QQQ QQQQQQ Q 5830862 Q QQ QQ 599853「 QQQQ QQ ...

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Transcript of QQQ QQQQQQ Q 5830862 Q QQ QQ 599853「 QQQQ QQ ...

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+** mm� ��� : +** m,�g ; GL���� � � ����� ���������������� �Magnetic

Beads containing Graphite carbon ; MBG� �� !�"#$%&'��

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[7\ A ,/* nm�� Y<Z< *.+2,[7\ +..--$��� COD[7\ TOC�� Y<Z< 1*[7\ ...0 mg�L$�m�� "��:s!�Lm6�W�X�<���=8� �O�e��>�e?@$�m��

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���Os!�Lm�� s!A{��O� A .** nm[7\ A ,/* nm�,-'�Y<Z<�ij/�H '��

Figure + Photographs of the magnetic beads in-

cluding graphite carbon (MBG).

Table + Characteristics of the livestock wastewater

Parameters Livestock wastewater


EC (mS/m)

COD (mg/L)

BOD (mg/L)

TOC (mg/L)

T-N (mg/L)

T-P (mg/L)

A.** nm

A,/* nm










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�������MBG��� ������


+� MBG�����MBG���������� MBG-/.*���

-.+/ *.*. mm��� +3./ *.0 mg, MBG-,./� ��-.*2 *.*- mm��� +2.0 *.1 mg, MBG-*./� ��-.*, *.*. mm��� +1.- *.. mg, Control�� ,.3- *.*0 mm��� +0.- *.3 mg�!"� #$%&'()�*+�,-��.-�/012� 3�4��������5.-��� #$%&'()�*+678 *./���� ,./���� MGB�9:�;<�1=>�5� /���� MBG�?2�@ABC�DEFGHIJKLMN�O"P�QR?S�/3�4TU�VWXY5Z[\��]�^_/�Q� MBG�#$%&'()�*+67��.-//0�9:5`a�� b�c+de�3�4�TU�fg���hi5�j�]/5klm\��3�4�n#o�'(�,-S�]/��>Q� 3�4�%p$'(qr�stu�/vw=�qrx�yz�� {| ,}� ]�]/=[� 3�45q~�7�Q2�]/5��m\� KL����2Qn#oFE����$��?2�q������� !�2�KLC/�����q~�?2��W5���!�]/5��m\��

,� MBG�� �����������������

MBG����:��� COD����MN��u� A

.** nm����i�| -�����MBG-/.*���u� A .** nm� *./� +� ,��� -����� *.*/+� *.*..� *.*.+��� *.*-2/1"� MN�� -�����:��8� 13�/1>�� MBG-,./���u� A .** nm�MBG-/.*�/���MN����=[��S� ¡���� MN�� -�����:��8� 2*�/1>�� ¢�MBG-*./���u� A .** nm

0MN����=[���� -����� *.*.3 {�:��8 1-�} ����� #$%&'()�*+�67�12 Control��� �:�`a�£[\1=>��

A ,/* nm, COD��� TOC����i�¤\¥\|

.� /� 0�����A ,/* nm�� MBG-/.*���� *./� +� ,��� -����� *.2,1� *.1./� *.0.2��� *.0*,/1"� MN�� -������8� /2������ MBG-,./����MN�� -����� *..-, {��8 03�} /1"�MBG-*./���MN�� -����� *.0/. {� ./.1�}/1>��

COD�¦2Q��MN�� -������ MBG-/.*��MBG-,./� ��� MBG-*./� �� ¤\¥\ /, mg�L{��8 ,/�}� -0 mg�L {� .3�} ��� 0* mg�L {�+.�} ������

TOC�¦2Q�� MN�� -������ MBG-/.*��� -,.1 mg�L {��8 ,1�}� MBG-,./��� ,*./ mg�L {� /.�}� MBG-*./��� -*., mg�L {� -,�} �¢������ #$%&'()�*+�67�12 Con-

trol��� A ,/* nm, COD��� TOC����§/¨©£[\1=>��#$%&'()�*+�67�5ª2�0==«[

¬� MBG-/.*�� COD��� TOC��85MBG-,./�

Figure , Photographs of the MBG moved across to ferrite magnet.

Figure - Changes in A.** nm of the treated water.

­, MBG-/.*� ; ®, MBG-,./� ; ¯, MBG-*./� ; °,


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���������� ������������������������� ��!"#�$ A ,/* nm

"�%&��'(�)*"+,�-.��!��/012���3���4567���89� 43:$ MBG�;<=�>?@ABC�D

EFG4�-$ ;<BCHI�J�$ -*C3: +KL�MN"OCPQ1RS"T� 41U:3�7���

-� MBG��������� ��������MBGVW.-XYZ[\�]^_`MNabVcd

��ef�=g�MN`�;<HIh=�> A ,/* nm

�HIh�ijVk 1=�>k 2�l���MN`�;<HIh�$ /mn op*q +* g�rTs` /** mL�MNt ��$ MBG-/.*�$ MBG-,./�=�>

MBG-*./� "$ ��u� 0+$ /2=�> ,3�$ +*mnop*q +* g�rTs` +,*** mL�MNt ��$ ��u� //$ .3=�> +-�4�� vw'xyz{*|�V}�~�MBG-/.*�=�>MBG-,./�"�$ +*mn�MN�=.-�� /*��;<HIhV���-.�1$ MBG-*./������MN���$ ���;<HIh1�����

A ,/* nm�HIh�$ /mn��$ MBG-/.*�$ MBG-

,./�=�>MBG-*./�"$ ��u� .,$ -3=�> +0�4�$ +*mn��$ ��u� -1$ -*=�> *.,�4�� ;<HIh�ij4���$ vw'xyz{*|�V}�~�MBG-/.*�=�>MBG-,./�"�$ +*

mn�MN�=.-� -*�89�HIhV���-.�1$ MBG-*./��MN����44��HIh1��������

Figure . Changes in A,/* nm of the treated water.

�, MBG-/.*� ; �, MBG-,./� ; �, MBG-*./� ; �,


Figure / Changes in COD of the treated water.

�, MBG-/.*� ; �, MBG-,./� ; �, MBG-*./� ; �,


Figure 0 Changes in TOC of the treated water.

�, MBG-/.*� ; �, MBG-,./� ; �, MBG-*./� ; �,


Figure 1 Changes in removal rates of color by MBG

with increasing treatment volume.

�, MBG-/.*� ; �, MBG-,./� ; �, MBG-*./�.

���� 12 �-� : --3�-.., ,**1



���������� -��� �������������������� !�"#���$%&��$'�(�)*�+�,-��./0,12�3 45� 678�9:;��<=>?@<A�8�BC����� MBG-/.*��$'MBG-,./�5�� &��$'�(�D��E�)*F <GHI%?@JK��0�J� MBG-*./�5�)*���LJ�812�3 ?0/�MN1/� OP�����Q�R���<ST�UV��� ����� !�"#< ,./�WV8����<��%?@J�8��%?@JXY�0�3

.� MBG��������MBG-,./�<���� ��Z[�$%\]^N<�_�3 9:;��<`a��� �J�L8�MBG-,./�<bcd�e5Z[�\]8� \'9:;��<678�MN<f 3�g8�3

+/h�9:;��BC +* g��8� +,/** mL�� �$7� MBG-,./��$%&�)*�� -3�� A ,/* nm

)*�� ,2��i5�L8�J� bcd�e5Z[I%?@�$7&�)*��$' A ,/* nm)*��� j0k0 0,��$' .-��h�8�3 ,*h���� +*

g��8� ,,*** mL�� 5�� &��$' A ,/* nm

)*��� j0k0 .+��$' ,.��i5�L8�J� \'bcd�e5Z[I%?@�$7&�)*��$' A ,/* nm)*��� j0k0 /1��$' -3��h�8�3 ��� +* g��8�Vl5 -,/** mL��8��5m2�nbcd�eZ[�$7&�)*��,/�1/ -/��� A ,/* nm)*�� +-�1/ ,-��j0k0h�8�3?�?@1/� MBG�bcd�eZ[�$7678�o�5p%?@J�/1��0�3����Z[�o�8�bcd�e�� qr�st��$7bcd�e<hu8\'����Z[���%� m%������v��� �!",#wx@8���I%?@J5p%@yz0%3

{h�BC�$7� ����� !�"#J$|���&�} CODD�<)*I%�~��%��@8�&0��7� bcd�e5'��\]�0%()<H�?@J�/1��0�3 ����� !�"#<�e�#��e5*�I%+�� !�"#��%F <,,>?@,�� ��v���a%!�"#�-.</�5p�3 i�� ���c� <����%?@�$2������F<H��%?@J� 5m7� ?�?@�$2����$%�0}huJ� 5m%?@J�/1��0�3

1���� �2��<��8�34�|��E���� �$|���&�@ CODD��q��~���� ������5� �4�@8�O�8���5m7� � ���¡��¢£¤�¥6�¦§��8iI3

� �

Hennion MC.,***.Graphitized carbons for solid-phase extrac-

tion.Journal of chromatography A 22/ (+�,), 1-�3/.

Mohan SV, and Karthikeyan J. +331. Removal of lignin and tannin

colour from aqueous solution by adsorption onto activated

charcoal.Environmental Pollution 31 (+�,), +2-�+21.

¨ 78�©ª9:3 +3323 �c«�#�����<¬­8�®¯�;!�°�&t��$%$|����&@ wD��)*3 <±=>34��²#c���?³ -.� ,/�,2.

Mori T, Sakimoto M. +333. Treatment of piggy wastewater with

ferric chloride can improve the e$ciency of a soil-column

used for decolorization. Animal Science Journal 1*, -1*�-1+.

¨ 78�©ª9:3 ,***3 ´�@AB�$%µ¶��@®"·;!�°��<C�8�$|����&3 <±=>34��²#c���?³ -0� /�1.

Mori T, Sakimoto M, Mori T, Sakai T.+331.Decolorization of

wastewater from a livestock barn using andosols. Animal

Figure 2 Changes in removal rates of A,/* nm by

MBG with increasing treatment volume.

¸, MBG-/.*� ; ¹, MBG-,./� ; º, MBG-*./�.

Figure 3 E#ects of the cleanup by methanol on

removal rate of color and A,/* nm by MBG.

These arrows in this figure show the term of clean

up the column using methanol.

¸, Removal rate of color ; », Removal rate of A,/*nm.

D$¼? 12 �-� : --3�-.., ,**1

����� !�"#����


Science Technology 02, 3.*�3.1.

������� �� +33-� �� ������������� ����� 0,� ,2�.*.

Removal of Color and Organic Substance in Livestock Wastewater

by Magnetic Beads Containing Graphite Carbon

Yoshinori YABUKI+, Tatsuma MORI+, Nobuyuki AIKO+, Mitsunori KIRIHATA,,

Hitoshi SUGIMURA- and Yasuo TANAKA.

+ Research Institute of Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries,

Osaka Prefectural Government, Habikino /2-�*20,, Japan, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai /33�2/-+, Japan

- KURABO INDUSTRIES LTD., Neyagawa /1,�*2,-, Japan. National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, Tsukuba -*/�*3*+, Japan

Corresponding : Yoshinori YABUKI (fax : �2+ (*) 1,�3/0�303+, e-mail : yabuki�mbox.epcc.pref.osaka.jp)

Experiments in a laboratory scale were carried out to reduce color of livestock wastewater by using

alginate gel beads containing /�, ,./� and *./� graphite carbon powder (GC). These beads contained ,�magnetite to enable stirring with magnet. When +** mL of wastewater was treated in batch process with +*

g of the beads containing /�, ,./� and *./� GC for - h, the color removal rate was 13�, 2*� and 1-�,

respectively. After the batch treatment was repeated ten times, the color removal rate of beads containing

/� and ,./� GC maintained over /*�, whereas, those of beads containing *./� GC decreased to +-�.

The decrease in color removal rates of the beads was restored by washing with methanol. These results

suggest that the magnetic beads containing GC would be reusable and an e$cient adsorbent for color

removal in livestock wastewater.

Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho 12 (-), --3�-.., ,**1

Key words : color removal, graphite carbon, magnetic beads, wastewater treatment.

!�" 12 �-� : --3�-.., ,**1

