Q2 Is there anything else you would like to share? - CDN Site


Transcript of Q2 Is there anything else you would like to share? - CDN Site

FZSD Parent/Guardian Input

Q2 Is there anything else you would like to share?

Answered: 3,118 Skipped: 3,181

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FZSD Parent/Guardian Input

Q2 Is there anything else you would like to share?

Answered: 3,118 Skipped: 3,181


They should be provided also 9/29/2021 5:00 PM

Exactly zero Missouri children under 12 have died from COVID, and 6 under the age of 18. There are no peer reviewed scientific studies demonstrating cloth masks are effective at preventing the transmission of viruses, which are 1 micron in diameter. The only effective masks for preventing transmission of 1 micron diameter particles are N95 masks (95% effective), and these must remain tightly fitted and must not be touched or adjusted at any time or they are compromised. Not only are cloth masks neither effective or needed for children, they are a health hazard. Cloth masks provide a petri dish for bacteria to grow, compounded by the constant touching with dirty hands. Further, they eliminate the ability for children to build critical interpersonal skills, especially those involving interpreting emotions through facial expressions. It should go without saying that the psychological impacts of muzzling children will provide ample research opportunities for years to come. Cloth masks on children do far more harm than good. If a peer reviewed study is published demonstrating cloth masks provide any measurable health benefits that outweigh the costs, I would gladly reconsider my position.

9/29/2021 4:54 PM

No 9/29/2021 4:53 PM

I think for this 2021/22 school year, we should continue with the masks given how much more 9/29/2021 4:49 PM contagious the Delta variant is. Next school year it can be re-evaluated with current statistics and vaccine updates. Thank you for your time.

My child has tge vaccine and it should be the parents choice. 9/29/2021 4:45 PM

I would like to see masks required for grades 6 & below to help lessen quarantines for our 9/29/2021 4:44 PM children who are not yet eligible for vaccination.

I’m all for keeping my children and other students safe, but I also believe it should be optional. 9/29/2021 4:42 PM

Masks should be required until at least 5-6 weeks after the vaccine becomes available for 9/29/2021 4:41 PM children 5-11. This will allow time for children to receive both doses of the vaccine (those who want it) plus the additional two weeks to reach full immunity. Putting politics above the health of our children is irresponsible.

Thank you for so far doing your best to keep this choice up to the parents. It makes me sad to 9/29/2021 4:38 PM think these kids have to wear masks all day! They have been such troopers along the way of all this. I hope the staff stays strong as well! Different times we are dealing with. God bless!

I am very disappointed that my child is mandated to wear a mask. I think this should be 9/29/2021 4:33 PM optional for families to decide. Thank you for asking our opinion.

Our family believes in science and following recommendations established by the CDC and 9/29/2021 4:33 PM local health agencies. We wear masks not only for the protection of our children that cannot yet be vaccinated but also for others in our lives that are at a higher risk of becoming severely ill due to COVID. We plead with the administration of the Ft. Zumwalt School District to look beyond ones own personal desires and see the bigger picture.

Masks should be mandate at all times till they enter and exit the school, Also teachers 9/29/2021 4:30 PM reminding them to sanitize hands at least 4 times will help a lot

Masks are a joke they do not work and are not proper PPE. Let those who wish to wear them 9/29/2021 4:23 PM do so and leave everyone else out of it. The masks made my daughters more sick last year than they had been since preschool because they constantly touched them with germy hands and continued to wear them all day. They also have speech issues and masks are making them worse. They miss seeing their friends and teachers faces. They aren't required to wear a mask while shopping going to restaurants or any other public place in St Charles County why

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is school any different? Stop the fear mongering and let me decide if I want my children to wear a mask.

The #1 goal of the Board should be to provide the safest learning environment possible for the 9/29/2021 4:18 PM students and at this point masks are the only option. Time to do what is right and not necessarily what is popular.

The “masks” most kids are using are not even effective so the whats the point? If we don’t 9/29/2021 4:14 PM mask for flu season, we don’t need to mask for this.

Although not 100%, masks definitely helped last year in keeping kids safer and healthy. 9/29/2021 4:12 PM

Only non vaccinated people should be wearing masks. 9/29/2021 4:09 PM

Due to COVID still being a very real thing, even having cases reported recently in the district, I 9/29/2021 4:05 PM believe mask should be mandatory, if students or parents want to be free to do as they please with out the common courtesy of others health around them, they should stay in the comfort of their own homes and attend school virtually.

Please keep our kids safe. Mask most be mandatory. I know people with Covid vaccine that 9/29/2021 4:03 PM are getting infected and some even died.

I feel the decision whether to wear or not wear a mask should be the parent's responsibility and 9/29/2021 4:02 PM not the school's responsibility to mandate it.

Students and staff should have the choice to wear masks or not. The children have suffered much psychological and academic damage from the past 1.5 years. I will always respect the choice of others to wear a mask; you should respect the decision to not wear a mask. It has been determined that prolonged wearing of masks does cause adverse affects in people at a very high rate (https://clinmedjournals.org/articles/jide/journal-of-infectious-diseases-and-epidemiology-jide-6-130.php?jid=jide). The article details are below: Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology ISSN: 2474-3658 J Infect Dis Epidemiol Abbrevation: JIDE DOI: 10.23937/2474-3658/1510130 Pub Date: June 01, 2020 Article Type: Survey Pub Type: Open Access I have spoken with many parents who are disappointed in the reinstituting of the mask mandate. Many of them want to pull their student(s) from the district and send them to a school where masks are optional. It is very hard (in many cases, impossible) to do this action at this time because the year has already begun and private schools are not allowing any more students. I, too, would have strongly considered other options had I known the mandate would be put into effect. I work in a school where masks are optional. We have less than ten students in the entire school who choose to mask, and no teachers choose to mask. We have not had any issues with COVID. The children are free, happy, and healthy; everyone is having a normal school year. I desperately wish the same for students in the Fort Zumwalt School District and have hope the School Board will rescind the mandate at the next meeting.

9/29/2021 3:58 PM

Set your ground rules and our children will follow them. Plain and simple. If you don't follow 9/29/2021 3:49 PM rules, you have to deal with the consequences.

I feel that they should be optional or at least worn entering the halls but not in the rooms when 9/29/2021 3:43 PM class is going on or at recess.

Taking precautions can not hurt. Not taking precautions can end up with bad results 9/29/2021 3:34 PM

No 9/29/2021 3:32 PM

My child is fully vaccinated,, and has no problem wearing a mask to avoid quarantines and 9/29/2021 3:30 PM keep everyone safe.

Yeah make up your mind about masks and be consistent. I'm tired of doing silly surveys every 9/29/2021 3:29 PM 2 weeks

No 9/29/2021 3:27 PM

With how much a mask is pulled down, tugged on and adjusted with a person’s bare hand without washing it, I can only imagine how many germs we are putting on the surface of one single mask. Also, not too mention today people are doing nothing but weakening their immune systems by guarding themselves from the purpose of our immune system. If you don’t put your immune system to the test and try to keep yourself from getting sick you’re doing nothing but weakening it. Our immune system‘s are meant to get germs and bacteria to help build up our immunity. This is a good thing. Turning society into Germaphobes is not helping. We need

9/29/2021 3:25 PM

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FZSD Parent/Guardian Input

to teach our children to be confident and strong and let them know that if they get a basic common cold their body can handle it. Now when kids get the basic common cold, they’re thinking it’s Covid these days.

30 If masks are not required, the school should work with a consultant to determine what engineering solutions are available to ensure that everything from the air to surfaces have adequate microbial protection and refreshed air throughout the schools.

9/29/2021 3:16 PM

31 you all are doing great 9/29/2021 3:16 PM

32 Masks should be mandatory 9/29/2021 3:13 PM

33 No 9/29/2021 3:08 PM

34 Thank you for your efforts 9/29/2021 3:06 PM

35 Good!! 9/29/2021 3:05 PM

36 It should either be mandated or nothing at all . Masks do not protect the person as much as they prevent the persons wearing them from spreading viruses

9/29/2021 3:05 PM

37 Stop all mask mandates since they do not block the virus as the virus is too small to be blocked by these cheap masks

9/29/2021 3:05 PM

38 Per guidelines, masking should be required in schools. It's what the experts believe will keep our kids safe. We have 3 that cannot be vaccinated. One has asthma. Even after the 5 and up kiddos can, we will still have 2 that cannot. My child will wear a mask regardless, but that doesn't do much in protecting her. We are doing our best to keep our kids safe and would love it if the district also felt that keeping kids safe is as important as we do.

9/29/2021 2:59 PM

39 Clearly we All know those who are vaccinated can still get and transfer Covid. (Even if not as severe, blah..blah). I’m highly disappointed and saddened that the parents of a vaccinated child that comes into contact with a positive person will never be notified that is the case. Absolutely ridiculous since my child can still infect his vaccinated grandparents that are high risk. CDC rules or not, it’s not right!

9/29/2021 2:56 PM

40 Keep up the good work! 9/29/2021 2:51 PM

41 Students and Staff should only have to quarantine if they show symptoms. Mask or no mask. 9/29/2021 2:43 PM

42 Until students are vaccinated I don't see how it is even possible to consider not wearing masks. And, even after that, the general trends of infection should be looked at when considering not having masks. I am a teacher myself and the students don't even complain about them.

9/29/2021 2:42 PM

43 We feel masks should be optional. However, if there are a large amount of cases and quarantines in the school, then they could be required until numbers go back down.

9/29/2021 2:39 PM

44 With all the data that we have there is no reason to mask when we were told at the meeting that we would mask back up it was 4% we are no where near that. My kiddo has social and emotional issues along with asthma none of this good for her. Also knowing that another school district went optional with quarantine guidelines.

9/29/2021 2:37 PM

45 In just my opinion people that are not vaccinated should wear masks. People who got the shot should have the option if they want to wear one or not. Thank you

9/29/2021 2:35 PM

46 Also i would like vaccines to be required as made available 9/29/2021 2:35 PM

47 I think this issue should be re-visited from time to time, as the COVID numbers change and new information comes in from the CDC

9/29/2021 2:34 PM

48 I am a nurse at a local hospital and see Covid first hand. Please just keep the mask required at least till the end of the semester and reevaluate in January. This monthly assessment is only causing delay and animosity in our community

9/29/2021 2:32 PM

49 My child wants to go back to virtual. she can’t handle the masks. 9/29/2021 2:32 PM

50 I don't think anyone should be forced to wear a mask mandate is another word for force I highly recommend the opportunity to choose for yourself

9/29/2021 2:27 PM

51 I feel better knowing my child is wearing a mask 9/29/2021 2:26 PM

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FZSD Parent/Guardian Input

N/A 9/29/2021 2:25 PM

I'm an RN at our local hospitals. I can tell you that numbers of covid positive patients either 9/29/2021 2:25 PM vaccinated or not vaccinated, continue to go up. It's scarry to think this can be transmitted to our kids but the numbers don't lie. We have been transferring too many people including kids to Children's Hospital and Big Barnes in the city because we have no more room. Please keep masks mandatory. Let's do our best to keep eachother safe.

PLEASE let US choose. The numbers are SO low and even lower for the ones who actually 9/29/2021 2:25 PM contracted the virus at school. Let us get back to normal!

It definitely should be a choice for students and teachers alike. Students with their families 9/29/2021 2:24 PM have the choice of virtually learning so being forced to wear a mask is not fair.

I think that we as American citizens should be able to make our own decisions for masks for 9/29/2021 2:12 PM our kids, we pay taxes for our school which basically entitles me to have the power to say whether or not my child should wear a mask or not. My child has already had COVID and has been exposed many times recently and still hasn’t contacted COVID while not wearing a mask.

I would like to know if there’s a significant difference between this year an last year as regards 9/29/2021 2:11 PM to positive covid cases. That will tell us more of how to move forward.

Trump 2024 9/29/2021 2:10 PM

No. 9/29/2021 2:09 PM

Or require for grade 6 and below 9/29/2021 2:05 PM

As a parent of a high schooler and an educator myself. Our family took all the necessary precautions throughout the pandemic. When the vaccine became available all the members of our family whom were eligible for the vaccine got it. We have done our part and for those who have choosen not to vaccinate should have to be masked. They in our eyes have not choosen to be responsible citizens and they are penalizing all of those who choose to be safe. As far as educators those who are vaccinated should not have to be masked it is very hard for some students to fully understand a teacher when they are standing at the front of the classroom with a mask on. We make sure all of our students have the proper vaccinations to attend school and I had to be sure my child was complete up to date to enter the high school.

9/29/2021 2:05 PM

I would like to see masks required in schools but with a number of breaks throughout the day, 9/29/2021 2:04 PM but my husband would not.

There is no reason not to use preventative measures to reduce or remove the spread of 9/29/2021 2:03 PM communicable diseases. We expect sick kids to stay home for other illnesses so if we don't want to have kids out all year masks and/or vaccination should be mandatory. Letting this become a political, rather than medical/public health, issue only hurts the kids (and faculty/staff) in the long run.

Vaccinated staff and students should be kept mask optional. 9/29/2021 1:58 PM

Given the current state of the pandemic, we wholeheartedly believe that masks should be 9/29/2021 1:49 PM required for students and staff.

This prevents our children from being exposed and also having to miss school when they really 9/29/2021 1:48 PM want to be there to learn and enjoy their educational experience!

Listen up FZ households, Why wasn’t a survey sent out when Optional was chosen? The 9/29/2021 1:45 PM timing seems strange to me (especially because so many parents and staff were upset about the optional decision early on and no survey was sent). Why is Fort Zumwalt not making fact-based/data driven decisions based on the overwhelming mountain of evidence and medical and public health expertise? Results of a parent and staff survey are important but should not matter as much as the advice of medical professionals.

Indifferent should also be a choice, whatever is recommended supported by data is fine. 9/29/2021 1:38 PM

My student is fully vaccinated. 9/29/2021 1:38 PM

Please unmask our kids! The data that you as a district have presented does not line up with 9/29/2021 1:35 PM the positive cases nor do they line up with the quarantined cases. All cases whether positive or quarantined have been declining within the last 30 days. Our children must be able to

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breathe freely and not be subjected to the district's agenda. Personally, my child has a very difficult time breathing with the mask on. Masks have been proven to cause more harm than good. Furthermore, put yourselves in our kids shoes for a moment and realize how difficult it is to have to be forced to do anything without your consent. Our kids do not deserve to have their rights trampled on because of the district's feelings, period!!! My child complains EVERY SINGLE DAY about having to be FORCED to wear a mask. She is only 5 and doesn't even comprehend why she has to. In addition, there are board members who didn't even wear a mask while handing out this ridiculous mask mandate. It is proven that children pose very little risk to ANYONE if they do transmit the virus. Your feelings are not our priority. Our children's are and YOU are removing their beautiful smiles, their infectious laughs, and more importantly you are only causing our children depression, the feeling of being alone, and the inability to effectively fulfill their purpose in learning in the classrooms daily. Do you know what it feels like to have a young and small child upset daily because she doesn't understand why she has to have her face covered every day for 8 hours per day? The teachers are not even giving mask breaks and that is unacceptable. Free our children from these masks and free their beautiful smiles!!!!!! WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!!!!!

no 9/29/2021 1:34 PM

It should be my right to choose what’s best for my family. 9/29/2021 1:34 PM

I feel as a parent that it is not right at all for the district to make decisions for the well-being of my child. The district does not also offer virtual options, or other options for schooling. I would have not put my child in school in person if I would have known that this was going to have to be the alternative for this year. Which is why we chose not to send her to school last year. We the parents should be the ones making decisions for our children’s safety and well-being not a few board members. Private schools in the area, or other school districts are not requiring students to be masked, so why does the fort Zumwalt school district have to be? Im not at all happy with the current situation that is taking place with having to mask our kids. My child does activities and sports outside of school, they do not require her to wear a mask, which is why I think masks should be optional. If the fort zumwalt school district decides that they are going to mask then there needs to be another schooling method, such as virtual offered.

9/29/2021 1:32 PM

Masks should be optional 9/29/2021 1:30 PM

It is against the Nuremberg code and the constitution if your knew your history!! I demand Dr 9/29/2021 1:29 PM Dubry and the board be replaced immediately as they do not have our kids safely and health in their best interest. I would also like to know how much money our school district is receiving for COVID from the state and government. Full disclosure now !!!!!! I think you forget you work for us the tax payers not your pocket book!

I am a nurse in St. Louis county and I cover COVID ICU. Masking and vaccination is the 9/29/2021 1:28 PM number one way to stop transmission in our communities.

Respectfully, it is essential that this choice be left to the parents of the children. Masks should 9/29/2021 1:28 PM also be a choice.

No 9/29/2021 1:27 PM

As a nurse who sees cases of children on ventilators in ICU, it just makes sense to have 9/29/2021 1:27 PM everyone masked until the threat has lessened.

Our children shouldn't need to b masked honestly. Mask optional all the way 9/29/2021 1:26 PM

Our family strongly feels that masks are completely unnecessary and are causing more harm 9/29/2021 1:25 PM to our children and their lives than without them. Our children come home complaining because they can’t breathe and that the masks are a major distraction. The Corona Virus is proven to be virtually non-existent in children of their ages (6/9) given no medical or immune disorder issues. Let our kids be kids. The fear mongering charade is over and the current presidential administration should be impeached and held accountable for their crimes of child abuse and endangerment. We appreciate your considerations for doing what is right and just by unmasking our children.

This survey was sent out late. The survey should have been sent before the School Board 9/29/2021 1:23 PM voted on wearing masks. There is no value after the discussion was made to ask for the parents input.

No 9/29/2021 1:21 PM

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Follow Francis Howell lead—students not old enough to be vaccinated have masks. Older 9/29/2021 1:21 PM students do not.

Until the elementary students have to option to get a vaccine, I believe it should be mandatory 9/29/2021 1:20 PM for at least K-5 to wear a mask. After we have that option, it could be made optional and each family left to make their own decision about the risks they are willing to take.

We feel that masks should be required when the numbers support the virus is spreading. This 9/29/2021 1:16 PM is for the protection of everyone. Health has to come first.

If mask continue please share the source of the scientific data that show they are beneficial. I 9/29/2021 1:14 PM can share several sources that show they can be damaging emotionally and a health risk for children.

I was exceptionally disappointed when it was announced at the beginning of the school year that masks wouldn't be mandated. Even though our hospitals were filling again, and children were coming into the E.R. in numbers far greater than at the onset of the pandemic. Even though there is a trove of evidence pointing to the efficacy of wearing a mask in close quarters. That it helps reduce community spread and it reduces the risk of catching the virus from others due to a lower viral load. There are immunocompromised children who can't attend school because their classmates won't wear a mask. There are children, like my own daughter, who suffer from asthma and would likely face a worse outcome than most if she were to catch it. My children have already brought home 2 different respiratory colds this year, and thankfully tested negative each time. This is an expense that I am thankfully able to afford, and if my children had to stay home my work is flexible enough to accommodate that. Many others are not so fortunate - they will be faced with a medical bill they can't afford or risk their job and their livelihoods because they can't stay home from work for 2 weeks while a child is quarantined. Last year with the mandate in place my children were sick exactly zero times. This year it only took 2 weeks before they were sick. It was clear from the first weeks of the school year that districts with mask mandates were not quarantining large groups of kids, that they weren't experiencing staff shortages due to exposure, etc. What I did see was Fort Zumwalt making the news for how poorly the mask optional mandate was working - an entire sports team quarantined, an elementary school inundated, and on it went. I don't want to see my school district in the news for anything, but the exceptional achievements of our students and staff. There is a small but vocal minority of our community that refuses to follow basic social distancing, masking, and quarantining guidelines no matter the law or social stigma. They won't get the vaccine because some Facebook "expert" says there's a microchip in it, or some other flavor of nonsense. These are not the people to give an ounce of consideration to because they can't fathom doing something to protect others. They won't see the error of their ways until they or someone they love is laying in the hospital hooked up to a vent, and even then that is not a given. They will scream and shout about freedoms or that masks hurt our kids when we all know that is nothing but posturing and bluster. The masks protect our children, who for the most part either like or are indifferent to wearing the masks. We send our children to school hoping that they won't bring this virus home. Those opposed to the mandate can't grasp that we are protecting not only our children but household members as well. The parent undergoing chemo, the mom who just defeated breast cancer, the aging grandparents that watch the kids while the parents work, and so on. These are the people we have to protect as well. The sooner we stop spreading this virus around the sooner we can move on with our lives. Please keep the mask mandate in place. Our childrens' lives and their futures may depend on it. Your staffs' lives and livelihoods may depend on it. Do the right thing and help keep our community safe.

9/29/2021 1:13 PM

I just feel that masks should be mandatory in the school by everyone rather you are 9/29/2021 1:10 PM vaccinated or not, because you can still get COVID and spread it even if you are vaccinated. The children should be the number 1 priority for everyone in keeping them safe no matter what.

Should be required until pandemic is over. Students still have to go back home to families who 9/29/2021 1:09 PM may have under lying conditions. Thank you.

Public health mitigation issues isn't a debate, especially for the health and well being of 9/29/2021 1:06 PM children. Seat belts, smoking, clothes in public, or existing vaccination requirements already for schools are all acceptable measures that are not and should not be politicized for media and popularity. Caring for others is a characteristic and quality I hope the school district teaches our children. Mask guidelines should NOT be dictated by politicians seeking reelection, national recognition, or power because the kids aren't complaining, parents are complaining, violent, and disrespectful and it's shameful that any parent would put their child at risk when something like COVID is preventable.

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92 We feel this is important until the kids can get the vaccine. 9/29/2021 1:05 PM

93 When parents have concerns about their children’s safety on buses and they call the school, someone from the school should have the decency to call them back.

9/29/2021 1:04 PM

94 This is a decision that should be parent and student driven. The experts on this subject have been so inconsistent that this should be something that is decided individualy.

9/29/2021 1:02 PM

95 If faculty and students have been vaccinated, I feel the mask requirement should be optional! other than at the elementary level where they cannot receive vaccination yet.

9/29/2021 1:02 PM

96 We Need to protect each other. It is necessary thank you! 9/29/2021 1:01 PM

97 Why was this not done after the initial decision of make optional? These decisions should be left to science and professionals, not opinions of people who can't do their fifth grader's math homework. Masks only work if everyone wears them.

9/29/2021 1:01 PM

98 Schools should follow advice of CDC. They are medical professionals and public health specialists it’s their advice that should be followed.

9/29/2021 12:59 PM

99 Masks being required in schools while not being required in other segments of society defeats any purpose. Unless the kids are masked on weekends or out of school time when together, there is no point in masking at school. The enforcement last year was half ass anyway so while masks were mandatory, they regularly were not worn when they should have been according to my middle and high school FZ students

9/29/2021 12:59 PM

100 I believe it should be an option. My child, is fully vaccinated. They opened most activities all summer of 2021. I do believe some social distancing will help going forward.

9/29/2021 12:56 PM

101 Quarantines for asymptomatic individuals should be suspended for masked/unmasked. Vaccination status should also have no bearing on quarantines as both vaccinated and unvaccinated carry and transmit viruses in the same manner.

9/29/2021 12:55 PM

102 Masks should at least be required for elementary students as they cannot be vaccinated yet. Middle/High school could be optional.

9/29/2021 12:54 PM

103 I think the masks hinder a child’s learning and social abilities. The make are pointless, you have to still quarantine with wearing them.

9/29/2021 12:54 PM

104 No 9/29/2021 12:54 PM

105 Just make it optional for mask... 9/29/2021 12:51 PM

106 In the future there should not be a vaccine mandate. 9/29/2021 12:50 PM

107 I will be vaccinating my child as soon as it’s available for her age group. I will support vaccine mandates in schools.

9/29/2021 12:49 PM

108 The implications of wearing a mask or not is not only about whether or not students contract the virus. The more disruptive impact is due to the the additional quarantine implications due to masks not being worn and the ripple effect that it has to entire families. The breadth of lives being impacted is significantly reduced by ensuring that masks are worn in the schools.

9/29/2021 12:48 PM

109 There are many kids that are immuno compromised. It should be about health and not about a mask. Until there are no cases of covid then keep wearing masks.

9/29/2021 12:47 PM

110 Por mi esta bien 9/29/2021 12:41 PM

111 No 9/29/2021 12:40 PM

112 There were fewer cases at the same time last year when masks were required this year. I believe past experience speaks for itself and we should listen and learn from it on this issue. Thanks!

9/29/2021 12:39 PM

113 No. 9/29/2021 12:34 PM

114 Staff yes but optional for students. 9/29/2021 12:31 PM

115 Some students chew on their masks, making germs spread more. Please allow those students to not wear them.

9/29/2021 12:31 PM

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116 I would like to let the board know that when election time comes around next, I will be deep diving each candidate thoroughly and will be placing more emphasis on those that we elect to these seats. In addition, I believe that the mask wearing should be a choice per the family and the individual, not for a board of individuals to mandate certain restrictions/requirements. Let people make their own choices.

9/29/2021 12:29 PM

117 I am looking for options to remove my student from the school since masks have been reinstated. The school is now being placed into politics, as FZSD is in a county where nowhere else are the same children required to wear a mask My child no longer wants to go to school as he continues to look for "mask breaks" only to be told he cannot. Make it an option - If parents they child should wear a mask, let them wear a mask, if not then don't.

9/29/2021 12:25 PM

118 Better safe than sorry! Shouldn't be a political issue!! This is about protecting lives because you don't know who the student will be in contact with that is at risk. The worst that happens if wearing masks is wrong or incorrect is that you've been inconvenienced. If "No Mask wearers" are wrong may cost someone their life!!! Or lose their quality of life!

9/29/2021 12:25 PM

119 N/A 9/29/2021 12:24 PM

120 None 9/29/2021 12:24 PM

121 I strongly support the Board’s decision to protect our children & staff by implementing the mask mandate.

9/29/2021 12:24 PM

122 Follow Social Distancing 9/29/2021 12:23 PM

123 No 9/29/2021 12:21 PM

124 This is a very tough topic for everyone to take a part in. It is an "opportunity to voice your opinion" but I personally feel it could be used for leverage in a public setting (Board Meeting). I am not an anitvaxer, but I personally do not feel the masks should be mandatory. With proper social distancing in school and some wearing masks voluntarily those with worry should be intellectual enough to understand if they wear a mask they will be okay.

9/29/2021 12:20 PM

125 Unfortunately as of the new mask mandate issued by the Board of Education, we made the decision to not have our kids return to school if required to wear a mask. This is not ideal for us or our children. We believe they need to be in school receiving the appropriate curriculum and interacting with their friends. However, we do not believe wearing masks is ideal for children from a "health" perspective or from a learning perspective, especially those with any form of learning disability. Our son Ivan has delayed speech progress and wearing a mask will not support the type of growth he needs in this area of learning. Hopefully this mandate can be lifted sooner than later and our children can return to school.

9/29/2021 12:20 PM

126 No 9/29/2021 12:20 PM

127 For the school board to shirk their elected duties and pass off this important decision to a popular vote by non education professionals is disturbing. Please, instead listen to health care professionals and epidemiology experts to guide your decision making processes.

9/29/2021 12:19 PM

128 If vaccinated should be child’s choice If not then they should be required 9/29/2021 12:17 PM

129 Stop with the masks and the ridiculous quarantine requirements!!! 9/29/2021 12:16 PM

130 I think it’s sad a football player had Covid so bad they were in the hospital and football games still happened without masks . Very sad

9/29/2021 12:15 PM

131 Don’t give in to morons, siding on side of safety is best at this point 9/29/2021 12:12 PM

132 What % of students have to be vaccinated before masks are not needed? Maybe that is an approach more acceptable to most?

9/29/2021 12:12 PM

133 Mainly due to lack of ability to properly social distance in school but we are also concerned about handicapping our young kids for social cues that they miss from staff and peers when communicating and developing relationships.

9/29/2021 12:12 PM

134 Make Covid 19 vaccines mandatory for all eligible students and staff. 9/29/2021 12:12 PM

135 In order to keep most amount of kids in school. We need to have masks in order to cut down amount of kids who will be going gome because someone dis not have a mask. Also punishing kids who are vaccinated and wearing a mask because other kid dis not wear a mask.

9/29/2021 12:12 PM

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if we are taking a scientific approach we need to understand these masks do not keep 9/29/2021 12:10 PM someone from getting this virus they only reduce the spray from those that do have it more focus on sneezing into a Kleenex washing hands and just an overall lifestyle change to strengthen the immune system by eating better and working-out is the stance id like to see the school take

I think last year went well with wearing masks. I don’t see why this school year should be any 9/29/2021 12:09 PM different

There should be no more contact tracing quarantine. If they are allowed to take their masks off 9/29/2021 12:09 PM at lunch/recess; and someone is pos...then other kids (families) should continue to monitor symptoms...vs. being a forced quaruntine.

Based on statistics of virus transmission through cloth masks, I believe it is more harmful for my child to wear a cloth mask all day. If my 1st and 3rd grader are forced to wear a mask all day there is no telling how often they have dropped it, touched it or what other germs have landed on their face covering and they are then required to keep it in all day. It’s disgusting when you actually realize it is not sanitary at all. If masks need to be enforced, then masks need to be replaced hourly with a clean mask to maintain sanitary health standards. I also don’t believe it is right for children to wear mandatory face coverings. They should have access to breath freely. What should really be enforced is screening children before school, healthy lunches and snacks and proper hand washing.

9/29/2021 12:07 PM

Stop being mask nazis 9/29/2021 12:07 PM

If a student is fully vaccinated with proof, he/she should not be mandated to wear a mask but 9/29/2021 12:07 PM are free to do so if he/she chooses. If student is not vaccinated, that student should be required to mask up. With vaccination comes its privileges and this should be one of them.

Children should not be required to wear masks. 9/29/2021 12:07 PM

Consistent, in-person schooling is made possible with masks. The goal for everyone should be 9/29/2021 12:06 PM to keep kids learning (IN PERSON) and keep our communities HEALTHY. I fail to see why this is even up for debate. Our children are THRIVING with in person schooling. Please PLEASE continue requiring masks. Until a vaccine is available for those under 12, masking is essential. This is not a political debate.

I believe masks are a detriment to learning and interpersonal communication, especially with 9/29/2021 12:05 PM such a very small risk attached without.

no 9/29/2021 12:05 PM

Our family is dis-satisfied with the school board's handling of the pandemic for the current school year. Both the CDC and the AAP recommend masking for everyone in a school setting because multiple peer-reviewed studies have determined that masks work to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. To our knowledge, there have been no legitimate scientific studies to show that masks do any harm, physical or psychological, to anyone. The fact that the school district is considering reverting to a mask-optional environment is troubling for the following reasons: 1. Parents should be able to trust the school district to put the safety of the children above all else. If the district is willing to compromise on the safety of the children on this matter, how can we trust that safety is not ignored in other areas. Are buses being inspected to ensure they can safely transport our children to and from school? Are fire drills being conducted as required so that our children are safe if a fire were to happen during the school day? 2. Universal masking allows for modified quarantine rules, thus enabling students to remain in the classroom. Why would the district not strive to keep as many children in class as possible? 3. The job of the school district is to provide a quality education to our children. Scientific knowledge is achieved through research and peer-reviewed studies. What are we teaching our children if we are willing to cast aside legitimate research in favor of the opinions of the general public? How can the district educate our next generation of doctors and scientists if it teaching them that their knowledge and expertise is to be ignored?

9/29/2021 12:05 PM

Maybe there is a way to have masks worn during passing between classes but they can be 9/29/2021 12:04 PM optional within the classes....

Let's follow the science 9/29/2021 12:04 PM

This isn’t going away. We need to get back to normalization for the kids. 9/29/2021 12:03 PM

Have on site COVID test if they are making kids go home for simple cough and allergies 9/29/2021 12:02 PM

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should make it easier for kids to be tested

151 School staff need to make sure to enforce the masks if they become required 9/29/2021 12:01 PM

152 We need more science education obviously. Too many people who have never looked under a microscope are making decisions that are way over their IQ level.

9/29/2021 12:01 PM

153 No 9/29/2021 12:00 PM

154 This is being politicized and that is too bad. My children will wear their mask...that's my mandate.

9/29/2021 12:00 PM

155 Thank you for doing this survey. We really appreciate you letting our voices be heard. Regardless of the outcome, thanks to the entire FZW faculty and staff for taking care of our children.

9/29/2021 11:59 AM

156 Use some commen sense. Students with glasses deal with them fogging up when the mask is over their nose.

9/29/2021 11:59 AM

157 God job! 9/29/2021 11:59 AM

158 We can't wish and hop our way out of a pandemic. Vaccines and masks are proven effective against the spread of airborne viruses. It's part of the social contract to look out for everyone in a community, not just people who think like you do. *Please* keep masks in the schools to help protect our children, the FZ staff and faculty.

9/29/2021 11:59 AM

159 Not for now 9/29/2021 11:58 AM

160 I’m not a fan of making mandates for a disease that is so survivable. However, I prefer my child to be in the classroom learning, so leaders need to make a decision and stick with it. Your move, FZSD!

9/29/2021 11:58 AM

161 I fully support wearing mask for our children. We’re still in a global pandemic and for now the best protection we have is mask. I would request mask to be worn until vaccinations are available for or children.

9/29/2021 11:57 AM

162 The pandemic is raging and masks should absolutely be required by everyone and that includes all staff and students so that we can prevent the spread of COVID 19.

9/29/2021 11:57 AM

163 It’s should absolutely be optional. Especially when the kids are barely getting it. And when they do, they don’t show to many symptoms and it only last a day or two if they do! Kids wearing masks everyday all day is not healthy for them!

9/29/2021 11:57 AM

164 Don’t make people wear masks if they do not wish to. By now everyone is aware of risks and rights. If a mask makes someone feel comfortable and safe that is their choice and their right to do so. The school district should not force that one everyone.

9/29/2021 11:56 AM

165 Also, there should be an emphasis on vaccinations as and when vaccines become available and teachers and students become eligible.

9/29/2021 11:56 AM

166 No 9/29/2021 11:56 AM

167 Stricter cell phone policy. Distracting in class, and more after school detentions should be given. Parents should be made to come pick up phone.

9/29/2021 11:55 AM

168 Will respect what ever decision you make on this matter. 9/29/2021 11:55 AM

169 No 9/29/2021 11:54 AM

170 Adopt the quarantine standard that Wentzville just did. 9/29/2021 11:54 AM

171 Masks must be required for students and teachers if and until vaccines are available to all ages and/or required. Thank you

9/29/2021 11:54 AM

172 Masks should be required in K-12 as the students did this last year and should be standard protocol.

9/29/2021 11:54 AM

173 It is for the safety of the staff and the children to wear the masks because we never know who they be around outside of school and if they have been exposed to the covid virus or not so the mask are very important .

9/29/2021 11:54 AM

174 2 of my 3 Children have recovered from COVID-19 and neither of the 2 that did test positive, 9/29/2021 11:53 AM

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had a very minor reaction to the virus. This virus is not a major health threat to children the death rate for children whom contract COVID is very very low. In states reporting, 0.00%-0.03% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death. I don't believe we need to continue to stunt our children's future with the political football that COVID has become.

I don't now how effective masks when you wear them all day. I caught the flu (not 9/29/2021 11:53 AM covid)wearing a mask. and there is no info on the affect they will cause as far as harm.

I think the district should follow American Academy of Pediatric guidelines. When they lessen 9/29/2021 11:51 AM the mitigation efforts, then the district can follow. The goal of masks is to decrease transmission of this virus in community settings and will allow students to remain in school safely. By not universal masking, the district is violating ACLU laws and discriminating by now allowing ALL students to attend in-person school safely.

I selected required because the quarantine procedures implemented by the District have not been changed. I believe the students and staff should have a choice however when a COVID 19 “exposure” happens in the Elementary School, where none of the students are allowed the “no symptom because of vaccination” exemption because they are too young to get it, you essentially force entire classrooms to quarantine for 10 days. This hinders dual employed households or households of single parents because now they are at the mercy of the school of if they can work or not. I understand school is not childcare however if my child is quarantined due to an exposure, what child care facility can I take them to? The answer is none due to the possibility they may spread COVID 19. I am personally all about choice, however with this you should have some type of school directive especially in the elementary school where 100% of your students are “at risk” of quarantine at a moments notice when no mask requirement is in place.

9/29/2021 11:46 AM

The default policy for the Fort Zumwalt School District should be to follow expert guidance, not the whims and whines of a passionate group on any side of a public health issue. It should not be a vote to opt in to following this guidance. If there needs to be a vote, it should be to opt out, and we should always err on the side of caution. Currently, the CDC, AAP, AHA, and others all recommend a universal mask policy for schools. The data on the effectiveness of masks in school settings isn’t perfect, however, substantial statistical differences can be found between similar schools with differing mask policies. Correlation doesn’t imply causation, but, if masks protect even just one person, it’s a small inconvenience for an immeasurable gain. No policy is going to be 100% effective, but what we’re looking for is for our community to do all we can to keep everyone safe. We are where we are, because as a country, we have not followed the best advice that our top scientists and doctors have prescribed over the last 18 months. These people have not always been right, but I believe the vast majority are doing the best they can with the information they have. The politicization and polarization of our Covid response and treatments will undoubtedly be a case study that future generations look back on. I hope we learn some lessons in how to better respond to the next pandemic, which might be substantially more lethal. To the parents who are searching for medical and religious exemptions, they should keep their kids at home until the experts no longer recommend masks in classrooms. We did this with our two sons last year because my wife works in healthcare, and we felt we were a bigger risk to bring it into the school. With vaccines, more PPE, and better testing, we decided as a family we are less of a risk to be a Covid vector than the unvaccinated who take zero precautions and continue to spout on about the ~1% death rate. To the parents who say they do not co-parent with the school district, they should not get a say in the matter. They do co-parent with the school district already, and they think it’s some clever talking point. They have their HepB, MMR, IPV, etc vaccines for their kids. They agree to have their kids abide by the school code of conduct. They agree to learn the subjects that the experts in education lay out as a curriculum. They do not get to pick and choose what’s best for the school district or community. If that’s the ‘freedom’ they want, they’re free to get their education elsewhere. A few months after vaccines are available for 5-12 year olds, I’ll be less concerned with the district policy. At this point however, fresh air, masks, and social distancing are all the tools we have to protect our community. Why would we take away one of the only tools we have to reduce the spread.

9/29/2021 11:43 AM

I think it’s too early to go mask optional at this point 9/29/2021 11:39 AM

Staff should be required to be vaccinated. 9/29/2021 11:36 AM

Mask still should be worn outside at recesses as well 9/29/2021 11:33 AM

N/a 9/29/2021 11:29 AM

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Optional with vaccination may be a good choice 9/29/2021 11:27 AM

Covid is a part of life in this world now and will be into the future. Children need to be able to 9/29/2021 11:23 AM see their peers'/teachers' faces and hear what they are saying to learn and development properly. We should not consider masking the #1 preventative measure in schools over proper hand washing and personal care.

If masks are going to be required again, I would like the option to pull my student, and have 9/29/2021 11:19 AM them go virtual.

My family and I strongly believe that covid risks have been overblown by media and fear. 9/29/2021 11:18 AM

But if someone chooses to wear a mask and someone close to them tests positive, they 9/29/2021 11:16 AM should not be asked to quarantine as the mask should eliminate that. Then to allow an exception to that for attending school but can't attend/participate in extracurricular activities just makes no sense!

Thank you for giving us this option to weigh in. Safety for all first. 9/29/2021 11:16 AM

Masking students is ridiculous. They are worthless cloth masks, not medical grade, they touch 9/29/2021 11:06 AM them constantly and wear them loosely or on their chins most of the time. Bottom line is THEY DON’T WORK!!

We need to follow the guidelines that our health professionals suggest. I understand freedom 9/29/2021 11:05 AM of choice, however, not at the expense of others. Especially those who don't currently have the option to receive the vaccination to protect them.

I appreciate the district considering the health and safety of the students and staff. 9/29/2021 11:02 AM

If the goal is to keep kids in school and keep them learning then students and staff should be 9/29/2021 10:54 AM required to wear masks. There is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that the new mask requirement is working. During the first weeks of school the number of students in quarantine reached over 500 across the district. Now after approximately one week of masking the number of students in quarantine is below 200 which represents a 60% decrease in student missing school. I know there is a small but loud group that is opposed to masking, but if you are truly "following the science" then requiring making is a minor inconvenience to keep kids in school. I also support making exceptions for children that have legitimate physical or intellectual issues on a case by case basis.

Although I don’t think you should have asked our opinion because I think the opinion of the health department should be enough, it is nice to be included. I completely support having students wear masks, but more than that, I believe it is important but if you choose not to have students were masks that you recognize whatever decision you make next should be your final decision for the rest of the school year. It is simply unfair to take more time from the teachers and administrators on the issue of masks. So if Covid spikes in the winter, whatever decision you make needs to be the one that you stick with

9/29/2021 10:50 AM

Even when required most people don't wear them correctly which defeats the purpose of the 9/29/2021 10:48 AM mandate.

No 9/29/2021 10:48 AM

Mask saves lives. All lives Matter. I want my child protected at all times, if possible, and this 9/29/2021 10:42 AM is possible, not popular, but possible. Protect my child at all cost.

I suggest a hybrid approach: Based on my research, masks should be mandatory for those 9/29/2021 10:38 AM who are not vaccinated and optional for those who are fully vaccinated. Unless or until the Delta variant settles down, mask usage should continue as a primary defense. The data is clear: the majority of those who are hospitalized or seriously impacted by COVID are unvaccinated. Therefore, the onus should be on the unvaccinated to mask up for their own protection. Those who have elected to get the vaccine should then be given the choice to wear a mask or not. If people do not like wearing the mask, this would offer some incentive to get their vaccine. I fully understand that wearing a mask is inconvenient and not "cool." Dying a slow death on a ventilator is far more consequential, however.

The superintendent has too much power. The board is irrelevant. 9/29/2021 10:35 AM

While I support whatever decision is made by the Board, vaccinations AND masks will help us 9/29/2021 10:33 AM subdue this virus and many others. But it isn’t something that should be Mandated and forced.

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At this point in our country, those that want vaccines have gotten them. It is also now science 9/29/2021 10:29 AM that those who have had COVID have higher immunities then those that don't. The chance of our children being harmed by covid is less than the flu numbers. Kids are being impacted so much more by having to wear masks and not having normal highschool lives. Numbers are going down in the county without mask mandates. And let's quit quarantining kids. Let's use the rule that's been in place forever. If your kid is sick or has a fever, keep them home. When they are 24 hrs fever free let them go to school.

I wish that this wasn't left in the hands of the parents to decide. We are so divided as a 9/29/2021 10:28 AM country as it is. Someone should step up and make the decision and stick with it.

Let’s get life back to normal! I feel my Kids need to build up immunity to germs. They have 9/29/2021 10:26 AM been vaccinated and with or without a mask can get sick. It’s life. Let’s not keep protecting the world from something that can not be 100% protected against. Even the vaccine doesn’t protect them. We will live life and take our chances just as we do putting them in a car daily.

My children were not at school 9/23 & 9/24 because of this absurd mandate. I refuse to muzzle my children and comply with this new tyrannical “mandate” that goes against my constitutional rights as a parent. My children will not be encouraged by me nor their family to wear a disgusting mask that hinders their ability to grow and develop emotionally, socially and psychologically as well as inhibit their natural ability to build their immune system. This, in my opinion, is child abuse and an alarming overstepping of this school board. My children are very distraught over this because they love your classrooms and their teachers. I am currently working with an attorney and will be seeking an exemption for my children as well as any other recourse I am able to pursue legally. We also have a tour setup with St. Paul School Tuesday of next week. IF my children return to school next week, I will not encourage nor support the donning of a “muzzle”. However, they have been instructed to be respectful when making this choice for themselves and to act like the lady and gentleman they have been raised to be. If they refuse to comply, they are not to be touched in any physical way nor ostracized in front of their peers. I respectfully ask that you contact me so we can discuss in further detail and so I can inquire about the specifics of this situation @ . I hope you understand my frustration that my rights as a parent have been infringed upon by an unqualified liberal and tyrannical school board and teachers union with political agendas as well as significant financial conflict of interests. I am a neuroimmunology registered nurse and I am more qualified than this current board to make decisions about my child’s healthcare. I am currently in the process of contacting Jefferson City and have been interviewed by local news outlets/radio stations to bring more light and visibility to this mandate as well as inform the public of FZSDs refusal to provide alternative educational avenues and resources (i.e. virtual, online, etc.) for students that refuse to wear a face diaper and are therefore being denied access to tax payer funded education, which in my opinion is a form of discrimination against my children and us as parents, especially considering the fact that alternative avenues were afforded to students last year that elected to stay home for fear of contracting COVID. You might want to tell your board members to wear a muzzle as well considering they are the ones that decided to table this ridiculous mandate.

9/29/2021 10:13 AM

Stop worrying about convenience or people (kids & teachers) complaining....this is about 9/29/2021 10:04 AM safety and trying to stop this thing. Masks should be required for fans at ALL events as well...sporting, band, etc. etc.

Although I think the masks should be optional I do think that certain situations can and 9/29/2021 10:01 AM probably will arise that mask should be required and I am ok with that.

Protect students and staff against this invisible virus. Quit worrying about thugs out there that 9/29/2021 9:58 AM think they know what is best when all they really want is something to complain about!

Terrible question. Dubrey had it right when the policy was to require masks if/when incidence 9/29/2021 9:56 AM rose. This question is really asking which political party do I align with. Terrible question.

If we are "following the science" children have a greater health risk related to the isolation and 9/29/2021 9:50 AM impaired communication as a result of masks, in addition to higher health risk associated to RSV and Influenza, neither of which require a mask. Finally, the decision point cannot be "if it saves just one life we must..." if that were the case we should have mandatory seat belts on buses, maybe not have buses, don't have PE or sports and on and on...

No 9/29/2021 9:47 AM

If wearing a masks reduces/eliminates and outbreak and quarantine time we are in support of 9/29/2021 9:46 AM

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keeping masks in place.

211 I feel that since there are so many cases being reported that the school district as a whole should be required to wear masks.

9/29/2021 9:45 AM

212 I think there should be a requirement only because there are, unfortunately, some parents or caregivers that do send their children to school when they are sick. And I’d like to have my kids at least somewhat protected from those cases

9/29/2021 9:44 AM

213 Masks are not about just protecting yourself - they are about protecting others. Until there is a vaccine available for all school-age children to protect themselves, we should continue coming together as a supportive community to ensure EVERYONE is protected. This simple action will continue to protect our Fort Zumwalt community from illness and quarantines from school until ALL children have the opportunity to choose vaccination. I implore you to continue following the guidance of credible officials such as the CDC, AAP, DESE and the SCCHD to ensure the safety of our Fort Zumwalt community.

9/29/2021 9:41 AM

214 I think masks should be optional for those who have been vaccinated and the school to have the right to ask for proof of vaccination. I also think that the school district should have the right to require the vaccine as part of the list of other vaccines that are mandatory to be enrolled.

9/29/2021 9:41 AM

215 Perhaps required for under 12 since they have no option to be vaccinated 9/29/2021 9:40 AM

216 Masks on healthy people is theater. It may stop mucus/saliva, but not exhaled virus particles. It's much more important to me that our kids are getting adequate oxygen, and not rebreathing their own CO2 through a moist piece of cloth. There are studies out there of these dangers.

9/29/2021 9:39 AM

217 Masks should be optional for those who are vaccinated. Why get the vaccine if we need to continue to live in a bubble. Everyone needs to take responsibility for whichever choice they choose. No vaccine, then do your part and wear a mask and wash hands often. Get vaccinated and live life as you choose because getting the vaccine probably meant you are tired of wearing a mask. This is all about choice and those who chose to vaccinate should not have to suffer from those who choose not to. Let them go to another school or come up with a solution to protect themselves. My child made the decision to vaccinate so she would not have to wear a mask the rest of her life! Not everyone in my family chose the vaccine and that is a personal choice but they wear a mask,, used sanitizer and wash hands often.. CHOICES and personal Responsibility either way!!!!

9/29/2021 9:38 AM

218 The board of EDUCATION should NOT make policies/mandates that the Board of Health is responsible for. There is still no conclusive data that mask even prevent spreading of infectious disease. Masks also cause long term immunity issues. Maybe try teaching the children how important immunity health is vs limiting it with masks. Thanks for the opportunity to share. :)

9/29/2021 9:38 AM

219 We are very close to beating this pandemic let's have our kids help us out until they can get vaccinated!

9/29/2021 9:38 AM

220 If a student is sick or in close proximity of others a mask should be required but forcing a developing child to wear a mask all day regardless of the situation does not seem healthy.

9/29/2021 9:37 AM

221 there is no reason that masks should not be required, especially if a child is not vaccinated. 9/29/2021 9:34 AM

222 Health decisions should be left up to the parents. I am very vigilant in doing my research and understand the chances my children could get sick. But again that is my choice and i also give them the choice when applicable to wear their mask or not.

9/29/2021 9:33 AM

223 No masks and no Covid Vax mandate 9/29/2021 9:33 AM

224 Vaccinated people and people who have already had COVID should not be required to wear masks.

9/29/2021 9:32 AM

225 As documented time and again by multiple medical studies, masks work in slowing the spread of Covid. A few weeks ago, we had over 500 kids quarantined in our schools. Today that number is 196, less than half. Masks are crucial to keeping kids healthy and keeping kids in school. This is not a decision that should be made by popular opinion. We’re not voting on the theme for homecoming week or what to do with some PTO funds. The AAP, CDC, DESE, and SCCHD all recommend that kids wear masks in school. Full stop. We need to follow the

9/29/2021 9:31 AM

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advice of medical and public health professionals and continue to require masks while community spread of Covid is of significant concern.

226 it's a bad time for everyone with the schools. 9/29/2021 9:28 AM

227 Until higher vaccination percentages are obtained 9/29/2021 9:24 AM

228 Only during heightened times of transmission or infection rate. 9/29/2021 9:23 AM

229 We need to be better with our quarantine model. Thanks. 9/29/2021 9:20 AM

230 It is a layer of protection to help assist in the protection from a virus that can be severe. This is not a rights issue, it is a health issue.

9/29/2021 9:20 AM

231 We are so thankful that the board voted to put a mask requirement in place. Our child is too young to be vaccinated and the only way to truly protect her is for everyone to be masked. This is in accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC.

9/29/2021 9:19 AM

232 Ignore the political grandstanding and follow the science 9/29/2021 9:19 AM

233 I think bc they already did this last school year it isn't something new or unusual. My kids felt like they probably avoided other illnesses (they weren't sick with anything last year) in addition to Covid because of the masks and being able to wipe down their desks with sanitizing wipes. One of our children is at Mizzou this year and she needs to wear a mask inside in her classroom but doesn't need to wear it around campus outside. This isn't unique to the FZ school system so our younger kids can do what our older kids are needing to do out in other public settings.

9/29/2021 9:15 AM

234 This should be treated as part of the dress code and enforced as such. This shouldn't be made into a political issue.

9/29/2021 9:11 AM

235 My daughter was already wearing her mask & we have no prob taking that simple step to help our community stay healthy.

9/29/2021 9:10 AM

236 Required for anyone not vaccinated. 9/29/2021 9:06 AM

237 Please seriously consider removing the masks for anywhere but the bus. The bus makes sense because of the close proximity to one another. But in the hallways and classrooms I feel my child is a safe distance from her peers. Thank you.

9/29/2021 9:02 AM

238 I trust in what Dr. D has already implemented. The kids being able to take them off for P.E., recess, breaks, choir…. That’s great… I don’t want them having to wear them during those times, so I support where we are… so I didn’t want to check a choice because I’m in between these choices…. the gray area.

9/29/2021 9:02 AM

239 No 9/29/2021 8:59 AM

240 Stadiums are full, masks don't stop the spread. 9/29/2021 8:57 AM

241 Please ignore the anti-vaxxers and the anti-maskers. They are idiots who are harming our children.

9/29/2021 8:55 AM

242 No masks or vax should be required or mandated for k-12 kids! 9/29/2021 8:48 AM

243 Nothing else to add. Masks should be optional. 9/29/2021 8:45 AM

244 Masks work, and it's a simple thing let's keep them required please! 9/29/2021 8:44 AM

245 My family was vaccinated so that we could return to some normalcy. Masking has not only caused my teenage son added stress but has also caused acne that he has to see a physician for. Enough is enough!

9/29/2021 8:44 AM

246 I’ll make sure my son where’s a mask but I don’t think you should force anyone to wear mask make it there own options

9/29/2021 8:44 AM

247 As long as everyone is not vaccinated then maybe it would be best to have everyone masked if that helps to keep the quarantined students and staff at a minimum

9/29/2021 8:40 AM

248 My son comes home everyday saying that the mask is hard to wear and he doesn’t like it. He says he doesn’t want to go to school if he has to wear it. He’s 5..

9/29/2021 8:38 AM

249 Logically, I think we should be more worried about the damage that the masks are doing to our 9/29/2021 8:34 AM

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children, than "protecting" them from a virus that has over a 99% survival rate.

I would like to commend the manner in which FZSD has handled this entire instance. While 9/29/2021 8:34 AM there have been obvious differences in opinion, the leadership has been steady, thoughtful and demonstrated awareness of the shared values of the people who reside in this district. Too much potential progress for everyone has been given up. Enough is enough. We need to return the collective focus to education. Our children deserve better. It is time for the alarmists and fear mongers to sit down and step aside.

Look at the covid infection rates without mask...masks mandates would help with the infection 9/29/2021 8:33 AM and quartine rates.

Ensuring safety for all children, especially since they can't be vaccinated. They're safety and 9/29/2021 8:32 AM the teachers safety should be extremely important!

I am not aware of any study showing masks have any positive effects of preventing COVID in 9/29/2021 8:30 AM schools. In schools being the key. The negatives seem to outweigh the positive in schools. Especially middle and elementary.

Numbers were already declining while masks were optional during the first month of school. 9/29/2021 8:28 AM There was no reason for the mandate. A couple schools had no positive cases and no quarantines but are now required to wear a mask. The decision did not fit the data. Kids are not dying from covid. The decision for a mask should be optional and should be made by the individual student and their family.

Vaccinations should be mandatory for in-person attendance. Then masks could be optional. No 9/29/2021 8:28 AM vaccination should necessitate remote schooling.

My child’s health is my responsibility. The school district is paid to educate not indoctrinate. I 9/29/2021 8:23 AM don’t think we should be allowing children to wear masks at all but I understand that would be taking away the choice from parents who want their children masked. The only bipartisan solution is to make it OPTIONAL!!!! Remember, every seat on the board is voted on by the people. You are there to represent us and our wishes. We will not forget your negligence to duty and abuse of power when we go to the polls at the next election.

Proof of vaccination shots should be part of all students’ medical records. No one should just 9/29/2021 8:22 AM be given the benefit of the doubt (honor system). Make the right decision. Not the easy or popular one!

No 9/29/2021 8:21 AM

Until ages 5-12 are able to be fully vaccinated, mask requirement should remain in place. Wait 9/29/2021 8:21 AM this out, all the flip flopping is dizzying and not helpful. Be resolute and do not bow to political pressure. Moderation and careful logic should prevail here like in all things.

Some households have autoimmune diseases, this would help protect those families as well. 9/29/2021 8:20 AM And why is yhis different from last year when masks were mandatory and no one complained.

No 9/29/2021 8:19 AM

I am horrified that our school board president has made it clear he cares about education not health. I believe our district is ignoring guidance on mask and quarantine just to keep kids in school. Dr Dubray needs to stop whining about contact tracing in his emails. I have been extremely disappointed in the handling of this at the district level. I am embarrassed to say I am in this district. I think the superintendent and board president should step down. I think the schools my children attend are doing the best they can. I am still in disbelief that there is no set threshold to close a school. If there had been I think that westhoff would have been closed based on the numbers of students affected. As a parent of vaccinated children I would have preferred to have the option of having my children in classes with vaccinated children and staff.

9/29/2021 8:17 AM

I prefer either the Masks or Vaccinations should be mandate. This way if some is against 9/29/2021 8:17 AM vaccination, using masks will protect them and others and if every one had vaccine shots, it's individual preference if they use masks or not.

11 and under masks required 12 and over mask optional if vaccinated and mask required if not 9/29/2021 8:15 AM vaccinated. Students/faculty submit proof of vaccination. Post a transparent threshold of positive case rates where if the numbers drop below for a period of time then mask would be optional for everyone.

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265 I honestly want to pick both options. I would prefer my child not have to wear a mask but I also can’t be home every other week because they have to quarantine due to a potential exposure.

9/29/2021 8:15 AM

266 I work in healthcare and manage 5 pediatric subspecialists. Our oldest graduated last year and this year we have a Sophomore. When I heard we are starting the school year without masks I was shocked and then for the first time I was not proud to be part of the Fort Zumwalt Community. Since the COVID vaccine is only approved for ages 12 and up we need to protect the kids ages 5-11 that cannot get vaccinated and the population that cannot get the COVID vaccine for other medical issues. Shame on the schools for not protecting these students. If you are teaching Science at school then let's listen to Science!!! If you would like for my Infectious Disease, Pulmonologist or Cardiologist to speak to the School Board I would be happy to help

9/29/2021 8:13 AM

267 Please consider the safety of all students and their families. Follow the medical science given by doctors and epidemiologists that has been proven by countless peer reviewed studies. Until a vaccine is available for all ages, the chances of community spread and severe health consequences for many are too severe.

9/29/2021 8:13 AM

268 Masks should be required to avoid more quarantines. 9/29/2021 8:13 AM

269 Taking precautions is the best situation in this. But if mask's are not required please allow students to have one on for their own safety if they choose.

9/29/2021 8:07 AM

270 As vaccines become available, vaccinated individuals should be able to choose. 9/29/2021 8:06 AM

271 I say thir because my child has sensory issues and it is hard for him to wear a mask. 9/29/2021 8:05 AM

272 Why is the district listening to public opinion rather than following medical professionals advice on mask wearing? The districts job is to teach children in a safe environment, not pander to politics.

9/29/2021 8:04 AM

273 No 9/29/2021 8:03 AM

274 Masks until vaccines are available to all students. 9/29/2021 7:59 AM

275 Prevention is better than cure 9/29/2021 7:58 AM

276 I think this should be a fluid situation. None of this should ever be etched in stone 9/29/2021 7:57 AM

277 As a parent who got my child vaccinated against his wishes, I do think masks should at a minimum be optional for vaxxed kids. For those grades ineligible, I can understand an argument for masking, but high school should be optional (completely optional in my opinion) but at a minimum optional for vaccinated students.

9/29/2021 7:56 AM

278 I wear a mask all day at work and actually have more issues from the mask with respiratory problems and am constantly getting sinus infections.

9/29/2021 7:56 AM

279 We fully support whatever decision the District makes on this issue. 9/29/2021 7:56 AM

280 Optional for high school but required for elementary and middle since vaccine isn’t available yet.

9/29/2021 7:54 AM

281 Perhaps proof of vaccination could allow someone to be unmasked. Otherwise, mask. 9/29/2021 7:54 AM

282 Masks are NOT proven to prevent the transmit of disease. 9/29/2021 7:54 AM

283 No. 9/29/2021 7:54 AM

284 This is for the overall safety of the student population as well as the teachers. As always, I respect exemptions.

9/29/2021 7:52 AM

285 FZSD is doing a fine job with this issue. Please continue to side with reason and public safety for ALL of us! Thanks

9/29/2021 7:51 AM

286 No, unfortunately selfish people will only think about themselves and not others but thank you! 9/29/2021 7:51 AM

287 I don’t feel there’s any reason masks should now be optional, when the Delta variant is much more prevalent among children. The school board just made this decision & it should stick. If a toddler throws a temper tantrum do they learn anything when you give them their way?

9/29/2021 7:49 AM

288 No 9/29/2021 7:49 AM

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289 Our kids run the risk of exposure daily just from interaction with working parents, then being in a classroom with other kids who are in the same situation. Its safer for everyone.

9/29/2021 7:47 AM

290 The best way to protect children is masking as some are too young to be vaccinated. It also allows masked close contacts to remain in class if exposed to another student that has covid if both are masked. This is not something new. Kids wore masks last school year and things went well. When did wearing a mask for the well-being of others become optional? It’s a mask. We should all be used to this by now.

9/29/2021 7:47 AM

291 I think the district needs to make a decision and go with it. Either way you go folks will not be happy.

9/29/2021 7:47 AM

292 My kids have been wearing masks since school started this year and because someone sits next to one of my kids without a mask my masked kid had to quarantine for a week and I can't afford to take off of work like this. I thought the whole point of wearing a mask was that the masked person didn't have to quarantine....?

9/29/2021 7:47 AM

293 Thank you for all you guys do and everything you are trying to do to keep everyone safe and healthy. It's an impossible situation and I, for one, recognize you are doing the best you can.

9/29/2021 7:47 AM

294 We prefer our own children wear masks, but recognize it should be a choice each student / family makes for themselves.

9/29/2021 7:46 AM

295 no 9/29/2021 7:45 AM

296 I believe that even though most children are vaccinated, wearing a mask is just 1 more extra step we can take to keep everyone safe and healthy. While I know they are not the most comfortable, e

9/29/2021 7:45 AM

297 It puts our family at ease knowing that there’s some kind of protection in place to help cut down on kids and parents getting sick. Especially as we move into the fall and winter where people are more prone to getting sick.

9/29/2021 7:45 AM

298 Grown people can control their actions better than kids. WEAR A MASK 9/29/2021 7:45 AM

299 Until vaccines are available for all grades, they should be required to wear masks. High school could possibly get away with not requiring since 9-12 has vaccines available for months now. Since you didn't ask per school level, I rather everyone mask.

9/29/2021 7:44 AM

300 Not only did it decrease COVID and quarantining for staff and students but the spread of Strep and Flu were highly decreased as well as shown in the last school year.

9/29/2021 7:44 AM

301 Do the right thing. 9/29/2021 7:44 AM

302 The students should be able to use lockers again. Our daughter is carrying around a backpack all day that is nearly half her weight. Also as we head into the winter season now she will have to carry around her coat all day, not to mention her gym cloths & items for dance practice right after school.

9/29/2021 7:44 AM

303 The quarantine period needs to be adjusted for individuals who wear masks. My son has been quarantined several times and it's affecting him adversely! He wears his mask and remains symptom free. Students need to be disrupted as little as possible!

9/29/2021 7:43 AM

304 No 9/29/2021 7:43 AM

305 Please protect my child and her family. 9/29/2021 7:43 AM

306 I support the removal of any a elected official or administrator who support mask mandates. Any student or district employee with compromised immunity should receive special accommodation to insure their risk is mitigated.

9/29/2021 7:42 AM

307 I feel like if they are vaccinated it should be an option because originally we were given 2 options, getting vaccinated or wearing masks. Those who didn’t get vaccinated chose to stay in masks.

9/29/2021 7:42 AM

308 Just believe that individuals should be able to make choices for their own family. Especially with the small amount of danger that COVID presents to kids

9/29/2021 7:41 AM

309 No 9/29/2021 7:41 AM

310 Should also require vaccines 9/29/2021 7:40 AM

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Students at the elementary level are unable to be vaccinated therefore, masking is the only 9/29/2021 7:40 AM way to help keep them in school without risking multiple quarantines.

If masks are required, we'd like to see the reinforcement. 9/29/2021 7:21 AM

Follow the science not the politics please. 9/29/2021 7:03 AM

This virus isnt going away. We should be focusing on health and building immunity. I do not 9/29/2021 6:50 AM want my daughter wearing a mask all day again

for the safety of children and staff, all wearing mandatory masks 9/29/2021 6:46 AM

Social queues are a huge part of child development in schools. What is right for a senior in 9/29/2021 6:42 AM high school is not right for my daughter in pre-k or son in 2nd grade who hasn't yet been able to have a normal school year yet! Stop caving to peer pressure and do what is right for the children!!!! For those against mask, virtual should always be an option as we know some are high risk. Masks on kids don't work and are impacting their academics!!! Please make me proud again, to be in this district.

Mask aer not helping anyone., especially our kids. You are breathing in carbon monoxide for 9/29/2021 6:41 AM the duration of the school day. That is not healthy either

Wearing masks saved medical cost thru the year. NO FLU, NO STREP, NO THROAT 9/29/2021 6:40 AM INFECTIONS. Stayed healthy all year for the first time EVER last year. My son just had surgery and needs to stay healthy. Firm believer masks work, and I am around people with compromised immune systems and can't transfer this virus to them.

I’m hoping everything will be done to keep these kids in school this year. The difference 9/29/2021 6:34 AM between in-school and online was drastic in regards to my daughter’s grades.

Masks should be required and students/staff should be vaccinated to help stop the spread of 9/29/2021 6:22 AM covid-19.

If a staff member or student wants to be protected with a mask, they should wear a mask. 9/29/2021 6:11 AM

The fact that four board members(some of who are not even wearing mask during this 9/29/2021 5:41 AM decision) are able to force my child into doing something I do not approve of and is not being mandated by the dept of health is overstepping boundaries in my eyes. If someone wants their child wearing mask then they have that right. But you’re talking away a right for me to chose if I think my child should or shouldn’t wear a mask

Beyond just COVID mask can help recent the spread of other common illness and I don’t see 9/29/2021 5:38 AM a good reason why not.

No 9/29/2021 5:32 AM

I see it both ways but I think the big push is what everyone is against. This is America we 9/29/2021 5:28 AM should have a choice.

Optional is the only fare way to solve this. 9/29/2021 5:21 AM

From my understanding masks are mandated so you can keep quarantine numbers down which is stupid to do the modified quarantine I guess if you’re exposed at school and you have the masks on school is a safe place where you won’t get covid come on that sounds really stupid you guys doing this. How are you going to say they can come to school but have to quarantine outside of school? On the same note why can’t a child come to school still if exposed outside of school if both people have a mask on? Personally I think the district is doing the quarantine wrong with the masks because guess what I was exposed at work in August we all had masks on because masks are required at work and cdc made me quarantine. Also vaccinated people can still spread covid so saying if vaccinated you don’t have to quarantine is dumb. I thought Zumwalt was stupid when I went and I graduated in 1997 y’all are making yourselves look stupid still if I could move out of the district I would in a heartbeat quit following Francis Howell with every decision you make be a leader. Also if parents like myself would quarantine their kids the correct way whether exposed in school or outside of school meaning they quarantine them from school also you will see the numbers will not change. That is what I plan on doing if my children are exposed at school they will quarantine from school also. Also if the masks stay a mandate my children will be coming to school if they have a headache nauseated runny nose congested or anything unless they have a high fever I will not be keeping them home just because of a symptom or symptoms

9/29/2021 5:05 AM

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328 Keeping kids 6 feet apart and make sure they don’t go to school being sick making other kids can’t go to school and spray everything more often than usually even if kids are in class or not

9/29/2021 2:32 AM

329 Masks should be required by all if not vaccinated 9/29/2021 2:27 AM

330 This is not an unreasonable request to protect the younger and not yet vaccinated kids and teachers. Also, parents still are sending their children into school sick bc they can't miss work and they do not follow the FZ or cdc rules. Masking helps prevent transmission of airborne sicknesses in general. You should wear one if you are sick or everyone around you is. My kids are hard of hearing and rely on lip reading and an FM. They do not have any problems wearing a mask (1is vax and still wearing one) and asking someone to speak up if they can't hear.

9/29/2021 1:12 AM

331 N/a 9/29/2021 12:39 AM

332 Accommodations should be made for children and or adults who have medical conditions/illnesses that would prevent them from tolerating/wearing a mask.

9/28/2021 11:48 PM

333 No mask, no education 9/28/2021 11:31 PM

334 Masks should be mandatory in at least elementary schools until we can get our kids vaccinated. Personal choice does not outweigh my right to have my child kept safe at school. It also keeps kids out of quarantine. My child has ADHD and online learning does not work for her.

9/28/2021 10:45 PM

335 FZSD needs to get the Middle School children back in a locker. My child complained about back and shoulder aches last year and it's started again this year. Need to figure something out ASAP before there are permanent problems!!

9/28/2021 10:43 PM

336 Please keep masks. They do not even have the option to be vaccinated yet. Thank you 9/28/2021 10:43 PM

337 Masks reduce the transmission of a deadly virus. I have no idea why there is even a question about requiring them. The goal is to keep children on school. Masks facilitate that.

9/28/2021 10:42 PM

338 It would be helpful if the school district would reteach and reinforce the proper way to wear a mask. The masks are not providing much benefit, even when they're required, if teachers and students are walking around wearing them under their nose. The proper way to wear a mask requires that both the nose and the mouth are fully covered.

9/28/2021 10:34 PM

339 The goal should be to have students in school and learning. The best way to do that safely, at this time, would to have everyone ware face masks. Children under 12 years old do not even have the option to get a vaccine so its imperative for these kids. I've heard most middle and high school students choose not to mask becuase they will het made fun of. If everyone is required that would solve that issue as well. I'm a nurse at a local hospital and this virus is unpredictable. I really wish people would understand that waring a mask is a small thing to ask of someone considering the world is in middle of a pandemic and the potential long term complications of contracting covid.

9/28/2021 10:20 PM

340 You all are hurting students with this quarantine BS. You all should be ashamed of your selves 9/28/2021 10:19 PM

341 We should follow guidelines set by experts. Since our children are not vaccinated we should be taking all precautions to protect them.

9/28/2021 10:18 PM

342 In favor of masks in middle/elementary where vaccinations are not prominent to keep kids and teachers in classroom and away from standard quarantine protocols.

9/28/2021 10:17 PM

343 I suggest it would be good if kids and staff (any two persons) can place the mask Up to the nose when they come near each other.. if not just they can place it down below to chin.

9/28/2021 10:14 PM

344 Mask should be required for those that are not vaccinated. Those that are vaccinated wearing a mask should be optional.

9/28/2021 10:12 PM

345 Masks should be required as long as the science and data continues to guides us to this point. It is very disconcerting to see the level of fear mongering and interference from personal agenda from the School Board on this issue. I find it particularly telling on the timing of this survey. I do not recall one being sent out after the vote at the August meeting. The Board needs to focus on their elected jobs, not trying to undermine votes that they don't agree with. The district administration needs to also follow the protocols they set in place. Masks, at this point in time, makes sense because kids under 12 (at the time of the survey) cannot be vaccinated. As should be the case, this policy should be re-examined as more data becomes

9/28/2021 10:10 PM

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available and vaccination standards change. There should be clear guidance on what the positivity rate (requiring masking) should be going forward. It would be ideal not to have to debate this month to month but to have a clear, definable plan in place. This should take into account area-wide positivity rates. Viruses do not know school boundaries so it makes sense to base decisions on the community, rather than just schools. We should be following the advice of the qualified medical community and not basing decisions on politics or strictly opinion. As with any situation, there can be exceptions to the masking situation (ex: Special education and special medical situations).

I find it ironic that this survey is coming out to families only after masks were made required by our board of education. Why wasn’t a survey sent in August when the board voted to make masks optional? With the delta variant spreading and the fact that no children under 12 can be vaccinated at this point, our family feels strongly that masks should be required right now. We were told that our district would follow CDC guidelines, which was not the case earlier this school year when masks were optional. Fort Zumwalt had a successful school year of in-person learning last year with a mask requirement in place. Until the current surge has subsided and more children are eligible to be vaccinated, it doesn’t make sense to ease mask requirements now. When masks are optional, we can choose to mask if we want, but it doesn’t take away the risk to our family, because many people will choose not to mask. We teach our children to follow science and research, and both say that masks reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

9/28/2021 10:05 PM

I propose that: masks be optional with the caveat that the ring for "contact tracing" be reduced 9/28/2021 10:02 PM from 6' to 3' UNLESS the rate of infection in a given building exceeds a pre-determined percentage. If it exceeds that percentage we can mandate masks and/or expand the circle for contact tracing until the rate of infection falls below that predetermined percentage, at which point we return to mask optional and a 3' contact tracing ring. This will allow students to connect with their classmates and teachers while reducing the number of students who miss out on instruction due to being quarantined.

I would like to implement what wentzville and orchard farms are doing. Make masks optional 9/28/2021 10:02 PM and if someone comes In contact with a person that tests positive then the student that came in contact wears a mask at school for 10'14 days and only quarantines if symptoms appear. It's a win win for both sides. Compromise!!! We are HIGHLY AGAINST masks but that is a compromise we would agree to, keeping healthy kids in school and us parents making the decisions for our kids that are rightfully ours. Thank you

Students are in close proximity with each other for 7 hours each day. Some students have not 9/28/2021 10:00 PM been vaccinated. Even with the vaccine students can get sick from the delta variant. The masks help to protect all students and staff.

Parents, staff, and children always have the option to wear a mask. When you make it 9/28/2021 9:52 PM mandatory you take away the option of families having a choice to do what they feel is right for their family. It is unfair and unappreciated.

Yes, I would like to ask that Thomas Emmons be removed from the Board of Education. As Mr. Emmons and his family moved out of the district and no longer reside in O'Fallon, or in Missouri for that matter, he should no longer represent my family. Missouri law requires that school board members be registered voters in their districts. Under federal law, citizens cannot be registered to vote in a state in which they don’t live in, even if they own property in that state. “You may only register to vote in the state that you consider to be your primary place of legal residence,” according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Why does the law not apply to him? As Mr. Emmons has lived in Florida since June of this year, he should not be allowed to remain on the Board, albeit through his expiration in April, 2022. I am deeply concerned that the Board has allowed him to remain in place. His vote and opinion should not continue. Thank you very much.

9/28/2021 9:49 PM

Please do not mandate vaccines for students under 12 without parents input. 9/28/2021 9:44 PM

My son is immuno compromised and he has been wearing a n95 mask. He does this with 9/28/2021 9:40 PM deficient lungs and asthma. He is able to do this to keep himself safe I hope others can do same.

Mandatory masking until vaccines are approved for kids aged 5-11. 9/28/2021 9:37 PM

My daughter has been vaccinated, so I am comfortable if she does not wear a mask. I do 9/28/2021 9:35 PM believe students and teachers that have NOT been vaccinated should wear masks.

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Please look at the data. The percentage of children with severe COVID issues is extremely 9/28/2021 9:34 PM low.

I agree with a threshold if there starts to be too many positive cases, the masks need to come 9/28/2021 9:29 PM back for short term. I understand that’s hard to manage and an admin nightmare I’m sure. I don’t hate the masks, I think the masks help avoid quarantine mostly. The number of cases was low but the 104 kids in quarantine was just crazy. Would love if the health dept would relax the guidelines but that is out of the schools control. I’m fine with back to optional and see how it goes. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!! We appreciate you!

Masks should be required for those who are not vaccinated and in schools where students are 9/28/2021 9:29 PM too young to get vaccinated.

Wear masks as long as they prove effective in reducing the number of students and staff who 9/28/2021 9:28 PM are sick or in quarantine.

Put some literature out on the benefits of wearing masks as well as any negative side effects 9/28/2021 9:26 PM mask wearing may cause.

I mean if we see an increase in Covid cases, than of course they should be mandated. But 9/28/2021 9:23 PM Covid-19 is not going anywhere. Just have to get vaccinated every year like the Flu Shot.

17 Ways That Masks Can Cause Harm 1. Medical masks adversely affect respiratory physiology and function 2. Medical masks lower oxygen levels in the blood 3. Medical masks raise carbon dioxide levels in the blood 4. SARS CoV-2 is armed with a “furin cleavage site” that makes it more pathogenic 5. Medical masks trap exhaled viral (and other) pathogens in the mouth/mask interspace, increase viral/infectious load, and increase the severity of disease 6. SARS CoV-2 Becomes More Dangerous When Blood Oxygen Levels Decline 7. The furin cleavage site of SARS CoV-2 increases cellular invasion, especially during hypoxia (low blood oxygen levels) 8. Cloth masks may increase the risk of contracting Covid-19 and other respiratory infections 9. Wearing a face mask may give a false sense of security 10. Masks compromise communications and reduce social distancing 11. Untrained and inappropriate management of face masks 12. Masks Worn Imperfectly Are Dangerous 13. Masks collect and colonize viruses, bacteria, and mold 14. Wearing a face mask makes the exhaled air (respiratory plumes) go into the eyes 15. Contact tracing studies show that asymptomatic carrier transmission is very rare 16. Face masks and stay at home orders prevent the development of herd immunity 17. Face masks are dangerous and contraindicated for a large number of people with pre-existing medical conditions and disabilities

9/28/2021 9:20 PM

Masks should be required because vaccinated or not, the virus can still be contracted and 9/28/2021 9:18 PM spread.

I feel that mask should be optional. I don't know it all but from what I understand you can still 9/28/2021 9:09 PM contract and spread the virus with a mask on or even with the vaccination. If people want to wear them great but it shouldn't be mandatory.

Masks should be required to protect everyone; but, especially those who are immune 9/28/2021 9:08 PM compromised, have asthma, or whom are at higher risk of contracting COVID due to health issues. Even loss of one life thats preventable is one too many.

I think if you’re vaccinated you should have the option. Prove to the district you’ve been 9/28/2021 9:07 PM vaccinated then it’s their choice to wear a mask or not.

Until we get Covid under control, we should do everything possible to protect each other. 9/28/2021 9:07 PM

The science behind kids wearing masks does not support a mandate. We would appreciate 9/28/2021 9:06 PM ’educators’ to actually be educated on the permanent, long term effect on children’s psychology and social distortion when having to wear masks. It simply does not make sense. A mask mandate is hurting our youth more than helping it.

There is no SCIENCE that shows that masks stops the spread of Covid. There is no factual 9/28/2021 9:01 PM data on this. There is data however of the harm it is causing our children by wearing a mask and that for some reason is being ignored. If children are not the ones dying from Covid then what are we protecting them from by making them wear a mask!! Whoever is worried about contracting Covid needs to get vaccinated-problem solved!! ABSOLUTELY OPTIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mask can not be forced on a child. If a teacher or other child wishes to keep put thing there 9/28/2021 9:01 PM immune system through hell fine. My child has his own voice.

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Optional seems like the most appropriate route but I am not super strongly opinionated about it 9/28/2021 8:59 PM and have supported the boards decision to require masks.

It is essential for both sides to share the school. This is a human right— a choice for each 9/28/2021 8:57 PM individual.

As a local physician that is required to wear a mask every to care for my patients and when I 9/28/2021 8:54 PM go to the hospital, I feel that wearing masks is a small inconvenience at this point for our children and their teachers. Of course masks are likely not filtering out all incoming virus particles, but it certainly can help spread from someone who does not know they are infected to someone else. The recent rise of delta and other variants that are causing severe infections in our children should be taken as seriously as we all did when seniors and immune compromised adults were at risk with the original strain.

I think there are enough precautions taken that the masks should be a decision made by each 9/28/2021 8:50 PM family.

Masks should be especially required for staff and students in grades/ages where vaccination is 9/28/2021 8:50 PM not an option.

No thank you. 9/28/2021 8:48 PM

We must protect our children and their families. Masks are the best way to do this at this 9/28/2021 8:47 PM point.

We feel the best way to ensure that the students get to keep staying in school is to wear 9/28/2021 8:44 PM masks. We understand that it doesn’t fully guarantee that the virus on’t spread, but it definitely lowers the chance. Wearing masks also cuts down on quarantines. Our children’s physical and mental health will be better protected with the continuation of all staff and students wearing masks.

It is hard to answer this without other information. Quarantine time is also an issue that plays a 9/28/2021 8:42 PM part in my answer to this question, but it is not addressed in this survey.

Mask will cut down exposures and quarantines 9/28/2021 8:41 PM

Masks were worn last year which resulted in less COVID cases and quarantines. The 9/28/2021 8:40 PM approach worked well and the kids were able to complete the school year in person and get the education from the teachers they needed. Why would we choose to take a different path which results in more kids having to be at home in quarantine where they will no r maintain the same level of learning.

Until the vaccine is available for 5-12 year olds and the risk of being quarantined is gone, we 9/28/2021 8:37 PM fully support wearing masks at school to keep everyone safe and in school.

This is a public health issue, not a political opinion or something for all parents to weigh in on with a majority vote or "agree with most." This is not an issue of personal opinion or stance as that isn't how public health works. Our guidance should come from qualified experts who are skilled and knowledgable in these matters. The CDC, American Academy of Pediatrics, and local pediatricians all share the same recommendation of masks being worn by all students age 2 and up AND staff regardless of vaccination status. Wearing a mask is a simple and reasonable expectation that allows more kids to stay in school which should be what everyone "agrees with most." We should follow all mitigation strategies especially one as simple as wearing a mask to keep all parties healthy. By requiring masks, students will be in school with less quarantines and less exposure to being sick. There is no logical argument that supports masks being optional with a positivity rate in the moderate spread category per the St. Charles County Covid dashboard and Return to School plan on their website. The plan states that that masks should be worn with a positivity rate in the moderate category, so what is the purpose of getting all opinions? We have the guidance in front of us, and for some reason, we only are recently starting to follow it per the board's latest vote. We need to listen to the medical experts, not administrators or school board members with a political agenda they wish to push nor ignorant parents who take health guidance from conspiracy theories and extremist conservative media sources.

9/28/2021 8:37 PM

Thanks for all the support for our children during this time. 9/28/2021 8:32 PM

NA 9/28/2021 8:32 PM

My daughter wearing a mask and a Covid positive student wearing a mask resulted in a 9/28/2021 8:32 PM

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modified quarantine instead of full quarantine for my daughter. This is a perfect example of how masks do make a difference. These kids need to stay in school in person-it is so much more beneficial for them.

Thank you for finally making a mask mandate!!! PLEASE KEEP IT!!!! My whole family is vaccinated including my 2 high school students. However wearing a mask is a very small price to pay for the safety of our extended family who has underlying health conditions. For students who have family members at home in the same situation. Or have younger family members that are unable to be vaccinated at this time. For everyone to get past this pandemic we need everyone to come together and look at everyone's health as a whole. What better less to teach our children than to care about someone else. I applaud the school board for finally putting this in place. I know it wasn't an easy decision. Especially with how vocal a lot of parents have been against it. Kids are resilient. They will get through this. I don't see how this could negatively impact them in any way. Please for the safety our our children, families and community please keep the mask mandate in place so we can get past this pandemic and return to some sort of normal life again. Please!!! Thank you!

9/28/2021 8:30 PM

Thank you for instituting the current mask policy. As a healthcare professional we are taught evidenced based practice. Recently the CDC released studies related to the importance of masks in schools. One report showed the schools that did not have mask requirements were 3.5 times more likely to have COVID outbreaks. Another report found the average change in pediatric COVID case rates were lower among counties with school mask requirements. Studies show the importance of masking to stop the spread and minimize disruptions in school. As a parent I look to the school to know the best way to teach my children. I look to physicians to help me keep my children healthy. Fort Zumwalt should follow the direction of the medical professionals when making this decision. Board members and leadership team members need to put their personal and political views aside and follow guidance of the medical professionals. PLEASE do what is right to keep our kids healthy and safe while at school.

9/28/2021 8:29 PM

Wearing a mask can safe a life. Stop being selfish. 9/28/2021 8:26 PM

It should be a choice 9/28/2021 8:24 PM

Freedom of choice 9/28/2021 8:22 PM

I’m torn really. I want to say yes and I did say yes. But my kindergartener has a hard time 9/28/2021 8:21 PM focusing with it.

It is important that our community stays healthy, and masks will help us to do that. 9/28/2021 8:18 PM

Masks should be an option and a choice no matter what. 9/28/2021 8:13 PM

Masks should be required until the students can be vaccinated to eliminate the risks to faculty 9/28/2021 8:11 PM and other students.

This topic should NOT be based on opinion or anything political. School guidelines should 9/28/2021 8:10 PM follow the recommendations of the AAP, medical health professionals and the CDC. A good education is extremely important for ALL children. Health and safety of ALL children is also extremely important. Universal masking of students and staff would keep the safest environment while ensuring shorter and less quarantines. All of us are tired of masking and anything related to this pandemic, but education and safety needs to come first. Someone needs to grow some balls, follow proper medical advice and guidelines, and not put up with the BS of parents fighting over this issue.

yes if the district wouldve made masks mandated the school wouldnt need a 30 day mask 9/28/2021 8:07 PM policy going my child was quarantined twice in 2 weeks sad. I dont trust this district anymore thank you

I think teachers should stop pushing their political stance on the kids. Fort Zumwalt East is 9/28/2021 8:06 PM REALLY bad about it

Look up the lyrics to Miracles by ICP and you will get the gist of the anti-mask movement. 9/28/2021 8:00 PM

We believe in science. We believe that medical professionals should be trusted to make 9/28/2021 8:00 PM decisions related to Covid. Not the general public. Not school boards. Physicians and scientists who are on the front line of research and medical practice have the most knowledge and expertise in what is the best way to prevent the spread of Covid and related varients.

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401 No 9/28/2021 8:00 PM

402 One of the key reasons we got our son vaccinated was so he wouldn't have to wear a mask. We did our part and he shouldn't have to wear a mask because others won't vaccinate their kids. He hated school last year because of having to wear masks. It is not emotionally healthy. Let each family be responsible for their own family members. Thank you for surveying the parents because the decision should never have rested on 7 individuals.

9/28/2021 8:00 PM

403 We need to protect our employees and students ALOT MORE then we are NOW 9/28/2021 7:58 PM

404 This should be a non-issue. Masks are the easiest way to prevent spread until vaccines are approved for kids. The quarantine rule regarding contact with someone not wearing a mask is onerous and punitive.

9/28/2021 7:53 PM

405 This survey should go to everyone in the household. 9/28/2021 7:52 PM

406 We prefer masks while indoors. We believe this will keep the kids in person for school and reduce their chance of exposure. Thank you.

9/28/2021 7:51 PM

407 Please get rid of the mask requirement 9/28/2021 7:47 PM

408 I recently shared my feelings via email with the school board. I do not feel it is necessary to mask the entire district when the COVID cases are below 1% which was shared by Dr. Dubray at the last school board meeting. That number was below the 3% threshold. The person who put forth the motion for masks wasn’t even wearing a mask. This is another example of do what I say, not as I do. In this fight against COVID, I think it is important to educate yourselves on ALL the facts about COVID and masks. The “so-called” experts have flip-flopped on this issue too many times and are now not credible. I urge you to remove this mandate. It is not good for our students and district.

9/28/2021 7:47 PM

409 Mask should be required UNTIL the quarantine guidelines are revised or removed. 9/28/2021 7:45 PM

410 Mask should be optional for vaccinated students. 9/28/2021 7:36 PM

411 There is a better chance that the school will not have to go virtual if the students wear the mask.

9/28/2021 7:34 PM

412 Mask should be optional if vaccinated, if unvaccinated mandatory mask. 9/28/2021 7:33 PM

413 It is a choice that should be made within the family. Not the school board or politicians. 9/28/2021 7:29 PM

414 Error on side of safety. 9/28/2021 7:28 PM

415 My daughter gets headaches from wearing masks for long periods of time. Mostly because the county has never forced her before. I believe that if students are afraid to leave their home, and enter the world, the. They should have to zoom school or something. My daughters will not be wearing masks this month because I think kids are more likely to get ill with the flu this winter, if it exists anymore wearing a mask all day that collects germs. I think that all the officials who voted for the masks need to wear them all day where ever they are just as kids do. They are our future. And you are ruining the generation. Do the right thing.

9/28/2021 7:26 PM

416 It's for everyone safety. Mask and distancing should be required all the time 9/28/2021 7:20 PM

417 Only if the numbers continue to drop. I feel if the numbers go up again during flu season, the masks need to go back on.

9/28/2021 7:19 PM

418 COVID is serious and please continue masking for everyone 9/28/2021 7:19 PM

419 no thanks 9/28/2021 7:16 PM

420 Recommend masks mandated first semester. Consider mask optional second semester if a decrease in covid #s is evident.

9/28/2021 7:15 PM

421 I fell like there was a lot less germs spread around last yr. when masks were mandatory. My sons are vaccinated but my elementary kids can't right now so they need more protection. We never had to quarantine last yr. but 2 of my 4 kids had to quarantine the 1st two weeks of school already.

9/28/2021 7:15 PM

422 Covid isn't going anywhere! Please do not require masks 9/28/2021 7:13 PM

423 We wore masks all last year and our kids stayed safe and healthy. This year we started 9/28/2021 7:10 PM

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This is a decision that should be made based on CDC guidance, medical research and scientific findings. Period. The decision is not, and never should be, a popularity contest. As the parent of an elementary school child I would vote differently than for my high school child. My grade school child has no recourse if no one wears masks. She can have a vaccine and without a mask in place she has no choice but digital school. Why would you have just one big vote and not determine demographics? Results will be slanted towards upper grades due to larger population of students. PLEASE consider if you are making a decision based on how to protect our children or if you are just pleasing the parents. The Superintendent and BOE are in their positions to make these tough decisions. Please do not hide behind who yells the loudest or rallys the most. Please make a decision based on FACTS about Covid and how to protect our children, communities and one another.

9/28/2021 6:30 PM

I appreciate the board and staff implementing the masks again to keep everyone safe, 9/28/2021 6:27 PM regardless of vaccination status.

Mask should be required until all FZ students K-6th Grade have the opportunity tu get 9/28/2021 6:26 PM vaccinated. There’s no reason for kids who aren’t able to get the vaccine yet to be exposed at schools (indoors) where we know kids are not 6ft apart.

I am an ICU nurse. My child has been wearing a mask all year in order to protect themselves 9/28/2021 6:24 PM but others as well. The top priority should be to continue to keep our teachers and children safe, until this passes.

Not at this time. 9/28/2021 6:24 PM

If there is concern over certain students and their compromised health, then they are more than welcome to wear a mask. As far as making a rule that only vaccinated students don’t have to wear masks, but unvaccinated students should, I do not agree with. It has shown that vaccinated people can carry and transmit Covid, as well as get Covid still. Everyone should be treated equal, regardless of their decision to vaccinate or not. I do appreciate this district for acknowledging that we have different opinions and willing to hear us out. In these times, we need to unite, not fight each other. Thank you Dr. DuBray for your hard work! I wouldn’t want your job!

9/28/2021 6:20 PM

Required for now. Should be reviewed every 30 days to consider active cases and availability 9/28/2021 6:19 PM of vaccines to students. If case numbers are low and vaccine become available to all, then make it optional. Thanks.

I understand that some parents/guardians want their child to wear a mask, and that is their prerogative. My biggest concern is the fact that it is being mandated and forced upon those who parents/guardians who choose not to mask their children for a various number of reasons including but not limited to being able to properly communicate with their teachers and peers by seeing reactions and reading lips; physiological changes of wearing a mask; oxygen deprivation; the fact that they are constantly touching their hands (which are full of germs) to their faces in an attempt to keep the mask in place properly; etc. Without masks, exhaled droplets and aerosol dry quickly, the longer the mask is used, the more bacteria are exhaled through it. If anything, we should implement and mandate better cleaning procedures and offer more hand washing breaks, etc. I also think the mask mandate causes a distraction within the classroom, causing a HUGE disruption in teaching and learning.

9/28/2021 6:15 PM

We are in the middle of a global pandemic, and part of the schools job is to protect our 9/28/2021 6:14 PM students, and I don’t feel like this district is doing that.

Both of our children went to FZW high last year and masks were mandatory, they did just fine, 9/28/2021 6:08 PM the mask did not impede their education whatsoever, and most importantly no one in our family contracted coronavirus!!

ATTN DR. DUBRAY: Being PROACTIVE means to mandate the masks BEFORE the positivity rate reaches a certain percentage. REACTIVE means to mandate the masks AFTER the positivity rate has already reached a dangerous level, which has clearly happened. I do not envy you, your position, sir, as it is an EXTREMELY stressful one. However, I, myself have been in leadership positions and managed several large teams. This may fall on deaf ears, but I'll give this advice anyway. Above all else, your MAIN priority is the health and safety of every child in this district. Your decision should have been based solely on scientific FACT and not on how many parents you were going to upset. Popularity and politics have NO room when it comes to making life or death decisions. The majority of the kids affected have NO OPTION to be Vaccinated and YOUR CHOICE TO NOT MANDATE PROACTIVELY, made them 10

9/28/2021 6:07 PM

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times as vulnerable. And look what happened. Yes, kids are resilient, but we do not know how this will affect these kids long term. I had COVID-19 in February of 2020 and am STILL dealing with the after effects almost 2 YEARS later. I now have an irregular heart rhythm, random bouts of chest pain with shortness of breath, my hair falls out by the handfuls, you wouldn't believe the brain fog, horrible fatigue, and now I may have palindromic rheumatoid arthritis. IM 34 YEARS OLD AND I NOW HAVE THE AILMENTS OF A 74 YEAR OLD. THATS WHAT THIS DOES TO YOU!!!! DO NOT Drop your guard any lower with this virus than you already have. Keep the masks mandatory, even after the vaccinations are out for the little ones. A client of mine JUST got moved to a rehabilitation facility in Lake st. Louis after being on a ventilator for over a month.......througha tracheostomy. (In case you're wondering, that's not being ventilated the old fashioned way with a tube down your throat, they surgically cut a hole in your trachea and ventilate you that way because your airway is too swollen to do it normally). He is in his early 50s, no prior health problems, and took pretty good precautions. Also was VACCINATED. The virus doesn't discriminate. Use your common sense. It shouldn't matter how many parents you piss off. If they don't want to do the research and protect their kids, you Do your ONE job and keep their kids safe for them.

I’m dealing with a lot of one sided things and I don’t understand why I’ve never had an issue with any staff since all my kids been coming my child has been through physically and mentally bullying and now all of sudden my child been only one kicked off the bus for someone blaming him when he wasn’t the one that did it , or wasn’t the only one but the only one that was In trouble now two after school detention im so done with this year already I reached out on a topic a reporter was doing on this subject and wants our side of things being I have proof of this since last two years ans now seems like my child only one that’s getting the raw end of the stick and I’ve got a folder of medical bills due to others harming him and nothing been done but a silly thing he gets no warnings it’ seems like targeting him since this came to light ! I don’t want him having a bad year due to the lacking of the situation when there’s been serval occasions where something should been done and haven’t I’ve reached out to just bout everyone but can’t get a phone call back from the 7th principal her self I’ve tried and tried too get this stop but nothings been done except each week my child coming home and having detentions n kick off bus and not nobody else that has been involved with his bullying I thought it’s been against the rules to allow children to do this to anyone , especially when they’ve done physically harm to my child I’m done discussing with anyone at that school because the only thing that happens is my child get called down office only to receive bs detention or suspended I’m done trying fix this since they don’t wanna handle it there self I feel like I’m the only one that will have to take matters with this situation cause nothings been resolved!! Just don’t understand not one issue with my child wigh all the other grades but all of sudden been over month since school started bullying still happening and my child one that’s getting in trouble something wrong with this picture how would you feel If you were in my shoes ? Not good feeling that I don’t want to send my child to school !!

9/28/2021 6:06 PM

I believe that in the high school should be optional. The numbers are not high and I think you 9/28/2021 6:05 PM are doing a great job at South High School.

Also vaccinations should be mandatory, just like the usual schedule of vaccinations that have always been mandatory. Might as well add year flu vaccinations and potentially encourage masking during flu seasons every year going forward. The numbers for flu related issues in 2020 while we were mostly masking and keeping distanced on account of the pandemic show an incredible improvement over the norm or just letting people do whatever happens to happen. I assume I may sound extreme to anyone who might be reading my comment, but mainly, I want to vote for actually following the science, learning from actual experience, and holding our very human desire to not have to do anything weird or extra in check while making official determinations about how we handle pandemic conditions, as well as more mundane, day-to-day ones.

9/28/2021 6:04 PM

Not at this time. 9/28/2021 6:03 PM

I think they should be optional unless an overwhelming amount of kids and staff begin to get 9/28/2021 6:00 PM sick. My kids thrive the best with in person learning. I support the school in whatever they decision they make!

Follow and adhere to public health science. Masks are not a political issue. Masks are a public 9/28/2021 5:58 PM health safety concern.

Follow CDC guidelines. It’s called science. 9/28/2021 5:57 PM

I feel required masks will help contain the spread and reduce the number of students in 9/28/2021 5:56 PM

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quarantine, allowing more students to stay in class rather than having to do everything online.

461 K-5 masked is better than optional for all grades 9/28/2021 5:55 PM

462 If vaccinated masks should be optional 9/28/2021 5:54 PM

463 I love Fort Zumwalt and will support whatever is decided. Personally I think everyone should just do what’s best for them and their family and respect the rights of whatever others choose.

9/28/2021 5:53 PM

464 Masks help protect people against covid! 9/28/2021 5:50 PM

465 If we are going to require something to help with the Covid issue we should require the vaccine be taken by everyone and we would not have the issue of needing masks.

9/28/2021 5:49 PM

466 I am more worried about the mental health of our children than I am about the covid virus. The vaccine is in place for those who want it. The school district should be mindful of all the student body. There is a 99% survival rate, and we are not focusing on the children’s education. This age group is not even effected by the virus.

9/28/2021 5:42 PM

467 Teachers should be made to at least wear face shields in all grade levels. Social distancing should still be practiced in all class rooms. Data should determine if mask should be mandatory in class room settings.

9/28/2021 5:42 PM

468 I think the mask keepsthekids safe and I'mall for it!! 9/28/2021 5:34 PM

469 Optional masking gives both sides equal rights, you get to chose which way you feel safest/most comfortable. Required masking forces everyone to do the same thing, even if they chose to vaccinate to be mask free…

9/28/2021 5:32 PM

470 I would be for a mask mandate for students 12 and under. Those who have been vaccinated should be allowed the option.

9/28/2021 5:31 PM

471 I could handle the middle school and high school not being mandated because my kids are vaccinated so only have to quarantine if they have symptoms. But until elementary school students have the option of being fully vaccinated, I absolutely think masks should be mandatory at that level.

9/28/2021 5:26 PM

472 Please offer in person parent/teacher conferences as well as other in person activities for elementary schools. High schools are continuing with homecoming activities, dances and other activities. It is time to be done with virtual activities and bring back events that are normally held outside like trunk or treat, color run, etc.

9/28/2021 5:26 PM

473 We are glad that FZS is currently "masks optional" and would prefer for that to continue. 9/28/2021 5:25 PM

474 Cloth masks do not effectively prohibit the transmission of microorganisms. They are as effective as putting up a chain link fence to keep mosquitos out of your yard. The purpose of cloth/paper masks is to keep one’s saliva to oneself. Social distancing, covering of one’s mouth while coughing/sneezing and proper hand hygiene are sufficient. Individual corporal freedoms should be honored.

9/28/2021 5:20 PM

475 I think if masks can be optional then the quarantine should only be if the kid starts having symptoms. I think if they are next to someone in class that has it they should not have to quarantine unless they start showing symptoms

9/28/2021 5:16 PM

476 As determined by the local health department. 9/28/2021 5:16 PM

477 Students and families should be able to decide about wearing masks. However, I believe that quarantine measures from the CDC and county health department should apply since all persons will not be vaccinated. Thank you -

9/28/2021 5:10 PM

478 I think mask mandatory for now. To many young students don’t have a vaccine option right now.

9/28/2021 5:09 PM

479 Some children with disabilities such as DIAGNOSED AUTISM with sensory issues, CAN'T wear a mask. There should be something in place for these specific situations!!!!!

9/28/2021 5:08 PM

480 Drinking fountains should stay closed water bottles should be free for kids or teachers should be filling students kids cups a making sure they wash there hands

9/28/2021 5:06 PM

481 As the parent of a child too young to vaccinate, thank you for voting to follow CDC guidelines and the recommendation of area pediatricians. Universal maskng is that is his only line of

9/28/2021 5:06 PM

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defense (he wore a mask when they were optional too, but that protects others). He is also a child that needs to be in school in person, and a quarantine would be devastating to him. Universal masking significantly decreases the chance that he will have to quarantine.

As a health and safety conscious parent who works in the medical field, I appreciate the 9/28/2021 4:58 PM schools doing their best to keep our students safe.

If this decision is being done a district-wide basis, then until all school aged kids are able to 9/28/2021 4:58 PM receive the vaccine, masks should be required for students and staff.

Everyone in my house has been vaccinated but I think vaccines and masks should be optional 9/28/2021 4:57 PM for all at school. No quarantine if you have been vaccinated.

Masks should be optional. This is hurting our children. There always will be viruses and life 9/28/2021 4:54 PM needs to go back to normal. I can guarantee u when they leave school they go hang out with the same kids without masks.. if someone really wants to be that scared or everything they should stay home and home school. This is America and we need to save it!

I support the steps the district has taken so far. If they feel masks are needed to keep 9/28/2021 4:54 PM numbers down and students safe then I support that.

Please stop this masking, it's abusive and shouldn't be mandatory. 9/28/2021 4:54 PM

The mental health of our students suffer when there is a barrier between people. Those who are vaccinated likely made the decision to get vaccination in order to return to some sort of normalcy; no quarantine and no required mask. Those who are not vaccinated either aren't able to or chose not to. They shouldn't be required to mask. There are no conclusive studies saying that masks work. I know that my child's school Covid numbers were some of the higher in the district; however, before the mask mandate went into effect, our numbers were way down. For those who believe that masks work, then the board should say that schools should mask when the numbers reach a certain % such as what Westhoff did. It is ridiculous to mandate masks when the numbers don't support doing so.

9/28/2021 4:53 PM

Masks have no value for our children. They cause more anxiety in our children and they make 9/28/2021 4:53 PM it extremely difficult to learn.

It is critical that the district follow the guidance of health professionals. I am glad that the board did re-institute the mask requirement. This will keep students and staff safe, as well as their family members. As an at-risk parent it is of great concern that my family and I are safe from Covid, the current Delta variant, and others that may be on the horizon since we are way behind on vaccinations in Missouri. The Delta variant can be transmitted to and from vaccinated people, so the only protection against its spread is masking. A simple fact that unfortunately continues to be overlooked by those against masking. Again, it is important to listen to health officials and not the complaining of parents, students, staff or others. Doing the right thing is more important. I also know the district sees keeping kids both healthy and IN SCHOOL is their priority and masks (a very minor inconvenience) is the best way to do so. Thank you

9/28/2021 4:48 PM

Kids' mental health should come forefront. We shouldn't not have our freedom of choice taken 9/28/2021 4:46 PM away.

My student participated more when not wearing a mask and doesn’t feel the need to hide 9/28/2021 4:44 PM behind the mask in social situations. Thank you for the survey. All in all we are good with whatever way the District decides but our preference is masks to be worn on an optional basis.

If masks work, students exposed should wear a mask during the quarantine time while 9/28/2021 4:43 PM attending school, with a negative test result.

The priority should be on keeping students and staff safe. I hope Fort Zumwalt School District 9/28/2021 4:34 PM really watched the Covid rates and makes wise decisions.

Yes my children are all vaccinated but yet they are required to wear masks. One of the 9/28/2021 4:34 PM reasons we got our children vaccinated is so they would not have to wear masks in school. This does not make sense to me…

Appreciate all you do and try to comply with 9/28/2021 4:33 PM

With positivity rates as high as they are, and children getting increasingly more ill, we have a 9/28/2021 4:32 PM duty to guide and protect them, even when it is unpopular.

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It is illegal to mask children against their and their parents will, see 4th amendment of the 9/28/2021 4:29 PM constitution

Health practices should put the children’s safety first. 9/28/2021 4:26 PM

No 9/28/2021 4:20 PM

It seemed to work well last school year 9/28/2021 4:20 PM

No 9/28/2021 4:19 PM

I think lockers should be used at the Middle School. Time spent at lockers between classes is 9/28/2021 4:13 PM minimal and close contact already occurs in the hallway, lunch room and some classes.

I believe even though there is a vaccination and it is proven to help reduce the risk of catching 9/28/2021 4:07 PM covid-19 I think the use of the usage of masks is a great thing and it should be enforced on the buses and throughout the school all year

I find it embarrassing to send my children to a school district that is polling parents on their 9/28/2021 4:07 PM opinion about mask rather than following the advice of the American Academy of Pediatrics or the Center for Disease Control.

I would rather see masks only so that the number of kids having to quarantine and miss school 9/28/2021 4:06 PM is not as high. When my son has had to quarantine, he has fallen too far behind.

Good luck making everyone happy. Not sure what a survey accomplishes other than allowing 9/28/2021 4:05 PM some parents to feel heard and then ignored after. do what you want. dont matter to me

Yes I think at all sport events should be a limited crowd too. Just like last year to reduce the 9/28/2021 4:05 PM risk of exposure. Also after school events should have students required to have masks on at all times unless eating or drinking.

My 4th grade said with the mask on it is hard to concentrate and breathe. If the news was 9/28/2021 4:04 PM correct in .48% positive is not a pandemic. Oxygen deprivation can cause metabolic changes and the metabolic changes that happen in neuronal cells are vitally important for cognitive functioning and brain plasticity and it is known that when drastic metabolic shifts occur in the brain, there are consequent changes of oxidative stress (cellular oxidative state) and these have a significant role in managing neuron functioning.

The last 2 years my daughter found out she was quarantined 6 and 7 days after the person in 9/28/2021 3:59 PM her class had Covid I think this was a little late . I no this is not the schools fault but she missed 28 days last year and so far 5 days this year. I have heard from several nurses when you get tested for covid and you had covid in the past it could come back positive again even though you do not have covid.

When kids are sent home to quarantine the school should let teachers know and students 9/28/2021 3:58 PM should be able to do online school when in quarantine.

Make things simple and just follow CDC and health department guidelines. If people get mad 9/28/2021 3:56 PM about masks or no masks, you can just blame the those agencies for their policies.

My family is thankful that the FZ board and administration has instituted a mask mandate. At Westhoff, when cases/exposures/quarantined students were at greatly elevated levels, it was clear the people in charge KNEW that masks would not only help the situation not become worse, but would help prevent elevated numbers going forward, so masks were required there. There is no longer any reason to wait until it is spiraling out of control at any particular location before protecting our children and their families. You have responsibly chosen to prevent the problem as much as possible to start with. Masks are an easy, PROVEN way to help decrease the spread of covid. Masks will keep children in the classroom with their teachers and their peers where they belong. Masks on our children will provide protection for families with compromised family at home. I applaud the decision to mandate masks and fervently hope they will continue to be mandated within the school system. The health and education of our children are depending on it. Thank you!

9/28/2021 3:54 PM

I believe at this time the schools should follow the recommendations of the CDC and Health 9/28/2021 3:53 PM Departments. All of the medical professionals I have spoken with personally have recommended masks especially for the unvaccinated. Until vaccinations are available for the 5-11 age group I believe our schools should remain mask mandatory. Once students 5-11 are able to be fully vaccinated, I believe the school board should revisit the mask mandate. Please

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prevent its spread within the community.

531 The science, data, and statistics provided by countless studies across many highly accredited associations in a large number of countries show masks and vaccinations work. It is absurd to me that it's even a question whether to mandate masks or not. Yes, mandate them

532 If someone is vaccinated masks shouldn't be required. If they aren't vaccinated it should be optional. My family have been vaccinated but we also aren't afraid of covid or catching it.

533 For those of us who got vaccinated, we did what our country asked of us. Masks should be required for those who CHOSE not be vaccinated! Masks for people who choose to not be vaccinated!!!!!

534 Masks or vaccinated, pick one. I will not have my child’s health, not my family’s, jeopardized for people who won’t get a vaccine, simply because they don't want to. There is zero logic.

535 Require masks until we have vaccines for younger kids. Even beyond that, keep masks optional as not all kids will take vaccines.

536 My family is strongly opposed to mask wearing by school aged children. We believe it is dehumanizing to say the least and dangerous on many physical, emotional, mental and developmental levels. We were disappointed that this district succumbed to pressure from the loud minority in not standing up for our children and sincerely hope you quickly reverse course in making masking optional. You must know that children are not at risk for harm from this respiratory infection, but they very well could be harmed by these over-reaching policies. Please help our children have a childhood again. Stop masking them, and stop yelling at them for pulling masks down to breathe or standing too close to their friends.

537 It would be nice if FZ high schools requested vaccination records for students who are fully vaccinated so that FZ can share those stats with families, and the parents can feel comfortable with the decision on mask required vs optional. I chose optional only because my kids are fully vaccinated, but if more than 50% of the students are unvaccinated, I would most likely have chosen "required".

538 No

539 It’s common sense if you have a problem wearing the mask those are the people that should stay home it’s pathetic that we even have to have the discussion

540 I also believe that parents should decide if students should wear masks.

541 I view my kids classes as a secondary household. They now spend more time in those classrooms than they do at home not asleep. With that kind of exposure, masks are not going to be very helpful. Also, if those who want a little extra protection and want to put their kids through the discomfort of wearing a mask for 6-7 hours a day that is okay. They aren’t any less protected if my kids don’t wear a mask because we don’t send our kids to school with symptoms without getting approval from the doctor first.

542 If students/staff are vaccinated I do not see a reason for a mask.

543 If it’s optional it should be required. A lot of kids don’t understand why one kid can do something another kid cannot.

544 This is the only way kids are going to be safe. They are all gross already not washing hands, not covering mouths when sneezing, extra. Why not take the extra care to keep this safe threw this. I don't want to home school my children because another parent wants to be careless about there child. It's one thing if you don't want to on your own time it's another with a bunch of other children. Especially with some that already have health issues. Why spread the pendemic or any other disease / germs when we can try to control it.

545 My son was vaccinated but was exposed before his 2nd shot was two weeks out so he had to stay home for a week. He was wearing his mask but the other student was not. So in this case I felt like my son was punished. If they both had mask it was my understanding the quarantine time would have been different. He is in highschool.

546 Masks should be optional for vaccinated staff and students w/virtual learning available when symptoms appear or suspected. Unvaccinated should wear masks at all times during school except lunch: everyone at lunch to practice social distancing

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We know our son well enough to know he does not do well in a mask. He fidgets too much and 9/28/2021 2:52 PM

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that mask breaks concentration in a place where he needs to utilize his concentration skills. If you have kids, you know how they touch everything and anything. You know they are constantly going and they need that touch. Kids touch their faces so much and carry on throughout their day. If they wear a mask yet keep touching things and then one another, plus their faces or the same equipment then they are just as likely going to be contaminated with the virus. If they are not going to do full PPE then they still run the risk of becoming infected. So is it about keeping our kids safe or is it about control? I request masks be optional because every family has the right to make personal life decisions over their health and family unit. Let’s not make a move to strip individuals of their freedoms and children of a childhood.

548 Vaccinations should be mandatory. 9/28/2021 2:52 PM

549 1. The Board and District Office have now asked for public opinion on an issue that should 9/28/2021 2:48 PM only require following expert advice from those whose job it is to monitor public health. Last year, we followed the directions of the County Health Department and we made it through the year with little issue. Now "people" think they know better and the Board is beginning to let the tail wag the dog. If the County Health Department says masks can be optional, then I'm ok with that. But Board Members and District Office personnel are not trained to determine matters as serious as this one. Follow the advice from those trained to make these determinations is all I ask. 2. Schools have only been wearing masks for 3 days. Why would a "survey" come out after only 3 days of a change? There has been little time to gather any data on the effect (of lack of one). 3. There are employees with major health issues that are depending on you to make the safest possible environment for them. There are no virtual teaching assignments this year so if someone is immunocompromised there are no alternatives. Taking year off and losing salary for a year is not really an option most people can afford. Please get out of the middle and do not make the decisions yourselves. Simply follow the health professional advice and no one can fault you for that.

550 My kids do so much better without masks to distract them. My son actually got covid when 9/28/2021 2:47 PM masks were mandated which he was at school. Masks do not work and I do not think we need to be forcing children or teachers to wear masks.

551 Masks are useless. Get information before making our children wear masks. All you’re doing is 9/28/2021 2:39 PM compromising their immune systems. Look at the cases of kids put in the hospital because of common colds now.

552 I feel that until all children in Fort Zumwalt schools have had the opportunity to be fully 9/28/2021 2:39 PM vaccinated (2 weeks after second dose), if desired, masks should be mandatory. After which point, if the positivity rate and quarantine numbers are at a low number then masks should be optional when able to be safely social distanced.

553 My wife and I are fully vaccinated. Our son is also fully vaccinated. I think masks should be 9/28/2021 2:38 PM optional for all but especially those who are fully vaccinated.

554 I feel that this type of rule on such young children does not allow Them to learn at the rate in 9/28/2021 2:36 PM which they should. It also does not allow them to express themselves individually. Also my daughter personally has a heart issue and breathing condition. It has made evening times 10 times harder as well as dealing with her mental and health issues. I do not feel that it is some thing the school district should have put into place without contacting parents first. It has made morning times And bus rides hard. The buses do not have air-conditioning and the kids are on the bus 90° plus wearing a mask. Would you like that? Absolutely not. I think it’s absurd

555 My daughter is asthmatic; as long as she gets masks breaks! 9/28/2021 2:34 PM

556 No 9/28/2021 2:34 PM

557 Covid 19 is harmful, but it's impact on children is far less than that of the seasonal flu. Never 9/28/2021 2:33 PM before have we thought the solution to illness was shoving dirty masks in our children's faces, leading to labored breathing. The masks are distracting and frustrating for children (and adults). In an environment where the students are already being challenged academically, the mask requirements are an additional distraction and obstacle in the learning process. Lastly, my child has difficulty with her speech. She needs to be able to see her teacher move her lips in speaking, so my daughter can learn to better communicate herself. The masks hinder this developmental process. Please make masks opt onal. If they work, then those who want to wear them may wear them. Any adults worried about being at risk may take the vaccine. But our children should not be muzzled in schools.

Masks should be required for students who are under 12 and can't be vaccinated. 9/28/2021 2:32 PM

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559 Masking everyone for hours during a day, WHEN THEY ARE NOT BEING USED IN THE APPROPRIATE MANNER, is not of benefit! Not to mention that by making masks optional you are allowing EVERYONE the right and freedom to choose what is best for their situation and their health. Lets encourage better health practices like frequently washing your hands with soap and water, cough or sneeze into your arm, STAY HOME if you are sick or not feeling well, don't share your personal items, strengthen your immune system with necessary supplements and exercise. Pretty basic common sense practices that everyone should be working on.

560 In my opinion the only level that should be considered for masks is elementary since middle and high are able to get vaccine. Mask consideration should be reviewed school by school, not an district wide mandate. Westoff elementary masking made sense to me but not district mandate.

561 Should this ever come up in regards to the Covid Vaccine. Please send out a survey on regards to that as well. I fully believe the Covid Vaccine should be optional as well. I DO NOT feel there has been enough R&D to make a responsible decision, as there are too many unknowns. I personally will probably remove my children from the school district should this ever become a mandate. Thank you

562 Public health matters should be fact-based and decided by medical experts. We should keep following the guidance of the DHSS by using ALL mitigation strategies we have available so as to keep kids in school. I do just want to say thank you to all the staff who has worked hard this year and last year to keep our kids safe.

563 I am in favor of the masks being optional during classroom/education times. I would be in favor of masks being mandatory during passing periods etc when practicing distancing is not practical.

564 Thank you for all that you do!

565 I think it is horrifying that this decision is being made based on the opinion of parents. This decision should be driven exclusively by the direction of epidemiologists and virologists working directly with COVID. These are important decisions that impact the health and safety of our children, particularly those too young to receive a vaccine. The fact that these decisions are being made using SURVEY MONKEY speaks to the poor quality of leaders running our district.

566 I think masks should be optional. COVID is a strand of the flu and has a 1% death rate.

567 Mandatory Covid vaccines should be put in place just like every other vaccine that is mandatory

568 We should have began the school year with masks.

569 No

570 Let them use the lockers. These heavy bags are hurting kids. That would be great open question

571 If numbers of cases increase you may impose masks but I have not known if one case at West High due to zero emails of the sort.

572 Masks are a legitimate way of protecting the kids and staff in this pandemic. Too many political idiots use this tragedy as a way to turn the masses and for their own political gain. Please help the students and staff.

573 I trust the judgement of our superintendent to change masking policies as necessary.

574 Optional if vaccinated

575 I am disgusted with how the political virus has been handled. All the school districts, including Fort Zumwalt have done significant harm to our children. Let these kids go to school, stop the unnecessary quarantine protocol. Us as the parents need to decide what’s best for our children. If parents want their child to wear a mask then send your child with a mask. For the rest of us who have seen through the bullshit, who can understand this is nothing more than a political virus can move on with our lives. For those who are still scared of the virus, give them the online option. Keep the kids in school. Respectfully,

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The health department should be making these decisions. Not unqualified people with no 9/28/2021 1:53 PM

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health education.

577 This is still America and should be treated accordingly. The whole my body my choice shouldn’t be forgotten. The covid isn’t as deadly as reported, more people are dying from drinking and driving and smoking than this. Alcohol and cigarettes are still surely available.

578 School board, those that voted for the mandate, have an agenda that does not follow science. It's proven fact that masks cannot filter the virus at all.

579 Thank you for doing the hard jobs you all are doing. I do not envy any of you, but I do appreciate you all.

580 I could understand showing proof of the coronavirus on the shots but I feel like it we'd had our vaccinations and so have the kids it's then that is enough.... When you socialize with someone you look at their facial expressions his specialist to wear if someone smiles at you you know that they're friendling and approaching them with a mask you cannot tell what someone is thinking and you cannot tell their facial expressions and I feel like this kids and teenagers that is very important for them to see facial expressions.

581 CDC’s May, 2020 study on masks for influenza showed they were ineffective. Covid spreads the same way. And wearing a mask all day is detrimental to their health.

582 The rest of the civilized world, especially Europe, has proven that substantial Covid 19 transmissions have not been occurring in schools. I believe that forcing children to attempt to function to their full potential wearing a mask is less than helpful and likely a source of secondary infections caused by improper mask use, specifically its cleanliness.

583 Wearing masks will decrease the spread of COVID-19 indoors.

584 I do not know what all the talking points are but, there are those that cannot get vaccinated for very different reasons and while we may govern our own personal space in our own personal spaces, public health..PUBLIC health matters are different and should be treated as such. In public settings individuals do not have the right to endanger/ jeopardize or infringe upon others. We should all be so considerate of such things and do our best to help everyone. Thanks

585 Unless there is severe outbreak. I do like the fact that you are continuing to evaluate

586 No

587 Masks should be required for grade school children who cannot be vaccinated.

588 This virus has taken the lives of very few children. The numbers show that more children die yearly from the Flu and Pneumonia than from Covid. Children have incredible immune systems. If you wanted to entertain a mask mandate in High Schools I could see reason in that, but not for grade school and middle school. Forcing small children to wear a mask all day is ABSURD!

589 Your data does not support masking. Kids mask together at school, but then don't after school and on weekends. You have more kids out due to exposure outside of school. This will not change by wearing a mask at school. Most places outside of school kids visit, do not require a mask. If any masking is to take place, it has to be supported by exposure at school and on a school by school basis.

590 You are doing a good job trying to navigate safety, education, and parental rights. Thanks for your hard work.

591 No

592 Regular mask that are not N95's, do not stop covid 19, but it does help with the flu and comman cold. Use the sience and what ever Daddy Joe says, do the opposite.

593 Optional but my son should wear one….. or make optional w vaccine

594 The question about masking should be between an individual and their health care provider and no one else. Our body, our choice. FZS School District should not violate our individual health choices, rights & freedoms. We the people as parents speak for our children and decide what's best healthwise for our children. Furthermore, I would like the FZS district to not recommend or impose any other types of medical interventions on the children even with an emergency order. Saying masks optional is addressing the issue and respecting each other.

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595 If you change the rules then we can change our choices in accordance with those changes. Parents need to have the option to change their student to a virtual learner as needed in accordance with policy changes. Also, staff being non responsive to parents should never be tolerated. So very sad. (in my case, the 6th grade principal )

596 It worked last year, so if it's not broke you don't fix it. Mask help with cutting back on flu too.

597 I think masks should be optional if they are vaccinated only. If they cannot or have not been vaccinated they should be required.

598 You are forcing you g children to do what adults aren’t forced to do. The young can’t see the teachers mouth and facial expressions and miss learning a lot that way. Students can’t hear the teacher or other students and miss so much learning. They have to breathe in their carbon monoxide. I am asking that you keep it a choice.

599 Whatever your decision is keep it the same for the entire year as switching back and forth is confusing for younger children! Also give the kids breaks as some teachers feel very strongly about masks and the kids say they do not get a break and are coming home saying they couldn’t breathe and extremely tired! No parent wants to hear this of their kids.

600 No mandatory vaccines for staff !

601 Until vaccines are available for all children, I think masks should be required in elementary school

602 Until the vaccination is available to children. This is common sense.

603 I appreciate everything you do for my child!

604 We, as parents, are physically and mentally competent to make this medical decision for our children. We do not need the school board influenced by other people’s beliefs or their own opinions on the subject and impose them on my children. There are so many opposing “facts” up in the air and every single person grabs what they want to believe. Not one single side is absolutely “right” in this matter. What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what kind of person you are and how you perceive the information presented to you. I do believe this mask decision should be left to the parents; the people whom are ULTIMATELY responsible for the safety and well-being of their own children.

605 Stop feeding into all this covid nonsense. Science has proven masks are pointless and harmful especially to children!

606 I feel of the student, staff are vaccinated, they should not be required to wear a mask. I know wearing a mask for my son, who is vaccinated, makes even more difficult for him to concentrate. He is special needs.

607 Until all students have the chance to be vaccinated, we should wear masks

608 I hope and pray that you all see that masks are useless with this virus spread. They do not protect. Our children should not be masked. It creates fear.

609 Masks should be optional for anyone vaccinated and mandatory for those unvaccinated.

610 Mandates should be reevaluated every month to consider current reported cases.

611 I realize you are unable to make everyone happy on this issue but I appreciate your time and continuing desire for the best for our district. Thank you.

612 Not every sickness is Covid.

613 We should follow recommended CDC guidelines which are based on science and which continue to evolve as better data is available Not politicians or parents who have various beliefs not necessarily based in science

614 I am ok with the bus mandate.

615 people need to worry about themselves...do what is best for you and keep your opinions to yourself...if you want to wear a mask and get vaccinated, then do so...just as many people that wear masks and get vaccinated contract and pass covid just as much as the person that doesnt...

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616 Mask mandates are not ideal. Our choice above is based on the schools decision to follow the health departments guidelines for quarantining. If the quarantine guidelines were different (a masked student could have modified quarantine if the other party was unmasked) we would choose for masks to be optional. Unfortunately that is not the case, so masking seems to be the most successful way to keep my children in school. When will they stop quarantining due to close contact and only quarantine those who are sick or who show symptoms?

617 Wearing masks nor being vaccinated can keep students from being quarantined. Why try to enforce an issue (wearing masks) when you can't control the outcome. Masks are options and not wearing masks should also be optional.

618 Can’t stop something if we are just spreading back and forth to each other.

619 Masks should be required if it removes the exposed quarantine guidelines and reduces virtual learning. It can be reviewed on a quarterly basis to re-evaluate MO cases etc.

620 Yes. Masks dont work, except for maybe the sick to not get others sick. They do not stop viruses, But they will make kids sick that wear them to often from the bacterias they collect.

621 I think they should be optional once all kids (even the youngest) can be vaccinated

622 The kids adapt very easily to this. At this particular time going back to wearing mask is the right decision. This can be reevaluated later down the road. But again at this particular time the school board has made the tough decision but the correct decision to be safe and to wear mask. I applaud them for the difficult decision that they had to make.

623 This will reduce quarantines, especially at the elementary level where students do not yet have the opportunity to be vaccinated.

624 Masks should be mandated especially in elementary when vaccines not available during a pandemic to protect our children’s health Masks are proven to decrease spread of covid 19!

625 To avoid covid spread the strict mask and vaccination policy should be implemented

626 Masks must be worn. These kids are not yet vaccinated. I cannot even believe this is up for debate. It is a medically proven fact that masks greatly reduce the risk of transmission of viruses.

627 I believe that mask should be required at all times inside the school building. Especially, since the Flu season is approaching. If wearing a mask decreases your chance of being affected with the virus and keep kids from getting sent home than I believe it shouldn’t be optional.

628 Na

629 I think it's pathetic that you are requiring kids of all ages (including my 5 year old daughter) to wear a mask 8 hours a day (at school and on the bus). To my knowledge, there are no exceptions. Based on the email, it is a universal policy. This decision was basically a split decision as well. I would assume a decision of this magnitude should be a unanimous decision at the very least. Kids have a higher risk of dying or being hospitalized by the common flu than Covid. (https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200909/rates-of-child-hospitalization-similar-between-covid-19-flu-study#1) This mask mandate you implemented isn't for the safety of the kids.. it's for adults. Which is another reason I think this decision is pathetic. You're putting your own health as a priority over my daughter's and other kids' health. This decision was purely emotional on your part and has no science behind it at all. Masks aren't even that effective (https://nypost.com/2021/08/22/study-finds-n95-masks-more-effective-than-surgical-cloth-masks/). There are way more negatives than benefits for kids and this mandate. First of all, they're inhaling an unhealthy amount of co2 (https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/children-should-not-be-forced-to-wear-masks-due-to-co2-levels-new-study-suggests/ar-AALFKTk?pfr=1). Also, no one knows the consequences of kids not seeing facial expressions and people's faces all day every day at school and what effect that will have. I was in and out of airports on Monday, required to wear a mask the entire time. I probably had the mask on for 6 hours straight on Monday. I was having trouble breathing at the end of the day and I'm in very good health.. I can only imagine what kids are going to be going through at school for NO REASON. My daughter was having some breathing issues last week because she's been having trouble pooping recently. Now, are you going to force her to wear a mask even if she's having trouble breathing due to these issues? I want an exception made for my daughter immediately (we have a doctor's note that we've already given to the school). If the mask mandate is not overturned on the 18th or no exceptions are given to kids like my

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daughter (the next board meeting that I will be attending), I will be looking to file an administrative complaint and possibly litigate the school district.

630 Please stop the discrimatory quarantining of unvaccinated kids when it has been proven that vaccinated people contract and spread COVID. Also, given that the vaccine is not 100% effective, not all people who are vaccinated have developed antibodies so they have no added protection.

631 Stay safe! Take your vitamins! Wash your Hands! Peace and Love!

632 no

633 I support whatever option (masks or no masks) that are going to keep our kiddos in school. The pros the school environment offers our kids is more important than masks or not, for me.

634 All kids and teachers should wear masks.

635 the new changes to virtual meals places more of a strain on parents if they now have to go into the bldg to pickup. Along with you having them needing to do this every day. I know other school districts that acutally deliver a weeks worth to the students house which helps out the parents especially if they have to work since we'd have to take time off or do this on our lunch break

636 No

637 My children are vaccinated

638 Teachers should be able to take their masks off so that students can hear and see them speak. That was the hardest thing last year. Consider that students if they can they can remove masks while at their desk, because the kids may not be using glasses or other items to help them because Masks are causing an issue for them to use properly.

639 If someone isn’t vaccinated they should be required to wear a mask.

640 I feel horrible that you guys are forcing my child to wear mask. It gives me thoughts that I not being a good parent. I’m stuck with keeping them in school there because the year has already started. Otherwise I would have made other arrangements.

641 I would like to see vaccinations be a priority for students as well as staff. Masks are helpful, but vaccinations are the more long term solution to preventing covid.

642 If the masks worked we would not be questioning whether to wear them or not.

643 You do not have the data numbers to justify forcing masks on students. You’re caving into pressure. I will not force my son to wear masks. He’s vaccinated and I’ll let him make his choice.

644 It would be good to mandate mask for child safety until the vaccination for 5 to 15 years completed.

645 The students don’t care they have to wear a mask. These kids don’t know politics! This is a silly talking point for people to be outraged over so called freedoms. A mask takes freedom away what about a seatbelt is that unAmerican also. Masks can help keep the kids in school and shorten a quarantine and isolation if there is a positive test in a class or certain setting. These kids need to learn at school not remote and a simple mask can help that.

646 Thank YOU for ensuring the saftey of my children

647 It can make children safer. Even if other children catch a cold and wear masks, it is not easy to infect other children.

648 Masks are the only safety against Covid apart from vaccination. Since small age kids vaccination is not available, mask policy must be kept mandatory to keep the children safe.

649 I havea 3rd grader that cannot yet be vaccinated therefore masks are the only protection he has. Everyone else in my family is vaccinated and we still where masks when we leave our home.

650 Not really. If you’re vaccinated, you should be able to go without a mask.

651 I appreciate your request for the parents input. I feel that wearing a mask should be up to each

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set of parents and or guardians and should not be mandated by any third party..

652 This is where for me personally I am torn. I wanna protect my child as much as possible in these times and want what's best for him. I am fine with the mask order personally because i don't know where the other kids have been or if they have been around someone who has tested positive.

653 If they can't get vaccinated there should be masks. It doesn't work unless everyone wears them.

654 My child has come home with numerous headaches from wearing masks all day

655 No

656 Whatever we have to do to keep them in school

657 Keep the kids safe

658 I think its silly to pander to those who complain. If you require masks, then you can say you did something to try to prevent further quarantines and positive cases.

659 Our daughter has a hard time breathing while wearing a mask. We are currently looking to remove her from public school in favor of a private school that does not requiring masks and your future vaccine requirements

660 It amazes us that a place of education would not follow safety guidelines released by the leading infectious disease scientists in the world. Schools teach science and the scientific method. Understanding how to validate and trust a data source is a critical part of a good scientific education. Decisions on student safety should be based on sound scientific studies and peer reviewed factual data, NOT conspiracy theories, social media sources, and anecdotal evidence. Wearing a mask is especially important given the amount of time students spend in close proximity to each other in enclosed spaces. Not all students are eligible to be vaccinated at this time, so the safety risk is even higher. A mask is nothing more than a mild inconvenience on the wearer for the sake of others in society. It is time that we start having more empathy for those around us and accept this minor inconvenience. Politicizing student safety is a very slippery slope. This entire debate about mask wearing looks very similar to the arguments against mandatory seat belt use in the 1980s. In the end, science and facts win out.

661 I appreciate the recent mask mandate. When cases and quarantines go up in the schools, we need to require masks to slow the spread and keep kids from needing to quarantine so much. Mask policy worked well last year with minimal cases and less quarantine needed. All creditable studies show masks work. looking at schools across the country this school year show that schools with masks required have less disruption, cases and quarantines so far

662 I think continued communication on quarantine rules for fully vaccinated would be helpful for parents to make masking decisions for their students.

663 Mask should be required at all times, students should have water bottles at gym

664 No

665 I had my 15 year old vaccinated so he wouldn't have to wear a mask and could return to a normal school year, I was told there would only be mandatory masking if there was a covid rate of 4% or higher at the high school, now I feel like I was lied to, I'm not in favor of mandatory masking with acceptable covid rates, not at all

666 We should follow CDC guidelines whatever they suggest

667 I think that masks should be required for students and staff in grades K-5th since those students are unable to vaccinate. I would like to see masks required for elementary, and optional for both middle and high school.

668 There are more teenage suicides then teenage covid deaths. Masking will only elevate mental health. Let those who want to wear them wear them. They will be protected. Respect everyone’s choice and do not force someone else’s opinion on those who do not agree.

669 There's already been so many kids effected/missing school due to illness WITHOUT masks, can we please try a semester WITH masks to see the numbers go down?

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670 Masks are the only protection we can offer our young children at this time. In addition to their well being it also becomes an issue of a child's confidence. When masking is optional we open the door for peer pressure. If my child is the only one wearing a mask she may feel self conscious or vice versa if she were the only one not wearing a mask in her class.

671 My other child has been coming home with caugh. Don’t really know if masks work or not

672 Mask Mask Mask

673 Whatever keeps the kids in class for school is good for us.

674 Optional allows freedom for both choices and allows the parents to choose what is best for their children. With the number of cases not supporting this new mandate, it only makes sense to continue with the mask optional. Not only that but we chose to send our child to school in person because of the optional mask decision and the ability to switch to virtual for those of us against the mask mandate is nonexistent. It is not fair to switch and not provide the same options as those who choose to mask their children. Also, the mask mandate is not supported with any factual data that they actually work to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

675 I feel like everyone should wear mask besides the people that has medical reasons not to COVID is spreading everywhere and I know for a fact there are students walking around the hallways without their mask completely up like it should be

676 As numbers continue to rise, yes. I feel we should follow medical professionals & not ask us. It Covid gave life long physical affects such as small pox or polio; this would not be an issue. I guess death isn’t enough.

677 Follow the science, not a few cry babies who have made masks political. Stop all this madness and shut those parents down. It’s not a hindrance to their child’s education. Please look at the children in Asian countries who have been practicing this throughout modern history. This is not, once again, a political issue! These are the same parents who gripe about actual “rights” being violated when children are not allowed to sit or opt out of forced patriotism. Just full stop and no longer feed into their nonsense. This loud minority needs to be shut down immediately not just in the district but the country. Do something to protect the kids.

678 Masks don’t bother me or my child, so I don’t mind either way. I wish parents who have that big of an issue wearing a mask would use their energy towards real issues going on in today’s world.

679 It seems that the vast majority of kids participate in everything outside of school, within our county and mostly within our state, with the option of mask wearing or not. It doesn’t make sense that school is the one of the only places that do not have the liberty to choose. The incredibly small percentage of direct positive covid cases linked to the school, does not give necessity to a mandatory mask mandate. This virus will not go away, and while we are empathetic to those it effects, freedom of choice should still be a priority as we see that Covid is in fact going to always, in some form, be a new way of life. If people are seriously at risk, I understand their desire to do virtual, which should always be available to them. Those who do not have such risks, should not be bound to a blanket mandate. Thank you for your role, but the parents should be the final factor when it comes to decisions regarding their child.

680 Let me make choices for my kids. Your job is to educate them. Please do that without over reaching.

681 If they don’t want masks, keep kid home. And if a kid is chewing bubblegum with his mask on in school then he’s breaking the rules and no gum should be in school.

682 It’s common sense that our children and teachers should have masks on by sheer volume of households coming together. My kids will wear masks regardless of it being required.

683 Per the St Charles County health department they are still recommending masks. My wife and I are both nurses; We wear our masks from the moment we enter our work areas until we are back in the car. It's annoying, I get it. It's also what's recommended by health care professionals throughout the country and indeed, in our county. This is not something we should be voting on. If there was a tornado warning issued and it was heading towards a school, would we be voting on whether to take corrective action or would we do the safe thing and just take corrective action. Look, I've been a nurse for over twenty years and I've always believed that I would rather apologize to someone for a minor discomfort (ie: wearing a mask) rather than apologizing to their loved ones because I decided not to be conservative about their

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care. Masks suck. So does covid. Let's be proactive and safe until the lal. Lear has been given by those way above our pay grades.

684 Parental opinion about masks should not play a role in the decision. Great news, there are many public health organizations with the expertise to make these decisions! Utilize the AAP, CDC, WHO, DESE and leave Billy Bob to his ivermectin. So tired of this idiotic debate.

685 Students are required to wear shoes for thier safety and to protect others from contracting a non life threatening foot fungus. Wearing shoes is not a violation of our freedoms. Wearing a mask isn't either.

686 I believe the vaccine should be mandatory for those who can have it. I believe masks should be optional for those vaccinated, but mandatory for those who aren’t vaccinated until everyone can get the vaccine.

687 The risk of Covid spread and the quarantine involved in being a contact and/or having Covid can put families at risk financially, emotionally, and logistically when childcare and multiple children are in play. As a family with multiple children, we have been very cautious in an effort to protect not only our family, but the families that our children attend school with (both elementary and preschool). An optional mask policy makes masks optional only for those who choose not to wear them because my student leaves my car with a mask in place only to be picked up with her mask in her backpack. We can stress the importance at home, but she is a child and will follow the lead of her peers in this matter. We want our entire community to be safe and to watch out for and protect each other. Masks help us do that.

688 Definitely masks required. My kids contacted covid from school.

689 I also feel they should be optional for students who are fully vaccinated. After all that really is the issue here. “Being vaccinated”Thank you!

690 First off, I'm not against masks. Flu season is coming I will encourage my child to wear one. That being said, this is still a free country. We have the right to decide for ourselves and our children if we want them to breath through a filthy mask for 7 to 8 hours per day. Scared you're going to get sick, wear a mask, if not, then don't. It's just that simple. No mandate needed.

691 I feel mask still should be worn regardless if there vaccinated due to the fact that they don't always show signs they are sick and these kids have brother's sisters , family who shouldn't have to get sick due to people not wanting to wear a mask.

692 last year the mask were mandatory , my son didn’t miss any days… this year optional and get has missed 7-10 days for quarintine. We can’t afford to miss that type of time away from school. please make the right decisions for our children.. mask mandate

693 I think it is in the best interest and safety of all of the stakeholders of the Fort Zumwalt School District to support this mask mandate. Schools are meant to be a "safe" place and having a choice to either mask or not has only produced unsafe conditions for students, teachers, staff, administration, and families.

694 The masks are causing breathing issues and it is not at all healthy to be inhaling that much carbon dioxide.

695 I do not think masks, or anything, should be mandated. It should be each one’s choice!!!

696 Now more than ever it is very important that we as a community and even more so as school who is supposed to have children's health and safety as top priority, follow the CDC and AAP guidance and recommendations. There is no gray space in their recommendations. Wearing masks is what should be taking place in schools.

697 This shouldn’t be a debate. It’s all about what’s best to keep the learning process going.

698 Universal masking reduces quarantines and bullying.

699 If we are masking I think parents should be allowed in the building when needed

700 Parental opinion shouldn’t matter in this situation. Attending public schools comes with requirements that we all must abide by for the good of public health. We are not asked our opinions on whether or not students should be required to receive MMR vaccinations. The requirement is in place because health care professionals (not parental opinion) made the determination that it is in the public interest to do so. This is no different. As long as healthcare professionals determine masks should be required, make it a requirement! To ask

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parental opinion on subjects of which most of us have a limited to rudimentary knowledge is to invite conflict and things will continue to get worse.

701 I think the response has been ridiculous, you CAN breathe, my son has NO issue, and I'd rather my son be safe. These people are nuts, IMO. Thanks for being an awesome school district.

702 If possible please encourage vaccination among un-vaccinated students and staff by creating promotional events

703 If requiring masks please provide to all parents data and methodology behind how masks reduce covid transmissions. Also provide what mask minimum standards (i.e. material hole size, material type, etc…). Also provide parents with school district student and staff covid cases, hospitalization, death counts by month from start of covid data tracking.

704 Listen to doctors

705 Despite giving my child masks and explaining the importance of mask wearing, my 6th grader refuses to wear it if it's not mandatory. For people to say "If you want your kid to wear a mask, just make them!" is unrealistic. Mask wearing only works if everyone is wearing a mask.

706 no

707 Wearing a mask doesn’t harm anyone. I can’t believe it’s this big of a deal

708 Moving forward with Covid, I would really like to see the political situation in our country to be removed from our schools. These trying times DO NOT need to affect our children. We need to show our children what unity looks like, be positive role models for them. Which includes standing up for our American Constitutional rights founded by our forefathers. Stop assisting the government with division within our daily lives. It is our job as parents and YOUR job as teachers to help teach, mold and guide our children. Us parents, do entrust the teachers with the most Precious minds our country has to offer.

709 We appreciate everything the school district has done to protect the children/staff.

710 I was very proud of Fort zumwalt for beginning the year without the masks unlike the other local districts. I think they handled the whole covid thing very well except for now I think people heard a few media stories that made them panic.

711 No

712 until vaccination reaches CDC recommended levels I believe masks , separation approach should be used in support of all other efforts to control COVID19 spreading.

713 Policies should be logical - the previous iteration where masking was based on the amount of positive cases at a school made sense. Beyond that, this year is different than last year. Last year we had to protect staff from all being out at the same time and "protect grandma" (kid gets it and gives it to adults). Both the staff members and adults in the kids' lives have all had ample opportunity to be vaccinated. If they choose not to, that's on them, not the school district. If we only cared about protecting the kids now, at least for the older kids a more logical approach would be to let vaccinated kids be unmasked and make unvaccinated kids and staff wear N95 masks. If that isn't the goal then what is the goal? The current policy seems very random and not targeted to a specific goal or following local county guidelines or "the science" Lastly, at some point, and 18 months into the pandemic it feels like we are there, it has to come down to personal choice. If a parent wants their kid to wear a mask until COVID is "gone" (maybe never), that's ok. I shouldn't have a say in their choice. Similarly, they should have no say in my vaccinated child's choice to not want to be masked going forward. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input!

714 Its very hard to use continuously 8-9 hr mask . If not using then have might be an issue for transmitting virus. I would recommend for option if school taking care all the precautions and prevent to avoid infection. Thank you for survey

715 I fully support masks. My 3 year old son has sensory issues, so a mask is a real problem for him, but we will continue to try for the sake of his and everyone's health.

716 Should be required until the vaccine is readily available for the 5-12 yr ages.

717 For younger students it is dangerous for children for children to wear mask for long periods of time

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718 I support the case-by-case decisions, like the Westhoff elementary that actually had a rise in cases. My youngest has developed extreme anxiety since last year. He thinks he can be safe if he wears a mask. It's scientifically untrue, but I don't want to cause him anxiety with truth that his young mind can't process. Can we just be diligent on hand washing and hand sanitizer? I have to pick my battles on what anxiety of his Im going to try and truth bomb because there are so many now. Fixating on masks and allowing kids to be scared of a disease that will not kill them is irresponsible. I was not one who protested and overall I have been extremely supportive of our district's decisions. But this is my opinion on my kids' educational environment.

719 My child is special needs and has a hard time with a hate on his head I can only imagine how he feels with something covering his face. I understand safety but we what about all the children’s mental health

720 I want my daughter to have a safe, healthy school year with minimal interruptions to her learning. If a piece of fabric worn on the face can make that a higher probability- it should continue.

721 If sporting events and celebrities don't wear masks at the grammys then why should our kids have to

722 Personal health is the responsibility of the family. My whole family caught Covid with masks always on. School is rough enough. Please stop making it worse.

723 Please keep masks mandate. It's not fair that people that don't care about their health and others go to school to infect others.My son got sick and the rest of my family did as well. Other families are struggling with the same issue.

724 It should be up to the parent(s) to make these decisions. Besides the masks don't help.

725 I believe the fight against mask wearing is ridiculous. People are dying. Mask and vaccinations should be required all students and staff period.

726 Masks optional for vaccinated people, mandatory for others.

727 I do, however think it’s fine to require them for a short time if cases go up exponentially.

728 Please continue advocating for our children's health and safety.

729 Follow the science and not the mob. It isn't that hard.

730 https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0924-school-masking.html Normally I wouldn’t include links like this, but this needs to be cited. Of particular note, one of the three studies explicitly cited in this CDC article found that positive pediatric COVID-19 cases were more than 2 times as likely in schools without a universal masking policy. Emphasis on universal. A Swiss cheese approach (I.e. optional masking), does not diminish children’s rights any more than a school uniform would, but it does make children more likely to become sick and die or suffer long lasting complications.

731 Masks should be required with the school or distract positive rate is higher than 10% or a number that is deemed appropriate by the health department

732 Masks should not be a political issue. This is a safety measure to keep the students and staff in this school district safe and healthy. If you follow evidence based science it is clear that masks work, the virus is real and people are dying from this disease. If our local hospitals become overwhelmed with patients our nurses and doctors will not have sufficient medical supplies to treat everyone and will have to start rationing supplies as hospitals in other areas have already started to do. Until herd immunity can be achieved a mask mandate should stay in effect for everyone. Anyone that votes against this is not following the science and to give them a voice when they are not basing their vote on what the evidence is telling us is irresponsible and quite simply people will get sick and die as a result.

733 There is no scientific basis for a broad mask mandate - each school should be treated separately based in their infection rates and subsequent decisions made accordingly. Thanks

734 Everyone who is eligible for the vaccine should be vaccinated. Those that don't are creating their own risk. Understand the masks while the numbers are high but it should be a temporary situation.

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735 I think it is safer for all to wear masks but it’s not a big deal to our family either way. Sorry you 9/28/2021 11:47 AM are in this position.

736 They are taking good care at school so thanks 9/28/2021 11:46 AM

737 Masks are recommended by every health authority there is. REQUIRE MASKS!!!! 9/28/2021 11:46 AM

738 Honestly I really don’t care one way or the other and I certainly don’t envy the individuals trying 9/28/2021 11:46 AM to make this decision.

739 Why wouldn’t mask be required when other schools in our area require them what makes Fort 9/28/2021 11:44 AM Zumwalt any different

740 Everyone is too concerned with covid and not enough with how all of this effects their 9/28/2021 11:44 AM education. As educators, you have a great opportunity to give them hope and a sense of normalcy they can't get anywhere else. Will you give them that or continue to remind them they should be fearful? For me and my family, well risk a 99% survivable illness over a sub par education.

741 If 1 child is saved, just 1 was the cost not worth it? If the 1 child passes from covid, will we all 9/28/2021 11:44 AM not reflect on what more we could have done? We have wheel chair ramps for a small percentage of people, we have Braille for a small percentage of people. Why are these masks suddenly viewed as a step too far?

742 I think it’s a good idea to keep more children in school and not home on quarantine. 9/28/2021 11:44 AM

743 The bathroom situation at ft zumwalt west middle is ridiculous. 1 kid at a time? Lines are so 9/28/2021 11:43 AM long they have to wait and go during class and even then they have to wait 20 minutes to get in. God forbid they have braces and need to brush their teeth after lunch, because they can't. Something needs to give. Also, what about alternatives like setting up groups that wear masks and groups that don't? Might be a good compromise if there's a balance. Regarding masks being optional, I understand some families have at risk members... perhaps they should consider home school if they are at risk. For others there's a mental health risk caused by masks. My student moved here last year and spent their first year not knowing what anyone looked like. They are also losing opportunities to develop empathy through body language. I understand that if cases skyrocket precautions should be taken... but have we really seen that happen across all schools? They spent the first month maskless and it didn't seem to be statistically different than last year in terms of actual covid cases.

744 Can the school board decide on the science in lieu of politics? I could careless which side is 9/28/2021 11:43 AM right, if the Doctors recommend mask i vote for mask. If the Doctors recommend no mask, I vote for no mask. It's that simple.

745 Should be parents choice!!! No school boards… 9/28/2021 11:43 AM

746 I think we need a some kinds of letter or information sent home with the kids or email about 9/28/2021 11:42 AM Coivd 19 out brake in every class room. I think we need more info about how many kids have Coivd 19. It will help us to I understand it alot more. We can make sure are kids and stay safe everyday and more caution and procedures that is parents can take with our kids.

747 NA 9/28/2021 11:42 AM

748 The requirement of mask is ridiculous. 9/28/2021 11:42 AM

749 But keep masks on the bus 9/28/2021 11:41 AM

750 I don’t understand why this is even a topic of conversation. Our district’s covid numbers are 9/28/2021 11:41 AM considerably higher than districts that are masking. Yes, mask, Please.

751 One of my co-worker had vaccinations but he still got COVID. For safety and health, mask 9/28/2021 11:41 AM should requires at school because you don’t know who has vaccinated or not.

752 No 9/28/2021 11:41 AM

753 N/A 9/28/2021 11:40 AM

754 Refusal to comply must be mandatory suspension until compliance 9/28/2021 11:40 AM

755 Willing to do whatever is necessary to avoid unnecessary quarantine. 9/28/2021 11:40 AM

756 Keep masks on until the numbers decrease and reassess in 3 - 4 weeks. 9/28/2021 11:40 AM

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757 I personally feel masks should be optional. However, it such a polarizing topic. Therefore, I feel board should remove their personal feelings on the matter and default to the CDC recommendations of wearing masks while inside. This remove personal opinions down the process and will give a foundation to the decision.

758 I am really on the fence with the mask requirement. It’s not healthy to wear all day. On the other hand it is good to keep down the spread of germs.

759 When masks are optional, students should be reminded to wear their mask properly. When the mandate was implemented for the 30 days my daughter keeps saying now she has to wear a mask over her nose. I’m not sure how she was wearing it before but it’s frustrating that she’s not wearing it properly. I know teachers can’t be the mask police but I need my daughter to wear her mask! I don’t think it’s a cure all but I do not think it hurts anything. Such a frustrating ordeal, I can’t imagine what you all are going through. Thank you

760 Stop flip flopping on this issue.

761 I think mask should be required until at least vaccines are required for all teachers and students. My children are vaccinated and I think if your not vaccinated you should have to wear a mask. If you are selfish enough not to get vaccinated than you should have to wear a mask.

762 Hire more cleaning staff

763 Being in the healthcare field, having received the vaccination and contracting COVID afterwards, mask is a delusional safety blanket.

764 The district should follow public health guidance where possible.

765 I think they should be required for all UNVACCINATED employees and students

766 a small amount of diligence here is the only thing that will get us through this...

767 Lewis and Clark, and St Peter's Elementary are amazing. The Principal,Teacher's and staff are amazing.

768 I think each family can choose their best route. If there is ever a time that a building hits a threshold that becomes to dangerous for our students to attend, then mask should be required till the virus is slowed. Right now we are are .01% for positives in our district so I am not sure with such small number, why we made a change. Also, it may be a better strategy to have teachers and building administrators focus on social distancing. As a teacher, I still see rooms set-up in a manner that does not show social distancing. If we are 6 feet, or can minimize those who are within 6 feet, then we would minimize quarantines.

769 I believe that it should be the choice of the child and the child’s family. These mask do nothing for us. By now the majority of the unvaccinated people have caught and recovered from covid. The vaccinated people can still catch and pass covid to others. These mask are not protecting anything.

770 I'm not sure why you are asking parental opinion. We should be relying on the CDC or local health authority and follow their recommendation.

771 I honestly believe that it should be the parents decision to determine if their child should wear a mask. However, parents are told from before Pre School that if your child is sick they need to stay home until they are well. Parents couldn’t do that before the pandemic started and they don’t do this now. So I think we should require masks in elementary and middle school without exception. High School is a different matter since those students are old enough to make an informed decision.


773 Either make it masks across board (sporting events, etc.) or don’t bother at all

774 Our kids are out future. We all know that entire world is suffering from Covid-19 so It's good to have masks untill all staff and students get vacinnated.

775 N/A

776 I think you need to go back to one way steps as well

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777 I don’t think it’s right to make them wear the mask. They don’t help

778 I think that the masks and distancing work. It's puzzling to me why people have an issue with keeping their kids safe.

779 Leave it up to the parents if they would like to have their children maskless, it’s their choice. Every families situation is different.

780 My child is still expected to wear a mask. She will be required by us to wear one. With that being said, we use our own judgment and thought to make these choices at home. If I so wished to send my daughter without her mask, that should be my choice. I do prefer at least MY child to continue to wear her mask.

781 My child does not wear a mask properly (despite much coaching and practice), and I'm worried that her soaking wet mask will be worse than no mask.

782 It is better developmentally for our kids to stay in school with a consistent schedule and remain safe while doing so.

783 Although children in mask is not ideal the alternative of kids having to quarantine and miss up to two weeks of school multiple times throughout the school year and even worse case get very sick far outweighs the minimal discomfort of having to wear a mask to prevent that

784 I think masks are good until all ages of children have the vaccine available.

785 Protecting our community is just as important as protecting our students. Until our community reaches proper vaccination rates, we cannot ensure the safety of the community without masking.

786 Once we have enough vaccination for kids between 5-11 and we see a downward trending in the number of cases in our region we should make mask optional.

787 You are all doing a wonderful job!!! Thank you for the love and dedication you give our children.

788 Thank you for all that you do. I know that this decision is not made lightly and there is no way to make all persons happy. While I wish the kiddos did not have to wear masks I recognize that it may be a necessary measure to help keep everyone safe. Thank you for keeping the best interests of our children and community at the forefront. I appreciate you.

789 It is proven masks prevent the transmit. Please consider our kids safety first....

790 Unvaccinated people should wear masks

791 In any place where Science and History are taught, there shouldn't be any doubts about using masks during a pandemic.

792 I think it should be optional right now, til further notice

793 The general handling of this has been horrid. And not just the mask thing but in general. My special needs son has now missed almost an entire year of school due to being "exposed to covid" and having to quarantine and has never once had it. His education is being adversely affected in ways that he will never recover from or get back all for a virus that isnt going anywhere anytime soon.

794 Its already proven scientifically that mask can reduce the transmission of disease, Until the covid is under control its better to follow masks mandate when the students are in a closed rooms

795 This shouldn't even be a discussion. My family shouldn't have to worry about dying because some people don't want to wear masks/vaccinate/etc.

796 It’s the only way to be socially responsible to eradicate this virus.

797 Best school district my kids have ever been in.

798 Please keep our children safe and keep this mask mandate

799 If masks are required for covid I wonder why we didn’t require masks for the flu or gastroenteritis or other contagious illnesses. If masks are required I will send my child to school. He needs the socialization and I’m willing to deal with it. Point being I don’t want to

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have to see mask mandates indefinitely. Hope we can all get out of masks soon. Thanks for all you do and all you have to put up with during this challenging time.

800 I believe that it should be mandatory for kids without a chance at any other option. So K-5th. 9/28/2021 11:30 AM

801 Hand sanitizer stations for students and staff 9/28/2021 11:30 AM

802 No 9/28/2021 11:29 AM

803 My son is vaccinated. 9/28/2021 11:29 AM

804 No 9/28/2021 11:29 AM

805 no 9/28/2021 11:29 AM

806 It is absolutely ridiculous that my 3 year old has to wear a mask. 9/28/2021 11:28 AM

807 Covid vaccination should be a deciding factor in if a students being required to be quarantined 9/28/2021 11:26 AM or not

808 Please don’t rescind the mask mandate based on parental bullying. Our children’s health and 9/28/2021 11:26 AM wellness is worth more than a few angry adults. If we can prevent ONE child from illness or death, it will have been worth it.

809 It should be up to each family to make the decision on if masks should be worn or not. We feel 9/28/2021 11:23 AM as though this could cause irreversible damage to the children, a false sense of security as well as hindering learning. Masks have not been a 100% proven method of keeping the virus from spreading either.

810 It is RIDICULOUS that this is even an question. Given the current state of corona virus 9/28/2021 11:23 AM spread, EVERYONE should be wearing a mask indoors. This virus will not stop until everyone pitches in and does their part. PLEASE MAKE MASKS MANDATORY

811 Vaccinated students and staff should not be required to mask. 9/28/2021 11:21 AM

812 Masks should be required indoors until young children are able to be vaccinated. Except in 9/28/2021 11:20 AM certain circumstances for children with special needs who are hindered by masks in an unhealthy way. The main is reason is to cut down on long quarantines that would leave children out of class for long periods. Modified quarantines due to mask usage are very preferable. Thank you for doing this survey to gather info from ALL of the parents not just the loudest one who makes the most noise about the subject.

813 My daughter just suffered from a respiratory virus where she missed a week of school. Her 9/28/2021 11:18 AM friend had same thing week before my daughter. I'm seeing on social media several kids are getting it. I have no idea if there is a relationship to the Covid vaccine or lack of virus resistance this past year but I do feel if kids had been masked it wouldn't have happened. I think for now till spring schools need to be masked. At spring reevaluate. Maybe windows can be opened in spring to being in fresh air circulation. I realize schools don't like open windows but we may need alternative measures this year. My child is an honor student taking multiple AP and advanced courses so missing more school is not an option. If Ft. Zumwalt would have offered AP classes being taught by FZ teachers using FZ curriculum we would have chosen a hybrid option where she could bd present for German III and her 2 Engineering classes but taken her 4 AP classes online.

814 It should be up to the parents. I believe it is detrimental to social and emotional health. I feels 9/28/2021 11:18 AM like a fear based decision with high recovery rate.

815 our positive cases are extremely low, children very rarely get sick, masks have been proven to 9/28/2021 11:16 AM not work anyway, and PARENTS MUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR THEIR OWN CHILDREN, not a hypocritical school board who themselves were not wearing masks.

816 While masks can provide source control when worn consistently and correctly, it is not 9/28/2021 11:13 AM effective when done some of the time or part of the time. Proper masking for prolonged periods is nearly impossible for children, let alone adults (I work in a hospital, it's still a struggle). Any intervention like this needs to have cost/benefit and feasibility study, this has not been done with children at FZSD, or anywhere I'm aware of locally. The benefits are ZERO if not done properly and consistently (like in school) and the costs are unknown but speculated to include: social/emotional setbacks, speech/language deficits, and providing a vector of contamination

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by not properly controlling how masks are worn or stored. Hand hygiene is also an issue, it must be done before and after touching and handling masks.

817 No mask requirement to shop at stores, get your hair cut, excedra. Children not the issue. Elderly with health issues maybe?

818 As a parent, it is difficult to convince my student that wearing a mask is the right thing to do at this time until the virus is under control when the school makes it optional.

819 If someone feels sick in any way, they should also wear a mask. And those that come back from being quarantined, should also wear a mask for a specific time.

820 You need to stop politicizing the issue. We need to try to protect or kids and staff by wearing masks as cases continue to rise through the winter. Listen to the science. If children and staff are wearing masks there is less quarantine and more face time with their teachers. FZ is being ridiculous by NOT mandating masks at the start of the year. Start doing what is best for your staff and kids based on the science even if you disagree with it.

821 I definitely feel everyone should wear masks. My son isnt old enough to get the vaccine and he has asthma so I am very concerned about him contracting Covid. Masks proved to work last year, I know we did not have all the cases like we had the first 2 weeks of school this year. Parents can scream their childs rights are being taken away, but the children have never had "rights" (they have had rules to abide by). Some schools are peanut free bc of the few kids that have peanut allergies, is that fair to the other students that love peanut butter sandwiches and other peanut snacks...no, but its the right thing to do to prevent a child from getting sick. This concept is nothing new, there are rules to abide by at school and out in the world. At restaurants you cant smoke anymore and that is to protect other peoples health bc its the right thing to do. This is a pandemic folks, this isnt some willy nilly cold. You know how we know masks work...??? The flu season was non existent last year, it was unheard of, my sister in law whose a pediatric nurse said that rarely had kids come in sick when they normally are jam packed that time of year. Masks kept so many from getting the flu, I normally would get email after email that there was a child in my sons class that has the flu, but last year I never received one notification. To me, the masks were worth it just for fact it kept the flu out of our house. We all have the responsibility of keeping our kids and our community safe and the best way to do that is with masks. This would have never been an issue had it never became political, its ashame innocent lives have to be lost bc of the confusion being spread on the airwaves and online. Dont let these confused people put your lives and our childrens lives at risk. We are supposed to be teaching our kids compassion and selflessness, they should understand that masks are to protect them and their classmates as well as teachers. Teaching them not to care for others and being selfish is a horrible lesson to teach them. If masks arent mandated then the school should be responsible for the medical bills when they end up in the hospital.

822 Masks and vaccinations are the 2 best ways to protect our students in this ongoing pandemic. Since vaccinations aren't required, we need masks to keep students/families safe and to keep from disrupting schools. Masks will also cut back on cold/flu virus season which is upon us. Many may find it an inconvenience, but students made it through last school year in masks and if vaccinated this year, fewer numbers will have to miss school (and their parents won't miss work) due to quarantine. I'd rather be I convenienced that have a child in the hospital like

at FZE. No one mentions that case.

823 If people use common sense (ex. wash hands, cover mouth when coughing, stay home when sick, etc.), everyone will be fine. Get rid of the mandatory masks so people can breathe normally and be comfortable.

824 If a student can provide a COVID vaccination record, I think they should not be required to wear a mask.

825 I love this school ! I have TWO Boys that are outstanding citizens and students ( told to me by others not just a proud parent!) The leadership and quality of the faculty and staff have definitely influenced both my kids and I thank each one of you for that! A minor sacrifice like a mask to ere on the side of safety during a freakin pandemic is not too much to ask for the safety of all students , staff and the community. I personally appreciate all you do and God bless us all!

826 If everyone is required to mask, there will be less confusion on quarantine rules, which will make it easier on faculty and staff and safer for the immuno-compromised and slow the spread

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827 due to a fact that only a miniscule of less than 1% is truly affected by this, this is not justification for anyone to be forced to wear a mask. For those scared of it, let them wear one.

828 Looking at numbers that have been presented for Covid-19 positive cases, masks should be required.

829 No one enjoys wearing masks, myself included, however, the cons of wearing a mask do not outweigh the benefits of not getting Covid-19 or having my children's education disrupted as a result of quarantine. The district should be protecting the health and education of all students.

830 This is more of a mental thing, even if mask do not fully prevent the spread of the virus, if the majority of students and parents feel more comfortable with the mask, then it should be required.

831 It is interesting that this question was not asked when the Board changed to a mask-optional policy earlier this year. Why would we ask parent opinion for measures regarding the health and safety of students? We should ask heath care professionals. We don't ask parent opinion on intruder drills, we take the advice of law enforcement. We don't ask parent opinion on how to run a fire drill, we take the advice from the fire department.

832 Children can attend sporting events, sleepovers, bounce houses and adults are in stadiums full of 60,000 plus people and living their lives maskless yet we are still forcing our children who get cold like symptoms if they get Covid to wear a mask. If just makes zero sense. They are more likely to get covid outside of school.

833 I am not happy about the mask mandate and hope that it goes away after the next board meeting.

834 A set of parents I know are strongly against masks, thus have removed their young daughter from school once again because of the mask requirement.

835 Masks should be optional. Those that choose not to wear a mask are willing to take the risk of getting sick. If those who are for masks and don’t feel safe, they can stay home. If everyone is about keeping kids safe and healthy then driving should be banned for our teens as they are in the high risk category. This is about your right to CHOOSE!! If the masks continue to be imposed, exemptions must be available for those who opt out.

836 It has been shown that vaccinated or not, anyone can get COVID, or any virus for that matter.... There is no reason for masks to be required. Both the vaccinations and the masks should be optional, since neither have been proven to guarantee anyone's health.

837 Why are you asking us? You should be using data from reliable sources such as CDC and WHO. Parents are going to make decisions based on personal feelings. We vote for you, enact you, to make the best decisions for our children, despite how we may feel. All this survey does for me is question whether your desire to keep my child safe out weighs your desire for reelection.

838 Look at the district COVID numbers. When masks were forced on the kids, the cases were just under 1% and much less of a % for those who actually contracted at school. DuBray said he would consider requiring masks if numbers exceeded 4% but the district never even got near that. Please allow us the freedom to choose, instead of being forced. Thank you.

839 I am not pro mask or against them either. I think the parents need to stop complaining and if you want your kid to wear a mask the have them do so and if not that is fine too. Let the kids be kids.

840 It is time to actually follow the real numbers "science" and not use this as a control tool. This issue of mas wearing has been nothing more than a political tool. Time to get back to normalcy. The science shows that the kids are resilient to this virus!

841 The largest research institution in the STL area has provided ample studies on why and how masking is an effective deterrent in stopping the spread of COVID. I've included them below. Why is this still a discussion? We should be teaching our children to care for others and protect others. Hot button issue or not- masks are the RIGHT thing to do. https://medicine.wustl.edu/news/covid-19-transmission-rare-in-schools-with-masking-distancing-contact-tracing/ https://www.bjc.org/Coronavirus/Staying-Safe/ArtMID/6429/ArticleID/5782/Fall-Family-Health-and-Safety-Checklist

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842 Science has proven that masks are effective in limiting the spread of Covid. They also prove to lessen the number of quarantines. They are not fun to wear but during this time our goal should be to keep our children safe and to keep them in person for their education. I am a medical professional and work full time. We have limited options if our children have to quarantine often during the school year.

843 Optional outside and indoor physical activities

844 It is surprising this survey was not presented prior to the school year and prior to the boards recent decision. Modern technology makes communication much easier and feedback such as this is such a precious way to determine a families/staffs position. This should become a staple of the boards movements in the future on issues of great importance and/or where the voice of the population you service is greatly needed.

845 No

846 Healthcare decisions should always remain at the sole discretion of the individual person, or their legal guardians.

847 I would love if there was a policy in place where masks are required if the positivity rate become 2.5% or higher in each building. I think we should finish out these 30 days with masks to be a good example for our children that we respect authority. Then alter the policy to masks optional with mandates if a building becomes 2.5% positive.

848 I feel this is very important and puts not only the Parents but the Students at ease. Trust me I/We know they do not care to wear them, but we have to take the proper actions to resolve this situation. Vaccinated or not without wearing masks puts us all at higher risks. I was so proud of our District last year, how things were handled. This year made me very nervous about how things started for my son & daughter who attend West High. Please follow the CDC's recommendations. Thank you for all you do.

849 As a simple government contractor, I was required to show proof of vaccination to be able to keep working on the contracts I am on. I think it is totally reasonable to expect the same of our teachers: Get vaccinated and show proof. If everyone does that, masks will be a moot point!

850 I believe that masks should be required in Elementary Schools due to the vaccine not being available to young kids… middle/high school should have the option if vaccinated

851 My daughters prefer to wear masks because they feel safer that way. When I told my 7th grader about the mandate, she was really happy about it.

852 Masks should be required until the number of COVID cases drops. THE COVID VACCINE SHOULD BE A REQUIRED VACCINATION FOR ALL STUDENTS 12+

853 My children are in high school. They both chose to be vaccinated. All high schoolers have that option. I don’t feel it is fair to mask my children because others chose to not get vaccinated.

854 N/a

855 From what I have observed, children are not wearing their masks appropriately anyway as the masks are mostly being worn below their noses as seems to be the same with the general population. The virus is small enough to penetrate the masks anyway and I feel it is causing more emotional duress to have their faces covered for most of the day. Studies have been done on the masks after wearing for six hours in schools and after being cultured numerous pathogens have been found growing on them including but not limited to staph, strept, pneumonia, and other viruses and bacteria. So when these kiddos sneeze and cough in them they continue to breath these contaminants for the remainder of the school day. So wearing masks is probably counterproductive in numerous ways.

856 After the 20-21 school year I was impressed with the plans laid out by FZW regarding COVID, both with in-class polices from cleaning, social distancing, and masking. I am beyond frustrated and disgusted that this year, FZW in fact is operating as though a pandemic is not still active in our community. It is not only until we have seen rates rise that you then took a pause for a moment, only to revert back to 1 of those policies-Masks. Personally, we have 2 small elementary age children who are not old enough to get a vaccine. It is disheartening that we have no regard for the health of these children as well as the teachers and support team

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they interact with daily. I find it laughable that decisions were made to disregard what was shown as effective last year, and it should be of no surprise to the FZW decisions makers this year would see an increase in cases. Thank you for exposing our children to environments that should be safe and healthy that could now cost them with their health both now and in the future. We have chosen to send our 2 elementary students to school in masks every day since the start of the school year, but it angers me to hear of quarantine orders should they be exposed by a classmate or teacher. I hear over and over from the board that they want students to be in class where they foster learning---then why are we not providing the guidelines that are shown to keep them in class? Decisions for our children's education regarding curriculum, testing and lessons have been based on a solid mix of fact, studies, advise of doctors and leading experts I am baffled that when it comes to COVID these same practices are not utilized.

857 Kids can breath (if not, get a note from a physician). The ones who argue for masks argue with 9/28/2021 9:40 AM science, the ones who argue against masks usually argue with their heart. I'd rather keep my child safe. As a Fort Zumwalt Alumni myself, I often wonder what/how are you teaching science and the scientific method to our children these days?

858 I support your decision either way. Since most kids cannot get vaccinated yet, I think it’s a 9/28/2021 9:39 AM good idea to wear masks since it reduces the chance that a child would be unable to attend school. If wearing a mask helps keep children in school, I’m all for it. I think the decision just needs to be consistent to avoid confusion amongst the kids. Once again, either way, it doesn’t seem to phase my child so I support you all and trust that you are making the decision that is best for all. Thank you!

859 Going into the winter months when even regular sickness surges in closed quarters, numbers 9/28/2021 9:38 AM will get higher. Reevaluate at the next season change.

860 The fact that this is even a question is mind boggling…your school board made an egregious 9/28/2021 9:38 AM mistake not mandating masks at the beginning of the school year … I’m thankful that you’ve corrected that mistake with a revision to the vote it’s an absolute embarrassment to me that you would even consider not requiring masks after having such a successful run last school year …this pandemic is not over millions of kids are not eligible yet for vaccines this really should’ve never even been debated. Your priority is to keep the kids in school not create an environment that guarantees extra exposure and quarantines …my family has always been proud of the fort Zumwalt school district until August of this year when the board - including someone who doesn’t even live in Missouri - made this awful decision. I wonder how many people have been hospitalized due to this negligence?


862 I would like to say I do have two children, one in middle school and another in elementary. I 9/28/2021 9:31 AM feel more comfortable with my 7th grader who has obtained the vaccine to have it be optional. I waiver on my 3rd grader as she is not able to be vaccinated. My preference would be whatever it takes to keep the kids in school so we are willing to follow whichever rules are put in place. At the end of the day wearing or not wearing a mask should not and I do not believe that it does hinder their learning experience and growth and development but being out of school for an extended period of time could.

863 Its time to start treating this like any other illness. If your sick stay home and leave it at that. 9/28/2021 9:27 AM No more quarantines. Covid is not dangerous for children and if teachers are worried they can get the vaccine and wear a mask.

864 I don't believe masks are an effective way to stop the spread of the COVID virus, especially 9/28/2021 9:26 AM since there are no set guidelines on the types of masks that people are required to use. I do, however, want to come up with a plan to reduce the instances of quarantine for students who have simply been in the same classroom as a student that has tested positive. I highly doubt that limited exposure created additional positive cases in other students. We can't have students quarantined multiple times from school who don't have the virus. It creates too much of a disruption in their education. In person learning is just too important for a student's success.

865 The mask mandate should be tied to the prevalence of COVID cases in the St. Charles county 9/28/2021 9:24 AM community.

866 No 9/28/2021 9:20 AM

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867 My kids wear masks regardless of the ruling but I feel much better about it when masks are required for all. I want my kids to be able to stay in school and this is a way to make it possible. At the very least all staff should be required to wear masks because it is best practice to prevent the spread and also so that masked students don’t feel so different. It also it reminds them to give mask breaks etc. for young kiddos. It feels very uncomfortable to me that my kindergarten student’s teacher does not wear a mask.

868 The link between federal funding and Covid Mask mandates is unacceptable and money from the government based on wearing masks should not be accepted

869 I am very unhappy with the way the district has handled mitigation measures for the current school year. Since last year's mask mandate and mitigation measures were so successful last year, why change it? I wish you would believe in the pediatricians that are concerned for these kids and not in the parents that are against these measures because they speak the loudest. Stop making this political. You are responsible for the lives of these kids. Please show them that as a district you care about their lives and the families that would suffer the consequences if these mask mandates were not enforced. As a school district, you have the responsibility to put research-based mitigation efforts in place to ensure all the kid's and teacher's safety. Please don't fail them.

870 Thank You for all you ALL do

871 If the "shots work" masks don't matter...

872 https://www.city-journal.org/do-masks-work-a-review-of-the-evidence?wallit_nosession=1

873 I do not agree with this school district mask mandate. I think it should go off of each school individual numbers not as a district. If my child’s school numbers warrant a mask mandate for 2-3 weeks so be it but at this time it does not. My child doesn’t have a problem wearing a mask except climbing the stairs and PE! Which I don’t understand why PE is not outside during these times especially with this beautiful weather we are having . The school also needs to do a better job about bullying so the kids that need or want to wear a mask can do so comfortably and without feeling they can’t due to peer pressure! As adults of the district Do better!

874 No, keep up the good work!

875 There is no incentive to be vaccinated. Masks should be optionsal. Just like any other virus it will run it's course.

876 As a healthcare worker, when a child goes out due to quarantine, we do not get the ability to quarantine with them. The CDC guidelines are different for healthcare workers due to the criticality of our jobs. My daughter recently had to quarantine due to multiple Covid cases in her classroom. She tested negative, however, I had an issue with childcare as I did not want my child that was exposed to Covid around my family and a true quarantine should be at home and away from other people. Healthcare does not protect employees from this situation and staying home will become an issue during the pandemic. If this continuously happens, many healthcare workers and essential employees will not be work and hospitals will become short staffed. I feel as a community, it is our duty to protect our children, our teachers, and everyone else. With the delta variant affecting children much more severely, I do not understand why it is not an easy decision. Wearing a mask could save the person sitting next to you. Please implement masking. I believe it also can teach our youth about community, teamwork, love, and compassion. In my opinion, the decision to protect the ones we love and our community outweighs any inconvenience of mask-wearing.

877 Due to the fact that COVID-19 is a variation of the flu and has an overall death rate in school-aged children that is low (0.7%-1.8%). Among 3,116 hospitalized children and adolescents with COVID-19 during March 1, 2020–June 19, 2021, for whom complete clinical data were available,¶¶¶¶ 827 (26.5%) were admitted to an ICU, 190 (6.1%) required IMV, and 21 (0.7%) died. Among 164 hospitalized children and adolescents with COVID-19 during June 20–July 31, 2021, for whom complete clinical data were available,***** 38 (23.2%) were admitted to an ICU, 16 (9.8%) required IMV, and three (1.8%) died. The differences in these indicators of severe disease between the two periods were not statistically significant (Table). Source: CDC Report Hospitalizations Associated with COVID-19 Among Children and Adolescents — COVID-NET, 14 States, March 1, 2020–August 14, 2021. So, the risk of death is in fact low allowing for masks to be optional in this age group.

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I think it's completely one sided that a survey was only created when it was decided masks 9/28/2021 9:08 AM

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required, and not when it was decided masks optional. Perhaps we should additionally survey the pediatricians and healthcare EXPERTS from our community.

879 My granddaughter hasn been sick hardly at all now that masks are required. And with me having lung issues she happy to wear them to help keep me from getting sick .

880 Masks in school should be mandate. Remember it just not impacts students and teachers in school, but also to families of students which includes infants and elders. I strongly support the mandate to wear masks in school and social distancing. We are not out of woods yet.

881 There are many huge event and small event where no one wears a mask yet young kids have to wear them all day long. Kids should not be forced to wear a mask to go to school which we pay for

882 Masks should be optional for those vaccinated and mandatory for those that are not. Schools require proof of other vaccinations (MMR, Varicella…)why not ask for proof of this vaccine?

883 N/A

884 While I think the masks should be optional, I support whatever is going to keep our kids in the classroom. My kids, like most, don't mind wearing them.

885 I like the idea of masks being required for a 2 week time frame if there seems to be a heavy outbreak in a particular school.

886 I am voting for whatever keeps my kid in person learning. Whether or not my child wears a mask will be a personal decision with my child.

887 Unless numbers get high then masks should be required for both students and staff

888 Masks MOST definitely should be enforced at all times by everyone in the building, students and all staff.

889 I think that children who are able to be vaccinated should have the option to not wear their mask if the vaccination is on file with the school. I think the ECC should be excluded from the mask mandate, the school has many special needs kids and wearing a mask may be difficult to force on those children.

890 my daughter is vaccinated, supposedly she is protected so she should not have to wear a mask.

891 Leave the health care decisions for my kids to me. It’s not your place!

892 Most public places in this county are mask optional. My students have expressed that they do not learn as well with masks. It is difficult to wear a mask when you are a person that wears glasses. It causes severe acne issues for some kids. Where is the data that shows that masks stop or slow the spread? If someone feels more comfortable wearing a mask, they should do that. However, this should not be forced on students that do not want to wear a mask when there has been no data produced by the school district to show that this stops or slows the spread.

893 My daughters were just starting to get comfortable not wearing masks again and then for no real reason the school district mandates them. One daughter has really struggled and not wanted to go to school she had to go to the counselor the other day. But, i guess not of that gets taken into account. I feel like it was a bait and switch where if you were to anounce this before school started people would have home schooled or privated schooled but instead you get everyone in and get your numbers up and pull the rug out. I am a graduate fzs and i brought my kids into the district too because of it being a good district but I'd gladly move now with this school board decision that makes no sense. Mandating an entire district makes no sense. Here's what does. If you have a school or grade level or class you isolate that with temporary mandates on that specific area not the whole district. Thats how i know this mandate is pointless because its a blanket mandate just to say we are doing something.

894 Our family has personally lost 10 people to Covid-19and most of them were exposed due to co-workers that did not wear masks. If the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask saves 1 life I believe it’s worth it.

895 The district needs to do the right thing and keep this public health and safety issue from being political. The science is clear, masks help prevent the spread of Covid. The district does not need a possible death(s) of staff OR students on its hands. Look at the headlines from Florida

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and other states who have had deaths already. Keep these teachers, staff, and students safe and reject the right wing extremism.

896 Hot button issue?? It only remains so because the district keeps changing the protocol. Masks worked well for the district last year...so let's change it this school year. The pandemic is still got on. It will be for some time. Everyone is sick of masks. I get it! This survey is ridiculous! Why don't you ask pediatricians what they think of masks for kids. Or ask Cardinal Glennon and St. Louis Children's Hospital about masks for kids. That is who you should be asking. Not uneducated, uniformed parents that use their children as pawns in this battle. Ask those hospitals. After all, they are top ranked in the nation. But, what do they know.

897 Unless all the kids and staff have to wear N95 masks the entire time, it won't help. Regular cloth masks don't stop the particles.

898 We should be following the CDC guidelines for whether or not to mask. The main goal of the school should be to keep kids in school and keep them safe. This shouldn't be a popularity contest amongst parents who are NOT doctors or epidemiologists.

899 Masking is not a big deal. I teach in a neighboring district and mask all day, even though I am vaccinated and masks are optional. I feel like it is grossly negligent for districts to not enforce masks, at least for K-5 where those children can't be vaccinated. I am currently in a room with a few staff trying to figure out how to schedule our day with students that have special needs, because we have multiple staff being sent home this morning due to positive tests or symptoms. If masks had been mandated, we probably wouldn't be in this situation and its going to be the same issue in your district buildings if you choose to be irresponsible and go back to "mask optional." It was a huge relief to see you guys mandate them for everyone, after starting the year "optional." I hope that you guys keep the mandate, at least through the end of the semester and that my district will follow suit. I know some parents will be upset, but at some point the health of your students and staff have to take priority over the whiny parents. Sorry for the venting. (I would also appreciate it if the principal would respond to Covid-related emails in the future).

900 If a child is not old enough to receive the vaccine, they should be masked. If a child is old enough to be vaccinated, it should be up to parents whether their child is masked, vaccinated or not.

901 It is reasonable to assume that if all students are required to wear masks that both quarantines and the possibility of the spread of the virus to those who do not have the ability to be vaccinated will be reduced. We have elementary school aged children who are not yet able to be vaccinated and therefore this is part of their only protection at the moment. We would also love to see the utilization of a pediatric infectious disease professional when the school board is contemplating these protocols. We have a wealth of these professionals in St. Louis who would be willing to professionally consult with the board.

902 I believe that the mask should be required on students under the age of 12 since they cannot be vaccinated

903 I believe masks should be worn, as we are still in a pandemic. We NEED to be concerned about the health of our students, so they can continue to go to school everyday and receive an education. If kids are not masked, covid is going to spread within the schools and the quarantine numbers will be even higher. I am an educator as well. Yes, I have to wear a mask everyday. I do it for my students, my family, and the community. Is it ideal? No. However, during a pandemic, we have to be able to adapt and do what is best for everyone.

904 Vaccines should be required too

905 I like to follow facts and science over political agendas so when in mass groups like public schools it seems necessary to protect our children they should be masked. However, I would be all for a K-6 mask mandate until the vaccine for 5-11 is available. That gives us the opportunity to double protect our children. And we have proof that Howell is doing a much better job keeping kids safe and they are only mandated K-6. Follow data not surveys when making decisions to protect the children of our district.

906 This is personal choice. They are not required in any stores or anywhere in St. Charles County. This a school district not the health department. Not your choice to be made.

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Even though my daughter is vaccinated I believe she is still at risk not wearing a mask with so 9/28/2021 8:29 AM many other unvaccinated students and teachers.

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908 School board as no authority to put a medical device on a child. This is absolutely ridiculous!!! This is a VERY dangerous and unhealthy practice. The psychological effects on the children will last a lifetime.

909 Vaccinated individuals should definitely not be required to wear masks.

910 I think the first 30 days of school went very well. There has not been much controversy until now....now there's a divide in parents which in return I see causing divide in students.

911 We decided our children would attend school this year because masks were optional and the benefits of in school learning far outweighed the low risks of Covid. We've already experienced that our kids are better learners without masks. Cases/spread have been low with Mask Optional as already proven by your Covid Dashboard. This abrupt Mask Mandate decision has left many families scrambling to find alternate schooling, causing an interruption to kids' schedules and development, and causing unnecessary stress for kids, families, and school administrators. We are currently in a Stop-Out as we figure out what to do next. If wearing masks actually prevented my kids from catching a deadly virus, I would be all in, but that isn't the current reality as already proven from research/experience worldwide. Was your decision made after considering all this data, or was your decision solely to obtain more funding? See you at the next board meeting.

912 I don't understand the point of this survey. No matter what the results are, I don't take my medical advice based on popularity of a survey. I take my medical advice from medical professionals, who have all said that children need to be masked at this time. Why are we just now sending a survey? There was no survey sent before the school year to ask about mask optional. You need to take the advice of the APA, CDC etc, not the parents of the kids.

913 I think they should be optional, but the quarantines required for this are ridiculous! So I say make it mandatory to keep the kids in school, unfortunately.

914 First, thank you for reaching out to parents to ask our opinion. This speaks highly of the district to gather empirical data rather than listen to yelling and screaming. Second, several large scale studies (even from the CDC) have shown that masks do not work in the general public. Incorrect fitting and material porosity are the leading cause of this ineffectiveness. Children, who are at a fatality risk of 0.003% up to the age of 19, are suffering from more physiological damage as a result of mandatory masking. Third, if masks remain required, we will remove our children from the public school system.

915 We feel with the increase of COVID-19 cases, mask need to be required to ensure the health and safety of the children in school. Especially, the Early Childhood Center and elementary schools as they do not have an option for a vaccine.

916 No

917 Once Delta has run its course, they should be optional.

918 Wearing masks during a pandemic should be considered as essential and proper as washing hands after using the restroom. After the pandemic, if any individual feels sick, (like a sore throat but can still work), it should be normal, accepted, and expected that the sick person wear a mask. This is just simply proper hygiene and the public needs educated.

919 My son is vaccinated. I believe there is harm for kids being masked all day. A mask worn all day means my childs own breath is not being recycled naturally on it’s own which in turn can cause also long term affects. I have done my end to help protect my son and others. There has also been proof that children are not the ones getting as Ill as adults. We live in America freedom of choice and voice. My son and I are fully vaccinated to ensure and also hope help our selves and others. When we choose to do the right thing we should not be punished because of others. Rule is if your kids is sick keep them home.

920 Masks should be an option for the students and staff for many reasons...not only for our freedoms, but also because they are not the proper type to be used in medical situations, they are cloth. The biggest concern for me is my child's mental health. Let these kids have a normal school year. Reduce the quarantine rules as well. The vaccinated and masked can pass it to the unvaccinated and unmasked, that's been proven. So why are unvaccinated and unmasked students get a different quarantine? The flu and strep are highly contagious, but we don't quarantine for those and don't make the whole family quarantine. Think about it...please make masks optional and change the quarantine policy.

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921 This is public health, not popularity.

922 My daughter (East sophomore) wasn't at all happy about the mandate, but understands that it's necessary to get this back under control. Despite her aversion to needles, she got her first vaccine back in June and has been fully vaccinated for nearly three months. It's unfortunate that the people who have done what they can to end the pandemic, have to endure its extension along with the ones who only want to shout about their "freedumbs." I personally think that masks should be optional for fully vaccinated people (but yeah, have fun making that a rule. I can just imagine the shouting all the Jim Bobs and Karens would do at the board meeting). Anyway, thank you for asking for parent input!

923 I appreciate all the work the school district has done to keep our students in school. Thanks!

924 I think when kids don’t have an option to be vaccinated masks should be required (i. e. Elementary schools).

925 Despite consistently errant CDC, etc guidelines, the honest science and data DO NOT demonstrate the effectiveness of masks or social distancing. It is largely wishful thinking from our regulatory boards. I implore the FZ BoE and all regulators to only support policies that are backed by true science and STOP aiding in these oppressive and unsafe measures of masking AND social distancing. Neither have ANY credible science to support them.

926 Look at the statistics and not the political side! You can vaccinate and mask everyone and this virus will still spread, it’s been proven. This our new normal, our new worry in life. I ask you please let our children have a little bit of normal and see a smiling friendly face at schools. If parents want to mask there kids then absolutely do so if you feel the need. This is a parent’s decision not yours.

927 We feel better and comfortable that everyone is wearing masks.

928 This is not just about masking to keep COVID spread low, but more importantly, allowing exposed children to remain in school if they are symptom-free. Kids need to be in school learning if they are not ill. Only full masking requirements will allow this.

929 There are psychological effects of mask wearing that are going unnoticed. Young children are at a critical age of learning and development. Mask mandates have to end before it causes a detrimental effect on our children that cannot be undone. We did a year of masks and it did not work. The world is different than last year; we have a vaccine available to adults who want that protection. The virus is less threatening to children under 18 than the flu. They have a greater chance of dying in a car accident on the way to school than from Covid. But there are actual downsides to forcing children to wear masks this long. Parents deserve the choice of masking their children or not.

930 While I chose the option that masks should be required for students and staff, I do believe that if students and/or staff are fully vaccinated, masks can be optional for those individuals. Following the CDC guidelines and doctor recommendations are essential to keep the district community safe and healthy. Thank you for leading the school district during this challenging time.

931 Vaccinations should be required for all students & staff.

932 It is our constitutional right. Kids need to breath and our body needs to learn to fight these infections. Mask keep oxygen from brain. Mask carry dangerous pathogens . My child was sick more than ever wearing one. Some parents don't have 5 Mask for each day and don't wash them. Children wear same mask more than once. We are being lied to about Covid.

933 I feel that COVID vaccinations should be mandatory starting next semester for everyone of age to get one, similar to the other required vaccines.

934 You guys are in a no-win situation. No matter what, you are going to get push back from at least 50% of the patrons. I appreciate that you are making the best decision you can with the information in front of you. And I will support you either way. I wish more parents would model the kindness that their kids should be showing--the world would be a better place.

935 It is extremely important this virus gets under control, masks help control it. We do not want anymore of our teachers and students to get sick and die

936 No

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937 They were very effective last school year and quarantine was well organized. They will be more effective this year too. Let’s continue wearing masks so that the kids of under 12 years old are also taken care of since they don’t have an option to be vaccinated yet.

938 District leadership needs to change - they turn a blind eye to parent/employee issues and hope the issues just go away.

939 Better safe than sorry

940 It should be made clear that optional masks means full quarantine and mask wearing students are allowed modified. Follow all CDC guidelines and Government mandates as they are renewed.

941 Masks has to stay until all kids are vaccinated.

942 Our opinion doesn’t matter when you will do what the CDC says

943 If the kids seem to be doing ok with it, then why change it? If it ain’t broke don’t fix it…

944 Agree that vaccinations and masking should be a personal decision of each individual person. Thank you for reaching out for community input into this decision making process.

945 We must continue to keep our children (at minimum Elementary/Middle School- the entire middle school, just 6th grade would end a nightmare) masked until we are able to decide to vaccinate them and give them protection before taking away this layer of protection.

946 Mask mandates should be mandatory based on #cases / quarantine in a given school. They should be predefined and implemented on a building by building basis.

947 I think you are doing a wonderful job trying to please everyone, but I trust you to care for my child the best you know how. I want to empower you to do so. Take the means you see fit in the mask decision as you are in the classrooms, hallways, lunchrooms, bathrooom, meetings, offices, etc. to best teach and care for the kids while they are at school. Thank you for the heart to ask to hear the opinion, the empathy to hear the responses, and the initiative to implement change if necessary.

948 We did great at keeping our kids healthy, while masks were optional. Most only push the mask mandate so their kid won't get sent home in quarantine. Quarantines should only be for the sick. Mask mandates & contact tracing are an overreach by the district. My kids just want to go to school to learn and be with their friends. Anxiety over wearing masks for 7 hours straight, have kept them home and that is not fair. Please review Dr. Dubray's email regarding Westhoff Elementary guidelines from Sept 9th & consider renouncing the motion to mandate masks and abide by the protocol our superintendent set forth. We are nowhere near 4% positivity rate! Call a special meeting and uncover their faces!

949 Follow the science instead of bowing to leftist pressure. Use your brains.

950 It was originally stated that masks would be optional unless a certain percentage of students/staff became positive....why go back on that? The numbers are showing that students aren't catching Covid at school, why quarantine healthy students? Covid is real, but it isn't going away. Unless you plan to mask and quarantine students for the next several years, keep the sick students at home and the healthy ones in school. Make a decision and stand behind it. If masks are mandated, then every single person in those board meetings should be masked the entire meeting....practice what is being preached.

951 High school should definitely be optional due to vaccination option.

952 We can’t keep putting our kids at risk to get a great education. My child is high risk but needs the social interaction within the school for their growth and development. Just wear a mask.

953 Middle and high school kids are eligible for the vaccine so at that level masks could be optional. In elementary they are not eligible so they should be mandatory.

954 I would rather masks be mandated before going back to a virtual learning environment

955 I understand that Covid is spreading faster than the flu and the school district is trying to do what they feel is necessary to keep school running and students safe but apparently there is a large portion of the district that feel strongly about not wearing masks. My student is vaccinated (this was their decision) so I will concede to the non maskers so they don't feel the need to do more protesting and distracting the kids education. I think people see what

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happened with business in St. Louis County with the mandatory mask mandate which put a large amount of business out of business and have become angry about the mask subject. Hopefully more people will get vaccinated and we can hopefully get to vaccination levels to go back to normal.

956 My goal is to Keep my kids in school and not sick or in quarantine. This is more likely with everyone in masks.

957 Health is Wealth Please start these children off with a chance in life!

958 Until all school age children are able to be vaccinated, masks should be worn. Once they have an acceptable timeframe to be double vaxxed, then optional is a completely reasonable policy. Thank you for keeping our children’s health a priority.

959 Thank you for doing everything you can to keep my child, her classmates and her teachers and support staff safe!

960 My kids will wear a mask. However, I want people to have a choice. If parents are comfortable with their kids not wearing a mask, that is fine with me. I want to protect my kids until more data is available about how the Delta variant affects kids. Additionally, if a child is in close contact with mine that has COVID, my child should not be quarantined because they had a mask on. This is another reason my children will wear masks.

961 This is not a restriction that we believe schools or any establishments should be putting on people, especially kids. If you’re scared, dont go or wear a mask. Everyone cannot live in the fear of those who choose to be fearful. We’re trying to be sensitive and we’ve tried to abide by govt suggestions. Enough is enough.

962 Masks should be optional until an individual school reaches a certain number of positive cases. Then make mandatory. Quarantine rules are what need to be addressed. If someone wears a mask and around unmasked person they should not have to quarantine

963 Due to the level of misinformation regarding Covid 19 & the related conspiracy theories, I am hoping our school board will rely on legitimate science & guidance by the CDC while making any & all decisions regarding this pandemic. The emotional response against mask wearing is not based on any scientific fact. Thank you for giving us a chance to provide our input.

964 We’ve done quite well last year and the first two months of this year not wearing mask. Our kids deserve something that looks and feels like normal at school, and masking isn’t the answer.

965 We prefer a proactive approach rather than a reactive approach. When the numbers got to high and too many infections occurred you put masks in place, this saying that masks work. Please keep them there to ensure the health of all students and staff. Many community members have sick loved ones that they are trying to protect, not just themselves.

966 The younger kids should be able to wear face shields, especially with glasses.

967 If it's going to be mandatory those that have been fully vaccinated and can show proof should be allowed to not wear masks.

968 You wear a mask to protect me….I wear a mask to protect you.

969 These poor children DESERVE SOME FRESH AIR.

970 Thanks for all you do!

971 Not at this time.

972 The COVID-19 delta virus is more infectious among young people and adults. This virus is airborne so masks should be mandatory among both students and staff.

973 I like the current guidelines. They should be off for gym & recess. Personally it shouldn’t be parent opinion, but scientific data. Maybe allow those who are willing to show vaccination status go without a mask, but I’m fine with masks across the board. It allows for modified quarantine- isn’t the goal keeping kids in the classroom?

974 You’ve got to fix the quarantine thing though. Sick kids get quarantine. Well kids do not. My kid is recovered and chooses to mask. She should not be subjected to quarantine regardless of unmasked short contacts.

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975 We need to protect everyone.

976 no

977 It's a shame that public health safety is determined by a survey. Anyway, mask should be optional for students who are eligible for the vaccine and mandatory for those who are not.

978 Let people who want mask go back to virtual learning.

979 It is irresponsible to bend to the pressure of some and forego the health of our children. Is it worth one child's life just because some people don't care?

980 Masks are not a huge deal to me but the shot is a enormous deal to me. If they ever try to pull some shit here like they did in Canada or Australia very bad things will happen

981 It is very disappointing the board voted in the direction last week in which it did. Those who voted in favor of the position of masks have lost my families vote in any future election as it seems their individual preference out weighed the desire of the majority of residents.

982 This should not be a hot button issue. Public safety and health became political and it is literally killing people. Working in health care I see it daily. Regrets for not masking or getting vaccinated doesn't help when you are lying in a hospital bed. We all need to do our part to get past this crisis and back to a normal life. The selfishness of our society is why we are where we are today. We all have a responsibility to do what is right for our community to protect the most vulnerable among us.

983 I think that while COVID rates are high, that everyone should wear a mask

984 There should be an option that says I don’t care. My kid will wear it or not. Make a decision and that’s that. You’re the school and need to make a decision what’s best and parents can just deal with it. You know more than us so stop playing politics and just make a decision and stand by it.

985 Make a consistent policy, masking for a few weeks and then unmasking is difficult to follow, having to be masked on the bus but not at school makes zero sense

986 I think you guys are doing a wonderful job in this crazy hard time. Keep it up!!

987 Unvaccinated student should not be allowed to participate in team sports.

988 Masks serve no purpose. They were required when school started back up, but did nothing to curb the unnecessary quarantines. These kids and staff are without masks outside of school anyways, and therefore wearing them in school is pointless. Cloth and paper masks cannot prevent the spread of microbes and viruses. They can only serve as a Petri dish on your face for potentially far worse viruses.

989 These people protesting are ridiculous. FZSD is trying to keep people healthy, not punish them!

990 The politics & emotions need to be removed from the decision. The statistical data shows that children are at a very low risk. I believe the focus should be on a modified quarantine policy. Districts all around us are having great success with masking optional as were we. It's very distracting to the younger students & possibly more dangerous than not wearing one. Most children don't properly wear them or constantly touch them. My child came home one day having worn both sides against his face as one side got dirty so he turned it inside out. He was very proud that he figured out how to keep the dirty stuff off his face. He's 5 yrs old & this mandate is doing more harm than good for him. I think alot of parents are more worried about the kids being quarantined than actually getting sick. More children die every year of the flu, rsv ,pneumonia & array of other common illnesses that no measures have been taken to prevent previously. More children have been shot & killed in Chicago alone than have died from covid in the entire u.s. Please follow the science and give our children the choice.

991 With everyone repeating the "follow the science" mantra, it's time to actually follow it. Masks do NOTHING.

992 I know you are doing your due diligence to ensure the best for our children & I thank you for that. I am an educator as well & I can tell you that masks truly inhibit learning in a multitude of ways. They are also unhealthy, especially for children. A major reason for me keeping my child in FZ is because of the optional use policy. Thank you again for your time & for all that you do.

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993 I agree with mandatory masks if big outbreaks occur, but if numbers remain low I believe they should be optional.

994 As the parent of a high risk child, the decision to be mask optional caused me to have to move my child to virtual learning, which is NOT my preference. We started her in person, but when folks around her that were maskless started coughing, she became so concerned that she would catch COVID and end up in the ICU, that she couldn't focus on her work. The stress and anxiety caused us to move her to virtual. Her sister continues in person learning and wears a mask, however prior to masks being required, remained concerned about the possibility of brining COVID home to her sister. In addition, she dealt with the peer pressure of wearing a mask in an environment where many didn't. While I realize that the folks who don't want masks have a right to their opinion as well, I feel that those of us who deal with serious health issues in our children are being put into incredibly difficult situations that wearing masks could help alleviate. Had the decision to mask been made sooner, I may have been able to allow my child to be in person learning. Virtual learning presents many challenges and I am not thrilled to have to deal with another year of being virtual. But given the choice of my child's life versus their education, I am doing what I feel any parent in my situation would do...choosing her life.

995 I get trying to make school a safe and healthy place for everyone....but mandating masks does absolutely nothing to help the situation.

996 Nope

997 My child is too young to receive the Covid vaccine.

998 If the middle or high school student is vaccinated, mask can be optional. Otherwise mandatory.

999 Masks do not do anything. In fact, if you look at the cloth masks that most use the research is show a max of 10% of aresols blocked. As well, you now have kids touching their face nonstop. On top of that their is no county mandate and the school district should not be making health decisions of this magnitude for out kids.

1000 It is not your job to make medical decisions for my child. If the parents pushing for masks wish their children to wear them, so be it. I can make that choice for my child. What I will not stand for is the hypocrisy of school board members voting to force my child to wear a mask while sitting there unmasked. We know who voted for this lunacy and we won’t forget. Thank you to those who stood for choice. Thank you to the admins who were stuck with this foolish decision and still tried to be kind and use common sense. and are rock stars.

1001 Optional only if vaccination and have proof of the card checked showing they're for sure vaccinated

1002 My child has been sick less since wearing masks at school. Please keep the kids masked up.

1003 The sheer volume of children that have had to quarantine and who have been covid positive this year as opposed to last year should in and of itself prove that masks work. Now that the delta variant has been proven to affect children, we should be even more careful. It has been clinically proven that wearing a mask does not lower oxygen levels. Having masks be optional has also led to bullying. Children are picking on the kids that are wearing masks, and this has led to them taking their masks off and being put at risk of catching covid. The school is supposed to have a no tolerance policy, but nothing is happening to the kids that are bullying mask wearing kids. If everyone is wearing masks, this wouldn't be a concern. There was no mask bullying last year because everyone had to wear a mask. The district would be wise to require masks since the general public isn't smart enough to get the covid vaccine.

1004 I believe that students of early childhood, pre-K,and Kindergarten - 6th grade should be required to wear mask at school. 7th-12th should be optional. All 7th-12th should be highly encouraged to wear a mask if they are not vaccinated.

1005 Please stop requiring our children to wear masks. It is causing far more harm than any potential protection. Do the right thing and make the decision optional for all students and staff. Thank you.

1006 I do not feel children at the Early Childhood Center with special needs should be required to wear a mask. My daughter takes it off, and becomes more of a distraction and landing on floor and touching it constantly only brings more hands to her face including germs.

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1007 If your child is vaccinated, you should not have to wear a mask. 9/27/2021 11:23 PM

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1008 It is an individual right to choose if you want to wear a mask or not and no one should be forced to do it!! It is unconstitutional to make this a policy at a public school. It is child-abuse To force children to cover their nose and mouth 8 hours a day!!!

1009 It does not bode well that this is even an issue. My children have not and will not attend any in-person functions (including classes) as long as masks are considered "optional" during this pandemic.

1010 My wife and I happen to believe in science. This debate over personal freedoms of masks, *especially* after what happened with , is extremely disheartening. For us, it seems like people want to pit their "Personal Choice" against fundamental scientific principles...like gravity. I wonder if Issac Newton had to poll his community "In England, gravity should be optional and a personal choice for students & staff". Kidding aside, masks are for the good of the whole community, and do require sacrifice. It is sad to us that so many Americans have forgotten that personal sacrifice for the good of the whole is exactly how our country started in the first place.

1011 Masks should be mandatory until Covid vaccinations are available to children and made mandatory like other vaccinations.

1012 Social distancing is to be followed wherever possible.

1013 Recent study shows universal school masking were 3.5 times less likely to have an outbreak. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7039e1.htm?s_cid=mm7039e1_w

1014 Masks should be optional for all and for that matter quarantining healthy children should be stopped. If we stop the unnecessary quarantines then the argument about masks keeping kids in school goes away!

1015 Stop trying to appease parents and do the right thing based on the data you have. This doesn't work if it's a half hearted measure.

1016 Science and the CDC should be what guides policy. Non masked students put teachers and my son, who cannot be vaccinated yet, at risk. Masks should Absolutely be required.

1017 CDC COVID-19 survival rates are 99.997% for people ages 0 to 19, 99.98% for people ages 20 to 49, 99.5% for people ages 50 to 69. On the OSHA website it states that employers shouldn’t make employees work in an environment where they have less than a 19.5 percent oxygen level. Mandated masks cause employees to dip below a 19.5 percent oxygen level within 10 seconds of wearing a mask. Based on extensive review and analysis, healthy people should not be wearing surgical or cloth masks, Surgeon Dr. Jim Meehan | March 10, 2021. German neurologist Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD warns that chronic oxygen deprivation through mask wearing, especially for the young, amplify “the degenerative processes in your brain.” Mask users are now reporting a condition coined as “Maskne”, the breakout of acne from mask irritation, Dr. Sarah Cannon of Cannon Dermatology. The University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany established a registry to examine adverse effects of mask wearing. The study of 25,930 students (as of Oct 26th, 2020) found the average wearing time of a mask was 270 minutes per day. Impairments caused by wearing the mask were reported by 68% of the parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%). Dentists are also warning of “mask mouth” since wearing a mask increases dryness of the mouth and a buildup of bad bacteria. Researchers have found that “Loose particulate was seen on each type of mask”, which can be breathed into the deep tissue of the lungs. Several studies have found significant problems with wearing masks. This can vary from headaches, to increased airway resistance, carbon dioxide accumulation, to hypoxia, all the way to serious life-threatening complications… — “Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy”, May 11th, 2020; technocracy.news, nationally recognized U.S. board-certified neurosurgeon, Dr. Russell Blaylock. In the U.S., experts from the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy defended their report that there is “limited impact on lowering COVID-19 transmission” through wearing facial masks or coverings. Researchers find 129 billion face masks are being thrown out each month around the globe. That works out to three million masks in the trash every minute… “With increasing reports on inappropriate disposal of masks, it is urgent to recognize this potential environmental threat and prevent it from becoming the next plastic problem.” — “Preventing masks from becoming the next plastic problem”, link.springer.com; cited at studyfinds.org, March 11th, 202. Court decision from Weimar, Germany: The compulsion imposed on school children to wear masks harms the children physically, psychologically,

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educationally, and in their psychosocial development, without being counterbalanced by more than at best marginal benefit to the children themselves. Schools do not play a significant role in the “pandemic” event… There is no evidence that facemasks of various types can reduce the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 at all, or even appreciably —April 14th, 20201; 2020news.de; English: jdfor2024.com https://www.markmallett.com/blog/unmasking-the-facts/

1018 I agree that masks should be required of students and staff because this is what the medical 9/27/2021 10:55 PM professionals are advising to keep our children safe and I expect my children’s schools to follow these recommendations. This is not a decision that should be made according to a random survey of people’s beliefs and personal opinions. This decision shipped be based on facts, science, data, and professional guidance. Thank you for the opportunity to explain my point of view now in this survey especially since it was not requested when the mask policy was optional.

1019 Follow the science and experts not political pressures or opinions 9/27/2021 10:50 PM

1020 I think it should be up to each individual and family to decide their comfort level, then act 9/27/2021 10:49 PM accordingly. Thanks!

1021 I am beyond upset that someone has the power to FORCE my child to wear a mask. This is 9/27/2021 10:44 PM completely unconstitutional. I should be the one who makes ALL decisions, medical and otherwise for my child NOT school board members! Not only are masks useless at controlling viral spread they are harmful. It is not only physically harmful it is affecting her psychologically as well. This is completely ridiculous for an infection rate in the school that is 0.0019%. Wearing a mask will pose a far greater health risk to individuals including but not limited to a compromised airway, increased risk of hypoxia, pseudohypoxia, hypercapnia and significantly increase the risk for histotoxic injury. In addition the results of wearing a mask will increase cortisol levels inducing a sympathetomimetic drive, decreasing the lymphocyte subpopulation, increasing suppression of the immune system resulting in physical and medial harm that could be easily preventable. We have never required masks for strep throat, tonsillitis, hand foot and mouth, and RSV. All highly contagious. List of 30 studies showing face masks are useless against COVID-19 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.18.21257385v1.full-text https://swprs.org/face-masks-evidence/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29395560/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32590322/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15340662/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26579222/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31159777/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4420971/ https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.01.20049528v1 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.30.20047217v2 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2006372 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2749214 https://www.cmaj.ca/content/188/8/567 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5779801/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19216002/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4420971/ https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/65/11/1934/4068747 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/bio/23/2/23_61/_pdf/-char/en https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01658736 https://www.journalofhospitalinfection.com/article/0195-6701(91)90148-2/pdf90148-2/pdf) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2493952/pdf/annrcse01509-0009.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20200717141836/https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/04/commentary-masks-all-covid-19-not-based-sound-data https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25776/rapid-expert-consultation-on-the-effectiveness-of-fabric-masks-for-the-covid-19-pandemic-april-8-2020 https://www.nap.edu/read/25776/chapter/1#6 https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/5/19-0994_article https://academic.oup.com/annweh/article/54/7/789/202744 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6599448/ https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-1342 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00392-020-01704-y https://clinmedjournals.org/articles/jide/journal-of-infectious-diseases-and-epidemiology-jide-6-130.php?jid=jide https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1130147308702355https://www.ncbi.nl m.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8072811/ Per Fox news, 11 dangerous pathogens on the masks, studies show masks catch a host of bacteria Streptocococcus pneumoniae, mycobacterium tuberculosis, Neisseria meningitidis, acanthamoeba polyphaga, acinetobacter baumanni, escherichia coli. Is the school district prepared to be held responsible for the potential illness and mental repercussions this mask mandate has on my child?

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1022 We wear masks to protect others. Stop being selfish, folks. 9/27/2021 10:43 PM

1023 No 9/27/2021 10:43 PM

1024 Our children are below the age for vaccination and thus have to be protected while at school. 9/27/2021 10:43 PM This is not political in anyway, but is common sense in ensuring kids are safe everyday.

1025 Better safe than sorry!! 9/27/2021 10:40 PM

1026 Masks should be optional!!!! 9/27/2021 10:38 PM

1027 I feel that the safety of our children should be the priority. Unfortunately this issue has become 9/27/2021 10:38 PM political and has divided our community. I feel that the school BOE should find common ground between the issues dividing us. Optional masks did not include social distancing. Why? My husband and I are both vaccinated. We both had breakthrough cases end of July. My husband ended up with pneumonia. All 3 of our kids tested positive. We support any efforts including masks that can keep other families from going through what we went through.

1028 Everyone should be required to wear masks if they are not vaccinated. But not everyone is 9/27/2021 10:32 PM honest. My family still wears them & we are vaccinated, you never know what to expect. My mind is blown at how stupid / rude parents are getting over this. Kids are here to learn!! People have forgotten this. They can only do this if they are there & healthy.

1029 My kids are vaxed & had COVID … should be their choice 9/27/2021 10:29 PM

1030 I believe the school board should support the superintendent’s plan to set criteria for mandating 9/27/2021 10:28 PM masks. His recommendation of 3% infection rate or higher clearly protects students. Our superintendent has a proven track record of leading our district with success, especially through these last 18 months during a pandemic. Our less than 1% district infection rate proves mask optional was working. The Covid dashboard, as well as those of other area schools, proves that school is not a source of major Covid spread. Our pediatrician continues to tell us the majority of cases he encounters are spread from parents to the child, not the other way around. There is no data supporting a decision to go against our superintendent and reinstate masks. If parents believe masks should be reInstated, then I strongly suggest it should only be for grades k-6 until a vaccine is available as other districts have done. While vaccines don’t completely prevent Covid, they have been shown to drastically reduce the severity of the symptoms, hospitalizations, and deaths. Both, of our children made the brave choice to vaccinate and endured the side effects to keep others safe. I think vaccines should be a choice. However, once students can choose vaccination, they should not be imposed with a mask mandate just because others choose not to vaccinate. Ultimately, we hope the board will support our superintendent and put a plan in place based on measurable criteria not political opinion. We sincerely want the district to encourage vaccinations, hand washing, and staying at home when symptoms do arise. These are scientifically proven habits to reduce viral spread and keep our kids safe.

1031 Revisit every 30 days. Mask are important to slow the spread until students are vaccinated. 9/27/2021 10:27 PM

1032 Masks should be required in the elementary grades until those students are eligible for the 9/27/2021 10:26 PM vaccine. Please listen to science to protect our children and not unhappy parents. Sadly, parents are more upset by mask mandates than the children. Let's just work together to keep everyone safe.

1033 Stay safe! 9/27/2021 10:26 PM

1034 All decisions of this magnitude should always include parent/taxpayer feedback. 9/27/2021 10:26 PM

1035 This mask mandate makes no sense. Just look at college football stadiums, baseball 9/27/2021 10:26 PM stadiums, concerts, the MET Gala and the recent Emmy awards (where the celebrities were maskless in an indoor mask mandated county and were considered exempt because they were in entertainment). Masks are a political game and frankly I am tired of my children being used as a political pawn. We did what was required last year with masks. My kids were excited this year when we started with no masks. The new mandate really makes my blood boil. If my kids were in elementary school, I would have pulled them immediately when the mandate went in effect and homeschooled them. The 2 I still have in the FZSD are highschoolers and home school really isn't an option. The masks need to go away now.

1036 We are open to anything we will follow the rules and guidelines we have to keep our kids safe. 9/27/2021 10:25 PM

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1037 Continue to reevaluate monthly and see if counts have gone down and go from there. Thank you for watching out for our children.

1038 If the child or staff is vaccinated then they shouldn’t have to wear the mask .

1039 Masking and vaccines are an action to prevent the spread to our children, teachers, staff, family members, and communities. Pediatricians and doctors recommend masking at this time to protect everyone. Until the vaccines are readily available to all age groups, expert guidance shifts and there is a very low transmission rate, following health recommendations is the most ideal option to keep everyone in school.

1040 There was no survey when masks were optional. Why this one? Health and safety shouldn’t be a most popular vote. Also, the way the survey emails were received was ridiculous. Most got them to the non primary parent email and in spam.

1041 I believe that children are much better able to develop social skills by being able to read and understand non verbal communication through the facial expressions of others. I feel that masks slow some of this development.

1042 My children play often outside of school with their classmates without masks. I believe the masks have more of a negative effect in regards to social and emotional development and may increase the amount of germs they are in contact with because of the constant handling / adjusting of the masks the children do throughout the day while wearing masks.

1043 Our family appreciates the school district's concern for our child's health. Thank you for working so hard to keep everyone safe.

1044 I think FZSD should follow the recommendations of the CDC, the pediatricians, the health department. Our kids must remain safe. Masks worked so well last school year, it boggles my mind that school would be run any differently this year. Please keep masks mandatory for k-12, staff, everyone on school grounds, regardless of vacation status. I am vaccinated but ALWAYS wear a mask when around others. To help keep everyone safe. Thank you! Please do not make this political. It has to be about our kids and all the staff. We must keep them safe! Thank you again!

1045 The best path to a return to normal would be mandatory vaccination for students for those that can be vaccinated without medical complications.

1046 No

1047 Masks should be optional on school buses as well.

1048 My daughter is able to do virtual this semester for her own and both parents health issues. It is stressful for her to deal with illing parents but also about getting harassed by other students for wearing a mask. If the community is not requiring masks they will not wear them in public. To keep the rest of the students and staff safe wearing masks in school needs to be required.. I have 3 friends and family that have been vaccinated and all 3 were hospitalized for 5 weeks and 4 more weeks of home oxygen, 3 different areas/states. The vaccines are not enough. I just want for everyone to be safe and stay healthy

1049 As long as there is proof of fully vaccination with valid vaccination card. Required if not vaccinated, or under age.

1050 We feel like masks are a personal decision for each family, and should not be mandated by a governing body.

1051 Children deserve to see their teachers smiling face daily. The children need to see their teachers faces as well. It’s very important for emotional and educational wellness.

1052 These decisions should be made by doctors. We should be following their guidance. Did I miss the survey when it was decided to be mask optional? Opinions certainly didn't matter then.

1053 Ya’ll are doing an excellent job! Keep it up! Even our children’s Doctors agree with masks- last year they saw one Covid case a month. Now that delta is here they see one Covid case a day in children.

1054 It should be up to each individual family on whether or not their children are muzzled. Masks have not been proven to work and there for do not need to mask children at school.

1055 Quarantines would be very burdensome to our household with 2 working parents and 2 kids in

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elementary school unable to be home alone.

1056 Reassess during winter break

1057 Until children under 12 are eligible to receive a covid-19 vaccine, I hope masks will continue to be required.

1058 This is insane this is even an issue still.

1059 My child will wear a mask but I don't believe it should be mandatory

1060 While masks should be required for all, I would support those that are fully vaccinated not having to wear them.

1061 Our answer is based on inconsistent information on the value of masks to prevent infection.

1062 Masks should be mandatory for close contacts. At least until the rate is below 5%. The inconvenience of wearing a mask is much, much less then the time to make up the school work.

1063 This should not be decided by a parent survey and it’s existence is insulting. Also insulting is the fact that only my husband received this survey because your database defaulted his e-mail before mine despite the fact that I am the one that does everything “school.”

1064 Children cannot be vaccinated and many like in my household come home to at risk family members. It's not about the immediate but about the community at large.

1065 Kids wearing the same mask all day fidgeting and pulling the mask on and off is next to useless. Every study shows this going back before covid. There was a time when people used logic. Would love to have my son taught that in schools again

1066 My decision would be made off of the positivity rate.

1067 Masks should be required through at least the end of the fall semester, at which point the vaccines should be available to at least Kindergarten age and above and families will have had time to get those if they choose. Thank you.

1068 No

1069 Mask up for the safety of everyone!

1070 While I can appreciate that families have had the option to mask or not this year, I think it would be valuable to see how case numbers may be effected if masking is required. Thank you!

1071 Cases within our district were trending down prior to the mask mandate. If the data was reversed, it would’ve possibly supported a mandate. But the data on the dashboard does not indicate a mask mandate is needed at this time. It makes no sense. Why can’t we revisit the data and adjust if needed? Or on a school by school basis??

1072 I think for kids under 9, it should still be optional because they have a hard time learning with and keeping it in place properly.

1073 stop watching the news, think for yourself, listen to the people, and everything will be fine.

1074 Every parent is not going to be pleased. However, our goal is to keep these children safe. There is a better chance that if everyone is wearing mask that our goal can be accomplished.

1075 N/A

1076 Even if optional, my daughter will continue to wear her mask to protect herself and our family because she is not eligible to get vaccinated.

1077 Would rather wear mask than going virtual. Do not want to go virtual!

1078 My 5th grader wants to be at school, but does not want to be there if wearing a mask is mandatory. We have severe sinus issues and allergies. The mask causes cold sores and hinders his breathing and feels more stuffy so he ends up coughing more. Our children in the district have all healed if diagnosed with covid. Make masks optional for its a choice.

1079 There are a lot of individuals that are choosing not to get vaccinated therefore we should be doing everything we can to protect our children and to keep them in school. I would love it if

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Fort Zumwalt could once again show how successful our children and District can be! By continuing to require masks could be the difference between in person learning and virtual. Most kids do much better in person. It’s not about what we want it is about what is best for children! Thank you!

1080 I was disappointed at the start of the school year to see a leading district like Ft. Zumwalt not 9/27/2021 9:44 PM follow the recommendations of local and top health officials. It gave me a renewed confidence to hear the board reversed that decision and masks were now required in all schools. My children are vaccinated but with the Delta variant still high in the community the masks allow better protection not just for them but for their high risk grandparents. Once they started back to school I could no longer have them visit inside with them anymore. The risk they could unknowingly pass on Covid was too high when you have elderly grandparents with health issues and waning immunity. They lost one grandparent to Covid in 2020 and a year and a half of time with their other grandparents. This is time with loved ones they won't get back. There was once a time when people were allowed to smoke in restaurants in St. Charles County. The restaurants were divided up by smoking and non-smoking sections and you picked the "option" you wanted when you dined. Then science proved that second hand smoke wasn't healthy. People started to notice that having a restaurant divided into sections didn't really keep smoke from moving around and being breathed in by the people who made a choice to protect their health by not smoking. Giving people the "option" to smoke indoors was really doing nothing to protect the overall health of the community. It became a top health concern and the community and its leaders decided they should not have their health sacrificed for someone else's decision to smoke inside. Smoking in restaurants was banned county wide for the greater good of public health. I use this as an example because it is so similar to where we are today. Giving students and staff the "option" to wear a mask or not wear a mask is doing nothing to protect the overall health of the school community. It's the equivalent of sitting in the non-smoking section in the booth behind someone chain smoking all night. In no way will it give you as much protection as eliminating the option and keeping masks required indoors. When community transmission is high masks are important to control the spread of Covid, they allow for a healthier school environment, and they keep kids in school and learning. Mask requirements have the same goal as a public ban on smoking indoors; to promote a healthier indoor environment for everyone.

1081 The mask mandate should not have been put in place based on the data provided by Dr. 9/27/2021 9:44 PM Dubray to the board. I'm certain the school can put other protocols in place to help keep covid at bay besides masks. Also the quarantine numbers are higher than they should be since kids who are testing negative after exposure are still required to quarantine. Mask optional please!!

1082 Those 12 and under are currently unable to be vaccinated, so masks are their only source of 9/27/2021 9:37 PM protection.

1083 Children need to see the faces of their teachers and friends for proper development. Masks do 9/27/2021 9:37 PM not prevent the virus from escaping nor do they protect from incoming droplets. The only thing masks do is hinder our children’s development! Please make them optional again!

1084 Employment requires it in most settings why can't school do the same. It's done for everyone 9/27/2021 9:36 PM and there health not just yourself. Especially since all younger kids can't be vaccinated. Some families have high risk members in there house they need to protect.

1085 If a student is not vaccinated, they should wear a mask 9/27/2021 9:36 PM

1086 I believe masking is most important in the elementary schools, to protect the students who are 9/27/2021 9:36 PM too young to be vaccinated. Masking also reduces the number of students who have to miss school to quarantine. I want the schools to do everything possible to keep our students in school.

1087 Thank you for your help in keeping our schools and community safe during these challenging 9/27/2021 9:35 PM times.

1088 Our main PRIORITY is for our 2 middle school children to be PRESENT in school and not 9/27/2021 9:33 PM quarantine due to covid exposure. One is vaccinated and the other is scheduled for vaccination upon her 12th birthday in October. If they can continue to not quarantine with full vaccination after exposure to covid positive, we are comfortable with masks optional. With masks optional at the beginning of the school year, our kids were still wearing masks (not fully vaccinated) in an effort to not have to quarantine....but so few are masking that quarantine is likely with covid positive. Bottom line, we want our kids in school and are taking the measures to help make that possible.

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1089 FZSD is responsible for educating children not make health decisions for them. I do not agree with the current mandates nor will I continue to use the FZSD for my child’s education if any other mandates are imposed. I feel like it is in everyone’s best interest for this to be left a personal decision and members of a school board should not have the power to make such decisions in the first place. With the new quarantine guidelines the people who needed everyone to be masked to avoid their child getting quarantined can now relax and should be ok with it being a personal choice. For those who are still very fearful of the virus there are other options available rather than everyone wearing something that has been proven ineffective at protecting anyone from the virus in the first place. The decision to make masks mandatory was Not based on current covid numbers trending up or Any other data or facts - it’s ridiculous and needs overturned. Thank you

1090 Social interaction and communication is a big part of why we opted to enroll our child in public schools. Masks hinder that. County recommendations are exactly that. Recommendations. They should never be forced on anyone let alone children who are too young to make up their own mind. The choice of health and medical interventions should always be a parents choice.

1091 Define heard immunity.

1092 Yes, no more masks!!!

1093 Until every age group can be vaccinated, masks should be mandatory.

1094 Both parents in our home are vaccinated. As soon as our oldest (Kindergartner @ FZ) can, he will be vaccinated. As soon as our youngest (2 yrs) can, he will be vaccinated. We are pregnant; as soon as our unborn baby is old enough, HE will be vaccinated. Until all those times come, masks are the best chance of keeping this family, and others like ours, safe. Our Kindergartner is very good about keeping his mask on, but it's not nearly as helpful for him to do so as it would be for someone with COVID to be wearing a mask in close proximity to him. Our 2 year old doesn't mind wearing a mask at most times, and sometimes even enjoys it. It.is.NOT.that.hard. or too much to ask for to protect our (FZSD) children. If a 2 year old can do it, 5 year olds and up and adults surely can.

1095 While I appreciate the opportunity to provide an opinion, decisions should be made based on CDC recommendations and guidelines, not the opinion of parents.

1096 I believe that students & teachers should have the choice to wear a mask if it makes them feel safer. Mandates are not the answer.

1097 The health and safety of our unvaccinated young students should be a top priority. Please keep Elementary and Middle schools masked until vaccines are readily available for all children.

1098 No

1099 I think your quarantine policy needs work as well. If only a very small percentage of students who are quarantined due to exposure go on to test positive perhaps we only quarantine those who develop symptoms or those who share the same household as someone who has tested positive.

1100 Thank you for protecting our unvaccinated children by implementing the current mask guidelines. We all want this to be over. This is the right way to accomplish that and not allow the virus to continue to mutate.

1101 Masks being optional was working beautifully. Please allow this to be optional again.

1102 I would like the kids to stop being in quarantine when they are not sick.

1103 I fully understand the ramifications and impact that masks, however at this point if you have not gotten the vaccine shame on you. Like to vaccines being pushed. Which will have a more substantial impact in the long run.

1104 The idea of mandating a covid vaccine should never even be entertained.

1105 Use common sense. Not fear.

1106 My high school aged son is fully vaccinated and has had covid from school. He has zero problem wearing a mask to keep others safe, keep quarantines down, and keep the school spread down. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to keeping our kids safe!

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1107 We vote optional but our kids wear masks to school everyday. It would be nice if families/staff/individuals just did their part to keep everyone safe without being mandated.

1108 Masks should not be required for pre-K.

1109 A mask is honestly one of the only ways for these children to somewhat protect themselves from the virus, none of them have a vaccine. When the masks were made optional, the parents that decided to have their children continue to wear a mask, became the “bad guys”, because no one really wants to wear a mask. When there aren’t that many ways to protect ourselves, I think it was unfair to put children at risk and parents that want the mask in a bad spot.

1110 Until vaccines are available for children under the age of 12 I feel there is NO CHOICE but to protect our children by wearing masks!

1111 Thank You for everything that you do! We do appreciate your concerns for the safety for our kids and the hard decisions that you have to make or had to make the last couple of years for the school district.

1112 Either masks work, or they don’t. This should be science-based, not popularity-based.

1113 Our vote for mandatory masks is from our reliance on science, not politics. Child safety issues should be grounded in science and we look forward to FZW maintaining this approach with a mask mandate since the children cannot yet be vaccinated.

1114 Masks should not be optional unless there are no longer quarantines. Both of my children have been wearing mask to school this year but both ended up in quarantine. Their grades have suffered due to being out of class. I’m tired of other peoples decisions affecting my children.

1115 I, as a parent, am fully capable of making decisions about my children. I have been doing so since before they were even born, when they were in my womb classified as high risk pregnancies. My daughter has an IEP for speech therapy and needs to be able to see verbal cues and to be able to hear clear enunciation of the correct sounds. Cannot be done through a mask. Also, she has stated before that it is hard for her to breathe with a mask on. I will not force something on my child that restricts the development of her lungs amd causes more long-term medical damages down the road. Also, if you read the Nuremberg code, it states that masks on adults are a form of torture, and masks on children is a form of child abuse. My next point is that there is no data to support that masks are safe or efficient, ESPECIALLY in children. The CDC does not even have any data to support kids wearing a mask at all, so it needs to be taken off the school buses as well. I know the superintendent has said that he's going by the federal order, but if you look at the definition provided in the federal order, school buses are not considered as public transportation. The federal order is full of contradictions amd should be considered as null and void. My next point is this... My kids are human beings and I make the appropriate medical decisions for them. And the fact that my kids are human beings means that a vital function of life is to BREATHE! If oxygen flow is disrupted or restricted, then the people who voted for a mask mandate are contributing to child abuse. And will also be charged with impersonating a Dr, which carries a $1,000 fine and a year in the hereditary according to Missouri Statute 334.010. My kids will be treated as kids with smiling faces, and not to be seen as a dollar sign to line the pockets of the people in favor of abusing children in order to make a buck. I am the one who carried my precious children, went through c-sections to birth them, and have made medical decisions for them since I saw the positive pink lines. The people who have voted in favor of a mask mandate are overreaching their authority and trying to strip away my rights as a PARENT. It will never happen because I am protected by the constitution. Look at the county of Camdenton and see what measures they are taking. They are using common sense instead of COVID sense, and I will not let your F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) to dictate my children and I will not comply with a mask mandate. I will also remind you that this school district is within the county limits of St. Charles County, and there is no mask mandate in this county. I am a law abiding citizen, and no mandate or requirement will ever go above LAW. So just know that there will be legal action taken to those individuals for imposing mask mandates!

1116 Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback.

1117 I know the media likes to call out fort Zumwalt , we had been so proud . The media failed to compare the first two weeks quarantine numbers to comparable school districts … Hazelwood for instance had more quarantined in the first 2 weeks than we did , media didn’t point that out .. very disappointing that the school board caved to political pressure and media bias …

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masking kids does not make a difference . The world needs to learn how to live with Covid like we live with all other viruses and let our children build their immune system accordingly .

1118 Thank you all for what you do. I can’t imagine how hard it is dealing with all of this. Unfortunately how masks are worn in school do not provide protection. The mask guidelines from the CDC must be strictly followed for them to be effective. The teachers and staff have no way to enforce and monitor that the guidelines are followed properly. The majority of the students are going to work and social gatherings with each other without mask so let’s give them the freedom to choose.

1119 I like that they still get to be in school as long as they don’t have symptoms if they are wearing masks.

1120 I am a registered nurse and I strongly urge you to protect our community. Please follow the advice from our medical personnel who witnesses first hand the repercussion of not wearing the masks/getting the vaccine. Please set a good example for our community and children.

1121 The school board has ZERO AUTHOROITY to mandate masks. Politics are being put over the health and education of these children. PARENTS know what best for their children. The Nuremberg Code prohibits forcing or coercing anyone to participate in a medical experiment. The Code states "THE VOLUNTARY CONSENT OF THE HUMAN SUBJECT IS ABSOLUTLY ESSENTIAL." The school board is in direct violation of this. They are NOT authorized to make medical decisions for other people's children. Anybody who wants their child to wear a mask should be allowed to, but how dare you ignore a parent's fundamental right to make health decisions for their children. This has turned political and a hot topic because one side is always winning. If masks worked, then parents wouldn't care if Timmy sitting next to their child didn't wear one. As long as their child has one on, in their eyes they should be protected. This is all about being OBEDIENT AND A POWER TRIP. Again, MO is not in a state of emergency and the CDC and Health department HAVE ZERO AUTHORITY to make up rules that governor people. Mandates and "guidance" ARE NOT LAW. Period. End of story. Mandating masks is ILLEGAL.

1122 Parents should have a right to choose what is best for their families based on their child, health history, Drs advice and unique situation.

1123 At least grades k-6 need to be required

1124 Masks only work if everyone wears them. We trust the board and administrators to determine if numbers are up and they should be mandatory for a time. Our 2 students at Rock Creek were masking all last year and had the healthiest year they’ve ever had. No flu or even any colds.

1125 My child wore a mask even before it was mandated

1126 My kids have worn masks since the 1st day. Its not fair to them to have to quarantine at home when other kids in the class get covid and choose to not wear a mask. Don't punish my kids when they did nothing wrong.

1127 As a parent of a senior in the district, I want the disctrict to take in account both sides of the science. For 50 doctors that you find and support masks and claim research that shows masks work, you NOW can find an equal amount of doctors who are against mask mandates and also have research to back it up, that show they don't work and cause more harm than good. At best, masks only prevent a small amount of spread. Please let our children learn freely. If someone wants to wear a mask, let them. If they don't, that should be their choice as well. Our kids wearing masks should not be a political game. I most certainly do not want to hear of grant/monies received to the board/disctrict as a reward for having a mask mandate. This information will ultimately come out. Why do I not want my child to wear a mask? Mostly because its our families decision. You are in charge of her education. Her father and I are in charge of her health. She is almost 18 and has her own thoughts and ideas on masks and she does not want to wear one. Thank you for asking our input.

1128 Quarantine rules should be revised and far less strict. Masks are ineffective, and have been proven so time and time again. But if it makes someone feel better, then by all means they should be able to wear them.

1129 There is no data supporting the use of ANY MASK significantly reduces the rISK of contracting covid. The CDC says 6 foot social distancing is totally arbitrary and they never desiminated that info and it's totally false. Further the vaccine does NOT prevent the transmission or contraction of covid it simply lessens the symptoms just like influenza vaccine

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further the death rate concerning the age group of school aged kids is only 0.02%. honestly I'd take those odds to Vagas and bet every dime I had to my name to not die from covid. Just saying the hysteria and false info about this little virus MUST STOP. I starts with education it would be nice if you so called educators tonight facts about this virus.the kids are the ones losing out on their school experience. Forth Zumwalt is seriously becoming a joke I laughed at the last email send by Dr. Dubray .... SERIOUSLY!

1130 My students are vaccinated and I still think they should wear masks to protect the young children of their teachers who cannot yet be vaccinated and younger students who cannot be vaccinated.

1131 Masks help prevent the spread of the infection, and reduce quarantines. Plain and simple. Medical professionals wear them because THEY realize this. Especially when around large groups. And with vaccinated individuals, it keeps symptoms at bay, but they CAN be carriers of the infection and potentially spread it if unmasked. Masks provide a layer of protectionfor those around them. I work in health care for a scientific company. We are required to wear masks, and of November 1st must be vaccinated and STILL wear a mask...to protect THOSE AROUND US. And so that WE have the best chance to continue working. Schools should require masks to keep as many students in their desks as possible, and to keep as many teachers and support staff healthy so THEY can continue working. We should ALL be working together to reduce infection rates (and this will reduce the strain on our doctors and nurses) Masks are not harmful to those wearing them, only to their enormous egos. The same people that are against wearing masks, will be the same people that will send their symptomatic students to school with the mindset that "we all need to build or immunities" with no regard that covid-19 can potentially be detrimental to some individuals.

1132 I have 3 kids in the district, and very much hope to rid the mask again very soon. The children statistics, don't justify the mask. -A Parent in Healthcare

1133 We believe that the school board and District should follow the recommendations as set forth by the Center for Disease Control and American Association for Pediatrics. Mask mandates along with social distancing and hand-washing have been proven to curb the spread of the deadly Coronavirus and we feel that the school district should be doing everything in their power to protect specifically our young children who are unable to be vaccinated. If this survey is an attempt to collect information based on parents' opinions and this information will be used to make health decisions that affect all of our children, we find it appalling. The district should not make health decisions based on our or any other parents' opinions but should follow the recommendations and guidelines as set forth by public health officials.

1134 We really need to follow the science and masks work to slow the spread of Covid-19. Masks and vaccinations are key to having a safe school year!

1135 When masks were optional, we heard about kids who wore them being mask shamed.This led many kids to stop wearing it even if they wanted to. We are glad the school decided to make it mandatory. Some sort of cold/strep throat was also affecting several kids in West High. Hope the masks will help with this and the students get to enjoy their homecoming this year.

1136 Masks should be optional for kids who DOCUMENTED proof of Vaccination.

1137 If they become optional again, the parents should be able to communicate their choice for their child and the teachers help enforce masking for those child whose parents request it.

1138 With the infection rate of the school being less than 1% it should never have changed back to mandatory. We will never get past this plandemic if we keep trying to avoid it.

1139 I really hope we can get back to optional masks. I’m not understanding the reasoning for masks if you are vaccinated and if you are not- well you know the risks.

1140 No

1141 The Fort Zumalt schools quarantine policy should be adjusted to only require covid positive students/staff to isolate or quarantine.

1142 As a substitute and parent in the district I am much more comfortable with the mask requirement.

1143 The decision to mask or not mask should be made by parents and their doctors not by the school board

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1144 We have a lot we’d like to share, but there simply isn’t enough room to type it all out. Thank you for sending this survey out.

1145 Shouldve started with masks mandatory alot easier on teachers. All or nothing.

1146 I feel they should be required to protect the ones who can not be vaccinated.

1147 My daughter has always been an advanced student….excels in everything she does. Last year was the worst. She struggled with attending school and completing her work. She hated it. Repeated text to that her tummy hurt or she had a headache or some ailment….EVERY DAY! This year, in the short time without masks, my daughter is back! Homework completed without a word! She loves school…is involved! Hasn’t missed a day….no ailments or complaints….then funny that Friday last week, the first text came that her tummy hurts….please please please don’t take away their freedom to be kids. The masks impact their mental health so so much….it is a very scary thing to see as a parent.

1148 I believe that all children who are under the eligible age to be vaccinated must wear masks. I feel that the school district has to meet the hierarchy of needs for a child to be an effect vessel for education. If a child is not safe at school, they can not meet their full education potential. I also believe that quarantine periods, where a child is required to be removed from the classroom are also harmful to a child’s education. When all children are masked, it reduces the potential for quarantine.

1149 If you want to make masks mandatory, you must make online learning availing for the non mask wearing population. TRUMP 2024

1150 As a parent and teacher in the district I strongly believe masks need to be optional for students and staff. When I told my 2nd grader about the 30 day mask mandate she dropped to her knees and broke into tears. I have never seen my child so distraught about anything especially school related. It broke my heart to hear her explain how happy she has been this year and how all students are more talkative and overall happier this year. As a middle school educator it is night and day in my classroom since masks have been mandated. Currently I am struggling to get students to participate in small group activities because they no longer want to talk and share. It is sad to not hear the joking and laughter in the hallways. Overall the masks have not just masked children's faces, but sadly their personalities.

1151 Kids need to be in school and if a mask means they can stay in school when exposed to a positive individual then this has to be the best option!

1152 Stop the insanity...just stop...the masks don't stop the virus...and thinking that a mask mandate is "protecting" all while they are completely unmasked in the lunch room and unmasked when they take a drink of water in class...as if they are protected while masked and magically protected while unmasked as long as something is going into their mouths. And to get out in front of this...please make sure that your newest decision does not pit the vaxxed against the unvaxxed also...Let the masks be optional for those who feel threatened...let our kids go back to school not breathing in incredibly harmful amounts of CO2...and let the mask mandate drop off for all...not just those who are vaxxed...that's a whole other can of worms ....

1153 I am a parent, not a Doctor. So listen to what the CDC and what Doctors are saying. Does anyone on this board have common sense? Mask equal less quarantines. For those claiming child abuse. I am a foster parent, and can tell you, that isn't child abuse and either you are sheltered, lucky to not know real abuse. Or you could be an abuser. Some in power are abusers. Just saying. This whole mask debate has shown our District has NO Empathy. We should be protecting our weakest students. Isn't this why we have peanut free zones. To protect? What is the point of Fire Drills? Can we get those removed? I mean when was the last fire at one of the schools? Those drills are loud and take time away from learning. Don't get me started on the active shooter drills. By the way, I am just making a point. Wear the mask till all our students can be vaccinated and then it is what it is.

1154 Wearing a mask does not take away from a child to learning. What takes away from learning is the child not being in school due to quarantine.

1155 Optional for staff if vaccinated

1156 1. We pulled two of our three children from FZSD prior to the start of the year because we were afraid masks would become mandated. They are now thriving in a mask free environment. Our kindergartener at FZ spent his entire preschool years unmasked and never quarantined. 2. Science does not support masking nor do the numbers when you compare mask optional and

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mask mandated school districts. 3. This is a parental decision and should not be dictated by the district.

1157 These decisions should only be left up to the parents, who know their children, their health history (mental and physical) and situations best. No one else is qualified to make these decisions for someone else.

1158 If the majority want it to be a requirement to wear masks, we are ok with that as well, but we prefer it to be optional. Thank you.

1159 It may be an inconvenience to wear the masks, however, if the CDC says it helps prevent the spread of Covid -19 then everyone should wear them. Plus my daughters have breathing issues, so this scares me as a parent.

1160 Keep the masks on so the kids can stay in school! It makes a difference when calling the CDC about an exposure. Educate the parents on CDC protocols.

1161 Thanks for keeping my kids and all staff safe! We appreciate all you do!

1162 Unvaccinated staff and students should still have to wear a mask.

1163 My children do not wear a mask anywhere. The only place that forces them to wear a mask is at school. They can go anywhere else and it's optional. Plus it has been proven time and again that masks don't work. Please stop forcing this on our kids.

1164 My child normally gets sick easily as is, but has been sick more times this school year so far than any other year. Everyone wearing masks would slow all these sicknesses down.

1165 No matter your decision someone will be mad. We need to start setting a better example for our children.

1166 Optional for students. Required for staff that are not vaccinated.

1167 Please just follow the CDC guidelines. Fully masked significantly reduces quarantine levels and keeps more kids in school, which should be the goal. If there is such a division on this issue, set up masks only classes and no mask classes—problem solved, no one is forced to do something they don’t want.

1168 It doesn't necessarily matter what we think about the topic, but what is best for our community and students as a whole. Sure, masks are not fun and are uncomfortable. But if there is even the slightest chance they will help keep students, their families, and the teachers safe and healthy (as well as in the classroom and not in quarantine), then it is worth it. They obviously won't prevent everything. However, the science suggests that they be worn as a mitigating strategy. We are telling students that we are teaching them that knowledge and education are applicable to their lives; we must also apply it. The district has already had one student in the ICU from East High... that alone (whether he contracted it at school or not) should be enough to warrant taking this virus as seriously as possible. Wearing masks is difficult and not fun, but it is not nearly as traumatic as losing a child or a classmate. I'm thankful that has not happened. Please do what is right for all.

1169 Masks don't work. If people are concerned for their safety they can get a vaccine.

1170 It doesn’t bother me to have masks or not but sometimes my kids do come home complaining and I would like them to choose!

1171 I think there should be exceptions/modifications for kids with special needs.

1172 It is the students/teachers right to have a opinion themselves to wear a mask if they feel necessary

1173 Do not risk my children’s lives by making masks optional. #believeInScience

1174 We think that as parents we are physically and mentally competent to make this decision for our child. There are many facts and opinions on this matter, but it should ultimately be left up to us, the parents. Masks cause depression, low self esteem and many other emotional stressers that young children and teens should not be subjected to. We saw the negative impact of masks and distancing, on our own child, as well as other parents seeing the same effects on their children.

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1175 Masks should be required for any kids who cannot get the vaccine. 9/27/2021 8:29 PM

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1176 Please encourage all teachers to open windows so fresh air can circulate. We don't think there should be a vote or survey about masks because it's been proven that they reduce the amount of virus in the air. (And all the hundreds of people in each building share that air, so it's a group effort to clear the air literally)

1177 No just keep our kids safe

1178 Utilize factual evidence. When Fauci has leaked emails that stated masks don’t work, what else do you need to know?

1179 I’m more worried about my kids mental health with mask than the virus

1180 Bonuses for your nurses!

1181 Can a student's Covid vaccination be included in their record like other vaccinations if they choose to get it? It might help when determining quarantine lengths since the CDC has different requirements for vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

1182 Re-Evaluate on a monthly basis and determine if masks should be continued based on transmission rates in the county.

1183 Masks should be mandated.

1184 I honestly can't believe this is an issue. If you can get her to wear a mask I think that is great.

1185 I think masks should be required for students and optional for staff.

1186 Mask mandates should be based on individual schools and not the district as a whole. In grades where vaccinations are available, no mask mandate should be implemented.

1187 I think it is really wrong when a school board is making health decisions for my son. They are not his parents or pediatrician and do not have the right to make these decisions. My sons education and mental health was majorly affected last year due to the mask mandate. The education of our children should be the one and only focus of the school board.

1188 Especially with the fact that elementary kids do not have the option to get vaccinated, it is super important to wear masks to help protect each other. Elementary students don’t get a choice to vaccinate, so others should not determine if my kid can stay in school (with both kids masked, modified quarantine can happen).

1189 This should have been asked at the beginning of the school year, not now. Seems like the superintendent completely mishandled the situation.

1190 Masks should be optional for vaccinated persons and mandatory for non-vaccinated persons.

1191 Masks should be required for elementary schools because that age group can't be vaccinated.

1192 Mask should be in place on an as needed basis. Like Dr Dubray said. If positive cases are over 4%

1193 I prefer that my children's school board listen to the guidance provided by medical professionals when it comes to mitigating communicable illnesses, like Covid-19. I kept my children home for virtual last year, but allowed them to return under the expectation FZ would listen to the health department, just like they did last school year. In a school full of unvaccinated children, my daughters say they probably have 5 total masked children in their respective classes, including them. Listening to angry "patriots" who don't want their children "muzzled" is caving to idiocracy. If you're trying to undermind public education, keep doing what you're doing and give into loud, unempathetic bullies who care for no one but themselves. I really thought FZ was built on positive peer influence and we were trying to grow good humans as well as educated humans. All I'm hearing from the preteens is meanness toward one and other and I really do think a lot of them are feeding off of their parents and this divisive topic. Gabriel Helms was shot down when he asked to split the teacher Covid days from the mask mandatory and the board voted 4-3 for mask optional without considering his query. When the board voted 4-3 for mask mandatory, all the sudden a debate was opened after the vote. There was no survey before school started asking about mask preference, but now there is after we went mask mandatory. The hypocrisy is glaring. Listen to the medical professionals. This isn't a preference situation. Should parents expect to receive surveys about how schools run their intruder drills, how they set dress code, late work policies, grading policies, using Canvas, teacher discipline, etc? You're really cutting educators off at the knees by not standing strong to support a safe learning environment. These quarantines are what hurt

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mental health. My daughters wear their masks every day. I wish I could say the same for the students in their rooms. At this point, I can't even say my daughter's 5th grade teacher masks daily, even though it's mandatory. It's going to suck when my girls have to quarantine because of someone else's choice to not wear one. You are effectively punishing one child for another child's behavior which is completely ridiculous. I tell my kids all the time, the only behavior you control is your own. If my children wearing their masks prevented them from getting ill, this would be a moot point. Unfortunately for us, their masking helps those around them but does little for them when their surrounded by maskless peers. Working with a student in my tiny office, I had the aforementioned mask-less student sneeze in my direction, twice. It sprayed into my arm (from several feet away) and it was disgusting. On two separate occasions, I had the school nurse send 2 different students to me to determine if they were having anxiety (with excessive mucus, headaches, and sore throats as their main symptoms). I'm not a school nurse. I deserve to be protected and so do my kids. I'm losing a lot of faith in a district I've loved for a long time.

1194 It should be up to me to decide if I want my kids to wear a mask or not. NOT YOU OR ANYONE ELSE!!!!

1195 I hope you keep it mask mandatory until the vaccine for under 12 is approved. Also I find it kind of funny that you are asking opinions now when you didn’t after making it mask optional at the beginning of the hear. You should take the recommendations of health professionals and not what parents want. Especially when the board president has made his opinion on masks clear.

1196 The mask should stay optional. I believe this recent decision was irrational and impulsive considering the amount of recent covid cases vs the amount of students/staff. The decision does not fit the numbers.

1197 MY CHILD. MY CHOICE. LOGIC & FACT: Masks don’t prevent transmission. If you believe they do... wear them and don’t worry about the rest of us.

1198 Thank you for requiring masks. I feel my children are safer in school now. The only protestors and noise makers are the anti-maskers. The logical and safe choice is that you are finally requiring masks. What actually matters here is that students get to learn in person at school. Since vaccines aren't required and available to those 12 years and younger, masks gives everyone the best chance to remain IN SCHOOL all year long. Keep mask required all year and be PROACTIVE not Reactive. Thank you

1199 Our concern is the health and safety of all children, staff, and their individual households. This should not be a topic of personal opinion but to ensure that we collectively do our part in gaining control of this virus. It is proven that wearing mask aids protection therefore we support the requirement of wearing mask.


1201 It’s a very small thing to do to keep our kids safe.

1202 Wearing masks mean there are less quarantines and healthier students. If there are less quarantines it means more students are engaged with school. This also means that as parents we do not have to take time off of work.

1203 We never should have had a mask mandate to begin with. 99% survival rate and we shut everything down. Use common sense people.

1204 No

1205 We sincerely wish you would do what's best for our kids instead of listening to the loud minority. I wish we could genuinely feel like you care about our children more than you care about enrollment and attendance. It's disturbing that the district I trust to educate my children doesn't follow science. It's disturbing that no survey went out before school started, nor after the first board meeting when masks were decided optional. It's extremely disappointing that we cannot trust a district that we have been sending children to for 15 years.

1206 Last year masks with modified quarantines was successful. Why would we not continue with proven safety measures to ensure academic success with more kids in school which enables parents to continue to work to support their families and contribute to our thriving community?

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This is a health matter, a global pandemic, we need to follow CDC guidelines & our local health department’s recommendations. I appreciate our civil servant volunteer board, I also respect they are not health professionals therefore we should rely on health professionals to guide this matter. Kids under the age of 12 don’t have an option to vaccinate! Remember our kids in Fort Zumwalt are required to provide proof of every other vaccination & for years the district has made awareness & access to the flu vaccine easy and encouraged. Why is this different? The only way to end this pandemic is to get more people vaccinated & mask up to protect the immune compromised and those too young to be vaccinated. Our county’s positivity rate is too high to risk the health of students & staff. Protect our county’s future leaders. Quit caving to loud mouthed individuals that speak in an illiterate manner while griping about face diapers while also lumping in racist comments, and other bullying hate speech. Support the values of the district, trust science & keep our kids healthy!

1207 Covid 19 vaccination should be mandatory for all staff and students age 12 and above. 9/27/2021 8:07 PM

1208 Do not teach Critical Race Theory in our schools. Reverse racism is still racism. 9/27/2021 8:07 PM

1209 N/a 9/27/2021 8:07 PM

1210 I have many things to say, but I really believe the students and staff should have a choice! 9/27/2021 8:06 PM COVID is no different than the flu, it’s just getting more attention during a very political time in our lives!

1211 Wearing a mask is something we can do to keep our community safe! Just wear it. 9/27/2021 8:06 PM

1212 Mandating masks and doing what's right for the safety of staff and students is more important 9/27/2021 8:05 PM than public opinion. Please use data, science, and infection rates to inform your public policy regardless of what it may cost you and the board politically.

1213 Our youngest children have one line of defense to be protected from Covid-19. Children in the 9/27/2021 8:04 PM school district between 5-11 cannot be vaccinated. At the very least we should protect them until a vaccine can be given to them.

1214 It should be based on the current Covid-19 numbers, right now our area has had high numbers 9/27/2021 8:01 PM so all should wear masks. When the numbers are down they should be optional. If a school sees numbers increasing masks should be required sooner than later to hopefully minimize kids having to quarantine. Just my thoughts.

1215 We believe a mandate for students below the age to be vaccinated (K-6 grades) make sense 9/27/2021 7:59 PM and that they should be optional for students who are eligible for the vaccine (generally 7-12).

1216 I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion but the parents opinions should not matter in 9/27/2021 7:58 PM this matter. What matters is the opinions of the medical community, CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics. Which all of them recommend masks in schools. Also by leaving mask optional you are hurting the most critical kids in your school district. The children with medical and special needs that need to be safe and careful to attend school. NOT ONE CHILD IN OUR SCHOOL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHER. If that means that wearing masks allows the entire population of your students to attend then you should require masks in order to comply to the disabilities act this is a necessity. I do understand there are a very small number of the population that may not be able to physically wear masks due to medical and special needs. Let me point out that this is what an IEP is designed for and it is much safer to have a few kids unmasked due to their needs than an entire school. Please keep in mind that ALL CHILDREN are required to have ACCESS TO an EQUAL opportunity EDUCATION!!!! Fort Zumwalt has to meet the needs of all the students not just the ones you feel fit to be educated.

1217 It should optional for the kids and staff. 9/27/2021 7:58 PM

1218 Freedom - choose Freedom 9/27/2021 7:58 PM

1219 The students do not clean their masks daily or use new masks frequently. They are more 9/27/2021 7:57 PM dangerous to the students than not wearing a mask.

1220 Common sense should be used as a measuring stick here and you seem to have surprisingly 9/27/2021 7:56 PM tossed it aside and caved to the mob. There are multiple studies showing that cloth and paper masks basically do no good, and that the flu is more of a danger to kids 0-18 years old. If you had historically made students wear masks during flu season I would understand your decision. Additionally, making kids quarantine who are showing no symptoms whatsoever is counterproductive and a setback to their in person education. Considering that both vaccinated

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and unvaccinated individuals both commonly spread Covid according to the CDC, the policy of longer quarantines for certain kids is not based on logic. Finally, I noticed at the board meeting that the most vocal proponent of masking our kids was Gabriel Helms, and I would love to know why he was not wearing a mask at the meeting? It’s almost like he didn’t think it was necessary. Thank you.

1221 I feel masks should be optional otherwise, more breaks given 9/27/2021 7:55 PM

1222 I appreciate you surveying the parents in the district on this issue however I hope that you do 9/27/2021 7:54 PM not let the majority opinion sway your decision about mask mandates. This is a public health issue and as such, should be based on the recommendations of the CDC and AAP. At the very least, please please keep the mask mandate until children ages 5-11 can be vaccinated.

1223 Bring back the good cheese for macho nacho day 9/27/2021 7:54 PM

1224 Until we Vaccination rates get high enough we should use masking for source control to keep 9/27/2021 7:52 PM kids in the classroom and healthy.

1225 Seeing as children can not currently get vaccinated and teachers and other staff are exposed 9/27/2021 7:52 PM to 30+ students at any given time they are potential superspreaders. It is our firmly held belief that all staff should be required to be vaccinated if they intend to teach and interact with our children.

1226 Does not make sense for little ones under 2nd grade. The rest should wear. 9/27/2021 7:51 PM

1227 My opinion should not matter. Please trust the medical experts when it comes to the health 9/27/2021 7:51 PM and safety of our children and staff.

1228 If you are vaccinated it should be optional…. Vaccines work, it’s a choice, every person knows 9/27/2021 7:51 PM the risk of Covid , we have a vaccine it’s safe and effective Mandate should be in place for all students 13 and up to be vaccinated …all workers should get vaccinated

1229 Vaccination remains our best defense against Covid. Covid is like a wound. One can treat a 9/27/2021 7:50 PM wound with band-aids over and over again, but eventually if it never heals, it needs real wound care. Masks are the Covid band-aid, and as long as we keep wearing them, the unvaccinated will never feel compelled to seek real “wound” care, the vaccine. Please stop mask requirements.

1230 Our numbers are so low. We need to encourage kids to stay home when they’re sick or have 9/27/2021 7:50 PM any symptoms. Masks are so hard to breathe in especially for asthmatics. We appreciate all you do for our kids.

1231 I think if they are vaccinated then it should be an option. 9/27/2021 7:49 PM

1232 How about we try to get back to normal 9/27/2021 7:49 PM

1233 If mask optional, it'd like to see rapid testing in school so we know more immediate info. 9/27/2021 7:48 PM

1234 My son is in Kindergarten. For him to have to worry about trying to learn and give his best and 9/27/2021 7:47 PM then on top of it have a mask to worry about is distraction. As a parent I will pull him to home schooling if he will have to wear a mask.

1235 Once everyone can be vaccinated then could consider voluntary masking but for now, 9/27/2021 7:47 PM everyone. Conservative father who follows science. thanks

1236 I want my child to feel safe every day at school. During the first couple weeks she was really 9/27/2021 7:47 PM scared because others around her did not have masks. After mask were required she said she felt a lot safer. Also has missed 9 days of school so far this year. I feel that the mask will make it were kids miss less school and the numbers will go down. Some kids can't get vaccinated and why should their health be at risk so they can learn. I think parents are the only ones being heard. I have had emails back a forth to the my daughters teacher about things that are making her nervous in school. You wear a mask for others not yourself. Masks do work, some better then others but they do work. I want my child to get back to normal and I get it when people say that. Mask will help everyone feel safe and more kids can stay in school. That is the goal here to make it were our kids can stay in school to learn. By my child missing 9 days of school by the 4 week is putting her behind. That is not far to any child who wants to learn. This might not be such a big issue if the district would have offered a better virtual program. That way the parents who choose masks had another option. I don't think this

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was planned well and should not be up to the parents. This is something you as a district should say this is the way it is. To many choices make things worse.

1237 The school district shouldn’t be surveying parents on medical and public health matters as the parents are not the experts. We should be doing whatever it takes to reduce quarantining so our kids can stay in school and receive the education they deserve. We should be taking into account CDC recommendations. The district should be promoting SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations for teachers, staff and students who meet eligibility. This isn’t about politics and hurt feelings, this is about our children’s safety and those that are in close contact to our children who may be at high risk for hospitalization or death if exposed to SARS-CoV-2.

1238 Please defer to individual families to best decide what’s best for their situation, masks optional provides that flexibility.

1239 When outside the mask should not have to be worn.

1240 If anything please require them k-5 and let 6-12 be optional and staff optional.

1241 If the Board decides to require the continued use of masks on our students and teachers, I believe they MUST provide proof that masks do indeed work and it is necessary for children/teenagers. I have yet to find a single study which shows the cloth and disposable masks are more than 20% effective. In fact, more studies show it at approximately 8% effectiveness. In addition, the survival rate of children and teenagers in 99.96%. I am tired of elected officials making decisions based on mob rule and emotions. Please do your research and see for yourself that our kids are not at risk. Thousands of kids should not be inconvenienced because of a few parents who are making decisions based on fear and not facts.

1242 You shouldn’t have to wear masks outside at recess.

1243 If students are vaccinated masks should be optional. Follow the same guidelines as public places. If students could prove vaccination then mask should be optional. That’s just fair to everyone - whether they are in favor or against mask.

1244 I am okay with mask mandates if they will help keep kids in school and not quarantined. Working parents, teachers and students are all affected.

1245 If the focus is keep kids in school, then masks are necessary to limit exposure for both parties. They aren’t the entire answer but to try to keep kids in as much normalcy as possible we should all be willing to do our part.

1246 Putting the teachers and students health first should be top priority. It should also not be forgotten that when those individuals go home they are in contact with family and friends that they could impact. Masks are scientifically proven to reduce the spreading of this deadly disease. You either believe and follow cdc recommendations or you don't. You cannot go whichever way based on political decisions. Please keep our students masked. Don't make another mistake of going optional only to go back to masks. The hatred and uprise it causes is avoidable.

1247 It should not be a survey. It should follow medical guidance. My son is 6 and is ineligible for vaccine yet

1248 These are not decisions that should be made by popular vote. The data shows that our children, staff, and community are safer with masks on. It is not a personal decision, wearing a mask impacts the people around you in a positive way by helping to prevent the spread of Covid.

1249 Until my child has the opportunity to protect herself from this disease and become vaccinated I believe it is important to keep our kids safe by wearing a mask. It is the school and staffs responsibility while our kids are in your care to keep them. In order for this to happen and protect our kids, staff and teachers should be wearing masks while in school. Our kids need to be able to stay in class for social and educational purposes.

1250 I would not make the health issues as politics. If something is wrong with health then we need to fix it. In other words What is the better way to stop the COVID spread?

1251 I honestly don't really care. I feel it should be the parents choice, especially if the child is vaccinated

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1252 Please reconsider the mask mandate for the Early Childhood Center. Masking the children and teachers will be detrimental to speech and language development as well as social and emotional development. For these reasons masking would cause more harm than good considering the survival rate in children with Covid is 99.9%. The damage we will cause by masking children in their formative years will be irreversible. Thank you for your time and consideration

1253 I think the district has the best interest in our students. If the board feels the students should wear a mask, then they should wear them. If they feel comfortable to vote for mask optional, then I support that decision. I work in a district where it is mandatory. It isn’t bad at all you get used to it after a while. As a community, masks have become our new norm.

1254 Where is the Ft. Zumwalt school district COVID task force that is making the data driven decisions? These decisions should not be based on opinion, they should be based on scientific data.

1255 Thanks for all that you do!!

1256 Follow the CDC guidelines please and thanks.

1257 Encourage students and staff to get vaccinated. Then, we wouldn’t have an issue.

1258 My opinion may differ from that of the schools. We will do our best to abide by whatever the rules may be. Personally, I don't believe thay 3-5 year Olds should be wearing masks at this point, but I understand there are kids there who may be immune compromised and have more than just a learning delay. You guys are doing great.

1259 COVID Vaccination should be a requirement for attending school, then masks would not be required. In my opinion.

1260 Masks just as everything else in regards to children should be up to the parents and child’s choice. If people want to send their kids in masks they should be allowed to do so but do not force other families and children to do the same. PERSONAL CHOICE/FREEDOM!

1261 Masks are a false sense of security. Stop the nonsense and let our kids have a normal school experience.

1262 I recognize that there may be some parents that have a problem with the children wearing masks, but everyone wearing masks reduces quarantines and increases safety. Thank you for instituting this directive.

1263 The vaccine hasn’t been approved for younger children yet. We feel they should have to wear masks. Our young children truly benefit from being in a classroom setting. We should do whatever it takes to give them that option.

1264 Fort zumwalt district did excellent last year at keeping COVID numbers down.. that was due in part to requiring masks. The vaccine is nice, but it is not gonna protect 100%.

1265 Anything to keep the kids in school. If that means masks, they wear masks. My daughter was quarantined day #2 of school. Then returned after quarantine for 1 day and had another exposure. The first 25 days of school she was there 3 days. She can not afford to miss school and stay caught up.

1266 Yes I find it confusing that after a year and a half of operating thru this “pandemic” you decide to make a mandate 30+ days into the 21/22 school year. Instead of forcing a mask on these young kids how bout having them wash their hands before entering and exiting the class rooms and teaching safe and proper hygiene.

1267 We should be following federal guidelines based on the CDC and it’s guidance.

1268 Until I have to stop wearing one while working at the hospital, I think the schools should as well.

1269 Mask or no mask, I dont care either way. Just dont see point of enforcing masks at school since we can go to a store or wherever without one. Also it seems since the covid thing my kids been getting sick more often regardless of mask or not but it puts into question how well are things cleaned.

1270 The masks are in the best interest of the children and staff so they can all stay safe.

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1271 Masks don't work unless they are N95 and worn properly. Follow the science....... 9/27/2021 7:29 PM

1272 No 9/27/2021 7:28 PM

1273 The children an staff should wear mask threw the whole school year, for their safety. 9/27/2021 7:28 PM

1274 Please provide results. We voted optional, however we support 30 mandatory to see true 9/27/2021 7:28 PM results. Optional is important because mandatory for all schools and all ages at all times does not make sense.

1275 Masks required unless vaccinated. 9/27/2021 7:28 PM

1276 Safety jog our students depends on masks 9/27/2021 7:28 PM

1277 Last year my son got severe anxiety when going to school and was never like that before. He 9/27/2021 7:27 PM would cry and throw up and was late several times. This summer and beyond with no mask wearing he’s been back to his old self and honestly even better. The only change was no mask wearing. My kids also had covid in early August so they aren’t a threat to anyone. I was appreciative of being able to parent my own child and decide if they should wear a mask or not and I don’t need the school district making that decision for me. The social & mental benefits of my kids being unmasked and the fact that they’ve had covid make mask optional the best option. Also, there are more and more studies out about cloth mask not working properly and I know they aren’t wearing them correctly anyways. My daughter went to PRE-K all last year with no mask and didn’t have a single quarantine. Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in.

1278 We feel this the safest option for students and teachers. It will cut back on the traditional 9/27/2021 7:27 PM Quarantine for students and teachers.

1279 I have 2 children who are immunocompromised. They have had the vaccine but if they were to 9/27/2021 7:25 PM get sick it could be bad.

1280 Please keep our children safe. Not popular opinion of unmaking, this is their health. 9/27/2021 7:25 PM

1281 Not at this time 9/27/2021 7:25 PM

1282 Optional is the best option. If parents still want to send their children with masks, they can. If 9/27/2021 7:25 PM they don’t want to, they don’t have to. It’s a win for everyone. Nobody is trying to force anyone to NOT wear masks, so nobody should be forced TO wear masks.

1283 Let’s do an experiment. Two men stand facing each other wearing pants. They both have to 9/27/2021 7:24 PM urinate and let it flow in the direction of the man across from them, while leaving their pants on. While they are covered in their own urine, they are not covered in the opposite man’s urine. Same experiment, one man with pants, and the other without pants. Again, they have to urinate and let it flow in the direction of the man across from them. The man without pants is dry of the opposite man’s urine. The man with pants now has not only his own urine on him but, the opposite man’s urine as well. Same experiment, both men with no pants… Am I clear enough?

1284 Why isn’t there an option #3? No masks at all? Why is it only optional or mandated? Anyone 9/27/2021 7:23 PM with a brain knows that masks are detrimental to the learning of children in school. Masks are not proven to slow the spread of any disease but they are known to cause learning disabilities. The ability to read lips for the deaf and also causes speech impediments in children. They also cause our children to be raised in fear. It is no one and I repeat NO ONE’s job to tell our children what they should be or should not be doing to protect their health except for the parents of the children. Masks don’t protect the health of children they impede the health our children. You can go to festivals and all sorts of activities without a mask why should our children be my different sitting in a classroom receiving an education? Let the parents parent and the school provide the education. If someone wants to wear a mask so be it but everyone should not be forced to wear a mask. No amount of money is worth my child wearing a mask. STOP THE MADNESS!!!!!!

1285 Any quarantine should come from the parents and be optional. Don't make the school 9/27/2021 7:23 PM administration police a policy that doesn't exist in the county.

1286 Get vaccinated 9/27/2021 7:23 PM

1287 Nope 9/27/2021 7:22 PM

1288 Please follow the science and keep our kids safe. 9/27/2021 7:22 PM

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1289 While I think masks should be optional, people must realize vaccines aren’t approved for children under 16 so masking is the best option staff and peers have to help prevent the spread of corona virus.

1290 Mask required unless proof of covid vaccination

1291 Peer reviewed, scientific data proves that masks work in schools. Masks are scientifically proven to work when EVERYONE wears one and will reduce the amount of quarantines. When another child is not wearing a mask it put my child’s health at risk. These decisions should be made based on CDC, AAP and Health department guidelines as these groups are made up of thousands of doctors and health care providers who are expertise in this area.

1292 I strongly believe in wearing a mask. I have had Covid and became very ill and don’t want any child to get it.

1293 In particular, believe that masks should be worn in the elementary schools where we know that the kids have not been vaccinated because of their age. Middle and High Schools should be based on vaccination status.

1294 Our physicians have encouraged our family to wear masks. Our youngest is too young to receive the vaccine and our oldest has an underlying medical condition. We should be following the advice of medical professionals when it comes to masking to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

1295 The decision of whether or not to mask should be based off of CDC recommendations NOT based off of politicians/board member who are trying to keep or win their seats. While we have children who are unable to be vaccinated (under 12), those children are unable to be protected without universal masking and it is the job of the school district to provide a safe environment for learning. A vaccine is not currently available and this will remain an issue until a couple months AFTER a vaccine is available to all school aged children being eligible for a vaccine. Universal masking allows for modified quarantine, which keeps kids in school. Students who were masking during “masking optional” were subject to being bullied. Now that we are universal masking parents are desperately seeking medical exemptions. For example, my neighbor received a medical exemption from a chiropractor for her son. These should NOT be honored unless the student has a previous IEP or 504 that allows for this specific exemption. Multiple neighbors are seeking masking exemptions just because they don’t want to because the news is spreading. Use science, research, and actual data- one student or staff death is too many.

1296 If you are going to follow “science”, then study the size of the Covid virus in comparison to the size of particles blocked by a mask. You would do just as well wearing a window screen as you would wearing a mask. Stop bowing down to political pressure from Dementia Joe and use some common sense!

1297 Before school started the school said any students that receive the vaccine doesn’t have to wear a mask, we expect the school to lead by the example and stick their word! If teachers want to wear mask then they can wear them but making the students especially the ones that got the vaccination is absolutely ridiculous!

1298 We need protect our family’s ! Some people is vaccine and another no ! Is sad for the kids but for us Use the mask

1299 We need to learn to live with covid 19. Facts are we've only ever eradicated 1 disease in human history- smallpox.

1300 Under 12 cannot be vaccinated so they shouldn't be ignored which the FZ mask optional policy completely does. Failure to follow CDC guidelines also opens the district to lawsuit and i doubt the district has money to burn to fight litigation.

1301 Masks do not stop the spread of COVID-19 and it states this on any box of masks.

1302 For the safety of all masks should definitely be required! I believe if you want to be unmasked homeschooling is optional.

1303 We should have never stopped mandating masks for those not vaccinated, especially since the vaccine has just recently been approved for children 12 and older. Huge miss by the board and superintendent. .

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1304 Parents don't know what is best for kids, doctors do. Parents may chose to not do what is best 9/27/2021 7:12 PM

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for their kids.


1306 Remove the mask mandate immediately 9/27/2021 7:11 PM

1307 Better safe than sorry 9/27/2021 7:10 PM

1308 No 9/27/2021 7:08 PM

1309 My kids cannot breathe well in masks. We’ve tried them all. They come home with headaches 9/27/2021 7:08 PM and dread going to school. They are not learning when this distraction is in place. There is NOT enough COVID going around the school. I feel me and my children should have the right to choose if they wear a mask. This is absurd and we are vastly considering removing our children from the school. Insanity.

1310 Not at this time. 9/27/2021 7:04 PM

1311 This should be an optional thing. 9/27/2021 7:04 PM

1312 We would love to have the masks optional, but due to the crazy quarantine rules we realize we 9/27/2021 7:04 PM are going to have trouble keeping kids in school. As soon as we can get the quarantine rules changed (which we absolutely think need to be changed) then we feel like we would love to have masks optional and our children will not be wearing them. Thank you for continuing to fight for this and gather parents opinions.

1313 Until we see evidence that things are trending in a good direction and under control 9/27/2021 7:04 PM

1314 Science is the poetry of reality. 9/27/2021 7:04 PM

1315 Masks will keep this kids in school, and I support that 100%. Masks take zero effort and avoid 9/27/2021 7:03 PM quarantines for those unvaccinated!

1316 I think to keep quarantines down then yes absolutely keep masks mandatory for everyone. 9/27/2021 7:02 PM

1317 Kids can’t breathe. They are not wearing them properly anyways so it’s pointless. Why should 9/27/2021 7:01 PM my child be forced to wear one when they are fully vaccinated. Ridiculous.

1318 I appreciate having a chance to have my voice heard, but please make decisions based on 9/27/2021 7:00 PM facts and keeping our students as safe as possible. I appreciate all you do for our students.

1319 Masks are proven to help control the spread of the virus, it would be foolish to disregard the 9/27/2021 7:00 PM experts advice because people are mad. Why put our children at more of a unnecessary risk. I want to keep my son in school without extra quarantines. And if masking will ensure he stays in the classroom then I'm all for it.

1320 I picked optional, however; I support whatever decision the district or board makes as I know 9/27/2021 7:00 PM they’re trying to do whatever’s best for the children & faculty/staff.

1321 Until all ages can be vaccinated. Masks should be required. 9/27/2021 7:00 PM

1322 With all the events occurring in our world why do we need to add mask to our children and 9/27/2021 6:59 PM nake them fear a virus that will ha e little effect if any to them why do we need to scare them. The mask DO NOT WORK the CDC has stated this the vaccine does not work this VIRUS IS HERE TO STAY. What do you think the long term physiological effects are from masking children and telling the to stay six feet apart are? I can assure its nothing positive and where is there freedom or the parents rights and freedoms in all of this as a school board you have decided to take all of our rights and deem yourself more appropriate to handle this situation. Its not just a mask anymore it unconstitutional and unfair to these children whom you are robbing of normal childhoods. At the end of the day its the students and parents rights to decide what is best for them.

1323 There is data to support that schools with mask mandates have lower rates of Covid cases 9/27/2021 6:59 PM and students out on a quarantine.

1324 Never in history have we masked or quarantined the healthy. If masks work, then those that 9/27/2021 6:58 PM are scared of the virus that has a 99.97% survival rate (even higher in children) can wear masks. And those that aren't, can exercise their right to not wear them. More children die of the flu every year and we didn't mask the healthy during flu season. It simply doesn't make sense.

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1325 I think that the high schools should definitely be optional since the students can be vaccinated. That is the whole point of getting vaccinated. Its so important to follow science not peoples fear.

1326 Someone needs to also get control of North Middle. Daily my daughter is sending pics and/or reporting of people vaping, drugs in the bathroom, making out in hallways, nasty bathrooms (blood on the walls), pink chicken for lunch, fights, foul language, kids behaving/identifying as a dog, fights, dress code inappropriateness and more. We selected FZN based on it's reputation as a good school with good morals and people in charge.

1327 My son is 5 years old is hard to keep a mask on him for 8 hours a day and when he doesn’t have it on does he get disciplined, I don’t think that is fair.

1328 No

1329 I believe that students should keep their masks on so we can keep the schools open, and keep our kids safe.

1330 Please listen to the CDC and AAP, both of whom recommend masking in schools given the high levels of transmission driven by the Delta variant. I believe the decision to require masks should be evaluated every 30 days and factor in CDC/AAP guidance, community transmission levels, and vaccine eligibility for school age kids in FZ. This should not be a “political” or “hot-button” issue. This is a public health issue.

1331 Masks need to be required for the safety of the students and the families they are returning home to. It doesn’t do much good unless everyone is wearing one. The wearer of the mask isn’t protecting themselves, but protecting those around them. All of our students deserve that same consideration.

1332 Tough choice to make. I don't think any reasonable person would want to make a decision that would directly and harmfully impact another's family. We would like to see it optional for the proven vaccinated.

1333 This should be a personal decision. Maybe quarantine guidelines could be looked into that students and staff who 100% mask would not have to quarantine or modify quarantine.

1334 It is an embarrassment that our school district has not required masks throughout this pandemic. Why do they not want to protect our families?? Please decide to do the right thing. Isn’t school about being safe??

1335 ZERO deaths have occurred between the ages of 0-19 in Saint Charles County. SIX deaths have occurred in the entire state between the ages of 0-17. Children have a 100% and 99.999% survival rate in Saint Charles and Missouri respectively. Any high-risk individual who this communities’ children come into contact with has or has had the opportunity to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Mask have not shown a benefit with respect to community transmission and are only a tool for the un-informed to appear as if they are doing something. This school boards decision to mask Saint Charles children is punishing these kids because of the weak mindedness of our board members. *Saint Charles County COVID Demographics: https://www.sccmo.org/2105/COVID-19 *Missouri COVID Demographics: https://health.mo.gov/living/healthcondiseases/communicable/novel-coronavirus/data/public-health/demographics.php

1336 I feel masks should be optional only for those that are vaccinated.

1337 Masks should NOT be mandatory in Fort Zumwalt.

1338 We believe masks should be required for all students but especially those for whom the covid vaccine is not yet available.

1339 Keep our children safe.

1340 Our children will continue to wear masks as recommended by the CDC regardless of the school’s policy.

1341 This is the only way to protect children who are too young to be vaccinated and the immune compromised who cannot be vaccinated. This shouldn’t be political. This is a public health issue. Masks protect everyone. This issue is about ensuring all children and staff are kept as safe from infection as possible while at school.

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1342 The masking of our children is so far more harm than good. Coming from a medical family, we 9/27/2021 6:44 PM

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completely understand what this virus is and can mean. However, the mental, emotional and sometimes physical effects on our children by being masked far out weighs the possibility of contacting COVID. Along with this, we understand the Delta variant can affect children more, but the true scientific numbers still don’t show a detrimental affect. Also, as with anything it comes down to freedoms and rights. These children are minors, we are their legal parent/guardian which means we get to make decisions and choices for them. You as a school board do not get to make the decision for my children. By having masks optional, you aren’t taking anyone’s rights always. Everyone has choice to mask or not mask their children at school. When you make the mandatory, you are taking that choice, option and freedom away. The CDC has also started to loosen what it says about masks, especially regarding kids in school, but that isn’t getting any attention or light brought to it because it doesn’t fit the agenda others want.

1343 The default setting for masking should be one of safety. If it saves the life of one student or faculty member, it's worth it. Please protect our students.

1344 It's a proven fact that unless the students and faculty are wearing a medical N95 mask, they do not prevent a virus from spreading. Vaccine or no vaccine.

1345 Masks should be optional if student or staff are vaccinated

1346 I believe parents, not school boards, should be making medical decisions for the children. We are not anti-mask, we are anti-mandate. Please go back to letting the parents make decisions for their child’s health and safety.

1347 In these times we’re in, “personal freedoms” need to be put aside for the good of everyone. It’s not a big sacrifice.

1348 Because of the mandate and my son who has severe anxiety he will now go virtual Because it's not optional!

1349 Please follow the advice of the medical professionals who are recommending kids should mask in school at this time.

1350 I believe this more so for the lower grades that do not have the option for a vaccine.

1351 Having a child with low immunity, everyone should wear masks to keep everyone safe.

1352 We don't believe the masks are beneficial. However, if wearing the masks helps our kids avoid being quarantined when exposed, per school rules, we are okay with it.

1353 I would also like to see an end to contact tracing. At this point this virus is endemic and we will be living with it. The numbers speak for themselves in terms of contact traces resulting in illness. Let the kids go to school if they are healthy! If they have symptoms of illness then they can stay home!

1354 Absolutely mandate elementary and sixth graders. NONE of those kids are vaccinated. And might as well mandate 7th and 8th grade kids for quarantine reasons. Mandating high school seems pretty pointless bc they all get in cars together, go to practices, etc, right after school without their masks on anyway. Staff should be optional if vaccinated, and mandated if not. Quarantine requirements alone should be reason enough to mandate masks. All of kids are vaccinated now, but last year the quarantines killed my kids’ success in school, and their emotional well-being. My kids are old enough to stay home by themselves, but not responsible enough to get their work done by themselves. I can’t imagine these poor parents that half to take off work because their elementary child was quarantined when it all could have been easily avoided. Not to mention, the holes in learning those poor kids have. A school’s priority should be educating children. The lack of mandate flies in the face of this bc the modified quarantine is void. And btw…where was this survey when the lack of a mandate was adopted??? That seems pretty skewed.

1355 My family and I make this opinion based solely on statistical data and medical information which makes it clear and obvious that a cloth mask on a child does not make a single bit of difference. I hope this district and its administration will utilize common sense to let our children live a normal life and not wear a mask. This School district initially stated they would not make masks mandatory until we hit 4%, yet at 1% this district went to masking our children…. You are helping to mold a new generation of youth and I plead with you to think about what you are doing…..

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1356 Not at this time. 9/27/2021 6:35 PM

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1357 No

1358 Perhaps mandatory short terms of all/all following a given daily new infections of 8-10 or more? One week or less for those not forced into a quarantine seems cautious enough.

1359 Masks should be required for everyone to limit and control the spread of Covid . This ensures the safety of the students, Staffs and there extended families. Safety should Be the top priority.

1360 I do not want my kids to wear masks for the sake of wearing masks. However, if the positive cases/quarantine numbers are up, I am supportive of a mask mandate. We have seen that the mask optional approach is not effective. I am not sure what the purpose of this survey is but I seriously hope it will not be used to make a decision on future mask requirements. Masks should be mandated (or not) based on positive cases in the school/community and recommendations of the Health Department and CDC, not based on popular vote by parents. Even as a mask supporter, I do not want to make my kids wear masks just because the majority of the parents voted yes. Likewise, I do not want my kids to get sick or miss school due to quarantine because the majority of parents voted no. This is an issue that should be decided by those educated and trained for these situations. Talk to the experts and make the decision based on what is best for the kids in the current conditions.

1361 This is a matter of public health and the health of the community in general, but the main issue is keeping kids in school.

1362 I do not feel this decision should be made or influenced by parent parent opinions. This should be left up to the CDC, health department, and experts based on data and scientific facts.

1363 I don’t mind either way what the district decides.

1364 Based on my research the masks do more harm then good and the mask is a false sense of security

1365 Universal masking is the most effective way to eliminate quarantines due to exposure. As a parent, I confess I am less concerned that my child might get severely sick, and more concerned that he will be exposed and have to quarantine, losing valuable time in school with his teachers, etc. it also means a lot of time lost from my work if we are hit with many quarantines (or sick child). I am a teacher elsewhere in St. Louis and the prospect of missing work for sick child or quarantined child makes me very stressed.

1366 -Masks being required will also help eliminate the long quarantines & the kids suffering from missing more school, as well as school functions & athletics (especially for high schoolers) -Masks optional, would be ok with for ages 12 and older, since they are of age to receive the vaccine. -For the families demanding masks optional for kids 12 and younger, why not put all those kids in the same class together? Assuming there is a teacher OK with that as well. Seems like both sides would have a win from that. I dont love the idea that my 2nd grader wants to wear a mask but is surrounded at time by kids not wearing one and it's uncomfortable for him when someone says something. -We support FZ decisions regardless & appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback. Thank you very much for the tremendous amount of effort going into all of this!

1367 Please consider consulting area Pediatricians and Doctors. The Data speaks for itself. Masking is the safest way to protect our kids until all school age children are eligible to be vaccinated. The idea that this is being left to popular opinion is embarrassing and concerning for our education system. We

1368 Also shouldn’t be required on the bus.

1369 Science has proven that distancing and wearing masks are an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID. I belive it is in the best interest of students, staff, and their families to mandate masks for their own benefit.

1370 I am in favor of masks. We need to put the well being and health of our kids and teachers and administrators before making political statements.

1371 Please don’t jeopardize our children’s safety based on political views and individuals who have no healthcare background. Our pediatrician has personally stressed the importance for masks for unvaccinated children and our son does not qualify at this time. Do what is right and recommended by our physicians. Thank you.

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1372 High School masking should be optional since all students and staff have the opportunity to vaccinate.

1373 I believe with the mask mandate in place there will be less kids in quarantine and they won't fall so behind in their studies.

1374 It is the safety of the students and the staff

1375 No one wants to wear a mask. No one wants our kids to wear a mask. But for the safety of the kids and the families at home who may be compromised in some way, I just feel it is the responsible thing to do. If you leave it optional, it only divides people over the whole issue. Just want to also say thanks to all the teachers and staff who have to deal with all this. You all are doing a great job!

1376 I don't agree with the districts current regulations in regards to quarantine. To me, it makes no sense to not wear masks but quarantine a student for 2 days due to an exposure. Just wear a mask all together. I do think PE should be optional to wear a mask and no masks outdoors. Also, kids wear them on the bus, so should be worn in school too.

1377 I appreciate a mask mandate that has an opportunity to be reevaluated every 30 days.

1378 Freedom of choice!!

1379 Freedom First, most people already had Covid and immune to it anyways by now.

1380 Children should be overly protected until the vaccine is available to them.

1381 I really think masks r distracting and hard to breathe and hot. I have 2 children in the fort zumwalt school district.

1382 Show some leadership and do the right thing. We owe it to the medical professionals that serve our community.

1383 I can't believe we're even asking this question. As educators, the majority of the people responsible for policy know the right answer and to try and gauge the politics of the issue and not just make the choice that keeps as many of your students safe as possible is really just a failure to do your job. At the very least, you should've started the season with the teachers in masks. At the very least. The way this has been handled reflects poorly on Mr. Dubray and certain members of the school board especially. Way to cave to the very constituents who refused to pass a tax increase that would've benefited the entire district. You deserve it. Be better.

1384 Where is the leadership FZSD promotes so much in the schools? FZSD leaders need to lead and not be swayed by loud voices demanding things must be done their way. This should not be a political decision nor should it be influenced by persons' political beliefs or demands. Rather, the response to a pandemic should be rational decisions based on science and guidance from health professionals. In that vein, I am not suggesting FZSD should or should not wear masks. Rather, I urge you to follow the current CDC guidance and update the policy as the CDC guidance updates. Unfortunately, politicians have undermined the health officials in the response to COVID-19. That is wrong. In conclusion, please follow the current CDC guidelines: Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.

1385 No

1386 I believe they should be optional but I personally don't have a strong opinion about it. My daughter is vaccinated and chooses to wear a mask all day because it used to it anyways.

1387 My child wears a mask with your new mandate and yet she was placed on quarantine today. So why mandate masks??????

1388 Mask or no mask requirement, my kids are wearing their masks until they can get vaccinated

1389 I understand the position the school is in. Our issue is this: the masks we wear, do they really protect against COVID?It Did help with flu last year. However, if wearing a mask keeps my child from being quarantined and out of school then I am in favor of them. We are a split family. Kids want them optional. For issues of freedom my husband wants them optional. My kids want to be in school. I don’t want them quarantined. We appreciate the difficult decisions being made and how you try to protect the kids. Honestly if they are together at lunch and

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football games I don’t see how masks are helping. The week they went into effect, I had not received a letter from high school or middle school about positive cases. I feel the numbers were headed down so can we honestly tell if they are helping. I had encouraged the kids to wear them in hallways and class to help limit quarantine as they are involved in extra-curricular. I’d like to see a study that shows the disposable and cloth masks are working against the small viral molecule. I haven’t purchased N95 masks for myself or my kids. However, we also all had it last Fall. I also have no intention of getting everyone vaccinated as I feel we have some immunity from having had it. Bottom line, I appreciate and understand the predicament of the district. I will instruct my children to do as it is decided

1390 There is no actual science stating that masks stop the spread of anything. Furthermore, actual scientists have stated that we should not be trying to stop the spread, but instead are encouraging natural immunity. Because that's how the human body works, in reality. So it is time to stop pandering, and remove the mandates.

1391 when the transmission rate lowers, then I would be ok with optional masks. My office requires masks anytime we are up from our desks. I don't think school is any different than office settings.

1392 If the school district wants to institute makes there needs to be adequate scientific evidence saying so. Currently there are no studies that give that evidence. In fact, there are several studies saying that masking kids is harmful to their development and children have a very very very small chance of developing symptoms that would be life threatening. The fact that less than 500 children have died out of the 70 million in the United States shows that kids are not at any real threat of dying and there is not a documented case of children passing the illness to an adult as far as I'm aware. This decision should be left in the hands of the parents and the school making these decisions for parents is out of line and should be removed immediately.

1393 Once the covid vaccine is authorized for school age children it should be a requirement.

1394 This is seriously ridiculous that we are doing this. I am SO GLAD that we are but the fact that this has to even be a survey sent out. Makes me incredibly sad. We are the parents we should make decision for our kids. Especially with our numbers being fairly low with the amount of kids we have. Our school particularly has been SO LOW it should be a case by case situation. This is causing a divide and honestly seems like a hidden agenda. I need to advocate for my child. They should feel safe at school and they should be able to wear reading glasses properly to progress their education and not wear mask instead of glasses. I think those who feel more comfortable in mask should wear them. And those who choose not to. Choose not too.

1395 Our kids have had absolutely no issues wearing a mask and if it becomes optional they will still wear them.

1396 Regarding masks, we would like to have the option to choose what we think is right for our child.

1397 Not for masks in school but since people take their kids to school after being sick or exposed it may be best to mask them.

1398 Masks are pointless. It should be up to me THE PARENT. My child hates school because of these masks. Begs and cries to stay home every morning. Threatens to harm herself because all this crap with COVID has destroyed everything and we were getting back to somewhat normal without the force of masks but not anymore it just messes with her mentally. Also I find it extremely messed up that my husband received this survey and I (the mother) did not and I'm the primary on EVERYTHING. I guess you all think we would miss the survey by doing that.

1399 No

1400 Unmask our children !!!!!

1401 Putting a mask on my vaccinated high schooler is bananas! I have wanted to write emails to the board last week but I was literally sick over this. Cloth and cheap throw away masks do not work. There are studies on this. Unless you want to give kids N95’s or respirators then masking them is silly. You should have never put all grades in the district into “one pot”. My 15yr old who is vaccinated should not be compared to an unvaccinated 3yr old. But if I understand correctly you guys are getting paid big time for making our kids miserable. Such a disgrace. You are about the money and money only. Show some leadership! I believe COVID is real. Heck I had it and so did my husband. I had to take him to the er twice. But masking

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my child is my choice, not yours!!! You are hurting our children more than you are helping. Even teachers are sharing how they are seeing kids act differently with the masks on and not engaging with peers or in class! I am wishing my daughters high school life away here. These should be her best years and you are destroying them. At least when we pick a college we will have a choice and you better believe we won’t be picking one with masking requirements! Done! So done!!!!

1402 Maybe required if not vaccinated 9/27/2021 6:06 PM

1403 These kids do not wear masks anywhere else. Ex. Church, grocery stores, movies, trampoline 9/27/2021 6:06 PM parks, concerts. They’re in & out of their friends houses… all without masks. The CDC has dropped the mask mandate stating that they DO NOT WORK. Infectious disease can not distinguish between an active positive test or a residual positive. If you’ve had COVID in the past, and now have the antibodies, you can test positive for COVID for several months later. Based on your current quarantine guidelines, a person who had COVID 3 months ago, could test positive & be forced to quarantine while they are not sick &/or contagious.

1404 Nope 9/27/2021 6:06 PM

1405 I feel they should have a choice, however I'd the chose NOT to wear a mask..then any days 9/27/2021 6:05 PM missed are absent not online etc...

1406 I think masks should be required for students and staff that are not vaccinated. 9/27/2021 6:04 PM

1407 I appreciate the Districts due-diligence in keeping our children safe. The pandemic is far from 9/27/2021 6:04 PM over and we need to continue to keep a watchful eye on our children and educators to protect them at all cost!

1408 We should be following the advice of the AAP (70,000 pediatricians), CDC, and our local health 9/27/2021 6:04 PM department that all say to universally mask in the schools right now. When their guidance changes then we can change our policies. Until then we should be universally masking all students and staff. A survey shouldn’t be how decisions regarding public health are made. They should be made by the health experts and followed by the schools. This is also the only way we can keep kids in school and keep quarantines down.

1409 There is really no scientific backing that proves cloth masks protect kids/adults. We don’t 9/27/2021 6:03 PM mask up for the flu, why for this? Anyone who is worried or compromised can wear a mask. Let kids be kids!

1410 No 9/27/2021 6:03 PM

1411 Masks should be mandated for grades k-6 since they are not able to be vaccinated. And 9/27/2021 6:03 PM medical exceptions should be made for those who are not medically able to wear a mask. We understand you have a difficult job, but protecting the students has always been part of it. That is not new. This shouldn’t be political. It’s about health and safety.

1412 We believe that masks were a key reason that we were able to complete the entire 20-21 9/27/2021 6:02 PM school year with our children in school.

1413 I believe masks should be optional for those who are vaccinated. That is one of the reasons 9/27/2021 6:02 PM that we did get our daughter vaccinated.

1414 Why wasn't this asked after the meeting making masks optional last month? My 6 and 4 year 9/27/2021 6:01 PM old have absolutely no issues wearing a mask. My wife and I watched the board meeting a couple weeks ago and Dr. Dubray tried to pull a fast one and forgo a vote mandating masks. It was very obvious. The safety of our kids should be the number one priority and it's shocking that Dr. Dubray doesn't feel that way. It's almost hard to comprehend and makes me think that there's some alternative motive behind his actions. Let's keep our kids healthy and in class. I hope we don't backtrack and remove the mask mandate going into cold and flu season on top of Covid.

1415 We are also against vaccine mandates. 9/27/2021 6:00 PM

1416 Optional for MO, optional for Fort Zumwalt 9/27/2021 5:58 PM

1417 none 9/27/2021 5:58 PM

1418 Please give families the right to make their own decision. Continuing to mask our youth is 9/27/2021 5:58 PM impacting their mental health and that is a real concern for many of us.

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1419 The only people who complain about masks are parents.

1420 I applaud the board for keeping our children safe in the midst of turmoil. Thank you for all you do for our children

1421 vaccinated students don't need to wear mask.

1422 This really shouldn’t be a popular opinion decision by parents. I feel like I am an educated, open minded parent, but there are plenty of others that I don’t believe are thinking about the best interests of others. Masks should be required right now except for when they are outside. I think this should be sent to all the pediatricians in the area to get input from healthcare professionals. This worked well last year. Not only did my children not get covid, I also never saw letters going home about lice, strep, or any other communicable sicknesses.

1423 This is unconstitutional and against the Nuremberg code. Our children’s rights are being violated. The board should be ashamed, boring this in and the hypocrisy of one of them not ‘wearing’ a mask, as he bites to impose this unlawful mandate. We Highly recommend you reverse this or be sued.

1424 Hope they keep the mask mandated throughout the school year. Stay safe staff and kiddos

1425 This is what the medical experts suggest to keep everyone the safest. They are implemented in federal, buildings, medical centers & even our school buses. Children spend much more time in each classroom than on the bus. Why wouldn't we protect each child just as well in the classrooms? We where masks to protect one another. Its an exercise in self sacrifice for the greater good of the whole community.

1426 Until either all can choose to vaccinate or the quarantine rules can be changed allowing our kids to be in school until symptoms are present after an exposure, I believe masks should be required. Those who have the ability to vaccinate I could understand not requiring a mask from because they have a choose to get vaccinated to protect themselves.

1427 Do not leave this for parents to decide, do what is right for the kids, which is to have everyone wear a mask and get vaccines. we are the only country still dealing with this BS. its simple science yet people think they know more then people with degrees in this field.

1428 The majority of us want kids and teachers wearing masks. Don’t listen to the loud minority.

1429 I can see making it mandatory for kids under age of 12 until that age can vaccinate. Thanks.

1430 Yes! Masks mandated and Vaccinated as well… as with all other vaccination requirements. This entire resistance to masks and vaccinations is completely ridiculous. It is a GLOBAL pandemic that requires the duty of care to others, community responsibility because of how the virus is spread. I have seen more selfish people than I have ever cared to in my lifetime. People do not have the right to infect others. I want my child to be safe and my family. The school has a duty of care and responsibility to my child while in their supervision. Masks help stop the spread even from those a-symptomatic or those that may have COVID. The school has the authority to enforce masks just as they do other safety measures. Enabling viruses to spread… enables other variants. It’s facts. It is data driven. It is science that masks work. Anything else is selfish, stupid, misinformed, dereliction of duty and complete negligence. Even diseases we get vaccinated for in schools, to travel, etc. have not proven to be as deadly as COVID and its variants. I am most definitely in favor of mask mandates AND vaccines. And frankly… those who choose to not wear masks or get vaccinated should not be allowed the medicine or technology to help them since they do not believe in the severity of COVID. ICU beds have still been full due to the fools that do not take the virus seriously. My children, my family and I are being put at health risk because others don’t give a damn and that is not ok with me just because they feel inconvenienced.

1431 No

1432 All safety measures to be followed until all are vaccinated

1433 You guys from top to bottom did an exceptional job during these tough times. It worked wonderfully last year and I see no reason to change what you are doing. If you feel that masks need to be worn then by all means make them wear it. If the numbers go down, then I'm cool with lessening the need for masks. I do like that the kids are allowed outside with other classmates. I also appreciate different situations inside to be allowed to remove masks. You guys have top scientists, doctors and advisors at your disposal so we trust your judgment. We don't have the luxury of being able to work from home so if they do need to quarantine we don't

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get to work or get paid. Side note.....last year the kids never had the flu or strep throat all because the masks worked.

1434 Masks should be used to ensure all students can take advantage of modified quarantine.

1435 Make masks required, especially for the younger kids (preschool/kindergarten). If optional, kids whose parents want them to wear masks come home saying no one else is wearing one, and now they don’t want to either. Hard for kids that young to understand it being optional for some, but not for kids whose parents want to protect them with masks.

1436 Hopefully once elementary age can be vaccinated and the delta variant recede, they won’t be necessary, but especially for the elementary kids this should be a mandate. I work at mercy hospital — please don’t let these people at meetings convince you that COVID is not alive and well. The kids and teachers did such an amazing jobs with the masks last year — a few more months wouldn’t be much in the long run, and it’s a great lesson for helping others — I can think of several of the 7 habits that can be used in a discussion of why we should wear masks.

1437 Let's keep as many kids in school as we can with the quarantine

1438 Public health decisions should not be made by a survey. It should be made from what will ensure the health and safety of our children and staff. The decision should be based off the findings of trusted medical doctors and scientists. Their expertise counts a lot more than parent opinions. Especially with the CDC's most recent information that masks work in schools, the recent board vote should stand as it will keep our children in schools.

1439 At this time, while numbers are still so high and as we enter flu season, I would prefer to see masks required across the board. I feel this can be revisited after the first of the year if community numbers are down. this should not be a political decision, but one made in the interest of public health. Families of children who prefer not to wear a mask should have to option for remote learning.

1440 The younger children don’t have the choice to get vaccinated. We need to consider all children and the families they go home to.

1441 We think that, absolutely, masks should be mandatory for children under 12, who cannot be vaccinated.We do not believe, contrary to some perspectives, that masks mandates are a violation of one’s personal freedom, but, rather, they are representative of your responsibility to promote the health and safety of your community.

1442 We think the only way someone should be allowed to not wear a mask is if they are vaccinated per the CDC recommendation. Considering that could be a massive undertaking to determine who has/hasn’t been vaccinated then masks should be required distract wide to cut down on transmission & quarantines. The most important thing is keeping our children in school safely!

1443 When will the quarantines end? This virus is never going away, will need to learn to live with it just like the flu and we don't mask for that.

1444 More than anything I want my kids and their teachers and all staff to be kept safe where they can function best. So if that means wearing masks I support it.

1445 If students are masked there will be less students out on quarantine. The only kids that will miss school are those who are actually sick. Many students are missing school and struggling to get work made up. It puts extra stress on students and teachers. If the goal is to keep everyone in school, masks are the best way to avoid students getting full quarantine.

1446 Nothing has changed from last year, the virus is still out there and most students CAN’T get vaccinated, the need to protect the kids is still there. You gave parents the opportunity to make the right decision on their own and they didn’t do it. So make the decision for them. Mask up until ALL students have the ability to get the vaccine. I also feel like you should make it mandatory for teachers and staff to get vaccinated to help protect the students that can’t.

1447 Several studies have been completed in the last several months. All have illustrated Covid rates are higher when masks are mandatory. And, N95 masks were the only ones successfully kept the virus out. Tests were completed on masks worn by children. The masks had bacteria and other harmful particles doing more harm than good. If masks are effective, then those wearing them shouldn’t be concerned with those not wearing them.

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1448 Follow science, not politics. Protect our kids and staff. Follow CDC guidance and require 9/27/2021 5:41 PM

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masks. It worked well last year.

1449 Please utilize science based guidelines and enforce those guidelines. Masks are effective in reducing the spread of COVID. The Delta variant is trickier but it is still better to utilize masks then not to.

1450 While I do feel masks should remain optional for all, and that the results of their effectiveness via currently reported testing is inconclusive at best; empirically their use has seemed to prevent illness through the years when interacting with infirmed family members. Additionally, they are a requirement for particle control in the industry of my employment, where Angstrom level control is maintained. However, I do not feel they are a bad idea especially as we enter the Fall and Winter season which are known for increased counts of Cold and Flu infections. This is actually common practice in many other countries with high population densities (though its use is generally decided upon by the wearer, not mandated). Personally it would be great if the data from implementing masks could be gathered and stored in a way to contribute to the question of mask effectiveness. Of course, with minimal controls it may be of limited use, though it may give insight about whether covering one’s mouth during this period appears to impact infection rates, among other things. Adding a basic dashboard would also be helpful, and useful long term if metrics could be realized and continuous improvement actions employed. Again, I’d like to underscore that I feel masks should be optional, but I think there is an opportunity for a paradigm shift regarding how we deal with transmissible illness and the presently known or estimated pros and cons should be weight in decision making and data gathering (especially during a time when mask use has been voted to be required). I’d be happy to elaborate or support on any topic mentioned.

1451 Wearing a mask is no different than wearing any other clothes. It’s is not “natural”, may be periodically uncomfortable but it’s better this way. We and our children will tolerate a minor daily inconvenience over losing loved ones forever

1452 I feel that it is unreasonable to have a mask mandate in schools with .1% positive covid cases and many of the schools have had less than 5 positive cases. I feel that masks have dramatically changed the emotional state of our staff and children just in the last 3 days. We need to consider how mask do effect our children socially, emotional and developmentally. Most adult mental health issues develop by the age of 14. Suicide is the 3 leading cause of death in adolescence. We should not dismiss the effects this can have on the mental heath of our children.

1453 This question should not be an opinion poll. The school district should be following the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, etc.

1454 If the modified quarantine included participation in extracurricular activities, then we would support masks.

1455 We feel the option should be limited to those that have been fully vaccinated.

1456 I don't think you guys should chose masks just to make sure you get your money for each student coming daily . Thats all its about and its very sad.

1457 I would like to see the kids take a survey as well.

1458 Vaccination status should be taken into consideration

1459 We so appreciate that FZSD has done such a great job for our students during this pandemic!

1460 I believe the mandate is being driven by the quarantine rules, which need to change. Quarentine should be for the sick/symptomatic, not for the healthy. Cloth masks do not protect against airborne viruses and only minimally for droplet precautions. I believe they are doing more harm than good for our children. It is and has always been an option for those concerned to wear a mask at any time - it doesn't have to be formally "optional" in order for individuals to wear masks. Many immunocompromised individuals (or close relatives) make this choice on a daily basis, and students also have that option at all times. Universal masking strikes me as a nuclear option to skirt the issue of the irrational quarantine rules. Solve that issue with rational, evidence based logic and the universal mask issue is resolved, with the remaining option to wear masks for those concerned. Thank you for conducting this survey, I appreciate your willingness to hear from all sides.

1461 Mask mandate should be in place for unvaccinated students and staff. Plain and simple. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, wear the mask.

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1462 Having staff and students wear masks will decrease the bullying and peer pressure our students receive when they are optional and chose to wear one. It will also greatly decreased the spread of the virus. We need to take parent feelings and opinions out of our decision and think about our children’s who are at risk that can’t protect themselves.

1463 My son was so excited to start school this year mask free. The look on his face when we told him that he would once again have to wear masks all day was heart breaking. Between YClub and school, he is masked for 1o hours each day. This is too long! It should be up to the parents if their children are masked or not. The dashboard numbers do not support the need for mandated masks.

1464 I would like the kids to wear masks to cut back the number of students being quarantined due to exposure. Plus we do not believe this decision should be made by public opinion. It should be driven by data. Thank you for all you do.

1465 If masks are made mandatory, at the very least students and staff who are vaccinated should have the option. Both of my kids (12 & 16) got vaccinated so they wouldn’t have to quarantine, now they have to wear masks full time, VERY FRUSTRATING!

1466 My position is that making masks optional is a middle ground. The evidence of negative impacts of requiring children (in particular) to mask is mounting. Moreover, the data indicating a clear benefit to masking to control the spread of the virus is nowhere to be found. Cloth masks by all serious accounts are effectively worthless in protecting the wearer or others from viral infection. Surgical masks fare little better. Finally, the data is clear on two points: 1. The virus poses little threat to children. (And we know to whom it would be a threat with high confidence.) 2. Children are not a significant viral spread vector for COVID infections. Any action to quarantine or to protect children has little upside and significant downside. Their school and social routines are disrupted, they cannot effectively communicate with teachers or classmates, and they are removed from their viral role in building herd immunity. Despite all of this, I believe it is the height of heavy-handed arrogance to insist people should NOT be masked. I would never interpose my own policy preferences between a parent and their children on any medical consideration, including masks. The same consideration should be granted to all of us.

1467 No vaccine mandates for Covid shots as the flu shot is not mandated

1468 I believe that each student should have their own choice if they want to wear a mask or not.

1469 Masks are the simplest, most basic way to protect our children. Data has shown their effectiveness in decreasing the spread of COVID. Decisions like this should be made by those who take into consideration the scientific evidence and the recommendations of local medical professionals when making these decisions, not the desires of the parents. It is the responsibility of the district to provide a safe environment for learning for our children, not requiring masks or other mitigation strategies is negligent and dangerous. As a nurse I have seen the immediate and long term effects COVID is having on children. They have significant long term issues even with mild cases including Type 1 diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias, and neurological changes. Also important to note are the psychological reprocussions when a child brings COVID home and it spreads through the family. The decision on whether or not those in the Fort Zumwalt buildings should wear masks needs to be made logically with no consideration of personal beliefs or desires. I have worn a mask all day, every day at work since last March. It is definitely an annoyance and I would love to be rid of them, but the safety and we'll being of my patients, coworkers, family, friends and everyone else is worth it. If wearing masks at school saves 1 child from long term complications or even death isn't that enough? For those who don't think that way, wearing masks allows for modified quarantines that help disrupt education. Last year they prevented numerous quarantines for my son who was in middle school. Missing that time from the classroom would have had a signifigant negative impact.

1470 Masks should be required for all staff and students. I work for a school district and our masks r required for all staff and students regardless of vaccination status and covid cases have low.

1471 Students on quarantine do not hear back from teachers in a timely manner. I realize the teachers need help keeping up with all the quarantine students

1472 I’d like the district to take the advice of scientists and experts in regards to COVID instead of listening to parent’s opinions.

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1473 Stop making this political and more about the kids and their health. 9/27/2021 5:29 PM

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1474 Masking our children harms them more than it helps them...

1475 Mask are necessary, everyone has to wear. to protect us all, from this pandemic.

1476 As a public school district, the guidance of local medical professionals should be followed. Every single pediatrician in our county advises masks be worn in schools. As parents, we shouldn’t have to choose between following the recommendations of our pediatrician and unenrolling our children in public school. The doctors are telling us that a mask optional environment doesn’t make sense, and it is not the safest place for our children. The safest place for children is a mask-mandated school environment per all of our health professionals. As a public district, Fort Zumwalt is obligated to provide that environment. Please survey the pediatricians and not parents.

1477 You have to take in account of the person not able to be vaccinated. Also, you should be asking the parents if mask should be optional or not. We are not health officials. Would you ask the parents about an illness before going to the doctor?

1478 I think the way vaccinated are not made to quarantine is a joke since you can still get COVID and give COVID when vaccinated! Vaccinated should be treated as Should be my child my choice for mask!!

1479 I have seen/read scientific evidence that masks are effective. I’ve also seen/read scientific evidence that masks are not effective. Contradicting information is everywhere and due to this I believe this must be optional to make it fair for everyone.

1480 Students and teachers should pay attention to hygiene requirements, both for hands and for the tools they touch

1481 If students or staff are sick or showing symptoms of being sick, they should wear a mask.

1482 Let kids be kids again!

1483 As a parent, I feel like it is unfair to quarantine a student that is masked. They should be able to monitor symptoms just like the vaccinated student when exposed . I currently know more people who are vaccinated that have come up Covid positive. It is proven that vaccinated people can get it and do spread it. Therefore, I don’t understand why the quarantine rules are different for vaccinated and unvaccinated. If they are unvaccinated and masked, they should not be quarantined at home. Let them come to school and monitor symptoms. As a teacher in the district who has had three students test positive on my team, I have seen the negative impact quarantines have on student learning. We need our students in the classrooms. If masking again can help keep them in school, then I support it.

1484 Masks should be required at least for K-6 till the vaccine is available for that age group. Once the vaccince is available, give time for students to be fully vaccinated (two weeks) past second shot before allowing masks to be optional. If a student in a class tests positive, all students and staff connected to that classroom should be required to mask for the quarantine period regardless of vaccine status. Once a certain thereshold is hit, then masks for the entire school until numbers become stable.

1485 For the well-being of our children masks should be optional… parents should be making the choice for their own children.

1486 Keeping children in school is important to me and I like to hope that it is important to the teachers, administrators, and school board members. Without masks in the first month we have already seen a huge number of children quarantined due to close contact exposure, my son who wears his mask daily included. We have experienced virtual learning during quarantine and it was horrible for our family and something that could have been avoided if masks had been required because modified quarantine would have been an option. It is unfortunate to me that I am forced to put the health and education of my children in the hands of adults who choose to deny science and disregard the well being of those around them. My hope is that the board will uphold their decision on masks as we head into the colder months and protect the children and families of our district.

1487 I feel if the child is in high school and vaccinated it’s their decision whether to ear a mask or not. That was the purpose of getting the vaccine in the first place.

1488 Only good thing about mask is less restrictive quarantine

1489 Mask “optional” is a joke and insult to intelligence.

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1490 Protection of the students and staff should not even be a question. Wearing a mask isn’t going to kill anyone. Flu and cold season is starting and the kids are already coughing and sneezing at school. A mask would keep the child’s germs on their own face.and not my childs

1491 Masks are preventing learning and normal social skills that children need to be successful in life. Why should children who are at low risk for covid be forced to wear them while adults are mask free?

1492 No thank you

1493 Yes, we should not have to validate any information other than school requirements. Furthermore regardless of what is going on, this should have been surveyed well before the superintendent imposed the mask requirement.

1494 Children should not have to wear mask as this does not affect them like others.

1495 We need to about the safety of children and others who have underline conditions.

1496 I feel masks should be optional. However, Since the quarantine rules state that if you are exposed and you were not wearing a mask you have to quarantine for 14 days. I made the decision for my child to wear the mask ONLY when social distancing is not an option. I do not feel it is necessary to require the kids to wear a mask at their desks, on the playground or during gym it's hard enough to breath with the mask on without doing physical activity. I also feel making children wear a mask during lunch is disgusting, my child told me he had to wear the mask during lunch last year. I asked how he ate and he said he had to pull the mask down to take a bite then put it back up again. There were days his masks camp home smelling like gross. I am not sure how that is sanitary.

1497 The Media is hyping things up and making things seem way worse than they actually are… weak mind is easy to manipulate.

1498 When considering my response, the most important factors are 1. My child is too young to receive the vaccine and any efforts to mitigate the spread is needed. 2. Modified quarantine is best for me as a single parent who is the sole provider for my household. If masks aren't properly worn by all, that directly impacts my profession should my child be exposed. 3. Just because some parents are louder than others should NOT impact the school's decision on how we keep out children safe.

1499 This is in terms of k through 5th grades because they are not eligible for the vaccine.

1500 Please keep the masks!!!

1501 By requiring masks, you are increasing the number of students that are receiving in person education. I believe in person education is what the students need the most

1502 While I appreciate the chance to voice my opinion, I feel it should not be parents’ opinions that count on this. It should be the CDC guidance as well as the guidance of medically educated professionals such as the American Academy of Pediatrics. Stop making this issue political and do what is right for the children.

1503 No

1504 A possible compromise, masks required in the hall but can be removed once seated in class.

1505 While mask wearing is uncomfortable and feels like an encumbrance, it has been proven to be the simplest and most effective action for limiting the spread of airborne disease. That's the goal.

1506 If you have proven to be vaccinated (students, faculty, or staff) - I believe that your mask choice may be optional. Must provide approval of vaccination record to administration/nurse. Anyone not vaccinated should wear a mask.

1507 We value everyone's opinion however this should not be about popularity vote. This is about following scientists and medical professionals who have dedicated their time to study and guide us through this endemic. This is about following what's right for our kids based on data and science, not who screams the loudest. This is about saving the children who have no option in getting a vaccination, therefore not be given a fair opportunity to protect one's self. To top it off each variant as time progresses seems to get stronger. So we must adapt to protecting the children from that variant. I respect your job and I know you are in such a

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difficult position; but understand the main reason you were voted in is to do what's right for the kids and to protect the kids. Schools are supposed to be a safe location for the children. Let's make sure it stays that way. I also appreciate you sending out this email so that parents can feel the power to voice their opinions. However please keep in mind that it's data that should portray your next steps, not opinions. Thank you for all your hard work! It does not go unnoticed.

1508 It is not a big deal for students to have to wear masks. If he helps keep kids in school then it is worth it.

1509 If someone is coughing give them a mask, if they aren't don't worry about it.

1510 Masks work

1511 Masking children should not be mandated, I believe it is psychological abuse and will continue to fight. You can bet parents are awake and will be paying attention to who we vote for. Also, if teachers in our district continue to stand at the board meetings and are wanting masked children at school then as parents need to start the process of firing abusive teachers. I also do not want unmasked children treated different by the teachers that believe mask should be required. I heard some parents speak about this at the board meeting. It needs too stop!

1512 While you all were under the mask optional era, my vaccinated student got Covid. I do believe the masks make a huge difference in the spread of the virus.

1513 My kids prefer no mask and I want it known that my kids will not be getting the COVID shot.

1514 Go panthers

1515 Unless there is an enormous spike in covid cases throughout the schools; I just dont feel it is necessary to force the kids and staff back into masks. It is time to bring some normalcy back into their school lives.

1516 Masks keep kids in school. Follow the CDC guidance of universal masking.

1517 I feel that since vaccines are not available yet for children under 12, masks should be required to protect those who are unable to be protected by a vaccine.

1518 If masks help keep kids in school and learning I’m all for it.

1519 Fort Zumwalt should have always followed CDC guidelines and scientific evidence to begin with and required masks. PERIOD. For elementary students especially, there is no vaccine for them, so at the very least, masks should be required at elementary schools. Other kinds of vaccines are required already for children when we enroll them, so what makes the COVID vaccine any different? It is really disappointing that Fort Zumwalt puts the lives of our children at risk and the district claims to have the children's best interests at heart. Fort Zumwalt's actions show an utter lack of regard for our children's lives. Will it take the death of a child for Fort Zumwalt to finally wake up and take some responsibility? It is a joke, a disappointment, and makes us really question the leaders at the helm who are ignoring the fact that this is a public health issue and a crisis!

1520 I am sorry that you have to deal with this.... We don't wear our masks to protect us... We wear them to protect the ones who's body's can't survive covid.... Kindness.... And compassion for all go a long way and people for or against masks both sides need to stop because it's not an example for the kids ....

1521 As a healthcare worker I see how effective masks are and as my child can not get vaccinated and vaccines are not mandatory for your staff to do the most they can to protect my child, the very least they could do is wear a mask and the children as well wear masks. My daughter was looking forward to returning to in person learning and was so disappointed when I had to switch her to virtual when I found out masks were optional. Masks mandates would allow my daughter to return to in person learning for the second semester of school.

1522 Our kids have asthma. It is very difficult for them to breathe with the masks on. Requiring them to do so is affecting their health. I think students should NOT be required to wear masks. The students that wish to wear masks should be allowed to do so but it should NOT be mandated district wide.

1523 It does not make sense to make my child wear a mask when there are 0 cases in her school per your covid dashboard

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1524 Please make sure teachers and staff are fully vaccinated for everyone safety.

1525 Keeping students in school and having a high attendance level has been something the school strived for since we have been a part of the district. Masks being optional makes it likely students will have to be away from school for an extended period. We think it would be acceptable to have 6th grade and younger be required to mask and have it be optional for 7th grade and older. This is due to vaccine approvals and likely ages of students. We are also against the elimination of contract tracing/quarantining.

1526 No

1527 1. It is completely hypocritical that a board member who is FOR masking, wasn’t even masked at the meeting. He also attends outside events WITHOUT a mask. Where is the ‘concern for the safety of the kids’ with him? 2. For those that would like to mask their children, let them mask their children. Their body, their choice. And those of us that just want our children to live a NORMAL life and be kids again, let our kids be unmasked. Our body, our choice. 3. The emotional toll this is taking on our children is unacceptable. Children don’t want to ride the bus or even go to school anymore because of masks. Our children have NO trust in the school district - starting them out maskless and then - yet again - bait and switch - now masks mandatory. We are setting our children up for failure. 4. As of 9/23/21, Fort Zumwalt (mask optional) has 2,642 teachers and staff. Of those 2,642, 0 (ZERO) cases from school contact & 6 cases from outside contact, which is 0.2% positive. There 18,300 students. Of those 18,300, 18 were from school contact (0.009%) & 67 were from outside contact (0.3%) for a total of 0.31% positive. As of 9/23/21, Hazelwood (mandatory masks) has 2,940 staff members, in which 11 tested positive, totaling 0.3% - 0.1% higher than FZ, who at the time was mask optional. There are 17,573 students, of which 147 tested positive, totaling 0.8% - DOUBLE what FZ tested at as mask optional.

1528 I think the quarantine protocols currently in place make wearing masks necessary. Many kids are being quarantined showing no symptoms, and are basically missing school for no reason and it is affecting their education.

1529 The risks associated to those that have not been vaccinated or to those that have compromised immune systems is not worth the inconvenience some feel strongly about. Human life is more important than self-righteousness.

1530 Let us parents decide whether our children should wear a mask....PERIOD!

1531 Mask mandates for the vaccinated is an inappropriate overreach of authority (an imagined authority at that).

1532 I want my child to have an in class learning experience. Masks will help to maximize this.

1533 We know, from our own numbers in Fort Zumwalt schools and across the globe, that masks help reduce the numbers of COVID cases. This isn't a personal issue, but a community one. Cases now are worse than they were this time last year. Please don't cave to people's feelings about not liking masks, please follow the science and care about our kids, teachers, and staff lives.

1534 Masks should only be mandated for specific classes and short periods (1-2 weeks) of time when someone tests positive in that specific class.

1535 A pandemic doesn’t care about who gets sick or dies. Red or Blue…don’t kill my kid, wife, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa with your ignorance of scientific facts!

1536 Mask are useless for the kids to wear, all they do is make the kids breath in harmful carbon monoxide from the mask not letting their breath escape properly.

1537 Although, to some the masks may create a sense of discomfort. They help ensure that those who aren't vaccinated remain under some security that they are less likely to heavily get sick. Many students who have family members of varying ages, can come home with a sickness that they are not aware of and pass it off to their family members unintentionally. The masks create another barrier to contracting any unwanted diseases.

1538 Masks should also be optional for the kitchen staff. The heat of the ovens make it difficult to breathe. If kitchen staff is required all staff should be wearing masks.

1539 Keep the mask mandate! Mask are working at St Charles School District

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1540 Vaccinated or not. Keep healthy kids in school.

1541 This whole mask wearing this school district making the kids wear the mask all over again is BS!!! A person should not be mandated into wearing these masks. This should be optional. The last time I checked our Constitution does not force anyone to be obligated to do a damn thing. We the People (this includes the students at Fort Zumwalt school district) should be given the CHOICE to wear or not to wear.

1542 I agree with FZSD’s decision to mandate masks for a temporary time. It was a wise decision and one that was based on evidence of the spread of COVID in the district. I would like to see these intelligent and data-based decisions continue through the pandemic. Keep up the good work. I know how difficult it can be. Thank you for keeping my child safe

1543 I know this decision is hard either way. I am both a parent and a staff member for FZSD. I back the decision to wear masks because it keeps kids and staff safe to the best of our ability. Children in the preschool levels are doing the best they can to wear masks. I understand there will be challenges but above all I want everyone to be safe.

1544 You should have followed your original promise that masks would only be required if more than 4% of students were absent due to Covid. That number was at 2% when you implemented the mask mandate. You should immediately make masks optional unless value goes up to 4%. And if value does exceed 4% then only the school with 4% should require masks, not all schools in district.

1545 I think there's an additional level here that needs to be addressed. If vaccinated, masks are optional. If not vaccinated, then take into account the current situation at each school and mandate accordingly.

1546 Considering the impact on public health, wearing masks are a significantly simple decision that keeps our children safe. The cost is nominal, the effort is low, and it does not impact learning or well-being in any way. This shouldn’t even be a question or topic that folks should be allowed to vote on. As educators, you have a responsibility for reinforcing the value of data, science, and decision making based on fact over emotion. You also have a responsibility to protect the welfare of our children. This should be treated as any other safety protocol you have in place on which you put the protocol in place without asking parents to weigh in.

1547 Need to follow CDC and AAP guidelines.

1548 Students deserve a safe environment if they have an at risk person in their life, or if they are at risk themselves for serious illness from covid. They shouldn’t be afraid to go to school.

1549 Staff @ ECC & elementary schools should be masked up. Middle & high school (staff & students)where vaccinations are possible due to age should not be masked if vaccinated. And yes, proof of vaccine should be submitted to schools just like all other vaccines that are needed to attend school. If not vaxxed, then masks should be worn.

1550 This controversy has led to bullying and in order to protect the kids from disease and mental health, masks should be mandatory,

1551 No

1552 Me and my children will follow school guidelines to keep kids in schools and not be virtual. Masks may be annoying, but if it keeps them inside schools and the teachers get to be with their students then that's all that matters. Love the FZSD staff.

1553 Mask should be optional! Churches, Stadiums, restaurants are all mask optional. Our children should have the freedom to choose just like the rest of us.

1554 My daughter has been vaccinated and became ill after her second shot for the purpose of not needing to ware a mask or having to quarantine from being exposed at school. It is a slap in her face and others, to now require her to ware a mask after her efforts.

1555 I want to keep quarantines to a minimum. I want to keep masks in schools until the 5-11 y/o have ample time to get fully vaccinated.

1556 I think it is our job as adults to protect our children our future. I understand masks are an inconvenience, but they aid in slowing the spread of viruses. At this time, I think this is all we can ask.

1557 Don't think the kitchen staff should have to ware masks ether the kids and staff are around the

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food moor often than the cooks. maby have them wear masks while serving that would make common sense. thanks

1558 I think it should be a choice for those eligible for vaccination. I understand a mandate on K-8 really... But not high-school.

1559 As a nurse I see first hand the worse side of this disease. Our children don't need to ever experience that kind of pain.

1560 You don’t know what kids or families are immunocompromised. Equal education means safe for everyone

1561 Why was there no survey when you decided to begin the school year mask optional?? Please continue to follow CDC and AAP guidelines and keep masks mandatory. My children deserve to learn in person, in a safe environment. Masks do work to stop the spread of COVID-19 and will keep kids in school and out of quarantine.

1562 I work 8 to 12 hours mask are required and I have survive. Besides what's the point of imposing masks and having football games on the weekends. And now one are using them.

1563 I kept my child virtual last year & covid free. 5 days in to school year even though he wore mask daily.... he gets covid. My husband & I are high risk immune compromised. Luckily we got 3rd booster & were safe, but it was very stressful & our son does not have full lung capacity & may never regain it. I'm saddened & disappointed the district does not care about its families & chose to fall to peer pressure. If we could move or afford private school we would consider it.

1564 Covid is not something to be trifled with. I thought it was outrageous and disappointing that kids under 12 (who cannot be vaccinated) would have a choice whether to wear a mask or not. The CDC recommends anyone, regardless of age, to wear masks in public if they are not vaccinated. I just received word today that my daughter was exposed to Covid at school and is on mandatory quarantine. How many more parents are going to receive that call this year? How many positive Covid cases could be prevented by wearing masks? Kids are DYING from Covid. I absolutely cannot fathom that any educator would advocate an optional mask policy for kids (or adults) who aren't vaccinated. I pray no children or teachers in our district have to die in order to drive that point home.

1565 Masks are worn to protect others (not oneself) and slow the spread of COVID and other illnesses. It does no good if it’s not universal. If I send my kid in masked and she’s surrounded by unmasked people, she is doing her part to protect them while no one is protecting her. Also, quarantines are higher when masking is not universal. We should all do all that we can to protect one another, especially those most vulnerable, and to keep kids in school learning.

1566 When it comes to mask wearing during a pandemic, you should follow the guidance of the CDC and doctors, not the opinion of parents.

1567 I firmly believe quarantine policies for school age kids need to be readdressed.

1568 We think everyone should have a mask on until everyone is eligible to get the vaccine.

1569 Wearing a mask is a joke. Let’s the kids be kids.

1570 Masks optional for students, mandatory for staff please

1571 The school board should follow the advice of medical professionals, the cdc, and the Dept of health regarding health safety issues in public schools. Opinions are irrelevant. Scientific facts and suggestions made by experts are how we get out of the pandemic. KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE AND OUT OF QUARANTINES. Follow the science and require masks until the experts say it’s safe.

1572 I am thankful that this is an opportunity for our kids to not have to quarantine if both parties are masked properly.

1573 A child who is vaccinated shojld automaticcally have the option to unmask and not be mandatory.

1574 Follow the CDC Guidelines, please!

1575 My son was exposed 2 times in the first month and for a kindergartener this extremely stressful. He was there one week and then out and then back one week and out again. It was

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like starting over each time. This is so stressful for children. If they wear masks at least they shouldn’t be quarantined constantly. I was so happy that the board made the decision to mandate masks at least for one month as he will be there more than he was for the first month.

1576 Although uncomfortable, masks do cut down on transmission. It's a fact.

1577 The masks are doing more harm than good. Carbon dioxide is a waste product of our body, breathing back in their own waste, their own poison?! I guess we should start eating and drinking our waste also from the toilet?! Look up the poisonous level of carbon dioxide, then measure the level in the mask. It is way past poison level.

1578 I strongly believe that more harm is being done to my child (and children in general) due to the mask requirement in school. There is no way this could be healthy for a child with borderline asthma. There is no way it can be healthy even for a healthy child. I am strongly opposed. And I am strongly opposed of this issued being pushed for political reasons! Please, please keep politics out of the our schools.

1579 I plan to attend the Oct 18 board meeting. If masking is going to be EXPECTED, I will listen to the day's business EXPECTING to hear a scientifically rational explanation of why masking is still required. Fate and treatment and biological/chemical efficacy is terse environments is part of my profession, so I emphasize the need for rational thought process. I sound harsh in this text only to reflect my sincerity. I am a team player for sure, but I will also be selectively scrutinizing...masking & COVID over-reactions is something I SELECT to collaboratively strutinize. Please know that I am generally very laudatory of FZSD, and especially the staff & teachers. Thank you.

1580 The numbers don’t support mandating masks not even close. If you feel more comfortable wearing them feel free but the rest shouldn’t be forced. Optional was working well.

1581 The CDC as well as multiple studies show that masks are in effective at blocking the Covid virus and variance. The masks if anything possibly provide a false sense of security. Children are the lowest at risk group and continue to see the lowest and almost nonexistent numbers of infection rate in our county and nationwide. Masks should not be enforced as facial cues especially at younger ages play such a significant role in a child’s development. please vote against requiring masks for our children. Time to return to normal.

1582 Making children wear masks all day is wrong. If this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated what’s vaccinated people have to worry about. All about choice

1583 As a parent of a child that is not yet old enough for a vaccine, I believe the safest option for her and her peers is masks to lessen exposure. I work in healthcare, and while my child or myself may not get seriously I’ll, no masks puts my patients at higher risk in addition to all the children in the school. I appreciate the district taking the time to listen to their families.

1584 Once Vaccine is required and all students are all fully vaccinated, the masks should move to optional. At this time, the mask mandate is what is safest for all.

1585 As a parent of a Kindergartner I am highly against the mask mandate. Our child is working on speech, phonetics, pronunciation, and annunciation. This requires the student and teachers mouth to be visible to see if the skill is being addressed properly. We have no problem with students and teachers wearing a mask if it is their choice. But I do not need the school district to choose what is best for my child. Please keep masks optional.

1586 We need to do everything possible to provide the safest learning environment for our kids!

1587 This is not a personal opinion. This answer is based only on information and recommendations provided by qualifying medical experts. It’s better to be safe than sorry. However, we (parents in this household), will have to trust whatever the school district leaders decide is best for our students at this time.

1588 As a parent of multiple students in the FZ school district, and the spouse of a long-tenured FZ employee, I feel very strongly that the decision to wear a mask should be solely at the discretion of the parents and the individual student. The first month of the school year was the happiest and most engaged I've seen my kids in school in the past 18 months, and the students in my wife's classroom were no different. The anguish and sadness on my kids' faces when told they had to start wearing masks again was heart breaking. Simply put, the burden that we are asking our children to bear does not proportionally match the risk they face from

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Covid. Additionally, according to the school district's own dashboard numbers and that of other area school districts, students in the mask-optional FZ school district have actually had LESS in-school Covid transmission than other area schools that have required masks. At this point in the pandemic, we have enough empirical evidence to acknowledge that masks provide very little if any protection to children, who are at less risk from Covid than many other communicable diseases for which we do not require masks. And this is even before you consider the reality of what mask-wearing looks like in the typical elementary classroom; with kids licking and sneezing on their masks, blowing their noses on it, playing with their mask, and largely acting and treating their masks as one would reasonably expect from a typical school-aged child. Vaccines are free and effective, and students and staff can still choose to wear a mask if they wish. Those who are at risk from Covid have several options for protecting themselves and it is time to stop selfishly asking our children to carry a disproportionate amount of the burden.

1589 I would love for decisions to be made based on proven facts even if everyone doesn’t agree. You can't make everyone happy, but we need to do what's best for our children to keep them safe and healthy.

1590 Please wear a mask to protect our most vulnerable. My 3 year old contracted covid in July. Despite having no underlying conditions, he has battled viral pneumonia with continued & persistent respiratory issues. At a bare minimum, wearing a mask will keep more kids in class with less disruption.

1591 I believe it the parents/childs choice to make such as the vaccination.

1592 No

1593 Mask should be optional only if vaccinated. Required if not vaccinated. But since that is not something you are offering then all should wear them.

1594 No

1595 My daughter says the teachers are not allowing mask breaks. My daughter had a bad chin infection last year from her mask & she's starting to get one this year. We're meeting with a dermatologist but I feel she should get a break throughout the day if she's able to social distance. She does chose to wear her mask (even before the mandate) but I'm answering optional because I need her to have mask breaks for her health. She's also said a lot of students aren't wearing the mask over their noses and teachers aren't correcting them.

1596 It was very unfair that my child had to quarantine because another child did not wear a mask and mind did and had to stay home. If another child is not going to wear a mask that should not cause another child to stay home who wears a mask or risk getting another child sick. Covid is real. I had a cousin die from it 4 weeks ago.

1597 I don’t think masks are healthy for anyone for extended periods especially students. We feel masks should be optional per individual teacher & student. We hope the FZ School Board will address this issue soon and go back to the mask optional policy which is why I kept my children in this district this year in the first place when school started.

1598 Middle school and high school should be optional, but they should have to prove their vaccination. If not vaccinated, then have to wear a mask.

1599 I have sent emails to the board and superintendent voicing my concerns as well as asking numerous questions regarding the current mask mandate. I'd greatly appreciate a response . Our schools need to fight for the overall well being for all students and all these mandates are causing irreversible damage to these kids

1600 First of all, thank you for conducting this survey. I am against mask mandates in schools. If another parent is for it, they can have their child wear a mask. My stance is based on the science that we know. The only mask that make any marginal difference are the N95 masks "when worn properly". I have yet to see a child with that type of mask on. I also believe that masks are detrimental in schools. A large part of how we communicate is body language. Children, especially young children, need to see faces. It helps them learn and build relationships with peers and teachers. Also, I have seen my 1st grader's mask when he gets home from school and it is disgusting! Even if a broader range of masks worked, we need to evaluate the risk to our children. (risk of contracting the virus) All evidence says that children have no real risk with this contagion. On top of all of that, many of these children have already had Covid 19 and therefore have some natural immunity. Many more older students can say

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the same and some have been vaccinated as well. We need to let parents decide what is best for their own children, period. And the school staff should have the same choice for themselves. Nobody is advocating for mask bans. But parents should be able to decide what is best for their own children. Thank you for your time and attention. I am hopeful that this survey will help put choice back in the hands of parents.

1601 Masks are a simple solution to keep our kids safe and in school. My children have asthma and immune deficiencies. One of them is too young to be vaccinated. Masks do not hurt our children or teachers, but COVID will. The most safe and responsible choice is to listen to the guidance from the AAP, CDC, and county health department. We do not give our children the choice to participate in activities that are unsafe. Large groups of unmasked people indoors is not safe during a pandemic. There should not be a choice to risk exposing your child and other children, teachers, and their families to a deadly virus.

1602 Mask are scientifically proven not to be effective. I am not subjecting my child to wearing one.

1603 Mask should be required until the student body and staff have been sufficiently vaccinated (>90%)

1604 Thank you for all your efforts to keep school open and kids safe. Especially for those siblings who have younger siblings at hone who can not get vaccinated yet.

1605 Consistency is everything.

1606 Until the rules for quarantine of a student who was wearing a mask being made to stay home because someone who was not wearing a mask tests positive, until that changes all students and teachers should be required.

1607 We feel it is more important for our children to stay in a school setting and learn from teachers, than it is for them to not wear a mask.

1608 Read the science not the media bs about masks: https://youtu.be/6mxqC9SiRh8

1609 If the school board wants to mask it should be at schools with high cases, not district wide.

1610 I don't agree with a mandate. It is not your choice to determine if my child should wear a mask or not. If some parents want their kids to wear a mask then that is up to them. I find it kinda funny that board members vote for a mandate but don't wear a mask themselves when in public. A do as I say not as I do mind frame.

1611 I chose mask optional but my family is good with either one. My 2 high school students are vaccinated but also ok if there is a mask mandate.

1612 The science and rates do not justify an all district mandate. Establishing a positivity rate and/or quarantine rate threshold for masking based upon building is appropriate.

1613 My child is fully vaccinated and he has no problem wearing a mask.

1614 Being a nurse at a hospital in St. Louis county, I have first hand knowledge of the overwhelming about of patients we have at this time. ICU is full 24/7. We admit people and they can’t get rooms so they stay in the ed. I think it’s our job as a community to keep others safe. The kids don’t even care for the most part, it’s there google Dr. parents that are crazy and have no knowledge of medicine in the least.

1615 Masks should be required for a number of reasons. Our district was one of the few in the state that was fully masked all last year and didn't have to shut down. Which proves masks work. It is more beneficial for the students to be in the classroom instead of in quarantine. We are a household that has a close family member who has recently been diagnosed with cancer so we are wanting to be safe as possible and masks help with this situation. No one wants to live in a world where we are still wearing masks and it didn't seem to be such a big deal last year. Putting on a mask is an easy task to help keep kids in school and family members safe.

1616 Wearing mask for kids with glasses is really hard bc they can’t see. Also if the mask helped make it where they didn’t have to hold quaratine then I could see wearing them

1617 Mask for non vaccinated people.

1618 Schools closing down would be catastrophic to our family and many others. Kids and teachers safety should be the #1 priority

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1619 If wear g mask will cut down on the quarentine numbers then I'm all for wearing the mask. Kids will learn better in the classroom.

1620 It seemed to work well last year. I would like to see mandatory masks until vaccinations are available. Then only mandatory for unvaccinated students and teachers.

1621 if my child has been vaccinated then it's his choice to wear a mask or not. why did he get the vaccine if he has to wear a mask?!

1622 We should be consulting experts in the field and following scientific evidence to make these decisions. Public health shouldn't be decided through parent survey. Most people don't have the knowledge or intelligence to make these decisions nor do they have the community's best interest at heart.

1623 Masks are needed!

1624 It shouldn't be a vote of what we "want" . It should be what is SAFE for our children and staff.

1625 If all parties are wearing masks then this will reduce kids having to be out on full quarantine.

1626 Deprivation of oxygen even for a second is not OK. At least allow it to be optional

1627 We are still in a pandemic regardless of what some people think. We must protect the children that are not old enough to get vaccinated. There are Plenty of families that have younger children and older children. I am afraid that older children will drag illness home to the younger kids if we allow the older kids to go unmasked. I think that if we mask everybody teachers and students included, Whether you are vaccinated or not the Children can continue to do the activities that they like to do at school. It allows for people to go to sporting events, to have their school dances, and after school clubs. It keeps the children in school and shortens the quarantine period If there is an exposure. The goal should be to keep our kids in school. By masking everybody it gives us the best chance of having continuity in their education. We require a vaccination for many childhood diseases. Well I wouldn’t force somebody to get a vaccine, I don’t think it’s right to allow unvaccinated people to not wear a mask while at school or school related functions. Doing so would put everybody at risk. I’m hopeful that the numbers will continue to Decrease and we will be able to lift the mask mandate safely. We are all in this together. Thank you for your consideration.

1628 It is my belief based on scientific facts and my 20 years professional experience as a biological, chemical, nuclear warfare instructor with the Dept of Defense that cloth/paper masks have zero effect on COVID. All they accomplish is misery and division. Please keep them out of the schools for students and faculty.

1629 We should all feel safe

1630 Should the kids or staff be sick then yes they should wear a mask but other wise it should be optional

1631 The mask policy that was recently put into effect seriously puts our kids at a disadvantage. To have the school year start out the way it did with some return to normalcy only to revert back to the way it was previously is devastating to many students. It affects their mental health and the ability to learn effectively by being able to communicate properly with teachers. If a vaccine that is available for a large portion of the school district is optional, then masks should be as well.

1632 I support whatever the school board decides is best to keep the kids in school.

1633 We as parents understand the risks we also have the right to choose if we want our children to be made to wear masks and i say absolutely not this is out of control If my kids want to wear a mask wonderful if not then I will stand behind them.

1634 If there's an outbreak in the school they should make the call then.

1635 Last year was rough on kids, recess zones, being alone with there class and class only. This year at the beginning, kids were happy and smiling and so excited to be back. Being able to not wear masks helped put a smile on a sad kids face, put a nice to meet you on their face.

1636 Na

1637 I understand that this is a real virus but the numbers and the science don't reflect that kids should be wearing masks. It messes with their learning. My daughter wore the mask last year

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and had Ds and Fs and struggled all year.. the beginning of this year with tougher classes and no masks As and Bs the difference is clear to us !!!

1638 We have entrusted the educational, health, and safety needs of our 3 most precious gifts to this district. Please ensure that we utilize the tools we have to provide a layered mitigation strategy for the safety and health of our children.

1639 No

1640 The district should follow guidance from health professionals. Masks work to reduce COVID transmission. The district was successful last year in reducing transmission, you have the data that masks are effective. A vocal minority should not drive district policy.

1641 Limiting the exposure of regular viruses that children get exposed to on a regular basis with minimal effects to the children by wearing masks is actually causing more harm in the long run, by changing the timing these viruses usually emerge and the severity in which they effect them and those around them ie:RSV, rhinovirus etc

1642 Masks should remain mandatory until a vaccine is available to the entire student body.

1643 My child is fully vaccinated and doesn’t need a mask.

1644 No.

1645 Indoor masking is recommended by area health departments, the Centers for Disease Control, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and my child’s pediatrician above age two. Decisions should be made based on science and safety. Accommodations should be considered for students who are medically unable to wear masks. Students with disabilities should be assisted by school staff in learning to wear masks but not forced or completely excluded from participating in activities as a result of not adhering to masking guidance. Most disability awareness and advocacy groups have tips on how to help children learn to wear masks. Clear masks are available for for staff to use with students who have lip reading/communication needs. Specific guidelines such as masking breaks and being able to take off the mask outdoors or during exercise are appreciated. Thank you for considering stakeholder input.

1646 Our teachers and children deserve to be protected while at school, and the District needs to stop playing into the political noise surrounding wearing masks.

1647 Depends on rules for quarantine tracing

1648 I believe strongly that masks should be optional for all people. There is much data proving the inefficiency of masks. Masking prevents air from freely entering our body and traps air being emitted out and contain many harmful elements due to touching, laying on surfaces and re-wearing, etc. Thank you for asking

1649 Until a vaccine is available for all I think masks should be worn

1650 Letting people decide for themselves. If they want to mask up because they want to protect others, they will.

1651 Keep the mask mandated

1652 When masks are optional, I lose my choice to keep my child in school when they are a close contact even though my kids wear masks. With masks mandatory, my child can stay in school when they are a close contact! Please don’t take that choice away from me and my kids. I believe masks should be optional at the high schools where children have the option to be vaccinated. When vaccinated, students do not have to quarantine due to being a close contact.

1653 Masking our children is a very personal choice that should be made by the PARENTS. Parents who believe a mask protects their child are more than able to send their child to school with a mask. Others who think it does more harm than good should have that option as well.

1654 It is our rights as United State citizens to have a choice on our well being...Our current government should NOT be able to mandate our RIGHTS in a FREE NATION!! We live in a democracy and have the freedom to choose....

1655 I think the mask mandate should be on a school by school basis

1656 Those that want to force a mask mandate on the whole school. I would suggest them to

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consider the at home learning option. (If people still do not feel safe with there vaccination and mask, staying home is a good option.)

1657 I think we should be following the local county and CDC guidelines. 9/27/2021 4:16 PM

1658 For fully vaccinated staff and students masks should not be required 9/27/2021 4:16 PM

1659 I know how important voting in this issue is. And my child will comply. But it should be 9/27/2021 4:15 PM optional. Masks should've started decades ago with Flu season, H191, etc etc. Not during an election for political gain. FZ school district is better than that & should be setting an example, like they've always done. Listen to Dr Dubray; he is wise beyond his years.

1660 Mask optional was working great it helped more children get back into school in person and my 9/27/2021 4:15 PM children rather be in person with out a mask.

1661 If vaccinated masks should be optional 9/27/2021 4:15 PM

1662 We appreciate the school board reviewing the mask policy often (monthly?). 9/27/2021 4:15 PM

1663 No 9/27/2021 4:14 PM

1664 My daughter was on quarantine her second week of kindergarten. I think that if it helps reduce 9/27/2021 4:13 PM the spreading, it is only common sense to require masks.

1665 Please look at England and other nation studies that clearly indicate the limited utility of 9/27/2021 4:13 PM masks, particularly with school aged children.

1666 Our daughter has asthma and it makes it difficult for her to breathe. 9/27/2021 4:12 PM

1667 We believe masks should remain mandatory under the current guidelines until vaccines are 9/27/2021 4:12 PM available for elementary age children, then the policy can be reevaluated.

1668 No 9/27/2021 4:11 PM

1669 Vaccines mandated 9/27/2021 4:10 PM

1670 Keep masks mandated. Follow science not parents and students that are too privileged to 9/27/2021 4:10 PM wear a mask.

1671 My son is vaccinated so he doesn’t have to wear a mask. 9/27/2021 4:10 PM

1672 It worked great last year. Your decision to conduct in person classes with mask wearing was a 9/27/2021 4:10 PM great success. I hope that can be used as an example to continue this policy for few more months.

1673 I think it should be my right as a parent to decide whether or not to mask my child. Especially 9/27/2021 4:09 PM when numbers are not skyrocketing and masks are not required in large gatherings such as sports arenas, etc. In our schools in general there is more options that those venues to just make safe choices for our children and allow their immune systems to do what they were designed to do!

1674 If vaccinated, no masks needed. 9/27/2021 4:09 PM

1675 Regardless of my answer on this survey, you’ll manipulate the data to fit your direction. Why 9/27/2021 4:09 PM bother with a survey?

1676 Thank you for keeping our children in school! 9/27/2021 4:09 PM

1677 The school board has completely overstepped their bounds. They have moved the goal posts 9/27/2021 4:09 PM 3 times, so far. Every member of the school board that voted for this should be removed immediately for not trusting parents to make the best decision for their family and their child. We don’t need or want power hungry overlords on the school board and I will be campaigning vigorously against every one that voted to take choices away from parents. The board swears an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the core foundation of our Constitution is the freedom to choose. The school board is derelict to their oath.

1678 My opinion would be If spikes occur in a particular school then consider masking up. If 9/27/2021 4:08 PM numbers remain low in a particular school then keep them optional. Maybe revisit every board meeting. Sounds like we want to draw a line in the sand. Don’t know that’s possible to keep everyone happy. Whatever decision is made we will continue to support the professionals in this district! Thank you for all you do!

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1679 I know you are taking a beating from the louder minority opinion right now, but I think it is more important for kids to be in school versus out on a regular basis due to contact quarantine. Most of us that agree with masks don't want to speak out because of the fallout you face from those that are so adamantly opposed to it. My son is vaccinated, he's not thrilled about wearing a mask, but he gets it. Until the majority are vaccinated, I don't really see another viable option. You did a great job last year where other schools failed, keep up the good work.

1680 3. Should FTZ require vaccinations for all 12+ that dont have a pre existing condition? Yes The school board and leadership should lead by encouraging the school family consisting of student, faculty, staff, and student's families to get vaccinated as a individual and public health responsibility. Time to start leading people to get protected from this disease so we can move past masking and crush this disease. The school has a unique burden to keep the school community safe just like they do with tetanus shots, h p v and all the other vaccine requirements to attend public school. Covid vaccination should be no different.

1681 This is our personal opinion (family of 5-3 kids in the district). But, we feel that a health and safety decision like this should be decided by looking at the experts such as the CDC and County Health Department, not a popularity contest. That applies whichever way this survey turns out. There is not even any information or data provided in this survey to inform people before they vote.

1682 I feel that by having masks optional EVERYONE gets what they want. It’s a WIN WIN for everyone. We should have a choice whether or not we want to wear a mask. Especially if we are vaccinated. Lots of students and staff were vaccinated for the sole reason of not having to wear a mask. You will encourage more to get vaccinated if masks were optional.

1683 It is okay to have different policies at different levels. We all have our own unique obstacles. Stop the 1 size fits all approach

1684 Most of the students do not properly wear their mask and this should also be addressed.

1685 I would like to see the district follow the CDC guidelines on when masks should and should not be required. I don’t understand why we’re getting this survey now, but we didn’t get a survey when masks were optional

1686 The decision should be left for parents to decide whether their child should wear a mask.

1687 Science.

1688 Vaccinated individuals put no one at risk. Kids that are vaccinated should NOT require a mask.

1689 I think CDC guidelines should be followed. Parents shouldn’t be in charge of how to manage a public health crisis.

1690 The vaccine isn’t available to my 6 th grade because he’s not yet 12 and I have an elementary child as well , who suffers from asthma. Also I’m a immune compromise individual who after getting two different vaccine from different company, still can’t make antibiotics against this COVID 19.

1691 masks should be required for everyone safety

1692 Wearing masks should not be a hot button issue and should not be politicized or state that it interferes with our rights. Nobody wants to wear masks, but if it helps curb the spread of Covid at all, then it is for the safety of our children and those they come in contact with at home. I am not even sure why we are asking the parents their opinion. We are not doctors, and should not dictate if masks should be worn. Many doctors say masks help curb Covid spread and should be worn indoors as the Delta variant continues to infect so many people. That should be the deciding factor! Thanks!

1693 An environment where kids ARE NOT required to wear masks will make an environment more conducive to learning

1694 Until further data shows significant transmission between students and/or teachers that would cause such a risk that would supersede the quality of life of the students and faculty I would rather my kids have the option to wear a mask. Furthermore I refuse to have my children vaccinated at any cost as I've heard other school districts contemplating that decision.

1695 Yes if many have the vaccine then the masks should be optional.

1696 For those students who are immune compromised they should be virtual or masking. My child

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is vaccinated and already had covid, why should she have to mask? Also, look at the stats, kids are not being negatively impacted by covid. Since covid began only 6 children under the age of 18 in Mo have died and all of them had preexisting health issues. We cannot take choices away, we are not a dictatorship. I thought the direction previous to this was better, school by school case by case.

1697 The mask's do not prevent the spread of covid it only further harms our children and the air they should be breathing instead of their own CO 2

1698 Nobody (especially the government and government funded schools) has the right to make a medical decision for others. People that want to mask are free to do so. If they are at high risk or immunocompromised (a very small percentage) then they can choose appropriate measures for their health.

1699 I think the district has done a great job navigating this issue so far.

1700 Mandated or optional, my children will continue to wear a mask. Thank you for keeping our kids safe!

1701 Apologies for difficult parents—tough time for educators and administrators. Thanks for all you do.

1702 I don’t think students should be mandated to wear a mask. It’s optional everywhere else in the county, I feel that the parents and student should be the decision maker

1703 Last year my kids were safe because students and teachers were using mask. Why is this even in the agenda this year when Covid is still high?

1704 Please keep the masks!! We have already lost 2 family members. Masks do help.

1705 Please follow CDC guidelines regarding masking and social distancing.

1706 Parents should have the choice on what is in the best interest of their children, medically.

1707 Frequent disinfecting of high touch surfaces would be better as my K age kiddo is always touching her mask and face anyway

1708 Kids under 12 are not able to get vaccinated. The elementary & middle schools should require masks to keep those children safe & healthy. This has nothing to do with “rights” or politics. This is about protecting others from getting sick. I have required my son to wear a mask since school started, and he has been bullied by other kids for wearing one. That says a lot about those who don’t want their children wearing masks. Please keep my child safe & healthy- that is all I ask.

1709 In order to keep kids in school who can not be vaccinated the elementary schools need to wear masks. My child has been quarantined due to the optional mask policy. Had the new mandatory mask rule been in place she would have been allowed to stay in school. Our district does not have effective plans in place to keep quarantined kids connected to the classroom for daily learning when they are quarantined. With that being said masks should stay mandatory to keeps kids in school since proper education is not being provided when they have to be out of school.

1710 Masks are a mitigation strategy that has been proven to work. Shouldn't we do all we can to protect the students of FZSD?

1711 If vaccinated it should be optional regardless.

1712 I understand no one wants to be wearing these masks, especially on our children. BUT if thats what it takes to keep the kids in school and SAFE and protecting others then I strongly believe we need to all mask. We teach our children to respect others, be good citizens, be compassionate, be an involved and respectable part of your community, be someone others want to look up to. Yet we are showing our children that you only need to do that when it is beneficial to you and or only behave that way when others are looking! We are not modeling and proving what we are teaching is the right thing to do. You all have a very tough decision and either way one side will be upset, but I URGE you to show our students we follow the rules whether we like them or not and the CDC and the health department advice us to wear masks. Let's get back to some normalcy by atleast following the basic guidelines that will help to keep ALL safe. If there are some kids who CURRENTLY have IEPs that CURRENTLY include needing to read mouths, etc, not asthma, not its too sweaty and hot, or they can't learn to wear

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one because their parent doesn't want to help teach them then make those students who TRUELY can not learn to wear a mask and NEED to see mouths to communicate. Add it to their IEP and get teachers face shields or something so their mouth can be seen but not compromising the other students as well. Thank you for all you do especially the last few years. I am sorry it has come to this and hopefully this division between everyone ends soon. Thank you.

1713 Masks should be optional if the student or staff member is vaccinated.

1714 All the children that have to quarantine are missing so much time learning. If we keep masks on it should make for a more complete year of learning in a safe environment.

1715 nd doesn’t need fifteen minutes to take hold. Require masks on faces so that little bodies can remain in desks in the classroom and learn in person as much as possible. The Delta variant is only the most recent one to cause this type of disease. As masks are not worn and the variant continues to spread, it also will be allowed to mutate, too. Mutations could just as easily become more deadly than the current delta variant.

1716 Please make masks optional.

1717 Teachers are in an impossible position with optional masks on a vaccinated/unvaccinated basis. For consistency and to ensure schools are safe, masks should be worn in elementary and below. Middle and High-school should require vaccination to attend on-campus like we do for many other vaccines. Then masks could be optional. If a parent does not want to comply, they can choose remote school or a private school that. Regardless of masking or vaccination social distance should be maintained to minimize flair ups as the pandemic evolves over time.

1718 I think too much changed at the start of the school year. Last year we had zoning at recess and staggered lunches and other procedures to help slow the spread. This year masks became optional and most of the procedures that the kids were familiar with gone. I think going from careful and cautious last year to a free for all this year was a bad idea. Maybe if we phased it in to see if we could maintain healthy schools so we knew which precautions were still necessary would be a better idea. Please note. I understand their are many processes and procedures staff members are currently following I am talking about the ones that the kids see and follow themselves

1719 I think masks should be required for ALL elementary and middle school students until ALL age groups have the option to get vaccinated. It is the school board's responsibility to protect all students, not to engage in politics.

1720 No

1721 I am so sorry to the school board etc that parents are making this political and not about our kids safety. Yes i agree with masks and i am sorry that all of you are hearing back lash this is all ridiculous. Thank you for keeping our kids safe

1722 For quarantining purposes, masks required creates less quarantines. At a minimum, malls should be required for anyone under 12 since they can't get a vaccine.

1723 Thank you for implementing the mask mandate. Masks are easy to wear and protecting the health of the community should come first.

1724 Optional at the high school level, where students are of age to get 'vaxxed. Required at the elementary level.

1725 Natural immunity to the virus should be considered in determine quarantines. If a child has had the virus, then is later exposed, the naturally acquired immunity should be more important than the gene therapy from the injection. The Covid 19 shot is Not a vaccine. The RNA technology is actually gene therapy.

1726 In the event positive numbers climb at a specific school then masks could be reinstated for that school for 30 days or until numbers decline.

1727 The time to decide was before school started when parents could choose if they wanted their child to attend in person or virtual, or attend somewhere else, not after school started. Also, any grade level or person that has the option to be vaccinated, or who has antibodies, or an IEP, or who is under age 10, should not be required to wear masks. When does it end? It's one thing to say "cases are way up, wear a practically useless mask for a week" and a completely different thing to say "everyone must wear masks for no particular reason other than some

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parents are still really scared and think a piece of dirty, slightly damp fabric can stop a pandemic."

1728 If one is vaccinated, they should have a choice to wear a mask. If not, they should have to wear one.

1729 .

1730 I think this should be evaluated on a school level basis

1731 Masks are safe and effective. Don't listen to the people claiming otherwise.

1732 It's only fair to the children that are unable to get vaccines due to their age. Yes maybe the older kids can and should get them but my son is only 11 and has the right to feel safe at school.

1733 Our children have the right to an education in a safe environment, masks have proven to be effective!!

1734 My children are too young to get the COVID vaccine. Masks should be worn at all times by the students, teachers and faculty except when outside standing 6 feet apart. Thank you.

1735 Fully against FORCED masking. It should be a choice.

1736 In my opinion, masks should be required for students who are not eligible to be vaccinated (under 12).

1737 If you can ban spaghetti straps and short shorts on girls,so “boys won’t get distracted” then masks should be required to prevent kids from contracting COVID and passing it on to relatives.

1738 Masks are terrible for kids to wear all day. I might move if you keep masks mandatory

1739 If the decision is to not make masks mandatory, separate the kids whose parents want them to wear a mask and the teachers who are vaccinated into one classroom and those kids whose parents don’t care with teachers who aren’t vaccinated into another classroom. Protect the kids! Make teachers get vaccinated!

1740 I believe the administration should re-evaluate the policy every 30-60 days.

1741 The survey wouldn’t let me send without choosing if masks should be required. We support any decision made by the board.

1742 Those that feel strongly about wearing a mask should wear one and ask others to keep their distance. All positions should be respected.

1743 NO

1744 South High should have an elevator to the basement vs an outdoor route.

1745 Please do not use the survey results to overturn a mask mandate. There is already little enforcement of the mask mandate in high school since the high school teachers do not believe in it. Several HS teachers have told me personally they will not enforce the mandate because they do not believe in it.

1746 I feel that masks should be required until 5-11 year olds can be vaccinated that this is the best decision us to keep these unvaccinated children safe. They do not have the choice yet for vaccinations and are vulnerable to COVID-19.

1747 You can't make kids wear masks then tell them mask breaks are fine. Either they're on all day or optional. STOP THE MADNESS PLEASE.

1748 Give the kids a choice, please don't mandate for all. Our numbers are low and it's better for the kids mental health to see faces and expressions. Thanks for asking.

1749 no vaccine for under 12 mask should be worn in this age group

1750 I chose optional but if we have a severe rise in cases then mandated masks should be implemented.

1751 Forcing healthy kids and adults to wear masks is ludicrous.

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1752 If students were fully vaccinated then I could see masks being optional. However, I am not convinced that parents are doing that so I prefer masks being worn. I am also not aware of masks actually being a cause of injury or death.

1753 I think masks could be required if a higher percentage of transmission is happening at a certain school but should not be required across the board.

1754 I feel it should be left up to the parents and children to make decisions that work for them as this is not a one size fits all scenario.

1755 Require masks for K through 6 until eligible for vaccination and enough time has passed for those that want the vaccine can be fully vaccinated

1756 Masks are not a healthy choice for anyone, especially children to be wearing 8+ hours a day. We are highly against the 30day mandated mask policy. We hope that it soon gets reviewed, & goes back to mask optional, so we can keep our children in the district.

1757 Masks can save lives

1758 I think at this time masks should be required. Once Covid has subsided, it can be re-evaluated

1759 I was so proud of FZ last year for how they handled the pandemic guidelines and my kids did not even get quarantined once….and they were in 2 different schools at the time! I am in complete support of the masks to continue to protect our students and all the staff at all the schools. My kids have been vaccinated and I still support the decision. Thank you for asking for our input and for keeping our children safe.

1760 I don't agree with either statement. I think masks should be required for unvaccinated people.

1761 Masks should be the parents decision. It should not be anyone else’s decision to force a mask on my child. Keeping masks on kids will do more harm to the child than this virus will.

1762 Let the poor kids and teachers breathe ……..get rid of the masks.

1763 If cases get above 20% per school, then I think implementing a temporary mask mandate is reasonable. Vaccinated kids in high school (or even middle school), should not be required to wear them.

1764 I think this should be evaluated every quarter though.

1765 Either way my Kids will wear a mask for the safety of my Family

1766 Masks need to be mandatory for children who are not able to be vaccinated. Our children’s safety should be the #1 priority.

1767 Before the decision to force kids to wear masks was made, we have been very pleased with how FZ has handled this pandemic. Not an easy job in truly unprecedented times. The latest decision was truly disheartening. If this virus was ravaging our children, I would feel differently. Children this age are more likely from a host of other reasons. Optional masks are the best solution and should be reinstated immediately. Don’t let the few boisterous parents and teachers scare you from doing the right thing for our kids.

1768 Due to the recent health concerns associated with children wearing masks all day.

1769 Mental health need to be a concern. Kids will get sick, if we have masks now and take them away kids will get sick. They are in the middle of building their immunity let them build it. However, we need to re look at quarantine protocols for in masked schools.

1770 Masks should definitely not be required for vaccinated students. By doing so you are punishing the people who get vaccinated while supporting the stance that the vaccine isnt important

1771 Masks should be removed after hospitalizations fall to acceptable levels.

1772 Masks keep everyone from quarantining every time in contact. My kids are too young to vaccinate but regardless of decision they will remain masked. If masks stay optional my kid should not have to quarantine if they come in contact with a positive unless they show symptoms

1773 Please allow parents to make the choice for our children. I understand this is a hot topic right now, but we should be able to choose whether or not to mask up our children!!

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1774 My vaccinated high schooler has been wearing her mask since the first day of school. I work in a local hospital where vaccinations and masks are required for all employees. Follow the science and do your part as an administrator to keep our kids safe by mandating masks be worn in schools.


1776 My son has nonverbal Autism. Seeing teachers, other kids, and school therapists wearing a mask hinders his learning as he reads facial expressions and social cues through people’s faces. Not seeing lips moving while speaking and not seeing expressions hinders his education and socializing at school.

1777 My son wears a mask to school. He is in a class of 20. Almost all kids in the class are at tables of 2 distanced. His and 1 or 2 others are a cluster of 3 students. A desk is pulled to the middle of the table. This is not distancing. Furthermore his table mates are not wearing masks. For snack he removes his mask. I would like to see better use of the distancing of students applied for all not just most. The class is an even number. No reason to have clusters of 3. To be transparent; our position on masking at school is due to our son being the only member of the household leaving and mixing with unmasked individuals where he has no choice in certain instances but to be unmasked himself. That is creating a terrible risk on our home. My husband is a sensitive group. My daughter is a baby. We have elderly grandparent's and a great grandparent that their interaction with us is effected bc of the lack of masks at the start of school. To wear a mask truly does not have the ripple effect and repercussion for students and their families as not wearing masks do. This is not a political issue or an opinion pandemic; it's a public health issue, EVERYONE'S health regardless how they feel about masks.

1778 Until young people in elementary schools are eligible for vaccines, masks should be used to prevent the spread.

1779 Plain and simple. Should be optional. Especially for those students who are vaccinated. If you choose that your child wear a mask, so be it. If you don't, then don't have them wear one. The covid dashboard doesn't have high numbers. Should be kept like it was with the 4% per school. That I understand.

1780 You should make the votes count per student, not per household. In my case it would be three. Masks should be optional, as they are pointless. Wearing a mask is like peeing in the pool and expecting your swimsuit to hold all the pee in.

1781 Will students have to quarantine if they are wearing a mask and are around someone that tests positive for Covid? If they have to then it doesn’t matter if they wear masks or not.

1782 Thank you for giving us a voice. We know the decision you have to make are hard and not always welcomed. We support the mask mandate and even when masks were optional our kids wore them except for lunch and PE.

1783 Students do not need to be quarantined if near a student who gets sick. This disease is no more deadly than the flu or anything else. The disease will not go away, how long do we have to listen to the liberal media? If parents are concerned, they should have the option of home school or to wear a mask. Other students should not be punished. Thank you for all you do to not feed into the media fear factor.

1784 Masks should absolutely be parents' choice. The requirements should not be the same for elementary, middle school and high school. Children should never be made to wear masks outside.

1785 I feel strongly that all are capable of wearing masks comfortably and appropriately but would compromise with a mask requirement for all who are in environments of children 11 and under who are not yet eligible for a COVID vaccine.

1786 There is enough data that shows mandatory mask wearing significantly reduces the spread of Covid as well as colds & the flu. The school district should take every precaution available to ensure our children are safe.

1787 Vaccination status should be taken into account if there is a mandate

1788 If we want to keep our students (and the staff safe), masks should be required. The administration should be listening to medical recommendations about masking rather than parents who are complaining. It concerns me that the school board has the ability to make

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decisions effecting my children’s health. I also find it concerning that one school board member who was upset with the 30 day masking decision would prompt a survey like this. No one sent me a survey when masks were optional. Please listen to medicine and to science.

1789 With the delta variant spreading rapidly amongst the unvaccinated and impacting young children at a higher rate than last year, masks are the most effective tool we have for elementary age kids until the vaccine is available. While it’s less than ideal and I’m sure an added challenge for teachers to manage, it is significantly less detrimental than having children missing full days of school while in quarantine or out sick. I suspect virtual schooling is much more challenging for elementary level students than in-person masked classes. Without a child in middle or high school, I cannot speak to the challenges for those age groups who are eligible for vaccines and more skilled at virtual learning.

1790 More concerned about the kids on controlled substances - Add/ADHD meds same drug schedules as illegal drugs — in the classroom with our daughter . Can we have a para in the classrooms with the teacher ..too many meltdowns and it’s dangerous most of these kids are not monitored. My daughter was assaulted twice last year by these kind of kids. Think controlled substances are more dangerous than a mask

1791 Mask should be required.

1792 It seemed like things were working pretty well during the second semester last school year, which is why I believe masks should continue to be worn. Until the pandemic is in the rear view mirror, I don’t see the harm in continuing to require masks for all students and staff in indoor settings. Nobody enjoys doing it, but it’s better than the alternative.

1793 Please use reasonable research and common sense rather than politics to make this decision.

1794 Why is vaccination not required like other vaccinations.

1795 As long as it helps keeping kids at school as less will be in quarantine masks need to stay. Many households have kids in elementary level and optional masking is not helping kids who do not have a choice to be vaccinated. I am confused as why there was no survey when school district decided for mask optional in the beginning of the school year. Lets keep kids in school with masks in place until little ones have a choice to get the vaccine. Keep it optional for high school if you must listen to anti-mask parents. Please think about our young kids. Also we are going into a fall full of all viruses. It breaks my heart that many parents are using their children as a tool for you to listen and not actually see the benefit of having everyone wear a mask will KEEP CHILDREN AT SCHOOL!

1796 Let it be a choice

1797 I think it should be a choice if the student wears a mask. If another family is not comfortable with that then their child should wear the mask to protect themselves.

1798 FZSD should be following the guidelines for masking recommended by medical and public health professionals, not letting policy be dictated by whatever MLM essential-oils pusher whose need to seek out something to be perpetually outraged with has landed them on the subject of public health where it overlaps with school policy. If parent input on the public health policy of the school district was required, the most sensible timing would have been in early August, when parents were literally begging the school board to keep the same protocols for in-person learning that were so successful in keeping our kids in school last year. That parent input was requested only after a handful of ignorant but obnoxiously loud anti-masker parents got their drawers all twisted when they didn't get their way is mighty suspicious. Might I suggest you hire someone to affix some wheels to the bottom of your goalposts? I wouldn't want anyone to throw their backs out the next time you propose to move them.

1799 Good luck

1800 I don’t understand how mask are mandatory, but yet our children are aloud to have mask breaks.

1801 If they’re not going to require students, I’d at least prefer for the teacher to mask when interacting from student to student. Masks don’t hurt. Covid can.

1802 Too many fanatics out there either way. I just want my daughter to have the choice since she is vaccinated

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1803 Masks are PROVEN that they do nothing for anyone but hurt that person’s Immune system so 9/27/2021 3:24 PM

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what’s the point of a mask? All it is is a false sense of security which means you’re lying to our children and also to yourself. It’s time for you people in the position to stand up for our children and do what’s right and masks are not it!!!

1804 This is not a political argument. This is a health matter. Masking works to reduce the spread.

1805 We follow dress codes and a zillion other rules. Why is this the line? I could see high school going without since they are eligible to be vaccinated, but everyone else, no. Safety first!

1806 It is my belief that if someone is concerned about Covid, or any other diseases, they can do what is necessary to protect themselves from that. "Mandates" should not be "required".

1807 It should be each parents choice.

1808 We were extremely happy when the board of education passed a mask mandatory rule for the ECC. Our son needs multiple therapies which is why he attends the ECC. We have been requiring him to wear a mask since the first day of school. Unfortunately, until the mask rule was passed, he was the only student in his class to wear a mask. We should not be in a position where we have to choose his health or his educational progress. Masks should remain mandatory to protect the students until they are eligible for a vaccine.

1809 School track every other vaccines our kids get…it should be optional for those with the vaccine

1810 I strongly suggest you review these before you administer people's property without right (a form of trespass)...again. Missouri Law Title XXII § 334.010: Unauthorized practice of medicine. 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights 18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law

1811 I am absolutely horrified that the school board are listening to bullies in our community and not listening to the science that is truth! We need to put our big girl pants on and do what is right to keep our kids in school and healthy and wear the damn masks. If the community won’t go out and get their shots, they have given up their right to unmask! I pray that my opinion stands for something. It feels Like no one cares or is using common sense. Set a standard please!

1812 My child has not been excited for school since the mandate has went into affect. This is affecting children in so many ways! Please make masks optional and bring back our happy children

1813 NOT required for Pre-K age 3

1814 Yes, I'm all done with masks, distancing, etc. Rational intelligent adults understand that this is a force of nature that we cannot control entirely, we can be clean, stay in good physical condition, and practice good hygiene...beyond that we just need to allow our immune system to do what it does and once a majority of the populus has natural immunity this can be over. Don't live in fear.

1815 While not a perfect solution, wearing a mask is a highly effective mitigating strategy to prevent the spread of COVID.

1816 I think anything is better than going back to virtual. If masks help reduce that chance I am all for it.

1817 These kids are participating in activities after school with no masks or are optional and there has been no negative results from it. Kids do not belong in masks.

1818 I'm unsure why we are ignoring blatant health concerns to appease people who arent taking Covid seriously. Why is mask wearing a question ? Masks are irritating but necessary. If they weren't we wouldnt have have to send children to school with them each time the number of positive cases rise.

1819 If masks become optional, I would like to see teachers and students who have to have close contact for reading, writing, or any other special needs, to both wear a mask to prevent 10 day quarantines and the spread of this virus. Keeping our kids safe and in school should be the school's number 1 priority.

1820 I feel that the numbers support the need for us to be mask optional - especially for the high school. I also feel that my child is mature enough to watch and read news and along with me to make a good choice for us. I’m also not sure how board members who don’t have kids in our schools can decide what we as parents want. Also, board members who decide for a mask

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mandate and don’t wear a mask at board meetings or at activities involving kids. Please make a decision for mask optional so that our kids/parents can make their own decision.

1821 This pandemic is here forever, we are wasting our lives trying to be safe, kids need normal. Covid is extremely dangerous, however I need my kids to be normal and enjoy their life and school.

1822 This survey is inappropriate. It gives the impression, whether intended or not, that our district is going to make this decision based on parent opinions. Matters of public health should be made by epidemiologists, infectious disease experts, public health experts, not parents with an opinion. FZSD has not behaved as a good community partner during this pandemic and you should be ashamed. This also appears to be an attempt to undermine the school board members who voted in favor of a mask requirement at the last school board meeting. I think FZSD needs to think about how it looks when a black man moves to have masks required and when his motion passes, THIS is how the school superintendent and other BOE members respond. You should be ashamed.

1823 We’re on a decline, there is zero reason for you to reverse course now. Just fear pandering.

1824 No

1825 Please, no mask mandates.

1826 Safety of our children should be paramount. Until school age children are able to be vaccinated masks should be required. Once a student is able to show proof of full vaccination then they should be given the privilege of masks being optional. Vaccine mandates have been a part of the school system for decades and it shouldn’t change because of the politicization of this one.

1827 We are virtual due to the lack of mask mandate.

1828 Base the masking issues on school by school if they are having spike in cases. Not by whole district

1829 If you vaccinated you shouldn’t have to wear a mask 😷

1830 The CDC has proven the masking helps reduce the spread of Covid. My son who has an IEP has already been quarantined once. His medically fragile sister put at risk due to the district's negligence at the beginning of the year. Please listen to science and the medical community's expertise. Protect our children.

1831 Masks should only be optional in Physical Education Class where physical exertion can cause breathing to be difficult while masked.

1832 This is not Rocket Science here people! Any person who feels strongly about either wearing or not wearing a mask should be able to do so or not do so. By making masks optional then the people who claim masks are so wonderful and think they actually help in protecting themselves or their families can choose to wear them whenever or wherever they would like! If they work so well then it shouldn't matter whether or not anyone else chooses to wear them or not!?! My kids and my wife who happens to be employed by FTZ despise having to wear masks everyday! All these masks do is create anxiety and frustration among the individuals who do not want to wear them while giving the ones who swear by them a false sense of security which is also dangerous. I know for a fact that Covid is real and has the potential to cause many people serious complications and even death but most have to be tested to even know they have it. At some point we need to get things back to as normal as we can for the sake of everyone's sanity, especially our children! Enough with this nonsense! If you want to wear a mask then by all means wear your mask or maybe you should just stay home for a while longer and lock yourself away until who knows when but that is not the way most families prefer to live life in my opinion. I believe the news article I saw the other day on KSDK said that the percentage of FTZ students who actually had Covid was .008%??? If this is true are you kidding me? END THIS NONSENSE NOW AND GIVE PEOPLE BACK THEIR PERSONAL FREEDOM ASAP!!!

1833 Perhaps require masks for students under 12 throughout the district where vaccination is unavailable at this time. Don’t penalize my high schooler who has been vaccinated.

1834 I feel it should be optional as my kids are vaccinated. It would be nice for those ages eligible for the vaccination to make masks required based on those who are not vaccinated. It may be an incentive to raise vaccination rates.

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1835 Masks are completely useless. Forcing our kids to wear them should be up to the PARENTS! I do not believe wearing a mask all day is good for any human being

1836 People should have a right to choose, if they want their kids wearing masks then do it and vice versa. We have to get back to normalcy at some point, this isn’t a way of life for our children.

1837 It is irresponsible to not be wearing masks in schools right now. Especially in elementary schools where kids are not able to get the vaccine because of their age. Please, please, keep masks in our schools and keep our kids safe.

1838 Thank you for seeking parent input on this issue. PLEASE let our children breath in school!

1839 Masks should be required unless quarantine policy is revised where close contacts without a mask are not required to quarantine for 14 days.

1840 Masks are filthy and no child wears them or cleans them properly. Making masks mandatory has zero logic and does more harm than good! PLEASE go back to optional.

1841 there is no data to support that masks are doing anything to slow/stop the spread of Covid or anything else. We need to build the immune systems of the kids and their families to defeat this disease Thanks

1842 Thank you for all that you do! You have a difficult job and it's impossible to please everyone.

1843 Masks should be mandatory for those that are not vaccinated. Masks should be optional for those that have been vaccinated

1844 If people want to get sick let them . It is not for us to choose their paths for them .

1845 If you are vaccinated, you should have the option of no masks. If people choose to not get vaccinated that is fine it is their choice. Don't punish those that are vaccinated. At this point we all have the facts of how this works and it is not the School District's job to police if people get sick. If they get sick and they go to the hospital or worse, that is their choice at this point.

1846 It seems counterintuitive at best to make masking optional for a population of students (elementary) whose parents still do not have the option to vaccinate their children. My family is doing everything in their power to keep ourselves healthy and stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community. This includes but is not limited to vaccination and masking in all indoor spaces. My daughter is an elementary student and not yet eligible for the vaccine. Her baby brother is also not eligible for the vaccine. Public health is a collective effort and neither of my children should get sick because of the negligence of other Fort Zumwalt parents. Thank you for making the responsible decision to require masking at this time. I only wish this decision would have been made sooner. I am thankful to work for a school district that has mandated masks indoors since the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.

1847 I like the idea of masks, however, I myself get headaches every time that I have to wear one for a prolonged amount of time. I encourage masks when students need to be extremely close, but can't imagine them being able to fully focus if they are required for entire class(es).

1848 It is not going to help keeping Masks optional at all. Poor students who are wearing masks already have no protection by others not wearing masks and increasing the probability of spreading covid. Masks should be made compulsory to everyone while indoors and outdoors could be optional. Also getting kids out of the building for some time during half way through would give them time to catch up on some fresh air and breath normal outdoors. School should rule out all Covid related mandatory safty protocols without any hesitation...enforcing what's in the best health safty interest of student and staff. Thanks.

1849 People with vacanations still get and spread covid so what's the point of Masks that are basically 50% useful...

1850 There is no scientific evidence to prove that masks work. These mandates are unconstitutional. It is the parents decision.

1851 COVID-19 is still around and mainly due to people adamant to dismiss how bad it can be. It’s not only for the kids but for elderly and challenged people around that we should keep safety and wear masks if people doesn’t want to get vaccinated.

1852 It should be up to the parents decision.

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1853 No.

1854 How is it that the BOE thinks it’s ok for them to decide what is best for my children’s health? A decision that is not theirs to make, an over reach on their part, something that will be remembered at election time. The health care decisions for my children are to be made by their mother and I along with their pediatricians. NOT SOMEONE WITHOUT A MEDICAL BACKGROUND!!! Look at the numbers again and compare our school districts quarantine rate and positive rate from before this unconstitutional mandate with those of similar size school districts that have been required to weak masks all year. What happened to revisiting covid/mask mandates when the positive rate reached 4%? Per Dr BuBray at both Aug and Sept meetings? We’re under ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT and now it’s a mandate decided by a panel of how many? Not listening to the parents of your students and not letting them have a say in the health care of their own children is absolutely ridiculous and clearly this isn’t going to go away quietly. This survey is the first step but a mandate should have never been put in place regardless without prior information or knowledge shared. I suppose the money received from the Cares Act Transportation was not enough from requiring masks on buses so they needed to impose this mandate to dig deeper? Its not about the money for parents when they decide what is best for their children and their health. A decision to only be made by them. Maybe the board of education needs to be reminded of this and made aware that these same parents are the ones that can vote them into or out of office.

1855 None

1856 My 3 year old shouldn't have to wear a mask. I understand it staff or other parents prefer to have their children wear them. But a mandatory mask is not okay.

1857 I don't think parents opinions should matter on this issue. Schools should follow public health and safety guidelines. If parents don't like the decisions made by the school district, they have other education options they can utilize for their children.

1858 No one should be wearing masks anymore. If it continues, we will be doing it forever!

1859 I think the district should continue to follow CDC and county health department recommendations and requirements.

1860 no

1861 I believe in following CDC and doctor recommendations.

1862 I think you should have all the teachers vote on what they would like and publish the results. The teachers are the ones in the classrooms every day so I would support their wishes.

1863 My son's friend can't come to school if the school does not require masks due to having a organ transplant. His education is just as important as all the healthy kids. My son can not get vaccinated yet. My daughter has known someone either quarantined or covid positive every week school since it started. I want all the kids to be able to stay in school, not have to quarantine, and stay healthy. A parent sent their kid to school sick with no mask. My son was out sick for a week, most likely RSV. That is not okay. It is not okay for parents to send their kid to school sick. So please keep our kids safe and keep the mask. It is obvious some parents cannot be responsible.

1864 if student show vaccine record then they shouldn't have to wear masks. If unvaccinated then must all the time.

1865 If I can go to a sporting event, restaurant, rock concert, zoo, theater, grocery store, department store, etc then I find it amazingly hypocritical to demand that the kids wear a mask... especially given that the kids are vaccinated if they want to be.

1866 As long as there is a threat of catching Covid, the children and teachers should wear masks.

1867 Until we have population majority (including kids) vaccinated, why wouldn't we do everything we can to slow the spread of a a world wide pandemic?

1868 If not optional then they should be offered virtual after they change it to mandated mask

1869 I'm am neutral on this, but I chose the first option because my child does wear a mask everyday.

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1870 The masks should be required. Students are missing school at an alarming rate due to being in 9/27/2021 3:08 PM contact with CO-VID positive students. Once rates drop the policy should be revisited.

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1871 Vaccines should be mandated for staff. Accountability needs to be in place for staff who force their political opinions and not scientific fact on students either through social media or in the schools. To that point, it is incredibly unprofessional and inappropriate for teachers to friend children on social media. No matter the age group.

1872 Safety for the kids is most important, if masks aren’t required, then peer pressure to not wear them comes into play. Requiring masks removes that decision from my child. I am also immune compromised, so I certainly don’t need the exposure

1873 I think the elementary schools should be required to wear masks until that age group can be vaccinated. I think the middle and high schools should be able to be voluntary. They are able to be vaccinated. My kids are vaccinated, if masks are mandatory they will live. I think mask “breaks” should be allowed though. I don’t think the kids should be punished for not wearing the mask. I think teachers can remind students, but a punishment should not occur. I think that will keep students and teachers from getting so frustrated. I don’t want my kids sent out on quarantine unless they are exhibiting symptoms. I have done everything I can to protect them. More people should be vaccinated.

1874 Masks should only be required while the infection rate is above "X%". The percent should be something that the school board determins. if below "X%" then it should be optional.

1875 This is a health and safety issue, not a political issue. DuBray needs to do more to make parents aware of the facts. Getting incorrect information from sketchy websites is drawing this whole pandemic out.

1876 Make it mandatory please!!!!!

1877 Masks optional if vaccinated. Must have to show card at least 1 time.

1878 I feel masks should be mandatory until vaccines are available for children under 12.

1879 According to district dashboards the predetermined threshold for universal masking of 4% was never even close to being met.

1880 I was extremely relieved that Fort Zumwalt moved to masking for the time being. As my middle school child is not old enough to get the vaccine, I feel like this is the best way to keep our family safe as we have multiple people in the household with autoimmune disorders. I am becoming increasingly concerned with the fort zumwalt parents against mask mandates group. They have been posting on Facebook about instructing their children to wear their masks incorrectly or to immediately remove masks when they have been admitted into the building. I feel these parents are putting my child and my family at risk. There have been posts in this group on Facebook with board members personal information, pictures of board members at out of school events that these parents have followed them too, and some disturbing calls to action against board members who have voted for the mask mandates. I am concerned for my child, my family and the safety of these board members. It is my hope that as cases continue to rise, fort zumwalt will continue to keep our kids safe by requiring masks.

1881 Require vaccination when possible and require masks for the unvaccinated with verification of who is vaccinated.

1882 I think elementary required until vaccine is available to them. After they are vaccine eligible, parents should be responsible to determine the risk they are willing to take. There is potential consequences in every choice. The parent should make the choice on how they want to protect their child. If they don’t get vaccine they know that their child and the ones they love could pay the price. It is not as if they did not know or did not have a choice. The school needs to be focused the best education not being parents. I applaud the school for all the actions they took prior to the vaccine but when that is an option. Highly impressed with FzSD last year and even this year for trying to keep our children in school and living normal as possible lives . The school should not feel so much ownership it protecting. There could be some very hard prices to pay but that is by the choice of individual.

1883 we are open to the wearing of masks with reevaluation in Oct of its effectiveness. Everyone in our family that can be vaccinated, has been. We are flexible with whatever it takes to get past this pamdemic!!

1884 No

1885 I do not support masking healthy vaccinated children. I have 1 middle schooler and 2 high

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schoolers who are all three vaccinated. Most middle school and all of high school students are eligible for the vaccine. We are tired of doing the right thing to protect those who aren't. Please make masks optional.

1886 Cloth face coverings are not enough to protect from Covid variants. While they may give a small amount of protection, it is a personal decision

1887 Missing gym class for excused absences shouldn’t mean 45 minute homework assignments.

1888 A person can still get covid when people around them are not wearing a mask and they are bringing it home to subsceptible family members

1889 There is currently no applicable data that the use of the current face coverings adequately protect against transmission of the COVID virus. The materials are too thin and these face coverings give a false sense of security. The age range that the students are in leaves them with less than a 1% CHANCE of contracting the virus and hospital admission. This is the same for other seasonal flus. You can allow the masks to be optional, but not mandatory.

1890 We are fed up with these mask requirements being set up and ruled upon by these little dictators who want to impose rules on all of the free citizens of this School, City, County and state. If someone wants to wear a mask, that has been proven not to be effective, then by God they are welcome to wear it and I support them 100%. If someone chooses not to wear a mask then by God they are welcome to and I support them 100%. Masks should absolutely not be required for all because this is America and you are causing physical harm, in many cases, to those who have personal and health reasons not to wear them. My son falls into that category. I am not sure what happened to this country but it has become an unrecognizable place and this school board is demonstrating they are part of the problem. This survey should have been sent out in the first place and you know it. This is something we have talked about on our radio station and will continue to until it is addressed. You are ruining our public schools with this kind of foolishness and public schools will suffer for it by losing student enrollment. You could choose to be a positive role model or a negative role model for how schools should behave and you apparently have chosen the latter but I do applaud you for at least sending out this survey which should have been done in the first place before you decided to put our children and school district through this pathetic abuse of power.

1891 Masks don't help the public otherwise, we wouldn't be 2yrs in still wearing them and calling the flu, covid virus. The flu vaccine, been around for 100+ yrs and still used and it still kills. There's always gonna be another strain.

1892 Between daycare and elementary school my wife and I have 4 weeks of work in a month in a half. 2 quarantines we're from elementary school. The only way we don't have to miss work is for all to wear masks. So please continue masking

1893 Set some standard by which the mandate remains in place, such as county Covid cases dropping below a specific level.

1894 Please make mask required for our children's and staff safety. Thanks.

1895 The goal should be to keep kids in school. There are two options for modified quarantine 1) both are masked and 2) the close contact is vaccinated. To reduce quarantines, we should emphasize both of those. Under 12 kids are not eligible to be vaccinated, so all kids need to be masked to be eligible for the first method of modified quarantine. For the schools with vaccine eligible kids, if they aren't wearing masks only the unvaccinated will have to quarantine and that is a choice they are making. I would be fine with masks optional for vaccinated kids or 12+ like Francis Howell

1896 We understand that this is a hotly debated topic. Our children are vaccinated. We prefer not to wear masks. But, you all have a hard job and I am not looking to make it tougher. We will do what the schoolboard feels is best. What I am far more interested in is keeping events open to families, if not everyone. For example, last year I had two children who played Highschool sports and their grandparents and siblings could not come. COVID is not going anywhere. We can be cancelling things for the next 3 years, we will still have it. So, I would prefer us start learning how to live with it, rather then try to shut down any more.

1897 No

1898 I trust you will make the best decision. I don't understand all the upheaval. I'm sorry you have to deal with it. Good luck.

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1899 My kids are fully vaccinated and state the masks are bothering them which is causing them to mess with the and not pay attention.

1900 I appreciate the bird asking for input. I feel, personally, that kids in masks should be determined by the parents. I understand the directive recently with an uptick in cases, and I appreciate the transparency of the board. This is not an easy decision, and I feel as though the bird is looking at all factors, and not just blindly following what they are told to do

1901 As a parent of a child with asthma and that does not yet have the option to be vaccinated, masks for staff and students keeps her safe. The safety of students and staff should be the number 1 priority of the school board. Masks are only inconvenient for some it will not cause them harm to wear one. However, the unmasked are a DANGER to those that are high risk of serious covid complications. Please keep masks mandatory for the safety of all those who can not protect themselves yet!!!!!

1902 Our family would support K-6th students s a happy medium to be masked due to the fact kids under 12 cannot be vaccinated.

1903 If the student cannot get the vaccine, it should be mandatory. When age allows it, vaccination proof should be required before a mask becomes optional for that individual.

1904 For the students that have a medical reason to not where a mask, they be kept 6 feet away from other students.

1905 Not at this time

1906 Nothing else to say

1907 Please retain mandatory mask wearing for students, teachers, staff and guests while indoors.

1908 Yes ! I’m not all into the politics of this but when people who think they know what’s best for our children who aren’t even in the best shape health wise and decide a mask mandate is best needs to be replaced . Let’s masks our kids when I’m slamming cheeseburgers . Instead of suppressing the children’s immune system with the masks let’s boost immune systems . Along with the winter season coming up …… masks will be even worse . Cold season and the kids are already touching their masks. Contaminating even more all while breathing in their own sickness germs and everything else that is trapped in the masks . Reports are out there that children don’t need masks . Adults who are immune compromised and the the rest of the community is weak are the ones who need quarantining or protected . Young children who are still developing don’t need suppression. Then again I’m not a doctor , i just read the studies available.

1909 I think masks should be optional for those that are vaccinated.or natural immunity

1910 I believe that having the students and teachers wear masks everyday is restricting the students from learning. I think it holds kids back from having face to face conversations and showing emotion.

1911 You all are doing a great job in such a terrible time. Thank you for all of the negativity you are facing with grace and dignity. You should be proud of yourselves for holding your head high and representing the members of the FZ community so well. The way I see it, 1/3 of the people will do whatever you ask without complaints, 1/3 will complain if you make them wear masks, 1/3 will complain if you do not make them wear masks. You can not make them all happy all of the time. Please know that you are valued and appreciated!

1912 Why are you counting on the opinion of parents?? What will you do with this information?? Why are you not using the factual data from our health department and CDC to create policies that keep our children/staff safe and keep them receiving the best education? Why wasn’t this survey sent out when you had masks be optional at the start of the year? We all want masks to no longer be a thing but unless it can happen safely we should wear masks. We should practice what we teach about us taking care of our bodies and our health. I’m offended this is even asked. Survey your staff. They need to be heard.

1913 Last year they had to wear them and my son still got sent home for 14 days cause he was around someone who had it at school so do the mask really help

1914 I believe that there is enough data regarding Covid that families should be able to make their own decisions regarding preventive measures.

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1915 I believe it should be required for the elementary schools until the vaccination is available to that age group. It should be optional for middle and high school since vaccines are available

1916 I do ask my kids to wear a mask, but that’s how I feel. Every parent/person has different opinions.

1917 Maybe only mandatory for those kids that cannot yet be vaccinated. And mandatory for unvaccinated kids of age

1918 Sending my child to school with a mask does not protect MY child. It’s up to the school to protect ALL children.

1919 Masks should be mandatory for age groups for which vaccines are not available--until vaccines become available. This is not a political issue. This is about mitigating risk for the most vulnerable students and staff members as well as their family members.

1920 Masking should be required in all schools in which students attend that are not eligible to receive the vaccine.

1921 Better to be safe than sorry. It worked last year, albeit with fewer students in person. But more students is even more of a reason to play things safe this year. Various vaccinations are required to be a student as various grade levels. COVID vaccinations should be required as well. Once students have their required vaccinations then masks can be optional again.

1922 Nope

1923 Maybe look at individual schools for mandates bs entire district.

1924 (1) No one's personal opinion should matter when it comes to public health concerns. Peer-reviewed scientific evidence trumps anyone's opinion. (2) Peer reviewed, empirical, scientific data has overwhelmingly shown that masks work in schools. Masks are scientifically proven to work when everyone wears it, and it will reduce the number of quarantines. Someone's child not wearing a mask scientifically increases the risk of my child getting sick and dying, so opinions should not matter in this situation. (3) This survey idea seems to have been reactive rather than proactive. Dr. Dubray and members of the board have set a dangerous precedent by distributing this survey not even one week into the 30 day mask mandate, and seems to be an attempt to circumvent a board decision just because it didn't appease some of your constituents. (4) Who will be tallying these results and how can we ensure its validity? We demand transparency! A description of how these results will be used is also very obviously lacking and the integrity of the results, and ultimately your leadership, comes to question for even entertaining this survey. (5) I sure hope these "results" will not be utilized to promote a school voucher program, which I know is in some our your board members' agenda.

1925 Masking should be a requirement based on scientific data within our community and the recommendation of medical experts. It should NOT be based on parent preference or school board member political bias. High risk children should be protected by masking so that they can attend in-person school. Doing anything else is discriminatory.

1926 The mask mandate should apply to school hours only. Extra curricular activities should have a voluntary mask protocol that encourages coaches to wear masks when feasible/appropriate.

1927 1- Mask have to be used, because the data supports is the safest way to avoid wide spread of Covid-19. This has nothing to with freedom to choose. It is a public health matter. Whether to mandate or not is irrelevant, we all just should be on the same page: to protect our children, ourselves and the FZ school district teachers and staff. 2- The other issue we have been doing the optional use of mask policy as of now. And cases are rising. I learned from a case in the bus where my children ride to go to school. That is enough to wear masks to keep our schools open as safely as possible. We cannot deny the virus and it's variants exist and spread. 3-please let us keep our children out of an irrational political debate regarding masks. Historically, the U.S. is what it is worldwide because always rely on the opinion of experts, reason and grounded information always has guided our judgement and leads to constant progress. Do the right and scientific thing members of the board and superintendent.

1928 This may not matter to some families who are not high risk or worried about what may happen to them or their family if they do get COVID but for those of us who are high risk and could possibly die if COVID is contracted it is extremely important to us. Even though my child got more credits obtained during his time online learning than he did in person learning we were not given that privilege this year which put me and some of my family members at HUGE risk.

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Masks should be mandatory to protect those of us who could die!! It may be unenjoyable for you to wear one but it would be for unenjoyable for me or a family member to die because some of you refused to wear them.

1929 Let us decide. The parents that want their kids in masks can still send them in masks. It's a 9/27/2021 2:54 PM win, win.

1930 Please make decisions based on the Health departments recommendation and not on a survey 9/27/2021 2:54 PM where personal or political influences could make the decisions on children’s lives.

1931 We are only concerned about masks being required at the middle school and elementary 9/27/2021 2:53 PM school levels. We are fine with masks being optional at the high school level since those ages have the opportunity for a vaccine.

1932 Very poor decision making about the no masking since Day 1 please educate yourself and 9/27/2021 2:53 PM follow CDC recommendation and not take the advice of parents- do your part to protect your staff and children regardless of it causes upset. Grow a pair Ft. Zumwalt and do the right thing. I thought you were better than this. Francis Howell at least educated themselves. You should be ashamed

1933 I feel that the masks cause more issues than they help. 9/27/2021 2:53 PM

1934 Based on the evidence and the guidance of those who are experts in public health and 9/27/2021 2:53 PM pediatric medicine, we firmly agree that masks should be required for all students and staff within Fort Zumwalt schools. There are more scientific studies being released everyday that prove that school districts with mask mandates are protecting their students and their communities. A mask mandate within schools keeps more students and staff healthy and in school which is what really matters. Wearing a mask has not hindered our child's academic or social wellbeing at all in school; in fact, she has been thriving. The evidence shows that until all students are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine AND when a majority have received it, masks are the only thing protecting our children from this virus. We obviously are anxiously awaiting the day when it is safe for our daughter to attend school without a mask, however right now it is too risky. Please continue to follow the scientific, evidence-based guidance and require masks indoors for all students and staff until it is safe to go without.

1935 Our family follows the science. Until our two kids in grade school can be vaccinated, the 9/27/2021 2:53 PM number of quarantines or close contacts is immaterial. Once my kids are vaccinated, the rest of the families can make their own decisions on masks. But until my kids are vaccinated, the mask issue is not about my kids protecting themselves. It's about all kids protecting each other. Yes, I know this is a political issue BUT until vaccines are available for young kids, do we really want to gamble and hope that we make it through this? What happens if ONE school has an outbreak and we actually lose some kids? Why would we take that chance? I would recommend that FZSD keep masks mandatory for another couple months until vaccines are available for the younger kids. If the district wants to make masks optional again, then say, "We are going to keep masks mandatory until day 21 after vaccines are released for the kids. Then, those of us that follow the science know that our kids are protected and are less concerned about other kids getting ours sick. This D+21 recommendation is clearly for grade schools because that's the population most at risk. BUT, many families have multiple kids at multiple schools. It would be simpler to have a D+21 recommendation for all FZSD. Just keep masks mandatory until the vaccines for kids roll out and then D+21 to eliminate the mask mandate. My two cents - Rock Creek Elementary

1936 I am curious why this survey is being conducted now and not at the beginning of the school 9/27/2021 2:52 PM year. Also, this decision, which can affect the health of students and staff, should be based on the recommendation of health professionals rather than parents (parents won’t be that educated on this issue as the health professionals).

1937 Yes, I have something else I want to bring up is common sense. For you to give the surveyors 9/27/2021 2:52 PM the option to choose "masks should be optional for students and staff" means that for you it is also optional for students and staff to get contracted by COVID-19 either they wear mask or not. Don't you think? Because the mask doesn't fully protect me or at all, but it protects those around me in case I'm infected. Am I wrong? I wear glasses; so I hate the whole mask thing with everything else that's associated with it. I wear it to protect may be myself, but mostly to protect people around me. I may get the virus and be asymptomatic and pass it on to someone, unfortunately, doesn't make it. Right? Because of that, I'm trying really hard to suppress my selfishness/carelessness for people around me and I do believe it's going to be

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worth it. My kids don't like it too, but I explained to them the importance of wearing the mask. Yeah, my preschooler and my first grader wear mask everyday. Sorry if I sounded too harsh. Thank you.

1938 Please continue to require masks for students and staff. I work in healthcare and have witnessed what COVID-19 does to seemingly healthy coworkers and patients. Mask wearing will also minimize the quarantine time for students/staff as well as decrease the spread of COVID. An alternative for the non masking or non vaccinated families is to go virtual or homeschool. That is what we did last year year as we were new to the district and vaccines were not available. I appreciate a parent survey and I hope we continue to do what is best for our community.

1939 I don't want them to wear masks, but I don't want them to miss school for quarantines so I'm voting for masks.

1940 This CDC is recommending that even those who are still vaccinated still wear masks to help to slow the spread of newer Delta variant of this virus, so why are we not following these recommendations?

1941 Vaccines should also be mandatory for everyone eligible

1942 The Quarantine rules are a joke too. I’d really like to know the actual percent of kids quarantined due to contact tracing that actually end up getting Covid The only reason my son went to school in person this year was because masks were optional. Then it changed to we will reevaluate the masks in 30 days. So i feel Now that my son is in school he doesn’t get have the option anymore. So he can’t be on zoom or online school if he doesn’t want to wear a mask. This is a choice the kids should all be able to make on their own. This should never be a mandate on a virus that has a huge survival rate. What are you protecting them from. A cold?? We all know the consequences of not wearing a mask. It should be their choice. PERIOD!!!!

1943 Those in favor of mask mandate for all people do not allow for exceptions for those with special needs, or medical exemptions such as allergies, athsema, etc. Forcing mask mandates allows one private citizen control over another person's health decisions without consent. Hospitals require a legal document to assign Medical power of attorney, yet the FZS Board has effectively allowed other parents and administrators to take away my authority to make medical decisions on behalf of my my child(ren). According to https://www.sccmo.org/2105/COVID-19, confirmed cases in St. Charles = 45,365, while the number of confirmed COVID related deaths = 653, which is .014%, in other words, a 99.9856% survivability. The same data shows 0 deaths (zero!) for people under the age of 30. So we must ask where is the risk? The decision to wear masks or not is a private health decision that should be made by the parent. If the mask works, those who want to wear them to protect their person, should be allowed to wear them. But we must not allow someone else's fear to dictate someone else's freedom.

1944 Do what you got to do to keep everyone safe

1945 At least until there is a vaccine for kids 11 or younger. Or mask mandatory for just those grade levels.

1946 I get that some of the older kids are vaccinated but their younger siblings are not and you're putting these children unnecessarily at risk. We even know vaccinated people who have gotten ill. It's no more worth it now than it was the first time. The school's priority is to keep my child safe. Do the right thing and stand up for my children. All children. It shouldn't even be a question.

1947 Why mask???

1948 Kids should be kids not robots

1949 Masks should be optional for students who are eligible to be vaccinated. Students that are too young to be vaccinated should be required to wear a mask since they cannot be vaccinated.

1950 Thanks for considering parent's input. This is very much appreciated.

1951 Public health should not be a popularity contest. Mask mandates are the least you can do to slow the spread of covid!

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1952 It’s hard to decide what is the proper answer for children and adults. As a nurse, I see both 9/27/2021 2:48 PM

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sides. I also see that the medical community is giving conflicting statements and advice which has caused a lot of the confusion and angst. While a cloth mask, gaiter etc are not going to help prevent the spread of COVID any better than not wearing one, we aren’t going to fight it if it is mandated. I do however believe that if it is going to be mandated that while n95s aren’t practical or accessible, that hospital grade disposable PPE masks be utilized.

1953 Kids shouldn’t be wearing masks 9/27/2021 2:48 PM

1954 I kept my kids from being exposed to Covid for a year and a half by keeping them home. One 9/27/2021 2:48 PM month into school and there have been at LEAST 4 exposures! Keep the damn masks as mandatory!!

1955 I believe it should be patent discretion as we are the ones who chose for our kids to go back to 9/27/2021 2:48 PM school.

1956 I would like to thank Fort Zumwalt Board of Education for allowing parents to voice their 9/27/2021 2:48 PM opinion on this matter. While I understand mask are a "hot-button" issue, I believe mask should remain OPTIONAL. Allow me and my child's physician to decide what is best for my child's health. The Board of Education is there to make decisions on my child's education, not their health. Hence, the name - Board of EDUCATION. I fully support the optional mask decision. My children's school, Twin Chimney's, had 1 case (per Fort Zumwalt website) prior to the mask mandate decision. I believe Twin Chimney's was doing an excellent job managing the situation. I am also aware of other schools within the district who had outbreaks. I fully support the TEMPORARY decision for a mask mandate at those schools. Control the situation and then return to original procedures. I also think it is important to point out the hypocrisy of the vote for mask mandate by Board Members who were not wearing masks themselves at the Board Meeting. And who also have been seen at school functions since this board meeting without a mask as well. I would think a Board Member who votes for mask mandates would be demonstrating their beliefs. Not contradicting themselves by their actions. At the same time creating doubt if they should be a Board Member at all. Again, thank you Fort Zumwalt for allowing parents to voice their opinion on this matter and I look forward to the outcome.

1957 Masks have been shown to do more harm than good. I would prefer my son to not wear a 9/27/2021 2:48 PM mask at all, let alone all day in school. It has been way past a year of this virus, it’s time to move on with life

1958 If wearing a mask allows the kids to stay in school with less of a chance to quarantine, then 9/27/2021 2:48 PM that makes sense. I also think masks should be optional again once cases in our area start to decrease again.

1959 I think this should be a parent's decision and not a school board that doesn't know my child. I 9/27/2021 2:48 PM respect other parents wanting to mask their child as that is their choice/decision. Thank you for reaching out to see everyone's choice and hopefully we can go back to optional masks as it respects both sides instead of just one. Thanks

1960 No 9/27/2021 2:47 PM

1961 The safety and health of our children and teachers should be the #1 priority 9/27/2021 2:47 PM

1962 Wearing a cloth mask or face covering is not providing much protection. Unless mask are of a 9/27/2021 2:47 PM "medical" quality, anyone wearing one is not truly protected.

1963 I am against my children wearing a mask. It can physically harm my children and will not stand 9/27/2021 2:47 PM for it. Wearing a mask for any period of time can pose harm and it isn't safe. Please allow our children to be children and don't mask them.

1964 Encourage hand hygiene, appropriate sneezing/coughing into elbow and washing hands after. 9/27/2021 2:47 PM Keeping hands off face.

1965 Mask’s work. Data has proven it. Thanks for sending the survey. 9/27/2021 2:47 PM

1966 We should be thinking about the safety of our children and putting that first. Thank you 9/27/2021 2:47 PM

1967 I am a RN at Lake St Louis Hospital. We have seen many patients that are COVID positive 9/27/2021 2:46 PM that have been vaccinated. Some of these patients are grandparents and parents of children who were sick and state that they contracted COVID from their relative. Having no masks required is greatly impacting and putting many peoples lives at risk. It’s also impacting the volume of COVID patients we are seeing.

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1968 Wear your mask!

1969 I think we should require masks and follow CDC guidelines. It’s not a difficult thing to do. They help.

1970 Please consider personal accountability and preference in future masking decisions.

1971 Yes masks should be on at all times! It does not hurt the kids! My daughter has an immune disease and unfortunately I have to send her to school. And she wears her mask at all times! It is not abuse!!! So do the right thing and keep these masks on because no matter what some parents say this is a real thing! And until you work in the medical field you shouldn’t have a say!!!

1972 I responded to the first question stating that I felt masks should be optional, I also feel that masks have an important role to play with decreasing the spread of other illnesses, mainly influenza and RSV.

1973 Mask should be a requirement at school for students and staff to slow down the spread of the virus.

1974 I appreciate the Board more than I can say!! You all are in a tough spot & will be ridiculed regardless of the decision you make. I support you!!

1975 We should also have option for online education. If some kids can't come to school due to any symptoms (like fever / cough) they can use this online system. This can be option if someone can't come to school few days they can register for 2 - 3 days and use this facility. This can be implemented at school district level (in place of school level).

1976 We are still in the middle of a pandemic and I feel that the schools have a responsibility to protect our kids using all the medical science available. Science proves that masks work. Especially in the elementary schools where they cannot be vaccinated yet, it is extremely important for them to wear masks. I have a son in the elementary school, and I was so happy when they made mask mandatory. He will be getting vaccinated as soon as it becomes available, but the only thing right now that best protects him is the mask. Maybe it could possibly be optional for those that are vaccinated, but only in that case.

1977 Thank you teachers for all that you do! It is truly appreciated

1978 This is basic evidentiary science. We have two pediatric centers in this city and both recommend masks.

1979 Your decision to mask or not to mask should be based on the advice of medical experts.

1980 We all need to be responsible. The institutions that can authorize a mask and vaccination mandate have a moral obligation to do so.

1981 School boards should Not medical decisions for my child. Any illness from mandatory masks will create liability to school districts and board members personally!

1982 As a parent and educator, it is our responsibility to keep kids safe. Require masks.

1983 Masks reduce spread and quarantine. Our kids being in school is more important than making masks optional.

1984 I'd recommend further flexibility with at-home schooling for both maskers and anti-maskers. This may relieve the political pressure on both sides. An optional mask policy is near useless as (1) it's never been against the rules to wear a face mask, (2) those most likely to not wear the mask are coincident with those who engage in further risky behavior, (3) children are highly susceptible to peer pressure / bullying /teasing and the parents will have no assurance their child(ren) keeps their mask(s) on throughout the day, (4) schools are densely populated and children are not known for their excessive hygiene, which creates an ideal breeding ground for all diseases, not just COVID (5) those protesting the masks in schools are cherry-picking their philosophies as they don't seem to protest the other hundreds of behavior and dress-code rules - but only because those rules have been around longer and the protestors cannot be bothered to think beyond the end of their uncovered noses, and (6) this "optional" policy abdicates the duty of care the school board, the school administration, and the teachers are bound by simply because it's easier to cave to the loud ignorant masses than it is to stand up for what is morally correct. I do not envy your position, but you have an ethical obligation to protect our children.

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1985 Masks break should be given and during exercise or any other physical activity masks should 9/27/2021 2:42 PM be removed.


1987 please

1988 I do appreciate that they don’t have to wear them outside or during physical activity.

1989 I strongly disagree with making children wear masks, especially for an extended amount of time. I will be removing my child from this school if the mandate continues.

1990 Your one and only priority should be the safety and security of your students and staff!

1991 It's better to be cautious and protective than being sorry later as the kids can easily be succumbed to this deadly virus along with near and dear ones. Since the younger ones below the age of 12yrs are unvaccinatted, the vaccinated people can get exposed to it. This all due to mostly because of these unvaccination and not taking this virus seriously.

1992 I opted for the virtual program because masks were optional.

1993 Individuals and parents/guardians should have the right to choose if masks are needed…not the school board.

1994 I appreciate the survey and willingness to take the time to do this for the students. My concern is for the long term neurological effects the mask will have on our students and faculty if the masks are mandated for any longer. Thank you for your time and consideration.

1995 My daughter is immune compromised and sees the nurse three or more times a day, so this very much is geared towards children like her in the district. I believe in her choice to choose to wear a mask or go maskless. There are many many studies stating that mask do not help, including the NIH and the WHO. Why are we not following the science?

1996 I think masks should be optional for those vaccinated or who have had Covid.

1997 If there is an uptick in infection rate make masks mandatory for a temporary period of time. Do what’s best for teachers and staff. Don’t allow crazy parents or fear dictate your decisions. Personally I feel you all are doing a great job and proud my children are part of the FZ school district. God bless.

1998 Let them breathe fresh air and stop giving the kids mask induced acne. Stop living in fear.

1999 My son told that masks get irritating and become a distraction.

2000 We didn't or don't wear masks for the flu

2001 Contact tracing, masking and/or quarantine requirements seem to be lax, certainly when compared to CDC recommendations, in an effort to keep the district % down. This is

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disappointing and would like to see the district stance change to mirror the CDC.

2002 Based on our own district’s current data and the district’s prior statements, mandatory masking for all students and staff is not appropriate or warranted as we are below 1% with mask optional. All families should be able to choose what works best for them and their children. By making masks mandatory you took away that choice for many families with no data to support this change. St Charles County does not have a mask mandate in place for any type of business, so to just mask kids while only at school makes no sense and is not supported by any of the data. Also, the quarantine protocols need to change. They only hurt the healthy students by being out of school. For example, my student was a close contact and we were not notified until 5 days later. They were required to stay home 3 school days and returned after the 10th day from exposure. Between the time of the last contact and the notification they had attended football games, baseball games and a family outing. My student never showed any symptoms and returned to school when allowed. Parents should be notified of the close contact and be able to monitor their students to watch for any symptoms as we do with other illnesses that students are exposed to while at school, but the child should still be allowed to attend school as long as they remain healthy. St Charles County does not contact trace for any place of business within the county, therefore we should not be trying to contact trace only within our schools. COVID is not going anywhere anytime soon. We cannot mask our kids and quarantine healthy students forever!

2003 I am a Rn who does COVID testing. It saddens me that we have seen an uptick in testing children.

2004 Please unmask these children and young adults.

2005 One of my children has a disease compromising her autoimmune and auto inflammatory systems. A kid sick at school without a mask could cause my child to get so sick we could lose her. Shirts, shoes and britches are required for heath and hygiene, masks should be, too.

2006 If both students are wearing a mask, I shouldn't have to worry about my child being quarantined. My child would be quarantined if someone else tests positive and isn't wearing a mask, even if my child is. That isn't fair when my child is avoiding the risk of exposure.

2007 Until children under 11 are able to be vaccinated, those students and staff working with those age groups should be masked. I like what Francis Howell is doing.

2008 Schools are supposed to be neutral ground politically and run by logic, science, and facts. It's policies should be dictated by same. Since too many parents have chosen not to be vaccinated and won't let their kids get vaxxed, a mandate is necessary to help prevent spread of COVID-19.

2009 I have my kids wear 1 to be safe because not all parents understand the health of other kids. That being said I think if the teacher is vaccinated they shouldn't be required. And mask procedures be lightened a little bit from last year like recess, lunch, gym.

2010 No

2011 Considering people with the vaccine can still get covid…why are those kids not quarantined till they can prove a negative tests. Don’t you think that if people with the vax can get covid they could be spreading it all over school even if they have no symptoms… highly confused on this decision but yet you want to quarantine only the unvaccinated…

2012 I feel that masks should be strongly encouraged for both staff and students.

2013 Vaccination status should absolutely be taken into consideration. If a student or staff member is vaccinated, masks should be optional regardless of any requirement for those who are unvaccinated. If the vaccination is our way to defeat this virus, then you should "reward" those who are vaccinated. We feel very strongly that vaccinated children/staff should not be forced to wear masks.

2014 Studies show mask work. Use them at all age levels in school

2015 Lets don't pretend masks are the answer. There is a vaccine and some will choose to take it and some will choose not to take it. Teach our children we are a country of Freedoms and laws and with those freedoms every American has their own Rights and CHOICES. No Mandates.

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2016 There isn't really an option for this in question one so I'll elaborate here. My opinion is that 9/27/2021 2:36 PM masks should be optional when/if COVID cases are low within the school. Should the number

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of positive cases/quarantines rise where the spread needs to be controlled/slowed, masks should become mandatory until the objective of reducing the spread is achieved. I fully support however, any mask requirements the district feels is necessary for the safety of the staff and students. Thank you!

2017 I think we can look at the flu cases from last year to show that masks at least worked to keep the flu cases low last year. Maybe it helps with Covid as well? Keep the masks on

2018 Covid isn’t going anywhere and we can’t live in fear hiding our kids behind masks all the time. I understand the dangers and how it may need to happen in times when things are on the rise but we didn’t have to do this with the flu or any other health concern.

2019 Thank you for making the tough decisions. Regardless of your decision, we support you.

2020 FZ needs to change their quarantine policy. Just because someone was”in contact” with someone who tested positive does not mean they contracted Covid.

2021 The mask mandate is a complete over reach of authority.

2022 We should be listening to the expert’s recommendation to wear masks not public opinion. Last year masks worked well to to keep kids in school, so why stop requiring them when community spread and hospitalizations among children are worse than they were last year? After starting the year with masks optional, I no longer trust that this district is dedicated to safety. If anywhere should put science over politics, it’s a place of education. How can I trust a district to teach my children science when they ignore it themselves?

2023 Masks have been proven not to work and are for scared sheeple

2024 Please keep our children safe and follow the science and not just what people want. Last year, wearing masks worked and no one was in an uproar. This has been made political and shouldn’t be.

2025 Stop making them wear masks. Look at the numbers. Stop the ridiculous quarantining as well!! These kids won't be able to get into colleges while missing so much school and getting so far behind on work.

2026 I am all for choice, but my son spent two weeks the first three weeks of school on two separate quarantines. Keep the kids in the classroom.

2027 It is not the school's job to put masks or enforce masks on children. Science and data show this mask mandate to be fully 100 percent political and based on fear and not facts.

2028 of course outdoors and socially distanced would not be needed. Band classes. Outdoor athletics

2029 The numbers of positive Covid cases in our district do not come close to warranting a mask mandate. For schools with children ages 12 and up, who are eligible for the vaccine, masks should be optional at all times.

2030 Is students and staff are vaccinated then it should be optional. If you aren’t vaccinated then masks should be required.

2031 I really believe that a mask is a choice. If they work so well then the people who choose the wear them should feel protected.

2032 I believe our best option is to learn to live with covid and let our kids live a normal childhood. Thank you for asking for parent input! I’m so proud for our kids to be attending the FZSD!

2033 Masks should be required to help not only stop the spread of the virus but also cut down on quarantines.

2034 Masks on children are dangerous and irresponsible.

2035 Masks don’t hurt anyone and keeps them safe. Shouldn’t matter if few are angry About it.

2036 Please abide by the expected overwhelming response of this survey, not three unelected people in the county health office.

2037 The choices that are made for my son should be his parents, not a school board. Even more so since the data did not support this decision.

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2038 I’m torn because I don’t like the idea of REQUIRING anything but I would prefer it to be 9/27/2021 2:31 PM strongly recommended. There should be choice amongst the teachers and therefore their classrooms.

2039 If everyone wears masks all the time them when and if my kids get quarantined for being a close contact they will still be able to come to school on modified quarantine.

2040 There is not sufficient data to support masking our children right now. End of story.

2041 When you make it optional my child feels criticized for wearing hers, by making it mandatory the mocking/bullying wouldn’t be an issue

2042 Thank you for what you do. We feel for the safety of the staff and students, everyone should wear masks until everyone has had a chance to be vaccinated.

2043 These children are out and about in public facilities that don’t require mask, participating in sports all summer long and after school hours (mask optional), professional stadiums are filled, concert venues are filled, the list goes on. ALL MASK OPTIONAL. If you want to wear one great, if you don’t (that should be an option too)

2044 It is sad and very evident that this is detrimental to our children. The children are being forced to wear masks that are not even effective at preventing the spread of Covid. The people with vaccinations are having “breakthrough” cases and are causing others to get sick because they are in public asymptomatic or with little symptoms showing. It’s simple science that people are not researching. Get rid of the mask mandates. Let our children breath and not develop psychological issues because the school system has decided it needs to “protect” the staff and children, when the science tells us that the masks are in fact ineffective. Children and healthy adults have over a 99% survivability rate. The Rolling Stones just had a concert of thousands with no masks being worn. Yet, our children are the ones the school district has decided to mandate. I hope you consider the mental/psychological harm that the masks are actually causing that will be more long term than a sickness which over 99% will survive.

2045 Every step should be taken to keep our kids and teachers safe. Not requiring masks is irresponsible.

2046 These masks are dangerous. For many reasons. My youngest is already sick from wearing a mask for just two days. Already in the 2 days they have to wear them my oldest (who has already had Covid and has natural immunity) is already struggling and getting into trouble for it coming down. It itches and it is hindering his education. there are enough troubles with these kids they don’t need the stress of these masks that don’t work. Please make them optional again and soon.

2047 No

2048 I am a nurse practitioner and testing daily at my job. I see patients in various areas, ages, and vaccine status. I know that this is such a difficult question to many and there is not a straightforward answer. This is how I look at it. I believe until we are able to vaccinate the younger children it puts them at risk of missing more school which affects their education. I have had to quarantine children that had already been out for exposure on day 6 for 10 more days because they were asymptomatic. In just that 1 situation that child was out for at least 14 days and could go back and possibly be out again. If masks were in place they could have had modified quarantine and possibly not have gotten it. This isn’t the first time I’ve had to do this and it is becoming the norm for me. If 7-12 is optional for masks due to having the option of vaccine I think that could be a good compromise with families. I am unsure how this season is going to go but the clinics, UC, and offices are slammed right now and not seeing any relief in sight. I hope this gives a little insight.

2049 My daughter chose to be vaccinated so she wouldn’t have to wear a mask. Research does not prove mask wearing prevents Covid. Thank you for this survey, glad to have a voice.

2050 Seems like the kids did okay last year with masks, and the numbers seemed to show not wearing masks led to a lot more out of school quarantines this year.

2051 If the board, teachers, parents or their kids are worried about Covid or any other virus they should have the option to wear a mask. The same freedom of choice should be respected for those who don't.

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2052 Although at this time, I do believe that masks should be worn by everyone, I’m torn because of 9/27/2021 2:28 PM the long term ill affects that it will have on our children. It’s not good to continue to breathe in

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what you’re exhaling all day

2053 I favor masks especially in elementary school while Covid cases are high. If numbers decrease I am ok with masks being optional.

2054 When masks are optional then ALL parents get a choice. When you mandate them, those of us who don't want a mask on our child do not get a choice. That is not fair. When left up to the Board Members to decide what is best for my children and they vote emotion over facts and data then I have a huge problem. You were not elected to voice your personal opinion you are there to follow the facts and data. Our numbers were doing great as mask optional. You know it and so do we. Get back to deciding on educational decisions and stop trying to be doctors.

2055 Masks cause far more harm to student development then any potential health benefit.

2056 We as families should have a constitutional right to decide what we and our children do.

2057 My daughter already has a tough enough time having adhd making friends, wearing a mask is hendering her from being social. You cant see facial expressions, cant breathe, and overall a terrible idea considering less then 1% had covid in the whole district.

2058 We, as parents, are physically and mentally competent to make this medical decision for our children. We do not need the school board influenced by other people’s beliefs or they’re own opinions on the subject and impose them on my children. There are so many opposing “facts” up in the air and every single person grabs what they want to believe. Not one single side is absolutely “right” in this matter. What you see and what you hear depends a great deal on where you are standing. It also depends on what kind of person you are and how you perceive the information presented to you. I do believe this mask decision should be left to the parents; the people whom are ULTIMATELY responsible for the safety and well-being of their own children.

2059 Please take into consideration that there are kids who are not able to be vaccinated and kids that have autoimmune diseases and need to be kept safe so they can get a proper education.

2060 Mask don’t help

2061 It's only a hot-button item because people tend to put their personal freedom over the health and safety of their children, which is ridiculous. We have a federal public health agency for a reason and their recommendation is masks until we can get everyone vaccinated. This should be a very easy decision.

2062 This is so obvious!!!!! Schools districts that dont require masks are putting people/kids at risk. How would the district feel if something happen to one of these kids or their families that couldve been possibly avoided by wearing a mask?

2063 We should come up with our own quarantine and not allow the CDC to tell us how long it should be. This is not going anywhere. The health rate for kids under is under 1%. We don't quarantine for strep or the flu. Please stop requiring masks and let our kids learn they want to learn and be normal.

2064 If someone is vaccinated, I am more comfortable and lenient about mask requirements. If certain vaccines can be required, I don't see why this is any different.

2065 Very disappointed the masks got mandated!

2066 All elementary schools should have a mask requirement as none of those kids are even eligible for the vaccine yet. If anything, make it optional for middle and high schools because at least some of those kids could be vaccinated. My 2nd grade son never had a problem with wearing his mask until it became an option. Let’s not forget these kids could have high risk relatives including pregnant moms that they could give COVID to. It is not fair to those of us who trust science to be punished for people’s ignorance and political agendas. If you don’t follow cdc guidelines for masks, then why do we need to provide immunization records?

2067 I'm very surprised our school district has became parent driven education board. We are in the middle of pandemic and this mask thing should be a wise decision to protect the staff and all precious students. Parents now are above CDC, US government without any proper medical background to put other students/staff willing to wearing masks at risk. Please show us that you are one of the well educated Board of Education.

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2068 The masks have not been proven effective and are more dangerous to our children than a virus 9/27/2021 2:26 PM

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with a 99.9% recovery rate for their age group.

2069 As a nurse that has worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic, I would LOVE it if we could work together to get to the other side of this because I am tired. Masks help to reduce transmission of droplets which reduces the exposure to covid. Thank you for all that you do to keep yourselves and our children SAFE.

2070 Masks should be required for grades where a vaccine is not available. Your middle school and high school #s did not warrant a district wide mask mandate.

2071 I understand that mask are required for immune compromised, but do not feel at this point that it is required for all. If you are not vaccinated, than yes you should be masked. My household has already had COVID and has also been vaccinated. I do think being masked is increasing depression and causing social problems in some people.it’s also hard for children to understand teachers who are masked.

2072 I believe ECC will be an exception.

2073 Should have been mandatory K-5 at minimum to start the year, since they cannot be vaccinated. Very disappointed. they were not mandatory until now. I will be sure to know who voted against the mandate come the next SB election. This is a minor and temporary inconvenience. You rightly require physicals and other inoculations, this is no different. My kids are vaccinated, but its only right to wear masks anyway to protect others and limit transmission chances, even if just a little bit. Previous generations had their kids being drafted, and we are whining about wearing a simple mask. Embarrassing.

2074 I only chose this option because of the quarantine rules. With masks on less students have to quarantine.

2075 Not at this time

2076 It should be a choice always not a mandate.

2077 Thanks for trying to do the right thing. My kid feels like he is bullied when he wears a mask when it’s optional.

2078 Covid 19 is a global pandemic and it’s pretty clear that date from SCIENCE and MEDICINE show that masks work and protect people from contracting this virus, especially those who are immunocompromised or high risk. Staff and students who are old enough should absolutely be wearing masks in order to protect those around them, and those within families who need the extra protection. As a RN, I am appalled that the FZSD is ignoring the factual data and pandering to parents who resist masking and vaccinations.

2079 You’re all doing a great job!

2080 Health guidelines set out by the CDC, WHO, Health Department and American Assoc. of Pediatrics should be followed. Not the emotional research done by parents on their cell phones

2081 I’m curious as to why I received notice a child on my child’s bus tested positive for covid but don’t see it on the dashboard.

2082 Thank you for asking, thanks be appreciate the Fort Zumwalt school district

2083 Because of the mask mandate, we took our children out of the in person school and switched them to online for the remainder of the semester. If mask mandates stay in place they will remain online and not in person. There is no science supporting that children need to wear masks and can actually do more harm than good by wearing them. Parents are responsible for their children, not the school board, government or CDC.

2084 Children who can not be vaccinated (12 and under) should be protected with masks.

2085 Masks save lives. What are your priorities? https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2021/09/24/school-masks-cdc-studies/? fbclid=IwAR3iplrKuFpgAsyDiXsWhM-if-Pf8uip1F8QLserOVv1hcLZQGf6fVYHU8w

2086 I believe keeping kids in school and not quarantined creates more benefits than the social and/or emotional impacts of wearing masks

2087 Having been affected by a total of 4 periods of quarantine triggered by potential school exposures (which affected our entire household of 6 in addition to the exposed child) since

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August 2020, I can say unequivocally that my 4 children were far more disadvantaged and negatively impacted academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally by having to quarantine than the slight and occasional annoyance of mask wearing. It was incredibly disruptive and in spite of all the wonderful efforts by staff, each child's school work and emotional health suffered. One of those times succeeded in infecting 4 of us with Covid, spread from my elementary school son, from school exposure. Please do not legislate district policy regarding contagious diseases on anything other than the science of behind containment strategies!

2088 Just want our kids to be safe. 9/27/2021 2:22 PM

2089 Please continue to have the bus drivers and assistant staff on the buses be required to wear 9/27/2021 2:22 PM masks as well.

2090 Look at the number of kids who have gotten Covid since the beginning of the school year. 9/27/2021 2:22 PM Numbers do not lie. The only other option to reduce the spread is virtual learning and I know nobody wants that. Base this decision on data, not opinions.

2091 If it is feasible for the school district to track I feel that vaccinated teachers/staff/ students 9/27/2021 2:22 PM should not have to wear masks. Ultimately I support whatever decision the district makes to keep everyone safe as this is an impossible situation to be in. Thanks for all you do!

2092 I want my kids to remain in school as much as possible and the only way to do that is for all to 9/27/2021 2:22 PM remain masked. It's too much of a disruption to quarantine if not everyone is wearing a mask. My kids will remain masked but may have to quarantine if someone not masked is sick and in close contact with my masked child. Also, if everyone is doing the same it makes less room for bullying a child that's doing differently.

2093 A primary route of transmission of COVID-19 is via respiratory particles, and it is known to be 9/27/2021 2:22 PM transmissible from presymptomatic, paucisymptomatic, and asymptomatic individuals. Reducing disease spread requires two things: limiting contacts of infected individuals via physical distancing and other measures and reducing the transmission probability per contact. The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected respiratory particles in both laboratory and clinical contexts. Public mask wearing is most effective at reducing spread of the virus when compliance is high. This is not a civil liberty issue. This is a step in reducing the pandemic outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). If you do not want the vaccine, that is your civil choice. Transmitting a disease because you "Don't like wearing a mask" is not a civil liberty.

2094 If masks work, and you are worried about catching COVID, wear a mask. If masks work, then 9/27/2021 2:22 PM wearing a mask should protect you against COVID. It is that simple. If you are not worried about catching COVID, don't wear a mask.

2095 I believe that we should continue to follow the numbers and see if masking will drop the 9/27/2021 2:22 PM number of cases. We tried it one way 30 days and we should try it the other 30 days. Then compare numbers.

2096 If we aren't requiring masks for everyone that attends a football game and sits right next to 9/27/2021 2:22 PM each other with students and parents coming together, than why are we doing it during school? I don't think we should be doing wearing them at the games or school.

2097 I am neutral about masks. I personally don't like them. But everyone to their own. 9/27/2021 2:21 PM

2098 I have my kids wear their masks, and tell them if there is any point in time they like taking it 9/27/2021 2:21 PM off they can.

2099 The kids have had enough. It's about time for things to be "normal" again! We all need a break! 9/27/2021 2:21 PM

2100 Quarantines should cease for healthy students. Only Covid positive students should have to 9/27/2021 2:21 PM quarantine. Covid should be “managed” by following the facts and numbers ONLY. Mask mandates should not be in place unless there are spikes at the school that need to be gotten under control; and then they should only be temporary.

2101 I am 100% for masked if needed but I am 100% behind real science; not media pressure. 9/27/2021 2:20 PM Current science (including FZ numbers) do not support the mask mandate. I do understand FZ school district falling prey to the media fear craze and being forced to protect itself from a lawsuit and scrutiny.

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2102 We should be looking at the “science” and the numbers. Positive case numbers are on the decline everywhere. These kids are hanging out, making out, spending the night at each other’s houses. Wearing masks at school is doing nothing to curb the “spread”

2103 masks should be optional and a CHOICE, not mandatory.

2104 We cannot use masks as a universal tool when all people involved do not need them. We need to use them as tools for sick people. They are no different than using a bandage when you have a sore arm. Bandages are for blood to stop the bleeding. They are not for sore arms. Much is the same for masks. Please consider all areas of masking when making a decision.

2105 It is VERY important this remain the decision of the parents. Parents should be the only ones making medical decisions for their children. Masking or un-masking needs to be a CHOICE! The over-reach by the Board of Education is unconstitutional. The Board of Education are not medical professionals and I do not appreciate them making medical decisions for my child.

2106 I believe it should stay mask optional, if you want to wear then do so, if not then don't.

2107 The school board should not be able to take the health department out of the quarantine guidelines. Healthcare professionals should make those decisions to keep the families at home safe.

2108 Each family should have the choice to mask or mask their own children based in their personal needs.

2109 People got vaccinated so that they could start living a normal life again. If the vaccine didn’t help and allow restrictions to be lifted then why did people get the vaccine at all.

2110 This isn’t an easy situation by any means. We’re grateful to have the FZ school district. Specific to this situation, regardless of personal preference, we must follow the data and keep our children as safe as possible. Obtaining the vaccine and wearing masks provides the best chance to have a successful school year. I define success as the ability to provide an in-person school experience. I sincerely wish we didn’t need masks but it’s essential given the inability to maintain social distancing throughout the day. I would be supportive of removing the mask mandate only if the vaccination status exceeds the recommended threshold by the CDC. Again, success is providing an environment where children can attend school, in-person, in the safest manner possible. Thank you for asking for feedback and doing the right thing with the 30-day mask mandate and I recommend extending that to at least 12/31/2021.

2111 To reduce spread of covid, please make wearing masks mandatory for both students and staff.

2112 I strongly disagree with making masks mandatory!

2113 Since masks are mandatory now , we as parents should be able to see the data showing that masks are actually more that cosmetic theater

2114 All students should be vaccinated

2115 nope

2116 I applaud the district for making the right decision. And encourage you not to waiver due to misinformed or uneducated people.

2117 I think that the advice of medical professionals should be followed instead of the opinions of parents that are not medical experts. There should be no room for politics when the safety of our children is at stake. My child, who wears a mask every day is now quarantined and missing out on his education that he is entitled to because other parents cannot do the right thing. There is no medical proof that wearing a mask harms children. I have 3 that had absolutely no problem wearing a mask and it didn’t affect even their mental health. The difference is that I tell my children that it is to protect us as well as others. It is our duty to take care of our fellow classmates even if their parents don’t care enough to protect us. If this mask mandate is overturned, please be sure to send out surveys on ALL school policies so we can decide if we want a dress code. My daughter would love to be able to show her shoulders in class.

2118 Please Protect the kids and the people they come in contact with inside and outside of school by requiring masks.

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2119 Or a separate classroom for the quarentined students that show no symptoms with a teacher 9/27/2021 2:18 PM qualified to teach all subjects, so they don't get sent home. My son will fail because no one is

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at home to teach him the lessons that he has to do the work on.

2120 Let's be done with this discussion. No more mask mandates. If my child is sick with any virus, I will keep them home so that they don't spread it to their classmates or teachers. Children are at next to zero risk for dying of SARS-CoV-2. Let's end this insanity and get back to a normal way of living and stop politicizing this issue via our children. Also, let's not go down the path of vaccine mandates. I have my children vaccinated against diseases and viruses that are a threat to them and the general public. It should be a parent's role to ensure their children's safety, not the school board or a government body.

2121 Masks have proven to work, and will be the best way the majority of our students can remain in person for learning with minimal impacts.

2122 34. That is the number of fatalities from traffic accidents in the state of Missouri for the year 2021 as of September 15th. Number obtained from a local news report on rising traffic accidents this year. The majority of deaths resulting from these accidents were sadly from people who did not wear a seat belt. 12030. The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 in Missouri alone this year. Number taken from The New York Times as displayed by a simple Google search. The number rises nearly every day. The majority of these deaths are people who were sadly misinformed and refused vaccinations and even the simple covering of their face in public locations. We all understand the importance of seat belts, so why is it so hard to understand the importance of wearing a simple mask?

2123 Either way, I appreciate the effort being taken to allow for in person learning.

2124 Masks would greatly help to minimize with extra quarantine.

2125 No quarantine unless fever No mask

2126 Kids need to be kids. The households that do not want to wear masks should be given the same opportunity at such as those who do want to wear masks.

2127 All age groups have not been offered the vaccine. So people that choose to get the vaccine and choose to have there kids get the vaccine should be given a line of protection till all people are offered vaccine.

2128 If masks will be optional, then parents that disagree with this should be allowed to switch their students to online learning if the need arises in order to protect the well-being and health of their children.

2129 I believe the High School students should have the option to mask or not since they are eligible for vaccinations. Most of these kids opted for the vaccine because of this.

2130 At Progress elementary picking up should be a lot faster exiting without having the buses in the way. Some of us parents have to wait in line for 1 1/2 hour plus another 30 minutes just to leave parking lot. The amount of time waiting to pick up is ridiculous we should be able to leave as soon as our children are in the vehicle and not have to wait for buses to leave .

2131 At this time with current infection rates masks, should be required K-5 and optional 6-12.

2132 It's our job to protect our children and school is a huge part of their day. I appreciate everything being done. We tried optional masks(my 3 still wore them) now let's see what happens with it being madks required :)

2133 I do not believe this should even be considered for survey. Masks and vaccination must be mandatory.

2134 I strongly disagree with quarantining healthy students. I don’t believe that missing school days is in the best interest of our children or society as a whole.

2135 For students to stay in school it only seems logical to wear masks

2136 The science does not show that masks prevent the spread of COVID-19

2137 My son is immunocompromised. This helps him to stay well and to continue going to school vs virtual.

2138 My son has been in school a total of 6 days because of having to quarantine TWICE. Last year? ZERO quarantines. Additionally, there is scientific evidence that masks keep schools open. I would think a school district would follow research and science and not opinion!

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2139 Next time there should be a survey before the vote so parents can have more say regarding their children.

2140 I want our students and their families protected.

2141 I appreciate how difficult this is to navigate as leaders of the district. As a family, we feel that it should be left up to the parents to decide whether to mask their children or not. We believe the risks are so low in kids, and it actually does more harm for them to be in masks all day, psychologically, and not to mention how nasty those masks become with them touching them, dropping them, and who knows what else. Masks are optional everywhere else in our county, it shouldn't be any different for our kids, who are the least at risk. Again, we appreciate you asking our opinion and the challenge it is to navigate. Thank you.

2142 Masks are important to keep everyone safe

2143 As responsible adults, it is only prudent that we prioritize the health and well being of the kids, particularly since most of the elementary and middle school students aren’t old enough to have a vaccine. And as an adult whose profession is based around competitive youth sports, “masks restricting breathing” is an unreasonable and inadequate excuse, even for physical education classes.

2144 As an RN, I completely agree that masks should be mandatory. I have worked an average of 60 hours per week during this whole pandemic. People are dying of a deadly virus. Masks are proven to almost complete reduce transmission along with good infection control practices. I am vaccinated. My oldest child is vaccinated. My children’s entire family / “village” is vaccinated, all to protect the kids. My 5 years old kindergarten, in your school, is currently unable to be vaccinated and protected. The school district is willingly putting my daughter at risk of dying from a deadly virus when choosing to not make masks mandatory. All St. Louis School have mandatory mask mandates. Francis Howell made the right choice of making their schools have mask mandates because it is the responsible thing to do. St. Charles City schools are under mask mandates. Our school district looks ridiculous for acting in such an irresponsible manner. My daughter has voluntarily worn a mask since the first day of school with no issues, and she is 5 years old. The fact that my daughters teacher refuses to wear a mask and we don’t know the vaccination status of the teacher is extremely concerning. The right and responsible thing to do is continue to make masks mandatory until every age group is able to make the decision to get vaccinated.

2145 I believe when my son caught COVID it kept his classmates around him from getting it. No one we know of in his circle caught it. I believe it also kept my office coworkers safe too. No one in my small close office caught it either.

2146 My kids wear them.

2147 I/We think that every student/family should have the option. No one is stopping the kids that feel more comfortable in a mask.

2148 If there is an outbreak in a particular school, then maybe mandate masks for short period of time to get through it like you did at Westhoff. The kids are not, thankfully, dying from the disease. The kids who are getting it and developing a healthy immune response is probably a good thing. Please, NEVER require a covid vaccine for the children in our district. To mask or not to mask is not a hill to die on for us, but a covid vaccine mandate is something we could never do. Thank you! We have been very happy in the FZ School District.

2149 Appreciate all you do to keep our kids and community safe!

2150 I understand these are district-wide policies, however, it is unfair to subject children who are not eligible to be vaccinated due to their age to the spread of this virus. Masks need to be mandatory at least until all school-aged children are eligible to receive the vaccine. I realize some studies have shown that masks inhibit learning to an extent, however, if the children get seriously ill and are not able to go anywhere, what is the point? As a parent, I cannot comprehend wanting to risk the safety of the children. Of course my daughter wore her mask when it was ‘optional’ as advised by myself and her pediatrician. We’re all sick of the masks, I get it. But our health and safety is the top priority. For my daughter’s 9th birthday last month, she asked for a covid vaccine. She’s ready to get back to normal as are we all, but that cannot happen until the vaccine is available for the younger kids. Until then, we must take proper precautionary measures.

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2151 Masks should remain optional forever. It is our rights as parents to decide what is best for our 9/27/2021 2:15 PM

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children. If you are going to force masks then you need to have a virtual option for children where they can have Fort Zumwalt teachers and Fort Zumwalt curriculum.

2152 It will protect our most vulnerable students and staff. 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2153 I think just keep reviewing this subject like you have been. Great job!! 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2154 In an effort to keep this short and to the point, my vaccinated highschooler should not have to 9/27/2021 2:14 PM wear a mask, or be quarantined unless she is showing symptoms and has had an exposure. I would advise the district, as a healthcare worker, to watch the numbers in the community and do not unnecessarily quarantine children. I only speak for the high school level, because they are able to be vaccinated And that is the age level my daughter is in. Thank you

2155 In this decision it is imperative that the district follow the FACTS to make this decision, not 9/27/2021 2:14 PM emotions and fear. When the school board voted to require masks, our infection rate numbers were and continue to be low within our school district. Children are not in a "high risk" category for COVID-19, and most, if not all, cases in our school district could not be traced back to contraction at school. Meaning, the virus could have been contracted anywhere as I am sure families are going other places where all are not masked. It should also be considered that many of our children are suffering in areas such as speech development and social engagement from the use of masks. The benefits are not outweighing the costs here. If a parent is in fear of COVID-19, perhaps they should opt for the virtual option as a CHOICE. That view should not effect my CHOICE to send my children to school with no mask. The point is all PARENTS should have a choice, NOT THE SCHOOL BOARD. Especially when only a small number of parents were able to weigh in on the issue at the meeting due to the venue size.

2156 Unmask our kids!!! 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2157 Masks and social distancing must be implemented 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2158 Please consider immunity if masks will be continued to be required. Please also consider 9/27/2021 2:14 PM those who are Vaccinated. Thank you

2159 We also feel unless a child has symptoms they should be able to remain in school 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2160 The district should be only looking at the schools themselves, and not make district wide 9/27/2021 2:14 PM policies when only certain schools have elevated covid rates. Just make actions related to each individual school, not district wide.

2161 In area where 6’ can’t be met then Masks won’t hurt 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2162 If they are fully vaccinated it should be optional. 9/27/2021 2:14 PM

2163 We got our child vaccinated specifically so he would not have to wear a mask! The risk of 9/27/2021 2:14 PM covid for his age group is practically 0, while the vaccine did have some risk such as myocarditis, but we did it to avoid the mask. If we weren’t already 5 weeks into the school year, we’d pull him out and homeschool. We may still do so after first semester if mask mandate still in place.

2164 If this is about protecting our children, then N-95 masks should be provided NOT the masks 9/27/2021 2:14 PM that you guys provide for our children. We have freedoms in America.

2165 Until this pandemic if over, vaccines and mask will protect our children. Thank you for the 9/27/2021 2:14 PM courage to stand up and to make masks mandatory.

2166 Our children should have the right to choose to breath free with out a mask. We don’t need the 9/27/2021 2:13 PM district or board to make medical choices for anyone. Our bodies our choice. Masking lowers our children immune systems to be vulnerable to much more then a virus. FREE THE SIMLES.

2167 I appreciate you working to keep our children and our community safe! 9/27/2021 2:13 PM

2168 Mask help to protect the spread of disease 9/27/2021 2:13 PM

2169 For those students in contact tracing, Quarantine should be up to the parent as long as they 9/27/2021 2:12 PM are symptom free.

2170 As a parent I should have a say so on if my child needs to wear a mask. 9/27/2021 2:12 PM

2171 At best, those students and staff that are fully vaccinated should be able to choose whether or 9/27/2021 2:12 PM

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not they wear a mask

2172 I guess I would add they should be optional for those who have been vaccinated.

2173 The masks DON’T work, and worse, the impact covering a kid’s and their peers’ and teachers’ face has on their social and behavioral development is immeasurable at best, but likely quite harmful. Get rid of these bacteria traps and let them live and thrive.

2174 My child is currently quarantined due to a staff member who is COVID positive and was chosing to not wear a mask when it was optional. Her choice to not mask directly affected my family who had chosen to wear masks.

2175 No elementary aged student should be forced to cover their faces for 7 to 8 hours per day. The amount of residual snot, food crumbs, and ketchup, mustard, or juice that collects in their masks throughout the day inhibits bacteria and is undoubtedly more unhealthy than the threat of a virus that is basically harmless to children of that age. Also, taking away the ability for elementary aged students to communicate through social cues and facial expressions by covering their smiles has got to be detrimental to their social growth. Also, the science has begun to prove that masks aren't all that effective in stopping the spread of Covid anyways, so let's let our children be children and stop living in, and especially stop teaching our children to live in fear.

2176 Kids should not be forced to wear a mask.

2177 If parents don’t want their kids to wear mask, they should be required to enroll in virtual.

2178 This decision should be based on common sense and what is happening around the country due to pandemic. School district should make the environment safer for students and the staff

2179 I do think masks should be optional. My kids don’t mind wearing masks but they to feel like it should be optional.

2180 It is only fair you give all parents the option to choose what’s best for their child. Masks should ALWAYS be optional.

2181 Most of the kids wear cotton masks, as they are comfortable but they are only effective when opposite person also wears masks . By any chance If masks are made optional again then during group activities masked kids need to be paired with masked kids only . Pairing unmasked kid with a masked kid has no much protection for the kid with mask. The whole point of sending the kid with mask is gone waste. Please consider the need of the parents who are sending the kids to school with masks. Thanks

2182 Please make safety a priority for our children & teachers.

2183 For the safety of others in the households of students that might not have high immunity capabilities, masks should be worn. The only priority should be the protection of the immunocomprimised and to end this virus. All other selfish reasons are irrelevant.

2184 As a new family that entered FZ this year, I feel very torn. I feel that my son in PreK, I want them to wear masks, at least the teachers, but also don't want to impact emotional states. I just want him to be able to learn but I also need them to be healthy and enjoy his first year and that means we need to protect our teachers and support staff. Pretty much what the district advises, we will comply. We want everyone in the district to be safe and we support any decisions that are made for our children!!

2185 Masks are shown in numerous peer reviewed studies to help stop the spread of COVID. If masks are optional, virtual learning should be as well so parents can choose whether to send their children back to that environment.

2186 Prioritize elementary schools- no vaccine is available so they are at highest risk.

2187 How about asking parents /guardians what they think before you implement your new requirements. Try that first.

2188 Masks should always be optional not ever required

2189 If students and staff are vaccinated yet exposed to a positive covid case then they shall be tested and upon a negative test return to school right away. If an individual tests are positive then the individual shall quarantine for 14 consecutive days or have a negative result to return early.

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2190 I chosen mask should be optional only if having my son vaccinated will stop the quarantine rules for him. He was quarantined 3 times last year due to close contact and it really impacted his grades. Also if parents are not being responsible and sending sick kids to school that is a problem and mask mandates will be needed in that case. This is a hard call. But with my son being vaccinated I chose this response. If he was not I would for sure say mask mandate for all.

2191 As it stands the numbers across the district do not support a mask mandate. I appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion. Of my 2 kids still in your district, prior to this misguided mandate, one had chosen to wear a mask and the other chose not to, as is how it should be. Please remove the mandate! Thank you!

2192 And guests in the schools.

2193 The district has not been following CDC guidelines and will continue to spread the virus with optional masks. This was clearly shown with the quick rise in numbers with the first month of school. "If you are not fully vaccinated and aged 2 or older, you should wear a mask in indoor public places." CDC , Aug 2013. Our education system is not following or believing science over "freedom of choice". Well allowing those who "just don't feel like wearing masks" to get their way exposes 10,000+ students and all of their families to greater risk. While some may say the numbers affected are low, one death is one too many. The elementary (and some middle) school children cannot be vaccinated yet. How do we allow our children to be exposed to the virus before they can medically be protected? The district is obviously putting funding and opinion first over science and more importantly the health and welfare of the children you are in charge of taking care of and advocating for every single day of your career here. I know these decisions are not easy. For the safety of our children and families, please follow CDC and health system guidelines.

2194 There is proven evidence that masks cause more health issues than they resolve. It is not the school board’s decision to tell us what is best for our children’s health! People leading education should be making more educated decisions than this, clearly the board did not research masks at all - even Dr. Fauci admitted they don’t work! This is literally illegal! Our county doesn’t even have a mask mandate, and guess what mandates are NOT laws anyway! I have already consulted my lawyer about this, and my child will not be masked anymore!!!

2195 No

2196 We are in the middle. It would be great to have elementary schools to require them due to age and not able to vaccinate. Plus the younger kids have a harder time staying up on class work if quarantined. Also it is easier for older students to stay home without a parent if they choose to non mask. I do appreciate getting a mo they review based on numbers. So if mask mandate is the way we stay, it should continue to be evaluated at the board meetings. Thanks again for all you do to keep our students and staff safe. You really have a difficult role right now and you need to know that there are people who support you no matter what direction.

2197 Parents should be able to make their own decisions for their children.

2198 Why are we forcing students to wear masks inside when they don't have to outside? When they don't at their extra-curriculars? When they don't at Walmart? As it is said, if masks work, then parents concerned can have their children wear masks. Stop bowing to fear when the science says these young students do not need to wear masks. Forcing students to wear masks does nothing as they are going to be around an entire population without masks when they aren't at school.

2199 Let’s follow the science/facts on this as recommended by the CDC.

2200 thank you for caring so much about our kids. it's a very tough couple of years for you.

2201 Vaccination is key to prevent serious illness and save lives. It should be encouraged in the school district.

2202 Masks should be required for all until vaccines are available for all school ages.

2203 Families should be able to choose for themselves whether their child needs a mask, especially for those who got vaccinated because they did not want to wear a mask anymore. Let people choose.

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2204 Kids are the least impacted by this virus. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1191568/reported- 9/27/2021 2:08 PM

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deaths-from-covid-by-age-us/ If parents are scared, they can enforce their kid to wear a mask, this should not be the school enforcing.

2205 No

2206 Please don't force my children to wear masks which my husband and I feel don't actually work to prevent illness

2207 I am a nurse and have watched what this virus has done to patients, families, medical providers and hospitals. There is no hard and fast evidence that shows wearing masks are harmful either physically, mentally or emotionally to either children or adults. There is case after case and story after story of families losing loved ones to COVID-19. I watched my daughter’s grades plummet last year as she endured quarantine after quarantine. My youngest son cannot manage virtual schooling and he was quarantined on day 4 of school this year. He is waiting anxiously for his turn to be vaccinated on his birthday next month. Both of these kids would gladly take a mask over a quarantine any day. My son told me last week kids were being pulled out of his computer class and being sent home to quarantine. He said he just kept praying, “please don’t call my name, please don’t call my name”. He struggles so much trying to complete his education at home. If all students are masked, all students can stay in school regardless of exposure. Parents are fighting for the right to mask or not mask their ch ld. What they don’t consider is that they are taking away my child’s right to in person education. They don’t have the right to take that from my kids. Please, please, please, keep everyone masked and let our kids keep coming to school.

2208 Many of my friends have young children and most of them were looking for homes in the area strictly due to the in person and optional mask policy. Since it’s changed many have temporarily stopped. By keeping masks optional many families can choose what they want for their kids and also many people outside the district will look to join our schools. By leaving it up to parents this district will do nothing but grow. I proudly graduated from Zumwalt and hope that in years to come our kids will be proud as well because they had a choice.

2209 Having safe breaks from the mask is important!

2210 It's absolute lunacy that this isn't a family's choice at this point. People can be vaccinated if they choose and should be able to mask if they choose. At this point, I think we've all see that neither one is 100% prevention. You've never required flu shots or masking during cold season, it's time to stop the madness and let people get on with their lives the way they see fit.

2211 Children's risk of serious illness from COVID-19 is very low. Teachers and parents have option of vaccine and/or masks, so risk to them should be low. Allowing COVID-19 to freely infect children should allow them to gain at least temporary immunity, and COVID-19 to run its course now, rather than stretch out continued infection over one or more years. We should accept the risk as is done for every other flu, and promote the vaccine as a personal choice made with the family doctors guidance.

2212 Unmask our kids!

2213 https://twitter.com/apsmunro/status/1420765698746322949?s=20 https://www.johnlocke.org/update/what-are-school-mask-mandates-doing-to-children/ https://www.studyfinds.org/social-distancing-six-feet-apart-outdated-science/ Finally, if a student wants to mask, let that student wear one. Do NOT force others to comply based on no scientific proof that they work.

2214 Too much evidence showing they don’t protect from covid which just makes them a distraction and scares the kids. THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!

2215 I think if mask are mandatory for young children they should be taken off for phonics. Kids need to see the teachers mouth shapes when learning letter sounds.

2216 As you already know, without masks, FZ had one of the highest quarantine and positive rates in the region. Schools that mask experienced some of the lowest. Data suggests that masking works and it is our responsibility to trust the science to protect our children. Just because some parents don't understand or refuse to understand, doesn't mean we should put our children at risk to placate those who ignore the data. Please stand with science and protect our students.

2217 I do believe kids should be in masks while inside the building.

2218 If they are vaccinated as my 15 year old is and has been since June they should not have to

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wear them.

2219 There is no one size fits all. Those that have had the virus and recovered are less likely to be re-infected by the virus. It's well documented that school age children are at a very low risk of becoming very sick from the virus. Those most at risk, if they deem necessary, should wear the masks. Schools should be promoting better health choices to children, not masks!

2220 CDC requirements is what the schools should follow

2221 The district is far below the percentage level set by the board to keep masks optional. Why has the school board not lived up to its promises ? It is not the job of the school district to make decisions on the well being of my child pertaining to masking. Do we mask for the flu season ? Do we mask for the common cold ? Covid has the SAME infection rate, quit with the fear mongering. There is no factual data to support this masking requirement. There is ZERO scientific proof showing masks work. You are obligated to display to the parents in this district, whom you represent, the factual scientific data you analyze to make your decision, based on FACTUAL SCIENTIFIC PEER REVIEWED DATA. No decision should be based your feelings, or visual aesthetics for others. The school board should accept no direction from others without these requirements. There is scientific factual proof that has been through peer reviews against masking. After 18 months of data this age group has a near 100% survival rate in our area - masking shouldn't even be part of the discussion. Those who need to mask up should do so, those that choose to go without a mask should be allowed to do so, as part of their OWN decision. Perfect solution - those who want to wear a mask, let them mask up. Those who don't want to wear a mask should be left to their decisions if they want to mask up or not. SOLVES BOTH CATEGORIES. Masks are a personal health choice that simply cannot be controlled, no matter how much perceived "power" you think you have. Masking is a personal choice for parents and their doctors. This is the United States of America - we have the freedom to choose. Take your oppression somewhere else and let the kids have some self-expression that others can see.

2222 There are 47 medical resesrch papers that have been peer reviewed that proves beyond reasonable doubt they do not stop the spread of a virus, and 26 of those same studies identify negative impacts of those wearing masks outside a medical clean room. Science, not feelings please.

2223 Optional if vaccinated.

2224 At this point the mental/emotional health is more important then wearing a mask! My child never keeps it on anyways.

2225 I am asking for masks so you can keep clubs, celebrations (HOCO) and sports going. The kids need them more than ever right now.

2226 We love Dr. Dubray!

2227 For the safety of students, staff, and family, mask and any other measures required should be made mandatory

2228 No

2229 Masks below an N95 rating do not stop the any coronaviruses. If a mask mandate does not specify the mask standards of N95 then this is mearly for show.

2230 I don't think it makes any difference, frankly. Also, don't really care either way.

2231 I just think it is easy at this age to have them wear it then say optional, but either way my family is good this is not a hot button issue with us!

2232 Masking is not only a ridiculous action but damaging to our children from a psychological perspective. I cannot believe that four educated board members even voted to bring it back. Shame on them for doing so in continuing this worthless effort. This current mask mandate is destroying our youth and is all about asserting control over others. What comes around goes around so I would strongly advise the next time the vote is taken those four individuals make the intelligent call and vote no on masking. Hope this is helpful in making the next decision, it really should not even have to be said.

2233 Surveys shouldn’t be the end-all for decision making, particularly when it comes to public health. Sometimes doing the right thing is not the same as doing the popular thing.

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2234 This helps prevent current quarantine requirements and enables children to learn in a more suitable and supportive environment.

2235 We should be focused on the safety and health of others more than comfort and style. Mask should be required.

2236 I don’t really care if my kids have to wear masks or not. However, I do care if me kids need to miss school as a result of being quarantined. (My kids don’t want me to teach them and I don’t want to teach them) I feel it’s the school boards responsibility to try to limit the amount of days of school our kids miss. If we all currently wear masks, under the current cdc guidelines, then we don’t have to quarantine and that should be our practice. If the quarantine guidelines change, and we don’t need to stay home after every exposure, then lets stop wearing masks. For what it’s worth, it’s a shitty situation and peoples inability to reason/compromise is making it worse. Enjoy making a decision that won’t make half the people happy. :)

2237 My students have been exposed from someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 and they where not wearing a mask. Due to them not wear a mask one of my student had to quarantine for 14 days from someone else spreading the virus and not being concerned about, “what if I contaminate someone else by not wearing a mask. My student, thank God. My student had some high and low grade temperatures while in quarantine and nothing else and tested negative. My student experience was not acceptable, she was very disappointed by the school for not protecting her, the stress of only being in school 2 days and had to miss out on learning without any visual contact with her teachers for understanding her lessons and causing her grades to fall due to being behind because being overwhelmed with assignments. Trying to play catch up with class while classes are still moving ahead is very overwhelming for my student and teachers are not being considerate to the fact that my student has not been able to attend their classes for 2 weeks, not by fault of their own. She has not been happy with the school .

2238 The next time that Mr. Gabrielle Helms wants to push for a universal mask mandate regardless of vaccination status he should reevaluate his decision while sitting in a room full of people While he is unmasked himself. The hypocrisy is absolutely ridiculous.

2239 Thanks for asking. 1) I would encourage more questions then just one question to be asked to find some common ground. The way I read this is all or nothing. 2) I believe that for middle and elementary students masks should be required until an immunization is available to students. I realize that some middle schoolers may be eligible for a vaccine but until all age groups are eligible and have the opportunity to get the vaccine, I feel masks should be required per the guidance. 3) I feel that decisions that impact overall health should be guided by a panel of experts not emotions. We should be backing CDC, health department, and physician guidance for the safety of students like many other schools.

2240 I like the guidelines that relax mask usage during physical activity or outdoor activity

2241 Until children can get vaccinated i feel they showed wear a mask and i wish our Superintendent would take this matter seriously!!

2242 This has clearly become more about politics rather than safety.

2243 Please consider the health of all the students, employees and family members in our community. Wearing a mask simply isn’t a lot to ask of our citizens if it saves even a few people from getting seriously ill or dying.

2244 I agreed with the superintendents previous guidelines that if a school was at something like 4% of the population on quarantine that that school would be required to mask for 2 weeks or some other determined period of time.

2245 My understanding from my children is that there are teachers and students who currently are NOT wearing masks even with the mandate. And the notion of giving "breaks" from wearing masks completely defeats the purpose. If you feel that it safeguards your child best, then by all means, have your child wear a mask. My children chose to get vaccinated and if the vaccine is as wonderful as everyone proclaims it is, that should be good enough. However, we will follow whatever is instructed by the district.

2246 I have an older son who always wears a mask to work and ended up catching vivid from a co-worker that would not wear a mask. I have a sin in 10th grade that has asthma and always wears his mask. I would hate for him to catch covid and have a bad outcome due to others not wanting to wear masks and possibly spreading it, if they should catch it.

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2247 N/A

2248 Please continue to follow the science. I commend the board for making the right decision despite knowing there would be intense opposition. The school's responsibility is to the well-being of students and staff, and right now, masks are essential to the health and safety of all.

2249 What ever the district feels is best for all to wear masks for our safety is great. Love to go back to optional once cases go down.

2250 Base the mask policy on vaccination rates within the school or county. When we hit 80% vaccine coverage of eligible population, make masks optional.

2251 All mask should be required, some of the children aren’t able to fight off the virus. This is very important. I just want to keep our little ones safe. You don’t want to see a kid pass away or struggling in icu simply because of poor decision of the district.

2252 We educate our children on the freedom and rights they are supposed to have.

2253 Masks work. Why question it? Vaccines aren’t yet available for all.

2254 Until vaccines are prevalent in our schools, masks should be required to ensure we can keep the children who are exposed healthy and at school. Quarantines are difficult for many reasons and this should prevent them if done adequately.

2255 With flu season ahead and number of covid cases mask mandate is best way to keep kids and society safe. Thank you.

2256 Wearing masks effects children's ability to learn. They are a distraction. My son wears glasses and no matter what we try wearing a mask causing them to fog. If wearing one actually would help with modified quarantines I understand it however most children do not wear "approved" masks stated last year to fall into that category. There has to be a better way to help then forcing children to wear masks all day.

2257 We believe that the schools should do everything possible to provide a safe space for our children to learn in and thrive. According to the CDC everyone should mask up indoors, even those vaccinated, due to the current COVID variants and hospitalization rates of not only kids but their relatives that they can spread the virus to at home.

2258 I think it should be a personal choice for each student and staff member, not a mandate.

2259 No

2260 Masks PROTECTS spread of infection

2261 If mask work so well then way does my child need to wear one to protect another student who is wearing one. Mask are not healthy physically and mentally. It is not healthy to breath in your own carbon dioxide all day day. Students are not able to communicate properly with mask on which has affected the kids emotionally and mentally. It should be the choice of the student/parent if they want to wear a mask not a choice a group of board members should be making. Especially when one of the board members, Gabe Helms, had the nerve to vote to mask my child for 8 hours a day but could not sit through a 3 hour meeting with his mask on. What arrogance, he should no longer hold a seat on the board. If the mask worked then COVID would be gone after wearing them all last year. COVID is a virus like the flu and is going to be part of lives. If someone wants their child to wear a mask that is fine but don’t push their fears on to my child. Remove the mask now!

2262 Should be mandatory just until positive case numbers go down. If they don’t or get worse, especially with flu season and winter in the horizon, keep them on.

2263 I REALLY STRONGLY FEEL LIKE IT’S STUPID THAT WE ARE EVEN HAVING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION OR VOTE ON THE SAFETY AND HEALTH OF OUR CHILDREN! Last year when kids had to do virtual learning a lot of the parents complained about kids suffering from anxiety and depression because they were not able to be around their friends and classmates some kids grades even suffered because they were not able to have the classroom setting! Now you all have made the decision to bring a little bit of normalcy back into these kiddos lives, teachers(who I don’t feel like get enough credit!) risking their well being and health to be around our children day in and day out out, and others in-school employees, and some of these parents are willing to risk it all yet again cause the kids have to wear a mask!!!!! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PLEASING SOME OF THESE PEOPLE! We all want it to go back to

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normal but we need cooperation in the process!!! We cannot have progression without the cooperation of everyone ESPECIALLY THE PARENTS! Set a example for your kids! Wearing a mask is not hurting anyone if anything it’s there to help! They have completely made this about politics and have really missed the real priority, WHICH IS THE KIDS! I have had Covid19 and I’ve watch over 10 relatives and close friends be hospitalized or even wrose, die within the last year from this illness! It’s not fun! It’s nothing like the flu or any other cold! If my kid wearing a mask will protect herself and others I’m ok with that! Some of us cannot continue to afford to miss work on a constant basis because our children have to be home because they have come in contact with a child who has covid or a child whose family member has had covid!!!! SO PLEASE KEEP THIS MASK MANDATE MANDATORY FOR THE SAFETY OF EVERYONE!

2264 Even with the mask requirement, students and teachers still flaunt the rule and wear them around their chins, etc. But it does help prevent the bullying that was taking place at the beginning of a year toward our child who has to wear a mask because of her immuno-compromised condition. I don't understand why this has to be so political. Science shows wearing masks work.

2265 These kids do not mind the masks one bit, it's the parents. I coach volleyball with 14 - 4th graders and we wear a mask the entire time we play/practice, no kids complaining, EVER! It was a good decision to have the district implement a mask mandate. The kids need to be in school and if masks are required to do so then that is what needs to be done. Our family is 100% in support of the mask mandate, thank you.

2266 I think you guys have done a great job under the circumstances. My kids don’t like the masks but they understand why they need them

2267 I believe to help in the reduction of spreading COVID 19 masks should be mandatory throughout the district. If masks are not mandatory throughout the district, they should at least be mandatory in the elementary setting as those students can not be vaccinated at this time.

2268 It's hindsight, but it may have been a good idea to have sent this survey prior to the boards decision.

2269 If you are going to require masks then it should be true preventive masks.

2270 I understand some people are upset but placating them with this survey is just going to anger them more. Being consistent is the key here. The behavior from the admin is not consistent.

2271 Please hold to your decision, don't go back and forth on Masks/No Masks! You won't make everyone happy and that's life. As a parent and educator, there are many more pros to the masks in school than cons!

2272 American Academy of Pediatrics which consists of 70,000+ pediatricians recommend masks in a school. Why is it even a question? Why would someone go against the advice of your child’s doctor who take an oath… it’s the #1 oath… to DO NO HARM. Where was this survey at the beginning of school when our children were forced in classroom with people unmasked. Why were our children’s health not considered then? Why are politics having any say in the health of our children?

2273 I think it’s unfair to have told students that if they were vaccinated they would have a normal school year and both vaccinated and unvaccinated kids are being forced to wear masks. Getting vaccinated was a difficult choice for my daughter and now she feels it was for nothing.

2274 There is no clear evidence that masks work. vaccinated/unvaccinated no real clear science. Let the kids that choose to wear them wear them, then they can feel protected.

2275 Keeps the germs from spreading.

2276 Science is real. If that is not something you believe in, please excuse yourself from working in the education system.

2277 The parents that are fighting this are selfish and uninformed. I WANT MY CHILD SAFE when they attend school. I don't want to have to worry that they will get picked on by kids whose parents are anti-maskers. I sincerely hope that the parents of children that are not in school because they are protesting this are getting in as much trouble as my child that has a medical condition.

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2278 This is not a one size fits all decision. Leave to parents to choose for their children. At the 9/27/2021 2:00 PM

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very least those are are vaccinated should have the option.

2279 I agree with whatever the school board thinks is right and right now the school board says masks are required.

2280 I do think there needs to be a 3rd option and if we get to a certain percentage, we go to masks. I can see kids not really wearing their masks correctly and I do feel strongly that controls the spread and keeps my kids out of quarantine. However, if there is not community buy-in, a required policy is still ineffective and teachers cant possibly keep up with the kids who constantly have them down.

2281 I think the latest change is more sensible than last year, when they were required outdoors as well and kids were segregated by class.

2282 Until we reach a level where herd immunity exists, I feel that masks should be required to protect those who are unvaccinated. I know its a hot topic but I want to keep my children in school in person where learning is best and I want to know that everything possible is being done to help keep them from getting sick. Until they can get vaccinated themselves (younger than the current approvals) I want my children protected as much as possible. I sent them in masks before the mandate and will continue if its remove, but it certainly helps them keep them on if others are doing it as well.

2283 My son just got done quarantining and he didn't have Covid but it would be nice if the students were masked to keep our students, teachers and facility safe. My son being in quarantine made me appreciate that masks were worn last year and I fully support our district deciding to make masks mandatory.

2284 Masks should only be required for those that are unvaccinated.

2285 Optional masking means actually means not a lot of people will wear them. If the staff and teachers don’t wear masks, what kind of message does that send to the kids? This is incredibly stressful and has caused a lot of problems for our family. If there is a no mask option, maybe they can have one school where people wear masks and the rest can do as they please. Please give the families that want/need yo protect from Covid a viable option for safe in person learning.

2286 Especially a kindergarten child trying to keep one on all day it’s almost impossible and he keeps losing them at lunch so I’m constantly having to buy new ones.

2287 It is important to follow the recommendations of experts and err on the side of caution. Both the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics say that masks should be required for all students and staff. The Board of Education does not “know better” than those whose job it is to extensively study this issue. Also, this is not a forever issue. Many sources are reporting that the vaccine will be ready for school-aged children by the end of October. Once children have the chance to be vaccinated, optional masking makes more sense.

2288 Masks should be optional period.

2289 A survey monkey survey to deny scientific evidence try and circumvent the vote of the board is dishonest and irresponsible. It speaks to the the integrity of the superintendent and the board members that were outvoted on the motion. Where was the survey when it was voted mask optional in August?! Im disgusted by the “leadership” of this district pandering to the parents displaying poor behavior.

2290 If the concern is having to be quarantined - students should get vaccinated. My student chose to get vaccinated, in the hope of returning to a more normal life - without masks.

2291 In my understanding we look at cases but we also must at fatality rate. Also I wish to ask that we supply students that are now home with school work so they can stay up to date.

2292 I am for mask mandated in ages unable to receive the vaccination yet, 6 grade and below. I would be for masks optional in ages able to receive the vaccination, if the community positivity rate is below 5%, per CDC guidelines.

2293 Please don’t do away with masks especially for our kiddos who can’t be vaccinated.

2294 Covid isn’t going away any time soon. If wearing masks keeps our kids in school, playing sports, having plays and concerts by reducing quarantine kiddos let’s do it!

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2295 I do not think it is in the best interests of our children to undermine the expertise and 9/27/2021 1:59 PM

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consensus of the medical community by not wearing masks as much as possible. This undecisiveness by the FZ board on this issue may cause developing minds confusion and further inability to formulate decisions based on facts rooted in science and expert conclusions. I really am confused how the FZ science department is expected to look at students in their faces after this ongoing debacle. The bottom line is student safety and ensuring that they are physically at school with the least amount of quarantines as possible. The best answer we have currently is continued mandated masking.

2296 As a parent, it should be the parents decision whether their child is to wear a mask or not. 9/27/2021 1:59 PM

2297 Antibodies in students who have had covid should be taken into consideration as well. 9/27/2021 1:59 PM

2298 With the fact that this variant is much more infectious than previous strains, it is advisable to 9/27/2021 1:58 PM wear a mask while in the classroom. If my student wears a mask and others around him do not, it is putting him more at risk even though he is taking the best precautions he can. When the actions of individuals puts others at unnecessary risk of infection it is no longer about rights or liberty, it is about the best interests of the student body as a whole. The best learning environment is in the classroom, in person. If my child has to quarantine because others around him choose to not wear a mask, that violates my child's right to have the best educational experience possible. As a public educator myself, I will tell you that it doesn't bother the students nearly as much as the adults. It is not dangerous to wear a mask and it helps keep others in your school from being exposed while at school. Also, while the CDC has shown flaws throughout the pandemic...it is still based on the most sound scientific evidence available to them. Public schools should adhere to CDC guidance and not undermine them for personal or political beliefs. The education of my child suffers when not at school, the best way to promote in-person learning is to adhere to the best scientific advice possible. Masks need to be worn until there are better options available. Everyone is tired of the pandemic, but that doesn't mean it should be ignored.

2299 I want to protect my daughter who isn’t old enough to get the vaccine yet! She has a better 9/27/2021 1:58 PM chance staying in school with mask mandatory and not have to miss as much. Both my kids were on quarantine the 2nd week of school which was very upsetting considering we have the rest of the year to go!

2300 The number of infected and quarantined does not warrant a mandate. There is no evidence that 9/27/2021 1:58 PM masks prevent spread of illness Parents should be making decisions for what’s best for their child, not the school board or the county executive. The excessive quarantining of healthy kids and masks mandates are hindering our children’s education for no reason at all. Stop the madness

2301 Schools are communities, and an individual's actions affect others. An individual has no right 9/27/2021 1:58 PM to expose others to a potentially debilitating or fatal disease.

2302 I think given the option, most always side with not wearing them. So I think making them 9/27/2021 1:58 PM mandatory is the only option that will ensure people actually effort to stay safe.

2303 Those who choose to mask should not have to quarantine if they are not displaying any 9/27/2021 1:58 PM symptoms.

2304 It should be up to the parents not a school board to decide what is best for my children. There 9/27/2021 1:57 PM are no proven facts that masks work.

2305 No 9/27/2021 1:57 PM

2306 Follow CDC/medical advice. Not angry parents 9/27/2021 1:57 PM

2307 Intellectual curiosity, asking questions and open, evidence-based debate should be a hallmark 9/27/2021 1:57 PM of academia. Learning to identify gatekeepers of information and recognize those who wish to stymie debate is a difficult task when motives are cloudy and rational discourse is replaced with the exploitation of the ego/insecurity masquerading as concern.

2308 There shouldn’t be any quarantine/ modified quarantine for individuals wearing masks but it 9/27/2021 1:56 PM should be that student or teachers choice.

2309 Forcing kids (or adults) to wear a mask all day is not healthy for them. It affects their physical 9/27/2021 1:56 PM health and their social skills. It also can cause weakened immune systems. Masking should be voluntary at all times. It should be the parents/families decision.

2310 I think masks should be optional for fully vaccinated individuals and required for those who are 9/27/2021 1:56 PM

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not vaccinated.

2311 Masks work and scientific data shows this as the best option for our kids to stay healthy, 9/27/2021 1:56 PM especially since they cannot be vaccinated at this point. Doctors, nurses and scientists are telling us to mask up for our safety, so we should listen to their recommendations. Please listen to those who voices, and ours. It also enables the modified quarantine, so not as many teachers and students have to miss in person learning.

2312 Keep our teachers and kids safe. Everyone needs to be vaccinated. 9/27/2021 1:56 PM

2313 Masks are negatively impacting my sons education. I pay tax dollars for him to receive the 9/27/2021 1:56 PM best education possible. It should not be compromised for political gain. If a family does not want their student around others not wearing masks then they should choose to attend school virtually.

2314 If people are not vaccinated, then masks should be required. However, if everyone is 9/27/2021 1:56 PM vaccinated then masks can be optional.

2315 Masks don't work. Show me the scientific evidence in the last 20 months that proves masks 9/27/2021 1:55 PM prevent the spread of any disease.

2316 Missouri covid cases currently down 32% from a recent high back in July and down 20% from 9/27/2021 1:55 PM last month. St. Charles County Covid cases down 18% in the last 14 days. RO number for St. Charles County is 0.92. (If R0 is less than 1, the infection w ll spread only slowly, and it will eventually die out) All of these state and local decreases are happening without any mask mandates in place by the way. Less than 1% (21) of the district caught covid in school over the first 30 days of school. My children and a lot of their friends aren’t interested in coming back to school until this madness is stopped. Flu is 3 times more dangerous to this age group under 18 than covid and we never wore masks than. Enough of the mental gymnastics. We currently sit in football stadiums, restaurants, Walmart and basically everywhere without masks so not sure why school is any different than almost every other social setting out there.

2317 This shouldn't even be a question. These are our children. The only concern should be their 9/27/2021 1:55 PM safety- not any political affiliation or loyalty. We, as parents, trust YOU to keep our kids safe during the school day/year. The purpose of the vaccine and mask is to protect others as well as yourself. It doesn't bother the younger kids at all and the older kids need to understand personal responsibility as it relates to all of us a society. Who is it hurting to continue the mask mandate through this year and then reevaluate next year.

2318 I have 3 kids in the Fort Zumwalt school district. One in elementary, one at South Middle, and 9/27/2021 1:55 PM one in High School. I observed all three of them be affected negatively by the mask requirements in 2020-2021; both socially and psychologically. Going in to the 2021-2022 school year my kids felt so much relief not having to be forced to wear a mask. • Currently county nor the State have mask or vaccine mandates in place. • Each parent who spoke at the 9/30/2021 board meeting stated his or her opinion. For example, the comparison of Covid impact to Pearl Harbor and then 9/11 was completely farfetched. From a military family, I will say that this was disrespectful for all those who have served. • For each statement made, there are opposing arguments. One parent spoke about her kids being sick this year more so than last year. However, our three kids did not wear a mask this school year prior to the board decision last week and all three of them have had a happy and healthy school year thus far. What one parent decides is best for their kids’ health should not decide what is best for my kids. • Masks slow down the spread of Covid but does not prevent the spread. • There is a HS student in the hospital with Covid. That is one fact that we got out of the meeting. However, that is 1 out of 18,000 students or 0.0055%. The percent is the same (if not higher) if we review past school years and unfortunate incidents that took place in such school years (bus accidents, car crash, etc.)

2319 With half of our student population unable to be vaccinated, I think it's imperative that ALL 9/27/2021 1:55 PM people inside Fort Zumwalt schools be masked. Once the vaccine is available to everyone and enough time has passed that they are fully vaccinated, we can go masks optional. Until then, it your duty as the District leaders to follow the guidance of MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. Doctors, nurses, and health care leaders are begging people to wear masks indoors. That should be our ONLY consideration on this question right now. I'm disappointed this is even being put up to a survey because this isn't a question of popular opinion. It's a matter of health and safety.

2320 Children under the age of 12 are not eligible for vaccine yet I do not feel comfortable ending 9/27/2021 1 55 PM

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my child to school without a mask even those the rest of our family is vaccinated. I do not know the vaccine status of students and staff at school, and until FZ can tell me they have a near 100% vaccination rate, I would prefer my son wear his mask in the school setting.

2321 Masks protect the unvaccinated from Covid and increased protection from people who may have a transmissible Covid infection. We wear masks to make others safe until a time that everyone gets vaccinated. Otherwise we sentence those who are susceptible to this disease, young and old, to a long painful battle or worse.

2322 I'm glad that you asked students to wear masks again. Covid-19 is just as bad if not worse than it was last year. This decision shows you are more concerned with our students' health than politics. Thank you!

2323 Masks should be optional and if a child gets exposed then mandate a mask for that child for 14 days or upon development of symptoms. If they develop symptoms, then they will be quarantined. Any one vaccinated should not be required to wear a mask.

2324 "There is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19." - WHO

2325 I feel that rather you are vaccinated or not mask should be worn at school for the protection of the kiddos and their families.

2326 I hope this survey reverses the decision to mask our kids. Our family is done with all this and ready to go on with life. This covid stuff will be with us just like the flu and we need to act accordingly. Thank you.

2327 I feel like the teachers do not have enough time to make sure the mask are worn properly. They are not doing any good if not worn properly so it really does not make sense.

2328 Dr. Dubray should follow the science, not politics and quit playing Russian roulette with our children's health. Masks work, period. Vaccination shouldn't be a free pass either, once again, him and the board member need to follow the science

2329 I believe that in a school environment especially middle school and below the use of masks is all for show. There is no way masks help as those children are going to be touching everything and playing together. To have these children wear masks (if they don’t want to) makes no since they are children let them be children.

2330 Whatever the school enforce I will support

2331 Protection is more about distancing than masks. Efficacy of masks are low unless everyone is wearing an N95 grade or better but especially because masks are never worn properly. Also, please remember that the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting or spreading the virus.

2332 I think most importantly children under 12 should be required to mask especially since they are unable to be vaccinated at this time. I also believe that having all children masked will be beneficial because of modified quarantine. Keeping our kids in school is the most important issue since fort zumwalt doesn't really have a plan in place for quarantine children other than log into canvas, so students are missing out on classroom instruction.

2333 It is SO important that this remain a decision of the parents. It allows for ALL voices to be heard, which is all we want: A CHOICE! Thank you!

2334 Optional is just another word for no. Mask or don't. Take the shot or don't. I really don't care one way or the other.

2335 Children and staff should not have to wear a mask

2336 Every parent/child has the right to determine what is right for them. If you want your child to wear a mask then they should wear a mask. If you want your child to not wear a mask then that’s fine to. I prefer my 5th grader to wear one so she does.

2337 Masks should be worn endless they are in a room or area that is large enough for social Distancing or all kids and teacher are vaccinated.

2338 With the amount of quarantines and cases in the school I believe that they should be required in this

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2339 They should be optional and Immunization info should be readily available

2340 It is up to each individual on getting the vaccine, but I feel like mask can help keep our children safe.

2341 Be safe.

2342 It would be nice to have a virtual learning option available like St. Charles School District has. This way regardless of the Board's decision parents have the option to choose a learning environment that works best for their kids and their family health needs.

2343 This isn't about the child, this is about safety and health of everyone at school. Change the focus.

2344 Need to give virtual class option at any point if parent prefers.

2345 Masks should be optional for students and staff. If quarantine rules are the reason for reinstatement, perhaps try relaxing the quarantine rules.

2346 I think that if the person is not vaccinated then they should be required to wear a mask.

2347 Keep on with the great job of educating our children. Thank you for your hard work in these unparalleled times.

2348 There is an overwhelming amount of data that shows not only the ineffectiveness of masks to combat covid but the harm done to our children's wellbeing is going overlooked. The last thing they need is a bacteria covered face covrring inhibiting their breathing. These mandates are unconstitutional and are being put in place by board members who don't even follow what they claim to stand for. Where is the data to back up the change from optional to mandate? My son's school had ZRRO cases as of Friday and there are several just like it. The district as a whole is sitting at half a perfect. The goal post is moving and parents, students, and staff have had it . We will not stand down, we will continue to make our voices heard, we will PACK board meetings and city council meetings. Our tax dollars pay the salaries of the board and your positions are officially on notice. Make masks optional! Quarantines are for the sick!

2349 As a parent, it is my job to determine what is best for my child. Masks should be the choice of the parent and not the school.

2350 If they can’t get vaccinated then kids should wear a mask or be 6 ft apart in classrooms. Teachers and staff should also wear a mask.

2351 I understand many feel they have rights not to mask. However, what about the rights of others to stay healthy? We still have so many little kids that can’t be vaccinated that need protected. We can’t just go mask mandatory at elementary level either as many of the middle and high school children have younger siblings that they could possibly bring this virus home to. I feel we will get to a point when we can unmask again but I don’t feel like it is ok until our young children can be vaccinated.

2352 Not at this time.

2353 Thank you for sending out this survey to poll each family

2354 The most important thing is keeping the kids in school. Masks are the easiest way to do that, especially with so many people who refuse to get vaccinated.

2355 I feel it should be left up to the children and staff depending on their comfort level.

2356 We think you all are doing a great job and we will comply no matter the decision you feel is best. Thank you

2357 Thanks for asking for input. Our family understands the hard decisions that the school board has to make. I am sorry for how some of the parents have treated you. This is a great district whether there is a mask mandate or not.

2358 My family feels as though the masks are a hinderance to learning. Our son is in Kindergarten, he is learning to spell and read, he needs to see his teachers mouth. The masks are also terrible for kids who have a runny nose or sneezy, the masks are filthy daily. This is a terrible idea.

2359 If you all backpedal on mandatory masking of staff and students I would hope that you have an online option for education readily available as I would be hesitant to send my son back to

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(not only in the school which is a reactive approach once there is an outbreak growing in the school.)

2373 I do not think it's right you can go almost anywhere else mask free. Kids can go to play places without masks, birthday parties, etc. It's disgusting you are forcing them at school. My son and daughter have speech problems and the masks are not helping.

2374 My child is in the most vulnerable category. I have to ask if politics were not involved at the end of the day wouldn’t FZ school district want kids to learn compassion and the importance of taking care of one another? The recommendations from medical professionals, such as the American Pediatrics Association, should be enough for all parents to want to protect their kids but apparently overnight many decided they have medical degrees. I pray you all display the leadership needed to say - that you yourselves are not medical professionals and you’re going to lean on the professionals and their recommendations to make an informed decision. I know it is a hot subject but what is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular!

2375 Masks should be required. repeating for visibility.

2376 Kids don’t need to keep putting a dirty mask over their face causing more germs to be around nose and mouth

2377 How can a school teach science if we don't follow science.

2378 I believe that the masks available are not adequate enough to filter out the particles that travel through the air with COVID. So wearing and not wearing are in essence the same if you are close proximity with someone that is positive. So those testing positive should stay home and quarrantine and those exposed be tested and that's the end of it.

2379 Delta spike is over, kids aren’t statically at risk of serious illness, all adult have option of vaccine, paper masks has very little effect.

2380 I think that student and staff safety is the most important thing regarding masks. Please do what is right and require masks so that we can keep our community as safe as possible.

2381 Please do the needful and protect our kids. This is an easy one.

2382 Masks helped keep the spread of covid to a minimum last year. Thank you for taking the time to ask our preference.

2383 I feel that not requiring masks is an illogical risk. I feel that school boards that do not require/enforce mask requirements should be held liable if a student contracts COVID and dies. Not requiring masks unnecessarily risks the health of students, staff and families. How many students lives does it take to make masks worthwhile? The district has had at least one student this school year in the ICU due to COVID. How many have been hospitalized due to masks?

2384 Masks are not a deterrant against this virus. It is foolish to mandate masks unless N-95 masks are worn by everyone.

2385 No, thank you.

2386 Before making this decision, which seems to be attempting to find a basis to reverse a medically prudent decision after the vocal response from those unwilling to consider the risks and safety of others, refer to actual studies proving that masks reduce and mitigate risks including COVID case counts. This includes the KSDK report on a SLU study released today. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.28.20221705v1.full Contrary to some opinions, it is clearly the schools responsibility to look out for the health and safety of kids attending. It always has been or the schools would not gather any required vaccination information from enrolled kids. Select school board members and a portion of the community should not get to override the science and recommendations of major medical groups.

2387 Our kids should not be forced to mask. If they are required to wear them all year, we will be removing our kids from the Zumwalt District.

2388 We're losing the focus on the kids by continuing to argue about this topic.The focus should be less on masks worn or not worn and be more on teaching our kids that throwing a fit gets you nowhere. It's unreal the amount of parents acting like they have a right to be nasty to anyone that has a different belief. This entire thing has been chaos from the beginning and their

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actions are only punishing the kids even more. I really don't care either way, but I do feel like decisions that are made, should be final until the next "vote." Going back and forth is just going to cause more conflict between parents and the school in general.

2389 I held my kindergartener back last year because I was not going to send him to school in a mask, I also had my third grader in virtual all year because of the same reason. I opted out of virtual this year because masks were optional! My decision would have completely been different if I knew masks were to be mandatory! Both of my kiddos would be virtual right now, if masks were mandatory at the beginning of the school year! Now I’m stuck with trying to figure out a new plan because the district says that virtual is “full”. If the mandate continues after the 18th, I will be unenrolling all 3 of my kiddos and homeschooling them or finding another virtual option for them. As a district, your responsibility should be the curriculum and education of our children, You don’t have the knowledge, background, or education needed to make health care decisions for my children! That is between me and their pediatrician!

2390 Look at the OSHA standard and numbers on wearing a mask.

2391 If someone is vaccinated they shouldn’t be required to wear a mask.

2392 No

2393 The mask mandate is horrible for social development, and there are zero studies showing masking of students reduces transmission of Covid 19. Cases rates last year in schools without masks are the same as case rates in schools with mandates, and the mortality rate in kids under 18 is very low, less than 450 in 18 months.

2394 I would prefer a change in rules that allows masks to be optional, and students wearing masks are exempt from quarantines if a classmate tests positive for covid. If students with masks are quarantined the same way students without masks are quarantined then masks should be required. Thank you

2395 This should of been mandatory at the beginning of the school year, knowing that vaccinations were not a choice for elementary children.. Being quarantine and not being sick is a huge issue and extremely frustrating..

2396 Or if you are fully vaccinated you should be required of proof and that student doesn't have to wear a mask, but if not they should wear a mask. And if you can't enforce that then all should wear a mask to make it safe for all

2397 I work in healthcare and 100% trust and believe in the vaccines we all have received. I have seen first hand that vaccinated breakthrough cases are not as detrimental as non vaccinated Covid-19 infections. Schools require many vaccines in order to attend, I understand the fear of possibly not requiring vaccines at the moment but at the very least vaccinated students should not be forced to wear a mask.

2398 these decisions shouldn't be made by a disinformed public, they should be made by public health officials

2399 Mask will help to keep kids healthy and in school.

2400 I think it is ridiculous that we are leaving health issues up to the opinions of others. The district is tasked with making decisions to ensure the health and safety of our students. Many of the parents who have strong opinions, are not basing those on the numbers and trends, nor do they know the current state at each and every school. There is no reason for a survey like this - Dr. DuBray and the Board should be able to make an educated decision and enforce it.

2401 If the mask mandate remains we will be looking into other education options outside of Fort Zumwalt.

2402 I cannot imagine why this is even a question posed to people during a pandemic. God willing we are out of this sooner rather than later. Too many have died or carry the affects of long-haul COVID. Masks are effective. The school district does many things to protect children, as they should. This should be one of those things.

2403 As parents of two young children in the district, we are grateful that the board voted last week to require masks for students and staff. Our kids are not yet eligible to receive the COVID vaccine and we have two priorities for this school year: 1. keep them healthy; and 2. keep them in school. We consider last year to have been a successful year, and we think a big part of that is the extra steps the leaders in our district took to keep our kids safe and in-school. 18

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months in, we are eager for the COVID crisis to end, but it won't happen unless we continue to step up and take the basic measures to prevent spread in our community through masks and vaccines. Please continue to keep our children's welfare front of mind and require masks until vaccines are available to our youngest students and our community is not overwhelmed by the virus. Thank you for what you do.

2404 An immunocompromised person, such as myself, who has been vaccinated is still at risk for potentially severe/critical covid symptoms due to being immunosuppressed. If my vaccinated child contracted the virus from another vaccinated child/person not wearing a mask, it could still be very serious for someone like me. I don't think it is unreasonable to require masks to ensure the safety of children and their families. Break through cases are relatively common and for many reasons not everyone may be able to be vaccinated or recieve full benefits: age, health, recieved eua antiviral or eua monuclar antibodies, had severe reactions to vaccines before, etc..

2405 Masks used in the setting of school are about 9-20% effective, and not worth the possible negative side effects that come from them. Quarantines for the healthy children are also pointless and need to stop!! The insanity has got to end!!!!

2406 My son is a vaccinated high school student and should not be required to mask if other students are not required to vaccinate. If vaccination is a choice, then masking should be too.

2407 More kids died of the flu in the United States in 2018 than from COVID-19 in 2021.. we did nothing in 2018 why are we doing something now!?

2408 They should be required unless they are vaccinated

2409 Everyone needs to feel safe at school. I understand that its parent choice, but these are the same people prolonging this. And vaccinated people are still getting sick. Please follow CDC guidance and mask up. The classrooms and number of students per room prevent social distancing. Again, mask up!!

2410 Please unmask our children!!!

2411 There is no reason in my mind for the district to have one rule for all schools or grades. Different grade levels are affected differently by the virus and grade 7 and above students all have a vaccination option available. Francis Howell has taken this into consideration in their policies. Should the district decide to continue with masks - it is critical for my family that a REASONABLE metric be established to determine when masks for any school should be required. Our major concern about the announcement is that the data seems to indicate that their is no reason to mask our children - so an understanding of what percentage of students that would need to test positive (not quarantine - these are arbitrary rules) for masks to be required will assist us in making decisions about second semester enrollment.

2412 Yes, this action should have been implemented when the school had started. Hopefully they implement this throughout the school year.

2413 Missouri has a less than 50% fully vaccinated rate. The Delta variant has proven it can breakthrough an infect even fully vaccinated people although with much lower risk to those fully vaccinated. So I feel that masks should be required until vaccination rates have improved or all the unvaccinated have died off.

2414 My child is higher risk that others. We should feel safe sending him to school. Masks lower the risk, and veryone needs to do their part. We can't just keep kids home to be safe, adults need to work.

2415 The mask policy should come from the administration as they see fit to protect our kids and staff. Thank you for your service to the community and I would like to add that I have a sense the majority of us are reasonable and trust in the decisions of the administration. Keep up the good work. Thank you

2416 Please have the buses sanitized, especially the bus railing. Thankyou.

2417 Just wear the damn mask so we don't go back into lockdown.

2418 Masks should be optional at the high school and ideally upper middle school grades where students are old enough to be vaccinated. That would allow those who are vaccinated to stay in school instead of the forced quarantine protocols. Elementary age doesn't have that option and should be masked.

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2419 We feel masks should be required on students for at least the next month. It can be reviewed after a month as long as infection rates have been decreased. We feel masks for teachers should be optional.

2420 If people are having difficulty understanding how masks and vaccines work, then teach them.

2421 It should be a parents “choice” whether they want their child to wear a mask.

2422 I also do not think we need to quarantine students if exposed. Reports showed 29,3xx students last year were quarantined and only 37x actually got covid

2423 Please take into consideration that some of your students have issues dealing with tactile sense, and wearing masks for prolonged periods of time are physically challenging; or in the case of one of my children, who had a near drowning experience in the past, the sensation of wearing a mask can trigger anxiety and claustrophobic complications. Both of my children are fully vaccinated. One child had Covid 19 a year ago, and still chose to get the vaccine. Those that want to wear masks all day long, should be encouraged to do so. All persons should be encouraged to do so. But the option to remove the mask, for whatever length of time that individual deems necessary, should remain with the individual.

2424 The CDC recently shared research showing that masks in schools prevent covid outbreaks. There is not yet any scientific research showing harm. Health policies should be based in science, not emotions.

2425 Too many quarantined kids, schools should shut down after a certain amount of Positive Covid cases. It’s not safe nor fair to negative tested students/staff!!!

2426 These are choices for parents to make for their own children. Each family has individual needs. If masks are optional each family gets to choose what is best for those individual needs. It is not the decision of those who will not follow their own mandates.

2427 No

2428 I believe it's a parents role to make this choice. My child has had covid and natural immunity is 27 times stronger than the vaccine, much less a mask. There a lot of studies show negative psychological affects later in life for the kids if forced to wear masks.

2429 Everyone's safety should be considered. Kids die from covid ... not from wearing masks. I would rather see kids with masks.. than kids on ventilators.

2430 The pandemic is far from over and kids are starting to get sick from the delta virus. My kid has breathing problems when sick, this virus could put her in the hospital while other kids may just end up at home recuperating. People can have their personal choices outside of school. That's on them, but I want masks mandatory among all schools in the district.

2431 At least schools and classes with kids under age 12 should have a mask mandate, until they are able to get vaccinated. Thanks!

2432 Thank you for letting parents have a say in this. It’s very much appreciated.

2433 These children should have a choice to wear a mask or not.

2434 I appreciate the Zumwalt district and its navigation of these crazy times. Optional allows that feel masks protect to be protected. We are not of the feeling that masks help. Thank you Fort Zumwalt:)!

2435 Wearing a mask should be a decision left up to each individual family. One of my kids has a speech issue and wearing a mask will put him behind and could have life long consequences for him. My other son has never had speech issues and after a year of wearing a mask last year it was brought to our attention by that he has concerns about his speech. This could have been caught earlier if his teacher last year was able to see his mouth and how he was forming words. I understand that some families may want to mask their kids and that is fine but my children shouldn’t suffer and have learning delays due to wearing a mask.

2436 Staff a students wearing masks shows and effort to ensure that everyone does their part to help keep everyone safe.

2437 Masks save lives.

2438 Please make masks mandatory until all school aged children are eligible for vaccination.

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2439 Masks need to be optional for everyone. 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2440 Safety and Health is a top priority until the virus is controlled. Vaccinated or not You can get 9/27/2021 1:42 PM sick. Not ready to loose educators or My child. For such a simple Mask. Last year was so healthy with my child not passing of the common cold or sinus infections. Thanks for what you do and keeping the staff and kids safe. To help keep families safe at home.

2441 Students who are vaccinated should NOT be required to wear masks. I have shown proof of 9/27/2021 1:42 PM vaccination to nurse already.

2442 Fort Zumwalt school did an excellent job on its handling of the 2020/2021 school year with 9/27/2021 1:42 PM mask mandate. Why not keep the same policies in places that worked last year since we are still experiencing high infection rates? Wearing a mask also reduces the amount of people that have to quarantine should there be a positive case. Wearing a mask while indoors at school seems to be the safe and logical thing to do for students and staff.

2443 Would be nice if at least those who had the option to vaccinate, had the option to mask. Don't 9/27/2021 1:42 PM mind mandating masks for those not able to vaccinate.

2444 If fully vaccinated why are masks required? 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2445 No thanks. 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2446 The amount of schools in the district that have zero cases should be looked at. I agree with 9/27/2021 1:42 PM previous rule of the 4% positivity rate. These kids are not getting Covid at school. The same kids that are together all day long get off the bus, take off their masks and are playing together. These kids are going to sports together, birthday parties, play dates. Please give parents the choice on whether or not they need to mask up. Thank you for doing this survey.

2447 No mandates! 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2448 think you all are doing a great job 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2449 Survey was too vague. We have a 9th grader who is vaccinated and 5th grader who is unable 9/27/2021 1:42 PM to be vaccinated at this time. My 5th grader chose to wear a mask daily at school even before all of this. It’s not rocket science. Those vaccinated though should have a choice. I agree elementary should be required since none of them are able to be vaccinated.

2450 The district I work for requires masks and it has been very successful. The Board is revisiting 9/27/2021 1:42 PM this monthly, which seems to alleviate the fear that it's going to just go on forever.

2451 Quarentining the healthy should also stop. 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2452 Students and parents who want to wear masks should be allowed to, but not forced. 9/27/2021 1:42 PM

2453 Why is the health and safety of students being put in an opinion poll? What does it matter if we 9/27/2021 1:42 PM agree? If you stand at an elementary drop off life, you will witness over a hundred parents who don't agree with Missouri laws on front seat riding age or seat belts, but the laws don't change. Shouldn't this decision be made by health officials and our state health department?

2454 We are good either way. 9/27/2021 1:41 PM

2455 It keeps folks safe. If you have to go to the dr, even if your well ans vax, you wear it. Teach 9/27/2021 1:41 PM kids to care about others!

2456 The more students & staff wear masks in school properly, the less quarantines we have. I'm 9/27/2021 1:41 PM glad they are mandatory.

2457 People not vaccinated are adding to quarantine numbers, they should have to wear masks 9/27/2021 1:41 PM

2458 Masks should not be forced to wear on children, this is crazy and non sense totally against it 9/27/2021 1:41 PM

2459 If you use the "follow the science" rule then you would know that masks are not effective at 9/27/2021 1:41 PM preventing the spread of covid. You should be ashamed to mask these kids. The harm that causes is far more than the covid they get. Is no different than the flu for 99% of the k-12 age group.

2460 Why are we allowing science/statistics and facts be ignored. Why is FZSD sending out veiled 9/27/2021 1:41 PM wording like "hot button" and stuff on PE to help breathing (implied breathing disruption hat doesn't exist) kids can take off a mask. Facts are facts. Study after study and history has shown this. I am sorry that some parents can't handle facts and want to speak off of their

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fealings but my kids health as well as teachers health is dependent on it. My kids have worn masks inside and outside of school for the past 2 years. They have not inhibited and do not have any issues in communication nor breathing (o2 sats proven to be ok). Health should be the concerning factor and I know of other kids in the district that have infected their parents who have had adverse issues and side effects. https://www.wsj.com/articles/schools-with-face-mask-requirements-had-fewer-covid-19-outbreaks-cdc-study-finds-11632515562

2461 This decision is not a decision that should be made by anyone except the parents. Virtual is an options, vaccines have been made an option for many, the covid cases are not rising and this is not a choice that anyone else can make for my children except for me. My son has health conditions that requires him to not wear a mask if I was concerned I’d keep him home, take the masks off our kids.

2462 I’ve heard many teachers say they wish that people could see how positive the environment has been in the buildings this year so far and how happy the kids are. It’s so sad this is all going to change and go back to how tough it was last year.

2463 If my children are vaccinated then they should not have to wear a mask. Thank you.

2464 It really should be the families choice at this point if we’re willing to take the risk. That being said, the mask doesn’t bother our family.

2465 I appreciate your time and efforts.

2466 Many people, including my child, got a vaccination so they wouldn't have to wear a mask. They are tired of protecting those who don't wish to get a shot. If they don't want to get vaccinated, that's fine. But they should understand the risks of being in public. They can also choose to be at home for school. Our numbers don't warrant masks or any limitations for our kids. Covid isn't going away, so when do our kids get to go back to some normalcy? What will be different next year if we keep masking for those who refuse to vaccinate? Again, I'm fine with not vaccinating but my child shouldn't be punished.

2467 My son got the vaccine this summer for the main reason of not to having to wear a mask and not to be faced quarantine during soccer season.

2468 Masks have been proven to be ineffective for stopping or slowing the spread of coronavirus. Why would Fort Zumwalt even be considering requiring students and staff to wear a face covering that does nothing to stop or slow the spread of coronavirus? I believe there is a word that defines trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, it’s called insanity. It is literally insane to think that if we just require masks one more time, this time it will stop or slow the spread of coronavirus, don’t you think?

2469 Thanks for your patience in dealing with this issue. I do feel that they could be optional based on COVID vaccination for students who were old enough to receive one. I believe this is the safest way forward right now, and in the end we are talking about a small piece of cloth on the face, hardly something worth this much time and energy.

2470 We’re all vaccinated - time to ditch the mask theater and move on with our lives.

2471 What is the point of mandating something and not going all the way through with it. It’s not like it kills anyone to wear a mask . Those that don’t want to wear a mask can stay home and do online. I think masks are a way to make sure everyone else is comfortable

2472 Please try not to make this a political issue and go by common sense as well as the science.

2473 I’m probably one of the few who would say this, but I believe all staff and students, barring those with medical exemptions, should be mandated to received the COVID-19 vaccine. Other vaccines are mandated for students to receive in order to attend. Until that occurs, masking up and practicing good hygiene are the only ways to curb the spread.

2474 Mask should be mandatory

2475 The only reason I say this is because parents continue to send their kids when they know they are sick.

2476 I don't particularly like the masks, but my kids will comply either way. We aren't causing a fuss.

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2477 I don’t think that kids in elementary should have to wear masks. My son is a Senior in high 9/27/2021 1:40 PM school and he really doesn’t mind if he wears a mask or not. He would rather not if had the

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option. So I feel that you should make masks optional. Not mandatory. Also, stores and most places don’t require masks so why would schools?

2478 Due to the highly contagious Delta variant, I few masks should be required. Masking allows for modified quarantine and my children appreciate not needing to quarantine after a possible exposure unless they show symptoms. Please continue with mandatory masking until children can be vaccinated and the Delta variant is better under control. Thank you for keeping our school communities safe.

2479 Until the majority of children are able to get vaccinated please protect all children by requiring masks of everyone.

2480 Masking our children does ZERO to stop this virus transmission. It is absolutely insane what you are doing to these kids' minds and bodies! I'd also like to share that I'm going to vote out anyone on the school board who votes for continued mask mandates of any kind. I'm certainly going to support anyone who runs against the current members of the school board. I'm mad as hell that anyone on the board agrees with this masking nonsense. I don't care who supports it. The mask supporting school board should immediately resign. Instead of forcing masks on all children, how about you keep the kids at home who want to mask up or who have comorbidities or pre-existing conditions? The continued masking of children each time a covid case pops up is total theater and I will not stand idly by while you continue to act as if you're doing something noble for the children because a kid or two got covid in the district. Stop the "you're following the science" BS, because you are doing no such thing.

2481 My kid doesn't care about a friggin mask! The parents in an uproar are complete idiots. Keep the kids safe

2482 If you leave it optional then the kids with no masks would bully them kids with masks like they already have this year. Everyone should be the same just like dress code.

2483 All parents who don’t want their children to wear masks they shouldn’t send them to school period.

2484 Our family wants to keep everyone safe. If that means wearing masks, our kids will wear masks. If this is a political decision to follow suit, i dont know if that is the best route to go either. However, I feel safe with my kids not wearing masks but also understand the reason for masks if it keeps other people in school/safe and comfortable. The bigger picture is more important than personal decisions.

2485 Science is not a democracy, and this is an extraordinarily transparent attempt to cover yourself. Shame on you. A virus doesn't care if you have a great reason to catch it. We're almost two years into this now, stop acting like this is something you're just learning.

2486 The opinions of the general public should not matter on issues of proven medical science.

2487 It’s causing major learning issues for my son. Ad he cant hear or understand that the teacher is saying. And not every child can sit in the front of the classroom. I have troubles with my sons work at night because he didn’t understand what the teacher had said or how to do the work. Also doesn’t understand the work when he can’t hear whats being said. Plus i don’t see the point in wearing the masks if there are mask breaks. If it was really that big of a deal to wear masks. Then why are there mask breaks? How many times have you asked someone to repeat themselves and you were within 6 feet. Now imagine a child in the back of a school room trying to hear much less learn and understand what’s going on

2488 I believe mask optional will not protect the kids as well as requiring masks. If masks are not required, I believe there will be more illness and it will be more difficult to catch up schoolwork and catch up lost learning from last year. I am pro mask and am hoping it will continue.

2489 School should ensure that they promote mask wearing benefits consistently and constantly to prevent mixed messages or confusion.

2490 My children are being physically, socially, and emotionally harmed by masks and their education is being negatively impacted. I have a child with asthma who is already flared up since masks have been made mandatory again and I have another who has missed 2 out of the last 3 days because he has ADHD and sensory issues and cannot tolerate a mask all day. They all 3 have headaches every single day. I am highly opposed to my children being forced to wear masks just because I may be inconvenienced if they are quarantined. My Elementary

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students school had ZERO positive cases when this was put into place. Middle school had 5. High school was also very very low. It is my job to decide. Not yours.

2491 Masks should be optional when outdoors. 9/27/2021 1:39 PM

2492 If masks become optional; students not wearing a mask should remain six feet away from 9/27/2021 1:39 PM others. That way students wearing their masks would not have to be quarantined when a non-mask student tests positive. Thank you

2493 The job of a school district is to protect all students. Wearing a mask protects every child. 9/27/2021 1:39 PM

2494 My son (who is a senior) is fully vaccinated, yet he wears a mask at school every day to 9/27/2021 1:39 PM protect himself & others, because knows that breakthrough cases for vaccinated people are a real possibility as his brother had covid in early August. We would all like to see the end of this pandemic, PLEASE FOLLOW THE SCIENCE and require masks.

2495 Very much appreciate the way FZ has handled the pandemic and all the issues surrounding it 9/27/2021 1:39 PM for these many months. You have taken chances for the best of the kids, listened to parents, and not just taken easy solutions.

2496 Wearing masks and the pandemic should not be politicized. It is unfortunate that it is. 9/27/2021 1:39 PM

2497 We need to do what is recommended , so our children can stay in school, and able to have 9/27/2021 1:39 PM after school activities.

2498 I think unvaccinated kids should wear them. Vaccinated should be optional. 9/27/2021 1:39 PM

2499 The excuse given for the masking requirement change was because of high quarantine 9/27/2021 1:39 PM numbers. With masks, it is argued that less kids will have to be in quarantine for exposure. Perhaps the QUARANTINE rules need to be addressed and changed, instead of forcing our kids to wear masks all day to achieve lower quarantine numbers. Surely this is being tracked... How many kids that are put in quarantine in Ft Zumwalt school district actually test positive for Covid while in quarantine?? My guess is that the numbers are VERY small... in which case it means that the school quarantines are pointless as they do very little to stopping covid spread. The vast majority of quarantined kids come back to school without ever getting covid. It would be interesting, and I think eye-opening, to see the data behind this. The quarantine "rules" are arbitrary and are designed to make those in charge feel like they are "doing" something. Let's use common sense.

2500 Nope. 9/27/2021 1:39 PM

2501 Thank you for taking care of my kids while they are in school. 9/27/2021 1:39 PM

2502 We should not be punishing healthy children. There needs to be pressure put on the county to 9/27/2021 1:39 PM change quarantine rules. It’s disgusting the politics being played with our children. Do better

2503 All teachers and staff should be required to be vaccinated. 9/27/2021 1:38 PM

2504 I hate this Covid stuff 9/27/2021 1:38 PM

2505 I think doing a survey is absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible. I will be expecting to be able 9/27/2021 1:38 PM to receive surveys on every district matter now since you seen determined to circumvent the Board - our elected decision making body. The first vote should be to reduce district office staff, since Dr DuBray apparently wants to avoid leadership and do votes like we’ve all gone back to elementary school. Just what do you plan to do with these results? Because you conveniently left that out of the email. I am disgusted with this district. My votes of support for this district are about to change. Don’t administers have advanced degrees in education? Have you all collectively forgotten all that? If I’m going to be polled on the district, I’ll move somewhere where the staff is capable of doing their jobs and not folding to a vocal group of parents that can neither spell nor present a coherent argument and instead are being taught BY YOU ALL that bullying will win. Words cannot adequately express my disgust.

2506 Masks need to be mandatory for ALL until vaccines are eligible for all ages AND cases have 9/27/2021 1:38 PM dramatically decreased. It’s not fair to kids who mask to have to quarantine and have their education suffer because those around them cannot bother to wear a mask.

2507 I believe the research demonstrates that masking small children has marginal benefits at 9/27/2021 1:38 PM most, and particularly now that adults can get vaccinated if they so choose. Still I understand the school district is trying to balance a lot of competing concerns and contradictory

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information. I would prefer my child didn't have to mask, but I also vastly prefer masking and in-person instruction to virtual instruction. Best of luck as you navigate this.

2508 It is not up to the schools to mandate decisions that are for the parents to make 1. It's against the constitution 2. We should have exceptions just like of we dont get them all there vaccines. There have been studies done in Colorado funded by the fda proving masks to do not stop you from getting or spreading covid... therefore why are you masking our children?

2509 I had no misgivings about sending my child to school at Fort Zumwalt, until the poor handling of the Covid19 pandemic. For a group of college educated persons to ignore good science and not mandate masks for all, shows poor judgement and makes me question what other decisions the district is making that I am not aware of that effect my child's education.

2510 Masks are stupid. “Give me liberty or give me death.” Thank you.

2511 My daughter was exposed to COVID due to the initial “optional” for students. She was subject to many days out of school. It would be helpful if everyone could do their part and wear a mask.

2512 Staff, students, family's should always have the right to chose what is best for our bodies, our lives, our families per our Constitutional Rights! These rights should never be taken from us, mandated, required or forced into doing things that go against our rights, beliefs or needs. My child has suffered enough through Covid and continued mask mandates are unnecessary, unhealthy and are causing more harm than good. Teach my child English, math, writing, science, social studies, give my child the education deserved and quit trying to be the parent and mandate what is healthy and right.

2513 Masks are necessary to keep everyone safe. They should be 100% mandatory. Thank you.

2514 Please, this is to keep our kids safe! There is a pandemic still going on, a minority of students cannot receive the covid vaccine and the mask will help keep the kids safe from spreading this over and over.

2515 Please take into consideration what these masks for to our children's mental health.

2516 Please sanitize the bus railing after every bus stop.

2517 When are we going to get on with our lives? Enough is a enough with the masks. It needs to be optional. It's our right to choose just as it should be our right to choose/not choose to take the vaccination. I would rather enroll my kids in virtual than put them through the mask stuff again.

2518 Less then 1% of covid positive test for the entire district. That speaks volumes for itself. Yes covid is dangerous, yes it can kill....so does the flu.

2519 I do have a bigger concern for the children who do not have the ability to get vaccinated due to their age. Elementary schools should have masks for sure.

2520 I am appalled at this board's response to CDC data as well as the leadership of Dr. Dubray. Masks should be required. COVID numbers and hospital numbers back this up. We should listen to science and not bow to the political agenda of a few who are misguided and misinformed.

2521 No

2522 N/a

2523 We have covid right now, and it could have been prevented by masks. Also there are probably people at my daughter's school who were infected because of masks not being required. It's the same at my job. I think they should be required everywhere.

2524 There is no data supporting mask wearing is effective. I have 3 kids all with their own special needs (all in speech therapy at the minimum) and this mask wearing is detrimental to their educational growth and also their health both mental and physical. Kids use facial cues to learn and masks prevent that very large part social development

2525 It’s a simple concept that keeps the most kids in school as much as possible.

2526 Masks should absolutely be optional! My pre schooler and kindergartener do not understand what is going on, or why they have to, for the first time, wear masks for 7 hours a day now. As

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a district, our numbers do NOT show that masking is needed!!!! If masks do not return to optional, we will have no choice but to pull our preschooler, as I am not paying tuition to have him masked all day. As well as finding an alternative for our kindergartener. This would be very unfortunate and sad for our household, as our children love their schools.

2527 Please keep our kiddos safe. 9/27/2021 1:37 PM

2528 I am not comfortable sending my child, that is not old enough to get vaccinated to school 9/27/2021 1:37 PM without a mask. I believe in medical science, not political science & feel as if we should all have enough common sense & respect for other people's children to wear the mask until this is under control. If masks are not mandated I will be pulling my student to participate in virtual classes.

2529 No 9/27/2021 1:37 PM

2530 No. 9/27/2021 1:37 PM

2531 If possible, check temperature of kids in the morning 9/27/2021 1:37 PM

2532 As a member of the medical community it absolutely makes sense the require at this time. 9/27/2021 1:37 PM Our children's safety trumps the slight discomfort. Would rather do this than the alternative of kids not being educated in physical schools or putting vulnerable people at risk.. Thank you.

2533 A mask is a must for my children! Its not a torture device, its a simple piece of cloth! Even my 9/27/2021 1:37 PM special needs teen wears it with no complaints. My children have told me they think its a kind and easy thing to do to save someone from getting sick or even dying and happily wear it even though they are vaccinated.

2534 Freedom of choice. If masks work then those that do choose to wear them can and those that 9/27/2021 1:37 PM choose not to know the risks. As a parent I evaluate the risk of my child prior to sending them to school.

2535 School Board needs to make one decision and stick to it until a certain percentage of students 9/27/2021 1:37 PM in the building are vaccinated. Numbers NEVER lie and my 1st grader was not sick one single time last year because they wore masks. Kids don't think a THING about them. They're used to it and could care less. Now let's teach and move forward and leave this ridiculous debate behind us. Those who don't like what happens can leave.

2536 As educators, please follow what science and the CDC recomends. Thank you. 9/27/2021 1:36 PM

2537 There should not a be a mandate for the Early Childhood Center. They need to focus on 9/27/2021 1:36 PM learning to be prepare for kindergarten. Also there are children who attend for speech, hearing and other issues. I believe this interferes with with the reason they are attending.

2538 Most masks like neck gaiters, cloth masks and bandanas, which is what most people wear, 9/27/2021 1:36 PM are not as effective at filtering particles as surgical masks and respirators are for both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

2539 How is it you are asking medical advice from unqualified people? If they don’t like masks stay 9/27/2021 1:36 PM home and let the state deal with it. This is stupid and ridiculous. It’s been not even three days since the mandate.

2540 Our view is if masks are optionsal the numbers will continue to increase as well as the number 9/27/2021 1:36 PM of children quarantine. We currently have a child on quarantine and it could have been prevented. If you give children the option fewer will opt to wear them simply because they don’t want to or they’re bullied by other students for being the odd ones out.

2541 Please mandate masks inside class room for staff and kids as kids are not vaccinated yet. 9/27/2021 1:36 PM

2542 Optional if full vaccinated 9/27/2021 1:36 PM

2543 Looking at the COVD tracker on line, numbers for quarantined and positive students were low 9/27/2021 1:36 PM prior to the mandate. Seems misguided to implement a mask mandate when numbers are low and every other aspect of society (concerts, stores, restaurants, and sporting events) has move on with no masks required.

2544 No 9/27/2021 1:36 PM

2545 My son has a pretty significant IEP and really needs to be in school. He has already been 9/27/2021 1:36 PM quarantined once this year. If all the people in the building are required to wear masks, it is

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less likely that he will be quarantined again.

2546 Just because one incident happens within the District shouldn’t lead to knee jerk over reactions. These kids have been doing their best to have a normal school experience through all this and with no issues at West HS it’s frustrating for the kids to feel punished.

2547 This isn’t a debate at this point. The only reason to not require masks is to appease the parents who don’t care about the health and well being of others. Kids have no issue with it and it reduces required quarantines. If it even makes the schools 5% safer it’s clearly well worth it.

2548 The most important thing is to keep our kids safe and for them to be at school learning. For us parent who work, it was very difficult to home school my kids

2549 It blocks oxygen to the brain of my junior student and could potentially be an issue during testing. It’s America and we should be allowed to choose .

2550 Masks have been proven to work time and time again. Just look at the reduction in cases we've had since masking has been made a requirement

2551 Thanks for all you’re doing! You guys rock!

2552 No thanks!

2553 If the mask mandate is not removed, I will pull my children from this district!

2554 No thanks for everything

2555 I have great respect for what FZSD has done thru this past year and a half. We will as always honor any decision the school board makes. Good Luck

2556 Optional but encouraged. Would like some bit of emphasis on not bullying those who choose or choose not to wear.

2557 Masks should be required to ensure the safety of children with the inability to be vaccinated.

2558 At this point in the pandemic, with vaccines available, our family no longer feels like we should be forced to protect other people who choose not to protect themselves. Our kids are under 12 and cannot yet get a vaccine. We have them wear masks depending on the situation. However, we feel that is our choice and should not be forced upon us or our kids. Delta, for as contagious as it is, is still not severe for kids. We do understand that some children or their families are in riskier groups. I would hope they choose to get vaccinated when able and wear a mask. I would also hope the schools are doing everything they can to prevent bullying based on mask wearing choice. No student should be picked on for wearing a mask or not.

2559 I am extremely disappointed that a BOE member who created the motion for mandatory masking feels he is superior and does not need to wear a mask himself while indoors, sitting in close proximity to others while publicly speaking. The hypocrisy is nauseating and should be addressed with Mr. Helms IMMEDIATELY. He clearly has an agenda... and that agenda appears to be voting against the conservative BOE member's wishes. It is apparent he is not looking out for the students within out District and is solely pushing his political agenda. The main issue here is the quarantines. Several BOE members who voted to pass mandatory masks last BOE meeting indicated they felt it was necessary in order for our children to stay in school considering the current quarantine measures in place by County Health. How can the Local Health Department per our County Executive's order place the burden of determining the need for masks within schools solely on the BOE's shoulders? The BOE is here to assist in providing a quality education... not to regulate the community's health or the spread of a virus. The Health Department needs this burden dumped back on them... and DO THEIR JOB!!! Their job is to research positive cases and calculate the spread within school to determine appropriate measures needed to limit spread. Mr. Ehlmann seems to want to be in charge of the quarantines yet dump the burden of masking in schools on the BOE?? All while, for this entire pandemic, never issue any mandatory masking within the community-- I think that states they don't feel as if it is beneficial yet don't want the liability or the burden of public upset on them. If Mr. Ehlmann truly felt masking was necessary, they would have enforced a mass mask mandate within the County including all schools but he chose not to. He opted to pass the buck to our BOE and you guys took the bait. Push back, fight back, and tell Mr. Ehlmann to DO HIS JOB HE WAS ELECTED FOR. Public health... including our Students'. The BOE needs to stop doing a job that they were not elected for...

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2560 As a nurse, knowing that masks do NOT stop the spread of COVID, this should be OPTIONAL. Yes, they can help with flu and other larger particle illnesses. What people need to realize is this "mandate" is going completely against the American values. Also our children and their psychological growth. Imagine growing up not seeing your friends smiles, or with my child, having a speech issue, she cannot progress without seeing and properly hearing word sounds and mouth movements. Children DO NOT need to grow up seeing people fear a virus and covering their mouths. Everyone needs to be taking Vit D DAILY along with other supplements to combat this. We do not need to fear this. It is NOT what the media is portraying it as. Influenza does the same if not MORE damage to our children and it was not politicized. I can not tell you how many stories I have heard about the masks causing hypoxemia in the children and they become confused and distorted due to lack of proper Oxygen levels to the brain. I have done my research, I have even had to quit my career as a nurse due to the stupidity this nation has acquired to all of this, and I do NOT want my child having to grow up wearing a cloth over her beautiful face and smile. This needs to be OPTIONAL. Everyone needs to do their research and figure out for themselves that this is entirely a joke, and the COVID particle is small enough to fit through every single mask those children are wearing. N95s are the closest thing to sufficient, but nor are they healthy to be sitting in class all day in. Please be a district who stands with American values, and freedom of choice. If people are still in the dark, and want to send their child with a mask because it works so well.....then they should not fear those who do not wear them. But my child and all others, will be negatively affected by wearing masks over their faces. OPTIONAL, PLEASE.

2561 Everywhere else in st Charles county is mask free for children bc the shot is so accessible . I think it’s bothersome to some children remembering to put it on bc this is the only place they have to do so mostly

2562 I think it is beyond devastating that families even have to deal with this. I think it SHOULD be anyone’s choice to be masked or not. I am appalled that a board member has been photographed twice without a mask and motioned for universal masking. It’s disgusting people act that way. My youngest in Kindergarten has NEVER worn a mask and he is beyond upset over this. We are a nonmask wearing family and have yet to get covid. My opinion over mask will never change and if fort zumwalt can’t go back to what it was we will have to leave the district! Please, please make this optional!

2563 We are in 100% support of masks optional.

2564 Wear the mask it’s not that big of a deal. Priority should be on kids health and parents ability to support their kids and family. If parents are home due to continuous quarantines then parents are not able to make money to live, let alone pay someone to watch their kid that is on quarantine (defeats the purpose of quarantine). If kids are out continuously no real learning can be had. Busy work is not learning especially for elementary students that are not able to be vaccinated but are required to be quarantine due to exposure to unmasked students. I like the modified quarantine solutions. Helps keep students learning and parents working that need to be instead of sitting at home unnecessarily for over PTO allotted hours and no Covid pay. In addition requiring mask will lower the peer pressure to make unhealthy choices of not wearing a mask from kids that chose not to wear them.

2565 My family Adomently denounces masks required

2566 Cloth masks are not proven to be highly effective. Policy is not based on science.

2567 Until COVID vaccines are available for all ages, and vaccination is required for attendance at the district, masks should be required to protect those who cannot be vaccinated.

2568 Please remove this mandate ASAP! The numbers do not justify it.

2569 Should universal masking become laxed I would expect this only apply to grade levels where the vaccine is readily available. Alternatively, following the St. Charles County Health Dept. guidelines regarding whom should mask based off of positivity rates wouldn't be a bad idea.

2570 Honestly, we are okay with either option. Our child is vaccinated and so are the other members in our family so we feel safe.

2571 I saw somewhere that the schools are getting a ton of money if they comply with a mandated make policy, is this true? I sure hope not

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2572 I am a nurse who works in a hospital. I work with Covid and non Covid patients. A regular 9/27/2021 1:34 PM mask does not provide protection only an N95. We are doing more harm than good forcing our

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children to wear masks. Psychological and social damage is happening to our children. We should be more concerned about the lasting affects of children wearing a mask. You can go just about anywhere now without a mask except a hospital. Do not mandate a mask for children in school. The statistics especially in young children and adults do not support this mandate. Parents should have the right to decide. Thank you.

2573 This is public health. Our children are attending a public school.

2574 Thank you to the school district for allowing our kids to continue to do in person learning. I hope all parents understand mask or no mask the pressure that is on Fort Zumwalt. Navigating this pandemic is not easy as each day changes and I hope all realize we where one on few districts that was able to go all last year and now this year pick up where we left off. The kids need the in person learning and I would rather see kids in mask then kids over a computer screen.

2575 If a student displays symptoms of a flu or cold then they should not attend school. The masks are not being properly disinfected or disposed of and renewed at accurate intervals anyway so why force the issue?

2576 Masks should be mandatory for all in elementary school. Make vaccinations mandatory if students spans staff are of age

2577 I realize that as staff and administrators, you cannot please everyone when it comes to tough decisions like this one. Thank you for considering our input, and a huge THANK YOU for all that you do for our children.

2578 The CDC and the medical community has advised mandatory masking. FZ tried optional masking and it did not work. Masks were mandatory last year and there were fewer cases of Covid. My child is too young to be vaccinated and masking is the best way to protect her and the other children at FZ. Is FZ really going to consider risking our children's safety and go against the recommendation from doctors? I hope you will make the correct decision.

2579 To protect our children and ourself masks should be required at all times thank you

2580 The children are not able to be vaccinated yet. The least we can do to reduce spread is to have the children and staff wear the masks. This isn’t a “hot button” issue as the email states. It’s public health. My 5 year old wears his mask all day, no problem. This shouldn’t be an issue. There are other schools and districts surrounding us that require masks for everyone. Our district shouldn’t be any different. My family will observe these public safety measures. We’d appreciate if the masks remained in place. I kind of can’t believe it’s a debate with the surge in cases.

2581 My children do so much better when they don't have to wear masks. They are less distracted and can actually breathe. My son actually got covid last year at school when everyone was masked so that proves to me that masks do not work and it doesn't matter if you have a mask on or not you still can get covid. It should definitely be a choice if we send our kids in masks or not our kids should not be forced.

2582 Thank you board everything that you do. No matter which you vote there will be opposition. Continue to stand for what you believe in. As far as the mask. I am more interested on how we can keep kids out of quarantine. Does the new mask mandate allow for exposed kids to stay in school? Instead of focusing on the mask focus on the quarantine procedures and then vote on that. If mask allow kids to stay in school, then vote mask and if it doesn't matter(meaning they will be quarantined either way) then vote for no mask. Most important thing is to keep kids in school.

2583 I think it should be required where students cannot receive the vaccination, but optional where students are older.

2584 Our household feels mandatory masks are a good idea for grade school, but should be optional for anyone old enough (high school) to get the vaccine.

2585 If you are not vaccinated you need to wear a mask.

2586 You’re making it more black and white than it needs to be. Let those who are vaccinated unmask. But younger needs to mask. I’d love for my 4, 6, and 7 year old to vax but they can’t, so why not reduce risk with the younger ones, and those old enough to get vaxxed make that decision. I kept my kids home last year, I sent my kids to school in masks every day this year. Yet my son still had to quarantine again because some other family chose not to mask.

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So I had to spend my days worrying about the medically fragile in my home (including an 18 month old with kidney issues.) I think there’s no reason for those that are unvaccinated to still wear masks.

2587 Making masks optional doesn't work in an Elementary school. Kids will do what others do and take them off.

2588 No masks!!!!!!!

2589 It is time to move on from this. The numbers are not even that high to wear masks. These kids are ready to get back to normal. Let this be an optional year. Stadiums packed with thousands of people are not wearing masks. But our kids need to be in masks.

2590 Masks should be made mandatory till students are vaccinated.

2591 Masks should be optional. Especially for those students and staff who are vaccinated. Even the CDC says this.

2592 Hand sanitizer be used on a regular basis

2593 It should be important to consider the ability to be vaccinated. All of my kids are ineligible because of their age thus putting them at more risk.

2594 Keep up the good work, keeping our kiddos safety first

2595 I think it's terrible that you even have to ask this question. In a global crisis that not only impacts the health of your students and staff but the entire global economy, wearing a mask seems like the least we can do as members of the public. Whoever the people are that are making you ask for their permission to do what is just sensible should be ashamed of themselves. FZN has always put those kids first. I hope public option doesn't force you to do something careless to avoid the wraith of a handful of people who's concept of freedom is misguided.

2596 My special needs child is struggling with masks. He has asthma and autism. I have another child with sensory issues who is also struggling with the masks. Aside from that, masks are disgusting because my kids sneeze in them and wear them like that all day - full of snot -because they're scared of getting in trouble. That's much more unsanitary and unhealthy than not wearing a mask.

2597 Or make the masks mandatory for only unvaccinated kids. My son is vaccinated & should not need to wear a mask unless he chooses to wear a mask. Thanks!

2598 I strongly support the mask mandate and would love all children to wear masks. Only other input, is I could understand if vaccinated teachers and students could be optional. My children are not at an age where an vaccination is available at this time. I feel like my children are much safer while everyone not vaccinated is masked.

2599 Infectious disease experts recommend masking for all in educational settings where students can be too young for the vaccine. This is science, not opinions or politics.

2600 Natural immunity is being ignored, vaccinated should be protected, folks still scared can wear masks. Look at the data. It should be optional

2601 My child is vaccinated, but we still feel mask should be require in order to protect those who are not vaccinated. Also, to help keep kids in school with modified quarantine vs. no masks and full quarantine, which in return means a lot of kids missing a lot of school.

2602 Covid-19 vaccination should be encouraged throughout the district to help end this pandemic

2603 This is a safety reason

2604 This absolutely should not be an opinion issues. We need to be following the recommendations from health care officials. A mask is a small thing we can all do to protect our community and keep our kids in school. Please stop basing community health choices on opinions!

2605 This issue is so devisive even my wife and I have different opinions. Also at a young age most kids (over 99%) will build resistance against the virus rather than have serious symptoms - so the old saying what doesn't kill you does make you stronger!

2606 I know it is a hot-button topic, but it worked last year, it makes sense to keep it for one more year.

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2607 If fully vaccinated, there’s no reason for masks to be required. For those not vaccinated it should be required or strongly suggested.

2608 Question 1 is an open-ended question. The correct response depends on the quarantine rules. My son has already been quarantined twice this year! Once without masks and once with masks. So the real question is what can the school do in cooperation with CDC guidelines to minimize quarantines??? Desks are already 6ft apart right? At 6ft and masks there should be no close contact quarantines correct? My sons current quarantine was due to sitting next to a positive case at lunch. Is it possible for half the kids to eat lunch in classroom to make more space in cafeteria? Ultimately, the school needs to do whatever will deliver the least amount of “close contact quarantines” to healthy students. Period. Thanks

2609 Year to date, more kids 17 and under have been shot and killed in Chicago than have died of COVID nationwide. More kids died of influenza in 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 than COVID. There was no mask mandate then. Quit forcing our kids to wear a mask. It makes learning harder and they are less productive. If teachers/staff don't like it, figure out a way to deal with it. We pay your salaries. My spouse is a teacher, I get it. There is no rational common sense being used, just fearmongering. When does it end?

2610 Please keep masks in place, the health of my child is more important than the politics.

2611 I also believe those who have had covid should be quarantine free for longer than 90 days. Start looking at natural immunity. It lasts longer than 90 days. The vaccine is not fail proof.

2612 Health and safety of the children and staff should be top priority. Thank you for voting to approve the return of masks during the last school board meeting. Elementary children are not afforded the opportunity for vaccination yet. Making masks optional causes opportunities for bullying and peer pressure. My children went mask free when available to fit in. Children should not be making this decision, adults should. I agree with everyone wears a mask or no one wears a mask. If you want to wear one you can but very few will. We are not protecting the immune compromised with a mask optional choice.

2613 I think masking should continue for those until a vaccination is available for everyone. This is to protect the kids that can’t get the vaccine yet and for the elders who can’t get the booster yet.

2614 The only control you have is what happens inside the classroom, you cannot control what families do outside of the classroom therefore, it is the schools job to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to keep the kids in school AND keep them safe. By keeping students healthy it is keeping all families healthy. As a healthcare worker, I ask you to look at mask efficacy and stop playing into politics. I was very disappointed in the district when they voted against the mask for this school year, especially for elementary students. Its disgusting that you make the decision based off of political factors rather than the best interest for the students and their families. This is a mask requirement not a freaking vaccine requirement.

2615 I appreciate everything Fort Zumwalt is doing to protect our kids butt mask only work if everyone wears them especially for the immunocompromised kiddos as parents we should want to do everything we possibly can to protect our kids

2616 Masks worked well last year and helped keep quarantine down. Two of my children can not get vaccinated yet, and I do not want them to get COVID, or bring it home. All the children and staff in the district need to be protected, and masks help reduce the spread. Doing the right thing, by being proactive, puts the best interest of students and staff’s health and safety first. The pandemic has not gotten better, only got worse since last year. Being reactive is too late. Requiring masks can help save innocent children’s lives, and prevent hospitalizations. Please put the health and safety of children and staff first. The district did the right thing last year by requiring masks, and it is still the right thing to do, and is still needed.

2617 It’s hypocritical to see some of the school board members that voted for the mask mandate weren’t even wearing masks themselves but yet want to masks our children. Show us the peer reviewed evidence that masks work.

2618 If parents wish for their students to wear a mask, then wear one. But it should not be forced for those who do not agree.

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2619 Free this kids from wearing mask! 9/27/2021 1:31 PM

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2620 I believe that mask should be required Just like all the other schools that are requiring them. This is never going to go away but we can protect our kids with them without them at all. The amount of school that kids have to miss due to quarantine is insane . My kids failed out with virtual they need in school learning and I feel that the parents that are not wanting them are the ones that don’t want them are being selfish to the ones that are trying to protect our kids

2621 I feel that mask should be required until kids under 12 can get the vaccine. And also I feel that any student or staff member that is not vaccinated should have to wear a mask.

2622 Hard to believe the flip flopping the board has done on this topic. Does anyone even care about the children, or are they more concerned with the parents and/or their own personal interests. If you cared about the children they clearly wouldn't be in masks as they are a giant hinderance to learning and social interaction that are desperately needed, especially now. What new data was used to make this decision? The dashboard showed a paltry amount of cases. Kids are still at a statistically ZERO chance of dying from this. Kids who are at risk should be learning at home if unable to be vaccinated. Also where are the MAP scores from last year? How were those scores impacted by masks? Time to stop living in fear before we have a lost generation of children.

2623 I don't think Mask should have to be worn for the ones that were vaccinated.

2624 I feel like the school district is doing what they need to do to keep everyone safe. I applaud the school district for keeping the masks on. My son has a compromised immune system and I feel way comfortable that he’s in school wearing a mask with other kids

2625 Masks work. It's been proven.

2626 We understand you are having to make tough choices for a large number of children. I wouldn't want to make these decisions. I also know if masks does become optional again, parents need to not take advantage of the situation and teach their kids when to wear a mask and that obviously did not happen. I just don't understand why individual schools with a large number of children quarantined were told to wear masks to reduce the numbers in quarantine? You did it for Westhoff Elementary but did not have any other school do that. I feel going straight to mask mandate was jumping the gun when there were already other options in place. Just my opinion but truly, thank you for looking out for our children's best interest during a strange time.

2627 Masks should only be mandated if they can keep kids from getting quarantined/missing extracurricular activities.

2628 If wearing them would stop the quarantine then I say yes. Too many kids missing school and getting behind. Thx

2629 We need to trust our local, state, and national health experts. It’s a national health crisis and we should treat it accordingly.

2630 I honestly don’t think this should be put up to a vote of parents but rather left to the experts/science both of which seem to say the answer is an overwhelming yes for mandating masks.

2631 Nothing else to share

2632 Masks worked last year to keep everyone fairly safe. The Delta variant is making it even more important for everyone to be as safe as possible. We're trusting you with the lives of our children. Please do the right thing.

2633 Masks should be required until herd immunity levels are reached among students and staff district wide (90%+). Specifically, herd immunity is with respect to receiving vaccinations, which should also be mandated following President Biden's recent plan.

2634 I marked optional but I do think optional should only be for students and staff that are vaccinated. Non -vaccinated should wear masks.

2635 We should be able to make the decision to mask our children or not. It’s unacceptable in my eyes to have kids be forced to wear a mask when it does nothing to even stop the “spread” anyway. My 5 year old should not have to decide to either wear a mask outside and play with her friends or be forced to sit by herself if she chooses not to wear it. I’m unbelievably upset about the mindless decision in the first place. Please do the right thing.

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2636 I am personally promask in general. Masks are effective if worn properly however, a typical 9/27/2021 1:30 PM

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young child is quite uncomfortable and does not wear them effectively. Current numbers are low and all of the other restrictions that are easier to mandate have been effective so far into this year. I have been taking my son's soaking wet mask(from chewing like a giraffe) off every day. This gathers more moisture and germs than open air. I have worked in the district and know how much teachers have to do in a classroom on a daily basis. Masks should not be added to their task as it is almost impossible to teach effectively with 20 students needing constant redirection. It is interrupting learning and ineffective at reducing exposure.

2637 If wearing masks keeps numbers down and students in school and safe, it should be a 9/27/2021 1:30 PM requirement, it also helps if two parties are wearing a mask to limit quarantines, subs, etc. We have 3 children who are unable to be vaccinated due to age and think they should be protected as best as possible.

2638 If teachers are interacting with students at the student's desk (from student to student), they 9/27/2021 1:30 PM should be wearing a mask and not spreading germs throughout the classroom.

2639 I hope the kids can go back to optional on masks. 9/27/2021 1:30 PM

2640 no 9/27/2021 1:30 PM

2641 As someone with underlying health conditions having my kids not get a break through virus 9/27/2021 1:29 PM case protects me and other kids. Can't will sports and band championships with a generation of lung and heart damaged kids against masked GAC St. Louis County Districts. If it saves one kids life or health is it worth it? What would Jesus do? What would Satan do? What should FTZ do (like listen to by kids BJC doctor to wear masks)?

2642 The problem is that The leading study on which the CDC bases this recommendation found 9/27/2021 1:29 PM that the COVID-19 infection rate in schools requiring students to wear masks “was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional.” This gap between science and CDC recommendations is hardly unique.. The health agency’s policy notices often rest on shaky foundations. That is especially true when it comes to schools. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should revise its guidance on the masking of schoolchildren and clearly communicate that its current guidance isn’t backed by sound evidence.. The CDC study, published in May in the agency’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, involved 91,893 students enrolled in 169 schools in Georgia. The study considered 566 cases of COVID-19 diagnosed among those schoolchildren, or 3.1 cases per 500 students. The authors of the study examined the effects of various mitigation efforts, including making ventilation improvements, spacing desks 6 feet apart, masking teachers, and masking students, whether voluntary or mandatory. The study found that mask requirements for teachers and staff and “ventilation improvements”—such as opening windows—had a statistically significant effect. Other interventions did not.. These findings cast doubt on the impact of many of the most common mitigation measures in schools... I’m not aware of any studies that show conclusively that kids wearing masks in schools have any effect on their own morbidity or mortality or on the hospitalization or death rate in the community around them because there’s not any and I’ve looked...Masking needs make sense and wearing the wrong types and improper uses of masking negates any benefits a mask could mitigate ..There’s adverse effects of prolonged mask wearing as to put germs and other things in close proximity to the nose mouth and eye openings..Walking into a hospital now requires a surgeons mask and they all say it’s not going to stop the transmission or receiving of viruses however it’s more to control the mannerism if you were to cough or sneeze and not cover your mouth so a mask in school is worthless and has no statistical significance of mitigation..Furthermore looking at other countries like Australia whom have had a mask mandate even for outdoor usage and now are at an Exponential increase in positive rates.. My child is covid recovered and has natural immunity which is 27times more robust than the vaccine..Children are not in the high risk category and according to John’s Hopkins all 100%of the deaths under 20yrs old had severe underlying comorbidities that were a major factor in their deaths..A unvaccinated person under 20 statistically has the same risk factor as a fully vaccinated 40 yr old..In conclusion if a person/student wants to wear a mask it needs to be optional because as a parent I feel that the mask is more of an issue than it is a help..

2643 I was infuriated when I first heard that masks were going to be required for children again 9/27/2021 1:29 PM despite evidence that they are not beneficial to children especially given covid being not very dangerous to children. Then when I went to go leave feedback on social media I learned that comments were disabled which is absurd given that this is a public school district funded by taxpayers who have a right to speak out and hold their government accountable. I am strongly considering finding a private school if this policy doesn't change.

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2644 The district would benefit from a task force or sub-committee consisting of qualified medical specialists, school nurses, front line teachers, and some parents to determine the needs of students in the district.

2645 Nope

2646 Masks optional if proven vaccination

2647 It is a difficult subject for sure, that gets very emotional quickly. Unfortunately data and statistics to support one side of the story are shared freely within the media, unfortunately unbiased details are not. Looking at CDC data, and talking with medical professionals does not support the general information on social media and on the news. LOGIC and DATA are not being used! Unbiased immunologist and epidemiologist have repeatedly stated mask do not work! These details are then sensored and removed from being accessible. Please let our kids and families have the choice to mask or not mask. I greatly appreciate this survey and the respect of the students you serve.

2648 I think the world is so unmasked that why are we making only our kids and staff do them

2649 If they are wearing a mask they should not have to quarantine

2650 I recently was notified by email that I signed a petition on change.org that I was against masking in Fort Zumwalt schools. The goal was 1,000 and there were 800 signed. I DID not sign that petition.Someone used my email to do it. I don't know how they got my email. I work in the ICU at MBMC. I have to put unvaccinated, mostly 30-50 year old patients on life support and manage them on it. Most of them die or have residual complications from it. There were many days that 1-3 of my patients die in my 12 hour shift. Masking helps and works. It is embarrassing that FZ schools are lacking in their stance on masking than other schools in the STL area.

2651 My child is masked every day. We have not had to deal with a quarantine just yet, but I think universal masking would limit the quarantines and also help remind the little ones to stay masked all day.

2652 I don't agree with masks and I don't think students should be forced to wear one.

2653 Public health policy shouldn’t be based on opinion. The right thing isn’t always the popular thing.

2654 At the very minimum, mask should be required for age groups who cannot be vaccinated and staff who work around the unvaccinated children

2655 I believe 100% that masks & vaccines should NOT be mandatory. If over 75 million+ Americans are vaccinated then herd-immunity should be good by now. Also, if masks “work” and the parent/child is anxious about their health then they may wear one and my kid shouldn’t be a threat to them unmasked.

2656 There is no way to convince everyone to get vaccinated if we require masks. That being said and whichever direction you go, choose a set of proven data (subjective, I know) and do not vacillate from that until able to offer substantial reason to do so. The vast majority of consternation in this entire ordeal has been due to the inconsistency from those in charge.

2657 It’s ridiculous this is even being asked! If the CDC recommends it for hotspots in the country then the answer is obvious!

2658 Time to quit the masks.

2659 If the virus is still able to be transmitted, the mask has proven to help stop the spread.

2660 In addition to the mask policy, I suggest/recommend school district to organize and administer COVID vaccines for kids between ages 5 and 11 once FDA provides the clearance and approval on the same. This should help making mask wearing policy optional for all the staff and students of Fort Zumwalt Schools. Thank you.

2661 I believe if a parent or child has COVID concerns then the virtual option should be their choice but requiring all students and staff to mandate masks is ridiculous in my opinion.

2662 Masks are very bad for kids. My kids are so different now that they have had to wear masks. I have kept them home because the BOE is very uneducated: if people want to wear masks let

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them. But not everyone should be told to wear them. Everyone deserves their freedoms. If masks work then it shouldn’t matter if my kids don’t wear them.

2663 If you allow them to be optional then kids wearing masks should be allowed to sit away from those not wearing them!!

2664 No masks!

2665 In light of the new delta variant which is a lot more contagious than previous strands, we should heighten our precaution levels, not lessen it.

2666 Using data is essential to moving forward through these times and getting our children back to normal. With cases low, vaccines out and we won’t 30 days optional there should never have been a reverse decision made. The data was NOT there to support this. My children were having a wonderful start to the year and now they are already showing signs same as last year having problems in class after just two days. Having something in leave for each building as a 3-4% limit for positive cases and then possibly masking for two weeks seems reasonable. But punishing 18,000 kids all at once when some schools are at 1-2 cases in NOT moving forward it’s moving back. We cannot so this to these kids anymore !!!!!!!

2667 Please remove the masks mandate immediately. It has negatively impacted my daughter both emotionally and socially. Thank you.

2668 We are really fine with either decision.

2669 Our covid numbers are low. We should have optional mask. No one should force my children to cover their mouths. Also we need to stop the excessive quarantines.

2670 I personally don’t agree with making my son wear a mask to school. He has survived a year and a half into this “pandemic”. We have all had covid in our house and we have prevailed. I want it to be his choice, not a board member. Thank you

2671 It’s been proven masks don’t work anyway.

2672 My child has been wearing a mask everyday in 6th grade, I don't think she is missing out on anything or getting an less of a grade or help from a teacher for wearing it. The staff can still fully communicate with her.

2673 Although I know my student doesn’t like the mask we both would prefer her to be in school that in quarantine or virtual

2674 Parent surveys should be meaningless when the CDC and AAP, as well as local health departments have already made recommendations.

2675 You have options with in class or online learning , masks should be up to to parents and child ! If they feel so strong about wearing a masks then they should choose online learning ! I bet the kids don’t wear a mask playing with there friends , shopping or eating out at a restaurant. Keep masks a option !

2676 Masks for Grade school kids who still are not adept at not touching everything. Jr high and above I feel it could go either way, especially if there is a vaccine available for them.

2677 I strongly support masking policies based on transparent and pre-established guidelines, which are informed by the recommendations of the CDC- ie., masking until our community drops below a certain threshold of community spread. I appreciate the district providing a format for all parents' voices to be heard through this survey. Those of us who aren't as loud have the same stake in the district's masking decisions as those who are very vocal and confrontational.


2679 Taking medical exemptions out of the scenario, realizing there are medical necessity for some kids and teachers to not wear masks to effectively communicate. However, if having children and teachers wear masks in order to comply with CDC/Dept of Health less strict quarantine protocols, then masks should be worn by all. The focus should be on how to keep as many kids and teachers in the school to have a less impact on education as we did when COVID shutdown happened in 2020.

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2680 No

2681 It has been confirmed that being vaccinated does not guarantee you not getting covid. It's confirmed that all students aren't vaccinated. I feel like the school should do whatever it takes to protect the kids and the family members the kids go home too. If wearing a masks adds extra protection for the kids, I believe it shouldn't be a option. The school should do whatever it takes to protect all children

2682 Are you going to send a survey every time a couple board members don’t agree with the outcome of a vote? I watched the last board meeting and it was disgraceful the way two board members attempted to pressure the others into voting masks optional.

2683 I want my kids safe

2684 This shouldn’t be a question if anyone with authority was educated.

2685 Numbers are going down and this should be a parent decision to determine what is best health wise for their student. What needs to change which is out of the districts hands I’m sure is unnecessary quarantining of healthy children. Your dash board statistics show very few if any kids that were sent home to quarantine actually developed Covid. Masks should be an optional/personal choice. My middle school child was vaccinated under the pretense she would not need a mask.

2686 Since the Covid-19 vaccination is not required I believe for the safety of everyone mask should be worn at all times not just on the bus.

2687 Masks are a proven solution to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Until our all our children can be vaccinated and the transmission rates lower this is the best option for the district.

2688 7-12 grade should be optional as they have access to the vaccine. PreK-6 could go either way. They don't have access to a vaccine yet, however children this age don't typically die from it. As of several weeks ago there were 0 deaths in St Charles county for those under age 30.

2689 I think it depends on age group. If kids are of vaccine age, it is theirs and parents choice to get or not. Same choice should apply to kids who have gotten vaccine to determine if they want to wear a mask or not. May not apply yet to elementary but does for middle and high school

2690 We teach math. It's useful here.

2691 The science behind wearing masks has been proven that if the masks are worn as a basic preventative the do not work as originally perceived. The US government, the CDC, and the WHO have all 3 confirmed and proven with tests done in a lab and performed by qualified technicians that unless 2 masks are worn with a complete seal are the air ways that the masks do not work. I will refer you to masks worn for inhalants such as paint, gases, and chemicals they are not N95 masks, they are manufactured for the application. Just as the vaccine has been said to be a safety precaution towards the virus the masks, and also the Vaccine do not work as intended neither one protects anyone from spreading or contracting the virus. The US government is in a state of power hunger and will use what ever it may to attempt to control the citizens of this once great country, the popularity contest has gotten out of control for becoming an elected official, if one is able to gain more funds than another they control the masses by manipulating the agenda which is how we have come to be where we are with the masks, citizens should have choices for their own health.

2692 Let people decide what’s best for them.

2693 I understand this has been a rough time for everyone! I truly believe based on statistics that masks are more harmful than helpful for school age children. There should also be virtual available for students/parents who are against what the school board decides what they believe is best, regardless of mask/no mask!

2694 I appreciate everything the FZ employees are doing for my children. I'm happy with any decision.

2695 So vaccines have been out for awhile now for which many have had the opportunity to get! Why at this point make people who got the vaccine to mask! What then is the point about vaccines if we still have to mask. If people want to wear masks then let them and those who don’t let them! We all have a choice! Just like we have a choice to get other vaccinations. Also need to have more stats shown instead of showing only the bad. 2% of the whole FZ student population is not that much! you have had that in the past with flu and we didn’t

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change behaviors except to sanitize more! Yes this virus is real and that is proven but again if we all have the opportunity to get a vaccine and do or don’t it should be the same with mask. Those that are that worried really need to look at their stance especially those parents that allow their kids to participate in sports, shop in public and much more! They are not just going to school and back home 24/7.

2696 Covid should not be treated any different than influenza for the pediatric population. Students that test positive for influenza are not forced to quarantine for 10 days, nor are classmates. The compromise of immune systems by constant masking will contribute to further serious illnesses in a population that is NOT at risk for serious illness or mortality due to COVID.

2697 NO MASKS!!!!

2698 I have contacted state legislators to ensure that the Board never misrepresents parents/students again with a decision like this. If the mask mandate is not overturned, we the parents will force out any Board member misrepresenting parents. The Board WILL be accountable to parents or will step down. I'm pushing for a right to a petition process to remove incumbent Board members when they misrepresent parents/students. This must change or the Board members at fault must leave.

2699 Children under the vaccination she should be protected by our schools. Masks are needed.

2700 Try the schools that have the high numbers. These young kids kindergarten through at least 4 grade need to see faces... no young kid can really learn with something over there face.. my son had done a lot better with no mask

2701 Cases are rising and more children are getting the virus. Those who do not agree can home school their children or maybe virtual can be an option again. My family personally had covid this summer and it was miserable. I was extremely sick. Luckily my daughter had mild symptoms. Also if wearing masks reduces the risk of children needing to quarantine then masks need to be mandatory. In 2020 we did virtual learning and I can tell it really put my daughter behind. I would like to avoid her missing school as much as possible and if them wearing masks is the answer then I'm on board.

2702 Is a shame that the Teacher Union is pushing this mask mandate across our country! There is no reason to continue down this path. We should be able to decide for ourselves if we want to wear a mask or not. Last I heard this was still a free country! Why should people wear a mask if they been vaccinated? We got the vaccination so we wouldn’t have to continue wearing masks and return to a normal life! I’ve heard that there are almost zero teachers in the FZWD that have been infected this year along with small number of students. And those infections were mostly from outside of school. So, where is the logic here that you need to continue the mask mandate?

2703 I would recommend to publish the vaccination status of all staff's in the COVID Dashboard page, so parents can know the actual health.

2704 My child will not wear a mask. It should be a choice. You cannot force a child to keep their face covered. It’s not law. Those who want to wear one, should be free to do so. My child is entitled, by law to get a public education, you cannot send him home for not wearing a mask.

2705 Students should not have to quarantine if they are not showing symptoms.

2706 Politics and peer pressure shouldn’t be the reason to make decisions. Follow the facts , science , and experts.

2707 I would love if the district would consider requiring masks for students who cannot be vaccinated, but leaving them optional for teachers, especially, who can be vaccinated-because seeing a teacher’s face/mouth/smile is an important part of learning for students!

2708 no more quarantine either for any reason. Kids need to be in school and among their peers. We have taken enough from them for way to long!!

2709 Until the kids under 12 are vaccinated, masks should be mandated. Once vaccinated it can be optional for vaccinated kids.

2710 The approach Dr DuBray took a few weeks ago addressing one building that had an issue was appropriate. Do not need a one size fits all approach. Address the issues as they arise with clear metrics for instituting and removing the guidelines.

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2711 OPTIONAL!!! Please focus on their education, without politics! Decisions regarding a childs health should be made by their parent/legal guardian, not the school board/district. Thank you for giving us the option to voice our input regarding our children.

2712 I believe that the only schools that should require a mask are the ones with the highest percentage of covid illnesses. Why should other schools be required to wear them if their school is below the percentage?

2713 Obviously people should be aware that optional masking changes their quarantine times. That is fine. I do think having Covid should, for a period of a few months, qualify the same as being vaccinated.

2714 I think optional is best because I think parents should have a choice for what is best for THEIR children. Also, we should be thinking about the kids who chose to be vaccinated for a chance to have a normal year and are now back in masks.

2715 We're going to see a rise in all illnesses as children's immune systems have been critically stunted by your insane policies. We must allow our children to get sick so they build their immunities. Children are going to die due to your irresponsible and anti-scientific fear-based approach. This isn't hyperbole. A whole generation of children have a crippled immune system and many will perish needlessly to common illnesses as a direct result. Did you think the RSV outbreak was just a coincidence? No, this was caused by the school board's unhinged response. I just want to know, how much money in federal grants and aid did you people receive to comply with these policies? Call an emergency session and repeal your sabotage of our children's immune systems.

2716 The masks are ABSOLUTELY pointless. I am trained in OSHA for construction and know without a HEPA filter and a decontamination shower there is NO POINT TO MUZZLE OUR KIDS.

2717 I withdrew my child today from the district bc of this mandate. Masks don't work look at the statistics. Please go back to mask optional!!!

2718 If masks are required, what will be the enforcement? Will students be sent home? Will there be ISS or other punitive actions?

2719 It has yet to be proven the amount of protection a mask provides if any, but it is a known fact that the co2 a child breaths back in from having a mask on all day is probably more dangerous than the protection the mask provides from covid19.

2720 Need to continue with hand washing, safety precautions, wellness checks for students and staff, but if vaccinated and healthy then optional on masks I as a parent have educated my students to carry masks and read the room for sick individuals and protect yourself as needed If a staff member requires it then I am Ok with educating my students to abide by their wishes But if other staff does not then they need to allow it as optional Key thing : only value for vaccinated students and staff Provide documentation of vaccinated then you are allowed to be optional But if not -you are flagged and they must wear mask Simple

2721 Covid is here to stay. Now with the vaccine option everyone should be entitled to choose how to best protect themselves or their child. This shouldn’t be up to anyone else.

2722 Masks have been very helpful in preventing the spread of covid. Our kids need to stay in school and only masks and vaccinations are going to allow us for that to happen. Masks need to be required until Covid numbers get way down. Please, do the right thing for our community. Your board members need to spend time in the classrooms and see how awful it is to be exposed to covid without wearing a mask every day.

2723 Students will receive more education with fewer absences due to illness. Masks have been proven to decrease the spread of multiple airborne illnesses.

2724 I know there isn’t a one size fits all solution. I would rather err on the side of caution. Thank you for doing the best you can in an impossible situation

2725 Quit sending my kid's home for everytime they sneeze or have an itch. I might as well homeschooling. Especially if the teacher is having them watch CNN instead of teaching them. What's the point of having you try & brainwash them?

2726 My son is autistic and I think masks have taken his social skills back at least 2 years. He was making friends, now he is back to playing alone. He was so excited to go to school this year

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without a mask. Now, crying to go to school.

2727 Masks should remain optional for all unless the rate of positive cases raise to the 4%. If masks need to be worn, they should be to ALL, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

2728 I’m vaccinating my children, so they should have the choice

2729 I also agree with the same statement when it comes to vaccines. My child will not be getting the vaccine until I feel it is safe for him to get it. My child, my choice.

2730 With notice this could change, depending on covid cases at the school and community.

2731 If the quarantine rule was changed to symptoms only quarantine than I would vote masks optional.

2732 the children in elementary school are not eligible for the vaccine yet; please continue to require masks until they are vaccinated. thank you from a very concerned elementary parent and healthcare provider who has seen first hand the devastation COVID has had on our population.

2733 We feel wearing a mask is important since our kids are not vaccinated and we have lost loved ones to COVID. We like the current policy as it was frustrating that our kids are protecting others by wearing masks but would not receive the same protection from others. We appreciate all the school has done through the pandemic and feel you are doing a wonderful job.

2734 The decision regarding masks should not be about convenience. It should be about student/staff safety. It should be about not unnecessarily weighing down an already overloaded health care system.

2735 Every family should have the option. It is not right to mandate anything for anyone else’s children. It should be a family decision made ONLY by the family.

2736 Keep up with the good work ! Pheasant point elementary is awesome !!

2737 Masks should be optional. If people have the option to get vaccinated then they should also have the option to choose whether or not to mask up. My son is extremely ADHD and the mask is just another thing to distract him from learning. He struggled last year when they were mandatory. During the time they were optional, he did so much better with school. He wouldn’t qualify for a doctor to sign off on him being exempt despite its effect on his ability to focus in class. Also, regardless of any research out there, I have yet to see or hear about an actual scientific study that proves masking up our children is beneficial and not harmful. There hasn’t been an actual study done.

2738 Good luck and I am sorry you're being harassed about this on top of trying to navigate your jobs.

2739 We are in a global pandemic. The more Covid spreads between unmasked and unvaccinated people will result in new mutations of the virus and more deaths. From the CDC website: Given new evidence on the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant, CDC has updated the guidance for fully vaccinated people. CDC recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status.

2740 Masked kids parents are Paranoid. The science doesn’t support masking.Maybe masked students should all be in the same class rooms to satisfy the Paranoid parents. Thank you

2741 Honestly it doesn't really matter what the decision is because my students will follow the rules regardless.

2742 Please listen to the health department, doctors, and any other professional that has worked with Covid. The general public are not health experts and therefore should not be making choices in this matter.

2743 Anyone 23 and up has the option to get vaccinated. Soon 5-12 year olds will also be able to get vaccinated. I believe that masks should be optional for those ages that can get vaccinated. A parents choice NOT to vaccinate their children should not be a reason to limit everyone. If a child cannot get vaccinated for medical reasons, then they should wear a mask for their own safety.

2744 Both of my students have been wearing masks since the beginning of the school year. Thank you for protecting all of the kids in the district.

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2745 No

2746 If parents don’t want their kids to wear mask then they need to be vaccinated and show proof of them being vaccinated with both Covid shot

2747 As a parent of children in the Fort Zumwalt School District. I am deeply concerned about the political pressures and anti-vaxxer extremists shouting from the rooftops rather than following science and the advice of medical professionals regarding wearing masks in school to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is counterintuitive that the very place where safety for children should be paramount, is now allowing politicians and extremists to dictate the safety of our children, teachers, school staff, parents, and grandparents. Wearing masks is not only an easy solution to prevent the spread of COVID-19 but should be something each of us should want to do to protect those around us, particularly today when many children are living with high risk grandparents and other extended families.

2748 Please do the right thing for our children’s health, for your teacher’s and staff’s health. Keep the mandate in place.

2749 2 elementary students in district. vaccines not available for their age groups yet. Other districts masking K-6 Keeping cases low is proactive; masking once cases get high is reactive.

2750 Optional is the only thing that works! Mandating anything like this is wrong! Imagine telling a parent who believes mask work(their right to believe that) that their child can not wear a mask because it's child abuse (I strongly believe it's child abuse) I bet they would be outraged! When my 6 year old tells me she can't breathe in a mask, I'm supposed to tell her that's too bad?? Or have to decide to pull her from a public education? That's wrong! Also, no one on that board is my daughter's parent.. meaning none of you have the right to mandate something that pertains to her health. Nor the health department, CDC or Biden himself! Those are recommendations! My child my choice on what is best for her and my recommendation to this board of education is to remember that. If mask work the way some believe they do, why worry about my child? My child who has a slim to none chance of getting covid and a 99 percent survival rate! Mandates are not laws. What is a law is any kind of abuse, mentally or physically on a minor under 18 is child abuse and it seems to be a good idea to lawyer up here soon! The trama you've caused so many children is wrong! Get it together fort zumwalt! While you're at it, fix that sexist dress code!!

2751 No

2752 Parents should have the right to parent by deciding whether or not masks are the appropriate for their child(ren). My children are bothered by things on their face and one was born premature so has minor lung issues. We’ve already have been naturally immunized and would prefer not to be masked as much as possible.

2753 It is scientifically proven to reduce the transmission of Covid-19. Any situation where the health of my children is at risk during this undeniably difficult time everyone, especially the schools in which we trust to provide education and SAFTEY to our children, should be doing everything they possibly can to ensure that they are safe and healthy. Not doing so is an injustice to our children and their families. School systems are required to teach science as part of our federal educational requirements, so it seems only natural that we should support CDC guidelines during this on-going, worsening, pandemic.


2755 If you don’t want your kid in a mask keep them home. Why risk all other kids and families.

2756 Masks should be worn For the health & safety of the ones who can't yet receive the vaccine.

2757 If they ARE NOT vaccinated and want to wear a mask to protect themselves they can. If they ARE vaccinated they should have the option. Parents can make their own decisions regarding elementary and middle school students. It is your own job to protect yourself and your children. Not everyone else’s

2758 If we know something that we can prevent and provide safety for our loved ones, no harm to follow that. Thank you.

2759 No thank you.

2760 Required but with the exceptions of indoor physical activity, health conditions in which a mask

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is harmful, and if outdoors.

2761 what a lot of people do not realize is that masks protect other people from you more than they protect you from others. That being said, a lot of families have children and infants too young to be vaccinated, including my own home. I also work with medically fragile children and it is unfair to those families for me to be consistently exposed due to my child having to go to school with unmasked peers and staff. This is not just about decreasing absent students, but ALSO about protecting our community as a whole!

2762 If % of Covid cases ever reached 5% of the student population in that school then I would reconsider if needed as mandatory.

2763 My child can not receive a vaccine and she has done everything in order to protect herself by wearing a mask while others choose not too. My child get exposed to a non-mask wearer she would have a mandatory quarantine whether or not she was masked. This is not fair to her for doing her part. I should just send peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for her lunch because she isn't allergic to it...you all follow some guidelines but not others..it's same basic concept.....wished you all cared about my child this much at the beginning of year when it was optional.....where was survey then????

2764 Yes. It does not make any scientific sense to have our children be muzzled all day, inhaling dangerous levels of thier own CO2. It has been proven that masks do not help prevent the spread of any virus. It makes absolutely no sense that throughout the day they will have it on, and have it off for periods of time. To me it is totalitarianism. We are muzzling and conditioning our children. It is an absolute shame what is happening to our country and in our Public Schools.

2765 I think mask should be worn less kids will be in quarantine

2766 I feel those who are vaccinated should have the option to wear the mask or not and those who are not vaccinated should wear the mask all the time.

2767 Masks harm the kids and staff more than they protect them. Freedom of choice.

2768 1.continue to maintain social distancing 2. Provide sanitizers at school 3. Daily screening / checklist for temp check reporting etc for each student

2769 Masks should be the individual’s choice! What people are failing to understand is that a “mandate” isn’t a law!!! They’re not breathing fresh air and that in itself will make them ill. I absolutely do not want my child, or anyone else wearing a mask if they choose not to!

2770 More on taking care of yourself, more on taking vitamins to help immune system

2771 We think optional is best but support any decisions made by the district

2772 I appreciate you getting this out, however this should have taken place prior to your ridiculous mandate. The numbers in the district are so low masks optional is the only way to go, if you have different numbers share them. COMMUNICATE with your parents and students.

2773 Please consider your healthcare workers when making this decision. Masks & vaccinations have been proven to decrease the spread of COVID, as well an influenza. But healthcare workers are dropping left & right bc they are exhausted. If making masks mandatory to protect the lives of our children isn’t good enough for you, think about the regular, routine infection or issue you or a loved one may die from because they’re aren’t enough resources. Let that sink in.

2774 The health and well being of our children should not be optional. I personally feel that their mental health is impacted more by repeated quarantines than with the wearing of masks.

2775 I can understand making it optional for older grades but for ages that are not able to be vaccinated they should not be put at even more of a risk because some people think it’s inconvenient or want to make it political. If there were this many absences after only 3 weeks of school for any other reason the school board would be enraged and doing everything they could to fix it.

2776 Our son consistently states he does not want to go to school given the current mask mandate. For a child who enjoys school, we have become extremely irritated the school board put this policy in place without surveying the parents and district employees first. Four individuals (board members) mandated a policy for over 20,000 individuals without collecting data first.

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2777 Is it possible to look at quarantine differently? If a student chooses to come to school in a mask, or has been vaccinated(or both): if exposed the student would do a modified quarantine and still be able to attend school. If a student chooses to be unmasked and not vaccinated they would do the full 10 day at home quarantine. Just an idea that may make both sides happy.

2778 Please require masks for all students and staff. There are so many unvaccinated students and staff who choose not to mask that it puts my children and our family at increased risk. My older children are vaccinated, but we have a child in our home who is not yet old enough (age 4) to receive a vaccine. I don't want her to get COVID because my children accidentally brought it home. Additionally, my middle and high school students and myself (a teacher in FZ) have been masking since the start of school to better protect ourselves since it's nearly impossible to socially distance. I want universal masking to be required so that my cautious children are not stigmatized or singled out for taking a recommended precaution by the CDC. Also, the CDC strongly recommends masking in the K-12 setting. It was reckless not to mask in the first place. Lastly, I am strongly opposed that FZ schools are even asking for public input on the mask situation. This should be driven by science, CDC recommendations, and best practices in a congregate indoor setting - which current guidelines are to mask. I am not a scientist and neither are the parents opposed to masking. Maybe FZ schools should ask the health department or department of education if students should mask?

2779 I would exempt students at the ECC and make it optional for them.

2780 At least till numbers get under control. But each student should get mask brakes

2781 I would like everyone to make their own choice about wearing a mask.

2782 My family supports whatever the school feels is in best interest of the students. If masks allow for less quarantine from exposures I feel that’s the best option.

2783 I think masks should be optional for all students/staff that have been fully vaccinated.

2784 I know it's probably to late for this year . But maybe we can do a class with the students whom parents want them to have the masks all the time. Then a separate one for the students who's parents would like it optional. I personally tell my student to keep his mask on if he is inside working . But if it distracts him or he feels he needs to take it down I want him to know he has that option .

2785 3 children per day are dying in Florida. Ultimately any official who votes to go maskless is liable. You will be held individually accountable.

2786 Please mask mandate the school! My son is too young for vaccines and I want to keep him as safe as possible. Please!

2787 Thank you for all you so for us

2788 Was disappointing to hear that the board of seven overturned a solution that everyone was comfortable with that decided to send their children to in-person learning, and that being that masks are optional. Definitely a trying time in our country now with masks. Understand safety is a concern, however there are options for those that want more protection, ie: masks, virtual teaching, etc. No one is saying you can't wear a mask in person, but to force everyone to wear masks because of a select few is crazy. No one knows where they stand religiously, politically, etc. and I feel that's what drives a lot of the decisions nowadays sadly. Lastly, it was ridiculous in my opinion to make young kids (mine being a kindergartener) to wear a mask from 7am to 5pm. Was disappointing for teachers and staff to constantly hound them for not wearing it properly. They are less susceptible to getting the virus, but also just the mere fact of their age and not fully understanding why they're being forced to wear these masks all day wasn't right. If these parents wanted to protect their/all children in the school, then they would get a vaccine themselves, however seeing the county (54%)/nation (64%) statistics (at least one dose), that's not happening, so if they won't take the necessary steps as adults, then why are we punishing the children?

2789 I agree masks should be required for those whom are unvaccinated. I personally am high risk my kindergartner has already had Covid. My freshman has already been vaccinated and she also has a compromised immune system.

2790 Masks...Dig it!

2791 At the high school level, masks should be optional because students are able to get the

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vaccine, and ours did. It's unfair to all vaccinated students to also have to wear a mask "to protect others." Either way, there will be parents who are angered, no matter what you decide unfortunately. So good luck.

2792 While I understand all parents want the right to do what they think is best for their child, in the instance of a pandemic it's more than just about our own best interest. We need to account for the best interest of all of our children. When it comes to masks, while they offer some prevention when it comes to catching COVID, it's most important and scientifically proven to prevent the spread. This means another parent's choice to not mask their child has consequences and potential to harm mine. We all have to do our part to try and prevent and significantly reduce the spread of this virus, and also wear masks to protect those most vulnerable such as children (and adults) with immunocompromised systems. My children wear a mask to protect other children in case they are unknowingly COVID positive. We don't want them to give the virus to another child with cancer (for example) because we know it could potentially kill that child. No parent wants to lose a child. Masks are uncomfortable and annoying, but it's worth the annoyance if it saves even one human's life.

2793 There are numerous studies that say masks are not effective in not spreading this disease. Please do some research about this topic.

2794 Better Safe than Sorry!

2795 When the masks were optional, there were approximately 550 students on quarantine. Since the mask mandate went into effect last week, the numbers are in the mid 100s. Seems like the masks are working so why put students and staff in danger, and risk them missing out on school

2796 The survey is going to make a better determination of what people want for their children, instead of a room with board members that only has a certain amount of space for people to voice their opinion. My daughter was already worried about starting her kindergarten year and now its even worse for her because she has to wear her mask, I feel as though mask wearing should always be a choice and if you want or your children would like to wear a mask thats great but don't try and push it onto others who don't want to

2797 If parents believe the masks really work, then it shouldn’t matter if others don’t wear them. And let’s be honest, COVID can still go through masks. Most people constantly mess with their masks and that involves more hand to mouth/nose/eye contact than without them.

2798 You also don’t need to quarantine my kid every time he sits in a room with a positive person. Natural immunity to any virus is built in small exposures.

2799 My understanding is that the CDC, Missouri Health Department, and St Charles County Health Department are all strongly recommending masks to slow the spread of COVID-19. Following the health departments' guidelines gives students the best chance to remain in school.

2800 I have done my best to respect the diverse opinions regarding Covid-19 over these past 18 months and I do understand that as a school you are put in difficult situations regarding making decisions. I am also well aware that trying to appease to everyone to ensure the safety of students and staff is really not possible. That being said, the decision to force CHILDREN to wear a mask during an 8 hours school day is not in the best interest of these children. I am asking you to please start considering that the mental health of these kids are just as important as physical health. Both of my children had a mental health decline in just the last year when masks were forced in schools. My kids would beg not to go to school, cry, tell me they were sick to get out of going, shutting down emotionally, and coming home with headaches every day. When does this stop? The total number of positive cases throughout the school district is so minute. If you look at percentages, the school district is less than 1% of positive cases. So I ask again, when does it stop? Does it have to be zero cases? There will be several variants of Covid in the future, just like any other virus, they begin to mutate over time so the likelihood of zero cases happening any time soon is just not going to happen. So do we mask the kids forever? Is this the new normal to you? WHEN DOES IT STOP?


2802 I feel it should be up to the parents to decide what is best for their children. Mine both suffer from Asthma and migraines and should not be masked for 8 hours a day

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2803 My kids would hate me for saying they should be required but if there were to be exposed I 9/27/2021 1:21 PM

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would want them out for the least amount of time as possible. That is the only reason why I voted this way.

2804 It’s time to move on.

2805 Medical decisions should be parent choice and individualized to the child’s needs. Educators need to know academic student profile vs prioritizing hall monitoring.

2806 Recommend that each individual school is looked at vs. looking at the entire district. If a school does not have an issue, the students are in school and funding continues. Data does not support requiring masks at all schools. Dr. Dubray's recommendation of 3% supports the ability to allow for modified quarantine as needed.

2807 I’d rather be safe than sorry. Wearing a mask won’t necessarily prevent COVID but the #s indicate otherwise and you’re doing it to protect others and not only yourself.

2808 Encourage everyone to get vaccinated

2809 Mask mandates are harmful to our children. They create feelings of anxiety, isolation, depression, and possible suicide. End the mandates NOW!

2810 Per CDC Guidelines located here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/k-12-guidance.html "Due to the circulating and highly contagious Delta variant, CDC recommends universal indoor masking by all students (age 2 and older), staff, teachers, and visitors to K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status." Why would a school NOT follow a CDC recommendation when masks CLEARLY help?

2811 Regardless of vaccination status, it’s the easiest and smartest way to decrease the transmission of Covid. I will never be ok with my child attending classes with optional masking. I can’t trust other student, parents or staff who aren’t willing to do the minimum to protect themselves and don’t want my child’s life take for granted or jeopardized.

2812 High risk individuals should stay at home if they are concerned. Irreparable emotional and social harms are being imposed on our children. Individual freedom should be respected.

2813 Parents should not be making this decision. We have doctors and health care professionals that can provide educated guidance on subjects such as viruses and global pandemics.

2814 Not at this time.

2815 Nope

2816 I would still like to see mask mandate for buses. There are very limited spaces on the buses.

2817 Masks allow ALL students an opportunity to learn. If all students and staff have masks-everyone is safe- safe from a virus AND safe from bullying. When only some students mask-then only some students can go to school - not the ones that have compromised immune systems, like my daughter- and she also has a right to a free in person education. If we can have nut free classrooms and nut free lunches to protect the health of some kids, and most kids aren’t allergic to nuts, then we can absolutely all wear masks to protect the health of all kids until this pandemic ends.

2818 If masks return to optional there needs to be clear guidance when it comes to quarantine from close contact at school.

2819 Not sure why anyone wouldn't want their students to be safe by wearing masks. It seems ridiculous.

2820 My kids (12, 9) know and understand the risks - they have never complained and always leave the house with one on no matter if they are going to school or to visit grandparents.

2821 Thank you so much.

2822 The priority should be healthy and safety, not politics. Please do not let vocal science deniers influence health policies in our schools.

2823 I feel that Zumwalt is doing the best they can with this weirdly complicated issue. If the district feels that mask are needed due to COvid cases rising in our area then the district should have the right to make mask mandatory. Keep up the great work on educating my two daughters and know that my wife and I trust in whatever Zumwalt decides to do with the mask mandate.

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2824 My daughter is vaccinated and already had the virus last year. I think vaccinated kids should have the choice to mask.

2825 better not mandate ANY c19 vax!!!!

2826 I had Covid and I almost died from Covid, I’m young and have no health problems. It happens. These kids will be fine with a mask on. I’d rather them be in a mask than on a ventilator. They wore a mask all of last year and no child died from wearing it. Children ARE dying from Covid. Do your part and require this. Just at from Zumwalt East if they should be required.

2827 Masks should be required at the elementary level since there isn't a vaccine for children under 12 years old. As far as the staff, if they are vaccinated, masks should be optional.

2828 While I understand the mask mandate to cut down on the number of quarantined students that is not something I completely agree with. I think it should be left up to the individual families.

2829 Please please please make masks optional.

2830 no

2831 Masks should be mandated for the safety of everyone and the families they have to go home to.

2832 Until all can be vaccinated, masks should be worn.

2833 I really appreciate the opportunity to voice my opinion on this topic. Thank you for your leadership!

2834 Wearing a mask is uncomfortable, but if it means my child does not have to quarantine due to an exposure or gets to quarantine for less time then I am supportive of the mask policy.

2835 Science backs mask. Don't let kids get sick because of small group if people being bullies.

2836 Our family totally disagrees with the mask mandate. Dr. DuBray's 4% policy was totally within reason and should have been continued.

2837 I think if the student is vaccinated a mask should be optional.

2838 We are so grateful masks will be required the next 4 weeks. As parents of an immune compromised child, whom doesn’t meet the age requirement for the vaccine, we feel at ease with the pro-mask policy. Now we are able to focus on her education with out the worry/ fear of her becoming ill.

2839 As proven by the outbreaks over the first three weeks and the success in containing significant outbreaks last school year, masks work and are necessary. I am fed up with anti mask mentality. Student safety measurements shouldn’t be subject to parental popularity. The board made a student safety decision. That’s what they’re there to do. Polling the parents is an abdication of responsibility. We don't ask parents if stop signs should be placed on campus or if guns should be allowed on campus. We have doctors and scientists for a reason, to do the studying for us and tell us how you can keep our kids safe, no matter the opinion of the parents.

2840 Why can't the school district require proof of vaccination like they require for other vaccinations. The children that are vaccinated can be mask optional and the ones that aren't wear a mask. Or require masks for the grades that aren't old enough to get vaccinated and the rest be optional. My daughter decided to get the vaccine because she wanted school to get back to normal, not have to be quarantined due to contact tracing and miss 2 weeks of sports and school and to also NOT wear a mask.

2841 Mask are not the answer, studies have shown that they are not effecting in preventing the spread of covid.

2842 Mask need to be worn…ppe supplies need to be at the schools and accessible to students

2843 This is just common sense. Masks help prevent the spread of Covid and germs in general. It's a no brainer.

2844 If the students and or staff have been vaccinated I do not feel that there is a need for them to have a mandate mask policy. As long as they still do the guidelines as trying to stay apart as much as possible using hand sanitizers I do not feel that you should force anybody that has

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been vaccinated to wear a mask but I do think that they need to show proof that they have been done

2845 Where has freedom of choice gone? If someone has an issue with in person, non masked learning there are alternatives. The social and educational detriment has already been shown in studies of children wearing masks in general, let alone in a school setting.

2846 We should be following the advice of doctors and scientists, not angry mobs.

2847 If anyone on the board doesn't live within the boundaries, they shouldn't be on the board. Also, when trying to keep other people's children safe you should always err on the side of caution. It is uncaring to do anything else.

2848 This is a choice us parents need to make for our children not the school district. I am a healthcare worker and if people are concerned they can wear a mask, but should be a CHOICE.

2849 I don't know exactly how, but may be worth exploring some kind of incentive for students that are eligible to be vaccinated and can verify their status. I know the quarantine requirement is one incentive, not having to quarantine if vaccinated and no symptoms, but may help increase vaccination rates among students if incentivized somehow to do so.

2850 Masks should be optional for vaccinated students and staff. Proof would definitely be required.

2851 We’re in the middle of a pandemic. And people are dying. I have never appreciated your lack of concern for COVID. A mask mandate is essential and should not be taken away for any reason.

2852 No politics in decision.

2853 I get the feeling that the % of cases is still really low. My opinion might change given more data. Maybe we should adjust per school pending data showing implications at a given % vs the entire district.

2854 It should be optional if they are vaccinated.

2855 If student presents symptoms of covid or any other respiratory issue, they should wear a mask or stay at home.

2856 As a mother of a special needs child, a pediatric background, and an advocate for all children I am highly concerned about mask being worn so long. This can cause with social ques, social interaction, safety, and emotional well being for all. It has been medically proven time after time how how the masks cause major issues with children and that medically unless changed constantly they are unsanitary. This is my concern for my son and all other children. I 100% support those who wish to wear it but others should be respectful for those who don't. Thank you.

2857 The science is clear. Masks reduce the risk of contagion with Covid. We should do what we can to protect our kids. Same as wearing helmet and using seat belts.

2858 Please have an optional policy for our special needs kids. I am pro mask, but my son is autistic and in an ILABS classroom. Very difficult for some of those kids to wear mask with their sensory issues.

2859 The data and science has proven kids are extremely low risk. The amount of cases at schools are very low and do not justify our kids being muzzled all day long. People are packing into college football stadiums unmasked people including myself have gone to professional sporting events unmasked including this past weekend. You can go to Home Depot, Lowe’s, schnucks, Walmart just about anywhere unmasked but for some reason our kids are being forced to wear masks all day long. Parents and children should have the choice and if Masks work then the parents that want them worn should be ok as long as their child wears their mask. Please let our kids go to school and learn without hiding their faces.

2860 Thank you for asking our input! Truly appreciate that.

2861 I think it is very important for children especially elementary level have mandatory masks since they can not be vaccinated. It also helps with quarantine time, children missing that much school can't be beneficial for them. I hope you keep the mask mandate, I feel like you are protecting our little ones. Thank you!

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2862 Please let the parents choose what is best for their families situation.

2863 Please allow parents to submit a waiver if they would like their child to go to school without a face mask. Parents can make an informed choice regarding risks/benefits when deciding whether or not they’d like to cover their child’s face.

2864 Truly, if the state is mandating masks, we should follow the guidelines. Our household will support whatever the outcome.

2865 I would like to share that I am concerned with the lack of exposure to other viruses. RSV, flu, allergies, etc need to run their course in order for our children to have healthy immune systems. The masks definitely put a strain on mental health issues, building climate, and morale. Please follow the science. Dr. DuBray presented valuable stats at the last meeting, but as decisions were made based on what the Board member "felt" was best. We need to do better than that, especially for our vaccinated youth.

2866 Thank you for this survey and keeping our children safe!

2867 I have a high schooler. While I am mask optional (and my child is vaccinated), I do understand those that feel that K-8 be mask required as K-6 are not eligible for vaccinations at this point. I am also in support of requiring those us that want mask optional to sign a waiver.

2868 If someone has been vaccinated why do they have to wear a mask? I think everyone should be able to do with what they are comfortable doing.

2869 We are still in the middle of a pandemic, the only way to not require it is to make the vaccine required for everyone who is eligible just like every other vaccine to be able to go to school.

2870 Yes. Here is a food for thought what if we told the parents who want their kids to wear masks they couldn't? How would that go over? Why is ok to make the children who's parents don't agree with the mask wear them but not the other way around. I'm the parent not the school. I will and should always be able to make the decisions considering my child, especially if it isn't hurting anyone.

2871 Masks have been proven to not work. It should not be mandatory. If a parent is uncomfortable with their student being in school with masks optional then they should keep thier child/ren home and do online learning. Do not make others suffer. It is a choice. Not a mandate.

2872 We love our school district and will follow whatever rules you decide is best. Thanks!!

2873 I do not mind if my child wears their mask but I'd rather it be their choice.

2874 I’m thankful for the work that you guys do!

2875 Please remove the mandates for schools not showing an increase in infections. If masks must be mandated, there should be an immediate option for virtual classes.

2876 Should be required if unvaccinated. Can COVID vacccines be made required like other vaccines ( meningitis, Tdap) ?

2877 So sorry for what you are all having to deal with...hang in there! We think masks optional, however, our kids will attend classes with masks if that is what it takes to be in person.

2878 Dr Fauci himself on video said mask are only a feel good. The DO NOT protect you from getting or giving any virus. Look at the pictures of people in labs working with these viruses. They have on sealed rubber body suits with oxygen tanks. There’s a reason they don’t wear a paper or cloth mask. They would be dead. I believe it also states this on the boxes of masks. That they will not protect you from getting a virus. So NO masks please.Let the kids have some normalcy PLEASE. Thank You

2879 Our daughter, very reluctantly received the vaccine in order to avoid wearing a mask. It should be every individuals choice whether to wear an ineffective mask or not.

2880 There should be a mandate in place to require all eligible persons to be vaccinated. The school will not allow children into kindergarten without an MMR vaccine. Most people may be “over it” as far as masks are concerned but it’s a necessary evil. To be honest I believe we’d all be long past Covid by now if it weren’t for the selfishness of people who cannot understand that what we need to do is protect each other

2881 I think it is important for the school district remember that we should all have the right to

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2882 I have 2 kids on the spectrum (1st grade and 3rd grade)both with receptive and expressive communication delays. They are in ILABS programs and masks are negatively impacting their ability to excel. Masks are not effective in preventing the spread of covid and our numbers do not warrant a mandate! Those in charge of this decision have not medical background and it seams to be an emotional decision not based on facts or science.

2883 I was very disappointed that masks were not required from the beginning of the school year. Safety of students, teachers, and staff should be priority #1. Implementing protocols that have the highest rate of keeping kids in school (shortest amount of quarantine time due to everyone being masked) should be priority #2. Parents selfishly arguing that their kids should not be wearing masks should not be a priority in any way. Don't try to make people happy. Just do what's right.

2884 It is disappointing to me that 1) this wasn’t done before the school year started. 2) it is so black and white. If I choose optional does that mean that mask will never be required even when a school has a large rate of infection (Westhoff)? Does optional mean that my kid still has to quarantine? Can it be optional up until a school reaches a certain threshold of vaccination? Can it be optional for high school but required for elementary or middle school? People with medical issues - can it be required for their classes? There are nuances here that are not being taken into consideration. So I am forced to pick required because it benefits the whole. A whole 48 hours to respond also seems unfair considering the next school board meeting isn’t until mid October. People have jobs and families to balance. Honestly I expect better from the administration on this.

2885 Should be mandatory until vaccines for 5-12 y/o are available.

2886 Nobody is asking for no masks allowed. Nobody is saying kids and staff cannot wear masks. Those of us who don't agree should be treated with the same respect. Optional gives everyone the chance to make the best decision for themselves and their family.

2887 Myself and my two oldest children are all fully vaccinated and I fully support the continued wearing of masks outside the home. Any measure of protection against this virus is better than doing nothing and hoping for a positive outcome. Thank you

2888 Masks should be mandatory!

2889 This decision should not be based on popular opinion. It should be made by doctors and scientists based on the guidelines set forth by the health departments, CDC and Whitehouse task force. Parents and school board members are NOT qualified to make public health decisions.

2890 Masks should be required regardless of vaccination status.

2891 If masks are required in other districts it should be for FZ as well. Especially with the high numbers

2892 We should hold our children's and community's safety above our personal beliefs and political views. Although it's hard for all of us and our kids, we should follow the science.

2893 We especially think masks should Be required for staff and students for elementary schools where students who are too young to be protected by the vaccination .

2894 Science and Health officials should guide the safety of our children and the staff that oversees them. Vaccines should be mandated as soon as the child hits eligible age. Everyone hates masking, but we need to do it for the ones who are not vaccinated. This is the best way to keep kids in school with minimum harm. Whats next, avoid vaccinations for measles? A billion plus vaccinated people and yet America behaves like a child throwing a tantrum.

2895 This should have never been optional. Another thing, so many vaccines for other serious viruses are required to attend schools and this one should be as well.

2896 No

2897 So you say our children are wearing masks for their safety but they ride in school busses without seat belts. Sort of back ass ward don't you think.

2898 We feel that if the current policy is changed, Zumwalt should follow the policy at Francis Howell and masks should still be mandatory for those not eligible to receive the vaccine in

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order to avoid as many quarantines as possible.

2899 I feel that Masks should be required of any unvaccinated person. Students and Staff. If a person gets vaccinated and makes the choice to provide proof of full vaccination, they should not be required to wear a mask.

2900 Nope.

2901 We also need to stop putting healthy kids in quarantine. We need germs in our everyday lives to build natural immunity to everything, not just Covid 19

2902 I do not care either way.

2903 Masks should NOT be mandated!

2904 It has been proven time and time again by science that masks are not effective in controling the size particles and droplet size that a virus is. Its a complete waste of time for anybody to wear masks

2905 Fort Zumwalt school district is a public school system and I thought safety for both the students and staff is the top priority. Making masks optional doesn't not support this claim. At the very least, until the younger students get vaccinated masks in public schools should be mandatory. Masks also prevent transmission of common colds, stomach bugs and the flu in which the season is about to begin.

2906 UNMASK MY CHILDREN! Absolutely ridiculous. The numbers are fantastic prior to 4 board members deciding what was best for over 18,000 students!

2907 I can only hope that the district will continue to do the right thing and put the safety of kids at the forefront of this policy, let hard data dictate decisions and not let a loud minority sway decisions that can lead to children unnecessarily being exposed to a deadly virus while trying to learn.

2908 I feel that masks are essential at this time. Since our children cannot be vaccinated there needs to be another way to help them stay safe. While mask may not be the complete answer at least it's a step in the right direction.

2909 There is also no sense to the quarantine policy since both vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the virus. therefore leaving an unvaccinated child that is exposed in school is the same as leaving a vaccinated child at school.

2910 I wish this debate would be put to rest. Make up your minds!!! The fact that the board member asking for this was maskless is ridiculous.

2911 I believe the science has proven that masks works. Right now, children are the most vulnerable to Covid. And until they can all be vaccinated, they'll continue to be at a higher risk. I believe that while children under the age of 12 remain unable to get vaccinated, the teachers, staff, and students should be required to wear masks. Its not 100% perfect, but it certainly contributes to protection. Once children can receive the vaccine, I think the vaccine should be required for enrollment (just like other vaccines) and at that time, students and staff can go to school unmasked. We need to be following the guidelines of the professionals and scientists.

2912 I'm not opposed either way. My kids are vaccinated and chose to wear mask.. donehat you think is best... the rest can choose online. Thank you for doing your best

2913 If you’re going to enforce dress codes so that boys aren’t distracted, you should enforce a dress code to help keep kids safe.

2914 My son had to quarantine for 7 days due to close contact even though he had covid in late July. He got diagnosed via an at home binax kit, and then later tested at a facility to ensure he was cleared. However you would not accept the home binax kit. It seems rather counter productive for me to take my son to a facility and risk exposure to covid (assuming most people go to test because they suspect they have it). I believe this is poor judgement. If we are to trust parents and or students to be responsible and stay home when they suspect covid symptoms then you should trust us to not lie about a previous covid infection we have over come.

2915 Set a certain % that must occur to trigger mandatory masks

2916 It has been proven over and over that the mask do not work and that they cause more

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illnesses and mental instability with children. My daughter has had her asthma and migraines under control for 5 years until she started last school year, summer no issues, this school year no issues until after the mask mandate started again. I’m just grateful that a portion of teachers are smart enough to see through the political BS and not enforce it. Those educators need a raise!

2917 As a whole, I am against masks. However, I have a child who doesn’t not do well virtually. He was quarantined in the first week of school and is now behind and struggling to catch up. If the quarantine requirements were such that he could remain in class, I would encourage a mask free environment.

2918 Masks create a barrier not only for students to interact with one another but also makes it less approachable for students to come to staff. Causing communication break downs and social skills. Stop instilling fear with forced actions and allow them to make a choice.

2919 Now we have to deal with mono running a muck in our area! Yet another reason to keep masks 😷 on! This pandemic is no joke! Sorry for the parents that think a mask is obtrusive! But we need to protect our kids and staff! If those parents don’t want their kids to mask up- then homeschool !! Protect our community please because my kids need to be in school and safe at the same time! Good luck- you guys are doing a great job!!

2920 No

2921 If you wish to require masks then require masks of the unvaccinated. Those that are vaccinated should have the option as another benefit to being vaccinated.

2922 I support the decision that is made by the district 100%, either way. Thank you for caring for our students.

2923 No masks on buses either or school related activities. Masking people holds back their success.

2924 Please require masks until children 12 and under can receive the vaccine.

2925 You guys are doing a great job navigating all of this. There are so many people with an opinion on this topic. We ALL have to learn to live in the tension of both ends of the spectrum. Even when masks were optional, we sent our boys to school with their masks because we wanted them to make the choice they feel comfortable with. More than anything, we wanted them to be able to stay in school and not have to stay home if someone around them got sick. Please know the court of public opinion and comments that cannot be backed up on some social media sites do not sway the majority on this. We CHOOSE to live here. We CHOOSE to follow our elected board and superintendent (who has a strong proven track record). So we will follow what you say not blindly, but because we also have a brain and know how to think as well.

2926 Students who are vaccinated should be exempt from wearing masks. The unvaccinated should carry the burden.

2927 I believe the parents need to wake up and realize it’s not the staffs fault and that there kid can get Covid outside of school. They are ridiculous. There kids play sports, go to parties and do other activities outside of school.

2928 Masks have been proven to be highly ineffective in preventing virus spreading, so I think they are frivolous. I do, however, understand the school has to weather the fear and concerns within the entire community. I appreciate your willingness to hear from all parents.

2929 There is not one study referenced on the CDC that shows masks actually work. Virus’s are tiny particles that can get anywhere. Wearing masks all day long for anyone is harmful, increased suicide, other sicknesses. Look up the parents study of mask in FL. Look up RX for Liberty. We need to Move on and stop Punishing our children. More and more people are homeschooling because of the mask requirement. If you want your child to wear a mask so be it. But I don’t want masks on my children. It’s harmful in more ways than one.

2930 If the current quarantine rules stay in place then kids will be quarantined left and right. Figure out new quarantine rules and then figure out the masks. Parents can't keep taking time off work ..

2931 I think the covid vaccine should be mandatory for students and staff. And the masks should only be required for those not vaccinated.

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2932 If everyone was vaccinated we would not need to wear masks. The few loud trumpers are causing the problems.

2933 However, we will follow any and all rules in place. If masks are mandatory, my children will wear them without protest.

2934 Restaurants, sporting events, gas stations, nowhere requires masks and my kids do not understand why school does. I have a special needs son and its a struggle for him, I understand the desire to keep people safe but subjecting our children to it when the rest of society has the option is just simply ridiculous.

2935 I'm not sure why decisions on the health and wellness of our community are being polled on instead of trusting the medical and public health officials who have dedicated their lives to learning and studying epidemiology and epidemics, who have made it resoundingly clear that masks are the best option we have to protect our children at school.

2936 Let the kids focus more on learning and not have worry about not being able to breath.

2937 No

2938 Please note that parents were upset when the school board decided to start the school year with mask optional but you didn't see the reaction like you've recently seen. The response to the masks being enforced is absolutely absurd. A decision was made with a date that it'd be reviewed. Parents should never be acting like this nor should they impose their views onto their children. School board members should also not be emailing those parents back stating they agree & are disgusted by the new/current decision that was made. School board members should have a voice & side (that's normal) but it should never be made public like this. Those school board members should be ashamed of their actions as it has only created more division on this already very hot topic. I appreciate your effort to keeping my child safe but I am in full support of mask mandates. I work in healthcare & masks DO work. I'd love to know where this anti-mask crowd is getting their information because it isn't accurate. I also don't see them offering to help work in a COVID ICU right now. Please consider the safety of these young children who cannot make the decisions for themselves. Your own return to plan states that if both parties are masked there isn't a need for quarantine. We should stick to what is safest for children & that includes them remaining in school with less quarantine time. In conclusion, you will not see parents protest or pull their children if this decision is overturned. That's what actual adults do. We take the results & move on. We will continue to do the best we can for our children (sending them with masks) but you will not see us acting like actual children. Thank you.

2939 Why is this even a debate? Follow CDC recommendations-they are the experts.

2940 I would rather have more strict quarantine rules than to have a district wide mask mandate.

2941 I agreed with the masks being optional but I understand requiring them when the numbers of cases of COVID rose. If the numbers go down again, I would be fine with making masks optional again as well.

2942 Be safe. The school year should have started with mask mandate.

2943 I have a Kindergartner whom cannot be vaccinated - while I encourage and teach her importance of masks and send her with them to school, she is also only 5 years old and easily swayed by what others do. I cannot rely on my 5 year old to understand this safety importance when other adults do not promote this. This is very disheartening when COVID is not taken seriously and I can't be there to help her and remind her to wear her mask to keep her safe when teachers and other students are not promoting this. While others are willing to not keep themselves safe, this then puts my young child/children at risk.

2944 There is ample evidence that masks hinder education of students. There is also evidence that a majority of the Covid cases if not all of them did not happen from contact at school, but rather from contact in the home setting.

2945 With our dashboard numbers so low and the student population engaging in unmasked, non-school activities/sports regularly, it only make sense to mask upon preference, not as a mandate. Masks are ineffective, dangerous to health, and a distraction from learning.

2946 Better to be safe than sorry.

2947 There shouldn't even be a discussion about this. Masks help and it is a small thing kids can do

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to keep themselves and others safe. Fort Zumwalt Board, you already have one student in ICU. Even if masks only offered minimal protection, it is better than nothing. Making masks optional only leaves way for students that choose to wear masks to increase the protection of those that are not as concerned about offering the same courtesy to those around them. Please, PLEASE, requie masks.

2948 If the goal is to keep as many students as possible in the classroom, then masks should be required. The masks allow for the modified quarantine rules and will allow more students present in the classroom due to to less close contact cases.

2949 Please make mandatory because my son got very sick 😷

2950 They also should be optional on the bus. Fort Zumwalt should be ashamed at their behavior in the bus barn for firing a driver because she helped a child who was about to pass out on a hot day. Also, writing other drivers up for similar mask issues is insane. If you really care about children's health, outlaw the mask altogether. Shame on FZSD.

2951 Require masks if not vaccinated for students or staff

2952 I trust the schools administration to make the best decision for all kids and staff.

2953 If masks are continued to be mandated for students we will be giving serious consideration removing them from the school district and pursuing an alternative method of instruction.

2954 It is so irresponsible to not require masks. Almost 700,000 Americans died already. It's a piece of damn cloth that some have allowed to be politicized. I am sickened by the selfishness and stupidity of those refusing to protect public health.

2955 Having a “Mask Mandate” in place gives the children and staff the proper protection against this Virus, thus decreasing transmission, lessening the amount of quarantined population, and saving lives.

2956 This survey is wildly inappropriate and politically charged. I am disgusted. Keep the politics out of school! Follow science. Do your jobs! If you are going to send out surveys to help push an agenda, you do not have the best interests of ALL students and staff at heart.

2957 Kids safety first in my opinion.

2958 School districts should err on the side of caution when it comes to the safety of our kids and community. In a community the wants of one person are subordinated to the needs of the many.

2959 I believe the mask mandate is good. There are to many carriers of covid and there are to many parents who don't care about the health of anyone else. Its one thing to have a belief its another thing to act like an idiot. Until the covid virus hits their family they have no idea what it does to families. If parents refuse to follow the rules for health and safety of ALL students their children should be removed from school and made to do virtual. My daughter has asthma and is more susceptible to this horrible virus. Why should my child be at risk even though she has been vaccinated because parents are selfish. Remove the students and let the rule followers enjoy school.

2960 In person learning is best for our kids, especially kids with disabilities. If masks help prevent the passing of covid and also with flu season coming up, wonderful. The masks also help cut down quarantine time which minimizes disruption of learning. Masks all around, let’s keep schools open!

2961 I think everyone should be wearing masks because it defeats the purpose if only some people wear it! I believe masks will also help slow the spread of other viruses that will be here soon like the flu and strep throat. Obviously parents aren’t keeping their kids home when they aren’t feeling well, that’s why there was an outbreak not even 2 weeks into school!

2962 I would like to see an exemption for vaccinated students.

2963 Please protect our kids until a vaccine is available. We depend on our schools to help take care of our kids! Please!

2964 The masks worked last year and for the most part, the year went very well. I think it’s a great idea to keep them for as long as need be. It keeps our kids in school.

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2965 The kids should NOT have to wear a mask 9/27/2021 1:15 PM

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2966 If you decrease masks you increase quarantine. Please follow the science.

2967 I am answering regarding elementary schools (since there isn't a vaccine available yet for that age). My children are both in elementary school.

2968 If masking returns to being optional I will once again have to consider pulling my daughter out of school. I would like her to complete 5th grade and have time with her peers before middle school, but I would also like her alive. Also, this should not be a matter for public voting. Science says we need masks, not opinions. Do your job and keep the kids safe.

2969 My children are currently in elementary school and unable to receive the vaccine. The use of masks is their only defense against COVID-19 currently. The use of masks also allowed my children to learn in person all year. Not once did we have to quarantine or get sick. I’m hoping that the end goal of all educators is to keep kids learning in classrooms and to keep kids especially the most vulnerable healthy. My children will not benefit from constant quarantines and virtual learning. I hope a mask mandate in all FZSD schools is required until younger children can receive the vaccine.

2970 COVID vaccine should be required

2971 Although, my opinion is to make optional, I don't see an issue to require them for a short amount of time to collect data to see if it makes a difference.

2972 No

2973 Until a vaccine is approved for children aged 5-11, my family would be amenable to a K-5, K-6, or K-8 mask mandate. Thank you for including the parents of FZ.

2974 If you require masks I'll take my child out of your school. This is bull crap and the fact your trying again to harm our kids again by forcing them to hide their face because of a 99.99 Survival rate in kids. Keep your political views out of the school. Again you require maskes I will pull my child out of your school

2975 My child is not at high risk and should not be forced to wear a mask.

2976 This is required for the safety of those who are not eligible for vaccinations

2977 Masks help reduce the number of Quarantines.

2978 Most if not all of elementary students are currently too young to get the vaccine. They need to be protected at all costs.

2979 Thank you for the way you protected our kids last year & continue to do so. I feel that it is important for children, especially those who are still too young for vaccination, to be masked while at school.

2980 Should have been done at start of school and should continue till covid cases are VERY LOW.what gives other people the right to put my child at risk just because they don't want to wear mask.then they can stay home without mask!

2981 I work at St. Luke’s Hospital and see it firsthand. It is affecting vaccinated and non-vaccinated people. Masks and hand-washing are the best actions a person can do to prevent themselves from contracting the virus and spreading it.

2982 Regardless of the mandates, My students will be masked. I appreciate the ability to be heard in the process and thank you for the work you are doing for all stakeholders. Best of Luck

2983 For fully vaccinated students it should be optional

2984 Masking should be looked at differently for high school students because they are able to be vaccinated.

2985 My child should NOT be subjected to breathing in dangerous levels of carbon dioxide! there is NO evidence that masks have any benefits. Stop this nonsense now. The school district has no authority to institute such a mandate. and this school district is not in any position to offer medical advice. The current policy may satisfy few, but you are angering the many. we will remember those elected that support this and they will be voted out!

2986 I think until vaccinations start rolling out on younger kids we need masks at least.

2987 My answer is primarily focused on high school where all students and staff are eligible for the

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vaccine. If a student and their family chooses no vaccine, that is their business. But masks should be optional.

2988 Masks help prevent the further spread of COVID. Please use science to make your decision. Mask should be required!

2989 Thank you for your dedication to the safety of our students

2990 Masks should be optional assuming people know to take precautions if they aren’t feeling well or have a fever to stay home…. My child has gone 18 months without contracting Covid (to our knowledge) we don’t plan to change our anything in our daily routine

2991 Masks should NOT be forced upon children, especially for special needs children. It should NOT be forced to be put into an IEP to be considered or accommodated.

2992 This is a parental choice. Not a school board decision.

2993 We need to do everything in our power to make our schools and our community as safe as possible.

2994 I would love for my children not to have to wear a mask at school. However, I think it's more important for students to be in-person for school, so wearing a mask is a sacrifice I'm willing for my kids to make to help ensure they don't have to do virtual learning.

2995 For the safety of all the students, staff, and other family members...we believe that masks should be required.

2996 I think the elementary kids should be optional. Middle school and high school should be required

2997 Let the childern breathe!

2998 Nope

2999 Better safe than sorry

3000 We appreciate the opportunity to vote on this. The mask fiasco needs to end.

3001 Let the parents decide what is best for their children.

3002 The issue is the result of not wearing masks. If masks keeps the kids in school then wear them. If we continue to quarantine kids because kids are not masked that’s the problem. I absolutely want my child in school! I do feel at the high school level it should be optional if they are vaccinated although I do understand that’s really not something the teachers can easily monitor

3003 I believe following CDC guidelines is in the best interest for all. Children who are not of age to be vaccinated should be required to wear masks indoors.

3004 Masks were worn all of last year. I don’t see what the big deal is now. If masks can help, or possibly save someone else from contracting covid, spreading it or even having someone die from it then it’s an easy answer for our family. WEAR A MASK!!! Thanks for helping keep our kids and staff safe. A mask is a very small sacrifice to make for someone safety or life.

3005 Anyone not wearing masks are putting the rest of the people at risk.

3006 We understand it’s tough and you can’t make everyone happy but erring on the side of caution for children and the family they go home to is the safe choice.

3007 I understand both sides but I also believe facial expression is a huge part of development and understanding. Either way could create potential loss of something. Whether it be loss of time in school due to illness or loss of connection and education.

3008 No.

3009 My student will abide with whatever the school district decides. I feel terrible that parents are putting the district in an impossible situation. Can the district request vaccination records and if vaccinated you are not required to wear a mask… unvaccinated is required? That is what we have done at my job and many others have don’t the same.

3010 No

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3011 The idea that this is an "opinion" is a fallible one. As a scientist, the idea that the district would 9/27/2021 1:14 PM gamble with the lives of students and staff by leaving it to choice us rather confusing to me. I thank those on the board that were courageous enough to make the conservative decision to save lives.

3012 No masks. At what point will it ever end? There will always be "something" contagious going 9/27/2021 1:14 PM around. Masks negatively impact learning and social skills.

3013 My child, my choice. Nothing else to say. 9/27/2021 1:14 PM

3014 Should be optional per household. 9/27/2021 1:14 PM

3015 No 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3016 It should be 100% individual choice 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3017 Yes I was vaccinated and still came down with covid. Masks are necessary. 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3018 That I think you all are putting our kids at risk. I mean come on now how many kids to you 9/27/2021 1:13 PM have to quarantine to realize what your doing is all wrong. Mask or not. Vaccinated or not people are still getting covid people are still dying from it. And I know personally if one of your kids family members die you guys do NOTHING to support the family during there loss. Fzsd is by far the worst distinct we have been in.

3019 Masks should be required to help lessen quarantines 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3020 I feel the 30 day mask mandate is a necessary with the current quarantine rules. Stop bowing 9/27/2021 1:13 PM to the crazies and make your decisions to keep students/staff safe and in school. Unless the quarantine rules are relaxed, masking is the best option to keep kids in person.

3021 Many things are more dangerous for those 17 and under, than Covid-19. 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3022 I think it’s in humane to have our children wearing masks! Science has proven that these 9/27/2021 1:13 PM masks restrict the oxygen our children our getting, and also not to mention it is very distracting for younger children and then the teachers have to take the time to get the kids to stop playing! We have the right to choose!

3023 Unless you see a major drop in cases after making everyone wear one for the month then I 9/27/2021 1:13 PM feel they should be optional.

3024 I don’t support mask mandates but because this is an environment with so many variables and 9/27/2021 1:13 PM people that don’t care about others health they should be mandated. Teachers don’t have a choice if they go to work or not, they should not be unnecessarily exposed. If we bare down a little longer we may be able to contain this virus.

3025 No 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3026 Making children wear them is an absolute abuse of power. Parents should be the ones making 9/27/2021 1:13 PM decisions for their child(ren), not a school board/district.

3027 Yes. Last year people that weren't comfortable sending their children to school had the option 9/27/2021 1:13 PM to stay home and learn virtually. These parents that are so up in arms about masks at school should stay home and learn virtually. Im so tired of common sense being beaten out by morons. *steps down from soap box*

3028 Keeping our kids safe and in school safely should be the top priority. Masks most definitely 9/27/2021 1:13 PM protect against infection. We’re going into flu and RSV season, it would be foolish not to enforce a mask policy. Flu cases were so low last year because everyone was masked. That tells you right there that they work. If you decide to accommodate the families who don’t want to protect the community by not masking, then you have to accommodate everyone and provide a way for those who want to be masked an option to go to school and be around other students and staff who are masked as well.

3029 Please prioritize our children's health over politics 9/27/2021 1:13 PM

3030 The mask requirement only applies in our schools. All one has to do is watch a baseball or 9/27/2021 1:13 PM football game to know its only enforced in certain aspects of our lives. Kids are very resilient. No Masks!

3031 The benefit of wearing masks drastically decreases when not worn by all or most. Health 9/27/2021 1:13 PM policies should follow the science and not be influenced by vocal, politically motivated groups.

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3032 There are times it is appropriate to survey families and this is not one of those times. This is a public health issue. We should be following science which says masks slow the spread.

3033 I think masks should be required. Most reasonable people are going to act out of an abundance of caution to ensure they are safe so that shouldn't be a concern.

3034 We are happy to wear masks, or let them be optional. But, preferred for it to be optional if it can be.

3035 I don't care if they are optional or required. The school district should have the right to make that decision. This survey asks the wrong question.

3036 My oldest is in 1st grade. His 2 year old brother is extremely high risk he has been in and out of the hospital his whole life. Wearing a mask is his best defense.

3037 The safety of my child and family is the most important thing to me not some group of lunatics' feelings who don't like being told what to do.

3038 I don't think the static 1 month period is correct. Mask mandate VS option should be factored based on daily trends in numbers, outbreaks, etc. Meramec Valley R3 district color plan is a good example of daily trends and adjustments per building.

3039 School is a place for kids and staff to feel comfortable. You as a district should allow individuals to protect themselves how they feel fit. If a student or staff member feels more comfortable with a mask, they should be able to choose to wear one. If a student or staff member is more comfortable without wearing a mask, they should not be forced to wear one.

3040 Until all children are eligible to be vaccinated masks should be required in grades K-8.

3041 why does the district make a decision and impose masking requirements on individuals even if they are vaccinated when the rate was below 1%? It seems to me whatever was in place was working. If a building begins to rise then by all means impose some masking guidelines, but below 1% seems to be a jump to the extreme. Also those that are vaccinated should not have to wear masks since they are exempt from quarantine per the health department as long as they are not showing symptoms after an exposure.

3042 Please follow the science on this. Most of the district's parents are not infectious disease experts. Those 12 and under cannot be vaccinated yet and we need to protect them and those that they could spread illness to, including staff and families. Thank you for all you do for the students and families.

3043 I appreciate the ability to share our thoughts for those of us who prefer not to shout our opinions from the mountain top.

3044 Thank you for hearing our opinion.

3045 The Elementary Schools are our most vulnerable group that can not receive the vaccine. The numbers don't lie. Mask should be required just like last year.

3046 Freedom of choice! Freedom not force! Masks should be optional from here on out!

3047 Masks should be optional as it’s a personal choice to wear one or not. Studies have not proven that they reduce anything as seen by multiple sporting events throughout the country. If Colleges and Universities are not requiring them why does a school board think they have the right to. Your first vote of seven people was unfair and should be overturned.

3048 The numbers have gone down without masks. There is no reason they are required. My children were sick all throughout the year last year including the first 2 full months. Masks are completely infective at protecting our children. This disease is also not nearly as harmful to children. My children suffer from daily headaches while masking. This is not and should never be required.

3049 We strongly believe in the importance of getting vaccinated and protecting the young children who can’t yet be vaccinated by requiring masks to be worn in schools.

3050 Masks protect the transmission.

3051 Because kids cannot get vaccinated, I think that masks should be required to prevent these kids from dying of Covid-19! It isn't hard to put a cloth on a child's face to prevent them from

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dying. Aside from that, it is helping the spread of other communicable viruses including the flu and strep throat!! I am PRO MASKS!

3052 It’s critically important for students to have as much time in school as possible. Studies show that masks prevent the spread of COVID and I believe that this is the best line of defense in fighting this. Please require masks for the district. It protects everyone and allows our children to remain in class.

3053 Mask use reduces the effectiveness of teaching. Without full view of the mouth and face, it is impossible to interpret differences in language. So much of the English language can be misinterpreted small facial muscle differences and inflection that is lost with mask usage.

3054 There is no science to support that masks help anything. Do not try to parent my kids I can make the decision for them when it comes to masking.

3055 There are multiple viruses that are more of a threat to younger populations (RSV, influenza, etc), and we have never required masking to avoid transmission. The data of transmission of covid in schools does not support masking.

3056 Please consider the optional status as each child’s situation is different. The mask on my child impacts her overall health both physically and mentally. Optional status still gives those who prefer it to implement a mask. Making it a mandate does not give equal rights. I appreciate all our teachers do, and pray optional is put back in place. Thank You

3057 Masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19. For children with asthma or other health issues or children that can't be vaccinated, this is important.

3058 I think erroring on the side of safety is better for our children until we have vaccines for 12 and under. Best wishes with this decision as i know whichever way is selected there will be adverse opinions. Thank you for all you do for the school and children!!

3059 Please leave the decision to mask up to the individual families of the students. Medically, emotionally and socially the masks actually cause more harm than good. There has been no proven medical data showing that a homemade cheetah print mask can stop the spread of Covid!

3060 It is a tough question. When things are at high risk then… I would want it mandatory. Other than that I would say no.

3061 Parents should be notified if a child in their kids class has tested positive and there should be a count of how many kids are in quarantine in each class. Offer vaccines for those 12+ at school with parent approval

3062 Please follow physicians advice to wear masks. Our children’s health is more important than parents pride.

3063 Nope

3064 Yes. What kind of superintendent votes to have a school named after him ? That’s a special kind of arrogance. Thank you.

3065 In hall mask should be worn. In class no.

3066 No

3067 Everyone is doing a good job!

3068 The on again off again requirement of mask, no mask is beyond irrevocable. It's ridiculous!

3069 Those who are not vaccinated should wear masks

3070 I don't believe it's fair to our children to be forced to grow up in a world of fear. The CDC goes back and forth with everything they state. They also don't think the masks work anyway.

3071 I do not want my 5 and 9 year old to wear masks! Also, please stop quarantine healthy kids! My kindergartener is on quarantine right now and perfectly healthy.

3072 If mask help with keeping kids in school and healthy, then I am ok with kids wearing mask.

3073 Freedom for parent choice

3074 You need to stop requiring masks. The risks to that age group is less risky than the bus they

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ride on getting in an accident. They need to remove them to breathe properly and for social development.

3075 No

3076 It should be bout protecting others and being respectful during this time, no matter how you feel about it yourself.

3077 strongly encourage ALL staff to reply to any/all emails ASAP or within 24 hours

3078 I would rather be safe than sorry, my daughter wore a mask when it was optional.

3079 My kids are vaccinated and have been wearing their masks since school started. It’s about the safety of everyone.

3080 We Love FZSD!

3081 Everywhere we go people are unmasked yet our children are made to wear them daily. Masks should be optional only.

3082 To ensure the safety of all teachers and students, regardless of vaccination status, masks are imperative to decrease the risk of not only COVID but other illnesses such as the flu, common cold, and more.

3083 I think the masks should be mandatory for everyone not optional …

3084 It is important for kids wearing the masks, specially they do not available vaccines for their age. While most staffs have been vaccinated, it is more important that they need to prevent from spreading the virus by wearing the masks.

3085 Should be optional especially for students who are vaccinated

3086 Numbers aren’t showing this is necessary. Need to drop quarantining everyone as it doesn’t show that large amounts of kids in quarantine are turning up positive anyway.

3087 I would prefer to be proactive in insuring the health and safety of both the staff and students. I would say that face shields for certain times of day or for speech classes and such may be something to help with removing that barrier when necessary.

3088 Thanks for asking for our input.

3089 I have nothing else productive to add at this time.

3090 I feel mask and vaccination both should be optional neither mask nor vaccine have been scientifically proven to stop the spread

3091 Unconstitutional mandates implemented by board members unwilling to live by their own motions is not the example that should be set for our children. Masks are proven to not work, the district’s own numbers prove that and were ignored. We will not be silenced!

3092 I really appreciate you letting us do this survey and have the PARENTS voices be heard for our children.

3093 You all are doing a great job trying to sort all of this out. Thanks for everything you are doing for the kids. Our son wears his mask all the time, so he is fine with what is best for the district. We like to have the option, but if it is required, we are happy to follow the rules.

3094 Im sorry you all have to deal with what is going on. We are happy wither way.

3095 I believe once children 5-11 are able to be vaccinated mask optional is reasonable but not before.

3096 Everything needs to be done to stop the spread of covid

3097 Please keep masks a requirement! Don't be bullied by the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers to change things. It's very simple to follow the rules and wear a mask. These kids all did it last year with very little issues!

3098 We don’t quarantine kids for the flu… or strep… or anything else.

3099 I feel the extremely small risk of my child catching and spreading Covid is less of an issue than the distractions he faces with a mask.

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3100 Please take into consideration how masks are mentally affecting these kids. And the kids with 9/27/2021 1:10 PM disabilities. This is not a one size fits all situation, and that is why optional is the best choice!

3101 If vaccinated staff and students should have the option to wear a mask or face shield at work. 9/27/2021 1:10 PM Un-vaccinated staff and students should be highly recommended to wear protective PPE.

3102 Be safe, not sorry 9/27/2021 1:10 PM

3103 This is a public health issue. It shouldn't be a decision made by parents based solely on 9/27/2021 1:10 PM opinion - masking should be based on medical opinion and science. Both say that masks WORK.

3104 No 9/27/2021 1:10 PM

3105 Yes 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3106 My daughter has been getting migraines everyday since having to wear masks again. She 9/27/2021 1:09 PM cannot focus now and it is affecting her education

3107 I appreciate everything that all of you are doing to try to navigate this crazy time... 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3108 thank you for letting us vote. 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3109 My son will not attend school until the masks are optional. Forcing kids to wear them is not ok. 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3110 I think people should do what makes them most comfortable, but that should not be enforced 9/27/2021 1:09 PM upon anyone, students or staff.

3111 As long as they are vaccinated. 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3112 No. 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3113 its cdc recommendation. and you can only trust kids so much with their hand washing 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3114 Thank you for all you do 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3115 No 9/27/2021 1:09 PM

3116 Masks still haven’t been proven to make any difference. 9/27/2021 1:08 PM

3117 no 9/27/2021 1:08 PM

3118 n/a 9/27/2021 1:08 PM

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