Download - i Atotgiwe Amanani azo Zonk' Impahla - UJ IR



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The Mouthpiece 0 t~ Authorised 10 p"bUsh Goverame.

VOL. 3. No. 148 JOllAr<lNE, 8URG, 24ft! FEBRUARY.







BOX 2065.


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atlve Peoples e"ecllng Nellv ••.


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Price 3d.

Ngoku.teng' Apa.

Atotgiwe Amanani azo Zonk' Impahla , tGSLSI • • •

M __ =,_

Izitolo z9tu zimele qwaba uku Deeda Abantsundu, asifunzeli Inzuzo. Licam maealana onke. Impahla itshipu kuna PA }l BILI KWE ~JFAZ\VE .

l'"\gnbo ... ... _., ... 7iq .... h ngp 4/ iure I I mitpheka .,. ... . .. .0 •

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0"/ l euti '" '" ". ... . .. .. _J. 'I

ImiqMyoBwa y6 Batyi _., ... . .. " 5/_ "

.. I r)ulukwe .. . ... ... , _, Ib empe ... ... ... . .. I hemVe Z ngapaot .. i... ... . ..

5/ " 3/ .. 1/. ..

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Icuba- Springb( k, Chalh·ngp, Hors~shof' •. .. L foSi Mpolldo E in~qnnc:qQ ...

ngp 7~d inxo\\·. " 9 j ..

Ezmye Intlvbo Ezimnandi .. 5 1 " Isig:ut'ti ze Flag ... . .. .. ~!d p, kpli

.. 8li ye 20 SpriD~hok... ... . .. Is wfkile E 'l tJe Kn nf'oe ... .., .. 4- d ip' ntl

" 6 I inkonxa \h.izi we Zl bL ngn (NII'tQ+'t P ,113L) ." Izihlangn Zomgorl, "N.R.C. Glo~)e!" nezioy!.! f>zininzi I mpilhl<t engauys: Print ... ... eq~b nga Gu. yad i

Twills ... ..• "10 811. It

lkaki ... . .. "" ~I n

Uhnk"zik azi bempabla bnzi ntloLo ngentlobo. "_ . . , ...

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LE • •• · .. · .. · .. · .. • •• · .. • •• • •• • •• · .. • •• ... · .. • ••

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• •• . .. ... · .. . .. • •• · .. . ..

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Main Reef Roll.d, near Coos L~ngt. '''oe Corner of Sma I & Frederick SIS., JO ' Bllcg Second Avenue Concord Street Near Simmer and Battery Bazaar Buddiogs, Knox Street Near New Primrose Compound Near Wit Deep Compound Alongside Angelo H etel Opposite Cason Compound. E'R,P.M. Near ('omet MlDe Near MaIO G!l.te, Klelnfonteio Comp"ond Cornerot Power Street and Go.rdoer Avenue Tblcd Avenue, near Main Reef Road Main Avenne nea.r Springs MInes

Unina 'VVazo: Ekudibanenl kwe

Marshall & Von Brandis Sts JOHANNESBUHG

I .. , .·If . - "!' -, 'I '\' 1{ .f..... ,'."(1 ... ~ . ~ . . ~.~'.. . "',-r

men lion Umtetell when communlcatng with Advertisere

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Umttttii wa Bantu. 24th FEBRUARY, 1923.


Native opinion differs as widely as ./<:uropean opinion, and it would be astonisbing to find unanimity of view in the people of eitber race. It is tbe judgment of tbe many wbicb bas lVeigbt, and tbe vielVe of tbe minority are valuable only to give point to popular belief. Tberefore it i. not surprieing to find tbat some Nativee give c"edence to tbe lVild rumours of American Negro intervention in Soutb African Natin affair., and tbat tbere i. an inoignificant felV IVbo profess adherence to tbe principles of Bolsbevism. We are indebted to tbe "Cape Argus" for tbe information tbat tbere i. a large number of American Negro propagandists in Cape To .. n, and tbat tbe Marcus Garvey 1Il0vement bas been firmly establisbed in tbis country. Large sums of money, lVe are told, are regularly eent to America by Soutb African Natives who, it is said, are prepared to be advised by tbe Garvey agents because tbey bl\ve lost respect for tbe European. "Africa for tbe Africans" is a taking slogan; and the belief of tbe U ni versal Negro Improvement Association in "tbe inberent right of tbe Negro to possess bimself of Afric., and tbat such possession shall not be regarded as an infringement on any claim or purcbase made by

. " any race or natIOn covers an aspiration cal:ulated to do violence to tbe mental stability of tbe balf· educated black in Africa.

It is from a Native nelVspaper tbat we learn "there is notbing wrong lVitb Bolsbevism." Tbis statement is accompanied by an expression of regret tbat tbe funds offered to and piously declined by Mr. W. S. LelVis sbould be lost to tbe cause of Bolsbevism in Soutb Africa. r­is true that the Native orgon we refer to did not fatber these vielVs, but it is deplorable that perfectly good news space sbould be lVasted on fat-witted correspondents. Tbere is no single Native of understanding IVbois not convinced of tbe utter destructiveness of bolsbevik metbods, and any sucb Native IVbo makes representations to tbe contrary is actuated by a craving for publicity and tbe notoriety IVhicb publicity gives. In sbort, be is a liar, and be becom~s especially notable for the reason that mendacity is not a Bantu trait. Mr. Tom Mann ne~er bad an appreciative Native audience in Cape f OlVn. He lVas at no time dangerous to N ative political or industrial sanity, and the Native atti tude tolVards bis creed is f. itbfully reflected in tbe following statemen t by a Native wr;ter : " Tom Man n and bis group cannot chonge God'a scbeme of creation. Give us sometbing better thAG anarcbism and lVe lVill follow you."

Bol.hevism ib a bogey so far as the N ati ve people are concerned. T hey fear it, althougb tbey "ould defy the peril if it a .. umed abape. Recent development. in Ruseia bave proved the inTincible iu­compatibility of llol. beviam and

ChristiAnity, and we ar~ iu no disposed tOlVard. Garvey and hi. doubt a8 to the Nati"e choue of works. tbeee tIVO. Tbe European press Gan·ey'. dream of an Africa bR" for some time featured tbe peopled alld governed only by di,astrous consequences of tbe Africans will never come true but introrluction of Bolshevik prin. be lVill continue stubbornly to ciples to the Native people, an I we work for its realisation. He is a sbould sbare IVbite alarm were we man of badly mistaken ideals but not assured that tbe apostlls of be is a man of str.)ng cba:acter Lenin ~nd Trotzky 1V0uld bE un· and daring metbod. If be is un ­lVelcome t? the Bantu, aud that scrupulous he i8 frankly so. His tbelf te.cblDgs lVould be resooted add resses to bis olVn people are And .. jected. M ucb too lUuch, tbe essence of candour, and aI­bas beeu made of the rumOlred thougb it would be calamitous for Bolsbevik design. on the Na'ive! tbe Natives of tbis country if bis of Soutb Afr.ica, and of tb~ fNthy 1V0rk proepered and progressed to talk con~erll1ni!; the hkel~hoal of .ts end, tbey might profit by care­~u Amencan . Negrv lDvaslOn,and fully beeding some of bis forceful .t.s ~o~fortlng to find tba~ loth remarks. Speaking recently in are dllm.Bsed a. dAngere "Ibout North Carolina be twitted hi. 8ubstaoce by an official .. hose lu~i- people for tbei~ ilon-productive­ness .t ia to bave knolVledge o~ ness, aod .aid: "Suppose I beat tbese tbings. In bi. reporl for myself on tbe breast aod .a, I'm tbe years 1919 to 1921, Mr. E. ae good as a wbite man. 1 am Barrett, Secretary for Nltive wearing a coat made by a IVbite Affair" says, "tbere has b",n a man, pants made by a IVbite m,n noticeable, if yet but little ""cress- .hoes made by a wbite man: fu l, attempt of tbe Communi,t or everytbing I bave got is mad~ tlolshevik section to cnptureand by a white man, and wben he exploit the Native rac~s for the cballenges me to a comparison, I purpose of the .ubverslOn 01 the stand before bim naked." He present form of government." told his audieoce not to make a

tbe realiMtion by the Nat' , f h '. .ves 0

t el~ p,' tenllal cap.citiEs will it be possible. to secure tbeir necessory and co-operation in the development of the country." We are fully alive to the danger that European eXlremists may bv example and inst ig~t ion work harm to t~e Nati"e peoples but lVe bave ao abiding reg.rd fo~ the gener.1 level-beadedne.s of the Bantu, and we do not thiok that there is any agency in Russia or America strong enough to couoter tbe fo rces for good in our Ow n country.

No.body ~ore keenly appreciates tbe attending a solution of the Native" problem" than tbe tboughtful Natives, and they do not expect miracl '5. Wbile they are .,sUl'ed that an honest effort for tbeir betterment is being made tbey lVill be law-abiding and docile; and tbey lVill not trouble themselYes about the American Negro or tbe Russian .lSol,beyist if the European nelVspapers lVill drop tbeir craze for sensationali.m aod refrain from tbe discussion of matters concerning IVbicb tbey are not well informed.

.\nd lVitb regard to tbe plam of rusb for Africa. "Don't tbink I • our oversea cousins tbe report want all of you to go to Africa" "In the Midst of Life_ ." states that "American Negro be said. " Tbere are lots of la;y propaganda of various .bade, b .. niggers we don't lVaot over tbere. FREE INSURANCE FOR ALL. found .ome footing in Cape 'Io .. n You just stay bere IVbere it auits EYerybody would like to leave and J ohanllesburg, but tbe remlte you." Nobody doubts Garvey's somethiog behind him when he dies. ach.eved do not seem to have cleverness, but nobody outside tbe It is comforting to know .hAt ooe's justified tbe promoters in the United States takes bis mission people ",ill b. provided for if .he belief tbat tbe Bantu of the Uoion seriously. Tbere is no remote bread-winner i. suddenly bereft of tbe would lVelcome salvation for ,be probability tbat be will come to energy which sustains him and eo.hles race under a regime imported this country either as an individual him to support tho.e who depend on from tbe Western COlltinent." or at tbe bead of a VAst Negro bim. Think of the .onow .. ud mi.ery W £ 1 f h b . of your ,viI. RDd children, or of your

e are grate u or tea sen" In umy, and tboee who Illok for an aged pareots who rely 00 you for the Mr. Barrett's report of tbe bysteria exciting devel 'pment of tbe "Back .ery nec .. s..,.ie. of life, if they are wbicb afflicts most Europeans who to Afr ica" movement will be suddenly deprived or your belp. write on tbese .ubjects. disaopointed . ::;0 mucb for Ga r vey Quick,-you caD help tbem; dead,-

Tbe' Honourable' Marcus Gar- and hir mytbical 200 agents in aDd tbere is none to .mooth tbeir vey, President- General oftbe Lni - Cape Town . patb. They are left alooe to wi.h-iversal Negro Improvement A,se - ~ itb regard to Bolshevism the staod as best tbey m .. y the boffets .. I I' I . . . d' ff of an uofrieodly world.

ciatlOn, '8 apparent y .tt e anxious pos.tlOn •• • erent. We kuow Every.eosihle white man sees bis to make tbe acquaintance of tbe that Russian agents are among us, dutyelMrly, aDd there are not many country be aims to posse a. . He and tbat Communism ba. gripped ..,.bo neglect tn make provision for the proje~ts a lecture tour, beginning, a considerable number of Coloured cootiogeocy of their so a, to tbis month, wbich lViIl occupy I people in Cape TOlVn . It is a secure their depeodent. against waot. thirteen montbs and take bim to ereed .. bich bas a special appenl "ID tbe midst of lif • ..,.e are io deatb," ",ost of the large cen tre, in for tbose people wbo are with tbe aDd DODO kDOWS wben his call will A.merica, Canada, Auatrt/i_, IVbites but not of tbem, and we come. It is the clear duty of every Europe and Asia. His itine ... ry do not wonder that people occupy- mao, Iberefore, to a .. ure, 8 0 far •• does not include Afri"a, tbe .ub ing tbat invidious position find bi, mean • ..,. ill allo", t.he contioll,,"cc ject of bi. lectures, but be pro- comfort in the pictures of equality, of the comforts and ameDities to whicb

. d I those who iiYe by him have been pcses to do big things io England fratern. tyan perpetu. well-being acoustomed. There is no better ",ay wbere be is 8S!ured of tbe co· whicb are 80 paioted by of doing this thaD by Life AssuraDce. operation of tbe working cla"e. l:Solshevist advance agents. liut It i. tbe ooly mea .. s wbich will serve We can conceive a buge auclichce the Native. are. people aloof, and tbe ordioary wage elroer whose in the Albert Han, fired by the tbey do not desire a closer a8<O- circumstances forbid tho laying up of t1arvev eloquence, entbusiastically ciation with the IVhite people tban ",ellth,-tb. ooly thinA' tbat ",ill vociferating, " Africa for tbe A.[- may be represeoted by a cordial beoefit tbe bereaved flmily. rica08," but .. e cannot perceive co-operation for tbe prosperity of No body know., whoD h. stepa iDtoo that U.N.I.A. intereote will be tbe country and tbe separate ad- railway traio or tram c.r, \Ybeth. r h.

will reaeh the t ad of hie journey. g reatly advanced tbereby. It is vancement of tbe two race •. Tbey ADY ODO of a .hoa •. md tbings ma,. moot unlikely tbat tbe Garvq ore not spell-hound by tbe glib blPPOD to filcb froUl hi. botly tho tour will produce any relult otber promisea of conquest whicb Gar- . park whioh e.,. bl •• bim to c"re for th.n tbe spread of Garvey's fame. vey rdiu on for bis popularity, and prot •• t those n_ar aDd dear to him. Tbe " President of Africa" i. Un- n(;r do tbey ballker .fter tbe revo- Every uay we reod of Ice,uents '0

b I railway tr.tin~ and other transpor t popular in France, and it i. note lution wbic b.s aid RUB. ia in tbe vobiot •• , and every day wo are re-wortby that the Senegalese du, t. '1 bey have a shrewd idea of ainded or .he dre.d Doc"rtain'y of Deputy, Diagoe, wbolly dis- wbat ia good Cor them, and tbeir life. It m.y be ,"O CR 'urn to·morrow. apprpves of him. Tbe Deputy budding race-consciou.neos ha. Wh, t aboa t yoor Wife, your children, declare. tbat Garvey'. cru'ade not im~aired tbeir seu.e oC rc- yoor ••. jf yoo are soddenly tak,,"

from th ~m ? WHAT WILL THEY DO '( 'viII " fall flat." H€ i. of opinion sponsibi ity or their loyalty to We begin tb. JODrD.y wi.h coofi-tbat Africau Natives are divtrse IJritish ideals. Tbe mental state deDce aDd in booyant opirita. Only and lacking iu cnbeoion, IUld tb.t of tbe Natives is not uneettled, as Go 1 koowe how it will .od. The wi ... the dangerous Utopia IVhicb Gar- the" Argus "suggest. . On man'. firs t care i. hi. Comity, anu ho vey proposes 1V0uld not rorve tbe contrsry. tbey are exl,iLitin O' I-.v,," no 'bjn~ to cbone.. a e insur •• tbeir real iuterests. The mal'orities a rema rkable .i"ule -m i" .]edn e ,~, bis hie, . nu be d , •• h.ppy in rbo

p;. knnw IAdge that h ... b 'ld [0"10011 pr"'paration, of both Pan- ~~egro Congreaset, at alld t hey are beaclil1l; clirect for ,md th . t hi. oJ"penuenld, 'hoo~h ,),,­Pari! in 1919 and at BrUiSel! in n'ltional improvement. "The pri\led of hill wdt fI J ~ ft's-nce, will 1~2 1, were .tron ~ly opposed to growtb of a ben .. of manhood.u co ntinoo '0 dr~w sn pI'0rt from .b. C.arveyism and it i. important :he Nftti\'e rilce cannot be de- , 'ore h. hid Illd up ror rhow .and Lo b M C 'D B K ' b L'b . " • . pared tbe bill.ro_ "f d •• "tal,on aDd t at r. . . . mg, t e • etlan plored, says the 8ecretary f')r I t Tb ' de.olalio. will bo " 00'

P 'd . I f b ff . wan . elf res. ent, 18 a so un avoura Iy Native A airs, "for only tbrougb pered by hi. [or •• hough', ,n'] th-y will



Date of IeBn~, 24th February, 1923.

Policy No. iOO060.

Und.rt,ken by



£2500 •. Od. will b. p .• irl hy THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LIMITED, Head Office for South ACric', Aegis Boildingd, Johannesburg, to the ll'ga.l per­BOllal representative of :-

(1) Bona-fide owuer o[ tbis Coupon Insurance Ticket.

(2) Bona-fide annual Bobscriber to "UMTETELI," whose ann ual 8uLscription is hilly p~id, and prior to the date of !ecident in the book. or ,. UMTETELI" ae fully paid.

If Buch OWDer or aubacriter shall be killed by an acoident within the British posse6sions in South Afric!4, South of Fiftfen d~greE'8 Sooth L&tit(lde, to nny Passenger Train, Tramcar, Pnhlic Omnibus, Foor-wheeled or Hausom Clib, Motor Car or Cape C"rt -(Ilriveo by a Driver plying for public hire) in which euch. owner aod/or 6ubscribt'r is travelling as (-r1liuA ry ticket· tearing or fArp· payiog Passenger, or Season Tick .. t Holder.

Provided that the above nt~d€rtbking is ..,uhject to IhA {ollow­iug conditioDs, which are of thE'l essence of the cont1'act :-


The Ocean Accident & Head Office for South Africa:


P_O_ BO:X: 3.667_

24TD FEBRUARY, 1923.

(a) Th ,t each death .. Inlt Hilhio thirty days . fter the Aocident.

(b) That sooh Owner's lIsoal sigoatore ahidl bave been written in ink and daly witOE'~8sed in the spaces provided und",rneatb before the accident.

(c) Tbat notice of the acchlAnt he fl iv8n to the Corporation at its Head Office for Sooth Afrioa, Aegis Boildings, Johannesborg, within se ven daye after its occurrence.

(d) '£bat medicli cElrtificates and other informati on be for­nished by tbe pAraon claiming upon reqoest for S&lne by the Corporation, and:

(e) Th it this Insurance applies only to persons over sixteen and nutler Flixty years ('If 32e. is limited to one Coupon Insorar.oe 'l'icket for e ch Holder, and b!"JIJs good for the current wepk of issne of" UMTETELl."

This Iusnrance entitles th~ holder or sob~crib~r as aforesaid to the benefit or, and is subject to the cooditi nns of the Ocean Accident and GoaranteA Co., Ltd., Act 189U. Risks Nos. 2 and 3t

when they are not incompatible with tbe special conditioDs alJove stated.

Tbe pos'3ession of this Co. pan Insorllonce Ticket is admittfld to he the payment of Ii premium nnder Section 33 of the A ct. A print of th~ Act can be 8een at tae Head Office for South AfriCl of the Corporation.

Witness ....................•............ Signat UrE' .. . .... ............. .......... .

Address ....................... , •........ Address...... ... ...... ...... . ......... .

24th Febroary, 1923

A Subscriber whose subscription is paid /01' the current ye,r 1·S automatically ClJvered, and need not fill in this or auy other jonn.


arantee Corporation, ltd. Manager for South Africa:



. . . ' . . . '. . _.. - . '. . . " . hold the source of their succour iu affectionate remembrance.

It behoves Bl'ery one of U8 to make ready for the eventuality of, and prpparation for a hc.avenly crown should Dot obscure the earthly duty. To say that " the Lord will provide" is Dot enough. We pin our faith to the maxim: "God helps those wbo h ... lp themselves." EveryLody should do whlt he can to augmAnt the possi hle meagrenesB of providentiol supplies, and should make certain that those for whose sustenance he is responBlbla are reasonably secure from wllnt and han­ger if his active help is withdrawn from them.

\Ve offer a FREE INSURANCE to readers. Our coupon in thiS issue will give your dependents the comfortable scm of £250 if yocr ability to fied food for them is cut oft' by death in con­sequence of an accident to a railway train, tram car, motor bus or any otber transport vehicle which plys for public bire,and In which you are travelling as a £'lre-paying passenger. The other day a motor bu!', catering for Native passeng~rs In Jobannesburg, was proceedlDg to its destlDatlon when tbe driver fell from his seat. Released from control the bus careered along the road and tUfned over. The conductor was. killed. Under OUf scheme ooly fare. p'lylDg pas~engers are iosured, and the dependeots of the cooductor would have had no claim for benefit. But the next time the driver tumbles off his seat it may be tb:lt a PASSENGER will be killed, and if he or she has sigoed Our coupon for the week, or 15 ao annual subscriber to .1 Umteteli," his or her dependeats wdt he paod £250 by the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation. It is the chtjapest form of Insurance we know We sell you a newspaper, f< Umteteli," full of good reading, for a tickey. All you have to do

is to sign the COUpon In ink, aod have your signature witnessed,also in ink, and doring suea dJ.YS "our hfe is inenred for £250, and yoar Wife, childr, u, pareDte or other heir will benefit you Bre killed by an accident, ths currency of that issue of ., Dmt,.· teli," while you are travelling in p"blic vehicle 815 a fare-pI ring pas senger. If you cannot write your! namf>, you get eomebody to write i~ for yon, m .ke ycur mark and get tb signat ure of a witH f.SS to it. Th addrel!lsE!sof conpon-holder and witnee:d ~ust be clearly written. If your nllm~ 1S on the h )O~ s of " Umtf'teli" 118 &Q annual snbscril 'er yon need'nt troo Ll; aboot the coupon at all. Th. r . cor4 of your sa hscrip'ion will iDs are your lif. for the foil £250. This applie, only to annaal .nb8cri~ers. THE QUARTERLY SUBSCRIBERS MUST S IGH THB} COUPON.

The c l)upon will be found on page :t of this isssp. Read it carefully a nd tell all Joor friends aboot it. The iq­surane~ il!l geD_inR, b.t jf 1 0 11 want your people to benefit in the event of yoor death by accident I'IS desoribed, yo. mURt comply with all the condi­tions. So study tha conditioDs thor­oU2h1y. There are not many of them .

The illSOrJDCe covers everybody, man nr "Woman, white, black or coloured, who i8 older than sixteen and yo.nger than sixty. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. II Umteteli n is valae for the tickey you pay for it, and the life insnr&nce for '£2~O is absolutely free.

Vve have said aIL there is to S;ly about tbe scbeme exceot tbis; Tb'\t the Native man or worrian who, after to-day, embarks 00 a journey and boards a f,allway train wltbout the current . Umteteli" insuraoce COUpOD, dilly

slgoed aod wltoesc;ed. ill bls or ber pocket, Will deserve all be or she gets .

, .. ,..,..:.- .. _" ... '-' _ .' ~ .. . ,. . . ......

• • • • LE YEYONA


Umelu Le pa.­

ketl ye te:! uyitenge Dga.

matini ?

Umnlu we!libiDI: Ndirole

i 6d. Kodwa sleuko tea

apa. Llpepa Dje, odaye

ndlDgeea kopunga Ipepa .

Umntu wokuqata: Hal boo

ityala bkuwe ngokutenga lO~uokuma eojalo. Ku·

tem uoga Keiisl rona ute ' nge ublobo \we tea. eku


OOlDtu weSlbiDi. Ndioga.

)'Iteoga pI Ie edume kuoe'


Umotu wokuqala: Nuu si pins. Isitorll. kod wa ubize

yona. uqioiseke ukuba i

oje Ulumke iveaklle ioge.

kuqllti ogelin)'e IVIII oje.

Uogaposisi . ubize I .; :

MAZA \VA TTEE, uqini

seke ukuba u fumeoe yona. Igama hbbalwe e

paketioi zooke :: .


Death of Chief Khama.

As we go to press we receive the news from SerolVe that Chief Khama died .t i. 15 this (Wednes­day) morning from car­diac failure followlllg an attack of gastritis.

-The Swazi Mission.

Cbie:f Sobbnz& has returned to Sooth Africa, and on Wednesday conferred at the E :lst Rl11d PropriElt ry Mines with SW8zi IudllOSB employed on the gold mines.

• Native law. ---

In addition to those whose names w ere gi ven in our last issue, the fol~ lowing melD_ere of the NativA Affairs Dppartmf:ln t have plEsed the examina­tion in I, Native Law and Administra· tion" coudacted by the Uni\,HB-ity of South Africa :

Barrett, Arthur Lltley, Pietermaritz­borg; Hndson , Arthur Saville, Pieter­marilzhurg ; Linington, Pflrcy AlIeo, (CII" I) Pretori. ; Stoke,-Wlller, William Phillip Ed wlrd, (Cia •• I ) Pretoria.

This examination is the firat of its kind in Soath Africa.

• Money for Native Housing.

The Secretary for Finance recently told a depu dioD from tbe Pretoria Town Council that it was Dot lik.ely that further funds would he made available for European hOllSiog, but that it was possible the GOl'ernmeot might allocate funds for Native hous­ing schemes. Local authorities h.l'e been ad.i.ed to make application without loss of time for sueb funds as they require. ....... -

Kafir Beer. A mass meeting of Cape Town

church people was beld in the City Hall 00 \Vedoesday, aod speeches were made by ~he ArchbisboD of Cape Town and otber ministers against the inclusion of the Kafic beer clauses in the Natives (Urhan Areas) Bdl.

• Bon Voyage I

The Rev. 1. Tom BrowD, who bas been in tbis country for over 37 years, left by last week's mail for England. For tbe past s ix years be has been chairman of the London Missionary Soci ety in South Africa, but has res igned that posi t ion. \Vuh Mrs Brown he is gOing on furlough and is taking with him manuscripts of the dictior:ary of the Sechuln3 language, to the preparation of which he has given maDy years' work, and also other manuscripts of hooks for use in elementary and training scbools. Mr. Brown has during the years of bis service among tbe Becbuana people given them several books of a scbolastic, liturgical and theological character. lIe hopes to return to South Africa and devote the remainder of hiS ltfe to literature and other work which will be of benefit to the Native races. .-Native Affairs Department.

'Ya are relio.bly informed that Mr. E. Barrett, S~crbtary for Native Atr.sirs, will shortly retire on peneion. Thl3 n~Dle!l of en'eral well-known mell are mentioned in connection with the s.ccession to the poet.

Home I nd ustries. FOR NATIVE GIRLS &. WOME>!.

By Mrss ELLEN M. COOKE. PriDcipai, St. Hilda'e Indostrial cd

High Sohool for Nltive Girls, Nt.1.

These Indnstries SAem to be dyiD~out in S. Africa. Formerly Mat-ma';n~, Bead-work, Basket-work of a r(lgh kind occupied the sp r~ boors of the Native people, but ""ith tbe adver of bedst~ .. ds and of Earopean clothinjbe h\o former are dyiu( a aaturat dtlatb. The "iris !leam no' to hl\ve nothing to do with their 'Cry clever finp,eCl but crochet-work; raber a usel~ss and non~payiug Implovmct.

It is worth while that the thoapts and enE'rgies of those who are Bhapn& the future destinies of their own r·o­pIe should De direoLed tow"rda aie very important subject.

As ODe who hall been endellvoumg for 26 years to aesist in the bettermnt and uplift of Native girls and womn, may I, at tho1 sug~esllon of the Ellior of this paper, try to point ,ut some industries wbich could eaeilv be carried on by the females ill the holV"s of the people. The Indu.try wth which I will deal this week is-


-Another Postponement.

rrhe sicond reading of the Native Registration and Protection Bill was 00 the ordel' paper for Monday, but the Prime Ministflr moved tbat it be dis­charged and referred to a select com· mittee on Native Affairs. This meaalil that the Bill will not he come law dnr­ing this seasion of P3CliamE'nt, and we are disappointed. The circumstance which chieAy concerns 08 is Ih~ practi­cat impossibility 0 f the immediate operation of tht:JNfltives' (Urban Areas) Act if the essential proTisionA of the Rogistr.tion and Protection Dill cao­not be simultaneously applif'ld, and we arp notsnre that the irritatiop. of tbe de­layed utilitycf the one measure will not outweigh the 8I1tisfdction flngendprecl by submitting the other measure for the people's appro\"al. Natives arc Bllxious to ~et i!oillg, aud they are embarras);ed •• ,1 discouraged by tbe difficultie. ond dolays "hich .ttend the passage of allY leRielatioll obviously and admit­tedly for their good. Weare aware that our opinioll on this matter is not the uniTerEial opinion, 'lIld we know thnt there are many Natives who would prefer the courtesy of consul­ta tion to real and rapid progress. 'Ve, also, appreciate the Go\"ernment's will to consult the Natives on mea­sures which affec t them, but we think we know when it is better to sink the principle in tbe speedier rf8u1t.

• The little Know!edge.

e n

the snbvenioD of the preeent form of goveroment. It may he SWog to note beret as a digression, that AmericllD negro propaganda of various shades have fouad some fOOling in Cape Town and J ohanne.hurg, but the results achieved do not seem to have justified the promoters in the belief tbat the Bantu oi the U oion would welcome salvation for the race under s regime imported from the \Vestt:'ro Continent.

The in evitable development of a race-cOnSClousoess hos beguD and is showing itself in the formation of associations for till kinds of purposes -religious, political, industrial and social. These may be at preseot shortlivcd and uostable-tbe product of immature thought-but tbey in­dicate bow the wind blows and wbat importanct i~ attached to European example. This growth of 3. sense of ma.nhood in the Native race cannot be deplored, for ooly through the realisation by the Natives of their potential capacities will It be possible to secure their necessary sod active co operation ia the development of the country and ia the furtherance of a policY of true segregation. Nor are these aims incompatible witlJ. the due discharge nf tbe respoosibility attaching to the govel'oment of the Native population. Tbe danger lies in tbe probable tendencies of tbe development of racl~-consciousness to become aoti-European aod to seek expression in 8ction subversive of law and order. There are, unfortunately, European extremists ready byexsmple

'Vben one looka a.round and se~8 he poverty and thd hard livee of he Native peopl., the difficulty they ha e in c!olhmg and educaling their chill­ren, aud the want of eqaipmsllt of ;\1 kinfts in their homes; and whl" one se('s ro3ming over the hilla a ld veld countl~8s flocke of ShPfP ani goata carrying wool 00 tht'ir bacts which. if properly need, wonld brhg comfort and prosperity to many a hom~, ODe wonden at the bliodnEsB of tm owners of theBe Hocks. They seem b be onaware of the wealth which they POSS8"'S, tlnd of tke young humal beings ill their homes who could pIt

The other day the "Rand Daily aod instigation to exploit these teo­MaiL OJ published an account of an dencies, and it is, therefore, very interview witb a .. prominent soci~l necessary that tb. attitude to he worker" in Johannesburg, who observed towards this natural develop­expresse:1 bis {or her} misgivings with . ment should, while not inhibitory, be regard to the reception by the Native cc.otrolliog and directive. peovle of the clause io the Native Registration and Protection Bill which orovides for the compulsory medical examination of N.ative women. There is no such clause ID the Bill, and the " prominent social worker" is advised to make sure of bis (or her) ground before grantinK interviews to pressmen.

it to accouat. Let each owner of shepp aod goaa

pay a visit to any Native Indultri.! School where Spiuning and \Veaviuf is taught, and he will see the wool ht so neglecte going through the processel of washing, comlting, spinning, dyein( and weaving. and lo! a beantifol warI:[ I hnket, a travellillg rug or aoor cupst will appear, manufacLnred entiri!'ly bJ the Native girl! themetlvel from the raw wool of their sheep and goals.

He will realize that if hie girls are tought thie Ind •• try they will be able to make hlankete or rugs at home whieh they can ee1l to their neighbonrs for £2 each, nsing the wool of their own

• Triennial Report.


In his report of the Native Affairs Departmeot for the years 1919-1921, ~1r. E. Barrett, Secretarv for Native A flairs, tra.Ter~es the chief points of NatiTe iuterest .. ud says:

The record of events during the

And not only tha girls, the youag bride C;1U do this; the older women too with her children around her, each can have h er spinning-wheel in her home, and add tothe family income and to the past tbree years. may seeI? to, h~ve comfort of the hocsehold, They would gi ven Ilndue promlDeoce to dlsq IlletIng ba like th? wise woman in the Sook of 1 features of the force~ at work in .the Proverb", She se€keth woolaod aax ... mind8 of the Native populatIOn. .he layeth her hind to the .pindl....... Ther. is no doubt tbat the war and she 18 not afraid of the snow for ber the events which ha\"e follo'n'ed it have boasehold,. for aU her hOlleeh old are exercised a remarkable and unpre-clothed WIth learlet (or dOllble glr- d d . fI N t' th ht menta)," ce ente 10 oence 00 . a Ive . aug .

Spinuing and w(>3viog ie a most The growth of educatlOu and 10cre,os­ancient indus try. No nation which ing contact of the races bas, ~urlOg has ever bad any pretence to civilisa. the last decade, l'ender~d the mlDd of tion has h"'len without those who were the Native mucb more accessible to profiCient in that craft. Over three the reports of current history ~nd ~o thousand years ago men and women European ideas. There has arisen In were busy weaving the b~aotifullin~n consequence a wider outlook nnd a and brocade recenlly discovered In d' ·tion to criticise more kE'enly Egy~tiln tomb • . The Children of 1.- (I15P~Sl a'tious of Native life in South raelln the wddernes8 wove hanginge le ~on 1 for the door of the Tabernac.le, pro- Afucn. . . bably with primitive, portable looms In th.e. large lDdustnal, too, which they cJrried with them or made the POSltlOU has been e~~hBslsed by on the way. the increased cost of lIVing nnd the

There ia ecucely a country where for from con'espoadiug adjustment of th~a~rt h~s not.been carried on by the Na.tive wages, although the lead given o.nglDa! inhabitants, with the excep- by the Government aod the Depart-han of our own Sooth Africa. ment has to some extcnt been followed It iB time we woke til' 1 by other emplo~el's: There has b~en

TUITION BY POST. By Oaro .. o G ..... Du ... Te ( H.~.u"s.J

T. B_ BLATHWAYT, B.A., P . O 80][ 7532.


a growing inclinatIon among N ahve workers to adopt EuropE an methods for tbe redress of grievances, actuill and assumed, aod there ha.s been a noticeable, if yet hut little successful, attempt of the Communist or Bol­shevik section to capture aod exploit tbe N ati .. races for the purpose of

Urban •

Natives' Title To land.


The Prime Minister has succeeded in piloting the Urban Areas Bill tbrough the second readiog; hut tbis does Dot mean that the Bill has eseaped the searching criticisms which were levelled at its provision for the right of Natives to own land in the urba.n districts. III tht: Select CODI­mittee, a hody wbich may he called the Clearing House of the House of Assembly, it will undergo 11 severe scrutiny, Bnd, if necessary, it will be a.ltered in order to meet the objections raised hy members duriDg the debate. From the speeches of those members who spoke, it i~ quite clear that the chief objections, and one which is likely to stir the couotry, is the objection agaillst Native laod owner­ship in towns. One of the strongest objectors is General Hertzog, the leader of the opposition, and, as is natur'! all the members of the N ation~list Party are ODe in backing their leader. But it will be unfair to attribute tbis oppositioo to the N atioDalist Party ooly. There are members io the ranks of the Soutb African Party, aod very probably a large number of them, who are as opposed to Natives beicg granted the rigbt to buy land in tbe urbao areas as General HerLZog himself. It will be remembered tbat it ",as Mr. Advocate Stallard, cbairmao of the local branch of the South African Party who wa. among tbe fir.t to raise the hue and cry. Since then mllny conscientious objectors have come forward, and it is Dot saying too much to aver that the clause is io dan­ger of deletion. For even the Pri~e Minister, who is pjlotio~ t,be B~ll through Parliament, bas slgDlfied, In

(Colltinued /.t. column page 9).

, ,




'rh f II 'ncr GovernUl8Dt Notice is poblit-hed for general information. s 0 OWl 0


S~cret.ry for Native AlIa irs.

Df'pp.rtm~nt of Native AlIJird. PI'e-toria.

N 2t"'] [10th F ebruary, 1923 . .l o. 1 ....

It is bereby uotified for genera.l II1furmatioo that His Royal I!i,ghllcss

th , Goveru(,l' General has b.'en ph'as,~d ~o appl'vve, ullder t.he provIsIons ,of

section Qlle (1£ OrdioancC! No. 17 of 190') (T ramw. &\ ) and section O~M /lund1 ed

(llldjurt!l-Seusll of thC\Soulh Africa Ac', 1909,. of th ... as~tlmrtloo by ~he

St!tnderton Towu Counci l of l'outrol (,I the Natlre locatlf>O, bel1lg a porltoo

o£ the farm knowa as the Sttllltl'Ttou Town aDd Town Lands, formerl y

Grt'ot\"prlRugeD No. 156, as showD on Iliag,"m S.G. No . A. 11 63/06.

F apha la T aba tsa Batala.

Tsebiso ana e latelang e1 'M U60 e bot'l",tsua bo tBeLisl bob Ie.

Kbotla la Tilba tsa Batala, Pretorin.

E . BARRETT, ~l')Ilgoli 0.\ Taba lB''\ RJta\a.

--• No. 262.) [10 HI. kola, 1923.

Mona ho tsebisoa rnang Ie wang hore Ngoan'a Morena 'Musisi-~-Moholo

o kholi~itsue 'me a lllmela kn Ill'ltls a temana ea ""Zc ea Molno No. 1.7 oa

190.3 (Tunsvoan Ie temnllS ea lekholu le masl/ome a manc a melso C sU1HIeng

(n :\Ioho 080 South Africa, Otl 1909, herr> Lekhotla lao Toropo eI\ Stnnd~rton

Ie l..u~e Ie 18.( le Lehishel.e In Bar att"o I, f-<ts't'llg Ie tsejg8ng de StandertoD

'1'0" 0 al:d Town La:lC1s, pele eoeng cit> G rootverlangen No. 156, 1, amon Ie

bontsonng sets'uant.'oug S.G. No. A. 11 63/06 .

Ezibelem kwa Komani,

I Mel'a D8.banta : U ~lnu Burbe· row De Komiti ye Kansele evete i

L oklSbi umeme inkoke t narnadodJ apambili alomzi kwintlanganiso ebla­ng-aoele kwi .' Upper Hall" e Town H all. Leotlaogaoiso lbijonge uku ka· ogeiwa ookuqwaiaselwa kwe Bill ye Lekisbi kwindawo ezitile zayo· lbeyi­ntlangaciso emoya mble macala ocke, amadoda avakalisa inY3ciso zokucasa nokuxasa amaq&odo atile e Bill. Indawo eogokusilwa komqomboti ixo· xwe kwintiangaoiso yeslbini ebuye yabh.ngana kwintsuku ezilaodeleyo.

Kwaviwaoa. • • • •

AbaDtu: U Prof. Jabavu ubenexe­shana apa ukuvela kwi SlDodi yama­gwangqa e Molteno· U puma iogxeba ogoku u Jili . Sekuzintsukwana ebikwa uxegokazi u Mrs. E· Lekalakala esite ­mba okokuba wobeble apakame:- Ubu­)'e wabanokupakama abamba bambe u Mr. Selby Pelem, siyabulela· U Rev. Nocanda wase Dutywa weoze intsu­kwaoa aoa kwa Mr. J. Xesba. Nge nxeoi yokungapili kosaoo, u Mrs. J Xesha seyeneveki eziliqela ngapandle ; siyakuba kumbula kwizikuogo zetu· Sivuye ukubuya sibone pakati kwetu u Mr. Dugmore Bonke Nogaga obuyele e Rautioi em va kwe Holide yeveki ezimbini. U Rev. DO Mrs· V. Mayaba abazokutabata umsebeDzi kwa Andrewu bafikekweli ngobusuku be 3rd February.


(Exbibltion) wezinto zezandla ezenziwa ngabantsundu. Ngati lomboniso uaga­semva kobusika, entlakohlaza. Lemca· I

mango uxaswa kunene Dgumkaogeil wezlkole oengqonyela u Cbief Inspector \V. Bennie. Sobuye sivP'kalise amalu­ngiselelo.

• • • •

I Bayaskopu: Kuko eboniswa pandle Iidlagusha elitile. Yenzelwa e Derby Street, ejoogene ne Lokisbi. Umboci· si wayo ubona isisulu sernali ye Netevu nama lawu kuba l:aloku aba bengavu­nyelwa ukuya kweyabamhlope e Dolo­plot· Azi azisayikuvelaoB irnpemvana ekwakusoyil:.iswa ngazo urnzi mbletll kwezeni kwakucaswe i Holo yama J uda ye Bayaskopu ne Konsati.

• Impendulo Kubabhaleli.

• 1 M iss Alice Konze " (J ohannf'sburg): Sivel na nawe k r. kulu fBunzimen i okubo kodwa sinosizi koba l ingen a kup' p,.h. ileta yako.

\I R-v. J. M. SOllj ica" (Port Eliza. beth): Nceda usitumelb i address rako ezel~yo.

"G. B. Hoogsna 11 Siyayibul&l 'l incwadi yako D" k\lbl ooko isike ib~nye nek3. Mr. R~n('lne eye Sieuto. I address yF ko Ayibek w~Dga

• Kuvakala okokuba kuzakubako ingJ:i­

kela yomtsha~o ka Mr. Elijah Mantlaka,

• • • • umvaoreli wase Tiyopiya e Now Clare

lmfundo: Iginyisa amate into yoku- no Miss Mary Dlwati wase Tora School

bona yonke iminyaka amaoani a~akul~ I e ~olo.Di, ogati lomsebenzi WObB kuzo

abantwana besisitili hesiya ezi SlDaleDl· eZlvekl (,ooa apa e New Clare.

Ahalapa e Dolopini bebodwa kulonyaka ahaye e Sinaleni baku rna 15 . Elonani

li buyele ezi Sl~aleoi ek~qa1eni kwenya 'j Xa ubleh lent lalo yetu, pantei kwe_

Dga Ie· Umzl uyafundlsa. kuhle. I \u~a t' h tshisa}o lehl obo ellsbtlaho,

· . . . I nkognquka kwezolo kUBeoza aibe

"k " l icenge kwieisu t:llilomayo, iDkatazo

Izikolo: vrn angeltwezlkoloomtsha. ebutllungo ku nene. lYE-fa lalonlo

umaogqazula vena opurna. e Kimbili u l(l kuzinya nga ngokukauler.a lelih

Mr. Spurway ufikile kweli . Uluqalile Wood Iyeza Elikolu Ie Paplliomentf>.

ujikelezo lwake Jokuqala. Umi e LingomangRliso kwinkalazo ze sisu.

Skapu sika TyaJibongo Ngo Mgqlbelo Ungaz9 uhl llA ngapaodle kw,..bhotJle

10th February uhenentlanganiso nezi· Yi,JO endlwilli. !tamo ngexesba lili.

ntsuodu zalapa I Tltshala e St· Andrews, utela in katazo embi. Liteogi8 \T 8

yayesitiieyo nefundisayo· Kuyakufu· kwindawo zonke zikemisi nevenklle.

neka amadodanB emikakuble, nemfuudo oga ti izakupakama. Kucgakuble.

• ••

Umboniso wezin tozezaodla: U Sister Bessie wase St· Andrews, k uoye neti · tshala zal"pa, ulungiselela Umbociso

Ncedanl nlxele Umtetell xa

nlbhalela kwl Venkile ezilapa


24TH FEBliUAllY, I!J23. - -

1 cuba Ie Spriqgbok lib ••• ziDgxoweDi ez

wtubi Lunka Ixashs, njl::lI~okt1ba ke 1I1!:olm amanye am l coba

nawo eC",kw.t kungxowa 6L.ilJltuui ukuling,mi&a i Spriogbok-Qa.

ndisisani nkoti il1xowa xa nilungdJo yttyeno pau lwe

SPH.INGllO.H;: -_ .. -.-. _._.-.--H.HOHLISOE.

... --~ Koae ea Springbok KAMEHlA oba mAkotlaneng

e mest'hill bit motboebe. ~rt'ki:ib,l kOiltl IBe Iln(o: joa l ~ Ie leona 11

kenngoa m t- k oti.IIH·ng e Ine hla b·J t'tsiea SprirJ~bok-blokom( ­

lang h ore ba Ie rt'k \ wE;kctian-1 ttbe enang Ie ItltS DGO I.

SPH.IN"GBO~ ::::





Leather Goods, Bags, Rug Straps, Belts, Wristlets, Atmlets,

Purses, School Bile-B. Saddlery & Harness. Suit Cases and Attache Cases . --:0:-­



135a·137, Mark~t ~tr~~t. e6~t .

JOHANNESBURG P.O. Box 4753: 'Phone 2&89. Telegrams : "HIPPO."


Mhleli,-IDtslIsel& yokuba nditete s;sevzo se Congress kulamrafiso uyi

Poll Tax; lombebeoz.i mawetu a,kulu

nokuba asiwuqondi, tshotsho niz.alwe

madoda akQwetu nizincedile iotsi7.ana

~aklVowenu, nenze umsebenzi om hIe.

Umntu omnyama acgazincp c1a etaoda

kuba odikangele imali engaka eyeJlzi­

WIl ogat'antu abamoyarna bf>l'sfela

shelungu ukaoli kwezi 1'8£U zil gflka

a: ana. mmeli Due Palflmeute. Xa

beui Doku £umana imali eyi £60,000 Lcoingenza ntonioa nguyo? Abanye

bangati hsy.i mak.\Vak~we isikfllo, aba~ nye "8ongaft mnytbtlytselwe kuba rafi

bayo.; ba.mbi bati makwakiwe ama

shishini. Mba beodio~ati hayi loaku

tcngwe umhla.~a j,,:a

mhlaumbi umZI ukubo. ndenJeoJe

uku teta. Ezimbacu zigxotw~ nga­

tllabhulu heziyakubs nekaya nambla

nje nempahla neoh,apo Z'szo, ku~ B

Mhleli kuko into esiogRvumiyo uk u­

yiq<IOila len to ingu mhlaba ukuba

t. kamiselwe umlomo zizizwe edeziwu"

qonda into oyiyo ukuba uhubom i

Dobutyebi uokupuwla, uokonwl!.b.1

IIngu A.B.C. wezulu nmhlt'ba. AbaDt" 8btl.~ezi dolopirri bahldi

intlnlo ellzima, abalimi mhluba bafHna

nentnka evalclweyo omans ukuJi£<I.

n1.ela. j baref..,la ezo mpahlann za-I.o

n~egama nezioja, bntwale II('PWij

nobuuye IIbucikiciki. Ukuba abantu

l,asezi dolopiui beb~ngati bamlloyoLe

be be ngazi ra6sayo indoda ngaoj e

izimisele ukukupa imali (ll £I t

ngonyaka. bebellgatecga umhla a

bapume ehunzimeui. Ukuha. nsiqoudi

kusakubako atnaxe:-hB akuti uwn 11

wdilizwe angabi.nondawo yokubeka

uOyllwo Iwake, masijonge ikarnva rnzi

ka Ntu.


G UMT~rJ.<;LI WA I3AN·rU. IOI-iANNESUUkG, 2111:1 FIWRU AI{y . 1923 :~::::~--..... :::::::~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~::::~::::::~~~~::~.::~::~ -==--- . -


B .. kp.n.-t.t InDiDgo. InJ'a Ibiyakubangwa. I N •.. IOX A., Dot ODt ... 1M. Maku, c and h, R'ziya ...]()

Tolophono 2770. Sporl. Coporlmonl 41114_ O. llo" 1036.

WARD & SALMONS J . NkoDIO. h R'lZiya ... .., 7 Vwzi o,hlaumhi uyakuti urnongalt. 1 E . Yono, b Ciliwa •.. ... ? swe wakllvlt illto eyt!nzeke ~pa. e Goli

) HE TRANSVAAL SPORTING HOUSE. O. M.b.I~~t~~~nt::: ... ::: Ilngoknhlwa kwe C.we k .... pd;lcyo

'" --_I ugomhla we 11. Tilla eil.tpa nsiu.a-

...... - • • u". Fa ..... _ .•.

I • )085 ' EI . I~rUONl. _

c, E. Folkey, Sialionn and Prinlll

17. Marshall Square Building ,

t'~r"' vll1lle. ludl:lO Inks

........ "w, l'oI>~' FCtTU Pn._"t~

R~bt>cr 'iU'lIr\

!>l:l.llon<ry ,I ~\1 .t~npt'olo

l)r .~ ul:h 's·rr'; t 'n1i ~ur\c ,'IIC<:1,udlcs






E GLE. CRf-Y",.

S"gum,,, '-''iWI uku:e"): LlIil UIIl"1 \1 ,.~h, ... h ni. lonlu v~\~nl., f' eynmene rend hI yoku hh,l~ em"j:CuUlbl matand.:tlu Yukl~e rl!:elllr:nl1. DlimnZlokl pcZ\I k\l,e<;lza eSl)'l t \e al.ll~ e~lbl\pl~~\'o n~m'tl )e~lq"m o. "u~o lIe /. ltoro 7.okutytl (>1.l lnl'IOI ~7.0me. 1 .. lc),fI. 'Sln\'c I:si\k, .... ~ Dltamfltyl" slyi 60 )..30 Kulo 0 nezll ~II I)enlslml ell mokolo <4 Ak nko ndawo elKnnnflyo It:umnlu 'plplleyo. kuba Iml ~DdB.welU eml\\'e

............ ng AbA"tabanin1. , ... ' :>-lo,lImIlXllbl"O nangemigtlq o tl\m~laTl ! rnsi

nya IU-

Thema & Msimang General Agents. Brokers

In r:.r;am Li\~ \" ' lind 1', ducc

"0. 1'.0 I" ! 4!1.1 ,\udCnL In :;I,~ct JOHANNES BURG

"'~."""J .... ~ .' ~).~ • •.

• o •• -. • "a . = " -UMARUSHULA Imb l z~ )0 H LA'\'GA egqn80 z('nke J:Cup'l In\ol' lIu, Ihlaml·a 18,,11 oeslsu, ,seqa. IZlfo zonL.e, I.x.nblso lebolqSI 1/9 EZIOlal U 4 /9 -- EllI)taodalu 9 1 ngeposl nj'l}o -­U \1TIYA LUS I Ele!li fubfl.. 10 Kohlokoblo l,.n"aTI. Xa utumela II em t'/lmbm Slwmclll 1«.lmpulli yalo. I Xfl blso 2 16 , J'tRt.:POSI 3r ---El,kulu 4 /6 Ilge P('SI 5 /6 ---

TU'IELA ILETA Y""O t:8lZE A)IAPt,P A AMAl'r:..ZA "t:


291 &.. 293 1'0101 Road lJURBAN

I AGENTE Y,11 p"pa. (" Urol l teli Wit Banlo " ) f'I

IIlATATIEL~;. ngu Mr. G NATHAN SlB1DLA . Ipepa Hnnku Co nYII Il\\B kuye tooke iveki.

JOHANNESBURG. '1'01011. ••.• •• ]511 ngo.liswa uakRncioane yilonto kuba Yayioikela i g.m~. i Goveromflot lSisiqf'10 881apa. KlIllyateliswe umnlu

.ri.rt'flP , Ndilt! palllb II Brakpan cmnyama, w:lgillsw8 hkwahlll r'ge

I HONG ANA . I rn"tok"t; emy. ko 1 0 wa·,~okuhlw •. Brilkpat . Akll fikiswa P sihhcdll"c lomntll WeU'1a­

• •



E :--'},;\'\' BRIGliTON.

~liJIIli,-NdillCqJe ngc8ilub I kwelo P~pt\ IlI ko Iidnool1 knnen~. Ndiso8wa kokuOOH 8 siboos ingxf' lo z -midlalo z.:>.llda wo n~endawo, odio&87.e nrli7 . bon~ nase Bbiiy i, kanti It"", la \\u


k(·loyo kusike kwabh,I,," "koknba Hubeliwe" [I f ndawo eflzak .. le kuyo

kwaLhalwa rllo yimbi encwadlUi yH7.3

ucngxf 10 ('map! peni ynpum& iyelahlc-Mbleli ,-Tif a ~bnlo og-dm~ IID~e- kis;·yo. Kute kanti dinye iuene

ntlA sibe nAnlbln~tnif!lo YO~Qvula j elill~,.lIi,iyo yo'lun lu ebeliyibofli1e 8"11800 oap lith F br aarr,l!l23 Ewt'a ukwE'nzeka. kwayo longo7i, lizakuti kwe rt- p urt unyulo twa h"p"ti lomi ng.a1a nd ela: Prt'sidellt, A. M1ndh' ni j IBk\l~on8. ingxdo y(·pc·p8.ud ba laha­"ice Pre-sidellt, P . .N 0 n k W p I ~: . llIhlop~ l, katazeke. lisu~. le p(ZL1 I~ Trt'asorer, A. Mal;u nga; Ca pt. Fdlx kWAngoko lil ,hnle tnyaOlso YOkWa,7,1 Nqulra; vlce-Caplall1, Z. Fut8~aoe; kwalf). Lili lona: 'LnmtllU lIgiliswe Secrptary, R. H . MaYo a ri a ; Assistant pamhi kwc po~t cffice ,lise Orenae Secretuy, L . M. Gflgt'. . Grove lona likwele ku trllm. Lite

Ke abaoqwAnela OIrUZI mar,ya k do IAkubo ' a loo~ozi lehla ku tram, kwe­mhulo mahlOlUD"fll e ama/,{~,, ' a ~tJo kn ]. hi b' . N obbala. , Umdlalo won,aka opelill:'Yo Ida nll ma. Ko~t~u 1 am ope am' !nt wale team omi ngnlohlobo : bouke booceuisa nokublza oogqlra

P W, L. D. F. A.' Pt.. kuha kulo", kala. ukuti umo.tu lowo lli I:S 2 3 115 4~ 29 weozakl' le kakubl. N geok.Uh kilo.

inkn :u kanaaka. Knyadlal~a.ltIh +>11, UpAtwe maneDP : Prf'sident, 'HU\HI!lO ~ pa Kud alf- I .. a I ClI P nE:O I lilt~ Jamp! Nquka; v C' -Pre.8ident,. Y nl hl .. w' 10th kWt'mi~'o, b lro Qqily..-\l\u \fci'ongo: Ca:lt. M David; VICP. I fix Q ... .. " k 1qal" I b ZI pakilti k 'l f' CaVt i ., D. l\·ziuz;; S t'c ret"ry, R. H , J larlt eMit c C vtlr,.u~ G aJa fO!1€! C C I \lnwanA ; Assista"t SI"crptary, L. M a ,,1 Kc .. I'r ghton C C H ' IM8 Ft ar GpgE'; Tre1~ure r, A. M"kunga. 1'oh.l t C.C, 1 r su II- z VI:' Z 'li :- R. H. MNW AN A,

~qira 101llOl11 Ulak.'\l ale Iselwe .e sihhedldc k l'::i lke kwateto VI na um~14 li:.i wflli Ilyamsa. Nasi i~~imang 'l ke apo sikonaJ lawapol isa rnalioi a'iye­kel t- ni i~ama lomgil is i If, w,', lie Imlllba ( number , ye mnto\.rali yaLe kU ·IYp. De dilfsi i •. dawo IIhl"lk k ,yo) l()lll-e

e!oxeshll abenaye, leoto 8.1 g.,zi~ayo ogoku ' U mtl to wobu pvli:oa k"'3 kwenzeka idO eraos. 118)"0 Ie ipolisa. ku£u nf'k " lizibhalilt zonk~ e1ootr, okuuye libambe k\\angoko .. Ayenzi: wlnga loulo ke r amlila. Full, mb:ln~1 yoknta umbha~i w ":.-i}h .-tll~!e [o~hale ingxelu el:· hh-klsayn, Te'lgep YCl, y\ n to~ nina k e yena! \\ 3Z3.nn ngnbum

! nomgiilbi, ~D19polisa. wont\. uZl l.:a nga-

11 I ~ I ' -l Spcretary r, \ a"b qt lIliliuli,i'I .. , .) G'.J~'f)lIA .. lot .. .. . Hilld Ca~h.. " ... 71~

Ya a i Hard CIBII i)a ,lliw" nt:!H inni f g~ al d 32 runs . A I'e H.lrdc8~h ai·;;. i ' 8 '0 1,· l!gP ~'1I'l1 i t", ne dn: R. Kom 26. R R. M n\ a nqa 21, J Ma . 1"\~ a q I 1 ~ Kwi Gl."dsrC'tne i h~ 1 gahfl : C Nlll"tli ,~9, G R Mhl ti 32, S ,xu'81-l , L . Ma~il)d J3, '1', MpolI'lo 12, J. K. Nyni5~11i 14: lIot f Ul.

J ob iDDfsburg. o

Akllko mfnnt'i.o saoto yoku ha nmntn o1\'\'upio" avingcakale ang . b l Dalilldle. I Cbamb~rlaiD's Tablet@ 1iyasiknlula njP Inl t isiso ngapandlp lfollu xoxozt' lisa. Zlt~ngwa, aplD'i.

• Pambl Kwabahlekazi.

buni Domt>ilisi! log.! kangdwa I n . k" .

~ njallioa ke ogumtelo loto y l uti lSI· No'w Bri~btoll 1st iOllin ~ s 127 Ka.mbe ukumlwa komblab1. knbamba haoge sigwinte umotu pambi kwaba~ Ft1 .. r Not... .. .. 43 oezigigaba kwab~oye . Ematyaleci lusi-mteto ze kanll eso s,hange ::iiya No' w Bri~lJton 2 Id inllio~8 33 pambl komblel;:azi e Benom kwepehleyo kuli ekuheoi singabaojw<l oal\ ze F arNlI t 32 bekutetw81tyalalentl angaemblopeetute I" k h be>·

... "" ) tdamaneti ukuY<l enkomponl ioqwelo ogapelu u slOgHz.lwa 00 u a eSlugu-. ~wi N .. "- I· n~il(ht('n alalib.lnltl n2.p I yayo iDg~lunganRa Lisamisiwe ukuba ~~Ul ohlala plUS ye!la! K8m~e

pUll.: L. C Ng,,,z~ 55, 'Y. B. ~t8bekl _ ke kuk2o~elwe IllQwelo leyo. . 1 1~lpat9mand!1t. ze ,Z'hhed.lela ku t,,&. ,. Ea tJ, G. ith' motr (M alO LlDf) 17. Kwakona kwalapo e SeDoDi bekuml' zisa hluza tmbaog, yoku "::L uoot-.ha­Y.lI a ne Fe T Not hadli\\a nile 85 swe Iota eoiDzi yamakwabla ogokuoj.:l'a4 la 3gwpxe ioe:xelo yokweozakala ruos. KoqBlwa t Z olsln ngombla we bhmil irafu ; bapekuzwa hayekwa Iwaye kwalom otu ukuba makube injonpo 17th iost. , stJ be si7.,zise ingxelo. .1 uo inzi selute Iwabaleka Iwayaku blau1a Jake i ~, iyi tonioa y008; k fldw:'\ um gi4

K Vii ng '') Mgq ' belo bekudl"lwa I lakuba lufumene Isamaoa zokuya ema· 1" eua "sbwaka." nkaziwA balJi ! fennie, H ospilal Vt'TStlB Pink R os" ya8~1' tyaJeci. Umfowakwa Gaza udliwe i ~bu j ISILY. k I' ka e,' bhla s ·,litet. U b t · · N B . h bb I lya uza tse :;1 ~ Ilpn agp, :va yl\\ a I ew r l~ f(l D ' ml leponu ogokuf:lDyaowa eoe ot l e I • • • k I' 1 F I' ... H 't I 1- I C' . La I - v Sl~tlt Bpa ' we I ama a Ipeost IIJa Sp l . Ilg .. ,') gamf's. IVIC \'" eZlmblOi zevanya yase mlungwlDI. .! I· . ~ . k T o>.nnis Clob 8"itAnd3n23 lonto. Messrs. sbooa Mkongwaoa! Futi omnye urofo Ibhete ~ a kuoomn.tu omn} am~ uba JaYIY8. GOll tphi, Xholht , Mp. loD"",ana I wakwa S otshaogana ogokufuoyanwa yOIl~ .Iyallgena Iblale e sofeD! (sofa) i ni 8ongt-Ie Ira ku l- i. P s op Saut. eoamagQoogo eSlkoklyaoa l aka ipooti eodhol yomlungu kodwa ootsunall 01 us I ezihtoba, eogeoazo lOyaoga eoeveki ",kana kungena euga qeshwanga

Ne w Brightuo . UMBONELL eZlmblDi kwanje cgowokuqala· Ngoku- kor.B-abaqeshwa Iliyayazi indawo

zeoza ufokisi eoge.Dguy~ umfo was~ t yabo, abllfikeleli ezis fJ fini. Futi awu. Mozambique ubla'.J. hswe Is~uml leponh ngeke uyigilise ioja yomluogu ife, cgumaotYI wllse Beoc~,.' eogenay? 1 UJlgaogeoa kwar\\'exayo amatynla lomali ahlale eotoloogweol lOyaoga eZI · ukllsukelwa n"'amagqw~ta, nkusttntso . ALITA \lBANOA LI QATA.

Mhle i.-llutYl' na nj~ kolo UlVbb .. ka Ntn, ke nd iti capa nje. Ndaku . Ileati ndlnlltiOOnLO okataz Ira, kant i ndeozi9. a yinto ro~ub \ kWl' ke kw H. bonskala knyo 1e mV&bl indawo ~t i ti lamhile il itye e Brakpal1 . B .d, bo! mna ndi p ll .i. o(\in basll ke nje nditi : '. Ukut .\l:.l kolu lll k li ne kwen za." Ng 4th kw '-' p l3za!u kwakn ugozlilwana i ~ lvernmpnt Are 18 0 C. De Brakj)an ~ative C.O. kwi n k ond la rase BrdJ( pan. Rongene kn qala i Governmellt Are B.

Govt. Areai._lst loninge.

A D inek • . b D. .. . J . Juq •• b D. M.w. li .. . l\1ason tioao l> , b E. Mooa .. , Oili we. c Mab~ I t' . b Mgwali Ra 7. iya, b Ngqezana ... 1. !Jba k~, b Ngqezana ... J . Ndayi. b Mgwali ... 1. N okwali, b Ngqezana H . L . Ntetye. b hIgw.'i ... M. Jakatyane. Dot oot ... H . Ganda, b Ngqezana . . ,

Extl'as " . . "

... 2 " . 1.3

.) " . " " . 26 .. . 16 " . 10 " . 5 ... 12 ... ~I " .

.) " , •

'" 6 --I Tot.l .... .... . lOO

atata kwelenkobe. Kute kwafumaDeka I' ." he " b . okoh'ba ngumODi mdala 10, okade ese. Ise !11I S u, ng~p8ya U J(lJwe 01,.3 Izimacga kaoga cgokuba igarna p.antsl komleto we a c t ~or ~he ~rev~o~ lake kuzele looa lodwa eocwadioi yezo·. tlOn of cruelty to nOlma ,!:'o , IFaylQI no apo kugciowa kubbaliwe amagama yako ibe y cuameva. Yonke looto ke abo bon\e aboci. Ityala elilolublobo ibooisa ixabiso ienj a ogapezu rwelo­liqelekile apa e Rautioi, baninzi abaotll motu omnyama. AS8zi sisagx:eleshile, bakuti abahamba bekotuzwa zioto eziti k'lloku umolu xa kuogekoDlo 300-

zlDga fokisi zic~azl\va . emtetweni, kweoza yooa ufalle e.t"ale amebio zimpaoge umotu zlmke zlhambe, Se4 oaokweudubule senjenjalo ke l1ati. kude kwako nabamblope abacjalo, kub~ \ u~utu yeoa ugquma esibhcdlele pnutsi bayazi okokuba umotu ogokunga fuol k k t d b k kIT kllmelaoa nomteto uze enzakale, uyaku- l Oll .an R uza. .0 t. u u, egl Iswe s lke nbanike \Iooto baYI fuoayo kanti paoob . kwab~llIsl roteto ogumlullgu abaogabo abomteto. I "ongazl\vayo.

ReXLEV U'-'- R1T/XC; P .':\/) S

Represen( the Be, ( Qlldlity alld V"llle Obtalllabic.

FULL 100 SHEETS RlIled u iti> .'/dfgill ::

The I'dd u ith the Ldf/fC.\t Sale

" " " "

ill the lI"orid.







~ . I

y g Man Who Bocame King.



---Adapted and Arranged by


Hto Tt' in a very old book is the story of the greatesL king that lardel ever had! The House of Tndor io England, the House of Hohenzollern in Germaoy, or the House of the Romanoffs in Russia, never bad soch a hold UpOD

the popular imagination and affection 88 did "the hones and lioE'flge of Davhl" upon ih · h E'arl s of the Hebrews.

How was thie couotry Loy with rough handa and .11 the marks of tC'i1 upon him to become .. king? He was DO Crown Prince_Jonatban wad

th9 eldest 8 0 n of the reigning monarcb, He was neitber the eldest Dor the favonrite 80n of auy mao, Hs \\ &S the YOOTlgfst aon of .. farmer Darned J esse and be canes he seemed less prJmising than his older brothers be h3d been given the care of th., 6heep. Any body with eyes in his head anu feE'lt to wal k about with can watch sheep.

He bec me king because he had these five qualities: Firat of all he ehow£d fidelity in the I)rdinarv dntiP8 of eVPory. d"y life. Here is the pumming op of h ie metbod-" And David bfhavt'd himself wisely in all hia ways and the L .. rd was with him" If a bunch of Ihf'sp became hie field of opportunity he would do bis work in such fdehion that DO one coald do it better. He would lead them in green pastures and by still waten .0 that they shoald not want. His rod and his staff would protect them. He would teRro the use of sling and stme so tbilt "be could slin,lZ/' as the record S3.ys, H at a's bre1f.dlb and not mis9," If a wolf ( r a h ·ar sh"uld altack uia fiolck, bA wonld be able to driv~ Ih~m off.

'l'h"l young mao who was to b~coOle ki ng showed coardge a nd high r esolve io the face of dange r. There came a. day wbt'n th'3 Israelites aod Pbilistines were lined up io battl e .rray on the opposite sides of a valley. The Philistines had their ch1mpion fighter in the peraoD of a hog e fellow 01. m e d Goliath. Hi a arm 0 u r weigbed one hondred and fifty pounda. His !!pear was like a weaver's b eam. Ho sh.od roaring out his defiancc Elg_iost the armies of Israel, \I Choose you a m~m J Let him com~ d(,. wn to me and fight. If he kills mE', we will be ~ cur servante. If I prevail agaiost hilu then ye shall be our serv,mts II Sanl, the k i ago f I a ra e I, had otroreu lO e n ric h wit h great we,llb 'he man who would fight that huge Philistine. He had promised to give hi?l the hlnd of his own danghter, the fair young princesa. in marriage, and to make hie father's house forever free in Israel. But no Israelite had dared to fight tbe t.rrible Goliath.

Tben David appeared upnn the scene. He had bE.n "nt down by his father witb ten loaves of fresh bread, with tED oheescs aod a supply of dripd mealies for his h llthers who WEre at the front. He saw this huge Goliath stalking up and down the picket lines between the armies. He cried oat in his res30tment at the .p)Jarent Cowar­dice of his own countrymen. "Wbo ia tbis uncircumcised Philistine that he ebould defy the armIes of God I"



24th FEHRGA.H:V, 1923.

Th.n spoke ont the voice of faith from the hea. rt of nnBtained yonth I "Let no man's heart fail b cause of him_tby servant .. ill go and figbt this Pbilietine." The king remons­trated with him. He pointed out the folly of sending an untrained yoath to Oleet the disciplined mao of war. But DJvid insisted that hie rougb experiences with tbe lions and the bears which attacked his flock had furnished him the necessary trainin~. He took his sling and five smooth stones from the brook and announced that he W8B rsady for the combat.

It seemed a contest most unequal when the principals were put forth with the Israelites and the Philistines ranged tip on either side of the valley to watch th9 outcome. Goliath was enr' ged when he ,aw the boy they h ad sent a gainst hi.n. "Am I a dog?" he said. And then he corsed D(lvid by all hie gods. and thr.atene~ to feed bis to tbe b.ast, 01 the field be­fore an honr hAd passed. Like m any a modern com hat:tnt Gvliath was mighty with his mnulh. His tODgU~ was like a weaver's beAm.

The young man was not disturbed. Hie weapC'oDs were taken froOl the store booea of exper :ence, and his cooragtl came from the eame reliRble aonrce. "The Lorll who delivered m~ out f,f the paws of the lion and the bear will deli ver me from t he hand of this Pbilietine."

Tha hoge Philistine c;,.me on, bran­dishing his 8pe~r and roaring out his '{'; rath. D1Vid saw the unprotected spot below the the visor of the man'a helmet. He took one of hi!! five smooth stonce and slong it with such forcC3 and prec'aion 8S to strike G:>liath full in the foreh ead, knookiog him 8ens6les9. He then ran forward and took the buge sword of his enemy and out off his h . ad holding it aloft as a trophy of h is courage. When the Philistines saw their champion fall they fI~d in terror, Ind the Israelites pursuing them won a notable victory.

This young man Ihowed allo a fine capacity for friendship with men "His sool was knit with the 80nl of Jonathan and he loved him as he lOVEd his own souL" The fine friend· r-hip of 8. mao for a man, or tbe graci­ous affection which woman feels for a woman who i8 indeed h er friend, becomes a noble form of h aman re. latioDsbip.

Here the friendship was the more n r tatle when we recall how the two wt"re placed. Jonathan was the eldest son of tha king, the heir to the throne, the nataral successor of Saul. But David by his military prowess had come to be highly eateemed. When he returned victorione from his wlrs against the enemies of Israel the proud and happy women had liung in the streets, "Saul h9s slain his thoosands, but David h iS sla in his teos of thou. n:lds."

women singing David's praises, was very wrath-the eaying dill

'pl ' ... e' him Bnd h e eypd David from th::..t day forward."

Whell tile King 8lW tbe fine (riead­ehip b Jtween hie own son Jonathan a nd the riBing David his heart b acoooe as hitter as gall. "Thou 80n of 11 per· verse, rebelliou6 woman," he cried to the Crown Prince, "thon hast chosen this eon of Jeese to thine own coufu· pion." And when David incredo sed year after year in staturp, in wisdom, and in favoor wilh God and men, Sliol tried repeatedly to kill him. H is lIoul oried out, "Let me feed fat the anoient grudge 1 bear him."

But when David had Saul within bie power he r eheed to strike. Th"re wer~ months when the youog man was hunted through the hills of Jude. by the soldit'rs of the wicked king, 1.8 if he had b aen a mad dog. There came a night wben Saul vas sleepiog in bis barrioade of wagons. He had around him the Lhree thf)osand soldiers whom he hld led into tlle mountaius in h is mad effort to capture Dlvid. The young man had been pursued until he bad felt th,t there was ouly a step be­tween him aud dllth.

That very n ight. accompanir d oDly by bis armoor-bearer, D .. vid stole a.ndE'r cover of the darkness into Saul's camp. He presently stood in the tent of the sleeping king. Here was his enemy lying helpless at hie feetl His armour­bearer, knowing the history of the eo_ mity, whispered, " Le t me smite him with one blow to the earLhl 1 will not limite th9 second time." One blow in ths dark woald solfice to end that murderous career.

Bot David would not strike bis enemy even though that enemy had been in hot purauit of him. "D .. stroy bim not," he whispered to bis compo anion as he felt him clutching the aword which hang at hie side. David's greatest victory was not over GoliCltb, tbe .Philistine giant-it was over him­self, over thlt spiri t of revenge wbich might so Msily have ruled his h eart in that dark. hard h onr.

Finally, h 9 was a man of genuine piety. We read in one place that h~ was "11 man after God'sown heart." The statement baa been t puzzle to many an hODESt mind. Tbis man who in his later years dipped his h aods in the blood of h is foes and fell on one occa­sion into the grossflst sin wUh an attractive woman, this fell f)w a man after God's OWD heart!

He was n:,t an angel. As w a go up and down throogh bist" ry we find men and not Rngels. We find men with mud on the;r boota, with blisters on their bands, and with scars on their 80als. George WdshioBton owned Blaves. John Calvin bDrned Servetas at tbe stake. Peter the Apostle denied his Lord tltree times in It single nigbt -denied Him with an o;tth. If you are

Jonat!l:,t.D as the OrowD Prince, had looking for moral perfect ion yon will the le3at to gain aud the most to 1088 have to look somewhere else than on by protecting the life and ministering this eartb. to the well · being of this friend who David was a m.n after God's own might one day aspire to the throue. bear~ not becauee he never did wrong. Be made hia &o lfection a thing resplen. but because when he fell down he got dent by its shaer Dnsel.fishnesa. H e uw that David might increase while up again. He got up again faced to·

wards God and not away from Him; he would decrease, yet eren so the Sky faced away from the ef'il which had o.f bis afft'ction . was onc\ouJed by a thrown him down and not towards a ~lOgle touoh Of. ) ealon~y. How great furth er advance in wrong.doing IS that love which envleth not. I .

Aud David in turn made hie own CiGod be m ercifal to me, a sioDer adequate respoose to this magnani. Flave mercy upon me, 0 God . Against 000011 intereat. He Ihowed himself Thee haveI sioned. Wash me thorongh. in his whole be a r i n g a man Iy from mine iniquity and cleanse m r worthy of the friendship of a prince of from my ain." This i8 all that any the blood HeavPon be praised for men bon est man can say in the presence Qf who CIon tind joy and satisfaction in his Maker, and when he does Sly it the friendship of their fellows. bonestl,. he is on h is way to the divinf"

The young man who was destined f"voor. to become king was generous to his David came to tbe throne at the age enemies. When Saul, the King, heard of thirty, and he reiaoed over larael

for forty yeara. His name was handed down in human history IS thp, greatfst king that lerael ev!:'r had. He never could h'lve done it Lut fl)r the fact that he h,d ill his heart faith aad hope and love towards God a nd towards biG fellow mec. He w as a man of deep and genuine piety.

When William IV of England pas.ed away there was a young girl of eix"een named Victoria who was spending the niRht in KenSington Palace. Word was suddenly brougbt to ber th.t tho Kiug was dead and that sh ... was Qaeell of England. She immediatoly fell opon hor knees imploring divine help . nd guid r

ance in the discharge of the high duties which had been thrust opon ber. May it not be that this was one secret cf ber beneficent reign which lasted for more than six.ty years? The rolprs who begin th~ ascent of tbeir thrones upon their knees risB higb b f- cautJe their e y ~ 8 are upon that G rea t White Throne wh'ch is the final seat of all author ity and of all blEssing.

Hera then Wfle the leading traits in that younl'! man who became king! In his early life when be was nothing but a shepherd b"y he showed fidf:lity in the ordinary duties of life. He showed courage and high resolve in the presence of danger. H e hact a fine capacity for joyous a nd end uring friendship with his brother men. He was gredt-hearted and magnanimous to his (oes, even when he had them utterly ie his power. He was a man of simple, gen uine faith in the Jiving God.

Whelher yon are Jiving io Palestine or in South Africa, in the tenth century before Christ or in twenti~th century after, are not these toe qualities which are Bure to be crowned? Are not. these the tr.;its which make any m"n ki oglV in his bearing And in the whole confent of h is inner life ?

S t:- t yoor hearts upon thnse traite and make teem your own \ Fight the good figbtl Keep your faitbl Fini'h your course with honour and you will fin:! at the end of it laid up f or you a crown cf righteousness, \'\hich God gi ves to every man who serves HiOl aright.

• Chief Moshesh Honoured.

The following letter which was addressed by Cbief J . (,' . Mosbellh to the .Resident Magistrate, Matat iele, is taken from the Mata/lcle Mail .

8ir, - 1 have tbe. hon onr most respectfully t.o. ask yon to kUldly com ey to hiq Royal Highness, the GOyer.Dor GeDeral, .my pnde over. and deep gratitude for the nfl e whkh IH~S b~~.n pre .. euL.ed to me by hi" Majesty the KIDg' 111 recogmt.lOuof ou t" t" ,od ing sen-ice" rendered 18 connectIOn wltll Ihe recrui in .. i?r the ,So uth Africa n Natl\'e La.hour Con~ tlOgent.. Never before in Lb~ history of our connLry has t hi '! kind of gift beeu lnal1 e to Bny of onr people. We a re t.h .. anost iDferior and. mOlt backward of a ll his Majesty 6

sohJec t l! , a drop to Ibe oc~n of na.tion!!: which CODstHn te bis. great Emf'l re, a nd yet ,we do not e:Swape hiS ~r3.('ion6 mind and not~ce wlt~n ~e mauil a wards to his 10y.J.1 subJeoh. fhl 1l. Rhows us that t he King fully appreciated th s6n ' ices of my people in recog nition of which he has "een plea"e~1 to present me with tbe riflc. The ri Jle to me is a great trust and Ulean~ a " reat r~. pOll ll ihiJity . I greatly rejoice to "lIiee that. we are oot only 8riti&h subj ect', but. ~·Iti .. enl The rifle reminds me of the watt;b wh ich 11i~ Majesty before he a~ceDd.ed ~tle tllrooe ga\'e to my late father, the Chid Geor>(c MMbe~h . the man who broo~bt Balutola.ud nnder the British Ha.g. We took It the "wah·h" "watch my intercsl'J i" a od i y doL t be ontb.reak of. the g reat war my late (alllel' plared hl ~ servIce." and tbe .enice!l 01 Lilli people at hi~ Majest.y ·s disp09:1.1.

I take the rille to mea.n "de£t!u,lmy right .. '. I t wil/ tberefore he my end eavour to "(>(\:e a nd r~malll faithful to the KID" aud Blta ll a lwa.ys follow in the I.eps uf lb~ late loy",1 cblef my father .

Tha nlul to Lorrt Buxton, the l;n\ornur. General vf Soutb Afril:<l, to Sir W , St.loilml of St(>lll~nIH)"rh aDd :\Ir E. G. Lvodl'dale. H •. M " '\i at,l.tide, who did nol ~pare them~el .. es to keep and remind tbe S.,ltiH>I!C or their dUly to Eh8 MaJe .. ty the Kin;.;' Jnr-LJI; tbe great. \\ar. God ~a\'e the Kiug !

I ha'·e the bIJoIJor to he pir YoO'r mOoit humbJe .to,l ol'L'flieo't lIe~vant

J . G. M OSHE5H,

"'!'!""""!"""""!"""""!"""""!"""""!""~"""!"""""!"" ... s ... u P P L E MEN T TO" 0 M T E""T ... E!;;;L!;;;l !!,!!W~A~B!!!!A ... N~~'!!,!!' ... I<' ... E!;;;B ... R""U ... A!!!R~Y~2 ... 1~, ~11.: ~ _

SAFETY FIRST. The follo .... i1 g.-Isay hj G. D, L~Be[lJE"

hlolet p', ,,,as awardtu the first prize

III oor J 3Duny ::;· .. fety Firlilt Com­p",titiOD. Tbt3 eet'ay w~s written in


H A little care would pre"'enl a very large I urnb t·r o[ accid£'ota."

It is tl ue th'lt very many serious 8rcidentR and innuUlerable minor onflR ,\hich h 'PP' n to people could be l,revented by lhp l,xHcise of just a Jitll~ care on the PJrt cf workers th-Ulsdves, on the put of those in ch:uge of working gaugs, and hy works OVH8E'erS (!f all SOlt~. To illostr ,!teo thilil, I will t 'lte th~ I st class. First, an OVI raeer cm callse an I ccident to workers by giving careless instruction as how certain WOI k is to bE" pertnrmed, if th:t.t instrnctiCln be obe) ed ;01plicitly; be m,~y cause an accident by allowing WOrkE'lS OVtr whom he is overseer, to proce(ld alone with work; hA may cause an accident by c Irelessly ab '\ ndooing th 3 gang nnd~r him leavilJg tbem to handle such dangerous malerial aa explosives etc" in his Clbsel)Ce or leav­ing snch I< toys" within their reac·h in hie absence, or in the of minee, to gf't into a working place ,,,hicb it waB his doty to have discovered as dangerous. This applits fittingly to a ganger. The fact tbat an overs>-u bas examined a working plac and allows work lo proceed, does Dot acquit the ganger of the n~ce8eary cartfulness and respoDsibility expeckd of him as rE"gards tbe welfare and ea[ely of the WOl'kFfS he is immediately in charge of. It is clear therefore tbat a liv I"ly .harp look-out kept by the official. with whom may be included boss bOJs, c~n pr~vent very very many accidenls both to workers under them and to themRelves,

VVlth regard to workHs, a little care which really mf'ans a great deal of care alao, on their part CJO prevent numerous accidfnts. In this CBse somE:tbing more than a little Ot· a great deal of Clre is necessary-humane attitude and mutual eymr,athy and less triLal prejudice, where Native worketa, are concerned; in othE'r words, S.unaritan love is necE'ssary. It shou'tl be remembered th'lt the feelillg of an ordin ry Native worker is pr"ctically the reverse of th!\t of civilised worker. For e.mple, a European soldier will wound and as~ist to 8!lfety hie opponent on the battlefield, Lut not so tbe Native warrior. Let us h ke the case of work(lra OD railway construction. ThEse pE'opie h Cl'ftl to carry, as part of their duties, r~ ils and other metals 3S wl!ll as be.ivy slefl.pers. Cflre is neCEssary here to avoid ac· cidentB. for the cJreles8 ma.nner of letting go the other end of a rail with oat caring to wilrn otherA at tho:! one end, resuits in accidents. With workers in a mine, drilling, lashing and cocopan·driving, I can instance this: A careless worker may be a dauger to his fpHow workers by cart'lfs!! loauiojit tracks, he WAy injure someone, with his shovel, pick or with rocKs and other missiles b(> has to load. In trammiDg a carulees worker may constitute himself 8 danger to bis fellow workns by the m~oner he pUEhes his truck or cocopao, he may drivtl it without taking Dotice of soweone who may be ahpnd of him, tbus overrunning him or cat1sing his own truck to overturn to the tl .. trimeot of the other on-cowing trucks. A car~ll:'ss \'\-orker LOay do all the work withont light, which li@ht is a w3rniog to others and a mean", of slf .. ty to himself.

Bot Ihis is not all as Ljr aa Native workers are cor cerned, h,1 the ~ariou8 uegrees o£ c Ireh£.sufs:. described a bove may be atMed tribal prejudice ,,"hich is ihherent in thew. It is not on common that a wC'rktlr or worker:;, of OHe tribe ht'edle~s\y watch aD im­winE"ut uangEr to a member of another tribe, which a mere cJre or warning frow thful would a\'ert. D~liLerate rU!lIIillg o[ trucli8 iuto m6n of 80m, tribe by thOtHi of another and other calloos, Bt:'rioUB and miDor illjOl'ies are Dot unknown. A carales worker thl3rt:fort~ IS 8 decided menace to

his fellow-workt"'ra mOr\"l 81 if tri"al hamblope! B-~mbi kw(> i 7it~·t; f'P ,Ja. J Wiso lomz:, .. mabab~ p:.klti ku R I,· IJ:.Llrcd id al\ in~refliellt to I:!Dch diF-- l mer. ball iyflz lillY". ·"tnt,sfln 1u I' m' n.t .. nomz r~i~a ~gW'€'ny~ kufuu -P l:iition. ThiN brit-fiy iA my FXI,h,r-18 ma. lil ot f' ~J bf'k 8we f:>kude 1 en 8- t< sifunde" Y.JZI 1000 Yl, ku t1a asinak o tior. of the 8tatt-w~ut hear.ling lhi~ I ,n,ja,a~b. ar,·ku qullwa. k I a. H1.i nkwt'Dza nt I ngapaudb k \'fabafundi-Idto>-r. umona 0' uwpnz' iwfama umntll 1"lO kWlu J ,gcku ba singen&kopila

• odlWtlhUlwe m~nwn. bacPlil:i~a i ~ u8ba I g<lp~,ndI~ k,\,.,manti. Ubuninzi haba­

Acekisa Igusha Ayicebayo.


ablc--I,. P'll18, I aeekis\ isicaka ,ill vile fundi}. yv I a[uDuiswe o/?" umgwenye kukul ilJ. kwast'!, bahia, ziswa og'umto- ub lohla nllubl b~hooeapo komuyama mbo wol utYE"bi Labo I Ngaba iUlla- (1ll!Z~enY'''Di, maung, mmg&l lswa ke rnfaneLl D!l umfnyi'shq inteto ngt,ko knknba ab,fundil ,c, yo b.lhambe ye?uli :-" T.·b,tt"oi Ie ~olo/' (a!lte- ng~lIdl d<t .. wi) t,kongn ku wo. Aba­ngis afnrnanR aru.lw. k' tpont i ngayo) fundil·yo wal <' ng,dynduzi ngc k we

Ulllotu omllyama kWt'lilizwe lo'.tn. niyisf'- kud. koha iY,lIulinukist'la I hang!! z s~ G:d ... re, n a bacu mpeze u\l.lj a kw.lke jikelple n yignsh'i ecetywi Ml,i ka Ntn, lDrSt116 n ,. r, to e"j sifa - ukub :. w ba k 11 s bbko h Ie umti on~a­n~ah8mhlope n~zhye i lltl1tI'ga zapf- odayr k f:'fci simo SOillbl,lnsa, boniyo n oncab , t · mbiyo. Mllbfsuke, eh .. y,\. SakucatUtllga ~il ,It kis'l npgu- udlll k ,k ula Ril ~ nl-<t'iluntlf) knl~nt., b£'me, I ftkanye, bakr kE'}.' III ezimll k oba sba, lZlmvu, E'zi£nyw,. "gabafuyl SIb" n Inllir.uel:l Dj'?n~alJlmttl, kU3L-, licikolll. I gapezo kw. Wf_ZW i. M'\babe l'emp.,hia eh;,m A)'O a~iqondi 0\ o'kub:, kU llfl po p'aw& kona. )(h:o(,ikwez II, Into I,ye ul,uze umg\'\"enye ok w:\Zi 111, u-k", kubeko oti eyi[llyilH impAhla t>lu- Elizillj~I, ~ingapiliswa kllkr 'ngo7f1ia bn,ll·h. Bazi Jill IOtiU ngE'ndud lu nCE-do kore ajike (i.yiceki8t' lorupahla. komhlopf', irnitt-to yokns·k ... la. flY' ku- n.;olm )&lfota. nRt!lwimi ngE'l, i ru i, lndod!l enPJlk ,mo iblDwa ug"o73WO Si::PtoI8 nj':'ngt rnsho'o.t:u iyaku p Itt aLar.akal ambifla ~lH. ng,\I~to kanti noko :dnohuJongo k"lziwe ukubo. ubulnngo ,p,. In~xnl 'p:o :I~inandawo "-\lokf'l, nmzi OUlI,yt. Ak,· .ba udihana nab.> xa fSeUjit:a. ::U1fo)i yak, y.d"tj·kwa eml f'kwJ>lIi ku)o, Ilok u "Ol5eutla~'owzi" ub ng~ke atullyel \\,e walDlbaJoihH u\'iwa yen".oangevorllb. l;Clr,ynlnkil"a iziuonrpu oko'y:\ ~ uya· ipE'pa Ip~flkj f'pf'le Ilf!e 10 k\\en!iyo kuqonuwe kwangoko okoknba 11 ndoda ziwa uknLa :rona iyJbuku lI!iny\ ;njJ'~ flillell~xplo yez <!u\;bntin 1f:' C"n~re6R ipa t \ awah sh"'. Isity ... hi SEI motokali saknh afnn1.ngi:i kOI a ilyitembanga J"StI i\Ionti C.ze kufund" u .Dba s I,I'swa I ab"uye omflHhloi sibonwa llgebltsi ifumaofl kuml i. yil)l1to t :u", Zl ku}iqonda neoto nel ulukwp e/inaloaruta. Kel:..aloku yokuba iwaka I"ulibuz) arit u za ka • ke mzindini ka Nto ili~hv.a leto lelibi Ro.scmli Illocsizi nganto 0 Rasont i, ns'oyoni; 01 uko .bi.hini kuyo i A~afundileyo no Mgwenye. ling', m.i,i ngauto "0." tlakolDzi " SI,atb Africa 'pels, akoko 1.8moye liD~RW[l8izi ngttnto nom .. i k tlba eyona-uIDse.btlOli Wt bizinisi eng!lba i:raqu- nlo ilusizn 'u u'lye iugf'k u ko u hu1f't('. tywa ngab.1mblop'" apo ung Z' u6ke All Iitu t, ,d",Ia s" afulIliisa onyana It·IA iz Llukw.:lf1o. Any' a matole t ell~ekn umntu olDnyaOla. Etnatonjini nemolJ ,bi zabo L8Iqv(mz~ okvkllba Aba.for tli lAYo wabafu nufl ib Ii It'l,izwe omhlaha a pn kom l,i lJ."a b ali . b 'sili :_'1 IlItlka yaka 1 gobnya b· b lable ubob l8ttga (r ci, I sm). :r~.hb~ . lizw~ ngabantsnndu, kwindawo ezi- ny(~;" bal\w€'u~\ (,koliuba b siti:- fUtlde ngflml Ngt'Ei babone okuba nacwelo':! z kuuqolel.i a~ o,Dlhl ope b~t a- H OilY", a llelltomt,i Dial" fund .. · ul . iwi 1..e[Jze \t.izwo ngE"utiangi. ngentlaoQ a ; ndaz" u T,XO, zQnke ezo zakiwe nge7ti_ Iwt>:.i Lo ngu kwabunye n wa~ikn e·j. lLah<ifunrle ngeson~ Hizwe B('\md"lo ndla nokubils komntu omuY"ma; la q;Il ." L 'Hnl< xegoaypy,'zi intoyoku_ uawWlnj .. ama Mtli, a b:'Ylill u fuma n& apo kupf:lkv;a iWlli, ukooa n Ntu, apo b;1 h~l k ) inlo yoktl(ltl,aniea 1l.i1.we kwal'JQlO; m a l-."fullda hl.taht\te (lmze. kusetyer;zwa Ilayipin:t. tuto t- kukutp eziLiui fsiny .. s:Pf"t"p s~~iroy. uknze k,lo ~u Mshwl~hwe kubl f'Fosizwe kwahawb lop~ ukona u Ntn, f'kupatwt - E'si ~il etweyo bill"a) nddt kuru tlik) fla~,., Lusnh Bomd Itl o~al'eln kwazo ni nase knkulisweoi k .... ent~ana Z.lbl _ €So S 1'1 teyo.· L "tL8xPgo aydintlell'l zoul<e iz:zwe z ka Nt'l, kul po zit u le· mhlope ezil.ula zibe ziukulu mbu80 oko1.olJl> lamatluu u,a t t-zi' tl mbi la. l~ Ie k ,I a Wilke izilWA zika Nt u. l'jalo njalo, ukona u NUl ; akuko nanye q,.h· kabdda\\'o apf'h lwA k:lY') wuna fublnre f'yoll.1 I to ipk u'! indawo, aknko nanyo in to pSft)el'ZWl ul:.u(e bun.1 ba"u:Jul-;ele p ,m' iii Utllzi. tii nko ku ' d8 ~J,l nokuc'u knc'tua ,18. ang<tbiko!iuyoontsolld o. Pezll kwayo NgiOnxa y"loml--thlo awo abln:l i;ll(le, Asij..uko kuLu,a l1W,lntsa l ' ern b010 ) ooke lonto, ont~tl nd n k wa b mhlope lornax t"/2:U ~ Ie ~ ItYJ.1i ke n~l~kolo·' I ko·ph many,n,o nj ... ugc, ko enjellj" 10 ny~ci'kise' a usisiqllekiso o,.umga ko- kuru'Hlwe Ill:!'s,uaotw:l. A-Ill kUUti!!el 'a t" Ose:.t:akolllzi,'· io-llbizo ati U Hh, k • Iwayo abanye kub) okokubit n:f"k&ue kw:nlO ,YoknlJa aWI:1I,z.f.k;,1 oga',a nge sp"._,re yoyis3. i~i1l1mk ·, n fl k,) ee::Jini k we naye udalwe UJl U MJe.1i : imHt::to eye- sosr-l.tzo: asizi ~utet.' ngl-k~ba ak - ilUi"ra~ a eaixenxe yok upf1udu la. nz~lwa ontsnn<iu yahlukile k weyerz·· - o~(,lnllr.t11'1 eU'~llelll, ongazl. i<waye- A~ zi Ilnkul a hi b 'n~(-lwa. I Ubl w.wa ­Iwa ezinyo izidalwa kWdliUJiweyo,' tiY llw!:! ng;lwo II~al~\I,iyo; lISlli k .ly i- tH .. (nndlleyo abauga';(lzi nlo ngnhuz .... a. Ngonllomo ezip.liallHmte Ilapina xa. p .j,tanf.Dlto y ku ' a polak '1)) Ilj ' Ahany .. l, kull& tzi P I lsini lb zinto kntt:'twa ngontsulldu akate tw i njt'ng' _ nl'O,,!lhl,l ti a ~'f:lp koleiweuknLa a~HH: n.::ob .z .. \e kll fl:-\ h kula b ~H· u 'lw",ekr,se· klHlg.lli kukank ","Y .\';4. lOlo ellomp~'fu- kWol ng Df'Ue nkul·a llg,'~a,,'o llawal~ [Ii kusit iwfl .. Dyakopll!1t M ,bi.fu nde 0010 k, TIJ:o nen u mfanf'lkisl n.ake, ngdlx1 yokul>on\ ama 1(.11" e N..:esl :..u.ab 1 ezin)e i izwe eZil!u m,h· l""yo hai b,' kU3ik~ kufumant ke okokub.i rSf-I,'> iti !:,'zif"ka paulsi kWE'piko bkl t'~z,mE' eLa Ntu imiumel .. l l knla 1 yo nE'nja I'eenowbilaisebhetel, kuu, mnt!] kall li iruihlala tyayiyeya\\o. s·yila· ba Dy, kopa Plisini into yimfa y.,kwd, omny:unlt, knba ka ,n' e yona nO\(Qn~e· kuu', yeYtkfJruk~ u lam .. -Nsel"l (crown mfa na iy,mgena f'lldawpni zahetlnn~a ;.po land); ukut· } kl8wa kwaho ~]~f , kuha RASONTI.

ungcwf:> l .. k;mg.\ rgo\ub &ngavume- kn.dal ,'Y'e llgU. Rolum nte l~tI olloa eki ontsun.Jn ukungpn iyapatwa eZlmga'!-; twer t mllye nl nkosl ukule hliddl~.drirt.

injl. ng' sam1.a apll kUlillqaba aknl a k ~lng ,Li k lll kuh: cn la, a pak, ti kW8bo, umlu gu amp'tte umnta omoy,ma, bung bi"oukutieLellz" kUIl~e IJa!<,,"into Esisimo ke saharublope site sab~t,gela eliluI12 10 la lJ('I, into yo uba bar. ne okokub ubufu ndisi LabltllJhlope be- I.e~ k h f'siti:t- hala zilllOzi kOllwa

Umgwenye W.S6 X' si .

• Ketani Abantsundu.

ngaqondwa nc~ru ng bantHnntl o PRa - sing-tots l ril ci~ al Atdt ,ti, tn'tW' b , Ilk 't k b' k k b • ' k R I t k . 1 ogxe 0 weZln su U lOUisa 0 0 u a kurubi kul~millyj; kd, bavultke &lDeh!o "gl' u, .. a n I meo e f nge .a\- UIIl~ u Ruiumecte u\,llmile r.gecxa yezieelo abmtu abamuyt:tm'l abaliqlJUdi elipu· ok. ka a unn t I (UlOyarus, ah ka II I I k f d k 1 ' , , 'Dh k aso 0 0 f UO ~ e "''' 0Razo ngomzl Illa ko m"neJi ubamblope elitl'- naX'1 att:!ta I!ge unga i. Ilet, ~(Jn.. hi K d k b " l\1tande ummelwDne wako IlJ'eng :ko into yo\;,ul.ipala ,'t c' 1 aTltllnol~'): Oink opel wk'lse k ru~erls lorp, ,u Ub a

'k 'k k ' k Ii k -k ma uvu we 'wa ooa ICli a epOSI ya a· Qzitauda .. a 1 aliva kuhle ok Iba Ill. Ii be 8~1 abl 0 \\ IOta) Il ur .. i!w.t ','i e t d (b S) l( , 1 I' k I bill sun u a amnyama DO :lml. uva-litet:l nkutinilla Leyo l"imb ngeli ont .. ,. I( u engtWaUl OUlO : s'~a U I f'1' k I k k b 1 . ,- 'k '. :, . . I_ , . k f _" ' k ' I. '2 a 0 0 u a e~'osl yaYllI'e I ona Dgll-

Yokuba mto en1DZI lama Krlstu ba ull.uiJat \,a \.;wakE' nl u urJuIS",\ W"He b'l" k P t Olli .. .. ',. k l' ',' •. 11 pam' I, lDgasemva we os ee c .. keceke ZlDlnzl lZlDtO el.JiuzIZl t, nLt aug 1 ~to ) lin , I rig 'I'a lu t' I k I . k P I I ng,kuye'o Nt'l okuti 1ll8knbt eynnanto koku !,a &'sicd a ; sia"'pt'zu k\\'a'~ fundi- ya o.po U omd1z\. n eku a, yaza kyal

va dwa

I . ' b k ngenxa yen ej\o no uzarea u U 00 o·

isiS ,ln') 'rtlyenziwa ngotlh'undu kupf' la ero nomgwenyf' SlJI 01 a yora YCII! PI' I' U' I k .J .' • I ' I" ., N hi . 'I " 1 oza Irna I . "uva wa I wayo weDza

na 1l0kuLa h 11 ' 81O ctlolteta lOtlal0 . nto 1 IIt;,ayo. 6m au) '" 1-1 nVlnr a· k b b t d bid I b db • ':'0 ' b b ' u·u a a an suu uno a opu a lane

nenqllho )omteto wIlLamhlr'pr-inqu- WI) y~ll<ula um~wenyE" awu at n. I .. b hi Z k bo yombmo wabJmblo"e "b sOI'game ... bhfuodd)o ot .. Liz'l ngl ku! a I gw a- PkOSIO.1 ' I~Yle oakant·1 ?PKe, t osukefial p~ i' .. -e IZIt<a a zo U I e aOI 0 a e Ie yo yoku k'os·l a am nk .. z'lna abo abe k~mbh ; ,wnl atemi I abaRhnll}(\yeh babe bod~a haogad baD! D3Ci apo epo. aweta e~ic oga eamaxwili <lmhlope & )(l.ti ka lang ba t-a£ona kub I 1I:,nto 5101. Makube kumDandt ukuba mblope pantsi koml uso ekutw!l ngo\\ol u yokwe:l." Df·otl I: y~"~zwe kllua oku! Kristu. Singa beLlula i1. igwebo kuma- b ngam pak~t; a~1:l ZUh\ilJll; a"uhate- Ikakade ",.tu asiDqweneli ncan to tyala olmbulala nmhlope ngonISCll(tu, tnl i n1J.j,,;wE-"ll~e :,1 a~'n~d iHi bOl'HI a

l.a ukusoloko sikuhlaDa nabnmhlope. asi. ,

nonlsundc abula":l ngomhlop~, imi- In tsund. ku a beY1UJlbll, yasfO Z I IW1- ngenelwaoto Yllonto; Dtonje singabambi, teto miLici apo, futi ullteto wdywala oi lupe:a ba)a k"iwizi ~gt'lllili b fik~ cayo b:ukutt kubonakale ukuba siketwa ongumData )Vt;kubatLbiu abalJtsondn E'Xd'_ 'Inl l.ahlLm ' um~lh \H1Ilgw.e- kuba siceb;lswa, ~ilbe slngayazl ID tO aba1.alelw~ e1.intdongwel'i ogoDina b ·ydlbdt}.lIIto yoknbl kuf 'lOet. a s za enokuceklswa ogabamblope apa kuti ababanjiswe ngn \VO lomn ,ta, 10lDh- to ~e uk 'lpl la 1 e:okon waha kWE'ld z \'. e kuba bemhlope oje bahlanjwa situkutuku lowe uyin n.ohla bakoti. Ngumteto we SIS,,1 Pl,ze ~ ,,\'ell1 zwe uk, Z ' kwdll yo sckubila kwettJ. bapda ngati. Futi kete ngenyani; k"nti kuzo zon kA l5i fll ll'll1e nt'OIl i baptkadp. . Vkn~,f' indawo ebabubluogu kukuti sakuba ezimhllndE'z~lo as iva liz wi ko m Jnei j, sibt-Lenz kunl'l:' uruR\V E'II~fo Ilalafnnrh· sablulwe kubo, tina sillgabl cako uku-8ayikntalt'lle oman'li &bamhl"pe ioto l""yo kufonek<l 1,('t~l~lb .. np.. Kn£u rle: a ogel''''' kwezo zabo indawo u\.;anti booa yokob1 m:isivaltllwe nubesi Ntn u 1 YWI1- nrug 'eo~e un,1toYl ltbpl e Into )CJka.a banehmgeio lokungena kwezetu indawo, la, okanti asi1)fv" mig-udn bayenz'l Vo "igqira I; gqwir .It Nj£'l g' ko y tabo 0 i.ogabil.wa ngokuti yintoDI ke leyo u\.;ulwa into yoku kutehwa kotyw -ta intnkaH' yauBo' yt'!I,~\," .. b.fu' ,d. l('yo Dgapaod1e kokuba yindelo? KuJ...usj . bakabo DkntE'r.giti~lwa abanlsnndu ngan,agqiril omgweuye aWllnakwt<1 za bOD1sa Dje Dcokucaclleyo ukuba sis'ce­alabnye balJ" njwe, ngap nille kwa Lo ~Ub., xa uy"k littlla nge soku pekuzwa ngoko msbologu

Abamhlope kt cacile okokuJ. fll E7i. no RululU€'llte k r ",I k. ut, 1 k, lwa napioa sisuswe kuloodawo, kuha nak u. ngcingeni zabo ak ,k,) umnto onl~undc. 1 ga !', Jolla kWdlle. bo abalt;n~dll \ leyo yettl indawo xa abaoumzanil beko. kungxoxo yase palaruente pelU kODltf'- i.1 tt,. 0 \ u le Iv"k"I.. kuwlu , '! u." Iwa singlbe sindululwe kuba asio:1 baDgo. to omt~ha wentJ&lo abaruny. Kof'Iut'ka ulugwJ>nye ung lib I n~a Oku kwahlulwa kwe posi oantonl a~ u. rna ezido!opilli , aILa l hnln ax,tis (; k kubA I,gab .fuI.I:11 .. )0 mal ab looeedo kuti oskaocmane kuha aS lbi ngE'-liti omnlU omnyam<t W' k.'Dgani- Daol..ululeko nakwezo zetu. S. boDa kwa lun~elo kkuba nornbl&ba (DgO. I Cu;..wb rlain'sColic 11' d Dj~rrlll\'\ kwidoloDU eziDiozi kuti kwaku kolisa w"ke! Emil", amal.lhula k .. Ha 's. nl R .. [!·t'lly liyo>z:i t-Iidam},i-<Ii iUJ artil It abaoumzana kubuye kUDdulu/we De kwelo. eyiuto leyo eteta okuti OIJtS In 1u okllr.1 n utlullgu f:zingappzulu, laza lokisbi zabantsundu Dokuba sekllyimi· mak be sil.adul adu sika nap" 1aEJindisl abanttl abl1ni!l li ll~alle u nyaka zimi eodaweni. Djengoku~~ slbo· iI,.;icaKa sokazala kwa t'ziuye iziod,~ kwawo onke amllyez \ 3!'1etyenziswayo. na cambia koma Alivaoe. YlpID3 kG zoku kO l"Z1 it!izukulwllna fS:Z 'J Sla Lit~Dglswa navina. inkululeko kobo butuba ,


'" , .. '"" ~ .. l!ro

Bati Mayibuye i Africa.

~lbleli,-Klluudi vumele isilutyana pakati kwemlblati yako yepepa ndaba lomzl onlsuodu, mhleli sekuli tuba ehkulu urn?:i oatsundu esinguwo ullzl' ngisile ilizwi eliti :-" MaYlbuye I Afnca," poru nam adlya bancedisa kwelo. naogu ke umbuzo mbleli, kaoeoe kutlwa makubuye I Afnca oa, Dokuba kuza kubuya abantu bayo abasiti aba· ngurnzi ontsuodu wase Africa?

Ndiza kube cdizi pendule kwa mOil nclitl odlciog3 ngokuba yona 1 Africa ogokwayo aYlsokuze ibuyc iluogtle Illlelt ibuyile Iseodawenl yayo koko nje IfUD"l ukubuyiswa yon a ogabantu b~yo ab1S~tl tma mll ontsundu abableli kuyo. Ngatl lCebo oendlela esiookuyi bUYlsa ogalo si~ali pOS::l mpela mpela, o3ntsi yon a eylYo yeyokuba sitaodaoe, sirnaoyane kuza zonke izinto zokuseka oezok unyusa ilizwe ezizezenQubela e1iojeogezi. Xam. omoye ontsundu eneshisblDi si YOkutenga kuye, kUllgablkuko uba siye k\Vaba~e mZlDl siyoku xurna bopa silushiye olwe· tu ublauga. Kwakona ezinye izinto ezi zezenqubela zinjeoge KongoJosi,. Baotu UOlon njalo ojala, Iyimposiso InRcamango etetwa ogabaoye abakuti abatl kllya kuti zekutandanwe ogumzi ontsundu kupeliswe ozi Kongolos i , kube Ie Kongolo$i iyile !nosizo eiweozi leyo ngakwi c~la Ie rafu yase JOZI yaza yanempumelelo neziaye i'lloto ezdusizo kurnzi ontsuodu esinguwo oyl Africa; Ie Africa siyiruna ibuyile, nga pezu kwaleyo ioteto ziuinzi incuku, impamb<CIno, ungcikivano. Ilusizi into yokuba sizipale ojeage nkabi zeokorno eziqalwayo zona ziti ezinye zitsala kakubie zibe eZinye ziroya ngomva NasI ec;inye Isifo esikwafudusa i Africa end3.weoi yokuyi buyisa, kudala beku yaye kuti xaDa kusiwa ab30t~'an!l esi· moarlui kutiwe baya empucukweoi esi­Imlweoi entobekweoi, ngoku ngat! ago lunye uhlobo ngoba uti umotana kwa· kula nyaka wokuqala neti betn oge halide ka June kwi sesblDi yokuqala, atl ebuya eSlDarini abuye sele sesinye iSlmo sokutiyaoa netsbomi zake ezi zlse kava sele siti ngoku iqaba, irnbola. oiogandivi kakubt zltyudlni (students) asingabo bonke abaejalo kuba olyazi ub=1 kuyaye kulioywe entsiminl umbana ulungile ze kupume izibumba nomdiza nomdlungu, elosiko saoi koli tata noba­otfundiswa lona ogabelungu kuba alaki iiyacita.

Xana sitata imizekelo kwezase Ma­ogeslDi izinto zenQubela akuko nacye eyaka yatl seYIsekiwe ize ingapumeleli, kuogokuba booa baY:1hlooelana babe· kane ernbekweni enku:u kwaye be:cabise leota isiDgisela ecqubeleci yokuba oceda bona, ze ilizwe labo lisoJoko limi ; ingeko oalooto YOKusolako kungclki­vwana kuba kwalooa ala ogcikivaoo ikwalulo olusiblebayo noluslbencayo kumzi omhlope sesi blebekile kakade. Ndlgqlbele ngelokuti eDdaweni yokuba sicinge ukuba Dgezi zeozo slbuYlsa I

Africa, ngati kodwa siyayi fudu sa ngo· kuyi rudusa mpela.

E. J. S. NGABETSHA. Alice.

• Abapumelele Ubu.Nasi.

S lvuyisaoa oabazalt nezlblobo zezl ' otombi: Misses Sophia Mbokoma, no Marjory FLDca abapumelele ubu NaSI emva kwengQeqesbo yeminyaka emitatu e City Deep Central Native HospItal, baza banlkwa i Safitlfiti ogolwazl lwe E lementary Anatomy and Physiology, and tbe Nurs ing of Male Native Medical and Surgical cases. Lemfuodo iluDcedo olukulu kunene kuti rnzi oDtsuodu ongenabo ogqira ngokwaoe. leyo, eSlfa ngakwe rnpukane 0Ramaxe sha eDdYlkitya ngakumbi emapaodleni nase Kafile apo abeml iSlh ubuolDzi. ~zint~":lbi zlyakuba IUDceda pakati kwemlzl yakomawaba nase miziol yabo ernva koku, abaoga ke ngoko baogaco­Iwa ngabantu abaDgqondo zlDga xinana. aga taro· Ngamana.

Umanyano Iwe Tyalike.

;\lhh·li,-Make o~lenzc nbembalwa. K wepdilcyo inyauga. ngomhla we 31 Jail U;I ry, beku ko i otlulIgsuiso e bi meuyne ngu Re\r. J. M_ Sonjicn web'\Ildla 1. se Top:y.t, \Vase Bayi, ubeveltl ngA.seotlu. kwelnse Transvaal ite yu.kub~ intlangaoiso i9uliwE', wAti into n~umllqw(>no webaudla. elinye le7. we lonke. Ku\·a.lcele amazwi oko kubn ku1enlO yeli'Joodla liuye akucc­ngwa mutu lIje ota.l,duyo, makahhalc ignmn lake ogoku ogokuba. nxa08 alH!J,~8mll nngebhalwe ngoku umnlu o k!l.nnkub" l1a lungf>lo bkllteta. kwi ntitlllgJ.uiso eZl\kllha nge 2 April, ogoko loodawo bljf lUdi itsho Ytisix:\ka louto YBsenza isikwlltata ngokuba leoto ukuti singr ka gllquki sibone sE'siroleh"a amehlo yasetusa noyo yaye isiteti sixela i .izwi lol.okuba uol..ubn l1niozi atungelln.nga kodwa. ukuha lunge Je zambioi zaqnba ezo zitobiui. Leota yale TYBhke ioye iyamaogalisa ogendlel. equtywa ogayo Dgati yeoziwa ugezinqula 1.0-

bUClko, zemfundo cP l kJmileyo, ogsle· ndlela urnS Rev. ~I1(izE' sasimhlaba kW.l~g(\yo ogo'mba llmfundisi 10 ubeze npa l1p~~utsi kwe Pr sideot yetyalike yake yena ngokwake, IIgumntwQ.llfi ongeua kubizela. bantu ntweoi, OXIlDS

be'<uko lomoya omhle kang.ka beku­nnni kwnkll1aoywa ahaseki mBt,sndl!l; iokokeli zOllke .zimenywp yeoye ye nl(okeli, ize inike imbonakalo J'ellku­mbulo yayo, egenxa yalomahlukano. A ndazi nokuba isiteti siteb okokuba a l a£lIndisi ab l y:l k~llentlaligul i<so h(Jzlkwelelo. ngapaodle kwamnlu-nge\o cty, like ab kuzo, yiagozi laota enkulu k .1 klllll ugoko befllndi ~ i b euts hu ' umiso ye bandla elioye IOi e Afrika. tioa apa e Bloen.fontcm sihAmba oalo ell baudlaliugnmt"1.wcuo wetu omkulu k adl"o. impaz8mo ipt Z\1

kwa.~ aotu ftbaluqalayo oludibano DgO ko Udlli wlishukumisa into yokuba le~

Iltlango.oiso ezakuha ngo April mayi­be yeyabaqali baroa)landla b ::ldw8 kungabiko mpiti ize ibe ngabo abnmema intlangauiso yomdihaolso. Ngoko bazalw30a e Nkosini bekani palltsi eziziato llibe lidioi lesizwe senu, irssbi ukuzipakamisa umon8, amakwele, umsiodo nokutauda. izwi lake uml1tu, shiyani ukuoyelisana, Dokugxekalls, ukncekecaoB., ezooto az isoze zioDke.

!\I.A.S. B !oemfootein.

• Imali Ebomvu.

Utnzi wovoyiseka kakulu. akoko mataodabuzo, aka qooda okokoba iya­pela iminraka emttaio eyayibalelwe okoba imali :ramdpep. abati abaoye "Zizikova," iyak1laetyenzi6wa ngayo. Lomteto waqala ngo 1920 ego June kwaye ke kuyakoLa knpela ow('sitatu onyaka ngo Ntulikazi kula 8ikuwo, ekoya kovnlelwa ke ngeloxeeha iranti okanye imali eboDlvn ebieoloko ivaIe­twa ezibbankeni. Iuto eyakav\lyisa abanto abauinzi kukuti ODiQzi lute hVdkoba lungawa qondi lamapepa, ezi zikova odiDi, I waqateka futlfnH eza. odleni zabantu abaninzi abantliziyo zi gOBO, bambi baginyeJa abanta ngoku te nglFa imali ebomvu b .'yibizele aga. peznIn iponti ebom.,a, xa umnto naIra· tata eyepepa. Noko hhleka lamapepa stowane alahleke angavilkale, uti u!"oia into eoxowoni yebulok",e Jisike liwe elipetgbana nngalivanga, o c kwonakala aCane avutoloke ezingxoweni, uti wa· kuwagcina endlini emke oempnko ziyekwanqunqa Ie-tabs ziwataoda kaknlo amapepa. Ewe imali yamapepa ipateka lola kuba nyloa bnozima, ko­uwa Ion to i1ungela ababambi nabo babe ngabaw8 qondayo Jamapepa abangeso sicenge soIruqatwa. Mayibuye ebomvu boo sifuna yooa.

Ziml alwa izifo ezicavulda3 ngapezn kw::l. maqaknva a Rauzelayo Ubntongo nokuptilliia azifulDRll f ki. 1 Chamber. Idin,B Salve itioqumamiFa kwc.ogokn, k'Jti ke a maqagam a ambalwa anya nge cwaka. Litengiswa llspina.

Hcedan. nlxele Umlelell xa

nlbhalela kwl Venklle ezllapa apepenl.

Abahambileyo. K'iloku LamaX8sba akndala okutwala pabla umntn 8xakaseleahambe alala 1tyolwEmi ebhodlelwa nnilwany. ns

a ela, ngoka eekosike nmntn afake is.· 11a enxoweni .. k wei e k wioqwelo mHlo eyeza nomntan'omlnngu. Ngemeyile range caw .. nllokublw8

efa e K%ui ngomhla we 18 kwepezolu k~ndullike u. Mre. Ellea Nteiko, U

Mko-h~i Rxebe, n Billie yem, eyi­nhlela J okura ek~yeni Jakozal WA

kwakA e Hflokney kummandla w!:tko J{nmsni. Eiliha bone e stiehi bf:k waZ8 "NJlelantle Dunj~na" ngo Mr. no Mrs S\ S. Qondeni. no Miss Carrie Kakaz W38e Knights kwa\rweli obeble wahs­mba Ureai in~eka ndulok1. Kwanga­yo 10 mpyile b9kohamba into k. Mapi­bla nmcweli wodomo Iwali , eeinga e BloE'mfontein kwelamadragosba. Na Ir oyessva eliti "Bamba Radebs." Bebe kona ke nabanye abanioEi an~aba qQnda llga u mcolacol i wetu ngenxa yokupitizela, kuha kambe k nee Jozi apa uti abba Ja nje lib e ibhu lo lik ubn· z'i pasi sek afo oeka u ziceogele .

• Evaton Trai ning Institution,

CO ~IMERCIAL DJl:PART~lENT • Result, of lhe December 1292

Exn.miDntious :-




N og<', ~Iesbach ; Francis, Sarah; Ndlebe, Charlotte; Francis, Johanna; Nojekwp, Jeffrey.


Monyake, Adele M., M .... ,bitza, Dorothy; KhBilt", Edward.



First CI1f;ss. ~Ionyake, Adele M.

S . cond Class.

Kbaile, Edward ,1., .Mvubaza j



First Class.

Fra.ncis, Joba.ooa; Khaile, Edward; Motlbnbi, Laban; Noge, Mesh.cb.

SeeDed Class.

Francis, Sarah; Lutumbu, William; l\hkbfljo.ue, DRyid; Mashabsne, Elif s, M orake, JooAthan; Ndtel e, Charlotte; N ojekwA, J eff"y J. Shu mane, Absalom.

Examinations ia typewriti ag will be held at tbe eod of tbe ensuing ,ear. Applicatioos f or admission should be addressed to the Principal, Eutoo I nstitute, P.O. Wilberforce, Traos­va'll.

• loeoe elingu Mr. Alexander Tyityi

libhsl" n~ez. Manyauo ze Tynlike neze Kongolosi ekutetwa ogazo kakulu kw(>zintsuku. Uti oka Tyityi ewe ogumsC' benzi wnZo izilumko Iowa nt,ziqube urn I i uka.uge~e wobona apo kuy,kolla. Uti lomfo ayisakubako lonlo kuba. siyatakatana Iwatiua, 3siyftzi ioto yokuba sibe imbumba sibe baoye, kufunek", ke sifundiswe kuqala. Uti U1aku kuojulwe ukuba u Tix:a watumela Ingilosi ku Yesu ellgekayiweli i Ycrednni wati makaluse amakwenkwe ukuze ayiwele. Zioga­tiniD ~ l k e zonke ezi zinto ukJlunga sing-enamfuudisi s ingcna okokeli.

Yinkohla etetwa ngoka Tyityi noko, usivali1e tina abanye.


U ~H'n ogalDll lingo ALBERT MHALI MDLU NGU, isiduko !!ake Ii Jwara. .

i Mfeogu, un eoqayi namabov u, ndllmgq ibeia. ele Johannesburg kwi si t.uha seminyaka ~1i ­toba iodawo zake kuee J obaooesbltrlC. KIm berley oa e Cape Town. OJandisllYo WovUJWa llbbalele kogama lingeza ntei.

H. MDLUNGU, • /. L . l\1off:lt. Esq., Qual2'aakerk.

P.O. spnnC·-Y:lney, Tarkutad.

1923 7 ~---- -- ---


6,6,16, 17 , 18, .20 STEYTL ERS BUILDINGS,



MiLif/~ aDd (Jommer.ia l

Printers. Offs., Lilho~raphlrS. 8~okbind"',

..... NU' .. CTUA(R. 0' (VIrRY


LOO$O 1. •• 1 Ho~ks lor all Class,s " Trad"s al LolV Prim.

P.ll. Box 3664.

TeleDhones 5736, 5737, 5738. Tel. Add. : " DRAWING." ... --...00:--- .------. - . - ---'----



,. O. B oa 8738 T [l[,.HON[ 2e41 e".L~ ""D T.LCD''''''"''' "DDIt"' ••



IMPORTERS 01 nLAN~ETS . Stl 11.\\1 S. (LOT H I~O lad FAI'ICV 00005.

5~. SOlItL ST. (Ofl m~rk" SI., "OHANr~ESBURG.



Re nJ. Ie n th. :ml be n"':OI IOI l.$OI


~hfura a Mori ri ).e 1. A fe ell Ie 2 6 butll.lo. ulaelo Ie rn ",ria n .. eohTc e lbeot~uc b Theko. 5.1 8a ra ~a ho oblola 1 6 boUolo. "eicin Olnl­m",nl. mlful'll l kh a.tbabo t 1i4 LcUalo 3 6 kooma ••..• . ROME LA CHi:;L".TE L E O l v kO • . . .••

Righthouse's Pharmacy, Joubert and Kcrk SIred"


Vacancies fo r Teachers. A PPLICATIONS ore invited from

Native felD !l le t~Bcbers for VJca nt poats it S a@'sishnts atth"Dc, uglss md tbe Serolleio \Vesley s n Mission Schools. ~eedlework fOsseotial. Salaries · s fixed by lhe Ed.cation Department (Cape).

Apply to: Rev. J. S. LITBEKO, Manager, PO. D oogbl1l, C.P.

lodlu Enkulu ya Bazili Beoene ye o l::lse Maxboseni yodlbana e Manti oge 30 ku March nemih la el.:lndelayo. Amagama aba Tunywa makatuoyelwe ku Mr. J. S. C. Makal, Box 305, E gst London, pa mbi kwe 10 ka Marcb. Abeqela Ie Temba babbeklse ku SIster Emily Mzimba, Gaga, Alice. Umrumo we kwota epela ngo January 10 oama· tyaJa eyedlultleyo mnkubbeklswe ku Mr. Makai, iZlbbeoo nemrnye imicimbi ku Rev. H . Mama, Loveda le.

- . Kwiodimbane neziblwele zabantu

ababe kana esiti sbrnl ogokub lwa ago Mgqlbelo, ngombla we 10 kwemiyo, s ipaule u Mr . 00 Mrs . Henry R adasi no Mr. Qunden l, no Mr. Stephen DhlamlDi. Intombl kun ~e neotoeniozi yabilotwana besikolo sase Tlgerkloof, baoduluke ogemeyile vase K apa abaya· kwablukaoa oayo e \ Varren ton batate eya kwela Betswana. Nd le lan tle ke baotwana, oempumelelo ezliundweni zeou.

1 Cbambt'l rlai n 's Colic . lI d D ia rrbce3 Rf:1 m t'dy liyeza eli dalll l'o js... awaqll1a oku(;\ n entlu ng o ezin llapezu lo, la / a lasindi81 a~ anto a b.\nllll.i ngape u k ~'awo aoke amayez t 33etYf> nzitlwayo • LiteogiBw. napina.


Ipilisi ezi 6 zanceda. EI,,<li.ji L okuqal. Ipo/i· aa n \V S f'tI dPIE~8dean ,

s. AfricdU Polic\·, Ca pe 1'OWII, nhbel la e!-liti:­"Nllaa:ataz'..,.a tlisifo sa m~tambo nouyonga nge ntlungu f'izigqitileyo iX6-ehj leminyalll:l.emibhmn. NU1linga Amayl za ama­

zi oemicbiza exelwa

kodwa kOlilike

kati nje qabo okweJ:eshar.a. Ndaza

ndalinga Ibh vWana ye De Witt'l Pllle,

endati ndakuba ndiginye ipilisi ezinta­

ndatn zokaqala kwacaca okoba ndiya­

pi/a. N :lima ni. ngoku ndinga kata­zeki."

I D. Witt's Pill. zinyanga kuba nesm is~ znlu senkatazo ze

Ziotao n~ Sinyi, obunqina ububona

cace ziug~ka peli iyure e~i 24.

Ukaba ufuna Izlqamo ngotu lenaa.

Zitengi8 wa zi K emisi ne Venklle

zonk •• Houtb Arriea ng. 6/6 n. 3/6 iqaga. Ez. 6/6 zlpiuda ez. 3/6 kabiDi nesiqingsta. Xa ongll1.ifuDls ni, bhale­

I. ngqo kD E. O. D. WITT &; 00. Ltd., P.O. Box 1897,31, Loop Street, Oap. Town, Xa u tumele izitsmpo zetiki

zoku pOBti ~ha ntnnyelwa Iqaga loku

Li ng3 nje ngesisa.

Uma :'azola KwelimiwfYo kwi Ntya­

tyambo-I'JatJmbo, UC1.qol{', Uknbopeka

IzitCl, Isinqt', Ublalo Elint8WE" Di, nezi­

uye lnk\tozo ze Zintso De Sillyi e.dbatataka.

• lsi memo Kwityalike Zopumo

Ngokubanzi. Njeogokuba. I. in to entima kunene uku6ke­

lela zonke iotlobo zamA baodJa utme leyo, ngenxa yendleko OIlD&okuDiat.azi I address

ZllzO kakuble sllcinga u"uba iSI81dimi esi6ke'

lela kuye wcoke abani masl tume lenkwenkwa­na yakowetu. ukub. 16kelele kubo bonke aha sebekanllan),me. S Ike sanentlaog aolso e

Jobanoesbu rg ogomcLmbi odla umzl welyalike

zelu ekulet wn nguo ukuba Z!OIDZI tlgqlle ezt­nye . Eyokoqala Iblaoge ne ngo Jan. 6, kwa · blanga oa abe[uudlSI betyahlte ezis. toba nga­

lomlnl kutelwa ogenla yokuba maslblaogane !ube yimbumba yamaoyama, lsi tell nomndululi

I ogu Rev J, 1\1 Soojica, 8·0. wase Korste-o. Port Eliz.abeth, we Etblopian Churcb of Soutb Africa, em ... a kwencazeln ayeozile) 0 lomni ·

mzana ngokubanzl eboDlsa uhubi bezizahl uka­blukaoo belyahke zetu into lon to ebaogele nokuba sihe nenlsbaba eZlninzi bali oaballtu abebc ngasi\·elayo bangabinako kuba ogulo\,o

uti eyooa I)'iyo ylle yake, ade wnmbi ayi tele looto nal'llli ntsbabeni zOpumO. AsiYI)'O londa­wo )"odwll.. lenin Ibaogele nokuba abaotu ba· ogayni inlo csiyenzlLyo kuba omnye ut,alel" ogllpo. nomoye ngokunjalo, Into 10010 esuke yapellsa nolando lobu Krestu, ),ayc dl:Ulisa

IOI .} aoo ko m .... Hamenle elu Ize ,,·ellse imbewu emdl\ka no.~ebantwaneol betu.

Ke ogoko oditl belundisi beyaogeli masihla­

nganise larnncata sl .... enzayo sibeyioto eo}'e. Doku te nombuso uyi\"e 10tO cslyanzayo kuba i ogumoqwt:oo wawO lowo. oawo ngokwawo o.\\\l)'llandl len to yalamacebaoa siweoZllyo, ke

ogoko mfl'llabeke os8mny. zonke IZIOtO zoku· ogl'ham kwclu oamhlanje masibuyelane oga mxelomoye, Kwasekela u Rev. K. Rasl meni , enswa egu Hcy. S. P. Mcao),angwa, umhlah

ngAparobdi u Re\'. H . R. NgcaYlva waYlhek& eYOllOI fll.pumelela. ate- umblali ne:apambill

lomclmbl asikawufezi .kuoa .lOtloko tetlnye Ityallke 1l1.lko .pa, ke t .. Da eSllapa masibe YI·

komill yalomclmbi all lowo umlundlSI Ono Monj(ameli ongekoyo apa ambbalele ookuba YI Ul!lbop yAke, kWaVUD)el·N&oa ogebti maYlbe Ipmdwc I~nllanganlso kuba ~i~olnzi Ityalike eZlnRlI.yllllyo lento. itwatlWa ma)'lbe Die Jan. 10 l'l~j kWllvunyelwana. Ipiodlle og&lombla, yam nand I Ilndulr, a:.husbu umaduda Ii.u lomci mbl ~kubfJ, ma\louqut}'\e ngamsndla amakulu lomclmhl wagqllyw& kwinto yokuba makubelf:o

IOtlllog~ni,~,? eyona. eyakuplcota lomcimbi ogo April, _ .... 1 e bloemfooteln, kwavnnyelwana

ngaloodawo ckulapoke simernezela kooa ma. welu oambla. inda\\o cyongeoa lI:u)'o yoba yi Temperaoce Hall e Waaiboek Location

U He\" .J, ~l. SOojica, lowo kutiwe makeze e Bluemfootejn, &zokusbukumisa I.:ooa uhe­kooll ngo Jiln. ,I, 19:!j kula Hall, njengokuba WK.y4 nUl!! Lnsutu, nakuto lonke elase freyl Stata, ehamba no Rev. P S. l\bes.&. wa e Krooostad nase Bloemfontein apo Ibe. kW:l),donto, emva. k .... eDtelo a)'enzileyo kooa

n "cm\a k\\emlbuz:o cmiomZ:1 nCQ Rev Sa­ wa~ U1oemi.onteio apo. hal belu Ole. nlsbulmlliiso ka J.ev J . L . Ram.bali \\'e Etbloplall Catholic Church l"ilekelwa ngu Rev

J. M, ~ct>ole, yapumelela ukuba yamkel"~ Indlh\o )omao) .• "v I",elyo.hktl ale noobala \\'seel .... ,.. ukuba Olate abalele booke aba1.lDtio.

),,0 ElIma! andlll .:alapa, k wakoleL. ..... a oemall yeEltarn po '" anll. ... <l l. .... Ilql ol~ .... a ngeod wo yeo ntlaogaol50 kll Apnl • ..:, 1 9~j e Bloemfontelo

Ke na.oZ:1 IlJ3.hke e.z:lbe nabameh k\\eZlDlla OgaOISO z.onke kwlDda .... o ngeodawo, Etblop,an

Chureb of SOlltb AtrlC:a, Elhiopiao Cathohc

Church of S.A . Zulu Cong regation . Apostolic Faith Assembly. National Ethiopian Chu rcb African Ethlojllan Ca tholic Church. Betbestia

Zion ,\ po.toli(.; Church. CbnaU3n Apostolic in

Zion, Llblopian eli. Lesotho Cburcb Ethiopilloo

Catholic Church in Zion, African hdependenC ~11S~ioD Churcb: .\encAD ~li~SiOD Church. Bechuan3 Methodist Chu rcb .

Ke ogako a1.lkapeli, akumeoywa bon. abezt snltapa bodwa kusameoywa oam8nye

a m a b I e I 0 nngekabiko kolulublu selo­lapa; },iz3ni mlLwetu AIZO kuboolS3oa. CReola

eSI{~lnele ukwenza yon!!. llgaJomcl lI!. bi mkull:l

kangaka m ~sl (e siw usb iye endleleni umzi esi­

wukokelayo, mawetu ukuze &manCwaba eta angaqalekiswa . kuba umzi sawenza mtsali,

ma'lhkumbule !lit- wi ete i Nkosi yetn, "yibaoi b~nye koha tina no Bawo slb •• ye , masibebaoye mawclu nambla, masimdanllfl

nalowo ungBba ebe\·uya kuba slOgamaCl1i "ab .. esazi uknba kUlapo oylsa kona iZ1Z .... nobo

Krestu obuylOeoe kwakuoe:ena izahlukano uyazi nkube. woyi~ule, aku!§eko mandla oku­

mlwa. Make ufuode Uzekariya 8-: 23, ~po all Uisbo u Yebova ..... emlkosl UkUh. NlalotDlbla, arnadoda o.lishumi, kuzozonke intelo nuizwe ,

aya knbamba, ewe, aya kubamba isondd Ie· ngoho yom Juda, eSlti; siya kubamba nani ,

ngokuba :!Ivlle ukuba u Toeo uaani, ewe ndlU masizokubambelela kolo ogubo ezibambelele

kuyo zODke iZLz we kuba IOguye yedwa ooeoeo­bo eyabonwa ngokll Gaba, awayifuna ukwenza ogayo am~q:lsbiso amakowabo kodwa kwati

kuba. iyin ~ubo yazo zonke izizwe ake.blDako, kuha yiDgubo yobunye bake noyise, ,izam mawetn masizokuzltulelo. namble. long abo

yake ku ba knde kwalapa eseoall u !omaodla. ,\lawu{uode ku Mateyu 21 43, yiZ3n1ke Dgoko

IOkokeli zopumo :!l)'a oicela ioxako Ikuti,

kutetwo. ngau. masi~l sindlse ogokl.:m .. oyaoa Plibe yinlo enye.

• Port ElIzabeth.

Mbl, li ,


Ummeml. -----.-Umbuzo.

K ;lundipe isi tobl kalo mvaba ks

Ntu ndiboz<3 izwana kuye wonke am­

Afrika ongsnRko nknndlpa lento, koko

iuto kUlD et-isi tll ku tezi lento yoba

butyal1 k" b >1t u ma-Afrika bong,;ka

u ugafika u mzi nngeko k W3nlle abu­

tyahke kositiwa kuvoswa i Afrika

kuko r,okugxekana besiti abauye ioga­

buyi nje oin '&ba siti situ Is nibe oila­

yiaba bobobudididi kwimpi yakoweta

yinyaniua ke leyo mzi wakow etu eiri

vile na okanye siyibonile na leoto

sirizilelweyo ngoblbafo base Yerepn,

nga.ti kum sitate into singayivanga.

Ndingayivuyela impendulo.


Eseno Isicaka, D. D. GUDU.





Ezase Mount Fletcher.

Ingonys ma z '~ kom kulu Iika Ddriyo

zike zaposelwa izidaogn)wana Eokllyi­

gx ta yona le iae mf hl weni iodlgla.

Sixda ingq08h ombakazi a p"

zt.I Ulil mbo, i Tina , rrsita8 ne Tyioira.

Ng .. nttw:a yali uv nlwa kwezik olo tbe

29th J nUBry. 192:!, kufuny. owe .zo. ntBi k wezib 1ka le 1'ina (Mount F .e­

tch r) inksbi ye haahe ne sali cowbla.

Em,a koko kwaftlnJanwa nmninilo

el ambeke entlabrtini Bele-file. kanti

yiHrlodana ikova ukntf!lhcts, u Mr.

K'ok'nsbe wek wa Miya, ob,siya

kuval. il!l ik olo e Fletchenille. Into

E'tu uz~ lero kukufunyaowa pakati

kwempabla zake i Bible ek ubonakele

ngt'wp'!l1 ukubl ubeyisebenzil!la klknlu

• • • •

I Tsinira lona It'mka kwangalomini

cendolla Ilowfuzi kWS:8al ' nmntana

"abJ t: kah f'fZU komlambo-ku bs

arise ute makaq:lle aweze ullina anda l'

okuptltam·\ tlmntwana l .kanti kopala,

• • • Siaili nje lemilbmbo ziogonyama

zakwa lJeriyo !tukaha yayiyimfoyo

ralo n kosi-ziBonc.lli" a ngokumana

ziposelwa ioya wa Luoye nesiqn za­

halllu, Uyifnye ngo lohlob ) u RuIn­

IllEtDft! It!mila wbo s;;ee \touat F

kU )3 yonke leminyaka nleka iDgl:l k~ ~olo ko retuta abant" oj do, Yare

tl h 't'ko eugltka y. ruip~fumlo lngaka­

b7.l o amto u Ruluwf'ntf>, k ahl k doll u

eli liltzwe ltb.da t'liug~xa bi6t'kanga . • • •

Lento iLu l uueDge inecala la r o

elil u ngilt yo kikulu_Eli lokuba iaide_

~ge 8ly azixoliBa. D~pant8i kwazipina

lmeko-kuba iitllyua nento elilnugelo

1~8'" nlllln.H slng"oza ntonina uknze

l!Iincedtk.ile . Sikolwa bot obudengfi< ke

is ilnm ko 8 ,oa. Yiyo IO'ito ke uni oz'

lw .. b mhlope Inkoliee ng ' ku ngayHu'Ji

i ' Neteva ' ~bonayo. - .. .

Pezu kweti ra(u zingska zirafwa

ngabantu zintloni ukuswelekd kwe­

ndleia, (ogapandlp kWf'ziya ezive-nkit e- -

01) zintloni ol UIHntai bemivuz;o ye

titBh'lla 'Ieli lizwe, zintloni ukafa

kW:l.baotu ngenxa yokoogabiko kwe­

eqira ne hOBpitilA kwimimandla yabo,

ziaUoni aknlablekelwa kwabslliu

eundleni zaba rwebi-'t'enkile-zintloni

iodlela imiteto .' pasi epetwe ogayo

ngama poliaa, nokadlakazeliswii kwa­

bsnt n nge ralu. • •

ZivnliwA izikolo kole veki. Siva

kusitiwa kw €si ka nkosi Tsoloane

Lebenya, Upper MtUIDf,si, kuvnlo u

Mr Zwelibanzi Maqungo, e Zincuka

kwa SODdaba ;ntambo z.ita.tystwe ngo

Mr. Jar.o .. Molife D1lb., indodana

ez i ~llole ogomseDsnzi wayo epo ibi

kona ngapamhili; kwase Zincuka 0

Mr. Lennox Nakin ol h pxfeha 0

Stmdsrd VI. : e Silindioi u Mrs Euoch

Zlbi (Mary Jan.) ku M.garlIB, Mr. Humphrey Mezwi. U Miss L eonora

Mlandn uyoknvula e Waqu-Goeben.

Asazi, .skuya koxela iziqamo. . . - ,

Weva into embi umzi wesithill aase

Marnleeha ngokuLlutwa intlaka emlo­

nyeni zim't'u13 zeveki ep~ lileyo nengo­

nyama zika Dariyo ezitintele 0

Professor Jabavu sere potunyiwe e

hlaclear . zllk'Va Sidinane.

Omzi u busb akome k~k ulu ukoyakuma

nge Matatiele no Ninaknlu tlkaza ku­

bona ink:wf:'nkwana yase kays, ezila­

hleleyo .kukonza umzi wako waro.

, . - . Zindnlukile int5apo ukobayela ezi

SimnsrsDi. Ziehiya kukolise abuba

kuhle emkondweni. Intehebe aa

Mdudo, u Chrietian yen a, ike yaha­

mbela aka Nina u AIlu. B. S. Mszwi

ng. Holideyi. UMBHALELL


• Intshayi Zomya.

Kupepa lako leveki epeilleyo ucacise iDdawo yokuba umya awuvunywa ngu­

mteto ukuba utsbaywe ngabautu kulo

lonke elo ManY800. Urnntu osebenzisa

WODa ubasl hlba; umatu angatl oxa

eqondel. intsbayi yomya afumane ukuba

ayinayo nefaoa neyesipllmputi iogqo­

odo. Zonke intlanga ezizlqelise uku­

tsbaya into ezilolublobo namablamvana

entlobo zooke, zigqibela ngokuba

zityakaia neziyaiuyalu, kaniksogele

Amatshayioa aboDa bantu badala

empucukweni kula lonke elirniweyo,

"anti ooko imisebenzi yabo ayiqwaba·

nga DgeDxa ye ndara (opium). Bapa. ndelwa utull beshiywa Dgazo zocke

todlela DgO I( gazi" babo am3 J apani

asisizwan8 nje esincin8ne ngobuDiDzi

ukanti ogeogqondo noku qamba syi

nkohla· Napakati kuks Ntu sinaza intlanga

ezifanB nama Tshayina, lnkohso

yezi zizwI!I zitshaya umya ngokobuzwe.

lminyaka emininzi eben:Jlse Natal

cdlboDa umys (IDSa05?;u) iteogiswa ezi­

venkihni zo Sami nezabeloogu. Uku

tsha ke e Natal awalelwa umya, waye

urnntu enokutelekelela umoaakalo ebu·

co tsheni babo bantu bawutsbayayo

kwabantsuodu abase Natala. Kwase

kuseoi oaogokublwa umotu ohona

iziqwaaa narnaqaqobaoa abatsali -Iitsha

nabasebenZl ·zitoreoi betsbay' indara,

beseoza lowa " odopelapi II wokukoble­

la. Ekokubeni begqlbile oko kutshaya

babezezi zona izityakala. Bapambane

cwaka, bapelelwe yinR'qondo aenka­

ngelo. Obu bunja ke buyangena nase

bantwaoeoi baba bantu, bavutelana

babe niamatyutyasi araneia wonk'

ubani oogenguye wegazi labo. Isima­

nga into yokuba izipata-mandla e Natala

zlvumele ukaba leogozi mayitengiswe.

I yababulala abantu bakwa Zulu, iba·

pang' ingqoodo. Ekunge ngumrnaoga­

liso oaknba babe basemva kuaamaoye

amazwe ogengqoudo nemfundo· Sisooo

ukuyekelela u Zulu, ioxalenye yake u

N tu lowo ukuzibulala ubuzwe ngoku

tsbaya umya, Bayakuba sisizwe sezl­

r,ata xa inienakapela iDqandwe lento.

• lnsangu I> yonakalisa naogapezu!u

kwe blandi. OMAZIYO.




Elipambilt kuwo ooke akwe

zinye Izitolo zase Goli. Sa­

zisa bonke ahantu ukuha

LI HANllSWA KUZO ZONKE INDAWO :: :: !sitoro setu sise klldlhaneni

kwe BREE ne TWIST Stre~ts. I Telefooi yetu: 6373 Ceotral ::

Ke sena Setaro sa roo a se nang Ie


e hlolaug tse ling TSOH LE DOROPONG· Motho emong le emong re ma kopa hore atle ho e leka 'm~ otla ipone­la. Setoro sa rona se hukung

ea BREE Ie TWIST Strs. Tbelefomo ea rona ke :: :: 6373 Ceutral



epamhih kwayo yonke yezlnye izitolo e Gall. SatlSa. bonke aba­IltU ukuba U:lANJISWA KUlO ZONK' INDAWO. 151 tala :!etu 51se kublangaoeoi kuka BREE no TWIST $ts. I Telefoni yetu

6373 Central .. ::





Feb. Competition.

FIrst prize £1. Second prIze 101-





E ssays must be written 00 one side

of the paper only, and must reacb tbe

Editor, P. 0, Box 4525, Jobannes burg,

not later thao tbe 28th instant.


Umnyadala ka Feb. Umvuzo wokuqala £1.

.. weslblni 101-- - --






Iucwndi ma;:.i bhhlwe cnluliye kupc.

In epepeni, 7.a.y" zifikelele ku Editor,

P. O. Box 4525, Johannesburg, pa­

mbi kwe 2~ kwepezulu.


Peiso ea February·

:v!oputso 08 pole iI. 08 bobali 10,-

NA ll"if) CKO r BONE KfJ"I':-.J El1l'E



I:i.A H.\O KAMOQ bK ."B~Nr; 1:: THTUE­


.).h.ngolo a ngoJuc ka nc{a ele 'rj~ue

feeill. pnmpirin~, 'me fI, fill)'elle bo

Editor, P. O. Box 4525, .Ieho,n .. -

burg, pele ho I. 28 kbue/i"g coo.


OMTEtELI WA BANTU JOH.:\NN URG 24TH FEBRUARY -URBAN NATIVES' TITlE TO LAND. «ffairs in the end. In the absence'

therefore, of a definite and satIsfactory his reply to the debate, his willingcess scheme of segregation in the rural aud readiness to consider U at n (Iller district!j, it is Dot fair and just, I bold, stage the smoothillg fiW y of the to deprive the Native people of tbe difficulties which have been brought. right to own land even in tbe segregated to his notice," 8S" he l'ecogni.sed puts of the urban districts· The with· fully tbat it waf:; no use passiug a drawal of tbis concession (rom the Bill measur~ of this character through the will undoubtedly render the Bill value­Houso if it were to be R bODe of less in tbe eyes of the Natl\' e people; contention throughout the country." it will shatter tbe higb bopes which It is ofedless to say this statement they had entertained, and confirm the W d) applauded by members of all fears which some of us had concerning the Bill. Nor is thIS all; It will create Fal tiE'S. an embarrassing situation in the As indicated in tbe debate, ODe of the Transkeian territories, for, if justice is dIfficulties that have been brought to to be done, the white inbabltants of the tbe ootice of tfte Prime Minister is towos in these territories must be the ownership of land by Natives. treated in the same way· But It is ADd it cannot be doubted that he is hoped that the spirit of bumanity and in ~ymp3thy with tho!e who pointed justice will prevail, and that tbe Select it out. "I am not wedded," he de- Committee will see: its way to recom-

mend tbe retention of the clause. One, .t to Any particular idea of important fact wbich must be realised bLw"e !bftll gi1'e better treatment, by members of tbe Select Committee, better conditions and beUu life to and indeed by every white mao, is tbat these Natives. Honourable members the Native people form part and parcel opposite (meaniug the Na.tionalists) of the national lafe of South Africa, and I know have stroD&' objections to any 1 that, therefore, they cannot be oppressed idea (,f N a.tives being allowed to lease and. their progress repressed witbout laud io these locations. That is an detrimental effect upon tbe general objection I am prepared to consider advancement and .prosper!ty of tbe r fllU." Thus it will be seen ?ountry. The. wblte. man s seDse of co. e Y , GIS ts Justice and fairplay IS DOW put to a that, . although en era . mu crucial test. Tbe whole of tbe Native recognIses the need for th.e 1m prove- populatioD is watching, and is awaiting ment of the lot of the N ahve people, the results with keen interest. \\flll nevertheless hE: i! between the hOlns the Government stand the test? of dilemma because of the opposition raised by tbe white people. Bul Ihe Prime Minister must remember that we sre not represented in Parliament, and that for tbis reasou we are more eDtitied to his sympatby th.D aDY­body eJ..e. We look to him, parti­Clllarly 8S Ministel' for Native AHairs, for tbe defeDce of our rigbts aDd the cause of justice and humanity.

N ow let us see what are the reasons advanced by those who are opposed to

• Answers .

Robt. S. Ngqandu, ( Queenstown) : Your letter will be dealt with next week.

"ebas. BoyaDa" ( Kars ten): Iocwa­dl yako yoxutyushwa kuveki ezayo.

la Kgosi Khama.

Ke kalTIasuabisechaba Babatso hohle so tlang

utlua hore Morena 0 hlokahelse mao-hosasa ka la ~l hona

u el i ng eoa. 0 nkiloe lofu la pelo ka ha ene ele motho oa hal ileng

pelo. ha ema metbapo

Re Ila Ie ba ha '~\Iangwato tlokotsing ena.

U-BhuZR, IDko.i enkulu yama Swazi, nezikulu zela lakwa N gWBUE', b.6ke .pa ogollYe Sitatll kuyo leveki ukubuva eN gilaDi beyi,dlel. yokuya ekaya. Ayibikinto "ong'''o IDgoDyam •.

Umotu onolwazi ngomfana ka Zioi ongu Somsi, wakwa Skosaoa okaya IIkll Komani, ngapandle kodwa, e Kamastone; makancede abbalele kutl.


Sike sayipiwa imvula kuyo leveki, amatontsana abbe tel ana Dgokublwa kolwe SlblDi oge 20 kwepezulu. Sawa­bulela kuba bc:!ise linxamele ukukataza ngoboshusbu ekuti ngokuhlwa kupole kakubana ogendlelana aDa ekob!elisayo

our ownership of land· The first and foremost is tbat the granting of the right of land ownershIp to Natives in towns is a departure from the policy laid down in 1913 by the Natives Land Act. This polley, we are told, is the policy of segregation; but since 1913 nooe of its advocates b&s ever been able to defioe it. So far as we know, the segregatioDlsts bave oot agreed as to then scbeme of segregation- Even General Hertzog, bimself, tbe staunchest supporter of this policy, bas not been able for the last ten years to put forward a comprehensive scbeme of segregation. And it is an irrefutable fact tbat it was his followers in the Free State who, for lack of leadership io thIS respect, made tbe application of any scheme of segregation impossible.

Underground Boys!

That plausible statements have beeo mat!e about this policy of seR'regation no ooe can deny. For instance, we bave been told over and over again that in tbe segregated areas Natives will have tbe chance of II developing along their own lines," aod tbat tbeir lawyers, doctors, and otber professional men will bave the scope of attending to tbe needs of tbe people witbout let or hindrance· But when ooe looks at tbe map of tbe Union of South Africa sucb aress are nowbere to be seen except io tbe Transkeian territories. [n the nortbern provinces, where the policy of segregation is strongly advoca ted, there are no areas where Natives could develop along tbeir own lines· Tbe areas that do exist are wbat bave been Tlgbtly called by some impartial observers-"Labaur reservoirs." Thus, it will be seen that wbile these plausible statements are being made, there seems to be a crael conspiracy against any scheme of segregation whicb migbt enable tbe Native people to become economically independent of Europeans. 1 t is not over stating the truth to say that the segregation which is beiog demanded is the ooe that will create ,. labour reservoirs" as is tbe case in tbe Free State and tbe Transvaal since Act No. 27 of 1913 became law.

The land question is certainly tbe crux of tbe race problem in this country, and until it is justly and satisfactorily settled any attempt at the solution of the problem by expedient metbods is bound to create an undesirable state of

£ , • G •


Bad Hanging. "

. ~ , ~ .. ':t' . . • 1 ...... -

Basebenzi Mgodi "

• ,


• - Axengayo. • • • - • • • •

Basebetsi Mokoting! =



1923 9 ~--~-~~-~

Ha Senqu e Tletse. BATMO ba bangata noka ena ea

Senqu ba ba blile ba bana tsebo entle ka eona, ba e utlua feel a ua bobare. Noka ena thaka tsame ke moblolo bar'Q Ijaoka, ha Ii DiBta tse jualoka eooa. Ha se ba ngata bo keng hothoe e tletse boo metsi a mathang ka bolim'a mabo­po a eona empa ba e tsebao&, baetle ba ka paka hore bokolSI kotsl ba eODa bo ba feela metsi a lukehile 'me litsi!i::e­tsinY<loa tse barg bar'a eooa tsa lebla­bathe jualo jualo Ii tbibane Ii sa bOlla­bale, metsi ona a eODa a blile a ntse a Ie tlaase boo asa fibleng Ie mpeng ea mabopo a eooa; moblaog 00 ke mobla SeDQu e befi~eng, Haele ba metsi eka a II:bamathisitse, ao ka 'Manakasl. keng eo u ke keng ua e bona, hotla theoba mekoallo Ie likoqo tsa hfate, ho theobe mabili·blii a makoloi Ie makarlkl, bo fete htopo tsa batho Ie likeketa tsa Ii. pholo Ii lelahtse manaka, re se re sa bue Iptho ka hoku Ie Jipoli. HOfa m~tsatif g an~ Seoqu e jualo; maana Alebaoe ba 'Maletsoai ho utluabala bore motbaka 0 so a jela khuebeJeo8 kbaf •• tsa, Secqu e tletse hohmo kuana r:qa ea Lesotbo juale e t1a e hobohsa e kp­katetse litopo tsa batho Ie bo harnaog­bam'Dg ba hpb.blo. Eba be 'e ba Seoqu e tletse ba e etsa tseo· Noka eongue e kenellang bo eon a bODa haufi Ie Alebane ke ea Kraai RIver kapa ka Sesotho K rairafiri, ho eona bo bonoe e boholisa litopo tsa basali ba babeli ba batho ba b lats'o ka tlase bo Letikiriri (Lady Grey) e b. tbeDlel. bODa SeDqu; bare bosale jualo ha bonoa setopo sa monoa oa lekbooa Ie mosnli oa lekhooa hooa nokeog eo, hose mang ea tsebang moo litopo tseo II tsua llg tecg Ie bore na batho baa ba oetse ho no bo etsua juaog. Cbe eka Ie sa sele juale, 0 sa phomotse. Pu a·rnablopba a· senya, 0 hlophile ba ba ea bososela, a sentse bahSlbo htopo tsea ba litlokatslOg. Le ka Natal;; ho theoba bo Monamphethe bo ea tlase Thekoeng entse ele maoeoe ona a litopo tse tbeosang Ie Iinoka. Ea 1sebang ho eesa tsob le Oa tseba Eeaa seo A se sebetsaog bomme ba ho ea ka reng 0 fositse bo rona.

• E Sikapu.


Upele u JAnUAry esifumanlse 1'91 in. amntontsi, u February yen a ulike nemvula ezictle kuueoe, ziyakuputu .. roeks. ezinye izilimo ezoDakaliswe yimbalel. yepelileyo inynDga ukuz. kuli g. Dgokuyi 1'110 iDcbe •.

• • • •

Bekuko imbuto, iugoma nompullgo nge 9 ,Febrllary, e Rabe, amnqela okuvuma ibe ngamaknya odwa ngolu .. hlobo: Presbyleri.D SeDior Scbool Cboir, ipetwe DgU Mr. N. J. Ntloko, ititshala enkulu j Ngqusi-ngqeyi, ;»Iiss Mlyobile, JUDior Scbool Cboir, ugokullgabiko kompati wayo u Mis. E. J ali osele flexesbs elele pantsi ngokuogapili, esivuyiswa kukumbona engcam.baza, kubise u Miss Ida. Md.ogayi. Iojoogo yomsebeDzi eyokuhlaDgabeza indleko zok .... k. iDdlu yetitsh.I.. Iqubile imbute emandi kunene pakati kwabavumi, njenge mbuto ye tea. meeting kuvele i Choir eDtsb. ebiDgeko elu· hlwini i "N ever Die," ipetwe ogu Miss R. Lis.; itsbo Dgeqel. leDgoma ogokupiodiswa ngokuteogwa. Ipume lembuto kusituba se 2 30 ekuseni iuesiqamo esincomekayo ko.tulu i £127s. Sicelw& ukuba seuze umbu­lela kwiqel.le Ngqusi-Ngqeyi elitwe­Ie zonke indlcko zezipuogo.

• • • • Nger.eoe isisimanga yonA. ioto

yokuba. ziti cwaka iukokeli zelu, Dgomteto wedolopu (U rbaD Area. Bill) DjeDgoko .oyic.pozcla leDdawo kulam. Dqaku yokub. i ~'Adv isory Boards De Vigilance Committees II zeodawo zooke ngeke zndiban& Zenza izwi eliveillo kumzi obudolopi.

Subscribe a-o 'flmUt"U "'8 :J;antq

10 U ~lTETETLl W A BANTU, JOHANNESBURU, 241 n !cEI3RUAltY, I vn, ~~


I • • Litaba tsa Sechaba sa Moshoeshoe. • • • I---------------------------------,------------


litaba Tsa Lesotho. (Ke Mongulll oa ROna),

M& lijo ke moo ebile ea tead'l kall tla ke booa a tlang ho bo sebelist\, Eaba Ie

'm~ rea ntloa bore bo beJaetsoe ka mo· lumme pits') ea qblliana bona Mahobong

l1na-fllohoio e mong eo pI 'Dg Betbo sa moo e neog e pbutbebets~ tenliZ" Ra

K.T .f.". hore mobllanen~l\ ilepbutbe otsoe Ie Ie leng re ka re 0 lehlobonolo

h')ng ~:l. 1'sod()pfis kampor:g t'" Leribe mora Kbetbisa e'i n;:lOIl Je naba tse 'oe

nS Ie P"O ea ~IOl'eon L etlat .. Le~ho­

tIeog la Sechnh. h •• re ho s"thisoe

metse ens ea Ba~otbo likampollg tsa.

mapolesa Ie tsona Ii elsptso~ mlrako a

Ii b·helan,2' kl\hare a malelele 91'1 ho

kenonng k 'l molno oa turoello ka tcng,

ho fokot~ue mekhoa e sa It,~ aIJg. K:~

1:1 13 M OrC08!18 Tu mahole ,Jouatbant

o aa a Ie khotleng 1& ':\If usisi a kopa ho

bonauB Ie Cl:Da ka lipd~.clo tsa hae tsa

ho tl0501:1 motscllg on hae 00 a 0 fi loeng ke ntatac (Jooathooc.

o ile a b ;j lelll kom& ElIl!4, 'JllP ka ba k l II ale moog, Mahobong, TbRba.Pbats·oa

LITA8A t::lC tsoAng moreneng Ii bo- pt'h,lo 1'0 tnonn~-m(lhllh eo (l 81 ts·hj. (ha Makhoa) ha Ramap,.pe Ie BokoDg

1 .. ls phetuho e khulo eo )'1or~IH e mo· sitr·oe hore ~ t1 hA moo s ee moo 8 k. atbe baboJoane bo Moliboea kabo Seetsa

halo A e elltsCtl;! Illilbapi Ic lekhotla la eln~. Lt'hl ek <i b, t,ba h, Ii jo~I'l h,- ba kentS'le ka ilhokong feela 'me ba

I,at' Ie leholo 111. ho ttlsmaisa liuyeoe nlle-nUe f'OOP') k6moo ke Ii phophnJeli kaog bo Mpaki booa ha ba na I~ moo

tb!i sechaha. Re utloa hore hara blt- ttHmg k '\teng 'nAte ~ t~ng k ,lhare ho ba lutseng-. U lIa kang uena ngoaoa

1I0a ha kbethiloctlg hoba lilho tsa. le- bona, wonna·U1ohoh eo (' & bath., 081 leteketolll! Sesotho b:\ ne ba r'" cgoan'a

k I, h EVDislt8o~ he. maoto k e og(lan 'a Moreoa. mobale a seheloa lefureng. H ase ka khotl. leo ha In c ho boo a e It 0

Hape eona eo '!tcbaba SfI 11&10- boemo Ie kajeoo ha ogoao'a mobale ele

t~a Kopallo e.l Tsoe10pcle, 'nH" Ie houa song f a eona St' Jamie} ~ uab(llo k amoo mooa a eja moo pula e sa neleog, 'me a

taooa lihlnoho tSIl eona. B·IIHHI bao ke a sa tS'IISrl'DR kateug Ie h ore a bllloRII bile a amobelis03 litho ts:e ogata ho •

'-£ essl'~ A. S. Tillie (Motlat .. i 0& Moo- bore fOnu. ha e la f'l'le k e ma-Teo .. l Jpel.. fetisa baholoaoe. Leba ke bua tjeoa

ka.roeli oa K.T.L.), La.baoe Clwkoba- e tsoaiets l)e bo helt Ie he etaa k& '!loO e k~ boomo ke ka makalo! Ha bo bapisoa Chelete e Khuhelu.

ne ('letha sa. Kamiti e Kholo Ie lEqasa ratang ktlteDg. Ke ketao tse kang tllen3 t,'ebetso ea marena a maholo Ilterekeog MOHLO:\10NG bong at&. har'a se-

- I. K ,T,L, ka Lckhotleng In S , cb.b.), be ts. b eng Ii .'0 fibl. ts.b 9ng ts' Lr- t<ob le tso Lesotbo bo tl. fum.oeba bore ebaba bo tl. thaha, leha re kbolo. ho

R aek oR 'lokhllse (sct ha sa Komiti e qoe;a Ie Ph ,harnt'ng 'me ehe Ie [8'or>- ba e ts'oBne Kaotle bo setreke sele seog re bo so ho lebetse horp. ktl sdemo so -

kholo) Ie Thoruose M ofolo (~lobl)ll,kl nytc'ba b'lhcl., k e tsoon. Ke tso 'l a ketso s~ Leribe bua ba Mosboesboe b1 bbabo 011. seos, ho felena h ... khueli ea P hu_

b b t8ent h!E'O ka r. b elong ea hae hI) Lekhr. 10 ba hlompblsoa haena ba bona, a nil r

oa Mokotla). BaDon haull a se a th I. S cblba a ilBPl1g 8 Be hIoh a Ii Ie matla a pbethahetseng kabare bo ptjane (.T u nc) mariha, ho tlabe bo

qalile mosebets,' oa bona kant.le bo b '[ fela .elemo sa bor.r. cbelete e kI,U_ UllOl. Empa ke U100 ha na Ie lDah(;Sllna bolisa ba on3, matla a') i'f' arena e mo·

Mr. Mofolo eo re utloang bore ha a nt8en~ a taoelh pE'le kl teonl a sa holo a ts'abanang Ie oona babolo halo, helu e ne e kua.lloe ha sebelisoa Ii­


0 he teng Matsieng kn baka III rue- ttl'a be I", bo itborisa ka taona. Na ka empl haele Lenbe teng lehoja re It tali· pampiri, 'me molao 0 no 0 behetsue

1'(>ro Ie mt'sf':be tsi e m n ts1

oereog. Ba ho elba joalo ~a hapots'enr-? H~ bn ho , tnela ho'enyao't, ~mobolo ba eo lebanye- lilemo t,,~ tharo tseo kajeno ha II fela

r~ ts .... ~) i sise hant'e khopolo ea mong a bon~ hoo b ... ho hopotson$l haps9 ho! nyaoe. Bob ' e b:l ra b \ Molap') ke otbo ho ts'uuDetC!f'ng hare ho bo .. le bo sehe­

rOlla hore nn. ke efe kit. ho khetha ba· hI lis:;a Mor"na e m llhf· lo f!'! I, t'ena a I e lekanaog. Hape hore re bone bore lisoe eOlia chelete e khubelu. Oho ba


nna baua bl\. Tsoelopele b,lo marcn3 Ip. nirg 1-',) bo L"'qosa I." Ph ,- ogoan'a mobale I<apa een'l mohale 0 ea tho ba bangatl\ La tl~ k hotsllf"ia ho.

kal'olonyana e ,'yenyane en srcbsbll haweng. E-\ bar lang 'n~~~ t'a tabl eo" ! st'hel('le lefu leng, re bone ka Motete bane hongata bo so bo ile ba.nna ha

., • • I .. Ileng ba IILI La 1UIID. ho ke 18' a I-' hl"los,t, kabo1 010 a k l P fn mobJ~ mo{o Mort!kua J oel" a seb"'loacl~ Inhl .. helu. ke chel. te e "a,t" I.a


" .... I. man" ba ka uQ'(llh ho UMollgdt" oa ' Oflb, t '3=l Motet9 an tie bo theris:luo,,'" ... ,. *' .... 1>.

1'e k e liro. lSa )1orec& e mobo!o Ie se· Mit K . , la ho~e ntlu:lh:lJe !ttl lil)llu'l)iri ts tr na ha

koral t" en>+ fet' l,t, eb~ m otba P3 j~ritli. ~, apo ea en~. ;Jeno ra Dona m llr M.

ch(\la St\ hal', Ie hare phdltHo Cn bona tsal g Moreo~ e DlobC'llo b.Ji kar ... b llo La Khetbisa a hlapis~. jO!lleka J OE' le ka Ii e·o'l, kapa ha mntho a l'e 0 k enya

kc ho hllida L fsutbo ''\lusoog 0:1 Ka- naha eoa. sebaka sa htt R a.mapepe, 'me e 1." mona It't50ho moki. tlancl ·g a uts'a ntho esele

pano. Mohlomoug Morena e mohol0 KAMOO ba lali b\ Fleng b, 'oih ba 8. qhasall .. tse ka lets'ep' h ') tseka Tba· ere pampits'\'l U8 e:1R e ea s u bule:ha

o cutse bOlla ka mo , a. a motle. 0 ithu- 01101 kaleog h ore b oillna lI k t't80 taeo ba Phats'oa .Ie Boko:lg., K A ngolO'iJ e ea Ia.hleha. Hape Ie hODa Ii tsbuna

tile lme a ikbolisa b ore lno e leog ba Morena Makh'\ola a il ~ng a 11 mohah 0 11 .. Ja J f )rAog JOlJ"1k.:l maol,lI; hRhoh hs Ii boinkoa mekotlt'nj! Ie li ­

h:le ba 'netp k e ma-Tsoelopele a sa etsa Leribb ba a ne a siibe he h 1 pe tat'agA 0 ua kbem a 103 1it hena. B:i pa~jellg, ba. Ii behll8 matlung Ii nkoa

ts'l:\b('Dg ho UlO bolell:l 'nete ea .seemo \lor!'na e moholo baa a 11~ng a bl ka'e bc-Mclib1E"a, b(l·Seetsa J ~ b o':~lo- ke litoeba bobane 0& ha "ratali" 0 [1\ .

se seLe sa litbba kabare ho lefats'e la etsd<;a ke booa I(:tm~rd.o bo moo ba bo tS }OE'lne ba ki lF~" e: ba re ba 68 ts~ ka 103 tnun. Ie Iipampiri haholo. Ke a o he

hnc esitale lubare ho lekhotla 18 h3C. et"cng ha ntse ba tsoslt<;e mder- £(' re e banal Sa bobeletse letiapeng. N.b~ ~~ tnabak'\ f\ tla tblbis:l bongab hore

I 1 I meng e'\ litseko tsa Iabaka tseo ba sa ea b.8beJe ha hlnneng kj eontt, S ~lTltl bib h I

Mohloooong Morcua e mo 100 1a et~a. kang ba 11 fU03, 'me ba ba abloletsoe (Sprtgg) a e nk.... B"ua lie tl!lO~ .b~ ,t)o' 0 mpe \0 -,ee c e ete e.~ tl;l'cpe ha­

hona ka rooea 0 motle. 0 ho ent5C he. Leribe ka bore ba tseka seo e seog sa It-I i ke b1 neng ba e neba Seplrth me eon Ie po.oopits '8.oa t~ena B~tho ba.

m urtl'O 0(\ bo leka ma.~soelope lc bore booa eba ba kopa boipdetso bo eaog ba ba setse ba eme Ie ml')ona oa Mateoene-! btlllg ba sa litsehisiseng haotle ntle

l ~ 0001. a Ue a blolehe Joalcka bnsebe- Moreoa e m obolo boo ba tla lula Ie bo • pampiri chelete t seo& ba se ba ile ba

t si ba hae he pele 'me a tie a tsebe bo oa ba sa bo sebelJse empl ba Dlse ba . ,'oa be. qbekaoyetsoa ke merou kB

its'i re letsa ka hOD a mohlaog & botso' l tsoela pele mekhoeog Ie liketsoog tSt Ts.a~aea ~ ok lle ?otlolo ea Cham- , mefutaoa emeng ea pampiri Ii sel", t!'~

Reg ke L eqosR Ie Phabameng bore 0& b.:ma, ha botboe b3. ea kbalemeloa ba hnla. lu ~ Colic and Dl:nrho~a Remedy J seng cbelete ernpa tse Ie

he. lipelaelo Ie lillo Ii ntse Ii Ie kholo lj10Iela hare ba ne ba oke apilt . Mora thotong eo. hao. H!\ u so u e tert'lleng tsoon.

kahare ho secba ba. Da lebaka k e lefe. Kbetbisa, j oang, 0 lsoa abloloa ba a oe kapa sfkl'pel~g U k e k e Ull se reke h a '

Empa. leba bole joalo '00 ba ke hile bn a tsekls.lna Je ba ba Makhoa, 'me ha se eo teng. Se rekisoa hob Ie.

ke kboloe lebaoyenyaoe hore Moreoa esale a nka b01plietso ha ho es 0 b?na. • Autata • o Faletse.

e mobolo 0 entse phetobo enol k a. moes bale seo a se eotseng ~a bona· Ka}eoo

b h I I a T oe lo I 'me 0 boelse 0 tsekoug e ngoe hape ea ka

o rno e oa 0 e, rna-.s. pe e loting leo Morena Makhaola a neog a re

feel a ekare k e Ua kho1tslseha. a neba ke la Moreoa j onatbaoe a Ie moog

lekhotla leo matla a tletsellg a bo se- Tseko ea kajeno e pilkeog tsa mofuma­

hetsa litaha 'me a sek e a. Ie luke ka. baH 'Ma·Libotetso Matbealara Ie eena

basebetsi b:l kb nIe ba hae bao st' chaba Morena j oaog. Ho tsekoa metebo. Mo.

se Reng 8M Sol t a ts't'pe Ie ho I • tij'~bl reoa jO<i ng 0 ile a beba motebo a moog

ka baka la li k al so tseo La 'oH em/: b. se I oa bae 00 a reog ke oa kbomo tsa

e'sa tsooa, B.:a 'netA re Ifboh~ Morena I Tbaba Pbats'oa bolim'a motebo oa ha

M(11wo l a moo 0 Jleng OR k enya kb· moholoane Mofumabali 'Ma Libotetso.

pa!o ena pelong ea mong a r ona, 'ille re 1 Lebaka 0 re sebttka sa kamoo ka Bakong

t8'epa hOl'e b~nna b o\O ba Tsofol lpele ba I ke sa hae kaofela ka mpbo eo Morena

hl omphoo,ng b'\k1 ::. JO ke mong a bona 1 Jooatbaoe a neDg a etsetse Dlat'ae ka

ba ea eeb elets8 8fcb"ba ka 'nete Ie ka loting. 0 lumela bore rnotebo 00 03 ba

le rato ba ntS8 la bnpotse hore hlooopho Matbeallra 0 000 behoe ka taelo e~

ana h a e-ell et"'etso;t, b ona e elselitao(> Morena j ocatbafle. Ba ba Mathealira

Kop6no aa TeoelopelE", Ie h on a be ntso be re metebo ea habo bona e moo kao­

ba h opotse hore mahIo·t seebabd Ie a fela ba De ba e beboe ka taelo ea More.

Ngo.nla Morena L eqo81 19 Phahameng Da j onatbane 'me ba e talima ele boo a

a ba tdlilDile h ore 1Ia b~ I u ta seo ba 8e ea joaleka boble ba bebi loeng meteho ka

eeb"' l81n g .... a? Tleang banDa ba TaoE'- loti og 'me litaelo tsa kateng ba leb"' letse

l opt.- I ~ Ie kope thoso ho Moreoa Malimo. bo Ii fum ana ka leQosa lefe Ie lefe Ie ka

B"!"i tl uena mor'a Moeh flesboe ra ft I. tsoaog bo Moreoa ]onatbane. Kantle

k I ltea mabl( h ODol) c hie a tsoJng ho bo ho keoa makati.katiog a mBngata ao

J ~hOVd I. h ore 8 U ~hemjse k ulsing e Morena joaog a lekileog bo a etsa bo

JII"ng e se e Ie hanfi Ie ho u nya metS3, tseka sebaka seo, lekbotla ba Ie tbeohela

KAMOO re seng re 'De re bolela ka· kablolong Ie itse loti kaofela ke la Mo.

teng h ooa lir 'peng tsa korant. ana ho rena Jooathane 'me Ie Iipebo tse kateog

re uo na 1-1 marPDa I ~ mareoaua a kaofela ke tse entsoeog ka taelo ea bae

wang a r6t.l.og hI') W' ,11s& MClren8 e mo- haese tsa morao tjena tse nts eng Ii

h ,10 Iitabelog leha a ntse 8 leka h ore 0 iketsctsoa ke ba mo tsekisaog bao a

fi~l" leliipl la hae. d .. l, tabs e joalll Eo ntseng a leb.!letse mareca hare a mo

mse e tsm l \ p elA kanq's teohle ho I.e· namolele ho bona. Ka baka leo Jekhotla

sotho. Haots'(anyane Ill')na r e t80a Ie laela Morena joang bo ea tlosa mo­

Ulloa tlb.l e wpe ba.holo ea. khosooa e tebo 00 bang, a ise hkbomo tseo mote.

'c.e/\e e i1eo~ sa Waolisa batho lelsatsi bong oa ctat'aej hape abe B nts'e letsobo

lohlol ka tlal" 'me bl bararo kaps ba ka moo ka lotiog kamoo a !leng a utlue

bane ba ba ba akheha ke letsap.. Ha tae lo ea mareoa e laela kateng Hape

balh I be loma-Iuma ka taba ana. ba bit", lekbotl& Ie boetse la hopotsa' Morena

ba Wal'lu hore ba ke k~ ba thola ho Joang hare ba e!;,\Ie Ie mo lae1a bore a

bi l I, t .. b~ erla, khosaD& 1;10 e tie ea ba· t lobe Thaba.Pbats'OIl a ts'elele ha nta­

I ,ttl lab 10 h oo f:lbJleog ea so1,.ela batho I t'ae Maboboog moo ii tloha.og teng kapa

h )r~ e., tl& I h ,lIs la tea taha e:} kapa a e I moo a tsoa fuoa bocha k MM.

bus ho rna '!lsoe10pele a Iia roo leleka kbaola ba Ramapepe T:b orena fe b I' I h b . . . eng ea pe

o Iseng )a ae a. a ~o Je m.s.'mo. Morena joang ha ka bua Ie tho, bo ea

Empa ar.koh, tab. a s. hogoaDoe Joale bobali 0 lise oD'a kope boip iletso 'me

Tsa Matsieng. "Ie Mongolii oa Rona,"

JUALEKA h i re h loh re Lolel ia ha­lali h ore oq~ t:l "" lire- ho 5 ntune hole

teng balha ba holan:;: eft- I. h o j u 11). Mandah& 01 leke eoua ena klmoua ka.

. H arsforenete. Kolon .. , ho tim~tst'l mo-

J UAL B t811 Matsleng re utlua rapo-I n n?.moh I , u bilsoang Booi SpepI:nao

r oto e l'e 1\110reo& Masuphn 0 ahlolsoe ! amps ea neng a se a tumt--tsoe ke I hi­

kl\ q Clso ea ne ea Mr. Ma.bleke, 0 ablo- I tso la Aujone(Outa Jong}. Mono i;; ­

tsae likhomo tse 4: a be a. busetse pere m oh 10 eoo' ho utlaaball hore 0 na I

Ie nama. ka. 4/. Ie tsable t.;ca a. Ii IIki- l se a fetile l ~k ho'o la lil~wo h Ihol l, Ite

leoa, rnalnlll a laotsae a bae 8 3 e OlOOg hor·\ a Ie tang It:fa 's 'eng. Aajo" c

Ie: mong a lefe likhomo ts~ 3. JUtde I hotho~ onl:!. a le teng ntOE"Dg aa Beqr, tho

re soabile ba re utlU8 h ore Ie moqnsi ' b l\r ... buru k:l. 1867 Olobl, hI') b(lJao ng

I'kb I' I L SD Pepen .. re (Lou \v WepeoE'r) ha a

o ahlotsoe ka 1. orno tse pe 1 €Olpa e ' n8 a roelsua kH b >be le ~ hloelh thabellg

Ie eena ea b ola llae'lg, base molao Ira ef) S~sotbo b l IlfOn"" ha thetela ba Ra.

blolo e jualo, eka Ie ch elt::te eo ea. le- n k olikae majoe bt le ho (lona. E li P ere

tseme Ie ueng Ie sa mengos heotle e l ba "reo "qoeJele" kaholimo Leu P ape­

nts'itsoe, re re batlisise ba.Dtle ' naremob1allkllnaa 000 ok3- k~ tboloan • . eo. M (l ren&n8 'l'umabole J ona hlohlang 00 he tSflO tsnb le Aajong enoa.

thane 0 tsoa feta Maseru a se a khutls ea f,.}etseDg k ... jeno 0 08 a Ii b ona kl

moreueng Matsieng, eka 0 Da a ile ka ma?In a tsnere p ... re tiOa li !lomtanta lsI.

lillo bo Moreoa e mahola eoops. mato- M8J tkooyaa:-; hon~ ha ho pak~ bore

't' l h hi b ' h b I o,b • • a holde k. seuale, Che 0 , thoba-nBo a S I I oe 0 mo a Isa a rn o ooa- ietse.

ne 0 bile a kbutlQ a .sa kopaoa Ie eeoa

ba. otse ba romellaoa ka roaqosa feela

eka Ie resbeoe 0 ile a e tiogoa le se

ngoathana sa moka to feela kahn Mo­rella 8 lahlile meetio ea. marenQ a ma­

ra1'o a maholo a fetileog eleng Mureoa

Mosboeshoe Ie mora L etsie Ie setloho-

10 Lelotholi ; hOOB ba oe ba ena Ie

meknto ka kbotla, re maknlitsoe ke

mor'a L erotholi, J onathaoe W. Lero

tholi h a a re sechaba sa M osboE-shoe

se ' DC se sebele tse morcna cooa ell 1;13-

se hlakomeleog jualek1l bo-ntatae; hoja

m l'a oa moreoa If, ka a eletsll moholoe

h ore a lule ka khotla a fepe seehaba

mekato hobane se ea mosebeletsa ma­

s imoog a lira bathe eena ha a sebeli '

lsr aecbsba 0 ea pataloa ke

k. liehelete ts .. lekbetho, Re lumeUa-

• Sechaba Ie Kereke Ii Tlokotsing

MATSATSING aoa sechaba sa ba

M(·shot-sboe Be l:lhleh~tsu e 1.:.e batbo l ..

bab .:- Ii b ,0 lehoja e ne e se mareoa a

mali emp a ba neng ba hlompbeba

maWoog a. maren a a mali, wahloog a

sech l ba, 'me e Ie m ... reoa moaebet~ing

o ~ MolifllO k l Oloa m l'-seb ttsi ea bOM

ene ele kateng- Re bag, Ed Rev. Ever i!t

Segoete ea Deog ~ tsejoa k e bong~ht. ka

hore "Morati Lech ee.lll" emong ke nkbo·

ooa rOI. a Jefreo Mabilla. BI\ f d etS.i

'we k l reke ea Lesotbo a lahlebetl1lue ~

lilloog Ie mahlomo1eng elelJg tlokotsi

eo re e jdrislDe ng Ie eona mmono Ie flecbnha k ~ bC'lph ,ra. Ie hna Ie h:tOg

k. b aCu b ao ~, i •• t.aug plloruolo llg,

OMTETELI WA BANTU. JOHANNES ORG, 24m FEBRUARY, 1923. 11 -===-=.~~~=========~ - -



Mots'o 10 Mosueu. Mola-pale 0 Ts'oana Ie Mola-morao.

n bODO, ba kaunaug ba pbahlu:l neng Ie neng ho 0(108; empn eare joaleknha re Ie hahlanka bl).'.M usn It !' mmoho Ie l,ao ba reDg re ~8fe £2. lO;s. eo, J~Iu!=:o 08 c Istola tAele C(\, 08 l'e mulao 00 e kn sf'tsokotsanc [COona u kc keng no. bolel» moo se tsoBng Ie moo se eAllg, 'mc chelete t::;eo Ii neug Ii S~ Ii hGpiloc Ii bu~etsoe ho bel1g b" t::;ona. :\.hoLa­oe re tsna u!i ua hose hothoe Africa e ts'oanetse hobs. Africa e ts'ueu, nts'o Ese e fetohile phoofolo e sen a. moo eka ipatang teng looooho Ie baoa ba eona. Le teDg')1 uso (~If.ltlg'a r0l13) 011 Ie· lola nyakallo eo ... bothoto ,ello Ie UlftSllabl. Ketsab!\lo tseo Ii I'e rutaog sechnbs. sa heso? Le letho, hot teng f~('lll ke hODa re ntseng re thotofaia ho eo pele ka hak. Is hobaue re lebe t .. k(' ho ts'eha baetsi ba Africa. e ts'ueu empa hose letho leo re ithutileDg 1000.

kelsoDg eOj l'e ba bana bona ekareug ha u ka shapa e moog hobe monnle ho ba. S9 shapuonng 'me ebe C Be el a eoua taba ea ho ts'ehisa ka eo ea sllO.­piloeog etbe kamoso u tiabe u so u boela U shapn e mou~ hllpe har'a bona 'me u mo shapela bobe boo otseug 1 '0

\so_n. Ie on pele. Hlokomel_og like­ts jhalo 'me Ie itbute hur t:! k opano ke ma till, ka eonn re tla tseba "tsuc Ie rcog: "!\loja-mcrao 0 ts'onoa Ie moj ., ­pele. 'J

l\1oHLoMl~IIE Br lloBLOlIl b'a l't:

0" on l'1"hlomi) hf.rc baldJS ba tC'llg'

cl ng litho tsa Lek hotla In TlSoelopclt·, h hohlule ba (eetBng iita.1 a, ke re h 'ane mohloraph{'hi Mohlomi & ts'Ofl.­o '. bahusi b. L eso tbo ka lilho I,a T oelopele fee! a, (seng joaloka balho h. phokoang sa lintsiotsi, bl\ kl\ l" -ng' b hu h. joalo Iwba bahhbAui b. toka Ie hotso, nlchloln. Hothoe hacba u SIl

tse (>, re ka ltlDu kn I,nko e Ie tug-ell , em a hade bo bull. re tlube re hlolinlHl; ha lo:)e jonlo Loo molemo hOD kileflg h. umnuoa Ir rateng ke bofe? 'l\Je ha a scchflba sa L esot.ho se 11lmcllnna Ie no tSI} mflhlomphebi llohlomi ke em Ie u~ltcteli" hn. are, hore sella

c se Kalla L esotho ke ka haka. 1a ne ~f 01 eOIl e 100hoio a hloka. hr e­ba 'nete, b, tc og ke haikhanto'j,

h. hole jonlo ><110 seo ke sa bothoto k. f,aka 10 hobaoe l'e t!'eba hl1 IDOIiLLa· ots e Ie sethoto, c ikbaots'a a ctsn tse a hare ho ngoliloe hothoe ': "Bai­kh4tomosi ba tla kokobptsofl;" 'mr le­ots.c leo Ie tlatsoe ke Ie reng: "moi­kelii b'a lIeloe." ICe boele ke phelhohe secbal'a sa. hf'so, ka. puo tsa. uM teteli" Ie l1ohlomi, 'I~Jt,·tdl" 0 re ~rnllkamcli 08 ']\.oelopele phl'lH··1I0 (a ha.~ ke hI) sech& bn sa habo selulllo see ha se okll.metsenf!j ha ~h,hlomi Q. so. ilsc Lethot I. Is Tsoeloprle ke II' bJon. h, boW ale, ba t,.bang lilab ••• Ioalehha MoreDa e muholo a sa supisitsoe nlltu mo,i 0 kubellnng teog bohlale ke ho ph3kiset~a a timo. ka.ha ~elib.l 0 r'n Ie sonl e leng ;'\JookAmeli oa T'5f)eJopele moblalJka oa ha.e, n 010 liOp~ hore a mo ~I else hl)l'c ba. blabs. Ii eme k1 se boptho St tjcna IlR Ii ee Ii lo~i ~Ot·; houno e tIalJe e Sf' ho itlolltlclla kahn. kc ee k e 11(IIJC kamchla Ita fllOnJ 1U

a l.katsa OAIlla. ea 'm11lla 0 e~ biul;~

otja ea hoe 11 tsoele uaheug, a sc ke 11

re k"e lih10ug ho jl\ nama en 'mutln 0

ts'uel'ol ng ke nljl"l. ea ~11)f('n8 Ire mN"tlln ka sech:lt,a. E ren ;:! ke!..· tse puli ell t.,\.H-ue 'me k~ Ie tS'f,ants'c Ie ,!ona st;cilnl'a sa heso sa ba. I a.ts'o, nknpC't,g IIIe.

KE us Ie bahlaDka b'a b. nt, 'e­beletsnng, mabitso a. booa ke }Iots'o Ie Moslleu, ke ba lefll ka ho leklHlfI, lehfl M(lsueu & tsebile mosebetsi pele ho Motso tefo eoo. k. ba lela ko ho I.kana. J oolekaba lefo e .. k. e lekan. tuhl8ukeog bae ba k., hose khethollo ea Ie tho, MO!lleu ke mil IcfD. £3. ka kbueli Ie Mols'o joal0 feela; haisaisa, ba fumaoeha. hore bo teng hose utlo8ne p8lkeog tsa bahlauka ba ka, eSl'e Ina j "nlekn rnoDgbali 0& bOlla k. qal. ho botla rna.baka a ketso ens k:\ Jel( unutu; ka. fumaoa hore hloeano e teng maba· reog a bablaoka b. ko, k. fumnna ho re ke ku baka 10. hobaoe Motso e Ie leblasoa, Ie moputso 00 ke rno putsoang ka Dna. a sa 0 hlokomele, 'me bose Ie Iho leo a Ie blokomelseng, ka mak.lnl Ka sbalima Mosueu ka fumana e Ie ea bob I. Ie bo bothoto ka baka la hob.De o oa a se a iphetotse 'oa, mohlauka 00.

ka. Mota'a a se & mo eotse 0& hae, a laela karnoo a sa. blokeog, a bile a Ie bot50a! Btl hole j(l&lo ka. £umana hore ba molato k. bobeli ka b.ka la hoba­.... e ba seke ba tlisa lipelaelo tsa bona ho 'ua moug'a. bona, ba ts'oBnelon ke kablolo, feel .. kahlolo esb. e foploeng, en ;\Ioh'o e babe be, ea Mosueu eaba e boiml; ka b.k. In boban. Mo­ts'o e Ie selhoLo Ie kahlolo ea k .. a ke ke:\ e hlokomela. Mosueu ka fum.ns a iphetotse lekboaba 'me ka mo ahlola ks kahlolo ea bo~boab. hore nyakallo c fetohe sello Ie masoabi. HooDo ke ho eotse ka baka II' hobaoe ke tseba hore Moaueu 0 entse hoo a lle. Ie taeho ea se a se elsing, a bile a iteh&litse otsue Ie reng: "Mojaomorao 0 b'osos. Ie mojA. ·pelc," a rejoalekaha a tsebile mosebetsi pele ho Mots'o tje, Mats'o h'a, so. tla ts'oa08 Ie eena ka tseho ea mosebetsij a. itebnlitse hore e ke ke ea eba mohlolo ha ho k. elsah.ln bore 'na. moog'a hQe Ie eens mohla-aka 0&

k; re ka b. b.hhnka ba Mols'o bp. bans be rODa kaha. lef-:ts'eog mODB Ita ho ce ka tbato ea motllo, lipple limorao, ke se mpbete. ke u fete. Ebile joalo kohlolo .a kn bablaokeog b. ka seeha­ba sa. heso, ke m .. og har's 10Da. eo. so. mpolellang h.ebs I. ahlolo ea ka ebile ntte kap" che-? Ha. bo Ie (>8. MOOg ka bako I. hobone Ie sa thotofetse Ie ka­jeoo. Elnog likel.obalo hloko, ha ho thuto e feting eo. He. taba. ea. ba.hla oka hac ba ka oka e £etota selotho, ka 1'e: "ka Ie lotha sechaba. so. heso, ka Ie lotha ka Mots'o Ie Mosueu," Ie ka re, moshemane el}{)a 0 phehelletse ho re rohaka, " ngoRios ca mol-e. MDme­lang he secbaba so. Ntate, mB(lba mona makhooa a. tsua re nts'o kanngoe e mona Tra.nsvaal e tiamehe ho nts's gafa ea £2. lOs; Iithoto ts .. heso Isa e nts'a ka ho potiako, cmpa bn hotboe ba nts'e chelete ea ho ithekt:Ia nuda· ts'e bf'l co. hSC8 ba re, bahlalefi bans ba rata hore jela chelete, ba bua hoo

I'hetc'a tsa bablalefi ba Lesutho 0 rl" u~loDa Lesolho ho 0& Ie lihloph:..s. h;t~

thoro ts. li boka, ke .. Lekholln Ia Sl'chabA, L~kh(,tla la T soelopele It: ~a :\lukhatlo all Litichen:.l' 0 l'e, litho tis. makhotla aoakelseboLll1lehllholo R\KOI\O SElILAB~K.\, leba empQ qetelloug "a litoba tsa hae 175 :\I.rke l Street, ke s. ulloa letho ka bahlalefi b. Le- J ohallue,burg. kho.h II' Seeh .. ba. 0 re lilho Isa • L ekholln la Tsoelopele ke Ise bohl .. le S,k. UII tluL.Ila hu , .. hu" k 'pa 12 _

tse t:,ebang litaba. 0 re, "Lekhotla 1& qeb~. ~1ali Ii lin ts'oha a chf·£eho . bOft>l'O eleng In Li lichere lie Ie leng , Tlo "'\ kn. Cll'lmberlain's l'>a.ill BallO la makhotla a mafolofolo, Ie tldseng etlab \ u phemile kotsi. S rekisoa likhelek, feelo. Oho, Mol,eoano h. a hohlo. re & bua mabapi Ie tsamai80 ea thulo ea. L esotho u ka ba Ull fumaua be erne

• Potso ho Baamoheli.

b& Ie mafA.ts'eog Ie mll tlung ao eseng

bo Ie leshome ( 10) ka waolo 'a n.ko I ele 'ogoP, mulll\) a olse a l'e: "I beg your p ardon mastn chail'mao," l'uri ke re b. phokoa s~ liutsints i Is. lehlabula

lebeseng la motsilili! B. balla tok. Ie hare lsohle Ii tsamllisoe ka molao rna­bapi Ie bo ntsetsa thuto ea Lesotho pele." A tlatse ka hor·: "Hoj. Labu. si ba naha eo. Lesotho ba tS'08D8 Ie litho tSB makhoUIl (loa a wabeli a ho qetella, ka. lipelo tsamftisong ea sf'cha­ba sa Lesotho. " ' Na ke re, joalekaha u so u balile litho tqa rnakhotla a m:l­beli feela t,eo u lehoyang bore h'j. babusi b. Lesolbo bn ka Isoaoa Ie tsona ho 00 ho ka ba molemo, ke kho loa. hore ho no ho Ie bobebe ho ueDa bose bale Ie litho Isa Mokhallo oa Li­tichere ka baka 1. hobaoe u re t~ona h. Ii bua Ii ee be Ii phokoe joalek. li­ntsiDtsij molemo 0 ka. tsoa kae he moo? 'N & ke re, haebn lefats'e 180 Lesotho Ie fela Ie kula kamoo re ntseog re utloa. Iiboko tse hlabllog teog, ao kajeoo re til' Iula re oale ts 'eponyaDa (ka molo.

MORENA ke rara ho tseha nlho eJ18 e bUfl al1g k~ Laruti, ba b !re lDo;bo fl. ets ug joal. 0 ua lA sebe. Ba ba ng ba­sali moo a Gaudf-'Ilg ba bana bmna. ha ba beletsang chtll'ltf'. J oe le ba e fn ­man kae cheletel:-6 lijo Ip e \ ho pattla lilek Ie tsa. bona kert: k~ng. Bjeah bana ke buang ka bona ha biiuoe jt'. a ba ~rekie-\ f aela bore bl fumalle che­lete a bl Dg bfli!!ah ba tlile fet~I . . H. ballS tlQnna ba ba thusang ka chelt'te ke b a k. b,1s,li ba (1.1V8 lola ndi Je) tJa E"tsang joala , ha tliamaC'aDg k «r",i t'nlO:' ntho teeD bali hoete t8~ paiL Ih ~ng b. bona b l banoe joala b-+. re­kisa ela h '/r d b.l famaue chalete eona n tho 0 t a e tletsen~ IDona GandeDg'. U r oeali 08 k rekA ba a Ht< a fuma­ooa I flntSI3 joal>l ke Ie kClbonts'o ba re h o €I 8 r fl3 u kh iola kere keng. Atbe o ba t kis3 hor~ a tie a fowan e chelete E"8 Iii k')te, Ie cheltte e1. ho r~k .~ tee Ie kofi. Hlokomehng bamle hie lahe60 ba bl g ho hasah bana r~ buang ka bona bana Ie bauna ba sa tsel eng icthfl la kf' l'e.k:e. Joal~ ba r,da bore Jea li ba bona bao ets~ "fa 1e eftl ~ho (> La tla ba laEola tiona. Moeali a. ke i!:"" a han a tKt:llo ea Dlonna 080 h .e. Ra III IDua a re a ets~ jo ,Ia 0 tIa boete. kan t! bo nyatso, hob3n~ balla hana eUah. 0 roba molao. H obi:lne bot h oe mos \1 a b,)Jok~ m anna Oil bas, a 000-tepe 1U0 r6tfl. haeba monnn a ke ke a fom D Iijo teeo a Ii ral;.ng l'ka\'f 0

'moi o ilt3 joang manna e OH hllP, eotl "re te k(J nls'o hl Q sena cbl'lfte ea litekete

e---- "----ee------------.

e e


CONGO MIXTURE. A Higb·c1ass Mixture.


A.1. and D.P. MIXTUR~S_ IDtlbTiDs.


e e

& u motuo oa ken:ke. reIn k ·~ h nka s .. b~k. se eetelele.

e----'---ee J. W. 0. RANONE. n. ------e

Sekepe sa loholimo Bots'abelo KA LA 7 HI.kola, I. Boraro vokong

tslt.tsi Ie 11(> 1.1 cbal a meAlal0 el hIe ea bJtbo b. Bnto'abelo • 1,101., •• ho fib I, ha ntat'a bona moJimong (lleog :.Lobi­~hopo oa Blof:'mfolilpill ho lia ha bolela 1lll 'phato 0" h:o. motho a 0 talim" 0 bo­uahal n~ ~la ke 00 ho nong bo b, lorsa IllI reDah tli (' III bdo e-3 wemilt-ng mil· h'sllooa Ie ut . Iooa Ie hI'ts8 ho roo Ihus8 ka b1fihmy,na ba bona ho Ea IJab.a ngoana morena pineng. Hs ke ri .. lo ke boh la bobolo ba moph&to 00_ Eitse ka Ilt.lko I-'a 10 ea fihI1 Ngaka a kbolo ea ho h,kA, ea fihll ka eOlJa sha­uakho.b,.· l u e 1Jl0r):l ea bena. E" fihla e f.lna It) I bl,haull 1, eOll:l 1& M fptoenEC! ka puo fla htso ho ka Ih()~ ke Ncboc!.o (AIChl)"b,con Sb .. rpe), 1'3 ka' 01,0 Ipa hilA tSH pt It, Cu.noll E. R"s" 1M Canon T. Cotn il, Ie ffi f Slloe 0 m h l, 0 nlseDg o bitl t' l& hona moph tong 00 e len~ H· <d. H. J. Edney the Ch'pl un; Ie lt hlah ' ... ", la MOBone . a 1\13SbrU Ie bi· tl:loaDg Deacon B. Pitso, Ie 18 m oo Bo­Id'abf 1) Ie bitsoang S. Matsobo.

JOALE ke lla re re roka re siea baba­Ie morao, mOllg • mO} a Ie tflOg e IJ.lng eona tao e tona, Sir Edward Garr­awa:r-, ka mosah Ii ( a haa 08 IDthla, ha 'm(ho h" watona. a h .e bl Mr. Murray Ie b. bang ba b- il ) n~ hoholoog I tbe­va ~ nR ~ ta A IsoeD, h) ')l, h I ea eons e Ie ('ena Lady Garraway l~ oeU3 b. mahlo u ka. ivoJl{t'1. h " re 8110" .k: e 'm'a-L!"sotho, LO t> rppo ea h ie 121:1 A hctotS'<l.Dg hnrt>. ke ng,'ana tltin e ka h limo. A fihll he wakherenkh"s a Ie tiokoh ea h-ta ea tntWa, ha'moho Ie kepi eo a Bnp!ing ka t-'OO&, a bile a.k:1 Mobl mari mohla ho nyaloal ,g 'Mas .. fahatho mohll liforo­maoe re be r6 Ie 'mobo ra bO kt l1oa eka rea palalod, a 1 l .. tata Ia t8'nen~ Mafo­poka. Eilse ba a fihla kh ,all llg Aa Qna motee 00 a iomana moSh ~ tDanA mokbe· I~ a se a 0 kakatld~ be ka m atS t h o a ma­b- It a ests'la 00010.0 ke ba t mo Ii khu­belu ba we~'h .. o \ m!,:SI~en , a fihla aha­kJ. 66tonon~ tl a ea qatllo thaha-khab 11 II selaoa llorao k ,. Waloncl a hI.. Ea tloha kha i ta boro.! ka 'J\J a-S · j l -!..h -lIlO, e..l t}.Jtl~ Ul'lOto k. pit a e reog : "Houang Sef.p .110 se lsang." E,\ thu­bms. h ,) I, bii mal) Kert'kellg e ncha, eo. oa e<1 tibla f'o3 Ie khala.-kbatba . Bishop a qala ka ho Il" bl.lba hthu~o ba'mc,h'lle tS'JrelHso ea 01 h la l. k i ba 'Muso h.'wo bo Ie liubaka ts 0 eh'D~ u,.Ii"'8 t 8 mr­tAe ona. A It' br ha .F'ath r E n!"y ba­'moho Ifl Caoou Roee ka ho tlo 6 piDt en-l. A kat,a tabt'llg tSi Ihato ka ma­nt~ue a hhb, Sillg, Ie Ihap .. lo eo kopaDg Morena Yeao ho hlobollolof,dSl+. ntlo ena ea Motimo Ie ea looa bakuli 'me ko e bala ka I. bitso I. St. Mary Ie SI. John, 'me e til lula a butsoe h o qala kajen (t ; a e k. pela hlohonolofalso bo Molim(l. ll108ebetsi oa f lao

MOKB'fE oa otlo eua e honabalang hore e h ,ill)" ka tsa ho e kholo 0 bila m l h olo hobana mot .. s ona I) B,If'p"'ra ka mo ts"" oa moren~f\g l"b I WOI g, k t ha Morl:!na J tSU a oe a ipClnls'. b , tB~ b J_Molimo ba h~e It. hore a 1.1 ... 1 .. 1 fu lAoa Ita polt'll horA Ie b ae ho bahla­uk", I.a It·,,,bome. ho S~ I glka P ut'nj.! til

ki te ea l ':t phekol I a boots'a k.l lana hore 0 t a hlola lera . Hape motse ooa o bona hi, c· houg ea Lf'I3', tho h on a moo lenaka Ie qa aog teug b) bd h 'i. Mali­beh Ie chl:ib, ng lboblA t8.l Ba .. otho. E bileng hlJohu eona ea l\JoraOE'og Jalle Motht bi e liang e be sebl :lbt- lo kif. ho amchu C'a ke m<-lrl'na a 'a a rotlehd. Ulethapo ea pelo k e Lelso&lo, bopb 10 ba h ie ba btt. ilel e ba bow h llts'olloyaoe. 'M!:! Olio (ftla 0 I h 'ollgo..\ motee 00.



• "W. K.:'l." (Hlots. Heights) : Li­

taba ba. leeto 10. lenyalo 1a hao Ii re thabisitse haholo.

H .. U lots8 bololo bona ba r{ 0., Ie. tSl1tsing Ie ch f'~ar g 1.1 mofutba ( a I _ bl.buli ho ftltoba h l m&ra ho I'e ke· llya ha b uoh m,.l, a ll')mang, kha tba­t"o e boblllko h Lholo. BJarf< 8,\ bo tPIU ­koll ntbong ello ke ~a \Vo, a Sc:lbl",re se S .. holo sa Poporomantf'. Sea w;. ka ts1. kha1hatsong t8a mala. U Benob) 101 .. u Bena bOllolo aa sooa tlnng. Mr,thamo k.a n, ko 0 tbibela kot"i emp~. Se r Ak i. l:!Oj bakeng tsohle ke batsoaki Ie mabij. ok.I •.



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Izihlanyu ze Twatwa neze Se­yile izenza cAlhlope nEoi?we JCepu cwaka yaye ayosulel?i. Iyc.fana ngexabiso nepoliShi ye "Nugget." :: :: ::




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Virna! Kangela! Pulapula! ~ Nanku okwalilnge njeng'


--Upol/sa nokuba slslplna Isllonda e51nga bang a

ukutyefeka e9azlnl. VVO:K:UT Al:VJ:HXSn.. -SET-SOT •

I SET-SUTO Ie yokutamblsa io~amafuta aOQabiJeyo okupolisa izilonda, zokusikwa, izivubeko, ukusuzelwa, ukulunywa zl)wanyana. imitsbiti oeyalupi ublobo. amaQakuva, UkuzoDwaya, ukutsba, noku tyabuka.



Nge Posl 19 ne 33 lou


Kodwa litet:lg' esitoreni sakUDi. Ndazise sa oogeoa klllilumaDa, aaotata Iimbi. Umlcini-VeokiJe wakooi ogobani 1


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. ,; ,,', ..... j... : . : ------------~77~~~~-----------~~~77~~~---------­Printed .1 Poblilbed by the Proprieton, Native Priotina &: Puhlilbing 00 .. Ltd. J !)bSU08I1bora.