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i AN ERROR ANALYSIS IN DESCRIPTIVE WRITING THROUGH VISUAL PICTURE AT THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF SMAN 16 PANGKEP (A Descriptive Research) A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Education English Department WAHDANIAH 105351117316 THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2021

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(A Descriptive Research)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Makassar

Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Education English Department














بســــــم اللـه الرحـمن الرحيــــم


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Judul Skripsi : “An Error Analysis in Descriptive Writing through Visual

Picture at the Second Grade Students of SMAN 16 Pangkep”

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Makassar, Februari 2021

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بســــــم اللـه الرحـمن الرحيــــم


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Wahdaniah

NIM : 10535 11173 16

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : “An Error Analysis in Descriptive Writing through Visual

Picture at the Second Grade Students of SMAN 16 Pangkep”

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Makassar, Februari 2021

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Jalan Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar Telp : 0811 1782101 (Secretary) Email : [email protected] Web : bg.fkip.unismuh.ac.id






People Will Judge But Who Cares? This Is Our Life,

They Will Judging But Can’t Control It!




To my hero, my dad and my mom. Thank you so much, my deepest

love for both of you.

My sisters and my brother. Lovely to be you older sister.

Everyone, who cares the researcher.

And …..

Special for my precious self

You did great and I adore you, so much.



WAHDANIAH, 2021. An Error Analysis in Descriptive Writing Through Visual

Picture at the Second Grade Students Of SMAN 16 Pangkep (A Descriptive

Research) English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervised by Eny

Syatriaana and Ratu Yulianti Natsir.

The objective of this research were to describe the types of common error in

writing descriptive text made by the second grade students of SMAN 16 Pangkep.

The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. This

research was carried out at SMAN 16 Pangkep. The subject of this research was

the second grade students of SMAN 16 Pangkep which consisted of 25 students.

The researcher used written test as instrument of this research and collected the

data through the students‟ writing assignment.

The results of this research showed that the researcher found four types of

errors in the students writing. Those are omission error, addition error,

misformation error and misordering error. Based on the finding, the researcher

found that the dominant of errors in the data were omission error and

misformation error.

Keywords : Error Analysis, Descriptive Writing, Visual Picture.



WAHDANIAH, 2021. “Analisis kesalahan dalam menulis deskriptif melalui

gambar visual pada siswa tahun kedua di SMAN 16 PANGKEP (Penelitian

Deskriptif)”. Pendidikan Bahasa inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,

Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Eny Syatriana dan Ratu

Yulianti Natsir.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis kesalahan dalam

menulis deskriptif text yang dibuat oleh siswa kelas dua SMAN 16 Pangkep.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif.

Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 16 Pangkep. subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa

kelas sebelas SMAN 16 Pangkep yang terdiri dari 25 siswa. Peneliti

menggunakan tes menulis sebagai instrumen dalam penelitian ini dan

mengumpulkan data melalui tugas menulis siswa.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peneliti menemukan empat jenis

kesalahan dalam tulisan siswa. Kesalahan-kesalahan itu adalah kesalahan

omission, kesalahan addition, kesalahan misformation dan kesalahan misordering.

Berdasarkan data di atas, peneliti menemukan bahwa kesalahan paling dominan

yang ditemukan dalam data adalah kesalahan omission dan kesalahan


Kata Kunci : Analisis kesalahan, Menulis Deskriptif, Gambar Visual.



In the name of Allah the Most Gracious Most Merciful

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the researcher would like to deliver

her deepest gratitude to the Almighty God, Allah Subhanahu Wata‟ala – the

king of the universe, the cherisher who gives his guidance, mercy, inspiration

and good healthy to complete writing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are

always addressed to the last chosen messenger that brought us into the right

way of Islam prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam.

In this great opportunity, the researcher would like to express her

feeling to all of people that given their help, motivation, support and advice

during the process of writing this thesis. The researcher would like to express

the greatest thanks and appreciation, especially to :

1. Lovely and Supportif parents (Muhammad Ukkas and Rosmiati), thank

you so much for always trusting, loved, support, patience, sacrifice,

affection and motivation and all of good prayers for the beautiful future.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse., M.ag., the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar.

3. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Dean of the FKIP Muhammadiya

University of Makassar.

4. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head of English Education

Department of FKIP Muhammadiya university of Makassar


5. Dr. Eny Syatriana, M.Pd., and Ratu Yulianti Natsir, S.Pd., M.Pd., the

researcher advisors. Who gives help, precious advice and motivation

from the beginning until the end of this work.

6. All lecturers of English Education Departement, who taught the

researcher and share wonderful experience since year of her study.

7. Rudisaberi, S.Pd., the Head master of SMAN 16 PANGKEP, who had

permitted to carry out the research at SMAN 16 PANGKEP.

8. Rini, S.Pd., the English Teacher of SMAN 16 PANGKEP, thanks for

helping and guiding the researcher.

9. The students of SMAN 16 PANGKEP especially class XI for being

participant in this research.

10. The researcher beloved family, sisters ; Fitrah Ramadhani and Naura

Nadhifa and also for the only one brother Afdhal Abid, then the big

family who cannot be mention here. Thanks for all advices.

11. The researcher close person ; Nur Afiat, Misrawati, Alsindy, Fitrah,

Masita, Rahmia, Alamsari, Wiwi and Ulfa who gives their motivation

and courage. Unforgettable, all of friends in E (Empire) class English

Education Departement (016 generation), see you on top.

12. For everyone that could not be mention one by one, thanks a lot.

Makassar, February 2021

The researcher




COVER .......................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ........................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... iii

CONSELLING SHEET ............................................................................... iv

SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................... vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................. vii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ...................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................ xii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. xiv

LIST OF FIGURE.......................................................................................... xvi

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xvii


A. Background ......................................................................................... 1

B. Problem statements ............................................................................. 4

C. Objectives of the Research .................................................................. 4

D. Significant of the Research ................................................................. 4

E. Scope of the Research ......................................................................... 5


A. Previous Related Research Findings ................................................... 6

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ............................................................................ 8

1. Error Analysis ......................................................................... 8

a. What is Error? .............................................................. 8

b. Types and Function of Error ........................................ 8

c. The Causes of errors..................................................... 11

2. The Concept of Writing .......................................................... 11

a. Definition of Writing.................................................... 11

b. The Importance of Writing........................................... 12

c. The Characteristic of Writing....................................... 13

3. Descriptive Writing ................................................................. 20

4. Visual Picture .......................................................................... 21

a. Definition of Visual Picture ......................................... 21

b. Kinds of Picture............................................................ 22

c. The Importance Picture in Teaching Writing............... 23

d. Benefit of Using Picture ............................................... 24

C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 25


A. Research Design .................................................................................. 27

B. Research Variable and Indicators......................................................... 27

C. Research Subject and Setting .............................................................. 28

D. Instruments of the Research ................................................................ 28

E. Procedure of Collecting Data ............................................................... 28


F. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................ 29


A. Findings ................................................................................................ 30

B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 53


A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 57

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 58

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 59





Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework .................................................................. 25



Appendix A : The list of students‟ class XI SMAN 16 Pangkep

Appendix B : Instrument of the Research

Appendix C : Students‟s Worksheet

Appendix D : Documentation




A. Background

At the present, the development of world has been increasing fast.

Such as: in technology, economy, politic, and social sectors. Those are the

relation of communication of the world which must be known by the people

of the world. But, every country in this world has their own language that

different each other. Language is the important thing to know and to learn for

the good relation of communication.

As we know that, the international language at this time is English.

English language is one of the subjects learned in school. Most of the students

do not like studying English. They think that English is very difficult to learn

especially in writing skill were more complex and sometimes difficult to

teach (Heaton. 1989; 135).

There are several processes, mental and physical being carried on the

same time. There are several reason why people learning writing. One reason

for learning writing is to transit ideas to the other people, especially those

who are at a distance in time and space. Another reason for learning writing

well is that writing process can help the students to learn because it can firstly

reinforce the grammatical structure, idiom and vocabulary. Secondly, when

the students write, they also have a chance to be adventurous with the

language, to go beyond what they have just learned to say, to take risk.


Thirdly, they become involved with the language. There are some factors that

influence the students‟ ability to write. They are the vocabulary, the

interesting topics given, the interest of students in learning writing such as

picture, map etc. and the time to teach writing in English course or the

unsuitable technique.

Generally, there are many English teacher only focus on the hand

book while the students need the teacher‟ creativity in presenting material in

order it can engage the students interest in learning English especially writing

achievement. The teacher also need an innovation, masters the material and

gives a chance to the students for ask the difficulties in learning English

particularly writing achievement. The students tend to find many difficulties

to produce a good writing in English. Sometimes they find the difficulties in

finding the main ideas and getting focused to start writing, they do not know

how to arrange the vocabulary which they into good sentences and no

encourage to write probably because they are confused with the structure.

Writing is used to communicate with other people and also to express

our feeling and opinions, so writing as means of both communication and

self-expression. The popular one is that good writing comes from complex

source: intense motivation and sensibility, passion and cultural, curiosity from

energy and craft.

Based on the result of the observation which the researcher conducted

in SMAN 16 Pangkep , the researcher gets information about the students that


have difficulties when they write in English. The students difficult to express

their ideas without guided from the teacher, they more comfort when the

teacher give them some pictures. Picture can be used in teaching and it‟s very

useful for the student. The student can explore their ideas. So, the researcher

wants to use Visual Picture as media to help the students.

Through Visual Picture, the researcher want to make the students can

express their own ideas in written form. Picture can help to enhance idea,

explore knowledge to describe something, which is people, place, things, etc.

Picture can be found everywhere and taken from many sources such as in

magazines, newspaper, books, brochures, text book, albums, outdoor and so

on. Visual picture can use in learning; it can make the writing class more

interesting, exciting and enjoyable.

Based on the statement above, the English teachers have to be more

creative in choosing the material which can make the writing class more

interesting, exciting and enjoyable. It can be done by choosing the material

that is appropriate with the students‟ background knowledge that the

students like. Using visual picture Media in classroom where teaching

English as foreign language can bring the effectiveness of teaching. It can

help the students to express their ideas.

From the explanation above the researcher is inspired to carry out a

research related with the title “An Error Analysis in Descriptive Writing

through Visual Picture at the Second Grade Students of SMAN 16 Pangkep”


B. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the

problem statements as follow: “What types of common grammatical errors in

writing descriptive text are made by the second grade students of SMAN 16


C. Objectives of Research

Based on the problem statements, the objectives of the research is :

“To describe the types of common error in writing descriptive text made by

the second grade students of SMAN 16 Pangkep”.

D. Significant of Research

For theoretically, this research is expected to give information for

English teacher about the error that students made and give the students more

motivation. In practically, it will help teacher to do more prepared about the

English writing material by know the common error that students made.

E. Scope of Research

This research is limit the discussion only on analysis of student error

of SMAN 16 Pangkep in writing descriptive through visual picture media. On

this research, the researcher focused on the types of errors analysis in

grammar (omission, addition, miss formation, and miss ordering) especially

in subject-verb agreement, personal pronoun and article. This research

focuses to analysis the error of students. Then, the researcher used visual

picture as media to collected student writing.




A. Previous Related Research Finding

The researcher will report the identification of the students‟ ability in

writing skill. The researcher will cite briefly as follows:

Suryani (2016 : 77) in her research title the Implementation of Using

Picture Media to Improve Students‟ Writing Performance in Descriptive Text,

concluded that using picture as media in teaching learning process can make

students more understood and interested to study descriptive text, the students

being enjoy and fun to follow the class.

Muflihah (2016) in her research title Using Guided Imagery

Technique in Teaching Writing to The Second Grade Students‟ of MTSN

Kelara Jeneponto, she pointed out that technique in teaching with using

picture is an effective way, students can improve their writing skill and also

being easy to write English text because their used picture as media.

Putriani (2016 : 97) in her research title Improving the Students‟

Writing Ability by Using Picture Series at Grade VIII in SMP Pembangunan

Piyungan in the Academic Year of 2014/2015, concluded that students

become more actively and voluntarily answering the question when the

researcher used picture as technique in teaching learning process and also the

students became more participated in learning activities.


From the previous researches above, the similarity is all indicate that

picture was effective in improve the student ability. It can be seen from the

students‟ score, and base on the research that conducted by that researchers.

Even, each research has different result of the student. Almost the previous

related research finding the students‟ ability in writing improves by using

picture as a media in learning. In addition, there are some differences of

previous related research finding that researcher found such as, their apply

picture as technique which means they‟re will teaching while on this research,

the researcher use picture as media for help to analysis the students‟ error.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that visual

picture can be used to develop student interest in writing, can make the

writing class more interesting, exciting and enjoyable. Using Visual Picture

as media in classroom is very helpfull, it can encourage students to express

ideas in English. So, the researcher will use Visual Picture media for help

researcher to analysis students‟ error in writing descriptive.


B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Error Analysis

a. What is Error?

Brown (1980) argues that making errors in learning a foreign

language is unavoidable. Errors are natural for second or foreign

learners of English language. Errors hamper communication, which is

the main function of language. Sometimes errors committed by

second language (L2) learners are due to mother tongue interference.

Another reason for learners‟ errors is due to what Brown (1980)

mentioned: ignorance of rule restrictions, incomplete application of

rules, false concepts hypothesized, developmental errors and over

generalization. Hence, it is very necessary to study the errors and, if

possible, offer some suggestions for the improvement of the

performance of students in English learning.

Based on explanation above, the researcher concludes that

error is a mistake that students make, and it‟s naturally happen

specially for second or foreign learners. It can be caused by learners

can‟t well understand the material.

b. Types and Function of Error

Dulay as cited in Fatmawati (2016: 15-19) classify the types of

errors based on surface strategy taxonomy. Surface strategy taxonomy


emphasizes the way surface structure is changed. In this case, learners

may omit essential parts and ad inessential ones or they may miss

formation items or miss order them. Based on the surface strategy

taxonomy, errors are classified into four types; omission, addition,

misformation, and misordering.

1) Errors of omission

It is a sentence where an element is omitted, actually it

should be presented.

Example: I not go to school by bus every day.

It should be: I do not go to school.

2) Errors of addition

It is a phenomenon in which a certain aspect of language

rules is added into a correct order (correct sentence), in order

words some elements are presented which should not be


Example: We do study English three times in a week.

It should be: We study English three times in a week.

3) Misformation

Misformation is the error of using one grammatical form

in the place of another grammatical form.


Example: I doesn’t know him.

It should be: I don’t know him.

4) Misordering

It is a sentence which its order is incorrect. The sentence

can be right in presented elements, but wrongly sequenced.

Example: She not does come early to school.

It should be: She does not come early to school.

The error might be made as a result of blending structure learnt

early in the learning sequence, for example: “Yesterday, I walk at

mall.” The adverbial marker “yesterday” in this sentence is, for the

learners‟, sufficient to indicate a time reference and consequently the

–ed is omitted from the verb. So, the correct sentence must be written

as “Yesterday, I walked at mall.” This kind of error should be paid

attention in teaching process.

Corder (1981:10) states that there are three function of error

analysis, the first is for the teacher, the second is for the researcher

and the last is for the learners‟ itself. The first function is for the

teacher that error can help them to understand how far the goal of the

learners has progressed and consequently, what remains for them to

learn. Secondly, for the researcher evidence of how language is learnt

or acquired, what strategies or procedures the learner is employing in

his discovery of the language. The third, for the learners‟ itself


because by making of errors can be a device for the learners in order

to learn.

c. The causes of errors

Hubbarb (1983: 140) stated that there are three categories of the

causes of error. Those are :

1) Mother- Tongue Interference

2) Overgeneralization

3) Error encouraged by teaching material or method.

Based on the explanation above, errors have many functions for

the learners. By error analysis we can understand the difference

between the learner‟s first language and second language. A key

finding of error analysis is that many learners‟ errors are produced by

learners in making faulty about the rules of the new language.

2. The Concept of Writing

a. Definition of writing

Utami (2011 : 2) state writing as expression of language in the

form of letters, symbols, or words. Manifestation from their mind can

be understood by the reader with express what are there in their mind

by using letter, symbol, or words.

Nunan (1991) states writing are clearly a complex process and

competence in writing is frequently accepted as being the last


language skill to be acquired. Few people write spontaneously and

few feel comfortable with a formal writing task intended for the eyes

of someone else. Writing is meant to fill the gap they exist between

the ability to express the ideas, feeling, opinion and the ability to

express the some things in written from English.

From explanation above the researcher concluded that writing

is a way for helping people to convey their ideas, opinion, and also

usually learners used that way for sharing or to communicate

feeling and thinking each other indirectly.

b. The Importance of Writing

There are a lot of reasons why writing is important by

Hairston as cited in Irma (2012: 7):

1) Writing is a tool for discovery. We stimulate our thought

process by the act writing into information and tab into

information and image we have our unconscious mind.

2) Writing helps us to organize our ideas. We can arrange them in

coherent form.

3) Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make connection

and see relationship.

4) Writing down ideas allows us to dictate ourselves from them.


5) Writing helps us to observe and process information when we

write a topic, we learn it better.

6) Writing enables us to solve the problems by putting the element

of them into written form; we can examine and manipulate


7) Writing on a subject makes us active rather than passive learns

of information.

c. The Characteristic of Writing

According to Heaton (1998) as cited in Muflihah (2016 : 12-

14), there are five main characteristics of writing. They are content,

organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics.

1. Content

The content of writing should be clear for the readers so

that the readers can understand the message convey and gain

information from it. There are two component of content:

a) Unity

b) Completeness

2. Organization

In organization of the writing concern with the ways

through writer arranges and organizes the ideas in order the


message in the words.. There are two parts of organization in this

case, they are below:

a) Coherence

b) Spatial order

3. Grammar

Muflihah (2016 : 12) states grammar plays important roles

in the writing, in governs utterances that we produces to be right

and orderly. Therefore it also has great influence on the quality of


According to Muflihah (2016 :13) to have a good grammar

in the writing, writer should pay attention to the use of

grammatical rule concerning tense, preposition, conjunction,

clause (adjective or adverb clause), subject-verb agreement,

personal pronoun, articles, etc. the lack of good grammar will

make the contain of writing vague and can makes

misunderstanding, for example the use of tenses .

But in this research, the researcher only focused on subject-

verb agreement, personal pronoun, and article for analysis the

errors made by the students.

a) Subject-Verb Agreement.


According to Guffey and Seefer (2010: 149), verbs are

the most complex part of speech in English. They can take

many different forms and function in many different ways.

Problems that may occur with verbs are:

1) Does its subject?

2) Do singular verbs have singular subject?

3) Do plural verbs have plural subject?

In Standard English, there are some rules for Subject-

Verb Agreement:

1) When the following words are used as subjects, they are

always singular.

2) When each or every comes before singular subjects

joined by and, a singular verb is used.

3) Words that come between a subject and its verb do not

change the number of the subject. Prepositional phrases

often have this position.

4) There, here and where are never subject. When a sentence

begins with one of this words, the subject comes after the


5) Subject joined by and or both…and… take a plural verb.


6) Several many, both, few are plural words and always take

a plural verb.

7) Some nouns are always plural in form and always take a

plural verb.

8) When subjects are joined by following structures, the verb

must agree with the closer subject.

9) Many words may be singular or plural depending on what

they refer to: none, all, some, any, majority, most, half,

etc. when these words are followed by a prepositional

phrase, the number of the object of the preposition

will determine whether the words are singular or plural.

10) The expression a number of is plural, and the expression

the number of is singular.

11) Expression stating one amount of time, money, weight,

volume, etc. are plural in form but take a singular verb.

12) Some words are always plural in form but singular in

meaning. These words require singular verbs.

13) Titles of books and movies, even if plural in form, take

singular verbs.


14) Collective nouns are usually singular, but may be plural if

the members are functioning independently. Watch the

pronouns for clues to the singular or plural nature of the

subject. Some of these words are class, team, police,

committee, audience, family, faculty, etc.

15) Some nouns use the same form for both singular and

plural meanings. The pronouns and modifiers with these

words will indicate whether they are singular or plural in


16) Nouns for nationality that end with -ese, -ch, or –sh may

be singular or plural depending on their meaning. When

the word refers to a language, it takes a singular verb.

When the word refers to the people of the country, it takes

a plural verb and is a preceded by the article the.

17) English has borrowed words from other languages. Some

of these words have unusual singular and plural forms.

b) Personal Pronoun

According to Frank (1972 : 19) as cited in Putriani

(2015 : 17), there are five types in the personal pronouns:

1) Subject Pronouns (I, you, we, they, she, he, it).

2) Object Pronouns (me, you, us, them, her, him, it).


3) Possessive Pronouns (mine, yours, ours, theirs, hers, his).

4) Possessive Adjectives (my name, your names, our names,

their names, her name, his name, its name).

5) Reflexive pronoun (myself, yourself, himself, herself,

itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves).

c) Article

The occurrence of the article varies depending upon the

type of noun. The definite and indefinite article is customary

to recognize a zero article. The two articles are the and a. they

may be used with a singular or a plural noun. Each of articles

undergoes a change before a word beginning with a vowel

sound-the changes in pronunciation, a changes in both

pronunciation and spelling. In Indonesian writing, no need to

use articles in their composition.

The chief semantic function of articles is to mark nouns

as definite or indefinite. The signals a particular person or

thing that has been singled out from others. Guidelines for


1) Use the when you know or assume that your listener is

familiar with thinking about the same specific thing or

person you are talking about.


2) Use the for the second mention of an indefinite noun First

mention: some dogs, a cat, a mouse, a hole. Second

mention: the dogs, the cat, the mouse, the hole.

3) Do not use the with a plural count noun (e.g., apple) or a

non count noun (e.g., gold) when you are making a


4) Do not use a singular count noun (e.g., car) without:

a. an article ( a/an or the); OR

b. this/that; OR

5) a possessive pronoun the is not used for the second

mention of a generic noun.

4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of language aspect dealing with the

process of writing. The writer always thinks about putting words

into sentences and then putting sentences into paragraph until they

can create a piece of writing.

5. Mechanics

Mechanics is one of the characteristic of writing, the use of

the mechanics is due to capitalization, punctuation and spelling



From the five characteristics of writing above the researcher

only focused on grammar (present tense) especially about subject-

verb agreement, personal pronoun, and article. It is because of the

subject of the research is the second class of senior high school where

they are still low about grammar. Therefore the researcher decided to

focus on the one characteristic in order the students able to create their

ideas on their writing skill.

3. Descriptive Writing

Definition of Descriptive

Pardiyono as cited in Solechah (2016:20) states description is

kind of written text which give description about an object (human or

non-human) as specific function. Description is one of four rhetorical

modes (also known as modes of discourse), along with exposition,

argumentation, and narration. Andriyani (2017: 27-28) concluded that

descriptive text is a text which is there‟s two schematic structure namely

identification and description, then descriptive text is used to describe a

person, thing, place or feeling in particural.

According to Pardiyono (2007: 33-34) states that there is a

structure a shape or pattern in descriptive text. They are :

1) Identification

Refers to introduction of subject that will be described.

2) Description


The last step, that refers to the details of description subject on

identification that will be described.

Joseph as cited in Humphries and Burton (1992: 180-185) gives

statement that the researcher have to transfer or convey ideas directly

from his or her mind to the readers mind. Particularly, evident in

descriptive writing where views and sensation have to be simulated in

readers‟ mind. Descriptive power reveals this clearly.

Equally important in description are specific details. The reader

must be able to see the object being described. It means that the

description must be concentrate, on supplying the reader with specific

images instead of vague or general statements. For descriptive

paragraphs, it is best to limit the description to a small place a room, a

house etc. instead of something as large as a city or a country.

4. Visual Picture

a. Definition of Visual Picture

According to Collins Dictionary a visual is something such as

a picture, diagram, or piece of film that is used to show or explain as

report or project. Bobek and Tversky (2016:2) said that visual learners

also typically benefit a great deal from visual aids such as graphs,

charts, pictures and diagram, which mean visual picture only focus on

picture. According to Asnawir (2002: 47) picture is a visual media that


everything formed visually into two dimensions as the outflow of

various things then also produced from photograph.

Asnawir (2002 : 54) visual picture is a way to used picture as

visual and media for helping students in learning. Then, the use

picture to delivery of the lesson not only interesting but also can help

to get attention from students.

There are four steps in use Visual Picture Media:

1) The teacher give explanation to the student about the material.

2) The teacher give some pictures to the student.

3) The teacher ask the student to choose one picture.

4) The teacher asks the student to make a descriptive paragraph

based on the picture.

Based on the explanation above, a researcher concludes that

Visual picture media is the use of media in learning by not the ears or

senses but visually (the eyes basically), which means the used of

picture as tools of learning by students.

b. Kinds of Picture

Wright (1989 : 193-199) proposed kinds of pictures in eight ways,

they are:

1) Pictures of single object


2) Pictures of person (people)

3) Pictures of place

4) Pictures of maps and symbols

5) Carton Pictures

6) Ambiguous pictures

7) Explanatory pictures

Many kinds of pictures was presented above can be developed

to be a learning media to help the foreign language students and also

language teacher. But in this research, pictures are combined in one

sheet of paper or display in different topics such as topic about job and

place to go. The purpose of using picture is to help students with their

language learning by activating their prior knowledge.

c. The Importance Picture in Teaching Writing

Picture can be used in teaching and it‟s very useful for the

student. They can provide some information of them. Students are

helped to express their ideas by looking picture and tell what is picture

about. Moreover, picture is better to convey the meaning than word. It

because of the human brain is the image processor naturally, not the

word processor. According to Deporter, Reardon, and Nourie (2000),

Neurologists said that 90% input sense for the brain from visual

material and brain will perceive quickly and gives reaction naturally to


symbol, icon and for simple and strong picture. Therefore, we can say

that our brain receive information better with visual presentation such

as picture or image than non-visual or verbal language. Feldman

(2005) added that visualization is memory technique by which images

are formed to help recall material, it have several purposes such as

make abstract ideas concrete, engages multiple sense, permit us to link

different bits of information together and provides us with context for

storing information.

Based on the explanation above the researcher concluded that

picture as visual learning can help students to remind information and

link material in our brain. It as visual aids can be helpful to the teacher

of foreign language lesson. It can be brighten up the class and bring

more variety into language lesson. It can also arise the student

attention to catch the meaning of the sentences. The researcher hoped

it would make easier in learning English specially writing as an

activity, which need explore ideas.

d. Benefit of Using Picture

According to Wright (1989: 10) as cited in Suryani (2016 : 12)

added differently that pictures contribute to interest and motivation a

sense of the context of the language and a specific reference point or

stimulus. He explained that pictures have some roles in writing such

as below:


1) It can motivate the student and make him or her want to pay

attention and want take part.

2) Picture contributes to the context in which the language is being

used. They bring the world into the classroom.

3) The picture can be described in an objective way (“This is train”)

or interpreted (“It‟s probably a local train”) or responded to

subjectively (I like travelling by train).

4) Picture can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions through

controlled practice.

5) Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in

conversation, discussion and storytelling.

From explanation above the researcher concluded that picture

has many advantages as teaching tools to make the learning process

more active and communicative. It is easy to prepare, easy to

organize, interesting, meaningful and authentic and sufficient amount

of language. But any activity done in the classroom must be efficient

in achieving its purpose.

C. Conceptual Framework

Based on previous explanation, writing is the important skill to be

mastering. Teach writing English with using visual picture the teacher hope

can increase students‟ ability in writing achievement and can enjoy in teaching

learning process.


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework above showed the process of this research.

Based on the conceptual framework, Error is deviation by the second language

learner from norm produced of the second language Theo (1996). It is usually

happen to a learner. Brown (1987) argued that Error reveal the portion of the

learner‟s competence in the target language. In this research, the researcher

focused to analysis the students‟ error and the causes of error. There are four types

of errors. Those are omission, addition, misformation and misordering.

Analysis the error of


Writing Material

Types of errors of


Descriptive Text

Learning English




This chapter deals with research design, research variable and

indicators, population and sample, instrument of the research, technique of

collecting data and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Design

The design of this study was descriptive analysis in form of

Qualitative Research about analysis on student‟s errors in writing descriptive

paragraph at the second grade of SMAN 16 Pangkep, which aimed to

describe the errors made by the students in writing skill. The descriptive

research was designed to obtain the current status of phenomenon and will

direct toward determining the nature situation as it existed at the time of the


The method of the study used qualitative method research applied

number from collecting the data, describing the data, until the result of the

research. To avoid bias, the researcher will tried to evaluate the real condition

as objectively as possible.

B. Research Variable and Indicators

1. Variable of this research was visual picture as media to analysis the error

of students.

2. Indicators of this research were : Types of errors


C. Research Setting and Subject

1. Setting of the Research

This research was carried out at SMAN 16 Pangkep in desa

Mattiro Langi Kecamatan Liukang Tupabbiring. This research applied for

the second grade students of SMAN 16 Pangkep, year 2020/2021.

2. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the eleventh grade students of

SMAN 16 Pangkep, which consisted of one class with 25 students.. In the

research, the researcher applied total sampling to got sample. By used

total sampling every students on class become sample for this research.

D. Instrument of the Research

The researcher used a written test for the research instrument. The

researcher gave some picture for the student and asked to the students to

make a descriptive paragraph. The researcher gave chance for the students to

choose the picture, which one they wanted to describe.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

The researcher classified the data as the qualitative form. The form of

the test gave to the student was written test to find out the students‟ error in

writing descriptive paragraph.

The first step was preparing the research instrument. The second step

was implemented the test. In this step; the researcher asked the students to


choose one from some pictures which gave by the researcher and then, make

it to writing descriptive paragraph.

Then, the researcher collected the paragraphs that were done by the

students. The researcher analyzed the students‟ writing in order that

researcher saw what the students made in their writing.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher classified the data as the qualitative form. It means the

researcher collected the data through the written test to find out the students‟

errors. The researcher analyzed and finds out each student‟s error in writing

descriptive paragraph that students made. Then from the student‟s error the

researcher described types of common grammatical error that students made

and the causes of their error.




This chapter presents the findings and discussions obtained from the

data analysis. The analysis of the data is conducted in line with the formulated

research question. The whole data were taken from the written test of second

grade student of SMAN 16 Pangkep. The classifications of error are omission,

addition, misordering and misformation.

A. Findings

In this research, the researcher analysis 25 data about descriptive

paragraph related to the research question of the research. 25 data itself

consist of four topics descriptive paragraph. The types of error are analyzed

using Dulay‟s theory which consists of four types of errors. The researcher

determines the causes of errors after analyzing all of the data is found in the

student‟s writing.

The Types of Error

In addition, to explain the identity of the writer, the researcher gives

initial name.

Sample 1 : TML


Monas is one of monument that have history for Indonesia. Monas is

builded in Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia. Monas located in Lapangan Merdeka


and open for public everyday. It was built to commemorate the Indonesian

people‟s struggle for Independence. Construction began on august 17, 1961

and finish on July 12, 1975.

Analysis :

The researcher found two errors in descriptive paragraph above. The

errors are misformation error and omission error.

The researcher found misformation in two sentences. First, “Monas is

one of monument that have history for Indonesia”. In the sentence, the

student should change have into has for the right rules. Then, the correct

sentence should be “Monas is one of monument that has history for

Indonesia”. The second “Monas is builded in Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia”.

The verb builded is incorrect. In the form of past participle build should be

change into built, it is not appropriate to add –ed. The correct sentence should

be “Monas is built in Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia”.

Then, omission error found in the sentence “Monas located in

Lapangan Merdeka and open for public everyday”. The student omitted

auxiliary verb after the subject, it needs is in front of past participle verb. The

correct sentence should be “Monas is located in Lapangan Merdeka and open

for public everyday”.


Sample 2 : NFD


Pantai losari is beach from Makassar, with beautiful sunset. Pantai

Losari is famous with Pisang Peppe, because we can find that food easy on

Pantai Losari. In pantai Losari always crowded when weekend.

Analysis :

From the short paragraph descriptive above, the researcher found

some error. Those are omission error, and misformation error.

Started with first sentence, the researcher found omission error and

misformation error in one sentence. “Pantai Losari is beach from

Makassar…”. It sentence indicate omission of article. The student should be

put article in front of noun. Then, for misformation error from should change

into in, to make it the correct sentence. The correct sentence should be

“Pantai Losari is a beach in Makassar…”.

The researcher found another misformation error. It can be

misformation of regularization. Actually, In Bahasa Indonesia, student wants

to say “…. Karena kita dapat menemukan makanan itu dengan mudah di

pantai losari” and translated in English “….. because we can find that food

easy on Pantai Losari”. Easy should be changed into easily, which means

changed into adverb. Besides, on can be changed into in. then, the correct

sentence will be “….. because we can find that food easily in Pantai Losari”.


The last is misformation error and addition error in one sentence. “In

pantai Losari always crowded when weekend”. First is addition error. The

student added unnesecarry item in the sentence, in should be omitted. Then

for misformation error, the student omitted to put auxiliary verb. The sentence

is past tense form and it needs had and omit always. The correct sentence

should be “Pantai losari had crowded when weekend”.

Sample 3 : RMD

Joko Widodo

Joko widodo is one of popular person In indonesia because he is a

president of Indonesia. He is now a second time to be a leader of this country,

and will finish in 2024. Jokowi have black hair and he is tiny. He start his

carrier as governor of Solo and continue to be a governor of Jakarta, then to

be a president until now.

Analysis :

From descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found some types of

error. First is misordering error. Here is the example, “He is now a second

time to be a leader of this country……”. In the sentence, the student use

unnecessary word and it should omit. Then, the correct sentence should be

“now, is a second time as leader of this country…..”.

The second error is misformation error. In this sentence “… and

continue to be a governor of Jakarta, then to be a president until now” it can

be misformation of alternating form. To be should be as to make the correct

sentence. Then, the correct sentence will be “….. and continue as a governor


of Jakarta, then as a president of Indonesia until now”. For another sentence,

the researcher found misordering error. “he start his carrier….” The student

forgot that the sentence is simple past tense, which means verb should be past

form. The correct sentence should be “he started his carrier…”

The third error is found as omission error. It is found in two sentences.

The first “…. And will finish in 2024”. The sentence is included omission of

subject. To make it clear and correct it should be added subject. It will be the

correct simple future form. The correct sentence should be “….. and he will

finish in 2024”. Another omission error in this sentence “…. As governor of

Solo….”. Omission of article is found in the sentence. The student omit

article in front of noun, to make it grammatically sentence. Then, the correct

sentence is “…. As a governor of Solo…”.

Sample 4 : NYT

Menara Eiffle

Eiffle is tower at paris, france. In Eifel we can see paris in upside and

also the beautiful view of Paris. When night comes, Eifel will full of light like

star in the sky. Eifel is one of destination tourism in world.

Analysis :

From the short descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found

omission error and misformation error.

First is omission error. Here is an example “Eiffle is tower at paris,

france”. The student forgot to put article a in front of noun. It can be omission


of article form. The correct sentence should be “Eiffle is a tower at paris,


The second is Misformation error. Here is an example “In Eifel we

can see Paris in upside and also the beautiful view of Paris” the student make

unclear form. To make it clear, it should be change into future form. The

correct sentence will be “In Eifel we will see Paris in upside and also the

beautiful view of Paris”

Sample 5 : MSR

Monumen Nasional

Monumen Nasional or most of people called it Monas is one of tower or

building in Jakarta. Monas is very famous in Indonesia because when you

come to Jakarta Monas will be one of destination that you should explore.

Monas as destination of weekend by Jakarta‟s people, because there we can

do picnic or just for taking some picture.

Analysis :

Descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found just one error.

Addition error indicated in the paragraph above. “There, we can do picnic or

just for taking some picture” the student put one item that should be omitted.

For, should omit and the sentence will be “…. just taking some picture”. The

correct sentence will be “There, we can do picnic or just taking some



Sample 6 : MLI

Pantai Losari

Pantai Losari is one of destination by south sulawesi at Makassar City.

Visiting by local tourism and also International tourism. In Pantai Losari we

can do culinary because there are many stand of food, and also for sunset

hunter, Pantai Losari can you visit to see a beautiful sunset.

Analysis :

Types of error that found by the researcher are misordering error, and

misformation error.

Misordering error is found in the form of misordering of adverb. Here

is an example “Pantai Losari is one of destination by south Sulawesi at

Makassar city”. In the sentence, the researcher found that adverb of place

stand together with by and it is incorrect form. A word by should omitted and

change into in for the right adverb of place. Then, adverb of place at

Makassar city should be put before South Sulawesi. The correct sentence will

be “Pantai Losari is one of destination at Makassar city in south Sulawesi”.

Misformation error is found in the second sentence. The student wants

to say something happen in the past until now, but student write down in

future form. Verb visiting should change into past form, the right verb is

visited. In this case, the correct sentence should be “Visited by local tourism

and also international tourism”.


The third error is found two cases in one sentence. There are

misformation error and misordering error in the same sentence. In this

sentence “……and also for sunset hunter, Pantai Losari can you visit to see a

beautiful sunset” is very ungrammatically. The student wants to give an

advice, but used unnecessary word. “……Pantai losari can you visit to see a

beautiful sunset” should change into “…..You should visit to see a beautiful

sunset” to make it an advice form. The correct sentence above should be

“……and also for sunset hunter, you should visit to see a beautiful sunset”.

Sample 7 : SLT

Monumen Nasional

Monas stands for the national monument, one of the icons of Jakarta

city and Indonesia. Standing firmly with a white building and gold colored

ends are the hallmarks of a national monument or monas. Every weekend

Monas will be a place for the people of Jakarta to spend time.

Analysis :

After reading the descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found

only one types of error. Misformation error is types of error that found in the

sentence above. “Every weekend Monas will be a place for the people of

Jakarta to spend time”. To get the right structure of the sentence, a place

needs to change into area. The correct sentence should be “Every weekend

Monas will be area for the people of Jakarta to spend time”


Sample 8 : ADN


Joko widodo is a president of Indonesia and Ma‟ruf Amin as vice of

president. Joko widodo is in his second era because before he is with Jusuf

Kalla as his vice president. Joko widodo have grandchild from Gibran, his

first child and also from his second child Kahyang. He‟s first grandchild is

Jang Ethes.

Analysis :

After reading paragraph descriptive above, the researcher found two

errors. Those are misordering error and misformation error.

First is misordering error. “Joko widodo is in his second era because

before he is with Jusuf Kalla as his vice president” in Indonesia, the student

wants to say “Joko Widodo berada pada periode kedua karena sebelumnya di

periode pertama ia bersama Jusuf Kalla sebagai wakil presiden”. The student

added some unnecessary item in the sentence. The correct sentence will be

“this is second era of Joko Widodo as a president after in first era Jusuf Kalla

is along with him as a Vice president”.

The second is misformation error. “Joko Widodo have grandchild

from Gibran…”. In the sentence, have should change into has. The correct

sentence should be “Joko Widodo has grandchild from Gibran….”.


Sample 9 : KNA


The Eifle Tower is located in one of the cities which is known as a

romantic city Paris, France. Eifle is one of the most famous buildings in the

world, standing like a tower. The eiffle often provides amazing views at

night when the building is filled with lights. The Eifle tower is one of

destinations that travelers are interested in.

Analysis :

The researcher found only one error in descriptive paragraph above.

The error is omission error. The student forget to put be after the subject in

this sentence “The Eifle often provides amazing views at night when the

building is filled with lights”. The correct sentence should be “The Eifle is

often provides amazing views at night when the building is filled with lights”.

Sample 10 : ARN

Pantai Losari

I like traveling and I really excited when I traveling to Pantai losari.

Pantai losari is located in Makassar city, south Sulawesi. There, I do culinary

because there‟s a lot of food. Besides culinary I take a lot picture because

pantai losari have beautiful sunset ever.

Analysis :

From descriptive paragraph above the researcher found misformation

error in two sentences.


Here is an example of first sentence “I like traveling and I really

excited when I traveling to Pantai losari”. The student used a lot of subject

that should be omitted. Then traveling before the object should be change into

traveled because it happen at past. The correct sentence should be “I like

traveling and really excited when I traveled to Pantai Losari”.

Then, the second sentence, here is an example “…..pantai losari have

beautiful sunset ever”. The used of auxiliary verb in the sentence is incorrect.

Have should be change into has to make it right. The correct sentence will be

“….. Pantai Losari has beautiful sunset ever”.

Sample 11 : MDH

Joko Widodo

Jokowi is Indonesia's seventh president. He started his career as a

furniture entrepreneur then became a solo governor and then continued his

political career as governor of Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia. Then he became

a president of Indonesia until today. Jokowi has a thin body and brownish

skin. One of his habits is "blusukan" or traveling to regions in Indonesia.

Analysis :

After reading descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found some

error. Those errors are addition error, and omission error.

First is addition error. In sentence “Jokowi is Indonesia‟s seventh

president” the student should say Indonesian than Indonesia’s. The correct

sentence should be “Jokowi is Indonesian seventh president”.


Another sentence is also addition error. “…. And then continued his

political career…..”. The student put unimportant item in the sentence. The

meaning of continued is clear and it does not need then before. The correct

sentence should be “…. And continued his poilitical career…..”.

The last is omission error. It can be indicate in form of omission of

article. “… as governor of Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia”. The student should

be put article a, to make the sentence grammatically. The correct sentence

should be “…. as a governor of Jakarta, Capital of Indonesia”.

Sample 12 : IFN

Losari Beach

Losari Beach is located on the Sulawesi road, Makassar city. Culinary

tourism is one of the choices when visiting Losari Beach, because of the

many food stands that are lined up around Losari Beach. Besides that, from

Losari beach, other tourist destinations are also very close, so when you go to

Losari beach, it will be easier to enjoy other tourist attractions too.

Analysis :

The researcher explains that she only found one types of error, it is

misformation error. Here is an example “Losari beach is located on the

Sulawesi road, Makassar city”. It can be indicated in misformation of adverb.

The use adverb of place in the sentence is incorrect. Based on adverb of

place, the correct adverb should be in the Sulawesi road. The correct sentence

should be “Losari beach is located in the Sulawesi road, Makassar city”.


Sample 13 : FTI

Joko Widodo

Joko widodo is president of Indonesia, he has black eyes and also

skinny. He is the 7th president of Indonesian. He is from solo and have three

children two boys and one girl. His wife's name is Iriana. Jokowi on his era

have motto is work,work,work.

Analysis :

From the paragraph above, the researcher found only omission error.

Omission error that found in the student‟s writing is omission of article. Here

is the example of omission of article that the researcher picks from the data,

“Joko Widodo is president of Indonesia”. This sentence is grammatically

incorrect, because to indicate singular count noun in a sentence, article is

important. To make this sentence correct, it should be added article in front of

noun. The correct sentence should be “Joko Widodo is a president of


Sample 14 : RN

Pantai Losari

Pantai Losari is one of very famous place on Makassar, that place

have very beautiful sunset and have many food. Pantai Losari is closed with

masjid 99 kubah, and Rotterdam. when you goes to Makassar you should go

to Pantai losari.


Analysis :

The researcher found misformation error in paragraph above, kind of

misordering error is misordering of preposition. On the sentence “Pantai

losari is one of very famous place on Makassar”, the student wants to say

“Pantai losari adalah salah satu tempat paling terkenal di Makassar” but the

student put on before noun, when it should in. The correct sentence should be

“Pantai Losari is one of very famous place in Makassar”

Sample 15 : UYH

Joko Widodo

Joko widodo or usually call as jokowi is president of Indonesia. He

live on Jakarta in Istana negara, he is a number one person of Indonesia.

Jokowi likes so much to 'blusukan' in every region of Indonesia. He is on the

second era of his leadership In Indonesia Right now.

Analysis :

From descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found some errors in

one sentence. Kinds of error that found are addition error, and omission error.

The first is addition of error or called as addition of adverb. The use of

adverb in first sentence is unnecessary and it must be omitted. The meaning

of the first sentence is very clear, so usually should omit.

Then, omission appears twice in paragraph above. Omission error is

found on the first sentence. Verb call it should be added -ed to make the

sentence grammatically. The researcher also found another omission error in


one sentences, it can be in the form of article. Here is the example of

omission of article, the student forget to put article a before noun (people)

when it should be.

From the analysis above, the correct sentences it should be “Joko

Widodo or called as Jokowi is a president of Indonesia”.

Sample 16 : FRH


Jakarta have building as sign and it's Monas. Monas is one of popular

monumen of Jakarta, and also Indonesia. Every people that come to Jakarta

should going to Monas. Monas has characteristic is like tower and one of

destination by Jakarta's people in weekend.

Analysis :

After reading descriptive paragraph above, the researcher explains that

she only found one types of error, it is misordering of error. The student

wants to say in Indonesia “Jakarta memiliki gedung sebagai ikon, yaitu

Monas” and translated in English “Jakarta have building as sign and it‟s

Monas”. The student should be use has, because according the rule it should

be has. The word sign on the sentence should change into icon for the right

meaning of sentence. Then, the correct sentence should be “Jakarta has

building as icon and it is Monas”.


Sample 17 : SHR

Joko Widodo

Joko Widodo as we known Jokowi is number one person of Indonesia,

as president he have characteristic. Jokowi has a lot of animal in Istana

Negara and also likes so much to invite Indonesian society to Istana Negara.

He will finish his era on 2024.

Analysis :

The researcher found some error from descriptive paragraph above.

Those are omission error, misformation error and addition error.

First is omission and misformation error in one sentence. “….as

president he have characteristic”. The student omitted to put article in front of

noun, which means it can be omission of article. Article a, should be put

before noun. Then, for misformation error the student forgets that the rules he

should followed by has, it means have in sentence should change into has.

The correct sentence will be “….as a president, he has characteristic”.

The second is addition error. In Indonesia the student wants to say “…

dan juga sangat suka mengundang masyarakat Indonesia ke Istana Negara”

and translated in English “…. And also likes so much to invite Indonesian

society to Istana Negara”. The student added unnecessary item, so much

should be omitted because unfunctional. Then, the correct sentence should be

“….. And also likes to invite Indonesian society to Istana Negara”.


Sample 18 : NBL

Monumen Nasional

Monumen Nasional or Monas is one of the tallest building in Jakarta.

We can see almost the whole of Jakarta city if we can reach the top of Monas.

The color of Monas is white and it has fire crown coated by gold sheet at top

of building. Monas has a popularity in Indonesia.

Analysis :

The researcher found only one error. The error is misformation error.

“We can see almost the whole of Jakarta city if we can reach the top of

Monas”. In the sentence, if indicated that the sentence is future form which

means can, should be change into will. Then, the correct sentence should be

“We will see almost the whole of Jakarta city if we can reach the top of


Sample 19 : RKA

Joko Widodo

I do respect Joko Widodo as president of Indonesia. He‟s kind and

sometimes funny. Jokowi is a simple person, he just wear black and white

suit. When he „blusukan‟ to every region of Indonesia, he likes to give a

bycicle to people. I hope someday I can see our president joko widodo.

Analysis :

From descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found two errors.

Those are omission error and misformation error.


Omission error is the opposite of addition error. Sometimes, the

student forget article in the sentence. It can be omission of article. Here is an

example of omission of article. “I do respect Joko Widodo as president of

Indonesia”. In the sentence, the student forgot to put article in front of noun,

when it should be put. Then, the correct sentence should be “I do respect Joko

Widodo as a president of Indonesia”.

The next error is misformation error. Here is an example “I hope

someday I can see our president Joko Widodo”. It sentence indicated in form

of future tense, which means can should be omit and change into will. The

correct sentence should be “I hope someday, I will see our president Joko


Sample 20 : SRN


Pantai Losari is destination that you should visit when you come to

Makassar. A beautiful sunset there will helping you recharge your energy,

and also Pantai Losari is famous with culinary area. Even there is no beach

like Pantai losari‟s name but you can‟t get disappointed when you visiting

pantai losari.

Analysis :

Omission error and addition error are indicated found in the paragraph

above. “A beautiful sunset there will helping you recharge your energy….”.

The sentence is future tense form but the student omit be after will. Then, to


make it clear or get the right meaning, to should be added before recharge

and you need to omit. Then, the correct sentence should be “a beautiful sunset

there will be helping to recharge your energy”.

Sample 21 : SL


Joko widodo was born in solo, has two sons and one daughter. Joko

Widodo is the president of Indonesia, he is characterized by a thin body and a

rather heavy voice. His first child, Gibran, and his son-in-law, also followed

Jokowi's footsteps in politics. We often call Joko widodo as Jokowi.

Analysis :

The researcher found one error in descriptive paragraph above. The

error is omission error.

Omission of subject is found in the sentence. Here is an example of

omission of subject, “…. has two sons and one daughter”. It is simple error

relate to subject. The student forgot to put subject in the sentence. The correct

sentence should be “…. He has two sons and one daughter”.

Omission error is found also in the last sentence. Here is the example,

“We often call Joko widodo as Jokowi”. Call should be added –ed in the

sentence, and the correct sentence should be “We often called Joko widodo as



Sample 22 : KRI


When you go to Paris, one of the most places that you should visit is

the Eiffle Tower. As one of the most famous icons in the world, the eiffle

tower offers a beautiful view, especially at night. except enjoying the city of

Paris from above, tourists can also enjoy or spend time sitting around the

eiffle tower.

Analysis :

Only one error that researcher found in the paragraph above. The error

is misformation error. Here is an example, “tourists can also enjoy or spend

time sitting around the eiffle tower”. In the sentence, some items should be

change. It should be simple future form. The correct sentence should be

“tourists will be enjoy or spend time sitting around the eiffle tower”.

Sample 23 : DHR


To enjoy the view of the city of Jakarta, a national monument or

Monas can be an option. The building built by Indonesia's first president Ir.

Soekarno, this is one of the buildings with historical value. The people of

Jakarta often used the Monas area as a place to spend the weekend. As a

building with historical value, Monas has popularity both at local and



Analysis :

In the paragraph above the researcher found some error. those are

misordering error, misformation error and addition error.

Misordering error found in the sentence “To enjoy the view of the city

of Jakarta…”. The student should be omits some of and to in front of sentence

is unnecessary. The correct sentence should be “Enjoy the view of Jakarta


Misformation error appears once in the paragraph. Here is the example

“… a national monument or monas can be an option”. The purpose of the

sentence is gives some advice, which means it should be an advice form. The

correct sentence should be “…. a national monument or Monas should be an


Here is an example of addition error, ”The building built by

Indonesia's first president Ir. Soekarno….”. The use of apostrophe in the

sentence is incorrect. Indonesia no needs apostrophe and it just need to

change into Indonesian to make it clear meaning. The correct sentence should

be “The building built by Indonesian first president Ir. Soekarno ….”.


Sample 24 : ARL

Pantai Losari

Losari Beach is one of pride in the city of Makassar. The construction

of these tourist attractions which are getting better and better day after day

and increases public interest in traveling or just spending time there. On the

Losari beach there are icons of various tribes in Sulawesi itself, adding to the

uniqueness of these tourist attractions.

Analysis :

After the reasercher reading descriptive paragraph above, she found

some errors. Those are omission error and misformation error. Omission error

found two times in the paragraph such as, omission of suffix-s, and omission

of adverb. The example of omission of suffix-s is, “Losari Beach is one of

pride in the city of Makassar”. The sentence is incorrect, based on subject-

verb agreement. If the subject is singular it should be added s/es as simple

present tense. The correct sentence should be “Losari Beach is one of prides

in the city of Makassar”.

The last omission is omission of adverb. Here is an example “The

construction of these tourist attractions which are getting better and better day

after day and increases public interest in traveling or just spending time

there”. Use adverb of place in the end of sentence is unnecessary. The

meaning of sentence is very clear, which means there should be omitted. The

correct sentence should be “The construction of these tourist attractions


which are getting better and better day after day and increases public interest

in traveling or just spending time”.

Misformation error is found also in the paragraph above. Here is the

example of misformation error “On the Losari beach there are icons of

various tribes in Sulawesi itself….”. In the sentence, the use of adverb of

place is incorrect. On the Losari should be change into in the Losari to make

it right the use of adverb of place. The correct sentence should be “In the

Losari beach there are icons of various tribes in Sulawesi itself….”.

Sample 25 : DMS

Menara Eifle

Eifle is a tower in Paris, france which is one of the most romantic

icons in the world. From the eiffle tower, tourists will be presented with a

view of the city of Paris from above. So that this place is often used as a

tourist destination with a partner.

Analysis :

After reading descriptive paragraph above, the researcher found only

one error. The error is addition error. Here is the example “So that this place

is often used as a tourist destination with a partner”. The researcher found that

the student added some important items. So that is unnecessary item and it

should be omitted. The correct sentence should be “This place is often used as

a tourist destination with a partner”.


B. Disscussion

The researcher discusses the whole data to answer the research

problem after the researcher has read, presented and analyzed twenty five

data from second grade students which contain grammatical errors. Those

research problems are types of common grammatical errors in writing

descriptive text are made by the second grade students of SMAN 16 Pangkep

and the causes of common grammatical error in writing descriptive text by

the second grade students of SMAN 16 Pangkep.

The second grade students of SMAN 16 PANGKEP have made errors

according to Dulay‟s et al. (1982) which is classified into omission error,

addition error, misformation error and misordering error.

Omission error occurs because learner forgot to added item that must

appear or omits some important items in the sentence. Based on the analysis,

students are categorized because they omit be, article, subject, suffix-s,

adverb. Subject is the most important item in the sentence, therefore omission

of subject makes the sentence incorrect (see sample 3 & 21). It is also

important to pay attention the use of article and adverb because it influenced

the meaning of the sentence (see sample 2, 4, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 24). While

suffix-s and be has strong relation with subject and verb agreement (see

sample 1, 9, 24).

Addition error occurs learner add unnecessary item that must not

appear in the sentence and gets failure to omit unimportant item. Addition

error is the opposite of omission error. From analysis, addition error signified


by adding preposition, adverb, apostrophes and connectors. The used of

preposition and adverb that should omit in the sentence (see sample 5 & 15).

In the student writing researcher finds incorrect of the use apostrophes and

connectors (see sample 11, 23, 25).

Misformation error is found in some sentences. It can be misformation

of verb, misformation of auxiliary, misformation of adverb and misformation

of preposition. Misformation of verb is found in the data because the students

use past participle in future form or the opposite (see sample 6 & 10). The

researcher found misformation of auxiliary because the student use past form

in future form or the opposite and use incorrect auxiliary in sentence (see

sample 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 17, 18, 19, 22). While, misformation of adverb and

misformation of preposition are found in the data because incorrect form of

adverb and preposition (see sample 14, 12, 24).

Misordering error occurs because learners put incorrect placement of a

morpheme or group of morpheme. Incorrect placement is also indicated from

the random arranging of sentence. Based on the analysis, it can be

misordering of adverb and misordering of arranging. Misordering of adverb is

found in student‟s writing because the student put incorrect placement of

adverb in the sentence (see sample 6). In the student writing, the researcher

found some sentence in incorrect arranged (see sample 8 & 23).




This chapter deals with conclusion and suggestion. Conclusion is

drawn based on research problem while suggestion is made for teacher and


A. Conclusions

The researcher has concludes twenty five data of descriptive text

written by second grade student of SMAN 16 PANGKEP, there is conclusion

on this research, based on the research question proposed. The researcher

found , in this research that students made four types of error. Those errors

are omission error, addition error, misformation error and misordering error.

This research shows that omission error and misformation error are the most

error found in the 25 data of second eleventh student of SMAN 16

PANGKEP. The benefit can be seen for different point of view in conducting

grammatical error analysis. For the teacher, make a better lesson plan and

make sure the student understand clearly about the teacher explanation

especially in grammar and for the student, pay attention to explanation by

teacher and learn more about grammar and test their self to minimize the error

in their writing.


B. Suggestions

For the teacher, about the different rules between Bahasa Indonesia

and English, the teachers should give the clear explanation to minimize

grammatical error in writing descriptive paragraph. The teacher should

know students lack by find their ability in using simple present and how to

improve it. Whereas for the student, they are should improving knowledge

in learning English especially in grammar by increasing their effort, not

only in the classroom but in other condition.



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The list of Students‟ Class XI SMAN 16 PANGKEP

No. Name

1. Tasmitri Maulina

2. Nur Fadillah

3. Ramadani

4. Nova Yanti

5. Masnur

6. Maulana Indra

7. Sultan

8. Andini

9. Kurnia

10. Agung Rahman

11. Mursidah

12. Irfan

13. Fitriani

14. Rani

15. Umayyah

16. Fajriah

17. Siti Hamrah

18. Nabila

19. Reski Amalia

20. Sarinah

21. Sabil

22. Kasri

23. Duhri

24. Asral

25. Dimas





Instrument of the research

Choose one of the pictures below, and write down in descriptive


1) Please describe the picture below!

2) Please describe the picture below!


3) Please describe the picture below!

4) Please describe the picture below!




Students‟ Worksheet


































The researcher, Wahdaniah was born on July 17th,

1998 in Sarappo Island, South Sulawesi. She is the

first child of the marriage of Ukkas and Rosmiati. She

has two sisters and one brother. In 2004 she began her

elementary school at SD Negeri 2 Liukang

Tupabbiring and graduated in 2010. She continued her junior high school at

SMP Negeri 2 Satap Liukang Tupabbiring and 2013 she continued her

senior high school at SMA Negeri 1 Liukang Tupabbiring Utara. In 2016,

she was registered as a student of English Education Department of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

And at the end of her study, she could finish her thesis entitle “An Error

Analysis in Descriptive Writing through Visual Picture at the Second

Grade Students of SMAN 16 Pangkep”