The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples - UJ IR

The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Authorised to publish Government Notices affecting Natives. Vol 7. No. 365. JOHANNESBURG. 23RD APRIL. 1927. at lho OeocnJ POll Ollioe .. ;a ,NCWlPlpcr. Price 3d linge 16. Njengoko nibona tweli nani zantsi i N . R.C. STORES zili lonke nganye zino pau ngapamblli olunje Musani ukupulapula • • naYlplOa Ivenkile eti yiyo i N.R.C. STORES I ...... ojZl TengaApa Uzoku Sindisa Imali 1 1 Amanani Atotywe ISimanga. NGENA UZOKU BONA Iltandfonleio NGENA UZOKU BONA Aloo,side AOllelo Hole). Neat Comet Mioe . .. LaDllulte, Sprin&6eld, Prospr..ct TOWIISbip, Simmer &: Jack, Germistoo. Joffes Buildings "Battery Reel. MaIo Reef Road, Dr, Coos, Langl . ?dIDO Second A...eone A olJtla Comet, Klein(oDleio, Ape:a:, BrakPlo, Geduld Spring!! Near Maio Gate Klelofoot'n Compd. Staod 324. Apez Bakery. Ne. PrimrO!lIl, Wit Deep, Concord Street, Nut' SlIllmer &: Jack Baltery Baa •• , Bldgs Keol: St'eet. Near New Pcimrose CompoDnd Near Wit Veep Compoo..nd C S_TA,NE IlIHLANGU HE TSHUZI 15/· Am.gam ... N R. G .• TORE. I. New Modder, clo Power Street a: Gardner A.noDe. Staod. 8.5!1, Geduld Ez:teotiao Towoshlp Maio A.veooe oear SprlDgs Minos Niolb Avenue StaDd 131. IIImao 's BnUdioll' HEAD DEPOT, 18, VON HRn.N D1S STREET, H03: 3870 .OHANIIE8BUR8. - Sheba ts'uao lena kesaneng ka leng peJe u reka. , Porei.9f 4l!i Ot. .. ,K ul Kuo OTUKULUL\Y0 J", Y' "ap.lll 81 at .Vall HaD! :: :: :: Kodwa FU N D mllYlIE Ho _ JIIIeIII 8"".5 ........ a ... -._ IBob)e bore lDOD.D6 .. .., 5' he kt t. lib' $ a *' boMe ho f. 'Il ka bo '"'-na b CBD. n S Ss Be • 11 _ h. booolo Ie tantle be h' I .. _III 'me kapele baholo. s..elmele 116na .. letile n IMD =a.o .. e -. _.10 »,.",.00 It bDC da I .... , ....... . - E reklsoa ke Lhemese Ie Uloro Isohle .- Imishini yoku Tunga Ka. SINGER. D8t10J' lcJ.ohlo'o. &laogUe, kakulu oeaeJike ,. eetlheD.II". E, •••• dbl. Iq.l ••• &3 ..... ,. E, •••• , •• o .q ••••• & •• ".11,. Yooka Imlshlcl UODpiW8. Zonk8 tdml· m'l 'IJDII8paodbl8 owaalldl r.tkOD8. Illwel •• 700kS Imllhlol, a.m1.btDJ.I 8mul8 ",magel.,. S. HERKlD.AN. HI MADDISON STREET. JEPPE Am8mlolU 8m,blU akosolra 8 SIt.shlol III lUI J-oP', 111 COLMAN BROS. & Co. WSOLBSALB MltRcIlANTS AND DBALBRS Df Horns. Beads. 110rse Hair AND VAMOUS OP TAlL! 113, President Street and 58, Sma! Street, JOHANNESBURG. yo ukululayo Umo •• f •• I. OTUKULULAYO 00 tlDI batl, leblck,IIDI III bIDO. : Empi BATLA .: :: :: '. ayo kululay

Transcript of The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples - UJ IR

The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples Authorised to publish Government Notices affecting Natives.

Vol 7. No. 365. JOHANNESBURG. 23RD APRIL. 1927. R~15ltted at lho OeocnJ

POll Ollioe .. ;a ,NCWlPlpcr. Price 3d

linge 16.

Njengoko nibona tweli nani zantsi i N. R.C. STORES zili lonke nganye zino pau ngapamblli olunje Musani ukupulapula • •

naYlplOa Ivenkile eti yiyo i N.R.C. STORES

• I......ojZl

TengaApa Uzoku

Sindisa Imali • • 1 1

Amanani Atotywe ISimanga.




Aloo,side AOllelo Hole). Neat Comet Mioe .

.. LaDllulte, Sprin&6eld, Prospr..ct TOWIISbip, Simmer &: Jack, Germistoo.

Joffes Buildings "Battery Reel. MaIo Reef Road, Dr, Coos, Langl . ?dIDO

Second A...eone

A olJtla Comet, Klein(oDleio, Ape:a:, BrakPlo, Geduld Spring!!

Near Maio Gate Klelofoot'n Compd. Staod 324. Apez Bakery.

Ne. PrimrO!lIl, Wit Deep,

Concord Street, Nut' SlIllmer &: Jack Baltery Baa •• , Bldgs Keol: St 'eet. Near New Pcimrose CompoDnd Near Wit Veep Compoo..nd


Am.gam ... N R. G .• TORE. I. New Modder,

clo Power Street a: Gardner A.noDe. Staod. 8.5!1, Geduld Ez:teotiao Towoshlp Maio A.veooe oear SprlDgs Minos Niolb Avenue StaDd 131. IIImao 's BnUdioll'



Sheba ts'uao lena kesaneng ka leng peJe u reka .


Porei.9f 4l!i

Ot. .. ,Kul Kuo OTUKULUL\Y0 J", Y' "ap.lll 81 at .Vall HaD! ,~\o>'),

:: :: :: Kodwa FU N • • •

D mllYlIE Ho _ JIIIeIII 8"".5 ........ a ... -._

IBob)e bore lDOD.D6 .. .., 5' ~ he kt t. lib' $ a *' boMe ho f. 'Il ka bo '"'-na b CBD. n S Ss Be • 11 _ h. booolo Ie tantle be h' i.~. I .. _III • 'me kapele baholo.

s..elmele 116na .. letile n IMD =a.o t:*~ ..

e -. _.10 »,.",.00 It bDC da I .... ,........ -E reklsoa ke Lhemese Ie Uloro Isohle


Imishini yoku Tunga Ka. SINGER.

D8t10J' lcJ.ohlo'o. &laogUe, kakulu oeaeJike ,. eetlheD.II".

E, •••• dbl. Iq.l ••• &3 ..... ,. E, •••• , •• o .q ••••• & •• ".11,. Yooka Imlshlcl UODpiW8. Zonk8 tdml· m'l 'IJDII8paodbl8 owaalldl r.tkOD8.

Illwel •• 700kS Imllhlol, a.m1.btDJ.I 8mul8 ",magel.,.


Am8mlolU 8m,blU akosolra 8 SIt.shlol III lUI J-oP', 111


Ka~, Horns. Beads. 110rse Hair


113, President Street and 58, Sma! Street,


yo ukululayo Umo •• f •• I. OTUKULULAYO 00

tlDI • batl, leblck,IIDI III bIDO. : Empi BATLA .: :: ::


ayo kululay

UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOH I\NNESBURG, 23RD APRIL, ~19!!!!!2!!!!!7, """"""'" • All commanica tiQn


P.O. Box 4525,


Published Weekly.


One Year ... Six Months

Three \'1onths

_ 15;-




Umteteli wa Bantu. 23rd APRIL, 1927.


reception to tbe 1.0, U. overtures, a.nd thn.t the Oongress ora.t'lry would have discovt red a. ess truculent tone. The 1.0 U·, as well as miony other Native org,nisa.tions, iB in sore Deed of Euro­pean guida.nce, philosophy and friendli­nesp, and if in pla.ce of theae its le!lders etcouoter ooly outspoken antagonism their demea.nour is naturally a.ffected and their own discredit follows,-tho c~rtain oonsequence of the narroW Europea.n view . In the case before us officia.l obtuseness induoed a bitterness of thought which found outlet in un­considered and re9ratte.ble sp83ch, &nd tbe Mayor of Durban a.nd those who identify themselves with his posture would be weH-advised t? tbink in wider circles before they commit such indiscretions as that of which we

The Destiny of the Bantu Race.

(By R- v . SRLOPR.TsEMA.) -CaD the B~ntu race ~be fate of those races which became practioally extinot 0.8 the resul t or tbeir contact with Western civilisation ? Since it Clme in to contnct witb t h is civilisation at the Grea.t Fish River, over a. bUD­d red years ago, it bas m ainta.ined a wouderful vitality, and bas mainl, withstood the onslaught of Its evila. W e o f to ·dll.Y are natura lly proud of t bis achievement; but cnn we main­h in t bie position? Tbis is a qu.estion whioh cannot he answered gladly and readi ly in the a.ffirmati1'e in view of tbe cbaotic state 01 our social lif3. Our fa.thers wore prooocted against tbe evils of civilisation by tbeir social system and tr ibal orgllnisations. Tbey bad la w8 w bioh g01'erned a nd oontrolled tbo m ovements of tbe yonng people. T bei r wom enfolk were under plI.renta.1 con t rol and rarely did any tbing can­tra.ry to la.w Sond O·IStoOO. The men also had to conform to certain rule. and regu lations which governed sooiety-.

Tbere was l\ gatbering of tribe and clan be'lds at Bloemfontein over t be week end. Chiefs (rom aU parts o( the Union aMended the convention called by the African National. Cong~ess. to consider the proposed N a.tlve legtsla.tlon and especially t e. exa.mine the status of B.otu .biertainebip. T be Rev. Z. R. Ml\, president of the A.~ .. C., drew attenti '}D to the precarious POSition of the chiefs a.nd to tbeir subjection to governmental wbim Tbe deposition of Native chief9 at tbe pleasure of the Government bas long been the cause of muob heartburning a.nd it is tbou~ht th"t the time has arrived for tbe Cblefs to Q.98ent themselves to defend thei r rig~t t) rule in strict order of s.uccession in'rdance with tbe N &ttve la.w of heredity. As is well known man y Cbiefs and headmf'n a t present ?we tbeir position to Government Domma· tion and in mora tha.n one cas" tbere bas been officia l interference with the line of succession-possib'y for good and sufficient re&sons. For, with a few notable exceptions, tbe chiefs are unprogressive and do not coutribute as the v should to t be development of tbeir people. T hey have been content to rule in tbe ma.nner of tibeir forefatberi! and made little effor t to improve @ocia.l conditions or to encounde the observance of the ele­mentary r~les of hygiene in the vi1l~gea under their jurisdiction, Under. trtb.a l rule the N a.tiV6 is still buhanan In habit and "ith the excep tions'there h:l.s been DO evidence that the Grea.t P la.ces offered such a.n example to "pur lhe commonen out of their physioal a.nd menta.l squalour. This a.spect of tbe case W&S not pre eented a.t t he Chiefs' Convention, and W3 conoeive it OUl' duty to sa.y that a. chief would be quit.e pnperly deposed H he fa.ils in bis duty to impro1'e the condit ion of his people baving first improve-!. his own condition . Native cnstom is not s crosa.nct merely be ­cause it is old. The Chiefs must under­sta.nd tb i t thei r accidental place in the line of succession does not invest them with authority to rule in a. m'1on­ner contrary to modern requirements, and tha.t i( they prove unwortby they musb he prepared to sufIer deposition lust as unworthy E uropean rulers have suffered It is a.greed tbflot direc~ de· soent is the prime qua.l!ficr:lotioll for chief tainsbip, but ib is not the on ly ODe as the cbie(s apparently concluded. It is essentia.l th1\t tbe beirs to chieftllio ship should cultivate the "irtueR so that they may rule with j1lstice and cb:Hity. It is neither just nor chrr.ritahle to as

- -The Mayor of Dorban blundered when

he declined tbe I .C.U. invitation to open i~s a.oou~t OOQgras~. He did D~ take the b,rge view. His objection to the coostitution of the orga.nisation wa.s quite ree.soDlloble, but it is just a.s reo.'iJona.ble to say that be would will­ingly hllove officia.tecl at the opening of whIte onion or La.bour Pa-rty congresses whose constitutioos Sle open to tbe same objection as tbl:1t of the I.C.U. Tbe Mayorof Durban detioite1y shirked his duty and bis fellow oitizeo~ by refusiug to a.ttend the function on the ground tha.t one of the I C U. objective. displ • .,ed bim. Wbat ever opinion he &':ld others of bis tYPE> may bold it o.nnot be deoied tbat tbe T.O,U, has assumed a very rea.l imporb­ance a.nd tha.t it is performing wha.t its leadera oonsider to be a. legitima.te servioe to the blo.ok peoples of this country, It i8 perfeotly {utile to pretend not to reoogoise its import!l.nce, Dond meD in prominent pla.ces should not be afraid to floe facts · The M·wor of Durba.n WM!' entitled to disappro1'e of tbe I.C .U., its object. and metbod ., but as B. ~erVI\1Jt o[ bis town be Wtl9 entircfy n. hult i!l wjthbold i D ~ tbe di~njty with which bis presence would have jnvested the opening phase of its anoua.l delib:Ha.-tions . To open the congress might

• have be ~n 0. personal uDple~sa.ntDess uut be would auoed the right to compensate himself by expressing to the delegates bis view tha.t their con· stitution was in need of amendment; lod there is no doubt that leaders and rankers of the I .C U. would bave been appreciative listeners to one who had gmciously aoknowledged their olaim to serious oonsidera.tion . The I .C.U, is a. much more modera.~ e uody tban tt u ed to be, nnd So little Judicious on­coura.gement {rom the big men of Euro· pea.n nfTdoitls w mId itduca a aharper treod to"\v!l.rds teml>era.t~ness Ilnd do ru Ith tc develop In its adherenh tba t

'l Q or rogpo ibllih whioh is t he bo gin in of 000 1 a~ 90 and compromi.,e. TL a M yor o! Darba.n errad mOBt gr evou! y nJ lis at ttude cave ome

lQa.~ n fl di:ln t ou 1Iv .pilro be v 801 uc ortJnate p3.'~SB

I m red t e ' n "fro s pr oee. It B conce v ble th e It .. roes

fI: 0 B.r '! 1)5 N t va im.ll d ,-,' 11 0 w 'ld deeJ wlJul1 fl

D n 8 me d fa lr of Du

r.e b d tbo n ven a yrot: be 10

Mr. Kada.lie ha.s many of the essential qua.lifications of lea.dersbip, but it is admittedly rliOioult for him to maintain a poise a.ccepte.ble to Europeans when bis followers call (or abandon. The average Na.tive aoudience demands a oonstBlnt stimula.tion of interest. Those who would hold the Natives' attention must excite tbom by reoiting their grievanoes and picturing violent re­medial measures. Na.tive gatherings become restive when treated tJ dias­erh,tions on goodwill a.nd co-opera tion; and the most succ6s'1ful Native leaders are those who play I n their people's emotions a.nd attune their a.d ­dresse9 to popular sentiment. Without a. lar~e following Mr. Ka.daHe would be una.ble to his objectives, a.nd tbere is mucb rea.son to beheve that his periodic descent to tbe level of hi'! diS,; cipl'ls is a.9tutely judged so as to seoure the ma.ximum supporb for the pursuit of bis hi!(ber purposes. It is to eee that he is strongly opposed to any step of a.n unoonstitutiona.1 na.ture ILnd t.bat he is determined to curb those of bis lieutenant9 who less knowledgably urse for direct a.ction in imita.tion of white o11stom. Tbe l'oa,soning is simple . Tho Natives are not or 'anised either (or a. strike or for passive resistance, nor wi I they be for many to come, Any attempt bv a. Native indus trial orga.nisation to enforce its members

, dema.nds by Withholding tbeir labour w(uld fai l dislutilly and would react disastrously on those p rticipatin"!. Moreover, Fl strike of Native workmen would damage nobcdy roore tban its promoters, and Mr, Kada\ie will not b~ guilty of the folly o f aS900iating him ­eelf with !lny movement so certain d ff\ilure. It is chiefly for that reason tblt Mr. Kad!llie has contrived to rid tbe IOU. of its misobievous Communist element, and to bre9k definitely with- the whito soci lists who songht to use h im and the ra.tber unruly crowd whioh be alone controls Without)Ir KadllJie'a .hil ty tbe disool·)tion of tbe I C.D would be rapid, \lith tht' I.C U commit­t,d to an uncoDstitt.:.tionl1 pro tamme rur Kada. ie's leadership w,uld Le superseded and he would IOie hath pl:1ce and power. It follows, tb refore, that tb. [·C.U raok and tile will Dot he ln'e Rbed for pub io disturbance witb Mr K • . ',} e s eOI'sent aod that timor. OUII Eur pean ma.y benceforth rely on Mr. K.a.lie 10 d . .,1 tbat may be daDe to preserve the ndustria.l peace.

sume an a.utbor ltv conferred by birth a.nd to wax fat on the people's ma.t8rino l tribute. Tbe Chief mu .. t prove hia worth and mu~t bimseH fit to assist his people to stop out of the rut they wa.llowed in for a thousand years. It is tbe ap!lthy :lod indolence of tbe Cbief. tb.t bave brouRbt u pon them tbe preFent insecurity of tecure, :lnd tbey will best eervo rb3mselves bv doing all thllt rna.)' be done to "erve the people who aoknowledge and obey them.

Kingwilliamstown Council.

.1\ Nlltive conDell hac; b.-en est '1 '>l!sh .. d ~t Klflgwlll mstown Foor oo"'mberc; ror the Tlim cb" ar"" were Alpcted ('0 Tuec:d y, tbe fjr~t electi n of It~ kind . Tb-se m .. rnbtrc: wil seorve fo r tw' ,. e rs. end tbe G ,vprOrXIent wI! nami te tW:l rppre"'f"ot tlve~ Tb .. e ec Ion w 5 cC'ndflcted hy Mr Ord. actl R: m g str tfl, who pxp1alntd the fllDCtl OnS f be N ttve cotloci!s.

Clarkebury Institution WANTED "HOE~{AKER INSTRUC· TOR: NATIVE (with knowledge or TlI.nning). To c .... IDlDence w"rk July 1927· Apply with and record of experience t c .-

The Principal P.O. (Iarkebury C. p.

But lVe of to· d~y, •• tbe re.ult of tbe impact or Western c ivilisa.tion u pon our lives , and of t be influence of edu­cation and tbe Cbristian religion , have ou tgrown triba.l conditions. Tbe tribal barriers whioll existed between Zulu Bond Xosa, Sutu a.nd Ohuana been brokeu o.wa.y. We no longer t hink !lad s~·eak iu terms of tribe~. We have come to 1'oa.liso the (I\cb that Wd are members of one l'alJe. Inter -tribal ma.rria.ges become the order of the d)y. Even the once despised Shaugaa.n ma.y now marry in to t he hest B tsuto families. The present generation is in rebell ion agains t tbe old couditions Young men and women c.)me to bhe towos in their hundreds an 1 there find them qelveJ masters aud mistresses of thei r own I; 9'8S; they find freedom to do 809 t hey lilee without fe'!.! of p!1rent-l l in ter­ftlrence. Thoir me-rria ,es n o lo nger arranged by their puente; they marry and divorce wben it suits tbem. Tbe attr lctions of town life oaptivate them, and they find it difficu l t to return to tbeir homes So the yonnG people a re growing up without guida.oce or moral restraint. Som~ of our girls smoke cisare~teB without Dony leelin..! of s hame. and tiny dr ... like tin daugbters of millionaires Tbe,.. .an be 00 doubt tbat tb. prosent B:l.ntu ~dl')eril,tion i~ fast be. ooming 'Vepternis 'd - in other words ultra-modern. This high Jump from h!\/ bari",m to rivili 1.tion, I n.m a fraid, wi'l reiiult in the raco los n.., the s tern v Irtues which enahled our forefathers to resist the ovi)~ of European civ ilisa-tion. To tLe EUTOl',,:\n, who went througb n. ~t:\dual ,roce~8 of ~volutioD, modorn ift) i~ no~ harrnfu l Ue attained to it by degree ", and he was aura of every step he tock. IIis womenfolk gradua.lly out..!rew their subordinate position; tbat is tv !H)" they did Dot become the eqt; of the men in a single geDerlitioo hut by a s low and [ ainfu l process.

But wi~b us it s different, Witbouft preparation we find ount. lves in the whirlwind of Ii. eomplic 'lt.od civilisation And Ilk ,", an army that hu teen dis ­Icdged from ita strongb ,Id, we are be-109 attacked frcm all eid",8. OUf wo­menfolk bave "ot out of control. Their claim for ef}ua.hty wiLh men i ... hecoming a tbrollteDlng menace tJ tbe ex.istence of tbe (lice Thera aro WOlD~D in the urhan art:BS wllo do n t WKn~ to be ·~Il.dllied With the respon ibl itl o.;S o( In tried 1'0 Tb y w U 0 lIve & free iif"i like the r In n. By Bolling liquor ey t ave acqlllred aD Indepeodeoi at1tus On the otber ha.nd there are muu wt 0 d n t IJ t e t em !)IVQS with perforl1ltDg t 0 rd ties t tt ell' fam i ies. The aLate of our so I IICo is 10 ti_ me ting pot th teem to be r.rackmg f"om he '..lOche k d be of tbe flames of Lhe firolJ of vii

AI., G w1th th. dete . Ion 10 lb. ,,,,',aeter ot 0 r r ce e devolo piog n antl·rel bT j!P nt TL rare youDg men to·dOlY, Bome 0 whom were boru nd hre!3 In C n<-I an hOID61I, w ho have imbl d the antl-religl us doc trInes of


Soviet Russia:.. By their speecbes o.nd

actions ~bey are p6rauading tho rising

generation '0 pay. partioular attention

to tbe 'bings of tblt!l world ratb~r than

10 those of Ihe world beyond. What

is the UBe of your going t? Ohurch

Bervioe when you starvlDg and Do

slave under tbe white mao's rnle 1" This

is what tbey S80'1, and it appeals to the

ignorant ml)SBes. wbo. feelin~ the pi~ch .f oppression, tbink that theIr salva.tl0n

lies in boycoSting not only the Prince

of Wales but even Christ Himself.

There are o~hers. aDd well mea.ning

people too. who say the best {~rm of

religion for the Ba.ntu r~ce 18 the

religion of ~heir felt hers. Indeed it is a. remarkable fact tha.t few of the lea.ders

of our political a.nd industria.l organisa­

iions enthusilstio for the Christia.n

religion. To tbem the Cbristian religion

is a white mao's oreed, and beca.nse

they bate tbe white man they must

hate bis religion too. So we fiod the

followers of tbese orga.nisa.tions a.voidiog

as mncb as tbey possibly oan the

attenda.noe at Churcb service. As these

assooiations haTe come to stay, there

san be no doubt tha.t we are developing

III type of man and woman wbo will

grow up without a. religion 01 any sort

For aU tbe talk a.bout tbe religion of our

f.tbers is mete humbug· Nobody IS

prepared to go to tbe religions Bnd

political conditions of our forefathers

Now, can a. race without rtl,ig'on nUl.lD·

bin its pos ition i n tho affa.irs of ci~ilised

mankind ? "A grea.t 00 n with'JUt

religion," sa.\s a. writer, "is like 3. ~re&t

beas~ W thout a BOU"" If tbis is true,

it means tha.t by losing religion ~he

Ba.ntu race is losing its 50ul, and there­

fore its virility aud vitahty, This ia' sa.d I\nd blnok pioture oi tbe

life of our rar-B, I koow: but it is a. picture which every 10VA[ nf tbe Bantu

race should t:onsider seriously. Thio:;~

are not 1\8 tbl.:Y hall d te. Tho better·

ment at our socia l life haa heen over·

looked h"'l' OUl" leaders, Too much

attention ba3 been p'lid to am poitt:c'll

aud induS"'ria..l Ide We hoar more of

oor right to he represented in tbe cuun·

cils of Sta,te, and of our rigb~ to lH\1 ti · cipato in tbe fruits Qf our Ia.bour, tbi:lo

of our rIght to improve tho socia l

conditions of our race Our spiritun.I,

mor&1 a.nd JOtdler • .ttla.i Ii(e dces out

interest our leaders. It we siDnen

• and drU! k:ll'd~ thtly do na~ c~re so IcD.~ a'J

tb9Y ma.y endellvolll· to fril6 us frclD t, e

tyra.nny of ·ho whitJ OO!\O'S rule. TLeir,

is fl, nohle h<lh, DO .-lOflht., h W:lat:,

the use of trVln< to s va from appro·sion

& Ve plo which id socially 00 tbo n ,,1

torlln? It i& n y i,eIioC tbat rmle sour Ie'lrler

comB to tbe rescue :In 1 pre I.:h :d lTilli\

tion aOlong tb ~eo, Ie, the race hnund

to drown n ~ho e cf \Vester civlli' 3,.


Chiefs In Council


wbite man, stil1 prepared to eolrast Ibeir fate 10 s·,ven ~blte mea, as proposed by General Hrrlzog io bls " .Iivo FranChise Bill of 1927 ?

.. We must," be continued, .. claim aod demaod direct representation by nembers of our owo race in tbe legistalive councils of tbe land, "

He referred to tbe new slatos of the Union and Domiololl8, sayiog tbat the Imperial Cooference declaralion was secured wilbou( prevlouscolli!u :tat ioo witb tbe B .. ntu p ' pulo.­tioo of tbe Union. It could nOI oow be

.altered Wbat b2d been wnttoo bad boen written. Ail tb"t now rem ll ioed for tbem I,' do was to d'!:m ~nd tbat Iheir pl nce in tbe oatlooal life of Ibe laod of tbelr birlh should be defined by tbe Union Parliameot.

Dealing with the land qOl!:stion, Mr Maba­bane said tbat , ccordiog to exlsliog conditions oot more tban 11 pl!:r ceot. of the wbole &V_II

able land III tbe Union was under BanlD occupa­tion, and 00 leu tb)o 86 per ceot was owol"d by wbile lOCO, wbo oumbered 1.500.000.

wbile tbe Bl.Dtu people nombered a _out 5, ')00 000.

That condition of tbinRs. io bis opioit'n pot oot of considl!:ration the solution of segr ga

tioo of races, or even of lerritoridl separall(lo. because tbe native res"rves were already coogestl!:d.

lie w;.s convioced tbat the solution of Ihp land problem did oot iiI!: in tbe direction of segregttiou, but in tbe d,rl!:ction of sucb amendml!: - I of tbe :'\ahve L ·nd ct af 191385

would provide for the resloralio') of Ihe ~b8rt· 5"tem of native plongbi , 2 00 privately owned hrms. or on aoy other land wbi b was 001

held uJ,dtr communal tenorf'. Sf'greg uoo c~u'd on :v he 'latisfactory 10

botb s,des pf he colour IlDe If .1 were feaSible to df 'c; 1 ~uch a dlstribUllon d tbe laod ,S

wau d QI,oc .Ie 50 per cenl. tbl reof to eicb side of Ibe li ce

"I ..-ou ld also ,ounsel tbe c.biefs, io tbe mt'llolim ." be con i 'lued ." 10 be up aDd d ,:).: nd mak land prO\·1500 for lb_ fulur { f Ibe BlD I U nce."

T<l d y tbe pr('s~nt geneulioo wer, ioc1in,.d 10 cense tbeir progenllors of hi "lolC so d tbe I d of Ih II grand f Iben to tbe ~urop 0

p pol hon . to a recc, t VtSlt Olbe districL ' f Her,cbel.

0'1 ,f.,c ottt, (', '·tt!rn hOld n d tbe C~p

I-'r,]\'1 :::e, '0 b d h u1 y uag p ople '!.:Ig ,

mt'lurllf I soro;;:: .• 0 It f Ihl r ba,,·e so d tbe Ia.od I :.b.::: Eut<lp, 0 .op we ,,) [lOW l~re

t .. t v . . Chlds 1 c u /;.,1 r b c nt,o d.

.. \(r • ..: ~.p Is 1;:1->,1 - t lbl. cr "( I

!I It!!,", 11lC' I r d ,th .! tu rac~ very chit f sh 11 do IJls d ty to b,'- P opl· I r' ~l'eci

f'ldy IHg" Y( J 10 CLl.· tl\-l our r nil Bnd !;lu'Q ujJ c. m.o for tbe o,;lUSt: ..)1 v .. r


opinion of this Convention. tbis measoro i. calculated to create a spirit of (Ultagoniam among tbos!) concerned,"

.' The LOU'\"'60tiO' expre~8ea the ooD \· lc·

lioD t h .. t no satidaotory 1I0lo.tlOO of Lbe IflOd prol;)em will ever bu found golen a roood t .. ble conference bety;een tbe Uoveroment alld duly elected repr"sentativea of lbe Alrj·

·oD people, on t he lilies of tbe reet-Ilt coo· I.-r nce on tbe Iodlan queation, is b .. ld, tbe method of a select CommiLtee io which tbe Afrio~D is not reprellented being .. baolotely uOlatidaolory

"Tbis con\"6ntioD of chief, entborisu the txtcDlive commil:.tee of the Afric~n N .tional Coop-rt'1II to in81it.ute & test C"8e io t.he soperior oonrtll. with II. view to seool iog • cltar definition of tbe rip;bt.s of bl;' African people in rupect of tbe ownersbip or cccnpa· tion of laod

This convention declues iueH 58 nocoro ­promil!iogly oppolled to cla n8e 26 of the N,,·

tive Admioiatratton Bill, as it is calcol.Led to cre.te a fee hog of bitterns"! between membu8 of tbe Enropean and nf>rH~:oropean ra.ces of tbe land. 1 be AfricO)u bae; lna lien· able rigbt of freedom of sp tecb aDd move. ment., as well as libttt.y to orgaulSI! hie; p itUe"l aDd industrial furees &8 best. be C4n.

witnessed during tbe last 300 years,

We should send a na.tional deputation

to meet the Union Governmflnt in a.n

attempt to a.bollsh tbe p ·iSS If the Union Government, which is ex­

ploiting the blaok man, does not submib

to our desires we must cballenge the

oonstitutioca.l position ia the law courts

of the land Ii necessary we must

appeal to the Uon~e of Lords Ii there

is still' notnicg doing' we must brea.k

tbe law" A general strike and pa.ssive resi8~­

a.nce were favoured act protests should

tbe Premier Bills be f'aRsed, but Mr.

Ka.dalie was of opinion thOlot a oompro·

mise between the two extremist resolu­

tions sbou d be aimed at, and proposed

that, if circumstanoes called for it. a

da.y oC protest should be obsened

"against such inhuma.n and undemo­

cratic aotion of a oivilised Govern·

ment," "It is too mild." shouted

severa.l delegates . To this Kadalie replied, " If you wanb

to lead a. bloody revolution I am going

. Tbe cbie.'" In ~!ltcial CODveD~ion. 118,

II mbled, baV1nij beard • sf,nlem>-ot. On the Domioion S~at.ns !Secored at. tbe recellt Imperitll Conference, deplores tbe failure d Ihe declst'l.tioo vf tbt' Imped~1 ....:ouf .. rence to follow you, and when I follow you I

to delioe tbe tH. ~ns o.f tb e' Afric ... u n Ibe I am going ihe whole hog. Th"" mission­

Dallen .. 1 Bod pohucal hie of the UlJloll. The I &r es who brought the Bibl~ bere did it

c· nvtntio , re spectfully c .Ih up"n tbe Guv· Lh" t f .' h erDmt~t to coD81der tbe advifa ility 01 in as. a lDSuromeo S a caP.IIB. IsttC y~o­

trud .. cing leg'slat.ioo witb 0. view to rectify' clley. Whether you deCIde on paSSIve

109 tbls oIDLuion," resistance, a. strike or a. da.y o f pra.yer

The U Ulon NUive C I") UDC (I Bt I w~s when tbe time a.rrives every member of

di:.cossed nd its prioclp e v, rvus y the organisatIOn should be ready (or action. "

<-ppcsed. It W.J S 'lgned th t ' hfl Afrl c n N tion I C, ogress to .y servt' d ,.1 He then submitted the following

.he pc pos~s f(.or WblCb. t he Bill w s motion wbich was adopted by B. large maJority'-

Tba.t thi-a congress adheres to its

The o ,nveotion w~s r pe~ed b, the resolutions pa.ssed ,Lt the national de

M v t of B o·mf ""'1.,1 (Mr D oe) monst.ra-ions hold on J a.tlunn 30,1927,

d EuropesDs w 'lh h lro oottle p tf rm und£t the auspices of the organi!';ation

were "I r S Ir viog \ m ~ ,tr te J C h.e wit.h regard to the G Verc mant s

11 }W rd (D poly Commls-llJner of Native and C")IClured Bill::; nnd in the

. Ir ) C ,t:tlo Gr h, ·:11 (O"puty C 11) eveot of the U ninn Governmeut pns~.

~ D j flt} Df. H S! yD, Mes rs ] Ring be B;U-. "bls ~on(lre~s decldea to

C !Jer. (Super D D ' .. ( 1 L ca 0 ,) ca.ll on tbe .\frican workers through

G rg ~t r 5, H Ifl<=- cb rm D out. tbe country ~() onServe a da.y to

d tLe !\luolC D N· l" Aff.£ h Com be soier.teil by th~ Na.tional C uncil

!IUf'J Mr S rVIOir d resse I tb I i a.s e. prayer dllY In protest oC sucb

d urged tb <'IJ t J be De~t, Rls~ tid aotl n .

. d r e III th~ r cvlln"e s Tb SluR

f tb B t h d Af I I Tho meani '1 of tbe 1011 wing passage log (j e II I', an flC [: Co IOU ~

from ?\Ir Kada. ie g s~ech is ratber

Tho follOWing resolut.ions werA ai, ,po ;:: .. S C lDcladed the ope DR Dro elUSive : __ " My hlood &1\ ... )"9 ho Is when

ted cdedt gs. " Lt p"l'ial Conv ntl-'n vi B ntu GlUef. ..... I hue to rll cuss tb8 Native pus it. on in

b 1.uMe It.: careful 0 id -ro.t.lon TIl"lUl ,,,,!t Suutb Afriofl.. Ou this qaestinn l do

<,f tb t... u. f lobo 1: Intu cblen unqblV. Tb., • not compr WI Tbere" :llways tbo

IV lti(1l tIll ,r >j)OU'1 aI_1m a.11l1 I.C.U. Congress. crr that tbe p(.verl,meu~ i~ bere to

C4 I to::: 11 1 "t tho Pl'J.1 uth C'l Y lid un· eerve white civilis&t:on. \V) I chat

~, 11. U 0 nn>:" wbi( b tho F Illtll

crul",!ruill lot Rl no"[ f-:-olfl lang-the fac,t. tlerd my white

p> t m 1 b rlllli "'h annual conf~rence of th~ IOdug-1 civili·mtion In tbis couotry.

rop 111 h hi frlm tbcr tnb,.; hi ISHl Comlllercw.l '\\l.r e~ 'JllOn Inopen'ngtb6prrceedin~~Mr. K lJ.da.

b J th • <.' ti D rl' P lj"y ,. IU t ; ltot Du -b n orJ Good F'l'. v .• ~e lie sairi it. was the first. irue ill I.C.U

til H m t I ()QU 1., I ba8 .J.lready boeu a.nDounce.d ~\e ~h)',r history tha.t tbere had been ~ ~)oy,:,ott of

I "lsi tl\ Ui u hcrcb the d ':UlItl of nf Dl,lrl an reflls~it the lDv~ta.t.11 n to tbe oflil"i:l.l 01,eDlO,e, "lrl W OD;" Let

th t. N.. h b:liJ l.a' 1 a r [} I ~[l he proceedlDgst, an Mtltuoe tl at me s&.y detini· ~lv tb F) ra It t going

1l~1 w- t!:J, ~h II I III 1 1 ul'O:~ ban,' C'l),Uecl fr, t~ ~?mf. very -trong remarka .. CI:tB.Dg~ tb p:) mille 0 b 1.C.U.

t,n T.,P. ,h r b b I of i ':l~tt f .~ tbe N LH'Dtd 9 1'"ret r} a.nd olher for tha lIa.)or of Dnr '1 or l.oyonA

hu:(t 1 hlp b II b I' :tl Uk' b, 01' ffictalt.~. elae. The duty of the \la.yor or tbis

UIU l)!f'l IU t :1.1 rd ·Ill Wltb"N t.- \\' !'e~ret th t w,=, hal" no repOi t of town IS to welc(,me 1 dl le"atos WI 0

\'" I d 'OJ tOt"l bl' Iv Iur h.r hi t d th th II f 0

III r t th (h lye tb '1 1 proct!6 IDe> 0 e , n lose ur hal-·pen to meut ill t·)is partieu Il.r town.

h JJ. . ,- tall to tb 0' It I lie ot ll: ,ned h, the dal y Pfltl er , 0' which " With tbis t llllf ) ~ I1 t 1 consider

Na. Ive Cli h 11 r :) tb tr' II 11 U extracts ue ~iven hel W they are g iD~ to t l.h(} .:1.11\0" lDcement

I: 10I ling to th r 1l1o\l It ~t hero- Mr. Kada.ho sa.,d: The rrembership of our ptlople In." nelus n, I only

dit: T 1 Conv'n I, f (hirr views Wl h If tbo leU· thronghoul Sonth AfriCa. regret th",t many other CIt! en1f, who

lolh Clef' c o t"f':"t!r t we .. 1 wo- • hun 'red thou ond 81 " d t> a d of inal rJ 1 bl" eu mary h 0\ "u r Db. an are sl '0 memhers of the Lah(mr Party

ead t BI. emfaot t Ih Rev. Z R I t.· ° mo e h

1 th Na I e Afial Ihe:il n b u.wg th, . air c m n nemy-common WI! herl3, not tb6 guts and the

Mahao "' .. )oke t let)Rtll 'l chl ft n I, ru t:I,t III 1.U n l' t< 1- <11 IllJ I,e Euope&.n l1[!d Ne"·v6~, r .er--W'\9 or their C01lvictioDS to Ol,;m~ out and

6bip o;,t ,,~. d cxt:~ pd "Xl V ry de I fl rl tlu r Iti nd thl Ihe cal-itllii t. He tressed tbe pOint belp tbis or~ani9a.tion. Whathet these

dec!t.lP'Q vIe S o~ the lher Imp rl [Ill Pt.;:: ~i/P .. tb~rofl' I: 10~W ;DDlI~t r]~s~~~~ IJ{ the I.C.O. s reia.\)1;1 ~Itb tbe 10' peolle are wlth lbe I C.U. or not, we

mgt fr tb are £t pr nt b'crbirg I Il WO 11 tbe lie od tb !' t,,· depeodent Labour l'ltorty 10 EngL nd, r3 bound to in ~QlJth Africa.

Native tten ~ H ndvoc r t d th A~,IlT]~tl~n 1, and [!. d tbal that lrtb~ur ,rgaU1sa-, as 1\ true trade uniou or ani atitlu ."

rHlvat (,6 th h r~ s~ ". m bf tWPeT) R I-' e t .~~ l:i I' tiv Vl:~~ :r1'aru~n;lBill. tl ,n h, d Jl . ed & r(!'3olutton to I)fa ent Among 1lr Kadalio s l)lopht:ui~e WloS

EororenfuTler Dd ttvf!<I';,caimd .lel- th' ftr1fiy x eo thulCD with llUlod..u-uprlnt-ng press one tha.t Mr n Allison Champion

tb t tbe f'I tlv p "'p e ;ver t'ltitl6 t rllr t re-p:: ., t I r Balltu nt re I I, {',re Lhe end .01 tbe year ~ snid I would on~ day b hv r (1 Dur )ao.

afallb I ftbeU I ... • tld.\u Jtb., &Iu we1t,tu Ellllll r" f tm· thayhs.1 eatabhsbAd a branchlDR 0-

desir (I ·ty d 'I rou d the C' deeene ~ tb B I1tu P)' ul 1 f th t LUon dl'sia, a.nd be concluded by SB}io ....

. h b G I d d d d L 1111 1 Tb fr I, .... 1. ,. t>

wit t -;Ofr rc D D l;.'!"'1)ao e ~ fen 11' tho A.fc'" u r 1,I<J)f lobo CfIop by \V must remember that W6 bave now

Native,.1 t f d r ct r r ect aD In H r { tv I nmt:T1t and P II f:·1l I ecoma part of tbe ntet·oationallabour

Pn':-"I) "'It, h. 'i I J,j \r13 left iutlct; Dnd (21 tb movement, and it behoves Ulli to be jt!aI-

Tb" f b ID~ 1 report t~ n' 0 }jIll IDC d ,1 ~ to pr<lvide for thtl dlr cus ,f ('ur moremeot Tho whito popu.

the .. St r' f M 1\1 b b. e's r pr I It.;.. on'D P.lriiluuC'nt of Afn, , n r. r"U r ,( the Afm:.:m latlon speab of 1. Native rising, hut by

address -b d'h h Id

b l )LH!nl 1 th.rdorc r p c"',:I1J.., 0 0 r speec es an wn~'Dgs We 8 (\U

Mr, !tIabab D r A the cb:loge 10 slat s yet" nglysuhmlt'l tb t Ib tiwe ba 1m¥' C nviDce them that nothing of the sort

of nali\'c c:hier lOW taking place. cbitfl'r )1 bel Colour r t u 'S cf tho outh will ocour ..

means of III III I de d the G" rDrn ~n(" <\ 00. ball bJ elimin ,t

aDder blcb tbe chief wt'fe belog r'lbt ed 1 ul~llIb th nou f- IlfCpt!<\Jl popula 11 He dda.l~ witb the Pas3 Law8 whieh

lbelr po IlIon. -:1 w u! brlog 10 de uotlu t to D I miD u mt(' ral and in p he desorihed &.6 ;lnti Britiab,unchrit;tian

more tban bell. men . r I I t pill ivn, are r a.n uncivilised. Ho ldded" [( ever

He as d wbetber uea p . Ion wa I r bl II tLil tb land L I [ ]t.r8 W t\ na wb n t houl(! )e

able, or c"mplllible Wllb Ibe ignily· of lb tlOn fl

Baot\!. in Ibe nal.onal hIe. He s DSW~ In t 1 tF, P 1 glv r VOll] 1 U 1)( b bte~ly

with aD mph., c no. Gentral Sill IS ~ , ti t< b r B ... ,at na.oy .t I "In the

Natj\l~ AIJ in"'( ... 1 1920, t e ... t I coo ID l n 1 t~ 0.11 c U. tl: we b In ill •• ntn.·nad by

btforo Parilamel1 ad the co.our ba. cl .. 1-1 II WI d l\. b ~,Il r moe)· d(lrlvc, iroUJ tha pa , laws,

tbe SODlb Alne Act cOD'Ulllted a iraqk: P 1 I

decl9.ratlOD of " oopJacc fer tbe Don-I!urop n r Ujhls Pill ,bl w cb bad were DothlDg wore lha.n

ia the legislative cbambers of tbe land: c1epl r t"c prop 'I of d.,mna.IJI rohb ry.' It l\a~. he & lid,

voice Or vote for blm 10 tbe sh plDg of tb \ n dire tl n of r ann ~ c i nd Mn ul 10 f-, 11' a oivilteed Gov-

destio.te_ of lbl land •• nd In determlDiog it tL • tbu j • i1Il p,>lic In tb~ n' local I erDwen should ro the veop e tbrou"'b

fate; no E:art or !bare tttr tbe black man in tb life f Ih UW)n by D n:: to ep • .. ,. I:>

m.oagement and CODtrol of liS .O:aiu. I' I member of tho .All- n r. t"~ 01 the UDlon I .. b} pa "law~. We must," he dec ared,

"'ere tbe Bania people, eveo .fte[ tbei r 16 into two ('ppo IIIg l:.nop by the lntrodl.ctien I carry out 10 this couutry bell of &

, eapetience of tbe selfish role d tbe of tb'" Coloured l cl'8On Rif;b BIU. In tbo demonstra,tion such as bas not beel"'

--------- -Clerk Wanted.

Mu,; ho C "')Ylteol 1\ ,.j,l, Zulu

n:l.tionatity, for ('olre po ~euce in tIJa.t

)nr gunge n W' uld :>e &1' It-dvaut Lgll a pp'lclln~ :J.n pr ti ' 0'" 1'] X;s.-.. ir

~eR "oJ 0.1"), but t Id 18 11 t e SUI ti ~I. L tteM tn:. ,d n c ntid A ,[JIJ

c to reply in En'h .t t Bend

copi6 01 pvl cltlOn d D'J.. Zulu:md

orberillngt:'. a t r B81)0 E ut

cui t:1 of paB eXLJ neUfle r~(1.l \XI

Reply promptly to -

I A. H TODD, L-rn, E"dhfovini ,

Red H Ii I "I 1.1.



Along the C1)ionr Line.


-:-Tbe nth~r d " I rud, with. grut a~.l f I I\U '1 t ia lobe editorial co\ 0 '11 '8 ,f HautH,eli" tn" ,b~ G()v"'rlll~at ".8 'l"~llllioll '0 e~ cour''t ~ ,b.., 8IDol01'11'0' of N .. ,ivd derks 1:.1 Lb'l Tr~QB "I" ~I'lrrit tries This b 'I 0'" be~o C 1 ,firm d io &

report lM""1 ,ri ')Y 'hI! 0 'pnlmsllt of N.tiv ~ AfIlIra Tb is 10tlllO, .Itb IlllJb b"lltt:'d, 18 C )·n Dlad,ble lad wi ll·y a, .pprac;oI,d tbr>ugb,ut BaDtudom

Bot tho prlDc;ple aboold DOl be applied to Ib, Tuoakei oDI, It ia Dot ooly in th t p.rt of lb'!l clUotry tntt ,herJ Hd S60 rate t1Lns d dt l· itlg wJ\h r{ativ~ ~fl,irJ Herd io ' he TUllsv.,l we b . V ~ 'b6 8U '). N ."V8 COfD .nissi Inera' me '8 ip De-rly ev~ry dialr 'ct. Ta ••• fib " •• ltb lUgb Ibey Ira t'Istlhliab"d to .dmiolster purely N diva /!off,trs, are rn.oued 001, b, Europeaos "hI) Ire paid out of mauies clUected from N,tiYa. By aU melDS Ie' Europe'DB be giveD open iags ia Ibe Nalive Aff,ira D'porl meal. bot tbe •• opAoiogs aboold oot be clo.ed Igliost N .Iive.. £t ia my fir .. oloyicti'a tb.1 lb. employmeal of N olive cler~ ... ill Dol oaly m.teri· aUya •• i.1 ia .. iaoiog tbe .oolideoce "f tbe N Ilive paoole ia tbe D .porl meal of N .Iin bal will alao mille Id .. ioi.lulioD e •• y aod Ie ••

• expensive.

The Iron Hand

(By H. SELBy.MsrMANG.)

After perosiog 'jlr Balley's sp ;eeh de­livered at Q leeastowo recently, wblCb was giv"n promln~oce 10 tbe locial p 'pers. , was talleo aback Oy ItS str.loge iocooslsteocles both io its logiC a ,d renoalog. Wb ·tber or oat tb! lality nf argumeot be iodulged 10 wa'l la­lentiooal io order to empb 15 ze tbe fear wbicb prompted blm to carne out aod support G~oeral Herlzog in bls attempt 10 solve tb J

N 'ttve queuioo, ooe coold oat reconcile i with tbe defiolte state rneo t that .. If tbe Na­tive! Bre coofioed 10 tbeir own arets, 10

d (Jstriel will ,u rel, be establlsbed sOlloer "r later io Ibose areas producing arldes at a mocb lOWer cost ~bao in tbe \vblte areas" If be holds tbese views. wby d3es be "come oat and support" a policy wbicb, accordlOg to bis argoml"ots, Will ODea ODDortuaitie, to tbe N dives for est"blisblOg iodustrles whlcb will oodercllt prices of articles produced by the assIstance of wblle "'bour) OOe! would hwe ezpected tbat a man of 51r "-be's staad iog, aod boldlog sncb opinioos, would staad up ~2\io\l;1 Geoerill 'lert;r;.)g's poliCy for feu of the hum it will do to tbe ecouomlc hfe of this couetry ralber than the fear of Baotll competitioo ; for it stands to reaSOD Ibat the 00 ., coutlle op~o to fair competition i! to ,re­move aU arhficial barriers sucb as segregatloo and coloor bars aod m~ke efficiency tbe ooly staodard to aim at, [(lIoforced by a system whereby tbe N.dive's slandard of living may be raised. General Hertzog's policy plices tbe Nati ves 00 their defeoce aod forces them to guard agaiost tbe inevilable state of helotry aod vagaboadage wbicb it seells to impose 00 them. It is obvious tberefore tbat tbe support Sir Abe bas come out to give Geoeral Hertzog must eveotu'llly be productive of the very borrors be is out 10 gaard agaiost.

Por Windo .... ,s. Mirror~ and Glass

For Aluminium, NicJr.el. Copper, Tin

and Brass

Por Bathtabs and Tiling


'spotless cleanlmess

N ATIVE servants like Bon Ami the first time they

use it! It cleans so thoroughly -and is so easy to use. Tills magic cleanser is safe and gentle -never scratches deli cate surfaces.

Apply Bon Ami with a damp cloth, wait a moment for it to dry- then a clean, dry cloth and away goes every trace of dirt

Bon Ami is unequallpd for windows and mirrors. Makes the bathtub glisten. Polishes brass, copper, nickel. Bright­ens and cleans pots. pans and dozens of other things around the house.

Cake and Powder mo&t lIouJewlllU

ule botlt

,. lltulf '(

Icnttthtd Yet,' -

For. loog time N Iliv.a bave beeo compla.lnlng that there were no oplIDiogs for them In the Native AfLlirs D 'oartmsnt. They could never Dod <!rst90d why 10 B De oartmeDt where their a.1I'.(rs only were dealt with services were Dot utll 'sed except as constables and mes seDgers, This complaint (s reBsoDable Bnd ShOUld be serloasl, cOQstdered by the authorities.

SOD.,b Africa j. a uucge CODntry with illimitable po ~eDtialll;les. and' re iODrees enoogh t.o keep bo b black. aod white per_ oootented, Daring tbe last. dec'de I\-e llave beeD waroed qoite that the gold mlolng Indoat.ry wu approaob'ng the end of its (lays. On the other band, mother natare haloot been slow to elye evidenoe, in more thaD one direot.too, that the la.t "ord of ber oatoral resoorcefo nus has DOt been said, and that gold mlnel are noc; ~be last. word of her mineral wealth. Fresh dla,mond dJagiogl are sprioglng up llke muabrooms It h true that tbey are baz.rdool!! aDd Ipecat.tlve; bot in tbe rIlab some will reap a. big harvest. It Is bowever a strange coin. oideDce that wbile seYeral indnstrial centres were faced wl~h an nnprecedent.ed UD­

employment problem of both white and blaok, t.he discovery of fresh diggings brongbt lome relief. 10 the ",me way .• evero.l otber indnstries hl.lVe apran, ap during the same

Assault by Native Poliee. W.D.N.F.A.

TheD there are the noo Earopean Post Offices in the cODntr,. In some or these tbe Government bas employed IDdisns. Ooe does Dot wish to grodge the Iadiaos the opportunities which have been offered to them, but oae can Dot he lp SiJylDI that tbese avenaes of employment should Dot be closed agalast Afr lcaa s It will he remember· ed that the rn jorlty of the peop e who de lJ. l With tbese Post Offices Are Dot IndIans but Arr CiOS, Besides m ost of the r adial) cI"rks do Dot kooW' lay of the Native IBngu:\ges,

The Native Afi'6l r s C l mmissioD also sbould b)ve N Jltive o.s essars. if the time is Dct yet ripe far tbe inc 'oslon of Nat 'ves In tbe perso~Qel af tbe Commis 5100. There can be DO doubt tb l t the Commission Is dOIng aseful work amoDg the N , tive peap e but It, cannot be deilled tbbt Its work woo d he more apprec 'ated If Nattves coold lead colour &0 Its personoel.

• Attempted Murder.

An unusual oharge was brough. aga.ioat a Native mine Ia.bokrer at the Rand CrimiDBtI Sessions on Tue8day, He wu a.lIeged to have tried to kill another NBttive by shortening a fuae during blasting operations nnderground at the Meyer and Charlton Mine. The evi­dence wa.s to the effeot tba.t the Native ramoved a. lose from a hole drilled in the rook, broke it oil BO thAt only a.bout ! fi,.o inches remained, and then replaced it wi~h the de~onator in the bole which WaS already oba.rged wi'h dynamite Another Na tive aa.w him doing this and took the fUlle away ood reported the matter

perIod, sDcb a. plaotinam, cottoo, iroD aad ateel iodQatries, competent to be 80 de"eloped Ittl to abeorb allave.llable labonr, both skil ,ed and oDskllled. wltbont the least d'lnger ot oofair compethion. Unfotl.Doately all oppor· tnnitles are bein, JOlt in tbe atr_agle t.o do the Impossible. r'arliameot. woald appear to have little time 1.0 posb ahead a sOQnd ecoooEDic policy. lO eoconrage tbe uploita tlon of tbe avai ab e aod abaodaot resour('e .. wbich motber natare bas plact d at its diS

poul \11 that is of impurtance it woold seem ts t.o divert the winda of the people rroto cooCeothtlDIlt on rut tblng" by emphasizinR tm_ginary dangers likely to re lolt from the co-opera!iou of all sections of the commooi ~y

Doubtful police e .... idence was poin~dly oommented upon by Mr, J. Graham in one of ~be 10hannesburg civil courts on Tuesday arternoon in giving judgment in an .ahlon bronght by a Natiye labourer named Mobala against a N ,tive polioe·oonstable Damed Zondi, of the Jeppe atotion. Mobale claimed .£50 damage. for a ••• ult on April 16 I •• t yea.r at the CorDer of a street in Dooro footain. The 'Vas before the same mRgistrate some time ago, but it was put back (or retrial owinl{ to the uu­satisfactory oharacter of tbe interpreta tion of the evidence of some of the 'ative witnesses

Tbe defendallt's Tersion was that Moh&le wa.s arrested for drunkenness and disorderly conduct, and tbat when an attempt was made to aeol.lrlj him be ran away and 001 ided violently with a cab, tbus sust9.ining the injuries com. plained of It al.o appeared tbat the pIa. ntiff bad actually been couvieted of drunkenness, following the assault, and waa fiDed £1.

::,n Abe, seemi ,gly unmlodflll of the react.ion which most. needs atrend any policy roooded 00 te!lr, Wt'Dt 00 to ''IY " wby sboold we eqoip cheap aod Domeroos competitors for oar cblldren and lrandcbildren" \10., I remind him t.b at in our zeal to rea b no equal political Gnd economical 8tllt08 with thl' wbitfl s, we ISre driven by t.he deaire to ebak!;! off the r ole of cbeap competitors. FGr tbill reason, we are opposed to any coloor bar, to aoy s, stem of cbeap labonr, and seek for onr own good aDd tbe coontry gener&.lly Kre.ter educational .. Dd indo. trial faciti_ tin; because we 1I00w tbal as a result of tbese facUties oor Deed. will in propor tion with oor knowledae and that we may fairly cc mpete In tbe labour market If Sir Abe is so j.aloos of tbe fotnre of bis Oblldr~D aod grandchildren be should ensure il by assisting tbe N. tlve! tD acqoire k~owledge, tlil raise tbemse lves op to tbe level of the whites and to be afforded all opportonity BUI I' be sboold dUire 10 see his fear becoming true, be ~bou ld m ,lie tbat doubly sore by Coming out to SUppOfl GeD~ nl Heruog in blS attempt to inlens fy tbe Nalive problem: for tbat Will be tbe inevitable result if his 8111s pass ioto' law.

Iu reviewing the evidence the magis tnte said there were 80me serious dif fe~eDces in the police story. w.:ilst the eVIdence of the plaintiff's witnesses was true.

Mr. Berrange aaid be thought an el: • a.mple should be made of theae N atiye police boya who went aboub assaulting the public in tbe w""y the plaintiff had been assaulted, for the plaintiff was as much a memher of the public as any­body else And it was an a.ggravation 10 get him convioted Tbe plaintilf had gone through & lot al tbe band. of Ibe defendant Zoadi, aDd he asked for exemplary damages

The magistrate said be had to oon . sider the circumstaoces o( tbe plaintiff Bnd the relatiTe value of money to him as with its va.lue to a. wbite ma.n £20 was Itt considera.ble sum of money to a ative, and juatice would be done by awarding tbat a.mount to the pl"iDtiff, with oosts.-" Star. II

At tb. special geoeral meetlog beld at 70 Marshal l S ireet, P. D. M. Xola ODd L. D. Bope a were elected Secretary and Auditor respectively vIce Mr. A. B. Ngcobo DOW 'D Notal aDd Mr. P. D. M. Xolo transferred 10 the secret!Ulal dep l rtment.

It b.s b'ea decldfld to commeace the H dley Cap Comp,1 tlOD o. Ma, I. CIDh secretar ies please uote,

ROBT. MSIMANG, Asst Secretary.

• Umnam .. o. Jo.1 R. II: Nd yi ava­

b.,lts .!rob I inj ~ nq' .. 11o\ '~".~'nidl.lo y~ orio -tat Q 1. B, J I'lqa. Oii hHd Na. tiv~ " "r~. N 1.4 S i(~ "I IRtt, 0. k .. 'lga 17 I. At'ril If) "q'~ ID it ab'e"a '" Nitti oa. asiog\ ell .y oi I Ire elDal H nbi Ii, \I.t"tly~l .. QJt~ b. I i I-i '''Ivelli "' It 6 Ab.'m, .. OI)'Y , k:"' , I8 1 Mra. S .pbli J i.q 1, nco,l'I! I i I' I D1i yabo '"' DRlJin Q .flU P61! Ii I' J Iq I 11 adofl. naY9. U D lats, to i C!lJ po Tr '!l8vul ye erloll ,t tt-.tVV'i Ilg1V~, • ., Q'ptain yeG ·vr .lrt ·s CrlClt C I ' ~""lIell ot.e ,k" D ,otu.


' ,'" '-'~


.o.KUFUN .KI CASTOR OIL 0''''' umuh ohudl9afo kao.1t 00


Ulunge kwabadala oakwabaocaue lzloganedya 'Nutaoda.

Acouaed was found Dot guilty of attempkd murder, but the jury returned a verdiot of guilty to an alternative chargs brought against the Native of having oontra.veued the raining regula· tiona by removing the fuse. He ' .... as tiaed .£100, or. in default. wa. aeolenced to nine moutba' with bard labonr.­I'Star."

OD Marcb 30 tbe weddior took place 9.t MafekloR' of MISS Alloes K Mosbue­sboe aod Mr. Josepb S. G ope (VIce princlpql of tbe Wes 'eyen SNd Scboo ). The bride w .. s RiveD away by ber fa tb er, aod wore a prelly dress or white· crepe de-chent, with veiL Tb., br ldeslDalds were the MIsses Gw .. bIDI. The Rev Z. More offiCI ted £lin d the local church choir atteuded Bod rendered approprla.te mosic.

Subscribe To Umteteli wa Bantu.

Good Friday Soccer. W.D.N.F.A versus E.D.N.F A.

Tbls matcb ..... played 00 tb" Torf Mloe groood aDd resulted £IS fol OWS :_ W D.N.F.A., 3 lIools - E.D.N.F.A. I goal.

Uu;ta. f91~)lo O~~1lga Iluau linp tG 000 I HARTLeY'S ooornlioekllO "8 odblQVU egabheoi, llDga"u9umi k~ dwa tumeJa imaJi u 1/6 nRe poal ka

Mr. A. H. TODD Umkemisi_ .. EDdh;o~ini."

RED HILL. NATAL. Wubuze e:sitolo ote:nga kuso uboae ahIe alruba ig ahba akunika lana It­ne.ltombe If! ndhlovu



I Ruluneli e Alvani. IMIDLALOo Iqakamba e Bloemfontein.

. _Ng.ku ndip. isiloh. kulo

mvot. y:lco y .... toilu n~ik. ndiv.k.· Ii •••• indl.beni •• b. dl.h.b. q.lo.mb •• A Ddin. nlloDi .oko Vlk.h~. 11010 lon.k. ukoli k".1i I ••• Fr.isl.l. 1 0][ydeDI1'~ ioxamele ukobo yi leh.tahel. p."nts1 ko mllka Mlyobil. i ohgorl Lege.ln ••. Ngo 1925 i.y!ldile iodeb. iye hlol. Il"i Orienl.1 1hdl.h~ ng~ 3 p.iDIs nglf 1928 Yllol'!. y~ FOIl:

I neqel. I.~e Dly.I.le okoiuq.l •• p. ogombl. we 20d kw. pezula. Idlbeo8 Domzi, onisundu 01 bob.11 ng. C.". 1011.ogo, " wokadl.lel. ..abelungu. Iokonlo zamvi ogllo caw. ..iblnga slogen •. UII.fik, "w.k. Deqelol,"e Iluvaoy .. e " ombobe "IB8 Mlngcsini" (God Ibe King) avuoy'" zikw.y.l. z •• ikolo ZlblDlBuodu nabeb,l. kWln"blola bODkE't iogoml iplOlsi kWBntongl yo Mou. C. &. W.goer, (O"eb.I.).

PI.yErs ogoka Dill". 1 pOlDIe y1 U ni.ers.l, ollolcu~a~i .b.mhl~lah'D'. HODy.h i Oxea 1 .. boo.~'I~a1Ie oko. kab. o.ose 19~6 iod.~. 1b1 ye Ylbo ogoka iyi hi. og. 5 pOlOle ~g.lo ku Deema etloye i team ~ hI! u,loclml um.i ubal.l. klteola amfo 110 N 0 ... 1. "The Terrer," i fi8t bowler ylle telm ag. lerribl. <If tre.k. ".0'. og.le Se •• oo :


Nowll. 97 26 253 17 Mlm. 1532 5 197 22

Say. aibu'.I. II.I<Dla DOka Mlyobile i ( YII. Telm 01. :EO i· Pllyera itlte 6 wickets ftr 6 lIlDS. SiBiti h.i nambI, wltebo DgomDyada1, omd. y.b •• 11 001 fer 116. Ilea: k. lu aibDlel. i ... iek.1 k •• per y •• o 1 ~loDe .. III of Bloemfooleio oka B. ."1'101.

K .. lko lombol. odi1>.oa o. WealerD MeDdi C.C. y"aa Forde.arg TroDSV .. 1 Dg. 16 D. 18 110 April 1927, .b.b. oyulel .. e okokab. blmel. i O][ee Dglbl :

J. M.Dllmbo, (clpl.) J. Now.lo, B . MI .. IDO, I. Morgo 0, r. MokueDo, F. Tholeo., J. Heodile, J. Booi " U odoog •. Ziweleae" J M.lml, R. S oblb., W. Mllmbo, H Mlyobile, (subslilules) J. Mlluping.

UMBONELI. Bloemfooleio .

• Mine Accidents.

Joseph, SOD of Totan& .. of Chief H.asbe, Dislnct M.ddledflfl, was lull ed at tbe Village Deep 00 Apnl 3,

Lebi, SOD o( Ndzule. or, Chief Mb 'etywa. Dist.rict. EDgcobo. was kIlled at the West Spriogs 00 April 5.

Ka.biaa, son I), "n~ ,Chi. 'f;.·afuri , D istric t. Sibil! - t kill!'·' ,tht: C,' [)eep OLl

April r.. Alfred, 11011 of Ydnpi, 01 Chit. ~ongq,sh'l.

Di~ trid )loUllt Frl!fC, w '~ \ull(,(l at the Brakp:lu --·Jin cs on April 7 , .

)} " i.:wA., "OIl of GxuDlent:lka. , of Chid Cetyw:l~ o. Di !'l tnc:t T J.b.Ulkulu, was killed 'Lt the t.: rown Mmcs ou April 9.

lfaqulwamL, GOIl of 31,.a, of Chief S;mbcla Dist rict St\l t u rhei m , was killed at t ho u o\"crn . llI.ent 1,;0111 )Imin~ Art:!l80n April 11 .

• Kako iaimlogl esiaglvomi lIoei

,oDd. iodlel. ese ••• II. ogay. OObD. DYI.iao blao: Kop.nh. akaog.peli ixeah. leoy.og. ..iolalo kong. bl. DjWI Ogl mnta mnylm. ngesi m'Dg. l okali ag,lel.lo .belnnga bill. ily.fa • "alyeDi, knnjalo oje aba belaoga blg. I.lel .. ayo bbalu I Asi. leho a"ali .ba"o .blola .b,oo""e. . .. il iolo e.iloloblobo "odw. Dg. 1IfI ....... i ..... 10 in ... lo .. m.dl.goab. ... al . ... I .... i siooraD' olullala ag.l. od . .. o. Iy,"ad. i ... e "ad" •• yoo.

• ay.a100 y.yo. 1 • • • i

Impi eDllbatandi be U reaisi" yama IlIBh. ng.ti yoti Imlsw. Illh_i yi Bhili .falrw. pambi Irwop.l.meot. y. Pando ngn Rnt.roente WISe Tnnav881 " .. e.inki .ylbhili .ioog. u"w.n .. okokub. okobek.1B Im.hasba imali D .. kub. Ilukwapal. amMo. Umbla. IbaDgabanini mao bube e "realel" bokhab' utnli ipsle teoto allzi, inyaoiso yon. yeyok.bB biDin.' Iblityei,uwI yl I reaiai ' lIodwl b.ltwaogako .k.hlwempu •• ke ,iro. AI.II ke, eob. ,h •.

Emveni koko kafundwe inteio eb'• Ii". yuoly"o, llaq.I ... ogoy.beb.l. Doloopendul. tlmhlell •• i ... 0 •• oj.lo. E,..b.oIoDadu ialelo ifuDdwe ogo R.v. J. Maikioy., is.,iowe ag.llml lungu 8 Komiti: S. Malete, umgcioi aihillo; R.v. Kbuo., om.l. Ibefuodiei bODIl. 'pl ; J. P. MokueD., Advisory BOlrd; P. E. B. Ngxiki, omel. i I.C.U. Ipl; J. Tal.o., Vigi Iince Com. j J. Zililo, Vo'era Associa tiOD j I. Shopio,an~og, Te.chers Aaeoci.lioo; Cbria P. MII.b., U 00· b',I"

Kwiolelo y. RulaDeli .peodol. idileei NtsuodD, uke wI,i aweDye iod.wo. "Abaotu IOlatsundo bue A I· ... oi mabllumkete of aDz' eweoi • b.' ... ublng. Db •• b.alaDudu bavu kele U mbuso 't umb'.1i ociGgl uba u" .... bl.I.,.I .. 1 U ",hlell .. i nbl kuk. Il ..... o •• I C. U. elide upu m.lel. ukumial i Seb. Ie I.C U. Kllo"D lomadod •• y.m".lel. 10 Ruin mente ob. imi~eio lye aiel •• blotsu. odu mibi.

Kuval... DgO "Nkoai Sikel.l. i Afri"l IJ evunY"1 Eik"a,.I_ lo ~, lre zablDtsu:adu, Dab.otu bookd, p.Dlai "we aloDg. ,0 Mou. P. E B Ng"iki. IvDDY". oglb.olu .b.og. pezu kwe 1,000, kadibaD. O.bIDIwoo. beai"olo. Kub. b.booll. .b.Dlu ebebelopo DgllomiDi bebamalaDg. n. 2,500. L •• goma ivaDY". k.mlDdi k.Dg. ogokabl i RnluDeli ogoll".yo ibibel. i b •• I, Ioko .... u. ide inqw.le noogenllollo.

Ng.p.mbi kollab."., ablnt ... lna nab. mblope, ab. Di k. i halide (ogo Mvolo) ok. w.b. mb. b.mb. p.lcoli Il". b.olauod. nlbeoala eq, ula mabioi m, ta1u 1m. Z"IDI D8Dilokeli.

• Ezase Alvani --


Iai kambuzo aomfii a B. Nluai, im. 1i ekoyo eog"o .. eoi yi £ 1 a 100. uodyebo ... y" Dgoku DgO Moa. P E. B. Ngxiki, .o,al" •• Ddl "eDi yo· mfi Moo. P. M. Soodiy .. i, obe ngo Ddyebo. Am. T,h.I,hi ... bbuogl ol.n. blobo Iweai Ilambo.o logeoze lwa Bani umfi.

• • • • • Ab.nlD : Ezi ndedob ... ae Hesbele

e.iDg.b. faodiai nl •• po Itoo. b.k. b.boD.Ilale ap. og. micimbi nge bolid. ezi •• 10 d.ys, Ab.ou. G. M.· bu.olo, Auguslus M. Sondiy .. i aD Mou. Cbarles M.lal. aoo.po ; a Moo . A. N lal. aaiog •• Rlulioi og •• koolo.

• • • • • Z.ale. ili"olo ub.olsaDda og.p.

adlo " .. 08inyo, zim.oyeoe (Amllg •. m.ted) e"aq.I."eni ..... 1. k .. ll. 80.

Dilla ioe ... elo 1I ... I.odel.yo • • • • • - - Ap. llaboD .. e .... i 0100

odl. y.l.p. ..kDlolil<o igugn o. d ... oa; yomfi a Moo P.ol M. Soodiy .. i, ob.b.mbilo Dga MOD A. N zal.. I K.mili ,.I.p. yomli jik.lel. i .. apel. ozim. lomcimbi ngo aDwDI ... DO Ralameale, "Db. lomolu o".oye igugx., lioofifaa. ageai ZQlo kopell, Iraq obek. Dziml 8si X.a!ni ogesi Sala bab.oukD oba ogenl oy.og •.

.' "

I FONOJ'ONO: I lolepboae itaki

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Tbls ;s proved by tb. fact tbat 'Vard & Salmons sop ply all tbe leBdlDg Clubs In the Uoioo. Rbodesla, Sootb '.-Vest Afrlcs, and even Portngnese Eae.t Africa aDd tbe B.llao

Ask for illustrated list. in colours,

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Sets of Jerseys and Hose reserved on payment of deposit. Order now to avoid disappointment .

Price List of Accessories Fr~e FOOTBALL KNICKERS Wblt. Drill Dr N.vy Swaos· dOWEl, v itb elastic tops, short. wide legs, closed or buttOD frooti. as worD bv leadiDI( players 9/6, 7/6, 6/6, 5/6, and 4/6

FOOTBALL BOOTS wltb extra higb leg. In White CtJrom'l', MacGregor PQtterD,lIgbt weigbt, with unbreakabl8 toes ' Dd dOllb 'y streDilhened waists 25/-.

Otbers from 19/6.

Carriage is paid to any address in the Union.

Eioll & President Streets, Johannesburg.

". Il"i ,fiai II. M. ap.l •• pl le ... Dukalole, sizokoqoDd lcokohl. ixeab. o diy • • ng.lo Em. b. oi~ i ogt ku.

CHAMBERLAIN'S PAIN BALM . Akukonto el.nlle kwi rgm~tizp:me

em illl p rn l, uHur.oeks, .k.jlogx ·19 , . ... fl a ye}' im i~ipf' • • m KDxpb. nel'gos i elinj alo o jange Obamb~ r la i n '8 P i o B.-1m, LiYbll. Dyang_ nga ... eb ·n to Uf.tahl ne k.nt,yeu ul Upiu. . Lltf' _ ogiewB klzo sanae iudl wo,

• Izijungqe kwa Tulandivile


Kumiwe ogen,a ''0 Dambllfjje USI ma dcd, nlb.ftzi, aka! .... i',ala loku dut,u\wI noka qeieE"'1 krmzi k. George H I.tY ... IYo wIlomzi J 11 ... 1 oge 10 seebo ogoho. Buku, de Ikuog.vami okuvull • Bllty"ayo esiti zenlzs 110 else, lIutsbo umta ovel. emsebenlioi eeacololl ktDti aZlllop.telh kallobj Il.og.ngoleub •• d •• dalyul"e, Ionci '"e Dent.Dgo zomzi w.kt', kudolyu We eodlwioi enoB.po p .... li, kufu • nisel.l, b. sinds ogeDdlel. sogo m. nglliao, kobl ezo Zl qekeza Ihfile, II .... t7otYlzw, ifee&ile ogam. '1e lIobl engapami, ekue omt-Dt allu puma kUBul abe p.k.ti ".beh, ••

Kek.loloa Dmli a.mbl. oluo. Dka zivsl, ko RU'oments ne CooDeil oS­kop.tekt k"lwo lIa[jt', U""'( ".dolyol .... eS.DdleD) ,.pum. Elgeh I DyS iella lesaLdl.. Kwi nll . oganis( obon.,o lom.i Dge 9 "U April upoln I mise sollab. uhenxis"f' omp.ti lokiabi ogoil:on' n.luocedo lawiogozi eko. Am.ty.l. abe"'.! 0

George Hllly".,o I. I. hi.... n.m. polis. nokab. Ilafaayea... ul, ... I. 1'11", ob.fDoy. o .. e 8ele a. sloki· . . BIOI .

lotl.aganiso ziml kwi L ocatioDS zonke, utlm:.cedial ol De' I'7.1" intle koaol .. iolo yo"ahoo . b . a 'D beoce. disSDiIt izaDdla a gento €I u, ni le.

KWlk.l . m. i kaail . l. ngokuh a Mr •. J ob Nkebli a g. Caw. , ogal. ixesha lemilly.ka emi nzim" S1. , avell na n.s. po ntzihloho.

Kw.kolo mzi y ' pal... im.1i ye lro m yi 2d. t j. DgallDh. 1biyi 3d. lonke ixrsbl eli, ngl ku "uli"l i reate eyi £1 5,. og ... agumbi m biDi .... i ad U Z3 COBocil, •• oti imiviuo ,_ba. Dla iql l. Io"i 15/ o. 20/ o j.I. , .0geD. "apumt ld. a lo w.oadla Dla. pa neli rafa zioinzi lungalt • ngal. mVDZO amato.

Subscrtbe rt'o fllmtetdt wa JBantu

Kwabagula MBEFU

noncedwa ngoku/

Olokohlokohlo lubi luyapela. futi upe· fumJe lola ngako u kub.otsale [


POTTER'S ASTHMA CURE nyipefnmle1e emipuogeni, Fun inynnllt\li Hronkalti, Catauh no Nkonkoshe, Ayina ngozi!uti ayeom otloko-bnhlungu Jt8ngl~ wa n~p~lIa n~8 2/tJ O'i ... nye tumela 2/10

ko White s Age noy, Box 446, Port Elizabeth A'benzi; P otter &: Olarko, Ltd I ArtiUery :: Lau9, London, E I, ' •

• •


Ingxelo ye N komityeni. ---

M,long> no~ajl~.lo .. ~wayo pokaU kwe Ny.oYlel ibamba loan IOl Oi!ela abaotsondu imHeto E'jOQRe Ukw8DIlwa ego Ralumente 881Syizi BhiU lone ell· pambl ~Wl'l p ... l.meote 1It001 .ngo~., i Native Afliin C lmmisslon lplpaebe IIwellolao.o logxslo yolltWlmllelelt. IIwalomiteto IItwlmbizo ete yazenla IIwind.wD DIlPodawo o~'8Qltela 110. ny.~' h 1925 ~ode ~obo ngl '26. InkomltY.Di iv , ~.ll.a okokob. I Bblll y. BbaDg. lab. Ntaonda bo Ito y.m~.I.~. ngo~oban.l; lcobio. oko "oba Imll lDlwQvnoyelwe GOy ale • emalonge ngollwawo. Fati mtloogl n.1i Bhlng. i N~omltyoni io.blo. 0100. ... ba Imalongo maklhlaulwe ablnoi · lune amashemi amahl.D. epontt ogo. ny.~a l~w.D.ol •• kDDlka I",bioo kD. • Dlongo belo Bbong •.

Ng. Bbili yokoblDtwa low. vot! ~wab.DtoIDdl e KoloDIIDg,..lo I •• bl· sa okoaanba abase bsnglbavoti mab •. yokw. b.Djolo kodwa .. Dg •. ni8wa aml.lml Imltaha eblnt'lodn emqulwini wlbavoti, foti abo bang.b. voti lIooloe abana 110 · bana Iilwi nalongeto Itw' " P4iam&nte ,aba Ntsundo." Nge.ngolta oa~wa tw.l. B.lll iogulo III ogohqIDl"­laileyo, ollo'laba Ivotl YlSe Kolooi ibl: iOI'l'lonyiewe ezioye I KoloDi ..y.m~ela DgoplDdl. tw. Dht •• o I. Bblll I

Ibhili y. Mlhlob. ~oVl~alo okoh. bl emil Sw.blDga na~qyi qondiafu iogulo ill ab.~w. Zala Dabaee TUD8vul .b.n . ... "ala nge. ngzloaDo enok.vallaliewl ngabase K:olooi Dabao. F, M.~. oltl ~al.Dd.waDa. logulo iU abakw. Zala baoomhtaba owaneleyo, u"lnti "weli. oteoka kako abltnoywa baltw4I Zala abay. kD Ralam. nt •• Kopo b.alog.t. ieiilal0 eomzl II. S3D."ng,~ool 8eolSI. DaDo 0 0'loc91a ull.bayiBslwl amhlabl 6kntwa a Dinolote wapa ogawa IInau· bhul0 ogealvamelwlo Do eaiblulwe oge. ei bhnln lIumeehumi amIne eminya ... .gqilU. yo (188~), ~o •• lwo Doht! llt • Ralnmente englwubayiel lowomhli .. b, waltQbelte omaya eodlweal yewo ... b. iaizwe sizioene fnti u D lnozola-xanglb, ogeneoe wlyi8l. yina inowadi yO~Cpl nlombl8b" n~a. lonyakl, wlyengenl g,oYI lo'lwenje .. nj110. Abaaioi liz we baH "OXjo80P, iugxelo iU abloesikalo ltwelooal •• Mlln· ogl neSlSe Q )Oc~ nesakl Komloi iogJ:. elo ioebisa."wlodiswillwendtwo eli­volelw. eblot8Qoda. uk.,UeogelJ om· hl,ba lI.b. iaiti ooo,i uxioeoe kl"ubi IIwe.oljdllwo zomblai. Kwel186 Fr~yl. statl kotwi amllaogel0 .blntaQoda skloingelwlugl kool(e Itooka millog3 nolmti tnsiube nend,wo, DgollungJ. "umbi iElq 'mda ezingeli "watlot li ra. blxa Ilikolo, ellucstyiawl ollolllaba 0 Bolnmente ... e e.lixOI~. E are iod\wo ebalute~ileyo i Komishenl iCilbislII U Raloooeute alroroziB8 umv<llo owenz\· W8 yi BhiH woko~ubllr:wiodawo niHle ezixeHweyo k'ydlo vanyelwll ililwe 8Iitile tupela a.uteoga imibl ib •. 1010' ncweta lie .alend.wo i Nllomi. tY.Di kob. h~.d. lioy,t.lo 10kod.l, .meatlla pa-'ati II a 118 Nta elo, sail ,og3 • sballo "wea Nto hilwe eaalr:a 8 :tWOm!l: eodwa ambllb., iogello fnti oeollosi epate Im,tiI. ~op.I.: X ' D. ~otw. "'WI Ngqills, ''',tetwa ollololl, ogama Ngqill" OdWd ami elolilwe, ill po iat1e:. ng~Qisel. yelizwe nentiaoga age otis. ug_, kodwA iqallwi ngeg. ma lobolwe yon.e YlmbetisU16 ngengabo enye 0 Ngqi~ •.

I Native Affaira Commiflion nglle


FUNA IYElA NA? I II .tl.ELA I OWOltJt;.\u. OMnM13,

W4UrctU O'i l!.,' "Ii' . 1I!::J:.'IJ: D H L. 0 V .l N I:

Ut~kQtuDdl elana J !l1.8 IIlluanUe,o akuta Dllnplol okllku tltau,o.

ekako e DURSAr.


0lxelo ic loiel at.ablt. laeid kwendleh ~wolim) oglYo • Nto omhtarba : (taho yotok" lIamjikttl0 ebtw8nl ', ngallo o~o 'oebles ollok.b, Q Ralumeote m.~.mlo 'i. I KO'llioheoi yoklpaod. 01.1. kwlmeko leUol ub& Ntelodn 10 MdlbaDioo ookl q iDdlab .bbat.lo YO~IDy.nga a~lditywo ~w. lDadlelo ogam~8bla 8DglOgoboy. bukll II Spiai II eyaltoe.lle lpelele ekubatiaeoi, no .. ,mlael. Ind'ell lolimo olabhetele no'wenz" loolgsqo yonoenceebo ool'lu. DO~DIDm~l.. jikolal.. FaU .. oko~lb. mahoYDlw.IDgqolo qo yolimo af ... ~ll.yo cwolla lb. pant.1 low. S,be I. Nd.b ••• ba NeD OkDbo ngomoJ'bial IIwezolimo namf.yo.

10g,..lo I •• bi •• o~o~lb. Imido .yo. aU.wI al Komtsbeoi ao Beaumont nezo Stobbs Dllo 1916 '18 moylhhlw. kDnYDlw. I Komiob.ol yokD.llto DgO. ~Dtebo kob. imlbleb. eyoylDgoDo ,.abieo 10Dto hmloy.~. .yl 12 .gqiti I.yo Dgoko Y.YOD' IDOll.bleo .1l~oID, ogollo mlllDslliwe ngokoteha eliyakuba • • •• b. NteoadD iDd.wo I fat! koko hal~wo IDg,.olo ItI mlbIDoYD~.lw. .kubl amd,m. IngA-'8Bwali abl8sbe· nzl "lmoYlms. Hsi amlaogo. ndt · fang' ama Ndlene, ayleeogaye one moca kod wi seyfogn ,monl owend Ie. yo kDYo,

• Ezingo Kayakulu.

Mhl.1i -K.DDdip. i.iIDIY.D. k. Dd.DEe amq.t. kal. mnb .... NID. Aodiq.~e "Dkll ... ; aibl.1i 'pl • Kimborlay, .ib .... iodlebe Dg ..... ". K.,.lIala a"un Db. kaloottlo iqab. k.yoo.? Lili ip'p' 1.1[0 Ibal.,i o,.oiao o~o"aba .kD "aelod" •. Yi ay.oi apel.leyo oko"ub. "ako Ib.DID .b.lablYo akuli ."DBO'O kaeIDd"a, itala DKaii 10DIo b.loaale .bo balaho yo "Db. Ib .. ialo mllaDg. a.DqDbo y.lo ma.b.Dzi. il.l. alloli 10110 mlli. og .. iklhEi Dgooe'Dy".l".Di, Dopi .... pele; kDb. odiaili llill. izimb •• lili I.kab. lieamil. a.aibumba ioglba alicamlogl, t .. ,.lIioll& "QOlIU · EO sim'DI a~ub'ek.b'ei:a ai.'Dgele ... ~.liQi okl"ab. iaglb. siy." •. 0l:101 umsebeozi ,..IZ\1; itete o"uti 10010 "Dko .ziDg.luliy. Io".ai aip.oi a.ko mbo,.eabi. aailDo. ollokob. Dzib.l. k.kala Dgompiod ". aze .il .. Ie, zi.e ubob1uaga eiz.~olull isiplei oilule ogokofaD'Yo lIaog.biko e.ila · D. zabek. Dbito; k ..... OD. kw.kale nleDgo mbl.b. kuko .b.Dla Iblg.m. lioglmarlnuga .bflD'U es,tet, ogabe !lallula ezi oUlngloisweDi sishl ku fUD-eka "W8DZiw8 OtooiD. oglbo, kubl kad,11 sikiw,zl siai'i yiz ,oj aileoge amblab. Dilo"u"alal.'" kai. m.dl. ga,h. .a.oza ~m."obDIo. Iba .. og. b ••• bal.. U ~a .. bel ...... bo kaka .. aebeqab. iDkom.; itole a~Dli 10010 odib. ooll.Dg'Dia"eDi k. J 924 Dg. Nlyember 8ziDYI'g8Di, kwi c,". YOkaq .1,. .. ... gq ily ". • koloa b. ..0 o~e umotu eliraoog l mllli.wuqlsbise I". amhl. b. Dgepooli eli DII.DD og. "Y'~" iog.b. ..ozigqib. ziy •• eb. OliO.? K ... .. oo ...... gqily". 0"0 bab. ilDDgD Dg.liDYo elioga mltDgi lirola i.bomi DgOOy.... ib. yim.1i ez.kDkoDgel. iDgulai m.luog. Domeebsot:i, elo zigqibo ziYlsebeoza D.? NdiliDg. o" •• okoKab. Iixesbl lokub. ziBsbeozs okok'aba .zi eeb8Dzi j kab. ndisiti ,Ikiw. y.kiwe iDdlu oko.. io.kagqiIJw, loaDgeD. • b. l.hoyeli b.loh. y.l. iDloaokom. ilokuboD.~.I. ababl. blYo. okoEa siagl liog'" oge ngsodawo, aisiadi· a". eD!Iohl.hl ... Di.

RABAYI BLUBI. Kimberley.

• Ngo M.olo byo Ie valli ~w. Tal ••

odivlle Lek.bholora imboogi yesi l we, o Mr. 8. E Mqllyi eei Kambuzweni oilla Nt.iE80 •. Uwfo lIa Mq.yllbi_ awe e Koloni washiylswa imiseheOll y.~e wtScelwl ogam.wabo okokDbl m.~ozo~a .hlmayell ngalomhla. Ufi· ke kw.p.IUeyo •••• mpilw.Di.


Eti aazito .iy. ku fundwa DI. mawalea wo b.fazi na mantombaz40a kula lonke .pa e South Africa. UmyaJezo We mpilieo ODI. pakati uY. kuha no nudo elikulu kubo bonke .b.fundi he ,uaDoe, kodwa kukwabo aba pctwe nokatuo zobufui e.ifuna ukuteta naho ngoleu kodwa.

Kolu dab. Ie zifo zabafui. okuko luneedo lino ku funy.nwa ngoku tul. nje wnhlaimbe ngokwala ukuteta em.pandleni. Si cinga ukub • iUlb. Ii 6kile lokuba izinto en bonakolyo ZI XELWE ukwenula oko· kuba bonke abalazi oa mantombozan. awegulayo zi okotuo zobuf.zi aba no'ku fumana UKUNCEDEKA NOKU NY ANGEKA. lnpowa y.tu ya newaeli yon·

ke I. mihla iboni.a ukubo ku· .eko amawoka oc. mawaka aba. lui abaeuliawa nS" Metyiao, Uku.w.:ta Ubutongo, lntloko, Umqolo, Imiblati, Ukulongaleka, Ukudinwa, Ubutat.k. Boku Za' la, Intlungu ze Sinqe, laifo .0 Ny.nla 0 5ibuhluneu De.i Kata· zayo. Uku.wela Igazi, Ubutataka be Mitamho njalo. njalo. ABA· BAFAZI NALA MANTOMBA· ZANA A HLUPEKAYO AWA NCEBI SELE SAZI UKUBA UMPIUSI SHLE FUNYENWE. Le meko ipanue ukungabi yiyo nyani.o ncoku kodwa ku mhlaba 10 onj~ nge South Afrie., 0 'kanti INCWADI ZETU ZONA n NCQINA UKUBA KU NJALO.

5iy. ku buza, Ulwa.zi olu eli· pakam.ileyo Ie mfundo na la ma· yeza Uneeda ntoni ulcub. ku,.. kuti oko ku funyaDweyo kuze fa· kwa emikusaneni kube yi mfihlo) Eny.nisweni abo ba gulayo b • fanele ukufumana ilungelo loku needakala kwezo zive lisiweyo I

Manenekazi, pambi kok~ ai .. ye pambili, aiya kUb aku.aeko .... tu .okuba oi pile nz.ima pant· .i kwe mitwalo eru:ima ye nkata· zo zobuE_n. Zonke en zilo e zi Dga pezulu zidla ngoku bangelwa kukub_ ezona zito zilaula ubomi zinga aa 5ebenzi nge ndlela yazoo EYONA NTO I FUNWA NCA BAFAZI NA MANTOMBAZANA AWA CULAYO L1YEZA ELIYA KU FIKE LI SEBENZE PEZU KWEZO ZITO-LiZO MEl EZE U ZI NIKE AMANDHLA AMA­TSHA LI HLAMBULULE O·!CA· NYE LI TYEBISE NE CAZI LA­ZOo 1 FELUNA PILLS ZA MANKAZANA WODWA KAN· YE ZE NZELWE ZONA EZIN­KA TAZO. Abo ba pantsi koku aetyenzwa rizo bati kamajnyaoe­ba qonde ukuba ku xel. n'oni ukukululeka e zintlungwini e zi buhlungu--emablabeni naae bul· weleni obenza ukuba ubomi bube nziba. Emveni kokuba ku taty ­atwe ibhotile e zimbatwa zezi pi. lisi nno dumo ubomi obutaha no­bukutaleyo buya kuvela pambi kwako . de u zi bone mblaimbe IIOU bhala usinika imibulelo nje nga mawaka waka wabafazi na mantombauna _ Ntsundu ate enza njalo. Ukuba uya tand. ukufunda inewadi zabo. ueele , eyaku tunyel­wa ngeslsa.

Oku lan delayo koko kuba i FELUNA PILlS zi lungele BONKE ABAFAZI ogoba ze nz.elwe ukuba zi lungele umzimba womn tu wesl-fauna. Abafazi abaninzi ~ebe hIal. he! nazo njalo rtobu abaguli ukwe nzela uk umana be zi tabata amaxesha nga maxesha nge nxeni yo mandla azo amakulu woku lungisa nga pakati. Ba fumanisa ukuba i FELUNA PILLS zellza ukuba umzimba wonke usebenze nga leya ndlela imveli ya,ekayo ukuba u sebenze ngayo. Oku ke kwenze u like ,oko bonwabile, be pihle. be kutele be na mandla. Mfundikazi. hamba uyo 'ku lumana ibhotiJe ye FELUNA PILLS Za­mankazana Kupela uzi Hnge ngo kwako. Awuyi kuwu vala umlomo waku bona iziqhamo eZlya ku kumangalisa zazo. Ukuba ukatazwa u zifo Zft bafazi uya kuti nawe uve ukuba akuko yeza limbi linga fana neli n8a mandla kwaye ubomi bako ubuc:wayitileyo Ie mibla buya kuxela ukuba une mpilo ye Feluna nga pakati kwako. Kuzo zonka ikemiai ne venkile

n ge 3 / 3 imbodlela enye kunge njalo imbodlela e :zi 6 nge 18/ ·. Ukuba. kubeko ubunzima ukuzi fuman.. bhalela kwi FELUNA PILLS CO., P. O. BOX 731, CAPE TOWN, ziy. ku tunyelwa 'de ku hlaulwe ne mali ye po.i.

Amanqaku akwa Mboma --

NOJ: ~ k.ogev _ .. Ii oto nje IIweIi las8 N rsbon htO~ lIabl .. liwe 9 p ... a W ill Mbo. me. (W s\ R tnd) Ap. aWl MbomR ko~ ble ~banto boowl\bU~ pl ntsi k:om fo ka MeikinY8, lad.ofl , ieilnlao .. umftl oka tete kltembih.y C' , omfo wf oelskilf'Yo nas" ambi.uel. eb m J>tt p .. kttti komli, nO'-f1 M vi u R Be) opilile kaiiDbla ogollo k.kof, kW "'pult el-> kWbmgil. i labor poenmoni" w ... iod, cahetehl, waeiodipwil r.uJil:o n1-8" o"np~mbill .. W~ hospital eap8riut~ndpDr . H .. I a DI. ng.mtondltt 10 otioka 01 mela .... 1). eeeimeLJl €sibl*".

• • L lrrzi o ya d ,sw.. sOlviliul kollilha

egQityiwe kC\hoella ab. nt. trb .am. 6000, n610 ke io 00 ko mhbbel .. n~ ) 08. knbc "b.fr1lJ _ I .tlt bn DgelltlotJO I • me be-oli

• • Lomli aIDfllwfI liaio"l. "Iiot' Ziltyt\

HIle lzindlu .. lif ",,'e,II, yo, "ok I D~"). BOZPI ab)oe baotwan. I .SIY" .(alld. ollbDSI hflpam_ ek:dahdt'lli il.l, ~po. D IIIr. D .vid Tolo DO Mr. R. Mehle.

mallala bf'mi Dg~oyawo 1I~.f.n6 iti • hlb .. la ep.meleleyo Emgati ioqwen& n~o .. IIIlse •• hholo f'Lll\ ibaoosdille • • Ab,ol w 'oa b'Dgoli', be 60 mka 80 naee k.lwioi baogcfil' ~.di "'eD8 nl. blEL.spendle a.ooela lomzi Absoqw(­n t-h ulI:nfan rHs. ka"to bl X " ektlt", iOUD k1) tHehl b ogaka kod WR J:" E'C III. tat. i -uiRht scbonl engecid8. ipoott eei otr_ nd. tu ae 1.10 ngenyanga Dsogtpe •• l. I II:h ongtseit'la nge koobti, nalo II. ia m .

.. . . . O'iw. DRoliu um.i W. CD' Ween.

18 ro'"dlsw .. oga Mied 'd"rie SibiJI. nal'e owoo It! IIdln~ liru~uim'Dg8 .. Ng m.o. Mllrlp.

• • • •

K~alltl til 8 lu' rte .. tlClZ um zi 10 nm .. :w into z.) D POSIQI yo, S Nda g , t>, 'dzlmntt II flOX. 'n l j 10 e.o,cott'o! oix .. ll"lp.

Subscribe 110

- til "utonlo WI'! 'n de dan ••

Hrioye. J. til ,"odw.

S baye Ii ..

Q,mUUlI W8 fiant.





" ••• , tbo Lord hllb Dtl4 of lb ... ," MaU, 9:1 j S

Only aD lee, lod foal of aD IIlB, Bat the Lord had need of them. Flowera and p. lma they trod th,t day, And c.rrled • King lipan hla way,

In hillh J orll •• lem.

Only I ahed, with the cattle nigh, In little Bethleh, m, Bat .lIke In de. th and .like in birth He hononred the lowly onee of eerth,

regArded hero.lf for the.e ooony y.a .. I .a the r.polltory of the hUh Ind ~ d,.m.d it her chief daty to ga,rd her ?harg •• e.loD,ly snd to propag.ts It mtttot The obnroh ble become a vaat organisation. It b, 8 oountleee offiesa Iud r aal eatBta investments and aDmis. ta,kable _lUanoes wHh the vested Inter· eat, of the world. It i, lInthlDkablo that tbis org~nil .u.on 8a 8 whole should be anytblng else but oonservative.

And yet there is macb to be gained, cmtlDlr OD the part of the charoh, by

For the Lord hlth nped of them.

~ m r8 lost I\nd intelligent understand. IDg. If by taking thoDght we 0 n indace 8 mora toleraut s~t8 of mind

-W. J. Holliday. If by aoy md8D8 we C n resist the chel'p

To trust in God BII our reiD Ie tnd streogth do eB not mean that we will to nothlDg el,.-that we will klok III other ,"pport. IW.y. The other e.pporte are very of teo of GJd's pro. vldlng.

-Charles Brown.

The highest servioe may be preplTed for and done in the bumblt·at Blrround. iDII. In eileno!!', io waitlDI, in ob Bcnre, .nnotio1! d OffiOI!B, io yeRfa of uoevBotfnl, unrecorded dorin, the SOD of God grew and wn:cd strong.

-B. F. Westcott. -----IT DOES NOT PAY --

To U have I good time II at the ex .. peD88 of In uneasy consoience the next morDln._

To 10B8 our temper at the espBnae of 10,lng I friend.

To ohebt 8 oorporation at the expense of robbing oor own 80018.

To oow wild oato If we have to bay oor own crop.

To opend oar laat h.lf of life In re· morse or regret for the firet half.

To be disco.rteooe, irreverent, cynl. oal, crael or vulgar.

To live God the h.o~o Inotead of the heart. •


devise of damning with senaelell! p~rd8eB, this will be somethiog accom· phsh· d. If we c~n invent any r ~tioo81 meSDS of dealing juetly with rlSdio;1 mOVtimente and indlvldotls and nslnt( them for the oouetrnctive o:lOtrlbutton8 to eooiety wbioh they sre c.p~ble of doiog, we will do ooosiderably mor&. F ur this Is a thing which bas never yet oeen done, by ohareb or etlte.

Scclety iu geoeral sbows no greatpr 'tDpldity th.n In it. dealing' with It, o ~DC JDformiste. Throughoot hi atory tbe mso who, mov~d by aome drt"lIm of 11 better world, h s found radic.l with thi' world and ita roleret hds beeD ornoi.fied, imprisoned, burned, hinged, eXiled or deported. In every o se thtes have not been tbe usoal but the nousual minde, In stattCraft Bnd in religion the pr8mium has bsEtn 00

the conveotiooal Bnd the oonformist. Docility and medioority-these are the high virtoes. ProgrBa! in both churoh and state has been won at the prios of tbe .. ck BDd the baiter. It will bo a diBoovcry of prime importance if other ways C ~D be fooud cf meeting tn'J radicsl.

H )w 'h, 1I the charoh oct? Wh.t ehJoll the chuch do when it oomee iu oontlct with radical groupe in ite own oities 1 Ie tbere lOY way in which the cOQstruotive tdeu of tbese!! mly be m .:de BveUlble for SOCiety J C~D the indivldulle of thEBe groups be h elped to fiod a creative pllolit io oor wor:d 1 la tbere IDything at III wbicb

_-_ religion and tb~se groopa h l ve in com.

By Karl Borders in "The Chris.tian I moo, or il it the fQoction of the Ce~tury." churoh to do constant battle with

MOBt radlodB "gard tho Charoh ' s tbom 1 an instnment afmental reprt8sioo, In Obristianily lod the r~ dlcJI have opiate to mabe men go off to sleep, one prim8ry Ind elementll embilion which by centring thought upon the in commoD-the lohievement of I

fotue life, breeds oontentment with Dew aod • better worJd. There are the pro,ent world order. And this divergont view. within bctb present world order to their mind ie thus roughly divided concerD. far from perfeot. F.rthermore the in· log tbe kiDd of Dew world thlt ia oontent of r eli&ion ia a col· most desirable. Thue Ire .Ieo great leotion of old snd outworn dogmts dlfferenceslB to the proonring of the whiob have 1008 sinc! been exploded deBired stl:lte. And yet thess dif. and exposed by Bclecce. As. mstter {sreocel ere often more epparent thaD of ftct, most of them know IHUe or real. There is little ethio:li disparity, nothiog of the progress of theological for enstll.ce, between the violent thinking in the lISt two generation!, Inarabiat who woald rid the world or the Ireat oonoerD of modern religion of its ojectionlble rolers with I few with this world, here and now, 88' well. directed bombs, Ind the premn. re.etndy of the tsschiols of Jesue has lenni.list who in smlg eelf.righteou8. lent new signUic:mce to the sooil1 im De8S t.C~8 his IBc8Dsion robe onder pllcationo of the goapel. bio right arm aad Iwnlt. the ond

On the oth.r hODd, the charcb which ,hili whl,. him to heoveD llsoal1y looks apon the radio" III hope- alonl with a few other like-saved leiS, In atheist bent on the destrootion while the rset of the wickert of all established institutions, church millions are destroyed. The chief and state elike. AotrohistS,communiats dlff~ranc8 is thlt lhe aCHlcbist oheer. and ,ocloli,t, of nil brande ore lamped f.lly Iccept, the penalty of hi' doed in one ootcsst category. covered with for the s!llle of the, wbile the the convenient term" bolshevik," and millpnoieliat leaves In the dirty wor~ with this word dimoed with many a to God. brimaton6 peroration {rom the pulpit . The qlarrel wit~ the sincere r8dio~1 00 the oODstrDotive prograUlmeS or the has Qner beeo wltb J 8aus aod reh. idealism of soy of these groups, we glon but with priest Bod chltob milch. know Il:s8 thao nothing, 9S ~Ieo of their inary. vital ditrerGnaes aod ardent anta. If WI who &re etudents of Chriat'a gonlams. wlY of Hfe, who couot oot o.raelvee

The church Ie e6lential1y CODSt rV8· to have Irrived Itut press on towards Uve. The most sangulDe of 08 c~nnut the gall, really s~e~ lOY lort of fellow. bope to win rediaals to th~ church in sbip with theil~ otber asekera, It mUlt grsat numbell, cud certf(\nly cotwith. be frankly on the ba8i~ofopen minded atandiog isolbted instlDoel! to ths can. salloh for to whloh al~ who look trary, tbere is little likelihood of the 10 8unestnes9 may be adulltted. No churoh ae an instItutiou becoming more stupid conrae Cln btl parsaed by ndlol1. The church is eeaentially a chnrch or shte th'i;) tblt of In effort conservltive orgenization, She h8S to suppress freedom of epeEcb. The

Wonb umntu ona oramafonl, nokuba lIu'uplna uhlobo, makabhala ablza Ikatalogu yallblnl ya


Le inento eninzi yamaga­rna arnatsha engoma ezi zezeli lizwe lase Safafika.

Irekodi nganye icula ma­cala omabini (intsimbi e nye zingoma ezimbini) e YlDto leyo eteta umgcobo wexe· sha elide ngemalaoa encinan ~


4141. Bwo! ndingumtwana wako. Talking and Chorus Komondila (George Goch Mine with Nativ~ Piano. Natives).

4062. Idabi lama Linde (Solo by Chorus. Elianor Bekwa). Odludlana.Zonke. Solo & Chorus.


4056. Kgoeli e rogile. Talking with Chorus. Oh Tanta Ie an Mama. Laughing Song &

Chorus. 4057 Re ka Liran~. Chorus.

Lithunya tse ltkgabile. Chorus. E ZABHAL WA NGE SESOTHO.

4058. Re kena Gauting. Talking and Chorus. Otlong re tscheng. Laughing Chorus.

4059. Tusang Basiame. Chorus. Manto arne Ie rapong. Chorus.


4022. Sobheka pina Tixo. Hymn. Wadalyulawa ngenxa yami. Hymn.

4021. Augistringe. Song. Kwa Kade inhliziyo yami. Hymn.


4044. lntlaba.Mkosi ye Mfazwe. lnkosi yama Lawu no Satana.

4043. Ukullaywa kwa Bantu Kwi-migodl yase Rautini No.3. Kwa Satana.

Rissik and Pritchard 8ts. Johannesburg

And at Benoni,

• I, Pretoria, Potchefstroom, KrooMtad, Durban and


homely raral uylDg which I frieDd of mine wte fond of u81nR w hen spea~ iOlof a rivel salt or, II Give a c,lf ropo enollgh Rnd he will bini him. Bplf," may be 8pplted to the r.dloll. Give him a platform, and if he Ie e cllf, h e will heng htmB~lf in hie theories. If aD the otber baod he ml,y prove a trae propbflt, let.s hear him fcr the wortb of hi' tel· chIDg •.

• lIahleko Enkuhl.


lom .. h .. nlka.i ebengui akubl ixeab. ,e!ifi tile, knbl umDla ab.11 ialsalla zokapil.. elokafo " .. Ke m.bli Dg.moyo amalll IIDDgi,_lole Dmpefomlc " te oaab. aze nli oge. miDi zoaugqibell ube neDd."o yoka paml. kohl "aD I amzioobl abayell "pO wI .. a e.l.bal"e konl. Ablnla Iblbe IIODI k .. e'o no'wlb. bab. kafapi ombllumbi beDglplYI k ... 150. Ndi baloll 0 Mro. J. KaDen_ ate wIgcinl olouol inude Il1nfika n Mra. Nlleoi aainl •• mfilt .. i. NdibD. 1.11 0 .\f ro. G. BU.lbl., J, Mbhlh,

Mhleli,-Ndipe iailuhl kayo lomn J. LaDge.,o, Mtebo DO W. Mlblao, bl yom.i ka Nlu: Ndni'" wonke Dlbla),o <.iogooo ka.' gqibl Dgam •• abani Dezibtobo ogokublDZi, ukuti g m ,ok.oye iplotse yaba yi Locatioo Dgombl. we 24 t ... 6 'e),0 iDYlngl ipela (Ie yano vel ... Do kuwo lom,ebe kuugeoc ekupumteni k"lpab.ds D M~B_ ozi, ekate Jr.luti 0 Brlessrs LUDgCllZ0 Cb .. I~. N ge.gebale ow.yo "go M,a. 00 P. Groolboo .. , blYI jikele,", De. Nlleb,.wIB~ ~ld1 Grey, Clpe, ab.a~1 I DCWidi ccoll iundl. ogoncedo lakl I. buyt 29 ImlOx"k. neDy.ogl e.,,! 7. Mr R. Nlilugall, H . NI_lye DO JIB. Uk.Dfa laamD,keDgl x •• h.,. bll' 0 DbllmiDi uiluhllog.beu um ID I Gq,," .blmhlopo okukuf. " cerabro .blnlo b k. Tixc beft.·1 II b P L gf ' . I .. . U fi".· b' " ,e Did a splnl meDlogl\IS. r:n 1 I U8 I,. ml[jeke ipc.o\i ezintlnd ,,\u ezinomwa-aalU oIDbnd.l. bDyt 39 ,nl,ollo ogll.11 u"aDced,·," • lb' k I I

'bl b 'k d . . . . a aa om'e SOZI, ope a. Z1 0.0 eZl u ~ Woti wooke uwnlt} Ixol6 ogoku".

m zamkele lombilloj amoc wlbo "!'Ib.. kong CIZWI gl, Qil.buleI"1 mkala upel,:,e nga R 'v. M~ahlYln. zibl"bo Dgomx),olo opelel. o. '1,,,113 BeDool L ccl\lon I,..t. weDEl Y iDt,humly.lo , xlli8lYo oeyenzo okabl G. HO>le ..... amDla IqoDde okubo ailandweDdwe B"'p"D. embl.beDi, kobl w.'~h ngo J C8U x. --------------­"aye ei'i ekwaba J erusalem ubaslzi

ka," a .. kudilikl, eBilaho .aili DlyO Funda Ii Umteteli wa Bantu,"


U 'MaYlbuye' no Nkosi 81kelela i Afri ka.'

KD Mb eli,-Naosi yom. odiyi , ja, uogr.dio". odim. Need . uf~. m .... '. 10milBupelele iod."o epep. m. Om.hioi I.mlg. m. IDg.oll' IpO •• Ie qelekoeodlebeoi Dg.iJ.goblobo .ngllsho "umIDDgel. oti B.I. lyi,," Dgok"eollobe ogu NIB. E lolloq. l. lilel.l. IIbuyo (roluro) I"e Afrik. iboyel. k ... bol.oln 1"IYo. Y IY. iyiol. IO eORlk".~"IYo. itell gq.ID. i)' ~oYI"I.I. o"~b. iboy •• E leBibioi JiBingle ... lIu S ,,_zlOlo zooll. nkubl m .... lob. iodleb. y.lle .pol •• pale izieelo nezicam. gtlBbo zi~ •. NcD OJIO' 10 yo Airik • • nolmb. emb.IIB ... og.nIBitel. lo ... 1. ko Pezu Kooll •. Llmagom. k. m.lmlo •• o.u\o, ,homb' ug.b' olad. ogo k"eoIBiDgi •• lo ofanel. u.aba Ij ongo ok. oJe I joogiB". JOOI. Mlyibuye, 1I, 0ane, m' k~ 8ibD~et m.yi bo,e i Afrlk. kobo yaYlY. Pl ..... oY. ..... knl.oi ? L ombu.o Bioqweo.l. n"ab. aoga uug.p.odul". ogoy. "onlleoweozl l .... NID. U Mr. G.o ••• yi cb. irml D )'e cODcerl. ~Y. yis. Zuolw.D. ago 1902. "Ill 1010 ab.ngole IIllGb. 81b. lia. bulo b. moyoml bebll. lelu • Pol. meolo inye. Sinlyo imfoDdo. oDgevi 10 eeiti mnl odioe Mltrie, omoy. moo odioa Euclid ojolo "jll •• 1.'1 \0 iowel. kBay. 'Bimilo,' qw.b. k •• W aleho o~o CborleB .iog. k,hi .. g~lI. i m.lrio. B.A.. oe M.A, Kod"a .. omi ogl oi iog. boyi oje? Akuk,.lo yimbi. ie.~w.yil .yo 11:. Bali Georg •. A, Siqonqolo I I Afrik •• ,i .... ge yemlla.I1OI:O k"em", omaLq.l •• yo Ilezi."e e:u fika bumioi .. ayo. Yayi. 0 •• 18ikel. ,o "y~. ez.pul .. ". .emllo k,,~b.yo ,"wl lilel". ogols. Cb.rles. )(ol"'.lu akuboa. ogolla loog. Dgopenlo Xi belloq.lw. vgo '~"oi B, KulBbiwo Ilgeo)'. nl. eZJ jloi? Kuvunywe l kwe nziw~yo belulbg .. ftne 'e kweoziw., IlwlI1eLnra eOek"fl!lDele uliwenziwi. Allave epolldul• omionelo ingeYllEe lIalood.IiB"o ogo 'mayibuy.' Nay. • 'eiwe, enziwe, evltiBwe iD7v.niso. 10,l uiBo elDD . ... )'. 1I0q.l. .001 .... abello iBimilo e.ia"elekileyo ogo. liD •• Bati I,>."rga. U 11/1u .gokwe. m •• l. ubemlBe boo.k. ubunla b.lle pezu kwentBi". eDgu Dy.ciso, K •• 1U og~ bJ •• " ' Y": mI. iol,illelelo ... Tlx o. .Kufi'o agqoboko 1 ... luog •• no Ntu wlIo qubele p .ll mbili SO 'virl-ae' Yille yollouy.nisekl. laiqlmo allooto, 100.11. ili.w. limhlop. zizindlu ~e-.kolo. Lizol. othBh.I •••• efoodiBi, n.mfu .. di zeod di ogeodldi D6ollobo Dg.oltobo. 1)'.bOlOIl. k.? N.It. 0)'.. KOI.oi? Y,"ub. iiaoyan"e imioodo ilaodel"e yimpuouko. Am. dl.l. .Ie ,.mn ogoli . )'.booy.l. abuh'e b. yo ogobooio.i. Y IJ.lempu· ouko ndid i1iyo I. ),eo.. lemilo 11 .. 1 .. ,0 DI, rub .nj •• ukuoglD),loiBeki okuq.lel. e .. meol.Di ""oye "oy. .ogqoleoi yaee BIooI" ... i. Isiqamo ogu10 'ml:riou7e,' ku\sbiwo oga10 ump.llDmp.llu. NgDlo 'Sikel.I.' 01.1"0 kllog.oziw •• g. baYlmbo ku_ q.I •• ialo I.yo .y.azo okaba ~uog.biko nll.og.bBzo yo ... i". ogulo kub'.lIiB'" kuy.. Kui.odi .... Ilagqrj lki"e. ku. y"hooy.y.I.... ily.lik. ziYlod •• "ullaIBh ... mioikelo. hllod .. w. ka­"u u og. ml odll a l ogeollollom •• okuli oci 010 . yiolsik.l.lo. De Afrika 8yibuyi. kub. k. lolla ee ·.tsbo olo. J eB •• eBili , Amadioi II . T IXO IDgu mays ow. pa ­lIileyr . Deolli.iyo egqobollil.Jo,' ABi yiyo I.mioik. lo y. nzi .. 1 ogl kumlo)" ookofona ig. m. lokub. pl mbili eollo. Dz.eni , DolloSI ulwimi e study sik. mfondisi. "U oeg. ma loku b. upilil. "ao,i uti. •• " K ".lIal.oi ", "aIBhi"o ? Iy.kutuZl ~UI.gO lomf u i k. Zobedi • P llime a.quly" •• i K ODgololi. I.C. U • Ziilambull,< i A i ri". I Yl buyi. NlO 10"0 a loukorwlxlua og. mali enla oemlloooe )'at rolows 110 •• bambi

lambo. 1 Afri ••• yibuyi . ~avdi n.D~&i'-elelo. " NiYl ce!., kod":i Ini fumloi IIlIb. oicela ... lIabi" ele.

UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHA=:N::!N",E""SB""U=R"",G~,=23""R:::D :=A"",P-",RI,",-=L.:=19""2,,,,7.=::!!

uisbo 0 Mposlile u J Ime.. Akaojllo k.? Joogi oliokokeli •• ,.blmbo p~ya emlgq bini, zisbiya om'l eZ~DLel .l~. Moyi boye, Iboyi .... OgOb.OI? Silt kam bol. I pO k •• Iok. Cborks-kafo oek. islmilo. Now, tha command· rigbl Ibool IUrD (Ioguq~) mlka~~. "aoi lioklekeli. 10001 blfundlsl, Buy"ni. oipolume omz;, Diblo.oi oenkosi.oiblmbis,ne. Ablblola og.l b.nkosi olloubl ,bloJ. bepel .. e foodisi. Ngok".mvela yazo zonlle i~iEwe, ieizwe siocedwl, sisindiawe, sip.k.nyis"e agaboolu blso ogollofo oqul. obokosi ?'so, N"",,:" IHu b.llaojllo ogenI eoglp,mbl 110110. lakosi ibiye iDcooy"e obucillo. ubula mko oezioye impa"o. hOli yooll. lonlo iyifamao. subeoln bayo. Y I yeyoo. ojoogo ip.mbHi Ie ka N 10 mbleoik".z.oi ".tomel. ud.d,ol emilllweoi •• b. ogollo s.befool ukub. ogaplodl. kol.olo (oeoll.lo) luka N 10 oeoll:osi. loioog. ,.o)'iyolloy.llopu lumo iogqoodo yobl.og. olumhlope e""eDz ... i'.yo okob. 0 Nlo ebepaolsi k"a1o. N goku •• po isim.ogo sikoo •• .zomfuodi zishiro ind."o oemhoelo yazo yokubelella i N"osi ZIZO zioyuke oozo Ilumoqioo Ita ogap.ll-odik"l. ,,"blmbllpo WeD. "abooa iogcu. ogel. yeb .. bo (r.cer) idyar .. o oa odl.beod. ( iojllo ioqubo y.mfandi ~om .... zo. K.uho.oeioge xo kOOgIOIO •• mileto eogo !'llu kallo izii&ii elij :)ke iot") eli m.auk!tDge~eiwe .bootu "blogoBeko P"OIBi "'w. NIloBi (delrib.liB,d Nlliv.e). Nkosi yam I B.... b.llo ,blolu b.pilile .blke bema p.oa l ... ndali b.k" ... besiti ~in. IBlfani okl5si, aifun' abu Lawn? K.loka Dg."O liD ..... i allubl 'p.l._ I". bu"cei Bel.Dgo 'Diog •• "ooi' 00 , Dinb.oy.' oj. Is.b. col". Dgollo oglb.mhlope bebof ..... awlp •• i oge oIlyoB ... le Begazi labo " ... 0. "ae~ciB"e belu •• b.bIDla blZikeB.Yo oklny. bui.w.y.yo (delriblliBed N Ilives) b ... kub ... g.mlni. beoglbl_ k.booi. bap.lel. elloboDI yinloni? Kubo kaloku 1.010 ibaboz". yi Nkosi. SeBHo k. 'ioguqu.' Sib'.ki ..... abe­fuodlei. 011. R ueB umfi u R chord uf • deb Jam'twi, e Govan, kwesik. MfeoYln., e N qlmalmwe, " Blntu bam-oytml fllodaoi ogo Tixo, seyindim no D.vidsoo (Divieioi) Ib.sek.)'o koq.l •• "DlSb ... p.sbe,1 U"OIl oezwi lilll 1 iIO "uai. B.yezo oOYlo, belo beBiz> D.m.Ii.'· Ngobloi opi k.yo? Abllo. og,plodi. Iror ... lwi yiOYIDiso. LonYloi eY.Dgqin". ngu mfi 0 Rev . Cho. Kobz. ogo 1915 . I.ode •• iDlelo ... Presideol son oW'yeloll ngollosbiy". lI"eblodl. og' blfi a Mabooga DO Mabola. osili , .. sinDo,loDi uko.ii ziagcwele ezi." U S o.Booie". k. k" uli 'iol' embi ododao. Ilugqoboki' Nlmbl.oje iojongo ,imini .. elo .)'eDz.IDbnloogu obup .. mbili, akuolozwe lusindiso lwe. mipefumlo Ylbooi. AboDlwln. blk& Tlxo .iDII.oiDge kwezily.lik ... oalle ),iaqnbo y~b.fuDdiBi. Uli •• ufilla 10 .ti mo. odim •• odiogo,e obaai lowo. Klulao. uciogo k., an.Billo elil. I.lle d •• ing.lilo eli II. KrtBlu oyiollo"o ye Ram.ol.. Beblogapi bcoa oomhl ooj. .baBisulu SO ml,o 'i ogo"obaogol". yimp.lo.mbi y •• efv. odiBi. BlfQodi.1 og.B.DZO sil,. Yeeu komfl .iowlyerexezil •• "odwlliq.yiYI kDbo ollali m .... Bik.... Asi"we .b. ogoilltui ke. alolludli ... ziogcuk. .~g.p,"dle "wesibay •• elloIBh". ogn. mnta oti Dsekondweai 10 Petros, OWl. sbi,,,. o,m)'. I.I. oli 'DtiB' izimva Zlm, dlial imvlnl zam.' Zioglpi zooa i Ramenl. ezidll,,~ I~mibl. yoolle Dgab. iandiBi. i RlmeDI •• zi­caeeD. ogo""eo,oll .. Deeale •• igxib· • • 00. ltanli uko "ali". "oBhaQY' yel"a a Tlxo olatlo do. B.ta Ii­mbill lIaoto lomba.o. og.tet ... og •• obollOol beloll, 88bt ll:o. benk. umoy. wo~wi bt . l •• banto, b8:1:llblne. Al i 8~p6 1ID' 180DO, okl Dye bapell nl akufa o, ka bn IBI ... ogo MSiodlBI wl bo. Al itsbo .auti m l b"cLsele •• de 8ntw8oi aomll, koko mab&gcine kneaal lomoy. hpell. oj.ogollo kanjllo ka Polameot.


MONZA PILLS Ipilisi Ezidonyula Isifo Ngengcambu

MONZA PILLS z.n •• lwe ocom ama-Afrih, ngalo lo!,ke ixeBb~ zinyanga. Ukuquujelwa., Ieyonga, ISllungulelar, Ububl emlOD!enl l

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Akuzifuoi ngaoto intlobontlobo .ama Y." okuoyongo •• i zilo kubo i Monz8i Pills zizi nyanga zacks. Zinams,ndla. oku knpa inyoogo noka blomb~ igazi Xi zihlamb. umzimba pakoti. Ukob. ugioYI ukozo I". Monzo Pills bny. ngo •• ki uy.kub. o.mpilo .ntl •.

K ufuneka uqwalasele ukuti ufu­mane iqaga elilubelu elinenka­nunn elineyeza ekukupela kwalo eliny;;'nga inkatazo ze Siau ne Nyongo. U ngazi tenga i Monza Pills ezi Kemisi nase Zivenkileni Ixablso lIyi '/6 Iqaga n.ganye. Zibize kum_n ini Venkile wakunl. Xa engenazo Sltu­mele 1/6 ngezitampu okanye nge· peplt lemali yase posini, f uti usitu.mele igama ne address zo­mnini venkile Iowa wakuni.

I Manza Pills ungazi tt~nga kuzo zonke izitolo nakuzo zcnke ivenkile ze N.R.C. Stores okanye uti KEATINGS MEDICINE Co, Ltd. Box 641, Capetown.

.---------------,---------------Kulula Ukuteta Ukwenza Akunjalo

y'p, sb. ya (Eoglaod) ,po k.odl. : re Lorda k.ko i I Lords spiritus l t

(I ArohbiBbops oe BI.I10l'.') .ijool!. ilDfdnelo (interests) zeo '6 'iesB moye ui okok.b. 1I010oa~.liBwa Ii • LordB B onke .b.nlu B ... loyo tempoftlol' ezingllbslltu oje zona. Lo uliloeiog_ bayay .zi iub yvkokuba Tixo nC9iw8 1\8ikelele i Afrik a, n.aipinl iaidenge eiy.kwlli oltoliee. m ..... 8i~elele njlni. ob.o ye ogob 1 oi 1 benzisft iliZWl eli~i "Moa ndiD~di Kn.kal •••• b ••• Iaogi, s lelwa u mdi- odi.i-" !sod". !I."og.ltoolo iojllo t.oiso(fod.r.tioD) w8yoyonkeimibnto .Bioo "ay.all. U op.le. yabangema Yert!pe (non.European organiBations) kohIB·jlgllly.lw. yo ,,"ii og.nsb •• "aY.Ba fuD. " lia. enb'" •••'DtB. At! Imlblol.. vOI.I"a. .. .. lembiBa ollollab. )'.01 ndifnDg' Intombi ka ZIJI.oi I KUDgO' Kula eka""I .. 1 og.wo kayo .... b. len to 0 Nt. .ngellako )'ao"'e i Sift fill •• uY •• O .. ogIola og._ oku~e lIeDI.I. ioto .. ka, .y.dW8 B.I. mioi eo)'e .".piodiB.I. • Ndi,. tBbo k.d. oj •• Clr. .yi BO ka To:nmy, ta".le bh.oma •• ali logab. , .. I.I .. e w:a" 'Zen.BI •. ' Eny. iliq" k .. eli liz" •• "'Cil. ezidolopioi .yo. YlO. ngo •• ba iog. mpakati, Itsno Iti "'Dhi I. nollur ... b ••• ilo .. i.hiDi .... 0 • cballeog.' O •• pioa .'mnt~ opikBYO . poma,li 1I ... blmhlop. kohl ongaya llaDgqino k. NkoBi pog. . bib .... 'Zlbanl.' FaDUoinge x. kwa,eoa epeta Iblrwebl. 1mb ope eDgen. 0 a.a .liq,ylya I .... ng hoti n.mhla .f.D· I mell,". 0.""0 •. iotsimi .yalooylcal. k.lo NkoBi. M ..... b. LIb. h llo ' u IVUSO elil. I.baog.lw. ookok ... o oglq.I •• o itllo , ikoyo, okdDye ."g mlo)'Uelo .1. .llly.I... oga nknhlaba IIw •• ioto (. vo} ution), oll.Dye :Rulnmeole m.luoga oallmlqobl.o. m.b.b. ilit.b. n.b'ekl_ blYo 0 Somi beDgal.laog. buloogo. Ie .otywela obab.p!lII"~1 b.q. la nge. 'Sibooe sakDlik. izlblodib. ZIB. Ndi,. gam9, 0"80Y9 ngomlO[flO amntu. eDge apl ioto ezitwal' iqi,. zoo. 0 "S.b" kabl o.0~8i~i. ioto yob. ...... low'.. kw.b.... iq"mra alibl.I •• kloal. 10tBlmi Ixel. mhlope .... b. U' .. bl f I-b' K b a •••• ~·I mml' Abe o .... m L t' . k' """p. D U • ana omClm I. 1m e . '.- P'" I pl. e, k" d·... . d '1' Yinnale, madod a.. r. ... ngzlnyelwtJ pina? e g I a Awa 1"'~ ~. lOgqO~ • eu tugl " AYln.le 08 .yunyoao II. Nyombolo &I)'D ml eol. IBlpumo SIb. kall:o". oliqabe mpaod.oye ngob.p .... ti h_ p" o lsi kw.loml qobi80 ool&e I Ngo"o low. G •• I.k. lfaO. w.b.llena G R olum.ola uf .... i Bbili­ngollomq\ e8~ncl'eni. I'd: kabe 'J( ,ko ~o lola ql[1isl ok-Dte kwe""iwi kalo D~O'" klnk.l.lw. lIw. l.hh oload I . . okomf.. Idolopu eli til. k.. og . .. a HI nla? ",hi e N ul I. o. lep>. TrooB • .,1 Ii . . D.LIIIAVENOCIiBElTSH~. tomel .. izigqibo liq,lolli •• ioy. lelo Port Eh •• beth. ... R K I • h. olam.ole lo.ay.... .m. o.

AYlKE YOYISWE. I-Cb,mb.rhin'B Colio ~Dd Di" rh"lII

R.m. dy lyllooto . tat .. " Jig. ma I J 0 l oyt-nga antyondoBhe nt'sieo "flga ml .baolwan.ol nokob. ko knbmlu .b ... )raiD, ukllcti eilian esiZ6 DgawandJ ... k. zi okubij ' oluny. ubohlang. b'B18 • B1Yfl lxotWd, ngSQl"tonteana eliytz:a. A I \. ke lOl't8w~. Litengiawa klllO Z)C

' II ind."o. .

eltollubeui k w,"aliw6 .y.'ndolu , I"A: Ido!opu )' ••• M.blo •• o. o.yue Krog, .. dorp .ibu", kg Ralam.ol. ollokub zipiu. onzll.mbiBo .ony.lo oiu.o u ogo a • Y6yel<i". oje Iml Kg'a: Allas. ko mp.odolQ ngoku. pola IIduDell. izeDZO Dgolaa l lIaoa. fuoelli bocik~. SlUg •• i b.l. libe liq.l. ioil .mbiso-m.qobi8~ •• iogo Tum' a"ofozek. Dambl • •



. - .

Ezibeleni kwa Komani. --

I.KAN8ELE Nil: II WHITB LABOUR' : UmptUew. miss be ali Wlltw8 Rlln­mente Itl Tl1tlitoro .b'Blele t K!Osale J"t'hp" aaita m,yigxote .b,sebeozj • bsoteoodl Ib'q8lbwe yiyo, b aqesbe _bel.ogl. L'lalaimbi t Keo8els iqa .. e ogoballmko obukulu klWO, koba iwu. tlingles lIubeluoga ablpete imiaebenzi y8 K8Dsele, nib B,ebeou ~gemidu.8 JaBe Afrika. KWlotllnglDlllo Joka. gqib.lo Y. Kon •• I. kwiv.ltl .p.1I1.yo u Mno, G, Holley apets i G'.di De Miyno yale Kt08t'ie, d .. k:e 10,.1:810 Doilvo lwake ogale If White bbcnr .J

ndioi watllbo amfo 10 allaq,lilll, wlyi beDq~ inteto, wawllhlt.ias amawlbo, "aha ati aoglmtvila 88111e 8ol0le 0110. k.b. won I Iqssbelwe IlI:uhaDR'O

A. blS.· t kwabo baotallod. ablookati ksuti. b8sebeozs lIaoye olbo. Utsbo Gmfo 10 exall amava eke apltellayo, wlpeta 0loklossl, a'mba ~ •. gxotwe abaots.odo ogeai.stu se,Heve. re nlmltsbivela Imblope afoDa aba u b18S" lIupela. I Klo8sle lhlmbile ooluo I.~. Moo. Holley, Ylb. ~. Iy.p.lo int",eblt.t", •. Biyovoy •.• lbn· J.l. I 1

• • • • • lZINDLU ZABANTSUNDU: K.y •.

.,.oyisl alsopawale ocollabl:!. i Kaoaele .,llap' ids yUS kwiBigqi.o ogeziza f'

Loltllishioi etleeisoloko sit'aka.elwi ngnmzi, esif~oa aeltss Bloemfonteio. NlslIo olio ke abefaDI ilindla blzlikl8i. lIelw. babolellwe yi Ksnsele yonke im,li ;.mpahl. yo~w'~" b.ylb.yi •• l. ngamaennt8wlna og8maxsehtt .missle­kileyo; lzindln esi ziy.llw.~iwa nge­.zibomvo izitenl; umnto oogekal l • gql_llty.l.,bl. yo~w.~ •• Ken· aeleni allllaoaloogsio 1011.,1 baDgs todla '; yoba ,flyake ngoknzelsyo 1111 •. bl eligqibile ity&lt, Ab&nta abloeo­joogo banetnba ogolla ilindlu eliplteklya lIuodawo euUe lI.nenB enUI It.we Newtown. SivIYi. I sn!::l kaoene nomli ngelil.ogelo, uye aiolaliblll .llIOyloooOO8 i B'odi yalap't ye Lokisbi, DlemlsebeDli ylyo E'gioyi. semate' ngapeloto ~eba oge caWIL

epeltleyo ei ~ooe lIulenyelt.wl oe·L9trHIL ,(.Iectrle Iigbt) • N.wtown n ... Beol· .... ni. H,mbo Q. T. I I

• • • • ABANTu: Ab ... no D.d.

abay. kwi "Big Hoose JI bill P', ye IO.T.T. e She.hego B. 'Zahuol J. K. Xeshl, Chu. o DAde JODi .. Jems.DI, Noo\sili NgecC', Ddlel.oUe. Siba1iBI, siumkel. o Nke ••. Mio,h Sog. wedamo ol.hl. hus8 Kimbili o\ablte iot.mbo zoko laodi.1 ."i High',. Ili. i •• ioo Scbool 'pl ogolln. II Moo. P. G.nlou uko ... bool .. l. p .... li "omzi epilil •. I "R .... lily" y. yo"ab. u Moo • , Extra.Small MID II Koti Dyiclle e Qtnco i holid. y. leo.dlY. n Mon .J 01. '1'. Mlyob. • Monli, Qooc., .hooko .kay.og.. Bhti, hi I I U Nko.... M ... b.l.l. uoio. ... ." Sibbie" oke wlzlkovel. lip. ogoku ""og.l, i Zibol. ultab •• ,imgioy' IlI,na Q T tllober SibbiE', no~olt.e betD lim'-e laoele i xego" e vlya nlti ukolibooa. U Nllosk'. Stauley w.lapa llbelle w.neq~lB leminyaka ue Q'loce naS8 Monti ob.yele kwa!ir:weli. AmI. k(l181. Wioiflf'd DO D J.gll8 Mllgee bass Form Hex e Sterhtroom bi! ke ta' ..... velel. emllkwlbo e P,A.

ICDldanl nlxele UMTETEI.I ll'

fllbhalela kwl VENKILE Izilip. epepenl.





UMTETELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 23RD APRIL, 1927. , Amakwahla naba Ntu,

Zltlnlna Inkokeli ?

Siog.d •• ilal. .ili c ...... kod ... iogoll yona yesekobleo;, yebon" .. allaBlD.. AUF.i mblaombi kwezioye idolop. ollokab. "aqub.lI. alooio., ~od ... e Johoooeobnrg a.kozo ,oolte idllop'ol ezili R.uti, IlOilo isikwIOI olimd.ka ...... iol.a .. a, lokuli ufile .m,~,,"hl.o •• mil •• m.qel •• ogom. lat.u Dgamabioi ojalo Dj.lo ekadib. aeoi k"ezitrato. Ioto ellaliad"e yo n. ag.l.m.k ... hl.n. "akabo .. amain oOI.undu .1I0"ub. oag.b. laog.l. ..u... .bel .... hl.og.oy.l .... ago .... bi .nllil .. o .b.yi 10010, og.· k:ambi kon. xa eke "Iogl" anxibe lI.kahle, ny.kub.I ....... hl.l ... p.oloi ,"'.Iy... lIabo "obi. Yoa". lealo y.o ..... p.keli 1I".dol'pa, .b •• m. p )li •• '''00 •• og •• goboy. b.Dj' .001.· DdeTD o"ab. mloiDI;, lI.d". 18illeTI IIa.ili .. 8 iq.l. llbelaogo libloj. 1"8 okweaza 100\0.

K.k.lo"a II., .b.oy. .b •• I.oodo b.y. b."nhl ••• I... ag.l.Ddl.l. umotu loele k OXODgO Id' aJu,iae XI .YI"ajilt.l •• "oo •• i ••· oi 1I0d ... , .b.nyo bly .. il".I. bllta mbnl. ollo"ab. ".liny". n'p.lola. Isimillga IpO 8ikoDI XI lowo ooha adu o,il ... I.yo, nollub. • ... k.bin. lob.lollnb.lI, u •• hl •• g.oi.el •• ""0 iollollo "ap.l., olio oj. oog.b.le .. i, qlpu ipolisI, abooe seleb.ojw. ogokati " ISSIOIt" omota Imhlope t A.gwe_ Iy ... fuli.

Eyoo.nlo .iogl eiog. 1 •• 1.1. iogqo ado y.okokeli oom,i ".10 ... N lu ku,o file: ogamsebenli WIIO ullu&.b, b am.nyatell O~Q qoodisis. iEiptti. mlodl. ogoba boboogobiy.n. b.b. mhlop., kab •• b.olu b'p.I.I •• 01010-0Bweai Dg.~obIDjelw. i "as9lult" • Iixeoh. b."ab.I ... bon.. Ng.p.y. " oko !tako leagozi: ••• 1. m.oio.i .m.k •• hl. IZUE.D' Dengozi yoku hl.I, ... Dgeme.i og.b. nl.onda Iblb. bel ... ag.yo loodlell, A ..... o .i .. la ~o .oll.kub. io"oroli zihl.1A ,iog.yi· Iyili I.ogo,i ", .. izip.l.m.Ddl. lIab. o!lapnm' komp.fumlo kaYI"".o" okollabl lowo czil.mlele ngo 'f( j' ' o:o:ooy.... Uag.tilt •• m'pep.od.b. .Iil •• b.mhlopo e.y.olm.pi ... og.m. glml amlllolo esiti: " Am.kulu ImthtlDu ollit. ,bamny.m. .. II .belunga: U Ralom,ol. m.lto· Dge.e Imapolin." L amlpepl atetl n.ol.ita ogoluhlob. .lIbll. yokap.od. •• yo"a bet". 1120 Invlmlll,nb!. ako , ab, be.cteoiDI. Ibe iOY'Dieo Y90a iye yckub. '''0''0 b.ola blm01.m. blDglfamlol b.domele abelaoga ami oi iI.nga lihl.b' umbl.b. b.blgq.b. ogemioquml og .. p.odle kW8SiZitu. Alizikolisi ologslcodlWO oemlDtyi 0 .. 0. Ab. blnta kal". ablog.mlkula, isukab. iog.bID&O • h,hl,an mhl.umbi kel. omoys evatolullol oek"lhll. Ukw ....... li.... "omhl.p. ogool.a oda laoh.mbl a6DtoloQgo Dokuxho oy". XI dile; all"eollk.lis". ho ol.aoda n\r.bomhlop. oo"ah. ...fa no".b. h.i, rah.mb. n.fayini "up.l. okiDye noke IkDlulwe iiutiwe ".kanl \YII,II zi dyuri. ZiliodeDinl ke iok.~ •• Ii og.l.nlo yokob.I". koog.klD,. nl k"ab.D'sDOdu Dg1mak"lhl. p.k.ali Itwe Rauti kob. ziY.Ylzi iDkokeli, fi. y.yiboDI; ogo Mgqibelo Dlnge Ca,,_, .kuDakuze "ODg .,billo blutu blotsu. oda .b .. lloo1alwe looazioyo ogam. oqiodi Dgtlam\ qel,, ? boolle .b. bale •• yo, omoya osuke arole imesl D.7.iocilIIle j ioko~sh tie !iIiDde ullude ko "e k .. oa ('xooY"IYo

.u:ako bani o"ak .. tala.yo nO\'faye9o.z.i. Okokuba. yooa. Japelela pilla Ya~i u seyioga!!cko, konk.c a.kwauiko mntu

" otukayo, Note wati bl .. ~i umzimb.1. Yayintonina Icyo yati &bwaka U,9. ~ Yayiugub,mi ononelele ukuvi!!ukela? Yaplu koblokob 10 ol\Valu~oyi k.a. 1y .. a Iika Wood!! Elilrulu Ie P apu!ulllente .

TAKE a bandy Peps tablet out of its silver jacket,

place it on the tongue and breathe into throat, chest and lungs the pleasant healing fumes given off as! tbe tablet dissolves.

This is the unique feature of the handy tablet medicine. The Peps volatile fumes reach the innermost recesses where liquid medicine can· not penetrate. Peps tablets soothe and heal the sore, infiamed mem· brane, and protect cbest and lungs against weather dangers.

Cougbs, Colds, Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Wheeziness, Catarrh, and Bronchial Troubles soon yield to this unique Peps treatment.


01 011 ('h~,.,.iJts ond Itor" 116 or.116 pu bozo /)Weer from PEPS Co .• LDIII St., Cop< TDw_.

n. 1.010 .iog .• ~i hikiyo lem."o y.I'1 K"a~oa. ngo Mgqi~.lo ogollah" •• m,",,"hl. 1t""1 p.l.m.ndll. ogombl. 9, .m. W •• lle .boaeagxi.

K .. •• i •• ndol' ollapel. 0'" Itel. yo 1I0n .. li ..... Mljembolo iko •• Soo.o.oe a Sol 01. eh.mb. p .... li •• Ii y,"allm. yo ........ ii,.like 1I ... d.lopu .ged.II" "',,01 ... ,ihl' ng ••• ~.iIY D.ep .po. U B ... o oge er;imhlope zImklDd. zameozi MfaDd181 R,mashn Doniazi 1'f9"IU~ 10010. O~.lIoh. ab.le "of.m.n. go •• a.m. Ni ••• k ... 0,'0 abe • Hub.lokweoiltalisl om07t, Im.~pe kana, ekoDI ao Rev. A.. V. Nllomo. p. ob."~QII.I. ngam ... alu 10 HolD io"alu .yi Percy HIli ibi: .. b,bIIaele abeloogo j ogobloin. kw. zale kQogello aeud.wo Ie b.aloaodu o.ka.o iDtoltoli, .bom ziy. ole ... b.I.I.~.I.I. 010 ok. Sen.oolnB, oogn'sllYo aii UOJAzi ""amlkula Imlt.\a .blDta .. babe. eogamo\a wo.uh,ml). ebluela .be. kool. Zi,iqe!a ik"'11Ie zik'okelwa laDgu' Kod ... ob.y ... a g".ly.l... yi Mlm'g.l. J ericb. Baod a. Ro •• I. aka,i " 188IUI," omloogn xa be~a ,enVille Church Choir ehipehre aga Dg. a ..... Ii .... og. y.a. 1.10 .qel.. uS;. •• a.:' (Mr.: W, W. Siciog. okoloab. hu.b. lo"ab. luko Mehlom,"ulu),~lBkomoollo. M.oq •• keli ziyip' plmele lead.wo, imi'i lela, ~bIOk8~' IZlk .. pekwt Dglm4 vL iogoli embi. '.klll! eoced18t.DI no Afr. 'Splmla.

I Y,le lk".,.,. ete Jakatsb ... , "av •.

Ama Wesile e Goli, --

Iveki ep.l. ogombl. 9 kw.p •• ulu ibe ,eoetlm8toq' komi Wesile In.e. hae R.utiDi: og.llvei.i tempi kl DylD ibeDem Voselel. eokula Iluoe. ao • Alberl Slr •• 1 Chorch .p.ol., "n", Rev. M. R.mushn um.h.d' eaet., oget.msloq. k"eozeir:a aka koba kulomttoduo abellall' a Golel., a Rev. Alb.rl Vu"ai Nkomo obefik. k;".kwezootsoko DO;o&i 0 Ddl., iotombi k. Mh'ambiao, beyim fgdallo yolluy. 8 Swazioi apo .1.&e lwe kin. am.Deli lo. Alubaoga III oci ... oe uVllyO IWlallDiua lee "AI bb,di It ukabooloa DO.Wlztnl o. Nob.adl., inlllo.i .... i It. Albh.di (og.bul.,.) foti b. boo. DI kulomsebeezi III.Dye .z.inillele u"uzaka ocedis'Dt Dabo kuwo.

• .,1, Q R '!v esi\i U Le .".~ r,l. ' ... b ..... oi bom, ma,it. ipiode IDdlpe ~mplko ~eDgom. , . myeai uku.o DdlOgS I.mb "'D. u Nob.ndl •••• pembA p.olsi kw.l.mi • ago ,.11". Ngw.o. I" Y.h lie y ... ho ode ... adil&ambul' n N ... ,i esemtshl, odiluog' Iml NdJln8 toiD' la I • "

Ngoogoba mnIDdi bomsobeo.i mlwelD, si&i!ll. oq •• filEe no Mfllodisi ' Vasaoi ' DO

• Nob •• dl. ' ...... "ab. ageou ye • mpumtlelo yomsebeDli bacehamb. beD&maadla befamea8 urop.ito we" oy.oj emipefamleoi. Ngam.ot.

HOQdllul alnll Umlllt,1I u 1~1l31"11I k \111 Vallklll 'llll,,1


OXO Ltf •• ~tldon. EJCca--.nd C ... To .. "

Yenza i SUpU nomhluzi omnandi.


E·S'kapu. -


Ekubeoi b."e .Im.a. libilr.. aku b.lel. k ... I.ogl •• Iia.xeeb. liei tab. ager.imtodi tuneDe imt'ul. eZ1 101. k.loola, n F.brulry u.iebiy. n.m.l.ntei .yi 3.24 iDebe.. Lilli. pIIl&ei iliews ollabllziyekl, .slIi 00 kobo yob. noxf.b lokuadalalln. iDel ukaaik. imbewu youyo Doy.llI. oltaf .... i.ilim. u.obu. .i.... ziydembi.. k .. : lu i.ililim. elisia,.. zilobll.l.

• • • • • Wldlal •• p. a R.\,. A Vo •• ni

Nltomo at ..... ab.mb. illDdl. Itwi. ny.mb.I.I. nit. 'pl kob. k.lolto ogomol .. ID. ".I.p' ..... Ii 1.00. R.ooS" lI.mbl. u6k. ..1. ngqo p.ntei (0 mlDeli) e.ingi.1 ..... I ..... , Nglo, •• S"'Zil.Dd. ngo",," b.I... Ii b.ndl. I...... Dy.n. U h. Denk.usa esiehusho kuoeoe k •• abo 10", Dy.o.po D ••• B.ola Preeby. l.ri.D Cburch; aciae •• le lI.kalu It .. ind .... yokub. kop.adol". om I.nduo ... bo og.y. Itab. a'. • S .... iDi .p. bebl.l,; m.IiJ06k. a.lton ••

• • • • • Ngombl. 11 lIa M.reb "ubek. im

bolo t .. igambi 1.II .. a Dy.n. y.mi cimbi yeoikolo •• ib. mbiai k ... p.1 ik ... y.l •• ipel .. e yi princip.1 a Jotr R. A. H. M.kabalo oel.Dd... I.k. a Mr. Ho •• c. C. K. T.boDg".D., lo .. okagqib.i.. nj.ngomala omtsh. umi •• kolioble ... Iembi.. okokab. ofumb.le iaglm.. lb. ngo Mr. H. M.I,nge amonglm.1i ... yo. Ob. nentelo <cu.umi .. yo .b.og. ukob DO Tlmbod.l. a (Mr. T. G. Nq'D. del.) .bea.mll"i okam", •• ; ko VII. a Mr. R. Mlileoi .ayaago, y.b. im. boto .,01. Ita 0.0 ••

• • • • •

Uke win.nteni. kw.1I • Mr. T. J. Mdlsnkomo .. ao. Komanl nlemlclmbl. DO Mr. p. Ganlsn. Igodotel ••. ZIbe· loni emvi .weminYlka nondel" €I!.' epak.t1 komzi 10. NgeDln yo". k ... okool y.k. Ipenle.l. a Mr. E. J, SparwlY, B.A, Imkangeli ..... Ikolo 01ek,l.yo nje.

• • • • UytB"lndfltl eeipelwBni nmst:bsnzi

'Womba.. (EI' .trio Lighting Sehem.). Sellmbal ... k.k.lo illt, ez shiy . .n.yo, ate kBoli lomll WIB. Sik po • mlswe PfZQ 1I01walwi ol_qioiltly, .ub. IIlsptyeo2iswa idlo.mati .knm biwa. kweming".ma yakafake ilibr. nda zalomblo8; o~ati yobl yimlni foO.

kol. ~ ... Ii lama Ranoge Imlnl yokl. vnlwa kWlwo.

• • • • • SekamlUia u K.1~ndong8 ewomhh

ktkabl omll omldodl ng ••• fl ylm . ~and. YDDyaks op.liIeyo em •• qel. Bgam' akowamla. pomLI k .. om .. tyi elwety ... oo~. lush. eqo nonondiewa nga Jel. (Raol.r) ohb. .nya~i!iI8 _ RQlomeote lamali nya}'l_ fOOl oohb ••• bali b.kopuma ,po baylfun. lomali· eliny. kalam.qala 1,1i I •• ogwoty ... 'Imlotyl w.linl_.h itab. lohba bayohfaoa 10mlU Imlnl yon 11o, onyo iodod. ayib. Qg. IpIDd.l. kayo YB~abaoj .. a lI .. a Yellow •• dyokw.DI yopontl ,Ihlokon. noyo .ohba lol~a Ido IVI· .. ope. Ngolr.u .mv •• wooYllo 1 .. 0 Pando (proviDelel Ooaoell). ho.o. uknba aslogawa oD~e 8mlt'~n ."a. t.hel ... nRBpaodl. "wal ... fa Ir.up.le n!l8l. n.blmhlop. nge. nwele eD1e impi Ie iowele lihnl ao_ d... mayira!s, "BOti ngonyalo 01. "w.blz ... 00". oanj.olno bu,al.I ... .klb. a,Rlllmonte azlmi.el. abo b.o .. okaba b.flD. n.bamhlop. ngl. m.llogelo.

Ezibeleni kwa Kiimani.

AMA·SIRAYELl: K ... koa. "010 oy .... eli b.ndl. I. Ngc ... I. lik. Kreola Iibay. •• p. p.alei ..... ngqoayelo yolo u Mprofoli Eoocb \1~ijim. .. .. i P.ei ... y.lo yoay.b Oiluval"ooi ..... y. "ab.k. u Mau T. Dr"'., .aga .. e L.kiebi ete naye "801a iliz"i egameni Ie KI. neel. y. Dolopu, ..... m",.I. iad".· odwe, abele e P.sikpoi blbe1iqe1a elill:ulu kuupoe, lipoma kama Tuns lIei DlBema R.oogeoi j i Puik. Ie ye Ngcwele ez;, ibllaieke Dgelioto ezi mbioi I ... eoi p.mbili; (I) lage •• I. ."iol"'o. yeDdla eokDlu kuoene ea'eb. ,ami Sinyeli, esia.kiw. cais!: .. 01 eiplmbiti kwiziodlo ze C.". ezill. p. 0 L.kiebini, (2) K .. i Dqimbo y. oqwelo etivel. em,plDdleDi zisiz. e "'ab.lI.o. iago.i ..... da .,,,.kobiDi zolroay.I.I ... k ... b. nl ... . 01 .blDtBunda ab.bioi 18zi oqwelo z. Ngc .. elr. lI.~. kobi koag.,.gokob. amoye "abo blohunl udlols Imafa. (ol .. embi I NjeogeziDY. i P .eik. iy.kut,blta i Cawl Ezimbioi olle.

• • • • •

UMiBONlSO (SHOWS) YABA NTBU NDU: Ap. ebll T~ujiui iy.lIllb1\ mi.

int Imibooi8t) yehl ntsoDdo, e V .. tliei o·.a L.dy Fr • .,. L. yoklq II n"".ziI!lO ngt'ziz.t. eZlliw!I ogat)'qo qll!·leli hftwo lIope:a ; siva kodwa 010_ w.b, omnye wooobbaia ngo Mloidonll, • Moo. Sol. Mtlyft, onko lowbooiao Iowa Isi'al.fom"nl ogempolisDA ezo "liI.hl.z'; pY,o\8A L\dy Fr~re i show ibl oge 22 ko April, •• y. pnmU. I. mlnq_lJ., slye sinovuyo to~oti iVltwe Qlllm Afrillfl I~ II Sbow," u uM.ngqik~·' o Pro f,oor DDT. JAb •• o oyly.,ooa o_olileli ibtl,seleyo kWElzi atelad. isingeplki 06ngqflq,ol eZi,Indedt'ty.: 6" flij lVejwt'z.yo, in"o'-toli IS tap .. oi ; • Mogqlka 10 .liod.I.,. .baebo .wpli lllbt Tsmb., ng~ba eta-ad. n&. ba mblop. ngohf DlyO.

• • • • • ABANTU: U MD •• Htrrlngtoo K.

low. wiles R •• tini .lIe wiltplolobo. oiso, n'flmfa WIIBS Oentral AfrikA OWIIZiWfl IUI080e ogo N.q ty!}'. 00, 0 Dodi Hend<=eloi wiles DI'eni • AOlllouwz. -.t .. j )oobozi no Polwena DO

tit8b 1 "'Ii b· bo .b& ini bltfle Dodolo. Co) bob.nt~, ~'Ylcih 'pl eye leta iholi. lip_ Iml:longi yttflizwe jikelele 0 Mau. S E Raoa Mg'}i ndl.l •• p. Il ... 'eyo .lII:lsloK' e Riotini ngue eizwe jilll;el.-Ie. eatiabini abonwe IUiteb"la ZilSpli ('Ii ntelund_, laedwft Ilog mpltr .. Ilngl mp,ko ; imbi looto zitirehall I

• • • , ULWIMI : Abao ••• n. net yolo I.

Poll T." 10k. Si.boba a J A., ng.ot.· to eplndle BOO" Ta<litoro Bot81ndn .Ia P", 8"olis8 ngokuba ogo II 10VB " ake ~weli ollwe .ipelill'yo ,nwenwe.a olwot. ml lo_obba .ig"ttlwe lij.jl a K'pa. L.I .. iml 010 ojeolohb •• I bb.lanj. IllllItetw. i'yol. elo. Iii. eb ... lelokab. olll .. lml I ... nll ... ogo .1 lova" ahafandieiweyo, abtobeflnele .i:w •• i b'etehll • bflOI'Z. qwalaliei ngo_ y. D yoog Spun.

• Ingozi ze Holide.

N g •• i b.lide .i.,ndol' ukapel ••• lei. kub.lloa, iq.l. I.ngooi •• allobo Dg.ollobo ..... iod.wo ... iaiD.i : Ng ••• P,loli kule It ... gil.n. igol.i b. Ir.Di Y. p ••• Dj.D. .. ... 0 ..... 1. .b.nla .b.lllu .b.mhlop.; • N.I.I. i iojiai il. y.l.hl. ioipolo y,"ow. •• k".o ..... I. amqabi ... yo 00 "Willie" .IYO oeqell l.baotsando .kol ... ng.m. Mpoad. ,"od. Itofupi a •• humi. P."'.li ..... J o.i b.b. liqela .ba" g'Vlzeoe JI Dgemesi blBi,,.

• ..ibbedl.l. blmbi b.b " ... Iuloli

Uhmko k .. along. ngol .. oel Bioi Siv.I.D. ".lIuID DO Mr. a.oj.miD J. • ayo levakl .I.e Hlpl .. a .m.odi "toe. Gomed .... lip.p' o.iad. Dg.lik. aibi ne lmval, apl e Ra.tioi etlllho kwabb Alilufeoij ate ebevel. e Alexlodr. lekl tmloll laioa Iiolil. ing.n. Towaehip Dg. bh.i.ikil. .. .... ".bla .0 lok,uao kook.. Irohl.lska nl. utoloogie. iDlo. 01. emil. oj .10 ng~n. ab.1i • Bttbufikile "WIYS a.DS_ ,..lboDI imotokl1i ebisi,. 'p' avel. •• 1010 yo~oh~. b.y .... b.od. obaoo ~OD •• inquml. i.dlel. ieiy. ng.ltuy. ~J'"' Dj.. Ail .. otinio. INto egxo. ogIDgollu.. k ... yo Dg.m.odll· , ... o .... g:ool ... na.e ngg .. h ... oi. ~ iqolywa DgamlaDgu .... i link •• m~

k.abl. amlbioi p.lEati, wah\' ibh.i eikile yake w. poml eodleleoi; ute dun' okuteib. iblo y.y. seyik .. el. imololuli ,Impo •• kDd. ..oru.ok. lobu.o •• kobolel.k. ollooglbi. 110 ..... nd.". e,"pollil.yo Ib.ieikil. ),on. ieuke ,ataoa netumbu IipoewA nlko I Ullo.e niklq'lode .kuqlba IIwsbl"loogra belth.we, lomnto wfDs,kallawe pllwic· h lak,." feU 8~hlog p Indle kw~ndlela kODk~; e8i­og 8i e sUi J:lnRI~/j, nb.oc'tn betou kana m"kube nbp80yiawa "ukuqlba­imioi yt'hnUde lelyo f'fmAle o"nb. Imotok1li zlq.tYW8 ngtmeqoboll BBl food4YO lIa... ytmin! yo~apitil"ll. kwenta IODk8, ~waDeogqondo yomqubi iy.pitlzala.

• Ngolw. Slbhnl " .. sp.lIl.yo, 080m.

bl, 15 ow •• ngambl. we MiDi el. Silt Itlma Krieto lI.g ... lp lt·ke apr. e R .• tlDI • Mrs. MID.h abe· 8",leoe ny. n~1I enli{eko f'sellly' 8 a,cllupy "wellse a .. w. ngeo:l:' yok.,:;rah kWfI:l:pgok, ai (ling', oin" .de wali"hiya kaog bi .. o bnbbe tele hlntQ, Ng,"wio"b h'ae m181minl ~".bblfal nto iyiyo • Daojlnt, esiho 101. ohbonan. n.y. aospllil. no~o.

• • • • lad.b ••• Ivel. ~w.lee. M.d.dly.l.

k.mzi wodamo wise Ko"etld IP'I '£111:."0 amdYlro wam h .,he ng . .., Mvnto wayn leve~i, I Flzo ... tta kate ~oay. n .bob.k.11 beqond,l. I.m.h abe licit' utnU, kW~Dgpn. iaka_ nzi yenkomo p, ... ti ~wendlIDb'np' €fliqwioi eIDatwioi: Kaoti iokomo It'yo igezia wa sisifo t U_oaQ~a apo nlotso idaoosl. inqwela iZlm • ... yitw... y.ea.a yo •• bl. y.b. IYlf. njelo.

• • • • •

L""oto IdiliVI iyin"lItlzo oglmlnye am8:1:-sh,: ng8sFl M hloBan" kWAZi. ntsl~o k'Q!llIod.l' u •• biIW8 ollq1ra wlko::nlr.ot •• blk,I ... okokab, plpipl na'a "'u"o .moto (s~lfq!J,a", .gala lu~nbll W"RI fila pe.qlo .gqin we. pop.t.~. ng.moto_IU ullay. "Iond.· wo apo ate dik okokaha i"wlbla ~Io 1'0110 neoto Ie lioafO nghplodls kokud"'wa II: 111.n~o"ob. lide lihe b.p.m~lnt I aei imieei:pnd yevlny. beta: UOlni umntn .... b •• galel. .manli oaanyt Ib.yeke :I:

bnm.l. ! ! • I l

KUllal.ioke apa • Raatlai agol .. esl Tata i .. o 20 ku April la, age m.yell. yas. PorI Ellz,b.tb, amo Rodebe 0

Mrs. Sua J90e Glnqt Dlagtoto, nma Retdebe nndu'uke e Sbethega kowabo kOSBSl ngo Mvola Dge Ista nkoya e DI •• ni epo ayokod baa a koaa oogadU· ntaba umaqer' amdaka. uodalake e Dlkool xa I'anga IIb.nta, .. aka pamla e Cook HaDse, apa ate wadibaD8 kODa nolo oyasbu Igadll ntaba (moU) Port Ellzabetb. Uma R.d.b. uza kondofa nBye kuba sekuUtnba ekwe­Ii Ie reutl, es!ngazi akoba wode ayitwa­Ie ogamQsaka amangaplna akaze Bnele. UDkoslkazl Dlailnto os. mpll .. eal.oll. D:t.kaba ebanaka'a okuba babandezelwe lilaoga emV8 paya, eslpawale akoba D.adlola obeylboals .. a sase Lavedale Q Morena Mr. Joel B. M. Thema osata gxada ngase kaya . Esltlsblnl okablangabeza oma Rodobe Iblnga adola Dayo Mr. Philip T . DI· nglato DO mnBkwabo no okaslkBzi Mr. no Mrs. J. B. Mi1jlmo, <;111 dank. ka · we Morena.

I I • •

P. mbi kombl.koll .nhndl.oi y.m •. tyela e Pitoli k,,~aiDt8oku "ugwetywe umntu omoYlml iponti zontlano ng/1'si_ OO80ga soknqoba imotokali eoxilile. NgapezQ kWf'eoaigwebo kotiwe Ingayi. nlkwa 11 ••• 01.1 yotoqaba Imotok,1I do kapst. any.k,. Akako mnto ok .... 1. yo ukooioga oogaOlS'YO i8igwebo nesi njml komgabl ... m.lok.1I ob.nj.lo knba nylngozl kay. wonk. abanl nksoti oylngozi nakoye yena r.gokwalle! Ntonjs, ngeeinglbanga ojalo leigwebo oko~Qba abeogemnyama no~.b. ity.l • looa b<llhna.

• • , • •


MALI a hao a hloekile?


LANO EA CREFO '>lELENG. !Tadi a h30 a ts'uanrtse ho hbeka baeba

u rata bo phela bantle, n be Ie pono e ntle u Hlakc • Ma1a. u be Je • m{)le 00 matb 00 fereae 00 phelang bantle ......... Haeba u Ona. Ie malu B letlalo 3 mofuta oleng 1",1 •. LlHLOBA, LlSO, MATHOPA, LE . KHOPHO, MAQEBA. TLHOHLONO EA LETL~LO Ie ho CHES",- madi :l haa a 8nyehtle ....... .


ke MOHLOEKISI 0 \ M 101. E 'buu hore u thuhise, e hloekise Ictblo'me e khofe lits'ila tsoble 'mldeng.


E rekisoa ke Li- 316 ka kemese Ie Litoro BoUoio

U hlo u batle


Lebenkeleng la heno

u Qlnqol0 10 w~viwt flerebhoDQ~. kanti sl3yimdl vn'p y.m~nz lontC'. Esibhs · dl~lt" knfam nis<>ke Qkokoh ... im€nU~8_ liss baogaD~o ntJi tog.lo y 8 " konene mllyl nqnnynlw p • L'Jsizi 0'0 bakati.

• • • • •

Nlfombla ... 15 kDYo I.ayaoga ai. bolide Y. Good Friday, u Mr F. R . SehlabakB ake wegx d'l e Pretoria; apa wafi 'e B kwa Mrs Moietsana one kaya kona kwezlpllk~mlleyo izlbele. ube pambnkele kona Dlecx", yaknfaDa lz.thlobo nka ate waz!:l:eJelwa ngu mni .. kozi kay a 010· Akoba e6kl le kwa Mr. no Mrs. Sldznmo iZlb abo z>ike ezldala aclte lxesb"l elimaDdl apo ebukan, nB bo kWIJDO Dyana wabo a Mr. J Sidzumo. nenlombl 0 Miss J essio Sidzumo. Aka' bullb.U ubob.:e babazall abo.

Bala "Umteteli"

Libokoana. tse 110. mll.leng ho oena ho batlaha. boreli tsuele kanUe. Ha. 0 hlile 0

rata hore 0 lifumane han tie bo batleba bore o lI~behse moriana onll HaDgqn!iul~ ke morlana 0 mocha. 0 fapane 10 emeng ea me­futa fuh a tsejonng moua mofatseng ana. HobUlo 0 matla habolo 0 nOO30 &sale b08eng. Me yo&1e 0 tis bona ka mokhoa 0 sebetoang ka teng, 0 tla bona liboko t,e tseu \se KnJu­lu Lae tschla Ii se Ii tsun. Ii sbue1e . H~ bo batlehe h '>r6 0 uoe lilosteroile. kapa

Ebesonsolto hobatleha hore 0 noe ona ):10-riana. ona. Um~ngquzuln.. Moriana ona 0 10-kisa kilo bare Maleng a be Sekono ha.n tle, hape onhha cbcfu ka ofela m;\)eng a bao 0

ke ke 06 etsa. llollcbetsi 0,\ baa pelo u ikaJlUa Ii bokoana t.sena 0 tlit be 0 61\10 0 blolell\ me­hla ka. ofela. Osa1e 0 hlolela Illehla bole­Ia.. ...e kamono emong Ie emong aro so oabatle Momana oa Hlobane ba. ea bon. bore chelate ea bone ha ea bona el<\hleba.

Ke bath. ke tiisa hore emong Ie c.mona ona Ie hbokoalll\ YoaJo be nt.bomello ohele-

Kolte omfsoB we L,wo oWtonullali_ te ena 1/6 kaposo ke tlaho romella Moriana ewe ,illgwe ye S",ldai IIwelo Digs btl_ ona. H ~ bo kh:.tbalebe horo 0 batla ofe b-dliimAni 088a9 L'cbteobarg ~wt'zint!o_ p8.;)fe monan. ogola ko tla ho romeJla OIla-ka. Kubonabla ollolraba inkwflnkwaoa C MELLODY MORENA OA • , M<RI4NA Ie ieoae Y'londela kakolo tlbbokiaioi y.Uramoo wa .. hla.I :l.klmfn" ..... 1 kOI . _ _ l_33_ V_ ic_t_o_r_ia_ S_t._,_D_U_R_C_A_N_. _ ..!


SBboka sa Barekl. Kopallo 8a Babumauadi , UYAKOHLELA NA!

K .moo ~o DOflg bo 8,) huile btoo hi 'Bobieo. baoolto ba r'1~'I\~ Q. h lIuaot T b.b.08 ".kalloo b, R,lats'u Jaalu

t b, 8E'be'saog Ie b. lu .O~ G.'l

deng b. bile Ie 8l11boa. 88 abueh mHOI

' M.lehi .... o. S ,,,d .. b og sa hol)··1t khueling eool eo_ e. I ~e81 eb· blOOI b. DB b. Ie t80~ b. m m"i' 0

'e m.fum. bah Ineag _ utI. bo 1.0 'luel. n,.ba Ii salo Deb, \iolal-8otul0 • ame • hl,loss ,he_o ('a nah ".moo .1.Dg o.ho • ball.'h,ug h h 01 Dlebleng eliA ete b(,re bath • .,. h· It­

alable 1.0 eleog a bODl ka sabele oseog moo ba ka t abaol b.J. j UiSOl tholo. B a bUe seb'opba billong bl Ipotsetsa ba blalosetsQ~ ha Ikbollsa ba &Oe'8.

H o bOOl hetse bon mael 0 leag ba .thong 00 otsoog 0 jaloJ 0" bore Qab e aa ba e tl eke ell seboa bathe b'loba Ie mltlga la a IItakl tsa boo el.. Erekab .. e te kbal e ntba eoa e blalosoa, ba booito bala batho ba blali ta. ba tla siuDa. ke Dako ba luletse bo Ilkalika II pelaeloog tsa ntbo ena ea bo aeboa.. Feela. ba blokomele tlebo e tsaala tablebo; ' melaell 09 Hke lloe ke letsBtsi a Dtse a haletse bo tsile t~lIa. B a bl 01 ba jala IIlOeIJ. boba ba seoa sa bo reka jUi ls ba rata bo ts'uarella babaog ba tie bl sbue !II 'moho.


IKATAZO IKATAZO. (lika Hartley).

Pbutbego ea BabamQgadt bll mera ' oelo e kopaoe ka IWI\ Booe April 14, kq, oliko ea 8 p.m. mo kerekeog ea G10g G1ng Moroti W(I. serkete Rev. D T Magaol). B bola tiro ka sebala sa S ~rolonl( Sit. 57 Moraga.a tblJpelo a boll" Pesaleme ea 23 e 0 OBOg a tlbolDa roaboko a pula mo go eone A bolela botb.'It-l YA. ogWfJg:i e betlleo~, kaha obutbego e haletseDg ka otlba ea go tlboka tiro, me mati a a maotsl a cbwe rwe lee lebuena Ie tsbeayelo e kgolo e tsene mJ; gare ga basb'1 bq, rODa· Me a Ilq,koloili. pbatbe,o 1I'0re mo lIare gil ma­bUtS10'4 a e iplltlele J esa gOOB modlsa wa eooA.

Lizokwelapa ugempela, futi 1m nqamuka ngesikati esincaae.


Esinamandhla 19 oyolitola e Stolo Sakuni

U PUZWA KANJE. Omdala Itisipuni linye. Oneminyaka engu-

oze uqapele uqiniseke .. kuba uti .... lona ngoqoIoo,

Morag~ gt pula TlhaoR'we (secretary) il bltsa. M ... Ioa, J ehea Marooa a apesa bllbumlgadl ba Ie leshome Ie maca. Jefreu a neela rsporota ea pbutbllgo ea Kimberley a.od Bloemfootelo Districts e e aerg e koplJne kwa M~Dgaanl ka llgwedi ea November· Gq tl baolwa b<le medl bakgaotsadl E · BeuozlLDa, R. Medllpe, B Korope, M Malangos Ie S Moslto ba h. lI.e.g kw. phathelloag ea Distr ict e tla kopanBng kwa Tbaba Ncha k. n ecember. Madl. dlk,ets. e.oa £6 lis . 6d.

II .oye tu ,8 Innnye YeU~puni. 6 , .. u Amaln D!oi A~u 2. 4 .. 5 .... 10 :1 i ] .. S

Upuzwa kane noma ka 8ihlanu ngelanga u pi­ndwe ebusoku kanye no­ma kabili uma ukuko· hIela kuvuke ogama·

Unganlmi ukub'a base Stolo ba kupate emehlweni bakunike ......

nye umhlola baH i1oua.


Tata lKATAZO (lika HARTLEY) lona lisongwe ngepepa eli_f., Hno mfanekiso we kanda Ie Nkosi, f uti Irulotsh'we igama Hka meozi ka


Wen.dwa-UlDllcmlsJ Wablllltu Oyeoa·Yena Ollgometu.i b Natull:uluu.

Mr. A. H. TODD, Red HilI.

U malitunyel we nge posi 1/9 noaa 3/9. Libe Iikona el ikulu lokulioda umuzi okuze kup .. tunywe agalo. Inani 7/6 sokuhlangeue neye Posi


• K a. masbo oa G ood F riday ka caka

ea 8 8.m moratl a oeela 5alalelo sa Moreoa b tho b. b. hetaog I.khalo. Ka Dako ea 11 a·m gs tseoB tlrelo ba· tbo ba Ie kaoa ka. boa ya DCII, tlrelo ea


lapolasa I OUaag. ba ea tseaela mo t lase ga dltlbare. Te-maoa ele Loka 23 : 33. Moooa emoog 01 besa are ba motbo

K. b ..... felileog bo DO hi baoa eyeoe mODI ea Mlaotbo el bilsolog Mobile I ,I OSlO" lems o.mlol Ie bl .. II. e. lellosa&.bola leo Irang ailse h . le De Ie m. &S'Oll lA Ie re 0 "biloa eab .. I •• ml .,Ia ZODdi .Ieog lopol ... , Ie ipaele'ae II. here eitse h. Ie De Ie ft Ie ta' UIU molti eab. 01 b .leb_ 'me • ea ,builD' ~ e makolai p.leb oD g eu "I hie k.b •• ne • boa. b . leroa,be ..AgeDt •• a Mobal •• bail. ... m.ll. hlholo -'.mor. . bo boplki boo mli. lae bo .a I • • pam. og b. lipalol ma bl.kore")g • m. bal i, . geots ea r E' ' mls'nt • • else a b.lemelo Ie moh l.h k. Zandi bob_o e mepoleaa 141 , .ml ts'O moa l G&udellg .DI Ie iloael, .ea bore .. klb.i.e ba,ba blo. b. t8 UI r log 'me ke muse 'e\ei UI makbo\' . bo elSI 's uelelSO U oeog eo.

K. 0 .. ilia el 1 30 P m. Ila tseDa tirete 01 moetl a fib la ba bao B bolalloe ke e. B. bomag, di olle cbolol. lehoko tla la Aba a mo f. lettng eba 'e ka ma bu, .. di. Kosbe gore dihatlbego di Ie po'tlsa : motbo eDoa OB moetjaol 0 t lA

d iotsi d i Oe dikolob ediwe gape ka di. fib la" omelelltsa melomo a fib le. lole eeledi la. cooe. Bareri blre ~a metsl fats 'e 0 tis kba mob ope a a labls


Li&ab. Ii I.bli e lepoleu b. mo.­hlali Ise • lit lablolo ea b"e. 0 oya tsi&se babolo lopskl bl m.poles- In .ke bl •• s_ bu Im.heteog leb.o,e n , an e 'me •• 0000 _ b.oaag ~. hUf!

Zoodi • mola,o 0 10llel1 bo lef. Mo hale liaa .oete tea mlsbome • m.beh .tt lip,ol •.


Leqab,oa 1. m ltOI Ie Deog teile I. l.bal0' lie 'wa'ol ua miDI bar' .. G u· d eDI mobil 'mehmeli 01 ' )ho.d b . .oa bake eODa eo l eneog ele L ete. t sl I I T.ob· I. biokab. i •• S.patala II. I. , , [Bollro b Slsa , eleog Ie 20 \les- .

• • • • •

meokbo ebe a sl ke ; a kbe 08 bobell matbe g ore laDoo.e b. newe lebaa.a . 'me I tlare boba I ODoe, a Iltlae are : N ,.ea I Baonl ba lametisa k09DII.. Ke bore be

K. DIa.l ea 3 p.m. B . bamaao,di hi are bo lamellsi tse bomaog ba lamehSll. din" ProcessioG I ' t . leb. Dioh.foog maDi haesltll. Ie eeDa Gsa tse joe I Taba b. gog.a lie bar"essiol k. mOEgele e kaog eaa re e bone maoba moaa Le W. bOD e I mah l. ba opel. sebela s. joelepatsoa ; Mrs Cbristiaq Ma pet ill. 8' .X, s, ' P.mbm B . hzi B oku'l l"l dlza' l aue Bfa makloke emool mofao oa ots'ae ::s 17 l New E d) An I te. ch ol oga e tSOBO, H amanskraal, la leton ll. eltse dla"lpdl m. t lbo a b. . hu bela. L e ba Ie otl aa monate OB. blaka leo 18 Ii !lOll D lcbaf.o b . bi tlb. bl e sh akl kboeog ra oUaa ele bona 0 reog : U

g .. atso a phel. he, Ausl? 0 DO • bDtsl mpb.tbokgwlae e. b . el 0 ga m. soa he lero la ots'ue boba ba ne b~se bur .. , ba eaa Ie bora e t letseag ba Ie 'mobo

Tiro ea maibib'l ea teeoa ~ 9 p.m. aatse a sa batse bopbelo· thbegol. barwe'81~a mphatl.llteane .' . 'la • tlb.~.. e. iaeel. ba!lb. b.le MO~8'elre~. mlDtaiboe. k.l. B obeli I 14. PhQtbego e bile 881l. m.sho W. beceog eool eOI re 's'ohi'e lehll Ie

t .t B bamag.di baea fihl. 'me bo podellol ea mabele ttl (>o~ h. iaall". b. 'pnicwe k. thltl likbom. b llhle bo leoa la (ilodeog, ~ oeh.. eabl' el etsa mltso&SO e enl 'me ele


Barkly West. • 'oIOIl:HOHLANE BANENG.

E A eog bo tlob..-la biD&. ba ruUs 'fie j D~" boos e fokol80g h8 bobloko b kd) a k. ph.kol. m.khobla nlll tW 68 'bool ha bo lnlo le .. boUolo el Ch mh.rlai ., C 'QRh R·m,dy. E roki. 80 .. b8&eog te h i ...


BalDI bo Bobe

poll e moo.tA h bolo e lebobeh.og Haele mlriba oooa Ise I kene. re e le Uoa k. molb .... ho &s'ueoogol ke Ie· ts'omil. Ie bo e. II, le~elle hoaul ha a phakol. bo e. babo bu •••

• •

K.I.bak. I. bo "' khaf.lso h. m. IIoloi 1 mollo Il, mtna ilia N Ihla, eSI

-1;log Ie mlob. II. P 8ek_ bo oeleo~ ~DcbeDe e. ·ea , subella m.D~o.QeO" bateaa k o'sl muqtwbi oa eooa Ie Imes· . 1et&i Ie laebome '. ~'pho&o, '14U80 I

iir.emieeU,s8 b) khe,b. komiai e' b(, b labl.bieie m,b •••• lie's' b.lo 'S6nl. ]1.e tl l b. ssebe letboetbop bb" l.b. • ho 01 ba lilreoe e amM st' ".ufel ..

- -Ti ,tjA f'I ta ... ablol ... nil' bellm. eoo8ue

0101111 ~r moth ... til mob'o, ,.& lubInlo e oim e" I ... ,.b -10 I liponto 'mil h~ "

A~O~ Inolt. • ~ene t oroo_oog IIIb ... li tee rnbooR 8 sAhetsa kt' thsh. CIa

hi l"'t8a~0. "DO' \(e r_oo. 00 ra 0 bl. te na b IIoi9 'ma Ie b 1101 boo ale bo ~ ,bA 111 81O"el".

B ' P ki bo boota'He8 borA mots'.a ­r. t, IlM mosebetel 0& ltompo08ng, 000

K.moo eleDg tloaelo 8' ha'bo ba bata'a b. ora molto, 'me IIlmoo ml h •• &sela a 800g 0 fibIHe,- eteue eka a ti, ba'i 'ml.~aoe marlhl. mooongu.b, - re se re ele&81 hohle bo hlr 1II0mel. ho rob,tu pI.,11 ka mdloog: aha b.beso semO.O sa se&io~olo se llotsi baholo ble, 8~ 8e se bloll se qat. balho.

• • • •

Maotsiboel ~I sbaalaoe k. 1a 18 eleng e&sltai I. Tsobo el Malena ra boDe bo fibl. mooll Lfj oelepuhoa Mr Ie Moftlmoh. n Fraok la h."o. Ie Mr Edwio N. TI.lp, Moogoli c. h Naledl" muoe M.feteog Mr. M. petl' ~e kel!otel. el ticbere mi. De hi F.lloti Muero. B.e&i h.G. b. roo. Da De b. 83 b. kbuda B malolS kr .. l aetrelleog Sl Te'a.oe (Pr .- torl') moo 6DEng ele b.eli b. ldr Erou l Makb , B. thpobile pb,r,ma Of'Dg e~ I. Bobe Ii II 19' eaa bo e .. M •• tru ba Ie boph.loog bo bolle. Tsel. ,s'ueu ble.

• • • • r (Ing u"" h", M8ble~ ... Je.I .. k 000

blnOOonR' 0 Oil a boooe a II:bA. ' 1. fi ~oe8 " bo qbomieoaog k. ~OOIl 'm ... tluflo5l e po 0 t 8 e ~tBi bokbots'o ny"De eba

, fo\ GUAetn bolong Elisog urbo e oeng t. ... ,..t~ bnrf\ e qh me e thQoya 000

bo .. " I b" itoltlS8 'm .. a 010 har Sl .. y~. Ho bont8'lt3a~ Ie motbo "0 a

,,"011 r til borl'! botlo b Une f'lAnt< 110-Bi. Nit'''' .,1' kill, ,. .. ha bo t ~ ng

bolol boo fetaog boo ka. bobe! Hilo kllba ofela ele 'aete moa blolooa 8 eatse otbo e jUlio k9moo bopakl ,bo Qsqlsl­IS ai, b '\ bo maog ea mo atlo.laog boo 1110 ,," 0 kablOlooi eo e bolma, Ie bona ha se mOlba all bo sebetsa Ie baa I ba batbo.

• • • • , Meeebelsi el M.tikitiog e hlile e e.'se ha eo'se e hliogOI: eo's oeroe bdho bl b.bIt 00 II. mo· bioi. o. bore baDDI b. b"beli baile b. tbeha maburu. mabeli • neog.'" m.llk'ring k. ko loi, b. re b ••• • f. l.

Send to-day for our illustratetl price list of r eliable watche3. rUlgs,

fountain peas etc.

Orien Mail Order Hon e,

49, Orion Street, Kensiagtoa , Johannesburg.

betsl b.,be b. £) olliu tiel. e 'ehang lokeebeoeng moo eaile· g bo Aablse bl se bo sutotsua .a 1(.-. oa feela bo hapo. kolai I. lilsohl.: l.lLboo. I. m.lh. kolibD •• b •• a l.bleh ..

• • • • •

Mota'ene 01 m'oteiboea ka la Bo­ne bfkaog eOI ra He rl ob, ket • mooa Kbalisong ke kblrebe lSI! pttli tae e leog b _alii m' an~ NOD B lr(lpelO H oa· plhl, Jubt.oofsburg, ele Nurse Yiold V M. L"bot. I. No< .... GoboDga • Ellea k.b. muu I De a , bibile hue­sloe mafom,haIBto. a 01 r l f ll.laa • butsoeitlse k.b~r8 sa bllku ea IMe ko.oe, ho boo-hal. ke ba phok.og 80pbo e Sl chesa.

Naedanl nlxela UMTETELI.' nlbhal,la kwl VENKILE IzlI,p,



BAlLA ft10RIANA • .,11 . II .. II ~'I' "'.U ...

.. llIu", ...... 1.

EN:Da:x..OVJ:NI e,Lbo n t"_"Ia. """.'1

UQ ... ueOo " ',I ~Ian ~ QJt'l.l th ' 'f,l,IIII. lar. ,.tu. ,Ie "t.nt ... 'IllInranC

-." :)Hl.OVINI no •• OURS ,,.

~~'ULl-A. 11.0 •• , H TODD,

Red Hili, ......



18181e ea Dgata 8a lipboofolo Qulblnu. -- 1:. mOB. ho DCfnyel," mlDtRoEDYIDI ana krrln'oDg ea blu, Mr. V troey a ilo • cb .... I. h. MortDA Sempo h .. 61b April. J 0.1. eil •• b •• khDtI. teng, • fiblel. I€Vtokeleng I. Fori Harlley Ie Pobne, Mo,e.o H lobob. • molobeU.lo. moo iI. liramo tR& hie, tse 30 'mo eile:s ho bl ne Mr. V orocy a tbenbo 'motoh reng MoroDI Hlobob. I bDI Ie eeol • re a "opo "el.t.o b ..... g B' liumo heo I Ding Ie tBODI, e Ie hore I utloe bore 01 Ito \11000 , •• b.lleb.Dg Le.olbu mono tjen" 0 kopl jl).lo hoboee eena e I •• efdD julo bIll. bo t. ko ..... leo. i"bathllitoeog bo tb nnela liumo tBea moo lseler@' el bae. Mr. Ve ... y 0 ilo • , rob .... bar. b. • S8 • Ii b£lDP, 'me 0 il13. litllimisis. h boble linlllo 1.0., ke IBonl t •• bOlle. b,ng mODI Leaoth, 'me Morena Hlobcb. Ia. Moo Ibo oa pele po • fu· m.DeDg bore 00 Ikb,lb.tB. t. bo blre. Iti.. liDto 0 I. bore Ii t.e Ie boe. bo "a b Dg 10 Ibo 0 eDIl.. A bots. mo<­• IifamllH.:Dg 8t1F,. [0: 0 ',fam D mapol •• i g ••• ' .. ek •• g. L dy Grey. Mr. V fro y • ul. to loeb. l.bilao I. lekbou. 6 • l;iuOlID DR bo IcD. 'm I. b 1 I ra hoj •• cblb ao L •• olbo t k i b Ihats j 10 II Moren HI hi It u. tumla. hoi. b

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UMTETELI W A BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, 23RD APRIL, 1927. - -Ia Ballanu ho lsebl.

M(log.Ii,- Ke 'aste bora ke u·h, b. Lt. lamia. k. r-bo e. polao ha ka sa ir.onota el h 9 'Mess. N ... tt-.

.,. b. a ", Ii r ,mel. bo l!'hlompbehi 1:00 u b. bolel.eng.

B,b .e, re .' cbab. ee hlok'Dg 1m '~ui8i8o ele 'oete Meteo.Ue h. Ie tIl adol La ek.h. ke &.8' .... oe'8e h. ets. joaaS', kI p, lie roog? Ko ri.lo ... b, k. I, bobaae ... haaglh Ito al •• k. I. bol.lI, I.a hlol i.oa 10 mpolo 1 . lilab, leeo I.' e. b oo., Ie eta I li kl'omo lseDI taa se "In g hl,IcBo, Ie Dts'eoy etBa Hoo ko tra lele.I. ; •• b . ... I. lIap. It. kbot.o bore r . IabIOIB. ho ba. li llb. I.eol , f •• I. b"b, ho Ie leDg e. ikotlo.og a ~. D ulb. boo ho " U mteteli " mOIJ poteo tsa ~iIJI; Ii taoiJeog teog. Emp J, h. ho 'e j 111. .. bona Ie DI •• ag Ie '.0.10 pe·e. Oh , Ite. 1. t; p. IIb •• t •• og.

H. motaD' it u k. e. i1pDg .. Ilel. hore oka ke abalime b, Geoesfse ; he hi motsoallt ". It. bor'" b.. lEe n. o ko eo e. milt k aoe. H. bo moo Q klJef1g u "'on. k pout aa b( ra &8 '~D8 eklle a oyalft ktp 1 etl Dr.: 01

ke In Lho. Metho 0 tepiloo ka ". tsu I h'lt S Mo mo. Eluba Ire e boo I wong ao be , 'ma ek- 01 b· b II. n a 0 .... lebi eoe, Ie I h r h,j eeke 11 • nJl4"ph. •

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::.0::;;',;: ~

-.~~~~~ Leseli Ie Nkuoang

Ha Bonolo mesehetsing eohle

Le etsua a me hoa a me· n g's ta Ie ka ho fetafeta.nl1 hamilloho Ie mefuta ea ma~e1i a lahlang ma llIa­seli a matln a I hanyan!! hnholo sEba a sa I1l.10tO It ;10(l, -toO, ·",OU 1'3 ,t 1000 ho· is. I JUO.

Mahlaseli Ie Mashala - t,.,'udrcl ct hIt!

F chry RlJpr u/qtl1.'fI

A.L. ASHLE~ 12 Lower BUTI!: Street, Cape Town


Represent the Best Quality and V"lue Obtainable.

FULL 100 SHEETS Ruled with Margin " :: ':

The Pad with the Largest sale in the World. -- -- -..

;;o:;_~;;;,;;;;;;~;.IA;;D;:E:,;I;;N;SOUTH A FIlICA

ng, r . tor It

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'.e • LI TLA

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RB HPEI. 8 ER 1-0 II fl.A r, KATAl..OKO

BARF'ORD & J J 7fi J ;1 t :I r t, J b.;;n;; ·'~

UMTETELI WA BANTU JOHANNESBURG 23RD APRIL, 1927. 13 ---- ._-------------- ----- .-~--

TSI Matslang. (Ie Mongolii oa Rona.)

Ka 1. 11 HI .... bfll~ , 1927 ~inr8na ~ mob olo f\ fibl" M .. ~ro k-\ h'motokul tae pell tall h." "80a lA matOQ8 • m,. "hl 0 h,o, G Ii Ih M. P. Moh.le Ie Lelollo Lorotholl bl ki'O& Lelllhotleng b 'Mosisi . he. ra tSAbe tseo I Hilang , Ik& taooa ; e"~blt 0 nit. 8 UUe bo 'olllse tlla 'M.aiei t> mf cb lesto 18 bo el tee­b" Maloti a Il. S .. boogboog t botbos 0 t18 ea qds hs M-'r ~nll Mlkbl\ola Loro thoU 8 OYOtOB~ S ·nqa , ta&maeB I bh,. blobA m~t8R e~" bU'1 maloti e eo fi bl~ Mea.bollnoll b. Mareoa Saeis) G. L' rotboll • eo th.ohel. h. Molopo.

• • • • •

JOlle Marlt'na oil~ I nebela Morfnl L odo LoteiA lihelo taa hore 8 tie 8 tn. mlis9 Mor c'oa eo b.otte 11 etse joalella web l" b. 8008 1 t8:1ooalsq marena a 'Mn8~ . Kl\mouo bo tious Morena a boel. h Ie MlttaitoDg. E." 0 oa a tlile Ie 113 ts\ boipiletso b-\ mora hoba 0 os lie Mltsieng ~ \ teoD., re .U.a '''' U LessUoYdn,\ II amp. eka boiplleteo boo ba bo famaoe tollieo e hlufi.

• • • • • 'IMAeetenta as Maser. 0 teos Ihlola

bnhem,ny.o" ba.'oe ba ateoaol lebe­okeleDg h. Tb.Dlrbop. b •• hlolelo. Balemo are ba romelloe Pek.1 teroD~otJg -eB baebanyanl.

• • • I

Kel. 15 RIo_abel. Moran. S-kbo· nyi.nlt B ·rsng Ie '\:Iorent G. M. P. Mo. h!ile Ie Morene L .. lolllo bs De b. b06tee b:t. Ie teoR Lelllbotipog II 'M.eiei bl roo mHoe lie E'eo. Morane e moholo; ha re t8e b ~ b~otle lit b:\ teB fonoliloBng i ekabl ke bons bOi piL.o,teo ba S~ei!lo boo fA bo UUI tng bnre 0 OlJ. aile k' "008 Mateieog; b, re II; b ,108 bore Moren. ~ moholo {\ II \ oon tbibela k, bonl k" moll~o Oil No.3 bobf1 0 na Ie lI£obtolo

". £20 • • • • •

Bl8baoysoa blUlDe b. oh loteoeog eE'. lemo ho Haoe b. kbaooe lI:a m80to ho le08 P elr,. e. eha moh, o bf\ b." sa kene , terenaDR' ho 8a Hoi" baufi Ie Pt'lln, ho­bane bl b nyeuylo9 bl De bl ea tsebo seo bs 8e flte ,u g Ie ho Hnubela ba nB ba sa ts"be Ie ho hlliponte'oR ha ba k8 '8 bo etaoB; botboe 0 'm,'clbooa ba ile bl bollotl_ b" bl Itohltoua Ie blu' ba b:::ml. Ka IIIb .1 .. re elelat hore ho tlo. 80e Blectho L'ktmpoug ba ~ L~eotho moo ho s"o~ t~rooko ho ahlololog k' le80~1 ho bu:, .. m1nyaul) ba b!\ 1I,,1",lIIe 8~O eeh not h 'J j )",ta(}s B eotho, IIA khll. i.e ra la ehts. Ie bjneUa litoropong tBI

m,khoo8. • • • • •

KIl 1001 leo ba ide ' tei Ie re othf'· keotbtlke I~ IQl~ bO!lm'll lith~t>, lehlo. honolo Ie bile tf'nj;f LI'8 ,tho la pula fUll

liilt:,.otno Ie bllho, et" pottellOIl bo,do bohla bll I). b. t'IM e e n. ~. likbatbe· kh.lbale _. bo,la b. I. 16 e. pba khumane b"holo r81t leboha ho 'Mopi o. b,lho Ie oa IIpboofolo.

• •••

Ka bake r ... Weng M'sera 'mssE!tEr h oile a .hlol. J.aellyana ie PhltSOI be De hi qoao. kit boeholn ba bo Ite03 likobo tn mobl"ulll.o" amoDg ta neng • eteoB maat;b ()oeog woo b. nt!Dg bJ robete8 teog seteahe08og; ba Ii methota ba 81 ke tsoo' Mf, s!ru bs htets MokOBqoloeog ba eI Ii rt!klu j_ttl", ba rekisB borikbo~ h i Thobl b" r .. lllsl k tiba b, moeI'll ail biteo8Dg 'M"tt.tb.katbl b" rellia) .. atiba ., pbOISOB ho moaali emong Ie lIobo 8 ta'oeo e. tODsaa j nale he bet S6

bl Is'OerOq b t rli b~ ee ba bebila Iipb. ­hlo tero b~n .. aR tal" re ba tb \i lokoU. y.a cbelere. K blolo a" r~ J :.neoyana lUemo tst! p .. h it. e~t etu II~ tb,ta ; PhlJts-,' _ ft ~,hl.)toa llkboell tee 9 !D eab£'­tSij ilia that K"J (StoO h~ lik'.t~ tat j.~b. Ta ')~ tot) kit e ts',:behallg h. S .. ectbo bll. e~ bt .ekililllla likobo tsa b&tho b~ b,ull!lt h·Lba." I" jn ~b. K, eOD!> belle EO ba 'ihlolOI S .oche OB be

lIor~tuo,~hali ha!\ 3.tamctsa m·,iomr) ho l :.

Anll. ka mang ca. mo b,\oang ? Mdongoan ~\ e ftlbd$CDg b ;\ e susumc en

ju,mana to.ra.bloJ.n,\ n im:\:\ bl.llF:ilo jualck., kbo·

limo. . Kharcjdlla e kh:.;blcbaog e lemo 11 Ie ,home

fcel.'!, & t:lu3.netsc ho (nm:m:1. phdo ba eonll: Ha ho bohloLl bo 6bla, mobl.1 mclutsel.1., Noesa I'" Woods se Scbolo Rlare fill Pup)ro.


B,reog a qoslJ" III, bo nteo8 'mathp oa m3bele lebsnllel .. og b ~ eu", Ie H !moqll.oe bl 0 P ta te'lmoog el m'ltho emong, mODg'. tll'Imo a 0 bona 0 tSAbl81 marp09, fleaa 8 re ho Idloe ; bosin oo r, eboia f\ fibl, ka lip!" p bll Ira • metholA. 'methA b!i kbl Nb09lo~ ba balt-hl\ b, eial lip~re te" ts'o~ ro ... B" IlJm~tRa br,ehola b. bonlfll 8 _.lobe 1\

ah 'ololl lillhoali tS'l th"ro I eebd'l8 kli t hat. mnl~k&oe on bl&~ H"tOoq ,O fl e k', o ilfl, 0 ntae II batioD bo tid k.lblolong Ie eeLa.

• • • • •

Ita la G t ~t8' Morena 1.'13110 LArotholi o ita A Ihlola ba.tho ba Ilt'og hJ 10.01 MssE'ro t ny~ile ao ene e ite a" e.b~ lllapele bo 'mustnlt. f"f'OA 8 e ot-hol T~ko; e Q'l a Ie utoa eo M.olem· • ileng a hhbl\ Mlellela k'l tblp~ a b, fl i~o e"pellelp, e De e Ie otoa f:'<a bOD-\ boo t..h"a bo 00 bo 00)8 m'loe b<\ Molo moolmpbp, e'" q'llf'b. m oo pmpA Fill ei loonellt ka Lekbot1~ng I. 'MI8 ' t ... r~t~ tlnteing E'Il B Botho elt ~ ,"a. bno~ , jQllltle '"blotl"l ellra Molem, O! bit Letl ha ('I

I",fe I.kb .mo tae pFIi I~ plH,d ,)" qotba. tuog Itqeba; M,,,etfflll $>6 hlat- i1tler g ka th ip. a bblnlo~ 10/~ k,1 hore 0 it" n phepbatll ntoa. J Dale MC'reo " & re 0

tie Bhlola motho elt. entseDg jQ ,I II. bo ileng ba re~isoa bo bltho b o10 ~a naa.o e. ~osin elt re ha ilia Uoha moo ba etl 1010. kboU ••

• L1taba Isa Leribe. (ke Mongolii oa ona).

eeoblb". A bus Irl Lekbotlili. !\lor ... n. 08 Leribe Ie Kampoll'C HlotBA IS re kp .h.le " n fa le~boti .. leo Ie tl }. ba mOQ Ie ee L .. rlbe 'mA Ie jr)lle Ie sena 0 r" Ie tlohe " ee L~rib6 'IDA I~ ph.h"meloe lie b~n ba Mor~oJ\ 0'\ L ~ riba b .. nleg Ie 8"1 riti ~.b rA bo 8-obi. b3. A ra hllBA otbLl E' ntle hora le~b ,. tl. leo Is be Kampong ell' lfueo hl)b~ Ie batbo ba til rl! bl ae bl D. ·b ... t80~ btl 'Mn8o, 'me Ie booa a ~e ~e PI e ba ntho 13 ode hare MoraDa E. Mob 10 • teosa I.khotl. II b· •• e'o Ie blom, Kam pong Maseru •

Tlba el bor .. ro e bile e!\ l.,.khptbo. Ho foona 0 bolets,' hore lekhf'thl1 I ,· L"'ribe I, ogo.h llia Ie morao ka £700. o bl!\loaitee mol. o 01 I~"bptho Itl ho bolRI. h tlra 0 bunola h" ph .. tbia08 b f -ell m!fe I, mare, Ina I mot o ••••

• a sebellsllo ka ts oaDelo. A bolela bore bo na Ie batbo bn bug ba kolotllDg £7 lOs. O. elDpa bB otse ba Ie teDg mabaeng a bODa. Ha bo Ie joslo ba mala to ke ballsi ba b :l tbo hao hs sa ha blahlseni bo bagafisl 'me ka bBka Jeo bla a tla bB qOSB ka mitla ke bona ba· lisa kB bo S8 pbetbe ts'oaoelo tsa boni. Are Dako e 'ugoe eo marena a eeDg a tbohotbel1oe lekbetbo 'me Dako eo ke ba 8 ts'oanetse bo amobela mpbo a tsoang 'Masoog Ie bo Ipelaetsa ka bore 'Maso kajeDo 0 kbaotse cbelete ea bcnl. A re 0 ba hopotsa fee'e I", Sa kboos Ie reDg II Ha motbo a sa sehetse a ke ke a lefaoa " (No work, 00 pay). Are bOllg l ta bal~s'l ba famaDoa bll Ike tss OOBjoaieDI kap.l kae hl bag 5s1 bl Ie metseDg ell bODa 'me ballsa b.1 bilDg ba be ba lome batha ba bODa tsebe here ba balebe mob 'a bagdisi ba tla

Moobane r.1 l\1.4Dd.h.l. 1S ''1.a1 bll teng Hape bo blablso3 kape ie bo bo DO bl} pb.'h bile pite~' tl _bolo eeoa batho ba banR'ata ba kopel08Dg bo muoe U Pb C' M long·' bi 'l{ 'a. \Ii) 10k~lIoa lekbetboDg ka baka la bo bola ~08q '" b,.fi Ie L"ribH m r::o m tsat-il"lg Ie mnbaka a mllcg, empa ba bo b, Ina ttl, r to' 0'\ L . tl be I S'3og • nte" Ii bacbs ba keongoaDg lekbetboDg ka pbeh ten~ 'me !IlOO re bontoR fII~ .. b~kf\ 18 bo booyella Illemoni tsa bo tbebile mllitlo 8. m"0R'flt.oynna hoo ho gda. Motlatsl oa 'Musls! Bre ha S8

booahalaog ella _~ m ',tho el eAog a bantle bore ho blakolce mabltso a ba fl Uela teD. leboj' roni b~ Lqribd ro tho be otseng bl gda empa ba sa ke 88 n telfllbe hore '." m •. blom"s hloooo. oogoe mabltso B bi bacbs bl ts'oane· la," Pit90 ao ene e Ilitsit9 \l e ,. kopo laDK ho tlEIotS9 IIbaka tseo. A ele;:sa ke. ea Motl, tai oa 'M.eiei o. L ' rlbp, Mr. bore motho ofe Ie ofe ea tlobaDg Leso · I. H. Sims eo 8 II. bing te'JI tee tho a tsoela klDtle ho moetl Oit. 10Da a. peli •• ~ 1II03no L "' ribA k. bo (1080"1. hi ble a. oke leDgolo 18 bae la gata bobaDe Mr F. Foord ho €!I Mof@tang. PitS) ho nB Ie molao 0 bolms 08 'Muso oa eo leh'l ra atl.lle hrre @II. bo m~mali Kopano bo gafisa motbo ofe Ie ofe e' tsoe a· obllba lIIao(ol1:, ene e eA phalha tla famaDoa a sen·' leolo 'o la gafa ea bl bletle k:loq .. nl e. e,oh,b. 81 b" moo mabUeng teng. A qetellatllob..l ts;) Molsp", aaf lli hbluohn telnl bo DO lekhetho ka bo tseblsa stb,Jl(a bore ka­h I) lIatboe Ii De Ii pbatbebile k .( (~la. jeno :ekbetbo Ie ekelltsoe ka 3/ holl H oba r ;, bone eeCl" Moren. oa L~ ribl'l [i)'11 mcg1 fi among ,e erooDg eseDg ka Ie bar" be bcp, \lota'·)f.*['Jp, Mote lit:- bo e1 ka mitlo a bas"lI. (Puso eil an£lt.14.\·peli J M·le 18 Qh~u~ll, Tllmo elsa letlaburalabonyatsikekelsoenB.) Jon '.thallE', L .teta Moshoesbod Ji)oa_ TdDl fl. tone e bd"l 0--;" M ,ft.l • th OP, Ie b'J.rango L' .. e S~l e_mi Ie ~troan~ (S'08) . a.8n~ e~kh\Jlopll1e iii

Lf-liOl(o.nA, Thui :r1d'''oe, 16 J ,.nog In fa ,jvll('l. A r ' h .afiay.o moo Kh.~tbi~', P k l\ ene ~ rometed m .. b l hiatt h l. b I-fa I'd leog ba ~oran q s. te it".le \(, .. boaa. ho'. '00 " blr) bll HI j ot D ~ S ebopba Ie) bo blla['g b :'dorao .. 0, L t ribe Ie baea. bat oe b. ts'olnet~ bore bo .olloe e8l01u". b JiI ..

1 4 Ion" 'illS lera leo b. Itt q-\I f\ b h Ie hDg h .mmc bo Ie libloobo '9 st cb h ,),. ka 'bo fe6biao. Ng , Itl ea 'M080 ". p .b. Sill LEribe. Motl.,ai o. ' .kiusisi etlo' A bot liID I"fl ieul leo h th)- og o th le Ie moogoli I. hie ~r. D bt'rlY h I~· m.ieoa lie Iito?ba (BablJnio bammoho Ie mohl,blobi •• Lld tpi PI gm) Ie ltileog Ie botte. h. Leribe 'me kamorlo b. ,Ia fib l. b J Iu lu ltOO) te" f ", file 'IS 'lO t- I el "" e .. Capt. K.eDDllo, 1eur ba I. MoLl.'sl o~ k , h'r bath:,) b , hIe bl boo ng m .fn 'Mosiei Botba do,be 10 mohlablobl .. og aDO ba uo t8 ~ bha m ·ren l 'me OD Lidipi oa seb.k. eeo. Letgl'ai IU r oln ot 18~b e '.\10110' p ... l .. t I" bor · 6 no cle Ie Id e bib .10 bo fatbom etae ngaka, e tie e tseb!!l ho pbaUa Ie bo bo bllDde ho 8' cht tSe hi bolo. H Jb. h u os. mokboa 0 ka thlbelBDg bo ata ba bo~.ooe eeb .. keog sel pi'ao eneog ele lefu leo ho eooa moo bo Dong ho 60C80a sahaoe- Tabs ea bohlaDo e bile ello Molao OB Ii~oe @e seh,lo, oa 'llosisi 0 Lekboekhoe 00 a bo etseng 'oete boi a

re molao 00 b~ 0 e5'0 utlo slsofl ke bl keDe k. bn a mu .. h. pi 01 'me» lu th ) leba emp). bangata bEl b301 ba bla. me 'ieln- Ie Moreoa at. Ltribe Ie mA- hl ke pele bo eeoa 'me bl ItJtola ka reOD • teng Ie lihlooho tee liog, I b re ba b3 tsebe molao at he ba bat Ie otoo b '. hiB. poo ea ble. Sh i DO b3. e'\ 0 tseba E, b ~tbo ba ka

T abl ea pele ebile 'amaliso bo ba 10tlDg b, bang ba ba tsebe molao aDa tho ba L eri oe, 'me" hla loe hor ' I h!)utle ko bo se a tseblsoe ke mareDa a h_jlll tomeliBo e;t bae eee eat. m r 0 b'lOB Q kbJDO. A b ht losd. m~' 0 ka :t:.b. " se I q etile li khr"eli tee pfli lie bla!oso tse ut loo. bitlaog 'me 11 leka bo Leribr ebile _ fi 'ltetsa b r ', kbo Isa B,,,sotbo hora bas" tl\kldSO ea. m' Beb~'t!li 0 moo g'''' h ho!o 'me hoo b e k',pl1 'Moso bo abloto batbo kame·

b . b b iB Ie bo b kenYJ teren !JDg ernpa. b ~ bo bile h mo h eeba.a s~ 0 It uU b3 robl moleo ba bo lcarn'Jo !\ ka bl bolalo b. L ril::e Ie h· re e;-;a I!obe!aog bJ b, ablolB Molao oaa a k jono • k' ts"b. ho ~Ul Ie b lb. b. etselltsoe bo tbu'l!l B :l.s') tbo h ... re bJel LHibe a se e ,sebl h'Db. t il' 'eog. b" hkhats':Cina ts!. bonl b') tl~ bo fu Pi so e .mphetu '(uDPlieo e h e k. m;tDe tbeko 0 ntle. Kb ideaYlloa bo:u litlat9ll 'me Ie 'Mlta llna ea eta a sel. b -. L~sotbo bJ no bo fen. b:. TraDskel I ka tbeko emp!\ k ;eoo bo fetohlle k s u~:t)l a1 bobrl~ e lit'e e. bo b t.h 8 I b",k:r. II boblU8 M~(tlbJI5"\ <l hl~k~met~e

bor I kl b<\l1", I t bo h,> 'a ha MOf"OiJ 01 . b oeklsO ea hkbuts tSl bOclElluhe L"dbfl H\ 8.,.n~ k b, 103 li lolmo ts· I B s' .. tbo b" Idb.1 e fee lfl . ~lP8 bl hlo·

nom '" '1 rati ll'ng ,nonoan. a Je I koene e bore b, arob"aye Hoku IS3- mil ' lllr.~. 0 fnrn_o l a la ts'o 0 10 j )t\ltI ijcl ' ba~tere Ie IDBperesi b'J tSl lit. re aa;, ~o~/'t:, rt b!!. b~a b Bt1male Dufi It! I bobl boo ke bo sent-\o~ bO'R b:1 boa 1

E'en'l bo roo u,tsa litllbeng lal p.SJ e>t I babo,o. Molao b'l 0 8 a 0 banelanK'

motho bo raa lInka tseo empll. bo ka ba Ie 0 mobolo bo lt aroba.nya Ie bona IIrama ebe tSIl. tsona. t"e boh'elf"l. U •. _1 el UUlml I" mpe I.e _log I. Ie. clucbath.. A n thml tBM li te'Olne. te~ ho 10anta'ol.1 maUa hob. Ii oa Ie oolei e ~holo _.keDg II boe. I. bophelo b. b' tho. Li .eke t" _hepholelo. fdots"e tSi sinol Ii la jOllo, HI Ii h180~ teoe k .pa Ii hetaoe Ii bokE!lIoe og'a e Ie 'ogoe a bot Ib ohel!lol ha Ii se n omm8. T.~.el bOBDpl e bile •• L.kboeklooe

II Ltpere. A re Ie eooa e 86 a bebet.oe m u'ao 'me ba.tbo ba ta'olDeblA ho blollo· mel. per. I.e DIDg la le~hoekboe _. bo \I ph •• ob Ie ho Ba 1\ _oplDye Ie tee pb-I.og bot'De I,fa leo Ie oltoo. h . b Dolo ~~ ho ikhohll bl pEre 9 se ollog lelthoea.hoe moo e Ding Ie tODa e Heng 1:1' ikhohl l teoS', Ie al ho llimlna II • listiE'. •• blro~eli e bU. e. b.II •• D. b. kh .tall80g likh , mo meblleDg moo ho telmaeaog limotolh ra 19 mt lEolot Ie bltho. Tabl eo e mpe hlbolo ·me 8 D3 Ie lIIotili a .holo ho bl limotoll.n ' me s 8a 8 nila el h1ehis. ~('Itsi taa ngl ta hlbolo. A ehtsi!. r .. ll tl re hojl& balistDS OlD!! ba ka .halemelol lis OlaUI lEe b hlo.1i ba bona III. IE!eol i bob& De ha ba a.1 etae jOblo CO in moo beng ba limo. torollen ba til qoal moog 8 "homa e tbnlltoeng Ie bOD" ·milE!og.

T.b. e. boroboag k ••• Sehlobo bo Lipboofolo '.a roiloaDg (Cruelly 10 Aoim"'e.) A ra ho 0110 mollO .101 '

nte ng tab. 001 'm'.) ke oa IlblJe ha· bolo. BI. Ibo bo ,Io.e'.e bo pi 11m I pere e esbel1e S6 ts'.tbeblng 'me mo,bo tl. jOllo ne lab.tle ho ikbcpol. hore o. h. eeo. I o'a k. qhto!:hoa • Ie jOlla 0

QO ko ,h.h D.I Hlpe blli'ODI b. tab. tebiel lillbom. Ie mots'eare 0 Ie 0

:" -Q' 'me mO:Jg • 'eoDI ,. m.lule h, Ii tibia .,"eDg bere DO Ii hpile b.bolo ."Dg. Moloo 00 lehl 0 DO BI eabeli· 8,)') "_jeD) a tta 8ebeliso~ 'me bl,bo b. hlokomele b.hole • e. I.Bhoma lIa e. Mlfu 0

Nllolog "'P'. nobale'.lnoaDg aLi. phoof"lo. 'robaog eo. MolI ••• i o. '14usisi 0 buile hlholo kl ko.hi. A bolela bore ma!ia. 01 me he 01 Taikoa. De 0 ~ile I tla ha eena bo 'molella bore o bDol lif rilii taa molee Ii rl1rublli ko-110g 'roe b. ho hl . bl,jOI lobo .D. b. fotD neh. bore if.riki tlJeo Ii ile tel ea m.1i • khomo e bolliloeog lie

o _ ~lI l eo mODg I eooa I 8l thog I e Jpel~ k:amoo 000110 0 balel.og ',,'eDg, 'Ille"" kdso ell' MOOg I .homo eo 0

b.lrutse b.tbo b. baDg likbl,h"sa tea _bol Ie bo bab, bopbelo ~. baa Ie be boaa 1I0tslDg A re kelso tllIDg enl e h'oacel' bo kbalemeloa IE:. m. tl ••

Kamor ' PU ) eDt to tEi<:le M "dei '. ' 'duaisi 0 ttee 0 fa m ~ reDI Ie b.dbo 8 b.k" s_ bo m )ta m oo b~ k. b.,IIDg bl.1 •• eo 'eog k.p. b. b ... e. bo ke r hog b aa bUI mablpi Ie 'e90 • 'SOl i On

(L. sa t/,,)


Ha bo batlehe CAS fOR OIL kapa mOn3nl'l ote a tsolli s3lIg bore a tebelisoc Ie HARTLEY'S ORmN'TAL

VERMIFUGE. ,Qo:l oa hOO)(o ha mala 0

f loketse batho b:"l ba~do hammo­bo Ie b,ma me R1a~ a a rata

Haeba morian:! ona 03 HART­LEY 0 Ie sieo 1e-/enlceleDR la he­llO 0 nang Ie set90aatao 83 tlou botlolong. u ~eke UJ. Dka motut;] o mODg u romcl~ cbelete l/6 kaposo ho

Mr. A. H. TODD, Makeroise--" EndbloviDl, '

RED HILL, N.lfAL. lia u rek3 mo;iaaa a bone hore

botloJee Da Ie !~:!ca ,1'lJ sa tlou.



Abantu Abalumkileyo Balshaya i Sigarall ye FL G Baziva Zimnandl

WAVE UYAKUFIKA ZIMJALO NAWE. Ungall tenga kUIO lonke Ivenklle; ixablso

yl 4d. nge paketl yezlli 10.

Umpambili w8pak8t1 ZB Flag ulunc8do BlunDenelenl Umneadall WB Durban JulU Handicap (1927

£2,000 Umvuzo Wo~uqala I



BDkap81B bl IIpakata tSI Flag bo na la thuso ho laDlla Paise al Durban JulU Handicap (1927)

£2,000 .oputso oa pale I

Subscribe to

, Umteteli wa Bantu

.... -, .......... CQiman'$

MI.I~!~~~ """~ .. " "" ...... -.'" ... ,,",," " ".,.,,, " ..

Botsa Mophehi O'reng Feela !\loph<:h l nfeng ea kileng a ~ebetsa ho barui ba

l\Inkhooa 0 t in l\ holeUa hore mefuta eoble ea nama ba c;ja ka l11osetaretla.

Eja cheletc c 'nyane hallr)10 ebile ho batleha e t seloe ha:-.esaanc (eeta, hubane e matla haholo, empa e natcn a nama bet ere.



Xa ufuna irnbiza okunye iketile ezona ziIungiIeyo nezorn­elele kakulu hlala uqwalasele upau lorwebo oluyindoda enxibe nje. Urn­zantsi wern biza okanye iketile nganye una lornfan­ekiso lonke ixesha. -

Umteteli wa Bantu

WARNING This Native

had his shirt sleeve hanging loose whilst oil· ing rn 0 v i ng machinery. ,

His s h i r t sl eev e was caught and he was nearly kill· i ed. ~ YOU MUST NOT h WEAR L 0 0 S E OUTER CLOTH· j ING NEAR MOV-" ING MACHINERY,

ISllUMKISO' Lorn Ntu wa. !

ye jingisa umko I no we hempe xa wayegalela il. oli ku rnashinir ohambayo. I

K wabanjiswa ' umkono wehe· rnpe yake wa­pants'ukufa. MUSANI UKUNXI BA AMAYAKAYA KA KUFuPI NO MASlllNI BERA


KElETSO Monnaenoa0

naba a leketlisa letsoho la he· mpeantse a ts'e la oli machineng ea tsamaeang.

Letsoho la he· mpe la ts'uaroa 'me a batla a ra· nthangoa




Prlated lad PabUsb.d b, tb. Proprietors, N atlvI Printing .to Publt'blag Co., Ltd" JobaDn.sbarr.