LAM-1874-09.pdf - Memorial Hall Library


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In the Largest aad ni<*L thoroughly furnished la Kattoru lUi.»»chuj.HU. Having only modern

-. and with rumun t additions or the newett •lyle* or Type, we are able to furnish the be* quality of work, oxpedlliouidy, at low price*, Onlers by mail siren prompt attention.

ttBO. 8. MEBJULL A CltOCKJUt, Post OfAoe Btoek.


Business Directory Card* not exceeding Four Line* In leuajUi

Inserted In this column at •(! per j«r.


■TLe (,itK A MS, at all time* at short notice, der* left at I). N. A <;. M. Martin'*, IIOEMOX St. HutUraction guaranteed. tusrSTttlyr


283 Essex Street, Lawrence, lias. Ether and Chloroiorm Administered.

GLIDIJEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure _ - Drug* and Chemicals, I'atcnt Medicines,

Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Sponges, KK Soaps, etc. Corner Essex ami Pemoorton .St.

x\.« Dr

* Counsellors at Law and Com-_uls si oners for aeo. II. C. Baeoa.

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORE, for- inerlr I'nlmcr'a, Is the place to get jour Wor

tod* and Worsted Good*, I'alteriiMiiiid Fncny Uoods, Yankee Notion*, Ac. HI Essex 8L 1>8



Stonnard'* Vegctablo ami Herb Tonla 1* doing

wonders—astonishing everybody, even the phr- alulana. Order* are pouring la from all section*,

far and near; large order* coining from place*

where simply one trial bottlo ha* been used. In-

valid* are by thl* tonio restored to health. Hun-

dred* In the city of Lawrence are pralilng it, and

so In thi* ca*e, "a prophet 1* not without honor

are In hi* own country," will hardly apply. But

I ent there bo some who will Insist that It la only

Stonuard, and of hi* getting up, we will *ay that

It U Slatiuard In nothing except the manufacture;

that the receipt 1* an


One, lian.lnd down from long years ago, and of

which we 11-■ ■--■ ;i|>]..m.i a brief history. In

THE YEAR 1804, An okl Indian, then lUing In the •ouih-weatern

part of,v County, State of Xcw Yora, who

had made hlniseu* uulle celebrated.*.* a phj*l-

uan, became unable to attend lo all call* made elpon him for hi* serried among the *ick. A

man then living, found tliat oue secret of hi* auo

ocs* lay in some

BITTERS Which ho ini nishdd lo the public, the receipt for

which thl* man purchased of him at great coat,

as wa* then considered. The bilker* were mann

far.turud and aold, and created no little sensation

for in my years; but It being a sparsely settled

1 ..■ 11 i Iy, ami It may be, the 111* of the Inhabitant*

liavlug disappeared In consequence ol the use of

tlie bitters, and the old gentleman owning the re-

ceipt passing off the stage about the

YEAR 1822,

The fiiuo thereof seemed to die away. Rut tb ire

are old pooplu living In that section to-day, who

remomhor th* fame of

THE TONIC As Uioy called it. Thl* receipt waa willed by the

owner to a daughter and her ohtldren, aud the

original receipt, dated as above, la in existence

from which I* made

Stannarfl's Vegetable aid Herb Tonic, Which Is a cure for all phase* of Liver Complaint

Harveloua in It*


Upon person* who have been long suffering with

what they term, and what It called by phyalelar ■


Mow, i we *ay more In erder lo discharge

cur duty to the public?

THIS TONIC May now ba hod. whole**!* and retail, of II.

Whitney A Co., druggist*, corner of Esses and

Lawrence Street*. Also for sale by A. R. Gild-

den, Geo. II. Chlckerlnf and other druggists;

also by Decker * Whittler, John Hussell, Dean

ft Haaelllno, CoBn ft Meeerve, and other grocer*

in.l.awrence; and In Wethuen by 5. II. Hard*,

Jr., and Castle * Steven*, druggists, and by

All orders for


S>13 Esiex Street,


Auctioneer*, and Dealers In MAJ Estate. Office


«8 K«i..\ SniKi.i, Lawrence, alasa.


new office, SIB KHHOX street. House, 11 Bradford street, Lawronce, NUM. febOltf

CLIFFORD BROS., I'lilasiid Uaoorotlvn Paper n*ngln

.111,1 I'.iiiitim, l!n ■■ 1 I i1........ ', , , _....i

COLBURN BROS,—DAILY PAPERS, Chromos, Engravings, Periodicals, Stationery,

Fancy Goods. Picture* Framed at short notice. No, 181 Essex Street.

CYRUS WILLIAMS, Manufacturer ol and dealer in Saah, Doors and Blinds, Win

dow and Door Frame*. All klndn House Fftihth. Opposite Boston ft Maine It. It. Passenger Depot.

(T H. LOW, APOTIIBCARY. l'rcscrlp- J lion* carefully dlsppnood at all hours, also,

all the leading "-1-

DR. J. H. Kl DDKR, GEON.No. 871 Essex Btrcel

DENTAL SUR- L'l, Lawrence, given, aa pre


M Kmi ST, LAWitKUt, Mill. Over Dyer * Co'*.



D. W. LORD, Sole Agent for the "VICTOR" SEWING MACHINE,

10 Margin Street. New Shuttle, New Tension, Sclf-acUing Needle.

'• Gent'* Custom Boot and Shoe Makers, .„., Essex street. All kinds of ready made Boots and Shoe* constantly on hand nnd very cheap.

ES. YATES, M. D., PHYSICIAN and • Surgeon.

Office, 307 EHSCX Street, corner ol Lawrence. Residence, 103 Concord StreeL


Fancy Articles, etc. Post Office Block.

[7RANK UUBBlbL, V PUOTOGEAPUBB. Portrait* and Landscapes.



The best place In the city.

GEO. O. CROSS—Mechanical Draughts- man, Pattern and Model Maker, at the

HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, at A. A M. Atkinson's, formorly at Mra. J. A.

WHITNEY 4 CO., Apothecaries, corner Essex and Lawrence St—Truaaes,

Support*.-™, ShuuMt'r Hrncen, Perfumery, H.1

.1 assortment of nil urlieleH in u

Lwltb Bugboe ft Mack, 3(13 Essex street, Law i, Mass. aprUlBm.


JOSEPH FLOOD & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. Chambers, 1,3 and 3 Sounder*

New Block, EHSBX Street. Under the immediate supervision of Joe. FLOOI>, (late Savage A Flood.)

I M. HORNE, I'liysU-init and Surgeon.

Office and Realdsnca 271 EMVX Strait.


331 Essex Street, Lawrence.

STHATTON, BOOKSELLER and j Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.— Paper Hangings, Window Shudes, Newspapers, etc. 313 Essex St Branch Store, 123 Essex SL

LOUIS WEIL, Dealer lu Rcndy-Mu.le Clothing, Gent*' Furnishing Good*. Hat*,

Caps, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac, No. IBs Essex STHKKT, Lawrence, Mas*. JanUtf

_ _ yeara *uoc«asful practice In Obxtetrlcs and diseases of women and children, offers her services to the public Office, It) Madison SL, Newburyport


notice. No 130 Eaaux STHXBT.

MISS LIZZIE CARLETON, 260 ESSEX Street Saunder* Block. May be found a vt

•elect stock of Fancy Goods, to which Street Saunder* Block- May be found a va-

neu and select stock or Fancy Go< ' would respectfully invite munition,

B. KENNEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN _ _ and Surgeon. Office 383 Essex SL House

No. 110 Newliury StreeL Particular attenUi paid lo Cancers.


Orange, Mass. Manufacturer of Wool Machinery, Hunt's Don. ble Acting Turbine Water Wheel. HAMMER FALLING STOCKS, Falling Mill*, Dolly Washers, Shafting, Regulators,

Gigs, Dye Tubs, Ac. E. N. HARRIS, SfHI Broad way Lawrence, Mao*. Director and Selling Agent,

_ OFFICE, 417 Essex Street, (Fan-Held1

block), Lawrence, lias, Chloroform or Etlicr given a* preferred, for the extraction of teeth.

J. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER _ . and Dealer In Boots Shoes and Rubbers, of

every desirable Style and Quality. MB Baaex St, Lawrence.


_ tax Street Full Value, Fair Dealing, ' Blowing," No Trickery, One Price. We m what wa «*y.


wholesale and retail, ean be addraaaad U» H. . WhltacyA Co., Lawrence, Moat., or to J. II.

Stannard, who I* manufacturer and proprietor at



Of the tonlo are free to ain.per*on* who are at a

In need of having thairjiaallh* Improved, by eall-

J. H. STANNARD at hi* offioejover


TAltllOX A BHIQQS, ATTORNEYS and Couniellor* at Law, Saunder* New Block,

Rooms Ifl and 17, Lawrence, Mass. J. K. TABBOZ. C. E. BBIQOB.


WM. STUART A CO., Essex Dre Work*. Vino Street Dyeraof PlecoOoods

Yarns Braids, and all kind* of Job Dye*ng. Un ■olable good* re-dy wl and put In marketable order


117 Essex Street W. A. KlmbaU, W. F. ElmbaU.

TVOLLIAM RUSSELL ft SON, YY Manufacturer* of

BOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA PAPERS, Canal Street lower ond.

WV. ft J. 8. OIL] . • AvroBKKr* and CttiiitiKLLaiu AT LAW,

WHITE ft BELL, Attorneys at Law, Nolrry Public, and Commissioners for

Maine and New Hampshire. No. SLAWKKNca STBKBT, Lawrence. janldlly


Mark Twain in one of his sketches of life In Virginia Clly, nays of one of the charactern of the place

"Scotty Bring in after days achieved the distinction or becoming the only con- vert to religion that waa ever gathered from the Vir((lula roughs. • • If hi- Sunday school class [irogressed faster than the others, was It matter for wonder? lie talked to his pioneer small-fry lu a lan- guage they understood. It was my large privilege, a month before he died, to hear him tell the beautiful story of Joseph and Ills brethren without looking In the book. I leave il to the reader to fancy what 11 was like."

A Vlrglala Cktjr correapoudeu^ of the "National Sunday Schoo* Taacher> pub- lished In Chicago, after allusion to Twain's reference to Brlggs, thus states bow Scot- ty told his Bible class the story of the Prodigal Sou. He says:

"I loved that mau Scotty Briggs. I was oue of his Suuday school "sinall-fry,"and ho was the best kind of a teacher for such youug cubs as we. He wasn't what you would etil a great scholar—not much- hut I reckon be would put some of your high-toned gentlemen Into a regular gal- lop to keep up with him. I have been down lo Chicago aud prospected around amongst your nobby Sunday schools, but there was so much broadcloth and plug hats, and velvet and feathers, that I did not feel tjulte at home. The mission schools were my best hold, and every time I saw a hi i] in' or young gutter snipes with their heads all ducked down close to some man with a good square gospel face onto him, and thuy all ao still and gentle, as If their dead mothers were stroking their hair, I seemed to see my old teacher—he Is dead too—and I thought how good It was of the Lord to show such mcu ashlm where the pay dirt was, when so many people dig ili.' Bible nil over and never strike It rich. Now I don't want to come down on them fine people, but you know wheu Jesus came down from the place' where they have everything nice, he didn't brlug any of his tine clothes with him, bo I reckon he won't be ashamed of his friend: out here In the gulches who sometimes wear patched shirts aud ragged trousers, and hats that let In the rain.

"Scotty Briggs could show a man the way out of the devil's country Into God's country by the shortest route—he had travelled It himself, aud never forgot St- and it made him tender like, when h. found Borne poor fellow who had lost bis way, to tell him how ho once «cen are him self, and had a smell of brimstone, and then to put him on the air-llnc route to glory which the Savior staked out wheu he was through here on his way to death and back again.

"Master Twain, who was out in these ^IRKI'LI about fifteen years ago, says he heard our teacher tell the Btory of Joseph, and maybe he has told it to some ofyou, maybe you would like to bear more of them Bible stories as I remember Scotty used to tell them.

'One Sunday morning Scotty came up .-:t*11 ] i 11;v and rubbing his hands, and he says:

It beats the world, boys, but, last, night, I struck a trail In the book of Lake, which looked as if I hod traveled It before, so I followed It up till I began to tMi-v ■■I urn in my (inn nivn tcumffiSie about me. They say he used to be a portrait painter as well as a doctor, and—anyhow, when I got through with his story, I Bays to myself, 'Scotty Briggs,'says I,'that's you.' And who knows but the good Lord told blmtoput my plctur' Into the Bible to wait till I should come along and want to see IL? And this is how It was:

There used to bo a nieo old gentleman down )u Massachusetts (Luke didn't say it was there he lived, bnt 1 know it was), who had two sons; oneof'emwaaaslcady going lad, who cuuld be good and never half try; but the other was a small torna- do In jacket aud trousers—a regular wild colt, whose leg* were so light aud limber they were all the time running away be- fore he hardly knew it. Thu old gentle- man loved the little fellow past every- thing, and was ready to go his whole pile on his turning out a senator, at least, if not a president of the United States. The young galoot was alone while getting Into some scrape or other, nnd he couldn't have plagued his father worse If he had used his eyes for marbles aud his heart for a foot-nail. But It seemed as If the dear old man loved him nil the better for being such no uncertain chap. Well, when the lad comes of age he prances up to his fa- ther and says he Is going out west.

What for?" says tbo governor. To make my lortune, to bo sure/says

the boy, as sancy as If he knowed where to dig It out of the ground In lumps as big as potatoes.

"He had heard about the gold diggt ngs but he hadn't heard about the whisky shopB and gambling tents and dance halls which used to be plenty as hlnckberrlcB around here, a dozen years ago. So the old gentleman tlttcd him out regardless; clothes, tools, shooter, S5000 In his pock- et, all the good advice he ttioaght the boy would carry, and then started him off for California.

He was as lively a young buck when he struck Frisco as ever you laid eyes on; and his stunnln' out lit. and pockets full of rocks Just set all the gamblers and fancy women after him like hawks afteracbick-

and they mode nwiul short work of him, especially after he began to drink forty rod whisky. He sloshed round un- common while his pile lasted, and when he was flat broke all his pals wentback on him—them fellows with the pasteboards and Ivory chips, aud them dancing girls, always drop their friends like a hot pota tojust as BOOH as they're cleaned out—aud then he was the sorriest duck you ever saw. Pawned alt his stylish duds for board and drinks, and at last actually sold his boots and went barefoot for a bottle of tarantula juice. The poor fellow hadn't the grit to go to the mlucs; besides he had drunk his tools; no money, no friends, no Bpunk, no muscle—teetotally busted; used to lie arouud the whisky mills and sleep on the ground wlthoutblanketa. He came awful near feeding swine one ulght. Lying dead drunk in a back alley some rooters came nosing around him, and ac- tually began to chaw him up. That kind- er roused him, so he climbs up by the fence and begins to Inquire or the porkers li they knew who he was and who ho be- longed to; and the porkers said they didn't, but they reckoned he was plunder for them, beln' as he wag lying around promiscuous.

"As quick as he began to get a little steady on his pins he started for home; and wheu ho got to the street corner ho leaned up again a lamp post to try and think where his home was. He could |ust romembcra nobby saloon with lodgings over It where he nsed to hong out In a big style; and then he remombercd u third class boarding house where they htd kicked him oat and threatened to ahoot him if be ever showed his ugly mug around there again; and then It came over blm all at once that there wasn't a roof in all California he had a right to lie under."

"Ah my lads, home means a heap to a poor fellow who hasn't got auy.

"I'rctty soon along comes one of them high toned sporting men, and he says i "Hello, stranger, rather cold business propping up lamp post* such a night as this I" Then another of the old gambling friends callg out;

"Steady, there, old tanglefoot*" And so the night and the cold and the laughs of his pals sobered him off considerable.

"The next morning was Sunday. There wasn't manv churches in Frisco In those days, but the poor chap stumbled onto a crowd where Father Taylor was preaching out or doors. He was telling the story of tho prodigal son, aud when he got along to where the prodigal was dead broke, and was hungry enough to eat along with the pigs—'That's me,' aaya the poor fellow, right out loud. So, after tho preaching was over. Father Taylor hunted him up and gave him a square meal

and told him to break for old Massachu- setts on the double quick.

"Rut the old gentleman will be asham- ed of me' says the prodigal.

"Not half so much as he will be sorry for you, says Father Taylor.

"But I am such a bad boy, and have given him a heap of trouble,' says the prodigal.

"But you're his son all the same.' Bays Father Taylor

"So the prodigal hegnn to pony up n little.and actually put out to Toot It back to his father. Somehow, wh-n he once got •tmrtad on the right track, things worked round to help him nloiig.UU at last, In one way and another, he came lu sight of the old home. Oh, hnw sweet It looked I That old gambrel roofed house with the great elm trees over it; and everything ao still aud sorrowful like, as if ;he people who lived there waa loneaome, and waiting for somebody who was never likely to come.

"The old gentleman was sitting In the doorway,and every once In a while he kept looking down the road, a habit he had got Into since the young scapegrace went away.and ho had heard he had gone to the bad. He kuowed the lad would have to come'b^ck sometime bein', aa there was so much of bis father In hlra.

Well, this time he sees a poor tramp away down the road, and he gives a quick start all over, and puts his hands over his eyes aud gives one look. Oh, you had ought to seen, that old mau tear along down that garden walk and out of the gate, leaving it wide open after him, Just like the gate of heaven. And wasn't he glad to get mo back again, rags and sins, and altf You bet!

Scotty couldn't get any farther with his lesson that day, for he had to stop and cry. Afterward he told us more. But he a) ways stuck to tt that the boy that atayod at home, and came to be a rich gentleman, and a deacon of the l'reabyterlan church, was the right sort or example to follow ; "For," says Scotty aays he, "you can't have a first class Job out of nnything, from a swal lowtailcd coat up to a man, unless you put It together right the Brut tlmo


Will hear with are to be

Theatre and lecture- dismay that ladles' worn higher than ever

Scotland consumed nearly seven million gallons of British proof •phitf hut year, more than Ireland, and nore, In propor tlon, than England. *:.'" ■

The most cruel thins; that one of the Stay at-homo Club candka'af to meet u man just back from ths Country and not say "How tanned you art!"

Pedagogue—First little boy what In your name"/ First tlttlft boy—Jule, -n\r. IVdiigogue- Oil, no, yodBBftnte Is Julius.

The Battered Veteran.

"Poor soldier!" exclaimed a lone old widow In Kast Tennessee, as a battered veteran In blue appeared at her door and meekly asked for a cup of cold water; "poor soldlor! I know In reason you will be powerful glad to get a cup of cold wa- ter, uot to spenk ofa little suthlu' to mix with It."

"Thank you, mum; but I belong to the Daughters of Temperance and cannot drink, unless it is a little In the way of medicine; and I do feel very weak, as we have marched more than forty miles to- day."

"Forty mile! the laws have massy! How could you do it? Why, It would kill my mule."

"It Is very hard, bat we get used to It. I wouldn't have minded It ir we hod had anything to cat."

"Sakes alive! do conic in and set down. Poor soldier I"

Tho good old lady brought out a black bottlo, from which the battered veteran poured a tcaspoonful into a glass of water, and took n vigorous pull at the bottle when her hack was turned.

Then she placed before him a substan- tial supper of ham and eggs and corn- bread aud conec, upon which he advanced

"Aud you are mighty young to be a sol- diering," she said, looking at him benign- ly over her spectacles.

"Yes,mum; I am the only son of my widowed mother; but my country calls mo, and iny duty to my couutry Is only sccoud to my Creator."

Sho! you talk as pert as a minister." I was studying for the ministry when

the war broke out." I had a notion that tho soldiers were

wicked, but I'm glad to find out they ain't. ttu've seen a power of fighting, I reckon." "A great deal, mum. It Is bard for a

Christian to take life, but the enemies of our country must bu punished."

"Jess so. Have you ever becu wound- d?"

"Very often; I was oncu shot through tho henrt."

Through the heart! Lawful sakes! Didn't It kill you?"

"Not quite. The internal muscle was penetrated longitudinally and extravasa- tcd with varicose veins i but tho bullet ranged across the left lobe of the arach- noid artery, producing a comminuted fracture of the anterior process of the cerebellum, and causing a lesion of the spinal viscera and the byposphatcs of the fibula, and that delayed my recovery."

"You don't mean to say you lived through all that!"

•'I was spared, mum, to bo a humble monument of the mercy of Providence."

"I should think so. What was that noise? It sounded just like some'uody was down In the cellar."

Nothing but rats. Don't be alarmed, mum. I am here and will protect you.

ice defended the house of a widow wheu It was attacked by a dozon gueril- las. I was obliged to kill seven of them, and the rest ran away."

"Do tell! I should think you ought to be an officer."

"The President has tried to persuade mo to accept a commission as a Oeneral, but I believe that I can serve my country better In my present sphere. Thank yon, Idon'tuare If I do tako a spoonlul or thst. I must be going now, with many thanks for yoor kludness. It Is nearly the time for our evening meeting, and 1 must be there to open It. Have you such a thing as a Bible to sparer" Mine waa destroyed in the battle by being struck by a bullet while in my coat pocket. It was the last gift ofmy beloved mother, and it saved my life."

"Lawful sakes! What a blessed thing It Is to have a Bible I There la one that belonged to my Matilda Jane, but I know yon will make a good ase of It. I will re- membcryou in my prayers, poorsoldlerl"

As the last rays of the setting aun lighted up the face of that battered veter- an, they shono upon two big tears that slowly trickled down either cheek, mak- ing miniature canals through the dust that coated his epidermis. He walked up the road until he was Joined by several more battered veterans, who came out of a cotter of the fence. Two of them bore a keg, others carried a large tin bucket, and still others had tholr arms full of bottles.

"Havo you got it, boys?" asked he to whom the Bible had been presented.

"All right. Ten gallons of peach bran- dy, a keg of apple Jack, and everao many bottles of blackberry wine. The old lady was well fixed." * "You made such a noise that she would have snaked you If I hadn't been there to throw her off the track. Let's go and dl- vlde. I ought to have the biggest share, as I did the hardest part af the work,"

It Is thus that virtue and patriotism are rewarded.

A MATTKR OV FACT WKDDINQ.— The Rutland Herald describes as follows wedding which occurred In that place one day last week :—

"One of our ministers had gotten about halfway through eleventh aud finally." when he waa called ont by a yonng man I overalls and the rest ofthe worklngmen1

dress, who asked him If he was ready to perform a marriage. Certainly he waa; but had the applicant a license? No, he hadn't;dldn,tknhwaboutlt in fact. And BO the worthy parson and the happy groom ■till lo work-day 'overalls, and with sleeves rolled np. Arrived at the residence of tho other party to the bargain, the blue overalls led the way In and summoned from the tub a woman who was washing with sleeves rollod np, dress pinned up and hair tied np. With no delay the bride dropped the skirts, rolled down her sleeves, dried her bands and stepped into the next room, where bluu overalls stood up with her, and the minister pro- nouncced the words that made them man and wife; whereupon the divine went back to his "eleventh," the bride to her tub, and the groom to hla work."

Second Little Hoy—My There ia much poj ie made recently to

wisest being never wrote bat the sand.

Lexington, the grandfather of Fellow- craft, which lately ran four miles in the unequalled time of 7:10 oue-balf.madetho same distance lu 1855 lu 7:1U three-quar- ters. Blood will tell.

Said a gentlemen the other day: "It'8 much better to cry over the goods on your store shelves when trade Is dnll, than to cry over those who have bought nnd can't or wont pay for them." He was right.

An eminent philologist, who has Just re- turned from China, met, Jnst before he left that country, an old native gentleman 106 years of age, who was just about to go in for his last university examination.

It may not be well known, says a Chicago paper, thatiho enormous arches which support the Chicago and SL Louis bridgo were copied from a cast taken from the instep ofa prominent St. Louis belle.

A lady cutcrcd a telegraph office in New xork, a few days since, and after deliver- ing her message, earnestly requested that the answer should not be read by the operator, as It was of a very private na- ture. v

A new game called "granger scven-up" Is announced. Three persona play for a cau of oysters. The first man ont gets the oysters, the lost man out gels the oyster can, and the "middle man" don't get any- thing.

It 1B reported that some people at Port Henry, New York, use nitro glycerine for catching usu. It kill-* everything within fifty feet, and from fifty to seventy-five pounds offish are taken at a single ex- plosion.

At a recent commencement In the west ayonnicglrl read a fine essay. On the way borne from tho hall she htfard one of the lady listeners remarked to another "Wasn't that fine?" "Yes," was tho reply, "but what a mean llttlo train she wore.'

"This Is fish day," said Jones, last Frl- day morning. "Oh, pa, we hate fish I" cried the little progeuy. "Well," replied Jones, "I will send home the 'learned pig' fordinncr." Now, when Jonossentbomo a "tantog," did ho fulfil his promise? that's the question.

Sliding scale: Husband at the street- door spies a huckster and shrieks to his wife, "Jane, don't vou want some hucklc- berrlosr" Haifa minute lateri "Want some huckleberries, Jane?" Ten seconds after: "Jane, Jane, why don't you answer -hen you're spoken to?"

Somegcnius ont West informed a zeal- ous coronerthat a fellow whoso first name and had been dead some time. The cor- oner, after hunting every backyard in the city, went home, too tired and disgusted to search the Scriptures.

Lo has had bis untutored mind wrought upon by the politicians, and In the Choc- taw notion ho has become a repeater and ballot-box stutter. But what could be more natural? Tho red gentleman who. handles the scalping kulfe so successfully would soon reach eminence as a ward politician.

Well, friend Jim, how do you make It down South?" " First rate—made plenty ofmoney." "What do you do with It?"

Laid it out in house loto." "Where?" Every place I have been where there

was an v." "What kind of house and lots?" "Coffee houses and lots of whisky."

What a meaning and unique expression was that of a young Irish girl who was rendering testimony agalnstan individual In a New Orleans-court, not long since: "Arrah, air," said she, 'I'm shuro be never made his mother smile." There is

biography of nnklndness In that single sentence.

If our lady readers wish to keep a bou- quet fresh, let them drops tcaspoonful of powdered charcoal into the water Intend- ed for the flower stalks, and they will keep their freshness and perfume for several days, aud look and smell the same aa those just gathered. The charcoal set- tles to the bottom of the vase, the water remaining clear.

Dr. Holmes says : "I have a great re- spect for bears sin..- those two female ones taught the little children of Bethel and of Belial that they most not be rude to elderly persons. I think a loose bear

two might bo of service In our com- munity, and I regret much the loss of an animal who might have done so much as amoral teacher for tho youth of this city and Its suburbs."

An instrument, of torture In nse In the English school is thus described: The rod is composed of long wiry birch twigs, loaded with bnds and bound tightly to- gether at one end, making a weapon three feot or fonr inches in diameter at one end, and a perfect broom three feet long. The offender Ie birched on the bare skin; the wiry rods and their buds cut deeply In, bringing blood and leaving wounds that remain for weeks.





ICowSfw online** prospect* at Mllford, N. H., are

brlKbteelng. Dark! Ileald A Co. resume trasl- now In their furniture manufactory Monday, on fait time and with full furca. Murse, Haley & Co. have received large order* for knitting cotton, and are running full time. Builneu I* livdyat Lewi* A Co'* tannery. The picture frame manufactory or Andrew Fuller has not Hopped, except for repslrs, daring the summer. There I* more building now than at any other •'me during the rear.

Rev. Henry Ward Ilceclier preached Mi sec- ond sermon of tho season at the Twin Mountain House, N. II., yesterday, before a large congre- gation. No allusion wa* made to the scandal. Mr. Frank Moulton publishes a card, defending '■'- conduct at the meeting of Plymouth church

Friday night, and announcing bl* Intention to puiiliah soon another statement, making fur- ther charge* against Mr. Beecher'* character.

The Prealdent on Saturday visited Mr. J. M. Forbes or Nauihon Island, and la tho evening beiU a brilliant reception at the Sea View House, Martha'* Vineyard, Yesterday he attended divine service at the Talwmacle, HUhon Haven preaching in the furenoon and

sv. Dr. Tiffany ID the afternoon. Three men bound a Frenchman named

August Gardner, to a railroad track over a cul- vert near Henryvllle, Ind., Batnrday night. The poor fellow released all bat one foot, when a pamenger train came along and cut it off. He lay by the roaoMde until morning, wa*

'•'- -lory and died. found, told his

The Supreme Court of Massachusetts has decided that either tfae teacher or the parents have a right to correct a child for misconduct on bis way to or from school. The cose was that of a parent cs. % teach- er, for assault ou a child, who punished a boy for throwing atones at a teamster while on his way home from school. The court held that the teacher's authority Is abMolut* at school, that of the parent -''..■■■■ hue at home, and between home and school both have Jurisdiction.

The Lowell "Courier" ssys: The fol- lowing story comes from the llpt af the clergyman It refers to, who lives not twenty miles from Lowell: He waa call- ed to officiate at the funeral of a man whose mourning relatives Beemed to have very generally taken somo sort of ardent comfort to sustain them during the solemn ceremony. After the preliminary excr ctsos the clergymen camo to the "re- marks," which began with the regret of the reverend speaker that they had not the good fortune of an rcqualnsanoa with the deceased. " Don't know Bill Jones I broke out an ebrlous relative. "Let me Introduce you to the corpse. Hlc—l("v Mr. B—, this Is Bill Jones. Bill Jones, this In the Rev- B." And he sank back Into his chair with tlie sereno conscious- ness of duty performed.

There Is a family of thirteen children in Georgia, and these are their names :

1. Mary Ann Elizabeth Rabnn. 2. Cornelia Ann Miranda Jane Rabnn. S. Effle Ann Savannah Rabnn. 4. Sarah Ann Molllsslo Vandusan Ian-

thlee Rabnn. 5. Drueslllia Ann Frances lieena Rabun. 6. Lauy Lnclnda Eliza Willie Ann Alice

Rabnn. 7. Roza Ann Archiba Margratc At

son Rnbun. H. HasleOeracla Ann Silvlra Rabun. 9. Anngluetto Sufronlc Martha Ann

Eraatus Rabnn. 10. Eldora Martha Louisa Ann 1'llcher

Rabnn. 11. (The-only son) Pitcher Wicker

Brlnson Franklin Lee Deauregnrd Jackaon Swan Estes Rabun. The youug man had hla name changed so us to read Xstea after aworthy Mayor.

12. Ella Ann Snnsll Verglnla Theodosl* Mllanta Eugenia Gibson llnbun.

Saturday. Fred Douglass, in hi* paper of thl* week,

aaya editorially^ "The conclusion cannot he escaped that there I* a well organised conspir- acy In tin: touth to murder the colored cftiteni there. The new* from Teanoisee, of the •boot- ing or «lxteen negroes in cold blood, i* alarm- ing. ID view of the Impending trouhlca, would It not be welt to call an extra session of Con- grcss and be prepared for the wont ■ Every uaarrcl iwtween a white man and a colored ■nan i* magnified into an outbreak of lbs ne- gr€wa.iol*owed by t£e arming of the wkitaa aad tho lynching of colored men. How long i* this thing to last? *

Justice Morse's Court In Brooklyn was crowd- ed with spectator* aud Journalist* yesterday morning, to hear tho proceeding* In the ca»o of Henry C. Bowen against Deuias Bame* or the Brooklyn "Daily Argua," in a anil ior libel Barnes wa* present In court, accompanied by a few rrlenUi. Ho waived an examination before (ho Justice, and gave ball lo $.vm to stand trial, William A. Brown of No. D3 First nlace. becoming bl* surely.

Tho bid* to mpply registered package envel- opes for the POM Office Department for the your, from Sept. 1, were opened yesterday. Tho bidders were tho Morgan Envelope Com- pany at, George- It. Ray at ffB.07, O. Y Nosbltt & Co. at $8.77 per 100. The Postmaster General awarded tho contract to Neabltt A Co. who are the preset it contractors for ttn-i class or envelope*.

K. W. Curoiningv, who waa proprietor or a a ore In Odd' Block on Hanover »lrcet, Manchester, N. H., and n denier In picture* look an overdose of chloral yesterday afternoon and tiled nt *|x o'clock In the evening. He came recently (roni Worcester. He wo* forty year* of age and leaves a widow.

The following Democratic State llckei tor MiKSouri lias nominated at Jefferson City : For Governor, uaarles II. Hardln; Lieot. Governor Vorman J. Coleman; Secretary of Htatr. M. K. MeOratbj Auditor, Thomas Halladay: Treas- urer, Joseph w. Mercer; Register or Lands, Oscar Kochtruky.

Immigration thus far this year continue* steadily at one-halt" the rate of 1H73, thus fol- lowing tho rule of other yoara of mercantile depression. The law of average Is curious Just about one-half of tho ordinorylmmlgrailon was kept back after iho panics of 1837 and 1«57.

Frank Moulton has formally notified the Beecher Investigating committee (hat bo desire to ho cros* examined by them upon the point of his statement* In the scauual, and especially with reference to the charges of blackmail ■gainst hfmseirand Tilton.

Tho annual reunion or tho Society of the Army and Navy of the Gulf, which wa* ap- pointed to behold lu Hartford, Conn., Wednes- day, Sept. it, has been po*ipoiied until next year, at tho same place, tho dato to be an- nounced hereafter.

Gen. John L. Swift and Capt. W. T. \v. Ball proprietors of tho weekly paper "Alter Dinner," Intend to convert It into a Sunday paper. This will give Button »U Sanday newspaper*.

Tho committee ot Plymouth church mado tholr report upon the charges against its minis- ter last evening, it Is wholly aud even ardent- ly In hi* favor.

Gen. Sheridan lias forbidden excursions of gold acekera to the Black Hills unless author- lied by Congress or the Secretary of the Inte-

Henry C. Ilowcn has brought a second libel (hit for #100,000 ngaiu«t the Brodklyn'-Kaglc

Oold cloaed yc«tcrday at 100).

VBW YOBK, AUUl'ST ssth, 1S71. Corrnjmiukntt e/ the American.

Those who believed that Mr. Strakosoh wa* si log U> gjre u* Italian Opera without a yrlm- IIUHIUI, are doomed to an agreeable ilissiaioint- men t. Mr. gtrakosch 1* too good a raaaarer to

■' aiuinualtloiiolonee; he believas in u" **m tut, and —

i number,

kaHtVBii I broadside up4 Mile. AlUanffnd her wonderful ___ ami hai« Salt proud to think that there „_. of the AmcrhMw ia her for aa to claias her aa our countrywoman. I must confess that when I first heard last Albonl waa ooeaiagovwr 1 Uweahtlt "^herutmbtftil. owlhgtohe7aaa*toda!rweTl aa matnntoatal ingmmmmtU in Loadoa. Sbeha*,*t ear rats, been i3***ad from tho former, U ma the Utter of these engageoicnU, and wo will soon ha*, the pleasure of Judgiag of bar merits r„r «u.,Ml.'r£f- A»"wie»l meed, who has he*id Mile. Albam, tall* me that sho 1* going to take u*

msa -a ■£■.«.««« very handsome woman, with an axneodlugly fair complexion, and light brown hair. Her eyes are larae and of a bluUb gray, and there U an Imle. latfMHf sweet ex pre.nlon about hor mouth. Her feature* arc not particularly small, but t*M* nre delicately cut, ami her whole expression Is mm of refinement uml Intelligence.


Mr.Strako*ch tolls me, and I do not anpposo Sf&Mifia* HI "Pealing it, that he will pav

' ''';; AM?"'*l^"n|S,>Ur. gold. That shows what bo thinks of the new prlma ,1,-nna. ills ex- PMSOS for securing his artists, and IllllU new costumes, Ac, for tho coming season, have so lar been aso.oOU. That is but n smsll part of what lie will have to pay out alter the'wlarle. begin. Mme. PotenUnr, who I* the draiaaUe oopraaeTof the trouif, come* lo us with the endorsement* of the loading Italian theatre*. Mile, llttlbron, the "-'-d soprano of the troupe, I can aeo plainly bv

Photograph lying before mo, I. gorngto wfi great popularity in Otis country. She baa band- some, uwrry eye., and a ■■jl,lly" fcce altogether. Tills, with a vole* ol unusual s weetneas, I* enough lo mako hero favorite. Hiss Annie Louise Can-. I am happy to say, will remain as loading central to of Mr. Htrakosoh's troupe. New tik oouht not ho reronclled to an opera season without M i.s Oary. MM does net, being a coulralto, create

- same furore OH Kflasoa, for Instance, but 1 *» would be much harder to rephu-i

year and the free library and reading room Is open all the year round. To show hnw well these

lithe following I ngnres: :"i>arlng U>o oast year UOJHO ! have vUltsd the reading-room, ol which S,oSe were women. Thl* give* a dully a... age Of LS17. Thu number of books called lor during thts time was 113,0.10, ami or ninga- sleos, HSU0." The library ami read lug-room Is open on Sundays from October to May, c menclng at li a., and closing at 9 r. M. Tho ._- pertinent was mode lost year and proved such a •UOOBH that the Trustee* have concluded '


that the religion,. .... "—" on that day.

STl'DHESrl'MDKIt. There are Are school- In the Union, namely:

The art school tor women. In wbioh Ultra were *'l pupil, ho.! year, sixteen of whom were sent to the Academy of Design, to coanpluta their studies; the school for women In wood engrav- ing, with XU pupil*; School of Telegraphy for

the pupil* In the tlioroufh methodsiii that C«*o> pany. The graduates of this ,-oHonl are given the prefuronco by tho Western l.niou Comuaiiv Photography i« taught lu tho Women'* School, au< ih.i*e who hare l.arncd tho art, havo found that It has paid them wclL

A IITVB Of IMH - n: Y. The Cooper Union is a parfeot hive of Industry

with Urn for bo* ides the school * counectod „„„ tutlon, all branches ol business are carried .... wlthla lu wall*. lathe basement under the oi.

-the hall of the Union, tho lar.

should *hetake II Into her head -.. and leave the stage, lilts Cary has not y.t at- Uluctl the high position she U destined to ' llor wonderful improve men I In volocand breadth Of style, nolle*,! lost year, prove that the wToIng to do even bettor thing* before long. Caprf ibS new tenor, I* m,t only young, out hnnrlwuw. aad hi* manager think* that his voice will plaate the American people bettor lean did Caajpanloi't There was something locking about Campaninr* r.rioe, with all its excellencies, a certain ou* It/ without Which a tenor voice 1* aadlv demclnnt!

Haly am) 8L11

strokosch'* troupe are highly spoken Cf\ I'uenlc, who wou M much prolae last year, will return, and SlgnorMuKlo, Whose name Is a runr- nntou lor the be*t operatic orcheetra to be had,

" The HaUn QMM

llo- riiv, v, on, tho iSih of Sepunnhei ilellborna* VloleUa. in "La '.,»„

role in winch she la sold to be singularly success-

ill'open at the Academv of slush ....,im .iho iSUi or September.with 1

Mario ilellbprna* ftolrtf^ln "La frsvlatn

ful. A LOOK Airi: u>.

Mr. Strajtoseh, of whom it Is aald In the profes- sion, thai he sleep* with hi* eyos oiicii, has al- ready secured a ITOMT donnu [or IH76—0. This ady, if Mr. Strakosch is to he believed, and there

I* «o reason that ho should not be, I* destined to turn the heads of the American people. Maurice Strakosch thinks that he ha. USSimil, ind he writes his brother, the moat enthusiastic nT count, of Mile. A nna de Molucca. Not only doe* •lie sing like a nightingale, but abe 1* the baud- somesl woman on the European store. To see her I. to lose one'* heart, and uThoar tier Is enough to drive one wild with delight. Belo-jca, who Is only twenty-onellirStt^ « mitivu of fit. l'eiorsburg. "-

tire building, iim* gesllnthe elty, which is uaed for lecture, nnd »SM meatlngs of various kind*. Maw aa ex- ciUng »ceno liare there wall* witnessed durlna

as the hall Is, I havo seen it«» crowded SuMuE ng room could not bo had, and the pi-npla havo

boon crowded out by tho hundreds. Tlie first story I* all occupied by store* nnd ofnri lmmon*e china and liardware More runs —_, the building ami hail through tho block. Tho >ow \ork llible and Common Pravcr Hook Soclr ty have a largs store, and Peat ortJce »t*ti.m nir- I* ol-.. In thl- story. The second story, which

i pre iiklir

The two hundred and tixty-seventh anniver- sary of the landing of the Vopham colony at the mouth of the Kennebec, waa celebrated at Fort Popbam on Saturday. Oov. Dlngley 'Jed, and an address was mode by F

iloogb, LL I)., of Now York. Stage communication is now fully restored

between Bethlehem, N. II., and all olher point*. An Immense amount of labor has been per- formed on tbe roads within the last three weeks. The weather Is very One sines tho deluge.

Donaboe, the pedestrian of Springfield, who recently walked 1000 miles In 1000 boars at that place, on Saturday oommonccd an attempt In Manchester, N. II., to walk 1100 miles ia 1100 hoars.

Tbo final sitting of tbe international confer- ence at Brunels occurred on Friday last.

delegate* from Great Britain and Turkey. Moulton'* next statement will he published

within a day or two by the "Graphic." In order to give an effect to tho letters which are contained In It, fac similes will be given.

A demon at ration by armed negroes was threatened near Onnsbatta, La., on Saturday but was prevented by the white*, who arrested the ringleaders ol the movement.

The official canvas* of Ohio shows a majority against minority representation of lHi.WMi, and a majority against Mute aid to railroads of 241,2/"

a Chicago, Chicago*, 4. Base ball: In Ncv

tuais, 4; Atlantic*, 3. Ballimorca, 0.

Hon. Joshua Hurrkk, fonnerlv a member of Congress from Maine, died at Alt,,.I yesterday, igcd H2 years.

Mrs. Beecher wai overcome by the heat and excitement, and fainted at Plymoitlh church lost night.

Hold closed on Saturday at 100],


The officials of the Now York, New Haven and Hartford lUilroad have not only dlicharged engineer llatib, who caused the fatal accident at the Bridgo street rruailng in Hartford, on Wednesday, but have procured a warrant for

* on tbe charge of manslsnghter. Thia though unprecedented, I* applauded

by the public and I* justified by tfae net tfaat Babb, in backing his train upon the crowing while the gate* were open lor carriage* to pas*, violated tho exprca* Instruction* of the railroad company.

Oeorge A. Law, age J IS years, son ot 0. D. iw, of Kast Jaltrey, N. II., was accidentally mi while sporting near Conloocook Park, on

Saturday, about noon, and expired about two lock Sunday morning. The deceased wa* in

company with another boy about his own age, ami the accident occurred while taking bis gun from a boat In which they were crossing to aa H mil in Long Pond.

Tbe North Adam* Chinamen have commenced their band practice again, and every pleasant evening they are induitrlously producing lot* of noise, if not what we would call music, from their queer Initrumcnta. A short time since, kiteflying was their favorite sport, and occu- pied a good deal of tbelr spare time and atten- tion, Now music occupies tticir entire atten- tion.

At the Brighton abattoir, on Saturday, f* wager of 910 was made upon the speed wltb which two pair of butchers could kill and dress for the market a steer. John Fay aad Frank Join - did it In four ami one-half minute*, and Frank Oladu aad James Fcrgerson six minutes,

Joseph Kelley, of Wooniocket, attempted to kill bl* wilo on Monday, by (browing her down a sleep embankment. She received severe and prolislily fatal Injnrlc*. Kelley escaped, but the officer* are after blm.

PrSttM Wheeler, a painter, Tell thirty feet from a ladder, at Nashua, N. II.. yesterday, and received Injuriesotsiut the head from which he Is InsenMble, and which the physician think) will prove fatal.

Tho i.: ■ .■ i Eastern, up to Sunday noon, had

- her Is II lie. dl

£r| mi, run belongs to

usually accomplished, she spaaju fl've "rmsasi and has always been a diligent itudenu Her »J'2'.l,•i".!^,*•"0U^■,,o■ ■niI «"«u"llao that of AoaUSa I *t", whom she also re.cuibo* hi our- -onol appearance. An enthusiastic, biographer in Paris pnU It [ »U Mollbrea. I* Patti, UlsfltSn

Debutant* are scarce In the lecture held. The most Important addition* to the 11*1 are Win. Hcpworlh IHxon and Bayard Taylor, Mr.Dlxoa will sail for New York about Ihe second week in rieptember, and will deliver his flrit lecture, "The New U.irmsii Empire," on Uie *Kh of Octo- ber, In Dr. HepworUi's church. Jle will visit California before his return to England, and I probably lecture In the principal town* along

Carl Sclmra Is in greater demand Uil* year than lie was last He Vglas lecturing at Keokuk, Iowa, un the otb of November, ami lectures every night, until the opening of Congress, on the TtJh ol December. HI* subject Is nol yet announced, but It wlU In all probability he something about Senator Stunner. A son-in-law or Henry Ward Uoooher, the Kov. Henry Hcurllle, will outer up- on the lecture Held this [season. Mr. Sroville Is ■nld to be a man of great ability: he I* the pas- tor of a ehureh In Norwich. N. Y., and Is Chief ot the nre department Of that town. 1'aul It- Du Challlu, who was only before Die public two or three times last year, will return (I'll* year with ' ' new lecture *'Tlio laud of the Midnight Sun."

. Challlu ha* a in ii a. ia mass

this subject, illustrated with several hundred pictures, from photographs tnado bv a photog- rapher, Who accompanied him on hi* travels. Caplalu Tyson, ofthe Ill-fated "I'oUrl.,"will i|i- pcnrln the role of lecturer this roll. HI* subject is "One Hundred Days on au Ine-Ploe." To make hi* lecture more attractive,-he will bar* two Kmiuhnnux in full co.ttime, on the platform with him. I ant told that there is a groat cry for [trot Hiu to tills season, not only Iron thu Kast and West hut f.iom the South. This gifted au- thor ha* completed hi* lecture on "Am or loon Humorists," which he delivered In an incomplete state lout year, and it I* now both ripe ami ready. Apropos of this subject, lu a reoant niter dinner speech hi London, Charles Iteadc sold that Unit Harts was the best writer of Kngilsh tuoaa, liv- ing. This, coming from a man so little given to iimlaoaa the author of "feg WoOngton,'' Is all ;tiu greater compliment.

There are a number of aspirant* to reading honor*, springing up all over Ihe country. Thu advent and Apparent success of Bel lew In 1STS, was the moving rouse ortlit* reading excitement Mr. llclh-w'* case WO* an exceptional one; Ho came to this country with the moil flattering en- dorsements, and then his stage presence, al.o, ros a great help to him. He evidently appiccl- tcd this loiter fact, and did everything to In- reaae II, for he never travelled without a piece

of red velvet, which he buns up behind his read- ing desk to make an elective backgroond fur hi* bciiullliil white hair.

OV IIIII itmn iiurh.

irougn New Jersey diner* from the rest f that road, and railroads in general by running i tlie left hand track. When the road belonged

another Company, It wa* of comparatively llt-

Jorsey division, and a change will bo made very , by which all train, will run on the right

I track. Already the water tanks are being built on that »ldo, but Ihe trains will not com- mence running to the right, until after the trult season, about Urn middle of October. At present there are so many fruit trains passing over tbo rond, aud lying on the awltobos, that it would be running a great ri.k to maku the change vet awhile. It doe* srem a little foolish to the disin- terested punlic thrt thn Company should care lo — "iisueh au enormous expense and so much . _bl«Juslto gratify a wlilm. The conductors are neatly all opposed to it. I heard one say the lUier day thai Iw loosed forward to the change rllh dread, for he knew thai before thing, got lu

running Hiioothly, there would bo many lives lost.

lylh stock. It Is, of course, better to see both track* a* anything wrong on either would be *ure to al- Irael tho engineer, attention. Only B few day* ago an engineer discovered a broken rail on the opposite track from hi*, near Trenton, and had time to atop the approaching train before It reached the place. Tlie officer* of the ro ' that It lathe most

KATTUAI. TIIIXU run TaavaLaas to krep to the right, for they are used to It --roads. Tbo only danger Ihey anticipate I* to

13. Lovle Ann Kstollavlllo IleladonU | -aid oat «7 nautical mile* of the'new cable; Desslonda Lucrecla liorgLa Neol Haban. ' All going on well.

reaohod from tho outaldo by high stone step* un- der a iMJrtloo. I* used jiriucipairy for ohW. Tho hea.l<iuarter* ofthe American Litorery Iluroau are here. The Vienna Kxhlbltlon has th. next Office. Near Iho front entrance is Ihe Intonation al Academy or, Urn attractive feature of which l* an annual trip by tbo das, u, Kurope for (clcntiflc. research. The Colton Denial A-.o elation, celebrated for He administration ol InurU- lng«a>, occupies one of theao offlees, and more tooth are drawn In a day than In any other place in tbe country. Dr. Wood has an oilier right opposite the Colton rooms, where he treat, curvatures of tho spine and similar dlseaao*. The omen of the American Institute and tho flwc denhorg Publication Society are also M this floor

the Union. The third story It used for Ihe Libra- ryend Heading-room, and lhevarlouBctai.*.room* connected will. the. Institute. The enUro third ami fourth stories, the fourth Is not much more than, half a story, are occupied by fhc National Bank Note Company, tt I* I'.otoften thnt.o Zv iudustrleaarocarried on under one root, but In Now iork rant* are so high, in mad localities, that *|«Mh*. to be economised. <TIW Income to the Union from the rent* of these stores and rooms Is about it,';.ft! per annum, which hum 1* used for the support of tho free schools.


Latter From alonadnock.

luloyecs, who are so accustomed Ihe left track that they might not get out of II way of approaching trains. Tho umlei taking I. certainly formidable, a. every switch, frog aud water-tank through Iho flute ha* to be a [tornI, and, lu some Instances, tbe station* themselves

111 have to bo changed. Illl'.llllll Mill".

.lulea Verne's new hook. "A Floating Clly and the lllocaade Ituiincrs," will I* Issneil Uds week by Hcrilmer, Armstrong A Co. The book I* writ- lea In M. Varna's own peculiar aud attractive style, and abounds in effective Illustration*. The second volume of "St. Nicholas" begins with the November number. "Tb* Young Surveyor," is the name of Mr. Trow bridge's new story, which is to run a* a *erial in this mogaslne. The favor- lies, "Jack Hazard" and "Vinnlo" are introduced into this story, which Is pronounced by thuse who have sees) the manuscript, to he the best story thai Mr. Trow bridge bo* written. Ml** Louise M. A I™ it, who also ho* a story in preparation, loi the reader* of "St- Nicholas* writs* from Up in Urn mountains, that she Is bard at work, not-

will be somewhat In the style ot

.Ji . .nil i a UNION. Mo dead man ever had a prouder wclcd to bis memory than that w

uooper has built, while living, for him JUIII tion of Third and Kmnth avi-nuos ami Ihe liowary

la that t building, young men ami ruling smnn m*v get an excellent art ami scientific education Iree of cost. There are upwards or twenty teacher* employed there, be- side* a course of free lector** delivered every Winter, and a well ■elected library or over Slly thousand volumes, open to all. When the self made men ol tins city began life, ibcv had such help as that ugired Ibcm by " Union, llr- ""'

,15V such help as that ugired tbem by the Cooper Union, flow J<-K- men, although they know well how hard it I* to llghl and win tb* Uatile or tile, 'u one lentil of »h*t Mr. Cooper boa done ' lod I The building of the Cooper Union i.i eoM.OOU, lH..|,ks which Mr. Uooper hi lied a large endow uu-nl luml, and I* contUntly iiklng contributions towsrds It* support. Sin ie Union was built, fifteen year* ago, OMn.i

Correspondence c/rn* .Ui-rir-in. I'm i-liitsviu.n, N. H., Aug. isth, 187*.

A* "the Adirondack*" I* not the only place "Ifrs clergymen and otliew seak recreation. I will rail the attention or your readers to Iho Mo nadoouk reglon-a region full of inh-rost to plea*. HJ!0. ■*&■.''•' .Tnl* n*ion embrace, a circuit of about forty m lea In the southwest corner of New lUmpsbirc. Il can be reached most directly ria. lheU.e.hlrc,H It changing ,«r. at Winched den, Mass., Ior Juffrey. or DM i an pass as, leav- ing the car. at William, T, ..y. alnHboro',"„, Keene. Cars also run to Urm-nfleld, N. If., via. Boston, Lowell * Nashua It. K. At Oreonfleld you connect by stage with IVltrboio', Dublin and other town* in that vicinity.

JAU'ati, ---. lies at tho foot of Monadnoek on Ihe south-

erly side, has ample accommodation* ior summer

l5K!lllil,K'tltblfc*nrJlr*8f«TB SfflVii the town. Another favorite hoarding place I. "Tbe Ark,"so called because urits extreme tciigUi andslae. Monadnoek Lake oa the east side ■)' the mountain, in the town of Dublin, is a favorlti summer resort li Is one of the finest {okas hi a region abounding in lakes. Tbo ocenury about It Is picturesque; it* shore* nro line! with trees andgreoaOekls; tlie ground rises gradually for Ihe most part from Ihe shore, although now aud then abruptly, a* ir to prevent monotony. An excellent carriage road -iiinmnd. tlioriniie b.kc, moklngamost Lrruiiiiiil lime ia full view I.I it- calm water*. On tbe west sldo or this lake Is a grove owned by K. Marse, Ksu. Hum yuur cor- respondent mat with a party from Peterboro', N. II., who wore camping out beneath its shade.. Among Ihem wore Ihe ilev. Mr. Juck*on and fam- ily aud Mr. MarysU, principal of tlie I'emrboro' High school. We were informed by tbem tbnt the trout caught here are of a *upcrior oiiallty and very large.

MONAUXOCK nousram Is, of course, the chief centre of Interest lo trav- ellers. Thl* mountain stands alone In all Its bold nes* and grandeur. Uoolugfoally it afford* a grand opportunity lor stmlv. It licars indelible marks ofthe drift period. It* summit I* S.7IS tort above the level or the soa-to reach Which Is the desideratum ol it* visitor*, even when afflicted with rheumatism, spinal diseases, or any of Uiose diseases which one would lie moid, forcibly IT. minded of on their return frum Its summit. The most fro<|ueiit place of ascent is on Iho Jaffrcy side of the mountain, olUiough the Dublin side i. less abrupt Should tlie railroad be extruded

- in Urooii field to Keene Jnffrey may lose the in for whloh she lots so loog con lends-1. Half

,y up the mountain you reach thu Mountain House, at which point you leave your team and proceed aroot fur a tnlloand a i|unrtor. Hut It yon don't think It th« longent mile sml a ouartor you ever walked then your correspondent is a poor Judge of distances. At lost you

net en i in. MM HI i, where you seom to be floating in a *ca uf nxygon,

as you cannot flail along the nlniet* ol our The view hero Is magnlScoiiL On a clear

. yon see lbs lircen and While Mountains stretching away In the distance, while Temple Range, Woohusett, and smaller mountain* are •eeu nearer Monadnoek. On* of our party coiini- eu thirty-two lake* from lu summit. Theso are beautiful, Indeed, as they lie below us, embos- omed auiong tiK-hill*. At tlie Muuntolu House Ihe writer mot with a Ilitl*ric.a party. Ainoug them were Mr. Tucker, principal of tbo llu.n School, tlie Mercys, the -rau.ullh'B and Mr. Fos- ter, whose (See at owco reminded us of his broth- er, Mr. r. A. Fouler. c.horUler of Ihe Parker M. 11. K. church, South Lawrence. Olon Falls, Ir, Marlboro', afforded osonoof our moot pleasant visit*. Accompanied by about twenty-rive friends we spent s Isw hours here viewing this ■rand display of timi's power. Wight's rails, In Potlersrlllfl, offer au Interesting view to the visi- tor. Here is a grand water power not yet railed 1. Infant thl* I* the case along many - In all thl* region, limed Lnku and Har-

rlsvllle I'ond are grand slnuiU of water, oxcollont for lolling or fl*hlng.

A I.IIMI niaiosrrv mar be found at llarrkvlllo—a boy named *

THKKBW VISION IN TH« WJSST.—Within the last two months, a picked expedition of oue thousand men, sent out by tho War Department, hss penetrated into aa al- most unexplored region of tho north- weat, and tho accounts which ronvo from It of the beauty and mineral wealth of the newly discovered lands, read like the sto- ries of I'Uarro or l'onco de Leon. Making dne allowance for the natural enthusiasm of all explorers, and discounting tbe ox- aggcratlon which Invariably attaches to first impreuution.'*, enough remains to leave very little tlonbt that Oen. Coaber and thu United States expedition which he com. mantis, have found among the Hlack mils a wondcrftil country—perhspa, tho very garden spot of the continent. This new land of promise Is situated In tho extreme

south-western corner of Dakota Terrltor)'. Kofcrence to anv map of recent construc- tion, will show that It Is nearly In tbo latitude of Esau* County, and betwoeu the parallels of 103 deg. aud lot dog. West Greenwich longitude. A hundred miles to tho cast Is the great Missouri river, along thu valley of which straggling rprta mark tho outposts of elvlllratlon. A hun- dred miles to the aonth are the famous "Mauvnlsea Tcrrcs," or Uad Lands, avoid- ed alike by frontiersmen, emigrants awl Indians. The IHack Hill country Is liter- ally hidden away In the continent's heart. It Is ultmtet nn unknown land, and has no lonjrso remained for the reason that, by the treaty of 18ii», It was sot apart for the solo nse and ooenpancy ofthe Sioux tribe of Indians, aud tho right of entry was limited to United Htales ofliclals In the porformancu of tbolr dutlct. Bocae time ago, a private expedition from Montana attempted to reach thia region from the we«t, attracted by reports of Its fabulous beauty nnd varied resources. They evaded the vigilance of tho territorial authorities, but did not escapn tho bullets of Betting Hall mid tho Sioux lords of tho locality, and were obliged to retreat with reduced numbers and disappointed hopes. Xow, however, the War Department undertakes tho exploration, and Oen. Custer, with the splendidly equipped Seventh Cavalry, is scut to spy out tho land. As yot, we hare but the ilrsthosty, unsatisfactory report*, written by Custer as he rodo through the country, aud forwarded to Fort Lincoln by an Indian scout. Within the next fortnight the expedition will have returned, ami wo shall know whether the natural advantages or the Hlack Hill country arc so alluring that the Interests or civilization must ne- cessitate thu crowding of the poor Kloux Into newer and more remote n,nartcrs. Tho expedition has becu a peaceful one. It has nought to conciliate tho tribes aloof It- line of march J1yJavUh_a1f^jna.Jkiiul ■nation of the first acoouuts of the fertility and attractiveness, and especially, the inlnerol richness of this region, tho inva- sion will be more fatal to tho peace of tho red mau, than Sheridan's descent upon thu l'icgaus or tho vengeance tipou the Mo- docs. If Ouster's expedition opens to tho white man the knowledge of a region rich- er than any lie ha* yet known, the rod man may as well get back; it is ills destiny, sure and relentless as the be driven from anything or everything which a white man marks for his own, aud. If It la a hard fate, the Justification of It la the old one, that which has done us service for two hundred and fifty yearn or more—that civ- ilization Is better limn barbarism, and that to open a wild region to new uses la no wrong done to human rights.

u, DusiNPjta. —The New York "Times' says there has been a general linprcssiou In comuiereiid circles for (he past two months that a very active revival of trade might bu looked for this fall, aud It regards tho liuprcsslon as well founded. In tho first place during tho past year, there has been a genera), gradual ant] rapid liquida- tion or outstanding private Indebtedness. In fact there baa not been In many years a tlrau when the country was more free from debt and more at liberty to resamo active operations. Under thesu circumstances, trndu must revive, unles there arc special and urgent reasons for Its uot doing

No NIICII reasons are apparent. On the contrary, tho abundance of tho crops ami tbo consequent cheapness ofthe means ol living afford a direct tlmulus to all kinds of business, while

thu plentifuluess of money suppllos the sinews of a general business activity.

IMU) I, rishei Hefore he was a He is 47| lucho* i

In iy in 'Hi- fi, who welgli

..rold be wefgl » high, measures *!

his chest, and IR Inches alruul bl* ankles.

;:;": top I* like that of an elephant. He attend*

-"-- and 1* an averare scholar. Ilariium largo sum fur the use of this boy

three years; but his parenla refuse to allow blm to be aent about the wmld on exhlbiUun.

cntfacugs in thl* region have been greatly blessed with re- vival* the past year. Jdarllmro', 1'ouersvllle, llarrkvlllo, Petorboru', FlUwllllain and Troy having rMielved special blessings. At Trojy Kev. J. 8. Herriek, brother of lira. J. U. 11 erf l.k of Lawrence, ha* served tlie llapllit entire! faith fully for about ten yeara. At l*oUer*vil\ Ibiv. C. Newhall, formerly of Kxeter, N. 11., h Uie faithful pastor of tint llnpttst ehureh, while 'Ik-v. Mr. HolliriHik has led the Congregational church, atllarrisvllle, very successfully fix the past two year*. i;. A. W.

Parma MILL Or BOA TIT as.—Tho Lowell Courier says that Uie manufacturing companies of that city have agreed, after consideration, on a new system of paying tbe wages of all opera- tive* who do not work by lbs piece. It is, In effect, lbs system in operallon In the Pacific and other manufacturing establishment* In this

The iToirWer say* :— Tbe time will Iw reckoned by the hour from

the beginning ol tbo time after tbe next pay- ment, taking tbe present wage* sa a basis o, cal- culation. This will nol, of course, affect tbo wage* of any operative during Keptcmber, but on tbe first of October, when the tea-hour law gee* Into effect, there will bo a reduction in pro- portion to tbo reduction In lime. It Is reported that the con* t It u lion si I ty of the ten bonr law Is

command bl* own lime and labor. i* to some extent continued by the alleged plaints ofsome operative*, who do not relish tbe erospectof having ttielr income curtailed b<

ring denied the right to work eleven hours I they choose to do so. Tbe action above deter mined upon waa agreed to at a meeting of the ■gents ofthe different companies on Wednesday afternoon at tbe office of tho Locka and Canal* Company.

Josephine Mansfield la again before thu public, this time as plaintiff In nn action fur 910,000 against Nathan Applelon. The complaint grows ont or alleged loss by her through the failure of Howies lirolh- ers, of somo 81:I,<SH) which she deposited with them prior to leaving for Kurope be fore the last Slokcs trial. About five weeks after making tbo deposit the firm failed, and she never realised more than £40 of the illinium. The action against Applelon Is for damage sustained through his alleged fhlso representations as to the condition of the Irss.

Mit. AmiutKw JoiiN'siiNhos been politi- cally active «.f late, ami Is aald to have a prospect of re-ap]>carance in the United mates Sena!.-. It Is even stated that ho Inspired the repudiation plank In the Indi- ana democratic platform, besides sboplng the financial programme or the same par- ty In his own Tennessee. It may bu remembered that, while Prcsldeut, Mr. Johnson held tho peculiar theory that bondholders hnd ulreudy recelvud more In Interest than they had Riven for their bonds, antl lliat therefore thcOovcrumcitt need uot worry about thu priuclpal. Whatever may be thought of Johnson by his own party, wc are very sure that the Republicans will huvo no cause of com- plaint Ifbe comes Into tbo Renatu. He would be Invaluable to us about eloctfo time.

•TOMNM Wi \ J iii.a IlKpoitrs.— The ar- rangements made by the United Rtaten Signal Service Dnreau for obtaining mete- orological reports from all parts of the i iiniic Is a matter of no little importance, although, like almost all olher topics, it Is crowded out of prominence In the news by the wearisome scandal at Brooklyn. Hereafter simultaneous observations will be made at all the meteorological stations In Europe, as well as lu this couutry, and the results will be published dally by oar Signal Service Ilureau. This will be of immense service lo commerce and when, after a time, crop statistics ehall bo re- ported in addition lo mcteorotoglcal changes, there will be an end to serious speculation In grain and cotton and to any very wide fluctuation lu prices.

Tin; MOIITAMI v AT KALI, IIIVKB.—It U gratifying to know on the authority or the Stale Board or Health, that the terri- ble scourge of cholera lufautum Is decreaa- Inc- In exceptional localities, however, such as Fall Itiver, the disease Is still raging. N'o leas tbuu forty-four deaths— an extraordinary number—occurred In that city last week, and half of these were from the disease mentioned.


HH l! In ■it



LAWRENCE. MAtti J •■Gaicttc," the moat out-spoken ami wc FRIDAY MOBNINO. SEPTEMBER 4. bc,icvo ouly ortgu»» all-lhe-llme antl- — ■ ■ ■ ' ■' •mrzz=z Botler ncpiililican newspaper in the sixth

LOCAL WBATHBE RKPOBT. district, has a careful review or tUe situs 2 . H ■! at i,i-■ nit The "Gazette" names for the week .o0iosW.dBewUT.8eplcmbcri.tloU « pri-mut- in" |,,,|,.

i AMSeiCAlc. from ouserva- only Gen. C'ogawull anil Willard 1. mu by PBor. LA Ror *"■ Hua as probable candidates In opposition

tbo present member, ntid the t«nor of tordlal union of

other quarters, it in quite likely to become no longer mere drift, but a current whose iweep Is not easily stemmed or overcome; and If these Instance* should win success we may hereafter expect the politi- cians to turn their attention to the cureful study of drift as an element of political power.

prepared for the tiwt. at Andover, claims.

H Thursday,







A r erase, KW


N. K. Fair.

BT° IS. K-Valr.

87° |8.

TV> a. w.

Fair. F«l>.

Total rain full.

TUB ANDEUSON SCUOOL of natural his- BmiiiafniiiiLmi.-lto military of U»ry at Penlkesc Island flourishes not- ,h« cltT ntanti from their annual

Barometer corrected for temperature. Summary for Aufii-I: '

nllMllliiriiajitiriT*'i *"F I. at. A.M. Lowest " W.S3, " i if.X. Average height. «*.««. . „ ,„ „ llliim WiamiaatlTi *'. Aug. Kail r>. *■ Letrest " «'• " a»atf *.n. Average temperature, UU'. .._ , .

Somber or rains. *, number of thunder stm i >; number of calm.-. 7. Tin prevailing """'I bmn loath-weaL Total lain fall, .'-.31 In.' One day ha. been dirndl.-..; '--■. fair, I. e. 1 Hem half obscured, ami 1 entirely ub.rored. rug hat appeared once.



A dispatch from lilsmarck, Dakota, speaking of (Jen. Cu.ter'a expedition, says that ibe ex- plorers are will salaried with ibe prospect, and HI c ready to conduct tin expedition into the new Kl Dorado a* soon as Hit Indian title I* extin- guished, or as soon as they are aatlslied that the Government will not interfere. The Im- pression prevail! that it would be Impossible to prevent parties from occupying the connlry, bo- eause-tbey will seek to enter It from iw-ry quartcr—east, went, and south—a* welt as from (iold In unlimited qoantltiei was discovered at variuus points; also silver and lead, galena, plumbago, mountains ol Iron and Inexhaustible beds of gypsum.

Detailed returns from the State election In Vermont, yesterday, are very meagre, but enough I* known to show that the falling on" of the republican majorities of the last election, two years ago, is very small. The re-election of Judge Poland In the second congressional district Udoubllul; but the republican candi- dates in tbo other two districts are surely elect- ed, Mr. Joyce- In the flrst having received a very largo majority. The republican candidate lor State attorney Is deflated. Voters arc said to have been very refractory and voting irregular- ly, particularly In the second district.

The Attorney-General has derided Hint the proviso In Ibe army appropriation bill of the last session of Congress to the effect that only traveling expenses shall be allowed to any person holding employment or appointment under the United Slates, supcrcedes and cuts on* the allowance or mileage to I'nlted States marshals as provided in the fee bill.

Texan cattle are making things lively near Mlddleboro.' Six of the tieastt are running wild in the woods and highways of Lakcvlile, and a party of men who were pursuing them were pursued in turn, and compelled to take to a tree to nave themselves f animals.

i the Infuriated

The ihciilT of York count; .. _ lag his attention to "Bebmok bear," and the mourners go about the streets. A spec seised In Saco the other day, WHS found ll lain eight per cent, of alcohol.

Society In Great Falls, N. H., Is srandalixcd by the tact that B prominent citizen of that place has tie en sued by a man, whoso affection* hu is said to have alienated. Ten thousand dollars will heal the wounded heart.

Nino thousand boxes of cheese were ottered at Ullcn. N. Y-, yesterday, and 71XMI fold M 1.1 and 19] cents. At Lltilo Kails GOOD boxes were offered and 9000 sold, mainly nt V\\ with two fat lories at 14 cents.

The Rev, L. S, Corn of Fall lliver, has been awarded g,W0 back pension, for Injuries re- ceived from a kick of a mule.atClty Point, Va., while In the national service. Ho also is to re- celve S-W a year permanent pension.

Bush tires are again raging In Ontario, ('ana- da. A lire occurred In Lebanon, Ohio, yester- day, causing a loss of (fJU.OOU. A ijMT.OOO lire occurred In Newark, N. J.

liuseball: In Bridgeport, Conn., yesterday T. H's of Bridgeport,!); Allantice of Brooklyn, I ; at l.'.niM .1. , Ky., Sttitcn Islanders 8, Ea- gles 7; In llarllord, Mutuuls 14, Uuitfords 0.

Bishop Janes, of tint Methodist Episcopal i ■him ti.lm- (teendangerously ill ol ti!» residence in Now York City, tbo past week, but Is now soinew bat easier.

Mi.tilt.'it has gone don n East to commit Ben Butler. Mi- -i..ii II.I nt is nearly ready for pub- lication, but It ts not believed it will contain much that is new.

t, i „ A UASBUM iu»->'« r. brook only ten inches deep. m while HI a At.

Specials itom Washington of ku-Klux outrages in Alal Una nnd Uiulslunu.

The public debt has decreased *i,M*!,ooo during the ] ast month.

The prospects of the cotton crop, South, arc reportcii lets favorable than last year.

Gold openetl and closed at 11)111 yesterday.


A New York Times" special from New Or- leans represents the killing of Deputy-Post- master Twltcbcll, I. N. Cm Issioncr Unwell, Sniicrvi,ui ol' IKTIIT-, Shell! [■:,!- gertun. Justice Willis and Supervisor Holland of Hod River Parish, Louisana, as cold-blooded and treacherous by n bund of White Leaguers. It publishes a dispatch from Oov. Lellnggto Attorney-Gciu-rnl Willlunis, t>f which tbo fol- lowing is tbo material portion: "The parbh iimccrs and others who surrendered to the White League were being taken to Hbrevepurt by a number of while men, nnd while. liny were shot In cold blood, there were fix white Republican*, all but two Northern men, and several colored men murdered In Ihli affair."

Arrangements lut the great temperance rttmi meeting nt Old Orchard are completed, and Ibe meeting will open on Tuesday next at ; p. «., with an adame of welcome by GOT. Dimii-i Aiming tin- speaker! advertised to take pan are Henry Unid Bcei her, John II. (lough, II Boon-, lion. P.ben P, Plllahury and maty oth- ern prominent In tho temoeraui-o cause, Tin ratlroadl Will curry for one fare, and the pro- jectors esnect a very largo gathering.

Goldtnilth Maid sgnln beat tier own n-cord ot Mynlc Park, ycstenlar, making a mile In 'J II. In the IM'Hruce I.uclllo Oolddtist was the winner, and in the 'iM Jamcl Howells. In Iho former SIUU^IIT made a beat In'i.lTJ. It is csUmated that the truttlng was wltuetsud by 12,(100 people.

A rollblou occurred between an an accommodation train on the Shore Line Kail- road, near the Mount Vernon station, yrctcr day, by wblcb Conductor Franklin, the engl n.-cf .ni.i i reman and one paesenger were seri i.n-'h . .in,] two otherpifscngeriless serlouil; injured.

Additional iclunis Irnm the Yennont elu tton (onOiin the Urge republican i iniike it nppcrr that there bus been Judge Poland*! distrltt. The hi

wbclmlngly rcpubll

the article Is to orgi the unllctpatt'd adherents of tlicso gen- tlemen in the effjrt to overthrow u com ttioii uppoticnt. But the urtlcle rrunkly adiulls that tlmre h u strong feelln; the part of Uw original anti-Butler party against uniting upon Gen. Cogswell, who has heretofore been one of the chief ad- herents of the "member from Esses," and that umong these "nothing Is more com- mon than to hear the sentiment expressed that or the two Ihey should give the pre- ] fereneeto Butler." The "Gazette" con- fesses that while not sharing this feeling to any considerable extent "It must he admitted that there Is cause for it, and OMM for which Gen. Cogswell more than any one else is responsible." At the same time the article urges that Gen. Cogswell has of late been only a lukewarm support- r of Oen. Butler, while his convictions

have really been against further support of that leader. Yet the "Gazette" con- siders the posttlou of Gen. C, mainly or wholly sound on the leading questions of the day, aud if elected, especially against Gen. Butler, he would be in oil respects preferable, ndding that this is said "not for the purpose of proving that he would be tbo most desirable man who can bt picked out to succeed Gen. Duller, but simply to show that if the choice Is really to be narrowed down between the two, be Is by far tbo preferable roan, and the one iu whoso favor nil (lucsl'ons of personal preference for other candidates ought cheerfully to give way." Having ad vonccd thus much, the "Gazette"declares Its preference strongly for Mr. Phillip*, although Intimating a doubt whether be Is likely to be. a candidate In what It rath- er gloomily terms "the thankless Job or running a lilt agulnst Gen. Butler." Mr. Phillips antecedents, record and character are warmly eulogized, and prominence given to the fact that ho was one of the

arly and constant opponents of the pres- nt member. Mr. Phillips Is far prefera-

ble, but even that must give way If sue- cesH tflbrdl more of promise with Mr. Cogswell. The nrtlcle concludes with these not very hopeful suggestions i "One thing the public may well feel sure of. The opposition to Gen. Butler lu this dls trtct has not yet reached the point where there Is nothing to do but step In and bear away the prize ugulust Mm. With a thorough uidon on the part of ull who do not want hltn, his defeat would he very possible. With the case cxacllv stands, the prospect of his defeat looks dismal cnongh at best. He cannot be beaten by any triangular light, and ll Is a good deal more than probable that lie will not be by any other that Is likely to occur. We should greatly prefer success with a man who represents the plain, outspoken Idea that Bailer'! offlclsJ career has been demoralizing; but If this cannot be, we are willing to unite upon a man whose public course we feel confident would be eredlUbte, even though ho has given sup- port to n man whose career wo regard a.-i otherwise. If the voters generally will be animated by a similar spirit there will be a fair prospect of beating <>». Butler. Uttt If the adherents or the two competi- tors, us many of them do, persist In de- claring that they would prefer Gen. Butler to the olher competitor, wc rather think their preferences are In a fair way to he grutillcdto that extent." We have heard a prominent opponent ol

Gen. Bullcr, In the sixth district,..assert no consideration would iho Aial-Builer voters support Gen. Cogswell, whom he described as one of llutler's chiefs, aud only routing now because, as admitted by hlmscir.Gcn. Do tier had told him some weeks ago, he might do then Intending to withdraw, anil that if the choice comes between the two, the original Autl-Butler men would prefer the General himself to one of his subalterns. On the other hand, the supporters of Gen. Cogswell point somewhat derisively to the dlsastrctis liana campaign as nn Indict tlon of what results are likely to follow the management of the old chiefs; they claim (hut Oen. Ilutler can enly bo beaten by a diversion of large inombcrs hereto fore his supporters; that, from his long- time antagonism there Is no hope that Mr. Phillips can do this; and they turn to thepaststit'ccs.scs,tlH> repeatedly eviden ccd popularity, and strong personal follow lug already developed by Oen. Cogswell, asprool of their claim lu Ids behalf, —Hie only candidate with ■ shadow of chanci agulnst the sitting member. A consults, tioti of the Phillips men Is soon to beheld

isj.-rity, li nn choice in UhO will I*

I he i ll: . Pe '20,001; (Hugh

The cable txpedlthM mi Ibe ateaoicr Tusc lu.ii, which bus been out on the Paciflc for year to survey a line and make soundings tor c.iblu to .!,■;■ ui. has found a prnctlcublu lit and returned la Baa Francisco. Thegreale di'iitll In the Hue clinmn is live and a t|uat1i miles.

At the meeting oi il.e New Kngland 11 Is tort <J alogieHlSuciilv.vesteriia;-, the Hun. (', I Hell, president ul the New Hampshire It i-t.-t eal Society, rend t. paper on "Kvtdrncef. m Fi vororthe Wheelwright Heed of 1629."

Fieiii-rlek Durkrav «an put in n chain g-mtr iu Nnevltas, Aug. IP, nnd worked wlih li i the ■.'".Hi, when he was shipped to Havana, tic WHS to have been shipped to Spain on I lie 30th nib

There lias IMCD no rain iu the vicinity of El- Paso, Texio>, for a veur, ami a-a rontequenee everything Is scorched and burning up and the eal tie are dying of starvation.

MaJur-fJeneral John G.Foster, well ktmun for bis s.rvicos in the Held, died el Nashua, N. II., at nihlnhjhlol Tuesday, aged fifty years.

Friday. It is stated that one point in Mr Til Ion's

f.iithcoiutng st refutation of ll

im ■■ lioit tbe

Tun COMMON la thought of with affec tlon by every body who has been com pelted to remain In town during the sum- mer. For the majority of our cltiiens, there are no White Mountains, no sum- mering at thu bench, no trip to sea. The t'. ui mi 111 ll the Newport] the Adlrondacks, the Hyc and Hampton, for the many. Its beauties ought not to be debased nor Its power to please stinted by any niggardly band, it Is really, as It has been kept this year, a thing of beauty of which Law- rence may well feel proud, and lu which It may Hml au Inestimable blessing as well as pride. Other and older parks may pro-

more Imposing beauties, but very few can show lu tbe heart of a city, such

combination of smooth, shady paths well kept grass plots, artificial waters and picluresnue prospect. If there are not to bo found there, as yet, the patri- archs of tho grove, such us overshadow

In Ibe older cities or towns, with their massive splendor or foliage, we have many of their descendants putting forth their light, aud glowing with the charm of freshness aud youth. You may go and visit, nt great discomfort and expense the mountains or the great parks of the great cities, and not see a spot more piquant or pleasant, or where art can be made, under able dircriioit, to make nature more beau- tiful titan lu the little Common of sevcu- teeu acres in our city. That the blessing thus conferred by those who reserved the ground and planted the trees, is duly esti- mated, Is shown by the great accession of visitors who avail themselves of It. eminent writer has recently said that It Is the strong tendency of onr times to dltiusc among the many the advantages so long conttned to the few. If this be true, the Common Is eminently adapted to the spirit and circumstances of our times, and, If cared for intelligently, It will each year prove itself a more etHclent lnstru ment In promoting the Improvement of the many. We regret that the music, which formed so attractive a churm of the Common heretofore, hns been silent this year, as we do that any enjoyment or convenience or luxury, like a bathing house by the river or a celebration upon a national holiday, should be disregarded ul together. Hut the Common remains; It cannot be cut down; II will be dllllcult to touch it by political iutrlgues or wheel- wlthln-wheel manoeuvres; its very air is full of peace and freedom from wrangles and strife; and, If nothing else Is done al the public expense for the general public happiness, let us hope that this pleasure- ground may continue to appeal to the care and attention of the authorities that he.

withstanding th» death of Its founder, Agasslz. The applications for admission at tho bcglnniug of the present season, were more- than double tbe number that could be admitted. Aside from the op- portunity for study and recreation, the Island Is delightful as a summer resort. A letter from there states that there has not been a case of sickness umong all the scholars, many of whom went there much worn nnd wearied by sedentary labors. The eagerness with which students and teachers have sought admission, shows

highly the peculiar advantages of the school arc appreciated.

TttK DEATH ofCapt L. A. TitTt, which occurred at Springfield, Mass, on Monday will leave a void In the ranksof the young men In the Western part of the State, who have won political prominence and preferment since the war by energy of character and persotial worth. He was but thirty-eight yearn of age at the time ofh!s death, had been honored with vari- ous positions of political honor In Ilarop- dcu Cuunty, received at one time the Re- publican nomination for Mayor of Sprlng- ili'l.l, and, at the time of his death, was n member of the Republican State Central Committee or Massachusetts, anil one of Its Executive Committee.

COAL.—There Is reason to believe that the coal combluatlon will advance prices In the next sixty days so that quotations will range at least two dollars higher than those of July. At llaverhlll and New bur/part, prices for tho last few wecki have been unusually low, and the bids recently pot In by our Lawrence- dealers In competition for the city contracts wero at unusually low figures. But since the cool corporations own the inluos, rail- roads, canals, steam colliers and most of the coal wharves In all the principal cities, there power to make the coal business pay and regulate prices almost at will cannot be disputed.

THK SKASON.—The ultra fashionable watering places are not doing, It is re- ported, so thriving a business as usual. Deduct what Is proper for a desire to econ- omize on the part of the people, aud it hardly accounts for the fact.because prli arc lower, save In the night of the season, and the summer resorts have not incrcas- ed with tho Increase of population. If the cause Is to be found, as undoubtedly lu a great degree it Is, In a return on the part of the majority to common-scttsc views of what recreation is, what It Is worth and how best to ubtaln It, the Am- erican people are to be congratulated.

Mr. liccrlirr inly " charge preferred ugHlns '"proper

and not adultery. Mr. Til ton suvs he will pill i Mi a fetter from the clerk of the church, setting I'-irth llit charge* [.referred against Mr. Tillou last fall by Mr. Win. F. West, n mi-mlier ol Plymouth Canrcb.

Ju.lge BtSloMsrd, In u bankrupt case, gave a decision, on Wc<lm»<lay, In the tlicet that when the assets it' u bankrupt fail to reach 50 per <enl. ,,f !>.■■ claims proved against tbe estate, be <-auuut Imve a discharge uiiltwi by iho consult <>l tbo majority in number and vului! of his iTeililors, in accordance with the provision ol Hie act of Itt-.s. »fafch Ibe court bold! has not been mndllled by Mbsvaneai legislation.

The assessors uf Poili.iml, Me., hare made their returns |..r tbe year. The valuation lu real estate Istfis,Hl,2o0; personal,gl'J/i»'»,;:«ij Increase the pa<t tear in real estate, ymi.isM, In personal, pS37,0». There are W!(H polls, an increase of 177. Population nt the eiiv, utmut U.OOO; rate of taxation, >■■■". mi yiiHM). '

(lev John S. (ilctiihniiing still fears ihilcnce •tlhe bands of the Indignant populace of Jer-

.*rv City, Alfred It. Pi.tncroy, tbe brother of jar-T Marv I'oimn.y, lift JerseV Cite Milli the

hi. h |i

;i IN-V<1 ii .PHUU-'/I

die Mniyij

I Detroit, hen

I bat reigned tin. posi of Grand Master of Masons In England

nnd will bt- aiuiowited (an Interim) by the Prlmt of Wales.

(ieiillitmn are not all jse.i to participate in , ibe gameot cro.piet in loutrsj Park, New York, m "'" llm

.the park coiuiuissuers so deciding. , fortnight of like apparent lulln'ere

"Dnirr," us an element hi political af- fairs, has never appeared no prominent as during t lie present canvass lu our State-, It has been necessary iu all contests to take into account the so called Hunting vote, the status ami probable Inclination of the not Inconsiderable class who seem to float upon Ihe edges or the con rents of politic*, until, In the llnal rush of the waters, they are caught by tbe more powerful stream and whirled along Us accumulating waves, it tit never before the present baa any canvass among Massa- chusetts republicans prior to the caucuses ami conventions, presented such a specta- cle of absolute and apparently iiurcsistcd drifting; he would have been a bold prophet, who two mouths, ago would have predicted the more than possible nomina- tion of G..V. Talbot, Since, there has been no powerlul wing of the party actively forwarding this cud; no popular excite- iiieiithas Influenced the public mind; the powerful class lit opposition, usually enr- nest nnd energetic, seemed sluggishly In- different, and during all these weeks the current has simply drifted, slowly nt lltsl but with increasing power, towards the se- octlon of Lieut. Oov. Talbotaa the Repub- lican candidate for Hie lirst place upon Ibe ticket. At the outset, there was, to In- sure, a sharp protest iu some quarters, but no concentration Df Influence lu oppo- sition; admitting that a cordial union upon a popular candidate was essential to success, the opponents of Guv. Talbot made only a feeble, rullle oflVtrt, mid wl.h no shade of exertion on Ids part, tbe cam- paign lias been perm it ted quietly, but more and more certainly, to drift Tulbol- wards,'until only uspeedy and earnest up- rising Is likely to disturb its current, or prevent Its becoming the one marked Instance of the power and success ofdrift ,i. political circles.

In this congressional district u simi- lar stale of 'attain largely exists; with the unwelcome ■ nnonncoment of the withdrawal of .)udgcItour,a scoruuriiamcs were suggested forllie succession, no otie heiug soconsulenoauilystrong ns to attract

■ml support: Dr. J. t:. Ay,»r, two years the contest ant with Judge I lour lor tin

position, was In Europe, the guneral Im in being that lie would not make ai

active canvass at this time; but hen again, drift has become conspicuous

\jer bus moved quietly to thu front; there has been little activity and no concentration amoug those opposed to his candidacy,and wlili tt bit of judicious

ilig, the tide has been setting steadily ml if follows another

Tun VKRMONT Ki.Ki,rii>N. —Vermont has been so uniformly and steadily Re- publican, that the worst that the party has to fear there Is a long way otT from any risk or being beaten. The election takes place there to morrow for ineml of Congress, a Governor and other Slate Oillcers and a Legislature which is t choose a Senator in Congress. The Set ator in Congress whose term expires I Marclt next Is Hon. George F. Edmund Chairman of the Judiciary Coinmlttc The Legislature which Is to chooso the new Senator meets on lite first Wedncs day of October. The only feature of the campaign width has excited general pub. lie interest, has been the action or the nominating conventions In the First and Second Congressional Districts. Mr. Luke P. Poland, who is now serving his fourth term as a member or the House from the

Mr. Charles W. Wlllard, now serving bis third term from the Second District, and by general acknowledgment one of the most discreet and upright legislators on either side of the national House, has failed of a reuomlnatlon. He was defeat ed In convention by Col. Charles II. Joyce of Rutland, upon the poor plea that "thre terms was enough for oue muu." Why Mr. Wlllurd should bu dismissed at the end of his third term in obedience to the "rotation" theory, whMc Mr. Pol nnd defiance of the like theory, Is nominated fur Ids fifth term, is one of those thlnj which outside Republicans have not clea ly discovered. Mr, Poland's recortl c his ullllialiotis do uotseetu to entitle him tt> the pre-eminence of favor which his success indicates. The dlsulfeetlon In M Poland's district will doubtless operate to diminish somewhat tho Republican mojorl ty for Congressmen, but lu the State the Democrats have not much prospect of do. lng better than heretofore l.c,—obtaining about a iii tli of all the voles cast.

A P.utiv oy RRFUDIATSON.— It Is a great misfortune that the kitandliigof thu United States bonds in tbe money market of Euro- pe Is incessantly struck nt by our own Cttlaens at home. The Democrats state after state—three states out of four that have met in convention within six weeks—have declared, In some form or other, in favor or partial repudiation, tho liHh of July, the Democratic con tlon of Indiana adopted n resolution In favor of the payment of the Interest on the national bonds iu greenbacks, instead ofgold. The Democrats of Ohio Intro- duced n similar resolution Into their put. form, aud thu Democrats of Missouri did tho saute thing. In these three very Im portant states, then, the Democratic party stands upon record as in favor of a meas- ure which Is universally regarded as om of partial repudiation. This is a prospect it Is needless lu say, sure to bo thought over abroad with alarm and cartel erelse an unfavorable eflheton our national credit. It has been the fortune of the Republican parly to always oppose re pndiatioii, whatever shnpe It has taken big or tittle, principal or Interest, direct or Indirect. In 1808, the Democratic par ty went to the country on this proposition and Wire defeated. Do tint the declara- tions of Democracy In the three states wc have named, Indicate very clearly (hat the policy of the Democratic party, If elevat- ed to power, would lie to stop the pay- ment of interest in gold and Injure the credit of our securities by evasion of our obligations?

Tin: DIRTY STIIKAM—The material for keeping the Brooklyn nuisance under way all winter seems to be abundant Mr. Tillou has begun a suit against Reedier ami Mr. needier threatens a cross-suit against Tlltoii. Moreover, Mr. Tllton propone* to liritii: act ions against several newspapers for libel, while Mr. Henry C. Bowel hau already brought suit against the Brooklyn "Bag!*- for 8100,000, and

Kngie" publishers, In defending them* s, announce their purpose Ui sutniunu

Ileeclier, Til ton and wife, Mouttnn, Wood- hull nnd everybody else interested lu the most remote degree In the case. Capt. C. c. Duncan, who Is announced as "late

j superintendent of Hcccher's Sunday schois!," a)so conies to Ihe surface In 1 letter expressive of sympathy for Moid ton, and, altogether, there HCLU»S U> Ife n< present prospect that the dirty strewn wl'.l run iL/y.

meat at Framlngbam, Saturday evening, ar- riving in tbe dly early hi tbo evening, without accident, in fund apinti, and expressing them- selves that the muster of this year has been the and most enjoy rt.:e of any they have pre- viously attended, llattcry D, Capt. Oio. G Durrell, accompanied by Major Merrill and stair, were the first to arrive, and reached here by special train from Framlngbam about four o'clock, and try ll*.: o'clock the hordes and armament wen unloaded and in readiness for the short parade which had been arranged. Tbo battalion commander and his staff were placed

escort, and, with iho Lawrence Brass Band at tho bead of the column, the line ot march w.i- u:.,:n Utiivn Essex street to Newbury, np Newbury to Summer, tlicnce through Summer, Jackson and Usverhlil streets to the intersec- tion of Lawrence streut, where Mn.iur Merrill and staff wheeled out of line and received tho customary salute from the company, which at once repaired to Its armory and was disulssed; the field and Staff uHlcets rode to their head- quarters and ware dismissed. The parade was gratifying to the large number of people who were on tbe streets, and showed that oar clti- iens have good reason for fetlmg a pride In this arm of their locsl militia.

The Sixth Regiment did not leave the ■ terncld until a later hour, and tbe Held and staff officers, with the Light Inf.iniry and Sher- man Cadets, arrived la thu city by special train a lew minutes pa.-i five, o'clock. At Smith Lawrence tbe City Uuardi of llaverhlll, with the llaverhlll Comet Band, wero dismissed, and embarked on the six o'clock train for home. As soon as their horses could be unloaded Col. lies! and his staff mutinied and were taken in escort by Co'! I and K, and passed through !■'.■ sex &tieet to their headquarters In Baundcm Block. Alter the usual salutei, tho officers dispersed and the two companies proceeded to the residence of Capt. Deary, commander of Co, I. and honored him with a saiate. During

as waa true of the encampment of one year ago, Capt.; Deary has been detained fro/a taking command of his company, by sellout illness. Alter leaving the Captain's residence

ipanlcs repaired to their armories and were dismissed.

The encampment was in all respects ouc of ic most successful ever held by any portli

the militia; the conduct ol the men was except liouably good throughout; a remarkable de- gree or quid and good order prevailing, and tbe drill or various organizations exhibited a moil tallstaclory degree of efficiency, and elici- ted the Wannert commendation from military and other visitors. Tbo railway managers merit tbe thanks of the artillery and Infantry for tbe promptness with which they turned by a pec lid 1 rain a, on Baturday. quite a number of ladles aud gentlemen from our city and vicinity were guests nt the headquar- ters of tbe Kjxth Keglment and Second Artillery Battalion, though the number was far lets than

ild have been had the !..-...■:; nnd ) mlngbam railroads, as their Interests no less than tbe public a:commodalions demanded run special trains from this city to camp.


ii-.i>i\. Y,i.. drunks comprised 111-- .■ 1 in toUl ol llu lm,inc,n 1,,-i.uv li,,., Uij, ln. ln(f. Dm; or tin, pai u„„ living in North Amluvrr, wat dttesaafaed] the. other » water work« hib.ner WMt>cntupr.,r(liiriv .1 -iv- The Moilarly cime was continued until Sutunliif.

SATIHMIAT.—The drunks wen; John lleuley and sl'chac kiugorald, who naJ.l al iin-1; feitr J. .1. llennetl, same iwnaltv: Ann It n-mi, Siiiltv, butn,ittini:>, ,t,v,,l. Win. Wt-li-.l, and *>at <o mm, Dante],,,>,I 1'ati ii I. In u, 11- atiiwake and jWnnwi ii^olml in a row. The n>.-.i two lia,| their car..: cntinucd until Hominy; the other two, ctiinvcl v, nt, erfallns m ili>lurb- 11111 i-, iv.-n- iliM-lru,.-'-.!, ;i . Hie jirou!" tin- in-nlll- eient. Thniiiat Miniaitr. t.n- brealiiiixati-i cuter- lng, was discharged.

MO.II.AY.-A fair amount of bnslaeas »«s 11 »' led in Die uhl j.i .tico -h,.|. llii. iiuniijinc,

'"■'■erynuei-r ci,.,. HUB pre^enu-il, It- unu- lliiu(ll|i.)ii.i prUoncv, I.y icc dint would naturally mutual ii-sault iiu*i> be nd Williiun l.,i|. •Niilt, but only inter ft-mil r fellow who \cerr ll^ht-

uuxd Mn.iicrj lestillu.i that tirinlu uns ot the Mtillint". hut lie w.i, nut believed l,v

court, who called tbe prisOtwr Wali-h tn tile stand to Uglify. MaJ-ir Brown objected to thee Uclien """1 Die Ji"d« -■lisrjti■<[ i.iiittii nnd flneil Walsh •J and costs; tbe affair grewoutnf two "rival wake*," a* law v. r Hurley leiuied li. Mr. John

I'l ■ I' .;: ,■ 1,1!111_ the court, tii air- convict linn. It tween I'airlck t ll-i said bu i.u-i wiUt Walsh mul

In court Dds iiioniiiiit. An attcmui was made lu but It wan tin 311 |iluckc.l Hie u|i

11k- and gave it to the woman, and the old pas cure would tx-nr no more ri.-ciiiblnncu lu the t(nr den llian tbe -our crab which wa* taken would In tbegolden fruit whi.-li tmik ilii'i-yn or the guttle. Eve. The court discoursed un the tin ot rob- bing orchards with evil intent, hut suld Ibe pies- —it eaxc. wn» mil uf that kind, a* tliu iirlsoner In-

orlhloKapi'lnfrom an old , nnd llju LI im, In - of the

HOME UuttSIl'.

—Oyster month. —The law ailo.vs partridge shooting lion hem arc tbe partridges? —Curloita l.c Clert] 11: the tiiy hall

vcning. -1

I W> I sCIlt

TUB OHIO DBMOCUACY gathered ln Convention at Columbus, have adopted with unanimity a platform favoring such

Increase in the circulating medium ns the Interests or tbo country's may require, and denouncing the present i.nnif aa op-

slve. The Michigan republicans 01 the other hand, believe ln the speediest |m--Uili' relutu to specie payments and approve and adopt the principles of finance embodied In the vctoTessngeof^reNlilent Grant. __^_^

Km,; 11.1 M'- QaUMRf WniHUNti.—What polygamy and Mormoulstn and I'tali will do when Brighnm Young dies Is u i|iieKtion we do not pretend to answer. But lirlghiuii la getting to be 11 pretty prophet, having been horn In 1H10. II likely, thcfeioro, to have employment enough during his remaining years for fall golden wedding* will noon begin to come round. These with the divorce MI it Ann Eliza brings against him, will afford ample occupation Tor the evening or his life.

THK XKIV llnin-n FACTOIIIRH At:i'.— at Its bteeenlon to make provi*lon"iV ImprMVlng tbo health of women, young persous aud children employed In manu- factories goes Into effect Jan. 1, 1875, and contains the following regulations 1 In 187'i no child under nine years of ngc Is to be employed, aud after that year uo child under ten, unlcsui be was em- ployed before the commencement of 187il or l«7li. The hours ol labor for children, young |«hutii and women, the latter term meunlng females eighteen vegra old and upward, are Ilxed at from 1; A M-to (i V. M., or from 7 A. M. to 7 1'. M. Where the employment Is between G A -M, and 0 I'. M. It Is not to be contiiiuoua for more than four hours and u half without an Interval of at least half 1111 hour for meal, two hours to be allowed for meal except on Saturduy, and of such time oue hour at the least be-foru three- u' clock.

Un Saturduy, If not lean than one lion Is allowed for meals, the employment, In atty manufacturing1 process Is tint to be af- ter 1 o'clock, or for u»y purpose afterhalf- p.i'-r 1; lfleas than one hour U allowed, then the period to be halT-pant \:i or o'clock. There are regulations where the employment h between 7 A. M. and 7 1' M.. extending thu time In proptirtlon not being Inter than 2 o'clock on Hatnr- day. Regulations are made as to the em ploymcnt of children In morning anil nf- ternonn sets, or for tbe whole day 011 al- ternate days. Tho hours of meals for children, young persons nnd women to be simultaneous, aud employment during meal time lorblddeu. From January, 1*170, n person under 11 U to he conHhJ. ered a child, unless an educational certitl- cate hts been obtained, nnd cblldrenmust annul eltlcli lit schools.

THK HKAVY TAX I'AYKK.S OVLOWBU..— The asaeaaors of Lowell have completed their ulllcial work for this year. The rate oftugatlou Is on S1000. The lar- gest tax h paid by thu Merrimock Manu- lacturlng Company, on SIJIH.VM;!. The largest tax pair), on private property la by tbe trustees or the estate or John .Nu*tii|lh, on r,-ill,t-:!i. The following Is a list or ull besides the above who pay 9100 or over Richard Kltson on 810!J,r>43; W. Iv IM- Ingstoo, $137,t>!lti; trustees or estate of Tin.111:1s Nesmith, 81H:i,:U5; estate i,f E. II. Richmond, « : Kmlly and Kliza- betb Rogers, |1M,888| Mrs. Sydney Spnuhllng, |170,BSfll Jonathan Tyler, gHBII.Hrii; Lowell (iaallght Companv, «'J77,471i Lowell MachineShop,|B75tft»J uTautssU Power Garnpuw. »IW3.827; AD- pletiin Company, 91,OliO,',7H; lloolt Cotton Mills, ■ ■ . 1 -..I llatiilltoit Company, -l tt. ■., . i..n-. nine Company, |3,5Mt- SjT) Lowell Company, 99,010,800) Maa- •acbnsettS CpUop Mills, OS.fttS.Ufi! Mld- dleses Company, s,i01 j.'.'i - Tremont and \itlh, s:.:.;ii;i ;-yi, Beivltlero Wool- en Mllls,*j6S,41S; Rleachery, STii-.Tilii; Hosiery Company, 9178.8101 lloaton ami towel) Railroad, 9189.9971 proprietor* of locks and canals on Merrlmac river, s:',,. ■ 099; Nashua nnd Lowell Ruilroad,81H,"4U; HenryOlnery,9)98,0991 he|rs ofJ-lsherA. *lls :i|7, lluiin. Hi.iMnril, 9100,9001 .lames Meaihiwepoft, 9m,WU; American Belt company, 8)n»,niw; ,f ^ 0. Ayer, 9x99,7081 J. C. Ayer ftCo., 9L'S7,- 88Bj A. L. llrooka A Co , Oiaft.ol.'l; C. Jt. Snytler. 9^0t),ii4^>; Hterling Mills, *is;, ; G. II, WflRnaii, 8l"2V,7)Ji Tappan ttentwortn, 9J1MU) Andrew C Wheel- ock, >-'i '■ ■::..!; two Boston parties, as fol-

1, pay on above 91"0,OO(): J.uthcr t'tiiilkuer & Bon, hH". I".:'., und Royal s.itiiiin 1,k, »«ji;:»,hL'i,

mocitATio CAVCIB.—The political paign was upened |n this p|ty, Wednesdsy, by a democratic caucus for the selection of delegati to the state convention to bo bolden at Worrrs-

,n ii. ■ 'nil in-t. Tho meeting was held lu the baseuient of the city hall, aud waa well at- tended. Mr. H. J. Coucb, chairman ol the city committee called the meeting to order, and Mr. David BeattHl waa cboscn chairman, and Mr. John P. II iward locratary. -\ committee con- sisting or 11. J. Couch, John Mm-risey, \yild mi Malley, Patrick Pord and Jo. Colby wero ap- pointed to retire and present a li-t of delegates for the Worcester Convention, and the follow- ing gentlemen wero presented and assented by tbe r.iueu* —

John K. Tarl>og, 1). flrgwn, S. P. 1). Melvln, H. C. Bacon, II. J. Couch, J. S. Oolby, David BeStaS, Able! Morrison, Martin Q'.Sulli- van, James Murphv, T. V.Tucker, J. M. Home, Proicott, Timothy II M.-y, J. C. San- bom, J. H. Preseott.Tb.otnw Oreen, R- W. Colcord, A. 11. Bresrtter, William Malk-y, John Franco, John Morrlsscy, Patrick Ford, Patrick Murphy. A. 8. Clark, U. C. Beynolds, Duncan Wood, J. F., Shepard, J. T. O'Sulllvan, Slal- Ihew Carney, P. J. Kellcy, Caleb Saundcrs, William Caimon, John paley, Jr.

Tbo delegation were empowered tn 1111 any vacancies that might occur.

The chair then appointed a committee (run: each ward, consisting of Mews. O. T. Kngl iih, Tjihp Oflmnlinll \. II, l)iv*«t„r 11.,„,■,.„ W,m,l. W. H. Bum ham and Patrick plnncen, to re tire and report a Hit of namea for • c|ty com- mittee for tho ensulngycur, aadtho fullotving names were presented and accepted.

At large,—J. 11. Drown. A. It. Browster, II. J. Couch; Ward I—David Beanie, U. 0. Hey. noldi, Jer. Iteardon ; Ward 'J—John Cainphcll, C. T. Emerson, W. II. Bchonland; Ward 3— Alii, l Morrison, James U'Dea, James Watts; Ward i—J. C. Colby, Dtincan Wood. D. F. Dolan; Ward 5-0. J. Tighe, W. II. liurnham, J. H, Stafford; Ward C-Dcnnls Wholly, Pal- rick Dlnnean, J. I). l{ovqrd:

The committee were also empowered tu fill vacancies.

Tttl MAIS 8aws«U— It appears that tbo city Is to have Its main icwor constructed at i less expense than was originally supposed, by his Honor tho Mayor, for a contract has been awarded to Mr. Win. Sullivan to complete tbo work for tho sum of 935.3l6.6u. The hids for Ihe work were pre.ientud on Wednesday, and the contract awarded to-day, It appears that eight ■■-.. il fcno*/n contracting Arms bid fur the job, and tlia) HID bljilK*'- b|d vas aliou 913,000 more than that of Mr. 8u|l[van, and that five or the parties, well known and rcliabli dxed their ngures at uvcr 910,000 BIHITO those of Mr. Sullivan. It la hardly fair to assumi that all these KenllfV-n, in potting in their bids contemplated swindling the city out ut 910,000

norc, bnt If Mr. Sullivan Is to do this im portant work, and i- held to the letter uf ihi contract, ol course our eity will appreciate tho 1H ■iirlit of tin. largo mil .'in InstWSSn his estimate and ibose ol other experienced men. Al all events tbe committee on sewers should require ibe heit or security for the fulfillment of con- tract by ihe contractor. The following are the parties, and thslr prioes, who bid for tbe work i Witt. Sullivan, Lasrence, Wi-j.SlO 00 Kinsman A Tuttlc, Fitchburg, 30.UOU 00 B, Dockliam H tkin, Lawrence, 3'J,000 t)0 Uaeh & Co., Providence, 11. L, -10.7110 00 [•ark ft F.llinwood, Lowell, 47,000 00 Colby, Ti iiuiiiull & Tarbell, Uwrcttcc, 47,63.1 27 1'ivi- &. Kittniljtc, l.fiwcH, 4t),4Q3 61 Proctor t> I.IIMII, Fllehburg, 4H,H00 00

ntkcenlly uliiekvil it wurihlix itpi'l ■ N in ,a.i i,.i. i in.-. Kiul the br ireo bung over thu public street; the defcnilaul* weredise.hark'e.l, nn.uiii" onxlil i'< l«rthelaj.leaM! »l n|>|ilt-»ti-;iliti;{ from Dul.itTa l.anturc. JaiUCs lii'llcy. a Irnii-icnt ,ti tink. nan nllowe.1 on* hour in Iciive town, ami i-.ui i,-k Fuli'V, >sine onenoe, was given Hie bencrti nt in, o|,| ii.ItlluiiM or (our im.ntii- Irina utu.-li lie appealed, and was lie],I mil nil "I "St'Kl lUi.-lic; JJIUI-.I It.iUin.-on, drunk, got |l nn,I i-n«U; William M<-i:urty, idlu .iii-l ,!,■■■,1.1, it-.. -I" .ui-) ,-,, i. nnil Mary tjnrrlty, it much worse, case of iillu nnd illnordurlv, wns let off.

TL'SSUAV-I'dhriilge Kimball, of \orlb Am lo- ir, wua before tin. . nuit this mo; uing lor druuk- uness, ami win M;nt up for ten daya In allow the

liail ruiuloevap.iNitii tioiu hi- Irnnic. Margaret Itremiu, an old ami frci|mmt .hunk, im- jutiii out by tier employer. Kllia l.tnky [dead guilty to stealing elotli from the Kvcrcti Mlll-i and was lined Ihe cusU of pi i> .i.-utlou, ami allowed A few iUy- In the i-Buic. Ifsbe hail plead not gull- ■y she H niil-l prnl,alilj, have bean lii-chuitrd. as IO one ii] i pea red ngaln^ cut up In four in.:.,; !i . if S30 anU setts, Tur keeping a liipi.u n'ui:

WEDMMi.AV.—\orth Amlorcr si-emssu in furnishing in ipiota of erluiimd eases I police coiiit. TO-LIHV another Urutik, strayed Irom that village in tiii-. city, ami WHS lined St nnil costs, but m.t h.iving rctll.-iciit dust lu pay tbo bill, anil being an Anhl Lang Syne of tho city uiarnlial'it, that oillcial hitclinl up thu cull, anil draw Iho ribbon* inr Mr. William Houston's ren Itlenuo at North Amlorer, where tbo good wlf went cheerfully Into the ilepths uf tlio strong box, and rclca-eil her drunken lord. An drew Herbert ami James liolan, two drunks, wero each dneil $1 and CHT.II fur imbibing au in- ferior i|ualliy of the ardent. The court requires lhal a good deal of discretion shall be ur-ed re. gjirdliif |be oualitic-s of liouors bid|ibei|. Jaiutit ■MMIS Is a M|U thai piucurcil arilclos under false prettmsFo, n\v\ hi-can' i. Ill ..H," III> I'm- in lureautiun. Matthew Degnan, Anthony Uunnor, tor illegal keeping, mid John Manning, fur illegal selling, were (SME flncd ill) and Beat*. Uulte an amusing spectacle was presented as Mr. Degiinn ■lepptMl up to (lay the clerk his flue nnd essta- As ha passed iu the uiiuii'j lie a-ke.l the IIIOIIL^I Aretuslfit wuubln'i beJsstasweBUl ileduellbal little bill he owed him. The clerk hiup.lieii.anil in a very CIHIIUMM maniiiT rejilieil thnt ho did not owe Drguan anything, "lint the court does," said Hi a rumseller. "Oh, well," raid Iho elerk, '•I don't know anything about what HH Honor owes you." It liuiilly iraiispircil Hint the court

Indebted In til.- prlBiim-; Inruitm- ■ Ice , in

Uev. William B. Park tns rstumed from ution, ami will meet hi. peOfllfl on t'ri-

dajr evening at ti,, ir church. Mayor Tarbox is occBsioanllv accosted on

tho streets, by strangers, who mistake hint for an l'.piscnpnl elurgyuian. John preaches, but (lisgospcl Is hard pan democracy.

—Mr. A. C. Stone has returned from Ms mouth's vacation In the West, luoklug much refreshed, mid enters upon his lejral duties vitu renewed vigor.

—Tho Committee uf the Orand Army having ■barge Of the arrangements fur iho coining

gr.rii.l fair, meet on Friday evening, and the de- tails arc to bo speedily aunonnced.

The iiillitia nil arrived home in good Hasan Saturday evening, ami without mishap. -

— I he largest Infantry company at the Fiam- iughii titter, wasCoiui'anv I, uf tills city—li'.'

—L'artotu Leelereq, as Mercy Merrl k, in the fiiioous plav of the New Magdalene, will appear bt the City Hall next this evening.

—Charles Tinker, the artilleryman injured at Framing hum, 1, in a fair way to recover. He was able tu walk out on .Saturday morning.

— A pet 1 km In bankruptcy has been filed In Hoi-ton, lids week, again.! Marshal N. CraJfl, of Lawrence, and Joseph J. Moore, uf Tllton, N. II., co-partners.

—The work ol laying the granite on the wei-t side ot the Common i» nearly completed, and edge-stones ore now being laid for tbe utithide wulk, which is tu lie concreted at once.

—Charles Tinker, tbe man who was Injured by being thrown Iron a CHINSMU at Kraming- ham.oii Wednesday, is In imlto n critical 1011-

iplne, it bt feared, is permanently

1 11 ..I...! LL ii M . Tin- meteorological rcc ord of tho month nf August sbowi it Io bo un usual and noteworthy. With the exception ol the year IKHO ll has been tho coldest August in lift; years. In 1830 the latter part ofJuoe, Ju- ly, August and the tlrst half of Sep temltcr were an cold, nun Indian corn did not rl pen In Mas- sachusetts, (tho only year in the fi(ty),butln several other years It was on the 1st of 8<tpt cm-

10 backward It was doubtful if it ripen, but it did, as In rath of these years Hie first half of September was very warm, and in some years (1840, Ac.,) very hot. Tbero was not any rain In the-Jthuuarter of August, so that tbo whole nil of rain in li,,: month was six nnd three- Igbtlis inches, su inch and Utrco-nuartcri more

than usual, and making tbo exeoss In l-'i, i on Sept. 1st, an inch and three-sevenths. The thermometer rose on August 1st to '. 1', nt noun . the highest In Ihe month, and fell on £1.1 and 27th to ..:j; rango 32 degrees. The mean tcm- peraturcuf tbe luurtb fiuarteruf August was only 03.21 degrees, or 4 1 ;-th below tbe average ot Ihi* nnailer iu W years, and as tbe 1st, 2d and 3d ipjarters were all ticlow their average, the mean nf the whole month fBO.llj was 3) degrees below.

! Ill

"KKill.Kli".-'fho Lowell Vox Populi, 11 >.| ciikini: of Coiigrewionnl mutter!',

anys two things may he consblcrttl as air- a,i\ ■•' itieii. ih,. nomination ami clcc. tlon or <ien. Butler In the sixth ami of Dr. J. <'. Ayer In the seventh district.

WILL JLIKJK H«U» IIR l'Kit*VAi».»'t— The Lowell "Courier'' 01 yesterday, usy :

"We are all the more dealruun that the uppeal to Judge Hoar lo return to Con- gresK may succeed because wc huvo HO little fhlih in sufllclont unaiilitilty among Lowell republicans to Insure thu triumph of a candidate Irom this city. (If Die de- ajpblllty of retaining men of Judge II on r'a chara^UTBDfl ability lu (Jongrecs we have often spoken. y» have aa frequently ln times pant expressed 1 In- u,ish thai lanvcll mlgbtones more he the n-^j.l. 1,, -■ uf the repreaeututlve. Hut until we C8|l l,,«: m.i,,... united anil en thus I a* tic for some one of own citizens we must probably allow the prl/e to go clxewherc. And as such men as liiiiitweil anil Hoar represent the dis- trict wc ciunot feel melancholy about It."

The i'all Mujl fja^elte remarks that "the moat atjsolute form of goi-prnment which now exists In Europe la that. uf the !.u:i tlon gas cuuipnnleHL''

Mr. Kills 11, ltolierls, edltorpftheltlca Ifrrtild, who had determined hot to be a aiiiliilair for C'ougrexs ngaln, has con-

sented to run.

un old case, and lie |tmi;;ii; it haul that he should be iv.iulreil lo i-ponj tjl'wIaM the court had been bis dchlnr fm-mmilhs.

KSOSMT P.iTSNTs.—The following pateotl just Issued to inventors in Lawrence, or vicinity arc thus described :— 1.1 l,o:i— llevel AtL-iebnieuts fnr.tus>. OnraS A

tl.-giioii llaverhiir. Filed March t:th, 1HT1.— The bevel 111 in IspivoK-d in the lace uf tho saw blade nlld Is fastened nt any angle, by a ehmplng-nul pu a link, tup- nnd uf i*i,jU| iJ illvoied iu Hie end ufllie bevel arm.

lVt.tC.I-HpinnlngMulos. PeterMelinvcm, North Andover, assignor tuli. I.. l>avH, .1. A. Wilev, .1. U. Stone, li. U. I»nvH, Jus. II. ttteaeaad .). '" Davis, same place. Filed NovemberClh, IftTs.

[■■;.'■■,■: 1 ii .11 Ki, ■ for Dyeing Yarn*, etc. Km, McAllister, Lnwrenee. filed .June psli. ls:i..- Ttievarn |s wrappe.1 ari|iiip| rrinuen lylileli'rcst In hlielyes or projecinuis in phn.-» lu n revolving cage, and which are iireventi-d slippiiig baek- ward or forward and endwise by strips ami Chains respecUyely.

l.rll,(iliJ-|.uhricatingH.-iiriiiKs fur U'pi-ight Shafts. Wilson W-t-'nrey I,owel|, asidgipn- to hiiiiKcll and tleorge W. |(un H, same place, friled July I5th,187i.-siv-,ft„fic- tcm-eutrically.aml oueniiipaBsing ihe lulnilai bearing, Hnnudwcll whtuli revolves wiiti the shall, mid is prnvhled nt tile lop of 11,e vertical rhatt by two setnllulKi bearings, and their hiiriziuititl stippuit plaU-s, having an oil groove at the upper pail, and educts leading dnwn from It la the bore of tho bearing,

l.ll.iasi— l.iHun i'leklug Uui'liuulsin. U. Illehnnl- son, Lowell. FilcdJuiicHnli, lt-;i.—The collar. 3Inch rtovives ibe emi iii tin- |,,) „hall Is provl-

ed with a curved arm, which acts ns a >(np to arrest the backward movement m" the picker •laff.nnd 11 i, made a,l}n.-lahle.m tbotupporlhig lied in which it i ,.,■ 1 .,„ _r.Li, Ml. :■■ - 1 ■ " »'« "I the Mall again.I ga ouu-r und of the gul-ling ^lot Is easily regu-

133,«PI,.-3Splnidt!g alacblae, .!■„ -,,;, «. Stone, North Andover. filed April \i, IfrTtt-Tho bushing, owing to its con,ti i|.iloii with* spher- ii'Hl eiilargetiicnt, may eliangi-Us position with riferciice tu Hie etep socket, so na tn conform With Iho spindle.

-The c-rc.ul. Society known as 1/Union Natlonalo et franoatse, in this city, Is In thri-lng eonditlon. it is to have a 912100 ban- ner, which will be manufactured In Paris.

—The Lawrence Cricket Club will play a match game on their field in South Lawrence, Saturday, Sept -5tb, with tbe lllack Star* of Lowell, gaum to commence at balCpait 12 o clock. A close game may tu- expected.

—There is a decided pressure upon the fair committee nf the Tlrand Army, to Inatltutu a "lathy show," during tnc coming lair; these exblbi'lons h.i*e pnived iniiucnsi-ly popular In other cities, attracting great crowds of vlsitiiM.

—The Lawrence Light Infantry have fixed upon the 251h Inrt. for their annual target practice and hall. The present excellent con- dition of the company will make the event un- usually interesting. The Orand Army parade for Essex County occurs the tame day at Glou- cester.

—Now, gentlemen, walk up and settle Jfi taxes. Tho Assessors began their aiiniiali trunnion ot tax hills on Mondav. Nr. Ahlmlt A. Poor, sun uf tin- w..rlby l-.dwiird, i. ait, ml

lo ward two, and Oen. Merrill Is walking the course in ward three.

Mr. Simpson, of tho firm Of Simp Oswald, dry goods dealers, has returned from Europe, arriving In Lawrence un Monday. ' may now look lor a flue dl.-play of dry goodi

—On Friday, at Manchester, tbo 2:29 trol- ling race was Lolly contested liy Frunk Pal- mer, Joe Riplcy and Rattler. Palmer wun the nice, and Joe Itlpiey won a heat in 2 i3l, Tbe Mirror says Palmer trotted iu the third heat down tu 2:23, hut the judges failed to keep the time, and it was not declared : a ven slucular circumstance, by the way,

—The field am! siatf or the Artillery Battalion _ere under apvcfiil nlili^ailims during tbo en- campment, to Mrs. H. A.and the MlssL-n Kemp- ton, torinerly of this rltv, but now residing iilioiit mm mile irom tiie camp ground, for a profusion of elegant iMiuqucts.

—The thirty new teats purchased fur the Common, have arrive I and aro being dbtr;- bntetl. fhey aro of a very neat, gmi-eiul and eownrtablepattern, made pfvoodlbill with cast Iron standards, (lie lutek and seat curving so aa to make them as easy ns a cushioned seat. Tec cost of them was fj'o each.

—John Oranatn, of this cltv, continues invln- elblo as n short tlbmnrv runiier. On Suturday, be engaged in a race of 100 yards at Danvcrs Hiding Park, with Oauge 0. Jeltrev, ol Pea- body. Urabam made the distance in eleven second.-, coming in under the wire turds ahead nf Jeffrey. Ihn hitler's time was eleven seconds nnd a ||aif.

—The schools of the city will begin tint full term next week, mid several changes in teach- ers will take place, the principal one being that of the Oliver Onunmar School, where Mr. Warren will nsumuo charge. The only change in school books will be fa discontinuance of the Worcester Spelling Uook. in place „f which the text iKHiks will be used.

—Mr. George N. Dow, Tor several veurs con- nected with the meat and provision market of Oeo. K. Shetler, has Jell the city lor Nasbvjlic, where ho will resume his old position tt! Con- ductor unou one of Ihi! principal lines Mr rail- road loading rroin that city. Mr. Dow was a prominent Odd Fellow, and bis active Intersil In tho order will l„- missed by his comrades.

—Rev. A. L. Hoitgblnn, poHor or the P»„ Baptist church, returned to-day from his vaca- 11 ,-, m r.i .... . .....1 1... . ■■ _ .._ . .. . -


EddOX i.;<mi it v-

Tiie fall term of tho .Slate normal school nt 8a. leni began on Tuesday. Seventy-seven appli- cants appeared Tor elimination. SlXtytwe wero s'dpUitcd. Beyers) of the others will have their uascs further exasalMd. PrelSssor Ilnnar. tho principal of the school, thinks |h«r|asa or ujis fall will bo the I irgo-t over ui|turci|,

The Manning scboid opened at Ipawieh on Monday morning, under Mr. Martin 11. Fink, principal. The school Bommlttee nnd trusbwa of) lliu rund were pi esent. There were 120 pupils in attendance and it It expect,it this number wl| bo Increased to 15U,

The Sovereigns of Industry oi Xewhurypoit hi,I a lot of flour conic from Chicago on Monday, costing the members three dollars n barrel loss tfianthpy could get il Ihmugh the regular cbaii- i.i i- u( trade, they say.

4 company has gone Info operation at RyflebJ for grinding up old kntlier c||lp* nni] ci,|,,ei tini; them Into a kind or artificial leather, which. It claimed lo he superior Im many purposes lo (U genuine hide. The miielilueiy i, essciillallj- the samo as that oi a pap r Still This eonipiiny has a contract t., rurnish one coneei n a ton a day.

A telegrtun from New York on Monday an niiini,-i..| tho sudden death there of Lieut. Freder- ick Miller, formerly of Salem.

Tho llavevbill Base Hall Club now oi tho base ball elinmpliins of the norths* the county. How £|ub?

Key. II. II. HiHmmls, of Ki the call rit'enjly lendcred I: •hot this citv.

.awicni c lligli Sell

isbn.WiH.doelin hytfwflrsl ri

i'"> 0,1 n< 11 \n ent. Rurkel, Iticbnrd snn,Chandter,Tighe,9coltani| Scponland. li I or former meeting read and approrei). I'tipers tb« other I....11I adopted li) cunegrrogce. ( .urn- down, noljco Of nnnronegrrencn ig the order providing Inr a eugitgitt«e olronfercimc on tho pureliuso of lialu's Hill. Pstlllou itf H. latft anilll. L'ary for compensation for damages csusml by ovcrSuw of sewer, rororrod to cvinuilltuo on claims. An order wi|i introduced nnd ndoptwl. Instructing Iho Major to apply to tbo legislature for permission lo chango tho course of Spleket river. On motion nf Mr. Noonnn the Council voted to milieu- lu its former action In regard lo Ihe purchase or Oak's Hid. HoUesof appoiut- 11,1 1,; ,,i John Levy as a public, weigher, was ro ceited and e,^^ur;ej ,n- , —->«sMS>-e.

—Mitt J, nun- K. Beh), who has oeeu Ungor, lng with tomuuiption Tor many months, died early lids (coining, and will lie burled Sunday

afternoon. Funcial tcrvlcti at the bouse at

1 o'clock. -T-Haldwln, ti., jinilhr, Las accepted au in-

vitation Irun pnspf tbo Jolly good fellows of the Boston A Maine load to witness a diving feat from the tndoftbs B. A M. railroad wharf

in Portland.

Mldtlleaov County. Lowr.i i~

The Miildlesox county c.puinissiuiiers gave a hearing here on Tuesday, on lliu claim fur dam- ages DHUfs aSBlnot the oily byttji, local ii|.tniifnc Uiries on aueawM hTlho i]lver*!on ol the water from tho 11 err I lime k river for i'|oines(ic gaf, |t was iigreeilllml Ihe award of tbn commissioners. should not be llnal, but n preliminary step lo Ink, lug the ease Into the siipruiue com l. Arguments were then made on both sides, when Hie ilefeiicc set up the Ingenious plea lluitna wuter is taken from the river. The facts arc that the water Is not at any point taken directly from the riv Btpea or other moans, but a filter gallery parallel with the liver bed soino distance from u. Tnis argnowMl >ras ualookad-lur by tbn prosceiilion, nnd nt Ibeir rei|HSli by Ihe consenl Of ll,,' opposing ooituscl, tho bearing w Joamsd for two weeks at thu same place.

Manulactiiring prospects arc Iboiight brightening gp. Many of Ihe eorpnialions that

1 time past havuheeu Htorlngall it,..;- ■■•■' Ihey have manufactured, are now disposing 0

in they ran pr. 1 .litre. Many of ilic nlorc liowerer, are yet nearly nut, nnd

tiei-.i ,pdte a brisk,- lo exhaust thorn.

ty, a Lowell buy, named Murtagli, was told by his companion to I •:■ his ljiigeron nchiip- 1'i.ig black, la tba cellar, where ihey wero at Uiu time, and he woufi] cut It olT for blm. Not Ihtuk- hig Ibe otlier lad wouhl intji. | ;n;> injury up- - hltn, Hurtng'i spor:ivcly placed bis linger as rctfiienkd. Tbe next mopirnt Ids "ng«r was broken by U10 otlier lad striking It with thu axe, ami S)USle D|k-.| "I" air until n pliyslcinn asfpu* lakii the l>ro(cen digit,

Tho I'Cogricr" says; it is nai|er*4rto4 Hfal John MoCmm has been offered SkKW Mr his Qgre Nel.. lie, fur Whicll Iw paid |a:» a yen,- or (wo s|nee, 3bo bus trotted in lest ihun |.f0 on i:,,- f.,11 (■rounds,

A natonvai mado aa Mooday for a tret ou (he Fair Grounds, mile bents, best throe In live, with, in three weeks for ftMQ a side, mid a Turfed of »jo was placed io Ihe hands of Mr. John Lenuou. The horses nru owned in this city amlTewkshurj'.

John Klliolt. of I.nwill, who Knew a large 1,ul, her knife nt a boy named IJUKHI, on Saturday al the camp gloom), was bnaigbt tsrlura .Justice *'■ ;ik,iie|,| .-.1 - ■■ In.iini.iliM... pleaded guilty, ittd Uflliieltl In e:sO fuMrlal.

TJlo Nashua "Tclegra|di'r says [im,"iljero is a uung miss residing with hei patents oh Canal

sUeeLorlu thai vicinity, who, Fit her joulh was tciiihly ,1 iihl. <I in Hie lace, whereby her appear,

iwful Hi beholders. Ve.teiday thu nu- ll too-licit 1,In 11 upi, 1,,,|1U ,11 two ladies

falnteil. Wc 11 .ieininud Hint tin- family Inrmerly ie.-li|eil in I.osvrll. ami that Ihe auttmrilies would not allow Uie girl i» appear In public. The au. thorillcH of Nnsbiia, '"i the pi uiectioti nf tbe peo- pie, .■ 1 n in,' do less than make tho same order."

vco ut tbo vestries. The reverend'gentleman sill occupy tho desk iic)(t Sabbath, and preach- ing service will hu ludd at halhpaat ten o'clock as formerly.

—The rtucBtlun as to the right of l.owe.11 to take water iVom th.c &Urrl!Haek river was ur- gued lieforc the hoard of cotimy commissioners on Tuesday, when the c|ty eluiincd [hat tliey did not intoilcrc with the rlvcrrtgbt of anyone SI their water was not taken from tbo river, but from a tittering gallery distance from tho river. Iho hearing was adjourned 1 weeks,

—Tho statement that FatherCasgrnin.Frcnch priest or llaverhlll, had been appointed Bishop uf the trench Catholic churches or Lawrence and Hiiverhlll, U incorrect, lie hat been au. pointed to atUnd tho two French Cathotjc churches or l.iv.,, ,.,-, BIU| Haverliiil. -Uer

Father Michaud, pastor of tbo Prencfa rathollr nhurch going to plurtipe.

—Wc have it on Up. gUlllQrity uf the beat posted man in Use eliy, that there is not n single establishment devokd to the sale nf Honor* and cigars kept by nn Auierlcan, in this city. Hero's 11 imwcrful ttrgiimtnl iu favor of the prohibitory law j all American; ami all respectable foreign- ers refuse to make ilulr living exclusively t.y

tola "r,k'lt: * U "md>: "nl'<,l'u,rtr

—Mr. W. P. A. lirowcr and two passed Lawrence In Huh Hoy canoes on Friday /.'.' '''J r?",l) !r,".n. L"hc Wlnnlplaeogee, by way

Of the Lake, tbe Merrlmack and Ibe son coast to Boston. They reached Qroveland on Friday night were given a lunch (here by clilsem In- tercsletl fu theil advei|luioi|s trip, mid, atah.mi seven l» the evening. ivMiiucd tl(e|r sumewbat baaarduus voyage In their tiny, cockleshell '|*j arrival in Uoiloti Is not yet chronl-

—During the month ot August, the Letter Carriers in tills city, delivered .'i7,'J<J8 letters re- ceived from other offices, :U47 drop letters, (1739 postal cards and li.lxi newspapers; during tbe same time they collected from the street boxes <!ll,!H3 ldters, 300,5 ,K,SUIIS, and M72 papers making a total of 182,7-57 pieces of mall matte' bandied during the month, an average or7IV9 letters, papers orcardt fur each working day.

-Col. Benl U now playing a lono band at li- quor tel.lng but be still keeps the hosinct good. On V> edncsduy be pnt through three par- ties. John Manning. Anthony Conner and Mat- thew pegnan. each ol whum wero induced to conlnbote IU Ud coals o( prosecution towards increasing the husinels of Wbolesala dealers in Ihe ardent. Isn't it funny that only tho retail- era aro out In this matter ? Tbe Stalo Consta- bles nre the best friends the wholesale dealers have.

The )■: i-'i in rnllroad are indirectly cut olf from their freight buildings tu this city, by the limn.un,n of their contract to run their cars over Un Boston & Maine tracks. The Boston If Maine company t|'>W tend nn cug|no and conductor to the terminus or ihe fc]u»u;rn roul at North Andover, and draw thejr train Into iho city. Some new arrangement Mil donbiles* won IK made, uml ii Js under consideration by the Kaslcrn management to build a line of their own totbit city.

—Miss Carlolla La Clercq, the diMinguislicd aetn'ss appears this evening at eity hall as Mercy Mcrrlek iu the New Magdalen inn- ported by a llrst class company, among the rest that universal favorite who play oil so long at tbe Boston Theatre, li u hue I Noah. Our citlieiis will do well to uttend this evening to show their appreciation of good acting and we have no doubt the hall win be lllled by our citizen* who know Ihe reputation of Mint Lg. clerci|. Heats arc telling at Htratton's,

-The many people of this vicinity who con- ■ earth [bar

btpf repairing the Brood nay Bridge o reach' a mm wlifch wpjitd go lar Iding a new one. The first Idea wai

ttlbutcd towards tho Mill River relief fund will In' glad to know that ample means aro In tho hand! of tbo committee. The general relief committee of tbe MI'I Uiv, r disaster met at Northampton on Tuctdky lo dose up their ac- counts, ns their tervlrci are no longer required. Treasurer Kodinan bos nearly Vlu.lXH) of the rebel fund still In his bnndv, but it is proposed to give nn further pecuniary assistance until winter, as all the sliirercrt troiu the flood nre al least temporarily provided for.

■Tt|0 cost pf promises lores toward building to rc-plank tbe bridge ai a cost uf 81,600to *£,- 000.. Whin tbo olif planks were fallen up it was discovered that one ot iho chords was rot- ten apd i 1,1 need to l« replaced. Further examination showed that tjiero were three chords which 11 n/ai thought ■«|aaofi to re- place. Tbe wbo|e amount or bi|ls thus far paid on sceonutof tho "repairs" is MjJOO and the rnVwa^*'""' <;*'M!,""1 tn lbe en(l m'T wsali

—Summer bus taken Its deparluic, and now comes the season ol harvest, nusking bees, and poeilenl eltiisions alioiii licnutliiil autumn leaves golden grain, etc. The summer monlbi have been dellgbtful, and there has been an almost entire absence of oppressive or tultry weather, though at limit it has been rather too cool mr tbo season, and wc have wltntsscd tbe unusual spectacle of frost in August. Ibe sdvmt of autumn Is hailed with a peireet day, tbo sky cloudlets, tho atmosphere clear and refreshing, thu temperature at 71 degrees. The season hat been an unutnully good one for rurmers and gardeners, whoso only tears arc now centered In iho, , ■■ of early ami heavy frosts. ■•

Professor Oscar Faulhnlier, who was last year the inntructor In Herman in our High School, has resigned Iho Inslruciorsbip In the tame language which he has held at Phillips

ny. Andover, to accept n regularly cala- -in m M I'mi.'-.cir 1 t thu Herman Lan- mil Llliraiu C . : i-i>',Ksc- ' IL.t-ndere.i Un by Mr. 1'erklns. Mr [ her will eenthwe .-• instructor In Urad- laleinv, the H.n. r!.. I lli.'h s hi'ol, und to, have the fJerasaa rlarses in the Rob- Female Serab rj . 1 .. While

1 hns a rccu.-n!.:-'! p-i-lili.ti iu the curri- culum of our High ^ .nn.:, Utrman Pi left for the post-graduates The airman clement in Lawrence seem to bo strong enough to secure

recognition of lit.' claims of ihe tiermnn totiguo and the rjerman literataic In the regular

" 'hoot study. As tho langnnge of the dominant natinnality of Bnrope and the foreign tongae most widely spoken in our own country, it mav (airly etatni a practical vai:ie equal to that of Homeric Greek or Ho.-niian Latin,

—There wns n tough struggle at Manchester, Friday, between Frank Palmer uud Joe Riplcy, Ihe former driven by DuMln and the latter by C, E. Uosher, of this city, for first money "in the race for hursts that have never beaten 2.80. Palmer won ihe ilr-t, second mul fourth beat-', and Joe Riplcy Ihe third. In the pools Hauler was llrst choke and Palmer second; Joe Kiplev sold In Ihe Held. The lime of the beats was 2 30,2.31,2.31,2.314 Dublin bus good luck in not spoiling Palmer's 2.3U record. There Is a good deal in always know- ing who holds tbe watches.

—The "Ori-nl i'.astein Circus and Menagerie" proved to be a pn-itv ihln uifilr, and was un- misidkably the worst of the poor 1 In-usc" which have vi-ited the idly llii* season J CM yet FU extensively and will alvcitised was it, that Ihe largest nuliunce 1 f Ibe M'IISOII was present Imil, nliemoou and evtning. Ibe Brest tent wit! dinsely packed In tho evening. The street parade was a shabby all'-ilr, and was helped out by siMccn horses fiom Spnnlding's stable, and several from other stables, while driven were procured trtn this cltv. Tbe slum went to Lynn on in .'day by tbo Kastcrn railroad.

—A lodge of Orangemen was organised In this tiiy 00 Wednesday last. The loilouiiig grand ulll.'cr.i wti'e present lo -induct tho in- stallation: Unhurt 0. Knox, Honorable Orand Secretary and SL'iiior Orand Mas er ; William Haniinh, Worshlplul Master; llarvi-y Booth- inan, firiind Tvler. The niiniber of the Law- rence I^nlgc is 1'K. The ufllsera are as fol-

wni, 11. ttankln, W. H.| David 11. Beatty, 1). M.; John DeRlnav, Rcc.; Jcn-rph Ofbsoti, Trias.; Hubert Wilnon, ChapUln. Tbo [.'.■!::•■ will meet next Monday night ui Temple of Honor hall, corner ol Liiwrcncc and Hsscx strctts, at 8 o'clock.

—Josh Hart's variety show held forth at Ihe ■liy hall Wednesday evening, to a cruwdeu house, iho m-tlpta footing up about 9CO0. Very many better variety shows have visited our city, but as this is the first of the season, it may pass for ti'iair" show. Hart ami Harrigan created much amusement, nnd most of their jokes were new, tut ihe character sketches were rather overdrawn, and the closing piece

ulgar, without point. Billy Carter and hit Iwnjo were repeatedly called hetore tho audience, and the famed banjolsi cut

cry clean Jokes and puns. The Foy ters were leading features, and their character tonga were sprightly und pleasing, Miss F.ngc] lias a magalBeent wardrobe, mid makes up well for the stage, hut a t.rin at singing school, with n box of troches to clear her throat, would li prove her singing Altogether the ibow « n.ultc passable.

—There was a hit of a row at the Manch es- ter rates, on Thur-ilnv, over (he driving of John Farrsll'l John. The rare was ror U0 hornet, and there were six starters, among tiu-m High- land Gray, tho Vermont stall Ion which won ii, ■ :; ■ i minute race, on Tuctday, in which John came o|f second. The race was for a l-ii.'-e i,fj>",lMlj #230io llrst 1 8150j 850; 940. Highland Uray sold favorite in the pools, with John second choice. Only two beats were trotted, tjolh ol which wire won by Highland Gray, the first in 2.10 and the second in 2.38. At the conclusion of the second heat, Dclancy thc lessee of the truck, went into the stand and declared John liistancd fur being pull d, and nil pools and licts olf. This created a good deal of dissatisfaction and angry talk. Thu judges, however, More leaving the stsnd, re- versed tbo decision distancing John, aud : e- clorlng It no heat, ami calling the horses to tbe nre with a new driver U-hind John. —II tbo reports or ihe Boston "Journal" can

be relied upon, no regiment lu tin- First Hrljii (.; now 111 camp, reports us many men as did tbe Sixth Heglnicnl of Iho rJccuud Brigade, lust week. According to that piper tbe fullest reg- iment is the Third, with shssn companies,

liosu reports show Ihe presence nf but Mi Ulcer* and men, while the Sixth, with only ten

companies, showed oflg oillcers nnd men. 'The "Herald" reporter, wiib hi* usual favor towards tbo First Brigade, reports thu Third Regiment - - I,HI.11 at < -.1 1 IMIVI- and men, hut tbe

rnslV figures, taken In detail from com- pany reports, an- prohably correct. The Third Hegimeut averages forty-seven men to a com puny, while lliu Sixth Regiment averaged llftv three men to a company. Ot the two brigades, Co. E, Oth Itegt., Marlboro, ("apt. Whitney. U the "banner' company, It In lng iho onlv out: to go to camp with the lull complement ol sixty, four olllccrt and men.

—It's of no use; nverugo b 11 inanity can't lit -. ii-i ■■i. Mayur Tnrbox hat done more for ou beautiful common Hum any previous mayor Within a tew days lie lias caused a mnnlier o tuseful, comfortable anil durable Iron and wooi settees to bu placed along the different avenues, and In order to make ihem more coovenk-nt ttlll, ho hut cansetl them to lie I eft In a porlabli condition, and ptirtlei can convey them 1.1 e it lit. tide nt the paths, as Iho simile irom tbo trees may rCQUlre, But he has now di-termlued to saatou 11,.-.,1 down In one poHllon, so lhat thev cannot Iw rcrnovod. The privilege lias already Iwcnabnued, nnd (hesp tine resting places have not only hern dragged aboot unnecessarily anil wantonly, hut some rascals have taken opper tunity 10 try their p'ickit-knives upon tbo wood work, nnd have gone so far ns to break lr

iron work. That there Is no decency iu large portion of people must lu admitted, ur It would lie well lor every wi 11 disposed clllien to constitute htiusetr a special commilti look alter thetc settees on the common s ever he passes lhat way, and il nnv one ts found mutilating or defacing Ihe ellv's propctty to nt once report such persons to the staiton honso.

—The decision of O. M. Delaucy, at Ihe Man- chester Rlilinii Park, on Thursday, declaring John Farrell's "John" distanced for foul driv- lng, is tald lo be a lucky ono for several Law- rence parties, nln had iiiv.stcd heavily oil their bontfl horse, ]>el.uiev insisted that the bors, had been pulletl and declared all bets nnd pooh oil. The judges wire not disposed, Bt first, to assent to lh|s, nnd did nut endorse pelanci announcement. Ilulr decision was, that the third beat, In which IK-luncy claimed "John' was pulled, shnuld IK; called 110 hciit, thatnncv. diivcr should be put in, nnd another boat troticd. Kilbcr the new driver wns not a plea- sant thing for Johnnie Farrcll lo contemplate, or else "John" waa renlly used up—any- the ljiwrcnce gelding, after examination pronounced ut icily exhausted liy his rlfurliand unable to start for another heat. So John gut no money out if the rare, the Ijiwrcnce parties were saved Ihe money ihey had staked ipiHe freely, and John Farrcll continues happy in the thought that Ida hone can po In 2.11 or 2 32 nnd lhat by jockeying he hut saved getting n record lower than 2.1<). It will Is: a rattling race wbepcvtr Farrcll sees monc enough in premiums or Hie pool box to sent) "John" 1 lung fur ull he inngo.

—Tho Lawrence Journal of last neck is out thus enrly with n derided expression of hi views regarding the municipal machine and the next municipal election. Of tbe two political panics tbo Jniirn/tt says:—

They are Iwitb equally to blame Tor the dis ordered condition of the city's affairs and th glaring incompetence which distinguishes n many of the city's "improvement!." For these and other reasons well understood liy the peo- ple, the people will decline In December lo at- tend party roll-cull, and look out for men to rm tho municipal machine who arc not unly exper- ienced In Iho labors required of them, but, like honorable men, will peitorm their work ly, faithfully and wlihout defying or intuiting thote to whoui ihey owe their powers.

Tbo Janrnal't advice to foreign-born cliUcnt, is this:—

Let the fort ign-bom citizen* of Lawrence— thu balancing power between thece defaulting parlies—assist the blends of pure nnd compe- tent govcrnnieiit-lo set them both aside, to se- lect the best men tor the tatter placet—irrespec- tive of their party proclivities, and lliu Interests of tho city will not present next year tbe tpec- UCleot material neglect nnd blundering, and social dissension mid dissatisfaction which havo been tbe city'a experience for several years In tho past.

—The Lowell Mechanic Phalanx, Uo. V, Oih I'egimeul, arc arranging on excursion to Bos- ton, Providence- and Marllairo, which will be among tho brilliant features 01 ibe military events of the season. 'I he excursion will cover three days, beginning tbo llliecnib Intdant. Tho company, with a large stair of prominent gentlemen ot Jajwcll, ami oftkim ol tbo Divi ■ton and Brigade, will leave Lowell Tuesday morning, und on their arrival ln Boston bo re- ceived by the Botlon City Guards, and Stale anil city olllelals. Dinner will lie served at the united Stales Hotel, nnd tho nlUrnoon will be devoted tu a pleasure trip down tho harh liter which a banquet will bo served, and then he Fbalunx and Guards, with their guests,

will occupy the front balcony ot the Button Theatre. Wednesday morning, the vl.ltlng company will depart for Providence where Ihe? will t» received by tho fair haitalion or the Untied Tram Of Artillery, accompanied by the American Bruit Baud, and al once repair tu the armory where a cullulioii will be served, and a parade given. Tho companies will then tako n sieanicr to Oakland lk-atb, where A fa- lnuua Rhode Island Clam hake will be served, ami at sunset ii review and dress parade will be given. Jn the evening the party 'wjll attend n Imp 'or go [o 1)10't|icat|-|- as they desire.

"- Phalanx and guests


ad dog lay bj the Ore

'I'll! a li-.' .-.,:.! "I Will lie Un-t

■ Ilia ■ ..the!',

olhei . the two together."

Tin 11 i.-'tit Mum tin ic ic.i ■ M|ii:it|y Wi-alhor. 'flic ,',it IM -el.H..|i,tllC ilng.lil I,lie, Aiidm.iiii it was a tearful light; The dog win iniiiu, |ii-h> and hair, And living cat mr illled Ui.-nir; I nt,1 he cul tiu-m apart, When ror bin lullv he did smart, r.ii' b-lli 11-1-I II;. uli..1 ■ 11, n^lli iti.-\ had To -ei.m-li nnd l.tli- Ih,- in kl.-i.slud. And lie wished that he had never Tl-il ihi-: cut mid dug togelhei : f.i. hi- found It win a blunder, And worse still the pair to sunder. Ni.w altti'.mih Ihey are mil human, They arc like 111:111 mul woman, Who live in li lend.hip side by niile. I i.til llu-lutal knot h. tied, Tho bands of love tied llieui before, But now the knot doth gnll llteui sine, Ami ibey In alter year* llei'ui.i,. ju.i hkca i.airof slieai-. Tiitiugh they uork in ..].p..,itt-.ii Art, alike in di-po-itlnn. I'ol' then lUial^vergi'tJ belli, 111, T In-v both itifri ■■ to cut it dean. 80 when >OII hear that there l> strife Kvi-i- lietween a man and wile, you'd better not have buibius» tin ie, in- In tlcirouniTcl have a share; Or die you'll regret nhiclscvci'n rigid. You vofontecreil to SIHII Die light. Km-Ihey mil prove ju-t like liic tiitai - Tn nnv .me iih,. interferes. Ami «li.11 It,.- Invelj .,11111.1 I end-, Yi.ti'tlhi.nriliet.ljincaniltli.-i'lH.efrlciiil-.


Slulo elections occur in the order and for the purposes st-ited in the following table, The high eat State aOloer to be elected is named, and tba asterisk [*] denntes legislatures Uml «i|l elect I'nlted Stalea senator* :— Sept. I, Vern Sept. 11, Main

UuV. Legit.'

Beo.Sk Lcgls.' See.Wl. Uev. Lefts.*

i. WesCVirgtidn, L'CSIS> ■l, l.iiulslaiiu, Trsata. Legit.*


linivri-,,- I .'ung re IT. 1 nti:;re«it

(JongreiH Oov. l.cgis. Coagresa

CoasMa (;iin(jri'f!.

t'liugresK IJnngiv.-n (\mgre>.H Congn-.-.-.

Ooagvesa Qeagrses peacMta Congress. t llll/IC-,. Oongresa Ooagi M n Cuugl-fp-* fnnuie-..

Wbcousiii, Legis.' Cougn-^ Tbo Arkansas eonvenlion (now

In session) has provided for an election of Oov- ernor, IT the new eonilltutlei bo adopted; other- wise tiov. Baxter holds fur two years longer.

The California election of CoosTeuiaea baa been postponed to September or next year, when n Governor, Legislature, etc., will lie clim-cn. Tbo Mississippi election of Congressmen has likewise been postponed to November of next

when a Legislature will be etwsen. The- New Hampshire, Khodo Island nnd Connecticut oleetlunn of 1 ..1. 1. I,. :, oueur at lliu rrguhii' sprlog cloetion next year.

The follow lng Hit probably em brauos the calls or all political Stato conventions lluit remain lit bo In], I this year:—

l'rohiblLlon; It, It-publican; I, Imlepeml ent; 1>, IK-mourntie; L, Llhi-rul; Bel, Refiiini 1

I, Alabama, A1 kansas, I'.lalMire, Florida,

lientuiky, Miirylaod, Massachut'tr, tiov. Mlehlgnu, tiov.

— Minnesota, sup..l Missouri, liov. Nevada, tiov. New Jersey, OuV. New Vork. Oov, I' 1 li;ni!:i. 1,1.1.- Su. Carolina, tiov.

Texas, Vii-ainhi.

Lcgls. I.l-ui,. I a>-i,. I.Cglp."

Lsfla/ l.egis.'

v.t.i^l,. I.,., l.i'KI--

lent, 1. M. II In . ,.|:i. r. Hed Wing: tepl. 1. II.

Nebraska, Missouri, Jefferson City

1. Arkansas, 11. l.ltllo Buck

Sept. 11. Minnesota, It. Mlnneapotta 1*.

Michigan. tier. New York, L. Albany

1). Sept. iu. Michigan, n.

Sept. IS. New Jersey. I). Arkatisur, IL Little Hock

It. 1 lint tanoogn

New Yiok. 1;. 1

Nevada, Massachusetts, It. Worewter

Brrnuts—Jn u recent number of tbe Vruytifot nppiars tin- folltiwlng olllclsl re- port from Ihe Stare- Asanvi-r of ){h«ili- ls- Iniul on thlrtv-llvt- specimens Of llllltrs, (tubniitti-il to him for ntmlysls.

Dear Sir: I herewithn'ubnilt loyitn my report 011 the vartOOS bitters Ktild "in this market, Rrvlos as you desired-, tln-lr per- ocntage 0/ Alcoliot, ami Ibrmlog of them three classes:—

Class Klrst. Those njipurciitlv mauu- fiu'tiived lorn btn'srsge.

t'lass Booond. Those occupying a mid- dle plan- between a nn tilt [tie and 11 bever- age. These nn- not ast pnltitnblc na No. 1, Ihtitinh liny miiy be drunk nn u leverage-, and, like Ni>. 1, nre Intoxicating.

Clean Third. Those whom, medicinal propertlea or bltUV utsle lender tin in un- lit for a bcTerage.

This flasn lllltd I follows. I

noatetter'a atomaeh btltetv, Hakcr'a slouiai h biUeis, I Iraki V iiliiiilntjon hitlers, Sid Kiniikv panacea bliuiv, Ml.l.l. I'- i , ll. I ;|-- -.. Iloct,,,. |t.K. lllbbcH's wlldiheiiy hillei.,'s lull.-r* lor thu .temacli'. "suke, Iloetor Fisch'i. blllerr. Baker's orange grove bitter-, Spm'„ hlaiiiliinl nine hitlerr, Traveller's 1'. ruvluti hitters, DiHtorClaike'sMierry wine bitters, ('alirmnlu wino bitters, DeetOV Wheeler's ton Ie shiny nine bitters,

IBOOHB c'l.Asa. This class {-ontnlim tkobol n« full.

inine ionic hitters, AtlVlllllI'r. ie topic . ("""■1 "•' «i. g< hlen iiulbillerr, Miiit^ ■ yu.i: l.iitii-,

Welilici'• •Irengthrning hitter^, Flint's imiiki r blitcrs, ttcslm-alivi! bilh l>, Liitlic.Meiope.ancchitlir*.

llllttli CLASS,. This clam contains alcohol

UebanUoa'a biuars, \lliiiii;tiiii'rt hillei-, Davis' ■■■-

m.|,i ;-i JI


Cull.. Ur. Win

vine -hilltl



n....|i..i,, ,11. d hill r Vin.-n,


, [Saniple MUU) Ven resjieitrnllv,

II. VV. Viliiius, Mat. Assiiyi-r. Ily coinpui IKDII with Mr. Brandos table,

It will be at un ihal some of these bitters are stronger than Irl.-li whiskey, uml the weakest contains as much alcohol ns porti-r nnd ale.

A COM Autmis <> ■ TAX rUTSSr folio wine; In a loiiip riton of tho in Ml Of taxation 1 ir 1874, In the elites mill t owns named :~ I'cniplcliin,

Adni'iiV, "'

in n 3100 ■Jil tu

Oubicy, Wi-tlmiii Meduav,' li

ill Ik, •■lillleliaill, 20 UI

10- Oil m in is no

I'l'lllll.llv, I-- en

. hut.jii. llSlllllill, IT M Noedliniii, "iniili'ilaiiil U IW Cain bridge, M SU


Lynn, Salem,

|II an llrookline, 11 Ja Whalely,

PI Ni Conion, I'l on lliiiti.n, Hi ui

l.lHinnl.tli, l.'i M> 1.1 X, Milton. Ua)

where they will be the gnosis ot the Light Ii.rantry, Co. K.utb lleglinenl, and in- dulge in a parade, rc«epi|on, picnic and ban- quet, Iho n||.iir will bo ono uf prominence, and the jujcMsu/ the Mafia* wIU couslat oV Oov. TaMwl. A'ljt. Oou. (J.|.inlngbai.|, Oon. Plerson, Col. Button, Col. Deal, Col. (Joddard Major Merrill, .Major pecker, Burgeons Sar- gent and rinkhnin, Adji. Whitney and Pay- master Phllhrick, with ihe Mayor and several prominent clllient of Lowell, No officer or the Second Brigade knuvri better bow lo carry out such on excursion, than Capt. Cbai. IL hlmball, 1.1 the Lowell Mechanic Phalanx,

Ciiptiiln Luther Daino of Newburyporl lias a largo niiiulieiol interesting rello« winch mice b ■- longed to Sir Wlllinm 1'eiiiiertII of Killcry, Mo.. who ihniingui-.|ied hlniwirin the old wars before tins lie volution. Among them nre an order by HStwral Braddock r.n the conduct of a campalau Iho soecUitles and a shell SIIUOIHIV of Lady l'en- imrell. ami n n.-edle book in which two or the leaves nre made nflhi- -carlet emit anil huff lac- ings or lbe aoat which sir William ]'0pp(relt wore nt the Uklng ol Louisburg, ,

Tim nuMben of the Kssox har havo petitioned Judge Lord to sit ror a roll-length portrait to atloru iho courtroom In Salem.

M.UNK I'liMiicM.—Maine elects State Beers, members of Congress, LcgMut. re, &>:, 011 Monday, Sept. 14, The only

State otllcer elcctml by popular vote IN the Governor, and ibis year the RepnMlani bare nominated Bon. Nelson Dingier, -lr., for rc-t-hcllon. Tho Democrstlo caiuil- euto Is Hon. Joseph Tllcoiiib, whom Mr. IBnglt-y defeated h^tycar. nrOonCraag - IJemibllcnus hnyu nominated the pre-

ttklcpiiiioii ciunpletc. Tbe naWb of candidates nn both sides nre as fol-

lovys nisi. Itepuhllcan. I. John II. llurlelgh.

•A William V. V,\o, 1 .lames U. lllaliie. J- Saiiiin-I f. Ilelniy. '1. t -I.!' > i 1I..V

The vote for

i'. i,... ...i,...

Dim Itrndbury. riiilo Ctarle. Kdwnrd K. trillion. CKIIIIIUI l„ lln'i ul,in. Charles A Hpi.ff.iiil.

The vote for Qovernpr last year wan i Republican, ^"1"; i>«u»icraiiea »u,Vti;. In llm several corftrcsMlonnl districts Mir vote wast h'lrstdistrict—llcpiiljllcan, IS,. ■IH-'i; Democratic, 18,81$. Second dis- trict -lti-publlt-uii. |3,.i.-i0; l)cinocrui|c, Mtfi. Tiilrd d|str|ct-Ui-piibHcan, M.Alfl, rounhdistrictRs&nbllpas, IS.MM jiciini- crutlc, H au. rirjb .ll-lrlt-t-ttcppbllctM,, M,|fHi Democratic. 10.(1 |H. The Ug|s- laiurc tolm choain will t-lcct a Unllnl SUliH Smmlor In place of {[oil. Ilnniilbiil llumlln.

A struiigcrcotivirbliiaT with nMulni'Itu- milillcan about the next Henatorsfalp asked; "nhat do yen suy of the uncommllleil ones?" '-They'll go for Ilutnllii," wos tbe reply; "llanilln Is like one of iny neigh- bors up river; lie always owns all the logs that ain't marked 1"

Recently n fOW| lady was Wllklng in Uie Ccwrul l'ark under lbe escort of s New ibrk gntlsuaa. VnsHlng thebnalof Humholdt, the genlltman called his com- pajtJon'i nltiiitlon tO It. ■ Oh, JCM." re- markci) Hie lady, with much unlinaihui, Helnibold that kept the drug1 store. I be- lieved that I did hoar ihathowaahiistctl!'

The ■Sndovei' Sdverti^er Slffllf . . T __PVBLIO



original J oil n son homestead, "-■' farm Lo-llaj ill tills nuu;

l!i.ii>i\'i».-Sirs. C.(F. I: York, nn accomplished public readi liunlsf, will give some select ten Town Hull nn Thursday evening i:

taii'h Is considered |

Tumi li

The next Monday cvouing band be given In Elm Square.

The American Missionary fur September knowledges among its receipts the Ibltowli

Andover. Dca. Peter Smith for Virginia Hull, I A rjBBA Hampton, Va. 8"i00; Weil Parish church and ; I'. Klljut,

society. 842.20.

North Andover, Trill. Conn, church unit id- ditj to constitute Joseph S. Sunhorn anil Thom- as E, Frye Life im-mi -.v ■, St>0.

Stevens Ilrothers, havo sold out their retail •I, K store to William Corse & Son, and gone Into the manufacture ol sale thoei.

The following persons are stopping at the Elm House:—Mr. Flcniiuing and family, Mrs. S. N. Brewer and Andrew O. Smith and fami- ly, all of Boston. J. H.ParkurslsndT.Tckcay,

New fork.

It has been suggested that the new junction depot near Ballard Vale would be a proper place lor the establishment ofthe cattle market which it I* reported will be removed from Brighton. The location Is elevated, and It is easy ol access, the caw connecting (with the railroads running to all point*.

George L. Abbott and William 8. Jenkins and their wives visited Hie While Mountains last week and spent a night at the Summit House on Mount Washington.

The writer has positive evidence that at the muster at South Kraminghain la>t week, the Invited guests Iroin Lawrence, Andover and other places, lo the headquarters of the Second Battalion of Light Artillery, were most pleas- antly and lmunllfully entertained.

The West Pariah Dramatic Association had a very enjoyable picnic at Shady Side drove, Haggcti'a Pond, on Thursday of hut week. About lorty persons were present, and boating, swinging, llshlng, dancing and pleasant games were engaged in with a seat Abbott A New- ton's band furnl.hed the music.

Joseph, A. Smart and Oeorge S pence are spending a few weeks In Canada. Oeorge A Parker has just returned from a trip to the K.i-inu ports. Henry W, Abbott and his son- in-law, Rev. E. P. Ingcrsol of Brooklyn, N. Y„ with their families have returned from a very pleasant Journey to the White Mountains by private conveyance.

Among the boarders and visitors at the in™ house of W. II. Tucker this summer are the following: Ivory N. Richardson and family and Miss Martha Green, Revere; Rev. Lubrop Taylor and family, Farming ton, III.; Mrs. H. II. White and tamlly, Mrs. James Cutler and family, Mrs. C. File-, Mr. and Mrs. U, 8. Johnson, Mr*. Benjamin Parker and son, Bos- ton; Mrs. James Cutler and Mrs. Frank Cut- ler, Holllston.

Tin1.:-' inllinoi hare recently been sent up from the Kim House. Each measured seven feet In circumference and were emliellsbed with pictures ot distinguished characters. Having cards attached to them indicating whence they came, one was returned from Prospect Hill, Lawrence, another from North Andover, and tho third has not been heard from. The neat ascension will bo on Thursday evening of this week, when It is proposed to elevate and extend the trip of the balloon by enclosing In it a copy of the AMI HI.' i\.

The following are the names of the new class admitted to the Grammar School .—Mary Nolan Mary Sweeney, Mary Stone, Harry Brown, William H. Brown, William Barry, Frederic W. Burt, Alfred 8. Dyers, Eddie H. Chandler, Timothy Callahan, Charles C. Deane, Henry Dm til, Feter J. Donovan, Oeorge N. Greaves, Arthur Foster, Patrick llannon, George Mortle Lewis, John McGuinness, John MeManus, George C.Sbaltuck, Edward BhaUuck. Frank J. Williamson, Louis Woodbrldgr, Dennis Sweeney, John Murray, Henry Wllber, Win, H. Carter, Liirle E. Salmon, Frank B. Uolt, Joseph Thompson.

Oas of our cltlsen* recently went Into a gro- cery store, ordered a quantity or to v and stepped out for a nvwnent. Soon returning ho took a paper package from the counter and ti >iu.:. CiHion No. 2, who {happened to be in the store at the time had substituted a package of saw dust for the tea, and a short time after wards asked No. I.-how ho liked his tea. Sub sequently No. 2 wt* at work fjr No. 1, and al- ter dinner wai asked how be liked tho tea he bad drank. They called it a drawn game and balanced account.

r.-i-. ,ili,l..- [ Id Mr. XttSli

sic. anil hi hear Mi-* Murrh MII* will in il«"JI lie worth tlii' price nl udiuisid.m. 'i lie 'w hole outer. lammeM will b".-ii.-hn treat in Xuilh Anduier bus aotenjorod for a l.wt: tine,

A Qatar deuuud n-r small farm*. Mr. Thorn. L.; uncut <>!' Lowell, is ill town

. . pare basing; Arms for custom. em who desire lo Hike up their resilience here. Metliuenhas lung le-cii noted tor beaut* of seen- ery, anil iiiurcoter is In 1.1 in high repute by nil wlioarc ur.i|iiuliiied with tier licullli-giviiig lull* ami vallcvs n> the pliice In IVHIU health, ami at the same lime repli'iii-li tin' purse from the pro. duels ot the rii'li roil. We Inn e liri|Uent]v heard it remarked flint it I*, inn; ot the p len sanies (. if not Hie plea sanies l town in Hie plate, mil no wonder people are attracted bare.

1'A11 I.I)II BBAMRtW.—Mrs. C r\ liana, of New York city, gave some leading- Tucsibiv even mgi attbeHouston House. The following were Ihe seleetioui J lli^li Tide, tin? quarrel seem- In School for Scandal, WM.-li" 'ttiii selection wai considered the best effort uf Hie evening), Itelicf at Lucknow, 0,1s on the Flssloss, Hnod'.i "fain In a Pleasure lloul," ami Mr-. Dana is an accomplished reader and her effort* wore worlliv ol' a larger uudlcnci. In New York bur reading* nre verv popular, an.I justly m. The 'lid lea ami gentlemen prc.eiil w iro a- follow* : Irs. L. YV. l.iirtK New York; Mr*. MeUnililell

■Ir*. Swell, Mr*. Hill-, ami Mr. ami Mr-. l'|Him, if IIOHton; Mr. anil air*. Darker, Mr. ntul lire.

Hopes, Master lb.]..-, air! .Vi tlmr Wetl.ufHalein; .lame- II, Pavi-, tieuige ildbeit Davl«, Lihvnril

. Frank IMvi-. Mi. Ihile, and Mr. mid Mrs. Stevens, of Nor Hi Anilnvcr. Mrs. Dana Inn very kindly consented to (tire a public reading, when nil ean havean op|"iiinii;i.i ••( hearing her, at an early day. t-ue notice will b.-Riven nf the same ihi ■ 'ii.-:i your columns.

Dill 1'fl.l'lTS — The la-t rtninlnv of Siniiun-r is ns win in ami plea~:in1 as mull l,e ilesireil. the various pl.iee.- nl wot.hip were will llileil by attentive listener*. The Itev. Franklin Tu:

niornlnaaml ailernoon .-rrnnia-m' tsreiil )K>wer. They were disi'oui>es Hint ill -pbivtd much re- search ahd phutoKi aplnil a .-■Iinlailviuiud. Tlloau uln.liiiie been piivilei;eil In li-ini LII the eixlil sPinmiih IIr. Tiivliui v IUH pn-aeiijil hero esnnnt

'power as

moil* have leii, and the'iueiiiurv ol tlio.-c August Siimhiys will long remain. Kexl Kunday this ehlirch will give a Warm ivcleinne In their lie- lovud paslor, Kev. Itiil'us C. Fbik'iC. Itev. J. W. la-wls, who hi* ivtiirn-l IVoio l'aiu[i Meeting, pmiehed to his own peo]ilu at the Methmlbt :hureh, and Itev. William H.Savaryof Canton,

supplied tho I'liitaiiiiu puhiiL At the Hall Itev. 11 or a tin (tray read ibu Kplneo-

•1 serviee, ami ineaeheil a oiiu tlesl and nhtu irmnn. At the Cmiiuli ■ cliureh morning ass was held a* ut>uat. Tin: LMtltUTDBaVvTiie iluy draws nigh

When we ahull Hiseinlilc in euin-u ■ I" Humiliate some one to miresent the town in the I.cgisl.itun- of Hie Slate. This vein-lie' .-eleeltnii of a eanili- date belongs to Nurtli Antluvei, as last year An. "over selected its eaudhtnte from the West -■ There aie many reasons why we should select llm very latst mini the loan ean cominanit, asmanv Imporhint inatteis will come bul'ore the Legisbilure t>\ 1 ■!','.'>, luouuniut aiming n luili

to till

hureh of Andover tolls strong and Impnrt-int lusiilon has la-en set forth with intclligeut dii-- riminntton to theUrt of this line of clerKymen, lev. Ilailey Loriug. 1 think, however, tho writer us lianllv jiai'i tne tribute which lie deserves. ilr. l.oring, ns tho huecessor of Dr. -Symmcs, n ijied into the pulpit of one of the strongest re- ,u li ins Mieleths in Massachusetts as a liberal lirislian, while yet a jniing man—I think scarce-

v Iweulv-fonr. He descended from the besl ■ "■■kor |nu < lid Colony, graduated at Brown 1'nl-

ily with the highest honors of his class; was he favorite undent ot Itev. Dr. Allyno of llu*. nn v, oao of Hie lu.i-t powerlul of the Christian Ministers of that day; was selected for tho Aral

church in Andover l.v Hut aided liberal dlvii of llie- limes, a* e-nr. iallv siiitnl to nn lmi«)rtant oiirt of dutv, ami was ultleii liv an ulniosl unani- mous vote of the parish. He secured at once the euiitldencu and esteem ot his people, among whom were some of the sii-ung melt of lira Cam- niiiuwealth, anil he retained hi- hold on their re- spect und nffeetion until one by one | me tor and- people were retitoved by death. The old lovwl Inn., and look eonni II ol him, relying on 111* ludg- aunt, and supp'otril l.v hi. religious teachings ami consolation*. Among ihcui.a* well a*among the voung who were growing no around him, his nanie was alwavi mentioned with love and Tea Of alion. and liv lim-e lew of his peugde who remain, the memory of hi- eliaraeler, of his relations with ihemselves", ami uf hi- commanding position In the eomniunitv, is kindJv ami respectfully clier- i-lied, The w i-e men ol Ills town Innnd III htm a fit companion, Uie feeble found in him a strong support, ihe broken hearted received abundant i omul at ion from bin great faith and tender sym- pathy, and all institution.! ol learning, morality and religion loiiml in him a friend. Asa pastor he WSs eonshieretl in hi. dav alniustuiieo,Uallftd.

logical mailers Mr. Lorlng was elnssed alClitinUsn from the beginning. •"-'-'

the etiiircb fnnn the hands of Dr. Synime: ._... as ArinliiianiHti was stepping forward

Into ('nltarlaiilsiii, he took his place alongside or Clinniiing, Ware, .Sparks and Lowell, and later .Ml mill lianiull itinl 1'allrey and ltarrett, wllll

dear ami simple mode of staling his reasons great also, lie was an effective preacher, there are those who dwell, at this day, upon

wss great also. and

bo the election of a' 0. S. Senator to ill I Ihe chair [aln in Importance will by the 'hen- i. in ii. here who

V Ihi uor question. rcprcHctx the l< ahlllU In le ■ iii.lilil.ilel. Iinil ili.tll ..- I :l|>l. WllMuiu .1. Uheever. Tliere are iniiiiy things that point to him a* Ihe coining man. In the first

' Tcullcman iiosiessing grent l.ut, Is systematic in all he undertakes, Is

eminently a business man, and withal lias that lei i.iewine |i ! monof a re pi-es en tative de- mands. Capt. Cheover Is a Well balanced man and at ills hands the Interests if ihe district would be advanced. There an' men who In debate would be more ready, bid there is no man who on

i committee would be mure useful or who.-oad- ice would be more eageilv sought. Capt.C'heev-

.r Is evidently the coining man. Ho can secure tho llcpublicsii nomination, ami that seeuicd bu It elected.

Tows Toi'tCft—Everybody seems to be lalk- ig about the bail eonditlnn of our roads, and one urvcyoruud another has lo hike his share of

critic ism. Sow wo have in North Andover more loan 73 miles of road, and as a rule theso roads are not kept la as good repair as they should be, and the fault finding is to a great extent warrant- ed. All during tho summer quantities of loose and rolling stones have literally covered the highways, which a boy for fifty cents a week In each district could easily have removed. These rolling stones are not only a great annoy a nee In travellers, hut are abnnluletv ruinous It horses, and It Is to bu wondered at (tint there are any snmid horses In town. Now where entue surveyors moril censure others deserve praise. The roads In Mr. feter Holt. Je.'s district are in splendid condition, and you can hardly 11ml a loose shine from Hie Centre I'ost UlHre to the house nf U. A. 1'help', Ksq., on tho Salem road. "Frost* hill," which alwavs washes, never was Ir finer condition. Mr. Holt has employed Mr. Woodman, who Is a thorough road builder. Mr. Isaac Oiigood, too, is deserving of thanks for tht manner In which lie has looked alter the roadi under hi* immediate care. He ha* used the verj best gravel that MM be had and spared neilhei labor nor pains to have ihoruuaii work done. Sir Osgood has had constructed u very- unique fenci on either side of the >vav hum ihe I'hillbis cor ner to Dr. KillrcdgC.. air. J. !'. niake was the builder. This fence goes to make other fences around town, lo which I have hcforeallndcd, look all the more Insignificant and unseemly. Mr. Chadwb-k, In bis panel tin- tuwn, has gravelled the rood from tho depot to Miawslioen bridge, but from thai bridge lo the Duck bridge ia your city the road Is simply an outrage. Ills the most travelled of any road hi thu county, and It is the rirest For len Years nothing lias been done to

It Is really nut In a safe condition to be trav- elled "vi. In m.ii.-1 weatlier it Is all mud to the hubs, and In dry weather dust up to the eye*. It Is high lime the authorities lonk. d after iu: The "air iinu" road, ton, from the Centre to Lawrence could not ho iu much worse shape than It now Is, "ery little has been done to it nincoitwas first rid out. It demands iiiinirdinto alien lion. Il ilrlkos me that by an oilier starch meeting Uic

ill sco Uio necessity of having i.

His was great, and " staling his reasons

effective preacher,

the deep impressiuii nuiile iq their minds hearts by the Terror and sanctity of his devotions. He drew all his inspiration from the Mcrljitures,

. U1.1 lie;., he.I lll-.e ill! Iipelle ;,r.,| , ,j . i. ■. . ,1 ll„e - prophet. He not only sustained his own strong

ml powerful parish, but hu infused life Into the .jchlo parishes around him—was their guide in matters of rclip und theiijiist Judge In their oontiovorsles. His religious exorcises were al-

iy* admlrml, and In his early life, before sorrow it trouble hail broken his health and spirits, be

held high place among the preachers of bis day. Dr. Lowell or Hoslun, Mr. Lincoln of Hlngham, and Mr. Lorlng of Andover were es|nclallyeounl ed the three apostolic teachers In their pulpit ministrations.

Me. l.oring had a deep and strong spirit, and great power of sell-control. Not only did Ihe sorrows of his peuple sink deep into his large nod kindly heart, but his own distresses pierced his oul like arrows. No man more than he had tears for others woes and patience for His own."

To those Who depended on him for consolation his heart was always open and his strength always at bis command, while his own griefs were re- aerved for the sacrcdness of his own solitude. Ills lire was bllghtad in mid career by a domestic loss from the effects of which he never recovered. Hut neither Ibis nor the weakness and disappoint-

»rs, drew .-..I his path >ua sy mns thy

h \\ hum heitail In i n

never tell. For many years after his settlement he maintalue.i die kindct n latnms wllti I ho lead- ers of the oppoittcfniih, and In his pnlplt were often found the teachers of Calvinism at that time,

division widened, however, and Ihe V became inure severe, and Ware and

Clmmihig opened Uic great debate on UnlUrlan- Ism, Mr. l.oting fearlessly ami lainestly, but couilcoiisly and without heat or hi tie mess, took his stand with them. '"

tamentary may be Itiiued "to bet the eiecutiix therein named, mid that she IIUIY be exempt from giving a surely or sureties on her bund, Tor the reasons allege! in said ptlllinn,

Vou are herein- cited tu appear at a l'robalc Court, to be held at Halem, in said county or Essex, on thR First Motidav of (ictolier, next, at nine o'clock btTore noon, to show cause, if any you have, against Uio same.

And said petitioner l« hereby directed to Sire public notice thereof, by publishing ihiscita-

on once a week, for line, .-ii'ii-,: ivi week',in ihe newstjaper called the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser,printed at Lawrence, the last uibllnatlon to ho two days, at least, before said

Witness, George V., Enquire, Judge of aid Court, this second day of .September, In the

year one thousand i Igti' hundred and seventv-lour fat sop t n is A. 0. QOODSLL) Ragtater.

TUK BX8T World, designed la, For Sale, by r Jackson sireeC

from him a — or charity, religious lalth and gci and respect for the people with w so long associated He always remembered the radiant morning of his ministry,Ihe glowing years ot his manly labor for his parish, and his pridotn the prosperity of his church while he was active- ly connected wlili it. Ho lhauked tiod that he was enabled to deliver over his beloved people almost undivided to his successor, while towant those of his flock who tan him he alwavs enter- tained the most friendly feelings,—establishing between hlnuelr and their pastor a kind regard and respect which remains warm and living with thu latter to this day. 1 havo given this sketch of tho character of Mr. Lorlng because I think hlr example should not be lost, or his services amL life bo forgotten. Ho bad a firm faith with which ho tilled tho hearts of his people. Ho had a high Idea of his sacred calling, and for It he drew from all about him an Involuntary tribute of respect. Ho had a passionate and lender attachment to the church in whose service ho spent the strength of his manhood and vouth. As his life drew to a close, and the sweet repose settled down upon his soul in view of tho celestial gate where he was to lay down all his sorrow, ho thought as a first duty to bestow upon his parish tho sacred volumes, which hail guided him in his ministry. Ills communion wllh his friends, the fewcoletu. porarles In Ids town, was culm and patient and gentle. With unwavering confidence bo stretched forward his baud to meet those who had gnno be- fore him, and lo Join Whom he had waited these omiiY, many year*. Ills last wonts were, "I want to Im with tiod." And when he died, a puro and faithful and devoted man and Christian mln-

!■!. went to his rest. NOKTII ANDOVKH.


Tho subscriber has a supptv of COAL of differ ', . .1— ._J n._ -[.teh he will furnish lea and quality,

■a at a reasonabli

TUB BEST IK TKL CHEAPEST.—Tbe Canard line of mail steamships is unquestionably the

crossing tbe Atlantic, and tbe only ice and short nntlce.

y be left at JoIlN II. C11 AMU.Ell'; lYru o>-»l sihire or at my residence.


... boot and shut ._ at his shop on Malo-tnvt, where he Inloni.'i keen for unlf a lull assortment of tbe best ar

Urles In his line of business. Repairing done a1

irt notice. A share of the public patronage h iiecliully solicited. Liiilover, Mitv^.li-TI. I.ltKN II. TVI.KIl.

may SOT tf


pituuATi; cotrjBT. To tbe Heiif-at law, next o! Kin, and all other Iiersuns iuleri'sted in the estate of JUIIICB M. lollingworth, latent Andover, in suld county,

niaiiiiluctun-r, deceased! tireetlng: Whereas, a cerium in.ircini n! pin polling lo he

tin-last will ami ti-lament ol ail deeea-ed lias been presented to said Court, lor rrobate, by ecu pre

ucyli. Hollingworth who pruv. that letters le»- ' to he •■-

and Sarost Lantern In thf to Imru kfroscne oil threo nlgl JNO. V DOWK, 1WI Ehaex, belo


Il.v-i: li.M.i -lie Niagara Base Hall Club of MeUiuen playiil the TM.MOUIII.UUS of llaverfalll in that city on Satunlny List. The scoro stood 1(1 to Hi In favor or the Tri-alountains.

THE St'SCK In front of Dr. ii. K. Woodburj 'a residence has been Artistically graded and tuned uy Mr. James Knell, who knows how lo do such things to tho satisfaction of Ihe moat critical tastes. Concrete walks will bo laid out and a neat fence erected, which will materially add to lb* appearance el tbu Ductoi*s residence.

Tinf Suisof tbe times is the sign or Fulton Qrns., on thu broadside of their extensive store. If their business is in proportion lo Hie alee of their sign, as they deserve lo have it, and an ev- erybody who buys nnylhiug suspect, llicn Ihey

ro doing an extensive busiucss. D'.i; MmisiMi this week wo couuted at one

time on the sidewalk four high school

KIMllALI.-COPP-InMethuen,Beptembar.i,by Itev. Lit urge J. Judkins, at the residence of the brides father, Mr. Charles F. Kimball of Salem, N. (I., ami Miss Martha K. Copp, of Metbuen.

KMi.HT JiiHNSON-.-In Kxeter N. II. Augn-l £1, by Kev. I. ]. Otis, Mr.Charles H. Knight of

Fernald, of Uoston, and Miss Emma J. Wb of NewburyporL

NEWHALL- ALLKN.-In Ljon, August it, by Itenj. H.Jones. L.o.. Mr. Wm Nowhall, ot Sa- lem, ami Mrs. Elisabeth Allen, of Usllimore.

tiORDON-NICIIOLS.-In HaTerhlll, Angust 23. by Kev. Dr. Hyde, Mr. Charles A. liordon and Miss Mary A. Nichols, both of Haverblll.

SLEEl'BH—TOWNK.-In Topeneld, August M, by Itev. Mr: MeLond. Mr. Albert C. Sleeper of Denvers. and Miss Ellen'lil.

L'AHLETON-MENZIE.~On Aug. Kith, by the Itev. L. L. Wood of Boston, Mr. Henry F. Csrt- tou of Lowell, Mass., and Miss Annie Hensle of this city.


Flll'lT A QSsVM AT AUCTION, Will be Sold at l'ubllc Auction, on Uio premises on Monday next, September ,th, at 1| o'elmdtl P.M., tho rrulland Ornss now growing upon he .■stale lute ol Widow Sarah A. Holt, deceasetl, or Elm street, in Andover.

The Fruit comprises several varieties of Apple and Tears. MOSKS F09TEH, Executor.

i,f:ii. FOSTKH, AoetioTieer. Andover, Sept. *, IH74. Ultsepll

tlan on the subject ot'fishing al Policy fond. The ■suit—probably several liurntiuuis. Mi-ei CLAUiaaa ManaTux died Sunday nller.

noon, aged WJ years. Funeral this Tuoulay after i.Km al tier late home. Miss M. has bee u ai<k

..oiuc months, and lately has exhibited signs of menial aberration. She was a native of, al d lias always resided in Mcllmeu.

Iso ii.i.H of danbornton, N. II., visiting her niece, Mm. John H. Moire died o,ultu unex- pected! v last Saturday night, she was as well as usual at 10o'clock in ihe evening', hut not making her appearance the next morning, Mrs. Morse went to her room and found her dead in her bod. Mrs. I. lout her husband about live weeks since. Her remains will be taken to her late home In N. 11. for iutermenL Her age was tl years.

A limit COMPUMKfT to Kev. Mr. Dlakc of tlii* place, >s paid bv a correspondent ofthe Ha- verhljl "Publisher" who says: "As a thinker, writer and pulpit orator wo donol know his e<iunl for so young a man. A course on Sunday hut, v. wish that when some lai should claim his talents fortunate place."

SBuvtGES at the L'nlversalist church will bo re* suincd next Sunday, when II Is expected tho pas- tor, Ilev. W. W. Hay ward, will have arrived trom his vacation lo conduct Uio tenievs. Mrs, A. K. and E. Kent, who havo aeuulred leading por- tions, tbe one as a soprano and the other as a eonlralio. have, we understand, been secured to i-uiK fur this society. All wo van say Is tho socle. ly Is very fortunate.

uiiiii.i: IUIL informs u.t that there are SOUK hsif dosen delimpienu hi paying tho dog tax. They will forthwith be rigidly dealt with, and the law will be enforced tu the tetter. Walk up to the "Captain's ofUco" and »avo an cxpenio of «ic all yo who are addicted tu canine "luxuries' without eounliug Uio coat.

PEXBBOK Mao's do a large business In the sale ..1 ktoves and tin ware, and to add tn their enter- prise and activity they have recently purchased i|inle a large slock ol house furniture, inaltrassea and the accompanying et eelerus. We roe no reason why Usey cannot make lids branch of their business successful. It courtesy and fair deal- ing bo important auxiliaries in securing euslo —

|Tho Punchard school commenced last WrdntS' day with eighly-flve scholars. Tho following are tbe names of those admitted to the new class:

Helen Kiln Abbott, Frank Harding Baldwin, Annie Laurlo Hell, James John Brndshaw, Ber- Uu Amanda Chandler, John Elmer Clark, L1a> xlo Ella Curbs, Nathaniel Herbert Clarke, Car- rie Abbott Deano, Josephine Salome Dargin, Hatlle Louise Krving, Outler Winfleld Firman, Harab Josephine Hannon, Annlo Shiels Hill, Mary Eifxabeth Holt, Mary Alice Jaqultb, Wlnslow Louis Knowles, Edltb Law son, James William Leiicn, Walter Hardy Lewis, Charles

William Noyea, Kartha Manning, Halinda Kliicta Mayer, Annie -Phebe Palmer, Hattte Louisa Uuisoll, Bertie Kllmore Shannon, Jennie Totman Shattuck, Laura Rebecca Smith, Qco. Line do Stott, Eliiaheih Florence Swift, Jane Stephen Thompson, George Arthur Tyter, Mil nie l.miir.i' Woodman.

-JOpl hi three street coinmlssioners and will oluei iheui. Till that is done very little Is to hoped for I fear.

Annals of North Andover.

Ualloy Lorlng'a pastorate, r.iurlh church was built, which to-day is present Unitarian edillce. Un the -list of Feb. it was voted lo "see If ihe Parish will repair their meeting-ho use, or build a now one, ~ as they assemL— that It Is expedient lo build n now meeting.Inmsi ill voting In favor and Jl against it. "


lino lauding . port of Boston day, Sept. Btb.

i embarking passengers at tbe 1 be " Samaria" sails on Tues-

■rage tickets

roceiilly bctn made in steerage passage.



SI.KKPKK-—In Metlmen August 29,IIattie(ieorge daughter of William and JenaleC. Sleeper aged i months,

ti AUK.—In this clly, Aug ±>,'of acute Inflsmaliou ofthe brain, Mabel Harmon, only child of An- . gusta H. and Ueorgo L. Uafe, aged 9 yearn, 1 ' mouth, -21 days.

MlSCIIlS-ln (leorgetown, August ITth, Mrs. Dorence Mlnchlo, aged To years, U moallis.

WHKICLWItKillT-In Ncwburvpi.rt, Aiigu-l-.ii, Martha Adams Wheelwright, aged I'-' years,li months.

Itli-'HARDSOX-In llaverhill, August 3n, Kit, ■■ iy, daughter or Lyman J.and Kiln C. lllch-

Ison, agoil tl weeks. Ti i/./.KK - In I'.i adfoi-d, August JO, Mrs. Caroline

Toiser. aged &3 years. \l.\i:n'ix-iii Rast Kingston, ft. H., August ■:tih

lies. Joseph li. Megoon, used TU years, t days. WKIWTKR-In Ballsbury, Angust M, Mrs. Polly

wife of Daniel Webster, aged iw years. d i:u-i:it - In Amesbury, August to, Mr. Walter

T. Meylor, aged 00 year*. I'lKK - In Hronlwood, II. II. August SI.Mrs. Sal

ly Pike, aged ao years.

O'HARA.—In Andover, Aug. ioth, Thomas W. 'Hare, aged 9 months.

WOI.FK.-ln Andover, Aug. 30lh, Mcholaa Woliv aged SO years.


Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has been duly appointed execuUtr of the will of

SARAH 11. HOLT, late Of North Andover, iu thu county of Essex, widow, deceased, and lias taken upon himself that

- • by giving bonds, as tho law directs. *" persons having demands u|H>n tlie estalo of said

"1. - make payment

all persons iudebte. ,. exhibit t; it to exiuiiii un MOM; anu

o said estate, are called upon MOSKS FOMTKIL



Un. day dissolved by Mutual Consent. JAUKS MURPHY. .IOHNT, Mlltl'lIY.

Lawrence, Sept. 3, WM. The undersigned will continue tho Grocery bu-

siness, and assumes all debts of the late firm, tc whom all persons indebted hi the Una are rniuest ed to may payment.

titlltaepU JOHN T. MCRPHY.




13 OSTON 1 HINGIIAM Stc«ml)0»t Co.:

BOLTON'S 2,000 yds. Waterproofs;

at 60 ctt., worth SI, 1.1 UBKKX, BL1K ABTES BI.At K.

•lust received two Rales of

OWN COTTON, AT 5 & 61-2 per yard, (good for lining.)

ONE CASE MORE OF PRINTS At 6 1-4, Good for Comforters, They go rast, call and secure some of

these bargains.

We have in stock all the different grades of

Cotton Flannels, from 12 1-2 up.

We have In.t bought and willfahow next week the largest stock of I


100 pairs, at $2.50, VEUV CHEAP.



for 25 cents per yard, (sold In Boston Stores at SO eta.)

HOSIERY, • ml si Ursinl Lisa «f Ismail wares al



at low prices.

Inspection Invited to examine tlio largest and cheapest stock of dry goons In Law rence.

bite of liKOUGK -Mli'li.

lull' of Andover, In tho county uf Essex, bouse- late,snd hnhtsken upon himself Ihnl u iiht by giving bond", u> the Inw directs. Al' iH.-rroiiii biiviiig dciuauds upim the estiite of said ib-ceused are reuuireil tu exhibit the SJ and nil [lernuns Indcbb'd lo said estate arc Ol uiioi) I" make purulent to

UEOBUE FOSTEH, AdmlnUlrator.

, 1874. sepUtHtf


Andover, Bept.

rest assured the i'cursou llro's are entitled to ■ Inrge business.

SI i.ssus. FCLLIU & SANIIOIIX, prlncitmls of the High and Uranimar Schools, nre again utlonding l'i their usual duties in thu school room. Mr. (■'. tins been away ruitleatiug during vacation, ant) Imseome back inrlgoratoil and looking llnelv. Mr. a. has spent tlni most of liin vsuatlon la tills vicinity, vlsilluK l'"li.v I'mid und oilier places of

TIIK l'i m.n' l.inmwY i- "ell pa Iron Ir cil and Is duly appreciated by our reading public. The library uiny sceta stasll In the miinuor of bunks In comparison to lllirarlcs reuuircd lo meet Iho demands or large cllic, systematise, ar- range eards, e«k:ili>giio-, ete., it bus required u large amount of work, ti or does lite work atop

: the delivery of books ovary week by the II- Un ht nu easy task. To reader credit to wtnmi

credit ii due, we would state that Mr. H. C. Han- born, prlnripulol the tirsmmnr Behniil, has acted ns librarian from llm tlmi iimulngof bonks until


SANGUIN ARIUM To the pcoiile of tlio world 1 will say: l'\mn

no other preiiarntlnii of medicine I bare ever compounded have I bestowed so much thought and care as upon this. Kor len years I was In- cessantly experimenting; making and trying new compounds until 1 reached this satisfactory re- sult. Thcasserii <ii inadi'lierrlufora In my notices ihat Ibis is tho bust cough preparation ever made, 1 see no reason for uiimifjing In the least degree. Were it kept In every drug store, and were every physician hi preserlue it in puhuonsy complaints, -tiding a little syrup of sipillls orlpecBu when

mre expectorant effects are wauled. It would IVII theiii inneh trouble In compounding cough

Mi-upr, and give them rrnults more to their sat- in fin-1 Ion. I have compared Its workings time




II i.MM J. fJltAV, -ml, has two very large hen's egg*. One measures 71 by ill laches, und thu other ii) by 6) Inches.

mi- KIIKS Si-rTiis took n severe cold while at Camp Talboi, Kramlnghnni, lantweek. hut is lie- g lulling tu recover from thu effects of it.

(lint C<HSTKRr.—Tbe roads and walks all through the cemetery have been lliumughb cleaned, not one has bee ~~ has all been done by Hii tn ut b 11 tier 1 n te nden t.

NOTICE to the tax payers of lletbuen. Franklin Sauoders, collector or taxes, Will be in the selectmen's room every Saturday alleruoon and evening, and the last business days ol the months of September and Mjtobur, for the pur- I lose ol receiving taxes.

TIIK VIEBT BALI,.—On Friday evening, Sept. ]Kih, Die members of the North Andover Base Ball Chili, will glvu ihulr fourth annual Ball at Stevens' Hall. The full band or Chauman and Bulterwnrth will furnish the music. The mints. ry. firemen ami Bane Hall clubs arc expected tu s.iv|ipar In uniform.

I.IBUAIIV.—The carpenters have already begun work on the old Men Imaek engine house. The old sign •'Mcrrlmack No. V" is seen there m and In a few weeks the new doors will open to welcome the student In pursuit or Die literature or the past and present.

MUNITOBB.—IIr. Amos K. Kollins, prlnciiial of the (irammar school at the Centre, has selectcil Ihe following pupils as uioiiltnrs for the season: Thomas P. O'llonnell, John Klltrcdge, Myia A. liarIIctt and Fanny V. Ingalis.

mil Tunica.—Itev. liorallo <jray or Boston, Who Is passing the summer here. Is a gentleman

ISO oted Thai a committee ol eleven persons be ap-

pointed by the chair to procure n plan uf a new iiicellng'huuse, and report the same with the cent and location of the some at an adjournment of this meeting." The coin nil lieu appointed was ns follows)—IJr. Joseph Kiltridgc, Lev! Farnhum, Nathaniel Steven.^, William Julnmon, Enp, Fran-

and Phlneas Stevens. On March iJd, It was re- pulled "Hint Hie ■■ uiill.i- llp|ii>inl"il lo |-nn me ~ plunofanow meeting houM-, tho location and

>ai: report they nie <>< nn upluinn that a meeting nusc that would satisfy the l'ai ish may bo built

for nliout giWOU and a bssuiuniit for gllWJ nddl- llonal expense, the location lo bo near the pres- ent but a little h.tck. Wo present several plans

>1 houses that have been elected the hid year." April iUth, lKll, ilwas "votisl thallhu budding

lOmmlltee cause Mich m.itei nl the oid bouse is they may think proper to be worked Into n low meetisg IIIUIM: iiml di-piini of thu rest ul public salu or otliuriiine," 'I'Ueru were many meetings, and debiilcs iml :i leu in regard to lat- Ing down Ihe old ehureh, and building anew one. billon Ihe I'lhul Sl.u |sMI, il uns llually '

Notice Is hereby given that the subscrilwr has been duly appointed a<inilnlstrator of the estate of

DANIEL IK)NOVAN, late orxorlh Andover, In the county of Essex, laborer, deceased, and baa taken nponhlmnelf Hint trust by giving bonds, as the law directs. All SiTKimsliavbigdi'mands upon the estate of said

eceascd ore required to exhibit the same; and all poi-sons indebted to said estate are oalled upon (o make i.nynicnt to

GKOHGB FOSTEB, Ailro'r. Andover, Sept. 1, 1874. sepU«ttf


est trees. He says that the Was those of North Andover, and with Oliver

rndell Holmes he agrees that the "Hubhard Elm" Is the largest elm Tie has ever seen.

OUT axn ABOVT.—Hr. Frank Folhmsby of Chicago in enjoying a week with his Irle.niL the Morse. Mr. Peter Molt hssguuet.i Bethel ono of the most charming summer resorts iu Manic, to pass a fortnight. The lamllly of l-oiils Well Ksq., or your clly havo relumed to lh"'" charming country home here. For seven wei they hare been at York Beech, Maine.

NgXT SI'MIAV.—Itev. Kniui C. Flagg, after absence of live weeks In Hlddlebtiry, Vi.. will occupy his pulpit next Sunday, and aseel a cor dial welcome from his people. Tho Ilev. John 11 Clifford is again at home, anil will li reach to hi. own people Sunday morning at ihe Unitarlsn church, where be will have a hearty reception.

I'KKoONAi-—The Hey. S. C. Bean and fain Who Have liren here rbr niuc weeks, returned llieir home In Salem, to-day. Hev. S. 8. Hunting, Jif Davenport, lows, is vlsillng friends here. "" Hunting wlllleave for Saratoga In season I tend the Unitarian Conference there on the 1-Mii insL, and then return to his westorn Immo.

c ii i I'M 'flu' chairman of UHI Uemorrallc Town Committee, Mr. Thomas al. Toohey, hat Milieu :i emien. ne il Miiinlnj cvenini '

: that tlie ttho

mlttee. Including labor and material* of all [or taking down the old meeting house, erecting and furnishing the new, is rll.tisi. Thi new house was dedicated Wednesday, June IPUI, HOu, tho services cuuimunclng at 10 o'clock A. il. The committee ol arrangements dedication day were Itev. Wilkes Allen, rt'illnun Johnson, Ueo.. Hodges, James StcveiHaud liaylou 1*. O.-good. In Ihu new church pews Nos. 1 and tl wetu re- tallied as tree pews for aged persons, nud pew W was reserved us Ihe pastor's pew. Monday, June U, IKWit wan voted to adopt the following resolveufferud by Mr. Ueorgo lludges, "that tile thanks of Die parish Im given to tho building committee fur the laitlifnl dlnchargu of then duties and for ihu jiulgiiiein anil tuple displayed by the lliiuu in creeling ami completing the meet- ing house." The following are Uio names ol tile deacons orihechureli irmu its formation In Hits, till the lormalluu of tbe TriniUirlau Coiigrcgalloa- al Church in 1831. It will IM noticed during these ono hundred ami clglity-six years, that three by Ihunameof Barker tilled Ibeoftlce, three by the nameofFariihnaiand three by thu name of O,. good. Every one ul HIM list of deacons have de- scendants nuw living here, with one exception, that or Dca. Frost. The ages to which tlioso dea- cons attained is something remarkable. John Fire, dlod Sept. *», Ultt!, John Barker elected March illh, bail, died Jan. 11,17.".'. JosepnStev-

s elected Mareli i-., imii, did March *, 1743, odBM. John O.-goodeleitcdlicc. Ill, 17111, dlcil ivcmber 17Uft, agedKl. John rarnhiiiii ele.te.l iroh 10,17x7, dud n.'lii, 17.V, ngeil 77. Suui- 1 Barker elected Sept,!). 17*1. died Nov. II.

17IW, aged Hit. Samuel 1'hllllps elected June 1^, 171S,, l7U0,arr"

JoiH-pti (ISglHHl, tlLHltlll 17117, aged 7PX Joseph Barl .. ITtHt, Uied Nov., 17*1, aged «i. Benjamin Ham, elected June:', 171W. John Adams, elected Him i, .: i. i,''.■;, died June, 1H13, nge.177. Oeorge Osgooil, elecUd Mareh il, i;n7. dledOct W, 1«U, agcslWI. Joshua Wilson, elected July 11,181:1, dieil Jill) l:(, ISM, age.1 7U. Jnlcdlah Farnhaui, elueteil April, ISit. ami William Frost was elected tliesBinuyeur; both of these ilencons reaigned Iu IKil, Deacon Jedudiah Karnhiiiii liehig eloclml that same year the Oral deacon of the Trinitarian Congregational ehureh then formed. Dca. Far*, ham died Dee. M, IHAl, aged SI, ami Dca. Fund died Starch if, IBW, aged 73.

Uy virtue of a power of sale contained In a mortgage given by James Johnson to Ellen Mel- len, dated April, 11'lh, A. D. 187H, and recorded In the Essex Keglslry of Deeds, Northern District, hook Ik, page 170, (bra broach of the condition of mild mortgage, will be told by nubile auction on the premises hereinafter described, on Satur- day, Sept. lith, I87s, at hall pasi four o'clock v. tl., all and singular the premises described in s.tld mortgage, namely;

A certain lot of land with buildings thereon situated In Andover, Mass., bounded its follows : Beginning at the Sou lb westerly corner of the lot of land of ono lileason, and land ol Jona Hwlrt, thence running Kastoriy one hundred and four feet, more or less, in Central street; thence North, erly by said Central street one hundred and six reel to a passage way seventeen I'cctwlilc, leading Westerly from said street by the Southerly end ofthe Bnpli-t Church; thence Westerly on said p.issagc-wnv furty-efght feit; thence Southerly •m n line parallel with Central street thirty-seven reel; thence, a.sin Westerly on a line parallel with tho first named lino fllty-slx feet to land of said Uloason; thence Southerly by said Ulea- soii's bind, elxtv-nine feet to the point or begin- ning. With a right of way In said passage-way, iiml iil-o over a strip of land len feet wide, lying Westerly of that lino above named which is Ihirty-scvcn tail long. Will bo MU subject tu a prior mortgage for IUBMI Terms, aw to be paid at time ul sn)e, and the balance on delivery ut the deed « ilhin ten days thereaf.

all tills has been done willingly and without eoiu- iiensattun. Every elilxen should thank him for its noble work, and we are Inclined to lliink he iionts something more substantial and WO hope tnd trust he will receive It

DEUOCBATKI PAUCyi—The Dcmoorats ot ibis .own held ncutictis nl Ihe Town Hull, Wednes- day evening- An iiigniij/.Mtiiiii was elTecteil in thu choice of naskellOoidon, I'renideul, nml D. W, Tonney, Socretaiy. Tlio I'ullowing are llm delegates chosen to attend the different conven- tions: 8tato-J. Uii-k. II tinidoii, J- O. Barker, D. W. Tonney, Cba». E. Ilibhard, J. 8. Howe, Frank Saunders. Sciiatorlal-J. S. Howe, C. B. ■111*- bard, Uco. N. CarleUm, Walter K. Stevens, J. li,

W. A. Rowell. County-Oeo. W. Tonney, N. Carlcton, J. O. Parker, Ueo. O. Marsh,

.. Tonney, Chas. Infills, Daniel Currier. ._ Town Committee win chn-eii iis follows: J. Has- kell Gordon, J- S. Howe, Jniues O. 1'siker, Wal- ter K. Slovens, AUHI I Dnme. The best or leellng ■ecRis to be apparent in the Democratic ranks, ami Ihe liepuhlicnns will have lo show a bold and united Irnnl In order to carry off Ihu laurels of victory at Hie approaching election.

■7Apr'rlj.', rat.

—Jars El.l.KN" MKI.LEN MorUsgee.

For further pnrtleiilurs apply lu (Jco. H. Vom Attorney. Andover.

Aiigu.Ei7tb, [>:i. augiSUSt


Hi iiM.-Miv. 'ihe ei|tianlinity of our usually placid town was somewhat disturbed Wednes. day Ihe iHth last, by the irporl or a burglary liiiving been coiomilli d unovllnu: dining Tues- day night, at the dry goods atoraofMIss Mary Nichols. Oolbiirnltij 11111/, upon opening her

•, Ulss N. discovered that the eunteuls of . Jlmw-case had been disarmnged, and further examination n-u-iik-d Urn im-t that numerous ar- ticles were missing. The lltlefor thieves, gained entrance by forcing open a window leading in In the cellar, and fmiu there found their way easily to the flour above. Alter selecting quite a large quantity of valuslile dr.-.. trimmings and othei goods, amounting In nil to about gift, Ihey re- galed lliuin-elveri wllh some choice coiifmitlimcry mid Iheo lea by the same way they hud entered. Tlmtie.ket odlco at tho railroad-tatlon was nls broken into on the same night, hut Ihe thieves a paared lu Had nothing to tempi their cupidity.


dines as many casos as any other compound thai may be chosen. Lei physicians try It, and 1 will he responsible for every hair's breadth in which they find thin (preparation or successful results abridgod.

Oftlce and laboratory, 7t> Oreen street. Con- sultation free in all chronic diseases.

BoaTOK, M A si . Aug. Ilk 1M7I. Dtt. J. I.MKRitioif—Hear Sir: I have used your

remedy lor w-tinuiiiptiou, ne It Is called by my

So, PJ7 Wesley street. P. S. My brother, also, has used four bottles

for nurvons debility and St. Vims' dance, which be has been tumbled with for eight years, and he la gaining rapidly.

BOSTON. Mass., August 14,1H71- 111:. !. l.iiK.Knnji.—Dear Sir: This la to say I

have taken three battles of your Sanguinarium lor general debility. ' " Ifell

X plain ho" I ill.f feel, but I have taken three bottles und now lean work, eat and sleep well, and am all right. Vou may ba sure I will

InfiSb yours, JOHN IlUUNEll, No. 7S, Waverloy atreoL

P. S.—Most all Ihe men In tho shop nre taking jur medicine now, since I have got well.

KYKIIKTT, MASS., Aug. », IS74-11

Remember the Addreti,

228 ESSEX STREET. 3d .lonr from Post OMw,

I.AWHKNOK, • - - I

■el on parlan Frawral*.


Nantoakot Beach, Hlngham, Hull, * Melville Garden, Downer Lauding;.

tteamsrs Go». Andrew, new. Rose fiendish and John Homer, leave Daily except tundays.

For Hlngham and Hull at 0 A. 11., 11,15, and 5.» r. u.

TOT Downer Landing al B and 1040 A. M , IMS, i.SO. l.ju and 3.10 P.M.

Tor Nantasket Beach at 0.30 and 10.30 A. ■., 3.M 3.30 and Ir.H.

BOATS) FOB BOHTOSr. Leave Hlngham at 7.30 and 10.15 a. M-, l.Sn, 5.50

and S.40 p. M. Leave Downer Landing al 7.S5 and 10.«0 A. H.,

11.1S. 1.(0, 4, a.«u and 0.4a t, M. Leave Hull at 7 JO and 10.35 A. H. 1.50, 4-11 and

ajor.u. Leave Nantasket Beach at ■ and 10.43 A. »-, 11«.,

340, 5 and 010 P. K. Fart 23 Cants each way.

irHDAtS. Leave Boston for NanUsket Beach at 1040 A. M.,

340 and & p. at. Leave Nantasket Beach for Boston at IS M.. 34*

and 6 P.M. Leave Boston for Hull ami Downer Landing at

10.40 A. M„ Ml T. H. Leave Downer Landing for Boston at 11.43 A. M.,

and 3-45 p. H, rare on Sundays fJl.OO the round trip, Including

admission to Melville Uarden. STARKES WIIITON. Agent.

If CM t Bews's Watarf. JulrlBeod^fsrPb





YU Iks Blew Msmtreal m»A alnston Air i.lur and Paeesusapala Itatlroad.

Passing on the way Lake Wlnaeplsseogeo, the White Mountain Range, Passunipsle River Val- ley, Crystal Lake, and the Uraen Mountain!. Biwt apiiortiinlly for one of the laeet and asost Interesting Pleasure Trips to be taken on the Continent. On and after Augusl 10th, until fur thernr"— 1HT Ilr Bates

f.awrrars to Mewpvrt »m Lake Slew phrrmsiss naval return, f L«wr*aN to Montrsal mid ret., IN.tMl

Qurbee H 1N.SO via. Maattrenl to Que- bec and return, tsS.OO

Qnebec ta Sagaeaiajr Hirer dk ret>, O.OO

Tickets are good to stop over at any point along the Line. Kor panoramic pamphlet, giving inscription of routes and time tables, and all par tieulsr Information and tickets, apply to



And How Shalt I Ott Thgrot Those questions are answered In the " Burnmei

Excursionist," which contains over 1000 different trips, arranged as regards time and expense, to meet tbe wants of all. For a copy, send address and three cent stamp 10

T. EDWARD BOND, Ticket Aieit, OB Waahlaugtoai flatraat, Beitea, Mass.



I'ltolttli; I'OVHT. To the Heirs, next of kin, and all persons

Interested in the eslateof Kllsabclh I*. Dole, i.-.u of Andover, In snld county, wldi

You have saveil BIT life. I nave been a hard drinker all mv life, and hid B verv severe attack Mima live yearn ugo, thun my physician lold me If 1 ever had a similar attack ofthe kind It would result In death. Hut, being In the presence of

stops „.. _ 1 will 1 touch

1 remain

UKWiTtNU: eat purporting to be f said deceased bus

Whereas a certain Instrument tbu last will and testament of si. . . 11 iireannted In said Court, for Probate, by Jiiseph (.'. Hole, who prays thai letters U-s- I'lmeiilAi-y uiny lii> l"iiei| to him tho cxecutnr ih.iein iinineil, nml Unit lie may Im exeiupl fr-nn giving Bnurcty or surctlns on Ills bond, for the r.'*-on» alleged In said pi'litiou.

Vou are hereby cited to appear at a rrobnle Court, to he boklen at Lawrenoc, in said county Of Essex, nil the Second Tuesday of September, iii-»i,!itiiliieo'eh>i'kln the show cause, il any ve* have, Bgaini-ltlia same. Auilthe.iii.l petitioner It hereby illreeted to give

|,ul>lic ui.iii-i. ilrie.ii, l,v 1' Ibis eltaliun nine n week, fur tbroo sucoesslvu weeks, in the lu'wupnpcr culleil the Lawrence American ami Ainluver Advertiser, printed nt Lawrence, Ihe i;i-i publication lo be two days at least, before Said 1 nut 1.

Witness, (ieorge T. Chnatn, Rmiitfre, ^ndge of said Court, this nth day 0/ August In Ihe year ono thousand <isJ,l hundred ami seventy KB, A. C. UOOIIKLL,

migJUSw Iteglftor.

At'ANTOK WASTBII.—Tho Hceond CongTcgn. liiuuii Boelely ol this place has bean without a pastor for two years !■ ■ 1 During this lime • iy/ity lift preacher* havo alipplled lb" pulpit. A number of those were uaudldntos, two of whom recelve.1 formal calls In settle ns pastors but de- dined- WlpieverU the fuitiiiiiUc man lo sellle

iioslur over this society, need have no fears ijlilnsslary will mil be miUiciiiuiiig, for, by Hie

„.ll of a Mr.Tvler.lhe society received a legacy of Muff, the most of which is luvested nl Un per cent. There are only two churches in ihe tnwu. Inith nl which are li

nlllloii dollars. Itev. .1. V. Dudley, of K11 Claire, Wis.,preached ln>-t .Siibimtli, and In lb

mgivgatlun were four MrBOwJngsa from ttu t and eight from 70 to Al.

as Opened a ttsscx 81. In'T^r oi|y. His rqoins will no doubt iiriive uulle an exchange fo,r North Aiployer MO. n|e, as Sir. Toohey has many friends here, whom ho has won br rtrntalillortvard and ii. Mutt 'niU'luct.He will KTsW* mm* a liberal pat- VOnnge trqui Ihe Lawrence public,

Qtra ilAatita Siioi1.—Customer, (to Mr. Kelly) lil'm gelbM i Vm Ul'".', Mr- \S«»y, "Well. fir. when yiP4 gil to rhurch, If I was In yuUT Place M Al la the gallery.'' Customer nriW* a Wile of I'rlelly's Ilalr H*"t-irtr> warranted to Vlug new hair on heads that have lookeil like a skallng link these many years,

A Navr BKTaaritier..^Mes»rs. Joseph Hall and James K. Keefe, ot this town, havo secured the well known "Lathrop Hhup," IHO Common street, In voor clly, where they propose to oarry cm blacksliillhlng. These young men cannot Is il uf SIIIII'CHH, as they hares ""■ Of Ihu trade. Mr. Hell Is

I ,oyn Langi. KtimiHAsiguiCAnj.—The ox tensive sheet known

as llie North Andover Advertiser I Und thrown in the door at my boarding place (probably the only way Ihey can circulate. It). 1 having Just returned from my daily inutiiliig walk will) nothing iu view but sleep, eat, walk, read and rids, when Invited. ■ lay down and glance over its pages, and -my eyes

1st on a paragraph relallvn totlie enndlllon ul Une. Wu all walk through It,

cc. 1 sen nothing sii very slrniige i g a guide lhere,Tor we were count.

ing Ihe roads this very 1 miming and Und live baalile ihe Iloston road. In adV town o.rthesl»e of this 1 nave always iceii gnld1 Igtards,-"■' narrow "ayslliiiiHnidl'Love La* wishes; I hope the town wi|l erect another; I shall however remain n lent passenger Ibioiigh llieian as weaflenToy Hand besides ii bikes us a simile cut to nur di'Iigliifull lionrding placepu the hill, and let me here ear lhat we havu a One. bnardliig ph>ceanil;North Andover tfln Uoasl pjf many- \\'v do lli.llllii.l iuii-Miii|ii(i'|- VU IMil in regiglll'ln Ihe dejightlul town of North Andover a fewvfeeka. We would tie obliged to. walk here always, but lor the kindness m our bnanllug nias. ler, as this town can not bon>i ol a livery stable. I believe however Hist the editor (ot tluV "''"

c Mii-i; MILL

drink. 'Ui.l 1 dids. , ... tlioso severe uorvnus sltacks which you so kindly relieved me of. 80 now, when I am tempted lo take a drink, I think of your Hangulnnrlnm, and 1 will touch It to in v tongue anil Lhat stops all de- sire for ruin. 1 sleep well and never another drop. May tiod bless yuti yours, wllh my blessing,

1 our bumble servant, WILLIAM DALY.

It over street, Everett, Mass. HOI-TOM, Mass., Aug. Jt, 1874.

|iii. 1.11 rui'.i .1. Dearittr: I ho|ie thl. will be of benellt to rhemnallo suflorers. I have, used Ove hollies of voor medicine, called Ihe hnnguln- arlutn, inr rheuaiallsm, and 1 can say, without any donbt.tUnt It ha. dune ine more good then a.l Ihe doctors since tbu death of my ohiraml.y phy- sician, over ten vears ago. Let ivory ono cell upon me and 1 will tell tlieat all about your modi- cine. I remain, youis truly,

HIM HARRIET OfOOOD. No. B Plymouth Place, Boston City. Every iMltle Is warranted. Bold by all drug-

IslH everywhere, and irbe fails In get It, go to a ive. first-class druggist, thai will. Dlt.J. LIVERPOOL A CO., Proprietors and

General Agents, 7ti Ureen street, Hostoii, Mass. Oeorge C. Oomlwln, Hanover street "


Armstrong's Special rtargalna In

Black Alpacas and Brilliaitincs.

Our quality 97 eta.. Is a

ot < i .•■ 11 in (.ii.ulii v IUKI < '. .1-.


Wo also offer a line Une of

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAIN ADD RIBBED

Out OlaM Beads to Bead Laces"

WOOLLHNS For MBsas' nud Bags Wear.

in great variety and at verv low -o rioes.

utnt sriscx is


LOW. G. D. Armstrong



LIliTIlS-aiElIiTT Is wen-anted a sare care tor

RHEUMATISM. NKIRAf.ld A Kllir Jnlitii, PBIM IN Joints, srLlmbS, Npralns, Cramps, Mttrs, Mtlags, Pauuntaa Use Fnee, slide nr Bark, cms, fbnaUae, llm In., Burns, Mealds, etc.

It has never failed to cure KIIKUMAT18M or NBUKALG1A, when a thorough trial baa been given. Tbe following are a few of the testimo- nials wblch we an constantly receiving ironi those who have used It:

LAWMKCK, May ST, 1814. at I have every spr'—

the last four years, been 1 fate ted with ID lory rbeusnatlim, which has conlned inn to


Very Cheap.

Pig. MualinB, - - 61-4 c.


White Fig. P. K's,

White Stripe P. K's.,

Basket P. K. for CMlflrens' Cloaks,

Heavy and Vary Datlrablt.








in our New Hall,



249 & 255 Essex SI.



A. W. 8TE111N8 1 CO.

Ar, ■••rlrtB(



o rruB■»





18.3119 & 311 ESSEI STREET

iiniiif, for

I. learlr all onlaraed and swollen, and I was suf _ ins severe pain, with great fever. A friend in-

dueed me to make a trial of the Csllfnriiia Llnl - hah

, iy — use. IsantforMr. ttsllsbury, the discoveverol the Liniment, to visit me which he kindly did, and applied the Liniment, with the mo«l favora- ble results. Tho pain was soon relieved, and In fogr days, havlnf lined four bottles, I was able to be out of doors at work in my srarden. 1 have

' "ill, and i UT -.-

every person afflicted with rheumatism, for believe that II Is the best remedy In tbe world for that dreadful disease.

J. M. SMITH, Nn. II Haraent street, Lawrence, Mass.

Liwiiv.Sf'K, April It, 1874, j I. Xso,

. _ am suffering from that awfnl dls- _„, rbeuinallsm, and have seen your ailvertlac- iiii-nt, I wish vim toeallat Mo 10, Valley street, and let me see a man who ran cure that worst of nil diseases. Yours Ae.,

J.C. WSIU.KK,!.. I have seen the man, I have used the California

Rheumatic Liniment, and wonderful was Its el- fact for Rood; four weeks of Intense sufferirs and no relief, and after three applications I was

nv fist t sml went alHiut attending lo m>

Family Bowing Machines on Earth

The celebrated world-renowned


To be Riven awaj al the


or r. m. ROMIIIW,

1 Basel •treat.

lie good people ol «r, and adtolnlna rears. In acknowl-


Tho subscriber has hired tho elder mill hitherto i-tiiipled by Henry A. llnywanl, and Will enry

on thu business nl inuhiiijc liili-r. A share uf ihu

'"""" '-"""" 'MiiHSK WlfSlAKD. Andover, Aug. II, l»Ti, *\m

I'U'O NEW MllcfCowa for »le. Ap- ply lo JAS. KITTKKDUK, North Andover.

JUBEPIl ABUOTT HAS STEKEOH- UOI'IU VIKWH of public buildings |n Ando

vir, and a good assortment af tttlwir vliiws. Also Stereoscopes lllii'i.iiii'-, PI'IHH-H, Vrs'oes, llrnek- eta, Urtslns, i'lxture-, Cords, nte.

Aniloyer, June IU 1*71. IU


James fet Crabtroo, geimral uuderUker, I'ark "- -esfdeniie KniH.\( Abbot|Si, —>' -streets.


li.isAi.rsniiil'iiiwii.i:. A number of per- •ons owning laud WM the bonier* uf Island fund, Uampsluad, N. II.'met nt the town Iva.ll in lhat place un Saturday last. In consider what action Is necessary tn obtain satUlacliou from Mr. liar- vey Taylor of lids place, fur the overflow of Ih.dr lands. Mr. Taylur ■ ini.-tnn li-d Uio dam nt the outlet of the pond. l>oa. Hay, of Derry, Caleb Moulton, usi]., and llea. William Sanboru. ol llampstend, were chosen a committee to see Mr. Taylor and ntcerUIn Ifa compromise cannot be


OniTt'ART.—CapL Qsnso Wildes of Uds place died last week. n\ Uui ago of IX He was com- mander of UMJ old Itylleld Itiflu Cmnpanv, thu first rifte Comjiany over raised In Anierlea. He was Tor many years n iluacon of Hyfleld church and was a man of character and solid worth.

BITTKBB.—Mr. l.uili.i t\ Carter, Iho "blti-r" .an, Is turning out thousands of gallons i>l ,%(

wood's preparation. He has also Ihi* *ea sou two tliunsand gallons of native wuies, grape, currant, blackberry, etc,

Hi li. Ml v , I'ilH"'" I ■•":'■' s. ■ ■ P.\|.r in I'lck. a hotise In Lincoln Square, and

bus In 'is and pain. Lawrence, Apr

"III s Ac, j. C. W.

I thorough knowledge il to be one of the

with carriage work. .\ ■-!.. ni.ii OCTOUKSIABIA».-COI. Theron John-

■on, Will lie mi years of sge on Sunday the lith insL Cot. Johnson was the youngest ami Is the only surviving member of a tamlly of eight chil- dren, all of whom lived lo great ages, only one of the nutuuer falling lo reach ifl years. Thu Johnson mmlly have been Identified with the Uiwn from IU settlement In.iota- Surgeon eval Dale Is Ethe desoendanl and owner of. the

Street, Andover. res(dem>e ner nl' Kb" "Ud niiii|iu«r stt

Andoycr, dune 90, ltJT*,.

W? BHKVARP. M. _ \ Hoiuwopalhlsl.

locality. Un Moid ton struct, a __. west ol Lhedepot, Mr. II. N. IVHIWI'UIS building

To Manage ami Hull Ine Ten best DOOR and (i ATE ttl'KISU ever Invented. It is now in ex- l. n-f l,y lh. l.riwllng llanlis, tloV. Is, Itloirn, factories, HOII-CB, eto. In Boston, and Is being generally adopted everywhere, A good, active, responsible party Is wan eil to take Uic Agency lor It in the principal cities In Mew itnglaml.

Address— A. MDSELKV, Tropiletor,

lyUAklseiLt I IU Court street, Huston.


Drain Pipe, Li ii i , CKftKNT, i-'lMK aaith,

KAOLIIV, SAlfU and nil kinds eTMaisai'

Material. FOB M M.l.:. I.y

Fit ATT, l'KABODY A HT a* 111,1 „

MSUMHS * Builders, Car. I.nvtrll ami r raiiklln Streets.

ntrsrU, In orout of town, taaea; Jobbing In s branches executed promptly. Comi

sept. 1 tU







259 Essex Street.

inU-f uay In the same

besides we stand a chance of he ma arrested by tbe Hockly that |in)[ic'- iinlinnl ,1<u Ehu horses an walking skeleloitsjliut i"o bopu by another ycai some one will open a llrst class stable; nlso ttia our friend who rind* so mm li lnull wllh our la votlte Inn.', u ill inllnciire the dree I etiiiiliiWlon ary to repair it, so that It will bu ready for us un other yonr. A FIUKMITO NO. AltOOVil

Rev- Uniloy Lorlag;. KIIITOK OK A memo AH—1 have read " nli deep

Interest the historical sketches of North Andov- ur the North Parish of Andover as It was |i_ known; espeoially those relating to llie affairs of tho church. The characteristics ul the early clergy have lieen admirably portrayed; am) that power which they exercised In elevating the first

he Kim House. Andover, Juno U, 1871- tf.

subscriber offers tor sale his land and build- lues. Ilcimslstsaf a story and a hajf house with elfht rooms and a basement, In good repair, and a dry cellar, a well ofexcallciit water, aud a envoi barn and woodshed, together wllh a lot of land M) by M feet. Upon tho premises are ten super), or apple trees in lieai ing condition. It Is enclos- ed wllti a picket fence. The house is nicely shad- ed with elms, and Is sullsble for one or two fam- ilies or for a boarding house. Tbe estate Is plea- antly located on Rlvor Street, and Is hut flvo mln. ute* walk from the depot, schools, churches, wool- •ii mlllsond file shop. Tec property wllll be sold cheap as the owner is shunt leaving llie place' A part of the purchase 'money ran rrtnaii

was chosen Moderator, The second article in the warrant was to Mil the vacancy on Iks li.mill id Sch'cinvea, caused hj Ihe drain of Mr, Ueorgo W. HanhoiTi, ami Mr. t|. 1>. Tciiniiy was eleetud. Aporaprinte rosidiitions rcgnnHiig thu death of Mr.Hanlmrn were offered by Hon.'l. II. Tenney.aiid uuani u-l\ ndopled. At) article In regard to stocking the pond' with fish wa disputed of by leaving thu mutter In the ham! <d the Helectmen, wllh Instructions tn report at future meeting, lo he hid.I S.IUL lith m-i.

"CbrometDpsendopsy" i exchange adnpls fur i

■ enns color blindness.

A part uf the purchai mortgage,

pa(UrdP?£e, Sept. I, TfiH-

i remain nn

Lawrence, May alb, IS7I. II. W. Sritithury Ksyi-Viiiir Calinirnla Kheu-

matlo Llnimeut caps tbu climax. It Is far ahead of anything I have ever tried, and I have tried a goodlv number of remedies. This ii loud talk, but 1 h»vo ei|ierleuced Its benefits for Ihe Inflam- matory Khruiiistlniii, and know what 1 say to be true. Yours etc..

J. llmv.r IlHOwx. Bookstore, US Kssex street Kenldenc, 7S

Union sirecL

bAwsKiiii, MAT tit, ltd MH. SSI.IMHUHT, Dear Mir:-Thls Istoeertlfy

that I nave lieen amicleil with Kliiiumallsm for n number of years, and have tried a great many Doctors, and remedies without obtaining much roller. loan say with truth thsllhave received more liencflllrom using your California lthiumsl- |e Liniment than from any thing 1 have ever tried. Kor six months previous to using your Liniment, my wrist was so Issd that 1 could not use It at all. It Is now almost well, and 1 rim use It about as well as ever. Very Trulv Yours,

Motaeti.Mkanii No. 03 Uarden street

Tl..' California Llnlmeni which we heai much about. U evidently an eluclunt remedy, especially when used for Uhoumallsm, Neuralgia, etc., etc. Many Of our wall known clUsenn have used It, and have been greatly benefited by IL It differs In all respects trom nny of lbs so-called rheumatic llnlmtsals, remedies, lotions, etc, ever before offered to tbe afflicted, and wllll certainly bear close Investigation. It was discovered by Mr. <>eo. W. Sallsimry, vLlln a captive among the Indians in the fsr wesL Mr. Uallibury ean, and will show sny amount of homo testimonials from many of our most respected riiiiens who bare long suffi I from rli liatln difficulties. We cheerlUlly commend It to the public K. II. Kclley, Druggist, Post Office Block.

rrepared and sold Wholesale and Retail by

O. W. Salisbury, No. 73 Nawbury St. ],awrmer, Mass., and by nil Dnsn;a;lats.


__ . J my em- oere graUtude for all iHtst favors and exceedingly "beral patronage. As a further expression r'

iBtiks, I shall

OH AND AFTER DECEHBER IB. Give a ticket to each customer,




I shall glrr away 4CM> Tl>ksts o« a f I OO Nsrhlur, »d SOO •■ n f»» M arhlssa,

Picture Frames at Strallut

Account ltonki at Btratioi

Looking (1 lasses sold at Btratton's Inxikslore,

School Books o( all kinds und |n Lanrinee vicinity^ fqr sale_at Sir^lou's l«mkslorc.

AT TIIK book and taper hanging > tore of Lewis Strstton, may he loi.ui all M-i,. ml bunks needed l»*thiscUJr.


50,000 ROLLS. S^KinSTQ-1874

Our stock was neverlfttollcom- plete before. Consisting of Stamp- ed Golds, Embossed and Plain Bronzes, Fine Grounds and Em- bossed Damask Papers, Satins, White and Brown Blanks, Mould- ing: Decorations, Borders of all Varieties, BhadeBtlandlShads Fix- turee. Don't forget the place. Our PRI0B3 ARE LOW AND OUR QOQD8 NEW.


One of the local journals of the clly, lo a recent Issue, raised the query as to whether Messrs. Htanley A Co., brewers, were using "deleterious drugs " in the manufacture of their bear, saying that a man who had been a former employe of the thru stated "that vitriol and other poisons used lo force a good appearance on the beer, la order that It might -HI"

i.-i ■■■ to the Inquiry, the proprietors •ought the stale Aisayer, requesting him to pro-

Mime of their beer from the market, and Ihe result of an analysis, and the same Is

here presented, proving the purity of their beer: No. 4 M.iii sriini, li.i-1us.

August ill, U7(. MH—H-. HTANI-hT A Co.,

UKNTf.KMKK: A naniple uf ale of ynur manufac- ture,! ~


Martha's Vineyard, Vi Wood's Hole.

Only Seven Miles Steam Ferriatre-

No Sea Sickness.

Express Trains Running Along- side the Steamers,

And no Change of Cars.

Excursion Tickets. 11ih ion to Oak 111 "IT- and relu rn. fUD Iloston tn Nantueket and return, ft.,.,


ekeepted) e.0l>, ILWKs. ■ and Kneeiand streetit, ma.dallv, ("unday"-

I Ka. " ~ arNa

Y \ A. St., also on DisHin»T as t. r. ■, , . m- Tlckets for sale at OBiee or fall Itlver Line, 1

Oldsuie House, Boston; and at Old Colony So- pot

Ask for Tiek.ts via Wsst'i Hole. J. It. KHNREICK. flap! O. C. R. R.

June W, UT*. lulyllHraHi

i soon as the tickets are given away.

MY STOCK OF BOOTS A SHOES Is too well known to require any explanation of

mine In regard to quality. I shall, as lieretofure, a wall selected

riitsT-ci.ASS I.IHK or uooni,






B. ROBINSON. iil'l Kowaia Hlr.-..


-suaa CURS FOR—

Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrkaa IStiDl fall logsl It 1 Only SO ssNsta.

Twenty years' experience has fully established Ihe curative qualities of this preparation-

It nrsi Cramp C«lle. It estree Chsltrs ■rant «■*. It smraa s^satwatla Draaattarr. ICMr»Mparadlc< holfra. HrarssKlHSy

llyasntars-. II eauras t'kalsra Msyrknte. It nil Bawsl Complaint*. It as

..irk«. It esuws DysBspelsv. It BI 1 aigrsllOH.

Every lamlly should have It. Said by all drng- Ists. rropswed by W. If. CltAMIflCKLAlS,



For lavsntioas, Trade Marks, er Desigas. TS State St*, .pp**l«> Kllfcy HI., B«l.

alter an eitenslve practloe of npwsrds of thirty years, continues to secure 1'aUnU lu the United States: also la Ureat BrlUin, rranea, and other fOiwIgn nounLrles. Caveats, MiwciaeaUoas, Assign- ssents, and all papers for Palenis, execalad ea ___„_..i- . . -HI. .11..^.1^1. U_u»Lu _J.




nd Is pin Ue. peetfolly.

4. UANA IIAYBa, Mate A.sayer. Mai

_ have purchased the stock la trade or the shoe usUbllshssenl of Mcven* tli ol hers, and will con. luiui' thekusisktusalllHinhl.tandon Slain Ht Boots, Hhons and Hubbera of Ihe best i|u constantly on hand and for sale. Custom 1

TTi*. . . „ TO w»* • manufactured In llie nrsi slvle, and all goods will

Wnitford & Rice, as? v^sri,s;„,s.*fer AS etlgoil, am) Its continuance respsietfully snllelled.

rt„„ ^ WILLIAkfcOHfiE A CO. «05 EWHCX street. I A*d«nMejl.4 '■»

to determine the validity and utility of relents of tarnations, and legal and^ iiUar adrloe rendered ia all matters touchtnaUmaaase. Copies of the ■ ims of any Patent furnished by remitting one

BWf sTHi

gtlMi psli'iilabiiily of Inventions.

i oared Inventors.

TI8TIH OMIALa " I regard sir. Kddy as ono of the roost capable

ami successful practitioners wllh whom I hare bail uncial intcrccurse. _

CIIAKLK8 M AM IN, Commis'r of Patents.' I bare no hesitation in assuring Inveutors that

they cannot employ a man saors competent and InuHcorikf, and more cs)ialde of putting their ap- plications ia a lornt lo secure fur thesn sa siariy -nd fsvoraNe connideratLm al the Patent OsBca.

nSBuVD Itl'llKK, Late Coro'r of Patents.' "Hr. B. H. KIWI has maile for me over THIRTY

applications tor Patent*, having beentsuoesMefttl la almost ersry ease. Much oumlstakabk proof of groat talent amiability on his part, leads meto recommend SIX Inventors to apply to him to pro- cure their patents, as they aiay be sure of hariag the most mlthfal attention l>esUiwed on UH.IT cases,

— " '"» ""-""• ChT5H» IAOO»«I.- Boston. Jan. Lint. lylab


P. Murphy, the scent of Ihe Cunsrd I Ine of all »tcainships, ha* removed his oilier from tU

.jtS elrv i „u >

■oma, wllll liarn, snrn, carriagr nnuae, rn-. .... _iljninlnglbs house, a Hrst-elass workshop,

wltligooil water power, M feet bead; shop eon lalns a good Iron water wheel, one splitting saw ami bench, nns log plainer, one lolntlng saw and bench, one Jig saw, one turning lathe, one boring machine, one mortising machine, one turning machine, all In good order. Terms flouo, one i-alf down, and mortgage for halanor. This property Is situated In Canaan, N. 11., between two villages, half a mile apart. In good neigh- borhood, and but a rew minutes walk front post nlhcc. schools and ehumhas, and covers two

wllh a variety of fruit K,i.„ water, etc. This is i wal

liiurueyiiian carpenter ti -"-' work sbnp.

r to obtain .rell aupolnU-,1 work sbnp. Address,

A. II. ClIAMHKItLAIN, Canaan, N. II. lliglHlm

store. Up one Bight of stairs. Mr. M. Is the sxeal of the above Popular Line of Steam

i fi.r Lnwrenort, Mrthueu and Andnvr. A great redui-liiiii has recently been made in the price ol passage on the Cuaarders. myltniU


Stock and Furniture


T. J. MURPHY, 269 Essex Street, Lawrence,





J. o, «*r SsnS fsr 4'lrrml«r.


The undersigned havlaa formed a Co-Part- nershlp under the styls and Arm or

Stevens Bros. for the Manufacture ard sale of

BOOTS ss> SHOES, wouhl respectfully announce to the Poonie of 1 jsrsBrr, Andover and surroundlag towns, that they will eontinue to sell

Boots and Shoes, at their two ■lores

No. 123 Essex Street. Lawrence AMD

M.l. ...r Elan Strsmt, Annnrsr.

and for the nest



flsvlng two stores and a

LARGE TRADE, we eaa offer special Inducements to our patron

Comeaarly and secure the best bargains.

iia*.Ul SUs-ans, Ckns. A. Btavana.


City of Lswrsnos Wstsr Losn. SU par oenL Cannon Bonds ofthe Ultj of Laws

rence, duly authorised by eel or the Lrti'lalure, City t>rdiuanee and resolutions of the City Cann- ed, will bo Issued October 1st, for a basiled amount Coupons attached for semiannual Inter- est, payable la Boston or Lawrence, at tbe option of holders. Pnr price and full particulars call on or address tW.COLCOBD,


Per order sf finance Committee.

B~ lfpEDBICK S CI.OS80N. ■If ISAWVII.I.K, a. 1

Double Cottage House, ninerooros, roomy sod convenient, end In perfe.1 Htable, siore and lenrnwnl building, about sin rod* from the same. Ailed up fur |«sl ofleoas* store, by which 11 U now occupied. *i aorao af land under s high stsle ol.^Wvsllen. A ffas ■wwaattf In the vlllsge of J>an«la*i, *. U-i twa- EbSal h'on^. distant I and lgMB#««l corner of the premises; It miles from HlfsML Msss.S mile, from Kseter, E H-. end I mllee rrom ts-t Kingston Depot, fplendld HMBM for a i.bysh-ian or Inr a mechanic, plenty ot work. nml giKMl Ms The property Is frst claas, an.h wi.njj.nbi for only • W. ^ , cumo^


I :

Iff |j


nr n. at. m■!>'.!■.

"Now, children," said l'u»* a* ebe hhook bur bead,

"II'* time your morning lcMim wa* sal.I," Ho Mi kitten* drew ■>■ ar wllli i. .-JI-«.-| ■ - slow. And aatduwu before berallln aruw.

■'Attention, cla**!" mild the <'.it-iii:iiiiiii:i. "Ami (i II mi' iiuli'k where vmir nones nn-'f" At tliU nil the niltrn* Milffi'-d the Air, A* thuuftli It wen 11 t J ■ -1 with in jwrlunio rare,

"Now, what iloyou ray when you want n drink?"

AlUMumlM a moment to think, And then t lie uninrr esttiie <lcnr nnd loud— ii.ii 'IIIKIU l.i have heard liuw thuau kllti-mt

meow'd 1

"Very well. II* tho n »j[h«ih»rjicr

When you want a il*h or a bit of bone. Now, what do you tar when rlillilret. are Rood?' And tho kuti'iM purred a* aefl a* thuy could.

"Pooh!" laid their mother. "That Un'l enouRh|

Yon muni u-c your claw* when children are rough.

And where are your rlawnt No, no tnv denr>" (At the lookup a paw). "Seel they're hidden

Then all the kitten* crowded about To iet> their abarp tittle claw* brought out.

Tli.'v felt nil it.-.- Li r.■ they should never need To M> mob wan.nt.nn oh, no, Indeed I But their wl«e innmuia (rare a puaay'a "jwliaiv !" And boxed their ear* with her sidle* t paw.

"Now Mplltu' an hnr>l an roil ran," ahc MM, 1 till every kitten hung down it* head. ••SptiiiM', I mv." thu mother eat; Hut tliey «*i-l, "O mammy we can't do that."



Thl* in llw only u\>t, eiUeiont, *nd «afe master of nit h riymptoni* a* loa* of appetite, heartburn, piil.ilUirJoii of lb* heart, d!i*liie*«,

....... l!Wu«n*M*. Wind, _. .,, unwell an many

other., Which, ll nt-fkrlrd. will soon plat* »|ta Imimo Wo live In* boyond the roaeli of nny remc-

.: . ■...■ .• —i^a lW(.|itv yi'nr i, anmellmes plainest rood and very Illlle

of that- I tried phy** MM remedies with- out relief until I lYsirned <•' White'* P>p«<-laity for l>y»lie|ntla," In; .'iKirih me. Hl|[ned

HM. H. I.. IVBW, Viiievi.rd Mann, Man*. flt-KlMU-riKM', Hiun, Oct. Irfth. MK. WIIIT«,

DKAK.SIK.—Thu "Speeinlly" I* liked very much by e*«ry one who ui-c it. We bnvo sold It for two year", and nre not lalnf anvthing hut the "Spcr- lalty" now lor Uy«|W|.Kla. Your* truly,

1 C. 1\ AMUM. Prh-ell per buttle. For sale liy all drugg<>1 Send for deaerlptlvo circular to the "-"

— "lmhriiUmi"'-' * augi.1*'


The trying shame of polygamy—Untile*. A Ml** Fickle hit* married a Mr. Onion ii

Lundun. Bitrd Grub I* the owner of* Newport ycchl

m liny call him Canary Seed. Why ought not a tlmcpkrc to be tnllrd a

thingummy 1 Because It In a watch you call It, The beat wuy to learn whnt HI lifu is U to

go toieayonrinir: ben son ol the acu l<

It mar be tight lo lufer, when ilio wind ban changed "two [ilnt* to the ra-faril," that ir i- In a new <|uart>cr.

Who la the ulralghleil man menliinio.l li Bible f Joseph, liecnuac l'liarnoh made it tulor ■ ii him. And that's why hi remained idullon- nry In tfgypt.

"Vou are writing my billon very rough pa- per," laid a client to hi* ultorney. "Never mind," tald the lawyer, "It has lo bo filed '*?■ fore li cornel into court."

An Triah nillltlu-uinn bring told by a phrc nologlst that he bud the iirgim of iocnlilv, very Innocently replied, "very likely; I was five yearn In the local milllla.

A mlnlnter once prayed: "0 Lord wo thank Thee for the goodly number here to-night, ami that Ttiini aUo art here notwlihutnntllnfr the Inclemiiu-y of the weather."

"Well, Johnny how nro you getting on How do you like your new matter ?" Palih Ml**, I dunno." "He I* n very excellent man; Sm enn't do too much fur him." "An' iure

[if, I don't mane to," A Iiidy, In rapid pursuit of health at Sara

tngii, !....!;,■.[ to her phyiickii], whom fhu met ii- -li" wii* leaving the aprlng, "I have jatf drank five gla»*e* of CongrciH." "Then Jou'i let me detain you," wai the i[uiet reply.

When ther tried to force Ml** Ojy ol Inde pendenre, MirHourl, Into a imirrVagc I;M m-i hei will ihu kicked tho mluiilcr's hat otf, knocked the younx man down, and rode ulTon a rout with one foot on each -i in ol him.

At High Kali*, New York, the o-ticr day, young lady while cromlnga Held wu knocked down by a ram, and the next time Hie damaged damnel taw her lover Hbe Informed tho attoii- Uhed youth that he might po about hli tiuitl neat, at nbu wa* dli>gu*teil with the lex.

Mr. Drown dunned .Smith for the umount due on accouut, and Smith wrote, faying Ilrown muit Jet the amount utiind awhile Imigcr. Brown wrnthhilly replied Hint bo would not. "Then let It run," retorted Smith, nnd Brown wai madder than ever.

A Yankee poet thus brtakl forth. Oh! the more, the bMitlflllflltore, ulilng the chnmbL-r from felling to floor! Over the coverlet, under the ihcet, from her wee dimpled chin to her pretty feet! Now rl*in«nloft like a IHC In June; now Hutelike nilwldlng then rl*ln« again, i- the bciiutiful snore of Bllsobatb June."

■Scntimciitiil young lady lo perfumer—"I don't think you forwarded the ment I meant| It iecm.1 tntlrclv dlirerent from that I ordered." 1'errmner (who U fond of panning)—"Madam, I am lure that whnt yon meant I aent. The icent I tent wan the Kent yon meant, ciinse- 'incntly wu are both of one rent latent."

DK. SCHENCK'S l'ULMUNIC SVKWP It.* *T..rt Tonic. «»'l M.-.leake IM1I.

The*e medicine* have undoubtedly pfrformed .n,ic rim- of ion uiiiiitiou than any other reine- ly known to the American public. They are compounded «f vegetable iiii-'i .'.lient*, and con- tain nnihlng which can be lnjurioii- to the human conitltauon.

tJIho lUimli'M advertised n* curea for Con- iUTU|>tlon, probably contain opium, which i* a

wlial •Ungaroii* drug In all Maaa, and it i freely by com-iimjitiru patient*, It raunt do areatlnlury; for In tendeney I* lo eonrtne tl» morbid matter in the uriteni, which, of com muat make cure Iniponf Iblo.

Hehrnek'* 1'til nic sviui-!• warranted no mntaln u particle of opium: til* compoied uiwerfiil but hjrmles* herbs, wliioh act on

.ungn,liver, *tiunach ami Mood, and thu* correct all iiiorhid-*e."icii,m-, ami iMpcl nil the dlucancd

Ironi the Theno are the only - ' COIIMI mptlon —


Banex Ooutitv-

Hi. Tho dc|


i from Haver.

II Bradford, on the Boston A Maine roa.i, ix in nc rebuilt limn. itiaUk, on a rite of the pioent one.

Tlii-. Munchau*en-llko tab- hill: Tim laatmyatery la a *. , pounds, found a day or two ilaoa limiting hi thu air, mid Boftly ilioppliig Into a enrriage upon an open box ofghi*.. I,ini|i elnoiiiev-, without liijnr- big them. It h in tbe oo.,ef.r.iiiii of Or. Itieh id thiacity.

Dr. O. 1>. I'heney lost a valuable hor-e, Krldny evening in a i.'i \ flo>!ol;ir milliner. He Wu* ill- temiinKn patient at Tilliiii's Corner, Hvo miles awav, ami tied his hor*e:ii the .turn, app.irenlly all light. In llllecn iiiiiiubm ailcr be round Hie carriage ovei tin ned, tin- hov.c hl.ig on bis bnck. dead, with his neck broken, mid riispviuled by the hiiller. The hor-e was eim-Mi red I the iimsi valiiubli: in the city.


It is said llmt Sir I .1. Whcutlaiid has not mis-eil a iiiu-Ici ofihe Sakm Light Inlantiy f.n Unity years.

John I., siioicv, i>i|,, pnbllaber of tlia Nursery, will deliver the annual ud.iie.-s faefore thu Kaaax AgrlcullnrAl Woclely.

The contrnel for biiil'ling Ibe new Town' Null In Snugus has been mvnnli.l to Sh-.srs. .1. II. Klbbcc AMniHofCtiilscit for #j;,:.(d, nl.uu. Its I'liiuilnliou.

The KaiUrn It.iilroad managers have arrnugcil a aeries of exclusion, to ih,- lu.uinlaiiii and aea- shore nt greally icilure.I i;iles, tli.i tickets to be C'ni.l during SeplemlH-r.

The Merrlimick "Journal tan : We know •.( a hi.u-e in Which people slccu n iU> one leg l.urjiiorlanil « tbr


Mr. N..1. Mai of the ■ pi


pal nl the •■'«!> -■ I I, at a nt\.„-.■ . ftsniayear, ami leave* Augn la ibis week l.i er ler upon hlsilutie*.

The l.yimTian-eiipteiiu lown on Ih" she buyer* who eoaio there, |lve their ordera, urn when are about rculv to ,},][>, comilei muinl Uie order mid tho rdioco me loll on 111 ulaiiilfai-turur*'Imnils.

The Biyley lint factory,Sewburyport, in run nlngolTiiiore Ihan a hinnlii.l ili./.eii huts u ilav with order* almve what they , ;Ui Miimlv. i'hev built an addition to thru null tins vc'ir, ami th.'> Will need another next year.

Tlmr-lny, llimn;!, ,1 kind mvilmion of 1,cn Hut. ton. 1 heir aggregate age- were ifsKl i ,ai average age of over IM year*.

The body of Dennla UnlTrw, whowaa d In llanipton river a few wee.' ting u 1 lie In.lav. and tliu head W(M |,,i Beach. Tho hotly lucked an in

Tim i-Hli Uasiaolnisetu ttoglmonl r.unilon at thuil.v.m House, ILvero lleueh Tuesilay, M«..|. a, the |-| ||t.nvy Artlllciy,' KchotJrove, l.vnn. on Tbursdiiv, Sept. Ill n thu ild, at Marbleheml Tliaisihiy, thu i;'th.

Jauic* Kcllv, Hged U years, was draw | Maibbhcad mi r ■ r.J.iv ' moiiii.ig ,,l ul„,„. o'clock while balhliigoit lie. ,„, ks near ••(' Kort." Hii went beyond bl< depth mid hcl. hi* -iiu.iti .ii was noticed or u-.isuiiico co reach him he wan drowned.

At Pcahiily on theilili ia.i., a lire brok

erttfarr, on I Theneareit w fore the (Ire e, ofinehou.o w

lll'lllll'l, ill'.d I genei ill i.Ill -. past. All tli gust at.

ThciNewlii none in Now

of the I I!..

lead has U|.,,,. ,„ ;' '»■'-" In.ry, iildbmn. w.

d from' 'tne

r Ibis week



;'''/'-',!"" '■, ' ;k ' " in-,-

»""l>«wl H i( oil .. .Mll.'.d'tiM. de.

HanslbM www the |.n-a-bi-j.. " 0I"



IlldMlk. - Pub lie'lynip, Sea W 1 Toiitc, nii.l .■ fills are the only medicine- « lib no

jruto In Uii- way, II U obvloiia they I



$1000 WOKTI1


» I.Chilli

, „J the only Knulne cure for ruhnonary Con-umi-lion. Each

iltleorthls Invaluable inede ioe I- iiecmpniiled by lull directloua.

Iiv. S hen. k I- |.r..!.■■-!■.:i:il!v at hi.- principal ulll c.ciriu i >i\lti and Arch -n. clsl'hiladi Iplua, evcrv .Monday, und at llic tlliinej Hoilsc, liosUOl, on the following Wednesday*, June Huh nnd Sllb, July sih nml Sit I, and Augii.l .Mb and Slilli.


VCAH1). A clergyman whlto iWIdlDg In South Ami'i-icn, a* mi--ionaiy, dl*eoveretl

a safe and simple remedy for tho Cure i.f Ner- vous Weakneaa, Karly Decay, Dlseaae of the l'i nary and Ncminal Organ*, and the whole train of disorder* b)ought on by baneful and vlcluua hab- it*, '.ii-: ,. : ii ■ i have been cured by thin no- ble remedy, l'rooiptad by n tteaire to benefit tho ainicletl ami unfortunate, I will send the receipt for preparing nnd using (hi* medicine, in a acttled envelope,! to any; one who needs lt,VKXKOF 0BAJH1K.

Address, josBPd T. mux,

Station D.Bible House, inarm 1/aayaB Now York City.

..E YO~U TROU~BL~ED With l>ysprp*ln. Imllireatlon, Coil-

.ll(.iiH.Mi, llllloM.ii.... llenclacha and i..... or Appetite l Ther* le a aate ami mirfi'fiiicij,Mosi;'.*i:viut(T Or VKUKTATIUN.

wiNSi'vvooos: Certlfleil in h>- the beat phyalelaiia •« coiitainliiu miitilng Injurious to the aya- t.m. ItrelTeveawhenallalaeialla. Blood I'.nin. i anil I.lver iBvlsoratnr, lirlog a pleaaant ptirajatlve needed by old and , Mur.K- It eurea Jaundice, Fever and Ai;ue, Pain In the llwnti.Uhtniuilbin, U'orana, 1'imalt l>laeaa> . \. i » MM Disor- der*, It Idiiry t'omplalnt, *e., *•• ,..■*:■.

C08TIVENJCSS the source of lUseaite. Ilcauans I'iles, Headache, Diz/inesa, BIHOUB

ne-s, Hour Itising, Oppression ol Komi, Low aplHta, Wnrmt, [mligesllon, etc, Hit. H.MIUt- su>'a I'nutaTALTio XsMtlMOU warranted to cure nil these and every form of Dyspepsia, and the only cure for 1'iles. cither bleeding or blind; (ii all outward application* are only time and money wasted. Trial box, ito cent*. Large box nil cents, mailed free Tor thl* last price.

DB. IIAIIBISON'S ICELAND BALSAM, a splendid euro for Coughs, Honrsencsa, and all Throat and Lung complaints, for sale by K. ». llAHIiiaiiN 4 Cu , Proprietors, No. 1 Tiuoiunt Temple, llo-tou, and by all drugglitn.


poll MOTH PATOOBS, FKBCKLE8 I ami Tan, a«k your Druggist lor Terry's Mulh

and Freckle Lotion, wbi, li is harmless and in every case infallible. Or for his Improved Come- bin.; and Pimple Remedy, the great Skill Medi- cine for Pimples, lil.ick (leads or r'lesh worms, ilr consult II. ('. 1'KltltV. the noted Skin Doctor, Hi lloud Street New York. mUeodlemBD




MDDilay, 30tl Jrato, 1874. LAST CHANCE



ly anticipated,' and la to manlfetUy for the Inter eat of all concerned, that It must meet the ap- proval of all. The day ta now ■LlUllMlf iti«d and there will be no variation from the pro gramme now announced. A cufflrlent number ol ticket: had been sold to have enable, us to have had a large drawing on the lil-t of July, but .1 .Inn I I■■ >■ in- cuii-i'lere.l pceoTable - npnillnl drawing. Let It be borno In mind

THE FIFTH GIFT CONCERT the laal which will evrr be given «n-

der title ehartvr and by the pre.ent man-

That It will positively and une<|titvoe,ally take

MMfifiFm OF NOVEMBER, it tliti iniulc will be thu he-t the country ntTorda I that

20,000 Cash Gifts,

>av50oTooo! Will by I. it among tile ticket holderfe

LIRT OF <ill". One tlrand Cash tiift. One lirand farh tint. One Uranil Ca.-h t'i::. One Oraml t'a.h (lift, One lirand L'aoli (lilt.

It Ca-h Uifls, *J.','ssl each, in Lash (iifls, H.issi each, 1.1 Cash tors, in.'SKi each. •-*o Cn-diiiilts, ft,uuo each, •J.1 Cash tiift-, l.walcacb, :tu L'a*h tints, :i.i*W each, .". i ' :l~ll I.ill., ■-'.".»i i .!■ li.

lOu CaahOilu, l.iaai eneh, 340 CanbtJilts, WHJ eaoh, JooCnshUlIU, Kaieaeh,

l..,ino Cash i;in-, su each.


Family Sewing Machines on Earth

Thu cclelu-itlcd world-renowned


To no given away at the


or P. B. UOHl \>oM,

>*t Kaerx Htraat.

lUvlna neon Uio recipient of a large, euccues- ful and Ur«t etas* irmle from the good people oi Lawrence, Methuen, Andover, and adlolnliig town*, during the laat Utteen year*. In acknowl- edgement oflhf aame, I herebv extend on MO

gratitude for all past favor- -al pntronago. *- thanks, I .hall


Give a ticket lo each c o- tomer,




*i'ill,IN«i |i»i,H"i TS.iaw

1M.ISHI ftu.iaai


ollc Grand Tobil *0,H

PRICE OF TICKETS WheU Ticket*, llalvea. Tenth,or eneh Conpnn, 11 Whole Ticket! ror ■l-£ 1-J Tick. Is for

9-to mi as «o

ft (HI


Liberal CMminlssions will bo allowed to vails, factory agent*.

Circular* cioiLiinin^ full particulir* furni*hcil mi upidicatlon.

THO. i;. BBAMLETTE, Agent nnd Unnnger.

1'ul.lle Library Ilulldlny, I.ooin lite, II j , or THOS. H. HAYS St CO., Baatern Agefita, - - ««t Broadway, S.V.

B° On an

Uio Uep r'or lloaton (from North Ih-pot), at (I.3fl,7..10, :i.;i:.

i. si.; and 11.16, .1. to and :•-•> v. n.,i'- Ia.> ,■ ■■ A.M.

Cor Boston (from Houth Depot), at Ml, IM, :l\ A. M.;«ml I'J.IH, lj..V".,(ex|,ri—«1 1.M-,:.. Ll, i; .:. Kx.) 7.«t iimliuo i'. M. Hinidiiy, M.IJ \. M.,S..W ', U.

.07, (ex.,)

Fnr (Georgetown nnd Xcwburynort (from Suutli ii.-|.iit.',iit n.-i', \. x., 1.1a, 4.;U', (i.M r. u.

Kor Hitverhlll (from South Depot), M B.9H and .07 A. it.; nnd l.i", l.:fi, (Ui."i, il.aS I*. M.; and from

North Dupot at 7.57 P.M. Exeter, Dorer, Urenl lalla ami way wtatlons,

(800Ul Depot,) B.O, U.U7 A. H-, b*J, 1.30, '1.110 f, M. Traiuii leave Boaton for Lawrence at 7.30, 8.IS,

lii.l.l *. M , li M., U.ilti, :i.:m, :l.n>, ft, i;, n.u imd Bumkty ■- A. JI.,B P.M.



What will It do 1 is tho drat Inquiry the sick make lonccmlnga medicine. Suppo*e Tarranl' seitier AmTicnt 1* the subject ol 'tins Interroga- tory, what then? Simply this reply: It will re- lien; fcml cure lieailache, i iiusia, flatulence, ner- vnuane**, coativcnei-s, debility, billoiisnees " indigestion. Sold by druggitt* everywhere.


Prof. Fowler's Great Work

Ageim me M-lbng I ion. V, t.. j", copies n .lav Biul for specimen page-and lei in- to agent-, am •e Wily it sells la-tu Mum auv mlicr bimk. Ad reaa HATttWAL I't'ni.iaiitNO Co., l'hlla., Pa.


The Iowa Loan and Truit Company, n.. llnnii In,.,., ' "

Loan and Truit C Dei Moinet, Iowa,

■y for Kaalern lemlerhiit ti

on Improved real entitle, and the collection in full guarnnteed by the Company. Lender* subject to r'ull nb-tniet'..l"Title, Coupon Nok-a Mortgnge, etc., (made direct to lemler.i forwnr.l- ed on completion. .New York and New Kngland relerencei. nnd full iniommlinn sent on appliea- lion. HAMliKMli:ui(ii.i.,(l,te(biveriiorolloKn), 1'res't.; JAN. It. llKAItTWKl.l., Sec', Dei Uoinee.





ry ilealrebH Prfee low, u-nn- i, House mid Lot situated on High al iiiLiiiiing ""no reel. Iloiifu line IM - - i, painted and Minded. Thl- ■d in a very dcii Hide l.n.ality

bought al a bargain. Al—i. -everal eeulnil mid desirable HniiMt Lots. A FARM ^limited in s.\ I.KM, N. II., about one

1 "iiitahiingnnneirnland. ill*Luring ami Uooil


il log and u


pply I Uby»i L i



Win. «. Itoger.' Lew lialtre,

ap» Near Town llmin-, Methuen, Wan.


V very desirable reald. ni . on IVIulir Nl. The niodern two itory house, owned by the

lute Mr*. Weakw, udj lining the estate of .Hain't.

M. Ihivis, Kso, , I* oflV. cd for immediate sale, to

10 the OMtnle. The iiuuno le thoroughly built,

talniug eleven roams; ha* a good cellar,

plent* of abo.l room; well of excellent water,

railing. Tho lot is la by no reel, with a IT "1" truit trees, vines and shrubbery. Cen-

ithlnalew hundred feel of Do*. land Maine Depot, and convenient b Ms. offering nil admirable opportunity to le-iiiiblu phiee, which inunt idwaya In

N i the citUcns of Lawreiico und vicinity that liu

Real Eatato and Intelligence Office,

At .VJI K**ea Nireet.

Ibe w hleh our city has long needed. Those anting help of ails- nation;.inv or oceupnlion or lose wanting rmplijmeiit, will llinl it lo their Ivanlnge to call on, or addles*

S\M1'K|. (hKil.i:,

HI Kaaex Htf eel, wher.s ail patrona will hi' romptly waited ii|..,n and j„ Uy dealt with, ami i..-e buying or ..< ibng Heal K-Ut ■ Peivonnl 'riipcrly, ni' IniMiig icneiuciit. to let, or rent to idled, |.lea,e give me v ■ order-, and C will lv" '"> ,"1 '"' " a'l-'ntlon. nl,d will only charge u c\peu*ea actually luciiried or service* nil

tHMly full nml dulnlled list* of pranerty, lone- ployiueiil wanted, etc, see the'HAM.r

e«- For



Sales Room Na. 8 Appleton Street.

lli:<ili>K!«t-i: IG TRBJIOST NTHI:I:T,

pKimpllv it ud faillil'ully ex Denied nl


liaek, blpa and alHlomlnal fa ill>1ri,alii|; l.lird. ti

-iW'-i- »y i.ii»|.nndlng all the fiklrta over (T S tlie ahouldrra. Ho llntlona or

■u *_!H i«i,"ev,',"R reywlred. Sample* by "*■*"*■ "■""■Mail, MI ets. tirenl in.liieei ts to Cnnvosser*. C. H. K1XHKV, .Side Agent lor New England, Mi Summer Street,


BUILDING Resembling lino leather foi FKI.T. outside work, (no tnraiih-tnne.

<;. t'. KAY, used) and inahlo instead at pbia I'amden. N. .1. ler. Felt, I'llrpeting, Miita, etc. Send two.1 cent stamp* for elrculnrsand samples

95. TO $2i) per day at home, TITIUM free. 'Addiess (Jeo. Htlul.on ft Co., l'oillnml, Me.



The underatgneil having formed a Co.Fart nerahln und'i the style and Arm of

Stevens Bros. for the Mnnulaeture nr-d sale of

BOOTS m SHOES, would reaumtrhlly announce to the People of Laurence, An.b.v. r and HIU rounding town-, llinl they will eonliiine to aell

Boots and Shoes, at their two aterea

No. 123 Essex Street. Lawrence

Main near Mm Ntreet, Inil.nrr,

and for the next

T II 1 1! T V D AYS Will 1,11

U K O A R 1) L E 8 8 OK COST.

LARGE TRADE, we can offer special Inducements to our pitlrona

Come early and secure tho beat bargains. Daniel Hterene, t'has. A. Ntavana.


Sowing Machine,

Hade by the Ho?

I .■...:,» .; ■ ||r




and all DrnnrUta n Andover.

Lurei Cugin and nil Throat Irritation*. 2H

/tl'SAItl) l.isi;.

Have the Large at Halee, 1.11 . « the Heat Halla fact Ion,

Made of the Beat Material, la theeaaleat to I.earu to Operate.

I.r.s liable to get out of order; everybody that ever USIHI one will hate mi other; will do heller work and will outwear two of any oilier machine.

There were sold In IM7.I over Wu.OOn more E. HOWE MAC1MNK8, than uny other, as the Ma chine* have a world wide reputation, and are '•■lit l.i every civdi/i"l country in the world, and have received the higher onminni.i whereverex- bibiicd, receiving:,in l,~i. tlciii ll>e loliiuoiiial* of superiority alllio lalo Vleinm Kxhlbltlo. other iiuiciilnaa.

New York warcro factories m Ilildce,, unliil.i

icbluc 1,.;,,3' ml i

l ftffll llroiulway. , 1'erii, Imliann, e turning out.'' a.

W. Hager & Co.,


",.^e <i.:.,(., .iiuie.iiu Lawrence, Andover and Methuen.

^tuSSilrJSffiS\0FFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, "■■■' Lawrence, Man.

w Having leaned the entire building, Not. 135 and

11)7 Kaaex itreet, and utted it up capeelnlly for our use, we hero removed our atonk of



D It!!. S. I >. ] I (> W E ' S




RANGES Ani Kitchen Fnliilit Ml, A SiMtile for Cod Liver Oil.

a. BronoblUa, 1 ih. Catarrh, Cr djjn like magic

And In that proporl •"'— pii/cs will be.r,

on a* thu tieket

i the dltferent stylca. lo the lucky nuiulwr

MY STOCK OF HOOTS & SHOES loo well known to ro|nlre nny explanation of i In regard to ipmlitv- I ahnlf, aa heretofore,

keep a well seluclcd

FIItKT-CLAH* CiIhTB «F «»(>!>«,

—AND ar.i.i.—



emtlf ■!]> Mssai Btraan

From our old BUnd

No. 150 Essex Street. Alao our stock" of



rxo> OCX

Branch Store

Xo. lil* Kaaea fJtreet, (Falrfleld'a nioek)


r New Store No*. Iti'i nml 1D7 E*aea St.,

whoro we are prepared to offer

At the Lowest Market Prices.

The I iruc.-t, moat varied and boat selected stock good* Inthlt city. Bpetual attention given to

Stove*-. Itanrca and Furunes na horetoforv. Tor liiih wo hare a separate department- Tin

abeet Iron and copper work of nil kind* done lit hurt notice,

D. N. & C. M. Martin, J95 and 197 Essex Street.







259 Essex Street. nuglp't!

of Voice, Bhortnea Cougha, Cold,, etc J'rlceti per bottle.


Dr. S. D. Howe's Aratiai Toaic Blood Pnrifler

which differs from all other preparalioim in [ta iiuoicdlalo action upon the

LIVER, 111 liM.VN AlfD BLOOD It le purely vegetable, cleanPca the system of nil

i m pur it let, build* It right i.piare un, and make* pure, rich blood. It cures Scrnfulou* Dlaem I'll I ,. (I'll u of all kinds, remove cou-tiiiatlon andregubites the bowels, for'lieneial liebillty," '*Lo*l VI- tulity"aiid"llriike[t liowiiCon iiiutlun,"I "ebal- onKo the 1'Jth century to llinl It* enual. Every Bottle Worth its Weight in Gold.

I'rlce 91 Per Itottle.

Dr. S. I). HOWE'S

ARABIAN SIM LIVER PILLS. Tliey cleanse the I.lver and Stomach thoroughly

remove Constipation, contain no calomel nor any other Injurem- ingredient, and act i|uiekly

CONSUMPTIVES Should ate all three of the abovc.uiedleiuea.

Sold in I.uwrence by

A. R. (Hidden, Druggist, General Agent

IMPORTANT to owners Of Building?.


SLATE ROOFING PAINT, Mixed Bendy for lai

mention Jirovei This invention proves unvnluable in the teetlon of roofi Iroin lire and wenlbcr, nr both durable und economical. It la used with the beat results on shingled roofs, nnd has no ciiual for the protection of tar sheathing felt, brick walls, etc. it* protection for

Houses, Barns, Fences, Brick and Wooden Walls.

is perfect. Un decay d thingloa II 11II- up tin botua and pores, mil rive, a, new RUbslntitial roof that will last for year*. Curled or wnrpei' shingles II bring* to their places, and keep* then there. It tills all hole* In Kelt roofs, atop* Ihc leaks, and although a slow dryer rain does oof er>eet It n few houra after applying.

JOHN N. WEBSTER, AK*ut for I. VlVItllVt l: 1.I..I MKTIUKY

1'. U. Address, Helhiiin, Mn;s.

SPECIAL ATTENTION I'll to exainiualioli ol leilky roofs, by e\p



For Invention!, Trade Marki, or Daugia, Jll Klate St., opposite Ktlby St., IEo.(on. after an extensive praetice of upward* or thirty

reasoualile U'rui-, « irti di imli h. Itc.-e:u i he to ilcti'iiuini; the validity and Utility of 1'aientH ol Invautlona, and legal and oilier ud vice rendered In all matters t< hing the MOIIO. Copies o( the claiina of any ratriit tin niched bv remitting one dollar. Aa*liniment* rocordiil In Washington.

WNo Agency in [he roiled Suites p

taiiiiug thu pnU'iitabllity of invention*, Alln.-ccsidly of a loiimey to Wa*hhi„_..__

euro n I'atont, and llie usual great delay there, arc

TESTIMONIALS. " I regard Mr. Eddy na one of the most e.tpnblc

and Huere.asful practitioner* with whom I have hlldolUcial

UilA.ttI.KS MASON, Commla'rof Patents. o [ have no hesitation In assuring Inveiitora that

they cannot employ a man more amiprltnt and fnufworlA],, and e cupiilde ol |iutiiiig their a;.. pllcatioiia in a fonu to aeeure lor them an cailj --d liivorable coii-ideiuliini in the I'nUnt IHUco.

KDMUND UUHKK, I.ato Com'r of Patent!.1

'Mr. tt.ll.EwiT hna made for me over Til IKTV pllcatioiia for I'litcnl*. having been au*a:ea*ful almost every ease. Such unmistakable prool

of great talent and i.bilitv mi hi- purl, leads me to -ecommend Aid. inv.-ntm. to apply bi him to pro- lire Uieir patents, n- Ihej «my be sure or having

Iiir oini-l l.utliiiiliilieiili.oili. .-i.ivseilnn lln-irea.e nd at vory reasonable ehaiv'es.

' JOHN TAOQABT." Boaton.Jan. 1.1871. ly*Kb


| >L.\Mi HOOKS




prlOltf *« Ksscx Street

7 A. KHEI9, M. D.,

pirysicrAN. No. 1 Appleton Street, Lawrence, Mass.


I>r. Kreia would respectfully inform Ihc oltl-

aeni oflhM city Hint, in response lo the solieiLi-

lion* of many fiiendv, lie line decided to locale

as above, where he will be happy lo oltem

promptly all prol'msion il oalli by day or night n

office. nugSlftr


Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrhea. I»ont rail to v,.t It 1 Out) >1U cent a.

Twenty yearn' experience him fully ci-tnbliidied -.he curative qualltuM of this preparation. Iliinr.l iniii|i(idl''. It • u... « liol. . ii

Infautmn. It enrea throitle li) ..i.i.i ) . ■reaMpDradlit'liolrra. I( < >i. ■ ■« Illooily .■iiiei > . Ilrure* Cholera Horlmi. It

cure* all IIOMI-1 t'omplalnt a. It no.. II, C.IHI III . It curve l»y«|iepela. It eule* I dl|[i*llott.

ery tamily should have It. S*ld by nl) dnig- . I'reiKUCil by W. I». Cll AMHKIll.A IN, i, Uasa. Charles Clarke, Agent lor Law- ». oeUfllvr


Funeral anil I'liralthliig Indcrtaklng Dualm -•.

ler the flrm name ol A. W. (ino.lricli 4 Co. uliI respectfully Inform the ollliens of l.inv eeanil vicinity, that they have constantly on

id a largo as-ortmeiit of every thing needful In their linu of business. Coffin J Caskets. Shrouds and Coolers,

nished al the lowest price*. All orders prompt- attended to by day or night. Salesroom tie)

Am. .Inn j »treel( it. .1.1..... Ifttt |:|in HI., null'JOnUM.i.l.

A. W.<ilH>l>KIUI, H.C. I*ARSONS. Junelutltr

l^OK bALE,

Stock :ind Furniture



260 Essex Street, Lawrence. aug-r.iitr



50,000 EOLLS. sns/iisra- is74

Our stock was never* eoSlcom- plete before. Consisting of Stamp-

erj Qoldp, Embossed and Plain

Bronzes, Fine Grounds and Em-

bossed Damask Papers, Satins,

White and Brown Blanks, Mould-

ing Decorations, Borders of all

VAnotieB, Shados and Shade Fix-

tures. Don't forget the place. Our



Whitford&Rice, Qfin EWHOX street.

Iron in the Blood v^ynw. Tin: PEBPTTAS
















1 !N'o». (I .nd H ,11.10111 Kami Mi..



Doillilil CuttiiRe llnii-e. nine IUDIII", larij'e, vi'rj roomy ami cunri'iiiein, nml in i.eiToet eontlltion, KLablC, alurc und tenement liiiildlliff, uti'iut hU roils fnmi (lie niime, Dlu-<1 un lor 1111,-t ufllef ami afore, by Willed it I- imw m euiileil. *[ atrcs ol Inn,I under 11 high ataM nl 1 iiiliviiti'.u. A fltio

rnperty in i|». uiiii,;c nl' iMnville, \, II.; two Iluol liniinf.', ilUlant | mil < mile, elillreli on imu irnfinf llie [ininlse-; li unlei. inun lIuTorliill,

Muda.,H inflii'i from Kxi-tcr, X. II., nml a mile, 'nun Kn>t KhifCi-ton iie|n.l. sj,|, ni|i,| rhaiicu lo:

|iliyalrliiii or |nr 11 iin'i'lmnle; jilenly nf 1* nrl ml iroo'l imy. Tlie iini|iurty 1. ilrrt i ln»a, am .-ill lie HIII| i.ii-uiilv #isoai.




IlhiKl.Tonraup tlio

iKokcD-dowa, Cum I Y\■nml.' i'i'iii|.|..:nl\ ■ Dmp.v.llel.lllly.llu- "- .iAll}'»l-'

•a rlinluti-'l Iiy Uio I of till, miii-ly

^^■■B^I^^ tUft-rlDK crvalatva, .. rtrntin,hi'alll"', an'l daiiiiy nun ami women; *iul niiiiint' lieniialu (oplva 1( a trial

Caution— llnniri<)-..;i(r-tilii>rli:lii article. Hm tliat "l'lrivliui Hvnin" li lilmtn In tlie plam. l'.iJii|1lil,l.fii-. S.ii.lfMroi,,.. hlTII W.K()WI.I, Afi(»S^, l,r.i|.rlet..ra,llwt.j.i, Mas*. >'«r aalu L/ ilniKUti t» is*.utralW.

I vr i'ii

■,l|i. ii Kiii iltlliNin, nil

. >lj inn llie huiii-e, i. llr-t 1 la-. »< null KIHHI wnla-r imaur, '.'J feel he.i'i,-l tain- ;i (j<i.n| iron water wlie. I, mm -|ili(( ami IHM.II. OIK- li'K I'luiner, jointing 1 IH'II.II, one j ig j-nw. une III 1 mil* l-Kl.e, ..11

1110 1. I',; 111.'.1 lime, one miiliine, nil in K001I order. Terms |l lulf down, and IIIUIUHW for l>alnm |HO|iertv la nilunteil In L'nnnnll, N. II , in,, villnjrfi., lialf 11 mile a|inrt. In «oo ln.rl I, *ml but a few nilnuU* walk h

la ami rhurebf*. Thia I* Journeyman eario-nler to

I1..1111 an.I v..-II ai,|...|jil,',i \i..ik i-liop. II. <;llAMilKltl.AIN,tJumi:in




HKI, une Thla

li* -»1 -

nrlljUlf na laaajt Street, l.awienrc.






IT Sand r*r Circular. (Uu|llT

NDIMK in the pilbllo Hint Lhi'ir |intronaj(e 1 .■■I'ii.Ill ( men ii-i'il ;i,. 1.1 render It MM

Ktiry for na to tnko thu question of Hanging 1 |ier undor our Immediate control. Wc are pi pared to lOperintend and execute any work In Hint line, from the mo.t elaborate deeontliOBi (own. Work |.roni|itly cxccoteil and t-nlii-lue tion guaranue.1. WII1TKORI) A KICK,

RprlHU Id Essex Htrei


A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal THE LAWRENCE] GAS OOM'Y.

PerQhaldronof H bbls,delivered S6.00 " 1-2 " 7 " " #3.00 " Barrel .45 Price Per Barrel at the Worki, .40

Order* rewind at llie office of Lnwi-emu. (in* < !uir puny,

No. 253 Essex Street, II..I the Coke paid for at the offi le at time of or.

derhiK (he same, f.'b"j-lTttf I.I niti.i; it. i AIIO r, in,iii.

I)" D . T. POHTKK,


Wlft Kaaai Mtreel, » ■ - Lawrtnc*.

Nitron* Oxide Uan, and r-:: I-.-■.- or Chlorofor aMnlnatared. Offl ce cloaed during AIIKIIKI



Hr.I.I.tier, « ItNT 11I.M ST., I.>M'r«ace.

B. Vlvravll


PE»RICH AIVII ll.llssn.V


.Iiial o|ipnnlUi the terminus of the horse, cars li'iivlnif (or I.nwreiiee ever) llllecn mini,tea. WeliiiTonnoaereof n|ih'mliil l.ii.l.icriideil.fenced nml umter abiidi state of , uliimiinii, on which nre eholeo a]i[.le. ]icar nml ilierry trees, niapc fines anil small fruits; a line stable ami nr*t ehi-a dwelllnr liou-e. This erlatc ir. the home «l.-:nlof Mrs. Alrnli KHIIIJIII, I . utrilli nn.I Inun tilullv slliiuUMl, just a i-tc|. from llronilwny; II* excellent railroad rneiliileM.ilai Imu for Lawrence every fifteen miniiti'-. Ilna- lb" home of the bile KiuiliiilHllsnsoii, Ksi|. An neru of excellent hll'l ill "lie Hi|lliue, hlK'h f ■ ■ ». nine.I In.til nol-e and <lmil; ,-\ CJ Mliiiid iil-nl siiKKrstivp ol hnmeivlth all Its comforts. Iloiipe mid stable built hi the moot IIHUMIIKII manuei'. nml in perfect condition. U uliorl, one of ibe bc-t "itiuitlona in Mclhuen. Niilaudid -el 1 n.lvnnUjte*; Ihtii ehui'che* and a UirirlnR bu-liics* communlly Tei nn- I'lii-y, inul in h-c low. Aihlrcsa

HtfaplJ 1-EliUICK A (JI.OHSON, Lnwrenee, alaia.


Merriam's Golden Drops

Curea Runim of Ilysentery. ripj.U DruKiin,



PIANO AND ORGAN. 'JtMl ):.., i Mi.,l. LlWtfRNi

Mra. Homiiii is un cxperienecil leiicher. Sails- fiiction gunninWed, Al-o, uitent for the I'reseutt Oman. This OIIMII l:.iiiiiianv \- ibe oldei-testnb- lirhinentof the kind in (lie United .State*. The experience nf;|i; years in tlie liii.-lncs* euabloa the manulneturers to plai e in llie market Uubinet Or gananf auch vurielv,'imilily of tone and Quish a* lor elexiince of style, volume, unil purity of tone. .Sold on installments. Old in■■!II ni..- taken in .■<i lian.',.. M-ji.i:ti


I-IIEiNii'i.eioii iiv) April in,

i 1* hereby nm thul the in NuUci

ln-ii.c(oi of Milk for the Illy of I,,

and all persons telling Milk wllhln the city hunby roquoaletl to coiiform to all the require

t the law nml City Ordinance* relating to

Kidneys, Bladder,


GENERAL DEBI'ITY. Much >■ ■•■Infill .,»,! I>i'BKKlnK Mruaa- tlon* In the Back and I.oln., Iiliil,„lt Kpppreaaad or Inconllnet ( rlnatlan, with a whtllah or brlckdnat Snlbmut In the l/rlue, Uropaj . IrrUatloM or Indama- tlon of iilr Bladder, Calcnlna, Uravsl or ■tone In the Bladder, I.o.. of natural forcr, Or».,,ir Weakni >< and Uenaral l>«lilll t j , for Improper eaceaaea at either eel, Ipcrmatorrhna, Leucorrhoia, «leat, Female Weakneaa, etc,

NEPHRETICUM, la atrlctly a vegetable compound, prepared from tho pre-eriptinti of hit. A. It. IHTU.OLK, of Irovidence, It. I., n phyalclun ol Inrjte cxiierl- ence, and one who bn- obtained a high reputa- tion in the treatment of this rliHi of Disea-ra. Il was used for years in his |.r:i. tlee before being nut before llie public In Its preaent form, anil found lobe nn I.n^- renn'.lv. lYrphrcllriim I) soiiu'tl.iiijf I.K.I* ami hrtirr t'.inn all tin- in ci.ii- rallona of Uuehu extanl. iu effects nre pennn- nent. In all caacn It -trlkes at the bottom lino of tho dlaeaso, lurlciid ..I iilteviiitiiiif temporarily IhourKentaymiiloms. A sinftlr tiTnl will antisfv the most *cepli.:nl of iti virtimt, nml by addres- sing- na below, w onllinif nt your ilrugBlBt'a, n pamphlet will he piven vou coiitnimnjr certlll. ,'*t0'',,)r well-Itn»wn p. le nf cither sex. ami or till' Medical l'n,|,.,M,,ii », |„, i,,1V(. ,Hl,,| j[ i„ lh(.i|. practice. Can we any more? For aate by all druagUU. Piicofl per bottle; alx Iwltlea for |S. IV. U. 1IOFKIBM A. Co., Proprletora,

Laboratory, Proyldenee, It. I.

SMITH. D00LITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tromont Street, Boston,

II li N B n A r, A <■ K N T 8 .

MILK —or—

"Superior to Calcined or Carbonate of Magnesia, without I hi li Iiau*reroua Aa- aoelatloua."

in l'i; ■. .1 ami prescribed by tho lending physi- cians UirongnOnt the country, as being [tie great- est niiti-aoid jti pNamitd to ibe nedleal public. It hnmedialely I certainly relhvoa

Heartburn. Sourness or

Acidity of the Stomach,

Headache, Dyspepsia

Indigestion, Rheumatism

and Gout.

Lax at H C'liiMr<.>n it is ■nporlov in MJ other preparation, requiring no peranision to Indue* them lo take it, ami il la nltopcculiuily adapted for female* during preg-

It la n positive preventive aKninstttie food of in fiiuti souring on the stomach. In caaea or

Summer ('onipial i.n>n,l I»larrhu<it,

so common vrith young childrcu, Uio

MILK OF MAGNESIA willlw fouiul Inva.uable. Trylloneo and jou u..u|.| not be wllliout it

SMITH, DOOUTTLE & SMITH, 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

a K N R it A r, A a R A T H


the t All pe i will obeorve that the Inw

In milk, nt wholesale or relal, from wagons, cellars, stoics, >hop* or market place within the limits ol the City of Lawrence arc r■■■

lt< tfjlata r I lidi Name* n II li Ihr I napi . toi All persons aware of any vlolnilnn of said Inw

and ordinance, arc invited to report (he same n tlie Inspector,

At 2H8 r HIS Htrcet. An Act to nmend "An Act In relation to Ih lie nnd Inspection of milk " He it enacted, Ac., as followa: SKc.T. I Whoever sells orexchnnges, or has jn

hi* posession.willi Intent lo sell, or exchange, i for anlo or exchange adulterated in Ik to which water oi unv foreign substance

bus been ad.led, knowing (he HUBS lo be adultcr .itcil or lo contain water or any foreign suln.tnnce for the Brat offence, lie punished by a tine of ine hundred dollnra nnd for any snbaeijuont vlo alion, a flneof not lea* limn one hundred dollnra, or (!icceiliug three hundred dollars, and Im

Iirlsotiment 111 llie botIM of cnrrccllon not less Limn lliiity or imiic limn ninety day*.

BKCT. 8. The penalties provided in th- prccecd .' section, nml llm-c provhled in llie act lo

which thl* is in addition, mny be recovered on BOttplalnt before any court of competent Juris lictlon ami one half of the amount of Ine In*

posed shall go to Ihc complainant or informer .1 [he remainder to the treasurer of the city or

town where offence IVIIH committed. SltCT. I. It shall tin llie duty of every inapector

of milk n/iiiKiiiiito complaint on tlie Information Of nny person who mny Inv before him aulisfac tory evidence on which lo sustain (liu snmc. nnd he ahull be entitled t" receive one hidfUic amount of nny penalty recovered (herefor, nnd thnll pay over the "nine to the person Who ha* llrsl given the Information on which Urn complaint wne

[Approved Mny a

may bit If


This delightful nnd harmless toilet preparation la most undoubtedly the best In the world for presorting the Skin nnd Ilcautlfylug the Complex- ion. It will remove Tan, Freckles, and all dis- coloration^ from the »kln, leaving U beitutifully white, soft, smooth and dear.


moat delightful toilet preparation for beauti- fying the complexion and prcsorving the akin la I.aird'a "Bloom or Voutht" Oenuine prepared only by Ueorgo W. I.nlril. It i . pcrfoclly aimplo and pure, and warranted free from any material letrimenUI to health. It 1* far superior to the

old fashioned tea lit III era, such aa powdera^halb, KB fun, etc., rorimpurling youth and beauty ill.- skin. Thu HBl00» of Youth" I* preferable

to uny oilier preparations offered for the same

Beware of Counterfeits.

Boa that Ihc United State* Revenue Stamp is ritited on the front label and tho name ol Q, W.

I.aird Is stamped in the glass on tho back uf each boltle—no other I* genuine. Void by alt drunKlat* and linn i tiooda

SMITH. D00LITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

(JEN E 11 A I. A (1 B NTS.


Eradicated from the System


Dr. Williams' Vegetable]

Jaundice Bitters. IT II I If k RKBT

Spring Medicine


Yet orfered tn the Public.

Price 33 Cenu Per Bottle.


26 Tremont at., Museum Building,


General Agents. A I.... for i.;i] i' by

is, Clarke, H, I, Whitney & Co., G. E. Cbickerine, A, R.



GROCERY AND TEA BOOSE, Kivvy fumiy n.11 In I ...;.. .-..„,|

Inn o:n I.i-I. l- M.II. I,... Iiv. ..-..- , . ir.i.l...


149 Essex Street.



Tk Most Complete SewiiMacIiE IX THE WOULD

Self-Setting Needle,

Self-Threading Shuttle,

and Self-Adjusting Tension.

AH Agenw nlnlm their Machine to Ix- tlio HKST but before iiurelmalnjr cnll ami cxnmlnc for yonr. aclvoa, ami ; i, n iloc-iilo. 1 also Imvu Uio New 1m. proved

Wilcox & Gibbs, Weed Gecor,

Howe, Singer,

AM all Other First - Class Machines. AI.I. SOLD ON


'Pay Tonr Mouey & Tate Tour Choice." monlli'a trial, If not ant in factory, ex any oilier in thu market, free] of ex- rlinnitiM Ih

MACHINES TO LET Ily tho Week or Month.

All Kinds of Machines Repaired

And Warranted to give ~.HI-M ■! ■ -n, or no Puy.


New Spring aoi Mm Patterns, Of the 1 iii'-.i an.l most ileairablc atyloa.


mabUft l.A WltUV < 1 . **>'«

Attavheil to theso p.i(,'n;,'.t Hi)Cctarlea nre two •clontlilcally i'oii-i:oi t.-.| (..iivimio Itnttcrie*—nn *ocn when worn—ildlvui iog tin otigh tlio nerve* ol the horn I n Soft nnd Coutlnnmia Htrcnm or Elaatlclly. TltnlliinK nnd (rlvlnji henltliv action to the entire beautiful nynteni of tlione iinrH ABsOHlTKLV and CEUTAINLV CURING

PartUl I»«r«l>mi. at (he Optic Servr, Weak or niaanaed 1 liioii,

^FUralRln of the II. oil or Faon. ITcrvou* Twlii In N In the

Muiilfi of tlie Fiicr, Suliri tit the Hi-nil.

I.o** of Mental Energy, and a host of Nervous J>iaen-"oii, annnii* froin lirusaion oftiie nervous enerry of thu sy*tcni,c triliuliiiB, in A IUO*1 asUiniHliltig degree,

Life and Vigor and Health, by the mean* of the noil Howiii*; atrenm of El< trinity, Riving lit Iglit iit.. to the Era,

Qulcknen to the Kar, l-:tir rcry to tha Brain.

They are aet with l-n ■■-. of the manufne lure, to auit all aifrht^, and with glawaea for tliose not noedfng apeiu. l.'-i to read with, hut dc-lrlna the beneiltH to h<> ih-rin-d Hearing the Hat in:,'..; nnd to be hail In tlii* city only oF


Watchmalcor, Jeweller and Optician


No. 235 Essex Street Lawrence Denier in Watcbea, Cloeka, Jewelry, Fancy

JV. B. clot Si


Boston Store.

ta new prepared to ohow a

Full Lh c of



Usual Low Prices.


213 Essex Street,


■ Iir.ATOHLET'8 ^ ImiiroveilCl'ClJMUUU WIHiD c TUMI1, Tii-tele*r, Innnl.].', KI- S flili-nt and Clicait- The lle.t £ rump lor the Icwl mosey. At-

li'utioii I- e.-tieeinlly invited lo Ulii'-rhli-)'* l'atcnl Iui|irovnl

iilti..:.l ri'iiioilnir the Pumii,. iHr-torbioa: the join*. AW,the

.|i,ier aeka <

iber, wlilrb n. . __ lei>, and trill out-

Si Intt any other, k'or *alo by dealers an.l the trade generally [ixjiiii-e nn- lllali-hlcy'a Piimn.

.. .„.oin tonr town, n-inl dlrrrt I HAS. li. III.ATI III.KV. Mumilii.lni.'r,

and If not tor (ale in >our lown, aemf illrvrt ID I HAS. v.. 111.ATI III.KV. Mauuraetiirer,

mSTiiiiucwny GUI Commerce St., I'bll.. Pa.



Insurance Agency. BRPItmntT THE KULLOWI.NO


Franltlln, of I'hiln.. in. Ponnaylvanla, oi l-iiuii., li*i> 1,366,600 Qormiin, Amrriinn, \. Y. IS7-2 1,648,228 WeBtchOBtor, H«W York, LM1 641,493 Falrrleld Countv, Conn., is:n .307,367 Flmt Nutlonal, (Vmrwiir, I.-MH 103,RO7 Oloucenter, Olonpeatw. IKTu lf>'J,58B German, Erie, Pa., UU1 445517

I .ii..'.i; -.ii (.'<)iii|>(iiii^H.

Royal, lets, gold, 112.000,000 AiniTlcan Itianeh, 1,008.678

Qaoon, WIW, gold, 10,000,000 Anierli-au Itraneh, 017.3d7

Imterlal, 1S"«, gold, Amcri.'nn lirnneh, OO4,<107

■83 Kaaez atrcet, - I.awn >>,*j ii|.::i'-!iy P.O. Box B8.

jioruted. Aaaetn. MM »3,200,710





,J MtorrW Per -KSTto -'






WAREHOU8KS i i-iiiiAi.i i.riiit,



IflHtV OBLB1SX, I.a.,

AllilriTA, Urn.

N. E. Agents, BROWN & HAYES, IS], 1Q0 nnd llifi Broad Street.


\fOBI THAN A HALF MILLION .* I Dollnra In Twa Y.-at-*.

Broadway Savings Bank. BEECHIN BLOCK


Uwmm, M:i-.


QUAKER BITTERS Thetecelebrated Bittern nre cam- posed of c/ioice Hoots, Herbs, nnd BarkM, mnoHff which are Gen- tian, Sarenparilta, Wiltl Cherry, Dandelion, Juniper, and other berries, and are no prepared as to retain all their medicinal qual- ities. They invariably cure or greatly relieve, tht: following com- plaints : I >> >i>i-i„ii>, Jmiiulit-e, Liver ComphUut, LOHS of Am>o titc, Hciuliu-Iic, ItilioiiH Attiu-kN, Itcmlttrnt and Intermittent K- vcrs, Ap no, Cold (liflls, lUu'iinia-- tlsm, Suiiinicr CuinnlnintH, Piles, Kidney DisertKeg, Funinle Diftl-> culties, IdtMtitudo, Low Spirits, tienenil I>«I>illty, and, in fact, everything caused by an impure state of the Mood or deranged condition of Stomach, Liver, or Kidneys. The aged find in the Quaker Hitters a gentle, soothing stimulant, so desirable in their declining years, \o one can re- main long un well (unless afflicted with an incurable disease) after taking a few bottles of the Ottaker Hitters. V

Prepared by Dr. H. S. Flint & Co. At ih.iir Qraat Heaical Depot,



Otspoalia, IMMM 71 '■ I.I i-iu ■, t,-.;i-.-- tl

*.v-«i, i.'i: w:

in -..I I.I i ■-. Mortgagoa, «40g,170 00 NiitiK, *;,n!H>flO (tank Sloeka, ISI.WIUHI) Cash on hand, W,l«

•.W0.1-WU7 Bank open nrery day In the week (roi_

lo I p. ii., eieeiil Saturday, ami on Thursday anil Mturonj, I'venhift* from 1 to 11, for roceivlnjr de- IIOBIIH onlv. I)e|i»Nli* ,,la.-ed nn Interest trom the llml day of eaeli month. Dividend* of th in I nitiiinjri iiiaile Iwire eaeii year.

JOHN FALI.ON, Prcaldont JOHN L. BRKW8TBB. Tronanwr. fjclltf





in in'ii 9S9 EMBEX STBEET.

PRISE The only reliable Olft Dlatrlbutlon In the coutttiy


To bo .ll.ti ,l„il..i! l.

XJ. 3D. SHsT3±l'& 45lh BEBII-AIflNl'AK!.

GIFT ENTEBPRISE To bo drawn Monday, Oct. itUi, in7t


^ ONE PRIZE $5,000 IN SILVER! "" !i"oo|

TUB P„...{IOO ^GREENBACKS TWO , .,.,11, , .rrl.K„ . Md W»««fc..

wonh .i,soo Mi t Two lliiKKle., lion... Ac., Worth |ttO.

Two iim i.inr.i Ko.nwood 1' worth UAa SUSS "'"",'«*"«.™»r h SIS 22 1IMM, Uo 1,1 ,n,| 9||„r l.,„T lli.niln. W,|,,|„. ( ,

UoM ChnloM, Hi v.r.i, ,„■,., .Lwi-Tciv eh" no-

AUBNTS WANTKD lo .oil TiclioU, to whom llhcrul premium, will bo paid. Slnelo Tlckets.J- Sli Ticket..10' Mm

Ticket. «aoi Twenty-FlvedlrjiT Circular, ronUlolng. roll lint or priie, ad. .rlpt »n or lb. u,.„„c, „, ,i„win|, ErJtfA ™;- '" ."'•'■';>»,■... Un l.l.irH;uilo», wiiiho

101 W. Fifth .Street. niylHowrny

City of Lawrence Water Loan. Bij. per conl. Coupon Bonds ofthe City of Law i»e, duly authorised by »r,t of the Legislature,

Ciiy Ordlnanto and resolutions of the city Coun. cll, will be Isauoil October 1st, for a limited amount Counona attnclie.1 for aemUnnua] Inter- eet, payable in Boston or I. .', i ■■ u.. ■, at the option of holders. For prlee and full particulars call o or aldresa U, W. COLCOBI),

_ Cily Treasurer. Per order *t Finance Cominlttee. aMltf

The L>wreride SiqeriiSaii AMD





trilVRH'THn': I'J.fMlpri'j'ur. Ifpald ' • >■ I'■(!)• In mlv.l.Cf,l(J.»'t.

Tile <-IITUIWH t thr Liwrmrr Aiiml- ran la the Imnriil uf any paper In thr Omni) . and more than Four Time. that »r any other Weekly Paper pub- lished In Ihls city.

W KATES of Advertising seat upon application.



^c Dhily ^eritfu*. EVERY EVEN I NO,

(Sunday axoaptod.)

<• the Largest IHUy la tM city, with four Tuars ^-^vjhjjcirculation of any a Ian.

"1 i>•>< ttrwviov, IH Adrnnr. 1

One year, #«.uo i^naa MuniM. M.10 W hen nut paid la advance, |UL

USO. S. M Kltkl I.I. * CO., PropTn.


STEAM PRINTINQ OFFICE. I* the Largest and nwl thoroughly furnished la Eastern Mai*achu*cUa. Having oaly atodern I'rwiM, and with constant additions of tha HIH I style* of Type, we are able to fnraieb tho bei quality of work, expedlltouAiy, at low atwta. Orders by mail given prompt alien Hon.


♦2.50 PER YEAH






AB. GLIDKEN, DRUGGIST.— Pure • Drug* and Chemical*. Palest Medicines,

Toilet Article*, Perfumery, riming**, B—"- Soap*, eto. Corner Euri ami 1'embertou

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORE, for- merly Palmer's, I* the place to get yonr Wor

tods and Wonted Uood*. Pattern* aad Paeay Uood*. Yankee Notion», Ac. ill K**ei si. 1>3 lowing for thecxaggcratlous of Interested _^— _ .—.— —— — Bterasvnu" tin. rmrllix.1. w.hrkllltr lit t Itl« Held ,4


SB Kaeex Street,




suiuiar.l's Vegetable anil Herb Tonio ta doing

wonder*—a* ton I sh ing everybody, even the phv-

ticlans. Order* aro pouring In from all section*, far and near; iarg* order* coming from place*

where (imply on* trial bottle ha* been used. ln-

v:ilil-i are by lliia toulo ro*U>red to health. Hun-

dred* In Hi.' city of Lawrence are praising It, and

*o In Mil* case, " a prophet 1* not without honor

avoln hi* own couutry," will hnrdly apply. Bui

lest Ibere be aomo who wiU in i-t that It 1* only

Stannard. aad Of hla gutting up, we will aay that

it 11 sUaaard In nothing except the manufacture;

that theru.-elpl I* an


One, lunda>1 daw* from long years ago, and of

H in.-'i we ii ■!■- .1 ,'i'i-ii.i a brief history. In

THE YEAR 1804, An old India*! then lltlug la the aoulh-westorn

part of Albanr County, elalo of New Tora, who had made himself quite celeb rated;, a a phyal. uan, benama unable to attend to all call* made

ulpoD him for hi* service* among the alck. A

man then living, found that one secret of hi* *uc

ceaa lay in aorue

MITERS Which ho furni*hdd W the public, the receipt for

which till* man purchased of him at greel «•*■*• a* wa» then considered. The blltors were roanu

utcturod ami »ohl, and created uo little sensation

for uiany year*; but It being a sparsely MUM

locality, and It may tie, the ilia Of the Inhabitant*

having disappeared In consequence ol the u*o ol

the biUeia, and the old gentleman owning tho re-

ceipt passing off the stage about tho

YEAR 1822,


Cards not exceeding) F*«r I.lnesln length Inserted In UaU rolamai at •» war year.

AJ. LERNBD, Manufacturer of ICE a 0 UK A M.-4, at all time* at abort notice. Or-

■ler* fcft at 1>. K A C. M. Martin1*. 1» C**e« Ii Sjtti.lacliun guaranteed. marsTlHjr

THE NEW BLDORADO. ii'nii ami oil reglona. At Cincinnati U I

,.,,.,; Bttted that a heavy flow of gas was ob- Ufcfj so uunr tDtorprlaci by which «d- \v£5 froin R mn 8Unk to R depttl or im

venturouamen havehopsdiorealize UrgHfrpt At Wellsvl)i0 anU other localltlea fortunes without much labor, the d amoiiu I " be ohtaAacA at „U|e expense. It Held* of Souih Africa have proved a dig-, g ,,.„„.,, „lW tno t.fft.ct of tho mYMm. a»troua failure, rhe excitement attending tfo[| of»ulturt, gM -a<,|, cosHBg notlilng

■ the aiacorcry of diamonds near the< ape J h|lt lfcc ejp#JWU *, s|nk0K A tube „,,, tho

' 0t 9S?1* IIope fc Kw yeQ,? "B° . not f necessary COOMMOM to conduct it to the , Ether M(1;readlly be forgotten. £*£**• ">«» furnace, upou tlie irou Industry ciunot

from all parts of the world Hooked here faI1 ty ^ v|. J|nrkt.d

— In great numbem. '

Paris laughs at the uutlo* that the ■- [the prince imperial »t Woolwich took

I There la a promise of cheaper in>D from ! the first prize for horsemanship, and au thiMiUll/.ailuii oltlie oil wells of the coal.; English boy the fl rut prize for •roflricm-v

'•' In the French language.

BACON ft HOPKINS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, and Commissioner* for I able home.1* and honorable poult I'

rosocccBSful miners from California and Aostralta, forgetful of their former experiences, traveled thou- sands of miles to a lunil which hid noth- ing to offer them should the diamond Held* fsil to meet their expectations. Comfort'

■ In 1 ctety were heedlessly sacrificed mere cbauce of acquiring asud Jen fortune. That a certain ephemeral success attended llic Immediate discovery of diamonds at the "Cape" tlieru can be no doubt.


Auctioneer*, and Dealer* In Real Katate.

persons* the earliest working of tlie ik-UI- i undoubtedly realized handsome fortunes,

OS [ but they were nearly all BCimlrcd the fli


. ' t<ffi..., -iik-i KJ-CX' .1 i-i't. House, ii Bradford •Ireet, Lawrence, Ma... febolltf

pled by #. P. Smith, Jr. mo'yeily

COLBURN BROS,—DAILY PAPERS, Chromoa, Engravings, Periodical*, Suionery

Fancy Condi. Plriure* I'rawcil at ahor. otloj 281 Kmi'x StreeL

lfacturer 1 il Blind*. W.o

low and Door Fraaiea. All klnda House Finish. |

year alter the diamond discoveries, and by the lime the great IUSSB of iminlgrants

/MIOLIDGE ft At.DWIN, reached South Africa, the fields had cl- \j CIVIL KNjGINEEKS.andSliRVEYoiw, J^ been worked out, or the few valua-

ble "clftlmfl" were fonnd to be In the hands Ip of twoor three Bpecolators and capitalists.

Vy.l_H\8ICIAN ami 01U.KON. Removed to ^^ ^^ been sent ^ Jg g^ orine

condition of the diamond trade, are of the most conflicting nature. But Information dated from the sceue of labor last Febru- ary, shows that the depreciation which has been going on for the last two years lu tho diamond market is now cfTectually arrested, and that diamond digging in the Cape Colony has Bellied down intoatrade

I which, while perhaps giving largo proAU ! to the Capitalist, will only afford the dig- \ ger a scanty subsistence. The immigrants

. ; who reached the diamond fields within the .low and Door VraaiM. All klmla House f lnlsn. ' , /v,,,,,* that not nnlv WMH the sun. Opposite Boston t Maine K. R. Passenger Depot. P0*1 ycnr iOW" that not only was MNP-

1 ply of diamonds very small, but that the heavy rains, and the want of mechsnlcal appllancen. prevented them taking advan- tage of even what little chances of profit they might otherwise have had. Tho di- amond bed—the New Rush—which for the last two years has been the principal scene or activity, is now being rapidly abandoned. During the Fall of 1873, this bed gave employment to 13.42(1 native la- borers and 10.000 miners, and in February

1, H. LOW, APOTHIUART. Proscrip- _! tlon* carefully dUppnaed at all hour*, also,

all the leading Patent Medicine* and Toilet Arii ilea, Ac. UOBROAUWAV. augtmiyr


_ UEUN, No. 171 Essex Street, Lawrence, Una*. Ua*, Chloroform, or Ether given, aa pre I erred, t.'tuned during Augii.-l.


Uver Dyer A Co'a. LAwaaaacit. MASS. . last we find that the residents of the camp

GROCERS. Crockery and Ulan* Ware. Strict!v pun

Coffee*, Spices ami i'holi'«*l Tea*. The bent dairies of Butler and Cheese. Sli Ainusbury StreeL


Now Shuttle, New Tenalon, Uelf-aeUIng Needle.

Uenl'H (.'u-tiini liotilDiut Shua hnki-rs, lUCt Essex street All kind* of ready made Hoot* and Shoes constantly on hand and very cheap.

PHYSICIAN and Surgeon.

ORIce, 3UT Essex Street, corner ol Lawrence. Resideuce, 103 Concord StreeL


I had dwindled down to about 10,000 persons in all. The yield of diamonds here Is fifty per cent, below the average of the last two years, and thirty per cent, below tbatol 1873. The value of claims has beeu daily decreasing, and so urgent Is the need of money that the diggers borrow at tuu per cent, per month to pay the Cadres, whom they employ as laborers. The security which these unfortunate Immigrants give Is their claim licenses, and if at the end of the month they fail to pay back the loans their claims are forfeited, no matter what may he their value. The only persons who now acem to reap any prollt from the diggings arc n crowd of diamond brokers from London and Amsterdam, who also act ;i" usurers upon the modest terms just stated. Parcels of diamonds are bought

harpies, and Bold again and agalu at various minute profits, from twenty-live

e5?1M!«iS.mai'iii, At saw condition, aud tell the same story of dis- appointed hopes and broken fortunes.

The river diggings, extending for 150 miles along tho Voal, were, during the early days of the diamond fever, In many respects the moBt profitable field for the miner. They are situated about fifty miles above the river level, and consist of sandy gravel, Interspersed thickly with hugt boulders, which are shivered by tho appli- cation of heat, and by the dashing on them

Hn'ni* QKIRT MANUFACTORY at A of streamu of cold w»ter. It was here 0*°LSfi"I"*KiiS .?£;„■. J. i ItetIM very kMSWI were foun.l,

Millinery and fancy good*. Stamping a among which wore diamonds oiaVi carats, —■ 310Essex street; , j.» cfiraiB, HM carats, 72 carats,white, ami

hundreds or 60 to WO of color. Two years aim Ml* 10 000 men were uclnallv cm-

fi±^S?SKKSnsaK3r2 JEjed i» a* ■sj™."""! "' ■'"•""' full assortment of all article* In our line. ' inHt the number did not exceed 200. lhe j encampment of Phlel, the most successful HOLT ft CO., ICE DEALERS. Office 1 iu the diggings, and which ulonu gave

with BugbeeJt Mark. 303 Essex street, Law I work to 4,000 persons, Is now* occupied

H. KELLEY, APOTHECARY.—Pre lutlona carefully compounded. Pun

. Chemicals, Patent Medicines,Toilet ant Fancy Article*, eta. Post Otttoa BU^a-


nilscapes. K! Essax ST., LAwaxnca.


GEO. O. CROSS—Mechanical Draughts- man, Pattern and Model Maker, at the

Mrmmack Machine Shop, near Merrtmack Iron Poundry

Tim fame thereof aoomud to die away. But th :ra

are old people llvlug in that section to-day, who

remember tha fame of

THE TONIC A. they called iL This raceipt wa* wlllo.1 by the

owner to a daughter and her children, aud taa

original receipt, datod as above,

front which I* made

1 exl*tence

,n:i-:r i;m.

HF. BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and • Cabinet Maker.-Repairing, Laying Car-

IUU, and Curtain Work. Mayliuw'a Patent Wln- ,ow ucroenBapplleil at shint notice. 11 Jackson at.

J^OSEPII FLOOD ft CO., MERCHANT TAILORS. Chambers, 1,1 and S Saunders

New Block, Essex StreeL Under the immediate supervision of Jos. FLWIL., (late Savage A Flood.)

I M. HORNK, PhyBlclan and Surgeon,

Office and Residence 271 Etta* Streat.


MBHOVNU TO 3J3 Essex StroeL Lawrence.

L8TRATT0N, BOOK8ELLEB and • Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.—

Paiwr Hanirings, Window Shadee, Newspaiier*. etc. |Rw" Branch Store, 130 EaaexllL

Stannarfl's Vecetabte and Hert Tonic

Which Is a euro for all pbasea of Liver Complaint

Marvelous la IU


Upon person* who have been long suffering with

what they torm. and what is railed bf physician*


OUI8 WEIL, Dealer in Ready-Hade _J Clothing, Uenta' furnishing Uoods, Hata, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Ac, «"■•**

by a dozen wearied IMS* who struggle from the necessity of being unable M> do anylhlug belter. Ouc or these dug assid- uously for six weeks wllbout finding a stone, while another, rather more fortu- nate, discovered two, the value ofwhich, to him, was twenty shillings. The tra- ders from the Capo aud the coast formerly found champagne and Havana cigars the most popular articles In demand at the diggings; now they carry nothing but tho barest necessities of life. As might bo ex- pected from this state ofaiTalrs, Capetown aud other ports are overruu with needy idlers who aro without sufficient muans to leave the country, and others arc rapidly returning home poorer and, we hope, wi- ser men. This painful otory Is a sad commentary on the restless spirit of the age. But it i-t no new one. Its relation, however, may be the means of Inculca- ting a little prudence in the minds of those unstable and too enterprising crea- tures ofwhich our own country Is so full.

MRS. A. M. POOLE, M. D., after 80 year* successful practice In Obstetrics anil

diseases of women and children, offers her services to the public. Office, IB Madison SL, NewburyporL

M RINN, Booifsii-Litn AND STATHIN- • Kit, Paper Hanging- and Window Shades,

training and Bookbinding done, at short No. lis Ksaax STBIIBT. apriotlyr

Now, noed wo aay mo ur duty to tho public?

I In order to discharge


w F. ft J- 8. GILE, lAfMSOITfl ami CiHJNisixoaa AT LAW,

■m Eaaox street. NoTAur 1' 11 in. 1 o.

p J. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER X. a and Dealer In Boots Shoe* and Rubbers, at

every desirable Style ami Quality. Mil Essex SL, Lawrence.

TTlOS. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 881 Es- sex Street. Full Value, Fair liealinc, "No

Blowing," No Trickery, Cms Prtoo. Wo mean what we aay.

THIS TONIC May now be had, wholesale ami retail, of H. Whitney A Co., dnujgliU, norner of Eaaox and

Ijtwronra Slrttet*. Also for sals by A. R- UM>

den, Cl«*. H. Chlckerlng and other druggl.w; also by Deeker A WhiUler, John Ilussell, Paan

A Haaelline, Coffln A Meserve, and other frocers

in 1-awrenee.; and In Melhuen by S. H. Harris,

Jr., and Ca*tle A Blevena, ilrnggl***, and by H.

t>. WebaUr. All orders for

THE TONIC w holtial* and reUll. can be addros.od to H.

. Woltaoy A Co., Lawrence, Ma**., or to J. II-

Slannard, who I* ntanufaotorar and proprietor at


TRIAL BOTTLES or too tonio are rroe to all persoas who are at a

a need af baring IhsirllieaUli* Improved, by sail-

J. H. STANNARD at hi* offine over



ILLIAM RUSSELL ft SON, Manufacturer* of »___

MEWS, AND MANILLA PAPERB Canal Street, lower end.

rARBOX ft BRIGGS, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law, Saundera New Block,

Booms IS and 17, I,awrence, Maas. J. K . TAkUWX. C. X. BUOOB.

188 LIZZIE CARLETON, 2B0 ESSEX BtroeL Saunders Block. May be found a va-

ried and •elect stock of Fancy Good*, to which I

BCSTIC GKNTKY.—Wulpole saya li speaking of the gentry or tho country;

Only Imagine that I here every day sec men who arc mountains or roast beef, and only Beoin lust roughly hewn out Into the outlines of human form, like tho giant work of Prmtolino! 1 shudder when I see them haudle their kulvcB In act to carve, and look upon them as savages that de- vpur one another 1 I should not stare at all more than I do if yonder alderman at the erd of the table were to Btrlke a knife Into his neighbor's Jolly cheek and cut a brave allceorbrawn and fat. • • * I have an aunt here, a family piece of goods, an old remnant of inquisitive hospitality nnd economy, who, to all Intents and pur- poses, is as beery as her neighbors. She wore me so down with Interrogatories that I dreamed all nlghtshe was at my ear, with whos and whys, and whena and wheres, till at last In my sleep I cried out, 'For God In Ileaveu's sake, madam, ask me uo more questions!' • • • I am so far from getting used to mankind by living among ihem that my natural feroc- ity and wlldncBB does but every day grow worse. They tire me; I dou't know what to do with them; I don't know what to say to them; I fling open the window and fancy I want air; and when I get by my- BCH I uiidrc-sB myself, and seem to have had people In my pocket*, In iny plaits, and on my shoulders I I Indeed find this fatigue woree in the country than In town, because we can avoid It there, and have more resources; but it is there loo."

WHITE ft BELL, Attorneys at Law, Notary Public, and Commlsaiourrs foi

Maine and New Hampshire. No, a LAwnXsci BTBBBT, Lawreooo. IsrJwiv


Agricultural -*«lr*s, <ir to use the familiar term, "cattle shows." *ro close at hand, with all those delights beside which even the "Fourth" pales to the ru- ral mllidT' '■The" rk'rTncVs daughter hath frank-blue eyes." but shs docs not trust to those alone, and on the mornlug of the fulr appears lu brilliant dress, prepared 0 conquer. The runner's son counts his taved-up pocket money, anil vlsous of un- limited peanuts and oceans of lemonade, dance before his •yeB- Every one looks forward to the cattle show with anticipa- tions of pleasure which rarely fall to be realized.

John is a wag. A poor Frenchman be- ing seized with an unconquerable desire to learn Eugiluh, John wrote him the present tense of the verb "to go." The Frenchman spent all his spare time for three weeks In a useless attempt to learn It, then went to another friend complain- ing of the extreme Irregularity of the verb "to go." In proof thereof he pro- duced the present tense of '-to go," as John had written It. It reads : Singular. I go: thou startest; he departs. Plural. We lay tracks: you cut stlcka; they absquatulate or skedaddle.

gentleman of Gree'.cy, Colorado, writing to a friend In Now York, says:

Mr. O. Hopper has put In an appearance, and It looks as thongb. like many another frisky young fellow who has come among us, he intended lo get married and stay. The only damage will be to corn, which, however, Is nearly matured. They are

rlalnly a great plague, aud we wish we could send them East to you as easily as yon have sent that other great plague, the Rcecher-Tllton scandal news, tons."

At the recent annual examination at Harvard College, of women as candidates for collegiate honors, only seven appeared. They all prefered to bo questioned on ele- mentary physics rather than elementary botany. Between Greek, German, and Latin, one elected Greek, three Latin, and three German. Four passed and received certlflcates entitling them to enter for the advanced examination, two were partially successful, and one was rejected. The ex- amination continued six days, and was

« hours long each day.

A Troy barber nan tuvenled a chair which nutomBlleally register* every person who sits In it. The keeper or a shop can thus ascertain If his barbers are honest during his iibseucs! by comparing the num- ber oft liucs the chairs have been occupied with the receipts of Urn cash drawer. The nervous man who comes in and tries each or the chairs before deciding where to sit, will be less welcome now than ever.

The BCrret or the liberality or egg-lay- ing displayed by French hens lies aecord- lua to run-ill Il'inhini, In the quality of

tho sou. Bm^fnrrUrB wfpriii,iiBn pWNHMC alacrity which distinguishes her home. Whereevcr sllcx abouuds in the soli, as at Calais and Amiens, hens arc remarkably prolific. The French en;g dealers do not feed their poultry, but allow them to run about aud pick up for them selves In the Held ami hedgerows.

A clergyman's cat at West Springfield, has shown some remarkable symptoms of natural depravity. Arterglvlng birth to seven kittens, recently, of various colors, she removed the two blackest from the group, and utterly refused to take any notice of thuni. No sooner werothey re- stored to her nest, than she again and again ejected them, and death anally received the little waifs.

"Revenge is sweet," said a wicked fellow who could not, or would not, pay his bills at a l'ennsvlvania summer hotel, und was thereupon" ejected from tho premises. He toid the nurses there were two esses or whooping-cou*h- In the house. The nurses told tho iinstiwiacs, and in ten hours only fifty out or one hundred aud finy people reuiaiucd.

The monotony of life at Cozzens' West Point hotel, was broken lost week by a house maid who fell HJO feet from the cliff, landed In a tree, and remained there twelve hours until some passers by ex- tricated her. At last accounts she was recovering, stimulated by the knowledge that a subscription was being taken up for her among tho hotel guests.

Miss Clara Blnckmer, of Great Barring- ton, left her home on Sunday ulght In her night clothes, for some unknown cause. A thorough search has been made to dis- cover her whereabouts cv.*n to dragging the river, but without success. 8nc about 10 years old, has attended school tn tho village, nnd was very modest In her appearance.

Seven mouths ago a young lady living In Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, suddenly be- came dumb. All remedies failed to re- store her speech, and she was compelled

Icate with her friends by signs and writing. A week or two ago she suddenly recovered her powers of speech, to the glad surprise of her friends and physician.

Several doys ago a Mr. Porter of Am- sterdam, N. Y., returned to his honse after a short absence and wm met by his little girl, who said she did not like to Btay with her mother, because she looked so while. Mr. Porter, on entering tho house, found the lifeless remains of his wife who had expired from heart disease.

The latest freak In navngation. Is the successful crossiug of Long Island Hound, by two persona, In a boat drawn by a mammoth kite; e sail boat was out-strip- ped and the twenty-two miles wss made in less then four hours. The kite was ten feet In length, covered with cloth, and with ahundred foot tall.

Mr. John Rockwood of Bellgrsd< . will lie one hundred veais old the 27th of next December, should his life be spared until that time. Ho went to llellgrado In 1800, and has ever since lived on the same farm, no helped build the first bridgi over the Kcnhencc river at Augusta.

A Western farmer complains that a book and ladder company ha* been, organized in his neighborhood. He state* that tin' ladder Is used after night hi cilmbln"; Into his chicken honto, after which ihe hook- ing IS 1I1 mi'.

An Indianapolis Areinan claim the championship lu melon eating, in five hours and three-quarters ha ate aeven- teen and three quarter murk UMJIOM, and still, he lives to tell tho tale. TJ

John Baytlss, an employe of til Uadon inetalic cartridge factory at aXiSnrldge- pnrt, was fatally Injured on Tuesday by the explosion of fulminating powdet over which he was at work.

"Lord, what a cowl" was tie approving remark of a teetotal Judge of Vermont, after swallowing a potent poach which bad been offered to bltn as a gists of ntik.

u Sept. 21st, 135U, the elevcn-honr system came inio vogue In tnls Kute. After twenty-one yean'operation, Itglrcs place to tho ten-hoar law.

The postmaster at Holiday, IB., lias a salary or vl per adnum. It is nut. stated whether be draws It quarterly or Imlf- dollary.

A beggar In Paris bad a card asking fir subscriptions to enable him 1* pay hut taxes. Perhaps a Joke, bat It too k; the people laughed, and paid.

A few days since, Mrs Sopbreila GU01 orReadfleld, Maine, presented ber hus- band with three bran-new children, two girls and a boy.

Charles K. Berry hod his i^hi bans shot off at the pigeon tonrntmont a Portsmouth, Thursday, by thekxpiosioi or a doable barreled shotgun. 1

A redaction In wages at the Taunton Irou Works, owing to the exigencies of the times, is reported to create consider- able reslivcuoss among the worlnen.

A benevolent goutleman at Nashville gajse, an Indigent family two dokrs, and the same evening met them all vturnlng from the circus.

At El Paso, Texas, there tuvbeen no rain for a full year; everything i scorch- ing hot and burning up. Mauytfinn cat- le have died of starvation.

Good! a fellow hns been find $10 and 'osts, In Boston, for painting andvci-llsc- nienton a fence belonging to thtclty. .

The mackerel are said to be tiling oil' the Isles ofSboals. The poor |sh must be very hungry.—Lomll Courier,

Male New Yorkers nre forhlihn to play croquet In Central Park, and Ii- game laugulsbes.

The treasurer of the Boston Lbor Coun- cil has absconded with «:'.'• In fujds of the Association.

German immigration has fallainU'near- ly fifty eight percent front lastyiar.

It costs New Haven $) 50 ft (fa lo vet her dogs killed.

Women are eligible touny cliod ollli'e In Iowa.

Nino now schools, wit bam-miuntat ions for more than (S000 children, ^'Jualbeen opened in Shcllkld, Englans.

across the Hudson and "ftaca* ''llafciir'wam out leaving the water, accomplTininsthe feat in fifty-one minutes.

A community similar to that at Oilda is to be established on Vnlcour's Ittnd, Lake Champlaln.

Within the past two years over diNtOOO worth of sheep have been destroy! by Kentucky dogs.

London bad as cool weather In Agust as Boston,—or cooler, according to uiue accounts.

The corn, InmanyBectionsofVermont, has suffered badly from tho recent frst.

Union county, N. J., Is now rejoclng over its first colored juror.

Thirty-five persons committed slelde at Vienna In the month of July.

California has gone into lhe ralslrrals- lag buslnesB, and expects to suceeedn it.

There are said to bo more Jews In New York than iu Jerusalem.

A colored artist lu mixed drink" Is the touching description by one of or ex- :banges.

There are over 1HM) olllces to let lottos-





01 the commlMlon ap- iln: escape or Basalne

triplicate* the lasers, and states that they lu*.

Saturday. The official repoi

pointed to InveaUfi implicates tlie Isle

in.sila.ued in- (.'! Viltette, Basalne'. sld-de-eamp, to facilitate the prisoner'* Algbt, but adults tno gtrrlson of complicity. Bnalne has gone to England.

The cost or schooling for the children or Bo*- toa tan retri ago, WAS «l8«i a head; twenty

— •12.13 a head; last year the ai'J.07 a head, or four times —

a* much a* It cost twenty years ago, and nearly I nearly „_ three timoi a* much ai It was tea years ago. J"*! with the worts of Dabols aad other oale-

Tho steamer Mount Pleasant wai thrown r>« ■ Xt&JZr^-^iL-?*™ «S« SB*!* herbeemendsby asqoallon SebagoLske, M


Cbrracaoadaare 0/ (** Amtrtea*. Naw Yona, SepL 3, is;*.

The name of Delaiouloo la a* familiar aU over the country as is that of A. T. Stewart. Scarocly a person come* to this city but rlslu the re- nowned restaurant on the corner of Fourteenth street and Fifth avenue. I doubt, however. 11 many have been admitted lo the

SECRET AKI> Ml STKRIOI * RBOIOSS Delow slain, where the cooking Is carried on. I was rortunateeaoagk loeajoylhla privilege too other .lay aad will give you the benefit of lay ex perieaoe. Paaalng throagti the dishwashing room ami down a winding alsUr, I w«* Brat taken acroa* the kitchen and Introduced to the hand- •erne anil accomplUbed cae/. who Old Use boom-, oftheplace. In the dratlnstant '- the r**>« oaaoe. If joa should

book* aud paper* and a Urge liook eaac cover.

Society tor iUoullay. In this art of amusing tlie public, and Sllfna: tha house nightly with paying audiences, the Prealdent, air. Ilal.ev. ha< shown a rare facutty—>ln laii. h; ■ called the

MOST SI I'rwsn 1. allOWMAS In the city, la tlie Irst place, an instrument*! or rocal conceit la srirrn every night, ami n order togive variety to the antertaiuturut. the band- are constantly changed, selections ln-lns made from UN) beat heuid* to New York and other attest. Then, too, he brings itlatlngulslied nco]d" Meg all jiart- or the country, and has thus fare tbllnto-l to taa eulaena of Newark and vicinity, I'lrsideui Uraiit, toe member* of lilt CablneL and lieror* of UM late war, nf wham toe Kreatoi managerial bllwa* Uenaral Hheraian. lie was there last fall, and IsMh liuikllnga were an crowded upon the nigkt ol bis Vista, that the old hen. BOOM scaieclv


biated Pmnnh cooks. Btof s hooka amoai tnaae, but Dt4a«oeJee/e rAe/.

! who knew him well, thinks that the hue was lea* of a cook and more of a Writer. This, car/, although be I* dresaed in launacuUto while, and wears a little

■LACK CAT OH TUB UACK OF III! 11KAH, Stt'U'l k,*!,J °°°* lo appearaaoo.doe* llttto with hi* haadsi he works wlto his head. It,, make* ont all the bills or tore and regulate* lb- prices., baa toe supervision of Ibe whom, ami KIVM a list ofeverylhlnR wantc.1 to Mr. Ik-hnoni ;w, who does ton marketing himself every Banni- ng. JuM at this soaaon business Is comparaUve

ly dull; they average about three hundred gue-u a day now, while In toe wintor-tlme, tgajaSgaj big .Ilnnrr i.arUea, they run a* high as fliteen hundred ami three thousand. Th* day I vi*itod tlie kitchen there were about forty ate*, waiters and cooks, of with the "City of Peking;" lint there were nearly iwloa that .umber Ian. In thr,

yesterday, hut Capt. Shaw intaaged to partially right the tbfp and reach the landing without accident.

The new grammar school hullding In Man- chester, N. U., was dedicated yeaterday after- noon, (lov. Weston presided,and, with other*, addressed the assemblage gathered to witness the cteirlees.

In the MM of II vrvay D. Parker, of the Par. ker House, Boston, yesterdav, prosecuted for selling liquor*, the jury disagreed for lbt sec- ond time; they stouj 10 for acquitul and 2 for conviction.

There was gro.u excitement yetterdav at Truro and Provlncetown over driving Into abool water, a school of blerknsb, a large num- ber being captnred.

Incendiary Irs in Weil Philadelphia, last night, seventeen borte* were burned to dcntti.and a largeqaantlty of lomherdestroyed'

A L-onfl tsratton In Greenville, Mlai., de- | tlrored a large portion of the town, Wedoes- i day, the los* being Mtlmated at «H50,000.

The meni'iers of the Austrian polar exuoli- I tion, for whose fate grave fear* were felt, have been heard Irom,

Mr. Daniel Little, a prominent phvelch... „ Ooffstown, N. II., died yesterday, aged seventy yean.

n«. i. wkmSi «u.ur « m — to. I ^TtS.S^uZS:iPaL. partineiit, In preparing for the movement of threeofwhiok werela full blaatattheUmeofny troops to tlie south. I vfalL Seven large rajfrlgeratnra held the apnsr-

Titi (JitAM* AKMY AHD POLITICS.—In a recently published Interview, G<-n. Cogs. well, of Sslem, who Is well known as au

active and influeuiral member or the Grand Army of tbe Republic, having held the

highest office In thu gin of the organlta- tion In Massachusetts, In response to a suggestion as to the probable Influence of

the G. A. R. tu the canvass entered upon by tlie friends or Gen. C, for acoagres-

ibls ara*oa"exhibirin annauaJly Ane'dVapiiiy"of [sional nomination, emphaalzetl the fact of

™11X$gBlA tf %Mm%F5St* th0 nou-polltlcal character of that order,

InnnffiiiunMtrilj sas^sat^li'tirf'ffl"***"*'*If-1"1 vigorously ilenotioced aay attempt N*smanyinor«m^4a^>lwa*eprw*log th* cor- TrVoin Whatever quarter, to connect It with

^^^1^:,^ **"« or parties. Whereupon, with ntr . Ina-sag

uer or Fourteenth afreet tired a m Mley crowd stairs leading down to the Imscmuot, which was closed; men of all age* mid all eondl. thin*, save a condition of wealth, lor tbov were rather an anxious and sorry looking net. it was aomedav* afterwards that I discover*.I that u wasnotaUomraunlsigatharlUKnorii bread riot. Tlicn

I SAW A SUMM.I: BION haaemaai doorway: *aw men In grey anil

red uuiroriu oaaalng tn ami out, aud heard every ';omnil**lonalre(;ntapany. ""

llllfllllll |n oof thu n

— j ■ere about forty and cooks, or with the "City of I there were nearly twice that numbm kitchen proper there are hair a doann rangrs and — roanyoooka. The raasre* atoad higetaar alonr

o side of the room, and are for roasting, broil- ing. Oth, vegetable*, eto. Karh range has It* own aat**« "ll •"vylhlng goo* along like clock wort. ■ hen an order la sent down from the restaurant P" *!HR ■*'*? B Br#t to "'• ■»•« be aeea that it Is all right, and than it la taken to the cooks. I have heard persona aay, that If wo could only .e.. Into the kltohea arrangeasatito of restaurant* wo

I would not care to eat much. Those peraon* | should visit Dolmonieo-a kltohea if they want

llSMllnd. Illi.n 11,1,i- ,1,..™ .hlnu_

« clothos of the

TUB UUXaLBST l"OT AMD KBTTUL I Xext to the kitchen Is the refrigerator and aoiey mm. Tb », «.,l. I, i_T Si. J

what New KngUtndera call "olsjrtia" stone, friend of mine, who lately began lo rntor h' " salt and potatoes under bis own roof, i la cleaned, llif' ~

to do this slmpi ad lo r*~

awkwanl foreJgni

over 21,000; tbe democrat* make ruaslderable gain* In the legislature.

There Is great rejolclag at Madrid because tbe CarllsU have abandoned tbe siege of Puy- cerda.

r—I try, an deiieaeles, such at mushrooms, truffles, etc.; arts! still another for big meat*. Joint* and steak*. r rora this room we passed Into a sort of passag* way, where there it an engine which torn* Its* meat cutter, grinds the coffee, and runs the lest

Kharkov, the N.ov York murderer, after hid- Ice creams kept constantly on hand, and It I* the Ing fur months |n that city, his eiCApjd to Kit- ' work of three men lo attend to this department. row. ; N**r ,BJ' ■ Ula bskery, whera J saw yards ami

f. „ , , . , yard* of smoking French bread token iVom thu Yellow fover prevail* to a rearful extent on oven liv the flour besprinkled bakers. Next U.

the vessels arriving at llallimora from Havana. | toe bakery 1* the laundry ; In this room there are Hon. Oco. F. Huar, wlllidraw* hi* declina-

tion to be a i,i.itc lor Congress. A M iliil .Ii-. .(.-li-in". ? m in,.., Bre lobe

sent to Cuba In a few days. The Spanish (' ibtnct hA* retUned and Kcnnr

Sagasu will form a new one.

Tho New York Central Pork Is to have a statue of Puiid WebaUr.

Blgler ci C.i.. lumtwr dealers, uf Neatuirg, have tailed for *JO0,UOO.



On Saturday KherilT Hoot discovered a nicely planed plot by tw«l«e prlsoiiors to escape froBH the I'lit.-iiflii Jail| the men were suspected of mischief, aud a sonrch revealed eight eaw*, two file* and two key*, which, with bat a little fil- ing, coul.l be uiado lu unlock all the prison doors; also a large qjautlty of anulT, with which the desperadoes doubtless Intended to (raine mis omv>ov», is .- —»^s f.-sta1

keys must have been made outside the priaon and smuggled In.

As tbe steamer Sunshine, stopped on Satur- day, at Oreenport, L. I., a drunken fellow among the poaeuoere, aald lo be a New Loedon physician, tired a revolver promiscuously into the people upon the wnarf, seriouily wounding Frederick Wlggtn, a resident ofthe place.

Charles Krancher, a New York drag clerk, baa been arreatod for selling poison to Henry

rui ax r woaucn man wASUlsu. ratout drying machines, an Immense mangle,

the "artist*" In iiastrv work. There

ami various bits of vllt ami other odd* and end- that go toward making up those templing, hut.

tula. There is an ovs- nerer-to-be-touched Ml tot stand down hero and stairs, where, lidom tlih - gets into print

llerbold, against the entreaty of hi* daughter, Irom the illects of which be hour.

Gl U,

at they break Into tlie privacy and monotony or bivalve llto. Not the least attractive parlor im- undergroiind l>elmooloo'« I* lhe Wine cellar. This dark ami dingy region exU'iuls awav out un- der the front yard and the Fourteenth street side- walk. TtaecaV gave several

ItrsmiOUS IUI'-. AT till UOOK of this place, whlc.ti, aa It swung back on It* 'ai admit of our entrance, wafted a '

" musty udora from tha __ _._ o right nt *M ami Imtlle* lo left

55^^s»rtSy.tiSa5ffims mosleaiienslye Itorgundles, IBBBBWVI S«S«»V»* few liottlos or sherry that are the most SJpaMafrt on the list. These costly lliirgnndles srll for Sis nnd •* a bottle - an awful price lor a little grape

. T — _ ».._ .„u.. .i.- 1,,-e^lding genius bottle ci sherry,

Healed with delleato green was and IHJVIB*l> WITH IIUST AK» i HUM I Mr-h

of the vintage of lSOft, that was worth |BJ. Thli

your UooU every morning, In the uventiiu lie will Itrl your wife to the theatre in toll dress,

Hawliliina yonr atobtor, carry yuur car|tet bng. nurse your sick, vat up your stove, tran-Uie vmi inln any language, aiean your car|iet, toko yon to Um Yosomlle,

Cl Nil llll' K l-.AUV.OH III Hi YOU, 1th ci|ual neatneaa and nlarrlty. All Hie

truuldes of life nre oared by the simple preset i p. tlou, "(ietu eouimlsalonalrc," It you nre skepti- cal, you will doubt no longer when you turn to the circular and And that, according to the vera- cious frontispiece, this singular creature ha* 'area Ian. The many thousands of readers or

nitterHwoet" and "Kathrlua" will lie di-thililcd at the aanounrement of a new long poem bv tbe *atuti popular author. Sot many have kuown that l>r. Holland lias been hiiHV during thsanm- mer ufian a porni. into which be has nut some of Iho best work or hi* life.

"tin: MlATOSBa OV Mil: M i\-i " will Imtlven to the world In lhe coming fall m-rHiner, Armstruiur st CoH and We doul'l iml will win a large nnd imnieilUtc i.uilietico. There Isono thing corinln about tho literature of Dr. Holland' It comes Irom n line and noidu heart, and always goe* Ptrniglit to the heart* of the T»-o- ide. Thesreaoof "Tlw Uislrea* of the Manse" Is laid M lhe banks of the JI ■ ■■ 1 It is a lore sury, liee-lnuing where snraaay loveaP'ric- leave off—at marriage. It almunds in striking pictures of natural scenery: It Is full of tbe philosophy «i "lewhlea comes from a pure experience, ami II

distinguished by all that com prehension or the potass Inrsrerydev life, and all that Impulse ami vitality which have from Uic beginning character. l*ed the wrrOairsol It* nutlinr. This is the first

f.l>r- " tra<l of blank liesjonea- Ikat i o Hitter Sweet.

Ilollaml wiiltcti lo rliynie, lie fw-tile st:iii/..i iho-en being soil by him in the Inlmdtinllou

3 died in half an

An Investigation has revealed the fact that Molly Uam, who died at Rye Beach, Saturday, was driven to the queer, seclud- ed life ihutsbc led lu her little cottage, at Straw Point, by an early dlsappoluintent In love. Several relics of her early days were ton m l in her hut

A boatman named Payne, at a recuut picnic on the south const orEngtaud, was hired to row a party on a pleasure trip. He took ten In the boat, which

B. KENNBY, M. D., PHYSICIAN _ and Surgeon. Omce tss Essex BL House

No. 110 Newbury StreeL Particular attention paid to Cancers. ^_______

WHITFOBD A RICE, JEWELLERS, dealers In Paper, MtoUonery, Paper Hang-

injTS. Window Shades and Shade Fixtures; Blank Itook Manufacturer*. »05 E**ex SL, Lawrence.

A LONDOS Fern.—A writer says: "l never saw but one rull-blown characteris- tic London foe. I was in the National Gal- lery one day. trying to make up my mind small for that number, and most of them about Turner, when this chimney-pot me- drowned. He has been acntenced to im- tcor came down. It was like a great yel- prlsoumentforslx months low fog taking possession of the world.

Essex _ Dye Works, Vlnei

am,, Braids, and h.. —™ •alable good* re-dyed and put In marketable order.

WM. 8TUART _ Works.VluoSlreeL Dyers of Piece Goo-U

Yarn*, Braids, and all kinds of J?b pyebig. Un.


SIT Bsaex Street, Klmoall, W. r. aUatoatt,

D., DENTAL OFFICB, 117 Essex Street, IFairneid'

block), Lawrence. Ua*. Chloroform or given as preferred, for the


OR MOTH PATCHES, _ and Tan, ask your Wrugglst In and freckle Lotion, which is harmless ■ every ease Infallible. Or for hi* lmprove.1 Cnroe- done and Pimple Kerned v. the great Skin Medi- cine for Pimples, Black Heads or Flesh worms, Or consult B. C. FaWRY, the noted HklnDoctor, to Bond Stftet New York. mlieodHOmEb

The light fadeS Trom tho room, the pic- tures ran together In confused masses of shadow on the walls, and in the street only a dim yellowish light prevailed, through which faintly twinkled the lights In the shop windows. Vehicles came slowly oat of tbe dirty obscurity on one side and planged Into It on tbe other. Waterloo Bridge gave one or two leaps and disappeared, aud lhe Nelson Column lu Traialgar square was obliterated for hair Its longth. Travel was Impeded, boats stopped on the river, trains stood still on the track, aud for an hour and n hair Ixmdon lay burled beneath this sick- ening eruption. I say eruption, because a London Tog Is only a London smoke, tempered by a moist atmosphere. It Is called 'fog' bv courtesy, but lampblack Is IU chief ingredient. It is not wet like our logs, bat qnlte dry, and makes the eyes smart and tbenosetlngle. Whenev- er the sun csn be seen through It, bis nice Is red and dirty; seen through a bonti-Adr Tog his face Is clean and while."'

A Woodford, Vt., man has the follow. Ing posted In his field:— "If suy mans or womans cows or oxen gets In these oats, his or her tall will be cut off, as tbe case may be. 1 am a Christian mail and pay my taxes; but a man wlio lets his critters rnn loose ssy I,"

A recent survey of the boundary line be- tween New York aud New Jersey brought to light tin- fact that two men, who for years bcjlcved themselves lu be residents of New York and who had voted and paid taxes In that State, were really settled In New Jersey.

When awcll-kuuwn Osaatul thief meets a policeman and bauds him live dollars, It is lhe duty of the officer to go aud sit down In an alley and see nothing for the next hour—nothing but the live dollars.

A correspondent at Narragausell Pier, R. 1., writes that It Is it common thing tu see lovely and elegantly-dressed women drinking egg-nog throuub straws at a re- freshment saloon

Cuba promises a great sugar crop.

WHY E.insSiiofi.ii Nor UK Huxn. In "Physiology for Practical Use' (D. Appleton A Co,) we rind tbo follo'tng: There are several things very comionty done wblcb are extremely Injurious o the ear, and ought to be carefally avlded. And first, children's ears ought nevr to be boxed. We have seen that the pasagc ofthe car 1M closed by a tbln momlatne, esp cclallythat ndapted to be lnflusJiced by every Impulse of the air, emtwlth nothing but the air to support It lotcrtally. What, then can be more likely n tijore this membrane than a sudden aodia-clble compression or the air In front oft? If nuy one designed to break or overtrctch the membrane, be could devise nctnoro efficient means than to bring thUiand suddenly and forcibly down upon tb pas- sage of the ear, thus driving the St- vio- lently before It, wlthmi possibility'or es- cape but by tbe mombtasie giving way. Many children are made deaf by iHtenou the ear In this way.

MA Mtniiisi u. FHKAK.—Very mull mar- ried was that laity who married he twen- ty-second husband, who, In his tun, had been married to twenty wives I An In- stance la recorded at Bordeaux, n 1772, of a gentleman who hsd been marled six- teen times. A woman named HlKabclti Nssc, wlio died lu Florence, in l?\*, bad been married to seven husbands—She

"te ripe age of seventy wh*i led to the hymenTal alter, and untrlvcd to survive her "beloved.". Whe* on her death-bed, It Is stated, she rscillod the good and bad points or each ofher hus- bands, and having impartially weighed in her mind the pros and cons, site deter- mined that tbe fifth claimed the highest merit, and ordered that ber grate bo with MB. In lTflfl a redoubtable palrwero liv- ing In Essex, who had been mm tied eighty- one years; tbo husband being oae hundred and seven years old, ami his arouse only four years his junior.

CAI-UIIT TUB BEJTII.*—Two gentlemen residing in Sacramento, Oil., wore start- led a few nights ago by loud screams pro- ceeding from a room occupied ay a lady member of the family. Inquiry elicited the Information that "there was a centi- pede on her bed." The gas ml at the t hue turned down quite low. but tbe men could see the Insect on the bed,and doub- llag a towel several times, out of them cast It over tbe centipede, and qlutchcd It tightly to prevent Its escape. One or the gentlemen was somewhat of as amatem scientist, and desired ardently to preservi the centipede aaa specimen. Accordingly tho captured Insect was carried In the tow el to a drag store. Tha druggist poured chloroform on the towel to stupefy tjt« creature aud to prevent lhe possibility of ItB escape, and one or the clerks stood by with an uplifted club, to strike It should It attempt to get off. The towsl was opened, and the expectant looksrs-on were astonished to find that all the fuss had beou made over a little atrip of calico.

Miss Annie W. (lulironi, an American girt, IB now studying with Wartel, Mme. Nllsaons old teacher, preparatory to ber appearance at tho Italian Opera In Paris Last year ahe made a successful debut a Leghorn. Wartel writes to her old Bos ton tcscher: ■■Her musical organisation h really extraordinary. Her voice is beauti- ful, and I now assert, without fear of making a mistake, ihat In her I possess a second Mlsson."

Mr. Elrtrldge Norrls, a wealthy and influen- tial dtlcen, and one of the moat enterprising ihipbnilders or Dauutrlseotto, He., died in that

town Saturday. Simon II. Closer, thief of Haielton,

Pa„ was killed Friday night by a drunken rough. The greatest excitement prevails and threats of lynching nre made.

Mr. iliilni.iii B. Uarnoa, a member or tbe P.oston Common Council from Ward 11, was found dead In his lied Sunday morning, at the hotel In Lancaster, Mass.

A movement ba* been set on foot for a con- vention ol southern republicans, to meet in At- lanta, Oa., lo promote the cause of reeon»truc- Hon.

Tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, with their ladles, formed a party of over 7»>, had a pleasant excursion to Oak Bialfs yester- day.

The late Major General John O. Foster, or the United Stoles army,we* buried atNasbua, N. H., on Saturday morning.

Tbe Arkansas constitutional convention liaa declarcd against tbo proposition to submit to tbe people tbe question of repudiation.

News Is received of the loss ol tbe French barque Coromsndel, off Bagdad, Mexico, w'th tha lives of eleven of the crew.

A Long Island vllllan tmearcd a hone with jrpenllnc the other day and then burned him

to death, Keller A Adams, contractors for tbe Lee A

Hudson Railroad, bare attached property of tbe road to the valae ot 91.10,000.

The town nf Mokelumne Hilt. California, was totally destroyed by Are on Friday last. Loss 9173.000.

Mr. Becchcr preached again tn a large en- ilicm-c in tbe parlors or the Twlu Mountain House yesterday.

An attempt was made to assassinate a Vail- ed BUtee Marshal at Hunuvllle, Alabama, Friday evening.

The new steamer, "Cliy of Peking," tbe sec- ond largest In the world, arrived in Boston har- bor last night. „,_,

Prof. Jeffries Wyman.or Harvard University, died at Hutblubem, N. H., Friday night.

A steamer from Havana with yellow fever among her crew, is quarantined at New York

The HpanUh minister to Belgium has pre united his credential*.

The rnrncullytwtween China and Japan in re gard to Formosa has been settled.

A congress ol old Catholic* openrd In Frle- borg, Germany, yesterday.

The eruption of Mount Etna baa ceased. Gold closed on Saturday at 10"(.

Tuesday. Charley Roes, tbe long missing abducted

child, I* reported discovered In Goaben, N. Y., lu the family or a wealthy vttlsen named Height. It appears lhat a few day* since Itev. Father Krmiit, a priest tmm Cube, tame to Height'* house, bringing with him tbe little boy, aad requested bloi to deep and to tare tor the child In nls ;ii,M n >c during the month of September. Father Kenney staled to Mrs. Height that he had rescued the child from a woman In Cuba, who bad prolialilv stolen lhe child, and who, at the lime of bis interference, bad the boy lied to t bed-post, gad wal cruelly whipping him; hi* eriea attracted lhe attention ol the benevo- lent priest, wbo rescued tbe boy by sheer force, and by some consent or autburlullou obtained, as I* stated, from tbe U.S. Consul In Cuba, brought the hoy to New iork and thence to the excellent 'arc or Mr. llalghl's family . Tbe Kua* family have been n .tilled.

Charles Perkins, lormcrly r. S. Consul at 1 idsin, and his wife, were before tbe Correc- tional Tribunal of the Seine on Saturday, on a charge ol obtaining 30,000 franca under false prcienset, having obtained money by allega- tions that be had a concession for a cable bo iween Spain and England; that lie was nego- tiating a loan for Don Carlos, and that he was

itaged in other moneyed transactions. Messrs. Priest and Home ol the Mount

Waahlngton Railway, were coming down from Ibr summit. Saturday, on sliding boards on the railway, when they came near running over Mr N. H. Allen and Mrs. V. N- Allen, wbo were walking on the track- Tbe lady fell aud was quito badly hurt, to she was taken on one oi the boards and slid downtotho l<ase safely— the tlrsl lady who ever performed the feat.

In Concord, a stable owned by Mm. N, O, Vpuam, was dleoovend to be on (treat Uo'cl'k Monday, and lietore the lire could lie gist nnder control the Inside was almost entirely con- -inocd. The lots, Including hay and damage tu ton Mings, Is estimated at 91M0.

The famous Smith listers of Olastotibary, have won a case against tbe tax collector or that town, who auld some of their best meadow land tor unpaid taxes, intlead of first taking movable property as tbe law direct*.

Dickinson A Falrfleld's paper mill at Hoi- yoke, caught fire Sunday night from spontane- ous combustion in the rag room, and wa* par. linlly destroyed; loss fM.OOO; fully Insured.

precious ISiuor has been In Mr. Usimonlco'a poe- M»*lon for over thirty years, and he has its rec- ord for the other thirty. To drink such wine as lhat would lie like drinking gold. The wine cel-

irground tlVat fvUllaiT.ami aftorthauklug the uoliloca*/, 1 came up Into day llKlii ami ir.-nion. It might well to »»y that the kitchen of l>elm<mleo'*l* i perhaps a- "V.iowy" as It would bo had tlie hoi iHvn Imill for a re.taurant, however, II would hard to Sod more convenience* for cooking. it known, tour of L_ llelmonlcV* iv.lAurenl.ln tills city. The old t^MfrfcMsgtd over thirty year* ago. at the corner of South w il hum and Heaver streets, one In llrontl street, where It is »aid lhat there I* moro champagat .,,1.1 tinli in any other place in New ^ "I I., one on the comer of llroadway and Cha.nliers MMt, nnd lhe on* who*e kltchon 1 have Ju.l described. This Inner place Ml I B»W boarder*, but It I* not nil like a hotel. The gentlemen who Hve there bare dono au ever since the place was opened. I can never, after this, walk ov. r the pavement on rourwentti street, before IXdmonlW. |root en- trance, without reeling a* though I am treading on -acre,! soil, aad whVnever I take a meal In the restaurant, 1 shall picture lo myself the busy MM in the region below stair*, the agile cooks, toe gliding waiters.


Miss Kate Field• ha* been among the atay-nt- homrai this summer. Like toe mat id' us she' has

♦veil in New York for tlie pl-ii-nire «r the hut because alie had wor* M do. She ha*

iu*y With her JH-O ami lirvpunng lor her ibeatri-al ddiitl. which « ill likr plmf in Chlcs- gn<mlhe*ecf>mlttf Novamtoir. We In New V.irk »i ■ have the plca-nre ol^eeii.y Mi„ Field la her mtnifc *oon after thnt dale. .Tho m. Louis "ItopuiMioeti" is HIHJUI lo publish a *c •- or article* by Mlt* Field, entitled, '•Itopuhtl-

Noto* nn Knglaud." This la thu Ural lime Miss Field has contributed to the pre** of

her native cltv, ■Htwiugh she hnswrlfeti largely

a iR.t^'.-wSnSsrarci.teis' tir.d Ths Scarlet I .oiler," for J. H. IHKIKHI * ton''rrln*»tom «.".•' Hawthorne's Heirs. Osgood to Hawthorne. Tlie .Iramalikatfon'Si '■* ■■** —•*■

THIS. WOMIiEHflL Slum •dhythe Ilrooklyu aenn- d Inc project to tier mmd

.__ year*. We are all moreor lea* anxiously ■ wallinii Ml- Field's appearance upon the tVnl- ri*rI stoge. I, lor .sue. have little doubt of her .anew** She BeawM or a good stock, ltolh of her narents were actors, and so were her nncpstors, lu? far lick M Hi" Kli*.lielha« age. Then, shu ha., always abown dramatic in llm.lrllv c" "l her leelures. Hhn has oad. of pluck, and ami a Irict .111 piildlc should c.i. iuVe success. An eirndtngiy curious i.rotres- ■lon wa* MM moving down Wall and llrua.1 Jlreeta the other .lav. II. w»Vr'"'T wl mother and live cblhlren. Timr at her Irert one in l«ir arm.-. The mother ami each child I ",re a label on her tatast staling thnt they had been

aoniiau OF FIVF. TMUI-

brrerUtn banker*, and calling upon the pubiie Kt laraetn slve llwrn aid. The uppearatico of

presence had blown over, a MUM ol In.lutnalh n nllnl the brea.ts ol the Inmost hull* and boars, to ?l Ok thataman'* imslne-s misfortune* should

tmi. hiisgbie Hie scene In Wall strrn-t ir all the woinen and children ie.tooe.1 to_povevt^byjhe

more seal than discretion or tratb, some

oppoaeot of Qeu. C. rusbes Into print lu the column* or the Qatetie, Insbttlng ths'

tbe Grand Army is connected with poll

tics, and offering as proof that "about Hoi-lion time," In tbo ante oe committee

rooms, political matters and candldatcx

are discussed; that acveral members of

the Salem Post arc also members of the

republican city committee, aud eloslnit with tlie triumphant Inquiry, " if there

no politics In the Grand Army, why

dou't a democrat get elected commander?'' This attack upon tbe Grand Army Is only

a shot In dlagutac; every member knows

the utter falsity of the charge that It is In the most remote manner connected with

politics, and tho disclaimer of Gen. Oogn-

wcllwaNsnch :!.■• we might have anticipated from one of bh standing and*lnfluenee,—

mid the argument, ir we may so dignify it,

or the Gazettr'* correspondent, Is the merest twaddle. We auppose there 1B no

organization or galherlugjor men, "about election time," where there Is not more or low talk aboutjiartlcs anil men, and

It la quite In the line or the autl-pollllcal

character ,of tho Grand Army tbut thi. [asMullunt does not even claim that It can

be heard except In tbe anto rooms lielbrt'

or after the meetings; such talk "about ulectloti time," may be heard lu the mom*

of the Mwoiis, tbe Odd Fellows, the

bankx. In the horse curs, and not lufrc- queutly, thu vestibules of the churches,

nml it would he hard Indeed, were the

men wbo have perlllrd limb and life to

nave a country, to be debarred', the like privilege or tulkluu; together a* to the

best measures or men fur li> prosperity.

And If membership lu the Grand Army

debars one from nerving on a political eiHnmltU'C, or subjects thu organization to

the charge of being political, the I'ost In this illy bud hint lie looking utter its good name, for not |aasj ihnu three <»: tu mem-

bers Wart Ihla week pill into oatenJl>y the Fhvw.riY.iic caucus, tine of them being a

veritable "howler" In that party. Of llu- membership in tin- Pout lu this city, ouc-

foitrtla* If nut ono-thlni, arc deinorrat«, and we challenge the production of a single comrade who' will mil affirm the

potindfTfTif lllr-*«na!iii) of the organUa- III turn his eyes Lawrence ward, ■*

will HIIOW linn a comiiiandiT who In not only an adopted i-Illzeu. but an artlvc,

wide awake democrat, and wbo was sup ported for tlie highest office In tbe gift ol

tlin l'ost, hy members or .the most radical

republicanism; and from v, hit we kuow of the Kalctn Post, no leas than the Grand

Army elsewhere, II Is the grossest mis- representation to nLlcmpt connecting it

wllh party politics, and he Is the best friend and truest member nf the organisa- tion who most scrupulously labors tn

preserve Its true mission, by avoiding the slightest Interference with political affairs,

and Oeu. Cogswell spoke but lhe nlmple

truth in his assertion to this purpose.

imnKiiic the scene ,„,„*« ami children red need to poverty by

tosolvency of hanker* should march In .oleum insulin it i ' ,I_..I i>.„ s, . n draw-

m on the coarsest lyric production ever grVon In New York. Kven this criticism, liuwover, luu not tended to diminish Its popularity, for tbo house ha* beeu crowds*! every night since it was brouaht out- <>mi evening, though, two ladle. left the houae during lhe performance, evidently SHOcson BV TUB IBDBLKIACT or TUB FLAT,

and thu* administered such a rebuke a* has aev. cr before Isien arjiortlwl an enterUlnroent In this city. No eicuMt eaa be urgrsl by the maiisyr uienl for presenting a play of this character In tola countr*. la Part*, perhaps, where some ol the most IndWieato hike* are un.torato* by Bf. ervbodyto lie an atttrk BBsMt SSMII follies, and In that way feebly apologise for their presence, II might be pardoned, but in this country, where nothing but vulgarity Is appreciated, and that, UM,, |a tlie hrosiUst aad coarsest sease, ami its .Hipiilarlly depend* MMII that fact, ttsajKJM nolli- ng but the vilest ruptllly oa the part of the man-

aaenieal to eater to sfSW tastos. t)f cours.i llwre I "in this, a* In an <)|iera IluusTr, lots ofrnlllching run, aad the lodeoemy Is somewhat dl.giil«e.l under a thin rendering of brilliant scenery ami ctMUiming, gootl singing, .eB.noii.,

, |.,i »M aCTIBO AM. nrini'iMiii. ' .ee"I.B Tim hale

ororess oi ihrougti the sire. t. I'en falls In draw- nTtoe pic ie. Mr.Ttuile.Uw Kt.gll.h cna.cdl SPGS unable to fulflll hi- .mgagemrn at w- lack's this past wnek. He hurt hU leg white 2* walking at Long Ilrancli, the other-lay. nnd ha* bullutt regntoediuuse. It seems rather ton n"| i a r -k'or a maa wlv. ha. U.m.poar l«fore

MMOBWM evert night to -i«-n, Ihl*.dav- a a dlsUnee from the theatre. A trntu might layeu, or

A THOUSAKD A!tU MPJi ACCIUKKTB .■rrur that would be uretMeM If he was. SnatV Mrs I* with her hualMnd, so he will have tho best of care. Dan llrtanl occupied the huarde at Wallaek'a dnring Mr. T.MJIC- .One miml Mr. llryanlbas bessi pUyltig negro char Tie . so o"g thai It l-.|iille a novelt, to have Mm.iiiM-arlnliia agMkatl rob-of Irlahmnti. He

Id mnuar to ..alienee., but thai ahoul.l set, rise him shearing ofteaer, with-

oi iicdlfi*il.e"f luiriit cork. I wroto you In ryUt e'er that Mr. Strak.»ch had secured

Mile All»nl a. hi* prime d»mia tor tol* season, Since then 1 have heard a little t»r her early his- tory, which only MM


e Altaint, or Mile. RaimaLn .I.mnrase, is now

,-, In Albany, whenc*! ber stoge name,

whrraher father, an mjm*1gm+**

People will, tbererore, iock to sec "La Tli .rArgmtt," and the manager, will probably lsa»dly7Mlbe7«»»' "" «"",■ i,ro'ut'h

fl aro«* .ue-ulatmn. One can only pardon hi

tor Btusvltogtma opera when ho see* an.. -, .■ire* toe aeniu* of Mile. (Jandon, who, a* r ich- tel has every ImpmiHrrcluiractor to personate. UuVarmdutM It with suck Inimitable pluuaney and •feminity boyish touhfulnes* that .lie really u rVsl.til.le Her succes. la certain. A young KrcnchmaB.l-erfecLlylamlllarwIlli the llientres .,t Paris, remarketi after wini her on the open lua nlsTht, that he cuuhl mil umlerauitd how tbe KlVnsever uemllieil her to leave to.tclly. It certataly Is singular, but we should not Intor- |i1in^ajob)e1lioo.ror »U Tlu.bale d'Argcul'

s laid enough with liindon. without her It Mairelvhavearetlermlngleatore. Mile. <L._. M Mullrr. tSw and sings wllh a melancholy ton ileroess and dignity lhat ecarcely seem* consl. tout wiUi Bt eJUwISaT as a wandering mla.trel. me would hardly rrmgniie her at La 1'eriehole. he

ROMiisu, uoi.i.u'itiM. nsjajMiaoB] ofl'lcoto,B part In which she I* .u.Ulisb' lu.l tbe eo,inton;*rl ot mi. ill I. she MM lhe role to perfeotl.n-l oaly mean tlial she 1- more .■hamiiiig in »ueh charsc m™**!* t'criclmleWAnaaMuller. Tlie .utmr- uinate oaru of "Ttmbale d'Ararnl" ere well .u.- XlWBBH I- « ""by or .< uon In the Ir-mpe. a Vivacity and a thorough appreciation ol the ■ vivacity ■■ ■ . ,„.,, L. , hn late.

aVe.artou.llsellho.Hl by toning iiiams. and aiViuituiuslc le.-on* whenever he , ,.»\\ pick up l„ ml Mile. Kiwsaa had contra, led co.ishtora- Baattaal attention lev her fis voice tail equally Ss r^rmrming on UV pktno torto. A youngrcr .Oder. *l«i a Um. plano-torte player, lhe old falli- -r Md Mile. K.'i.oa used I" give concerts to Wl-W£.X£— i. u-i.tnaaml Saratoga; toil Urn

railed to create a pro- > living In UMt other itoj- alaiul

™uldTt IHUTOW a piano, and were too uoor to

,aiallaudle»cc:lnBal.tosi~ yt.uiig eantatrlce ■— l„iii..i imprewtm- --

. ; ■ .:„..,..! iva- I. it.OK ioc i! " ...... .1.-1 ,1„, I -, .11 line

A grntlmnnri living _ dling me lbs other daj

■Tonerrl that Um La 'euncsse ramlU^gav^hi

Tourrn^ghVorlng city of Newark, which I. styled. an<T perhaps rt- '" lllnnlnghamuf America

c-iulVl I'mi l»;rr<;w a ulauii,

wt SEE* 55. and the SPpsr key* made ats...t a* moeh mn»Ui aa

eKAS liorrtno Auotrr is a via CAB. Theconwrl came off notwIlh.Umllng all draw bucks and alH-ut two tii.ndreil person* ram* tc be MM. •-■> tW» MM well mkS^Jgrkh Mons. La.lcune.«w*s ron'ver saying that If hi-

de ill ter coul.l only have the advantage* of an In N«an courss- o/tralalug .hat .he weohlhuk l„r HnvtlthllieWstoi'.lngcrs. At la*l ftirlum smiled,.a. « rtob gentleman .f Albany, when SlaiavraaalnKiog In a . hunli. sent her sbrua. 1,'r ahUff^ You should have .cm old La Jeuness. ■lore iiir lov lb' 'lay he received the Urst paper S V. ravT3e n-uice of hi. <l*Ug.rleria

I_r„- t« Milan. It wa* not tong bt.f.ire he *HS toe r.gto« main £ .graluleto hi. chll.l.

■fatVr never lire, ol snytog, "1 told . _ any one who may speak to him of hla

daughter1* $^*2JE22 MS2?. wIsanllH-yreadorU^nrilllant

not Inappropriately, " It.ey have an annual

tl ISI.I 11I1IKS which opened this year on the 3.1th of last month. The Society having In c.hargi Hit- eahltillbm has lu^.n ineon.orated lindcr tlie iawt ofllio Plato of ISSJSSS^T. calledtlu- -Intlusltisl Instltoto," »n.lha«toifbaPreaWaaL H<....<■ BMW A. ll*J...y, ea-Coogreasraan, and*lnre.ent the llepiiblicn aaawaanM for liovernor of New Jersey. The Sec- rvlarv ts A. M. Ilidbraok, who conceived the —At ot Sa ethlhllton <H Newark Indu.ines,

in~uieJUnttod t»*W whara »uch an iasUtol

■mito Who** tiniirial efforts • — tohl that this Is the only cltv mainly due.

iroflteblr, upon the plan Ing all gnoda m>t actually tlie produ-l of TheSr.t Kxhilniiot. was given in lb*

iiaintalned, ami matto , .- ir enliidlng all gin-la not actually

child, lhe""prou.lrhi,Hir never tire* or ee

t«»rJ?.r.'.r" S-'Xtsi*•■.*-B.U.™. of Mite. A I. i raii'scarcViv l« l.cve ttml-he 1. the lillle l.s

ISKwSiasU to sing in their .malhabs few years ago. '""*

TIIF. Di-TnAfiKS 111 the south, In which, under the countenaucc of the "while

leitgues," hay been repeated all tho att rocl-

lltsor the earlier Ku-Klux, Inangnrntlng a uew reign of terror ami lnllinidutluii.

have elicited a decisive order from Presi-

dent Grant to the Secretary or War, ami

already troops are being moved to such

points as will iti-iii'.' tbo prolectlon or all

classeso! OtUiant. by the. strong |ntervcn- ilon of military power. I'nder Instructions

from the President, the Secretary of War KM been ordered 1o Inanguratc with dls-

patch such ineasiircs us will expose l&d duU'ct Um pfr|K!tralora of thu deeds ol

violence, nnd to preserve peace and quiet

In all sections. It Is strange that there rcuiuius so largo uiiuinlKtr of people In

thu amilh, seemlt.gly (Hied with their old

bales and prejudices, ns to succeed In

over-nwlng entire communities, when

they engage actively l» UM»» deeds o(

bloinl, so thai the local law and power

appears utterly lUafMtM to protect IH-

offeiisive clll/-eiis In their rights and their

homes. It Is, to be sure, Hie legitimate

result Of the old, iicgro-hnllng, class dom-

Inccrliig, duel [irovoklug spirit, through which rebellion WHS made possible In Hie

south, hut at this duy, it Is surprising that thu mass or tho soul hern people, who arc

most deeply Interested lu preserving

peace, 'lo not, In their own strength, put an end to the practices of the dcaparadoos

by whose outrages that entire Bccltoti Is

dWliirb.-d, ami armed Inlorvontlon ren- dered necessary. But all good rlilscns

will r.Jol.e In the execution or sucb do- elslve iti.-asuns us shall end for lhe pres-

old, and i.revcnt for th- future. NUch dla- ,1 IQOHHS of vlol.-menml bluodshed.

Let It be plnlnlv umb-rstiKnl that MM ta* „r«,l man is Ul enjoy tbe full possession ,,,-His rights iin.lislurbc.l by outlaws, and

ilmt In all portions ol our country, law 11 power of the guverniitont will lie

oked when necessary to prevent vlo-

uce agnltisl any OlfAa of Its citizens.

proslti"l of _ _.rea la tbe success that I to

ioanagers organised a Block Company, and pur- cliaaoTlhe *aaUug rlak, a large Iron building on « *.hltigt»n streeL to which Kef added a wood. ■" .Lructureor.l.nlUr'arobli»-:toral design and of equal magnitude. Here lhe merchants, torturer*, arllaaaa, metal worker., glass-blowers, artiste, acutotora, and in fact every brunch of ormlucers, exhibit llieir wares. In many Instan- ces, the in.-U.od or manufacturing

L . iin.i - |M' I -I i i I AVT1I'I.BS I ,|,|,«„ rm the premise., the operation being- performed in view of the .pecUtora. by skilled workmen Of course such an exhibition as Is SreawTa. eacacdiagly Inureeling. aad .UracU noVteof visitor* from ail part* of toe country, in. donlsitol. however, If it could prove suBl- mffV^St^y^ it. paylug'tostitnUon. were nothing elto provided to amuse the MS. ule andi drew Innn UM |H.pulallr.n of tlialbig city a large enough audience at twenly-flve cento fc ■MO, to replenish the treasurr and relmhnr*e lhe

joiNtse Ttis CHOWU tlM» not alwaye pay, as wa* Illustrated In the case of two young, men on the sabbath. A* noted In another place the arrest and conveyance to the lUllon honse of two roughs wai attended by the presence of crowds of people numbering many hundreds. A. the throng w«iurging from Keeex slreol through Lawrence street to tbe elation, t.o young men upon lhe Common espied tbe s and, raising the cry of "row. row. dashed .way to join the crowd, followed by nearly all the people upon that end or the M Very Ibruinatoly, Marshal -ulllvao and officer Shriian had placed their optic, upon the*- two Ihey arrived in front ol the station house they were Invited la. and eu-

p(y»,l a comfortable and Invlllog cell, -lib all sorts of criminals for con.panioos, during the reraalndcr of tbo Sight. This morning they were each flocd the co«* or pm*oeutloii tor he- Ing Idle end disorderly, which amounted to ■I.K0 It Is the Intention of tbe officer* in cap- ture person, berealtcr who Insist mam follow- ing ofllcm when making arrests, and we be- lieve Ihl* to '>e the only way to prevent such icenee as occurred on Monday evening.


to.foro a Boston jury, for Illegally Weeping and selling intoxicating lievcmgcsi the

ovldcnce lit each InsUncc seemed tfi be

comidetei no ma" 1,ul cm ol,u,n n"y

hour in the day. tbe Tullc-l proof of-ales nt the Parker House; tbe trafllc was hanl-

|, ■tBtpemdetl even While .bf ctmstablcs wcv .nuVlngscUurc of the stock, sulise-

..nenllytv.nruedi there Is surely no pre-

MD00 that Mr. I'arkcr Is not proprietor oi tbo ealsblishmenl; and yet the Juries

have twice failed to convict, And 1" HW second liistaiicc came very mar an u-qult- tal A Ilk.- result f..llowe.l the trial or

George Young, while even a Suffolk Jury will convict the keeper <»r a l»w gmKKory. Hire are MM unpleassut fads, from which

can draw such a inorslas best

Iiliu-.-ir; t»n If" btrfllj likely l


nf some lui

any • pleas

■ csliintileof the iinparilnllt

y !•


,! •





IW llw week ending Wednesday, Seplemb** ■. prepared for the AKBIUCAH. fce« °^"*' Umi »t Andover, by «*««**■ uaimx.











«*> js. :

ik a v i

Fair A M Cloudy r x ralr.



Avaras*, Barometer corrected for Umperalure.


THIS Mil or TIIK Horn.—Senator John Sherman opened Luc cainn"^" °*

Ihe Ohio Republican* l*-' *eck' ,,y * timely and temper-*- •P«ch, in which he discusses tic ■■■•■ of the present time, rigorously'.defeodlnjj the policy and posi-

tion of the republican* of that state, as

that of true nationality, public honor and sound principles, and presenting In strong commit the repudiation doctrines advo-

cated by so large a portion of the democ-

racy. While the great nueatlous upon which the two parties now exiting lit th«

nation, llrst divided, have been practically

settled, the Kcuator believes that the

and althrjue***5 *•■" ^ buBn ^ n,Ul

iU#_n„.«jry, within a few years, In the!

S of Col. I'sher, a " third term " has been given. Iu opposition, Ex-Mayor

Couch of Newbnryport, ami Harmon Hall of Ssugus, arc already named as randl

dates, with, doubtless, more to follow.

The objection to Mr. Preston is urged, In a degree, though different form, against

Mr. Hall, that the southern oorner of the

county already lias most of the officers, and that the lower Merrltnaek Valley and

the Cape are now entitled to considera-

tion | Hie result Is likely to be sucared more by locution thau men, and a combi-

nation of some such may be ablu to con-

trol the whole. Ail the men thus for


Sa ventleth Birthday of Mr. Samuel Saw- yer. A Pleasant Oroetlncr, and

Substantial Testimonial Trom Friends.

The seventieth anniversary of the birthday ot Mr. Samuel Sawyer occurred on Monday, sad the event was made one of pleasant re- membrances ot by-gone days, nodal reunion of Mends, and the bestowal of a token of esteem upon a worthy and genial friend who bad reached the years or life allotted to the generality of mankind.

enfranchised race, although before the law ammei\ tre of more than average ability.

Canal street, snd northerly In Lawrence street to the alleyway, having a total length ol 528 feel, will be sixty Inches In diameter and have twelve inch walls. That pinion in the alley- way from Lawrence street to Amesbury street, having a total length of 33.> feet, will be fifty- four inches In diameter and will have twelve Inch walls. That portion In the alleyway from Amasbuiy street to Hampshire street, having a total length of 590 feet, will b« forty- eight Inches In diameter and will have twelve Inch walls. That portion [n the alleyway from Hampshire street to franklin street, hiving a total length of 693 feet, will be forty Inches in

will have eight inch wa|l*. That

TeacasKs, SCHOOLS, ETC.—With the com mencsjmentof I hepublir schools this week,sever si changea appear hi the disposition of teach. em and chsngev have also b?on made Jn grading two of the schools.

Miss Stiles and Miss Dodge of the Oliver school, Mli* Wood of tbe Cross itrset school and Mlsi Cutter or the Packard acbool have resigned. Miss Torrey and Miss McHurpby of the Warren street school are still absent on ac- count of ill health.

Mr. Warren li*i assumed his duties as Prim

: :__zr_ __ HO M E U U t>B 1 P. —In Col. Parsons' speech at Mr. Hatnuel Sew-

—— ,,rr>n birth day reception, he alluded to the car- Still going up-tbe PaeUa Mill, chimney. I ]y d*>r. ol Metbuen and Liwrcnce, the latter Oxen hare been pressed Into service In the | beim, sn "Arabian desert, where Abraham

■ snd Lot pastured their Hack", and conveyance was had on camel* and dromedaries, hut now it was cock of the walk. The voing city had sprung up like Jonah's gourd,'and overshad- owed everything in a single night." Iftbe Col- onel baa any special is his pride in the prosperity of the eity of Lawrence.

—Young gentlemen who aspire to vote this

street department. —The most popular layman,—the water cart

driver, who lays the dust. —A tip-top place to go; the lop of the Paclltc

Mills chimney, XW leet high.

—We regret to leam ol the severe 'ilness of Mr. Win. llelloftne Pacific Mills, of Iblsdty.

—Everybody should parclisse one of tbe sea- son tickets to ihe great fair of the Grand Anny.


Wednesday. The surviving members of the fortieth regi-

ment, M. V. Ml, wblcb was mustered We OH service ol the Lulled Stales, September «, 1882, lo the number of shout 200, met at the Ocean House, Chelsea Deacb, yesterday afternoon, i Dinner was served st one o'clock, after which a permanent organisation was effected by the choice of Colonel J. A. Dalton as president, Captsan K. L. Ulddlnt, secretary and treasurer, and an executive committee often. The asso- ciation adjourned to inset at the sam c place, September H. 1N7-1-

Tbe Boston school eo Itlee and the board of aldsrmen msdc an unsuccessful attempt at filling the vacancies from Wards 6, 9 and It, caused by tbe unseating of the woman mstn- Isers. There was but little over a iiuornm pres- ent, and aa a majority of tbe full hoard was re- quired, no election wss made; of the 73 votes cast. Mis* Abhy W. May received 12, lacking •JO of tbe necessary numberi alter two hal- ms the committee adjourned fonr weeks.

A religious i«Hly hsvlng resolved to build a new church, the pastor went about begging vrry jealously, accepting not only the widow's tmt ihe child's mite. In the school one Sab- bath, while instructing them, he compared him- self to s shepherd, and then Inquired what the latter did with bis flock. One bright-eyed lit- tle fellow promptly replied, "He shears them.

In New York on Monday evening, an old feud between Thomas Hayes and Thomas Del- ancy, Deputy City Marshals, terminated by Hayes' shooting Delaney In the bead, It Is sup- posed fatally.

A lad of thirteen, named Daniel Jsstras, was on Monday, drowned from a steamer which was conveying an excursion party ol poor fac- tory children from Fall Hlver to Oakland Beach

The Attorney Oenersl has rendered an opin- ion that the law authorises the full number of one hundred state constables, snd an addition- al thirty arc to lw ap|H>inted.

There was a serious break yesterday, st Hrtmklinr, In one or the largest Cocbitnste pipes, and tbe northern part of the city was without water for nearly sa hour.

The Democratic Convention I* In session to- day. Mr. Oaston will be nominated by accla- mation, and probably Smith of Springfield for Lieut. Governor.

the great temperance camp-meellng was opened at Orchard Beach, Maine, yesterday, and speeches were mads by Governor Dingley and others.

There was a serious collision of freight trains o.i the Orand Trunk Railroad at New Glouces- ter, Maine, yesterday. The loss will probably reach tfU.uilO.

Yellow fever prevail* at New Orleans, Penss- cla, Oalvesion, Mobile. D-uien (0*.). Bruns- wick (Ol.), Key West and New York.

In the (superior Court, in Boston, on Tuesday, J allies A. Doe, ihe Btale street forger, was sen- tenced to eight years In the state prison.

At Saipiarhe, Colorado, the bodies uf live miners have lieen discovered, probably mur- dered lor robbery.

Both ocean cables were out of order yester- day, fiitcropting telegraphic eomtnunlcstion wiib Kurope.

Frank W. Miller was nominated for Meye the Republicans of Portsmouth, last night.

Thursday- The democratic Slate convention st Its ses-

sion in Worcester yesterday, rc-moinlnated, by acclamation, the ticket or last year, which Is as follow*i—For governor, William Gaston of Boston ; lieutenant-governor, William L. Smith of SprhiihVId; secretarv of state, Benjamin 8 Mllh of WlllUmstowni treasurer and receiver general, Nathan Clark of Lynn; attorney-gene- ral. Waldo Cohan of Dedbam ; auditor of sa. counts, C. Osgood Morso ol Newbnryporl The resolutions declare in favor ot an Imme- diate return to specie payments, a license law and condemns all persons concerned In perpe. tratlng tbe southern outrages. Lcvereil Sal toustall presided, and addresses were made by Messrs. William Aspidwell. George N. Rlearns, and Mayor Tarbox of Ibis city.

Alfred Miibon, ii yesrs of age, and English moulder, working In the Speedwell Iron works in Morrlsoiwn, N. J., was found dead on thi Hml nail I ' ■-*~ ■*»■», which Is missing, ■Bll Be is believed ui have lieeii murdered for ttic money by some or the asylum laborer*.

Charles Dinner, a German shoemaker, was srresiud in New York, Tuesday, lor selling his daughter, |:i years old, to Peter Hillock, the keeper ol a bawdy-house, in Canal street. Hal- lock was also arrested, having the girl in charge on bis way to thu Canal-street den. It Is re- ported that Dlsner, whose wife Is dead, lias sold three children in the same way.

Two section hsiius on the Indianapolis and I,* lay t. tie,, were run over and Instant ly killed near Riverside, Ohio, on Wednesday, by a pai-scngcr train which was raring with a pa*M-ngcr train on the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. The men were behind a stiarp and unable to get out of the way.

Yesterday was the second day of tbe fall meeting at Beacon Park. Bella won the #AMMI purse lor the 'i -.'H class, getting a record ol 2 ;2Ag, though James How, II- look a heat In a.-W class, host time i ■:>.*. Music look heal in 2 ;2A\.

The hotly ol a man was found in tbe water neir Cralgle liridge, Cambridge, yesterday nf- lernoon, with a cut In his skull that leads to the supposition that he was murdered.

The Rev, G. II. Porteom, of l.iudoi ade bis llrst appearance before a Boston audience ..( Ihe opening of the Temple lecture ceunc last night, and wads a most favorable Impression.

At Nishin, N. IL. yesterday, four women were sentenced to three years each In the Stale Prison for attempting to burn the House of Correction at Wilton.

The Government announces its dcit'imlna- lion to sn force Gen. Sheridan's order which prohibits minors from entering the black Hills country.

Ihe l'o-t tun .e Department contemplate run- ning an entire train of postal ears at n high rate of speed from New York to Chicago.

It is reported thai an order will soon be Is. ■•ued expelling trom Prn.-ia all foreign priests, monks and nuns.

The bii»ln«ss portion ill l(u>sellvllle, Ken. tucky, was burned Sunday morning. ].<>-.

Charles Giliilu, M. P., tor Northampton, England, and Lord George John Mi erx are .tend.

clothed with all civil rights, Irrespective

of color, need yet, as recent events have

too plainly shown, the protection of gov-

ernment; that In matters of education,

their full rights are far from secured to them, or even. In many locations, the

privilege to labor and enjoy the frnltaof labor In peace and .julcl, ami that strange-

ly, the party calling itself Democratic,

contests the right or all men to have e<|Ual opportunities to rise and be the

ci|iisl of all other men. Turning to the

.spirit ao lately developed In the sooth,

| the Senator avers that " if the democratic

party was now In power, the tendency to

restore a condition of slavery In the south would be overwhelming, and then Instead of acliil war between sections, we would

war between whiten and blacks.

We now hear of fraud, force, and violence

n the s 11 th. These can only be arrested

by peace and time. But If yon add to

these ev Us an open war between distinct

races of men living together, waged as

snch wars always are, by assassination and the torch, you will have Ban Domingo

over again with all IU nameless horrors."

Referring next and principally to the

question of the public credit, Mr. Hhurman contends for the upholding of the pledges,

by Isw and constitutional amendments,

guaranteeing the payment of the debt

incurred in the suppression of the rebel-

lion, against which the democratic party of Indiana and Ohio have deliberately

placed themselves, by demanding the rep»

■lUtio.i of all tho nation's promises to

redeem Its bonds In gold. He reverts to

the consideration of this whole question

In the canvass of 18G*; that the following

Congress, fresh from the people, passed

by a very emphatic majority, the act of

declaring the nation pledged to pay-

ment of all Its bonded indebtedness In gold; that upon this the public credit at

once advanced; " It led to confidence and

prosperity and the rapid payment of the public debt. Voder the policy thus Inau-

gurated, 8rtH2,0OO,0OO of the debt has been paid, the rate of Interest has been reduced

on a/aTO.OrtO.ftOO more of the debt still due,

and sn annual saving of Interest has been made or over g2s,000,00(t. A period of

unexampled prosperity set In, which has

only been checked by a too rapid devel-

opment of distant and unproductive rail-

roads." The reopening of the contro-

versy Is a public calamity, threatening

untold disaster to the moat vital In-

terests of the country. "It is this dan- ger lo the public credit that ought now

to he grappled with snd throttled by the

people of Ohio with the fierce energy they grappled and throttled Vallandlgham In

lUiHt. Vntarulshed honor—honor »o puro

that It Is not only free from open fault,

but from even the shadow of It—this Is

the pride of a state. Men may not uttsln

it, but organized states can."

The Senator next calls attention to another clause of the fourteenth amend,

ment, forbidding the assumption or pay

tnent of »uy portion of the rebel debt some of these claims have already been

assumed by states uuder democratic

trot, end one of the great dangers Impend,

log Is the assumption, should the demo, cratlc party attain power, ot an over-

whelming mass of debts Incurred by the. -■""**' »o«n; lias been no case n' i*-'- nature presented, that the democrats hi Congress did not vote for, and the Senator

asserts that a democratic Congress a vast enlargement of the public debt

through such assumption, 'the true putli of safety uml duty "demands that we who

written these guarantees upon the constitution and Die laws should stand

together in hearty and warm political

association until all of them are executed

and enforced. I nil! then Die mission ol

the republican party Is not accomplished.

We know that the republican party will iniiiiilnln and enforce the rights guaran

teed by the constitutional amendments.

It will protect and shield the public faith

from dishonor and repudlullou. It will

prevent in tbe future, u In the post, the

payment of losses Incurred by rebels dur

Ing the wsr. It will not allow the burden:

which the Confederate States Incurred by

their rebellion to be dumped upon the

boulders of loyal people. The result;

lie war—Its achievements and Its honors-

are the pride and glory of the republb

party, and It may be trusted with every

that may hereafter grow out

the war, while the democratic parly will

instinctively waste the fruits and Mite

ay the results of the war."

and the county interests could hardly «

fer In the hands of either.

THE DsOtOOsUCTX of our stale had a pleasant, mainly harmonious, and more

than ordinarily enthusiastic convention at Worcester, Wednesday ;the deluslvehopc,

defying sll calculation, which now and

then faintly inspires that party, of coming to the front lo an election lo Massachu-

setts, flickered this year before the Dem-

ocratic vision, awakening just enough of encouragement to Illumine the usually

melancholy scenes at this annual gather-

ing of condolence and sympathy. The

ticket placed In nomination Is oue of entire

respectability, Mr. Onston representing

personally, kin milder and least objection- able form of Massachusetts Democracy,

and the platform, as a whole, Is unques-

tionably the best promulgated from any

convention of that party yet held; the

weakest plank Is that so boldly and nbso-

lutely In favor of license, a« not all of the

Democracy, oven, are willing to commit themselves to the free sale of liquors,

which everybytly knows Is exactly what

license In the Democratic sense, means.

To the Democracy In other states, espe-

cially the weBt and south, this declaration

or principles must read like a new revela-

tion; it vigorously denounces the recent

"lawless acts of violence against the col-

ored nice,"committed by the white leagues,

and which the Democratic organs of that

section have virtually defended; It de-

mand* the speedy resumption of specie

payments as a measure of national honor,

even while In the great states of tho west.

Its allies and party associates declare for

Inflation and greenbacks for the bonds,

d then, this platform Is perhaps quite

as remarkable for what It docs not say.

From beginning to end, uot a line In denunciation of the national ltepubllenu

party, which indeed Is not even alluded to

from flrst to last; not ■ paragraph In arraignment or the Chief Magistrate; not

a word of censure even for Congress; the

Democracy elsewhere will read this curi-

ous document and weep for the sad relapse or their once ndmlred New England till

snee. We wish there was evidence to

Induce the heltertluU In this new depurtui

the Massachusetts Democracy were one

whit more sincere than heretofore, when

they hnve Imagined tbe* could sniff suc-

cess. In the coming, and took n lK)bl step higher, only to fall Ignobly back

Into the old ruts the inomeut foully to tbe party In the nntlmi demanded the sacrifice

and self-abuse ment.

Mr. Sawyer Is among the few remaining citt- portion la Franklin street from the alleyway to Essex street, connecting with the Ward Five sewer main, and having a total length or 126 feet, will be thirty-six .Inches In diameter, and will have eight Inch walla.

Tbe connecting branches will bs In the fol- lowing streets, and of the length and sues as follows, vte; Branch No. 1, will extend from the new nssla sewer la Franklin street, south- erly to cooasct with tbe Metnuea street sewer, 120 test of 31 x 30 Inches, egg shape, with four Inch walls. Branch No. 3, will extend westerly through Etsax street alley 220 test 21 a 30, Inches, egg shape, with four inch walls. Branch No. 3 will extend from tbe new sewer main northerly through Hampshire 'street, 580 feet, 36 Inches, circular shape.wltb eight loch walls, to connect with the Hampshire street and Es- sex street alley sewers. Branch No. 4, will ex tend frost the new sewer main, northerly through Amesbury street, 52d feet, 24 x 30 Inches, egg shape, with four Inch walls, to con- nect with the Amesbury street sewer. Branch No. & will extent easterly from the new sewer main through Lawrence street lo the eewer in alleyway between Metnuen and Essex streets, 43 feel, 20 x 30 Inches, egg shape, with four inch walls.

A connection will lie made with twin sewers that will ha cut off on the line or the sixty-Inch sewer at the loot or the alleyway that Is between Canal an* Hsthucn streets, in Lawrence street. An intsrreptfng sewer outlet or waste weir, In conjunction with man-hole st that point,

Kens who can claim the enviable distinction ot being the first settlors of our fair city, his record as a citi/en covering a period of more than a quarter century. Previous to removing to Lawrence he was one or the thriving basinets men of the old town of Metbuen, having been established there In the grocery and provision trade nearly forty years ago, in company with his brother, Mr. Eben Sawyer. That their en- terprise was of consldersble magnitude It evi- dent from advertisements appearing In a sheet published in that town at the time, wherein tbe firm announced that they had for sale barrels of flour, at gu per barrel," also hogsheads New England Rum," etc. When the settlement of Lawrence became a fixed fact, Mr. Sawyer established s thriving express busi- ness lutween Boston and tbe towns of Law. rence and Metbuen, and In a short time be as sinned charge of the freight business or the Eastern road in this city, which position be re- tained until about a year ago, when he retired loaqniet lire. His service with the Eastern railroad covered s term of twenty-four years.

It was known by the friends of Mr. Saw- yer that his seventieth birthday was near st bond, and they suggested the propriety of call- ing together n few of his many friends and ac- quaintances, that the event might be properly commemorated, and having obtained tbe boat's consent, a few gentlemen at once arranged not only a' pleasant reunion of friends, but a sub ttantlnl token or cstsem to the septuagensrlan

—John B. OssSBfj Upen, the entertainment cipal or tbe Oliver School, and Miss Paul has , Bureau course In fhis city\ on Wcdnes J iy eve- been transferred from the Riverside to Ibis "'"« Uct- "lh- school; Miss Richardson from Woodland street' t -

Tbo cltv n*vo "ssed the old Franklin Li- ! l^hTnaJlll Fl-Mlna trom Warren i h


1rW>n'* "'* '"■^I'lsners lor the Heuund -■■■ *U-,U-n' rumiug trom warren | aattahon of Light Artillery. to Cross street; Ml

street lo Woodland street; Miss Dow from Amesbury street to Warren street; Miss Ham- ' ilton Trom Webster Hall, Misses Cole snd Oal- I lison from Newbnrr itreet, an.I Mus Morrison trom Kait Elm, to tbe Harrington school, Miss I Gumming* and Mls« Eaton from East Elm to Newbury street; Mlis Rogers from Saunders school to tbe Packard school, end Mist New- man from i.'jwell street to Saunders school. Recent graduates or tbe training ichool have been placed for tbe present as follows: — Miss Newell at Amesbury street; Mlis Farn- hsmat KiveraWe; Mill Kldder in the Oliver school; Mitt Merrill si Webiter Rail, and MUt Swan at Lowell street.

The Newbury itreet school is now a graded middle school, aad tbe Harrington and Saun- ders schools are graded Primaries. New fur- niture has been placed In the Saunders and Harrington schools snd the old double'desks In the Newbury street and Eut Elm street middle schools have been made over into sin- gle desks forNewbary ...,,,..!. Tbe Prospect itreet ichoolbouse has been reshlagled, new fences have been made around Metbuen itreet, Amesbury street, and wVreu street houses. Concrete walks hare been laid In the Saonden, Packard, Lowell street. Warren street, and Cross itreet yards. New furnaces have been placed In the Saunders, Cross street and War- ren itreet schools.

and his wortiy companion. At st early hour will fc constructed on tbe south tide of tbe on Monday evening friends began to arrive at Mr. Sawyer's fine ictidence on Forrest street, snd by nine o'clock bis spacious apartments were well tilled with guests. The assembly was called to order and ihe boat was asked to step forward and listen to a few words from Hon. II. C. Baron, and as that gentleman be- gan hit remarks be raited the lid of a box, ex- posing to the astonished view of Mr. Sawyer and lady, a magnificent gold watch and chain, with Masonic keystone emblem attached, and a beautlfol lady's neck chain snd locket.

Mr. bacon commenced by saying Ibst he among the latest or tbe friends of tbe boat, but It wai witb pleasurable feelings that he com' piled wltb the request of those preaeut to speak

sewsr at Hanpiblre street, thirty Inches in di- aiwler, for a distance or two feet from tbe man sewer southerly, and securely bricked up sril left water tight, for continuance at some future daj.


Tbe aiuouuced September meeting of the uawrenec Riding Park Association, will be tbe argest ml most interesting ever held In this victntly. the meeting will open Tuetday, con- tinue four days, and the premiums offered ag- gregate lbs sum of f4,6O0, tbe largest ever of- fered In itss city. Oar Riding Association hat peculiar advantages over many other associa- tions in Rew England, from tbe excellence or

,h,„joy In milling upon ,u, prewn,«*« ,„ ,„ck ,blth „ pron0„„d by „, horwln,„

.nJ OMMMMnnaM «(rUI»*M to and Iood>d«„ ,o t« tb. I>„, b.lf mil. coor.. •a,r venerable friend of many years. Tbe


the e Ihe miss

The firty.third fair of the American In lute opened at New Vork yesterday.

Ihe run >r of the death l< not c Armed.

(Juki closed yesterday at UN)]. I r.ilay,

l„ It.,- II. I

• do the i

and i I'he

1' ""

idge, hot .on ibe *

Hi, laniii

at N

reports o show ii

■r Villc d< « York I


New v.(Ik. arrest. ol tilvlllgr ■ 1 i.ii and in-

Cancan,'' ii was ir.iseciiil.iii that th.- perform.

wd by ihe public, dendedl* iiiinorsl tendency.

lluiU'.,se:,ler..l Newport, N. ll , w about**;, principal Two strangers, » Wednesday night,

round! th.t there wi it suffl- detaining and punti-lung ihtiu. i the recent cyclone on the A|.

•en very severe, tbe tdeh hssjusl arrived . wan caught t.v Ihe i-mige.l. T|„. ,i,,k

werltuard, one

r.isd ticket mile ai i> evening, and took ■ cent nickel pieces. Wed nt the hotel osted next morning nee ngslnsl them is

e Rending n

r II ■■!.. .- mi.I Waki Held snd i. nl ..ii in saving other building The Treasury Department bs

by lire ei.r- .re presrni n.bre.l .ffl.

I Mill..11. We [hi, destroyed the <'. ords, a store mid ils

house. The lire i

MM ion •At . in Ikim y been *r nt • i-:

i.r South ll 13.% was I Ifoh •k. Til .day

IIS . it Ihe . pwvln ha. fried fr.eappf cat Ibe

Virginia W du *day rt House 1 C

HI , Iginattd ii tin. ns u ran re V ,.IHM

held a in. and anott the politic

l.nier n. the rtgbi i i. git-udr Indisus « billed.

ite ei-iivi-niiiin belli home weeks ago, ing In Boston Wednesday evening, - eonvrnilun Is to lie held Iu enter campaign this rail. - from Q*R. Miles'command slow. him With the li.dians to bate r„ ,-,.

!■ lory than at Brat reported, The r. completely muted and many


yet exciting, are likely to present a lively

Contest aa the campaign progresses. Out-

side of the Congressional qneatloUi the larger portion of the county going to

make up lion. Itiitler'N district, there Is

to be uhosen tt sheriff, district attorney,

uuiily commissioners and councillor; in

the two former, Capt. Herrick and Co!. Sherman arc fortunate In having won

such general approbation that their ru-

ination meets with no opposition.

The nut-going coin m Us inner Is Mr. I'res.

on, or Daitvem, Who, H bj generally

•once.led. has discharged the duties ills- erectly and limn-atly, with perhaps a

degree of liraaqacn«M In manner, but above the avcrnge good judgment; the

claims of location, however,—not so much

as a mailer of Individuality, us the board in Its entirety,—will be Strongly pre

against his re-tmmluatlnii; it Is urged

that the commissioners, who have largely the Interesls i»r the whole county

In ihsrge, ought to he chosen from differ-

ent sections, that they tuny be the more

thoroughly acquainted with the necessl-

tlcs of all: that at present thu entire

board is concentrated Within u radius nf

about eight miles, the members residing

respectively In Lynn, Salem and beavers, leaving fully three-fourths of the county

unrepresented upon tbe board, and this

feeling, and not any personal Opposition, Mr. I'rcston must meet. In reply It U

claimed that wltb one so thorough!*

familiar with all the county's Interests,

knowing every section and possessing long experience, the mere point of resi-

dence U of .ii consequence, and that u tried oftklal should lint lie. displaced

merely because uthcr parsons living In

vicinage have been elected as his

elates. Cape Ann will doubtless put Strong claim, as she has unsuccess-

fully done for some years, and Mr. Proc-

tor is already mentioned. A llaverhill

orrespoiulent of the Boston "Herald'' iiggests Mr. S. F. I'roscoU, of that city,

lid unless New ltd ry port shall make a

demonstration for tbe conucllloriblp, that city or vicinity will doubtless present a

name for th.; office of commissioner. Iu

relation to tin; counclllorsblp, there Is no little disposition to re-nominate the pres

cut member, Mr Rtlckney, of Qroveland, desplto his already twu terms; he has

made no enemies and very many friends,

OswntuuTlom TO TSUVM..—Can any

one tell us why both Bides or one side of a public street, supposed to be laid out and

certainly kept by the city, for public travl. should be occupied and ob-

structed one-third of the day and all or

the night, by a string of carts or wagons

which some stable keeper or carriage

dealer llnds It more convenient or eco-

nomical to leave there than to place

upon Ills own premises? Or why some

trailers should be allowed to obstruct one-

fourth or one-third of the sidewalk, not alone with merchandise next to the build;

Igj^ bjtt^'lUww-w. XiilDT Are some ,,r ,.„. ■«»•**■ in the very heart of the

city, so needlessly wide that space cau be

spared with no publlv luconveulencc fur

thu permanent, or at least, perpetual

storage of vehicles of nil descriptions;

or are the Essex street, and other side-

walks so scantily used that not only may

boxes and crates be arranged, beds, tables

and stoves displayed on tbe Inner portion,

but ysrd H^tiarc structures be permanently

placed upon the outer side? A short time ngo, the authorities ordered Ihe removal ofslgns and awnings that a less ills-

taucc above the walk than the law pre-

scribed; the same ordinance declares thut

"uo person shall occupy, obstruct or en- cumber,—by means of boxes, barrels,

crates, casks, or other things," any street

or sidewalk In tbe city, and yet the prac-

tice Is becoming so common as to prove

a nuisance of no ain.il1 proportions, mid

in not a few coses a serious Inconvenience to passers, anil ll can be checked now

much more easily than when long custom

shall have given It the appearance of


DifK lliNiutKii VRAM Ann last Saltir-

lay, the first Centennial Congress met In

the Hull of the Carpenters, In Philadel-

phia, and thut city may be considered to

hnve Talrly inaugurated the great celebra-

tion or aerie* of anniversaries so close al

hand, by a fitting observance of this day.

From MastfaMbwetta and old Kam Adams

Use the first Idea of this representative

body or the colonies, although the Inrmal

proposition for the Congress was pre-

lOted by thu Sons of Liberty In New Vork. Virginia, uuder the lead or toe,

Patrick Henry and others, had already leclared for u conference or council that

should Include all the colonies. To the

Congress, twelve of the colonies, all but

Georgia, elected delegates, the Massachu-

setts members being ebbfen nt Salem, to which place the Legislature had been

adjourned, the session held with locked

llOOrt, while the Messenger 01* the Royal (inventor thundered ai the entrance with

a procliimailon Tor dissolving ihe assem-

bly. Fifty-live delegates were present al

the opening session of tbe Congress, our

state being represented by Sum. Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine and

Thomas Cashing, with whom sat such patriots us Washington, Patrick Henry,

John Jay and Roger Sherman. The aes-

alou lasted Afty-two days, and although

Us action was not towards ImmedUti

separation from thu mother country, Us firm declaration or resistance to the tie-

mauds or King (ioorgu. and the wise spirit

or moderation prevailing, proved the

foundation of the Independence the cen- tennial of which Is ...I -.... r i tube observed.

gathering or so many or our leading citizens to commemorate this anniversary wii proof of the esteem m which their lung time friend was held. Their presence spoke more eloquently their high appreciation than any words of bit, or any gift, could speak. Tbe gathering was com- prised or those who had associated with him Tor many years, In social and business relations, and they had ever known him as s true man In every station or lire. He had arrived st the age allotted to man,—three score years snd ten— and with this gift, an elegant watch and Chain, bis friends desired he should mark the remain- ing hours or his lite; iliut it should be a contin- ual iv-Hinder or tho high esteem and friendship in wblcb he was held by his friends, and or pleasant memories of the past. The emblem attached, s golden keystono, was one, the sig- nificance or which he well understood ; that It should crown the arch or many happy years In their friend's life, and be a token of a more pcrreet rc-unlon hereafter, wss the earnest de sire of those assembled this evening. With these brief remarks the golden tribute was placed in Mr. Sawyer's hands, and the tpeakei then In a rew words addressed Mrs. Sawyer, noting her warm attachment lo her companion and ascribing to her assistance and sympathies extended through the walks or llfe.that encour- agement which bad largely aided In extending bis usefulness, and making his hours or life those ot pleasant memories. To her, as bli supporting t'liend, the gathering desired to ex press their klnd.y feelings in some substantial manner, and their most earnest wish was that tbo golden links or this beautiful chain might liWfl Bnd IrlcnJsIiTpI'OT flu life years. The veteran of seventy yesrs was not pre-

pared Tor this tangible expression of rrleiidship, and with an overflowing heart, that spake more eloquently than words, expressed bis thanks, calling upon bli old friend, Col. Parsons, respond for hlmseir and companion. The Col- onel, ever ready with cheerful words, briefly recounted Interesting events of tbo early years of our city, when their friend llrst lent bis aid In Its establishment, and expressed the pleasure it gave him lo moet so many or tbe old clti The speaker was eloquent and enthusiastic over tbe rapid growth, prosperity and future promise ofthe city, and bis remarks were most happy and humorous. At their conclusion Ihe guests made an Inspection of the gifts, and while thus engaged were agreeably surprised by hearing the si ruins of "Anil Lang Syne," as they were presented by the Lawrence Brass Band, which had been quietly stationed outside the house.

The party were Invited to the dining room, where one of Andrew D.tley's fatuous repasts greeted them, and afterwards the hours till midnight were nude enjoyable by Ihe music uf the band, humorous songs hy Mr. Ueorge II. Brown, and witty sketches from Mr. Joseph W. Smith, Mr. Joseph Fell snd others.

The i,.11.miu.: gentlcmeu were contributors to the testimonial tendered Mr. Sawyer,

ftufiis Reed, II. V. II....-.,„, aliirris Kuowlo, John Kuosell, Albert John Parntll. II. IMnmnier, James A. Treat, ■I. i .11 ..i.

.las. T. Fui'ber, Jus. I', i; -,i:i. . Will. '.!:,;!, J. HI*.well, F. K. Clarke, I..Shaltuck A Hi...

in New iTigland, and consequently very last for a trafk of tost distance. Tbe best ef ac- roinmoilifjuns for horses are furnished hy nu- nieroun itevllent stables on the grounds, and the sccontiodationi Tor spectators are all thai could lie Jcslrcd. Tbe purses to be contested at the alive meeting are from 9000 to 9200 each, andranuot rail to nil wltb a goodly num-

Artclsss entries. Following Is a synop- sis ol' :-

r>e He, fur horses Ilia I have aster ueatM tJMi. Urst, eii.1 to seeuml, *W to third. me IXi, for horses that havu never beaten

T.M; »saO;<i flrst. Slit |n second, • 7-1 to third, — i Mas,

SKCOND 11A1 sa |MI, for horses that have never beaten

. . po Brut, S.l'i.1 to .cc.iiiii, ST.". to third, -.'"' to -

l.inoprci mi.l Miinpi.. Henry Marlon, Peter flollhan, .1. M. Davis, If, Carney A Bros , I'anlon Ariuiiigtmi,

Manie.N ;. Bawl,

Manly, — -lUlV. .I.TImma-. Itohert Muiilh. Henry A. Ileriv, lien. b. Payne, J. 11. Atkinson, Louis Weil,

A. O. Norton, Thus. A. I-.,, ■ ,„.-.. lien. H. lien-ill, .1. D. Drew, S. II. Decker, R, S.»wyt'r, II. M. Biekrord, lliiller AKol.lnson, I., ll. Hargeul,

. C. A. Chandler. .1. I'. Poor. .). Hart, ' I, W. i In HI. 11, .. S. P. II. afelvin. Kdtfur J.fiheiiiiaii, W. R. H, ,II, A. W. Steams, T. A. KnimmiH, .).>«. W.aniith, Andovei p.. B. Rmitii, Anduver D.K.ltobinsouAParkim John h.TnrlHii, Nathan »ye, Anduver, ■I. M.-Alliater.

■ li'bn Kilcaid , Brows Bros., ,;,■ -.till , J. Buswell, V. C. WhiUiey.

iiiir.i. i>ar. irse *i» lot horses thai have uever beaten

4...V; S'.'.V n first, *l£l to second, STS to thlr.l, T ■-» tO ll.

Purei'f *>, for hnrsaa that havs never baatan !!.:W; ejsi » flrxt, aiOO lo aecon.l, StlO to third, Slu to lorn u.

r-'iaa.—About half-past one on Wednesday al' ternoon an alarm was rung in from box 2i, caused by Are at No. M Warren itreet, Tower Hill. The house Is cottage built, with large L, situated immediately In tbe rear or Gale's Hill, which towers many feet above the roof, afford- ing a fine place for spectators. The bouse Is owned by air. John Davidson, a spinner In the Pacific Mills, and was occupied by two families, Messrs. Robert Corcoran and Robert Morrow, the latter having been In this country but three weeks. The tire was drst discovered upon th roof of the main building, and instantly was burning fiercely. The occupants had but ju finished their noon repast, and at once began remove their household effects, and with the assistance of willing neighbors succeeded In securing everything but a single bed belonging to ibe Corcoran family.

Essex steamer was naturally tbe first Io ar- rive, snd after but little delay bad a powerful stream of water upon the Are. Washington steamer toon followed, and tbe two steamers were all that could be supplied with water, though the remaining engines were on hsnd. The ilames were handsomely fought and con- quered, only ihe roof and attic story being de. ttroyed, which speaks well for Ihe fire depart- ment, when It Is considered that the water sup- ply was limited, and the Jltlsnee to the Are sreat, wltb a steep bill to ascend. The damage to tbe building will not exceed 91.000, and tbe insurance U held by Mr. John Edwards in the Royal, of Liverpool, lor 91.200. The iteatuar Tiger found considerable difficulty In ascend- ing the bill, and at one time wai stuck fast in the sand, bnt wai Anally extricated. If the residents or Tower Hill should call for a Are en- gine In their vicinity, ihe request would not lie sn unreasonable one, for much valuable prop- erty lies there, and tbe number of Ane dwell. Ingt Is rapidly increasing. The Are was doubt- leu canted by a spark falling from the cliim neyupon tbe root.

-The vestlbuto of the Free Baptist church lisi been repaired and beautified during the summer vacation of Its pastor,

—Mr. Robert Smith, a well-known engineer on the B. & M. R. R., died Monday morning, after a severe illness of several months.

—The Arm ot Bishop Brothers, stove dealers, etc., hat been dissolved, and tbe hnitnets will hereafter tie conducted by N. A. Bishop, jr.

—Stephen C. Parsonn, ofthls city, was among the members of tbe fortieth regiment present st their Aral aanlvtrtary at Chelsea, on Tues. day.

—An honest fellow stepped into one or our groceries and called tor a package of "unlver- sallst stove polish:" he gnt tti • "universal" ar- ticle.

—Between Ibe laying of water pipea. ehann- iDg of street grades, and constructing new •ewers, our city is pretty much In a state or confusion.

■Tbe tuiier.i! services over the remain* of tne late Frank Strout, were conducted Sun- day, sni amended by Grecian Lodge or M»- •ons In a body.

There was a good attendance from thu city at the reunion or the first Heavy Artillery, at Kcbo drove, Lynn, and tbe gathering was unusually large.

—Cuapin, the sewing machine mas, has re- ceived bis fall styles of patterns for ladles' and children's dress, and gent's underclothing. See his advertisement.

—The new testa for tbe Common are nearly sll in position, and their constant occupancy ■hows how much of a public convenience they

■e likely to prove. —It icemt to be settled tbat a bahy show,

most popular attraction tu the public, will

—I he committee on account* met Wednesday evening, and threw mbi water on tU superln- Undent o the cemetery, by timing to ai-Ptove tome or his bills. One fV bulbs*5 ami Seeds to S17 wae not apptoved; one for a.iu-rtlsinjr an "undertaker's notice" In the

baglc, of 910, not Approved; one for d«bt days work by a man and yoke of oxen, at »10 per day. Ink) over; and one very cheeky hill for • witness" .iiniiiu.itic.l before the " common council," amounting to ritjhtu-srren emit, nut

„„. approved. Verily, Juhn Is'js kid odor with bis falljnd nave attained their majority since May political colleagues, and has good reason to I, Ufa}, or who will become twenty-one years ol desert the dcmocvaiic nundsrd. ape before November :id, 1871, together with — -■ —* - persons who have not been assessed, must he PROBATE COURT. assessed rorjhe tax of tbe current year at the .

before September Iff, in order A acaaPtn or the probate court was held In thin i vole at the next election ; cer- ■ ,.|tv [,,. i^y jjiijro c\

tilii'.itrsol sal.! asiessiucnt should \n presented '.,,., ....'i„„ "„..' to at their meeting for ■ ""Wu ,,ui"" the purpose of placing napics upon the check lists Cur ilie several ward".

—The state constabulary force is to be in- creased in numbers, and ex-constable Benj. H. Roltcrts, or tills city, reinstated on Wednesdav. with several other officers In this county. \Ve are glad or tbe reinstatement of officer Roberts, Tor lie is not only an efficient constable, bu what It Tar better, be Is consistent with the duties devolving upon his profession, a* he is a strict teetotaller, and a firm believer In the pro. hil.ltory law.

-Last Saturday afternoon a cricket match

twecn the Lawrence Cricket Cluhand tbe Bine I Mar?/."itowe'Ii'." Chtaa* Star Cricket Club of Lowell, resulting In an i Klia! If. Withlnsrtnn, Law - easy victory for the borne club, wltb £1 runs to | Charles CuiiiuiinKi, And' spare. Lawrence went to tbe wicket HrM, and ; Timuthy I.unr- made 40 runs, Lowell following with '2». In tbe second Inning Lawrence scored ii and Lowell 19 runt. A return match will be plaved in Lowell at an early day.

—The comrades of Nee I ham Post, 39, (J A. It., held an enthusiastic meeting Wednesday, at which the interest* of th; October fair were discussed, and action had upon the Saptem- lur parade. It is evident that the Post will turn out on the 2.1th in larger numbers than st any previous parade, held uutildo this city. Adjutant Kendall and Qos rtermsster Lorlng area committee to procure music for the occa- sion, and probably the Post will bavu a hand.

—The Orand Army parade for Ksiex County, occur t at Gloucester on the '25tb init, and now Kon. lies m lie a moat successful affair. Mem.

rs of Post 39, In this city, will get transports tlon to Oloueesier and return, on the Eastern road, at half rare, and will be met at North An-

er by the members or the Hsverhill Post. .in. nu,!.i IIUUIIOII nuruiiiun 10 me PUill C, will ~, , ", _~ ... . — 1—V —. he one ofthe features of tbe great fair of ihe Tuo l"c*1 comn""1* °' "rrangetnentt at al * A A- » ... ■•«•■* •«■■ *" ■■« tester «rp nrenaiinv for a nil n lh» evonl

Purse t'U, 1. US; s.iis't-ifi-!

IIIIM. Gnu. F. II.>ui baa yielded his per-

onul wishes tu retire from Congress, tti

he earnest solicitation* of hU tonstltu- ids, and consents to withdraw hi* dec-

lination to be again a candidate. YVu are

sure this action will utroni hardly lean satisfaction to the republican* of hla own

district than throughout the state; the

consent of Mr. Hoar to be once more n candidate, removes any poMnibie doubt an

to the reaultof tbe election In that dis-

trict, ami Insures to MassachaaetU the brains mid einwrleue

to lose frniii her delegation to Congress,


The construction of tbe new main sewer for this city will lie ninongthe Important work* ol the city council r<>r the present year; an.I the recent experience ol sewer construcllon, forced upon the city hy former Incompetent construc- tion, should caullou the authorities to insure ili,;hiir.-s I.II.I .;.,-,.( |..i.i .in. in in the pres-

ent work, Kriuii u perusal of the contract It certainly appears that the committee have care- fully guarded the city's interests in the matter. Practically ihe sewer main i • to be constructed

nill'.ill I'M.

, Tor ln.r-e« that have never beaten first, «no to second. #00 lo third.BO

tu fourth Purse l*>, for running horses; |1.10 to flrst,

* -". lo BCOHJ, #.v. to third, *:w to fourth.


Tbe diteridninent seeking people or this city may IH .llviv.l loto two clsasos: those who seek waatevet\may appear in tbe sensational line, whe'"'r his presented In tbe guise of Ibe circus.*0*!0* minstrelsy, or the poorer class

wWHsarVi and afford "reined amusement. The Vincr class Is hy far the largest, and it It onlyecesiary to place a glaring,aunounci rnenapon tbe bill boards, attended by seda five eu sensational pictures, to draw them out In fi- numbers. But the latter class are far morekacting, and tbe most ingenious adver- tisings tbe thowiu in, with profuse promise of enterlnment of high character, rails to gain the ful attendance of a Lawrence audience who appretate red merit. Tu ensure such an au dleacibe talent appearing must be well-know as f.rJclass, or tbe auspices under which they appssj must huu- tbe full coufldeoce of Ihe people. In proof of this we cite the appearance In iblelty a few months ago, or Miss Carlot- ta L-ejrc<i,wlth Ihe support and uadsr tbe aut piece I the Umitou Theatre Company, and bci appeafnee here last evening under the man. agemsl of parti?* unknown lo our cttiaens and Hh an excellent support, though from peoplrrfbo are strangers to our theatre goers. At 1M runner appearance she was greeted with i/nearly 9700.00 bouse; last night tbe proceii or the home hardly exceeded 8130.00. To M- that our citizens who seek first clan amussient are rastidioat and exacting It bat true, Wt they hare the con so tat Ion or seldom being -sluced to witness an Inferior entertain- ment, Sen if they frequently inltsone of supu-

'"■■ . 1 I aelei.

Si MIV Arrssxoox DISTCSBANCE.—Karly sumlajt-veiling the lower end or the city was

iade |e scene or a .Ungraceful affair, resulting i thaarrestu! parties, and their conveyance

tbrutab Essex street, where still graster ex- ■iteintu was made by the presence of nearly a

ihoutiad men and boys, and even women, who row.hi iboni ihe officers and followed them

to tbe suilon bouse. We esrnestly bops that idt i[iiie'of iiSufifuth evening may not again be so ouTiged, especially upon our main ave- nue. iOout six o'clock Bin. Small, who Is wetl-kitwn as a laiardlng house keeper on Es- sex sfrttt, repaired to Common street. Just be- low Jarkou street. In search or a washwoman. While availing the appearance of a woman for whom st) hid tent a little girl, she was acosicd inafamliar and intuiting manner by a parly of younf/ascali, who were under the Influence uf ll.mor. OfTlcer Norton happened along and the lady uade complaint of the conduct uf Ibe young me , whereupon the odlccr ordered tbem to move aing. They obeyed In a very hesitat- ing and ilejged manner, and made such abuse orand t hnsts to tbe officer, that he arrested the larger mo,who was the rlnilraderof the party. At iMonaf Ibe arrest was made a scuffle, ensued, and the .,HIUT WSS assaulted by the entire crowd. NJTUHI drew his club and gave tbe leader s fur toothing blows upon the besd,and special ufBojr James (larvln arriving, the prl*. oner wss wrored, Ihe rest or the party clear- ing out. fi« arrested man's name is Jauiei Smith, a rough looking fellow of about twenty fire yean tf age. As tbey proceeded up Ea sex street ts the nation bouts, a crowd num. berlng hundreds followed, and hundreds of

Orand Army next montb. —Sparquet tays tbat the reason tbe d*h don't

go over the dam, is because they got corn-ed st Davis A Taylor's grist mill, mistaking his sluice way for the fish way.

—Tbe Septemlicr meetlnit at oar riding park Is to lie of greater magnitude than any previous effort or the association. Tbe entries Tor the large purses will be first class.

—Mr. Reuben Merrill, teacher or vocal and Inrtrumenul music, will be In readlnett to re- ceive pupils at his rooms, No. 5 Lawrence street, on and after Soptember Ulb.

—The ninth annual target sboot and ball of the Sherman Cadets hai been fixed tor October Dth, and the company propose to excel any of their former parades and receptions.

The next term or the Probate Court in this city will occur on the second Monday or Nov- ember, but a previous session will be held at Haverbltl, on the second Monday or October.

-The boys of tbe Lawrence Cadets assembled at their hall In Pott Office block Saturday af- ternoon, and arranged Tor their bit and winter work. A prise drill will be among Its features.

isrs, Morte and Beetle are arranging their tcrles of select osiemclies for tbe winter season. They will occur on Monday evenings, and Chapman A 11 utter worth's orchestra will furnish luii-ic.

—An Old Folks Concert is tu be given a> Hutitlngton Hall. Lowell, on Wednctdy eve- ning, Sept.33th, by the Ellol church choir. A

by tbe City Engineer, Mr. OoolldgV, and tbo others joined irom tbe Common, to that by lb*

Tbe members of tbe Kaaeg bar bare pe- * tltloiifd Judge tordtoaltlbrafolMenarth portrait to IIUIIK up In the court room In Halcm. — Efthwjr.

"The" members of the Kesex bar!

lvrlmp* it will not be deemed Impertinent to venture the Inquiry, of bow many il,i,

"the" consists, and how nearly unanlmoni wss that '. ■ j ■ ■ - - - - T '/

terms ur the contract show him to lie tbe thorlty for all ils details, hy whom all work must be accepted, and whose judgment shall determine progress of Construction. Kven the efficiency of workmen employed by the con- tractor must come under hh jurisdiction, and he may order the discharge of any employe at will. All work tools and nnterials used mull have his sanction, and whatever may appear obscure in the printed spec!IIcations of Ihe con- tract. It* Intent und moaning shall bo decided by him, and In ail matters his decision shall be final and binding upon the contractor. Thus Mr. Coolidge will become personally respoosl- ble Tor the entire plans, taatorials uso.l, and tbe construction or the main sewer of this city. The specifications show that the sewer Is to begin at the brick conduit that runs under th. canal iu front of the central Pacific mill In Canul slreet, thence run westerly to Lswrem

could HI HfTonl I meet' *•*•• northerly In Lawrence street lo 1 the alleyway between Methuen and Essex streets, thence westerly In said alleyway lo Franklin Street, thence northerly in Frsnklln street to connect with Ihe Ward Five sewer main In Essex itreet; li.iviu : % total length or alKJUt2imireet; It* forlorn branches will be in Lawrence, Amesbury, Hampshire snd Frank- lin streets, or shout lltfO feet, sad It will have 30 eesi-pools and 10 maiibolei tltniied along the route or the tower and Its branches. The sewer main will boor circular form throughout. Thai portion from Ihe conduit westerly through

time tbe oAVers reached the corner or Law- rence strut, Essex strict wai completely block- aded. As Morton was taking his prisoner along be net officer L|ulnn, and reiineated him to arrest mother man of tbe psrtv, named Samuel O'Jhyan, and il wss not more than tweely mlmies later when Uulun csmo upon <»'Bryan ol Ike corner of Common and Newbury streets, and after a lively littls icuttte the pris- oner was Iroied sod taken along Essex itreet to tbe statin house, drawing even a larger crowd tbsn Smith's arrest bad caused. While making the arreit Quinn was astlmcif by one or two parties, and a man named Prank Cavery received a severe blow from O'firyon, and ofR- Q.ihin was badly kicked upon Ibe legs and body. Smith was arraigned In court this morn- ing upon three charges, vis.: drun kennels, Idle and disorderly conduct, and an assault upon officer Norton, and being convicted upon each charge hit leniences sggregsted iome (&, Dr

Bra inoettuin the home of correction. O'Dryan wai charged wltb being idle and disorderly, and wltb assaults upon officer* Norton and (Juinn and Mr. Caverly, bis sentence aggregat- ing over gjo( or «even months iu tbe house of

correclion. (I'll ilsn Is a bard character, and Mng guilty of fotmer iiffencts the officers are only tuo glad of an opportunity lo rid the dry of bits Air a lime at least. Officer Norton bad bis unl form coat completely ruined in Ihe scuffle,

nd received a blow on Ibe rigbl eye, not se- Ioui howcvir.

COL. l'uii.niin K IS ImiLAMD.—Detectives Pliilin iik and rinkham ara hard at work on tl Cahll murder coat) la Ireland, as indicated In letter lo uhlaf Boralon of the state police force. The "boys" say that they arrived in Cork, look ing like lanu pirates, and that during their pas- aage f'l.illnl.k passed as tbe skipper or a down east schooner, and Pinkham as a machinist out of a job. Lesviag Cork tbey proceeded to Dublin, where they reported lo the Inspector uf tbo Irish Constabulary, Mr. Browning, finding him a very affable gentleman, with thirty years'experiunee in police buslDMs. lie said, "Well, gentleman,

about that; for, from what we know of the' man and from his riicurd here, and what he has said and done since his return, we suspected him, an. hail almost worked up a case." The officers I'm Iher say I "After the arrest they sent a district magistrate up to Gal war to look alter Ibe .■ and have taken care of our interests. Tho Uiorilie* evidently are not thoroughly posted here on the extradition law, and from somesUtemenl made l>j the crown solicitor, tbe magistrate may order bis transfer lo Bow Street, London, where we shall follow hi m and light ft out there, as w« know ho Is thu right man, aud our dear old Com. im.iiivii.iih can afford to sustain lit in lbs strict integrity of justice, anil oven lei IU strong rUlu arm be Celt In the out-of-ttnvway west cousl Ireland, whom sho was the flrst to help feed when starving." i till brick ami t'fnkkam left Dublin for Uofway, a distance of lit miles, on the Jlih of August. It uiay bo sume time before they return to this country, but tbat they will bring the .I"i .■ i Cahil, there I* i.o doubt.

AN AI I i icn n PaitiLT.—It Ii seldom that the head ol a family It afflicted wltb such over- whelming grief at thai visited upon Mr. Mi- chael Lcsry, who resides st No. 10 Short Street. About tut months ago a Ihtle four year old son of Mr. Lcary was burned to death, and bnt six weeks ago be was called to mourn the lois of an Infant child. Last Thursday morning Mr. Leery called Dr. Chamberlain, Haling that his child, two years old, was sick, and In a very critical condition, needing Immediate medical care. Tbe Dr. at once accompanied tbe father, who on Ibe way fncldently remarked that hit wire wai alto tufToring from Illness, hut he thought nothing serious would retult. When ihe physician arrived bo found the child In death convulsions, and It expired In a few mo- ments. Inquiry was made as to the condition ofthe mother, and lbs physician was shown to her couch, where, tu hit surprise, he round her also Iu a dying condition. Her wrists were pulseless, and ihe wai fait sinking away. The doctor hastily did al! that coold be done to re-

ive tbe sinking woman, but with.mi success, and tbe died In a short time. Tbuiwai a hus- band aud father iiereit of bit family, a wire and three children, within the short space of ten months, the mother and remaining child dying within a tew moments of each Jlher.

Hum "\ as ASSESSOR.—AI Mr. O'Sullivan as performing bis duty in distributing tax.

bills, last Saturday, be was made the object of nsjeful and cowardly assault. Me ap-

proached the residence or Ihe Oaffneys, when one ot Ihe family stepped out, laying that his (ibe Assessor's)brother once arrested him(Oaff- ney) and be meant to get even now by whip- ping tbe Assessor, snd at once began aa assault upon Mr. O'Huilivan in which he was Joined by several other UarTueys,and one Dennis Donahue, Of course Mr. 0'3uliivan defended himself as best ho could, snd then .lid wbst wot proper, via ; procured a warrant againtt all tbe parties Tor an assault. Thlt morning John Oalfney, John Oalfney, )r., and Dennis Donohue were ar- ranged and tbe case was continued for exam- ination until next Saturday morning, at past eight o'clock.

I Ibi re evening.

—Col. Sherman llnds bankruptcy business good. Last Saturday, st bit office, five meet- ings orthe creditors of different concerns were held; next Saturday four meetings are an- nounced, and the following Saturday six meet- ings will be held.

—Yosng men wlio will arrive at the age of 21 years before Nov. 3d, should at once see that tbey are taxed. Call upon tbe assessor liefore u\tfifteenth i,tii,mt no one can bo as. sested after that dote.

—Tho September meeting of tho Law re, net Hiding Pork Association will begin un the Itcmfy-thirtl, Wednesday, instead of the twenty - second, as announced on their circulars. The meeting will continue four dayi.

—At tbe reunion ot the New Hampshire reg- iment at Hampton lleacb, last week, Llent, H. K. Hopkins, uf this city was Toast-master, and witb Mist Uesiie IL, tarnished several read- ings during tbe evening exercltes.

—MaJ. K. A. Flske, of Pott 3B, or this city, bu been designated at Adjutant General, by Haj. Merrill, Division Commander of thu com- ing Tall parade nt Gloucester, orthe Essex County Posts or tho Orand Army.

—Lawyer Hrlggt and Saunders nave returned from their business trip lo Kurope, snd are looking finely. Neither have forgotten their native language, as did a young lady wbo was absent from the country a Tew monthi.

—Circulars with portraits ol the kidnapped

rewaVoToi'^.fW'ror'lils reraverV H'ndThc"cot" vlctlon ofthe kidnappers, hsve been received In this city. Then'* a chance for yot

—Samuel Sswver had a"gathcring" on Mon- day but by the timely arrival of Dr. Dana and a host or other advlsert a "tcattering" was ef lected about 11 r. K, although it was thought best not to leave him without a "watch."

—Season tickets are being prepared for the Orand Army fair. The bolder* or these tlck-

cester are preptring for a ball In the evening. Tickets will lie good to return on tbe 28lb Init.

The edjtettone bu been laid for tbe western tide ol tbe Common, and nuw only tbe southern bouadry Is disgraced with the zigiag, and rot- ten old fence, which hxiki far more unpleasant to tho eye, In contrast wltb the neat granite bi-e which bounds the other three sidei. Or course this wllLreceive tbe early attention ol ibe next city government. In laying tbe west.,i,TV ibe Mayor and engineer have fully avoided miking any unpleasant an-

gle*, although the grade of tbe street is Tar Trom being correct. A concrete walk Is now being constructed outside the edgestone, and a Hag street crossing will ho constructed at Valley street, an Improvement long sought and much

—His honor. Judge Stevens, delivered quite xtenslro lecture upon faith, hope and charity,

In the police court on Wednesday. He believed that kindness to prisoners dkl more lo reform them than harsh words and severe sentences. He made the somewhat douhtmt itatemeni that not five out or fifty men wbo were brought lie- fore his court ror drunkenness ever appearvd there the Recunr! time. With women It was different, and they wore often in the dock for second, third and even a higher number or fences. lie believed If he allowed a man to go without sentence, he was working tbe reform of tbat mail. Kindness lo fallen humanity! Is quite en ■miutiic, bm ihe practice of allow- ing drunken bummers to escape their Just pun. ishment is one of tbe prevailing weaknesses or our local court. Men are asked if tbey have previously been brought before, the court, and they hsve lesrned to falsify by saying "no," knowing that the court rarely verities ibelr as ■ertlon by appcsllng to Ihe officers, who laugh In their sleeves at the way tbo '.irisoners fool tbe venerable jndge.

— If Ihe fair city of Lawrence should go under the tod, and in future years receive a Pompeii excavation, some very curious sewer construe, tlon would tie discovered. Huge brick Humes, or capacity sufficient to drain an area ur two or three square miles, would l>e found to have done duty tor a half dozen small reliant; and their coune would rctemble the wlndtngi ot some iirimmoth serpent, with construction to suit the convenience and Indolence of workmen, rather than follow ins surveyed lines. In proor of this, look at tho largo sewer now unearthed in the alley between Kssux and Ci west or the city hall; its course lies through a straight alley-way, but its construction swerves from right to left, and aa the workmen dug acroai tbe itreet Trom the free Baptist church to tbe city bait building, they lost the old sewer entirely. Tbe engineer thinks the tewer will come to light again, as excavation contii through the alley In tbe rear of the city ball, and so much or it at lies out or the direct course will not be disturbed, the new sewer continuing an undevlatlng line through thu alley-way. Hereafter, at far as practicable, no ■ewcri will Do constructed In alleys but through the main streets, where access will be easy.

—Tho «i».-irrtous stone throwing In ward s«, about wbicn to much baa been said dur- ing the pait Tew days, hai been solved to tbe taturaction or tbe police. Tbe house wnerc

i-day. Judge Ch* ] business MM

■ wan the following! MILLS J'ltOVKO

faUtok Sutllraa >!■• -L. I, Lawrence, Uary ■t. Sullivan administrate!*:; John Uusaek, de- eeased, Ellen Ousaek, exivuirls:; Bllsabetsl P.

, Dole, Andover.'.ilrrrascd, l.ncph C. Dole, exeou. tor.

AouisisTaaTioM. Deceased Admln'r

I'll:" hill Al.boll, Amlover, Margaret Abbott .1 .vi ell >, It.e.l. I.invieiice, William Read.

, II. M., 'Hill ei hill, S. '.I Iinlcliilison. Mii-lutel .Mi I Hit v, Lawrence, Uridgtt McCiuli.

-""' "Then Milihtjll, il'. II. Hnl I.II. ic, Ifaverblli.

J.H. Wltliingion. '!■■ I'M II B. Coster.

_.„», Ann Lenin. Mary tilfronl, Dauvers, P. W. OlfTord. Hlefinrd Haielliue, Itradlonl, Win. Itaieltiiie. Betsy ssarUeU, Anieabury, Joseph W. Iimtleit.

■it A not.IN sn 11*. Susan K Novell ami Helen 11. Novell, minor-.

Chat A. N'owell, guardian. larnvToaiKs,

steal Personal Kulgu 8. iiniiLi,. , llarerblll, Mary A. Unstln, No. An.lover. S.iss Mam1! PfVtcy, li.7i Kdinum! Sevffarth, l.nwrence, Sarah Herrick. Salem, I..HI Kuatce II. ling, Melhueii, 1,70 Patrick firantJ, I.nwrence, :i.m« John If'.hiii'.i.ii, *■ olichmel H. Cllhert. ■' Alice ol. M it. ii. i, Havt-rhilt, ':

KSTATK ACCOIXin. Charlotte Hoed, Lawrence, leru U. Ilarker, Uetbuen. Sarah W. Currior, Lawrence, Cbas. O, I.II .,-1,11,1,, Ainlover, lie... V. Hi ichelt, l.avruni'r, lliehur.l Klmhall, llaverhlll,

iii.M. KST.ITK BALBS. .loli Dcnen, shMkpOrti Sarnti W. I'

raaea) Uenrgianna M. Woodbiiry, Aadover.

Mavoii TAKIKH AT WoacKHTBS.—Mr. Tar- b» attended tbe convention at Worcester and responded to tbe enthusiastic call fur a speech. His remarks were brier, and their burden wai the liquor question. He detluedilbst never before was there a political party that had be;n so driven to the wall as the Republican party of thlt SUM II to-day. Ut believed tbe octi policy of Ihe Democralc party is honesty. Tbey tell ut, isld he, that tbe Democratic par ty Is the party or free rum. He -llo not know what is meant by Irse rum, but be did not be. lieve it could be freer Jltum at present In this Stale, He thought practical men and practical lusasures should be employed In dealing witb Ihe liquor question, and tbe truiil- should be restrained aud regulated, and ha asked tbe people to renounce tbe fully and tbe f.irce or prohibition, aad come witb the Deinucratii party In its efforts to restrain tbe evils arising from Ibe use of intoxicating liquor. In closing he urged a thorough organisation of the party predicting that only that Ii needed to allow tbem to He down at last with tbe mnufrlct ory shining In their faces.

is BALKH "POST," ihe youngest of the newspapers Issued within onr Hold sister by the MtA, comes to ui this week In new trpe throughout, its many excellencies of matter and make-up even more attractive Iu It* neal new suit; may the most abundant success at- tend its enterprise.

gold waicb valued at 9I.M, aoJ service valued st 9100.

—Miss. Wbecler.tho Terpslcborean artiste popular wltb tho children— and with many children of advanced age, too—will retarn In October, and renew her ctasiia »rjuvenllet, In teaching tbe art of dancing. Private classes will receive due attention.

—The cote or Mr. Arterhas T. Towns, of tin, city, whoso Insanity In April last caused hi, commitment to tbe lunatic atyum at Worm ler, I* unfavorably reported opon, although Mr Towni' Iwdlly health Is good; Mr. J, A. Crum met bai been appointed guardian.

—Tho last week of thlt month will be one of 8eneral activity to our people. Pour days'of one trotting, and on tho 2oth will occur tbe

Orand Army psrade at Oloueesier, in which Post 30 will participate, mid the Light Infantry target ehoot mid bail occur the tame day.

—Most or the churches arc arranging their committee! In aid or the Orand Army fair; five years ago, nearly every religiout society in ihe city had tables during the similar fair, and a large portion ot the receipt* were from this source; it I* hoped there will be no lack or xeal uow.

—Tbe Huveriilll police court record for Sat- urday gives the cases or Mary Oeary and Catherine Hansbury, i.rthls citv, fined «H ami costs Tor drunkenness, and In default or so much of Uncle Samuel's promises to pay, were placed under cteort ror ihe Huise of Correc- tion In tail city.

—About one-hair tbe Iron pi MI for the water- works bos been received, some 3000 tons hav- ing arrived, which has been distributed through tbe streets. The large thlrtv-inch pfpe, which is lo in lal.l from the pumping station to the reservoir, thence down llitverhlll street lo Broadway is now la-lng received.

—There Is considerable activity among tome ot our rlty congregations, In relation to the coming r.tir ofthe Orand Armv.and It is totted thst such or tbe ehurcbei at have not appoint- ed committee* will du m at once; active aid of ell classes should be given this organisation in the effort to replenish its relief fund.

The tuneful mosquito hat rome,—late, to be sure, but In sufficient numbers and vora- ciousness tu amply apologUc for hit tardiness. i'liiil last yesr, our city has been almost whol- ly free from theie pests, but within ten dayi there it complaint (. all leclfont, like that In the northwest concerning the graishoppcrt.

-The Dram Corps connected witb (he Fath- er Matthew C. T. A. B. Society propose hold- ing a course or select asiembllet during the coming winter; the first ot theie will take place al Needham Hull, Priday evening Sept IH. The ni.-niii.-i-- 0f the Drum Corps will spare no pains to make this course or aiieinbliei pleasing and enjoyable.

. -T^,™"'" or service having been returned there will be presetting In ihe Harden street M E. church, every Sabbath hereafter at :i o'elock

" also at 10*j A. " Tbe hour ror Bandar veiling tcrvlco will hereafter be lij instead or 7

Uev. J. W. Adams, formerly of this city, now or Great Fulls, N. II., is expected to preach next Sahbatb, Sept. 13th. '

—Tbe eighty-fourth tenr ofthe Brldgewater Stale Normal school opened on the stb Init. Out of sixty-one applicants fifty-eight were re- ceived, eleven gentlemen and forty-seven la- dies. Among tlie latter wrro Mlis Llllle M Cbapln, of this city, and Misses Mary Burn- ham and Mary Wood bridge or Andover. Thlt Ii one or the finest institutions in the State,

—To better command the largely Increased potto I business at Ihe office In this city, Post- master Merrill has transrerred tbo tale or Inter- nal revenue stamps to the apothecary store or Mr. Everard II. Kelloy, hr tbo isme block, as this is open at all hours, anil considerably later than the post office, uteri or cheek or propri- etary stamps will Dnd the change a convenience.

—The contract for constructing tho pumping station or tbe water works has been awarded.

I lie brick work will be done hy Mettrt. Colby ATrumbollfor»9,700, and the isme parties will put Iu tbe foundation, for which payment will be made by the ysrd. Tbe carpenter work bat been awarded to II. J. Couch, for SI.'.KMI. Tbe itructure will bo erected and cov- ered in before winter.

—The Water Commissioners may gel a grain T comfort, amid the complaints tbat tbey are building loo widely," by the lUtcment that IS chief engineer of tho Montreal water-works

Is Inspecting tho construction or reservoirs In other cities, preparatory to tho enlargement at an expense of three millions, or Hie Montreal water worki, found necessary although built only fifteen yean n-<>.

—A piscatorial gentleman, wbo has no lovs fbr ibe ffifa-wsyover onr dam, layi tbat ibe fish have a good'erl or trouble In going through the old flume, and though they msy prrrh pret- ty high, there is not the t*ai{-ow ufa chance to

cr tenement it occupied by a Mr. Joseph Mc Connell and bis wife, while a younger couple occupy tho upper tenement. Tbe occupants complain that the stones have been throw rather "tossed" against their house for several nights, and come trom an Invisible soarce. Two or three nights a detail of officers have watched about the house all night, and Mar- shals I'rescoit and Sullivan and Col. heal havi tnadu tho matter ono of deep study. They now arrive at the conclusion that the sioues are thrown, or rather dropped by tbe occupants ol tbo upper tenement, and tbat all save the old man aro mixed up In the uff.iir. Last night tbe marshal arrested tbe young man and ordered the arrest of his wire, when she rainted a< and made "such a fusi" that neither party urre*tcd and the uiat'er dropped. It our lice force will allow themselves to be made dupes or by ihcto parties, to the extent of de- tailing large squsdi to watch tbe premiiei iev ersl nigbts, and not get even with them, we presume no one will cure; but just now tho laugh ll on tLc officers.

—Joe Amailne Is thu worst conductor on the Boston & Maine road—berare whom roughs their little blulf games. Saturday a burly low stepped Into his train, and seating hlmseir in one ot Ibe ladles cars, lighted bis cigar and ■ uioked away In the most impudent manner. Mr. Amailne requested him lo desist from smok- ing, Informing bun that a smoking car was pro- vided for those wishing to smoke. Nut heed- ing hit advice, the conductor took hit cigar away and threw it out ofthe window, and lbs demanded hit ticket or rare. The man, having his splnul column elevated to n coniideraole degree, refused to produce either fare ur ticket, and nothing further ensued until the train reached this city, when the conductor assisted the bully from tbe train, and gavo him in charge of a police officer. On Monday Mr. Amsslne told his mil.' uile to the court, which Induced Jndgo Stevens to heap profuse compliments upon Joseph for tbe manner in which be had protected bis passengers, hit faithful adherence to tbe rules ut the road, snd his Honor seemed gleeful to think that he bid to deal wltb the fellow who wouln'tpay bli fare. Joseph lis- tened to tbe Judge's remark! with tearful eyes and beaming countenance, which expanded Intna satisfied smile as behoaruthci claim: 'Twenty dollars and cost, sir; twenty dollars and costs, yonng man, for evading the lawful charges of s railroad corporatlor

—Now that Mayor Tarbox has done so much for onr beautiful Common — mure tbsn any previous Mayor—why not give bis attention tu the planting of more shade trees r During tbe past few yean several large treet have been removed trom the Common by tho wind, light- ning end decay, and ibelr places have not beet title I. Some of tbe grind elms have been de- stroyed, and the vacancy ihui caused In (be main avenues is most striking. To set out small elm treet In these places would not grest- ly improve appearances, tint tbe city engineer, Mr. Coolidge, Worms us thai It ft not only possible but quite praetlcsl, to transplant elms of equal slzo of those now upon tbe Ci To accomplish tbe feat a "chair"rigtlng is irranged and supported by Iwo lets of the high

wheels used in conveying large granite tlones, and the tree, with a large amount of earth cling- ing lo IU roots, is safely removed from one locality to another. Many nllf remember the feat accomplished bv the proprietor or a popu- lar hotel In California, not long ago, wbcreln

: caused lo be removed in a tingle night, rrom dlstinco or more than a mile, n iniinmotb

apple tree In full blossom, and had II planted In [bo centre or his lawn, to Ihe great delight of bis guests who were pleasantly surprised upon arising In tho morning. The removal of the tree did uot even interfere with lit blossoming, ir the transplanting or large trees ii practical, why not nvnii ourselvei of sueh action, snd secure competent persons to perform Ihe Isbor. It can never be dune at a better time than the present, aud the Mayor snd city engineer will win tho approbation or the people, it tbey ac- complish ibe work.

—Our genial friend, Joseph W. Smith, hat ii.-. n spending a good portion of his summer vacation at Blddeford Pool, and bis experience on salt water bat been quite Interesting. Two weeks ago, he, witb bis skipper, bad the rare pleasure of capturing a live seal, weighing one hundred pounds. This Is not one of Joseph's "green seal" jok«*> but a veriloblo fail. Skip- per Jere Bunker and Mr. Smith sailed down from Saco river to the seal ruck* for ihe pur- pose or seeing Ibe hundreds or test usually Toond at thai place; on the appearance of peo- ple tbey invariably flop rrom the sand splu nn wblcb they bask In tbe sunlight. Info tbe water. Tbe party arriving near tbe place, about two hundred seal were observed, and they at once made for tbe water. But one or their number, a beauty or an hundred weight, remained sleep- ing on tbe spot, about twenty feet from tbe turf. The two men cnotlouily landed, and sp-

SCW.-..7.'. .I.u'.-i.iil l.lll.T.'i

.-I.ii;...!,: ll.iiJT.U



Essex County. IIAVBHIIIU..

There was a great crowd on the Old Orchard xciindoo, mi lii.-.iliiv, i.uirleeii car* belnji

Sjied. On Sunday afternoon, during service al the At). ent chapel, tinue Irreverent lelluw i-tolc n wuleh

from the pocket or one ot the attendants. On Tuesday, Sheriff T.iwle of Kvetur, ar-

rested John Conway of this cite, charged With IhethottorejViir.mi.lMui I iirm-v, also or lla- verhlll.

John IL Xoyes, of West Ilaverhill, with his wile and mother, were thrown Hum a carriage un the iron iiriiljre, while returning from Ilrai! lord Monday evening, nu.I nil the parlies weie -cverely Injored.

The police made a raid on .. ■suubUtw den in H.,-1 hlivet, eiiplininK »>.*i ivmUi nl implement . and furniture, and n .loscii men found there; tne

Sunday afternoon, Patrick King was SssaSited iv Michael Daley, King returned I lie uiusrk vilh an open knlle, null which he was cutliDK

tobacco, and Daley received several severe .cut* therelrom. King MIITC i.leic.l liim-elrii, um eily marshal, ami wai placed tinder e.MNHi Imn.i,', Daley appears severely wounded.

■AlJJat. Th.-snleui (ail had I>IIprisoner*. Sept. 1. A young man In Ha tern, named John Drag, M bile

splitting wood, eut oft one ol lite tinners Iriun Id* left hand

ninth. Infsaletu, on Saturday, a »l* year old

John D. Chappie. It-Ii from n -nni'mei hmi-e lug one uf Ids legs.

The residence of John Calif, Salem, u.t , tension Monday, Hie family being nl..,-m, t thoroughly raaiaeheJ by lUeve*.

In Siilem, on Friday afternoon, u lad nain Smith, seven years of age, w«» run over liv heiivy' learn, having ~t-i,-, .,1 -,.,-„ ,■,-„ ;, niitl leccivlng other Injuries.

Salem Is experiencing trouble with some ol 1 CiHecarriairiM; complaint hint '

n made that the public wen .... travel impeded In Hie vtelnitv ot llie ei Ksses street, hy tlie \r\rfvo Him run to I'eauody on Saturday nights stopping mi,I t-ollcliii'i» travel. On sntur.lay night one of thu lmivc« was ordered bv the police to move; the drieet rclusetf, clalniintt itsnnbl lo remain a* long a» tho horse car; he U to „■ nm-ff uicd a- a ti*>i


The dwelling of Moses .lelllsun, near Hie dentil in Uowlcy, wait burned on Monday.

Tbo corner stone of tbe new Odd Fellows'Hnll (n Beverly will be laid next Tnertlay.

The Bradford Academy commenced lira pres- ent wrm with 117 ftuileiits |he liugt-t niiiiiliei ever In attendance.

A Urge Uiree-atory wooden bttUdblg, on Mirror street, Lynn, occup|n| by woml ivorkern, nus bnrned on Monday morning.

The Centra) Congregational ehureh, Bradford, has been improve.I and n-imi.leksl during Urn Miimnei- at i.n i \pm,,. of SIOUl,

UlchiielSweeny,eleven yearsoM, fell n.mi -,, Jigger in Olouea.ter.Wnlni-ailay.aiid l.U bead wtia shockingly liiceratetl by one ol tho wheels.

Hfsnnw thiiugbt that the iheotlng of voiing > roft by hliiiM'll si, n„i aechleiital, but n ilelll- eruloalteuiptiitsuioldoi It was u love affair.

InUrovelnml, on Sntnnlny, Mr. A. S. Moore had one nf his tliuml,, neveiely injured iu the cog whools of» rolling miichln* ho was using.

Tlie Lynn police hnve received Instructions not to allow the b»ya to plav ball In lite street,, this guine having bi-uomu HH fivipiuul in Die high way as to prove a great

The Salisbury Bunch Ualherlng^ls to he on tbe Tbo programme will bejwrfoete.1 HiU wit k and the managers m-e .letemifned that Ihe pro gramme .hall So one or roal atiraellveness. i Tn1"8 KaF>eT •*•*■ nf *e new i nit pVUesra' Blueh InBuverly, was laid with appropilalu ceitiui, iilea on Tuesday; the n.iiw^m was tusde a gain day. and tho preeSsstoa tu of Imputing chin.

Mr. II. Henry Taylor Jwss ortlalned ns paolor of the Calvary Ilaptlat Church, Snlein, on Wed aeedaj evening.

William Unison, n peddler, win kicked by , horse in Ipswieh. Thursday, nml hi* thigh bottes that I fits I.

Edward Joyet drew HK iHubotlag lo Patrtofe Joyce, n ..-n Ihe Salem Snvlngn ll ,,,i, mi Urn HfJi ofinit Auguft. Hepurelaued a liehet for ire land, ami lust Satunlay tl.e uOlccrs ■eareaed lbs citv of IlrithKls bnt be eeold not bo fn 1.

Two of tho l.yni.nebl triplets have died t.f elml era iiifiintiiiii. I'he go l i, ,,nii e well ami IK now *ix months old. The remi f the |Hiy hul.ien in,. I'niUrimi elmreli, n Imge i-ompiinj jiti, n.lin,.- tbe luneial.

On Monday nightlha tlekot odl.-e of Ifie ||„.. ton A Maine railroad in lir.ivelaii.l, was broken nto, ami an overe,.,t »n.| ti.koi nitmp „t„it.„

thereirotn; the thieves took the safe key a bul were umibleto open the strong box.

Emerson Gordon, a young boy only fmirletii years tif.l, lw-t btjaa nrre.u-d breaking ami

-iterlng tho »U.rt- of Page A Bailer in l.ynn. He nlossea lo hsve entered Hie rtore lour tiuien

mill to Iinvui-lnlen inoii.-y m MII.III -mill, iimniinl big in all to (.-ai, lioxitten n targe n\ mi of con. feclianery.

pnifiiled for iiu,') iu II moulliH. In the cone-", pomling month* ur this year lliey have hml -M.. the oierseers of the |»mr e>llmnt.- til) eenl-. H lieii.l foe kei-|iiiii< Iheui. With the excepUa . of u hairtloxrti they base been able bodied nu-n from In to lift years old, averaging less than :M> yean.

Middlesex County.

i.ov>-|:|.t„ The Lo*

Iiorlzontal englnt There were S.MI arre.U during the mouth of

August, of Which 1)11 were lor drunkenIIOSH.

General Palfrey, lately agent of the Hcntiiifick irporallun, sailed Tor Europe on Tuesday, Wat, Mirkland. n Suutebiiian, fur many yem™ sidlag in this city, iove..i„i or* r*rprt li.wer am, H.I. i.urn.i ,|,.<i.i •> KI. k-JE-T-i— onday morning.

ail at hi* boarding pirn i

proacbed tbe teal, which awoke and nude itound for Iu native element; bat skipper Bunker was too quick for it, and caught It, when a levere conflict ensued. A single pow- erful blow would have decided the rositer, but it was desirable lo capture the seal alive, and after mncn ruanmnvrolng Bunker and Smith succeeded In teeming It witb Ihe boot'* painter, and It wot safely lifted Info tlie boat and rolled Into the "cuddy," where Joseph facetiously re- marked that It was given tbe choice of berths,

oal was safely conveyed borne, and duly get above the dim, and most of them fall back exhibited lo the admiring and astonished gi"e gone sttrfen. An old pickerel said he would or ihe native*. Mr. Smith says the seelTs a rather be cream-ate-d than attempt to post noble fighter, and not only great strength but through that coffin, and mount the head-stone. I much skill I. required to capture DMiS.

ii. JtrTui (.. I'slliey illM'.miieclcd liiiiiM-lr « Hh the M.'iinun.\ Mminl.i.tiiriiiK t'lmipam.u* ll agent, on Hie first |n-.t., bm h\- Micee.sor has not ■ -.-unit -l his position.

Daniel Curry ami UharhM tianuon bare been -re.teilloratenling hiiHit-ij (10111 Ibe I.tiuit-uee

Maliufnetlii'iliX Cnuipiilly. Some of the goot|ti ■rere found In their poMc*nli>n.

Tbe eHtablfshment ofJ. ft Ayer ft Co., ctui.b.t. ingiipwmiletil n,1 pernous, adopt* llo ten-hour system, without any cliiingo in the unit e of reckoning I line, or any reduction ol uogo,.

On Monday John Curran ivlurneil from Hie funeral iil'hl* ifttleetiibl to Uml Hint his wife fins died In bl« absence. .Ihe bud panned nuny im- pareally while watching the runeral of her baby.

A little daughter of Hugh Morrison, resbling urearortiorham-iri.i, 1,11 „ut „r n second window nfannniH-cuplctthuitiling, Sntur.

day afternoon, striking on her chin, breaking Hit- Inter In two place*, ninl knocking i.u cev era) In th.

A hull, say* tho Courier, iiasxliig Uie exenva- tlun for tho cellar under the l-Y-i lln,i,„t rtnuvh 1111 seeing the lame amount ol water which hnl settled in Hie ol the linle, was led lo In. quire If "that was where they nro going to linp-

as secretary, ll was voted to havoa reunion of tho'survivurs In Lowell 011 Monday evening, Uct, lUtli.

There was considerable excitement at tbe den - ocratic caucus on oaturday evening; Senator Salmon wun iiominaled for chairman, but was re-

delegate to Wor- Jected with hisses, s coster; his notion on tbo Un hour law I made him unpopular with a portion 01 bis paity.

On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Worcester Baton celebrated Ibelr guhleti wedding mnlver- saryj the worthy cm,,le have ic-thled In Urn ell IliJrty-two years, and are held In high esteem: the Mayor ami a large number ol prominent rill- tens were present, and the pre.enls were uumei ■ ous and costly.

There was n tsvero stabliiog ■frrsy on Siimlnr. Clhunii Ilolim-H IK keeper of a hoarding hou.e itt No. Ii Merrluiack street; nhoiit tire o'clock 111 the afternoon, three fellows entered upon l.r. - tence of visiting a lodger; Ihey were making ci u slderakla lUrlurbsnue, aud on the prtqi i.-u.r reuionstratfng, he waa struck with ihe bait uf s revolver; bin Hile eaine It. bin iCM.ue, «lien -In wus seiietl ami chnked, while several shots weie flreti it Holme- from a revolver by another of Hie roughs; officer* approaching, Hie fellows tied, one, however, liunr, Kit.'|inti'let being uire^le.l, and another, Morrison Identlfted.

Tl\e -Sndovcr <&dveftijtef



Dr. SlieparJ idfori tilt sale a piano neatly

Then will be no Ullt floor band concert, next MomI.iv evening.

The Bollard Vnlo band will attend the con- cert mid ball ol tb-C Andover hand, next Wed-

nesday evening.

The collector of taxes linn already rtcctfid thirty-one thousand dollar*, bring mow than lUretJ-foarthi of tba whole amount assessed.

Mr. Murphy, our lamplighter, lias a vehicle

lilted up, tlie bow springs In ihe rear only wanting to make it look like the Quebec Ca


Messrs. Gile and Allen are doing the brick work ol the addition to RuaMll'l block uh Main Slreet. It will make an excellent ibop or store

fur any kind of business.

Some scapegrace broke into Hie bam or John r'indley on Saturday night, and after throwing wagon cushion* and other articles out of doon, carried oft*an oataidncoit which **t hanging

in the building.

Mr. J. li. Seabury, of Hie last class In ilic B.'inlnary, declines hit call to Walpole. Mr. ltObert J. Matthews of the same class, was or- dained paatoroflhe Welsh Protestant cnurcb, at Fair Haven, Vl., on the Ifltb ol August.

The North Andover Advertiser shoots at random. There is no inch reservoir in this town as Hie editor represents in bis last Issue.

, The one he is auppowd to refer to, we ar* as- sured bus fourteen feet of water In it at the present lime, and has never been dry since It

was dug.

The Andover brass band dill celebrate tbeir second anniversary by giving n promenade concert and ball in ihe town hall, on Wednes- day evening, Sipt. ltiib. They will be ussLied by Abbott and Newton's Quadrille baud, and II Is designed to make the affair In every respect

a success.

Mr. Frederick Noyes, the oldest man In An* Haunt, died Hept.Stb, at the advanced age of 89 years 10 months and 13 day*. Ue was bom In Motbuen, and whjn a lx>y hi* parent* re- moved tn UiU town. [|)18tS be married Miss Hannah Vamum, daughter of tue late Mnjot Keujamin Varnum ol Dracut, whom he ba* survived Over 3,1 years. Their family consisted of ten ablUren, eight dUnghtoNHJ twa sous, of whom seven are now living.

On Sunday last a man nam;J. Michael L'ur- ran, hailing (nun Lawrence, laid under a iree on Central street near the Baptist church, several luiurs, lu n slain of beastly Intoxication. Con- slable Clark living ofllcUlly called, With the

'assistance of several others, < I the rut-gut sanitated man Into a wagon, and tipped the loailisiiiiie creature into the lockup. After he had sullleicnlly m. lie red oh* to view the situa- tion, he concluded to s'lp hi* own lie. k out by inculpating the person from whom be pur- chased bis liqnor. The next turn of the ka- leidoscope was before trill ja-tlce Poor, on Monday, and displayed the beautiful appear- aneeof Mis-F.llen Reynolds, a ladg engaged- In the drug trade on the turnpike. The charge against her was for keeping open bouse on the Lord'* day, aodttu efldtntu waa conclusive. Sh.> disgorged 91'l.-'tJ of ujr Ill-gotten gain* lu line and Bolt*. The latin day David Iluni* WaJ up for asinultlng Jerry Daly un Sunday. Uavld paid has ample time to reflect upou the excellencies of UurflewcEd and the satisfaction derived irutn making a tool of him- self. Timothy Doiiovan of the Witt Parks, paid $±Z i',"> lasl week for keeping an unlicensed dog. mid afterwards killed the dog.

ere in their best voice, and both effect, receiving the enthusiastic

_... IUUMI- Their songs wens a prom, inent feature of the evening. The audience was large and appreciative, mid even body looked as though Miry bad a good time.

ii.-1 Mi. hVed, i tung will I^.I.U.M.


Moltee is lien i.. given, iballho subscriber has isoen duly appointed executor of the will of KtliabelhT. IKilclateorAiulnver, Inlhee.ouutyol E**AX,widow,decca*ed,b)state,ao.I ha* taken upon herself that ti ust, bv giving bond*, a- Hie law at reels. All perso- ■ liaring upon Uu es- tate of aald deceased are reuuireil to exhibit the same; and all person* to said estate -re called upon to make payment hi

JdSICrll C. DOLK. Kiec'r. Andover. Sept. 11, 187*.

/ UTIZB LECTURE isTt ft no.

The Coinuiillec having charge of the Leeturea

isl soaaon would respectfully announre to the


and viclully.lliatHiey have

ecurcllhe follow tag eminent talcul for a scries

■ >t" fiila-i-l.i Linn i-iil - the coming Wilder —

BOX. CHARLK9 HHADI.M idi. of hnglnnd,

October ltd, 1874.

Subject—Uromwell and Washington.


Sin. % 1071,

subject-To lie announced.



IIKMiV A KM ILL BHOITN, Philadelphia. Deo,

It, 1874.

Subject—To 1 n> i<mi■ HIii'-cI.

PKI>r\ J. W. 'Illlii.illl.l, Dec. »». Is74.



Subject—Daniel ifConnell.


Rottw i» boon duly _..

AAKAH A HOLT, l;i!f of Andover, in the county of Essex,

*,dcc«a»eil, and Ut\~ Liken upon him-u'lf thai by giving bondr, as the law dirucLs. All

Sernonii having demands ujn>n tlie estate of said eceased, are re.|iiire.l tu exhibit the same; and

■II MMII IndebUnl to taM estate, are cnllrsl upon - -ik« payment tn ilOSKS KOSTKR.

ilnver, Sept. 1, ls7i. Kxceulur. ■WtllK

establishment of Stevens Brothers, and will con. llnue the hutlnen at the old Bland on Main Street. Boots, Shoe* and Rubbers of the best uuallty constantly an hand and for sale. Caatom work manufacture*in the 0r»t style, and all goods will

'Id at low prices. Repairing done at short nolle*. Pormer patronage gratefully acknowl- edged, anil its continuance reajkiaaTMn snlieilmt.

WILLIAM CORSE ft SON. Auilovcr, Sept t. loio

The oilers for sale bis real ealahs consisting of Dwelling House Bams and U acre

"■ excellent hind under gooil uulUvatlon, with loutV young apple trees la bearing condition, he house contalus 11 rooms, well painted and

grained throughout. The entate i- klluated un lliah Btroet, wlthm one mile of Poat OaVe, •ohoola, churches, Public Library, Depot, etc. Will sell Horse, Wagons, farm implements and

'—'—si. Tcrni>>oi payment liberal. Cab s CHAS. A.BTKVENS, at Steven* nl Shoe Store, Main utretit Andover.


CONCERT. lerent alacs and quality, customers at a reasonable price and short notice. Order* may bo left at JOHN H. CHANDLER'S

PHILHARMONIC CLUB, Rontou, compnned > ,i,ii i- formerly ol Thomas' Orchestra,

assisted by Mrs. J. M. Osgood, January ill, 1MB.

Tickets .■ the same seats during Ibc entire

ingle Ticket with Reserved Seal-

To be obtained at W. ¥. Dra|icr's l>ook » ctoueris. int.


. i.jiiiniiit.-.

11, 187-1- 4lH*epHl

I TOR SALE.—A top bugfiT, ckftlM, Trav er-e runner luuig, light and nearly new, and

a enddle and bridle, all In good coudltinn i II I.I:I i ■■ W

Andover, Sept II. Wi


Ilv I >ndlt

. HIliiilNS.

nid II

a by il .1 I elaitiuatu, Ue i in I Siiiuu.i Wmnin, l«' ii tUeiel'tiru

Itcsolr&l. Tuai ivo hii. . la^niiites, lamenting ;inii deiplv leelnix hi- In.-, .1.. hereby offer Hie eoiiaolutlun of irlendnhip I" Id* parents and friends praying thatlioil will lighten llieir sor-

Alii I Kemilrnl, ThntMhtolun of respect. We wear the usual badge or mourning lllleen day*.

And Itetotcnf, Ttutl ft copy of these resolutions II,I MMII to hi* relatives, and iii-eited in the l.ilih- jWUI Journal and I.mrrtiite Amtrlrtia.


Sept. a, \fU. v. I ■■ i i i:'. ir.i II.I.M -.

As 1 was approueblng lliu Mlssissl|ipi river, witldn ubout twenty miles of it, an uone>l eill- itwn came lu at a way station and sat down be- nldonie. I bad been riding towards (lie setting mm as last as steam would carry me for forty- eight hours, ami inv waleli was already an hour ahead online, and I was tliiileen hundred miles west of Itostim. Imagine my feelings when the uuealion was unioeeiuly |inl lo me by my aged Irlend. If I was "going out waslr" 1 remarked that lllioiixht I \v«« iiretty well "out went" al. ready. Hut In fait l bare not been out veal yet, l am "lily in the Interior. The centre i. b.v.m.l.

Agooii way tocriliiuiie the leitiliiv ..i Hi, .Mis- souri valley, is by the sUo or the weeds. Tba gypsum and pig weeds grow HO large that my brothel's bov, a lad ol ilileen, mi.I weighing nine. IV pounds, el.nibs them as lie would Miiall trees, and Htepsnlong from one to another above the ground. He got lost in the eoni Held a frw weeks ago, and climbed a »lurdv wild lo get hi* la'ar- htatj but the corn was- MM high for 1dm, aud he had to Mow the rows, come out which tkla be

The western people are lugiiiioue. 11 has been very dry here Ibis MI miner, and waler has been no scarce that moiheis havennni'iimesliwii been troubled to Hud enough to keep their children's laces clean. The iibmuhiiicu ol waU'riuelons have afforded a graU'lul reller. Cut a ring Ironi watermelon mid given hall to a dirty-faced lour- vuar old boy, and ho wilt wash bis lace from car to ear without knowing It.

U. r.WltOHT


I.aisar from Occaslonn.1.

'HI.. EIIKS Srrrns took a severe cold while at mil Talbol, Priuniimliani, last week, but is ho- ming lo rccoACi' Ironi the cHeels) of IL

I'KMKTKltv.—The road* and walks

By virtue of a ]iower of sale contained In a mortgage given by James Johnson to Ellen Mel- len, dated April, Ulh, A. D. ISM, and recorded In the Essex Registry of Deeds, Northern District, liook 18, page 17G, for a broach of the condition ol" said mortgage, will he sold by public auction on the premises hereinafter described, "n Salur day, Sept. 11th, 1874, nt hall |M*l four o'clock r. " nil and singular the premises described In

* mortgage, namely : .. certain lot ol land with buildings thereon

sltuaU'd in Andover, Mnas., bounded a* follows: Beginning; at the Southwesterly comer of the lot or laud or one Ulenson, and land ot Jona Swill, thencn running Easterly one hundred and four fret, moi e or leas, lo Central street; thence North era by said Central street one hundred and six feet to n passage way seventeen reel wide,leading ""(■tcity from said ntrect by the Southerly end

Ibc Ilaptl.t Church; thonee Westerly on aald >aage-wav forty-eight fcit; thence Southerly a line parallel with Central utreet thirty-seven

,_J| thence a-ain Westerly on a line parallel with the flrst named line fllty-sfx feet lo land ol

id Uleason; thence Southerly by aald tilea- n's laad, stxty.nlne feet lo the point of begin- ug. With a right of way In aald passageway,

...idnlso over a strip of land ton feel wide, lying Westerly or that lino above named which Is thirty-seven feet long. Will be sold subject to a prior mortgage for $1,000,00. Terms, $30 to be paid at time ol vale, and the balance on delivery f the deed within ten days

ELLEN MELLEN Mortgagee, apply lo Ueo. II. l'oor,

with much power. The newly orgauUed quar- leile, under the direction of Mr. Edgar Smith, sang for the tlrat time at the morning and even- ing tervlcea, aud to «ay that the music rendered was of a high order of merit and well appre. elated would !>■■ but a lame compliment. Mr. John Biuknell, in the absence of Mr. Charles Aus- tin, aang the baas, which waa well sustained.





To the h •ii.-;.t law. nest of kin. and all other persons interested inlheeslale of Clarissa Harslon, late of Melhucn, in said county, sin- glcworuau, deceased I GHKKTINO :

Whereas, a certain instrument purporting to he Ihe last will and testament and a codicil or said ileoeased. has been prc*cn'.ed to said court, for probate, by Joseph How, who prays that letters tnstainenlary may be Issued to nlm the executor therein named,

You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate Court, to be held al Lawrence, in said county of inei, on the second Mondav or November next, it nine o'clock before neon, to show cause, If any

you hare, against the — And **lJ *"

give publi citation once a week, for three auccea*lve week*, la the newspaper called the Law- en ee American and Andover Advertiser, Tinted at Lawreuee, the last publication to be wo days, al lea.1, before said Court. Witness, lieorge 1". Cboale, Esquire, Judge o

said Court, this euihth day of September, In Ihe nnr niie [lion-ami eight hundred and seventy-four.

A. C. GOODELL, Register. sepllUt


ivi ie."-.*l Store o

Andover, Sepl. I) 1874.-

r further partlculai Attorney.

August I7th, 1871. augttflfli


l'lioiiATi: COURT. To the Heirs-at-law, next of Kin, and all other persona interested in the estate of James hi. llollingworth, lateof Andover, In said county, munulaciurer, deceased: Greeting I Whereas, a certain instrument purporting to bo

Ihe last will and testament ol *aid deceased has been nrcicnled to said Court, lor Probate, by Lucy II. Holiingworth who prays that letters tes- tamentary may be tseued to her the ciecuirlx therein named, and that the may be exempt from giving a surety or i>urelies on her bond, for the

- msoiis allege I in said petition. You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate

Court, to be held at Salem, In aald county ot Essex, on the first Monday of October, next, at nine o'clock before noon, to ahow cause, 11 :inv mil have, against the same.

"And aald petitioner Is hereby directed to Slvo public notice thereof, by publishing this cita-

on once a week, lor three successive weeks,In the newspaper called the Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed at Lawrence, the last publication to be two day a, at least, before said

Witness, Ucorge P. Choate, Esquire, Judge of raid i ourt, this second day of September, in the veur one thousand eight hundred an.l seventy-four

1181 sep 4 11 IK A. 0. GOODELL, Begiatar.


Tin Ai'i'i.K CHOP IS not so abundant as was al in i anliclpnted ; al ieasl it Is mil in this vicinity, many apples having fallen off during Ihe caily part or the season.

COL. CHABR, son nf Rev. Lyuian Chase, pastoi ol the Baptist noeiety, wlo has I npendlng several weeks here, retuiued to the West la-i week The Colonel, liv hi. nibanliy and genial •lualilies, won many mends while here, and they -ere aorry to sec nlm depart for bis dlrlanl home.

C*IT. CoRt.iea, In order to have every thing in keeping with his el.■(cant Clarence hack, has man- ufactured In his harness shop a scl or double harnesses or Iho most elaborate workmanship They are silver mounted ami are of the costliest material, etate, wedding and funeral occasion^ only will bring them out.

Oil THE )'i ■■> : ' This expression is bcanl at all times or the day, and has become as Tamil tar as household words lo every man, woman and child. "When thult we have rain" is also mi other phrase quite extensively indulged In by Mil* drought-famished community. Everything s parching up, and unless we have rain soon il Till be Hie dryest time ever knows hereabouts. UMI PEACIIK*.— Samuel O. Sargent, Esq.,

■laced upon our desk, Wednesday, some "rare- Ipe" peaches, whose clrcumfereuee averaged >ver seven and a quarter Inches. Wo call them arc ripe, as It Is ihe familiar name by which all peaches were designate.I In our boyhood ays, and, moreover, because native peaches are

—irely found now-a-days so large and ripe. These ■aches srew In Mr. Sargont's garden, which fact K*S to slum that as a pomologist he isn't slow. HMABll-UI'.—Mr. Frank Woodbury, residing in

the western part of the town, while driving home ii bis carriage, Thursday evening, and when icarly opposite the engine house, his team wa> un into by a span of horses, attached to a heavy vagim, which made bis a complete wreck. Two neii were in the wagon al the lime ol the colh. Ion, but did not slop to see what damage Ihey in.I .Ion... no doubt considering Hint rnpld dm ng was policy on their part. Such miscreants ihuuld be captured and summarily deMtwilh, for Ihe better security of the traveling public.

A DISCKIMINAT1MO Doo.-Dr. Ueo. E. Wood- bury own* a dog that is frequently seen follow- ing alter him as he rides through the village on his professional calls, manifesting all the whlli

follow. When the doctor starts out ul his stable yard with the right horse. "Prln" is all enthusiasm, but, on the other hand, when Ihe un.HK hor-e is ultiii'lted to Uic cm rnige lie -linL.~ away in Iho deepest humiliation. No one knows Iho reason lor this strange conduct except It lie him. and he has not seen Ot, as yet, to "rise and

ihtln," and the dog on't Is, we shall never be sotlslactorlly account for his partiality.

KM'KU I ■; <>X THE Sl'ICKKT.—Messrs, Jacob Emerson and D. W. Tenuey are not only skillul at Hie Walton I an paalime, hut canon an em geney handle the fowling piece about as good . :v- icxt ones. They took a row un the Spicktt a lew days since and secured live large pick- crel, and shot a plump wild duck and an immense 'due heron (A hrrinlim). TIN* species ol bird is lullo rare In these parts, it mostly rendezvous

jlong the southern roast. We understand thai CapL >lerrv Wardwell, who is quite celebrated In this vicinity,—as a naturalist—acted as Uxider- mlstln preparing and stuffing ihe heron. As to who stuffed the duck, or what the duck Bluffed, deponent sal th not. CapL Ward welt will now adu one more specimen to hi* already large cabinet or natural history. . -

AUCTION S.u.a— The homoliold furniture ant) effect ot'Mr. Stephen Hoy I, one of our oldest citizens were disposed of at public auction Thursday arternoou by auctioneer Franklin launders. A large collection of the "chancy" ised in our grandmothers' days was sold, as ras several antique niece* of lurniture. Among

expla nlile I

Our Correapondent at Wavtch Hill.


"Slowly, eteadlly under the moon, swings the tide In it* old-time way.

Never too bite and never loo soon— And the evening and morning make the day."

.nd most salubrious mornings and glorloui loonllghl evenings Ihey have been, which have

lo the days of the past iwo week* at this de- lightful watering place. Watch Hill la not

client and best, though not at 1U fullest, for Tore the [leriect September weather cornea—

when nature la ,n her most gracious mood, and he air Is so Qnelr tempered that 10 breathe la a

pleasure, and to be a part, If ever *o insignificant, -' U oil's creation Is something to be thankful

.—the world will have gone back to the city.

enoughi indiilf ll

Oue by one and In parties they are leaving lor boudoir* in fashionable quarlera and counting

ns In busy streets, for pleasant school rooms, discordant gold rooms, and crowded court

room*. But lo those who are fortunate etiui ,tay a few days longer the sea and sky Ironing Insect world Will

HAKE I.IIVK IN A KOTAL WAT. How the grand reatfulnet* of these late summer lays puts to ahame all the littlenesses and imps .ienee of man, and make* ua realize that

"We are such stutT Vs dreams are made on, and our little the is rounded with a aleep." Hut a sleep, perhaps, from which we shall awaken hi more in harmony with this same nature. This uorallzing, a la a school girl eaaay, would he un- ,iai'ii"imbi<-in a newspaper letter were It not tor .he lateness of the season and the fact there are

j more hops to write about. The last German ay not have failed entirely out of mind, but It Is thing of the past as surely as the tumbled tulle

and soiled glove* and faded flowers ol the fair Kbi union- on Ibe rocks are fewer, and.

Grand Course.

Lectures, Reading Music, Drama.

LECTURES. JOHN B. GOUQH, the King of the Plat

form, the moat renowned lecturer in Ihe world. A thrilling Temperance Lecture will be delivered. Rableet, " Lights and Shadows of

■mild be the hours between eating and bathing,

badow of rock o

of the past Many of these books were lor- uierly the property Of the late Abiel Hone, Kaii., talner-in-law ot Mr. llovi, and bear the marts of having been used in acquiring knowledge, of which he was reputed In his day to have a large .bare We saw many old people among the throng of puichascrs, who no doubt "*■ - good old day* when Hi "

r boat, if you are a ■ —| probably

t, and you n bat thus:

k I* precious, ■ wur i-jc» are warmer than Wine,

ou catch men's souls in the meshes Ol'curls that ripple and shine-

Hut, ah, not mine." If you are a woman,— that's asking too much - you must draw your own conclusions. Watch ■ I dl dales Its existence as a watering place but a

years back. Ten years ago there were hut In.tels here, and a season apent here waa a*

■I aiet and dreamy as a summer Idyl. Instead ot ,ne steamer* which now come In here from Nor nlch, Htonlngton and Westerly, there were sailing vessels, wllh their small parties, who landed and reembarked Without the noise or wbisliea or the mowing off or steam. Bowling waa considered, ny one proprietor al least, too profane an amuse II ion t to be Indulged In, and an old alley, Which

id been built when, perhaps, it* owner** con- ienee waa more clastic, stood on the hill-side as monument of reformatory measure. Pishing

and sailing in the bay, and clam-bakes In the pretty groves of O.brook, were Ihe principal rec- reatlons. Now there Is no marked characteristic to distinguish this from any other popular resort, and every year adda to It* accommodations anil the number of ila devotee*. The views from al- most any point are something to be enthusiastic over, aud especially are they so from the high bluff, a point where It la said an

INDIAN lilltl. WATOHKD tt>K IIKH LOTKB, Mid hence the name Watch BUI. Here, there II _ Ii cet.-on Hie hottest day, and at your feet the HIeakers are flner than from BUT other point, and as lar a* you can see stretches the ocean—"the visible type of the invisible, and the veasels, with their white sails, move aoout over It like the thought* of men, feebly aaarehlnff the unknown." To Ihe east. Block Island, famous for Its codfish and school masters, lies against the houses and sand-hanks barely visible; mi along are iho cloud-like bills or Long Island and Montana Point; closer by. Fishers Islam I, which looks, on a hasy afternoon, like afsiry-land,

'"i a liitic stretch of iboimj--'-- dve it lo he the veritablo I To the west. Stoning wo,

TIIK SHlSlSii VILLAOB ACBOU TUB BAT," looks as It built upon Ibe water, and with lu back-ground or green hills, I* aa pretty a picture a* au> marine view can boas* of. wkUa eloa* at hand U the little promontory with its light-house, li urn which it it; lllc-boat was ao ijuiekly and hero- ically manned wlion Ibe Metis was wrecked off this coast. When the plan** and the bluff and the rocks are neither lo one's taate, there are curves of beach where no traces are lea or prevl- mis footsteps, and with no end or shining sand, Siebbles of evory hue, and mosses which are so hie and white and or ao many and beautiful col-

ors that we think (may Ihe gods forgive us) that ■ n .ii.-. may occur down among the


Al a regular meeting ol Young Auierka Lodge, No. M, I. O. of li. T., held in Toinplara 11.1)1, Aug. 1Mb, the fotiowlng preamble and reaolutloua were presented and adopted:

Hied in East llardwlek. VL, Aug. -lb, Abbie I,, wife of Wrn. r. .Ionian, aged >3 yr*, 7 mos, 6 dys.

Death I* not an unusual occurrence; ever* day beloved one* pas* out from stricken households to return no more. Our departed sister was deeply Interested In Ibe principle* aad work of temperance, and gladly gave her name and influ ence to Ibis organisation. No one desired more earnestly that good might be accomplished, and none could regret more deeply developments ol frailly or Insincerity such aa nave marked the history of all organisations since the world began, bringing pain to every faithful heart.

Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God to take from our midst our *l*tur, Abblo I.. Jordan,

Heiolred, That we have loit the loved compan. ionship of a friend tried and true, and the DO-

lemtion and sympathy of a linn and earned Ivocate of the temperance cause. Htmlinl, That we willrhcrislitheremeinbraiice

of her pure life and character, her patience In ifferlng a* convincing proof of the power of the illgion of Jem* In the human heart. RttoUtd, Thai we lender to the bereaved friend*

our deep sympathy, and mingle our tears in mu- tual sorrow. That these resolutions be entered on the records or the Lodge, and publlthedln the Lawrence papers, and a copy aent to the friends of our sister.

f.'lUs. I- ItKtl.SKHIl, , KKNMK A. COX, > Committee. Jl'UA UOUKKTB, '


HON. WM. PARSONS, the most eloquent orator America has received from across

water. His eloquence, wit and enthusiasm carry hi* audience* by atom. Sublect, "Hichtel Angels."

WENDELL PHILLIPS, the friendofh* inanity and Immensely popular orator. Till*

will probably be air. Phillips* last season in tiir lecture Held, and he will deliver hi* famou* lec- ture upon "Daniel O'Connell."

e. P. BANKS, the acholer, staW- an.l soldier. No atatoaman I* better

known to our people than (icn. Bank*, who*c eloquence ha* often thrilled Lawrence audiences, subjert, ''The Republic; will it endure."


READINGS. [ 188 HELEN L. D. POTTER, a oele-

brated teacher of Elocution, a charming reader. Mleoelhvoeou* reading*, with character personations of celebrities of the pUtforat, imitat- ing their drraa, manner and style of epeaklng. Miss Potter will be assisted by IU'TTIIWOHTII


PROF. A. P. BURBANK.anaccoaipliahed reader, well-known to our peeple. Mr

llurhank will give humorous, pathetic and miscel- laneous reading*, end give a portion sfBip Van Winkle, in character.

PROF. J. W. CHURCHILL, the New Bug. land favorite. Mr. Churchill 1* an immense

favorite with Lawrence people, and has been •ecaretl with much dlDloulty and coulderable espenae. lie has no superior In his pnieaaion in

AUTUMN, 1874.


Inform their patrons that

Thsy are now opening

Pall Goods.


Black Heads, which are to bo more r'asbton

able than ever this season,

SHAWLS. SILKS. Elegant tjualitv In Black Silks, etc. etc.

We have opened a Fall Assortment of Woolen*

for Men and Boy* wear in Stri]>ea, plaids.

Check* and Plain Goods; also a

tine of



The Hood* open beautifully, aud we shall bo

pleased toehowthem.

Flannels and Domestics in endless variety



PROCKINO. Our Heavy Fall Goods

We am reauortlnK our illli'Ki MTOCKS,

H.I . :.n . I...U you ll.i- [ I. i.,, of


KX.SUPERS and Mmllura: Hhoet Oil Clolh. and yanl (lno.1,,

Cocoa ana Straw Mattings. Hemp and Dundee Tapeatriee,

Al.i. AT mni LOIVBB I'M in :s TII.I\





249 Essex St.


this c mtry.

CONCERTS. GERMANIA BAND. This celebraled or

fanlaatlon I* too well known to need com- ment Laat season It gave a jtraud entn-telnmen before the largest concert audience, nd the en- thusiasm waa unbounded. Thev will tw aaalaled by lady vocallft* of rare merit.

CtAMILLA URSO. Thi* lady has orpniced J the dnest eompauv of Ihesea-oncomprlsinK

the following artistes: Madam Urm, violinist; Ml** Clara Uorea, aoprano; Wm. II Fusacodcn, tenor; J. F. ltudolpsen, barjton,; Ainusla Sauret, aecompaiist.

coral, and old Neptune aad the mermaids themselves occasionally with pulling hair. Watch Hill shall haven *urf line railroad con-

i waa in his prime, and young tttephen was "paving his r tenilons," air. floyl lnie- ' "

snlu ol his gootl* IV ntends lo learo soon after

or an extended visit auimix his many Irlends and relatives. Peace and pros- lierity atlend him, is the milled wish of the peo- ple ol Methuuu.

M iniKS mini Mr. Klliot P. Sawver dieu very suddenly, at aliont.% o'clock, v.«., 'Wednes- day, at the residence ol hi* son-in-law, O. 11- Jen- ny. Mr. Sawyer went to his room up one rlighl nl stairs, about no Iwur belnre a inenibcr of the family made Ihe sail discovery, and when found snlat the table, Ida head resting upon It, and be-

had been writing holding a pen with which he

.„ to a relative, and on j«-rusal nl Die paper, It was learned that he had been al-

Ihrmi)(h Ihe cemetery have

uter, the Assls- him nil been done by filmed tnut Superintendent.

I'KltaiiN.W..—tien. Hfliiry K. Oliver has been passiiiK n lew dav* with hit emi-iii-taw, .1. 1'. llatUes, Kaii. Wiilani Phillips, Baq.( and fumlly leil for the While lllll-on .Monday, taking Ihe best davs of all the year lo visit this dellphtlul mountain rc|(ioii.

AsoTHKKCKmuiKNABUK—Col. Tliernn John- sun, will be *' years or axe on Sunday the in InsL t.'ol. .loliin-oii win the j oinisjeii anil Is the only siirvlvliig member of a fsniH "* •lien, all of whom lived lo great .d the uumncr falling lo reach .lohiisiin family have been Ideiitilled with Ihe town from Its settlement In Kilo, burgeon lien- .I.I I' i ■ Liii- descemliiiit and owner uf Ihe

A Ortowrmn l'.vinv.-ijnsnturday afternoon i very pleasanl iiartv of nhoiit seveniy were gnth ■-red Hltilbsou'it tlrove, W'heiv u delielous chow din-was snivel, mid nn nitci noon ■>!' great enjoy incut was pasn-il. The tlinukx of all were due b Hon. Moses T. Slevens,.!. II. D. Mmilh, Ks,,. mid Oliver Stevens, K-.|., who did so imir.h i< make It such n Jolly oenaslon. The party lln .,_, A^.


The suli-criher ha* hired Iho elder mill hitherto L-cupled by Henry A. I lay ward, and will eary

„n ihu business of making cider. A share of the

""•"" ■""""■• 't;r;w£"j."HArwA»„. Andover, Aug. It, leil. 'la

rpWO NEW JtltefcOoyi for sale. Ap- 1 I

JOSEPH ABBOTT HAS 8TH11K08- lillMC VIBWttof public building* In Ando

ver, and a good assortmeiilof other flowa. Also SU-reo.icopes,L'hromna, rictures, Frames, Brack- tie. Curtain*, Fixtures, Cards, elc

Andover, June 1U 1«4. 'tC


James M. Crablree, general uuderUker. Park Street, Andover, residence Kiioch Ahbolt's, " nee of Klin and Summer streets.

Andover, June HI, 1874. 'If


rent down behind Ihe lav off hill', tipping with ils rich *nd in. II m light a tinge of beiiulv <>n the lii'iiulilul hike which bor- ders this charming grove.

HlUTHIiAV ANSivausvitv. Col. Thrrnn John- son was Mil years old on .Sunday Hie (Ith inn., and all Saluidiiy iilteinnini and evening hi* many friends in tills and adjoining towns no I lei-ted at hi* house to pay their respect* and extend the hand orcongratulalliin and good wishes to their respected friend and lellnw eitUea. The list iva- long of caller*, nu.l would have licen longer Mill hadthe fad liem geiifrally known that it was t.'ol. .lohiison's sith birthday, and that he ,i.t. nl Inline le.'cii itn; IIM fi ieiol-. Time lui- dealt gently with Col. .lohnson nml he is aa fresh aildehlKtie liodilv nml nl:ill\ n- luosl nun that are many yearn b!s Junior: a gunllemau presenl remarkc.l to me thin Mr. Johnson looked iiulle like his father at Til years of age. That OUT UH.HI irlend innv enjov lminv moi <• golden year*, and at last receive the cvcilii-llux crown, la llie wish of the writer.

CiiL-ncii MaW«JM-*-At ihe tJongregntlonnl church, on Hnnilnv, ihe pastor, Bov, Biilus V. Flaatg, after nn iiliscncc of live weeks, preached to hi* own penidii from hi* own puljilt. The large eongregalioii cultured attested now glad were they nil to see their piiMniat hmnn again, Mr. r'lagg prencbrtl Iroin lliese words, "Meilllntu

" --* a sermon full or fresh

ltev. Horatio lirnv, uliiiii-le.l n gooillv number at the Town Hull, where K|.i-r.i|.nl MTHHM uevc held, lie piH-selie.l Hoiii the winds or Ila v Id in the 101 I'salm, "I will sing or n.eieyand Jud) meat." At the Ciiluulnn i■liureh the ltev. H. ( Hunting, of Havenjiori, Inwn, preached an able mid eloquent sermon, where hu had the closest alien lion of his hearers.

F. 811EPARD, M. D. Ilonatropatulst.

Itc-iilnn en nd Ufflceat Mr. NaUiau Kiln eel. Orders may bo left at the ~ Kim House.

six mouths

necllng it with Stoning ton and Narrugansell l'ier, what may it not become in point of success and popularity? To ride In a drawing room car along Ihe shores of the Atlantic without dust, and, who knows, pei haps without noise, save thai of the

I'H, and your vision only bounded by the hnri- would be almost aiiial to

OOUtt) II' » A BALLOOX, no doubt aorae would prefer It to a trip of kind. Probably the latest aolourners here

. be ex-Uov. and Mrs. Catlln, of Hartford, who have been here lor many years. 6>ooa the door* or their homely but hospitable collage will be dosed, aud, with the cricket -'—'

If by, Watch Hill will gn to sleep for another nine

the cricket singing In the long .jlden rod nodding Its graoelul corner* and Ihe white sails going

Main ilBro or at

Andover, June II. M71. if.

■ ui... i ib.-i- offers fur suit- hi* land and build- ngs. lloonitals of a stoty am) a ha^house with Ight rooms and a basement, In good repair, and

i dry cellar, a well ofexcellent water, and a small

a picket fence. The houau Is nloely shad- M with elms, and Is suitable ftir oae or twa fam. Illea or for a (warding house. Th* estate Is pleas anlly located on ttlver Street, and Is but live min,

-" --bnols,churches, wool- property wlill lie sold

heap as the owner' I* about leaving the place-


lia* been duly appoi estate of

I.KOIK.K SMITH, lute of Andover, In the county of Essex, house- wi ighlileeeased.U! tale,ami hastAkeii upon himself thai trust liv giving bonds, U the law directs. AT iiersons having demand* upon the estate ol aald deceased are raunlreil to exhibit the same: and all persons Indebted to said estate are culled mum m nuike pay meat to

USOBUE F08TEB. Adiiiinislralor.

Andover. Sept. 1, UTi. aepHIM

DKHOOIATIO OAUO I.I.- democrat* held weir caucus ni oietens null on Monday evening, when Iho lion, MosesT. Steven* was elected chairman or the meeting, anil Mr. John ('lark wn* made aouretarv. Moses T. Steven*, Thomas M Tf.oliy, Isaac V. (I,good nml Horace Whit- i onib were elci led ilelegnin.i tu tin- Stalo conven- tion, and to Ihe C.>n«rc--loii:il, Councilor and County convention-, flic billowing gentlemen w,.,.. selenle.l; 'f. M. Tooliy, A. I). Carle tun, B. V. McQueaton nod J. II. Allen. To thu Senato- rial con volition, S. l". M. flticston, Joslah Wheat, M.T, SUivens, T. M. Toohey. The town rom- mltteu were re-el.>cled whirl, cnnslsta or T. M, Toohey, 8. V. McQuoslnii, Horace wiilteomb, Jo- slah Wheat nml lieorge \V. llould.

It was the largest democratic, caucus that has boon held fot mm u than twenty years. Tim del- egates to the Stub1 c iiiviiiiimi were Instructed to vole for Hon. u us ton for Oovernor.

combination of literary and musical exerchws, Mrs. C. K. Oaua or Sew York, an necompllsheil Elocutionist.Kiive i-ei el ill choice selections nl read- ing, closing wifh II cbsini br sLel,h "The Quaker Widow" by llaynnl Taylor. Mr. Edward Kobin*on of Boston,wlm is passing Hie Summer at Ihe Man- sion House In Andover, gave two recitations. Urn first being a Selection from David CopperieM which wan pcrle. Ilv icinlcicl, even Dickens him- sell never rend ll lietler. and Mr. Bnhlnson'* reel- UUon, " Sam's letter to l.ont Dundreary " brought down the house, Mr. Boblasaa's del in e- .,..« -__ .........1.1..^ H, l.,,-r,tl nn,l 1 lisi',* nripr


Notice l*1iereby given that the subscriber has IHCII .iiilv i.iiiHilnWsIsyiialnUlraloref IheesUteor

HAMKI. DOMOVAN, Ute of North Amlorer, la th* county of Essex, lalMirer, doeascd, and baa taken upon hluiselfthai trust by giving bond*, aa the law direct*. All in Trim* having demands upon the estate of said deceased are rciuired to exhibit the same; and all persons Indebted to aald estate are called upon b make payment f

Indingto hi* wife, who died since - her mcnioi v slill being held >_w.v«»> ■■■■■■. During the day ho took his usual walk aiouud town, and seemed as well as common. Tin doctor uroiicunccit thu cause of hi* death paraly- sis of the in nit- His nge waa 711 years. Uriel luuerul services wore held at the house ol Mr. Junny, Thin wluy ntlcrnoon, alter which thu re mains were lorwarded hi llradrord, Vl., the Cornier residence or deceased, where, alter fun oral ceremonies, Ihe body wan interred, "ui well known townsman, John A. Ilbknell, Is alx

aon-lu-law ul in. deceased.

'I'm: ruiA'ITa.—Bev. Ueo. J. Judkins, the paa- ir preached un i-vcillent discourse al llio Melh-

_en church, Sunday ulleruoou, trom Urn text: Tpu lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slolhlul servant, thou knewest Ihal 1 reap where 1 sowed not, and gather where I have not strew ed : Thou oughlotl, Iherelure, hi put my money lu the exchanger*, and then al my coming 1 should have received mine owu with usury?'—Matt: xxr: 9U-37. Tim central thought of the discourse was, that tiod holds each individ- ual responsible to tlie trust repined in him. The u-tt rrprescuts a man making ttrrangi incuts for u Journey into a far countiy, who rallo almut him ma servauU and commits to their care his lands, flocks, houses aud muney, In improve on tlie in; unlo one giving Ove taleut , lo a. other two,aud so on, according to thu several servants' ability — each servant a ucHiillu portion or his estate. A r- 'er a lapse of tiiuu he returns and iin,ulrts or hi, ervauls—as the business man would under like—as to the condition ol his estate.

This parable illustrates the responsibility resting on us n* Christian*. Thu excuse lor nun fulfil nit of duty, that the mastor is a hard muster to rve, clearly •leiuouslrile* that so much the ire should be ie,|iili-ed of Ihe unprotllab.c ser-

vant. Hod place* man under the law ami hulds iliu to the keeping ol lu Where Ihnru is no re min.lbility ihvre is no freedom—the law of re- ijonnlbillly Implies freedom. Human laws mark mt lor man a line of conduct and the rouae-

riueucusol that conduct. Those who havenanied the name of Hie Lord have assumed the rvsponsi. billty or Improving on that which was given the,in as their portion. Each son of man who has ac- cepted the call of the Lord cannot excuse himself lor neglect ol the rei|Ub emeats of religion, tloxt's people are responsible lo him for his creative and preserving power, and let them sou to It that they -illghi noi the duty thus imposed upon tlieni. ;hrlatians should not shift Ibclr re*|mnslbllity up

parasite* who pie) upon its vitality. Thl* re- spousiblllly admits ol no aubstitulc. The t|uar lotte, composed or Mr. II. t). Webster, conductor- Mr. Allierl Smith, Misses K. S. Maaon and Emma Toiler, rendered some vury floe muiic during Ihe services. Mis* Mason has a sweel and melo- dious voice and ranks very high as a soprano. The soclelv mav « ell led proud of such a quar teite. At Uielnlversallsi ehnrch, Sunday evin lug. Bev. W. W. Ilaywanl discoursed from Ihe text, "Our Father, which art In Heaven."—Malt: -•l-u. The preacher commenced by saying that t was a fact admitted by every one that men In

all ages have had some Idea or a Being Who pre- sided over their destinies. II was but natural that ll should be so, From Ibc earliest lo Ihe, t period of our lives we constunlly feel our- ■elves to be dependent creature*; hence, no mat- ter how low or degraded a man may be, he has a (Joil whom he worships, but he Invests hla "~ '

ENGLISH OPERA. MARTHA. Thl* well known end brllllat I

Opera will be given in full, by the Boston Opera Company, la full costume, tic. Th* tronp

?riae Miss Clara II. Nickels, aoprano j Flora I. Barry, contralto; Mr. Charlea If.Ulark.lenor; Edwards. l'«»--"n. basiu; J, A. Hows^i, yUulsl PRODIGAL BON. A brilliant opt.* w he

presented for the flrst time, with fuileo*- tumes, choruses and orchestra. Thl* will trove

or iho grandest lea tores of the entire mnrae.


sterling company i.aa been ohtalied al great ex pence, and wiP present one oribdr first hue entertainments, with full oaat of tie com.

pany. Thl* flne organization ha* won tbeadml- raliun or our people, and Is always groelcdwlth crowded houses.

Twelve Spleii Entertaimnnts Ils-glulug Oct. Till, t loatatg Jan . *lh.



Armstrong's S|ieci:iI ilargaln* In

Black Alpacas and Brilliaiitiiics.

Our uuallty UT el*., la a

I'.- i-l. ■■■! Gem in Quality nndColor.

Our stock of drea* gooiU Is complete In every department, consisting of all the novelties of thu aeaaon,lu


We also offer a flne line ol

Mcfcltjo, aud Yak Xjat^DBi


Cut Glass Beads to Bead Lacee*

"WOOLLBUS For MEaie* and llo> • IVrar.

In KI i ut variety and at very low prices,

oi■« arocK ia

LARGE, AUD ma f'Hici.aiARR

L O W . G. D. Armstrong,

289 ESSEX STREET* marltU



AND SAGUENAY RIVER, Via tat* Ifaw Moialrcal aud ■••ton Air

Lbs* aud Pass mil |>.lr Bcllroad.

Passing on the way Lake Winneplsseogre, the White Uounuln lUnge, Passutupsic Uiver Val- ley, Crysul Lako, and the tireen MounMlu*. aeatopjiortnulty for one of the llm-i and moat inlcreiUng Pleasure Trii>s to be taken on iho Continent. On and after AII/IIM loth, until fur- ther notice, eaeursion tickets, good until Sovem- berflrsl, will be sold al the following Itedu.-ed Uates:

Lawrence to Ifewport on Lake Him. l>hrriuagoK ■«* rilsru, •IO.a.1 Lowreuee to Montreal and r*t., 1R.OO

QMkN •• lS.BO " via. Koaureetl to Ignc-

bee ana rttara, nDaOO tgMobeo to (igaraar Blrar A ret.( B.OO

Tlckeu are good to atop over at any point along tlie Line. Pet panoramic pamphlet, giving .liacr.ntjon of routes and time tallies, and ait par tieular information and tickets, apply to





—It —

Nantasket Beaoh, Hinglmiu, Hull, • Melville Garden, Downer Landing.

Iteamer* Oov. Andrew, new, Rote Stand.ih and John Romtr, leave Daily eaoept Sundays,

■"or Hingham Hull at • A. M., ll.lfl, a.SO and

for Downer Landing * JO. 3..10 and 3.3U I-. It

I'or N.miii.ket Uuaeli a 1 JO aud 3 p. n.

1 0 and 10.30 A.

!>.10 and

at, U.1.1,

. M., 9.10,

BOATS FlIB BORTOIf. Leave Klngham at end A. M.. l.iW.SJMi

and n. ID p. M. Leave llownor Landing at TJSand 10.10 A. H.

M.1S, 1.10,1, S.-J0 and u.ta p. M.

^»r. a." ""' 10:a *■ "' 1J0, *" an

Leave Nantasknt Beach at H awl lo.« A. ■ 11 m "* 'ami li.lD p.M,

Fare 25 Centi each way. * (MOATS.

Leave Uoston for Nantasket Beach at 10.30

Leave Santa.kct Deaoh for Boston at H M., 3.30

Leeve Boston fur I in. *5 A.M., j.r. r. nd Downer landing at

l**\*. "wwn°r I-aniling for notion at 11 in A and 5-1.1 r. w.

rare on 8anday* f l.oo the round trip, including admission to UelvlUe Uanlen.

NT A UK Ks WUITON, Agent. Mo. t laws'! Wharf.


Il)d»*l?a ttBI 'lIl'l*fi'wujJM»T '•4OA*J teed JOI sauaqt

till* liajpnos aamiuuiaj JO aieuy (ei^in v

•MpJQ 0/

Sutpiojg puo3un^Of!tseutpD^ •aonna

noil* in pu* ajaei ,ii|viiibsa)soiu ni[| i|]i.e,,ii.eiv

S9SS9J0 uoi(4d33y puv Suippaft -^JD^

'uneaoui tq ,n.i ■■ is i ui■■,I atoio pue ■■ ■ . i, i i|, ; | p,,u ,**rtnr-]

NHVO'I) tlhlv «:■««:(II,I .-.iitiii-irtiiini.t i-iiw

*«1T)n.')Oiuonntnie»p3ri-»»<l.fnd|p,*\oqti»J0qAi •sHSUte'T |«1|. IJI.JJ |flt i,,,,^,,,

BpnofJJ p[0 .(.HI Mt Ol p»»*a[il aq ppioM pu*

suaai-xva svoia any sgana u!ino|i[-n.4 p.u.iodnij 1-. • j i.- - j ii|| (|,!

qrt«1'ojL M>KUIOJI pjnin]j.nsnf*enoqs)uiix

ilPApiB mmi jo sspi »HJ u| .. i.n. XuiuiJjU.rtJ |.|

'osi<n»is HUSHlIM

IN OIJ.'t.K[M: 111

SANGUINAR UM To Ibe people of the world I will say: I'l'in

no other preparation or medicine I have ever compounds! have I bestowed so much thouuht and care as upon this. Fur Un years 1 was lu- I'essanllv experimenting; making and trying new .loiupuunds until 1 roaohed this satlslnclory re- sult. The asserliin madu heretofore In my notices dial tliis !■ the btstconxi, preparation ever made, , ... -. .vuDtr-OAr •■i«,»t>lna- In the least degree. Were it kept In every drug store, and were .-vary physician toprescrliie ll ■■■ pnlnninav enmplaliits, adding a little syrup of •,lul||s orlpeeae when more expectorant elfeoU are wanted. 11 would save 111 em much trouble In e.nnpouiiiiiug syrups, mid give them result* to eh* lelactlon. I hare it. Hnrking> sfter lime with the l,e.i prepaiiiilons |u use- and I pledge my word Hint it «ill succeed In twenty .lues as mnny cases as nny other J o~l"iiunl """

BOLTON'S 2,000 yds. "Waterproofs,

at 50 cts., worth SI, i\ tiiti.i:\, nr.ri: AND BLACK.

■lust received two Balea of

BROWN COTTON, AT5& 6IS per yard (good roillnlnf.) ,

ONE CASE MORE OF PRINTS At 6 1-4, Good for Comforters,

They go last, cnll and eectirc some of

these bargains.

We have in stock alt the d I Herein grade* of

Cotton Flannels, from 12 1-2 up.

We have Just bought am! will'show nexl week the largest stork ml

ever aeon ia Lawrence and at *urh low prices that will command n'ready sale,

100 pairs, at $2.50,



for 25 cents per yard,

(told In notion 8lorea at30 cU.)

HOSIERY, and a General Line of Small ware* al



at low prices.

Inspection Invited to evaniine the largest and heapest stork of dry goons In Lawrence.

Remember the Addreit.


Sal door lY.mi Post Osllrc»


id on p.ilini Fraaral*.




.\EW FALL (iinilis




Family Bewintr Maohinua on Earth

The celebrated vrorhl-renowned




Of P. B. llOBlMNOM,

••1 Baaoa ■!*-**(.

matW rc-ulta

Onu.—We have rretlved a letter from Hi W. M. Uryce, of M - i s ■ I - ■. Bristol county, Tex- as, iiiiniiuiiiing the sudden death oi Mr, H. B. Thompson, formerly of Lawrence, from the ef- fect of exposure to the foul air while In a well. Mr. Bryco write* a* loilowi i

Mr. Thompson hail resided here for the past three years, and Ills upright character, kind mid polite deportment had won the highest re- gards of all who Knew him. He wa* honeit, kind and charitable, "doing unto other* as he would have them do to him." Every attention wa* given to hi* remain* by hi* friend* and ac- quaintance*, wbu sympathise with hi* lather, mother, and Bisters, (residing, a* understood, In Lawrence) at the lot* ol Mich a eon and broth- er. The death of ttieb a mania the prime of life la a lo** to any -nuiinuniiy.

Mrii.mi IIOOBH, stationery and fancy good* at ■■ 11 ri 11 ■ II i'- paper hanging store.

Yesterday tho ihoe factory of Alanao Note Farmington, N. ll , and liable and I. to the Mechanics hotel, were dittroyed bjflre; loai #7.i,000.

Swedish Help hat supplied many hundred New England famllic* wiib Ballafactory *erviee. Mr. h. i I'lno.l, wb tee card appears In our paper M-day, ieavei for Sweden *oon to secure thl* desirable data of help. a&t

To LET, to man and wife, or single men, American*, furnished lodging room*, In house ll.'iNowbury atreet. 13ull

.. new line of Dent's Hulllngt In splendid good*, this day opened by BVKON Tarau. ft. Cn.

Tarson'* Purgative Pill*—beet femllv phyelc. Sherldau's Cavalry Condition Powder*, lor hofte*.


('■rtiflrataa for leate *o]d by auheoripbon ai otratton'* alore, on and after Matarday, Stp. 10

tl the I'lsu of il,« Hall will be Opined Mat in da> , Oet. Sd, at S o'clock, p. ui.

I'suxx*: — He tits. II Dennle Horse, J. Irving- Beetle, Wm. M. Hteilman, Leon I. Harlwcll, and William Kimball.

_ the Supreme Judicial Court, next It hulden at Salem, within and for the Luuuty ol Kssex, ou lue ilrst Tuesday of Noveuilier, A. " 1B71.

Itespcctfulty represents lieorgiana Hanson, l.imiiiiiv In said county, that she waa lawfully married to Loren ». Hanson, luimerly or said Lawrence, butnow of lieorglaville, Ithiult 1-laini, at North Berwick In thu 8tale of Maine, on tlie 3d


I* warranted a sure cure lor

RHEUMATISM. LVBUBALGIA NlliT Joints, Pain In Joints, or Limits, Hprttlna, Cramue. lilt. -, Mti„iis, Pain In the Fatee, Sid* or Back, Cnla, It rulici, Ml i alas, Ilu rus, Ni a 1,1 *. rle.

It ha* never failed lo cure UHKUHATISkt or NEUKALUIA.whoreatliorough trlul has been given. The following are a few of tho toatimo. ntala whleh we are coustnntly receiving ire those who have usod It:

LAvTKMCB, Hay if, 1KT4. Thl* ia In certify that 1 have every soring, for

the last four year*, licen eulic.teil with mil anima- tor!' rheumatism, which has ennllned me to mi

*■ Thla

thumping a

ul August, li -. .1 your' tulhetl

d 1.on o uttsrly tie- Mertlon liaseontin-

nihig this libel, and since said .in.ii your lihellam ued tu the time or filing this libel, and since aald Istdayol August; aud during the continuance


Sotlce ia hereby given, that the subscriber ha* been duly appointed administrator of the estate of Charles Ciimmlngs, late of Andover, in the County of Essei, fitrmer, doceatod, and has Liken upon himself that trust, by giving Ismids, as the law direcU. All persons having demands uuon tho osUle of aald deceased are tMMni to exhibit tho same; and all iwrson* indebted "> said estate in ii culled upon akii j.a.vinenl lo

HKI'lfKN It. 1-OaTltit, Adm. Sept. Nth, l»T4. sepllMt

NR. UllU.DS, .IKWKLI.KH, with •John J. Brown. Watcbea, clocks aad >cwel-

rv repaired in Ihe best manner and warranted. Particular attention paid to line watch repairing.

Andover, Sept. II. 1871- Into

respectfully • oil cited. Andover, May W, IB7*. EBKM B. TVLEB.



KING.-ln thl* city. Hep. Hd, a daughter to Mr, A Mi... E. W. King.

KiS<;.- In ibis city, mi the M ln*t, a daughter to Edwin W. and Jen nle M. King.

EATON.-In thla city, on the 6th Inst, a «on to Sir. aud air*. Ja*. 11. Ealon,

IK>MINiqUE.-lnihf* city, on the Tth imt, a daughter lo Mr. Napoleon Domlnhiue.

IttmCHRR.—In thl* city, on the eth lu*L, a eon lo Mr. Joseph Itoiiclirr.

of aald desertion the aald l.nreu has comuilllcd Ihe cHme ol adultery at said Usorglavllle, with a certain lewd woman whoso name Is to yoar libel, lant uuknown. Wherefore yuur llhellanl piays that a divorce Ironi Ihe bond ol muirinimiy be- tween her and the said l.oien, may ho decreod tu uer, and for auch oilier and further order* a* Jus- tice may require.

UaUHl at Lawrence, tlie Mill day of August, 1ST*. CEOHUIK IIANSOS.


Supreme Judielal Court, Clerk's otic*, August tMIl, IHlt. In vacation altar April fcin, A. I) , i»:t.

I'uun the foregoing libel, ordered, that the said Milan! give notice to said Loren n. iiaa.on. liv iiislug an attested oopy of her said Hbul, ant m ill order thereon, to be published lu Oie Law

rence Aktaaii'AN, Uireo weeks sucoesilvelv, the last publication tube thirty days at least More the next term of Ibis court, to lie held at Sal, in, within aud fur the CouuU of E**ex, onth* ili.-i Tuesday of November next, ami by seading lu said Loren a. Hanson, by mail, postage era pin I, a copy of the newspaper containing sai.i eopy and order of court, dlrocled to him at said (ieoi glavllle, Rhode Island, that he may then and there appear, and show cause, If any he has, why the

rayer of aald libel should not be granted. AtUst, AXVEIrJ A. AllBOTT.L-lerh.

The foregoing H a true eopy ol said Ibel and of the order thereon. aMlgj



ships, hut almost invariably with a character agreeable

habit* of life. Kudo and savage nations worship goda, ciuel and vindictive like them- selves. They believe their gods to delight in devils of war and bloodshed, that they are actu- ated by hate and all Iho gross passions of human nature. Hueh a being may be lea red buthecau- not be loved. It remained for him who spoke the words or the text to reveal more clearly the true character or the Supreme Being. We were taught by the master lo address him by tho endearing nnuiuof Our Falberwbicli art in Heaven. He Is uot a tyrant who seek* his own happiness at the expense of his dependent creatures. But who are those who are taught tu pray lu our Father which art in Heaven? Are they exclusively the learned,

lUi:KKlt-JOSE8.-InB*rwiek, He., Sept. 8th IIH. by the Bev. Clark Carter, Hr. Jame* K. HkkerorUrealKall,, N. H., and Mies Mary A, June*, of llerwlok.

HENUEltSON-IHiBOlN.—In this city, by the Ilev. Clark Carter, July HOth, Mr. Ctiarle* IL Henderson and Miss Ellen J. Uurgln, both of HavertailL

Mi it \ K t i ii Hi.- In till* city, by Rev. Joshua Colt, Mr. Win. Mi-llae and Ml** Llxsle a. Cook.

KIMBALL—COPP.—In Hethuen, Seut Id, bv Bev. Ceo. J. Judkins, Hr. Charles r. Kimball of Salem. Ss II., ami Hiss Martha B. Copp, ol Melbuen. CUOVEKN-Nl) by ltev. Joshua , aiiss Bsrah L. Nugent, all uf Lawrem

all the children 01 f io.1, and eijunlly the ohJoeU of hla care and love? Tho speaker continued by demonstrating tho universality of Cod's love, and that the heathen even wero heard bv him in their supplications lo their unknown god. W hut it may ue asked, Is tho all powerlul influence that binds man to hla Maker and his fellow men ? Thuanswer is oni-.n-.i'i in flu- i i-"i ""■ i"1. loved disciple: i«id Is love, and he that ilwelluib In love dwellelh In Cod snil Ciod in him. Wbciia brother stray* Ironi the path or virtue Into forbid- den ways we seem to forget that to bring him back we must treat him with consideration and kindness. Our father's love nhonli animate u* lu trying lo save tbe young man wno Is on the downward road to disgrace and ruin. I-el the truth Of the text sink deep Into our hearts, may we all feel that II Is indeed true that wt the children olonu Fathrr; Hint though some may e'en Id be more highly lavorcd than others, nev- ertheless, We are traveling lo a common home, where the artllVial distinction* that we fee around ua here will bo known no more; where we shall be permitted to ill around tho table of

n.KNT.- lo this city, Sept.Sd, s Colt, Mr. Peter McGovern and

room from nine to Ilileen weeks. This spring I was attacked In the same way; my lolnla were nearlr all enlarged and swollen, and 1 was snf ferine severe pain, wllh great fever. A friend In. iluceil me to make a trial of the California Lini- ment, he having been cured himself, and know- ing of many oilier* who had Imen cured by Its use. I sent for Mr. Salisbury, tlie discoverer or the Liniment, to vlalt me which he kindly did, and applied the Liniment, with the unrtl lavora- hh> results. The palu waa Boon rellevnti, and in four days, having used four bottles, 1 was able tu he out uf door* at work In my garden. I havt used nearly six large bottles In all, and nm now well anal heartv. I earnestly ree.i mini end It tu every person BBIICU*! wllh i, for I do iielleve that it Is the best remedy In the world lor that dreadful dLease.

J, H. SMITH, No. it Sargent slifu-t. Lawrence, Haas.

. nn.I have been for the last It years, lev of the Lawrence Ua* Co.]

LawnKxi'g, April 11, ISTL] . ->'*¥■

DfcAMSIM'-ram suffering from that awful Oh r»«c, rheumatism, and have seen your advertise- ment,! wish you tu call at No 10, Valley .street.

. njspDiuibk- for every ... lliet Ibid thibfiirt-pnrauuii BOV?MM>

untie and laboratory, 70 Drcen nltsl.on free In all chronic diseases.

lliisrii-., Mi"., Aug. Hi, !-. i. ni!..'. I.n i ue. i. .'i -II 1 liave UMHI your

remedy for consumption, as ll ii railed by my family nhyslelan, and I must say It Is the llr-t tiling Uai ma relief. The first noitlc 1 look rtlicved me s.niiueb, an.l 1 rustoil so luueh uetter *> night, that I Have guiuv.i tweulvllv, pound*, and fi-el mysell cnlirelv will. If Ihb will be ol any benefit to you you are at liberty to use It In i.i v way you see ill.

I rcniiiu y,uii>, most i c-i.ectfnlly, Ml'-h l I.Alt \ LAIIIIA FOX,

No, I'., t\, |,..,,,,: I ..8. k*>brother, also, has MM lour Imllles

for ncrvom debility and 8t. Vitus'daiioe, whleh bo lias beoi. troubled wllh lor eight years, and be is gaining npldly.

HolTOK.Mass., August HI. 1MT1. .J. Llvewimi^-DearHIr: This Is loaay I uiketi ttriw h.itUi" or vuur Maiigiiinarlum snoral dihilln. 1 was not sick, hut not well.

rxiii'iiN lv dlasy nboul tbe heaili Msling in my hack—well,it la liaiil Inkow I did feel; but I havo taken

three bottles aad n*w I can work, eat well, and am all right. You may be sure I will never "'^"^'"^ ^ Jons niiKSKUi

No. 75, Wevorley streeL l'.ft.-Mo*!n]lthemon la tbe shop are tuking

your 11 M now, since I have got well. KvjtutTT, MAM., Ang tX I8TI11

IIH. LlVKRrWil.—Hear «lr : MayUod bless you. Yon have saved mv life. I hnve been n nurd drinker all mv llfp, and had a verv severe attack some Ore years agn. then my physician lold me Ifl ever had a similar attack ul ihe kind It would result in doalk. Hut, being la tlm |iresene4< nl some friends, I was prevailed upon in Hike n drink, ami 1 <nd so, which brought on another nf Ihnsc severe nervous attarks which you so kindly relieved me ot ho now, when I am mm.tU-.l lo tske a drink, 1 think Of your Hanguliiarlnni, and 1 Will touch It to my tongue and mat slops nil de- sire fur rutu. I sleep well mil never will I touch another drop. May Cod bless yon. 1 imanin

• me, with my blessing, tour hum Me servant,

W1LLIAU PALY. Hover street, Everett, Haaa.

Bt>*Ton, Haas., Aug. 11,1H7L Hu. I.n I..inmi, Dear Sir: I hope this will bo

of bcnulll to rheumatic RtiBornrs. I have used

A. \V. KTKAHNB 4 CO. AHE OI'KNIHO FnlI Assortuirnt >rsfr» ftrren Uood*.

A. W. Htrarus eV Cm. are opening a Full* of New aiid_Klcgniil Rhswl*.

A. W. airarai A Co. are opening a largo

Stock of New Carpets, A. W, Kttarns * Co. are opening their

Urusually Large Sunk of llaaktu, Klan- ■i. I., rtt'., el Very Low Prloe*.

A. W. lUarat A Co. have tbe heel assort meat of Brown and Bleached Cotton*. Table Linens, Napkins, etc.

A. w. aUooevna 4 to. will offer Choice Styles of New Print* and Gingham*. Coltoa flan- nels, etc.

A. W. Stoarais * CMh havo tbe Cheapest Line of BLACK SILKS they have ever offered, in this city.

, W. Klvarns * Co. have rwelveil their fall and Winter QLOVRS and HOSIERY, for Ladies, dents and Children.

A. IV. Slurs, A Co. woulu Invite your utton- lion lo their largo and woll (elected slock ol LACES, IIAHBL'HUS, GIMPS, Trimming*, Ladles Neck Wear, Small Ware*, tic.

A. W. tusrai *V Go. would aay to the Gentle, men, iliai we shall oiler fur your Inspection one of the Largest and Flaeit Stools of WOOLENS ever shown In Ihls city, and all


And wc are prepared to Cut and Make up in a* Uood 8tj le and Klni-h aa Ile-Um or else whoie, at

Very Much Lower Rates.



U 111 I.- •"»"«• «he Most Fashion-*"*

lU.** «•» tho l.n,iirs to have <*••»» Wsnrat ■ton.< In nil its *-«*tehes.





rHUKlTK COCBT. Totheheirsatlaw,nextorklnandallother)ier*onB

InUrested in the estate of llavid Sputr.tale of Lawreuee, in said county, gentleman,daeeaseil.

Greeting: Whereas a net tain Instrument purporting tu la1

Ibe last will and testament of said dc-eased lias been presented to said court, for probate, by Joseph Greenwood, who prays that letters tes tameutary may be Issued tu him the egeeutur therein named,

You are hereby cited tu ap|tcar at a Probalu Court to be held at halem, in said county of Esaei. on tbe trst Monday of October next, at alne o'clock before noon, to show cause, If any you have, against the Mate.

And said Joseph Greonwood I* hereby directed lo give public notice thereof, by publishing this citation once a week, for three successive weeks, in the newapsper called lite Lawrence American and Andover Advertiser, printed al Lawrence, Ihe laat publication to be two days, at least, be- fore said court.

W i ii ii > I n M. tiiucii, Bent. Mh, Mr. Timothy L. Wooii, aged U years.

SAWYKU--In Hethuen, SepL tnh, Mr. Elliott r. Sawyer, aged K years.

uoYLK.-ln this elty, Aug. tmh, of eousuwpllon of the bowel*, Mr. John Doyle, aged II year*.

NOYES-ln Andover September i*ih,l* red eric | Noyes, aged tw years, 10 months, 13 day*.

CATE.—In thl* city, September Ulh. Clara A., ,laughter of Herbert T. and Emma Cat*, aged a mouth*, 19 days.

STBtlUT.—In this city Sept Mh le7«, Erank S. .-•ii .mi aged 4* yrs. I mos. lklays.

8MITlI.-Iitthlsclty,onUn7lblns. , Bobert K. Bmith, aged 40 years, 7 mos. and fi days.

ri.I'MMER.—Inthia city, Mrs. Hannah Noyes, wife of Nalhau T. Plummer; agod to* years M months, 10 day*. Newnuryuorl paptr* copy.

S1.BEPEK.-In Hethuen August ill, Haute George daughter of William anil Jennie U. Sleeper r—*

or said Court, this nth day of September, Kiar one thousand eight hundred sod seventy

ur. aeplllat '"^ 1.1".in-.i i ,

n cur* that worst or lours Ac,

J. C. WADIJUHH. >, I havo II-.■■ I the Callr.irnla

nd wonderthl waa ila ef.

..avlngi>een the recipient of a large, IsnX-.- lul and Ilrst class trade rrom the good people oI Lawrence, Mcthuen, Andover, and ailjolninr

*, during the last Ilileen years, In arknowl ...„.niont of Ihe same, I hereby extend my sin cere gratitude for all past fnvors and exceedingly liberal patronage. As n further expression ' ll- ii.V , I shall


Glva a ticket to each customer,




.... Iho different stylos. the prices will he awarded to Iho lucky number M soon as tbe tickets are given away.


Fiiiarr-ri.AHS LIIVK or uoo»s,

i-.i. si.i i.



C'K.Wi-... ..tpp r,u. the bottom or I llinl l HMe-.; price -. . . ,tJ|)llN

I . HOW A l.'ii's <»H-kcry anuT.L""^.! ~lji^ IWi Eases -i.



Martha's Vineyard,

Vi WooifsHole.

Only Bevsn Miles Bteam Psrrisss— Nu Sea Sickness.

Express Trains Running Along- side the Steamers,

And no Change of Cars.


liclne, called Ihe fSnnguln- , and 1 say, without

iono me inoicu n.l he doctor* since Uie death ol my old Isiui.y pliy- .Iclan, nverten vear* ago. Let every ono ra 1

ue and I will i. II tliem all ahom your men- I H-III:IIII, ■, .oi truly,

Ulnb llAltltlKT USGOOl). No. B I'lymouth Place, Itoston City. Kvery l i ■ warranted. Hold by all drug-

gists every where, and if he fails to get It, go tu U rive, Irst-elass druggist, that will.

IW.J LIVBKTIHH. A CO., I'roprlelors and i;»nsrsl Asf.aU, 1» Green atrti-t, llu.lon, Mass.

George C. Isooilnin, I Lino ver slroel; ItUst, Itrolhers A llinl, Hnmiver streel; 1,11mtin Urns., Washington street, Wliole.ule Agents for New Kngland. tlyitHum

(#14 I'.. • Rtrsssi


Exoui'siou Tickets. It tnon to Oak llluffs and return, Itoston to Nantucket and return,

11AGUAGK CMKCKBD THROUGH. Loavc llosion, Old M1M ""; ft**"

.ml Km eland slrecU, for Oak »lufa nn.IK ale- nia.ilnllf, (Snnday'* execptcd) e.l», ll.SOBa. *.

"r-orNaiitt'ieketdaily, (Sunday's exrepted 1IA0 Y\ A. X . also on Katnrday at i. F.x. l: ».

Trnksts lor sale at Office of *>*!) (liver Mnj, 1 OldsUUi House, Itoston; and at Olil Uniony a»*.

Ask for Ticket* via Wood's Hole. .1. B. KKMimiCK, Bupt o. c. n. tt.

June M. in.i. luIyllHmrh:

Tect Tor good; fuur weeks of Intense suffering mil no relief, and alter three application* I waa nit upon niv fiit and went about attending to mj Wines i in- ■ and pain.

Lawrence, Apr. M.

I ..'i« 11 mi', May nth, I -'" I. il. If*. SatUburg /?*y:-Your Calllomia lllu-u

iniitic Liniment caps the climax. It la far ahead of anything 1 Have over ti led, and I have tried a gooillv numlier of rcm.-dlcs. This Is loud talk, but 1 htve experienced 11* bcni-dt* for the Inflam- matory EheumBllsni, and know what I sav to be true. Yours etc.,

J. llABVar ItitiiWN. Ho,.k-toic, ■ II.. Essex street Residence, 7B

I'll ion htieet.

L*wnitNt'K, Hay Sa, lull UH. SAi.iaiiuur, Hear air:—Thl* I* to certify

that I nave been uirhct.-d with Ithciinmii-in lor a number of year*, and have tried a great inanv 1 loctors, and remedies w I thou I obtaining much relief. 1 can say with truth thai 1 havo n-eulvod

benefit Loin using your Callrurnia Klieumat- |e Liniment than from any thing I havi tried. 1'or six months previous to using yoi Liniment, my wrist was so had that 1 could n

IP.- CHARLES A. iwouiah Agent, 11 aiankford St.

Boston,Haas., visit* Sweden ihe ine.ent month, to select servants ami aoootapaoy taetn over, ram l- lie* desiring rlwedlsh or .Vanish doroeslloe will pleswe scad orders nt nine. Having brought about I.Son skilled domestics to New Kngland since ItrJI.Is the best refen-n. ■■ that •"a bo offered, send for Circular.-Best ol releroneo if desired.

HwedUh Movement Cure and i.vmnaalum si HU 'I'remoiit BL, (Music Knit entrance). Address a* above.


use It nt all. It Is now almost well. *,nd I nu „ it almut as well a-i over. Vory Trulv Yours,

MniKsG. HKHUILI.. No. S3 Ganlen street

The California Liniment which we hear so much about, Is evlilentlv an cfflrluut remedy, i-peeinlly when n-eil for Khcumatlsni, Neuralgia, uU-.., etc. Many ol our well known eltlrens have used it, and have born greally Iieuolttted by lu It differ* in all respect* from any of lbs so-callod rhrnmatht liniments, remedies, lotion*, etc., ever l»-f,ire offcre-tlo the arni.-t-l, ami will! certainly bearclosc Investigation, ll was discovered bv Mr. Gen. W. Salisbury, raita a captive among the Indians In the far wcsL Mr. Halisbury can, and will show any amount ol home testimonials Ironi many of our moat ruspucted cliiieos who have long suffered from rheumatic difficulties. Wit ihesiTiilly commend It In the public. K. II. K. Iky, Druggist, Post Office Block.

I'repared and sold Wholesale and Retail by IVTS, UU Ma, SI *• "iiu V'U, S

glass covers, |I.K)pcrdoi, without cover*, W i,„. per doi. Al JOHN C. HOW ft COS Crockery and Glass Ware Store, 109 Essex St.



sntmnt, Trad* Marks, or Designs. Til atat* At., opposite Hllby hi., Boalon,

alter an extensive praellce of upwanls of thirty ■ears, continues to swure I'alenta in tin- I'nlteil Mates) also in Great Itilbiin, Fiance, nml oilier ro.-clgn countries. Citve.ib., SiM-eiileatlons, Aisigu- menla, aad all papwi* for 1'atenU, cxneuled nn reasonable U-nn--, «iih .It nui. h. Itn.en re lies mmin to determine tlie validity and utility or Patent* ol Inventions, and legal and other advice rendered in all matter* lourhing the same. Copies of the. claims of any 1'alcnt furnished liv roiuluhij; on,- doller. Aaslgninents recordcsl In Washington.

«o~So Agency In the United Ntales possA-sne*

lining the piiU'iiUiliilm "■' Inveiilioua. '"io-.e..ily ofii)oiinii-y lo Wii-hingtoll 1-. j,n

a I'atent, nnd tls- ■•ml great delay there, .n saveil I u veil tors.

TESTIMONIALS. regard Mr. Kddy as one of iho -1 rapah

and sucjiossful praclltioiicis wllh whom I I mi bail nfUefal InU-TCuurse.

CIlAltLKs MA.iON, (.■onimln'rof 1'iiUmt* "I have no hesitation in assuring inventors that

they cannot employ n man an-rc coM/N-Onf an.l IruitKorthu, and usui! e.ipnhle ol [Oilling lliclr an- plleatlonsln a form to seeinv i«,r them an early

"Mr. tt. IT. Etiliy lia* riuileforiiicovcrTHIUTY applications for I'M tents, lunlug l«-i n succeaslnl in almost every case. Much unmi-takablu prod of great talent and ability on his purt, lends ineto recommend *l.l. Inventors lo apply lo him to pro- cure their patents, ns they way Is.'sure ■ ■ i Inning

■ raitliiUlalleiitUuitH'ilowi ' r> reii».iiiiihli'

Boston.-Ian. l.liTI.

W. Salisbury, No. 73 Nowbury St. vrmer, Mass., und b> nil Druggists.


WANTKO-A HIII for three a.lull p

llltlll tctinncllt ■ in, I1-!-' .In Ihe liiiuiiiliut.

vicinity of Mew hurv *tre,t. from fio Hi *U Address alom-e. V. V. G-, Lawrence 1'. *>.


to bum kerosene oil throe nights. KoiBalchy JNO. C. HOVTB, loll Kssex, below Jackson '"

Having leased Iho entire building, Nns. 1!« and JH7 Kssex street, and fltted It up especially for I our use, we have removed our stock of



Ai Kitchen Furnishing Goods, ' rrmn uiir nM Hlarol

No. ISO Essex Straet. AIM our MurLfor


rioiu ..I ll

Branch Store No.*S'»K»sr*Mlrcrt, (t'alraslri's lllock)

CONSOLIDATED r New -l No*. lw« and IDT I ..n KI.,

when, we are prepared b, oUcr

At ihe Lowutt Market Price*, The largest, most varhxl and Iwsl seleci.-l sb>. k of goods in Ihls illy. Hpeclal attention given lo Htovm. Kunues ami Kurnsees as ln,r«bifore, for which we have a separate department. Tin sheet Iron and oepaav work of all kinds done nl short notice.

D. N. Si 0. M. Martin, 195 and 197 Essex Street.



EGCiS FOR HATOHINO from all the Uesl turned* of Poultry-

lowl- for aulo in their nsvtuion. White Leghorns a al-aCIAbTr.


No.* Brood way, Booth Liwrence.


Avsry deslrnhl* roal*Ja»asja on Winter W. The modem two -lory house, owned by the

lute Mrs. Wcsuin, aoydnlng the estate ot haml.

M. Havis., a.sq,lsolIi oil lorlmmcllaie sale, lo

close the estate. Tbe nouse Is thoroughly bnlU.

.niii.iiiiiiiK eleven rooms; ha* a good cellar,

plunl) of shod room; well of eaoellent water,

never lading. The lot is IB by ttu feet, with a

umber ol irult trues, vines and shrubbery. Ccn- nliy located, within a few bundr_edjcel of JJ —


—SttHs: <THI: min—

Cholera. Dysentery & Diarrhea. Donl Iwll to gel I* I Only liOi-snli.

Twcntv years' experience has fully •■ i.ii.l. --"■-■--' tliu curative qualities of this prepai atioii.

ItcMreaCramut'olle. II mo.-i ■. Infantnsn. It lafH (lirnnli !►>■ sent err. ItcitresHporaillrl'holrra. Itrnrt-s llloi.dy l>j -. "I, , j . It . in ■ s I Itolrra Murbai, It nm. all Hum I ComplalnU. It ri tleadarhe. II cures ISysprpela. II ci t dig- .tin*..

Lynn, Mass. I buries. Clarke, Agcni Mr IJIW. •-, A gen oi Ul I)

id'MaTiwIi"i"'t,''aii.i'convenient to HhidBo klill^, uttering "u ii.liu'ishle oppoUulJlJ to *■

tratilu pine*, w it always Increase

I'KIIIIK K A I LOHSdN. mayb;su






Merriam's Golden Drops]

Cures Summer Complaint, and the worst form ol Dysentery. No Humbug. Toiinrt at Ihe pHn i-iinl Hi II J .ml i i'iv Mtire* In Ijiwrenee.

v JonellifSnt*




aorlCrlU ■


»■ —



A bud In the bmnd U wortb two i gpeiHM Notide^. POSTPONEMENT!


Moaqultoe* begin to realise that If tney are u hare any (ail trade, "now ii tbelr time."

A fashion correspondent diicouMca on "How we Dre»s." Shame!

Mr*. Malaprop call* the "cercbro spinal mcn- Ingili*" tbe "lenoui old come and get us."

We we romUntly told that evening wore on—but what tbe evenings wore on aucb occa- sloni we are not Informed. Was It tba close of n summer's day ;

A young lady at an examination In grammar tbe other day, when asked why tbe noon "bach- clor" was singular, blushlngly auawend, "lit canse It is singular thoy don't get married."

The editor ol a religious paper la mad be cause he undertook to state that Mr. Sjiur geoo. In hi* "Sword and Trowel," said *u am ao, and tbe primer called It "Shirt and Towel.'

An Interesting little boy, timid when left alone ID a dark room, was overheard recently by bis mother to say In bis lonelineaa, "0 don't lei any one hurt me, and I'll go to church next Sunday, and give you some money,"

A young gentleman remarked to his lady- love the other evening, "Ab! the most beaull- tul evening in my recollection. Luna look* peculiarly beautirul."

"Waathat she that jam went by V qtjckly asked the yonng lady.

A rellgtwii body having resumed to build a new church, the pastor went al>out begging very aealonsly, accepting not only the widowl but (be child's mite. In the acbool one Sab- bath, while Instructing them, be compared him- self to a shepherd, and then Inquired what the latter did with his nock. One bright-eyed lit- tle follow promptly replied,"He shears them."

A man who had Just loat three of bis too* by a railway carriage running over his foot, and was howling with pain, waa checked by a by- stander, who exclaimed, "atop your Internal din there! You make more noise over tbe loaa of your toe* than that stranger did venter- day over tbe loss of bis head."

A lady sitting In ber parlor, and engaged in tba dreamy contemplation of tbe moustache of tbe gentleman who was to escort ber and bcr stater to a musical I e* Ural, wa a suddenly awak- ened by an ominous wbiaper In a Juvenile yulce at tba door, "You've got Ann's teeth and she wants 'em"

The late Dr. Macadam used to tell of a tipsy Scotchman making hi* way home upon i bright Sunday uiornlnjr, when the good peopli were wending their way to the kirk. A little dog pulled tba ribbon from tbe hand or a lady who was leading It, and aa It ran away Irom bcr, she appealed to the first paoser-by, asking bim to whistle Tor ber poodle. "Woman," be retorted, with a solemnity of visage which only a drunken man can assume, "woman," this Is no day for wbieilln'!"

Tbe monotony of tbe political campaign In Minnesota ha* been aomewbat varied by the Svlngway ofa poleatrapon a wagon contain-

g a Herman hraas band en ronte for a 'hun- ger mass meeting. The cornet player's head went clear through the base drum, tbe cymbal man disappeared halfway into the trombone- while a keg of lager caromed on the bandmas- ter's corns, struck tbe cushion, and broke an- other Dutchman's leg. The Qrangers had no music that evening.

Tbe manager ofa French provincial theatre ha* set a wboleaoma example wblcb tbe profes- *lon might do worae than to follow. Having received so many lomplalnta Irom hi* patrons about tbe enormous height of tbo ladles' bats, be Isaued a noiloe In large letters on hi* play lull* reading thus : -The manager begs that all good-looking ladiea will remove their bats for the accommodation' of the rest ol tbe andlcnt-c. The aged, the bald and tbe plain-looking arrnnt expected to comply with Ida request. From





Monday, 30th Irate, 1871 LAST CHANCE

l UK


This Is Uio unly prompt, efficient, and safe , mil-Id lit, r-yiuptotna as loss of Bp|H-tlU-, lir.Llt.Lnri, |.i.l|>U:H■■-n ..I llie ll'mt. di/iiim-H, . .|i.|.l,--in--. inrlanrhnlv, cosliveiies*. Wind, J -* mm!,I mid iiliv.iu,] debility, us well as inany others, which, if ni '

dv" ' ears, MIIHI'IIIIK'-

plaincit food and very little of that. I tried physician* and rcmeillei. with- out ri'licl until 1 learned of White',. H,» > iwlty nu- ll v.-i.e in. ia," which hns entirely cured roc. .Signed

' MHS. It. I- tt'mr, Hnvrn, Mar---. Sl'KINiaiEt.I), Mass. Oil. IStll. Mil. WlllTK,

DBAK BtH.—Thu'"Sueeially" I* liked very i.iurli by every ooc who use it. We have sold It for two yearn, noil are not aelllni anything but the ".spec- ialty" now for Drspep'la. Yours truly,

C. P. Al.lil:s-. Price II per bottle. For sale by all druggists. Send for descriptive circular to the Proprietor,

a HIT-'!*•!mi n

'Mea Weed Toulc, and Mandrake I'll I. These medicines have undoubtedly tierformes

more cures of consumption than any other reme ily known to the American public They are i-oui]ioiiii-li-ilot vegetable Ingredient*, anil con- tain nothing which can be Injurious to the human constitution.

Olhn minlles advertised a* cures for Con- sumption, probably contain opium, which Is B loiucwhat ilaugrrnua drug '" take ■rent lulur;


Irccli liv i <>ii iiui|p|ivc pnlicnU, It must do '-*-—y; for its tendency Is to confine llie

itlerln tho svstetn. Which, of course, intuit make i lire lm|>o*slbl*.

Schenck'n Pulmoiilc Syrup I* warranted not to -outaiiiu nnrtirlo of opium: Ills romposcd ot fiowerful liut harmlesii herbs, whioh act on the ungs,liver, stomach ami blood, ami thus eorrect

all luorbld-secrelionH, ami cspel all the diseased matter from the These are the only means by which Consumption can lie cured, and as Schenek'o I'ulmonlc'tiyrup, Sea Weed Tonic, anil Mandrake Pills are the only medicines which op- erate In this way, It Is obvious they are the onlv

Cuine cure for Pulmonary Consumption. Eacl llo of this Invaluable medicino i- accompanied

by lull directions. Dr. Pchcnrk is proinmiionally at his principal

iifll.-c,iiinici sixtli sinl Anli Ktrei'txJ'hitadelphia, ,-\ ci v Monday, and at the Quincy House, llo-ton, mi thco.ll.ovi.m H>.IIII-..|.IS-, June Hub mid ilth, July Htti and Sid, and August 5th and Wth.

hill.'-;* 1 IN IJ:.H

ARE YO U f R O 0B LED i \ H'ltli Urspapala, ludlajaatlon, « ""- ■ iluatliiu. tllllonaneaa, llrnUihi and Lass of Appetite I Tlirrr Is a Baft- and •are remedy, MUNICH n.tMK'l KXTUACT OK VKUKTATIOH.

A i>ostponen.ent of tba Ptlth Concert of tba Public Library of Kentucky has been «o general- ly anticipated, and I* to manifestly for the inter- est of all concerned, that It must meet the ap- proval of all. The day is now absolutely fixLd and there Will be no variation from the pro- gramme now announced. A sufficient number of tickets had been sold to have enabled us to have had a large drawing on the Slat of July, but a short iMHUponement wa* considered preierable to a partial drawing. Let It be borne In mind that

THK FIFTH GIFT CONCERT la tna lii-l which will aver he «l vrn «n der Inla charter and by Iks preseat man airrnirnl.

That It will positively and unequivocally lake place aa announced

ON MONDAY. 30tH OF NOVEMBER, that tbe music will lie the be<t the country affords and that

20,000 Cash Gifts, V...ILI '. 1 I I'-'.

$2,500,000 ! will be distributed by lot among the ticket holder*

LIST OF OUTS One tirand Caah UIR, line lirand Cash 'lift. 1.1in1.1 Cash i.HI, One > .1:11-1 Cash i.iir,






A. R. GLIDDEN, 259 Essex Street.


III Cahli tJIfts, 11,BO 1.1 CashOHU, 10,000 each, -ju Cash ■. n.utti each, H Cull QUVi t.wo each, .10 Cash Uifls, :;.IH») each, H i'ii-li ton.. 3.0U) each,

lou Cash '-in ■. 1.000 each, 340 Cash ' ■ 1:1 , A00 each,

■.ci Cash 1.111 ■ . 100 eneh, 1,.■.■!' i ... Ii 1.1:1 , M) each.

♦ J.-si, 1011,0011

.-,!., I. M.

■.'.->,l««l Itn.inai I.Mi.ur

lui.ism I1HI.IHSI 1-iU.IHMI


WINS) W00DS. leiVi". Ilrrllr\r> »hrn a'llrl.. fi>ll». IIIU'IHI Potrlder and I.tvrr Invlatorator, Ueln([ a pleasant piirttatl tc iienti " joiiuK' It ram Jsaadl Asrne, fain In the Bones, Hhruniatlsin, IVorms, Fsmale Dlacaaea, .Isiiosi Itlsor- ders, it idi.ry Complaint, *fcc., Ac. J:wHly

4 CAlli>. A rlorjrymnii while rcnlillng 1 in South America, as itilsulouary, discovered enrcuuil Hiniple remedy for the Cure •■! SerJ


Essex Oountv-

IsMl Thursday evening, a yoimx MM Ban Wm. frost. Intentionally shot Ji tin self while p... rhaslna-a pistol; the bullet entered Id* brenst in the region of the hwrt, hut the phmWsji could not -llwover It* direction .,r |„C8ill)ll; ,„, covary Is doubtful.

TSt a„B new Mgh Ml.llm)| i.udiling w„. catad but lv.,ri0-y_ Tno ^[flrp |M m a* || .. three stories iu hei««.t, ,,0stlng with the site, II 1& ooa Th« basameiit is ofitraniir, MM ■■■nmtrtti ture ol brick with sond-stono and marble trip mlngs. Tbe dcilcstory exercises ronsl*leil of i address by Mr. II. II. Johnson, chairman of the huildini committee, who transferred the key „ Mayor itmllsy, the latter responding in a tasteful speech; followini were addresses by Iti" lloswo-th, and Mr. II. K. Hartlctt, with eiccl- lentiliiKingthrou){hoiiltlit'|>rugrnmmc.


The n 1,In f»etory, |Newbnrvi>,.rt, .] out 1A00 hats [..■!■ day.

Thoseeoud crop Jaf liny I* of IIIHKI

leucu In this county.

The iiuestinn or public drinking foi bein« :i«itritcd In Lynn.

Kx-City Marshnl Drookiof Halem wa* buried with appropriate finniir* on Saturday.

Onlyoueofth-imjinluriuftlii It urd of May or and Aldermen of I.ynn, uses tobacco.

There were I IU arrests In I.ynn, during August 11 were baa*!*, and .11 for drunkenness.

The works of the lieiigal|Jlagging Cue- "'Vi Salem, have been sold at auction ' - ■' -: '•'' '■

Mr. James Vy. ('■ ■"->• U- °f Newliury|nirl, i... k—■• ■ppnlotel principal t-f the Academy.

New Gloucester, Mu., a chll-l ot t this county, oaiabrmtM its knndrod i,.» la»t Tueada}.

Matches, as playtlilnffs In llio I came very near cauilna thu ... house in .Halum, a few days ago.

A pretended Catholic, pricslhi, i)lMtl eollectun: m-mey In lUvarlilll ud (irovelnud tor church purposes, but was detected and Otpoted,

»'"»»>--olt.alinpM,|,or,WlM,111Jll,t,:l(1| ||jt. laabyadotiuiheyard iirljotalng the dt.dli,,/- house of Mrs. Uimmous. „, ho wa» eateri.g.

Newliury rejoleeslna new auulT fkctory tl i second in that town; it Is .t,ted [lllU ^J^ one other In New K„g| u nnd tl|;il ,, ,„ "J1

A aonofThomi, Mccarty. H.u,t..irs oM iiv In*M Unionatreat,8aleui, WlM f,,,,,,,, ,. ' .' <m8a.ur.lay m„nil„. ln „„ wa|)Jr „, ^ *

The -IKIUIservice party detailed to astabliah llu. Magnphle eonnection between lh, ,(.,,.,, „' flegraphollt^andTlnteher's Island l,n. ■ res.fully laid the cable, "' ""

Mrs. Rath** (j4r,|„er or 8a|

"luety ninth birthday, btrt Kfl,lay. .„!,,.

tMbm*HB|Mtr..t« year* of ^ Mr. r. K. ««, tlll, rollFinx Mil,1.rinti,iii)

l»u.tges shoe manufactory, Xewburvoort « IWiMMd by th.emidoyo, Wllh „ ^ JJJ

•nd goblet and . ie, of dr.winx i.upleiuctl Dwta, .„ .Ur„, uf flri, „ M„b|(,,

Thur«lay evening «i1H,tll tjv s»iok« r, 1 ,, -m the ilneof the r^laJr!Lr^i..7JLH

uds of ii

ran over ami*, Italy injured a BUM n .••-I Kim

'■tabuing company, for ooa. -craps into a sort.of ttfitoM

aone into operation in.tea bury "•""pie of ton, unrdaynrtha

The ByfleM M,

verting old leather scraps into' lenther has now l*aj will u„. ,

The lead mine at \ewhiiry.B«yH the Uss I "Journal." Is being ,.„ieUv worked 'v

-~i"r h^«'i.^ ;,:;: "•ached marvellous prices for old rook, ,. e l.ben Little ha. .old «, „m r,„. JJ" *Man '"

'»iver Humli.m was arrctd |„ ilUm.Pat,.r

»«ttr.lav.for a murderous assault on Nylvnnu!., hut the latter being deokvod by the awr geon not entirely out of danKer from the *tabUa. jJJJ**" continued, BarabM being under

In Nowbinyport .Saturdny, Mrs. .Julia (Jronan an iuMne woman lllty years old. W rettlnr on" UM train at the Baatere suuoo. fell LZ tZ

and the wheels Itriklng lhi«h and severely Inji doulilful if she recovc

ni lie inter illy, it

Ulddlaaex County.


The tiran.I Army will dedicit,. their new hall In French's block, on the ttih In.t.

The Courier Muorts the arrant or n fanner ir Andover. who w,.« in a state of bonelee* iiitoxl MtkM on his UNUn, Friday forenoon.

The steam shovel to he uied by N c. Huuon i„ eorapkHIn, Urn ail,,,, „„ lhe KraminKham branch ofthe Lowell ami An lover railro,i,l, is to work night ami day. aud will remove ■..Wu „,„,„ yards of earth in twcnty-fotir hours.

Under the new law, which goo* l„p, elTect next month, factory hours will be (Youi a uiiarUr to I Pi IJ o'clock hi the Awanoon, and iron, i („ • o'cloek iii the afternoon, .aye Saturd iv srbsm the bell will rin* at I v. M,

Tfca ohssaaiiuH of Mr*, im wil'eof CoiMiil Well star.aslsUiiofMrs. lien. Iluller, look ,,],„.„ H[

the Mahhutea of the latter on rriday; the attend- ance wai very Urge, including II ost p.-omin- entcllisens of Lowell.

A ratal m-ddenl occurred at tbo Lowell Mu- chine Khop, I'riday allerii.Hin ; a huge ml tall* Hew from a trip hummer, at Wbii h Jiiim. jialo- nev wa* wofking, atrfklnf him a blow by wldoh he was uistMlly killed.

There wa*.mile u pkasanl wooden we.ldii,« le.tlval at the bouse ol Mr.and Mr,. II. M. Allen, on rriday evening; Uapt. C II. Klmball made n tWioiiutis *|HMehlii presenting some m the lead- ing articles of wooden ware, and the occasion was one of much jollity.

It W4 < a I. .well youngiter who a,ko,l hh. mother *' "llu ,,f lh,'«e cool ,u>rniiigs he Wriggled into a too iciiuly netlieciranm'ut: " every thing:''' "Certainly." "Well, thei he would mak i *oma shllU Hint viiough." was the devout wish of Hie little fell

vuuulies the "Courier.*'

South America, as mlsulonary, discovered ami hiniple remeily for the Cure <.f Ser]

Weakness, Knrly Pocny, Dlnease of the Ur. nary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brOtlfMon by baneful and vicious halt- It*, (ireat numbers have been cured by this no- ble remedy. Prompted by a desire to beuellt the affiicteilaml iinforliinat*-, I will-end the receipt for prepurUiit and unlng this medicine, In a sealed envelope, to any one who nceiln It, FitRK OF CIIAIttlK.

JOHKI'lI T. ISMAK, Station O, RlhlelloiiKC,

nurin lyanyan New York City.

I A. KRKIS, M. 1»..

PHYSICIAN. No. t Apploton Street, Lawrence, Mais.

"•"•u.-ltj Hint, in r of mail} 1'ru,..!., ||(

olho a i.H:!

Iccl.lcil lo locate

inppy to attend y dny ., a|gb|


Attached to these (intcntcd ■niatjdlat are lw( aclentl0cnllycoii-tr»,te.| t.iilvunic llnlterles-un seen When worn -ilelive,ji1K HIIOIIKII tile nerves o: the head a ■on and t'uulliiiiOKs Ntream ot Klaatlclty, yitalirltig and Rivimr he«ittiv action to the entire beautilnl KV-lcui o| those pan iiiull KltTAINLV (JUKIMi AIWHI.CTKLV

Partial Paralyal* or the Optic Iferva, n«ak !■■■ olseaaed Vision,

Hauralffla of the Head or Far*. Hervane liiltili.- In tli*

Dlnaelea of the Face, IVolaes In Hi.. Head. a or Mental F.uei «j . and ii ho;.t id N^r^ous Duaaaea. arising rrnni presslon oflhc nervuus energv of the sy-.U-m, c trtbulmg, m a must u^tonishliig degree,

life and Vigor and Health. by tho means of the sort flowing stream of Eh'. triolty, Hiving RrlKhttiess to the Ky«,

tliilekneas to the Ear, Kllergy to the llralu,

They arc set with lenses of the lluest tnanulke- turc, to milt all r-ights, and with K1»SSCS for those not nct'diiiH KpecUu'le.. to n illi, but desiring the belie lit* I.. I..- dcilved n on, wearing the Itat- lories; and in he had In this city only of


Watch nuskajr, Jeweller and Optician


No. 235 Essex Street Lawrence Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Fancy

N. R. AIM Agent f„r LamwnU .f Afurrii- Per frdtd Bpttttutm nwl /fyr fit.wtt, the HKSTin Iht ■~-'rf- livlO-



Sales Rosm No. S Appltton Street.

KBtlDBSCH id iiti Mo\r STIIIJ.T.



Cheaper Fncl tbao Wood or Coal THE LAWRENCE GAS OOM'Y.

1 praparail to receive orders for Coke at tho irlagprkea, vi«;

Per Chaldron of 14 libls,delivered t6.00 1-2 7 " " »3.00 Barrel ,43

PricB Per Barrel at the Works, .40 Order* received at llie olUee of

rAWtsntHMi <!..« to.. ,,,„„-,

No. 253 Essex Street, nut llie Coke paid for at tho oOlce at lime of or brinjt the name. Mriotfir UOBOID. CAHUT, Agent.

Broadway Savings Bank. BRBCIIIN BLfJCK


Heci-lved ilH ilr-t .|ri 1 May IS, H.J. .'I'A'I'KMKNT NIAY :tthli, 1M-,4.

elm-it-, *•<-,;.':* ::, 1 M,.,IW:I,-,--, #1011,17111.11 .irpliiK, i,jn« a Note*, *;,SWIMI

Hank Stm-ks, lil.BMa 1 ,]...■, I, i,-i, .'.',11, i..-

to I V. M., carrot Hat i.V, nod oil Thursday and SntiiriliLy evi nlnjrs Irom , to », for receiving do-


Our stock was never so com- plete bofore. Consisting of Stamp-

ed Golds, Embossed and Plain

Bronzes, Fine Grounds and Em-

bossed Damask Papers, Satins, White and Brown Blanks, Mould-

ing Decorations, Borders of all Varieties, Shades and Shade Fix-

tures. Don't forget the place. Our


:;: Whitford&Rice, Esaox eti-eut.


Armstrong's S(iei nil Uargalns in

Black Alpacas and Brilliautltics,

Our quality 17 els., Is a

PsrfeotOakin in Quality Mid Color.

Oar stock Of dress goods Is complete in every department. oOnaUUOgof all Uld noveltie- o(

lilt.tV, lll\i ii. AMIS PLalcf>i».

We also offer a line line ol

nd Total ;II,IM-I, tilrts, all c;,-h, J,.--«I.I-«I

PRICE OF TICKETS. Whsile Tlektata, •"«> OO Halvaa, W "" Tcntk, or r.i l> liiii| II Whole Tickets for IMMl -" aa l-a Ticket* f**- I.IMIO O<>

Person* wlnhlna; to lnve*t»lwuldonlerprompt- y, cither of the nfflce ur nor !■ eal A|[ents. Liberal CnuimlsaUma will ho allowed to satls-

fnctnry agents. Circulars containing full particular* fitrnmlied

on application. THO. R. BRAMI.KTTF,

Agent and Manager. I'.il.llr 1,11.vary 11 Ir, Hy,

or THOS. H. HAYS » CO., Ka^tern Agents, Mi "roadway, N. Y.

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAIHAHO RIB8ED

Cut Glass Beads to Bead Laces

WOOLLENS Far MEai'suil Boys IVnr.

in great variety and at vm low price*.

L-A. IRQ- Ei ,


Wh.iwimi noils the nrstln.|tilry the slek make eoneemlnit a inodlclne. Hup.KMe Turrant« Hell*er Aperient is the subject of the interroga- tory, What then? Hiruply tnl* reply: It will —

A].i iic.,1 IH the sublect of the ,JP ..hat then? Dimply thl* reply:

lleve snil cure lieailnche, ransca, flatulence, 1 vousnes*. co>itivenrr-H, ilehlllty. I.ilioiwnes. a Indlgeitloii. Sold by drugvista everywhere.


Prof. Fowler's Great Work On Manhood, Womanhood, and lhair Mutual I

tar-relation*) Love, it* Law*, Powsr, ate.

ipagvsand tcrrow to agents, ■re why It sell* laiter than any other book, dress NATIONAL I'I UI.ISIII.II; Co., Phlln., 1'a

outside work, (mi tarstibstaaci ur.iAi, used) and Inside instead of plan

(Jumilon, N. .1. ler. Felt, Carpeting, Mats, etc Hand twolcent stamp* for circulars and samples






prlWM sta Rsscx Htrcct.

WK WOirU) HKSFKtrTFULLY AN SOUNCE pi tho puhlic that their patroiugo

has so steadily Increased a* to render It netos snry for us to Uke the i|ue«tlon of Hanginc P«J |icr under our Immediate control. tVe are pre pared lo mperlntend and execute any wiik In that line, 1, the most elaborate decorations down. Work promptly executed and latiofac tlon guaranteed. WIMTFOItn A KICK

acirluirtf a.i Essex StrfteL



PIANO AND ORGAN. JOtl ll.-M Nll'4.1, I.H1VI rmr.

Mrs. H.1111,111 1- nn exiiiTle:icol teacltfr. Satis- faction KiiaruiittH'il, Alno, Bftcnt for t»e Prcscntt tlrgan. Thl»OiK:in t .>IIH.:.IIV i- the oldest estab- lishment of the kind In tho fruited (Kate*. The ci|ici'ii'ncool' 3fl years In the business enable* the ruanulncliirer* to place In the market Cabinet Or guns of *uch vai iitv, rpuiiitv of tone snd Onish - - , ty will challenge eompai Non for *letranc« of style, volume, ami punty nl lone. S..M 011 lnntallments. Old InstrumenlH takeu In uxcluMJre. aewWif

Will ba sold at a liargain, blM-k aumliered IHT id ISM Lowell street, containing ac rooms, rent-

ing lor gl.Mi |ier annum. The property Is In gowl -pair, having been built but llvuyotrs. for fur

er particular* apply to Dr. H. Huberts, 3at llaverhlil street, or 4. A. Jewell, tin Ksaexstree-


Foreign Postal Money Orders, TO

I1RKAT lilt IT .11\ AUD MHMVYl I

re as much safer than private drafts aa the Gov-

ernments of tho United States and tlrcat Britain

iermnny are les* liable lo failure and bank

ruptcy than llriiis or Individuals; thev era as

nnvenicnt as JHISI oftlce are moro frc-

<pient than or banking bouses, and as much

hca|>er ax the two Uovernmenta can affnid

hrongh ofDclalH nln'ady paid, and Who get no per

-.. ii 1.1 i-i- from this branch, to transact this buslneis

for r lie people at less rate* than Interested agents,

WIIOHS 111.1 ri L<- < I.- |ic 11,1 11 |n 1,1 the extra ,'m ■• itu> pur.

ihascr of these drafts rou*l pay to them. Old

■iinriiii nii'ii who liave for year* seen the absolute

safety and convenience of the postal order svstei

home will plare their own experience an

>c against the persuasive appeal* 0

.iiinl agent* in the Interest of ihoir own pockets.

UKO. S. MKItltll.l., V. II.

January 1, 1ST?.


EGOS FOR HATCHING from all lhe bast bread* of Poultry.

Wklta i.<Kiioriia a ai'kxnai.TT.

E. WOODS, No. 4 Broadway, South Lawrence.





ai>rioirtr san BHNKX MTREKT.

CATIMIO.VV. BKPTBHBBB II, 1874, kj At three o'clock I*. M., by PKIlKICK tt cr.oas(lS, Auctioneers and Iteiil K.tate Agents, will lie Mold, for tho reason of the proprietor, Cajitaln J. II. Witrdwel), leaving the country. Three Tal ii aide l.i.K of I.AS'li, situate on the North ami South sides of Sprlngtluld street, ear Parker street, South Side. These lots are elegant nnitdlng .Ites, and are

Mxiflfeeieaeh. They are but a chort distance reel ninl the lower bridge. These

ultlvely, on Saturday alle nl,r Jill,.

etc, 1.11 B Three o-e 8 ati

BHICK BLOCK ON M 1.1 HI IN bT.t iii-1.. ,-t..( Jackson utrcet; swell fnmt.con

tains three hoimc, tnotcnemenls lo ahoitHC. The Moek I* entirely ncw.Jii-t flnj.hcil foraccupanev,

^nd will IH< sold an a whole or In section*, each house entirely xeiiarnle. A fine location for rent 'ug, on the wet -hie of tbe street nnd but a inin He's walk from the Wu-hiiifton Mill* and Esiei trect. Call at once upon F'EDKICK ft CI.OS

Harlng laamil the entire building, Noa. l:d and 107 Kisex street, ami rlttol It up especially for our use, we have rumored our stock of



M Kitcben FornisMiie Goods, *Hn uur uld

No. 150 Essex Street. Al.uvur UO&lt



Branch Store No. 4SS Raaex Street, ( Fall-fleld'a Illoek )


CONSOLIDATED at our Xevt Store Nos. IBS and 107 Kaaaa «l„

where nc are prepared to offer

At the Lowed Market Prices, The largest, WMt varieil and beat seloutcd slock of good* in this ell*. Special attention given to StoT«t, lUngcs and 1'urnaccs a* heretofore, fur which wo have 11 separate department. sheet Iron ami mpper work "i „| 1 L m | ■ , luuu at chort notice.

D. N. & 0. M. Martin, 195 and 197 Essex Street.



A vary daalrable raaldanc* on IVIntar St. Tlie two lory house, owned by the

bite Bra. WMOIa a,tj lining the estate

M. Davis, Ksu, Isoffiod for immediate sale, lo

rlu*e the estate. The house is thoroughly built,

containing eleven VMBtt; bas a good cellar,

plenty ul sited roontj; well ofexcellet

i"ini:i The lot is IS by no feet, with n

lumber of trull trees, vincn and shrubtK*ry. On loiated, within a few hundred feel of Boa ton nn,l Maine Depot, nnd convenient to Pad lit Mill', offering an admirable opportunity lo *cct.rc n di-n:ililc |i|:ice, which uioi,t always incrca; in value.

Apply at once to I'KimicK Jtci-osaox.



mum DISCOVERY • Of Iho 19th CeiUury.

Ii 111. S. Ti. HOW E'8


QQNSUMPTION And all Haoa n of the Throat, Client unit Lwnn. . I !..■ only M...:.. inc.- ot the kind in the world .

A of Voice, hUtirtiu-.n ot It enlli, Calairh, Croup, Cough*. CoUs, ft.-., in a tew day* like magic. Price (i i"i battle.


Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Tonic Blood Parifler

lilch illfTciH limn allothrr preparations In Its Immediate ndion ii|>nn the lit, ivll.M \s AMR BLOOD. Ills purely vegetable, cleanses lhe M„tem of all iipurillcs, bitlidn itrighl M|ttnre UII, ami makes

puiturJLb bluod. 11 euro Snofulous iilssiasea of a)T¥Tnds, riniovcH coiirliii.iiion and regulates tlie liowel*. h'or ' i.cneiiil iieliillty," "Lurt VI- tality"aniI"ltrolteii DownCon-lllullon,"l "thai- cngc the r.'iii century to Hnd Its eipial. Every Bottle Worth its Weight in Qold.

1,1,, M Pee itottle. —AL»V>—

Dr. S. D. HOWE'S

ARABIAN cS?«* LITER PILLS. Thoy eWimi'liie Liver aud Stomach thoroughly Cons ti) m i mu, contain no calomel nor

any other inpiri'ius ingredient, and net ipilckly U|HII. the organ*, without iroduelnE pain or wenknent. Price W cents |K-r 1H>S.

CONSUMPTIVES Hhould ti-c ^11 three or the

Suld in Litwrcnce by

A. ft, Glidden. Druggist. General Agent Dr. S. D. Howe, Sole Proprietor.

Kidneys, Bladder,


GENERAL DEBCI7Y. Such aa l'al.iful and I»r*|irliif *>■»- tlvrs* In the Bach and Loins, lHrrRult ttuppreaaad ar I neon tine I 1 rlaatlon, with a whit I.h or brlekdwt flsdlmrnt lu Hie I'rlne, l»rop«>-, Irritation or I.iflaina- tlon of the Bladder, Cale4lNa, Uravtl or ftlone In tbe Bladder, !.<■.• of Natural f"i". "rgBiiir Wcakncs* and tsanarol ■lablllt) , for Improper riiu.ri or rlther >"i Mperinatorrho-a, Loutsrrha*, ttleal, Female UVikio,., n, ,

NEPHRETICUM, is Blrletly a vegetable compound, prepared from llie |ii.-.ii|.niin of Hi'. A. n. HI I.LOCK, of Providence, It. I., a physician of Urge eiuerl-


— IH STILL g KB in'




WAHEHOUSKHi l-ltll.AI.Hl.I'lllA,



NEW om.i \ \s, I.a.,

Atiilsii, Da.

M, E. Agents, BROWN & HAYES. 181, 100 and lftO 11,-..;,.I St,-.-.-1.

found lo he an unfailing remedy, flfaphretlrum is poinethlng more and better than al' "■ rations of Uuchu extanL Its effect* are pertna-

somethlng nioruaniV better than nil the in- in". of Bit-"- —— ■•- ---- " Inal|L__

the diaeosc, lic-teail of alleviating temporarlb

L O "W .

G. D. Armstrong, 289 ESSEX STREET

may I1! tl

CS OSTlVKNfJSS the iOOTCe of IMseiW i riles, Headache, l>i//.iue—, liiliou

uui Klning. <)ppr.'s»i«ii id l.i its. Worm-, ludigesllc

PaalHTAI. lik-c-ti" i.i./i::

.' 'li I

iki cents, mailed tree for thi- hist prli I>H. HAItlllHON'S ICK1.AN1) 1IA1.SAM,

a splendid cure for Coughs, Hoarseness, and all Throat and Lung eoniplalulx. For nale by K. », IlAHittaiiN A Co, I'roprliliiiH, .No. | Tremonl Tclii|ilc, Hi .-Inn, nil. I liViilf .Irllgm ■■!


IJOSTON & IMNtJIIAM Stcntnhtitil Go,


Nuntaaket Beach, Hingrhaiii, Hull, (■Melville Garden, Downer Landing

. An.-i. I tUf lih . in Rom*r, leave Daily eicepl Sunday*,

For llingham n:,d Hull at B A. »., 13.19, 1.90 an. f...1U I*. u-

For Ihiwnor Lauding at it and tn.Jii A. M , U.l.i IM, and ■'■;.' t; M.

For Nanta-kcl llench al !*.;W and lil.W A. H-, i.-i' MO and 5 f. M.

BOATN POH nOMTO.V. Leave llingham at MO and KVU A.M., !.:«', ;!.."> Leave liuwner Landing at T.;tT. and !•.» A. «.

Pi.lS, 1.41), I, S.40 and (i.|J f. it. Lcnve Hull .;.■,...■■ and lo.W A. M. I.M, i.V, an.

ti.OO r. u. Leave Ns.itrtp.ket lleucli at!* and lO.I.'i A. «., 1J II

Fare 25 Cents each way, ■UTXIIAYM.

Leave Itoston for NanUsket llench at lb..W A. H. ■.».:ainnd5 f. It.

lAiave Nanla>kel Ikach for Huston alii M., 3.30 aud G f. M. eavc Huston for Mull an I DJWIILM' L'tn.llnifat 10.40 A. M„ %M v. u.

.eave Howner I.aiidlng fm lln-lon at 11 1.1 A. M. and S.13 v. M.

Fare on Sundays il.OO the round trip, incfudiui ailmlsslou to Melville Harden.

UTAItKKS fflJITON, AfiiRit No. T It u Wharf.





Via Hie Kew noutreal uu.l lloatx.t A I; ml I'aisninpslc Ratlrouil.

Pinning on the way Lake Winnepi-seogee. I! White Mountain Itange, I'aHsuuipric Hirer V, ley, CrysUl Lake, and lhe tiroen Mountain

her first, Will he mild at the lolluHltig Unto*:

r.mrrtiii'r lo NcsTport oil Lake Hi |il.rrinn«og mill return, slil.'.V.

> Montreal and ret., IN.Oil Hurliic •>. 18.AO via. Montreal to i\ in - bac and return, JII.IIO

l|urbi e to H:iKuriiu)- Hirer * rat., 1l.UO

Tickets are good lo stop over at any i along thn Line. For panoramic pamphlet, giving iliicnptlon of ri.iiti'n and tiin.i tallies, ami all pa llcular Infurinallon and tickets, apply lo



1,11 Il'K |M I,

llee la hereby given lliul ll,i has bean appointed Inspector of Milk for the t'ltj or I.

rents, and all persons idling Milk within the city arc

re by reiiuesled lo conform to nil llie reipi uiit* or the law and City OrnuHUMBa relating

the same All pcrconn will observe that the law iispiii

that dealers In milk, at wholcalu or rctnl, frt wagons, cellars, stores, aaofM or uiarkel plu within the Unit* of the City of Lawrence are n.ucntcd lo Heajlalar Ifame* ivllh tlie Inepi ■ lor

Ail aware of any violation of Hid id ordinance, ant iuiiUul to report the tan*

llie Inspector, At a«8 Common ■(reel.

An Act lo amend "An Art in relntion to sale and inspection of milk "

He It enacted, Ac., a* follow*: Siwrr. 1 Whoever sells or exchanges, or Ita

liln | intent i ii, or exchange, offer* for aale or exchange adulterated in

milk to which water oi auv foreign substance has been added, knowing thu same lo bu ail niter ■tod or lo contain water or any foreign atihstnare ■hall for Uio llrst uOencc, boptntiikad by u Hue ot one hundred dollars anil for any subsequent vio latlon, a flneof not less i Ii in one hundred dollars,

oxneeding three hundred dollars, nnd itn ini-inini. ni in the house of cornettoa not khs than thirty or tnoro lhan ninety ilays.

SIMM'. 1. The penalties provided in Hi- proceed ng section, and those provided in the nil lo which thi* Is In addition, may be recovered on complaint before any court of competent juris

)n and otic half of the amount of line lui posed "hall go to llie complnlnnnt or informer

il lhe remainder lo Uio treiisuror uf lhe city or town where offence was committed.

8Ki_T. ;l. It shall ba the duty of ever; Inspector of milk to'liiHlllutccomplaint ou the luformiilion ofany person who may lav before him Hlltfarj tory evldcneo on which to stisuin tho same, and he ahall 1M enlitlml to receive one hulflhe amount of aay ponally recovered therefor, and ahall pay

tlieaainoto tboportoi who bas flrHt given Uie Information on which lhe complaiiit was

AppVOTed May 27, l*il».]

mayMH tf


i-i:iiHUii AFin ( l,nsso\


ial opposite i in- ici iiiinu . of the horse rnllrond, irs leaving for Lawrence every llflocn minutes. 'elniveoueacre of -1.14■ 11■ 11.1 l.nnl, I'milir, inmn

..nd under a high stntc of cultivation, on which arc rlins-e tipidc, pear and iheny trees, grnpc

lues ami small fruit*: a line ulaltle and llrst iaiis dwelling house. This estate In the home

Alvnh Knilball, centrally ami hcau

late Kimlnll tilrason, Rsq. An arrc of excellent land iu oiu siputre, high scenery, retired from noise and dual: everything about suggestive of home with all Its eon.forts. House and stable liuilt iu the most thorough manner, and in perfect condition. In ihort, one of the liert -Itttnt.ons in Melhucn. Hplendld sehool advantages; faur cliurche* and n thriving loi-iuers cmniunnily Ti'in,-. eaav, and price low. Address

ItfablT PKHKICK A (Jl.OSAON, Lawrence, Mr.--..


houhle C'ttngc House, nlncrocms, targe, vc riMimy and 'onveiiiciil, and iu perleel i-uuditioti >t,ili!e, nlnir ,'inil Icniiiicnt buililitig. ah.nit :■ rods Iroia :lie MIIIIC, flttid up lor |Hirt ofllce at i.|ore, by wtilch it Is novr occupied. i\ acres land under u high state of cultlvnlinn. A fii properly It the ullage ol Ham ilk', N. II.; two school h

and gooil inv. The property is Ural class, am willlH-Mihlk.rnnh »'^NI.


jniiAMBtBLAura —iLitu critJc r -ur

Cholera. Dysentery & Diarrhcca. »oul fafl to (••'* H I Only .10 reula.

Twettv yenra" ex|>erience ha* fully epbibll^hci '.ho cuiatlve mmlilies of Ibis (.reparation.

It mrn liiuiiii t'ulli . It MUM Cholera Inf-iSoi". II ourri t'hroitlr Hysenlerv. ItcUTraNporaalrl'liulera. Itrnrra llloody lty.nit'ry-. It enrea MorDua. II f««■*■» ajialowri t'ainuUlnta. It cure* ■ I'MttTnT' n cures (i>r.pepel«. at er— I dlraJion.

KviVy (ainily sboubl have il. Said br all drug- gists. Prepared by W. 1). L'HAUIllfiitLAIN, Lynn, Mux. Charles Clarke, Agent tor Law- re nee. oel3*lyr

City of Lawrence Water Loan. Six ier cent. Coupon Bonds oflhc City of Lawi

retice, 1111 v auUiorUcd by act of the I..;: i ■ I-.r >; r i City Ortinanco and resolutions of the City Cotin. ell, will ho Issued October 1st, for a limited munimtCnupon* attached for semi-annual inter- cr-t, pajnlili! In lloston or Lawrence, at the option of hollers. For price and mil particulars call o or mliVess K. IV, COLt'ORD,

City Treasurer. Per Order if Finance Committee. aztmif

1,'OU bALK.

Stock and Furniture



269 Essex Street. Lawrence, :iligiM,r!f






MmaH ».- Krml far t'lrrular.

K"on i-Noon


And all Druggihts u Andurcr.

res Coughs aud all Throat Irritations 'il



Family Bewin? Mocbinos on Earth

The celebrated world


To be given away at the



JJ1 Rssai si.

Havlai il and llrst etiiHH trade from the good people ol

Lawrenc*, Melhuen, Andover, and udlninlnB townn, dlrlnsTthc ta-t fifteen yearn, In acltnowf- "daeinenlof the same, 1 hereby rxlend my »ln- ere jtraUtude fur all jia-t favors and exceedlnaly

liberal palr»n:it;n. As a rurlbcr expression ot thanks, l.hall


Give n ticket to each customer,




I ahall (Ire sway 400 Tlekata on a 9 loo Machine, ami ;IOO on a |7n IHaelilna,

ndln tkat proportion nn the different styles. Tho prize* will U,.Bn'acde.llo the lucky number ax soon a* the tickets are KIVCU away.


dnnntlonnf heretofore,

Is too well known to require any explAnntior mine In reiranl tn oiialllv. I aliall, ar " " keep a wen selected

>'lR«T-<-I.ANl« I.l.Vi: OP UOOtMl,




SdlO l''.HMH Sll



%(jf dClUBEDOf KSSViiOBmcE THE0S£||f














KM. " a»rl H Custom Mmi.t Street,


NEW ENGLAND AGTS. luncl IIil luiaiii-iu"

lhe iliaeosc, Im-teail uf alleviating tetuporarlly tho urgent sjuiptnitis. A sinnle trial will satlsr> the most sceptical uf in virtue*, ami byaiiJrcs- sln» as ticluw, or ealluijr at your ilrugyist'*, a patnpblst will lie Kireit von eonuln njt eerlitl- eates of well-Itnuivit penpli; i.r rimer eca, ami of theHeilleal I'ri.fes>lon win. nave used It In tbelr praetlee. Can we say more? far sate by all ■Irugajlsla. Pi lee * I per botlle, »\ \ bottle* fur *:.. W. u. M(ii>ut\s at, Co., Proprlaiars,

1,ul.inuli.rj , I'ri.iTii.iiir, K. I.

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston, K >f K It A I. A IIHN T M .



Sii|i. rli.r lo Culclnril or 4'm liuimlc of Ma(ne*la, it It limit I lit 1. l>au|{»rou* Ai- IIII lui toil .."

MdOrMtt anil preserlluxi by lhe leailbiK pl.ysi aus llu .ni;.In.ul tbo rountry, as Iwina; the ureat- tantl-ael.l yet preseuteil to the untiled! public.

It linmcillatily ituil certainly relHrea


Sourness or

Acidity of the






and Gout. —ia A —

I-axiiiivo for Children It is superior to any ottMr iirepnrntlon, rciulrinji no persitasUin to im|uee Unit, to Like it, ami It Is ■1M pei-uilarly ail:.ple.l I'ur feiutlus during prtf. nnuey.

It is a poslUn preventive aitaiuatthe roo.lof in Ittntl ..mill.- on i'i.- ntouiaeb. In roses or

■tUnmar t'nntplsiliits HIIII DIsrrluiK,

so cotntiion with y g i-hll.lreu, the

MILK OF MAGNESIA will be fouml InTa.ii.tble. Try it oneo anil yov ■ranU mil be without it.

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

11 K N K HAL Alt K N T M



Sewing Machine,

Main by tbe Hov ■lave tbe I.m t. .1 Sul, ..

Ulvcstbe iti .i -s.iii.rnctii.Tt, Made of llie Beit Material.

I* I lie 11. I.eni-ii to Oprrate

work ami will OIIIUIMI'tin. ut any utlierruoiliiue,

There were sol.l In UII over lan.noo ir.ore I IlOWK, HAtll INKS, thnnanv utlier, a- the M chines have n worl-l wi.le it-put; n, ami ai ■enl to every L-iriliiuilciiintiy iu Uio wnrlil, an h.tie rccciicil llu- lii^l„"-t i.iviniiiiii- v. Iierevere: hlL:.'"), receiving no h-.-r- iliuii live testin.oninls ol supiriiirlty, allli.- Into Vienna Kxtiihllloo ovei oUtti-iniKrhliies.

Now York wnrcroums are al ilPit Uroa-lway. I"aet..rles at llrlilirepiirt. Conn., IVru. In.Uana. ami Uluntow, Sci.llaml: ami arc lut-nluu nut MM) nuteliines per ilay.

W. Hager & Co.,

Lawrence, Andover And Methuen.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, Liiwrence, Mass.

rrai UNDBB8IQNE0 HAVING \ .... 11. I r I,.

I'u it. i A I II ii.I I'm ni.Ill IIK r 11 ill i Inking lliisliie**,

iimlerlho flrnt nnuie ol A. W. tlinnlileh A Co. w.uilil re»pei tt'ully luforiti the eilUens ol' l^w rancuawl vlolnilv, Unit limy have eoiiHtantly or hanilalaritoii-s.iitiii.-iiiiii ev. i> tluuir iieciHul h' biiMiiesH.

Coffin i Caikots, Shrouds and Coolers, ruinlnheil at the low.vt pi lees. All nrilers proiiii.t- ly ntU-mleil to by ilay ur night. BalearOOm S)i Aiileilill.) Ntlli I. It. ,l.t< III . IH*| I.tin SI., amlia Oakfttrrtt.

A. W, OOODBICIIt 8.0. PAIUM1NS. junciuiir

Iron in the Blood THR PEBtTTtAll S YKT'P Vliuliua nml KiiiHii-s tl.* IIImM, Totte* up tint

»'r m~ li.nllliy. nml Inr mffcrlri«ereatiins,l

rtpnv irnn nml H-nmrn; nml *hfyli.-»iln1*i(iclvfl|ta!rla],

(toHfiita.—Ile»uri< V-IIC. L tl,., ridit artlrlo. Hes tlist -l'cnnbit h.rnr." I, l.l.n u In tlia ulsw. riT.iiiiiici--.rr, -. K,,-, HI;ill w.Ktitvi.K J* BOSH, 1'roiiriebn*, Luiton, Uitu. Fur *sU( 1/ it ruuif ia! t ifciwrnll v.

i- i'i mi- 13 ■- ..i lrr rn

ft T. T. Murphy I* i'a ilay illst-ulvfil l.v Mutual Ciiiment.


Ijiwrence, rtcjii. ;t, UT4. The iiiuleti'lftntnl will continue the Grocery liu- nes*. nmi OSMIII.CM nil ilebi. m tlie Um flriii. to

Wlliii.i all pcnuii- oKli'blcil fiillic rtiiiiareiii|ui->t. Oil to 11i.r, pa) on lit.

l-*tiTitsept;i JOBS r. UVRFHT.


And How Shall I Got Thore? These ipiesllons are' answereil In Hie " Huunuci Kcursionlst," vrl.ich emitalns over 1000 iIllTerout

trip*, arranguil a* rcffanls time uml eapenae, to meet the wants of all. I'-.I a ropy, scuil adilross

1 three cent stamp to



The Most Complete Sewinn Machine IN THE

Self-Setting Needle,

Self-Threading Shuttle,

and Self-Adjusting Tension.

All AKCII i.■■ claim their Machine to be the 11EST ut before purchasing call anil examine fnr your jives, ami then ileelile. I al*u have the New 1m


This Mi liiflitdil an.) harmless toilet preparation Is most unilonlitctlly the best In the worhl for preservinit the Skin nn<l Tleai|Ur>-fniiU|e Complex, ion. It will remoToTan, Vu-< Lh ■-, anil all ill. ci.loratlons from the skin, leaving 11 beautifully white, soft, smooth anil Ucnr.


Ami most iloliglttiul toilet preparation for beauti- fying the complexion ami preserving the *kln I* Laird's "lllooin of You tin" Uenulae prepared only by Ueorge W. I.ainl. It I* perfectly elmple and pure, ami warranted free from any materinl •lutriincuUl to lieulth. It ia far superior to the old ia*hlonod beamiller*, aueh as powdcrs,ehalk, inreu fun, etc,, for imparting youth and beauty P. the skin. Tho "Bloom of Youth" bj preferable to any other preparation* ntTereil for the same purpose.

Beware .if Connterfells,

Sec that the Cniteil State* Revenue Stamp la printed on the front label and the name ol C l.alrd Is stamped lu the glans OB llie hack of bottle—no oilier Is genuine. Hold by all drngglata and Kuncj- CJooda


SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

a F. N B it A r. A a E N T S ,



Eradicated from the System


Dr. Williams' Vegetable

Jaundice Bitters. IT IS THE UKJIT

Spring Medicine in


ret offered to the Public]

Price 33 Cents Per Bottle.


WhoittWet l>i-u«ttiHtsj,

26 Tremont et., Museum Building,


General Agents. Also for sala by

Cbas. Clarke, H. M. Whitney & Co,, 'ZL 0. E. CtiickeriiiE, A. R, Oliddei.

AUTl'JIS,! ;i

Boston Store.

Wo are now prepared to show a

Full Line of



ALL'AT til «

Usual Low Prices.


213 Essex Street.

I. nv,ti:\< i:.

Wilcox a Gibbs, Weed Secor, Howe, Singer,

li all Other First - Class Machines AI.l. SOLD ON


'Pay four Money & Take Your Choice.1

After one luoutli'atriBl, If not talisf&ctory, ex chausreil fur any other In the market, free of en

MACHINES TO LET By the Week or Sl.nilli.

Al) Kinds of Machines Repaired

Ami Warrantuil to give *atl«fai-tlnn,


itri.Hinr i'\TTi:it:vs —FOR—





tultlfn LAWRENCE, Wll*


The New Improved


The Medal for Progress, AT VIENNA, 1H7S.

The Highest Order of "Medal" Atrardc.l al Hi Ki position.

No Sewing Machine Rac'd a Higher Prize

A HIV liOOD It i: IHU.\S:

I.—A New Inrriitii.n thoroughly U'hte.l and ae. cured l.y I.eltera Patent.

9—Make* a iierfect I.tx-k Stllch, alike on 1 i.-t sides, on all kinds of goudn.

S.-ltuns light, Si NiiUcless and Uajild- !"■■ r iMiinblnation of qualities.

•>.—Uurnhle—runs lor years without repairs. B.—Will do all varieties of work and Fane

Stitching In a *tt|«fior manner. u. I:- in.i-1 easily managed by the o|wrator.

Length of st r li may be altered while running, and machine can bu threaded without passing thread through holes.

T.—Design Slui»|e, |ngen!ou*i Elegant, form ing tlie -i it'll without lhe u ■ <■ gf Cog IVheol Gear*, Rotary Cam* or Lcrcr Arras. Haa tlie Automat- ic Drop Feed, which insure* unironu length of .-i it.-ii at any apeo). llaa our New Thread Con. iinllir, wliirli alli.wa uaay raovement of neeillo- bar and prcrent* Injury to thread.

i.—Con struct! op most careful and llul*hed. Il 1* manufactured by the moat akllfttl and expert eucod mechanics, at the celebrated ll*nt limu.i Armm > , llluii, N. Y. Ho.ton Ollri, •>• WaahlM*ft«M hir.i t, juesnim

TMI'OKTANT to owners of DulltllnijB.


SLATE ROOFING PAINT, MlaaA Kf-il) for 1'aa.

tectlon of roof* from Are ami wealher, and li botli durable and economical. It la i,n-d « ' the best rcBi.tls on shlngloil riHils, ami ha* na equal fur the urofaK-liou of tar aheallilng felt. In it k WKIIH, etc Its protection for

Houses, Barns, Fences, Brick and Wooden Walls.

is pcrli-cL On decay.d shingle* It nils up llu; holes and pore*, and glvea a near substantial rout llialwlll laat for year*. (Juried or warped p-hlnglcK It bring* to their place*, and keep* them there. It 011a all hole* In Fell root'*, atop* the Iraki-, and although a slow dryer rain dues no' oireet It a few hours alter applying.


P. O. Address, Methuen, Mam.

BPEOIAL ATTENTION r.iu-u [■>.».mini uf leaky roofs, by mpati encrd roofers.





3*3 KHI.CS MUiwt, l.awrenee.







mai'MIt 33H Ksaex tit,. Lawrence, Miiit>.


QUAKER BITTERS 'Mate celebrated Bitter* are com- Sonetl of choice ItQQtM, Herb*, antt

art\». among which are Gen- tian, Saraaitiirilltt, Wild Cherry, HautMlon, Juniper, and other kenHee, and are *o prepared a* to retain all their medicinal qual- ities. Theu invariably cure or greatly relieve the following tarn- itf (tints: DyspCI'Hln, .l;uin<ltr.\

.Ivor (tunplaml. Loss of A|IIK- Jlto. HentlurlKN ItUlons Attnflts (einlttent ami Intermittent Fe-

VOrrt* Ac in1, Cold (hills, Hliciimn- t ism. Hummer Complaitito, Piles, IUdney Discuses, Female IMIH eiiHles, Latitude, Low Spirits, tieneral lability, and, in fact, everything cattftetl by an impure State of the IHootl or deranged condition of Stomach, hirer, or Kidneys. The aged find in the Quaker Bittern a gentle, soothing *timulaut, so desirable in their declining years. No one ran re- main long unwell (unless afillcteti With an Incurable disease) after taking a few bottles of the Oual;rr Bluer*. Prepared by Dr. H. S. Flint & Co.

At their Great Medical Depot, PROVIDENCE, R.I.


mnr SO Cm K ib


ly reliable Gift Distribution In the •■<

$100,000.00 IN VAI^UABI^E GIFTS

To be I.- ii il.ui. .1 in

L. ID. snsmrs -miit SKMi-ANMiAt,

OIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, Oct. lath, IM74.


ONE PRIZE $5,000 IN SILVER! ^r;k7..!KV,V, |jQREENBACK«l r. n Frlaaa »tuu ^GREENBACKS »"• •'••mllr Carrlawaa Mat. hi .1 H«raea with mlvtr-HOuHted Ilarutss

worth 11*504 each 1 Two liriiixii:-, 11.,1,.,,-, Ac, worili aiHM.

Two rine-torwil u.. ,.« 1 c,„,,.., won). |U0, Ten tatuily Mt-wiiiK Machines, wnilh *,(*) i-ncli ISOUUuldand.Silver I.CVIT II uiitimr Wkt.lie- (.1.

all), worth 1V11111 **i in *:tim , j,. ti t liold Chains, Silver.ware, Jcwclery, t-U-., (tie. No. of Gift*. IO.OOO. Ticket* limited to SO 000

AUKNTS WANTED to icll Tickets, to whom liberal prenium* will lie |mld. 81IIS1BiTlcksta«2; Six Tickets »10;Twelvo

TlckeUIUU; 'lwi;iily-Flvt)40», Circular* containing a full list of jirUcs, a ilu

serlplloii of the manner ul' drnwinp, ami other in formation In rcfcicm i- l.i tl..- Iii.tihmllon, Will IM> sent to any one 1.1 ilci In* then,. All lelUTS mu»t he MMTCMM to I,. I>. Himr., Una HH,

MAIN nrncB, I:IN<;INNATI, <I. ■01 W. PlfUi fitreeL myllSwruy


Knr •■..].. chenu, a good cottage house, H ( .... 1 slaetl rooms, with luin., 1 lie.l, 1.11 rlage house, etc. A so, adjoining the house, a HH-ICUM worksbuii, With good water m.w.'r, 2J fret head: slioi. con tains a good Iron wnU-i wheel, lino «iillttlng saw and bench, one lug plainer, one jointing saw and

Jlgaaw, iinu turning Isthc, one boring mortl-ing maidilue, one turning marhlue,

uui' hint', nil It i'lilt' down, and mortgage for balarlcr. Tills projherty 1, situated In Canaan, N. IL, between two village*, half a pile apart, ln goo,t oeiuh, borhoo,l,.n.ibulafew minultta walk imm ti..| offlee, HCIKHIIS ami chureliei, and euveri- two acre* of land, with ,1 variety of trull ttoes, g.n.,1 trnter, etu. Thi* is a rare enanea loin Jtnirtieynian cartienler to ohluiii home ami well nupointod work *I 1 well nupointod work »hop. Addn-KK

. 11. CHAMBKItLAIS, Lanun. N. II. ■uglTtli


.w0V.**"l.^,6^.Mon'i8J,■ A"*t-1 *»»■«■ will '«»*a the Depots In Lawrenoe, a* followa :— 7or Boston (from North Dojiol), at e.»,7.80. a.M

4. M. i and la. 1ft, 3.111 and B.SO t;. *.,( Humliy ] ■" For Ho* ton (from South Depot), at ti.n, 7 «ft

d» A f'i™ lilD- 19-M.(«*praaa) E«E 6.1W. £S n£] 7.«8 and a.30 p. u. Sunday. S.ITA. it.,'£8

'. M,; and from . _., and l.'ltt, 4.30, fl.tH, o.B( North Depot at 7.S7 r. H.

rafitffi B??XWQ5*( H»'*»aihl wny stations, (South Depot,) tLaii, 0,07 A. «., I.IH,, coo v. u! Traina leave Boston for Laarranea at 7.*0t 8. is.

- 13.30, 8.S0, 8.W, 6, 6, <M& ani[




Golden Drops j Curee Hummer Complaint, and the woral form

1 PrTS?***^ Rn H"">I»'K- r-.iund at the itrlit; elpal Drug and Urorcry Mton's In l.awrenee.


The I<kwfende Saieri^n




»r»*cniPTiosi-«3.»«p«rr«»j-. ifp«ia •t.lrtly In a«T«n««,fa.OO.

The •Ueml»tUN*r't-\a LmrrMfi Asssrrl- c*u la tha largaal or any siapr i Iu tKr Can rat v, astrf uaa-re thaa, Four Time-

V km of Advartitlng MM upon Application


IiAWEE IV Daily &qeri<iiu\.

IVCRY EVENING, (Sunday excepted,)

U tha Larg**| Daily In tha etty, with four Ttavt the circuUtioa of any other.

ttCaMCaUPTlOM, 1M AdvMH ■ OMTaw. *4-«C | Six Month*. *!■•

Wham aot paid In ad v ance, MJtV

GEO. S. tUIUULL * CO., Prop'r*.


ST^if PRINTING OFFICE, I* Use Largest and mowl Umroughly forxualied IA

Eastern Maa*ncha*eUA. Having only moderB P rcaaea. aad with constant additions of UM MW I atykM of Type, wa AM able to furnish tha baa quality of work, expadliioutly, at low prioes. Order* by mill given prompt af-terrlfon.

010. B. MXRRILL 4 OKOCXKK. Poat OAoa Blook.










Startaard't VegeUble and Herb Tonla !■ doing

wonders—a*lonl*hing everybody, even UM phy-

sician*. Order* ara ponring in from All MOUOBA,

far And Aaar; Urge ordora coming from place*

when almuly one trial bottle hu been rued. In-

valid* ar* by tfal* tonic raatored to health. Hun-

dred* la UM city of Lawrence aro i>raining it, and

•olnthl* case, "a prophet I* not without honor

Are In hi* own country," will hardly Apply. But

luit thara be *ome who will Inaltt f.iat it I* only

SUonard. and of hi* gelling up. we will *ay that

it i* SUnuard In nothing except the manufacture;

that tha receipt la an


Ode, down from long roar* ago, and of

wblob w* here append a brief history. In

THE YEAR 1804, Aa old iBdian, then living In tha aoulh western

part of Albany County, SUU of New Tor«, who ha.l made himself ejulM celebrnUd^a* A phy*I.

BAB. became unable to attend to all call* made

elpOB him for hi* services among tha alck. A.

BAA then living, found that one aacrat of hi*

cat* lay IB tame

BITTERS Which he furniabdd to UM public. UM receipt for

which ihl* man purehaaed of him at great coat,

a* WA* than considered. Tha hitler* were m fActurad aad .old, and created no HtUa aeaaAUon

fur many rear.; but it being a *par*ely aeUlad

looAlliy. and It may be, the ill* of the lnb*blt*nt*

hailng dlaappoAred In consequence ol the uae of

UM biUers, and the old gentleman owning the re-

eelpt patting off the *Uga About the

YEAR 1822,

Tha Tame thereof see mod lo die away. But th in

are old people living In tiiat aectloa to-day, who

remember UM fame of

THE TONIC A* shay nailed iL Thl* receipt wa* willed by UM

owner to a deughUr and bar children, and tha

original receipt, dated a* above, I* ■

from which i* made

LAWRENCE Business Directory. Card* *»•» eiceadlwg Four relates lat lewttlh

■ ■■cited lat rolinll at *)S per yrmr.

_._ CaKAMS. at all llmea at abort noUoa. Or- der* left at 1). N. A C at. Martin'*, 11*9 Ka*ei at. Satisfaction guaranteed. mnrSTVlyr


W. HOWI.AND, D. D. 8, • DENTAL SURGEON, *« Essex Street, Lawrence. Has, Bther and Chloroiorm Administered.

B. OLIDDEN, DRUGGIST.—Pure * Drug* and Chemical*, Patent Medicine*, Toilet Article*, Perfumery, Muongtw, Ilruthcs, Soap*, etc. Corner Essex ami Pcmberton fit.

BACON A HOPKINS, Attorneys and Coun*el)or* at Law, and Commissioner* for

hT. H. MT EUBX STUKXT, LAW rence. H. P. Hopkiu*. sepMtf H. C. Bacon.

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORE, for- marly Palmer**, la the place to get your Wor

led. and Wor»l«d Uoods. Pattern* and Kaony Uooda, Yankee NoUoni, Ae. itIKaaexot. 1)3


Auctioneer*, and Dealer* in Real EaUte. Omce Ml Essex Street,


MS ESSEX 8TBEXT, Lawrenoe, Ma**.


. _ 'ora.e, *ra3Eatex' ,eet. Houae, tt Bradford street, Lawrence, MB . rebtffltf

(CLIFFORD BOS., }Plain and Unwralk. Paptr He tag I tag

and Painting, No. Ml Common atreet, formerly ecupiedbyw. P. Smith. Jr. mnyBfly

COLBURN BBO'S,— DAILY PAPERS, Chrorao*. Engravings. Periodleala, bla ionery

~ icy Good*. Picture* Framed At ahor. - ottoe *S1 Essex Street.

CYRUS WILLIAMS, Manufhcturei i And dealer In Sa*h, DooraandBUBda, W.n

dow and Door Frame*. All kind* Houac Finiah. OppoalW Boaton A Maine R. R. Paaaenger Depot.

■ully dlapjiL ling Patent Medlcino* and Toilet Artl- Oi BuoADw*i. augstlyr

H. KIDDER, DENTAL SUR- GEON, No. 371 Eaaex Street, Lawrenoe, Mu*. GBA, Chloroform, or Ether given, aa pre ferred. Cloaed durmg Augnat.



Over Dyer A Co'*.

DECKER A WHITTIER, GROCERS. Crockery And Glaaa Ware. StricUv pure

Coffee*, Spice* and choictat Tea*. The beat dalrie* of U utter and Cheeaa. U Amcsbury Street.


New Shuttle, New Tenaion, Self-netting Needle.

How TO DitiVR A HORSE.—Youna man, 1 si-ir j oti are about to take it drive lhU iiiorhliii!, and will otl'cr voti ionte advice. Your horse is rc»t]ei<H aud wants to be oil' before you are ready; you may as well break him of this now as at any otber time, and hereafter yon will find It lias been a half hour well Hpcnt. Just give me the reins while you put your foot on the step aa If to get in; the hon*c makes a move to go; I tighten the reins aud say whoa. Now put your foot on the step again; the horse makes another move; I hold the reins and speak to him sgaln. The horse Is getting excited. Pat hlin a little on the neck aud talk to him sooth- iugly. Put your foot ou the step again and repeat this process until the horse will staud still for you to get In aud adjust yourself iu your seat and tell hlin go. A few such lessons will train him no that he will always wait for your order before starting.

Now, as your horse has Just been fed, drive him m a gentle pace for the first two or three miles, until he warms apand his body becomes lighter. But before you start let mc show you how to hold the reins. Take them In your kit hand, have them of equal length from the bit, and to cross each otber In your hand, the offside one resting on your first finger, the other on the fourth Anger, the back of the hand upwarda. Now, in gniding the horse you have only to use the wrist Joint, which will direct him cither right or left as you wish. Keep your arm steady, with a genie pressure on the bit, no Jerking or twitch- ing of the reins. Ifmorespeed Is wanted, take the whip In your right hand to be gently used for that pnrprse. be careful not to apply It any harder than is necessary to bring him up to the required speed. Speak to him soothingly, and Intimate in the most gentle manner what you want lil'n to do, and he will try and do It. So uoble an animal should not be handled roughly nor over driven. When you re- turn have the harness removed at on co, and the horse rubbed down wtths wispof straw or hay. Give him n bite ofgross or bay, and let him cool off before he is watered or fed. Every one who handles a horse or has anything to do with one, should cultivate acquaintance; let him know that you arc his friend, and prove it to him by your kind treatment. lie needs this to Inspire confidence, and when this is gained, he Is your bumble servant, If your horse gets frightened at auy unu-

sual sight or noise, do not whip him, for if you do he will connect the whipping with the object that alarmed him, and make him alraidoflt ever after. If he merely hies at the object give him time to ex-

amine It, which with some encouraging words from the driver, will persuade him to pass ll. You get frightened, too, some- times, and would not like to be whipped for It.

Gent'a Custom Boot and Sbo* Makers, lo;i Eaavx atreet. All kind* of ready made Bovu ami Sboea constantly on bAnd and very cheap.

ES. YATES, H. D., PHYSICIAN and a Surgeon.

Ontce, SOT E**ex Btnvt, corner ol Lawrence. Residence, 103 Concord Street

EH. KELI.EY, APOTHECARY—Pre- • atriutiona carefully oomuouaded. Pare

Drag* And Chemical., Patent Mcdk-lncx, Toilet and rancr Article*, etc. Poat OfSxe Block.


No. Sis ESSEX STBXAT. The beat place in the city.

G GEO. O. CROSS—Mechanical Draughts-

man, Pattern and Mode) Maker, at the

i existence


WIFK.—In some parts of Europe it is not unusual to bring about matrimonial en- gagements by means of advertisements. Some years ago \r, was agreed Iu a gay party of ladles and gentlemen In Louuon that an advertisement should be Inserted In a morning paper as from s young lady, rich and beautiful, who felt inclined to the state of matrimony. Iu the course of the day, letters were received from be- tween forty and flfty Bwalns ofsll descrip. Li^ns, in reply to i-ueii of whom ao answer was addressed, stating that the lady wished, previous to his being Introduced to her, to see him, at the samo time re- questing each to be in the pit ofthu I miry Lane Theatre, on the following evening, dressed In a blue coat, white pantaloons and a scarlet vest, add immediately outhe conclusion of the first act to stand upou the benches, nourish nwhltc handkerchief In one hand and apply a glass to the right eye with the other. Everything succeeded •o well that ns soon as the curtaiu foil about flfty Individuals of all ages forthwith mounted the benches, from the smooth Adonis of eighteen to the sleek,

comer Eaaex and Lawrence St—Trusses, I portly, Self confident widower of fifty aud 1 the emaciated bachelor of sixty, dressed

In uniform according to orders. In the gayest Btylc and the utmost nicety, to make the deeper impression on the heart of the fair prise. High swelled their bosoms with hope as with studied action the handkerchief was flourished and the glass was raised to the eye. But who shall paint the astonishment, dismay and rage which were depicted In every coun- tenance as they gazed upon each other and discovered the sudden failure of all their hopes! With almost Incredible velocity they descended from their uueuvlable at- tltudcB to "hide their heads" among the crowd.

I with Ilugbee A Mack, SAS Essex street, Law aprUsSm.

HP. BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and * Cabinet Maker.—Repairing, Laying "

Mayhcw'* Patent

TOSKPH FLOOD A CO., MERCHANT •J TAILORS, Chambers, I, t and S Asunder* New Block, Essex Street Under Uie immediate supervision of Jos. KLOOII, (tale Savage A Flood.)

T M. HORNE, Physician and Surgeon.

Office and Reiidenco 271 Essex Street,


BSS E**ex Street, Lawrence.

LSTRATTON, BOOKSELLER and a Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.-

Paper lUnginga, Window Shade*. Newspaper etc. iUE**exSt Branch Btore, 1*6 Eaaex Bt

Start's Vegetable ail Herb Tonic W Men I* a cure fur all pbnaea of Liver Complaint

Mari eloos la 11*


Upon person* who have been long suffering with

what they tsra, and what la called by physician*


LOUIS WEIL, Dealer In Rendy-Made Clothing, Gent*' Fumlahlng Good*. Hals,

Cap*, Trunks, Valtaea, Umbrella*, At., No. IS) BaSHX STBJIET, Lawrence, Maaa. Ji

year* *ucce**ful practice in Obstetric* and disease* of women and children, offers her services to the public. OSlce, IS Madison St, Newbnryvort


BoUot. No. MS ESSEX STBEBT. aprioflvr


Manufacturers of Wool Machinery, Hunt's Dou- Me Acting Turbine Water Wheel. HAMMER FALLING STOCKS, Fulling Mills, Dolly Washer*, ShalUng. Regulators,

Gig., Dye Tub*. Ac. E. N. HARRIS, *w Uroad WAyLAWTBWee, Mass. Director and Selling Agent,


NKW Exui.tNn INDEPENDENCE*.—Bur- lelgh writes to the Boston Journal: ''In New York the restaurant keeper greets you with his coat off, sleeves rolled up, face red and a breath Indicative of lager. In New Eugland your caterer Is probably a man of substance. He Is willing to accom- modate you. He reads the paper while the coffee Is boiling. The Atlantic Month- ly lays on the book-Bbelf, and he can tell you all about the subjects discussed at tin; last Scientific Convention. The young woman who humls you your coffee Is his daughter. She took the medal In algebra mid lins been two quarters at the academy. It would be just as well ii her tongue was not quite so sharp, but then she Is aa good as anybody and only walls on you for your accommodation. I have been amaicd to see a New Yorker give hi s order. He has been waited on Iu New York by girls —German, Irish, French, and Italian; but thla Is his first experience with a Yankee girl. She hands the guest a bill of fare, and watts like a Bchool teacher who has given a dull boy a bard problem. Can I have some hsrd boiled eggsf I

presume you can.' 'Have you buttered toast?' ■ I believe It Is on the bill of faro. Can you get me a glass of milk?' 'I csn.'

In this matter-of fact way the colloquy proceeded, to the utter astonishment of the man of Gotham.'

Now. need wa aay more In Brdar to discharge

ar dutv to the public?

THIS TONIC May BOW b* had. whotaeals and retail, of H. M.

Whitney A Co,, druajglsU, corner of Essex and

Lawranca Street*. Also for sale by A. E. Gild-

dan. Gee. II- Chlckerlng And other druggist*:

Alao by Decker A Whlttler, Jobs lasseU, Dean A llaiettiaa, Damn A Maaarve, aad other grocer*

ta I.*wr*ne*; and In Melhuen by S. II. Harrl*.

Jr., and Castle A Steven*, druggUU, and by H.

O. Webator. All orders tor

THE TONIC by wholesale aad rasall, «au be addraeaed to B,

. Whitney A Ue., Lawranca, Mae*., or t* J. H.

BUnnard, Who I* manufacturer and proprietor Bt

MANUFACTURER Dealer In Boots Shoos i

every desirable Style and Quality. Lawrence.

THOS. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 881 Es- sex Btreet Pull Value, Pair Dealing, " Nr,


BM Baasx atreet NOTAEV PUBLIC.

WILLIAM RUSSELL A SON, Manufacturer* of

BOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA PAPERS Canal Street low**; end.

TARBOX A BRIOGS, ATTORNEYS and Counsellor* at Law, Sanndar* New Block,

Boom* 16 aad IT, Lawrenoe, Mass. J. K. TABSOX. C. E. Bniuoa.

MISS LIZZIE CARLETON, S60 ESSEX Street Sauuder* Block. May be found a va-

ried aad select stock of Fancy Goods, to which I would reapecUully Invlto attention.

WS TE A BELL, Attorneys at Law,

TRIAL BOTTLES or tha took are free to all peraun* wbo are at *

B need of having Utelrlbaelth* Improved, by sail



B. KENNBY, M. D-, PHYSICIAN _ And Surgeon. OSAOO SSI Eaaex St Houaa

No. 110 Newbury Streat Particular aUentioa paid to Cancer*.


THE PRIEST'S PROPHECY.— A corre- spondent of the Cincinnati OoMtUe, speak Ing of the ruin of Kynost, says: "The great kitchen Is still perfectly preserved. and In It ona Is told how the great Gener- al of Wallenateln's victory laughed ovet the astrological predictions of hlB cvan Helical priest. The priest consulted the herocsope, and told Count Ulrlch he was to die by cold iron. The Count laughed, and asked hlin what was to bo the late of a lamb that was JuBt being carried by. The priest ascertained the hour and day of IU birth, again consulted the horoscope, and told the Count the lamb would be de- voured by s wolf. In order to convince the priest how fallacious his prophecies were, the Count ordered his servants on a certain day to serve the lamb as a roast and invited the clergyman to dine with him. On the day appointed, as the Count sat down to dinner with his guests another roast was brought In. mmqulred why his orders had not been obeyed and the lamb served? The cook, without a pre- sentiment of the Importance of his words, innocently auswered he could not roast the lamb, for It had been carried away by a wolf. When the Count beard this he turned psle and said, 'The Lord's will be done.


The President smiled s "genial smile" when bis glance fell upon a motto, "Good leather for Grant," which was displayed In front of a Providence shoe-store when he passed through that city recently. This almost equals the motto which wan displayed In front of a pretty milliner's store In Norwich, Ct., upon the occasion of the visit of the Seventh Regiment, of New York, to that place a few years ago. It tead; "Welcome lo the gallant Seventh, irresistible In arms!'' The boys admired the Inscription and the good taste display ed by the suggcater of It all that day.

An extraordinary instance of the cart- is one offlreanns occurred at Branford,

Tuesday morning. George II. Andrews, an expressman, was up lo a tree near his residence picking wild cherries, when Charles E. Baldwin, who was out with his gun after pigeons, came that way. Bald win noticed s stir In the upper branches of the tree, and without waiting to see what caused It, discharged his gun In that direction. Over forty No. 4 shot struck Andrews in the face and neck, and as Baldwin was only four rods away the wounds are very vevcrc. He will proba- bly recover.

ibc supreme court room at Nashua has been crowded for a day or two with peo- ple watching the case of a man accused of stealing a girl. A man named Blxby hired a Swedish girl of a Boston agent three years ago, and paid fifty dollars for her passage to this country, butoo her arrival with others, one Dunlsp changed the tags on the girls and thus got possession of Bixby'sglri. Dunlsp was fioed |140. This with costs will make the defendant's bill about •1,000.

A father writes to a Reading, Pa., paper, that his daughter has almost killed herself by drinking excessively of vinegar for the reduction of her weight. In six months she has thus relieved herself of forty-five pounds of flesh, and, aa a consequence, Is completely broken down In health, a hyp- ochondrlac, and In peril of death. The father writes to the paper, that other foolish girls may not practice the same dangerous folly.

The granite soldier who Is to surmount the national monument at the battle field of Antletam has been completed, snd Is claimed to be the largest figure lu sculp- ture out of Egypt. He weighs over thirty tons and Is over twenty one and a half feet high. The gun be holds Is eighteen feet long, nnd his shoe three feet In length. The face Is smooth shaven except a heavy moustache, and Is that of a resolute man.

The "Journal do t"■•neve" states that the ascent of Mont Blanc bos Just been effect- ed by Charles Rand, a native of Chicago, only fifteen years of age—probably the youngest tourist who has ever reached the summit. The Journal adds the youth Is a member of a temperance society and took nothlug but water and some melted snow.

A little girl four years old recently strayed Into a saw mill In Irvlocton, Pa., and getting too near a large circular saw, which was running vary slowly, was caught by Its teeth, carried over and thrown several feet beyond. Strange to aay, she escaped all injury except two cuts—one on the leg and the other on the arm.

Miss Rosalie Miller of Uatfleld, bos been appointed to a place on the Faculty of the State normal school, in place of Professor Metcalf, who takes a place In the model school aa training teacher. MU» Miller la

graduate of west field State normal school.

A Chicago reporter went to a party the the other day and was foolish enough to remark the next morning that a certain young lady hod the smallest waist in the room. The other girls killed him tho next day, and they made him a grave where the sunbeams rest.

Mrs. Alvln Reed of Manchester met with an accident on Wednesday afternoon while at a picnic In Reed's Grove. She was passing by tho head of a horse when he whirled and kicked her, fracturing her right thigh just above the knee.

In Chester, 1'*., last week, a woman was ou trial for disturbing a religious meeting* by boisterously eating pcanuta- the Judge doubtless had a taste for the favorite nut, and the woman was dis- charged.

A married man named W. C. Baker, whose elopement with Miss Minnie Bar- nard of AnvoHi. N. 11., caused so much excitement In that vicinity a few days ago, has been arrested snd lodged In jail at Newport.

The graduates from Yale College, New Haven, fondly speak of that Institution aa their elm-a mater—and a pretty slippery otm-amatterahela,too, sometimes. But that depends upon who's at the 'elm.

There Is nothing like economy. A Prov- idence, R. 1. family subscribes for the morning pspcrs reads them through early and then sends of the children out to sell them.

"John Paul" writes from an atmosphere of puuts at Saratoga and expresses an In- tention to Join aome boat club, as then he would be able to consider himself a gen- tleman and se tiller.

A carrier pigeon flow from Cape May to Philadelphia, eighty four miles In ninety minutes. The same bird went sixty three miles In sixty-five minutes.

The discovery by a French scientist that an Insect makes Its home in the mid- dle of cigars causes but little alarm. Lov ors ofthe woed are determined to smoke It out.

In one ofthe graveyards at Truro. Cape Cod la a marble column bearing the names of 57 men aud boys belonging to that place, who with s.-veu vessels were lost on the banks tit a single storm.

Hampshire county meteorologist predicts continued drought till about the ilrst of October, and soon afterwards one of the most disastrous floods that ever occurred lu New England.

Patrick Ulncs of Chleopee. a man seven- ty years old, was found drowned In the Connecticut River at Springfield, Tues- day. It Is supposed that his death was accidental.

Out of the fifty four yonng men appoin- ted cadets at West Point and examined during the jut week, only twenty two passed the exsmtnatlon and were admit- ted.


Juat after the death of Ska Sower* And before they are baried in *oow.

There come* a festival anas on, When nature I* all aglow -

Aglow witb tho mystical splendor That rivals the brightness or spring-

Aglow witb a beauty more tender Than aught fair summer could bring.

In huua that bewilder the eves. The sun from hi* cloud-pillowed chamber,

Smiles soft ou a risloa so gay, And dreams that hi* favorite children.

The flower*, have not yet paaasd away.

There'* a luminous isjal on the mountain*, A light aaure'

A* If angels, wL Hail left their bi

The breexe Is so tx It seems a mute

And floats to the h. Prom some happy

Like aoR itraln* of music at night; W> know they are fading and fleeting,

They quickly, loo qnlrkly they'll end, And we watch them with yearning affection

A* at parting we watch A dear friend.

Ohl beautiful Indian Summer! Thou favorite child of (he year—

Thou darling whom nature enriohe* With gifts and adornment* *o dear,

How fain would we woo thee to linger On mountain and meadow awhile,

Kor our hearts, like Hie sweet haunt* of nature Rejoice Anugrow youug In thy *milo.

Not alone to the sad Held* of autumn Dost thou a lost brightness restore,

Hut Ihou brlngeai * world.weary spirit Sweet dreams ol IU childhood once more.

Thy loveliness Uirllli ua with memories


hyh Of all that was brightest and beat; by peace and ecreulty offer A Inn t 'oretaste of heavenly met

OUR COUNTY OrncRRS.—TheMerrlmac 'Journal,''one of Mr. Oeo. J. M. Colby's

two Independent Newburyport papers, both weekly, has the following notes and comments upon the vacancies In crranty offices to be filled this fall. Tho "Jour-

'says: Mr, Sherman, District Attorney, will

. no competitor In his own party, but should Gen. Butler fall of the nomination for Congress, Charles I'. Thompson, of Gloucester, will be elected, as will the otber nominees for county officers. Sher- iff Herrlck Is opposed to Mc. Shaw, of Rockport, who Is deputy Uolted States Marshal, but that Is no objection In the Republican party, where the ruls Is to keep the ring unbroken, and rotate from one office to another. Mr. Herrlok will be renominated—ho Is a Methodist. Mr. Stlckney of Grovolaud, wants to be Counsellor once more though two years la the rule. Mr. Hal' of Saugus thinks he should have It, and Capt. Couch of New- buryport, would not be beatsn If be were not In the centre of the county, while can- didates are not taken, on the south, this side of Beverly Bridge, or on the other way, this side ofGrovetsud. Mr. Preston of Danvers, wants to continue County Commissioner. None of them decline. Mr. Proctor of Gloucester, had tho prom ■ iso of It, If Gloucester would elect a Lynn mau last year, aud some of them now go In for redeeming their pledge. Haverhill also puts In though she had a commission

long that he would have the place ore. It belongs to Amesbury or Sal-

isbury, end we hope that editor Currier of the Villager will be the man. But the Repub.lcans will remember that Gen. But- ler holds the county officers and the eloc tlon of Talbot In his flst."


WHILE SWINUINO.—Several young people in Chester county, Pa., made up a picnic party, the other day, and went to a ro- mantic place called Witch Mountain to spend tho day. Among other means of amusement a swlug was auspended from the limb of a tree, thirty feet from the ground; during the afternoon one ofthe party, a daring youug lady, seated her- self in It aud requested to bo swung as high w the rope would allow. The swing commenced Its motion, and rose higher, until a height of fully thirty feel was reached. Up to this time she was foil of animation, when suddenly she became quiet, her head dropped OL one side, ber arms let go their nold upon the ropes, and away the unfortunate girl was hurled through the air, and only aaved from a terrible death by landing safely and se- curely lu the top of a neighboring tree. The covered wagon In which the party rode to the place was pushed under the tree, to break the fall In case she should not be sble to maintain her hold. The swing was hurriedly taken down, the rope thrown over the limb ofthe tree In which the young lady had lodged and then se- cured below, and two genUemcn climbed to her assistance. They found ber Just returning to consciousness, and by the force of her fall wedged In ao securely between the trunk and the limbs of the tree as to require consldersbtc force to extricate ber. Having sufficiently recov- ered, she was lowered to the ground with the aid ofthe rope, aud In the evening re- turned with the party, none the worse for her remarkable adventure.




Saturdftv- Yesterday mornlus, a building In East Wey-

moutb, occupied by Henry llawley aa relreab- ment and billiard saloon, and the Temple of Honor block, adjoining, were burned. The in- Uurance on tha first building was giJOO, and he whole,; icludlng Bxtores, etc., was valued at ftOOO. Tl e building of the Temple uf Honor cost V37M and wa* Insured fur #3000. There wa* alio insurance on the furniture snd rega- lia, amounting to S1G0O, making a total insur- ance of over #8000. The value of the property dsatroyed l* estimated At 910,000. The fire was mppoBed to he Hie work of an Incendiary.

The Sioux nave held an Indian council talk, In which the chiefs were asked If they were Baked if ihay would give their consent hu the sale orihe Black Hill*, to wbicb Running Antelope, chief of the Uaeapes, replied that they would not aell under any con aid era tlon, and demanded that the Great Father at Wash- ington send them gum snd amunltfoa to pre- lect tbelr counuy from the incursion of the white men.

Moulton s sUtemeDt occupies twelve columns In the Journal, which published It In full; It I* an adroitly prepared paper, at first glanco con- vincing, hut In fact containing only a restate- ment of old matters.

The tug Mary Ann exploded her boiler on llldciui canal, Ontario, Thursday. Her deck* were blown offend ber boiler demollibod. The engineer* were slightly *cnlded. The tog had not been Inspected.

There WA* A terrlbU collision Friday mora- ine; on the Great Eastern Railway, near Nor- wich, England. Fifteen person* were killed and thirty Injured, some it la feared fatally.

The Amotkcag Veterans have appointed a committee, to Invite the Ancient and Ilonorahle Artillery of Boston, to visit Manchester, N. H., on the israt Monday of October.

An unknown yonng woman gave birth to a child at the I'xehange in Worcester, Thursday light. She refuse* to tell her name, ii alone

and has but f 13. Tlie H'uvti-tunii-I will lw formal)v opened

NOT, 1st. The Pennsylvania *teel rail compa- ny have been awarded the contract for furnlib- Ing the rails.

William Divl* wa* arrested and locked up, yesterday nrornlng, at Fall River, on a charge of attempt to commit rape.

The picker room or the Tllton, N. U., cotton mill wa* damaged 950J, Thursday night, by the sprinkler being turned on.

An unknown man wa* killed near Spring- field, Thursday night, by being run over by the Albany express train.

Tber-lis possibility of a peaceable aettle- mentof tho Formosa difficulty between China and Japan.

The levere drouth In the Southern State* has lused a *erlon) decline la the prospect of the

cotton crop. Hon. Ebeneier Knowiton, a prominent Maine

politician, died suddenly at Hontvllle yc*t«r-


Corr**po«*V«i'e q/ NBW, Sept. S, 1ST*.

The new morning Journal, "The Republic," will make IU Act appearance on th* fist of thl* month. It* prospectus eava that it will have a capital Of #3*1,000, and that the subacrlpUon books are BOW open, which look* very mucd "" "-•ugh tho -lock had not all been

a T* i.U-s i-


O It I* said, to make this pane: AST AUsUNianuTlOX lino AN,


day. The Old Orchard Temperance camp-meeting

appears to be a aucces*. It close* on Monday, The rivraontb church prayer meeting last

night evidenced unabated confidence in Beecher. The new Spanish emba*s*dor to Paris has

arrived And presented hli credential*. The Boston Base Ball Club arrived home lait

night Trout their transatlantic tour. Prayer* will tie offered for rain In the Phila-

delphia Catholic churches to-morrow. Monday.

Th* assertion that Germany baa oeen nego- tiating with Spain for the cession of Porto Rico, ii reported at WA*hlngton, and comes from a saamlaa-ty antbenilc *ouro*. Tha new version I* that the prot-oaed cession Is to satisfy money

Germany against " been urgently preaaed. It claim* of Germany againat Spain, which have

they may be. The iaoorporator* of "The He pub- llr/are C. C- Norvcll, «T B. Wesley and ¥. C. rlelt- Mr, Norvell was for twenty-Are yean the financial editor or tha New York "Time*." Ha waa formerly the editor of a paper In Tennessee, and WAA at en* Una* eoatieetsd with lha Philadel- phia "Ledger." Mr. Wealeywasforanumbaror yearn the publisher of the '*ritne*," and It 1* ow- ing mainly to bis energy Bad Baet that the "Times" Was HI soon an established auooeaa. A good sto- ry Is lold In connnrUou with the iliaagrasasent he twecn the tale Henry J. Raymond and Mr. Wes- ley. Mr. Wesley found that b* could not get along atrseably with Mr. lUvmond, ao be went lo that gentleman Bad told him that be must •J""'.'^ « a-aU-lhat ha would sail hi< share In the "Times" or would buy him out. RAymond Injmadlefdy replied tluit h* would buy

maij ursuumi goouv, anu in ua several. Bsyie* moat aeeoaa a wide demand frou* tha Sue trade, la abort, the exhibition of *lylea i* ona of the most creditable ever presented by these mill*, aad mast sell largely la their favor before the sea- son has expired, that is if good quality and de-

i flea for elegance of pattern and

oy wa* deposited, and borrowing the required amount out of that genllemAn's deposit, returned Ami paid fur the share* with (be other"* inoner. After leaving the ■•Tim**." Mr. Weeiey went up. on Wall street, where he was distinguished as a bold and successful speculator. Mr. Plait is a member of Congress from New York, and I* well known In political circle*. Mr. George F. Wil- liam*, late cliy editor of Lba ■■Times," and the limn who originated and earrihd out lba plan of the "Poor Children's Fii-nlcs," will be managine editor under Mr. Norvell. Mr. Sedley, alao of the "?-£*•■'.' W,U ft" Ule *«»IOAI «Bd dramatic crille ofilw Itopublic." The office of the new paper Is in tho Demi-it building, at the oomer of Fulton root*.

IAMS Og H..V UBABBIBU. We are continually hearinx of the advantage* of •'irrrUslng. but th* disadvantages of that process

making known on*'* wants have never been I. I will give a few inatAnce*. A friend of

mine waa walking through lined sheet (be other morning wben be ntran upon A crowd or overs hundred buys standing in front of a house. They were laughing and screaming, ami completely blocked up the sidewalk. My friend stopped '' ae* what waa going on, and wa* *urpri*ed lo

- ' "only and * grab a 1M

singular notiductVBa1t«r Id* c'urloslty, ami on go' Ing up lo a man wbo waa sitting on the front

d nun what WA* the ., —M the man, "only we

advertised for four boys In this morning1* patter*, anil early a* it Is you sue the result." There was nothing left for the man wbo wanted tho boys to do but make hi* selection from the window, then

'■i: MI i lie DOT AMI rt II KtM IB. My (Vteavl told thl* Incident to a well known merchant the other nay, wbo related a similar e K- perlence. "Some time 0x0," aatd the merchant, "I had oocaalon to advertise for a halr-grc

i had occasion to advertise for a halr-growi

J to take care of a child. I staled in m< ' ver Use ment that Uie applicant must call o'clock In the afternoon. I want down to my

*' aa usual, but had not been there over two

WHITPOHD 4 RICE, JEWELLERS, dealer* 1B Papar, Statloe^try. Paper Hang-

lags, Window Shades and Shade Fixture.; It lank Book Manufacturer*. MS Essex 8t, I^wreno*.

M. STUART * CO., Isaant On Work*, Vine Street. Dyereof PleceGood*,

Yarns, Braid*, and all kind* of Job I'ye'ng. *'- eatable gooda re-dyed aad pot in aiarketable o


117 Essex Street. w. A. KimbAU, V. F. Klmball.

w RIDGE'S FOOD Is ao new, bap-haxard

rrepa.aUoo, ruahed Into the market a* a ulatlon. *"

A IIttno'H DKVOTIOK.—"M. de Moltke," says a correspondent, "goes to bed reg- ularly at ten, but on a line summer'e eve he will first Indulge In another abort sol- itary atroll, In which ho mentally prepares the next day'a work. Often, too, he goes at night to visit his wire's tomb, which la concealed by a row of cypresses, on a hillock in the park. He lost her ou the Christmas night of 18A8. She was yourut ainl charming, and they appear to have been tenderly attached to each other, although be might have been her father. Whenever he strives at his seat, hta first care, before entering the house, li to go and pray near her gaave."

The foreign resident population of Paris Is made up as follows: 4.000 Americans, 7,000 Englishmen, 47,000 Germans, 85,000 Belgians and 12,000 Swiss.

A French womsn who was st work at Mr. Lucerne Smith's bouse In Smith's Ferry, was terribly burned, her clothes catching lire from the stove.

The manufacturing class In Scotland increased rapidly between 1861 and 1871.. In 1801 that class combined BH2.410 work- ers. In 1871 the number was 74B,»7.

The continuance of dry weather Is hav- ing a bad effect upou late pears and apples, In causing the unrlpVftult to fall from the the tree.

Mr. Lincoln, of Wludham, on occa- sion of having attained his hundredth year, has Just finished a bucket. Hay It be long before he kicks It!

Louis Lomlnecarry was recently fined by the supreme court, at Nashua, llOOaud costs and one year In Jail for pulling his horse's tongue out.

Six hundred Roman Catholics of Bnr. ilugton, have formed an association for the purpose of offering prayer for tha auppression of Intemperance.

Mr. Tennyson Is stated to be at work upon hla "Boadlcea," wbicb, it Is hoped, he will be able to perfect In ashort time.

The Baroness Burdctt Coutts gave Mr. Stauton a dog valued at (2,200, which he has taken with htm to Africa

There Is a boy living In Harrlsvllle, N. II., who weighs one hundred and forty- four pounds, sod Is only slxyears old.

France Is making starch from horse- chestnuts.

Marshal SuverolT display better than whole pages of description the wonderful way in which he contrives to adapt him- self to the rude spirits wltk whom he had to deal without losing one Jot of his au- thority.

It must be owned, however, that In hla own peculiar vein of pleasantry the old marshal more than oncu'met his match. One of his favorite Jokes was to confuse a man by asking him unexpectedly 1

"How many stars are there In thesky?" On one occasion he put this question to

one of his sentries ou a bitter January, such as only Russia csn produce. The soldier, not a whit disturbed, answered coolly:

Walt a little and I'll tell you." and he deliberately began to count, "One, two, three," 4c.

In this way he went gravely on to a hun- dred, at which point SuvorofT who was al- ready half frozen, thought It high time to ride off, not, however, without Inquiring " e name of the ready reckoner.

The next day the latter found himself promoted, and the story (which Suvoroff told with gecat glee to hla staff) speedily made Its way throughout the army.

1 ■■- *■

Thursday mornlug last, a little red squirrel, having been pestered cdnsiders- bly by the lads about the sawmill of Ebeu Webster 4 Co. on March Point, Orono, took refuge for life bv running up the big brick chimney near thu mill. By clinging to the corner he kept foothold go well that be succeeded In reaching thu very top Hero he found himselr upon the Iron cap, 10G feet from the ground, As more and more of the waste stufl from the mill was added to tha furnace lba chimney grew hotter, and his situation became more and

disagreeable. He tried to decent! from the aide of the chlitney, but after getting down a few feet gave It up, turn- ed around and went back. By this time the chimney top had become ao hot that he must leave It- soaflor looking about carefully for a few mlnutea, hu evidently made up bis mtnd that he mast leap 10 safe his life; and this he did, spreading out his legs and balancing htmaelf ao that he struck the ground about fifty feet from the base uninjured, snd Immediately scampered off aud secrete* himself under a pile of boards.

slate department ha* already protested stronu- oualy agalnit this action.

The president has deferred *eltctlng a suc- cessor to Jewell a* mlnlater to Russia, until the mum of the Emperor and the court, now absent from St. Petersburg, sometime early In November. Among the aspirants are Morton McDonald, DenJuuln Moran, and General Manney, the latter an ex-confederate of Ten- nessee.

In Worcester, Saturday evening, Jobn G Wattman, a young German employed a* press- man In Wm. Mecorney's tailoring establish-' ment, ibot hlmaelf through tbe heart. He 1- Ibougnt to have been a married man, but In love with a woman In Lock'port, N. Y., wbo wai not bl» '"

Tha resignation of Col. Whltcloy, chief of tbe secret service division, will lake effect on tbe 30tb, In order to give him an opportunity to close his bnalne**. S. B. Benson, of Penu- solvania, i* appointed acting chief to serve In tbe meanwhile.

Owing to tbe pressure of the tiroes, tbe maeon*. bricklayers, hod corrlera and helpers, in Jersey City, Bergen, Hudson ' 'it\ and Hobo- ken, daring tbe past week hsve been Abandon- ing tbe eight-hoar rule, aad It i* Announced t!.*t all are working ten hour* a day without asking an increase of wages.

Postmaster-General Jewell advertise* a re- ward of •.WOO for tbe arrest of the parties wbo committed what 1* known oa tbe Gad's Hill

ibbery, In Missouri, on the ft 1st or January st, and 93000 reward for tbe arrest of Ibc

robber* of the San Antonio stage In Texas in April.

John O'Belley & Co'* paper mill, Mr. Hodges planing mill, tbe Rtormont Cotton Manufactur- ing Company'* office and a magnificent mill, P, E. Adam* saw, lathe ant) shingle milt*, and an old aabery In Cornwall, Out., were burned yesterday; total lots animated at f2.*J0,000.

Tbs South CaroIliiA Republican state Con- vention nominated 1). H. CbsmberlAin for Governor, and R. 11. Grave* for Lt-Governor, Many delegate* are diisatlatled, and an Inde- pendent Republican Convention will be called.

Tbe District of Columbia safe burglary ease bo* reialted In the indictment for conspiracy, of, Col. Wbiteley, Nettleabip, A. ii. William*, of tbe police court, and Michael Hoys,

Gen. Butler delivered along address In Glou- cester, on Saturday evening; he dlacaned all the public acts of bti congressional career, and frankly acknowledged that be wanted a re-elec- tion,

Tbe employes of tbe Reading railroad along the line will next week be put on half time,

a a raaas»n-rer arrived, saving that I must come borne Immediately, Uiat Uii- house was full of girls, and that m» wife had baan obliged to --"UaiwIlesMaB. Hurrying home, I found that

_. only the down stairs hall w.. 1U1I, but that tbe hall* up to Uie third story were eiiually ailed wlUi "half-grown girl.." The front door had been closed upon them, but those Inside took posses- sion of tbe houae and let Uie other* in. Thar would not go, oven when threatened by the offl. car, and It took me the whole day to ask Uiem questions ami tell llicm they would not do."- tin finally settled upon a girt who came precisely at two o'clock, and -lie prorod an excellent servant. Two or three winters ago, when tho

TIMES WE.UK HAILii AXO MOMXT BCABCK, -renllemAn of my aeunalnUnee advertised In a

New York paper for a boy, to whom IT he suited, he would psv »■) a week. Before he had oaten bis breakfast, there was a crowd of Iwo or three hundred buys and men, and even women at bl* door. Tbe men Imaged to be employed, and aatd

ny kind of

has already been commenced upon the new Art Museum which 1* to adorn our Central Park. The contract* have been aimed, the park laborers hare dug out tlm cellar and the masons are lay. lug the foundations. Thu present structure I* .■lily a wing of

THE r-BOI-OSEU ABT MUSKUU. This wing wllloost, exclusive of ground, ».luo,-

outi, and lo flui*lt tlio t-.ujitempl-ited bulldlnir, will rust S7.ouo.orw. Hut that la a thing of the future. I bad Uie pleasure of looking ovar Mr. Vaux'a dt-idgna the other day, willed lining very elabor- ate, giro nn etcellunt iiloa of Um new Art Muse- um. Tbe wing now inrourae of erection will bo the centre of the proposed building, and ie *i!n- ated on tho fifth avenue aide of Ilia Park, near the resei volr. It will be built or brick, with gran- He trimmings, a favorite combination, just now. IK ,1,1. ..III. I, ,W>. .I..I.K.I lH It.- «_-*"«_-_. '

rblotnateail ofbrtck, but the Committee concluded Uiat Uutt material was loo expensive. The effect, however, will lie about the same. Tha budding will bo three ato- riunhlati, with a denp cellar. The ground Door la for the toilet room* and the usual offices of

jg and ct with wbkb the raealpti that their excellence la 1

IlEXart Uooi>l.-The Padne Mill* have oa usu- al done an exceedingly Urge trade, tbelr leading style* la staple being mure sought aAatf than any otber gooda In the market, while on many style* orders are being constantly booked for good* to arrive that more than absorb tbe receipts- Their style* in printed aad woven effect* nave done equally well, while the Blalngood* and aameof tbe newest and beat stylo* fn fauoloe are sold lariri-lv In exonaa of production.



Through the emmety of Mr. John Fallon agent of the Pacific Milts, pormiHton was grant- ed a party, comprising Mesar*. Arthur aad Clarence Dyer, and a representative ol AMBBICAX, to ascend the great chimney of the Packlic milts, now appruAChiug completion. The motive column of brick and mortar baa now reached the height of 220 feet, and the re- maining five feet I* being finished by ornai tatlon. The ascent I* made by mean* of a wooden box, about4 feet by 3 feet aero**, and one foot high; an Iron frame attache* tbe box

a strong rope which runs to the lop of the chimney and ret am* to a portable engine, which furnish** the motive power lo draw the box 10 tbesammlt. Bunding upon the three aide* of the box farthest from tbe chimney, with a itrong grasp upon tho rope, and announcing

our readlne** to leave this talc of tear* and as- cend cloudward*, the engineer let the steam on, the drum wblrli, and up we go, at a rate of

bleh may be compared lo AH easy run- ning pace for a man. It wa* a novel senaatkMi and none of th* party will dear that they did not forget to retain tbelr grasp upon the rope until tbsy wen safely landed at the top. Half way up tbe chimney a fine view of the city wa* obtained, and aa tbe box continued to as- cend the view became grander, and we were surprised to see so much foliage within Ibe city limit*. In little more than a minute we wen safely landed npon the staging at the top, where we found nine workmen battly engaged, and In order not to Interfere with tbelr labors we climbed to tbe chimney top, and (bund a flue resting place upon aome planks which had been placed over the high tunnel that extend*

a depth of US feet, twenty (ect below the earth's surface. We are provided witb a fine field gloss, and the view* obtained are magnifi- cent. Tbe entire dty I* presented In strange contrast with one's expectation*. Tbe Com-

appear* to be a denre grove, only a single ■mall space, the play ground, appearing to be clear of trees. Tbe most prominent building I* Bt, Mary'* church, which stand* cut In bold re- lief from all other building* In Its vicinity. Tbe ■pireof the church reaches an altitude of too

d the structure being located on ground twenty leet higher than tbe chimney base,weare but a few feet above It. A good Idea of tbe ex- tent of the Pacific mill* t* bad by looking uown npon the immense area ol brick, and one per- ceive* that the main building which front* tbe canal 1* only a portion of the works. Tower Hill lower* to a height iceinlngiy far greater than that of Prospect Hill, on account of the nearer prospect. Ward five iwnmp preaents a dismal appearance, and the Essex yard, wlib tbe railroad and freight buildings, have not an attractive appearance, while the northern rail- way station is displayed In all It* grim and din- gy insignificance. Tbe view fn thin direction I* enllvcBed by tbe lofty appearance of Ilrecbin Block, and hrtner north Stevens Pond I* ahown In all IU beauty, while a Use view of tbe ceme- tery 1* also obtained. Looking to lha East the dty lull Is prominent, but from ibis height It doe* not Inspire a great deal of pride in < breast. The fine reiidenrei or Prospect Hill are seen lo excellent advantage, and aero** tbe

will be Ore proof. At each ai Uiere will lie wall paintings, representing a art. Tho Hour* are lo bo

granite ami the ornament*Una over the -'"'a* made wilh two varieties or that stone.

11 iheoniirce.imtemiilaied t.nij,tlnsr la erecbid, it will be the tluust In the wurld devoted to art lurpox*. From twelve lo rourteeo wing* Will iiaiii h ntl at intervals, from the main building, .ml between Ibesewlng* there will belieauUfidTy

Isld out gardens, ornamented wlUi sUtuary

plcli oeeuu

Douglas mansion on Four-

building will be cnuiiTleU'd by "August, ItRS, will probably not be ur.rupli-d ln-luri "

Unit .Vein upletl before tbe wlnter


alral when the praise and urajsr -'- —areeofaound,

iuMe.1 heart-thriil...

Yet all I* bright-lhe sun scarce past tha BOOB ; And ateailag out from dusky, darkling wend, dean* forth a matren >h«d will, mossy ahoou. Front off bar brow* ahe lays Uu) binding anood- Wben lol ber cbealnut Irxki float on the breeze Like silken alga- on cerulean tea*. The Sower* have hung their head*; but all gav

thing* "Thai butting To chant ber gratefully r


The American team in the international rule match practised at Creedmoor, .Saturday, at H00, OOfJ and 1000 yard*, the *cure* ranging from 116 to 163 in a possible of ISO.

Goldsmith Maid won another hippodrome race at Beacon Pork on Batnrday. Best time, 2.1S. Fullerton, second, A* usual.

The Boiton* wore welcomed home on Sstur day and lbs Athletic* beat tbcm ~9 to 6.

11. Gulsot, tbe eminent French ttalesman and author, died yesterday.

Gold cloaed on Saturday at 109). Tuesday.

Tbe Suffolk County grand Jury, on Saturday, Investigated the fhtnoui Oxford atreet assault

\ Boaton, the one la which Mary Ty man brutally beaten on the 2d of July last;

but In their report they failed to find an Indict- ment against Dana S. Colby, tbe young man known to be tho lover of the injured girl, and wbo was under 910,000 fund* ou a complaint tor committing tbe act.

Chamberlain, tbe nominee for Governor In South Carolina, Is a native of Worcester, Mass., thirty-seven years ohl, and I* a graduate of Yale College. Aapsclal says it I* generally thought hi* surrounding* In connection with tbe Mote* administration will prevent his being acceptable to the UX-payera' organization, but It It believed he will be elected.

Tbe Shanloys tray that alter five years ot bard labor on the Hoosae Tnnne), some of which were years also of terrible doubt anu uncertainty to them, and after Investing *ome (1700,000 of capital In the work, they Una t hem - •elve* "coming oat Jast about even.''

Advices from Dr. Hayden's exploring expe- dition. In Colorado, tute (hat It ha* met with remarkable tueccii. Over 7000 mile* have been travelled, 900 peak* located, hundreds of creek* and rivers surveyed,rich mining region* discov- ered, etc.

Charles O'Conor bai been interviewed oil ii■ suiyeei of southern outrages and tbe war

ol races; he regard* exile or extirpation aa the only alternative* for the negro. Civil rigbu

id universal (utfrage. In bl* opinion, will never an**cl for tbe negro.

Wilh lbs exception of a ahowr r in the early part of August, Nantuckct baa bad no rain since the latter day* of June, and farmer* on the t«land are driven to.the necessity of feeding out bay to their atock.

l-'.ilward Pay son Werton began at 12.00 o'cl'k vesterday morning, at Baniara'* Hippodrome, New York, hla second attempt bt walk 6w mile* In rtx iacce**lre day*.

Tho Secretary of tbe Treasury ha* appointed Wm. Burnett, of Boston, supervising inspector general of steam veitel*.

Tbe President ha* appointed Kdgar L. Hap- good Post mauler at Claremout, N. tl.

r3XT?ta&?OTS BBS «,i°" SS •"•■- *• -"-*-■*• •"* --P'- Sea* or Bomb ill ba built of glaaa and Iron, It to Lawrence U vary striking. A magnificent view

up tbe river It obtained, and one 1* enchanted with the graceful curvet aud altendcnt land scene*. Ol course everything look* much re- duced In *ise from thl* height. Tbe proiuiuent poinU which bound tbe city limits, sre the Ar- lington Mill* to tho north, Prospect Ulll 1 < .■> 1 volr to the cast, Saunder* school houae, South Side, lo the south, and Lev! Kmrry'* residence to the

Beyond tbe city may be distinctly seen with the naked eye, the town* or kletbuen, Salem, Salem Centre, Pelbam, Ayer't Village, Haver- hill, Bradford, and buildings far beyond, In the direction of Newburyport; the A n do ver*, lira-

tlelgbu, and the auburli* ol Lowell. The high range of bill* beyond Andover, obilract the view in that direction. To tbo north sev- eral blgb hill* are plainly seen, and good views of Mounts Kearsxrge and Wachaielt, are ob- tained with the gla**. Tbe line re*ldence of Col. Sutton, of North Andover, fa the mott itriking object In the distance.

Tbe parly spent a naif bour apon ibe cbim ney lop, • rid were highly delighted with their Daring their May Copt. B. P. Chadbourn, who 1* constrajctlng the chimney, came up and gave some very interesting Information. After Minting Ibe American flag, which float 1 far above Ibe chimney, the parly sign 1 (led their de- sire to retom to the realm* of habitation, and tbe Captain ordered np a special train, and em- barking In the Pullman coach all were landed 'pilckly andasfdyst the foot of the chimney.

Tbe construction of this work I* no small U*k, and as SBpertntcnded by Capt. Chad bourn, reflects no little credit upon blm as a roaster mechanic; and not alone In tho building of lha chimney does hit tklll display Itself, for the fast of .tunneling through the foundation* of tbe great mill, for "flue*" to connect with the chimney, required equal, if not greater tklll and judgment, than the erection of tbe great column. This wa* done without disturbing op- eration* In tbe mill, the machinery running all the time. Two large apertures were mods, each twelve feet wide and four feet deep, and through these, connection I* had with thechlm-

Siebbln*, Preside!

Itx-nth street, used Uunporailly a* the At um, will of course be vacated, tha addlUona Uiat have been oullt, torn down, and Uie houae re- turned to lU 1 .< 11 in 1 uae.

Considerable surprise has been etproaaed ihht tbe Park Cum mission era should

BEVt'SE THE (11PT OP A " 1 < 1 1 1 OF WKIMTKE from Mr. Uordon W. BurnbAiu. The reason* for Hie refusal I have learned from Don. Ilenry U.

'"' of the Department of I'arka, ■j ins eteelleul. In tha Aral j, who wonhlp* thu memory

of Webstar, want* lo place the statue, which la to be ofcolossalsize.attlio turn ofthe Mall where several drives meet, aud where it would, to iiuntn Mr. SUbblus' words, "dnmiaale Uieottirr sutu- ary now In position." The pUce I* at present occupied by a founUlu. It ia proposud by tbe Coiuuilssloiiera lu have. In thu course of lime, a row of sUtuaryr*-—' aide of Uie Mali, other "-tames ore already placed there, in the aecoiid plainUu Webster (Utue it not m*de yet or even begun, and according to an ordinance, judgment must lie paaacd upon every autue by (be comwlltoe, ntlHsr la a flniahed .Ule, or the plaster model. The committee lor thl* purpose consist* ofUie President* of tha National Acade- my of Design, tbo Metropolitan Art Museum, aad Uie New York ChaiiUr of the American Institutes of Architects. If ft were not for this Inrdlnancn, the Park would be

11 I.I.I-.I . WITH ALL soars OP ATnOCITIES, lor the committee Are conaUntly refusing tha uflers of merchauU and others, of the atatues of the living and the dead. Mr. Burnham'a offer li living ai

'Highly 1. out 11 win ue seen at oner, that according the ordinances, they cannot accept bla kind

offer, not at any rate, unUl It 1* put Into clay. RTLOR.

Manufaoturlaa; Notes.

TBK SFICKS-T Rivra iMrWovsaeDrr.-- *

It needs but a single glance at a plan 0

map of our city, to show Ibe tortuo'

course of the Bplcket River within

northern limits of our city; from a **. 1 below the Arlington Mills to the cro*.. ig

of East Haverhill street, a direct distance

of less than a mile, tho course of tbe stream doubles and twists to fully twice

that length; but only a visit to the loca- tion reveals the extent of low land, almost valueless finis, through which the river sluggishly winds, overflowed In time of

freshets, and a miasmatic slough during

the months of summer. As tbe city In-

creases lu population, and the area of

available building spots becomes rapidly less, attention has been turned to tho

desirability of reclaiming the large tract,

already by the expanding sotUefflertts, on

the very borders of thickly populated streets. At the same lime, surveys for

the more complete system of sewerage, necessitated by thu spproachlng Introduc-

tlon of water, has demonstrated the lack

of any aufllclcnt means for the complete

drainage of that portion of ward live, between Tremont street and the Arlington

pond, the water In tho latter being above the level of much of this territory. We

have before briefly alluded to the some-

what grand scheme by which It has been proposed to ■rrompllsh the two desired

enda, by straightening and reducing thu

level of the Rplcket, making It the great

main for the sewerage of this portion of

the city, and at the same time redeem for

building purposes tbe ugly flats north of Chestnut street, aud turn the now worse

than profitless slough Into a very garden ofbeauty.

Tbe plan Is to secure legislative author-

ity to make a new channel for the Bplcket,

perfectly straight, botwecu the polnta we first mentioned, that not being an expen-

sive undertaking, as the land Is almost

wholly low and the cutting would no •vl|-.-ri>

be 1 let-11; Hun tho entire flats, to the ex • tent of hundreds of acres, could be flllud,

and from their nearness to the centre of

the city, would prove of great value; next,

by the purchase of the water privilege at

ihe old Durant paper mill site, near llrook

street, where Is a dam some six feet, we

believe, In hlgbt, and the removal of this,

the water level could be so reduced as to

afford the largo territory lu northern ward Avc, the most completu and abun-

dant dmlnsge Into the river channel. Aa

we said, the Nchcme Is a pretentious ona,

Involving not only a very large expendl-

<t money, but the exercise of an

authority, only to lie bad by liberal.legis- lative action, snd probably such arbitrary

powers as uo general court will be likely to confer upon either the city or auy cor-

poration) aud as devoutly to be desired aa the consummation of so grand a plan might be, we should hardly advise the

purchAso of any contiguous land, as a

speculation In anticipation of the early coraplctlou of this project.

We hardly doubt that If the lauds to lie claimed from almost wortblessneaa

could be purchased for anything like their

present value, snd the requisite autliorlly

be secured, a corporation or number of Individuals might romplete the Improve-

ment, straighten the river, All the flats, nnd make a handsome fortune from the

Increased value of tbo property, and as the demand for building lota becomes

more imperative, we may hope for tho

currying out In the nut too distaut future,

of Nome auch idea; but with such n pro-

spective Improvement, It will be no easy

task to securo the lands nt anything but a large Increase over their present worth,

unless tho legislative sanction can be

secured to take the flats at appraisal for

public Improvement, That the legislature

would grant ttils power to a private cor-

poration, Is mom than doubtful, and

should tho city procure such, It will be

Involved In it gigantic land speculation,

the end of which, as a municipal venture,

might be the sinking of hundreds of thou- sands of dollars. The city council have

possibly acted wisely In ssklug legislative

itliorlty for this grout Improvement, but until we are through with our giant of water works, and Its attendant demands

wers, we believe the Splckct River

must be left to nu'imtlcr through the

mud, and the tadpoles nnd frogs retain

possession of the anticipated new city

upon its straightened banks.

The New York Dry Mood* "Beporter," of last week, has the following

THE WABHIHUTOM MIMA Daaa* linons for the Autumn trade'if IK**t ere now offered In full variety tbioush the agenU, Mesar*. K. K. Nudge, Sawyer ft Co., and the atlraetivcness or the same canaot be disputed by Ibe moat Jealous uumpeli- tora In an honc-l eipresalon ot opinion, for While the display of style* mav not appear a. aa In past seasons, the shortcoming in Uii* .. speet ia more than overcome by the superior oual. lly nod excellence of Uie colors ami Sniali of >urb a* are exhibited, lu their plain style*, which axe spes-kally worthy Ihe *UenUon of ail dress goods buyers, Uiere is more Uaa Uie usual pro- fivienoy made In every respect, and after a erill- cal comparative examination, our juilfatent muat eipress fuel! as decidedly in their favor. When comparing the prim'* with those of other makes. The styles comprise xt-ln. and 9s-in. Alpaca*. 1%In Cretonnes, tn In, Cretonnes In large variety and decidedly handsome good* with high silk finished lustre, li In. arid i7-in. Serget and Diag- onals In aeveral width* of wale, t)-m. Scotch Plaid, M in. Santc Marie Platdi, tu-lo. Peri* I'op- llns, 17-t». Ml mure. In variety, and IMn. Mar- telle Cloths. Vt tbeuuafily and geaeral charac- ter loo much cannot be spoken, a* Uiere 1* a marked and decided improvement at any and *v- ery step in the manufacture, the brilliancy of Uie Hoist that 1* conspicuous Uiroughout being a leading anil should prove a very stir active fea- ture. Tbe Serges and Diagonals are alone of suf- ficient merit to command the attention of buyer*, as the several style, of Diagonals In which they are made aud Ibe remarkable eveunes* of the manufacture I* Uie admiration of all who have Mien them, and a* far aa our ludsment goes they are sure to supplant any good, of a like clas* of foreign manufacture.

The Washington Mill* have done well, and the large demand for aome of their styles clearly in- ■lleau-n His I improved character of tbelr produc- tion we have befbre referred to, and which la more clearly developed with each new Invoice. A* lending feature, with these mills, their assort, menu of color* and the auperior lustre to all Uieir goods esnnot fall to be recognlted and ap- preciated by Uie jobbing trade a* well a* Uie con- sumers. Tbelr offering embracea Alpacas, I re- tainers. Poplins, Tartan* and high colored Plaids, Serges, Diagonals and Urays, In pUlu and fancy weave, in SK-lnch, 3-4 aad fl-t wldUis, and in a •cale or prices ranging from f|)c. to tic. The character or the Alpacas la certainly very ai live, and muat ensure a wide sale, while Uie feature is visible In tbo perfect nee of tbe Cre-

Tbe foundation of the chimney I* about twen- ty-five feet below the surface of the earth, and Inelndes piles driven tig feet deep, and sup porting a beaten mo** ot concrete itracture, tlitny-tlve feet square, and mar leet thick.

e v-cnde.1 j Tbl* Is of the solidity of itnnr. Upon thl* a " -tone foundation I* laid to a height or ilxteen

feet, and upon this rest* a granite base, octag- onal in abape, with a diameter of 21 feet and 0 Inclir*. Upon tblt the brick work la com- menced, rlilng to a height or 235 feet, gradual- ly Upering to a diameter of 13 feet, 10 Inches. The chimney Is of doable wall*, tbe In tide wall being 20 Inches thick, at the bottom, and eight Inches thick Bt the top 1 the out tide wall It S feel at the bottom, and 3 reel at the top. Tbs lait flvc feet at lite summit of tha chimney I* laid la ornamenUtiou, and tbe bap Is covered with cast iron plate*, held hy copper bolts sunk Into tbe brick work to a depth of 2g feet. In constructing the loundatlon there were used MO barrel* of cement and .'i00 perch of stone, and In tbe con*trnction of tbe column 700,000 brick, 360 barrel* of lime, and 174 barrel* of cement, wets required. Tbe coat of cm struct ion will I* about 010,000, about equally divided be- tween the foundation and chimney. It I* ex- pected lba structure will be completed, and tho •Uglng removed, la about on* weak.

On, CossiSTKHt'vl—In his speech be-

tore the democratic convention, on

Wednesday, Mayor Tsrbox, of this city, indulged in one of bin crushing bits of sarcasm, upon the awful irreverence of a

resolution passed by a convention of pro- hibitionists a few days before, declaring,—

not, wo believe, In the exact language,

but aa our orator chose to ouole It,—that

"thu band of God had chosen Thomas Talbot to be Governor of Massachusetts,"

—aud the great hall rang with tbe plaudlte

of his hearers, as this young apostle of

democratic doctrine, soared aloft In de-

nunciation of such shameful egotism and "contplsceut patronage ofthe Almighty."

And yet, not three minutes later, as we find In his speech published directly under

his eye, In the .Sentinel, Mr. Tarbox fath-

oms the purposes of Jehovah, and wins

even a louder round of applause, as, wilh arrogsnre of a Divine oracle, lic-

lin i-s that the morning ho has so long

watted for, the success of the democratic

party In Massachusetts, Is coming "by tbe grace of God!" Coming, "because

God Is Just." "Tbe aswataWWfe Party

comes forwsrd AS THE PAHTY TO FAMI U:

UII. wil.1. Bt Gun I" Consistent critic,

modest seer I'

TBS WILBT HOSE COIIVAEY, or North An- dover, of wbicb John A.Wiley, H*q., ofthe Unilve machine works of llavi* and Kurlier, Is President, manufacture under pntcuU Ivsoed lo them, tba moat *ah*untlat and reliable hose for steam engine* and pump* now in use ; II Is mode of Ibe lieat quality of Cotton Duck and Vulcantteil Rubber, and I* pronounced by com- petent Judge* to be the beat in osa, aide tu wltlisUnd almost any prcHurc without haret- lag: they are receiving order* 1>oin *ome ofthe leading concerni In the country. *>

G11 -111—" Now gentlemen, what of ihe nlghtr What of the morning? The night

Is nigh post, the dawu breaks, the sun

rises. They tell us that we an- deceived

by over-sanguine hopes. I do not believe It. I hsve walled now ever alwc my

hand was armed wilh a ballot for the

coming of the mornlug, and I shail live to

ace it, by tbe grace of Got). The lime Is

coming, hecnuHc God is just; the time Is

coming, because the Demotrratlc party, purlflr-d from Its dross, disciplined by

long <lcinn, comes forward as the party to execute Ihe will of God."—,Vn|/or Tar*

box ai IAS DemocraHt Ctmrtntion.

Tarbox catches the vlMon of a new dawn In politics.—JlMf.

I'shaw, that la only the reflection of an

illuminated Tar-box.—Lotectl Vvuritr.








For Iho week ending Wedneeday, Souterubcr 111, prepared (Or the AMERICAS, from observa- tion* »i Andovcr, by Pnor. LA EOT 1". unrm.




M In.

Tuesday, WP.1BP-.IAV,


V \

X. K.

It I, 8. W. I, w.



Cl0UdyA.M. r'Air r. M. Fair.

CtoudVA.N Fair 1>. M. Cloud) v M Fair I-. M. Cloudy.


corrected for temperature.


Wednesday. News ['nun Louisiana is to the effect tbe

Kellogg government ha* been overthrown, an.I Hint Now Orleans U In ttio bends of bla oppo- nenia. Lieu tcnent-fl over nor I'enn la in pos- session of the atate bouse, and Oovemor Kel- Imur la In the custom bouse protected 1 >y tho Hulled states troops. At but accounts matters were quiet, and there la much rejoicing among ihi> adherent* <>t tbe McKnery power. Oovern- ur Kellogg lias applied to tbo general govern - tnent fur assistance, and In reply tbe President hae liancd a proclamation commanding the rlotera to disperse within live days. Vigorous measures Tor tbe support of tbe Kellogg gov- ernment arc likely to lie taken by tbe President.

Ijiter return* from the Maine election indi- cate a vote of about 03,000 to have been cut, and a majority of nearly 12,000 fur Qovernor Dlugtey, la-lng thu largest republican majority of any year alnce 18GH, except In tbe preelden- Hal contest of 1872, and a net gain of between 2000 and 5000 over hut year's majority, flick- er Hlntne's majority will reach 8000.

A will hm been llled for probate In Iho Sur- rogate'* oilier, in New York, under which prop- erty valued at than *I.000.000, confuting of iji.n~.-r- in New York city and Hrooktyn, mortgage* cm Catholic elm relic* and govern- ment and other bond*, has ncen given to resi- dents ofttpnin. The testator I* Don■one IiLiiii-II .I.' Lciua.

The Brooklyn "Argus" says that Tllion's statement will prulialilv In1 publlithed next Kri- day, and It in stated that It la a document mncli stronger In evidence and analyala than any i «.i■ - r that ii.i ■ yet appeared bearing on the scandal. Tiltoii tins reduced the dimcnalon* or bla statement greatly, and 1* M:ill engaged In '■oiling It down.

A Portsmouth, N. II, dispatch say - that "by thu correction of an error In the election rclnma of the clurk of ward four, where Mayor Miller nm three votea ahead of hi* ticket, tbo demo cralio plurality i* red need to eight votea, uml a recount of (ho Itallot* by the Board of Alder- men, t.-.: -11■ *how other mistakes."

The Household Hewing Machine Company, of Now York, supposed to consist of Koliert J. Mulligan nnd two boy*, havo been arrested; aoune of thu book* of Iho concern were sclxod, nnd ahown business or ihouaand* of dollar* the pa»t year. The company ho* lieen pro- nounced a *wlndlo by tbo police.

Tbe great stallion race at Mystic Park, yea- terday, was witnessed by nearly 30,000 people. It waa won by Smuggler, owned by Colonel H. a. Russell, of Milton; Phil Hheridan, aecond ; II. W. flenot third, and Commonwealth fourth. Beat tituo, -J._0— tbe third heat.

The sixth biennial session of the national conference of Unitarian and other Christian churches wns begun nt Saratoga, yc*tcrday, iho lion. B. Itoekwuod Hoar presiding. Tbe aer- mou In-fore the coo It-renew was delivered by IU*v. llobcrt Collycr, of Chicago.

The «iijireme court of Wlaeoniln hai alDrmcd the constitutionality of tbe Potter railroad law of that Miti'. and directed an injunction to lie i I compelling alt railroad* to comply with fta provision*.

A meeting of electricians nnd practical tele- graphers wa* held In Chicago on Monday night, lor the purpose of forming a socictv Tor the advancement of electrical science In ltd* try.

In tho sals rohliery case In Washington, true bill* have lieen found against Harrington, Whltclcy, Ncttleslilp und two other parttc* tt the conspiracy.

Titi) New Jer»cy democrat* yesterday noml mitud .r .,.[_.■ Heillo for uovcrnor of tho atate.

The Unlvcrsallst general convention assenv bled In Now York ycalcrday.

Hon. n. It. Curtis of Huston, died In New- |M>rt, II. I., yesterday.

Oold elntsd yesterday at lOJ.


No further dlnliirlMtmc* have taken place lr Now Orleuna, and many Matcmcnta ilgncd hy proininetii eltl^n* of iho Ktate, haeu ltoen -i-nr to the I'rcuhlcnt, giving u**uruure of the clnli. of (ho revolutionary movement to the favorable couvlderatlon of the general government, Cabinet meeting wo* held yesterday, at which It was determined that tho Krllogg government mail bo Humalned at all hazard*, and order* were despatched to (Jcacral Etnorv to that ef- lict. It i* prolwhle that troop* will IK) *ent at once, and that two men-of-war will be dea- pairiicd to He in iho New Orleans barbor, The ieiieliion in received with favor throughout the Suite.

Uencral Tracer, counxel (for Plymotub Church Investigating Committee, has put hi* promised statement In the form of ID Interview, and say* Hut In tho 11 or 11 lime* in which Mmillon Introduce! Ml (Tmcey's) name in bis I,lie "toteinettt, in only one or two Inatauce* II.H-H he approMmalo the truth in attempting to state hi* position and action, (lenoral Tracey elao says that his llrm ha* Itccn engaged In a llhel suit Instituted by Kdna Dean Proctor imaliisi V. |li MoulUm. In which the damages arc laid at #100,000.

fiMter's Dover, N. II., Democrat, having In- dulged in some mrictiire* upon the condnct antl t-harartrr of Mr. James Henderson, and hav- ing r■■juiced at his disappointment In nut get- ting the apiudtitmcnt of Clerk of tho Straluird County Court, that disappointed Individual aa- taelted end severely injured tbe editor, Mon- day ni«ht. He sitb«ei|uentl.v paid 8IH.7-> for Iho gratllknllon of til* angry paxtlon*.

The Texas cattle disease lias broken out In We.t Springlicl.l, Mass.. mid eight or ten ani- mals have died. Coun|drrab!c excitement pre- vails i g the owm-rs ot stock, and Dr. Criwy, the telirinary surgeon at the Stage Ag- rit-nllural College, hits IK-CII sent Tor.

1*. T. Rarnntn was married yesterday inorti- Ing III a dioiuhtrr of '"Mi l-'isk ■ r ' I,■...„ r, KnaUuid, The bride is twenty-Mx years ot'aac and is Mr. llamtim's second wife, his llrst wife having died nlmut a year ago. The bridegroom Is about slxly-n ven years ulil,

Jotlge Hoar delivered Hie annual addn ss at the I -MLi Convention nt Saratoga, N. Y., It inortl from the State in.'.-.. Sinidiiv MI I s.«-leties, lie., wi I lie llnaut-hil condition of the ihureli \ iionnced gotal.

Ilt-v. Dr. Seymour, of Si. Mark's chiir.'h. New York, mid professor id theological history in I In- llnnliiei'iil M'lninnrv, ha- IH-III I In ".I'll lipucopnl iilshop of Illinois.

Senator Carpenter of Wlaroneltt dcllvererl speech nt Klpnn, WI*., yesterday, tip. 1' Power of the legislature to (lovcrn Cornot lions of Its i > ■. II Creation."

The grand jury of the District nf Columb I in failed to 11ml an Indli tineul against Chi A. I).ina..,f Ihr New York Sun, charged with Ills I l.y Ales. It. Shepard.

The serontl Irlal of Jonathan Watson, diited In 1H73 lor arson, charged with setting lire to hit house in Cape Rlluoetb, commenced .ii Tuesday,

Commodore llryson will take command of the navy yard at Portsmouth, N. ||., on the '2ln lust., relieving Commodore Howell.

A n union of the Uawsott ininl'y occurred at Worcester, yesterday.


A New rictus illmateh, dated iiildulghi of tin- Kith, sLiles Hon. Kmnrv has eon- eluded a two-hours' interview with Oov. McKn- .rv, f.leut (lov. I'enn. Robert H. Marr and Duncan 1-'. Cnav, In his eonveraailoii be In- formed them that tho state ndiiibiislrallon must lie reatored to Its original noaitlon, the anus t iken from the atate araonal returned, and that the stain* previous to the revolution mutt attain lie resumed. He guaranteed freedom from arrrat for those engaged In the recent outbreak and pence throughout every part or the state. The gentlemen, In reply, slated they would Instantly submit to any such demand from the f.deral government, Impressing it upon the Oen* eral that no show of force was necessary.

At the annual meetings of the respective manufacturing corporations of I.ewiston, Me, Wednesday, It was reported that the business of the past year had nol lieen favorable or sulls- laitory, mill the stockholders were not disheart- < ne I, but were disposed to fed encouraged and take a cheerful view of tbe future. Tho total value of manufactured good* last year was Uj||,M0,090.

The (Jovern ir's council of Maine have relused to MI He the sentence Of Wagner, and the Dovernnr will Ittoe a warrant fur his execution immediately alter the Jlth Inst. The vote was two for co HI mutation and five opposed.' The round! lm* unanimously advised the Oovcmor to fix the lust Friday of January uuxt a* the time for the execution nf Wagner.

The President has ordered tbe Twenty-Sec In'aiiliy, stationed on the western lakes, to proceed at unco to New Orleans. Admiral Mn I Inner, at Key West, has been ordered to b.isteii tiie departure of hi* Heel to New Orleans. ami to report from there to the Secretary or the Navy further order*.

Henry ltlver», a muchly married man, who married n woman in Lancaster, N. II., and who Md..'1'ipieiiily married another In Colehrook, making (lie wives III all, was arrested in Cole- liriMik. Wednesdav, and brotight to l-nncasler lor s.ifu keeping ih tho jail.

The pro 11 ii 11 untie a for I lie trial of Kullman, who attempted to annol Blatnarck, hnve been ipleicd. The prisoner Is to lw tried in Wiir/iiherg a Ikon I the middle of October.

A prominent business llrm In New York tele irr iphs Hie Attorney (letu-ral ll at large iiusnti

' ive '".'I'll and are Ifclug liought

PouTictt IN LAWiuatCK-—Thcrn la both

encourtffemcDt nnd warning for cltUenn

wbo believe In good and Intelligent gov-

ernment, In tho present condition of polit-

ical aflalra In Lawrence. The conduct of

city aflalra, during the year, la generally

acknowledged to havo been exceptionally

discreditable. Serious mUtakea have

been made In the appointment of public

official*. While the extraordinary expense

imposed by the water works pointed

clearly to the Imperative need of economy,

there lias" been no approach to a frugal

use of money In other directions of ex-

penditure. The administration of affairs

baa been attended by scandalous dlssen

slims and wrangles, and it Is within

bounds to say that the men who climbed

into power heru last December, are at

this moment regarded with leas confidence

and nioro general distrust than any city

government within our memory, and this

feeling regarding them, there ure abun-

dant Indications to show, la shared by a

good proportion of democrats who were

their constituents last winter, an well as

by those who were then supporters of tbe

cltUcmV ticket. If the city adminIstrotion

f this year has sought no favor among

Its political cucmlcs, hardly leas has It

been able to furnish Its political friends

nythlug which they can point to with

satisfaction. In all these facts, there Is

encouragement for the friends of decent

and competent government, but It must

not be supposed from this view of the

altuatiou, that they have a certainty of

success at the December election of this

year. It Is yet possible to throw away

the chance of a butter city govci

which undoubtedly exists at the present

tmmi. in. and for which the demand of

public Hcntiinent Is overwhelming. Thu

danger to be most feared Is the Intrigues

or candidates tor office. We already hear

of parsons being engaged In attempt* to

secure nominations for this office nnd that,

imstiUatlons" Intended to organize

particular classes of citizens in the Inter-

*t of particular candidates, and lastly, of

, movement to place the forulgn-boru

lenient of the city In political nutagonism

to the nntlvo-boni. We are slow to bc-

lluve that there Is any considerable num-

ber or voters lu our city who propose to

put forward candidates for high office

upon the mere ground of foreign nation-

ality; that would be Introducing methods

Into local politic* which might return to

plague the inventors, and the suggestion

of a party based upon mere nativity under

foreign flags would come with bad grace

from cltUeus who have strenuously corn-

batted the "native- Amerlcau"nud "Know-

Nothlng" Ideas In tho politics of their

adopted country. As a rule, too, we

desire to state our belief, that the politi-

cian who makes himself a candidate for

Important office Is unworthy of support

Ills own sense of his merits Is likely to

be out of nil proportion to the reality

and If he begins cauvasslng for himself I

long time before electlou, It Is because he

thinks Unit tho continued nnd constant

urging or his claims may raise n falsely

exalted I den ol his illness for official trust

It Is or the greatest Importance In the

light to b* made here, that the office should

seek the man ruther than the man the

office. Whether n straight republican

ticket is to be run, time will determine

but It Is easy to see that party lines are

not so distinct In reference to city affairs

as they were even last Tall, and the feel

lug Is strong that the paramount need of

the city of Lawrence is eminent quallnca-

lions for public trust In Its servants, rath-

er than fealty to parly interests. All

things else being equal, the feeling Is that

the mere name of republican or democrat

Irishman or Eugllshm-iu, foreigner oi

native, ought no lougcr to be sufficient to

carry an Improper candidate Into office.

There nro candidates to bo had, who arc

without reproach In all their public and

prlvatu relations, and who will be univer-

sally recognized as eminently tit fur office.

They will come forward If tippcnlcd to-

It Is not our intention to Indicate an)

Individuals; we desire nothing more than

to state the class from which the candi-

dates to oppose the kind or brainless,

ring rule which we nre under, onght to be

taken. In our judgment, the overthrow

or the present government Is essential to

the city's prosperity. A democratic tri-

umph like tho last one will menu the

supremacy or Desmond and a gang oT

Incapable* Into whose keepiug uo right

minded citizen would Tor a moment think

of putting his private affairs. We believe,

It is, therefore, the duly of every friend

of respectable and competent government

to make every effort to obtain coiitrol of

affairs at the next election. The llrst and

most Important step is to take care that

he candidates, whoever they may be,

hail hi their names furnish a sufficient

guarantee to Hie people of the purpose of

lite opposition to provide an IIOIMMI and

efficli'tit government for the city. It Is of

great cousctpuctuv that no premature

conclusions should be reached. There nre

oletmnta enough In LawntDoe at deadly

war with the present city government, to

sweep every VHtlgfl of It out of sight

when tin- struggle conies at the nolli. Hut

every clt[/.-iii should keep Iiiiuself free to

thoroughly consider Die best means to the

itul he bus In view. Let us DO hampered

by no suspicions of going to war Tor the

emolument of particular men, the advan-

tage or particular nationalities or the re-

vengeof particular Insults. The central

Toi-t or the whole business Is that Law

ri-iice has a city government which Is a

Standing KM on the intelligence or tb

mmunlly, and, In the strength of our

faith, lei us till go forward to wipe it nut

could manage to make noise enough In

advance of any possibility of killing or

ahootliig, the republican party would take

to lU heels. We should have thought

they might havo seen the real value of

their tactics, but they do not seem to hnve

done so. Experience of his own unfailing

foolishnebs in tho past, seems to bo one

of those things which U lost on tho dem-

ocrat of tho period, and somehow neither

defeat nor disappointment nor the obvi-

ousness of his own blundering can avail

to profit him for wisdom for tho future.

There is no unity or plan or action among the factions that make up the opposition

to republicanism. Tho result is that It

really galus no ground. In tho little elec-

tions of off-years, It may make, like the

frog who jumped diligently at the bottom

of the well, some perceptible headway

toward coming to the surface; but the

next general elecllon Is sure to show that,

after all the Irritation, tloinoeracy has

made uo abiding progress. If Hie people

Ijclleved all that the opposition papers soy

about the republican party—and they do

not—they would still lie at a loss to know

where to do better among the parties now

istence. The feeling In the country

Is no more favorable to democracy than

!t was a year aud a hair since. It has

shown III the last two years uo claims to

conlldcnce which It did not have when It

was repudiated lu 1872 by tho vote of

every atate In the Union except four.

Whether any combination may arise In

the future that will prove formidable U>

the republican party, no one can say. It

certainly has not risen yet in the shape of

the democratic party, the lllwral parly or

the coalition formed between them. If

the republican leaders are wise, no such

combination will be formed. The confi-

dence of the people In the party, as an

organization, is not shaken. Thcro Is

dissatisfaction with Individuals, us we1

there may be; but If Ute real leaders of

the party recognize the demands of the

country and the tendencies of public MHr<

llment, und do what Is In their power to

satisfy them, there need be no fear for

the future, either In Massachusetts or

anywhere else.


President has acU-d wisely and promptly

In the Louisiana affair. Thoro Is no use

In playing with lire. It is now oftho last

Importance that the lawless class In the

South should be made to know, beyond

possibility of doubt, that there Is a

limit beyond which they cannot go with-

out Incurring Immediate and vigorous

measures of repression from the United

States Government. We acknowledge

the evils that have unfortunately accom-

panied the process or reconstruction, and

that have arisen from tbe possession of

the right or suffrage by so many Ignorant

persons as received it under tho fou

tcetith amendment, lint, the Ignorant

black Is not now the offender, either wit

tlugly or unwittingly. The clement of

danger to the country Is now the badly

educated Southern ^whlto man, with his

habits of idleness, his loose ideas of law,

his hecdlcssness of others" rights and his

constant propensity to appeal to nrms.

The Knkiux disorders, the terrible massa-

cres which have occurred before In Louis-

iana, the relgu of terror In counties of Ten-

nessee and Kcntucky.aud tbe recent condi-

tion of things In Arkansas Illustrate what

the white man of tho South can do when

left unrestrained. The (juostlon of the

time aud limit of lutorfereucc is perhaps

a difficult one to decide, but In the Louis-

iana case there U no difficulty on this

score. As to the time, it has undoubtedly

come when the loading commercial city

oftho far South Is made the battle-Held of

two opposing armies—as for the limit, It

should be until order Is thoroughly restored

aud all shall be replaced which has beeu

accomplished by revolution. No doubt this I.niii-i.ui.i buaiiiess Is one of the lega-

cies of the rebellion, ami perhaps a tinner

course nt Washington. In reference to

the faction tight of Kellogg and McKnery,

might have obviated it. All that is a

question which can be argued out by and

by. It Is useless to go into It now, The

thing that needs to be done Is to Insist

that the Federal (iovcrniueut has long

euough looked uuconecrned upon a con-

dition of affairs which Is ruining the

agriculture and commerce of the South,

hopelessly demoralizing the laboring pop

ulatlon, and Instilling Into the public mind

the dangerous notion lhat there Is no pow-

er to decide political contests except that

of the arms or the contestant*. It tins

been about nine years now »luec the South its lost vivid reminder that there Is

in this country n Federal (toverumen!, In-

stituted for the preservation or law and

inler. irthat lesson has faded out of

llud, It is i -in.- to renew It.



lls iMCl

MAINi*. JOINS with Vermont lu sending

greeting to the people who huve been

ngerly asking us if we could not discern

In tin- signs of the times, the coming of a

polhlctd revolution. If hope for item.

y appears limn any iptarter, It Is not

from Maine. Those who hnve affected to

see lhat the people are Incoming more

and more disaffected toward the adminis-

tration oT the government by the npubll

can party, will lltfit, In the light or the

returns from Vermont and Maine, that

there la really very little—no more than

usual In an off-year—to Justify their won-

derful portents of disaster. The loaves

and Italics of coveted office seem no nearer

the reach ol our sanguine adversaries

than when the two factions In enmity to

us, csmc together two years ago to "Join

hands across the bloody chasm" Into

which they threw their respective princi-

ples. Since the coalition or l&lt, the

democrats have the help of more or

less or the soreheads who did us the

honor to then desert i.s. They huve been

doing all they could ever since to break

down the republlcuu party In the Interests

of the democrats, They have continually

encouraged tho latter to believe that the

happy moment was approaching when

I he democratic-liberal, (Ireclcy-O'l'ouuor

party cmltl retrieve the disasters of thu

at11ij.nSL'n of 187:1, ami that democrats uud

liberals anil nil the motley elements In

opposition to republicanism would yet

reap the spoils of a common victory. This

Is a species of political talk that cost*

lltlk, and, ir we may Judge from export

ence, It brings less. It has been i In- soil

resort of the Opposition to tho republican

party fur marly fliteeu years. It lm

along seemed to be taken, lor grunted In

the ranks of our opponent*, that u poll11

cid connlcl must be waged on the prlnel

pies of a Chinese light, and lhat If the)

F.VII-l'ltK of Oovemor Moses to

a renomlnaUon by the republican iilon or South Carolina, Is u good for the afflicted state. The tax-

payers, the oppressed dam* lu Booth Caro- Una, are said to bo satisfied with Mr. Daniel H. Chamberlain, the republican nominee for Oovemor. Chamberlain Is a Massachusetts man, a native ol West Droohnehl. He was graduated at Vale College In ISH2 nml siil>Hc<pumtly at the Cambridge Law School, achieving high honor? in both Institutions. He proved his devotion to the cause of the negro, by seeking Tor and obtaining from Qov. An- drew a commission lu the Fifth Massa- ehusntts (colored) Cavalry, a regiment in which he served with distinction. Af- ter the war, he went to South Carolina, his legal abilities ami attainments speedily earning recognition aud obtaining forhitn the Attorney Oencrulshlp of thu State. Chamberlain Is young-only thirty-seven, we believe. Strictly speaking, he Is a "carpet-bagger," bat In tbe best sense of the term. HUcltlxenehlp In South Caro- lina is recent and If bis merits have been such as to attract attention to him, nt a time when his party is beset with thieves. Hie fact Is not'to his discredit. Moses Is a native of South Carolina—son of an Rx-Cblef Jusliee of thu State. If hu illustrates what the Southerners call

the rule of I he south by her own citizens," litre Is hope In such carpel-bangers us


THF. DKMotiiATic IlKSOi.r ri«N In the state platform adopted the past week. In favor of" a proper respect for the will or the people as expressed through their representatives us opposed to executive interference and arbitrary power," — sounds very prettily, docs It not, ami Is entirely consistent, of course, when aimed at <iov. Tulbot for refusing to sanction a hill to legalize and cover with the cloak of law, the Lrnttlc In ruin; bill Is Ihls the same democratic parly that lu conven- tions, through all Its presses and by the mouths of the same orators who shout their applause over Ibis sentiment, — lauded to the highest tbe act of one An- drew .toliusou, " Accidental,"—that's the pet appellation for Uov. Talbot,—"Acci- dental" President of the United states, in vt riling vulo after veto against tho "will of the people as expressed through their representatives I " Well, it does moke a difference when Its thu democratic that is gored,—doesn't It?

Tun Rnpptti.ttMN BTATS CKNTIUL (■ Mil IKK at their meeting In Boston, on Wednesday, Voted to Invite lloit. llenrv L. Dsires to preside at the Republican Stntc Convention, to In- held In Worcester next month,

Opeulngof iho CatnpsJu-ti In tho Oth District—The Outrages In the


Tho campaign iu tho 0th CongaoMional Dis- trict was opened by Usn. Bailor at Gloucester, on Saturday night. The main iH>lnUofhissp»e.cli were In explanation of Ids votes In Congress on the linanclal queition, the Gcncrat maintaining thai even in tue Inurostof his ULouceator con-

stituent! concerned In tbe Alabama award. It waa politic that the West alionld not havo been antagonized to all propositions coming from the East, by a aollil opposition of Maaaachusetts an-.] Eastern Congressmen to tlio Western de- mand lor in ne currency. Tbe Goneral aald that tho charges ng.Unst hlni of sympathizing with repudiation were wholly and malleionaly false. Tht most that ho maintained waa that the bonda or tbe United Htatoa, except the 10.- 40s, could bo paid In IngBl tender notea. And

advocated that doctrine, Cunuroi

QSOlsjad that they coula only l>e paid In gold und he acquiesced In the authority of Congresi to make that decialon ami In Ihe decision Itaulf. Tho portion of the apeecli wbich will probably

command most attention nnd which Is of most current Inlereat, Is that relating to the outrages

In the Souia, and the Qsneesfs reason! for bo- Having that there la yet work for hlni to do In

Congroaa. After tho last Congress, ho soys i I believed then that alt troubles of recon-

struction were over, and that tbe Itupuhllcan majority In Congress could now turn Its atten- tion to such matters of administrative economy andrcforiu or abuses which hudcre|it Into the Administration by Hie war and ttiruugh lung lease of power, aa were neceaaary to bring back the Government when ll had departed from the ways of our fathers.

True, there were troubles in Louisiana and South Carolina, wherein 1 r-onlcsa I deemed a considerable amount of blame attached to thu local authorities. Irregularities and improprie- ties that none of us could sanction; yet 1 be- lieve, as I havo ID d.mi.i Congress believed that time would rectify them, and that the dnty or Congress was done when life aud property were made safe and secure throughout thu whole counlry to the humblest cltlien. There Tore, as one or tho Republican party, 1 wel- comed the advent In llie halls or Congress of some seventy cx-conrcdcmte oltlccrs to lake part in the Oovernmeut and aid In tho legisla- tion for their aectlftu, na nut only very proper, but highly advantageous; and personally treated them 'uiii the same consldernllon as any gen- tlemen of tbe opposition, nud my relations with them were cordial and pleasant on my part, anil I havo every reason to iwllcvc upon theirs of mutual respect i ami lain obliged In truth nnd Justice to aay lhat I think their lnlluenec In the Government benellcinl to tho future peace and prosperity of tho country.

Hut there were suuiu reasons why these gen- tlemen wore- not representative mon of tbe Southern States. True, they had perilled their lives and fortunes In a cause. In the Justice ami right of which thev believed; they bad sub- mitted it'to Ihe arbitration of tbo sword; they hud lost, nnd so losing, they felt, as men of honur, Iwuml to accept the results of Hie decis- ion, and which In most Instances ll.ey did and havo done, as 1 believe In tho utmost good taith. Ifall their constituents bad the same intelligent uouiuienoo and honor aa themselves, the time fur which I bud devoted myself to the M-n ire of the country would. In my Judgment, havo Indeed expired with the termination Of n»v present term of service.

I have sold that tltey ore not representative men in this, that they did not rcprcicnt those In tbe Smith, tboae who bad staid at humc egg- ing on belter, braver men wbo did peril their llrcs honestly and fairly for the cause of the eonfederacj—men who are preaching the doc- trine of hate toward the North, nnd who almost now refuse to hold themselves cltlaeus of a country whieb by their tuitgues nnd pens they are dally outraging.

They did not represent the men who were in ciilcatlng a war of the races. They did not represent the men who. ■>>' outrage aud vio- lence, and every form of wrong, are seeking to oppress the negro. They did not represent the men In thu Sou'h who had never neon con- rjii.-rc.l, i.i'i-iiiise tnieh had never (Ought) and win. ill.I tint eli'Kne in ncci'ot the results ol a contest lu which tliey hsjk no part except to evade the dangers nud horrors. So It turns opt that a spirit of ruffianism, of murder and vlo. lenee bos, since tbe adjournment of Congress, broken out in tho Southern States, as prepar*. tory to their being soiled by these mon whom I have last deacrfbed, unparalleled in tbo history of a clvlllxcd country, except the time of thu Ka-Klux.

If these outrages were simply sporadic, If they were not a part ol a plan by which tbo power of these Slates Is to bo sol/cd by tbe striking down ot loyal men, white and black, In them, the situation would not be so alarm- ing as now. lint with the White Men's League, with a war of races threatened and begun in many parti of tbo country at tbo satuo time; will) six :,,i'i>!roJ certificates otmnrdors; with ag attempt to array negro families against ne- groca as armed retainers ot two famlTUi, us a

,rt ofu political and locial feud lu Kentucky, minuet) so tUa:, after careful examination of 9 condition of things In tbe South, acting up.

_j his high responsibility upon the reports of the law officers of the Government, the Presi- dent of the United Stales has been obliged un- der Iho enforcement act, of which 1 have before jpoken, and tbo history of lbs iinuuigenl which I have given, ao far as tbo House of Represen- tatives is concerned, to send armed foreoa Into many or tiie OUULLSI U Hiaten to preserve order— a responsibility which nothing but ihe hor- rible fact would have jus tilled or compelled Iho Hie President to assume, every patrl otic mat may wull liarejnstcauso to tear for tho wul- fare and safety of his country. I,el me give you but a single illustration, tbe fayts. of whjch are thoroughly authenticated and Indeed B0t denied.

What is now the parish ot Cousbatta, in Lou aim, at tho plots of the war was * hamlot of incur four struggling huts. A number of

Union officers, mid some coulcdcruto officers, settled In that locality, purchased lands aud

menced the cultivation ol tbo soil. Of course, where Northern men's comfortable dwellings arise, tbe sctiouthuuso and tho church —tbe emblems and guarantees t,r civilisation— were built. I'eacc, order and tpiictneit were Ihe rule there; the negroes came and found employment, and a prosperous community bad groan up; and by legislation, that parish had, I understand Itecu setolfby Itself, white men

* -s of the law, had been elected by Ihe Uoverntnent; an Internal revenue officer, sborlll oftho parish, ajusllce of the iicace, aaaoasor of taxes, a uupervisor of elections, nil resided there, nnd were nun known for Uuir istimahle t|ualltles everywhere. No violence, M wrong, no breach of the i>eace had occurred there i nothing OSSM be charged agnlnst Ihesi

in. Two or three ex-con federate, officers a! settled in thai uelghisH-ho-.Nl; one or two of

them hold official positions. Within thirty diys last passed *UU no cause uoiiiiluint as agtiust these uion.witb unthhig

to excite Iho bad passions of a community, ex- cept lhat bod men are always excited ami In- imical against peace, prosperity, order and law, a liand of thirty or mure men, known as a

While Man's League," thoroughly urmed and mounted, nil residents without tho parish and without the jiirHdlctlon or most ol tbo office 1 have named, so thai they bad no cause complain uf their nlll.'LiI cmiilurt, made a raid on that peaceful village. This armed mob as- saultcd them near a building, aud after sume resistance their men agreed to sunender to tbe armed hand, upon their demand Unit they should resign their offices and ceaso to hold them. Acting upon the guarantee Unit if they should do so their lives would lie spared, the surrender was made and upou the further eon dlllonlhat they should at once <|im the counlrj and also that fur that purpose they should take with ilu'iii all their portable valuables, such as watches, Jewelry and money. Hut one ufthcu) aa u relugeo from that parish now gives testimony, was to go nnd see bis wife children. Thus they were obliged to lly from ihelrbumeH, uu.lcra pnunls* never to return, surrounded by tbo guard of this armed mob: and when they had gota few miles from their homes ibcy were brutally murdered, mutilated and robbed.

Let ua pause here for a moment. Tbe king a harlstrous tribe In Africa touk live Kngllsh-

men prisoners who were peacefully trading In bis country, marched t hem to his rapltal, and ihere held them as stirh, without maltreating them; but wben asked to release llieui, re- fused. What la tbe protection which England

- to her clliiena r Tho whole English na- was aroused; war was declared; an army wai transported hair-way across Iho globe; the army of Abyslnnla were overpowered In battle; his capital waa assaulted and demolished, and Its treasures brought away by Ihe English sol- diers as Us>ty, and their country never freed from imprisonment. And shall It Is.' said that Union men—good, honest, peaceful men—pur- suing the ordinary avocations of life upon American soil, protected by our flag, and our constitution, and our laws, where they should ii.- unmolested, cannot have lhat protection and safety and redress lor their wrongs which Eng- land can give to her cltixens, even when sub- jected only to Imprisonment, among Iho wild jungles of Africa r

Is the Hcd Onus of St. Oeorgc so powerful to protect and save Its subjects, and tbo Stars aud StTlpes so powerless lu our land, upon our own soil, In one of tho richest and what ought to he the moat peaceful Stale of the Union ? Let me be Just to tbe men of tbe South, and give the excuse they put forward in justification uf tbis outrage. They aay the Government of the State uf Louisiana has Iwen seised from the old white residents there hy the votea of tbe negroes, and a Stale Government set up of whites and blacks, which Is corrupt and eating up their subetance. We need not atop to argue or deny tbo truth of tbla Justification, and that, too, because cor- ruption of the Government fa no justification ol Ihe murder ol tbo eiliicns by armed violence, becaaio other and numberless murders, loo well authenticated to be denied, have been com- mitted In tho States uf Tennessee and Ken- tucky, In both of which Ihe negro has no power In tho Government nor any power or sclf-pro- tecllon but what Is wholly under Democratic rule.

So that it l» clear,—as those "White Men's Leagues" have sprung up all over the South as lawless and murderous In Iho Stales where the negroes are powerless as where tboy have pow- er In the State Government, and as Ihcso wrongs ure done openly and continually in these States, it clearly appears that they arc purls of tho plan to renew the war and crush out the negro and deprive him of Ids pulltlcal rights. Indeed I read Inn Southern paper a notice served upon the negroes that they must cither be deprived ol all political rights, or the State" shall be a military territory.

This, then, Is war; and men of Essex, aa on the I7tb of April, 11 need DO. will again march to save Ihe counlry from traitor hands.

When I heard of the alarming condition of things In the South, nud especially when I beard ol this must terrlblu wrong crying for re-

dress, I aald |o myaoir; "My mission In tho service ot myconntryls not ended; this war, waged to establish the just right of tbe cltUen Is not yet overi whatever I have Ot remaining beallb and strength most l>c devoted to pulling this mattsr right."



'.-■<• rcpowhact ttf the A iSariwa. A Now York oomwoimidci.t 1 would scarcely bo

lolng Ilia duty If lMtli.1 not, HOuoeror laWr, write flOUSTHMU Ainu I A.T. UTSWAHT.

An that merchant prince will rclinn from Kuroinj In the oourao afa wack, the writer* for the press will (HI limiting up iouiellnng new tu aay about him. or olaetbVy will re-write sttm.i of the old stories, and serve them up Hob. 1 will do a HUM c.f both a»Hl ace ir I oamasl ni'ike a readable oariiKraph. Mr. Stewart, win. U now In bis suv- i-nty-Uiird year, UjuM n- full of energy, an lie wa. when he lauded in lbi« country illty-nix vearrtpigo. He was deigned for tho ministry, but f..r curtain reason.^, itinimbnicd that profea- ■lun for a mercantile <:ii.'i-i', nltli.mgli bo taught jtchool tu tbia aosjutry lm lour yearn, sir. «*ew- art Is not aa IHNeralo man, aa many MII.JHIMJ. Ife Hauood Latin nmUMVfk .nebular, and Cie- fi-uniiilTacllUi are I.i-'-m Lint I' | am n w.-ll circulated story t.i Ihet-ftVcl that lie benaii l.i-l.i. -■>• n nm. The truth i* lie hail thu neat sum of ai,i._. . WlllSSiIS ISgWl im.. Amnnx hi« rrerkB, that I) the pnort mm, Mr. Stewart Ii very well liked. The ndim uriha»l..rc4i-- very atiVl anil hove to bo lived up to, but Uii-i i* imrcxSMry Whtirs there

TWO TIIOUOAMO, TWO IIINIIMSO 1'tfUHOM* employed, as la the retail store. There nre eight hundred men clerks, and the rc»l ace Wooes clrrkn, sewing wmocn 1 eit«h IIUJB. Tho pay ii.ll at Ibis dUhlMimi'iit is ImiiieiiM-. There ii paving gidiyto* evere dtii' in the week. The cat- ■'--■» area* large. If lict larger thnn tho*u paid

ilerks in other retail stores, and overage trout S.-i t.i *a.'i per week. Some or the salesmen and unberaget aa much to* fAcou, bnl there are no snob fabulous aalarie. paid ai has been •aid. Mr. Ilcowa, wbo, a' ii-b.-r, ban walked tbe II.HU S lor Mr. Stewart IW tb.- I.i-t years, gets n big salary, but how much, in only known b> himself ami toe cashier. I'nl.-■■< ono clerk i.-ll ■ another, tho amount ol lih salary Is unkn.iwo. When paid, osteh IMIIMKIIH n receipt in n big book, hut a pleoe of l.|..Uim paper 1* laid care. Ie«nly over the receipt In fr.iTit nt his, so lhat be in kept In Ignorant-en-, to hi* comradob' Wben a elurk's aalary is raised, be Is told mention it to ihe other clerk- for fear of dlHHaliataetion, Mr. Stewart visits both ' bin Ktores every day. He mint of bis time a the down town place. Alxiut the only really at live part tie takea in tUe retail litntlueiut, U to mar dnwn the price When he wunt.t t.i Ret a run t> eertata good*. Tho business nf both homu wuiil.lbocnrrit'lon

TIIK SA1IK iril. BTISW.MIT DIB. Mr. Llhby of tlio Vhelesalo a tore would bo Mr. Htewarl'a »ueef*»(ir. Mr. IVanlng who is i>U|ier- ititendunt nfUM up tawn tiuru, ruuld "run" the limdiiena inert- Ihe same a* he li.n always dime. .lu-t now Hie >Uirc I* tilled with Southerners and Westerner-mi their way hnuie from tbe water- lug place*, it In. .- :.>i> in New York In make their "urehasos fur the winter. T.ikeu tin* year around

tie sides on uo average tu lioia *.l-i to Sirs.) dalle, imeiich clerk. Tin-ru am u mnnlicr fpernon. who have IIIIIOCIIM- I..11* nt Stewart's.

In many bi-taiices, daughter- alter thoy nre mar. ritnl will have llii'ir pure ha ■..■-. charged t.i llieic rather'* account ami settle with him. HoBMtlmes

FAMM.V It] l.I.S ffftt AMOl'NT TO £■.:■',m-i, hilt that Is nirc. Tho number or person- visiting Stewart's daily, run* from IU.IKHI to r,u,ooii, the latter en opening days ami like OC.COHI.IOS. Al- though Mr. Htewarl I- a I'reshvleriau, lie has a pew In an Kpiseopal . lunch, hut seldom, if ever attends anj place of worahip. lie Is rather nn 'Clientele soil of a man, and wry t-uld in hi- imni- ier lu nil-anger*, hut bla few intimates appear o Und him very agreeable, lie neatly ml very plainly, and there b uo perceptible.

change In ids clothe*, winter or summer, from year to year. It IH stated, and on excellent an. [horHy, UiatMr, liiywart I* neiroliatlng for Die purchase .iftlic ilraii.t intern Tluiiso un Klgbth avenii! and Twenty third street. He will also buy mime houses on Twenty-third direct, and convert the whole into aiiiclcpnnldry goods store. This new store will be for Die neeuiu moduli on of west side customer*, and penple crossing from

Jcraey In the Twentv-tliiiil .-licetferry. "


building on Newbury street, corner of Kim street.was formally dedicated Wednesday after- noon. Ills a brick sirncture, two stories In fcclgbt, 30 root hy 7d, contains four rooms nnd has accommudaii.m fur £>| . :, ,].,,-.. The con- struction or tbe building woe begun lu tho Fall of 1873, to replace i he old li.ut Kim «ireitaubo<>i house, wbich, (t will l>c rewemiicred, was a small, one story wooden building, fjrmcrly

a Unitarian church. Eev. U. F. Har- rington, formerly pastor t.i the Unitarian church in Lawrence, and Superintendent ..f .-.-h tols.uted to preach In this church, and. In oonshleratlan of his relations to the old school building and tbo schools of iho city, the new building

lied (lie Ilarringtuu School. The coal of It, complete—rurnlture nnd all—will lie about ftJyMR). Tbegxcrciie^.diledlcation Wcdmstlay comprised singing by a quartette from tucltlgb School, under no direction of Mr. James A.

prayer by Kev. A. L. ILiughtm, of tbe Free Baptist t'bureb; Introductory address try Mayor Terboxt address by Ree. II, !■'. liar- -riugioiv-asa MUUSWH* hgsHftm i>r. Fnrltnrrl, senior member or (lm School Committee. Ttas Maybr referred io Hie llms when the school edifices nnd lurulturu furnished maUrlal evi- dence that the path to learning was no royal road, and spoke of the progress which enabled those In charge ol the present b-jllding to prc-

one of the many appropriate and convenient schnolhouses wbich adorn this common wealth and. In a few well chosen words, explained the propriety of plating upim the building tho name ii i.c-i..-., nnd thus commemorating the services Unit had, hi thu Infancy oftheclty.lwcn render- ed to the school department by lite ono who was to lie the principal speaker of (ho occasion, nnd closed by introducing ihe Itcv. Mr. Harrington.

Mr. Harrington spoke exleinporanoo usly In a btmiliar, conversational way, for about three- quartan of an hour; his theme was mainly the obangt In educational methods and Ideas with- in Ihe last quarter of a century,—for instance, since the days wben Boreas Mann entered ■peb his duties si secretary or the State. Board or Kiliicattun. Mr. Harrington referred lo this hunge n.i evinced in the decreased promi

given I., mere text-book luuriiction, as pared with the study of principle.- Independent if another's words. He also culled uttcuiiot

to the cbango in thu estimates (laced upon the of diilerent studies, at for Instance, tin

study of language has been found to In- mor : even than thai of arithmetic, or mini

hers, which was formerly considered the 1st it of nil studies for mental discipline. Mr. llur- rhigtoii urged tho importance ol Illustrating as nuras possible tbe studies of tho school room by models, nnd Objects tauglblo and visible, instead of leaving tbo pupil with mere abstract ideas, lie spoke also, of tho reflex Influence npon tbe school child of an intellectual home. He there was no lino of demarcation lo lie seen umong school children on ncctiuut ol nationality, but there was a marked •inference evinced by them owing to tho dllferent charac-

ter ol their homos. Mr. Harringtons nddrcss was a fresh and entertaining one, nud engaged close attention. A brlof address eras also made hv Itev. Dr. Packard. In which he gave u num- ber of interesting Incident* In tbe early school bbttory OfXlwrenC*, before Its city dS/l began.

Terhap _ . believe It, but Mr. S.ewnit lm* bud

great complaint IStou it certain class of rich per. ".* Who Object to buy in;; at Ills h|jrv In itUeli

IO |ir..i,iiiliiy l-i eiUOO 1I1I1-.SSR3 IM. SlIMUOXNCTf.

ono bslieves that tbe building known n* Stew- '* Wording Wmii-V* DSSOe, mil ever ho used (hat purpose. There are all sorts of rumors

.... ml cniiieniliig It. Some sav Unit lie Is going t.. least- it fern hotel, and other'- say It will I"' 'b oted to tb' win-king girls, and that its fi

..,.,;..ii 'iinj fur a |ut nn the omoaUs sbl F.nirlh avenue upon willed to build u Hum

itert. u.uillu slt|o 11

i iHKinllng.honse In this

rinSHOI to- ; itui.'ii. doubt

ofwator.aiui tii uutlnae, b

ir. DaooouT.—One of our city .-.. diaoouesgal at tba scarcity kuowlagbow long lbs drought

i ttken to sleallajr, mllit from his urotba mllktneo, At very many pluces lu tbo city ll U cost no iry tor milkman lo leave a

of milk upo.i the door steps, before the oc- cupants or tbo boasts havo rumpioted tbofr rooming naps, and fjr aim: lints past com- plaints h.wj bjcu 1111J3 that these cans bare

ii-Ti This bit not occurred atone place only, but ta various parts of tbo city. Mr. Amos Suuttiwlck, a well-known milk ren- der, supplies iho occupants of No. 13 Washing- ton corporation, aud on several o'.'oa»itjiis has bad a can of milk stolon r,„ia t^c,.,j \,y oiiUIdo

parlies. At times both can and milk ha>o Itccn taken, aud ui other tinios the milk has been taken ami tfad cm left, As tho can lelt at this place contains ten ipuris, It was evljent that a

■stelof einul llxo mutt havo been used hi lilch l-i |m-ir tin- milk, and the fact led lo Ihe .i.udiini tin1, sin- uillkmiit might have -u the thief. On Tuesday Ur. SoNtbwkst's

JMOttsj m in left tb? can urtntlk tin n<uit, nnd o on, hut when out of tight bo gave hi; i in charge or another persoi, and gulng

iiaen secreted hlmsslf behind a tree, and oppc site tho hoase. He had been there bat a foi moments when one Hiram Brodtlebank, milkman, came along, and taking the ca

i.i It In the retrbix, thj left slJo c Ills wagon.

The young man ni once notified mllecr Mlleh- Dt'the elrcitm-il.m.v, lolling him the position which Brockbjbank placed tbo can, and de-

scribing n private mark thereon; the ofltcer soon round tbe in in nn I the can of milk Justus had been described to lilm. The can was tn- koa posse.-.-1-m of an 1 ttio milk delivered to Southwlck. Alsiiit nine o'clock olllcers Mitch- el and Libby urn sled llrorklebanli, and he wni placed In a cell in the station house, where ho awaited bath The prisoner bo-i been in this city nUmt four years, and one year ago was special policeman on duty evenings nt the coi poratioiis, and at the time It was alleged that be made arrest* mid look from prisoners bribes to let Ibsen go. Whether this Is true or not, ha was l.-lt IVtim (hespecial pause 11*1 this yi

days, -Tbe trees Upon tlu Uoairau:; a bow sutunm lints. -James M. II irn, of this city, has received a

patent fur a sa»b f.utcnor. A twin uiounlnln" has been made out

of tlio llnrekl: ii '-01010 11111."

■Ten shares «r AUantl,; Mill" -lock were '■old yesterday In the Boston stock market ut 79|.

—■A pluitogr.ipher took seven views of the ly, fruin tiie summit or the Pacific Mills limney,on Saturday,

—From the top of tbo tall ihlmiicy In tbli ty, the "Atlantic end Ilia "I'acith:" can be en without the Bid ofa "glass." —Thu Tvmporaaofl Uefortn Club have taken ie old Light Inlanlry Ariiior.v for their qunr- rs, ami will hereafter bold meetings there. — The Boston A Maine has ramtracbej with

tho Maneliester tocowotire works fur live first lass engines—two passenger and thre e freight. — The tickets tor the Salisbury Bosch excur-

Saturday nest, ore only $1 lor the

•asllv lndii'-ed to giro n Hoi onlv ate ifinj uam suseeulible provide.!, but Iho b.tguar U mid what sort nt appesl-i sh.mid be made to ditfercul in- dlvlrtunls; u.t in-lntiec. Mr. Itrowil will sulj- serllie llbernlly for tlio boncllt uf n countryman (Scotch), who has been

SCAl.I'BO IIT A in // SAW, or lias lout a leg niamowing machine; Mr. .Tones Is open to appeals in bchali ufconrcrted Jews, or young men wht) want lo study fur tbe ministry; ami Mr. will pay live dollars en sight to the lady In black who Is annul to lump Into tlio North Hlvor. We believe ll U at tills piano thai fentlemauly impostors are supplied with Lhc IHIII-

ly lilstoriea nl the easily ili]peil. Tl|is cbiss tif iihpn-iocs 1- itiij i (he in.,si ,l:in«.-i-.iu-i hi-- name, perhaps, Is tlio sniue as yours, nnd he kmiWH all about your ancestors; is a member of the Illinois branch of the taniily; has jtt.L run out of money, owing lo so and so Imlh, ami so forth; but will lieur 1'nmi homo In a day or two; declines Jiiy pecuniary »s*i»tnnne wlmtcver, until you rol- biw lilm out to the -lime au-l actually force ttiiimn hlni.

TIIK KALI. HOOK TIIAUK will open ti,t>r *-"•■?» >'-mafc« nit Tor the .lull ucss iil'ltlui suiiimer Ijusluess. Messrs Serllmer, Armstrong A U.... "Her :i tcm|Oiug array ot pull- licalimis, lor tin: lung ev. niui;- ihat will soim be here, n nuinlier of which I bare already an- nounced. They will publish biinHHlhttelr, vol- umes two nm1 three »t r'i unite'.-Ireland, and vol- ume live ol Curlin's tirceec, eoinplctiiig both work'. Students ofthe Fine Alt', will 11ml an excellent guide in the Lectures of the lale I'ro- luaapr Torrey of tiie t,lnlveisity of Verimml, at Uurllnglnn, "The Thciil"g|cal and piillosimbioal l.ilirnrv," which wa. bmugnrated bjf v "feber. W«1g*s lllbtory til■pliibisoiihy.-will ha e nn lm- portiint addition iu ■' Van (J.v-lei see's Itogmatics," a work of mark.'-I nl<i|iiv and h Mining. An orig- inal work In tiie p-ann- iV-hl ii "■iinl iu Human Thought." tiv Dr. K. It. tllllet, I'mfesnor in the Vnivoi'slly ul'New V.iik, and widely known ns Iho author ol "The Lite an-1 Times of John Huss. Suiiplemculary la tliese, hi a certain sense, u "Tlio Mural Syttcin'liv the same aulhnr. This volume has a lilsliirlca] nnd critical Inti'o.lncii.m, tiilli s]..t'ial lelei.n.e lu "lliillei 's Aml.yy," and

latly designed us a text book for nchoots 111M HL

. specially den ■of- fts.


The Is-st uicctlng ever hell nt the Lawrence Hiding Park will begin next Tuesday, and con- tinue four days. Tbe purses aggregate 93,400, tint! t!)c entries h«vc Isjcn numerous, and of llrst class horses, sa iullows ,

WKHSKSHAV, '-I i-t J-lrd. Parse UDo- rorSsstoatsehtss. MM wSrst,

Air, lu rccond, *:.'. lo third, ».V) In Imirlti. Ii W Lumpkliis, Chariest I, Thatcher, Keene, H II, M ll.imivan, l.nwell, 11 SnrKi'iit, Mc.Jl.ii-i, «' 1- Sl.dd, llnsliill,

KKMaeie till Her,i.l rmNeIHe

i m Lady Van i.llet' bgNeil Allen

lit' M W Slinii i .1 Hidden.'IIn-uun, hi'k g I.'hiel' C t.'alluhan, Lowell, bl'k m Lowell tlclte John ltr.mii. Il.oer, Hi'., ii u Kd.ty N T Hove, llo-.ton, br g Ka.-leiii t'Huee

Purse asoo. J-'IIC ■:.:•.! cla^s. *i"iO bi Hot, #IA"i iti seeond, #tt to ihinl, pu u< iDiirth. Jtibn ParreU, Lawrence, dig Joiui C V. Mnsher, Lawrence, i. g.»<«• ttlpley .1 A Diivtln, Huston, bguoa. LbAwoot .In s lioldcu, llusttm, bl'k m Kale T « KOhter, l'l ovidence, 11. I., b v Harry Spanker K M VV.Hi.fman, MeUiuen, g in Itlacksmith Klai.l A W Worcester, Host In* m I'lm-lwiug II Hicks, Bosses, brg Arthur Deo ■ Kiigg, lloston, b m Lady William-.

TitttRHOAV, Sept. -'Itli. I'uiMSSOs. rortWelaaa. ISM to llrst,-JH-J5

to sseosst, * ;"■ to Ihlrd, •:«' m fourlb. J.ibn Karrcll, Lnwrenee, cli a John II llanpMt, Medlord, g g Banes lirecley ,1 .1 lloweil,, bm Kale llii-thes M Carroll, Musbm, hg I'rank Hall ■fames i ...i.|.-n, Huston, r g AIMn llny 11(1 Drew, Lowell, ggOrlrnl ji.lm Hi,.-,vn, Hover, Me., ligK.ldt

1'umi: SKSl. K..r running hm'ses. line hull' mile heats, liest Ihn-e in five. #l'Ni LO ibst, #7" to serond, «Wto third. II Hturlovant, Somervllle, b g sleepy John Its Hay, Huston, bg Set Itanloi .1 (loldeii, Ikiston, Kg Hinge L A llltclu-owk, New York, ih Hurse Cnm.ieli

.1 II Wilber. Iluslun, eh n Kelalre .1 Htmlgomery, llnvcrhlll, b g John IlorrUoU

PWPa.TtBfpt.aaia, 1'urse *■'.-'" >'»r JJI0cbi». I.-'M to llrst, |139

10 second, #79 lu third, I.Vito fourth. T S roster. Piovldeaee, It. L, g in 11.11 Hudson L.Thau-her, Keene,-VH, bg Herod John lliown, I lover. He., b | Kildy U W Lumpkins, ChaM.stun M Donovan, Lowslirle

-II Sargent, Ucdfonl, t; .1 Won-ester, Lawrero-r, 11 C Drew, laiwell, M Citrroll, Huston, .1 liulden, llostim, C Callaban, I...well, N T I' ■■■ .i:■■ ■ -.

I'ui.-e #i'»'. rortSSelai ti, s.-con.l, #1X1 to thlol, SKI Hen s Vugn, llosloti, b in Lady Witlianui John Farrell, Lawreaec, eh f John II Sargent, Hedtlird, gg Horace I,rceley T S liwter, l'rovi.lenee, li g Harry Spanker K U Womlman, Metkuen, g m ltlncksmltli Mnld A 1> Carvuns, IlOMlon, eh nuieoiWii- Ii A W Worcester, Itnrton,

SATI'IHIAI, Sept. Paras $ll«i. For L*Jclass. *I(SI to llrst, S1W

lu second, (Ul to tlilul, |csi to fourth.

I MIMII i AM IUn,MOAriCoM'KUE\0B.—A con- sitltution waa held in Lawrence, Wednesday, lie- tstssn rsprsaSonUlhu of the two outside corpo- rations which are DontpeUaj with tbe I) wion ft Maine bore foi business—1. c, the Boston A Lowell and Iho Eastern Il.iilroads— which promises results of considerable Importance iu the public. The Eastern IS. 11. was repre- sented Ivy ,\Jr. OlMrbM P. H vteli, Ueucral Man- n£cr, and the Lowell R. H. by (Jol. John It. George, Attorney, and Mr. lUiver, the chief eiUflnoeroftho Lowell It. II. Company. Invitation of both parlies. Mayor Tarb.ix ) > tho railroad men in examining iho ground In and about the city nnd In an Interchange of opinions.

Is generally known that the Eastern U. lt- hos been cut olfat North Audovcr by tbo ter-

inatiuii or its or tlio Boston & Maine from that place to Lawrence.. Tho Lowell It. It., ilia known, has commenced the construc- tion of what little Hue Is necessary to glvi Law-

e a good connection with lite main line of iLe Lo*efl |L ft, R.,I:, eorporations aro now

considering huw tltey can unite In u union de- pot In this city, and where to locate It. The Eastern 11. It. already hai u Hue located from North Andovor to Lawrence, crossing the lias- ton & Maine truck at that station by an over head bridge, thus doing sway wltti ihe press* objectionable "kuow-m.ttiinx" ciusslnsi. in. Lawrence branch oftho Lowell R. it., will cer- tainly be lialshed nud hi running order, Col. Georgo says, by the litli of October next, and then, (Jon. Stark, general manager of tbe Low- ell It. R., inform* Mayor Tarbos;, he nroposej to run four trains eael| woj' daily between Law reiicoan.l Quun, to make ihe disumeo iie- twecn the two eii|o< hi fifty minutes.

Two schemes for the location of Hie depot In Lawrence w«ra considered Wednesday. V To cross the Moriiinack aUivo tbe dam locate the de|H>t on Hasex or Lowell street, of Hroadway ; Second. To crosa Ihe Merrim.ick near the foot of the canal ami establish the depot near tbo mouth nf tho Bpteket river. The meaning of the last proportion Is understood to be lhat the Hasten ft I-owcll is cuntcnipl itbig ul nn early day tho formation ofu line to p.inland. The last Legislature of New Hampshire gave :i cbartcr b> a company known us ihu 8pteket River K. It. Budding under tbo charter of this mad from Lawrence, through Mcthuon, Psmpslsad, N. H , the I/jwell It. R. men claim lliey ihcn have, by sjrtnf rosdl now running t. rortlnud, a cimtlniioiis line from Boston to Portland, which, It Is claimed by that shorter loan tho Boston ik Maine by toarteen milts. He this as It msj, tho idea of another Hue tin.nigh Lawrence tu Portland Is undoubt- edly held In view l.y tbo Lowell ll. It. manage II..ut. The consultation, Wednesday, was no! expected to determine anything. The engineers ol iho two corporations will do Hint niter making cHlniatcso! cost, but it may bo regarded certain that, for mutual advantage, the i ■■■--. ;;

and Eastern corporations have concluded to join forces hero, and that lliey will at once under-

take operations which BaSBOt lull lo In: or great public advantage.

gg Haoirt gin Nellie

Lady Van Clu-r m licit Jacks.

Kg tlrle ,„ M WritimpB. bl'k gHrarn Chief

dig hit hl'L_

brgE I to llrst, fine

S J BoweS, Boston, (; ■ aloslier, I." , J A I'li-ini. ItosUm, .1 A llatclicliler, lli.rf.ui, M Carroll, Dorton, I'lko.l llowen, Miirrllt, T O lo-ter, I'loliil.-ise,

1'urse *:«» for running In ■ In 1. * i. HI v ;n to fourth. ItSlurleviiiL, Soinenillc, It rtnay, Huston, .lam.-- H'.lilen, llnstntl, LA llilrlicock, New V.n .1 II Wilber, Huston, Wisner Park,

bl'kglteu M..nid h g Joe Itipley

br g rrsns rainier brgr*rnnk J

belliislln Jb lirg Vming Itiittte

K g Hilly riutb-r • Cs. Mlh- leal- h.-t

llrst, .fV. t.. -I-L.-II.I, t-~>'< io third.

b g NcI Ilnnlui II g (linger

blkglierul.' chin Uclnli

blkg TomColllui

ItKCK-NT PlSCuYKHlltS IN StltllMiY.- Barstogs correspondent says t "A party of 'shoddy ore coming this way. lingo diamonds, susponiici from thick, iar«« i-nrs, fortiis liiisllly put together by the Creator when he was evidently thinking more or (pmntity than quality, ail swathed from throat to ttio In silk, satin, lace, anil embroidery, I IDS Of the lenders appeared at a promciiailo lhc other cvolng, nt C grcxa Hull, In a Dolly Vnrikli, worn ovor an ollvu grccu flounced silk petticoat. Tbe stutr of which tiie Holly Varden was composed was rich enough to adorn a beauty In a Turkish harem. Who Is she! 'An old mans darling- Heavy dealer In coal, (tenant discovery. All right, though, as to i>auk account.' "


-The Common Council will meet l-.-nl —The llrst rain yesterday for twenty Ighl


ml trip. Tn i d.-pot at gJS I"

—The entiles fur tbe grand races of next week. In thin eiiy, ctosed Sntunlay evening, and they prove to bo Hu beat ever received lor this vjelully.

—Cap. O. IS. lUmilu.u, residing at No. 71 Turbos street, Is growing t|iiit.' a ipiantlty of native leaf tttiiueco. Tho plants attract no Ill- He unciiiion.

—Street Cnu-nUnionor Ussiu md h.-ts begun repairing Park street In rfalhvilie. Complaint concerning llu- nm.litlon ofthe street has been loud uud long.

— The Pailtle mills reefftiy paid *>W,S-J1 *fi Into the cii.iti.m boasg a- l itMB on an ImiTirtii- Mon of 8JS balet of spout, ^'70,OfW |.-aad-, hy Steamship 0 recce.

—Tbe lessen lickets for Tie Urand Ansv fair have IM-CU issued, and will lie pissed in the hands of members of ihu l'out, nnd al conven- ient idaees lor sale.

—The Mayor has advertised for proposals to construct a sewer through tlroadway, l)ai-v and Unity streets, to lie handed in before thrco o'clock, Saturday afternoon, the 10th hist.

—We have received a postal from San 'Krla- jo, wiliteii lii heathen Chinee. We aro glad IO hear friimoiir, hat wish they would pay more ntlcuilou to dotting their t's and crossing their l's.

—Cards nn: out a number of uulto sole- worthy matrimonial affairs. The coming sea- sou promises to make sail haroc among the ranks uf the marriageable, and unmarried In Lawrence.

—An exi-uri-lon to Salisbury Beach Is an, nounee.l lor next Saturday, via, the Host on Al M .nm- and pleasure Steamer from Hu- vcrhill. The rare lor ihe round trip will be but one dollar,

—Mr. Humphrey Desmond's three story sewer-dltch between Common and Rssox streets liiis iniido progress as fur eastward n- Appleton .<iireet,and thecttr ball Is reached from Ksscx street by a hrhlge.

— Mr. llomcr C Muriett, a graduate at iho last term of the High .School iu this city, ha* lieen appointed assistant principal ofthe Frank- lin Academy, franklin, Vermont. Mr. Marirtt Is a lino scholar, aud graduated with high hoaor.

—All oftho city churches which huve hither- to joined In assisting the Orand Army I'.nr, nre, with ono execution,at work making preparations

sustain tho enterprise this year. Ono cburcb;

already reports a contribution of onwards ot 910(1.

The friends of woman suffrage in New Eng- land propose to hold a grand basket picnic ut Old Orchard Ueach, on Tuesday, Sept. 22d, The lure for the round trip from Lawrence will IK- ->17O. A special triiin leaves the north depot at 7 A. M.

—Tho avenue leading out from thu (.'. m o Valley street, la ono of the tlaest on tho '-n.i I-.I. ; iho enirauce is about eighteen feet

wide, and In tho centre Is n large elm tree, thu trunk surrounded by a neat oblong circlo of granite.

—Lawrence was lllierally represented ut tbe ibililon race at Mystic I'ark, on Tuesday, and

some of tho Lawrence horsemen were lucky enough tu Invest In tba right horse. A betting. man from hero who pm In 80J brought home >.Mri net winnings.

—On Friday four venturesome ladies tinulc ihe ascent of tbo grout of the Pacific Mills. The daughter ot Supt. A. U. Pi: Ids was one of the party. Wo venture to assert that there are not a down ladies In the city who would care to niako the oacouslon.

—It Is Intcrctllng to HOC the ease aud dexteri- ty with which the water pipe i. handled hv iho workmen. Cummon street and Valley street, 11 .-in llruadway to Lawrence street, were exca- vated, Ihe pipe laid, and covered, lnsido of ioa. days. The contractors ineoo business.

—An adjourned meeting of tbe new young moo's political reform club, organised hy a number oi Irish American cltueus, was held Wednesday at the ohlecofT. Francis Desmond usn,. The constitution und by-laws will bo adopted, it Is expected, at the next meeting.

—Mr. Fred Matthes had a narrow escape on Saturday. His uorse became frightened at iho ci-o»Hlng near tho north depot, aa a train was moving out, overturned the carriage, and threw Mr. Matt bet oat, but fortunately be struck upon tho track next that on which the train wan passing.

—Thu Into II. li. Thompson, wbosu death In ■* wmw m . i. Texas wus mentioned last wock.was a sonof Mr.

M< 1.11 \uv lixciBsioN.—The military Andrew Thompson, well-known tu tbo old rosl-

— tho Cornet Uand, Mr. James Lainlwrt, leader, gave a sen nude on Tuesday to Mr. John Ford, at i.i, ri-M lenee on L'nton street. Mr. Fur.I i.-i of tbe firm of For.) lirolhers, gro- eort, and U a prominent Irish-American citl- r.en. He was married a low days since, an event which suggested tiie musical honor paid him last night. The band wero boapitablv cn- icrtaiued by Mr. yonli and there was an abund- ance of go'jd singing, of re-i'-aitons etc. by vol- unloer Irlenjs ui'thu couple.

—Work npon tbe new Second Baptist Church bus progressed so far ihai the *eMry will be ocenpleil for tbe prayer meeting on Sunday evening next. The services of tho morning and aftornoou wilt continue to be held at the City Hill until the mam audience-room Is re idy which, it Is expected, will be in Novem- ber, 'the cmtraet tortlij pews lor tbo room has been awarded, and they will hu completed In lour weeks. The DOW organ whieb Is to In i-i.i. ..r 111 tbo clnirrli, will cost upwards of

lie prlsoi for.the baby show during Iho 1 Army Fair, will proliably IH> In live s; imu prise for iho handsomest baby

under six months of |»; ::;. if... for Ihe ■ 11.1 ami third in sum.iel.nni lliiwe'prliea the b»o,l*.iin-h nn 1 the s.Houd and third irade, between fix 'nml twelve months, and

up to two year*; then one 6r more prizes fur ' iiaby.und another for Ihe tlucstspce- ttvins, and perhaps another for Ihe

best colored infant. —Mr. A. L. Brown ofthe Brown Lumber Co..

iu wbich li,-. Or. I way of ibit city is a promi- nent member, eclchrata I tiie iweiily-IHTb anni- versary of bis wedding, nt his mansltm lu Wbiicllcli!, N. II., last Saturday. Dr. Or.lway and iithers of this city were present. Mr, Brows was presented With a gold watch, and a parse of money, an easy chair mid other aril- cle.-. of h'Mixobolfl iislm ii'mejil, white M. -. Drown received two shares in tho sti«*k ol fie compil- er. Altont *n sat lb 1 vat 1 s.ipi't;!-, after whi.-h he company dispersed.

—Mr. John Davidson, proprietor or thu War- en street bouse which was partially burned last reek, 1- -|ui. pleased with tbe settlement made iy bis Insurance agent, Mr. John Kdwards. "" sgent aiid Vroprleior selected two gen

JK'KXIIN Cm ur.—The lino nml spaclout grounds attached to tbe Salisbury house nt tlu head of Jackson Conn, arc rapidly being trans formed Into bus for bolutlng purposes, a broad avenue, etc. At first it was tbo gcnerul Im- pression Hint to Interfere with this residence would prove detrimental to tho attractiveness

c locality.) tint we believe tbe present pi when carried out, will make the place Tar more attractive, a credit lo tbo proprietor*, nud the

ind-i, hcrotoltiro exclusive, the most charm ing lu tbo city. The largo bouse has lwon

.-d from Its foundation, and placed north side or the avenue, Ironttng south, nnd

, line with other buildings lu Iho court The elevation leading to tlio formor location of the house, U to remain, ami broad ami massive granite steps Will l>o set In place Of the present

. A broad avenue is to bo laid out from ear of Nowbury street, leading ns far as

the steps, which form nn entrance to the court. This avenue Is or »ii(uclent width to allow a double drive-way, and we understand that be- nresn Hie drive-ways two IH-IIUUIOI lawns will be laid out,In which shrubbery, trees, fountains, and flatuiiry will he placed. A terrace wall will illvlde the avenue from Newbury street, but a private entrance Rrotn that street will lie secured. Building lirfs upon cithcrsldcof the avenue will be lor sale, and it wtl be readily Men that none more ih-.-lmblc could bo round. The locality must of necessity be retained, as there will bo

opportunity foe people to drive through, and to Hud seclusion, In the very heart or mo cite, Is nmongtlie imposalblllties.

WHAT'S COHI.NO.—Paring this mouth and September there will bo no luck of shows in tlil-i city, nn.l are much i'-ur several enter- prising managers will go away without draw, iiigonotigh money to pay their local expenses. The following have been hooked Sept. list, Matiut Hi Bartholomew's 1' uttonunei

2-2.1. Hurry Bloodjood'a Minstrels. •Jilli, lluoreH^ Henethrl's Minstrels. 2-itb, Lawreiu-e,!it liit.mtry Ball. atith, Sam. Slniridey's Minstrels.

Oct.3d, L-'on Dwnrfi Coiiiblnatlon. 6th, Thomas W. Browns Theatre. Uth, Howard, Languish^ Co'* Black Cr- 7tb, Lecture by Joan U. Oough. Hth, Henderson fii I'lilbouii's Tbcairo. Uth, Sherman Cadets Ball. lilili, Uuckley's Serenading Minstrel*. Liili, Baghsh Opera—Martha. 13th, Probably Firemen* Parade. 1-1 th to 2!st, Grand Army Fair. 2il, United Sons of Freedom's Ball, i'td, l.cetiire lir Hon. Win. Parsons. SOtbi Ancient Order Hllinrniann' n.-iit.

.life of the e Mr. Hall

Tin: gentlemen from Istwrenoe whosceoapsnisd tho Lowell Mechanic phalanx on tbclr excursion to Providenco.took their departure on Tuesday The complete list of military and civic gucsta from I^iwel! nnd Lawrence wl.o joined In tho ex- cursion hi Hi follows;—

WUtar§ Oisssfe.-Ool. B. F. MaJ. E. Decker, Surgeon, OJO. li. I .iikhain. ,\I. D., Adjutant C. C. Whitney, (Sixth U.-Wiimiii), MaJ-Ceo. S. Merrill. Ailjuliuit James III^UIIN, Hospital Steward B. II. Kcllev, Artillery Buttulion Second Brigade), Ocii.Wm. O. l-'iske, Capt. J. A. 0. itlchardsun.

One Gumh.—Mayor Francis Jowctt, rx- Muyor J. 1'. FuUom, ex-Mavor J. O. 1'oaisHly, l'i. -el- ni of Council, N. W. Fryc, Hhuriil Charles Kimliull, 11.m. W. V. Salmon, Alder- man Oeorge L. Ilunt.ioii, (I.iuiicilin 111 Ueorgo W. S. Hurd. J. P. Maxlleld, Oeo. A. Warden of tho L>well Courier, MaJ. Kd. Hastings, Oeo. It. w.-ii,,,...,. ii,,.,.-, |). iiaeon, Frank M. Mer- rill, George HolKon, Albert Crowell, J. Albert Bunt, Joint rendegiiHt, Cbas. W. Steeper, Wal- ter 1'ctieunill, Jolm Stott, Henry 11. Wilder, KM W. Hoyt, Allsjrt A. Hiiggctt, Freeniuu 11. Under, Frank Going, Milo <i. Hallu.t, Alme A. JowcLt, Wm. K. Kittred^e.Geo. Smith.

RoiTit-SiiiH I.iicii-itFjt.—A course or lectures has been arranged to tie held In the South-sldo M. B. Church, commencing next Thursdsy evening, the 2llh inst. The course will consist or six lectnr.S und nn Old Folks Concert- While 1 lo- lecturers engaged have not n national reputation,lheir pi.Mtlun aud tuleuls are such as in warrant success. Among thoso engaged nro Col. Uussell H. Conwcll and Uev. W. F. Mal- lalieu, 1>. 1)., of Boston. Col. Con we 11 Is Ihe well-known writer "llusscll," who supplied lire "Around the World" letter* lo tbo "Traveller," a Tew years ego, Dr. Mullulicu OpCUS tbe course tin the evening or tho 21th.

Ho oftho Plrwt Heavy.

'I'ii. lion Aitiltcrv AvsoeUlion bud Uielrsixth amiiinl n-uobni at Kebolirnve, l.yuo, Tliorad.-ij. These re uilltmit areMillel|inled nolldsys fur the veterans, and their Interest Is nut lessened as each soeoeeOinf year rnlln in a great- er bpBO ol time between ihe then rlesolatetl Val- ley of the Sliimiimlonh, the Held* of the Wilder. nose, lbs Webten mad nnd tho now BBleRMMl pleasure grovs oi reunion. Old storkii and renv no: .-en--.- ■ 1i1.1t never tild In the sym|inthelle listener nro retold. (Mil buttle* Hie mnght over nitnin,aiid the eye that has beoenis stbjbtly dan by laiuto of time brighten* nfc-nin with thu old la-iii. The reunion >. T. e.i.n brouaht logelhur abOBt one huii.b-ed and nay of the old member* who, with their finiiillcs and Invited giioniA, IMH.II-

Ihu iiumlH'r about live hundred. The linrhlchenil Betse Hand f urn l*hed the concert mil tie and the num.i- i"i- tlniichig was iMiiii ■ lit--1 by an ori-hestia frnin Uio same idarc, and very (ood mmue it was, too. The bosmesa oietding wa* hehl nt It o'clock, when tiie following ollleers were shsssn for the ciiouiiig year, rresldent, OsL Nalh'l ■-■. Slmls- WeR; Vina tVeitdasb, Col. Wni. ll. tireen, .Me). Frank Uavl*. James 0. llovey , Secretary, .1.1 ie|ih K. BusweU; Ass'l Beerebwy, Charlea Uawi Treasurer, CnpL Ilenjnmln Day) Kiccullve Com. uiitlee of one from eaeh company; H.M-I- from this 1 ■ li- -1 were, Jamcn Troy, Co. B, Daniel I.o- vne, Co. K, John Clark, Co. II, Henry C. McDuf- fee, Co. K, Comniltlee on Finance, John Hart, Wllliuin t.iiiiiin, iieo. F. 1'urkins; Committee on ileesSSSd soldier*, Col. William II. tireon, Daniel F. Fellows. After the romnilltee on deceased otiln 1 ■ had hi., le their renoi I, llie band plnyCtl

a hymn "In Slennirlsm," und the call for'Mtoast lleet" wna lounded, and everybody fall In and tried to devour the fmmenac <|iinntitlcs or prnvls. Ions which everybody brought, aa-l an no one luia known the wanl uf suitable pTOVbrion* lielter than tbe soldier, so no one la moreanvlou* tliat that want shall not exist when lliey ciin belj> It. The remainder of the day wna mused in twlng- ing ami ideasanl converse, and, allhough the day was very warm, tlio dancing never flanged, ami thu mad waltz seemed to grow madder with tho best, and exciting polk more exciting. I o .■.--.- uo rsdetooh plaeeat kalf-psst four o'clock, and at. notlmowas the sacrifice of this good regiment more apparent than when the one hundred and My formed a Hue lhat, eleven yeare ago, on Ar- lington Height*, numbered oifrhtocn hundred, lint, although time, disease, ami the oerila or bat- tle bed worked ravages In their number, yet the military lesson, so well learaeil then, waa notror- t "iti-H. and the sboaUsrS *ceuioil lo rrjuaruup, the form* were as erect, the step aa eia>Uc, and the march aa *tondy ns of yore. After lira uionl l-outiuu hud bSM uonu threugh with, parade was dismissed! and Iho remaining lime was consumed In gathsrtOI mi the debris and getting ready to go homo. The iieMre-imloii will beheld luthe vloiu- ily of Lawrence, either at lloggett* of I'ollcy PMMI at tbe iixunl lime, via : tho HCCOIUI Thurs. day In Sept, and tho Lawrence, Mclhiicn anil Andovor boy* will no doubt show llieui how lo have n good lime, and may wo be lucre to see.

1 iu


1 1: ■■■■■->-. is uri-eling 1 _ ..idley 1 ■ er.-.-li Jf-vlUiii-.u lii. i-eMile.u-e. Klbiidjre (1. 01 Andover, ■- the builder.

A SUIT DKOIIIKH.—air. Joiihnnus Adams of llilr. Inwn, sued i'ii- Utwn of urovelaml lor ilwm- futu to a carriage by 11 defective high- way. The Cine wai tiled belore Judiif l.iird, ill Uieeonit InNewliiiiTpiiri. last week,nnd decided in latoi- ol [lie town, .-aaioler-, ot l.awrein-e, and Jones. »t lluverlnli, for idaintiir, und Par- kin*, ol thuciu, for ilefoiidaut.

ICtlSIOAl ItK-rsios.—Tho muflral i-otkly which nn rt le I pa Led In the llihton .lolillnehelil a reunion nn tlio Slh hint., at ublrh niimibem were livenenl Irom varlou* part* of tin- count)', sloal of lliem parllti|inie.l in ihe i;iund cborii* nt " Coliriellm ami met nx.liu to llielr voice* .... _ Instrument* in lisrmony. Itev. Clnirles Bret-Inn* ulayml Hr»t violin, bin InnLiunieiit, upon whieb mw amateurs aro more prulic.tenL, being an old anil valuable Cremona ulileli tic purchased In QSBSTS.

NoTRWoiiTitv ITKMS.—The Mcrrlmack tiat"e*U'ein*Oeoi-Kel'»«11 11* remarkable tor many tiling*. Amoiitt iliCKtiiire IbaL ll bus the chief constable of tin- ('.iimii.inwiwILh, CajiL lloynloii, who lia*. I a greater v.u k-ly ol doves than any other man In the Htnte. Oenrgetnwn ban, also. the largol hennery In MasHaehnsetts, ln-hmglas In Mr. JohiiH. Kluiball. lit-run* short of r.tittdt- eiiHaml pullets Hlien be can't count a thousand. Thn |rrriite*t nianulai-lm y ot native wine in tho Stale la in tienrgrtoHn, too; It I* run by Mr. I,. F. Carter, tbe in«inil*eturor ni Alwootl'* bluer*. He lia* already nuiilt- lor this year up. wards of i.issi gallon* 01 wine. Ono tiling thai lieorgi-tnwii built* I* n iii-w-iiaiier, but It Is said there t* a |iro*|M-etof ti*tab|i*hing one, but till* dfDcicney is partly oil, .1 l.v the la.-L that Hit:re 1* not n grog shop within the limit* of Ihe Hap|iy Uoornrtowiil

A PosTT'eHOMaV— A corrcspomlent say writing from tho Isle of Bhuals, "Just hi fore wo took our leave of Appleduru I paid a visit to tbe cotlaye of Culla Tim tcr. The door of the parlor stood ajar, ami a gentleman sltllnt; there InvlLcd me to enter and wait for Mrs. Thaxter's return from a walk. I had u fuw mo- ment to spare, aud could glnucc around. The t'ooin, though plain and simple us lo the ftiriilturc proper, was a very power of beaut >■ uml delight with Us store of treas- ures and gems of art and nature. I can- not tell what it wus that gave such an air of wnriuthand luxurious ucss to the rustic, oven perhaps awkwardly-constructed fur- uiiiiM-. unless It was the extraordinary beauty nud richness of colors of the dowers Which were lavished everywhere. The peculiar 'juullty and mysterious virtue of lite Shoals soil tu produce rare brill inu- cyofhuc In flowers, Mrs. ThaxU'r men- tlous iu her sketches. One shall I remem- ber particularly, bunging over the center- table of hooks, und filled with nasturtiums, pnnsles ami some blue llower—und vory coin in Ml*, (lowers, tjulle old- fits hloned ami nut of dalu In greenhouses and gardens of :-. 1 ■"■■ i-u . hut ih ■iily loved by the poct-womau of Appledoro. I noticed also a painting of violots under the mantel, anil vines hanging over It; a wrltlng-dusk In '.ho comer, also with flowers on It; tuulaheadorhustjlfu slzu,gar!untied with a running vine—morning-glory, I think.'

dents oi' Mcilun.-u, but for some years living lu this city i young Thompson lived for a time In Lowell, pnur lo the war, going south, as sutler of tbe'Juih regiment.

-An employe of iho Pacific Mills, an old sullor, on l-'iUiiiy ascended tho ladder of tbe great chimney, and descended by the rope, "hand-over hand," hut ho got tired when part way down, and slid to within twenty Toot or t'10 ground, and then dropped. Ills bauds and legs were sumewhai hcrcl'i of akin.

—The Uulld or St. John, connected wllh Hi. Jobn's church, intend giving a |iarish picnic, on Saturday next, tbo PJ1I1 inst., at Kliady-sidc Orove, Policy l'oitd. The members, uud friends ol tho parish aro cordially invited lo attend. l'i tin.-. Icavo the north depot, at 11.!'. A. H., and 11.5 i\ u., returning ui 7 or 7-30 in the evening.

—Messrs. Colby, freeman h Co. have been awarded lhc contract to construct tho filtering gallery or the water works, ttio price to be paid tlio contractors liclng about #l'J,000. Aside Irom this contract tbo eon tract* for construct- ing tho pumping Station comprise work properly chargeable tu tho filtering gal- lery.

—Mr. Timothy N.. man, formerly of this city but now of lloston writes us that ho has secured a patent for "an antonntlc smoking' U>y." He says Itxmnkca one hour beloru it re- quire* winding up. Hu adds "souio person ought now to Invent a machine to drink a man's rum j such a machine would be a bless- ing to society,"

—The total oast or the new line of connecting railroad, via. the l,awrcncc and I^iwcll branch, chin.- Lawrence u third lino tu Boston, will bo lint #11X1,1)00, Including equipment- Three ol Ihu live mllca to ho built tusuuke tho connec- tion. Is laid on an old bed ol the llo.-i.oi and Maine road; hence but two miles of road-tied to construct. It will in- In running order in November*

—Mr. A. F. Colburn.ofColliuni Bios., sends to this ofllco some or the llnost spoclmeii of na- tive puuchc* we remember to lisva seen for years, Thoy wore grown upon bis troea at his residence In the city. A branch of a foot In length upon which sure olght perfectly smooth and beautifully colored peaches Is aa fair and faultless aa tbo trull which flgsres in the frnit- ppgOSS painted by artists.

—I II ood good's Comii|uo Alliance, tlio Drst- class company organized by Alex Cull u,ol' Hartford, nud which was received with so much enthusiasm here a few mouth* ago, will ret urn on tbe 2&I lust. With Ihu troupe, appears 11a- ti.v Hanson, a little sprite only live years old, whose singing and dancing aro wonderful. Cathomi pay* her a salary or syidHI a week, lbs largest sum ever paid to'a child artist in this eou ntry.

—Tho success attending tbo firemen's parade In our city last year, was such as to Induce the hope that It may become one ofthe established institutions, and as tbo tune approaches, we hope there will hu Iho same liberality which made the day last fall so pleasant to tbo depart menl; scarcely anything does more to keep uu the eill'ii-io-v of an organisation of this kino, than a little evidence now and then, of public appreciation.

—The Lawrence Cornet Hand, Mi. I.iiiou-n, leader, will lurnisb music for tbe parade of tbe Lawrence Light Infantry, on Friday, Hept. U, 1H74, and also lor the grand promenade concert which will precede tbo grand ball In Iho ever Ing. The programme of tbe concert will be 1 follows:—March—Molly Darling; selection- Hot Codllnos; wulti-Fairy Kpefls; quadrille— Pretty Bird; polka—Lcvy-athan, with cornet solo by Mr. Jamos A. Lambert.

—Tho tenement house, No. U Commoo street, occupied by Tim, Malony, waa thoroughly cleared ont by tho agent of Board of Health, on Tuesday, wbile Tim and bis wlfs were al- ien.ling the juvenile court at tho police station This is one of the places that waa declared a common nuisance by tbe Board of Health some four weeks ago. There are some other places to be cleared ont soon, If tbe occupants do not fix up and change the appearance of things

—There havo been several recent newspape- chsnges In our city: the Sentinel boa substitut- ed for J. I:- She -ar.l, Mr. Bancroft, long Hie military reporter of thu lloston IteraU; the name of Mr. H. A. Wad*worth, who has been connected as editor and pahllahcr, with the Eagle, from Its first Issue, has dlsappcard from tli n't sheet, and It Is understood that his associ- ation therewith baa ceased; Mr. Campbell, of this city, is engaged In tbo local department.

—Tbe young men ofthe adopted citizens ele- ment ere organising a political party. <>n Sunday about fifty gentlemen assembled at tbj office of T. V. Desmond, and Inaugurated tho movement. Mr. Desmond waa chosen chair- man and D. ¥. Dolun secretary, A committee of ono from each ward was appointed to present try-laws and conitllullon, as follows ;—Ward 1, Thomas Qreen, 2, J. F. Howard 1 :i, Timothy Deacy; 4, D. P. Dolsn ; 6, Edward Burke; 6 Policy Diiiuecii.

—Mr. stnl Mrs. N. W. Jordan celebrated tho ii 11ii anniversary of iheir marriage by a wooden wedding, Wednesday evening, at Iho residence of Mr. A. J. Perkins, Ihe lather of Mi*. Jordan, corner of Jackson nnd Ha vcrhill streets. Aboii: seventy-live guests wcro present. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan received a large vsrlcty of wooden ware from their visitors. Two very liuu Turkish easy chairs were a present rrom a numl>cr or gentlemen friends, anil there was n bewildering amount of minor articles. A magnificent col- lation was served.

ten to nuike estimates of Uotnag?, and tbe agent, taking the highest estimate, added y2,", to the amount, ami immediately drew his check, for tliu same. Tlio insurnnco was (fleeted In the Royal, of Liverpool, and It Is by prompt- ness uud r.dr dsallag that Mr. Edwards has se- cured Ids Immciiso business.

—Mr. C. K, Haiti overseer of tho Atlantic Mill* yard, and 00c ol Ih* SMBMI police a city, desire* Io state Hint be [* not I" "' reported a* taking u regular police icily on lhc Common, ih.- other night. So many of tbo overseer's friends and fellow- workmen npnn the Atlantic nave lieen Intimat- ing to lilm, since the above utTuir was noticed lu print, ihuL It wns very dry time, and, In fuel, Hint ihoy weru dry themselves, ho Is obliged in self-defence to put In a disclaimer. Ills shoUi- cr Hall who should stand treat.

—MO moro ascents of the Pacltlc Mills chim- ney, except ror the smoke of the great tiros in the botler-rootni. 1'-. tall tower was cimijilei- cd on Tuesday at 4 oMisi-k r. St., and Mr. John Fiillon, Acting AgehtViflhe P-urllfc Corporutlon, and Mr. Hiram F. Mills, Engineer of Hie Es- sex Company, mndo n tin ol Inspection of the work. The Hi.: was then taken down anil lie- lore nightfall, considerable of the upper portion of the staging wni lowered from Its dizzy height to Hi ■ gfodtid. .Though ll would doubtless have stood secure In the heaviest of Moms, Mr. I'.iiion thoucht it prudent to rentOTJ It as promptly as possible wbllo there was deal weather.

"•Rapid progress has ls»n made with the laying of iho mastic pavement un ihelstwreoee street side ol the Common. But Is ll not worth while lo consider n helber lhc elms which stand In the angles where tbo paths converge ut the corner of llaverhlll and Lawrence streets, ure not endangered hy blanketing their roots with such an Impervious covering 2 Tho root* uf n tree extend ns widely below tlio ground us do Its braucbos above ft. Isn't It reason ible to snpposo thai to shut tbe moisture out I'rum them will Impair their vigor if not occasion their death? Mastic Is good, but the danger we aro Incurring seems to be that of spreading It too thick. Keep li away from tbe tree roots nnd then let's see what Is killing some ot ihe most promising youug shade trees In the city. Some say it Is the leakage of gas from' Hie gas- main.-. ; ihe gas-company men say it is nn over- dose of nutstic. |:i us see by experiment.

—Tbo regular inoiuliers of the police force will have to exert themselves to keep their lau- rels from tbe clinches ot the specials. On Sun- day night, a vlgilu 111 special took a rcgidurbi custody for wlnit he supposed to be Improper

ces toward a ,-ii'l upon Hie Common, uml Inst night, it regular ut the City Hall was put t.i. shame lij- a special #bQ collared a Vtuxijlllm " from whom a regular had retreated. Tbe

ipcclul nsnpened 10 he on duty uimn the stage, nsslstimc lu removing the sbigc enrnst, proper- tics, etc., \t li.-n a sipnid of young roughs in 1 in- front ofthe hall mudc bim a nuget for derision. The special pointed out ono of tho ott'eiidi-rs and called for a regular to remove him from ihe ball. The regular came to tbo front but fell back without making any demonstration. The special, thereupon, waited until his atagc du- ties wore concluded na.l then, walked ihnvu to tho floor, seized tho offender, mid, amid min- gled hisses and cries of "good," coat him into outer darkness, where he nllbrdcd nn object of Interest for that savory crowd ol youth alsmt tho City Hall door, whose nightly cry Is, "Mis- ter, please glni' me yer chock."

—There was qtille a llltlu flutter or excite- ment ut tho taiurdlns house, Jl'J Essex strui-l. Wedncsdny evening, on account of the iltotis. of a father to gain possession of his dniuhtcr who was boarding there. Tho girl's name is Crosby, and tbe lather, it Is said, re-Ides 011 Valley street. She Is nlioui eighteen years nf sge, und quite u pretty girl, tihe came to210 four or live days sln<e to ujigaip! .hoard, but nothing in panlcnlar wns known regarding her until last evening, when she came rushing in, saving her father was after her, nnd asking Ike landlady to reprt'acni to him that she wss em- ployed in the houic us u illiiiiig-room girl. This the landlndy declined to .lo. Tho girl said thai her rather wus drunken uud brutal, and that he had married a second wife who trcuted her unkindly. Hearing her father coming, she asked tbo landlady to show her Ihe way to the back stairs, which she did. but by mistake it: 1- rlrl got 11 [.on tbe roof of the shed in rear Ofthe boardIng-honse, and as her father followed hrr out, she Jumped from tbo nmf Into tbe allev way, a distance ol ten or twelve led. The excavation for the sewer which Is being relsld iu thu alloy-way iK-ttvccu Common nnd BssSS streets, wns within 11 few feet if the spot «litre sho struck, and it was almost a uilra/lc Hint the escaped II. As It was,lbii'glri was severely Injured, her anklo being Sprained and Other Injuries received. The lather, with the assist anee ui others, took her up and carried her home.


Cm III,KM InOALUL Kso... look n trip last Week Ui the iiitniiiLiins, sLaj lug over .Sunday al llie Tjvi11.M0nnl.1111 II i\ ivli.-re tie llie j!-.-.-l fortune to hear Mr. Ileealiei- In o*; ot' lib. n.0-1 uluipjelit etTotls.

rnusoNAI-—Tlio Itev. W. W. Huj'war.1 left for New V.irk, Hnliilay, lo ultend tlio Uiilveri-illbt Ciiiiventiiiu, Wlileb eomiiieiieed Ils M.-snlnii* 11 "'

ilergymen nml lay ileleirales rnimnll ssesJuniuf tlio eounti-y.

I'lSK ■aAWtJSiif iloidrabl.i patL-ms me iiiami raelureil at the tVooluo .Mill, wo bellow are oiiei|iialleil m this see lion ol llie Mate. This mill apiioars to be uiiiiiiibi.-luiliiK large i|iuiiili- Ues or Koodn liml.-i- lb.- 11110:1 ;.-nu-nl o! tin. nbli- iipuiinlen.lunt,.lames Wiiltoa, K01., nay be said "bo knows 1 li.■ 1 ope-,.'■

ol a hon

I'KUSOSAI..— ObSrhM Aiislm, Kn| , reluriie- iroinhis Humuicr rer-bluneu at Hampton lleinli, bet week. Ills health dm ~om.-tvbut miiuiire.l >.I...H »_ L.I> 1.... ii.,.,...... ,.... ..... ._^,_.:._.,..._ hen lm h-lt lor Hampton, Sao tlio Invlaui-alinx

1 to lias linen Viay beiielleial lo liilil, and l.aek teiLhllieotil-linie |,M>k 1.0.I le,1bi;-. gratifying to Ida many Mends,

A Tf.urKUASCti MKKriNt: wut held lu lbio.1 Teni|ilaiJs Hall, Ifosilay ereldnu. Sir. I.ille-

Sn.l tiLliurs. Tim alien.Ian... was rut tier ill, but thu speakers, lout In filet nit present, niioit- fcLi'.l an earnestness which pto-nges 11 series id successful lueetbifs.

TIIII:VISII.-Mr. Uoo. O. Marsh reports to IM Hint his cellar wna brokim bibi rialunlay'nlgtit and sixty or seventy p.minis ot salt pork stolen. The thief orlliieves gniued un i-iilraiien lo ihe cellar through n building- adjoining- llie liouse. Sir. Marsh wa* not itwnru ol ids loss until 11 pros- Kiellve vegelnlile dinner prompu-d lilm to "un

r pork," which, lo bis 11 si. mi si uncut, was sou sab

STSJUti LAMPS.—Mr. Krnnk tnmit*, the street comiidssioiier, is creeiliiK the street lamps, lor wtileli nil H|.|iroprialioii u as made at tbe last un nuul town uieellnjr. An article In tbo wnirunl covered only eight lamps, but it waa volc^al lbs nieotbiK spoken ol to erect several more, and some of these outside of tbe vllhgrr, and this was ■lone, when it wus known at the time Hint llie warrunl limited iho number to einiii.

H.tT-TIl' 1'BISTINO.—M ipiitu an ester.aivo huskies. urlnlliiK, supplying wHIiHhiH II ming thu extensive Hnns of Charles Tenney ,t Co., Charles Ir.gall* A rtnn.and llowen A J,.mi- son. An hlspcrttiin of bis work and the iuKeiiiiuis lino liineiy used in its production will salisly any one lhat ll should lie et.n„M witli that wlileh Hie world holds as "Tbo art [iroservailve or Arts."

lui'SoVKHKsTS.-Ur. Jaaso A. Towns ia erect- Insr tiie him-I- I lo in llie AIO.HIC.IN a rbott time since, wlileh will be When r.nmplelrd, our of tbo best roslbeuees In town. Uo U Iiileudinii It for hli own use. Darius fierce, Kso., tm. the frante ami lumber upon Ute site near bla liouse, mc[.ar.itory to ert-etinir 11 l.atii o| inod.-tn IICMKU It wilt be of birr- - —■-' -■"■ —*■— -" -■ other eonvonluucT lonsorlal frleud 1

Mr. Henry Hull does

bbl indlspoasahlS'lrbn-

hi.iL-11 ■ Miuiu ,,r oir oaT.i-io.-rii 01 uiu limn ■Most, Where b.Lle. ii.'.-oiiiiii.HlaEltins are


sa tho way, lias reeenlly WM «H ■>■» '""»■ ■» "Uuerb styla.

TIIK PUHUC 1 nm uu has been rcmovoil frmn die Selectmen'a room to the basement oi tho Tot Ifall buililiiiic, where better ni secured Sob" "' bly shows I* or course It Is fair to presume thai the communi- ty l» comsspoiidin^lv ;nIvan. in« In tnlellljrencc. More liooksare anetlitl and we woidtl uiotle.Uc suigest that all donations in this line will bo thankfully received by the committee. All Istoks given to the l.brary will be acknowledged by n in inl. d rlip attached lo the fly tear of cueh I t with llie donor's name wrlllcn thereon. Uullen niimlH-r tit elti/etiH linvr nlrrndy scrurtnl llie re ward of merit, and have, moreover, set an exam- ple 101 -oilier- lo loll.01 i, bleb li In tin- liijjli.-l .|c- (free t--miuieu.labti-. T|a, bluarv Luis Ihu wituo cownil4.edrHnpervhi<»wlw],ui..^lbll^i^.j ;

WAMKll. SSfl A Hum like this demands local ti.-. 11 ., 1 uu: Huh and m

llml give ns HLronsmiudi

ban. I - . Men whom Llie lust of otllee does not kill; Men whom tint spoils ol olllee cannot buy; Men who iio-sc.s opinions and a will; Men wbo havo honor— men wbo will nol lie;

AititlsiirT'iU^^ rtatTO wiilioiil

In public duty and In private, Uiiiikiiti.', Por while- tho rabble, with their Ihinl

Their large professions and llielr litllo deeds, Minsk! l*.-«tllSllstlile, lo! Freedom wet-pa, - Wrtfril Fnlm tbe laud, and wnltlrfg.Ihstleosh-epti t

yrt\c Si\dovcr iVdvertiyicr


Subscriber* who pav ID advance, will contlnoe to receive the Illustrated monthly Anurtaut.

The Sabbath Schools of Fryo Village ami At). bott Village returned tbelrieuioai UK Sunday.

The Oiceols Outline of Sept Itiili,pub listed at Ilency. Michigan to received. Thank' to too M.'TSdel s.

James (iiljsi>Ti,ii ltd nin;' ymu old Ml Irotn it nut tree u lew daysiduce sndtllilocattd one of his KiwulUeri Uestdei receiving other Injune*.

ltev. o. F. Wright, posior ortliL- Free Church l< expected to return bone IVwn Id* vacation on Friday oftbla week end lo preach next Kalriialb.

The handeomeat POAI-IIM wT liaru toco tbU Reason, crew upon the Atria of John Aahwurtb In tin- Weil I'.irl-h. J. K. Whiting, bai them

n Hit 1.111:1 of the late Charles :>!.] ut auction on Mondajr fur

■or Mr. Pcabodf of North

All the Cummin, •80 M. IU' ml inc.

The aaction eale ofroal estate in ihi* village, under a power of sale mortgage which wai tn have taken place cm Saturday In*!, stand* adjourned to Saturday, Sept. I9th, ut 4.J o'clock I'. M.

Last Sunday icrvkc*.—Prof. George II. Jew- t-tt, or Salem, preached at the cbapeh Rev. (Murk Carter, ol South Lawrence, ut the Frco ehnreh) llcv. w. P. II. Jaekion, of Phltadet- I'liiu, at Christ church.

Mr. Clillda ha* taken a window in the ilrng •tore of J- J- Drown, One who knowi iaya tic Is well ipuililkd tn ilo any work on waUlicf, clocki unit jewelry, and Ifcncoaraged will itaj hero. Give hint n cull.

The household fumiiuro anil other articles of pcrMaal property belonging to thwettale of Sarah A. Hot t lifted will be aold by unction HI the Into residence on Bun street neat Wed- nesday >fternopa, Nee advertisement.

Mr. Bdward Q. Stone, orilic tail CIUM in the ncmini\ry, liii« become acting |Wtof at New- castle, N. II. Tliu rjengregatlonal church nt Salmon Fulls. N. II., Invite* Mr. 8. 8. Mat- thews, of the lust etas* In Ihe nvitilunry, lo l>■> route li* pastor.

Mr. S. s. Matthew*, of the laet claw in the eemlnary, bai received a iceond and unani- mous call iVuni tho Congregational church and society In Wilmington, tn lurcruiit llii'ir pastor, nt n Hilary uf 91,'JOil, hie of the paraonage, and lour week*' vacation.

The hand promenade concert ami dance on Wednesday evanlag wai attended by about thirty live eouplai and united 920, to the fund* of the organization. In eonaeqnonco of tho elefcMMOf several member* them will lie no out door concert next Monday evening.

Mitry Mrlntoib and Margaret Staroc were thrown from a carriage on Wednesday noon, mar ihe depot. Ml** Mclntoih had the liga- ment ot one of heTWrUti Tirokcn, r.iicl both ol the ladle* were ullirnvlse eontldorardy bruised; they did not cross ihe railroad, hut were In dole proximity toll.

We have received a late Bony of the Weekly Scotsman published at Edinburgh, Scotland. Although there i; nothing upon It Indicating from whom it came we Htrongiy suspect it wai went by our friend, loon Morrison of Bollard' Vole. Wc understand Mr. Horrhton Is on Ills nay limn.' from B arena.

Mr. John K. Bmllh of thvflasl chisi in the Seminary has been appointed Proteuor of i.atln In Atlanta University, neorgtu. Mr. l.ynmn P, Hand of tllC ■ :i ii.' class i- pi eSlll in;' tn BUOuM- vllle, Conn. M r. TlKMlMU IK Christie for three years leaeher In Retail College, Wisemudn., nnd Rev. A. W. BfOurd for three yearn home mlt- M..IOH-1 pastoral Cawkcrcltr, KsntU, have en- tered the seminary.

At Hie annual March meeting tho town voted A HJIHIII ap|iroi>rintion of >!,-"i, lor the com- pletion ot Srhool ■treat extension, and the road tMi u in Us I on era nro now engaged ia the work-

The utreet IH to be widened, levelled and oilier- wine Improved. Mr. Ulraiti W. French Ii tniililiiig n new avciiite t'roia this street, starling from near the depot, aid running southerly Hi rough liis laud.

Mr. Rartwell Uklh, of BMnlngton, N. II., thinks he has the first dock, brought Into this town. It wag made with mily one hunt), nnd (lie hours arc divided into halved and quarti The movement, Is hranH and it in wuund up hy it cord running over a pulley on the mum wheel. and held hy tHra. Mr. LaVln would be Rind

to learn more of It* history as to orlginul own. endup, etc., ami will e. imp.' mate any onu Tor inlonnatloii furnished.

A union Biinitay tehMl tUfflporanee gather- ing will ho held at the South church next Kitli- liath evening at qwrter piwl, six o'eloek. All children conncrtcd with iho Kurniny schools in town, am requested in assemble half an hmii' before the general oxorcl.vs commence, ftir relicursnl In singing, under iho direct Ion of Mr.

■ Lime; Ii. Murray. It Is hoped tin; galhcrlng may tie it very l.irgo and prolliahlo one. Mr. II. W. Page, of .M.vlford, mid several other genilemcn, will make ibort addresses oo thu oceuhlon.

Mr. and Mrs. William Uttrh residing In I'ryc Villnge were pleasantly inrprised on Wednes- day evening hy a visit or tome eighty or ninety «f their friends and neighbors to unite v them In celebrating tho Irntli anniversary their wedding. A largo numliir and great riely of gifts were prcacntcd lo iho host ami hostress hy itieir visiting friends as an«pro*- Ion of esteem, among which may b c uieiitloned the union gin of a fo.u black walnut extension table. Rev. Ii. It, Wilbur made a very pretty prescniation kpeech on iiceasi on. Ringing nml various games of aim inetit were tndulgwl hi until a late hour wlittt

The billowing contrl Imtlons have been made to Hie Memorial Hall Library slnre Ihe last report i Mose* Abbott, one volume nt the Ver- mont chronicle and twenty-eight numbcm of ttio Itn-iiiii Journal In the war period, i Aiklnson, one huudred nnd thirteen numoers of the SelentlBc Aincrlean. K. W. Illunt, eight volumeH. UoKton Public Library, two pun. plilets, D. Ciiuimlngs, iln, •■ volumns, (i. W. W. Dove, llvo volumes. Mrs. 14. K. Downs, ten volume*. Hon. (leorgo Foster, Andovti AdvurtUor, 1HA3 to lWk!, in seven liound volume*. Joseph Orlllln, llrunswiek. Mo., om viilnuic. Hon. K. It. Hour, Coneonl, twenty- live volumes uml three pamphlets. Lawrence I'uhlic Lllmiry.unu volume uml four pamphlets. Mrs. (luorgu Klpley, six volume*. F.dward Taylor, BW„ one pamphlet 11. Mlddleton forty-six volumes and nlrieiv-one pamphlets. MUH II. K. Wehh, twenty-ciglit iiumlKTS 11.M-- ton Journal, war period. Jot, W. Hmlih, one pamphlet. Htatu of MuMaolnneliH, seven vol utnei and throe pamphlet*. Miss Helen C Dova contributes the London Illustrated News for the reading room. Printed catnlogiics of the library will Iw roady for delivery early In October<

Ui.EASlNOS.—Mr. Joseph Farntiam is having hi- ln.iise newly rlilnglod, ini.l Mrs. K. S. Hargent is h- ving tic same iloue to lior pleasant it-l- deaie. Oliver bU-vi-m, OMJ., in making ttrea", iai- ■,.■];■! HI- en Ills hemso ami farm. Itolween earpeiitcn itail p.iintiTd 'hi* old family home. steml will he .in,' .it L!I,I iii-ist atlrartive I'lacea in town. Mr. HoraLin II. Kill' 1 is.!e a verv Uo-trl'ul dddllion in "cie or his houses on Main St., (filing It Uio finish of a neut oliizia. Tim lower piirt nf Hut liuilillng will oe tuied as a market. Messrs, Davis A r-'arber nro ulinuft rlsil]r recolv-

g order* lor opornlnra 'ami siiinnlng mules ol •■. I'otarMcliovini's pstci.t; Imsinoss Ktm) tu iquhM brisk at tills establishment. ■ i -.,,.,, ,i;in:ci.s.-Hcv. Horatio Uray, of .-I II, i-iin<iur.tei| tlie usual Kpisconal scrvieos tlm town hall on MU*M> momlng In the prea-

euce »I »n nmlieree Hint more than half titled the iiiini. Ills sermon was of praetiral, every ilny uluc. ninl was listcneil to with close attention.

Itev. Mr. tjrny Is a raplit siicakcr, ami cannut fall tnari-osttlie attenli.ui uf thiimthlful lniml-.

I tils i><;rn*lon his text was sHoclcil from Jului I "Tliev arc not of the world, even as I am of the world." The ltev. John II. Clifford r an nbseai-e from hiit pul|iiL, of several weeks

jirearheil to hi* (>eo|i)e at the I'nltarlsn elinreh iMI Sunilnv morning. Agoo.latidiunre gnret*il the ]in*tor. Itright ami beautitul flower* tiutcil with the rich lines of niitiinin, were arranged In vari- ous vases about Ihe pulpit, ttjii contrlbuUim or Miss Illunt. At lh« ( oiigri'gatlonal ehnreh the pastor preached in the morning, ami ltev. Dr. I leiai'iit. Who i- vtriting lii.inl- luie, ineiii'lml In the nfUiriiooii. The siibjwt of his diseourse n-as thu story ot Absalom, fuuiul in the isth ebaptar of id Haniuel. II was Ireated In a famll-

glve up a wayward child." Dr. Clement belong* to that old nehuol of |ocaiIn-rs. l'run whom ranks Imvedepartml within n year, Dr. Todd

ml Ur.Btorrs. Dtn *-i ■■ i ilBniKftaNTATiVB.—-Tlie mnninn

lion through your columns of Cnpt. Wlllinoi .1. (.heever, a* our mxlic|iresenlnlivein the. I«"g isliitureolttiu SUle, ha* met with general a|i lirotal- Sumerous icltir* of thinks lwye come in lor suggesting a name so rcspeetcil anil lion. un-,t. Our sister town of Amluver ennee.los the selection of a candidate lo n*this year, vet she i ■ ..I II'. .- :i tii.10 /.Mloii ■ I «.' "li.M.l.l ,., l.-.-i the very botl m«n that the town affouls, tlmt she may give its one united vote. Her lie.* —'

italivo men endorse I'lljil. » heever HS n wise . !■ sior;. \,imlttM tNoitli Auilover ham hitm this year to setett ■ cnmlidaie, It Is ipilte sn]ipaientllml ho should loiuelioiii the renlro f thu town, IU for ten your* past tlie ravish, with me exception, hit* appropriated thu honor.

There are other names that of Captain Cheiver, which could 1"' suggested, uauliot which "cm a claim, andeaeliof whioli would honor Die .hair. Ainom the.e nro Co|. Thrron Johnson, Surgeon Hen. Wm. J, Dale, ami Wm. Peters,

HI, Alivoneol tlicre geiitlenieo Worthily rep- •settts thu lowti.tint sit Ihe pre: cut moment dipt,

Cheever most full v. we believe, represents the " "■ vole*. If, however, ot the caucus, It Is

.. il best to compromise, either of tlie above names will meet the t-niergency. C»pL Choever has rcsidsd here lor llvo years, where he has won

respect, eatcem, nn.l i-onililence of tlio com- .It*-, lie has always IHII-II oonservallve m

polities, Oil in nil things else; withoiit luring a -Ing.lcailcr or wire-puller, he has faithfully ills. Itaig-d III* iiolllit'iil dunes, t .-t],t. Cheever has icvii-held ll political olllco. In 1H0, he was a i, |, ...,i,. i,,,,,, Sulelil I.) tin- i-onvcllliim lit Hi.Ill

more which noniiiiaieil lVilllum Heiny Harrison President. i.l-r.t.Aai[.--Tli,oe,lilor of Iho Andover eol- n in ymirpspe-rsays uuly, IhaWho"North An- ii- A.lvcrLlser shoots ill random." Not only

iloes Itcoiiceivniir n reservoir which does not Nisi, hut thu writer gives the name or "Love .ane" lo one of our more ret I in I streets. A oiicHpomtent or your paper two weeks ago, flote s, vely eaiislle reply to tills paragraph rblehappinml In thu Advertiser, and in many espi-cls it was a Just rebuke to that article. Now

there Is hut one family rosidluz on Court slree*. or Love Jjtiie us the writer In Iho Advetilser takes the unwarrsittiil lineity of calling ll.nnd ns llii- tamilv is mi"' ol llic ulilesliniil mo-t ies|iei le.l In town, the tone of thu paragraph In I'uestlon e.oulil not ho construed In any other light than as an insult to this esteemed family- Now your . ■ |.< ni.lciu I.II.JIL....... in, -it-,' the Informatiiin about thu guide board and the name* upon it, which the Advertiser man reimesU. Tho guide board was oreeted hr tlie gentleman who resides on Court street, at hi* own expense and trouble, lor which lie deserve* the thank* oftho commu- nity. Court street is eminently appropriate a* n name, as this street Is a short cut from that part of the biwa where the writer referred to resides, to this, tho Court end of tho town. This plea*.

Is now very much out of repair, hut arriage* pass over It dsllr, and It is not the only livctttialrci-ulrc<. -iiu-mnui Iiom the author'.

If the question* put by the Advertiser _ .not been answered to his satisfaction an-' other attempt shall be made in myjnext letter, ind now 1 wish to inform this same anxious In- liilror where Lovo Lane really 1*. We have a ,ove Lane In North Amlovcr, and with It is eon- ii'i-ted a very pleasant romance. This lovely ane I* u* weltkiiown toinosi ol our inhabitant* is was the grand old "Kinihani elm," which lood n Flnlwart sentinel at the head oi this famil-

iar lane. Lovo Lnn;, which 1* now unused, ■liens almost directly )u l/onl of tho old Farn- tim homestead, now the 1'esldcneo of IL A.

. 'helps, eie>H and for u century wa* the only road between this lmti-c nn.l die old .biluinon mnnsion, now the lioiao of Dr. Dale. It received Iho name ol Love Lane lu this wise: Dr. Joseph Kittredgi'. father or oar Dr. Kittretlge, was a warm friend nnd a freiiuent visitor at the hmne of Den. Jedn- rll.-ih Knriilinm fifty years ago. The Debtor was

idalthattlnu toMi.s Hodges of Sal. Tadv uow past her Soth year). Miss llodgei inrdi-il during the i-uimiier inoiitlis at "rti|u!-

Johnson's—and as tlie Doctor hail occasion "S.jllilC

past through till* (pilot lane very frequently, going from one friend's house to nnothur'*, he then unit there, chrlsUincsl It "Love Lane," And

has ever been; andoo It over will be known.

Aiinada of North Andovor.

AN Di.iiCiiMausios 9KI1VIGK.—In this letter I rill speak of some of the many flue gills which

the first ehuroli of the town received through thu kindness and generosity of those who were Inter- ested in her welfare nnd prosperity, but more particularly will I make mention of the commu- nion service which lie longs to tlie ehnreh, ami )notion- of which have been In It* pas- ' list one hundred and fifty years. This

consists of eleven tankard* and two Ihigons, each of which is of solid sterling sliver nnd very mas. slve. Within a few years a very solid anil sub- stantial blank walnut case, tho handiwork of Isaac F. Ongom!, Kim, has been made to hold these valuable ami precious huli'-loom*. Thu ease In itself Is very handsome,and Is finished with that care and -kill lor which Mr. Osgood b so justly noted. Tho oldest piece of silver in thii valuable service, n tankard, hears tills Inscription, "The gilt of Mrs. Sarah Murtyn lo the Drst church of Uhr'st In Andover, ITil.'' This tankard wae presented lust seven!v-iilno years niter the for- mation of the church in Dltfl. On It Is ens/roved a eoat or arm*, so that doubtless it wni used for prlrat>* family purpose* liefiiro its presentation to the church. Tlm second tankard presented lionr* this Inscription, "Tho gilt nf ileuhimlu Stevens, Kso., lo Dm ill ~i church of Christ In An. ■lover, ITW." Four tankards ore marked, "For the use of the Drst church of Christ In Amlovcr, ITJa," These four wore purchased hv tho church, ami nro the only pieces in the service tltal were not presented by Individuals. Another tankard bears this inseripl ion, "The legacy of Mr*. Mary Aslelio tottU'Hr*l chinch of ('In 1st In Andover- 17311." The A-lebo fionlly lived not fur froiu As- lobe pond, and were burled In the old burying, ground. One tnnknnl Is thus inscribed, "Tlm gin of Mr. Kbcmvcriisg I to the first church of Chrhl in Andover, 17ta." Another read* thus, "A will lollie Tli-1 etuivcti iii AmUlVrr, tlie desiic of Timothy O.igiMMl, falillleil hy his grandson, l'e. tor Osfood, 1TSI." Tim donor of this handsome tankard was an ancestor of the Kltlredge family. Another tankard li thus engraved, "The gilt of Iho willow KIlMbeth Abbott to tho tlrst church of Christ In Amlovcr, I7.VL" Another la thus In scrilsad. "T the I ail." Tho two Hagoni are thus Inserllmd, "The Kilt of Mr. lteajamlu Darker to the llrst churoti or Christ In Andover, UbS," and the other roads llius, "The gin of CapL Peter Osgood lo the flrsl diurch of Christ in Andover, 1801." Catit. OB-

(!'' LECTURE 1H7( Jt 1^.1. Itoving charge of thu Lectures

1*1 ueaseui would re.spcetfully announce to the


uml vicinity, that they have

wcaredlbo lottowlag eminent talent for a series

ofcnli'ibiimiieats the coining Winter : —

HON. clIAlll.KS ItllADLAL'tiH, of Kagland,

i l.l- ...el ■.!;.!, 1S71.

Subjeet-Cromwclt ami VVa.hington.

HON. HANIKL D01'QHi:UTY. I'hila.lelphla.

Kov.'i, 1S74,

Subject-To lie announced.

Mitt. HART F. SCOTT RtDDOMS, Nov. W, la7t.


HKMIV AltMtl.L 1IUOWN. fhlladiIphla, Dec.

II, 187*.

Subject—To lie announced.

r. .1. w. cmniciiiLL, Deo. », i^r*. Headings.


Hnbjivt- Daniel O'Ctmnell.


PHILHARMONIC GMTB, IlnsUin, i|.i,..„..i of artist* formerly of Thomas' Orchestra,

nwlrtftd by Mi. ■). M. 11 ; .-.. ', ■lauuary iU, hTtP,

.-Is securing the same seal* during the entin

eoune' MJn,

slinglo Ticket with Reserved Heat— 60Cent*

To be obtained at W. V. Dntper** booh store, oi nml illHi Thursday, O.iUiber IS, 1«74.



Amloier, Sept. 11, lr!7f. 4tflseplll


puonATU cornT. To the 11 in ■ iiM.ns. next ol Kin, and nil other

Tsons Interested In Ihe estate of James U. I lolling worth, late of Andover, in said county. manufacturer, deceased: tireetlnk I

been prenenteil to «ald Court, tor Probate, Lucy 11. Hollingwortli who prays that letter* tameutary may be Issued to her the executrix

reasons alleged in naid petition. hereby cited to ap:

be held at Salem, You are hereby cited to appear at a Probate

c i, i lull m Mleas, n said county of Esseic, on the First Momuiy of October, next, at nlno o'clock before noiin, *■* ■ miv von have.itgiiiitst tlie MIIIIC.

> show CIIIISC, if

sahi i

iioa ouoc a week, for three successive weeks,In the news|.ii(ier called the iJiwreme AitHTicnn and Andover Adverliset.priiileil at Lawrence,the last publicnthin to ho two days, nt least, belore said

Witness, lieorge F. Chonte, Esijuire, Judge of lid Court, thlssiioiiil day of September, in the ■arouetJiousaiiil . i.:!ii huinliv.l mu 1 seventy-four lStsep t 11 U A. 0. UOODULL, Itegister.

170B 8AI.8 IN I1ALLARD VALE. THE L subscriber offer* for salo hi* land and bul|d- iligs. It eoiifists ol's, sfory iiinlii Irnjl iiom,! itjtli eight rooms nml n basement. In gonil repair, and a dry cellar, a well of excellent water, anil a small bam nnd woodshed, together with a lot of land HO hy HO feet. Upon the premise* are ten snperi. or apple tree* In bearing condition. It I* enclos- ed with a picket fence, Tho house U nicely shad- ed with elms, and Is suitable for one or two fam- ilies or for a hoarding house. The estate Is pleas, nnlly located on Ulver Street, anil 1* but flvo min, ules walk from the depot, schools,churelirs, wool. en mills nnd tile shop. The pro|>crly wlill be sold clwnpasthe owner is about leaving the plans' A part of the luinlinsc money oau remalu on mmtgngc.

Apply to J. BILEV, llnllnrd Vale, ;••.■,.t. t, 1874. sepUfSt


has lieen duly appoluUit nitmlulsUatiir of tho Notice Is hereby 1 that tlie subscriber

OKOltUE SMITH, hite of Andover, In the county of Essex, house- wi iglitileeensed.le' tate.and hasblken upon himself tlmt trust by giving bond*, a* the law directs. Al" pci'soas having demand* upon the estate ol ■aid deceased are required to exhibit the same: and nil |iersoni Indebted to said estate are cjilleil in...ii i akc iiaymentto


Andover, ttept, I, is, i- eepUllll


SATIIIUIAv.—Eugene Mahonev and Edward Holt, drunk, were *ch fined 11 and cosbt, or thirty days. Daniel McCartv, drunk and expo- sure of person, fuuv months in the bouse or cor- rection. Uamrrt Welsh, idle and disorderly, let off. Frank liarlaml represented himself to be a reformed drlnkur, and sUUid that as he passed (tie door oi Frank that gentleman called him a d-d reformed drunkard, which was more than he could stand, ami he pleaded guilty to assault upon said LunL The court said a good deal of trouble resulted fimn calling names, and people were sometime* righllully punished lor calling names, but the law did not justify such actions, and In Oils ease he would impose a One ol %i and rOsU, which under other circumstances would be

il there wus no let up; lint Cropper appealed, d was hound over in tho Film of »3uU, which . aaalMB I ,..,,■.. I., ■. I ft* I Mi[T[,iT ia a fOOll

-vices are wonted. The

in lino style. John (iaffney, the old man, fined (is and cost*, John, the young man, was

-'- Ihinnhoe was lined *'' chargwl, uml Dennis Ihinnhoe I corts. Thu assaulted Assessor o'Sulliram.

MoKIliT,—The polleo allowed a good Sabbath ilay's work In court this morning, ami tlie variety of crime* was uuite extensive. The cases of drunkenness were upon Michael Farrelt. who was lined )1 Johannab Itennlon, ditto, Danl. Mo- ran, ditto, Mary llropliy, let off,t>anlel Mullen, ft and cost*, and for breaking the glolteofone ol tho Common gas lamps, he wa* fined an addl tlonal *I0 and cost*. Cornelius Fitzgerald was ■harged with being Idle and disorderly, and his 'xaminaUon was continued until to-utorrow

■Horning. Patrick Flaunagan is usually a 'pilot ami well disposed man, but Ihe vile rum he drank

ami this morning phuH tfullly to a eliarge of lewd and lascivious. Sniitli was lined *iU and all Uio cosU, and was Unwl *|o without costs;

-""'EateiL Col. WiilUsd up

f, for

were partially i a toxic ate, I, I tin- morulilf Bud WalUn

d 8*ry Horsey,

parti Heal look a hand .me William Don ndutlery, hotli or wtn.m were hound over to the Sujierlur Court In the sum Of *3oil each. Dennl.

m"» employer balled htm out, but the old woman something less than ninety years of age-had to

goto Jail, and such Is life. TvnariAT.—Anthony Duneanson and Mary

Hurtwell were each lined the msUof prosecu- tion for gettliur balmy. David Taylor, charged

ly his baggage from his hoard- nt liquidating hi* hash account,

was held until t" iii.on.e. ni.ii-niiijt for trial. The ease of Cornelius Fitzgerald, Idle uml iliiorderly, continued Irom yesterday, wa* not brought up. the complainant having withdrawn from his prosecution, awl the prisoner liaving been re-

WRUMESIIAT—The allege! milk-thlcTlnp milkman Hiram llrwklouank, was arraigned tin* morning lor tlie larceny or two milk cans a»d ten ijuarU of milk, a* reported jealerdar. At the reque-t of his council, A. B. (unborn Eso,. tho eUO wa* con- liiiued until to-morrow. rarkQornutn, drunk, was Uncd eland co#u and MM W. Jules Lo- port was complained ofbyhtswIfB for being an Idle and disorderly person and was •eulencedlo iix mouths in tlie House or Correctlou. Hy *- greemeiit on his jiart, however, lliat he would reave Uio city, the Judge stayed tho mltlinius for twenty four hours- Jules has been In Jail for a year. Edward Kmiball, a North Andover lover

" tornuluIn-juice, has hut Just been rclensed from it tell illljs fur drunkenness, but yei

"■" Kd- II un.

ill another moon. Margaret Iteagan, drunk, and old rounder, was let off easily with thirty days.

TnuBKDAr,—There were three victims of ben. /iue In the mill, this morning. Tho Smith family

as represented by Mr. JamesS. cuiiiiuon drunk. -d, who will bo released from tlie House of Cor-

..■cllon about Thanksgiving tune or lixty day* from date. Jnmea Barry nml James Connors, simple, drunks, drew their calfskins and settled With Dniuo Justice, tlie Or.t to the time of *1 and cost! nnd UiO latter ».'■ and ditto. Martin and Ellen Lambert, who were unable to fight out their

ing, thoy were each fln oil eland coils, but his Honor was true to hi* oUl anil lenient habit or staying the mittimus. Ellen promised to Manchester the neJft twenty four hour*. provldlug lier husband won d go [o providence, Martin promptly responded tfttt he WOnMjfo

any oilier place to get rhl of ber. Iflram . ...jbalik, the allegndmlUtliief, eame up for

trial charged with dm lareeOv of oue can of milk, Uio properly of Amos Southwlck. A- R- Snnborn Eso. counsel for tho prisoner, rondo strenuous el. forts to aeuult him nml except for a little private mark made by Southwick whiali appeared on the can found in 11 rocklebank's oart, tho case might hnvo Iseen shadowed in some doubt. Ilrncklehank had a stra'ght story to offer a* to where he got the particular can In question but how hi the world ioutliwlek's mark eame there, he roll Id not ex

plain to Ills Honors satisfaction. Tho court hn posed ■ tine ol tltO and costs or ninety days lu tliellouio of Correction, ltrocklebauk paid.


Rnsex County.


(Joe. « . Lee, a well Known *hm> mannfantqrer In llavoibill, beloie the war, lui* returned ft thai city aguln to eni.-i- business.

Tliu lime appointed for tho grand fhlr, under the auspices oi MnJ. Howe Kncauiomont, post 47, (i. A. IL, is thu 16th, loth, and of Deeem. her.

The Ilnvrrhlll Daso-hall club have challenged the lieorgetowu club to play aimatch game "oo any ground, barring lyour mud-hole In tieorge town."

ltev Dr. Itosworlh, wife and daughter vlalt tlie mountains this week, ltev Samuel W. Duncan of Cleveland, Ohio, will »■>««!>»• Or. Iloawortll' desk next Sunday.

The annual meeting or llitldale Cemclory Cot imrnlion wa* held on Saturday evening. The ml lowing hoard of trustees wa* chosen: President, .In*. 11. Carleton: Uivl Taylor, Dudley PorUjr, D. F. Flits, E. It. Saffonl, Daniel (looilrich; Treasurer, Dudley Porter; Clerk, E. P. Hill.


Detective*. Dearborn and Chapman arri- ved In Dostoo, from New York Tuesday morulog, having failed to effect the arrest of other parties who were concerned I: Doylaton Bank robbery. Tbeae officer* en tered Upou the ctae Immediately after the robbery waa committed, and but few peo- ple have any Idea of the Immeose amount of time and labor involved In pursuing the matter.

The exact amount of money obtained by the robbery was riM.OOO, all bat a email portion of which belonged to depositors, and the parties concerned In the affair at once left the country.

Billiard alias Judson or Well*, reached London In a short time after the robbery, and In a month afterward went to Paris where he opened a hotel known as '*YYeUs's American Cafe." This place was a con siaut and favorite resort of a large number of American travellers, and Milliard did a very successful business. In the course ol time it became known In Paris that be was engaged in the Boylston Bank rob- bery, and bevlng fears of his safety, he suddenly left Paris, bis departure being hastened somewhat by the fact that he was under Indlctmeut tliero for maintain- ing a gambling noloon. From Paris Bill- iard went to Brighton, England, where he remained ashort time, and then took up bis quarters In Loudon for a brief period. Ho sailed from London to America on the 22nd of February last, and landed In Bal- timore with his wlte iitnl two children, Havlntc married soon after ho went lo Par-

Theofficcra became apprised of Bullard's whereabouts In this country, but soon found that be had loft Baltimore. It was subsequently ascertained that be went to Brooklyn, N. y., where be kept house for a while. From this place he reached New York, but for a long time be kept very shady and nothing could be learned ofhim. Hccently olUcera Piuaham and Chapman obtained a clue to his biding place, and after watching very closely tbey succeeded lu arresting him on Sunday morning last, just as be was leaving the house of a pro- fessional burglar on 13th street, between Sd and 4th avenues. Bullard was greatly surprised to find that ho had been discov- ered and was inclined to offer resistance, but Anally submitted and was taken to a hotel where he was shown the requisition papers with which tho officers were armed,

ros very reticent about Uio robbery, but in the coarse of tho day became com- municative, and made a full confession a* to the robbery, aud as to the part he took In It. lie saya that tlie Job of drilling through the brick wall to obtain access to the vault was tho worst be ever under- took, and oceupled four weeks. Tito bricks were old fasliioucd, and of the hardest kind, ami resisted the tools used to a much greater degree than would have Iron. When the iron vault was reached It took but a short time to make an open- ing through it, and It would been on easy matter to have entered 11 ,hut they thought they had got monoy enough, and believed that If they did uot disturb the funds of the bank no very strong effort would be made to capture them.

Bullard says that Clover Is entirely In- occnt of the crime for which he was con- ietrd, and Is now serving a sentence of

twelve years In the State Prjson. ((lover was convicted of being accessory before the fact of the robbery, but Bullard asserts that no one except the men actually en- gaged In the robbery bad the slightest Idea that It was to occur, and great pre- caution was otwerrcd to keep the matter a score t,

Bullard Is about forty years ofage. He as formerly employed iu (juincy Market,

but early developed the traits of a safe robber, and has, without doubt, been en- gaged in several of these operations. He was concorncd with Adams aud Ike Harsh In tho Amorican Kxpross safe robbery on the Hudson Klver llnllroad a few years ago, where a safe was thrown out of a car and robbed of u large amount of money. Other heavy robberies are attributed to htm and be once broke Jail at White Ulver Plains, wlillc confined there on a charge of robbery. In the course of an extended career he has managed to avoid arrest until secured hy officers Dearborn and Chapman, and he was much astonished to think he bad not heard of their presence In Vow York.

When be left Varl" li° entrusted the management of his hotel to a party In that city, who subseijuently squandered all the property which, when conducted by Dullard, was valuable. After Bullard reached tbls country, his share of Uio pro- ceeds of the robbery was pretty woll di- minished, and for sometime past he has had bat little money. He has also con- tracted habits of Intoxication, and for two months tills ramisir woa MIUMMV ur an Inebriatu asvlum.

All the expense of the search for Bul- lard and Ids confederates has been borne by the officers concerned, and they yet hope to bring to Justice other guilty par- ties.

Intliurtoour Dr. KlUrouse. The hantlsinal font, which was iircsmtnd hy Ur. John Osfood, was loatiit (lie time tho iinminaf* was hurned. In 1780. Ur*. Ciheriuc Powell, wife ofWilliam Pow- ell, Esq., of Huston, tircscntcd a llible for the [iiil- I lit. i.iiiit. Nathaniel Frye save a hell to tin imr- i.-li lu IMS, and in 17111 Mr. Benjamin Barker «avc a clock for the church.



Letter from Occasional.

iy. firemen, niui iiascuiiii eniiis, nm>onr lu uniloiiu. The foil liNiii|ofCiia|iiiian nnd llulterwurtli furnish tlie ni tl sic. *

6U|'KK*TITION.-A bulr who resides here, re- cently sent to .Salem lor a fortune teller tJ Itiliirm her which of her nervmiis were laliorlny for her Interest* and wlileh were not. II has not as yet been ascertained Whether this lady's mind lias i.. ..ii set at real, and hei dotthU removed.

fi !:■•'■- ii v. F. H|itoi t«i|., and family ol lloston, who have lieen at Lorln^'s during the on aimer, and W. C. Waters and family,or rhMnu, who have lieen nt Ur. Issue K. i"-s I'-, It'll for their homes tills Week. Before the mouth noes out, thu exodus of summer 11,.aiders will almost ho coiii|dt!lc. Ur*. C. C. Damon, tlie beauty ol whoiohoinu nt Ciuieoiil Is iv.ll known to all fre- quenters Of that classic old town, ha* been In North Andoverfor a few day*, visltlus. her sister.

TilK COAL III'siHIwa.—Itobort llrookhoiisu, Jr. of Salem, Is about tn e„*li himself in the eon' and grain business nt Ihe Parish, Ilo has all ready erected coal surds by the shin of tho Kast- er.i it. IL, near the ik-not, Hr. llrookhousn will keo|ilhubostt|U*llliesor,eoal and grain, which he will oiler al reasonable iirleos, and lie cannot Ilill to ri-CVlve iciieroiis orders from oar citizens. Mr. llrookhouse has leased Uio Dr. Stroii« house at tlie Centre.

HonnEO.—Hiwhrirodeiiek, a hiahly rosiiecl- ablfl laboring man, who lives nt the Stevens is mi bouse, d u Rim Mmulav, -.nue choice "early rose" potatoes iho loll tliein Monday nifrht well barreled lu his Harden, ready lor tin- market. Darius; the early l>artof the ni^liiii ihici i>iili a hone and wsatin, sloiitieil nt the "Burden Kite," quietly loaded the potatoes nnd has not since been heard from. There la no knowing whether by lid* time llioie Hue siMH-iinens »f*h*J |ioWl.i, may not have been converted Into "fried Saratoga*.'1

A HSJW STIISK.—Dor cnteriirislng nierehnnl, Wblished la hi* new

liiMMiiswi: M.'l II UF MASSACHUSETTS. Essex, ss.

PROBATJB COUttT. To the next of kin and nil iicrnon* Interested in

the estate of Titun WoiiTitr HAIUIKNT,

of (forth Andover, lu sold county, an Insane |ier- smi, greeting: Whereas, Samuel L. Hodges, ihe guiinllan or laid ward, has )iresontad to said court his |<elltlon iirajing tlmt he may Is) antho. ri/ed to assent to u niortgngo of the real estate nf Hie wife or said ward, as therein dusrrihcil for the |iiir|Hiso* therein set forth.

You are hereby cited lo ami oar at a Probate Court lo 1M balden at Salem, in said count Kssox, on tho first Monday of October nei nine o'elnok In tho forenoon, to show oau

' ve, aaainst tlm same. ._. iiallUmier Is onlcred tnservethls ._

lion by iniliil-lilng tho sanin oner a week forthrco - ecBssive weeks In the LAWSKNCK AMKIUVAH fANIKiititAnvKHTiHSK,a»ews|ia|surprlntod

awrence, tlie last publlcatiou to lie twoday» al least, before safd court.

Wltnesa, Ueorire F. choate, Ksqulre, .liulge of said court, this Tenth day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and ■eventy-roiir.

A. C. UOUDKLL, Itcglstcr. 13LM|itlS

r. U. llrowu. Is at last c

cuss of oonstructlon. It Is situated street, ami hut a short distance from his old stand. The new building is vary •iihabintial In appearance, Is ttioroiighlv convenient, and is really an ornament to thu village. Ur. llrowu al ways keep* a Unto and woll assorted stock of dry and fanoy good*, and at his store may lie found all Uio dully and weekly paper* or any note that are published.

Uu* Envoi ii.—Tho *clc.mien have commenced tho work of iho reservoir nt the centre of Uio town; it Is tn lie si tun led on tho Andover road, and nearly mid way between tho residence* ol Mr. (leoriroo. Stevens and John II. D. .Smith, i-q. It la somettiing tlmt has lieen much ' ami though long Imrtted lor, has come _. Thl* reservoir n ill lie I'l It. In clrcmufcrcnee hv II n. in ili|iili. Aiici tlm reservoir I* lliiisliod, Iwomoro will tic ciii-tMicieilat the rnrisli, and In due time anulher at tn* Centre. The work In all under tlm bin mediate dircdinn of Hr. .1. I\ Blake. |


COl'lC V1KWS of public building* In Aiuto er, and a good assortment of other view*. Also ti'reo*coues,Clnoiuns, l'leliiros, Frames, Ilraek- la, Cnrtnlns, Fixturcii. Card*, ete. Andover, JunolU HVi. Itf


JaaMa M. Crablrco, gonural uudartaker. Park Street, Andover, residence Kn.i'b Abbull's, cor- ner of Kim and Summer Mtroots.

Andover, Juno -<;. 1HTI. Hlf

Itcsidciice ;

he Kim 11 on,

a sadillo an quiro of


Andowr, Jnnc i.;, Is7l. tf.

-A top wagon, cbalso.Trav- iiiug, liglil ami nearly now, and die, all In good condition. Ii

CIIAItl.KS W. II r. :.


iiihu in .^oiiii .in.i.iM'i, in tuu niiiiii) oi r.sst-1, laborer, deceased, and lias taken ii]mn hlmselftliat trust hy KivinK humls, as tho law direct*. All IHirsona having ilciiciii.I- ii|n.n tlie elate nf said deeeniwilnre ri'i|iiii..t ioe\hil>ii l lie same; and all

I ■ ■ -1 -.HI ■ Indebli'd lo said estate are called upon to make payment to

(JKOItliK PUDTKIt, Adtn'r. Amlovcr, RepL 1, I-; i. nopUl^t

d the 8w»il Lyiinfleld. fT-SC. There are more students and leaohors in tho

Female Aeadeiny nt Itrnilford, than St any lime ilnee it was rounded In 1*0.

Tho Salem Post u;i ■ eome out tn a nice new iress and looks us handsome as a idcture. It is i smai t paper and deserves success.

Work on Iho new uayluin for tlie Insane, whleb Is lo bo erected nt Dodge's l(ill. North Danvers. M progressing as rapidly a* two hundred and llfty men can push it.

Itev. Frank l>. Kol*ey, now preaching at the South Church, at Mai hlchcad. lias been appoint- ll..:inl,ii Foreign Missions to go to Japan, and will start for that Held In Kelmt- in j next.

Work)* rapidly |irogrc*slag on the building of thu IJunersity of Modurn Language*, at New. buruort, and the Knglisb deintrUnent Will Is) oisffteil soon under the charge or Professor liar- ring ton, of Vermont.

Mr. Charles Wing's store, at Amosbury, waa broken Into last week, nml a quantity of hard- ware stolon thcrci'ioni, The thief sold n chisel for ten cent*. The chisel Is now In the owner's possession and tho thief is in the lockup.

There Is a large yield oflpear* and apple* In l'eabody, " . quality. Tliero 1* no

ITS; one dealer who, last year bought nearly liwo bushels nf pears, refuses to buy any tbi* year on account of tho glut In Uio market, ltaln Is very much needed.

Some bold robber* entered some half dozen houses m Ipswich,Tuesday night, by moan* as yet undiscovered, an.i in two or three Instances were quitesuecessliil. At the house or Itobert Jordan Uiey took llinii his vest, his watch. Leav- ing tliero the thieves proceeded to tho house oi lieorgo linker Where they took a watch and ISO.

An (minoiiM sword-fish was captured off lloon ..ilamt, on Friday, by Uio crow of the Swam schooner 1 .aligning Water, Captain John til

,c Hwatnp*c.oti

l'HOBATE COURT. To the next of klti nnd all person* Interested In

Tun: WIUITIII 8A.HOSMT, of North Andover, In said county, an Insane per- son, greeting: Whereas, Samuel L. Hodges, the

Siardlan ol said ward, has presented his isotltion ■r license to sell certain real citato therein sited-

He.I, of 111* raid ward, tor hi* maintenance. ■rehy cited to aopcar al a l'rouaio dden at Salem, In said county, on

tho Drst Monday of Ootober next, at nine o,clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any you have, why the same should not be granted.

And said guardian 1* ordered to servo this cita- tion by publishing the same once a week. In toe l.nviitM i: AMKKIOAN AMI AMUIUII AIM KH TIKKH, 11 newspaper printed at Lawrence, three weeks auccesslvely, the last publication to be two days, at least, before said court.

witness, (Icorge F. Choate, Esquire, Judge of said court, this tenth day of September, in the ear one thousand eight hundred ami seventy- our. A. C. (JOODELL, Register.



Notice Is hereby given, that the subscriber been iluly npiioinleil administrator of the estate of Charles I'ummings, bile of Andover, In Ihe County of KsrioK, farmer, deceased, and I in a taken upon himself that trust, hy giving bonds, as the law directs. All iiersous having demand* upon (bo estate of said diseased are required to exhibit the same: and all persons indebted to said estate are railed apmi tn make payment to

UKl'llKX II. FOVfKK, Adra. .-.|.i -Hi, 1X74. scpimst

JEWELL EH, with V'niches, clocks and Jewel-

repaired In Ihe best manner and warranted, i niltcitlar attention |mld to Sue watch repairing.

Andover, Sept. 11, is; i. lino

BOOTS AND SHOES. The subsnriber ha* opened a hoot and shoe

store at hi* ahopon Main utreet, where ho Intends to keen for sale a full assortment of the best ar- ticle, MI hie linn uf bunlness. Itcpalring done at short notice. A share of the public patronage Is respectfully solicited.

Andover, Uny ii, IHTL KIIKN II. TYLER. muyffltf

Three of the crew, Joseph Hlinoml*, David l en, and Charles Jones, were out in a dory, when one nf ttiem drove a barb into tlie flsb'a back, which unused him to leap out of the water sever- al times, and though Uiey had but thirty falhmus of line lie wa* held on to and secured. When dressed tliu weight was iJW isiunds, or about lOvtl pound* wlien nHve.

Ur. Ucnj.iiLiiii Abbott, who lea Unrblehoad inanj years ago, and went to Huston, where he' dleil about oae year nine, after bequeathing a legacy tv each nl bis relatives, loll Uio residue, which amounts to upwards of ninety thousand


TheN. store In.

il wagon Ui deliver good: ! proprietor and his two i_

. _ the other bad taken care oftho team al nigh . and a* What Is cverylmdy's business Ii nobody's, the horse wa* uneareil fur and remained In the •hod by Uio store until Into at night. Alter get-

i.'i i ■! off to the

Tf XECUTOK'8 NOTICE. Noiiee li hereby given, that the subscriber ha*

Essex,widow,deceased,testate,and hastakenspoa herself that tilist, by giving bonds,as Hie law ,11- recta. All persons having demands upon the es- tate of said deceased are required to exhibit the

ime; and all persons indebted to said estate o called upon to make payment lo

JOSBFll C. DOLK, Kgee'r. Andover, Sept. II, 1*74. seplUSt



Will he -..Id at pul. lie auction, on Wednesday, ihe itr.l day of September, liistont, at one o'clock i'. M., at the late residence of widow Sarah A. HOLT, deceased, • n Eton street,In Andover, the personal effect* belonging to her estate, vl*:

Carpets, tables, chair*, I lounge, feather bed*, mattress, led clothing, table linen, stoves, crock- ery ware, wheel barrow, ladder, garden tools and n variety Of other article*.

Should the weather prove stormy, the sale will lie postponed lo tlie next la>r day, at tliu sinoe

UOSES FOSTER, Execntor. OBO. FOSTER, Auctioneer.

Andovor, slept, 18, IsTi. lopttSHt


Notice li hereby given that the subscriber lias been duly appointed executor of the will of

SARAH A. HOLT, late of Andover, In tlie county of Essex, i Idow, deceased, and lias taken upon himself that rust by giving bonds, as tho law direct*. All •crsons having demands upon the estate of said let-eased, are minimi to exhibit tlie same: and

all person* Indebted to said estate, are called upon Ui make payment to MOSES FOSTER.

Andover, Sept. 1, I-, I. Executor. •epUISt

C° A i..

The subscriber ha* a supply of COAL of diffei Cerent slice and quality, which he will furnlal customer* at a reasonable price ml abort notice Orders may ho left at JOHN II. CHANDLBU-1 POfaMrtfcl Store or almy residence.

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover, Sept. S I8TL- T

TO LET. Rooroa suitable for tone- X menu or business purposes. Over store of

.1. IL CHANDLER. Andover, Sept If, Ml.

have purchased the stock In trade of the shoe establishment of Stevens Brothers, and will con- tinue the business at the old staml on Uain Street

Shoes and Rubber* of the best quality itlyon hand and for sale. Custom work

manufactured in the first style, and all gooda will bo sold at low price*. Repairing don* nl short notice. Former patronage gratefully acknowl- edged, and Its continuance respectfully solicited.

WILLIAM CORSE A SUN. Andover, Sept. 4. Into


The subscriber offers for sale hi* real estate consisting of Dwelling House Itarns and :i acres of excellent land under good cultivation, with about 71 yuung apple trees In bearing rendition. The bouse contains II rooms, well painted and frained throughout Tho estate Is situated on ligh street, within one mile or I'oit Offlc.o,

■ctiool*, churches, rubllc. Library, Depot etc. Will sell Horse, Wagons, farm Implement* and h*y if desired. Terms of payioent liberal. Call on or address CIIAS. A. STEVENS, at Stevens Bros. Bool nnd Shoe Store, Ualn street Andover.


ting tired nnd hungry ho wanili

The following are tlie cttlaens of Lynn who pay taaeattds year over M,0OU, with the respective amounts attaehed to each : Samuel H. Ilubler,

?.:i,is;j!in, lion. Jame* N. lluffum, 14,018*3; John Voolredgo. fi.HWI W; A. T. tJooilwin, #*,«.% 4H;

Falriek Lennox, «ijtlt M; E. II. A.hcralt. Si, 1UBWI; Henry Newhall, ai.ufs* m>; Selh D. Woo.1- bury, •J.Olufo; Lynn UasCo., $J,01U.

Th* New bury pert "Herald" say*; lien. But- ler's yacht "America" which was anchored In the liver mi Monday, was formerly a blockade run- ner. She I* of the nharpest model. Her illmen slons are-100 feet keel, *t ft. 3 in. beam, draft 19 ft The foremast measures Tl) and her mainmast Mil; bowipritW ft; jib-boom 30 ft-; top-raas 1(117 It. ;m*in*ml fore-boom HI4 amlV ft, respecllve- ly, and gaffs is and it It. She contain! cabin, dining-room, kitchen, and forecastle ami Is sailed by a crew ol I.', men. fibe was called tlie Mem tihls wbeu used a* a blockade-runner, a lie brass bell on which I* the inscription

phis, ltWt" The consecration of St John's Episcopal

Church. In Oloiicester, took place Monday morn- ing. The church was erectail In 1S1M, but eould

:onseerated for several years on account .__ Having "—

fort wa* made fi

, anil hi :>n "Uen

beside the IHshop and Ree.Uir, was ten. The ser- mon was preached by ltev. Win. II. Brooks, 1>. D., of Hanover, Has*.

Ulddlosex County.

IsHPlll A cut-down In the wage* of the employe* of the

Lowell Carpet Company wa* made but week. Work is very scarce in Lowell, and the number

of unemployed jieraon* 1* much larger than usual. Tlie report In a Nsahna pa|ier that the wage* of

the employes on fie Lowell road were lo be ro- il need Is proaonncod Incorrect

Charles Cow ley haa purchased Uio Lowell Boi- ler work* and Steam Pre** Plate works, origin- Sally established by Stephen Athlon, and far many years lueces-iiilly c.iii i id on by the late William Dobbin*.

The following aro the amount* assessed upon the shares of the aeveral national banks of this city: Applcton, *fl,*S7.(B, I're.colt. $3,»M.W; Merchant., fS.MTH.'B: WamotIL »V«IL07; Ball, road, »I4.5III.:III, old Lowell, •4,iUH.3!>; First $6,107.117.

'aETTINfl" MARBIRD IN ENGLAND.— Prentice Mulford, writing of u;ctlin); mar> n.'il in England, says: "I was oocupled nearly two mouths lu getting papers slgnvil, paying for certificates and signa- tures, and getting permission of various people to get married. It was a regular chancery job. It was a trip through the circumlocution oilier. Tho paternal Eng- lish Government puts various obstruction* lu tho way of matrimony to keep Its peo- ple virtuous. There was a necessity for onr marriage to take place In the jtoman Catholic Church. The Kngllah Govern- ment will not allow a Roman Catholic priest to marry a couple without putting ItB official flugor In the pie. It Insists virtually on marrying Ihe parties Itself before l lie union shall lie considered legal. First, wo bad to be 'cried' In church. Then It was necessary to apply to the registrar to certify to lilru that our banns were published. He wouldn't let us mar- ry until twenty-one- clear days after the first certificate hail been taken out. Aud before he would glvens that certificate ho required that my wife that now Is should have the consent of her father. 80 sh< wcut and obtained his consent. Then we went to the registrar and said wc had the conseut of her father. But that would not do; we must have his written cousent. But the old man wasn't so ready to give that. He had veered arouuil, or somebody had been talking to him, and be had got a notion In his head that a father should be more careful In allowing his daughtvi marry a foreigner; hecauso Americans with Englishmen do rank as foreigners, and they have all sorts of talcs curretil among them about poor girls being en- trapped Into marriage, carried to Amer- ica aud sold as slaves. Yon may stare, but Ibis Is true. They've got onr negro slavery oft he post and thu present mer- chandise of Chinese women in California ull mixed up In their heads, and this Is the result of It. It was a long job getting the old man's signature, but the girl got it at lost, and she can get 'most ant/thing when Bhe makes up hcrmlnd to. Sac left home and set up for hcraelf at an age when moat young women are lingering about the rag- baby era. Tho registrar made out a paper and told us to call In twettty-onoday*. We did so, and then ho gave na another paper. But this did not ntatry us. M Vardley must have a hand In that businci Mr. Van Hey Is a so 11. e thing or other whlc. must be present In behalf of tbo English Qovernmont whenever a ceremony is per formed by a Roman Catholic priest. Bo I went to Mr. Vardley and paid him four shillings and sixpence, and at tho altar he read somcthtng tome and made me sign another paper. There was the register to be signed In the vestry. Then there was another paper still, In which I prom- ised tho church not to Interfere with my wife's religion, not to endeavor to convert her to another faith, and to have all my children brought up in the Catholic faith. I suppose now I am completely married. I am not finite certain, and half expect some other paper to pop In for my signa- ture, or some forgotten offlcloi to pop up from some unexpected quarter with anoth- er certificate and a shilling fee,"

FRXNCIIMKMS' Mai'iKit. —Kate Stanton writes 1 "The Paris men have found one proper vocation namely, to coAk and wash dishes; and admirable cook*, they are. Paris la the most scientific city in the world, and men's 'sphere' Is here scien- tifically settled In one respect, I am happy to know. If men fall below woman In every line art, they may claim the palm |n

cooking. It la delightful to see how do- mestic and useful men can be when In their natural clement! I am led to believe that one of the charms of the 'tented field' Is the men's cooking. War is relieved of half Its horrors. In my eye. If the soldier can only enjoy a good breakfast cooked by French men, before he goes out to be shot down! I wish American gentlemen would tnrntbclr attention to the high art of scientlNc cooking. I know mauyahonse. hold where turmoil Incessant reigns; ami I am now disposed to attribute the fact to the bad cooking of the hostesses. l>t the meu govern tho cuisine and bring In peace. Tens of thousand* of men who have failed as merchants, manufactarera, speculators, teachers, lawyers, doctors, and ministers, might make good cooks. Let them try."

A BOT'S IHK.V or CosriwsioN.— There la a man living in the suburbs who Is a good man, endeavoring to train up his children lu the way they should go, and as his fiock Is numerous aud two of them aro boys, he has anything but a sinecure lu this1 training business. Only a day or two ago, the elder of these olive branches, who has lived about fourteen wicked years, enticed his younger brother, who has had oaly ten years experience in boy- ish deviltry, to go out ou the river in a boat, a species of pastime which their rather had many a time forbidden, and had even gone so far as to enforce his 1 with a skate strap, applied somewhat higher ou the boys' anatomy than skates are intended to be worn. But the boys went this lime, trusting tn luck lo con- ceal their depravity from the knowledge of their pa, and In due time they returned. aud walked round the bouse the two most Innocent looking boys In the town. They separated for a few moments, and at the expiration of that time the elder was sud denly confronted by the father, who re- quested a private Interview In the usual place, and the pair adjourned to the wood- abed, where, after a brief, but highly spirited performance, in which the boy appeared most successfully as "heavy villain,'* and his father took his favorite role of "first old man," the curtalu went down, and the boy considerably mystiQed, sought bis brother.

"John," he said, "who do you suppose told dad? Have you been Ilekedf"

John's face will not look more peaceful and resigned when It Is In his coflln than It did as he replied:

No, have your** Have IT Come down to the cow-yard

and look at iny back." John declined, but saldi "Well, BUI, I'll tell you how father

fonnd ns out. I am tired of acting tn tbls way, and I ain't going to run away and come home and Ho about It any more. I'm going to do better after this, audao when I saw father I couldn't help It, and went to him and confessed."

Bill was touched at this manly action on tho part of his younger brother. It found a tender place in tho had boy's heart, and

vas visibly affected by It. But he asked:

How dldlt happen the old man didn't lick yon?"

Well," said the peultentyoungrcform- . "you sec I didn't confess on myself, I

only confessed on you; that wns the way of It."

A strange cold light glittered In Hill's eyes,

"Only confessed on me?" he said. Well, that's all right, but come down

behind the cow shed and look at my hack." And when they got there do you suppose

John saw the first ml to on Bill's back. Ah, . dear children, he saw nothlug bigger

than Bill's fists, and before he got ont of that locality hu was tlie worst pounded John that ever confessed on anyl>ody. Thus It Is that our coming reformers are 111:1.le and trained.


he Democratic newspapers now tell the men of the New Orleans mob tltat they were too hasty. 80 they were. They should have waited until their pasty be- comes dominant at Washington.

The Boston "Advertiser" says: This affair at New Orleans In view or the tem- per of 11n- southern party opposed to equal rights, is tho gravest event since South Carolina opened fire on Sumter. Its suc- ess Immeasurably Increases the dlfiluulty.

Among the gentlemen of wide reputation elected to the Maine House of Represen- tatives are Hon. W. W. Thomas, Jr., of Portland, Speaker of the last House; ex- Judge Tspley of Saco, F. A. Wilson of llnngor, J. £1 Talbot of ¥.. Machlos, and Dr. Tefft of Brewer.

Tho Kcnnebec Journal says that the the vote for Speaker Blalnc In his district Is tho handsomest popular vote he ever received, his majority running largely ahead of that on tho genera) ticket. In Augusta his majority was 3-21— nearly a hundred higher than any other man on the republican ticket.

The Gloucester "Telegraph" says of Butlor; "Wc understand htm down hero; wo know what he has already done, Is do- ing, ami trying to do for us. No one could tin more.,All know he Is the ablest and uio.t Influential representative In America) say- ing nought of his intrepidity, candor and fidelity. Ills constituents fee) proud of him, and perceive at a glance that they could do no better were they disposed to try."

Tho Sprlugtleld Republieait thus spcaki of a possible candidate for Congress in tho Klcventh IHstrlct: "It Is now all but certain that Mr. Henry Alexander, Jr.. of this city, will lie the Kepubilcau nominee. The workers hereabouts swear by him at tho only man who cau bent George Steams. As Mr. HtcaniM himself Is hat-dry better known In the district than Mr. Al cxandcr, any minute analysis of the latter gentleman's u.uallttcatluns as a candidate would be a waste of Ink and pnper. Tbe two men have n uumbcr of traitH In com- mon and a straight away race between them—If It comes to that --cannot fall to

. lively and exciting spectacle.


Grand Course.

Lectures, RaadiD£S, Music, Drama, LECTURES.

JOHN B. QOUQH, Uio Kituj of the l-ut- forui, the utoit renuwuoil lecturer in the

world. A thrill ins; Tern peranoe Lecture will bo delivereil. Stibleut, " Lights and Shadow* London." Mr. Uoiurb opens tlie coarse OcLTth.

HON. WM. PARSONS, tlio most eloquent orator America has received from across

toe water. His eloquence, wit and enthusiasm carry bis amllcuces by Mnnu. Sttbfeet, "Ulchacl Angela," (>cL J :.l.

WENDELL PHILLIPS, the friend of I.e. manily nml immensely |wip«ltr orator. Tills

will urobAbly be Air. PhllUpi' last season In the lonture flel.l, nnd ho will deliver nil famous lee.

niion "I'.IUIL I ii'r.eiiicll." iw. isth.

EN. N. P. BANKS, tlie nehoUr, stntetu M>liliiT. No ..-luie mini U better people tlian (icn. Banks, whoio

|.|.«iucnce ho* often thrilled Lawrence audlenees. Hubjeet, "The ltefiulirlo; will It endure." Jan. nth




bratcd teacher nf Elocution, n charming reader. Mlseerlanroni reading*, with character personations of celehrlUei of the platfurm, imitat- ing [licit dress, manner and style of i|ieaking. Miss Potter will be aailalad by BUTTBKWORTH

ACUW-M.IN'S fi M.OnciiBnrRA. N,IV. Ith.

pROF. A. P. BURBANK,ana.'e..nipli,he,i I reader, well-known to onr people. Mr. liurhiiuk will give hmiiQrous,paUielleand miseel- Isnouus roAillng*, and glva a porti.u of Kip Van Winkle, In eliararter. Nov. mh.

1 >ROT. J. W.CHURCHILL, tfw New KnR- land favorite. Sir. Uiurchiil I- nn luiuu nic

favorite with Lawrence people, end hn* been -cem'e.t with much .lilnVultv and considerable upense. He has no ■uneiior in his profession In

this country. IHe. S*th.

C O N C E R*T 8 . tl ERMANIA BAND. This celebrated or

I gsniution Is too well known to need com- ment. Last aeason It gave a grand entertainment beforo the burgest concert audience, and Ilia en- thusiasm wo* iiiiliiiun.Ic.l. They will lie assUlnl I.yl.i.|> v..c,tliit- .11 cue merit. I >.t. isln.

pAMILLA URSO. TWs lody hs* organliod V. ' 11-., ■ il 111 1 ■ ■.... 1 „,n 1 of the. .;i . >ii, comprising the following nrlWles: Madam Urse, violinist; Miss Clara Down, soprano; Wm. IT Fossewlos,

r; J. F. ltudolpsen, barytone; Augusts snnret. accmupiuMst- Nov. lllh.

ENGLISH OPERA. MARTHA. This well known and brlUlant

Opera will be given in full, by Uio Tloston Opera Company, In fall costume, ite. The tronp

nn prise His* Clara II. Nickel*, soprano; Flora K.Barry,contralto; Mr. CharlesII.Clark, tenor; Edward ft. I'ayeon, bMto; J. A. Howard, plautsl. Outltth.

1JROD1GAL SON. A brilliant opera to bo presented for the first time, with full eoa.

tumes, ehoruM* ami orchestra. This will prove ono of the grandoit fentorea of lue entire eonrso. Dec. 2*1.


BOSTON THEATRE COMPANY. This ■terling company has been olilnlucd at

great exiwjnsc, and Wll' present one of their drst class entertainments, with lull eait or tho com. pany. This flue organization has won the a.lml. 1'iition nf nur people, nn.l I* alwnr* greeted with

.id houses, flee. Oth.

Twelve Splendid Entertainments! Utgliiliig Oct. 7Mi, doling; Jan. nth.



Certificates for Seata sold by suhsorlpllon at fitrnUun'* store, on and after *tatnr«"ay,rtop. ID and the IMmi «r tne nail will be (IpaMral Sal iirda >-, O, I Sll, al *.:UI o'clock, |i. UI.

UaiiRKit: — sfasBid. 11. Itennln Morse, .T. Irving- 11,-,.ii.-, Win. II. Stodinnn, Leon I. Ilnrtwclt, and William T. Klmtmll.

TIIK DEATH OK OIHZOT.—News of lliri tleiiili nf liiii/.ut reached this country on Runday. This Illustrious Frenchman, alike renowned as a Ncholnr nnd a slates* man, waa torn October t, 1787. Ills parents were Protestant, nnd lie remained In this faith to the end of his life. Seven years after his birth tils father wns execu- ted during the "rclgn oi terror." Gulxot, having received an education at Q«>uovn, went to I'arls.becamo a private tutor, and dabbled In Journalism. At the age of ::.■! lie published a translation of Gibbon, nnd two years later was appointed to the chair of Modern History In thn College of the Old SurlxHui.-. In IMV'."', he gavo a series ofleetures upou representative- govern, ment, the teachings of which were so rail- leal in their character that he lost hi* professorship. He was reinstated, how- ever, three yoara latur, having lu the meanwhile published a series of works relating to Kngllsh and French history. It wss In 1K28 that ho delivered at the Horbonno his famous lectures upon Kuro- pean civilization, which having been trans- lated Into evury Kuropoau language, uud widely read.

Onlzot's active political career ex tended over a period of 18 years—from lfi'JOto isirt. The flrat-uamod year witnessed tho revolution which cost Charles X. Franco his throne, nnd the Liberal Mi archlsts, of whom Guixot was one, came Into power. lie was a member ofsucccs- slve administrations up to 1840,111 which year he became the virtual premier, and retained that position until the year 1H4S, when tho weak-minded Louis l'hllilppe alHllcnted, and Gntzot'a career as astatcH- nriii wasended. In politics lie wan behind Ills Urns, and, unlike M, Tblcrs, has never since progressed.

For the quarter ofaccutury previous to ids death, Gulzot published a large number of works, Including tho history ofhlsown lite.

Having leased the entire building, No*. 115 and 187 KIMX street, and fitted It np especially for our use, we aavi removed onr stock of


RANGES And Kitchen Fniiii Goods,

• From our old Stand

No. ISO Essex Street. Also our Btock'or


raoM oca

Branch Store N*. 4«3 KIHI Street, < t'.lrfl.lrf-. HI OF k )


CONSOLIDATED r Now Store No*. 1M and l»» KIKI Ht

where wo are prepared to offer

At the Lowsit Market PriflSS, Tint largest, most varied and best selected slock of coeds In Ihis elly. Special attention *lv« Staves. lUnoe* and t*uraaeea aa heretofore, for

'bleb, wo hare n separate department, •beet Iron and copper work of all kinda dono at inert notice,

D. N. & C. M. Martin, 105 imlltttmm Strict.



Armstrong's Special Sanmina la

Black Alpacas and BriUiantincs.

Our quality IT ct^.U.

C..I...-1 .!..... i,.V,,ulitvi.n,! I'.,!..


Wc HI.» now . Ana Hue or

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAID AH!) RIBBED

Out 01«sa Beadn to Bead Lace*'

"wooiiLBnsrs F»r *¥.■■•' saa S.*>rs Wear.

In frevt variety sad at verv low prices.


L -A. 1R, Or El ,

LOW. Ot. D. Armstrong,


IN opFxunta MY

SANGUINARIUM To the people of the world I will any 1 Upon

no other preparation or medic his 1 hare ever 11011 mini have 1 be*lowed so much thouKht earn aa upon this. For ten years 1 waa In- lantlt' experhnontins; staking and trylnjr new

compounds until I reached this satis 1 actor j re- Klilt. The am.erti.iii nmdehcr, Mime In IIIJ nollccn that this la the bust I see no

eona-h prsparaUoa e i.i.-iiMurf is the lea ry mm store, nml w

K-ltin pulmimay :|i of Mjiilll* inliieinc when ■Sects are wanted. It

Were It kept In every drug physician to iireserlbe It in nddusx a ilWs syrup or a,— morn expectorant erects are wanted, it Would savo them inuc.h trouble in coin pound I nr BS*SB syrups, and slve iliem results more to Ibelr aal. Islkcllun. I nave compared IU workings time niter lime with tho liest preparations In use. and I pledge my word that II will succeed In twenty times as many cases as any other compound that may lie chosen, Let phynielans try It, and I will IH< lesimusible for evury nalr's breadth In which tl ley Q lid thin |p re para lion or successful results abridged.

OMoe and laboratory, TO (Irtwn street. Con xuliatlnn fVec In all chronic diseases.


PHORATIS < <H IIT. To the lien.- ni i:nv, ti.iM of kin, and all other

Cirsuli* Inlereste.l In the cnUlu nf Clarissa Mstun, lute of Hetliiieii, In mild county, tin-

Ktc woman, deceased: tililfkTlKll tVlleruas, a certain liiBlruiiient puriim-tlng lo he

tlie lost Will nn.l leeUlaamt nnd aomlkll orsalil ilecestseil, lias been uresanU'.l t» said court, for probate, by Josi-pli flow, who prnys thnl letters tolamonlnry utny Iw lssue-1 lo lum the etteuuUir -'leveln named.

You are hereby cited to ap|>ear ntnrrobati- _ourt, to bo held at Lawrence, In said county or Kssex, on the second Hotuliv »l November aekl, al nine o'clock before ueon, lo show cause, irony

nn have, ugalnnL the same. And ssld Joseph How 1* hereby directed lo

Ivn public notice thereof, by pulihihlng till* Itallun unco n woek, fur three Hiiecvsslvu

weeks. In thu nnwsiia|>ur called the i.:m reneu Ainerinan and A ndovur Advertiser, prluUdnl l.iniicucc, tlm lit puUicntlon to be two days, iillcu.-l, iH-fure snid Court,

WIliiiMs, (Ji-oige F. Chiiuli', K«'pilre, Judge o said Court, till* eighth day or He | item her, In the yclirmie'.l nml nevciily-four.

A. C. UUUIIKI.L, Ht«rblter. sspUW

•Pt) TIIK HtlNOKAilLE tlie.IlISTICKS X of the Huprci lii.lieUil Court, next to lie

holden at Salem, within and for the County of KSBUK, on tne flrst Tuusilny of Novnnktir, A. li. IH74.

Ite»|«'''lfiilly reiireients (leorgiana Hanson, of Lawrence In aalil county, that she wns lawfully iii.ii-iii-1 to l.ciren H. Hanson, (otMeity of sahi l^wrence, iHitiKiwoftieorglaville, ItliixloUlaml, at North Herwleh la tho »-" day of i

Bturros, MASS., Aug. 10,1*74. Dn. J. T.I vRaronb—Dear Sir: I nave use.1 your

uniedy for consniaplioa, aa It la called by uiy niiilly iibyilelan. and 1 must say It li loo drat Mug that has givin me relief. The Ant bottle Pink relieved me so much, ami 1 rested so much

o you you are at liberty lu

I remain yours, most icapeotfully, •* "itA i.Ainix

■ i, lifl Wesley street. MISS Cl.AltA I HA,



BOLTON'S 2,000 yds. Waterproofs,

at 50 cts., worth $1, in aiRKBEsr, SLFE IND BLACK.

Jusl reoelved two Dales ot

BBOWH COTTON, AT 5 & 61-2 per yard (good lor lining.) ,

ONE CASE MORE OF PRINTS At 6 1-4, Good for Comforter*,

They go fnsi, call and secure some nf

these bargain*.

We hare la stock all the different grades uf

Cotton Flannels, from 12 1-2 up.

We have Jail bought and wllljshnw meat week the largest stock ot]

100 pairs, at $2.60, VI..UY OHBAP.


for 25 cents per yard,

(•Old in lloston Store* nt:Mi els.)

HOSIERY, 1 n Umrnl I.ln* af Mm all wsrn at



at low prices.

Injpection invited to examine the Unrest and encapest slock of dry goon* In T.awrenee.

Ramembor the Addrsis.

228 ESSEX STREET. Sri door from Past OMee,


ON parlon I'rancals.

siuw illume m of Maine, oi

P. B. Hy brother, also, has used (our 1 Mil lies for nerviuia dublllly nnd Ht- Vlliin' dance, which he has been Iroublutl wllli lor eight years, and ho Is gaining rapidly.

BOSTON, Mm.-., Angnit hi, IHTi- DK. J. I.IVBWIMII.—hear Mir: This la to say 1

have bikcn three buttles nf your Saiiguliiiirlum ■ ir general debility. I wai not lick, Imtnot well,

fell weak ami euremelv dlaay about the IH«IL lliumplng ami lieatlng In my la hard Jin mo to explain how I did feel; but 1 have taken llinsi bottles and now I nan work, eat and "loop

ell, nn.l am all right. Von may be aura I wdj 'vciiorKi-iyou.

I remain yours, JOHN IIORNRK, No. 7ft, Waviiley street.

lMi.-Mnsl nil tlie men In the shop are Uking your inedicino now, since 1 have gut well.

IKSTT, afaaa., Aug. W, 1B71.I | Hear Hlr: May (Joil bless von.

You have saved mv life. 1 have been n hard itrlnkor all mv life, and Imd a verv severe aUaok

sago, then my physh'ian told tin- slmllnr attack of Ihe kind 11 would

reaull in death, llul, being In tho prosewce nf ■mine (rteuds, I was prevallMl upon hi take a drink, ami 1 did so, which brought on auolher ol thoio severe nermun attacks which you so kindly relieved me of. Ha now, When I am tempted to take a drink, I think ofyour Mangeluarlnm, and I

I.I utat ■ i.>|

ItAKona.— Freucrlek Reynold!' celebrated Itaaora, ligbt and heavy; alao Soap, llrnibet and strops, at Stratton'i.

Accot'NT Ih" IK M of every dcacrlptlon on hand or made to order, at (Stratum i Ilookatore.

Looking aiaasea at Stratton'*

i, all ilies and qaalltlea, sold at

Kidney trouble* ol long itandlng relieved hy nie, Internally, of Johnion'a Anodyne Lini- ment.

m OF ma Woous Invegoratei the Liver. JWIIy

UK IlKllTKAM.-lu thi*cttyl7th inst.a son to Mr. and Mrs. tieorge Ue fterlram.

SIIATTt'CK—In Andover, Hei.t. fitli, n diimih- tar lo Mr. am) Mrs. Kemamlo p. SbaUuck.

BROWN.-Ia this elly, Sept. Mth, a ion to Mr. andMrs.trOO.W. llrowi.

(WWMflNS.-In this elly, Sept. 1Mb, n dnnghh Wfisa—in iiiiBciiy, gqii, ini n Mr. ami Mr*. John It (loogim,


MclM'lltK Wltn.lil1 In thlsoltv >c|,i. I.'-Ui. by ltev. tieorge W. GUIs, John H. Melnlire and Kllcn A. Wright, liotli of Lawrence.

RICH-HAVWAItl».-ln ?T"rth Andover August rth, hy Itev. J. W. Lewis Mr. Thoma* I'. Rich urllra.1l.ird lo Mlsi Amelia llayward of North

iury, Sept. S. by . . i.n'i ■■ i i.lllh- and

both of Salisbury.

UOl.MNS—TRI'IL-Iti llcv. Mr. Wrbrht, M

MinsI arrleK. Tn ~

riTZi.KKALU.-In Andover Hep winner Utli, JIDIM MtageraM aged * yearn, SasanMhs.

HILLAKD.-lntleorgetoWD, Bept,Sth, Henry 1' Hiilanl, aged TO year* ti moutha.

. iHims ilvnl together as husband .... Manchester, In the SuUe nf Mew

Hampshire, nnd ut said Lawrrucc, till the 1st day ot August, )*;-i, when tliu said Lorcn utterly do •cried yi.ur liliclliml, whluh .le-.-rlion haa contln- uud to thn time of flllng this liliel, and sinoe sabl tstdarnl August; nml during the continuance of aaid desertion tin- MIM L.ncii 1mscommitted Iho crime ol wlutUiry at sabl lieorciavllle, with a certain lewd wouinii wlume naiui! I* lo your liliel lant unknuwn. Wherefore your litiell.iat pray tliat a dlvoreu from tlie bond ol malrlinony be- tween her and tlie uld Loicn, may budecroud lo her, and fur *mji otlmrand lurtlicr ui.h'i'- n« Jus- Lien may mpiire.

llale.latlJtwi-ciic.'.llh'-r.lliilay.irAiiffm.t, IS71 i.l 'H.' HANSON.


Suprenic Judicial Court, Clerk's onlne, A liquid SMIt, 1-71. lo vjirmi.m utter April term, A. II., i -. i.

t'pou Uio liircjiiiing liliel, ordered, Dial the said Hliellaiil iilvi' notice to said l^iren ii. Hanson, bv causing an alleslml taipy of tier said III**, and of this order thereon, hi be published In the Law ISMS AMKHli'AN, three weeks aueeesKlvely, tin last publication Lu be thirty days at luasl hefon tlie next lorm of Uil* courl, lolm held at Maleili, wltlilu and for Ihe Uuanty of B*«n, en the Srst Timsdu' of Nsvatnbsr next, an.I by aendlng In •ui.I Loreii B. Hanson, by mall, |>oatage prepaid, aeopyof tho newsoaper eonlaining said cojiy and iMilur uf IMIUI 1, dlrnvted lo him al said tJenr- giNVllh', ItbiKie Island, that he may then and tlirre appear, and shew causn, if any he boa, why tho prayer of said UIH'I shoiild nut Iw grantcl.

Attest, ALHtKH A. AllQoiT. Clerk. Thu foregoing Is a true copy or said libel un

oflhc order thereon. 1; U-ei.l I Attest, AL*ltl£I> A. AlUlOLl. I tcrk.


I'ltoii ATI: nil it I Tu tlm helra at law,nest of kin nnd all other |ieri re Led in the estate or Imvld Mpiirr.lnteof Lawrence, In i'ounly,g«i!llciunii,ilit'<-**ed,

lini'llug: IV tl evens a certain Inrtruinenl |.m i.i..lin« i„ In.

Lhelasl wilfland le-taincnlof naid dt-'eawd has been in lo naid eourL, for probaU', by Josfi|diUeetmwo.Hl — tamenlary may lm therein named,

Vim aro herebv elti-d to apiiear at a l'robale Court to be held al Mideui, In *aid county nl Kiaei, on the Srst Monday nf Oi-tolier next, at nine o'clock before uoun, to show cause, If any you have, aaainst Ihe same.

Aud said Jusuph Oreeiiwoml i* hrreliy dlrxoteil In give public notice, hy pulillidiliig Mils citation one* * week, lor three successive weeks. In tlie newspaper called Ihe Lawrence American and Andover Advcrtl-er. printed at Lawrence thn but iiuldlnatlon hi lie two days, al least, lie fore sabl court*

Wllnena.UKouuK V. I'IIII.TK, Rmpdre, Judge nf said Cuurt, thin mh day of Heptenilwr, In tin* rest one thousand eiulit hnndnsl ami seventy, four. aepIIVSt A. C. OOOliRLL, Itegi.ter.

Grand Opening



306 Essex' corner Lawrence s/. On Thursday,


Is warranted a sure eiirc inr

ItHEtlMATISM. !*Kl IIAH.1A SHOT Joint.. I'-lit IT. Juliils, •r I.liwba, Ki>raliis,Crn«i|is, tillr>, Nilng*. ralnlu (be F«i-f, Midr „■ Hack, Cuts, ■mliei, mtwmlm; Mil run, Ncalds, « Ir.

II baa never fallo.1 to cure RUKUJIATISH or NKUHAI.UIA, wlmra a Lhorougti trial baa been given. The following area fow of tho teellnio. ninl- which we are constantly receiving iniiu

ior-e who liave used II: LAWUXHTB, May 37, IS74.

Tills is Ui certify tlmt I have every spring, fhr llie last four year*, been alllieled wiUi liiflammn tory rhciiinatisin, which lum conflm^I mu tu my room from nine lo BBSMSI week*. This aiirlngl was attacked In thn same way; my M ills ween nearlrall unlargn-i and awulhm, and I waa sul ferlng sevuni pain, with great fever. A fVUnd In- duced mu to make atiinlofthe California Llul- nici.i. he having been cure.1 himself, and know- ing or many others who had iHini cured by Ha use. I sent for Mr. Hallsliury, the discoverer of

it, to VUII me whhh he klmlly Shi, Lhe Liniment, with tlie moat tavora-

The pain was soon rellevi-,1, and In 1 iliv. having uitei! four bottles, I waa able to be out uf door* al work In my garden. ' '■

" all, r-J "

will'" ue ii It to my kmgun ami Uiat slopi sire fur rum. 1 sleep well and never will I touch another drop. May Hod bleea yon. '-, witli my LU mi;,

1 remain

_ . Illiaiblo servant, WILLIAM DALY.

Rover street, Everett, Mass. HOHTON, atoai., Aug. HI, 1*71.

I'll. Ln Ukl-niH. Hear fir: I luijui Ibis will be or In-neflt to rheumallc suBerers. I have used flve hollies of your medicine, calle.1 thn Hanguln arlum, for rheumatism, ami I eon say, without any doubt, Unit It has dene me more good titan al tlie doctors since the death or my oldiaml.y phy •Idan, over Um years ago. Le* every ~

"• n tW " iHm me"an.u"wlll tclUhcm"all aimut'yeur oaedl-

No. ■■ riymoulli 1'hv Kvery Imtlle I* warranted. HoM hy all drug-

Bl.l» everywhere, and If he falls hi gel It, go to a ve, flrst-cbMs druggist, that will. l)lt.J. I.lVKIU'lMil. * CO., Proprietor* nml

lieneral UBBBJhI*QSSBBIslnil, IIIMUIH, Mass. Uearge '■■ thKnlwin, Hanover street; Itual,

brothers A Hinl, Hanover ulroet; Oilman Ilro*, Washington strerl, Wholesale Agents for New Kngland. dySifr-


Pedrick & Olosson Am now prepared forth* "rail Trade'' oflft,. having In llielr wars rooms oae of Ihe largest and most camully sajssnavj atoehs to bS fouad In New

Kngland, MtaMo of Boston.

Many new and nheice design* save been added

CARPET DEPARTMENT. Which, wo think, c»enot fail le please ou

SAMPSON'S OIL CLOTHS, In width* from oae to tveyards.

*Vfl/s- Rugs*. Mattings* etc.* in Great Variety.

Our Furniture Rooms e literally Ailed, and we are also BffpJred Ui

furnishing line. Kxaraine

illy a—.. order,

! be ileslred yarllcleltiat

In Hie house

PEDIUCK Aa CLOSSON. Furniture and Carpsts,

361 Essex, cor. Amesbury St fltfae]itlS


Miw. B. P« Oray. Hating taken and KefurnUned the Hoarding Honae ol W. II, llamer, UI Kasea street, I If -Illlc

I lll«T I l.Att-4 H"AHrn:iIM. peiinancnt or Uaflsient, al reasimable rate*.

aud buff color, and gilt . . IMvl Co., crockery nnd

lias* wore store, lUOBaaei street.

nseil nearly *lx large Imttlis in a "" ind heartv- I eamcsK with I .. II..I 1, I. Ih.. l...-, v.....

and a Uv rec.ommeii ._

rncuiaalism, for I do liellc're Uial It Is Uie best renn-dy In Use world for that dread mi disease.

J. M. Him II, Nn. If Sargent. Ire. I, l.awreuc*1. MOMS.

rand have lieen for lhe last II year*. In the employ of the Liiwreinv OoaUo.]

l.AU-UIIMT. A pi il 13, lR7i.

i suffering from that awful ill- ciir-e, theiimallsm, and have-ecu V.UII- advertise-

it, I wlill you In call al Nn lu, Valley alreet, let me see a man who can euro Uml worst or

lu - Ac, J.C. WAHLXInll.

1 hate seen Um man, I have used tin' California lUniiiiiiitic l.liiinicnl, and woailerful was It- ef- fret fur aooil; four weeks of luLrnae suffering

nd nn relief, and afler three ai.plh aU-ms I was ut upon my fes land went aiMiulaUemltng to my IUMIUCBS. There's m'thlne like II lo relk-vo *mf-

nep-H ami pain. "our* Jtc., J. C W. I .a w nil ue, Apr. SI.

awrence, Hay 5th, IHTI. •*y: Vmir Califotnla Hhoo-

iiislic LinimentSMS MM c.Ilumx. Itla OwahsMil a. w. AVtNsMinr *'*y

EiMidly number nf remedle*. Tin- la lourl talk, nil biviict|>orti'iiced il* iH'neSU for the Innam-

inatory llhciimsU-m, and know what I ear to be true. Tour* etc.,

J. lUavavltKuwM. It.iiiL t.,1,-, i M'. BSSOX lll.d Ite. l.h'O, ■■, '. .

I lu bin -11.. i -

Nil. HMPSBIi BFTrir oo .-"» ■■■■ .r. *.. .,-,,11 Uud I have liecii aminled with Kticumall'iu for nunils'r of years, and have tried a groat many HorUirs, and remedies without obtaining much relief. I ean say wllh tniUi Uml I hare received mm. t.i-itciltifum using yoiirCallfomla RlieawuM- |. nl than from any Udug I have ever tried, for *l* months previous lo using your liiiiiiicnt, my wrist was s» boil that I SBaW not 11 .,■ il nl nil. It IH now .iluii.-l well, and I can use It about as wrll a* ever. Very Truly Voura.

MlMMIl MKHRII.t. No. S3 Uarden street.

Tin Callforata Liniment which we hear so much about, Is evideuUi nn eflicienl leinedi, c:,|.,ci:ill\ when u-eil foi liliciiniatlsiu. Neuralgia, ate., etc. Many of our well known cltlsens have used it, ami have lie™ greaUy beneSUsnl Wy It It.Hirers in all respects Trout any of tlieso.nllcd rhFUiuatle InilinenU, reiniHllcs, lolione, etc., ever ha) ffeml to the afflicted, ami wlill cerUlaly twarcluM InveaUgaUou. It waa dlaeovored br Ur, lien. W. Hallsbury, v hlle a capUve among UM Indians In the far we*U Mr. Hallsliury can. and will abow any amount ol homo testimonials from many or our most rvs|M>cted clliaena who have long suffered from rheumatic dilUeultles. Weclieeiliilly coniinrnil It Lo Uie public '" Kclley, llrugglet, I'ost« mi.. BawT

K. II.

Prep^are.1 ami SSH Wholesale ami llotall by

O, W. Salisbury, No. 73 Newbtiry St. Lawrence, Mas.., us* h> all llrngglsls.




For lavenboaa, Trail* Marka. er Dsngns, TS Stale BU, oppo-lts Hllby HI., BMHB,

after an ealenslve practice of upwards nf thirty year-, ciniuiue. lo si-cure Talent* lu Use United Stales; also In Ureat Hrllaln. Prance, and oUwr ■MB counUIes. CavcaU, HiHoincaUons, Assi*> tncuts, and all im|iers for 1'atenu, esixntnl on reaaonabss terms, wllh dlsimbh. Itoeare hns made tTdetermin. UmvalkUty and utility of Patents of lnvenllmw.aml legal and oUier mlvlc^ rendered In all matters touching Uie auMe. taSffesj lhe claims of any Patent furninhcd liy remitUng <s«o .)..lli,r. AnsiKuments rcconliil In Washington.

SavNii Agency in Um United HlaU'* |HWae«sn* superior facilities for olOalnlng Patents or oaner- UlnliiK Uw patciilability of Inventions.

All necessity of a Inunu-y to Wa-dilngUwi to pro- cure a Patent, and the usual great delay Umre, aro bore raved inventor*.


CHAltl.KH MAHON, Commla'r of PalenU.' HI have no hesitation In assuring Inventor* that

Lbey cannot employ a man more onrnpereni and Irwasawfriag, ami mure coi-alde of imUlng Usew ao- ,,1,, -a In a torn hi secure for Uuui aw early Lad favorable eonalderaUim al Uie Patent IhSee.

KliMUMi HUltKK, l^leCum'ror PaienU.' •'Mr. It- II. Kimr haa nuulo for me over Till ST V

SPldlcaUona for Pab'nls, having l«vn suci'essrul in aim"-1 CVITV case. Much untnl-iakable proof of great talent ami ability im hi* |iarl. leads uiel" recommend A I.I. Inventors to apply to him to pro- care Uieir iialenb-, as Uiey nay lie sure or having the atost faithful attention be*lo« cd ml their eases, «,, « ,ery rea«»nable charge*.^ TAQaA„.

Boaton. Jan. 1. MM. ","»



A board of education—A ferule. Dramas with log* naturally have the boat

ran. Seem leu nenU—Those that shrink upon

washing. Why talk ol metallic boat* when tow-boats

are *o strong and «afe ? A San FrancUeo paper complain* of a cor*

net In brick. Brick corner* are *o common here a* to excite no remark.

Bar no more abont Europe. Bbe baa taken care of Joaquln Miller, Joale MamOcltl, Oenet, and two American base ball clnhe.

Them art now four competitor* for the title of Nathan murderer. Tbe*e parties should be hung upon their own confession and fglre oth- er* a chance.

The latest Instance oriike curing Ilka 1* the announcement by a Western veterinary sur- geon that brandy U a remedy for tbe "«ag-

A Chicago gentleman ha* *oed the "Time* for 9100,001) damage* to hi* character. The

0$e6i*.3 Jfotideji. I A. KBEI8, M. 1).,

PHYSICIAN. No. 1 Appltton Street, Lawrence, Mat*

■ L-CCEIOOK TO TUB LATK III. B*MIBTB. Dr. Krele would respectfully in/onn the clti

sen* oftM* city that, in rc-ponse to the soil,-Its- dons of many friend*, he liaa decided to locale M above, where ho will I* happy ■* •"*■*■ proaiptly all professional calls by day

> attend


Time* asks him to knock oft* tbe cipher*, take a dollar and call It square.

"I ice the villain In your face," said a West- erujoilgctoapriaoner. 'May it p!ea»e your honor, replied the prisoner, "that must be a personal retlectlon, mre."

A gentleman who landed from an Erie e: prees train attracted universalattention by the magnificence of hi* diamond breaitplif. He wa* *uppo*ed to bo a back man from Niagara Fall*.

With a sardonic grin, WU poured some mu cilage into his enjpty hair-oil bottle, rwlerday, and tlili morning tbe hair of one of the *ervsnt girls wa* itnck *o tight that ibe conldn't shut ner month.

"I should like'Courtship and Marriage,' and •The best of Husbands," said a pretty girl, tripping into a Broadway bookstore. "1 ibink I can All that bill, Miss," said the dapper young salesman. "Hate you 'Ten Thousand a Year ?'"

"Write mo while I am awjy," said Jones to Mr*. Jonas, alter an afTuctlonate good-bye. "Treathcrou* man!" meditated the lady. "Not one letter ul mine doc* he get! He want* to ■ell them lo one of those Western papers."

When a Michigan woman was Uken from the cuw-caUhcr uf a locoiuuihe upon which ■he had been caught and carried hall a mile, •beialdwilh feeling, "I was jest scooped up like gosh almighty, warn't I P

A countryman fur the flrit time seeing a pair of muilcry, asked: "What's themlur?" "To snuff Ihe candle." "To snuff tbe candle r Tbe candle Just then needed attention, and with hi* thumb and Anger he pinched off the ■nuff, and carefully put It into the inuffer*, say- ing: "Well, now,them Is bandy!"

A lawyer upon a circuit In Ireland, who was pleading the cause ot an Infant plaintiff, tix>k tbe child up In bis arms and presented It to the Jury, suffused with tears. This had a great ef- fect until Ibo opposite lawyer asaed the child what made him cry. "He pinched me!" an- swered tbe little Innocent. The whole cour: wa* convulied with knottier.

Ml Perkin* thus epitomizes on Saratoga hall*: Young (lentleman—"Charmln' ev'ning, Mittt Br—own." Yonng Lady—"Yea, awful charmln'—perfectly lovely — splen" — Young Gentleman—"Dunce a iiiuar donee to-night?" Young Udy—"O, Mr. Brown! 1 kont, yen kneu " The squar doncei are beastly—perfect- ly atwoclous—hawlble—perfectly dre'fu). Let ■ douce a galop. Tlioy'r awful Jolly—perfecly dlrine."

TliU is a specimen ol Cincinnati poetry : aha saw him on hi* bright blue Meed

A dusting down tbe road. And pit a pat, and pit a pat

Her little heartlet goed; And soft she sobbercd to herself

'Though swift bis pace* be. He cannot kite so last but what

My heart keeps up with be.

A CARD. A clergyman while residing In soulli America, aa missionary, discovered

■ale and simple remedy for the Cure of Ner; . oua Weakness, Early Decay, Disease of tbe L'r- nary and Seminal Organ', and the whole train of disorder* brought on by baneful and vicious b ib-

(iresi numbers have been cured by this no- ble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send tbe receipt for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who need* it, FREE OP CHsHI

JO.iKPM T. 1NMAN. Statlou D, Bible House,

marUUiyanysn New York City.







1,1ST OF GIFTS. One Urand Cash Gift, One Urand Cash a• 111. One Urand Cash Gift, One Urand Cash Gift, One Grand Cash Gift,

S Cash Gifts, ( cadi, 10 Cash Gifts, U.OOOeach, 13 Cash Gilts, 10,000 each, 10 Cash Gifts, ft.uoo each, U Cash Gift-, 4,000 each, N Cash Gifts. 3,000 each, JO Cash Gifts, J.000 each,

lou Caah Gifts, 1,000 each, •10 Cash Gift*, 500 each, 500 CashUlfU, lOQeach,

10,000 Cash Gifts, M eacb,



only prompt, * (Sclent, and safe i •ymptoma »• l°".°'jfuJ^^'

,le*-plessnc.*~s, Mental and pi" others, which.

able to eat only lit" plainest food and wry little of that. I tried physicians uad remedies with- out relief until 1 learned of While's S]M>C laity f«r Oynpci.Mii," which haw entirely cured Ban Signed

MM. H. I.. VTaaT, Vineyard Haven. Mass., Ma.-, Oct. ISlh. UK. WHITE,

DKAH HlK.-Tho ".Socially" in liked very much in who use It. We have sold It fur t« • are nut selling anything but the "Spci fur Dyspepsia, fours truly,

liy every i'


f-.150,0UU 100,000

TA.000 Mi.ooe ■y.,mt

loo.ouu IW.OOu IMuNO 100.000 loo.iioii 00,000 n«!,i"i 100.000 1*0,000 50,000



C. I*. AI.IWS. Uf salo iiv all drugsrisl*. rcular l<> the Proprietor:

Grand Total 10,000, Olfte, all cash,

PRICE OF TICKETS. Whale Tickets, Hales*. Tenth, or iirk ronpun, tl Hhili Tick.*, few tWO OO ■• I-a Tickets far l .mm OO

r'orTlrkete and in formation, address TIIO. K. BKAMI.KTTK,

Agent and Manager. Pmklle Library IIulIdlng,I.ouLi IIIr, Ky,

or THOS. H. HAYS * CO., eou Broadway, N.Y.






. W. STEARNS *. CO. ARE OPENING FnllAnnrlmn.lof\.H Ilrrss Geod*.

. W. at**urtu at Ce>. are ouenlng a full Line of New and Elegant Shawls.

. w. Mrmii A Co. are o|ieuing a largo

Stock of New Carpets, .. W, Nifuriia * Co. arc opening their

Unusually Large Stock uf BUstkets, Flan- n«-i -, ate., at Very Low Trices.

A. Vt. steerti■ A Co. hare the best aisurt' mentor Brown and Uleached Cultoni, Table Llnena, Ma|>kin>i, Met


Sewing Machine,

Hade by tbe Hove Mactiiuc Company. Ha»etka Large.t Kiln,

Gives the Best SatlstWtlen, Mads of the Best Material,

la the easiest to I.earn to Operate.

Less liable to get out of order; everybody that evnr used oae will tiavo no other; will do better workaud will outwear two of any other machine.

m.Hy,; «K¥SV

WwSf'WboDS. CartlMed ■• by the beat phystcUi . oi.tali.ln*- iinlhliia; tssjnrjews^to the sy

hen ell else falls. Blood bflu* o

urgailt■■ Heeded by old and Portlier aad IJier l«»l«or«lor.

rorgatlr* Needed hy eorea Joust dice, fever ood

I'a I it lii the Bones, Mbeumatlsm _ a, triimlr islseoses, .\trvnui Blsor.

ders, Hlduc v Cosnptalatt, ese.. ete. ^tHly

A. tV. Steaons of New l'rlnti uels, etc.

k Co. will uU'.'i- Clioieu Style, and tiiiijtimiii . Cotton Flan

A. IV. st. oi ii* «V Co. hare the Cheapest Llna if BLACK SILKS they have ever offered


WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Of the 18th Contury.

I> Ul. S. 1>. HO W E'ii


CONSUMPTION mil all HMCJIM'- oi'theTlinmi, t'liei-tand Lunirs. rho only Midi. I I Ihe tiv.-l in the uoil.l).

A SnMtote for God Liver 01

Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Tonic Blood Piirifitr

hlch differs from all other preparations In ou.-rliui.' aellun ti|"-ii the

L1VEB, 1111> vi:ts AUD BLOOD. It is liurnlv v.-ir.'Uil,le. elr-nnflpit th^HvutAm of

ilil|H!i lllr ' ■*■ DIOOU. It 0

Is. reaaoeaa R iral l>uhillty," "Lost VI

pure, r

Why Is Urapepeto eo Ueswral t Simply because It Is neglected and maltreated. Strike illreetly at the cause. Itemore Uie acid humors which engender It, from the stomach and bowels, with TatVMt'e Ktsers-eseent sjellser Apart ant, «nd Indigestion, wllhalllt* painful concoml- lanta, Is cured. Hold by l>mggl.ti.

SIRS lift

JU- 4 ? • || WATER l:£ rffllWHEEL ?flfl

DR. BCHEMCK'S l'ULMONIC SYRUP ■•• Weed Tonle.svnd Mandrmha Pllla

Tliesn medicines liavo undoubtedly |ierfonned more cures of consumption than any other reme- dy known lo the American public. They are compounded of vegetable Ingredients, and con- lain nothing which can be injurious to the human eonaUtiur.n. _

Othe- tmedlea adrertiaed *■ cures for Con. umptlon, probably contain opium, which I* a jnmcwliat dangerous drug In all cases, and II taken freely by consumptive patients, it must d

- —dency Is t ""* *h

atom, wliii inline the


and Trust Company, olnai, Iowa, lenders at ten per rent


Eaaex Count v. HAvakHiLi-

Kobert Witlii-, one of tbe oldest men In Hater bllL and formerly n prominent flnatoa merchant, .llcil last week I gej W years.

Mr. J. T. Jonian baa seeured a verdict of •iio agalnet the city for Injuries received from n de- fect In Ihe hl|hway.

Hubert Willis, Ban,., a venerable and well known citiien, eiplred at bis residence on Peek* er street, friday, at the advanced nge ol four scoro and ten years.

Mr. Charles I). HuiikiiiK, of leu* city, xailri tor Liverpool In a lew iiay», en route to Viennn. where be intend' to complete lila educRtlon In medicine.

The Hancock Vtn Kxliumilsher, about which *o much lias beon ■■Id, arrlrcl I'rlday afternoon, and U boused in Ihe building with the (irant steamer. It is called the "Mcrrlmack, No. 1," and Ihe i ■ a r - -. ■ wan 11.""'


Taw Newbuiypurt city railroad pays a $i divi- dend.

William Lamsoii, a iieildler, was kicked by a borso in Ipswich, Thursday, and his Ihigh bones •haltered.

The niiNilii'i' of tares receivuil mi tin- Snlelll street Hallway during the tiiontli of August, from the main road and brNncho', wnt 1J1,70U.

In Salem, OH Thursday, John J. Sullivan was arrested upon rharge of rape upon Ellen Halley; be was Hound over «nil committed in default uf •10,000.

(hiring a slight Are In Lynn, on Fridsy, as Em- pire Kuglne r..,L,|.m,, came out of her house, tho driver, John 8iullh, nil i bis neat and a wheel passed over Mm. He was so badly Injured that tbv doctor slates be cannot possibly reco1

Robert Smith, the olde*t comliKtor on the Bos- ton A Maine, wa« bunad Tilling lay, by the Ma- WMIOfratarnlli, at Daarata. All the engines on the road were draped and in.1 llugt at the priiicl pal stations were half masted.

K.lward Joyet.licw |J7u belonging lo Patrick Jujce, from Hie Halcm Saving* Hunk on the .:i.ii. ufUst AU.L;., i. Il>' purctiaK.-il a ticket for Ire- land, and last .Saturday the oilcan Ksrihed the city of llrusael* but ho run Id nut be found.

There are over thirty a from Haleiu In lb* forty-eight Boston liHha—two Of UBMOaaUara mini paying luUars and tliu h.ilaucc in other-good altuabons. The uianager of the Clearing DOUM and one ol hl.i clerks also belong in Salem.

The carriage laotoriM mul slock of tl. Sargent In Waal Aiuenbiiry, wen- sold by ain-llon Thurs- day; Ul-amount rMliied, orer tvi.uoo, was non- ■Merabl* above the aporalsal, w tiiih was llj.ooa The bur building*, w lib :ui,ooo feet of land, were soldioraii.issi, and tlio other lot* of cairfagtM, InOM, paUarasaod rHruhbJnga ir ore sold In aiunll Iota, all bringing good price*.

Ala meeting or the trustee* of the proponed new tnivemlly of Modern ].an*;iing>'>, held In Mowbnrxport on Wednesday, the following namcl gentlemen were added lo the board : ll.m. Isaac V. Itodaeld, I. L. ».. late Chief Justice Of the State of Vermont: Mr. Krank 1'. A. la in-, of Carroll Count/. N. II,; liuv. J. c. Stookbridit, D. D.,of I'rovldmice, It. 1.

Tho work on the new insane anvliim on Dotlffra Hill, North llanrers, In progressing rapidly. Two humlrct and ■(!• men are at work, and the foun- dation of one of the wings will be completed this week, the underpinning laid, and about one hun- dred masons are to commence the brick work, shortly. Those who visit the place are astonished at the magnitude or the preparations for Ihe pro puseil luslllulioii, and praise the exceedingly heaulifhl view obtained from the spoL

Friday morning, Ihe depot of the West Ames- Imry Branch Railroad was found to have i.. ■■« liiirglariounly entered and robbed. Kutrani-u to the building was effected hy mean* or r. ■ J - -«■ keys and accen to Ihe J ticket office by culling away the wood-work and irying back the bolt uf the look. The cover to the case containing the tick- ets was forced off mid in this ca-e was round tho key of the safe, which mide easy work for the robbers, the safe being one uf lbs old-fashioned kind, and easily opened. From the late was taken about |fufl and some smalt valuables lie tona-inf to the Station agent Three overcoats and two canteen* were stolen, the latter bearing Ihe mark "11. 1 M. It. It" 11town In the glaia.

allddloaex Uountv.


Wilfred L. Fills, Hi. Lowell boy, who had SUeli n chei-kercd career as a >nnmambiillst, died at Worcester on Fridsy evening.

Unly ten days more will be required to ci nlata the grading un the Lowell and And* railroad, with the exception of the Kramlngli connection. The expectation that train* will run the whole length of the road October 1st i

y; lo morbid matter In the *ri must make euro iinpossll

Bchciick'*. Puluioulc Byrup Is warranlc. conuln a particle of opmai: It la uomi>oaed ol powerful but hurmlenB herbs, whloh act on the lungs, liver, stomach and blood, and thus correct all inorbtd-serrctions, and expel all tho diseased matter from tho body. Theae are tbe only means by which Consumption cam be oure.1. and ns KB. El. ta..l A-lIwHMV. a«- Wu.1 T.^nlp end

eraUj'in tali wayjt b obriona taoy are Ibe only genuine cure for Pulmonary Vun sumption. Each bottle of this Invaluable medicine Is accompanied by full direction*.

Kr.Uchenck Is professionally at his principal o«ce,comer Sixth and Arch •tm-ls.l'liiladelphla, i-vci * M.'iidiiv, un.I si the tiuini-y Hmn-c. lt»»t rm lii.-lollowiiiK Wr.|»v.,,hiiirli«li»inl -'till. Juiy Htli and ?M. and August .Mh and attth.







The Iowa Lo;

t. payable semi-annually leal National Bank,New York. All loans secured

Pftf lMoTn Ol, "ibw'a ■y (or Eastern lender* a

Interest, net, payable semi-annually at ihcChem-

A. tV. simrns tt Co. have received their Tall and Winter ULOVES and HOS1BHY, for Ladiex, ticnts nud Children.

A. IV. Itrirni A Co. wind.. Invite your aUen lion tc their Urge and well Mleeteil stock ol LACES, HAMBURtiS, UIM1>S, Trimmings, Ladle* Net-k Wear, Small Warcn, etc.

. W. Nlearna A Co. Wuuld wiy tu tbu (iciitlu men, that we shall «o\r for your Inspection One of tbu Lurgcat and Finest Stocks Of WOOUM ovor shown in this city, and all


And we>re pre]iarcd lo Cut and Make-op i as Good Style and VinUh :a* Buston or els

Very Much Lower Rales.

A. W. STEARNS & Gofi

DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT tVlll he fouad the Most Fashloxabla

itranrt for the I.adlr ■ to bore their Work

Hour In all Its branches.

chine* have a world wldo reputation, and are sent to every eiviliiei country in tho world, and have received the hiyhe-t premiums wherever ex- hib:>d, recelvlugnu less lhan flve tertimouials of superiority, at tin- law Vienna Exhlhitloii over mi 11,- maehlnea.

New York warerooms are at 009 Broadway, ractoriesat Bridgeport, Conn., Peru. Indiana, ■nd (ibugow, Scotland : and are turning nut 8JC raachine* per day.

W. Hager & Co., SUKTliK sol.i: AOCMTI FOB

Lawrence, Andover and Mtthuon.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, Lawrence, Mast.

IT. rich blood. It cures tkrofufeua lllseate* oi all kinds, removes con-iliiation and regulates the bowots. Fur * tienural hcbillty," — tality"nn.i"nroken.|>ownConstitution, - enge the llith cenlitry to 11ml Ita equal. Every Bottle Worth iti Weight In Cold.

I'rlee «1 Per Bottle. —AL8U—

Dr. S. D. HOWE'S



Thoy cleanse the smove Constlpal

any other Injurloi :;E



I hlimiiieh thoroughly aln no calomel nor ient, and act quickly I i-i'Oilucliig pain or

wcaknesp. Price IS cent* per box.

CONSUMPTIVES Should use all three of tho nbovo.mcdloiues.

Sold In Lawrence by

A. R. Glidden. Druggist, General Agent Dr. S. D. Howe, Sole Proprietor.

All Kff.Cta.1 lt.lll«.ly fur .11 ,11.r or tin.

Kidneys, Bladder,



ich as I'aiuiul aa\d I.ragging Heusa- oua In the Bach ami I.olns, iililliult • l-prcssed or lucontlnct I rlaatlon. 1th a whitish or hi I.tkdnat Sedlnaeait In tc I i In., Drop*)', Irt ilat Ion or liiflaina-

tloii of the Bladder, Cale ni n*, Urnvel or ■tone In the Bladder, Loss of force, OrKaiil( Wraknc.s and Ueneral Dabllltr, for improper excesses of rllltrr sea, Spanatntorrhosa, I.cue or rho *, (fleet, Female*, etc,

NEPHRETIOUM, Is strictly a vegetable compound, prepared from tbe prescription of 1»«. A. I). BULLOCK, of Providence, It. I., a physlciun ol' large experi- ence, and one who ban obtained a high reputa- tion in the lionlinent of this class of Disease*. II was used fur years in his practice before being put before the public ia lit present form,



j» somethiuK i . . rations of Bucbu t IICJII. In all o


ed on completion. Now York and New England


Pleasant, and an unfailing remedy for AsUi Coughs, Colds, Lung Complaints, Ac I.i bottles 3fi ceuu. I>r. r.W. KINSMAN, l'roi tor, Augusta, Main*. as.OOU for a ca-e It wll1

curel Try it. Bold by all dra(gists.


Tie Most Complete Sewiim Machine

iptlciil ni' its virtues, and Iiv addres. iiujr as below, or calling nt your druggist's, a pamphlet will be given you contain ng certlfl, cates of well-known p<-op|<- of iitlier sex, and ol tho Medical I'lnli's^inn u lio n.ivc used It in Iheit practice. Can wc say more? 1'or rate by all druggiat*. Pilot*] per bottle; six bottles for «3. IV. Q. IIUPHIVS A. Co., Proprietor*,

I. a burst ory, Providence, II. I.

SMITH. D00UTTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston, E N* K It A T, A < J K N T S .

1» TIIK Wi>lt>.l>

- Hand far Clrriilar. muni



Sale* Room No. 6 Appleton Street.


All orders promptly nud faithfully executed at reasonable prices.





And all UrugglsU in Amlorer.

Cures Coughs and all Tbrojt Irritatloas 1«

WE WOULD KK8PKCTFULLY AN- HOOTCH lo Ibe public thai their patronage

has so sleadllj Increased as to render It nccos sary for us to take the uuustiuii of Hanging Pa per under our Inime.llau. control. Wo are pre pared tu superintend and execute any work in that line, from the must elaborate decoration, down. Work promptly executed and satisfae tlon guaranteed.



k Clicapcr Fuel tban food or Coal THE LAWRENCE GAS COMT,

Are prepared io reoetve orders for I oke at the following prices, vis;

Per Chaldron of 14 bblt,delivered t6.00 " 1-2 " 7 " " »3.00 " Barrel .45 Price Per Barrel at tho Works, .40

Orders received at Ibe office uf

Uwrenoa (laa (on puny, No. 263 KH.SK x Street,

and the Coke paid fur at Ihe office at lime uf o derlng the same. ni.'-;'ii UEOBU£ D.CABOT, Aft-eat.


-TKACna-K or—

PIANO AND OKOAN. JtMt Eaaea hlreet, Latrrenee.

Mrs. Ilomau is nu experienced teacher. Satis- faction luantntoed. Also, agent fur the Prescutt Organ. This Organ Company is Uie oldest estab- lishment of the kind In the United States. The experience of *1 years In the buslnuss enables the manulac.tururs to place In the market Cabinet Or ganauf such vurietv, uimlity of tone and finish ai will challenge compaiisou for elegance of style, volume, and purity of lone. .Sold on Installment*. Old Instruments taken In exchange. ,.,-.:<■'■ it

®5 o ^20 n .•iTIXSONACO., Tort

ER DAY AT HOME. 'i.i in- Iree. Address, OKO.

'ortland, Me.

t»77 A WEEK GUARANTEED TO -?W t Male and >'cmalo AOBNTO, in their locality. Coals nothing to try it. Particular* tree. P. O. VlCKKBY *CO., Augu»ta, Me.





•IMI 'II Idas '»iws''l ■ S.ID.IHI HUll JOJ SIUVII1

Uii a'-i aSauarnj jo unm iaJ»H'I V ■japjQ oi

Suipw.ig puD3uipiiiS3U!PDHI

reejisonn i.-ci Jit«|nhxaiwouj jqi mjMOpvw

sdssdJQ uotrfOLhiy puo Suippdft ^l^

■ .nn-ii.'iii Xq 1UJ u.t.nnu avoto pM «MQ iWaspfJaKI P"» ,WTP»1


NHvoii uair raiiaiu ,S9|PUT : .11 i 11 ■< PU1

•I niM:u.>nc is|ii.ii)JWil.iml HI « uqs WJI!

It can


AN 1 >


aurlOltf *«A E*)*IK.T MTltF.ET.

legates of ti. A. II. post* i*bridal i.oweii. Prlday, e a pHlHileut Wnllbam ul

A huge toeetiag afili in Middlesex County w and It »■» foteiltoha tbe I llh of October. Lowell, was seleeled f.,r nhlel marshal. Arrange- inrutiwlll be made for a grand parade, and lb* ix-i'Ksiou prouil-es lo lie one or great interest.

The delegate* Iroiu Uie sixteen Post* or tbe ii. A. It, at their county convention here, on Thurs. day, gave assurance thnl llielr organisation would turn out ;.*> romrnilCH at the parade. This la on- I) ebnal half ot Ibe entire uumlier of Ihe Pouts, and ibe uuinU'r In procession will probably be l.iN«'iucn.lH..lde tbe IMInds.

Km , iR«. -There WHS a pieasnn lialboilug u(therarloa) branches of the R»l llus r.iml'y. at Nrwluglon, N. II., last week >K>Mayiir Jubii It. Knllins.ot this city, wliu bai ► I- nt several) fan of diligent and painstaking l.ila>r upini a hlsiury of Ibe family, now about leswly Fir conceived the idea of a Hireling ■•film several branches of the family, , n ib. • 1.1 (,. iiH-ua.l ..i the original Hawllna, ..-Hi.- mu. »i< th.-u ■prlfed; Ihe occaalon am line m' interest; a speech of wcli»aie «»., by i"..- Mr. ftolllns, poem* read, ,»t ga .uiiH .i. ..iiniip n eaten and an hour spent in i cm mi' old, mul matin; new ac'iuaintanrea ■Ibultg I IK- mi II.IH is nt the cuniuioll liaiuc.

•■naWsUaeFI ■("'!• ae**a »C '■weon aaajH

npunjJJ pfO J*U Mi oi iI.Hc >;■ I aq ppoa pull

'SflaiXXVrl XYO'IO (INV SSMHa U| ■ u■.11| ■ vA |. -I III.1 IIII H-.|i: | ai|! H»

i|li.aiJoA w.i.s; inojj p,»ujin.u 1*uf H*U»i|»|ui|X

•IIPPA W 8!impI J° ®Wl .nil o) uuunouuv i|piji.i.idssi pino,v\

•QKuriHi.-c a H ssi IV VtAOAZlNEH BOUND


WB1TF0RD I RICE'S BINDER!, ■prlOftf »1 Kssux Utrivt, Lawrence.


—aI:K* CUKK Km—

Cholera. Dysentery & Oiarrh&a. lMuii fhll to get It t Only SO rents.

Twenty years' ex|M)rlenc '.In- curittivc, i|Uidllles of til

It cum Crosup Colic. It essres Infanlum, it tsrti Chronic l>y. llcnraaouoradlcCholere. Iteures liyaenlrry. It cures Cholera Hot cares all llunrl Complaints. 1 Headache. It cure* l«> spapela 1 digest Ion.

Every family should have it. Rehl by nil drug- gist*. Preiiareil by W. It. CIIAMItyKLAlB, lynn, Mas*. Charlea Clarke, Agent Tor Law. enre. octrllyr






A. R. GLIDDEN, 259 Essex Street.

y I'r.llliU'K 4 CLOSSON.


Boston Store.

We are now prepared to show a

Full Line of



all. AT in it

Usual Low Prices.


713 Essex Street,




Insurance Agency. ■nentKiniT THR FOLLOW,.,,

aO^F^ZLSTIIES lacorporateil. Aaseta.

Pranltlln,i>r Philn.,Pa., liwi 13.200,719 Penney!*, or Penna., IHtfl 1,866,000 Onrraan, iaenteu. *■ Y. 18T1 1,048,11^8 W»«r, N«w York, l«n 641.493 Pvirfleld County, Conn., W70 307,367 Ptrat Navtlonavl,Worcester, Item 193,897 OloucBBtor, libiueesler, lflO lo3L6B8 Osrman, Erie, Pa., D«T 445617

1-',nuliisli Comiinnii's. Royal, IMA, gnl-l, (13.000,000

Auierieau Branch, 1,808,676 Queen, laoa. sold, 10,000,000

American Hram-li, 917,327 Imweiial, UOS, gold, O.OOO^ooo

AtneririD Branch, •■S Kssss atreet, - aprMUr P. O. Boa 38-

Self-Setting Needle,

Self-Threading Shuttle,

and Self-Adjusting Tension.

All Agent* elaiin their llacbln* lo be tho BES1 but before purchasing call ami examine for your- telrei, and then decide. 1 also hare Ihe New lm-

WHcox St Gibbs, Weed Secor,

Howe, Singer,

Aflil all Other First - Class Machines AI.T-. SOLD ON


uPay Your Money & Take Yonr Choice." After one month's trial, If nnl nntlnfuclory, ex

changed fur nuy Other In Hut markr-l, fn*e) of ex.

MA('iii.\i:s|'i'o l.l'.T By the Week or Hoata.1

All Kinds of Machines Repaired

And Warranteil lo gin- satisfaillon, or no Pay.






win MIVIII \< i, SIA*S


Per sale cheap, a good collage house, 4 good sited rooms, with burn, shed, carriage bouse, etc. Also, adjoining the house, a drst-class workshop, with good water iiownr.M fret head; shop — tains a goixl Iron water wheel, one splitting and bench, one leg plainer, mie jointing saw bench, one Jig saw, one turning latho, one boring machlue, one mnrtl-tug mai-tilne, ono turning mai-hlne, all In good order. Terms $IIHHI, one half down, and mortgage for > alanc. Tlds

HssitunU-il In Canaan, S. II, between Jagns, half a mile apart, In ■:■■■> \ neigh.

bnrhood, and but a few nil miles walk liom |n>-t ■ ifrti-f, M-II.H.U and churrhes, and covor* two

uf land, with H vailvty of fruit gnoii water, etc. This is a rare

. . for a innrnryiiisn rarprnter to obtain a home and well ai.pni.ilvd wink fliop. Addres*,

A. II. CUAMIlKKt.AlN'.i anaan, N. II. ■ngmtat)






.»00.0()0 fA^'LiES

better than ail the prepa . i.mi. I a* effect* are per ma

"•-J at tho bottom lir~ ~

■ ;■' i: I-. St.. Lawrence. Uiiss.

AUTUMN, 1874.


Inform their patrons that

ey are now opening

Fall Goods.



Ilia, k l.uud., otii bt more lilt hi'.n able than c r this.


The Keystone Apparatus gives a llrlllUnl and H.autlfn] I.lxh(

- OT Tin- Safest and most economical

method of illumination erer invented. It is within reach of cverj household*-, ami will

afford a penect gas light for every Ann, for every family, for churches and

schools, for Tillages and towns, for iniljj, works, inptliuilon*


' OO<407









AHUratTA) ii*.


1, 108 iiml 100 Broiifl BtP*pt. apfSfflft


GARMENT SUSPENDER t— njlliirw snaponuins;

.Q.S.l,"".h,"",,rr ■**" '"^'irwltiar rfui

W'*M->».'-*Hall.."l it-. »

til the Skirt* over No liuii er

l"ii- Hamplea by II.,1 IK.Ill, . IK.IllH 1.,

C a. KlNsKY, , Ml .luuitner MM , i,


A i»v> dealrable raaldeaice on Winter■(. The ininiiTii two story tiouse, owned by the

Inle Mrs. Weaton, adjoining the estate Ol Sam'I.

M. Iiavls, ■tej.i isoffiioil for Immediate sale, 1*

i-lose Ihe estate. The house Is thoroughly built,

unntaining eleven rooms; haa a good cellar,

plenty of shed room; well of excellent water,

iever railing. The lot is U by 140 feet, with a

lumber o( Irull trees, vines and shrubbery. Cen. traliy located, within a few hundred feet of Boi< ton and Maine Hepi.t, and i-onvenient to Paclflc Mills, offering an admirable opportunity to secure a desirable place, which in oat always Increaae In value.

Apply at once to I'KIHIUK A CLUriSON.

mayOiH If



WHITFOBD &. RICK, prloHtf KO Rssax StreeL


Merriam's Golden Drops |

Cures Hummer Ciimpl.-iinl, and Ihe woral (brm Of l)y«rnh>ry. No Humbug, sound at tlte prill. i-ipal Drug and I Iron ry .storis In Lawrence.

City of Lawrence Water Loan, Six per cent. Coupon llonds of ihe L'ity of Laws we, duly authorised hy act of the I^gialature,

City Ordinance and resolutions of the City Coun- wlll be i--in ii Oelober 1st, for a limited

amount Coupons attached for aeini-annua! inter- it, payabtu in BoetOD or Lawrence, at the option

or bolder*. For price and Hill particular* cull on or addres* K. W. COLCOBD,

City Trcaiurer. Per Drder*f Finance Committee. sMUtf

TMPOBTANT to owners or ituil.ilii^s.


SLATE ROOFING PAINT, Jllird Heady for I'ae.

both durable aad economical, the best results on shingled roof*, iijual for tbe |iroteclh

i i.fcil with

iheathlng felt, brick walls, ete. Its protection for

Houses, Barns, Fences, Brick and Wooden Wails.

Is perfect. On decay d shingle* It Oils up the hole* _ „-il pores, and gh ...>f that will last for years, shingles It brfugs to their phi there. It Alls all hole* In I leak*, and althi

ubstantial Curled or warped Mi and keeps ihem It roofti, atop* the — ruin does ~~*

efert it a few hours after applying.

JOHN N. WEB8TER, A«.llt for I.A,V,1,;\<K"B., MM,',,, , ^

P.O. I Hi... llelliucn, Mu..











CAPEH, SFMOE & CO, Nos. • aad 8 Custom Hoait Street,




''Superior to Calcined or Carbonate of Hsgni >ta, wtlhOHt tbelr Ilailgrrotm A»-

indorscd and preacrilMd by the lending physi. dons tbronghout the country, as being tho great- est yet presented to tho niodleal public. It Immediately nnd certainly rclhrc*

Heartburn, Sourness or

Acidify of the Stomach.

Headache, Dyspepsia

Indigestion. R he u ma I ism

and Gout. -ia A—

Laxative far Children It is superior lo any other preparation, requiring no i"'i ■.;.! imi to I.I in.-.' thmu to take It, and it la also peculiarly adapted for females during preg-

It !■■ a |"> iiivr prevuntive ngalmllho food of in liinti i-mi ring on Ihe stomach. In rases of

Nimiiiirr Complaints and Dlarrhtea,

so common with young chlldrou, the


'fry It oueo aud you

SMITH, DOOUTTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston, V, N K K A h A (1 H N T S


Thc K. S. Ci. SI. Couipariy nlsu manulacturc Ibo

Ktyatoao Hydrocarbon Oil,

The best spa producing malt-rial yet discovered.

and Full Information Application.

■faptUftn PNT

BKACIIS TXTASBIHG QOAP. uvli. Full TT eight. VcryOupcrior.


WANTED—A Btnall teuoment. suitable for throe adult persons, in the Immediate


Iron in the Blood THE PERUVIAN BYltlTP Vllalbrs and Ea riches Its fifeed, Tones un the By»uiin,Hu1ldsui>tli« RoMromra, t utn Fruuilo t'omplalnlA Dropir.Debllity.Htr niur*,llys|»|aLi,iti.''

'I !..■,,■ -I.I! i )■ .-. i

Urn rliangnl by Uia us« of this remedy Irom weak, alrkl», auffering creatures, bi

Family Sewintf Machines on Berth

The culubruted world-run owned


To be given u«>y at Ihe



*dl ■£*■*■ Hllr.l.

SHAWLS, SILKS. Elegant quality In Black dilks, ete. etc.

We hare npeno.ln Fall A^oitnicnt of Woolen*

for Men aud Buys wear In Stripe*, plaid*,

Cbei-ksnnd Plain Good*; also a



The Uocala open beautlfullr, and we shall lie

i'l- ... ■ ■: to show ii.' m.

Flannels and Domestics in endless variety



FROCKING. Our Heavy Fall Goods

are rcassortlng our CARPET .NTOCHs,

nn ahuw you the hest Line of

BRUSSELS, TAPESTRIES, EX.&CPKRS and Medium; sheet oil Cloths and


Cocoa ana Straw Mattings- Hemp nnd Dundee Ttpeltrtee,

ALL AT .me II lilt PRICKS TlhX

I.ANT si:.tso.v




249 Essex St. septfltAitf

'i-eipinut or a Urge, •nple i


(\iuthtn.- lliiBiir,-y..iitr,tlh.irii;litarllrle. 8(. that "Peruvian Hymn" Is blown In thn e^*", Painnhlutsfr.-.'. H.T'MI r-.roti... fi:TII W.FOWLH A Hn(S, Pruprlftiirs, Uoslon, Mass. For sal* ty druggljts csnursUv.


Prof. Fowler's Great Work On Manhood, Womanhood, and tn-ir Mutual <

ler-r*la(..,iui Love, itl LgXra, Power, i u. Agenh are Milling from IS to S3 eople- a d>

Semi for cpeelmenpagi-nnd term* lo agent', n see why It sell' luMer llian n»v "ilier liouk. , dres* N n in-. \i Ptrni. ifniM. Cn., I'Id la., Pn

vlgiiftl salt' 11)

B K.WI.l. L'Al'KK for the buttuin of

_. ltlril Cages; price '13 ILL LMM •[■•*., tl JiilIX C. IMJW A Vim (Tu.-k.Ty nnd (ilux. Ware More,

BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD, summer Arrangement.

On and after Monday, Aug. 3, Train* will leave the Depots in Lawrence, a* follows :—

ror Boston (rrom North Depot), at fl.3fl,7.30, a. H. ;and 11.15, s.ioand IJO r. M.,(Sunday) 8 A.H.

For Boston (from South Depot), at fl.s7, T.SA, S.U, a. M.; and 11.18, ll.ft3.(espre**) 1.50, o.fu.8JI (Ex.) 7.01 aud 11.50 P. H. Sunday, 8.11 A. M., SJ18 P.M.

For Portland (from South Depot), al U.OT, (ex.,) A. M.; 1.38,1.30 and 6JU r. H.

North Depot at ;.s: Exeter, Dover, limit >all* and way itatlon*.

(H<iuth 1 n-p.ii, ■, M.i5, 9.07 A. M., 1.38, I. i n, CIA P. at. Train* leave Boston for Lawrence at 7.80, 8.15,

10.16 A. «... U H., 11.30, 3.30, 3,10, 5, U, 0.44 and Sundays A. H„5P. M.

JAMKS T. rtlltllKlt, flup'l. Lawrenne August], 1*174. t k

lls.lli.l.l NU. Swt-dish Agent, II Htanlfnid St. Boston, atasa., vlsiU nweden the prenent month, lo select servants and aeroiunany them over. Kami- lies desiring Swedish or Danish domestics will pb>ase seiid orders at once. Having brought alHjut IJkX) skilleil domestics to New England since IfTI.I* the best rertrrencc that ran be offered. Send fur Circular.—Best of reference ir desired.

Sweillsh Movement Cure and •iymiiasliim st lilt Tremont HI, (Music Hall entrance Address as ahum.


KIVK PUI'II.S at his room, 5 Lawrence itiveL on and after Monday, Heptemlier lllh. For terms, apply a* above. |A1if aeptlx

SPKfUAI. given lo c\mn' nd'- enred roofers.

ATTRNTION ol leaky roofs, hy ex perl.

MORE TBAN A HALF MILLION »„l bjura In Two Year a,

Broadway Savings Bank. BBECHIN BLUOK


Beeelved its llrst depoell May Ufa 18.S. HTATKMKNT MAY llOth. IM-,4.

L1AHIUTIK" Deposits, *>.;■. Ultirtgages

Notes, Bank Stoeki

«58f, W->.

to TV! II,-(.I> ^i ■ placed Of each — "

earnings'made tw

Casbonhantl, W, 117 OH

|MaVUIVI Bank open erery day In the week from DAK

I 1 P. *., except Miilunlay, and nn Thursday and Saturday evenings from 7 toU, for receiving dc-

— -*—■*— ■iiiiiri (mm . . idenda of the

each year. JOHN FAU.tlN, President.

OHM L. BKIWSTKB, Treasurer. IJolttf


Stock nnd Furniture




269 Essex Street, Lawrence. goiWVIf

Attached to tbec patented Spectacle* are two acientlDeatly iimrlnn led (uiUnniii I I.i lU'rles—un- seen when worn—delivering through the nerves ol the head a Soft and Contlnuoni Ht it n in ot Ml ail It II y. vitalizing and giving healthy action to tho entire beautiful system of thuwe parts AIlSUI.l'TKLY and CERTAINLY CUItINQ

Partial Paralyat* of tbe Optic Kerve, Wtak or Dlaeaied Vision,

Ncura I gla of the Head or Face, Iferrona T« Itches In the

Muidn of the Face, Holses In the Head.

I.oas of Mental l inn «>■. and a host of Ntrvous i > i ■>-.< ■■•■ ■, arising from Kesslon of the nervous energy of tho system, c

buling, in a moi-l astonishing degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. by the means of the son flowing stream of F.h> trlclty, giving Brlffjhtnea* to the Eye,

igalekuai* to the Ear, Energy to thr llraln.

They arc set with lenses of the Quest manufac turc, to suit all sights, and with glasses lor those not needing spectacles to read with, hut desiring the ucniillU to be derived from ive;iling the Hat- terle*; aud to be had In this city only ul


W ntah mult or. Jeweller and Optlclnn


No. 235 Essex Street Lawrence



50,000 ROLLS. SFE/HNTO- 1874

Our stock wftH never so com- plete before. OoneUting- of Stamp- ed Golds, Embossed and Plain Bronzes, Fine Grounds and Em- bossed Damask Papers, Satins, White and Brown Blanks, Mould- ing Decorations, Borders of all Varieties, Shades and Shade Fix turea. Don't forget the place. Our PRICES ARE LOW AND OUR OOOD8 NEW.

Whitford&Rice, 24ir> Essex street.

Lawrence. Uoilmen, Anduvur, and aillolnlng towns, during the Isst lilteen years, in acknowl- edgement of the suuie, 1 lieroiiy exteud my »in- cere gratltudu fur all pa-l favors nud exccodlngly llberal patronage. Aa a fnrllier •XpNMHT" ' thanks, I '.;.:■


uive a ticket to eachcustomcr,




And In that proportion on tho different style*. The prize* will W awarded to the lucky number IOB as the tickets are given away.

MY STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES Is too well known lo require anv explanation of

mine in regard to quality. I shall', as heretofore, keep tt well selected

KUtST-tl.ASS H-V1-. OF HOODti,

■AMI BK1.T. -



"iTiHi 'ii > Kmmmv Si,-....


This delightful and iiarinless toilet preparation ino.t uuilouhteilly tho best in tbe worlil for

preset vjng the Skin iindltcaullfylngtlie Complex in. It will remove Tan, freckles, ami all dls. olOTatlOni from lite skin, leaving It benutliully rbite, soft, sinoolb ami i bur.

A mil.ui.i:>s

,\ud nii'-t delightful toilet preparation for beuulb r j inn the complexion nud presurvlng tliu skin is -inril's "Bloom of Youthl" lionulno prepamd nly by George W. Lulrd. Itls perfectly slmide nd pure, aiel wurrantcl lice from any

detrimental to health. Itls far superior to tbe obi 1.1- i.i-,in .1 benutlllers, such as powders,'hulk,

i fun, etc., fur I ID pa i ting youth and biauty lo Ibe skin. The " of Vuutli"!- preferable to any other preparations offered for the a purpose.

Beware ot I ininlf rfrii,.

See that tho United State* Revenue Stamp i* printed nn tbe front ubel and the name ol Q, W. Lain) Is stamped In tbe glass on the back of each 111.tile nn other Is genuine.

Mold by all druggist* aud I'sary Uoodi


26 Tremont Street, Boston,

a K N B H A T, A O K NTS.


ROYAL SALVE. i(>M.iiii.isiii.ri.i.iuiirnioi TIT


LITTLE'S UOYAL SALVE Will prove liaeir a sovereign balm in case* ol

Itheumallsm, Female Cum plaint*, Liver Complaints, Kidney Diseases, Chapped Hands,

FLESH WOINDS of All Descriptions.

Full directions for using the Salre given





Via tli* Mew Montreal and Hestcm Air Line aud Pasamnpale Kallroad.

I'M ini; i'ii tbe wny I.nkc Wlnnepi«*eogee,*the tVblte Mountain Itange, I'ussumpslu ltivcr Val- ley, Crystal Lake, ami the lireon Mountains. Itcat opiinrtunlty for one of tbe ilnest and most interfiling 1'leasuro Trip* to be Uken on the Continent. On urn I alter Augnct lOih, until fur. ther notice, cxcur*i«n tickets, good until Severn- lierflrst, will be MM at Ibu lolloHlng Reduc-il lUUn: l.nivi'nier 1,. .VmiKii'i oat Lake Mm- pltrrmago- ami relnrD, $10 J."i

nriirr to Montreal and rvl., 1S.UU " tkuebec M IM .in " via, Mentrsal to 14at -

bee nnd r< (urn. *II.«M>

Qnabee lo nasraenavy River A ret., 9.00

Tickets arc good t along Urn Line. For |

RISE The o.ilv reliable Uift DiBtributlon in the couuti]


T. be .h . i i [ In

L. 3D. SIlsTE'S SJBlh NI!»II-A AM Al..

GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, Oct. lilh. 187,.


ONE PRIZE $5 000 IN SILVER! kJTgteiaSl 1SS2wwa1g^!r8 Ten Prlaea iioo 3fQREENBACKS Tw* Faintly ■■rrlntri and Mdiliril Horaaa wlih Bllvtr-MOnnti d name**

worth •t.VOOeneht Two Buggies, Horse*, An., worth $IK».

Two due-toned Rosewood Pianos, worth $Mo Ten Family Sewing Harhlnes, worth etoO each 1IIUO Isold and Silver Utter Hunting tVatebex (m

all), worth from tJ-JO to i:mo each! (lold Chains, Hllverware, Jewelery, etc., otc. No.ofOifls, IO.00O. Ticket* limit*d to SO OOO

AGENTS WANTED to sell Ticketn, to whom liberal premium* will be paid. Slnflo Tickets*?; 8lx Tickets »10: Twelve

Tickets »aO; Twenty-Five 4d. Circulars remaining a full Hat of prises, i

if the manner of drawing, and other in lleirlui-

I'M.',-, Falons, Hrulsen, (Ipralns, Hums, Sealds, Cuts, Boils, :-"i.- Nipples, etc.


II ,1\ in Remedy for the above com. mints, has no


LITTLE'S ROYAL SALVE Has built upon Its own merits an enviable repu

tattoo, and is acknowledged by all those who havu uncil It, and from whom

we arc dally receiving testimo- nials AH to Its merit*, tu be

tho ■■!■.!, reliable Salvo


a box, and, after yo


ave tred it, yo •t lie without It al


Hi Tremont St., Huston. QWIaUl, Augsra.

Aab »r


formation iu r sent to any mu be addressed t..

WAIN orncE, 101 W.k'illh.Street.

vur at any point |.ini,].hli i, i:im n.

rip.ion ui roiiirn anil nine tallies, nnd nil 1 ar lar lurorinnllon nnd tickets, apply to



QUAKER BITTERS These celebrated Bitten are com- posed of choice Hoots, Herbs, and Jiarks, among which are 6V11- tian, Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Dandelion, Juniper, and other berries, atul are HO preparetl as io retain all their medicinal qual- ities. They invariably cure or greatly relieve the following com- £ taints: i>vsi>«'t>sin, ,<li<.-.

Iver Complaint, Logg of Appe- tite, Heudaclic*. Itilicus AtttU'lts, IComlttoiit mid Iiitcrinltteiit Fe- vers, Afirue, Cold Chills, itJieumn- tisiu, Summer Complaints, l'ilts, Kidney I>isi'aspri, Female I>llti- culties, La.ssltmli', Low Spirits, General Debility, and, iti fact, everything caused by an impure state of the Blood or dcranyctl condition of Stomach. Liver, or Kidneys, The aged find in the Quaker Bitters a gentle, soottiing stimulant, HO desirable in their declining years. No one can re- main long unwell (unless afflicted with an incurable disease) after taking a few bottles of the Quaker Bitters. Prepared by Dr. H. S. Flint & Co.

At their Great Medical Depot, PROVIDENCE, R.I.


II the DlHtributlnn, will lie

in ■-., ■■■,,, CINCINNATI, 0.



I'l I'llKh AUD < l.ossi.-v


Just opposite the teitiilnns of Ihe horse railroad, cars leaving for Lawrence every fifteen minute*. We have one arm of Kplendid land, graded, fenced and under a high state of cultivation, on which

tlhilly situated, Just a step Irom Dromlway: II* excellent railroad fat-ililies, starting Tor Lawrence every fifteen minutes. II was the home of the latu Klmlisll lileason, Ks<|. An acre of excellent land In one souare, high scenery, retired from noise and duitt everything at»>ul suggestive ot home with all Its comforts. House and stable built in the most thorough manner, and In perfect condition. In short, one of the bent ■Ituation* in Melbuen. Splendid schaol advantage*; four churche* and a thriving bueineis community Terms easy, and price low. Addres*

ttla|>17 FKORICK A CLOSSON, Lawrence, klai*.

Double Cultage lloune, nine rooms, large, very roomy and convenient, and In perfect condition Stable, store anil tenement building, about six rods from the sntne, filled up for pout ontie and store, by whichi It Is now occupied. 41 acres ol land under a high state of cultivation. A fine property la the village of Panville, N. H.- two school houses distant | and \ mdc, church on one comer of Ihe premises; li mile. r,.,m HaTerhill, Mass., H tulles from hxeter, N. H., and 3 miles from Kast Kingston Pepot. Splendid chance for a physician or lor a mechanic; plenty ol work ami good pay. The property h first class, and Will l» aokl for only gl.BOir ' M


rpHK "WILEY HOSE CO., NOHT1I JL Andover Depot, Mass., manufacturer of Hydraulic Iloif, lor f


EGGS FOR HATCHING from all tho beat breeds of Poultry,

l'\iwls> for Mfdtt in lliwir ssanm. Wblt* Li|k*rai a Ir-EOULTr.

B. WOODS, No. 4 Brosdwsy, South Liwrenco.

THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING Associated Ihenselves together In the

Funrral and rnriilahlng Indrrtakliig

under the linn nnmo ol A. W. (loodrioh A Va. would respectfully Inform the citlien* of Law renco and vicinity, that they have constantly on hands, large assortment of everything needful In their lino of bualnea*. Coffin I Catkets, Shroudj and Coolen, furnished nt the lowest prices. All orders prompt ly attended to by day or night Salesroom *S Anaeiborr Itreat, Resident • IBS Elan St., and IS Oak Street.




utuated on

by 407 two *torie"*,"(w"lthTia7enient unijer part ol the samel containing I'l room,, all finUhcl, i»lnt- ed and blinded. On the premises a cWtern of soa water.ondanover ting well. Loe«tlon central, and vory dcsirabli I". ier low, terms easy.

Also, House ami Lot situated on High street. Lot containing ooou M, House has Id rooms two stories, painted and blinded. This property is sltuato.1 in a very desirable locality. an<Ii:an I* bought at a bargain.

ATjo. MTeral central and desirable House Lot*. ft "S*1! •,ltu"w'ln SALEM. N. 11., about one

mile from Sa em Depot, containing 8ft acrea land, •"'tablj divided into Ullage, peering and woo.f land, too cord* at leant. fSiiit— apples, grapes and currants. A prime working Uranit* £*/■* on tho place. House two stories,!) by M; LlS by 18; Barn JO by SB. Amdy to


Wm. M. Hog*rs< Law Osace, ap'W Near Town Home, Mcthuen, Mass


vtnuomi r.VKKT IIIIDIV WOlt YLM..


1, A W It K N C F., MASS.

MBjMVaUFTIOBJ I—fJ.liO per year. It flat strictly In adi a >i. • . J.Oo.

The circulation of the Luiirtiiri Auuil tau !■ Ike largest of any jiaprr lit (lit County, anil more than Four Times that of any other Weekly Paper pnb- llsh.d In (III. < ll>.

»■- RATES of .Vl,e:liin ; pent upon application



¥lie f)<aily ^eriOii. EVERY eVCNINQ,

(Sunday eacepted,)

is tht Largest Daily la lac city, with roar Tuna too circulation of any other.

■■JBBCmrPTIOnT, In Artnam Uoe Year, | si* Month*. |iu

Whan not uaU re ssvaaxw, (JLun,

QBO. a. M8URILI, * CO, pw^'i,.


S7"£>1AV PRINTING OFFICE. Ix Hie Large.I ami iiin,.i thoroughly furnished la Ksatorn Massachusetts. Having only modern I'msaes, ami niLh constant *ddili"Ua of the ncwcsl style* of Type, we are able to furnish the baa quality of work, expeditloualy, al low price*. Order* by auWl given prompt attention.

GEO. 8. M KRBJ1.L a CROCKER, Poet Once Block.




Card* ""1 i-wie riling 1'onr T.lurm In U11e.H1 loan ted In tl. In column at (It per year.




Drugs anil Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. l'erfMsaery, Sponges, Brushes, Soaps, etc Comer Essex and lWibortoii fit.



Slannard's Vegetable ami Herb Tonlu U doing

wonders—astonishing everybody, even tlio phy-

sician*. Orders arc pouring lii from nil sections,

far awl near; targe ordors coining from places

where simply one trlnl bottle has been used. In-

valid* are by this tank <<■- <■■■ ■ -I to heal lit- Hun-

dreds In Urn oity of Lawrence .ire praising It, and

«o In this oat, " a prophet in not wltliout honor

avals hi* own country," will tmrdly npply. But

1 est there be BOOM who will Insist Hint It is only

stanaanL anil ur his getting in, m win gay that It U SMI

UMI the

ml in u

;uipt 1« n

'ling o srnl t1» nonflMtam]


Which V. ,- li-i- :i;v"i 1

i long year* "go, mid of

. brief history. In


I J. LEKNED, Manufacturer or ICK . \ . i I;K in-. ;n .,i] time

■li ;il l). S. AC. a]. M UK AM lall>. 1

-alIslncUon guaranteed

short notice. Or- n'*, n«v Inn HI.


HOWLAND, I). 1>. 8 . l.KN'I'.U, 811HU EON,

in) K—ex Htrect, Lawrence. Une. Kthor and Administered.




t, la the place to get your Wor mil Worsted Ooods. Patterns mid Hili-ny , Yankoe Notions, Ac. ill K.-M-V s;. I>.t


Auctioneer*, and Dottier* In Rag] Enisle. Office Essci Street,

15' '100LII1QE & lALDWIN,


Lawrence, Maaa.


■PHYSICIAN and ^URUKON. ltrmnvi-.l to ufll,;i', ■iiki Krtm-xj.i ueU Home, in llradford ■l, Lnwronee, lla febtrntf

C1UFPOBD "BOS., 'l'laln anil Uecoratlr* Paper Ilan|rltia;

-nil Painting. So. 311 Cnmninn Htrret, lormerly iniiledby W. P. Smith, Jr. ntayfUly


No. !H1 KMBCX Street.

CYRUS WILLIAMS, Manufitcturoi i nnd denier In 8>\»h, Itnorn and Itllmls, W.n

dow and Hour Kruiiwa. All kinds House Klnidh. Oppoalto Boaton A Mnlnc it II. Passenger Depot.

C1. II. LOW, APOTUXUAKY. Proscrlp- J tlona carefully disppnaed at all houro, alao,

all the lending Patent SI.HIII'IIUT. and Toilet Arti- Ao. oallHt>Al)WAY. niig^l Ijr

D'; H. KIDDER, DENTAL 3UU- •x Street. Lnwre r Klher given, aa


M Kaaax ST., LAWKKNCK, M AM. Over Dyer A Co'a.


Crmikery and ULHHH \Ynre. Strictly pure loflVeH, Spices and cholc"nt Te:w. The IH-HIdniriei i llutter mill Chetrae. 3(1 Ameabtiry Street.

D. W. LOUD, Sole

THE YEAR 1804, An till Indian,thai living Ni Uw wmlh.wwtafii

part or AtbanT County, State or New Yora, who

hail made hbin-eir nuite celelnaU'd.aa a phynl-

Uj„, kfaaaaa anafela to aiicnd to all nallA mmln tipM him for his service* among tho aleli. A

man then living, found that one secret of his sue

MM lay m some

BITTERS he rurnishdd to the public, Ihfi receipt for

which this man purchased ol hbn at great coat,

as was limn considered. Tho bitters wero HMO

IhcturflJ anil sold, and created no little ao.wnllon

for m*ny years; but it being ft sparsely aotUed

locality, ami It BUy be, the Ills "f the Inhaliltiinls

having dbappoaratl In com-ciiuciici-nl Iho use ol

HID bitter*, and Urn old gontlcmim owning Ihc re-

oatpt paajlig off the atago about the

YEAR 1822,

The BalM thercor seemed to die away. Bui th TO

arc old peopla living In thai aec.tion to-d.iy, who

rrluember tho lamo of


EHKHINZY* BROTHER, Liullfo' uutl • Oent's Cusf on Boot nnd Shoo atakrrs, im

Kaaex Kirici. All kinds of ready made Hoots and Shoes constantly on hand nnd very uhoap.

Eli. YATE8, M. »., PHYSICIAN ami • Surgeon.

Drugs and Chemical*, Pau-'nt Medicines, Toilet and fancy Articles, etc. Posl Oflicu Block. ,,,„ .

PHOTOtJKAPHKB. ml scapes.



Tli-' liest place In tlie city.

r .Mci )-iin;n-L Iron

HY it. >i. ■■ Mn'l'iin-.

It was a gHllint sailor man Hail just come home front sea.

And us I panned him in the town He sang "Ainu" to me.

I ■ i..|.|ir-.i. and saw I knew the man Had known him Troin a boy;

And »n I answered, hiillurlike, "Avast!" to lb "Alloy!"

I niiiile a tong for him one day — His xhip was ilion Inalght-

••The little anchor on the left. The great one on the right."

I gave hia band a hearty grip, tin you are back again't

They aay you have lievii pirating Upon the Spanish Main -

Of |ioor Kanaka airier "Wherever 1 have boea," he said,

"1 Vi'ptmv ablp In alght— ■Tin'liMle anchor on the left,

Tim great one on tho right.'"

"I heard last night that you were in; I walked the wharvt-a to-day

But saw no ship that looked like yours. Where does the good ship lay?

I want to go on board or her." "And so you shall," said he;

"Hut there arc many tilings to do When one comes home from sea

You know the song you made for me ? I ding It mom and night—

'Th.' lulle jini'hfir mi Lhe left. The great one on the right!"'

"But how's your wire and little one?" "Come home with mo," he snld,

"(io on, go on; I follow you." 1 followed where he led.

He hail a pleasant llttln IHHHC; The iliuirs wore open wide.

And at tho door tho dearest lace— A dearer one inside I

He imcKcd his wlfo nnd child; he sang— Ills spirit* were so light—

"The little anchor on the left, The great one on tho rlghL"

'Twas supper time and we sat down— The tailor's wife and child,

And he and I; ho looked at them, Am! looked al me, and smiled.

"1 think or tills when I am tosaed

iliured here at homo."

This little anchoi This grentone —it. II. Stixld,


light on my left, 'i ray right!" d ia Uarptr't Mr:.:: j'u. i\-r


Ami with it the heart, i

When thai word was spoken by me Thai MUMterad our live* Hint night, dear,

Ami aunt you orcr the son.

Here I have sal nil nloue, love, In the llrst fresh hours of spring,

Wliei I.h.kliinl III]. .1 llielwiliglit With Hie songs that it u»eil to slug

In the golden lull of Hint autumn That burled my heart's delight;

1 li.ive waited long by tho gate, love, For a gleam of the days of old,

Whrn lhe simscl ol suumier ciiuii! down, lev On it* wing* or amber and gold.

And lingered amongst tlie tassel* or that bright laburnum tree;

There was glory above, 'mid the branches, Itul never a gleum for me.

is cold, love- Yon thmight that mv heart was I know Unit it seemed»o then

But maiden* of seventeen venn Are mil to be Judged with ~

mlng _ .o your heart as its shrine;

>v you turn taken that kiss, love, \n.l with It crushed out the pant; uive wiiited Imn:. long at Uu> old gali1—

I have waitod, but found you ut 1**1! —[Chainber's Junrntil

had sold the beer excellently well, aud In proof upeued hia handkerchief and turned out on the cabin table a large aura of aol- Id coin. The tutle wax Indeed well done, much beyond West's expectation; but, Kallor like, he ttboved back the money, laying, "Take your pay, Jacob, aa much

aa you want." "Not a cent, Stephen, was the response, " not a cent! Does thee remember the gugar candy?" and with a hearty good shake of tlie hand they parted.

1., ICE DEALERS. Ofllce ■ A Mack, ga Essex street, Law


As they culled it. VbU

owner to a diUtghlur i

original receipt, lUlel

from which Is inndo

'ocelpl was willed by lhe

id her children, anil

m above. Is in existence

HV. BARNARD, UPIIOLSTEREU and • Cabinet Maker.—Repairing,. Laying Car- ,and CurOiin Work. Mnyliew's l'aU>ntWin- Wi-recii»np|illed'" ■*"' it short notice. H Jackson a

JOSEPH FLOOD & CO., MERCHANT TAlLOltS. Clinintiers, 1,3 and 3 Saundora

'(ow Block, Kssex .street, t nder the Immediate ti|>ervislon nf JOB. FLOOD, (late Savage A Flood.)

T If. HORNE, Physician and Surgeon.

OHictand Re«idence271 Ene* Street.

StaaUrt'l VejetaWc and HerD Tonic



nxuovan To 333 E*sox Street, Lawrence. __

L7 i'a|»„ - le. -21:1 K^ei St.


STRATTON, BOOKSELLER and Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.

Upon person* who have 1H

what r11■ -s term, and whnl

u long sum-ring

calle.1 by phy*lelant

OUIS WKIL, Dealer Clothing, (JetiLs' Purnlshlng i

in Keudy-Mndc ling Unods, IUU.

Caps, Trunk*; Valises, Umbrellas, Ac, No. IKS Kaaxx STUKXT, l^iwrenco. Mass. JanDtf

RS."A.~MTPOOLE, M. D., after 20 year* successful Ml MM In Obslctrlca and

M.1; No. l:hs I.SMA KTKILKT.


inter to diaebarge

' diitv to lhe public?


or Woe Manufacturer* of rt'ool Machinery, Hunt's Dou- ble Avllng Turbine Water Wheel. HAMMER FALLINQ STOCKS, Fulling Hills, Holly Washers, Shafting, Bogulators,

Ulg*,bye Tubs. Ac K. N. HAKIIH, *»l liroail way L


■me. Mil. Dlrectorand Selling Agent,


THIS TONIC May now oa bad, wholesale and retail, of II. M.

Whitney A Co., druggist*, corner of Kaaex and

Lawrence Streets. Also Tor anlo by A. Ik UliiL

don, aeo. II. Chlckorlng and other druggl*ts;

also by Deekor A WhlUlor. John Ituaaell, Donn

A HAioltlne,Oomn A Meserve, and other grocers

in Lawrence; and In Mulhuen by S. II. Ilarrh,

Jr., ami Castle A Stevens, druggist*, and by It.

O. Webster. All onlera ftw



every desirable Stylo and quality,

rj. MURPHY. • and Doaler In Boots Shoes and Buhliera. of

'irnlilc Stylo and quality, aia Essex St.,

'PH08. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 881 E* L aex Street. Pull Value, Fair l>eallng, "Nc

111.m in;-," No Trickery, One Price. Wu mean what we say.

LM RUSSELL «\ SON, Manufacturer* of

BOOK, NEWS. AND MANILLA FAPEBS Canal Street, lower end.

s addi


rTUBBOI k BRIQ08, ATTORNEYS L and Counsellor* al Law, Snundcra Now Block,

Booms 1H and 17, I^wreuw, Mass. J. K. TAHHOX. M> ** BmiOoB.

MISS LIZZIE CARLETON, 250 ESSEX Slroet. Saunders Blmk. May bo found a T*.

rlo.1 and select stock of r'ancy ti-ssls, to which I

!iv wholo'uls and retail, van b . Whitney A Co., Lawrence, Maaa., nr to J. II.

Staniianl, Who la nmmiractunrr and proprl


TRIAL BOTTLES or tho tonic aru few to all person* who are at a

n need af having theirlheallhs Improved, by eall-



MUTE 4 BELL, Attorneys at Law,

M. B. KENNEY, M I)., THYSICIAN •iX\ Essex Si. House Particular allcnllo*

WHITFOKD & RTCB, JEWELLERS, dcalera In PaMT, Stationery. Paper Hang

,IL-., Window .-h:i,|r, iind Shade Klxturca; Blank Hook Mnnuructurcrs. *B Eaaex St, Ijiwroncn.

WM. STUART 4 CO., Kasex Dyo Works, Vino Street. Byers of PiweOooda

Yam., Braids, and all kinds of Job Dyumg. Un salable goods re-dyed and put in marketable order

w. W. A


317 Essex Street Klmlialt, W. T. Klmball.

MR. REUBEN MERRILL WILL RE- KK1YE PUPILS al his room, ft Lawrence

■troet, on ami after Monday, Scplcinlier Hlh. Kor urms, apply as above. JAflfscptll

Tag Fiitsr AnvKNTfitK.—The following stories are told of two Natittickct boys who afierwartl became famoua In their several walkB of life. Both died within a tow years, upwards of 80 yctire of age— the one. Captain Stcpl.e.i West, sailing gg a whaling captain for most of the time, and always, except on his last voyage. In the employ of Scth Runnel 4 Sons, or New Bedford; thu other, Hon. David Barker, an merchant nnd banker In Now York and New Orleans, achieving and losing a colossal fortune, and well known In this country and Europe for his shrewd- ness, energy andxatpoclty. Captain West commenced hia career as a boy on board the sloop Speedwell, of New Bedford, and It was while In the Speedwell that David Barker, then eight years old, came to hint with a uluepence (twelve and nhalf cents) which he hnd bad presented to him, and said: "Stephen, I wish thee would Invest this money, on thy arrival In Boston, In lomethlng that will pay." Stephen ac- cepted the business, promising to give It bis best attention.

On tho arrival of the vessel in Boston be looked about for a profitable Invest- ment. Going up Long wharf he passed a table where an old woman had exposed for sale In tempting order her stock of apples, nuts and candles. Amongst the assortment Stephen's attention was at- tracted by the sight of some beautiful sticks or sugar cumly, white In the cen- tre, aud entwined with stripes of red In the most attractive form. It was the llrst or the kind he had seen, and he Inv mediately decided on a purchase and pro- cured twelvu sticks. On the arrival of the Speedwell at Nantucket, Jacob was already on the wharf, more anxious Tor thu result or this llrst adventure than afterwards for the argosies of wealth that bore their burdens to his stores. The llrst salutation was, "Stephen, hast tltce purchased anything for n,er" The reply wan that he had, but the vessel must nrst be secured, tho sails lauded aud the decks cleared before the cargo could be discharged. Jacob's anxious hands soon aided In furling the jib and putting every- thing In order, when they "went below' and Stephen spread before his delighted eyes the llrst merchandise investment.

Highly delighted he stepped on the wharf and was soon surrounded by a dozen boya, with whom ho commenced bis trade and with such success that be fore he bad reached tho store at the head of the wharf he had sold tho whole ad- venture for thirty-seven and a half cents, realising a profit or two hundred per cent, making what ho termed "a very good turn or It." This was the first act, or turn of business, that thla great mor- chaut nnd financier accomplished, and not even tboso very heavy loans, when our government In the days of her finan- cial tllmculty was obliged to resort to him for aid, gave blm so much pleasure as this first adventure of his boyhood.

But tltln advutiiuro would ho of slight Interest bail It not a scnuel In tho lapse or time. Several years aitcrwards, Mr. Barker had become a confidential clerk to lhe substantial mercantile bouee or Isaac Hicks 4 Sons, hew York. Mr. West ar- rived In Now York, officer In the ship "Brothers," Captain Thaddeiis Waterman, from Liverpool. While in Liverpool Mr. West had laid In a lot or beer. On arriv- ing In New York hu was much troubled and perplexed for money to pay the da- lles, then high, and tlio other matters re- lating to It. The adveuture was In dan- ger or being hist, when ho recollected that his old friend and schoolmate, Jacob Barker, was In New York. Jacob had already some fame an a clever man for business and ghrcwdncss.

As soon as West could leave tho ship he sought out Barker at the counting room of tho Mcsnrs. Hicks, and stated his per- plexities regarding hit) Liverpool adven- ture. "Give Ihyscir no nncaslnena,' re- plied Jacob, "on that tninlnesB, Stephen I will attend to It for thee. Enter the i.rev iii Hie customhouse; I havo plenty of money by mo to pay the duties. I will not only pay the duties, but attend to the aelllng ol It tor thee. Thee only deliver It to my order when I send one." Tbc next day the order camo ami the beer was. delivered. In tho evening, while Mr. West was writing In the^ nMn^WDU came on"


Lucy Hooper, wrltlug to tho Philadel- phia I'I-I-S* from ParlB, says : "On« of the) nastiest tricks, but at the name time one of the cleverest of the day, was recently perpetrated on the resiaurant-keepers hero. An enterprising genius sot oat one day to get a first class dinner without paying for It, and he succeeded In this

Having procured a ouantlty of cockroaches, he killed them hy Immersing i limn in bolllug water, and with tho life- less remains of his victims tied up lu a handkerchief and concealed In his pocket, be sallied forth In quest of dinner. En- tering tlio Cafe Brcbant, he took a seat at

table In the public-room and ordered some soup. The soup was brought In Its neat little plated tureen, and the hungry ustomer proceeded to ladle out a plateful

of It, which ho consumed with much ap- petite. Having nearly finished his soup he watched his opportunity, popped one of his cockroaches Into tho turech, and then screamed for tho waiter. The wait- er come, and with speechless Indignation the rascal pointed to the defunct Insect. Bring the proprietor!'at last he gasped. I will complain—I—I—' *For heaven's

sake be silent, sir,' wblsperod tho dig tressed waiter; 'you will ruin the reputa- tion of tho house. Of course we will charge you nothlug for the dish, and if you will say nothlug—' *Ah—well—In that ■■:>■'«■—but I can eat nothing more here. I am too sick. Good morning.' So off went the gentleman, followed by a storm of apologies and regrets from the repcutant waiter. He proceeded to the Maison Doreo and ordered a dish of fish, which he obtained on the like cheap terms and in the same Ingenious manner. The Cafe Anglais supplied him with a roast, the Cafe Rlchc with fowl and salad, and be wound up his day's campaign with some Ices and cakes at the Cufe Neapoll- talnc, having obtained a first class dinner without spending a single cent. When the waiters o( the different cares began to emnpare notes, or course tho trick was discovered, but It was thon too late to punish the adroit swindler."

A Bio BWDtDU rNK.uiniiin AT NKW

YoitK.--The recent accidental discovery In New York i lint, the name of one of the parties to a deed left Tor record was that or a man who hat) been dead several years may prove but n link In a long cbalnjof gigantic fraudH In real estate records and transfers. Before the case Is concluded It Is expected thnt frauds to the amount of not less than half a million dollars will be unearthed. The circumstauces of the discovery are briefly these;—Several days ago, the clerk of a lawyer, In looking over lhe Real Estate Records, naw & notice of a conveyance of a piece of real estate the grantee or which he knew bad been dead slxycars. Ho Inspected the books or the Itoglslraror Deeds, and, becoming sails- fled,thalafraud )vas.lntende4-.4> "'" '"(. police officer who returned with nlm to the Register's office, and learned that the per son who had left the deed would come for It a day or two after. A detective was put on watch for the suspected forger and he was arrested wheu he went after the document. He Implicated another party, who was also put under arrest, and from both these worthies It was learned that the' latter had hod a number of deeds made out to hint which wore for no con- sideration and were executed tor fraudu- lent purposes. He further gave the If formation that all the documentn wore made out by a law firm the seulor member of which was president of a Jersey City Insurance company, with & nominal capi- tal of 9100,000, but with not a dollar or actttol capital. Under a law or New Jer-

y which allows deeds and collaterals In place or actual capita:, this president had forged ami deposited :"' or more of these documents In bis namo as grantee, tor which no consideration had ever passed to reprosent tho capital of the company. Dutcctlves are at work follow- ing up lie clue thus galued to what, it Is believed, will prove a series of rory — Usual ve frauds.




Saturday. The additional statement of Theodore Tilton u been made public. In It he denial that he u been actuated toward Mr. BeecUer by any

malice, severely criticises lhe report of the in- veatigaUon committee, reiterates his charge* against the paalor of Plymouth chart*, oaVs an explanation of the charges of slactrniaUtHg,

public hl«L altamiit* at Hviag with bii wife's family, and his crtinecltoa will Vic- toria Woodbull and other upholder* «4T^ Love doctrines, with whom Re declares be

r agfl

The representative* ofOefxge Brown of Hall- lax, N. B., tbe champion oarsman of the British

rovlncei, and Bph Morris, champion of tbe nlted States, met yesterday and posted 81000, part of tbe stakes in their com Raj contest

Tbey are to row five miles, * lib a turn, on the Keonebccasls river, Bt. John, N. B., on Sept. ->:>, for 81000, In gold, and the championship of the United Slates and British Provinces.

Col. E. Upton, tbe keeper of tbe Jail at South Pitchburg, was serioualv Injured mi Wednesday while tamping In the charge to a blast The charge exploded,severely in|utlng his lace and. It Is feared, destroying his sight. It Is said that

ner made his escape during the excite- ment at the time of the accident Sheriff Sprague or Worcester bas assumed control of the jail for tbe present

There was a Cabinet meeting at Washington, yesterday, at which great sail (faction was mani- fested at the situation of affairs In New Orleans. Instructions were forwarded to General Emory to correct his order making General Brooks military governor of New Orleans, and directing blm so to modlty It as to place General Brooks in command of tho city military forces.

Geo. W. Kelly ot Plasted, N. II., and Albert W. Kreexar ot Kingston, who are suspected of breaking Into and robbing the Boston & Maine depots at Gruvehmd and Welt Amesburv, last week, were arraigned at Exeter, N. II., Thurs- day, and held lor trial in 81000 each.

Official returns from al) hut *0 (mostly small) towns and plantation* in the State of Maine give Dlngley 50,708 and Tltcomb 49.018: Hlngloy'a maturity, 10,760. This majority will not be materially changed by the complete returns.

Dr. Cressey of the Amberst Agricultural Col- lege, decides that tbe cattle of West .Springfield are badly Infected with lhe Texas cattle disease, and the selectmen will probably call on tbe cat- tle coin miss Ion era to take the matter In band.

An account is published of the robbery ofrivo stages In Arkansas by armed highwaymen, among whom were recognized some of lhe Gad's hill robbers. Over 92,000 was taken, besides other valuable property. Tbc robbers escaped.

Tbe barn of C. F. Chase, at Hampton Falls, was totally destroyed by lira on Thursday evening last The barn contained a large iiiiioint ot'lmv and valuable tools. The loss Is estimated at 81,.W0.

Tbe President bas appointed the following poetmuters | George A. Parker, Lcwlston, Me.; Mrs. Lydia Henderson, Kecne.N. II.; Henry Pope, Milton, Mass.; nnd Bnmucl 8. Gleason, Watcrbury, Mass.

The Booth Caxollua Republicans who bolted Chamberlain's nomination lor guvcrnor, have called a convention to meet in Charleston, Oct. 2, to nominate an independent ticket

The Unitarian conference at Saratoga ad- journed, §iiui die, yesterday. P.. llockwood Hoar was elected president lor thu ensuing year.

Gold closed yesterday at w;.


Victoria Woodhutl after her lato retura from

il never collected, over.

By the niw system, tho pnntago will bo paid by weight In bulk, al UwoOlee from which the noil. •illiiala arc sent; ao the publi-diera of our great

eeklics and mouUillcs will be able, in a lew months, to pay tlie postage on tons and ton* or printed mailer, sent lo lOO.uuo persona |>erhap< Which now r»]Uires tho personal nUrtition ol i... slbly 150,OU» u> 2ix>,ooo poople, nod a hair a million Of en tries.

After the first of January publisher* will lie aide to advertise to THKIR linn our n i _. subsorII>ers anywhere In the United State* fieejuataahe does to bis next door neighbor at home. And tlie llrst effect will be to lead par- ties to subscribe directly with the publishers, and also lead the nulilisbcrs to rut down their rates ol commission to elub agencies and postmasters, etc. These commissions havo boon increased from time to time, from Iho competition among publishers, until Uw most ridiculous result* have been rceched.

H parties would only subscribe for two or moru periodical*, lliey could not only get them cheaper than If aubserlbed lor singly, but In some eases, could actually get two for loss than tbe price of one. It Is to bo nolod, however, that several of these irresponsible club agencies and Wild cat periodicals have come to griur since mo panic, and die subscribers who dual with theso "promising" parties tire minus both money and magazines. The merchants of our large cities are already pre.

paring to take advantage of the new law. Une ol'tliohtrgestdry goods flnns in Ibis city has al- ready iaaucd a notice, Hint they will issue asm-

grant mcUgnatii herself, oho •«■ TUSOB'S isasasHss "> »» statement regarding her blackened character


sBpsT VoitK, SKIT, in, MM. l\irrw;H>»oV«nr of tht American.

The new postal law, which goea Into effee January 1st will pnxliire some rndlrul changes In business. The iclorui of n-i|iiirlngnll printed matter to be prepaid, brts long bn-n needed, and

rylxsly concerned — publishers, po*trans tors, and the public, and mostot all lo the govern- meal itself, fur the system of collecting a few ■ents iiuarterty In advance fhiiu each snuscrlttei

of good luck passed between those who were go- ing out into the world again and those who re- mained behind. Wo landed on BlackweH'a Is- land ■ little before four o'clock, after a aseasast trip or about ten minutes. Wo remained on the deck or the boat aa the lower part was given up '- tho newly committed prisoners, a number or



—We copy the following from the Boston Pilot of this week; .....

The Massachusetts Democrats held their annual convention In Worcester lost week; and In Massachusetts the mass of the Democrats are Irish •Americans. Take away the Irish voters from Massachusetts Democracy and there Isn't even a skeletou left, but only a few dried bones. Ami }/<■! tktre i* not one rcpretentative of the Iri$h pcojtlc onlhe Democratic State ticket adopted ut H'nrt-esfrr lost week:

Do the Irish-American Democrats mean to stand this sort ofthlngT Outorrcspect tor themselves and the people they repre- sent such men as tho Hon. I*. A. Collins and John E. Fltsgcrald, of Boston, should have exposed this partiality In the Massa- chusetts Conveutlon. They will bo rais- ing no now Issue to divide the party. The tsnue Is already raised—raised by those who systematically exclude Irish voters from honorablo nominations.

Are the Irish voters satisfied to do tho work while others got the credit aud the places or trust? Arc they willing to admit that they have not a man fit to bo placed

a State ticket? Can they not sco that tbey are tbo helots of the party, while others assume to be tho brains?

It Is time this gamo was played out. If the Irish are the main body of the Demo- cratic party, and If thoy have honest and ablo men to represent them, they have a clear right to honorablo places on the State ticket. They have a right to this, and they must have this. It is an Imper- tinent assumption In tho Democratic con- ventions that no Irish name la to be placed on tho ticket, aud ft the Irish American Democrats stand It. they doserve no bet-

are contemptibly mean, aud as ulse BJ they are cowardly. Hhe says he He* when he HIS n uaiea that she was intimidated or bought up by the Dsaeber party. Thoy all know money can't buy .her. She published tho only true statement of the case. Tilton Is no more to bor than Beecher, and vl^e versa. Tilton a story about bribing ber to keep o,ulot is lalso.

Governor Kellogg look possession or tho gulwrnatorial Ossstf at Now Orleans on Matur- dcy morning, the citale house, public property and records being turned over to him by Gen- eral Brooks. At a mcelingorcitUcnsot Frank- lin and Rlchtand parishes, held at Delhi on Saturday, rebellious resolutions were adopted,

determination iietng expressed not to reeog- nlie "usurpers" unless compelled to dn ao by force.

Weston has again Tailed to accomplish the feat of walking 600 miles in six dayr *' started at 12 M last Sunday night. Mr num agreed to give him (R00O it he succeeded, r'""n. or It Is said, »1000 If ho lalled. The sfkir <SSS might have been a success had Wealon not been taken sick on Monday, when, instead of walking 100 miles, he only walked 01.

Information has boon received at tte Navy Department that Commander Charles L.Frank- lln, on duty at tbo Pensaeola Navy Yard, died of yellow fever on tho 18th Inrt. He was a na- tive of Ohio, and had been in service nearly twenty years. The three medical officers re- cently ordered to duty at that yard have ar- rived there.

News Is lust received of the return el the Austrian aotat expedition which left Trooiioc, July U, 187'2. Tbe vessel was frozen In and abandoned, and tbe men arrived at Vardoc, Norway, September 3, by a Russian schooner which they encountered In Pnchona bay.

Col. E. Upton, keeper of the Home of Cor- rection in Fltchburg, who was severely injured by an accident while blasting atone, last Wed- nesday, Is la a comfortable condition, and It la probable be will recover tho use of his right eye. Tho left oyo Is cntirelr destroyed.

Fires are reported this morning in ualnbridgc, Georgia, where a quarter o( the business por- tion of the place was destroyed; in Chambers- burg, near Trenton, N. J.. loss 810,000; Il Ae- on, Out., loss 810,000.

Ruv. Frederick Brooks, of Cleveland, Ohio., left his father's house in Boston, Tuesday last. Intending to go to Lowell and return that eve- ning, but nothing bas Iron beard from blm since hli departure.

It is reported that Prince Blsmark has pro- posed to King Christian of Denmark the union of Denmark with the German confederation, and that the king bos declined the proposal.

Beecher preached at the Twin Mountain House, yesterday, on the text: "Who Is the greatest In the Kingdom of Heaven t

THE ST. .1 1M t s HOTEL, erofTwenty-slxth street and Broad- c-opened hy * grand reception on Hie

-"' Tlio interesting part or this nor Is one ot the rich.

alao a United States Senator, In laot no leas a person than Hon. J. P. Jones, or .Nevada. The proprietor or tho St. James arc Junes A Norton, and tho general man- ager Is Mr Alexander. Mr. Mones, the landlord,

o relation to tlie Senator although he bears aauio name. He wo* for a long tlroo con.

nected with the Hoffman House, and anme years ago with the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia. beuator Jonea met him at the former place, ami admiring hisuiergy and peculiar raoulty for lite hotel business, determined logive him a chance

"o bettor. Mr. Norton Is a San Francisco man tho confidential friend of Senator Jones. The

St. James, whleh belongs to the Spoffurd estate, has been leased for a term of years al an annual rental of #4ti,i|0ti. It has been completely rotu.- rated nnd reftirnlnbod from basement to attic, at a cost of »:HHi1uuu. it i. not bard to see where the money was spent, for more beautiful furniture or more gorgeous curpcU | never saw in a hotel. There are seventy sulti orrnoun, the parlors of whleh ore iurnUioil elegantly nnd completely, even having bronee nUiluaiy on lhe mantel pmo™. 1 doubt ir there la a hotel lu New York fitted up with more tnalo or inoni comfortably. Thu cut- lint or tbe hit. Jamea was always one Of its strong- —' features, nnd will continue MMst* good If

U'ttci, under the new regime, A man of Sen- ator Jones's immense wraith can well afford to ipond a grout am it ol money in earrylng nut a •el idea. His income, I am reliably inlormod. li ivnr •JIM.OiKi a mouth, ...■ *j. IOO.INX) a year, and It Is said that he Is as iH-nevolenl ns he Is rich. By Uie way, ills more than probable that Sena- tor Jones's position In Uiu political world will make too St. James a great Itopuhlieau bead- Cirters in Now Vork. Il Is whispered about Dial

next Itepiibllenn nominee lor iho Presidency will I* named in this house, and licit It will not lielienernlUraut

UTKBAUV tiOTRK. Bayard Tailor's loiters from Kgypt and Ice-

land, wbieh have api-eaied Horn time to time lu the Trilmnt, have served only 'M> whet the pub- lie apitttllc. lor more on tlie same subject by thai

maa*s."ys*SM ma* Home* ftrr Invalids,' by l>r. J.m'nli Howe, au- thor of "Kniergeiii'les, etc.. which h a complete account or the various hwnlitles in America and KH rope su I table lor IsstMsssnHfW and invalids during Uie winter months, with s|ni',lnl reference to the ellmnUe variations in each place, and their Influence upon disease, tleorge Liiry Rggteaton tells "How to Make Money," In a volume lor the Handy Hook Series, "liemm-lry nnd Fiiith" is the tiile id u book hy itev. I as Hill II. H„ L- L. I>, formerly Piviilciit ol A ntiiuli I'ollrge, and lately Proshlent of I Ur yard University. U. P. Putnam's Sons will also Issue "Hat list's Sophisms of Protection." wllhn preface hy Horace White, of Chicago, and will soon publish tlm first num. her of the "Archives of lieiniai<>lngv," edited liv Ur. L. 1>. Bnlkhy, Including Uie oioYinl reports of Uw New York Deruuttologieal Society : this imiiii,,n (, ill in- iHsueil .|iiailerly.

Ur. Otto, ot the University or Heidelberg, In written a Nrst book lu Uormnii, expressly l'< Messrs. Henry A Co., Which will soon li published. 1 lie same firm announces n volume or selections from >alnlc lleuve's Cnunrrici l.lnde, translated by W. F. Bar.


would only visit the Penitentiary on that af- ternoon. Sows walked up the well-kept drive, pnssuil tlm hospital where the notorious Tweed passes bis time In nursing the slrk, and on up to Uie massive stoae building where tbo offenders against law and order are kept A grape vine, loaded down with fruit, covers the walls around the main entrance soil hang* In restoous over the door through which we passed lato tbe Warden's olioe. There we were Introduced io Mr. McDon- ald, the polite ami attentive Steward or Uie Peni- tentiary, who conducted us through the building. There are at prnswit Sdtl prisoners confined on the Island, two hundred or Which number are boys under twenty years or age, and rertrstght ess-

THE WOHK anal IT THE ruaox all pcrronued by the prisoner*. In the War.

don's olBce Ute clerk aatl book-keeper are both prisoners, and wear the same uniform aa th* olh- rs i a Uoe and white striped material Ilk* that or '"Ifli awnings are made. The prisoners conk,

bake and aerub; Intact there la little that " do not do. lu each corridor there ar*"h "' who go of errandi about tlio building . tbe halls In order. And perfect order It floors ami tables shlua with clean line** tin* fairly sparkle with constant polishing. The Ublos are more like benches than tables: tbey are only wide enough to hold a amall pan. These nans arc arrange.) In a perfectly straight line, one liehlnd another, and about alx or eight in a row. The cells aru small and the cuts are narrow, be- Inga little more than a foot wide, and there la not more than a foot between them and tho well. Besides tho barred doors, there are vcnlilalur* in each coll. The sir there ia pure and bracing, and blows fresh from the river. Tbe aot* are fur- nished with a blanket and a pillow in summer, ami three blankets In winter. One of the young ladles in our party wanted to know If thay did not have sheets. Mr. Mcltouald told her that sheets were too great a luxury ror crimlaals; that

re not aent there to be made comfortable, xpiate their crimes. Un the door of each Hid la tied, upon which ia written the

. rime, age, home, trade, religious belief tbo date of entrance, aud length or sentence of the prisoner, also wheUier It is his first or second offence. Bo perfect Is


twenty ulosniorcto eat their breakfast." The ineais are substantial, If tbe Hands are not varied. I eould not help thinking tliat a great many or the pris- oners are much boiler off here than at thelr homes. Here they are kept clean, and are com- fortably clothed and roil, and have plenty of pure Hlr io breathe, while their homes are generally foul bolus, and their clothing and food aru both insufficient Wolmiidreil after Mr. Tweed, and

I Cominls-loi


r'Laiiaheer, invite'd mo to be

\'l i,l ipt, and had not been shaved

. . the richest prisoner we ev. ere," said Mr. McUonahl, "and among

In flirty years. "He la the richest prisoner we e

and benuverrecelreaany. Wo rather like sue li men here, for it Is the rule that men or any cul- ture are always the boat behaved. II is only the roughs who are Inclined to bo disorderly."

THE I>AKK CELtS. The dark cells are not underground, as la the

.•ase In many prisons, hut they are abut out from the light by double wooden doors, and one thick diHir, like those whleh lend into hank vault*. They have been examined by physicians, and

"' sumi-ient Only their vi-nlihillon pronounced

man twenty year* of age, with a smooth round face and rather a mllil expression of eoun. leuaaee. He was a pretty hard oaae, though, but


r visit

three aides of It so it la an easy mat o a draught. The (emule prisoners,

aiming whom there were throe colored women, arc presided nver by a matron who aU* in frigid si- lence and dignity oa a platform on one able or tho room. Tho women are usually employed with sewing, but Ihey wore out or work on tlie day of

--' ■''. Some were reading Bibles, ami others Iger," the "liraphic," and some religious

„ Visitors are so unusual in Uiia ilapart- nt that lu occupant* were ipilte disconcerted

Wo were seated in grim sllenee

mm The one who was reading the "Uraphh . _ girl ilf iilnuit serenteen years of age, Is-came al- most hysterical in her efforts to control her Laugh, ler. Her example proved liifeetlou* to some of lhe younger ones whose giggling was noticeable from liehlnd their hooks and papers. We auyod bore for a rew m<mu-ui* only, and wore almul to go down lo tho wharf, but Mr. McDonald very limllv said that If we would wall till alx o'clock, ■ —v the prisoner, eomn In Troin the work shops

Wnnr* "

bail considerable curiosity nlsiut that lonely Island—so near and yol so far—I ae-

'pled the Invitation with thanks. Our parly umbered nine—giown folks and children. We

reached tlie wharf, at the foot of Kail Twenly- slxth street, Juat too late for tbe one-thirty boat, and aa Hie next did not leave until ihrua-thlrly wo bad plenty ot time to look around. If any ono wishes to see a phase of life entirely different Irom aay thing he has ever aeen before, I ml vise tilin to spend an hour or two around the Toot of Kasl Twenty-sixth street llellevun Hospital is there, and so arc tbo Morgue and Uie "dead house." The people who gather In that vicinity nro patrons ol such places, and forcibly remind one of the early associates of Oliver Twist While waiting for Uie boat a young gentleman of the parly tun I myself visited

Tin: MOHOliE. But we did not see much. Tlio unoccupied mar- ble slabs, four in number, wore there, In lull view of tlio front windows, with the water piiuia flang- ing suggestively over each. Tin' big hooks at the head orevery Mab, upon which tlm clothes of the unfortunate dead are hung, looked strong enough and cruel enough to have borne the bodies or Blue Beard's murdered wives. In the hull, sep- arated by a glais partition from the morgue prop er, bangs a large frame, containing lhe portraits, photographed after death, of the miserable

-•-'—■whoso bodies have been picked up In (Is, or been found Hunting lu thu river.

Ruoh a horrible collection 1 never saw before. There was not a trace of humanity left in some of those dlatorted vlaogcs. A very few moment*

ifllcod to show me all I eared to see in that hor- rible place. As we 11:, ■■.■■■■I nut of tlie door a fu- neral procusalon was leaving the dead house. The bearers were Just s<|iieex)ng tlio eoaln through

all of their hats lav coffin, aud one of tho men showed his indifference the narrow gateway;

the result If he [Butler] was defeated tor arc-election to Congress? They would growl and exult. Tho battle or the white race against the black man would be re- newed with Increased violence, and woe betide the poor fellows who hat) been our friends and whose only r-rlmn wim Ui-lr color.

During tho evening and while the (ien- eral was defending bis financial theories, a spoon was lowered by means of a string throngh the acnttle of tbe roorand hung like a spectre In mid air. A giggle wan heard from the audience, and It soon as- auittfd the proportion* of a roar. The general tried to continue, but was aovoral times Interrupted. He failed at first to observe tbe objectionable article of table use. Gen. Duller finally placed his eye upon It and gaxed from right to left with- out a word to aay. He again attempted to proceed, but only again to be infer rupu-il. Finally, he shook his handier chief and straightened himself and re- marked: "Well, I should think that Is about as good au argument as I can be op- posed to." The spoon wiggled In the air and tbe general continued i "Then' must be some opposition In this town." [ I,ntishier and applause.]

The General asked his auditors fairly and plainly for their suffrages, saying that his faith was that he could be mure useful to them than any other man they could select.

DISASTER AT FALL BIVHB- Win-it's Island, lie would eead ua W No* York in Urn Warden's gig. It WB* Indeed a sight to aee the men come In. Thoy marched In gangs of Ulirty or Ihen.alioiils. Each man walked leaning again-1 the one behind him— tbey call It a "gonao stop," lmt It looks more like walklnr "spoon insluon," irsiieh allilng can be Imagimtl It would bo Impossible for one man to tirenk ranks without knocking down two others. As lliey slowly along, their lanes are turned toward Uk'lr keepers. In passing our party, some would look us boldly In tlm race, while others would try to tum their heads aside. The wKorl- ma "Dutch Harmon," sentenced fiir atrocious as- lault and battery, was pointed out to ua, but he nilled his hat down over hia eye* a* ho JMMt lle was heavily manacled ami carried hia bait ■md chain over tils shoulder aa he walked. A few others wore fettered lu the aame way. Wo saw the prisoners eat their SUMSf. bread and coffee, receive the presents or letters from their homes, heard tbe sor.tenees passed on some unruly ones, nnd saw them retire to their calls. This last was lieautilully done. Kaeh prisoner enters his cell

id pull* tlie door nearly to, without catching lh* ton, and at a given signal from the keeper, they

..j-c all closed wiUi a single "bang," like the report of n pistol. There being nothing more to see, we were conducted down to the boat-houso by Mr. McDonald,ami the use of Uie boat being granted ua through the courtesy of Deputy Warden ML ner, we were rowed te the foot of Hlity-Orst street, by six sun-burnt convicts, under command Krwln.

I'KRSOSAL. Tho friends onioorge McDonald In this city

deny tho report that ho la going te make hia per- manent residence in this oounlry. Itcoeul letters from lhe distinguished novelist express tlm ho|M< Hint he may be able lo visit ua on a lecturing tour in thocoitrsonfacouple of roara, hut ho does not say a word about making his homo In Atner.

"TOO* JoriM."—A eorrespondent of the Boaton Globe says, after describing a view from Mouut Washington: "By and by vou seek your companions, Identifying them :slowy with heaps of waterproof and brown linen. One well-known figure stands out conspicuously. It Is John) your John, lying back In the shelter of a rock, bis coarse straw hat pulled over his brow, one arm about his head, the other flung ont wildly ; ono knee drawn np to rest tho other foot upon, his eyes closed, with a gontlo anoro announcing his enjoyment, IT not of view, of some- thing as agreeable. Yon selw your pen- ell and rapidly transfer this funny though unromantlc feature of thu landscape to your pocket sketch-book, and while you draw It occurs to you that man la nota romantic animal generally cither In looks or ways. A very few years ago you thought otherwise of this one In partic- ular, but you have grown more critical perhaps. Besides,"a few pounds avoirdu- pois make an amazing difference, and an early tendency to baldness with a sprinkle of gray In the board completes the demor- alisation."

A Ntght-Bloomlng Cereus lu Harrison place, Brooklyn, which has for the past four or five years put forth flowers from one to three tlinea annually, btosnomed last Sunday m-ruiny, tbo flower attaining Its greatest cxnauslon and tteauty at twelve o'clock M. Tills Is the third time the plant has blossomed BUM season- twice by night ami otire by day. Tl plant Is In an unusually healthy and vlgr ous condition, and It has been exposed to tho open air tho entire season.

You that have coal to shed, prepare to board and informed him that he I shed It now.

Another boy answering the description of Charlie Boss has been found In Nebraska.

Gold closed at 109| in New York on 8i day. Tuesday.

Dispatches from Atlanta, Oa., say that Iho annual session or tbe (Iran.I lodge of Odd low* of the United States commenced there yesterday, and that besides the election of offi- cers for the next two years amendments to the constitution ol tbo supreme body are to be row aldered. Une relating to the title of tba Grand Lodge, another relating to admission to mem- bership in tho order of traffickers In Intoxicat- ing liquors, and another io relation to estab- lishing a uniform system of foes and dues as relating lo sick benefits, are guaranteed. Tho session will continue through tbo week.

A new cattle disease Is proving fatal to stuck some parta of Iowa. It is ai carious In it*

workings as It Is fatal in its result. Tbe first indication of an attack Is unlived by a violent twitching of tbo muscles on tho under jaw til the animal; then a frothing at the month, frum which saliva flows freely; the eyes become watery, and the animals seem to surfer (In- most intense pain, which Incroaaoa from the moment tbey are attacked until death ensues, which in no case bits been Innerr than twenty- four hours.

by coolly pulling away at a cigar, as bo staggered out undir the weight or the corpse. I was sur- prised to sou such a bandsomo tonlu com lug out or such a place, very different from the rough boxes usually seen there, and at the long line of earrlsges waiting to bear Hie funeral party nwuy. In lhe short block hum tho Morgue lo the wharf wu passed doxuna of

mSKUAlll.H CUKATUKKS, who probably spend all their lime hanging around lhe hospital and the Morgue, with nothing eke to tlo hut con temp lute their own probable fate, Tbo dock where we walled Is owned and used exclu- sively by tlm Department of ChariUos and Cor. rections. The building on il 1* divided into offi- ces and cells, and nil the hands employed there, wllti the exception of a policeman and one other

li. are prisoner*. There werea number ot worn- ... there—poor depraved wretches, whose stupid ami unmeaning laces almwed that they Iind nev- er been taught to dlslingiiMi right frum wrong, llnlh men and women wore clothe* made uf

It ■ ' i liny,

fifth street during the life. Is about going to Kresent engaged In the


Col. John Haft who baa hoarded up InTwenty- * or Ida married


ruling havo one or tho most delightful

hunting, With such a charming wile he oiM.ii rail to have a— - i,.i. in this nig city. The story that Wbltelaw Held has been very

ill with brain rover Is utterly without foundation. Mr. Held haa been away from the Tribune olBce for several week*, hut only lo spend his summer

Mrs. Helen Hunt is expected homo In a tow ,1»N "- >lie h-if I"-.-" „ i .ending a number of months In Colorado, for th* benefit of her health, site writes to her rrlemla In Ibis city that she never was belter than aim Is now. Hhe will visit Bos- ton on her way to Bethlehem, Vermont, where tdic spends most of her lime lUl.oa.

William Collins of Newbury, while riding on a freight car on tho Concord AClsrcmont 11. li., was struck by Cheney's bridge, near Helvlu's mills, N. H.i and thrown off iho car and down through the bridge, killing him Instantly. Two other men on the car were struck by blm as he was thrown a ml rendered inscmlhlo, hut did nol fall from the ear*.

Lewlsfon, began Friday running on one-hair time. It Is hoped that the mills will lie enabled to resume full lime within s brief period. Tbc Continental anil -Lincoln will run fltrenooni only, tat at least two weeks. Up lo lot nt other mills In thu city reduce time.

Carlos de Verona, a distinguished Cahan patriot or Paris, haa placed al the disposition of the Cubans In New York, lhe sum of ffW.tMlli for tbe purpose of carrying "0 a war against Spain. Tbe sole condition or the gift Is that tbe money bo employed in sending help to the Cuban army within a roasonalilo lime.

Military drill Is played out at Dartmouth College, and the arms ami eipiipnients furutsheil hy the state are to be returned, "rilling la not appreciated either a* an exercise or pastime.

Bev. Dr. Tobey, fer many years a Congrf gii. Honal clergyman at Durham, N. II., died at South Berwick, He., yesterday.

Col. Buseeil, according '" report, has given idOOO, won by the famous stallion P

1 last Tuesday, lo his driver, Marvin.

BtiTi-Kit's InWWssT SrKWJii.—Qen. But- ler tuudu the second speech of bis cam- paign for re-election to Congress, al Essex on Saturday night. The first part of bis speech related to tho I^uilslana outruges and to tbe objection made by many that these reports or disorder* are never heard ..I' i-M'.'pi in'-i before eloctlon time. But- ler said: True, they occurred before elec- tion, and why? llecausu tbe unrecon- structed endeavor to control the elections,

might as well say liiat apples only grew In autumn time. They grow and ripen In autumn because that is their sea- son, lie was grieved to read that a gen- jral of the United States Army boil tele- graphed to Wasbliigtun that he hod nego- tiated with a mob In outer to obtaiu peace In Louisiana. 1 (be had tlono as a general should tlo, thnt general would have kicked the leaders outi.r his ijiiiiru>». | Laugh- ter.] Gen. Butler made a s«vero tirade iigulust the abuses lu the 8oulh, and said that M long as those outrages continued the people or the North roulil hear of ne gro riots, In which none but negroes were killed and wounded, and nogro mobs which were subdued with while men. without one of Ine latter being Injured, while the poor blacks were killed and wounded by MM** After relating an In eidenl toshow the klinltiess and adherence of the colored people to the Union, the general said thnt If bis uuilli-lico wanted a member of Congress to go to Washington Far Hi" purpose of supporting aud en cum aging UM present outrages, they must select some other man than their present representative, as he would not do so. The result of the elections In ('onnccllcut and New Hampshire was the cause of the trouble. It was the result of sec 11 lime In the harvest. These people at the Hoiilh took their CUa frum these elcclloiis, anil believing lu thu success of the Democrats at tbe next pnv-lilintiiil iliillon, they fell that In uiiililputloii or that event liny

A fXimoo in- rsiwisws 1 could begin again v> rule as tbey had dur- nhn had served lliotr time at the Penitentiary. ,„„. luo rill„„ (,r Buchanan. IfMiesoelec-

e tied ticking, ami hail "Work House" prlnl- ross their backs In big loiters. There was ono young mnn lu whom we all became Interest- ed ;-h« was so pleasant In his manner and con- versed so Intelligently. Ho (minted out all Iho objects of interest in the vicinity, and gave us considerable Inhumation upon tlm autijeet or prisons and prisoners: and in lhe course or bis conversation, be mentioned lhe fact thnt be was a prisoner himself. We looked, agliasl; could it iHiposaiblol Indeed It was too true. Whiskey HAS his enemy, and had brought him to Ibis con- dition. Just before the boat an ivcd Ulat Waa to lake us to tho Island, the "Black Maria," only it rns red, ramu rattling down lo the wharf with n nail of prisoner*. Dn tlie front seat with the

ilriver sat two very re*|HH.labln looking young union. From their dross and apinarance they light havo been sowing women m- tlm wives of

well-to-do mechanics. They wore nlcoly made uiu and round lmt* with black dotted veil*,

THE i I I I rSHAI.ES, en tbe l>ii ■ him,1 aide nr the dock, wltliout walling fur any Instruction. The women who came from the inside of the wag lid Uiu aame, and Hu- mid Isiya also went directly lo their offenders, Uw policeman told ran; were professional pick-pockets, AI MIII up a dozen limes In-line; the ir vuled mostly ol in-Ill larceny. As soon as they were locked up a man u|«m Uie "Black Maria" went up to the grating of the awn's cell, „...i imnwvliatcly halt a dotcn hands were

" - In, ive cent

Further particulars am received of tho terrible calamity which occurred on Satur- day morning at Fall ltiver, the news of which was glren in the Daily AMKKICAM or Saturday evening. Granite Mill No I, lu which the lire occurred was built In lHGlt, of granite as the name Implies, and cost t)250,000. It was five stories in hlgbt. sur- rounded by a pitch roof and had a tower

In front of the center of the building. Tbe staircases were In this tower. There were four exterior Iron fire escapes reach- ing from the ground to the fifth story, but, the attic, where flfty persons, nearly all girls from eight to twenty years of age, were employed, was without any exterior Are escapes j but at each end there were threo wludows, looking down sixty feet to the ground; throngh these windows two score panic-stricken girls and women jumped, to escape being scorched and burned to death.

The appltancus for tho extinguishment of Arcs were supposed to be abundant, consisting of three powerful steam pumps, large Iron stand pipes running up by the side of tbe Are escape, with hose ready In each story to be attached at a moment's notice, but tho employes were not drilled In the nse of these appliances, nnd con-

L'quontly. when the need came, they were not equal to it aud lustead of using the appliances, became quite generally panic- striken, umi rushed from thu building, although when the flames llrst burst out attempts were made by n few men to ex- tinguish them with palls of water. Thu

broke out in the mule room lu the Com tli story from an nimlled mule band In charge of a young lad nbotit a dozen years old. It Is supposed that he cliauceil to arrive at the mill a few moments late, and finding tbe machinery In fell oiieratlou. Before he had time to do to, however, tbe friction caused a flame to burst out and the Are was soon beyond control,

Tbe lad Imcame frighteuud and ran for his life and succeeded lu escaping from the building In safety.

The whole fatal error seems to be In MM conntruclion of mills with only tlio one means ofexlt from the attic stories, nnd without good spacious staircases at ctuli end. The loss of life was mostly con- fined to the operatives In the fourth nml fifth stories who were cut off from UM staircases by the Humes, and who Jumped from the windows, a distance of sixty feet, to tho ground. Blankets were held for them and ton of the number who mnde the fearful Jump are said to have escaped with only slight Injuries.

II. Bosworlb, one of thu hands employ- ed In lite mulu room, bravely stood al his post, regardless of personal safety, and by means ofa rope succeeded in safely landing to the ground a number oT terri- fied girls. Quite a number t»r miraculous escapes are ineutloncd. One or tbe girls who Jumped from the fourth story to the ground escaped with a slight shock. A young lad Jumped from the flfib story, and after turning three times, was caught In one of tho blankets, and started off aud ran, guut to escape from his perilous posl. tlon.

One man being completely cut off, made his exit to the roof by means of the scut lie, and with a rope lowered hlinsell over thu roof and to thu ground In safety. When he reached terra llrma ho stated that a companion who Was just behind hint had fallen hnck suffocated. The fol- lowing Is

Till'. LIST m-' KlLLKD:

Bridget, Kate and Margaret Murphy, Margaret A. Haley, Houoro Coffee, Helen J. Hunter, Jan. Turner, elevator tender, Annie J. Smith, Margaret Harrington, Gertrude dray, Magglu Dillon, Kate Con. ni'ii, Victoria Warner, James Smith, Thorn. Cavannagh, Fred K. Farker, Albert Fertility and a lad named Vluuleombc- "

TlIK I ■■ H I:J i. Mary Rlgley, Anna Dalley, Mary and

Margaret Sullivan, Annie and Margaret Toonoy, Kalo Healey, Delia Warner, Han- nah O'Brien, Kale Harrington, Julia Ma- honey, Isabella Morehead, Mary Bontter, Nancy Mulllus, Arabella Keith, Bortblal Werdell, Julia Coffee, Johanna Hales, Nel lie Jones, Hannah Stafford Jamea Mason, Eden D. Keith, Thos. Gibson, JOB. Kams- bottotn, Delia Porter, Harry Healey—H.

Suven bodies have not yet been Identl- Aed, one of them being a woman of ma- ture growth, and tbe remainder children from ten to thirteen years of ago. It was impossible to tell their sex, as nolhiug remained but a few bones, burned nnd blistered, with shreds of pendant flesh. Those best informed do not place the loss of life at less than thirty, while many think that when the list Is completed It will exceed this. The Injured will mit h about flfty five or sixty—a Bomber of cases will prova fatal, aud a part <>f tbe others are quite seriously Injured.

The Wildest excitement prevailed lu the city. No little dlsnatlnfaction Is ex- pressed at the delay or tbo fire department which, when It did arrive, could not reach the Homes, or assist the unfortunate ope- rators to encape (ruin their doom. Tin ladder which, lint for nn unfortunate toot dent, might have saved nearly ull those in the upper stories, was disabled before It could be or use, and the fire alarm appa- ratus was so defective that the box m lite mill Bounded half a different num- bers. A coroner's jury lias bSsM Impaneled lo make an Investigation.


Tit*: INDIANS.—-The news of ihc various

hostilities by the Indians upon the HOU1I>N

western front ler Is hiirilly alarming cnor

nn yet to warrant the conclusiou that tt

general war is to ensue, but it Is evident

that the columns of the regular nnny now

on the march In taut Indian Territory,

Texas and New Mexico, arc likely to

encounter serious opposition. Tho dis-

patches uf Friday,* Irom the Wichita

Agency, In Indian Territory, show that the KLowns and Comafeheg, ;,r luast, mean

fight. It was only fflsw days since that

tbo Klowus left their reservation without

permission, and nttack%1 Gen. Davidson,

with four companies of tlie Tenth Cavalry,

while he was nttetiipllug to disarm certain

hostile Coiuanches, who bad tuken to the

war-path In defiance of their treaty

pledges. A genera) Aght cnsueil In which

several soldiers and Indians were killed.

On Saturday, news was received that, on

the Oth font., a supply train of Gen. Miles'

expedition, gnarded by ono company of

Infantry and twenty cavalrymen, was

attacked hy from MO to fiufl Comnnches

and Kiowas, and that, after flvo dayn of

fighting, lite Indians were repulsed with

the loss or twenty five to thirty killed.

Several scouts nnd couriers and numerous

unoffending cltlTtens have been murdered

by the Comanchea or the Kiowas, and

further troubles are expected. Au expla-

nation of tho sudden malice of tho Klowns

may possibly bo found lu Ihc Tact that tbc

whole section of the ludltui Territory in

which they live, has been overrun of late

by whiskey peddlers and low white men

who spread drunkenness among the red-

skins. Hanging a few white men, as bas

been done once or twice before, might In

this Instance prove the most expeditious

way of quieting an Indian war, though n

fruitful source of the mischief Is undouht-

illy the conclusion which fhe Indian hits

formed, on account of thu Immunity from

effective punishment which he has of late

enjoyed, that he Is able In rope with lhe

United States giiverilineiit. Until he has

stern proof to tbc contrary, he will con-

tinue a llilef ami n murderer, umii'-lng

himself, wheu tint luauii'uvrliig against

thu troops, by scalping ilefeticeli'Ns hands

of emigrants, entile drovers nnd settlers,

remote from 11n- pt-titetllng ngeniles. The

marauding bauds WIHINC favorite field or

uperutlon Is in Texas ami especially along

the Kio Griiinle, have liner received hair

the piitilxlimtiit they merit, although some

of the best officers In tho regular army,

like Miles, Mi-Cook, McKcnzlc, McLaugh-

lin and nt hers, hnvo been constantly

chasing them. When they nre bard pushed,

the Indians take refuge on Mt-xlcau soli

sn^a-tfWrrHal MmtHhiftWMlfaHinfa line. The lolled mates troops would

undoubtedly do effective service against

the offending savages, ami pnnlsh with

■rlty nil such an mlgnt be convicted of

leaving tbi-lr reservations, If the Inillni.s

mid only bi> kind enough t-o remiini and

caught. But this they decline to tlo,

I unfortunately Congress np|ieurs io

have pushed et'oiioniy so far as lo deprive

llu- tinny of tlie means fo;- properly pitliiil-

Ing the Indian country, travalry Is the

only really tffuctlve arm or th*' service in following up Indian-.. The leu eavulry

regiments, averaging hardly six hundred

men each, now ou duly among the Indi-

ans, constitute a force qulle luadi-qtinli- to

tbe task ihey «re Invited to perform. How

can these leu regiment* thoroughly pro-

lepl all tin- vast region Inhabited by Indi-

ans between the Missouri rlvt-r it ml the

Mexlcnti rronller and westward lo lhe

l'scllle? It 's preposterous to expect

Ihein to cover the ground. Gen. Miles Is

pilled to bent about with a baiulfnll

of men between Fort Dodge, lu Kansas,

and Fort Sill, in Indian Territory. If

there Is to bo a general ami concerted

Indian tmtbrcnk, lhe ncaltcml detach-

ments of our small, though resolute, force,

will bo of lltUo avail. Tho "peace policy"

will never be effective with the refractory

;avago until be If, fully convinced that

behind It, there is always sulllclunt force

to punish any Infringement of the policy

on his pnrt.

All old Uie women I had i.e.-a

off his linger. The keeper, their only link «,tbll It-i'lc world, then went In Ulo lemaie

,. where tho same performance wa* gone ough. He waa absent Ibr a few momenta, and his return passed a lot »r chewing U-baeeo lu-

lu Uie sum's cell, and going over lo the women » - placed cigars in tho eager bands that were

it through the grating. '~ nap or a match ami f ,,■ eieepillK out In tin H- lie- little steamer i f, nml discharged

IW '. ' l.'iiil "1 lull n Use bars, floor. line panting up to Ihc

An obtuse Kiigl'.sh critic has again been deceived by the volatile "American humorist." The mnjorlty of newspaper readers probably remember the grave an- nouncement whlrh has frequently circulat- ed In the newspapers lately Hint Mr Bayard Taylor has discovered during Ml recent Kngllsb travels the lettors which passed between Joseph nnd 1'otlpbars wife. The writer of the paragraph, ullutl- lug to the fact Ihul only "one aide or t hi- story" was known, expressed the hope that "Mrs. I'ollphars statement would now he heard." The Ijiuihm Academf takes lhe jest lu earnest, nnd says com.ul- ingiy :_><|t |s easy lo set! how this rumor may have arisen, vl* i from certain resent- blauecs to tin- story ofjoseph lu Hit- Kgyp- tlan novel first translated by Da Kongo Anyhow, we fesrtliu enterprising editors of ibe American papers will bedisappolut-

AN OatntOthl HTIU.NKSS.—It has not

escaped tbe attention of political observ-

ers that the Massachusetts Democrats

have subsided lu ■ wonderful wuy since

their slate convention. That rarevllallty

which we were led lo expect from the

speechesofMessrs. SalloiistnMniulSlt'nriin

and ottr friend, the Mayor of Lawrence,

has not manlfesUtl Itself. Some of tho

party organs nre explaining that It Is too

iiarly fur any display of energy nulll after

the itepiililican convention Is held. If wo

may Judge from past experience, after

the convention wfll b« too lale for tl.

There are, we acknowledge, disagree-

ments In the lti'publlinn parly Ot Massa- husets respecting tomperanee measures.

Time was wllhlii the last two months hen Iheseillfferi-ni'esoropliilon promised

to i-onlrlbiite largely to a rpspccinHh'

amount or Democratic success lu this

most unexpected quarter. That tlnuger,

we think, has pait, amUflhe Democrats

are at any loss to know to what or to

whom tbey are Indebted for tin- wet blank

ot Whit* bVH fallen on their prospects,

they can turn their i-yos to their allies In

tlie Hoiilh, nnd under tin; headline—"Tho

New Iti'bulllon"—tbey can rend tbe reasons

why we in Massachusetts are notyetqulte

ready for any more D -mocratU' triumphs

re actually necessary. In the

November election, Massachusetts will

have tbe opportunity to give her response

to tbe outrages of ihc White league lit.the

South. If any man supposes that the eg- nor opinion us shown In Hie vole

of lhe state will not tW decisive and un-

mistakable, lor any such reason as that or

a difference of opinion mi it question or stale policy, be doesn't know wlmt

Massachusetts Is made of or bow terribly loudslielalktwheiislu' Is nrotise.l ami

nerved up to It


A California paper You Bet, Nevada « destroyed by fire IM

licet, what Would be ' forget It.

says ouiiiy ■nil).

Ibe village was partially Andtlon'ty

Tiir-. WiiA'ottK BAIN.—The telegraph

brings the welt.uiu- Inlilllgcntc that tbe

ruin si of last week bits prevail-

e,| In ni :n Iv nil tlm Slates Knst of the

liocky Mountains. This Is gratifying

uews, for the drouth ban I « pruiractcl

■errPJ In every part or Ute .oniiiry. Hi.- ground

needed above all Htlngs.

Queen i;tumn, or lhe Sandwich Islands, says she loves Americans. So did her nu- teators, broiled or routed.






for Hie wwk ending Wednesday, (tepwuiber *l, prepared fur Ihe AMKUIUAK, IIUIH ol,»n v.i- Uans at Andover, or I'uor. LA Uur r. QMHnr,

ri §H|H N Thursday,



w Is. E.

VUK A. M. Itatn )■. M.

: HI.. .•.•i

Saturday, tfctt to' X. E. Kng, rain. 4a






HI S. K. 1

feP .X. \V.

ar is.

Fog A. *. ( loUd>l'.M. 1 ll.ll.K.AX. Fair ■-- M, Fair.

Wednesday, ■j ■... 11° [3. E. Fair.

1 rein fill. Average, Mjg Mr 1 Toll I In ruUHlter corrected for lomperaturi ■


Wednesday. Tlic Mutual! now hold Hie first plan in the

contest fur the hive lull championship, Laving won one morn game tlj.m Hi. Iloaions. The two clutsi arc to play their lout game to-mor- row afternoon, and till* will bo an eventful -1, ii.-.-l.-. as It ha* an Important liearlng upon the ipjestlon or who will lie champion*.

Samuel A. Briggs, formerly vice-president of the Frnnklln Savings Hank, Chicago, has been urrcsted In New York on Monday, on the alle- gation that he misappropriated #100.1100, caus- ing the suspension and bankruptcy of that In- sitiniliin. It I* also rharged that ml after the liankniptcy, he atole 81.'J,000 from the vaults and lied.

The sons and friend* of Mn.Fannic K.Brown of Itoxton, are alarmed for her salety. Who left the houHe where shflBad been llvinj? last Thurs- day, and her son* ham not seen lier since. Ik- ing subject to menial derangement, it I* feared she may have committed suicide or liccn foully dealt with by othejs. Her ease lia* hecn report- ed to the police.

Sunday afternoon the nlr In the lower part of New York city wa« Hllcd with million! ot ■mall winged ant*. The rain whkh poured down at a later hour apparently dispersed them for they have not lieen visible alnce. The tart, however, that an army of wlng-id ants ha* re- cently Invaded London wan disagreeably called to mind.

It seemi to be decided that Elmer Wuthburn of Illinois 1* to lw appointed chief of the secret service loree. He 1* highly spoken of. He ha* liecn warden or the Juliet penitentiary and chief o I police of Chicago. The appointment will not bo made until the close of the month.

l! lint transpired that the government bai paid yiOO.WW upon the award of the mixed communion for cotton destroyed, where nearly ail the evidence upon which It WM lounded turn* out to lie fraudulent. The attention the English government will l» called to Tavt.

No serious trouble I* apprehended In rc- mmi-dilng Hie Kellogg officer* lu the Interior towni oflxiuhdana. The ml**k>n of Oencral Cowen and Admiral llodger* to New Orleans, 1* simply to consult ami udvlsc with the au- thoritle*.

The llnrtrord Courmtt .-nv ■ Mn- cotton manu- facturers of Connecticut re|*Tt a rising tide of business, nnd the commission nnd jobbing house* In that city are making very heavy Mile*. The Hartford manufactories uru gener- ally In a llourlaulng condition.

The Ouvemmcnt, on account or Hie extensive emigration ol' the Mennonites, lin* undertaken tu exempt members ol' that sect from actual military duly, but still holds them liable In duty M hospital attendants.

The Odd FCIIOWH in session at Atliinta, (In- ycsierdsy, elected officer* ol the grand lodge, of the Culled Suites. Deputy (iruml Mro M. J. Durham was elected grand sire.

The Chicago City Council have passed u lire ordinance furhiddlng ihc erection of a wooden building In the city limit* under 11 heave pen- ally.

The case ol' Kdnn Dean I'nietor against Frank Mnulton for slander will not prolwiily come be. (bra the courts before the middle of October.

Thckcclofn ship which will he Hie largest ever built in Maine, bus been hihi in Yarmouth. Bite will lie id I ■.'■">'•" tons burden.

Ilase ball. In tloston—Mutual !', Boaton K. In Hurt ford—1'hlhidelphiu d, Hart lord 2. In Philadelphia—Chicago 6, Athletic ti.

Advices I'rom Fall Itlver report Hint It i- ul- IIIIISI decided to run the cotton mills on short lime, some reducing it to one-hair and other* to one-third.

An unsuccessful attempt has been made to nsMiiHkinulc the Cuban captiilu-general, Concha.


The I'ostuiastcr-Ueneral has order letter carriers In cities having 100,000 linn shall receive on appointment not n a year, which shall be increased tfllH) p until Hie pny renches SeJOO. Carriers in liilei

t-^ar* ifffoifflfe-ni, miffl lin MB-

I thtl i,,.u!a rlJTIh)


Tin; WALL Brrm i)i.sA»iEtt.~Tln; fuller

detail* which have coiuc to hand of the

calnmtty nt Fall stiver, are painful In the

xtrrinc, and, what Is worse, they do not

*eoni to afford the poor conaolatiou of the

reflection that the Ions of lir« wan una-

voidable. The iiiirknein of tho catactrophe

IN Increased a* It become* more and more

ldcnt that a score or more of lives huvc

been rtiicrlllccd to the neglect of proper

precaution, and the worst or It U that ere Is reason for believing that thl"

gleet is uot tho singular sin of the

GranlM Mill No. I, or its owners, hut the

moti rnult, apparently, of the average

or smaller ulUa in lUisachuetU. The

mill was provided with fjnr Independent

re-encapes running up to the llfth story,

ut these did not reach to the attic, where

the loss or life occurred. All of the stair-

ways in the upper part of the building

» central tower, uud the effect or

this lower on the llatnes in the idjoceut

rooms was like that of a tall chimney on

a furnace lire—the flames rushed toward

it. It Increased the draft, and the only

available menus of escape from the upper

stories thus became tho one family elll-

clent agency in distributing the lire

through tho building. There WBJI fire-

hose In the fourth and tilth stories, but no

water; there were lire-buckets In the muli

spinning room, but they were empty

there was a flre-ahtrm telegraph box at

the entrance to the mill, but the apparatus

was out of order anil sounded the wrong

numbers; and, Itnally, the efforts of the

lire department were tardy tit llrst nnd

confused thereafter. We see, then, that In the most dangerous story or the whole

building the builder* of the mill had ex-

pressly omitted to furulsh any safeguard

In the way of lire escapes, and thestidrwny

once lu names, the only resource for life

for more than fifty people, was a leap

from the windows, sixty feet to the ground

below. The wonder is not that so few,

but that any of the occupants or the attic-

story, should have escaped. Hut Is not

the horror, as It is, appalling enough to

cause serious disquietude when we con-

sider the danger or Its repetition? And

we wish to stale the Tact with all possible

emphasis, because II cannot be reiterated

too often, lhat for the condition of affairs

which makes possible such a disaster as

that ot Saturday, the mill owners are

alone to blame. Have there not been In

the past occurrences enough like this to

serve as an abundant warning, nnd in

some aort as nn Assurance against the

repetition of them? Over and over again

this little tragedy oflitsulllelent safeguards

Is rehearsed before a patient public, until

the obligation of nn employer for the lives

of his employee! teems to have tost all

Its significance. Surely It Is unnecessary

to point out how fatally derelict this Is in

point of duty. It Is a gross ami criminal

reck less nt-ss toward everybody concerned

to the operatives, who have a right to

be protected In all possible ways; to soil

ety, which ought to be spared the recital

calamities arising from the repeti-

tion of old blunders; to the small body of

rui and painstaking mill managers fee) that their reputation Is cruelly

touched by every criminal mul fnlal blun-

der or their associates. And the commu-

nity must not rest content wllh censuring

mill owners for their negligence. The

State of Massachusetts ought to find

to atone for It by fulfilling the doty

which they omit. The officer* of a cor* poratlon ought to have no option In such

matters. There Is no earthly reason why

twenty persons, or ten persons, or one

pel-son should be penned up In the upper

iltiry of a flaming factory, except ttiat the

mill owners have fulled miserably In their

iluty. To afford the fullest possible pro-

tection Is not a question of policy at nil,

Hit a downright question of right

have illegally assumed, and retire to pri-

vate life—a wise determination consider-

ing lhat the alternative must bavo been a

contest with the entire power of the

United States government. But the Im-

portance or the crisis, in a national point

of view, la very far from ccaslug with

the termination of the McKncry revolt.

What has happened In Louisiana, there is

reason to apprehend, is only the first rev-

elation of dangers and disturbances. It

is now perfectly obvious ror whut purpose

the organization known as the While

League was Instituted, and lo what end

11 Is to be put.' It has been used against

law, against Older and agaltMt accepted

government. The fact that a matter of

ten thousand or more Lonlslantans have captured n state house and driven the ex-

utlve of a state lo seek safety Troiu vlo-

upou a Lulled BUtea gunboat, is

noi the fact or special Importance, and

the gravity of the condition of affairs is

nut lessened by the intelligence that the

(bmentera and participants In the new

rebellion have retraced their steps nnd

will submit to authority. llut the ugly,

central fact of the whole miserable busi-

ness Is that It has forced us to believe,

contrary to nil our hopes ami wishes, that

the old tires kindled upon the ullnrs of

rebellion nre still burning, and that what

has occurred at New Orleans Is only a

typo of what Is likely to occur at any

moment, In any othe,r portion of the

south. A spirit of rebellion exists wher-

cwr there is nn organization of the White

League. The New Orleans] affair ll a

misfortune to the whole south, because,

for the moment. It Is ft ItaggorlDg blow-

to all northern confidence In the stability

ami sincerity or southern professions ol

respect for order ami conformity to law.

Since April, 1M1, there has uot beer

greater cause for national anxiety. The

saddening conclusion which the New

Irieans affair has driven home Is that

neither self-interest nor regard for good

government nor common sense, seems of

all to keep Hie misguided men of the

nth on the right side of the line which

they passed thirteen years ago, to their

and ruin.



rcUM'.l tfU>i> I"-1" veur mull It reaches S**H1. The pay of the ffliK), #7<M and #300 carrier* who have I wen in service one veur will lie in- creased »UMi each from October 1st, except those in second class cities now receiving «sou.

s held i Vf t of

i.iinj: the causes tor the depressed state ot the market lor cotton and woolen goods. 'I'he conclusion arrived at was that an Imme- diate curtailment ot the production of cotton ami woolen fabrics was the only remedy fur the prevailing stagnation.

The new National Lincoln Monument Asso- ciation announces that on October 15, at the time of the annual reunion ol the army of Ten- net-see in Spring Held, III., the statue or Abra-

. ham Lincoln, placed on the monument erected lo his memory In Oak Itlilge cemetery, will he unveiled with appropriate ceremonies.

In New York, last nlnht, es-Ooflcressman Morilsser, In a liar room scuille, punished ont Oca. II. Puller liv stiUfhing hi* hut mul punch tu« his nose, hc.-iuisc Duller called John Kollj nn Irish thief. Itutler apolo^i^eit to escape I'ltr Hier punishment.

President OMIII has appointed Hasard Ble vens, or (llyinpia, Washington 'territory, ID the commissioner under the aet ol' |s71,rcl:itiv< lo the possessory rii(lils ol' ihe Hudson I la) Company ami oilier British subjects.

The weave rooms on the Peppcrell nnd al * at Itid

rein no honest en

hesitate a moment as 1

iclencc ought t<> its obligations.

Titfsnxn ru LICK.— Tito event nt Fall

River is rflii of suggeatlvenws to others

besides the mill owners to whom the

application or the appalling lesson is

properly enough made, but who are, nev-

ertheless, not the only persons needing lo

take It to heart. We wish to cast no

unjust reflections upon the mill manager!

lit Lawrence, except for the want of fore-

sight exhibited by two or three of our

mills in providing no outside lire escapes

nml but Inadequate stairways lu the Inte-

rior or their buildings. The trouble Is

that the mill owners, hi common with the

general public In the construction of

buildings like our city hall and some of

our school homes, go upon the false prin-

ciple that safely Is certain and disaster

only a contingency. We provide stall

ways by which In half or three quarters

of nn hour, a crowd of persons easily

assemble in the work rooms or our mills,

our places of public entertainment or our

school buildings We do not reflect that

lit an emergency the only chance of escape

from a great disaster is In affording fact

Itles of egress by which these crowds en

lately roach the open nlr in five or U

minutes. Stairways are constructed fbr

half or two thirds of the duly that may bo required of them, just as n man insures

his house for half or two thirds Its value.

Hut human lives nre not as houses, and

every place where there may bo a great

collection of people ought to he construct-

ed and lilted as if an alarm of lire nnd ft

panic were certain to occur. Such a

hypothesis would be by no means too

gross a violation of probability, and then

we should not have mill operatives jnmp- :.UM

l.lo , Me. e Sue, Ideal! i

; I i ed r

wile, of New York, were seilon. twing thrown from their c.n-riau


Plir. " MUURIIS Ml'UKMACV." — We

have always had trouble to understand

why the white Democrats of the south

constantly complaining ol negro

■inaiy, when they seemed able to kill

as many negroes as they pleased wllh no

danger of suffering from retaliation. It

Is noteworthy lhat about the onlv persons

killed lu the so-called "war or races," are

the blacks. We hear every week or two

or whites assembling, well armed, in large

numbers, at various points lu the south,

id ol' .heir declaring and carrying out a

inpaigu or vindictive slaughter Itgnlnsl

u colored man; but we have yet to tti'C

lhat the negro has been aroused to wicked

work lu retaliation, though ho has cer-

tainly endured enough lo convince him

that tho whites intended lo make war

i hlin. Senator .Morion, in it speech

al Indianapolis, lias Just pointed out that

lie frightful massacre* which havi

irrcd In the south .-luce 18(15, It li

uniformly tin- white Democrat who hai

i the murderer, and the victim, ll

■y ensc. Is either a negro or a whlti

who is known lo vole the Republican

ticket. H was while Democrats, who l

l broke up a Itcp'ihllcan convention 1

■ Orleans by force of arms, occasion

lug a conflict lu which more than tw

hundred men were killed and wounded

It was while Democrats who burned an

shot one hundred negroes lu Urnnl Paris)

Louisiana, In April, 11173s and It was they

who shut twenty negroes nt All-till, Mis-

sissippi, in July last. The recent war lu

(iili-ou County, Tennessee, WIIS certainly

tvnged by the whites alone, ami, though

rhjlili'cii or twenty black men were .-li"t

.lead, did anybody hear lhat Ihe sun Ivors

among tin- blacks resorted Lo the use of

lor the llr-l



led, and no led, ninny il * W. M. II.

trodden to death under loot In the

l'ien/.y of a mub.or terrified school children

•rushing the life ont of each oilier in

ro\ydlng down narrow stairways. Who

Dan doubt that nn additional flight of

utiilrs at either end of the mill destroyed

nt Fall River Would have saved the greater

[on of those that many households are

mourning lu such bitter grid? It is that those matters should be properly

regulated by law. It should be settled by

competent authority and after careful In-

vestigation, what nre the best and the ful-

lest possible appliances for tho saiety of

large numbers of people assembled for any

purpose wltliluiloors.nnd then no building,

he It factory, hall, church or school house,

should be allowed to be occupied without

the regulated provision for lbe surety or every .-.oil within Its walls.




TllM Snrnii;it\ CUXSPIIIA

coining more evident thai ll

Insurrection Is not merely tin

of a local spirit of rebellion; oil ll Ihor

band, all Hie Indications are that it la

only Ihe beginning of a wide conspiracy

which .has been organized at the South,

to overturn al the polls ir possible, but by

force of arms Ifnccd be, the political rights

Which the reconstruction policy has given

the colored man. The following extracts

from leading Southern democratic papers,

Will give the reader some Idea of the pro-

gramme :

Mr. 1). ,L M. A. Jewelt, I'ulted States Commissioner Tor the District of Louisi- ana, In a letter to tire lkislon "Journal" from Greensboro', Lincoln Parish, La., furnishes lhat paper with what Is un- doubtedly an olllelnt ami reliable report of the ro'cent murder of Northern men at Coiishutta. lie says:

"As you have expressed ft desire to leuru the history or the massacre at ited itlver Parish, and of the murdered men, I will say that at short dates following the close or the war, Coushatta. uow the county seat of lted Kiver Parish, liien In ihc Par- ish or De Soto, and an abandoned little hamlet of half ft dozen ruined houses, was resettled by a few Northern men, promin- ent among whom were M. II. and II. J. Twltchell, formerly of South 1-ratning- hnm, Mass., Edward W. and It. A. D*>

nlso of Massachusetts, John T. Yatcs, f'lnrk Holland, lllllwrt Crane, for- merly of Coleralne, each of whom from tlnU to time Invented money lu lands, saw mill* and other Improvements, A nourish- ing little town was shortly built up on the east hank or Bed river, and lu lt*70. emigration having been thereby attracted to Ihe surrounding country, nnd a separa- tion or Interests havlug occurred between the new community and the neighboring parishes, the new parish (or county) of lted Itlver was created and nttached to the '-'1st Senntorlal District. At the elec- tion of thai year M. ll. Twltchell was eleetetl Senator ami R. W. Decrees to the Lower House from the adjoining parish of De. Soto. In 1BT9, Mr. Dewees having moved back lo the new parish, was there- in re-elected to Ihc Lower House. John T. Vales wits elected Sheriff, ami having t-esigned last spring was replaced by Frank (i. Bdgerton, also a northern man. A. 0 1*. I'lckcns, an old confederate soldier was elected Parish Judge in 1S7L', hut hnv lug reslguei' to accept the Attorncyship or the 17tb Judicial District, was replaced In the legal manner by Hon. A. 11. Penny. M, V. Willis was elected Justice of the Pence In 1879. W. II. UoWell Win ap- pointed Pariah Attorney lu the legal man- ner. Clark Holland, n merchant of Con- ihatta, was one mouth ago nppolntcd Stt- icrvlsororUeglstriitlou in the usual man-

ner. The facts statcil Uat these genlle- siich of them as held otilces. re-

quired to bo elected by the people, were duty elected, nre admitted by the Demo- cratic party. The Wnrrnoth and l'ormaii Ilnnrds of returning officers, both run in the interests or the Ku-Klux Democracy of Louisiana, both returned the Republican candidates for all the offices In lied Itlver parish elected by majorities varying from .">:,() to (WO About the middle or last month tho White Loagoe or Red River parish. In pursuance of a preconcerted ami general plan, demanded of those oiii- cers the resignation of their several oill- 008, They refused to resign, anil F. S. Rdgcrtou, Sheriff, In nceordanee with his sworn duly, summoned a sosse nomftafus ol'i;.'> men, 1"> <»r whom were white, to protect himself ami the oilier officers In Hie discharge of their duty. The White League alone summoned from the sur- rounding parishes every desperate scoun- drel who lor a drink of whiskey and the chance to steal a horse would commit n murder, to rally at Coushatta, and about 400 howling, drunken, desperadoes as- sembled there from Natchltoches, De Soto, Caddo, Iiienviiie, Bossier, Grant, Jackson, Webster, Clalborne, nnd Lincoln parishes nml overpowered the sheriffs posse. After killing Gilbert Crane, Es*i Deputy Sheriff, and six colored men. t save the lives of their political friends, then In the power of the desperate inoh. the oiilcers of Bed Itlver parish and H A. Dewees, Esq., a collector of DeSoto, who was present, offered to resign their se ul offices and leave the State. The While League on their part released the cap- tnredfMsfc n-ntioiiiis, i.nd pledged them- selves to guard the officers out or the State via Shreveport that night. II. J. Twltchell, It. A. Dewees, M, C. Willis, Clark Holland, W. J. Ilowell nnd F. C. Bdgerton were lodged In Coushatta jail, guarded by the League. The next day a guard was selected lo tuke them to

port. They actually took lliein by an nnfroqnented road Into Roaster parish,

there, S3 miles below Shreveport, ihey B foully murdered by Ihe guard given n for their protection, assisted by

about Id men who rode out from Shreve- port toward the scene of murder the night before. I stale nothing here that 1 do not know to be true. Tho murdered men had married in Louisiana, all had property In lted Itlver Pariah, all had young fam- ilies here, and to liiem and their friends, M. H. Twltchell, R. W. Dewees and Judge Piekens, all the great prosperity of Ibid Uiver Pariah is due. These last for- rcmritr-tjr rnt.ipi-ti, ticntg inisrnt mmi tlie parish at the time of the massacre. The history or Hid lilver is the hlslory of many North Louisiana parishes. I do not speak or my own experience lu Louisiana, ll Is well known and has been brought prominently before the Northern people very recently. At each recurring elec- tion these scenes of blood disgrace nearly every parish In tills portion of the Stale. In each of these northern parishes some Vimkee .lies lor bis old flag and for the freedom of the slave at each recurring conflict. 1 could name many dear oh! Northern comrades whose blood has red tl.-ued the soil of Louisiana; could give you a history of blood which would scarce And credence among our law-abiding Northern friends, but whai I tell you of Red Klver may bo accepted as a specimen of political conflicts in this bloody Stale. Imagination may III] Up blanks In the sad history and can hurdle in Its Wildest flights exceed the bloody truth. Fxciise the hasty Imperfection or this slate me lit

il believe me, yours truly. D. J. M- A. JRWRTT."

s. Commissioner in and for tho District if Louisiana.

For the first time in the history of this ancient town, Masonic i it. - were celebrated on Wednes- day evening, at the opening or Cochi cue wick Lodfe, under dispensation.

Heretofore, this town has been, masonically inaktsrmi, under me jurisdiction of St. Mat-

thew's Lodge of Andovcr, but, of late, BO

numerous bus it* membership from this locality become, that it seemed denlrable that a new Lodge should be tunned, and with tho hearty concurrence ol St. Matthews, Its North Andover members set iheumelves to work to secure a separate organization.

On June'.id, ■ dispensation was granted by the Oraiul Lodg.' of Massachusetts, to the lol- lowing petitioners : Louis Weil, Jos. P.AIIcn, P. F. Dole, Horace Whiteomli, Wm. lUlllday, V. P. ilanamrd, Cbas. 1-'. Johnson, M. s. Jenkins, Jos. H. Taylor, Julin Parkhunt, Hiram Berry and Horace N. Stevens. Immediately these gentlemen went t.i work with characteristic energy to secure for ibemaelves suitable rooms

new Masonic home, and tlnalty secured tho second storv d'" The Brick Block," located at the Centre. Much hard work remained to is; done to pnt ihe place into presentable shape for the architect* to lay out their work, and ascer- tain the due e;i:-s and west position of the loca- tion, but, with fervency and seal, this was accomplished, and out or that forlorn place, havu been developed very neat and convenient Masonic apartments.

The dlmen*Inns of Ihe Convocation Hall arc 22 x 38 feet, and it has an arched ceiling cxtend- iiiK Into the roof. The walls and ceiling arc finished In pure while, giving the place a very cheerful look. A large preparation room and anie-room complete the suite. On the nppo>lte side of the entrance way there Is a banqueting room ol ample proportion*. The main hah i.s

carpeted In red ground, upon which Is wrought in black the Masonic emblem*, making a very unlipie appearance. The carpet Is the gift of John A. Wiley, Esq., and was woven to ordei by Ihe Lowell Carpet Co., and fur is lulled by Is Troell ft Co., of this city.

The carpenter work, Including Ihe altar am column*, WHS done hy Messrs. Uete & Hardy a Andover. The liirmiure (which is In a>h an,1

liluck walnui) and the hangings,were furnished by J. Pillshury, jr., of Ihi* city. The ball is lighted liy a chandelier and lamps ofu very neat pattern.

The working aprous were presented hy John Parkhursl, a member of the Lodge, and, during Ihe cTcorclsos or Thursday evening, the presen- tation of an elegant Bible, the gift ol the mother lodge (St. Matthew's), was made, and a letter of eon grain lollon read.

Wednesday evening was the occasion of ihe llrst work done by the new lodge, and the degree of Knlered Apprentice was conferred ii|".ii two i mi.ii,I.He-. I m :t.'.ii,.ii ■ Ui prominent men of the order in this vicinity, lei,I been ex- tended, und there was a large company present, I'piul In the capacity ul the hull. Among Ihc guests were D. P. a. Master J. 5. Ilowc, Past Master Parker, W. Master Sawyer, and mem- ber* or John Hancock Lodge,of MetbueUj Pa*t Master s J. W. Smith, J. IL Flint, J. L. Smith, James II. Smith. W. Master Oeo. B. Cole, and about lortv members of St, Matthews Lodge, of Andover; memlwrs of Oreeian, Tuscan and Ph.enielan LoJgcs, of this city ; Col. Bbcfl Sut- lon and others.

After Ihe exempli Heat fn of the work, which wa* well done by Worshipful Master Louis Well, and his board ul officer*, congratulatory remarks were made by the following gentlemen i Messrs. Howe, Cole, Jos. W. Smith, Parker, Jas. ft. Smith, Rev. C. A. lUyden, Sawyer, rtint.and others.

The following Is a list of oiilcers empowered lo work under the dispensation j—Lonii Well, Worshipful Master; Joseph K. Allen, Senior

; John Parkhursl, Junior Warden; ■'. Johnson, Secretary; Hiram Berry,

Treasurer; Horace Whitcunih, S. II.; M. S. Jenkins, J. 1).; J. N. Taylor, Marshal; F, P.

Hanaford, Tyler. Hev. C. A. Hayden, of Ibis cily acted as

'Implant, uud Frank Foster presided at ihe

■ablnet organ. At the dote Of the exercises mi ample ro Un-

ion was funiisded In Ihc banquet room, to all he guests present.

To Worshipful Master Well and his faithfi uipportcrs, the well wishes of all good Masons ire due for the dash and perseverance ■ihiilitiicy have carried forward this c

Tuesday. A inure glorious day

been had ror the event and as the Hood of might i ^''"Vi"" sunlight shone through the brilliantly illundn- | Lucy Sled Windows of si. Mary's, It threw a Indu ol ,V",,lv T'l"ln

, uenree ^hhuu glory U|iou lbe s,'ene, and seemed to augur a -lli.ra Tempi, cloudless future for the happy couple. The 1 *»»•£»» church was well lilled aith friends and acmaln- " lanes*) and tot a few were attracted by curios- ity. The services began at half-past nine, A. M.

and lasted until eleven o'clock, the greater part ol the time bring devoted to singing by the choir, with select voices f..r the s'dos. The ceremo- nies began with Mozart's Kyrle Blelton, which

riUowcd by Moaarfs S.mclus. The imp- ly Hev, Father

NtrriALs XT ST. MAUT'S.—For revcral day ■ j HOUSE NoTEs.-Many of our readers will 1M

the many friends and acquaiaUnees or Mr interested In the following table, which presents William Uanrabau and Slui Mary Oeynohls the names of horses in this country that have have anticipated with pleasure the wedding beaten 2.27. The list gives the names of seventy ceremony of the happy pair, which bad been j horses- Those wfth aatorlelu preceding lbe i if,

tnotUHod to onuriit St. Mao's church, on name are now oil'the turf;—



allngaof tins cily gorernmen

U been uppduud i

t 3 11 Ten i 1.1,1 : IT) ClaraU i Hi su-ic. 1 1*4 I Viiiiderl.ilt : i*l Pilot Temple

,i I'rinei

i Alton

liiy t.nul.l


i JOJ *fitii •i Jt Nonesuch ■-' JM Tll....l.'ll',T»l.| a St! Byron ■l *H J.I Bradley i ft! Col KUMUII i -.'-i iMuiiank, ,i, ■: ii\ Ileihv -■ '-'^1 Harrv Mini, , '- --", Oiavli'. t.i,., i -' -Mi U.n H,«,-i - - I lll'll < 11,1.


.1 , knell I

|m M<u I gr.s nd ul te

- high altar, the service ling with Ihe benediction. The llene- hy Koine, was then Ibiety rendered, the

sulua bring sustained by Miss Bridget Gal II van, soprano, ofUoilth Andover, Mrs. O'Null, con- tralto, ami Mr. John MeOalry, basso. The cer- emonies concluded by the choir rendering Ag-

Dci, tiy Smldih, In which Mrs. tVNeil, ni- ts in ed the contralto solo, Mr. Timothy Ileardou

basso, and Messrs James Murphy and McDonald the tenor. At the conclusion of the nuptial ceremonies thj party at once repaired to Ihe residence or the bride's mother, where many, (fiends were gathered, and congratu- lations extended.

The bridal party made nn attractive display within the church, nml were most tastefully yet modestly arrayed. The bride appeared In a robe ol white hirietun, trimmed with white silk, bodlee of white satin, white satin slippers, train veil of white lace, and wreath of orange blossom*. The bridesmaid was similarly dressed, excepting a bodice or blue silk, and spray of orange blossoms. The groom and groomsman, Cant, 'timothy Doecy, appeared In ftill evening dress. Messrs. Charles Rey- nolds, James Brady and James Carran, were ushers for Ihe occasion.

L&WUUMOB IliniMi PAUK.—The Scptc il meciitifiofttic Lawrence Hiding Park began on Wednesday with two races, the llrst r, horse* which have never beaten "M and Ihe lecond for horses that have never .beaten 2.31, The following was a summary :

Lawrence Riding park, Sep. >\.\, Purse or sune. ur horse-fin Ihe.i.ii.) H:i-*; *i;,.i t,i Ur.-l, *li'i in

. 1 I ■• I f. (.-illinium, Lowell, k in, Loi " -

M. Piinnrnn, Lowell, g. in. N. N.T.DOTetBaeb»,br.ff. Kniti L. Thatcher, Keene, N. II., h. IL Sargent, Uedfutd, bin. L.

Time J.lil.!.llL 2-ITI leiiir Riding Park, H

*:>mi; «isa to llrst, Alii to s ""■ Ui iinirlh. C. B, Miidu-r, Liwrenee, h.g .lames (iohlen, IkMdn, bl'k n I. A. IHikUn, Uontoii, li. n- (■••II- (.Uthtruol,

Time, 3.41,3,30, iJOJ, 'J.Ji'i. The trolling nice yesterday to

horses. John, owned by John Parrel!, ul Uy, *old as favorite in the pool box at

iMldsorjeSOtogW for the Held. Fire horses tartcd- The race was won in three straight

heals hy Mike Carroll's bay gilding, Frank Hull, beating Alton Hoy, Oreeley, Kate Hughes and John. The favorite was dis- tanced in the llrst heat. Time'J.ll: 2.40; 2.40. ThroJ heats of 4he running race were run,

I'.iII-. li:,i-i .M.ii'.-r All U.'il I I.ui,

Lady Lulu

■ i-iiy .li.lui


1 Morrlsi ., Matt South

1 Bay Whalebon 1 (iillli.l llui-lies.

L Thompson iua F.«

it the West • ■•'

,'■■• nth* Altai ,i.) .V«

idoi - li pro iiiiliui


edge tisils. '1 he girl i Mull.

Ituv. Henry Ward I

he Hlangbler of many of the)

ui■? There la not iiim-h •• i

>f tii ■ black man over ihe white man,

vheil events nil Hh»W that il i.s the

niter wlm has liven ronllnuully seeklnjr

■releSIa fur a llffht ami ban uillfnrmly

liken the Initiative. We .submit, that until

lie Hotitherii Democrats ran obow a few

li .ul mill ninotit( their number as evidence

■f ihe armed anaredalons mi the part of

In- iiegroett, of which Ihey are c.mtiniinlly

alkUm, It Is imly fair lo believe lhat the

ibuk man in Ihu south Is very far IVuiu

■I Ilblrsly or revengeful. H I- the

ivbii.-s whonend north fur large cton-s »t

finis I; ll is (be bhicks

who nre made the pretext fur arming,

id i wliiuii the xlinln

elalllg future HUUUK

suggest lhat ll Is mi

ii n "negro uprising,

nil fired.


•rib wblU

K-tl till- IV

talk about tho

is bin- IO. Ihe

rub-i.f tin'

ll While in:

■'Lei there be 'White Leagues' furmcd in every town, Village ami hamlet of the Siinili, and let us organize ft>r the great struggle which scums to be Inevitable. If the October elections which are to be heltl at tin- North are favorable to the Radicals, the time will have arrived tor us tu prepare for the very worst. The radicalism of the Republican parly

.ulii-.iiiM of white mi'1

We Its liltlcs

lin. .1 I ■ ti>

Ufil' t» brute In


ry Boutharn State Hhonld swarm with While leagues. * • Wo have drawn Ihe sword and thrown away the itcahbard. This country must bo ruled by white men. They who can- not say ibis must hroast tho sUirm as best they may.

| From /*'■ fliru,h.,)hum,(M'i.) -Vnc*.!

■Lilus rccugiilzu facts, thai a war ul ran- is pen: res:* I uy, ami then every man will range himself under the banner of his kindred. Pur ourselves wu nay, no coill- pmmlse, no unlilratloii, but a while man's rub-, a white inan's i Ivlll/.nllon, and ihllc • ruin iiid ex


, ,„■■■!•■•! II,.,

n.f h the

MIIIHII ntiiuj

- Hamlln Is special HUpn-llHUy iib-.tlt. llii.s time, a Uc,i..i.i,.-,m, pern's tiibeusalniKcl for While Lea-

hullels. i ■ TIIKLIII 181 VN » KKIII ii inv This we

'"' I'II'I'I'I'I'!I"V will probably wltiit-as the ro-ltmtatcine

esUlellct . 1 nl'lhi! rightrui olllcerw ..f Louislium. T

PreMhIcnt, ciiiiiprehenilliig al the Ntart 1 gravity <>t the slliial! has lacked uell

cr energy nor jmlKiiient for meellug

Tlivro Is no other word except relulll

In rliaractei-i/,. 1 In- uprising ..f Hie M

i Mcmmiiitei Kiierj uud whatever grlevitm

Hie eltUeilN of Luulshiua may have In nvmg proved they shut Ihemselvcs (ill1 from nil Just tl

n.i wngt* be to Hyinpnthy by tlu-lr i-ntlenvor to mn rebellion a remedy. This miirnliig, 1

inv are now n 1,i IJueeiis- inaiirirelilH illi.llll.'sl tl.. ir wi guess

ney, give over the reins of government Ui

iseipli, rthe t oiu Ti

iiusaml thoroughly nrmctt ed men wen- ready at the

I lick

our support 1 ir the tight- lliluk what lbe umllBcl

i Me ir«»rt«e, r.tfi*». te man's party la be Slate. Show i uike hlin keep It. IWU we can kliocl lilt Will be the sail

Till: Ti; -llotii LAW.

late urn of lab.i The net id regt inufacturlug w

pntued bytl tabllnl last legislature, Is to go Into effect Oct. 1, ami lbe manufacturers arc laying plans accordingly, The act prohibits the om ploy men t in any manufacturing establish- meiit of minors under the line of eighteen and or women over lhat age for more than ten hours u day, except lo prevent the stoppage or Interruption or the ordinary running or the machinery, H provides however, that adlnercnt npportfonmeu of the hours of labor may be made for tin purpose of giving a shorter day's work for one day of the week, lho*aggrogate hours of labor, however, not to exceed sixty pel week. Any employer violating Ibis law will be liable ton line not exceeding «W for cncll The manufacturers. though not generally pleased with this change In lliclr lime tables, take more kindly to it than do their employes, who, In most cases, will bo obliged to Miller a diminution of wages, while tho aiighl extra time gained will prove of but 11 lit value. In the wesleru part of tho slate tlie Rprlllgtluld Republican Nays the nev arrangement will chiefly concern the co ton, thread, and woolen manufacturer* as. on the short time system, the paper

lllacl this e

t of

ay. Til ukly bin Mils have

wing but : even ten 110 of labor In thi- ne lime pant been

a the sixty live hours and ii employes have been paid 'by the piece The dully time table ror the llrst flvi days or tlie week has been li p'll) to IS:|. i-. M., and from 1 to G:M r. M., while on Saturdays the mills were closed at I p. M. There has been a general conference on the subject among Ihe llolyoke manufac- turers, who have also corresponded wllh manufacturers throughout tlie slate, ami the lime table which will be generally adopted at (he beginning ol' tlie next mouth, will bens follows; From 7 A. U.

to !3;IBt*. Mj and from lio«i>.u-, on the Hisl five days of ihe week, and on Satunlavs from 7 A, H. to 12; 15 r. M, and from 1 to 4}3Q v. M.

The wages in be paid under the new arrangement will he in most cases propor tbuialely the name as paid for eleven hours' work, or In other words, one vlov- enth smaller than formerly. At the Merr> iek thread mill In llolyoke, where this lejttslatlon was anticipated, thi


a J1; II W7Ui •■! 'ill tliiynl.l H«| I'.ieali..

ml, in lu third,

a lll|.ley. Sill


Veil Uanlon laklnfflhe lirs twu and c he third. Th nmcluslon of Ihe Ol itist;>inied iiulii to-day.

The entries l<ir lltersccii lo-morr w. btlows.:

Purse tnoa I'or 'J.-Jnelas- lb I'liuiii.

IJ Itiiwen, llnrlnii. I.l'i e li .- K.'!-, l.nwren.e. I'K- 1 A tlll.-lill, Ullntllll, *

The lollowlnp circular. Issued especially to the churches, appealing lur their aid in the fotth-

ii-: 11:r i.,.it. is ol general Interest in relatluu tu ibis most worthy churliy :—

PIvc years apt, the Post ol the Orand Army of Mils city, made an appeal to Ihe Indies and members of this and other religious congrega- tions for assistance In arranghiK a fair in nlil of the charity fund of our organization; hy your

,i,:i;il co-operatlnn nnd the generous public mpathy, tho project was made a grateful sue-

■sa, and the lilicral sum realized, by judicious Investment and careful expenditure, has sutHrcd to meet, not all, but the-most urgent demands upon us until the present lime,when llisalimist wholly exhausted.

There Is, perhaps, no charity in all uur land more worthy and deserving- than lhat which, through the kndly hat ill of old comrades in arm*, ministers to the necessities of ihe needy soldiers of the nation, or their ill, Impoverished, orssuarlng widows and urphaus,—-linn..; lo redeem to these wards of the Republic, ihe pledge of the nation lii its hour ol peril, when hravc hearts were given to its defence,—to drive from the door grim and sullen want, and temper charity with the kindliest sympathy and offices of comradeship.

nnring these tlvo years we have, us your almoners, expended over $.1,000 In relieving the necessities of soldiers and their families in our midst; ihc charity fond of the P„it Is kept dis- tinct Iron) all other moneys, ami no dollar ol It can tic expended hut for the purposes lor which It is contributed, By the lulncss of the records of the organization, and the knowledge of sol- diers concerning each other, and Ihe cure with which each ease Is examined, we reel snre that a wiser and better dlstri but Inn or the funds Is Dins made than would l>e possible through any other channel,—while, surely, charity can come to the soldier or bis bereft ones from no other linger* so tenderly as of an old comrade In

Uur (Und* are exhausted, while our necessi- ties arc as urgent and imperative as ever before. We confidently appeal to you lor aid in this lieluilf. Will you please organise at an early day, a committee to cooperate in the work of the proposed fair, ami to give direction In whale'

' ;'i''■!''■; „ rank J

hKliiisthtJim g Viimig Uitllcr I If Itilly I'taUor

Mill- In-lit- IHISI

TlIK nilAMl A1IMV I'AIHIIH—ThO following

Is the list ot post! represented at the Brand

Army parade of Esses county posts, at Ulou cester, to-duy :—

Firsl lli-iijiulr.—Comiiiamler, K. L. Kowe.Posi k>, Gloucester, Manchester Braaa Hand; Post I;, (iloncester, L. L. Howe, commander; 1'ost S2, Marhleheiiil.l-.A.Osgood.coininander; I'.^l !l.i, Siingns, J. W. Sawyer, comiiiander; Tost UH.Swiinip-ei.ti, M.K.l'oiter,commander; 1'nsl l il, \Ve*t Knwbury, K. <L Wood, eomouoder.

Second ii. i>«(i'.-Ciiniinander, W. W. Baton, 1 out Oil, Dauvers. Salem llrass Rand ; Kost 31, Salrin, J. \V. Iliii'te, ciniiniimkr; rosior, Man- cheater, John L. Katon, cjininnuder; Post HI),

rly, 11. P. Woodbnry, commander; I'osi Jt , Uanvers, J. W. llirunr.l, coiunian.ier; 1'ost ISI, fealKKly, ILiiieri s. Il.niiels, commander.

Third /byrY-'.-Conimander, J. R, Smith, Poet O, Lynn; Lynn llrass Itiud; Post .\ Lynn, I'.dwln Marp, ci.inin,inikr; 1',MI :jll, Liwrenee, James Nooiian, comnuniieri Poal M, Hnver- hill, Jones Kraukle, eomm.inler; Post 41), New- linryport. T. Tulboi, cuiuiuander; Hwt ]>>, Ameabury, D. B, Hale, commander; disuhied e.iinrailen und Invited gueats.

The Stall' of atajor Merrill, Division Com- mander, is as follows :-!■:. A. FUkc, Adjutant; Aids: Cbas. H. Pew, Wm. H.Trash, J. K, Jennets, V. w. Perkins, (J. W.Creasey, and S. II. Parsons; Aids hi charge or Invited guests: David lloynton and Win. Bastil

Ax AociniXT occurred od Tuesday, which might have proved fatal, hut lor lbe timeh rival or Mr. William Munsur, or Dracm." this guntlcman was driving into th* city, ami passing between ihe cemeteries, he heard the cry of some one In distress, and going to tho sand hank near hy discovered a man named James Chambers nearly burled in the sand, only his head remaining In sight. Hansur si once brawn to dig him out, finding him mucl bruised, but not seriously Injured. 'Ihc man was conveyed to his home.

Mr.ChauiUrs owns n loam, and has been dig glng land and conveying It to the Archlliuhl Wheel c pane's works. The driver had just

me wuh n load, when Chambers was over helmed with iicaving hi ul*earth, and think:

C must have been embedded in the earth lo: half an hour, uud could not have surviied much

A Mourn. iM» Mn.i. Bt'lLliKUa.—Mr. Thou ire Vuclckcrs, who will lie remembered by

many of onr citizens as formerly a resident o reiiee and the architect or the present I'cui

lierlon Mill, writes as follows to the llostoi "Traveller"-—

Please call the intention or your readers lo tin et that the present IVmberton Mill In Law

I-CIICC, which I huilt upon the old rite in tin summer or Win, h the only mm with lire-proof stairs and 11 re-escapes like stairs, having besides the amplest spriukl.-r nrraitgeim-nls In uny I hope lhat llus mill will he made (he palte: saiety for all mills in the Stale. I will add, that the owners cheeriully assented to this cxpous< Mr. David Nevens giving me liherly to make all things sale for the future. Some future duv I will give you ihe details. Our laws, 1 am Hurry, wall lor calamities before there can be any redress. Stinginess, or the excessive love of gain, Is al Hie bottom of it all, and the during cheap man is (be victor in nil competitions.


Knsex County.

Ur. John L-JVJ vtigher.

—Another issue orffAU.lWO or the eily water it mj bund* has been ordered by the council.

•» -B I ~"L'3 I>rap.;un Canadian," the l-'reneh news- .. £j . paper lately established In ibis city, has sus- "> 'i,; pellded.

J *JJ j —Sam Shirpley'» minstrels come r'rlday i 'Tl} ! evening, uud ull the buys know who Sam Sbarp-

j ttj | —Rev. Mr. Sleholson,'of Nasbun, N. lL.will i j:. i preach at lbs First llapiUt church, on Sunday '-) ^j , moruiiig next.

j i-,j 1 —fhe staging of the big Pa.iile chimney Is ■_• .j;,j ahuit hall' down, Ihe workmen putting on the j jr.; finishing touches, a* they descend. '"i !i'.'! ! —An insane old lady, named Catherine

Dempeey, residing al 319 Kim streut, iu< been Liiki'ii to Ihe Insane Hospital al Were .ter.

Lawrence Cricket Chin plai a r. turn match with the Blue star ('. r u (...«■.II.on Ihe 1'air Uroimde in lbe latter cily. ••iissim.iuy.

-One of our popular young men limit* U ab- sent in the west taking mn.. himself a Inner hall*. His partner rollowsMiit in xiuiuntb

—The lloatuii Gtahe nnnoun v am "Ig th ,- speakers ai the military bamiuel in Uirlbor.i

Cijit. Jolin I'eudergait of the ate oner Medo-

\Ir. James ('ralg, formerly nf this city, but of Dover, N. IL, recently nicl wllh an acci-

dent by which he will lose Ihe nest part of one

: t'


IitfN.'.l .y <-'iiL»L*JSl!5U


special i ll'.ir make ?

In behalf of Po

the .id by lbe 1 aim

ratiV' ■ asllght advantage more rapid labor ake up for the deflcl inUtuaJ l,y the less Hen Whose iaillllie

, No- ork by

■Ir lulcnW fo

-Il (hell- altei

staple of


.in Hie otUaUle

,i, ,■,■

by thi- iH I

lii march COUIlt of Hie Injustice lo Hie female t rath es, ami ellorts are being made lo ]

prolllably it repeab d.

llext LeK-

l of lire Here ore some proverbs which Alpln

Kurr says are Kiissinu: "If yon in si Hiv in uiushr i let them put yon In a lias

Ik-hts arc not noisy, but tiny keep

ifnaingle awake, One I.s not loved because |„ handsome, but handsome because lit

practical beloved. Make friends will, the bear, clnssKS of keep bold of viiur hatchet."

Uoldsmlth Mahl is lu Itbode island. The l\mt says! Dohle thinks riiecan Irol across the ■Suite Inside oftWo lultuile.s.

- society may be pleased lo

1.19 G. A. It., Ilespccitully yours,

J.VMKS NOONAN, li. JOHNSON, J»., K. A. PI8KB, OKO.S. HRItRILL, S. C. I'AltSONS, It A.8KAVKK, 1). K. KILKY, A, M. HOLT, C. II. SMITH, w. (i. nowi:,

Con.inlitee on Knir.

Tin: Di:ri;crivi-s AMI CAIIILI..— A letter received in ihl* rlty from Col. Chase Phltbricfc, dated Seplcuber fith, reports f.ilr and salislac- lory progress In securing the.extradition of ihc alleged Uo-ton murderer, Thomas t'ahlll. The detectives arrived at il.iiw.iy on the evening of August iiili, and found their prisoner in Jail, and the following morning be was arraigned,

Notwithstanding the extradition laws and acts of parliament forbid the magistrate from bear- ing evidence, it being required that the prisoner should go before the How street (London) mag Unite, yet the III igistrute held court, and Pliil- brick says, "there was ihe biggest kind of a display id Irish eloquence, Cab III having rouu ill, and the crown council appearing for the dc tccllvc*." The Colonel says ihe trial was wel worth goiuj: to Qelwuy to witness, and lhat nt ter two of hours argument the prisoner was re uiiindcd to How slreel, iu charge of the Irish olllecr who nude ihc, arrest. The parties were

all In London the 27th, and at II o'clock, *. v., Cablll was taken before the magistrate, and the examination aguln continued eight days. This brought it to tho fourth instant, when the evidence of the detectives was read before the prisoner, und the magistrate remanded hint lu jail for extradition at the end or Alteon days when be would he turned over to the detectives unless In the Interim he secured a writ of tut

AMIS tor}>Ht. This Philhrick thinks he cannot obtain, as'-bo Inn no money, and them an sliwter lawyers to help him." Philhrick slate* that Cab Ill's council at (lulwuy

a Mr. Con can nun, after the preliminary cxan nation Hated to the detectives: "Oenlleme you have the rlgl.t man, and the devil ought to he banged," which they thought was cold com- fort for council lo give a client.

Tho cancers are anxious to get away wllh their man, and do not speak in '(uttering terms

or the manner ol transacting criminal business across, the water. As the prisoner was remand- ed on the lib hist, the fifteen days expired Sat- urday last, uud probably the oiilcers have sailed hy this time.

Mr. T. N. Hoiitnee, the temperance leeliir- '■v. with Ihe Havel liiil I'urn. I hand, iu a S.oivd Concert, will iipia-ar at the Cily Hall on Sunday evening*, October Ith and Mill.

h « K...., l.igKa-leni Piini-c

u. «1.1i) t. Ih'i-t, ai£l lo fourth.

tag joe iuploy I- g lien,

bl'k III I'dlii » Harry

lll.i M.i-I

-The managers of Ihc Ksaex County Agricultural Suelety, the annual fair of which Will be held at 1) invert,

Wednesday and Thursday,the'.Mill uud 30th

lust., have Issued the following programme I'or the occasion ;-

, tho Or*! i On Tuesd.i y:*JU o'clock,' uiittces and marshal

. ror tilling vacancies oil com other business. At 11 .v. it., Ihe meet ut ihe same place tor the

if tho show, a , trustees cann

L'l Ml ihe Towi oiniiiia.-es, and

icii-iy - hoi co ol a

president, secretary, mill Ihirlv-tbrce trustee? The entries i,l' animals, poultry und agrlciillu- ral ImpiemenI- will lie received by Ihe Secreta- ry ut bis office at the Hiding Park at or before 10 A. M., on Tue.-day, thai they may be exam- ined by the several committees on thai day.

The cattle ami other pens and poultry stands will lie arranged on the riding park, where all animals must lie by in A. M., on Tuesday. They will lie taken care of and fed at the ex- pense of ihc eoriety, under the direction of Samuel W. Spalding, and will remain on exhi- bition Ull 'A \: M., oil Wednesday. Sheep nnd wine must bo taken from (be wagons. Car- tages and agricultural Implement will be ex-

hibited in a tent on the Park. Fruits, dowers, dairy proilueis, vegetables

and domestic miiuufsciurcs wilt he exhibited in the IV*body Institute, and must In' present- ed and entered with the Superintendent, John A. Put man, at that place, by 1(1 A. M., Tuesday. They will also lie received the day and evening before. Alter Hie examination by lbe commit- tees, the hall will be open lo the public on the evening of lhat day, anil on (be following day and evening. A baud ol music will lie in at- tendance.

The trial of oxen and draft horses, will come oil* on Tuesday, at 2 o'clock, v. u., on donni street, near (be show grounds.

The ploughing match will take place nr Wednesday,at Hi A. H..OU land in bcrry'i Held. Competitors for ploughing must uuiki iheh enlrlrs with ihe secretaries, on or licfori Ihe Saturday previous lo ihe show, und will draw for their lots Tuesday, ut I e. u., tit ihu Necrelary'i oillcii on the Park, and IK- ready to start at tin- prui-ise lime ihe following morning. All horses and cattle that are fed by Ihe society and do not compete tbr premiums, will lie charged for keeping.

"" inosday, the Roclcty

—A re-Issue ofu patent bobbin and spindle, lor i-piiidli' oiaehinerv, hu.s h, ,- ide to Messrs Oliver Pearl and J. P. Matties, of this city The patent is briefly described thus:—The blade ol the spindle, or (hat |mnloii ot it above the '■ . ■ i , Is made mueli shorter than the bob* bin, and (he bitter has, near Its centre, an adhe- sive bearing, which rit.s the spindle near lu top. The bobbin has also, at its lower end, a plug, which ills closely to ihe spindle, and is bushed at Us upper cud lo give it strength.

—The Knights of St. Patrick, of Lowell, will hold their annual celebration on Wednesday OCIOIHT 7tb, lit the I'alr Oioiinds. The IvnighiK ol'Hosioii and Lawrence nre to he invited to participate iu theexerclM's. The l,owell Cornet band will furnish ihe music, and lbe Kniglus will parade the principal streets at about nine o'doik in the forenoon, en route Tor the grounds. The festivities win commence at about ten o'clock. There "ill he horse running, trotting, hurdle racing, nuns' and hoys' races, wheelbar- row and saik races, Ac.

-Th li.

\ ui H...I .,

law i.n. nil t

An.lover " Advertiser" has this: ft Maine ll. It. Company hulk !e across the Merriniucut Haver-

to pnss * t the grie*

-i'iv. yi. ng ladle* In all made the ascent of Mills chimney. The last two to

BUI were lliittie EeUUOtl and Addie

.ii r iU " soya: "Two now ochigscnt troiu

.'" B. Co., m ihl* city,

Mi- il«rWiu r-nrlekotiof IliUelty liasraturnei lo'IVinplelinii.' S iarj, Siiijnoga, N. V., (< iv-inne her po-iiiun a.-, teacher m" vneal iiiusm.

Tl I'ulilidler" siuv : IIr. Hiram It. Uoodrieli Wl„il!.i> lit.-ii liiilorj oi ll<:.Ull l..i lin- |i:i-i let in.mill', expired ttliilduy. Tlimigh young, hewa iifliiriiig and in lin- ixiMhc-a man when In In-alth well known oilh.' .- miiiilv, mi.I respecled 1.' all who knew blui.

Policemen Webber and Carpenter captured i gang id'libi.i VOIIIIM, 1'roiii i-l.'i.ii to Hi\t«vn year i.l.l, Sunday night, w ho tor Mime lime have heei engaged In r-u-allng ciipirs Iroiu James Howe' drug store on Main Klnel. An open win.lov gave access to Die good.".

Deputy (tbarin 1*. B, Uavls and w. ll. Barur were Ihrowu out of a huggv on Summer streei Saluiiluyulli'itinim, in |.:i.~i■ i^ mi n\ team, ai H\'B c.roiiktNl bom U'. nig i.n hooked to ih niriiagaaslO overturn It. Mr. H jiuvd lu one iiriu and the earrlnne

The ll.-piilili.-an l.'ltj- Co mm it lee held n meeting ..:i M lay mill mad,' . i:L■,i-1'■ 11■'■,(.-. fur Hie i-an. . ii..-- lor. li,.ii'c ul lU'l.'irati'i 1 illi.' Stale Uonveii- tlon on Ihe evening o| del. t&l. Hy a vole ol 7 to .">, Hie com in I Uci' lii'galil.d a motion re.-oininend- [UK in.' n -e ..I tue ebueh list in the ebulee of dele-

Tin.- '-Iliill.tin i-avs: The matter or Wm. 8. .Merriiuini vs. Ihe eilv ,,( llaverbill, i-lti or damages on ai'i-imiil ol laying .ml, eoii»triu-li.m and grading ot l.o. nM street, (o, a.i-..., I.iltli' iiin-r, and l.v I ,r,,1 ,,| Minima, i, re lened l,y ugreeuiiiit to .I.V. .lull.'-, L. )'. Mea„cr. und Ii. II. (lull ha- been dee bird alter a full honrlng iu .favor ol Hie city, nml no damages


si.-i!.- I on ire-, mi Mo

elsolal or ah Seanuel; In K-t-i Michel McLurty; In Mrrri lager beer In liber I Hfi

le Howe inali. thn foll.iwiiig selK. , nllerii.iiiii: In liankoii ,lieel, '. nn Pul.iek Kaliy, ami J Imrrei. •lied hard IUJIIOIH, Irom .lame.

i.'L rli-uel, 1 keg ol

ll.- KWIieUE. Mr. i;/.'l.iel ll.ig.i.-. of llj'lleld ha ■ a eat wen

Lewis \. Ma Pealiodv, In-. loree.

■ling, K-.|-. Chlol or I'.ille ..-en added la llio iState 1

1 for oliee

A report Is in mldres. ihu ell

circulation Ut ill (tilts or 3.ib-iii BUS

riU. Hiillei l Saturday


Hev. I.inn. r IV in Mai'lilelie v.-r W0ddillg,l

sh, pa

t lbe

-li.rorili.-Mcthi.di-t soele Wife, eeleUaled their .il

■arsMMge en Vriihty, nil

ed I ■ M:.- I'll reh , i u the ai dr ss l.v John

-I..I ..'ill I.

'i'.i . All mod i

r he address proceed to

II, Where tin Si aety's In iier will he


Hor. Tallsil and Council will be present, and addresses m a v be es peeled from Hon. Marshal P. Wilder, Itog.r ll. I.envltl, delegate from lbe Stale iHI.u .i uud uihers.

TUB OBKBKAI. Smi res BcKrumRNT ran 1871, Is just issued from the press of Wright ft Cotter, State printers, und embraces the Acts supplementary to lbe Massachusetts Oencral Statutes, with marginal miles, references to former laws repealed or affected thereby, with a copious and valuable Index. This volume was published by th - Common wealth, and ably edit-

ed by Hon. William A. Richardson and Hon (Jco. P. Sanger. Its style, for convenience In binding, is uniform with the General statutes. Its sice is double thatot lust year's volume, making -iMI pages ami upwards, and Its value will readily commend it to the legal profession, and nlbers interested. The Secretary of the Coinmonwealth, through his oHlcial proelaiu lion, Uses the price at seventy-live cent*.

MANI KAcii" MKKTIso.—The capitalists

controlling the ration and woolen -manufactur- ing interests of Sew Kngland, met in Boston on Wednesday, to discuss ihc question or

reduction ol supply ol good*. Mr. Wllllai dray, treasurer of the Atlantic Mills, iu Ih city, was chairman, and Hie result of the uiee lug was the appointing of a commit tec to report upon the under consideration on Fri-


mi,il.a- vacation, Hie Cmgi egaliou- HradUrd, lia.- expended uliiuit C.'.irge 11. t.i.rlngnr H.dein, will deliver be iiiiiiiveivarv addre-H lielnrel story |>el>n|- iiK.SiHi.'lyiit Marbleh.iad, on Wed lay eve-

In II.el.van poli.-c i-oiirl on Tin-mlsy uiornlst, .. .ox,- » III .nn. nli.,. r',.oik [Mors >, na-!liie.|

|'JII.:,II, Mr n-iiig pri.l.iae laiigung ■ on Market Heel, Moiidat alleriKiim. UhWiKUter iiiuekerel do not bring tlie price this

.euKi.n they have -.nine yno-. but then Ih.- linger >|iiutililles iiiuglil make up the ilelliu iiej, und (He hii-hie -. m handling IIKIIII* duiihled.

A man named Charles Turner I Valem ..n Mondav.i.iini'liargi'or. under lul-e |.iel ■!■* ri' l,y, iv.i.i Uail.'ilin *.1ISI lor ujijiearam court on Wedueaday.

l.v; resilient, and;;: n.m le-ideut-i nay u lloverlynl *linj mid ..|.wards. (.[ ilie reh Hi.' 1,'ii'k'i^l tax it |.nid by Win, I). Pi.

re Hide n in the lurg

is arrente.l in '.I n"iii.■.;.,,>.I-

I iwrtlw! lie in Ihe police Hue

Al N. ■d lire v in til.' •

1.1.111. biirypnrt, Wedn

dbylhe •day. i

,i< nt t

„ . .rnl alarm ■■■■•Ui,,- -ut .if ll tlie

on. iKlftM Mill. The dO- ii loniliilng iho llaines to • burned lo a worlhlc»n lllig#2<KHI. It UiUlrll.oted

tin- building, which shell. ),n«,

The Htm-y now going the nmnds lint the lalo lion. .Innliuii llin-iiL, ul Maine, liudl tlm HI-I eolinii mill in A merlon, It i mistake; as in 171* only lour years a Ho r Hi. Ilerriek was horn, pli lli-^t c.-ilUiiii'liith ill this country was made lu Nowbury by Kben 1'arH.i.i-, mi tin- ..lie or Hie lly- ileld leather (ue|..ry. li -t |,„vi- lH-en| tivenlj year,, later that Mr lleni. L ami hi. brother bnle their mill In Bererly.

Lynn i« InRieterl with a hand or burglars. Thieving on usuiall heale lia- been ipdlo fieipient ol lule, but!Saturday night it wan more extensive, Hurgl.-ii':' eiileied Hie iiim .inn nnoiiilai'toiy ..I II. .* N. Clark, on direct, and >ln|i'*'24lsl worth ol gnat skins. So liny dim-n pehlibsl goal ,kiiM weie li.ken. They in nrki'd with lbe iliilnhei..'Initials-J.C. K., or (J. I'., or It., or Al. M. C. or.I.S, Tbegooils were Fiuidoubiedly tak

ay in a hllleli. ., M.nk.


Tin. giueery ItOrO of C. streei, was entered the p.nuie

Tun Mii.ts IMITIIUTBS llot'u LAW.—The I'aclHu Mill" in arranging their running time for the Ten Hour Law, bare decided lo adopt Iho hours llxed upon by the Ailantle Cotton mills several yenrs ago, via,,

OA A. H.totli'- st., A days, (it \. u. to :i I-, M., Saturdays, li H. lo I v. u.-lor dinner.

Wo piesi'ine Hie Atlantic system will bo made uniform throughout the corporations ol the city,

Mltlillouox County.

*ILI Tue. .I,,* (.i I in in M. and .lames Itnlmes arrc-ud t..r ki-.-|.niK :, id' us-lnnalion ulNntnSlcr a.k Mteeil. The plae.o bus long l.urne a n.i.l reuiilalion, and U rli.iraeteil/.ed hy lln''ea-n'ii the I,..v.: I deus In the. cily, being iie.|ue.iled by the worst of eharacU-m.

Hev. riederlek ltrouks. of Cleveland, a brother of Hev. I'liilllps Hr.uik-. .a II.I-M,,, |,.fi |,iH lather's hotir.1- ill 11..Mil.I. I,|-l Tlli'M|llV,|..l'lll|10 to Low- ell, intending lo n mm llnmiui.' ilny. Itappcnrs Unit he got mil al (.'.unlividgc, nnd in llioilnrknoss of ihe evening "bile .in.r.oig ihe H OH ton and Lowell drawhi-ldg.' ■■ II iliv.nigl, and was drowned,

•Kiill returns have li,-eii iiiadi'lo ihu lilty Clerk of Lowell, by the rlele.-Uiicii of Towkshury, Clieluisriirilnnd liiacut, of Hie voters belonging hi tho U'li-itiiiy ii'L-riuiy iinneved from those lowns lo Ibis eilv. Tlieinlal number I* WI dis- trihuleil in follow-: Krn.n tdielmnford, voting In Ward four Ui: I'niiii Hmenl, voting lu Wnrds Two and five, l-Jl: from Tewk-bury, voling in Wnrd Si\, IT, It is Hioiighl enough more will register to Increase Lowell's population son.

the I' make the

uilng. ■The Newburyporl

thousand toai ol coal a thecual pocket of Hie I' 0 Lawrence."

—Tho llow-er and coiitivilo icry wide at the 1 rand Arniv fair, will In- furnished und pre- ided over liy the ladles of the Unitarian church, lev. Mr. Hoyden's. —Muchof the road lied of the Lowell and

L.twieiu-e railroad, has lieen supplied wllh new rails, and the remaining portion ot tho line will be supplied In a Tew days.

—Atlantic .-i.n'i ha* gone from 70] to ,"," j ; Washington, from .WJ to .W|; Hnsion A Maine, from 112 to IU; Kastcrn, Irom 8U to 02; Hus- ton & Lowell, from l" '' to 90.

The Democratic eilv coinuilltee have effected in ,:niii/.. ii ion by the choice of Major John it

Hi-own, chairman, Jeremiah Ucardon, secretary, and A. It. Urewster, ireusurer.

The Light Infantry target about occurs to-day. Honorary mcmliers will lie re- ceived at theeity hall nt nine o'clock In the

noon, and escorted to the city farm. We have received from the garden or Mr.

George E. Shetlcr a mammoth tomato, weighing; twenty-four ounce*, and measuring In elrciim- ' renee Bfteen and one-half Inches. Next?

—On Saturday a peddler's team was precipi- tated down an embankment on May slreel, and the cart was badly smashed. As there was no fence, it Is claimed Ihc city Is responsible for damages.

—The Kssox Agricultural fair occur* next Tuesday and Wednesday, at Danver*. The dinner speeches nml award of premium* Will tuke place on Wednesday, nt one o'clock, lu lbe Gothic Hall.

—Hen Outlet is Interesting himself In ihe pro- ject of cleaning a channel In the Mcrriiuack to [his cite, liy making occasional personal Inspec- tions uiihe work being done by the Govern- ment.

— Ihe m dn gearing or the TacKIc Mills print works broke yesterday, and work will tie suspended until repairs are made. Fifteen hundred skilled worliiu.'ii arc employed In this department.

—The Essex County Grand Army parade oc- curs to-day, at Gloucester, Major Merrill will IH- Chief-Marshal, nnd has np|Hunted Mnjor Fiske ns Chief of Stall*, and S. C. Parsons as aid J-ile camp.

The I'resident's nsmesuke, who keeps the t and eon fool ione ry stand in tho 1'ost Otllce

entrance, Is doing the beet business ever tran jaded at that stand. All the dally papi i>, fruit, confectionary, cigars, etc.

—Tho "New England Odd Fellow" lor Bepteav tembar, has lieeu Issued. It is now printed under the iiiimedlale supervision of Ihe publish, er, and each succeeding number shows com niemlable improvements.

—In the police court, on Friday, James Hagget, Joseph Barnes and John Sullivan wure each lined costs of prosecution for drunkenness. Sullivan had no money uud went to the house of correction for thirty days.

—Mr. M. li. Toa-nsend, lately of the llrm of Towuseiui Brothers, and mure recently of I'own- send ft italley, Lawrence Steam Laundry, has retired from the latter firm and will open a new laundry at No. IU Water street

—Messrs. James B, Wilkinson. John llevlug- ton, and William nml Jaiuos Hide, left this eily, Tuesday, for Wisconsin, lo prepare themselves for Ihe Episcopal mini-try. The rector ol St. John's church accompanied the iwrty.

—The New Hampshire Suite Fair occurs at Manchester next week, tin Wednesday, SOth, John Farrell's chestnut gelding, John, Is entered In the 2.37 class. The following day, C. E. Mosher's liav gelding, Joe Illpley, Is entered lu ihe 2.34 class.

clerkship of Ihe police court, and Mr. 11. 1'. Hopkins has been appointed to lilt the place un- til a clerk is elected. Mr. Hopkins will make an ctllelent officer.

Mr. Charles Hunker, a painter, who Tsll i staging on Wilder'* Mill, September Hib,

and broke bis leg, Is reported to be getting along linele. He was cared Tor hy Dr. Sluwe, at ihu lime of the uceldent, and sent lo hi* home in Great falls.

—Jesse li. Gould, Rio.., In (he September number of the "New England Odd Fellow," pays his pnrting retpects to the readers of the publication, and commends to their favor Mr. Albion II. iiaiiey, the publishing a^ent, who assumes the position of editor.

—A special train will be run from this city on Wednesday evening, Sept. SOU), to Lowell, lo accommodate those wishing lo attend the (lid I'OIKS concert at Ilnntingtou Hall, to be given under the auspices of Hie Eliot church, of Hint :lty; fare on railroad and admission tu ihu hall one dollar.

—The-SUid.lard-reiinimnii-Hanson note case was tried Tor the fourth time ut Salem on Mon- day. It will be remembered that l'ennlman in- dorsed Hanson's note, which was altered after signing, and upon maturity went to protest. The

was this lime given lo Ihc defendant. The Scotch people of (his city are indignant

that they should be classed In ihe nationality movement known us the Young Men's Political Kefoim Club. They are a pooule whoure pecu- liarly Independent lu their political views, and with what party, or for whom ihey will vote.cun only he told upon election day.

Souih 'Lawrence Is to lie supplied with wa- ter bv ,\ iwelveuicli pipe, lying un lor tlie river,

il Ihe pipe and contractors for laying (he saute, hard arrived in Hie city. The commis- sioners contracted lor the pipe laid iu posi- tbu, and I'.'ii. Hi. km,in, the engineer, will MI- perinteiid the work.

Mary Ann Dully I* coasting around the Iro inn- siation in Huston,n* Mary AuiP'Stevens."

he has apiieared in-iore Judge Stevens' court lu this illy, seventy-three times, anf been let oil' almost as mnuv times, perhaps she didn't really know whether her name Is Duffy or Stevens.

—tin Sunday ,two or three miscreants, who for some reason sought revenge upon Mr. W. K. Peeler, residing nt the comer or Union and Andover streets, south side, girdled a IIUIIIIHT of bis liuest pear trees. A number of hens be longing to Mr. II. K. Ilrown, a duaf and dumb man residing in .lie same vicinity, were also killed, It 1* supposed by the same parlies.

—The additions lo the criminals In the Imu ■ - of ciirrocilon from this city have been largely increased this week; Monday nine were sent up from the station home; Tuesday six inoro followed; Wednesday seven more, and to-day the total of four days was swelled to nearly thirty, and two more days remain for criminal

—In courlThursday morning one I'atrlek Mur- phy was lined Sill.80 for an assault II|HIII Mary Viynii. Ofneer Connors Mfonred ihe court, just before sentence was paaied, that Murphy before him but a short lime ago, for mak- ing an assault with a kntl'e, and this circum- stance did not mitigate tho sentence in the least, inn made Murpliy very Indignant.

—While the carriages were passing oat ol the gale or the Uidlng Turk on Wednesday, alter the races, a carriage collided with John Far- rel's buggy, springing lbe axle and wheel ofihc latter, anil doing considerable damage. There Is always a jam at the gale when n race Is end- ed, and If there were two gates lor exit mm b trouble would bo saved and no little danger avoided.

—An iinelent Hibernian was before Ihe po- Hco court on Monday charged with drankea- ncs* . When ihe judge put his usual Interrog- ative, "Was yuu over brought np here, sir?" tho old chap assumed a poalUDU ami expres- sion ol high disdain and replied curtly ; "No, y.T rlvcrence, I was brought up In Ihe uuld country, and a blessed silo It Is." The euurt and spectators wero convulsed with laughter, and ruddy got clear.

—There were hall'a dozen IHIJ-S befure Judge Harmon's court Wednesday. John Towle, Join Hheney, William Love and John Cm in, all o Have: bill, charged with stealing cigars, wer eonlinued on proliatlon Tor one month, Ed- ward Mngnn, Jr., was delivered to the agent of Hie Hoard of Stale charliles. John Msliouy

icdy of tills city, itaallng

They ure

—An Item W»H published In our Andover column on Tuesday, announcing that Hie IMHIV of an unknown man was lo ami iu the river four miles below Lowell, on Monday last, on whose person was found u baggage check, marked lor North Ijiwrence. tin Wednesday,officer Llhboy went to the Ninth depot and found a valise hearing u check, marked and numbered ns In- dicated lu the Item. Its content* wero clothing, etc., but no ciuo to the Identity of the man was tound.

—Tho overseer* ol tho Washington Mill* l*> Hero inroereatlun after their week's labors, and with this |don in vlow, last Saturday afternoon they repaired to Hio uinutli or the Stiawahlne river, near tho bridge ttiat crosses tho stream to North Andover, and enjoyed a royal clam bako. Tho bake was a perfect success, apd It only required tho imagination to wander to the shores of Narruganscl Hay (o mako one think ho was In tho midst of a Itbode Island clam liake. Jolly fellows are Ihey who superintend operation* at tho Washington Mills, and dyi- pepilu Is a disease they are unacquainted with. ol the company a man in Havcrhlll Is i.ling a »cb"on<-r above this bridge, which he .(ids to load, a" soon us ii IN liulslied, and sail

il„u.i »l re wm. (il course -b, cannot piurn the bridge, and, ultimately, the railroad iimipnuy till he obliged to construct a draw. Thl* is a iburp trick Ui seek vengeance, and one which UM a Butler-like aspect."

I'as-e Is receiving renown fi r bis hells. He has just eoiiMrueted it mammoth belt, eightv mat in length and three feet four inches In width, lor the Exeter Manufacturing

Exeter, N. II Another large belt has been built for Hie Ilrown Lumbering Company, al Whltelleld, N. IL, Hie dimensions of wiileh are seveuly-llve feet in length by three feet in breadth. These are lbe largest U-lls ever made here, and ihe work has received Oatterlnu notices from Boaton. Mr. l'age has three pri/,.- medal* Tor superior ladling, and holds ihc only gold medal ever awarded by the Mechanics' Association for belting,

—At the seinl-aniiiial session of the Orand I,odgc of Hood Templars of Muss., held In New Bedford last week, Mrs. Flora W. Ihmker, of this eliy, was unanimously elected Superintend- ent of the Juvenile TVmplars for the state. The object of this juvenile organization is to edu- cate theyuunglti the principles ol total absti- nence. It differs trom Ihe Hand of Hope In being a secret organization—having its pass words, signs, Jtc. Mrs. lkiwker Instituted a lodge of Juvenile Tempi trs in this city a lew week* since, and It (low numlier* -nine buy liii'inb ■: ■■ They have n ritual, and all or ihet'r exercises are performed according to preset ibed rules.

—Throwing stones In the street by laiys Is becoming an extensive nuisance and danger, ous practice In this dty. We have received a communication Irom tigi-iiileinaii on Franklin ■treat stating that a large stone was ihrowu through a window In his house, striking him upon lin- shoulder. We hnve heard or siores of complaints similar, and It Is time the prac- tice was •topped, O.iooftbe worst places in lbe city Is ut and near lbe Spiekei river bridge on Lawrence, street, where boys eongre- (;ate daily und throw stones at old gentkmen, adle*, and children, nnd passing carriages.

Let the police make u few decided examples, and stone throwing will ecu se.

—An accident occurred on (be Atlontle Cor- poration on Tuesday, and i( wus miraculous thai the young man did mn meet his death from it. Charles Palmer, ulMHit fourteen year* of age, residing nl 111 Cross slreel. Is employed ill the spinning room, and while at work cleaning lie. ncath a "mule," the lender, not know lug he was there, started Ihe machine. The frame caught ihe boy's head, nud by pressing l.iiu against some liard subsl.iiiee, mllicted n severe gash alsive the left ear,tearing away the ilesli, scraping the membrane from the bone, and badly rough lug the bone. The mule was stopped us soon as possible, bul It is a wonder Ihe buy was n>i killed. Dr. Sirgci.t intended the hoy, mid h.> is getting along comfortably. Tho circuiiisiaii- res of the lad are, as he is ipjlie youiu-, and has neither father or HI ulier. hut we prjsame tho management of the corporation will extend every kindness necessary.

—(Jood! The City Marshal Is de.tarmln.Hl to stop the rowdyism at the city hall during cu- tertuinincuts, and Tuesday eve., made a good IK-- glnulng. Olllecr shunnuhnu was (here and .-[Milled a great lubber of twentv or re years, n the aet of sending birth shrill whistles," and I at once lighted upon him, and conveyed hlin to ihu siation house. He was given a very suvero lecture by Judge Stevens on Tuesdiiv, and Ihen lined lo the extent of nearly VUL which, wiih his night's lodgings in tlie station house was ... pretty g.n i punishment,

ima Is Charles McKbi'.-i-, und if lie is In the eaiploy ofunv pcrsoi iu'tlu cltv. we hope In-will be at one: li-, barged for bis conduct. The police en i w.i.-lt no reform which will receive a inure hearty support from

ma than that of maintaining order at hall during enierialiiiiu ills | for

the public we extend thanks lo Cilv Marshal 1'resuott and (llll.-er Sh innalian lur their action f last night. —Two precious youu; rascals got lltly dealt

with on Monihiy in the police court, for steal. Ing a team and abusing it. An old genlliinan lett his horse and wagon siumling on Essex street a few moments, nnd one John F. Kellev. a wild fellow of twenty years, jumped iu and drove off over Ihe Duck bridge, where be wan joined by another young scamp named Tinnitus llooucy, ol about ihe same age, Mr. Ilrown, i be owner, Informed Dr. Fames, who was riding by, and he nt once gave chase and succeeded in

the police. They were bound over lo Hie superior Court, but, us the owner of the team lived at considerable dIslam-,, from this city, the

luded, on the suggestion of Mnjor Hrown, to settle the cafe, and accordingly In- flicted sentence of six months In the house of correction on Kelley, nnd three months nn Koutlcy, from which boih appealed, the former being held In 9300 and (he latter in 9300 to ap- pear before lbe Superior Ciiuil.

The members of the Hoiuj Club no.* pot- an elegant suit of rooms, occiipyiug the

greater |Mirtion of Hie front of the second elury idCbuieli itloek. A eom.uitteu hive jnit lin' ished and furnished the rooms foriu.Tlv oeeu pied he the late Dr. Sevll'irih, enlraii.e Irom which to the billiard room is had by two hand- some arches. The new room has been llior- oughlv renovated, and ptpered iu a m.igiilit cent manner by Haters. WhiHonl A Wee. The papering consists of a dad > ab ire the has.- board aisjiii three feel high, with colors of brown, black mid gold; surmounting the dado Is a moulded chair rail, and from this to near (he ceiling 1* a light, plain Held ; this Is cupped wllh an ornamental border und moulding of black and gilt, the Idler I'or the support of pic- tures. Tho room presents a v.-ry gorgeous and attractive appearaitee, A new carpet has been laid, ami new furniture procured, consisting ol six elegant cue/ chairs, and a sola lounge of handsome design, all uphoMered lu Tuikev rod rcpt l the numerous cane seated arm chairs have also been panlally upboMered with the same A heavily in.ial,|.:d black wal- nut door gives entrance to the rooms, and a large silver plate has been plueo.l upon the out- side of the door, bearing the words •'Home

A still further extension of tho room- tiplaied at some future lime, but |..r

the present (he club has i|iiarters which are it- tractive, comfortable, and a credit Hi them selves and the cltv. Tlie committee bavin charge ol lbe retltilng were Messrs. I'uriton A mlngton, E. A. Flake, and W. H. Jsi|ulth.

—There WHS a lively tittle fracas at the corner [ili' ami 1-rank I in Mrccts M Sunday eve., alauit half-pasi nine o'clock. Dllleer Liblicv * WUS pasBiug Hint point when two ladles Mopped ft him, mid while Ihey were .I. tailing llielr I rou- ble! to Hie ollleir, two men, named James Wall and t'hillip Hurke, came up and used Insulting and indecent language, whereupon the otherr told Ihi'in lo pans along about their business. Tills they declined lo do, ami were more In- sulting, when the officer dismissed the ladies, ami iitieuipted I ake nil a not ol'ou.i of Ih.' parties, but aila.-king bin Im was consid- erably beaten, and c.ilic.l to uflfkwr Mitchell, who was on duly nl the lower cud of the blocks; M:n -i,,« i Siillvuii wus on Esw-x street, ami hear- ing Liblay cull ul oii.e lull lo the scene, and CMUped a pair i "'

i l.ibi uy i will, for ic other

i. il he ,-d his plei Icily, ami he i al- hardly U|H>U ids

when lie uianaged lo trip the officer and went down upon him, mid was going for his throat, when Mitchell c.inic along, an,I wuh n •lagle blow in hi* club decided lbe contest, nml made a quiet man of the prisoner, whose head was lal.l open with a (ban cut. The men not off* luckily on M lay hy coiiiribuilng ».'n to encii ol the officer* for a new coat, and a Hue uf 8.) nnd cosis each. They passed In iheir scrip willingly.

—Officer* Baal and Robert! made nn exten- sive haul Irom sn evil house on Tuesday, nml brought to ihe stailon house a large wagon load or prisoners. The house I Crescent street, 1* an auxiliary to Hie water works colo- ny, and night alter night the ncighliorliood bus been made uurniu tollable by orgies held I here- in. In Ills evidence the Colonel slated Hint it was Ihe vilest den he ever visited, and lie did not sec how the Inmates managed to live. The parties keeping lbe place are John Conigan and his wife, and they with four smalt children ami several men ami women found in tho house, were In tho police court dock this innrnitig. After the Colonel had put In his ciidence Ihe Judge remarked that he never convicted pur- llcs except upon sworn evidence, and Hint ivi- denee bad already been put In, hut lie hud a sad story to tell about lhat house. He (bin stated lhat a few days ago two girls working in this city, went to Lew in ton, and enticed a young girl awaj from home to IhiH elty, hy staling (bat she could have a good situation and home. The girl came|hcru, nnd her companions n( on:e took her to this house, where she was obliged to witness ihe terrible scenes there enacted, and everything possible was done lo make her purlske of lbpiors, and answer the purpose* of tho low lived men who IVv(|milled Ihe plaee. Hhc wus even Iseaten when refusing to drink. An attempt was made to gel lur to go ton certain hotel In the cily, which the Judge said ho would not mention, for the pur- pose ol yielding to ihe wishes ol' Ircr would-be seducers. Dot Ihe girl refused, and the officers hearing of tho matter Interfered In her Interest, and found means to send her to licr Inline in Lcwlston. The court bhimcd the woman who kept tho house, and knew Hint she horc u bad ivpiitaiii.ii. hut from the fact that she wus ihc mother ol four children, the eldest not more llian foil.- years of age, It was n hard case In dispose of. He sentenced her to six inonihs In the house of correction, ami said ho hoped the officers would take measure* to have her ami her children sent to ihe uluis-lionse nt Tcwks- bury. The caso of her husband was continue.I ii .mi time to time, and for an addll lonul charge ol drunkenness he was lined one dollar.

1*l\e $i\tlovcr ^tlvcftijiet'


l)i*. Rlicpard lias removed from Mr. Nathan

Killl' to Mr. M. C. Andrews.

Kev. C. U. Brooks of the class oi' 1873 in Die seminary, Uunder appointment of tlm Ameri- can Board, Mid will sail lur Turkey about the

middle urOctobcr.

Tin1 trustees i>i'ihe Seminary have elected ibe Kev. Dr. Uanilln, of Constantinople, us lecturer to iho seminary on Foreign Missions, Hml lit will deliver lit- eonrae of lectures in February.

Miss Mary Qstvin ho* resigned her position :i- organist .it Ilia Culi,,in- Church ninl was prosentsd with * vsry elegant Rold watch and el uin, last Thursday evening liy thi children of tin- Sunday School-

Tho writer ban reee.ved from James O, Cbeercr a basket "I splendid peschss. Mr. Bbeever lift" already gathered *lxty.»lx bushel* of tbli dellctoni Iron Irom hi* trees this toMon, nnd (till then lire more to be picked.

Mr. Joseph Nee Blms, tbe converted Japanese, and n graduate ol' the last clan* In the Seminary,

i to lie ordained at the Mount Venion church, Boston, on TlmrHilay even inc. September 24Ul< lie will won retain to nil native conotry as a missionary.

lle.i. Joshua Mum-hard, formerly ol this town and for several year* pant n resident of Law- rente, ban purchased of Rlcbnrd M. Aiiiiott « tine bouse lot on Punduwd avenue, near Kim fitrcct. lie is making nvrnngnnenU u IntlM *

residence Upon Hie lot ibid season.

Lam Sunday services: Rav. I>r. Bpuldfauj ol Ncwliiirypnrt, pTSaCPSd at the South church on exchange with Ibe pastor; Kev. Mr. Barter* n teni|iorary resident of West Newtiury, at Christ ehurclij and Rev. Dr. Harrows of the Homo Missionary Society, at Ibe chapel.

Some of the papers mention Jud^e Marcus Morion of till-) town Tor Congress from Uii district, We arc not sure that ho litis any as plmtloni In thtl direction but arc very much afraid the district will not get no good a rap-

ine i dd make.

A DnLVMOS.—The North Andover "Advcr- ■I'r" i|iii)U-" at length IM.HI ihc "Kri>e\ Comity

.lireclory" In regard In our two graveyards and the cemetery, und concludes l>y adding, "The above IH a deserve! te-tim..nliil to tho Supclin. 10111lent, nod anv im. Ilium! perMin JUIHSIIIK the cemetery will c.ilnci.l" with Hie writer." Now, such ml some IliilUiy i> sinijrly sickenlm*. and to believe BUI'II n statement would --how a lack of Intelligence. It only i:n«l« tin.1 Hilimriplioii price ofllie li-Milt liigut-u'-li pom puffery inserted, ami ilonlv rciiniren u I-IIKIH r-in leh cl'thc iiiiaginaiMui to guons the author of MU-II II ntulemcnt. The

v.'iiin'i" mnii alno anvs. "The Center con- e bouses ._ many

fallacy m' tlim nnd if the writer of

11 ill i-hoiv liim how j :it the Center than

lalned forty veur* ago a grei than itdoea m-day." Tne nii'ut cat! eai-lly he proven, the above contradict* It, I many more hniiMe there IP tbci'c were in lrCH.

POLITICAL.—Cent, Win. J.Cbeeveraeenu to lie inrrcasinK i" impular liivur «» llir in-xl Ucprc. tentative from llii- district hi Ml- U-giidaluic. It 1- i-onrvilrd mat he will nut only lillnx out the. entire -trciiKtli ol his uwu [uirty, hul will obtain a large support fi.mi hl» imfilical opponents. More than inn- i-i '■[mm m I ii-ni-. I r,t li:if)-\|.ii-rril hln inli'iition to support him, ml account of his general lllneitii. with.ail n-j;anl to jiarty ronsidi-r- alionn. A eorres|MHidi-nt lii'iu HIM town In one ot ymir liH'«'iii|i.piaiii-- -ni!K.-"is tint mine ol nnotlier man on llu-'ttiouml <>i hi- la-ing vonng- >T ami iiuilersUnillng [he "IO]H'- nf Hie ■lilp" U'l- ter. I cannot utn'Hvi- theloni' "(tint tlr-t ol,J,'i-- tiun, as Capl. Chi'.'vi'i, ihmiyh IUI^I llllj yean- of agf, I* In the fall |iiw*«»-inii ot i.ii.'llet:lual vigor, and Is llioroughlv intoino'.l on nil llir living |H.lii- ii-iil issues of Hit- day. In regard to the iiucotlmi or "topee," Captain i'lieever i- Jur-t a* eonver- HHlit with lint "rii|iiM ol the hhi|>" [or Ht.iti', as the writer prolialdy meant) as the geiitleinan—we mean nothiiiK l>ei> d- w 11■ ■ -• n.iiiie U not inen- tloneil.

PBRHIN*I..—Thomas II. I'unh mi, KM}., and wile, i.l' PlillnoVlohoi, are |ui--iiig a tew day,, with friends here. Mr. Kurnham has lieen at Hie Waumliee House, Jeflernon, N. II., for the past month, n re I'll gee iVmii the "liny fever." Mr. Farnham, wlmse lamiliaritv ivilli the White Hills almost ap|ironehe» that ol Hie Inlt- Starr King, vnyKtlint .leHersou is Hie llnesl place In all the mountains to remain any length of lime. Hamil- ton Willis, K*i., nn.i lauiilv, oi'l.oiil-lH-rgSi|iiare, I ton ton, havit liipi in riveil here irom Itye Iteaeli, S. II., and will pa^s Hie wii k. ol early tail at the Hounton House. The family of Dr. Kranc.Ui K. Dole have removed to ( hii'iipee, win " tor has resumed tho practice of me<ll< meeting with very nalterlng nueeess,

• Hie rlo.

The ItiiKton " Globe " mentions Col. (leorgc Itlpley oftbli town, liir CongrMi. He is the well known hank examiner, is a member of (lov, Telbofe iUff and ban many warm friend*, lilt

' name hue not been preeeftted in a lormal man- ner, and tt U not known that be would conwnl to have it used in mob a connection.

John Daley was taken to the lock-tip by Con- ■table Clark, on Saturday afternoon, for having n tit. On Monday morning, before Trial Jtutlce l'<ior, he dlsctoacd where he was made lick Mid Woe released. The next scene In the aei occurred oil Monday evening, when llmiual Leahy was up for selling liquor- Pound guilty and lined -i» and coats, amounting to #1.V/M

We nnlerstand the nptjUlcnn town commit tee have decided to call a caucus at the town hall on Saturday evening. Oct. 3,1, in choose delegates to lue state, congressional, county and senatorial conventions. The duly ol intending the primary meetings Is often rcicrrcd to, and Us Importance should he appreciated. Let there be a fall ultendance thai the sense ■ the parly nifty be truly expressed in the elioii of their delegates.

Rev. W. P. Dennett, ofHaeouclty, Iowa, and .Mr. Almon W. llurr, for sonic yean* tutor of Latin In Olierlln College, have entered the Scm< Inary for n year's study. Mr. Albert B, Win- ship, for several years a teacher at Newton and llridgcwalcr, and lately Methodist preacher West Soincrville, has entered the Seminary with n view to entering the Congregational inlulstry II, is i. licensed to preach hy tho Woburn A "social ion, ni ihc'r meeting two weeks llnee.

There wan iiuite a Well attended Union Sun. day school temptninec gathering at Die South church on Sablialh evening. Interesting remarks were made by Mr. 1'age, of Mcdford, and the Kev. f). V. Wright, of the l£rcc church. The Uev. Mr. Wilbur, of the Baptist church, nlso panleloaled In the services. Singing by the children, under the direction of Mr. James It. Murray, was Interspersed during tho even- ing, ami added much lo the Interest of (lie oe-

Tlic body of an unknown man apparently nlmut toriy years nf age, was found In the Mer-

rtmack river on the, Andover side, about (our miles below Lowell, on Monday last. Coroner Klinball, of this town, was called, but deemed AII iiii|iiosl unnecessary. There was nothing of value found Upon tin person of the man, hut a baggage check marked "North Lawrence, No. iMVi, U. I-. It N. Is It.," may lead to the dis- covery of his num:. Tho body WAS Interred at West Andover.

Last winter numerous pstlttom were presented to the legislature asking for tho exemption of church property from taxation, and measures were Initiated to ascertain Ibe present amount of non-taxed property in the state, claimed as improved lor educational and religious purposes. Tho assessors uf the several cities and towns were required to furnish the requisite statistics to tbe tax commissioner on or before (lie first tit October. The assessors have attended la the duty, and find the aggregate value of property now exempt from taxation in this town, to lie eight hundred and sixty-four thousand one hundred and eleven dollars, and one other Item yet to be added will hrini: It up nearly or quite to tlii- round sum of nine hundred thousand dollars.

The Tom Thumb troupe visited this town on

Saturday, and gave two entertainments at the town hall. In the evening (be ball was quite well Illicit, the larger portion of tho audience belonging to ibe rising generation persuasion (■cncral Tom Thumb and his wife, Commodore Nut! and Minnie Warren comprise thii puny of world renowned lllliputiuns. They have just made a three years tour around tbe world, during which they travelled ■'>'*,W 31,316 by sen, und gave 1,171 cntcrtalnmcnta in UTi dlU'crcm cities and towns In the four quar Icrs of tbe globe. During the trip they did not meet with a single accident, nor lose a slngli gpnohttmeni hy sickness. Their entertainments furnish much I mi lor ihe 'younger portion of their nudleiices, hut the greatest curiosity nnd wonder in furnished in these Infinitesimal spec- imens of humanity themselves.

A correspondent of the Boston "Journal,'• writing from Fall River, furnishes tho follow-


hleh fact friend) hero will not ho surprised to learn. llflv. ». 8. Hunting, with tils family, who have been ■ummering hen', hare lell mr their pleasant western home In Davenport. Kev..John J|. Clif- ford, who was present last week ni Ihe Ciiitnriau Conferenu* at Saratoga, has returned home.

SUNDAY HKHVICK*.—At Hie dnigregaliimnl church the pastor preached both morn inn anil af- ternoon. Kpiscojiul «rrvlee« were cotlducW at the Town Hall in Ihe forenoon hy the minister in charge, ami nl the I'nitarlaii church the Kev. J. It. KuircMhl.or sr.m. li;i.n. prenelie.l in e\cliaii(;e willi Kev. Mr. Clifford. It was my privilege. In hear the Kev. Snmnel W. lnuieari.iir Cleveland, Ohio, preach at the timt ItapLlsl chun-h, Haver. hill, on Siiiiilnv morning. He chose for hi" U>xt tlie»ew.irdH,,,IHi>hid :oe (lie poor In spirit: lor theirn is the kingdom of henven." The elo,|Ueut genllcmnii ail the charms of lluished and Kiaeeftd oratory. His discourse was extern poriiueous, ami absorbed Ihe rapt attention of hl„ beniero for three quarters id an hour. He tital- ei| the theme iu a manlier al once forcible and Im- pressive. Apart from Its purely religious charac- ter, i ho dlseonrse, regnnleil simply as a literary effort, was worthy of iliialnjruhdicd iirnlse, aboundiiig In poelie and elai-i-ic llhi-trnllon. Mr. Duncan Is dcservedlvela—ed among the most el- ixpieut and sncecni-fiil pulpit orators of the Went.

lion i LOOALBv-The old store or Mr. .1. t; Drown, on Main i-trccl, has been leased by Mr. Albert Farmer, who » ill make il a lioot and shoe eaiporlum.—The handsimie lot between the HiHlges bonicstead and the road leading toward the Congregational rhliri'h is U'hig greatly j in Siroved by Hie owner*. II.m. lien. I,. Davis and .1. il. Stone, Ksq, The dm- fare wall Hint »iiirniinds

It Is a piece of imi-ourv well wnrlh looking al. Hy nnotlier sea-ou it will doubtless hen union turn park.—J. D. W. French, Ksq., semis iwelvi Ayrshire cows, two horses ami four "Ksscx' pigs to the County Fair at Haulers. Hen. W itussell, Bso., fends a pair of Jersey entile, and Mr. Win. .1. Dale, Jr., will evbibil his line Jersey bull, "Crusader." This hniidsouie yearling can hanlly fail lo carry nwny Ihe flrsl priie.—A de- buting society has liecn formed 111 the Parish, and iVm. L. Wanl F.MI., hm liren elecU'U pn'sl.lent. Il i- calh-l lliCllonio Club."-Tin- new butcher's cart of Mr. Calvin Kea, seen daily on uur streets, was built hv tire Messrs. t'mir, ol Frye villnnv, and Is a model of its kind.—Mr. J. t>. IIrowu does not keep lor sale the North Ando- ver "Advertiser."—Street Surveyor Chndwlck, who has received so ninuv complimeiin or laic from vailous pa|H>rs, shouhl not fall lo n'iii<>iv al once those huge r-Ioiie™ Iving iH'tWeen the North Andover depot and the post oDIee opposite. No one who has passed thai way tills summer has overlooked them.

A JVIIT Till DtrrtV- Among our exihanges ] nn- tiee an aeeonnt of the coiiser-ralion of S[. .IOIIII'H Kpi-e.,|uil elmreli, IJIoui-i'ster, ilel.l on the lllh instaiiU In the pennon preached on Ihe occasion by W. H. Itr.»ik« H. IL, occurs tin; lullou ihf- nil,. lite to the late liliern] hoiiulci-,K chin eti, The. ion J. Dale. His many kindred in this vicinity will doubtless lw glnd lo sec Ills labors and In'lie, factions so niiprojiriKlelv ni-oiiiii/ed : "The alms and giMHl deeiUoi ihe I'ouudei ami chief suppor. ler oflhis church Tlieron .I<I1,II~OII Dale, who now dwell • in the rest of faradlse, will not be forgotten In- (io.1, nor, it is rea-omiblv helieicd, by men. What he ilnl lor llii- reojile was not Hie result of linportunaU'■olicltutiun, nor of the example of other e on in b il tors, nor ofllie pressure of puhllc. opinion, hut was Ins own free net. During his

C" I.ECTL'HK is:t A in::..

The Coniiiiiitee having charge of Ihe I.e

let lenson would nenoethilly ■■


and vicinity, that they have

red the following eminent talent for a series

nf eiiU'rlalnmeiii- the ruining Winter:—

. CHARLES BRADLAU0I1, or Kngbtnd,

October 13d, IMTI.

Sul.jei-l -Croinwill and Warbiiigloii.

. DANIKI. DOIGHKKTV. 1'hila.l.lphln,

Aof.O, lf*7l,

Siibjeel-To lie Minnuuccd.



IIKNHV AKMII.I. DBOirjt, Philadelphia,nee, It, i-. i-

Subjerl-Tn lie announced.

PltOF. J. W. CIIUKCIIILL, Doc. tn, 1ST4.



sni.i.-i 1 Ii.mi.-l O'Connell.


I'lllLIIAKMONIC Cl.l;fl, Huston, com|M>seiI of artists formerly ol Thomas' Orehcflra

assisted hy Mrs. J. M. Osgood. January in, MIL

Tickets sivnrlng the same seals during Hie cut!

ecurte ttM,

Single Ticket will! Ill-served Heat- M Celll

To In' obtaineil at W. F. Urnper's l>rsik store, i and after Thursday, October IS, I8T),


Andover, SopL 11, U74.

. ... publle auellon, on HATllt- DAV, October 3rd, al i o'clock I'. H , imtheprerni- tses, ||ietvute*tith'of thrsubscrllier In Andover. It consists or Dwelling House, llama und « acres of excellent land umler good eiiltlvnllon, wtlh about ;.1 young apple trees In liearlng condition. The house contains II rooms, well painted and grained throughout. The e-late Is situated on lllirh slreol, wilhln one mile of Tost (iBIec, schools, churches, Public Library, ]R'|>ot, etc. Alter Hie sale of the real estate, Ibe following nr- lleles of personal property will be sold rii: Ono Horse, Beach Wagon, Harness, Sleigh, with two seals. Horse Cart, Hav Wagon, Cat Harness, Plough*. Kakes, Cultivator, Wliipple-tnH's and Chaois, Si^ylhcs, llav Cutter, I ii Ind Slone, Forks, Shovels, Iron Bars, I'lek Axes, Hoes, Drills nnd Hammers, Parlor Cooking and oilier Moves, Bedsteads, etc. Terms or pay

the services ot this sacred home, thus Insuring that his gills should be usel iii'ci.riliiif! M the in tentioii of Ihelr giver, and that he should enjoy the great snllsfaeiloii of seeing the lieiilHiful fruits of hi- lihenililv.iiii.t when ■■■■mini; hi- worhilv c-1.He nnd makhiK his will, he provided that this cbureli odlllcc, which was his property, should IMJ eon- veycil free from debt, lo the vestrymen ofthu par- ish. This good deed supplemented hy Ills ncorkin- (trod With liberal gills, ami the continuance ot

Sthe iienreiulty nmi the sustonlallon of this irtakhig for Iho showing forth of thelilory

oftioil and Ihe selling lorwiiul the salvation of men. This Parish, Hie recipient ol his generosily will remember his assistance in Us work for Christ, and will cane ileep in the fleshly tables of the heart, the hi >! name ol Theron Johnson l>ale. Now that this liberal benefactor to this people has passed "tlm wuves of this troliblesomu world," while we may not offer up to Almighty tjod Ihe pmyer, "Think ujimi liim our Cod for good, according to all that he has done lor Ihjs people," we cann.ii lull h.lieve Hiat tho voice of Cod has said to Him—"Tliine alms are had in re moinhrunce in Ihe light of Hod."*

Annuls of North Andover.

The seventh minister of the Hist church of Iho town was the Kev. traneisC. A illlams. Me wns the successor of Kev. llailey Luring, and w itliout anv eandidaliiig ihe ,-lunch nniiesl on liim soon a«JT Mr. Loritig's resljiniitiou, which was on tlu l.llh of March, ICtii. Ascnrlv as D.-eemlier Mlth, ISlli. tho Parish voU'd to Invite Mr. Francis C. Williams UiseUle with them in the Christian min- istry, only ono voting against him. At tho same meeting it was also voted, "to pny Mr. Francis C. Williams #WMias annual salary; twenty four vo- ter* In favor of that sum and lour ngaiust." Jan. ■ii, 1KW, a eonniiiiti e wns cho-i-ii m make arrange- uienls for tho ordination. This conmilltee con- sisted of Kev. I'eUT«'.gi"id, Ccorgc Hodges, lianry Osgoad, K„<|., Dea. Otis Italloy and Na- Ihaniel Peters, !;-![. The or.lliiaUon of Itev. Mr. Williams occurred on Weiliic-elny Feb. 37. ISM. At n meeting of the l'liii.-ii. March Tib, l#0, tol- lowliigtiio ordination, it was "voted, that the IhanksnrtheHoeielv be len.lered to lire. Kit- trciliro, for her hospitality in providing rofrtisli| menu* for the conmil un Hie moriilng ol the ilay or ordination." Kev. Mr. Williams was a grndu- ale of Harvard College, where he recelveil high honors. Ho wan a clergyman ol" marked ability, and as a eitlzon was much beloved for his KCIUIII manners and great icllnemciil ol" nature. His pasUirnto was not long, mid during Ihone few- years a great sorrow fell uiion him which nlso east a great shadow over tho entire community, nnd llnnlly upon tho Jcth of March, IHSfl, just llvu years after his soltlemenl he sent the billowing resignation to the churoh; "I am too well awnro of tho Imporlanco of permanence- In relations Utween minister and people lo hasllly break thai which has existed lielween myself and you lor the last six years. 1'ncerlalnty and rhaiignhle- neas are highly Injurious to both Parish and preacher, especially to the church and the pastor- al relations. Those parishes or churches, how- ever small, which have c.nioicl a settled ministry ai-e always more pto-per..u- in Hie true elements or prosperity, lhaii ibore parishes however large — --realttiy which have changed their ministers ■)• few years. Frecpient ciianges nr removals are likewise harmful lo a minister both In and out of the pulpit. I therefore resolved on enter. Ing the profession, to separate from Hie pooide

During Ihe burning »l ihe Uranile Mill, in Fall Kiver, Ihoeharreil and mnlil ilel ts»lins ami Irag- i iisoflHHlieH were carrl.'ilio ihe Pleasant street Mission far Idculilleuliou and for hurial prepara- tion. They wem taken from lbs ruins in gunny hugs and other sacks; and as bag after bag was lllled and earricl out, with Hicli rearl'ul contents, iiueh an a headless trunk, a fool ami purl of a head, little ehildr, ' boOics Innnrd in nut mass, rciinfrliig careful bamlling for separation, the strongest men gmw sick and mini, and turned aivni limn Ihe awful iluty.

The genlleinan In charge of liie work nskcil.who will i|o tills!' mid Miss Adelo Htuart llulchliisoii, lately a Fall Kiver teacher, and now a student In Hin medical department of the Huston tbiiverslly, volunteered her service.-, ami from Ihe beginning of Hie fearful task, Involving Hie handing and arranging of separated limbs ami portions of bodies, the gathering no "I the ashes In-lunging lo i-iLi Ii, the cni'cliil searching 1,-r murks ler i.lcnlill cation, will) other details looharrnwlng for public recital, neither her nerve nor cournao nor par' ' womanly williiiguo-s lalleil for a simile mou Let us give honor to whom honor Is duo.

Miss Hulchlnson, n few years ago, wns a sprightly and Intelligent little girl, residing In Abbott Village, In Ibis town, and (lieu gave evidence of remark able skill and nursing In eases of sickness and In tho kind rare she took of her mother during sickness. Her lather, Robert lliilehiiuon, lias been employed as a hacklcrby tho Snnili .-, 11 :s .■ Miiiiul.ii-lni i'i'; Company a Inrgc portion of the last thirty years. Her iiiuiln r died some ten or twelve years ago.


Tut: NilluNii. BAUX ot Milbuen will pay a mi-annual dit idond ol four per cent. Uet. 1st. IIUIK I.olKiB, I. O. O. F. has secured for a

lodge mom Ihe hall recently lilted up by Cant. Corliss. An elegant carpel Is being laid which will tdd much lo the adornment or (bo room.

Tilt KKUA1NS of Mr. Samuel While were brought hero lor burial Saiurdav. Tho funeral look place Sunday afternoon, It,'v. Mr. Hay want ■'" dating. Deceased was n resident of Heading,

... . was a biolher ol the laic .In.-iah U. While, Ksq.

Till POLITICAL ILATIlMI not been maile up .. j yet; we would say lion ever, the tvncfli ol those who appear to'bc over-anxious In regar.1 to ..... m,,.,^ [[„!; (here i. no need of it, lor we be- that there will bo a large caucus, and a cor-

responding fullness of expression among repub- licans then ami there assembled, as lo who shall be candidates for otllee.

TlIM BlPUIILlCAM CACCL'i fur the uomlnniion Mclegates lo the illtlerenl e.inventions will be dd some evening next week. Il niu-lbc home i that nil lie ileh-gi.le> the party here In mil is entitled lo, during the fall campaign, are i be chosen at this meeting, which lart should iiluro all republicans In rally for Hie caucus, mi

that the will ol the malorih may lie fairly and full.v expressed. We Ihluk it out of pliuM to

"Jm i ■ i! of this II.:.,i or that man before hearing from the people in

their sovereign capacity. Wcliclicvoiu a ihorough union of strength, for in no other way can victory lie achieved. The watch word should be, "t'nion and Victory"

TI;III'I:II\VII: MCI:I is.;. An RsHoumed lem- perance meeting was held In Uuod Templars' Hall, Monday evening. Short addresses neiv delivered by the pre*(.lent, W. II. l.ittehramlt, Kev. Mr. Hi} wood, H. U. Sargent, I. II. tsjoey, (.'. I-:. Hibbiinl and others. A permanent organ- isation was effected in the choice ol Jacob Emer son for preihlont; v ice presidents, Mrs. Ueo. .1. .ludklns ami Mrs. W. W. Haywoiwl; eec:retaries, W. II. l.itUihrandl, Mrs. Johu Cluff. On million of llev. Mr. Hayward, a comtuitteo coaslsting of the fulh.winjt ladles and gentlemen was appoint- ed to devise some plan to raise nionev far the purpose of opening n free reading room during Hie winter: Miss Clara A. Cow, Mis. John Cluff, Arthur Ipdlbis, s. ti. Sargent. C. E. Trow, Miss May Llltehrandt. The iiieetiiig adjourned for one week.

Tun IrtnOoPat Miasios—The series of meet- ing* held In Uiind Templars' Hall, under lla' aus- pices of Urace Church, Lawrence, have beendls-

Ihe chunh alluded to above, rendereil the mission effective service during its existence: Hisses K. Keeit, tleorglaiui M-VCCIIS, K. F. liana,8. C.Dana, Anna Fnvlie, und Mr. I', li. I'illslinry. Mr. Ceo.

his studies for the ministry. Mr. Ureen, while a rosideuL In lids town, won muiiy friends hy his Cllcmaiily bearing, and wo would commend

to the people where lie Is to take up his resi- lience nud continue his studio* as one well wor- thy their eonlldenec.

FIHXI.IA IiODOJI of liood Templars held a puh- llc meeting at |he lodge i oom "Wediiesibiy even- ing. Kev, Dr. Howes ol i-awieiiee dellvoreilau interesting lecture, und at Its conclusion, Mr. Honker of Liwronec, ono of tho ottiwrs ol tho Mass. (irand Lodge nf Templars, made a short and stirring address, and concluded hy reading an original poem which contrasted the unad'tnic,' simplicity of "ye olden time," with tlu lolblei. and innovations of (n dm, much to Ihe disparage- ment orthe present fa Igonnrullon. Attiio eou- eluslnnof the poem, winch was received with inuch applause. Mis. Howker of Lawrence, was Invited to speak, she siepped out into Iho aisle, and Iu a graceful u<hirer, Kave her experience aiidobscrvutlons in Hicilld World, louchitg Hie toiupoi'nnce ipiesiion. Mrs. Itowker's remarks wem well rccelvcil, und at Iheir eoucluslon a lino piece of music was sunn hy ihe choir, Miss Helen F.. Minmnds playinjr the organ accompaniment In her usunleffectivesUle, alter which the meeting adjourned.

WlUTNKi'a K.ITKItT.tlNVKNTN.—If the |Hiiple of Melhucn desire lo hear a scries ol tlrsl-clns* lectures and readings, we advise then) Insecure tickets tn Mr. C. I'. VVhltncv's omrni to lie given at the City Hall Lawrence, during Die fair nnd winter. Among the great lights announced Iu tho -ilvertlsemeiil, wo notice the names of Cough, .'hillips, prof. Churchill, I.en. Hanks, I'rof. Ilur- Ir.nik and other.-. It Is not often lhat syeli an ar ray of talent Is engage.I lor one course, und when we Lake this inlo aeeonnt, logether wild the lalsir mid diniculty Mr. Whilnev has experience! in securing Ihese speakers, we feel that Hie enter- tainmeiiis should Ire paironued hy tlie largest au- dloneeseverasscinhleil in the ;hall. The Law- rence people sbimld eolisuler llieuuelvi :,itions to Mr. Whitncv fur tho g


C Andover, Sept. Si, 1S71.


PROBATB COURT. he next of kin and all persons Interested In

the eslale of Ti-i-i WOKTUV IUOBT|

of North AndoTpr, tn said counlv, an Insane [K'r- son, greeting : Whereas, SHIIIUCI I.. Hodges, the guanllan of said ward, has presented lo said conrl his |xrtiliou praying that he may be audio. rlxrd to assent to a mortgage of tho real eslalo of tliu Wife of said ward, as I lie re In described for the purposes therein sol forth.

You are hereby cited lo appear at a Probate Coiirttoholvolden at Salem, In said county or Kssc\, on Ihe first Mnn.lay of Oelober nexl nine o'clock In tho forenoon, lo show' cam

have, against the same. ' ■ pel1-*—

osslve week" "in (he 1..IWHKSCK AMKIMOAM ASiHiVKit AUVKRI'ISKK, a no wapa|ier printed

at I.awronee, the last piibllcnlioii lo be two days, at least, liefuro said court.

Witness, Ceorge F. C lion to, Ksijuiro, Judge of


PROBATE COURT. llM next of kin and all ptJNont Interesled In

I'm i. W.niuii ■' <-<:■.!•■ i.

of SHI HI Andover, In said conaty, an insane per. son,greeting: Whereas, Samuel L. Hodges, Hie guardian ol said want, has presented his iwtillnii for license lo sell certain real oslhleUiorefnsiieel. lied, of hi* said ward, tor his mnlntauaneo.

".".... are hereby cited to appear at a l'robute Court lo be hidden at Salem, In said county, on the in -I Mi.mlay of October next, at nine o.eloek bnei n, lo show cause, if any you have, why the same should not be granted.

Ami saM guardian Is ordered to serve this cita- tion by publishing tho sauic once a week. In the l.AWKkHCK AMKBJC, AUVKH-

davs, at least, before said court Witness, Oeorge F. Choato, Bai|ulre, Judge or

•alii court, this tenth day or September, hi the thousand eight hundred and scventy-

A. C. UUODELL, Ilcgistcr. fJUeptlS


Sotlee Islierelry gi ■rii..' ilaic

i In Iho

that tho subs been duly appointed administrator of of Charles In minings, la to of Amlov. County of Kssex, farmer, dcc«aso<|, taken upon himself that trust, by giving bonds, as the law directs. All persons having demands upon the estate of said deceased are required Ic exhibit tho same: and nil persons indebted tt said estate are called upon to make payment to upon lo make nayme

IlKt'llKN 11. FOaTKIt, Aihn, Sept. Hlh, |S74. soplinai



iCIUaboln i". I line, laie in Aim over, in uiueuuuij u, Kasex,widi)w,deoeasod,tosUte,nml has taken U|mn hersell Hiultnist, bv giving bonds,as Hm law di- rects. All persos* having demands upon Iho es- lalo of said deceased are rcmiircl toc\hll.ii ihe sumo; and all |>ersous Indubtcl to said eslale arc CMIIO.1 upon to make payment to

.IDSKl'llC. HULK, Kxrs Andovor, Sept. II, 1H74. seplin.'l


i. ■■ ■ ■;■ from Occasional.

RirunUCAN CAI'fl'B.—M. B, Jenkins, Esq., Chairman of Hie Itcpuliliemi Town Committee, h:is v-iveii mdicclltal he ii dl call n caucus al the Town Hall, on Friday evening. Oetr Sil, at 7t o'cbH'k, for the purpose id c housing delegates lo the Stale, County, Congressional and Senatorial Convention*.

KijIiKRTKIANa.—We have two young ladles In town, Miss tiihson and Miss Kate Steven.-, who are ncennipli.-l,cd and graceful riders, and who manage (heir steeds in a manner that would have done credit to Hi Vcrnon.

Ci.K*KIK<lS.—Miss Mary A. Fotter, daughter of Mr. John Foster, postmaster, graduates at the Normal School, salei i Hie end of the present term, Miss Foster i■> said to he Hie finest scholar in her class. Miss Carrie I'. Manning has com- menced a two years' course al Iho same school.

IMPHOVEUKXTB—- The I'osl Offlee at tho Cooler . 1„VII line ll eol.-i:, :r,l, anil Ml. .Ii'lll! Fostel's

■-- llCCll Whitened, 1 In aro goner

n'tiVtTtil"ificTr"hiiYliiiiiK-"~ iiwr" neighbor opposite ehouldgoanil do likewise.

WlllTNKV'H KMKUTttSMKSTS.—Persi aiding In Surlh Amlovcr whoinoposo alU-ndiag tho course or enlerUtlnniciKs prcsmited by Iho Lawrence Enicrtainineiit Itnreaii should aeeitre oorllllonlosat ^nation's store before Oct. 3., en- titling Ihom lo first choice of seals. There are twelve lectures and muslcnl and dramatic, per- formance*. Particular-arc giu'O in tho adver- tising ,-- 'I II NIL ■ .

,-_. parish lo mo was its high rt-putalion for stability, tin lids pi in,i|,le I liaro acicd among you, seeking as fur as possible those things which make for pence. IlutilisnowiivhlenlHiat neither I our wellare nor mlnn reipiires nm la remain onger as your minister. I wish by my resigna-

tion lo proinole your harmony and 1 trust you may soon unite lii i iistalmng a stable minister of tho gos|iol of Christ. I therefore resign Inlo your hands my ouic.e as your minister lo take effect the STlhilay ofUuy next." The leslgnathm of Itev. Mr. Williams win. a. i-epic.l, when (iaytnii l' giMwl, K»i|., offered i lie Pillowing resolutions .

Ut.— Tluit we have n-celved with deep regret Uiucomuiunlcntlouof llus Itov. Francis C. WII. Mams auiiouncir.g hla reabrnatinn aa Pastor of Uilachurch and sm.iely. id. That whilcadtie reaard for Ills own perimal wellare nnd lulppl- noss might ahtimlaiilh jiMlilv him In Wishing lo dissolve his paslornl relntlons with us, we lir'-- apnreeinte the higher motives which have dueed him to tender us his resignation, Ihe i sire of healing the divisions and nf promoting | pence and prosperity of our parish. Hrd—Tl.... we have midlmini- lied eimlldeine in Ihe uhllilc, and inlegrlly and chrbiinii eluuacterand deport- ment of the Kev. Francis C. Williams, lhat we thank him for his labors and services amongst us.lhat we will Indd in cm-1 ml reiiiciiibranco tlie Cure example, tho wlseinstrucHon, Ihe Just wam-

ip^ ami earnest cut real ieMhvwhlch ho baa ondenv- oredtonllure us to Ihe love and praolicu of Chris- tian excellence and to guide ami con II nil )n Ihe path as the ties which have bound us together us pastor and people arc now sun- dered forever, we iis-urc him ol our sympathy In tho scenes nf bis future labors, knowing thai he hath a reward nobler Hutu any meed of praise, hi tho consciousness of having lullllled the duties of his ancred calling, tth—Thntna members of this old religious soc.lely foiindi-d In the early settle- ment of our town, larored w llh a long succession of wise, plons and learned divines as its minis- ters ; ami which has for almost two centuries ae- curod tho ailvanlagcs of moral and religious in- BtrucHon to our communitylVo aro promoted by all the considerations of gratitude lo our fathers, of duty toourcoiiliimpoiiiries, and uf regnnl to coming generations lo maintain tlm uislilnlious and orilinanres which worn the objects of its foundation, and that forgetting past differences, wowlll endeavor to unlto In lima promoting the cause nf true religion and sound morality."

Hev. Mr. Williams alter leaving hero was settled at H rait In bo rough, VL, and Is now tho beloved pastor of tho Unitarian church at Hyde l'ark.

A N<ISUM:I: mu HnpREKHTATlVB. EIIITOH A'II.IIII iv. —After looking; over the

■holo ground bora in Sorlh Andover, for Hie pur- pose ot Hading, among our oitiionihlp, Iho man with tho best i|iialincatinas for repissonliug us in tho next Logbdalui-e. wo uml one, who, nbovo all oUiers, seems lo combine those elements of popu- larity and power, whloh make up a nominee wor- thy of our confldeiice andsuiipurL

lie has labored enrnestl) tor tho best Inleresls oflhis district, doing bis whole duty to town, and

_ have i chasoil Iho stock in trade of the shoe establishment of Slovens Hi olhers, and will eon thine tlm Imsiness at the old sUiulon Main Hired Hoots, Hhoes and Ituldiera nf Ihe liest oiinllly cuiuljinlly on hand and for sale. Custom work ma mi lac lu red In the llrrl style, and all goods will be sold allow prices. Itepairlng done at short

Former patronage gratefully in.) its coiillnunnce n'siH-ctfully sollrltci


The suhserllwr has »|iened a boot and shoe store nl his shop un Main street, whore lie intends to keep lor sale a full assortment of the best ar- ticles In his Hue uf husloess. Itipairing done at short notice. A shnn- of Iho public patronagu Is wspectlully solid tcl.

Andover, May tt, lifift. It BEN II. TVLEIt. niay'Jifltf

W. Y. SHKl'AHD, M. 1).

oBlce at Mr. M. C. Andrewi Main street, tlfflec hours: till n *. «., i loll, am 7 lo li f. U. Andover, Sept JAtli, IW7I. "tf

our people, Every branch of industry and every Individual interest, bo claims, should receive the careful alien lion of our representatives and sen. ators, state and national.

HelhJThiir iu prim-iplc-i ot'ecoHoinv, and sound onall the grout ipic-ii.m.-, lUudi now hgi Into the imbllc mind, Mr. Thomas E. Foye(for wo will Withhold Hie name no longer,) would he an Inval liable aeonIsilloit to our lugblaturs. His eipcrl- enee would lw very »ei vleeahle In tho eloctloii of U.S. Senator, whnh will cine la-fore tho next Legislature. Mr. Foyo Is already endorsed hy several gentlemen, of bis own ti.wn, and hy others In Andovor, as (ho isjople's candldalo for Itopre- ■enlatlvc.



DATUIHIA I.—Half a doieu eases of dniiikcunc.s .]ii|,|i-e,| ihe , bii-in.'i ■ llu- iiu.rniiiK. « m

MeCarly paldtl and costs, Martlu Muller paid ■ and Wm. F. Dohcitv was sent up for thirty

,„. Ho offeresl ti> Join the Temperance De- form Club, but the curl -ail Ihe Club would gel along belter without him. Kale Sweeney, John Donovan and Carrot r-iillivim were each uen- leiiceil to thirty days and mittimus stayed.

MONDAY—Tweuly-oiio sinners lu Iho dock this morning, home son uwful, some gleeful, nnd others piteous ly hogging lor inercy.lmt most of them there mi me,.mil ol Un-nionUily, pay day Most of llmcbai>:c- wire lor iJruiikcnuoss, und werodlspurcilol a- fullmis: .1..Im Campbell, p;ii. nek Allen, Fi-uiiL \. I'ei iy. Mallheiv lliti W\, .hdm Smith and Mallhcw Mullen, each lined *1 mid costs, or thirty days in the llonsool Correction; Calliorinu U-ahy. two hours to have toi-n; Mar- Surcl Itrenan, out o[ jail sia'urday ami druuk .Sun-

ay, given onedavio uhtalu cmployiaeiil, or go -■-'again for thirty davs; t iwoul.l ben blessing ... scud her lo ltridgowuter lor n year, Wlbhlui Bateiuan, comiuiitiiliunl.aMl. -ent up for ten days ni si, to got the rum out ot I ; Kiigine Donovan continued ten days iiiii; Ceorge Stevens, whom Hm officer an Id was staggering drunk, e\plnined lo the court Ire had sand in his ' . shoes which maib


ilignllons to Mr. Whitncv for the good taste annealed by him in inii..dn.-iii^ popular and lu- men vc cnU-iUinmeuU for the in in the past, and

Ions to Mi manifeaU! structivo they should, moreover, hamtsmncly aecond hh present efforts for a conllituanrc uf the same. We bespeak a liberal response from thoclti/ens of Methueu.

'I'm. LOCATIONS OF '-I I;IH I.AMII aro not (he moat Judicious Hint could have lieon selected. *■' ir Instance, from Hie corner ol Os^oou atrret lo

arson llro's utore, on llroadwny, where a large in birr Of stores am loaned, there are lo no lamps, which wo aro inclined to think

mistake, when we remember the trc.|uency of burglars* operation* lu this vicmilc. It is rarely

by m principle place hcl'l- "ii ihe H(roots of any

compaclly seUhil |ibieel' t»f oourso Ihe suburbs ot cities ami Villages liiu-l be lell lo UlO ndld iH'iitnsoi nature's "ocrnslniuil linbtrns it would linrdly lie advisable lo light up all out-doors. We make Ihis but point ror the lichoul of (hose who have ailvmnu-l a "general diffusion" uul- sldool the village, on (he hv|mHicr.|s.we prosuuie, that the village shouldn't have anything denied those living* short distance from it. lluL, can- didly, wo see no reason why our farmers, who fro.|iieully have business calling them (o Iho vil- lage, whore they are olten detained until laic In tho evening, should, to anv c\icn[, seriously oil. Joet to sired lights, unless it be on account of Ihe expense, involved, which is very meagre, Indeed,

lu prove ana-anil upon Ihoma- lluller In n- Mulligan. William Mel oimiek paid a „.,„ line forlieilig Idle and diMinh■rly. .luuirs W nil

d Phillip Burke were charged with being Idle ilili.-onlerly, and Ihclr ensoa were continued

ten days at sf, and In Iho meantime Ihey will Ibid o Hielr advantage t ako good the damage

...v did to tlie officers while I x-iug arrested. Jolin Cihlmnsand Michael I myle, imiinal asssnult, «:l and ball*Ihe costs each. Patrick Cuddy, Idle ami disorderly, letuB". John F. Ketlcy and Thomas Kooney, sti-aling team, six months lo former nnd three liionths to lalUir, fnun which senlenci; both np|>fjiliil, and Kellei was IKOIIKI over lo Hie MI per lor Court in Uio sum »l *-'s">. and K'niuey in the sum of n.1(sj. During lite session uf court, the Judge's room was full of women, cither present to inlet iv le fur friends, or to pay their line*.

TUEHHAY.—There was a lively business nl .nurt to-dav, compiii-iiig nine drunks, an asulnil, mi.) mil'iM ol ciiielli lo animals. The drunk- reeoive-l tho loll,,wing .li-|ro.-itlon: Paul, k -Shields, Mary Met niniiek, John Miort, John Mc- Elroy,TiiuoUiv Murphy,eM lined fl and costs, or thirty days. Dennis Maloney was let off, Dan. hi I t.afllle was flmsl $1 and costs, and John John- son got off by paying costs. Margaret llrciman, a common dt uukard, was senUiiiml losix mouths In the house of correction, bul after court her sen- tence was revoked, and stw was ordereil lo ap- pear the next morning. Hannah Cragln was dc clarod not guilty of committing an assault, aa tho wns provoked lo strike a man who had abused her children. A ca»c of cruelty to an animal, oc- curring last Julv, was liroughlup by Col. Heal, and Uweu Lynch nnd Win. Duoiy wore each re- quired to recognise for appearance before the po- lleo court In tho sum of #jon. Thin was a case of overdriving one nl .-paid, luit-'" Inn ses, causing Us death, and it was desirable lo obtain n verdict In a cnmlunl action, before a civil suit is brought.

WKHNEBI»AV.~A large crowd appeared in court again this inoruito;, and n hani-looklngcrowd II waatltatoccupied theiloik. Cue entire liunily wa» there, comprising Mr. ami Mrs. John Corri- c.iin, ■ children and a small pup, tho oldest child being not more than four years of age. They were charged with keeping it bad house, and tho lord of Hie ci ib was aim charged with be- ing drunk) fur this last offence ho was lined one dollar, and for Uio bad house his wife was MM to Iho huuse of correction lor six months, Iho com l slating Hint an dlorl niigld he made lo send her nnd her children to Iho ahosliouso at Towksbury. Margaret Doylu and Mary Judge, who wore in the ln.ii-e, pi| MMydais. I'aliick ,Mc I lei im.u, assault on wife Margarol, ease to stand eontin. tied n-om lime lo time. ('Iiath-s McKlnley, ill- lurbiince al City Hall, *lii and cosls. .lame-, Munger, a water works ii.-s.iuli, *.') and costs or thirty days. Ueurgc FiUs, stealing watermelons, ooutlnued for IrlnT. Morris Hickey and Mary Judge, lewil and lascivious, the former lour months house of corivH'ii.m, ihe latter sl\ly days. Mnrgaivl Ilremian, mumi di iiiikmil of yesler- dav, and sentenced to Hie h,.n,e of corrociion lor slit mouths, was brought iu to-day, ami on n cltargeof vngruncv was sent [o llridgewalcr lor two years. I'lili'li k Shields ami John whorl, drunk, second offence, Imlh having apiieanil the previous dny, were senl m- im umv days. John Itoblnsim mid Hennis Cohen, drunks, t! uml costs or thirty days.

i IM u-i.M ■•! I .■: it, w iih the crime of Intem- perance in the u-con.hi.ov, and still going up. Charles Kengan, I'alriel; lidnoiib, John Folc;. William Hums, nnd Julia Kilcaim Were each tlnod >l undco-lsor iluili duv- fordrimkenness, ami Charles Md'or k. » Imalloweil his lougue to wng Uro In-ely In court, paid an additional ♦ .! lor Ihe privilege, making hi- line * 1 and '■.-.'

siury Flyiin, wns days, and hi-, ea-e Ma-, not hall a-brul.

present—only about six rents a year to each livhlual ol tlm whole tiopi "-" ■

[In- Isconsidcied we led dial whole pop u In Li i m". uml when ive feel that no ono will hiler-

I,niher objections u> having more lighls lo- lly ol


Hoc—Our young folks had a social hop nl llraillcc Hull uu Wednesday evening.

l'KUHn**! .Mr. Wm. Fawcott sailed for K lie- laud the Hlh, ami reached Liverpool (he I Nth. Ho expects lo remain iheie and engage ill business lor (he present.

FKKK I.Etmi-nKH-The annual Course of Free Loclurci will he opened on Wednesday Keening, Kept, iiflth, by llev. K. II, I.csciuaii, pitstor uf the Methodls[ (Jmreli. Subject: "Tin! San." public are invlled. Lecture to e These lectures will be f i -I an ui.niiu,, the

..... .»..j«,. ,v uU -.Min'mi.v.i. BOM* AIJAIW.—Mr. and Mrs.John Morrison nrrl-

,Hi lit New Vork (he HKli, by rtcamer Calabria of IheCunnrd I.fne.nnd reacheil homo the CM. They have boon absent alsmt three inonlhs, visiting friends ,n Kngland and Scotland, and many or Iho must cclrhrulcil places ami scene* In Ihosu conn- Irios, rnlliuu at Paris lo pay their respect* to our French neighbors. Some sav that Johnnie's rhecka look Ilka naipilrrel's in tho autumn, and Hint he and bis lady have cons Moral ilv increased their avoirdupois. Wo suggest that ho tie Invited to give us a lecturetho coming seavmi recalling Uic scenes and incidents or his Iruvds nnd we prom- Iso him a full house.

pOAL. The subscriber has a supply of CCA I, of differ

forent alioa and .piality, which ho will furnish customers al a reiisonalile prle I short notice. (inters may be left al JOHN 11. CHANlH.EIPtt Pericdt-al suire or ntniy residence.

JOHX CHANDLKB. Andover, Sept. n 1B7C- <

JKWKLI.KU, With Walohop, docks and jewel-

epaircd in tlm liest manner and wniranleil, llcnlnrnltcnthlnll^', '

Andover, Sept, II, li

rpo O LET. Kooms dtiltntilc for tei _meulsor businoss purposes. Over atore of

J. II. CIIAMDI.KIt. Andovor, 8i>|iL IMxTI. If

J0SK1MI ABBOTT HAS 8TKHK0S- COPICVlKWSnf public hulldinga In Amlo

ver, anda go-si Msortinenlof other views. Also Stereoscopes,Chrmnos, l'lelnifs, Frames, Hriick- e(s, Cnrbilns, Fixtures, Cenls, etc.

Andover, Juno 111 187*. *lf


Jnmcs M. Crnhirce, general undertaker, l'urk Street, Andover. rcsul e Abbott's, eon ncr uf Kim and summer streol*.

Andovor, Juno W, 1W7*. ''If

IT'OIt SALE.—Atopwiuron, chnlno.Trav- eric runner pung, light and nearly new, and

a saddle ami bridle, nil In R l< lition. I li- on Ire of I 1IAIC1.KS W. HltiiHNS.

Andover, HepL 11,1X74. 31

ITOUND. A blnck hOTM nnd a liny mare. The owner can have thu same by

'""*'" ""•"» ' 'illSK'T'li'/iuSIIKS. Andover, Sept. IBIUM tlHW

f'pl.K W1I.KY HOSli CO., N0BT1I 1. Andover Depot, Mass., manufacturer of

Hydraulic Holo, lor steam pmnpsx steam lire . 1111 tiles, Atf AitscplW

TKXNYHOX AS A Ton.Kii.—-An Eii|(]lsli corrcHpondciH of the Chicago "Times" linn tho following rcfinrtlliiK the pninrtil ilitboralioti which TenojMn bcttlows upon hb r>ot'try-wrUing:

Tho mithor of "Ixickslcy Hall" hits al- ways been more than a worker, he has been n tireless toller over hln MSS., Hpcndlnir hours, sometimes din/s, it Is said, upon single lines. Many of his po- ems, nnil pnrta of his poems, have been entirely rewritten; his first copy being entirely unlike that which he sent to the printer. Ills apparently easy, unturul flow or language has been purchased with the utmost pains. He has confessed sometimes tlintlt Is an agony to write, and yet he takes pleasure iu tho agony which gives him added fame. Mo nevor Mirrcmlers any intellectual task until he has ■ a: i- ii.-.! tlie lust degree of his fastid- iousness, llu occasionally makes his first draft With facility, nRirwnrd eliitnglng, pruning, filing line after line, word gfter ward,

I.Ike nil Ihe Irritable kind, he Is variable and moody, especially in composition, OM day ho will do five times as much as he will another; Hiinotlines he finds II Impossllile to write. Oenerally, however, he works steudlly and regularly while he; lowing fata literary la- bors behind him, when, OH thoy say here, he comes up to I/nnlon. His halilt Is to shut himself uj) in his library; never per- mitting hlinseir to he disturbed under uii) circumstances. Nevertheless, ho Is In trrruptcd, and then ho grows wild with nervous irritability. The slightest inter- ruption is snlllelint to expel the demon of Inspiration for tho day, nud to Introduce the demon ofdlse'ord iu Ills stend.

The poet's general mono of writing Is extremely slow. He builds his poems word by word, just as a brick maker makes a well, brick by brick, except that the poet takes a hundred limes tho troub- lo that the mechanic does to arrange and cement his wonts together. The song 'Come Inlo the Unrdcn, Maud," la re-

ported to have cost him more thought and Inbor than any poem of the. same length he haii ever composed, i have been told that he wrote It nay times heforo It pleased him, and that ho spent nearly n month at ll.

"Locksley Hall" Is another marvel of (Tort. lie wrote It In two days, and

occupied the better part of six weeks, of eight hours a day, la altering and polish- ing It. He used frequently to work as long ns that; of Into years, he rarely spends more than four hours out of the twenty lour In composition. One of the author's favorite poems is 'The Trlnces*..' which he considers his best production after "Idyla or the king,"

Isabella Beccher Hooker li at last convinced uf the Innocence of her brother Henry. A pri- vate loiter from I .HMII.SU SBVS : "Mrs, Hooker and Ned aro here, and Mrs. 11. U perfectly convinced by her brother's; statement of Tuli innocence, and of courso U overwhelmingly wretched in feeling that she has so wronged him for tbe last years." Mr. lkccbcr has gone back to New York; be ipukc thlriy-ilx min- ute*, at the Qrafton Co. N. II. Agricultural Pair, yesterday, receiving 9LW for his addreea, or at tbe rate of 97 a mlnnte.

An exchange tells of a Leghorn hen be- longing to Mr. Kdwin 1'. rXingebory of Tamwortli, whose aplott*drive that his- toric hen or OM Grimes' completely into the background. Tint story > ■ that •.In- laid thirteen good sized eggs In seven days, coming into the kitchen and depos- iting them in Un- woodhox, laying hertwo eggs before coming from the nest 1 Next.

up.ui Mary Hynn, \\:t- lined ty davs, and Ids case wns ..... hiiiWiiiKns that ..1 .luin-- Milliner, wln> fl •ft* the previous day by pavliiR »:. and costs, ' nil he did was In kick n man's eye »ul ■> bend, nnd lay Ids face o|H'ii.


AUTUMN, 1874.


Inform Iheir patrons thai

They are now opening

Fall Goods.

DRESS GOODS. Hark linoda, which are to Ic more r's-dilnn

able than ever this MSMMi

SHAWLS SILKS Kl ■.'..,i,i Quality In niack Hiiks, etc. etc.

fitlllim ItpmtOd 1 Ml Assortment of Woolens Men and Itoys wear In Stripes, plulds,

Checks and Plain Uoods; also a

lino of



The Uoods open lienutlfully, and we shall lie

pleased to show tlicm.

Flannels nnd Domestics in endless variety



Our Hum Fail Qoods OToarfl NMMTUnf imr c.»m>r.T .TorKN,

Mnlinn ,how Jim Hi,. 1.1.11.lm-of

nmis^Ki.s. i-Ai'i'-sriiiKs, K.\ sirrici!. nii.l UnlUmi Mli,il nil elolh.mul


Is warranted a euro cure lor

HHEUMATISM, M'llAK.Ii mirrjduls, P.IUIB Joints, or l.luiiii,>., Crrnmpa, Bltrs, NUIIRS,

I'nl.i lu ihr Face, Slda or Back, tuts. Hi ii In s, Kt i-■ I us, n ui in, H,a|,|a, tie.

It has never faileil to care mi I: i' M Ml- M or N'KURAI.GIA, where a ihorough trial has been

- The following are a few of tlie testimo- nials which wo are constantly receiving irom thosi.' who liave used 11:

LiWitXiOl, ha IT. tl, IStS, - i - in certify lhat in Jaauarv, lull niv sen,

ihlrteen yeara old, was proatrated with rbeu- mallc fever; that he was at ended by a number ol the medical faculty for a long time without Uie Ica-t h.uim. that wilh limbs dlsiuinied and l*adlv drawn outof.h:»pe, his family dcinairrd of his ever belnjt oelt^r. Acci.lenWlljr we kward of tha Cullfomia l.inimcnt; the proprietor was at oneo sent for. and from the llr.t applleatlon nf his wonderful liniment he found relist, and after

would most heartily r.'c.commtnd to those suff- ering like complaints, to apply at once, lb I* most lm|H>rtatit remedy. l'MKLKt AUK,

75 East liaverhlll slrer I, I. t WSKMCE, MASS.

... Mlllillll, llKMt SIH -fur tbe heuelll ot ttiose who hare been afflicted aa I have been, I whli to glee you this tosilnmnlal. I have been troubled with sciatica lor live yean, and for the last year have suDered terribly wits that

hen's egg down to a pea, and aonuHlsMM I felt as though there were a thousand needles slicking into my flesh. The pain was verv severe, and 1 euuhl neither sit, stand or lie down with aay degree of comfort. I tried skillful physicians and many rernetilen.wltlioutootainiaf anv relief;

last hearing or the mauy cares effected by the enf Ihe (Jalii'ornla Hheumatic Liniment, I re-

sol ?ei I lo glye It a trial. I com men ceil using it

ualli- until I !-ad used twenty bottles, at Which time 1 hail not a rheumatic pain about me, and have not bad aince—nearly three months. My health wns never better than it la now. If any ■ me doubts the truth of this statement, or wishes to hear the particulars |of the case, they can call ut i:< Oxford street, I.AWRKSCE, at ass.

M.srUa*iiKULi.r Yorits, JOB CA.BTLIDUK.

l.jwitniT, Maaa., ri.-pi. It, is,i. Mil. ti. II. SAi.isnuKV, Lawrence—1>KAK Bin:

I have suffered manr years from inflammatory rheuniatlsinjand business relations wllh you have

'o Irr your California Liniment, which I yasy naso-"

thing I ever tried. witli this terrible d .... trial, and I know Ihey will agree with me In tin -*mvi' assertion. Wishing rou aucceas In your

idertflklng, 1 nin yours trulri WM. HOWAItTH, Chemist.

With K. II. KKM.KV, P.O. block, Lawrence, Mai-.

1.1 wIII:Ma:, May 11,1BT|.

tun i tH'liiimli in, winch has cimlined ... room from nine lo fllteen woeks. This spring I was nltiickcd In the same way; iny InlnU were

yard ii »iK

Cocoa ana Straw Mat!ings> Hemp mid Dundee Tupestries,

Ai.i, AT NPcn iiinrtui pmrr.s TIIAK




249 Essex St. ' •epim&vtf

PltOPKItTV — The Wlhnnrlh Kstatu nn North strcel has been sold to l»r. It. 11. Uoni. who will relit nnd occupy II.

KIHOIMI 8CIIIM>!„—Mrs. Hale,nil accompli.-bed player and vncnllht, a sehmd lor Juviadles next week. There is nn doubt that the SIICCITS which nttt'iideil Mrs. II. al :Sen luirj port will be repcnlcil here. A l:irp- uuuihi ml pupil- n ill al tend.

:ATII or A I'osv.—I'npt. Oenrgfl W. Iloynlnu, I Slate Coiii-lal.le, lo-l :i valuable pony from

Ids stud, Sunday CVCUIIIK |a*L The aiiimnl «n~ a brooil maie, witli foal, and one of the finest in the country wciKliiniralmni lineehundrcil pound". C'upL lioynlon ha-a stalllun and some eljjhl or ten mares, wllh several Allies.

NKW ni'lLIHSiiit.—Mr. I'.c'.ii.iiiini Plckcll Is Indlillinr a residence In Lincoln Suiiaro: lochnime to bo vacated hy liim ,m i cidral Siputre Is lo Ire occupied bv 1LC. Ilusc, M.Ii, Tin-re are three now blillillugH lu prnee.-nli ,in»lriiellon on Mold- ton Hnet, noar the/lop.iL Three inure havi'just lieun completed on Centriil ICIH-I, bv Mr. II. 1'.

din. Mr. John I'erl.y in pushing his own le on Lincoln Sonai. ah.-ad an ral.ldly ns po«. slble.

OniTiAnv.—Died of hcait disease. Bspt, 7, Mr. Henry 1*. Illllhtrd. Mr. Milliard was n bachelor, of rnihereccentric hul.11", hut itossesslng excel- lent Judgment, and Urn rcpiiiatiun of the s«ricte*t honesty In Ids hn«lno-» ,-..l,,il..i.«. lie wns HH, last of Iho tnnlliTi. and . an iei>, which in former years wns mi Inip.rilJint ln:inch of the Industries of the town. Old people reniemWr the tinm when n dnzen tiiniii rler. did n flourishing busi- ness, nnd now II i- probiihli) that the craft will lieeoiue eslinrl with the dcce.-isc of Mr. Milliard.

ill) probably he Mr leeture field, nnd hi

ni "Haaiel H

Tarion ■ Purcalive Pill*—Heel family pliyslr; Shcrldans Cavalry Ctindltluu rVTfltlt. for


li'lllilllN. Inline cllv, Sept. A), a son to III " "s. William (PDrlen.

Cl'I»r>Y.-In this city, Sept. 2.Hh,:i daiiKl. ■-■.BndMra.M.Uiiddy.

WilU».-ln Sim Kmncisco, >sth nil,, a son and Mrs. Elliott Wood, formerly ol'Andio


readliiK", with ehiirncli personnllons of c*Iebrlties ortliepltiiforiii, liniln big their dress, manner and stylo of s|icnklii] Miss Potter will be Mstllll by HurTKUWOtn II Jt t II tl'MASN PlXbOlK-IUCSTIIA. Nov. tth.


WAI.KKH-MA118KLL.-In this city, Ki'iit.Jl. I.y Itev. Joshua Coll, Fernando Walker ol not- ion, and Mary Marsell of Lawrence.

KKI.l.KV-mx kLKV—In this city. Kept. Ill, I.y I.. H. Harrows, Mr. Isaac Kolley and Mrs. Kl- len lluekley, both of Lawrence.

BMITH-WITHKE.-Intlllaciir.Pcnt.l.'., hy llev. Oeorge Packard, Mr. Alfred if. Sniilli, lo Miss Jennie Wither, both of Lawrence.

John .Hill H .-Ollllll, Ol ..ilMIII.I. n, 1 A. Small of Winilliaiii, Me.

laa II. SlanehUeld, both nf Lawrence. HANIIAIIAX-UKYN0LD8.-In thisclty, Hepi.

tl, by Kev. J. I". tilhnaro, Mr. Win. Ilaiirnliau and MIssMary !:■■ :,l ■■, all oflhis city.

ItENTLEY-SllAW.-In this city, ScpL 2:1, I.y Uev. Uva, Packard, Mr. Mallbew Itciilby i>f Liiwiem e lo Miss Kiiimn Hbnw of North Ando-

■LLU. Mrlllll s

WKlSSKIt,-ln this illy, ttopt. 21, at |:ll Ncwlmry sL, August We I h ne r, nged .'il yenrs, s Inonlhs.

ODLDKN.-ln this elly, Sept. 17. lit oil Lawrence si., Hsrgsrst lioldeu, ngnl 27yeurri, |. mohtlis.

C1IA8K—In Andover, Sept. 21, Widow H.mili I bar-. ■ Kev, l,viiianlha-e nl Mel linen nifiid Mil yenrs..'. ni.inlhs 11 days. Tlu; i: a,., in were Uken In Wells, Maine, for In-

ten nc nl. I-INKI1AM. -In IIaveihill,S.pL 21, Kver.ll V,

yuungerl child <>r \ lucent l'iukham, a: ■■ i II in out I

1 i l.i.l.i; I,i Hnrerhill, oirraiiklliiM.iiml Am

LKK.-In East llu lev, aged '•'. years, und 7 immll

I'lTV-lM. In Sloiicbam, Kept.II, Miss Hannah It. rutniim ofNeivlniryporl, 7H yenrs.

CIIANI>LEIl.-In Peabmly, Sept L IlalCc S. Chandler, 1.1 years, II months.

I.I.HINCII \ M [,. Jlanv, rs ■■.■i.l. II, Ibllpll Led. higliam, child of William I., and Mary Lcdiiur- iu-ini, .i, i ,| I year, 11 IUOUIIM, ■; days,

HAKKIt—In Charlotte, Me., Kll*a II. wife of i:< v John IL linker, formerly ni lids city.

KVAUTH.-ln North Tarver, Sept, 10, HSHhn Kvarts, wife of lb-v. William W. Living' nnd.tiiiiHlibroflhi'hite l>o. i. nieplien Tracy Andover, aged :i7 years.

, Sept- W. Err iel„ r' r.a


City Iliill, r«-i\vi,on<:,4*, n\ I: \II:IIT 0*I.Y.

Saturday limw, Scptciljcr 26lti. Sam Sharpley's Minstrels

Alnays tbe best, Itellcr l I' d, ■. rni

SAM SHARPLBY, ds. a.el his great Ti

. nil of M. n..|„,iita,, l.ln..ll"'loH( KDW York

low than o.ver. Tl




Lectures, lMteg. Music, Drama. LECTUBKS.

I OHN B, QOUCH, Ui" King of Ihe Past- forin, the renouned leclurer In the d. A IhrllliiiB Temperiiuce Lecture will lie ored. Rubjecl, " LtfaU and Sbnduwa

London." Mr. liouuhopciii tlie course OcLTtli.

thotraler. Ills sloqnsnoStWll and enthuslu. ■arry his iitidleiiues hy storm. Subiecl, "Mlehnel

Angclo," Qot, -M.

icll." lie

Inr orator. Tbli 1 senson In IhO his ruinous h

. intii.

, the seholur, sbiles an mid soldier. No „ Lite-mini Is liclter o our peophi than (Jen. Hunks, w M bus Often thrilled l.nnrenco nudii'i "Tlio Itcpnhlic; will It cnduiv.'M.-tii.iitli.

It E A 1)

MISS HELEN L. D. POTTER, a eel, lirtilcd teiieheroi Kbiculinn, it chiiriiih

:idcr. Mis

pROF.A. P. BURBANK, I reader, well-known lo o people

riittielleandiiilsci .ortlonoflllp Vi

Bnrbsak will irlve luimoroi hineons rendlnirf, anil R1T<

Winkle, in eharaeu-r.

pROF.J. W.CHURCHILL, the New Knic I land fn en rite. Mr. Churchill Is un Immense fiiviirlt" witli Lawrence jK-nple, nnd has ln>en seemed with much illfll.uiltj- ami imnsiderabh I'xpense. He has no superior In ids protanlon In this country. DtcMb,

CONG BRTS . ERMANIA BAND. This celebrate.

ISMlssUos IS l,m well known lo need I. Lust senson It \snvv airrund eiilerlniumeni ro Ihr Inrrett concert ninliruce, and the

Uin i.i MI vi:i ■ uiilioundcd- They will lie assisted hylilily

m the Jlner-t eompaiiv of the soar-on, coin followhiK nrtisUis; Mailatn 1'rso, vh Clam Ihirea, aoprauo; Win. II r*ims

tenor; J. V. Itudolpsmi, barypun'i A Mmnct, acc»mpurist. Nov. Hlh.

EN (J I. I SII OP Kit A. MARTHA. This well known and

Oprm will be Klvcn In lull, hy Ibe Hostop Oners Company, In mil snatssKi eta. The troiir, eoiilprlsoMlssClurn II., innrsnoi 1*101*1 K. Harry, contrnllo; Mr. Clmrlen II. Chirk,ti-imr; Kdunnl M. l-uysnii, bnssu; J. A. Howard, planllt Oct. IfUt.

JR0D1QAL SON. A hrlllianl opera hi ir Me Int time, with full c. indm-ehe^ra. Thi. will pre I Icnlisrer. of the entire eour

tames, oson ono ol llmirr Hec. i|,|.


sterllsf ci.ui|.iiny hsi botm ohwined ■real pxneoafj, and wj|ipr«wont i to of their Urst el., < oii'ilnlmucnL', wilh full e ut oft) om patiy. This lliieornaiilziilloii hs won lliciuliul of our iM-opUi, nud It iilwin - (rri'Plj'.l wllh crowded houses. Hec. 1Kb.

Twelve Spiral bMoneiiti! '■ le l.i.i.lllll

Pnllailrlphla, mil nil the |>rlne|pal r.lth tlm West and Houlli. Kveryw Jiure receive,! wilii orowdeil.houses, und univerrally prim ounce. I lb.

BEST IN THE WORLD. Anenllmly new prOKr-iimnc nolyst eopled hi

Urn liiiilntors. Seo small bills. Tirkets sold 3 days In ad ranee, at Utralton's Mt

MAM SllAKI'LIT. Hiiun;-.-.


Broadway, South Lawrenos, at the well known Sale Stable of A. N. Bosn.

Sales every Thnrsdnv, ;ii M o'clock, a. M. runic- bavliiK llurre-, (:iitiii>:es. llBi-ncr.*i., nr niher personal propcrtv in dl.p.iMi of, will do well to send It to ibis mm k«l

Offico at A. N. Bean's 8tabte, nttlrceuA Woodlln's Store, H.tllnrtl Vale.

A. F-BAHDKIttf. to. lion,. ,. I', I- il atttenthm paid W I'm side of real ci-

tato or personal property m any pint orihc atnie. A. N. 111". \N

lias c.oiiHtnntly on hand mil for r-ale nr i<tehaii"c alrrsh -upply of ((,,.>,-, CiuniiKes, lUnic-m-u' UoIies,IIIankeUlWlil|.s,etc.



irtlfJCfttSfl for Nrata Bold I.y sule-cripliii ration's nlmti, on nnd alter s.n.n.U> . Sup d Ibe Halri of Ihn Hall frill lie Oputrrl ilnrila}-, Oct. M«S| UNoVsloUS, p. 111.

IUKUS:- Ifesiis. ll. Dannie Morse,-Mi Hectic, Wui. M. .■■!,-.i i, Leon i. Hurl ami WitlimuT. Kliulinll,

i-arly all rnlarecd and swollen, sad 1 waa siif i pnlu, witli irn-al . nako a trial of tho California Lini

at fever. A frirnil In fen n ir

nieiit, hohaviiiK bi'i'ii cured himself, and know- ing of many others who had lieen cured by Its Use. I sent for Mr. Salisbury, tlie discoverer of the Liniment, tn visit me which be kindly diil, and applied the Liniment, with tho most lavora- hle rr-nlt*. The pain waa soon relioTUil, and in four days, having useil four I Kittles, I waasblo to iv out of doors at ,work In my garden. 1 have used nearly ala larire hollies In all, and am imu well nnd hearty. 1 earnestly recommend it to every person afflicted with rheumatism, for I do ludlevc that It Is the best remedy iu the world lu: thai dreadful dlarase.

J. M. SMI i H, No. It Sargent street, Lawrence, Mass.

ram) have lieen ror tlie last II years in the employ of the LSWrSMS Una Co.]

I.AWKRXCK, April I!, 1-71. . ir. Hatitburu, Kti/. I 'i ui si n : —Finn sutTerlng from Hint awful dls-

eaue, rheiimalism, and have seen your advertise. menLI wish you to call at No 10, Valley street, and let me sec a mnn who rnn cure that worst of nil dlsensei. Tours Ac,

J.C. WlllLKtlltl. 1 liave aeen Uio man, I have used the California

ltheitmatlc I.iiiiuienl, nmi wonderful waa Its ef- fort for good; four weeks of Intense suffering uul no relief, and alter llnee applications I was ml noon inv led nnd went about nllendlng to my

■-"' nothing like ii lo relieve sore- i UP incus. Tlie re's s and pain.

Un a Ac. J. C. W.

fj. W. Haiidmrfi tfs.,;-Your Cnlll'onila Itheu. nuitlc Liniment caps ibe elimnrt. Ills far ahead of iiuylbing 1 have ever tried, and I have tried a X Hv nuinliei- .'I 1.1 tic. This 1- hind Ullk, bul I fatvct'*pcrlci I llu lienents fur Ihe In flam. inatory ItlmuiunliMii, and know what I say to lie truu. Yours etc,.

,t. IlAUVSV ilmnvN. Ibiokstoi-e, Il.'i Ksses street lte*ldence, 7.1

fill.m sliccL

thai I nave IH*II atllicU'.l wllh I Uwu mat Ism for nuniber of years, and have tried n great man. Honors, ami remedies without obtaining much relief. I can say with truth thai 1 liave received more hcnelUlrnin using yourCalifornla Itlieumat- le Liniment than from any tiling I have ever tried, for sis months previous to using your Liniment, my wrist was so bad that 1 could not use It ni all. It la now nlinost well, and 1 ll ns well ai over. Vory Truly Ymi

UIISKS ti. UKI No. A.1 Canlen slreet

The California Liniment which we bear s< much about, la evidently an efficient remedy

pcclnlly when used for Itheumatlsin, Neuralgia. _.o., ele. Many or our well known e(tiamis have used ll, and have lieen greatly beneiliteil hy It. It dllfrrs In all respects from any of thu so-called rhcuuiatlc. liniments, reiuedles, lotions, etc, eter b.lorc offered to the aftllcleil, and will! certainly Uiar close Investlgallon. IL waa discovered hv Mr. itin>. W, (Mllsliury, rhlle s captive amnus the Indians in Uie far west. Mr. Salisbury ran, and Will show any amount of homo trstimimials from many of our most res|>octeil eiliiens wlm ' e long aulTereil from rheumatic dlfllrultlcs,

chcci fully commend It to the publle. K. II. h .-llev, Druggist, l'ust I Ull re ISI.H L.

Prepared and sold Wholesale and Iletnll by

Q. W. Salisbury, No. 73 Newbury St. I.atvrcuee, Maaa., aw4 i,j- all l»rMRKlala,


Fall and Winter Fashions. 1S74.


BOLTON'S 228 & 230 Esax St.

Are now fully prepared.with an exuuisite sssort- ent or choice, dnalrahle fabrics adapted for the

approaehlng season. No effort has been spareil procure the beat gotxl* In tbe leading Ameri a, British, French and German markets, al

prices compatible with the times. The attention «1 the discerning trading eonuiiiiniii or Lawrence and vicinity Is rosneetfnlly solicited In a few of our ■ uhjomed quotatione.

BLACK SILKS at a liberal discount from the Manufacturers prices, consisting In part of the celebrated

T.HUid * ro'a.

Blaek Cashmere Mill,. |M .n aaaibc.i, laa li ro. G r« lu. * TafAtae Im great T«r-

lai>, at prices ri-ctii til.tin p«r >>■ ,i tip.

DRESS GOODS. in inriUng attention to the above, we limply

"lute that It being our leading department, we have -pur,, I no effort to procure a select and va- ried stock, and that we now exhibit the very best variety la the city, at our usual Low I i>,

MetaUlque, Homespun and lialaihiels Merges In endleat variety, from 23 els. |«r yard upwards. Odessa Poplins, Cretonnca and Mobalra, Takko

il Ashantoe Topllni. All wool Cashmeres, Kin,.,,■:.., oiotht every width and ehado. Irish und Kreiu'li silk nud woo) Toptlns, at moderate prices.

BL'K ALPACAS, urown exclusive imjiortntlon, at bottom prices,

Irem '.'■i.'.inii per yard. Black <„.!,,„,,,, mil nrrlnor., Australian Crapaa, It spall

for,l« ami frrliiuiiti, ■ hrsiilllnl lllir.

Shawl Department now overflowing with Cashmere, Itroi b, l'ais-

IcyandKrcneliHhawls, all Wrxd and worsted In plain,I and striped, long and ■■ n,-

Hbawts, In new designs nnd very cheap.

funits A\i. ili.tiiivi.s, reatly made and to order, from an elegant assortment of Im. norlcd cloths. A perfect Dt In correct, taste gunr anterd, an extensive itoek of

Waterproof Cloaks, always on hand, at prices tluu siwak for ihem- •elves; a goml waterproof al 71V els. per yard, all colors, sum TN UI NKIRTIKUHi a good felt skirt for SI. It I. AlKK ITS- A »!» li, A \- cVl'.l.N nneip.;ille,l in l.iLurrii.'c for variety and

rice. ItlankeU (full alie). Tor Si.50 per pair. Woollens for men and Itoy's wear. Are now

offering some rare bargains In Housekeeping Hoods, at less i him lowest Ilm-ton prices, guilts, Table Lovers, f ollon riannels, Tickings Crash, Towels, Kapklnr-, etc.,.(,-.

Hosiery and Gloves a complete assortment, t'nder Clothing, have

r-pee V of I he -e goods. LsdlCS, li and rinidren-' all wool and merino aldrta nnd drawers, every size and color. Prints and Ulng- liamsatagents'ioiolatlona. Pancy goods too num- erous to sj.eeliy, lliiudkcr.■hiefs, ncarfs, Fringes, i|.. , ., Corsets, etc., elr. I .idi. ■■ ifyou have never bought a pair of .laipiellno Corsets, from ita, trv one, rou will wear no ot ncr. We are open and ready for competition. Wc will not lie undersold by any bouse In tlm trade, either iu Lawrence or elsewhere. All we ask la a IWr i-linnoe to show you our goods so Hint you rimy compare our prices with our ncgbliors, and be convinced we waul lo usu yon well. Hinall urn- llts and quick returns Is our inollo. Showing our gooils. under no cluunistnnecs wlH U> uonsidcroil any trouble by us. Offering our liesl tlianks lor past favors, ItKarKcmn.i.v Yurue,

Taylor & Bolton, 228 & 230 ESSEX ST RE El

I sn i;i:\\ s : nj,ocK.)

I.AWltliNCK, . . - MAMS. let AN parla Franrali,



• 10, •1*2, S13, $15, 916, tie, »20, • 22, S23, •29, »20, «30.

Allofnurown uianiif.icliire, inndo by .loui-ney men Tailors, nnd Will Hi as well as a garuicu iniiile to measure, thai would cost double price charged for our Coats.

Kvery Usrintnl .ilmkr.1 lu I'l-ln llgi.i, .




0 t'HUMKI-1'8



o Uic heirs-ntiaw, next of kin, and all oil person* inUTesli'd In the ctalu of t.'larl Mnrnion, htlc of Melhucn, lu suid enmity, • glewiiinan, diseascHl. HHKSIIS

Wlicrens.nierl:. .tnunei.l purpurllng to lie ihe la-twill nud li-stamenl and a codicil of said

urt, for ' letters

•staoieiiLtrv may IH. Issued to liim Ihe executor therein imliuil,

^,.11 lire hereby .lie,I to nj.p.'l Court, lobe held nl Lnwr , in Kssev, mi llu-H-emiil M»nibii of? ut nine o'clock IM line uwni, H -tin you have, agninsl Ihe same.

And asbl Jo-epli How Is hereby direct ed to public notice, thereof, liy publishing thi'

di-ccnscd, has lufii presented lo said eourl proliate, by Joseph How, who prny- thai le tc-Li nt.irc IH' Is.ued to 1dm the exee

itsllor. „ weeks. In thu nnwspapei

thre calhNl Uie Law

..._ Aiucrlciin ami Andover Advertiser, printed at Laurence, the l:i-l to lie two days, nlleii-i. Iicfnrc said Court.

Wllni'-s, <i xc K. Choalc, K«|iiire, .ludgn o sold Court, tin- eu/hlli day of KepU-'lulaT, in lid; yenri .nnd . ndil Iniiiilnd nud sevenly.four.

A. C. HOOHKI.I,. ll.'i.'1-l.T. aspinn


i-'"i pnrliculars, pleas" mldrcss OHCAR l XI I.II linn, DaVtniltXi Uii


In llanhi npliy . his Is to give nolien Uml n petition was pre- l««l lo Uic court, on uic tweuty-lhird dny of (ember, IS7I, hv .1. Ilnrvey Itrown, of Law i.e,, in said district leinLrupl. prayingUiat be v be ihrereeil to have a full disi hnrgu Trniii all ,1, hi■■ pnuaM,' nn,lei Ihe leitikrupt Act: and,

remling snid pclilion, it i ordered by the

tin- court In Hn-lnn in : nl.l ilislrirrl, nl 1(1 o'clock, *. V., and thnl mil ice linn of be j.nlrlMicd in Ihe Lawrence Ami-ricitn:iiid Hide Kvcnlng Traveller

M ISH S. M. (1ILE,

rved their dnhis. and olhsl iiersotis In bile I I. «. -ml.

mrt for said dint

(I'upllofti. W. Dudley, of Huston,) Ites peel fully announces lo the peopln of Ando- ver and Vicinity, lhat she Is prepureil to reeelr~

*ilnRlai« nn,l Voice nnlldlnaj. (Or. H. It. Htrecter's Mclho-I.)

MAIN ITMBTi ANIlOVKIL Aiiilover, rtcpt. », IMTI. ^.Irns




nnrlulill ttOil ESMKX ITHEKT.

"•HB l'Ort'LAIt STORE.


8ANGUINARIUM To the pe.ijiie of the world I will aay: Vtu o other prenaratloi' "r •-—»-'— ' > — ompuuiided have 1 I

and care as upon this. For ten years I was "in. eesaaiitly ssperiiuniliiu;; iiuiklii« nnd In iug lieu compouiuls until I reached tills sailslai-lory re. suit The assertion made heretofore In my notices lhat tills is the bust cough preparation ever iiiiule, I see no reason for lllv itiK lu ihe least degri*. Were it kepi In every drug .lore, and were every Ilium■! ui I" |.ii scribe il lu --■-■- nddliig a lilik' syrup of ■ more expectorant arc wnnteil, il wi save them much trouble In eoni|Hiunding COIIRII syrups, and give them results more to their sat- isfaction. I have compared IU workings lime nllcr lime « ill - ln-i-l |., ,-|.:.i,,ri.-n.■ in n-.c. r.i.,1 I plwlge my wonl that it will succeed tn iwenly limes aa many case, as any other compound thai may lie chosen. Lit phvmelans try It,ami 1 will

hey Uml tl iliridgcd.

ihisn•:, MASH.. Aug. lti, MH, Hit. J. LiVKBi-Ooi^-Dcar 8h : I have used your

remedy lor consumption, as ll Is called hy my family physhdau, and I must say it Is Uie llr-l IbliiB that hasgkiu nm relief. Thu first boltlu

timk relloe.1 inc so much, and I rested so much

will lie of any beiicfll to you you arc at HUirly 1 use it in any way you see Ot.

1 remain TOWS, iim>( rojiecirully, MIHH CLAKA LAllltA FOX,

No, l»7 Wesley street. 1*. H. Mybrnthrr, nlso, lias used lour Imlllcs

for nervous debility and Ht. Vllus'dance, which he tuts been troubled with i.n enilit years, and bo Is gaining rapidly.

It'istus, Mass., August ilk 1K71- Illt. J. LiVKBrxMil^-Dcnr Sir This la to aay I

have taken three hollies of your Hangiilnartuiii for general debility. I waa not sirk, but not well, I fell weak and extremely dltxy about Iho head, thumping and heating lu my la har.1 f.u mo Ui explain how I did feel; but IhaveUken three Imtlles and now I can work, ent nnd sleep well, nod nm all light. Vou may be sure I itljU .„.,,

remain yours. JOHN HOIlNKIt, No. IB, Waver ley atreet.

)'.«.—Most nil the men in I Im shop are tnklng your mcdli-ino now, since I have got wull.

KVKHKTT. Mass., Aug. S3, Is7H | Hit. LlVKHIiMil.-llear SI. May IIICHS you.

Vnu liaru savcil inv life. 1 have been a hard drinker all HIT life, ami hail a verv severe altar' some (Wo years ago, then my ldiysiclan told in iricTerhndBsiiiiiliir inim-kni uin kind it woul ri -nil in dc,uii. lint, he,nt In the presence nf s ii friends, I was prevailed upon In taken drink, and I did sn, which briinghl on another nl Ihosu severe tu-i i 'mix n thick* which you no kindly relieved me of. So now, w hen I am templed lo take a drink, I Ibiuk of your Sanitulnnriiiui, and 1 will touch It lo in* toiiKiie nml Hint slops nit dc sire for rum. I >dcc|i well nnd never will I touch another drop. Mny lio.l bless you. I retni yours, wllh my blessing,

knur humble servant, WILLIAM DALY

Itovrr street, Kverclt, Mass. IlnsTiia. Mass., Aug. 3:t, 1*71

Hit. LlVKal'iim. - Hear Sir: I hope (hi- will Is. of bcllelll lo rhelinilllle hllHei.'l ■,-. I llnli'llnl

Ignln- Imui

-n a I .... death of my old faiul.y pity-

.Irian, over ten years ago. Let nvcry one call upon nnd I will (ell tin in .ill ;ib,nu j nu .11. clue. I reniiiin, loins truly,

Miss llAHHIKTllNitiMHi. No. ' I'll i,INi,Hi I'liice, llosUm Illy. Kvery luilllc is warranliil. Sold by all-lrug-

gisls every Whcir. und I the lulls to k'.l il. im l<> .1 live, flr.l class druggist, that will.

Hlt.J. I.IVKitl'tHii, A to., I'roprlelorx.aml Uenrral Agent., Tlilliecn xlreel, llo.ton, Max*.

(■forgo C. li.ii.dnin, Hanover strcel i Itiirt llrnihcra Jt Illnl, lliinovi-i i-treit; tiilmnn Ilm. Wnshliitrtiiit xlrerl, Ageuls foi Sen Kngland. if..'c ■ ,,,


I'UOHATI: COITltT. To the heirs nl law, ncitnfkln and all OIIBT pcrnnn

IntiTcstnd in Ihe e.lnU! of lluvld Hpurr.bileof Lawrence, iu said ennuiy,i;. nil.'inan, dii-enM'il,

(•rcvtlng: Whereas n eerlsln Instrument loirporting lo Is.

tlm lart will nnd testament of said dcecascd has I MI* II iircschlcd lo said eourl, for probate, by .lo-cph Urcenwo.Ml, who jirays licit MUSTS le-- tnmeiiUry may be Issued to him tlm executor therein n.i;n. ...

Vou arc hi'reby elu*l to np|n':ir at a I'rolmtc Court to lie held nl Hnl n said county ol Kssi'X, on the Hut Monday nf O. tolur next, nt nine o'clm-k before noon, to show cause, if any you have, aitalnsltha same.

And -Hid .lo-cph i.iccnwoo.l i- h.ieliy din cled loglvn public notice thereof, by publlxhlng lids citation once a wees, for three ■ucersalre weoks, lu the newspai>er ealleil Ihe I.awiiine« Amcrlenn and Andover Advertiser, prinled HLLawrencc, Ilm la-t |iiiblienii..ii lo tie two days, at least, be- fine court,

Wllnos, liKiiiiiiK F. ClUiATK, K»i|iilre, .linl^e of mild Court, thl> Slh day idScpieinli-r, in the fe:i r i Ui.rii-.iiel ii,:lu limn lied nud seventy,

mr. ■Splint A, V. tiOOHKLL, RegieSsr,

VIHITIN<i 0ABD8. hi) real neat Hrls- tol board curds wilh your name Iteaiitifiillv

Krlntod and a sample sheet of ."W dlflercut dc-l^in ir prltiling for iu cent.. AiiK'STS wauled.

Have not s.dd ",V«I,II» within >■ wceksl" nellhtl can I warrant yun SM a wiik, but I will «nd a plain, Irulhfolclrenhir. with lull particulars, for one 3 cent slump. 1 don't my my cards are the best III the World, but one e\pci IcneeiI agent says IIS has seen "mio: Una will . nine up lo mine." I furnish more limn 4" kinds of rlsiiiua cards, have Ihe laiue-l n-sorlnicnl of design* tor vlsll- Ing-canl printing, and the prettied siyles ever shown. Ml.I no finer Impression ctu be nnide lluin from iny Nickel Nllvarl'lated Tjrue. I' — Iy all say. "more lhaa pleased." I could 1111 — iialierwlllieuinplinieulx love.inl- lure lately re- Wlveil. Addre-s, VY. C. CANNON, I(o« (Hlfe,

s'UJcodlIwsb lloston Mass.






W. BTKAKN8 *. CO. ARE OPENING )ullA..«rlmr.t.fXf,v tlrcaa Uaad*

A. XV. Ktrarus A fn. are opening a Full Line f New and Klegunt Ihawli.

A. IV. Niearwa A Co. are opening s Urge

Stock of New Carpets. , W. insrai A <'a. are 0|sming their

Ucusustly Large Stm-kof Rlaatkr■■, Flaat- ttrln, •!«., at Very Low Trice*.

A. W. fJtsarme A €•• have the bast saaorl- nt uf liriiwiiaml Hh-nehcil t'otlons. Table Linens, Napkins, etc.

A. *4V. aieasuna A <'«. will offer Cbolce Styles of New 1'rliiix anil Qinghame, Cotton Flan ncls, etc.

A. W. Ktrarwi A Co. have the Cbcspeat Line of I1LACK SILKS they have ercr offered In this cltr.

. W. Nif.rui A Co. have received their Fall and Winter tll-OVKS and IIOSIKltV, for 1 Allies, (vents and t.'blhlrcu.

A. W. Ilrarm A Ca. H mild Invite your atlen tbm to tlieir Urge and well selected stock Ol l.Ai KK, IIAMIII id.s, nun's, Trimmings. Ladles Seek Wear, Small Wares, etc,

A. W. Hi rai n. A Co. would say lo Uie Uenlle won, Uml wc eliall iiher for your Inspection nns of ilm Largest nml Finest (ttoeka of WOOI.BNS ever shown In this ell}-, nnd all


And we ere prepared to Cut nud Make-ttp tn aa (iood Style and Finish aa lloston or eUe-

Very Much Lower Rates.



Will in- round il.. Hoat raahlaMiable

Hr.nri ror llu I i.,M. « to have Ihelr

I'oii. in .ill lla brawehea.




Armstrong's Special P.iuvniin. In

Black Alpacas and Brillianlincs.

Our ipiallty |f etth, is S

(lent in Qimltty nnd Co

UDAT, MMIill, A«l» ri.AIM UOOUM.

We also offer a lino lino of

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAIN AND RIBBCD

Out Oloas Beads to Bead Lacee

"WOOLLENS For IH MM' sad Maya Wear,

In itreel variety and nt Tcry low prices,


LARGE, Awn dim nil. ' »•* i:i.

L O "W . G. D. Armstrong,


lll'li'lltt *rist 'II nd.»u '.>JU.UMVI ■ajOAsj l"»il JOJ «WUMT|1

i||| u |M)t.-Ipid ;iSuiiiuia.t jo ,iini|W ftMqft \

JOPJO "/ Sufpmjg PUD jfuipifjg ompoff

-OJtiou IfOaJS|t sjra] aajfl in|s,iiliv.) l-om oi|l i|i|M 0|i»H

SDSSdJQ uoitfdooy pMD Sutppa^ '/T/JP^

•■> in-e mi Ki\ in.,

«iu.inu.i ssi.i;> pou mtfj fwmtttna i'«« ."■•ipe'i NHVO'I.) UklT H IMhlllil

,M1ni'lHil|t1M l"'« 3*'i|ll"."l«*» II«!1M*II»I J«IM.>|IJIHI .<«<! ||(W WtMUa

•■> ill.i IMS'| .|...,ii« i.,.«;.| |,,r. •-IHOIHI JSfJIB

■posuj m J;,,l •>■ »1 p.»sui|d ,H) innuw pus

'«NHH.I.J,V.l HVO'IO (INV WHHHU iii«uoji|«i!j paHsAq isinit-1 am us

•111** ol' >K asMJ 1 oil ,i i Hi e.| ...j- le-l.l.

ilimOIA W 83D9JJIE1 JO S8IPB1 mil «i .Munouuu X|pu).i.ids.u HMJ|

'omcrrarji u n i IV 'Pll TOM 1IONOKAI1LE llio JUHTICKB 1 of the Supreme .liullelnl < nurl, nett to ba

In.Men nl si,|ein, oilhin and for iho County ot I1, r-i . ..II Uie ih i Tn,-, .I.i, .ri, A. II. as.

Itunpcclfully rejrreiieiit' lleorrfhiua llnlisnn, of I.iiHieii.e III rulil c ill, Unit -he win. lawfully married lo l.uren ». Haiisnn, lomierlj of *ald L.lWIeliee, hill in..1 reliuillc, lllli.ile 1.lam I, al Nona Ihirwick III Ihe MUileol tl., ii.e, un the :id day of January, lull, and allcrwards hahl <Je»r- Kinn.i mnl mill IHIII ll lived t.'H. llier *- hiialiaml nud wire, al Matiehesler, iu tlm Stain of New ll.ii>i|.l , nud nl --ii.l l,ai. r.-iiee, till Ihe lalilay nl AUBIK.1, iMTi. whni HH- raid I J.n-u ulterl) ih'- M Hi.I jriurhliclhoil. Which .le.eitiiin liaai-onliu- lied tn the til f UlinM Ihl- hh. I. nii.l MII.C -m.l lnldMyol AiiKii-i, ami .liuiiif,' Urn rrmltaoam-c nl Kill.I ilenerlion Hie sulil l.uren ha» euuiiuitUil the crime ot n.lulu-ry nt "Hid I ic irJlm ille, with a

i.ilvorce from Ilm Imud m Mialrimimr IH- Iw.-cn IHT and tlm said l..oeo, o..ij he .le.-i.,.! to her, and for su.h other mil further orders as Ju«- ll.eiiiay mjiilre.

1 I.I I. 11 al l.iiH leni-e, Ihe _ ... liKOIil.


.,.,,,. in. .I:il:, ...I l.'ouit, I'lerk * noire, Aiijtiitt Jtsji, Ii-TI. In vaeiiUun after April lurin, A. II., Ii.l.

I'lmn Uie fon fc.iin^ hi" 1, iinleK-d, lhat llu- said lil.eihiiil Sire nolle,- lo m\,\ I.on ll ». ll:iu-on, bv ciiiRlax an aUcbil copy of her fahl Hln I, and of

III I'M' I :. ■■ I '

Ilm I '

11 copy n; n, lu I HI pnhli-hcd ui llu

, lliree weeks ■ ucoca»ilei- "■ ulM-lhlrlyilays nt least 1

1, n. V b •

AMKUtiii, Hoce weeks ■ueecdlolv, tile ililicli.-ii ur Im tlilily .lays nt h'ant ticforc xt term uf ihl. .uurl, Utliu held at Kalen

wiuiln an.l for tin- County of KS«-K, nn Uie Ur>t 'I'lie-il-ii o( Si.ienilier licit, ami I.) l<> -Mill I..UCH S. llniir.on, I.y mail, |»mt.-isi. prcptul, acopyuf the ucwsuajier cmUinlnn hai.l ettpy and «rdor of court, directed to him at said tleiw- ■ un i lie, llhinlii, tluil ho may llieli ami there

— il allow came, If any he has, why Uio ilj,;,, :,r, .lie 1 Hicw came, 11 , |,i;u<l nl Kinl hi" 1-hoi. I.I liiill«ip«.....

Alte-l, AI.FUKI* A AllRoTT.t:ierL. -'-ie copy of said lilnl au

VSS1GNKKS HALE nr Oroccr.v Hoclt. Will he pohl III 1'llhlic A lie 11, .11, wllhuul I'U-

Minc to the hl«lie-l lildder, on Fltll»AV Oct. S, IsTI, At '.'' n'rl.ick, A. 'i , All the ^.....IH |a ihe „!,„,- in, 'ihe ,..11.11' ol hrouilWH) I l.i.llell «tre»-ls, Lnwi.uec, Mn-r., fonui r!y occupierl l.y li.ii,- A M....i'e, cr-. ConPinlJi,K i.l lirm-eries, !'| -li- li i......I ■, etc Al-o, HI II ..'i IIM-L :K Ihe Stile Muhle ol Wm. K. llolH'tt-, on (0111111011 ■treel, one buy nSTWi hainrss, w*K"ii ami double ronncr puiig/loiim iK ui.lli. thealHiiehiiaincss. Thin pruscnlH ti tt'iml up|M.i tuiiily fur anv one wlr-hii.K hiji'i inlo Ihe li.iHi'iv lu.-liie^-. Abo, nl Ili.Vli't I - M., nl the liarn uf Mr. Ilaines, Mc Ihueii, Mans..mi Ii.e 10;,.I |, inliuir from l.iiwiinee tn Mr.Fiu.lciV, :i loi i,rKnp*li-li Hay and one small Slelall. I'ciur.lei. I IIAS. 1'. lloWAltl>,

ftimpiw L. I*. K. Ull HAItliB, Aiiclloncir. Term* at

Lnwrcnce, ik'pl.«, IsTt. lemfcllt



T Jims i. earn.

Al>! « rell I i..iv theac book* ol mine, That slau.1 SO trimly on their shelve.■,

With lure nnd there n brokenline K»l"iiLi.irl.i." j.iMliiiK iiii"li"t "le.i'ii i"

A curiouscompany, I mm; The poorest rankiaa; wilh llicr lituei ■

In brief-* tliinjt ahuo-l unknown - A pure Democrat')'—'of Letters.

UN they; Wrir

>inni' Just too good l>i throw aw*) , .•"■'MK' r--' Li il-'

Yel well 1 lofi ... Them! fl i.'ll.U m

YV tto never fail to come ni ean. Nor LI I :■•■■.LI Ibew) turn nlnisiii''

n I have i.u ..i ,i-- here anil there, Ami, like a luoiiar.:n,ph k and iliu'vt,

I never lueelan angry stare Thai fais I take mul (*il reib.e;

No discords ruv my aoul to vex Among those peaceful book-relation.-,

Nor envious mine "I anc nr wt To mar my ijuiel lucubration-.

Ami they have still another mini, Which oilier where one vainly seeks

Whaie'rr may I* nn author's spirit. He never iniitrilnl r\fnk*;

Ami should he prove a fool or clown. In worth Lhr precious lime you're ■■ pen

ll'itr i|iilrkly you can "put him down," Or "shut him up,"wllhout oITcniliuji!

Ami—»tranger itlll 1—no more at fund, i'ok'tnlrs smile, ami keep the pence.

See! Klile liy *|ile, and free from strtlu (Save what the heavy page may - ile-i

The gentle "I lirit-liatih" Him, 111 life, For conscience'sake, had burned car 1ml

1 mil them friends, lhc>c<[Uict hooks, Ami well the title they may elulm,

vYhoalwavsgiveinechtcrfiil hsikn (Wlial livingfriend ha* ilone llic nanic

Am), fur eom]innlonihl|i, how fuw, As lliene, my cronies ever-present,

< M nil the Iriciol- I ever knew Have I- ' i, HO useful and HO pleasant'

Bpeciiltl Xoti<£eS\ A CARD. A clvrgymnn wlillti residing

In South America, an missionary, discovered

t Ban MM simple remedy for the Cure of Ncrj

TOpj W ■■■• km ■-. -Karty Decay,»*■ ■■ i -■ of the iv

nary and Seminal Ui„-mm, ami the whole train of

disorder* brought on by baneful and vicioush .b-

iu. t.roal number it have been cured by tlibt nu-

1'; ■ iiapied by u ilcoiro U> beueill the

aWlcUid and unfortunate. 1 will »cud the receipt

'paring nnd using thin medicine. In a sealed

pe, to nny onu who need* it, FllKK OF

UUIttiE. Addru.s,


station D, llibtallonae,

uarWlyAnysn Now Vork City.

jYfyEh Y p y .T^ o_u BLJIP

I ,t,


WiNli'WooDS. ■ i tIBe.l to by ilir beat ptayslclaa

Injurious to tha itlteleefalla. Blood uvlaorator, belna; ... < .1. .1 Ti;

I'nrlrlrr and . .1 by

lac, K. Fain l» tha Bones, Hhtumnlliiii,

n'orint, Female IHseasee, .\<-i imn IHsor- ■lera, Kidney Complaint, *e„ *e. i !«>■ Iv


A nmn whu li.i- no mind will not cliange it.

Job 11. ul'-'l over when Ul« patience gave way.

A highly Int.-llij.-ttt*! dog—Tbu typc-autlcr.

Hone ttiicvo-j In Texas arc surenaik'il by airing li.ui.l-.

A polite wnr of potting It: Troubled with a chronic htdJapgtttiofj tu exertion. Oonnactleat yaanii laillcs have ju»t takfii the veil. '1 hey were hopelessly iri-i'kied.

Texaa baa a man with a rtauiling grkvnnt'e. Ho .- it down on a hot branding Iron.

"Artaxorxca, my boy," laid Mr. MarruM-fid, "remember the dying word* of Socrates : Nev- er marry a womau who Kick* ■Ulewayu."

An Al.ii'.iiii i editor winds up an editorial on tin- corn crop with thu remark : "Wo have on exhibition In our aan< turn a pair of mngnli)- ecnt eara."

"I» toe candidate fur wlicriiriioro?'' a»ked a ■(ranger a* bo looked Into un llllnoi*bar-room. "Yoa, why V answered eighteen men, at they ruae.

A negro insUtcd that bin rare w«s mentioned In the llible. lie said he heard the prcaeber read abjuthnw "Nlg^Ltr DJinni wanted to be born again."

Two Rochester men rowed n Imat around in a tlrclo fur throe hours under the idea that they were going down thu bay, and yot KochesU'r i* a ti'iiiin Nun1- town.

Now U the time when the Irresponsible ur- ehln glueth the lly's wing* together, and waiketh him against tlnio nromid thu nosy of his keeping grand father.

Bret Harte is said to be constantly hard up. Such, however is genius.—Ilscftiim/u. If being hard up constitutes genius, we havosome spells ol remarkable brilliancy.—Milwaukee Stndiirl.

Tha buy sehitol-boy who spelled Andrew J.tckson "Am J.txon" has been emialled bv it student who wished to mark half a doten new shirts. He maritcd the tlrst "John loan," and tbo reat "do."

"There was an old I'jinlly fuel betweeo them" wai what a witness in a Chicago murder case said to the jury. The Judge asked her If she didn't mean "ran l" an I stio asku.l him who •nuMlllBg theatory-.

A ynnng woman at Trenton, who was sleep- ing with her feet banging out of the chamber window, was struck by lightning and almost torn to pieces. The other Trenton women have taken their feet In.

A newly converted reporter thin notices a minstrel troupei "For th.we who dj not con- sider it a slu to witness minstrel shows, this entertainment will furnish a pleasant relaxa- tion from revival meetinifs."

A ^retired Hen-cipt.iln, who bad made the tour of continental Kuropc and Hie Holy Lnnd, was asked how he was impressed hy his visit to "Jerusalem;" sttld he, "it is thu meanest place I ever visited! There U not one drop of liquor In the whole town lit to drink."

A fellow rushed Into an office with the Inter rotation: "What's the diuerem-0 between the mice that have Just been cutinc; inv greenbacks and the epistles or 1'aul r" All present subsided, and he ga*ped : "Ihey're hith scrip. cheweri," and tLea rapidly pruceeded bj the

A prrson who represented tint he was a .tlergyman, presented hlui»elfHt the olllee ol a prominent real estate firm In Hostoii one day this week, and asked if the ilrm would give lilin a list ornll the (anus oifered lor sale and owned by widows. The -piery naturally arose whether he wanted to bur a Widow or marry a farm.

A country paper gives thu following advice ton corres|iondent: "Wo shall have to decline your article on the Dot-line of Aristocracy.

We have left out several ot our own article* thin week, and yours Is worse than anv of them, Take our advice ami write a lew short pieces . write only on one side of ltic slice!; write plain- ly; and then Like vour pieces and burn them up In the kitchen stove."

A young sea-uymph, whose father obtain* a livelihood by plowing the briny, was asked by a savant If sho knew the 104*001 of the

year. The girl readily replied, "Ytw, there nre four; the mackerel season, the whiting season, the herringsouson, and ,the trawling season." She also replied that Moses was the meekest man; and tn the following i|uery, "Who was the meekest Woman ?" answered, "There n was none."

DR. SCMIENOK'S 1'L'LMONIC SYRUP •o-a Witll Tonic, ant. Mandrake 1*111 ■

Tbest! modleiues have un-louliU-dly performed more euro* of noiisiunptliai than any oilier reiue- ily known to the Ameiiean public. They are i iiiiip'iiin.led of vegetable ingredients, and con- tain mulling which can bo Injurious to the human constltju'in.

othe- i media* advertised aa cures for Con- sumption, probably contain opium, which Is a somewhat dangerous drug in all cases, and u taken froely by consumptive iiaticnU, It must do Unlury; rOf Its tendency Is to conllne the „ ildmatturin the system, which, of course, must make curu Impossible.

Sehenek'sl'uhminle Svrnp Is warranted not to containn particle of opium: It la composed 01 iiuwerful but harmles* herbs, wbloh act on the lungs,liver, IUHIKC li and lil,»«l, and thus correct nil morbld-secrellimn, nn<t ex|iel nil tho .IU»«.IMI

matter from the body. These are the only means by which Consumption can bo cured, and a. -; in n, V- 1'iibii ■;■*vi-ti|>, se.i Weed Tonic, ami llandrake THU are the only medicines which op. ii-aW In ttds way, it is obvious Ihey are the onlv [Dtiulne euro for I'nluiuuary ('.in-uiuiition. Kneh jollle of this invaluulile medicine is accompanied by lull ilireetlons.

Dr.Schcnck Is profn.sionally at his principal omco,eorncr Sixth uml An li f.treeir.,l'liilailel|ihia, every Mninlav, Bod nt lhr guincy llouse, lloston, on Hi.' li.llnwliig VYedncilnyH, dune linll ami ilth, July «h ami ;i.l.l, ami Anttu-t r.ili :ind *Jth.



Gsaex Cottntv. Tint store of Thorn M Farrcll, on Centre sir

We.l I.vim. w... l„-,.keii ml \Ve.|tie~,lnv I iting, and arUaloa In tha value ofeiw ktulen.

'Hie fou,t,,.|nii annual fair of the .Vtitesh mill Sali~liui\ nglii'iiltuial n.-.prinhi.ii mil

'- il.ivaml frl.lay, tlJiobur l-t . *1.





NovemlJEr 30lh, 1874. DRAWING CKR'l'AIN AT


LlftT Ol** OIl'TB. One t.rand Cash till), tine lirand ('usii liid, One lirand Cash tiifi,

id Cash tiifl, One Cash Utit,

5 Caahiitils, $:">,<"•' each, lo Cash t.HI-, ll.taw each, I.', Cash (Ill's. m,«0O each. l ii-h i.ill ■, 5,01*1 cneh, to < ..I. i.. i'-, 4,U0OeMd>, ■0 r.i..i. (.in , .1,000 each, U i ;i- I ■. .'.L»MI earh,

loo Cash Gins, l.issi each, Jin Cash Olrta, wsteach. .',"0 CjisliHill-, !(*> each,

Kkuw Ciisii UIOs, ao each,

Urand Total 30,0110, Cirta, all 0Mb,

PRICE OF TICKETS. Whale Tlrkeln, llalvea, Tenth, or each Tonpnn, II Whole Tlrketa for ■j'j t-a li. i.. i- ror i

For Tickets and lufiirnintlnn, aibliess

TIIO. K. iiimii.iin:,

Agent anil Manager.

I>ntillc IJbrarjr llle, Hy,

THOS. H. HAYS ft CO., flOli llrotdway, X. V.


I.VI.IOI 1ISI.ISSI 1IS1.1SSI •m,m\ nil,"" IINI.IIHI I ■:»,!«« i


a .MI no an on

If Oil ftllO "Ml ,iiini no

B° OSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD; Summer Arrangement.

I after Mondnv, Aug. :t, Train* will leave the Depot., la follows:—

For lloston (from Norlli I >c|.<>t.i, at CiS,7.3(1, 9.S1 A.M.; and, S. to and c. M.,(Hiiudiiy) HA.K.

iday. ILltA

For Portland (from South Depot), at u |, (.:;■> u D.&SF

M., !<M


For Oeorgetnwn and Mawbnryport [from South Depot), at 8-iS A.M.; l.'.'s, *.30, I'. M,

For ilaverhllKlYom South Depot), at ".SI and i».07 A. M.iand, 4..BI, n.o», B..W i: «.; and from North DopOl at WJ f. H.

Rioter, Dover, Great I'.ul and way sbttlnns, (South Depot,) !*.■», IMI7 A. «., 1.*", 4.:I0, v. U.

Trains leave lloston for Lnwrenee at 7-So, 8.1(1. lu.lfl a. H., i'J M„ li.**, 3.;W, a.10, 6, 6, O.tS ami Sunday i" A. M., ,1 r, *■

JAMKS T. FUltlfKlt, Sup't. Lawrence August 1, 1S7I. \ s.




!.;'''i thcrs,

Mous dv.

the only prompt, efficient, and safe siu'li symptmiiH as loai of appetite,

|.,ill.ii.iiii.n of the heart, illxxiness, M«, molaii'iiolv, costiveno.-.s, wind,

" ', us well as many III soon place "thu resell of any rt— ;;.;i„

I had ilyspensin" twenlv yenrs, Mimelline* able to eat only the plalnesL IIH.,1 and very little nl that. I tried plivsielaus ami remedies wiIf nut relief until I learned "I Wliit.-'s S|nvdally ft Dy.-i'cii.i.i," whi.'li h:i^ entirely cured me. SlaTied

MHN. II. ).. Vineyard Haven, Mi.-. Sl-lflViiHKI.Ii, Mass, Oct. INHl. Mil. WlllTF,

not i-ellinitiinvlliilujliUt tho "Spe umy ■ now ior Dys|iopsla. lours truly,


Trice #1 per bottle, For Mie by all dniKKisis. Send fordesi'riptive circular lo tin' Proprietor

11. ti. Whin:,! a lilnejiort. Ma-s. auir''.rli'iimsii

F'OR MOTH PATCHES, FRECKLES uml Tan, n»k your Druiritist lor Perry's Moth

ami Freckle Lotion, which is harmless uml in even in-.' inlalliMc. <lr lor hi- Conic ,|.>ii.; an.! Piui]ili> ltci Iv, tin- I' M.m Miili cine for Pimples, lllie'k llcad.- or Flesh w»nn». Or consult It- C. PKItltV, the noted SklnDoetor, ill Horn! Street New Vork. iiil4coil«i!niKb


One Dollar Superfine* at 70 Cti, poryd We hav• just pure-based of tbo Bdnlnlitratoi

i ii.- product of a factory of a late Phlladclplili

laannlactuier, eomprillB| -'W rolls of wool 8u

pcrtlims, in dern styles, dollar ipialily, whieli Hi

shall sell for 70 cents. These nre the cheapen

carpets that have ever been offered In tills market

Also, son rolls Tapettry DrusicUi, at |1.10

sold every where nl JI..VI.

AISO.I.VJ rotlBB-frBma BnylUh DriuaeU, al $1M

|1.99 veins ll|c lorraer prlee. Also, WU rolls Knod Ingrains, at l.'i cents.

Also, nn t.'1's value, up In I He llnest cn.iiuellcl lluii,ti lor less coal of ]iroiluclion.

ers will (hid in be very much under va -i-IIIIIIK :m o|i|itiiliiiiily rurclvolfcicil nl prices,

NBW BNULANDCABt'BTCU., DOS UemovedloM Hanover street,opp. Am


Pedrick & Olosson Arc now prepared for tin' "Full Trade" OflBT-b hnviiiK in their ware room* one of the laiuest and mustcnrciully seleeicil stock* to he found In New

i .in-! in i, oiitdde ol lloston.

.Many nets mi.I cboiee dealgu have been added

CARPET DEPARTMENT- Which, wu think, cannot fad to please our

eat toman.

SAMPSON'S OIL CLOTHS. In widths from one to live yards.

/r/fl/s- Rugs, Mattings* etc.* in Great Variety.

Our Fuiiiiture Rooms i-clllerallv llllcd, and we are al-o prepared to

iiiaiiu'laelnrc, to onler, anv aitl.'le that mav tie desired in the house

r.ini! Lin.-1.1-. . Kxalnilie

PEI>IU<;K tt cix>ssoN, r.ilure and Carpets*

3C1 Essex, cor. Amesbiiry St.


Why la l>>o|>r| ao tianeral I Simply

because it Is ne|[lected ami mntlreatcd. Strike

directly at the cause. Uemove the nehl buniois

which rtiKcnder It, from the stomach and Imwcls,

with TarraNt'a KrT>rr>arewt Sellier Ajierl

• ol, ami Indigestion, with all Us painful concomi-

tants, 1* cured. Sold hy I - = ■ i ' -

am g!,f> WATER »ag<£| if » WHEEL "fl - ill


The Iowa Loan ami Trust Company Dei Moine*, Iowa,

Invests money tor h.-iHi.-m It lulersntten percent interest, not, payable scmi-aunnally at the Chcm lenl National liaiik.Sew Vork. All loans aecuretl on Improvcil real estate, and the collection in lull iOiarautcnl hy the Company. Unders subject hi no expense. Full al.-h ,o t of Title, Coigion Note* Mortgage, etc., (made din^t lo lender,] forward- ed <>u compktlon. New Vork ami New Knaland rclercncea ami lull ini union sent on appllca. II,HI. J ■ A M l It. Ml' li'.M III"! .-! In Prc-'I-i ,1-ta. 11. llt.ilMH i.l.l., >.,•, lies Moli Iowa.

Pleasant, and nn iniiailiiiK ici iy lor Asthma, t'ouglis, Colds, Lunir Complaints, Ac. Larce bolirc«:t5 cents. Dr. F. W. KINSMAN, Proprfe- tor, Aiunista, Main-. I.'i.issi lur a case it wl" our*I Try It. Hold br all dmcfjUt*.


PER DAY AT HOME . Address, tiKU

irtlaml, Un,

*77 , WEEK GI:ARANTEEI> TO lab- ami Female AUKNTS, In Iheii InaU nolhlnff lo try it. Particular! i, V1CKBBY A CD, AuKiistn.Me.





S T K A M K IN li 1 !N K S


.*- S....I lor I'IMUUT. illHl.1,

Iron in the Blood THE rn:rv!\N

p E:

SYRIlp u

, Y -

mnfr, hrsllhy, anil linj

Ciu'i.ui.-lie sin cit '• IVruvliui S;

Drl"-v|1'l''lu>.il^ mill's, lly>[s'|s,la. Ac.

-.n .■:.:;,..! by t:,. u of this r. niHy inn weak, skklv, ffcrln,;crmlun«, (,i

niy mi-u nnit woman | m.J yliisilntiitoclvnltnirH

vQflatthoriglitartld*, ft* i>" l« I : . • i In li;" i ii.

i. BETU W.iimi.K



— OF— •

PIANO AND OROAN. 3110 Bun Mtreet, I.avvrciiee.

Fun WATS THAI' AUK 1>AHK. —Win n riilnoso servant Is tllscbarfcod rroin ftu lly and shout to Ivavu liu places UU ma mi the wall of tlie room he lias octuple or In Bonio piii't of the premises wlieru I iicxli'timln{{ servant will sec It. Win «vcr illiiort'iiff.i innyhnvo existed lu-twe iwphwer anil trmplnyc.wlMtt-TirrtllMiiin abb- tilings, true or Imiifitli.l, Hint It

my Btftilnit tin- pcnpl.


I in i.ili-

Ncerj i a i nw ■siTvunt. A San Kr III. hin tolls or fumilj In Uml ell • which

i a 'iitit: inn romliift ami ;;u •r oiu- mat! > crvaiits. Thcytr In iii wdi. Llic \ ork \ OS light ni 1 Ihi-p IV liberal, lint no sir illl r.inlil 1 ' llldllc ll 0 mako n rcaaonnb I'S ay Inthi house.

1 t. lllst ll

was Ibuntl ttin . u refrni 11 \ -ho bad been illsd ii" -il hail h fl on Hi nil ftr- lulu i IK'itli I'll clIialNs rLTIlitiK l ho f: mllv. Htutvin ills tint mid not III' IT iii-i >V iit-tH. The wri lilt was n! .llll'l' oldil rni ■ I, arid O fill II IT trmiblu WIM t M'. I ■lit nl.

—~*m*+ K-

He .•til 1 n mnan'h UI'iMIIH nunlust ijlll:- -Hi so ball tun-iuls 11 e imliit,

llutlo ts Hi Hi tlnli, Din cripoki 11 c hand - iim IIll]li \s. Look II lb- 1 111 H nf a it real till in IT .f tl.o y. illlRme n i h y nil, • ruel del trinity! What illl

\l AiiAZlNES

I> 0 A R D .

Mi^.K. l\ Ovtxv, ll.ivin.- tsaen uml lteliunl-he,l Hie Itn:

House el W. It. M.iinei. IV, K.s.ex

Accommodate IIIIST.CI.ASN 1IO A It PLUS,

CJiLy of Ijawronce Water Loan. Hit pur cent. Coii)Min Bonds oftliMity or Law*

enei', duly autlioi uc.l hy act of the LegbdnturO,

;ity Dnlinaneesnd resohitlnn* or the City Conn.

II, will bo i-Micl iletnbcr 1st, lor a lltnltod

ininitnt Co«l"ni* nttnehed tar semi an 1 inti'r-















CAPEH, SFRAGUE & CO, Xiit.llmiil aCmlom Monad tHrewt,





i)l KVKItY IH'.SCIMI'l'lt



Merriam's Golden Drops

Family Sewing Machines on Earth

Tbe oelo lira toil world-renowned


To In; (,i,:li iiiViy al the



**1 »:■•*! Nlr**l.

Lawrence, Methi Uiwna, during the eiUeinetit of the Bame, I hereby extend mr .... oart Kratllude for all puit favora and exceedingly

»- a lurthor exprcaalon ot


Give ;i llctet to e*chcu*tonMr,




I aliall Kl vr wmmf 400 Tl.kilm on > »100

Mm IIIIIP, mxl 300 oat ■ t?ft Mm him,

Ami Inthatprnnnrtlon on the different atvlea. llieiiniea will benvrnnlcil to the luckj number nn noon na the ti.-L.eiH are Klven away.



A Cbeaper Fuel thai Wood or Coal. THE LAWRENCE! GAS COM'Y.

la selling Coke in tlie. following prlcca, via I

Per Chaldron of 14 hbls,delivered tft.OO .. M 7 " *' »3.00

Barrel .45 Price Per Barrel it the Workt, .40 Order* muil be left it the oOce ottbo Comiiuny,

No. 353 Essex Street, ami the Coke naiil for nt time the onlcr la given'

Mptmttf UEOHUEh, I'MIIIT, Ann.I.


llnllei hUties, Hotter Knives,CUton, S|ioona, Korku, BrMkltat Hinnernn.l Ten KniTMlB l>oth

' end pbttod hwullea; Bngar Shell", Hngnr Tongt, Nii|ikin Rlnga, Hut Crack*, Nut I'k-ka, Mii-iiu .1 ami Salt H|MHinn, laMlles, Tie Kulvoa, Tn- bie Bella, Children - Mug-, Ctdhlrea** SvU(wlUi

- wltliout DM6), oooetatlBJJ of Knife, Fork and

jim \ c. now A CQ.,

(SucccanorB lo CHAB. «. vToOMIA*, A Co..)

t ISO Kaaez ■trcet, ■ Lawrtnci,

U too well known to rcnolre any explanation of " rngard t.. .|iislitv. I «hn», aa heretof

friTI Minntnl


Real Eitata and Intelligence Office ,

At -VJ1 Kaaex Mtr*ct.

An ollleo which our city dan lonjt neeilril. Those wnntlng liolp 01 nnv leitiniiuliiv nr m'euiinlion.or lliOBii wnntinir employ men t, will Uml it to their adraatage to enll on, or •. \-> . ■ ■

SAMUEL HOOLE, BUI Eaaex >*ii. , t, where all i'.n ■ will bo

- ml i'll-noal

I I Will ill only i' h.irte

. aelliiiK Keal Bl perly, or hnvinj; leneinrntH to let,

my Inimeiliate ntteutli lor e\peii^iM netiiidly hie ilereil. illllHly

•*- For full nnil .(etiiili .1 li.l- of properte, tene- ment!, cm ploy into I w.-iiiii-.l, etc., fee thu HUM



Sewing Machine,

Made by tke Howe Machine Company. lave the T.nrgeat H>lca,

Qlvaa the Iteat Nattafartlon,

Mails or the Heat Material,

[a the mini to I.eani tn Operalc.

eat liable to get nnt of onlcr; everybody that n«r moid one will linve no other; will <lo (letter ork ami will milwctirlwi) of any other machine.

There were Bold In lrt7.'l over 1*0,000 mora R. IIOIVK UACIItNKH, tliniiniiy other, na Hie Un- chine* hnvu a woil,| wuU- reimunon, nnil are ■(.•■it to every clvlllzml country in llic world, mid Imve rereivel (lie hijil»"( IIICNOIHOS wherever ex- liilir.i'il, reeeiviler 110 [<■<■■ Mi.111 live lei.linnminiH nl anptilorltv. uttl.e lite Vienna Kvliiblllon over ollii r imleliliios.

New York wnrerooms nre nt OH Itromlwny. KitctorliMnt ltrii|«epoi-t, Conn., 1'cni, Itullnua, nmUlliiHgiiw, tfciitlnnd: ami are tiirnlng out Mat

hiiie»per day.

W. Hagor & Co., AUK TUB Km. 1: Aowrrfl vt>u

Lawrence, Andover and Methuen.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, Lawrence. Mass.

AMERICAN, The Most Complete Sewing; Machine

l?t Tin: WOULD*

Self-Setting Nce.ile,

Self-Threading Shu ft fa,

an,! Self-Adjusting Tension.

the IIRS1


.eN'ew liu.

!"- Si lit , || 11 rngan , SI

T friia uml rnlt pm I). W.COl

ienl.ii Mil II

TI10 Dost


HASE'S" SVU1NU RK11, I'lllei

, I '

■ 1 Dec. an. I '.t Spring Bed in llio Markot, IJionmii), Diiriililllly

iiofoel II lima no r.i]iinl.

JAMES F. COBURN, 63 Commercial Stroet, Boston,

pinciK'H l.lVe,,..t,




And all Druftlat* .11 Andover.

Core* Cough* and all Throat Irrltnlloai in

\\JV, WOULD RBafECTFULLY AN- V V NOtlNCK tn the piildle thai theirpntronnga

luiB-oi.tcft.llly in. reaped an lo render ll neeea Bftry for n-to i,ike Hie i|iie~tlon of Itnnglnit Pa1

per under our li e.llalc c.utrol, We arc pie parcil lo Nupcrliitend and exer.uto any work In

Wilcox & Gibbs, Weod Sccor, Howe, Singer,

Anil all Other First - Class Machines,


'"Pay Yonr Money & Take Yonr Choice." After one month'atruil, if n..t laUafliotory, ex

ehangeil f,.r any other In the market, tree .of ex-

MACHINES TO LET lly the Week or Alonih.

All Kinds of Machines Repaired

Ami Warranted in Kite latlafhetlon, ior no 1'ay.






maotrt i.-iwrti'isKT, MAH N

that line, from

down. Work 1 tion itiiiiiaiilei'L

a pr 100 If

otiiplly BXOnlltOd ami *atl*l*

Wiinliiltli A Ittl.E,

Vl K'M'X Street.

riRNT-ri.a.SH 1,1.1K or QOODB,

—ASU llUr-



•>«W ttlO R—a. Btr.«




marfltU 330 Bsaex St.. Lawrence. Maa*.


IlavhiK leaaod the entire building, Noa. ISO and ISTBeaei stroot, and Olted It np capeclally for our use, we have removeil our abxik of


RANGES And Kitchen FmishiDii Goois,

From our old Htand

No. 150 Essex Street. Also our Htock'of



Branch Store So. -MS Straat, (Falrflcld'a lllork )


CONSOLIDATED at our New Store NOB. lu.i nn.l IOT r.aaei St.,

Wliere we are prepare.] t.. offer AttheLowait Market Prices,

Tholarfeet. moat varied an.1 beat aeteetod atoek oftfOodolntllU city. Special nltentlon given to Store*. Itaiu-e* iui.1 Furnace* a* heretofore, for which are have n aeparate ilepnrtment. Tin ahi'rt Iron anil oopper work of all kind* ilone nt

D. N. & O. M. Martin,


50,000 ROLLS. SFE,Iiq-C3-1874

Our stock was never so com-

plete before. Consisting of Stamp- ed Oolds, Embossed and Plain Bronzes, Vine Grounds and Em- bossed Damask Papers, Satins, White and Brown Blanks, Mould-

ing Decorations, Borders of all

Varioties, Shades and Shade Fix-

tures. Don't forget the place. Our PRICES ABE LOW AND OUR GOODS NEW.

Whitford&Rice, 905 E.ssox street.

195 and 197 Essex Street. JoaeSKtr

C "11 n k 1-.-. I I.- i"i: ni Mll.k, i

April I-;, UU*. ( Sotlce iii hcrel.y given I hat tho un.lcraiirnul

*a bean appointed

n.pcrlor ..f illlk f„i the llfyof I.aiv-

inlall peraona aclling atilk within the city are

nreby rcqueatetl to conform to all the require

lent* of lie Ian and City Ordinance* relating to

All peraona will observe ihnttho law rc.pilrci

tat dealer* in milk, at wboleaata or retal, from

raajona, nallara, Morea, nhnpa or market placo

ithin the limit* of the City

ir i ::i .i, i thrlr Namaa »lth the Inaptrtor

All peraana aware of nny violation oTaaJd law

an.lor.lln.inec. nre InvlUil to report IlicxnmcUi

llic Itupecto



H<1 I'...union filrcet.

lend "An Aet In relation to th

mile an.I Inspection of milk "

llo It enacted. *e,aa follow*:

HEcr. 1 Whoever selln or exchangee, or ban In

hlapoeeaaion.wlUl Intent to noil, or exchange, or

oiler* for xnle or exchange adiilbtratcd milk,

or milk to whieli water ot anv foreign toilmtance

i;.i ■ been ndilo.l, knowing tho H.ime to be rulnller

ni. ■ 1 nr to contain water or nny foreign substance

-lull fur the iii -1 offline?, l.,- punlMhcil by a One 01

one hundrod ilollara uml for nny siibacipjent vlo

billon, a il'..- ni not le«s than one hundrei) dollars,

nor excee.llng three hundrod dollar*, and itn

prlaOanaat in tho IIOUHO of correction not lea*

ttiati thirty nr more than ninety days.

HKi7i. 1. The penalties provided Inth^preceed

ng section, nn.l IIIOKO provided In tho act to

which this la in addition, may be recovered on

complaint before any court of competent Juris

diction and one half of tbe amount of One im-

p.iKed nhall go to ihe complainant or Informer

an,I thu to the treasurer of the city or

town When offence was committed.

SBCT. a. It shall ba the duly of every Inspector

of milk la Institute complaint on the Information

of nny person who may lav before bun nuti-lnc

tory evidence on which to suataln tbo same, anil

he 'nil be entitled to receive one balftho nmounl

of any penalty recovered therefor, and shall pay

over the name lo Hie pern on who ha* Brstgli

the information on which the complaint was


[Appr .■■I M.ij .:;, 1""-1






A. R. GLIDDEN, 259 Essex Street.



I'h.' Keystone Apparatus gives a

Brilliant ■Hit Beautiful I.'KIH

- nr THE—

s.iiwi and most economical

method of illumination ever Invented.

It iri within reach of every h.iUHchold* *, and will

afford a pcrlrct gas light for every form,

for every fumlly, for churches and

aehoola, for villnges and townn, for

Till II*. Works, in I.H,;:..1,

anil public

b a l id-


i K. S3, U. II. Company i.l.i manufaeture

Keystone llyitrormlioii Oil,

The best gaa prixliicing mnUrlal yeldlocovc

OmoaSi [

P. It. pill, ||| ,1.,ll Full IllfO! IIISlloil

Application. ■■ 'Mi.i l'ST

An i:irrrtual H

Kidneys, Bladder,


GENERAL DEBi'lTY. Siwh •■ Fatlnful and Dr.(K|nff ««„.»_

liana In the B>ek and I...In., IMIII, „n

SuppreaMd or Ineontlnat 1'rlnatlan,

with a whit l.i, or biickdual Hedlini 1.1 In

Ih. 1'rlna. Drop.y, Irritation or I nil. ■>„.-

tlon of the BUdiltr, Ciilciilni, Ufnwa] or

Stont, In the BUdder, Loaa of IT.lur.I

foroa,, Wsakaeii and Qtmnl

Itritlllty, for linprapcr exeaaaaa of .Itlier

an, Spenu«torrho>a, Lcurm . !,.,,,, (J|.«t,

Female Weabnaaa, etc,


ti™1!- .i '"*'' l,u«i'"''l a high republ- ic 2. «ie treatment of this class oPlltaeHaea. It was used for yearn In Iii- praedeo herore being

foio^toi?.."'*-' Sfflffi in iU l'r*,«,t frm, ami r ^ "ll,ll: f" 'dy. N«,>hr.llruu> iasoinelhlng mo.oan.l better than nil the |, repa- rations of exunt UH effe,t« are perma- nent. In all ea*.^ it striken al the Lotion, line of the disease, instead of alleviating temporarily tho urgent symptoms. A single Hal wil satisfy

!lnWVC,Cl'"1*1 "r i[" virlnes, and by a,hire.. sing; as Iwlow, or calling at your druggist's n pamphlet will lie Kivc, ,„„ , ,nt„in ng"cerlill rates of welbknovMi |.".TI.'ol cither sex ami r thcaledlc«l l'rofes^lon who nave used It in their practice. Can we HIIV I e- I-",,,' a,,i„ i... «n 1-iWkta. 1 1.3»i,i::t.v\- .;■> bottlesf-i"

W. U. IIO in I vs .t Co., lVoprletora,>on,> . Providence, B. I.

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

<i R N E HA I, A <i 13 N l's .


"Bnperlor to ('al, Ined or Carbonate of

Sfanursla, wlllionl th, li hsngcroni As-


inli': -f. I nn. I |,r... rul'i .I I.,- the KMdln| |ihysi-

clana throngboul the country, ns lieing the grent-

eatantl-aoiil yet presented to tbo medical puldlc.

ItlmmeiliaUtly nnd cerlalnly rellirca


Sourness or

Acidity of ihe

Stomach, Headache,

Dyspepsia Indigestion,


and Gout.

Laxative for Children It is •uperlor to any o11iJ*r"preparation, reqttlrlnB

no persunslun t(> imlu^o them to take It, and it la

nlso peculiarly adapted for fomahn during pros-

it Is a positive preventive against Ihe fond of in

fitiitJ souring on the stomach. In eases of i' Coinplalnta and Itlnrrliin,

an common with young children, the

MILK OF MAGNESIA will he found liirn.itAble, Try It oneo nnd you would uot be without it.

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

<1 I''. N E It A I. All K N T H


rpiOl MOST

WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Of tho 19ih Century.

I> ML S. 1). 11 i > W I•', • S


ml all Dlaeav* of the Throat, Che-t mid I.nnjt*. I'he only of the kind In ihe wml.l,.

A SiMtite for H Liter Oil.


I'lliHIi It ANII I 'I, V.


Jiift opposite the leiuiiniis of the home railroad, cars leaving lor Lawrence every Hftuen minutes. We have one acre «f -|.leo.liil lno.l, graded, fenced and under n high state of cultivation, on which are choice apple, pear mid cherry trues, grape vines and small fruits; a lino stable and IIrat class dwelling house. This estate i» the home

d of Mrs. Alvuli K Italian, centrally and beau

late klinbail U lea a on, Ksq. An acre of excellent bind in one square, high scenery, retired from noise and dust: everything about suggestive of home with all its comforts. House nod liable built in the most thorough manner, and in perfect condition. In short, one of tho best Munitions in Methuen. riplondld school advantage*; four churches and a thriving business community Terms easy, and price low. A.I<1 rest

irtfapn FEimiCK * CL0330S, Lawrence, Mas*.



afie ajtraat, - - • I.awrenr«.

A. KKl'.IS. H. ]).,

PHYSICIAN. No. 1 Apploton Street, Lawrence, Matt.

atiCUKaaok TO TUB LATE mi. miuniim.

Dr. Krels would rcsperlfully inform Ihe eltl. •nsofthisrlly thai, In response to the soliciU- ■iisofmany liiiiiiir, he has decided to locate

i nbove, where he will he happy lo sltend romplly all prefers ion id mils by day or nlv lit a

oMec. ..".:;;■ N

l^-Olt hALK.

Slock and Ftirnlluro



269 Essex Street, Lawrence, augftlitr

Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Tonic Biro

liicb differs from all other preparations in It* i ledisle action upon the


Ii is inirelv vegeWl.te, elOaliaea |ha syitem of nil iipiirilie-, builds it iipmre op, nnd makes

pure, rich blood, it cures Meroi'id ■ UN lllieuM'H or nil kinds, remove- i-o,i-tli-atl..ii and regiilntes thebowels. For • tien-ral helithU," "l,o-t Vi- talitv"nn.I"liii.iieii-iinwiiCoTi-ii!ut ,"l "cbal-

rBf8 the ISUl erntury to rind Its equal.

Every Bottlo Worth its Weight in Gold. I'rlee «1 Per Uotlle.

Dr. S. I). HOWE'S



Residence, • BAST ELM ST., Lawrence.

Broadway Savings Bank. " BIN BLOCK


Received Its first deposit May II, Wit. STATKMKN'I' MAY HOtli, 1H74.


'pIK UNDRn8IONED HAVING As-oeiiit.'.! themtelvei togcthor in tho

I.,... ini ,'..,t |'nr



via nl.. lVliIIr [.tghoriis a si'KCl I

i.. WDIIIIS, Nn. f Ili'onilwny, HniiLli I.ttw

IshliiK I ltd. rtaltlit

d A. W. liootlilch A (.'. under Ihe ilnn name ol would re^icell'ully In for I re nre tin. 1 vicinity, that they have eonslnnllj lian.l a I urge ai-.u (FH.III of everj lliui^ needl'u: Ihelr line of business. Coffin t Caikets, Shrouds and Coole fin idnhed at the lowed prh-.-s. All ordcra nron Iy attended to by day or night- BaJemroom Aiiirslmry Kirert, Itr.ldenee Inn t!lm I

and IS llsk Ntreet.

A. W. liiiuiHtiril. B.C. PAIUON Illl 1M If



A Dwelling House, nearly new, situated on lieorge street Lot contains iMMXIfccti house 13 by 10, two stories, (with leiscmeiit under part of the same) containing HI room-, all nnlshed, paint- ed nnd blinded. On the premise* a cistern of soft wnler, and n never ling well. Location centrnl, i;inl very dcsirnhli Price low. terms easy.

Abo, llouse and Lot situated on High street. Lot containing wmiP feet. House has 1M rooms, two stories, pilnU'il and blinded. This property is hlltuitcrl In a very dcsiralilc locality, and can be bought at a bargain.

Also, several rcnlinl mel il.'.-irable House Lots. A I'AIIN siliinl.'.l io sM.K.M.N. II., about one

mile from Salem Depot, containing 8ft acre* land.

nd, r divided inUi tillage, pnstn'rlng

• t least. r*rn!t—applr id«

. A prime I a place. House " ; hum ;i() by An.

. I' I 111 .!':■ king liranlle Ledge

by*); L« i the place. House " byfta. Apld, ..


orklng ,. slurb

dy to


Andover I>epot, Mass. ., i,..nil.- Hone, lor '■ mi .'in:Ines, Ac

manufacturer of •j", steam fit "II. i-I'M ■

Mortgages, Notes, Rank Slocks. Cauhou bund ■M.HTOti


This delightful and harmless toilet preparation

Is most undoubtedly the best In the world for

prcservjng the Skin and Ileauli Tying the Complex

Ion. It will remnvoTan, freckle, nn.l all ills-

coloration I from tho skin, leaving It beautifully

white, soft, smooth nnd clear.

A il tit in, i >s

And most delightful toilet preparation for bcnull

fylng tbo cnmplcxion ami preserving ihe akin Is

Laird's " iti i of V out hi" ticnuine prepared

only hydcorgeW. Laird. It Is perfectly simple

and purr, and warranted flee from any material

■latriineulnl to health. It Is far superior to tbe

"»l fashioned Iwaullilers, such as powdcr»,i hulk,

meen full, etc., for imparting youth and beauty

to tbo akin. The "lllonm of Yeuth" I' preferable

lo uny other [.reparation* offered for the sai


Dewara ol I (. It..

Sec that thu United State* Revenue .Slain|i

printed on the front label and the nnnio ol li.

Lain! Is stamped in the glass on the bnck ol H

bottle—no oilier Is genuine.

Sold by all druggist* ami Kaucy i.mnl«



26 Tremont Street, Boston,

<l E N K It A I. A <l IC NTS,



LITTLE'S ROYAL SALVE Will prove itself a sovereign balm in case

Rheumatism, Pilea, Felons, female Complaint*, llruldos, Sprains, l.lvcr ( t.ioiilainti-, Hums, Scalds, Kidney IH«, Cuts, Rolls, Chapped Hands, Sore Nipples, . i.-.

fUUB WOUNDS of All Dei

l,iaiW «JtW,lSBW7 ill tbe week from ll 1 N

ml on Thursday and Saturday evenings from 1 to », for receiving de. BiisJls onlv. Deposits placed on Interest Iroui

te flrst day of each month. Dividend* of tha HOI ,.inning, m.el.- iwi'-.' cH.-ii year.

JOHN FALLON, President. OIIN L. IlllKWSTKR. Treasurer. IJelvhT

-. II

Double Collage Itoiiru', nine rooms, large, very roomy and convenient, and In perfect condition. Blable, Rtore and tenement building, about six rods from the same, tilted up for ponl om.e and store, by which It Is now occupied, t'nrresol land under a high state or cultivation. A tine property In the village or Danville, N. II.; two school houses distant | and | mile, church on one corner of the premi-f . IJ miles from llaverhlll, Mass., 8 miles Irom Kxetor, N. II., and ft miles from Kast Kingston l>rpoL Splendid chance for a physlrlnn or lor n mechanic; plenty of work nu,l a I pay. The inoiieily i, tlr-t class, and will be sol. for only *i**l


UKACIIR \\rASIlINO O0AP. JJuvli. r'nll>T emht. VeryOu|>erloi

.N'tim for i


lug the Salvo given v


LITTLE'S ROYAL SALVE Has built upon It* own merits an cnvlablo repu

tatioti, and Is acknowledged by nil those win. have nued it, mid from uh

we arc daily receiving lestlmn. nlsls as to Its merits, lo bo

thu only rellnblo Salvo now offered to tho


Pureaaaea bm, and, after you liavo trod It, yoi

will not be without it ut any price.

SMITH. ItOOr.lTTLK «. Nllllli.

■ioTrcmmilSL., Ilonlon. (IKNKHAI, AUKNI.S.

Ask For


' A L'TL'MN, 1S7J

Boston Store.

Wo .-tie now prepared to show a

Full Lino of



Usual Low Prices.


213 Essex Street,


oiiKhly COATED

They cleanse the Liver and £> iiiiovu Uotisiipalion, eontnii

any other Injurious ingredient, ami act .pileklv upon the organ-, without'iug pain or weakness. Price 85 cenw jier box.

CONSUMPTIVES Should usu all three of the above iiicdii'lues.

flold In Lawrence by

A. R. Gtidden. Druggist. General Agent Dr. S. D. Ho wo, Sole Proprietor.



nsurance Agency. RKrUF.SIJNT TIIK Ft )!.],< IWI NO

Ineorponilcd. Asacta, FTanlclln.of Piiiin., i»„., I^-M 83,200,710 Pennuylvanin, ot I'cnnn., IHAI 1,300,000 Gorman, American, N. V. 1^72 1,048,2120 Weetchetitor, Ne» York, KIT 041,403 Falrtleld County, Conn., isTo 307,357 First National,Worcester, 1S1QI 103,907 Olouceater, Uloueester, IrtTo 162,588 German, Erie, Pa., ixi; 44561-

BtaJjll-h Compnnlaa, Royal. J i»«. gold,

American llniueh, 1.B00.576 Queen, ls58, KOI.I, IO.OOU.OOO

American Dranch, 017 327 Imperial, ld03, gold,

Ann': ii 'i:: Itranrli, 004,407

•■3 KIICI atrcct, - Liwrrnti

aju: i" i> p. o. Box an.


Attached ti these patented Spectacle* are Iwt seleiilillcnlly ted t.aKniiie IlaUcrkn—un seen when worn—dellveilux ileouuh tlie vc. o llic a Molt auit roiillmioiis Ntrrnm of Klaillclty.


Partial I'aralysls of the Opt!«- Verve,

Weak or l.t....-,,; Vlalon,

Heurnlf;Li of I lie nrFicl,

Ncrvoua Ttvltttho lu liar

Miiarlc* iirilif I'm r.

Noluvalu the Heart.

Lnaa ..f "i, 11(1.1 i,II. ,-Ky

and a ol N.L'.'.iits Diseases, an-mft from rcssion of the tu-rvou- eiifiv-v of the ry>U'tnac Ibutiiic, in a neat aatoTdalilng degree,

Life and Vigor and Health. by the menus of the BOA Bowtau stream of HI.. Irlclly, idvlnji

Brl)[htnes« lo the i■"> ■ ,

ftnlcfaiteaa to the IUr,

Kio'i'K)' lo the 11 n. In.

They are set with lenncs of the lliiest mimufi' lure, hi anil nil shtlii.1, and wild j.-la.->cs for tie not needing spctiu'le- i<i read with, but denbl. the bellellL. to be derived iVoui wetiriOK Ui,i l!;i lories; mid to bu had in tbh " dy of

IIUMI'HHEV MOOAR Watchmaker, Jewoller and C^pticlan


No. 235 Essex Street Lawrence Dealer in Watches. OTrOCka, Jewelry, Fancy

Uoixht, etc.

N. R. AUo Agrnt for 1mm%t if flforriV /•« f<etti\ Spectadt* and Kyt (It.iitn, Ihe IlKSTin tilt WnrUI. Ulria-

[>Y PBDAICK4GL08802*. A very ilealrabl* ■ •■ .1.1. >u . .,,. iVn.ter Hi.

The modern Iwo .lory bottte, owned by Ihe

late Mrs. Wen ton, aiijdnlnjr the fshile Of Saiti'l.

M. Davis, Efrp, Is oiTued lor liitmedlale salft, \a

rlose the elate. The house is tltnronjclily built,

containing eleven rooms; lins a Rood cellar,

plenty of ahed room; well of e*cellcnt wnler,

never laUJnf. The lot l" » liy Illl feet, with a

number of irult Ireea, vines nr.d shrubbeiy. Con-

trally located, within a few hundie.1 fVct of P.os- Lan and, and convenient to Pnetllo Mills, offetlug no o|i|n,,iur.ity to secure - ties Ira ble place, which must always. Increase



TO Till. FAIt Finr.ii


AND 3AQUENAY RIVER, Via the Rear Montreal and Iloslon All

Line and FasaumpBlr Kalti-nart,

ley. Crystal Lake, ami the Oretm Mountain*. llerilopiioitunily tor one of tliu nuei>l nn.l mosl Interestinjf Pteasiiro Tiiiis to be taken on tin Continent. On and after August loth, until fur iher notice, e\eIIr>ion ticket ■, good until N'ovmn her Orst, will bu sold al the lollonlnif liedured Rattai l.siTrtiii'n lo Viiv|iini on Lake IHi

tibrsmaiot and return, lUu.'jr.

Lawrence to Montreal and rat., IS.OU

'• u„. i„. «• " via, Montreal to Qae-

hee and return, SO.OO

Uuvhrr ta Haprnenay Itlver * ret., O.OO

Tickets arc Rood lo stop over at any pnin panoramic pinujililt I, I.M in and time tables, ami all pa

along the Line. ■ I.- ■ I . i ■ of 11. II Lu informal




—1II8TI1.1.KI18 IIP—






rvi:tv oiii.r.t.xs, La.,


N. E. Agents. BROWN & HAYES. lJil, \W\ nnd l^-'» lleoad Slio.-l.



QUAKER BITTERS Ttiene celebrated liittcrt) are com- J toned ofchoice Itotitu, Heron, and

tar/citf among which are (jeit- tiiui, Sarnaparilta, Wild Cherrf/, Daiidetion, Juniper, and othvr berries, and are .HO prepared us to retain all their medicinal t/nal- itif*. Then invariablf/ cure or great I if rcllere the following com- plaints : Dyspeptln* Jaundice, Jjiver Complaint. LOSS Oi' Aiinc- ttto, Heailix 1H>. Itillous Attacks, ivi'iniin-iii nml Intorinittoiit Po- VITS, Ajrnr, (olil <'hills, lUii'iinin- i i-ni, Himiiner Coiiiplaliits, I*Ilos, KUlliey DbMaTaMS, I'ciiiiilc I>Illi- cultlcH, Lassitude, Low Si»irMn, Ucncral DelrUity. and, in fact, everything caused bit an Impure state of the lilood or dej-anyed condition of stomach, Lleer, or Kidneifs, The aged find in the Quaker Hitters a gentle, soothing stimnlant, so desirable In their declining gears. Xo one. can re- main long ttniccll( unless afflicted with an incurable disease) after taking a few bottles of the Qmakev Bitters. Prepared by Dr. II. S. Flint & Co.

At their Medical Depot, PROVIDENCE, K. I.




• Mai

TO mate. Nt., opposite Hil !-y Nl., Iloaton,

alter an exUmslvc praetUeor upwards of thirty years, continues lo avoir I'alenls in llic United .Stales; also in Great Ilrllnln. Frame, and other foreign eoimtries. L'aveau, >n. eiileations, Asslfrn- DMIIta, and all pup, is l',.r ratents, executed on rvat-oiiuHe lei'ne . « ilh ■ 11- lie .e.'ii .'lie ■ made lo deterntlne the v.didiiy mid nlilityof Talents ot Inventions, nnd bh'iil ami other advlec rendered in nil mailers lon.hii.K Hie simie. Copies ol the elainis of any Talent fiimlnhed liv ivinlUlux oue dulbir., rei'oitleil in Windi) lot loll.

tM-No Axeney in ihe United Stales possesses •uperior faeibli.H lor oltiniiiii.n TuteuU or nreer- liiii'iiip; Ihe 1','il.oilaliilil) of iiiveiillor


"1 reK*rd air. Kdily as one of the moat capable anil sueeessfnl pmcliliouers with iilioin I have hat) oltli'iid liiteivonrse.

CllAltl.KS MASON, Comiiib'r of Patents."

"1 have tin hesluition In ashui-litK inventors Uml Ihey eannol employ a man more ctmpettHt ami Iftisrirortfty, nn.l nn.l e ea|>:ible ol putlin<{ their n;i- plientions in a lot in to seeuro lor lliein an early .111.1!>!.' e.iH'.i.lei'!iti'.:i al the Tatent IllUee.

i-.i i ■.] i M) lll'ltUK, Late Coni'r of Tntonis.'

"Mi*. It. II. Knur has madoformeoverTHIUTV applh uliiitis for Talents, linviii« been sureesrl'iil in abnori every care, stieh iiiniiiflakalile prool of (crentbileiil ami ability on his purl, leads imlo reeouimeml AI.I. Iiiviaii..r» to apply to him lo pro- cure their patents, in- ihev nay !«■ .nre of bavin)! Ihe tnorl finthfiilntlention be: towed on their rjiM-, *nd at vei) leai-ouable rharu'es.

JOHN TAtJUAUT" Rnaton.Jan. 1. 137L lyVab

Rail Estate

BY THOS. H. ELLIOTT, IN Central -fltreet, Lowell, Haa*.

A UCTION ON 8ATUBDAY- Sept. Ill, ■ \ i'; i, ol Two o'clock, i'. li,

Hllk and Vevetablo Farm, sltunted on main road, ;| miles from miles from Law- roncc, and consists nf«i norca of best land, suit, ably divldid liy stone walls; birgu

TWO STORY IIOUHi; AND BARN, with Kood rcllarK, In eilrn goad condition, t'LilUUhiiviiiK been expended on lliein within tho last three years. Tim owiuir has kept fifteen cow* nn.l Ihree horses on the place, and has sold rai.fitio -worth of Milk and |l,OUO ot Veffetoblee Iti one year,

Plane sold only on account of llldiealth of owner, and will To-dllvclv be Sold to the lllithent llidder. (Jarrlnai s for ihoso who may wish lo attend sain will leave my nfflee, is fentrnl street. Lowell, at half-pn^l livelve o'clock on tho day of

IStaeptlOttl THOS. |1I. ELLIOTT.

Tho only reliable Gift Distribution In tbe country


To be I i i.ii UI...1 |n

XJ. ID. susnE'iE mih MJII.A.VM'AI,,

GIFT ENTERPRISE To be diawn Monday, Oct. 12th, 1N7L


ONE PRIZE $5 000 IN SILVER! ?iv.'PH..!sn«o fJGREENBACKSI Ten Prlae* «l(iu ^GREENBACKS

worth tl.BOOcaeht

Two IbiKRies, lioises, fte., worlh pHO,

Two ilne-tone.l Pianos, worlh a.VHl. lnc^, win Hi " "' irnnntlng

all!, worlh iioui b'm.i f::no ,■; Hold Chains, silv.-i nine, i n.l .,,,(. No.olO.fU. IO.OOO. TiLketil.noUdloSO.OOO

AUKNTSWANTKnio sell Tlctels, lo whom liberal premiums w 111 be paid.

Single TlckotB»2;RixT!ckotB»10; Twelve Tickets liitJ; Tv.rnty-Mvo40S.

CireuhiirteoiilaiuiMKafiill list of prizes, a do •crlplion nriliemiiiin. i .,t dia.ilnu, and other in formation in referiiiie !■. the 1U-.11.liutii.n, will lie sent toany ono ordcvliiK them. All letters miisl be addressed to L. I>. HlfllF, Hoi NO,

MAIS !>mcK, CINCINNATI. O. inyHfiwrny ioi w. fiith sin .t.



Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrhaa.


n.iui fun to K. i it i oi.ij- no criiis.

Twenty yenrs'0!tpmlnnee has fully enUldlslied tho curative (pialltlcn of this preparation.

It rureaCramp Colic, It ....... Cholria lit I...H ...... It cure* flu .■ it v ■.. .... . ■ HcnreiNuorarllrCholrr*. Iteun — IiysriKiTj-, It rnrca Cliolcra M. enrra all Bowel ("iiinplnliitB. It inrr* IIrnd.n lie. It cures I>y*nri>rla. It eurea I dlRtation.

Kvcry lamlly should have It. BaU by nil ilinp- Slsta. Tretiarcl by W. I>. CHAHIIKitLAIN

ynn, Mass. Charles Clarke, Agi'nt for Law onto. ocUlltlyr