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Transcript of Electronics

Project titles for ECE Batch Students

S.No Project Title 1 Aggregate Information Production and Display System - Productivity Display System

2 Automatic Winnowing Mechanism

3 Customer recognition and loyalty system using RFID for instant recognition of

entering customer, preferences, last purchases and last sales attendant name

4 Digital kwh Meter

5 Electronic Entertainment and Animation

6 Emergency call boxes for highway with automated SMS using GSM information

on location and simple push button information on nature of emergency

7 Examination Question Paper Leakage Protection Mechanism

8 Garbage Bins Collector and Disposing Robot

9 GSM based Airport Automation (GAA)

10 GSM Based Industrial Disaster Intimation Control System (GIDICS)

11 High Hazard Dam Warning and Monitoring System

12 Intelligent Electronic Mega-mart Shopping Cart

13 iPod Touch Keypad interface for industrial, medical and consumer appliances

with waterproof plastic or glass sanitized and sterile top for key sensing using patented QTouch technology from Atmel.

14 Location based Wild Animal Intrusion Ranger Alarm System

15 Mall Automation

16 Solar Photovoltaic panel charging control with Maximum Power Point tracking algorithm for optimum charging of Lead Acid Storage batteries.

17 Oceanic Submersible Data-Acquisition Robotic Explorer

18 Passive Automobile Monitoring System

19 PC to Microcontroller Wireless Communication

20 RF Based Home Automation

21 USB Based Thermometer & Barometer


23 SMS based Access Control System (GSM)

24 Solar Photovoltaic Panel charging control with solar tracker to improve the maximum power generated during the sun-hours of the day

25 Theme Park Automation

26 Voice Activated And Controlled Home Network

27 Vehicle immobilizer with GSM including talk interface and alerts

28 Vehicle Dashboard System

29 Wireless automation of existing no-dues collection system in Engineering


30 Wireless Mobile Bomb Disposal Unit (WMBDU)

Aggregate Information Production and Display System -

Productivity Display System

The Productivity Display system is useful in planning daily production quantities. It is also helpful to the production managers to know the current line production status at a glance. Team members working on the line are also constantly aware of the production status and would take necessary steps to correct the line speed.

We propose to build a continuous productivity monitoring device with the following features:

1. Production monitoring and box counting mechanism. 2. Auto reminder for work finishing time. 3. Automatic start every day at shift start time, 4. Pausing plan counter during lunch break. 5. Overtime Considerations: The display system will automatically end the plan

counting at the end of the shift but allow the actual input to continue so as to cater to overtime requirements.

6. Auto resetting of display: The actual display will reset to zero at 10:00PM every day. In the event of a power failure, the count values are automatically stored in the system.

7. Power failure detector. 8. Data Available at a centralized place. 9. Multi Nodal Displays and information retrieval. 10. A large number (255*255*255*255(Ideally)) of PCs over the network can be

utilized to access the information. 11. Database maintenance. 12. GSM based Queries (Optional or Extra)

Typical Operation of the system 1. Set Plan Value for the daily shift. 2. Set Shift Start Time 3. Set Lunch Time [30 Min] 4. Set Clock.

In the proposed setup a number of systems will be connected over a network and the production and the general data of the plant will be monitored by a “Master Data Collector” (MDC) PC.

In this project we will be demonstrating a Round Box counting mechanism which will

count the number of metallic boxes stacked in a counting machine at two points symbolizing two box making and counting counters.

These current counts and the proposed counts will be continuously displayed on the

liquid crystal display boards. It will also be displaying the time and special messages and alerts. Special messages like some wishes or accolades like “Happy New Year” or “Well Done” or alerts like “Attention FIRE” or “Emergency Exit this way” Etc can also be flashed.

The MDC will be keeping the counts of the manufactured boxes, general timings for

start and stop of machine, User name at the corresponding machine, Fire alarms or panic switches attachment. The MDC can be updated with details like daily readings, individual time setting, plan setting and pause of one or a group of displays for scheduled maintenance or breaks.

The MDC database can be invoked from any of the systems on the Intranet and the

details can be viewed online. With this feature the high level management would be able to view the production status from their desktop PCs without having to visit the production floor and query each individual line for status.

An optional GSM MODEM can be attached to the MDC to update select users with the

current work status. An SMS request can be sent from the registered user to the MDC and a reply SMS can be shot back to the user updating him with the requested query.

Additional value provided with the PC interface allows predictive displays that show

what time any of the line would complete the plan target quantity and also what quantity would be produced by the end of the shift on any line. This is an additional display that could also be provided to the post production section for washing, dyeing or packing needs.

Productivity enhancement displays are used in:

1. Garment Factories

2. Plastic Injection Component Manufacturers

3. Bottling Plants

4. Any volume manufacturing unit

Automatic Winnowing Mechanism


Wind winnowing is a method developed by ancient cultures for agricultural purposes.

It involves taking a basket of mixed grain and chaff, or using a winnowing fork on a pile of

harvested grain and tossing the contents into the air, thus causing the chaff to blow away

while the heavier grains fall back into the basket or onto the ground or threshing floor.

The chaff consists of calyxes, stems, old petals, husks, and dead parts of the fruit or


Typically in the villages the winnowing is a procedure that the ladies of the family

take care. In this mechanism they carry a large wooden plate and try to place themselves in

the direction opposite to the air, after careful placement they will shake the wooden plate

and make the grain and the chaff fall from a height. The chaff being lighter flies with the

wind and the grain being heavier will fall near by, separating the chaff from the grain.

In places like, big storage places, where the grain (mixed with chaff) needs to be

bought and chaff needs to be separated before weighing, many people are required and the

time taken by them is also huge. Considering this fact we propose an automated winnowing

mechanism with the following features

1. Long conveyor belt

2. Shaking vibrating bed/plate

3. Quantity selector

4. High Speed fan

5. Water jets

6. Underground chaff collector and drainage system.

This mechanism will be consisting of a conveyor belt on which the gunny sack

consisting of the mixture of the grain and chaff can be emptied. This belt will be a long belt

so that many sacks can be simultaneously emptied.

The mixture is then rolled over to a vibrating plate which will be able to shake the

mixture and will then throw the mixture in the air. This mechanism will also house a quantity

selector so that limited quantity can be offloaded to the vibrating bed or plate.

Under this mechanism we will be placing a high speed fan which will be able to blow

away the lighter chaff and the heavier particles i.e. the grains can be collected in a bucket.

The chaff collected can be then washed with the water jets. The washed chaff is

then collected at the end of an underground drainage system so that the chaff doesn’t fly in

the air as it is bad for human health as it can cause allergies of many kinds and also give

way to asthma and other breathing problems.

In this project we will be covering and understand the following topics:

� 8051 Hardware Designing

� Coding in 8051 Assembly

� PCB designing and concepts

� Controlling and driving mechanism of Relays to control External Devices.

� Conveyor belt design (chain drive)

� Motor controlling mechanisms

� Fan controlling mechanism

� Water Jets and movements

� Modeling

Block Diagram:

Relay Controlling Mechanism

Relays for


Blowing Fan

Relays for



belt motor

Relays for


Water Jet


Relays for






Liquid Crystal Display

Switches like

Start/Stop and

Emergency Stop


Light Emitting

Diodes for



Customer recognition and loyalty system using RFID for

instant recognition of entering customer, preferences,

last purchases and last sales attendant name. The shopping method and habits have changed for the better since the introduction of

departmental stores. You no longer have to stand outside the store and request the

shopkeeper to give you items that you see on the shelf. Departmental stores allow the

customer to walk in and view items on display and choose the items for purchase by walking

around the store. Better departmental stores and

the larger stores have introduced loyalty cards to

frequent customers to keep them coming back to

shop. The store owner gets return customers and

the customer gets a discount for continuing to be

loyal to that store. However, in case of

departmental stores that sell seasonal goods like

jewelry, shoes, clothes and white goods, it is not

possible to identify a customer who may visit once

every couple of months to pick up an item. The

issue of the loyalty card has now made it possible

for even low frequency visitors to be managed by a sales person in the store.

The loyalty card allows the sales person, to instantly know more about the customer who

has just walked in. The sales person will get to know the clothes sizes, preference in terms

of color, branding preference, and frequently purchased items. This allows the sales person

to discuss the customer’s requirement with better

in-depth knowledge of the customer’s liking. The

major advantage with the loyalty card is that the

customer would be very pleased with the sales

person’s knowledge and correct choices. The sales

person will also be able to offer several related

items that the customer may choose to purchase.

In this way, the sales turnover of the store will also


The customer loyalty card is a RFID card that

contains the customer id inbuilt into the card. Once the ID is read, when the customer

enters the store, the sales person would be informed at a glance of the computer monitor,

on the name of the customer and their preferences. Immediately, they would be able to

attend the customer and enquire about the previous purchase and how they liked it. The

customer would be thrilled that the sales person is able to remember the last purchase item

and immediately would be more conducive to purchasing more items in the shop.

Once the RFID card is presented by the customer, a RFID reader picks up the ID from the

card. The ID is then processed by the computer connected to the reader. The computer

program written in VB then processes the database records to extract specific information

about the customer and their previous purchase list. Related information about favourite

color, brands etc are entered by the sales person after the sales is completed so that the

database is always updated with the latest information.

Digital kWH Meter


Kilo Watt Hour meter measures the power consumed by an electrical system. If a system

consumes one kilo watts of power for one hour, it constitutes one kilo watt hour.

In an electrical system with constant supply voltage, the power consumed by the system

depends upon the current drawn by the system. To measure the current, current

transformer (CT) s are used. CT gives a proportional current output. There are a variety of

CTs depending upon the accuracy and maximum current which can be measured.


Several meters are available in the market for measuring the electrical power consumed.

This module is unique in its design as it accomplishes the kWH measurement and has got

multiple parameter display. Along with kWH the meter measures phase lead/lag, voltage,

current power and line frequency. The parameters are displayed on a 4 line LCD display. It

is also having 4-key keypad interface.

The voltage to be measured is passed through a resistor. Now the voltage across this

resistor acts as the input to a signal conditioner circuit. Input to the signal conditioner is then

conditioned, amplified to the requirded level and made such that it can be fed to the


Current measurement is done using current transformer. Current transformer gives a

proportional current output. This current is passed through a resistor. The corrosponding

output is then given to a signal conditioner to give a linear output voltage to be measured by

the microcontroller.

Frequency measurement is done by the help of filtor. Filtor attenuates the signal which is

other than the required frequency signal.

Using all these signal inputs to the microcontroller, it calculates the kwh, phase lead/lag, and

power consumed at a given instant.

It has also a 4 line LCD display. It displays all these parameters.

It has a keypad interphase also to configure the meter and display.


• Micro controller : PIC16F877

• Power Supply : 5V DC

• LCD : 4x16 characters

• Keypad : 4 keys


• Embedded C

• CCS Compiler.

• PIc Prog


Electronic Entertainment and Animation Abstract:

As defined by Wikipedia – “Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of 2-D

artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement. It is an optical illusion

of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision. This could be anything from a

flip book to a motion picture film.”

Again as defined by Wikipedia – “Entertainment is an event, performance, or

activity designed to give pleasure to an audience (although, for example, in the case of a

computer game the "audience" may be only one person). The audience may participate in

the entertainment passively as in watching opera or actively as in computer games.”

Now our topic clearly mentions about the pleasures to be provided by using

electronic means and also should also have an illusion of movement.

To cater to this need we propose to make a electronic model which should have an

electronic control from a PC and also the motions performed by it should be fed back to the

PC to get displayed on the screen.

For doing this we shall use a character as a Dinosaur and we shall divide our project

in two major parts.

Fig1: Typical arrangement required in a Model

In the former case we shall make a Hardware (Stick) model of the Dinosaur which

will be dipicting the various motions possible by the character. Typically we will be providing

2 DOF (degrees of freedom) in the Head for upward and downward motion and left right

motion and 2 DOF in the tail again for sidewards and up/down motions.

The DOFs can be increased depending on the complexity of handling the project.

Further more DOFs can be added in the Neck region, Fore Feets and the Rear Feets. This

model will be mounted on a stand and the motions will be achieved by various motors being

controlled. The motion will be controlled by the signals from the PC frontend (done in Visual

Basic) or a remote with some set of switches.

Also the model will be connected with various motion sensors to find the exact

position of the head and tail (the moving parts being depicted). These sensor outputs will be

sent to the PC via a serial port connection between the micro-controller and the Personal

Computer where the second part of the Project, a frontend in Visual Basic will be running.

In the latter part of the project we will be making a Stick Diagram of the electronic

hardware model and the changes/variations in the motions as occurring in the hardware

model will be depicted by shifting the various body parts in 2-D.

This project will facilitate the understanding of the following topics:

� Coding in Assembly for 8051 series Micro controller

� Relay mechanism through ULN2003.

� DC Motor control mechanism.

� Stepper Motor control mechanism.

� Sensors arrangement

� PC to micro-controller communication via Serial and Parallel ports.

� Modeling using the wires, wood, sheet metal etc.


Fig2: Depicts the block diagram of Animated Model

DC motor 1

For Head UP / Down

Micro controller



lay D


rs a



lay C



l Me




DC motor 2

For Head Left /

DC motor 3

For Tail UP / Down

DC motor 4

For Tail Left / Right

Various sensors and

corresponding signal

conditioning circuits for

the movement tracking

in the Head and Tail

Personal Parallel Port


Serial Port

Emergency call boxes for highway with automated

SMS using GSM information on location and simple

push button information on nature of emergency.

Driving on some of the highways has become dreadful for most of the people. With the

exponential growth of population and the increase in number of vehicles day by day is

posing a threat not only on the city roads but also on the highways.

The fast growing cities demands transport of material and other resources to distant places

on a daily basis. This forces all the vehicles on the highway to move at greater speeds to

reach the destination on time. But, unfortunately, such high speed may sometimes

change their destination itself!!!

It is not uncommon that some vehicles breakdown for various reasons, some are prone to

fatal accident; some people may develop unexpected serious health problems while on the

high way. In all such cases, in spite of having sophisticated technology devices like mobile

phones, one may not be able to communicate or reach out others even to call for help for

various reasons like no network /signal, out of service area, not sufficient currency (in case

of pre-paid connections), no roaming facility, etc.With hardly any facilities around, it will be

really pathetic for any one who experiences such unforeseen events and he/she may even


It would be of great help if there is an access to some communication/control system at a

walk-able distance (say every 2-3 Kms) on the highway so that a person in need can seek

the assistance from a central station or the nearest gasoline station where a call box

controller is installed.

The proposed call box system helps a person to easily and clearly communicate to the

control station just with the press of a button the type of the assistance needed such as

medical assistance, tow motor vehicle, accident relief services etc., without any feel of

helplessness irrespective of where he/she is.

The call box is a micro-controller based embedded

device that uses GSM technology and sends the

appropriate messages sensing the relevant button

press on the unit. For it is a messaging system, it

can work without any issues of geographical




VehicleBreakdow n


SMS Modem w ithPow er Supply

Control Center w ithGSM Receiver


The call box consists of a GSM transceiver unit interfaced to a push button unit. The buttons

are easily labeled in the local language and indicate the nature of emergency as follows:

1. Accident – Press to call for help.

2. Medical Emergency – Press to call ambulance.

3. Vehicle breakdown – Press to call tow service.

The system is complicated due to the number of such call boxes installed on the highway.

As per the requirement, one call box will need to be installed for every running kilometer of

the highway to ensure that someone will need to walk a maximum of 500 Meters only to

reach for help. The controlling station will need to monitor the health of all the call boxes –

up to 100 for a 100Km highway stretch simultaneously to ensure that the systems are

working correctly.

The overall system block diagram shows the controlling station which monitors the call

boxes. The highway is monitored in both directions and the call boxes are located

strategically so that it is reachable from either side. Once a call is received, the appropriate

help is dispatched immediately to help the needy person.

Examination Question Paper Leakage Protection


“Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.”

G. K. Chesterson

However today, when we read news articles as cited below, we realize that, knowingly or

unknowingly this soul, which was once compared to the education by some great

philosophers, has got irrecoverably corrupted.

Another paper leak at VTU

28 Feb 2002, 0116 hrs IST, TNN

Bangalore: Barely two days after ordering a re-examination of the I/II semesters

electrical sciences examination, the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, on

Wednesday ordered a re-examination of the engineering mathematics ii paper, of the ii

semester held on Wednesday. According to a press release, the re-examination will be

conducted on March 5, between 2 pm and 5 pm. "the concerned students are requested to

appear for the examination on March 5," the release said. Further, the commencement of

second, fourth, six, eighth and tenth semester classes for all under-graduate and second

and fourth semester for post-graduate courses has been rescheduled for March 11.

The VTU on Monday decided to conduct a re-examination of the electrical sciences

examination paper following complaints of question paper leakage. Meanwhile, university

sources told the times of India that it was trying to identify the culprits involved in leaking

the question paper. "We distribute sealed packets to colleges. But, the question papers are

still being leaked. a thorough investigation needs to be conducted into the issue," sources

said. University vice-chancellor K. Balaveera Reddy is expected to order an inquiry after

returning from New Delhi on Thursday.

VTU paper leak by SMS now

25 Jan 2006, 0023 hrs IST,

BANGALORE: Question paper leakage is indeed going hi-tech. On Tuesday, first

semester engineering students complained that their cell phones were jammed with SMSes

of questions of the math’s exam scheduled for Wednesday.

The messages had just numbers — vital clues like the question numbers, sub-section

numbers. "Since it was a chain SMS, it was from friends that we got the messages and could

not make out the source.

Nevertheless, we have not dismissed it as rumors. We are going to take it seriously,"

students stated.

Students believe in it because physics and the mechanical engineering papers too

leaked on Monday, even as the Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) was engaged in

investigating the paper leak into the third semester Electronics and Electrical Systems and

Signals paper.

Paper leak: CA exams scrapped

Bangalore, DH News Service

14 Held for Question Paper Leak in Police Recruitment Test

Prime Suspect Apprehended in AIIMS Question Paper Leak

Date: 3/31/2006

Upon hearing this kind of news one is forced to think about the various means and

options to contribute in the effort to stop the corruption to a certain extent by putting a stop

to the leakage of the paper with the help of technology. This will not only strengthen the

society but will also give a fair chance to everyone to compete and give way to better quality

of education to all.

We propose a mechanism where the Question papers will be sent to the examination

centers in a sealed electronic box, which cannot be opened before the stipulated time. The

device will then be sent a message from the base station which will then request for a

password to be entered. When the Password and timing matches, the box will open through

a motorized mechanism.

The box will look as illustrated below:

This will enable the papers to be locked and sealed till the point in time when the

papers need to be brought out for the distribution to the students in the examination hall.

The box will have a mechanism to detect any sort of unauthorized tampering with the help

of a “box tampering sensor”. This will detect tampering before the stipulated time. Once the

Box tampering is detected it will raise an alarm and set a bit in the memory, with the

16 X 2 Display

12 Keys keypad

Motor for

opening and

locking the


Examination Paper Holder

RFID Reader

information about the box tampering. Once the boxes are returned to the examination

center or to the Base station for correction it will then be connected to the PC to detect any

tampering which might have taken place earlier.

Also the box mechanism will be connected with an RFID reader and a memory

module. The Box will be programmed in such a way that only the selected authorized

personnel will be able to open it. The authorized personnel will be requested to enter the

session password to enable the mechanism to open the box after the RFID card is swiped

and accepted..

Further more the Examination centers will be equipped with “Displays” which will

constantly display the timings and the instructions which will be sent from the Base station.

If required, then Periodic alarms can be raised to inform the students for the time left.

In this system of conducting exams, once the exam is finished, the answer sheets

are required to be packed again inside the boxes and after entering the correct password

the authorized personnel will then be able to seal the boxes. Once locked they can only be

opened at the “evaluation centers” where these boxes will be sent.

Once again the same procedure about sending the message from the base station

when the evaluation begins and the time at which they need to be sealed and sent back will

be repeated.

We feel that employing this methodology will bring down the malpractices involved

with the question paper leakage before the exam and answer sheets being exchanged or

modified during the transit to and from the examination centre to the evaluation centers.

Areas Covered:

In this project we will be covering and understand the following topics:

� 8051 Hardware Designing

� Coding in 8051 Assembly

� PCB designing and concepts

� Controlling and driving mechanism of Relays to control External Devices.

� Motor controlling mechanisms

� Keypad and

� LCD Displays

� PC Connectivity – Serial and Parallel Ports

� VB Coding strategies

� Encryption techniques etc.

Future enhancements:

In future we can even automate the marking and result announcement through SMS etc.

Block Diagram:

Encrypted Data

MAX 232












Base Station Mechanism







Encrypted Data




DC Motor and




Exam paper Holder Box

RFID Reader

Garbage Bins Collector and Disposing Robot

Intelligent systems, such as robots, are rapidly becoming more competent. Use of

robots is growing both on Earth and in space, in large part due to increased capacity for

machine intelligence. In industry, acceptance of robotics requires very high reliability. Robot

is defined as a mechanical design that is capable of performing human tasks or behaving in

a human-like manner. Robots are comprised of several systems working together as a

whole. With Technology becoming a key learning area the need for technology educators to

have relevant and exciting facilities and equipment is more important than ever.

Building a robot requires expertise and complex programming. It’s about building

systems and putting together motors and wires, among other important components. There

are a number of subsystems that must be designed to fit together into an appropriate

package suitable for carrying out the robot’s task. A Garbage Bin Collector robot is one that

has a Bin picking (Set of hooks) mechanism attached in the front. By attaching a Bin picking

mechanism we can pick the garbage bins, which are located at strategic positions in a

community. The goal of this robot is to make the human work easier and to keep the

localities clean. These Bin pickers will be able to pick the Garbage bins and carry them out of

civilization area and dump the garbage there. This needs automation as being near to the

garbage creates many types of respiratory disorders and derma (Skin) diseases. It will save

the workers from such diseases and will also be a hygienic solution.

The Bin collector and disposing robot has been designed with a view to minimize

costs and maximize gains. We will gain expertise in systems architecture and engineering,

micro controller–based control and actuation, and mechanics. Thus, this vehicle will be

equipped with many advanced features and can be used to serve human with significant

contributions. For this we will employ a remote controllability (wired) feature, which can

employ a Joystick or a remote to realize the same and will give a safe distance from the

occurrence of event.

This particular vehicle will be employing a chain drive mechanism employing 2 DC

motors for providing the drive and direction to the vehicle. By controlling the movements of

the two motors we can get Forward/Reverse and turning Left/Right motion.

A motor is employed to raise the Hooked Bin Up/Down and yet another motor will be

employed to move the Bin side ways.

General Setup:

An optional camera can be provided to have a closer view of the field in question.

This project will facilitate the understanding of the following topics:

� Coding in Assembly for 8051 series Micro controller for time constraint acquisition and transfer of data.

� Relay mechanism through ULN2003. � DC Motor control mechanism. � Sheet metal work. � Robotics basics. � Movements and motions achieved in robotics.


Fig1: Depicts the block diagram of Fire Fighting Robot

M4 M3

M1 M2

Pole rotation about

vertical axis.

Vertical movement of




Robot Base

Motor1 for

Vehicle forward/

Motor for

swinging Bin

Motor for Bin


lay D


rs a



lay C








Motor1 for

Vehicle forward/

rear and turning

Remote control


The AT89C51 micro controller is the robot's brain and controls the robot's

movements. Control mechanism is obtained from the remote control. The Micro-Controller

decides the Action to be performed using the Motors, which are in turn controlled using the

Relay Drivers and the Relay Control mechanism. The Relay Driving mechanism essentially

consists of ULN2003 Relay Drivers and employs a set of 12V Sugar Cube Relays.

Mechanisms used:

• Forward/Rear Motion Mechanism of vehicle:

o This Mechanism consists of a Dual DC motors mechanism that will be

connected at the rear wheel.

• Direction Control Mechanism for the vehicle:

o Here the two DC motors used for forward and reverse motion are only

used to control the direction of movement for the vehicle to take turns.

• Side ways movement for the shaft:

o Here a DC motor is employed to give a wavy motion to the shaft carrying

the Bin swinging to it.

• Up/Down motion for the shaft:

o A fourth motor (DC motor) will be used to raise and lower the shaft.

GSM based Airport Automation (GAA)

“Every one seems to be busy and going somewhere” – Well to think about it, Yes with the advancements in the technology the world is becoming smaller and smaller day by day. Every nook and corner of the world seems to be reachable in no time. Thanks to the technology advancements in the filed of Aviation. They say “with the Power comes the responsibility”. This facility to make us reach anywhere also needs to be controlled properly. These thoughts lead us to believe, design and automate some areas of the airport facility.

In a normal scenario, during the landing of aircraft there is only a verbal confirmation issued from the ATC (Air Traffic Controller) to the pilot. The plane after landing is then directed to a gate where it is parked and the passengers can come to the lounge to collect their baggage. Typically all the electric devices in the lounges are controlled manually and when a flight arrives they are activated and then later on they are deactivated. Also the baggage collection belts are always running. All these things lead to a lot of wastage of power and wrong happenings (considering accidents) owing to the human errors. Also, at the time of the departure of the flight there are many things that needs to be taken care of, for e.g. there is a need to know the status of the fueling, servicing, crew boarding, catering, security check clearance, passenger boarding, preliminary checks etc. Considering all these factors we propose to make a prototype of an airport with the following features:

1. Centralized control using GSM authentication 2. Maintaining the Logs of events with timings 3. Automatic gate number selection and informing. 4. Automatic door opening and closing in the zones 5. Display of flight numbers on the LCDs 6. Zone lighting control 7. Automatic belt control. 8. Status display of departure flights. 9. Automatic announcements at the airport and in the ATC. Explaining all these points one at a time in detail:

In the centralized control, messages from all points are sent to a common place and all the

automatically sent if the runway is clear. If there is any plane already present on the runway the clearance will not be sent. The next clearance will be sent only when the cleared plane has landed. The timings of the SMS sent and received are all maintained in a log form which can be retrieved for later use. This log can be viewed as a .txt file or a .xls file. The sensors will inform as to which gates are empty or which gates are filled i.e on which of the ports the planes are already parked after arrival or before departure, depending on this information the centralized control system can decide as to where the next landed plane can be parked after arrival. When the planes are allotted a particular gate then the doors for that zone are automatically opened and when the planes are removed the gates are closed for security reasons automatically. The flight number is sent by the pilot at the time of sending request to land. This number is extracted from the message and then sent to the Micro-controller of the specified gate and then is displayed on the LCDs in the zone marking the directions where the passengers need to go to collect their baggage. The arrival lounge is divided in to the same number of zones as the number of gates and the lighting and other electrical items in the selected zones are also automatically controlled. This saves the unnecessary wastage of power in the zone. The baggage collection belts (using set of motors) are also activated only when the particular zone is selected and otherwise switched off. This also helps in conserving the power. At the departure lounge and in ATC, the status of various things being controlled and being operated on is displayed and can be monitored using a display board where the activities are displayed as and when a particular message informing the completion of the status is informed. To add in the security and authenticity we propose that the message also contain a password and this password can then be compared for the authenticity and security and also the messages will be accepted only from the known numbers. Appropriate message announcements can be delivered at the arrival/ departure lounges and also in the ATC. This project will definitely be able to show a way to conserve the power and also to automate many things at the airport. (optional) Incase we are unable to arrange the GSM MODEM/ signal strength in the vicinity, then we will be using the RF transmitter and receiver pair to give the demo.

Block Diagram : -

GSM Modem






Relay Controlling
















DC Motor


Zone Lighting




Parallel Port












GSM Modem






Relay Controlling
















DC Motor


Zone Lighting




Parallel Port













GSM Based Industrial Disaster Intimation Control

System (GIDICS)

Usually “an industry” is used specifically to refer to an area of economic production

focused on manufacturing which involves large amounts of capital investment before any

profit can be realized, also called ‘heavy industry’. Early industries involved manufacturing

goods for trade, including weapons, clothing, and pottery. In medieval Europe, industry

became dominated by the guilds in cities and towns, who mutual support for the member's

interests, and maintained standards of workmanship and ethical conduct. The industrial

revolution led to the development of factories for large-scale production, with consequent

changes in society.

In the industries there are different sectors like Production, Research and

Development (R&D), Testing etc. The sectors like Production and the Testing are very

important which requires a keen observation. A slight mistake in this sector can cause major

loss in lives & to the industries asset. For example in the automobile industries after the

production of a car/bike, it should be checked under different conditions. To name one it

should undergo for temperature testing, if the temperatures are not maintained to the

standards of the product, the product will be rejected, which in turn results in loss of money

& product, so here we need to maintain the exact temperature & while testing under high

temperatures there will be no human interface at the site because the high temperature will

affect the human life (which is very precious).

We propose to make a “GSM Based Industrial Disaster Intimation Control System”

which can be used to send the SMS to the authorities whenever any mishappening takes

place. For example in case of any fire accidents in the industry an automated SMS can be

sent to the near by hospitals, fire stations and also to the higher authorities of the industry

for the immediate help. And if there is a breakthrough happening in the stockroom an

immediate SMS can be sent to the security and near by police station.

In this module we will be interfacing many sensors which will be used to detect

various conditions and send messages accordingly. The various sensors that will be used are

listed below:

1. Fire sensors

2. Temperature sensors for the furnaces

3. Security for the strong rooms

4. Security for the establishment in the nights

5. Flood and water detection in the low lying areas

6. Panic buttons for immediate attention

7. First tremor for Earth quake etc

In addition to all this we can also maintain the device status like switching (ON/OFF)

under different conditions in the industries, devices like lathe machine, drilling machine, by

just an SMS. In such cases even a script can be decoded to control the before mentioned

devices. The lathe machines and the drilling machines will not be part of the demo.

Our device will employ a micro-controller based design in which the micro-controller

will be connected to a PC which will also be connected to a GSM module and will be able to

send the SMS from the GSM MODEM used in the design.

The message to be sent will be typed in the PC and the list of recipients will be

created and the SMS can be sent on a trigger.

The Micro-controller or the PC itself will provide the trigger.

This project will facilitate the understanding of the following topics:

� Coding in Assembly for 8051 series Micro-controllers.

� Data Acquisition.

� GSM concepts

� RS232 Communication

� Device Control Mechanism

The PC is the heart of this Module. The sensors are connected to the Micro-

controller, which will keep monitoring the status. The GSM module is fitted with the SIM

Subscriber Identification Module, which will house a SIM card to get a connectivity



Fig 1: Depicting the typical scenario of the GIDICS








Fire Sensors

First tremor





sensors in the




Visual Basic application

on a Personal


GSM Module with

SIM holder


Panic buttons

Flood detection sensor










M Device 1

Device 2

Device 3

Device 4


High Hazard Dam Warning and Monitoring System

The need for dam monitoring:

Optimal reservoir operation is a valuable concept that has been shown to be practical

to implement. The results can be increased efficiency with reduced conflict in the

management of tradeoffs among multiple objectives.

Although the incidence of dam failure is relatively low, the consequences can be

extremely large. After commissioning, dam safety can be compromised by the ageing of the

dam itself, of the dam foundation, or by ageing or poor maintenance of appurtenance

works. In addition, the safety of surrounding populations and property can be jeopardized

when reservoir operations are inflexible or when emergency action plans for severe floods or

seismic activity is non-existent or improperly implemented.

Safety issues associated with commissioned dams require priority attention in the

form of inspections, routine monitoring, surveillance systems, and regular evaluations, and

updated emergency action plans.

Thus we see that the constant monitoring of dams is essential for avoiding hazards

that can take a huge life toll.

Our Project Proposal:

The aim of our project is to design a High Hazard Dam Warning and Monitoring

System that will have the following features:

• Data acquisition systems : 1. Aqua Depth sensors: 2. Aqua pressure sensors: 3. Temperature Sensors 4. Sensors to detect the deformation of the walls

• The Control centre

• The Output Systems

RFID readercontroller.

RF ID BaseStation



Server PC

RFID Badge

Intelligent Electronic Mega-mart Shopping Cart

With the advancement of time, large shopping complexes have sprung up. The main

idea behind such shopping areas is to provide all the things the customer might want to

buy, under one roof. As the sizes of the malls increase the products also increases. This

makes it difficult for a customer to search for specific items. As a result, a lot of commotion

may arise, disrupting the essence of shopping. Also, a customer might sometimes have a

particular cumulative budget in mind. It then becomes difficult for him to keep in mind the

total cost of the things he buys.

Keeping this in mind, we may design an intelligent trolley that can perform a variety

of functions and would be helpful to the customer.

The main functions of this trolley are as follows:

• An indication devise mounted on the trolley in the form of a touch screen.-

The figure above shows the top view of a large shopping alley. At the entrance, the

customers are required to collect the intelligent shopping trolley. On the trolley there will be

an interactive touch screen (in our project, to keep the cost low, we shall be using the

general PC monitor. The customer can enter the details of the products he needs to procure.

The information is sent to the database of the system to check out the locations of the

products. Once the products are selected the intelligent trolley will automatically find the

shortest distance of travel. The indicators on the trolley will then help the customer to reach

the product.

As, shown in the above figure, if the customer at the entrance chooses products A, B and C.

The intelligent trolley automatically identifies the shortest route as the blue line as shown in

the figure. Then, the customer moves on and collects his products.

The RFID card reader will be mounted at the bottom the trolley. Throughout the shop floor

RFID cards will be placed. As the trolley moves over the cards, the reader will be able to

read the cards and send the information back to the central consol/ software. The software

then identifies the position of the trolley based on the database stored.

• Cumulative Budgeting System:

In this system, the bay of the trolley in which the products are to be kept contains another

RFID reader. Whenever a customer selects an item he is required to swipe it by the card

reader and keep it in the trolley. Each product will have a RFID tag to it. The price of the

product will be stored in it. Once it is swiped into the trolley, a small display screen will show

the cumulative costs of the products in the trolley. If the customer wishes to de-select a

product, he simply swipes it out keeping a button pressed.


The tags will be procured from the market.


The TAGREADER is the device which has the TAGS Slot (where Tags are read) on

one end and PC connectivity on the other.

iPod Touch Keypad interface for industrial, medical and

consumer appliances with waterproof plastic or glass

sanitized and sterile top for key sensing using patented

QTouch technology from Atmel.

User interfaces are the critical factor in making electronic products

appealing to consumers. Atmel’s latest innovations in touch sensing help

you produce very desirable products that stand out from the crowd. New

devices include ICs for creating economical and elegant touch pads and

touch screens that respond to a wide variety of touch types and gestures.

They differentiate between single and two-finger touch, and support tap,

press, flick, pinch (zoom in), stretch (zoom out), rotate, press & tap,

press & double tap, press & flick, press & drag, and two-finger drag. This

touch sensing ICs complement a comprehensive range of controllers for

touch buttons, keyboards, sliders and wheels.

With the widest variety of sensing solutions for touch keypads and other

touch controls, Atmel’s touch controller is the world’s leading supplier of

robust, reliable, capacitive touch controls.

QTouch™ technology is a type of patented charge-transfer sensing method well known for

it’s robust, stable, EMC-resistant characteristics. It is the only all-digital capacitive sensing

technology in the market today. This technology has

over a decade of applications experience spanning

thousands of designs.

QTouch circuits are renowned for simplicity,

reliability, ease of design, and cost effectiveness.

QTouch sensors employ a single reference

capacitor tied to two pins of the chip for each

sensing key; a signal trace leads from one of

the pins to the sensing electrode which forms

the key. The sensing electrode can be a simple

solid shape such as a rectangle or circle. An LED

can be placed near or inside the solid circle for


The key electrodes can be designed into a conventional printed circuit board (PCB) or

flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) as a copper pattern, or as printed conductive ink. The QT1081 is also compatible with clear films to make simple button-style touch screens over LCD displays.

Adjacent Key Suppression (AKS™) AKS™ is a Quantum-patented feature that can be enabled via resistor strap option. AKS works to prevent multiple keys from responding to a single touch, a common complaint about capacitive touch panels. This can happen with closely spaced keys, or with control surfaces that have water films on them. AKS operates by comparing signal strengths from keys within a group of keys to suppress touch detections from those that have a weaker signal change than the dominant one.

Drift compensation operates to correct the reference level of each key slowly but automatically over time, to suppress false detections caused by changes in temperature, humidity, dirt and other environmental effects. The drift compensation is asymmetric; in the increasing capacitive load direction the device drifts more slowly than in the decreasing direction. In the increasing direction, the rate of compensation is one count of signal per 2 seconds; in the opposing direction, it is one count every 500ms.

The Philipp™ spring is a simple and cost-effective method of creating a touch key on a dielectric front panel such as glass or plastic, using a conventional PCB behind the panel. The method connects a pad on the PCB to bridge a space of up to a few cm of air gap to the rear of a dielectric panel to form an electrode. In its simplest form the method consists of: A means to attach the spring to the PCB; The body of the spring, which is compressible to ensure that variations in the air gap distance, can be bridged; A large and more easily compressible conical section which collapses first, to allow the formation of a Behind-the-panel electrode disc as pressure is applied. The spring can also allow for a hollow center to permit backlighting with an LED. The fact that the spring can conform to the interior panel surface means that the panel and the PCB do not need to be parallel to each other: the front panel can be sloped or curved.

2. Spring Material

The spring can be made form any conductive material which retains its shape and elasticity over prolonged periods of compression – typically, tin or nickel plated spring steel is used, but conductive plastic could also be used for this function. The conductivity can be provided by carbon loading of the plastic material. The resistance from end to end should be less than 5K ohms in most applications. The cost of a wire spring is very low, and it is difficult to see at this writing how a plastic spring could compete with a wire spring, but it is possible.

3. Shapes

There are two basic shapes as shown in Fig. 1. Both use a conical section which interfaces to the panel; this section will always collapse first under pressure, since the spring constant of a larger diameter spring is always lower than that of a narrow diameter. Therefore the spring will always collapse ‘top down’, with the center compliant bridge part collapsing last. The conical end collapses into a plane against the panel to form the electrode surface. The thickness of the electrode plane is defined by the wire gauge. The center section of the spring can be designed to bridge a range of air gaps up to a few centimeters. The spring rate in this section can be designed to provide reasonable force between the PCB and the front panel. Wire diameter, wire type, and winding density play a direct part in setting the spring rate. Finally there is the PCB end, which can come in several different variations

Location based Wild Animal Intrusion Ranger Alarm System

The conservation issue…

Habitat loss and fragmentation is threatening the survival of species across the world. Combine this with unsustainable illegal poaching, and much of India's wildlife, including elephants, is under threat.

The Asian elephant has disappeared from ~95% of its former range, which, some 6000 years ago extended across the Indian sub-continent to South-east Asia and China (Olivier, 1978). The main threats to Asian elephants are the loss and fragmentation of forest habitat and their illegal killing either by poachers or in retaliation to conflict with farmers.

Human-elephant conflict

The replacement of rainforest habitat with agriculture has led to the emergence of conflict between elephants and humans. As their habitat becomes fragmented and degraded, elephants come into more frequent contact with both domestic and commercial plantations and farms. Annually elephants have been reported to damage millions of rupees worth of agricultural crops and hundreds of people are killed. This can then also lead to the killing of hundreds of elephants in retaliation to this conflict.

Adding to this, domestic crop can also be more palatable to elephants than their wild forage, leading them to raid crops, even when they have other alternatives.

Damaging crops, and sometimes injuring people, many elephants have been killed in retaliation.

The project Proposal

Keeping this problem in mind, our aim is to design an effective elephant Intrusion alarm

system that can help both the farmers and the elephants as well. The proposed project will

have the following features.

• Low power consumption. – preferably run on battery power so that they may be used in village areas where there is no electricity

• An alarm system to ward off intruding elephants • An alarm system to warn villagers about intrusions • Sensors to detect intrusion • A PC based alarm system to warn local forest officers about intrusions, which should

also be able to show the point of intrusion.

Micro controller-AT89S52 Details

The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K

bytes of in-system programmable Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s

high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry- standard

80C51 instruction set and pin out.

Features: 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory

Endurance: 1000 Write/Erase Cycles

4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range

256 x 8-bit Internal RAM

32 Programmable I/O Lines

Full Duplex UART Serial Channel

Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz

Block diagram

Tentative view of monitoring system:

The figure below shows the tentative view of the monitoring system that will be installed at

the Forest Rangers Station. As seen the console is very user friendly and even easy to

understand. This monitoring system will be designed in visual basic.

Sirens/ Buzzers Visual


flashing light

PC with a Visual

Basic Front-end

for entering data




89c51 based

Sensors &

Tactile Control Mechanism

for various alarms

ULN 2003

Mall Automation


A shopping mall or shopping center is a building or set of buildings that contain a variety of retail units, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit.

Mall Automation means that few advanced facilities which are provided inside the mall for the customer’s convenience. This project aims to create a unique Mall Automation having varieties of features. Normally we use to see that in shopping malls so many things are there like automatic doors, escalators, hoardings, different departments, zones lightening etc.

Rather we use to enjoy with such type of facilities inside the mall but even we does not know the technique behind these, so that through this project we are retracting unique hidden technology.

Apart from these this project depicts some advanced features and adds some extra mechanisms to control different devices as well as security systems.

In this project of ours we wish to include the following features: • Using microcontroller to control the different devices • Sensors for security purpose • Sensor based door control mechanism • Zone lightening system • Automatic escalator system • Hoarding mechanism for advertisement • Relay mechanism for devices • PC controlling system • Display messaging system As soon as customer enters in the mall, at the entrance human sensors are placed to

detect the person then gate opens automatically and devices are running according to the requirement. There is a beautiful arrangement of zones lightening which can be controlled.

Hoarding is provided inside the campus of the mall for advertisement purpose which can be controlled in such a way that every few seconds it would be moving continuously.

Security system has been provided, for example: - glass breaking sensors through which if by any reason glass will be broken, then the signal will be reaching in the control room and the rescue operation can be informed to avoid any type of bad incidents and maintenance.

Switching mechanisms are there for operating escalator in emergency, like if anybody is fallen down inside the space in between escalators then quickly we can stop the motor after observing the emergency signal and can send rescue operation.

� 8051 Hardware Designing � Coding in embedded C/Assembly language � Interrupt and polling methodologies � PCB designing and concepts � Controlling and driving mechanism of Relays to control External Devices. � Controlling the sensor based systems � Interfacing with microcontroller � Hoarding control system


1. Complete automation of the Mall. 2. Automatic door control mechanism 3. Timing control of devices 4. Security in different ways 5. Minimizing the human power utilization.






r (8





lay c




d m




Dc Motor 1

(Entrance door)

Dc Motor 2

(Exit door)

Dc Motor 3




Glass break








m To stop


To open

exit door

LCD Display at the


Dc Motor 4


Emergency buzzer


Zone Lighting


PC Connectivity

(VB Applicaton)

Parallel Port


Solar Photovoltaic panel charging control with Maximum

Power Point tracking algorithm for optimum charging of

Lead Acid Storage batteries.

A maximum power

point tracker (or

MPPT) is a high

efficiency DC to DC

converter which

functions as an

optimal electrical

load for a

photovoltaic (PV)

cell, most

commonly for a

solar panel or

array, and converts

the power to a

voltage or current

level which is more

suitable to

whatever load the

system is designed

to drive.

PV cells have a

single operating

point where the

values of the current (I) and Voltage (V) of the cell result in a maximum power output.

These values correspond to a particular resistance, which is equal to V/I as specified by

Ohm's Law. A PV cell has an exponential relationship between current and voltage, and the

maximum power point (MPP) occurs at the knee of the curve, where the resistance is equal

to the negative of the differential resistance (V/I = -dV/dI). Maximum power point trackers

utilize some type of control circuit or logic to search for this point and thus to allow the

converter circuit to extract the maximum power available from a cell.

MPPT charge controllers are used to extract the maximum power from a PV array. The

benefits of MPPT regulators are greatest during cold weather, on cloudy or hazy days or

when the battery is deeply discharged. Solar MPPTs can also be used to drive motors

directly from solar panels. The benefits seen are huge, especially if the motor load is

continuously changing. The MPPT will switch the power to match the varying resistance.

The function of a MPPT is analogous to the transmission in a car. When the transmission is

running either slower or faster than its ideal speed range. The purpose of the transmission is

to couple the engine to the wheels, in a way that lets the engine run in a favorable speed

range in spite of varying acceleration and terrain.

Let's compare a PV module to a car engine. Its voltage is analogous to engine speed. Its

ideal voltage is that at which it can put out maximum power. This is called its maximum

power point. (It's also called peak power voltage, abbreviated Vpp). Vpp varies with sunlight

intensity and with solar cell temperature. The voltage of the battery is analogous to the

speed of the car's wheels. It varies with battery state of charge, and with the loads on the

system (any appliances and lights that may be on). For a 12V system, it varies from about

11 to 14.5V.

In order to charge a battery (increase its voltage), the PV module must apply a voltage that

is higher than that of the battery. If the PV module's Vpp is just slightly below the battery

voltage, then the current drops nearly to zero (like an engine turning slower than the

wheels). So, to play it safe, typical PV modules are made with a Vpp of around 17V when

measured at a cell temperature of 25°C. They do that because it will drop to around 15V on

a very hot day. However, on a very cold day, it can rise to 18V!

What happens when the Vpp is much higher than the voltage of the battery? The module

voltage is dragged down to a lower-than-ideal voltage. Traditional charge controllers

transfer the PV current directly to the battery, giving you NO benefit from this added


Now, let's make one more analogy. The car's transmission varies the ratio between speed

and torque. At low gear, the speed of the wheels is reduced and the torque is increased,

right? Likewise, the MPPT varies the ratio between the voltage and current delivered to the

battery, in order to deliver maximum power. If there is excess voltage available from the PV,

then it converts that to additional current to the battery. Furthermore, it is like an automatic

transmission. As the Vpp of the PV array varies with temperature and other conditions, it

"tracks" this variance and adjusts the ratio accordingly. Thus it is called a Maximum Power

Point Tracker.

What advantage does MPPT give in the real world? That depends on your array, your

climate, and your seasonal load pattern. It gives you an effective current boost only when

the Vpp is more than about 1V higher than the battery voltage. In hot weather, this may not

be the case unless the batteries are low in charge. In cold weather however, the Vpp can

rise to 18V. If your energy use is greatest in the winter (typical in most homes) and you

have cold winter weather, then you can gain a substantial boost in energy when you need it

the most!

Oceanic Submersible Data-Acquisition Robotic Explorer


The ocean covers 70% of the earth’s surface. However up until now, relatively few

resources have been put into its exploration. This contrasts starkly with the huge amounts

of time and money put into space exploration. In the coming decades, a large growth in

underwater exploration is expected.

This growth is to be assisted by the development of underwater vehicles. A vehicle able to

map out underwater regions could result in the discovery of many biological and

mineralogical resources. Capabilities of following and observing marine life could assist in

gaining a better understanding of our oceans. Delicate underwater environments such as

the Barrier Reef could be monitored to check whether tourist-produced pollution levels are

acceptable. Also, substantial underwater structures such as oilrigs are often in need of

inspection and maintenance. Underwater vehicles or robots are appropriate for application in

all these areas.

The above figure shows a tentative model of the DARE robot.

Project Proposal:

The aim of this project is to design a robotic system which should have the following


• Should have the facility of adding data acquisition sensor for monitoring various

activities underwater. In our test project we will be monitoring three aspects namely-

temperature, Pressure and acidity levels.

• Should have motorized propellers for smooth movement in water.

• A buoyancy chamber filled to various levels for allowing the robot to move to

different depths.

• Should have sufficient leakage sensors to warn of any internal leakages to avoid any

harm to internal sensor circuits.

The project will be divided into 2 major sections.

1. The Base Station: The base station houses the entire controls of the DARE robot. A

PC terminal is used for the control. Major electronics and the power supply are also

housed here. The heart of the system is an 89c51 microcontroller. This system is

connected to the DARE robot through the DB9 connector and a 4 meter long cable.

2. The DARE Robot: This robot will have two sets of controls. The first one is the

buoyancy system which is responsible for the vertical motion. In this system, a

cylindrical container onboard the robot is filled with water or emptied so as to

maintain the required buoyancy. This is done with the use of two submersible


The horizontal control is obtained with the use of two motors aligned to the

horizontal axis, to the sides of the robot. The motors run on 6V batteries and have

propellers at its end.

Three data acquisition sensors are used to monitor temperature, pH and

pressure at various depths and locations.

The frame of the system will be made from PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipes to

make it lightweight and at the same time strong.

Block Diagram:

The figure below shows the basic block diagram of our project model.

The Tentative PC interface:

The figure below shows a tentative view of the PC control panel.

Hardware Requirements:

• Thrusters : 2 propellers driven by DC motors

• Microcontroller :89c51 family

• Power supply : DC 12 V and DC 5 V

• Sensors : Temperature, pH, Pressure

• PC : Pentium III and above,

• Submersible Pumps , 2 nos., 12 volts

• Robot Frame : Made of PVC pipes

• Buoyancy chamber

Software Requirement:

• Windows Operating System

• Visual Basic for front end

• Keil IDE

Scope and Application

• Help us understand water and the environment, protect the resources from pollution

and efficiently utilize them for human welfare.

• Can be utilized for scientific study and environmental surveys as well as ocean

exploration and mining, and construction and maintenance of undersea structures.

• For scientific study, underwater robots can do seafloor mapping, rapid response to

oceanographic and geothermal events, and geological sampling.

• For environmental surveys, they can perform long-term monitoring of events such as

hydrocarbon spills or radiation leakage.

• They can be used for military purposes such as shallow water mine searching and

disposal, and submarine off-board sensing.

• Other applications include the inspection of ships’ hulls, nuclear power plant

inspection, underwater communication and power cables installation and inspection,

entertainment underwater tours, and fisheries-underwater ranger.

Passive Automobile Monitoring System

The Present Situation:

Since the advent of automobiles right from the steam engines to the very futuristic

cars of today, newer technologies merged into it to develop better and advanced systems.

As a result automobiles have become costly. With the increase in the number of theft of

cars, over time various security systems developed. These security systems were inbuilt in

the cars and each car has an individual security system centering on the car itself. The

problem with such systems is that if a vehicle is stolen and the number plates are changed it

becomes quite difficult for the police to trace them. The only other visual differences that

can be noted are the engine numbers and the chassis numbers. But that’s not a practical

solution. In our project we aim to develop a tamper proof unique identification system for

each automobile that can help in vehicle identification and at times also disabling the


In the present scenario, if a car is stolen then the owner of the car registers a

complaint at the nearest police station. Then the police will be on the lookout for a car with

the same number plates. But this system will have a lot of loopholes as the number plates

can be changed any time.

Our project proposal:

In our project we propose to have a Radio Frequency based technology that will be able to

provide an individual numbering system to all the vehicles being manufactured. Also, all cars

should have an electronic switching system that can be activated or deactivated by the use

of RF transmitter and receiver.


The RF tags will be fixed inside the car. The reader antennas will be mounted on the poles

reader that will be able to detect the unique number of the vehicle. The RFID in turn will be

connected to the serial port of a computer.

The computer will have a Visual Basic front-end and an MS-access database

that will contain the information of all the cars that have been stolen.

A microcontroller circuit will also be connected to another serial port of the

computer. This circuit has a radio frequency transmitter that will be able to send information

to a receiver circuit fitted on the car. The receiver circuit also has a relay switching

mechanism that will be able to de-activate or activate a car based on the signal received.

The process flow diagram is shown in the page.

RF Id Reader fixed

on the poles

Max 232


PC wit VB front end and

Oracle backend



Relay control

mechanism for




RF Transmitter

module to disable

the car

Rf tag fixed in

the car

RF receiver

module fitted in

the car- receives

the disabling





control for

disabling car


Mounted on the car


When a theft is detected by the owner of a car, he immediately Logs on to a Java enabled

server and in that he gives the details of Registration Number of the stolen car. The system

then checks the database and finds out the Radio frequency number of that car.

When a thief steals the car, he may change the registration number. But the

RF number cannot be changed as it would be located deep inside the engine compartment.

When he drives the car near to any of the poles that have the RF antennas, the antenna

identify the RF number of the car and immediately sends the information to the central

computer. If the car has a stolen report, the computer sends information to the

microcontroller circuit to disable the vehicle. Information is sent through the RF transmitter

to block the car. The receiver in the car then transfers this information to the microcontroller

circuit. The microcontroller thee disables the car by disconnecting the power source the


Also, a camera (Optional) mounted on the pole can be activated to sweep the

entire area and take photographs of the region.

Hardware Requirements:

• Model of a car driven by DC motors

• Microcontrollers :89c51 family

• Power supply : DC 12 V and DC 5 V

• RF 433MHz transmitter and receiver

• PC : Pentium III and above,

Software Requirement:

• Windows Operating System

• Visual Basic for front end

• Keil IDE

PC to Microcontroller Wireless Communication

The project is to transmit the data from personal computer to microcontroller wireless using

RF Communication. The Microcontroller has the LCD to display the characters received in

rolling fashion. PC end has the RS232 driver to make the voltage to be compatible with TTL.

System Specifications:

Controllers : AT89C51

Development tool : Keil IDE

RF Communication : 315 MHz

RS232 Driver : MAX232

LCD Display : 16*2

DB9 Connector


The PC’s hyper terminal used to transmit the data from the PC, the data transmitted

from the PC will be in RS232 level. So this has to be reduced to TTL level. So MAX 232 is

used to convert the RS232 into TTL Level. Then the TTL signal is applied to RF Transmitter.

The communication used is SCI.

The Receiver end, The RF receiver is connected to RXD pin of the Controller. The

Microcontroller is enabled with Serial communication receiving and the whenever a character

is received it will be displayed on the LCD and the display will be of Rolling Method.

PC End:

� DB9 connector to connect at the PC � MAX232 Driver to produce TTL signal from RS232 input � The TTL signal is applied to RF Transmitter. � Hyper terminal is used for data entry.

Receiver End:

� A power supply unit � 16*2 LCD Display to Display the data � RF Receiver is connected to RXD pin � The controller has to receive the data and has to display it in rolling method.

Module description:


� COM Port is used � Hyper terminal is used for data transmission � DB9 Connector

RS232 Driver:

� MAX232 with HW � RS 232 input to TTL Output

RF Transmitter:

� 315 MHz, AM � Data rate : 2400bps � Distance : up to 80metres

Receiver End Controller:

� AT89C51 � 11.0592 MHz clock � Reset switch

LCD Display:

� 16*2 � Contrast control

RF Receiver:

� 315 MHz, AM � Data rate : 2400bps � Distance: up to 80metres

RF Based Home Automation

The project is to control the Home appliances wirelessly using the RF Link, such as

Door, Fan and Bulb. The transmitter will be transmitting The Specific codes depending on

the key pressed. At the receiver end, depending on the predefined code the Appliances are


System Specifications:

Controllers : AT89C51

Development tool : Keil IDE

RF Communication : 315 MHz

Switches : SPST

Appliance Ckt : Relay Driver (ULN2003A)

Motors : Stepper Motor (5V @ 500mA)

DC Motor (5V @500mA)

Relay : SPST – 5V


The remote end will transmit the specific code according to the switch pressed using

inbuilt Serial communication port. There will be 3 different codes for 3 switches.

The receiver end controller also has the Serial communication port. So Depending on

the code received the Controller will Control the devices.

The Stepper Motor is used for Door Control, When the code received the door will be

opened and closed with a specific delay in between.

The Lamp will be switched to its complement state when the code is received.

The DC Motor is used as a speed controller of the fan. The fan has 5 steps of speed. Every

time the code received. The Fan speed will go for next step.

Remote End:

� A power supply unit � 3 SPST/Tactile switches are connected as controller inputs. � RF Transmitter is connected to TXD pin � The controller have to continuously monitor the switches � Depending on the switch condition serial port have transmit the predefined code.

Controller End:

� A power supply unit � Appliances are connected as o/p through ULN2003A � Stepper Motor 5V@500mA � DC Motor 5V@500mA � RF Receiver is connected to RXD pin � The controller has to receive the code and depending on the code, Control the


USB Based Thermometer & Barometer


In this project PC acts like a thermometer and barometer. GUI in the PC is user

friendly through which user can select whether he wants temperature to be displayed or

pressure (Barometer). When user selects a Barometer, PC sends a command to

microcontroller through RS232 and asks microcontroller to send Pressure sensor details.

Microcontroller responds to this command and samples the data coming from Pressure

sensor and converts it into Barometer scale (mmHg) and sends the pressure reading to PC

through RS232. PC takes this data and displays the pressure reading. Similarly if user wants

temperature then he should select Thermometer. When thermometer is selected PC sends a

command to microcontroller through RS232 and asks microcontroller to send Temperature

sensor details. Microcontroller responds to this command and samples the data coming from

Temperature sensor and converts it into Thermometer scale (degC/Fh) and sends the

temperature reading to PC through RS232. PC takes this data and displays the temperature









SIMULATION OF BIKE RACING Simulation means representation of something, may be sometimes on a smaller scale i.e.

the act of imitating the behavior of some situation or some process by means of something

suitably analogous. In the real world, one of the very natural ways of acquiring knowledge

in a domain is to be immersed in situations related to this domain and to practice. This

mode of acquisition (the learning by doing) is very efficient for the transmission of

operational knowledge but is however difficult to implement in the case of a course room,

hence we propose to design a prototype of a simulator. In the simulation of bike racing we

are imitating the process or movements of a bike on the PC screen.

From last few years a computer has made possible a large number of

games with environmental and educational focus. It would be necessary and helpful to

evaluate the success of such games especially for the purpose of study or personnel

training. Characters in a compelling virtual environment must have a variety of complex and

interesting behaviors, and be responsive to the users. In our project virtually we are

depicting the various movements of bikes i.e. when it turns to left or right on the pc screen

the bike should do similar movements.

The protagonist will be seated on a bike model and will use the bike as if riding a

normal bike with the normal features available. The onscreen display will depict the

following on the screen of the PC:

� Current speed,

� Acceleration (RPM) and

� Angle of inclination (Bend)

� Current status of the lights

� Auto start feature of the bike.

Some of bike racing features include:

� Creating virtual visualizations on PC screen

� Controlling vehicle movement

� Getting the information of vehicle speed and acceleration depending on the

accelerator being pulled/turned.

� Push Buttons For Auto Start

� Angle of inclination can be depicted

� Braking control

� Headlights ON/OFF functions

� Getting the values of engine temperature

� Can also give some force feedback incase of accidents or scratches with the sides

on the road.

� Used as entertainment purpose for playing games

Block Diagram:

Fig1: Shows the Block Diagram of Simulation Of Bike Racing

In this project the Following Concepts will be covered: 1. Micro controller 8051. 2. PC interface Using Visual Basic – Serial and Parallel Port Communication. 3. Interfacing with ADC. 4. RS232 Protocol. 5. Sensor Mechanism. 6. Motor control through Relay Mechanism. 7. Steering function. 8. Data Acquisition using ADC.

Hardware consists of Interface part, which communicates with the PC

and data acquisition part, which extract data and send it to the interface part. Software is

required for PC as well as for the micro controller used in data acquisition and transmission.

PC sends the information to micro controller through parallel port. AT89C51 based micro

controller is the heart of the system. It controls the steering I/P through Motor control

circuit. Horns, headlights and breaks are controlled through micro controller. The ADC is

interfaced to the Micro-controller using its I/O lines. Currently we are targeting the 8Bit ADC

as the input source. This will facilitate the conversion of analog input to digital output. The

circuit will employ an onboard clock generator for producing the Clock required for ADC.





Signaling I/P For

Direction Control



Vehicle Bend Acceleration




PC Visual basic


SMS based Access Control System (GSM)

The project is microcontroller based Embedded System used to control the entry of persons

to a secure area. Once an entry is detected, the system asks for the password and if it not

matches, it sounds an alarm and sends SMS to programmed number. Once the owner

receives the SMS he can send back a command to allow the entry of the person by opening

the door. The opening and closing of the door is demonstrated using the relays. NOKIA

3310 mobile phone has to be used for GSM mobile.

Components Used:

Controller : AT89C51

Tool : Keil IDE

GSM Phone : Nokia 3310


IR Sensor : 38 KHz, TSOP1738

Power Supply Unit


The IR Sensor monitors the person’s entry, once the person detected it asks

password if password is correct it will open the door. Other wise it will send a SMS to

programmed number and Switch ON the buzzer. After this if authority sends command to

allow then the doors will be opened

Destination Mobile:

� A Mobile phone with SMS Receive Option.

� To Get the Alert message from secure area.

Controller End:

� A power supply unit

� Relay

� 3*4 keypad

� LCD Display

� NOKIA 3310 Mobile

� IR Sensor

Module description:


� SPST ,

� Input : 5V DC, Output DC

� Connected to controller output through Driver

Control End Controller:

� AT89C51

� 11.0592 MHz clock

� Reset switch

RX Mobile:

� NOKIA 3310

� Serial Cable Connectivity

� GSM Based

LCD Display:

� 16*2

� Contrast control


� 3*4

� Tactile switch

Person Sensor:

� IR Transmitter@32Khz

� TSOP 1738 IR Detector

� Buzzer.

� The sensor works as obstacle finder

Solar Photovoltaic Panel charging control with solar

tracker to improve the maximum power generated

during the sun-hours of the day.

Most photovoltaic (PV) solar

panels are fitted in a fixed

location - for example on the

sloping roof of a house, or on

framework fixed to the ground.

Since the sun moves across the

sky through the day, this is far

from an ideal solution.

Solar panels are usually set up

to be in full direct sunshine at

the middle of the day facing South in the Northern Hemisphere, or North in the Southern

Hemisphere. Therefore morning and evening sunlight hits the panels at an acute angle

reducing the total amount of electricity which can be generated each day.

During the day the sun appears to move across the sky from left to right and up and down

above the horizon from sunrise to noon to sunset. This is shown in the schematic above of

the Sun's apparent motion as seen from the Northern Hemisphere.

A solar tracker is a

device onto which solar

panels are fitted which

tracks the motion of the

sun across the sky

ensuring that the

maximum amount of

sunlight strikes the

panels throughout the

day. When compared to

the price of the PV solar

panels themselves, the cost of a solar tracker is relatively low.

In terms of cost per Watt of the completed solar system, it is usually cheaper (for all but the

smallest solar installations) to use a solar tracker and less solar panels.

A good solar tracker can typically lead to an increase in electricity generation capacity of 30-


There are many different types of solar tracker which can be grouped into single axis and

double axis models.

Single axis solar trackers can either have a horizontal or a vertical axle. The horizontal type

is used in tropical regions where the sun gets very high at noon, but the days are short. The

vertical type is used in high latitudes (such as here in the UK) where the sun does not get

very high, but summer days can be very long.

Double axis solar trackers have both a horizontal and a vertical axle and so can track the

Sun's apparent motion exactly anywhere in the World.

The project concept is to build a single axis solar tracker that will follow the sun during the

day in order to maximize the solar power harvested. The tracker will be built using a

stepper motor to turn the axis of the solar panel mounting. A LDR and photo sensing

transistors will be used as inputs to locate the exact position of the sun. Additional

intelligence will include a real time clock with calendar to track the seasons and the

calculated position of the sun so as to provide a closed loop feedback to the system.

Theme Park Automation

Theme park is a more narrowly defined category of an amusement park. Which are

permanent facilities that use architecture, signage, landscaping to help convey the feeling

that people are in a different place or time. Often a theme park will have various 'lands'

(sections) of the park devoted to telling a particular story. Alternatively, an amusement park

often has rides with little in terms of theming or additional design elements. For the most

part, theme parks are the highest quality form of an amusement park.

A safari park is a zoo-like commercial tourist attraction where visitors can drive in

their own vehicles and observe the wildlife, rather than viewing animals in cages or small


Here we are proposing an enclosed arrangement where the wild can stay following

its own kind of habitat. For example the safari in Andaman where the tribal people stay in

their pre-historic type habitat and the other safari’s where the animals like giraffes,

lions, rhinoceros, elephants, zebras and antelopes etc are kept.

In the proposed setup we will have a model where the Safari vehicle will be able to

go to various places and the vehicle will be tracked by using an Radio Frequency

Identification mechanism. When the vehicle identifies as to where it is at present, the on

board monitor will flash the required information on the screen and thereby removing the

necessity of a tour guide. More information can be part of the display mechanism.

Also this information about the location of the vehicle will be relayed to the base

station where the vehicle will be tracked for later uses. For example in case the vehicle gets

lost on the way or breaks down, immediately an information can be shot back to the base

station requesting for help. At this time the vehicle tracing information will be useful. Also it

will be instrumental in planning for the further uses of the vehicle (propoer scheduling).

Along with this there will be security features like the Twin Door Entry mechanism at

the entry and the electrified barbed wire fencing will be provided.

The model will be having about 4 or 5 locations being traced and the same will be

depicted on the frontend on the Base Station PC.

An automatic Zone lighting arrangement will also be provided to switch ON/OFF the

lights in a zone depending on the zone that is to be illuminated, Will facilitate a timing

control for the zone lighting in the GUI.

This project will facilitate the understanding of the following topics:

� Coding in Assembly for 8051 series Micro controller for time constraint acquisition

and transfer of data.

� Visual basic programming.

� MAX232 interfacing.

� Wireless information exchange.

� Motor control mechanism.

� RFID technology.

� Security features

� Multiple door control mechanism

Fig1: Depicts the scenario of Theme Park Automation

VB application for

tracking the vehicle

and taking

appropriate actions

Base Station



VB application


information about

the place

On board of the

safari vehicle



RFID module



Fig2: Depicting the hardware arrangement in the model for the theme park automation

PC 2 (VB

Application) on





Controller 89C51

Encoder and Wireless

transmitting mechanism

PC 1(VB Application) in

the base station Decoder and Wireless

Receiving mechanism

Wireless transmission

DC Motor controlling mechanism

Motor 1 Motor 2

Zone lighting


Electric Fencing

Voice Activated And Controlled Home Network

From ages it has been a desire of humans to order and get the work done. It was all

possible with royal scions that they could control everything and everybody by just orders.

Everyone likes to be in command and wishes that everything gets done just by his orders.

To demonstrate the strength and ease of controllability through voice we plan to

make a model of house in which we can control devices and the master can be confirmed

with a password (spoken and typed).

Voiced commands are speaker dependent and speaker independent. The current

house control system will be demonstrated in the speaker independent mode so that many

speakers can control the house.

It can also double up as an intelligent home where all the devices can be switched

ON/OFF at regular intervals of time and also can be controlled by voiced commands.

This project is a combination of a Scheduler and a Profile Controlled Home.

In a typical scenario an owner or a user will use a typed and verbal pass-code. For

e.g. typed password followed by “open door” uttered, will open a door.

The door opening Mechanism can be demonstrated by using:

a. Motor for Retractable Doors (employing stepper motor) or

b. Magnetic Lock (optional)

Depending on the command the individual component/ device can be activated/

deactivated. There can be another feature which will be able to orate the current status of


The Profiling of the house is controlled by verbal commands and can support up to 8

profiles. The profiling is especially useful when we wish that the house should behave

differently for different occasion. Some of the profiles that can be supported can be:

a. Secured

b. Out of House

c. Party

d. Some Members

e. Friends Visiting

f. Parents Visiting

g. Alone in home Etc.

The system can control devices depending on the Scheduling or the Profiling. The

Devices controlled will be:

a. 2 Bulbs

b. 1 Geyser

c. 1 Fan

d. 1 AC point

e. 1 Music Systems

f. 1 Sprinkler Etc.

Here the database can be maintained in Notepad form or My-SQL, to facilitate the

knowledge of current status of the devices to the system.

This project will facilitate the understanding of the following topics:

� Spoken voice concepts

� Coding in Assembly for 8051 series Micro controller for time constraint acquisition

and transfer of data.

� Visual basic programming.

� Pattern recognition and decision making.

� Relay mechanism through ULN2003.

� Stepper Motor control mechanism.

� Devices controlling

� RS232 interfacing.

� LPT port interfacing.

� Inter-Processor communication.

� Alarm and LED function

� Profiling etc.


Micro Controller







6 Devices Relay


Magnetic lock



Stepper motor for door

control mechanism

Keyboard for

typed Pass-code

Immobilizer Pow er OnPOST and initialization

RF Activity?Call? SMS?

Wait for SMS or call

Valid CallerID?

Message orcall?

Activate speakers andmicrophone

Decode SMS message toimmobilize or mobilize.

Read vehicle runningstatus, monitor ignition

Activate Relay

Monitor for call end ortimeout



Vehicle immobilizer with GSM including talk interface

and alerts.

Today’s automobiles have several features that make it fuel efficient and

comfortable to commute. However, the safety of the vehicle is doubtful when

it is parked in unattended locations. Vehicles that are driven by a driver also

may be subject to unauthorized usage.

A vehicle immobilizer may be used by any type of vehicle – cars, two

wheelers, buses, trucks, auto rickshaw or any type of vehicle to prevent

unauthorized usage. Our concept is to immobilize a vehicle based on

certain conditions that take care of safety aspects as well as reliably

immobilize the vehicle. Although car alarms are used commonly in

vehicles, the do not lend themselves to usage in any type of vehicle.

Therefore, this gap in the availability and the necessity allows us to

provide a viable solution to the vehicle owners. Car alarms mostly have a

“gimmick” or “show off” value. The distance from which the remote

controller reaches the car to unlock or lock the vehicle is used as the prime

deciding factory in choosing an alarm. The

nuisance part of the alarm that is triggered at

random causes a nuisance to quiet neighborhoods.

A lot of alarm systems also trigger during reverse,

and the sound pollution caused by slowly

reversing vehicles also cause a nuisance. Often

the car alarm is ignored by the passing public

because of numerous false triggering by such

devices. Finally, most car alarm systems do not

immobilize the vehicles due to the cost factor.

Our concept of the vehicle immobilizer is to prevent the vehicle from being

started, once the ignition is turned off. The system’s inherent safety feature

prevents the vehicle from being immobilized during running condition. This feature

is to prevent the vehicle from stopping during its running and ensures the

passenger and vehicle safety.

The immobilizer prevents the vehicle from being run, once the owner decides to immobilize

it. The owner of the vehicle can also talk to the passenger or the driver of the vehicle by

using a speaker phone facility. This facility ensures that the driver need not carry a mobile

phone. In case the vehicle is stolen or hijacked, the owner can listen to the ongoing

conversation within the vehicle and also warn the perpetrators to stop the vehicle.

The vehicle immobilizer uses a GSM modem configured to work with a microcontroller using

the serial port. The microcontroller does the sensing of the vehicle condition to determine it

is in motion or at standstill. An input from the ignition switch provides this information to

the microcontroller. A second input from any existing car alarm also provides input to the

system. Finally, an SMS from a valid cell phone will trigger the immobilizer to take action.

The immobilizer’s GSM modem receives the SMS from a valid mobile phone. Once the

message is received, the sender’s caller id is authenticated by the system. If the caller is

valid and is present in the database of the system, further action is allowed or else, the

message is simply discarded.

The hardware consists of a GSM modem and a microcontroller on a PCB. A battery is

provided to keep the system ON even if the vehicle battery is removed. This facilitates

sending of messages if the unit is removed from the vehicle, or the vehicle battery is

disconnected. The car battery charges the system battery as well as provides power to the

system. A built in antenna on the system provides discreet communication and allows the

system to be fitted where it will not be visible or accessible normally. A relay with dry

contacts provides the interface to the vehicle immobilization connections. Most vehicles

come with a self starter and the immobilization method is to prevent the vehicle from being

self started. Alternately, the ignition connection may also be interrupted so that the vehicle

may be immobilized. However, the ignition method is not recommended since any loose

connections would disable the vehicle during running. Since the immobilizer uses its own

battery power the system reliability is very high.

Once the immobilizer command is received by the system and the necessary validations are

done by the microcontroller, the vehicle immobilization occurs by turning ON of the relay.

Once the relay turns on, a message is sent to the owner of the vehicle of task completion

successfully. The owner can also talk to the passengers of the vehicle by calling the modem

and using its voice capability to communicate. A built in speaker phone allows two way

conversation. However, the driver or the passengers will not be able to initiate any usage of

the mobile communications capability, thus allowing reduced cost of operation of the


Vehicle Dashboard System

The Project is to implement the Vehicle Dashboard System. This includes Odometer, Trip

Odometer, Vehicle speed, Fuel Level Indictor, Chime, telltale. In this system one controller

(CON1) reads the number of incoming pulses and calculates the speed. And the calculated

speed is placed on the CAN Bus. Another controller (CON2) which is connected to CAN bus

captures the data on LCD. The CON2 has the other Features like Fuel level indicator, Chime

and telltale indicators. For the fuel level indicator a normal pot is used depending on the

level of voltage it has to show the fuel level. The chime is the buzzer which has to be turned

on with a frequency when vehicle turns left or right. The telltales are the LEDs. This

indicates the Left/Right turn of vehicle. An addition to this a testing system has to be

generated which generates the square pulses depending on the key input and the frequency

generated has to be displayed on the 7 segment Interface.

Block Diagram

Fig 1: Block Diagram of VDB

Fig 2: Block Diagram of Pulse Generator

As shown in figure 1, the Controller reads the pulses and calculates the speed

information and the calculated value is put on the CAN bus. The Second controller (main)

reads the data from CAN bus about speed and displays it on the LCD. And the same data is

stored in EEPROM because it has to increment from the previous value. The fuel level is

read from the ADC and the corresponding data is displayed on the LCD. Depending on the

key input the telltale and chime are activated. The pulse generator generates the 10

different frequency signals depending on the key input.

System Specifications:

Speed Sensor Reader:

Controller : LPC2129 ARM Controller

Speed Sensor : from Pulse Generator

CAN Driver : SN65HVD251D

Controlling Module:

Controller : LPC2129 ARM Controller

CAN Driver : SN65HVD251D

LCD Display : 16*2


Keypad : 1*3

Pulse Generator:

Controller : 8051

Keypad : 2*5

Display : 7 Segments

Wireless automation of existing no-dues collection

system in Engineering Colleges


Towards the end of every semester, before the semester examinations, the students

are required to visit their respective libraries, laboratories and departments and get no-dues

slip. The no-dues form is issued by the administration block.

The student then manually visits each department and verifies if he has any dues. If

dues are pending – as in an unreturned library book or breakage in laboratory- the student

pays the dues and the concerned person signs and stamps the no-dues slip. The same

process is then carried out in all the areas.

This system occurs about a week before the examination. As a result there is a huge

rush and also a lot of time has to be spent in the process which could be utilized by the

students in preparing for the examinations.

Furthermore, since the procedure involves stamping/ signing in particular cells in the

form- it leaves a lot of room for error. Also, this system doesn’t have any feedback facility

for the students so that they may be informed about the pending dues or any other errors.

In this project we will try to implement a system that can automate the whole

process of no-dues collection and make it easier and comfortable for both students and



In this project we shall try to incorporate the following features:

• A smart card based ID card: We propose the use of a smart card based ID

card for every student. The card will have a memory of 1Kb to 4 Kb. The card should

be rewritable so that through out the 4 years, the same card could be used. The

same card could be used for the library, laboratory and for attendance.

• Embedded controller with transmission system in library: The library

database will be regularly updated as the student takes or returns books to the

library. When no dues are to be calculated, the PC transfers to the embedded

controller the details that has to be sent to the admin block

• Embedded controller with reception system in Administration building:

the data that is sent by the various blocks is received by this embedded system. This

data is then transferred to the PC via serial port.

• PC software with database: The PC will be windows based with Visual basic 6.0

software serving as the front-end. This will be very informative and user-friendly so

that it can be used without much technical knowledge. The database will be

designed in MS Access. In the database the student details, real time dues and

contact numbers will be stored.

• SMS sender Using GSM: Regularly the details of the students dues will be

messaged automatically to the students prior to the examinations. This system also

ensures that the students get real-time updates when their payments are entered in

the main system.

Block Diagram:

Working Steps:

• 5 days before the exam, the library, laboratory etc sends the due details of every candidate to the administration block PC. This is done wirelessly. The data sent will be in the form –

“serial number- dues detail – transaction ID”

The transaction ID is essential to make sure that the same dues is not being sent to

the admin PC more that once by mistake.

• 4 days before the examination, the administration PC shoots SMS to the entire batch stating their pending dues. This is done automatically.

• 3 days before the exam- the students may pay the dues in the respective departments. For example- if the student has dues of Rs 200 at the library, she pays the dues at the library. The library PC gets updated. And at the same time it sends the updated transaction details to the admin PC wirelessly. Once the transaction is updated at the admin PC a confirmation message will be immediately sent to the student.

• 2 days before the exam: message will be sent to the students with pending dues.

• 1 day before the exam: Final message to the students stating that they can collect the dues if they have cleared the dues. If dues are still pending, message will be sent to the student informing her about the remaining dues.

The electronic student database will contain the following details:

• Name • University seat Number • Books issued • Date of issue • Date of return • Dues details • Student Photograph • Year/ semester / Branch


• It will be an intra college system with no internet connectivity so no worries of viruses.

• As the data will be transmitted wirelessly using a customized embedded platform, it will be difficult to hack and decode.

• No expensive infrastructure will be required like laying of long cables across the departments.

• Maintenance cost will be relatively lower.

Wireless Mobile Bomb Disposal Unit (WMBDU)

The law enforcement community needs a low-cost robot that can reduce or eliminate the

danger for a bomb technician who must inspect, x-ray, and disrupt an explosive device —

preferably in its original place or may be sometimes need to be relocated. Sensors and tools

must be placed close to a suspected device. Approaching a device can be dangerous, since

many points along the path to the bomb may be booby-trapped. Even when a bomb

technician uses great care in inspecting or handling an explosive device, the possibility exists

that the bomber is waiting nearby to remotely detonate the device or a secondary device

when the bomb technician is within range. An effective Bomb Disposal Unit (BDU) can

reduce or eliminate the risk of potentially deadly scenarios and allow a bomb technician to

focus on disabling the device. The same feature can be extended to be used in the war

fields where the army might be required to go into the hostile situations where mines could

have been laid. In such situations in case the human beings are allowed to go traverse over

them there will be a major loss in the human resource. Thus a need arises to diffuse or

locate a mine from a distance. Even if a BDU cannot diffuse a device, it can still relay

information to aid in selecting tools and procedures before a technician approaches a device.

In addition, events recorded by a robot’s camera can provide evidence for future forensic


In our project we propose to design a robust wireless mobile bomb disposal unit that

would be capable of reaching close to the objects of threat and the real scenario can be

observed through an onboard video camera which can send back video feedback to the


The various features that we plan to incorporate in our project are as follows: 1. Forward and reverse motion 2. Turning option – Left / Right. 3. Mine detector (Metal detector) 4. Grip mechanism 5. Scissor mechanism (for cutting wires / excavating) 6. Camera rotation mechanism. 7. Alarms for bomb detection. 8. Wireless control. 9. Camera (Optional). 10. Power supply unit. Powerful motors will be employed to make the unit move in different directions.

A stepper motor in the front will be utilized for the direction controlling mechanism and a

main DC motor will be used for driving the unit in forward/reverse direction. This mechanism

might be replaced with a sprocket and wheels movement in case possible.

An inductive type metal sensor mechanism will be employed that can detect the

metal in a given range. This sensor will be mounted on a moving arm and can be rotated in

any direction in the vicinity of the WMBDU.

A grip mechanism is also introduced to facilitate picking up of the bomb or mine to

take it to some remote place for controlled explosion.

The front portion of the grip will also be mounted with a scissor like mechanism

which can be used to cut (wires in case visible) or excavate the ground a little.

The camera will be mounted in the front and will have an option to move (rotate) to

show clearly where the unit is moving and also what is the grip going to pick.

The WMBDU will be equipped with Audio Visual alarms to inform about a potential

threat found. Upon reception of this signal the Bomb Disposal team members can do a recce

and try to evaluate the environment.

The power supply unit will be on board and will be used to power the entire unit. In

the prototype we will be using the power from the wall socket and the power supply unit will

comprise of the AC to DC conversion and also generating the respective voltages as required

by the on-board circuit.

Block Diagram:

Fig1: Above Fig shows the block diagram of WMBDU

DC motor 5 for







rs a






ol M




DC Motor1 for

forward/ rear


DC Motor2 base

movement for

Mine detector

Stepper Motor for


DC Motor2 for

forward/ rear


DC Motor4 base

movement for

hand Stepper Motor for

(left/right) Direction


DC Motor 6

Grip for Scissor





Mine Detector






with Driver