prayers of protection from plaques -


Transcript of prayers of protection from plaques -

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Whole world is in extreme crisis ,as a student of sacred knowledge I have collected some prayers shared by several scholars around the globe. First two wazifas are easy for every muslim to read and recommended by ulama e rabbani in these times of plaque. 1)Durood sharif(Salawat ) 11 times Dua of Prophet Yunus(a.s) 313 times (in the picture below) Durood sharif(salawat) 11 times

2. Durood Sharif 11 times Hasbunallahu wa nemal wakeel 313 times Durood Sharif 11 times

Please blow on yourself after reciting above amal Al-Imam Abd al-Wahhab al-Sha'rani said: "Whoever reads this on the days of plague, he will not be affected. And if he reads it after being

affected by such plague, Allah will lighten his burden and he will recover by Allah's will, and verily this has been efficacious many times. And some of those who practice it claim it has great benefits. And verily Allah has bestowed upon us this dua during hard times due to plague outbreak, so we recite it and our congregation recite Aamin after each verse, thus none of us was affected by the plague. Al-Syaykh al-'Allamah al-Faqih al-Habib Zayn bin Ibrahim bin Sumayt said: "One of the great mashayikh Sadah 'Ali bani 'Alawi of Hadramawt has narrated this dua to us--may Allah make us beneficial to them. And he willed us to spread the dua to everyone, especially in the event of coronavirus outbreak. May Allah grant us all and every muslimin afiat from coronavirus and from all plagues." [Adapted from posts by Ustaz Ahmad Salahuddin Harun & Dr Abdullaah Jalil, Malaysia]

Dua Ta'un (plague, epidemic disease)

A general dua related by the Egyptian jurist Sirāj al-dīn al-Bulqīnī (d. 1403) and copied here in an 18th c.

work Ottoman Sufi and famous Qur'ān commentator Ismāʼīl Ḥaqqī Brusawī (d. 1725)

"in the name of God, all Merciful, ever Merciful. My God, I seek refuge in you from the blistering plague

and its mighty affliction of self, family, wealth, and children. God is greater, God is greater, God is

greater than what I fear and guard against. God is greater "than the number of our sins until they are

forgiven. My God, bless Muhammad the possessor of Kawthar. My God, whose sovereignty is mighty,

protect me in the lands. Living, Sublime, whose shelter protects! Living, Sublime, whose shelter endures!

By Your Name, my God, send peace."

Habib Umar bin Hafiz was asked if there is any dhikr that could be recited for protection from disease.

He advised doing the following:

1. Giving charity

2. Seeking Allah’s forgiveness abundantly (istighfar)

3. Bestow abundant prayers upon the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

4. Recite the following verses of protection in the morning and evening:

We ask Allah for protection, pardon, wellbeing, safety and continuous ability to do what He loves and is

pleasing to Him.

Here it is another zikr from great scholars of south Africa

Salawat ul Fattah is here

Apart from above zikr please read quran continuously and salawat in abundant.