Natural Health Approaches - Squarespace

Natural Health Approaches WRITTEN BY LAWRENCE DESANTIS, C.H.C, ND Primitius International, All Rights Reserved, 2016

Transcript of Natural Health Approaches - Squarespace


Primitius International, All Rights Reserved, 2016

Table of Contents Part I: Natural Health Assessments........................................................................................................ 2

Lesson 1: The Harmful Effects of Eating Processed Foods/Food Additives ........................................ 2

Lesson 2: Heavy Metals ..................................................................................................................... 6

Lesson 3: Leaky Gut Syndrome ....................................................................................................... 13

Lesson 4: Candida ........................................................................................................................... 18

Lesson 5: Colon Health and Intestinal Parasites ............................................................................... 23

Lesson 6: Food Sensitivities ............................................................................................................. 29

Lesson 7: pH .................................................................................................................................... 31

Lesson 8: The Benefits of Sweating ................................................................................................. 34

Lesson 9: Blood Type Diets .............................................................................................................. 35

Lesson 10: Vital Signs ...................................................................................................................... 47

Lesson 11: Blood Test Reference Chart and Worksheet .................................................................. 48

Lesson 12: Legalities and Jurisprudence .......................................................................................... 57

Lesson 13: The Natural Health Appraisal ......................................................................................... 59

Part II: A-Z Natural Health Approaches ................................................................................................ 82

Adrenal Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 82

Autoimmunity ................................................................................................................................... 83

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) ................................................................................. 87

Asthma ............................................................................................................................................. 88

Allergies ........................................................................................................................................... 88

Arthritis ............................................................................................................................................. 89

Autism .............................................................................................................................................. 89

Bladder Infection (Cystitis) ................................................................................................................ 89

Bronchitis ......................................................................................................................................... 89

Bursitis ............................................................................................................................................. 90

Cancer ............................................................................................................................................. 90

Cardiovascular Disease .................................................................................................................... 90

Cirrhosis of the Liver ........................................................................................................................ 91

Cystic Fibrosis .................................................................................................................................. 91

Diverticulitis ...................................................................................................................................... 91

Drug Addiction .................................................................................................................................. 92

Gallbladder Disorders ....................................................................................................................... 92

Gangrene ......................................................................................................................................... 92

Gum Disease ................................................................................................................................... 93

Halitosis (Bad breath) ....................................................................................................................... 93

Impotence (Male) ............................................................................................................................. 93

Kidney Stones .................................................................................................................................. 93

Menopausal Problems ...................................................................................................................... 94

Osteoporosis .................................................................................................................................... 94

Parkinson’s Disease ......................................................................................................................... 94

Senility ............................................................................................................................................. 95


Tonsillitis .......................................................................................................................................... 95

Ulcerative Colitis ............................................................................................................................... 95

Varicose Veins ................................................................................................................................. 96

Wrinkles ........................................................................................................................................... 96

Diabetes ........................................................................................................................................... 96

What is used in Supplements? ......................................................................................................... 97

References .......................................................................................................................................... 99


Part I: Natural Health Assessments Lesson 1: The Harmful Effects of Eating Processed Foods/Food Additives

Dollars to doughnuts, if you live in the U.S.A., some of your hard-earned dollars are likely being spent on this soulless treat. In 2000, Americans – who rank among the lowest of industrialized nations in terms of life expectancy – spent approximately $110 billion on fast food; this figure is projected to skyrocket to $142 billion for 2006. And doughnuts aren't the only problem. The list of terrible things we mindlessly ingest in the name of nourishment is long. But just what are these dietary culprits comprised of? What makes them so toxic? And, most importantly, what are they doing to us? The purpose of this article is not to scare people into eradicating all processed foods from their diets but to shed light on some of the dangerous ingredients we may be unknowingly ingesting, and the way in which we might be depriving ourselves of the most basic nutritional fundamentals. Processed food is made from real food that has been put through devitalizing chemical processes and is infused with chemicals and preservatives. Beef jerky, canned tea, jam, hot dogs, and low-fat yogurt with sugar or aspartame are a few examples of processed food. Junk foods contain very little real food. They're made of devitalized processed food, hydrogenated fats, chemicals, and preservatives, and include anything made with refined white flour. Canned breakfast drinks, cold/sugary cereals, doughnuts, drive-through foods, and soda are examples of junk foods. Fake foods are made primarily of chemicals, and often contain gums and sugar fillers. Examples include bacon bits, bottled salad dressing, dehydrated soups, and instant coffee.

Energy Output > Exceeds Nutritional Input

These non-foods have one thing in common; it costs your body a great deal more to digest, absorb, and eliminate them than they offer your body in nutritional value – an extremely poor return on your investment that leaves your body sluggish and depleted.

Toxins, Poisons, Processed Food, and the Body

Our ancestors preserved foods naturally, using salt, fermentation, and sun drying. Food processing has evolved away from these simple practices into more complicated and dubious methods. Today, nearly six thousand additives and chemicals are used by food companies to process our food. Many of them can have a devastating effect on our health. It is important to note the fact that additives and preservatives cannot always be painted with a negative brush. The addition of vitamins to bread and milk has helped to stamp out diseases such as pellagra and rickets.


Unfortunately, the good intentions that characterized the processed food industry during the early days have now de-evolved to finding ways to cheaply process food and manipulate buyers, regardless of the detrimental effects on the health of Americans.

Today, many additives and preservatives are harmful toxic chemicals as problematic as the decay they are used to prevent.


Preservatives are a type of additive used to help stop food from spoiling.

Nitrates and nitrites are used to preserve meats such as ham and bacon but are known to cause asthma, nausea, vomiting, and headaches in some people. In addition to allergic reactions, the same is true for sulfites (sulfur dioxide, metabisulfites, and others), which are commonly used to prevent fungal spoilage, as well as the browning of peeled fruits and vegetables.

Sodium nitrite in some foods is capable of being converted to nitrous acid when ingested by humans. While animal testing showed that nitrous acid caused high rates of cancer, it is still in use.

Benzoic acid aka sodium benzoate is added to margarine, fruit juices, and carbonated beverages. It can produce a severe allergic reaction and even death in some people.

Sulfur dioxide is a toxin used in dried fruits and molasses as well as to prevent brown spots on peeled fresh foods such as potatoes and apples. Sulfur dioxide bleaches out the rot, hiding inferior fruits and vegetables. In the process, it destroys the vitamin B contained in produce.


While antioxidants such as alpha-carotene are recommended by health specialists to prevent premature aging, some of the antioxidants used as food preservatives may be unhealthy. Contained in nearly every processed food on the market, antioxidants prevent fatty foods from spoiling when exposed to oxygen.

BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) are two of the most widely used, yet controversial of all antioxidants. So alarming were the results of BHT and BHA in animal testing, that several countries have severely restricted their use.

Some people have difficulty metabolizing these chemicals, which is thought to result in health and behavioral problems, and hyperactivity. They cause allergic reactions, may also contribute to the development of tumors and cancer, as well as be toxic to the nervous system and liver.

Despite these findings, the use of BHT and BHA has increased, rather than decreased, in the U.S.A.



Each year, the American food industry uses three thousand tons of food color. Many coloring agents are derived from coal tar, and nearly all coloring is synthetic. Norway has a total ban on all products containing coal tar.

Though some artificial food dyes have been banned because they are believed to cause cancer, most dyes used today are the artificial variety. They are also linked to allergies, asthmas, and hyperactivity.

The long list of foods and beverages in which color is altered includes butter, margarine, the skins of oranges and potatoes, popcorn, maraschino cherries, hot dogs, jellies, jellybeans, carbonated beverages, and canned strawberries and peas.

Even the chicken feed on large-scale egg farms is colored so that the chickens will lay golden-yoked eggs like those laid by free-range chickens.


Most processed foods contain sweeteners, many of which are artificial sugar substitutes containing no natural sugars, such as saccharin and aspartame. Artificial sweeteners are linked to behavioral problems, hyperactivity, and allergies. Because saccharin was shown to increase the incidence of bladder cancer in animal testing, all foods containing this sugar substitute are required to carry a warning label.

Emulsifiers, Stabilizers, and Thickeners

These additives alter the texture of foods. Emulsifiers, for example, prevent ingredients from separating into unappealing globs in food such as mayonnaise and ice cream. A first cousin to antifreeze, propylene glycol is a synthetic solvent used as an emulsifier in foods. Although it is recognized as toxic to the skin and other senses and is considered a neurological toxicant, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has deemed it generally recognized as safe (GRAS).


The most common food additive, flavorings – of which there are over 2000 in use – may be natural or artificial and are usually comprised of many chemicals. Peruse the ingredient list for the strawberry flavoring in one popular fast food outlet's strawberry milkshake. Artificial flavors are linked to allergic and behavioral reactions, yet these ingredients are not required to be listed in detail as they're generally recognized as safe.

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is another popular flavor enhancer. Found to cause damage in laboratory mice, it has been banned from use in baby foods but is still used in numerous others. It causes common allergic and behavioral reactions including headaches, dizziness, chest pains, depression, and mood swings, and is also a possible neurotoxin.


Refined flour has had the brown husk of the grain stripped away, leaving the white, refined starch found in white bread, white rice, pasta, cookies, and numerous other junk foods.


Without the fibrous husk, refined starches are broken down quickly into sugar and absorbed immediately into the bloodstream, causing glucose levels to rise, and increasing the risk of obesity.

In contrast, whole grains – such as whole-grain bread and cereals, brown rice, and barley – retain the bran surrounding the starch, so they're absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream than refined starches. This slows sugar absorption from the intestine and reduces the risk of obesity.

Refining Destroys and Devitalizes Most of the Foods' Goodness

Healthy unsaturated fatty acids– high in food value – are lost during the milling process. Half the vitamin E is destroyed when the wheat germ and bran are removed. Refining wheat into white flour removes between 50 and 93 percent of wheat's magnesium, zinc, chromium, manganese, and cobalt.

Additionally, approximately 50 percent of calcium, 70 percent of phosphorus, 80 percent iron, 50 percent potassium, 65 percent of copper, 80 percent thiamine, 60 percent of riboflavin, 75 percent of niacin, 50 percent of pantothenic acid, and about 50 percent of pyridoxine is lost.

Refining sugar cane into white sugar depletes it of 99 percent of its magnesium and 93 percent of its chromium. Polishing rice removes 75 percent of its zinc and chromium. Refined table salt has had most of the trace minerals removed during processing. It contains no sodium chloride, sugar as filler, and may even contain aluminum.


The part of the process that wheat undergoes to become the white flour in popular baked goods involves bleaching. Various chemical bleaching agents are used including an oxide of nitrogen, chlorine, chloride, nitrosyl, and benzoyl peroxide mixed with a variety of chemical salts.

Chloride oxide – which catalyzes a chemical reaction that destroys beta cells in the pancreas – is now being linked to diabetes. This toxic effect is common scientific knowledge in the research community. Despite this, the FDA still allows companies to use chloride oxide in processed food.

Eradicating every guilty pleasure in life is not the end goal here, nor is it a particularly realistic approach to making changes. We all enjoy the occasional cheeseburger, order of fries, or bag of chips. But if we understand the consequences of making what ought to be an occasional treat into the mainstay of our diet, we can begin to make wise choices about how many of these things we are willing to eat. When it comes to avoiding many of the questionable – and possibly deadly – additives contained in processed foods, we're only human after all, so taking baby steps toward change is usually the best approach.

If you can accomplish just one of these 10 steps, you're moving in the right direction. Try implementing one change a month.

1. As a general rule, if you don't recognize – or can't pronounce – the words on a label, don't buy it, or eat it.


2. Avoid products containing nitrates and nitrites (including sodium nitrite), Sulfites (including metabisulfites), Sulfur dioxide, Benzoic acid (aka sodium benzoate), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), Coloring, Coal tar, Propylene glycol, MSG (monosodium glutamate) , Refined or bleached flour (i.e. whitened using chloride oxide).

3. Don't eat partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated trans fats. 4. Don't eat products containing sugar substitutes such as saccharin and aspartame. 5. Avoid products with a long shelf life – the better they do on the shelf; the worse they are

for your body. 6. Avoid products that have been enriched. They have been completely devitalized during

processing. 7. Avoid food that has been genetically modified or engineered. Nearly all processed food

contains GMOs. 8. Avoid products made with ingredients euphemistically described as "natural flavoring" or

"natural coloring." 9. Avoid products with added sugar – watch for words with "-ose" endings such as glucose. 10. Incorporate a multi-vitamin into your health regimen.

If you've had a history of eating products high in sugar and are concerned about diabetes, incorporate disease-fighting products such as garlic, vitamin E, and Aloe Vera into your diet. Vitamin E supplements can also protect your body from the harmful effects of eating refined products that have been bleached with chlorine oxide.

As you begin to eliminate processed food from your diet and start to enjoy eating real food that has not been processed to death, you will be on your way to optimizing your health, making an investment in your body's future and, ultimately, feeling better.

Lesson 2: Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Detoxification

Heavy metal detox is very important in solving the mystery of many health problems. Heavy metal poisoning can be the cause of, or a contributor to, many conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancer, immune system dysfunction, damage to the central nervous system, damaged adrenals, depression, anxiety, multiple chemical sensitivities, and more. Hair analysis is one way to test for heavy metals. It should be repeated after 3 months.

An individual was tested for heavy metals a few years ago and found out he had high levels of mercury, lead, beryllium, and nickel. This information helped him discover why he wasn't getting better after so many years of trying. Heavy metals have been responsible for many of his health issues, especially his adrenal fatigue, poor liver health, anxiety, Candida overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic fatigue. By starting a heavy metal detox program, he began to improve substantially.

List of some heavy metals, their sources, and symptoms of toxicity

Aluminum It is found in aluminum foil, cans, baking powder, cosmetics, cheese, fireworks, dental amalgams, deodorants, drugs, toothpaste, pesticides, pollution, table salt (you can substitute with natural sea salt), nasal spray, cookware, vehicle exhaust, aspirin and more.


Aluminum can cause learning disabilities, Alzheimer's, dementia, dry skin, anemia, headaches, liver dysfunction, memory loss, Parkinson's, heartburn, peptic ulcer, psychosis, Aluminum tends to accumulate in the kidneys, liver, brain, reproductive organs, muscles, stomach. Some of the common symptoms of aluminum are headaches, abnormal heart rhythm, depression, blurred vision, numbness in hands and feet.

One of the most well-known health problems caused by aluminum is Alzheimer's and dementia. The use of aluminum in many products used on a daily basis may be the reason there is such an increase in the number of people who have these health problems.

Arsenic It is found in some seafood, is used in galvanizing and power plants, is found in pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, desiccants, and wood preservatives and riot control gas. There is arsenic in the air due to the burning of wood coal, metal alloys, and arsenic waste.

It can cause anemia, malaise, fatigue, spontaneous abortions, dermatitis, skin lesions, peripheral neuropathy, encephalopathy, cardiovascular distress, Raynaud's phenomenon, hypertension, myocardial infarction, hearing loss, cardiovascular disease, cancer of the skin, liver or respiratory tract.

Beryllium It is found in household products, coal, spark plugs, microwave tubes, photographic equipment, etc.

The lungs are the target organ of beryllium toxicity and may be a cause of lung cancer. It may also cause contact dermatitis, ulcers, magnesium depletion, organ dysfunction and disturbance of calcium and vitamin D metabolism.

Lead It is in auto exhaust, batteries, cigarette smoke, inks, cosmetics, household dust, hair dyes, lead pipes, pottery, liver, canned fruit, pesticides, pencils, paint, newsprint, toothpaste, putty, PVC containers, tin cans, and water.

It can cause adrenal insufficiency, behavioral disorders, cardiovascular disease, loss of coordination, depression, constipation, fatigue, anxiety, anemia, allergies, immune suppression, decreased IQ, insomnia, joint pain, kidney disorders, liver dysfunction, memory loss, menstrual problems, muscle aches and weakness, multiple sclerosis, myelopathy, Parkinson's disease, restlessness, seizures, stillbirths, sudden infant death syndrome, and lots more.

Lead also affects cognitive development in children such as retardation, learning difficulties and behavioral problems.

Mercury It is found primarily in dental amalgams. It is also found in air conditioner filters, batteries, body powders, newspapers, laxatives, medications, vaccines, fungicides, grains, insecticides, paints, Preparation H, tattoos, diuretics, thermometers, paper, fluorescent light bulbs, skin creams and ointments. Mercury tends to concentrate on the kidneys and brain. It can cause dementia, colitis and renal


failure in people who have used laxatives containing mercury. Other health problems include bronchitis, fatigue, insomnia, loss of memory, chest pains, gingivitis, anxiety, adrenal dysfunction, brain damage, dizziness, eczema, immune dysfunction, migraines, pain in limbs, vision loss, hyperactivity, hypothyroidism, kidney damage, memory loss, joint pain, depression, mental retardation, anorexia, nerve impairment and chronic viral, bacterial and fungal illnesses.

Mercury and Its Use in Fillings It has been recently discovered that mercury may be the cause of the rise in the number of autistic children. Mercury has been present in the vaccinations given to children. Here's an article about the connection of mercury to autism.

Autism: A Unique Type of Mercury Poisoning

Nickel It is found in fertilizers, food processing, kelp, oysters, batteries, fuel oil, imitation whipped cream, margarine, stainless steel cookware, tea, tobacco, vegetable shortening. It may cause kidney problems, hormonal problems, headaches, intestinal or respiratory cancer, low blood pressure, skin problems and asthma, and sinus problems.

Cadmium Toxicity Cadmium toxicity occurs when a person breathes in high levels of cadmium from the air, or eats food or drinks water containing high levels of cadmium. Cadmium is a naturally occurring metal, but it is usually present in the environment as a mineral combined with other elements (eg, oxygen, chlorine, sulfur). Either short-term or long-term exposure to cadmium can cause serious health problems. If you suspect you have been exposed to cadmium, contact your doctor immediately. Causes

Most cadmium used in the US is a byproduct of the productions of metals such as zinc, lead, and copper. It is also found in the following consumer products:

• Batteries • Pigments • Metal coatings • Plastics • Some metal alloys • Fertilizers • Cigarettes

When cadmium enters the air, it binds to small particles. It falls to the ground or water as rain or snow and may contaminate fish, plants, and animals. Improper waste disposal and spills at hazardous waste sites may cause cadmium to leak into nearby water and soil.

Having skin contact with cadmium is not known to cause health problems, but the following exposures to cadmium can cause serious health problems:

• Breathing air that contains high levels of cadmium


• Eating food containing relatively high levels of cadmium (eg, shellfish, liver, kidney meats—but highest levels are often found in potatoes and leafy vegetables)

• Drinking water contaminated with cadmium • Breathing in cigarette smoke; smoking doubles the average daily intake of cadmium

Risk Factors

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting a disease or condition. Anyone can develop cadmium toxicity as a result of cadmium exposure. Certain people are more likely to be exposed to cadmium. The following factors increase your chances of being exposed to cadmium. If you have any of these risk factors, tell your doctor:

• Smoking • Living near hazardous waste sites or industrial factories that emit cadmium into the air • Working in a metal smelting and/or refining plant • Working in a plant that produces cadmium products (eg, batteries, coatings, plastics,

pigments) • Having a nutritional deficiency in calcium, iron, protein, and/or zinc


Eating food or drinking water contaminated with high levels of cadmium can result in vomiting/nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, kidney damage, fragile bones and in an extreme case – death.

Breathing in cadmium can result in lung damage (chest pain or shortness of breath), kidney disease, fragile bones, and in an extreme case – death.

Tests may include the following blood tests, urine tests, hair or nail analysis, neutron activation analysis—a test to measure cadmium levels inside your liver and kidneys.


To help reduce your chances of getting cadmium toxicity, take the following steps:

➢ Do not smoke. Smoking is the single most important source of cadmium intake for most persons.

➢ Identify potential sources of cadmium in and around your home, at work, and where your children play.

➢ If you maintain a vegetable garden, consider having fertilizers tested for cadmium. Some fertilizers have been found to be high in cadmium, which may then concentrate on your vegetables. Avoid any use of cadmium-containing fungicides near your vegetable gardens.

➢ Eat a balanced diet that provides enough calcium, iron, protein, and zinc. ➢ Take inventory of and properly store (out of the reach of children) cadmium-containing

products in your home (eg, fungicides, batteries, metals, fabric dyes, ceramic/glass glazes, fertilizer); check the label for cadmium or call the manufacturer to find out if the product contains cadmium.

➢ Keep nickel-cadmium batteries out of the reach of small children and find out how to properly dispose of these batteries from your local waste disposal office.

➢ Read instructions for safely using cadmium-containing fungicides or fertilizers on your lawn or garden.


➢ If you have well water, have your water tested for the presence of cadmium. ➢ If cadmium is present in your well water, consider using bottled water for drinking or install

a water filter that removes cadmium and other metals from drinking water. ➢ If you work around cadmium, talk to your occupational health and safety officer to find out

if you could be bringing cadmium home on your clothing, skin, hair, tools, or other objects. ➢ Do not allow young children to play in or around hazardous waste sites.

How to remove heavy metals from your body


Chlorella is one of the most researched foods. Because chlorella is a food, it is hard to take too much. It is considered to be one of the best detoxifiers and is able to remove alcohol from the liver and heavy metals, pesticides and PCBs from body tissues. Chlorella can also absorb toxins from the intestines, alter bacterial flora in the bowel (for the better), eliminate intestinal gas and help relieve chronic constipation. About a third of those who try chlorella can't tolerate it. It is possible this is due to a cellulase deficiency. If you have trouble with chlorella, you could try supplementing with cellulase. Because of its ability to bind to heavy metals and other toxins, it makes it a good partner to cilantro.


Cilantro mobilizes mercury, cadmium, lead, and aluminum in the brain and the central nervous system. It is probably the only supplement able to mobilize mercury stored in intracellular spaces and the nucleus of the cell. Cilantro, however, can mobilize more toxins then it can carry out of the body and so may just move the heavy metals to another part of the body. Because of cilantro's inability to remove the mercury from the body after it has been mobilized, it should never be taken alone. It has been found that chlorella works synergistically with cilantro as it has better binding properties. If you don't want to buy cilantro as an herbal, you can buy cilantro and incorporate it in your meals -- salads, salsas or other dishes.

Garlic Garlic contains sulfur which oxidizes mercury, cadmium, and lead and makes them water-soluble. It is also a potent antimicrobial and antifungal making it effective against Candida albicans and parasites. Garlic contains a mineral that protects the body from mercury toxicity. It's called bioactive selenium. Garlic selenium is the best form of selenium available. Raw garlic, of course, would be best. But if you don't like it raw, the next best form would be aged garlic extract such as Kyolic brand. As the sulfur found in garlic is the main reason it can oxidize heavy metals, then it might also be helpful to supplement with MSM as it is a form of sulfur.

Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is another way to detox heavy metals and is found in large quantity in chlorella as well. In fact, it's because of its high level of chlorophyll that chlorella got its name. If you have problems with chlorella, then you could try liquid chlorophyll. It's usually advertised as a breath freshener but don't let that fool you. It is also very good at binding to heavy metals and helping to remove them from your body.

Magnesium Malate or Malic Acid Malic acid is one of the most potent aluminum detoxifiers. It helps reduce aluminum toxicity of the brain and for that reason could be used to help Alzheimer's disease. Malic acid has been


shown to increase fecal and urinary excretion of aluminum. It can also reduce the amount of aluminum found in the organs and tissues of the body.

N-acetylcysteine or N-A-C N-A-C can detox heavy metals as well as raise the level of glutathione. Glutathione is an important antioxidant amino acid which protects against mercury toxicity. N-A-C binds to heavy metals and removes them from the body. N-A-C is one of the most effective oral chelating agents, and if it is taken regularly over a period, it will remove many toxic heavy metals.

EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)

EDTA is an amino acid. It has been so effective at removing heavy metals from the blood, it has been the standard, FDA-approved treatment for lead, mercury, aluminum and cadmium poisoning for more than 50 years. It is a chelating agent designed to bind and inactivate certain trace metals. EDTA may deplete important vitamins and minerals so you should supplement with a daily multivitamin.

Heavy Metal Toxicity


Check if the following symptoms apply to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by aluminum.

Rough skin Excessive perspiration

Loss of former taste or craving for meat Nausea, inclination to vomit

Potatoes disagree Belching accompanied by head colds

Constipation accompanied by throbbing headaches

Numbness, stiffness or loss of sensation in arms/legs

Poor or failing memory Stitching or burning pain in the head with dizziness, relieved by eating

Aluminum does not belong in the human body, not in any amount. Avoid aluminum cooking vessels, foods or beverages in aluminum cans, aluminum foil, and aluminum (alum) containing substances, such as baking powder, buffered aspirin, antacids, antiperspirants, processed cheese.


Check if the following symptoms apply to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by cadmium.

High or low blood pressure Anemia

Emphysema Kidney disease

Cadmium is an environmental poison. Avoid exposure to solder, automobile exhaust, and cigarette smoke.


Check if the following symptoms apply to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has


– or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by lead.

Constipation Dizziness

Anxiety or irritability Nervousness or restlessness

Hand tremors Poor coordination

Convulsions, seizures Paralysis

Cramps or vague abdominal aches or discomfort

Sallow complexion, grayish-greenish-yellow tint

Lack of ambition, apathy or depression Catch colds, infections easily

Vomiting CHILDREN: Hyperactivity

Lead does not belong in the body. Avoid exposure to exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, solder and food in tins with solder seals. Supplementing with calcium and magnesium (if they are deficient) can help to displace lead in the bones. Lead can be reduced in the digestive tract by foods rich in pectin (e.g., apples, oranges, bananas, cherries, grapes, pineapple, tomatoes, peaches, raspberries, avocado, raisins, carob, sunflower seeds). Apples are the richest source of pectin, and from 3 to 6 daily are needed to have a significant lead-reducing effect.


Check if the following symptoms apply to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by mercury.

Tremors or poor coordination Inflamed gums

Loss of ability to speak High blood pressure

Diabetic tendencies Mental disturbances or personality changes

Poor memory Depression or uncontrollable crying

Metallic taste in the mouth Allergic tendencies

Loss of self-confidence Food cravings

Facial and back pain Loss of appetite


Mercury is an environmental poison. Consult a specialized holistic dentist to replace old, leaky mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings with composite or gold fillings.


Sources of arsenic include contaminated foods (especially seafood), water or medications. Industrial sources are ore smelting/refining/processing plants, galvanizing, etching and plating processes. Tailings from or river bottoms near gold mining areas (past or present) may contain arsenic. Insecticides, rodenticides, and fungicides (Na-, K- arsenites, arsenates, also oxides are commercially available). Commercial arsenic products include sodium arsenite, calcium arsenate, lead arsenate and "Paris green" (cupric acetoarsenite) a wood preservative. 70% of commercial chickens raised for meat in the U.S. are fed Roxarsone, a benzene arsenic compound, according to Science News. There is a concern that these deposits in the meat that humans consume and has become a source of arsenic contamination.

Arsenic must be methylated using methyl donors such as SAMe, trimethylglycine, dimethylglycine, methionine, etc. Some arsenic is bound to sulfur groups such as glutathione


and excreted in the urine or bile.

➢ Remove the individual from sources of arsenic.

➢ Give sulfurated methyl groups and foods rich in sulfurated amino acids (garlic, eggs, beans).

➢ Nutrients protective against the effects of arsenic include selenium, iodine, calcium, zinc, and vitamin C. Supportive therapy with magnesium, B-vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenomethionine, lipoic acid is recommended.

➢ Drink adequate water (an adult's urine volume should be > 2 liters/day). There are many symptoms associated with Arsenic toxicity. To name a few:

Discoloration of skin Stomach problems

Elevated liver functions Mental confusion

Fatigue Immune disorders

Chronic infections Muscle weakness in toes, ankles, fingers, wrists, and hands

Tingling of toes, feet, hands or fingertips which can eventually lead to burning and pinprick sensations

Lesson 3: Leaky Gut Syndrome

If the small intestine becomes more permeable than it is supposed to be (i.e., "leaky"), it allows abnormally large food molecules to enter the bloodstream. These incompletely digested molecules may stimulate allergic/immune responses both in the intestinal wall and elsewhere in the body. In additional to gastrointestinal complaints, symptoms may be produced in the skin (hives or eczema), joints (arthritis), lungs (asthma), or almost anywhere else. When the small intestine suffers impaired permeability, it both absorbs what it should not and does not absorb what it should. Vitamin B-12 and the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) pass through the leaky gut with great difficulty, often leaving the individual deficient in these vital nutrients. The healthy intestinal wall absorbs only proteins that have been broken down into single amino acids or into tiny molecules consisting of two or three amino acids (dipeptides, tripeptides). The small intestine is also the first line in our immune defense. Not only does it prevent harmful microbes and toxic substances from entering the bloodstream, but it also produces an antibody (secretory IgA) that neutralizes invaders and prevents them from attaching to membranes. A leaky gut allows not only oversize protein molecules to enter the bloodstream but also bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. When this happens, the body reacts with alarm. The immune system builds antibodies to these "foreign" molecules that do not belong. Many diverse allergic and auto-immune reactions may follow. Chronic fatigue is common, as it is a symptom of a body constantly struggling with a perpetual threat. Almost every meal creates systemic stress for the body that has a leaky gut. The longer the body is under siege in this way, the less able it is to produce the antibodies and hormones it needs to maintain normal functioning. Symptoms of a leaky gut include:

Constipation and/or diarrhea Abdominal pain or bloating


Indigestion or flatulence Chronic joint or muscle pains

Mucus or blood in stools Frequent fatigue, tiredness

Fuzzy thinking Confusion, poor memory

Mood swings Poor exercise tolerance

Weak immunity Shortness of breath

Skin rashes, hives, eczema Asthma, bronchitis, respiratory infections

Sinus or nasal congestion Food allergies/intolerance

Alcohol consumption makes one feel sick

A leaky gut may be caused by a gluten intolerance (celiac disease), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol, intestinal parasites, food sensitivities, candidiasis, or by continually overloading a sluggish digestive system with far more food than it can handle. All of the contributing factors need to be identified and eliminated in order to allow the intestinal wall to repair itself. Sometimes the intestinal lining becomes so weakened that it has difficulty in handling most solid foods, especially those containing any appreciable amount of protein or starch. In such cases, it needs complete rest in order to recover. The medical option would be parenteral nutrition, in which all food is taken intravenously, giving the small intestine nothing to do except healing itself. Fortunately, there is a less extreme approach that can work as well. It relies on getting one’s nutritional requirements from generous amounts of predigested (hydrolyzed) protein, fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and olive oil.

Healing the Intestinal Wall The surface microvilli in the small intestine are highly regenerative. If given a total rest from everything that irritates them, individual microvilli can repair themselves within four to five days. If the damage is extensive, deep tears in the intestinal wall, healing will take much longer. And healing needs to be total for the body’s overall health to be restored. A leaky gut cannot process large protein molecules, so these are to be avoided. Starches and disaccharide sugars (sucrose, lactose) are also to be avoided because a damaged intestinal wall is unable to produce the final enzymes needed to break them down. Incompletely digested starches and sugars remain in the gut, fermenting and feeding pathogenic bacteria, candida and other microbes that continue to attack the intestinal wall. It is also necessary to avoid any foods to which a person has unique sensitivities. To continue to eat these is to keep stressing the intestinal lining. The form of sugar that is most compatible with healing a leaky gut is fructose (fruit sugar). Fructose is a monosaccharide, a simple sugar that is ready to be absorbed through the intestinal wall without requiring any action by digestive enzymes. Fructose has the same chemical formula as glucose, but its molecule twists in the opposite direction. Before the body can use fructose, the liver has to change it into glucose, a conversion that takes about 22 minutes or so. This fructose is not released into the bloodstream quite as quickly as glucose.

Foods to Avoid In order to heal the leaky gut it is necessary to eliminate all the following:


➢ Milk products (butter, buttermilk, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, ice milk, kefir, milk, quark, yogurt).

➢ Grains (amaranth, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, corn, couscous, kamut, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, semolina, spelt, triticale, wheat, wild rice).

➢ Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, soy/tofu, etc). ➢ Starchy vegetables (beets, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes,

turnip, yams). ➢ High glycemic fruits (banana, dried fruits, fruit juices). ➢ Sugars (brown sugar, cane juice, corn syrup, demerara sugar, dextri-maltose, dextrose,

glucose, icing sugar, malto-dextrin, maltose, maple sugar, molasses, raw sugar, rice syrup, sucrose, table sugar, turbinado sugar, white sugar).

➢ Alcoholic beverages.

The Diet: Phase I Phase I of the diet to heal the leaky gut consists only of the following foods:

• An elemental nutrient (protein-fiber) formula that is described below. This formula may be blended with water and fresh fruit (not fruit juice) to make a "smoothie".

• Fresh, whole fruits, of as wide a variety as possible, preferably organic, and in any reasonable quantity to satisfy hunger – including apples, apricots, berries (all kinds), cantaloupe, cherries, crabapples, currants, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, oranges, papaya, passion fruit, peaches, pears, persimmon, pineapple, plums, pomegranate, star fruit, tangerine, watermelon.

• Fresh, non-starchy vegetables, preferably organic, and in any reasonable quantity to satisfy hunger – including alfalfa sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, beet greens, bell peppers, bok choi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chicory greens, chives, cilantro, clove sprouts, collard greens, crookneck squash, cucumber, daikon, dandelion greens, eggplant, endive, escarole, fennel, garlic, ginger, green beans, horseradish, iceberg lettuce, jicama, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, okra, onions, radish, romaine lettuce, mustard greens, parsley, pickles, sauerkraut, scallions, snap peas, snow peas, spaghetti squash, spinach, summer squash, swiss chard, tomatillo, tomatoes, turnip greens, watercress, wax beans, yellow beans, zucchini.

• Organic olive oil, 2 to 3 tablespoons per day, taken at the same time as the non-starchy vegetables (e.g., as a salad dressing).

• Honey (a source of fructose), 1 tablespoon per day, between meals or with fruits. • Beverages: purified water, herbal teas, decaffeinated teas, decaffeinated coffee. • Condiments: lemon juice, lime juice, vinegar.

All the above are to be consumed according to the following guidelines:

• Have the largest meal of the day at noon. • Wait three hours after any meal that contains olive oil before consuming the next meal or

snack. • Wait 30 minutes after the fruit or the elemental protein-fiber formula before consuming a

meal that contains olive oil. • As long as the above timing guidelines are followed, fresh fruit or veggies (without oil) may

be consumed as a separate snack as often as desired throughout the day.


Protein Fiber Formula This powdered protein-fiber formula was developed for the primary purpose of helping to heal the leaky gut: hydrolyzed protein or rice protein, vegetable Fiber (flax meal, xanthan gum). Because this formula provides only hydrolyzed (predigested) amino acids, its elemental nutrients are ready to be passing directly through the intestinal wall without requiring any action by digestive enzymes. The fiber in this formula prevents constipation that accompanies low residue diets. Blend it with water. Add fresh berries or fruits to make a "smoothie." May also be used as an "instant breakfast" or as a protein supplement for athletes and bodybuilders (Because this formula does not provide any essential fatty acids, vitamins or minerals, it is not to be used as a sole source of nutrition). The fiber in this formula is highly absorptive and requires a high-water intake to be effective. For that reason, it is best to drink one 10 oz (300 mL) glass of water immediately before consuming this protein-fiber blend and another similar-sized glass shortly afterward. It is also advisable to drink several smaller sized glasses of water (4 - 6 oz./120 - 180 mL) at various times throughout the day. Those with sluggish metabolisms may at first become constipated if they do not take enough water with this formula. Those with rapid metabolisms may initially develop loose stools from it, in which case they can reduce their water intake slightly and add a level tablespoon of finely ground psyllium hulls to each protein-fiber mixture.

If consuming this protein-fiber formula produces intestinal gas, it means that the beneficial intestinal floras need replenishment. To correct this imbalance, take several capsules daily of dairy-free Lactobacillus Acidophilus (2 billion-plus bacteria size) and spread this intake throughout the day. Over the next several weeks, gradually reduce the number of acidophilus capsules to a maintenance level at which no more intestinal gas is produced.

Length of Remedy The intestinal healing program consists of two parts, each of which lasts for three weeks. Part 1 includes only those foods on the above "acceptable" list. No vitamin, mineral, glandular or herbal supplements of any kind -- also no spices and no herbal teas. In Part 2 the dietary guidelines are the same, except that protein foods may be added, such as eggs, fish, poultry, fermented soy (miso, tempeh, or tofu only) may be consumed (preferably organic). Every time protein is eaten, an appropriate number of digestive enzymes is also to be taken. All vitamin/mineral/herbal supplements appropriate to the individual’s needs are also to be taken during this phase. Proteins may be combined with the non-starchy vegetables and with the olive oil, but not with fruits and not with the elemental meal replacement formula. The complete program consists of three weeks on Part 1, followed by 3 weeks on Part 2, followed by three weeks on Part 1 ... and so on ... for up to six months to heal the most stubborn cases. It is a strict and challenging program to follow, but it is what the small intestine needs in order to do its own healing in the shortest possible time. If at any time the program should cause undue hardship, then modify it – either by adding particular supplements to Part 1 or by shortening the time spent on Part 1 and lengthening the time spent on Part 2. Dairy products, grains, legumes, starches, and di-saccharide sugars are the enemies of intestinal healing. If you must consume any of them during the program, do so infrequently. Your body


can more easily handle a large quantity consumed occasionally than small amounts that are eaten every day. The leaky gut both absorbs what it should not and does not absorb what it should. Its ability to absorb essential fatty acids, certain vitamins (e.g., A, D, E, B-12, folic acid) and certain minerals (e.g., copper, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc) are greatly impaired. Thus, a person with this syndrome may have significant deficiencies of several key nutrients in spite of an adequate intake of them. Supplementing with generous amounts of these factors can both compensate for their poor absorption and speed the healing process.

Useful Laboratory Tests for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Most of the pertinent tests require a stool sample, and kits can be provided directly by the practitioner to the patient. Food allergy tests require a serum sample, which is performed by a registered phlebotomist or lab, who gives the spun serum back to the patient to mail. See Low levels do not require aggressive anti-Candida treatment, whereas high levels do. The blood antibody test for Candida is not very useful as it tends to show only in the severely immunosuppressed, such as AIDS patients. The better Candida tests use a stool sample, and I would recommend There are other tests that are useful. ACHY (anti-chymotrypsin factor) is measured in the stool and is a direct marker for small intestine inflammation; it often indicates food allergies. However, in a chronic case where the immune system has plummeted, the ACHY can look normal. This means that the immune system is too depleted to mount an adequate defense at the site of the mucosal membrane.

Secretory IgA (SIgA) is a direct marker of the patient’s immune system at the site of the mucosal lining of the small intestine, also measured by stool. However, as far as educating the patient and getting compliance, this is a good test for the patient to see. The Iridology assessment and the Symptomatology questionnaire, like the one in this manual (below), are a good start in helping a client regardless of analytical tests.

Leaky Gut Self-Help Appraisal

Check if any of these symptoms apply to you:

Constipation and/or diarrhea Abdominal pain or bloating

Indigestion or flatulence Mucous or blood in the stool

Chronic joint or muscle pains Frequent fatigue or tiredness

Fuzzy Thinking Confusion, poor memory

Mood swings Poor exercise tolerance

Weak immunity Shortness of breath

Skin rashes, hives, eczema Asthma, bronchitis, respiratory infections

Sinus or nasal congestion Food allergies/intolerances

Alcohol consumption makes you feel sick

Scale: Any such symptoms may indicate a leaky gut: 2-3 mild, 4-6 moderate, 7-9 severe, 10+ critical


Lesson 4: Candida

Candida albicans and other strains of Candida are the yeast that normally inhabits our digestive system: the mouth, throat, intestines and genitourinary tract. Candida is a normal part of the bowel flora (the organisms that naturally live inside our intestines and are not parasitic). It has many functions inside our digestive tract, one of them to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. Without Candida albicans in our intestines, we would be defenseless against many pathogen bacteria. A healthy person can have a million of Candida albicans. Our immune system is supposed to keep it under control, together with "friendly" bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus, B. bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, and L. salivarius ...). If the number of friendly bacteria is decreased (antibiotics, pesticides, chlorine...) in relation to a number of Candida, the immune system is weakened or other conditions for yeast proliferation occur (a diet high in sugar, improper pH in the digestive system). Candida albicans will shift from yeast to mycelial fungal form and start to invade the body. In the yeast state, Candida is a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism, while in the fungal state it is invasive and can produce rhizoids, very long root-like structures. Rhizoids can penetrate mucosa or intestinal walls, leaving microscopic holes and allowing toxins, undigested food particles and bacteria and yeast to enter the bloodstream. This condition is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome, one more name for the food and environmental intolerances. If you crave sweets, feel sick all over, have taken many antibiotics, have seen many physicians and have not found help and developing food allergies then your health problems are probably yeast connected. Same of your health problems could be caused by intoxication: mercury, fluoride or lead toxicity, or the Epstein-Barr syndrome, or an allergy or a glandular imbalance, or almost anything, but most likely you've got a combination of problems. By treating and preventing Candida overgrowth, you will make your body much stronger to deal with the other conditions. If you have no trace of a Candida problem (unlikely), you will still benefit from a thorough intestinal clean-up, and your overall condition will improve regardless of what you are suffering from.

Candida Yeast Infection Self-Exams

These 3 Self-Tests are provided to help you determine if Candida Albicans yeast infection Overgrowth is likely. Each one of these tests is just a general indicator. If you test positive or score high on any one of them, it means that you probably have Candida Overgrowth dysbiosis and it would be in your best interest to get a more accurate medical test. Generally, the higher your score the greater is the urgency.


Self-Test 1 - My Diet How Often Do You Eat or Drink Theses Food?

First, let us say there is nothing inherently wrong with any of the above foods. Everyone enjoys a treat every now and then. However, if you find yourself eating these kinds of foods several times a week, much less every day or several times a day, then it definitely indicates trouble. That "sweet tooth" could indicate a deeper underlying health problem like Candida Albicans yeast infection Overgrowth. With the exception of fruit, most of the items above are not even real foods. They are packaged, processed, refined and lifeless. They are loaded with sugar. If you are craving sugar (and you are if you eat these types of foods) then the chances are high that you are feeding the yeast.

Self-Test 2 - My Body Fluids

You heard it right, this is a spit test. The best time to do this test is the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Before you rinse, spit, or put anything in your mouth, go get a glass of water (in a clear glass). Now build up saliva (just mouth saliva, do not cough up anything) and spit it into the glass of water. Observe what happens.


The saliva will float. That is OK and normal. If within 15 minutes you see thin projections extending downward into the water, it is a positive sign for Candida. The projections may look like hair, or small strings, like a jellyfish, or spider legs, moving down into the water from the saliva floating on the top. Other positive indications might be very "cloudy" saliva that will sink to the bottom of the glass within a few minutes or particles that slowly sink or suspend below the saliva glob. What you are seeing are colonies of yeast, which bond together to form the strings.

Self-Test 3 - Checklist for Candida Albicans

This test is reviewing the signs and symptoms to determine if you have Candida Albicans yeast infection overgrowth. Candida Albicans Yeast Infection Overgrowth. Candida Overgrowth (CO) symptoms are so numerous and seemingly unrelated that they can be confusing to both doctor and patient. The majority of people who have CO do not realize they have it until they become seriously ill. Why? Because candida yeast not only steals nutrients from the food that you eat, it then poisons the tissues with wastes material containing over 75 known toxins. Candida albicans is linked, directly or indirectly, to the following list of conditions and symptoms. A "symptom" is an outward sign that points to a deeper problem.

Review the 80 likely symptoms listed below to see if any apply to you. Give yourself ONE POINT for each of those which you have had persistently (for a month or longer, either currently or at any time in the past).

Digestive troubles

Bad Breath Gas/Bloating Indigestion Diarrhea

Constipation Intestinal Pain Low Blood Sugar Food/sugar cravings

Mouth/stomach ulcers

Allergies (Air or Food)

Food Sensitivities Heartburn

Dry Mouth Receding Gums Hemorrhoids, rectal itch

Irritable bowel


Anti-social Behavior Suicidal Tendencies Insomnia Depression

Anxiety, high strung Irritability

Skin & Joint Problems

Thrush, Diaper Rash Acne, Skin Rash or Hives

Dry Skin & Itching Finger, toe/foot Fungus

Athlete’s Foot Liver Spots Water Retention Joint Pain

Muscle Aches Numbness


Hyperactivity Attention Deficit Disorder

Lack of Impulse Control

Female Problems

Infertility Vaginal Yeast Infection

Menstrual Problems PMS Symptoms

Bladder Infections Endometriosis No Sex Drive Hormonal Imbalance

Iron Deficiency

Mental & Emotional


Dizziness Mental Fogginess, (Confused, spaced-out, blank stares, daydreaming)

Inability to Concentrate (Having to re-read the same thing twice)

Poor memory (Where are my car keys? or, Why did I come into this room?)

Mood Swings Headaches

Immune Problems

Lethargic/Laziness Chronic Fatigue Asthma, Hay Fever Colds & Flu

Puffy Eyes Respiratory Problems

Chemical Sensitivity Epstein Barr Virus

Adrenal/Thyroid Failure

Cold/Shaky Ear Infections Chronic sore throat

Postnasal drip Hair Loss Stuffed sinus (sinusitis)


Underweight Diabetes Burning Eyes Premature Aging


Calculate the total score. (one point per symptom)

0-4 points: Indicates variations of normal living (unless persistent and severe). 5-9 Points: Indicates a Clear Pattern shows likely development of CO dysbiosis. 10 or more: Indicates Strong Pattern and almost certain CO dysbiosis.

Yeast Overgrowth (Candida) Self-help Appraisal

Rate the symptom according to the scale below:

0-Never, 1-Seldom, 2-Occasionally, 3-Frequently, 4-infrequently with severe symptoms, 5 - Almost always

Gas Fatigue Depression Irritability

Bloating Chronic rashes Headaches Antibiotic use

Infertility Joint or muscle pain Heartburn General itchiness

Itchy anus Intestinal cramping

Multiple allergies Weight problems

Itchy ears or ringing in the ears

Menstrual cramps and other menstrual problems

Craving for sweets, alcohol, bread, cheese

Chronic or recurring sore Throats, colds, bronchitis, ear infections

Premenstrual symptoms

Feel drunk without having ingested alcohol

Chemical and fume intolerance

Continual sinus problems (allergies, infections)

Crohn's disease, colitis

Chemotherapy or radiation

Cortisone or steroid use

Birth control pills (oral contraceptive)

Recurrent bladder infection or irritation

Constipation and/or diarrhea

Recurrent staph infections

Spastic/irritable colon

Multiple pregnancies Recurrent or chronic vaginal yeast infections

Worsening of any of the above symptoms within six to twelve months after a pregnancy


Calculate the total score. Scores: 1-20 mild, 21-35 moderate, 36-50 severe and 51 and over is critical

Alternative Approach to Candida Problems Alternative practitioners recommend individualized programs that usually combine diet and supplements. Diet should be sugar-free and yeast-free. Supplements are introduced gradually to avoid a temporary worsening of symptoms called a "die-off" or Herxheimer reaction. This is because when Candida is killed, they release protein fragments and toxins that can trigger an antibody response from the immune system. Improvement in symptoms is usually noticed after two to four weeks.


The beneficial bacteria acidophilus is thought to control Candida by making the intestinal tract more acidic, discouraging the growth of Candida, and by producing hydrogen peroxide, which directly kills Candida. Research has shown that supplementing with a hydrogen peroxide-producing strain of acidophilus, DDS-1 greatly reduced the incidence of antibiotic-induced yeast infections. These beneficial bacteria also help to restore the microbial balance within the digestive tract.


One teaspoon to one tablespoon of soluble fiber containing guar gum, psyllium husks, flaxseeds or pectin can be mixed in an 8 oz glass of water two times per day on an empty stomach.

Enteric-coated essential oils

Enteric-coated capsules containing oregano oil, peppermint oil, and other volatile oils are thought to prevent the overgrowth of Candida. It is usually recommended for at least several months. A standard dosage is two capsules two times a day with water, in between meals. Pure volatile oils can be quite toxic in this amount so the liquid form of these oils should never be ingested, and the capsules should not be broken open before ingesting.

Enteric-coated garlic

Garlic capsules that have been enteric-coated to open when they reach the intestines are often be used in combination with the volatile oils. Take one capsule two times per day with the enteric-coated volatile oil is a typical recommendation. Other valuable supplements are caprylic acid from coconuts, oleic acid from olive oil, oregano oil, and Pau D'arco. There are many combination products formulated for Candida that contain these herbs and supplements.


Lesson 5: Colon Health and Intestinal Parasites Dysbiosis (Unhealthy Intestines)

Dr. Metchinkoff, a Russian Scientist, was the one to popularize the idea of "Dys-symbiosis, or Dysbiosis," which is a state of living with intestinal flora that has harmful effects. He suggested that toxic amines produced by bacterial putrefaction of food were the cause of degenerative diseases and that by ingesting fermented foods containing Lactobacilli we could prolong life by decreasing gut putrefaction. The consideration of dysbiosis with digestive flora as an influence in the development of inflammatory diseases and cancer has received considerable experimental support over the past two decades.

What is Dysbiosis? Dysbiosis means there is an overgrowth of yeast, harmful bacteria, viruses or parasites in the intestines. Dysbiosis is merely a more general term relating to an overgrowth of pathogens. Yeast is not the only intestinal resident that may cause these symptoms. In fact, intestinal bacteria or viruses are often the culprits and not yeast. Severe dysbiosis sufferers will have an overgrowth of both yeast and pathogenic bacteria in their intestines. Symptoms of Dysbiosis

Dysbiosis does more than interfere with digestion, it makes you tired. Dysbiosis also alters your immune system and upsets your hormonal balance. Dysbiosis can even make it difficult for you to think clearly. Dysbiosis is known to cause anxiety, depression or mood swings. Dysbiosis can affect almost every aspect of health.

If you have dysbiosis, then you are likely to suffer from fatigue, headaches, intestinal upsets, and many of the symptoms normally attributed to Candida.

What causes Dysbiosis?

Altered ratios of the gut flora may produce disease. Bacterial enzymes can alter the intestinal environment in numerous ways, some of which can be easily measured in a properly collected sample of stool and evaluated by

Bacterial antigens may cause dysfunctional immune responses that contribute to autoimmune diseases of the bowel and of connective tissue. Effective treatment of dysbiosis may be achieved with diet and anti-microbial supplements. Failure of common approaches using fiber and Lacto-bacilli is a strong indication of small bowel bacterial overgrowth, a disorder that demands a different approach.

Based on available research and clinical data, there are four general causes of dysbiosis: putrefaction, fermentation, deficiency, and sensitization.

Putrefaction Putrefaction dysbiosis results from diets high in fat and animal flesh and low in insoluble fiber.


Putrefaction dysbiosis is corrected by decreasing dietary fat and flesh, increasing fiber consumption and feeding Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus preparations. As there is a decrease in friendly bacteria, the production of short-chain fatty acids and other beneficial nutrients is decreased. There is also an increase in ammonia which can have negative effects on many bodily functions. Research suggests that this type of dysbiosis in contributing to colon cancer and breast cancer.

Fermentation (Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth) This is a condition of overgrowth of bacteria in the stomach, small intestine and beginning of the large intestine and causes carbohydrate intolerance. This may be the only symptom of bacterial overgrowth, making it indistinguishable from intestinal candidiasis Gastric bacterial overgrowth increases the risk of systemic infection. British physicians working with the gut-fermentation syndrome have tentatively concluded, based on treatment results, that the majority of cases are due to overgrowth and about 20% are bacterial in origin. The symptoms include abdominal distension, carbohydrate intolerance, fatigue, and impaired mental function. Bacterial overgrowth here is encouraged by

• Hypochlorhydria

• Sluggishness due to abnormal bowel motility

• Immune deficiency

• Malnutrition

Gastric bacterial overgrowth increases the risk of systemic infection and can lead to intolerance to carbohydrate. Any carbohydrate ingested is fermented by bacteria and results in the production of toxic waste products. Dietary sugars can be fermented to produce ethanol. Chronic exposure of the small bowel to ethanol may impair intestinal permeability.

Deficiency Exposure to antibiotics or a diet low in soluble fiber may create a deficiency of normal friendly flora, including Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus, and E.Coli. This condition has been described in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and food intolerance.

Deficiency and putrefaction dysbiosis are complementary conditions which often occur at the same time and call for the same treatment regime.

Sensitization Aggravation of abnormal immune responses to components of the normal intestinal flora may


contribute to the development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis), spinal arthritis and other connective tissue disease and skin disorders such as psoriasis or acne.

Recommendations for Putrefaction and Fermentation Dysbiosis

For putrefaction dysbiosis, a diet high in both soluble and insoluble fiber and low in saturated fat and animal protein is recommended.

These dietary changes help to lower the concentrations of Bactericides and also increase concentrations of lactic acid-producing bacteria like Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillus and beneficial lactic acid streptococcus in the colon.

For fermentation dysbiosis, on the other hand, starch and soluble fiber can exacerbate the abnormal gut ecology. When the small intestine is involved, simple sugars are also not advisable. A diet free of cereal grains and added sugar is recommended.

Fruit, fat and starchy vegetables are tolerated to a variable degree for each individual. Oligosaccharides found in some vegetables, carrots, in particular, inhibit the binding of enterobacteria to the intestinal mucosa.

"...Purify me with Hyssop and I shall be clean" Psalm 51:7

A parasite is an organism that derives its food, nutrition, and shelter by living in or on another organism. Humans may be a host to over 100 different types of parasites. Although underdeveloped countries have a greater problem with parasites, the developed countries like the United States, have their share of parasitic infestation problems due to unhealthy diet habits, poor hygiene, and compromised immune systems. This article will limit the discussion of parasites to intestinal parasites like tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms, trichinosis, giardia, and ameba. Parasites cause a host of problems in human beings. A great concern is that parasitic infestation goes unnoticed. It is not always diagnosed. The signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites are anal itches, digestive disturbance like gas and diarrhea, allergic reactions, asthma, anemia, restlessness, grinding of teeth at night, snoring, poor immune function, fever, paleness of skin, fatigue, constant hunger, and poor liver function. Parasites can be found in any disease and their establishment in the body do four things:

➢ Worms can cause physical trauma to the body by the perforation of the intestines, the circulatory system, the lungs, the liver and so on.

➢ These worms that travel outside the intestines like the roundworm can erode, damage or block certain organ function.

➢ Parasites have to eat, so they rob us of our nutrients. Many people become anemic. Drowsiness after meals is another sign that worms may be present.

➢ The last and most important way these scavengers cause damage is by poisoning us with their toxic waste. Each worm gives off certain metabolic waste products that already weakened bodies have trouble disposing of.


Facts: In the southeastern parts of the USA, up to 64% of the people may carry roundworms. The tapeworm is long, flat, ribbon-like and is common in all parts of the world. It is very common in the United States. It can become 4 - 8 feet in length. It can cause unclear thinking, dizziness, low blood sugar, and pernicious anemia. About 1% of American cattle are infected and only about 80% of the cattle are inspected for this worm. 25% of all infections are missed during inspections.

How to Prevent Parasites

• Avoid raw or undercooked beef, pork, fish and chicken. Pork tends to contain Trichinosis.

• Avoid or reduce sweets. They set up a favorable environment for parasites.

• Do not drink mountain water or water in underdeveloped countries.

• Avoid parasitic infested vegetables like water chestnuts and watercress.

• Make sure you wash all your fruits and vegetables thoroughly before cooking them.

• Practice proper bodily hygiene.

• Make sure your diet is rich in fiber. 25 grams per day is the adult requirement. Fiber keeps the intestinal tract clean and therefore creating an environment unfavorable to parasites.

• Eat yogurt twice a week in order to obtain good friendly bacterias (acidophilus). These bacterias are conducive to good intestinal health.

• Add raw garlic and onions to your diet. They help prevent the growth of parasites in the body.

• When traveling to underdeveloped countries take along Grapefruit Seed Extract. Use 1-2 drops daily in 8 oz of water for parasitic prevention. Oregano Oil softgels are also effective. Use 1 softgel each morning and one in the evening.

Natural ways to expel parasites: Seek medical attention when necessary. (This information is not to replace competent medical attention, but to offer natural ways to parasite removal) Roundworms (includes pinworms) - Use an herbal combination extract made of Black Walnut Leaves, Wormwood, Quassia, and Garlic. Trichinosis - 3 drops of Oil of Wintergreen in 1 teaspoon of Blackstrap Molasses twice daily for 3 months. After 3 months take Magnesium Oxide tablets - 3 tabs twice daily for 3 weeks. Giardia - Goldenseal Tincture. 7 drops 3 times daily. This parasite is picked up from drinking contaminated water. Ameba - An herbal combination of Goldenrod, Goldenseal root, and Cloves. Jasmine tea is also effective. Tapeworms - A combination made of Pumpkin Seeds, Garlic, Cramp bark, Capsicum and Thyme is effective. 4 caps 3 times daily. These remedies should be used for at least several weeks at a time. Complete colon detoxification is highly advised in any parasite removal regime.


Hydrated Bentonite Clay

Bentonite is a natural and powerful detoxicant derived from a mineral-rich volcanic clay. For centuries, native tribes around the world have recognized and benefited from the healing properties of bentonite clay in internal and external applications. In the early 20th century, bentonite clay was used by the British Army in India to treat acute bacterial food poisoning and in China to help treat cholera. We use a special process to refine the raw bentonite clay to remove mica, dirt and other impurities, in order to concentrate the active detoxifying ingredient, montmorillonite ("mont-mor-ill-o-nite"). This procedure places montmorillonite into a colloidal suspension and retains its innate negative charge. These properties allow the powerful adsorption (physical binding) of positively charged substances(most metabolic, environmental, and chemical wastes are positively charged). Montmorillonite possesses the ability to absorb about 40 times its own weight in positively charged substances present in the alimentary canal. Because montmorillonite has such strong adsorptive properties and is not digested, it tightly binds toxic material to be excreted.

History of Use Bentonite is not a new product. Primitive tribes of various continents have been using volcanic ash for centuries for various conditions of ill health. Primitives used to carry with them a ball of bentonite clay, which they would mix with water. They would dip their food into it before eating to prevent "sick stomach". Liquid bentonite was used for centuries in China for summer diarrhea and cholera. In 1712, Father Deutrecolle, a Jesuit Missionary, described the clay works in China and mentioned that the clay (bentonite) was used for diarrhea. The use of bentonite as an adjunct to medications during the Balkan war of 1910 helped to reduce the mortality from cholera among the soldiers from 60% to 3% and also proved valuable in the 1919 cholera epidemic in China. In India, bentonite was found useful for acute bacterial food poisoning encountered by the British Army. For over 50 years, we have made this ancient secret available for the modern man. imagine, natural clay that can draw pesticides, clean and disinfect wounds, support immune function, and make food and water safe for consumption - without side effects!

What is Bentonite? Bentonite is a natural clay mineral formed in the extreme heat and pressure of a volcano. In ages past, it was blown into the sky by volcanic action, and sifted down to earth to help impregnate the soil with its 25 - 35 trace minerals. Sometimes it accumulates in layers or veins from which it is presently mined. Although bentonite contains a rich amount of minerals, there is no evidence that we can absorb any of its mineral content. Anyone who tries to sell the product on the basis of the minerals in it is only guessing. Many products on the market use bentonite in a raw and unprocessed form. However, our bentonite is different. In making our Detoxificant we start with the highest quality bentonite (U.S.P. Grade) and mix it with purified demineralized water. During our exclusive and secret process, the mica and impurities are removed, and the purified montmorillonite is put into a liquid colloidal-gel state. The product is sterilized and subjected to independent laboratory analysis for heavy metals and microbiology, ensuring a substance suitable for internal use and detoxification.


The Expert's Opinion

Dr. Robert T. Martin is a mineralogist and one of America´s outstanding authorities on bentonite. According to his research, its action is due to five characteristics:

➢ It has large and varied mineral content. ➢ It has a negative electrical attraction for positively charged particles. In the human body,

various toxic poisons are positively charged. ➢ Seen under a high power microscope, bentonite is composed of extremely minute

rectangular particles in the shape of a credit card. The wide surfaces are negatively charged and the edges are positively charged. Therefore, its adsorptive power is many thousand times more negative than positive.

➢ The very minuteness of its particles gives it a large surface area in proportion to the volume used, enabling it to pick up many times its own weight in positively charged particles.

➢ To obtain maximum effectiveness in the human body, it should be put in a liquid colloidal-gel state. This is why we do not keep it as a powder or put it into a tablet form to save shipping costs.

Dr. Martin stated that one gram (1/28 ounce) of our product has a surface area of 800 sq. meters. This is 40 times that of its commercial competitors. The larger the surface area, the greater its power to pick up positively charged particles (toxins). An edition of the Dispensatory of the United States of America states:

"In aqueous suspension, the individual particles of bentonite are negatively charged, thus resulting in a strong attraction for positively charged particles and being responsible for the ability of bentonite to clarify such liquid as containing positively charged particles of suspended matter."

Since bentonite has such strong adsorptive powers, its consumption could theoretically render unavailable some nutrients, as certain vitamins, by adsorbing them from the alimentary canal. However, independent experiments designed to find out how much such adsorption might adversely affect the growth and health of experimental animals indicated no ill effects when the intake of bentonite was 25% of the total diet. (Reference: Annals of N.Y. Academy of Science, Vol. 57, page 678). Our product is mostly water, with only a small proportion of bentonite. In order for the bentonite in our product to reach a toxic level (i.e., 50% of the total diet) it would be necessary to consume a 3-year supply each day for an extended period of time. Montmorillonite is classified as a hydrated aluminum silicate. But, it is very different from the aluminum used in cooking utensils, deodorants, and other preparations. The aluminum molecule is integral to the structure of montmorillonite, and cannot be removed by normal digestive processes. A perfect accompaniment to bentonite is psyllium fiber mixed together in juice, this Cleansing Drink offers the scrubbing and roughage benefits from soluble and insoluble fiber from psyllium and the detoxification properties of bentonite.

Note: Some individuals need to start out slowly with bentonite and psyllium, with maybe a third the daily dose and work up. Some may not tolerate it at all and the practitioner should recommend colonics at that point. Remember that much water must be drunk when using this item.


Toxic Bowel Self-Help Appraisal

Rate the symptom according to the scale below.

0-Never, 1-Seldom, 2-Occasionally, 3-Frequently, 4-infrequently with severe symptoms, 5-Almost always

Constipation (hard or difficult stools)

Bowel movements usually less often than once a day

Incomplete bowel elimination

Constipation alternating with diarrhea

High blood cholesterol

Food allergies Bad breath Body odor

Coated tongue Bad digestion Headache Excessive gas

Acne, boils, folliculitis Reliance on laxatives Hemorrhoids Ulcers

Abdominal fullness, bloating

Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis

Too many refined grains

Gallbladder problems

Varicose veins Gum disease High sugar diet Appendicitis

Heart disease Diabetes Insufficient fluid Excessive cheese

Colorectal cancer Diverticulosis Low fiber diet Low back pain

Hiatal hernia

Calculate the total score.

Scores: 1-20 mild, 21-35 moderate, 36-50 severe, 51 and over is critical

Lesson 6: Food Sensitivities

Undiagnosed food sensitivities affect more than half the population. Almost everyone has at least one sensitivity. Many people are not aware, however, that their symptoms may be caused by inappropriate food choices. They continue to eat the same foods, day after day, never getting complete relief from supplements or lifestyle changes.

Food sensitivities are of two basic types: allergies and intolerances. An allergy is an unnatural immune response to a specific protein in a food that is otherwise harmless to most people. Intolerance is an inability to digest or metabolize a particular food constituent, due to exceeding the body’s ability to handle it. In either case, if our body’s functioning is impaired in any way by an offending food, then we need to stop eating it.

Unless you are specifically looking for food sensitivities, you are unlikely to find them. Their symptoms are elusive. They can mimic almost any ailment and affect almost any organ or tissue in the body. The most tell-tale sign of food sensitivity is chronic fatigue – not the usual kind, but almost painful tiredness that is not helped by bed rest. No matter how much sleep one has, one never feels rested.

Other symptoms of hidden food sensitivities may include:

Dark or puffy circles under the eyes Spastic colon, colitis, irritable bowel

Minor, chronic complaints that recur High blood pressure

Bed-wetting, uncontrolled urination Enlargement of lymph glands in the neck


Insomnia, sleep disturbances Heavy sweating not related to exercise

Fluid retention Muscle spasms, aching muscles

Painful, stiff or swollen joints Depression or crying spells

Sinus attacks Catch colds easily.

Repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia Hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder

Constipation or diarrhea Marked fluctuations in weight

Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, dermatitis Irritability

Bladder infections Dry stuffy nose, tendency to pick nose

Runny nose Bloating or puffiness in the face

Bronchial asthma Migraine headaches

Chronic ear infections

Almost any food has the ability to cause adverse reactions, depending on one’s individual sensitivity to it. Some people react to food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), sulfating agents, benzoate preservatives, and tartrazine food colorings. Most sensitivities, however, are to everyday natural foods. Common offenders include milk products, wheat, egg, chocolate, caffeine, orange, strawberries, peanut, nuts, corn, potato, sugar, shellfish, tomato, pork, beef, sugar, and soy.

Addiction and sensitivity are two sides of the same coin. Any foods that we crave or feel we cannot do without are often the culprits causing untoward bodily responses. Unless we track down and totally eliminate the offending foods, complete relief is not possible. The biggest mistake that most people make in dealing with sensitivities is believing that a little bit won’t hurt. A little bit of poison is still a poison. Even one molecule can be too much. Unless elimination is total, complete relief is not possible. There are several self-help ways to track down and identify hidden sensitivities – including food diaries, elimination diets, pulse testing, and blood pressure monitoring.


Lesson 7: pH

Even in plain, distilled water, because of the hydrogen bonding, sometimes one of the hydrogen protons from one water molecule “jumps over” to one of the pairs of unshared electrons in another water molecule (leaving its electron behind). Thus, ions of H3O+ (hydronium ion) and OH– (hydroxide ion) are formed. This reaction would be written as 2H2O H3O+ + OH–. Somebody figured out that in one liter of pure, distilled water, there will be 0.0000001 M each of H3O+ (often written as H+) and of OH– present.

Rather than having to write out all that, chemists came up with the concept of pH as a shorthand way to keep track of how much H3O+ is present in a solution. First, the 0.0000001 M is converted to scientific notation, so becomes 1 × 10–7. Next, the exponent or logarithm of that number is found: the logarithm of 1 × 10–7 is simply –7. Then, since scientists, like other people, don’t like to have to do any more writing than necessary, the negative (–) sign is removed. Based on all of this, pH = –log[H+], or pH is equal to the negative logarithm of the hydrogen (hydronium) ion concentration (“[ ]” means “the concentration of”). If other substances are added, the concentrations of hydrogen (hydronium) and hydroxide ions (notated as [H+] and [OH–]) may change, but pH is always based on the hydrogen ion concentration, [H+]. If [H+] is greater than 0.0000001 M, (like 0.0001 or 10–4 so pH = 4), that solution is an acid, and if [H+] is less than 0.0000001 M, (like 0.0000000001 or 10–10 so pH = 10) the solution is a base. Somebody figured out that [H+] × [OH–] always equals 10–14, so if one increases, the other decreases, proportionately, such that the product of the two will always be 10–14. An acid is a substance which adds H+ to a solution. A base is a substance which subtracts H+ from or adds OH– to a solution. A neutral solution has a pH of 7. If the pH of a solution is less than 7 (because [H+] is greater than 10–7) the solution is an acid, and if the pH is greater than 7 (because [H+] is less than 10–7) the solution is a base. Biological substances like lemon juice and vinegar are acids, and both of these have pH values around 3. The hydrochloric acid (HCl) in toilet bowl cleaner and in our stomachs is a strong acid — the pH of stomach acid is between 1 and 3. Lye (NaOH), the main ingredient in many drain-openers, is a strong base, with a pH of 12 to 14, depending on the concentration of the solution. I have heard that the typical pH of our scalp and skin is around 5, slightly acidic, and that pH is best for skin and scalp health and


resistance to infection and diseases. Soap and many shampoos are made via a chemical reaction involving lye, and since there is typically a bit of unreacted lye left in them, they are bases (some quite strong bases). Thus, while our skin can secrete chemicals to recover its pH balance following occasional, reasonable use of these products, too-frequent use of these products (shampooing one’s hair on a daily basis, daily showers using soap or detergent bars) can prevent the scalp/skin from maintaining a normal pH, resulting in “dry” (= less healthy) skin and an increased risk of infection. Thus, some shampoo manufacturers add chemicals to their shampoos to lower the pH closer to the skin’s normal of pH 5, and these shampoos are often marketed as “pH-balanced” shampoos. I have heard knowledgeable people, including dermatologists, say that it is better for one’s skin to not take daily showers, or at least to not use soap (just rinse with water) if someone feels that a daily shower is a “must” (Interestingly, while I have not seen actual scientific studies on this, I have heard/read that our scalp secretes chemicals which help to repel head lice, and the suggestion that the increased incidence of head lice among school children in our country may, in part, be related to the fact that parents are actually keeping their children’s hair “too clean,” thereby preventing the accumulation of an adequate supply of natural repellant on their hair). A buffer is a substance which minimizes the change in pH or [H+]. Different buffers work best at different pH ranges. Notice that what’s happening here is that a buffer protects from too great of a change in pH. By no means is this anything like the equivalent of lowering/minimizing the pH, which would have the effect of creating a strong acid. The concept of pH and the utilization of buffers to maintain “normal” pH ranges are important in our bodies and in other branches of biology. For example, an enzyme called pepsin digests protein in our stomachs but must have an acid environment to function (most of the enzymes in our bodies only function within certain pH ranges). Not all of the food we eat is acidic and might destroy (or neutralize) the normal stomach pH, thus making the pepsin ineffective, unable to digest dietary protein. To prevent this from happening, the buffers in our stomach keep the pH fairly constant, within a range of about pH 1 to 3. However, antacids such as Tums® or Rolaids® are so “strong” that they overwhelm the person’s stomach’s buffers’ ability to function properly, drastically changing the pH of the stomach contents, and therefore, pepsin’s ability to digest the protein in one’s diet. Calcium, by the way, is absorbed better into one’s body if the stomach contents are acidic, thus antacids also interfere with our bodies’ ability to properly absorb calcium. To properly absorb dietary calcium, it should be consumed along with acidic or slightly acidic substances (such as milk or orange juice), and not mixed in with antacids. While there may be legitimate uses for antacids (such as when a doctor prescribes them to assist in treating ulcers), frequent, “casual” use of antacids may actually stimulate the production of more stomach acid as the user’s system struggles to overcome them and return the body to normal. As another example, our blood must remain very close to around pH 7.4, and if it deviates too much, a person could get very sick or die. Yet, when we transport carbon dioxide from our cells to our lungs, it turns into carbonic acid in the deoxygenated blood. Thus, if it weren’t for buffers, our blood would be a drastically different pH depending on how much carbon dioxide was dissolved in it.

pH Testing

Research indicates that saliva and urine pH out of range can create conditions for disease. Most degenerative diseases thrive in an acid medium.

Too much alkalinity is not good for the body either.

Many Natural Health Counselors and Practitioners measure the pH of urine and saliva with


litmus paper, pH sticks or meters. Stool pH can be measured at any time and should be at 6.8 (olive green). Any deviation may indicate a need for friendly bacteria like acidophilus. If pH is above 6.8, it may indicate a need for digestive enzymes. If it is very acid, below 6.5, there may be a need for Aloe Vera and Marshmallow root tea or capsules. Aloe is very healing and alkalizing. Marshmallow soothes the intestinal tract and rids excess acidity. Saliva pH indicates the strength of the liver bile and digestion.

Normal pH is 6.4 to 6.9. pH above 6.9, especially above 7.2, indicates a need for lecithin, digestive enzymes, and bitter herbs to stimulate bile flow for digestion (Artichoke, dandelion, milk thistle, angelica, fennel).

It is recommended that with a ph above 7.3, a gallbladder-liver flush should be done. This is done by having a light diet of apples and salads for three days, on the third night before going to bed, one would drink 4 Oz of olive oil with the raw juice of ½ a lemon. Go immediately to bed and sleep on your right side with your legs to your chest (fetal position). In the morning one should pass the stones in their stool. They are olive green and made of bile salts, mineral salts, and cholesterol. This should not be done with large stones. That high amount of oil causes the gallbladder to go into contractions and spill out the stones. Does not work for calcified stones on the walls of the gallbladder.

Saliva PH below 6.4 indicates that the bile is weak and fat-soluble vitamins are not being absorbed. Spinach salads are good here. pHs tend to go acid when there is a degenerative disease, especially, cancer, diabetes, colitis, and diverticulitis. A high Saliva pH or a low saliva pH always indicates a need for essential fatty acids.

The urine pH has a wider range of fluctuation, 6.4 to 7.0 can be normal. It indicates the speed of metabolism and the efficiency of nutrient absorption.

Acceptable pH Reading for the Time of Day:

Time of day Accepted pH reading

6:30 am to 8:30 am 5.5 to 5.7

8:31 am to 10:29 am 6.0 to 6.2

10:30 am to 1:29 pm 6.4

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm 6.2 to 6.0

3:31 pm to 6:30pm 5.9 to 5.7

6:31 pm to 6:29 am 5.6 to 5.8

pH should always be checked 2 hours away from food, drink, or gum.

Alkalizing food or supplements for pH below 6.4 are:

Foods: Watermelon, cantaloupe, potato, celery, carrots, lima beans, most raw greens, alkaline water

Supplements: Coral calcium (calcium carbonate, until pH stable)

Neutral pH calciums are calcium citrate, phosphate, and gluconate.

Foods and supplements to lower an alkaline pH to normal are:


Ascorbic acid, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, calcium, lactate, sufficient protein

Natural Health Counselors and Practitioners can look into the R.B.T.I testing. It covers this topic in-depth, as well as other related test readings. It teaches you about a simple home lab test that can help you determine pH, sugars, proteins, salts, fats, toxicity, vitamin and mineral need and much more.

Lesson 8: The Benefits of Sweating

“Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease” Hippocrates

The father of modern medicine made that bold statement above and there is so much truth to it. Raising body temperature above 98.6 degrees allows the body to fight off germs, as well as, rid itself of unwanted toxins and irritants. Hippocrates made this statement because he believed that most diseases were caused by toxicity, be it internal or external. It made sense to him to try to increase circulation through perspiration. To do this he raised his patient’s body temperature through means that produced sweating such as hot baths or saunas.

For example, while in a sauna, the capillaries dilate permitting the increased flow of blood to the skin in an attempt to draw heat from the surface and dispense it inside the body. The person’s skin becomes cherry red and the heart begins to beat faster in order to meet the additional demands for blood. Toxins in the liver, kidneys, stomach, muscles, brain, and most other organs are flushed out by the faster flow of blood. The skin filters the wastes and excretes them in sweat.

Sweating is especially beneficial to the immune system in that it stimulates the immunity’s activity, this is a good thing for most people.

The benefits of sweating are many, for instance, during a 15-minute sauna, sweating can excrete heavy metals like lead, mercury, etc. that would normally take the kidneys 24 hours to otherwise do. Sweat also draws out lactic acid build-up from workouts. Lactic acid causes stiff muscles and general fatigue.

It is a known fact that sweating burns calories. The average person can sweat off 500g (a little over a pound) in a sauna or hot bath, burning 300 calories which is equivalent to running 2 to 3 miles. One can sweat off a week’s worth of toxins by regularly going to the bathhouse or sauna once a week.

Although exercise is great and produces sweating, it does more for heart health and muscle tone than it does to eliminate toxins and beautify the skin. Here is a list of benefits through sweating: improves circulation, improves skin health, eases joint pain and stiffness, reduces cellulite, eliminates impurities like heavy metals, burns calories, and controls weight, reduces stress and fatigue, relieves pain, promotes a healthy Immune system, strengthens the cardiovascular system

One of the most effective ways to increase body temperature to produce intense sweating is the Russian hot bath, called Bania, it is hot air produced by heated granite stones that will open your skin pores and cause you to eliminate up to 30% of toxin accumulation. And if you really


want a super program, combine the Russian hot bath with a massage and the oak twig skin scrub and you really have a cleanse.

This regime is proven to promote health and longevity but consult your doctor if you suffer from any serious health condition before using such programs. This precaution applies also to pregnant women, diabetics, people with hypertension and anyone with heart disease.

Lesson 9: Blood Type Diets According to the research of Peter D’Adamo, for optimal health, we should eat according to our blood type. He backed his findings with digestive testing, including Indican testing which is a marker for protein putrefaction.

Characteristics of Blood Type A - Best on Vegetarian Diet

Comments Most Beneficial Food allowed Food not allowed Meats and Poultry

Type A should eliminate all meats from their diet.

Chicken, Cornish hens, Turkey

Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal, Venison, Duck, Goose

Seafood Carp, Cod, Grouper, Mackerel, Monkfish, Pickerel, Red snapper, Rainbow trout, Salmon, Sardine, Sea trout, Silver perch, Snail, Whitefish, Yellow Perch

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Anchovy, Barracuda, Beluga, Bluefish, Bluegill bass, Catfish, Caviar, Clam, Conch, Crab, Crayfish, Eel, Flounder, Frog, Gray sole, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Herring, Lobster, Lox, Mussels, Octopus, Oysters, Scallop, Shad, Shrimp, Sole, Squid, Striped bass, Tilefish, Turtle

Dairy Most dairy products are not digestible for Type A

Yogurt, Mozzarella, Feta, Goat cheese, Goat milk, Kefir, Ricotta, String cheese

All other cheeses and milk

Fats Flaxseed oil, Olive oil

Canola Oil, Cod liver oil

Oil of corn, cottonseed, peanut, safflower, and sesame

Nuts Peanuts, Pumpkin Seeds

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Brazil nuts, cashews, Pistachios

Beans These beans can cause a decrease in insulin production for Type A.

Beans - copper, garbanzo, kidney, lima, navy, red, tamarind

Type A thrives on the

Beans (Aduke, Azuki, Black, Green,

All kinds except those listed not


vegetable proteins found in beans and legumes

Pinto, Red soy), Lentils and Black-eyed peas


Grains Type A generally does well on cereals and grains. Select the more concentrated whole grains instead of instant and processed cereals.

Amaranth, Buckwheat

Cream of wheat, Familia, Farina, Granola, Grape nuts, Wheat germ, Seven grain, Shredded wheat, Wheat bran, Durum wheat

Bread & Noodles

Type A has a wonderful selection and choices in grains and pasta

Bread (Essene, Ezekiel, Soya flour, Sprouted wheat), Rice cakes, Flour (Oat, Rice, Rye), Soba Noodles, Pasta (Artichoke)

All kinds except those listed not allowed

English muffins, Bread (High-protein whole wheat, Multi-grain), Matzos, pumpernickel, wheat bran muffins, Flour (white, whole wheat), Pasta (Semolina, spinach)

Vegetables Type A is very sensitive to these vegetables. They have a strong deleterious effect on the Type A digestive tract.

Peppers, Olives, Potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Yams, All kinds of cabbage, Tomatoes, Lima beans, Eggplant, Mushroom

These vegetables enhance the immune system of Type A

Garlic, Onions, Broccoli, carrots, collard greens, kale, pumpkin, spinach

Vegetables are vital to the Type A diet, providing minerals, enzymes, and Antioxidants. Eat vegetables in as natural a state as possible (raw or steamed) to preserve their full benefits

Artichoke, Chicory, Greens (Dandelion, Swiss Chard), Horseradish, Leek, Romaine, Okra, Parsley, Alfalfa Sprouts, Tempeh, Tofu, Turnip

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Fruits Most fruits are allowed for Type As, although try to

Berries (blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries,

All kinds except those listed not allowed


emphasize more alkaline fruits can help to balance the grains that are acid-forming in Type A muscle tissues

cranberries), Plums, Prunes, Figs

High mold counts of these fruits make it hard for Type A to digest

Melons, Cantaloupe, Honeydew

Type A doesn't do well on these fruits

Mangoes, Papaya, Bananas, Coconuts

These fruits are stomach irritant for Type As, and they also interfere with the absorption of minerals.

Orange, Rhubarb, Tangerines

The digestive enzyme in this fruit is an excellent digestive aid for Type As

Pineapples, Cherries, Apricots

These fruits exhibit alkaline tendencies after digestion which has a positive effect on the Type A stomach

Grapefruit, Lemon

Spices The right combination of spices can be powerful immune-system boosters for Type A

Tamari, miso, soy sauce, garlic, ginger

Good source of iron, a mineral that is lacking in the Type A Diet

Blackstrap molasses

Avoid these because the acids tend to cause stomach lining irritation

Vinegar, Pepper (black, cayenne, white), Capers, Plain Gelatin, Wintergreen

Condiments These products should be avoided

Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Pickles, Relish, Worcestershire sauce


because Type As have low levels of stomach acid

Beverages These beverages help to improve the immune systems for Type As

Hawthorn, Aloe, Alfalfa, Burdock, Echinacea, Green tea, Red wine (1 glass/day)

These beverages help Type A to increase their stomach-acid secretions

Ginger, Slippery elm, Coffee (1 cup/day)

These don't suit the digestive system of Type A, nor do they support the immune system

Beer, Distilled liquor, Seltzer water, Soda, Black Tea

Characteristics of Blood Type AB - Best on Mixed Diet in moderation

Comments Most Beneficial Food allowed

Food not allowed

Meat and Poultry

Type AB does not produce enough stomach acid to effectively digest too much animal protein. So the key is portion size and frequency.

Lamb, mutton, rabbit, turkey

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Beef, Chicken, Cornish Hens, Duck, Goose, Pork, Patridge, Veal, Venison, Quail

Cured meats can cause stomach cancer Type ABs with low levels of stomach acid

Seafood If you have a family history of breast cancer, introduce snails (Helix pomatia) into your diet

Tuna, Cod, Grouper, Hake, Mackerel, Mahimahi, Monkfish, Ocean Perch, Pike, Porgy, Trout, Red Snapper, Sailfish, Pickerel, Sardine, Shad, Snail, Sturgeon

All kinds except those listed not allowed

All Shellfish (crab, shrimp, lobster, mussels, oysters, crayfish, clam, etc), Anchovy, Barracuda, Beluga, Bluegill Bass, Flounder, Haddock, Halibut, Herring, Eel, Frog, Lox, Octopus, Sea bass, Striped bass, Turtle, Yellowtail

Dairy Cultured and soured products are easily digested for Type ABs

Yogurt, Kefir, Non-fat sour cream, egg, Mozzarella, Goat cheese and milk, Ricotta

All kinds except those listed not allowed

American Cheese, Blue cheese, Brie, Buttermilk, Camembert, Ice


cream, Parmesan, Provolone, Sherbet, Whole Milk

Fats Use sparingly Olive Oil (Corn, Cottonseed, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower)

Nuts Powerful immune booster for Type A and Type AB

Peanut, Walnuts

Type Abs tend to suffer from gallbladder problems, so nut butter is preferable to whole nuts. Also, eat small amounts with caution.

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Filberts, Poppy seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds

Beans These beans are important cancer-fighting food for Type AB. They are known to contain cancer-fighting antioxidants.


These beans slow insulin production in Type AB.

Kidney beans, Lima Beans

Beans (navy, pinto, red, soy)

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Beans (Aduke, Azuki, Black, Fava, Garbanzo) Black-eyed Peas

Grains The inner kernel of the wheat grain is highly acid-forming for Type AB. Wheat is not advised if Type AB is trying to lose weight. The inner kernel of the wheat grain is alkaline in Type Os and Bs, it becomes acidic in Type A and AB.

Millet, Oat Bran, Oatmeal, Rice Bran, Puffed rice, Rye, Spelt and sprouted wheat and any products such as flour, bread, and noodles made with these grain products

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Buckwheat, Corn (any products such as flour, bread, and noodles made with these ), Kamut, Kasha, soba noodles, Artichoke pasta

Type AB benefits from a diet rich in rice rather than pasta

All kinds of Rice and any products such as flour, bread, and noodles made with these

Vegetables Fresh vegetables are an important source of phytochemicals which have a tonic effect in cancer and heart disease prevention; these

Broccoli, Beets, Cauliflower, Celery, Green Leafy Vegs, Cucumber, Eggplant, Garlic, Maitake Mushroom, Parsley, Parsnips, Sweet

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Artichoke, Avocado, All type of Corns, Lima Beans, Black Olives, All kind of Bell Peppers, Radishes, Mung Bean


diseases afflict Type AB more often as a result of a weaker immune system.

potatoes, Alfalfa Sprouts, Tempeh, Tofu, All types of Yams

Sprouts, Radish Sprouts

Fruits Emphasize the more alkaline fruits to balance the grains that are acid-forming in Type AB muscle tissues

All kinds of Grapes and Plums, Berries (cranberries, Gooseberries, Loganberries), Cherries

Tropical fruits don't agree with Type AB. But pineapple is an excellent digestive aid for Type AB.

Pineapples Mangoes, Guava, Coconuts, Bananas

Oranges are stomach irritant for Type AB, they also interfere with the absorption of important minerals. But Grapefruit exhibit alkaline tendencies after digestion. And lemons aid digestion and clearing mucus from the system.

Grapefruits, Lemons Oranges

Vitamin C-rich fruits help prevent stomach cancer because of the antioxidant properties of vitamin cup

Kiwi All kinds except those listed not allowed

Spices Sea salt and kelp should be used in place of salt. Kelp has an immensely positive heart and immune system benefits

Kelp, Miso, Curry All kinds except those listed not allowed

Allspice, Almond extract, Anise, Barley Malt, Capers, Cornstarch, corn syrup, Gelatin, Tapioca

The ingredients are acidic

Vinegar, Pepper (white, black, cayenne, red flakes)

This is a potent tonic and natural antibiotic for Type AB.

Garlic, Horseradish, Parsley

Beverages Type AB employed these herbal teas to rev up the immune system.

Alfalfa, burdock, Chamomile, Echinacea, Green tea

These herbal teas and beverages build protections against cardiovascular

Hawthorn, Licorice, Red wine (1 glass/day)


disease and cancer.

These herbal teas aid in the absorption of iron and prevent anemia

Dandelion, Burdock root, Strawberry leaf

Coffee increases stomach acid and has the same enzymes found in soy.

Coffee or Decaf Coffee (1 cup/day) and alternate day use green tea

Distilled Liquor, Sodas, Black Tea

Characteristics of Blood Type B - Best on Balanced Omnivores Diet

Comments Most Beneficial

Food allowed

Food not allowed

Meat and Poultry

These meats contain a Type B blood agglutinating lectin.

Chicken, Cornish hens, Duck, Goose, Patridge, Quail, Pork

These meats help to boost the immune system

Lamb, Mutton, Venison, Rabbit

Give up chicken, but use these meats instead

Beef, Pheasant, Turkey, Veal

Seafood Deep-ocean fish and whitefish are great for Type B

Cod, Salmon, Flounder, Halibut, Sole, Trout

All kinds except those listed not allowed

These seafood are poorly digested by Type B. They are disruptive to the Type B system.

All Shellfish (crab, shrimp, lobster, mussels, oysters, crayfish, clam, etc), Anchovy, Barracuda, Beluga, Eel, Frog, Lox, Octopus, Sea bass, Snail, Striped bass, Turtle, yellowtail

Dairy Type B is the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of dairy foods. That's because the primary sugar in the Type B antigen is D-galactosamine, the very same sugar present in milk.

Cottage cheese, Farmer, Feta, Goat cheese and milk, Kefir, Mozzarella, Ricotta, Milk, Yogurt

All kinds except those listed not allowed

American cheese, Blue cheese, Ice cream, string cheese

Fats The oils not allowed contain lectins that are damaging to the Type B digestive tract.

Olive Canola, Corn, Cottonseed, Peanut, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower

Nuts Most nuts and seeds are not advisable for Type Bs. They contain lectins that interfere with Type B insulin production

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Cashews, Filberts, Pine, Pistachio, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds

Beans These beans interfere with Lentils, garbanzos,


the production of insulin for Type B.

black-eyed peas, Beans (pintos, aduke, Azuki, Black)

Grains Wheat reduce insulin efficiency and failure to stimulate fat "burning" in Type B

Wheat (bran, germ bulgur, durum, whole, and white), Shredded Wheat, Cream of wheat or any products such as flour, bread, and noodles made with these grain products

Rye contains a lectin that settles in the vascular system causing blood disorders and potentially strokes.

Rye and any products such as flour, bread, and noodles made with these grain products

These contribute to a sluggish metabolism, insulin irregularity, fluid retention, and fatigue.

Buckwheat, Corn (cornflakes, cornmeal) and any products such as flour, bread, and noodles made with these grain products

Millet, Oatmeal (Bran, flour), Puffed Rice, Rice (bran, flour), Spelt

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Amaranth, Barley, Kasha, Seven-grain, Wild rice, Couscous

Bread Bread (Brown rice, Essence, Ezekiel, WASA), Fin Crisp, Millet, Rice cakes

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Bagels, Muffins (Corn and Bran), Bread (Multi-grain Rye, Whole wheat), Soba Noodles, Wild Rice, Couscous


This vegetable contains lectins that irritate the stomach lining of Type B.


This vegetable has insulin- and metabolism-upsetting lectins for Type B


The mold in this can trigger allergic reactions


These vegetables contain magnesium, an important antiviral agent to help Type B fight off viruses and autoimmune diseases

Green leafy vegetables

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Artichoke, Avocado, Corn, Olives, Pumpkin, Radishes, Sprouts, Tempeh, Tofu, Tomato

Fruits Pineapple has enzymes that help Type B to digest their food more easily.


Avoid these fruits for they interfere with your digestive

Coconuts, Persimmons,


system Pomegranates, Prickly pear, Rhubarb, Starfruit

Bananas, Cranberries, Grapes, Papaya, Plums

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Spices Sweet herbs tend to be stomach irritants to the Type B

Barley malt sweeteners, corn syrup, Cornstarch, Cinnamon

Type B does best with warming herbs

Ginger, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Avoid these spices also Allspice, Almond extract, Gelatin, Pepper (black and white)

Condiments Ketchup

Beverages Generally, Type B doesn't reap overwhelming benefits from most herbal teas.

Ginger, Peppermint, Raspberry Leaf, Rosehips, Sage, Green Teas

Aloe, Coltsfoot, Cornsilk, Fenugreek, Gentian, Goldenseal, Hops, Linden, Mullein, Red clover, Rhubarb, Senna, Shepherd's purse, Skullcap

This is highly recommended for Type B because it seems to have a positive effect on the nervous system.


This has antiviral properties. Licorice Distilled liquor, Seltzer water, Soda

Characteristics of Blood Type O - Best on High Protein Diet

1. Thrive on intense physical exercise and animal proteins 2. Do not do well with dairy and grain products 3. Hardy digestive tract 4. The leading factor in weight gain for Type O is the gluten found in wheat germ and

whole wheat products. 5. Type O tends to have low levels of thyroid hormone and unstable thyroid functions,

which cause metabolic problems and weight gain. 6. Type O has high stomach-acid content, can digest meat easily.

Comments Most Beneficial

Food allowed

Food not allowed


The more stressful your job or demanding your exercise program, the higher the grade of protein you should eat

Beef, Lamb, Mutton, Veal,



Type O can efficiently digest and metabolize meats

Any meat except for those listed not allowed

Bacon, Ham, Goose, Pork

Cold-water fish are excellent for Type O. Many kinds of seafood are also excellent sources of iodine, which regulates the thyroid function.

Cod, herring, Mackerel

Any fish or seafood except for those listed not allowed

Barracuda, Pickled herring, Catfish, Smoked salmon, Caviar, Octopus, Conch

Dairy Type O needs to severely restrict the use of dairy products and eggs

Butter, Farmer, Feta, Mozzarella, Goat cheese, Soy Milk

All other dairy products and yogurts

Fat Type O responds well to oils Olive Oil, Flaxseed oil

Canola oil, Sesame Oil

Corn oil, Peanut oil, Cottonseed oil, Safflower oil

Nuts These foods should in no way take the place of high-protein meats, and they are high in fat especially if you are overweight.

Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Brazil, Cashew, Peanut, Pistachios, Poppy Seeds

Beans Type O doesn't utilize beans particularly well. They tend to make muscle tissue slightly less acidic and inhibit the metabolism of other nutrients.

Aduke beans, Azuki beans, Pinto beans, Black-eyed peas

All kinds except those listed not allowed

Beans - copper, kidney, navy, tamarind. Lentils - domestic, green, red.

Grains Type O does not tolerate whole wheat products at all.

Essene Bread, Ezekiel Bread

Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Rice, Kamut, Kasha, Millet, Rye, Spelt

Corn, Gluten, Graham, Wheat (Bulgur, Durum, Sprouted, white and whole, Germ and Bran) farina, Oat, Seven-grains, or any products such as


flour, bread, and noodles made with these grain products


These vegetables inhibit the thyroid function for Type O

Brassica family: Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens

These vegetables help blood clot, Type O lacks several clotting factors and need vitamin K to assist in the process

Kale, collard greens, romaine lettuce, broccoli, spinach

These vegetables irritate the digestive tract and the high mold count can aggravate Type O hypersensitivity problems.

Alfalfa sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, fermented olives

These vegetables can cause arthritic conditions in Type O

Nightshades: eggplant, potatoes

This vegetable affects the production of insulin, often lead to obesity and diabetes for the Type O.


This fruit agglutinate all blood types but Type O.


Fruits Dark red, blue and purple fruits tend to cause an alkaline reaction to the digestive tract, and therefore balance the high acidity of the Type Os digestive tract to reduce ulcers and irritations of the stomach lining.

Plums, prunes, figs

These fruits contain high mold counts which can aggravate Type Os hypersensitivity problems (allergies)

Melons, cantaloupe, honeydew

These fruits are high in acid content which may irritate the acidic stomach of Type Os

Grapefruit, most berries

Oranges, tangerines and strawberries, blackberries, Rhubarb

Fruits are not only an important source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins, but they can be an excellent alternative to bread and pasta for Type Os

All kinds except those listed not allowed


Type Os are extremely sensitive to this fruit.

coconut and coconut-

containing products

Spices Rich source of Iodine to regulate the thyroid gland

Kelp-based seasonings, iodized salt

Soothing to the digestive tracts of Type Os

Parsley, curry, cayenne pepper

Irritants to the Type O stomach

White and black

pepper, vinegar, capers,

cinnamon, Cornstarch, Corn syrup,

Nutmeg, Vanilla

Condiments chocolate, honey, cacao

Ketchup, pickles,

mayonnaise, relish


Seltzer water, Club soda, and tea

beer, wine

Coffee, Distilled

liquor, Black Tea


Lesson 10: Vital Signs

Taking a Person's Vital Signs

If you're training to be a medical professional, one of the first things you'll learn is how to take

a person's vital signs. Vital signs include finding your patient's temperature, pulse, breathing,

and blood pressure. These four signs can indicate the health of the individual and lets you know

what needs to be done (if anything) to help the person.


Things you’ll need: Thermometer, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, notebook, pen

➢ Take your client’s temperature. You can take temperature orally (mouth), rectally (rectum) or auxiliary (armpit). You can use the same type of thermometer for oral or auxiliary temperatures but must use a rectal thermometer to take a rectal temperature. Auxiliary temperatures are about 1 degree lower than oral, whereas rectal temperatures are 1 degree higher than oral temperatures. 98.6 is normal by mouth.

➢ Find your client’s pulse. Take the pulse in the wrist or the neck. Use your index and middle fingers to find the pulse. Count the number of beats during 60 seconds. Record the pulses in even numbers. If you get an odd number, go up to the next even number. Note any abnormalities or if the pulse isn't steady or regular, weak or strong. Normal is 60-100, the slow pulse is called bradycardia (can be normal in athletic individuals). Fast pulse is called tachycardia.

➢ Count your client’s breaths as you take their pulse. Use the same 60 seconds you used when you took your patient's pulse. Try not to let you’re the person know you're counting their breaths since people tend to change their breathing pattern when observed. Normal is 12-20 breaths per minute.

➢ Get your client’s blood pressure by using a blood pressure cuff. You can take blood pressure on the upper arm or on the thigh. Wrap the cuff around the arm and make sure it won't slip. Find your client’s pulse with a stethoscope. You'll want the pulse on the inside of the elbow below the blood pressure cuff. Inflate the cuff and listen to the pulse. Stop inflating the cuff when you stop hearing the client’s pulse. Slowly deflate the cuff and note the number when you hear the patient's pulse again. This is the systolic reading. Continue to deflate the cuff until the sound of the pulse changes to a muffled sound and/or disappear. Note the reading on the gauge for the diastolic reading (bottom number). Normal is 120/80. Low is systolic below 90 and diastolic below 60. High is Systolic above 120 and diastolic above 90.


Lesson 11: Blood Test Reference Chart and Worksheet (Getting familiar with conventional blood tests)


Test Reference Range (conventional units*)

17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Men)

0.06-3.0 mg/L

17 Hydroxyprogesterone (Women) Follicular phase

0.2-1.0 mg/L

25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)

8-80 ng/mL (Normal is 30-100)

Acetoacetate <3 mg/dL

Acidity (pH) 7.35 - 7.45

Alcohol 0 mg/dL (more than 0.1 mg/dL normally indicates intoxication) (ethanol)

Ammonia 15 - 50 µg of nitrogen/dL

Amylase 53 - 123 units/L

Ascorbic Acid 0.4 - 1.5 mg/dL

Bicarbonate 18 - 23 mEq/L (carbon dioxide content)

Bilirubin Direct: up to 0.4 mg/dL Total: up to 1.0 mg/dL

Blood Volume 8.5 - 9.1% of total body weight

Calcium 8.5 - 10.5 mg/dL (normally slightly higher in children)

Carbon Dioxide Pressure 35 - 45 mm Hg

Carbon Monoxide Less than 5% of the total hemoglobin

CD4 Cell Count 500 - 1500 cells/µL

Ceruloplasmin 15 - 60 mg/dL

Chloride 98 - 106 mEq/L

Complete Blood Cell Count (CBC)

Tests include: hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, platelet count, white Blood cell count

Copper Total: 70 - 150 µg/dL

Creatine Kinase (CK or CPK)

Male: 38 - 174 units/L Female: 96 - 140 units/L

Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes

5% MB or less

Creatinine 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dL

Electrolytes Test includes: calcium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, sodium

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR or Sed-Rate)

Male: 1 - 13 mm/hr Female: 1 - 20 mm/hr

Glucose Tested after fasting: 70 - 110 mg/dL

Hematocrit Male: 45 - 62% Female: 37 - 48%

Hemoglobin Male: 13 - 18 gm/dL Female: 12 - 16 gm/dL


Iron 60 - 160 µg/dL (normally higher in males)

Iron-binding Capacity 250 - 460 µg/dL

Lactate (lactic acid) Venous: 4.5 - 19.8 mg/dL Arterial: 4.5 - 14.4 mg/dL

Lactic Dehydrogenase 50 - 150 units/L

Lead 40 µg/dL or less (normally much lower in children)

Lipase 10 - 150 units/L

Zinc B-Zn 70 - 102 µmol/L


Cholesterol Less than 225 mg/dL (for age 40-49 yr; increases with age)

Triglycerides 10 - 29 years

53 - 104 mg/dL

30 - 39 years

55 - 115 mg/dL

40 - 49 years

66 - 139 mg/dL

50 - 59 years

75 - 163 mg/dL

60 - 69 years

78 - 158 mg/dL

> 70 years

83 - 141 mg/dL

Liver Function Tests Tests include bilirubin (total), phosphatase (alkaline), protein (total and albumin), transaminases (alanine and aspartate), prothrombin (PTT)

Magnesium 1.5 - 2.0 mEq/L

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)

27 - 32 pg/cell

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

32 - 36% hemoglobin/cell

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

76 - 100 cu µm

Osmolality 280 - 296 mOsm/kg water

Oxygen Pressure 83 - 100 mm Hg

Oxygen Saturation (arterial)

96 - 100%

Phosphatase, Prostatic 0 - 3 units/dL (Bodansky units) (acid)

Phosphatase 50 - 160 units/L (normally higher in infants and adolescents) (alkaline)

Phosphorus 3.0 - 4.5 mg/dL (inorganic)

Platelet Count 150,000 - 350,000/mL

Potassium 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/L

Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)

0 - 4 ng/mL (likely higher with age)


Total 6.0 - 8.4 gm/dL

Albumin 3.5 - 5.0 gm/dL


Globulin 2.3 - 3.5 gm/dL

Prothrombin (PTT) 25 - 41 sec

Pyruvic Acid 0.3 - 0.9 mg/dL

Red Blood Cell Count (RBC) 4.2 - 6.9 million/µL/cu mm

Sodium 135 - 145 mEq/L

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)

0.5 - 6.0 µ units/mL


Alanine (ALT) 1 - 21 units/L

Aspartate (AST) 7 - 27 units/L

Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 7 - 18 mg/dL

BUN/Creatinine Ratio 5 - 35

Uric Acid Male 2.1 to 8.5 mg/dL (likely higher with age)

Female 2.0 to 7.0 mg/dL (likely higher with age)

Vitamin A 30 - 65 µg/dL

WBC (leukocyte count and white Blood cell count)

4.3-10.8 × 103/mm3

White Blood Cell Count (WBC)

4,300 - 10,800 cells/µL/cu mm

WHAT IS A BLOOD TEST? Blood Test is defined as: "A procedure in which a sample of blood is drawn and, under controlled conditions, analyzed in a laboratory for evidence of infection, disease or abnormality." Another definition of a Blood Test is, "A test performed to provide a defined Blood analysis testing for conditions such as anemia, cholesterol, diabetes, various infections, kidney function, calcium levels, liver function, Blood disease, abnormalities in the body, etc." Blood test results. OVERVIEW: The most important thing that anyone can do when feeling ill is to see a caring physician. Our bodies change constantly, and one of the most valuable tools that the physician uses to assess your health is the laboratory Blood test. These tests are ordered, and the results are used by your physician to pinpoint or to support diagnosis, monitor or determine treatment, or to screen for undiagnosed conditions. Blood tests take an internal and dynamic 'snapshot' of you, at the time of the test. Everyone needs to have their blood tested periodically. Low-cost Blood tests, discount Blood testing and even free Blood tests are available and listed in your local community. A laboratory Blood test is helpful in evaluating the current health status. Blood tests help us to realize that Blood test results may be outside of a normal range for the general population, but perfectly normal for you. This anomalous Blood test result might show for many reasons. These variations may be due to such things as foods recently eaten; recent drinking; stress; sex; menstrual cycle; age; physical activity just before the Blood test; poor Blood sample collection and/or handling of the Blood test specimen; common drugs, such as aspirin, cold medication, vitamins, etc. taken in the days before the Blood test; prescription drugs, and non-illness-related Blood-test-related factors. Abnormal Blood testing results should be carefully and thoroughly discussed with your physician or qualified medical professional. Laboratory test results are reported to your physician along with 'reference ranges' of the


results of your Blood tests that assist in accurately assessing and interpreting the results of the testing. Every test is different, and each test needs to be viewed in the context of differences in test methodologies employed by the testing laboratory. Other important considerations are differences in groups of individuals such as children, women, men, age groups, the population norms in the country of testing, and racial and ethnic factors. Testing laboratories establish these reference range values for most Blood tests so that 95% of healthy patients fall within that 'normal' range. This means that 5% of healthy patients fall outside of the 'reference' range, even though there may be nothing wrong with them at all! Therefore, an 'abnormal' Blood test result does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you. Many non-illness related factors may have an impact on your Blood test results. These include such things as the meals eaten or not eaten (fasting) in the 24 hours preceding the test, race, dietetic preference, age, sex, stress, menstrual cycle, physical exercise in the hours before testing, collection and/or handling of the specimen, non-prescription drugs (aspirin, cold medications, vitamins, etc.), prescription drugs, alcohol intake, and the quality of the sleep that you got on the night before the test, among others. Physicians rely on "Blood-work," or clinical laboratory diagnostic Blood testing to diagnose medical conditions. From this Blood testing, the medical professional then prescribe therapies and remedies, based on those Blood tests. Good Blood tests make possible state-of-the-art lab procedures that can be provided directly to the public in private and these Blood tests can be provided affordably. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood types.

Some of the most common Blood tests are:

➢ The CBC, or Complete Blood Count, which normally includes a Red Blood Cell Count (RBC Blood Test), a Hematocrit (the percent of whole blood that is composed of red Blood cells), Hemoglobin (the iron-containing respiratory pigment in red Blood cells), a White Blood Cell Count (WBC), a Differential Blood Count, (DIFF - an estimate, based on Blood cell counts in a representative sample, of the percentage of white Blood cell types that make up the total white Blood cell count), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV - a test that helps diagnose a cause of an anemia, a Blood Platelet Count, and others, in some cases.

➢ Allergy Blood Testing ➢ Blood Tests for Autoimmune Diseases ➢ Blood Diseases Testing ➢ Cancer Detection Blood Testing ➢ Blood Cholesterol Test ➢ Diabetes Blood Tests ➢ DNA, Paternity and Genetic Testing ➢ Blood Tests for Drug Screening ➢ Environmental Toxin Blood Testing ➢ Fitness, Nutrition, and Anti-Aging ➢ Gastrointestinal Diseases Revealed by Blood Tests ➢ Blood Testing for Heart Health ➢ Hormones and Metabolism ➢ Infectious Disease Blood Tests ➢ Kidney Disease Blood Test ➢ Liver Diseases Blood Testing ➢ Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) Blood Tests


➢ Thyroid Disease Blood Tests

Home HIV-1 Blood test kits are now available. HIV-1 testing kits are now on the market and becoming very popular. There are more than a dozen home test kits for HIV advertised as available. However, only the Home Access test system is approved by the FDA and legally marketed inside the United States. The new Home Access test is made up of several components, including instructions and materials for specimen collection and a mailing envelope to send the gathered specimen to the designated laboratory for analysis. The home test kit also includes pre-test and post-test counseling. This FDA approved system uses a simple finger prick process for home Blood collection. You will send in the result including dried blood spots on the included special paper. These dried Blood spots are then mailed to a designated laboratory with a confidential and anonymous personal identification number (PIN), and there each is analyzed by qualified technicians in a certified medical laboratory using the same procedures that are used for samples that are taken in a doctor's office. The results are then obtained by the purchaser through a toll-free telephone number using the assigned PIN. At this point, post-test counseling, if desired, provided by telephone when the Blood test results are obtained. Blood test results are important in Blood disorders in Blood tests and a Blood test with Rare Blood type. The advertisers of the unapproved HIV home HIV Blood test kits claim that the presence of a visual indicator, such as a red dot, within 5 to 15 minutes of taking the test shows a positive result for HIV infection. These unapproved test kits use a simple finger prick process for home blood collection or a special sponge device for saliva collection. The blood or saliva sample is then added to a plastic testing device containing a special type of paper. A developing solution is added to determine if the sample is positive for HIV. The samples are not sent to a laboratory for professional analysis. Although this approach may seem faster and simpler, it may provide a less accurate result than can be achieved using an approved test, which is analyzed under more controlled conditions than is possible in the home. Platelet testing is a Blood test that is often used by doctors. First, let's define platelets. Platelets are very small cells in the Blood. They clump together at places where injury to Blood vessels occur. They are the basis of the Blood clot that normally forms when the skin is broken. A Blood test revealing a low platelet count can make us vulnerable to bleeding, sometimes even without an injury that we see. Some of the causes of a low Blood platelet count include autoimmune diseases, where the affected individual produces an antibody to his or her own platelets, chemotherapy, leukemia, viral infections, and some medicines. High numbers of platelets make an individual more vulnerable to Blood clotting. High Blood platelet counts are always found where a condition involving bone marrow such as leukemia, cancer and other Bloodborne conditions that are revealed by Blood test results. Pharmacy shelves are stocked with do-it-yourself home tests for Blood glucose, Blood cholesterol paternity tests, and pregnancy tests. OraSure Technologies Inc. makes and sells a 20-minute, at-home test that screens for two HIV strains using a swabbing device that tests saliva. Any unusual or abnormal test results should be talked over with your physician, and/or other


qualified health care professional. These talks should continue until you understand all that you need to know about the testing and the results. Blood tests are an essential diagnostic tool. Blood is made up of different kinds of cells and contains other compounds, including various salts and certain proteins. Blood tests reveal details about these Blood cells and, Blood compounds, salts and proteins. The liquid portion of the tested blood is plasma. When our Blood clots outside the body, the Blood cells and some of the proteins in Blood turn into a solid. The remaining liquid is called serum, which can be used in chemical tests and in other Blood tests to find out how the immune system fights diseases. Doctors take Blood samples and grow the organisms, found in Blood tests, that cause illness, to evaluate each, microscopically. How will my Blood test be performed? Blood samples taken for Blood testing can be taken either from a vein or from an artery. A few drops of blood are needed, most of the time. It is often enough to take a small drop from the tip of your finger and then squeeze the Blood out for Blood testing. Most Blood tests are taken from a vein (veins carry Blood FROM the heart - arteries carry blood TO the heart,) most often from those veins near the elbow. First, a tourniquet is tied around the upper arm to make the vein easy to find and take the Blood for the Blood test. The place where the injection is to take place is then made sterile and then a hollow needle is put into the vein. The needle will be attached either to a Blood test sample bottle or to a syringe where the plunger is pulled back to create low negative pressure. When the needed amount of Blood for testing has been removed from the vein, the needle is removed. The area is then re-cleaned and pressure is placed on the area with a small ball of cotton. This is pressed against the area for a couple of minutes before applying a bandage. Blood tests are relatively painless.

What will these tests show?

A view of your bones: Tests for alkaline phosphatase, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous are tests that reveal the health of your bones as well as revealing bone diseases. Components of these tests can be particularly important to women. Electrolytes: Electrolytes are a large category of substances dissolved in plasma. The balance of water and salt is critical to good health. These tests are important indicators of the amount of water and salt in your body and include sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate (carbon dioxide) and magnesium. These chemicals are absolutely essential in many bodily functions including fluid balance, nerve conduction, muscle contraction (including the heart), Blood clotting and pH balance. Glucose: A test useful in the detection of diabetes and hypoglycemia. This test is closely watched, in particular, by men over 40. Kidney Function: Kidney function tests include albumin, creatinine, total protein, and Blood urea nitrogen. These tests indicate the normal or abnormal function of the kidney, which filters your Blood, returning the useful elements to your system, while discarding waste into the urine.


Lipid Tests: Lipid (fat) tests include cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good cholesterol"), low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad cholesterol") and triglycerides. These tests provide information about the fat in your Blood which is important in assessing your risk for heart disease. This is another test closely watched in men over 40. Liver Function: Liver function tests include aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase, albumin, direct and total bilirubin, gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), globulin, and lactate dehydrogenase (LD). These tests indicate the normal or abnormal condition of the liver, an important (we only have one) organ with many functions including the removal of toxic substances from your Blood. Red Blood Cell Count, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, MCV, MCH, and MCHC: These tests are different ways of looking at the amount and quality of the red cells. This component of your Blood carries oxygen to every cell. Abnormalities in these indicators may mean anemia, iron deficiency, or kidney problems, or problems with your bone marrow, liver, spleen, lung, or gastrointestinal tract. Women normally have lower ranges of red Blood cell count than men. Thyroid Tests: The thyroid gland helps to maintain a normal metabolic rate. T4 reflects the total amount of thyroid hormone in your body. The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is how the pituitary gland controls the thyroid gland. Platelet testing is a Blood test that is often used by doctors. First, let's define platelets. Platelets are very small cells in the Blood. They clump together at places where injury to Blood vessels occur. They are the basis of the Blood clot that normally forms when the skin is broken. A Blood test revealing a low platelet count can make us vulnerable to bleeding, sometimes even without an injury that we see. Some of the causes of a low Blood platelet count include autoimmune diseases, where the affected individual produces an antibody to his or her own platelets, chemotherapy, leukemia, viral infections, and some medicines. High numbers of platelets make an individual more vulnerable to Blood clotting. High Blood platelet counts are always found where a condition involving bone marrow such as leukemia, cancer and other Bloodborne conditions that are revealed by Blood test results. White Blood Cell Count: White Blood cells in the body help fight infection. Variations from normal may represent acute or chronic infection or even diseases of the Blood. This test is often used to monitor the progress of a patient's treatment when a disease or infection is present. Following here is an explanation of some test results:

Low numbers of WBCs (leukopenia) may indicate bone marrow failure (due to granuloma, tumor, fibrosis), presence of a cytotoxic substance, collagen-vascular diseases such as lupus erythematosus; disease of the liver or spleen or, the use of radiation treatment recently.

C-reactive protein

CRP is a protein your liver produces as part of your body's response to injury or infection (inflammatory response). CRP is a marker for an inflammatory response somewhere in the body. However, CRP tests


can't pinpoint where in the body this may be happening. Inflammation plays a central role in the process of atherosclerosis, in which fatty deposits clog your arteries. Measuring CRP alone won't tell your doctor your risk of heart disease. But factoring in CRP test results with other blood tests results and risk factors for heart disease helps create an overall picture of your heart health. According to the American Heart Association, your CRP test result can be interpreted as putting your heart disease risk at:

• Low risk (less than 1.0 milligrams per liter, or mg/L) • Average risk (1.0 to 3.0 mg/L) • High risk (above 3.0 mg/L)

The American Heart Association doesn't yet recommend CRP screening for the general public — only those at known risk of heart disease. Cholesterol-lowering statin medications may reduce CRP levels and decrease your heart disease risk, but it's not recommended that you take statin medications solely to decrease your CRP level. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your CRP level.

Antioxidants help keep the levels normal.

See for CRP test.

What Is A Safe Homocysteine Level?

While commercial blood test labs say "normal" homocysteine concentration in your blood can range from 5 to 15 micromoles per liter of blood, medical studies show that Homocysteine levels above 6.3 are unhealthy and associated with a steep, progressive risk of coronary artery disease and heart attack.

The averages American's homocysteine level is 10, more than 50% above the low-risk threshold.

Healthy homocysteine levels can be maintained with a combination of Folate, B12, and B6. The body-ready (coenzymated) form of these vitamins may help overcome obstacles to metabolizing homocysteine.


Homocysteine concentrations now widely accepted as normal are associated with an increased likelihood of coronary artery disease, and this risk increases with rising homocysteine concentrations. Each 3-unit increase in homocysteine equal a 35% increase in heart attack risk.

Plasma total homocysteine is a strong predictor of both cardiovascular and Non-cardiovascular mortality in a general population of 65-72-year-olds. A homocysteine increment of 5 mmol/L has been associated with a 49% increase in all-cause mortality, a 50% increase in cardiovascular mortality, a 26% increase in cancer mortality, and a 104% increase in noncancer, noncardiovascular mortality.

Next>> Why Vitamins Might Not Protect You >>

Homocysteine and Heart Disease High homocysteine levels can be dangerous to your health. The relationship between increased homocysteine and heart disease is well established in the medical community. Yet unlike the other three predictors of heart disease, i.e. cholesterol, triglycerides and C Reactive Protein, homocysteine levels are influenced by what you DON'T eat rather than what you do eat. Approximately 10% of coronary deaths can be attributed to high levels of homocysteine in the blood. What is homocysteine? Homocysteine is an abnormal protein that is created when a specific amino acid called methionine is metabolized. In most people homocysteine is quickly cleared out of the arteries and therefore does not create a problem. However, for some people, homocysteine is not efficiently cleared out and can pose significant health risks. What causes elevated homocysteine levels in the blood? Studies have shown that high levels of homocysteine are caused by a lack of nutrients in the diet, particularly the B group of vitamins. Without these essential vitamins, your body is unable to produce the enzymes necessary to remove homocysteine efficiently from your blood. Homocysteine will cause damage to your arteries when present in high concentrations - hence the link between homocysteine and heart disease.


How can you treat homocysteine and lower your risk? A lack of B Vitamins leads to elevated homocysteine levels which is why high homocysteine and vegetarian diets are directly related. Fortunately, the situation is easily treatable. In the late '60s, Dr. Kilmer McCully determined through extensive research that taking adequate amounts of folic acid (vitamin B9), along with vitamins B6 and B12 your levels of homocysteine will normalize. What should your homocysteine levels be? The normal level of homocysteine in your blood should be up to 15 micromol/L. This is the level of homocysteine in the average healthy person. The optimal level of homocysteine in your blood would be under 7 micromol/L. Make sure you get a homocysteine test as part of your next visit to the doctor, or on your own at a licensed medical facility. A homocysteine test along with the three other blood tests we discuss on this site will indicate whether or not you are at risk of developing heart disease.

Lesson 12: Legalities and Jurisprudence It is important before we move on to Natural Health Assessment of Clients to understand the boundary of law in each State. It is important as counselors, herbalists, and Naturopathic practitioners what is lawful and what is not concerning your scope of practice. Each state has different laws so the graduate must be informed and aware. Traditional Naturopathy is lawful in almost all the States of the United States, but there are 16 states where the ND initial, Doctor of Naturopathy, can only be used if you qualify and apply for a State license. Traditional Naturopathy is not for this purpose because it does not diagnose or treat. In those states, Naturopathic Practitioners should use the initials NP (Naturopathic Practitioner) or HHP (Holistic Health Practitioner) or AMD (Alternative Medical Diplomate). See for more information. One example is the State of Illinois; at this time, there is no licensure for Naturopathy so anyone can practice it as long as they are not diagnosing or treating. We encourage all counselors and practitioners to be board certified. Accountability is good and is highly encouraged. Many states require a State license to practice one-on-one nutritional counseling. They give them out to graduates who have completed Dietitian like training. Herbalists and Natural Health Counselors can practice freely in all 50 states because of their holistic approach. It is always important to use a disclaimer before counseling anyone. This disclaimer should indicate that you are not going to diagnose or treat, or imply such a thing. This disclaimer should ask the question to the potential client, “are you working for any law enforcement or governmental agency in the pursuit of finding anything unlawful here? This can happen, so use a disclaimer. We always do encourage counselors and practitioners to take out professional insurance in order to safeguard against suing happy individuals. Medical doctors and most practitioners do this. CMF insurance is a good one. We do not want to scare any student or graduate, but we encourage prudence.


Here is a sample disclaimer:

Natural Health Client Statement

I hereby attest to the following: That I am here, on this and any subsequent visit which includes Phone or email appointments, solely on my own behalf and not as an agent for any federal, provincial, municipal or professional agency on a mission of entrapment or investigation. I fully understand that___________________________________is not a medical doctor and I am not here for medical diagnostic or treatment procedures. The services provided by________________________________are at all times restricted to education and guidance on the subject of natural health matters intended for general natural health well-being and do not involve the diagnosing, prognosticating, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of any disease, or any licensed or controlled act which may constitute the practice of medicine in this state or province. This service is also holistic in nature and not one-on-one nutritional counseling as a State licensed nutritionist would perform. I am a Natural Health Educator and Counselor. This agreement is being signed voluntarily and not under any pressure of any kind. Date: __________ Signature: ______________


Lesson 13: The Natural Health Appraisal This is a very important lesson because it is the assessment tool that helps the counselor or practitioner to gather information in order to guide and educate the client to optimal natural health. We always start with the appraisal to see what direction the client needs to go. The appraisal may indicate a possible need for a hair analysis to determine the presence of heavy metals. We shall look at this questionnaire page by page and break it down so you can understand and know how to guide your client. The Appraisal begins with Data gathering concerning name and contact info. Height and weight information are important to determine the Body Mass Index. This is the first step towards the goal to achieve optimal weight. It is important to know the Body type and the Blood type of the client so the right foods in the right amounts or percentage are recommended. This will make a big difference when it comes to digestion and energy. Concerning Body types, remember that thin and small-boned individuals are ectomorphs or thyroid types, they can eat up to 80% of calories from carbohydrates. Mesomorphs are the muscular, medium boned individuals that tend to put weight on the belly. They need more protein and fewer carbohydrates and fats. 65-70% Carbs, 10-15% protein, and 20% fat is a good balance for them. Endomorphs or large-boned, rounded individuals need less carbohydrate (no more than 60-65%) good amounts of protein (. 38grams per 1 lb. of body weight, this is a normal protein intake) and medium fat intake (20 to 25%). On the first page of the appraisal, we see that it is asked of the client for medications, vitamin intake, medical history, as well as surgery history. This information is necessary to determine possible interactions with existing supplementation and with those that you might recommend. A counselor or unlicensed practitioner cannot tell individuals to reduce or eliminate prescribed medications. This is between the patient and their medical doctor or licensed practitioner who can legally diagnose and treat. You can direct the client to their doctor and/or the current vitamin/herb/drug interaction handbook by health notes or other published information. This is a great tool for the client, as well as for the counselor or practitioner that wants to check if the client can take certain supplements with their medication or condition. Consider hereditary factors so that you can aggressively address through appropriate natural health guidance. Always pay attention to the last question on the first page, and that is-- what is challenging your health at this time? This is what the person has come to you for, but it must be understood that a holistic approach must be taken in order to bring balance to the body and this may take some time. The general rule is that for every year of dis-ease it will take a month of natural health approaches in order to become healthy. The second page asks the question-- how toxic are you? This is the toxicity appraisal which is to help determine the need, the type, and the length, if any, of detoxification. If four or more symptoms are present, then the need for detoxification should be considered. If individuals have diabetes, heart disease, are very weak, or if they are taking more than one medications, there should be no fasting. A colon-cleanse would be fine and is important. Remember: Change to healthy eating along with drinking the right kind of water and the appropriate amount will produce a good level of cleansing.


Individuals with GI tract problems like Colitis and/or Diverticulosis would benefit greatly from Colonic Irrigation (hydrotherapy). Detoxification is important; without it, the body cannot heal properly. The rule is that you change the diet and possibly put the client on a cleansing regime for 30 to 60 days, then redo the appraisal to see what symptoms remain, and then address those stubborn symptoms with further natural health approaches. Do not forget to address the G.I, tract before any other systems. Phase 1 of any natural health program should be diet change and cleansing. The pH of the saliva and the urine will definitely be affected in a positive way with phase 1. Only recommend supplements for pH correction after phase 1 is over. In phase II, which may be your second appointment with your client, you can have them fill out another appraisal to see what stubborn areas are present. This is where you will address stubborn pH’s, nutritional needs, and glandular support. You may need to recommend a hormone check; thyroid, adrenals, etc. The following lab provides these tests directly to the consumer: Blood work should be under a doctor’s supervision. To address gastrointestinal imbalances like leaky gut, and in the case of indican (protein putrefaction) - the blood type diet, food enzymes, and friendly bacteria are most indicated. You can check Zinc levels with a Zinc drink test by Ethical Nutrients or Metagenics. Zinc is a very important mineral and many lack it. Tongue and Nail appearance should be re-evaluated after phase 1. At the end of this appraisal, the counselor or practitioner will see a section on EMF pollution which affects everyone. It would benefit the Client to purchase an EMF protective device from a great company like They come in the form of pendants, watches, bracelets, pens, etc. Once you have evaluated the appraisal, you can use the checklist form to guide and advise your client- it is at the end of this lesson. Our goal is to create awareness through scientifically sound natural health information and education with the hope that individuals and groups may apply the knowledge and receive the benefit. This appraisal is not intended to diagnose or treat disease but for Educational Guidance. Name Occupation Age Sex Height Weight BMI Phone Address Email Blood pressure Pulse Respiratory


Blood type( A / B / AB / O)

Tongue appearance

Nail appearance Zinc tally Color and moisture of the skin Body type(thin & small boned / muscular/ large boned & round) Do you take medications/vitamin supplements? List them

What medical conditions do you have? Have you had any surgery?


Any Hereditary conditions? What is challenging. If any, your health at this time?

How Toxic Are You? If you experience any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing toxicity (a state whereby you are poisoned by substances produced by your own body as a result of inadequate digestion and elimination or by toxins picked up from food, water, air, and skin contact, and therefore you might want to consider a change in lifestyle habits, as well as, incorporating a natural cleansing program.

☐ Allergy or intolerance to certain foods ☐ Bad breath and foul-smelling gas and stools

☐ Constipation, diarrhea, sluggish elimination, irregular bowel movements

☐ Frequent congestion, colds, and viruses

☐ Flatulence or gas and frequent intestinal disorders

☐ Frequent headaches for no apparent reason

☐ General aches and pains that migrate from one place to another

☐ Intolerance to fatty foods

☐ Low energy; loss of vitality for no apparent reason

☐ Lower back pain

☐ Lowered resistance to infections ☐ Needing to sleep a long time

☐ Pain in your liver or gall bladder ☐ Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), breast soreness, vaginal infections

☐ Skin problems, rashes, boils, pimples, and acne

☐ Anxious, irritable or stressed out

☐ Difficulty concentrating or thinking ☐ Depressed or have mood swings

☐ Use lots of toilet paper to clean yourself after a bowel movement

☐ Food cravings, especially carbohydrate-rich foods

☐ Sensitive to odors, foods, or chemicals ☐ Coated tongue or a bitter or metallic taste in your mouth

☐ Strong or foul-smelling urine

If you have checked 1-3 symptoms, low toxicity may be present. If you have checked 4-6 symptoms, moderate toxicity may be present. If you have checked for than 6 symptoms, high toxicity may be present.

Water Intake/pH

What kind of water do you drink?

☐ Tap ☐ Distilled ☐ Reverse Osmosis ☐ Bottled

☐ Spring ☐ Carbon Block ☐ Carbon Granular ☐ Ionized Alkaline

☐ Hydrogen Rich Water


How many 8oz cups of water do you drink daily?

☐ Less than 4 ☐ 4 to 6 ☐ 6 to 8 ☐ More than 8

oz cups

What is your Urinary pH? (Do not use the first urination and it must be at least 2 hours away from your meal, not having had water or gum in the mouth for that time)

Urine pH (You can purchase pH paper from your health food store or pharmacy):


What is your Saliva pH? (Same rules apply as for the urine)

Saliva pH: Time:

Heavy Metal Toxicity


Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by aluminum.

☐ Rough skin ☐ Excessive perspiration

☐ Loss of former taste or craving for meat ☐ Nausea, inclination to vomit

☐ Potatoes disagree ☐ Belching accompanied by head colds

☐ Constipation accompanied by throbbing headache

☐ Poor or failing memory

☐ Numbness, stiffness or loss of sensation in arms/legs

☐ Stitching or burning pain in the head with dizziness, relieved by eating

Aluminum does not belong in the human body, not in any amount. Avoid aluminum cooking vessels, foods or beverages in aluminum cans, aluminum foil, and aluminum (alum) containing substances, such as baking powder, buffered aspirin, antacids, antiperspirants, processed cheese.

Cadmium Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by cadmium.

☐ High or low blood pressure ☐ Anemia

☐ Emphysema ☐ Kidney disease Cadmium is an environmental poison. Avoid exposure to solder, automobile exhaust, and cigarette smoke.

Lead Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these


symptoms are caused by lead.

☐ Constipation ☐ Hand tremors

☐ Cramps or vague abdominal aches or discomfort

☐ Dizziness

☐ Anxiety or irritability ☐ Nervousness or restlessness

☐ Lack of ambition, apathy or depression ☐ Sallow complexion, grayish-greenish-yellow tint

☐ Poor co-ordination ☐ Convulsions, seizures

☐ Paralysis ☐ Catch colds, infections easily

☐ Vomiting ☐ CHILDREN: Hyperactivity Lead does not belong in the body. Avoid exposure to exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, solder and food in tins with solder seals. Supplementing with calcium and magnesium (if they are deficient) can help to displace lead in the bones. Lead can be reduced in the digestive tract by foods rich in pectin (e.g., apples, oranges, bananas, cherries, grapes, pineapple, tomatoes, peaches, raspberries, avocado, raisins, carob, sunflower seeds). Apples are the richest source of pectin, and from 3 to 6 daily are needed to have a significant lead-reducing effect.


Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by mercury.

☐ Tremors or poor co-ordination ☐ Inflamed gums

☐ Loss of ability to speak ☐ High blood pressure

☐ Diabetic tendencies ☐ Poor memory

☐ Mental disturbances or personality changes

☐ Depression or uncontrollable crying

☐ Metallic taste in mouth ☐ Allergic tendencies

☐ Loss of self-confidence ☐ Food cravings

☐ Facial and back pain ☐ Loss of appetite

☐ Irritability

Mercury is an environmental poison. Consult a specialized holistic dentist to replace old, leaky mercury-silver amalgam dental fillings with composite or gold fillings.

Glandular Health


Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by an under-active thyroid gland.

☐ Muscles stiff in the morning, feel need to limber up

☐ Fail to feel rested, even after sleeping long hours

☐ Feel "creaky" after sitting still for some time

☐ Heart seems to miss beats or turn "flip-flops"

☐ Nauseated in morning ☐ Start slow in the morning, gain speed in


the afternoon

☐ Motion sickness when traveling ☐ Dizzy in the morning or when moving up and down

☐ Cold hands or feet ☐ Sensitivity to cold, prefer a warm climate

☐ Hair scanty, dry, brittle, dull, lusterless, lifeless

☐ Hair loss from the outer third of eyebrows

☐ Flaky, dry, rough skin ☐ Sleeplessness, restlessness., sleep disturbances

☐ Poor short term memory, forgetfulness ☐ Poor response to exercising

☐ Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) ☐ High cholesterol, cholesterol deposits on eyelids

☐ Constipation, less than one bowel movement daily

☐ "Go to pieces" easily, cry easily

☐ Dislike working under pressure, being watched

☐ Diminished sex drive, lack of sexual desire

☐ Gain weight easily, fail to lose on diets ☐ Difficulty concentrating easily distracted

☐ A yellowish tint to the skin on hands or feet

☐ Cracks in the bottom of heels

☐ Clogged sinuses ☐ Low pulse rate

☐ Recurrent infections ☐ Depression

☐ Headaches ☐ Puffiness of face or eyes

☐ Swelling of hands or ankles ☐ Irritability, mood swing

☐ Low body temperature, especially at bed rest

☐ Multiple food allergies/sensitivities

☐ These worse at night: coughing, hoarseness, muscle cramps

☐ FEMALE: Menstrual irregularity, excess flow, premenstrual syndrome

☐ FEMALE: Lumpy breasts, cystic breasts

Low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) may be the most under-diagnosed of all conditions. That is because the conventional laboratory tests for it are misleading. There may be enough thyroid hormone in the bloodstream but that does not necessarily mean that it is getting to all of the cells that need it. Nutrients that support thyroid function include iodine, selenium, cysteine and the B-complex vitamins. Tyrosine is of great help, for it helps to produce thyroxin.

High Thyroid Survey The following are some of the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Three or more signs and symptoms may indicate an issue. These signs and symptoms should be answered as mild, moderate, or severe. When there are three or more signs and symptoms, there may be a possible heavy metal issue and a need for vitamin B complex, especially Vitamin B6.

☐ Insomnia ☐ Thin (moist skin)

☐ Can't work under pressure ☐ Nervousness

☐ Can't gain weight ☐ Intolerance to heat

☐ Highly emotional ☐ Flush easily

☐ Night sweats ☐ Inward trembling

☐ Heart palpitates ☐ Increased appetite without weight gain

☐ Pulse fast at rest ☐ Eyelids and face twitch

☐ Irritable and restless


Adrenals Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by under-active adrenal glands.

☐ Eyes sensitive to bright lights, headlights, sunlight

☐ Tightness or "lump" in the throat, hurts under stress

☐ Inability to cope with stressful events ☐ Form gooseflesh easily or "cold sweats”

☐ Voice rises to high pitch or is "lost" during stress

☐ Easily shaken up or startled from unexpected noise

☐ Prefer being alone, uneasy when the center of attention

☐ Blood pressure fluctuates, sometimes too low

☐ Blood pressure fluctuates, sometimes too low

☒ Perfectionist; set high standards

☐ Avoid complaints, try to ignore inconveniences

☐ Work off worries, things left undone cause concern

☐ Allergies (e.g., skin rash, hay fever, asthma, etc.)

☐ Mood swings, tendency to cry easily

☐ Difficulty relaxing ☐ Emotional upsets cause complete exhaustion

☐ An unusual craving for salt ☐ Perspires excessively, sweating of hands or feet.

☐ More than the usual neck, head, shoulder tension.

☐ Blood pressure decreases when going from a lying position to a standing position

Reduce concentrated sugars and sweets of all kinds in the diet, as well as caffeine and alcohol. The nutrients that the adrenal glands especially require are vitamin C, pantothenic acid, potassium, vitamin E and choline. Rhodiola, Ginseng, and Royal Jelly are beneficial. Relora is also wonderful for high Cortisol levels, a marker for adrenal stress. offers a saliva cortisol test.

High Adrenal Survey

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of high adrenals. Two or more signs and symptoms may indicate an issue. These signs and symptoms should be answered as mild, moderate, or severe. When there are two or more signs and symptoms, there may be a need for vitamin B3 and B6.

☐ Dizziness ☐ Headaches

☐ Hot flashes ☐ Increased blood pressure

☐ Hair growth on the face or body (female) ☐ Sugar in urine (not diabetes)

☐ Masculine tendencies (female)


The Fiber Test

Select Only One Day’s Actual Diet for Test Accuracy

Serving size Grams Calculate Fiber Intake for only one day

Grains & Pasta

Brown Rice ½ cup 2.4

White Rice ½ cup 0.8

Spaghetti ½ cup 2.0

Couscous ½ cup 0.5

Millet ½ cup 3.5

Polenta ½ cup 2.0

Quinoa ½ cup 5.0

Tabouli ½ cup 1.0

Tofu 1/5 block 1.0

Tempeh 1/3 block 8.0

Cold & Hot Cereals

Oatmeal ½ cup 7.7

Grape Nuts 1 oz 1.8

Wheaties 1 cup 2.6

Multigrain 2/3 cup 4.0

Millet ¾ cup 3.0

Corn flakes ¾ cup 2.7

Puffed Rice 1 cup 1.0


Bagel 1 0.6

Bran Muffin 1 2.5

Rye Bread 1 slice 0.9

Wheat bread 1 slice 1.4

Multigrain 1 slice 2.0

Spelt 1 slice 0.9

Focaccia 1 slice 1.0

Wheat Tortilla 1 tortilla 2.0

White Tortilla 1 tortilla 0.5

Beans, Peas, Legumes

Lentils ½ cup 3.7

Pinto beans ½ cup 2.5

Split peas ½ cup 2.5

Kidney beans ½ cup 5.8

Lima beans ½ cup 4.4

Green beans ½ cup 2.1

Chickpeas ½ cup 6.0


Asparagus ½ cup 1.0

Artichoke 1 large 4.5

Romaine lettuce 1 cup 2.0


Carrots 1 medium 1.5

Cucumber ½ cup 0.4

Broccoli ½ cup 2.2

Cauliflower ½ cup 1.0

Tomato 1 medium 1.5

Potato (with skin ) 1 medium 2.5

Zucchini ½ cup 1.8

Mushrooms ½ cup 1.5

Avocado ½ 2.8

Corn on the cob

1 medium 5.0

Spinach ½ cup 7.0

Beets ½ cup 2.5

Steamed veggies 1 large plate 6.5

Tomato Sauce ½ cup 2.0

Salsa 2 tbsp 1.0

Sea Nori 1 sheet 1.0


Apples ( with skin ) 1 medium 3.5

Grapefruit ½ 0.8

Banana 1 medium 2.4

Cantaloupe ¼ melon 1.0

Orange 1 medium 2.6

Prunes 3 3.0

Figs 1 medium 2.0

Raspberries ½ cup 4.6

Watermelon 1 slice 2.8

Nuts and Seeds Almonds 10 nuts 1.1

Peanut butter 2 tbsp 2.0

Sesame butter 2 tbsp 2.0

Sunflower seeds 1 cup 2.0


Popcorn 1 cup 1.0

Corn tortilla chips 1 oz 2.0

Potato chips 1 oz 1.0

Wheat crackers 4 1.0

Multigrain waffle 1 20.

Garden burger 1 patty 5.0

Total (Surgeon General’s Recommended Daily Fiber Intake for an Adult: 35 grams)


Eating Habits Explain what a typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner consists of each day. Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner: Snacks:

What foods or beverages you consume more than once a week: White rice, white bread, sweets, dessert, ice cream, fried foods, pizza, white flour pasta, canned foods like soups, cow’s milk, cookies, commercial cereals, coffee, soda pop, black tea, lunch meat, pork, hot dogs, hamburgers , potato chips, TV dinners, white sugar Do you drink wine or beer? How much and how often? Do you consume hard liquor? How often and how much?

Sleep/Exercise/Weight How many hours of sleep do you get every night? Do you sleep through the night or do you wake up once or more? If you wake up why do you? Do you have problems with insomnia? Do you exercise several times a week? What form of exercise or program do you follow? If you desire to lose weight, how much? Do you desire to gain weight, how much? Want help through natural health education to enhance athletic performance? Yes/No Need help with libido? Yes/ No How would you rate your present energy level on a scale of 1- 10?


Do you have a history of frequent antibiotic use? Do you smoke? Explain. If you have stopped, when? Is there anything spiritually, mentally or emotionally challenging in your life? Explain.


Nutritional Deficiency Circle symptoms you are experiencing:

Nutrient Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Diseases

Biotin Uncommon Dermatitis, eye inflammation, hair loss, loss of muscle control, insomnia, muscle weakness

Calcium The average diet contains 40 to 50% of RDA*

Brittle nails, cramps, delusions, depression, insomnia, irritability, osteoporosis, palpitations, periodontal disease, rickets, tooth decay

Chromium 90% of diets deficient Anxiety, fatigue, glucose intolerance, adult-onset diabetes

Copper 75% of diets deficient; the average diet contains 50% of RDA*

Anemia, arterial damage, depression, diarrhea, fatigue, fragile bones, hair loss, hyperthyroidism, weakness

Essential fatty acids



Diarrhea, dry skin and hair, hair loss, immune impairment, infertility, poor wound healing, premenstrual syndrome, acne, eczema, gall stones, liver degeneration

Increased secretion from mouth, nose, eyes. Swelling in hands and feet, muscle cramps, menstrual cramps, low exercise tolerance, cold hands and feet, bleeding gums, low immunity, fatigue, muscles more flabby than normal, hair loss, splitting hair and nails, low heart rate, hypoglycemia.

Decreased secretions from mouth, nose, eyes Muscle weakness, inability to concentrate, easily startled, difficulty swallowing, voice affected by stress

Folic acid

The average diet contains 60% of RDA*; deficient in 100% of elderly in one study; deficient in 48% of adolescent girls; requirement doubles in pregnancy

Anemia, apathy, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, neural tube defects in fetus, paranoia, shortness of breath, weakness

Iodine Uncommon since the supplementation of salt with

Cretinism, fatigue, hypothyroidism, weight gain



Iron Most common mineral deficiency

Anemia, brittle nails, confusion, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, inflamed tongue, mouth lesions

Magnesium 75 to 85% of diets deficient: average diet contains 50 to 60% of RDA*

Anxiety, confusion, heart attack, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervousness, muscular irritability, restlessness, weakness

Manganese Unknown, may be common in women

Atherosclerosis, dizziness, elevated cholesterol, glucose intolerance, hearing loss, loss of muscle control, ringing in ears

Niacin Commonly deficient in elderly

Bad breath, canker sores, confusion, depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, emotional instability, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, memory impairment, muscle weakness, nausea, skin eruptions, and inflammation

Pantothenic acid (B5)

The average elderly diet contains 60% of RDA*

Abdominal pains, burning feet, depression, eczema, fatigue, hair loss, immune impairment, insomnia, irritability, low blood pressure, muscle spasms, nausea, poor coordination

Potassium Commonly deficient in elderly

Acne, constipation, depression, edema, excessive water consumption, fatigue, glucose intolerance, high cholesterol levels, insomnia, mental impairment, muscle weakness, nervousness, poor reflexes

Pyridoxine (B6) 71% of male and 90% of female diets deficient

Acne, anemia, arthritis, eye inflammation, depression, dizziness, facial oiliness, fatigue, impaired wound healing, irritability, loss of appetite, loss of hair, mouth lesions, nausea

Riboflavin Deficient in 30% of elderly Britons

Blurred vision, cataracts, depression, dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, inflamed eyes, mouth lesions, nervousness, neurological symptoms (numbness, loss of sensation, "electric shock" sensations), seizures. sensitivity to light, sleepiness, weakness

Selenium The average diet contains 50% of RDA

Growth impairment, high cholesterol levels, increased incidence of cancer,


pancreatic insufficiency (inability to secrete adequate amounts of digestive enzymes), immune impairment, liver impairment, male sterility

Thiamin Commonly deficient in elderly

Confusion, constipation, digestive problems, irritability, loss of appetite, memory loss, nervousness, numbness of hands and feet, pain sensitivity, poor coordination, weakness

Vitamin A 20% of diets deficient

Acne, dry hair, fatigue, growth impairment, insomnia, hyperkeratosis (thickening and roughness of skin), immune impairment, night blindness, weight loss

Vitamin B-12 Serum levels low in 25% of hospital patients

Anemia, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, intestinal disturbances, headaches, irritability, loss of vibration sensation, low stomach acid, mental disturbances, moodiness, mouth lesions, numbness, spinal cord degeneration

Vitamin C 20 to 50% of diets deficient

Bleeding gums, depression, easy bruising, impaired wound healing, irritability, joint pains, loose teeth, malaise, tiredness.

Vitamin D 62% of elderly women's diets deficient

Burning sensation in the mouth, diarrhea, immune problems, insomnia, myopia, nervousness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, scalp sweating

Vitamin E 23% of male and 15% of female diets deficient

Gait disturbances, poor reflexes, loss of position sense, loss of vibration sense, shortened red blood cell life

Vitamin K Deficiency in pregnant women and newborns common

Bleeding disorders

Zinc 68% of diets deficient

Acne, amnesia, apathy, brittle nails, delayed sexual maturity, depression, diarrhea, eczema, fatigue, growth impairment, hair loss, high cholesterol levels, immune impairment, impotence, irritability, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of sense of taste, low stomach acid, male infertility, memory impairment, night blindness, paranoia, white spots on nails, wound healing impairment


DHEA Appraisal (Hormone of hormones/decreases after the age of 35)

Low DHEA (circle which apply)

Overwhelming fatigue is the most common symptom of low Dhea. The decrease in stamina and alertness is often observed in people afflicted with the shortage of this hormone. A lowered libido is especially observed in women. The main symptoms of DHEA deficiency are listed below:

• Depression

• Less muscle and bone mass

• Pain in the joints

• Lower sex drive

• Less hair in underarms

• Dry skin and eyes

• Poor memory

• Difficulty in losing weight

High DHEA (Circle which apply)

These are 7 Signs of Elevated DHEA to Watch For:

1. Weight Gain: Elevated DHEA could cause fluctuations in metabolism, which can affect the body’s ability to burn excess fats. There are also glandular disorders that may present themselves via weight gain around the middle.

2. Irritability: This sign can cause the sufferer to be more aggressive and prone to irritability with feelings of overstimulation. In severe cases, it might also mean cases of mania or delusions.

3. Acne: Taken as a supplement, DHEA can cause the skin to be oily and break out in acne due to hormonal imbalances. If this occurs, you should consider stopping use and trying again later with a smaller dose.

4. High Blood Pressure: Higher blood pressure levels created by elevated DHEA can cause blood pressure to rise as well. If you already experience heart problems or hypertension it’s best to avoid taking DHEA supplements.

5. Prostate Tumors: In some patients, small tumors may appear in the area of the prostate putting the user at an increased risk for prostate cancer. If you already have prostate tumors or are at risk of developing them, you shouldn’t take DHEA supplements. This is because in hormonal dependent cancers it can effectively mean that you are feeding cancer and causing it to grow.

6. Heart Palpitations: When DHEA levels are too high in the patient it may result in heart palpitations, putting the patient at risk for potential heart disease. A major cause of this is the dosage level given in many DHEA supplements. It’s never a good idea to take more than 5 mg of DHEA supplements a day and it’s advisable to take short breaks from the supplement as it may still cause issues with your health if it is given too consistently.

7. Premature male pattern baldness: Elevated DHEA levels increase the production of testosterone. Excessive testosterone is one of the factors that causes male pattern baldness.


At they offer DHEA test kits for you and your clients. services the public directly.

Leaky Gut Self-Help Appraisal

Check if any of these symptoms apply to you.

☐ Constipation and/or diarrhea ☐ Abdominal pain or bloating

☐ Indigestion or flatulence ☐ Mucous or blood in the stool

☐ Chronic joint or muscle pains ☐ Frequent fatigue or tiredness

☐ Fuzzy Thinking ☐ Confusion, poor memory

☐ Mood swings ☐ Poor exercise tolerance

☐ Weak immunity ☐ Shortness of breath

☐ Skin rashes, hives, eczema ☐ Asthma, bronchitis, respiratory

☐ Sinus or nasal congestion ☐ Food allergies/intolerances

☐ Alcohol consumption makes you feel sick

Scale: Any such symptoms may indicate a leaky gut.

2-3 mild, 4-6 moderate, 7-9 severe, 10+ critical

Self Help - The Main Signs of Parasite Infestation

☐ Feel tired most of the time / Chronic Fatigue / Exhausted/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

☐ Digestive problems/gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea

☐ Chronic constipation / Irregular bowel movements

☐ Always getting sick / Feeling down / catching flu

☐ Low energy / low stamina ☐ Suffer from restlessness and anxiety?

☐ Food sensitivities and environmental intolerance / Food Allergies

☐ Developed allergic-like reactions and can’t understand why?

☐ Have joint and muscle pains and inflammation often assumed to be arthritis?

☐ Suffer from anemia or iron deficiency (pernicious anemia)?

☐ Have hives, rashes, weeping eczema, skin ulcers, swelling, sores, papular lesions, itchy dermatitis, itchy anus

☐ Experience multiple awakenings during the night particularly between 2 and 3 am?

☐ Are you grinding teeth? ☐ Depressed?

☐ Have an excessive amount of bacterial or viral infections?

☐ Difficulty gaining or losing weight no matter what you do?

☐ Did a Candida program which either didn’t help at all or helped somewhat but you still can’t stay away from bread, alcohol, fruit, or fruit juices?

☐ Just can’t figure out why you don’t feel really great and neither can your doctor?

☐ Itchy ears, nose, anus ☐ Loss of appetite, yellowish face

☐ Forgetfulness, slow reflexes, gas and bloating, unclear thinking

☐ Fast heartbeat, heart pain, pain in the navel

☐ Eating more than normal but still feeling hungry

☐ Pain in the back, thighs, shoulders


☐ General lethargy ☐ Numb hands

☐ Burning sensation in the stomach ☐ Drooling while sleeping

☐ Damp lips at night, dry lips during the day, grinding teeth while asleep

☐ Bed wetting

1-3 mild, 4-6 moderate, 7-9 severe, 10-critical

Toxic Bowel Self-Help Appraisal

Rate the symptom according to the scale below.

0-Never, 1-Seldom, 2-Occasionally, 3-Frequently, 4-Infrequently with severe symptoms, 5-Almost always

☐ Constipation (hard or difficult stools) ☐ High blood cholesterol

☐ Bowel movements usually less often than once a day

☐ Food allergies

☐ Reliance on laxatives ☐ Bad breath

☐ Incomplete bowel elimination ☐ Body odor

☐ Constipation alternating with diarrhea ☐ Coated tongue

☐ Bad digestion ☐ Headache

☐ Excessive gas ☐ Acne, boils, folliculitis

☐ Abdominal fullness, bloating ☐ Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis

☐ Hemorrhoids ☐ Ulcers

☐ Varicose veins ☐ Gum disease

☐ Hiatal hernia ☐ Low back pain

☐ Diverticulosis ☐ Low fiber diet

☐ Appendicitis ☐ Too many refined grains

☐ Gallbladder problems ☐ High sugar diet

☐ Colorectal cancer ☐ Excessive cheese

☐ Diabetes ☐ Insufficient fluid

☐ Heart disease

Calculate the total score. Scores: 1-20 mild, 21-35 moderate, 36-50 severe, 51 and over is critical

Yeast Overgrowth (Candida) Self-Help Appraisal

Rate the symptom according to the scale below.

0-Never, 1-Seldom, 2-Occasionally, 3-Frequently, 4-Infrequently with severe symptoms, 5-Almost always

☐ Gas ☐ Recurrent bladder infection or irritation

☐ Bloating ☐ Infertility

☐ Constipation and/or diarrhea ☐ Chronic rashes

☐ Spastic/irritable colon ☐ Recurrent staph infections

☐ Crohn's disease, colitis ☐ Joint or muscle pain


☐ Intestinal cramping ☐ Itchy ears or ringing in the ears

☐ Heartburn ☐ General itchiness

☐ Itchy anus ☐ Multiple allergies

☐ Continual sinus problems (allergies, infections)

☐ Weight problems

☐ Chronic or recurring sore throats, colds, bronchitis, ear infections

☐ Craving for sweets, alcohol, bread, cheese

☐ Premenstrual symptoms ☐ Feel drunk without having ingested alcohol

☐ Menstrual cramps and other menstrual problems

☐ Chemical and fume intolerance

☐ Fatigue ☐ Depression

☐ Irritability ☐ Multiple pregnancies

☐ Antibiotic use ☐ Headaches

☐ Birth control pills (oral contraceptive) ☐ Cortisone or steroid use

☐ Recurrent or chronic vaginal yeast infections

☐ Chemotherapy or radiation

☐ Worsening of any of the above symptoms within six to twelve months after a pregnancy

Calculate the total score. Scores: 1-20 mild, 21-35 moderate, 36-50 severe, 51 and over is critical

Female Health Self-Help Appraisal (Circle which applies)

Low Estrogen

Fatigue Hot flashes

Night sweats Memory lapses

Difficulty concentrating Joint pain

Vaginal dryness Dry skin

Loss of Libido

Physical conditions Mental condition

Atherosclerosis Depression

Headaches/Migraines Panic attacks

Vaginal infection Low self-esteem


Excess Estrogen

Artherosclerosis Headaches

Vaginal Infection Cramps

Weight gain Uterine fibroids

Fatigue Osteoporosis

Hot flashes Irregular periods


Low Progesterone There are far too many symptoms of low progesterone to count. The following are some of the most prominent symptoms:

Infertility Thyroid dysfunction

Depression Fibrocystic breasts

Weight gain Gallbladder disease

Low Blood Sugar Panic attacks

Water retention Irregular menstrual cycle

Blood clots during menstruation Magnesium deficiency

Vaginal dryness Breast tenderness

High Progesterone

Fatigue Bloating Breast tenderness Mood swings Vaginal Dryness Loss of libido Sedation

Low testosterone

Fatigue Depression Increased risk of osteoporosis and related bone deterioration

Accumulation of fat, especially around the abdomen

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease Definite loss of muscle strength and mass Vaginal dryness Lack of interest in sexual activity Painful sexual intercourse The sudden absence of menstruation Hot flashes Anorgasmia or the inability to have orgasms

High testosterone

Increased hair growth Deepening of voice

Change in body shape (muscle mass increase) Skin problems

Anger Agitation

Male health Self-Help Appraisal

Low Testosterone

Erectile dysfunction (problems with erections)

Loss of libido (low sex drive)

Loss of muscle size and strength Osteoporosis (bone thinning)

Mood disturbances, including depression, irritability and feeling tired

Difficulty with concentration and memory loss

Increased body fat Sleep difficulties


High Testosterone

Aggressive behavior High Cholesterol Excessive sweating Body odor Skin eruptions Water retention Mood swings

Prostate health

Frequent urge to urinate Blood in urine or semen

Painful or burning urination Difficulty in urinating

Difficulty in having an erection Painful ejaculation

Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, or upper thighs

Inability to urinate or Dribbling of urine

Self-Help Appraisal – Sluggish Liver

Check which apply, mark: seldom, often, or always (4 or more, need guidance)

Dizziness Dry skin

Burning feet Blurred vision

Itching skin and feet Excessive falling hair

Frequent skin rashes Bitter, metallic taste in mouth in mornings

Bowel movements painful or difficult Worrier feels insecure

Feeling queasy; headache over eyes Greasy foods upset stomach Stools light-colored Skin peels on foot soles

Pain between shoulder blades Use laxatives Stools alternate from soft to watery History of gallbladder attacks or gallstones Sneezing attacks Dreaming, nightmare type bad dreams

Bad breath (halitosis) Milk products cause distress Sensitive to hot weather Burning or itching anus

Crave sweets EMF Pollution Survey (Electro-magnetic field pollution) Caused by cell phones, microwaves, artificial lighting, electronics, computers, TV, etc. Circle which you are experiencing: Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety. insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscles. and joint pain, leg/foot pain, "Flu-like" symptoms, fever More severe reactions: seizures, paralysis, psychosis, and stroke Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision,


floaters, cataracts, blurred vision Others: digestive problems, abdominal pain, enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain, dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes, great thirst, dehydration, nosebleeds, internal bleeding, altered sugar metabolism, immune abnormalities, redistribution of metals within the body, hair loss, pain in the teeth, deteriorating fillings, impaired sense of smell, ringing in the ears

Nail Bed Analysis

Lunulae is the half-moons at the base of the fingernail, representing the new growth blood-rich supply indicating cellular oxygenation. When these lunulae are absent, poor circulation is typically evident. 8 Lunulae normally ¼ of the nail (absent on baby fingers) –

• Absence or reduction indicates vascular or lymph blockage

• Also smaller luna indicate decreased hormonal status and reduced lung activity

• Oversized luna show BP/CVA tendencies

• Baby finger luna suggest overworked heart/high blood pressure

• Shoot-like spurt growing towards the border of the luna suggest a thyroid imbalance

Brain, Excretory,


Liver, Gallbladder,


Circulatory and Heart

Digestive, Gastrointestinal

Hormonal and Reproductive


White spots on fingernails- the need for Zinc

Tongue The tongue has approximately 10,000 taste buds that turn over about every ten days. The anterior two-thirds of the tongue is for sweet taste, posterior one third is for bitter, and the sides for sour/salty. Lack of taste is an indication of zinc. The bitter taste is a need for bile salts, and a metallic taste requires iodine. A white tongue indicates a small intestine involvement; a yellow looking tongue is a need for folic acid. Graphite or fissured tongue may be a normal variant or a need for niacin.

Lack of Taste: Zinc, Trace Minerals, B12 Bitter Taste: Dandelion root, bitters Metallic Taste: Iodine

Blackish or yellow – Liver, Thyroid, fluid

Brittle, broken - Thyroid

Shoot-like growths –Thyroid

Ridges, easily torn, split - Adrenal

Horizontal ridges – Kidney, proteinuria, lead, arsenic, measles, mumps, cuticle inflammation

Dark lines that move with growth – Ulcers, internal bleeding

Triangular - R. Arthritis

Pin-pointed indented nails – Fungal, immune suppression

Clubbed, convex – Lungs, respiratory

Red circular spots - Heart

Bluish, pulls away from skin –autoimmune lupus, RA

Short wide nail –Infertile

Spoon, concave – Mineral, anemia

Beaded string bumps – RA, arthritis

Vertical ridges – Kidney, aging, nerve, respiratory

Darker banding at tip of nail – Liver function

Narrow nails - heart


White (Small Intestine): Enzymes Yellow: Folic Acid, B12 Thick, Swollen: Check Thyroid, Yeast Glossodynia or Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS): Check Stomach Function. Folic Acid, B12, Thymus Extract

Burning sensation on the tongue suggests B vitamin imbalance, especially explore B, G, Folic Acid, B12 Teeth Marks: Tongue swollen in mouth indicates spleen (immune), pancreas (digestion), kidney – teeth marks on inner cheek indicate the severity Cracks (Vitamin B deficiency): Digestive, stomach, kidney, spleen Red Spots: Estrogen imbalance Dark, Engorged Veins: Liver congestion, heavy metal toxic (should be pink or blue and not protruding) Frenular Cysts: Small intestine & colon health indicating polyp formation Color White: Anemia, parasites, hormones, small intestine Yellow: Stomach, spleen Gray: Fungal, advanced disease Red: Stomach, heart – tip only Green: O2 lack, circulation Purple: Heart, lung, O2 exchange Black: Severe stage of the disease Allergy patches: food allergies

This concludes the Natural Health Questionnaire. There are other similar appraisals that are very good, one of them is by David W. Rowland, Ph.D. and is called the Nutri-Body Analysis, it can be ordered along with his book, Assessing Bio-Chemical Individuality, at: Contact: 1-705-746-5688 Email: [email protected] Website: Another is the Optimal Wellness Survey by Primitius International. At


Checklist of Natural Health Education and Guidance

➢ Name

➢ Date

➢ Number of Appointment

➢ Next Appointment

➢ Air instructions or products

➢ Water recommendations

➢ Light and EMF

➢ Eating Habits

➢ Detoxification Program

➢ Hydrotherapy / Colonic Irrigation

➢ Exercise/Rest/Sleep

➢ Herbal Guidance

➢ Dietary/whole food Supplements

➢ Other

➢ Comments


Part II: A-Z Natural Health Approaches This will be an A-Z list. It will not include all conditions and approaches but the most common.

Adrenal Conditions

Low Adrenals

Check the box for each symptom that applies to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by under-active adrenal glands.

Eyes sensitive to bright lights, headlights, sunlight

Tightness or "lump" in the throat, hurts under stress

Inability to cope with stressful events Form gooseflesh easily or "cold sweats"

Voice rises to high pitch or is "lost" during stress

Easily shaken up or startled from unexpected noise

Prefer being alone, uneasy when the center of attention

Blood pressure fluctuates, sometimes too low

Perfectionist; set high standards Avoid complaints, try to ignore inconveniences

Work off worries, things left undone cause concern

Allergies (e.g., skin rash, hay fever, asthma, etc.)

Mood swings, tendency to cry easily Difficulty relaxing

Emotional upsets cause complete exhaustion An unusual craving for salt

Perspire excessively, sweating of hands or feet

More than the usual neck, head, shoulder tension

Blood pressure decreases when going from a lying position to a standing position

Reduce concentrated sugars and sweets of all kinds in the diet, as well as caffeine and alcohol. The nutrients that the adrenal glands especially require are vitamin C, pantothenic acid, potassium, vitamin E and choline.

You may want to recommend the Adrenal Check if the client is over 35 yrs of age, they can be ordered through It tests from the saliva, the DHEA and Cortisol levels which are markers for adrenal stress.

Vitamin C, B complex (especially B5), CoenzymeA, and Tyrosine are very important. The herbs Astragalus and Siberian Ginseng should be recommended. Wolfberry extract and Relora (which contains magnolia & Phellodendron) will help reduce cortisol levels Chlorophyll would be a good detoxification supplement for the adrenals which are very sensitive to toxins. Individuals with adrenal exhaustion (very weak) should not fast but be built up with nutrients. Use the Natural Health Appraisal to start guiding this individual(s). Rest and relaxation is a must for adrenal disorders or stress.

Addison’s disease which is an autoimmune condition of the adrenals should receive the added approach under autoimmunity.


Autoimmunity Autoimmune diseases arise from an overactive immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body. In other words, the body actually attacks its own cells. This may be restricted to certain organs (e.g. in thyroiditis) or involve a particular tissue in different places (e.g. Goodpasture's disease which may affect the basement membrane in both the lung and the kidney). The treatment of autoimmune diseases is typical with immunosuppression—medication which decreases the immune response, but the natural approach is different.

Whenever there is progressive deterioration for which the medical profession does not know a cause, an autoimmune disorder should be suspected. Autoimmune disorders include such diverse conditions as ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, hemolytic anemia, lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, neuromuscular degeneration, Raynaud’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, vasculitis, and vitiligo. What all of these diseases have in common is that the body becomes allergic to its own tissues and attacks them by means of antibodies. How these diseases differ is in which tissues are attacked.

Until now it has been a mystery why the body should seek to destroy parts of itself.

Every autoimmune disorder involves four contributing factors:

If stomach acid and digestive enzymes are too low, proteins from the diet will not be fully broken down into their constituent amino acids. If the intestinal wall is "leaky" it allows abnormally large protein molecules (polypeptides) to enter the bloodstream. When this happens, the body reacts with alarm. The immune system builds antibodies to these "foreign" proteins. Specific foods in the diet – and these are highly variable from person to person – are more likely than others to trigger this kind of allergic/immune response, depending on their particular composition and the body’s particular weaknesses.

Each antibody has a specific shape that fits the particular molecule that it is trying to digest and recycle. That shape is dependent on temperature. The thyroid gland controls body temperature. If the thyroid is under-active, body temperature will change throughout a wider range than normal. The antibodies that were created at one temperature change shape at both higher and lower temperatures. This different shape enables them to "fit" protein molecules other than those for which they were originally intended, including some of the body’s own tissues.

Low Stomach Acid

Leaky Gut

Food Sensitivities



It takes all four weaknesses (low stomach acid, leaky gut, food sensitivities, hypothyroidism) to create an immune disorder. Therefore, all four must be overcome in order for the body to heal itself completely. It takes diligence and persistence, but it can be done and is being done by those who understand what is involved and are motivated enough to achieve the result.

Low Stomach Acid Check if any symptoms apply to you. The more symptoms on the list that a person has – or the more intensely they are experienced – the more likely it is that these symptoms are caused by low stomach acid.

Indigestion or sourness 2 to 3 hr. after meals Abdominal bloating, distension

The full, logy feeling after a heavy meat meal Loss of former taste or craving for meat

Excessive gas, belching or burping after meals

Burning sensation in stomach., heartburn

Heavy, tired feeling after eating Constipation

Stools poorly formed, pale, greasy, floating Undigested food particles in stools

Ridges on fingernails, slow-growing nails

The above symptoms indicate that the stomach is not producing enough hydrochloric acid (HCl) and enzymes to digest food properly. Digestive complaints of this nature can often be eliminated by following one simple rule of food combining: Don’t combine sugars with proteins/fats at the same meal. Examples of poor food combinations include steak and pie, orange juice and eggs, and sweet & sour Chinese dishes. Sugars are digested only in the intestine. If eaten alone, they pass through the stomach in 20 to 30 minutes. Proteins and fats, however, need to stay in the stomach for three or four hours. If sugars and proteins/fats are eaten at the same time, the stomach holds on to the entire mass, causing putrefaction, gas and bloating. A young person with ample hydrochloric acid may get away with unwise food combinations because HCl sterilizes the byproducts of putrefaction. The older we get, however, the less HCl our stomachs produce and the more careful we need to be about combining our foods. Consuming fruits, juices or other sweets one-half hour before a meal (as an appetizer) or on an empty stomach three hours after a meal (as a snack) is sometimes all that is necessary to eliminate digestive disturbances. If not, then a broad-spectrum digestive aid is needed.

Food Sensitivities

Undiagnosed food sensitivities affect more than half the population. Almost everyone has at least one sensitivity. Many people are not aware, however, that their symptoms may be caused by inappropriate food choices. They continue to eat the same foods, day after day, never getting complete relief from supplements or lifestyle changes.

Food sensitivities are of two basic types: allergies and intolerances. An allergy is an unnatural immune response to a specific protein in a food that is otherwise harmless to most people. Intolerance is an inability to digest or metabolize a particular food constituent, due to exceeding the body’s ability to handle it. In either case, if our body’s functioning is impaired in any way by an offending food, then we need to stop eating it.


Unless you are specifically looking for food sensitivities, you are unlikely to find them. Their symptoms are elusive. They can mimic almost any ailment and affect almost any organ or tissue in the body.

The most telltale sign of food sensitivity is chronic fatigue – not the usual kind, but almost painful tiredness that is not helped by bed rest. No matter how much sleep one has, one never feels rested.

Other symptoms of hidden food sensitivities may include:

Dark or puffy circles under the eyes Spastic colon, colitis, irritable bowel

Minor, chronic complaints that recur High blood pressure

Bed-wetting, uncontrolled urination Enlargement of lymph glands in the neck

Insomnia, sleep disturbances Heavy sweating not related to exercise

Fluid retention Muscle spasms, aching muscles

Painful, stiff or swollen joints Depression or crying spells

Sinus attacks Catch colds easily

Repeated bouts of bronchitis or pneumonia Hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder

Constipation or diarrhea Marked fluctuations in weight

Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, dermatitis Irritability

Bladder infections Dry stuffy nose, tendency to pick nose

Runny nose Bloating or puffiness in the face

Bronchial asthma Migraine headaches

Chronic ear infections

Almost any food has the ability to cause adverse reactions, depending on one’s individual sensitivity to it. Some people react to food additives, such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), sulfating agents, benzoate preservatives, and tartrazine food colorings. Most sensitivities, however, are to everyday natural foods. Common offenders include milk products, wheat, egg, chocolate, caffeine, orange, strawberries, peanut, nuts, corn, potato, sugar, shellfish, tomato, pork, beef, sugar, and soy.

Addiction and sensitivity are two sides of the same coin. Any foods that we crave or feel we cannot do without are often the culprits causing untoward bodily responses. Unless we track down and totally eliminate the offending foods, complete relief is not possible. The biggest mistake that most people make in dealing with sensitivities is believing that a little bit won’t hurt. A little bit of poison is still a poison. Even one molecule can be too much. Unless elimination is total, complete relief is not possible.

There are a number of self-help ways to track down and identify hidden sensitivities – including food diaries, elimination diets, pulse testing, and blood pressure monitoring.

More Information on Low Thyroid

Daily thyroid hormone production is less than 0.001 of an ounce, yet it profoundly affects all of our bodily cells. Thyroxine (T4) is the primary hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. It regulates the rate of metabolism of most bodily cells and affects almost all tissues of the body. Thyroxine itself is physiologically inactive, however. It has to be converted to its active form, triiodothyronine (T3) before it can exert its effects. Although some T3 is produced by the thyroid gland, most of it is converted from T4 by the action of deiodinase enzymes found in


most bodily tissues. T3 helps to regulate growth, electrolyte balance, oxidative metabolism, differentiation during cell growth, carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism, oxygen consumption, the breakdown of fat, fertility and – most important of all – basal metabolic rate, the speed at which all biochemical reactions take place.

Chronic low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is rampant in western society. It is probably the most medically under-diagnosed of all conditions, primarily because blood tests for it are unreliable. Most people with hypothyroidism have normal levels of T4 circulating in their bloodstream; however, their bodies do not convert enough of this hormone to T3, the form in which their bodily cells require it. Some of the conditions linked to hypothyroidism include acid indigestion, acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, breast disease (benign), cancer (of all kinds), canker sores, cellulitis, diabetes, eczema, emphysema, gallstones, gout, hives, hypoglycemia, impetigo, infertility, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus erythematosus, mental depression, menstrual irregularities, migraine headaches, miscarriages, obesity, panic attacks, premature aging, premenstrual syndrome, psoriasis, respiratory infections, rheumatism, sexual dysfunction, tinnitus, toxemia of pregnancy, and urinary tract infections.

There are two states of functioning that the thyroid gland seeks to maintain – and to switch between, as needed. One is the productivity mode, the one that permits full metabolic functioning at optimal levels. The other is the conservation mode, primarily used for healing and restoration. During acute illness or traumatic injury, the body switches from productivity to conservation, in order to devote its resources to the recovery process. In the conservation mode, one craves rest and has no desire for strenuous activity. Body temperature drops, blood pressure may also, and all metabolic activities slow down. A soon as recovery is complete, the thyroid is supposed to switch back into productivity mode. Sometimes, however, it does not, turning what should have been only a temporary adjustment period into a chronic, lasting condition. Many cases of hypothyroidism are thus triggered by disease, injury or some traumatic event. Hypothyroidism is also linked to brain activity. If the brain does not get an adequate supply of glucose (as in hypoglycemia), the thyroid may shift into conservation mode to protect this important organ.

There is a simple home test (for basal temperature) you can do that is far more reliable than blood tests for detecting hypothyroidism. That is because it measures a direct effect of thyroid activity – body temperature. Blood tests take only an indirect measure – the amount of thyroid hormone in the blood, which may have little to do with the quantity of the hormone that actually reaches the cells that need it.

Basal Temperature Test (BTT)

This test requires you to take your underarm (axillary) temperature first thing in the morning, before arising, when the body is at complete rest. Men, pre-pubescent and post-menopausal women can take this test at any time. Menstruating women need to do the BTT on the second and third mornings after their flow starts. To do the BTT, place a mercury-type clinical thermometer, well-shaken down, by the bedside upon retiring. Immediately upon awakening and before stirring from the bed, place the bulb of the thermometer under the armpit and hold it there for 10 minutes. Record the reading on two consecutive days. A range of from 36.6 to 36.8 0C (97.8 to 98.2 0F) suggests normal thyroid function. Temperatures below 36.6 0C (97.8 0F) indicate hypothyroidism. Those above 36.8 0C (98.2 0F) indicate an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism).


The BTT is the most reliable means we have of inferring thyroid activity. It can only be performed first thing in the morning and for menstruating women, only on certain days.

Daily Temperature Readings

There is a second temperature test that is almost as reliable and can be performed at any time of day. It simply involves taking one’s temperature by mouth four or more times during the day, recording the readings, and calculating a daily average. This average should be 370C (98.60F) – or slightly higher during times of ovulation. A daily average below 370C indicates low thyroid function. Taking multiple daily readings helps one both to discover patterns and to take corrective action more quickly. Example: suppose that every day at 4 PM – four hours after eating – you experience an energy "crash" and have to lie down. If every day at 4 PM your body temperature also dropped by, say, one-half degree, this evidence suggests that thyroid activity slows down when blood sugar is low. Have a mid-afternoon snack to see if it restores both energy and temperature.


Nutrients required to produce thyroid hormones include iodine, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, Biotin and L-cysteine, tyrosine.

Hypothyroidism is so prevalent and its effects so far-reaching that anyone with any chronic health problem would do well to take the BTT. If low thyroid function is a causative factor in any condition, that condition will not improve significantly until the thyroid is able to resume its normal functioning.

Auto-immune modulating supplements are key, some are:

Polypodium leucotomos (Kalawalla), Cats Claw, MSM, Omega 3 fatty acids, Colostrum

Remember to use the approach for the specific condition also.

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)

Natural Health Approach, here are some:

➢ Alpha-lipoic acid, aloe vera juice, cat’s claw, wheatgrass juice or powder, colostrum, whey protein are beneficial.

➢ Trace mineral sources like red marine algae, kelp, hydrilla or ionic trace minerals would be exceptional for immune support.

➢ AHCC (mushroom extract) is highly beneficial.

AHCC immunotherapy in AIDS patients

Ghoneum M, Priestly J; International Conference on AIDS.

(Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12; 10: 215 (abstract no. PB0291). Drew Univ. of Med. & Sci., Dept.

of Otolaryngology, L.A., CA 90059.)

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the immunologic effects of Active Hemicellulose Compound (AHCC)


therapy for 12 months in 20 HIV positive homosexual men. AHCC is a mycelia extract of

Basidiomycota which was originated from hybridization of several types of mushrooms.

METHODS: Patients were given AHCC 3 g/d daily. The following parameters were examined; NK

cell activity, absolute counts and percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ cells and the ratio of CD4/CD8.

RESULTS: Treatment with AHCC resulted in: 1) Significant induction of NK cytotoxicity occurred

at one month (220%) and maximized at 3 mon (440%) and was maintained at this high level. 2)

A marked increase in the absolute CD4+ cell counts in 14/20 patients (120%) at one month and

continued at the same level. 3) No change in the percentage of CD4+ cells. 4) Significant

increase in absolute CD8 cell counts in 12/20 patients (137%). 5) No change in CD4/CD8 ratio.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that AHCC is a potent immunomodulator, with

a potential therapeutic role in the stimulation of host immune response against HIV. Its

importance requires further studies for clinical trials.


Supplements Dosage

Flaxseed oil 1 g twice daily before meals

B5 50 mg 3 times daily

Zinc 50 mg daily

Vitamin C (Buffered) 1500 mg 3x/day

The herbal combination made of licorice, ginger, feverfew, green tea, lobelia, Mormon tea, Coleus Forskohlii, Schisandra berries, and skullcap

500 - 1000 mg 3x/day for 8 weeks

DMG 100 mg 2x/day

Grapeseed extract 100 mg 2x/day

Quercetin and Bromelain Multiple times daily in-between meals

➢ Check allergies, food sensitivities, and chemical sensitivities.

➢ Check the digestive condition and possibly consider a parasite cleanse.


Supplements Dosage

MSM 2 grams 2x/day

Vitamin C At least 5000 mg daily divided up during the day

Quercitin & Bromelain As directed

Enzymes With meals

Acidophilus Daily

Adrenal support like Astralagus Daily

➢ Do a food allergy self-test (use a diary and the pulse test). Consider a blood and stool analysis through the or

➢ Possibly will have to do a parasite cleanse and general detox. ➢ If you are allergic to pollen use local (10 miles radius) raw wildflower honey each year


beginning 3 months before the season. ➢ Use pantethine as directed for formaldehyde allergies. ➢ Eucalyptus oil with thyme essential oil for internal use or steam bath.


Supplements Dosage

MSM 2 - 4 grams daily

Hydrilla 400 mg 3 caps 2x/daily (high in silica and calcium)

If osteoarthritis- take Glucosamine Sulfate for cartilage rebuilding

1500 mg per day

Bromelain for pain and inflammation 500 mg as directed on label 3x/day

Ashwagandha root As directed

➢ Use antioxidant formula with vitamin E and grapeseed extract. ➢ Take flax meal or flax oil daily. ➢ Consider detoxification. ➢ Kyani Triangle of Health is excellent for this condition. See:


Supplement Dosage

DMG 100 mg daily

CoQ10 50 - 100 mg daily

B complex 50 mg 3x/day

B6 50 mg 3x/day

Gingko Biloba 60 mg 3x/day

Consider food allergies and food sensitivities. Also, consider doing a Hair analysis to determine copper levels and heavy metals.

Bladder Infection (Cystitis)

Supplements Dosage

Colloidal Silver As directed

D Mannose (it helps germs from clinging on the bladder walls)

Several times a day

Cranberry Extract capsules As directed


➢ Fenugreek is used to reduce the flow of mucus. ➢ Chlorophyll is used to reduce mucus and detoxify the respiratory system. ➢ Colloidal Silver is a natural antibiotic. ➢ Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant.


➢ Quercetin 500mg 3x/day is for anti-inflammation. ➢ Avoid mucus forming foods like dairy, white flour, sugars, etc.


➢ Take boswellia with bromelain several times a day on an empty stomach to reduce inflammation.

➢ Consider daily topical use of DMSO from the health food store. ➢ Take MSM powder 2 - 4 grams daily. It promotes healing and repair. ➢ Take silica complex, horsetail and/or alfalfa as directed.


➢ Bio-electric Magnetic Energy Regulation (B.E.M.E.R) is excellent to increase oxygen and enhance micro-circulation. See or PEMF Devices at

➢ Take colostrum with astragalus several times daily as directed. ➢ Consider taking AHCC mushroom complex, green tea extract, NAC, cats claw, essiac

(Ojibwa) herbal concentrate and whey protein isolate from New Zealand. ➢ Drink lemon-aloe drink twice daily. It consists of 6 oz pure water, 2 oz aloe vera juice

(organic), juice of a ½ lemon (organic), 5-6 drops of lemon oil, and some raw unfiltered honey or stevia.

➢ Eat a very clean and natural diet, no pork or red meat. ➢ Eat a mostly vegetarian diet with generous amounts of berries.

➢ IP6 800 mg daily is recommended.

Cardiovascular Disease

➢ CoenzymeQ10 50 – 100 mg 3x/day is excellent heart support in angina and congestive Heart disease. It increases oxygenation and therefore improves energy levels and breathing. People with CHF and angina should use 200 - 500 mg CoQ10 daily.

➢ Fish oils and/or flax oil: 2 to 3 grams daily helps prevent hardening of the arteries. ➢ Nattokinase is a potent natural blood thinner if needed. ➢ L carnitine 2 grams a day is excellent support in mitral valve prolapse and in energy

production. ➢ Grape seed extract and hawthorn berries extract support normal blood pressure. ➢ Lecithin granules 2 - 3 tablespoons daily support arterial circulation. ➢ Bio-electric Magnetic Energy Regulation (B.E.M.E.R) is excellent to increase oxygen and

enhance micro-circulation. See or PEMF Devices at

➢ Kyani Nitro Extreme to improve blood flow is recommended. See

➢ Cayenne pepper capsules break up stagnant circulation. ➢ Ginkgo biloba supports blood flow and is a free-radical fighter. ➢ Vitamin C 2 - 3 grams and lysine 2 - 3 grams daily are cardiovascular protectors. ➢ Red yeast rice 1200 mg daily helps support normal cholesterol levels and other lipid

values. ➢ Cholesterol pro (bergamot citrus extract with plant sterols) is excellent at balancing the

lipid panel with no heaviness to the liver.


➢ Take chromium 200 mcg 3x/day because it supports the lipid profiles. ➢ Exercise is very good to keep triglycerides down. ➢ Carbs and sugar intake should be reduced also. ➢ Ribose is excellent for heart energy.

Cirrhosis of the Liver

Supplements Dosage

Alpha-lipoic Acid 400 mg per day

CoQ10 100 - 200 mg daily

Liquid chlorophyll for detoxification As directed

Multiple enzymes With each meal

➢ Vitamin B complex and vitamin B12 are necessary. ➢ Consider taking friendly bacterias, lecithin, milk thistle herb and DMG. ➢ Use 3 hydrogen-rich sticks in the drinking water or use the EHM water pitcher.

Cystic Fibrosis

Supplements Dosage

Vitamin E 200 IU daily at breakfast

Selenium 100 mcg 1 capsule daily after breakfast

Chlorophyll Daily as directed

Proteolytic enzymes Take on empty stomach three times a day (two hours after a meal or half-hour before a meal)

Pancreatin After meals as directed

Vitamin C ascorbate 2000 mg morning, afternoon and evening on empty stomach (2 hours or more after meals).

Primrose oil is good for inflammation As directed

Vitamin K As directed

MSM At least 2000 mg a day (capsule or powder) taken in the morning upon rising

Vitamin A containing retinoic acid and beta-carotene

As directed


Supplements Dosage

Fiber mix (psyllium/apple pectin) 7- 14 grams daily

Digestive enzymes With meals

Proteolytic enzymes for bowel inflammation In between meals

Flax oil (intestinal cell lining protection) As directed

Alfalfa juice powder in juice or water 1 teaspoon twice daily

Aloe Vera juice 3 - 4 oz 3x/day

➢ Take bowel flora replacement such as acidophilus bifidus.


➢ Use hydrogen-rich water stick in your water. ➢ Eat a healthful living diet that is high in fiber (in the acute stage, a low fiber diet is


Drug Addiction

Supplements Dosage

B complex 100 mg 3x/day

B12 1000 mcg 2x/day

Milk thistle extract 300 - 600 mg daily

Siberian ginseng aids cocaine withdrawal 1 g - 2x/day

Calcium with Magnesium and Vitamin D 1500 mg Calcium, 1000 mg Magnesium, 1000 IU Vitamin D

➢ Take GABA for relaxing and cravings. ➢ 500 mg of tyrosine and 500 mg of valerian root taken every 4 hours has given good

results in cocaine withdrawal (on empty stomach).

Gallbladder Disorders

➢ Take lecithin 1200 mg 3x/day before meals. It emulsifies fats and keeps bile in solution. ➢ Take Pancreatin with ox bile before each meal for digestion. ➢ Avoid fried foods and fatty foods. ➢ To promote bile flow take dandelion root extract combination liquid before meals. ➢ For Gallstones, here is a flush: Eat light food for three days, salads, fruits, mostly apples.

Drink a lot of water. The third Night before retiring to bed take: ½ cup (4 oz) olive oil with the juice of one full lemon in it, drink it and go to bed. Sleep on your right side in the fetal position (with your legs toward your chest). Next day, your first bowel movement will contain stones. Can repeat after 2-4 weeks. This mixture will cause your gallbladder to contract to the point that it will spill out the stones into your intestines.


Supplements Dosage

DMG (great oxygenator) 100 mg 3x/day

Liquid Chlorophyll (Cleansing) As directed

Vitamin C 5 - 10 grams daily divided up

MSM 2 - 4 grams daily

Silica 50 - 80 mg daily

Zinc 50 mg daily

➢ Use bromelain and turmeric for inflammation. ➢ Use beta-glucan for immune response. ➢ Use Nitro-Extreme by Kyani. See


Gum Disease

Supplements Dosage

CoQ10 (for healthy gums) 100 mg daily

Vitamin C 2 - 4 grams 2-3x/daily

Grapeseed extract 100-200 mg daily

➢ Brush and flush after each meal. ➢ Rinse with a mixture containing water, hydrogen peroxide, and aloe vera nightly before

bedtime. Use the flat tip syringe to clean and disinfect pockets with. Use this every day until your gums are not bleeding or pain stops. You can Inject the above mixture into the pockets. See for the syringes. Save your gums and teeth.

Halitosis (Bad breath)

➢ Practice good oral hygiene and take care of any gum or teeth issues. ➢ Optimize digestion by eating a healthy diet and getting enough fiber. ➢ Detoxify with detox herbs, fasting, and colon-cleansers such as bentonite and psyllium. ➢ Use the hydrogen-rich water stick in your water. ➢ Use chlorophyll liquid 1 teaspoon 2x/daily (great deodorizer). ➢ Use enzymes with your meals and take probiotics daily.

Impotence (Male)

Supplements Dosage

Zinc (for a healthy prostate and to boost testosterone levels)

50 mg daily

Tribulus (increases libido, stamina, supports healthy testosterone levels)

500 mg 2 caps twice daily

Horny goats weed (erectile enhancement) As directed

Siberian Ginseng (improves sperm count) 2 grams daily

Octacosanol (hormone production) 1000 - 2000 mcg 3x/weekly

L’arginine (increased libido) 1000 mg 2-3x/day

Kelp caps (for a healthy reproductive system) 1 - 2 a day

DHEA (for men over 35) – A hormone that helps produce hormones

25 - 100 mg a day depending on a saliva test

➢ Bio-electric Magnetic Energy Regulation (B.E.M.E.R) is excellent to increase oxygen and enhance micro-circulation. See or PEMF Devices at

➢ Use Nitro-Extreme by Kyani to improve blood flow. See

Kidney Stones

Supplements Dosage

B6 50 - 100 mg


Magnesium (reduces oxalic acid stones) 500 mg daily

IP6 (Prevents and eliminates stones) As directed

➢ Drink 6 to 8 glasses of distilled water daily. May have to not eat until the stone is passed.

➢ Avoid calcium carbonate forms of calcium (use citrate or gluconate). ➢ Avoid high oxalic acid foods like spinach, chocolate, etc. ➢ Keep the pH of urine in the normal range (6.2 to 6.8) by drinking plenty of water and

eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Menopausal Problems

➢ Take 30 grams of soy protein daily or use isoflavones(for low estrogen). ➢ Red clover extract is another source of isoflavones. ➢ Progesterone cream (from wild yam for low progesterone, sometimes used for low

estrogen also) is great for estrogen dominance. ➢ Check DHEA levels and possibly supplement with it. ➢ Check DHEA, Testosterone, and estrogen levels in male menopause before

supplementation. ➢ For high estrogen and high progesterone, consider detox and use IC3 and flax meal 4

tablespoons daily.


➢ Calcium citrate, gluconate, and lactate are good forms of calcium. Citrate and gluconate are neutral forms, lactate is an acid form and carbonate (least absorbable form) is alkalizing. Individuals must check their urine pH for appropriate calcium. A pH below 6.0 can warrant calcium carbonate for the short term. For pH above 6.8, calcium lactate is good to take.

➢ Calcium citrate, gluconate, and phosphate are neutral and can be used by all individuals. ➢ Magnesium, vitamin D, boron, vitamin K, and silica are all important in calcium

absorption. ➢ Isoflavones are especially important for women with low estrogen who have bone loss.

They act as phytoestrogens. ➢ Calcium range intake is 1200 – 2000 mg daily. ➢ Trace mineral liquids are excellent for bone and muscle health. They provide 72 plus

minerals. ➢ Exercise is important for calcium metabolism. ➢ Consider taking boron, vitamin K2, and silica.

Parkinson’s Disease

Supplements Dosage

CoQ10 100 - 400 mg may slow brain cell death

B complex 50 mg 3x/day for brain function and enzyme activity

GABA stabilizes neuron activity As directed

5HTP for depression 50-100 mg 2x/day


➢ DMAE improves memory and learning ability. ➢ Calcium, magnesium, and potassium - For healthy nerves and bones commonly lacking

in this condition.


Supplements Dosage

DMG helps maintain mental acuity 100 mg daily

Omega 3 fish oils - Excellent for memory 2 - 3 grams daily

Phosphatidyl Serine - Excellent for memory 100 mg 1-2x/day

Lecithin Granules 2 - 3 tablespoons daily

B complex - for a healthy nervous system 100 mg 2-3x/day

Kelp - Excellent source of vital trace minerals 1-3 g daily

B12 - Supports memory and energy levels 2000 mcg daily

Multi Enzyme Formula - Aids digestion As directed

➢ Bio-electric Magnetic Energy Regulation (B.E.M.E.R) is excellent to increase oxygen and enhance micro-circulation. See or PEMF Devices at


Supplements Dosage

Vitamin C At least 5,000 mg daily

Zinc lozenges 15 mg every 3 hours for 3 days then 1-4x/day

Acidophilus As directed

Echinacea/Golden Seal Every 3 hours

Glycerite extract Every 3 hours

Chlorophyll liquid 1 teaspoon 2-3 times daily

➢ Use shitake extract to boost immunity. ➢ Do salt water gargle daily.

Ulcerative Colitis

Supplements Dosage

Aloe Vera to support repair and healing 4 oz 2-3x/daily

Alfalfa juice powder in fresh papaya juice or aloe

1 teaspoon 2x/day

Vitamin A 25,000 IU daily (protects mucous membrane)

L-Glutamine (maintains intestinal villi) 500 mg twice daily

B vitamins 50 mg twice daily

Proteolytic enzymes In between meals for inflammation

Multi-enzymes with Pancreatin Take after meal

Acidophilus(friendly bacteria for colonic colonization)

As directed

NAC as a powerful antioxidant 500 mg twice a day


Psyllium powder (fiber cleanser – can take before going to bed)

2 teaspoons upon rising in water or juice

➢ Use hydrogen-rich water stick in your filtered water daily.

Varicose Veins

Supplements Dosage

Grapeseed extract - As an antioxidant 100 mg twice daily

Vitamin C complex 1000 mg of Bioflavonoids and 3 - 6 g of vitamin C

Lecithin for fat digestion and circulation As directed

CoQ10 for oxygenation 100 mg daily

➢ Use aloe vera cream as a topical application for a soothing effect. ➢ For leg circulation, take butcher’s broom with ginkgo, gotu kola, and hawthorn berries

in liquid or capsule. ➢ Horse chestnut cream or witch hazel water reduces the appearance of the veins. ➢ Bio-electric Magnetic Energy Regulation (B.E.M.E.R) is excellent to increase oxygen and

enhance micro-circulation. See ➢ Bioflavonoids help maintain strong blood vessels. ➢ Consider supervised detoxification weight loss regime if necessary.


Supplements Dosage

Silica from alfalfa, Hydrilla, or horsetail (increases collagen production)

80 - 100 mg

Primrose or Black Currant oil (for healthy skin)

3 grams daily

MSM powder or capsules - Shown to reduce wrinkles

2 - 3 grams daily

Multi-Vitamin As directed

Kelp capsules (or Minerals) 1000- 1500 mg daily

NAC - Antioxidant and skin nutrient 1000 mg daily

Collagen Cream and Elastin Cream As directed

➢ Eat a healthy diet high in fiber. ➢ Use the hydrogen-rich water stick in your filtered water; it’s a powerful antioxidant and

detoxifier. ➢ The antioxidant formula must include zinc, vitamin C, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin A. ➢ Consider taking grape seed extract and vitamin D3. ➢ Practice a healthy lifestyle: regular exercise, healthy sleep, and relaxation.


Supplements Dosage

Alpha Lipoic Acid - This nutrient supports 600 - 750 mg per day (divide up in amounts


normal blood sugar and is an antioxidant of 200 or 250 mg)

Coenzyme Q10 - This is for energy and oxygenation

100 - 200 mg daily with meals

Chromium (GTF) - Helps support blood sugar 200 mcg 3x/day with meals

Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Daily

Zinc 50 - 80 mg daily, with meals

Magnesium 750 mg daily

➢ Use 2 or 3 hydrogen-rich water sticks in your drinking water. Studies show it supports normal blood sugar levels.

➢ Use super greens like hydrilla, wheatgrass or barley grass for alkalinity. ➢ Eat low glycemic index food. ➢ Bio-electric Magnetic Energy Regulation (B.E.M.E.R) is excellent to increase oxygen and

enhance micro-circulation. See or PEMF devices at

➢ Use the Nitro Extreme by Kyani to improve arterial blood flow. See This is a nitric oxide enhancer without arginine in it.

What is used in Supplements? The following are some common and not-so-common fillers, binders and excipients, along with their source and what purpose they serve.

Acacia Gum (Vegetable): A binder used primarily in the wet granulation process, but also as a dry blend binder. A viscous substance exuded from the tropical acacia tree which is also known as gum arabic.

Agar: Vegetarian, gelatinous material prepared from marine algae. It is used as a tablet-binding agent.

Calcium Stearate: Stearates are salts or esters of the fatty acid stearic acid. In this case, stearic acid is combined with calcium. It is used as a tablet lubricant.

Colloidal Silicon Dioxide: It is a naturally occurring silica. It is a glidant used to improve flow and compressibility of ingredients.

Dibasic Calcium Phosphate: It is a commonly used filler, an inert, naturally occurring mineral. It is also a source of extra calcium.

Fiber (Vegetable): Cellulose products are used as fillers, binders, and to improve the hardness and compressibility of tablets. They are not metabolized by the body.

Fructose: It is a sweetener which occurs in a large number of fruits, and in honey.

Guar Gum (Vegetable): It is a gum derived from the seed of the legume plant Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba which is used as a tablet binder.

Magnesium Stearate: Stearates are salts or esters of the fatty acid stearic acid. In this case, stearic acid is combined with magnesium and is used as a tablet lubricant, eliminates sticking to


press tooling. It can be found in many foods such as palm oil or coconut oil.

Maltodextrin: It is isolated from corn and generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a human food ingredient. It is also used as a binder and filling agent.

Mannitol: It is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in plants. It is used as a sweetening agent for sublingual or chewable tablets, and may also be used in conventional tablets as a binder.

Microcrystalline Cellulose or Cellulose: Cellulose, the main constituent of plant tissue and fibers, is purified and broken down into smaller particles. It is used as a binder, filler and disintegrating agent. Cellulose is not metabolized by the body. It is also known as LHPC, HPC, HPMC.

Note: Gelatin capsules and Vcaps. Gelatin capsules are from beef or a combination of pork and beef. Softgels are beef. The hard solid gels are pork. The VCAPS are made of plant fibers.

Modified Cellulose Gum: Cellulose is the main constituent of plant tissue and fibers. It is used to aid in tablet disintegration and dissolution. Rapid disintegration of tablets is a factor in improved bioavailability.

Simethicone: It is derived from silicone and used as tablet lubricant. It is not metabolized by the body.

Sorbitol: It is naturally occurring sugar alcohol used as a sweetening agent in sublingual or chewable tablets and also is similar to mannitol. It may also be used as a tablet binder in conventional tablets. It is also frequently used in syrups.

Stearic Acid: It is a food-grade fatty acid, derived from fats and oils, and used as a tablet binder and lubricant.

Tragacanth Gum (Vegetable): It is gum of the thorny southwest Asian shrub Astragalus Gummifer. It is used as a tablet binder.

Xylitol: It is a sugar alcohol derived from xylose. Xylose is a natural sugar formed from cellulose products such as wood, cane pulp, seed hulls, and shells. It is used as a binder and sweetener.

Zinc Stearate: Stearates are salts or esters of the fatty acid stearic acid. In this case, stearic acid is combined with zinc. It is used as a tablet lubricant.



Borror, Donald J. 1960. Dictionary of Root Words and Combining Forms. Mayfield Publ. Co.

Campbell, Neil A., Lawrence G. Mitchell, Jane B. Reece. 1999. Biology, 5th

Ed. Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co., Inc. Menlo Park, CA. (plus earlier editions)

Campbell, Neil A., Lawrence G. Mitchell, Jane B. Reece. 1999. Biology: Concepts and

Connections, 3rd Ed. Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co., Inc. Menlo Park, CA. (plus earlier


Marchuk, William N. 1992. A Life Science Lexicon. Wm. C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA.

Sienko, Michell J., and Robert A. Plane. 1966. Chemistry: Principles and Properties. McGraw-

Hill Book Co., NY. (and other chemistry texts and handbooks)

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3Verhoef, MJ. Et al. Homocysteine metabolism and risk of myocardial infarction: relation with

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Crook, William. “The Yeast Connection.” William Crook, M.D.,

Skinner. “Blood Information; Blood Test Results, Blood Disorders & Blood Transfusion.” Blood

Information; Blood Test Results, Blood Disorders & Blood Transfusion,

“” National Candida Center,

Yeast Connection, William Crook, MD; Medical Literature (Nsouli11994); Ibid, (Crook 1999);

Ibid. (Shaw 1996).