Special Needs Sermon Slides


Transcript of Special Needs Sermon Slides

Today's message is about giving people in our church who are silently

hurting and families that are struggling, a voice… It’s a very small


An incredible story about God’s plan of redemption for people we

seldom talk about in church.

The Incredible Story of Mephibosheth

2 Samuel 4:4 When Mephibosheth was a little boy, he was dropped by a nurse as enemies were attacking Israel. It resulted in lifelong special needs for Mephibosheth.

His name means “shame”.

We don’t know when he was made an outcast, but he ends up living in a place called “Worthless”, literally “No- Nothing”.

After David takes the throne he lives in constant fear of death. He lives for 15 years without knowing the King’s love for him.

Many spiritual connections.

We are victims to our condition from innocence.

This condition has brought us shame, and sin.

This world, and we ourselves are really “unprofitable”.

Because of these conditions, we don’t truly know the King’s love. We live our lives not knowing the Goodness of God.

But, there are people sitting in this church today who feel that themselves, and their

children are very much like Mephibosheth.

Silent struggle of special needs families.

Surrounded by people who can’t understand.

People who don’t try, and just judge.

A deep concern for the salvation of their children- especially those who have needs so great they are non-verbal. Do they know the love of God?

Parents who are so over tired and taxed that their marriages are suffering, and even their jobs.

A frustration with the church and even our schools that there is just no effort to connect.

Expectations, misunderstandings, questions, frustration, pain…

But… so much love for their kids.

Today we begin a discussion about how to minister to special needs


More to Mephibosheth’s Story

David’s Ministry For Mephibosheth

2 Sam. 9:3-5 David’s search

How does David look at Mephibosheth? vs. 6

David looks right past the disability at the person…

David restores Mephibosheth’s inheritance for his father Jonathan’s sake. vs. 7

David is not ashamed to have this man eat at his table every night.

David appoints Ziba to tend the land, and take care of Meph.

What effect does this have on Mephibosheth?

2 Sam. 15 Absalom’s Rebellion

What does David catch Ziba doing? 2 Sam. 16:1-4

When David returns to the Throne how does he find Mephibosheth?

19:24-26; Mephibosheth has been in mourning for the king. The king showed him great love, so Mephibosheth loves the king more than his own life.

29-30 David is confused… doesn't know who to believe. So David instructs them to divide the land.

Vs. 30- All Mephibosheth wants is David. Nothing else.

Because of the King’s love toward him… All he wants is the King.

Things Special Needs Kids wish you knew.

I am a child. This challenge does not define me.

My senses are out of sync. Sights, smells, tastes and touch can be actually painful for me. Outbursts are often me trying to protect myself. My caregivers adaptions are to help me stay calm.

Just because I don’t look like I have special needs, doesn't mean they aren't there.

There is a difference between what I choose not to do and what I am not able to do: language gets mixed up for me… yelling at me from across the room will not get me the message, it just sounds like noise to me. You will need to walk over and get my attention and explain to me what we need to do.

I am a concrete thinker. Idioms, puns, nuances, metaphors, and sarcasm are lost on me. “Take a seat”

Pay attention to all the ways I’m trying to communicate. I AM trying to tell you something, but perhaps not in the way you might expect… Some kids will rattle off long quotes or even TV show openings, but this is an attempt at communication.

A few more…I am visually oriented… Show me how to do something rather than telling me. I may need to see something in order to learn it.

Teach me how to do the things I can't do through the things I can do.

Please help me with social interactions. Just because it seems like I don’t want to be around other kids doesn't mean I won’t. I actually need to be shown what to do. The reality is that I actually do not know what to say, or do. So if you want to talk to me you may have to do all the talking for a while.

View some disabilities as abilities. (Autism for example) is another way of interpreting the world. Find how they see the world and learn more about yourself and the world around you.

I actually do know that my special needs place a burden on you, but asking for help is the only way I’ve learned to survive.

Just love me unconditionally. Please just realize that you can minister to me the same way you do to others- with the fruits of the spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Understanding, Patience.

“Be my advocate, my guide, love me for who I am, and we’ll see how far I can go.”

Feelings of special needs families are raw, and emotional. The

following video is a sample of what they wanted you to know.