! Mwloim.

Rlias Sa-i-ii nt Itlll.-rii

ifwliiehnrfinowln isress. Itoanl alter Thnnhsglrlng

II hour* per day plan of

llev.Rlias Sa-, ;' Hill.-il.-n lias in uressxiil 11.11. MfsaMJ ingillrlwc, of lin«il.a, igY gaai-l.-fi nlin'li will SlioitU In; puliltabud and will IH: oi general laL-i

costs Ol llie firm- iTli.ut.

—Messrs. Townscud, Ulutlgott & Co., tbe well knuwn UuiiJry uiou, ibn.ieily ul Auicsburv, urn BOW ia readiness for business la this e|ty. I lie srrm recently pun based n lot of bud on tin river bank. Bear tlw Wnkr street hrlilge, an<i IIIITS ttncej trecte.1 a imllilfng, at led with tan- cbloery, atiit every fitrulry ror carry Trig ou their business, In the beat melbnd known to the art,— for laundry work has ataiulre.) sack porfeothm that It Is worthy to be classed as inch. Mr. K McKay will still act as their agent tbr this city!

Mrs. Bally tJOaofl of stniietiam, wlM hrmnrht smll-ireeoter *|II,I..I u tLnuvaga* for perxmal Injuries reeelr,.,]!,'. i-..ii;..* inn. „ bole on Nortli CoamtloHaffHssL Uimngri negtlgenceorme town I" k.'SVina the big Im *, in a iaie ,.i*tsi fhr sratvllin*:. hainiK r«i.veic.l n lenlict, tlss ISMIT ha* btsM ..'tlli-il hy tlltibiv. u |.ii,ing 1^1 #1.111.33. Tlli'isij- menttoMrs. liil-i istrs In nil about *;ti\»un tlil* biwn has I.iIi<l itiiii.-pasUu'oi-rwra lor Inju- rlr* on aoeouiit of ilatwWN bigtiaay*.


Tlieni U a rtrlttlnus society In Houlli Boston i-iilli a Uiu Uate uf Hi-..■..■!! MHijuij. „ (,

The tliatasj * Ailwny lls-insaa aa* sssssen limn siinil ton* ol'eonl l.iil mvny at Worcester.

TtMdrM vkilni In thin Ice, ihi* aeasnn, wa* ilrownoi laCo] nl, S. II., otiSatunlnj.

TIM- "Boston nnig Milb" hu gone Into volun ary iMftkruptey upon iietlilnn oflta proprietors.

1 . ll.siiirraj'sMlll.iii.'i.tovi-r tin. l-„,k f|r,','l church, i;- i.,,,

U'u^ine^^ J*fotii5e^. W*MI I:II.—A Tonng man of this city destin sbtaalliin as laaik-kceper or assistant. Ail-

dress " Isxlger," Mil. LU l'bia street. atl'no'Jl

.,?iV»,SjT?ffll.*.W ■i.i- per yanl urn | ■anl. Ill

IT ia not the great calamities that embitter existence; It Is the petty Trsntlons, the Ihtlc iltsappolntmcnt*. the small every day troubles that make tbe l-cort heavy awl tbe tsiiipcr sour. Now avoid everything that will lead to these trembles, always u*u lleach'* Washing Soap.


siU.lr!.T', pKiiisov, dres* maker, rutilng by Taylor's system; all garment* warranted to " ■Jl.i loowell street, near Broadway. '11» tl.

Siftia. <)*J.-ln this clly. Nqv. JLHb, a lUugtitrr U Mr. .1 M. . Henry P. Doss KOWS.~la.ibla city, .Nov. IT, a *o» to Mr. A Mrs. K T. *rownr

I IMiA I. In city. Kuv. llHh, n son to Mr. A llamTlndal.

F I'I U i il 1

flhtfil>i$*i. i:tti. SYMMKS-TBOW.-ln Tewkshury. S.

by Her. (t-.t-ronid.. Mr, Was. M\ «>u.uies. of li.'-t-m, tn Mf«* rlarnhTC Trow, of TeWksWry.

rtAlti;K\T in \li\.- i„ Boxford, .Nor. Wtb. at Hie n-Klileiii-,. m Hi.' iirl.b'** Cat ber, by Uev. 8. II. t.aiuiuell, assMetl hi Itor. W. o. 0)AU!lu, Mr. < luuatsN.tjAirgMiioi'Wi'st Atrnwlinry, to Miss Hebecra K., ilaughUir ofllea. Rsmuel Bitby.

in A h Kit -Hl'liTT.-ln Haverhlll, Nov. istli, by Barrows, iit>l*U'd by He

___e. Ito*-*-»*.*—*—-' ' AhbleA

(i(H»l)ti.Vi»W-itlllL-«*)l>»i.-In this ally. Xov. is. l.yltev. tl.W. Perry, Mr. Rssaek f'. tsossassgotr or Tolnlo, i u.l

' l.llV. Il'il' I

It—bt, ._.. i. Y. Wright, _

Miss KmmaJ. Hope: SOMKKtt-1(KitVBY. -Ia Amwver, No*. IB, Lv

Kev, Charles Huillli, Mr. rrunk l>. .Souirrn. ot New Haven, to Mi** llatlia 1'. Hervey, of An-

huratolbre existing li William liruiiity, under tbe H Urundy, Is this day dlasulved.

l.awrenoe, NOT, M, UTS.

t t K01U.K D. AltMNTKONQ,

269 Esses Street, Lawrence,

Offers a* a speelal bargain for the opasitng of rail trade, a large assortment of

HI.AOK ALPACOAM At lower prices tlian known for ten rear*, at I

tallowing prices:

33, 37, 42, SO, 58, 62, 76,

OUR 42 AND 60 CENT GRADE Are Kslra*r*lnarr Bu-galjaa.


BLACK BRILLIANTINES claim to ha the bast goods of that Mass

ottered to the trade In t-awrencc. We alto are reoelrm*; dally

NOVELTIEtS IN DRKMS GOO In Lww Prlaes aad Fma (loodi.

OVER 4000 YARDS DRESS FABRIC, In New ant) Kleganl styles,


Flannels, Cottons,

Printa, Caehmexesi, fto. In aimndance, ail al uur popular low

HEAVY SHEETI/tO 10 TO 72 CTS SHAWLS in Woolen . Csshmara.

WOOLEN OIX>TUB for Mans and Bova wear. In law prtea* and Ine K-IU.I... Tall are alaaiaiHssI at wmaswaala awrt- aa*. A large aasortment of

Yarns and Small Wares of all kinds. Maehlwe Twsen. « Marts

Uwasl «p«l asssawsasm) <*aTJ yd*.) ska a assaval


No. 9B© Erwox Stroet, GKOUGK I). ARMSTBOMG. iwrence. Rept. S, MTB. tWtf


SOKIIIHIU for November npenswltli aprofusery llluslraurd article upon Lonlslana, and will doubt

attract as much atteulluu as his prorlou* pa- tm this loplo. Iu Uie some nuuiber la a popu-

lar science paper ou "Savage Man," with ver) striking Illustrations; an iuterecUng aJ^eteh, with portrait »f I'roctur, UisfeoK'lira ted yeu'ng r.ngll.h aglrOMW now In this country, by John Praaer, i rrMi|e'ss*<«sjMl paasrori an Knglish Abtsry, I; I WtiiclithuWatTylcrinsumi'tlon I* touched dpon {

a timely and able discus-Inn, by Prof. Atwater, ■ II l'iini.|imu,.,i tlss Bgcie I'axaient ipsesUon;

' blur 1. Hock," a story. a poem hy Bret Harte, en. tilled Luke (m law IMondo I'ark-ismi); att«a i.i.ii.mI'.u of "fJarilsm Inspoin," hy J. W. l*roaton . mnl conlltiiiatlnaa of Miu* Traftnn's story "Kath- arine. Kurte," an* Nr*. 1 >ari'» "twlbirn MtrJtar*. ' In. Holland, In Topic* of the Time, .li-,■„„,.,.. "Soiim llti-lijrlou* 3trw*napers," ''nos/lslon for Wires ass* Children." "The American Uentleman ofLrtsajas/'and'-llaw' Hneh haslaera tlained" towards Christian b'uion. In "Tbe Old Cabinet" than la PTka House on the Co raw r." "Tbe ('iimmohpVaW,'' "Thr Invlelble Hinge," and

sublants are "1* M,

l.l M iiMli. in Andoyar, MOT. Jltb,t;iiarbis Q I.uscomh, iig.'d v-'t yrS.

KIHFPIN.-I11 Uallanl Vale, SOY. Hth, Mary I. bulftln, sgul 1 yr '"

At s)iM, »I.T«, ta, ga.aa and IIH l*ar Yard, which will prove to be from Mi to 78 cent* under prtea. and we can raeosmnmnd them to tbr- consumer with entire conftdenre. Ladle* wNt Bnd a vary large and choice aasortment of





Blue and Black and White Waterproofs HST, ALBU


And Kull Varsrtg of Ijvlia*1 aad CMI4sw*V»



A. W. STEARNt *fc CO, **V%^'"'rK FUNiri.tCOTliHKS. Tlir

¥Y Tenth Annual Course of tba "White Fund" Lecture*, (free to the industrial rlaase* of I-awraneel, williiomiwaaswi on Wedne«my tin*

'Hall, aad continue every other Wednesday log, anUI live eonrasi or ala leetnraa ta sMrt-'

o tbe eorporatloo* as heretofore: to others, bv ot,attliaCiiy Hall, oa tba Bntnedav arVrnoon Cor to each lecture, al l( oTloek. Tleketa for

clergymen of l.awrnuu will liu reserved by " Clialrmaaot tliaTriisWr* until 11 o'clock rm

murtimgof thaleattuai If not tlian ullassi fm ■ .. ..1 be given to others. Tlio first Ircl ure wUI Isa (TiT.ii hv llev-tieo. H.Hrpworth, of New York.

hi. U. WHITM,, 1

MMffl: \T""*"' Ijiwnmo., NOT. 11. Ifll. . .*

228 & 230 Essex Street.


(loi «»« Purls* I''I'UII<IIS.H.J


a an* UsacnlWiak-

i: I! It S I T U R sT / ■

EAHTK8.-AI Die Bute l.uiuillr Hospital in Wor- cester, Nov. j.iih, Knrab K. IMIM, widaw of the late Tamo* Ki.-l^ ami ilnoghti-r of William Bailey of AmluvtT, aged :I7 yrs. Her remains Were taken u> Amluver for I

FOSTKR,_ii, ibllanl Vnlc, Nov. Ifftb, Mary .I., wife or Homer t'onler, lined .VI yrs.

MKIIIIILL—In Mi■llnu-n, Nov. «.J», Mrs. Ilnr riet, wiru of the Lite Kaoch Murril1, aged 1*1

■'""Vi -^n.smsw wmn i-rnarr**™, i*a on.'.', ami Kf-hlnas, > ,:,.i,i nuipy brleHy ircatod, Tbe January mini HIT'S win liava fsaluri'x ofai^lai Inl iier A Co., ftxr Interest. Hrrib

Funeral at her late res tiiiien, Saturday, atlo'ol ivn-ii.l- are reapaetfully furtlier notice.


The Board of Mayor ami Aldermen will be In session at their Room (('Ily Hall) for lha purpose of taking names of Voters lo lie a.t.lc.l to, and correcting the List* or Voter*, on .Saturday Kven- Ing, November iTtli, and Mon.lay Ksenlng, l>e- cemlssr l*t, from 71 to t)| o'clock; and on TUBS-

day Momlog, Isse. td, from 7J b. f\ o'clock. Attest: OKo. It, ROW*. City Clerk.

UWftsaaOa, Bor. n, MRS. ffnelldsl Jno« M-M I Apply

Black Walnut Chamber* Sets!



.IT OUR aaWMfcasTl WA.MSTHO*-.«S,


where we are Ct-ofllSU OTJT a largo stock of oi owu maim fat' lure at ISIW i-uicas.


06 ftntl OV Friona 8tn»t, l In Haysnarhrt 8q.)

WIIH, Ksr a Isnanllus-Inowe, to noeirnimiHlate T* M or tliefr sjsssaslisa. The hw*r« to give a guar- aaU'e that the tH.ni-.liuK IH>M*U will be kept and i-ondarsMl In a sMMsMsmff SSIUIIKT. Applh-aUnns lol>»masl*toih*siipeilriteir.rSiit,*t *i>e mill, J. IL I'UHttY, ('Hawaii. Ontario, Can. n»t«;ti|»w


Aawfl isropplag* Isa ■■>• Tkrssat, CawtUsmam, Ntraaigllwg*, Pain 1st th* ■»*«, Laliu, llaaalach*, I'laalai saaaa, Oaursel tty las ssflkw


CATARRH RKMEDY. Ta Messrs. l.rtTLWmilt A CO.. rroiirletor* ol

"CoastltuUonal Catarrh Itamedy.'' Manebeslar, N. IL : I reside at Manchester, M. II., aad pre-

viously resldrd al Hemilkrr, sml era a native of Woare, this btate. I have had Ussarrfe twaaty-.Tt years, aver ska*. 1 was 11 year* old; bad H bad alltawllsa*. It rts. all that swrtod, aasl alght* it woulilHllupaaddrapd*rarammy throat, cans Ing a ftwUsig of nsssklssj. so that I wswld spring ap liilssd to sava my*»trlr.i« slrsas^latioa. II af- fected my bead so that I rest ossafiuwd, aad waa tr«abl^I«lthsaTsswls<4ulark«ai hisarvass, fee a waakat a lime. 1 also bad bad pal a* In saoukters lsv-k aad kidneys, from whlek I sasTemd Im. mensely. Bo bad were they, that a vsar ago last ■ uiamar I was obliged to lie m bet! saosl or tbe time ror threa month*. I have tried aB kinds of snur aad Catarrh rstmedlea with am beneskt, ami nonsullad p hy■lelaa*. I h lag Msj^T I bagaa to sake lha CO*SSSJ*L larrb fasaady bust Aaswat. I bagaa ta grow twt- icr brfora Mlshlasr ths atrst bo*4*s. I am now oa ll«' third iK.ulr. My Catarrh I. cured; my health I* mured. 1 bars no itaiae, aoasss or eosigh. My whom system Is made over new. 1 know III* tan* airilklne that ha* rtweaed ma mim Inssasaaasmr- la| ami ssaaoat tlss grave- 1 am now able to do Hie luvrdost work aad baar the graatsst •ai-uanre,

too mack la la ror of teased y.

K.J.VLANUICiW. Manclieater, N- H., Feb. I, URL

I am M years old, bare had Catarrh erer since I was eighteen years obi, and baadaofaa all the lime; have snfltsrad beyond daseripUasi with ran. u.rK at trw uo-e, diopplngs In tbetbro*U,cboklog* «rnl strangling*. Have tiMil any i|Uautlty nf BE tnrrh rlemedle*, bat hers found no relief till I tried your Constitutional Catarrh ttmnady, six month, ago, I found Immediate relief.

Catarrh and all it* attersasM arils have left, Hrndarhr, Palaa ia Lotas and Back, Dlsainoss. te*a m* Appatlta, ami tieneral Weakness, I.e*«

IBM thrs-s Irottla* *f ConstittsUonal CaUrrh Bam- K\y IsaVF cared ma. 1 havenot beaa so well sinea I can rcinrutlssr as now. I feel as If I noa Id BO* say tiHi much for tlw medicine, or thank Uod too heartily that through Its Instrumentality I have t 1 f frrrtljii

MARY M. ABBOTT, Bo. I" Msiichester Corporation.

Manebeatcr, M. IL, Jan. tl, 1K7J. Tbe alioTe lady Is my mother, I am a painter

hy trade, and am a member of the City Council oi ManessMter. Mvory word Uialmy uiirtlirr state* I* true- JACOB J. ABBOTT.

Hundreds of rases or a stmltar nature enred within Urn Last year, ttm.g* ami I^dion* are only trmporary rellir. Tbe IJONdTITNTIONAl. CA- TAFIRH RKMKI>Y strike* st the root, bulbls up llir constitution, make* it new, an,| drives away lamrrk aad all illMei.eisi>rihar

HOllrIK Ft lit RALE OH TO HRMT. . ..nniii'iiiiiii- .im iin.j- --ii-in. 1- >'.i stroet. Is

iifl*ri*« mr ■ale; Hoonlalns II raosas. ami la lur- ntssMd with a ranoifv, ass, soft and hard water, ami aa rimrswlenUv aminaeil for rlthsT one or two fsnulifsi. 1.,ri ri.M0.hi- l.'i.iss) met. If net Nol.lsade.lt Will !«■ li.r rrnl no niin year nr more.

ly to W. A. UIIBANT. n.ivS|lvr»if

HI. back, kssMMsMi kldrssrs i .'rietigl per llollli. i-.ihl hy all IhTlgglsi*. _

l'smptttst of tt pages, glviag a Traatlsa oa Ca- urrli, sail ronUluiua liinumerabls eases of SBJSJSSJ sent s-RKK, by ai|dre**lng Ihe pro,*rt*Hor*,

I.ITTI.KFIKLBS *k> OO. nlllfsant* MANCmil...

rorsaloliy E. II. KKI.I.V. P.MstOMca

WANTF.D. Mill hnlp, kt tbe Canada Cotton Uaiiuiaiiurlng Co., Cornwall, OnU

rto. Hplam T-*. ssskWeH. »knin Winiler*, niw-sder. Tender* aad Wnever., Wood wagn wfU I* paid pi flrsl^la** .I|MTHII v.-. Applv to J. It. I'KtfRT, Agsat, Cornwall, OnUrlo, Canada. oMIStttw

VIOKLY KtlRNIRIIEnnOOM TO i. "I looking upon tlM* (i.inmoii, and but P uirs walk rrom tlie (liv Hall. E mm I IT Otlee. ociwi'Jlf



Notsfe Is hereby given that the aulnx-rilwr has ;-en duly appolntedi-sii nf n of tbo w)ll ot

HUTU W, WBHTON, Iota of Lawrenne, In tlie oosust) of Ikteea. wktsrw

IMeoT ..III nenona aorlA. IIIM».IU ..mi U»«* SMMAMl, M. MlEfdl, MUllll tlM nil iKT.ii.1. Imli'liloJ lu .Alii ..Ut.', or. lolloj noon . to moke ii.piu'ol to

USD. H. MKKIUI.1. Kxi.tl.ir. LAwronoa, NOT. 11, H7*, noHiii3i*


From 75 C.nt, ta SIO, at!

BaimrS ]43Bsaax«tr*at.



I kave now in stock a full line ot

New Patterns for Fall Trade Of

1873. E. A. FI8KE 275 ES-

SEX STREET. ■ ' ■ ■ . ■ . ■■

1 ■

■ ■

1 .. .y


I We hare Just mad* larsj* acldlttaii* to our




The price* we have aat .post our Goods are lantsdly low.

for Ladles' Wear.

In Millinery we hare everything that l.edleer* qulra, and la price* we


Onr stock of Lsdlas' Ua-ler Wear ha* ****** largely addad to. Price* b>w. Children's ami smlaW Uader Wear, Jaeaau, ete. We earn snp ply ladkw wish

HATS AND B0NN»T8. la all style* aad at tb* lowest prices.

laUas: this a speeislty and east nrralati •Tsry slyla rwjalrad. In other ueuarUassit* our stock of goods cannot 1* *ur|>a**r>d.

HAIR GOODS, Bsal sssd hamttlon. AB htads of Dress TWnmlJtfjr

RBAI LMM, Hamburg Edgings, Hashes, aad Basb Kibl Jewelry, frrfumM. rtomelilea of oar price*

;ol here from the following lint: KM (As. "" for gl.tt, we nlll giveaway tor

>,whlch were sold and are worth ft. 1, trawl" J

„ _»r*-oU, wuir ulli from II f.»1. wu will cent*to«I.H. Ttip-r are

Tbu bast Corset star* In Lswranoe.

r got here from the following list: Uak sobi for n, - mss. B*Rs,wMch IrwlUUltl. WOWlU glv*

I'srsHols. whisb wara sold flic and sav

&**bs.*Wctill and see" :„ Stamping for Kmbroldery. f


M. 8. ANDBRBON. ___. — , 1 ^-liL/a-W


KEKORKNE OOODR. Hall PeodajM ( hanrtelleis, l-rrkln Honses'Samty, Fart

Hall aad raetury Brass lamps. Atw. IIs Lamps, Paoked Brass tsimps, Broags and lib I*mna,rromttre***U«ie,alJOHMC. DOW Co.1* Class aad Croekarr More, tea Essex IB.

■ ■

!■ BOAHD or Aijamttssm, I Nor. loth, IB7I. t.

OuiESKti. That the rilitsn* of Ur* several Wards In tba elty, iiuatined U vote) an thjsAaW'n directs, ba notlaed to assemble at thab rs*paetlTe Ward Rooms on riKMnv, the seooml tkty tf December neat, at nine o'cloek In tlie forsmoosja then sad there to give In their ballots ror a Mayor and sig Aldermen, one Aldermen to be sKtstotwl Irom each ward. Also, to elect by ballot a War. den, Ward Clerk, three Inspectors of sUarHon*. three Common CouiirUmcn, one Assistant A«*e- sor, ami onellrersat-r nf Hie Poor. Also, forth* legal voters of Wards rive and bis. to elect by ballot, two sohool Cousuilttoiinon In eadi of tkssir • respective wards m surra tbr lha tana af Un ec years. A It to lie balloted for oa asm ballet.

Also to five In their ballot* " Y*» " or "ste.", npon she iinestlon of adopting UutpUr 1A*>as* lha Ast* of tlm legislature far tka yiar U7'. «aiitb*-t "An Ant to confer a Veto powor on tba Mayor* of Clues," on a separate ballot.

The fells to ha npaard at nine t. clock s. tl.. aad kept opea aatll roar o'clock r. Ba aad ao laasas HJtnolllsaU? w**rM I («4I


I T AN'' I 1 Vassl

ANTKKNS DKHKtjrR.TIIBltLAK, cappatscrua to bnm Kero-ent-

I lalMB globes lo match, at I «'■.'■ Kerosene Lump Store,


Our Sj?i£e Box. A green The child whv cried for an boar didn't gel It. A Boardlttft Establishment—A Carpenter'*

•kop. WUfti wineOoei JKklovebaitt-Why, Fort,

of coarse. Who U the tint i»ijr mentioned In the Hii>!■> '■

"Chap. 1." When the spidtr left tho ark, did he walk or

Uke a ily ? The Large*! Orouud Kent on Record—The

earthquake. " Yon don't do that again." said the pig tu

thii boy who cut hie Uil off. The man who wax "above hi* I m sinew'' bail

juat gone ap tUIn for a few minute*. A Fact— A London milkman feel* at helpless

M a danring mauler wit boot bin pump*.


Eflsox County. 1I.IVK8HIM-

Th« gron* receipts of the Library r'alr acre BtWu aud the net receipts *:.-.••>■

Mayor tmtlley wlH »«■ T*ry sti-onaly urged for re-nomination ami It i. thought he will consent to be a rundidalc.

Win. J. M. Htc-le »nld at au.Uon <m Tuesdnv the 0r.tpipr.irtiirOI.lllavvrblimri.iip-f.ir *I0 ami tin- -i i-'>ii.I lor *.'■■•

Engineer Urunell ha* left the city and taken up hii i ,--i<l.-ii'i li-inu; in Titunlon. years rifely iTcnlllled with Ihe linverhlll Mr,- ltepartuicnL

The net proceed* of flic Library fair ore H,- m*t, of which *(W.ao wa* for season ticket*, ♦ Tlii.il lor Mi.gle admlseion Mfkott, «K11.W tor arth-t.'s voted tv>r,»l!ir.,:il for .ddc .how* and art gallery, BW.*7 tr.mi the Imok table. The total receipts wire»l,«Ws.nl.

Tbo Haverldll rvirltuallnts have resolved " laa] Sctuallniu Of r"n-e Lovolsiu m DTMalwd and pracUatil by Mra. W.MxIbull wi.l linn- Hull aud Ihclr dormer-*, mr no more n purl orHiinltunllahi than MormonIr-in, t alboli<-i*in. tlopuliliianlHin, Witiiian Buftaiao* ySm mumnam. awl should be left f> ii ■ ■ ■■!■' ■■'■'! adi ■" "'■ '

The iii.in lii-.i i lu'.n .,r ll:ivi.|-t.ili UeobaalOi i- . now Tully organised, Jiavlai k* head, mart an. over

When U the fall of night like a hoy being ] the ,..„.! ,dii,.-. ..n.i i- u. lull w.irl.i..; .-r-l-r. In Mil .U o nlu. liiil- h.»l< uBI.er* an- ITf d.li-ul, Lorenno > ruM; i i.c prrsl- Wby. wtien It raises IIINenoni*. |j~j William n-nr.li; aecrctary and irea-urer. whipped

\nakl ■ hydrant. Is a *peeta.-Ie to nake an oyster I mi).


age impn He*. ML

Ni-wbunMMli M a .all I ly.uln aalaryof •!,**).

" Hashand, where shall I gel the licking for our new feather bed ?" " Any |dace where yon can get the tick."

A buy editor In Ohio road* all lit* exchange* In bed. He And* it the easiest waf to fill up hii sheet.—[Louisville Courier Journal,

In paiilng through a dark limtiel on a 1',-nn ■ylvanU railroad, a woman'* voice w a * beard exclaiming: " Don't you fool aronnd a pistol In my panler."

Scene IB Court: Judge.—" Hare you any- thing to offer to the court lie Tore sentence la passed mi you ?" Prisoner.—No, Judge, "I bad tan dollar', hut my lawyer* took that."

" How doei that look, eh >" said a big Hated Wall iiraet man to a friend, holding up one of hii brawny band*. " Thai," raid the friend, " look* aa though you'd gone ibort on map."

Panic baa ao far abated aa to permit an KIMX ■tree* man to return ,lo ten rent clgan.andhe hopes In another month, if the brightness con- tinue* to Inrreaie, to gel bl* hoy'* hooli half fotad.

Magistrate.—" You may have been intoxi- cated; but the officer testifies that you were not *o tlpay a> not to know what you about." Prisoner—" O, If I had known that WH an objection, I could easily have taken another drink or two."

Chicago want* to have, the next world'* fair bold there. " In the lint place," aayi the Ho*- to i 1'oai, " Ii ian't certain Ibat the next world will have a fair, and In the second place those who'd be likely to attend II will prefer a more j ag^^jJHJma1

plon* (own In which to celebrate." r'lunkelana—i A fact M u*ual.)—" Plea«e'in

1 with to leave tbli day month'," " Very well, George; but what U your rca



gpetiiii-l Jfotiiieji. UAKKIKOH'8 1'ERISTALTIC LOZ-

IWUKB. Pleaiant, frontpt and Effective. Two taken at night move the bowel* once next

■lag. I'alike all Pill*, they never cau*e pain etiulrt- Incn-BH- »f do** Pi |ierfeel a cure.

...ay cure lleiularhe, Ulixlne.t, 0Ppre»i>lon al- tar Katlng, Sour lU«ing. and everv evil arm but from aSmmn *■'> ladlg*«Uon. Warraausl in all I'MM of rile*, Hther bleotlhig or Mind. Trial box B eemt*. Large Iwi tH) cent*; nmlhxl free lor

r^EjSaUiOJI'B ICKI.ANI) BALSAM, ulendid cure for Cough

'l by^idrTtggltt*"' "oSTiiniEb

taraencva, anil all Tlir->jVt»ii'.l I.NII«. ii.Lui.t-. r'-r-nb- bv K. s, IIAKIIISiiN A CO., Proprietor., So. I Iremont Temple. ROB ton, and by all druggltU. oSH luiab

PHATT'8 ASTRAL OIL. AtwolUtelT wale. Perfectly «dorlee».

llluiniaaU'.g'|ualitie« *«prrl< Always uniform. to gaa. Barn* In

any i:t inn wit limit danger or exploding or taklna tire. Maiiuracttir.>.l expre.t-Iy to displace Uie w Of volatile ami dangerou* oil-. It* aafety under every IMMMIIIC to-l, and lU parftJol burning '|uab- tleH, are pruvwl by lu oouUtiued unv lu over ;wo,- OUO famine*.

Milliuu. of gullou* havelH-en .old and ~~ - dent—dkaclly or Indirectly—b*B *—- linn. 1-iiniiiiK, -I..vlngor luimllhig it

Tlw iiunieixa yearly lo»* to life and property, rerulUng from the u.e ol .lieau and daiigeniu* OIIB in the 1'iiiit-rl Dtate*, i. »pi>i»lll*»p.

Th« luturauce Compaob-r mid Klre CommlB- ■ loners tliroughout the couiilry recommend the ASTRAL a* the. haat tafrguurd wbed Uinpt are ute.l. send for circular.

Kor sale at retail by the trad.- generally, and at whi»le*alebyUiepi..prletoi>, (HAS. PKATT A CO., ]« Pulton Street New fork. aflrtOmiiALny

l.i - hj A me*bur' billiardhallitii'1:iiei-uire.oiir*t-Biiii nit- a -i«. ring school In proB|«onl.

St-v era I liarrej* ofab bavearrivetl at tbc AIIUIB. I.urv .tepat, laltela.1 " Hop Tonie. a healthy beve rage, goo.| for rautlly U»e."

The Ame«burv Klre Dlatrlct trle.t tlte BOwW of I carry the hydrrtnla on Monday, putting on ulx #treain».

' | Everything »«« Biili«faelory. I A eorre*iK)iulent of the N'ewbni-yiiort Herald

i.Tnelv Balatertlh** hiuiMdf vonr* truly, " Kuiai et --.■ni|.i-i Pro It..II.i 1'ubllco.

Lynn propoBut to dUlrlbutc mi unexpended balance of #:i,iuu ruUed for lb.- Chicugo It.'I iff fund pro rnta among mibaerilter*.

Po*tiua*taf Low, of Gloucester, baa gone t» NrVada, on a three weekt' vacation wad the poM office I* to be enliirgi-d ami Improved.

On WiiliiCKifni- Mr. .fiune» Woodman of Bftta, bury died ol erj«l|n-l.i«. which opmng from a till In hit hand, made u Idle .In-.Biiig * pig u Tew day. Mbr






Have tailed and proved It* wonderful curative »ac Btrengthenlng propertiee. Tbouaaml* who have uaed the "Tonic" can atteat to It* virtue*.


JUiring Die I lh. of JalT, Alii U'liiU'i, tin- remainder of our atocl



WITa, N> IHHiDKa, Kta.

Will be marked down to *uck prloaa that will in Biire a *peedv BI.IC Let evpry man, woman and child, thinkli'n of buying good*, looking for any kind or good*, wanting to look and *oe If

f. McKAY ii doing as he Advertises,


THK 1I1MT mvi'JtTMEM! No Fluetualiontl Alwayt Improving in Value !

The Wealth ol the country in iin.de by Hit! Advnuce in Iteal Estate

NOW IB THE TIMi:: Million* of acre* of the tlnenl land* on Ihe Con

tlnent. In KXHTKUK NEBUAHXA, now for Halo- many or tllrni never bel'orc in tin- mill Lct-al pri- ce* that UKKV COMPKTITIU\.

: d 10 Vn ditQiv > Interetl at 4 p*r<

.t -

Tbo IJtn.l liritnt IIOIKIH of the Company taken ut )iar fur lan.lB. They can now be purchased *t n large dixununt.

*i- Pull imrtii ulnr- given, newUuidc with new MapH mulled free, by ad'lrcB*ing

O. P. DAVls, l,i.n(i Coni-i- I\ P. IL H„ Omaha, Neb.

-il><*d Or

On) Hln Vial 01 HbnwlM. • l.ttl.UA


.*., ,10 .lot


On hand, and your children will never be *lc)i liwlll irutaatl'y cum aour •loiuach. dyaeolary xriiiing In the lmwel*. wind colic, etc. *Jlve* re B«f lu tevthiug. Pleaaant to take. Contain* no opium or morphine, ltetlevei Ing, not bv causing it Pt (It health amf Ihnlly growth will

ItilH. Price 36 will* |

_ ohlM by _. aa Ita reitore.) i iBdlcale. Sold MMM. by ' 11 N :' i-r"■ ■ I ■

I I* the bent preparation In the world for bcautlfv- Ing the comiilexl. ti. It Impart* ■moothne*. trunii- parencv and rosy rreBlMUUii to Hie xkln. Cure* all eruption* of the face. U not injurious. Sold by drnggi-l*. or aenl hv mall. Price .'*) <**. per box. Ad.li.--»MII.1.KH ltlit».. ll:lMi.|.|.-n Lane, New l'utk. Bfptliumoa'aniiny

" Well, mm. ever *fnee I been here I've only 'ad butcher'* meat once a weak!"

" Once a week I Why, you have |beef every Sunday and mutton every day; to viy nothing of hare* and rabbit - at nupper!"

" UaKer kill* hi* own mutton, m'm. 1 don't call that butcher'* meat'"

A certain Ruauay-ichool teacher wa* lu the habit or making a collection In hi* juvenile cla** for nihtalonary pnrpoac*. He wa* not a little *nrprt*ed, however, one day, to And a bank- note among the weight of copper. He wa» not long In finding It to he of B brokon bank ; and on aaklng the claa* who put it there, the donor wax pointed out to nlm by one who had *ee him depotlt It. "llidu't you know thai thf* note wa* good for nothing r" mid the teacher. "Ye*," answered the buy. "Then what did you put It In the IMX for r" The boy coolly replied, "I didn't *'poie the little heathen, would know the difference, and tbougbt It would lie juat aa goou fur them."

It U f*id that the poet Hoorc, while stopping one day at an Inn In Scotland, wa* continually troubled by tin- landlady with the rctjiunt that he abould write bercplupb. Therefore Hi night he gave an Impromptu a* followi:

"lioed Su*an lllake. In roval nlate, An It ni Mt li.-t al lieaven1* gate"—

and slopped, promi*fng to ffnUh It In tbc morn- lug. Tbc good lady wax In a tranaporl at tbl* Inacrlptlon, and treated Mr. Moore with every patalble attention. In the morning he wa* abonl leaving, wbeu the landlady reminded him Ibat he bad not flttlabed the epitaph. "That I* to," aald he, and Immediately added,

"But Peter met her with a Huh, And knocked her latch to Ueutebub."

It I* *ald that Mr. Hoorc'* bor*c« were in mo- tion iuit a* he had rlnlihcd the i.i-t line.

, ..„ llo-ton A Maine It. It. have put on at. a.Ill A.M. train for lite aceiiumiixlatioii or Aiueeburv inlmbllaiil. wlio.il.jeitlo rinlng for the train ill C....H A. M.

The work oflaviuga new railroad track on Uif enrve near Powiiw Bridge, ia' Maii*bury, 1* com [lleUil and paH-.-ngerB iirerelleii-il ..f the troiible .d changing car*.

Mr. Joseph Hovl baa been Installed conductor of then;train on the Boston A Maim- road from N. »l.orv|iort to HOBI.IU, Mr. Buyer, the former cm I nc tor, hnvlng rei.igne.1.

There ID a man In Sawburytmrt, trial visit* the iHiat nltlreat evi-i-v mail, iiml if lie receive* no let- UTB, lakcBiin ..hi Inoii bin po.-k.-l uud read™ u* hu goes tbroiigb the ■ t ■■.. i ■

The TruBtOM of tlie l-law-x Agrkullurul Society I ;lt >;il.in mi f-'ililitv illid icvl-e.l the i.tcnililln lii-t i.ml id ciicl in-..ii.i-iti'iiin fromlimuit desir- ing the next fair to be held wlui tliCtn.

Albert Holt'* " Kanny"wa» nmtehed against Illlaui-lctlklli-'" lllll"all[o\f..r.|. In-twera, to

trot to wagon, beat 3 In 1. '-raiin)" won In three straight heHt.i. Best lime U.1.1.

TheladlcB ultbe tilouuastar Pemale Charitable Hoclelv InU-nd holding a tea parlv, at City Hall, Wednesday evening, net-cinder IT. (the anniver- sary ol'tnc overthrow of the ten III Boston liar-

ltav. Mr. Locke, of the Pne Will BapliitL'htircli In Salisbury, ha-ret|ii.-ed hii salary Bli'i, onne- ouat of tho hanl time* ftir his peopl*. 'Die hurcb I* prospering and enj.is init i. revival ol ellglon. ThelMtrn af Abel Proctor, K*4-, In 1'ealto.ly wm

partially destroyed hv Urc Friday evening. Tlie live stock was saved and nil the moveable*. ex eepttbuhnv. The llrenu-ii deserve great credit for their exertions.

Mi. and Mr*- Samuel L. Abbolt, or Peab*d)', were presented hj their frh-ml- ra the. Tth lust with a large number of valuable silver presents, the day being Iho twenllelh anniversary of Mr. and Mr*. AhWts' mitiriiige.

Ipswich was Kindt an follows liv <-orre*pouden|B who sent letter-to tlie Ibnin-oif orrt^-llon hi thai place last mouth Itiswlttoh, fpsig, Ipsirli, Ipehe- wlch, lpwlch, Ipswich, Ipwicb, Ipsmitch, Kp». wetcii, Ipwipsh, IpslUb. ipaiwlprh.

The veritable plus aaad hv lh* Snl.-iu « iiches, an.I now on ills- in the clerk'.-..nice, in the courts offissex county, have been so often appropriated bv relic hunters, that the halanee are sealed In a vial and can only 1« seen through a gtaaa,

and Mrs. John Truasell, of BnllHbury, cela

Tin lire of I'rklav night but Is tbo subject of much comment in Ilnnvi-rs mid has brought up lhe<|ticstlonof an ndc.iuste .inter-supply. It is ■ugxcsUil thai .-i main 1>e laid to Wenhniu Lake and a aupplv obuiued tViun the .faleni WaU-r IVorU

for the lie lie lit of Ihe c omniiiiillv of South l.nivehn.l, so largelv In his eillldoy, Mr. K. .1. M. Hale, last year, built the Trinitv (Kpiscopnl ehlinh. which lie donated tu Uwi parish-one ot tin imiBl lourlBlilnir s.-it'iiesin ihe county, which luir settled Bar. I. Heard of Lowell.

I apt. J. 11- Boring, ol' Xeiv burv port, was lit. stanliy killed in thai city on PrMay, by being thrown from MB carriage. He was u director In the Merchants'Bank nod out- of the Trustee* of the Saving* llnnk. lie was 7J rears ol age and leuves a widow utid live children.

Ncwliiirvpni-t m.w has two funds—the Drnm- mer and Brown, llw cl.tsslcal education; and two -tbu Putnam and Wheelwright, lor modern anil scientific education, <otiihiii.il with the Public Library and l*reo Uesrrllng Uomn, ami eouliting the . osl of l.ull.lilig-v they exceed *H«i,

UQB l'lMl'LES ON THE FACE, Black V Head* and Pleah Worm*, use PKRBVS 1m imivcl Couuxlonc and Plinpl* ll.-me.ly, tlie greal akin me.il.dne. Prepared nnly by I»r. B. C. PER.

" fWBond street. New York.

Lotion. It Is UKIJAHLK ami IIAKMI.KHI. Hold by [>rugglBt* everywhere. Dejiol, 4H Bond street. New York.


It lit one ol Qod'a iilc-.iii':- Hint wt< nut foreknow thti hour »f our deatb; time fixed, even hoyoml the posHlhillty of llvlnc, would troul>k- ni mo re than doth till** uua>rtnUity.— Janwi t*f Sixth.

While a niun h -t ii n^iit!; :t harp, he tiles the atrliif{H, not for munlc, hut tar et Ntnictlon. When It Is flnUhed It -I.till lie played for lnelodien. Utid IN ftislilonllip; the human Ueurt for future jay. He only aiiuntu) B ittrina here and then- to nve how fUr hln work Ua>t progres.st-d. — IWi-rh.


HKUAHLK and IIAHMLKM. Hold t, 40 Bond sire liinTleodtinliYIBb



This In tho only prompt, efficient, and »afe miis- Utr of such symptoms as loss of appetite, heart- burn, palpitation or Uie heart, dlixlae**, *kwp- lessncss, mebtneholy, co.tivcnuss, wind, mental and physical dehlllty, es well as many oUier*. which if neglected, which will aoon place "the buuse we live In" beyond tbo reach of any remedy.

From lh* llD't.m Journal.

"lit IM-M'*I*. White's Spsclalty for this aggra- vating complaint ha* been thoroughly tested by thousands who have been benefited by II, and are willing to t ■- -t i i;. lo Its efficacy,"

from thf ConffrtgaiionnUtt (/losfon).

WHITE'S. ^excixLTr for Dyspepsia, from pure merit and virtue alone. Is fast overtaking, and bids fair to exceed in It* sale, all tbo old popular raediclnea of the day.

PRICK One DOLLAR rr.u iim n.r.

«*■ Por sale by all druggists. aWlSwrbm


"r- , tlielniKe.i lino-. The BuhUinc Is the. temple-idi-p or rullfc- j oidoubi.the »rnr

Ion. an the HIUIH are of luiuietLsiireable < spaee. When what \* mighty appears In nature,—a xtoriu, thunder, the starry fir- mament, death,—then utter the word "(lad" before, the child. A (Teat misfor- tune, n ifreut Ideasluu, a ^n*at crime, u no- ble action, are huilillng-Mltes for a child'* church.—IHrhtrr.

There tl mi ugly klnti of forgiveness In ilih world—a kind of todmbog for«lve- iit-ss, shot out like qulllf, Men take oue win. lift-. oflTended and set hi in down before the h1ow-pl|ie of their Intlljtiiatlon iiml *eorch hliu, and hum his fuult with lilm ; ami, wbt-u thev have knentled him Kiutle- ieuly with their Hery tints, then—they lor- Rive him. — It*rrhtr.

Tliouifh thou aei-'at another openly of- fend, or even commit Home enoriimus s|n, yet UioiiniuMt not from thence tttkc IH-CB- slon to value thyself Tor thy superior -n.nlii.-i-.. for thou i.in-t not Icll how |oitf{ thou wilt lie able to peraevere lu the narn»w path of virtue. All men ore frail, hut thou shouhlst reckon none ns frail an thyiMjir — TVsatJM a KempU.

I'se sin AX It Will use you ; spare It not, for It will not spare you ; It lit your mur- derer and the murderer of the whole world. I'se It, therefore, tin a murderer should be used ; kill It before It kills you ; and though It briny you to the gmve na It dltl your Head, It ahall uut he able to keep you there. You love not death ; love not the cause of death.— i?nj-(*f.

Theological creeds arc properly culled symbols. The symbol may lone Ita inclin- ing;, may even serve to obscure Ihe truth. Then we need u new one. Men may for- get Its symbolical lines unit may come to worship It as something sacred in Itself. Ti.eti wu had better put It out of the way without ceremony. The. brazen serpent was a Hymbol of the providential mercy of i.i.il, aud It lui'l been preserved In the temple to remind the Jews of the Divine InterpoHltlon In their behalf. Hut when I Ic/.-kiiili found the people burning lucense to It, he coutcmptuuiuly dubbed It "Ne- huahtau"—uu old piece of brtisa—ami lu- i-ontlnently broke it lu placet.—fTa«AiHp- IAN '.I"-'./. I..

I'hrisl's Mcss|,i|i-lii|i palest ln-|,,n- hl- dlvlne beauty of soul; hla mirnch-H arc t in- leant of Ida work* of mercy nnd love! He In holy, simple, and sublime enough in his moral majesty to wear the cloak of the wonder-workcr without becoming a ihau- maturftlst. or wizard, or enchanter; and, while he nets his mlruclea forth, aa the hu- man -aye niintit win youth to his knees by medals ami coiullti, to tench them what waa to become self-evident and self-re- warding in due time, Christ doubtleas lined bis wonder-working jxiwors to gain pupils and follower*, that he inlffht thru appeal to their moral and spiritual experience. ami get himself and his truth accepted only iiml wholly on Its own merits uml their feeling of Its right and power.— //. H'.|iW/..i™.

You have heurtl of the happy dying. How beautifully shone the light of heaven over their reposing features! and even after the dissolution n smile like the radi- ance of aunaet played upon their calm fa- ce*. Ah! death Is the key whereby the spiritual perceptions are unlocked ; nnd, long before It* iiiuil stroke, It opens man's vralon to the future, and he see* the bright springs and clear wnters and green ttchls ami radiant spirit* Immortal.

From tbl* standpoint we run take a broad survey of our relations to the fu- ture. We arc not creatures of a moment; our existence Is not .Ike that of a cloud aweeplug the sky, to be dissolved Into uothlng; hut ours Is a companionship of

- worlds ami stars.—ay, more enduring than are they. Friends, relative", tielghb have preceded you, whom you will meet In tlie hereafter. Sages, philosophers, tbu greal and good of the past, await you there, where you shull mature hi the light of uugelk wisdom. H»tnwl TtHh

tu .Vugm-t, Kit', the Ni-wburyport llilile Sm-leti held a meeting !■» consider ihe i|iu--lloii ..I aiding the imreiil sis-lrly bv a doiiiitl.m of several thou- sand dollar-, which wus attended by .IS IHTM.IIS. Then* as men, including sl\ clergynien, were among Us- nio-t i>i..tniiieiit oft lie town, mid sumc i.l Ihein were wi.lelc known IH-VOIHI; now only twooflhein-Dr. Wllhlnglon nnd Mr. St Ithe First SiUonal llimk-are living.

It has nol yet been decided « bather I" rebuild Hie Wenlinm ice houses or not. II is -ah) that u million reetot lumber would lie reipiireil to put ii|> new bouses of the -aim- capinit v as the old on*. II the business is mil re.ume.I, it w ill I -v.-re blow to the tow nol Weiiham, nsits t raffle hi lee Is i.l'irr.-.st ImiHirliinee, and the lo-s >,f liii- linn's bo- - H.ii.Mbe rer -I;, fell. Il g om- ..I

tlrui;-. The lire ».i-, without a shadow

But those complaints and Ills only dependent up on a disordered and low state of the blood, and derangement of the Nervous system.

The Qrtat Majority of Chronic Dltaatt

Are due to an enfeebled condition of the system, and a great many person* who are complaining of feeling weak, languid and "half sick." are merely suffering from an exhausted condition of the constitution. Por such, all that is necessary Is something to

Stimulate and Strengthen the System


And Immediately the various organs will assume their peculiar lunetfon*, and Ihe system that ap- peared to be the prey of disease, will


And a new leaaa of life will Mem to be gained. Many diseases will never yield until a Tonic Ii administered. A person suffering from


After having taken all the rtime.lies knewn lo i good for that complaint, without any benefit, will oftantime* be astonished at the rapid recovery made, when oommenolng the use of a Tonic.

White. 1,1...

Print K,



Printed MHMUII

St.ip.dCi.i.ibi ( rood Blk Atpum.s**., 15, SO. 41, *5, M

Pootflo Popltna, • .)4fl

(>ne of the bait lines of

Checked and Striped Muslins



UT. We will close them out WITHOUT


ai'.KU POJI CATAI.IMJl'E. ItasnesUr H.-n !••« Af acbine «'«.,N«w Vork

Jj* »> M S A V K 1> . *,T — "To meet urgent dexaajut* of the limes.


At tin- Vn i.iia K>.l,iliiti..ii tlie alM.KK reecived "J' 1 1 K the Sfi-ilal of Merit, the Medal of Progress, aud . tin ther Mfdul; for superiority of )irudiii-th»ns. Then ethe

WHY KNDI 111; THAT COUGH, and wu.lauger VIMIT life, when a timely use of

WKKK'* MAi.lt.'L'i'Mi-ot.-4i> will relieve you. It always affords nliel, ami will, when taken In sea son, cure more rases of diseases of the throat and Inngs than any remedy known. Colds yield to ita curative powers al once. At lids season ol llm year no fhinilv should he without IL Hold by ad drugglsla. n.>. I.".;,! Inn-li-ii


On and after Wednesday, July, DO, Train* will leave the Depots In Lawrence, aa follows ►—

For Iloston (from North Depot), at 8.16,7 JO, ;i.:Lr. A. M., and li.H, a.l(JaudS.:al - "

.10, .10 and .10 ! The t'loreu'r Nrwlag Msrklnr I.M.ipxiii

, (tormer price 10) ..in |,»Te Ueleni.inotl to

RKDITK PRICKS, and will herenfUr anil Iheir *uf> Machine for *!'., nnd oilier ntyles In proportion.

THE FLORENCE 1* the ONLY Hewing Machine Unit feeds tlie work luck ward and forward, or to right and left, ns Hie purchaser nine prefer. It hns been greatly IMPltOVKn AM»Sl\frl.IKlKl», nnd is li.r lief, ter rli-.n any other machine in the market.

IT Ib NOW THE CHEAPEST t Florence, Mas*., Nov. 1,187.1. Agents Wanted.



A call will convince you that you will gel more and better goods for your money than you ever got before. Cut this out and bring It with you, to

E . M o K A Y ' S ,

204 CIMI ttreet, Beach'* New Block

fjyll NIAB TH« POST Orrtcx. If


AWARDS AT VIENNA. .iiKe.r r.-.-.

either ..| Hi.-. ■•uij.t-tin*.- iiiiu-liines.and tw. The Singer r.-.elve.l all the medals awmife

Setlng nnicliiiies.uiul twonn er obtaini-d. Tlieu, in tin-

of Truth, what is il that prompts people lu claim recommendation.-. lm the Diploma of Honor? The fact Is, no Dipluiun has been given to any Sewing Machine Company, lint luinieiisurubly more val- uable U

TATrMWRlM MK>'t Uirl* »nd Bor* v/unted W KJSSlShiS lu „e][ our Krencli ami A.ueri. can Jewelrv, Books, Lianies, 4e., In their own lo- calities. No capital ■< led. c-itjiloguB, Terms, its sent tree, P. O. VICKKltV * in., Aitgusta, Me


Pot P.irtluml (ftom South t>epot), at N.i',, it 15 A. *L; 1.19, i.-ii, >i.i.*i i u.

Por Georgetown and New bury port (from South Depot), at a.aa*.a1.; 1.15, *.*>, or. M.

(or lluverhlll (from South Depot), at S.1S and ■-*-1.-. A.M.; and 1.13, 4.30, «, «.t5 v. at.; and from North Depot al 7.55 r. at.

Train leave Boston mr Lawrence at 7, 7JU, 8.S0, 10.15 A. at.; 12 St.; 12.30, 3..'W, H.W, 5, 8, 11.15 V. at.

k of si elia > inec

...led ti

Middlesex County.

ThO light olthe Ihnerliill tire tvas tic al I...ivfit.

i Ine of ihe eltv banks funilshed to one tloli Usl week, the large sum ..f ♦SI1.UJI-

Thedwelung house nf Hon. P. Law tucket Ml., took lire on Krldny from II Hu l s.uii.i -i eonslderahle from water.

The ii|.( Uesld.-iiU' Assnriatlvn loin print a swies of tho |>wpers that have renlly rend hefor* the Asiocintiou.

Beiilaiuin ¥■ Melvln, an old and respet-tcil resi- ilimt, Is <iultc feelilc In tii-nUh. us indeed lie has Is-on for many motilh*. lie Is now nimble U.leave Ills room.

John Thompson stole a glass show case of nrllfl i-inlleeLh si tbo eulrancr ..IB. F. lleald's dental rooms, on Merrluuiek street, ->aliinliiy evening, ■mtwaa arreated.

In OH itnnreme I'ourt OH >'rld*v, Samuel llee.1 and Jo»lahK|M-ncer, of tho Adams Hou*e, Aver Juni-lioii, were aripiitlrsl of the <■ barge of keeping

Is n |.i,..}i.-i I tlmt Die Lowell n will be cMendisl to Ceiitnilvill.., thin

._ OftheaiO,«»iieceiisan -.■ -H. n.i ■ 11.. 11 ■ ni... ni..-.i. Sarah J. l.cnvltt, a young wouiiiu Urn


Cor. Broadway t\ Tn.ullrll. at.,


On both American and European Plans.

Complete with all modem I in prove men n; rooms ni tuitr uud single; private parlors, baths, eleva- tors, Ac. I.oenti.ni uosiir m--i-.|, In-ing In the very centre of fashion aud brilliant New York lire, tu prnxhn'ty lo Churches nnd places of Amusement, an.I Lord A Tuvl.n-V, Arnold 4 (on ■table*' ami J. A C. Johnston's I H vl,.-sl- palaees. The hotel Is undei lh.' iii:iii:i(i.'ineiit of A. 8. llur- llllui, formerly of tlarliuut's Hotel, Baltimore; I. N. tir ol fitivton, Ohio, uud reeentlv of New York, and Freeman Itiirnuin, or Bnrnum's Hotel, SL Louis. ■ ..,.r I. " ;, ■.


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AND

COLLECTOR, ifflee, *;iw F.in Streat, UWNMI.

Ilonra, Jto3and7 to 8 P. M. HISoplS

in the custody or the police. Mr. Frank Weymoulh, die yeuug

severely hurl by a fall, on Tuesday ily hurl by a fall, on Tuesday, SL from his Injuries, and his eon.lllion i-\clUis ap- |nelieu-ii>o us well as -yiiipmlii.

ni. Mil of.I. N. I'ienw, .lr.,tlie ilrntultlng bnnk .-ashler, tins been postponed until May by agree. IIII.IIt lietwoeu Urn. Huth-r, the prisoner's counsel, mid -fudge Sawyer, I'. S. Distriel Allorney.

Mr. Ilornii, wlinwiii'lefsulted In the Superloi


One may use a hundred me.liuinrs, whkh Bra Mid to be good for Oil* troublesome complaint, and be none the better; hut after a short cbnraa with a tollable Tonic, be And* hlm*e!i entirely free from his suffering. Thu n became the Tonic ha* strengthened the stomach and the whole system, and put It into a healthy state. So, too, with

Scrofula Diseases and Humors,

Ther will thrive In a worn out, debilitated sys tern, but let that system be strengthened by a Tonic and the blood enriched with Iron, and the Scrofula can no more exist than there can be are without fuel.

Talbot's IRON TONIO Purifies the Blood,

Strengthens the Whole System

Creates an Appetite for Food And i* lust what every one needs at some season Of the rear.

A Syttam wall Strengthened It Proof

againii the many Ills prtvaltnt in Warm Weather.

THE IRON TONIC I* prepared with great care In our laboratory .and tho material* from which it Is compounded are the very best that can be obtained.

We append only a few lastlmonals, preferring rather that the IKON TONIC should stand on ita own merits.

Messrs. Emerson & Howe, drug gists, of Haver hill. Mass., suc- cessors to Dr. Jas. ft. Nichols, the well-known Chemist, writes us as follows:

■f eaars. Talbot Brntheri, IJmtlcinen -We have sold jonr Irani

Tonic same years, and eais tratiry to Ita liclug n s-nlMBbl* preparation. It provr. ta> be, na It* naaae lauUeatea, AH IBOlf TONIC. Oar enatoanara who have waeS It always iprik well e>f It,

Yours raapactrnlly, EHERKOlf * HOW*;,

T1US, No. an; Washitigbm Htreet, Boston All deposits made in tills Institution coimnenc Irnwlng Interest on the mi ilny ofeneb and every

every lull calendar ninnth. Inu-rc

arrested on Saturday night nnd ceullned in ji.il. A rnrpenler named Wayuioulh, workinx in Ihr

ApplnUinCo's new live -toiy l.uil.lliigim Sll.ldle- MI SI., fell Thursdiiv, from tho top of tlie build- ing to the ground, a dlstuiiee of flfty I.H-1. Ills vidna tvas dlslo. atad, occasioning paralysis ol the lower imrtlon of bis body.

Siierni young Inkers gathered about tin- door o1

llmitlnglon Hall, at Ihe close of Nnsfs l,-.tui-e, tniin.inin In raising their iiniln ellas, Uioiigh the rain had entirely.-eased, nnd then watching everybody come mil of the hall mien his umbrella undsnllnwny with It over his bend -while Ihe stars were liilghlly shining."

tJli.irles Di-siiioieaux, nfWlnchesler, who via* ■.eilbiieed at Ihe Superior Court |o pay #.VI line Bin) serve three month* in tin- 11 ■.u . gfCofree. Iloii.fiir keeping n ti.pjor iiulsanee, proved loo trilv for Lowell ofUeirs. lie walkol out of the .1-1.

ninnth the money remains lu bank, thereby aeci iug to Uie imoaHaf mi average rate of inter* eii-iH.dlng thai paid by any other savings Instil thni. The Institution lias a guarantee fun' A-jufi.taKMai tor Hit- express protection of dei tor*. octat<tmBb




Jewelry, Albums, Qames, Smokart' Soli.Vatei, Butts, 8tatuattB*,Cuipa*

dorei, Pocket Books, Baskets, Iron, Woodan and Tin Toy*.,

Bracken, Wall Pockets, Slipper Pocket*, Paper,

Towel, and Book

Raokl, Perfume*, Toilet Article*,

Drolling CaiBI, Hair Bruihtt,Mirrort,

Bronzed Good*, CutUry, Platad Ware, Picturei.Dom-

inoi.Chtcktr Board i, Cribbaga Board), Work Bones, Writing

Deikt, W a x Dot It, Maarschauna Pipes, and thousand! of other atticlet.

Fall and Winter, 1873-4.

We have lust received a large lot of

Hen's. Youth's & Boy's Overcoats

Call :.n.|.. .1- them, at

SMITH'S, 131 Essex St.

Ni. trouble to show you our good*. Every shelf ami i-ountar Jam full of


I.HULUVAX A I Balllmore, aid. ,

MONEY mude rnpltlly wltli Stencli nnd Key t heiL oiiiitt-. CnUlogue* *nd mil

particular* KKEK. ». M. SI-I.NCKB, ii; Ilnnovei MIv.-i, Boston.

Jll HOUI. CIIAUMlVti." ly fascinate nnd gain the

love and iiffci'tion.- of any perron they choose, in Thin simple mental ue.piircinent nil cat

free, by mall, fur'JA omits; together "'■*

oiupuny. lint Iiuiiieiihurulily 11101


The following is from Mr. Jack son. of the Lawrence AMERI- CAN :

NHIH. Talkol Hruthrr, I D.allniKB I nave bead using yoi

"Iron Tonic" l*>r SOSMB tlswe, for Dyspep- sia, with w Itteh I have bee** »ro»bl.d,«u.l It aftards mr irtwrh aattsfaclloii 1*> liiforn. y«M, that I lists .lerlvrd great bnateflt frirni the prrparalli.ii. ■ luir use.l It aa direct r.l In J our print ed Ins true HUMS, and *M ■• longer Irouhlrd with that km I- wass nnd sense nf oppression after meals, la whlnh I nad Inns ■>••■) *«h)ae*> I ra- garil the Iran Tonic as an (UirlliBl utani- nnhle, and shanld rarnnasnend nil llg*- prplU ■ to |iv< It a trlnl, bseaais It *>na- aea*** the vlrlnas thnt while acting heave. aelnlljr upon the atonaneh, It alraMsrthena and In V IgoraU ■ the ay stain.

I am, isstbawa, Tear*

UBO. ruHnm.i, JACKSON.

illy aflei reeelving h.-nl.i.. e, ottrarl- sltentlon. ueiit to 11 Imrln'rV shin,, had lib

'" " «l, th«n charj iihi.kers -htived off nnd hi' hair d len-d a i I'eltliiltl

1 I. II II,I-. II'. ill i ilir.-eli.il) i

A siimll house hclneeii Lowell anil Cheluisfurd Centre was liunied -ninetime, during Thursday night. I! was occupied by a man name.) llarrl gau, alHitit HRy ysars old. No iilami was given mid mi M'nrrlilug llH-ruiii-, r'rl.loy imimliig, liar] r]gan's liotly «as found burneit to a crisp.

i;i.i fin .t:

land, meeting

There Is not n pa per in the town of W Win i.HMI has refused by ;i rnta in ton

Urn bate the tav on hens. William A. I'liii'lngton has hecu nppolnU-d

postmaster at iireenwno.1. i'...i ... t .mm I Annyoflbe Itepublle In (Jam idge. nelleil *l".an troin its rc.-ent fUlr.


' '.. i .".""■' ■■ .Ml "I i:'.!l^ »•■!■ U-I'll 111 .IL-CO.

ruling Music llall. Iloston. for Die grand Catholic Kectl vitl Thursday evening.

William Chlekerlug.n well known merchant of Iloston, rush Hug in I led limn, wan stile ken with Ssrnlyslson Friday, mid died soon uller, aged




ha assortment la complete in every ilcpurt menl. Ihir print* are reasonalile, and we advlsr

patron* lo purchase their prctriitu Ix-forc Ihe greul rush.

ST. JOACHIM BAZAR, ■1011 link 1ST Washington »., Bo.

1?Olt SALE. 1 llsl

A rr-tull nUtre, well cdtuli . irtlscd. Agoo.1 chance for i

with nliuul l'n". Address "A. II Z." l.;m


A lolnt hearing will IH> given by tlie Nuiiri nurton thuJUh, all A. M., lo parties who

MMM ihe annexation of Charlestonn i the Mil

MMM tlie iiiiuomi Koxhury lu BoJtOw.

We sec ItrUteil that there u re 1ml lliree con ccrus In lloalon retaining the -nnu- iiartni-rs am) htylcofflrm that e.\i.-ti-d thirlf M-ar. ago. Thuy nre J. C. Tyler A Co.. Cull A Tuttle and Croaker A llrcwstor.

lie- -Ml.-. I is iiiailn Hint Mr. William 1'. Itn eon of New York lias been nppnlnleit trustee of the WakeBeld rspite, in phoc of Mr. \. Ii. Kus- •ril, who ile.'llncil pi serve, lie Is -II|I|HISI-<I lo i-epre-ciit. In en i-li.iii iiitli Mr. Purler, the in terusts of the Iturlng I true., win) nre tbu largest . i. iii... of the estate.

A three lull billiard tournament will be*-In in IfoiPm DIM-. 1, Tlie .iul.it.m of Ihr I'liaiuiilon. shlplstobeiielinlleiiMeeiiii of solid silver, lined with gold, and of the nominal value or iiVI. A cash prl*o sayjll aocompany Uie cup— prolatblv i-asi or •**!. Tuoolhcr oiuus will be made up rruiiia billiard table ami a snni of money—the value "t tin- Uible IH-IIIH ,lii idiil - and incase of *e ten or right riitrh-sn fouilh prise will lm ■ibteil.

Ill sell at Puldh ™. ..„ .,.., ,.n,..,. ,„. «<l InsL, at i o'clock,

■'. H, The cottage nnd land, belonging lo IIH.- es- tate of the laic Asa ('uriier, -ilonleil lu Helhuen, Mass. The propertv i- iltielv h-ested on tlie cor- ■erot Itniu and High streets, within :t mlnuUia' walk of tlie railroad sluliou, horse cars and Uie p islofni-e. Convenient to schools and ehuridira. coiilains 7 rooms, w1th wood house attnehed, and a cistern ol soft water. Terms made known at Uie UDM and place of sale.

IIANIK1, CI'KRIKIt, Eieculor. Il.-i imeii. Sovcueber II, W7J. ul"at


PROBATE mi Hi'. To tba heir* at law, next of kin, nud all oilier perl

mms Interested In tin- estate or John HUke. I,.!«- of Lawrence, in tald county, laborer, ■ !.■..■,.:■.-.1, groeUng:

Wlu-reiis, a . erlnin [iistruiiieiit, purporting to be the la-t will and tMtMttttt of said dci'eai.e.1, has ban nresenu-il lo sairl Court, Sir to..l.ale, by Wil- liam -I, lllake,who iiravs tliat letters leKtanieiil.iry may l«- Issued to him. Iheeici iili-r tla-reliiuuim-il.

i.iu are hereby riled Pi appear ut * Probate Court, t- be hekl at Lawrence, in said county of V.-■■•■>. .■!. Ihr -i .■■uid ,|'lie-.ln> Of llereliiliei lit \[, at nine o'clock before noon, lo show cause, If atty yoit luve, agidnst Use samn.

Ami aald William J. Itlakc is hereby .llrectnl t give iiul.il.- uotlcn theruuf, by puhll.hing Urn rltutlon met a week, for Uirce suceesslve week In Ihe nrwspapi-r callt-d the l.awrenee Amerlc: and Andover AdvrrUser, printed al I.swretire, t.. last puldkaUon to be two ilaya, at least,liefore said Court.

Witness, (,eonre V. Chuate, Est|ulre, Judge ol •aid Court, this eleventh day of November, in ii» year one thuusnmi elidit huinlrrsl and seven y

TALBOT'S IRON TONIC Is sold all over tbo country lor


Six Bottlsilor Fiva Dollar*.

Talbot's Vegetable Cathartic Pitts U cent* a box. B boxes for $1.



Cnrmer nf Mill M , I.nwrsnr*, Mass.

—rnopxjKTou or—






ln Laurence, Methuen and Andover





JOHN F. IIENRT, New York City,

Wholesale, Agent* for the U. B IvllllJni

SMITH'S, 131

>'air antsl Sq ware Dr. I Ing with all. The Fall styles of


Keally itilcudld In eTery resuecL

SMITH has them, at 131 Essex St.


Received today. Wa have the largest stock of


Ever shown. All kiud* and *lxe*, at the luwevt price.

WHITE * FAXCV nlllltTH a snaeUlty.

Men's. Boy's & Youth's Suits

Vrrycbea|i. l>on't *|iend a dollar for Clothing until yuti hare called at •

SMITH'S, 131 Essex St.

Rtmember that the bait is the chaapait.

(ientlemen make yourselves lookrheerful.con) fortable and neat, by droiiodng in and obtaining I new oulOt, ut

SMITH'S, 131 Essex Street.

Fair and *.|uare dealing, ami every stitch of oui clothing warranted Jusl a* represented.


131 E,,tl Street.

'>|.|.. .nlranre W:i.liiii«uni Mill.. IT


10,0 00 BOLLS






W III T F 0 R 11 A RICE,

Will) HAVE





htiiniii po.-sess irw, in nitiii, mr ^-M;.iibs i Mijjcmr a Marriage I.uMi-.^KM'1'"11 "rwle, I>rc:iiiis,iiiii to Ladles. A ouee/WiL Hsi.iNiU sold. Addn- T. WILLIAM A CO., Publishers, l'hitadel|ihJu.


STEEL PENS. Special attention called to Uie well-known nuinliers

505-7S-28-2O &. 22,


Those who timi.'i»e lnvesiing,(iiud who do In tickets for Ihe

Fourth Grand Gift Concert For the benefit of the

PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY Which conies off In Louisville on the U of lie

ei'iniiei in- M , have no lime to lose.



0-1 , o - o - o , o - o - o WILL UK 1)1 HTMIII TIC 11 AS till I I'll-

T,1*T or UIFT*J •

which lustyenr siuoiiuled lo tan hundred — . nineteen tlnnwind, r..-\en butidrml and flfty-eiirht [■.'l!i.T> inn, tiine-, nine mil of ten of them iHUitg i.ir t-iimilv I'se. This is over 4.1,001) more Sewing Miieliliie-'tli.'in wen- sold hi any other i-omjinny during tlie Htinie |>eili.,1, nod over One tjunrter of all the machines sold in HTl. These enormous sales are owing lo Ihe lung-tested merit* of the

S1NGKR MACHINES which meet the wants Ot" the public In auperlnrlty and Hliiiplli-ltv of e.io-ti-iii-tion, nnd oaiiabililv for great varletv'and cuc.citeiice of work. That the users of Hewing Machine! Uml these deslrgble ■innlltics In the

SINGER, BEYOND ALL OTHERS. in IBBWII bv the sales above given, aside frotu Uie awanls.if lnb*rti:iii..ii:d .luriee. either at home or abroad. The KIM.KU id-', rw-olved the flr*t I'i, iiiiiim from Ilia N, K. Mr, three years lu succession, the hurt being m Ulyttlc 1'iirk, last


eciillnltf 9** Essex Mtreet. _


(King Lear, act 3, scene 1.)

Why will you Shiver. Shiver, Shiv er

When there is plenty nf


r«r fall and Winter, at

WKII/S Ol J ) STAN! > !

WE IT-/S OU > STAN! > !

WE 11 ;s OIJ) ST ANI) !

183 Ksaex Street. 183.

tSext lo Clarka'i Aputheeury Store,)




Has giveul.hu room for a d.iuble stock or iin- ineuse.i/.i'aiidquutiti,

Tltr I'unUsilanrtba atraut b BMstra kavlua lirrn a.l.lril to tbl*.






In the Stain, outside of Huston. -Sold al rnlea Cnaapa* than the Chcapeat. HlMItf


Simpson, Oswald & Oo. (IREAT ,AI.E OF


I Case All-Wool Empreis Cloth r-ormcr price, 82 1-i cents.

1 Case All-Wool Empress Cloth

Former price, 7"> and H7 1-2 cen

1 Case Imperial Serge* Knriner price, 4-J ernls.

1 Case Imperial Serget For r Prim 611 i cents.

I Case Camel Hair Cloth Former price, flj I : renu.

I Ca»e Vigognes, (all wool)

Kormer price, 7fi cents.

I Caia Black Brilliantinas I- ..i in. r price, 37 1.1 cents.

1 Case Black Brilliantinas Former price, 74 cent'.


It) CASH til FTH $lu,IHW ,-nch SO CASH tilFTb WCASH lillTS

.'■ii'i .■.,'!. . in..""' . t'l.lSKl

1NICASH Ull-TS S >.'«»' .MMASII tJIFTS ■M'< enuh

NJM II.OOOCASH GIFTS 3d eauh . mfn


37 I'lc



37 HI





r.ui. uon.l. ar. (h. <ir».t..i ■«.- „>■■. .... oflVrad ,H I.i.nM.


0.1*11! US KS81-:X hTUHF.T.

Whole Tickets, (BO. ronpom, .i.-ml..'■ •».


Fur lickeU or information, address

TIIOS. K mi v lii.i.'i'ii.,

Agent Public I.lbrnn' of Kentucky, LoulsVllle.m

THON, II. fills * CO.,

■HfiWftny 0OH Brondwnr. !>• V.

,T> 0 T T 0 M


Uurlug Ihe "hur.l times" thfit jre uiion it", every- hody desln-M to economise. We have ttii-ord-

ingly placed our figure4 at the

LOWEST MABK for the iLIJim-1. -i' .'■!'..-). of


Q. H. RICHARDS, 24 V 25 Dock Square, tylo of

Overcoats nt Itlcbnrda* Mtnut Work tuff Unit*. . nt Hlcbnrd*' Matched Wi.lt. nt Itlcl.ai.l-' Hoy ■■ NulU nt Hlehnrds' Chlldrrn's N„it, nt ltlebards' Tup Vnnta nt Hlcbnrd«' ■ires* Hnlta nt Hlehards' Dnder Kl.n.ol. nt Rlehnrda* Fnrnlshlns; Unnda nt Hlehards* All cratlcs and *lxc* . . nt nichnrd*'

|y ONE-FOURTH CHEAPER ^J THAN l.l.-l Wlll.lil. IK lloalO.-,.

24 t 26 DOCK SQUARE. 24 It 25 DbtftW «• 1I> BIfHAnDM, ClnthUr.

^VO THE CITIKEN8 OK LAWKENCE A AND VICINITY: We Invite your attenUon to an luapei lion of our

NEW FURNACE WAREROOMSI Where ran in- found tin- Inrtrebt asHirlmcnt or Furnace to In- seen in any •imlhr ci>tahUshniciil east of Boston. We also Invite a critical exnml- natlon of


UOKtMB KS8KX 8TKKKT ANU BRO.tmrAI I.atvrrnr*. - Mais.

The llank will be open every .lav from » A. M. to 1 P. M , except Saturday. On Thursday and Saturday a,veiling*, rroni 7 l» u, for receiving de- posit* only.

Deposit* placed on Interest the Flrat Day ol each month. *ufl.t«tl net ileuoslta at toe close of ..IM.I II months business.

JOHN v\ l.i.ns, President. JOHN I.. HKEWSTRK, Treasurer. Hsiif


Ollt Paper Hanjinji and Border*

1 |u*t opeaed by WHITFOHIi A RICK.

Tb* only relluble Gilt Distribution in the country

L. 0. SINE'S TWENTIETH Grand ANNUAL Diatribution !

To be drawn Thursday. Jauuary 1st, IH71.

$200,000.00 IN VAI.UABI.K GIFTS !

,,IM-.H CAI1 TIL I'lll/K,

$20,000 IN GREENBACKS I OKK Ulti'ill t'AliH lUIEK

SI0.000 IN GREENBACKS! One Cash Hrlae at |,1,ilOU 1« Urnexvbneka

Ju/SSa 5 iSSS fiOREENBACKSI SwTSSSTUM sfQREENBACKS! -'".'») Qold and Silver Lever Hunting Watche*, (In

aU), worth from *.n to |3W each I Coin Silver Vest Chains, Solid and Double-plated

Sliver Wure, Jewelry, Ac., Ac.

No. of QHH. 25.000. Ticket* limited to 100.000. AUENTS WANTKD to sell Tiokel*, to nhum

liberal premium* will lie puld.

Single TICICOLH t2:Slx TtclcetotlO: Twslvn Tlclceta $30 ; Twenty-Five $40.

Circular* contnining a full list of prlies, a de- scrlptlun of the manner uf drawing, and other In I,H minimi in reference m the liistrltiulion, will be sent t<> any one i be addressed to

MAIN OFFICE. 101 W. Fifth Street. ___ n31|0wrny

| —(.> at Balm ftrsvrry •* D"7Q I M_- wnnnd JOlO.

And n l*lit» 1. c i..i- ever)- Pnln.

Dr. T. Ogden'sCelebrated Black Salve. Which he wnrrni.t. to cure every kind of Aches and Pains the liiioiiin Ii nine U heir to, that Is cur- able exteruiil. Price by the Holl, :s! rents, with full direction* lor use. -■ ■ ..i ■ unnlcil lur ii ■■ sale of this »alve in every ill v uud town through- out the V. S. and Canada.. Dr. T. OGDKN, Sole Proprietor, No. I" Middle atruet, l.aivivm-e, Mas*, im Garden itveef uugftiniy




Wonderful Bates*) Accomplish-*! I

Purf^otion in the) New Aiiie>i-i«a» Si> wiim M tit-hiiif.

It Is acknowledged by IIOKKMT rivals, and all who have used utber Uuchlne*, to be tlie greal nsvAI, TKiunrM of American genius.

New and Improved self threading Shuttle, ten- aiod perfect, can be changed without removing work or taking out Shuttle; In short It Is the mosi complete lock-stitch Shuttle Machine ever made, Sob) on Installment*. We also have tlte

Blees. Domestic. Home. Wilcox A Gibbs Weed, Singer. Davis, Elliptic.

Florence, Etc., Etc.

We luve stilt on hand ti large lot of sticond Itand Singer, Howe, Weed, etc., ULen in exchange for Uie AMI.K1CAK, ami we will close out at less limn half price, nnd warrant Ihem in perfect running order. All kind* of


Neatly and promptly done. Macldnes lo let by the week or mouth. Branch of

Mine. Demorett's Reliable Pattern*

Also, Harper's

3 UAL1TIE8 WHICH ARK PKCVUA* to and recommend the a iMurnved Family N*w4*|

Machine. l.-lteauty mid excellence ofslJIcb alike on bolli

sides or the ntbric. 1.-Strength, lieauty and dura billty of *enm thnt will neither rip nor ravel. »■ Ciun'pU'lc fiiiitrul over liotli threads ttrely ucw mturv tension for the upper thread, which .-oiitrlliiiU-* so much to that baaalvaod ual- rnrmllv nl stitch for which tlie "Howe Machlpe is


UpUuiruKvenu tiiisi-'lng ul stitcbea la erenslM heavy seams. 7.—Short straight au.l strong ue.l dies, not liable to break in passing ovw fc-avy s*«ias,a»il''Ut*- curved neeOUs ol other atarJitne.-,. (i.—Finer needles for the same thread than any ,,iiii, machine, n.-sewinge.pinlly Well wKh »hv kind of thread. 10.—Knonomy of llwnad beyond tliat of any otliur machine. Il.-A heiumer .thai will make any width of Hew or Fell. U.-1MM- Ing Ihe most i-ompllrate.1 patterns wfU ear nrkll|i nnd kind nf Hral.li. I3.-A tjullter that will luUn*J Itself to unv thickness nf material. II.—TttbKlttg any fabilc VriUiout Inluryor nucker. Ifr.-'Aeytll- er, voion.-tructe.las to conl around

Lawson's New Ruby Furnace A large numlter of which have been set up In till* r.lt - the past seasons, and are giving perfect sntlr f ac 11. m


l«ll l-.aari Meant, - I.atvrriirr.

I'. S. Particular attenUon paid to re-iiicllng ami repairing nf d Furnaces. octlllltw




ei'iiir-trucled as to'conl nrnund vcrv »ht>rt i M|iian- corners. IB.—Sewing Ihe

fabric wltliout Injury or pucker, and the en to ■ i|0..ii,-

TIC without injury or pucker, BL_.. heaviest material- with the grexiest ca*e, J7. Compaetm-ss, i-lmpllcltvand .lurablllly. lS.-KB*e of operation aud management. IK— B«*t macOine In the world for fkmlly tt*e.

Call ami see those machines work, with Hut new IMPBOVKU TKKAV1.B WrWEM, al HAUAN'S

irvnV ion KalAg St,, Lawrence- ofl'lf AUKNCY, 190. Ki oil*




Sauuder's lllnck, Lawrence.


Good Winter Clothing I can select It from a prlrte stork this Sean

II our eonnier-H, and the public nre lavlteil

$30. *;«). GOOD BUSINESS.

utiy Active Man, who Is n offered to niiy Active Man, who Is willing to work. TIIIRTV DOLLAS4 u week can easily be made above exiiensca. Wc want n few such men lo canvass New England. A,l,h ,■■■ with a stamp W. F. 8TJETS0K A CO., OWce over guincv Unr ket, Iloston. novTtlwEb

Iron in the Blood p E


THF, PEBUVIAN tiVltltl' Vltslrsi-* and BuMw ili-i HL«K1, Tunes tin tb"

ls^i,,.i.lHih.l.ii|.ii... I K'I.JL. na..., h. run. I Ki'ouilo l-.iiiiiibilnt.'i.

,r..i.i,DUblllty,lIu- i,..rs.l)yi'|»-|*la.A-t-

1 IH.IIUIKI* liavo i. ■ iiiin.'-I by iii ■ ■ of tlil* remedy

"^■aH^i^^W'" mlferln,-1n-jlun t, i.i ►tmiiir. healthv. nnrt liMhty in.- 1 ivi.ini.ii; unit lnviilLln I'liiiii.it n-iiH.ii:ii.fvli. -H:i1» 1,-iilvo It I. trial,

thNffoii.— He MUM }■■ in i.''-l tin- rlubt article I*™ that '-i'.-nivbu I'lnii." Ii blmin ill llm i'l:i-v i-.i-..,.iii,i-rr,-. H.f„ir,r -. mvrit w.voWl.K ,t SiiN'!*. l'icj|.rlctiir-, llo>U>:i, M;n>. Fur till- 1/ (li-iinlliU gi-nenilly.

OOU now i» eod lyr rny

y N E W 1 N V 0 I C E



Jfal»)t A MONTI! to fatly agent* every- tfH&J Where. Addresa Kt.i.ll MAKfrACTHH- I.NU, CO. Walthain, '.i.---.

\I/'ANTE1). An cxperlciifeil aalowman VT In n dry goml> atorc. Tonne cumiiix well

recommended and willing lo work can have a good sllnntloii. AddresFi t*. l> Box Ht'i, l.:m n mr T'ostOMee. septUItf


SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. Residence, O KABT t'.l.M HT„ Lawrence.

Leakv Roofs made Tight at abort notice. 11 vinyl*



HOW EVERY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY Ily buying Uood* at the

BOSTON 99 CENT STORE, tier. e)f Baaex and Broad way Ita.

We have constantly on hand a large assortment or



Ala*. IllUcule*, BaakeU, and other article* MM nuuierous lo mention. Any one or tlie above ONK Oil TWO AKTICLF.* SOLD FOIl W CKNTB.

tflU «. O. Will.


Jinilniie to keep up with the time*, and offer one of tlie largest and best selected stocks of


to be fouad In Kasex County, oonslatlng of up ward* of

40,000 ROLLS

of ailta, Broninn, sntlne, Btanka, Brown

Pleftse examine our Stock.

5 Stifi EBBCI Street.



Addrr,., MO Keaea Mt., Sianndsr's ntlo. A-


EGG FOR HATCHING from all the best breeds or Poultry.

Fowlai for *.ul« lit tlinii- ■nnnrm. While I.sghurns a Bl-BOUl.tr.

E. WOODS, No. 4 Broadway, South Idtwrunca.




in iircat variety, lai.l In for the Fall and Winter or 187:1 and'14.

Pi-iceatlie IAIWCKI! (lo»dMini.UStvli>H!

Kveohndy <-llli ln> Sllltotl !



VI V R i (' K & KICKER,


Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Lead, Tin Lined ami Seml-Klaatlc Pipe.

LIFT AND FOBCE P II at P * Tor liaud or power uae.

r Mowing Machines, fleale* aad Wringing nines Itupalred.

Plumbtnv, Tin Roofln^ and Oaneral Job- bing done at abort notice.


Attached to tbChC pnti-iitcd Hpectaale* are two srleutlilcallv rohi-truiMcl l.alvanlc *■**»»*■* "aa. seen wlieuworu—dclivcriiiB tlirough tin- ncrvas nl the head a BtoR and 4'onllnnous Bttranxn nf Klnatlcltf.

vltalltlug and giving li.-iiltby tieaiitlful avidein of tlm-e pni and rKitT\IM.i t'tmsi.

Par! la I raraljsls or tha Optta K*r*«, '■' ttrakor MMMfl Vision, r v

Kim-alKla of Ilia Itrad or I'so*. 0H -*rrv.nsT»ll<-h«slsatb. ■ -v. -

Huidfiorthi r*e*, Kol*«a l» Hir mad. j . „

Loan of *d rnta I ludg).

and :i ki»-l of Nervous PlsewMe.aruinglroaa.i. iir.-i.fl.ni ol'Hit- nervous energy of Unr sy*leni,p trlbuting, In ■ mrwt antortiiblng degree, N "'

Life and Vigor and. Heqtijt^ by tlie menu* of the soil Sowing stream of Kav trlclty, giving \\ ¥0 Brlyblne** to tlte Ere,

Quirkiit-.i) lo the Kar, BMerarr to the Brail*.

They are t-etwith Icntcs of the Ouest roanufti tare, 10 suit alt sights, and with gtaaec* m *f»c n,d oi-.-,|iiig ni*ctaclcs lisn-nd w\U>, but drj^lrjiw the U-ni'iitM to be derive.1 fr.iui wearing lh* Bat- t.Th-1.; and in be had in this city only ol .*-'..-

HUMPHREY MOOAR, ' Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician.

CKNTttAL BLOCK No. 336 Bseex Street, Lawrenoe

H. It Mm Aii*ut /nr Liumrui 4 JAH»•"i**r ./Wa.1 HHeMuhi «wd r.yr 0ISM*M, far aKtrfiS tk< o-.i/.i. * *ifrl*-'

A Tew Hint rlnss agents to

" HOME LIFK IN THE ItrBLE," A new work by Dr. March, author or

"NIOIIT SCENES IN TIIE BIBLE." >'or territory, apply at once to


novT »l _ ,_.Vh. TNBTBUCTION IN

FRENCH AND GERMAN. Paor, ti. U. KuxlinX, who speak* both Herman

and French accurately and fluently, will Inltrnot pupil*, either singly or In classes, la reading and ■peaking these language*.


given, With special attenUon paid to beginner*.

Ur. K. ran be found at IHO ESSKX STRGKT. Kcf.-ri.nce la made to Irr. Lougec, Ilr. Talbot,I»r. Howland, llr. 11. A. Klmltnll, Mr. Tliuuia* HcoU, Mr*. K. B. Herrlrk, I' Waahliigton Corporation Mr*. Jaiuea Kellcy. lift Union atreet. Inquiry ma* be made at AMBKICXX Office. VlaodacaBj





at abort notice and In a workmanlike wanner.

Remember the No., 873 Ensei Street, ■pfitte

Out of Nearly One Hundred and Fifty


Hold and In operation In thin city, I chullcnire any f ■ produce a ulnglc one thai doea nut give en- satlsfhctinn.

B. O. BAROBNT, eijntin 11 Lawrence 8t, Ijiwrence, Mua*.



Wholesale ami Iletail Uealen In




Piano* and nrgana sold low for cash, or on ra-y monthly payment*. My stock comprises the best ■iinki-K in ilm i-ountry. I wurraal nil nf my In strmucuts, uml aull Uiem lo«er than tan be hough elsewhere. II' you doubt It come and see.

i;sTAlil.lsilKl» is-.;.

olTflm SO* Eaaea Nira.l, I.awrsnra.


Oet ready for the FlyH and Buge.

An entire new


No wear and tear, or giro to the frawe. Tlie boa thing ever Invented. Imvia


2C5 Esaez Street.


pnblic nderslgned would call the attention or the o a well selected stork of

poll tin Easterly side nf High Htreet, between Urove

aud l'lalt ■■; i ,■-■'-■ a mte and a hair story, double tenenieitl house, six nmnis lu eat-li teiieuii-nt, wltli barn and well, all on a line hit or bind Hfi fuel on High Street and IW reel deep. Itoora on lot to erect collate house to rent. .Hnlil premise* rpnt now for ulglil and i. Imll p.-r cent, on twenty-lwo huiidv.-ldidh.ir. I'i i,-.- *::<*■

AUn a splemlld biiildliiK lot for gcnUumen'a rns- Idence nn Union .Street, Soulh Side.

Also a grand chao.c 1,-r gi-iiilr-uii-n'a resldenca* In lots Uisult, weal uf Clover Hill.

for Informall,>n uml iii.-pivli f H*ld nronorty ai.iilyUiIIAI.IiWlN I iiul,Iin.H.l.'ivll kiigmeer and Iteal K.-UU. Agent, Ita Kssex Hired, Law- rence, lias*. . ,

Oflhu night*: llomlny, Tuesday and Thuraday. "tfdecA-

At JOHN f* VOW *V CO.'al,


City of Lawrence Water Loan. Six per cent. Coupon Bonds orthe City of Law-

rence, duly authoriied by net of the LcfialaUirr, City Ordinance and rciolulfous nf the (ii >■ Uonn- m, wlU be Uiueil October lat, for a llatlted amount COUIHIIIS attached for semi animal Inaer- eil, payable In Boaton or Lawrence, at Die option of lioldem. For prloe and roll particular* call on or addresa IL H. TKWKHRUBY,

City Treasurer. Per nrder of Flnanee Cnmmltb-e. sltritr



BVBEY TOWN. All person* In want of honorable and lucrative cmiihiyiuent can And It by mldresslng THK CHI- NinrBPIRB BALL CO., AuguaU, Me., with » cents and two stamps, for samples and term*.

American and Foreign Walchts

la flOLD or MILVMjPaB** <

I. A 111 F.N AND taKflrra utll.l* * PI.ATOB

CM Ainu, SKAU, A'-





Clocks, Spectacles and Jewelry,

Of every atyle and dencriplhin. Crery arlleh *oH by- me will be warranted a* rwWxaHaeaued, or money refunded, and t« low ns oaa ha aenwaVd.

Also, wi.iM .olicll a liberal share of year :>'



Don* at short notice, aad In a neat manner- But aad examine for yourselves.



209 E88EX STRUT,


msmu llD.tor. with J. U. IU^M.U..>




I ••■ Bee** Btr et, lawniHi.

The L,awt ei^e &n\ef iiiaii AD





Tfce elrevlmtlOH of tl»* [.»»«»« Anarrl- <mi la the large*! of any paper In tlir « iniury , in.l iu.nr linn Pour Time* tual *r *my other Weekly ■••per i.iil,- llihc.t IM this city.

*■»- Itiiu ul' Advertising cent upon application.





it tu Unnat o*oji*u#«ttr. wi* row rua* 1 ' the eircidntloiibf any other.

»ri!»(HirT!Oi(,ipi,r««»' Tear. #«.«> i , Six UM.tho, SS-00

Who KM phld In alrsrn-c, (4.0*. UK'i. 5. liEREJLL A CO.. IVeiruv



STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, U Uiu Larger! and most Ihoioughlv fujrtu^hetlIn Eastern Ma^achtiaotu. U«4h| «MU> ms**ara i'reaeta, and w.mc<Miat*Ja*dd«Uou*of ttWitffNl style* of Type, we ar* able *> fkmJfth MM heat quSUtT of work. eq-nllUoualy, aft low fflMM Order* by Malt give* pranpi ■Hwiilou

an), s. MKBRJLL A CROCM u, JPo«0»»j»itl)Mfc;





Incorporate, L Aaaebt.

■YftnkMn, of Phil..,l'» . 1B» 13,309,341 rtuMylvuU, of Faan.., ltU-1 1,369,603 Oftcmwi, 1«M 34M,Oie North Missouri, Missouri, 1*7 718,340 Westchester, New York, 18JT 698,300 Owmn AffltriotD,N.r., ISS 1,389,090 Full-field County, Conn., WTO 388,484 ttr»tN*tiotMl,Wuf«o*U-r, ItkW lae.ne OtouMiMr, OtouoMler, II7U 116,833 fftJMull Hell, Boston, ISTO 304,044

I-',mfli«li (!»mpmiioN, Royal, IMS. H"M. 110,000,000

American Branch, 1,600,000 im-erlel, IMS, gold. 8,000,000

A*nericau lirauctt. 1,367,881 Queen, WW, gold, O.OOO,(KM

Auu'il. an Branch, 873,000


M| Eaaa* (treat,


- Lawrriire.

ikurM tutmtu*

LAWRENCE Business Directory. Card. a>01 eir**4l>K Fe»r Liur a In le»|lh

InxHrd IN thla teluma at 90 par year.

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORE, for- merly I'ulwui■■«, la the place b> ret your Wor-

nW» ami Wu.ateil Goods, Pattern* and Fancy floods, Yankee Notions, Ao. ill Kaaex tn. oSly

LAWRENCE r-p ATVIFRTPAN Business Directory.1 rlh,/\Mr,KIUAIN.


AH. OLIDDEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure a Orug* ami Chemical*, Patent Medicines,

Toilet Article*, Perfumery, Sponge*, Bruehev, 8o*ps, etc. 1 ■ ]■ i; 'i and Pemberton si.


Counaellora at Law, and Cuanalaalunpr* Tor N. 11. KIT IMu STIUIKT, Lawrawee.

H.K. Houktna, aauSltf H. C. Baooa.

I tkm» carefullv IkfMMl at all houra, alan, »»■ U-adlnf Patent aWMN and Toilet ArU-

okM, Ac « and 14 URUAUWAT. aumilDyr


kU'-ldeoce.lS Oak Street.

UR. J. H. KIDDER, DENTAL SUR- (iliON, No. 171 Uaaex dtreet, Lawrence,

Ma**. Uaa, L'nlorolorui, or KUirt given, aa pre fjerred. Cloaad during Auguat.

W. LOHD, Sole Asttnt for the > ■■ VII TOIt" 8KWINU M \< '11 INK,

to Marjtin Street. Shuttle, New Ten-inn, Self-aeUIng Noedle.


-* NKKR and Murreyor, W8 Kaaex Htreet At oHoe on Monday, Tuesday and Thuraday



icy — irtl K*«ex Sti-eeL

t aliort notice.

DYER H. HALL, l.'cu.li Mado ci..itiin.:. Itat", Can*, Uent'a Kundtliiiia tii«nU, rtr.

One Price CkithinK Store, lie aoutli xlde Ksiaex lr ,1 in ■ k ■" 't 1 Street.

EH. KELLEY, APOTHECARY.—Pre- a acriptiona earefully compounded. Pare

d Chetnieala, Patenl MedV'- "

A. W. ROWLAND, SURGEON DJUmtV. Surceaaor to W. W. Uuaaell.

S£l Eaaex Street, UwiaanM, Mlroua Oxide Uaa Admlulalerenl.





PURRI.T MUTUAL. Aalata atrr - - - - fft.OOO.OOO.OO

AtX TIIK FBUrtTS l*A1I) TO I'uurv in il.DKitf. The low rate* and large dlri<lend| of thla old

OMpaay, tagniher with eseeHeal management.


PortraiU and l.amlaeavea.

inpany Milally Tor Endowment Polio!



Tim. ftO l^nlon Btreat,


Tula Bank hai nerer paid leaa than Mix per t par anaaaa, IVae of lax ti. iu dapoaltora.

AU dapoaata atada on or before the Oral day of aay month are then placed upon intcreat, and ahara ia toe next dividend.

Dividend* aa aeon aa declared are at once a.ld«l to to* aer.ounta of deposit, in., anil at once. IH'B aarn laMfaat, thu* ftvfag ooatrouirD hrtetwaC

ROHBUT MAVMII, UKO. C. T«trmii;i.t,

ST.. LAWMirCft.

, Miinu- Itoaler* In

Porelgn ami Doiuoatlo Fruit*. No. 1eT EMKX 8THBKT. »af«rttlnioa


No. IW Kaaitx Sriutn. Tha beat place in the city.

HII. PHILLIPS, Hand-knit Wonted e OarmenU, Skill-, Coraeta, Collar*, Under

fUeere*. Uoalory, Olovea, Head Draaana, Ijwea, Enibroldnrlaa, VTbite Uood*. etc., lit K*aex St.

TOHN K. NORWOOD, General Inanr- fJ ance Agency, make* Inauranoe, In all lb) branchea, a •pecutlty. Call In and loapect our Urnu. 3BH Kaaox StrooL

1, Jewelry, Mirer and Plated Ware, H, Cutlery, Toya. Aa. »» Kaaex St. old and Silver Plating.


Removed rrom ti Amcibury atrect to IS, oppoalte aMe, near Eaaex atreet.

REMOVAL.—F. M. MORGAN, Hanius* Maker, ha* rtnovad rrocn "1 Broailwav to

•8 Broadway, bead of Valley atreet. A mil aloe* ' "or.* CXttung.

Clinton VHe*,

WlUuun kofilnaon!

Tbomaa L, Jeaka, Daniel II. Whitney, fjno. 8. Derbr. lr*l;


IM MISTBUKU t U.l. \lii:.

George atreet Lot contain* 3000 feet; hoin by to, two atoriea. (with baneiuvnt under part of the uintl containing IB room*, alt 11 ntidied, painl- aatawdnaliidad. Oa tlio vremite* a rlateru ar aoft

ar, and A never hllluK woll. Location central, "rice low, li nm cini.

TJ. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER a and Dealer In Boota Slioea

'cry dealrable Style and guallty. twrenca.

roporty ia nil ran be

d dealrable Honae I.

and vary dealrable.

I^c*mn»"Mroi»o*tft ajarlaa, painted aid W etaaaUd In a very deal bought at a bargain.

A too, aevoral central a

A FAHM rttuated in 8ALEH,afi IT., about one mil* worn rlfdeca Depot, containing i» aeren land, aultably divided lulu tilluge, pro-Miring and wood land, #» eonl- at least. Fruit - np|iW, grntie* aawt currant*. A prim* working UraMlt* paMga on tht place, lluuxe two alorlu*, « by ti; L ;tl by IS; Barn M by M. Apply to


•I'.rfmt. n, Hagtra' Law Oaace,

ta*n» . Near Tow* Uo»i*e, MoUiuen, Uaaa.


1* a uatattlra Miw tor Soiatlea, athmmaUam, Neuralgia, Spinal Complaint, Coutrautod Corda, Uiar Hack, Sprain*, el>: Trom i U> B large Wtle* will euro eaaaa gtvan up by ahyaleian*. The only certain aura for Sciatica. Large bowlua gl.W; amall bottle* TV. Hold by all Uruggiata.

lyM>wHiah;LW -. ■■.-.„>,■ .J__



at R. 1>AU*'A HOS'H laog ruuKDKT,


: ST., LAWKUCE, MAM. Over Dyer A Co"*.

The asHcsmira of the S42 towns and Cities In .Mi(N-mhlls<-tl- lime nisulc their returns for 1873 to the secretary of the ('orrnnomvenilli, and the1 results thus ob- tained are hlirhly aatlsnaetory, and show a steady KTOWMI i.f the State In all material lutert'HtN, The Boston TrorrUtr ham Hie enterprise to compile the essential tacts -outalucd In the returns, and presents

them to the puhllr In a very complete and tntelliirlhle form.

The thlrty-fnnr towns and cities of Essex Comity show a very aatlatactory rate of proKres*. The polls of the conntr

lucrcased from ot,7!)S to 5S,tUOt an kW of S42; the personal propvrty

wus assessed at $,i:i,2it:),Srfn, a decrease of rMT40.V">7; real estate, r>lii."i,s:iii.L'iis. im increase of 87,!W.1,1W.1; total valuation xi.',:i.;.st,'.i7^. Increase of t>4,41ff,«lfl; taxes ralsctl p,nMOO, an Increase of IttMII;

ellliiKs MttftH) mi iucreaae of 1G4):1; rscs l9,SM, an Increase of sou. eowaj SM4, a decrease of .1.111; sheep saa, n tle- ;asc of 117; acres taxed ::■■■■.l',". an fn<

crense of VJiV. The Following Is the state of the report for the elites of Essex mi

1st of June, 187!1:

DR. J. D. YOUNG, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office and residence, *H E**ei

atreet. Office hours, li till 3 and S till a.

DECKER & WHITTIKR, GROCERS Crockery and Glaaa Ware. HtrluUv pun

Coffee*, Spleen and choice*! 1'ea*. The Issat daiiie* of llulter and Cheeae. SO Aiuoabury StreeL



RespecUble people all oyer the country nre jubilant over the wentence pronounced on "Boas" Tweed br Judge Daft* OR Sat- urday afternoon. Tweed's counsel who bad been paid nearly *>W,tk>y tqdear him made every effort without arall. John Graham, one of the Tweed Sawyer* In slwr vexation at hia (tlts-eeafltura by the Court, sat with bis bead, cried like a whipped bul" of Judge Davis was •■■■

public In "A 1

DIMAS AT rVmoot..—Tlte flmt day of fftdng; to aenooi was a must important oc- outon. A new suit had been ordered, made oat of a riding coat of his father's, which waa of a enfe au lait color. He ex- pected that It would produce a remarkable effect, and thus attired, proceeded at eight o'clock on Monday morning, to make his first ylltt. The anxious mother had fitted him ont with hooka,, also new—the "Epl. tome Hlatnrlre Hacre," and others—those little primers, half bound In dark marble

familiar ao all who hnve bad their Her



& S. Cox calls Ireland the Mark Tapley ofnatlons.

A tooth puller 'iu Salem advertlaea

ft g tf 1 ■ 5 5

ill J 81*11

, etc. t7fl Eaaex Street,

E8. YATES, M. D-, PHYSICIAN mid a Surgeon.

Office, Sin Kaaex Street, corner of Lawrence. Reaideoce, 103 Couuonl Street.

F'RANK C. CLARK, Millinery Goods, Small Ware*, Trmiuilinr*, Emlirolder aa,

F^RANK KNOX.-H00U, Shoes and Rub- bera of aU kinda aold clwap for caali. Re

pairing done at *hort notice. iSa Eaaex Street, —=mjj

WP. SMITH, Jr., Plain and Deeora- •tr** Paper Hanger. Spocialattentlon given

1.1 executing ornamenUl de*lgn». Sign Painting and Lettering of all kind.

H. TEBHETS A CO., Dry and Fancy Uooda. 1MB F.aaex StreeL

Low Price Store of Lawrence.



Manufacturem of Wind Mncliluery, Hunfa Dou- ble Acting Turbine Water Wheel.

HAMMER FALLING STOCKS, Fulling Hill*, Dolly Waahera, ShaJUng, Ragulaiora,

Ulga, Dyo Tuba, Ac E. N. HARRIS, ** Ilroatl way Ijiwreuce, Maaa. Dlreotorand Selling Agent,



SLATE AND METAL ROOF EH. ,4f.'lld'#/ .'. '■ ___

1tf*l*>Ma, • EAatT ELM »T., Lawt<acl

Leak* Roofb made Tight at *bort notlee. * I vnivl?

A BAND IN EVERT VILLAGE Is, 1 la ao"" to be, and the mellow uolae of him

who practlona Ul* Cornet la beard all over la* bynd. So be in Iwle, iu the fnaliiou, and In aca aea, add pureoaae th* beat Bounding

CORNETS, ALTOS, BASSES, Or any other Bant] lii*n-innentn, which With

VIOLINS, GUITARS, FLUTES, *ll Orebealral 1 la fact all luMruweot* in

IB, Tlolliiand Uultar Strings, ai»| all ftund In plenty, —

it the store or



*Ng*J Maeax ahhroat, - - • Lawrai



Plans and Specifications Prepared.


For Salt en Easy Term* and To Let.




^ EO. 0. CROSS—Mechanical Draught*- y man. Pattern- and Model Maker, at the

-JemoiacL Machine Shop, near Mcrriinack Iron Foundry. i P01

HB. DENNETT, (TGAK8 AND Ta a BACCO, Wholesale and Retail: also Snub

and .Smoker-' Article*. Meernchaum Pipe* neatly repaired. No. tl Lawrence street, I.awrence.

HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, at A * M. Atklm-onV, formerly at Mr*. J. A

KnoxV htiltlnery and fancy good*. Stamping 1 r|>iviiiin-.Mmin]iii- Fin' ■■■■(■! ■■(■'. zlO Eaaex atreet

11 aaaortiiicnt of all article* In our line.

FUKMTVIU: MOVKH. Houae, lOflCroa* Street. Order* left at Dean A Haaeltine'a, HI Common Street, promptly attended to.

"i S y s . > I i I!

more Infamous and more ootrageoua than any Inatauce of a like character which the whole of the civilized world contains." The aggregate sentence passed upon Tweed Is twelve years lmprlsontneut and 81 L',7.'.o 06 hue. The county Jail lu LUdlow St. Is designated as the place of contlac- ment. Tweed's eon, daughter ami ncice were in court ami sobbed aloud when the sentence waa pronounced. Tweed showed no emotion. Tweed Is now 60 years of age, he will therefore be 79 at the expira- tion of his punishment. As a puniafa«ie*A the sentence to this jail will not be very severe. Tweed will have aumptnooa apartmeuta, he can have all the luxuries of the markets, receive his friends until 11 o'eloek every night, Snuday Included, can play billiards and ruu the Tammany machine as Well as ever. At 10 minutes past 1 o'clock, til efforts to secure a stay of proceedings having failed, Tweed waa taken to the Tombs.

Tweed paeaed Sunday in cell 4 of the Tombs. Thla la the condemned cell In which murderers are placed awaiting exe- cution. It waa assigned to Tweed because It Is mort comfortable, being nearer the stove and warmer than moat of the others. No one was admitted to see the prisonei except members of his own family. Among them were his two sons, who passed a considerable time with hint.

The attempt t* get a stay of proceed- ings will be renamed. Much Interest is felt In regard to the threatened commit- ment by Jndge Davis of Tweed's counsel for contempt of Court.


mere wicked, and *»d he found himself aanong a bolay


HF. BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and • Cabinet Maker.—Uepalring, Laying Car-

JOSEPH FLOOD A CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. Chamber*, ul and 3 Saundera

Sew Block, Eaaex Street, tinder the Immediate aupenrtolon of Jos. FUSIII, (late Savage A Flood.)

L'tmrle* 8. Woodman A Co.,) Crockery, Clftee and Chliui Ware, I-amp Uooda, Plated Ware, Table. Cutlery, IBS Easck Street.



ral; la net all iuatruiacul* in oowaion .0, TUHn ami Uultar String-, uu>| all Mualcal larch au.lto* will be MM In plenty, variety, ami


taonabie price*,

J, 0. MATBTflta A CO.,

al Court St., Roaton,

(Op. the Court lluuae)


PIANO AND OHOAN. gMM Baaaa atr.et, Lewrawea,

Mr*. Homan iaaiiexperleneeil teacher. Sstt*- fnctlou guaranteed, Also, agent for the Pre-eoU Orirnn. Tlila Organ Company la the oldeat eatab- llalwientulthe kind In the ti idled State*. The experience or SI yoar* In tlio hu.lne** wtatde* th* liitniutaeturera to place In the market Cabinet Or- ganairf *neh variety, unailty or tone and fluUh aa will challenge comparlaon for elegance of •tyte, Volume, and purity nf lone. Sold on iiiHlallmoiita. tdd lartraaiMii taken In caching*. *o*nTtr



Lawrence. - Maaa.

Th* Rank will be open every day from A A. M. to IP.TTTaxrept Saturday. On Thuraday and Saturday Evaalaga, frnm 7 to'.', for receiving de- poelte only.

Dawoalto placed on Intereal the Flrat Day ol each month. SJuBt,000 net denoalt* at the rloa* or ■laMcn aaonUu) buain***.

JOHN KALLOS, Pre.blent. JiiHS L. II It KW.if Kit, Treaaurer. Vadtf



Far Invantioat. Trade Mark*, er Oaaign*, »• Itat* St., nppoatte Hllby St., Roaton, after aa tXleaalve practice or upwanl* of thirty yeara, neallailli ta aeaura Patent* In the United State*} alaeln Uroat Britain, Vrenee, awl ■■■'- rorehru ciuaWea. Caveat*, ipeidjbanooa, Ai . iB*Mta, and all paper* for Patent., evented im

lo^lnerTatne^vtltdity'ainl utility OTP*tenU of laveutlooa, and legal ami otter adviot mdeved

' lug the aaroe. Cupica of II- t fuml»h.il by remitting m rwoonled la Washington,

n Uta'UnUed State* poaaaate* for olitalnlni PatenU or aaear.




(O. !1»1 K8HF.X 8TIIKET,


Suit. Cut »nd ritudlor al. I"""

(MM OIIM atM hour, ul n


L. STRATTON, BOOKSELLER and Stationer, Account MiM>k Blanuihcturer.—

Paper Hanging*, Window Shades, Newspaper*, etc fa Eaiei 1st. llranch Store, m Easex St.


M M. POOLE, M. D., after 20 yoar* aucce**rul pracUot; in Obetetrina and


would raapacUuIly invite attention.

B. KENNEY, M. D, PHYSICIAN _ _ and Surgeon. Office Ss:l E«-ex St. Houae

So. 110 Newbury Street. Partluular Alteutlun paid to Cancer*.


t.'ni i«'t.. Crockery and Cutlery, together with lloiuekeeiiing tiooila generally. 'I'lic beat aaaort- munt In the city. Ssl Eaaex Street.



PAINTERS. taw Kaaai air.et, (Orawa) gilork).


luit.ar, ALBSST Aaoaaws, lags-

3Bau Muting KM |sUent*blUt/*r lnva**n*«w.

All aaceailty or a Journey to Waahlngton to pro- aura a Patent, ami the uaual great delay there, are bare a*v*d lavantora.

TaSTlMOllIALS. M one of the moat canal U*

lUonera with wh<sn I have

CUAIU.ES MASOX, Conunln'r of Patent*." " I hav* no Imitation In ai-urlng Inventor* that

tlwry cannot employ a man «v>r* coatpeirnf and avaanasBnC and more capable of nutting their *l>- idtoa^oeaTn a form to mme for Uaata AII oarly andbvorable con-Merstl«n at the Patent OIBce.

EDMUND ltUk«E. Lale Co»> oX Pato**ta." •TO. R. H. EDl'i ftaa made for me over THIBTY

"-— —■ - ear Patanta, having been raoouaarul ta alnaaatavary ca*e. Such uumtotakaula proof if treattalenTMd ability <m til* part, lead* me to fa.anWarri-1 ALL Inventor* to apply to him to pro- cur* their nateitta, a* they may be *ur* of having MM atoatnlwifulattention bestowed on theircaMt, anal at very reasonable charge", ""■ J JOHN TAUUABT."

Hoaton, Jan. 1. W79. lvfab


^ -itma ctras »x>n—

Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrhaa. B*Bt fall !• ««t u 1 Shalr »0 aohU.

Tw*nlvy**r*'exi*rlence Uaa fully eatabllahed tkc auraklv* H«alltiea of tola preparation.

u MraiCnnB* Colte. It e»r»* tlhoUm Imfai'-W- I* ewrea 4 hraotc Ilya-ajterr. ir*wtreVip«ra«lerholrr*. ltc..re.Rloo4r

eire* allMowal OoMplnlwta. It rnrti B.I.aeV*. It *»». Uyapepeln. It •■«! lB*Hg**Ue».

■ -^«kJia. |AtJ^« W


No. SSI Eii*. SV**t. Lawraaee, Maia. A Iwaya ready to give their pcraonal acrvlce and

urlou* attention to *clling Kual and Personal Eatato at auction or othorwi**, obtaining Money and letting th* aame at fair rate* for all concern- ed, negotiating Mortgage* awl looking up TiUea, Eeuting l'roi>*T«y and •ollaeting Bent*, Ma, No fuan paaaad of Propavty aaleea th* H*M be per- IS! no Money Invaated bat upon the moat un- douotwl aeenrky. AU bealaaa* intonated to ua WU1 be attended to promptly, and all will be hon- Trebly ESSwUkffiWnttatrW bKSjM important elmneat of aucceaa is the Raal Eatat*

EK«**^SsS5fc iuM time looking well to the Ira* Inhtreat of the ar, that bto title* are good, and that ha gat*

. h he I* entktod to-Uw. *eonrlag ami holding that conSdano* of our faUow* which 1* only oLtalned by atrlct attonUoa to fc— *- the hlghMt type of honorable keeling. STarma reaaonable, and ance

and roaponalblllly. Call upon ReuU Bats*. Offloe. 381 BTe-wx SL

.-Proaerty tor HkM laantay aaotloo* ofNew

_ • Boom*, Fruit and Confectionery, -":' K**rx Street, Near City Hall, Lawrence, Mas*. Choice brand* of Cigar* alway* on hand.

The footings of these figure* sbow an Increase of 49:1 polls, a decrease of ASM,- "'.'<; In personal e,state, an increase In real estate of A4,o27,2Sl; the taxes coUectetl Increased 9lus,r>!ir>; and the dwellings 882. The total In these six cities being the summary of the above table was as fol- lows, June I, 1*73: Polls, ttM&J person- al property, *SS.fi 13,011; teal, ACS,7IIR,naS; total •102,237,13U; taxes raised, gI,!)S0,- 007; dwellings, 1S.S12. The falling off In the amount of personal property assessed waa In the cities of Gloucester, Snlem and llaverhll).

There is 110 place lu I he county, ex- cept N'ahant, tM.■.'">. Manchester SliLS"-, aud Lyntifleld (ss, that is aaaueaed lesa than 812 on 91000. Marhlehead, Glouceater and Rowley run up to 820, the highest belug Ncwburyport, 820.40, and Rockport S21. Toptleld and Georgetown tax BIO.

Nahant has 144 poll, ftn,0K.t,7fi-'> In per- sonal, 81,137,400 in real, or a total of 80,- 24S.4H3, a decreaac of B867,T17; taxes raised 820,821, rate of taxation, 84.23 on a thousand; dwellings 137, anlucreaaeofll.

Middlesex County nbow* a heavy gain In valuation and polls. Cambridge the chief city gains iu everything. Lowell, the nextcltY, hus ID.sOo polla, 8H.4»8,I24 In personal property, 823.822,403 In real property, ltraistda tax last year of8017,- !■•-], the rate being8l0-'-»i» on 81.000. The city has G.0OH dwellings, a gain of 112 during the year. The highestratoaf tax' ni Ion In the county Is «l«.."id the rate as. sessetl In Wnkvllebl. A noteworthy fact shown liy the asst'sors' exhibit Is that Boston, not withstanding the loss of 800,' 1 by the November Are, hud on the 1st of May last an Increased valuation of 811,107,000. In Nantucket, as was to be expected, there Is a lose, though twenty six new buildings haje been added during the year and real estate has increased In the assessors' valuation about three per cent. Bamstahle county lias remained almost statlontry. The lowest rate of taxation Is 810.40 on 81,000 which is the rate in Falinouth and the highest Is $37 which la levied In Eastham. Most of the Increase In Bristol Is in the three cities of Fall River, New Bedford and Taunton. Easton taxes only $10 on a thousand untl all taxes are under 810 ou the thousand except lu New Bedford and Dartmouth where the rate Is 817. Fall River has 10,020 polls, 810,R04,4SS in per- sonal and $10,721,7fH la real estate. The tax raised Ugttlll^.'il, the rate being 813.- ~~ on a thousand. The number of dwell- ing Is S,04il.

Plymouth has 23 towns and " never a ilty." The county about holds Ita own. The Important municipality of Hull has S3 polls, a gain of 0 and has Increased the number of Its houses from 127 to 173. The Western counties as a rale, show the least satisfactory figures of the year and In high rates of taxation, they give re- sults that are somewhat startling. In Franklin county the taxes are very heavy. Fire mwns have 810 to 820 on a thousand and half the towns lu the county go over that; via. Asalkld 820, Charlumout 822.00, Coleralne821, Deerfleld 822, Hawley 820, New Salem 820, Orange 822.80, Howe 828, Shuteabury 827, Warwick 82.",, Wendell 82H, and little Monroe, the smallest town In the 'county, laid on the neat little tax of 832 on a thousand, which waa 84.30 teas liuni the previous year.

The aggregate of all the counties in the Slate shows the following result* 1

The official count of ballots cast at the last State election has just been completed by the Sub-Committees of the Executive Council appointed for that furpese, and the complete report was made to Hie Gov- ernor and Council by the Lieutenant Gov- ernor yesterday. Essex County gives Washburn 10,003, Canton8,404, Oliver 107, Bauer 21', Scattering 19. The full vote of the State la Washburn 72,184. Gajtou £", 300, Oliver 391, Butler 1RI, All others 218. The Secretary of State has the lar- gest majority on the ltepuhlc.au ticket, running 7,".iX) ahead of Washburn. The vote tor Councilor lit the Kglh District gives Daniel H- Stlckney of Groveland 10, 77S, Jolin II. Glover, of Ipswich, 7,02:1. All others 17.

The following is the official count for State Senator In the five Essex districts.



Weekly Ncwrf Bfeviiie^. SATURDAY.

ecently ap. ladles to the pealtion of bwarcber in th* Stew

Ifflce. The —


1' W. HEALD, Sole Agent for Singer's . • Improved Sewing Machine, 'ill Baaen St,

Saundera S'ew Block. Sewing Machine Findings.

TH08. LKYLAND, Dry Goods, 381 Ei X am Street. Full Value, Fair Dealing, " >

Blowing," No Trickery, Une Price. We mm What wa *ay.

naar xesax. ■ Thomaa In gall* of Marbkbeait,

Uaorae D. WnJtfle «f Ly**, -, ~v All other*, -r, r-.n.jFH

Uw>rge It. Luring of Sal***.' Clutrlca A. Ilopua of Salem, All other*,

Ttitin assKx. Horace Q Bacon Of Lawrence, Nathan W. Harmon of Lawrence, All other*,

n 111 am KSSRX.

Zenaa C. Wardwell of tirovelaml, MoaeaFoaterof Uroveland, All others,

FIFTH asaax. Charlea Kit* of Manchester, lieorge A. Prlect ofManrheater. All other*,

The olnolal vote fbr Regltter n Is as follows: AbnerC. lloodeu\ Jr.,ef Salam, I0A Jonathan Nayeoa of Auiaabury, .'i.s All other*, 1


1,087 is


Columbus was the son of a wevar, and s weaver himself, afterwards a sailor.

Claud Lorraine was bred a pastry cook. (Vrvanten was a common soldier. Homer was the son of a small farmer. Moher, son of a pastry maker. Demosthenes, so of u tetter. Oliver Cromwell waa ihe son of a brew-

Howard, an apprentice to a grocer. Franklin, a Journeyman printer 1 son of

tallow chandler and soap holler. Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Worcester, sou

of a linen draper. Daniel De Foe was a poetler, and the

son of a butcher. Whlteneld, sonofaiiliBi-kceperatGlou-

cester. Sir Cloudsley Sbovsl, Hear Admiral of

England, waa an apprentee to a shoema- ker, and afterwards a ca^ln-boy.

Cardinal Wolaey, son <•* a butcher. Horace was the Son of k shopkeeper. Khakspearm of a wootiHtapler. Milton, of a money-scrirener. Robert Burns was a plowman In Ayr-

shire, Confuclooa wus a carpenter. Mohammed, called the prophet, was the

driver of asses, Mchemet Alt Was a barber. Madam Bernadotte, washerwoman of

Paris. Napoleon was the descendant of an ob-

scure family at Corsica, was major when he married Josephine, the daughter of a tobacconist creole ofMartiiibiue.

President Buyer was a mulatto harbor. King Christopher, of Haytl,-was a slave

of St. Kltts. Bolivar was a druggist. Vasco de Gama waa a sailor. Catharine, the Empress of Russia, was

a camp grlselte. ClnclnnatUM was plowing lit IIIN vlr.eyard

when the dictatorship of Rome was offer- ed to Mm

mob of schoolboys, who at oncefprocceded to make him go through the new boy's probation of practical Joking of a very raab kind. He was hustled, deluged with water, and played other tricks which had the effect or destroying all his new llnery. Vtterly mortified at this reception, he could only sitdownand cry bitterly. Pres- ently entered the abbe, having come from saying muss. He found all his pupils gathered round the new boy, who was sit- ting on the steps, and aaklug eaeh other with an appearance of genuine .wonder and interest what was the matter with him. The abbe pushed through the ring of little hypocrites, and fixing his glass In his eye, bent over the sobbing child to nsk what ailed him. Alexander looked up, and waa shout to tell, when he suddenly saw a whole range of menacing flats threat • enlng him from behind the master, and checked himself with an abrupt cry. The abbe tented round sharply, ana found them ell smiling. "Tell me what It Is all about," he said. "Wa can't make out," they said; "he has been crying lu Hint way ever sluco he came." Indignant at this misrepresentation, Alexaiulcr then blurted ont the whole story of his treat- ment, and appealed to the state of his new clothes in proof. "Very well," fcsald the abbe, "I shall punish you for nil this; you shall have no recreation to-day, end plen- ty of ferrules too." These were at onci administered amid groans of suflTerlug; but there were flerce glances directed at the hew boy, while muttered denuncia- tions of "Informer," "Bpy," came to hlf ears and began to alarm him. There waa no mistaking these symptoms; a heavy reckoning would have to be paid for hli Indiscreet revelation. Four o'clock cejnc and the end of school; the abbe said t abort prayer and dismissed the class. Alex ander for a moment thought that he would Invoke his protection or get the hump' backed sister ta take him home; but he felt that this would only be temporary eld —the abbe er tha slater could not always see him home. The school poured out into the street. With a heating heart he gathered up his books as slowly as he could, lit the faint hope that they might have gone away home before hint, and then descended Into the court. He found the whole school gathered on the steps In a sort of semicircle or council, evidently waiting for him, while a young champion, named HUguy, to whom hsd been deputed the duty of avenging the school, was standing at the steps, coal of and sleeves already turned up. At this aJarttdug spec- tacle, the new boy waa seen to falter and stop short, on which u yell of «xerratU>u burst forth, lie felt himself ready to drop, and a cold sweat burst out on his forehead. The situation waa, however, desperate; there waa no escape. With s sudden Im- pulse he recovered himself. Cowardice often tlmls bravery its moat effectual re- sort, and In many of his duels, when he was grown up, Alexander behaved cour- ageously from much the same motive. He descended the steps, addressing his enemy: "So that's the way, Is ItV "Yas, that's the way It is," said the other sneer- Ingly.who was the sou of a cloth-seller In the town. "And so yon want to tight?" "Yes, I do." "Oh, you do; do you?' "Tes, I do." "Well then,—there!" Hi had got to the bottom of the steps; In n second he had laid down his hooks, it'lPpcd of his Jacket, and had fallen in his enemy. "All, so you would, would

your—take that, and that I and thai, and thst!" Surprised and taken aback nt this readiness, where he expected to And

ihlrklng" the cloth-seller's son was siag- Sercd. overwhelmed, and finally borne

own, receiving a blow In the eye, ;in<l another In the mouth. The day was gained, and the victor characterlatlcnlly saluted by his lately hostile companions with shouts of applause. As they respect- fully made way for him ta |>ass out, they heard him muttering, "When I'm—when I'm—," which they Interpreted signifi- cantly. He was never persecuted again.

(klontologlat. Oral Surgeon and Dental I FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 98. Artist, oh yes!

Some fore-haadeil newspaper man has ! already appointed General Butler military governor of Havana.

No lesa than twenty-seven '' American sculptors" are reducing the general ave rage of art In Italy.

Thf- Chicago Inhr-Grran suggests that ■tae Was* oaujht to declare Its ladepend-

tce of "Lecture Bureaus." Only twice In fifty years has the barom-

eter been lower than It was la Roatou at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, and even then hut a little lower.

Victor Kmsnuel wears a moustache so long that, aa he rides. It floats hack like the waving locks of a young girl. His bean) also reaches to his breast.

Alphouso used to call his adorable An- gelina his turtle dove. He now drops the "dove" and cstls her '-turtle," because she wears such a huge shell on her belt.

A Wisconsin paper draws a picture of a "heavy, sogoy school-ma'am, weighing l .'.< > pounds, brlnglug the ruler down upon the shrinking flesh of a child of 7 years."

Fifteen pounds of dried apples were taken as pay for publishing a marriage no- tice by an Iowa paper, recently; which leads to the inference thst thu wedding WM S swell affair.

Recently a bearded woman waa on ex- hibition In a tent in Parla. A curious lady on retiring, said to a little girl selling tickets at the entrance, "Is the bearded lady your mamma?" She replied, "Oh, no, It is my papa."

A kind lather tried to encourage his son to rise early by relating the old story of a person who, early one morning, founds purse of gold." "Welt," replied the youth, "but the fellow who lost the purse rose earlier, you know."

Tula Is a sad tale. A hoy at Niagara Falls has successfully treated 200 nits for cataract. The majority of them went over In bags. The funny man of the Bos- ton Traveller la expected to add that It Is a subject for some muse (mews).

A Nevada paper says: "The many ft lends Of Bill Thompson will regret to hear that he was hashed tip by a cata- mount the other day on Nixon's Hill. while lying In watt to shoot a Chinaman. This was always a world of disappoint- ment.

IrascUde old party—"Conductor, why didn't you wake ineas I asked you? Here " m miles beyond my station." Comtuc-

—"4 did try, but alt I could got you to say waa, 'AU right, Maria, get the chil- dren their breakfast and I'll Ite down lu a 111 111111 e I* "

The following dialogue Illustrates the difference between use and abuse i Old Gentleman:—" Do you mean to say you can't gat me a toothplckr"—Walter: "We used to keep 'em, but we finds aa how the gentlemen Invariably carries 'em off, after using 'em, and we gives it up."

omfortlng to be assured by the weather prophets (as the Springfield 1 nlon La) that the present cold dreary weather Is but the precursor of the Indian

York Post 01 what of an inn been debarred irowi eervlngth* Government ._ the New York Post uilics. The India* appnuu- ed are Mr*. Chuhhnck, widow of a brother of Fanny Forrester, the wife of the Her. Dr. Jmi- son, and Mrs, Bus), widow of (Jen- Reel, a Western officer. The latter wa* appointed at the reuuest of President Grant.

A Troy special to the New York Commercial Advertiser announced that in that city metiu- factnrlng catablitlunenta that have suaeended DVerstlon* are resuming work to s moderate extent. The Clinton Foundry started work to- day. Coming'! steam mill started uphutnlgbf, the Star Forge having been In operation ilnce Monday night. About five hundred men arc sow at work at Ihe iron work*.

Mr. F. R. Kimlull, ot Hartford, has been employed by the Trustee* of Trinity College to go to Hngland and draw lliownrklnr. plans for Ihe new college building*, lie will leave for England on the 10th of December, and will pturnbly remain hi that country until the fol- low ins May.

The standing committee of the diocese of Kentucky, having forwarded to Bishop Smith at Hobuken, N. J,, a certiorate of Bishop Cum- min* withdrawal from the diocese and the Proteitant Episcopal Church, Ibe next step I* the formal deposition or Bishop Cummins from episcopal ni notion 1.

The trial of Nel*en Crou for the murder of Daniel Knight of Grlstvold, Conn., in Septem- ber, In progress In Norwich lince Tuesday,

THIC iMDuarsui. SCHOOL for j*vsau> offenders, created by a recent ordinance of the city council, is certainly fortunate IB the Board of Directors chosen by the convention on Thursday evening, which, for character, ability, and pecaUar fltnass could hardly have been exccerled by any live citizens wltWu our municipality Sheriff Derrick, whose long exraartencr wlth the various phases of crime has Jed

Postmaster James has recently appointed two -in r*^Tatar' neat toaotua-

innovation, aa hitherto wosaea haye Llm to uaiuealy urge Ota ealal-JUhmcrw. ef this In-UlHtion, haw made reformatory discipline a subject of careful investiga- tion and thought, has broad, hnmntiirlug views, and Is eminently qnlalfled to lte Ihe senior member In length of service, upon the Board, of Which, doubt 1***, he will be Chairman. Dr. Packard alnce the Infancy of Lawrence, has hud 0 deep Interest in the young of all claaaes, and hia long expertenre In connection with our schools,'has muulc him .thoroughly versed lu the uuuoaUtHi and t raining of boys. Fattier Ollmore.tlie esteemed pastor of St. Mary's church will bring special fituess, A varied experience and hearty appreciation of the merits and the needs of the Institution, lu the purpo- ses of which he has ovlpced s cordial in- terest, and ho will be snre to pre** 4 vnl - nod and efficient member of the .Hoard. Mr. Clark, in whose ability .and snaoass Lawrence has deservedly a- special pel** as otiejof the early graduates of be* schools has proved puo of Uw most useful and val- uable members .of the school iiManvtnli'ie terminated Friday. The Jury wa* Doable to "", ,,*■ '. , „. ..

agree, and Judge Loomls took hack the papers. ! that l>oard has over had, and WRh hi" " - expected that Cross will have a new trial, WMB1 interest In the new relbnnalory.es-

i tabtlshment, his aelactlori Is one of special fitness. Dr. Bnlllvan, during serer*1+raTs service npon the school board, lias won the esteem of his associates, is j man of warm instincts and irrogrrssllir Ideas, sod will bring to Jtho ndWposlUpB excellent adaptation for the place. 'Jin

I hoard Is admirably [constituted, or rilgli VOHI

In J*unary. Schooner Delaware, ot Tbonuuton, from 1

Hnllowcll, Me., lor Westport, Ma**., sprung aleak off neguln Island Friday. Her mr abandoned her and arrived at Portland .la si open boat Friday night. The vessel *ooa rank.

Kne Canal ofllctali are doing all lit their power to assist navigation, bat are meeting with great diflflculty at various points. The property locked in Is enormous.

At Plttaburg, Pa., alt ft*| newspaper office* j Cu%racter and great aWcngth, asal'l are aow filled by non-union cotnfosttort, a ~* , 7" "T _._„_" ., ,.A.._, strike having iwen lnaugrated by tbe Typo-1 Mhoo* under "Och managrmout cannot graphical Union last week. j fkjt 6f UCCtKOlUg SB. InStltlttlon of tlSqUCS*

The flrat prise now He* brtweer\V**»i ?hd ; twued wortu w tjM) «Hg„,,nilf. Gamier, who play ofl to-night. Italy and Bfcm ! , , m ...s . ■.,-.<■ play offior the fntirthpriae. , lmtm/tX Bitv^v^-JW ntvraptner.

MO K DAT. j correapondeiits are lieglnnltig to aejMt According *o Ibe latest news from Praaee, a\ati(, the csseiittsl fa«Jf*i rtwitalned M the

po*B. The Duko de Broglle, Pierre Maawe.M. irress next month. Tlio Internal Revenue Desclligny undM. Batbic remain in the Oabl-' „ , M -pt.ipn wus aeiit in ThursdSv' net, retaining their portfolios as Mlnlstera of Kenort' wlllcn WUM **1U "* ' nu™°V' Foreign Affair*, Flnaaee, PnbHe Work* and shows the receipts of the year have hern Public Infraction. The new Minister* artJ gui.OOtl.OOtl, which Is •<,oflo,01ai wort- Donsy, Minister of War; Goulard, Mlnlsterof " ' ' "?• „ . „ .,.„ v , ■ -i,,!' Interior; Depeyre, Minister of Justice; and ! than Secretary Boutwcll estimated. The Bodot, Minister of Agrlrnltuf*. of taeseOoii- expenses of uoilectlou lutve been «A1M>,»

man whonUl ke much of an ( ^ wh(ch ^ c>mwhtHiooer tIlulk> ^

tie minced lo H4,<MM,i,ooo next yea*. The acceHilon to the M Ini.t r>

Tbe trouble* with Spain ha1 assumed ,

KLOgi-KXCK. When he speaks.

The air, a rhnrteiM llliei tine, I* (.till, And the mute wonder lurketh In men'a enr- To ataal hi* sweet and honejll sentence*.


Nov. came atlll evening, on and twilight gray Had In her sober livery all thing* rlad: Hlleuceaocompllihed; for tieetlo and birds, They to their graaar cinich, I lie-,- lo tlielr ne*U Were sunk, all lint the woeful nightingale.


l l:lt Mi -Mil .

I lope not lo Ond A friend, bul what baa found a friend in thee; AH like the purchase, few llw price will pay; And Uii* mnkea friends such miracle* below.


To these rettoUeaa grace, Impart. Tfcet look of awertaea*. forra'd to plaaae, Tlwt *leg*noe, devoid of art. That dignity Ihat'a hut ia esae.



1STJ. V.'.'.'.'li.v.l

*ss,:n un.718 loc-,:»'


lift, lit iis,m UJKI\



_ ami Coiinai'llor* at Law, Hauuilera New Block, Houma If) and 17, Lawrence, Una*.

J. K. TARDOX. C. K- Hid...,-.


Inga, v Book Manufacturer*, fit Ksaex SL, Lawvenre.

*" CO., Basex Dye Dyer* of Piece! ioods,

of Job l>relii*;. Un- ■alabbV good* ItVeyaS nnd put In marketable order.

11 Boots, Shoe* and llnliliera of every itearrlii-

tluu. Populsr Store. Ilnatmi Union liootuod Shoo llooae. 178 Base* Slreet, uonior Jackaon.

HABHWARB and CUTLKBT, 117 Ksaex Street

. Klmbell. W. F. Klmball,




Parlor, Offloo and Oookingr Btovee. Plumbing, Tin Uooflng, sad all abut* of Jobbing

deae usaavptfy. -1

wrisU BOOK, Nl

AM B1IS8KLL A SON, U ami facto re r* or

NEWS, ANII MANILLA PAPKKS, Canal Strnet, lower and.

• ATToasr.Ts and COI:KSXLLOXS AT LAW, a» Kaaex streeL


WO. HOWB, 481, «», MS KSHBX • Street, Lawrence, Ma**., Whohmale

SMH Poll*, auH,As| Keatrilate, JI,i:(l.:k»Vn: Peraoeal pmpeKy. .'-^,,»i.ti*u

The Increase in thu tax raised Is •Z.MOII,- Hli; In iininlier of dwellings, TAtW; ami In horses, 8,40.1. Tin1 decrease ta 11,042 In cows; 4,4611 In sheep. The increase lu poll* Is 4.AHH, hi tbe valuation of real es- tate, ass^Hwjj;;. The decrease In per- sonal property is ft:M,HoT),1.1t>.

HUH runs. 8* alow

Tbe growth of what 1* excellent; so ban I Tnattain perfection In tht* netherworld.


vittruB. Virtue way he m< sal I'd. but never hurt; Sarprto'd by un|ust fbree, bat not entbrall'd : Vet even that which inlaebief meant mo»t hai-ni. Mini! In the happy trial prove naoal glory.


TUB ■ Mil; Mil, Hall, Sabbath' thee 1 lutll, the poor man'- ilay: <»n other day* HM man of toilto doom'd TnaaHitoJoylemihmnil, lonely- the ground Hotaseatani] isHinl-ecreen'drrain the winter'*

aaM And ■ummer** beat, by neighboring bedgr or tree; But en tiii. liny, einbosom'd In hi* home, He aharea Ui* Iragal nasal with theae bo loves.


SATtmg. TI* Nnture inontil* the teaching Ace. TI* .he Hut give* the living grace, | Tbe genuine charm that nerer die*. The tsoawrl air. the thnkt eye*, Tha atciilins glanee, that win* It* way To when- Ihe I'* a Section ■ lay.

/. U. PnuMing.

I'll serve hi* youth, Par youth must have Ma rear*e, for balug reslrnln'd It usaka* him lea the* a warae 1 HI* pride, hi* wit, all thai may b* nanVd, By tint* '* recall',!, ami all his madnoa* latn'd.


Be 11 lent always, when ynu doubt your *en*e. And eneak, UK>' lure, with aeemlng iHSldeneF.


A DiaooviRY AT POMPKH.—The form of another bumau body, whir* had been Impressed on the aabea of PenrpeH, baa been preserved In plaster Paris. The cast la said to be extremely beautiful, and far superior to any which have hitherto been taken. The head Is a portrait, the nose Is long and decidedly aquiline, the lips full and half open, tha ears enormously targe. There Is w> muscular eontractli Indicative of a violent death, and tbe whole person, which Is la the pose of one who slaepa a placid sleep, shows that title unhappy citizen of Pompeii died of asphy- xia. He lies on the left sldu. resting tbe head on the right hand, whilst the other arm. bent under thu breast, la almost eon ccaled : the legs are drawn up unequally, the left'Wfnte than the right, which Is stretched out naturally. Around the loins was a linen covering, which concealed a small portion of thu legs; tlia breast was nuked, without the shirt, unless there be some appearance of one under the left armpit, but th-.- feet were naked, and these have been cast magnificently. It Is worthy of note that this body was found nt a remarkable height, almost on tha level of the second story, and near It were a few pieces ofmouey lu bronxe and silver. Thus another Interesllng addition Is made to the casts of human forms now lu the British Museum.

AN OKIUIKAL Kxi'tisiTioN Or Tin "FALL."—The speaker waa an elderly ne- gro who had been a "hand" on one of the vessels In the Lower Potomac. He said the Devil flrst tried to get Adam to cat tli apple, "but eniiy man In all he senses mtghter knowed de Heidi couldn't erdone datar; Adam's too smart for Ole Ntok when he had nufllu but hlaaelf tor tuk care on, But de Debit kuew, case be was tn liebea lb' de 1 .oil frtiw him outen dar,— he knew dar was s womsn to be made, an' so he Just hove out de anchor an' waited fur de woman. When Kve enm 'long ho knew he'd got sure ting on dat ar apple; an' he hnve 'longslde whar she's a setttn' an' whisper tn her ear an' aay she's mighty nice gal; an' she's so tickled WU1 hia fine speeches dat site Jus' say guv bar de apple when he ask her don't she want It. lie Debll ao pleased to see she fooled so easy he like to larf out loud. Woman is mighty hard creeturs to do anytlng aousi. hie wld,—dey Jns'done go contrary ev'ry time dey can, an' when Kve got her mlii' made up to eat dat apple, she's eat II efde Lo'd hiaaclf tell her let um alone. Soon'a aha done eat It de Debll aay to hlaaelf, ,ohe made muss dat ar garden Kben' an aba kinder hear what he tlnk. an' matle up her wicked in in' to' 1 ice Atlam to eat toder one. Ho she cum longslde one time when she seen him setting, under de tree, an' say, 'Adam eat dls yer,—he's berry nice' Bnt Adam say be won't an' she keep teaaln hlui, an saylu' how she love him, an' Anally he's 'liced, an' eats dat bad apple, an'den de nugle Gabriel fly ,long dar' an' driu- ' em iiof utiten dc gnrdcii, an* say dey bof hav'ter work firrde llvln.' Rnt Adam neber eat dat ar apple ,rept Kve done gone 'tie* hlM 1 an'he didn't dolt den 'less he hive her. an' shu such a tongue, llku all de women, she msde him b'lleve lunik la white."— ,Si,lwu- Andrew ihAUantir, ,oWA- 'r/vr.Df«.

A jeweller in Loin Ion has patented rin Ingenious contrivance for superseding the check-string and speaking tube in a car- riage having a splash-board. It conalsts Of two dials, one on lite eplaah-board fac- ing tbe driver, the other wllbln ihe car- riage and easy of access to the occupant. The dials bear the words "Go on," "Stop Itt," -'turn, Rt," "Fast," "Slow," ."Turn IA," "Stop Lt," and "Home," and to theae any other words may be added to meet in- dividual requirements.

summer, and that the signs point to a really mild winter. The blackbirds, musk- rats and baas are all riled to prove this assurance as well founded.

"Bo, yar mother's dead, Is abe?" in- quired a bootblack In Detroit of a solemn- faced lad, who returned with his kit sfter a two days absence. "Yes she Is," said the mourner, straightening up; "And dad did the fair thing by heir—seven moro hacks than Mrs. O'Grady hsd the other day."

The liicnt.iv critic of the Bostou Globe has the frankness to say: No "notleer or new books has the audacity to say that be has Mounded all the depths ofa writer's Individuality and genius, and fairly neighed Ills claims to popular recogul- tlon. As Kmeraon says 1 'Wo touch and go, and alp the foam of many minds.*"

The wedding ring Is ptrtupon the fourth finger of the woman's left band, because lu tbe original formulary of marriage It was placed first on the top of the thumb, with the words, "In the name of the Pa- llier," then on the next finger, with "And of the Son," then on the middle finger, with "And of the Holy Ghost," sod finally on the fourth, with the "Amen."

The author of the hymn, "Rock of Ages, Cleft fur Me," waa an English Epis- copal clergyman, named Tophtdy. The anthor of Abide with Me,"the well-known hymn-chant, was Rev. Henry Ptaiuls Lyte of Devon; and the popular hymn, "Near- er my Goti, to Thee," was the production of a Unitarian lady, Mis. Sarah Flower Adams, wife of an English engineer.

A good mother was trying to explain to a young hopefnut the other day about lighting against the .devil. After telling the little fellow who the devil was, and how hard he was to successfully resist, he turned round and said : "Mamma, I'd he scared of the old devil, bnt If I was to come across one of hia little devils I'd knock the eluding out of bin) "

Scib Green has been at Cape Vincent during the past three or four weeks, says the Syracuse Journal, where he has been engaged tnfcoilect!ng fish spawn, to be hatched at tha state hatching Iiouse In Cal- edonia. He has procured upwards of two million eggs. A large quantity of salmon eggs have been deposited In the hatching house, where there arc already 150,000 hatched and In line order.

A Minneapolis painter received an order from a restaurateur to palut a sign with the word "oysters'* In various languages, so that a man of any nationality might un- derstand that that waa the place to get bivalves. And that painter went to work aud made the algn read "American, Dutch, Norwegian and French oysters." Any one ought to be able to suit himself from such an assortment.

The original Squeera of Dickens' Doth- ■boy's Hall, died of chagrin and shame at

the revelations iu '■Nicholas Nickleby." There is still a strong feeling In York- shire against Dickens, who no doubt ruined poor Shaw, as the people aver that Ihe schools, though bad enough, were not as badasDlckcusinadethein. LlkeLoul* XVI,, Shaw suffered not so inuoh for his own sins as for those of his ancestora.

Hard times don't affect the liquor busl naas at Boston. Here sre the figures which the Herald thinks represent the trade in that city 10.oon liquor shops, nliig from twelve to fourteen hours per

pacific aspect. It apiesrs Uiat ao diarc- apecl ha* been shown Gen. Sickle* at Madrid, and the Cattelar government lianxious to settle ajiileubly. Naval preparation 1 continue. A large number ot torpedoes ha* boen sent to Key We»t. AH the coast defence* along tho Oulf of Me.\lwi will he pni In order at once,

American trade with Cuba aow la in a very depressed condition. The molasses and sugar interests look with disfavor on the cause or the Insurgents a* It t* believed emancipation will result from their *ucce*i, and that it Is thought will seriously affect those departments of trade.

The centre lower ol the new Lowell Railroad depot on Causeway street, Boston, la to have an Illuminated clock, visible down Portland street, which will light up by electricity at sunset and extinguish lt* own lights al auiirlsc.

The suit of George F. Thompson v. the Bos- ton, Concord and Montreal Railroad, which ha* been on trial at Portsmouth for two we. ks, has terminated In a dlugreeioent of the )ury,

It I* now considered almost certain that the headings between tho centre and west thnlts of the llooasc Tunnel will meet on Thankatfvlng day. Only lOO feet remain to In opened.

churl.:!. A. Bonrdman of Calais and CbsrUja H. Dver of Esitpnrt, Me., arc charged with smuggling large quantities of Cape wool Into Calais.

revenue lias shown a remarkable decrcaae slnce Utc liiuiuclal panic, the tulltti- oiv oi receipts last mouth Ix-lug over $2,i>M,teiO. The Commissioner Is of the opinion thai the stringency of money has so cflcetcil the public nppetlte tor whiskey and 4m. bucco, which nro Urn rthtin stay V lutornat

■ une, that It wilt be necessary te re- store the taxes mi gas, alirt on legacies ami bequests, and pcrliap- n lew oLber tbtngs. He thinks It can bo demonstrated ihst the gas constrmer htm gnlm>(l nothing, by the removal of saw gas tax, ami that he will lose -nothing R I* b> restored. There Is an urgent necessity, it is said, for addi- tional fluid*, aad ns It appears the remm- nl of vntenwiJ 'revenue duties trhlch fi>r- nierly yielded Utc government gJWAW.'H"' n year, lmve not led to a material .reduc- tion In the cost of these Article* M'Uit' people, Um ('omuiLssloiicr, UUl| It is tltonght, the Sen-euary of the 'Preasfirr. are In favor of restoring this rtveune lo the Treasury.

TIIK KrroBTortho Po-lraasrter Oeueeal which Is now ready for presentation to Congress, shows that for the year ending June IS7H, the revenui'S4)f t|ie Pisst Ofllre Department were r-'2,!™.<n and Ihe ex- penditure teii,0H4,lH.-.. TJm wsilinste H Uiat the degclenoy for 1*74 will IwW.dSfi, 000, Foreign letters excluuiged have in-

Plnc lijii Cemetery, Portsmouth, on Waturdsy. ( creased VI per cent during the year. The Bv the Ice block IntheP.rie canal tho price i>IMitmastcr General repeats Ids rccojn-

cago billiard tournament.

Friday night, at Mount Hope, and waa killed. Thu handsome bridge of the Ceatcral Pacific

road at Oakland, Cat., wa* destroyed by lire on hiindav; hm about one motion dollar*,

The proposed Increase of revenue from tea, outlce, distilled spirit* nisi toJiAC<u> would amount to id* nit 930,000,000 annually.

Tho telegraph cable steamer Robert Lowu 1* lost. The oaptsln and two boats' crew* are lululng.

The Iste Hon. John P. Hide was -hnrtetl Iu

TUESDAY. Iowa despatches brine us intelligence of a

sad state of things In Oiccola County In that State. The crop* have almost utterly Istled, and, owing to the great tires nrs year ago, there la a total lark of fuel. Several cases of starva- tion have already occurred, and many of the farmer* have had to burn tbelr hay for fuel In- stead of wood. A cry lor twin comes from the stricken reolon, and tbe people of Chicago and other Western cities arc already taking ener- getic measures for *endlng the seeded relief.

The Secretary of tbo Treasury has Issued or- der* modlfvliiK previous instruction* In refer- ence tn limited disbursement* by tho Treasury of silver coin in llea of curreacy, so that here- after In making dlsbursrmuut*, silver coin be paid only for the fractional part of a dollar. In- stead or In sums not exceeding five dollars, aa beretufore. . Tbe project of eonetructlnKS. tunnel under the Irish Sea from a point near Helmut tu tbo ex- tremity of the peninsula opposite In Somlsnd

Wed, it Is said, wllh some prubaull-

011 newspapers according to weigh1,, thinks this would allow of reduction or iorly percent. In newspaper rates. The Postmaster Genera) renews his recom- mendation of last year thai Hits Govern- ment assume control qf the telegraph ami at some length recommends the establishment of postal savings banks. His Idea ts tbatllMi United States sltould go Into the savings bank business*, open- ing a depository wherever them,la s post- office. As the Western Union Telegraph Co. does not seem Inclined to sell out to the Government at a fair price, Mr. Crvas- well recommends thu Immediate construc- tion of postal telegraph Hues under the direction of competent officers of the engineer corps of the army,

day, patronlxed by 40,000 customers, who drink 100 barrels of whiskey and propor- tionate amounts of milder beverages daily. As for the profits of Uie business, a barrel of whiskey, that doesn't cost *t<> at whole- sale, brings *>H"i by the Li cent glass.

Dr. Dlo Lewis Is still at his old trade of Improving our girls by all sorts of cu< Hour, method*. Hia latest theory Is that beans are the one thing necessary to ren- tier women absolutely perfect They should eat beans dally, and thereby im- prove their complexion and make them- selves the models of female health and beauty. Moreover, In order to walk grace- fully, they should "walk an hour a day With a weight—say a bag of beans—upon their heads."

Mayor Huvemeycr of New York City, understands how petitions are prepared. Speaking or the petition with 20,000 sign- era, in In-half of the New York Industrial exhibition fraud, he said that they were easily gotten tip. "Some time ago," he said, "f received a petition from temper- ance men, which when rolled up was ss large around ss a barrel. 1 sent to the Aldermen, end ihev returned It i« me with the request that 1 should take care of It. I pnt it on a shelf lu my office, and since then every man who wanted to get np a petition has cut off a few yards of names from It anil pasted them on his paper." The Mayor added smilingly. "Tertians that is Where those fellows got their uames."

has l»en reviru Ity of saecess. The length of the proposed Twrxva HUHIHIKO teachers, pnnctpar*, work would bSSsWfewr*, mile, and tbe «- j ^Tloe_princlpals, In the fflrfcrent depart- U™^D pSCr* partnerof lugeraoll. U-tsof the New York schools have pell- one of the Tommanv ring thieves, known as ilonod the School Board to revive corpo- tl.o ring rbsJrtnaarr. and Jointly Indicted with , wnUUmont l„ Ul0 ncbools of that city. him t.n forging an Inilor.euietit to a warrant 1 T" i'um"'"■"»•*" " ' for #1.1,(100, and who was arrested Halunlav Is They maintain that such action Is nb- m be tneil at once. Ill* reported tl.st other [ gop^u, necessary to restore discipline,

long agofrnwis Chicago anil Northwestern car , The tendency In other cities which funs reserved for ladie-, and gentlemen wllh ladles, I aDollshed the right to punish, seems to be and received severe Injuries, has been awarded ; " — ^- T_, /.__i.M Tajm damages, bv the Linn county (Iowa) to rettirn to Ihe old system. In ( neises. Coart, bnt the ease Mill be appealed. Mass. last week, lt was voted by the

The fall term of ApnMMl Academy. New I fa^otA Committee that " In view of ttie

HcriS' fvt precesattrln, charge."loo at-1 unfavorable and unoxj»ected restilta aris- ttndsnre has been, gentlemen 34, Udle* sSi'ing from Ihe abolishment of corporal

or ahees » ,s.Tcen.m,«tfcan Msi hli. ^^^ ,. uw ^^ Ul, volt! 0f the

committee is hereby resolnded." The The winter term

The Ixmdon Times of yesterday, savs that lh* demandf ftir the aiirrender ST Ihe Virgtnln* .-oold ijol, with jiutloe, be maintained,but other

School t^nnmlttee of Boston at their meeting on Tuesday evening next will also, consider the subject of giving the

' teachers the right to punish.

■ h'lnan'd* which are, r. |>'.ite.l to have been made on Spain hv the 1'nlied ttute* are sneh at Eng- land might well Join la.

On tbe '/4th of < ictohtr the pacific wall •teem-1

•AX\r:[r:JST:^^^Si; >•«-»- ■- D.»«.«..-TI» ***** in„ilir..l win. I. i»,«nl*l » * loi»l l<w». | ponutlon wc ire likely 10 «el oot of ttw T». pu«nBir« «.in it" «« »H """1. , |la„|c ,„ , „,„m |„ tho raetlmn. or li.nk-

£2»*i2.Z 'ZlVTlZiS, * ! to, .-„, If l...- r.r»n„ I. made r.mc.1 *M guaranteed her i|uots o( the fuad^-« 144,100, 1 Uiorough, It may be'wnrth ,ull Ihe panic

old ThlrteJ?hai"doL,«!" tl,m" *0,"e °f ^ I•«•*■ -»• Tuo New York &<■•*&"* Boni* 'r^N^wUrh-ansPlcavsnelstn be disposed t Association which Include* sixty banks

of at aberlil's sale uu Monday, Dec. 1. The j w||i decide finally to-morrow upon the re

vuum* N.J..propo««lo I...... „■»« lbr«l»to «,« lltn»ln(tlln«lw«». llic-i«- <,f IwpU, .if Ui. ,u nomination i»f SW, SS Mi I MM-lBtton h.vo Blresrty vof.tl to mlopt Ino

li™?r(,i.n,*..|.ro..b«l,.r.n.lBop..b..lol..i fnrl.l.l.lh* U,c „.,n,cnl of otok. li. will not t« removed to niackwel)'. I-I.n.l , given l,v ollHlfln l-niik. inilll .'.' n bank, onlll .11 mm fct ol.l.lnln, . .Uy or procri- j h>yr ||I>>(!<1 ,„ ,.,„n|,„,|0„ ,„ „„th,,,,

ffi7«T «'»..yTromU«»b.p1,«l,,.ltocredl., H,l Ite ollmr lurMMIW ihe The New York A-so'lsled Bank* gained nearly , pnymeiit or any Intercat or buuus of any lojehjm in letral traders lost week. j Wn(J d1re4.tH <ir Indirectly, upon deis.-.-

The tail term of the l-ec«l*ter, Mas*. AreoV- ' mvi etosed wtlk an eihlhltlon of gymnsMIe*. US.

'"rH^ZH^Z ^'Irpiitell-nilMor, TnKTukkTorriie'.Tr.Ulit .leinoerwy the KTernt ntllmmd brid.e of the Central I'wIOe (or the Comui.nl ColllKlt 1. lilt HMWU eon- II. 11., M (Inktomi.. !4l.r.*nl». _ | .pleuoo.ly wetk enr |,r.,».nle.l lo UM

A m.n nmned \v. (Irayw.n vr». raUrtu of v ' lUimimrSm, K.;»»,.». PiM.. to.l. j vol.r. of the ctty.




Weekly Xew*( Bt'evitie^. WEDNESDAY.

atlchard M. Tweed, when Justifying as surety tor Ini father'* bait bond lor §l,uW,00O, exhibi- ted a long Hit of valuable New York real es- ute, which he admitted had (been conveyed to him by hi. father for a consideration. On Sat- urday he conveyed over to various other par- lie* property to the value of f7HO,000. The Sun My* the couvlctioa of hie latiiar seems to have lad to this act km, and the effect of this wholesale conveyancing upon hi* responsibility aaa surety lor his father fa a subject fur Hie ■-.moderation of the lawyer*.

A Philadelphia special says the action al- ready undertaken will probably lead to the clos- ing by the coartsof the so called American University of Philadelphia, which it U charged has carried on a criminal trade in diploma* liolh here and in various parts of Europe. The whole workings of the Institution are to be brought to light In the Superior Court.

Lieut. J. II. Vltsabelmsu, of the lib V. B, Infantry, committed suicide at Cheyenne, Wy- oming Territory, on Monday, by shooting hlm- aalf taiuagh tb* heart. Mental depression, re-

nf this S2U0.00U was stolen In August, and the residue In September.

Some time ago the Inhabitants of Hunting- ton, ],. I., offered a reward for the remains of Charles u. Keltcy, who was tarred and feath- ered. Only part of the body having l«en found, thev now decline to pay more than half iho reward.

Forty-two veterans of the war of 1HI'.! cele- brated the anniversary of Evacuation day In New York, yesterday. They were entertained at a dinner by the officer* of tbe 6th Regiment. Resolutions were passed oiTerlag to protect tbe fort*.

The President's Message will not lie printed In advance of Its transmission to Congress. It will be manifolded as heretofore under Presi- dent Orant's administration, and copies given only to the local pre** and for telegraphing.

It does not appear to be certain that Tweed's punishment wlil be very severe. The lawyers are making all possible efforts to subvert the lust sentence, which it was hoped would rid tbe country of an unconscionable villain.

Tbe latest and most Important news relative to the Spanish complications Is that antes* Spain complies with tbe demands of our Gov- ernment within forty-eight hour* Minister Sick- le* will leave Madrid.

During the put year there were 1'rJ casual- ties to steamboats In the I im.d States, by which 306 lives were lost and property to tbe valne of 91,608,143 destroyed.

The report yesterday that orders bad been Sven to stop work on the iron clads at the

avy Yard wan premature. No such orders have been given. only think ot ten feet snow drift* at Thanksglv-

iag time! And yet the Canadians In tbe neigh- borhood of Uuel>ec are experiencing this unu- sual sensation.

A Cabinet meeting was held yesterday. The only business was the reading of some of tbe reports to be submitted to Congress.

There wen 400 applications for positions on the Passalc county jury at Passale, N. J., Mon- day, all from unemployed men.

The French Ministry have again resigned, and this time MacMahon does not seriously ob- ject.

Nothing U yet beard of the missing steam- ship Uaialla.

Print cloths quiet at unchanged prices In Providence. THURSDAY.

A Washington special says that Charles T. Sherman., u. S. Judge for the Northern Dis- trict of Ohio, against whom grave charges rait- ed, which were made a subject of Investigation by tbe House Committee of Wars and Means and Judiciary, in connection with bis impeach- ment, has resigned his oilier, and tbe President yesterday appointed Morton Welkcr of Obloto tbe vacancy. Judge Sherman was appointed bv President Johnson In March, 1N67- Judgo Welkar was a member or the 3»tb, 40th, and 41st Congresses from the 14th District of Ohio, and was regarded as an able and upright law- yer, tie was born In Ohio and baa been Judgo of the nth District fur live years, Lieut. Uov. and Judge Advocate General of the State.

A young man, a stranger, signing his name Tbomas A. Rarr, forged the name of Charles M. Miles, Secretary of tbe old Worcester Mu- tual Fire lri-.ii,mi ■■■ Curapanv, to three checks for 8100 each, which he endorsed and present- ed to the furniture store of John D. ChalUs, clothing store of Ware, Pratt A Cn.t and boot and shoe store of Dadmun A Howland,.ln Wor- cester, receiving hack large amounts of cash over and above the amounts of his purchases. Ke then decamped with the goods snd cash balances.

For some time bark Mesnr*. TltTany A Co., the New York Jewellers, have missed large quantities of Jewelry of great value from their show case, and were not ahle to discover the thief until Tuesday, when they caused the ar- rest of Henry E, Murray, one. of their clerks. who has confessed the then of upwards of #£5,000 In diamond and pearl jewelry. About one halfoftbe stolen jewelry wan found.

The terms of the lease of tbe Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad by the Fltchburg Rail- road, arc reported lo be these :—For the Hist two years the Fltchburg Company pay to the Vermont and Massachusetts four per cent, per annum on the capital stock; tho following two years live per rent., and ever after six per cent.

Llent. General Sheridan left Chicago for Washington Tuesday night bv tho ten o'clock train. It Is understood that ha goes In obe- dience to an official luminous to confer In re- gard to military affairs In rase of war with Spain, In which event be would have the cbirf command in the Held.

Mr. Fife, a well-known citizen ol Pembroke, N. H., dropped dead fit the village in that town, Wednesday forenoon. He was somewhat ad- vanced In yean, and for a considerable time past be had not enjoyed very good health.

Tweed Is to tie kept in the Tombs several days to allow him to settle private business. W. M. Kvarts Is reported to have been added to his counsel, and be will apply lor a May of proceedings.

The special reports of national banks show that during the panic most of them had ex- hausted thrir legal reserves and had their re- sources far below the usual standard.

A Washington special says that dispatches frusa Minister Sickles state that the Spanish

■■ » ctu-mit} or li.n.,1, was Absti-aet-

•4" frssa Iks ballot bo., and "A like

QMaWtlt* Of Ilk)lot* NulMlit.Hr.il- "It

■wst Have ■•■» Hour by Use Ward OSB-

esre."-f>jSJW(i( ,-tport adapt** by Ms Deawienshbi H'Hinl ,>/ AUrrmrn.

The atralght out Democrullc faction have ap- proved these frauds, by re-nominatlng the entire Board thus branded n- thieves, and declare their purpose to make the Warden, who last year a candidate, Treasurer of tho city.


The delegate convention of Saturday night la to be congratulated lea* niton the harmony and evident fairness chnracteris- ing Its ilclilM* rations, than for the eminent- ly atroug ticket plated in nomination for the offices to be filled upon general ballot; there was a very full attendance, repre- senting the l.i-i element- ID both the democratic and republican parties, and it wiut evident from the outset, that the pre- vailing spirit was to be of such gcuerou-> concession a-* would Insure the liinugnm- tlon of n uetiuiiie cUkens movement, nnd the selection of t ticket fairly represent- ing the various Important Interests of OUT

This work s/y certainly well and sntlsfnrtorlly done, nnd we believe ■ stronger list of nominees, a* u whole, bus not been presented for the support or the voters of our city ; » ticket giving nbiintl- nnt assurance within Itself that the affairs of our young city rounded to It* keeping

ould be wisely, prudently, ami honestly administered. In the interest of no party or faction, but of Hie people of the entire oiuiuuulty. That Mayor Tarbox, lu the event of the

successful organisation of a citl/.ciis move- ment, was likely to he placed at Its betul, bus been generally anticipated from tbe outset, a fair concession to the democratic party which had carried the city nt the late election no less than In the municipal contest a year ago. That his administra- tion has not entirely met our endorsement durlug the year paat, we apprehend our readers hardly need that we should t peat; and yet, tbe failures of the May during these mouths have almost without exception arlaen from the peculiarities of hi*, position, elected as he was, In a strict- ly party contest, with a purely party Hoard of Aldermen, and, precisely as we pointed out before tbe election, beset by the partisan clamor ami political demtinib of the most rapacious horde of camp fol- lowers who ever besieged unfortunate office-holder. Rejoiced as we would have been ut the sturdy rebuffal or these party demands, against which we arc a honest judgment and the Independent spirit of Mayor Tnboz rebelled, we did not expect It, honestly predicted the con- trary, ami perhaps to ask II, was antici- pating too much of ordinary humanity Rut from first to last, In all the heat of In ventlgatlon r* partisan fraud, In the thick contest over mandamuses, or the sharp controversy M to officials, however warm has been the opposition to the partisan- ship, there has been, personally, no breath of suspicion, no taint ofdlstmsl, no shad- ow of corruption, concerning the action or Mayor Tarbox, and with his high per- sonal character, honorable ambition and marked ability, relieved of partisan clam- or ami personal claims, us he will ho iu the election of a mixed ticket,—for the success of Which he has Independently and manfully expressed his warm desire, we feel confident of an iidinlnUtnUlon of elevated tone, marked prudence and effi- cient strength, aud In this belief we HIIAII

give him n hearty and cordial support. The Aldermanlc nominations are of un-

questioned strength and ability,—a ticket of business men of character and standing, every one of whom has proved in the management or his owu ami)™, that good Judgment and prudence ensuring success; It Is nut a ticket of wealth or nristocrncy, but It fairly and honorably represents the business and tin brains of our young city, —men who are familiar with the necessi- ties of the community, and whose charac- ter ami capability arc above qOMtton.


EDITOHIAI.LV the Journal founded by Mr. ■I,line.-, Gordon Dennett has been of late years or small consequence nnd It might be somewhat difficult to discover that at any period of Its existence It had li pressed Its Influence very vividly upon national events or succeeded in giving voice to the best |iopular sentiment The "Herald's" claim to consideration us par excellence the representative Amei-I can newspaper has rested, so far M It has had nnythlng to rest on, on the fullness, iVioinii ■■■■ ami variety of Us news. Its opinions have been of little consequence, but while other papers have printed In- telligence, or like the "Tribune" in its anti-slavery days, struck nut every morn- ing ringing nnd memorable words on the topics uppermost In the public mind, tbe " Herald" succeeded by printing abundant new« and continually emphasising the fact in the public understanding by heud-llues a do/.i-u deep. The charge of garbling news from motives oT Its own Is, thcre-

:, a somewhat surprising to lay to thechargo Q4\the " Herald.'' We judge, however, that the New York "Times" has a very clear case anil that the " Herald" garbled the report of a matter so Impor- tant as Judge Davis' remarks In sentenc- ing Tweed, fur the reason that the .ludge Very properly recognised the good vice the "Times" hud rendered the coun- try in turning lu tbe light on a big, broad rascal. What Judge ] lav la did say as to

rimes" was. this i

BTaJtVATWB IN ICWA — It Is Impossible not to sympathise with a people so harshly dealt with by fortune as are the settlers In the North western portion of Iowa. Last year they had good crops and to spare, n the spring of IsTB every preparation

was mode for large crops sad they pros- pered well until June when tbe grasshop- pers laid waste every grass field for a hundred miles lu and about Osccola coun- ty. Without means at their command to pay the expenses of travel, the settlers, who are mostly ex-soldiers with families, turned their attention when their crops were rulucd to obtaining a supply of fish from the lakes ; they had no means to cure them and must of the supply Is unfit for food. "Von want to know," says a corres- pondent of the lies Molne*. Iowa, Kegls- ter. the leading paper or the State, "what these people need? They need every- thing—rood, clothing and provisions. 1 know of women who have died soon after giving birth to children because they could not have even the ceiumon luxury of n cup or tea, or anything nutritious to aid them in rcgslnlug strength, coupled with the want of bed clothing." The working cattle that have been the main stay of the settlers have beeu eaten up and the cor- respondent above quoted says "When I left Jefferson, Osccola County, on the 17th we could buy no fuel, and twisted hay and rank reed grass were all that nine-tenths of the people had to burn."

SI.VI OK PITS. IX'S new bishops have had to come down to a penitential sim- plicity or living, because of a point of dig- nlty ut stake between tbe Vatican author- ity aud King Victor Emmanuel. The king says the new bishops cnu exercise their spiritual functions with perfect free- dom, but before he can allow them to oc- cupy the Episcopal residences scattered throiijrii Italy, or to receive the money of the Stnte, the Vatican must give him formal notice whom it appoints to bishop- rics, and where the new appointees are assigned to duty. The Vatican considers this humiliating, uud consequently the pope is obliged ut present to hand out ftft.OOO to 16,000 a month to enable about fifty or the two hundred bishops In Italy to rub along without asking fhvur of the king.



Agreeable to the direction of the cttasatM Mass meeting, tbe delegate* then selected BSsseililt-d

School room In tho haaenwnt of th* City list], on Saturday evening, for tbe pur- pose ... uombtattaj; candidate* for city officer*

be voted for at the coming municipal election. Of the sixty delegate!* chosen, fifty-five wsre present, abom half a down being represented by MhiUtntes, as provided for by vote of lbs citizens meeting. The utmost harmony and good nature prevailed, and the determination to avoid all partisan feeling and work only for the best Interests of tbe clly, was general. The de- legate* occupied tbe rear or eastern half of the ball, the remaining space being occupied by spectator* or both parties some three hundred In number, nearly all seemingly Interested In the deliberation* orthe meeting and maintain- ing good (.order, though It was evident there were present a small number of the out-and-out




Last year, confident that they had been grou- ty defrauded la the election returns from Ward Four, tbe Republicans Instituted a caracal in- vestigation beiore tbe Hay or and Aldermen; alter a patient examination of witnesses, Col- cord, tbe Warden, and bis associates, being de- fended by able counsel, the committee. Alder- men lamprey and Helvin, both Democrat


AXXIIERSARY EXERCISES. chad hcei edfoi 1,-vn.l :l,„| h

waller piece of : ■ ij. soldi garment «ru-i- «


The exercises attendant upon the lifteenth in-loui anniversary of the Lawrence city mission oc- I looked dark. cured Sunday evening, at the city hall, and j were: ot *W*saal interest. Tbe hall was Ailed though It was to'repletion by the audience, and the utmost S^SmSSS^v attention was given (throughout the service*'- I'loye.i, Id* fnnniv ab<»

liapiiy eouaienaurvs s taken up itn«liorte in some

■uiilmar-l, nilli ,|yinK tuiberr. in Uic -i ->-'i,.- tli,ii1Rii...,1:1,li1,K .U.^bt. r. .1, 11,1 ''1 11/ I,■*..,. V, H I, T [|||. V,..lM

Utk. if eve- one n,ij;lit limy for the lom- ><: ili-iuli it I.* in riieli u time an this. Never

mission work wiiu JIIIMUT Juc,au4 '""-*ad doty to rstrfon mend


No small <lecree of the general interest was in

piLiI ii.-ennmio.lulions may lie prnrided for the lri-|ii.-iit ei.-e- rouiiriiie; Ihein. We have often , been :i|>]>r<>:tchc.l In \,h\ .-ieiuiif and clhirimn this . KUhjcct. At prtvent there fit mi phue where the liniinle.-r sick mill tlin.-i needing siirgi.nl trait- in. :in In- sent, e\ee|>t In the Mn^-netiusclts i.en, r.il H.-pilal. wlniw' Ire* be.|. me l.uiin-l, or Ten kf bury, where lliei must K" -1-- Milt.' |>aupers. •»"iM>usMu'.t*lil lo bike this mutter in blind with- <>iil delay; i.n.1 it o.-euri ,-.| to u- Hint llie eilv *.iv- .'luiiieat talgbtnpi movnie ahospm UiilLuaiK, whl.bel. ._ With a City Ho j.iul, we l*Me».

Some G{ o ^ ^ i p. —Look ut the cltbscn*' ticket. -—Everybody says builncss Is Improving. —Thanksgiving week, and the children are

enjoying their vacation for the week. —Where is the man who predicted a mild

winter ! WDat a comfort November must be fas

in avuie home*. To auoh - suved I'ver'vyeni', who luiiv'nVll -, i>rei b. rlT-ensc. ' the excellent munlc provided, which, although a b*n"*t*c**Jj*tp1 h»1 dlseonsolsh- nodal because oioV imbealiin loctil^ o. »bi.b ti.ev -A sUifthlni: l-arty from l^well visited the M asomewbMnovel charaetsr. pre*ed hiffiy \^uS^%gX^^A^!&>^^ "ThwieafasasroesAma- Ibr . M House I M"""6 Bncmpmetf In this cUy, Thursday acceptable, and muat be considered far superior | a lltttocssa. au.l wbeuull were «..,.,. the huud of m tldnk miJhVi., ij^lui .uttVi, u. m ,i- nre to evening, to the efTbrts generally made upon Such oc- \ XXZZ^^^ZZ^llt X "'

depa tbe Mis

upon such oc casions. An excellent orchestra, under the dl- i eumstanee* •om^wtinu for which tiiey wen1

rectionorMr.D. W.Osgood.leaderof theBrass *%£J..'^ *' We^l'bWbM^e'could1' Baud, rendered tbe initrumental portion of the -uttering v.us preventi-.j.

■ '"'"wiw. relieved which have not i-oo- iru or less of thrillinr inter

ml JIII -i.

The»ei.-a4«*,it.raakma for a Mi-*ion House we tldnk uiufbt t.. I-, .inllu sdOaeii i.l to «-eure In the enU-rprise, when undertaken, H Keiier»us sup- port from till. An.I we MIJ.II rerpeelluliv mite up- > ■".'■ -uiii,,.iil,e., ullentimi (.. ;,,.-':, ., i|.:[if.

- e.iiii!,i.im- lliiM-..i]|eiiit,lnl,.,|

by the Democratic Board, declaring that Colcord and bis associate* bad deliberately stolen Republican votes deposited in tbe ballot box, and labsiltuted Democratic Ballots.

Here la the onlcial declaration of these Deni- Dnoemtto .«in«,-»&™. mamt, MnM „„„, fnJor„,, ,,r ,„, ,nll„ Df„.

- | large choru*,of male voices, sebeted from the

awaiting the results of the gathering, who would have enthused over anyldisaflectlon; but happy none occurred.

Tbe convention was called to order at eight o'clock by Hon. Daniel Saunders, and its organ- isation completed by the choice of that gentle-

chairman, and James H. Eaton as secre- tary. Previously Mr. Patrick Murphy was se- lected In the latter capacity, but declined serv- ing, on account of recent Indisposition. The secretary called the roll of delegates, and found that fifty-live were present.

On motion of Mr. Fred E. Clarke, It was voted unanimously that Hon. John K. Tarbox should be re-nominated for Mayor, the action meeting the approbation of all present, and re- ceiving hearty applause.

W. F. Gilc, Esq., made brief remarks, favor- ing an equal division of the Aldermanlc board, and his motion that the board should consist of three republicans and three democrats was unanimously sustained.

A motion or E. J. Sherman, that tbe chair

oeratlc Board :— "The number (.of witness** I wltaea

t«atlsn«Njr we caauaart itonbt. la ■ iiffleicnt-

l> large |« show plainly that A I.AUtiy.


■ ■mbrr or wltwesses who voted for tKe

petltleaere, aud the arnnhir of ballots

found la. tbe ballot b*t, bearing the

Msnaa ear the IT tltlouen."

"They sure mi wtl ling lo believe that aw

large %' Number a* this discrepancy

Shows, would dellberstely raoB.lt per-

Jwry. wblcb ii.u.l be the eaae If the bal-

lets rowNst in the boi in those cast by

tat vot**-*.*

" Vo«r coknm llti r ran srfoiint fhr this

dlterepaury IN UO other way thON that



bearing the name* of the petitioner*.

i.-iii.n.l.-,! by Mr. S. A. them public. We l<

you to infer the rent from what la Kivcn, with HH»urnue,'ibnMlie imsgirmilon can inir.ll. ]i;i- ■ Die teabli.

We turn now lo tlml part of our work whiel call

the I


best talent in the city, Ellis.

TIIK imrviCBa were rommeneed with tbe] nnthem "(ilory to God in tho Highest," ajrtnc composition; from i Mr. 8. A. Kills, and which was rendered in good ' ery thins: Hint Is goodTaad so he Is, If ho" is what u.».«ip»-™iw .m«.p».i,™b.„«j i,y xtT^'isx;^:,:::;:::!:;;:;;;:.^:. the accompaniment ot brass instruments, whi.-h ibe uniterisi is elecutrd or ifej.-iiel.il. Prui-ir i>*u ii,„n 1<fru»..i I., ii... i TJ <- -i. 1 Through ilils, the spilngs of tni|>i.iiicss mils i U- Pra)cr was then offered by Rev. U P. Cush- rcache.1. Cbiibe :,n.| ,\,-.i iiu-,), ,.,i.-,,.! ,,„,i i„-,- man, after which the venerable rlergvmait. i ■ drnnknr.1 still, tnnl hi* Imunu i» siill n imndeiuo-

.ni The iiur|,»yt nf his heart

A missionary ia >U|>POMHI lo !»■ inu>re-ie<i it

church, made the

I'lM.V vi irk to

oftheCltv M

fad tlmi IIKV. iiwi. e. WIIJMIN,

the n..lib- lieu I t.-il, Keiiei-i.us bionle.l, /eul.nis «pir- Iteil, (io.1 lesrinft luissinnarv or Uiis ritv lor so main- venrs, Is no more nimni); ii!-. He fell asleep at h!« restdmre m Stourh rlnnton on the 10th nt July last, In file ml.lst ofa most sctive life.

" lie jrnvc hi* honor to the world ugaln. Ills I.l.---.'ii J ill it to lien veil, un.l slept in pi'Dee." We Iiu.I harilly heard of hi* dangerous iilneu, of

tv|ili.iii| lever, Iwfnre the nhni'iiiuenient was uia.le ..I his .tenth, it Tel) with an alaiost luirnlyzlnit toner upon the ears and hearts of UiouMin.I* who

new sml loved him. It seesosd then as II doe* even nnw that It cniilit out "or; but that he must stand on tills platform to plead the cause of the

IH LlW A QtraVtlOIl In the election In our city next Tuesday, what particular Individuals shall All the various municipal offices, than whether a wing or the dem- ocratic party who are so ioat lo decency nnd shame ns to uphold aud endorse the Infamous ballot stealing In ward four, and make every effort for its repetition, by the

lomiimtlon of the entire gang of vote thieves, with t'olcord at their head, shall succeed. What possible hope of honesty from a faction so shamelessly and impu- dently flaunting lu the face orthe public their approval and commendation or the meanest species of thieving, robbing of the ballot boxes?

BALLOT HTKAUSII IS to be perpetuated iritis In the power oT the out-and-uat Democrats of Wurd Four to consummate the outrage; In deflanco or all public opin- ion, they have been base enough to place In nomination Tor ward officers, to have charge of the ballot boxes aud count the ballots, Colcsrd and the entire band of his associates, who have been officially brnnded by a democratic board of alder- men, upon report of a democratic ctiuiiult- tee, as ballot thieves. The public will judge what sort or a city government we should have, In the success of a party which deliberately selects branded thieves as candidates for positions where they can repeat the villainy.

Tan SUOOtsj of the female candidates for Mehool Superintendents at the recent election In Illinois Is noteworthy, and we hear that there will probably bo several candidates' presented at the town elections In this State in December. I u one county In Illinois, three women were running, one or whom not only defeated her remalc opponents, but also beat two men who had the rudeness to oppose her. i >f the thirty-three women who presented them- selves as candidates lor the office of County Superintendent i>r Schools eleven were elected.


raring the names of the ilttlna: mn

., II MI *T II At i;

Tie attack or the slaaSfnaM on the poll< connection witli the Clly Hall cnuru* of T day night, U> both unUfr and absurd. There were some Impnper manifestations. It Is true, li ut the caucus lo question was decorous as s church compared with tbe tumult of many po- litical gatherings,—Itrpubiimn onet •...,. '.||l;lj we have *een go on lu the City Hull hliherto without police Interference.—Srntmf.'.

Isn't that iilliisinn to comparative decora Just a bit unfortunate, a* qnlte certain lu su an Impertinent inquiry, as n> the length or time since our nclghutw attended a rellgliMS* service, that such should Im his ruculiection of its " de- corous" conduct, or what peculiar -sort of a " church " be attends, when he docs go.1 It I* atntt possible that caucusos have Venn. in,,-. a* the one alluded to, hot doe* our nei^blsir recognise no distinction between (he tomalt arising from conlendlng faction* In the tnldsl of an exciting contest,—a strife umong persons having a right to participate in a meeting, and tbe deliberate and wilful attempt of a gang of fellow* opposed to the purpose* of a caucus, to interfere with its tnulnc** snd disturb n. pro- ceedings! I,ci three hundred republicans,—if Ibey could be lounil with so tittle sell respccl,— go Into the democratic meeting nt tbe City Hall next Friday night, sml perpetrate the same out- rages as did the gang of democratic howlers upon the citisen* gathering, and tha poUOl would pounce upon them I * fore three mlnnte* passed. The efltaMl (OHVeMtOn was outra- geously .li-nn-,1,,1 by a croard or fellow* who came there for that sole purpose, and If It was nut tho business of tb, |.,,u.,- u> Interfere, will somebody please tell us wbea ibey should ex- ini-etbei, auihorlty . There i* not another city In the Comimmwcilth where suchdlsgi Ail scenes would ha permitted, un.l a luilf.Io/cn policemen looking on.

"The whole mnie-i bus lieen H striiKsle be cen honesty sml trnml, between virtue sml ime. in,;, it (i frw* ts.tt DM great un.l porer

,„l l,,i,li„ij puprr in thit i Ut, Monyinu lu .) MS d'etil.ir iitrlu, irut Ihrjlrtl lo .Irnji lo Hgkl umi hvLl KB to 'se tniWic ty IMfMr l>ir.im<'ut fruittli, erf it it "/uully true Unit iiroiubiriil, sble, hnnnruble men oi nil parties, ouite.t lo investigaht nod .|evel«|. their true eburneU-r."

And the words In Italics which were as much a part of the record as any othei part,were omitted by the "Herald" Tor the plcayunlsh and niggardly mean reason that though they were a noteworthy recogni- tion of the Influence of the press hyahlgh olllcer orihe bench, the paper entitled to credit did not happen to be the "Heruld."

TIIK SPKI'IALS from the Spanish capital to the New York "Herald" suggest forci- bly ibe sayiug current iu nevspapuroulces

e years ago that "n New York daily had been obliged, ounccountof itscrowd-

edltorlal rooins, to move ItsCuhnucor- pondents across the street." A dis-

patch )■> the New York "Kvenlng Post" suys that tho innmifiieHire of special u from Madrid Is active at Washington, and lust week numerous dispatches dated at the Spanish capital were telegraphed from Washington to the "Herald."

Tin Ai.

shadei NIC NoMIN

straight democrats, ulihougl Improved upon the Rood of foolishness lu their council candidates, nevertheless will not Dear a moment's comparison with the ticket placed in nomination by the clll- xens. Duly one name was adopted from the latter list, ami that, naturally, the very weakest li contained, anil fiir busi- ness CSpSclty, public spirit, unprejudiced Judgment or a capacity for municipal af- rnirx, the ticket makes a weak presenta- tion Iseslde the spleudhl list or the cJtiSSM convention. Ws ash our readers ti para them carefully, scan their Individual merits, and remembering; that one ticket la pledged to honest action, irrespective or political considerations, the other to purely partisan results; that one Is supported hy the best men or both par- ties, the other the creature or the Dwttoi of democrats represented by Colcord, AI. Chirk and Tom Hum, we have no doubt which liiket Will receive the endorsement of lb.- inasM of the vote next.

Hoss TWKKO has been sentenced to twelve years' Imprisonment for his crimes lu the name or Democracy In New York. In Lawrence, K. W. Colcord, who stands before the commuulty branded by an olll ciul report of his own party associates as having, with his colleagues In ward four, deliberately robbed the ballot boxes, has been rewurded by his out-und-out party associates, by n reuoiiiluatlon for the trust he bus already betrayed and disgraced. The utter shamelessnesa of party degrada- tion cas go no further.

BcaMTHS LIST of straight democratic tinlnees for the common council, mark ell the business i|ualiticatlons, expert* ue lu city affairs ami public capacity ol

the men who have thus been selected to -oiitrol Ihi; flnancea and direct the affairs if our city for another year, and declan voters nnd lax-payers, of whatever politi- cal belief, are these men, as a whole, such us ynti would select to conduct business Of your own to the amount or threi four hundred thousand dollars/

appol" a committee or twelve, comprising one A]ID A „„ (|iTAS(TrrY OF HAI.I.OTS democrat and one republican from each ward, | to retire and present a list of three candidates from each ward, to be balloted for by the con- vention, was sustained, and tbe chair appointed tbe following gentlemen :

Ward 1—W. A. Ruitell, Henry Burkel. " 2-W. It. Spalding, J. E. Shepard. 11 3—Hilton Bonney, Wm. Harbour. " i—W. H. Urfdgman, P. Murphy. •' 6—Tho*. Scott, N. P. H. MelTtn. " 6— D. C. Richardson, A. 8. Banker.

During the absence of the committee several gentlemen discussed the division of the board of common councilman, all being agreed upon an oqual number from each party, but differing somewhat as to the ward districts wblcb they were to be selected from. The subject was under discussion when the committee re- turned, and Mr. Murphy read the following names of candidates selected by the committee:

W.utn 1,—Oeo. D. Cabot, John R. Rollins, H. P. Chandler.

Wann2,—Fred K.Clarke, W. H. Jao.nllh. Oeo. E. Davis.

WASH 3,—Oeo. W. Garland, A. A. Lamprey, H. P. Linn.

WAHU i— J. J. Dotand, M. Carney. E. R. Hayden.

WARHO,—Tho*. .Scott, Prod. Butler, Levf Emery.

WAHU 6,—James Bailey, Caleb Saunders, John Daley, jr.

Tho report was accepted, whereupon Messrs. Cabot, Rollins, Clarke, Garland and Emery declined to allow the use of tbelr names. This action was objected to by the convention, and In the cases of Messrs. Cabot and Clarke It was determined that no declination should be re- ceived, but while tbe convention luoceeded in holding Mr. Cabot, tbe declination of Mr. Clarke was persisted in by that gentleman, and reluct- antly conceded. Tbe pleas ot the other three gentlemen were accepted as satisfactory, though with hardly a good show of •talKactlon to the convention. A ballot for Alderman in Ward one was had with the following result i

Whole number of votes, M Necessary to a choice, 2ft John R. Rollins bad 12 H. P. Chandler bad 17 Gen. D. Cabot bad 23 id on motion of W. R. Hpaldlng tbe last

named gentleman was declared the nominee by unanimous vote.

Previous to balloting tor Alderman for ward two, Mr. Clarke proposed, in his stead, tbe name of Charles W. Rhattuck, after which the ballot was had, resulting tbas:

Whole number of votes, Necessary lor a choice, 27 Wm. 11. Jarjnith had 17 Oeo. E. Davis had 17 Cha*. W. Sbattuck bnd ID

and on motion of Oeo. E. Davis Mr. Shattnck was unanimously declared the nominee.

It was then, at the suggestion ot Caleb Saun- ilers, unanimously voted that Alderman A. A. Lamprey, of ward three he renomitinted as the candidate from that ward. Similar action was suggested by Patrick Sweeney with regard to Alderman Matbew Carney, or ward four, and that gentleman was unanimously renomtnated. Tho* Scott then moved that Frederick Butler Is; nominated for ward five, and tbe nomination was sustained. W. F. Glle moved that Alder- man Caleb Raunderi be the, nominee for ward six, and this action was also unanimously sus- tained.

E. J. Sherman then moved that tbe delegates from each ward assemble and select candidates for Common Coincilmcn and ward officers, to in- intitie'! by the convention; an amendment was offered bv Oeo. S. Merrill, lhat when tbe convention adjourn, It adjourn to meet next Wednesday evening, and that ward delegate* meet on Monday or Tuesday evenings, as most convenient, select candidates Tor ward officers, and report Wednesday evening; a further amendment was made by F. E. Clarke that thu

iieilineii be divided us follow*:

And If men U Hi. r


Done by the Ward Officers/" Hete is the verdict- Not our declaration,

not a Republican opinion, but o( Democratic officials upon tbelr own parti awn*;—a verdict of the entire Board of Aldermen or 1873,—Marcus S. Dodge, Cbas. T. Emerson, A. A. Lamprey, Matthew Carney, N. P. H. Melvin sod Caleb Saunders :—

The "illterrpanry " exist* I the ballots

IN the hoi were not tuoa* east iij tin-

Tartars| therefor*


sad IC (ta-lrn.


l>o.\i: IT.

And yet, lu tbe face of this verdict of their own partlzans, branding Colcord and his elate* with this infamous crime, the straight- out faction <f the Democratic party, tho men

bo denounce the eltlxeni movement, nave de- fied public opinion and ovary sense of decency, by re-nominating the entire board thus branded as ballot thieves, and will endeavor to re-elect them that they can have opportunities to repeal their villainous frauds. The voters or our city will not long hesitate In making up tbelr ver- dict In relatlsn to a faction of u party asking power, and itowlng their conception of honesty In public affairs by open, needless, deliberate endorsement of a gang of ballot robbers.


«ying that we were asaembled here to celebrate , IM^.V.Vtt TCTew andh, InY pul.lle the nflcenth anniversary of ihe city mission. . meeiiiiKK in the lotrrrnti. of mln-lety. We" Some of us who are present can look back on ', JJjjJJ; each of the recurring anniveraarlet, and we

lee that the Interest is {continually increas- ing. The speaker was happy to see so many people present, and he hoped tbe Interest they exhibited would not be confined merely to tbe services of the evening, but on next Sunday all would show a substantial'Interest In the wel- fare oi the objects of the minion, by liberal contributions to the fund of the association. The city missionary was about to make his an- nual report, showing tome of the works of the mission; bnt the missionary, or none ot us, could realUe the numbcrles* blessings resulting from these efforts. This was a great and blessed work, and there was every necessity for Its in- crease, rather than Its diminution. From the report to he given, we shonld see not only what had been done, but also what was needed. TheexercUes were continued by the singing, in which tbe audience were invited to Join, of tbe hymn "Harwell," the first stanza being.

i el'-.- In. I,

noil IIIIII-II nl' rlieer gi' We liiive (lierelore liiul n l-iti;i.-r;n. II the limner, or the fallen,oil ttw Direct whe.ro I poor, whie.h lay ■« nss* bU heail-thal we must

seehini in hl» Keiiinl WIIVH, snd with his syiups- ISStla word* sprendlnj-Jnv and comfort nil aHMud. We rim hardly tone n reiilizalion that this special friend ill'children un.l youth, thi* almonl BStflSM sumiav sehool man, will no mure gather the little »ne» ubotit him while lie tell* them the beautiful ntnrles which will Isrgelv influence and shape

Tlterc Is n" enemy standing ro lYirml.lnhly nt the gate* of our rtsv'ri prosperity ns Intemperance, and we believe our" surest defence »Ksin-*t its rav- niti'M [■ in thu thun.ugti ediieation of the children in the oriueiplen of total abslinenee. The Hand of Hope eonneeted wit h the Mi-Hiou lootemplaies till* work, and has enrolled upon lu IsHiks innnv hundred* of hoys and sir In iiledire.1 nnlni-t sll Unit e:in int..\i.-siie. And no SHI than three huB- ilreit and ninety members have been added the Sast year. Its meeting* have Is'en held weckly

ixec.pt In school vncatlnio'.) in the Grammar Si-liinilhull. Here it tl tbnt iximeof our most pleasant work has been done; not nnlv In pltstfr- Ing them to temperance, but inspiring them with a i-pirft of pilv for the Inebriate nnd his I'nmily, niul n dlsposllinn to Ub.ir for their reelsmsllon.

The fnlbiwInK stnlistles may be Interesting. Numlwir of meetings held, ■'!• ".argestnumlier BtaWSu, U*i

UK SILW1>U SCHOOL icre.tsful operation. Of I'm i Sirs. Dim-

■"'-'iher 1* -

hi* root-print sml meet tus hesllhfiil moral Infls- encu evrrywtusre we go, whether In thn homes o( puverty and' sufferins;, or in Ihe walks of roc-re J'.[ lunate Hie.

"As flowers, whieb night, when day is o'er

llrentl)e« the swoel mviuory from a frond man'*


■iilill'. bell that win. right, .ielr-l.-nj inp

----" Tor other*, and plead self-forgetful, he_ urged his way

nylng, t ill-Ml I','I

Come, and let us ■ ,-ek the straying— I.esdhim totbe.sliepher.1 buck;

Come, the traveler'^ feet betraying, i .iii.li- him I'l-'ini the dangerous track.

Rev. C. V. Dunning, city missionary, presented bis

Annual Report. the Ilonrtl of Atlvie*. Fntnt n<l Erin v Laicrmce City Sti**U»i:

" There's not one In ten tbourisn.l l If all the cares we moum. Hut what If 'twas divided

If we'd lmt lesrn When fortunes turn

Tn share them with a I We'd pmve how good's


Our brotherhood. By leaning to wurd* each nthor."

In coming to you with this, our Ami report of a full year1* wort, we iln m with feelings or tliiink- fulneu to tlml for llix provulentlal rare over us as a city. Since our last anniversary, other elites and section* or our country have had Hid experi- ences. Fire, water, and pestilence have each done a terrible work, throwing tbnu^an.ls of

.'aste millions of property. From all thb city has been mercifully spnrod. Indeed this has licen a place of refuse to many of thu homeless nnit destitute ones fleeing from other cities; nnd with limited exceptions we have until ti few week*, been able to take them nil In. Surelv a uplrit of gratitude, wlUi deeds of enlarged benevo- lence becometh us.

i il' It WORK. The part year has Included many new e\perl

ences, reiiiilrlug at times the alii of the wise counsel of the able, tl.nuil of A dries, given us, and hy which we have been snved some missteps and been better n We minimi our mission tn the

Our statistical snd Ilunncinl report fur the year ending Oct. 1, 1ST:1 is as follow-.:

Visits and cnlls, 737 Families relieved. Slug).' |'ei--.,ii- iinli'il

The Cltizms Convention which was ad- journed to Wednesday evening, was called to order at eight o'clock, Hon. Daniel Bannders In the chair. Oeo. 8. Merrill presented tbe let- ter ot acceptance from Hon. John K. Tarbox, a* the nominee or the citizens, Tor mayor.

The delegations from each ward mado their reports of candidates for common councilmen and ward officer* for tbelr several wards, all of which were accepted hy the convention. We append the list or ward nominations;

-oaiiox coraoiL. Ward One. . W. Husselt,

PHA: LB Illustrated Newspa- per" says, "It la not ireueraily known that i Jen. Oeo. 11. McClellan has great strength uud that he can double up a bntr dollar In his Rogers and lift a surprisingly large weight." Our Impressions, of the Gener- al were somewhat different. Ho succeed- ed belter from IK«I to '«& In doubling our. debt than In doubling our dollar*- and there was, if W« remember rightly, a weight oT some size upon US about those days that he didn't lift.

Ward 1, Rap, Hem.

•■ A uuiniiij or it.n.Mi teas •d" hum ihe ballot ho* i antl

Ho...Hi) „r Ballot* Miballlutcd." "II MN*1 M.W llr,-,, llogf I., |hr Ward <MII-

' A like

..,/..,,/- H III' !>■

,.(„/ .11/,

The straight out Deiiiucrstlc faction savs ap- proved ihese fr,iu I*, by re-nomlusting ihe tn- tire Boanl thus branded as thieve*, ami declare their imi|.<>-c to nuike the Warden, who wa* laxt year a candidate, Treasurer of tbe city,

—The dedicatory exerclsci at tbe New Mcthn dial Chiireh,which were poatnonsd from to day, will take place Monday neit, when lervlceswill t>e held afternoon nnd evening. The public .ill be l.-.l

Tin; llAXKHI I-H v LAW—The repeal or uimlllk'Mllon of the r ii It eel Ktoten bank- rupt law will bo strenuously urged at the

looming session nf CtHtgrca*. \ note* j Worthy stnteitioiu of the groamls upon j whhh It \* opprwed, was ei.il.ortled In the j resolution adopted by a committee- at j I'll i hide Ipl 11 ii, on I'lui.sdny last, who rep- | resenl a capital of over («.-iU,iHPit,<nm Invent-

.-■I In Iron and sleel iiiiuitititclure. mid lunltti lu derlsrlng that they '• regard the power given to a -ingle rrvtlltor under the present law, to ftwcw a debtor luto bankruptcy Bgalast bis will, and to the In- Jury of all others having claims upon bis eslate, as unjust 111 principle and disas- trous lu practise." The aniendjusnt sag- geste.l Is Dial the right to control the set- tlement orthe affairs of an Insolvent shall be given only to three- burtlis or the cred- itors in Interest.

Cuifoiio, and the entire band or his associates, who ■land befora the commu- nity to-day, branded lu an olllclal report made by two or their own partisans, and endorsed by the full board or democratic alderman, a- ballot thieves, have been re* nominated tor the same po.-ltlou by the straight democrats or Ward Four.

LtTTLS WOMIKH that a faction of tht democratic purty oppose ;i citizens move- ment; I lie kind of government they de- sire may be pretty fairly Inferred by theh endorsement .ir tha entire list of detected toid branded balloi thieves hi wnrd Tour.

Wm II. I'. Chandler

irurllrArre James -".-ILUV

■'. Frie, :. Plllsbury ll'nrrf Eire.

.. .'. Klehardsi Tho*. Scott, ■ has. J. Tighe.

Ward Two. G*n, B. Davl*. Win. II. SrlvmLan.l, Patrick J. Kellnv.

Wnrd fhtn*. Thomas Y. Tucker, Peter Hnllhsn. Ueo. 8. Couch.

IFttrd Sis. •:II ii.ii-1 White,

Wm. Homervllle, (Jeorgc l.ittleiieiii.

Waao nvnt'NHS. iror.1 llnr—W'ftr.lfn— auguitlll 1'ti. 1|>- .

Clerk—Chaa. u. ■-.- i.-i - I ii-1 iw tors— Henrv llnwion,

W. K. tlessing, Tho*. I .i e.-n

Aii't Assesaor—.1. V. Herriam. i )ver*eer or Poor— U. R. Harriinun. Il'ard rvi—Warden, .lames K. Shepard.

Clerk-Wm. A. Steere. Inspector*—Alaason Kriggs, A. il■ >:,nb.'i n, .Imnes T. Hi ml v.

A*«'t Ass'r—Patrick tweenev. Overseer of Poor— Wn. K. Spalding. W«r<f 7'Aree-Wanles—A. tt. Brewster.

Clerk—Arthur W. Dyer. Inspect.™—A bin) Morrison,

M. M. Keeker. Nuili'l Ambrose.

As»'t Ass'r-tieo. W.HI1U. la. inbdi Reanlun.



funeral- ntti'iiiied. Aduli« signe.1 the ieui|>erauiui idei Cbiblien, Children Imluceii to go to 8. 8. Person* Induced to go to church. Hei-ni,ms 11 rear he. I, Kl'ligious ineeling-, b Children bnptlred,

, llelil,


Lawrence Nt. (

I niiini.m Church, First lhi|itiM. Church, Free UapUst Church. Presbyterian Church, '-... snie i ,.,,_■.■. Cburrb,,

iiu- UMi

»IIK) II Hi, 1'i "-. I, ,!i«t 111

wi on

Is sttU In ning lei-, eliiirge. .. . iHithful teuebers, wlnu-i' bcsiH (ire iu tills Umevo- lent work, one nf whom, Mias Fsirilcld, has had a bmgeoniiertl.nl with tills enterprise. Here an average of Wi girls hiive weekly l«'en assembled to sew not onlv, bnt to do en With a benevolent end In view, tl'lii- .'iiltivnlinx in lliem that spirit »f ehsrltc, whirh will nrinir forth thn fniit uf noble and iiiiilsuthrople deeds in riper year*. Am? work whieb tend* tn turn thr tide of selHshnesa into the channel of n high niln.le.l litierality, is worthv of lielng continued with vigor, nnd such we be'lle-ve lo In- tlie fruit of the labor* In our sow- ing school. We have also a

si'inm'At, WORK.

Thi* I* eloselv cnnnet-b'il with Ibe material part* of mission iluty. Inthlswe have ofteu en- Kgcd with peciillsr |ilensiirc anil profit. We

ve knelt nt the stei bedsxle, when "Heaven rsme down our souls to greet,

And glory erowned the mercy *unt-" It ha* been ours, to stand often with the inoim.

ing and sad -'ranger, beside the eoflla of. the loved but dead, and to spcuk words of consola- tion to them its with nearly .broken heart* they have home tha precious dust to the silent tomb. Nnr can we ever forget tbe precious "thank you' nnd the heartfelt "(;o.l ble,s von," lhat have fall en from the quivering lips of the sorrow-strlrkes ones, with whom we liavs mingled our *ya>p*- takes.

<>, bow innnv nre Ihe families In Lawrence, who have unchurch reb.li.ins here, who have no spirit- ual adviser. These naturally took to the V" Missionary in the time nf slekiiess and death, has been our custom when lliu* Introduced lo a family, to learn their ceelesU,.tieiil preference* IX Iiosalble, and then i» iui in- them m ibe church or heir choice, anil their rblhtrrn to Its Sabbath

Sidinol. In a number nt Instances we hnvo lice* -n,-e<-.-:-i'iil, but in more we hnvo failed. Objac- tlon* wble.li we could not away with, prevented us. Some object that thev cannot dress well enough; others mat they cannot pay pew rents antl sup- port their famines on their meager income. If we offer to clothe Irom tbe mission wardrobe, imrl IS tlnd silling* willumt cust, pride answer* 1 cannot go a* a pauper, gome have been induced to go to church and to Suiulsy *ehool, but lor aome rea- sons have aoon absented themselves again.

There I* now In the city a population or about 11,000. (It the u nmlier who ure not Itoinau Catho- lics, about one-fuurtli, we should Judge, arc regu- lar ulleiuiant* nt church service, (if tho three- fourths, a few mav p;,i t.i ebur.li ueestionally, but

nil the inevitable bottle, tlie imiiioi or crime, Imprlpoa- meiii mi.i death. In Ihla Held, your ml**lonary has tolled to restore the wandering, with what success Uo.1 only knows. Christian* of l.Sw- rencc, here 11 n Held white for the harvest! Who wlllrenpiL?

Ol'B BABIIATHS Have been busy dnys. Two religious services have been held nt the prison every SnhhnUi.es- eeptn few ilsvs in Ibe nented M-n.-.m. 1'rrftrhlng nt '.i.i'elnek A.' v.: Sundnv eel I nl 2 I'. II, The prisoners have been vl-ited In their cell* nearly every Ksblsuli, for the purposes nt religious c*m- ver.-iilioii, un.l f»c Ibe .lu n ilintion m suiwble

Presbyterian Church, "ong. Church,,

ISO. Side U.K. Church, 10 00 a 01

is oo -SB B

,n Church, Swedenb.irgian Friends, Ilnvei bill »it. M. Church, Freil. F, Shermnn, Mrs. J. W., money returned, Mr. Luther I.add, I1

Miss J.C. W., money returned, Mr. "i.-bini-I. F-s*e* Savings Itnnk, bilerrst, Mr*. M. P. Merrill, I A friend, 8 A friend, 10 MU* M. Ilrlgbain, 1 S., money returned, I A friend,

111R SeSTIAI. IM'HPOSES. L. Beach, *'■ f.llin' ilmrebS.M.. »

.Hand ofHopoenter'menl, ,.-

Hev. C. Carter, additlonnl sub. 3 00 l inilerelUeluh, IM 00 St. John Kpiseopal Cburcli, 14 7S A little friend, « F.ssex Saving* Bank, Interest, S -Ml .). W., money returned, 4 1A Stranger, mnooy returned, I 711

M i ,IIIIIII, i ni reading matter feiDoiia IIWIII with li.-.|iieiit pi-eiiehuig in Ihe various [UllplU ot the eili, wben invited ; (lie li»|,ti-.iu- nnd fuuernls lliat often occur on that day, with the nocesasry visiting nf the. siek, attending tentpsrsaes meet- ings, huudnv school eiuicerts, etc., make baths day* of toil,

,1 toil. her liian 'i

mtel mrlMill- et it I*


Mrs. Clsrk, A Iriend, Mrs. 11, money returned, K, lb, money returned,

ltAsc\i.iTv is At A Pwuill'M 111 the straJadit democratic party, when Colcord 61 Co., the disgraced ballot stealcrs nf Ward four are presented to Ibe public as candidates for another opportunity or vote thief hw.

Tbe I mr.Uuit or llrinunali wki oppoa*

Iln- rltlaaN* iiiiiirmrHt, list, re-1 mm I u»-

ted Ihe «Ntlr« Board of Until Oflictir*, IN

Ward tiiai, who hart- beeu <>JUr nI]> ,|a_

elm . .1 by H ilrii.ii. . all, Hoard ot tl.lrr-

Niaw to have Bt«l«N Itepnbl li an t ..(•■ rrosN the llBllot noses.

and the motion, with Its amendment was sus- tained.

Hon. Milton Bonney then moved that a eon mlttee be appointed by the cbalr to notify Mr. Tnrhox or his nomination.

The convention then adjourned as above.



Monday evening succeeded a day of most unpropitlons weather, Ihe early hours witness- ing a fall of several Inches of snow, followed during Ibe remainder of the day hy a driving rainstorm, and the weather promising badly for the evening. Notwithstanding these facts there were about two hundred ladles and gentlemen whose courage, and determination to participate in Ihe Interesting exercisee.caused them lo make light of flic freaks of did l'rob, and wand their way in the Dan versa list church, to attend the

veriary exercises, and assist in Ihe festivi- ties of the Berean clasi.

Tbe general exercises commenced with an urgan voluntary from Muller, by Mrs. II. A. lluell, which was Andy rendered. Tho choir of the church followed with the anthem, " the Lord I* onr Shepherd," after which Ueo. il- Al- lison, a member of the class read a scripture lesson from the fifteenth chapter or Luke; prayer was offered by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Perry, and then followed an historical record of the class, prepared and delivered by Frank I', Btlles, a member or the cuts*, bat of iste a res- ident of Haverhill. The choir,Joined hy the congregation, then sang a hymn to the tune or Auld lang Sync. The address or [Iho evening was delivered by Rev. C. W. Blddle, ot Lynn, and wus or much Interest, replete with practi- cal suggestion* to parents, teachers and pupils or thu Sunday schools, pleasantly delivered, and generously Interspersed with Incidents appn priate to his theme. We regret our ipace will not uiiiiiit of an abstract from Ihe able speak er's address. Following the address Ihe choir sang an itnlhcm trout Cnncone'a Mass in F, " D.niiine Rnlvum," which was presented in ex- cellent taste. Previous to pronouncing the ben- ediction, the pastor extended a cordial invita- tion lo all present to repair to Ihe vestry below, aud participate in the festivities of the occasion, Tbe lianquet we* an Important feature or tbe en tertalnmentjmd the appearance ot the well load- ed and tastefully arranged tables would have proved highly creditable to any professional ca- terer, while to the Indies of tbe society the credit wai due.

Edgar li. Pralt. lieu. .In It house, Bennett Savage.

t Asa'r-Ablel IC Chandler. *e*r or Poor-filtney A. Jewett. tl r'tce-Wardenl—I.nther Lndd.

Clerk-Cha*. IC. Hardy. In-|ii'iift» s. T. Murchie,

Thoa. II. Sellers, John P. sieveii...

Asit Ass'r— C. T, Moore. Overseer of Poor—tfm. T. Met lure. irrirtZ Si w.-u ,1,-u. .[..!■«.' Moult,.ii.

Clerk—M. A. McCormlck. ln-p.-ei'ff-- V. 8. Bunker,

John Kwnrt, Alooxo Wlnklev.

Asi't Ass'r—A. 8. lainker. Overseer of Poor—Horham P. nigglna-

Sl l|. HU. OOktMlTTBR. Ward *-fc*-Thoma* Srott, Daniel Hanly. JT.tni S.J- tliuk Carter, N. S. 8. Tnmpkins.

The chairman armonnced the declination of George D. Cabot, as the aldermanlc nominee for ward one, on account of the feeble state of hi* health, which would not permit him to be out evenings. Mr. Cabot followed with similar remarks positively declining to accept the posi- tion, but recommending Iho name of Hon. John It. Rollins In his place.

On motion of W. F. (Hie, Mr. Cabot was ex- cused, and John It. Rollins was made the no- minee by unanimous vote. - >

Mr. Sherman moved that ward delegates have power to All any vacancies that might occur 1 the ward nominations. The ward delegate* were also directed to attend to ballot distribut- ing on election day. Tbe chair appointed each of tbe nominees for aldermanlc ravori to assist tbe delegates in their labor* on that day, and it was voted that the officers or the convention lie an executive committee to attend to all sary bulineal pending the election, after which the eon veil lion adjourned.

it received F.xi'Ksiu rears.

(1 00

• tllTDIW

For tlie iiuarler ending rilhllee. Jl. 1K7*. *.'»M 40 " Mar. SI PCI s-is Hi

» » '• " " .lime HO, 1S7S, :ttl li Hep. so, ltiT:i 1*7 37

Whole amount expended during the yenr, Bllluj OB Balance remaining In treasury Oct. 1, 1S7H, *(W no

Thi* rrrtilles that I hare audited the aeenunts or the City Missionary to Oct. I, INT;i, nnd have found the same correctly caul and accompanied with the proper vouchers.

__ ndnll writing, or pecuniary "reward. Take the work of the heart for illustration, a work olftimes drawing so upon hi* emotional nature as to induce an oppressive feeling of sadness and

our*gemeul, because of the distress he sees, .,„. cannot relieve, because of the fallen, those whom he cannot vvitli nil his power, lift from the

_ dry, and unnumbered wrongs that can- redresftc-d, the ignorance ami superstition

cannot be overcome? Think of the lone 11- MS* of beresvement whieb one rnnnnt help, of the pain which cannot be relieved, and you get (i better view of tbe work or him whum you send forth oo errands ol merry to (be poor. Nor—'"

prisnti work wn have had helpers, who. by their cnuMsnt atunusnee n* members of the choir, or n* Sunday sehnn] tesrh- ers, have lidded much to tbe Interest nnd useful- ness of the service held.

pffltt SIR JIEKTtNU*. few open nlr iineling* were held on the ( om- , also in Moir.m I'aik. tubers wonlil linvu

I hel.l in tbe latter place, had not sickness rented us. Another part ol our work I*

lalion, who nre nnae.|iiiiinte,t « ilh ihe Taws ami usages of our foeletv, there nre many who feel the ncml of advice IVoni some one. 'I hc*e often

>ine to us. This counsel 1*asked on a variety ol ibjeesj, A son and daughter come «anting to know

what they ahull do with a ilruiiken m.iUier, who li- ruining their home and disposing of nil tbe iur- niturej a rather wunU t» kuow many thing* about burying hi- child; ;i b.-r bus borne wISi hiswuvward son until fnriii'iiraiice Is no virtue. He wants counsel. We talk kindly to Iho lmt,and Set others to do tbe same; be returns home lo do

etter. A widow wishes to know where to get school iHioks tor her children. A wile, beaten snd bruised bv a drunken husband, asks what hi lo tosave her'h.uni! In hei-selfand her children. A poorglrl who has IHCII the unhappy object of

lice, hss IHI-II robbed of her wage* ""'■ Ivlce. uflhec slbitcome lo us, wn have to

. legal. Mission, who have in every earn ui

- —-.h service, will

b In, it tor

Urn. GsTtTK SALES, recently made by Pcd- rick A Closton. At suction:—The hotel prop- erty In Methnen, to 8. Q. Her*ey,for #9300. The Klmbsll property la Methnen, to Mr. Ware, of Boston, for *a,300. Cottage house sad land belonging w> the eslate of the late

Currier, or Metbuen, to Mr. Bteven* for fM78. Tbs Kennon cottage, on High street, lo Heory C. McDuffie, tor #1900. Also, at prtTsie sale:—The Locke estate, to Asa J. Learned, foe #2300; the Waddlngton cottage, to the same, for #1100. The CD. Thompson estate, on Lowell *treet, to Briggs A Allyn. The Jo- seph Home estate, on Lowell street, to Mr. Hlllbruck, fur #»f». The Klitredge cottage, on Floreare Place, lo (Jeorgc Kingston, for #1640. Lotoriandon corner of Sasex sad Oxford streets, to John nnd Norman Partlow, for S* ceats ser foot. House and land on Oak street, to Joan Mulvey, for #3300.

lUitantDDscuioa.—lnthe recent ses*Ion of the supreme court In llocklngham county, In the case ol* the Slaw by Indictment n. the Manchester and Lawrence Railroad, wherein a verdict was rendered some time since against the railroad for the killing of Mr. Woodhnry the court adjudged the corporation should psy a (Ine of #3000 tor the use of Mr. Woodbary'i heir*, snd costs,

TAVUIH S BOI.TON have been dolnf a rush lug trade tor the past two months.. Tbe re- duction la Ihe prices of their goods—to s gold basis, induce ciulonwra lo buy—even lo these dnll times—sec their advertisemeBi.

would wn lie at once unfitted in an Important sense to met the neccsitiu* ol the needy and the suffering.

Oar work during the year, has been tbe "time a* heretofore.

MATXHtAI. woitk. This Includes duties like the clnlbing of the na

ked, feeding of the huiign , earing in various ways for tlie sick, provldlllgtbem ine.lu ine an,I nu< -e , lodging of strangers and sn-nrlng tMisnllng places for uniorttinale children. We have found tone- nient* for tbe hoiwless and home~ liir Hi. friend- less. We have Irani wiUi Uie siek lo the b.^piuil, With the fuller, to a place of reluge and icloi in . Hlihtlu'oiitlialnii. i -w-iullrmary andito tbe hlm.l a.vliim mtli tlie .-ightlcs-. Tile call* upon II-. i.i ai.i in Ibi.linu t-nipI.iv nii-iii Lave 1 11 nearly legion. We have .l.me nil ».- ..ml.! in tli^ dire.- linn. We have, however, felt like taking special pains to And work for Die ill.charged pi'in.nier, when ajiplled tn, and for tlm-e having small ehil- drendciiei>daiitu|H)iiUu'in for a llrlng. snine.n.., laiv hi use Ibeir owu walking apparatus lo rind work sml wauling to borrow ours, found we bud ■one to lend, which seeine.l a great grief tn them. Itlier* having no tart at getting employment, with I little aid by wsv of a mitten recommeiulntiim, no ■' found wuik snd been no timber ciiargo to

the mission.

laiMainM t'ASK* instantly occurring, llluslrstlve of tho work i lids mission is doing. Nor do these stalis- i-present Ihe constant snd untiring work of liunslng, who ha* visitiil the siek—spent

jiven counsel, lllmut charge.

They nave our hearty thanks. A man came ask Ing 'counsel a* lu what he could do with n siek wfre, whom be hived. I ml could imt properly car for. We found she bad friends In n distant clly . paid tbelr fare, sml lln-y went nn llielr war re- joicing. A young girl came who bad been lie- trayed, having no nionev, no kindred here; slie asks what *he stisll do — her admitted to thu II. An indiKunu wife want* u* to help her hunt up u runnwav husband, and eunip.-l iiiin to take rare of hi* cb'ildren; (a frequent case) our general emmsel Is,' give luni time mi.I be will come I or send lor you." A girl inn AWny from bom fenr of * whipping; eunie lo me uto-rdnrk counsel olH'dieii.e tn her patents; she return* bomesndsll la well. Oneuanlsit* to act na me- diator botwue n parties nt variance; we decline. choosing not In sniul nnr own band*. A woman comes to my.houHr; ha* something important tn aav lo me; I is this: she has a U/v husbnnd nnd wants In get rlil of him; ask* how? Thi* is tjsi much; «<■ know nf no way In harumay with lb* lllvine law, and we disuil-s her. A buy rushes Into tlieofli.e. desiring I should go In baste lo his home; bis father is ".laving up the luriiitiire;" we lakes pulieeniaii willl us uud go; surely till' house Is in ■ sa.l plight ; ocrvlhing Is piled IIIMIB tlietl.Hir; bureaus, cinek ami chnlrs, In a broken condition; tbe bed.ling I* strewn about, feather tick cut: strict luipib v reveals tbe truth Uud II is the work of tbe tio>-himself, wlm want, il to re- venge tho father; uegive counsel mingled with warning, and leave; mslters have gone bclterln that home.

COST RIKllTII IKS To tlie Mission tbi- vear hnve ,'.:ii.ilb-,l that ■■!' oni-t years or Ihe pasL Deride* Uie money gills already reported, we have received several bun die* of .1,.lb from the manufaeturing corpora

—Proposals arc invited by the county com- miisi.mers lor the contemplated addition to the

K.c'UMg -• 1 1 ileeol Intl..II- Mllll fllllsC \ jsll lU till* CltV.

ilng where so many i ""°n ,nc A,,an,,c ,he AtT* °rtbc **** *rt

liarn.-t,., hn, .■ he n Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thnrs- '" S?SSn«m day, I-oating day. Strolling day.

ii--it I* the -n.l —The democrat* lu their neminatlous lor tbe Common Council Tailed to recognise by re-nora- inai ion a single Councilman of last year.

—At the Catholic fair In Denver*, an ice pitcher awarded by liellot, was secured by Mrs. John i j A. Hate ladder, formerly of this dty.

—People got tielated this year in getting in their evergreens for the holidays and putting on double wlndown. November stole a raaroh on everybody.

—On Wednesday evening tbe Atlantic steam- er company bold their annual hall. The com- pany have won a good reputation for well con- ducted and pleaiureable parties.

—In addlUon to the eleetloa of dty oScars on Tuesday next, the voters of Lawrence sre

decide upon the acceptance of the legitlativt act conferring upon the Mayor tbe veto sower.

■There is a good deal of tardiness among tbe school children now-a-daya. They illde around so on tbe slippery walks that they don't know whether they're going to school or com- ing home.

-On Saturday arming, the lion snd lbs lam I. reposed quietly side by side, in the dtl- sens' convention. It was difficult to tell which was which, bnt it is certain tke lamb was not in- able the lion.

-Tho convention or citizens' delegates oa Saturday evening, represented the bestelemeat* of both panic", wss enthusiastic and harmoni- ous, evincing the purpose and hearing the fruit of honesty and lair dealing.

—Ws publish In onr columns to-day, Hon. John K. Tarbox's letter lo tbe delegates of tbe cltixen* movement, accepting the nomination for Mayor, on the eltlseas' ticket. It is a frank and straightforward document.

—The Republican City Committee held a meeting on Monday evening, and In view of the general endorsement of tbe citlsons movement, voted that it was inexpedient lo call any caucuses for party nominations In the eRy election.

—The infant child of a woman named Mary Fdlott, was found dead In bed this rooming st No. 6 Washington corporation. The attention of Coroner Lamb was called to Ibe matter, who. will make It Ihe subject ot an inquest this af- ternoon.

—Henry Bchonlsnd, who wss nominated on tbe straight democratic ticket for councilman from Ward Two, has tent the committee a let- ter or declination; Mr. Bchonlsnd i* not a democrat, and heartily endorses the dnisoi movement.

mmlier of the ministerial associates of K. Fisher, have expressed their appre-

ciation of his personal worth and character, as he is stout leaving the city after so loaf s pas- torate, by the presentation to him of so elegant copy of one or Dante's work*.

.Another run-away horse round the Base* street sidewalk, Tuesday, more attractive tbas the street, overturning tbe sleigh against a stoae post In front of the Saunders Block, bat free- ing himself with bat little damage, and only running a abort distance thereafter.

A lady from the suburb called at a Isdy'i furnishing good*'store on Kssex street to-day, and asked to see some of those "war cloads" as much talked ofT, The clerk took, handed

through infected quarters, to nnd the suffering and lo carry relief. lie braved all weathers, el .hired nil fatigues, thai others might lie *hieMod- that others might rest.

Hi ■lfare of thousand* of precious children up. ..

hi* heart—another Illustration of the ruling pat- si on strong lu death.

Hut lie I* g, 'in-; not dead, hut gone bnfore, gnne to rest from hi- labors—labor* rich with promise of glorious reward In the linrvcst day.

llcsttliou msnoftiod! rosl thou friend of the poor! sweet spirited friend nnd brother, rest glo- riously In tbt; bos.mi ..I the i.od! and mav thy ■ nuiile fall on those that toll in thy room.

CONCH sto\. To the gentlemanly Hoard of Advice, to,the of-

irgani-t nn! teacher* atlbe priaou, '

— .wo here offer our acknowledgmt •uranees or appreciation of tbelr genem .■iifi-.itii.n with u* the pa*t vear, by reason of which we hove been greatly su stained and en. eouragsd; and ws would earnestly nak, for the sake or the noble cause In which we nre engaged, ,i continuance of their aid and sympathy.

Respectfully submitted, (.'HAS. r.WXNUKi,

GUY Missionary. At the close orthe City Missionary's report, the

anthem," (iuido ine, U thou Creat Jehovah," 1 sung by the ionic chorus, with Instrumental coiiipnniiiii'iil.

Tho singing of the anthem was followed by on Amvnxas

puolor of Ihe First Huiitiat Church. Thr reverend eentleinnn said: Thi* 1* the fifth anniversary Of the Lawrence Cltv Mission, which I have had tke pleasure or attending, iln each previous occasion as to -night, the hall lis* lieen llllcrt to overflowing. It Is hardly fair, perhaps, tn infer that this was wholly Uie expression of genuine and honest in- terest la this charity; much of it I* perhaps ,lue to Idle cariosity, but we can Justly believe thst there is a nueleua of sound sympathy beaenlh sll Uiis excitement. Them are here kernels nf genu- ine whc.it. and I trust that the City Missionary OS -UIHI.IV next, which will be hi* harvest dav, rtnv gaiher In a good store. I rejoice that thi* city elinnlv is nut the creature of city authority. I am glad tiiul the city doc* not levy taxes upon our uockel* to support Uil* work, but lay* it* poor on

. hearts, and It Is a burden we eann.it throw of ami he loyal to our Master. When Christ wanted Ivo n* an illustration of true charity, how did

In It* He illustrated, did he not, bv a friend „. man laid by the wayside? And'the good ssaiaritan who took him la his cars did not lay

u ,,n Hi* community. He conducted him to sn i, saw that hn was cared for. ami hlmsclr under-

took Ihe pui uieiil of Uie charge. Thai i* Uie way it. Even the very waffs about the street* r brethren. There is an noble blood In Ihelr

a* In onr*. 1 had a friend, who, iu walking London streets, found a poor, motherless bov and girl Ivlngon the steps ofa great building. II wn* a cold night, mid he hue no jacket. He had taken It In wrap about the shoulder* of hi* sister. He bad nn cap; he had wrapixil It about her feet. Is Ute bust dressed bO) in l.swrence mure chlvshnns thun Uuit? I tell you I have seen some well dressed boys who would offer a sister sn Insult before Ibey would show her *urb delicate alien Hon. Two poor little fellows were overheard talking together a* Ibnv lay upon Uielr lied in the hori.ilul. One bud been ruu over hy a b-sm, and hi* leg wo* crushed, snd bo must die. Ul* little comrade crnwled up to him and said: "Jimmy, did tan ever bear fell or Jesssr " " Ye*," said the little sufferer, "but he won't hear me," "Ye*," answered the other, "he will hear, and, Jimmy.

't nsk him, ean't vnu hold up y tl put thu pillow where it'll prop It up." And

..ben tlie alUmdant* came In the monilag liter round that little burnt lilted up lu mute appeal the Master. What u ministry, then, i* this among ibe poor! It was Agur's prayer," CIvc me neither povrrty nor riches." And It I, ns a minister, may oiler a prayer mmnerning poverty, Il wlil be thst I mav never bo sent where there are no poor to hinii-i.T to. Mr. Imnning In tilling n ministry better than any of us. And What truer or nobler niliilslry than that ol' him whose name baa been ipoken of here to-night with such loving teuder- ies* nnd sadness of icelingF (iod laid his band m him nnd ho followed. Ilut he Is gone. His ■arnesl tones are bushed ui death, sad I rsmein-

-ier, loo, that one nf the speakers on the night! first spoke here, lie* In hi* last rarthlv resting idace, and that bi- Huoee**or Is tiere to-night. Mow thi* remind* u» to do sll wo ran for tiod nnd humanity I

And now n word about money. You know Ihe pulpit has little chance to speak ol anything ex- rept Its abuses, Imt It has Its uses. Itseems tn ine Mint a millionaire ha* the grandest lU'oiiimrlii. ulti.v. A ■ e:■.,!.-T ill ibe I.i n,i-.-li.-.il Alluiiiei . snfd, that with Sl.'i.lnsi.bUil for ten years, Ihe goa- pel could be pruachud to every coul in tbe uni- verse. Perhaps nnr suffering and needy at home are not a* plcturesipie as tatL.Hied anil lialf-uuke.l ■nvagcs.hnt their claim* era as Imperative, and to us more immediately appealing. I have heard n story of ti man who wan to in, baptised, ami car- ried hi* pocket boot with him, lor he said he wanted Uuit lispUied too. Now, ir our 1'ndobap- li-l ti ion.Is will pardon me, I say we want more baptized pocket-liooks—nut sprinkled merely, bui immersed lu the spirit ol' charity. Ill* going to ue. a hard winter. None of u* here wilt suffer *. will ncedv nnd shelterless humanity around us, and 1 (runt we *lisll not resd in our locnl items as we do each winter in Ihe paper* of large cities "Died nf starvation." If there Is money In Law rencc, our rhri-iiiiuiiv command* us to bring it

' ' the call of suffering. It our Clly Miashwi-

eit I lilm. We ought tn (live mure liliernlly, for Ihe verv reason that it will Is? a hard winter. Do you remember the story of Kir Phillip Oy.laer sl'the battle of Zulphen? He wn* wounded and dving, and Ibe soldier* brought him a cup of water, Tak- ing it, be turned to s puor, neglected t offerer, and handing nlm UHS cup, taid, "Thy neceislly I* greater than mine." Bo let u* lay to Um suffurlag till* winter, "Tbv l.ei-^nwlLT U muln llun mihi.'.

it not 1-c ter in all Ihi* Journey of our* her Uie Divine precept* and to give of Uie loaves and the fishes of our uhumtanre rather llian of Ihe stone* and thr ,-, penis .-

ADliBESH OI> u u in: TARBOX. Hon. John K. Tsrhox was next lulrodured, d commenced his reoiarks by ssylng that there

.-re some causes ami souie sentlmenls lhat needed no championship; they have tbelr support

II Uiebnadsenliuientt, of huinaaily. There wai io more beautiful senikneuithsn rbarIIv, and

.ban to add to Ibe benevolence ..r the luminii heart, II were easier to paint the. Illy with a suiter hue, or give sw.twr fragrance- to the violet. Kv nrvhody pos*es*cil tlie spirit of charily, bid the difference between ns wa* caused by that other ImuuHu,—*eli*hne»*,—which restrained us Irom "ivlug. He assumed, r—**■

a* the (lmt Irani of ... ireneh a sonnon to-night, ie would preaih as did that eccentric clergyman, rho said, " He who gUeth to the poor, lendeth to

the Lord; brethren if you like Ue security, down with the .lust," Ue oulogUcd Uie spirit of benevolence, and the feelings promoting klndlj

neds to Uie Hiiliirtunsto, ami, a* Thackeray bad

.ii meet ai md wle. Ireds ol


cared for . I ilislribuUil thu bun contributed for tbe poor,

mi in ii lii, ii -lu- has Nin-i cheerfully dour. Some l Uhs ago wo received a small sum ol money from one »u have never t>e«u,witb Ihe in formation that nm e Itei. Mi Wilson found the family in very destitute clrrumMnnces, well nigh dlscuurageit. Hegavn words of ehwr, and a III Ue material aid, «lil.-h |.a--e.l them over tbe hat plane, and now Ibey were glad to relnrn Us nmminl given wiUi word* of thankfulness. In tlie earl) summer ami » ben the in-ill was imprors- lye, there came tn our nfrlce u woman with a sad coonU-nance who InlnniiMi us that her child, s boy about seven years old, lay sick unto death.

Eivlug. He assumed, with ihr poet, lhat charity as thu nr«t l*im or religion, and were hn lo

' " 1. WlUi Divine

We found hhu bi'ioi uiiie Ivin^ in a corner or the room, on the lionr, with only a Tew rag" under him. He was min.n.. i.ms Ami vet writhing with pain. In the room was an old si.ml, a trunk nnd a cradle, (In wblcb 1st a prrllv bats-, nn straw.) We bought a 1MM I stead, secured a maltrass, pro- vided *omr abeets sad a pillow, and had the poor Kick boy laid u]nin it; hut he was beyond medical aid. He lingered* few day*, during which we made freoiiciii »isits, snd 1MB. he passed away. Krlends, did wu do right lu aiding lliis womaa ami herdyingchild? Would you have done llr But that woman was n Roman I ,'nlhullc. It wa* a cold day in the winter When a |MUe fseed sBSSBJkwo- man, of line feeling-', wsde tier wanli known.— driven by sheer desperation to ask relief. We visited the home. They were strangers. The husband ami lather wo* ulllmgto work but he had failed to Bud it. They had evidently seen

_ have bled to cliango tbe outward ap|iearaiiec

ir many a reformed iiiebrinie, nwukenlng self-re. .peri, snd thus euliaiicing Iln- chance* ol hi* per. .everuuee in sobriety.

g < m xi i w t.K i«i *r. vrs Are dm' to Hit* Indie*of seveial sewing circle* fur the intercut Ibey have token In mating up gar- ments of sll kinds fur the ili-sion. Nor can ws fop-get thst tne voting people bnvi" shown them- selves, thus ernlv, sllve to the want* ot the poor. Twii-e, wilhin a year and a hair, have the young ladies of tbe Ciii.lerclhi I'bih lunided us a hand- some sum. And onlv a lew weeks ago, a fair WM hel.l hy fourteen little* ladies for the lieiM'lit or tha City Mission, which WM a gnat luccesa. Tb* proceeds, uuiounltng to ♦i-Si.V., Were placed In our treasury; tills, however, was rit:elved slnoo our report waa made up. Many a little girl I in- come to us, bearing in her liuhi baud* osetol ar- ticles ordoUi'jig, -elci-teil ir her own wardrobe, thinking that they might comfort some child of want, reminding ii* of the story of a little girl and lire v..linger In ullm. w ho were nn their way In id, .fiie i.ne win.K. iVmtj morning. They were Imth pooriv.lressiil, but the girl bad a sort of s cloak over"her. As thev went briskly along she drew the liov toiler »ide and said, "Come under mv cloak, ilohnnv." "It l-n't big enough for both," snld lie. "Then 1 will sire leh It a llllle," and Un-y were, soon iieslled U.getber. Lei us Sll barn to stretch our ciimf.oU. lieyond «UI>cl»e» lhat we may cover sbivei ing bodies and i-Omlort pad hearts. Muv Die day be far distant when Ibe children anil youth will have, no Interest in our ,,,' - - !■ -i' work.

sums ui-TUB MISSIUS.

The annual toll of tbe Mis'lon House ls-11 we ramml allow to |,ns«, without expressing the ever ,|,,-.],-liinH eoll.i.-Il.'li. Ib.lt Hie eliiirilahl, | |.|i' of luwrence should never rest until n Mission llnil.hipii is creeled, lor tlicsc reason*:

That we mav do the greale-t amount of good n-illi what weliave togive In the poor; that the small children of Indigent fsmiliu* may hare shelter, rare and in-n i.eti while Ihe mother. widowed or SMaWtlBSM worse Uiati widowed. Is St her toll .n the mill or elsewltere: that there may IBU a plaoe, whrre * poor hut rrs(.c< table slrosger mncfemporarlly bslge, and *o be saveil irom ar- rest a* a vagraul while in search for work: thst there may be ac, *K|.ti<;u-i for lb* reecptl.*, srrangeinent and proper dlstrlbutiun nf Uie clofli.

ftisubiln lobe >een Ibui true charity >li lute- that what is glien -lioul,] l.e w ilhol.l puhliclly which always rob-it ol linlfils value. Thi* how ever, raiinot be done In a room where there may he many applicant*, each knowing what the other receive*, and the iinsucim-ful going away In a- rage. A Mission House is needed too that bos

and the kind words ol toildsmilb, than a bainiuet witli tbs l>«aa." People generally conlribuU'il towards charitable ohjoet*. audit WM done a* a matter»[ political oeosoaiy, wtulo licnevolence was ibelcsi of humanity. In our own clly wc bars a pesmlisr duly to meet the pri'seal winter, and the ijimls of tbe suffering poor, nru more nn- meimis now than heretofore, an account of thede- preitJon of buoluess, and should hn met With IllKTulitv, iironilite.1 by a generous hesrt Tn* of- ficial position brought the speaker into runtarl wilb innumerable euas of want asd suffering, ami not n day imstfed without mil* for asslsini K

from deserving peolde. We were not called uii to aoriHt tssws whose BarawawawsMe asd vh have causiil their iialtwtuaatscoudilioa, but those who were poor from lbs reason of nun-employ mrnt. ami whoheggtslhi God's name for sume- thing to do whereby Uiey cuuld maintain Uwta srlvi)* and famllin*; Uioas Who have itrangrti and willingness to labor, but who must remain Idle for tic- want of labor lo perform, aad he leared tills sialo of sMalrs would continue more and more <lin-.imaging ■* winter progressed. It was our <l iilj, niul our lieuev.dent impulse Uuit none should lie hoaieless,and we should give so thatnoman,

■ ,..iii.i. or . ii ild should led it an * c-hai iiy ■. there Mnodlsgrsr* hi publio charily, but ll dors

loiicb proud heart* lo receive II, however worthy snd however hlamultw* the recipient* slight be, srslit waaourduty UipiarentasT inch feelings In onr gilts. 'I'lie Mayor warmly lavursd tlw sug rMti.mof Uie Ml»*binarv with regard to profili- ng a mlssios building; there should be n ho. pi oil

WIKIC iM-ople in case ol sickness or waul ro " be tondurly oared for. He had had noraonsl ln-rieiice among Uie operstlvei. of our mill*, where woman, who were romuarillvaly stranger*, hstl lieen taken *lek antl died, when rrlent" - tlon* and llierafniiii, reeovery. He warmly romp) efforts of our corporation* In In-half of their help, hiittolhsmahoulduot beeonldrd suelwaroa* wa- iteinanSed bv these unfortunate people, and he li..|ictl the general public. Joined by the city roan nl. would lake aetioii tJuu would rasull ins fa- VIUMIIIK aniwer to the plea of tbe clly Mli-bmrry Tlie speaker closed hy earnestly llian king the Mission for Ihe work It had aociiupUsheuAiinl


idly MtocJa- iml aci.ualnlancc, and Uie earn resulUng

ifriiui, he Ui..light would have tended to tlieii rery. He warmly cnmpllnientrtl the hnmnni

s|HSking forfl the benri) spmfis pen|

Tbe address of Msyui Tsfbox wss followed by the tinging of the following hymn, the con- gri'gsllon joining with the chorus:

Hah) ns. i > Lord, tlry yaks to Wssr, Delightiuy in Uiy perfect will i

Kaeh other* hnrdens learn to bear, And thu* thy law ol tor* fullll.

The exercises of Ibe snnlversarr closed with thelwnedk*rto*ifby RCT.'A. Li Hottghlon, or Ihe Free BaptiU church.

down a last season's "cloud," which the lady purchased, satisfied she had secured the Istest thing out.

-In the cltlseni' convention, Saiurday ever nlng, a gentleman used Mr. Melvin"* name at supporting the election ol an Alderman, aft. Melvin replied In :i jocular manner that he was

llliiiK bl*. name should be used ss la Illustra- tion of a CMC, but anything farther he shoaW object to.

Tho annlver.wry exerebwa of the Clly sua- sion on Sunday evening, fully reported «[*■■-

'here, drew an tiudlence completely crowdtsg the ample hall, nnd proved especially Interfil- ing; tbe music wss phwsfaigfy si tractive, tha address of Rev. Mr. Tidge exceeding])- spt and inspiring, snd Msyor Tarbox's In hi* usual vein of good Uste and felicitous expression.

—Tbe boys at tho Orarainar School, ihiuld exercise a little more caution lb their anew balling frolics; a girl wsi last week quite severe- ly cut in tbe face, and h«r eye sight seaily qs> stroyed by a bluw from a sharp piece of tee thrown hy oae of the school boys. Hit each other as you may agree, but be gallant enough, boys, to leave the girls undisturbed by aueh rough play.

—Tho school committee recently held an ex- amination of c-.milidate* tor sub-teacher* In the training school, and the following, all of them gradnalet or oar high school, hare bceneleoted : Katie A. G'Keere. Ada [.ear, Carrie A. Whlttler, Addle M. Richer, Louisa S. Hallcy, Elisabeth Sweeney, Annie P.. Davis, Martha 1!. Foote, Abbie A. Beetle,H. J. Blrtwell, Alice M. Webb, Kits 3. Uralg.

—No class of people were more happy op Sunday lhan our stable keepers, and It really did one good to obeerve the bland and smiling countenance of a proprietor, as each violator of the Lord's day came up and asked tbe loan of a lilt of horse hesh. Every team wu out, add if s funeral had bean mi the docket, the Urrlns i species weald hsve bets obliged to do duly, si- tallied to buck*.

H woald seen that the walks on the com. mon might be readily cleared of snow, A ln/.eii mon could remove a fall of snow In a very brief tlsse. As Ilia new,there are no worse waih■ in the city, and none more nted by ihe people, thousands of operative* passing over tbem dally,and one half the children attend- ing tbe High and Grammar schools also cross- ing the common. We hope the street corn- mlisloner will give the iub|ert hli attention.

—Cora ml si lone rs Barbour and Koowlae, Ks- glneer McConnell and Alderman Emerson, sf this dty, visited the water works of Vsndtet- tcr, on Saturday. They wars accorapeaktd is tbelr tour of inspection by Hon. Wm. P. New- all, Hon, P.. W. Harrington aud AJpheni Gay, I'.i-.l , Water Commissioners of that city, sad hy Kngineer Fsnnlag and Oen. Nstt Head. The party were dined at the Haieltlne House.

—The necessity for a material enlargement of the prison accotnmodali-uas la this county, as Just being undertaken by the addition oi a wtng to the house ot correction In this dty, Is seen in the unusually Urge number of person! now In confinement; at present there are la ihi* city, In the jail and house of correctioa, l«; at Salem, 70; at Newhnryport, 10, aad at Ips- wich,lii; at tbe latter place arsaltoM lasaae,. making a total of about 400 now In conlne- nieiit within Essex county.

—Home silly girl* disturbed the audkuce at the ('iiy Mission Anniversary on Knsday even- ing by giggling Is s loud tone, wbils Mr. Duu- nlng was making Impresilve resssrki h> tribute to the late Mr. Wilson. Their noise continued several moments, causing tbe speaker to cease In Ids remarks. He was requested by Dr. Packard tn proceed, who added that raaay s child hsd made noise befbre, which csrtafsh/ was no compliment lo Ibe boisterous girl* of eighteen or twenty yean of age. Sheriff Briggs round it necessary to repair to the satisfy lo remove tbe disturbers from tbe ball.

—The announcement of the death at sir, Charles Small, sn employs of Messrs. Pud rick sod ('Icismm, was made Monday evening and re- ceived with sorrow snd surprise by e very large circle of friends. His death was doubt less oc- casioned by undue exertion In hoisting a haw of goods Into s loft of hu place of bnsmsst. On going to bis bosrdlng place in the evening, be complained of a severe pent in his olds sad though hopes were entertained of hi* recovery so late as Monday morning, h« dfctd at 4 o'clock In tho afternoon, Mr. Smell 'was a • young niau of tscaliest character, a Bssaaassv ol Tuscan Lodge of thu dly sad had a very laass- drcleor acquaintance* here. His pars at* re- side at Llralngtori, Mains, sad las leasatai wete takin to Htat place Wedneiday morntsg, Brief services wsre held at hi* laU hesudssg plsee, Mrs. Uailey's, No, 1 Common *tr**l, oil Tuesday evening. . ,.i .i

—Next Sunday Is the first hi Advent, and the Hscrametit of the Holy Eucharist will be daly* cvlcbrated St St. John's Church.

¥l\c Si\dover Sdveftiper FRIDAY MOliNING, NOVEMBER W.


A i> ttei trom Ibc W«t, must lie over lili Mil wee*.

Mr. Amos Oeorgc, one <>r the victims of the recent fire In Havcrhlll, m a brother: «t Mrs. O. W. K. Oalllshan of ibis ton n.

In consequence of tue severe »turm on the 2tth Hint., the sale of woodland near llaggctt's Ponil U adjourned to Monday next at.; i: u.

Rev. Worcester Willey hM gone to Wash- ington to nrRO upon Congress tin payment uf certain Indian claims in which lie .- personally


/ '•OKFINS AND CASKETS. ThebuM-1 V-/ nesa nf the gnu of Wuriilman A Crabiree tins |i;m«i-i| lulu lliu hands oi* the sabfmiber, uud he will i-utitliiue l.> tarnish Coffin*. Casket*, lUAn-r. ■ and uther arilrle. euiiuectod with the business urumpllv and in ihr latest styles and finish. Cut'- I Hi'- imil t'.mkflK finished in Oil, Win, „r cverrd


Ensex County.

with broudci.nli. JAE alV citAlmttik. I htrtel- ' 'I'lie Wcunan'i Miifran" Cluh will tri

ptorum P ■.:■ HJI'I Mil Monday evenhiK

n .1

pOMMOMWEALTll OF MAiWACIlUlSrITTS \ oMirn^°fi.rttSP« ti™*&

i-iuiinii: COl'RT. a .HI .——... , Tulhe nevl nr kin, creditors, and all i.thci-:

Min- fntererl.il m the ei-tste .if fanny It' well, late »f And'jver, in stud iuii:it* ,'n id ileccnscil, Intentstc

eers lias been called lu meet HI HI- I I Saturday, the. soil i.

or Hartford paid li"

conrt to grant a letter i.railminLiinti.iii on Un> c- . tate..|' «ni<l it 'M^-<), i„ M.imul II. Kuiitwell of.

1 Andover, lu HIP county of Ln>e\. ion arc herein ellcd l„ ,,n,.. ,;,:., r, .■. ;,

Cmirl, In be held ill -idem, in -;\i.\ M.UILI. ol i. . I hex, on UM> Kind THCMIIM oi [lecci -i- ;,-.■..[

I'. « id i lire. The

IsMbMui hundred i: •niTiaav c

I'M imbcr Imblcr tier thi- lire brake

Hi' Mated on anod authority that ir the estate el the l.-ile Cvm- Wiik.'lli'l.| I- ' iudiciouslv man agedll "ill mill. ft,U00,o9n, ami that, In an) cvi'til, il niniiul full . IIUJ i ol ..',K>I,I«I.

William I.. I'uiboily, auraduotoof Dartmouth (.'.•liege nnd a native of Heading, ban )uet been

; numlualeil by tbu Uopublicaun at Omaha, .Nv in iri'l -\ ' bni-tii. I»r 1'r.iUale.ludttc. tie mi mcehsni.

In eurly lite aotl worked his wny through coilCfe ; by lit* own exertions,

"' 'eVIrii' ' Tl"' supreme judiclul court lOr Middlesex roun mj mum- ,v„inP,mi(. j„ nt c.-imbridRc, bv adj.iuiu n

OIITUCMIHV ut nr\t week. On Tuesday and Wed- ■ i) .il '■:'■ . ii.—«l:i- ■ iiiieoiilui.teddiv«rce cases will be lieiiol.

Mall mi . Tlmniloj- and Friday contested diwirec, ami ; uttier matte i> n>r the lourt, pvciiit e-|iiilv, w 111 lie

i]r(.t U,-„ ' heard. Imbler had his

ere obtained ui tbu in In^t wwli for MIL-

■nff.iiftn assoidittiiin

El saw here. ieu Lowill railroad de|H.| i opou Moudai. N. II. Mhurtloii'. oi Uealn

r tblny-eigbt yean MT«

IKtlLER AMI UCllItKl liMLtUSOa. 1 he butlditiK for Engine and Boiler Room, bj

to lie thirty-*!N by Illly-four feet, and in>cd for an eiiKinc-room, boiler-room, and inn 11 mecban- <al purposes; nlso, lo bare an excavation tnclvc icel deep, for the pur|>o*e Of .jailing a Meant pump, condense unk, and yinall eondcnsen>. The laundry buddlii^ will l*e used exclusively for laundry purposes. Each building will he one story high of thirteen feet, and surmounted with an Iron roof covered with corrugated gnl- vaniicd Iron, and lioordcd on top and covered with tin. 'Ibc I'ouudaVon walla «ili »-e lalii tu a nnlrbrni Atpih of twelve feel, with n Icrcller

i:saaa HavlMi* Hank.

At Hit Annual Uectuig of tlw Ea>ex r--iiii^:. If you want to save 20 oenta on TuAN«'HVINO DAT WUS O .lured in amid I

ciMini- and falling mow, which comtlnufd throughout the day. The previous night waa j Bank, holdeu Novainber lutli, l«3, ibe followiim j th^ dollar, call and examine the very cold, the mercury sinking within Italf u j Hi-utleuum were unaniuiuusly elected tu^utdbatol doaeii degree* of *er... The ponds were .w- U-cepU^l nfthe o(llrCs prefixed to th.-tr r.-vcral ■ lmmense Btock ot DRV GOODS ercd with sljitcrs during the morning, oud j «*»"'-■

-illllllel I: II tin niter ii am) II

Rev. Mr. Wright, of the Free Church, is preaching Sunday afternoon di*cour»cn upon ibc sphere ol woman. The first of the aeriei (two^ija" waa given h»t Salilmth.

A lew ditvs -im-e Mr. Ongood Barnard, of tl.e Wat 1'ari.h. lell and >n,|urejone of hh uuuul- den ao leverely that it i- thoiigtal he will he confined to In- home aevcral weeks.

Rev. Newman Hall, D. II.. the celebrated minister of Surrey Chapel, l,ondon, preached a discourse at the seminary chapel on Friday af- temoon. The large audience gathered at short notice, listened to an hour's discourse from the dlatkigatafand divine with dote attention.

A young lady, residing In the Went Parish, a few days since visited the family of Rev. J, II. Merrill, and on going home received the present of a quantity of ruaaet apples of the growth ol 1872. The recipient sent one of llieni to the "liter, who (bund It plump and juicy. It would be Interesting to know bow they were kept so well.

The hacklertat the factories in Abbott Vil- lage keep well potted li public ail.iirs. They take the Journal, Globe and Herald dally, and each one reads ten minute* for the benefit of the whole. After the reading cornea the dl«- cusiion or the topics presented, and oftentimes It Ii kept up with little or no abatement for the remainder of toe day, and frequent ly diamond cuts diamond. It is donbtfnl whether any elaaa of working men are better Informed upon both foreign and domestic matters than they

I.uwrencu Anu-rirnu and An-mvrr "Ailvertk... printed at laiwrcnet-, (be Ust publieution to i„ •wo flaea, at lea-t, Isrforc MiiiJ Court.

Wiines*. Ueeage If. Cln»t<-, kMjuire, Jmlge of cald t.'ourt, this eleventh .Lu „l Noveinlier, In HIL- year one IIIOUMIH.1 eitilit hineireil nii-l sevenlv- three.

DOTltfSt" A. C. uoomil,!.. Refiater.




HMeuiciit that city i l

■ by ■■:iiiii;'tv.nii - ! "ol ere-old at a premium

.use tills Winter. The I In hiijfcilr.1 Lirity la HIH-IH-..1 :tt!",„, i1 ■"

l . F, ;.■■!,■ :...'., formerlr ol ttie MMrtatack "Van teaae el the

The "Bullet ImtHlr have In nnd dollar* w on Monday. Matimi IHIUSIT forth* relief of sbipwnwki

Tlw nnnu.il ii.celiiiiiof Hie Ilnterhill Feiualn men Hrelielnacrwled at s>waiupaeatl, Hay View. lleiievol.nt»o.i. ij.ulll be held in li'eir rmmi nvrr 1'luui Island, ltjc llvac.lt uud liiddeford. b. A. SawyeVa PlIUJ Blore, Water utrwet, on Mnn. Jlostun azaln aumses u» with Die ouiiouureuienL day, Her. lit, 1S73, at 1| o'ebwk. tUHt the ■•! i,,,, ot I'olb-e I- niaLiiiK all ptuwr ef-

Tim iluaiingice In tlie river, on Saturday |»r- lori-^ to prevent the tain of liquor on euuder*.* daily ruiuiived one ol UIL> piles used for >U| ■ The Itiiv Slate Fin- Insiiruuec Co., of Wor<;en- purling Uielrun bmlue uhile in rourte or eon- ter. willed bit- been In III- bmi-N of receivers, .-lnicli.il), mill lor j i,u miiiiile- tear- were en. ujn oiu a dividend of nrarle i«l per cent, utter tertnined that the Elrucluru mi :i.r tall. j pnyliuc'tla- reeeWera «;■■"'.

John O. tiilman lias petitioned the Itonrd of Tin- Huston atul Albany aiiiUoaaseus at Ifeanfcna the origin of \iH> be. u lempur-iriiv i-iinpoluinl lo allow an nx-

"- amlnatlon u( ibe booii "

iiasc course six feet wide; the average thick- in-of v.u!,, ibotra levellers, will he two mid one-half feet thick. There will be a base Bourn, or water table m" granite at top, ot". fonndailwt walla, one loot high, fMWHi watt furnished m the lop with a galvani ciiTui'C, with cupper gulU.Tr. . ; , J


Aflcetita the Olitaena Nomliiation.

Law UOKM, -Nov. -Jth, ts;.t

iroua. Inion'rei.^ ! r^le-l-Ueutgo U. Cala-L ' ', ionsaerrl^ were held Uy the ratio,., dem.ml- ' (. ^resldents-S. W. il.nnon. Jo^.n ..avis,

nations, the Baptbts u^mhling at the First ( 'T^.V^iieT^B.rtoa, X. G. White-, ... l.., IUptistchurch,dl..cour«byR»v.J.IUJ.PidBt;i;riirlr1ll|r,.> A. P. n,rti ,,,„,,,. n, ^lulli .Iohn (

CoiigregatlunalUU, and Tresbywrlaiw at Ut- ) Gale, John IE. Rollins, Samuel White, George E. i renec itrcet church, discourse by Rev. T. T. ! Darh Ulinger; iptaeopaliana Ut B* John'a rliurrli, Xoliritli-taudiiig the great flunnein. IM.-.-HIV



the in JIM ■ i prenilniu. This ti.inv never btst a dolbt;

are made In ^irlet eonlomiilv

Aldermen for a

A '.lOUBV and stable In No. Apdovrr, •Ituatod within a few steps of Hie

Marble Uidge Depot. House Is two slury, thor- oughly built In modem stvle, with both room and water rloaet on second floor, marble muiilles, a good cellar, contains furnace, nice stable, room lor two burses, two rows, carriages, etc The land uontaini 'J] acres, wltli fruit trees and about 300 Concord grape vine* In bearing roiwliliofi- Prloa low and lerms case. Apply In Til liltilN JUIIXHOX, NortbAndover. oetlleftdert


Sofas, Lounges & Parlor Suits. Also, dealers In all kinds of


—The Salem r\wr, warmly compliments the drama of "Blue and Orey," just presented by Ibe Grand Army Ol that city, and of the part sustained by Mr.Chnrehtll.oi tlih city, aeys:— "The eccentric!tie* and noble-heartednesa of ijotbam Hopkins,'by the author of the play, were admired, and his imitation of the Irish woman Waa excellent, no well done In fact, that many of the audience thought that Mike Ca- •ey'a mother bad forced her presence upon the stage, to'dhrag the spalpeen Mike' out of the scrimmage."

The eecond class In Natural Pblloaophr of the Pnnebard school, gave a very One recitation on Wednesday evening. Subject, the physical force* In three parti: first, gravitation; second, eobealon; third, the pressure of air. Theea- perlmenta were very successful, and afforded treat gratification to the large audience present. Trte thoroughness and complete understanding of the subject by the scholars was particularly noticeable. Music under the direction of Mr. Janes R. Hurray, uacher In the school, wss Interspersed, and added much to the Interest ol

FURNITURE of every description, which they will sell at the

LOWEST LIVING PRICK8 Call and aee the I'atent RKI> t ,01Tfsj»:.


fapU J. IIILI. A CO.,

Cor. Aaassbwrr A EIMI it., Lawrence.

A L.

Union Services were held at the South Church on Thanksgiving day, m which Rev. Messrs. Wright, Smith, Merrill and Wilbur participated, the latter preaching the sermon.

The HVUi Psalm furnished a foundation for the Tkaekogif lag sermon by II. IL Wilbur.

Thu strange sounding title or Ibis Song ol' Praise dlrecu the music, leader to accompany It wlUithesiridp"' instruments. This meant melo. dy, witb aa emphasis. The Jews used Hie stringed Instruments esiieeuillj on nerasions of rertvltr. Taa context, tin, shows thh produn- tlon to be emluenUy a Tbankmivina Psalm. I'er- lians It was composed lor Urn Jewinh Thanksgiv- ing, or Feast of Ingathering, which came a month sooner loan onrs. This Psalm teaches

1, Tbu duty or acknowledging our dependence on the Divine favor. This is a lesion hard lo learn practically, but easy to forget. To a reck- less independence mav DM traced oppressive mo- no polls', "watered amoks," and lioaie*. fills selt-snmelsar.y I* fatal to Use souUuienl of grati- tude. If dire evils, permitted to overtake us, In- duce bumble acknowledgment of (iod, they are friends In disguise. The crisis or 'IT was followed by rich spiritual bloasingj; half a million of souls

"V»m1i) PotlM teaches us to especially se- knowledge Hie. goodness of God In the —— 1 the labors of Hie bush Il (TO'

(."the come as It were from Hie Immediate Creiilnr. The ■■.iu--i.il heritage of our hand of the Creator,

natlou Is tU broad and fertil i peel (em

i,lnsl I 1st.

Id of

This Inspired effusive Instincts lu what splr * enjoy the favors of Heaven: vu.

itloat benevolence, and world-em

receiving, the grand staples of breads tuffs and cotton. This vantage ground, attaching as It does to the productions of the soil, npecla.lv ad- monishes u* of our dependence on the propilions smiles of Heaven. The spiritual harvest of Hie paqt year, though not to sigmil as In some former tlntes, rlioulri not be under-estimated. The slgu* ofthoUmsa. seen in the punishment ol crime In high official circles, alas, lu the growing seuti- uunt of ubrlstlBTi hannonv among all believers, manifest**! through Urn late "World's Alliance," are encouraging.

3, Thla in |..i. it to seek and i . that of a practical benevolence,

aim chiefly to promote the ■kind; who by Internes

__ it the help that Is "mighty tn l.astlv, the teaching of thi* I'salui eucouragei

Uieexpeclatlon of the universal prevalence oi aartb of righteous nesa and happiness.


It seems worthy of remark at this time, when nearly all woolen and cotton mills are running short time, and at the same time have reduced the pay of their, help, that our mills here have made no change, hnl are running full time, anil have experienced no reduction lu wages; am' more, tlw usual Thanksgiving favors have not i

n overlooked. J, 1'. Bradlee, r>| iead, or some representative In ever

Is employ, a turkey for their Thauki "ir.

school Is le lie opened on Tuesday - "1, lu Hrndlee'p new engine IniU,

hair past seven o'clock. Kvery - enUemau ought to give a part of

to the study of music, and there Tssore profitable way than al-

_, snbooL There are none but leas talent for. singing, and with a

1 cultivation a great deal may be toward becoming good singers. We —Ing and nrnre oil tin our churches,

— Hnndnv schools and in the

~n »eo*Sntonvenhif,»L t\ Grimn «f Phillips Academy. His subject will be the "Glaciers" Illustrated by tnagle lan- tern view*.

(jo. The subscriber has a aupply of COAL of differ-

ferent slsea and quality, which he will furnish customers at a reasonable price and short notice. Orders may be left at JOHX II. CHAKDLRR'S Periodic il Store or at my residence.

JOHX i:il.\Nhl.Kit Andover, Sept. Slim.- f ,

FOR SALE. A good Horse, Buggy and Harness, two extra good Cows, Pigs, Poultry

ii" . I i:: :il mo _ . id the Hoard will certify to the

Justice ot the Police Com I of the cilv that in their opiubm it i* n proper MM for investigation.

AcorrcMMiiidenloflhn" Publisher" thinks that Bradford In now so rut off Irom bone of assistance from Havcrhill, Dial In can- of a great tire there they might us well a-k relief of Lawrence as of Ilavermll. The communications are all lee

Tlie upper fen v lietweeu this cilv mid llradford ha-been dise-fiiliuiieil fur tlie winter on aiyiount

die floating Ice. The trips u|>on Hie lower ferrv every irregular. It Is thought thu new bridge ill lie passable fur loot pa™-i-ngi-rs Hie last of

this week.

hasenl llaverhlll and Daniel niahop of lloiton. Being Oral placed In a rltiiatlnn to be leased, the spevdy re«|H-ning nf Hie lintel is looked

The City Treasury Is stdd to be short of monev. Tlw taxes, It Is slated, are nesrlv all lu for Hie year, and there Is lens t him fiu.uoi) In Hie Treas- ury with the new bridge ami High SeltiHil llonse to pay for, eitv bnniU selling at KI per cent, and the city hiring'money for cum-nt use nt II per

A innii Kiviugln- iiin.,1- ii ■ I hiiile- -iniili hired n horse and sleigh oi .Mr. Mutiucl Johuson, of llradford, on SuniW, to go to l.awrenee and veluru Hie same evening, since which time Mr. John sou has seen neither mini nor tram. He ot. fers a rowan! of twenty-live ilollitra for it* re-

Mlelmcl CarmonLly was found dead on the sent In his bouse Moiidm morning. He ha- been drinking hard of tale, ami uo other cause b signed for his dentil buln too free use of Hi II' leaves a wife and ulx children. Coroner .ieu- ne™ was calleil, but deemed an Inquest uiiiicee-- sary. Camondy's age mas MS.

toinplalnt Is made that no proper approarhes In the river are prodded for the steam Ore engines In rase of Are. On this account n correspondent nfthe " Publisher" savs, several Insurance ('

joounlebnve been looielv kejii. Kiwi the eolieetioiis Bute not been prope'rlv iiltemltd lo, bul Ilierr i- no snspkiion or irsuii.

On Hie evening of SfT. IWih, .*-'*, there were three ivuniies married lu Iluhbardalon. TWO ■ ouide, still survive, nnd cMeiuntcil tlietr golden « eliding ou Thiiriday evening. Tbey wene I>ea- eoii Kpbralni Si-m e mid wife I Mr. nnd Mrs. llartln Puirk.

The Eastern K'dlroad lu* tviui^u-ardyahsdUbed the electric signals, which have liesn In 'use be- tween Salem and Ipswich for over a year. The reason given is that they do not work well hi whi- ter lime, am! the intention no*■ is to establish theui again next March.

J.iioe- diipsey, a liuuor dealer at the. Serf* Bad, Boston, ImposedupimJudge Aldrlch anduhe District Attorney, by inducing a peor, diseased sailor to personate him at Uu< bar of justice. The sailor weut to the Home of Correction foe Chln- sey and died there, when the fraud was cxpo|afl.

Tho Boston Globe says: The members or Post ;ll, G. A. K. of Salem, were fiirblilden entriume to one of the Catholic church us, to attend funeral services, OH Friday, lath lost, unlesa ther re- moved tho i— ■— was the luu Mu I ready.

.loM-pli ltean, whose death m X. IL, Nov. HI, aged «'-', was for tnnnv rears pro- prietor of Uie mills at Dean's Island in Camlla, mi iielive business man, and one of lira earrloet nbulltionlsts In tliut section. He was fall the late Pram is li. Itesn. of Manchester, nm S. V. Beau, of Salem, Mass., nnd father-in li .lev. Prof, alesorvey ef Sew llamptpn Seminary

dWwnrse bj Rev. G, J. FlMCotl; MethmliM at llaverliiil street church, disconr-e by Rev. Dr. llarroHs. lu the ulternoou n i-onccrt WM

given at <R, MaryM church, which trns attended by the several Csibolic nocit liei in procesrioti,

will rj; j eeeortcd Iry the Lawrenre Cornet Band. In the d Iron j evening, the humorous genius known us That

Comical Rrown gave u variety cutertaimncnt at Ibe City Hail, which was fairly attended, and a

, select A»e*embly Wflx given nt Snnndcrs Mall j went', and are ail secure beyon. under UiOituspkcs or ilessr-. Morse, McKay, |ln •* "nl« 0l' l««wral .topressli

nnd Beetle, which piiind n very pleasant terrol- lu re-ponse to the odtclal notillcillou of ihe I UNtls>a to l b« holiday, uotaithslanding ibe In -

committee ol the Citizens'Convent ion. Mayor | clemency of ihe weniher, Tarliox replies as follows:— - ^ »■*■ s—

SCOTT SihixtSK.—This ctuineut irageUicune will give one of her wonderful ertrrlalnments at city '.nil. to-morrow, haturdsy, evening. It

i rarely tint so talented a drutnatic artltU itits r^trrcttr'.tinil we believe that no lady of

They have MARKED DOWN their that has existed during the luirt few wci-kr, and' the henvy withdrawal- MsiisMg ther.-,,,,, un* \ Bntire Stock to Prices compatible Institution lias steadily pros pered, show lug a gu.n | In Hs deposit accnuiit. uud a very lurgo iiicre».«e with the Times. You Can Only nfita surplus earning-. Alt drafts have been


pnnfes have decided In advance Insurance rales in llaverliiil one per cent. He also says Hint at

cent lire Ihe engines were throwing mud on llaverhlll

the recent Br the flames for hnlfan hour.

Amesbury are rejoicing

AI'DDBM DEATH AT NO. ASIDOVHK.—Mr. Klbrkige Klmball, an old genilsman of peculiar habits, waa found dead In his shop this moan- lag, at an early honr. Coroner Lamb was


POSTPONEMENT. In consequence of the storm on thellth insL, the salo of Wood-

land belonging lo the Low estate, situated InWcst - —j Raggett's. Pond, will lake pin JU

• ui r. H-. opposite the Br ■wSawa'aC'l Sylvestur f.orej STOaJoR** oawTrwra; m

"Amiover. Nov. iJ, li*7:t. n«ll«lt


KnUrtslitmcHtlii Hie "Utiseu's Court*," will lie Miscellaneous Readings, by

Prof. J, W. OhurchiU, On Monday Eve'g, Doc. 33.

■ Iat|te Tliktti, with Reeerved Heats, fto.

Ticket* with aback* fur Rassrred SMU for sate at W. f. I Hi* I'I'.II'M bookstore, on and after t'rU diiy, Dee.einbcr in. DoorsopeuatT.ls. Commence at 8 o'clock. "JlH.-.t


By virtue « a «5ln*« from the Probate Court, I .hall sell at public auction, on MONDAY, Iiec. sab, HCa, at a o'clock, r, aWjM Ibe praujUes, all the real estate of the lote Terrenc.e Ilcbrv, de- ceased. It consists ot the bulidiiiji and lands eon- mwled therewith, situated on J he corner ot Main .trost and Kim suuar*. Thu buildlug la two sto- ries and roomy, and the stand lor rMaUetf Is one of tho very best In town. The property- s mort- lased lo it. Sands, for thn-e Hiousand dollan.and HwlnMrestontbatamniintls paid t.i the first of last July. Tim mortgage will be n^»ntelP|*J< be- lore full possession is given, ami the widow of Hie deceased will Join in the conveyance, making

SrEBn. www swraep when the deed will be delivered, or -oouer If the p.rcb«.r -lesire.^ ^^^ AmniBWnltw.

Andover, NovJM, i*TS. nai«M

Tttn iiurr bred Clicnter



The subscriber lukas this i.odisns ol Andover and vldi

and somewhat re aim I e hi^rth^sadlngr him^rTy ownedI by £ames X lluttertltld. ho Is now prepared to .k> all kiwis oi

S«rffK«^JL&fl« coastantl/for sale, Thankful for lormer favors, he reapeenmUy solkita a r™1^^'^*™

ABdover. N«v- il. '«■. 1« FOB BALK IN NORTH ANDOVBH.-

The "fellows place" In North Andover, Is of. fered for sale. It consists of s two-story house, barn and shed, together with about ten acres of mowing, tllbuts. pasture ami woadlansl, and is altaavaMT an *e -eaten. Turnpike." naly ihree miles from I^wrencc. Tim soil is good. It will be sold low ir spplled fbrsmm. liuii.ue of PL- •TBR 811A VLIN, Ablioit VjUaga.

Andover November 11, 18731. *«


NKW YORK, NOV. i«h, Mnt lit AH AauVUCall t The last week has been full

f eseiteetent and people generally have o be iiulte happy, for If excitement cannot make

a genuine New Yorker happy nothing can, ami though man cannot live by bread alone he live by exritement for some considerable In of tune.

PJtUtal WE SETTLE DOWN imewliat beforo Thursday next Thanksgiving 111 have little of that conventional and puritani-

cal quiet which Is so necessary lo the proper ob- .-ei ,;ii:r.' of that day. Innumerable turkeys

irtwiched between savory bunches of celery In the windows of every saloon and restaurant lienr witness to the met that Thanksgiving Is hand. They have lived their brief lives In Hie long grass of New Kngbind meadows and among Hie gold en- rod nnd asters or pasture-land in bliss- ful ignorancuof their routing fate, ami now are

:ady and waiting to l>e offered upon snrrint'liil attars. The golden pumpkin*, tuo, which hat- been ripening upon sunny hlll-sldes clear Into the cool autumn days, will be subjected In a heat fiercer than that of any tropical sun, from which they will emerge* "V I/O*

A am YIT »uk TIIR liilD", the very thought of which makes our mouths water. No such pumpkin pies as these In New York, The fortunate Individual, wli

years has eaten bin ancestral pum pkin pie under the paternal roof, and who Ibr the ilrst time Is obliged to substitute for It a compotit rhfch is unlike the genuine article In every i peci but In name, and which called by any nth mine would taste aa bad, wiUbeaa dissatisfied as vas the prodigal son with the hint- upon which ie was oblige) to mail while away from Ids falh- -r's house, and for whom tv IUI'BDMITI. UttfKMIVWa WAS t.vAIIII

K tTKD ivlthout Hie aid of Governor or presidential proc- lamation. Bridget has very little veneration for trndJtlenal knowledge, and will, if you are so un- sophisticated as to venture n suggestion, inform you that she knows all about It, though she may lie but a month over from the "ould cnunthrce,' while she, In reality, knows as little of Hie edible In i|Uestli)U as ef the Inhabitant* of the moon. But, dear AMERICAN, do uot it Uie thought ol your unhappy'cotTespundcnt mnr the pleasure which you will Mat Q»j experience

WHILE USUKgtk'U OVEU VUIK IT'MI'Kl.N lit, nhd he assured that' M tin« o'rltiy imitation wil receive favor at lies- nasals. On this ajuuvcrenrj ir on no other, every son ami ibr lighter of Ngu England shakes the ilusl or tho city irom iheir feet, and turn the I r faces toward the shrlue of their early affecUoue. There three or lour gener- ations will meet under the old roof, mossy nnd weather.beaten by the storms of many years, and under which tbey have so often listened lo the pattering of the rain. How rlr.lt in legendary lore' and in thrilling anecdotes of our past history, and, in view of our present preparations for war, In gushing patriotism ou the part of Ihe youthful members, will he the alter dinner talk! And

hen one by one the elder members HI rerun TO THE ■PTBCT

f too much turkey and mince and pumpkin pit ith what aest will the younger folks prepare for raid on the scenes of their former triumphs and

defeats' A game of bide and seek among the h; stacks will possess all tho reckless enjoyment their "green nnd ulnd days," when the honors

il dignities of the tlHes which they rarely li sight of now, were a thing of the future, only Ircamed of.

In New York ihe day will be kept by the ma jority of the population as uu unmixed holiday ami base boll contests, shooting matches, Ac, will be the order of the day; another class will go to church In the morning,

KAT AN EitOKMour. IHNNKU id ike nlleraeon, and go to the theatre In the eMavkg. ore -e oM Trii.ii> « III chime. 11* (icVa/sml iill»echnrttaM»'Jastltiitlona\-Will pro- > l.lu gelid dinners for thetr inmates, nad Hie etar- gy wttl eaumeruie nil our blessings, Had thu laity and sinners generally will try and be duly Hum. ml, which alter all la not so bard to accomplish after a good dinner, or even with one in view.

Wm. U. Tweed, thank* to thu twelve faithful Jurors whom New York lias nt last produced, and la doing which, baa surprised thu whole country, and nobody more limn herself, will probnbly dine on Thursday In the Tombs.

(Saturday will be \1 HHil! mi I AS A HAT

which a most Importsut trial waa ended, ne of the perpetrators of thefts which were counted by millions was sentenced lo a

twelve years' Imprisonment ou Illaekwell's It- Thai night the chief of the Tammany ring

took a short ride. It bring only Ihe distance from the court house lo the Tomhs. The hour was not propitious—one o'clock in Uie moruing—and Ihe oM gentleman was not iu the* best of spirits. When leii ah,tie in his cell, his irieuds guue, what tender jracinor ies ef commodious apartments at Uie HetrniHiliLan must have stole over hire, and rhat

REC'OM.E(TIOKa Or- THE I.IXt'HIOta Ut'ARTKtta or the Aincrl. ns club-house at llreonwlch, where

lout to repair after the arduous labors of transferring ii million or two from the pockets of tbo people Into those of himself,—must have mingled wiUi his waking dreams. Although the people were Jubilant over the victory *Vm In the face of so much opposition, Hid. leirned counsel for the prisoner could not re-4ral tears, as if he would say, "Those that can pliy, here may, if they think it well, let rw.ll »tear; tin subject will deserve it." But nobody but Mr tirahain thought "It well" tolet fallaloar, and till may have been more from

ITTV AT HIS OWN OKI'EAT than from pity for the man who has so arroganUi i li il' -i i Justice. The man Who from n mender of old chairs came to be classed with Astor \ tin.lei hilt Slid oilier millionaire,., Kiel u ho hag now gone down amid so much disgrace, Will, on blsembsrkUigforhlsBea'girtltome, lmdismissed from the public mind. Meanwhile, otkers who probably deserve as severe a fate, will Iss tried by the same laws as those undar whose condom nuUou he fell, IL li- ■>-

—As usually the case Thanksgiving did not paas off without Its runaway accidents. In the morning a horse attached to a sleigh dashed Essex street, bringing up at a pile of rubbish just above the Essex House, somewhat injurtnj tbo sleigh and harness. In the njlcnuam another team nut down ■■»•* street and stop- ping in front of Falrfleld's block, attracted A

large roneonme ;of people. Damages alight.

There House.

The slclghii over the early —w.

The results of the Catholic fair at Dauvera show $:t,!W0 above expenses.

Eighty babies will compete for premium* hi (lie Salem Grand Army Tab- this week.

Mr. A. Frank Hitchlngs has I teen appointed an Inspector hi the salcm Custom House.

Mr. Daniel Downey, of Roxbury, is building a rope-walk 271! feet long Iu Pea bod v for the manu- facture of mar)In.

The tonics which agitate Nrwburyport at iires- cnt are the Intro luethJti of water and the building of.the Kpplng railroad.

Mrs. BenJ. T. VYIgghi,of fjeJem, didn't sec the niton the sup stairs and now .walks [mound with her arm in a sling.

The new shoe funtory in Newhurypnrt Is the largest structure erected in that city by private eiiu-rpriiic for many years

it i ■ ni.t tii.,i i .in. Butler has >eeured an In- crease of capital for the Plrst National Hank, West Ameshury, amounting tn g.V>,uOti.

Mr. Arthur W. I'ont, of Salem, has been chosen chorister for the m-xt class da vat Harvard I'nlver- slty. He Is n very line amateur pianist.

Mrs. Siinili Tnwlc, who died on the intli in NcW- buryport, was the oldest person in town—ftt years I months. 8he was about as nld as Ihe roun try.

Danvers Driving parkin u-e it for their next fair.

It. VT. Prime, of Jtowley, will publish from the press of the Newhurypnrt HrniM In a lew days. Ills bookentlUed "Autobiography of an Octogcn-

John Bigger, a Sslem man who was reported missing alter tlie great lire In Itoiton. and was thought to have perished there, has now turned up In New Brunswick.

Dr. B. V. Brown, of Salem, a late uiemlier of the State Senate and I'-ir mam vear« n prominent 8nlem apnlhecarv. Mled tn tii-i' cilv, Sunday niter, noon, at Hie age of no.

The Trustees of the Kiscx Agricultural Moeloty have voted to bnid their next exhibition at Dan- vers. Twenty per cent, baa been added to all premiums on lire stock nnd frulU and vegetable-'.

Mr. .lo'in vy. llHskell's pig, a native or Beverly, weighed IU on the -.•!■! of June, and mi the lytbof Noveuibcr eonhl pull down fil't with a nob in his mouth, bis hair off and bis toes lurned up

i the daUles, ln in-Vi t|o> lolhiwiiig curious sentence or tlie

court on n cltl/.en oi Ipswich is found on Countv records. "Tilll]lin, scott, upon his sentment, is iVneil ten shillings, unless he learn Mr. Norton's Uhateehlse bv next court." m li.— HopaldUm'-fynB."

The stores of 11. Jordan A Co.. clothing dealers J. B. Condin, grocer, and K. t'. Darling, boots and shoes, all dolngbiisiiic—,n [p-wieh. were entered

Sundn*- monilnglBsi. A <pinnitiy of clothing .. ..s taken at Jordan's and n Htilo money and. few clgarn at Coedki's-

The LvajiletsJ stbooi eommiuee ate involve, In sdiBotreulHebva -nit hnrnght ngainel the low he a father wlo>«>eb(lilren one of the school tuiK.hers rnllhwil to in-.ii net. A pupil at unotber school is said lo have received severe hiMlily iu Juries (him n wliipiringadministen'd by a teacher.

Paupers in the Newburvport almshousc nro llnwid two plugs of lobaeeu u week, with pipes ud maicliee as they need and a local paper pnli- Isbe* (he ahuvJiOMsehillafCare nnd expresses lie hop* Hie ruth of transient business will not mad or annoy Uie settled and permanent hoard-

Extanaive Addition* and Alteration*.

, invention composed s ol both political parties, fo -" . Vor

provul of all luyftrtfhYthat-offlclal tnu-t, 1 am proud and gratlfled to accept It as a testimony fellow-citizens confide hi the integrity of

Mist! to administer Its aulborih ami fuiu Hi impartial regard to tlie rights nod in-

terests ot all, anil that 1 liave not proven nltogcth- uiiworlhy oflaatoriMlil, i ,

il with the responsibilities tind ■ .liulnistra-

llM-ptv Impressed l plv I—,. lilies which must attach lo the n

tlon of affairs In the vear to come, I do not run-

jfejESBSttigia denbe." Tn addition to the ordinary matters of public concern falling to the charge ol the IOCHI authorities, and which steadily maamify in lss|Kir Unco with out niuaiaipn) grewth, Ibe government of 1KT1 will neesl to deal with unusual enterprise* and exigencies. The mere mention of some of these is enough to challenge reflection. i\ large portion of Uie eitv debt will mature within the year, and provision w 111 be made pi fund it. This, with tlie negotiation or Uie water loan lo meet KM accruing expenditures In the construction of the water works, In a |>erlo<l of commercial disorder, when Uie financial market promises to lie agitated and uncertain, will ask the counsel of r*|ierieiice and skill. Along with the nuaslruction of Ihe water works, now fairly initiated, should go Hie development of a liberal and well considered sea. tciu of sewerage adequate to Hie public conven- ience, eoaafort ami health. Tlie.lcpreasi.ai hi eur tisn.il hnhMtries, maammaM with the opening of Uie inclement season, awaken- apprehensions ot distress In the community, to relievo whicli may demand the wisest cere in the application of pub-

haritie«i. Altogether, In uiv Judgim-nt, llm r before hi situation of affairs, i e thane

lieim away rrninhoiB" and on his i ered Hie whole popiilniton of the doors shooting Wild geese. Tim flm

t of

passing over Uie town and several thou- sands of I he i ii wore captured. An Ipewlehnaperrevlvosan exciting event whicli

oeeurrert In K*sc\ County on HieiMhof Mai-ch, "J.I*, was Incarcerated at bsa. On thaldsvonc.

i ne iwiiin snjs, -mo mi > — commitUKl In the country.'' The huh...

Thcophllus WIUoii, itcposed thai "In" according othe order of He- court did put ihl- prisoner into prisone and lockt tho dore Fast nnd put the iiasii onto the staple ou Uie nutsyilc ol Ibe dore which none within can tinlianp. nn.l lefl no bmles or tni'iin- oflitdu in I'H- pii-..ii.- Il nn- nlli'iwiifd discovered Hintonr or.J, I'.'s neighbors Intel uu hasped the "dore (Hi the outs'.le" during the alghL

T|j- balem tiisUuu House, Uie renovntina of which was ,-elebrntcd a few flit) s since, occupies llic.ile uliere lornorh stood Hie eh-g.mt mansion sndgrounds of the Irowninshield fhmllv. The lot WM selected Mav in, Irtus, when Hon. Natiian- lelSilsliee was I ■lilted States .-ienntor from Uassa- uhusetts. The commissioners under whose fervision Ibe work wns done were Joseph S|i lenJ-W.t rowauiiUlM. Nathaniel Sllstiee " aid I'eele and Joseph Penbody. Kren .■ Hawthorne wan Cnllector, IKVi.l the l.dleci nom was nnplnsteml and unfinished and ns he ays, "at one end of the room lu a recess, was a

-lumber of barrels piled one upon Uie other, eon Mining bundles of ofliciill documr"'" '

■*-- rubbish lumbering II rot'essiHt to lure found the private

seph Slin v. Ufiee, Wll.

Hie iiiblil-h Innibering the floor, that rue professed to lie re foiled Hie private

papers which furnished him the materials (Or the llnwllii

Scarlet ... The appointment" nfthe Malem House seem tn have Increased In cost and

sum ptuousuess in prlpaHbMI as tlie cninmeire or Hie port has declined. When the old sea-kings of Salem, Ihe !>orbvs, Ihe lira vs. Hie I'lrkinans, [he lorreslersand Ibe IVabo.iys were bringing hack there Hie products of ever* region ol the w.nl.l, the Collector's ofllee lmnsied an old fashioned high back rocking ilialr, a pine desk, aa open fire. place and a urn.led floor.

Mlddleaox Comity. LOWSU-

...... W. R. 11 ui d hns been nominated for folia rliman by the Yonng Men's Inrh-pendenl ' lab.

Tlie Courier has put tn a single cylinder Ilee press and propo-ei 11. ire tier lo print two alter -ion editions.

Ilnpoks, Owen A liirleton'S bund have an en ..igement toulve a course or six assemblies in Itinnlcboro', Vt,

Tlie fair in aid of St. John's Hospital rom- eneed In Huntington Hall Wednesday evening, id will oonltnut for two weeks. The Massachusetts company are replacing a

portion of their old shafting With that whlcb Is lighter, requiring less power lo operate.

Hie breakage of a large Jack gear in No. 1 if tho Merrluiai-k rorporaUon, tYednOMlay,

tlie two uppec dressing ami weaving rooms, had to bo stopped.

Hon. William lliocofSpnnglleld, uimbas lain confined to the residence o| Mrs. Frederick T. North several weeks from ilbiess, is improving in health, although still unable to sit up.

Miss.Hmlloy, tho evangelist, Is to hold a series of meetings here under the direction of Urn Y. M, C. A., rontliililng tno weeks. Kite held Uie Itrrl meetinghtiudar <■■■ mug «t the! coiral Muthoillsl i Inireh,

Gen. Stark lias concluduil to reduce the number oldallv trains bftwmm Lowell and Boston, so that nhaiid alter Monday nest Uure Is lo be uo 7 o'clock morning iraln down ami no 1 o'clock af- ternoon train up.

Tim thirtieth anniversary of Uie marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron l:. .sawyer, was tho occasion ol a surprise visit M them hi nlsml one hundred uf their friends at their n-nlencc, No. .V, Kh-teher street, Friday evening.

While skating nt Long Pond on MMlurday after, anon, Frederick Keyes, ol lirarut, broke through Uie Ice. and was with dlfllcultv n-scuei) by some companions.— Isiues k. nneiU hp-oke through the nnpaiiloli.-.—Isnii-s Kinin-.H lnuk.- Min,i:Vlille

c on Goacord river on ftatnnlay, w bile attempt >g te cross. He was resceed.


. Watenuan,Es.|., sip, has been i ih-i aasistsntelr,rki.fUic Municipal r.oi. i, Held.

M. M. Sherman, depot n in star ef Wakntleld Junction, Wa-robhe.l.( o!-:o|a-t week, tho mom ey belonging to Ibe Kaatrru it. 11. Lo.

Hiss Pratt, "fWakellehl, a teacher tat ihe pub. lie schools of Melvi.se, has receiied n beautiful writing desk by into at a Catholic fair In Met-

Tbo Wnkotleld Town Mall gives Imllculumi; of being Inseenre. The Hoar of Hie Armory has mink six inches. Iron •uppori* will lie Intro- duced to strengthen II.

The jail and house of correction in this city was built twenty years ago, and the first occu- pant* were licaroerated in DM rear lH-ll, at which time its management was conducted by Sheriff Thomas F. Pay son. Mr. (Parson con- tinued In ofnYe until the fall of Ibe following year, when ho WM succeeded by Sheriff James Carey, wbu retained the position elevei Sheriff Horatio u. HerrJok betaig elected in 1805, and taking possession Jan, 1st., I860, re- taining tbo office at the present time. Each year, as the population of Ihe city, and vicinity, has Increased, so has the number of inmates the House of Correction, and as no addition has been made since Ihe original construction, Its capacity la now, and for several yean has been,

limited for the proper accommodation el the constantly Increasing number of Inmates. The present capacity of tho institution Is sixty

Us, and these_shoald properly accommodate but A tingle occupant each, but necessity compelled the management bo " doable" many of tho cells, making their capacity equal to the accommodation of alarat one hundred persons. These cells are located In the east and west

■in:. ■ of the building, In three tiers. The niimlHT of prisoners varies, but during

the session of the criminal term of the Supe- rior Court In this city, Is greatest, mi account of parties detained to await trial During tlie

ion, In October, tbeuumbcr reached one hundred and liiiV. At the present time there are one hundred and forty-five permanent inmates, the greatest number yet received at one time. To accommodate the excess of the regular capacity ot Ihr cells. It has been found necessary to use a room In the west wing, over the guard-riMin, nnd here are from twenty to thirty bunks.

The enlargement of thu jail has been under consideration for tome lime, and during the present year the attainment of the object has been secured, and for oeveral weeks Mr. Charles T. F.morson, tbe architect, has been tailoring Industriously in preparing plans and specifica- tion* for extensive additions and alterations that will involve an outlay of nearly S100,000. The architect has-now completed tho specific*. tlona,and tbi itmtmlsiloners are In readiness to receive proposals for construction.

lUCOUTANT AllIltTlON*. 'Ihe demand for increased capacity and facil-

ities at thu jail has long been felt, and tbe rem- edy lot.- been secured in the proposition to erect n large wing mi ilie north side d*f tbe miln building, with lira additional bulidlnci laundry and boiler house, projecting from Ihe main building, respectively In a north east and north west direction, each side of the north whig. The main addition, or north wing, will measure fltty feet on tbe line of present prison, and to extend seventy feet at right angles with the line ol prison. Tbe iv.aU i will be of tbe tame design, and finished the same In every re- incct, as high as cornice of old wings, Includ- ing the same and surmounted with a Mansard roof. The basement will he fitted up with a large Ipathiii^-rmjiu, closets, eta, and also have sixteen cells. the height of basement story will be ten feet eleven Inches from top of brick par- ing to tup of first Horn-. The tint How will he

up with a clothes-room, one alecplng- rooiti, and sixteen cells. The height of drat story will lie twelve feet. Tbe second story will he fitted tip with twenty cells. Tbe height will be twelve feet one Inch, which will lie tbe top of work-room door. The Mansard roof, or third story will be arranged for a workshop with convenient s lore-room and closets, Tbe, height of Mansard roof, or third siory, will be sixteen feet in tbu dear, lurmouuted «ith Iron trussed roof, covered with lioardi and tinned on top. To lie an elevator and ventilat- ing Hue from each and every cell, also, a large ventilating cbluiney-

The guard-room will open to the two side areas, which are In front uf tbu ceil Mock, and all ceils will have a frontage on said area. The area will he lighted with three window : side. Each and every cell will have a grated cell door, two led wide, and six and one-half feet high; a!au, one grated window to each cell, eighteen Inches wide and three and one half feet high. Tn be ah Iron stairway from guard- room floor down to basement floor for each area; also, a double stab-rase from gnard-room floor up to each tier of cells, and to shop.

All stairs will have proper railings of iron. To be walks for the first and second tiers of cells made with an Iraki framework, with Iron railing for tbo same. The floors will be made from the very bcstqualityorSouthernpinc. Allstairs, walks, etc., wm ho of the same design and style of Mm>h ns In the old prison. Each and every cell will he titled np with two ventilators, one near the ceiling, and one near the floor; t lie one near the ceiling to have an iron frame with movable ventilating register. Tbe one near the floor to be an inm ikrt, with «ti iron slide m Ihe front made to slide iu an inn frame. Tbe back of the box to have one row of small holes near tbe top to open Into tbe perpendicular due immedi- ately In tbe rear of tbe box. The floorings of ihe shop over the areas are to lie of the very best rolled, extra heavy, eight inch Iron beams, arched between with one course of brick set edgewise. . To lie four by (bur Inch pine Joist laid at right angles with iron rloorlug over the area, and call blocks placed sixteen inches from centre, and covered with the best quality of spruce boards, and finished with a floor of Southern pine, one and u quarter Inches thick, plnned.joined am) matched, and blind nailed.

The exterior facades of building to ha (nan Hoekport granite; to he three rtttftwil of twen- ty-two Inches in bright and fifteen Indus thick, the top course cut with a wash lix inches on IWim.the face, tbo remaining height to under sido of cornice will tie eighteen Inch courses, and nine Inches thick. Tbe cornice will be of Ihe same design as cornice on old wings. The wash, quoins, and cornices, all to be fine bam meredwork. The walls of Mansard roof will lie of leVk, furred on the ours hie, hoarded and slated. The windows will have cast Iron dress- ings, with galvani/.ed iron inoaldlag ai the top Tbe roofs lo he slated. The creet cornice, or finish, wilt be of galvanised Iron. The Iron trusses in roof will be supported; with a six- Inch, heavy rolled iron lieam under each end o each trns., also, a heavy, Iron bracket firmly, bolted lo each upright bears, and under each end of each truss. All a mdows to have heavy grating* on inside made in Ihe sasae manner as tbooe now In old prison. laeka«tire Ceiling of shop to bo shoalbi'il with galvanlaed iron.

. themest capable skill and prudence. Party spirit cltuixli BUB"" IdKATE 1THELF TO THE HIOIIEU CI.AUiS OF I' 1 .ir a rill IT, and aojieranW or parti:an BMMI bo permitted to compromise the contfismi welfare.

If re-elected to the Mayoralty I shall enter a second term in that ofllee resolved to discharge Its duties InaTlluHiii-i;iu.i IMHI-EMIKST ANH L'N- IM ..TizAg art nit *ie»w;te ssiaisi. but tee pub- lie good, and irim no obligation upon m> exrrpt that obligation of inltgriif nnd fSBSJrw-<te/i*»y Whieh roil obligation of inUgvil f

s always owed tn the public In the exeebUnns .ii "iii<-ml trust.

your grateful debtor. You:

Messrs. Milton Bonney, HanhdSaunder*, t>«o. ,» Merrill. Patrick Murj.hv,


Is Investments ■lamte reiiulre- i doubt- Bven i, iu aeeuritlos .

wool.I-ell lura hundred thousand dollars urn re 82.50, than tiie-. -tiiu.l charged on Ibe books of the in- : •dilution. As, Its managers consider perfect •ucurlty of more Importance Uisn a large rate of interest, and etreugth to meet an) emergency of greater moment than rapid growHi, we may with reason look forward lo a future as prosperous as ihe pest has beeh satisfactory. : At n

personal examination.

160 Pairs of Wool Blankets, at

Mits, E. P. PKABMUX, drees maker. Cutting

Lawrence. Mrs. Slddous stands within the' , „ ^* , m __ _.

circle ef such artistes as charlolio Cusbuian, WAVTEII.—A young man or this cttr desires Madam Janunschek, and others, while in the a situation as book-keeper or assistant. Ad- .i.agnllirrnee of her wardrobe and In her per \ inm " eanlaay,''«^Wftr» otrMt. MTloSI

sounl Iwatitr, she ■un.N «ilbout rivalry. We ,T m mt ^gmt calanslUe. that embitter tho programme in a.liertlilngcolunins. existence; It Is the petty vexatloni, the little si *■>.» ■ — disappointments, tbe small everyday troubles

■Julia Huhbaxd Clark, late Known as tho i tbe* make tbe heart heaw and the temper sour, popular trance speaker, and Dr. Uriah Clark. Now avoid everything that will lead to these AJ_ I L- U. ,, . . J J,. _.,, troubles, always use Beach's Washing Soap, formerly spiritualist lecturer and editor, will I ' ■ sjttf; speak in the vestry of the New M. E. Church, . . - « _^_ South Lawrence, Sundnv morning, afternoon | THE VM.I.HM; has cured maiiv eases of and evening, rtOT, 30th, taking occasion to tut-1 Scrolula offlve, ten and twenty years' atandlny.

rate their conversion lo'Chrlstlnnlty, with warn- ings against Spiritualism and other modern Skepticisms.

1 Case of Serges, at 22 1-3,

worth 37c.

60Pieo»doi Black Brilliantines,



B i r t h P. UAUTIK.-In this

Mrs. 11. Martin. city, Sov. 81, a* to Mr. A

>1 It i' r i k f* i I.:m reuee Academy ot'llniton la now ill

lu With yenr. Sam pilnrtpal U Ho v. .In Kleielicr, formerly of Uniivem.

The Dartmouth Cnllog-p Httidentx Imv been uivln^ concert)* UIKHH Hanover nnd vicinity, iiml Mrmnal of Iho local papern any "nothlnir so inkiiic lift* been liennl' for yeari."

We hnve rcrclvt'il the mtnlii};iic of Dartmouth ('olli'm* for tArVf. Kroni II wc Iiml iliul the colrt-jjv U In it more ilmir- i-liin:: ciiiulltlon limn ever IM-fore. The IINIHIHT of -tuilciii--. mi'illr-nl ilepnrtmein, M; ncntloinli- department. (ga>| arlontlflc departjiient. "!>: npTionltnml deportment, TJ; Tlmyor ileimrtim-nt, 8j total, -12(1. Tin- fall term luu. a WmaM from the :..'."-1 b of Niiveinbrr to the :kl of Dcvember. inn the term does not dfJM until the Mill of ■lauiitiry. II

The cntalofTiie of Vale f'oUcgv, recwitly i-Miiil, show* the iimiiiiei-(.( .siuiliiit- lit tlie liieoloK/lcftl tlepartment to he |0J, | agnlTisrtltfj last year. There nrc 1.1 hi the "'H'-7.'C. l\Cva^a,'\<m.TM\*w'^\*yMii

-■* - fie-.ee •» - i ■ i' t law department, (iml In the medical tin- ' Crossley, both of Lawrence. Tfaii sad case ha« caused much comnieiit in purtiaont HZ. In t ho tleiinrtiiieiil of pill- f-OLBV—DAHIMITUN.—In this eitv. Nov. Slat,

the community,and nfpecUHy on Ihe Wuh-1 loaophv and arts there nre (10 grndtmtf | A^M.CoUiy^ofWblteiirlil N. II.ami MagglelL

Mi r\»-»\\V. '


I IIIX.tY-SallTH.-ln North Andover, Nov. SM, by Hev. Ilnfiis C. Klage, air. Matthias HUbv and Miss Margaret Suiiili, both ol North Ando. ver.

IIOWAJtTlI—MATTmsW.-In North Audover, Nov. Mm, bv Iter. Htifu. I. Ilacg, Mr. James llownrth ami Miss Marv Mallhrw, both or North Andover.

l)iili--ns-MiAHl'K. -In this city, Nov. M. by llev. Coo. l'arkard, Mr. James Uobson to Miss Ann ftharne, both or Lawrence.

IIALL-HOWKN.-ln this city, Nov. Sid, Iry .lev. L. P. Harrows, Mr. tlllos A. Ha), and Miss rtu- san M. Iloweu, both of l.tiwrence.

SI'KIM.KK-SI'KIMiKU. -In this cilv, Nov. tt, bv Itev. ].. I'. Cuabman, Mr. iianiul A, Hprtnger and Miss Ida M. Springer, ln.ih of Lawrence.

ItI.T-HORSK.-In this city. Nov. SL by Rev, 1*. Irishman, Mr. Kdwarnlllv and Mi-s Itiith Morse, both of Charleston, 11.

JOSALVN—BLOUU.-in Uils citv.ttct. M by Hev. I., r. Uushman, leanc Josiyn oi Li Mary C. Blood of Methuon.

I Jl'Dsi)N'-C,RfWelLKV.-In this clty.Sov.^ 1st, by

s Hold E.

Ington Corporation, where it occurred. It np- i ilml'-nfj. ln-l year there were ."ill. I IK F.

pears the mother, Wary Elliott, against whom rests the charge qf concealment of the birth of a child, and whlrh Is against the statutes of tin- State, Is, a qatet nnd Inoffensive middle-aged woman, lirdnatrlons and ol good repute among those with whom she has associated, and tor her uiitcli sympathy has been created. A short time ago she obtained work, and found a boarding ptaee with Mrs. Tattle, on the Wash- Ington Corporation. For a few days she hail been III, and remained In her room, being most Of Ibe time alone. On Tuesday the lady or the

bosjac bad suspicion* that something of an un- usual nature was in progress, and upon mak- ing examination found the body of a male in- fant concealed tn tho Kltkrtt woman's trunk. The aRair waa placed In the hands of an oitirer. Coroner Iamb summoned, and the case Inves- tigated by ii jury, consisting of Messrs. P.. 1,. Chapman, A. Veaw, A. K. Mack. M. O. Mer- rill, W. A. Lamb, and C. T. Wilrox.

Darlngton of Lawrence,

lorn, II". Mipliiiiuoiv-, uud ISj freahmen. I seat ami Miss Mary J. Cutler, both ot Methiwu. The total iwinlier Of uiider-Kmilnnte ntw* TUT*:WORTHY—AVKKILL—InUiiseitv, Nov. de>ntn U HIS, ;. li-- i Inat rear. The ih.by Itev. i.. W. l'erry. Mr. W. K.Trueworthy Wltojo number uf niittl,eiit« IXHHKCIC.I with ""'' *"" '■""" >-■ Arerlll, botbof l.nw.en tile ncleiiUflc dejitirliiii-nl In iM2, mi 111- T^^^^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^~ t-reaau of rj HIIUTK IIINI year. In the Hchool " ,g\ , ■,*.'., of tine nrtw there itrt' « atndeniK. ln.at yew j) Q a t 1| yJ, there vrtrv III. The whole number of HtiidentH connected, with the viirlotl*. de- j KNirriN.—in Ballanl Vale. Ner.llth. Mary 1 pnrtments of the nntretnttr HIIOMI an in- ! stniflli^ agedn ym, 10 mos, i dye. CTfnaC Of H'2 over tbo IlllinfVr reported lu ^mmmi^—~i*~mm^**m^m^mmmm~ Inut voiuV cataloizite.


A. T. sti-Wiirt ji-iv.-. M- lieinl book-keeper (fll'.OOfl ayiuirnu.1 S. 11. (Iiiueiuten t(' New York tin- gowU inerehnntu, empli, about one hundred clerks, four of whom receive over V.,(MH) each, over a dor.cn of whom have 940 to «m a week, while the \ SA TURD A Y E V EN ING, NO V. 29. averasjeofthe whole IH"1..".O.

, Kx-Mayor Oakatjr IUH i" out-npokeu „-h- „„, -' '--'- WM.,,„ „_ ,h Tuttle.taeUudlsaiy.arnltwywngleeSleaalio nrralnat the flnrlniii.fi method of netUlnjr ■,«£«/ had occupied a room with Mrs. Eldott, and Dr.' tlie tnottier-lu-law o.ac»tlon bv jfreaalng J. O. McAlliater wen> called, and gave testlmo- j th«' ccllaf atalrs nnd aaj K everr ruau'n wife ny, from which, it appear, that tbewoman came i wi" probably be a mother-in-law, that all . *rtlrt'awartlr.lMla»

this eltr In Julr, from ndvef, where .be savs I *™ntmn rnn't expect to marry orphsnn. ; mittt™JSSS$^mjXZ"tX*- and that thu toother.In-law ought, there-' * fore, to he renpected.

Bishop Matthew riinip»on of tlie Melii- odlat Church la n respondent In'u con- tented will case nt Marnhall, Mich. The tc-tiitor, 'I'luxn.i-. I niinTin. maden million


I.VKDOS I »;i.i:,.ii i ,'n.

-Til. t.r." r„l,r ot Tn.ril, au.l , u». -

Colored and Black Alpaoas, at 36 oanta.

Shawls, Shawl,, from 11.00 up- ward*.

Colored and Whit* Coraatt,

62c, worth |1.

French Corsets, at 11 per pair.

Gauntlet Kids, S1.3G.

Mantles and Jackets, a Larce

Variety at Very Low Prioee.

Hosiery, Gloves, Neck Ties,

Ribbons, Laces, Gimps. A Full

Variety of Small Wares, sold much


NOTICE. Washington Mills

Remnants, in Beavers, Flannels,

Cloaking , Broadolothe, Pant

Clothe, Waterproof*, at Half Prioo.

Juat received from the manufac-

turers, a new lot of Furs. Ermine,

Seal. Squirrel. Mink, Aatrachan,

Lynx, White Fox, Ac, in seta, to


CHILDREN'S FURS will be sold

at the Lowest Price.



228 & 230 Essex Street.



EV.UV 11., 1U-.R ,11

Dry Goods and Carpets.


I 'ui, m... th.lr , • U..VI .- A I. Y - tlKHr ,t<Mk Of




from tbe first Cost of the tiood*. We would In- vite a careful comparison or onr t.oods an.! I'I I OM by parties tvbo are In tbe habit or not uply spsnMlng their monev In Boston, but use their in- fluence wlili llielr Irirmls tn lOIIuw, Instead at imirnnlslnr Innue rnter|>iise sml tiirlft, where tbey can awl


Than la


AM) OflTI. O-

With Besi.n 1st Hlehaess anal Varttty,



Our Best Quality of All-Wool Vigognes Seduced from t-l.tt to TTJ cents.

And Uiose at 73e redueed to iOc, and those at aoe rednoed to t3and(fi| cents, abd all


We bliatl

Full Boiled Lyons Black Silks

. and we ran reeonimenil liens to Ibe eonsumer with entire coundeuee. Ladles will And a very lanre and ehoire assortment of

WINTER CXVOAKP, At lireaUy Uedueeil 1'rines. In brief, ewthiax and every Artlelr in onr Large Askortineut U Very Cheap, and this Is nola proper Word. IIAl.l I'llft V. i- better. We here arailaaaaji mentof

All-WOIII. < tsilitlltli, TIIIBKTft, EMPRKMH (XOTIIN, i HICTOSr.N.

<AMi:i,'S HAIR Ct.iSTltN,

Blue and Black and White Waterproofs l IT, Al.WI

NKW DOlfG SHAWTA, And rull Variety of Ladies' and CbUdran's

t'!tni.lt VXAflTHEU, IsXOTWI AUtt f IOMIKRY, far Oalsl Tt r-lher.

she was divorced from her husband. Since her stay here she had been quiet and orderly, and until the discovery of the body In the trunk no rmf had ntsplcions tlatt abrthlng wa^ wrong with the woman. She claim, that tho child is tbo offspring of her divorced husband. No evidence was given tcndlngto show that the

child's death was caused by volencc, nml the medical ex .nil nation revealed no indicathms of violence, though the physician testified that Hie child notght have lieea strangled and no iaillca- tion of the act remain visible. The case was given to the Jnrr, anil in a few moments they rendered

This Week,,running u Ijirjre Line at TARLt I.INKNN, jowStMiVXrBMm A*.

__A._W._8TEARN8 * CO. VICastT FURNISHEDHdOH TOLET 1" looking ii|»m the Common, and but twoinlu

ntetnrv, Includliijt a goo.1 stock SnK -ari.am.Ar

Lot of in ui near tin- siation house, on whlrh is situated a three-story wooden bluek, nearly tsew. ioniaiuusa two stares, itoarn-seannits, wu4iaf).-i stable (tor three horses), and r.mrrlaire-house tu

e»l Investinenta In ihe rilv, is alwan and will lie sold at a reaaonablf fls <>t A. s. HUMtLK,

... well rented, pijuie. Inuulre e. aaaaaqltl

rumt" Lectures, (free tu the Imluslrlal abuses ol' Weiliiesdav Kre- K oVlork. in the

I'iti Hull, andeuutinue evtry utlier Wedoesdav nveninir. enlil tbe i-ourse of xfx lectures Is em*. C'sted. Tickets ot admission will lie distributed

thernr|K>rationsas heretofore; to others, by lot,altliet:ilv Hall, on the Saturday afternoon prior to eaen lecture, at I) o'clock. Ticket* tor the alarfjsneii nf lawrtnee wfll be reserved by fans Chairmen] at tts.Tru.wes until u o'ebmk os> the mornlnit .if the lecture; if not then nailed rer a ill be alien mothers, Tlie first lecture will be given by Rev. I'.eo. II. HepaortlL of New yorfc.


lu nil IjurltiK, and died In IK7I. devoted Mcthndlat, uud while ho lefl np« tliinir to his brother William, hi- luv ttuprithfil trio.IHHi lo Illslioi» Slnipnnn,(ilii,. (Kioto the Bitltlc I'rtek M. K. Church. S.V),000 to Mr. I*och, ii MetliodUi Kplx- copa) prcnclier; i»,QQ0to tiit'M.K.Oliurcli at riiiitiiiiri-, r.!.. ■ • l-p.L lo Urn M. K. t'liiircli nt; I'ltholc, abont s:t5,oiH) nml u

1 hotuc In rittsuurgto lila motlicr: -H;M- of

PROGRAMME; Neette. 1. oiu ".tlurli Aila abimi HaUslSta,"

SHAKKNPKAIti: •• l.«.l> Clara Vere 4e Tere," TKMIiwiv "inn. if nt ksw>|. in- rilinkcKpaarr'sW

Pindt- 1'i-rtiioitin.)

I A I.I I'M it e. iresss Maebeth IIAHKNI'j:AHr.

mi VKHDKT ' I from S.10,uuo down to vnrlouH relnhrfsi That tbe male Infant child Is..,, of Mrs. Mary I 1?



ll? •WRf V^T Kllfott, (Bed In ike <9ty Of Jjiwrenec, at the : -lackson, (i blitcksinllli ut I'lttnlmrfh, who lwardlng house No. 6, Wash Ington Corporation, n»d l»»t the n,e of an eye, and who doe* In said Lawrence, oa Saturday, Hie --il day of < not apjK>ar to hnvc been rclnled to I nm ■■ November, lH-Wi by reason rff neglect of its jean; fjib^OOO to ureft a inoiiiiincul over mother, Mrs. .MaryKlllott.^ln^no^ providing tlio t'vatalor anil liln father; the realdue ,»f

jlilaentato to be devoted to any reltgloiH " .hodlat object Hint Uu- i-xectiton,

Ltni.lv care at,the Mnu of the child's birtli. It is Indeed a sad case, and, being amcndahl

to the laws, necessitated the arrest uf the wo- man, charged with a grave orfencc. livery kindness poislble has been shown the suffering woman, aad .Marshal flalllvaii has humanely decided not to remove her frem her present lo- cation until her health will filly warrant such action. > i r j. ,

The NIcrp-HnlklNg Worse,


"The Bridge of KIK'»,'" ll.mi. "The -*l«v t|.lrrn.-' Ti:.\.\VMH ••The J ... k.tavr of III.rims,

IXtlOLUNBY i.i;i.Kwnn

Tbe iiinnagenient of the Entertainment Bureau have secured this eminent artiste al great expense and assiire the public nf a rare entertainment Tills entertainment Is NOT IN 111 h < ' 'I lt~-i;,uiel tbo best seats can lie itnd by Die early application nt Htratton's store. Irudno-Ju-I It

Reserved Keate astir «« eta.

Presentation to tba Bev, C. B. Flnher.

A liuinber o( Ihe isdnbitErs of tlie city 'railed ea the evening of Monday the Sjjk Insb. at the rest, denre or the KeT. C. K. fisher, for tlie purpose uf presenting him vv ith a parting token of their re- K«rd. Thegirs seleete.) was S ■ "py of UinfaVs cclrbrateil JHHM with .the tonally crlebrate.l il- lustrations by llustave I>onj, and the bonk wns |in-h.-n|.-,l iVllll !i|>]in.|>ii.'.le in.i.nl,- l)J tlie ItCV.

Air. I'hlge. Kef. Mr. Fishar replied la a happy manner, en-

presslngbis regret nt parting with the ministerial brethren with whom he had beat so long associ- ated, and alluding to the good fevllna which had usually prevailed among tlie minister, of the ally. He mentioned also the many change, of ministry which he bail seen during his residence In Lawrence; of all the paster, who weleemesl hint when he came, only one fRev. Dr. Packard)

now remaining In his place. He then spoke of the many friends in Use efty whim heraust soon leave behind him, and gave a sketch of the new work in which lie Is about In englge.

The following preamble am! resolutions were then presesuatdte Hev. Mr. Fi*er. Thee had been previously adopted at the regular ministers' meeting held at tbe residence of the Rev. .Mr. Dunning, mi the 17th lint.

" irhrruii, (lie connection whirl) has existed fur so many years, between llic Hev. C. K. Ffslier nn.liWsalWhisfojainrpasPsra.in l^wrrMslo imw severed, we lieg liini tn accept, the /iccnm panying Mbm of om- 'tegard, and ileslre at Hie i-iiii.t liniu to eiiire-, uui ei-n.e i if bis worth so.I ui.eftilness; therefore

Hi-lii.ii Simpsonuml .laiiicit Lonpof l'ltiln- tlelpfiln iiil.Kln ili'i-in best.




. ■



I Have now in stock a full line ot

New Patterns for Fall Trade of

1873. E. A. FI8KE 216 ES-


BYRON TRUELL A CO. The Harmony Mltln nl <'irtioe*, employ-

lug; nearly IftMO iiernona, lil—llHul work on fnil time veaterttay.

The Dwlght MMnDfnt'ttirliifr Compniiv I of Chlcopcc will start uu Monday on full' _ ,,, , _ , _ , _ , _ . time, bat witit tn per C*IIL rtOootion of Wf Whole Stock Below Panic Prices.

"The""Dillahlne lUimrtmenl of the Ml.l-1 °" *•'" **' ""* *B" tlli-M \ Company at l...u,ll. linn cum- , Blarlr Alnnrna and Brillinntinaa nteneed rumllngi three qnartt-Vit tlttie with ' Wlack Alpaca, ana b the remainder of the works.

The Monitdiiock Mill Company St Clare- mont, X. II., era u^dcratand, have re- duced the wngeH of their emploves l"i per cent., to take ctTert Dec. Int.

The Troy (N. Y.) Timea takes an cn- couraglnK view of huNlnenn In thutcity, and predlctn that with Now Year'*. Day will end Ute UIIUMIHI depreaeion thathna prevailed. The number of people out of employment has been ureatly over-eall- mated. aud many of thone now bile will soon ha at work.

The boot nnd ahoebiialuesa at Aahlaud. Miif-s,. is about saapended. At ('. II. Til- ton's factory n few men arc nt work, turning off a few en-.es of boots a day; the full capacity of his simp la inn eaaea a day. Blake* Balcom, C. M. Adams and O. S. Down aredoltiKabout one ibinl of their capacity, while (1. II. Cole & Co. and H. Newhall & Co. hnvc ■hM down entirely.



Kev. Mr. Chase, pastor of the Franklin net Uaptlat church, Dover, "

.. ta has lierlormedTWrmreHj.wB "de-ire i.. I S'-cepted a call from I^wlston, Me., nt _ SMPin sense of his earnest Christian oharao. salary of S2000. He preiltltCH hU farewell

^ndsliallever rememlwr with pleasuru his : a,.rlun„ „,.-. Knmiav genial presence In our midst- , , ■ HKtmon n*>" »"naay.

Ji'iolrrd. Tlinl our best wli-hen atteniltblm ' Hev. I,. N. Itowcl], paxtor of Ihe Pine wiiorere* he inay he called tipmi to tsbur In the I Street Free-will llaiitist. Society ill Moti- Mn-tcr's service, and It is inir hope i«n| desire ; ciieater N II hin.ivtlLiH.il r „I..,I that many years «l isapvr ia.eaul0.-es aiay iiwalt I , ■'"' . " ■ >"» resipietl ami at ret led liim in another Held." w the call of a society In ftlddeford. Maine.

Theabove resolutloas weresigne.1 by all the I H<> wl" IWmU'li lila cloalnu sermnnon Snn- minlsters present ami left with Mr. flslier, and dav- artrranhnirr of very pleasant inlerrourse the [ ltcv. Cteorge K. Woodward ofMieMain company dtaiiersed.



) Street Mei boiil-i Church In Patteruou, S. 1.1., ha-, turned his church Into a depot for j tlie relief of the suffering. Oti Sum lav at the Main Street PrfKbyUrlan ULMHIOD Hchool hot cudee aud bread nnd butter was Htinplled nnd the roll", were nutner-

w». ■,., ir.,.1., oo- ^ SfltunsBy t||n M). wooilwnrd President In the chair-Absent, imne, (iilnmr „ve hread to 71 liunJIi."., rrpreaeiitlna;

tln, Hefner. Hmery, rtaasel, WhltneS-, .Toyoe and | mnt person-, mid hail to ccaae liecnune The llanrahan. Keaillng of records dispensed with. ' mipply nraa exhausted.

P«»a* rsVtMnrriimt Bnaun.—Bsperts; gmni-' Ing petition of A. II. Wane and .alter*, lor i-ln-ci liKbl., ui A. II. Webster and oliien-, for llagstonaa, granted nnd accepted fa enaeurrenec.

Ortirr, paying from Ineldenlal daparlnient, (be sum nf two hundml dollars tn Hannah' I'lekeln ami Teropesl Itlrtw ell, (Ot itsmagn by uhanging grade at corner of rlldncll and Warren .(reel-.;.mi fifteen dollars to Thos. ftonO Par damage to panee by cliy cmplsr/*.; ssb.pt.'.liiiMmeitTTeaea. \ <b|mrttnent, 8I.,L'.r*|.:i;i

The pillowing aeUon w (or W*. wh*ah,was (.aesed,

Marhcd Down te III, :»7 l-H «V -to. .

Fine Double Width Cashmeres, In Beaatlfal felors, at ST l-*c.


BOe, (former price TS.' and $1.


l-.l-ia l-'i.eu. . from :n{

Fine French Diagonal Goal's Hair, $1, Market lion's, from Sl.9.1.


Rrdweed rcmi tl.HR lo MS I -'J pr yd.

MEMHOIS. THIBCTS. PLAIDS, dr.. At a l-re-al lllscoi.nl.

SHAWLS, At SO Per Cent, nisi ..mil.






289 Ceatt Street, Lawrence,

e have tbls da) "iiene.1 in cmmerllim with very large storli of


A line In all sloes of

TIIK JlOKTON AKU ] aV*»I*JI* tTM. S ASHIO\l:ii> I till H-


AKNIMI. Itr.rmiT LOWKI.I. H.iii.i(u*U.—tteoeiplHof |IUHSI<II

I «er dfepsrtiiniit, **i;in,.',t;.'..Ml: expenses of pn-Nciiger ilepurtiiienl, «I:;-J;.>:,U.M : not I'nrnlncfH of puaeiuwr ili'pnrtineiit, »!H;,-

| i-"'.p..">t; rt'cel|itN nf freight, ilnpnriiuetii, fTM^STSsSBi eipfisttnsj of fi-elght depnrt-

i ment, Stiul,(m.:iu: m-l earnlUKs of freliilii .iiicaaeuvTeaea. | ilepurttnent, S>f'^'**-U*l total Income or *,taken on Uie Salary i ihe NM, %l,iM,'.Hl.2T>; toltl expenscN or wseA.oa nwiissl; ifae f the road,Sl,ii:'l.iiM'.'H ; net Income above

changes In the aalam- «f tlie Treasurer and , all operation/ eipem-.-i anil the n-nt» of Street Controls si oners losing '» Msec . at the i other roads, #|nn. 1 lti.27 ; pn-Hetit niinilus.

em-|»4aM..-,ilf,.41i nurplii" ut the beginning of , . ihe year, SB7«.ilil.«S: efMiltsI etork, «-.'.! \ IN •Mnril"r

rJ.onn msiead of »W*i, :ii.;t,OO0; tllvldeiul- |ii'<l nt * per .-cut.. B-C'J.l'i'Ui jdeht of Ihe road, W,'J#t e'J". I"1"**1*" HeaSy-Mudsand Made to Order. tfoW IMiieTh'of M«1 (.Wned l.v corporn-1 tlon. li'.::. mlh-M ti.uil lenglli opcruleil. """; niitnber of mill - run by passenger

Of | ii- v|iUn . Ileagi


At lower prices than known for ten rears, st tba following prices |

33, 37, 42, BO, 68, S3, 76,

OUR 42 AND 50 CENT GRADE Are Hslraorttluarjr Narsjalsts.

-Of tt STOCK or-

BLACK BRILLIANTINES We claim to Ire the best gun.Is of that class ere offer*I to the Ira.11'In Lawrence. Vfe also are receiving dally

NOVKI.TIES IN DREftS GOO! In Low frtoaa and jViue lioo,|s.

OUCH 4000 YAROS DRESS FABRICS In New and Elegant styles,


Flannels, Cottons,

Prints, Oashmeres, &o.

In abundance, all at our |>opular low prices.

HEAVY SHEETING 10 TO 12 CTS SHAWLS In Woolen * Caihmera.

Hull. Square aad Long. We also are opening i large assortment of

WOOT.F.N CI.OTH8 Km linns and Bovs wear, is low prices and am

| foods. eee. A large

! (Yam $ and Small Wares of all kinds. | MaehlsM Twi.i, a eeaita

i USMSSI Spaal Thread, .:<" yds.) Or a speel



Lawrence. SeH. .I, !fM. I*'1f

NOTlUF.—All peraoiis are hereby for- - |

tlie I'ii laittee. City 'I'rcitmnr, btrert Cn in uds s Ion tihlnf Kngineee Aeet Engineer Lily Mollrllnr, reili Assessors, Incrnased fruin AHVI to #7.sl. (trains, Hi;i,i;ii'; nil

'■ill.IMS. ■!■:.— The iirdin.iBce iirovieing for (be rlirrleil, 'J,iHi;.!l7li ■ '-

«*■ <:.\I-I. AKD HKK I'M KM. •**


Black Alpacas for 25c Per Yard.


Ml [ IH8 JKNNIR CARLBTON.would like .nirrs for wliuin she could du In

ill rewtnjt al tfieir linmcs. Will sew bv band -tilli Iwr iss. bine si a moderate price. '*-' ..A ., UI-.. I I till FTIIVL v.. ,»-.

/ :*i • »a. • IW.


election of a City Engineer nhich has i then dfolt

ml reading In Uie Council as amended. roitnrUadlonn.nl tn Thursday {evening t.Der.

passengenf carried mie mile, i'il,fi(!:',L>'.'i»; nniubcrof mlhss run hv freight trnlu«, 4M,. tJlUi mimlier ofSofa of rrelglit carried, I 6s6,et?| nnrnWritfeniploveti nfthe road, \


iHU .fc Qr>r> KHHUX Street.


HOW KVKHVnNK CAN MAKKMONKY By buying Goods at the

BOSTON 99 CENT STORE Car. at* Keaea assA ■raaAvraf Bts.

>V. have constantly en hand a large assortment ot

l-OI Ki;T BIMIK-.t t ri.l lit , i.l.AWS >VAlti:, PUTKIIWallKAgP

j»:tt ii.Hi.

'I'HK AlOERK-AN HTEAM tmHtOUf 1 *{y,j"Lmwtn*!!^ 1 ufflce, Post iifllee HIiK-k, Is the larffst and ; nit TWO AtlTlCLi;** ■

mI »B«tf

lawreiicc, Nov. •Jit



We have fast mad. laren aAatlUarsa la ear already


and have


The prioee we have set upon our Ueoae are Hopreeedmtedly low.

EVERY VARIETY OF OOODB for Indies' wear.

In Millinery we have even'thing that ladies re quire, and In price, we


Our stock uf ladles' Under Wear has been largely added Pi. Prices l»w. Cbjidiwa's aa*i

. inter Wear, .Iiu-keU, eU% We oan sup- ply ladies a Ith


In all styles s



I at the lowest prices.

. mklngtbls a specialty and ran furnish • scry style reipiired. In utlier devarMismts .mi ■u><ku! gooilseanaot lie surpasaed.

HAIR GOODS, Baal and Imitation. All kinds of Dress Triaimlngs-

Rssl Lacsi, llamliurg Rilgblgs, Hashes, aad Hash Ribbons, Jewrlrv. Perfumes, begot stl.i. !.

M, we will give away far from . . »I..VI. These are nscts. Call and see.

The heat t in-set store In Lawrence.

gtamplna r«.r Rmbroidery. - ;.*



•*P"ANKK(1IVINC CBOCKKRY. 1 l.ilne.l |>ie Plates, rice, yellow ami Ko. kin*

bum deeii liinUird Plate., I'mMiiia l>!«hc», white. fi.1l.iw and Ibi.-kiiiKlwm. Ml*la* Howls in whit.-, relliiH uud Itu. kltigliain ware. Table ware iu j hlua, white, granite and xUss; nil varieties. Table Cutlery (u w<md, t.ouc, Inir. sndj.lated handle*. Itopters llru,. Hated t'.irki-, Riilvee, »|.uoii-, Hull, i and I'le Knives' Ladles Hw Hanee, Ovsier* sod Suup; llulter IlUhes, "vrnn I'i r-.'l ...Mr,, ,-lsle.lriodhriltanla. JftlfV «'. imw A <-'ii., law KnseK anwt * '

, i, v.intalns 1A rinim., ui»hnl with a fuma.-e, jrs~. """ sml bard water, and Is ciinrenleailv arraiiired fhr either esse nr Uu laiallie>. Lot cnnUius IVBW reel. If not »uld aoon, il will tw for rent lor one year »r nnsrc. Apply to W. A. IlL'RANT. sjlwl u


tieen dull ap|H>lnie.levecnlor<sTthe will nt KtTU W. wntTOIf,

late ef IJIwreaee, In the emmlv nt ksser, widow . .h-crn-cd, testate, and has taken UIM.II hlm-eli Nvsi trusl l,y nillua boasls, as Urn law direrse. AS |H-i>tiua having dtaeeed* u|."n Use olati. uf said iliiiaped, are reouirod In pihllill the smut; ausl all |Hrr.ons Indebleil to aakl evlate,are eaitwlU|ses>



From 7S Cents to S10, at!

SMITH'S 143 Bohvez fltrnst.



Our J5j?iiie Box. When duei a cow become landed properly ?

When she Is turned into ■ field.

Tba champion ben batcher, Macbeth—He did '■ murder motlfotii'."—After Dinner.

Michigan moonlight l« dangerous, we ihould judge, from the statement that " two men were robbed In Manchester, Mich., li.v moonlight."

They Ur too lamp potts and railing* In Mont- gomery, Alabama, in order to get rid ot the loafers, bclleriaa- that a tarry loafer will tarry no more.

There ha. hecn a break In the embankment of the Mississippi River, jti.t below St. Louie, and the InhabitanU were obliged to confiscate a Chicago man* boot* to plug ft up with.

« Preta on, young man, though you lie poor.' We knew a youth who with only hli two bands1

and ft crow-bar opened ft Jewelry store, and now he li living In a itooe reaidence In Sing Ring.

General Washington's family Bible I* adver. Used for tale. II It In three large quarto vnl-


Agriculture, a. Fraud The CluflnnaUl Time.- way.-, "The baa-

oat fraud of earth la agriculture The deadlieat loafs/of mot that ever glittered to beguile and dazilc to betray, la ftgri- culture. I apeak with feeling on thla sub- ject, for I've lirrii glittered and beguiled, ami dawled and destroyed by thin aame arch tlcatroycr.

She haa made uic u thousand promiaea, and broken every one of tlicni.

She h:i- promised roc early potntoca,am1 the rain liaa drowned them; late |>otaloes, and the drought has withered them.

Kite haa promised me summer ntiuaahes and the worm* have eaten them; winter squaaheti, and the bugs have devoured them.

She li:i- pnimlaed cherries, a,.d the eurculle hii- atung them, and they cou- taln living th'.ngH, uncomely to the eye and unsavory to the taate.

Rbe haa promised strawberries, and the young chickens have devoured them, and the eye canuot ace them.

She haa promised tomatoes, and the old henn have eDCompasaed them, and the

ernes, and the public are gravely Informed that hand cannot reach them. it waa presented to Oen. Washington by the au- thor.

A charitable Cincinnati man keepe a pair of doga chained at hi* front door, »o that poor people who " stop to get a bite" can l>e accom- modated without Uklng the trontile to go into the boute.

There Is a young lady in Philadelphia who !■ to indolent that she doea nothing but sit and bold her hands, and when she gels tired of this, has a very accommodating beau who holds them for her.

We really think that Coroner Blake ought to at least keep track of the number of [men bung to trees ia this country for horse stealing," says a Wisconsin paper; " we went to know whether we ere prosperous or not."

A n.in at Princeton College believes In hav- ing" a place far everything and everything In lu place." lie nails his slippers on the wall, four feet up, and then all he bas to do of an evening Is to wheel up bis easy chair In front of tbem.

Use and Abuse.—Old Gent—" You don1

mean to tell me, waiter, that you can't give me a toothpick r Walter—" Well, sir, we used to keep cm", but the genii almost Invariably took 'em away when they'd done with >tn."

The dramatic critic or the New York Tribune rays of a comedian at one of the theatres, that he " refreshed the populace jwliu some of the ancient stage fun that Noah need to enjoy when ' All that Olitters' was acted before Mm in the


" Ahorse! a horse! my kingdom fora horse cried a celebrated tragedian. "Wouldn't i jackass do as well i" Inquired an affected young man, rising in his seat. " Yes," triumphantly exclaimed the actor, "Just step up this way, ► Ir." The young man sat down.

" Ho you don't care about donkey riding, missy. And why i" " O, I've got a pony, and one doesn't care about donkeys after that, you know." Has a pony got more legs than a don- key, then (" Missy (who doesn't like to be charted).—'■ Tat) exactly tir-irr as many as tnuis donkeyi that I know of."

Tantalising.— 'Bus Driver (who bad been chatting to passenger in the hopes of getting a cigar out of hint)—" 1 suppose yon havn't got a cigar, sir I

Passenger—" Oh, yes, but I bavn't got any lights."

Driver—" I've got plenty of lights." Passenger—" I've got plenty of lights." I*assenger—" Oh, have you ? Then perhaps

you will oblige me with one':" (Light* (up and smokes In silence. I


Beeex County.

tr*rfYt The committee .. ..

subscriptions to the amount of »:tt,«o.W).

A correspondent ol the, Publisher has I we a stir] ring up the ttchonl Committee, for paying a par- ent liir bringing bin children to school In his own carriage.

The City llsll m we.il Ailed last Friday at tbt Woman's rlulTrage Convention. Forty or loon signature-* have Iwvn obtained fur a woiuan'i sutTage club.

A laborer employed on Hie brkk block In pro- cess of erection by A. J. Tlllon. Wellington square, fell last Friday, breaking his leg and otherwise Injuring him.

Mr. Mime* liavls, whose death occurred several ■lavs ulnre, wan a very highlr rc<|K-cted ciilsen. He" was widely known in tbu country sbout Ha- ver li ill, especially In the eiiuthern counties of New M imp* hi re.

Mr. William I). ilurnct, felt on the sidewalk Rt While's Corner, hut Monday. breaking lilt ■ hind iler blade, and prnbaMy mi.tainiuic serious inju- ry. Mr. It. has been an invalid for several year*, ami has been unable to do but little work lor five or more yearn. The accident wu caused by Ice on the sidewalk.

The '• Publisher" says : "In our notice of the Are, In our lu-t, we i. la ted that officer* Webber ami llnk-helder were the first dlsmverers or the tiiv Itnow seems Unit officer Carpenter was with officer Webber, and Unit thev were In the rear of the building* on Mcrrlmacs street, Ju»l east or ••team lire engine huuac " (,'ity nt Haver hill," when thev *uw the light of the lire. At the same lime, we uiulorntmid, It wan also discovered by officer Hatclielder, who was nearer to It, and gave the alarm."

Official Information wn* received here ln-i Week, li.-in Kulklanu, China, uf the ilealb ' Wiu. IUHTI.III II..HIII, a iiwnvr of this < (Mental hhwitiiiK. on the iih of Septei Capl. Heath was formerly rlrsl male or .... Cock or >ew York, Capt Mherbunie, with whom he mute several voyages to China. About fifteen moi.tis ago he wan placed in en in mam I of the steamer Hntiau, on the river Vsiiglsle, iiljlug be. tween Hliauahsl and Hankow, dipt, llsath was about thirty yearn i.f age, anenergstic ami popu lar officer, and Icuiea mnuv friend* In Clilmi ami in his native bind to deplore tin- untimely fatality

II;, by a.- lliVi la-t.

I.I ■>! IV ti:i;t..

nameil thi The attendance at the conference of r'rli

now In session in l.yuu IH unusually large. Thomas I Irs Kg, of l.y had ft un In gold stolon

froanIda trunk alliai>Mrby street, Ml Wednesday


A. I>. Wallace In- obtained a verdiet of «ln,ll agalnnl the Clt} nl l.ynti on account of Injuri neamq frtxn a ilnrertlve highway.

I'lt- !■■ ■■■•■" I-..1 pro-iteutlonH lii the l.vnn 1' lice Court iliirliix Die vcur cndliiK Oct. .lint, Iri' uf which .VMi were for drinikciiiien«,and lisi I \ leal lion or the Hqnor law.

Tliu brig Tula haa arrived at Vcwburt port fro t'urlu HW with a cargo of coffee, valued nt ftisi, '»*, ,-onnlgrHHl to KolH-rt Hailey A the laigent I'reUht of coffee ever landed at lliul port.

'flic liovermir and Council have adopted Hi

to Mango-and l.yiiiil. v iinuttier pile l< then

The Amealmry " Villager" agyi carriage liruia buve hmuined wur Hiaking ready for a renewal of pleasant to hear again the M d rln-1- former hlvea or Imlnnlrv.

put back and bis bogy was brniiKnt in.i viewed by Coroner .Smith, wh .'emeu an

,:!■! i t iinneeasnary. The total number or liven loel froni liloucrnter

Uiu- fin' III" prceiit i car t- one hundred and -even tv. ami the mud nusaber of vessel' lliitly. Thin, the Cape Ann Advertiser ■aya, laUie Iteavi- ent lonn ot life and property hi aay one vear since Uie il -liiiiM bnslnenn lia- tierii carried on at this Krt. Tile only year which approsiniHtea It i*

M, when lliere were one hundred and -ivti llvs ii»en anil nineteen > e-f. I- lonl.

William Melallre.orNorth Salem, ha- iiia.te a iniHlel invention lor borne nlalh*. no contli n.led Dial In cane of lire, all the lioi an In- released at ..me. The whole M rtull i- ejaaj. atrnrAed as a door. IIUIIK on lunjie- ami fanlened mill a lever which can be operated rroin the onl ■hie. When il I* ilrawn It Mawts the halter ami (tie door il i-.-n. leaving tlte animal perfecll)

uith .1 e tu stop out at ot

Mlddloawx Gountty,


The Thonolike II an fit artorlng Company employ I--iwi-vn Siti mi.I -uii men ami women.

M< lie en nrven ami eight hundred operative* areat preaent employeil In the Middi — i ■ mill*.

The Mechanic I'hulnnx i-e<-ogiii«nl tint efforla .it (lie 1JI.IV eiuploycn of LhnnC A nNrgeiit In hurry lug up the new uniforma for the company, bv a coinpliUMOiUivv 'upper tod reception at Kuanlau au.| I' M-,.(II. ■■ halla.

The lajiiiicllon a.ke.1 lor ftf Mr. I'rtera or An •lover, to re.train Uie Ho-Cni and Maine lt:illroail CiHupany froai aaaaau the proMied Lowell ami Amlover Kaitroad, wiiu-li ban la-en heard In the aiiperior court, «*• hrouglit up iNriora the full iHfiH-h. The liearinv- eominiied for sl-ont two hourn. The ilm HUM waa dclerreil.


Sutlstica tullected by I'otleeUir RttasaU, „ Hostun, nhown liiai dining tio-punt teu yearn tie? veaaela have ueuli I0I1.IU, Slid ItcJI vessel' ally wrecked in Mani-achiiM-Ua Day

wonder Cain killed hla brother, a tiller of the ground. The wonder

Is that lie didn't kill hla father, ami theu weep because he hadn't a grandfather to

doubt his Early Hose potatoes, Tor which be paid Adam seven dollars a barrel, bad been cut dowu by bugs, from the headwater* of the Euphrates:. Ilia I'ennaylvania wheat had been winter killed, and wasn't worth cutting. Norway oata had gone to straw, and would not yield five pecka per sere, and his liliick Spanish water melunabad been stole,! bybovs, who had pulled up tin vines, broken dowu bis picket fence, and written scurrilous doggerel all over hla back gate. No wonder he felt mint when he sftw Abel whistling alonir with hla flne French mcrlnoes, worth eight dollars a head, and wool going up every day. No wonder In; wanted U> kill somebody, and thought he'd practice on Abel.

And Noah's getting drunk WSH not at all surprising. He had become a bnsband- iituii. lie had thrown away magnificent opportunities. He might have had u monopoly of any profession or business. Had he studied medicine there would nut have been another doctor within a thous- and miles to call him 'Q,uack;' and every family would have bought a Iwttle of 'Noah's Compound Extract of Gopher Wood and Anti-Deluge Kyrup.' As a pol- itician, he might have carried his own ward solid, and controlled two thirds of the delegates lu every convention. As a lawyer, ho would have been retained In every case tried at the A rarat Quarter Ses- sions, or the old Ark High Court of Ad- miralty. Hut he threw away all theae advantages and took to agriculture. Kor a long time the ground was so wet he could raise nothing but sweet flag and bul- rushes, and these at last became a drug In the market. What wonder that when he did get half u peck of grapes that were not stung to death by Japhet'a honey bees, he should have made wine and drowned his sorrows In a 'flowingbowl.'

The fact Is, agriculture would deiiiontl- IEC a saint. I wns almost a saint when I went Into It. I'm a demon now. I'm at war with everything. I tight myself out of bed at four o'clock, when nil my better nature tells me to lie still till seven. 1 fight my*!-) i' luto the gardeu to work like a brute, when reason and lustlnct tell me to stay lu the house and enjoy myself like a mail. J light the pigs, the chickens, the moles, the Idrds, the hug*, the worms— everything In which is the breath of life. I Unlit the docks, the burdocks, the mul- lelus, the thistles, the grapes, the weeds, the roots—the whole vegetable kliigdom. I light the heat, the frost, the rain, the hall—In short, I light the universe, and get whipped In every hattle."

Dry Earth for Bedding. It. Chiding, Illinois, saves the manure

and udd.t to the comfort of his stock by using dry earth lu the stable. To do this be tills u stall or large bin in his stable du- ring dry weather with pulverized clay, mad scrapings, or common -nil. With these he covers the lloorof each stallthree niches deep, and then places the litter for the animal's bedding on It: by this means all the urine will be absorbed, and Its wealth of nitrogen saved, and such Is the absorbing power of dried earth, that one three-Inch flooring will not lie so thor- oughly saturated In a long time us to re- quire replacing. He says his experiment requires hut one bin of pulverized earth to absorb the urine of teu or twelve cat-

luring the stabling seasoii; nnd that two men with a team filled the bin lu one day. Hue ton of the saturated earth la worth more thnn the same weight of even fresh-saved tiling. The aggregate amount of plant food thus saved from the stabli Is fully doable}, and Is lu much better con illtlou Tor use.

Tbe Damgor of Wet Coal. People who prefer Wetting the winter's

store of CO*l to tbe dust on putting It Into their cellars do not, perhaps, gcuernlly know that they nri; laying up for tlu-in-

•Ives a store of sore throats nnd other 'its consequent upon the practice. ic lire-damp which escapes from hies arises from the slow decomposition fcoal ut temperatures of hut little ahovt

that or the atmosphere, but under aug- mented pressure. My wetting u muss of freshly broken tuul utid putting It Into a

liar, the mass Is hcatt-d to such a di- ve that carbureted and sulphurated hy-

drogen ft!* given off for long periods of tine and pervade the whole house. Tim liability or wet coal to mischievous re- sults under such circumstances may be appreciated from the fact that there are several Instances on record of spontane- ous combustion of wet coal when slowed Into the bunkers or holds of vessels. And from this cause, doubtless, many missing vessels have perished.

Pumpkins for Stock.

The different oplulons of farmers as tu the value of pumpkins for milch cows and other stock Is believed to i»- the result of illiti ivni ways of feeding them, by a cor- respondent of the (lermantowit Telegraph. In a hurry to clear u field farmers will give their cattle n surfeit of pumpkins fora day or two, theu for a day or two perhaps none, ami thus alternate feasts and fasts, and conclude pumpkins are worthless, or worse. The writer says he Intends tu

il pumpkins about two months—making m lust tilt the snow Hies. I"

regularly once a day, from one to three pumpkins per head, never more, and Hnds them greatly conducive to healllt of slock besides greatly Increasing the quantity and quality or the batter made. Pumpkin- made butter will rciwlllv pass for "golden'' or "gllt-cdgcd," without the use of "col- oring."

PreBervingFruJt. I made in Jexptrlmeni lost winter and

spring of keeping apples In dry sawdust, with good results, I parked scveml liur- rels, putting in a few at a time, nnd theu Ailing wit* dust by shaking down. These kept iie-liei and belter thnn the others. I kept Vicar pears by this means until late In the spring. In March or April 1 put tome choice Itoxbury llnssets Into a bar- rel with sawdust, and havlug more than we wished to use, some were left 111 the bottom, till the 4th of October 1 emptied the couteuLs nnd found one apple almost aomul—tlic rest in perfect form, tl git decayed. Utcr, about the loth, 1 emp- tied a bo* of English Ktreaks left In the sume wuy, and found one entirely sound .

Smoky Paper-Hans*!n*a. Take a piece of wood of the shape of n rubbing brush, mill a handle on the

buck, then llpoti the face nail it piece uf dried sheepskin with the wool upon it, or Has or low will do, or cotton flannel of several thicknesses will answer very well. Dip lids hrush Into whiting, slid rub the smoke lightly w it h the brush on the upper parts of the room Brat— protecting the, arpet with watting or newspaper, as the

Whiting dust Is hard tu sweep off a carpel. The whiting that remnlus on the wall Is easily brushed off with a soft doth at- tached to a stick. It Is very effectual If the room is not damp ami the whiting La dry.

. Special Kotitieji. God's image slumbers in our sonla till 1 m

agfjfp nilriil grlci cuts here and there, when, lo! the semblance of his form ap- pears aculpturcd by the woes of time.

As the best writers are the most candid _#

Judges of the writings of others, so the : Btlve, Uw> reslor* nst i.eJr liver, an- i he most charitable lu the I live habit. In the ooli— best livers an uu m m ' B"'" "l '' ■ „re the most Saaaaai -J i efertnal ceiusdy ror Judgment they form or their neighbor. . lhoi.i|,..,1in,i u,„ v ,„„. umi rc.i.-hcn the cauae

(iiul Is tin- ( lu i-tiun's banker. He as outward applicationn are only time, and money IrtMl is in. ^iiununuo ""** w»M*d. Trlatfanx, :«J rent*. Largo box. 00cU.,

honor* all drafts drawn by a clear conscl- , „,„,,.,, fri,c rnr M;Urt ,,ric«. written by the pen of faith, with the I mi. HAHIUSON'S ICKI.AND B&I.hAM.

Ink or love, on the paper uf Innocence. i aitiplcmlul cure for Cough,, Hoarseness, and all Throat unit l.ung loiniiUjni.. Kor sale by K. 8.

proper I HAKKIMIN* CO.. fViiprwIors, No. I Tremont development or the full-grown man as | Temple, BoBton,and by all druggists, nlsllmab friends. When lived that man that amounted to anything but could count his enemies by the score?

In every sin which a man deliberately commits, he takes down u draught ol' deadly poison. In every lust which he cherishes, he embraces a dagger, and opens his bosom to destruction.

All our murmurlngs are as so many ar- rows shot at (>od hlmseir, and they will return upon our own hearts: they reach not him, but they will wound us; there- fore It la better to be mule than to inur-


, [ilainl, Hyspc|>»is, Bon Momacli, Kail Br*-ath.Jtc. : The surest preventive in Uu. H.RSiaos'A Pas

ISTALTIC Loxssou; being both Toalc and Las - 1, Pwley curing a uos-

i at every druggist,thev

tinating qualities aunerior to gas. llurns In ntiy lamp without danger ol c*|.!ndlnp or Uklng Ore- Manufactured ex|ire,-idy to displace the uie or volatile mid dangerous oil.. Its safety under every possible leal, and its perfect burning quail ties, are proved by Its continued use in over SOU, '«■- families.

Millions ol' gallons have been sold and no acci- dent—directly or Indirect)v — ha» ever occured from burning, storhugor liandUng It.


mur. It la a fearful thing to Tall Intotbe hands

of the living Owl, but never so fearful as when men fall under the gospel. The aftddeat road to hell Is that which runs un- der the pulpit, past the Bible, and through the 'midst of warnings and Invitations.

The aervlce of God should be heart ser- vice; that or the lips la only abamlaatlou. VVe are to" call upon our souls"—t* rouse the whole uature In praising and glorify- ing our Creator and Navlour. He whose heart Is full of thanksgiving is living near heaven.

I'nlcss and uutll I kuow the right, you cannot call me to account for (he wrong, ir I am to pilot my ship through Wftteni I have never traversed, you must spread the chart before me, and forewarn me of the shallows and the reefs. It will not do to let me learn my leasou from experi- ence, and fling me upon observation of the stars, and soundings of the ship, beneath, perhaps, the blackened heavens, .'.ml on the wildest sea: unless you would havcinc shipwrecked Into skill, I must be taught the coast, and have my Insight, ere I step on board.—fame* Murtiuettu.

All our grief, and agony, nnd perplexity ao palnfhl to feel, BO painful to fear, Is no possible circumvention of the Almighty. The hope deferred, the expectation blighted, these have all their own place somewhere In the divine way; their mean- ing In the divine plan. There la a most Intimate loyalty In the most adverse thing to some great hidden harmony. No man ahould sin, auy more than he would burn his hand. Sin always bums like tire, but sin Itself reaches out toward salvation. As a prophecy of the highest Is hidden In the heart of the old red-sand stone, and multiplies through all the eras up to man i as the eternal shines through the tempo- ral In human facea, century after century, HO now, and In the men and women of the time, the dlvluu purpose will take care that the Ill-shape and deformity shall ap- proach the Divine Image.—Hubert CWiVr

The less we expect from this world the better for us. The less we expect from our fellow-men, whether of spiritual help or of Inspired example, the smaller will tie our disappointment. He that leans on his own strength leans on a broken reed. We are always going to something stronger, purer and holler. Homewhere In the future there always hangs In the air a golden Ideal of higher life that we are go- ing to reach; but as we move on the dream of better things move on before us, also. It Is like the child's running over behind the hill to catch the rainbow. Wneu he gets on the hlil-top, the rainbow Is as far off as ever. Thus does our day dreams of a higher Christian llfc keep tinating uwuy iV'iin us; and we are left tu realize what frail, unreliable creattireawu are when we rest on expectations of growth and the victory over evil In ourselves. " My aonl, wait thou only upon Owl. My expecta- tions Is only from him." When we trust God he never deceives us.

used. Send for circular. for sale at retail by the trade jren.

wholesale hv the proprletom. CI1A1 CO., ton Kiilum Street, New York.


On hand, ami your children will never be sick It will Instantly cure sour stomach, dysentery

bowels, wind colic, etc. Ulvea ra g. Pleasant to lake. Contains ao

njiiuin or morphine Relieve" your child by cor- ing, not by causing it to sleep, as its restored health and Uirillv growth will aoon Indicate. Hold by druggists. Price 3B cents per bottle.

ig, storing t The ii -liar yearly

- — • oi eneap i a, Is appalliua.

The Insurance Companies and ('ire Commls- rnl-

yearly loss lo Ilia and property, ultlnir from the us* of cheap and dangerous



Is the best prejiaraUon In tine world for beautirv- lng the c II lex ii n. It Imparts smoothnes, trans- parency and roxv ireshnass to tbe skin. Cures all eruptions of the bee. Is not injurious. Sold by druggists, or m-nt bv mall. Price SO els. per box. A.ldres* MII.l.KR ItRos., 113 Maiden Lane, New Yoik. neiitlMniosfanmiy



This is the only prompt, efflcient. and Mite mas- ter or am li symptoms as loss of appetite, heart- burn, |ial | illation or the heart, dizxineas, sleep- lessness, mulaneholy, rontlveneas, wind, mental and physical debility, es well as many others, which If neglected, which will soon place "the house we live in" beyond thereaohof any rwmedy.

From the Hoiton Journal.

"Drai-SIIIA. White's Specialty Tor this aggra- vating coin|ilnint lias been thoroughly tested by thoiiiinmls who have- been beneBted by it, and are Willing to tchliiy to Its cllleitcy."

From tht Congrtgationaitit {rtos(on).

VYIIITB'S SrKCiALTT for Dyspepsia, from pur* merit ami virtue alone, is Taat overtaking, and bids i :i 11 to exceed In Its sale, all the old popular medicines of the day.


I- Tor sale by all druggists. iiSt*l3wrben

Prices to Correspond uith the Times,


SMITH'S, 131 Emi Street.

Winter Oapa,












131 ESHOX Street.


THB BKftT lNVKttTHKXT I No Fluctuations! Always Improving in Value !

Tbe Wealth oi tbe country Is made by the Advance In Real Estate

NOW is THE 'riMK : Millions or acres or tbe fine -t lands UB the Con.

tlnent, in KAMI XN Ni.memh I. now Tor ■alo~ many of them never before in the iiiarket—i oes thai r



(King l.™


ma 10 Years Credit Oiven.»dh Ir ■tat6 peret

The Land Oranl Ilondn n[ ihc Company Utken at par for land*. They mn now be jmrchaved Ml ■ inrge di*connl.

*** Kulliuirtieiilars given, newliitide witli now liapa mslliMl frw, bv addresahiK

O. r. DAVIS, [.and Cnm'r V. P. It. K., Umaba. Neb.

31arJMa4w)ii. AtlKNTS WANTKD.


Dome, tie Mi-ivlng .Vfarhlur To., ntaw \ oi k

$*> A 8 A V B D . £• I'To meet urgent demands or tut time*,

The Ktorem-c Mewing Machine t'oiii|»u) have .letei IIiin...I to

1IK1HCK PRICKS. and Will bereaftaT aell their gas Machine f and other styles In proportion.

THE FLORENCE Is tbe ON l.T Sewing Machine that reeds the work backward nnd forward, or lo right aud tctt, an the purchaser may prefer. It has beeu greally IMPMOVKDAND8IMl*l,IFlKD,andh far bat Ur titan any other machine in the markeL

IT lb NOW THE CHEAPEST I Florence, Mass., Nov. 1, I8TS. Agents Wanted.


Simpson, Oswald & Oo. t.RBAT BALI OF


I At Hie Vienna fclv.hiblt.on the oINiiliK ceceiv. I the Medal of Merit, the Modal ol i'l-ogresa, ai

superiority of (iroibicllor LhrecotlierMediil


:ir, ti.i", scene 4.)

Why will you Shiver, Shiver, Shiv er

When there ia plenty of


Tor rail iiml Winter, .It

WKII.'S ()1A> STAND ! llCaieAII-WoolEmpraii Cloth

WEIL*S < H,*) STAND !] Vumm ■ l-rW,«l-S reals.

WEI1 J*8 <^I -I > ST fVND ' ' C*" A""W°o1 Cfnpi-«CI<^h

183 Estcx Street. 183.

(Neat lo Uiaike'» A|,olhecsry Half,)



lias given hlni room for a double stock "i mi-

t Case Imperial Serges

The Singer received nil the medals awarded to ' either of tbe competitor innchnn-, :md Iwotmnlels _. _ ,._#■.*._■ w »u. ■>..<_.

tlian any other .d,ui 1. TIK... in the name ' Th" tonienUaf tha Brenseh Btoi-a havlMf of Truth, w lu.L i- it tlml |>roin|ili people to rlalni . id lendatioiiK lor Uie I >I|ihonn or Honor? The

. Ihet is, no Diploma Imn IH-CD given Hi nny Sewing •I', i MachineConipanv. Hut imuiensuralilv more val. '

; uahle U

-\ATrs'M'Tm<r MBSt °|ri* v* ^y* wanted W \JJMLda lo sell our Frenchand Ameri-

can .lewrlry, Hooks, tinmen, Ac., In their own lo- calities. No capital Deeded. Catalogue, Term*, ±u sent free, P.6. V1CKEBT*. CO." Augusta, Me

jttl Q a day guaranleod to agents. Address Q, <PJ.O M.MOLI.IVSN A Co., s tit. Paul Street, Baltimore. Md.

Hut ini in ens urably


lifts added to tkla.



HA-W, CAM, TRITIUM, „.. hlne Patents, , •

which last year smounteil to two huudreil ami | BUFFALO AND LAP ROBES, ««,, tic.

tbe whole roruiing the


bines Kiild In IsTi. TlM'w enormous In the Stale, outshU or Boston. Kohl at ratal Cheaper than the Cheapest. sepMftl'

(JUNTAS) nincui for Kanilly 1'se. Thi* i* over *.'..<nsi more Sewing Machine* thnn were -old hv >nv other company during the urar ]ici iod, innljiver One Quarter or '

e owliiK to the long levied merits of tin1


I Case Imparial Serges

Kuriner price, 03 I i cents.

1 Case Camel Hair Cloth

forma price,»« 1-a rents.

1 Case Vigognes, (all wool)

Konner price, Tl rents.

ICaie Black Brilliantinsi

former price, .17 )-! cent-.

I Case Black BrIIHanllnes

Former price, 73 rents.

The above Uteela >r< ths * jgalMs arcs •ATsred IN I.nwrrwrt.


M0NKV made rapidly with ST .-mi t and Key Check Outfit*. Catalogues and full


The following lines wore written by Mrs. J. II

Arthur, who has Jest I. ■ r thi* country s» Stall

-iini.iM to.lnpjin :

Tint -ml■■ are set, the anclior weighed, Our ship goes naillug, sallinu;

ionic, west winds from your ciouiiy In brueses never fhlliug.

Tls break n t day, and far astern I waleh the seaweed driltlug;

The cuiuing dawn from off tbe sen The ahades ofuight Is lilting.

0 rays or light lYom out the Ea>t, Vc bring the voice of wailiiiH ;

1 , llolv spirit, breuth on me Thy. (.mi .i i never (hillng.

To landH far-off for tbee, o Chrlm, 1 go to tell the story'

Shine thou upon that sea of souls, And Hood It with thy glory.

The Joys I leave are hut tome As seaweed idly drifting:

For on the sea of human nouls I watch the shadows lifting.

Ye west winds bloi

WHY KNDUIIK THAT COUGH, and endanger your lire, when a timely use or

WEKK'* MMiN'O.wmivrni will relieve you. It alwnv* afford- relief, and will, When taken In sea win, cure jnoro eases of dlnen»tis of the throat and lungn than any remedy known. Colds yield to Its curative powers at ease, At thin ueason or the year no family .hould be without It. Sold by ad druggists. ivlMWlmi-bsn

proved ('oineiloiie nnd I'miple Hemiily, the great ''restated only by Dr. 11. C. PES-

t, to Bond idreet. New York.

and TAN. use PKHHV'S Moth and Freckle Lotion. It in uai.ijtiti.K suit HAKMMtea. Hold by

Depot, s» Bond street, IhnlleodtmhXleb

l>rugginU everywliore.

Ff?, A retail store, well estati- ... A i: i chance for ■ Address "A. B. Z." Law


UpSYCHOMANCY, OK HOVl. CHAHMIMi." •*■ How either sea may fascinate and gain the

love and affection■ of nnv IHTMIII tliey ehoow. In- stantly. This almple mental sci|ulrement all cnu po.-soss rree, by mall, tor Jii*nU; together *nii a Marriage tiulde.Kgvpliau Oracle, Hi Mints

,■">. aold. ■. .Id. ■■ CO., Publishers, Philadelphia.

Aouee M\CI


STEEL PENS. Special attention called to the wellknowu atuabai

505-75-28-20 A. 22.

and simplicity or construction, nnd cai/atd . _ great vnrietv and cxceibiice of work. That the \ useri or .S»;wlng Machines dud these desirable ' qualities In the

SINQER. BEYOND ALL OTHERS, Is shown bv the sales ubove idven, aside from Lhe awards uf lnlemalionnl duriee, either at home or abroad. TlieSlNCKB al-n re.-elved the First Prsmlmn fmni tha I*. V.. Fair, tliri-e years

iceession, the lm.t hcittg ut Mystic 1'nrk, last

T. W. HEALD, Sole Agent,

FOR LAWRENCE AND VICINITV, M-|iiifflti *44 Kaaea atrret.


"pp. Cutrintu Waik'g'n Mills.


During the months of .lulr, August and Hep. lember, the remalmler or our stock of




Will he marked down to such prices that will In- sure a aoeedy aale. Let every man, woman and child, tli ink I ui of buying goods, looking lor any kind tit good-, wanting to look and »ec if

E. McKA Y is doing as he Advertises,

», ut


PROBATE COURT. To th« heirs at law, neat or kin, snd nil other per;

sous ini.-i e .i, ,i In the (■■ tiiie of John Blake, lute of Lawrence, in said county, laborer, deceased, greeting:

Whereas, a certain Instrument, purporting to he the last will and testament of said deceased, lias been nrrnentcd to said Court, for probate, by Wil- liam .), Blake,who prays thai letters teauur may lie issued tit him, the executor therein . . _

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, tu be held at Lawrence, in said county or Kssei.on the Second Tuesday of December next, nt nine o'clock before noon, to show enpac, If any you have, against the same.

Amlsald William J. Blake is hereby directed to give public notice thereof, by publishing this citation ones a week, for threo «ucc#si(lve weeks. in the newspaper railed the Lawrence American nnd Andovi-r Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the last publication lo be two days, nt least, before said

Witness, (leorge F. Choate, Ksquire. Judge ol said Court, Hits eleventh day of November, In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three. A. C. IIOODKLL,

novltf3w Begister.

St ,-ip.Ml Ore:

T-ittao SIHIWIH,

Whitu I.litmu SIIKWIH,


Good Cotton*.


Printed MuiUnsi, .XO,


m m,m.nn


.10 .10 to .1«



Good Blk Alp.ioc

Pocifio Poplina,

One of the bestllnes of

(loiiuei price'») ,.!,•>

g SS. SO, 41,46,50

Thou -!H|. speed on'

So shall my heart for work so great He strong in itt endeavor,

t'ntll my cool, above Its fears, U lilted up forever.


EiiKluiid IIQM thla year exported books to the value nisi.tn, Of tlih |1,K87, lam worth came to their eonslna, During

England Imported nliout -■-in. i v..nth ut book* from Hi.- inn. .1 States,

Mr. Clarauce Cook wrlti-N tothfl I.omlon \ / 1


Car. Broadway m- Twentieth HI.,


On both American and Europeein Plans.

Complete will) all modern Improvements; room* en iHilr and single; private parlors, baths, eleva. tors, Ac. Location unsiirpa>sHd, Iteing in toe very centre of fssbion ami brilliant New York

' proilmitv to Cliiinhes ami places of Aniuseraenl, and Lord A Taylor's, Arnold ACoa stables' nnd ,1. Jk C. Johnston's Drylioods palaces. The hotel Is under Uie management of A. 8. Bar- num, Tonnerlv or Barnum's llotel, Baltimore, I. N.Ureen, or Dayton, Uhlo, am) recently of New York, and freeman Barnum, of Itanium's Hotel, Nt. Louis. seiitlTin.lmiiny

nJTm have been lost. Mn an average flve-

\ ei.el. Iiave been wrecked every week.

A. ti. Fisher, teacher in the Palmer Until S hoof .■.....,■ I-■:. i. i ■■■■■ i-. at Hit- Instance or nil Ham it ....HI fur alleged >rverilv hi Ut- \ ,,„■. .1, in.-nt ol It-II.HI"- boy. ■ "'-'I. since. Mr k'uluar readily obuim-d bond- u lor his appear i,ii.e;,i Uie March (emi ol lhe nupenot Court. Tbe action of Uie teaclwr in Uie mailer Is sustained iiv lhe , ..iiio.iii. ,■ mill by Hi.- rMami geiietaily.

An abortive attempt was maile at noon an Thurulay, hi sell, b> aucUoa, tlie e.Ule of I'strick Dtiuahoe, si Ihecoiiierot risokliu nnd llnwlcy streets. Bust the .ileolibe old Pilot Building. The Whole csliile waa offered, but WltlWMtB re sponsivo bid. A lot of Isfte s<|iisre leel on the euriicr was then put Up, and an oll.-i or gill |.et IbMwas made und ■ulmeipluDtly Increased to *i' wliere It rtrsled, aad Hie pro|wriy was wilhdiaw n by tbe owner.

The lloosac Taanel will probably be opened Ihruugb this wee*. The nhanlev* have un III MM, I, 1CT4, locowjplelr tl alnrgement slid tfradnmol the tulioel. and the laving through I "l nine or track, and the i. el ofall male* rial, etc. Il Is probable, however, that the tunne will In- opened Tur travel on tin- 1th of July next, that being Gov, Washburn's desire. Tooo this, it will be nectwsarv lo liiaber tlie tunnel at certah ....... M heredemoruliJcil rooks Were eucsuntern1

II borlag.

F Alt Mi xo lNUll>KKTa\—A fiirmer Nmtii Hampton, N. li., IH-IIIK told that ir tie turned lilts xhei-p Into IIIH putnto-licld tliey would eat nil the ragweed, which waa very thick Ibere, tried inn exjioriniciit The reanlt waa, tl»' sheep dug mid an- ai tbe potatoes and l< ir the weeds untmuh eil!

A Nswuurtoa rarnn-r set a ben In a warm corner nfliia ahed, neat the pi« atj. Thu pig pushed the hoard partition aside, mL-

all the e-H". and would have devoured the old inn heraelf, but that ahe deemwl dla> cretiuii the better part of vnlor, and If ft. 'This WIIH In the aprlng.

The antue {{i-ntlemniJ hud a flock nfahmit flirty turkeys laat HUminer, which in aplte • »t" ■;i-< :i( care aud waUdiftilm-iwi. had dwin- dled tohalTa doxao, These, lu desperate vexation, be deU-rmlned to leave to work out tiii'iruvMi siiivHiiini aatd go where lhe* |i|e:i>cd. So he did —"and where dn you think he round I he in'.'" HchlTid lhe ii rooathm on hi* favorite pear-tree, umt |H-I-KIIIK the Trill I—bav nip; prevluualy eleured the «r«pcvlue, which also UtOWl on a tree!

Atheineiitu that the sentence lu "Lothair,' ■' You know who the critics are,—the men who have failed la literature and art," wna penned by Balaac aa far back a* IM4M. The Aihcifji-inn think- It occurs In aotnc earlier Kllu,liah work.

The l.nnilun Spectator says nt Mark Twain that his higher humor "la ekeil out with so much aklll ofauecdote, ao much i-ouimand of American Idiom, und auch power nfinliiilcry, U to fOrfllsh an cnler- tulmnent perhapa more Kencrally popular thau ArtemtiH Ward's Inimitable lecttirea themaelvea. To Mel

A moat Interesting discovery liaa re- cently been made In l'arls, viz., mi no- lliilxhed nianuacrlpt hv Ik-Koc, the auflior of ItohltiMon f'ruaiM'." Ills entitled "Six Month* In the Air," ami describes the sup- posed wanderlust* and experiences of a ■owl after ii.s aeparatlon from the body, lhe narrative |a aahl to he In the iine-t graphic xtyle of tbe ccleliraled author, and haa heeii purchaaed by a wealthy Ameri- can for tfJ'i.ixHi.

The tiem ..unit li anniversary of the flrsit - nleineiii uf Iceland Is to he formally celebrated next year. It waa lnjrolf, a banished ■Object of the Norwegian king Harold llarfager, who went to Iceland with Ida foater-hrothcr Leifand built the lirat ilwettliiK on the lalaml. Greenland was illacovered from thla ialand, and thence went the Northmen, who, In the year luou, stupped upon tbu coast of Haaeachanetta.

Marahal Ilazalne's military reputation hn- been couaiderably ralaed by the ln-t volume nftho Uerman orilclal hiatory of he war, which deaertbea hla retreat after 'orhai'h aa a maaterplece of -i no ■ - ir < ■. and oilfeaaea frankly that bedufeated Moltke'a alcniatloiia, and got <<\v ao cleanly and elllv Dint not ouly did the I'rinctt Fred- rie Charles fall to cut otfas ordered, but

the Bower of the (terman cavalry failed v*,-« lo " fet'l"lilin.

M. (iulzot haa jnstcompletetl hla eighty- sixth year. Hla curliest recollection la of one Winter morning when he waa taken by bin mother to hid adieu lo hla father,

ho that day waa guilloUned—OM of the vletlma of the tlt-i French Revolution. He la now engaged upon a " Hlatory for my Little Children." Kvery day from ii

k until dinner he works upon thla book, theu fjtr an hoar Of two walks about hla garden nod grounds, and tin I*IICB tbe day with «|Ulel social featlvtttcs In hla own home. The life that began so -tiiiiiuU IN ending In frultfillneaa aud peace.

'lhe Hit li Annual Iteportoflhe 1'eahody Academy of Science records some very Important additlona In the Museum, auch aaremalDH of the Mound Builders In the Mississippi Valley; stone and bone Im- plements from the prehistoric sites of Denmark aud the Swlsa I.akes; the very large and valuable collection Of relics of the stone age lu New ,Ierm?y. given by Dr. Charles ('. Alihott of Trenton; some eastx ofaucleiit Mexican arnlpturea, etc., etc. " Such public Institutions lu lhe county [of KSMX] as are willing to provide pro- per accommodations and are desirous of forming local muscuma," will receive what duplicate speelmcns the Museum cnu spare.

AN old colored minister, In asermoii on hell, pictured It as a region of ice and snow, where the damned froze through all eiernlty. When privately aaked his pur- poae lu rcpreaeiitlng (ietieuna lu tbla way, | he said: "I don't durc to tell dem people nullkii else. Why If I were to asy that hell waa warm, someo'dem old rheumatic nig- gaa would i>c wanllu' to start d«wu darde lierry next frostf'




ml IsrapplHga la this Throat, I liiikliifi,

NII-HIIKIIHK., I'mln IN Uie Mldr, I.i.lim,

llf.il.rhf, UIBSIBSSSsad 4J«»cralWaak-

mass, i «inl by lans than Thr«t Hottlas




N. 11.: I re-ddo at MancheiiU'r. N. II. vlously resided ai llenoiker, and am a native of Weare. this state. 1 have had Catarrh twenty-live years, ever .nice I was 111 years old; had II bad till the time. It run all Ihst iiorlod, and nlghU It would 111 I up und drop iluwii in my thioitl, caus- ing a feelhtjj; ol' chiiklue, so thnt 1 would spring up inlieil lo SBVB myself from strangulation. It ai- I'tM-ied my lies.I so that I Celt contused, and was li nuhteil with seven- headache nt Intervals, for a week nl II time. 1 alno had hail pain* In shoulders hack ami kidneys, (Voui which I nufered im- n»:iMci>. »o hud H ere iliev. Hint a year ago last summer I was ohllged Lo lie in Inrd most of the time for three months. 1 have trl.il all kinds or mi II IT nnd Catarrh remedies with nn particular hi-ticllt, and ■-(■iiHiilteil iiliysicistis, I iiad a bank- ing cough- I began In take tbu (:onHtilutional Ca- tarrh Kemndy ls>t Au«usu 1 began to grow bet- U-r t.rl.irs MaMaa the Srsl Untie. 1 am Bow on the third huUle. My CaUrrh l« cured; my health Is restored. I have nit puins, scben or cough. My whole system is made over new. I know It is this medicine tluii ln> rescued me rrom IntenseauBer- ing and almost lhe grave. 1 am now able to do the harilest work snd hear lhe greatest expusi and feel that I cannot sav too much In favn the Consliluthinsl CsUrrii Ihimedv.

HIU. K. J. Yi,AMIKK Manchester, S. EL, * ■ I. I. !-',' I.

I am .vi years old. Itave hail Catarrh ever si .|g|jteeu years old, nnd headache all the

ffered beyond description

tnrrh Kemedles, hut have round' no relief till 1

time; have suffered beyi ning at the nose, dioppltigs in tlie tliroat,ehukiti| und dtraiigliugii. Have tried any quantity ~* "



I- tlie ndwhodocH at?)

Checked and Striped Muslins



A cull will convince you that you will gel more aad better goods for your money than you ever got before. Cut this out and bring It with you, to

E . M c K A Y ' S,

204 Essex street, Beaeh's New Block

Fourth Grand Gift Concert Tor tlie tieneiit of the




#-1, 5-0-0,0-0-0 WILL ua uiSTRimrrgn as rotunra:



lOCASHCIKTS ♦lO.oUoeiieh . . IOU,lloU SOCASHUIKTS S.IHJU each . . laO,UOU so CASH uirrs i.otsifuch . . M,OOU 80 CASH lilKTii -leu eauh . tO.lsKl

100 CASH UlFTii IDBcHch . 4U.IHKJ 10UCAHH UIKTS .Wueuch . tl.ONl U0CA8H UIKT" **> each . . lui.uuo KSCA8II tilKTS iwi e.ich . rit.aou


Whole Ticket*. ».t(». Cuupona. (tenth*) >•■».


Kor tickets or in formation, uddreas


Agsjnt Publle Library or Kentucky, I.oultf>llle,or TIIO*. II. II A \H * co.,

.(pUwHiiT «OB Broadway. AT. V.



Out of Nearly One Hundred and Fifty


Sold and in operation in this city, t rlutlleiure any one hi produce a idnglo one that does not glv* en. tire us tin ruction.


niivn.i 11 JswrenccSt.. Lawrence, Uass.

•30. •30.


tVoiidnTuI Miicrrs* A ream pi I shed I

Pstr^totlon hi the New Am-iinm, Sim iny Miudiimt.

It ii Hcknowledged by lloasaT rivals, and ai! who have used other Machine*, lo be the great FINAL TKHJimi or American genius.

New and improved seir threading Shuttle, ten i-iinl in-iicci, an bo i'liniit>(i| witliout removlni work or faking out Shuttle, in short it In the most complete lork-stlb-h Shuttle Machine ever made, Sold on Installments. We ulsn have the

Blees, Domestic. Howe, Wilcox & Gibbs

Weed, Singer, Davis. Elliptic.

Florence, Etc., Etc.

We have still on hand a large tot ol'siieond hand Sinitcr, Howe, Weed, etc., taken In unehaiigo tor the AmHOAKi aad we wHlslesaOwlal less tlian hair price, and warrant them in iiarlet-t running order. All kinds or


Neatly anil oromutly done. Machines to let by | the week or month. Hranrh or

Mme. Demorest's Reliable Patterns

Also, Harver'a

\L1TIR8 WHICH AUK PKCUUAR to and recommend tlie

S lloxve Inilirovtil TaHNlljr flawlMg MuklM.

I.—Reautv mill excellence orstltcli alikeouliolh ■-Idesor thetwhrlc. «.—Strength, lieauty and dura blllly of seam thai will neither rip nor ravel. " tniiiplii.. r.intr.,1 overlioth threads *


IH offered to any Active Man, who is willing to work. THIUTV m. a week can eanily lie made above expeaees. We want a lew such men to eanvass New Englund. Address with a stamp W. K. STETSON A CO., Oiuce over Quluuv iliir kel, Dostou. novTHwEb

An experienced aiileatuaii ing well

ig to work can Iiave a Adilrvsi* I1.11 Itoi H«, Lawrence


8 A L K .





10,000 UOLL8













During the "hard times" thai are upon us, ev body desire* to eeonomiae. We have accot

ingly placed our Itgures al the

LOWEST MARK tor the immense stock of


O. H. RICHARDS, 24 m 23 Dock Square


OvareaKta . *

Stout WorklnR ««lts.

.Hutched Null,

Itoy .' HulU

Children's Mulls

Tap Coats

Ill-ran Null. I'mln Flan lie In

Funil■!>I<iK Uooils . . .

All grade* and slaas .


24 m 23 DOCK SQUARE. 24 « 25 tiv «. H. Rlt-IIAHDN, ( 1..H.I. .,

KS8KX COUNT T. fatfl


QMt Paper Hangings and Borders

• last opened bv WU1TFOHD * KU:K.

l.klh)C nt fa.

tried your Cnnstilutlonai Catarrh Keauedy, sis molilhi- sgo, I louud luiHimliate relief

Catarrh nnd all Its attendant evils have left, Headache, 1'alns in Loins and Hark, Dlnlness, Lonn ot Appetite, arid (icneral Weakness. I^ess than three bottles of Conatltutional Catarrh Kenn- edy have cured uie. 1 have not tieen so well mince 1 can remember as now. I feel aa If I could not say too much fur tlie medicine, or thank Hod too heartily that through Its iualrumcnlallty I have beaa isisorsj to hesiih.

MARY H. ABBOTT, No. IT Msnchenter CuriMiratlon.

Uanehester, N. II., Jan. ST. \~:i.

The abuve ludy is my mother, I am a painter by trade, and am a member of the city Council ot Hauehesler. Every wonl that my mother states Is true- JACUli J. AtlltUTT.

ii».rsiv relief. The CDNSTITNTIONAI. CA flKll llEMKHY strikes at lhe root, builds up

the eon.-Uiu lion, makes It new, and drives away IKHEIIV strikes at tbe root, builds up

Ivea away Catarrh and nil dl -enoesolthe taucoiil membranes

Pamphlet of M pages, giviug a Trsalisa oo Cs- larrh, ami conUiinuig Innunieisble cases of cures sent raKK, by ndnrrsslng the proprietors,

iirrinniin sV CO.,

nllt«1iiilib MANCHESTER, R, IL Kor sals by E. H. Ksixv, Pest Ofllce Block.




VI A O 1 K' 8 NKW

ADVANCE COOK STOVK Magee's Hew Portable Range.

A large slock bought before the sdvaace, mad 10

l.e .old LOW by lljySI

J. P. BINGHAM, IV*. nee Ksaea Btreat. I.awrsnr*.

??1!^? EVgRY gVENIHQ. |

HOW KVKHY ONK CAN MARK MONEY JBy buying Uooda at the

BOSTON 99 CENT STORE, Car of Keeax and Broad war *>«••

We have consUntly on hand a large assortment at



Also, Kiiieules, BaskeU, and other articl.it too unieroin bi mention. Any one of the SIKIVC USE


stir «• «• WISE-


. Itlrhards

. Richards

. Hlehards

. Hlehards1

. Itleh-rd.

. 111. Iini .1.

. Ill, lined.

. Richards

. Richards

. Richards


EGGS FOR HATCHING from all the beat breads of Poultry.

'owla for HIII.- in llii'ii- Heimoi While l,c«lioni. a BPKCIALTr.


No. 4 Broadway, South Lawrcoee.

M . .T . O H A P I N

4.—An en- tirely new rotary tension ror the upper thread, which contributes so eiuelt lo Dial beaulf aad ual formlty of stitch for which tlie "Howe Madilne'-i. eo celebrated. A.—A perfect ■hullle wiileh does not vi einply bobbin—an olijecliot

formity of s »<t celebrated. !i. —A perfeet uniform inialan in lhe ■hultle which into not vary iroan m lull loan

" an objection-o common Hi other An automalln jclf-regulallng lake

up that prevents mlnflng oI stitches ut crossing heavy seams. 7.—Short straight and strong net dies/not liable lo break ID passing over heavy

nis.at do Uie curved needles ul other mscninvn. _ 1'lner neislles lor the same thread than any other Machine. ».—Hewing njuslly wall will) My kind of thread. 10,-Economy of tbroad beyond that of snv other machine. 11.—A hemmer that will MSkeauy width of Hem or Kel I. 19.-Braid- ing II ..-I i■omplicjiled path-rn* with any a'llth nml kind oi KraliV. B.-A Qullh-r that will adjust itself to any thickness or in sterlal. II.-Tucking any fabric without inlury or oucker. lft.~ A corn- er, so conhtrueled ns to cord «round very -bort •'tirvea, .vcn to npis'c corners. IS.—Hewing lhe flnent fabric wlthiiul Injury or pucker, aud the heaviest material-with the jrrcnli-i-t ease, IT.— Compactness, niinplicitvaiidiiurabllHy. 1M.—Baae of operation and management. !»,—Best machine In tbe world for family use.

Call and see these machines wotk. with tbe new mi'SOVKii TiiKsnut rnwau, at IIAUAR'H AUENCY, lint Essex St., Lawrence- oWU


recoiniueiule.1 and ivllling to work ' sltuatli iitllee.

WANTED. In a dry gimdr- store. To one

recommended "" ' good sltuatiun,

On 1..I- i..i I. idde of High Stivel, l.etweeii lirnve H.UI Plait Streii>, n one and a half story,double tenement house, six rooms In each tenement, with barn and well, all on a flne lot of land ft feet on ■Ugh Street and l.'O feet dcen. llnoin on lot lo en.it cottage house to rent. Ktiid premises rent now for eiirtit and il linlf per cent, on Iwetilv-lwo bundnildoilnii.. Price *WUU.

Al-ti n Kplendiil buil-Unj; !■ -a for KCM'I'MICII'H re- ' Idunec on Union Wti-eet, South Side.

Also a grand .In me lor piillciiii-n'h i ehiilcm-e- . in loU to suit, wvfl of Clover Hill.

Kor Inliirini n run I in-IHTI ion nt ' aid pronert] ' 1LIIH1E, Civil Engluee


Sauiider'n lllia-k, Lawrence.

Aiuehc.l hi tliese |iuunie.l Spectaclea are two •ctentlAcally cuiwtrucUtl Ualvaulc Baneriea—ua

n when worn—delivering through the nerves ol heads


Good Winter Clothing!


(■aiKincvi .-. t, Law-,

B, Muss. I Office ulgblH : Mmulnv, Tuesday and Thursday.

•i tfdecu-

lll.l fill■ I I ■ I■}■ I 070 I

11 o .1 ml 101 Ot I And a Plaalrr for c vei j Pain.

Dr. T. Ogden's Celebrated Black Salve,


Which and Pains the human fi ableeilernal. Price It. full directions for use. Agei sale of thin naive in every cin out the U. S. aud Canadas. Dr. T. OUDEN, Sole Proprietor, No. 1T Middle street, Lawrence, Ui 1 ur Etantea u ■■•■' augS|iir

■ every kind or Aitbes le Is heir lo, lhat Is .-in-

v the ltoll, AO cents, with "1 wanted ror tlie

Continue lo keep up with the times, and offer one of tbe largest and best selected slocks of


insisting o{ up

40.0O0 ROLLS

or Ollt., Bronie., B.tln., Bl.iik., Brown

Ple«M «unin* our Stock.

1 SU EML-I Str«tt.




Jewelryt Albums, Camet, Smokers' Set*,Vaies, Busts, Statuettes,Cutpe-

doreSi Pocket Books, Baskets,

Iron, Wooden and Tin Toys,

Brackets, Wall Pockets,

Slipper Pockets, Paper,

Toweli and Book

Racks, Perfumes,

Toilet Articles,

Droning Cases, Hair Bruthei,Mirrors,

Bronzed QoodS, Cutlery,

Plated Ware, Pictures,Dom-

lnoa,Checker Boards, Cribbage

Boards, Work Boies, Writing

Desks, Waa 0 0 111, Meerschaum Pipes, and thousands ot other articles,



and the assortment Is complete in every depnit- meiit. Our prices are roannnable, and we advise

patrons lo purchase their presents before the trreai ruah.


minima 1ST Wsikliiti'Mi **■■ "'"1

OlFTEHTERPRlSE The only rcllablu Uilt lllslrlbiition In tlie cnuutrj


Grand ANNUAL Distribution ! To be ilrnwn Thurmlsy, .Innuary lat, 1MT4.

$200,000.00 IN VALUABLE OIPT8 I

i.lilMi C.ll-ITAL l-HI/.n,


$10,000 IN GREENBACKS! One t'sih Prise or ar»,»oi> In Ureenbaeke

Sirppr.tv.::«T>;:ijGREENBACK8j Ten l>rl.eeVHIO -/GREENBACKS!

SHO t;..i.( nn<l Hilver l.ever UuiiUng Watebss. (in nil), worth from *i» h> *U*i eaeh!

Coin Hilver Vest Chains, Solid and Don hie-plated Hilver Ware, Jewelry, *■■.. Ac.

No. of SHIS, 25,000. Tieksts limited la I00.0OO

■ KNTS WANTBD tt sell Ticket-, to whom liberal premiums will lie puid.

Single Tlcketa £2; Six TicltetsaiO; Twelve

TlclcetB <20 ; Twonty-Plve 140.

Cin'ulni's eontnitiiiiKB lull lift of prises, a de- ripliou ot lhe manner ol diawlnir, nnd other in

rormation In reference. I" lhe Itimrllnitlon, will lie sent to any one orderiiiR them. All loiters must ' a addressed to I.. II. HIMK. lUms

MAIN tlKKlCK. CINCINNATI. (>. 1U1 W. Fifth MreeL nilfOwi-ny

COX'OlIrliBOr.K TrtntiAT.iNFLU- ■ENZA. W11 (Xll1- mo corn 11,



Atlwrsaa, NO Ksies St., S«aad<r'i Blwck.


Adjuster of Complicated Accounts AUD

COLLECTOR. OSM, MS Keses Hlreat. Uwn.».

Hoars, ) toS sad 7 lo I P. U. ttlapll

yhun unit 1. Hfin-.'

ils tUndanl remedy, ss Is 1'itlin.inliil* It has JTCCIVMI. /. Hunt"


873 ESSKX ST..

at short ii.iltce sad in a workmanlike

Remember the No., 373 Basel Street.



FRENCH AND GERMAN. Paor. O. O. Kusuaa, who speakn both liurman

and French accurately and flaenUy, will lustmnt pupils, elUmr klafly ur In classes. In readln| and apeakina these lanfuagea.

PIARO llflBTRHCTIOSr given, with special attention paid to beginners.

Mr, K. can be found at ISO K--1: \ BTKKBT. Reference Is made lo Ur. I.ouuee, l>r. Talb.il, Ur. Ilowlaod. Mr. H. A. Klmball, Mr. Thomas Scott, Mrs. ■■ B. Herriek, S Wabblngton CorporatloB Mn. James Kelley, aft |',,li>ii street. Inquiry M, be maile at AHaaiCan IIfSce. IteodafwXJ

whb-li it.ie^ miSilry up .. _ l.-libil, luit lunmi.) II. cl.-niin.-n Ilio luiiirtanil allays luiti.ti.jii, thus IsjMfMg IhsaWMa ut Uwi'Miijilaiut.


K: KKTl_ voat, Usaa. tlukl by iteskvs k-umTslly.

aaSJ MW is end lyr rny


MACHINISTS. (MuceesBOrs to We baler, Duatin A Co.)

a-l an n fartureratof

Cotton m\ Woolen Machinery AMI

MACIIINR WORK GENERALLY. Inn and Min il in Holts on hand,

alsu all kinds or ForH-inir done. lihNKKAl. -It'll WDltlv nnd Mill repairs doe-

promptly and rslUifully. Dealers In Man u I adorers' Supplies.

Foster's Building, Corner o Franklin and Meiavea latrsats.


i-Mode ■II ini'iii ■■ will be found



In great variety, laid In for lhe Full and Winter or lBTSaii.l'TI.

Pi-i<-*>» lh» I,»w«e>t! flood* in nil Btylew*

Kvmnrhodjr tun be Suit.-<1 •



Vff Y RICK A R I C K R R .

<SU.TCI.MIIS lo A. S. Ititsxr.K.) manursctiirers and dealers in all kinds of

Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Tin, Uad, Tin Lined and Seml-Klaatlo Pipe.


for hand or power me.

Aay- Mowing Machines, Scales and Wringing Machines Repaired.

Plumbtng, Tin BoofltuT and General Job- bing; done at abort notice.



Wholesale and Hetail llealura In




JJTTJ Pianos and Organs sold low Tor eash, or on easy

monthly payments. My stoek roinprlaes the tiert makes In lhe country- I warrant all -n my In- struments, ami aell them hirer than van be Ix'iigb elsewhere. It you doubt It emne and see.

h>'[ All! ISHKIi 1HS7.

on*Jin a<U* Kasea Ulreet, Lawrtan,


Oet roody for tbe Flys and Buffa.

An entire new


Nu wear and tear, or give to the frame. The bea thlnjr ever lavenled. inn In


2C5 Keaex Stre«t.

by the means tricity, giving HrlVhtBfM to the r.yt,.

Mulct.naas ta) the fEsur, Kiicrf) tat the Brain.

Thev are set wlUi tenses of Uie Bnest manu(ae tare, to auit all sighiV, and with glasses lor these not needing spectacles to read with, but desiring the lienellts hi lie derived from wearing tbe Bat- teries . and lo be 11... i lu this city only or


Watchmaker, Jeweller aad Opttokao.


No. 235 Essex Street, Lawrence Healer In Wafches, Clooka, Jewelry, Fancy

lioods, etc.

V. H. Alio Agent for Latanu if JTorris* ^«r

ftetrt tJaeafticM nnd /■>< Olana, Me HKSTtn Ut

WorUf. nivlsi-

Hofi and Contln sKlrramefKlaatlelly.

PartUl l'aral >■!• of the Optlo FVervs,

k or I >l a* naed VI ll on,

jsurwlgrua •ftha Head or P>o>.

Nervous T»liik«« In the

H oaeles of the Face,

Mo lacs lu the Head.

I.o.a of HeatteJ Eawrets-.

ami a h..-t or Nervous I Ueeases, arising from pression orthe nervous eneriry or the ayslam.c

—■■hmg itegree, tributlng, In a most astonish]

Life and Vigor and Health. Die aofl Riming stream of Kb


The under.igne.l would call tba aUeeJioa of |hs I .n 1.1 ii to a well selected stork of

American and Foreign Watches

In OOUJ or sii.VKH CBMS.

At (Oil > «-. now a- CO.'H, MX sn-eei. Where may be found a large


City of Lawrence Water Loan. 81a per cent, coupon lined- of the City of Law-

rence, daly authorised by aot of the legislature, City Ordinance anrl resolutions of the City Coun- cil, w"l be leaned October 1st, ror a limited amount Coupons attached ror semi-annual Inter- est, payable In Boston or Lawrence, at the option of ii.ii.ict>. For urlcr- and lull particulars rail on or address R, II. TKWKNIHIHY,

City Treasurer. I'er order or Finance Committee. sJWU

' All l-i

"""" I"! I I |:l. 4k 1 *)f» A MONTH to lady ascents every* SHa ■nPI —t) where. Address ELLIS HsaUSSCTun-1 veoti IKU, Co. Waltbam, Uass.

EIVBRY TOWN. All pertoai In want or honorable and lucrative employment can Und il by addressing THE (HI \lftEFIBE BAI.Lt'o, Augusu, He., with # cuts and two SwUSSM, fur samples and tanus.

IV lU a ay


<n A IJIN, sJAUi she*



i, A niKiv mn UQt.lt BETS.

oi.lili;i.l,«WSANn MAB«HIICCH»SJ»S.

Clocks, Spectacles and dewslry,

Of every style ami description. Every article sold by uie will be warranted aa reeommeeded. or money refunded, and as low as ran be afforded.

Also, woit.l solicit a liberal share of your



l>oiie at short notice, and In a neat manner. Ca and examine for yourselves.





ii. .tor. wiu, J. M. sjasaMI

HUMKRBCEStl|IJ«.ID vstjssrtjsrusit.

a..ifc, MaiuPstsa,SS.Ti fAI.KKH, FHIlwdwlpSU*.

sello at f r ay

1 > liAt'TiKi: i, WINTER


* Ml Kaesa air et, tawrsno,
