* Check must be certified. TABLE OF CONTENTS Aldermen, Board of—Approved Papers, 1937—Part Twenty-nine 6909 Board Meetings 6918 Bronx, President Borough of The— Proposals . 6924 Brooklyn, President Borough of— Proposals . 6925 Docks, Department of—Proposals. . . 6919 Education, Department of— Proposals 6926 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 6926 Elections, Board of—Proposals 6922 Estimate and Apportionment, Board of—Notice of Public Hearing for Taxpayers 6909 Finance, Department of— Confirmation of Assessments—No- tices to Property Owners 6920 Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appurtenances Thereto on City Real Estate by Sealed Bids 6919 Interest on City Bonds and Stock. 6919 Vouchers Received Oct. 8 1937 6915 Warrants Made Ready for Payment Oct. 8, 1937 6911 Henry Hudson Parkway Authority— Proposals 6921 Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 6919 Instructions to Bidders on Work to Be Done and Supplies to Be Fur- nished 6928 Marine Parkway Authority — Pro- posals 6919 Municipal Civil Service Commission— General Instructions as to Examina- tions 6922 Notices to Appear for Examinations 6924 Notice to Applicants for Positions 6909 Notice to Candidates for Open Competitive Examination for Clerk, Grade 2 6922 Notices of Examinations 6922 Proposed Amendments to Classifica- tion 6922 New York City Housing Authority— Sale of Used Brick and Heavy Lumber 6919 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Buildings, Etc. 6928 BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT PUBLIC HEARING FOR TAXPAYERS Budgets for 1938, and the first six months of 1939 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, PURSUANT TO A RESOLU- TION adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on October 2, 1937 (Cal. No. 2), PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1937, AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A.M., and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1937, AT 2.30 O'CLOCK P.M., in THE CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, City of New York, in regard to the BUDGETS FOR 1938, and the FIRST SIX MONTHS of 1939, as TENTA- TIVELY PREPARED; and on MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1937, AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A.M., and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1937, AT 2.30 O'CLOCK P.M., in THE CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, City of New York, in regard to the BUDGETS FOR 1938, and the FIRST SIX MONTHS of 1939, AS PRO- POSED FOR ADOPTION, and the TAXPAYERS OF THE CITY are invited to appear and be heard on those days relative to appropriations to be made and included in said BUDGETS. Dated, New York, October 5, 1937. PEARL BERNSTEIN, Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Municipal Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-4560. o5,14 THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK APPROVED PAPERS, 1937—PART TWENTY-NINE ificial Directory 6918 Parks, Department of—Notice to Gen- eral Contractors — Permission to Dump Clean Fill 6921 Plant and Structures, Department of— Proposals ... 6922 Police Department— Auction Sale 6918 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property 6919 Purchase, Department of—Proposals 6925 Queens, President Borough of—Pro- posals 6922 Richmond, President Borough or— Proposals 6922 Sanitation, Department of—Proposals 6921 Supreme Court, First Department— Application for Order Directing Compensation to Be Determined 6926 Filing Bills of Costs 6926 Filing Final Report 6926 Notices to File Claims 6926 Supreme Court, Second Department— Application for Order Directing Compensation to Be Determined 6927 Filing Bills of Costs 6927 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to File Objections 6927 Taxes and Assessments, Department of—Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for the Year 1938 and First Six Months of 1939—Books Open for Inspection 6919 Tenement House Department — Pro- posals 6921 Transit Commission—State of New York—Notice of Hearing—Case No. 2911 6922 Transportation, Board of— Invitation to Contractors 6921 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 6921 Sale of Scrap Material 6921 Proposed Approval of Subcontractor 6921 Triborough Bridge Authority—For the Cables and Floor for Main Bridge and Approach Viaducts of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge 6922 Water Supply, Board of—Notice to Contractors 6919 THE CITY RECORD Vol.. LXV. NUMBER 19561. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1937 PRICE, 10 Csirs. THE CITY RECORD OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA, MAYOR. Chairman J. TAYLOR, COMPTROLLER PAUL WINDELS, CORPORATION COUNSEL STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WORTH 2-3490. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. *Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.15); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail, $1.12); List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 27 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, $2 each section (by mail, $2.05); Detailed List of Exempt Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10). OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Building Code, $1.25 (by mail, $1.35); *Code of Ordinances, $3 (by mail, $3.10); Domestic Relations Court Act, 65 cents (by mail, 75 cents); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 cents); Fire Department Specifications, 15 cents (by mail, 17 cents); Fire Retarding Rules and Regulations, 10 cents (by mail,, 12 cents); Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents (b. mail, 57 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); "New York Advancing," 50 cents (by mail, 61 cents); New York City Charter (effective Jan. 1, 1938), 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter (effective Jan, 1, 1938), 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Traffic Code, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, 5 cents (by mail, 7 cents), in lots of 100 or more, 3 cents each. Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super- visor of the City Record." ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) lays before the date fixed for the first insertion. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least THREE (3) days before date fixed for the first insertion Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. No. 294 Resolution Authorizing and Requesting the Heads of City, County and Borough Offices to Grant Leaves of Absence for All Employees Who Desire to Partici- pate in the Celebration and Observance of Columbus Day, October 12, 1937. Resolved, That the heads of all City, County and Borough governments of The City of New York be and they hereby are requested and authorized to grant leaves of absence MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service Commission for the following positions: ASSISTANT (ikOLUU1ST ASSISI ANT I KH. AL ENGINEER, GRADE 4 BUILUII\US MAINAUzR (fUUSINU) UK.ANt; LNGINEMAN (LLtfK1C) DIKUCTOk UI ,IT11 IIUkLAU OF PLANT AND STRUC- TURES, GRADE 4 (NEW YORK CITY HOUSING AU'1- tivIjITY) DIRUCTUK, BUREAU OF TENANT RELATIONS, NEW YORK GiTY HOUSING AUTHORITY (WOMEN) LIBI<AKIAN—AMENDED NOTICE OF EXAMINATION MANAUGMENT ASSISTANT (ROUSING) (WOMEN) MECHANICAL ENGINEER, GRADE 4 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE (WOMEN), GRADE 1 RESIDENT BUILDINGS SUPERINTENDENT (HOUSING) Detailed information regarding the above positions may be found on page 6922 of this issue of THE CITY kECORD. Applications will be received by the Municipal Civil Service Com- mission for the following positions: LIFT SPAN OPERATOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER, GRADE 4 (MOVABLE BRIDGES) (AMENDED NOTICE OF EXAMINATION) Detailed information regarding the above positions will be printed in THE CITY RECORD beginning Oct. 11, 1937. MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, ,JAMES E. FINEGAN, President; FERDINAND Q. MORTON and PAUL J. KERN, Commissioners. to all employees under their jurisdiction, with pay, including those on a per diem basis, who desire to participate in the celebration and observance of Columbus Day, October 12, 1937. This Board further authorizes and requests the heads of City, County and Borough offices that in departments such as Sanitation, where there are great numbers of employees of Italian extraction and where it may be necessary that men work to keep the City functioning, that preference be given to those of Italian extraction to obtain such leaves of absence and that others shall work Columbus Day in their place and receive another day off for it. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by, the Mayor October 1, 1937. No. 295 Resolution Granting Leaves of Absence to City Employees on Account of Jewish Holidays. Resolved, That, in keeping with an opinion of the Corporation Counsel, rendered to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment under date of May 18, 1923, the heads of the several departments of the City and Borough governments be and they hereby are requested to grant leaves of absence, with pay, to all employees of the Jewish faith under their jurisdiction, including those on a per diem basis, who may have absented themselves from official duties on Rosh Ha Shana, September 6 and 7, 1937, and September 15, 1937, the Day of Atonement, for the purpose of observing their religious beliefs. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by the Mayor October 1, 1937. No. 296 Resolution Requesting the Heads of City, County and Borough Governments to Grant Leaves of Absence to All Employees on Tuesday, September 21, and Part of Wednesday, September 22, 1937, for the Purpose of Participating in the Great Legion Parade. Whereas, The American Legion will hold their National Convention in this City on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20, 21 and 22, 1937; and Whereas, The Great Legion Parade will take place on Tuesday and part of Wednesday, September 21 and 22, 1937, and which parade will be the largest and most brilliant spectacle of any parade held here or elsewhere, therefore be it Resolved, That the heads of the City, County and Borough Governments of The City of New York be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to grant leaves of absence to all employees under their jurisdiction, with pay, including those on a per diem basis on Tuesday, September 21 and part of Wednesday, September 22, 1937, for the purpose of participating in said celebration in accordance with section 1568-A. Local Law No. 20 for the year 1931. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by the Mayor September 22, 1937. No. 297 An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27-A of the Code of Ordinances of The City of New York, in Relation to the Licensing of Taxicabs, Coaches, Horse Drawn Cabs and Sightseeing Buses, and the Operation Thereof, in the City of New York. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: Section 1. Section 6b of chapter 27-a of the Code of Ordinances of the city of New. York is hereby amended to read as follows: § 6b. Granting, transferability and renewal of coach licenses; repossessed coaches and additional coach licenses. Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or association operating a coach or coaches under a license or licenses issued by the hack bureau on or before the ninth day of March, nineteen hundred thirty-seven, shall be issued a coach license for each of such coaches and shall be entitled to renew such license as a matter of right upon compliance with all the other provisions of this chapter with relation to coaches. No coach licenses in addition to those herein provided for shall hereafter be issued. All the provisions of sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 hereof relating to the granting, trans- ferability, and renewal of taxicab licenses and repossessed taxicabs, not inconsistent with the text of this section, shall be equally applicable to the licensing of coaches. Sec. 2. Section 16c of chapter 27-a of the Code of Ordinances of the city of New York is hereby amended to read as follows: § 16c. No rates of fare are established for sightseeing buses. A schedule of rates charged for each trip by a bus shall be prominently displayed at the starting point of the bus and upon a sign attached to the front of the bus before the trip starts. A charge greater or an attempt to charge any passenger a sum greater than set forth in such schedule shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. The owner or agent shall deliver to all passengers upon payment of the fare a printed receipt indicating the amount of fare paid, and the time scheduled for the bus to leave the starting point. Each bus shall have conspicuously displayed two signs showing the time the bus is scheduled to leave ; one of such signs shall be hung on the windshield in the interior, and the other on the outside at a conspicuous point near the door where passengers enter. These signs shall read as follows: "This bus leaves (specifying time) sharp." Unless such bus leaves as scheduled the fare paid by the passenger must be refunded immediately upon request. The commissioner, in his discretion, may require each owner to file with the department an appropriate schedule of rates of fare and other charges. No sightseeing bus, after leaving its starting point, shall receive additional passengers between such place of starting and its ultimate destination point. The provisions of this section shall not


* Check must be certified.


Aldermen, Board of—Approved Papers, 1937—Part Twenty-nine 6909

Board Meetings 6918 Bronx, President Borough of The—

Proposals . 6924 Brooklyn, President Borough of—

Proposals . 6925 Docks, Department of—Proposals. . . 6919 Education, Department of—

Proposals 6926 Proposed Approval of Subcontractors 6926

Elections, Board of—Proposals 6922 Estimate and Apportionment, Board

of—Notice of Public Hearing for Taxpayers 6909

Finance, Department of—Confirmation of Assessments—No-

tices to Property Owners 6920 Corporation Sale of Buildings and

Appurtenances Thereto on City Real Estate by Sealed Bids 6919

Interest on City Bonds and Stock. 6919 Vouchers Received Oct. 8 1937 6915 Warrants Made Ready for Payment

Oct. 8, 1937 6911 Henry Hudson Parkway Authority—

Proposals 6921 Hospitals, Department of—Proposals 6919 Instructions to Bidders on Work to

Be Done and Supplies to Be Fur- nished 6928

Marine Parkway Authority — Pro- posals 6919

Municipal Civil Service Commission—General Instructions as to Examina-

tions 6922 Notices to Appear for Examinations 6924 Notice to Applicants for Positions 6909 Notice to Candidates for Open

Competitive Examination for Clerk, Grade 2 6922

Notices of Examinations 6922 Proposed Amendments to Classifica-

tion 6922 New York City Housing Authority—

Sale of Used Brick and Heavy Lumber 6919

Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Buildings, Etc. 6928



Budgets for 1938, and the first six months of 1939

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, PURSUANT TO A RESOLU-TION adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on October 2, 1937 (Cal. No. 2), PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held on

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1937, AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A.M., and THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1937, AT 2.30 O'CLOCK P.M.,

in THE CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, City of New York, in regard to the BUDGETS FOR 1938, and the FIRST SIX MONTHS of 1939, as TENTA-TIVELY PREPARED; and on

MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1937, AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A.M., and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1937, AT 2.30 O'CLOCK P.M.,

in THE CITY HALL, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, City of New York, in regard to the BUDGETS FOR 1938, and the FIRST SIX MONTHS of 1939, AS PRO-POSED FOR ADOPTION, and the TAXPAYERS OF THE CITY are invited to appear and be heard on those days relative to appropriations to be made and included in said BUDGETS.

Dated, New York, October 5, 1937. PEARL BERNSTEIN, Secretary, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Municipal

Building, Manhattan, Telephone, WO rth 2-4560. o5,14



ificial Directory 6918 Parks, Department of—Notice to Gen-

eral Contractors — Permission to Dump Clean Fill 6921

Plant and Structures, Department of— Proposals ... 6922

Police Department— Auction Sale 6918 Owners Wanted for Unclaimed

Property 6919 Purchase, Department of—Proposals 6925 Queens, President Borough of—Pro-

posals 6922 Richmond, President Borough or—

Proposals 6922 Sanitation, Department of—Proposals 6921 Supreme Court, First Department—

Application for Order Directing Compensation to Be Determined 6926

Filing Bills of Costs 6926 Filing Final Report 6926 Notices to File Claims 6926

Supreme Court, Second Department—Application for Order Directing

Compensation to Be Determined 6927 Filing Bills of Costs 6927 Filing Tentative Decree—Notice to

File Objections 6927 Taxes and Assessments, Department

of—Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for the Year 1938 and First Six Months of 1939—Books Open for Inspection 6919

Tenement House Department — Pro- posals 6921

Transit Commission—State of New York—Notice of Hearing—Case No. 2911 6922

Transportation, Board of— Invitation to Contractors 6921 Proposals—Notice to Bidders 6921 Sale of Scrap Material 6921 Proposed Approval of Subcontractor 6921

Triborough Bridge Authority—For the Cables and Floor for Main Bridge and Approach Viaducts of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge 6922

Water Supply, Board of—Notice to Contractors 6919



PRICE, 10 Csirs.


OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the




2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan. WORTH 2-3490.

Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. *Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: *Civil List, $20 (by mail, $20.15); Official Canvass of Votes, $1 (by mail,

$1.12); List of Registered Voters, 25 cents each assembly district (by mail, 27 cents); Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, $2 each section (by mail, $2.05); Detailed List of Exempt Properties, $2 (by mail, $2.10).

OTHER PUBLICATIONS ON SALE: Building Code, $1.25 (by mail, $1.35); *Code of Ordinances, $3 (by mail, $3.10); Domestic Relations Court Act, 65 cents (by mail, 75 cents); Electrical Code, 30 cents (by mail, 34 cents); Fire Department Specifications, 15 cents (by mail, 17 cents); Fire Retarding Rules and Regulations, 10 cents (by mail,, 12 cents); Land Value Maps, complete for the City in one volume, $2 (by mail, $2.10); Multiple Dwelling Law, 50 cents (b. mail, 57 cents); Official Directory, 50 cents (by mail, 53 cents); "New York Advancing," 50 cents (by mail, 61 cents); New York City Charter (effective Jan. 1, 1938), 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Index to New York City Charter (effective Jan, 1, 1938), 25 cents (by mail, 29 cents); Traffic Code, 10 cents (by mail, 12 cents); Proportional Representation Pamphlet, 5 cents (by mail, 7 cents), in lots of 100 or more, 3 cents each.

Order must be accompanied by currency, money order or check drawn to the order of "Super-visor of the City Record."

ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) lays before the date fixed for the first insertion.

COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least THREE (3) days before date fixed for the first insertion

Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City.

No. 294 Resolution Authorizing and Requesting the Heads of City, County and Borough

Offices to Grant Leaves of Absence for All Employees Who Desire to Partici-pate in the Celebration and Observance of Columbus Day, October 12, 1937.

Resolved, That the heads of all City, County and Borough governments of The City of New York be and they hereby are requested and authorized to grant leaves of absence

MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Applications are now being received by the Municipal Civil Service





Detailed information regarding the above positions may be found on page 6922 of this issue of THE CITY kECORD.

Applications will be received by the Municipal Civil Service Com-mission for the following positions:


BRIDGES) (AMENDED NOTICE OF EXAMINATION) Detailed information regarding the above positions will be printed in THE

CITY RECORD beginning Oct. 11, 1937.


to all employees under their jurisdiction, with pay, including those on a per diem basis, who desire to participate in the celebration and observance of Columbus Day, October 12, 1937.

This Board further authorizes and requests the heads of City, County and Borough offices that in departments such as Sanitation, where there are great numbers of employees of Italian extraction and where it may be necessary that men work to keep the City functioning, that preference be given to those of Italian extraction to obtain such leaves of absence and that others shall work Columbus Day in their place and receive another day off for it.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by, the Mayor October 1, 1937.

No. 295

Resolution Granting Leaves of Absence to City Employees on Account of Jewish Holidays.

Resolved, That, in keeping with an opinion of the Corporation Counsel, rendered to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment under date of May 18, 1923, the heads of the several departments of the City and Borough governments be and they hereby are requested to grant leaves of absence, with pay, to all employees of the Jewish faith under their jurisdiction, including those on a per diem basis, who may have absented themselves from official duties on Rosh Ha Shana, September 6 and 7, 1937, and September 15, 1937, the Day of Atonement, for the purpose of observing their religious beliefs.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by the Mayor October 1, 1937.

No. 296

Resolution Requesting the Heads of City, County and Borough Governments to Grant Leaves of Absence to All Employees on Tuesday, September 21, and Part of Wednesday, September 22, 1937, for the Purpose of Participating in the Great Legion Parade.

Whereas, The American Legion will hold their National Convention in this City on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20, 21 and 22, 1937; and

Whereas, The Great Legion Parade will take place on Tuesday and part of Wednesday, September 21 and 22, 1937, and which parade will be the largest and most brilliant spectacle of any parade held here or elsewhere, therefore be it

Resolved, That the heads of the City, County and Borough Governments of The City of New York be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to grant leaves of absence to all employees under their jurisdiction, with pay, including those on a per diem basis on Tuesday, September 21 and part of Wednesday, September 22, 1937, for the purpose of participating in said celebration in accordance with section 1568-A. Local Law No. 20 for the year 1931.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by the Mayor September 22, 1937.

No. 297

An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27-A of the Code of Ordinances of The City of New York, in Relation to the Licensing of Taxicabs, Coaches, Horse Drawn Cabs and Sightseeing Buses, and the Operation Thereof, in the City of New York.

Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: Section 1. Section 6b of chapter 27-a of the Code of Ordinances of the city of

New. York is hereby amended to read as follows: § 6b. Granting, transferability and renewal of coach licenses; repossessed coaches

and additional coach licenses. Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or association operating a coach or

coaches under a license or licenses issued by the hack bureau on or before the ninth day of March, nineteen hundred thirty-seven, shall be issued a coach license for each of such coaches and shall be entitled to renew such license as a matter of right upon compliance with all the other provisions of this chapter with relation to coaches. No coach licenses in addition to those herein provided for shall hereafter be issued.

All the provisions of sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 hereof relating to the granting, trans-ferability, and renewal of taxicab licenses and repossessed taxicabs, not inconsistent with the text of this section, shall be equally applicable to the licensing of coaches.

Sec. 2. Section 16c of chapter 27-a of the Code of Ordinances of the city of New York is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 16c. No rates of fare are established for sightseeing buses. A schedule of rates charged for each trip by a bus shall be prominently displayed at the starting point of the bus and upon a sign attached to the front of the bus before the trip starts. A charge greater or an attempt to charge any passenger a sum greater than set forth in such schedule shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. The owner or agent shall deliver to all passengers upon payment of the fare a printed receipt indicating the amount of fare paid, and the time scheduled for the bus to leave the starting point. Each bus shall have conspicuously displayed two signs showing the time the bus is scheduled to leave ; one of such signs shall be hung on the windshield in the interior, and the other on the outside at a conspicuous point near the door where passengers enter. These signs shall read as follows: "This bus leaves (specifying time) sharp." Unless such bus leaves as scheduled the fare paid by the passenger must be refunded immediately upon request. The commissioner, in his discretion, may require each owner to file with the department an appropriate schedule of rates of fare and other charges. No sightseeing bus, after leaving its starting point, shall receive additional passengers between such place of starting and its ultimate destination point. The provisions of this section shall not




Front Width of Building

16 feet and under 16 feet to 18 feet 18 feet to 20 feet 20 feet to 22Y feet 222 feet to 25 feet 25 feet to 30 feet 30 feet to 37/ feet 37/ feet to 50 feet

For each additional story $1 per annum shall be added; and for each additional 10 feet or part thereof, above 50 feet in front width of building $2 shall be added.

All rear buildings on any lot or lots, with front buildings thereon, shall pay an annual frontage rate of $5 for each 25 feet front, or fraction thereof, but this provision shall not apply to buildings erected on corner lots, each of which buildings shall pay the regular rates as stated in the foregoing subdivisions.

The apportionment of the regular frontage rates upon buildings shall be on the basis that but one family is to occupy same, and for each additional family or apartment $1 per year shall be charged. § 21. Extra and miscellaneous rates where supply is not metered.

1. Baths shall he charged $3 each per annum, 1 bath supplied to each house free of additional charge.

2. Baths, in barber shops, public houses and bathing establishments, shall be charged $5 each per annum.

3. Shower baths, not installed over bath tubs, and sitz baths, shall - be charged same as baths.

4. Water closets and urinals of every description, $2 each per annum; 1 water closet in each house supplied free of additional charge.

5. Bakeries. Each over $5 per annum. 6. Barber shops. Each up to and including 3 chairs, $5 per annum; for each addi-

tional chair, $1 per annum. 7. Barges (without steam). Each $5 per annum, water for domestic use only. 7a. Boilers, permanent. The annual rate for water supplied in houses for boilers,

except those used exclusively for heating purposes, shall be $2.16 per boiler horsepower installed.

8. Boilers of boats or not permanent. The monthly rate for water supply for hoisting, steam rolling, dredging, erecting, hauling, pile driving, derricks, diggers, conveyors, and all floating or portable steam plants and steamboats, except water boats supplying shipping, shall be as follows: Up to and including 10 horsepower Up to and including 15 horsepower Up to and including 20 horsepower Up to and including 25 horsepower

Up to and iitluding 3® horsepower Up to and including 35 horsepower Up to and including 40 horsepower Up to and including 45 horsepower Up to and including 50 horsepower Up to and including 55 horsepower Up to and including 60 horsepower Up to and including 65 horsepower Up to and including 70 horsepower Up to and including 75 horsepower Up to and including 80 horsepower Up to and including 85 horsepower Up to and including 90 horsepower Up to and including 95 horsepower Up to and including 100 horsepower

Above 100 horsepower, at the rate of 10 multiple of 5 as in above table. An allowance of 33/ percent in the above rates shall be made where condensers are used.

9. Boiler testing. All boats, in addition to paying the regular fixed charges, shall pay an extra charge of $100 per annum when engaged or employed in furnishing water in the testing of boilers in the other boats.

10. Bottling establishments. Each bottle-washing apparatus, machine or tub, $i0 per annum.

11. Building purposes. Stone work, terra cotta, concrete, fireproofing, brick work, and all other forms of masonry, 5 cents per cubic yard.

12. Plastering. 40 cents per 100 square yards, openings not included. 13. Caisson sinking and air compressors. 10 cents per 100 cubic feet. 14. Condensers. 10 cents per 100 cubic feet. 15. Conservatories. Same as florists. 16. Demolition. For wetting down while buildings are being demolished, a charge

shall be made equal to ;/ of the annual frontage rate of said building. 17. Dentist. Each fountain cuspidor, $1 per annum. 18. Dining saloons and restaurants, $8 per annum. 19. Fish stands. Each $10 per annum. If live fish are sold, other than shell fish,

$25 per annum. 20. Florists. Each $5 per annum. 21. Horse troughs. For each trough and for each one-half barrel or tub on side-

walk or street, $20 per annum. 21a. Ice machines. For any machine or apparatus used in the production of ice

,)r refrigeration a yearly charge of $20 per ton shall be made for the actual capacity of the machine or apparatus.

22. Laundries. Each wash tub, washing machine or apparatus for washing clothes, $5 per annum.

23. Liquor and lager beer saloons. For each bar, $10 per annum, and an addi-tional charge of $5 for each washbox. For each beer pump using water in its operation $50 per annum.

24. Milk depots. For the purpose of washing cans or bottles, each washing machine, tub or washing apparatus $10 per annum.

25. Photograph galleries. Each faucet or outlet, $5 per annum. 26. Soda or mineral water fountains. Each $5 per annum. One washbox allowed.

For each additional washbox, $3 per annum. 27. Soda, mineral or carbonic water manufacturer. For each machine or apparatus

(retail) $10 per annum; for each machine or apparatus (wholesale) $100 per annum. 28. Stalls. In stables, $1 per annum.

' 29. Water boats (steam). Monthly charges, according to tank capacity of each boat, shall be as follows 12,000 gallons or less $25 00 12,000 to 20,000 gallons 37 50 20,000 to 30,000 gallons 50 00 30,000 to 40,000 gallons 62 50 40,000 to 60,000 gallons 75 00 60,000 to 100,000 gallons 100 00

30. Water boats (motor). Shall be charged monthly according to tank capacity of each boat, as follows: 3,000 gallons or less $7 50 Over 3,000 gallons, but not exceeding 6,000 gallons 15 00 Over 6,000 gallons, but not exceeding 12,000 gallons 25 00 Over 12,000 gallons, the rate for steam water boats shall be charged.

31. Wash drills (all kinds). 10 cents per 100•cubic feet. 32. Ash lifts. Not in excess of thirty-can lift per day a charge of $3 per annum.

For each additional thirty-can lift or fraction thereof, an additional charge of $2 per annum.

33. Backfilling. For each cubic yard, determined on the cubical contents of excava-tion to be filled with each, 2 cents.

34. Baths. Outside shower, $5 per annum. An outside shower bath is defined as one comprising a section of piping, with or without spray attachment, located in any place outside of a building.

35. Beauty, hairdressing and manicuring parlors. When equipped with not more than three chairs or three tables to be used by patrons receiving treatment or treat-ments, the charge for water shall be $5 per annum. For each additional chair or addi-tional table so used, an additional charge of $1 per annum.

36. Cafe, restaurant or any store similarly used. Maintaining equipment commonly known as a bar, a fixture known as a washbox, equipment known as a beer pump or similar apparatus for any other beverage, shall be charged as follows: For each bar $10 per annum For each wash box 5 per annum For each pump where the use of water is required for its operation 50 per annum

37. Camps. When not furnished with water through an independent service, pipes-$3 per season.

38. Compressors (portable). For water used by compressors with a return coiling circulating system, $1 per month.

39. Fire line or sprinkler system, in buildings used for domestic purposes. The annual rate shall be as follows: For each 1/-inch tap, or smaller, or connections of similar sizes within

buildings $1 00 For each 2-inch tap, or smaller, or connections of similar sizes within buildings 2 00 For each 3-inch tap, or smaller, or connections of similar sizes within buildings 3 00 For each 4-inch tap, or smaller, or connections of similar sizes within buildings 4 00 For each 5-inch tap, or smaller, or connections of similar sizes within buildings 5 00 For each 6-inch tap, or smaller, or connections of similar sizes within buildings 6 00

40. Fountains, ornamental or display. For water served through piping physically connected to such fountains, where the pipe is not in excess of one-half inch in diameter, the charge for the period of use within any calendar year shall be $5.

41. Garage (inside). $1 per annum. An inside garage shall be construed as meaning any room or space suitable for legal use as a garage, located in a building which is physically connected with the water supply by means of a pipe extending from the city water main.

42. Garden or lawn. For use of water from hose, pipe or other fixtures, $5 per season, from April 1st to October 31st, both inclusive.

43. Gas refrigeration. The annual charge for water available for use or used for the purpose of cooling gas or gases to produce refrigeration shall be as follows:

Domestic use Not in excess of 75 lbs. daily refrigeration $2 50 Not in excess of 100 lbs. daily refrigeration 3 50

Business use Single units not in excess of 100 lbs. daily refrigeration $5 00 Double units not in excess of 200 lbs. daily refrigeration 10 00

44. Hose bibs. For ai hose bib, faucet or for plumbing fixture attached to the outside of a building or located at any point on a lot, $5 per annum. Where there are two or more outside hose bibs or attachments and the water therefrom is used for the same general purposes, charge will be made for one hose bib only.

45. Ice machines. For any machine or apparatus having a capacity of less than one ton, the charge shall be in accordance with the fractional part of a ton.

4h. Luncheonette or lunch counter, $8 per annum. 47. Pulsometers. For use of water not in excess of nine hours daily, 50 cents per

day. For each hour or fraction thereof in excess of nine hours daily, 5 cents.

apply to buses hired or engaged under a contract for its exclusive use for a special trip or excursion.

Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen September 20, 1937. Approved by the Mayor October 2, 1937.

No. 298 Resolution Appointing Various Persons Commissioners of Deeds.

Resolved, That the following named persons be and they hereby are appointed Commissioners of Deeds:

Barnett Rosenfeld, 436 Eastern parkway, Brooklyn; Agnes Kennedy, 195-07 Woodhull avenue, Queens; M. Helen Cousins, 233 Bainbridge street, Brooklyn; Raphael Jannone, 315 Monroe street, Brooklyn; Patrick B. McCarthy, City Hospital, Welfare Island; Abraham Kalvin, 420 West End avenue, Manhattan; Louis Wiener, 28 West 72d street, Manhattan; Maurice J. Strauss, 107 West 86th street, Manhattan; Irving S. Bercher, 243 West End avenue, Manhattan ; John J. Cosgrove, Jr., 130 West 87th street, Manhat-tan; Vilma Goldenberg, 841 Kelly street, Bronx; David Davidson, 2166 Clinton ave., Bronx; Dora Wolfe, 1035 Tiffany street, Bronx; Sadie Rowe, 1565a West 8th street, Brooklyn; Joseph Feder, 1020 46th street, Brooklyn; Leonard Stein, 1463 East 3d street, Brooklyn ; Sanford J. Pickard, 246 Jamaica avenue, Brooklyn ; Philip Caro, 1059 Union street, Brooklyn; Joseph Michaels, Jr., 9 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn; Michael Boras, 608 Eastern parkway, Brooklyn ; Mary Meisel, 504 West 193d street, Manhattan; Isidore Wolfe, 709 West 170th street, Manhattan; George F. McCarthy, 4449 Richard- son avenue, Bronx ; Don Gordon, 280 Riverside drive, Manhattan ; Samuel Mandell, 1502 St. Marks ave., Brooklyn; Catherine E. Martone, 2340 Pacific street, Brooklyn; Mary A. Fischer, 2204 Union street, Brooklyn; Ruth Stark, 1646 East 5th street, Brooklyn; Hannah S. Entlich, 717 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn; Irving I. Linka, 1201 Odgen avenue, Bronx; Anna J. Schatzle, 2241 Hampden place, Bronx; Samuel L. Bienenfeld, 2021 Davidson street, Bronx; John A. Burger, 2980 Valentine avenue, Bronx; Pauline Fried, 1490 Macombs road, Bronx; John J. Slevin, 1212 University avenue, Bronx; Pauline C. Rothberg, 1738 University avenue, Bronx; Harry Sherry, 1349 Elder avenue, Bronx.

Ruth V. Berl.-wits, 760 West End avenue, Manhattan; Sol Hertzoff, 102-19 43d avenue, Queens ; Natalie M. Folwell, 422 Macon street, Brooklyn ; Thomas J. Hines, 140 Remsen street, Brooklyn; Benjamin S. Reitnian, 1823 Avenue S, Brooklyn; Harry M. Singer, 1259 East 13th street, Brooklyn; Arthur S. Muenster, 1615 Avenue R, Brooklyn; Rae Abrams, 3121 5th avenue, Brooklyn; Helen Oberwager, 135 Amersfort street, Brooklyn; Feliz Cohn, 373 East 46th street, Brooklyn; David Drossman, 85 Siegel street, Brooklyn; Ethel Lapofsky, 1855 Monroe avenue, Bronx; Charles William Voran, 9705 134th street, Queens ; Irving Lippman, 211 Beach 127th street, Queens; Charles Whelan, 131 89th street, Brooklyn;' Victoria A. Lihow, 140 East 63d street, Manhattan ; Samuel Lesser, 520 West 110th street, Manhattan ; Louis W. Osterweis, 720 West End avenue, 1lfanhattan; William Gollobin, 78 Manhattan avenue, Manhattan; Bessie Kaufman, 176 West 95th street, Manhattan; Catherine R. Romand, 8005 12th avenue, Brooklyn: Carmine J. Sabino, 161 West 106th street, Manhattan; Freda E. Twomey, 23-37 30th drive, Queens ; Mary Judson, 50 Commerce street, Manhattan; Monroe Eisenberg, 100 William street, Manhattan; Carl A. Rosengren, 93 Ridgewood place, Richmond; Gertrude Belgard, 615 Ocean avenue, Brooklyn; Benjamin Leo Tell, 172 South 9th street, Brooklyn ; Sol Schraub, 54-08 Flushing avenue, Queens ; Abraham J. Waisman, 105-15 86th street, Queens.

Irene Rubin, 156 Broome street, Manhattan; Frank D. Smith, ' 336 West 21st street, Manhattan; David Levitt, 1475 Sheridan avenue, Bronx; George J. Godfrey, 242 East 91st street, Manhattan.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen October 4, 1937.

No. 299 An Ordinance to Amend the Code of Ordinances in Relation to Use of Water.

Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: Section 1. Section 42 of article 3 of chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby

amended to read as follows: § 42. Use of water through hose for washing down streets and for other purposes.

No person shall wash any street, sidewalk, areaway, steps, building or other place by means of hose or piping, or use water through hose or sprinkler for watering lawns or gardens, or operate any outside shower where the water runs upon a street, side-walk, or other public place, unless and until permit therefor shall have been obtained from the department of water supply, gas and electricity. No such permit shall be granted for the use of hose, sprinkler or outside shower between the first day of November and the last day of March following.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect January 1, 1938. Vetoed by the Mayor September 20, 1937, later reconsidered and readopted by the

Board of Aldermen on October 4, 1937, over the Mayor's veto.

No. 300 An Ordinance to Amend the Code of Ordinances in Relation to Water Rents and

Charges. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: Section 1. Sections 20, 21 and 22 of article 2 of chapter 25 of the Code of Ordinances

are hereby amended, respectively, to read as follows: § 20. Frontage rents.

The annual frontage rents on premises wholly or partly unmetered, to be collected by the department of water supply, gas and electricity, shall be as follows, to wit:


$00 6 00 700 800

10 00 12 00 14 00

$1 50

200 250

3 00 3 50 4 00

4 50 500 5 50 6 00 6 50 7 00 7 50 800 8 50 9 00 9 50 10 00

cents per horsepower per month, using the

Finance Warrant Number

Invoice Received Date or in Depart-

Contract ment of Number Finance

Name of Payee


170269 6-11-37

170270 170271 170272 170273 170274 170275 170276 170277

170278 170279 170280 170281 17b282 170343 170344 170345 170346 170347 170348 170349 170350 170351 170352


170354 170355 170356



170359 170360 170361 170362 170881 170882 170883 170884

170885 170886


170888 170889

6-14-37 6-26-37 6-28-37 6-28-37 6-23-37 6-23-37 6-23-37 7- 7-37

7- 6-37 6-19-37 6-28-37 711-37 7- 7-37 8-13-37 7-12-37 6-11-37 6- 8-37 7- 1-37 6-24-37 6-19-37 5-Z4-37 7-23-37 4-26-37


7-22-37 7-21-37 6-28-37

6- 4-37


6-24-37 7-12-37 5- 7-37 5-26-37



7-21-37 3-31-37


7-17-37 8-26-37

170890 8-26-37

170891 8-26-37

170892 8-26-37 170893 7-20-37

170894 8- 4-37

170895 6-18-37

9- 8-37 Samuel M. Gordon, doing business un- der name & style of Hyman Gordon 59 00

9-22-37 Louis Bigolet 123 43 9-27-37 Kroepke Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc 33 50 9-27-37 A. A. Widoson 23 00 9-27-37 A. A. Widoson 46 00 9-27-37. John Manton Co., Inc 23 00 9-27-37 John Manton Co., Inc 11 50 9-27-37 John Manton Co., Inc 11 50 9-27-37 Saltser & Weinsier, Inc., assignee of

Robert E. Lobdell 43 09 9-27-37 Boiler Repair Maintenance Co., Inc 11 50 9-27-37 Kroepke Plumbing & Heating Co 46 00 9-27-37 Boiler Repair Maintenance Co., Inc 11 50 9-27-37 Frank E. Crosby & Son 8 80 9-29-37 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc 12 45 9-29-37 Goldsmith Bros. 14 40 9-29-37 Associated Paper Products Co., Inc 14 50 9-29-37 Snelling & Son 1 50 9-27-37 Elco Engineering Co., Inc 39 41 9-27-37 Charles C. Stiefel 10 15 9-27-37 Hyman Jackel 34 41 9-27-37 Hyman Jackel 672 9-27-37 Colarn Furniture & Equipment Co 49 75 9-27-37 Syl Contracting Co 14 60 9- 3-37 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of Graf

Plumbing Co., Inc 58 22 9-23-37 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of Graf

Plumbing. Co., Inc 61 90 9-27-37 H. Friedland, assignee of Louis Potasch 17 20 9-27-37 John F. Boyce 15 29 9-27-37 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of Carlson

Iron Works 28 04 9-22-37 W. H. Hussey & Son, Inc., assignee of

James P. Maher 55 39 9-23-37 Andover Associates, Inc., assignee of

Charles Williams Co 130 41 9-27-37 A. A. Widoson 183 03 9-27-37 Louis Bigolet 43 51 9-27-37 Mulhern Belting Co., Inc 19 70 9-27-37 Kroepke Plumbing & Heating Co 24 32 9-28-37 Knickerbocker Ice Co 21 24 9-30-37 Western Union Telegraph Co 58 75 9-30-37 William Calvin Barger 1 40 8-31-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of

Castle Const. Corp 117 79 9-23-37 City Paint Stores 231 75 9-27-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of Al-

bert E. Castle, Inc. 294 74 9-27-37 West New Brighton Bank, assignee of

Chas. H. Shay 383 00 9- 8-37 I. Inselberg 177 00 9-22-37 Flint Kote Co., assignee of Sigal Sup-

ply Co., Inc., assignee of George E. Carlson 425 00

9-22-37 American Tinsmith Supply Co., assignee of George E. Carlson 96 80

9-22-37 Sigal Roofing Supply Corp., assignee of George E. Carlson 201 36

9-22-37 George E. Carlson 1 84 9-14-37 Fidelity National Bank in New York,

assignee of Carlson Iron Works 142 00 9-27-37 National Bronx Bank, assignee of Mon-

tel Contg. Co., Inc. 219 00 9-27-37 Gem Industrial Corp., assignee of Jacob

Davis 925 00 9-22-37 Gretsch Building Number Four, Inc... 1,500 00 9-22-37 Johnson Envelope Corp. 133 37 9-22-37 F. Hubner & Co., Inc. 1,331 72 9- 8-37 Chelsea Press 387 00 9- 1-37 Chelsea Press 262 00 9- 3-37 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. 107 75 9- 1-37 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. 76 25 9- 1-37 Chelsea Press 24 00 8-31-37 Johnson Envelope Corp. 15 96 9- 8-37 Houghton, Mifflin Co. 1 20 8-27-37 Houghton, Mifflin Co. 13 50 9-14-37 Broden Factors Corp., assignee of Globe

Crayon Co., Inc. 1,162 50 9- 8-37 A. S. Barnes & Co. 6 90 9- 8-37 John T. Stanley Co., Inc. 244 95 9- 8-37 Baker & Taylor Co 444 9-24-37 Geo. D. Emery Co., Inc 20 90 9-24-37 F. A. Owen Publishing Co 69 25 9-24-37 F. E. Compton & Co. 232 00 9- 1-37 Houghton Mifflin Co. 6 00 9-24-37 American News Co., Inc 5 64 9-24-37 Ken-Wel Sporting Goods Co., Inc 537 26 8-26-37 John G. Hellman 7,687 43 9-20-37 General Steel Products Corp 484 06 9-29-37 Utility Electric Co., Inc 1,463 56 9-20-37 Henry C. Pelton 233 25 9-20-37 Henry C. Pelton 88 16 9-20-37 Henry C. Pelton 1,502 31 9-29-37 Triplex Machine Tool Corp 100 00 9-29-37 Triplex Machine Tool Corp 100 00 9-29-37 Triplex Machine Tool Corp 100 00 9-28-37 State Dept. of Education 2 00 9-28-37 American Law Book Co 20 00 9-28-37 Pine Hill Crystal Spring Water Co 24 38 9-29-37 Liberty Bulletin & Director Co 3 76 9-29-37 Associated Paper Products Co., Inc 9 13 9-29-37 Atlas Stationery Corp. 11 80 9-29-37 Bloomberg Stern Co., Inc 21 50 9-29-37 W. Bratter, Inc. 15 20 9-29-37 Johnson Envelope Corp. 47 50 9-29-37 Federbush Co., Inc 9 00 9-29-37 F. Hubner & Co., Inc 13 00 9-29-37 Japan Paper Co 19 00 9-29-37 Jaclin Stationery Corp 4 25 9-27-37 Morris Singer 2 50 9-14-37 Zimmerman Bros. Plumbing & Heating

Co., Inc. .... 319 00 9-15-37 Paul Kasper 147 00 9-15-37 Butler Van Co., Inc 187 00 9-22-37 Paul Kasper 67 00 9-28-37 Max E. Woyke & 'Bro 48 00 9-28-37 Max E. Woyke & Bro 48 00 9-30-37 Carolyn A. Newton 900 9-30-37 Katherine Shepard 11 00 9-30-37 Adela J. Smith 7 35

122354 122352 122338 122338 119800 119800 122338 122354 122270 122270 122500

115861 122548 119574 122495 115915 115879 122270 119515 122837 139A6

139A1I 154B2 130B2 130B2 130B2 9-241 9-241 9-241

169697 169698 169699 169700 169701 169702 169703

123 00 169704 169705 139A165

250 00 139A166 154B95 130B69 130B70 130B71 9--914

39977 9-915 426 38 9-913

170303 189 94 170304

170305 465 00 170306

1,785 79 170307 170308 170309 170310 170311 170312 170313 170314 170315 170316 170317

2000 277 00 325 00

5 50 3 75


250 00 250 00 250 00

201 50 156 01 545 70 70 80 50 70

105 80 226 53 601 00 127 80 143 00

7-14-37 8-10-37 7-31-37 6-25-37 8-25-37 8- 5-37 7- 9-37 7 -20-37 8- 9-37 7-26-37 7- 7-37 8- 2-37 8- 2-37 7-14-37 7-27-37

513 34 3 90 288 8 58

20 00 7600


170318 170319 170320 170321 170322 170897 170898 170899

7-14-37 7-14-37 8- 7-37 8- 5-37 8- 5-37




48 Railroad track repairs. For each repair gang or group engaged in repair work, $5 per month.

49. Rock drilling machines. For water used for their operation or cooling of drill heads, flushing or jetting drill holes 10 cents for each 100 cubic feet of water furnished. Meter may be installed to register the supply or, in lieu, the charge for water used will. be established on the basis of the size and length of the supply pipe, the water pressure at the point of pipe connection and the period of time during which the drills, etc., are in service.

50. Sand and steam blasting machines. For water used through the operation of blast machines or other apparatus similarly employed to eject liquid or material for the washing or cleaning of walls of buildings, 10 cents per 100 cubic feet.

51. Siphons. Automatic or other permanent apparatus in buildings used for domestic purposes, requiring the use of water for operation, shall be charged as follows:

-inch water supply connection $24 per annum 4-inch water supply connection 36 per annum 1-inch water supply connection 48 per annum 1%-inch water supply connection 60 per annum 1/-inch water supply connection 72 per annum

Where used during construction of buildings, the charge shall be as follows: -inch water supply connection $12 per month

4-inch water supply connection 18 per month 1-inch water supply connection 24 per month l4-inch water supply connection 30 per month 1/-inch water supply connection 36 per month

52. Soda or mineral water fountains. For each glass washing spray used in con-nection therewith, $3 per annum. One spray or washbox allowed.

53. Steam pressers. For each boiler serving steam to a presser in a tailoring or other establishment where garments are pressed, $2 per annum.

54. Steam shovels. For moving of steam shovels in public street, 25 cents each. Use of water limited to three days.

55. Stores. Where a store or other independent portion of a building is used for business purposes and hot and cold water is available, $5 per annum. Where cold water or hot water only is available, $3 per annum. These charges shall apply to each loft floor of a building.

56. Swimming pools, swimming tanks, plunge baths and wading pools. Where located within buildings, $1 per annum for each 10 cubic feet of the cubical contents thereof. Where located outside the building, the charge shall be on the basis of the use thereof for three months of each calendar year. Where swimming pools, swimming tanks, plunge baths and wading pools are conducted as a business enterprise and admission charged, the supply is to be metered. The determination of the measurement of the swimming pools, swimming tanks, plunge baths and wading pools will depend solely upon their width, depth and length.

57. Test boring. For each machine used in test boring, $5 per month. 58. Water motor. Where the capacity of motor is not in excess of 1/100 horse-

power, $2 per annum. 59. Unspecified. All charges not herein mentioned or fixed are reserved for special

contract by and with the commissioner. § 22. Meter rates.

The charge for water measured by meter shall be 10 cents per 100 cubic feet. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect January 1, 1938. Vetoed by the Mayor September 20, 1937; later reconsidered and adopted by the

Board of Aldermen on October 4, 1937, over the Mayor's veto. MICHAEL J. CRUISE, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen.



Hereinbelow is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on this date in which is shown the Department of Finance warrant number, the date of the invoice or the registered number of the contract, the date the voucher was filed in the Department of Finance, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant.

Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant the dates of the earliest and latest are given, excepting that when • such payments are made under a contract the registered number of the contract is shown therein.

All warrants herein will be forwarded through the mails unless some reason exists• why payment is to be made in person, in which event, written notice will be given to the claimant. FRANK J. TAYLOR, Comptroller.

Invoice Received Finance

Date or in Depart- Warrant

Contract ment of

Name of Payee

Amount Number Number Finance

Armory Board 170848 6-24-37 9- 9-37 Metropolitan Roofing Supplies Co., Inc.

Board of Elections 171940 10- 4-37 9-29-37 J. M. Dooley Fireproof Warehouse

Corp. 171941 9-29-37 J. M. Dooley Fireproof Warehouse

Corp. . 171942 9-23-3i 9-29-37 J. Al. Dooley Fireproof Warehouse

Corp. Department of Correction

170825 8- 9-37 9-24-37 Wheels, Inc. 170831 5-13-37 9-20-37 H. Sand & Co., Inc 170832 9-16-37 10- 1-37 Erie R. R. Co 170833 7- 1-37.10- 1-37 10- 1-37 Western Union Telegraph Co 170834 7- 1-37.10- 1-37 10- 1-37 Western Union Telegraph Co 170835 10- 1-37 N. Y. Central R. R. Co 171344 6- 8-37 Municipal Factors Co., assignee of

Kloeffler Machinery Corp County Court, Kings County

171346 Ella Bernard, assignee of Warren Morton

Court of General Sessions 171506 Henry Berlin 171507 David Altman 171508 Joseph Salan

Municipal Courts 170492 121606 9-24-37 N. Y. Tel. Co 170493 122606 9-24-37 N. Y. Tel. Co

Supreme Courts 170116 9- 7-37 9-17-37 DeVinne-Brown Corp.

Department of Docks 169862 4-30-37 9-22-37 Moran Towing & Trans. Co., Inc 78-246 78-38 9-23-37 Hudson Contracting Co., Inc

Board of Higher Education 170816 6-16-37 9-22-37 Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co 170504 7-13-37 9-22-37 Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co 170505 8- 6-37 9-22-37 D. Appleton-Century Co., Inc 170506 8- 3-37 9-22-37 Henry Holt & Co., Inc 170507 7-30-37 9-22-37 D. C. Heath & Co 170498 8-31-37 9-22-37 Psychological Corp. 170499 7-26-37 9-22-37 General Fireproofing Co 170500 6-30-37 9-22-37 Hillyard Sales Co 170100 3-20-37 9-27-37 Patterson Bros. 170095 122180 9-13-37 Robley Press Service, Inc

Department of Education 119A256 119A22 9-20-37 Carter, Milchuran & Frank Co., Inc 170263 5-26-37 9-29-37 Raleigh Public Schools 170264 8- 3-37 9-29-37 John T. Stanley Co., Inc 170265 6-30-37 9-27-37 Virginia H. Collins 170266 8-27-37 9-29-37 Royal Moving & Storage Co 170267 3-29-37 9-14-37 James H. Reilly 170268 7-22-37 9-14-37 Homer Engineering Co., Inc

170896 169686 169687 169688

$70 09 169689 169690 169691

337 50 169692 169693

5,489 60 169694 169695

18600 169696

Finance Warrant Number

Invoice Date or Contract Number

Received in Depart-

ment of Finance

Name of Payee Amount

170900 9-30-37 Adela J. Smith 11 65

170901 9-30-37 Adela J. Smith 12 85

170902 9-30-37 L. Eloise Vest 13 10 170903 9-30-37 Louise D. Vanderbilt 6 20

170904 9-30-37 Carolyn A. Newton 6 00

170905 9-30-37 B. C. Baumgarten 10 170906 9-30-37 Lucy Wronker 0 45

50 170907 6-14-37 9- 8-37 Koppers Co. 21

170908 7-31-37 9-30-37 Jackson Stationery Co., Inc 111 83 50 170909 7-28-37 9-30-37 J. F. Gleason Co

170910 7- 3-37 9-22-37 American Window Shade Mfg. Co 317 00

170911 9-27-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of Civic Elec. Co., Inc 347 00

170912 7-21-37 9-27-37 Public Seating Service 120 00 170913 6-30-37 9-23-37 Independent Window Shade Mfg. Co ,

assignee of American Window Shade Mfg. Co.

170914 7-27-37 9-27-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of J. A. McGreevy, Inc. 39 03

170915 8- 5-37 9-22-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of J. A. McGreevy, Inc. 234 00

170916 7-15-37 9-23-37 Green Bus Lines,, Inc 797 05 170917 8-16-37 9-28-37 Eli Baldwin & Son, Inc 19 44 170918 9-30-37 Marion V. Carey 11 25 170919 9-30-37 Rita Newman 7 35

170920 9-30-37 Mary D. Mannix 11 25 170921 9-30-37 Claire V. Corley 33 60 170922 9-30-37 Claire V. Corley 16 00 170923 9-30-37 Teresa D'Antuono 14 25 170924 9-30-37 Arthur M. DeLeeuw 12 00 170925 9-30-37 Frances J. McCarthy 11 00 170926 9-30-37 Rena Levy 13 25 170927 9-30-37 Mary Hecker 6 35 170928 9-30-37 Clare S. Jeffrey 11 25 170929 9-30-37 Bessie B. Dinin 5 15 170930 9-30-37 John H. A. Filan 1 80 170931 9-30-37 Rita J. Falk 3 10 170932 9-27-37 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co 3 25 170933 9-27-37 A. B. Dick Co 8 55 170934 12-31-36 9-22-37 American Window Shade Mfg. Co 187 75 170935 7- 2-37 9-23-37 Municipal Factors Co., assignee of

Howard A. Bowes 101 28 170936 7- 2-37 9-23-37 Municipal Factors Co., assignee of How-

ard A. Bowes 113 26 171345 3-20-37 George Forman 775 00 171341 6-29-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of

James E. Delaney 97 95 171342 6-29-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of

James E. Delaney 22 00 Fire Department

170510 8- 4-37 9- 3-37 James A. Rhatigan Co. 218 00 169866 8-10-37 9- 3-37 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc. 1 90

Department of Health 10821 4- 1-37 9-24-37 A. B. See Elevator Co., Inc. 61 92 170817 10- 1-37 Postal Tel. Cable Co. 64 00 170828 10- 1-37 Western Union Tel. Co., Inc. 32 64 170104 8-11-37 9-27-37 Carl Zeiss, Inc. 12 81 170105 7- 9-37 9-23-37 J. G. Battery & Ignition Service 4 00 170106 9-27-37 Tompkins Motors Corp. 20 00 170107 12- 1-36 9-27-37 Metropolitan Window Cleaning Co., Inc. 22 00 170108 6- 7-37 9-27-37 Oscar G. Buettner & Son, Inc. 15 00 170109 1-13-37 9-27-37 Superior Exterminating Co. 8 00 170110 12-30-36 9-27-37 Metropolitan Window Cleaning Co., Inc. 22 00 170501 8-10-37 9- 1-37 Susie Cutino, assignee of Canal Car-

penters Shop 895 00 170101 8-13-37 9-27-37 General Refrigeration Service Co 28 25 170102 7-20-37 9-27-37 I. Hanerfeld, Inc. 9 50 170103 8-31-37 9-27-37 L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. 11 33 170098 7-21-37 9- 1-37 Riley Engineering & Drilling Co. 256 03 170099 9-20-37 General Electric X-Ray Corp. 138 10

Department of Hospitals 170820 8-10-37 9-24-37 High Tension Corp. 50 25 170829 8-31-37 9-24-37 Peter J. Donohue's Sons, Inc. 38 00 170830 9-10-37 Hospital Supply Co. & Watters Labora-

tories, Consolidated 262 81 170511 6- 8-37 9-17-37 Bronx Sanitary Mattress Co 130 19 170512 9- 9-37 9-24-37 Atlantic Bed Spring Co 306 60 170826 122206 9-24-37 Interior Telephone Service Co 90 00 170111 6- 4-37 9- 3-37 R. Solomon, Inc., assignee of Lawrence

J. Ortman 321 00 170112 9-24-37 Kelley-Koett Mfg. Co., Inc 453 45 170113 4-28-37 Hospital Equipment Corp 565 70 169860 8-20-37 9-17-37 Elco Engineering Co., Inc 329 76 170491 122210 9-29-37 Knickerbocker Hospital 1,187 50 169867 8-16-37 9-17-37 William Metz 975 00 169868 8-26-37 9-17-37 Van Kannel Revolving Door Co 142 00 169869 9-24-37 General Electric X-Ray Corp 24 05 169870 9- 7-37 9-24-37 Imperial Machine & Foundry Corp 118 81 169871 1-24-36 3-21-36 Rubin Kiug, assignee of Prospect Sheet

Metal Works 75 00 169872 1-24-36 3-21-36 Metropolitan Roofing Supplies Co., Inc ,

assignee of Prospect Sheet Metal Works 100 00 169873 1-24-36 3-21-36 Mandel Levy, assignee of Prospect Sheet

Metal Works 241 00 109A153 109A2 9-29-37 Adolph Mertin 749 14

93-52 93-3 9-24-37 Fischbach & Moore, Inc 21,403 23 169961 Vivian Bastable 5 00 169962 Margaret McCarthy 15 00 169963 Helen Courtney 5 00 169964 Edna Whitcomb 5 00 169965 Catherine Hickey 10 00 169966 Shirley Lipowitz 10 00 169967 Margaret Guiry 10 00 169968 Catharine V. Kelly 15 00 169969 Clara Whitehouse 10 00 x69970 Frieda Frech 10 00 169971 Susie Sulhoff 10 00 169972 Clara Fleischauer 5 00 169973 Margaret Pierce 10 00 169974 Isabel Troxwell 20 00 169975 Fannie Barnes 10 00 170720 Mabel M. Wright 10 00 170721 Mary Keller 5 00 170722 Iva Burrows 5 00 170723 Vera Tighe 25 00 170724 Kenia Mafridge 10 00 170725 Alma Lamphrey 5 00

00 170726 MargaretDuffey

20 00 170727 Della Hauck

398 00

Finance Warrant Number

Invoice Received Date or in Depart- Contract ment of Number Finance

Name of Payee Amount



170728 Margaret Neff 170729 Della Hauck 170730 Mary Bonomo 170731 Margaret Neff 170732 Eleanor Thoren 170733 Ann 011son 170734 Bertha Case 170735 Florence Atkinson 170736 Ruth Zeledon 170737 Mary E. Gushee 109A152 109A4 9-29-37 Chas. F. Zweifel & Co., Inc 171708 123028 9-29-37 Arc Electrical Const. Co., Inc

Miscellaneous 171943 10- 4-37 Frank J. Taylor, Comptroller, as custo-

dian of funds of Teachers' Retirement System of City of N. Y 538,375 08

170624 Sam Brady 8 49 170623 Mabelle E. Marney 8 49 170622 John B. Moraldo 12 74 170621 Frank Ciccarelli 12 74 170620 George Gerrets 8 49 170619 Rocco Nunno 12 74 170618 Levine & Levine 8 49 170617 Paula Henninges 12 74 170616 Antonette Zurica 12 74 170615 John Natale 12 74 170614 Giuseppe Carlino & two others or Law-

rence D. Unger S 46 71 171388 9-17-37 Nicholas J. Caputo 28 12 171389 Pauline Wege 23 75 171390 Phebe L. Buffett 31 50 171391 Arthur J. Bierwirth 16 06 171392 Frieda Gleich 17 59 171393 Monica Beringer 10 32 171394 M. M Parr 23 60 171395 Estate of Karl Flamme 15 53 171396 Greater N. Y. Savings Bank 30 54 171397 Laura J. Walker 23 60 171398 Roscoe S. Powell 15 10 171399 Margaret E. Bender 32 10 171400 Jacob Jay Ulman 19 24 171401 Harry P. Fox 18 31 171402 Actors' Fund of America 20 44 171402A Bertha Joerger 30 30

Department of Parks 170842 121963 9-24-37 Art Metal Const. Co 12,750 00 170508 9-27-37 Pine Hill Crystal Spring Water Co 28 00

Department of Plant and Structures 9-23-37 E. F. Hauserman Co 103 00 9-23-37 N. Y. Tel. Co 20 30 9-29-37 United Shipyards, Inc 10,827 90

10- 3-37 United Shipyards, Inc 174,063 60 Police Department

9-20-37 S. Siegel, Inc 198 75 9-20-37 John Martin 118 50

President, Borough of Manhattan 169855 9-14-37 Meehan Paving & Const. Co., Inc 72 85 169856 9- 8-37 Tegetmeier & Riepe Co 99 93

President, Borough of The Bronx 161B71 161B6 8-31-37 Willianisbridge Wrecking Corp., Inc 5,292 30 161B72 161B2 9-24-37 F. P. S. Cont. Co., Inc 11,847 32 161B73 161B2 9-24-37 F. P. S. Cont. Co., Inc 8,128 53

President, Borough of Brooklyn 170093 121756 8-23-37 A. Dierks & Co., Inc., assignee of A

Dierks & Co 2,571 12 121677 8-23-37 Otis Elevator Co 971 67

9- 9-37 Alfred Olson 192 08 9-13-37 Rudolph Emmerich 150 00 9-20-37 Mercantile Eng. & Repair Co., Inc 260 56 9-17-37 A. M. Hazell, Inc 415 00 9-23-37 Frank Tracy, Inc 86 75 9-17-37 A. B. Murray Co., Inc., assignee of Mer-

cantile Engineering & Repair Co., Inc. . 454 46 170814 9-22-37 Alfred Olson 188 58 170815 9-20-37 Joseph Youngmans Auto Repair Service,

Inc. 367 63 8-16-37 W. J. Keller 231 00 9-17-37 Claude Neon Lights, Inc 18 00 9- 9-37 Interboro Cont. Co., Inc 54 56

President, Borough of Queens 9-23-37 Steinway Pierce Garage 50 00 9-10-37 J. K. Welding Co., Inc 150 00 8-27-37 Sam Casalino 638 00 8-27-37 Sam Casalino 153 00

President, Borough of Richmond 169864 9-24-37 Staten Island Linen Supply, Inc 4 40 172495A 123387 10- 1-37 West New Brighton Bank, assignee of

Trifoglio Co,nst. Co., Inc 15,097 18 Department of Public Welfare

9-24-37 Knickerbocker Ice Co 96 27 9-19-37 Keuffel & Esser Co 19 50

Department of Purchase 122400 9-17-37 Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. 23 96 122436 9-13-37 Parke, Davis & Co. 246 51 121993 9-23-37 Herald-Nathan Press, Inc. 445 09 122176 9-13-37 Loeser Laboratory 155 40 123560 9- 1-37 Armour & Co. 978 62 122336 9-14-37 Bogert & Hopper, Inc 140 56 121622 9-14-37 Dooley-Angliss Co. 112 75 122050 9-16-37 K. & G. Auto Parts, Inc. 81 15 122255 9-17-37 Dooley, Angliss Co. 63 96 121621 9-14-37 Dooley-Angliss Co. 312 82

9-20-37 Foregger Co., Inc 5 40 9-24-37 Industrial Distributors, Inc 25 00 9-24-37 Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning Co 2 15 9- 1-37 Charles Kurzon, Inc 65 35 9-15-37 Acme Card System Co 283 50 9-20-37 Burrows Filing Co., Inc 62 50 9-22-37 Palo-Myers, Inc. 83 08 9-23-37 S. G. Krebs Co. ,. 158 25 9-24-37 Julius Fowl, Inc. 67 1,4 9-23-37 Robert Cleeland's Sons, Inc.... 32 40 9-24-37 Goldman-Gershon Sales Co. 84 37 9-24-37 Warden, Clinton Prison 37 80 9-23-37 Cochrane Physicians' Supplies, Inc 11 30 9-24-37 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co., Inc 118 26 9-24-37 Charles Kurzon, Inc 5 40 9-24-37 Clauss Shear Co. 36 00 9-23-37 Benj. Schaeffer & Bro., Inc 242 25 9-24-37 N. Glantz & Son 2 95 9- 9-37 Perry Metal Products Co., Inc 99 38

2000 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00

1000 15 00 15 00 5 00 5 00

4,121 57 43,582 58

169878 9-15-37 122A144 8-31-37 122A145 122A146

170509 5-27-37 169865 8-23-37

170094 170494 170495 9- 7-37 170496 170497 169857 8-17-37 169858 8- 2-37

170849 170502 8- 5-37 170503 8-30-37

169863 170096 8-24-37 170097 169859 8-13-37

170818 170819 8-16-37

169222 169223 169224 8-23-37 169225 8-10-37 169226 169227 8-13-37 169228 169229 169230 7-31-3'1 169231 7-31-37 169254 7-19-37 169255 8- 4-37 169256 7-29-37 169257 169258 7- 1-37 169259 7-26-37 169260 169261 8- 7-37 169262 8-12-37 169263 7-23-37 169264 169265 5-12-37 169266 169267 8-12-37 169268 8-17-37 169269 8-13-37 169270 8- 6-37 169271 7-26-37 169272 7-15-37

Received in Depart-

ment of Finance

Name of Payee Amount

9- 9-37 United States Rubber Products, Inc 298 30 9-22-37 Hospital Supply Co. and Watters Lab-

oratories Consolidated 394 00 9-27-37 Newark Ladder Co., Inc. 585 60 9-24-37 Industrial Credit Corp., assignee of

Joseph Cavanagh & Co. 89 34 9-20-37 Joseph Cavanagh & Co. 234 83 9-23-37 Smyth-Donegan Co. 41 81 9-13-37 N. Rabinowitz 69 47 9-27-37 Baum's Castorine Co., Inc. 29 00 9-27-37 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 350 00 9-27-37 Elgin Sweeper Co. 356 08

Blocksom & Co. 969 00 9-23-37 Colonial Beacon Oil Co., Inc. 316 96 9-24-37 Miller-Bryant-Pierce Co. 22 70 9-23-37 Eagle Ptg. Ink Co. 30 00 9-27-37 H. B. Hosmer, Inc. 760 9-23-37 Duradex, Inc. 2 00 9-23-37 Eagle Paper & Twine Co 274 82 9-23-37 Keystone Refractories Co 82 00 9-24-37 Mahoney-Clarke, Inc. 121 14 9-23-37 Stumpp & Walter Co 141 00 9-24-37 Manhattan Stationery Co., Inc 5 00 9-28-37 American Foundation 3 50 9-28-37 Anchor Packing Co 1 92 9-28-37 American Thread Co., Inc 5 95 9-24-37 Electric Boat Co 142 20 9-28-37 Rochester Ropes, Inc 6 30 9-27-37 Intl. Seal & Knot Protector Co 72 00 9-28-37 Alco Mfg. Co., Inc 40 00 9-28-37 Baitinger Electric Co., Inc 3 30 9-22-37 Sol Ginsberg 36 15 9-24-37 Francis H. Leggett & Co 80 00 9-28-37 A. D. Piano & Co 9 00 9-27-37 Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn 120 00 9-28-37 Pro-Medico Laboratories, Inc 42 60 9-28-37 N. Y. Loose Leaf Corp 2 40 9-28-37 Republic Flow Meters Co 3 00 9-24-37 Clifton Chemical Co., Inc 225 50 9-24-37 Ehrmann-Strauss Co., Inc 118 75 9-24-37 W. B. McVicker Co 385 00 9-28-37 Norwich Pharmacal Co 21 60 9-27-37 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 435 60 9-28-37 National Consumers Paper Co 7 38 9-28-37 Quaker City Rubber Co 19 00 9-24-37 McCaskey Register Co 320 99 9-23-37 Duckee Co., Inc. 204 60 9-27-37 Kee Lox Mfg. Co 1 02 9-22-37 H. L. Judd Co., Inc 569 85 9-24-37 Palo-Myers, Inc 67 90 9-23-37 Durkes Co., Inc. 204 60

Inc. 72 00

170481 170482 170483 170484 170485 170486 170487 170488 170489 170486

Finance Warrant Number

169515 169516

169517 169518

169519 169520 169521 169522 169523 169524 169525 170233 170234 170235 170236 170237 170238 170239 170240 170241 170242 170243 170244 170245 170246 170247 170248 170249 170250 170471 170472 170473 170474 170475 170476 170477 170478 170479 170480

5-21-37 7-28-37 6-29-37

8- 9-37 7-31-37 6-18-37 8-24-37


8-17-37 8-17-37 8-14-37 5-10-37 7-19-37 8-25-37

8-16-37 8-18-37 8-19-37 7-28-37 8-10-37 8- 1-37

8-26-37 7-29-37 8-10-37 8-30-37 8-20-37 8- 2-37 8-17-37 8-20-37 9- 1-37 9- 3-37 7-26-37 8-12-37 7-27-37 8- 4-37 8-17-37 7-29-37

8- 4-37

- Invoice Date or Contract Number

170513 123381 9- 3-37 Francis H. Leggett & Co 170514 123651 9-22-37 Henry Kelly & Sons, Inc 170515 121615 9-17-37 Colonial Beacon Oil Co., Inc 170516 122010 9-17-37 E. R. Squibb & Sons 170517 121660 9-17-37 Saxon Paper Products, Inc 170518 121770 9-14-37 Liquid Carbonic Corp 170519 123381 9- 3-37 R. C. Williams & Co., Inc 170520 122895 8-26-37 Hudson Oil Co., Inc 170521 121660 9-17-37 Saxon Paper Products, Inc 170522 122182 9-16-37 E. R. Squibb & Sons 170523 123167 9-22-37 Hospital Supply Co. & Watters Labo-

ratories, Consolidated 90 57

313 62 59 60 12 65

1,073 10 994 52 32940 40 92

925 86 3,890 38

615 82

121612 9-14-37 Buckeye Ribbon & Carbon Co 122332 9-22-37 American Star Cork Co., Inc 122134 9-16-37 Drug Products Co., Inc 123233 9-22-37 American Steel Wool Mfg. Co., Inc 122375 9-22-37 Weinbaum Dental Supply Co., Inc

9-22-37 Jas. Thompson & Sons 9-22-37 George Murphy, Inc. 9-27-37 Canaday Cooler Co., Inc 9-24-37 General Dental Supply Co., Inc 9-22-37 N. Y. Laboratory Supply Co., Inc 9-28-37 National Surgical Supply Co

44949 182 13 27200 121 90 42600 54 00 2 98

42 00 63 42 23 25 15 84

9-28-37 Buffalo Fire Appliance Corp 372 00 9-28-37 Queensborough Lumber Co., Inc 29 60 9-23-37 New Era Glass Corp 4 25 9-28-37 American Lumber Co., Inc 15 45 9-28-37 Double Seal Ring Co. 75 00 9-28-37 Geo. Rahmann & Co. 7 40 9-27-37 Permatex Co., Inc 1 08 9-28-37 Ostrander Electrical Supply Corp 23 50 9-28-37 Forest Box & Lumber Co., Inc 36 00 9-27-37 Braiding & Packing Works of America,

Inc. 52 02 9-28-37 Crane Co. 96 12 9-28-37 Lederle Laboratories, Inc 100 00 9-20-37 Dykes Lumber Co. 9 12 9-28-37 Jack Schaffel 1 25 9-28-37 Royal Mfg. Co. of Duquesne 10 00 9-28-37 Robinson Sponge Co. 9 48 9-28-37 Ohio Chemical & Mfg. Co 7 00 9-28-37 V. Mueller & Co 11 70 9-27-37 Harry Barth, Inc. 104 46 9-28-37 Ostrander Elec. Supply Corp 13 26 9-28-37 Rubico Brush Manufacturers, Inc 5 10 9-28-37 Seedman Co., Inc 4 92 9-28-37 Jos, Aronauer, Inc 16 00 9-27-37 Harold Dessau 3 00 9-28-37 W. F. Sheehan Corn 24 99 9-28-37 Joseph G. Pollard Co., Inc 12 00 9-28-37 N. Y. Sailmaking Corp 46 55 9-28-37 Perry Metal Products Co., Inc 28 00 9-28-37 General Auto Elec. Co 14 44 9-28-37 Smith & Gregory Co. of N. Y., Inc 36 83 9-28-37 George Malvese & Co 47 64 9-28-37 Four Wheel Drive Auto Co. of Clinton-

ville, Wis. 8 50 9-28-37 National Municipal League 5 00 9-16-37 National Bank of Middletown, assignee

of Levinson Produce Co 9-22-37 Atlantic Container Corp 9-23-37 Graphic Duplicator Co 9-27-37 Eimer & Amend 9-23-37 H. B. Hosmer, Inc 9-24-37 N. Y. Loose Leaf Corp 9-24-37 Manhattan Stationery Co., Inc

17 20 106 00

15 08 4 60

13 25 328

170524 170525 170526 170527 170528 170577 170578 170579 170580 170581 170582

7-20-37 8- 9-37

6-30-37 8-18-37

170583 170584 170585 170586

70587 170588 170589 170590 170591 170592

8-18-37 7-14-37 8-10-37 7-29-37 7-23-37 8-17-37 8- 4-37 7- 7-37 8- 9-37

170593 8-31-37 170594 12-21-3( 170595 4- 7-3i 170172 7-31-37 170173 8-10-37 170174 8-27-37 170175 170176 8-21-37 170177 170178 170179 7-30-37 170180 8- 3-37 170181 8-19-37 170182 8-16-37 170183 7- 3-37 170184 7-27-37 170185 8-27-37 170186 8-27-37 170187 7-27-37 170188 170189 170190 7-22-37

170191 6-22-37 169424 7-21-37

169425 8- 5-37 169426 8- 3-37 169427 169428 8-19-37 169429 8-23-37 169430 8-17-37




Invoice Finance

Date or Warrant

Contract Number Number

169273 7-24-37 169345 169346 7- 2-37 169347 8- 7-37 169348 7-30-37

169349 7-22-37 169350 169351 8-10-37 169352 7-22-37 169353 8-18-37

169354 8-10-37 169355 8- 5-37 169356 7-19-37 169357 8-27-37 169358 7-31-37 169359 6-30-37 169360 8-19-37 169361 169362 7-14-37 169363 6-14-37 169364 8-16-37 170843 123005 170213 170214 7-23-37 170215 170216 170217 8-16-37 170218 8-17-37 170219 170220 3-31-37 170221 7-21-37 170222 6- 2-37 170223 8-14-37 170224 7-26-37 170225 8-20-37 170226 170227 170228 170229 8- 6-37 170230 8- 6-37 170231 170232 8-16-37 170051 121825 170052 122967 170053 123340 170054 123531 170055 122769 170056 121629 170057 123392 170058 121628 170059 122081 170060 122091 169559 8- 4-37 123501 169560 123403 169561 123717 169562 123484 169563 8-31-37 123823 169564 123443 169565 8-26-37 123581 169566 123576 169567 123487 169568 8-13-37 123103 169569 122323 169570 121710 169571 123396 169572 8-17-37 122130 169573 121710 169574 121216 168065 7-30-37 168066 7-15-37 168067 7-22-37 168068 7-19-37 168069 7-2?-37 168070 8-13-37 168071 168072 168073 168074 8- 3-37 168075 7-20-37 168076 7-30-37 168077 7-27-37 168078 8-13-37 168079 7-13-37 168080 7-10-37 168081 5- 7-37 168082 8- 6-37 168083 168084 6-28-37 169007 169003 7-31-37 169009 8-13-37 169010 169011 169012 8- 5-37 169013 169014 169015

169016 8-10-37 169017 7-13-37 169018 169019 169020 8-12-37 169021 7-30-37 169022 6-23-37 169023 6- 5-37 169024 8-20-37 169025 8-27-37 169026 169506 169507 169508 8-10-37 169509 4- 6-37 169510 169511 6-24-37 169512 169513 8-27-37 169514 4-30-37

Received in Depart-

ment of

Name of Payee Finance

9-20-37 U. S. Rubber Products, Inc 9-24-37 John Lapenna 9-24-37 Peter A. Frasse & Co., Inc 9-24-37 Industrial Distributors, Inc 9-24-37 E. B. Meyrowitz Surgical Instruments

Co., Inc. 9-24-37 Loeser Laboratory 9-13-37 Lewis Mfg. Co., Division of Kendall Co. 9-24-37 Charles Kurzon, Inc 9-20-37 Godfrey Keeler Co., Inc 9-24-37 Institution for Male Defective Delin-

quents 9-24-37 Gregg Bros., Inc 9-24-37 Warden, Clinton Prison 9-24-37 General Dental Supply Co., Inc 9-24-37 Joseph G. Pollard Co., Inc 9-24-37 Robinson Clay Product Co. of N. Y 9-24-37 Pitometer Co. 9-24-37 Metropolitan Roofing Supplies Co., Inc 9-24-37 Smyth-Donegan Co. 9-24-37 R. B. Martie, Inc 9-10-37 Gertler Electric Supply Corp 9-24-37 Paul Schaad 9- 8-37 United States Pipe & Foundry Co 9-28-37 American Hand & Wet Wash Laundry 9-28-37 Paragon-Revolute Corp. 9-28-37 Ambulatory Splint Co 9-15-37 Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc 9-27-37 Brewer & Co., Inc 9-24-37 Egyptian Lacquer Mfg. Co., Inc 9-27-37 Forest Box & Lumber Co., Inc 9-28-37 Yeomans Bros. Co 9-28-37 Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp 9-28-37 J. G. Wells Sales Co 9-28-37 Watson Elevator Co., Inc 9-22-37 John Boyle & Co., Inc 9-28-37 Williamsburg Electric Supply Co 9-28-37 Walter Motor Truck Co 9-28-37 Wheels, Inc. 9-28-37 W. E. Pruden Co., Inc 9-28-37 Mack-International Motor Truck Corp 9-27-37 Rochester Ropes, Inc 9-27-37 Forest Box & Lumber Co., Inc 9-24-37 Kasper & Koetzle, Inc 9-22-37 Atlas Stationery Corp 9-17-37 Baitinger Electric Co., Inc 9-22-37 Regal Equipment Co 9-17-37 McKiernan-Terry Corp. 9-17-37 Topping Bros. 9-17-37 General Motors Truck Co 9-16-37 Egleston Bros. & Co., Inc 9-17-37 Four Wheel Drive Auto Co 9-22-37 Cadillac Motor Car Division 9-22-37 Mack International Motor Truck Corp 9-22-37 Abt & Lewis, Inc 9-23-37 Seeman Bros., Inc 9-22-37 A. Fink & Sons Co., Inc 9-23-37 Dairymen's League Co-op. Assn., Inc 9-29-37 Isidor Frank 9-22-37 A. Fink & Sons Co., Inc 9-23-37 L. R. Wallace 9-13-37 Alfred T. Long, Inc 9-13-37 Borough Hay & Grain Co 9-20-37 Electro Bleaching Gas Co 9- 3-37 Sterisol Ampoule Corp 9-14-37 Burland Ptg. Co., Inc 9-22-37 Kellogg Sales Co. 9-16-37 Campbell Products, Inc. 9-14-37 Burland Ptg. Co, Inc 9-16-37 Hard blfg. Co. 9-23-37 T. E. Boyd Paper Co., Inc 9-23-37 H. & D. Folsom Arms Co 9-23-37 F. W. Jaeger 9-23-37 Foregger Co., Inc 9-23-37 Anglo-French Drug Co., U. S. A., Inc 9-22-37 H. B. Hosmer, Inc. 9-22-37 Herald Nathan Press, Inc 9-22-37 Manhattan Stationery Co., Inc 9-22-37 William Bratter, Inc 9-23-37 Goldsmith Bros. 9- 9-37 Frederick Stearns & Co. 9-22-37 W. B. McVicker Co. 9-23-37 Irvine & Wilcox Co., Inc 9-23-37 Hercules Corrugated Box Corp 9-23-37 Lee Finish Corp. 9-20-37 Edward F. Quinn Co., Inc 9-17-37 Diebold Safe & Lock Co. 9-23-37 Fallon Law Book Co. 9-22-37 Snap-On Tools, Inc. 9-23-37 Gilberton Corp. 9-23-37 Geo. F. Wagner Co., Inc. 9-16-37 Sanborn Map Co. 9-23-37 Desks, Inc. 9-24-37 Montgomery & Co., Inc 9-23-37 Devoe & Raynolds Co., Inc. 9-23-37 Stromberg Electric Co. 9-23-37 Nathan Straus-Duparquet, Inc 9-16-37 Franklin Hdw. Co., Inc. 9-20-37 Municipal Factors Co., assignee of Aug.

E. Fraass Co. 9-23-37 Eagle Lock Co. 9-16-37 E. Schwartz Plumbing Supply Co., Inc. 9-23-37 Automobile Necessities Co. 8-16-37 Asbestos Const. Co., Inc. 9-23-37 George Douglass 9-22-37 Granville Sellers, Inc. 9-23-37 C. A. Dunham Co., Inc 9-23-37 Egleston Bros. & Co., Inc. 9-23-37 Austin-Western Road Machinery Co 9-23-37 Durham Co., Inc. 9-23-37 Stewart Motor Corp. 9-23-37 Sol Ginsberg 9-24-37 Lillian Dairy Products Co. 9-27-37 Elmira Steel Co. 9-15-37 Cortes-Ward Co., Inc. 9-24-37 Deyo Produce Co., Inc. 9-13-37 McCampbell & Co., Inc. 9-10-37 Matthew Bender & Co., Inc. 9-27-37 Underwood Elliott Fisher Co. 9-27-37 Atlantic Coast Hardware Co., Inc.


53 40 9 89 2 50 8 13

5 50 5 20

775 86 3 20

972 00

23 20 3 90

24 00 3 00

49 40 41 65 1848 3 00

19 77 15 30

121 68 19 98

3,758 39 20 15 10 50 15 76

441 00 175 20 100 00 876 67

9 11 57 1 50

24 00 111 11 31 80 2 60

40 62 46 66 1 08

80 40 202 78 118 43 321 97 14 35

123 00 1,371 00

66 16 441 26 262 02 22 61 53 65

132 98 186 00 407 45 248 14 594 40 42 72

2,559 22 - 647 94

277 01 1,603 26 1,584 70

593 34 255 41 273 07 750 00

1,271 31 71 60 8 75 6 50 4 80

11 78 6 00 5 40

280 25 88 00

765 14 18 00 24 00

447 75 2 50

24 00 18 30

220 00 509 80 10 00 51 60 15 00

1,488 25 125 00 22 10

104 16 40 21 75 92 63 10 55 68

399 95 17 60 91 73 13 08

311 51 145 00

57 50 5 22 901

39 99 28 80 37 62

130 69 1 80

315 00 56 50

480 87 869 43 423 50 374 24 66 97

Invoice Date or Contract Number

Received in Depart-

ment of Finarce

Name of Payee Amount Finance Warrant Number

169372 169373 169374 169375 169376

169377 169378 169379 169380 169381 169382 169383 170152 170153 170154 170155

170156 170157 170158 170159 170160 170161 170162 170163 170164 170165 170166 170167 170168 170169 170170 170171 170192

170193 170194 170195 170196 170197 170198 170199 170200

8-30-37 8-27-37 7-24-37 7- 8-37

8-11-37 7-27-37 7-15-37 8-16-37

8- 4-37

8-18-37 8-11-37 7-17-37 8-11-37

Invoice Date or Contract Number

7-24-37 5- 3-37 8- 3-37 6-21-37 8-16-37

8-17-37 8-27-37 8- 2-37 8- 2-37 8-31-37 8-11-37

7-20-37 7-20-37 8-23-37 4-30-37

7-22-37 8-31-37 8-23-37 8-19-37 8- 6-37

Received in Depart-

ment of Finance

Name of Payee Amount

123510 123559

123587 122323 122323 123504 122454

-121820 6-30-37 123014

170201 170202 170203 170204 170205 170206 170207 170208 170209 170210 170211 170212 169545 169546

8- 7-37 5-28-37

8- 5-37 7-30-37 6- 2-37 8-17-37

8-25-37 8-20-37


169547 169548 169549 169550 169551 169552 169553 169554 169555 169556 169557 169558 170436 170437 170438 170439 170440 170441 170442 170443 170444 170445 170446 170447 170448

123449 123384 123329 123159 123555 121657 121882 123310 122152 123756 122316 123357 123542

6-19-37 6-25-37 8- 6-37 8-13-37




Finance Warrant Number


7-14-37 169432 8- 5-37 169433 8-12-37 169434 8-17-37 169436 8-10-37 169435 7- 6-37 169437 7-22-37 169438 8-12-37 169439 8- 7-37 169440 7-23-37 169441

8-17-37 169442 6-20-37 169443 8-10-37 170977 170978 8- 6-37 170979 8-13-37 170980 8-20-37 170981

7-31-37 170982 8-10-37 170983 8- 5-37 170984 8-17-37 170985 9- 2-37 170986 8- 4-37 170987 8- 3-37 171019

9- 3-37

171020 8- 2-37

171021 8-30-37

171002 8-13-37 171023 7-29-37 171024 8-25-37 171025 6-28-37 171026 5- 8-37 171027 8-31-37 171028 8- 5-37 171029 8-27-37 171030 8-17-37 171031 8- 9-37 171032 171033 8-13-37 171034 171035 7-21-37 171036 8-24-37 171037 8-13-37 171038 7-19-37 171100 171101 171102 171103 8-14-37 171104 171105 9- 4-37

171106 8-23-37 171107 8-19-37 171108 8-11-37 171109 171110 8-19-37 171111 9- 1-37 171112 8-18-37 171113 171114 171115 171116 8-16-37 171117 8- 5-37

171118 171119 171580 8-27-37 171579 8-16-37 171578 8-30-37

171577 8-20-37 171576 171575 8-16-37 171574 171573 8-27-37 171572 8-18-37 171571 7-30-37 171570 7-23-37 171569 6-14-37 171568 8-17-37 171567 7-31-37 171566 171565 8- 7-37 171564 171563 7-20-37 171562 8-21-37 171561 170073 170074 170075 170076 170077 170078 170079 170080 170081 170082 170083 170084 170085 170086 170087 170088 170089 170090



169365 169366 7-31-37 169367

. 169368 7-21-37 169369 269370 169371 7-10-37

Ponsell Floor Machine Co., Inc 26 00 William C. Irwin 143 00 Franklin Hardware Co., Inc 58 80 Fairbanks Co. 11 92 P. J. Noebel & Co 87 84 J. Ehrenberg 19 00 New Dorp Coal Corp 77 50 Eagle Supply Co. 13 00 Dimock & Fink Plumbing Supply Corp 3 04 Jacob Griffel 20 79 Godfrey Keeler Co., Inc. 48 75 Maritime Electric Co., Inc. 63 80 Ingersoll-Rand Co. 116 00 Joseph Cavanagh & Co. 16 76 Jones Packing Co. 5 78 Behrer-Nason Co., Inc. 33 04 Anchor Tool & Supply Co., Inc. 12 00 H. F. King Co. 25 87 Samuel G. Braun, Inc. 16 05 Leffler Bros. 4 00 Electric Boat Co. • 132 60 Page Belting Co. 10 30 Renick & Mahoney, Inc. 4 00 H. Kohnstamm & Co., Inc. 43 92 Miller Auto Supply & Euipment Co., Inc. 8 50 Standard Oil of N. Y., Div. of Socony- Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 15 00 Berger Mfg. Co., Div. of Republic Steel Corp. . 2 88 Mueller Co., Inc. 29 44 General Tire Co. of N. Y. 34 72 I, Edward Brown, Inc 1 50 Tubular Service Corp 27 15 Watson Elevator Co., Inc 44 00 Burwak Elevator Co. 34 20 H. J. Street Co. 18 67 Montgomery & Co., Inc 28 80 Tingue Brown & Co. 32 50 Frederick W. Starr & Son, Inc 3 20 Mueller Co., Inc 24 68 E. Rabinowe & Co., Inc 39 33 Turtle & Hughes, Inc 8 54 Tokheim Oil Tank & Pump Co . 7 69 Quaker City Rubber Co 14 19 Adolf Stahl 27 30 H. M. Storms Co. 39 00 Remington Rand, Inc 565 38 American Pharmaceutical Co., Inc 350 00 International Harvester Co., Inc 17 34 Trench & Marine Pump Co., Inc 137 25 E. B. Latham & Co. 350 45 Miller Auto Supply & Equipment Co , Inc. 16 65 John T. Swanson Co., Inc 126 00 Three B. Products, Inc. 21 30 Samuel H. Moss, Inc 2 85 S. Weinstein Supply Co. 133 70 A. & G. Goldstein, Inc. 79 38 Brooklyn Caster & Wheel Co. 47 50 Archer Rubber Co. 93 50 Sterisol Ampoule Corp 15 00 Werner Surgical Supplies, Inc. 10 80 Standard Scientific Supply Corp. 18 93 Henry H. Hirsch Dental Co. 4 50 Municipal Factors Co., assignee of Aug. E. Fraass Co. 597 45 George Tiemann & Co. 26 50 A. P. Smith Mfg. Co. , .. 820 00 Perry Metal Products Co., Inc. 12 50 F. 0. Pierce Co. 17 50 Standard Oil Co. of New York, Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. 39 60 Chase Brass & Copper Co., Inc. 11 65 Regal Equipment Co. 12 82 John J. Bunck & Co. 20 99 Warden, Sing Sing Prison 21 12 R. W. Geldart & Co., Inc. 46 20 United States Gauge Co. 6 00 Paramount Stationery Corp. 17 20 E. Fougera & Co., Inc. . 18 00 Baum's Castorine Co., Inc 22 50 Tiebel Brothers, Inc. 2 10 Remington Rand, Inc. 9 20 Graphic Duplicator Co 45 84 E. R. Squibb & Sons 9 30 Eimer & Amend, Inc 6 08 Progressive Drug Co., Inc 21 60 Sharp & Dohme, Inc 45 00 Seaboard Twine & Cordage Co., Inc 46 80 Agfa Ansco Corp 206 08 Walldorf, Hafner & Schultz, Inc 577 80 National Cylinder Gas Co 13 14 Progressive Drug Co., Inc 1,362 20 Arlington Chemical Co 6 75 Thomas A. Edison, Inc 8 75 Sweetland Waste Co 1,729 83 Crescent Brand Chemical Co 496 87 Norwich Pharmacal Co 47 31 Heyden Chemical Corp 8 08 Endo Products, Inc 217 52 Standard Scientific Supply Corp 518 48 West Co., Inc 221 23 Sharp & Dohme, Inc 912 90 N. Y. Trap Rock Corp. 1,680 82 National Cylinder Gas Co 535 85 White Co. 1,956 53 Pierce- Arrow Sales Co. of N. Y., Div. Dallas E. Winslow, Inc 28 54 American-La France & Foamite Indus- tries, Inc. 676 50 N. Y. Credit Men's Assn., general assignee of V insoney Furnishers, Inc 408 41 Geo. F. Wagner Co., Inc 151 38 Hanovia Chemical & Mfg. Co 35 00 Eugene Dictzgen Co., Inc 12 30 Gane Bros. & Co. of N. Y., Inc 52 77 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. 707 60 Parke., Davis & Co 122 90 Endo Products, Inc 13 50

9-20-37 9-22-37 9-23-37 9-27-37 9-23-37 9-27-37 9-27-37 9-27-37 9-27-37 9-27-37 9-27-37 9- 7-37 9-22-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-28-37



9-29-37 9-28-37 9-29-37 9-28-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-23-37 9-28-37 9-28-37 9-28-37 9-23-37 9-29-37

9-28-37 9-28-37 9-29-37 9-28-37 9-27-37 9-29-37 9-28-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-28-37 9-29-37 9-27-37

9-29-37 9-23-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37

9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37 9-29-37

122056 9- 8-37 121866 9-22-37 121801- 9 27-37 122365 9-13-37 122303 9-22-37 122720 9-23-37 123241

9-17-37 123566 9-16-37 122146 9-22-37 122140 9-23-37 122137 9-22-37 122299 9-22-37 122327 9-16-37 122181

9-22-37 123535

8-31-37 121801

9-22-37 121667 9-17-37 121658 9-22-37

121923 9-22-37


9- 3-37

9-23-37 9-27-37 9-23-37 9-23-37 9-23-37 9-23-37 9-24-37

9-17-37 Godfrey Keeler Co., Inc 971 00 9- 9-37 Palo-Myers, Inc. 74 91 9-22-37 C. R. Bard, Inc 398 24 9-27-37 Herzog Miniature Lamp Works, Inc 9 75 9-27-37 Hospital Supply Co. & Watters Labo-

ratories Consolidated 1 95 9-27-37 Barad Tool & Supply Co., Inc 11 89 9-27-37 Franklin Hardware Co., Inc 18 80 9-27-37 S. B. Hamburger's Hardware House 32 71 9-22-37 John A. Roebling's Sons Co 75 94 9-22-37 Lion Varnish Works, Inc 53 35 8-27-37 Igoe Bros., Inc 19 00 9-20-37 Stromberg Elec. Co 457 25 9-28-37 Warner Quinlan Co 3 35 9-28-37 Werner Surgical Supplies, Inc 4 20 9-28-37 N. Y. Tuberculosis & Health Assn., Inc 40 00 9-20-37 Municipal Factors Co., assignee of Cor-

porate Press, Inc 234 47 9-16-37 H. H. Rosenthal Co., Inc 699 90 9-28-37 Wool' Novelty Co., Inc. 16 50 9-27-37 Estate of M. Goodside 961 17 9-23-37 S. Weinstein Supply Co. 102 60 9-28-37 West Pub. Co. 5 00 9-20-37 General Electric Supply Corp. 50 37 9-15-37 Buffalo-Springfield Roller Co. 4,580 00 9-28-37 Wilson, Bohannan Co. 14 40 9-28-3" J. S. Woodhouse Co., Inc. 23 40 9-27-37 Crucible Steel Co. of America 2 99 9-28-37 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 23 65 9-20-37 E. B. Latham & Co 69 24 9-28-37 International Harvester Co., Inc. 2 62 9-28-37 United Shipyards, Inc. 28 00 9-28-37 Heil Co. 16 64 9-28-37 Indian Motocycle Co 1 80 9-28-37 Northwest Powdered Fruit Laborator-

ies, Inc. 38 40 9- 9-37 Zenith-Godley Co., Inc. 623 39 9-23-37 Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc. 106 00 9-23-37 Collison & Klingman, Inc 381 10 9-28-37 T. H. McKenna, Inc 13 50 9-28-37 David Linzer & Sons, Inc. 12 50 9-28-37 Mine Safety Appliances Co 37 00 9-28-37 Simon Manges & Son, Inc 23 94 9-23-37 Hutchinson-Winch, Boston Branch In-

ternational Shoe Co. of Mass 460 28 9-28-37 McIntosh Electrical Corp. 8 00 9-28-37 Master Bookbinding Co. 19 50 9-23-37 I. Edward Brown, Inc. 569 40 9-22-37 John T. Stanley Co., Inc. 339 00 9-23-37 Montgomery & Co., Inc. 548 68 9-28-37 Patterson Brothers, Inc. 6 00 9-28-37 Patterson Brothers, Inc. 14 70 9-28-37 United Shipyards, Inc. 116 84 9-20-37 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc. 44 95 9-28-37 F. 0. Pierce Co. 8 00 9-28-37 Bruns Bros. 65 00 9-31-37 Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. 290 69 9-22-37 Doxsee Co., Inc. 324 00 9-13-37 Burns Brothers, assignee of Mara Fuel

Co., Inc. 2,480 35 9-16-37 Farrell Coal Co., Inc. 2,241 00 9- 8-37 Sterisol Ampble Corp. 254 76 9- 1-37 Sterisol Ampole Corp. 921 60 9-20-37 Austin Nichols & Co., Inc. 1,889 62 9-27-37 N. Y. Tel. Co. 1,053 28 8-13-37 Barber Co., Inc. 6,430 57 9-14-37 Baitinger Elec. Co., Inc. 207 91 9-24-37 A. Carobine Co., Inc. 398 15 8-11-37 H. H. Rosenthal Co., Inc. 71 80 9-24-37 Lamson Co., Inc. 168 75 9-24-37 Kelly-Koett Mfg. Co., Inc. 183 00 9-22-37 Hoffman Roberts Cordage Corp. 136 00 9-22-37 Hostess Products Corp. .._ 473 33 9-23-37 Sawyer Biscuit Co., Inc 252 58 9-23-37 Seeman Bros., Inc. 1,932 34 9- 1-37 Meadow Gold Products Corp 742 71 8-26-37 R. C. Williams & Co., Inc 406 92 9-22-37 Photostat Corp. 233 16 9-22-37 Jaclin Stationery Corp 81 27 9-22-37 Standard Brands, Inc. 3,578 10 9-22-37 Progressive Drug Co., Inc 284 63 9-27-37 Mercantile Butter & Egg Co., Inc 5,374 23 9-22-37 N. S. Low & Co., Inc 95 60 9-23-37 Atlantic Yeast Corp. 72 00 9-17-37 Sauerman Bros., Inc 6,389 70

171039 171040 171041 171042 171043 171044 171045 171046 171047 171048 171049 171050 171051 171052 171053 171054 171055 171056 171057 171058 171144 171143 171142 171141 171140 171139 171138 171137 171136 171135 171134 171133 171132

170449 120121 Hudson County National Bank, assignee of Ward La France Truck Corp

4-30-37 9-28-37 Lewis Print, Sic. 4-10-37 9-28-37 Hecla Press 8- 4-37 9-16-37 Driver Desk Co.

9-29-37 Harry Barth, Inc. 7-21-37 9-24-37 Kliegl Bros. 8-17-37 9-29-37 Snap On Tools, Inc 8-13-37 9-29-37 George W. Stickler, Inc 6-18-37 9-29-37 George Tiemann & Co 6-29-37 9-23-37 Warden, Attica Prison 7-14-37 9-27-37 W. I. S. Products 8-27-37 9-27-37 L. Marino 8-24-37 9-29-37 J. S. Woodhouse Co., Inc 6- 9-37 9-29-37 Wheeling Corrugating Co. 8-10-37 9-29-37 Nu-Film Products Co., Inc 7-29-37 West Side Lumber Co 8-10-37 9-29-37 Singer Sewing Machine Co 8-14-37 9-29-37 Templar Oil Products Co., Inc 8-18-37 9-29-37 L. S. Starrett Co

9- 9-37 James H. Hughes 9- 9-37 H. 0. Penn Machinery Co., Inc

5-17-37 9-29-37 U. S. Hoffman Machinery Corp 7-22-37 9-29-37 Walter Bros. Co., Inc 6- 3-37 9-23-37 Behrer-Nason Co., Inc 1-31-37 8-26-37 Colonial Sand & Stone Co., Inc 8-31-37 9-29-37 Upson-Walton Co. 7-14-37 9-29-37 Nathan Straus Duparquet, Inc 8-17-37 9-29-37 Weksler Thermometer Corp 8-18-37 9-29-37 Smyth-Donegan Co.

9-28-37 West Publishing Co 7-31-37 9-28-37 Simensky & Levy Corp 8-21-37 9-29-37 Simensky & Levy Corp

9-29-37 Simensky & Levy. Corp 9-16-37 Simensky & Levy Corp

9-16-37 1,500 00 203 29 803 49 24000 5 80

95 00 5 53 4824 18 00 51 00 1 43

148 50 4140 18 00 14 00 70 00 1 56 3 20 7 65

18 88 843 89

2 25 1 35

99 45 775 60 11 70 500

17 76 20 40 15 00

2,409 53 1,046 40 385 68 719 80

9-30-37 Simensky & Levy Corp 1,063 12 9-29-37 Belmont Smelting & Refining Works,

Inc. 10- 4-37 John Minder & Son, Inc 10- 5-37 John Minder & Son, Inc

9-30-37 Duophoto Corp. 9-24-37 Duophoto, Ltd. 9-30-37 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc

Nate. Bronx Bank of N. Y., assignee of Manhattan Bearings & Supply Co., Inc.

Department of Sanitation 12278E 8-21-37 Shamrock Towing Co., Inc 12335 9- 1-37 A. M. Hazell, Inc

8-31-37 W. G. Creamer & Co 9-23-37 Merchants Fire Assurance

signee of Pauline Sherman Board of Transportation

3-52 9- 9-37 Walter Kidde & Co., Inc. 3-88 8-13-37 Brown Elec. Co.

Board of Water Supply

171131 8- 7-37 171145 9- 9-37

172491 123366 172492 123821 172493 172494 172495 8-19-37 171343 6-28-37

23 10

7,138 00 3,843 49


49625 Corp., as-

10,922 09 16,951 44

9-29-37 N. Y. Post, Inc. 170844 7-15-37 54 00 9-29-37 Ulster County Press 170845 8-10-37 13 20 9-29-37 Freeman Pub. Co. 170846 7-15-37 13 26

171939 170827 170115 169861

3-564 ?-563

8- 6-37 8-31-37

10 20 458 75

5,08498 174 33 813 50 142 00

170847 8-31-37 171707 122763

171496 171497 171498 171499 171500 171501 171502 171503 171504 171505

9-24-37 9-20-37

170822 170823

Department of Wa 8-31-37 9-24-37 8-31-37 9-29-37

170824 170114 169874 169875 169876 169877

9-17-37 9-24-37 9-10-37 9-23-37

9-24-37 9-23-37 9-23-37 9-23-37

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract er No. Number

Name of Payee Amount

115967 Oxford University Press 34 00 122287 Oxford University Press 4 80 122518 Maclane Hardware Co 1,104 00 115920 D. C. Heath & Co 951 00 119277 D. C. Heath & Co 654 00 122499 J. F. Gleason Co 19 73 122531 Peckham Little & Co 543 76 122293 Row Peterson & Co.. , 1,454 00 115980 Row Peterson & Co 262 76 12258: M. J. Tobin & Co., Inc 1,706 02 116051 Webster Pub. Co 535 50 116010 World Book Co 2,043 81 122557 I. Edward Brown, Inc 4 49 122563 Conray Products Co., Inc

David Smith Steel Co., Inc Selsi Co., Inc N. Ryan Co., Inc Procter & Gamble Dist. Co Prentice Hall, Inc Paramount Staty. Corp

Lafayette Motive Parts, Inc Atlas Staty. Corp. Baker & Taylor Co Milton Bradley Co A. Buchholtz Co., Inc

372 30 11 51 32 40 900

11 20 3 80

7408 25 00 10 50 281 6 20 688

James P. Maher 33 88 John D. Cooley 41 77 John A. Sharp 33 00 Leonard J Swanson 122 27 Herman Kummerle, Inc 45 26 Charles Siegel 183 08 Robert Foy 22 00 Walter C. Reedinger, Inc 29 80 Wander Iron Works, Inc 11 26 Hyman Jaeckel 17 98 Standard Gas Equipment Corp. 4 13



Finance Warrant Number

Invoice Date or Contract Number

Received in Depart-

ment of Finance

Name of Payee Finance Warrant Number

Invoice Date or Contract Number

Received in Depart-

ment of Finance

Name of Payee Amount Amount

Bainbridge Garage 19 04 W. E. Callahan Const. Co. and J. P Shirley 126,462 83 Anna L. Quinn . 46 75 Anna H. Albright 62 50 P. J. F. Gallagher 369 25 Frank S. Hyatt 345 35 Harry Snyder 100 00 Arthur K. Sheeley 100 00 Irwin J. Spielman 109 40 T. B. Lineburgh 250 00 Hill & Smith 251 60 Milo Terbush 200 00 ter Supply, Gas and Electricity Vanderlyn Battery Co 5 22 Standard Speedometer & Hub-odometer Repair Co. 12 55 Kensico Cemetery 80 00 Williamsburgh Power Plant Corp 1 34 Yonkers Electric Light & Power Co 83 18 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp 1 80 Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp 11 35 N. Y. State Electric & Gas Corp 7 00

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee er No. Number


Hereinbelow is a statement of all vouchers received in the Department of Finance on this date in which is shown the Department of Finance voucher number, the date of the invoice or the registered number of the con-tract, the name of the payee and the amount of the voucher.

Where two or more bills are embraced in one voucher, the date of the earliest is given excepting that when such vouchers are submitted under a contract, the registered number of the contract is shown instead.

FRANK J. TAYLOR, Comptroller.

Board of Estimate and Apportionment 162534 Postmaster, N. Y $50 00

162535 John C. Riekel 27 63

County Clerk, Queens County 162533 Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md. 1 08

Court of General Sessions 162615 Canaday Cooler Co., Inc 15 00

162612 C. G. Braxman Co., Inc 1 50

162613 Dictaphone Sales Corp 2 00

162614 National Surety Corp 90 PW Department of Docks—Public Works 43-66 Appeal Ptg. Co., Inc 93 26

Board of Higher Education 162656 122738 Burns Bros. 162657 124136 Spencer Lens Co 4,234 64

Department of Education 162740 116007 Wheeler Pub. Co 141 03 162741 116816 Wheeler Pub. Co 12 80

1627.12 123223 Maharani Fabric Corp 945 00

162743 122462 Amalgamated Paper Co., Inc 6,243 73 102744 123229 Shen Mfg. Co. 7 08

162745 115990 Geo. L. Shuman & Co 49 00 1(12726 122591 Penn. Exchange Bank, as-

signee of B. Weinkrantz 930 06

162727 115911 Hall & McCreary Co. 22 47

162728 122270 Houghton Mifflin Co. 132 00 162729 115976 Rand McNally & Co. 282 50 162730 122519 Maharan Fabric Co. 150 69

162731 115900 Frontier Press Co. 39 51

162732 122477 Black & Yates, Inc. 253 60 162733 119357 University Pub. Co. 732 69 162734 116001 University Pub. Co. 1,400 00 162735 119346 Rand McNally & Co. 28 40

162736 115999 Ten Cent Books, Inc. 335 50 162737 115993 Simmons Peckham Co., Inc 410 22 162738 115993 Simmons Peckham Co., Inc 3,864 00 162739 116051 Webster Pub. Co. 536 08 162712 115848 American Book Co. 47 88 162713 122241 American Book Co. 148 50 162714 115852 D. Appleton Century Co., Inc 57 80 162715 122490 D. K. Deyrmanjian 204 18 162716 115949 Macmillan Co. 2,603 05 162717 122277 Macmillan Co. 105 00 162718 115949 Macmillan Co. 660 12 162719 119332 Macmillan Co. 898 50 1,2720 116793 Macmillan Co. 7,224 00 162721 115946 Lyons & Carnahan 354 88 162722 115898 Franklin Pub. & Supply Co 110 85 162723 122301 World Book Co. 14 25 1(2724 116007 Wheeler Pub. Co. 239 50 162725 122594 Weksler Thermometer Corp 90 18 162698 162699 162700 162701 162702 162703 1627(4 16 2705 162706 162707 162708 162709 162710 102711 162748 102749 l6275) 162751 162752 1627,5,3 I x;2754 162755 162756 I(2757 162758

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee Amount er No. Number

1,637 34



162760 162788 162789 162790 162791 162792

162775 162776 162777

162778 162779 162780 162781 162782 162783 162784 162785 162786 162787 162761 162762 162763 162764 162765 162766 162767 162768 162769 162770 162771 162772 162773 162774 162932 162933 162934 162935 162936 162937 162938 162939 162919 162920 162921 162922 162923


162925 162926 162927 162928 162929 162930 162931 162906

Bur. of Publications, Teach- ers College Chicago Apparatus Co A. B. Dick Co

Arimberg File & Index Co Steinberger Bros., Inc Harry Barth, Inc Conray Products Co., Inc , assignee Winsoney Furnisi- ers, Inc. Acme Card System Co Air Associates, Inc D. Appleton Century Co , Inc. Burland Ptg. Co., Inc Burland Ptg. Co., Inc Postage Meter Co

Elbe File & Binder Co., Inc Beck Duplicator Co Austin & Magill, Inc Bruce Pub. Co

Robley Press Service, Inc Sutphin Paper Co Kee Lox Mfg. Co Cooper Stamp Works Thomas Y. Crowell Co Damon & Peets, Inc Davis Press Denoyer Geppert Co

Eagle Paper & Twine Co Expression Co.

Gertler Elec. Supply Corp

Wood Ridge Mfg. Co., Inc

Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co John Wiley & Sons, Inc Vought & Williams, Inc Veeay Co. Superior Seating Co., Inc Hagstrom Co., Inc Taylor Instrument Co South Western Pub. Co Solvay Sales Corp Williams & We11§ Co

Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co

United Publishers Service Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc Chas. H. Shay Carolyn Bloomer Linen Thread Co., Inc. Roy Kahne Crannell, Nugent & Kranzer, Inc. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. A. Buchholtz Co., Inc. A. S. Barnes Co. Louis Shiffman Continental Ptg. Co. Remington Rand, Inc. Davega City Radio, Inc

Associated Paper Prod. Co Ay Won Toy & Novelty Corp. . Interboro Chem. Co. Garlock Packing Co. Soapitor Co., Inc. Harry F. Cedar Rex Cole, Inc. Fredk. W. Kaelber, Inc. Max E. Woyke & Bro. Johnson Service Co.

Homer Engineering Co., Inc Robert E. Lobdell Benjamin Goldman Broadman Electric Co. Iron Clad & Ribbon Carbon Co. Pine Hill Crystal Spring Water Co. Pine Hill. Crystal Spring Water Co. Pine Hill Crystal Spring Water Co. Eagle Stationery Co. Globe Wernicke Sales Co Manhattan Stationery , Co., Inc. Old Town Ribbon & Carbon Co. Houghton, Mifflin Co. Forest Paper Co., Inc.

20400 9800

133 46 2900

331 25 193 80 343 00 247 00 89000 640 00 179 00 254 00 6600

41 17 49 50 14 40

11 64

180 6400 10 02

94 00 15 65 18 02

5 50 38 77 16 00

645 13 93 65


53 36

17 80 17 36 13 74 8 42

18 00 10 75 300 3 97

20 75 3 06

40 00 3 30 1 67 784

12 00 45 00 7 00 260 9 75 6 80

6090 1 50 2 25

12 20 17 50 1600 4 00 2 58

4500 12 58 14 85 60 21 5 16

68800 2 75

43 00 7790

4 00

400 9 30

2804 19 80

24896 5 76

4 94 2400 45 75

1 20

68-339 68-340 68-341 68-342 68-343 68-344 68-345 68-346 68-347 68-348 54A115 54A116 54A117 54A118 54A119 54A120 54A121 54A122 54A123 54A 124 33-81 33-82 33--8.3 3.3-84 33-85

163207 163208 163209 163210 163211 163212 163213 163214 163215 163216 163217 163218 163219 163220 163221 163222 163223 163224 163225

163226 163227 163228 163229

163196 163197 163198 163199 163200 163201 163202 163203 163204 163205 163206

163181 163182 163183 163184 163185 163186 163187 163188 163189 163190 163191 163192 163193 163194


162903 162904 162905 163230 163231 163232 163233 163234 163235 163236 163237 163108

Atlas Stationery Corp. 3 70 M. J, Tobin Co., Inc. 46 80 Oxford University Press 16 84 Vanguard Press 3 25 Armor Elevator Co., Inc 598 00 Frank Elian & Co. 60 00 Charles Michaels 343 00 M. Farbman 129 00 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc 2 60 Harry Barth, Inc. 25 20 Standard Beauty Supply Co. 4 50

122910 Psaty & Fuhrman, Inc. .. , . 21,450 00 Charles Bruning Co., Inc 52 00 Man. Stationery Co., Inc 8 25 Eugene Dietzgen Co., Inc 115 88 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works 5 10 Fairbanks Morse & Co 3 95 Eagle Lock Co 11 40 Standard Gas Equip. Co 1 06 Charles Kurzon, Inc 37 58 Charles Kurzon, Inc 21 28 Bostitch, N. Y., Inc 17 77 Morris Abrams, Inc 2 90 Semel Goldman 4 10 Semel Goldman 5 80 Haupt Paint & Hdwe. Co , Inc. 75 63 American Abrasive Metals Co.

John Buchanan 22 00 P. Fingerhut 72 25 Marmion Cont. Co 24 80 Andrew Herzing 123 33 Hyman Jaeckel 41 81 H. H. Aldag 33 24 Louis Guerr 22 17 H. Pfund 28 68 H. Pfund 57 13 H. Pfund 17 65 John Abel 21 09 John Abel 34 55 L. Sisskind Co 117 94 L. Sisskind Co 4 27 James I. Kelly, Inc 30 00 James I. Kelly, Inc 39 18 Syl. Cont. Co 34 56 Syl. Cont. Co 28 38 R. Solomon, assignee of Philip Dimenstein 34 00 J. W. Kreisberg 53 33 Martin J. Hayden 36 45 H. A. Gleason 38 60 Anton Stapf 52 72

Department of Health Hospital Equipment Corp 90 00 Hospital Supply Co 67 20 Jaclin Stationery Corp 19 95 Manhattan Staty. Co., Inc. 340 20 Maternity Center Assn 167 00 J. Sontag Sons, Inc 93 00 Paramount Stationery Corp 21 25 M. Reischmann & Sons, Inc 65 00 Superior Duck Clothing Co 19 45 George Tiemann & Co 11 35 Hospital Equipment Corp 18 00 Hospital Supply Co 13 44 Jaclin Stationery Corp 3 99 Manhattan Staty. Co., Inc 68 04 Mateirnity Center Assn 33 40 J. Sontag Sons, Inc 18 60 Paramount Stationery Corp 4 25 M. Reischmann & Sons, Inc 13 00 Superior Duck Clothing Co 3 89 George Tiemann & Co 11 35 Hospital Equipment Corp 18 00 Hospital Supply Co 13 44 Jarlin Stationery Corp 3 99 Manhattan Staty. Co., Inc 08 04 Maternity Center Assn 33 40


162907 162908 162909 162910 162911 162912 162913 162914 162915 162916 162917 16291S 162893




162897 162898 162899


162901 162902

162982 R. E. Tostman 18 53 162983 Blanche B. Sawyer 31 79 162958 Bank of Manhattan Co 769 20 162959 Metropolitan Life Insurance

Co. 612 00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, 612 00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 282 00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 282 00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 202 09

162960 Dolray Holding Corp 119 50 162961 Adca Realty Co 119 50 162962 D. A. Schulte, Inc 4,628 00

D. A. Schulte, Inc 680 00 D. A. Schulte, Inc 680 00 D. A. Schulte, Inc 141 00 D. A. Schulte, Inc 141 00 D. A. Schulte, Inc 161 53

162963 108 First Ave. Realty Corp 170 49 108 First Ave. Realty Corp 46 82 108 First Ave. Realty Corp 6 00

162964 Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank 126 56 Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank 10 85

President, Borough of Manhattan 162572 Frank J. Taylor, Comptroller 1,205 162573 Frank J. Taylor, Comptroller 982 162574 Frank J. Taylor, Comptroller 368 162646 104462 Triboro Asphalt Corp. 42 162647 101656 N. Y. Central R. R. Co 11,000 162648 122965 Poirier & McLane Corp 162,609 162649 114623 Highway Improvement & Re-

pair Co. 29 162650 114700 Venetian Cont. Co. 36 162651 114734 Edward T. Barry 94 162652 119696 N. Y. Central R. R. Co 312 162653 122083 Carbloc Paving Corp. 575 162654 122916 Goss Bros. 6,846 162655 123320 Frederick Snare Corp. 100,566

President, Borough of The Bronx—Public Works PW

161B79 Lee Bros., Inc. 125 00 161B80 N. Y. Tel. Co. 12 98 161B81 Gotham Towel Supply Co ,

Inc. .. 1 53 161B82 Pine Hill Crystal Spring

Water Co. 4 60 President, Borough of Brooklyn

162797 J. Ebb Weir & Co. 50 00 162798 Anasser 35 00 162799 Western Union Tel, Co 48 50 162800 E. E. Rutter 30 00 162801 W. J. Keller 439 00 162802 W. J. Keller 143 00 162803 W. J. Keller 143 00 162804 W. J. Keller 143 00 162805 Newdon & Co. 222 00 162806 George P. Donohue 697 00 162807 I. Block 6 50 162793 121316 D. J. McCoy Asphalt Corp 1,346 83 162794 121315 D. J. McCoy Asphalt Corp 1,123 48 162795 121319 B. Turecamo Cont. Co., Inc 1,384 04 162796 121321 B. Turecamo Cont. Co., Inc 1,772 18

President, Borough of Brooklyn—Public Works PW

118B19 Psaty & Fuhrman, Inc. 69,659 10 Department of Purchase

161989 Montgomery & Co., Inc 161990 Manning, Maxwell & Moore

Manning, Maxwell & Moore Manning, Maxwell & Moore

161991 Mead Johnson & Co., Inc 161992 Medo Photo Supply Corp 161993 Maplewood Paper Mills 161994 Mennen Co. 161995 Merck & Co., Inc

Merck & Co., Inc 161996 Metropolitan Electrical 161997 Meinecke & Co 161998 Geo. B. Marx, Inc 161999 S. B. Marks Co 162000 Pittsburg Plate Glass Co... 162131 Clark Boardman Co., Ltd.... 162132 Joseph Cavanagh & Co 162133 Bucabel Tool Mfg, Co., Inc 162134 State Department of Correc-

tion 162135 Cameron Surgical Specialty

Co. 4 00 162136 N. Abrahams Sons, Inc 99 64 162137 Belknap, Moran Allen Co ,

Inc. 40 38 162138 Behrer Nason Co 1 60 162139 Carman Co., Inc 27 37 162140 Chase Brass & Copper Co 14 21 162141 American Mfg. Co 20 86 162142 Seco Co. 560 00 162143 Baitinger Electric Co., Inc. 7 52 162144 Ayres & Galloway Hardware

Co., Inc. 10 67 162145 Max Berman, Inc 69 00 162146 Bender Sure Stop Brake 192 37 162147 A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 642 50

A. L. Cahn & Sons, Inc 29 40 162118 American Hard & Wet Wash

Laundry . 35 162119 Burgess Battery C 3 60 162120 Cambridge Instrument Co ,

Inc. 5 04 162121 T. E. Boyd Paper Co 9 00 162122 J. Beilkoff 12 38 162123 Atlas Stationery Co 1 13 162124 Addressograph - Multigraph

Corp. 1 86 162125 Waterbury Button Co 211 30 162126 Arlington Chemical Co 6 75 162127 Beck Duplicator Co 12 00

03 97 04 22 00 21

35 85 50 51 16 71 90

14 50 48 28 25 20 2 85

82 95 36 08 17 75 13 50 3078

206 40 Dist. 5 37

100 75 495 00 28473 148 50

3 25 9488 2940

315 00

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract er No. Number

Name of Payee Amount




Invoke Finance Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee er No. Number

33-86 J. Sontag Sons, Inc 18 60

33-87 Paramount Stationery Corp 4 25

33-88 M. Reischmann & Sons, Inc 13 00

33-89 Superior Duck Clothing Co 3 89

33-90 George Tiemann & Co 11 35

7-69 Hospital Equipment Corp 18 00

7-70 Hospital Supply Co 13 44

7-71 Jaclin Stationery Corp 3 99

7-72 Manhattan Staty. Co., Inc 68 04

7:73 Maternity Center Assn 33 40

7-74 J. Sontag Sons, Inc 18 60

7-75 Paramount Stationery Corp 4 25

7-76 M. Reischmann & Sons 13 00

7-77 Superior Duck Clothing Co 3 89 Department of Hospitals

162882 118582 Harry Hershon Co., Inc 517 70

162883 123133 John Rosenblum, Inc 10,182 96

162884 123115 Beth David Hospital 395 83

162885 122194 Bushwick Hospital 791 66

162886 122200 Columbus Hospital 791 66

162887 122210 Knickerbocker Hospital 1,187 50 162888 122218 N. Y. Homeopathic Medical

College & Flower Hospital 791 66 162889 122224 Rockaway Beach Hospital &

Dispensary 791 66

162890 122229 St. Vincent's Hospital of City of N. Y. 1,187 50

162891 122232 Swedish Hospital in Bklyn 395 83

162892 122237 Unity Hospital 791 66 Miscellaneous

162575 Beards Erie Basin, Inc., or F.igene Fay, attorney 127 22

162576 Kickerbocker Village, Inc , or Nordlinger, Riegelman & Cooper, attorney 160 73

162577 Michael Holzman 273 94

162578 Cornelius R. Ryan 4 00

162579 Madeline Coshear 65 16

162616 Joseph Rubinetti 557 54

162617 Frank Isoldi 454 49

162618 Thomas Moore 1,537 63

162619 Michael J. Ahearn 1,470 92

162620 Westchester Sq. Hospital 249 50

162621 Norman Sharpe 40 85

162622 J. Chassim 48 45

162623 Giacchino De Santis 400 03

162624 James MacVittie 605 88

162666 Chamberlain, City of N. Y. 80 39 Chamberlain, City of N. Y. 4 76

162667 Rose De Lautreppe 70 41 Rose De Lautreppe 06

162668 Joseph Fedyn 36 65 Joseph Fedyn 1 96

162669 Mary Mass 10 72 Mary Mass 1 66

162670 Celia Goldwasser & Rose Wald 23 96 Celia Goldwasser & . Rose Wald 11 88

162671 Generoso Sarno 15 03 Generoso Sarno 1 49

162672 C. J. Sawicki 21 48 C. J. Sawicki 2 29

162673 S. Garnitsky 6 28 S. Garriitsky 13

162658 Stephen Volosek & Pauline Volosek 38 56 Stephen Volosek & Pauline a Volosek 85

162659 Tiny Lazarus 13 08 Tiny Lazarus 41

162660 M. F. Babenzien 61 06 M. F. Babenzien 1 35

162661 The Thrift 118 17 The Thrift 4 40

162662 Essie Debroe 15 00 Essie Debroe 2 22

162663 Owners Loan Corp 11 68 Owners Loan Corp 23

162664 Owners Loan Corp 44 83 Owners Loan Corp 1 12

162665 John A. Johnson 9 83 John A. Johnson 1 12

162682 Mary A. Carey 21 71 Mary A. Carey 32

162683 F. Voyack 10 38 F. Voyack 54

162674 Edw. Rodgers 122 88 Edw. Rodgers 3 97

162675 Wm. J. Reusch 17 46 Wm. J. Reusch 1 04

162676 John Snee 19 56 John Snee 30

162677 Michael Lynch 15 48 Michael Lynch 26

162678 Home Owners Loan Corp 98 96 Home Owners Loan Corp 8 29

162679 Home Owners Loan Corp 29 51 Home Owners Loan Corp 75

162680 Maud Kaess 18 29 Maud Kaess 40

162681 Kate P. Blanchard 15 73 Kate P. Blanchard 99

163049 Joseph F. Soviero 6 64 Joseph F. Soviero 3 97

163050 John G. Scheld 40 34 John G. Scheld 57

163051 Helen M. Haupt 40 97 Helen M. Haupt 5 20

163052 Joseph Granata 9 89 Joseph Granata 1 30

163053 Gold Mark Building Corp 41 54 Gold Mark Building Corp 2 75

163054 William L. Brower 11 67 William L. Brower 72

163055 Henry Livingston 23 79 Henry Livingston 1 21

163056 Williamsburg Savings Bank 11 43 Williamsburg Savings Bank 80

163057 Mrs. E. Frederick 16 18 Mrs. E. Frederick 1 04

Amount Name of Payee

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract er No. Number





163062 163063 163064 163065


163067 163068 163069



163072 163073 163074 163075 163076

162635 162636 162637 162638 162639 162640 162641 162642 162643 162644 162625







162632 162633 162634 163077








163137 163138 63139

163140 163141 163142 163143 163144 163145 163146 163147 163148 163149

163123 163124 163125 163126 163127 163128 163129 163130 163131 163132 163133 163134 163135 163136 163109 163110 163111 163112

163113 163114 163115 163116 163117 163118 163119 163120 163121 163122 162980 162981

Harry M. Conklin Harry M. Conklin Geo. D. Hopkins Geo. D. Hopkins Elizabeth Smedes ,. Elizabeth Smedes Teresa L. Herbert Teresa L. Herbert William Tamm Arthur Fallon Norman W. Andrews Henry E. Rau and Amelia Rau William Westervelt and Vic- toria Westervelt Bertha E. Proben Ernest W. Hartung Brooklyn Trust Co. Brooklyn Trust Co. Roosevelt Savings Bank Roosevelt Savings Bank Fred Sutton Fred Sutton Fred F. Sturm Mrs. C. D. Warncke Fiduciary Holding Corp 145-03 Jamaica Ave. Corp Mrs. H. ITT. Little Mrs. H. N. Little Harry M. Kidder Alexander Blume Alexander Blume David Geller Berry H. Horne Joseph A. Mtthews Joseph A. Matthews Alexander Blume Alexander Blume Harry M, Kidder N. Y. Trust Co., as executor of last will & testament of Ayrus Hitchcock, deceased N. Y. Trust Co., as executor of last will & testament of Ayrus Hitchcock, deceased Henry Loock Henry Loock Max Meyers Max Meyers Isaac R. Van Houten Isaac R. Van Houten Minnie Lorenz Minnie Lorenz John C. Orr, 2d John C. Orr, 2d Salvatore M. De Pasquale Salvatore M. De Pasquale City of N. Y Harry M. Kidder Harry M. Kidder Charles Gablemann Charles Gablemann Martina Peterson Martina Peterson Edwin S. Southern Edwin S. Southern Estate of John K. Wakefield Estate of John K. Wakefield Estate of Mary O'Connell Estate of Mary O'Connell Florence B. Weber Florence B. Weber Anton Klubal Anton Klubal Roosevelt Savings Bank... Roosevelt Savings Bank... . Remuda Realty Hldg. Corp. Catherine Wittstock William Luckel G. P. Pantaleo Cecilia J. Bradford Lillian R. Leudeman John 0. Pfeil James J. McGahan Charles MacKinnon Martin Brown Rene Bahl Helen Lannan John E. Collopy John E. Collopy Mrs. J. Bimpson Marius Carlsen Wheeler H. Johnson Samuel Jacobson Edward J. Bilson Tiny Lazarus L. Bollonder Peter Koehler Ida Hine Mary Keegan V. H. Pollachek J. McCarthy Mrs. J. O'Brien John Quinton Gustave Stiefeling H. & M. Schneider Ida H. Tegge Estate of Alfred B. Louns- berry George C. Mar Michael A. Stern Frank C. Wohlgemuth Michael Klueg William J. Russell Mary Obach Jessie L. Ritterbusch John F. Connerty William Ruscher Agnes L. Wernig Minnie Brenner Anna C. Macauley


14 75 93

18 32 27

15 10 1 01

2926 M

10 38 23 60 3363

31 05

13 84 10 38 15 73 37 14 1 43

11 80 88

14 59 24

44 65 17 31 11 51 16 55 44Th 2 54

1800 310 00 270 00

4 80 5 50

69 00 59 60 50 00 93 00 91 00

260 00

541 04 10000 200 25 120 00 232 60 150 57 252 40 50 00 83 81

426 76 682 71 100 00 135 61 318 05 12 40 2 40 946 1 37

12 27 1 50

10 17 73

41 37 1 35

18 83 15

33 11 1 53

35 64 1 54

32 25 3 13

284 97 27 69 50 71 15 58 42 33 29 15 27 26 10 38 25 41 16 29 19 56 15 48 15 92

80 12 98 16 52 15 11 58 99 3 41 2 17

33 29 7244 85 24 16 30

127 51 15 48 16 29 21 55 38 84

322 40 20 37

41 12 4470 7 17

50 30 76 32 11 98 38 82 43 43 17 48 47 82 11 08 13 57 2718

161955 161932 161933 161934

161935 161936 161937 161938 161939 161940

161941 161942 161943 161944

161945 162957 162868 162869 162870

123496 121706 122049

162871 123541





61 31 00 24 82 1 70

37 20 9 00

30 00 174 25

76 50 7740

162945 162946 162947 162948 162949

69 65 9 80

. 2 75 50 00

286 118 00 313 20 84 70

180,099 23

193,860 62 919 10

40 44 497 80 109 50

1,173 50 935 68

1,580 25 5,855 41 1,356 59

123 30 227 72 312 25

1,044 05 10,074 00 1,891 76 1,194 90

324 00 30 30 36 50

459 09 176 40

1,902 63 1,026 00 6,258 03

1,593 07 1,920 32

339 65 1,900 84

702 44 250 31 67 03

204 40 4,707 83 3,881 30 6,614 50

508 99 2,488 14 1,653 00 .1,997 88

900 00 27,746 53

Francis M. A. Leach 1,100 32 Francis H. Leggett & Co 2,675 55 Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. 259 58 Seeman Bros., Inc. 1,423 82 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 175 00 Zenith Godley Co., Inc 12,762 90 R. C. Williams & Co., Inc 170 95 R. C. Williams & Co., Inc 341 27 Barber Co., Inc. 6,602 67 Barrett Co. 2,505 87 Max Berman, Inc. 1,808 44 Donaldson Iron Co. 4,515 41 Mergentime, Inc. 9 95 Levinson Produce Co. 20 80 L. & B. Fish Co. 72 25 Mercantile Butter & Egg Co , Inc. 1,281 12 Francis H. Leggett & Co 21 00 Francis H. Leggett & Co 109 92 North Western Fruit and Produce Co. 844 52 Simensky & Levy Corp 1,271 83 Simensky & Levy Corp 671 60 Simensky & Levy Corp 929 q Simensky & Levy Corp 4 03 John Minder & Son, Inc. 104 50 Manhattan Fruit Contg. Co 1,144 03 Pyramid Produce Corp 531 04 Manhattan Fruit Contg. Co , Inc. 759 38 Manhattan Fruit Contg. Co , Inc, 1,185 01 Manhattan Fruit Contg. Co , Inc. J. H. Michaels Co. Baer Bros. Baer Bros. J. M. Baum & Sons, Inc J. M. Baum & Sons, Inc Bainbridge, Kimpton & Haupt, Inc. 18 60 American Hard Rubber Co 196 00 American White Cross Labs , Inc. Ay Won Toy & Nov. Corp Baitinger Electric Co., Inc Baker & Taylor Co Aeroil Burner Co., Inc American Optical Co Annin & Co. Atlantic Southwestern Broom Co. H. W. Bellco Accoustical Const. Corp ... American Laundry Machin- ery Co. Anchor Packing Co Asbestos Const. Co., Inc Atlantic Coast Hardware Co., Inc. 14 93 Harry Barth, Inc. 33 50

Robley Press Service, Inc Robley Press Service Simplex Time Recorder Co DeVinne-Brown Corp. William C. Jones Envelope Co., Inc. Alexander Press William Bratter, Inc William Bratter, Inc George H. Flinn Corp Arthur A. Johnson Corp & Necaro Co., Inc N. Y. Tel. Co Forest Box & Lumber Co , Inc. Forest Box & Lumber Co , Inc. Joseph Kurzon, Inc Midtown Electric Supply Co Carroll McCreary Co., Inc Durham Co., Inc E. River Mill & Lumber Co Egleston Bros. & Co., Inc Forest Box & Lumber Co , Inc. Germain Lumber Corp Germain Lumber Corp Keystone Bolt & Nut Corp Joseph Kurzon, Inc Goldring Hat Co., Inc Meadow Gold Products Corp F. W. Stock & Sons F. W. Stock & Sons Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc Photostat Corp. Progressive Drug Co., Inc E. R. Squibb & Sons J. F. Gleason Co Goodman Kleiner Co., Inc N. S. Low & Co., Inc

Superior Duck Clothing Co Colprovia Asphalt Corp ... Gallagher Bros. Sand & Gravel Corp. Solvay Sales Corp Borden Corp. Isidor Frank N. Y. City Beef Co. N. Y. City Beef Co. Kellogg Sales Co. Kellogg Sales Co. Burns Bros. Burns Bros. Burns Bros. Burns Bros. Burns Bros. Burns Bros. Burns Bros. Consumers Petroleum Corp Gulf Oil Corp.

163003 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Co. 86 40

163004 Arcy Mfg. Co. 11 04

163005 Art Steel Co., Inc 10 50 Department of Sanitation

162570 Lehr Auto Supply Co., Inc. 143 76

162571 E.J. Merrill Spring Co 165 12

162556 Baker Field Garage, Inc 652 74

162557 Edward Walsh 120 87

162558 International Business Ma- chines Corp. 269 00

162559 Henry Romeike Press Clip- ping Bureau 10 65

162560 Charles Bruning Co., Inc 22 35

162561 Doring Service 38 00

2,893 44 162562 Danes, Dancker, Lane, Inc. 165 00

162563 Kolesch & Co. 87 00

281 67 162564 Edward Walsh 37 88

59 32 162565 DeVinne-Brown Corp. 78 00

162566 Electro Sun Co., Inc 59 40

162567 Edward Walsh 201 39

162568 General Fireproofing Co 32 93

162569 Remington Rand, Inc 118 26

162554 Estate of Ellen Cosgrove 2,395 30

162555 J. Carl Schmulk 150 00

162880 Relief & Pension Fund 240,000 00

162881 James F Dwyer • 31 10 James F. Dwyer 134 20 James F. Dwyer 24 65

162861 Frederick Brinks 771 75

162862 N. Y. Cinders Delivery Co , Inc. 840 00

,52863 U ristie Scow Corp. 720 00

162864 Bleakley Transportation Co , Inc. 2,448 00

162865 Ellen Cosgrave 360 00

162866 John E. Davies, Inc. 441 48 162867. Peerless Blueprint Co. 111 37

PW Department of Sanitation-Public Works

27A920 Buff & Buff Mfg. Co. 47 00

27A922 Charles Spero 22 50

27A923 Edward Walsh 10 66

27A924 United Blueprint Co., Inc 12 10 Department of Taxes and Assessments

162645 Albert Goldman 100 00 Board of Transportation

162601 Consolidated Edison Cc. of N. Y., Inc. 12 00

162602 Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. 47 39 Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. 3 02

162603 Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. 75 Consolidated Edison Co. of N. Y., Inc. 45

162604 Consumers Electric Service Co., Inc. 9 43

162605 Independent Electric Lighting Corp.. 8 48

162606 Renvok Management, Inc... 5 37 162607 F. D. Gulliver 35 00 162608 Louis Gretsch 43 50

162509 Louis Gretsch 126 57 162610 Louis Gretsch 46 89

Louis Gretsch . 319 53 162611 W. C. Whiston 10 70 162582 W. C. Whiston 4 15 162586 Appeal Ptg. Co., Inc 1,178 91 162587 Appeal Ptg. Co., Inc 558 01 162588 Chas. Bruning Co., Inc 234 17 162589 Cadillac Motor Sales Car

Div. Co. of General Motors Corp. 20 48

162590 City Chemical Corp 2 45 162591 DeVinne-Brown Corp. 1,262 50 162592 Chelsea Press 83 00 162593 City Chemical Corp 10 20 162594 Glidden Buick Corp 6 20 162595 Hough Shade Corp 797 18 162596 Geo. J. McFadden, Inc 85 46 162597 A. R. Nelson Co., Inc 57 62 162598 Palo Meyers, Inc 2 22 162599 Schrell & Brock, Inc 76 80 162600 Vanderbilt Towel Supply Co 23 42 162583 Lanston Monotype Mach. Co 3 20 162584 Lanston Montoype Mach. Co 1 60 162585 Vanderbilt Towel Supply Co 19 92

Ernst Bischoff Co., Inc Zauser & Co

Baker, Voorhis & Co., Inc Eimer & Amend Eimer & Amend

Borough Hay & Grain Co Darcoid Co., Inc Beth Israel Hospital Ajax Envelope Co., Inc Dabis & Geck, Inc Ehrmann Strauss Co., Inc Brooklyn, Fire Brick Works, Inc. Brilliant Chemical Co Alba Pharmaceutical Co , Inc. State of N. Y., Dept. of Correction A. P. Dienst Co., Inc Driver Desk Co East Coast Electrical Sup- ply Co., Inc Browning Bros., Inc I. Edward Brown, Inc

Croker Fire Prevention Corp F. F. Fuhrman

Electric Motor & Repair Co Eureka Fire Hose Div Dykes Lumber Co Addressograph - Multigraph Corp. Samuel G. Braun, Inc Garlock Packing Co Julius Fowl, Inc A. C. Colby Machy. Co Max Berman, Inc Cuny & Guerber, Inc Cartis Mfg. Co Baitinger Electric Co., Inc Baitinger Electric Co., Inc Colonial Beacon Oil Co Bess Supply Co., Inc Quaker City Rubber Co Electric Boat Co Ostrander Electrical Supply Corp. Essex Rubber Co., Inc Borden Co. Baums Castorine Co., Inc American Corrugated Paper Products Corp. National Adhesive Corp... Richmond Ice Co Bookar Ennis Drug Co., Inc Berg Chemical Co A. Pearson's Sons Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 3,261 95 Edward Beards & Son, Inc 146 50 Acme Brush Corp 1 95 C. R. Bard, Inc 31 44 N. Y. Laboratory Supply Co , Inc. 156 00 L. S. Brack Mfg. Corp 175 00 Cooper Stamp Works 20 96 Sheffield Farms Co., Inc 28,223 20 Knickerbocker Ice Co 8 51 Haloid Co. 11 14 Haloid Co. 31 43 J. G. Saltzman Co., Inc 304 88 J. G. Saltzman Co., Inc 1 94 J. G. Saltzman Co., Inc 1 94 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 3,422 30 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 37 10 Knickerbocker Ice Co 6 65 Knickerbocker Ice Co 21 60 Consolidated Elec. Lamp Co 5 36 Socony Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 92 50 Burroughs Wellcome & Co , Inc. 6 38 Carworth Farms, Inc 7 50 Ciba Co., Inc 9 45 Jaburg Bros., Inc 473 30 N. S. Low & Co., Inc 31 07 Sinclair Refining Co 904 79 E. R. Squibb & Sons 1,862 00 U. S. Elec. Mfg. Corp 302 60 T. C. Wheaton Co 570 00 Colonial Woolen Mills Co 6,553 65 R. W. Geldart & Co., Inc 2,108 00 Lion Varnish Works, Inc 2,023 45 Auto Eectric Distributors 232 50 K. & S. Metal Supply, Inc 708 39 Polygraphic Co. of America, Inc. 1,196 70 American Oxygen Service Corp. 1,523 36 Winthrop Chemical Co., Inc. 21 30 Burland Ptg. Co., Inc 1,615 04 Knickerbocker Ice Co 39 06 American Pharmaceutical Co 47 50 American Star Cork Co., Inc 753 44 Bogert & Hopper, Inc 76 85 Duke Laboratories 336 96 Gilberton Corp. 70 00 Gregg Pub. Co 31 91 Heyden Chemical Corp 8 08 Hospital Supply Co 251 34 V. P. Houston 31 34 Jaburg Bros., Inc 321 79 Tension Envelope Corp 700 06 Walden Sons & Mott, Inc 3 00 Lawyers Co-op. Pub, Co.. 647 50 Remington Rand, Inc 118 07 Austin & Magill, Inc 34 75 Tiebel Bros., Inc 40 72 Tiebel Bros., Inc 186 65 F. Hubner & Co., Inc 30 00 International Business Ma- chines Corp. 227 68 Standard Register Co 568 90

163006 121733

163007 122330 163008 121983 163009 121706 163010 122166 163011 122332 163012 122336 163013 122343 163014 123875 163015 121837 163016 122140 163017 123167 163018 122142 163019 123518 162952 162953 162954 162955 162956 162940 162941 162942 162943


162872 162873 162874

162875 162876 162877

162878 162879 163020 163021 163022 163023 163024 163025 163026 163027 163028 163029 163030 163031

162128 162129 162130 162282

162283 162284 162285 162286 162287 162288 162289

162290 162291


162293 162294 162295

162296 162297 162298 162299 162300 162301 162302 162303

162304 162305 162306 162307 161946 161947 161948 161949

161950 161951 161952 161953 161954

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract

Name of Payee

Amount er No. Number

121661 121661 121706

122249 121661 122305

122196 122422 123361 122316 123836 122669 123260 122328 122932 123886 123452 121977 122761 123938

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee


er No. Number

Invoice Finance Date or Vouch- Contract Name of Payee Amount er No. Number

18 00 256 20

94 50

6 00 2 93

80 56

53 00 85

2 76 42 00 5 75

790 99 505 44 96 32

2 48 1 65 4 62

37 50 345 00 137 74 294 00

3 20 1 17

24 60 16 50 27 12

406 48 144 38

49 00 454 65

9 00 16 48

52 80 7 00

105 00 178 45 85 08 31 20

162950 162951

162580 121546 162581 122552

163080 122454 162824 122924

162825 162826 162827 162828 162829 162830 162831

162832 162833 162834 162835 162836 162811 162812

162813 162814 162815 162816 162817 162818 162819 162820 162821 162822

121661 121657 122365 122417 123695 122262 122275 122941 123508 121836

123569 122925 122765 123522 122894 123159 123311

123522 123533 123424 121932 123567 123392 123568

162823 123678 162837 123479 162838 123817 162839 123823

162840 123396

162857 162858 162859 162860 163045 163046 163047 163048

162841 162842 162843 162844 162845 162846 162847 162848 162849 162850 162851 162852 162853 162854 162855 162856

123550 123683 123683 123682 123682 123559 123683 123923 123722 123523 123524 123363 123544 121661 123754 123555

121820 123505 123561 123213


162989 162990 162991 162992 162993 162994 162995

162996 162997 162998

162999 163000 163001



163034 163035 163036 163037 163038 163039 163040 163041



163044 162984



162987 162988

312,50 255 12 212 50

99 00 132 48 14 70 3 00

118 00 4 50 6420

1486 3 24 17 00 6700 14 90


24 00 144

27 00 162697


162537 162538 162539 162540 162541 162542 1.62543 162544 162545

162546 162547 162548

162549 162550 162551 162552 162553 Department 162692 162693 162694 162695

162536 Transit Commission Cross & Brown Co., agent for Jacob Ruppert Realty Corp. Mack Nomberg Jaclin Stationery Corp Perry Ptg. & Stationery Co Oak Press, Inc West Pub. Co Edward Thompson Co Baker, Voorhis & Co., Inc Frank Shepard Co Security Steel Equipment Corp. Easterline Angus Co So. Dist. Court Reporters U. S. Sanitary Specialities Corp. Puro Filter Corp. of America E. B. Latham & Co Samuel H. Moss, Inc Case Press, Inc West Pub. Co

of Water Suoply. Gas Walden Tel. Co William Tracy Frank Kaye Winfred D. Hubbard Winfred D. Hubbard Wm. P. Smith Wm. P. Smith Wm. G. Quirk Wm. G. Quirk Wm. G. Quirk

6500 120 00 9044 940

72 95 500

and Electricity 7 10 400

150 00 890 200

2970 35

2963 7 85


3,883 33 76 70 277 85 384 22

10 75 500

2000 11 00 35 00

37 83 926 32 70



OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Unless otherwise stated. City Offices are

open from 9 a. m• to 5 p. m.: Saturdays to II noon: County Offices, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Aaturdays to 12 noon.

ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- 2 Lafayette st.. Manh'n WO rtb 2-4315

ALDERMEN. BOARD OF— City Hall, Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-6770 Clerk's Office, Municipal Bldg . WO rth 2-4430 President's Office. City Hall, CO rtlnd 7-6770

ARMORY BOARD•- Municinal Bid!.. Manh'n WO rth 2-1330

ART COMMISSION— City Hall. Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-1197

ASSESSORS. BOARD OF— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rtb 2-0029

BRONX. PRESIDENT OF- 851 Grand Concourse JE.rome 6-3941

BROOKLYN, PRESIDENT OF— Borough Hall TR iangl 5-7100

BUDGET, BUREAU OF THE— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-6706

BUILDINGS. DEPARTMENT OF—See respective Borough Presidents.

CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER- 125 Worth St.. Manh'n WO rth 2-3711

Open all hours of day and night. Bronx-850 Walton ave JE rome 7-4642

Open all hours of day and night. Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg. TR iangl 5-9258

Open all hours of day and night. Queens—Mortuary Building. Queensboro

Hospital, Parsons blvd. ...RE pubic 9-3792 Open 9 a. m. to midnight; Sundays

and holidays to 12 noon. Richmond—Police Headquarters,St.

7-0007 George SA Open 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturdays

to 12 noon; closed Sundays and holidays.

CHILD WELFARE. BOARD OF- 52 Chambers st.. Manh'n.....CO rtlnd 7-5210

CITY CHAMBERLAIN— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5600

CITY CLERK— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4430 Bronx-177th st. and 3d ave. .TR emnt 8-2204 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg. .TR iangl 5-7100 Queens-21.10 49th ave., L. I. C ST ilwel 4-5440 Richmond—Borough Hall ....GI braltr 7-1000

CITY COURT— New York County—Old County Court

House, 52 Chambers st CO rtlnd 7-6264 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE tome 6-6985 Kings-120 Schermerhorn st.CUmbrind 6-6070 Queens-29th st.. Bridge Plaza North,

L. I. City ST ilwel 4-7003 Richmond-66 Lafayette ave„ New

Brighton GI braltr 7-6280 Clerk's Offices open from 9 a. m. to

4 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon. Courts open at 10 a. m. General and commercial calendars called at 9.45 a. in.

CITY MAGISTRATES' COURTS— General Office, 300 Mulberry st., Manh'n.

CA nal 6-6500 Clerks' Offices open 9 a. in. to 4.30

p. m.; Saturday to 12 noon. All courts except Traffic, Municipal

Term, Commercial Frauds, Proba. tion, Homicide and Night Courts, Manhattan and Brooklyn. are open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, when only morning sessions are held. The Traffic, Homicide, Mu. nicipal Term and Commercial Frauds Courts are open from 9 a. m. to 4 n. in. daily and are closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. The Night Courts are in session from 8 p. m. to 1 a. m, every night.

Dist, Manhattan 1-32 Franklin at WO rth 2-2061 2-425 6th ave TO mpknsSq. 6-4467 3-2d ave. and 2d st DR ydok 4-1204 4-153 E. 57th st VO lunter 5-0442 5-121st St. and Sylvan p1 HA rim 7-0225 7-314 W. 54th st CO lumbs 5-4630

12-455 W. 151st st ED gecomb 4-8429 Commercial Frauds-52 Chambers st.

CO rtlnd 7-4763 Felony--32 Franklin st WO rth 2-2833 Homicide-301 Mott at CA nal 6-6500 Municipal Term-52 Chambers st.

CO rtlnd 7-4763 Night Court for Men-314 W. 54th st.

CO lumba 5-4630 Probation-300 Mulberry at CA nal 6-6500 Traffic (Lower)-301 Mott st. CA nal 6-6500 Traffic (Upper)-455 W. 151st st.

ED gecomb 4-3700 Women's-425 6th ave ....TO mpknsSq. 6-4628

Dist. Bronx 1-161st at. and 3d ave ME Irose 5-2466 2 and 3-161st St. and 3d ave. ME Irose 5-3670 Felony-161st st. and 3d ave. MEIrose 5-2466 Homicide-161st at. and 3d ave ME Irose 5-1958 Municiral Term-161st St. and 3d ave.

ME Irose 5-1958 Traffic--161st st. and 3d ave. ME Irose 5-1958

Brooklyn Genera? Office—Municipal Bldg.TR iangl 5-7100

Dist. 5—Williamsburg Bridge Plaza.EV ergrn 7-2503 7-25 Snyder ave BU ckmnstr 2-1506 8-2963 W. 8th st CO neyls 6-0013 9-43d St. and 4th ave SU nset 6-0381

10-127 Pennsylvania ave. ...AP plegate 6-8606 Adolescent-120 Schermerhorn st..MA in 4-0216 Felony-120 Schermerhorn st. ..MA in 4-0216 HomiciJ —31 Snyder ave. ..BU ckmnstr 2-3516 Municipal Term-120 Schermerhorn st,

TR iangl 5-4220 Night Bail-120 Schermerhorn st.,MA in 4-0216 Probation—Municipal Bldg.—..TR iangl 5-7100 Traffic-1005 Bedford ave MA in 2-2904

Dist. Queers 1-10.15 49th ave.. L. I. City.IR onsdes 6-9009 2—Town Hall, Flushing FL ushing 9-0228 3-90th st., Far Rockaway BEIIHrbr 5-0125 Felony—Chaffee st. and Catalpa ave., Ridgewood EV ergrn 2-2134

Traffic—Town Hall, Jamaica. .JA maica 6-0318 Rttkatond

1—Bement and Castleton avea.. West New Brighton PO rtRich 7-5712

2-67 Targee St., Stapleton SA intGeo 7-1150 CITY RECORD, BOARD OF—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-310 CORRECTION, DEPARTMENT OF-

139 Centre st.. Manh'n CA nal 6-1390 COUNTY CLERK, BRONX-

851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-5081 COUNTY CLERK. KINGS—

Hall of Records. Bklyn TR iangl 5-8780 COUNTY CLERK. NEW YORK—

County Court House, Manh'n...WO rth 2-6114 COUNTY CLERK, QUEENS-

153.22 Jamaica ave., Jamaica. .JA maica 6-2607 COUNTY CLERK, RICHMOND--

County Court House, S, I....SA intGeo 7-1806 COUNTY COURT. BRONX-

851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-8965 Court opens at 10 a. m.

COUNTY COURT, KINGS'- 120 Schermerhorn st.. Bklyn. .MA in 4-5301

Court opens at 10 a. m. COUNTY COURT. QUEENS-

2422 Jackson ave., L L.I. City ST ilwel 4-7525 Court opens at 10 a. M.

COUNTY COURT, RICHMOND— County Court House, S. I GI braltr 7-7500

Court opens at 10 a. m. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, BRONX-

851 Grand Concourse JE rome 6-5910 9a. in. to5p.m.• Sat. to12noon.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, KINGS— Municipal Bldg., Bklyn TR iangl 5-8900

9a. in. to5v.m.: Sat. to12noon. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, NEW YORK-

137 Centre it,, Manh'n CA nal 6-5700 9 a. m. to S P. m.: Sat. to 12 noon.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, QUEENS— County Court House, L.I. City.ST ilwel 4-.e590

9 a. m. to 5 p. m.: Sat. to 12 noon. DISTRICT ATTORNEY, RICHMOND—

County Court House, S. I....SA intGeo 74049 DOCKS, DEPARTMENT OF—

Pier "A," North River. Man.. WH itehl 4-0600 DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT—

Children's Court Division- Manhattan-137 E. 22d St. .,GR amrcy 5-3611

Bronx-1118 Gr. Concourse. , TE come 7-9800 Bklyn.-111 Schermerhorn st.. R iangl 5-8611

Queens-105-34 Union Hall St Jamaica . maica 6-2545

Richmond-100 Richond ter., St. George .... SA intGeo 7-8300 Hearing of cases begins at 10 a. m.

Family Court Division- Manhattan—l53 E. 57th at.. VO liter 5-0430 Bronx-1118 Gr. Concourse . .JE rome 7-9800 Bklyn, 327 Schermerhorn st,.TR iangl 5-9770 Queens —105-34 Union Hall at.,

Jamaica JA maica 6-2545 Richmond-100 Richmond ter., St.

George SA intGeo 7-8300 EDUCATION, -DEPARTMENT OF—

Park ave. and 59th at., Man VO lunter 5-6600 ELECTIONS. BOARD OF—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rtb 2-1307 Bronx—Tremont and 3d ayes. .TR emnt 8-1186 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg TR fiargl 5-7100 Queens-90-33 Sutphin blvd.. Jamaica

RE publc 9-1916 Richmond—Borough Hall .SA intGeo 7-1955

9 a. M.

to 4 p. in.; Sat. to 12 noon. EMERGENCY RELIEF BUREAU-

902 Broadway, Manh'n GR amrcy 5-3500 ESTIMATE AND APPORTIONMENT—

Secretary's Office, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4560

ESTIMATE AND APPRAISAL— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4600

FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF— Municipal Bldg.. Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 City Collections, Bureau of-

Manhattan—Municipal Bldg WO rth 2-1200 Bronx—Trem. & Arthur aves.TRemnt 2-6000 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg.... TR iangl 5-7100 Queens--Court sq., L, I. C ST ilwel 4-2400 Richmond—Bor. Hall, S. I. GI braltr 7-1000

Emergency Revenue Division- 50 Lafayette st.. Manh'n WO rth 2-4780

Public Works Finance, Division of- 1050 Municipal Bldg.. Man. .WO rth 2-1200

FIRE DEPARTMENT— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4100 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg..... TR iangl 5-8340

Fire Extinguishment. 365 Jay at. CU mbrind 6-4647

GENERAL SESSIONS, COURT OF— Centre and Franklin sty., Manh'n.WO rth 2-5778 Probation Dept. WO rth 2-6632 Clerk's Office open 9 a, m. to 4 p. m,; Saturdays to 12 noon. Court opens at 10 a. m.

HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF- 125 Worth st., Manh'n WO rth 2-6900 Bronx-1918 Arthur ave TR emnt 84320 Bklyn.—Will'by and Fleet sta TR iangl 5-9400 Queens-148-15 Archer aye,, Jamaica

RE public 9-1200 Richmond-51 Stuyvesant pl., St. George


Arsenal Bldg., Manh'n RE gent 4-1000 HIGHER EDUCATION, BOARD OF-

139th st., Convent ave., Man..ED gecomb 4-5400 HOSPITALS, DEPARTMENT OF-

125 Worth st.. Manh'n WO rth 2-4440 JURORS, BRONX, COM'R OF-

851 Grand Concourse, Bronx JE rome 6-4600 .1URORS, KINGS, COM'R OF—

Municipal Bldg., Bkl n TR iangle 5-7100 JURORS, NEW YORK, COM'R OF—

Hall of Records, Manh'n.. WO rth 2-0240 JURORS. RICHMOND' COM'R OF—

County Court House. S. I SA intGeo 7-00P1 LAW DEPARTMENT—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4600 Brooklyn, Municipal Bldg.....TR iangl 5-6330 Street Openings, Bureau of—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2. 4600 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg. ..TR iangi 5-6330 Queens-89.31 161st st., Jmca.JA maica 6-5234

LICENSES, DEPARTMENT OF- 105 Waiker St.. Manh'n CA nal 6-2400 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg..... TR iangl 5-7100 Richmond—Borough Hall GI braltr 7-1000

MANHATTAN, PRESIDENT OF— Municipal Bldg.. Manh'n WO rth 2-5600

MARINE PARKWAY AUTHORITY— Arsenal Bldg., Manh'n RE gent 4-1000

MAYOR'S OFFICE— City Hall, Manh'n :.CO rtlnd 7-1000

MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY- Aldermanic Branch—Clerk's Office, 263

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n.... WO rth 2-4430 Estimate and Apportionment Branch—

Clerk's Office, 1356 Municipal Bldg.. Minh'n WO rth


Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1580 MUNICIPAL COURTS—

Office of the President Justice, 8 Reade St., Manh'n WO rth 2-1400

Office hours: 8.45 a. m, to 5 p. in.; Saturdays to 12 noon.

Dist. Manhattan 1-8 Reade st WO rth 2-1475 2-264 Madison st OR cord 4-4300 3-314 W. 54th st COlumbs 5-1772 4-207 E. 32d st CA ledonia 5-9431 5-2565 Broadway RI versde 9-4006 6-155 E. 88th st SA crmnto 2-7878 7-447 W. 151st st AU dubn 3-4510 8-170 E. 121st at HA rim 7-3950

MA in 2-3010 ST ag 2-7813 SL ocum 6-4500

SU nset 6-2540 BU ekmnstr 2-9643 AP plegate 6-8600

8-1301 Surf ave CO neyls 6-8303 Central Jury and Small Claims Parts-

120 Schermerhorn at TR iangl S-2052

1-10.15 49th ave., L. I City.IR onsdes 6-7987 2-Broadway and Court at., Elmhurst

HA vemyr 9-0087 3-6902 64th at., Ridgewood. HE geman 3-7010 4—Town Hall, Jamaica JA maica 6-0086 5-90th St., Rockaway Beach.BEllHrbr 5-1747 6—Town Hall, Flushing IN depndce 3-5668 Small Claims Part—Town Hall, Jamaica.

JA maica 6-0086 Rwkmnond

1—Bement and Castleton ayes. West New Brighton Pd rnRich 7-0189

2-71 Targee at., Stapleton SA i2sGeo 7-0313 Small Claims Part-71 Targee st.,


Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-6607 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Sat. to 1 p. in.

N. Y. CITY HOUSING AUTHORITY- 10 E. 40th st., Manh'n AS hind 4-8360

N. Y. CITY TUNNEL AUTHORITY- 200 Madison ave., Manh'n. .LE exington 2-5151

PARKS, DEPARTMENT OF— Arsenal Bldg., Central Park, 64th at.

and 5th ave., Manh'n RE gent 4-1000 Bronx—Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont

Park TR emnt 2-5400 Brooklyn—Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park SO uth 8-2300

Queens—The Overlook, Forested~L Park, 3-4560

Richmond—Field House. Clove Lakes Park, Victory blvd. and Clove rd., West Brighton GI braltr 2-7640

PAROLE COMMISSION- 139 Centre st.. Manh'n CA nal 6-3160

PLANT & STRUCTURES. DEPT OF— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rtk 2-4740

POLICE DEPARTMENT- 240 Centre et., Manh'n CA nal 6-2000

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. BRONX- 851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-7484

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, KINGS- Munizipal Bldg., Bklyn TR iangl 5-7100

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, N Y.— Hall of Records. Manh'n WO rth 2-6616

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, QUEENS- 89.31 161st st., Jamaica JA maica 6-5037

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, RICHM'D-Bement and Castleton ayes., West New

Brighton GI braltr 2-2095 PUBLIC MARKETS, WEIGHTS AND

MEASURES. DEPT. OF- 139 Centre at., Manb'n CA nal 6-2880

PUBLIC WELFARE, DEPT. OF- 902 Broadway, Manh'n GR amrcy 7-4700

PURCHASE, DEPARTMENT OF— Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-5860

QUEENS, PRESIDENT OF- 21-10 49th ave., L I, City ST ilwel 4-5400 Topographical Bureau. 45-22 Court sq.,

L I. City ST liwel 4-0800 RECORDS, KINGS. COM'R OF—

Hall of Records. Bklyn TR iangl 5-6988 RECORDS, N. Y., COM'R OF—

Hall of Records. Manh'n WO rth 2-3900 RECORDS. COM'R OF. CITY COURT—

S2 Chambers at., Manh'n CO rtlnd 7-0264 RECORDS, COM'R OF SURROGATES'

COURT, BRONX &OUNTY- 851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-4931


Hall of Records. Manh'n WO rth 2-6744 REGISTER, BRONX COUNTY-

851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-9811 REGISTER. KINGS COUNTY—

Hall of Records, Bklyn TR iangl 5-6800 REGISTER. NEW YORK COUNTY—

Hall of Records. Manh'n WO rth 2-3900 REGISTER. QUEENS COUNTY-

161-04 Jamaica ave., Jamaica. .JA maica 6-8684 REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 RICHMOND. PRESIDENT OF—

Borough Hall, S. I GI braltr 7-1000 SANITATION, DEPARTMENT OF-

125 Worth at., Manh'n WO rth 2-3221 SHERIFF. BRONX COUNTY-

851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-3501 SHERIFF, KINGS COUNTY—

Municipal Bldg., Bklyn TR iangl 5-7100 SHERIFF, NEW YORK COUNTY—

Hall of Records. Manh'n WO rth 2-4300 SHERIFF QUEENS COUNTY—

County 6ourt House, L. I. City. ST ilwel 4-6017 SHERIFF RICHMOND COUNTY—

County Court House, S. I.... SA intGeo 7-0041 SINKING FUND, COM'RS OF—

Municipal Bldg.. Manh'n WO rth 2-1200 SPECIAL SESSIONS, COURT OF—

Clerk's offices open 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays to 12 noon. Courts open at 10 a. m.

Manhattan-32 Franklin at WO rib 2-3434 Bronx-851 Grand Concourse JE rome 7-2898

Court held Tuesday and Friday. Brooklyn-120 Schermerhorn at. .MA in 4-5917 Queens-1S3.19 Jamaica ave., Jamaica.

JA maica 6-8040 Court held Monde and Thursday.

Richmond—County Court House, S. I. SA intGeo 7-0324

Court held every Wednesday. Probation Bureau — Municipal Bldg.,


Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rtb 2-0184 STATUTORY CONSOLIDATION, BD. OF—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-3123 SUPREME COURT—APPELLATE DIV.-

First Dept.—Madison ave. and 25th st., Manh'n LE xing;n 2-1000 Court sits from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.

The first and third Fridays of each term, motion days, the Court opens at 10 a. in. Motions called at 9 a. in. Appeals from orders called at 10 a. in.

Second Dept.—Borough Hall. Bklyn. TR riangl 5-1300

Court sits from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. No court on Saturdays.

SUPREME COURT, IST JUD. DIST.- New York County—County Court House,

Manh'n WO rt. 2-6500 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Bronx-851 Grand Concourse. .JE rome 6-1031 Court opens at 10 a. in.

SUPREME COURT. 2D JUD. DIST,- Kings County—Joralemon and Court

sts., Bklyn. TR iangl 5-7300 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Appellate Term TR iangl 5-7452 Court opens at 10 a. m.

Queens County— Special Terms-89.31 161st et., Jamaica

JA maica 6-9657 Trial Terms—County Court House,

L I. City ST ilwel 4-7060 Richmond County—County Court House,

S, I, GI braltr 7-8700 SURROGATE'S COURT, BRONX-

851 Grand Con; curse JE tome 6-4892 Court opens at 10 a. m.

SURROGATE'S COURT, KINGS— Hall of Records, Bklyn TR iangl 5-7020

Court opens at 9.30 a. m. SURROGATES' COURT. N. Y.—

Hall of Records, Manh'n WO rth 2-6744 Court opens at 10.30 a in.

SURROGATE'S COURT, QUEENS- 161-10 Jan, ica ave., Jamaica. .JA maica 6-6000

Court opens at 10 a. in. SURROGATE'S COURT, RICHMOND—

County Court House, S. I GI braltr 7-0572 Court opens at 10.30 a. m.

TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS—. Municipal Bldg.. Manh'n WO rth 2-1800 Bronx Tremont & Arthur avea,.TR emnt 8-5090 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg., .TR iangl 5-7100 Queens—Court sq., L. I. City.ST ilwel 4-6860 Richmond—Borough Hall, S. I.GI braltr 7-1000

TEACHERS' RETIREMENT BOARD- 139 Centre at.. Manh'n CA nal 6-2353

TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT- 346 Broadway, Manh'n WO rth 2-1525 Bronx-1932 Arthur ave TR-emnt 8-9311 Brooklyn—Munici Bldg. TR iangl 5-7100 Queens-21-10 49th ave., L I. C ,ST ilwel 4-5480 Richmond—Borough Hall, St. George


270 Madison ave.. Manh'n... CA ledonia 5-1600 TRANSPORTATION, BOARD OF-

250 Hudson at.. Manh'n CA nal 6-6600 TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE AUTHORITY--

Randall's Island. Manh'n HA rim 7-8100 WATER SUPPLY. BOARD OF-

346 Broadway, Manh'n WO rth 2-3150 WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELECT.—

Municipal Bldg., Manh'n WO rth 2-4320 Bronx—Tremont & Arthur ave.TR emnt 8-5400 Brooklyn—Municipal Bldg. .. TR iangl 5-7100

Rueens-18 Court sq., L. I, C ST ilwel 4-7150 ichmond—Borough Hall ... SA intGeo 7-0840


Board of Aldermen Meets in Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall,

Manh'n, on Tuesdays, at 2.15 p. m. MICHAEL J. CRUISE, City Clerk, and Clerk

to Board. Armory Board

Meets in Room 2208, Municipal Bldg., Math's, m first Wednesday in each month, at 3.30 p. m.

EDWARD G. RIEKERT, Secretary. Art Commission

Meets at itsoffice, City Hall, Minis'; on second Tuesday in each month, at 3.30 p. m.

A. EVERETT PETERSON, Secretary. Board of Assessors

Meets in Room 2200, Municipal Bldg., Manb'n, on Tuesdays, at 10 a. m.

THOMAS W. WHITTLE, President, Banking Commission

Meets in Mayor's Office, City Hall, Manh'n, on first day in February, May, August and November.

ANDREW J. GALLIGAN, Deputy Chamber. lain, Secretary.

Board of Buildings Meets in Room 1911, Municipal Bldg., Mash's,

Thursdays, at 10.30 a. m. and 2 p. m. SAMUEL FASSLER, Chairman.

Board of Child Welfare Meets in Old County Court House, City Hall

Plaza, Manh'n, on third Monday in each month, at 3 p. m. JOHN T. EAGAN, Secretary.

Board of City Record Meets in City Hall, Manh'n, at call of Mayor.

STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Supervisor. Board of Education

Meets at its office, Park ave. and 59th St., Manh'n, on second and fourth Wednesdays in each month, at 3.30 p. m.

JOSEPH MILLER, Jr., Secretary. Board of Elections

Meets weekly in Room 1840, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n, at call of the President.

S. HOWARD COHEN, President. Board of Estimate and Apportionment

Meets in Room 16, City Hall, Manh'n, Fri-days at 10.30 a. m.

PEARL BERNSTEIN, Secretary. Examining Board of City Surveyors

Meets in Room 1347, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n, at call of the Chairman.

VERNON S. MOON, Acting Chairman. Board of Health

Meets in Room 330, 125 Worth st., Manh'n, at call of the President.

JOHN L. RICE, M. D., Commissioner of Health, President.

Municipal Assembly—Aldermanlc Branch Meets in Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall,

Manh'n, on Tuesdays, at 2 p. m. MICHAEL J. CRUISE, Clerk.

Municipal Assembly—Board of Estimate and Apportionment Branch

Meets in Room 16, City Hall, MJsnh'n, on Fridays, at 10.30 a. m.

PEARL BERNSTEIN, Secretary. Municipal Clvil Service Commission

Meets at its office, 14th floor, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n, on Wednesdays, at 11 a. m.

WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. Parole Commission

Meets in Room 400, 139 Centre at., Manh'n, on Thursdays, at 10 a. M.

JOHN C. MAHER. Chairman, Teachers' Retirement Board

Meets in Room 500, Municipal Bldg., Manh'a, on fourth Tuesday of each month at 3 p. m.

LOUIS TAYLOR, Secretary. Board of Revision of Assessments

Meets in Room 500, Municipal Bldg., Mgnh'n, upon notice of the Chief Clerk.

LEWIS F, LANG, Chief Clerk, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund

Meet in Room 16, City Hall, Mash's, on every other Wednesday, at 11 a. m.

LEWIS F. LANG, Secretary. Board of Standards and Appeals

Meets in Room 1013, Municipal Bldg., Mash's, Tuesdays, at 10 a, m. and 2 p. m.

HARRIS H. MURDOCK, Chairman. Board of Statutory Consolidation

Meets in City Hall, Manh'n, at call of Mayor. REUBEN A. LAZARUS, Conned.

Board of Taxes and Assessments Meets in Room 936, Municipal Bldg., Manh'n,

on Wednesdays, at 10.30 a. M. WILLIAM STANLEY MILLER, President.

Board of Transportation Meets at 250 Hudson at., Mash's, on Tues.

days, at 7 p. m. JOHN H. DELANEY. ♦Chairman. Board of Water Supply

Meets at 346 Broadway, Manh'n, on Tuesdays, at 11 a. m.



Auction Sale

PUBLTC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the 281st public auction sale of unclaimed auto.

mobiles, bicycles, rowboats, junk metals, miseel.

9--624 Madison ave VO hinter 5-3150 10-1 W 125th M HA rim 7-2694 Central jury and 1 Non-Jury Parts and .8 Reade at. WO rth 2-1400 Small Claims Part J

Brou 1-1400 Williamsbridge rd...UN derhil 3-6100 2—Washington ave., 162d at.. ,ME Irose 5-3041 Central Jury and Small Claims Parts--

Washington ave. and 162d•at.ME Irose 5-3041 Brooklyn

1-120 Schermerhorn at TR iangl 5-2052 2-495 Gates ave 3-6 Lee ave 4--1110 Eastern pkway 5-4th ave. and 42d at 6-27-33 Snyder ave 7-363 Liberty ave




laneous merchandise, etc., will be held at the Police Department storehouse, located at the foot of 36th St., Bklyn.,. at 10 a. m., on


sioner. o6,19

Owner Wanted for 1ne1iImed Proms

OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department of The City

of New York for the following property now in custody without claimants: Automobiles, boats, baby carriages, bicycles, bags, cameras, optical goods, furniture, ropy, lead, metals. Clothing, jewelry, precious stones, silverware, boots, shoes, dress•suit cases, handbags, pocketbuoks, wallets, merchandise, tools, trunks, typewriters, canes, umbrellas, robes, blankets, furs, machinery, stir-gical instruments, musical instruments, electrical goods, sporting goods, hardware, groceries, canned goods, liquors, etc., also sums of money felo- niously obtained by prisoners, , found, abandoned, or taken from person dying intestate, or taken from persons supposed to be insane, intoxicated or otherwise incapable of taking care of them• selves.

Police Headquarters240 Centre et., Manhattan. For Boroughs of 'Brooklyn and Queens, 485

Bergen at., Bklyn., N. Y. For Borough of The Bronx, 42d Precinct 160th

at. and 3d ave., Bronx, For Borough of Richmond, 120th Precinct,

78.81 Richmond ter. St. George, S. I. LEWIS J. VALENTINE, Police Commia-



Notice to Contractors

Contracts 322, 323 and 324, Delaware Aqueduct

IT IS EXPECTED THAT CONTRACTS 322, 323 and 324, for portions of the West Branch.

Kensico tunnel of the Delaware aqueduct, will be advertised by the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York about October 21, 1937. Contract 322 comprises Shafts 11 and 12 and about 33,400 feet of tunnel in the Town of Carmel, Putnam County, and in the Towns of Somers, North Salem and Lewisboro, Westches-ter County; Contract 323, Shafts 13 and 14, and about 30,600 feet of tunnel in the Towns of Lewisboro and Bedford, Westchester County, and Contract 324, Shafts 15 and 16, and about 37,100 feet of tunnel in the Towns of Bedford and North Castle, Westchester County. Interested contractors may obtain preliminary

information in the office of the Chief Engineer of the Board of Water Supply, 11th Floor, 346 Broadway, New York City.

GEORGE J. GILLESPIE, President: HENRY HESTERBERG; RUFUS E. McGAHEN, Com-missioners, Board of Water Supply.

JOHN M. CARROLL, Acting Secretary. o8,15



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECETVED BY the Marine Parkway Authority, Room 301,

Arsenal Building, Central Park, 5th ave. and 64th St., Manhattan, New York City, until 2 p. m., Eastern standard time, on



The work will consist of supplying and plant-ing beach grass in the areas in Marine Park and Jacob Riis Park totaling approximatev 50 acres.

The time allowed for the completion of the work under the contract is Dec. 15, 1937.

The bond required for the faithful performance of the contrtct will be for the full estimated con-tract price of the contract awarded.

Plans, specifications, general provisions. and form of hid, bond and contract for the work are on file at the Arsenal Building, Central Park. New York City, where copies may he obtained. Plans are also on file at the office of Madican• Hyland, Consulting Engineers, 521 5th ave., Man-hattan. New York City.

All bids w;ll be made npcn blank forms attached to 'he specifications, and accompanied by a certified check in accordance with the schedule given in the contract documents.

The Marine Parkway Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Dated Oct. 8. 1937. MARINE PARK\VAY AUTHO'.ITY, A •..Yin

R. JENNINGS, General Manager. HARRY TAYLOR, Director. o8,20 2FSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record:


Sale of Used Brick and Heavy Lumber

THE NEW YORK CITY HOUSING Authority offers for sale: Used (cleaned) brick, for immediate and future

delivery, at Three Dollars ($3) per thousand; A4'proximately 200,000 board feet of used heavy

lumber, 3 inches by 6 inches and up, random lengths. for immediate delivery at Eighteen Dol-lars ($18) per thousand board feet.

This offer is subject to withdrawal or modifica-tion by the New York City Housing Authority at any time without further notice.

or further information inquire at Demolition Storage Yard, 53 E. 134th St., Manhattan (Tillinghast 5.7393), or Demolition Division, Main Office, 346 Broadway, Manhattan (Barclay 7-0644).




SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Hospitals, Room 519, 125

Worth st., Manhattan, New York City, until 1] a. m., on

THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1937 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.



The Commissioner of Hospitals has estimated the cost of this work as follows: Contract No. 6, general construction work, $288,882.

This contract is to be financed wholly or in part by the Federal Emergency Administration of Pub-lic Works.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to the minimum wage rates to be paid under this contract.

The bidder is warned that the preponderance of labor to be employed must be taken from the City of New York, provided that such labor is available and qualified to perform the work to which the em -

ployment relates. He is further warned that the bid of each subcontractor must be based on con- forming with all of the provisions set forth in the contract to which it applies and which relate thereto, and that the subcontractor must comply with all of the requirements of the Federal Emer-gency Administration of Public Works. The term "Subcontractor" is defined to mean any person, firm or corporation, other than the employees of the contractor, who • contract to furnish labor or labor and materials at the site of the project.

The time allowed for doing and completing the entire work and for the full performance of the contract is four hundred (400) consecutive calendar days.

The successful bidder will be required to fur-nish a faithful performance bond in form and substance and with sureties approved by the Comp• troller of The City of New York, in the amount or 100 percent of the amount of the accepted bids.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) or the base bid in the form and subject to the con• ditions provided :n the information for bidders.

Attention of bidders is called to the "Instruc• tions to Bidders" as to the form and amount of security required to accompany each bid.

The bidder shall state one aggregate price for the whole work described and specified as the contract is entire for a complete job.

No bid may be withdrawn within forty-five (45) days after the date set for this opening, but may be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled closing time fur the receipt of bids.

The Commissioner reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids. No award will be made, however, except with the prior approval of the State Director, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

Bidders are required to make their bids upon the blank form prepared by said Department, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to enclose the bid, together with a copy of the con. tract, including the specification, in the form ap. proved by the Corporation Counsel, can be ob-tained upon application at the office of Charles B. Meyers, Thompson, Holmes & Converse, architects, 31 Union Square West, Manhattan, New York City, or at Room 626, Department of Hospitals, 125 Worth st., Manhattan, New York City, where the plans, which are a part of the specifications, may be seen.

Persons who desire a set of plans and contract documents for their personal use may obtain them on deposit of $20, which is the cost of printing; such deposit to be refunded to any bidder who re• turns said plans and documents in good condition within 30 days after the opening of bids. o8,28

S. S. GOLDWATER, M. D., Commissioner. WSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Hospitals of The City of

New York, at its office, Room 518, 125 Worth st., Manhattan, New York City, until 10.30 a. m., Eastern standard time, on

THURSDAY. OCTOBRR 14. 1937 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read cloud.


The information for bidders, form of bid, form of contract, specifications, and form of performance bond may be examined at said office and copies thereof obtained without charge.

The Department of Hospitals reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to .eject any or all bids. No bid will be accepted, however, ex• cept with the prior approval of the State Director, Federal Emergency Administration of Public 1Vorks.

Each bidder most deposit with his bid, security in an amount of not less than five (5) percent of the base hid in the form and subject to the con-ditions provided in the instructions to bidders.

The Department of Hospitals' estimate for this material and supplies is as follows: Class No. 1, $5.985; Class No. 2, $3,325.

The successful bidder will be required to fur. nish a performance bond in such form and having as surety thereon, such surety company or corn-panics as are approved by the Commissioner of Hospitals and the State Director, in the amount of not less than 100 percent of the total amount of the accepted bid.

This contract is to he financed wholly or in part by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

No bi.'.der may withdraw his bid wit"tin 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof, but may withdraw it at any time prior to the scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized post-ponement thereof.

Blank forms and further innformation may be obtained on application at the office of the Equip. ment Division, Room 412, 125 Worth st.. Man• hattan, where form of bid, contract, schedules and specifications may be examined. s28,o14

S. S. GOLDWATER, M. D., Commissioner. 2' See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."


Assessed Valuation of Real Estate for the Year 1938 and the First Six Months of 1939-Books Open for Inspection.

THE ANNUAL RECORD OF THE ASSESSED valuation of real estate in the City of New

York for 1938 and the first six months of 1939 will be open for inspection, examination and cor• rection from

October 1 to November 15, 1937, Inclusive During the time the books are upon for public

inspection, applications may be made to the De• partment of Taxes and Assessments by any person or corporation claiming to be aggrieved by the assessed valuation, to have it corrected.

Applications in relation to the assessed valuation of real estate must be made in writing on blanks furnished by the Department at the office in the borough where the property is located.

Applicants may use their own forms of applica-tion provided they are identical with those fur• nished by the Department.

LOCATION OF OFFICES Manhattan-Main Office, Municipal Building,

9th floor. The Bronx-Bergen Building, Tremont and

Arthur ayes. Brooklyn - Municipal Building, Court and

Joralemon sts., 2d floor. Queens-Court House sq., L. I. City. Richmond-Borough Hall, New Brighton, S. I. WILLIAM STANLEY MTLLER. President;


J. CHARLES LAUE, Secretary. s25,nl5



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Docks. at his office, Pier A.

foot of Battery p]., North River. Manhattan, until 12 noon, Eastern standatd time, on



The amount of security required is Four Thou-sand Dcllars ($4,000).

The time allowed for doing and completing the work is ninety (90) consecutive calendar days.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom• parried by a deposit, which shall be in the form of money or a certified check upon one of the State or National banks or trust companies of the City of New York, or a check of such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York and approved by the Comptroller as of equal value with the security required. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the amount of the bond required or Two Hundred Dol• lars ($200).

Bidders shall state both in words and in figures a lump sum price for the work complete. Any bid which fails to name a lump sum price, written both in words and in figures, for completing the work under this contract, will be held to be in-formal and will be rejected. In case of any dis-crepancy between the price in words and that in figures, the price in words will be considered as the bid.

The award of the contract, if made, will be made to the bidder whose price is the lowest for doing all the work called for in the contract, and whose bid is regular in all respects.

The contract will be awarded according to law as soon as practicable after the opening of bids, Bids may not be withdrawn within 45 days after receipt of bid. The City reserves the right to reject all bids.

A charge of $1.25 in cash will be made to pros• l;ective bidders for plans and specifications ob-tained by them. Where specifications only are desired a charge of $1 will be made. Such plans and specifications shall remain the property of the bidder.

Furtber information, blank forms and specifica-tions may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment, Room 4, Pier A, foot of Battery pl., North River, Manhattan. s30.o13

JOHN McKENZIE, Commissioner. t.See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record.


Interest on City Bonds and Stock

THE INTEREST DUE NOV. 1, 1937, ON regi;tered and coupon bonds and stock of The

City of New York, and of former corporations now included therein, will be paid on that day by the Comptroller at his office (Room 830), Mu-nicipal Btildirg, Chambers and Centre sts., Man-hattan,

The books for the transfer of bonds and stock on which interest is payable Nov. 1, 1937. will be closed from Oct. 11 to Oct. 30, 1937, both dates inclusive.

FRANK J. TAYLOR, Comptroller of The City of New York, Department of Finance, Comp- troller's Office. o7,nI

Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appur-tenances Thereto on City Real Estate By Sealed Bids.

I•UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by

virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids, certain structures standing upon property owned by The City of New York, acquired by it for public purposes, in the

Borough of The Bronx Being the buildings and/or parts of buildings,

as hereinafter designated, in the Borough of The Bronx, which are more particularly shown on cer• tain maps on file in the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Department of Finance, Room 505, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Pursuant to resolutions of the Commissioners of the Sink~ng Fund, adopted at meetings held Aug. 25, 1937. and Sept. 22, 1937, the sale by sealed bids of each parcel of the hereinafter described buildings and/or parts of buildings and appurte-nances thereto will be held under the direction of the Comptroller on

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1937 at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner nd form as follows:

AREA BOUNDED BY SHERIDAN AVE., E. 172D ST., MORRIS AVE. AND E. 170TH ST. Parcel 1-A I-story metal office and locker

rooms; location, northwest corner E. 170th St. and Morri3 ave, SOUTHERLY SIDE OF E. 160Th ST. BE-

TWEEN TINTON AND FOREST AVF.S. Parcel 2-A 3-story frame dwelling and barn,

location. 812 Forest ave. Parcel 3-A 3-story frame dwelling and a

1-story frame building; location, 814 Forest ave. Parcel 4-A 3-story frame dwelling, extension

and g.trage; location E16 Forest ave. Parcel 5--A 3-story frame dwelling, extension

and garage; location, 818 Forest ave. Parcel 6-A 3-story frame dwelling; location,

820 Forest ave. Parcel 7-A 3-story frame and brick dwelling

and garage; location, 822 Forest ave. Parcel 8-A 5-story brick dwelling; location.

840 Forest ave. Parcel 9=-A 2-story frame dwellin4 and exten-

sion, barn, garage; location. 754 E. 160th st. Parcel 10--A 2/-story frame dwelling, barns,

garage; location, 758 E. 160th st. Parcel 11-A 2-story frame dwelling, sheds;

location, 762 E. 160th St. Parcel 12-A 2-story and basement frame

dwelling and sheds; location, 764 E. 160th St. Parcel 13-A 2-story frame dwelling, sheds,

garage; location, 768 E. 160th St. Parcel 14--A 5-story brick dwelling; location,

770 E. 160th st. Parcel 11-A 5-story brick dwelling; location,

827 Tinton ave. Parcel 16-A 5-story brick dwelling; location,

825 Tinton ave, Parcel 17-A 2-story frame dwelling, extension,

garage; location, 823 Tinton ave. Parcel 18-A 2-story frame dwelling, extensions,

garage; location, 821 Tinton ave. Parcel 19-A 2-story and basement frame dwell-

ins'. 1-story frame building; 819 Tinton ave. Parcel 20-A 2-story dwelling, 1-story frame

building; location, 817 Tinton ave. Parcel 21-A 2-story and basement frame dwell-

inv. garage: location, 815 Tinton ave. Parcel 22-A 2-story frame dwelling, sheds,

earaee: location, 813 Tinton ave. NORTHERLY SIDE OF E. 179TH ST. BE-

TWEEN ARTHUR AND LA FONTAINE AV ES. Parcel 23--A 3-story brick building; location.

2048 LaFontaine ave. Parcel 24--A I-story brick garage; location,

2059 LaFontaine ave. ' Parcel 25-A 1-story brick garage; location,

206P-2068 LaFontaine ave. Parcel 26-A 2-story frame dwelling, sheds'

toention. 2070 LaFontaine ave. Parcel 27-A 1-story frame shed; location, 2072

LaFontaine ave.

P.ncel 28-A 2-story and basement frame dwelling, garage; location, 2083 Arthur ave.

Parcel 29-A 1•story frame and stucco dwelling; location, 2081 Arthur ave.

Parcel 30-A 2/-story frame dwelling; loca-tion, 2079 Arthur ave.

Parcel 31-A 2%-story frame dwelling; location, 2(77 Arthur ave.

Parcel 32.--A 2•story frame dwelling, garage, location, 2073-2075 Arthur ave.

Parcel 33-A 2-story frame dwellic:g, location, 2071 Arthur ave.

Parcel 34-A 2-story frame dwelling; location, 2069 Arthur ave.

Parcel 35-A 2-story frame dwelling; location, 2067 Arthur ave.

Parcel 36-A 2-story frame dwelling; location, 20o5 Arthur ave.

Parcel 37-A 2-story and basement frame dwell-ing; location, 2063 Arthur ave.

Paicel 33-A 3•story trance dwelling; kcation. 2041 Arthur ave. -

Parcel 39--A 1-story frame shed; location. northeast coiner E. 179th st. and LaFontaine av,.


shrubbery; location, 3960 Boston rd. Damage Parcel 2-About one-half of a 2%-story

frame house; location, 3960Boston rd. Damage Parcel 3-W ire picket fence, shrubbery

and flag pole; location, 3974 Boston rd, PUG'SLEY AVE. BETWEEN WA'ISON AVE.

AND BLACKROCK AVE. Lot 21-A 1'/c-story dwelling and garage;

location, 1958 Watson ave. Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be

obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on the 29th day of October, 1937, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described build-ings and/or parts of huildings and apnurtenlnces thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within 24 hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 percent of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned after successful bidders have paid pur-chase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within 24 hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The C:ty of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amount of the bid,' (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Oct. 29, 1937," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a. m. of that date to the "Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, New York City," where any further particulars regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be obtained.

The buildings and/or carts of buildings will he sold for immediate removal only, subject to the terms and conditions printed on the last page of this issue of the CITY RECORD.

Resale of the buildings and/or parts of build-ings, together with the appurtenances thereto at-tached, or assignment of interest herein by sue• cussful bidder, will not be permitted without the written consent of the Comptroller or his author-ized representative.

FRANCIS V. McHI1 GII, Deputy Cornptrol er. The City of New York, Department & Finance,

Comptroller's Office, Oct. 4, 1937. o7.29

AT THE REQUEST OF THE BOARD OF Education, public notice is hereby given that

the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will cffer for sale by sealed bids, certain encumbrances standing upon rreperty owned by The City of New York, acquired by it for school purposes, in the

Borough of Manhattan Being a certain building, together with the ap-

purtenances thereto attached, located on a site 155 feet westerly of 2d ave., fronting on E. 125th St., in the Borough of Manhattan, which is more particularly described in certain records on file in the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Depart-ment of Finance, Room 505, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held Sept. 22, 1937, the sale by sealed bids of the hereinafter described building and appurtenances thereto will be held under the direction of the Comptroller on


at 11 a. m., in manner and form as follows: Parcel A-Old building formerly used in con-

nection with the activities of P. S. 39, located on a site 155 feet westerly of 2d ave., fronting on E. 125th St.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on the 14th day of October, 1937, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described build-ings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made-to the highest bidder within 24 hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 percent of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re• turned after successful bidders have paid pur. chase price in full and given security, and Those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

REPORT /Y'-J8640

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SCALE #v.ftEr




Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within 24 hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in• formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be enclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Oct. 14, 1937," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to I1 a. m. of that date to the "Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, New York City," where any further particulars regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be obtained.

The buildings will be sold for immediate re• moval only, subject to the terms and conditions printed on the last page of this issue of the CITY RECORD.

Resale of the buildings, together with the appur-tenances thereto attached, or assignment of interest therein by successful bidder, will not be permitted without the written consent of the Comptroller or his authorized representative.

FRANCIS V. McHUCH, Deputy Comptroller. The City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, Sept. 28, 1937. o5.14

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by

virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids, certain encroachments standing upon property owned by The City of New York, acquired by it for street purposes, in the

Borough of Queens Being the buildings and/or parts of buildings,

together with the appurtenances thereto attached, as hereinafter designated, in the Borough of Queens, which are more particularly shown on certain maps on file in the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Department of Finance. Room 505, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Pursuant to resolutions of the Commissioners m the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held Sept. 22, 1937, the sale by sealed bids of each parcel of the hereinafter described buildings and/or parts cf buildings and appurtenances ti cteto, will be held under the direction of the Comptroller on

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937 at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner and form as follows:

204TH ST. PROCEEDIN C.' Damage Parcel No. 31-About one :calf of a

2-story stucco and frame dwelling, located at 47-32 204th st.

Damage Parcel No. 32-About one-half of a 1-story frame dwelling, located at 47-28 204th 51. PIDGEON MEADOW RD-164TH ST., ETC. Damage Parcels 1-A, 2, 2-A-A 1-story frame

store; all of four greenhouses and nearly all of one greenhouse, located at 162-02 46th ave.

Damage Parcels Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10-Part of h metal garage, located at 46-42 Pidgeon Meadow rd.

Damage Parcel No. 11-Part of porch of dwelling located at 162-56 Pidgeon Meadow rd.

Damage Parcel No. 13-Part of a 2-story frame dwelling, located at 162-66 Pidgeon Meadow rd.

Damage Parcel No. 14-Part of porch of dwelling located at 162-70 Pidgeon Meadow rd.

Damage Parcels Nos. 18, 18-A-A frame garage located at 47.01 163d st.

Damagc Parcel No. 59-Part of a frame barn located at the west side of 164th st., about 225 feet from the southwest corner of 164th st. and N. Hempstead tpke.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on the 15th day of October, 1937, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described build-ings and/or parts of buildings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within 24 hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 percent of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re- turned after successful bidders have paid pur. chase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within 24 hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves 'the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in• formalities in an bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Oct. 15, 1937," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to I1 a. m. of that date to the "Bureau of Real Estate. Room 505, Municipal Building, New York City," where an further particulars regarding the buildings and/or parts of buildings to be disposed of may be ob-tained.

The buildings and/or parts of buildings will be sold for immediate removal only, subject to the terms and conditions printed on the last page of this issue of the CITY RJ?CORD.

Resale of the buildings and/or parts of build-ings. together with the appurtenances thereto at-tached, or assignment of interest therein by sue-cessful bidder, will not be permitted without the written consent of the Comptroller or his authorized representative.

FRANCIS V. McHUGH, Deputy Comp-troller.

The City of New York, Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, Sept. 28, 1937. 01,15

AT THE REQUEST OF THE HENRY Hudson Parkway Authority, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink• ing Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids, certain cncroachrrents standing upon property owned by The City of New York, acquired by it for street purposes, in the

Borough of The Bronx Being the buildings, together with the appurte-

nances thereto attached, within the lines of Henry Hudson Parkway East and Henry Hudson Park. way West between Kappock st. and W. 239th st., and Kappock st. between Independence ave. and Arlingtor ave., in the Borough of The Bronx, which are more particularly shown on a certain man on file in the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Department of Finance, Room 505, Mn. nicipal Building, Manhattan.

Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held Sept. 22, 1937, the sale by sealed bids of each parcel of the hereinafter described buildings, to-

gether with the appurtenances thereto attached, will be held under the direction of the Comptroller on

MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1937 at 11 a. m., in manner and form as follows:

Parcel A-A 24-story frame dwelling and garage, located at 2600 Spuyten Duyvil pkway.

Parcel B-A 2%-story frame dwelling and garage, located at 2610 Spuyten Duyvil pkway.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m.. on the 11th day of October, 1937, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described build-ings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within 24 hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal

Confirmation of Assessments


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

the City of New York hereby gives public notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court ana

The above entitled assessment was entered on the day hereinbefore given in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Col- lections and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Jan. 3, 1938, which is 90 days after

to 25 percent of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re• turned after successful bidders have paid pur. •chase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the We as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within 24 hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or

the entering in the Bureau of City Collections of assessment for acquiring title to the following named streets in the BOROUGH OF RICH-MOND:


ING TITLE TO, from Outerbridge plaza to Hy]an blvd.


the date of entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven nercent per annim, to be calculated from 10 days after the date of entry to the date of payment, as provided by sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

description of the building or buildings bid for. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Oct. 11, 1937," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a. m. of that date to the "Bureau of Real Estate, Room 505, Municipal Building, New York City," where any further particulars regarding the buildings to be disposed of may be obtained.

The buildings will be sold for immediatere-moval only, subject to the terms and conditions printed on the last page of this issue of the CITY RECORD.

Resale of the buildings, together with the appur- tenances thereto attached, or assignment of in- terest therein by successful bidder, will not be jc.rmitted without the written consent of the Comptroller or his authorized representative.

FRANCIS V. McHUGH, Deputy Comptroller. The City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's office, Sept. 27, 1937. s30,oll

TITLE TO, from Outerbridge plaza to Pleasant Plains ave.

PLEASANT PLAINS AVE.-ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Pleasant Plains blvd. to Am- boy road.

Confirmed Sept. 10, 1937, and entered Oct. 4, 1937,

The area of assr.ssrrent for benefit in this pro-ceeding is as shown on the following diagram:

The above assessment is payable to the City Collector, in the Borough Hall, St. George, Staten Island, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m., ai.d on Saturdays until 12 noon.

FRANK J. TAYLCR, Comptrolier. Dated New York, Oct. 4, 1937. o7,19

Bern t AU,98,s6o, ¢3/37


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The above entitled assessment was entered on the day hereinbefore given in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau of City Collections and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Dec. 28, 1937, which is 90 days after the date of entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of 7 percentum per annum, to be calculated from 10 days after

the date of entry to the date of payment, as pro-vided by sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessment is payable to the City Collector, at his office, Municipal Building, Court sq., L. I. City, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 3 p. in., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

FRANK J. TAYLOR, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Sept. 29, 1937. o2,14





SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Sanitation, at its office,

Room 613, 125 Worth st., Manhattan, until 11 a. m., Eastern standard time, on

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1937 -at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. No bids will be received after the time fixed, for the receipt of bids. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A GARAGE AT





The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract shall be one hundred (100) percent of the contract price.

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract will be as follows:

Number 2-150 consecutive calendar days; Number 3-150 consecutive calendar days; Number 4-150 consecutive calendar days. The amount of deposit to accompany each bid

shall be not less than five (5) percent of the total amount bid for the contract. Such deposit shall consist of cash or a certified check upon a National or State bank or trust company located in New York City, or a check of such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof drawn and made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York or cor-porate stock or other form of security of The City of New York which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value to the deposit required.

Such deposit must he enclosed in the envelope containing the bid which shall be handed to the officer or clerk who has charge of the bidding and shall be deposited in the box provided for the purpose.

All such deposits, except those of the three lowest bidders, will be released within ten (10) days after the completion of the analyses of the bids submitted. The deposits of the remaining bidders, except the successful bidder, will be re. leased within three days after award of the con-tract hasbeen made. The deposit of the successful bidder will not be released until after he has fur-nished sureties and executed the contract.

A bidder may not withdraw his bid before the expiration of forty-five (45) days after the date set for the opening of bids; thereafter a bidder may withdraw his hid only in writing and in advance of an actual award.

The City of New York reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.


RD.)-ACQUIRING TITLE TO, from Grand ave. (St.) to Metropolitan ave.

Confirmed Aug. 18, 1937, and entered Sept. 29, 1937.

The area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ceeding is as shown on the following diagram:

The work to be done under the above named contracts consists of:

Contract No. 2-Complete installation of all plumbing and drainage for the Municipal Garage.

Contract No. 3-Furnishing and installing, ready for operation, a complete heating plant and the ventilating equipment for the Municipal Garage.

Contract No. 4-Complete installation of electric wiring and fixtures for the Municipal Garage.

The instructions to bidders, bid, form of con-tract and bond, contract drawings, and specifica. tions may be examined at the office of the Chief Clerk, Department of Sanitation, Room 725, 125 Worth st., Manhattan.

The bidder may obtain drawings by purchasing the same direct from the printer at prices on file at the office of the Chief Clerk, Department of Sanitation; drawings so purchased shall become the property of the purchaser.

Copies of the instructions to bidders, bid, forms of contract and bond, may be obtained by pros-pective bidders by depositing with the Chief Clerk of the Department a certified check for $10, on a bank or trust company, as limited above for bid deposits, payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New, York, for each set obtained. Such deposits will be returned to those who re-turn to the Department, in good condition, within 10 days after the date fixed for the opening of bids, the above mentioned documents together with the receipt given for same. No deposit other than a certified check will be accepted.

WILLIAM F. CAREY, Commissioner. Dated, New York, Oct. 4, 1937. o4,19 I'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Department of Sanitation, at its office, Room

613, 125 Worth St., Manhattan, until 11 a. m., Ecstern standard time, on




TAN AND THE BRONX; CONTRACT 3-BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. The time allowed for completing the work and

full performance of the contract will be one (1) year from the first Monday succeeding the date of execution of the contract.

The amount of security required for the fsith-ful performance of each contract will be as fol-lows: Contracts I and 2, Twenty Th'usand Dol-lars ($20,000) each; Contract 3, Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). In the event that an award is made on the basis of a combination of contracts, the amount of security will he the sum of the amounts required for each contract in the combi-nation award,

Inn addition to the security required as aforesaid, cash deposits will also be required under each con-tract, as follows: Contracts 1 and 2, the sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($12,500t each; Contract 3, Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).

The amount cf deposit required with each bid will be as follows: Contracts 1 and 2, One Thou. sand Dollars ($1,000) each; Contract 3, Two Hun. dred and Fifty Dollars ($250).

Awards may be made separately of each of the three contracts or of any combination thereof to the highest bidders or bidder, The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.

The proposal, hid, forms of contract, bond and specifications may be examined at the office of the Chief Clerk, Department of Sanitation, Room 725, 125 Worth St., Manhattan.

Copies of the proposal, bid, forms of contract, bend and specifications may be obtained by pros-pective bidders from the Chief Clerk of the De- partment. s29,o9

WILLIAM F. CAREY, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."


Notice to General Contractors-Permission to Dump Clean Fill

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UPON application to the Department of Parks, Arsenal

Buildmj, 64th st. and 5th ave., Manhattan, New York City, permission may be granted to dump clean fill in the East Bronx Park, bounded by Lafayette ave., Metcalf ave., Lacombe ave. and the Bronx River, Borough of The Bronx,

Further particulars and a map showing the loca-tion of the ground to be filled in, may be obtained at the above office, s23,o28

ROBERT MOSES, Commissioner.


Proposed Approval of Subcontractor

THE BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION. ACT. jog by its Chief Engineer, proposes to approve

as subcontractor the following: W. J. Pritchard, Inc., 320 E. 63d st., Manhattan, New York City, for plumbing, as submitted by Chester Construe+ tion Co., Inc., 341 E. 30th st., New York City, general contractor for Agreement "Ni," Repairs to Building No. 590 Fulton st., Bklyn.



WM. JEROME DALY, Secretary. o8,11

Sale of Scrap Material

SEALED BIDS FOR THE SALE OF approximately 450 gross tons of scrap steel rail

will be received by the Board of Transportation of The City of New York, at the office of the said Board, at No. 250 Hudson st., Borough of Man-hattan, City of New York, until Tuesday, October 19, 1937, at ten (10) a. m., at which time and place the proposals will be publicly opened and read. A fuller description of the requirements is

given on the bid forms which may be obtained at the Board, Room 503, No. 250 Hudson St., Manhattan. Bids must be submitted on the bid forms. The Board reserves the right to reject any and

all bids. Oct. 4, 1937. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE


WM. JEROME DALY, Secretary, o7,19

Pro(,oeals-Notice to Bidders

General Information to Bidders for Furs 4iing Materials, Supplies and Equipment to The City of New York for Use in the Maintenance and Operation of the Independent Rapid Transit System.

VARYING QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS, supplies and equipment used in connection with

the operation and maintenance of the City's new Independent Rapid Transit Railroad and other activities of the Board of Transportation are being purchased as required. Competitive bids for such supplies are desired from all responsible indi-viduals and corporations. Names of those desir-ing to be bidders will be placed on appropriate list, but bids will not be limited to those on such lists. Where quantities in excess of $1,000 in value are required the same will be advertised and the time for opening the bids will be announced by public notice.

For further information and particular@ apply to Room 503, office of the Board of Transporta tion, No. 250 Hudson at., City of New York,

No bids will be requested or accepted from any contractor who is in arrears or in default to The City of New York. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE


WK. JEROME DALY, Secretary. t4TSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

Invitation to Contractors

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE furnishing and delivering of journal oil for sut,.

way cars for the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad System, will be received by the Board of Transportation of The City of New York, at the office of the said Board, at No. 250 Hudson st., Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, until Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1937, at ten (10) a. m., at which time and place the pro-posals will be publicly opened and read,

A fullerdescription of the work and require-ments is given on the bid forms which may be obtained at the Board, Room 503, No. 250 Hudson st., Manhattan. Bids must be submitted on the bid forms.

The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.



WM. JEROME DALY, Secretary. • o8,20

Equipment Contract No. Y-13-For Furnishing and Delivering Additional Machinery and Tools for the 207th Street Shops of the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad.

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE furnishing and delivering of additional ma-

chinery and tools for the 207th Street Shops of the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad in the City of New York, will be received by the Board of Transportation, hereinafter called the Board, acting for and on behalf of The City of New York, at the office of said Board, at No. 250 Hudson et., Borough of Manhattan, New York City, until the 15th day of October, 1937, at eleven-thirty (11.30) o'clock a. in,, at which time and place, or at a later date to be fixed by said Board, the proposals will be publicly opened and read.

A description of the work and other require-ments, provisions and specifications are given in the information for contractors, in the forms of cor•tract, bond and ccntractor's proposal, in the specifications and on the contract drawing, which are deemed to be a part of this invitation, and copies of which may be inspected and purchased at said office of the Board.

No proporal will be received unless accompanied by a certified check for an amount not less than five (5) percent of the total bid price payable to the order of the Comptroller of The Ctity of New York and drawn upon a National or State bank or trust company satisfactory to the Board and having its principal office in New York City, or by coupon bonds or stock of the City of a market value at least equal to the above amount. Such check, bonds or stock must not be enclosed in the envelope containing the proposal.

In case more than one proposal is submitted, the check, coupon bonds or stock must be in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the aggre-gate bid price of the proposal giving the highest value.

Deposits made by bidders, except the lowest and next to the lowest bidders, will be returned within ten (10) days after the receipt of bids. The de• posits of the lowest and next to the lowest bidders will be returned within three (3) days after the celivery of the contract.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the require-ments specified in the information for contractors.



WM. JEROME DALY. Secretary. s29,o1S

World's Fair Railroad-Borough of Queens, Con tract No. 1-Construction of Pile Trestle

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE construction of a pile trestle for World's Fair

Railroad, in the Borough of Queens, will be re-ceived by the Board of Transportation of The City of New York (hereinafter called the "Board"), on behalf of The City of New York, at the office of the Board at No. 250 Hudson St., Borough of Manhattan, New York City, until the 15th day of October, 1937, at eleven-thirty (11.30) o'clock a. m., at which time and place, or at a later date to be fixed by the Board, the proposals will be pub-licly optned.

The contractor must complete all work within eight mcrths from the date of the delivery of the contract.

A faller description of the work and other re. quirements, provisions and specifications are given in the information for contractors, in the forms of contract, bond and contractor's proposal, in the specifications and cn the contract drawings, which are to be deemed a part of this invitation and copies of which may be inspected and purchased at said office of the Board.

The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. New York, Sept. 22. 1937. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE


WM. JEROME DALY, Secretary. s28,olS

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE furnishing and delivering of hardware, hacksaw

blades, drills, screw drivers, hammers, files, wrench sockets, chasers, planes, whistles, etc., for the Independent City-owned Rapid Transit Railroad System, will be received by the Board of Trans-portation of The City of New York at the office of the said Board at No. 250 Hudson st., Bor. ough of Manhattan, City of New York, until Thursday, Oct. 14, 1937, at ten (10) a. m., at which time and place the proposals will be pub-licly opened and read.

A fuller description of the work and require. ments is given on the bid forms which may he obtained at the Board, Room 503, No. 250 Hud-son st., Manhattan. Bids must be submitted on the bid forms.

Bids may be submitted for one or more or for all the schedule items given in the bid forms, but the Board reserves the right to award either by class or item and to reject any and all bids.



WM. JEROME DALY, Secretary. o2,14



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Henry Hudson Parkway Authority, Room

301, Arsenal Building, Central Park, 5th xve. and 64th st., Manhattan, New York City, until 2 p. m., Eastern standard time, on



The work will consist of furnishing, delivery and installation of the toll equipment specified.

The time allowed for the completion of the work under the contract is April 30, 1938. The bond required for the faithful performance

of the contract will be for the full estimated con-tract price of the contract awarded.

Plans, specifications, general provisions, and form of bid, bond and contract for the work are on file at the Arsenal Building, Central Park, New York City, where copies may be obtained upon payment of the sum of $5, no part of which will be returned. Plans are also on file at the office of Madigan-Hyland, consulting engineers, 521 5th ave., Manhattan, New York City.

All bids will be made upon blank forms attached to the specifications and accompanied by a certified check in accordance with the schedule given in the contract documents.

The Henry Hudson Parkway Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids,


ITY, ALLYY R. JENNINGS, General Manager; HARRY TAYLOR, Director, o2,15 WSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS (BLANK FORMS OF WHICH may be obtained upon application at Room

1010, 346 Broadway, Manhattan) will be received by the Tenement House Commissioner at his office in Room 1007, 346 Broadway, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



Borough of Manhattan 113 MULBERRY ST. 710 E. 6TH ST.


Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice

of the confirmation by the Supreme Court and the entering in the Bureau of City Collections of assessment for acquiring title to the following named street in the BOROUGH OF QUEENS:

As to absentee voters' councilmanic ballots on or before 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Oct. 21, 1937.

Delivery will be required to be made to the general and various Borough offices of the Board of Elections in such quantities as will be shown on a delivery schedule to be furnished to the suc-cessful bidder.

The amount of security required to guarantee the faithful performance of the contract is 50 percent of the amount for which the contract shall be awarded.

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of not less than 5 percent of the amount of the bond, in cash or certified check, payable to the order of the Comptroller of the City.

Blank forms and other information may be obtained and the samples may be examined at the general office of the Board of Elections, Room 1840, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated Sept, 29, 1937. S. HOWARD COHEN, DAVID B. COS,


EDWARD J, McGowAN, Chief Clerk. s30,ol1 t See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."




SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Queens, at

his office, 3d floor, Room 310, Queens Subway Building, 21.10 49th ave., L. I. City, until 11 a. m., on

I cubic yard rubble concrete fur- nished and placed

92 cubic yards broken stone ballast furnished and placed; per cubic yard, $4.50

1 cubic yard additional brick masonry in pla e

120 cubic yards adidtional excavation; per cubic yard, $2 1G0 pounds corrugated or deformed

steel bars for reinforcement in concrete foundation, furnished and placed; per pound, 5 cents

10 linear feet house connecticn drains extended and cormected; per linear foot, $1.50

720 dquare yards oiled cinder road-way restored; per square yard, 60 cents 20 square yards bituminous macadam

pavement restored; per square yard, $2.80 ..,

Total $11,194 00 The time for the completion of the work is

ninety (90) consecutive working days. The amount of security required is Four Thou.

sand Four Hundred Eighty Dollars ($4,480), and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall be five percent of the amount of security.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at the lowest aggregate sum bid for the contract.

Bidders are requested to make their bids upon the blank form prepared by the President, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to enclose the bid, can be obtained upon aplication therefor at the office- of the Engineer, Bureau of Engineering, Borough Hall, Staten Island, where plans and the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel,

may be seen, ol,13 JOSEPH A. PALMA, President.

t 'i ee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

11 00

414 00

35 00

240 06

S 00

15 00

432 00

56 00





SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Plant and Structures, at his

office, 18th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattat,, until 2 p. in., on






The work on each contract must begin within five days after notification by the Commissioner of Plant and Structures to begin work and must be entirely completed as follows:

Contract No. 1. Twenty-eight (28) consecutive calendar days.

Contract No. 2. Fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days.

Contract No. 3. Twenty-one (21) consecutive calendar days,

The amount of security to guarantee the faith-ful performance of the work included in the con-tracts will be as follows:

Contract No. 1. Seven Hundred Dollars ($700); Contract No. 2. One Thousand Two Hundred

Dollars ($1,200) ; Contract No. 3. One Thousand Two Hundred

Dollars ($1,200). Each bid on each contract must be accompanied

by a deposit, in cash or certified check, payable to the order of the Comptroller of the City, for an amount equal to five percent of the amount of the security required.

The right is reserved by the Commisisoner to reject all the bids should he deem it to the in-terest of the City so to do.

Blank forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Plant and Structures.

F. J, H. KRACKE, Commissioner. Dated Oct. 5, 1937. 05,18 £See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

Notice of Rearing—Case No, 2911

THE TRANSIT COMMISSION OF THE State of New York hereby gives notice to

The City of New York, to the New York Central Railroad Company and to all other persons, asso-ciations or corporations who may be interested therein, that the said Transit Commission will hold a public hearing at its hearing room, No. 270 Madison ave., Borough of Manhattan, City and State of. New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pur. pose of considering certain plans and profiles known as Amended Sheets Nos. 15 and 16, dated Aug. 17, 1937, of Part I of the Enlarged Plan, heretofore approved by the Transit Commission by final order and determination adopted Feb. 20, 1929, and subsequently amended, which order di-rected and determined the elimination of the cross-ing at grade of the tracks of the New York Cen-tral Railroad Company with certain streets speci-fied in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, between St. John's Park and the Harlem Ship Canal, copies of which proposed amended plans and profiles are now in the office of the Secretary of the Transit Commission.

Dated Oct. 1, 1937. BY THE COMMISSION,

MACK NoMEURG, Secretary. o2,14






The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

293 linear feet 3-barrel 18-foot 6-inch by 10-foot reinforced concrete pile section sewer, but ex-elusive of decking and piles.

925 linear feet 2-barrel 18-foot 6-inch by 10-foot reinforced concrete pile section sewer, includin, 18-inch sewer, but exclusive of decking and piles.

463 linear feet 2-barrel 12-foot 6-inch by 10-foot reinforced concrete pile section sewer, including 2-foot 9-inch sewer under curved section and in-eluding 18-inch sewer, but exclusive of decking and piles.

132 linear feet 2-barrel 12-foot 6-inch by 10-foot I einforced concrete sewer. 200 linear feet 14-foot 3-inch by 8-foot rein-

forced concrete sewer, Section H. 2,897 linear feet 14-foot 3-inch by 8-foot rein-

forced concrete pile section sewer, but exclusive of decking and piles, Section I. 280 linear feet 14-foot 3-inch by 8-foot rein-

forced concrete pile section sewer, but exclusive of decking and piles, Section J. 485 linear feet 2-barrel 7-foot 3-inch by 10-foot

reinforced concrete sewer. 120 linear feet 2-foot 9-inch pile section sewer,

but exclusive of decking and piles. 705 linear feet 2-foot 9-inch sewer. 40 linear feet 4-foot pile section sewer, but ex-

elusive of decking and piles. 20 linear feet 3-foot 6-inch pile section sewer,

but exclusive of decking and piles. 20 linear feet 15-inch pile section sewer, but

exclusive of decking and piles. 10 linear feet 18-inch pile section sewer, but

exclusive of decking and piles. 8 linear feet 4-foot 6-inch pile section sewer,

but exclusive of decking and piles. 10 linear feet 24-inch pile section sewer, but

exclusive of decking and piles, 10 linear feet 2-foot 6-inch pile section sewer,

but exclusive of decking and piles. 1 outfall on 3-barrel sewer at Flushing River,

complete as sboNn on plan but exclusive of deck-ing and piles and steel sheeting.

1 chamber near Avery ave., including two 12-inch cast iron pipes and two manholes on sani-tary sewer, complete, as shown on plan, but ex-elusive of decking and piles.

I chamber in Fowler ave. at a point about 535 feet west of Lawrence st., complete, as shown on plan-

1 transition chamber in Fowler ave. at Law-rence st., complete, as shown on plan.

1 connection chamber on 4-foot sewer at creek, including installation of tide gate, complete, as shown on plan, but exclusive of decking and piles.

I connection manhole on 3-foot 6-inch sewer at Rodman st., complete, as shown on plan, but ex• elusive of decking and piles.

1 connection manhole on 4-foot 6-inch sewer at 58th ave., complete, as shown on plan, but ex-elusive of decking and piles.

13 manholes on storm water sewer, complete. 4 manholes on 18-inch sanitary sewer, but ex-

clusive of decking and piles, complete. 7 manholes on 2-foot 9-inch sanitary sewer, com-

plete. 36 6-inch spurs on storm water sewer. R4 linear fett 6-inch leader connection drain. 84 linear feet 6-inch house connection drain. 200 linear feet 6-htch risers. 4 basin manholes, type No. 4, complete. 4 inlets, type No. 4, complete. 60 linear feet 12-inch basin connection. 60 linear feet 10-inch inlet connection. 500,000 linear feet piles, capped, driven and cut

off. 638,000 feet, board measure, timber decking, in-

eluding bolts, nuts, washers, etc., in glace. 110,000 pounds of steel sheeting, Carnegie Steel

Co., M-106, or equal, The time allowed for completing the above work

will be two hundred (200) consecutive working days.

The amount of security required wit. be Seven H•mdred Thousand Dollars ($700.0011}.

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in cash or certified check payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York in the sum of five (5) percent of the security re-quired for the contract bid.

The bidder must state the price of each item or article contzined in the specification or schedule herein contained or hereafter annexed, per square yard, linear foot, or other unit of measure by which bids will be tested. Bids will he com-parcd and each contract awarded at a lutr.p or aggregate sum.

The award, if made, will be to the bidder whose price is the lowest for doing all the 'vork called for in the contract and whose bid is regular in all respects.


SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Richmond, at

his office, Borough Hall, St. George, S. I., until 12 noon, on



The Engineer's Preliminary Estimate The following Engineer's preliminary estimate

of total cost for the completed work is to be taken as the one hundred (100) percent basis for bidding Proposals shall state a single percentage of such 100 percent cost (i. e., such as 95 percent, 100 percent or 105 percent) for which all materials and work called for in the contract and the invita tion to bidders is to be furnished to the City. Such percentage, as bid, shall apply to all unit items specified in the Engineer's preliminary esti-mate to an extent necessary to complete the work described in the contract.

2,203 linear feet vitrified pipe sewer of 8:inch interior diameter, complete; per linear foot, $3.50 $7.710 50

166 vitrified pipe Y branches of 6-inch interior diameter on 8-inch pipe sewer; each, 75 cents 124 50

12 standard manholes complete; each, $120 1,440 0P

I standard manhole with drop con- nection, complete 140 00 2,000 feet, board measure, sheeting

retained; per 1,000 feet, $30 60 00

2,500 feet, board measure, founda tion timter or planking furnished an;l placed, including all fastenings; per 1,000 feet, $70 175 00

28 cubic yards additional concrete, class D, for cradle, etc., furnished and placed; per cubic yard, $12 336 00

383 E. 10TH ST. 229 E. 126TH ST. 1342 PARK AVE.

Borough of Brooklyn 240 BALTIC ST. 242 BALTIC ST. 155 PROSPECT ST. 1011.1013 PUTNAM AVE. 412 ST. MARKS AVE. The security required for the faithful perforn.-

ance of each contract will be twenty-five (25) percent of the contract price.

The deposit accompanying the bid shall be five (5) percent of the amount of security required.

Bidders may bid on all or any one or more of the above locations. A separate bid must be sub-mitted in a separate envelope for each location and award on each location will be made separately.

Bidders on licensed trades must give to the Tenement House Commissioner satisfactory evi-dence of a New York City license in their own names.

Bidders will be required to show evidence to Tenement House Commissioner that they have made adequate provision for Workmen's Compensa-tion before any award will be made.

Bidders will be required to comply with the pro- visions of "The Labor Law" and that the wages to be paid for a legal day's work to all classes of laborers, workmen or mechanics shall not be less than the prevailing rate for a day's work in the trade or occupation of the employee.

The contractor shall not assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise dispose of the contract awarded for this work or any of the moneys due or to grow due thereon without the previous written con-sent of the Tenement House Commissioner.

The proposals for bids, forms of bids, specifica- tions and instructions to bidders including the general conditions and form of the contract, may be examined or obtained at the Tenement House Department, Room 1010, 346 Broadway, Man-hattan.

Information asto the security, bond, and bid deposit required is set forth in the bid proposal form obtainable at the above office.

Dated Oct. 1, 1937. o2,15 LANGDON W. POST, Commissioner.

1 See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column of the "City Record."


For the Cables and Floor for the Main Bridge and Approach Viaducts of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge.

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Triborough Bridge Authority, at its office,

Administration Building, Randall's Island, Man-hattan, New York City, until 11 o'clock, Eastern standard time, on the morning of




A more complete description of the work and full information for bidders is given on the draw. lugs and in other contract papers which may be seen at the office of the Assistant Chief Engineer, Tri. borough Bridge Authority, Room 1537, 111 8th ave., Manhattan, New York City, N. Y.

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in the amount of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000).

Blank forms for proposals, information for bid-ders, contract, bond and specifications may be ob-tained at the office of the Assistant Chief Engineer, Room 1537, 111 8th ave., Manhattan, New York City, N. Y. Arrangements will be made whereby prospective bidders desiring sets of blueprints of the contract drawings and reference drawings for their own use may secure same, the cost thereof to be paid by them.

PAUL LOESER, Director, Dated Sept. 16, 1937. s16,ol3



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Elections at Room 1840, Municipal

Building, Manhattan, until 12 noon, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1937


The time allowed for the performance of the contract after the endorsement of the certificate of the Comptroller upon the executed contract is as follows:

A—As to voting machine ballot labels and pointer cards, on or before Thursday, Oct. 21, 1937.

B—As to absentee voters' ballots, on or befor( 12 o'clock noon, on Thursday, Oct. 21, 1937.

C—As to mounted sample ballots, night slips, statements of canvass and envelopes therefor, and tabulation sheets, at or before 10 a. m., on Mon-day, Nov. 1, 1937.

Delivery will be required to be made to the general and various Borough offices of the Board of Elections in such quantities as will be shown on a delivery schedule to be furnished to the suc-cessful bidder.

The amount of security required to guarantee thq faithful performance of the contract is: Item A, $5,000; Item B, $5,000; Item C, $5,000. Awards of contract, if made, will be by items to the lowest bidders.

Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit of not less than 5 percent of the amount of the bond, in cash or certified check, payable to the order of the Comptroller of the City.

Blank forms and other information may be obtained and the samples may be examined at the general office of the Board of Elections, Room 1840, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated Sept. 29, 1937. S. HOWARD COHEN, DAVID B. COS-


EDWARD J. McGOWAN, Chief Clerk. s30,oll tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Elections at Room 1840, Municipal

Building, Manhattan, until 12 noon, on



The time allowed for the performance of the contract after the endorsement of the certificate of the Comptroller upon the executed contract is as follows:

As to official and sample councilmanic ballots and mounted sample councilmanic ballots on or before 10 a. m., Monday, Nov. 1, 1937.

Blank forms and other information may be ob-tained and the plans, drawings and Rpecifications may be seen at the office of the President of the Borough of Queens, or blue prints of the plans may be purchased at the following prices:

The price for the plan is Seven Dollars and Twenty Cents ($7.20), and a copy of the specifica-tions may be purchased for Fifty (50) Cents.

Attention of the contractors is called to the wages to be paid to employees on public works, pursuant to chapter 731 of the Laws of 1933.

Dated Oct. 5, 1937. o8,26 RAYMOND G. POLLARD, Acting President. :- See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."


Proposed Amendments to Classification

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF the proposed amendment of the competitive class

of the Municipal Civil Service classification by extending

PART 14—THE STORES SERVICE (Department of Purchase)

Grade 1—Stock Assistant, to but not including $1,800 per annum.

Grade 2—Section Stockman, $1,800 to but not including $2,400 per annum. Grade 3—Storekeeper, $2,400 to but not includ-

ing $3,000 per annum. Grade 4—Senior Storekeeper, $3,000 to but not

including $3,600 per annum. Grade 5—Principal Storekeeper, $3,600 to but

not including $4,200 per annum, Grade 6—Assistant Director of Stores, $4,200

per annum and over, Approved Specialties: Timber basin

—now in force to include all other City Depart. ments.

A public hearing will be allowed at the request of any interested person in accordance with rule IX, section II, at the office of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, Municipal Building, Manhat-tan (Room 1443), on

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1937 at 3 p. m.

At this time the Commission will again take up for consideration the proposed extension of the Chemical Service (Department of Purchase) and the Bacteriological Service (Department of Health), on which public hearings were had on September 29th, to include all other City departments.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o9,13

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF the proposed amendment of the labor class of the

Municipal Civil Service classification by including therein the following:

Porter (Housing Authority) Handyman (Housing Authority)

A public hearing will be allowed at the request of any interested person in accordance with rule IX, section II, at the office of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, Municipal Building, Manhat-tan (Room 1443), on ,

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1937 at 3 p. in,


WALLACE S, SAYRE, Secretary. o9,13

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF the proposed amendment of the Municipal Civil

Service classification by including therein the title: Psychological Interne at Bellevue Hospital, De-

partment of Hospitals, with compensation at the rate of $1,500 per annum, without maintenance (maximum tenure, one year),

Two alternate plans are submitted: 1. Amending the competitive class, by including

in Part 25, The Psychological Service, under Grade 1, the title:

Psychological Interne (maximum tenure, one year).

2, Amending part I of the non-competitive class, under the heading, Department of Hospitals, without maintenance, the title:

Psychological Interne, Bellevue Hospital, $1,500 per annum (maximum tenure, one year).

A public hearing will hq allowed at the request of any interested person in accordance with rule IX, section II, at the office of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, Municipal Building, Manhat-tan (Room 1443), on

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1937 at 3 p. m.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o9,13

Notice to Candidates for the Open Com-petitive Examination for Clerk, Grade 2

CANDIDATES WHO HAVE RECEIVED NO-tice to appear at DeWitt Clinton High School,

which notice omitted the date of examination, are advised that the proper date and time of examination is OCT. 16, 1937, AT 2 P. M.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, secretary. o9,16


General Instructions as to Examinations

All examinations are open to both men and women unless advertisements state otherwise.

Applicants must be of good character, citizens of the United States and residents of the State of New York. Character, citizenship and real. dence are investigated.

Candidates must be at least 21 years of age on the closing date for receipt of applications un- less advertisements state otherwise.

A qualifying physical test is given for each examination and a high degree of physical ability is required,

Pay includes money, pension, fair sick leave, plus one month's vacation in most cases.

Applications for examinations must be filed on forms furnished by the Commission, In rating the subject Experience no supple-

mentary statements of any kind will be received after the final d.ite for filing applications.

Except as otherwise specifically stated in ad- vertisements, all preliminary training or other qualifications required for the examination must be completed on or before the date of application,

Persons appointed from eligible lists resulting from examinations become members of the retire-ment system described in chapter XXVI of the Charter voluntarily within six months and coin. pulsorily after six months of service,

The term of eligibility of a list resulting from an examination is fixed at not less than one year nor more than four years.

No applications delivered at the office of the Commission by mail or otherwise after 4 p. m. of a closing date for the receipt of applications will be accepted. Application blanks will be mailed upon request provided a self-addressed stamped envelope is enclosed to fully cover the mailing. The Commission will not guarantee the delivery of such letter. Pay full postage on all snail to the Commission.



s Civil be the office of

1400, 14th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattan.




(The list resulting from this examination will be certified for all persons performing the duties under the titles of Supervising Nurse, First Aid Nurse and Visiting Nurse in the Emergency Relief Bureau or its sue-cessor, the annual salary range of which is $1,248 to but not including $2,400 per an- num.) Any person, a citizen and resident of this State

employed for a period of not less than three months between July 1, 1936, and June 30, 1937, in a public welfare department or an emergency relief bureau established under chapter 798 of the Laws of 1931, as amended, on whose salary State reimbursement is payable, and whose duties are mainly those of nursing or supervision of nursing will be admitted to this examination without re-gard to the preliminary requirements hereinafter set forth. Eligibles who meet the preliminary re-quirements as to age and education will be certi- fied from the eligible list in order of their standing to positions in the Emergency Relief Bureau or its successor in the Department of Public Welfare, or to positions in other City Departments. Those who do not meet such preliminary requirements will be certified when reached in their regular order for positions in the Emergency Relief Bu-

rcaa or its successor only.

Salary: $1,500 to but not including $2,400 per annum; pension-, fair sick leave.

Vacancies: 15 in Emergency Relief Bureau; approximately 53 in Department of Health; 96 appointments made from last list.

Ages: 21 through 35 on October 28, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. m., Wednesday,

Oct. 6, to 4 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 28, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau, If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope wit 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 28,

1937. Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis-

sion with insu$teaent postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional

fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: Field work in connection with the in- vestigation and reporting of cases of communicable disease; baby health station and infant welfare work; visiting homes of the sick to demonstrate nursing care and report conditions unfavorable to health of individuals and the community; super-vision of the health of children in schools.

Requirements: Candidates must be registered nurses in the State of New York and must sub-mit proof of registration at the time of filing. They will also be required to p went prof of d ate of birth when filing their app must be graduates of accredited schools of nursing which provide courses in medical, surgical, ob- stetrical and pediatric training. In addition, they must have had one of the following: (a) At least six months' field experience in a public health agency of recognized standing, not more than two months having been given to hospital, social ser- vice or social case work; (b) at least one-half year of an academic year of graduate study in the principles and practices of public health nurs-ing in a college, university or other educational institution or organization of recognized standing; not more than two months of this period should have been devoted to supervised field work; the courses must consist of at least 60 hours of study; (c) a combination of field work and study which is a satisfactory equivalent of (a) and (b).

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 3, 70 percent required; duties, weight 4, 75 per- cent required on each part; oral, weight 3, 70 percent required.

An oral examination will be given to determine personal qualifications and will be based upon: Appearance, manner, speech including voice, and judgment; 60 percent required on each factor listed.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Candi-dates may he rejected for any deficiency, abnormal- ity or disease that tends to impair health or use-fulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defec- tive hearing.

In rating experience, higher credit will be given to those persons who come within the provisions of chapter 358 of the Laws of 1937 provided that the case of O'Callaghan vs. Finegan is finally re- versed on appeal.

Fee: $1.50, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday, 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by nail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, fullostage prc-paid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o6.28


Salary: $3,120 per annum and upwards; pen-sion; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One in the Department of Parks, at $3,120 per annum; 23 appointed from last list.

Ages: Through 55 on October 21, 1937. Can-didates beyond this age limit may be admitted to this examination if they present qualifications sufficiently high to warrant exception as to age.

Applications: Received 9 a. m., Wednesday, October 6, to 4 p. m., Thursday, October 21, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to reauest appliratinn and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send .self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 21, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis-sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties- Under administrative and technical direction, to have responsible charge of and exer-cise independent engineering judgment in connec-tion with the supervision and preparation of de-signs, plans, specifications and estimates for the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of all kinds of mechanical equipment used in the City power plants, rapid transit railroads, public buildings, schools, pumping plants, etc., make in-spections and supervise the construction, installa-tion, testing, maintenance and repair of mechanical equipment for the above; plan layout and direct the work of mechanical designers, detailers, drafts-men, inspectors and other employees; personally work on the more difficult designs and supervise the more difficult installations; confer with de-partment officials, manufacturers, engineers and others with respect to the design, construction, in-stallation and maintenance of mechanical equip• ment; supervise the keeping of records and prep-aration of reports; perform related work.

Requirements: A mechanical engineering de-gree recognized by the University of the State

of New York and at least seven years' practical experience of a character to qualify for the duties of the position, two years of which must have been in responsible charge of important mechanical engineering work; or the equivalent. Candidates who instead hold other recognized engineering de-grees are required to have eight years' practical experience as above. Before certification, candi• dates must have a valid New York State Profes-sional Engineer's license as required by the educa-tion law.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 5, 70 percent required; technical, weight 5, 75 percent required; 75 percent required on Part 1.

Experience will be rated upon the written ex-perience form filed by the candidate and upon such supplementary information obtained by special inquiries as is deemed requisite. As an aid in rating training, experience and general qualifica-tions, interviews may also be required.

Medical and physical requirements as posted on the Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Candidates may be rejected for any deficiency, abnormality -or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing. Persons must be free from such physical or personal abnormalities or deformities as to speech and appearance as would render their admission to the service undesirable.

Fee: $4, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p, m., Saturday, 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending tee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o6,21


Salary: $3,600 per annum; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One in the Board of Water Supply at $3,600 per annum.

Ages: Through 55 on October 21, 1937. Can-didates beyond this age-limit may be admitted to this examination if they present qualifications sufficiently high to warrant exception as to age.

Applications: Received 9 a. m., Wednesday, October 6, to 4 p. m., Thursday, October 21, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 21, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis• Sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: To perform under immediate or gen-eral supervision, work in geology or related sub-jects, including stratigraphic and structural geology and petrolo; y; collect, assemble and interpret data relating to surface and sub-surface conditions; perform related work.

Requirements: A Bachelor of Science degree in geology recognized by the University of the State of New York and three years' practical geologic experience of a character to qualify fot the duties of the position. Special training and graduate work in geology following the above degree will be accepted in lieu of practical ex-perience.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 5, 70 percent required; technical, weight 5, 75 percent required. 75 percent required on Part 1.

Experience will be rated after an oral inter-view upon the extent to which such experience has fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to questions propounded concerning ex- perience and upon the written experience form filed b' the candidate.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board must be met. Candi- dates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab- normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart anti lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing. Persons must be free from such Physical or personal abnormalities or de-formities as to speech and appearance as would render their admission to the service undesirable.

Fee: $4, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When send-ing fee by mail, state application number and en- close self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o6,21

CRANE ENGINEMAN (ELECTRIC) (Simultaneously with the holding of this ex-

amination, a promotion examination will be held. The names appearing on the eligible list resulting from the promotion examina-tion will be used first to fill vacancies.)

Salary: $9.50 a day. Approximately 300 days a year; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: Six. Ages: 25 through 40 on October 21, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. m., Wednesday,

October 6, to 4 p. m., Thursday, October 21, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to reauest apblication and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application, Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 21, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis• lion with insufficient postage will be accepted con- ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: To operate and maintain traveling overhead, shop, gantry and electrically operated boom cranes and derricks.

Requirements: Candidates must have bad five years' recent experience in the operation of trav-eling cranes and must submit valid license to operate electric cranes at time of filing applica. tion. They must have a thorough knowledge of crane mechanics, motors, starters, controllers, crane wiring and trolley operation. Candidates must be able to read, write and speak the English language and to prepare and understand simple reports.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 5, 70 percent required; practical test, weight 5, 75 percent required.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Can-didates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab-normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and

defective hearing. Persons must be free from such physical or personal abnormalities or deformities as to speech and appearance as would render their admission to the service undesirable.

Fee: $3 to be paid five days prior to first test but alter receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday, 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage pre-paid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYER, Secretary. o6,21

LIBRARIAN (Assistant Librarian up to $1,800)

AMENDED NOTICE OF EXAMINAfION (Applicants who filed under the advertisement of

August, 1937, will be notified of this examina• tion if their applications fall within the require- ments here stated. If they wish to amend their applications already filed, they may do so at Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan, be- tween the dates here set for the receipt of applications.)

Salary: $1,200 per annum; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One vacancy in the Department of Hospitals, Willard Parker Hospital, at $1,200. Ages: 21 through 35 on October 21, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. m., Wednesday,

October 6, to 4 p. m., Thursday, October 21, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the lip. plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 21, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis- sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con- ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: To serve as Librarian in the Depart-ment of Hospitals, Willard Parker Hospital; assist in the selection of books and other printed material needed to establish and maintain an adequate medical library.

Requirements: Applicants must be graduates of a college of recognized standing with a bach-elor's degree and of an accredited library school, or they must be graduates of a college with a degree in library science. Applicants who have had experience in medical libraries will be given additional credit.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 4, 70 percent required; duties, weight 4, 75 per-cent required on each part; oral, weight 2, 70 per-cent required; 75 percent general average required.

An oral examination will be given to determine personal qualifications and will be based upon: Appearance, manner, speech and judgment; 60 percent required on each factor listed.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Candidates may be rejected for any deficiency, abnormality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing.

Fee: $1.50, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday, 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage pre-paid. No fee for at'plication. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o6,21


Salary: $3,120 per annum and upwards; pen-sion; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One in Department of Sanitation at $3,120 per annum. Ages: Through 55 on October 21, 1937. Can.

didates beyond this age limit may be admitted to this examination if they present qualifications sufficiently high to warrant exception as to age.

Applications: Received 9 a. m., Wednesday, October 6, to 4 p. m., Thursday, October 21, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the lip. plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 21, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis- sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con- ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance. Duties: Under general supervision, to per-

form important electrical engineering work requir-ing the exercise of independent judgment and skill in connection with the preparation and checking of designs, details, drawings, specifications and esti-mates for the construction, installation, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment for public build- jog, schools, rapid transit railways, movable bridges, etc.; make inspection and supervise the construc-tion, installation, testing, maintenance and repair of the above electrical equipment; collect data con- cerning electrical equipment and make engineering investigations; keep necessary records and make reports; perform related work. Incumbents may be assigned to the supervision of the work of others.

Requirements: An Electrical Engineering de- gree recognized by the University of the State of New York and at least five years' practical ex-perience of a character to qualify for the duties of the position; or the equivalent. Candidates who instead hold other recognized engineering degrees are required to have six years' practical experience as above. Before certification, candidates must have a valid New York State Professional En-gineer's license as required by the State Education Law.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 5, 70 percent required; technical, weight 5, 75 percent required. 75 percent required on Part 1.

Experience will be rated upon the written ex-perience form filed by the candidate and upon such supplementary information obtained by special inquiries as is deemed requisite. As an aid in rating training, experience and general qualifica• tions, interviews may also be required.

Medical and physical requirements as posted on the Commission's bulletin board must be met. Candidates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab-normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing. Persons must be free from such physical or personal abnormalities or deformities as to speech and appearance as would render their admission to the service undesirable.

Fee: $3.50, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date.

Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p, at., Saturday 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for appl ication. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYER, Secretary. o6,21


Salary: One at $4,720 per annum; one at $3,720 per annum; one at $2,800 per annum; one at $2,080 per annum; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One as Buildings Manager at $3,720 per annum; one at $2,080 per annum; one as Buildings Manager at $4,720 per annum. New position.

Ages: 25 through 40 on October 26, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. m., Monday,

October 4, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, October 26, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 26, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis• sior: with insufficient postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: To direct the inventory of families on the sites to be cleared and redeveloped by the New York City Housing Authority; provide for the rehousing of these families; select tenants for the housing developments in accordance with the policy of the Management Division; handle the collection of rents; help the tenants establish com- munity activities; direct the maintenanse of the physical plants, see that the buildings are kept in repair and that the tenants' complaints are prop- erly handled; arrange for showing visitors through the development; keep records and make reports; perform related duties.

Requirements: At least one year's recent practical experience in housing management of a character to qualify for the duties of the position plus three years' practical experience in real estate or social work; or the equivalent. In addi-tion, candidates should have some knowledge of bookkeeping and business law and should under-stand the aims of public housing. Candidates appointed as a result of this examination will be required to furnish a bond.

A college degree is not required as a prerequisite, but this examination will be designed to disclose whether or not candidates possess the understand-ing, ability and facility which should be developed by systematic and sustained schooling equal to a four-year college course.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 4, 70 percent required; duties, weight 4, 75 per-cent required, 75 percent required on Part 1; oral, weight 2, 75 percent required.

Experience will be rated after an oral interview upon the extent to which such experience has fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to the questions propounded concerning experience and upon the written experience form filed by the applicant. At the same time, an oral examination will be given to determine personal qualifications of the candidate and will be based upon appearance, manner, speech and judgment; 60 percent required on each factor listed.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin hoard, must he met. Candidates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab-normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing,

Fee: $5, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, parable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.



(Certification may also be made from the re-sulting eligible list to fill vacancies In the position of Assistant Director of the Bureau of Plant and Structures, Grade 3, New York City Housing Authority.)

Salary: $5,000 per annum (payable at $4,000 until lease for Williamsburg houses is executed) for the Director, and $3,000 per annum for the Assistant Director; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One at $5,000 per annum as Di- rector of the Bureau of Plant and Structures (payable at $4,000 per annum until lease for Williamsburg houses is executed). New position. Ages: Through 49 on October 26, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. m., Monday,

October 4, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, October 26, 1937, Rocm 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 26, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis-sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical weak entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: Under the general supervision of the Director of the Management Division of the New York City Housing Authority, or other designated official of the Authority, to supervise and direct the operation and maintenance of all properties under the jurisdiction of the Authority, including all mechanical and electrical equipment therein; supervise the preparation of budgets for the management and operation of these properties of the Authority; prepare specifications for the pur-chase of supplies and equipment; supervise the preparation of schedules and reports and the keep-ing of cost records; supervise the initiation of preliminary work in connection with the construe. tion and operation of new properties of the Authority; perform related work.

Requirements: A civil or mechanical engineer. ing degree recognized by the University of the State of New York and seven years' practical en-gineering experience of a character to qualify for the duties of the position, at least three years of which must have been in responsible charge of the construction or equipping of buildings of some magnitude or in the cperation and maintenance of them: or the equivalent. Candidates must be familiar with the preparation of cost-estimates, budgets and financial statements for properties. Candidates must understand the aims of public housing.

Before certification, candidates will be required to show that they hold a valid New York State Professional Engineer's license.




Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 5, 70 percent required; technical-written. weight 2, 75 percent required, 75 percent required on Part I; technical-oral, weight 3, 75 percent re-quired.

Experience will be rated after an oral inter-view upon the extent to which such experience has fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to the questions propounded concerning experience and upon the written experience form filed by the candidate. At the same time, a tech-nical-oral will be given to determine technical and pelsonal qualifications of the candidate. The oral part will be based upon appearance, manner, speech and judgment; 60 percent required on each factor listed. The technical part will he based upon tech-nical knowledge concerning the duties of the posi-tion.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Can-didates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab-normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, beast and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defec-tive hearing.

Fee: $5, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for ai'plication. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o4,26


Salary: $2,080 per annum; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: Seven at $2,080 per annum. All salaries included are maximum. During initial operation less will be paid with expected increases each year until the maximum is reached. New position.

Ages: 21 through 40 on October 26, 1937. Applications; Received 9 a. m,, Monday,

October 4, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, October 26, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mat! to request application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 26, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis-sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con. ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: Under immediate supervision, to col-lect rents; handle tenants' complaints; report needed repairs; assist the tenants in establishing community activities; perform related work.

Requirements: At least three years' practical experience in government housing, public ad-ministration or community work; or a college degree recognized by the University of the State of New York or the equivalent. Additional credits will be given for successful completion of the government housing management training course. Candidates must have done some form of com-munity workand should have some knowledge of home economics and building materials and equip-ment. Candidates must understand the aims of public housing and the needs of families to be re-housed. Candidates appointed as a result of this examination will be required to furnish a bona. All candidates must be high school graduates, or the equivalent.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 3, 70 percent required; duties, weight 4, 75 per-cent required, if more than one part, 75 percent required on Part I; oral, weight 3, 70 percent required.

The duties-test will include questions designed to determine the reasoning ability of a candidate, ability to make a clear and concise report.

Experience may be rated after an oral interview upon the extent to which such experience has fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to ques-tions propounded concerning experience and upon the written experience form filed by the candidate. At the same time, an oral examination will be given to determine personal qualifications of the candidate and will be based upon appearance, man-ner, speech and judgment; 60 percent required on each factor listed.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Can-didates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab-normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing. Persons must be free from such physical or personal abnormalities or de-formities as to speech and appearance as would render their admission to the service undesirable.

Fee: $2, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p, m., Saturday 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o4,26


(WOMEN) (Certification will also be made from the re- sulting eligible list to fill vacancies in the position of Assistant Director of the Bureau of Tenant Relations, New York City Housing Authority.) Salary: $5,000 per annum for Director, pay-

able at $4,000 per annum until lease for Williams-burg Houses is executed; $3,000 per annum for Assistant Director; pension, fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One at $5,000 per annum as Di-rector of the Bureau of Tenant Relations (payable at $4,000 per annum until lease for Williamsburg Houses is executed); and one at $3,000 per annum as Assistant Director of the Bureau of Tenant Relations; new position.

Ages: 25 through 45 on October 26, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. m., Monday.

October 4, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, October 26, 1937. Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail

to reouest application and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application plank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 26, 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis-sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the +,ayment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: Under the general supervision of the Director of the Management Division, or any other designated official of the New York City

Housing Authority, to supervise and direct all tenant-relations work for the Authority; initiate tenant-relations work for new developments and maintain satisfactory relations with tenants in completed projects; direct and supervise the selec-tion of tenants, the collection of rents, the pre-paration of the Budget for the Bureau, the keeping of records; make studies, investigations and re-ports, perform related work.

Requirements: At least two years' practical experience as an executive in responsible charge of housing management or tenant-relations work or work of a character to qualify for the duties of the position, plus three years' practical experience in real estate management work, or is a, business executive ar public administrator; or the equiva-lent. Community service, education or recreational work is required. In addition, candidates must understand the preparation and interpretation of social statistics and be able to present data in the form of reports, special articles or speeches. They must be familiar with the operation and scope of social agencies, must be able to speak effectively before large audiences, must possess tact and diplomacy, must have the ability to handle per-sonnel, must understand the aims of public hous-ing and the needs of families to be rehoused. Candidates appointed as a result of this examina-tion will be required to furnish a bond. Candi-dates must possess a college degree recognized by the University of the State of New York.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 4, 70 percent required; written, weight 3, 75 percent required; if more than one part, 75 per. cent required on Part I; oral, weight 3, 70 percent required. Experience will be rated after an oral inter.

view upon the extent to which such experience has fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to questions propounded concerning ex-perience and upon the written experience form filed by the candidate. At the same time, an oral examination will be given to determine the per-sonal qualifications of the candidate and will he based upon appearance, manner, speech and judg-ment; 60 percent required on each factor listed.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Candidates may be rejected for any deficiency, abnormality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases. uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing.

Fee: $5, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1438, until 4 p. m., Saturday, 12 noon, where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail, state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary. o4,26


(Certification will also be made from the re-sulting eligible list to fill vacancies in the position of Assistant Buildings Superinten-dent (Housing).)

Salary: $3,500 per annum for the Superinten-dent at Williamsburg, $2,600 per annum for the Superintendent at Harlem, and $1,800 for the Assistant Superintendent; pension; fair sick leave.

Vacancies: One as Superintendent at annual salary of $2,600 and one as Assistant Superintendent at annual salary of $1,800, both at the Harlem River Houses; one as Superintendent at Williams-burg at $3,500, two as Assistant Superintendent at Williamsburg at $1,800; new position.

Ages: 25 through 45 on October 26, 1937. Applications: Received 9 a. in., Monday,

October 4, to 4 p. m., Tuesday, October 26, 1937, Room 1400, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Save time for yourself by using ordinary mail to request a44lication and to return filled out application instead of coming yourself to the Ap-plication Bureau. If you write for application blank send self-addressed, 9-inch envelope with 3-cent postage, for mailing you the application. Application by mail, postage fully prepaid, must be received not later than 4 p. m., October 26. 1937.

Caution: Applications mailed to the Commis-sion with insufficient postage will be accepted con-ditionally upon the payment of a 25-cent additional fee to cover cost of postage and additional clerical work entailed by such acceptance.

Duties: Under general supervision, to super-vise the operation and maintenance of any prop-erties of the New York City Housing Authority; plan and supervise the work of cleaning and policing all public space within the buildings and grounds; maintain all services such as heat, hot .eater and light; keep in efficient working order all mechanical equipment and appurtenances thereto; supervise the care of all landscaped areas; execute promptly all requests for repairs or adjustments to equipment; schedule and super-vise redecorating as directed; record and account for all tools, equipment and supplies and notify the proper authority in advance of the date necessary to replenish same; keep records and

.make reports; perform related work. Requirements: At least five years' experience

in the operation, maintenance and repair of tenanted buildings, exclusive of loft and factory buildings; three years' of which must have been in responsible charge of properties of considerable magnitude. Candidates must be able to read and interpret plans and specifications; be experienced in the operation of both coal-fired and oil-fired boilers; be familiar with the City laws and ordi-nances insofar as they affect the operation of housing properties; possess tact and special ability to direct personnel; understand the aim of public housing and must be able to pass a very thorough investigation as to sobriety, integrity and character. Candidates appointed as a result of this examina-tion will be required to furnish a bond.

Subjects and Weights: Experience, weight 4, 70 percent required; technical, weight 4, 75 per-cent required, 75 percent required on Part I; oral, weight, 2, 70 percent required. Experience will be rated after an oral inter-

view upon the extent to which such experience has fitted the candidate to perform the duties of the position. The rating will be based upon the answers to questions propounded concerning experience and upon the written experience form filed by the candi-date. At the same time, an oral examination will be given to determine personal qualifications of the candidate and will be based upon appearance, manner, speech and judgment; 60 percent required on each factor listed.

Medical and physical requirements, as posted on Commission's bulletin board, must be met. Can-didates may be rejected for any deficiency, ab-normality or disease that tends to impair health or usefulness, such as defective vision, heart and lung diseases, uncontrolled hernia, paralysis and defective hearing.

Fee: $3.50, to be paid five days prior to first test but after receipt of notice of examination date. Only one fee, payable by money order or cash, at Room 1538, until 4 p. m., Saturday 12 noon. where official receipt will be given. When sending fee by mail state application number and enclose self-addressed envelope, full postage prepaid. No fee for application. No refund of fee.


WALLACE S. SAYER, Secretary. o4,26

Notices to Appear for Examinations

CLERK, GRADE 2 Written test will be held in THE FOLLOW-

ING HIGH SCHOOLS, commencing at 2 p. m., on SATURDAY, OCT. 16, 1937:

BOROUGH OF THE BRONX DeWitt Clinton, Mosholu pkway. and Sedgwick

ave.; Evander Childs, Gun Hill rd. and Bronx-wood ave.; James Monroe 172d st. and Boynton ave.; Walton, Jerome and Reservoir ayes.; Morris, 166th St. and 3d ave.; Roosevelt, East Fordham rd. and Washington ave.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN Abraham Lincoln, Ocean pkway. and Guider

ave,, Bklyn.; James Madison, Quentin rd. and E 25th st.; New Utrecht, 79th and 80th sts. and 16th and 17th aves.; Samuel J. Tilden, Tilden ave. and E. 57th St.; Eastern District, Marcy ave. and Rodney st.; Franklin K. Lane, Jamaica ave. and Dexter st.; Alexander Hamilton; Albany ave. and Bergen at.

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN Seward Park, Grand and Essex sts.; \Vadleigh,

114th and 115th sts. and 7th ave.; George Wash-ington, 192d st, and Audubon ave.; Julia Rich-man, 67th St. and 2d ave.; Stuyvesant, 345 E. 15th st.

BOROUGH OF QUEENS John Adams, Rockaway blvd. and 101st st.;

Grover Cleveland, Himrod St. and Grandview ave.; Richmond Hill, 114th St. and 89th ave.

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND (STATEN ISLAND) Curtis, Hamilton ave. and St. Marks pl.

BUYER (FUELS AND LUBRICANTS) Oral test will be held in Room 1428, Municipal

Building, Manhatti.n, commencing at 9 a. m., on FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1937. o8,15


Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-nicipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a. m., on FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1937. o8,15


Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-nicipal Building, Maul attan, commencing at 9.30 a. In., on FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1937. 08,15


Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-nicipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a. m., on FRIDAY, OCT. 15, 1937. o8,15


Oral test will be held in Room 1428, Municipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 2 p. m.. on THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1937. o7,14

A'TTi:NDANT. GRADE 1, DEPARTMENT OF 1f1F, LTH-L.EPARTMENT OF CORREC-TION. Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-

nicipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a. ni., on THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1937. o74


nicipal Building, Manhattan. commencing at 9.3i a. m., on THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1937. o7.14


Qualifying test will he held in Room 1415, Mu-nicipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a. m., on THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1937. o7,14

CLERK, GRADE 2, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH-DEPARTMENT OF CORREC-TION. Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-

nicipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a, nl., on THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1937. o7.14

SUPERVISOR OF CLINICS Technical-oral test will be held in Room 1428.

Municipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 2 p. m., each day, on OCT. 7, 8 AND 15, 1937.



Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-nicipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1937. 06,13


Qualifying test will be held in Room 1415, Mu-nicipal Building. Manhattan, commencing at 9.30 a. m., on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1937. o6,13


Oral test will be held in Room 1428, Municipal Building, Manhattan, commencing at 2 p. m., on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1937. o6,13

WALLACE S. SAYRE, Secretary.



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of The Bronx, at

his office, Room 211.212, Bronx County Building, 161st St. and Grand Concourse, Bronx, New York City, until 11 a. m., Eastern standard time, on

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 193~t at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud.


Bidders are referred to the instructions to bid-ders, to the form of bid, to the form of agree-ment, to the specifications, to the plan of the work, and to the following Engineer's estimate of the quantity and kind of work required, the items whereof in all cases include all equipment, ma-terials and labor necessary to fully complete said work. Prices for each item shall be named, upon the sum total of which the comparison and tests of bids will be made. The President reserves the right to reject any bid which does not state a fair price for each and every item for which prices are asked.

The Engineer's estimate of quantities is as follows: Item 1, 45,000 cubic yards of earth excavation. Item 2, 40,000 cubic yards of rock excavation,

in open cu`. Item 3, 200 cubic yards of rock excavation for

manholes, inlets, basins and drains. Item 4, 65,000 cubic yards of filling. Item 5, 17,000 cubic yards class A concrete. Item ', 5.600 cubic yards of class B concrete. Item 7, 1 ,1 00 cubic yards of class C concrete. Item 8, 3,200,000 pounds of steel reinforcement

(Ieirs and mesh). Item 9, 1,600 tons of structural steel.

Item 10 15,000 square yards of membrane waterproofing (including mortar covering), Item I1, 18,000 square feet of ceramic glazed

brick walls. Item 12, 70 cubic yards of coursed granite ma-

sonry. Item 13, 28,000 square yards of granite block

pavement. Item 14, 400 square yards of sheet asphalt pave-

ment. Item 15, 6,000 square yards of concrete side-

walk. Item 16, 1,700 square yards of brick sidewalk. Item 17, 450 square yards of granite block side-

walk. Item 18, 7,000 linear feet of concrete curb. Item 19, 3,000 linear feet of old curb recut and

reset. Item 20, 1,200 linear feet of old curb reset. Item 21, 300 linear feet of granite headers. Item 22, 250 linear feet of old granite headers

recut and reset. Item 23, 7 receiving basins, type G. Item 24, 1 special inlet No. 1 Item 25, 1 special inlet No. 2. Item 26, 1 special inlet No. 3. Item 27, 1 special inlet No. 4. Item 28, 1 special inlet No. 5. Item 29, 1 special inlet No. 6. Item 30, 1 special inlet No. 7. Item 31, 1 special inlet No. 8. Item 32, 6 receiving basins rebuilt.

Item 33, 60 linear feet of 15-inch diameter vitrified pipe drain.

Item 34, 380 linear feet of 12-inch diameter v,trified pipe drain.

Item 35, 1,150 linear feet of 6-inch diameter vitrified pipe drain.

Item 36, 380 linear feet of 12-inch diameter cast iron pipe drain.

Item 37, 290 linear feet of 8-inch diameter cast iron pipe drain.

Item 38, 130 linear feet of 6-inch diameter cast iron pipe drain.

Item 39, 20 linear feet of 8-inch diameter gal-vanized wrought iron pipe drain.

Item 40, 200 linear feet of 6-inch diameter gal-vanized wrought iron pipe drain.

Item 41, 680 linear feet of 4-inch diameter gal-vanized wrought iron pipe drain. Item 42, 3,900 linear feet of 6-inch porous con-

crete pipe drain Item 43, 1 manhole. Item 44, 1,450 linear feet of two pipe galvanized

wrought iron railing. Item 45, llll linear feet of four pipe galvanized

wrought iron railing. Item 46, 7,500 square feet of ventilator grat-

ings. Item 47, 11 special inlets No. 9. Item 48, 26 cast steel scuppers. Item 49, 1 (lump sum) ball bearing system (29

units). Item 50, 10,000 feet (board measure) of

timber. Item 51, 1 (lump sum) relocation of water

mains. Item 52, 1 (lump sum) electrical lighting and

equipment. Item 53, 1,500 linear feet of temporary board

fence (left in place). Item 54, 1 set of bronze tablets. The estimated cost of the work to be performed

under this contract is $1,500,000. The foregoing Engineer's estimate of quantities

is approximate only and is given merely for the information of the bidder and will be used to de-termine the lowest bidder, and is not to be con-sidered as a binding feature of the contract.

Bidders are required to submit their bids upon the following express conditions, which apply to and become a part of every bid received. Bid- ders must satisfy themselves, by personal ex-amination of the location of the proposed work and surroundings thereof, and by such other means as they may prefer as to the accuracy of the fore-going estimate, and shall not at any time after submission of their bids, dispute or complain of such estimate of the Engineer, nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the quantity or kind of materials to be furnished or work to be done.

The amount of security required to guarantee the faithful performance of the work under the contract will be one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount of the accepted bid.

The time allowed for the full performance of the work under the contract will be three hundred fifty (350) consecutive calendar days.

No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check upon one of the State or National banks or trust companies of the City of New York, or a check of such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer there- of drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or of money, or of corporate stock or certificates of in-debtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York, which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value with the security required; such checks or money or corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness to be in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid, and to be enclosed in a separate envelope accom-panying the bid.

No bid will be accepted from or contract awarded to any person, partnership or corporation who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract or who is in default as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof, but may withdraw it at any time prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of bids or authorized postponement thereof.

Within 10 days after the opening of bids, the Comptroller will return all the deposits made to the persons making the same, except the deposits made by the lowest three bidders on this contract; within three days after a contract has been awarded, the Comptroller will return the deposits of the remaining bidders for that contract except the deposit made by the bidder whose bid has been accepted, and if said bidder whose hid has been accepted shall refuse or neglect, within five days after due notice that the contract has been awarded, to execute the same, or to furnish the required bond, the amount of deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by The City of New York and such bidder will also be liable to pay to the City, on demand, the difference be-tween the contract price of his bid and the con- tract price for which such contract shall be sub- sequently relet, including the cost of reletting and less the amount of such deposit, and tball be paid into the Sinking Fund of the City, but if the said bidder shall execute the contract and furnish the required bond within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him as soon as practicable.

The information for bidders, form of bid, form of contract, plans, specifications and form of performance bond may be examined at the Office of the President of the Borough of The Bronx, and copies thereof obtained upon payment of $100 for each set. Any bidder, upon returning such set promptly and in good condition, will be re-funded his payment, and any non-bidder upon re-turning such set within thirty (30) days after the opening of bids will be refunded $80.

This contract will be financed in whole or in part by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works,

The contractor will be required to furnish the President of the Borough of The Bronx with sworn copies of all payrolls relating to work normally performed on the site of the project, and with delivery tickets, invoices and cancelled bills or





vouchers for all materials, plant and equipment purchased for and delivered to the site of the project which are to be incorporated in the proj--ect or used in its construction.

Bidders are advised that a provision in the contract requires the maintenance of the entire work in good condition for one year from the date of final completion and acceptance of the work.

The President of the Borough of The Bronx re-serves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.

Bidders are required to inform themselves fully •of the conditions relating to construction and la-bor under which the work will be or is now being performed, and the contractor must employ, so far as possible such methods and means in the carry-ing out of his work as will not cause any inter-ruption or interference with any other contractors that may be employed by the City.

Plans, specifications and blank forms may be obtained or seen at Room 211-212, Bronx County Building, 161st at. and Grand Concourse, The Bronx, New York City.

01,13 JAMES J. LYONS, President. U See General Instructions to Bidden on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, at

Room 21, Borough Hall, Brooklyn, until 11 a. m., on



The time allowed for the completion of the iicrk and full performance of the contract will be 90 consecutive working days.

The amount of security required will be Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500).

Each bidder will be required to. deposit as security the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125) in cash or certified check, made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York and drawn on a State or Na. tional bank of the City of New York. .

The bidder will be required to state a price for the work complete and the bids will be com-pared and the contract awarded at a lump sum for the entire contract.

Blank forms may be obtained at the Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices, 8th floor, Municipal Building. Brooklyn. ol,14

RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, President. ITSee Oeneral Instruct ions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the President of the Borough of Brooklyn, at

Room 21, Borough Hall, Brooklyn, until 11 a. m., on



















The Engineer's preliminary estimate is as fol. lows:

1,243 linear feet of chain link fence, eight (8) feet high.

Bidders must state the price per linear foot of such chain link fence constructed in accordance with the specifications.

Time allowed, 20 consecutive working trays. Security required, $600. Each bid must be acccmpanied by a deposit of

$30, in cash or certified check, made payable to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained and specifications may be seen at the Bureau of Highways and Sewers, 10th floor, Mu- nicipal Building, Brooklyn. s30,o13

RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, President. t•See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page. last column. of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract

is 30 consecutive calendar days after date of order.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half percent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa. tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. o9,21

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. L See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, !fanhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is 90 consecutive calendar days after date of order.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $225. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $4,500.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids- will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank. forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the-Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build. ing, Manhattan o8,20

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WTLL BE RECEIVED B't the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. in., on



The time for the performance of the contract is 30 consecutive calendar days from date of order.


The time for the performance of .the contract is 15 consecutive calendar days after date of order.


The time for the performance of the contract is 45 consecutive calendar days from date of order. .

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half percent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made., made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. o7,19

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., ou



Th-- time for the l.erformance of the contract is 30 and 45 consecutive calendar days after date of order.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $180 on Schedule 917075. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $3.600.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $120 on Schedule 927007. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $2,400.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The e,. tensions mist tx made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhatta-i. o7,19

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. dB See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is 60 consecutive calendar days after date of cider.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $15. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $300.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of The Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. 06,14

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, hurt column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York. at his office. Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is from date of award to Dec. 31, 1937.


The time for the performance of the contract is 30 consecutive calendar days after date ut order.

No bid shall be considered for automobiles to Department of Sanitation unless it is accom-pamed by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in 4o amount not less than one and one-half percent. of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be . made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on • each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build-

ing, Man RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. WSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, .of.the '!4!1ty Record.'.

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. in., on



The time for the performance of the contract is for the period ending Dec. 31, 1937.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $55. -The amount of security :required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $1,100,,

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for , in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, it made, made to the lowest. bidder on each item or class, as stated • in the schedules.


The time for the performance of the contract is from date of award to June 30, 1938.

No bid shall be, considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit as follows: Class No. 1, $225; Class No. 2, one and one-half percent (1%) per-cent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, wiJi be as follows: Class No. 1, $4,500; Class No. 2, thirty (30) per-cent of the total amount of the contract.

All bids shall be predicated on the prices listed in the manufacturer's latest standard printed price list, recognized by standard chain manufacturers, copy of which, including supplements, shall be sub-mitted with this bid.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room, 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. 06,18

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "(" - Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is for the period ending Dec. 31, 1937.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $100. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $2,000.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa. tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. o4,15

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. t'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase, at his office,

Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937 and then at said office publicly opened and read. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING


The general instructions to bidders, form of bid, form of contract, addenda, specifications and performance bond may be examined and copies ob-tained at said office.

The Department of Purchase reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids. No bid will be accepted, however, except with the prior aproval of the State Director, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid security in an amount of not less than five (5) percent of the base bid in the form and subject to the con-dition provided in the general instructions to bid-ders. The bond to secure the faithful perform-ance of contract awarded will be 100 percent of contract price.

This contract will be financed in part by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

No bidder may withdraw his hid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof, but may withdraw it any time prior to the scheduled closing time of receipt of bids.

The estimated cost of these items for hospital furniture is $3.146. o4,15

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. *See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase, at his office,

Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937 and then at said office publiclyopened and read aloud. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING


The general instructions to bidders, form of bid, form of contract, addenda specification and

performance bond may be examined and copies oh-tamed at said office,

Thu time allowed for completion of work is 30 consecutive calendar days from the date of order,

The Department of Purchase reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids. No bid will be accepted, however, except with the prior approval of the State Director, Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in an amount of not less than five (5) percent of the base bid in the form and subject to the condi-tions provided in the general instructions to bid-ders. The bond to secure the faithful performance of contract awarded will be l(10 percent of con-tract price.

This contract will be financed in part by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof, but may withdraw it an7 time prior to the scheduled closing time of receipt of bids.

The estimated cost of these items for dental equipment and furniture is E3,400. 04,15

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, list column of the "City Record,•,

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City, of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is for, the period ending Jan. 31, 1938.


The time for the performance of the contract is from .Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1937. FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING


The time for the performance of the caattract is 14 consecutive calendar days after the date of order.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half percent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for , in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be te4ted. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if niade, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room .2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. o2,14

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. H'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last colts 'of- the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner. of Purchase. of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. -m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30, 1937.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not lea than one and one-half percent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of .quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. o2,14

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. tSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building. Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the '.?.tract is as follows: 100 units to be ready for de4 livery in 70 consecutive calendar days after date cf order. Deliveries to be made in quantities of 100 units to points within the City of New York as designated by the Department within 14 days after issuance of shipping instructions,

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $370. The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract, when awarded, will be $7,400.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion ma be obtained at the office of the Depart-ment o7 Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build-ing, Manhattan. 01,13

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. WSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Purchase of The City of

New York, at his office, Room 2214, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a, m., on


MEN'S SHOES AND SLIPPERS TO DEPART-1 ENT OF 110SPITALS. The time for the performance of the contract

is 45 consecutive calendar days from date of order. No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half percent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.


The time for the performance of the contract is 30 consecutive calendar days after date of order.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit of $20. The amount or security required for the faithful performance of the contract. when awarded will, be $400:





The time for the performance of the contract is 30 consecutive calendar days after date of

order. No bid shall be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half percent of the total amountof the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.


The time for the performance of the contract is 30 consecutive calendar days after date of order.

No bid shall be considered unless it is accom- panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half percent of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security required is 30 percent of the contract amount awarded.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The ex-tensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total, and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Specifications, blank forms and further informa-tion may he obtained at the office of the Depart-ment of Purchase, Room 2214, Municipal Build- ing, Manhattan. s30,oll

RUSSELL FORBES, Commissioner. t 'See General instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column. of the "City Record.'


Proposed Approval of Subcontractors

THE BOARD OF EDUCATION PROPOSES to approve the following as subcontractors: David H. Simpson, Inc., of 163 Jamaica ave,,

Jamaica, for completing all grading, excavating, filling, etc., of the above site to receive yard pav-ing, as submitted by D. M. W. Contracting Co., Inc., contractor for general construction of P. S. 152, Queens.

J. I. Hass Co., Inc., of 51 E. 42d st., Man-hattan, for painting work, as submitted by Skol-nick Building Corp., contractor for general con-struction of P. S. 226, Bkiyn.

General Bronze Corp., of 34-19 10th st.. L. I. City, for bronze work, as submitted by Wilaka Construction Corp., contractor for general con-struction of William Cullen Bryant High School, Queens.

General Bronze Corp., of 34-19 10th st., L. I. City, for bronze work, as submitted by Wilaka Construction Co., Inc., contractor for general construction of Christopher Columbus High School, Bronx.

Doyle Riggs Company, Inc., of 642 E. 13th st., Manhattan, for terrazzo work, as submitted by Depot Construction Corp., contractor for general construction of P. S. 113, Manhattan.

WALTER C. MARTIN, Architect, Superinten- dent of School Buildings. o9,13


SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of Plant Operation, Board

of Education of The City of New York, at his office, Room 614, 131 Livingston st., Bklyn., until 10 a. m., on


SCHOOLS: Borough of Manhattan

P. S. 14 heating repairs, etc. P. S. 7~, new sheet metal shields, etc. (fire

prevention work). Metropolitan Vocational High School, heating

and ventilating Dark Room 403-A. Borough of The '

o B xadiator con- nections, Monroe high nections, etc.

Borough of Brooklyn P. S. 126, retubing boilers. P. S. 135, new traps and radiator connections. P. S. 156, new wire screen guards, etc. (fire

prevention work). P. S. 219, heating repairs and new drip traps,

etc. Brooklyn High School of Specialty Trades, new

machines, etc., for machine shop. Borough of Queens

P. S. 170, boiler repairs. A separate bid must be submitted in a separate

envelope. No security or bond required. The time allowed to complete the whole work

for each school is indicated in the specifications. The work must be completed within the time

specified for each school,' to the satisfaction of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of Plant Operation.

Attention is called to the fact that wages to be paid for all labor covered by and performed for this work must be in accordance with schedule posted in the office of the Superintendent of Plant Operation.

The successful bidder will be required to show evidence of Workmen's Compensation before any order will be issued.

The contractor shall not assign, transfer, con. vey, sublet or otherwise dispose of this order, without the consent of the Superintendent of Plant Operation.

The proposals for bids, form of bids, form of order, including the general conditions, the speci-fications, the plans, may be examined or obtained in the office of the Heating and Ventilating Divi-sion of the Bureau of Plant Operation, Board of Education. Room 614, 131 Livingston st., Bklyn.

Dated Oct. 4, 1937. R. W. ROD:IMAN, Superintendent of Plant

Operation. o7,14 RtTSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies of the

Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and performance of the con-tract will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

Contractors shall furnish a bond representing one hundred percent of the contract amount for the faithful performance of the contract.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid.

Awards to he made by item. Item 1-Pupils desks and seats, typewriter tables,

etc. Item 2-Tables and chairs, etc. Blank forms, snecifications and further informa-

t ion may he obtained at the office of the Superin• tendent of School Supplies of the Board of Edu• a. tion of The City of New York (Furniture

Division), 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Manhattan.

G. L. GRAEF, Superintendent of School Sup-plies.

Dated Oct. 7, 1937. o7,20 IWSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last ?age, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Buildings, Board

of Education of The City of New York, at his office, southeast corner of Flatbush avenue exten-sion and Concord st., Bklyn., until 10 a. m., on


SCHOOLS: Borough of Manhattan

P. S. 177, roof repairs. Borough of The Bronx

P. S. 10, new serving counter in lunch room, etc.

P. S. 34, gas hot plates, etc. P. S. 82, pointing, waterproofing and caulking

frames. Bronx Vocational High School Annex in 38,

forming teachers' room and toilet, etc. Bronx Vocational High School Annex in 38,

removing sanitary fixtures, etc. Borough of Brooklyn

P. S. 5, electric work, P. S. 64, renewing piping and covering. P. S. 85, repairs to pavement. P. S. 93, pavement work. P. S. 107, new electric equipment. P. S. 148, replacing exit doors, etc. P. S. 151, doors, etc. P. S. 214, caulking windows. Girls' High School, repairs to plaster. Shop, electric materials. P. 5. 28, repairs to roof tile, etc.

Borough of Queens P. S. 16, plumbing work for homemaking

room. P. S. 88, electric lighting for stairs, etc. P. S. 116, repairs to cement pavement, etc. A separate bid must be submitted in a separate

envelope. No security or bond required. The time allowed to complete the whole work

for each school is indicated in the specifica- tions.

The work must be completed within the time specified for each school, to the satisfaction of the Board of Education and the Superintendent of School Buildings.

Attention is called to the fact that wages to be paid for all labor covered by and performed for this work must be in accordance with schedule posted in the office of the Superinten- dent of School Buildings.

Bidders on licensed trades must show evidence of a New York City license in their own names.

The successful bidder will be required to attach to his bill for this work a certificate of Workmen's Compensation which must give the following information: 1. Period of coverage. 2. Class or classes of work. 3. Public school involved with location. Where no compensation insurance is required,

the contractor must submit with his bill an affidavit that no outside labor was involved on this job. The contractor shall not assign, transfer, con•

vey, sublet, or otherwise dispose of this order, without the consent of the Superintendent of School Buildings.

A separate order will be issued for each indi-vidual job.

The proposals for bids, form of bids, form of order, including the general conditions, the speci-fications, the plans, may be examined or obtained on the 7th floor of the Board of Education at Flat-bush avenue extension and Concord st., Bklyn.

Dated Sept. 30, 1937. WALTER C. MARTIN, Architect, Superinten.

dent of School Buildings. 04,11 tB See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies of the

Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d at., Boroi'gh of Manhattan, until 11 a. m.. on



The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and performance of the con-tract will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

Contractors shall furnish a bond representing one hundred percent of the contract amount for the faithful performance of the contract.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms, specifications and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Superin-tendent of School Supplies of the Board of Edu. cation of The City of New York (Furniture Division), 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Manhattan.

G. L. GRAEF, Superintendent of School Sup• plies.

Dated Oct. 1, 1937. ol,14 1 "See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page. last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies of the

Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and performance of the con-tract will be forty (40) consecutive working days.

Contractors shall furnish a bond representing one hundred percent of the contract amount for the faithful performance of the contract.

No 'yid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms, specifications and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Superin-tendent of School Supplies of the Board of Edu- cation of The City of New York (Furnitut•.- Division), 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Manhattan.

G. L. GRAEF, Superintendent of School Sup-plies.

Dated Oct. 1, 1937. ol,14 t2See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School Supplies of the

Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and performance of the con-tract will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

Contractors shall furnish a bond representing one hundred percent of the contract amount for the faithful performance of the contract.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid.

Awards to be made by item.

Item 1-Shop benches, etc. Item 2-Steel cabinets. etc. Blank forms, specifications and further informa.

tion may be obta+.ned at the office of the Superin-tendent of School Supplies of the Board of Edu-cation of The City of New York (Furniture Division), 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Manhattan.

G. L. GRAEF, Superintendent of School Sup. plies,

Dated Oct. 1, 1937. o1,14 t'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Superintendent of School. Supplies of the

Board of Education of The City of New York, at his office, at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- terials and supplies and the performance of the con- tract will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

Contractors shall furnish a bond representing one hundred percent of the contract amount for the faithful performance of the contract,

No bid will be considered unless it is accom- panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be not less than five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms, specifications and further informa-tion may be obtained at the office of the Superin- tendent of School Supplies of the Board of Edu-cation (Furniture Division), at 1334 York ave., corner of 72d st., Manhattan.

G. L. GRAEF, Superintendent of School Sup- plies.

Dated Oct. 1, 1937. ol,14 If See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record.'

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED B' the Superintendent of School Buildings, Board

of Education of The City of New York, at his office, southeast corner of Flatbush avenue exten-sion and Concord st., Bklyn„ until 2 p. m., on

MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1937 Borough of Brooklyn


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be three hundred (300) consecutive calendar days.

The amount of security required shall be in an amount of not less than one hundred percent of the total amount of the bid.

The deposit accompanying bid shall be five per-cent of the total amount of the bid.

A deposit of Twenty Dollars ($20) in certified check or cash will be required on plans and speci-fications obtained by each intending bidder. If the contractor submits a bid, this deposit will be refunded upon return of the plans and specifica-tions in good condition, together with the receipt given for such deposit. Subcontractors for mill. work may have the deposit refunded upon return of the receipt for the deposit, the plans and speci-fications in good condition and a statement show-ing to whom they submitted bids.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be one hundred and ninety (190) consecutive calendar days. See paragraph 15 of the speci-fications.

The amount of security required shall be in an amount of not less than one hundred percent of the total amount of the bid.

The deposit accompanying bid shall be not less than five percent of the total amount of the bid.

A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10) in certified check or cash will be required on plans and specifica-tions obtained by each intending bidder. If the contractor submits a bid this deposit will be re-funded upon return of the plans and specifica. tions in good condition, together with the receipt given for such deposit. FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK FOR


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be one hundred and five (105) consecutive calendar days.

The amount of security required shall be in an amount of not less than one hundred percent of the total amount of the bid.

The deposit accompanying bid shall be five per-cent of the total amount of the bid.

A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10) in certified check or cash will be required on plans and speci-fications obtained by each intending bidder. If the contractor submits a bid this deposit will be refunded upon return of the plans and specifica-tions in good condition together with the receipt given for such deposit.

Attention is called to the necessity of sub-mitting a qualification statement, as called for in the specifications.

Blank forms, plans and specifications may be obtained or seen in the Main Estimating Room of the Board of Education at 34r/, E. 12th st., Manhattan.

WALTER C. MARTIN, Architect, Superinten-dent of School Buildings.

Dated Sept. 30, 1937, s30,oll LFSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page. last column. of the "City Record."


Filing Bills of Costs


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title to the real property required for a permanent easement for the uses and to the extent thereof as herein mentioned, in water grant Lot No. 33, on Wards Island, as shown upon a map adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on February 28, 1936, said permanent easement being located below a horizontal plane having an elevation of 100 feet below the level of mean high water of the Harlem River, and between two vertical parallel planes located 1254 feet on each side of and parallel with the centre line of the easement in the Borough of Manhat. tan, the City of New York,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above-entitled proceeding will he presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-ough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited

in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New York, Sep tember 30, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municial Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property

for the opening and extending of BEAK STREET, from Payson avenue to Sea- man avenue, in the Borough of Manhattan, the City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above-entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor- ough of Manhattan, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora. tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New York, September 30, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municial Budding, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll

Filing Final Report


In the Matter of the Ap placation of the Corpora-tion Counsel of The City of New York for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment to ascertain and determine the com-pensation, if any, which should justly be made to George Zink, as owner, legally entitled to damages caused by the closing of a portion of OLD WHITE PLAINS ROAD, also known as Road to White Plains, in Block No. 4949, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE final report of the Commissioners of Estimate

and Assessment in the above entitled matter will be presented for confirmation in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part I, to be held in the Bronx County Building, in the Borough of The Bronx, in the City of New York, on the 18th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon

final report has been deposited n in tha

t office of the Clerk of the County of Bronx, there to re- main for and during the space of five days, as required by law.

Dated, New York, October 9, 1937. JOH

N and d

ERRARACmmssners of Etimatte and Assess.


Application for Order Directing Compensation to Be Determined


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ-ated on the southeast corner of 15th street and 2d avenue, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purposes according to law, to be used as an annex to the Manhattan High School of Women's Garment Trades,

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTE IN SUCH case made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part VII thereof, jar the trial of condemnation proceedings to be held in and for New York County, at the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on the I 5th day of October, 1937, at the opening of court on that day, or as soon there. after as counsel can be heard thereon, to have the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property pro- posed to be taken in the above proceeding ascer-tained and determined by said court without a jury.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acQuisition of title in fee simple absolute by The City of New York to certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Man hattan, City and State of New York, the same to be converted, appropriated and used as a site for school purposes.

The said lands and premises so to be acquired are bounded and described as follows:

"Beginning at the corner formed by the Inter- section of the southerly side of East 15th street and the easterly side of 2d avenue, and running thence southerly along the easterly side of 2d ave• nue 128 feet 3 inches to the southerly side of Lot No. 64; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Lot No. 64, 74 feet 9 inches to the easterly line of said Lot No. 64; thence north. erly along the easterly line of said Lot No. 64 128 feet 3 inches to the southerly side of East 15th street; and thence westerly along the south-erly side of East 15th street 74 feet 9 inches to the point or place of beginning, be the said several dimensions more or less, said premises being desig-nated as Lot No. 64 of Block 921 on the tax maps of the Borough of Manhattan, together with all right, title and interest, if any, in and to the streets or avenues in front thereof to the centre thereof,'

Dated, New York October 1, 1937. PAUL WINDEL§, Ccrporatin Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bar ough of Manhattan, City of New Yor'r. 01,13

Notices to File Claims


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain property situated on the south side of WEST 136TH STREET, west of Lenox avenue, in the Borough of Manhat~ tan, City of New York, duly selected by the Trustees of the New York Public Library as a site for an addition to the Public Library and approved according to law.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN order of the Supreme Court of the State of

New 4. 1937, and Centered oand filed in the the office the Clerk of the County of New York on October 6, 1937, the application of The City of New York to have the compens. tion which ought justly be made to the respective owners of the real property pro. posed to be taken in the ahove entitled proceeding ascertained nrd determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, was granted.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the real property acquired herein is bounded and described as follows: "All that certain parcel of land in the Borough

of Manhattan, County of New York, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows:



"Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Vest 136th street as now laid out, distant 91 feet 8 inches westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the said southerly line of West 136th street with the westerly line of Lenox avenue, as these streets are now laid out on the City map, running thence southerly and parallel with Lenox avenue, distant 99 feet 11 inches to the centre line of the block, thence westerly and parallel with West 136th street, distant 66 feet 4 inches, thence northerly and parallel with Lenox avenue 99 feet 11 inches to a point in the southerly line of West 136th street, thence easterly along said southerly line of West 136th street, distant 66 feet 4 inches to the point or place of beginning." --and each and every owner of said real property having any claim or demand on account thereof is hereby required to file claim or demand duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, with the Clerk of the County of New York on or before the 25th day of October, 1937, and to serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1743, Municipal Build-ing, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, within the same time, a true copy thereof.

Said verified claim shall set forth the real property which the claimant owns or in which lie is interested and his post office address, to-gether with an inventory or itemized statement of the fixtures, if any, for which compensation is claimed and in case such claim or demand for compensation with respect to any fixtures is made by a lessee or tenant of the real property to be acquired, a copy of such verified claim or de-mand together with said inventory or itemized statement shall be served upon the owner of such real property or his attorney.

Proof of title will be received by the Corpora-tion Counsel on or before October 27, 1937.

Dated, New York, October 8, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel. Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building. for. ough of Manhattan, City of New York. o8.20


Filing Bills of Costs


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and ex- tending of QUINTARD STREET, from Old Town road to Xenia street; XENIA STREET from Mason avenue to Olympia avenue; BEN- TON AVENUE, from Rambler road to Quincy street (avenue), and RAMBLER ROAD, from Evergreen avenue to Old Town road, in the Borough of Richmond, the City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason if the above-entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part IV, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in ac-cordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Rich-mond, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New York, September 30, 1937. PAUL WTNDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor. ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extending of INTERBOROUGH PARKWAY from the Brooklyn Borough line to Cypress Hills street and from the easterly property line of the Cypress Hill Cemetrry to Main street, exclud-ing the rights-of-way of the Long Island Rail-road; UNION TURNPIKE from Myrtle ave-nue to Main street, excluding the rights-of-way of the Long Island Railroad; AUSTIN STREET from 77th avenue (Reliance place-Milner place) to 81st avenue (Pembroke place); the triangular area at the intersection of Ursula place, 70th drive and Union turnpike; CYPRESS AVE-NUE from Vermont place to Cypress Hills street, and VERMONT PLACE from Interborough parkway to Cypress avenue, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, as amended by an order of the Supreme Court of the State of New Ycrk, Second Judicial District, dated June 15, 1934, and entered in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens June 18, 1934; be amended so as to provide for the acquisition of title to the real property required for the open-ing and extending of INTERBOROUGH PARKWAY from Cypress Hills street to a line 40.37 feet westerly from the fourth angle point in the northerly line of Vermont avenue west of Vermont place, and from the easterly property line of the Cypress Hills Cemetery to Main street, excluding the rights-of-way of the Long Island Railroad; UNION TURNPIKE (IN-TERBOROUGH PARKWAY - S E R V I C E ROAD) from Myrtle avenue to Main street, ex-eluding the rights-of-way of the Long Island Railroad; AUSTIN STREET from 77th avenue (Reliance place-Milner place) to 81st avenue (Pembroke place); the triangular area at the in-tersection of Ursula place, 70th drive and Union turnpike; 71ST AVENUE from Union turn-pike to Sybilla street, and the widening of Cypress Hills street on its easterly side from Interborough parkway to the southerly boundary line of Mount Carmel Cemetery, excluding in each case the City-owned lands under the juris-diction of the Park Department or the Depart-ment of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, as the said streets are now laid out upon the map or plan of the City of New York, in accord-ance with the resolution of the Board of Esti-mate and Apportionment, adopted on April 12, 1934.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part IV, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York. on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New Vi rk, September 30, 1937. PAUL WTNDELS, Coiroration Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor. ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extending of SHEFFIELD A V E N U E (HAWTHORNE STREET) from Farmers boulevard (avenue) to Springfield boulevard (road), and KIRKLAND STREET (DECKER AVENUE) from Farmers boulevard (avenue) to 147th (Cherry) avenue, in the Borough of Queens, the City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part IV, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel an that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the xrtificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required ty law.

Dated, New York, September 30, 1937. PAUI. WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-cugh of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extending of VAN WYCK BOULEVARD (VAN WYCK AVENUE-RALPH AVENUE) from Jamaica avenue (Fulton street) to Foch boulevard and from Rockaway boulevard (road) to Conduit boulevard, subject to the rights, if any, of the Long Island Railroad Company, and FOCH BOULEVARD from the easterly line of Van Wyck boulevard to a property line about 11.78 feet easterly therefrom, in the Borough of Queens, the City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, cltargas and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part IV. to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as Counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the t ertificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New York, September 30, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extending of 58TH DRIVE (EDWARD STREET) from 59th (Broad) street to Flushing avenue, and 65TI LANE (McARTHUR PLACE) from Metropolitan avenue to Admiral avenue (street), in the Borough of Queens, the City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part IV, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'chek in the forenoon of ;hat day, or as soon thereafter ai counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora-tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New York, September 30, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York relative to acquiring title wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extending of 121ST (12TH) STREET from 23d (7th) ave-nue to 25th (8th) ..venue, in the Borough of Queens, the City of Ncw Ycrk.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by

reason of the above entitled proceeding will be presented to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term thereof, Part IV, to be held at the County Court House, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in th- forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for taxation in accordance with the certificate of the Corporation Counsel and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses with the certificate of the Corpora. tion Counsel thereto attached has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens. there to remain for and during the space of 10 days as required by law.

Dated, New York, September 30, 1937, PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor. ough of Manhattan, City of New York. s30,oll

Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to File Objections


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situated on the northerly side of LAFAYETTE AVE-NUE, 132 feet easterly of Reid avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, duly selected as a site for a public park, accord-ing to law.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE owners respectively entitled to or interested in

the real property, title to which has been acquired in the above proceeding and to all those whom it may concern, to wit:- That the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, for the trial of condemnation pro-ceedings held in and for the County of Kings, at

the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brook. lyn, City of New York, has, after considering the testimony and proofs offered by The City of New York and the parties and persons who have ap-peared in the above proceeding, completed its esu-

. mate of the compensation which ought justly to be made by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property so acquired, and has prepared a transcript of its estimate of the damages to be ascertained and estimated. Said transcript of estimate is accompanied by the damage map used by said court upon the trial of said pro-ceeding and states the several sums respectively estimated for each parcel as shown on said damage map with the names of the owners so far as ascertained. Said transcript of estimate, signed by Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above pro-ceeding on September 25, 1937, accompanied by said damage map, together with proofs upon which it is based, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 27th day of Septem-ber, 1937, for the investigation of whomsoever it may concern. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN

that The City of New York and any person or persons whose rights may be affected by said transcript of estimate and who may object to the same, or any part thereof, may on or before October 15, 1937, set forth their objections to the same in writing, duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector, and file the same with the Clerk of the County of Kings and within the same time serve a copy of such verified objections upon the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1743, 17th floor, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, the Corpora-tion Counsel of The City of New York will apply to Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of the Supreme Court signing such transcript of estimate or tentative decree, at Special Term, Part IV, of the Supreme Court, held in the Borough of Brook-lyn, New York City, to fix a time when said Justice will bear the parties so objecting.

Dated, New York, October 1, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. o4,15


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situated on the easterly side of Sackman street and on the westerly side of Powell street between Glen-more avenue and Pitkin avenue, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, City of New York, duly selected as a site for a public park, according to law.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE OWN- ers respectively entitled to or interested in the

real property, title to which has been acquired in the above proceeding and to all those whom it may concern, to wit: That the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV, thereof, for the trial of condemnation proceedings held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, has, after considering the testi-mony and proofs offered by The City of New York and the parties and persons who have appeared in the above proceeding, completed its estimates of the compensation which ought justly to be made by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property so acquired, and has prepared a transcript of its estimate of the damages to be ascertained and estimated. Said transcript of estimate is accompanied by the dam. age map used by said court upon the trial of said proceeding and states the several sums respec-tively estimated for each parcel as shown on said damage map with the names of the owners so far as ascertained. Said transcript of estimate, signed by lion. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above proceeding on September 25, 1937, accom-panied by said damage map, together with proofs upon which it is based, was filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 27th day of September, 1937, for the investigation of whomsoever it may concern.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that The City of New York and any person or persons whose rights may be affected by said transcript of estimate and who may object to the same, or any part thereof, may on or before October 15, 1937, set forth their objections to the same in writing, duly verified in the manner re-quired by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector, and file the same with the Clerk of the County of Kings and within the same time serve a copy of such verified objections upon the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, at his office, Room 1743, 17th floor, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN

that on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, the Corpora. tion Counsel of The City of New York will apply to Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of the Stt-preme Court signing such transcript of estimate or tentative decree, at Special Term. Part IV, of the Supreme Court, held in the Borough of Brooklyn, New York City, to fix a time when said Justice will hear the parties so objecting.

Dated, New York, October 1, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. o4,15


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situated on the easterly side of NEW JERSEY AVE-NUE and the southerly side of PITKIN AVE-NUE, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City ot New York, duly selected as a site for a public park according to law.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO T?[E owners respectively entitled to or interested in

the real property, title to which has been acquired in the above proceeding and to all those whom it may concern, to wit: That the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, for the trial of condemnation proceedings held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, has, after consider-ing the testimony and proofs offered by The City of New York and the parties and persons who have appeared in the above proceeding, completed its estimate of the compensation which ought justly to be made by The City of New York to the respective owners of the real property so acquired, and has prepared a transcript of estimate of the damages to be ascertained and estimated. Said transcript of estimate is accompanied by the damage map used by said court upon the trial of said proceeding and states the several sums respectively estimated for each parcel as shown on said damage map with the names of the owners so far as ascertained. Said transcript of estimate, signed by Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, justice of the Supreme Court presiding at the trial of the above proceeding on September 25, 1937. accom-panied by said damage map, together with nrorfs upon which it is based, was filed in the office of

the Clerk of the County of Kings on the 27th day of September, 1937, for the investigation of whom-soever it may concern.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that The City of New York and any person or per- sons whose rights may to affected by said tran. script of estimate and who maj ob;ect to the same, or any part thereof, may cn cr before October 15, 1937, set forth their objections to the same in writing, duly verified in the manner required by law for the verification of pleadings in an action, setting forth the real property owned by the objector, and file the same with the Clerk of the County of Kings and within tLe same time serve a copy of such verified objections upon the Corporation Counsel of The Cat; of New York at his office, Room 1743, 17th floor, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that on the 15th day of October, 1937, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York will apply to Hon. Charles C. Lockwood, Justice of the Supreme Court signing such transcript of estimate or tentative decree, at Special Term, Part IV, of the Supreme Court held in the Borough of Brook. lyn, New York ity, to fix a time when said Justice will bear the pa rties so objecting.

Dated, New York, October I, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bar- ough of Manhattan, City of New York. o4,15

Application for Order Directing Compensation to Be Determined


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ-ated. on the easterly side of 81ST STREET, 100 feet north of 37th avenue, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for the proposed Jackson Heights Public Library, according to law.

PURSUANT TO. THE STATUTE IN SUCH case made 2nd provided, notice is hereby giver,

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, for the trial of condemnation proceedings, to he held in the Mu-nicipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 20th day of October, 1037, at the opening of court on that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, to have the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real prop- erty p:aposed to be taken in the above proceeding ascertained and determined by said court wit'bout a jury, the nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended being the acquisition of title in fee simple absolute by The City of New York to certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging, situated on the easterly side of 81st street, 100 feet north of 37th avenue, in the Borough of Queens. City of New York, the same to be con-verted, appropriated and used as a site for the prpposed Jackson Heights Public Library.

The said lands and premises, so to be acquired, are bo!mded and described as follows:

"Beginning at a point on the easterly side of 81st street distant 100 feet north of 37th avenue, running thence easterly parallel with 37th avenue 100 feet, thence northerly parallel with 81st street 100 feet, thence westerly parallel with 37th avenue 100 feet to the easterly side of 81st street, thence southerly along the easterly side of 81st street 107 feet to the point or place of beginning.

"Said premises being designated as Lot 48 and part of Lot 49, in Block 1281, as shown on the tax maps of the Borough of Queens."

Dated, New York. October 6, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. o6,18


Itt the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ-ated in the area bounded by Baisley boulevard, 157th street, 132d avenue and 155th street, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purposes, according to law.

PURSUANT TO STATUTE IN SUCH CASE made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, for the trial of condemnation proceedings to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, for the County of Queens, on the 15th day of October, 1937, at the opening of court on that date, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for an order directing that the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in the above proceeding be ascertained and determined by said court without a jury.

The nature and extent of the improvements herein intended is the acquisition of title in fee simple absolute by The City of New York to certain lands and premises with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging. situated in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purposes according to law, which lards and premises are bounded and described as foliews:

"Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the northerly side of 132d (Newcomb) avenue and the easterly side of 155th street as shown on the tax map of the Borough of Queens; thence running northerly along the easterly side of 155th street across 129th (Cooke) avenue to the south-easterly side of Baisley boulevard; thence north- easterly along the southeasterly side of Baisley boulevard across 156th street to the westerly side of 157th street; thence southerly along the west-erly side of 157th street across 129th (Cooke) avenue to the northerly side ot 132d (Newcomb) avenue; thence westerly along the northerly side of 132d (Newcomb) avenue across 156th street to the easterly side of 155th street, the point or place of beginning, said premises being designated as Blocks 3034, 3032, 3035 and 3037 in Ward 4, as shown on the tax map of the Borough of Queens, together with all right, title and interest, if any. in and to the streets and avenues in front thereof to the centre thereof."

Dated, New York September 28, 1937. PAUL WINDEL§, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. 01,13


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ. ated in the area bounded by 31st (Patter=) avenue, 45th street, 30th road and 46th street, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purpo,, according to law.

PURSUANT TO STATUTE IN SUCH CASE made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel. of The City of New York to make application to the Suoreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, for the trial of condemnation proceedings to be held in the County Court Reuse, in the Borough of Brooklyn,

REPORT N°'92,575 J




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Yfrk J 1 12, /931

Chvef fn'ifmr SCALE IN FEET

;4b- 3k

Dated, New York, October 4, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office and Post Office Address, - Municipal Building,

Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. o4,1 S


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ-ated in the area bounded by 67th road, 110th street, 66th road and Grand Central parkway ex-tension, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school pur-poses according to law.

PURSUANT TO STATUTE IN SUCH CASE made and provided, notice is hereby . given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to •make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, it a Special Term, Part IV thereof, . for the trial

of condemnation proceedings to be held In the County Ccurt House, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, on the 1 5th day of October, 1937, at the opening of court on that date, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon for an order directing that the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in the above proceeding be ascertained and determined by said court without a jury.

The nature and extent of the improvements herein intended is the acquisition of title in fee simple absolute by The. City of New York to (,ertain lands and premises with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging,




situated in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school pur-poses according to law, which lands and premises are bounded and described as follows:

(a) Beginning at a point formed by the inter-section of the easterly side of 110th street and the northerly side of c7tb road and rumping thence in an easterly direction along the northerly side of 67th road across 112th street 1,041.70 feet to the southwesterly side of Grand Central parkway extension; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southwesterly side of Grand Central parkway extension 107.36 feet to the southerly line of Lot 17 in Block 2204; thence in a westerly direction along the southerly line of said Lot No. 17 to the westerly line of said Lot 17; thence in a north-et•ly direction along the westerly line of Lot 17 to the southerly side of 67th avenue as shown on the tax map; thence easterly along the southerly side of 67th avenue approximately 33.35 feet to the southwesterly side of Grand Central parkway extension; thence northwesterly along the south-westerly side of Grand Central parkway extension to where it intersects the northerly side of 67th avenue • as shown on the tax map; thence westerly along the northerly side of 67th avenue 210.57 feet tothe eapterly side of 118th street as shown on the tax map; thence northerly along the east• erly side of 112th street to the southerly side of 66th road 200 feet asebown on the tax map; • thence in a westerly direction - along • the southerly side of 66th road across 112th street to tee easterly side of 110th street 705.28 feet; thence southwest. erly and southeasterly along the easterly side of 110th street across 67th avenue to the northerly side of 67th road, the point or place of beginning, be the said several dimensions more or less, said premises being designated as Lot I in Block 2190, Lot No. I in Block 2204, Lots Nos. 1• and 10 in Block 2189, -and part of former Lot No. 1 in Block 2175, and part of former Lot No. 1 in Block 2176 on the tax map of the Borough of Queens, together 'with those portions of 67th ave- nue and 112th street included within the boundaries of the lands and premises described above and lying between 66th road, Grand Central parkway exten. ston, 67th road and 110th street, Borough of Queens, together with all fight, title and interest, if any in and to the streets and avenues in front thereof to the centre thereof. .

(h) Beginning at a point on the southerly side of 66th road approximately 42 feet east of the in- tersection of the easterly side of 112th street and the southerly side of 66th road as shown on the tax map and running thence in an easterly direc. tion along the southerly side of 66th road approxi-mately 100 feet to the southwesterly side of :Ghad Central parkway extension; thence. in a south. easterly direction along the southwesterly side. of Grand Central parkway extension to its point of intersection with the northeasterly line of Lot No. 1; thence : in a northwesterly direction along the northeasterly line- of Lot No. 1, approximately 165.62 feet to the southerly side of 66th road, the point or place of beginning, be the said severs& dimensions more or less. said premises .being.desig. nated as part of Lot No. 12 in Block 2203, on the tax map of the Borough of Queens, together with all right, title and interest, if any, in and to the streets and avenues in front thereof to the centre thereof.

Dated, New Ycrk, September 28, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel, Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor- oegh of Manhattan, City of New York. ol,13

THE BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES thereto will be sold to the highest bidder, who

must par cash or certified check, drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York, and must also give a certified check or cash in half the amount of the purchase price as security for the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of the sale. Where the amount of purchase price does not equal or exceed the sum of $50, the sum of $50 w11 be the amount of the security to be deposited. This security may at any time after the expiration of the contract period be applied by the City to the cost of completing any of the work required under the contract, but unfinished at the expira- tion of the contract period.

The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause or permit the building or buildings, etc., pur- chased by him to be used or occupied for any purpose other than that of their speedy removal, not shall he collect any rental or other revenue for the use of either the land or the buildings, etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or any of these conditions shall forthwith void the sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pun chase money and the security deposited for the faithful performance of the conditions of the sale. The placing therein or permitting the occu-pancy of any such building by any tenant free, for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary watchman or the workmen engaged in the actual demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of the above conditions of sale.

The sale will be as of the condition of the property on date of delivery thereof to the pur- chaser. The City of New York will not he re-sponsible for any change or loss which may occur in the condition of the buildings, or their appurtenances between the time of the sale thereof and the time of delivering possession to the pur-chaser, after being property vacated of all tenants. The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made as nearly together as the circumstances of vacat-ing the structures of their tenants will permit.

All of the material of buildings, sheds, walks, structures and i ellars of whatsoever nature, with their exterior and interior fixtures, appurtenances and foundations of all kinds except the ex- terior walls of the buildings and their founda-tions, and the sidewalks and curbs in front of said buildings, extending within the described area, shall be torn down and removed from the premises. None of the dirt, debris or waste re-sulting from the demolition shall be allowed to remain on the premises, except old mortar or plaster only, which may be left, but not higher at any point than two feet below the curb oppo-site that point. The exterior walls and their foundations shall be taken down only to a plane whose elevation shall be the level of the curb in front of the building. Where there is as curb the elevation of the surrounding ground shall be considered curb level. All wells, cess-pooI sinks, etc. existing on the property must be filled to the level of the surrounding ground with clean earth.

The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw and remove all abandoned water taps and old service mains and in place thereof cause to be inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in the street in compliance with the rules and regn lations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity that this has been performed.

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house connections to the main sewer in the street, and the openings of the main sewer in street shall be properly dosed in compliance with the directions of the Bute an of Sewers in the Borough in which the buildings are situated and furnish the Department of inane with a

work" bas been proper]' perforOtdSewera that the

Cii-- of New York, for the County of Queens, on the 15th day of October, 1937 at the opening of court'on that date, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order directing that the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real property pro-posed to be taken in the above proceeding be ascertained and determined by said court without a jury.

The nature and extent of the improvements herein intended is the acquisition of title in fee simple absolute by The City of New York to cer-tain lands and premises with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, situated in the Borough of Queens City of New York. duly selected as a site for school purposes according to law, which lards and premises are bounded and described as follows:

"Beginning at the corner formed by the inter-section of the southeasterly side of 45th street and the northeasterly side of 31st avenue; run-ning thence southeasterly along the northeasterly side of 31st avenue 200 feet to the northwesterly side of 46th street; thence northeasterly along the aortl.westerly side of 48th street across 16th ave-nue to where it intersects the westerly'side of 30th road; thence northerly along the westerly side of 30th road 33.27 feet to where it intersects the southerly line of the lands owned by The City of New York; thence westerly along the said. south. erly line of the lands.owned by The City of New York 150 feet to the westerly he of the lands owned by The City of New York; thence in a northwesterly direction along the westerly line ot the said lands owned by The • City of New York to the southeasterly side of 45th street; thence southwesterly along the southeasterly side of- 45th street across 16th avenue to the northeasterly side of 31st avenue, the point or place of beginning, be the said several dimensions more or less, said premises being designated as Lots Nos. 1; 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 40, 41, 44, 144, 45, 46, 47, 48, 65, 64. 51, 115, 112 114 and 110 in' Block 714 on the tax map of the Borough of Queens together with 16th avenue lying within the boundaries and premises herein described, together with all right, title and interest, if any, in and to the streets and avenues in front thereof to the centre thereof."

Dated. New York, September 28, 1937. PAUL WINDELS, Corporation Counsel. Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, City of New York. . ol,13


In the Matter of Acquiring Title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ- ated on the northerly side of 46th road


In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative td acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and extending of 150TH STREET from the southerly side of Peck (West) • as-erne, to the southerly side of Reeves avenue. in the Borough of Queens, City of New York.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make applica-tion to the Supreme Court of the State of New York', at a Special Term, Part IV, for condemnation proceedings of said court, to be held in and for the County of Kings, at the Municipal Building, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on the 18th day ot October, 1937, at the opening of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for an order directing that the compen-sation which ought justly be made to the respective miners of the real property proposed to be taken in the above entitled proceeding, be ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury, and to have the cost of such improvement assessed by the said court, as hereinafter set forth in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, adopted September 24, 1937. The nature and extent of the improvement

hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York for the use of the public to the real property required for the open-ing and extending of the above named street. The real property, title to which is to be acquired, is more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the southerly line of Peck avenue (West ave-nue) with the easterly line of 150th street; ruoa- ning thence southerly for 804.61 feet along the easterly line of 150th street to the northerly line of North Hempstead turnpike; thence southerly, deflecting to the left, 6 degrees 46 minutes 43 seconds for 82.47 feet along the easterly line of 150th street ;o the southerly line of North Hemp- stead turnpike; thence southerly, deflecting to the right, 6 degrees 47 minutes 28 seconds for 1,898.34 feet along the easterly line of 150th street to the northerly line of Reeves avenue; thence southerly, deflecting to the right, 0 degrees

and the southerly side of 46th avenue, between 211th street and Bell boulevard, in the Borough of queens, City of New York, duly selected as a site for school purposes according to law.

PURSUANT TO STATUTE IN SUCH CASE made and provided, notice is hereby given

that it is the intention of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York to make application to the Supreme Court of the State of New York. at a Special Term, Part IV thereof, for the trial of condemnation proceedings to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York, on the 15th day ot October, 1937, at the opening of court on that date, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be beard thereon for an order directing that the compensation which ought justly to be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in the abcve proceeding be ascertained and determined by said court without a jury. .

The nature and extent of the improvements herein intended is the acquisition of title in fee simple absolute by The City of New York to certain lands and premises with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto hel , situated in the

en Borough of Queens City of York duly selected as a site for school purposes accotding to law, which lands and premises are bounded and described as follows:

"Beginning at a point on the northerly side of 46th road where it is intersected by the easterly line of Lot 51 which point is distant 444.09 feet westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the westerly side of Bell - boulevard and the nertherly side of 46th road; thence running north• erly along the easterly line of Lot 51, 100 feet to the southerly line of Lot 11; thence easterly along the southerly line of Lot 11 to where it intersects the westerly line of Lot 18; thence again north-ally along the westerly line of said Lot 18 to the southerly side of46th avence; thence easterly along the southerly side of 46th avenue to where it intersects the westerly line of the lands of Public School 31, Queens; thence southerly along the raid westerly line of the lands: of ` Public School 31. Queens, to the northerly side of 46th road; thence westerly along the northerly side of 46th road 170 feet to the easterly line of Lot 51, the point or place of beginning, be the said dimensions more or less, said premises being designated as Lots 43, 45, 49, 23 and 18 in Block 731, on the tax map of the Borough of Queens, together with all .right, title and - interest if say, in- and to the streets and avenues in front thereof to the centre there-of."

Dated, New York September 28, 1937. PAUL WINDE11, Corporation Co Office

and Post Office Address, Municipal Building, Bor. ough of Manhattan, City of New York. 01,13

18 minutes 54 seconds for 70.47 feet along the easterly line of 150th street to the southerly line of Reeves avenue; thence westerly, deflecting to the right, 83 degrees 16 minutes 56 seconds. for 6019 feet along the.southerly line of Reeves ave-nue tc . the westerly line of 150th street; thence northerly, deflecting to the right, 88 degrees ib minutes 40 seconds for 70.59 feet along the west- erly' line of 150th street to the northerly- line of Reeves avenue; thence northerly, deflecting to the right, 8 degrees 05, minutes 30 seconds for 1,914.54 feet along the westerly line of 150th street to the southerly line of North Hempstead turnpike; thence northerly, deflecting to the right, 0 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds for 80.62 feet along the westerly line of 150th street to the northerly line of North Hempstead turnpike; thence northerly, deflecting to the left, 0 degrees 11 minutes 15 seconds for 796.95 feet along the westerly line of 150th street to the southerly line of Peck avenue; thence easterly for 60.00 feet along the southerly line of Peck avenue to the easterly line of 150th street, the point or place of beginning.

The property affected by the above proceeding is located in Blocks 4848, 4849, 4850, 4851, 4857, 4858, 4875, 4876, 4879, 4880, 4895, 4896, 4899, 4900, 4914, 4915, 4919, 4920 and 4934 of Section 20, as amended, of the Land Map of the County of Queens, City and State of New York.

The area to be acquired is shown as 150th street on Section 65 of the Final Map of the Borough of Queens, approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, December 15, 1927, by the Mayor, February 15, 1928, copies of which were filed at the office of the Register of the County of Queens, at Jamaica, August 21, 1928, at the office of the Corporation Counsel, City of New York, August 17, 1928, and at the office of the Topo-graphical Bureau, Borough of Queens, August 25. 1928; and on Section 66 of the Final Map of the Borough of Queens, approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, December 15, 1910, by the Mayor, December 28, 1910, copies of which were, filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, at Jamaica, March 2, 1911, in the office of the Corporation Counsel, City of New York, March 1, 1911, and in the office of the Topographical Bureau, Borough of Queens, Feb-ruary 27, 1911.

TheBoard of Estimate and Apportionment by resolution adopted on September 24, 1937, deter- mined that the area of assessment for benefit in these proceedings be and is herehy fixed and de-termined to be as shown on the following diagram:

The permit for all openings in the attest to be obtained by and at the expose of the

t pnrebaret

of e- buildings Failure' to remove said bedding., appurt .

nances, or any part thereof, within thirty days from the date of possession will work forfeiture of ownership of such bulld'ings, appnr enaoocs or portions as shall then be [aft standing, to' getter with all money paid by said purchaser on account thereof at the time of the sale, and the bidder's assent to the above conditions being understood to be implied by the act of bidding, and The City of New York will, without notice to the purchaser cause the same to be removed and the cost an expense thereof charged agamat the security above mentioned..

The work of removal must be carried on In every respect in a thorottgh and workmanlike manner, and must be completed within thirty days from the date of possession and the su ceesful bidder will provide and furnish all me. terials or labor and machinery necessary tberefe, and will place proper and sufficient 'guards sad fences and warning signals by day and mgbt for the prevention of aceidents, and will indemnify and save harmless .Tbe. City of New York lb officers, agents and servants and each of them, against am and •ill suits and actions, ]aims and demands of every name and description brought against it, them - or any - of them, . and against and from all damage and costs to which it, they or any of ,them' be put by reason of injury,' to the peteon or property of another, retulsisg fence negligence

1 ~ or in r the guarding the rime Or irma say improper or defective materials or macbiaery implements or appliances -mad in the reme8►d ol~ said 'buildings. '

Where party walls are found to exist between buildings purchased. by different bidders, the ma. terials -of said party walls shall be understood to be equally divided between the separate pas' chasers. _ , .: ,.

Party walls and fences when existing against adjacent roperty not sold, shall; not be takes demo: ,. A#-•4eertnek. per,- s, prom ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls are to be taken down and removed. The walls shall be made petmanesitly selfeapporting, bean boles, etc.;.-bricked -up,-snd the- well-pointed sent made to excluda ,wind .sad rainand clean exterior. ' The roofs 'of $d)aoeat buildings


shall. be properly Hashed and pointed and watertight where they have beet' disturbed by the operation of the contractors.

!'No` buildinp, 'parts. of buildings, fixtures or ataehinety' sold for removal. tinder' these terms and conditions shall in any an be relocated 'ar steed, within 'the line of any proposd street or , other public Wpre"meat,-. and If any each buildings, patio of idiom firtares or machine erg, : sire., d" be relocated or • its-crected +within the lines of any, proposed or other pn Ic improvemesrt, tide shall tkereapot' come. vented in -Thu City. of New York and to sale at 'phblic or 'private sale may be made Is the same manner. u if • so -prior' sale thereof had been mode!' : , ., . - , • .

The' Comptroller of The City of New York r♦ serves the right on the day of fait to withdraw from Bale any" of the ! bddings, . parts of budd. ings and me nery included therein ,• or to rejest any and allF'bids; wWf' the said sale is held under the supervision of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, the Comptroller is authorized to- cause the We to • be advertised and to direct the sale thereof as financial officer of the City.



The person or persona making a bid for say service, work, materials or supplies. for The City of New York, or for any of its departments, bureaus or offices, sbaf furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed with the title of the supplies, materials, work or services for which the bid is made • with his or their name or names and the date oI presentation to the President or Board or to the head of the Department at his or its office on or before the date and hour named in the advertisement for the Same, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened by the President or Board or head of said

tract made and read, tolaww as soonofthereafter

as practicable. Each bid shall contain the name and place of

residence of the person making the same, and the names of all persons interested with him therein, and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made without any connection with any other per• son making a bid for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud and that no member of the Board of Aldermen, bead of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereto, or clerk therein, or other officer or em-ployee of The City of New York is, shall be, or become interested, directly or indirectly, as con• tracting party, partner, stock holder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the con-tract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the bid that the several matters stated therein are in All respects true.

No bid will be considered unless, as a condition precedent to the reception or consideration of such bid, it be accompanied by it Certified check upon one of the State or National banks or trust com- panies of the City of New York, or a check of such bank or trust company signed by a duly authorized officer thereof, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money or corporate stock or certificate of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York, which the Comptroller shall approve as of ec(ual value with the security required in the advertisement.

The certified check or money should not be inclosed in the envelope containing the bid, but should be either inclosed in a separate envelope addressed to the bead of the Department, Presi-dent or Board, or submitted personally upon the presentation of the bid.

For particulars as to the quantity or quality of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifics-tints, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said office of the President, Board or Department.

No bid shall be accepted from or contract awarded to any person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety eg otherwise upon any obligation of the City.

The contract must be bid for Separately. The right is reserved in each tense to reject an

bids if it is deemed to be for the interest of the City so to do.

Bidders will write out the amount of their bids in addition to inserting the some in figures.

Bidders are requested to make their bids noon the blank form laepared and furnished by the lty, a -copy of which, with the envelope In which to inclose the bid, togetber with a copy at

the spsclficatix In lbs e to g foam approved by Corporation Counad, can

obtained upon application therefor st the i pr the departgtent for which the work fa'to be dons or the. supplies are to be -furnished. Plans sad drawings construction work way be Nees t11Ot