n e i w w i lACEDI T O TO HMG, A - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of n e i w w i lACEDI T O TO HMG, A - DigiFind-It

( ^ n e i w w iN^UMBEE 3,852. NEW AEK, N. J . . SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 29. 189(). PRICE TWO CENTS.

First Edition.

lACEDI T O TO HMG,M urderer's Attempt to End Hie Life

W ill Be UnsuoceesfuL


J i l l FRtli<*r>}Q-|.iiw W ltl A lto Rv^oTfr, Tliough til** RiillH: Hm Not Yot H^«n Re­moved from H it Y hro»t-K r1ttlve« of tho f)e td W omen UefuMMl to A llow nn A n to p ij t« H t Perforniedf ta r t th e Po llro tln d to Be U«Ued Ui>oo to llem oTo th e B odiet Bviii (he H odte.

JE R S E Y CITY, Feb. 2 0 .^ o h n M »ckln. the young double inurdenT of h is wife, LIztie M ackin. and lior m other. H rlilgft Connori, who trlrtl to kill h lm eelf In hie ceil In the F ourth IT ed n c t Statlon-houise in thla c ity yefttcnlay morninR. w aa re* ported to be re itln g easily in the C ity Itoa* pUal lo*day. Not fa r from him, lyliiR on a cot with a bullet in hl« th ro a t, W’aa hla th ird vli'tlm , Morria Connora, the htiabaiid of B ridget and the fa th e r of M acklit‘a wife. The bullet la nttll In hla th ro a t, and Houae Burgeon^Y arlck had not dared probe for U on account of the c ritic a l con« ditlon of the injured man.

The cut Mat-kin m ade In hla th ro a t w ith the rasor, which waa not found on him when he w*aa eearched a f te r hla a r re e t In the etatlon*houac on Thurm lay n igh t, la a very deep one. but it Juat mlaaed the main a rte ry . The phyaidana aay th a t althoURh th e m urderer and C onnors a re both In a crktlea) condition they both will probably recover.

M ackin la being cloaely w atched by the police and If he Uvea It will only t>e to die on the gallow'R. Be hoa m ade a fu ll coufea- alon of hlA Crimea, and thla haa l>een taken down by th e police. He eapreiaed no so r­row for hla deed. He la bu t turenty-llve years o f age.

County Phyak 'lan Converae w as not a l­lowed to perform an aulopay on th e i>odies of Mrs. Connora. and her daugh te r. Mra, M aekln, when he w ent to the C oonors house. In Phillips s treet, yeste rday , the friends of the Connora fam ily re fu sing him perm ission. It w as necessary fo r the County Physician to perform the au to p sy in o rder to be able to testify a t th e tr ia l of the accused m an, Just where th e bulle ts ■truck the victim and to describe th e cause of th e ir deaths.

The C ounty Physician reported to Chief M urphy la st n igh t the re fusa l to allow him to perform the autopsy , and Chief M urphy th is m orning had C ap tain A lex­a n d er M cKaIg, of the F ourth Preclnce, and the reserves accom pany the C ounty Physic ian to the C onnors home, T h e bod­ies of the victim s were placed In an under­tak in g wagon and were removed to S per'a m orgue In Grand street, w here the C ounty Physician will m ake the au topsy thla afternoon.

W hen the ^ l l c e artiveil a t th e house they found w illiam Connors and A nnie Connors, children o f Mrs. Connors, and Annie E am bert, who lived w ith them , w atching th e IkkRcs. The funera l a rra n g e - m onts have not yet been definitely fixed, but th e funerals will probably be held to ­morrow. A fte r the autopsy Is p e rfo rm ed th is afternoon the bodies will he g iven to U ndertaker F-lllott. who has ch a rg e o f th e funeral a rrangem ents.

CAVbEl> H I8 W irE 'H A R R E 8 T .

IThen Peekwell Found H er E ate rta lD lng a C lerk hhe AsiauUed Him.

fipeolftl tr> the KVENTNO NKWfl.M ORRISTOWN. Feb. 29.^Pol!ee Ju s tle a

Stllwell held a m idnight aesslon o f th e Police C ourt last n igh t to dispoae o f a case, the com plainant In which haa the sym pathy of m any persons who a re a c ­quain ted w ith some of the facta.

Ja red Peckw ell, w ith h is wife E lla and the ir three children, reside a t 54 Spring street. F o r some tim e p ast Peckw elT s dom estic happiness, he says, h a s been m arrud by hla w ife 's conduct. L a s t n ight he followed to h is home a clerk em ployed In a Speedwell avenue m eat m ark e t, w ith whom his wife has been on very friendly term s. The c le rk 's actions a roused the suspicions o f the angry husband , and when he entered his home by b u rs tin g open a door and found h is wife e n te r ta in ­ing the o th e r m an, there w as a row , d u r­ing which the v isitor escaped.

Peckw ell Is physird lly not a very s tro n g m an. and In the hgh t he had w ith hla wife cam e out second best. He visited police headquarters, and p rocuring tbe a s ­sistance of Police Odleer B rennan , re ­tu rned to h is home and caused the a rre s t of hla pugilistic b e tte r half. M rs. P e rk -wetl w as accom panied to the Police C ourt by her th ree children. D uring tl nary hearing the cause of the fight w asb rought out. and In d e fau lt of ba ll the wom an w as com m itted to th e M orris C ounty Ja il on a charge of a s s a u lt and batter^', her husband declining to m ake a more serious complaint.

The separation of the m o ther from her th ree children, as she w'as led aw ay to tall, w as th e most p itiful slRht th a t has been w itnessed in the M orristow n Police C ourt in m any a day.


Tbs D eath o f a C hild from W hooping C oagb W ill Be iDTeitlgateil.

PATERSON, Feb. 29 .-Jabea W ood, o f l&A l.<ewlB s treet, visited the office o f C oun­ty Physician Johnson yesterday , and de­clared th a t Jessie, h li th ree-m onths-o ld child, had been killed by poor tre a tm e n t a t the hands of Dr. F ran k D. V reeland, an d dem anded th a t he give th e case thorough Investigation,

He said th a t several weeks ago h is child w as a ttack ed with whooping cough, and p r . H ubert Em erson w as called in. U nder his tre a tm en t Jessie Improved, he said, and tw o w eeks ago w as rem oved b*» h e r m other to the home of the la t te r 's s is te r, M rs. Case. In F a ir s treet. Mrs. Case, who Is an advocate of hom oeopathy, induced Mrs, Wood to change her physician and re ta in Dr. Vreeland, The cnlld died. Us fa th e r becam e fran tic , and Im m ediately charged Dr. Vreeland with causing Je s ­sie 's death . P r . V reeland w as called upon to g ran t a certificate of death, b u t he ro- fused, a s did also Dr. Em erson. T he C ounty Physician will Inveatigats th e case.


PreoauiloQ i T aken to Prevent T rouble W hen H e V isits th e M osque To-<lay*

CONBTANTINOFLE.Feb. K .-T w o h u n ­dred persons have been a rre s ted In th is c ity during the cerem onies of th e fa s t of R am aaan fo r riotous conduct. Several T urks a re Included In the num ber a rre s ted , though nearly all of them ans A rm enians, The a rre s ts w ere m ade yesterday , th e a u ­th o rities fearing a hostile dem onstra tion to-day, the m iddle of the fa s t of R am asan , when the S u ltan a ttended the cerem ony of kU ilng th e m antle of the ifrophet,


ro is lb lllty oF ao AppUeatlon Being Mode To-day for a Receiver,

BALTIM ORE, Feb. S .—R um ors o f a re ­ceivership for the B altim ore a n d Ohio R ailroad a re m ore pronounced to-day th a n heretofore, and It would not su rp rise th e bast-inform ed financiers of the c ity if th e application should be m ade before th e day Closes.

Tbs NEW! Is tbs best advertlildi raedlutn la thess pans.

H eard o f Dr* Noaien^i gnceess*8 T. PETMH8 B U » a , Feb, S9.-A pilot

KlM bo, who took p a rt In th e W ig- K l^J-fO lar eam rtltlon In 18M, haa a rrived a t A f t^ b la d from T tiU ieU k. B u t BIberla, and r ^ r u th a t about the middlo o ( J a n .

heard a eu itom * omctol a»y th a t P r . N an.«ti w u re tu rn in g from th e N orth Foie, whieh he hod alm oat lucceeded In reachlna. K la ibo *ay* he regarded the S tatem ent of the oflScor a s a Joke,

The FraukU a P aa t T o u m au e n t.The w inner U*t n lfh t in th e pool to u rn a -

{V*!lL A j M llttaiy Hall, F ran k lin , waa W illiam W allace.

315 ‘P ^,h* enlriee fo r to -n lfh t a re C h triee Bearle vs. Daniel P a i lo a . C harlea flearle ve. H a rry C rab tree an4 Doula Craw ford va. H arry C rabtree, and C harlea Sourle and N athaidel Taylor.

• • " —T -MThe Ntunn Severe la F rao h lln .

A bout 4 o'clock th is m om ln* a vio lent ralM tortn passed over F rank lin Tow nahlp. I t had m uch the appeam ce of a cloua- bural, ao heavy w as tha toll o f w ater. The atorm lasted bu t tw en ty m inute*, bu t,road* and ildew olk* w»r« bad ly ru t­ted In j ^ o u s place* tb ro u ch o u t th e tow n-r tlp . T he b o n ta In th* r ^ r o o d o u ta w *rak ^ « d down badly.


gubecrltM-rp lo (lie Piiml S u rrrq d e f (lie Op­tion on I t, hn t W ilt Up T h e ir W’ork*

M ajor U lo(i UreeenU In sin u a llan s ." I Iwlleve (he hotel pro ject Is a fa ilu re ,

but If If Wi' g iv f up o u r option on th a t property I believe H will he an a b eo lu ts fa ilure." These w ords w ere aiipken by M ajor S \m u e | K lotx a t u m eetln tf of sub - eerllKTi to th e fund for the proposed hotel belli In the Board o f T rade ro o m l y e sie r- duy afternoon. 1 he M ajor's rentiark w us brought out by a m otion offered i y F red ­erick Frellnghuyaen, to th e e ffec t-ih a t th e option on (he F a rk place site shou ld he allowed to go by th e board "w hgn i t . e x ­pires to-m orrow ." bu t th a t the B oard of T rade C om m ittee should con tinue to lo lie lt BuhserlpUons.

There were only four o r five su b sc rib e rs present when the lim e set for th e 'm e e tin g arrived, Mr, K lo ti expressed re« |ret t>>at more Interest w as no t m anifested , and he detdared th a t he fe lt d iscou rage^ a t th e outlook,

" t had a g rea t deal of th e e n ih u slasm knocked out of m e the o th e r d a y ," Mr. K lo ii went on to say, "b y a fe l|ow w’ho cam e to me and In tim ated very b road ly th a t I w as g e ttin g well ]>ald o r expec ted to he well paid for w hat I w as doing. I t ra th e r m ade me feel like giv ing u|> e n ilre - ly. hut Ihere Is a c la ss of such cnSitem pll- ble devils In th is c i ty who, hav igg not a spark of Im egrlty or of honesty ab o u t them, can not see an y th in g goodTIn a n y ­body else, and seem to th in k th a t e v e ry ­body WLds as they would under l ik e c lr- fu insiances."

Several H ubsctlbers scouted th « Idea of .Mr. K lo U 't g iv ing up. Mr. K lo ii th en a d ­vocated the erection of a cheaper Itulldlng, His plan w as to buy the B ark p b e e s ite , en ter Into a co n trac t to pay fo r It In easy paym ents an d endeavor la Inc rease th e subsfTiptlon list from VIM.OUO to Illw.dOO be­fore possession should be tak en . T h en when the I20n.0fl0 should have benh ra ised an additional 1150.000 could be ra ised on m ortgage and the balance would be su b ­scribed for by co n trac to rs o r m ade up while (he Inillding w as In course -of e re c ­tion. The g rea t question, though , w as wIhts the 151),000 w as com ing from , M r. K loli said.

Responding to the suggestion M r flnan- claJ aid, K. H. ('arhulT said h«l would double hts siibscrip llon and 1>e odu o f fif ty to contribute (he a«ldll1onal SSn.OOit. J am es .McDonald de<']are<l his w illingness to double his suhscrlp tlon , and a slm U ar offer was made a m om ent la te r by W allace M, Sciidder.

M ajor K lots then announced th a t W ill­iam H a rk had agreed to Increase h is suh- s<'rlp(lon In an em ergency and th a i he had ■Iso received a prom ise from a m a h w hose nam e he did not m ention who wa:! w illing to put up | 10,iKm w ht'n the subscrliitlon lis t should reach 1190.000.

Many Residonts of Woodside Appear i Before the Common Council.

The M ajor had hoped fo r a la rg e r m eet ina, and bad ra th e r an tic ip a ted th a t thi subscribers would a u th o rise th e com ­m ittee to go ahead , buy the s ite in d p re ­pare fo r tna erection of the bu ild ing .

"There is only one way to build, the ho­te l," pu l in r , K, CTamcron, "an d t h a t is to buy ine p roperly and go ahead, itf we le t the m a tte r drop now N ew ark w ill never get a hotel."

A different view w as held by ^flr. F re - Ilnghuysen, who ven tured th e oplr|lon th a tIf the hotel should iW sta r ted , Insiteod of bringing m ore subscrip tions in It w ould stop them . He did not th ink th a t th ecomm lliee would be Justtfied In clDsIng th e option under the circum stances.

"W e can easily get a site when we h avo enough su h sc rip ilo n s/' he coneJu^ied.

"C an we get subscrip tions w jlthout a Bite?" put in Jam es A .Coe.

"A pparen tly not." adm itted M r„ F re ltn g - h ^ s e n .

The closing of th e option a t t h e p re sen t tim e was oposed by Mr. lire on H ie g round th a t the purchase price would! am o u n t to abou t tw o-th irds of th e td t a l su b ­scription. H e did not th ink th a t It would bn good policy to close such a big deal w ith such an u n certa in ty as to thgi so u rces from which th e money w as to coipe. T hese views were indorsed by Mr. F rell p g h u y sen and Mr. Scudder.

Mr. F rellnghuysen declared th f i t he w as so rry to advocate the g iv ing u p o f th e site, hut he said he did no t see (he fe a s i­bility of the plan to close the opALon. H e followed th is w ith a m otion th a t it he th e sense of the m eeting th a t the s tlb sc rlb e rs w ere not In a position to close t h e op tion and (h a t th e com m ittee be co n tin u ed to solicit m ors subscrip tions. ■

" I f th a t 's the case I ’ll w lthdrajw a ll m y In te rest," declared Mr. C arhuff fwlth em ­phasis. " I d o n 't believe a n o th e r equally good site could be ob ta ined o n p w h e re in the city . E v e ry subscriber here I o u g h t to tu rn \n and h e lp th e com m ittee liy g e ttin g one o r two o th e r eubscrlbers. J d b n 't w an t to be on the com m ittee, bu t r i ) ru a ra n te e to get two subscrip tions m yself. I f th e busfness m en and m iddle c lass *yf m en In N ew ark a in ’t go t sand enough Mo s ta n d up for $50,000, then th is c ity ne-^er o u g h t to have aho te l."

Mr. Ure, Mr. F rellnghuysen , an d L. Spencer Goble advocated the acloptlon o f th e motion.

" I 'l l m ake th is prediction, g e n tlem en , and I don 't know w hat you wilt th in k or It." spoke up Mr, K lots, "b u t [< Will say th a t If you let th is option expires you w ill not be able to raise $10,TOO In th b c ity o f N ew ark w ithin the next tw o m o p th s . '’

“ flu rs 's you 're bo rn :" pu t In I c r . C am ­eron . I

Mr. Cam eron then suggested t l |a t a s ite to cost about 150,000 be selected, a hd a $300,- 000 building erected, (f no b e tte r could be had, as N ew ark should have a n ew hotel.

At th is point .Major K lo ti tnaefs th e re ­m arks quoted In th e opening F ^fA graph and followed them by saying t h a t th e best th ing th a t could be done would b'^ to a d o p t a resolution su rrendering th e 0]>tlon an d go home.

A fter fu r th e r dlncusslon, the m o tio n o f­fered by Mr. F rellnghuysen w aii pu t an d carried.


A Uapsr K tp re is in g H un ter's Vie ws Causes a Bolt Among Reptibllcan I*

FR A N K FO R T , Ky.. Feb. 29.—T he R e­publicans a re In a bad prE^lcaw ient. a s a resu lt of the Joint ballot y e s te n la y a f te r ­noon, A la rge num ber bolted H p n te r an d It was all the m ore d isas tro u s o n acco u n t of the prom inence of the d ese rte rs .

W hen Judge L andes's nam e w#as ca lled ha arose and asked to be a llow ed to ex ­plain h is vote. He said it w as p a in fu l fo r him to m ake the s ta tem en t th s ,t he w as about to m ake; th a t H u n te r had been nom inated by the Kepubilcan c tu c u s be­cause they th o u g h t he w as f o r sound money; th a t rum ors had been iifloat fo r some tim e th a t Dr. H u n te r w art for free silver, and th is had caitsed a go<(d deal o f uneasiness.

He did no t believe the rum ortl a t first, bu t since (ho ad jou rnm en t of th e la s t Joint assem bly U Bad como to h im In such shape th a t he had to w ithhold h is vo te from H unter. H e fe lt th a t he m 'js t, In a ll conscientiousness, cas t his vote f o r a m an he knew w as for sound money. H e leH a paper in the presldaB t's hands, so th a t a n y one could exam lnoT l. The pape t re a d a s follow s;

1 hereby ag ree th a t I will fajvor such (Twill su p p o rt such m easi

ion itlegliUUon an as will res to re s ilv e r to th e posit



cupied as p rim ary o r redem ptlofi m oney p rio r to 1873, w hen i t w as the s tM d a r d o f values. W IL L IA M H U ffT E R ."

The reading o f th la paper c au se d u g re a t s tir In the R epublican ran k s anoi w as th e signal fo r severa l speecbes. M r. L yons m ade a sh o rt speech In which h f ro a s ted those who deserted H un ter. S p eak er

B land Ford said he would vote fo f H u n te r. Tha vote w as: H u n te r 67, B la ck b u rn 61, B ate 1, C arlisle S, E v an s 1, H olt 1, L ang ley 6, Lewis 1, M cC reary 2.

The R epublicans held a caucus Hast n ig h t lasting over th ree hours. Dr. H um ter w as present, and w as asked to m ak g a n e x ­planation o f the paper signed w ith h is nam e and read in th e afternoon* H e re­plied th a t th e p a p er w as gem tlne, a n d th a t It w as hla view o f the p la tw rm . H e said th a t he w as In favo r of so u i|d m oney and not for free silver. A fte r D:f. H u n te r Anished, a g reab m a sy Republicj$ns m ade speeches,

A resolution w as Anall passed p ledg ing those presen t to support Dr. H uia te r, s e v ­eral of the bo lte rs w ere ab sen t, *

The D em ocratic caucus la s t rp g h t w as of sho rt duration , a n d no th ing o f ance w as decided on.

Im port-

STEAMER NEW YORK AflHORE.The Big Vessel K tn n d ed Off Sarpdy Dook*

W recking Company G one to H e r Aid*

BANDY HOOK, Feb. 29.~Cl p la in S u l­livan, of the ordnance boat, cfim e dow n the bay shortly a f te r 1 o 'clock ilhia a f te r ­noon and reported th a t th e s toasna r N ew York w as ashore a b o u t o n e -q u tirte r of a mile w cit-sou thw est from th e q u ic k s tep buoy on the w est bank.

The C hapm an W reck ing C om iiany is a t work on h e r lay ing a cable over h e r s te m .

Feopis save tlms In shopping try ootiaitiUng Iks sdvfrUBsmsotB of rsllshle dsalsiw.

Rev. tT* R* A tkinson Called to E'.llsabeth*Rev. J , R , A tkinson, who was* fo r som e

tim e a ss is tan t re c to r of C h ris t C hurch , E as t OrangSf h a s been elected rec to r of T rin ity Church, E lisabe th . T h is la th a church of w hich the la te R ev, [>r, M arlon M cAllister, b ro th e r o f W ard M cA lU iter, w as rector. M r. A tk inson Is o n ly th ir ty years old, bu t he h as had a v a rie d ex p eri- enos In church w ork and h a s been unl- form ely successful. He w as tw o y e O n a s ­s is ta n t re c to r o f Bt. O eorge's C h u rch , p a r t of which tim e he w as In onarge o f th e m ls-

oalled to C n rfs t C h u rch ,‘ ------•---------^ntduat*

I* Q en-

ived th e I sarros o f b o o ^ o r o f d ftd n lty i n M . Me ‘

Sion, when be i


One o f lhi< rc titlon* in W hirli >V»N Made (o (lie Hrli*<iloa o f th e Gibbs T r b 't for m She for thi* Frojioard tto sp ita l klretched Arross (h f ('iHiiirll f'haiiil»cr* Froi»erty-i>wnrrsS|irAK Oiil nnil th e Board o f U ra lth Cuiitrs In fur n S<>orlng>

A storm of proti'flts met th r proposition o f the Hoard of lii*alih to locnte th e con­tag ious atui Infcctiaus discauv hospital no th e Ulbbs properly. Itivern ldf avwnue. Woodflldc, when the m a ile r cam e up for discussion Iasi n ight a t u m ofilng of iho Common I'fiuiu’ll i-ulli-ii fo r thui purpose. T h e Goimcll elmmlKT w as Alii*'! to th«’ doors, moally with rltlzcris who protested ag a in st the pmposM eltc.

P resh len t Hraxaw prtnldi'd and cnlleil th e mpcting to i»rili‘r, s ta ih ig th a t It w as held for (he pur(io»4»* of si-<*urlng an ex- proBslon of vh wa from the piih llr and ihn Hoard of Ilt^U h In regard lo th e laU cr 's selecllon of a lUM'iiital alte. He fu rth e r s la ted th a t (he H ealth Hoard had l^een notlAed last .Monday of CouncH’i liuetuiori to hold such a m reiing and requested to a tieh r^ Th«- lleuUb H nard 's reply. In w hich U was staled that as no m eeting o f th e board would he hidd In the interim U would he InipoiiBlble ir> consider th e notice o r request unill the m erilng next Monday n igh t, wan read, and on mnHon of A l­de rm an Ogden was refrrre il to the Hulld- log Com m itteo of L’oumdl.

A s u member o f'^hat conim lttee, A lder­m an Ogden then tank tbs floor to dlsctlsH the Iwnrd's selecliffn of a site. He said th a t h r regretted i*ltirerely th a t the HoanI o f H t's llh had fotind it Impnssihle to get to g e th e r a sufTbdeiit tutm ber of memherH to reprewiH It hefon- the Council. He s ta to ii th a t ibe Glhlis ]>rnperty. according to Ihfl H ealth Hoard's s ta tem en t, em ­braced four and a half acres and w as held a t Ulu.OOO.

"A s a m a tte r of personal privilege," con tinued the Alderman. "I wou]il s ta te l ig h t here that I am vUdeiiily opposed to th is p a riicu la r site. i o b j^ 't. flrst, to Its location; second, to its size, for It Is not fo u r an d a ha lf acres, as s ta ted ; ih in i. Ih'- c au se It Is near a railroad; fourth . It Is n ex t door lo a cem etery; fifth, it la In a re s iden tia l portion of the city.

"W ithou t criticizing the H^>ard of H ealth I would say th a t the Itulldlng C om m ittee o f th is Council has all along heeti laboring u n d er the belief th a t not less th an fifteen o r tw en ty acres of land would he require**! on which to erect th e hi>flpltal. We were told so in th(> moBl positive’ mann<‘r, and It w as generally so understood, as 1 shall proceed to prove to you."

A lderm an OgiJen then read a nnml)er of e x tra c ts from the sworn it‘stlm ony of I>r. H erold, Robert Bchlegel, W illiam A. W ard and o thers, given before the com m ittee w hich recently tnvesilgalcii the Crow tra c t purchase. In all of th is testim ony from ten to tw enty acres was nam ed a s the ex­te n t of land necessary for a site.

" I t seem s s ta r tlin g to m e," contlnueil Mr. Ogden, " th a t they should now come to th is bo<ly of inlplllgent men and say, *We do not w ant fifteen or tw enty acres a t $40H an acre, but four and a half acres a t $5,000 an acre.' They could not have con­sidered th is m a tte r carefu lly ; they have jum ped a t It as they have done a t other th ings.

" F o r Instance, Dr. IferoM told me th a t th e sm allpox epidemic cost the c ity $3u,(N>>, w hereas official figures made It 110 casl's a t $163 a patien t. 1 don 't care abou t th is , but m endy m ention U to show th a t the Hoard of H ealth sometimes goes off a t a ta n ­g en t; w hat they say to-day they do not rem em ber to-morrow, Now, a f te r many prev ious conflicting stat^'menlB they pick o u t a Bite which is bounded by a river, a ra ilro ad and a cem etery. I have made these rem arks principally to show th a t I am hot a fra id to m aW my views known before (he whole of N ew ark ,"

M r. OlNIeo then moved th a t Council go Into a C om m ittee of the Whole, which w as carried , and President D ragaw resigned th e ch a ir lo A lderm an Fly.

A lderm an G arrison then took the floor an d presented a batch of p ro tests from his conslltuen ts of the E ighth W ard, One

Ero te s t was over tw enty feet long and ore over 600 signatures, and when un­

rolled U stre tched completply across the C ouncllm anlc chamher^ O ther pro tests p resen ted by Mr. G arrison were the rcso- lu tions adopted a t a me4*ilng held In W ashington Hall M onday night, a petition from th e E ssex C ounty \ \ heelmen and le tte rs of p ro test from H enry Dickson and C, C, HIne. The la tte r w rote:

" I w ill confess to one of (he g rea t su r­p rises o f m y life when I heard of the pro­posed dedication of the Gibbs property on R iverside avenue to the uses of a ucsl- house! W hy not p u t It on .MllBary I'ark , alongside of T rin ity C hurch? There a re a lread y abou t as m any residences ami abou t os m any people living w ithin a thou­san d feet of the one location as of the o th e r. P roperty , If not w orth »ls niurh per foot on the R iver road as It Is on ceii- t r a l Broad street,, hut hum an live 1.* quite a s valuable, and hum an righta a re quite ks sacred , and the san itation nf the one flln- t r lc t qu ite as much a puhlif duty as Uie san ita tio n of the other. I really ihlnks, If th e choice were norrowetl dow m o ih f iwo locations, th a t M ilitary Turk would he ihe fitter.

" I f th e advocates of tha [ilant aay we m agn ify the dangers arising fnmi a pest- house and th a t it Is r^'ully n linrmli*HH

?'lan t, they Rlmply fu rn ish anoihi-r n^HHon o r no t com ing even ao fa r aw ay from llu*

o o n tr^ as tVoodslde, and should [)ul li r ig h t down near M arket and Umad, where It w in he easy of access. In my nplnlon no sm allpox hospital should he suff-Tt'il In o r n ear a th ickly populated m-lKhlH>rhooiJ; It should be c lear aw ay from rfsIiU-rilhil localities. If 'H he poorfarm is not Mr enough, the city stiould buy a hiindri-d a c re s out of town and pu t Its dlslnfecitiig p lan t In the centre of It.

" I f th is proposed outraRc Is a i'tually con­sum m ated , It will become mv professional d u ty to publicly notify all influr,inrn corn-

doing b i ■ •and Iteei...............

u t from surroundltfg property, whose value would be deteriorate.! by ibelr un ­w elcom e companion. Let' me not be m is­understood; 1 am a peaceful an 'l law- abid ing citizen, and I ne ither m ake nor coun tenance th rea ts , but as un underw rit­e r and tho president of the I'nderw rlicrfl' P ro tec tiv e Association, 1 would regard risk s In th a t neighborhood, if the pest- house comes there, as being so thoroughly undesirab le th a t the com panies ought to be w arned against them —and they will be BO w arned."

A lderm an H arrigan a t th is point re ­m a rk ed th a t he heard no proi*'Hl from w om en and he handed up n le tte r signed "M other." In which the w rite r asked, If th e peathouse should l)e located on E liza­be th avenue th a t the Councl] see lhat the pub lic school on th a t s tre e t should be closed.

D r. S tockton, the first citizen to be heard, sa id It seemed to him lh a t If the Hoard of H ea lth had tried to find the very worst p lace for a hospital they had succeeded w hen they selected the Glhlm property. I t w as not large enough for the purtxise and th e only land they could secure (o en ­la rg e It belonged to the M utual Benefit L ife In su rance Company, which he felt c e r ta in would refuse to deed its land for an y such purpose. Dr. Stockton adm itted th a t he objected to the site for personal reasons. He owns forty building lots di­rec tly opposite the Gibbs property . These he w as abou t to sell, and th e lUle deeds w ere to have been passed yesterday , but th© prospective purchaser had heard of th e pesthouBQ dlscusston -and had backed ou t.

/ 'I n ten ot* tw enty y e a n thin section will be th e la rgest and best residenilal por­tio n o f the c ity and I claim th a t you h av e no right to destroy Its fu tu re," concluded Dr. Stockton. ^

P res iden t H arrison Van Duync, of the B oard of W orks, asserted th a t the select­ed s ite w as only th ree and elghty-one- hun d red lh acres In ex ten t and had been iniide fou r and one-balf acres by m eas­u rin g lo the middle of the street. Of th is n early one and one-half acres w ere unfit fo r build ing purpoBcs, therefore there were on ly tw o and one-half acres th a t w ere re a lly availab le oh which to build a hospi­ta l. All in lersecllng Btrecis leading lo th e s ite w ere cut off, he asserted by Mt. P le a sa n t Cometery, and the only m ethod o f reach ing tne place w as by HellevIllS avenue. <*

"D octo rs ," said Mr, Van D uvne, "sr© som etim es the most Im practical of men. W ho else In God's nam e would ever th ink of build ing a h o sp tu i whose sou thern ex ­p o su re directly overlooks a cem etery T W h a t A cheerful eight U would be for convalescing patien ts. The whole th ing Is a n absu rd ity and I do no t believe there w ill be one vote c a l l in (h is Council In fa v o r o f such a proposition."

A t the close of Mr. Van D u y n a s re ­m a rk s W illiam E. O astendlke presented th e resolution of the HosevUIo Im prove­m en t Association p ro testing a g a in st lo­c a t in g the hospital In Roseville and sup­plem ented U ny s ta tin g th a t th e osso- e la tio n he represented w as opposed to the location of tne "peathouse" m any re s i­d en tia l SMtIon of the city.

Jo seph Coult s tated lh a t W oodside had b ^ n singu larly unfortunate . I t had only reoen tly had to contend ag a in s t a n a t ­tem p t to enlarge the cem etery acoom- R M ^ tlo n s w ithin t u confines rwwt t i a peathouse." Mr. Coult advised th a t m o re um e should b i token to decide th is h o sp ita l site auastlon end suggested th a t g p fB fe re o e a ^ bald w ith th e oflloials of

a e o s ^ QUipiciptlluee a&d arroDgw*

pan les doing buntnesB In N>w Jerery Id

got off and Keep off. not only from that,

m enla pprlmph m ade for a county Insti­tu tion w llb am ple i^pouhils ami bulldlnKS lo whU-lJ Jill might co iiirtbu if. llv rv- forrcil to ihi' 1'uhiuiIo pollution bill now before the !,• g le la lu re and sHltl:

"Th(B MU Is Tuu to rb 'u r the riv e r for drlnklnk' lun poyt's, Mti lo m ake it pure In orili-r th a t in e valley of the F assa lc may

a h ea lth fu l uiid dexlrahlv p leasure Kroimd. am i now the Hoard of H ealih waulB 10 plac»« a m-sthouee a t the very ga tew ay nf th is valley. I auk you not to plKcr rtuch a blight m»on th is neighbor­hood."

"1 th an k God th a t I am able to believe (list we urv npresrnte<l by I'ouncllm en w'ho Witt m u in rnovecl by the Idle c h a t te r uf a H oanl of Itoaltti w‘hose m enibrra havs proven iheniselvi H Ineom pclonl," w as the way A. r . C ourte r began. He c ited how, w tih tm- consent nf the llexU h Uoartl, fl\<* nulsiiJices had been foisted upon WothlHlde in five years—(he dum ping of Ri'otind. A fertlliiliiK romp(tny> then the S'-wer <*onneetlon wllS Grange, then a Sewer ou tle t Into Urn I'Asnate a t the tlri-rnw nnd Lake bridge, then a cem etery, "And now a p in ihouse."

"W ho will dare to say th a t th e H callh B oard U not an Incom petent body when they come before you now and say they can do w ith ihre«- o r four acres w hen they have all along sw'orn th a t fifteen or tw en ty ac res wouM be rj*qutred.''

E lias H eller nald the Board o f Ifenlth wart Incom petent, ami he w as followed by John Mi'lgLgan, who prefaced h is rc- n iu rks by a tu ting th a t if th e re w as any membt-r of the Board o f lle u lih p resen t who wlnheil to be heard he would waive hla right lo th e floor. W hen no one re- eponrlLHl he detailed how At A supposedly secret m eeting of the Board he had heard the O lbba a lte dlNcuased. The m em bers (hem sclve*, h r fisserted. ad m itted th a t the sll«* WAS not large enough, bu t he heard a* voire rtuy:

"Oh. well, we can buy the ad jo in ing p roperty .""W hy a re they not honest abou t th is m a i­le r?" said Mr. M cl*agan; "w hy do they not come and say they w ant a tonce? The boan l la good a t changlf% Its m lnil: you know they undid th e ir woi% In regard to th a t new cem etery, and If you pf-nd th is hospital Bite back lo them they will give you a b e tte r one next w eek."

Mr. M cLngaii suggested th a t the hosp ita l be located on some good tu rnp ike road o u t­side th e c ity lim its. "Get Ihe law- forbid­ding Ibis repealed,” he nald, " th e I g isla- l« rs had b ce ter devote the ir tim e (o th is than lo passing hills regardliwr th e m anner In w hich huckelherriefi a re to be picked, as they «1lil la st week.

" I t h«H been said th a t the sp ring e lection has Homething to do w ith thin hosp ita l site question , but 1 w ant to say to every jaildb* oftlcer o f the city of N ew ark , from ihe M ayor dow n, th a t If there is any w ire­pulling In th is m atte r, don’t uae it on th e E igh th W ard, for 1 w arn you and e^’ery one th a t U h a s able defenders."

t ’u n ip iro ller Gibson, a f te r apeak ing of the large revenues derived by th e e ily from th e E igh th W ard, and Itr g re a . fu ­ture, ra iled aTlentlon to the f a d th a t th is N^ctlou w as en titled to an unusual a m ru n t of consideration , because while coiH rlhut- Ing its sh a re o f taxes It hud not asked or been g ran ted any of the proposed big Im provem enia in the etc.

A. r . r o u r le r a t (hla point en te red the p ro tests of th e P aasa lr and T rito n B oat elubs again st the proposed alte. and brief speiK’heK w ere delivered by H enry J . W ln- ■er, T hom as W. K insey, David F . Tobin, J . A. itreehe r, J. Zullff, George M cEw an and G barles Bond, all a g a in st the proposeil site.

At the close Of the discussion A lderm an MenJnniln s ta ted th a t he did not th ink th e citizens of Hie E ighth W ard had appealed to the Gouncll In vain, no r would tn e c lti- zenH of any o th e r residen tial portion ,

A lderm an Ogden then moved th a t the m attiT 1h> re fe rred lo a com m ittee of five lo consider an d report back to Council, Thi.s w as carried and Alderm en FJy. M ar- riiran. M anners, Ogden an d B rogaw w rra named os th e com m ittee.

shape of public parks.


Delegates to F our Hepubllnun CaaventlonB Be C’boBen St the HanLe Time*

The U cpubllcan C ounty C om m itlee la s t night decided (h a t p rim aries for th e elec­tion of delegates lo the four se ts of con­ventions to he held next m onth, shall l>e held at th e sam e lime. T he w hole m a tte r was sei to m usic a t the m eeting o f the Executive C om m ittee of Ihe C ounty Com­m ittee yeste rday a fte rnoon and cam e be­fore the m ain body last n ig h t in th e form of a recom m endation ,read by M ajor Lentz. All Ihe p rim ary electlona th ro u g h o u t the county will be held on M arch 30. when delegates will be elected to th e w a i^ , olty« C ongressional, d is tric t oJid S ta te conven­tions.

T he c ity convention fo r th e nom ination of a c an d id a te fo r M ayor and tw o can- d lda ies fo r m em bers o f the B oard o f S tree t aifd W afe r Com m lsslonera will be held on Ihe fligh t of A pril 1 a t the K ru eg er A udi­torium , th e basis o f rep resen ta tion to be one de legate to each 100 R epublican votes, or the m a jo r frac tion thereof, cas t a t the recent G u b ern a to ria l election. T he sam e basis o f rep re sen ta tio n will rule In the ap- uortlonlng of delegates to the C ongres­sional d is tr ic t convention. M ajor L enix be­ing au th o rized to change the ru le w ith regard to the outly ing tow nships, should the C ongressional com m ittee of the E ig h th d is tric t, to which they belong, adop t some o ther m ethod of apportionm ent. In th a t case the M ajor will see th a t the E ssex luw nahtps fix m a te rs so os lo g ive themequal rvprezen iallon ,

F c ...........................oHowlng the c ity convention com es th e w ard conven tions fo r the nom ination of can d id a tes fo r A lderm en and School Com- mlsAloners, which a e r scheduleiJ to he held on A pril 2, a t p laces to be detected by th e W ard E xecu tive com m ittees. N ext in tu rn Is th e CongresBlonal D is tric t con­vention, w hich will be held a t Com m on­w ealth H all. E a s t O range, on A pril 17.

A cau cu s o f the delegates to th e S ta te convention, which la to n e held a t T ren ton April 16, la on the cards for the night of April 15, a t th e Republican C ounty Com- m u tee 'a head q u arters .

C h airm an Lentz and T rea su re r William J, H iker w ere selected a s a com m lib’e to secure b ead q u arte ra for th e Essex «ieiegu- tlon a t T ren to n on tJie day of the 8 tui« convention.

T he ru les govern ing recen t p rim ary elec­tions will prevail th is lim e, w ith an am endm ent requ iring th a t the nam es of can d id a tes fo r d c le g ^ e s to all th© conven­tions ahsit be placed on th© one ticke t, and th a t one ba llo t-box only be used a t euv\\ polling place. P a s te rs will be In o rder a t the p rim ary fo r thus© who wlah to uh*- them .

T hom as P earson asked fo r Inform ation cnu re ru lng th e newly c rea ted d is tric ts and Ihe m ethods th a t ahould Iw used In com­puting the delcgatlona there . M ajor l^ n iz suggested th a t the W ard E xecu tive Gom- tnStiee be allow ed to se ttle th a t m aK cr lo ihe lr ow n sa tla facd o n , c iting the case of the F ouftt-en th W ard, w here th e re a rc eight illa lric ts and w here 1,400 votes were cast a t the a u b e rn a lo rla l election. This, under th o c a ll fo r th e S ta te C om m ittee a l­lows one de legate fo r each » » Republican voles o r th e m a jo r frac tion thereof. T hus one d is tr ic t m u s t he neglected unless some way could be devised fo r rem edying tlic m a tte r. Thft M o o r ’s p lan w as acceptable and th e w ard officers will aettle th e m at- ler them selves.

D H , E V E K R T T S S U D D E N D K A T lt,

The W ell-know n KoseTlIle P hysic ian a Vic­tim o f M allg tian t D iph theria .

A fte r a s h o rt Illness w hich, until T hu rs­day n ig h t, w as no t considered serSous. Dr. E d w ard E verlU died la s t n igh t a t his la te residence, 687 W arren s tree t. The phyaiclsn becam e affllcled laa t Bumlay by w h a t he considered quinsy sore throat. He w as tre a te d fo r such a complaint* am i early in th e w eek had the affected pa rts lanced w ith such re su lts th a t he w aa able to a tte n d to hla p rac tice until T hum day night. Y este rday he became worse, but did no t ta k a to his bed.

Dr. W illiam F. Bsggs. who had been a t­tend ing D r. E v e rltt, w as called, and be­com ing som ew hat a la rm ed a t his p a tien t's condtttoh , he summoned- Dr. E d g a r V. M offat, o f O range, in consultation . The tw o p h y s ic ian s then dlagnoand iho case a» one o f m a lig n an t d iphtheria .

K a tn m lt D e m o c m ti N am e d f a r OlficeB» T he D em ocratic caucus fo r the selection

of S um m it Tow nship officers w as held in the Tow n H a lt a t Bummll ia s l n igh t and w as la rg e ly a ttended . The m eeting was called to o rd e r by R obert J . Mooney, and i*. W. P a g e w as elected chairm an an d \V. H . Coffey oecretary . The only con test w asfor T ow nsh ip C lerk. T here w ere th ree'■ -- -o a n d ld a tes^ H o b e rt J . M uldowney, the p re sen t C lerk ; T im othy J . Scott and John V, M urphy, Mr, M uldownev received the h ig h est n u m b er of votes and w as d e c la r ^elected . J am e s H. Kelly, a fo rm er m em ber o f th e T ow nship Com m ittee, w as unan i­m ously nom inated for m em ber o f th e T ow nship Com m ittee. T he o ther nom ina­tions w ere: Freeholder, W illiam ?1.S w ain ; C om m issioner of A ppeals, Jam es Vk. Reovea; .justices of the peace , B, L. M eK Irgan an d W. II. B rlan i: Surveyors of th e H ighw ay , George C. H and an d John K. S ay res ; C onstables. J. J . Bill and John M cOeohan. A com m ittee w as appoin ted to con fer w ith a sim ilar com m Utee nom i­nated a t th e R epublican p rim ary to d is­cuss th e aproprla tlo tis. The R epublican p rim ary w ill be held M onday n ight.

D ea th o f K dltor Ikavid H . gmytlie.D avid M. Sm ythe, ed ito r a n d pro­

p rie to r o f th e Sum m it H erald, w as tak en 111 a t 10 o 'clock la st n ight a t hts resldsnco In W est S um m it. Dr. L aw rence w as sum -

AThe Voorheea G onstitotlonal Ainead-

ments and W hat They Mean.

F E A T U R E S O F T H E P R O P O S E D P U N .

A CciiiimlBSion n f l ’rniidii«‘n t L a w y ers . fi> W h o m th e (J iir s llo u 4V«b HiihiniM ed, t i r a l l j .agT^r |'|M m th e Aineiidinent*—An Inili'iM 'iideiil A p p e lla te 4 'm ir t - l .a y •fu d g e i

Kt‘ g iL tlre lj K lim ln n trd -O n lT tl iie Ad- illllonN l J iic lg r til I(h A p|H iln(eil—No 1b- c m ie e lit ( h r ( ‘net o f M ain le im nce.

I t l i considiTrd reasonab ly certa in th s t (he LcKlsbUiiri* ilurlng the enm- Ing wei-k will Uk«- th e prelim inary steps fcTr a thorough reorgatiizatlon of llw a iiiic Jutllrlory on h new basin, by tin’ adoiiMoii of tiu* I'onsiltm tonal am oniinienls vro]>ospi| liy rtrm iin r Voorlieea In the Sen- a le innt Motuluy night.

This, of rijursf’, docs not invnn u tloh of Iho rejM*ntiMlly exp rcssn l ho|M-s, on thy p u n of law yers *'spevittlly.for u rhiuiKi- 1t> lliHi brancli o f tin* S iu ly govcrnm i'nt. berausM lln- am i'iidnicnl will have to be rcailupied by a sarcced ing Li-glsiuUirc ami then sub iiiliit‘d to a vob* of the people, but It Is indii’a tlv e o f th e raid th a l a m ajority of New Je rse y 's law yers have agrei-d upon (he proposed ehanges. An absence of pro- fesHlotittl oppusltlon, such a s was en- counter»‘i| by tb© um cm lntent Of last year, will m ark the p rog ress of th is year 's am endm ents.

The fiian of reorgan iza iion wili he a l­most li|<'ntlca! w ith llie V'oorhci'S mncml- jment, ftllh the single excepMon of a change In the C ourt of I 'ardons. This is to eonslsl o f tlu* tlo v c rn o r ami iln* F n n l- dent Judges of the Ih rre liranclics Inlo which (hi- new Suprem e Couri Is, accord­ing lo the Hm endm enls, to be dlvldeil.

This chrtnge was m ade, one uf the biw- yers’ eoniinltlet* wblrfj had (be uiriend- m cnls under consltlen itlun a t T renton yes­terday suld, because, w hile New Jerwey Invariably haa goewi G overnors, It Is pos­sible th a t an "A llgeM " m ight be riecicd some (lay.

To preclude h posslidllty of danger a r is ­ing from Hurh a suun 'e and forego the necensKy o f lenvlng with iht- LeKlHlnliirs the pow er lo tiller ut will the personnel of th is (rlbuniil, th e cbangi* w as deemed wise.

T h a t co n stl lu t4‘s th e first section of the new am endm en ts anr] ls (he only cliaiige m ade throughout. The com m ittee, whb-h conslsia of T liom as S . M**(’urte r, of this cUy; Hamuel II. Grey, of Cam den. F red­eric W. fttevens, of East G range; J. F rank F o rt, of Eiixt G range. F rank Bergen, of Ellzftijeth; G. It. N'rnoin, of T renton; Eugene Blcvenson, of Jersey c ity , and J. H. I 'ancoaa i. of G luuiesier. met in re. spouse lo the Henute reH4dutl«n In the C hancello r's room. In Hu* Stiiiehonse, ami carefu lly perused every line of Hie new plans. A part from tbe slight change In lb© section re la tin g to the Court of i'ardons, Ihe a lm ost unan im ous opinion was th a t the V oorhees am endm ents (.^outd not |>e Im- provt'd upon. Th© Individual tnemlH’rs had a ttended a ll th e “ heurlriKs " given on the pro|>oso(J am en d m en ts inirodure*! by fbqi- a io r Johnson ea r ly In the Ne«Hion, and nsumod carefu lly to the opudm is express- ed by som e of th e mom eminent Uwyt'rs In the S ta te . All agreed that no be tte r com bination of th e muIHuidjiujus Ideas p rearn ied could Im* devised than th a t of the S en a lo r from .rn la ii. W ithout being loo rad ica l a d ep a rtu re , w bbii would necessarily lead lo m ore o r less confusion It Was seen lh a t a n en tire new Ivench, mi

niodrrn p lane, would lx« formed and all the beneficial fe a tu re s of the New Jersey system would be re tah ied . W lih that an en tire ly Independetit Appellate Court w as provided fo r Lay Judges w ere abolished and the b a rr ie r now existing between Jaw and equ ity p rac tic e w as removed.

N oth ing m ore w as desired, and a f te r five h o u rs ' conference Ihi* law yers, while not m aking a public declaration to th a t effect, pracU cally ad m itted having agreed upon lh« changM . B enator V oorhees is some­w hat averse lo a ssu m in g credit for the final so lu tion of th e Judicial problem, and says the Ideas em bodied in hlit am end­m ents a re the Joint product o f his own and ihe num erous suggestions offenMl by leading law yers th ro u g h o u t the Btale.

M embers of th e bar. w ithout exception lake an en tire ly opponlie view, and are disposed lo give (he en tire credit lo Mr. Voorhees for the re su lt ohlalned.

H peaking o f th e am etir lm en ls , th e Ben- to r from U nion aayw (h a t , lik e a ll law y e rs , a s w ell a s n u m e ro u s la y m en , h e h as r e a l­ized fo r y e a rs t h a t a c h a n g e In th e S lat© J u d ic ia ry w a s a b s o lu te ly e s se n tia l. T he N ew J e r s e y s y s te m , a s 11 s ta n d s , Is a relic o f th e old E n g l is h sy s te m ad o p ted In

vColohlul tim es ttiu i lo n g s in ce d lsca rde il hv ev e ry o th e r S ta t e In th e U nion ex c ep t o i lS - ^ i id even rem o d e lled In E n g lan d . Ijiiy J u d g es , W'ho a re a ve ry ©HsentlaJ f e a tu re o f th e c o u r t o f l a s t r e s o r t , a re reg a rd e d , he Bald, by m o s t JiirlHiB a s an a n te d ilu v ia n J u d b 'la l re lic . In th is B la tc th e re h a s fo r m a n y y e a rs been a g en e ra l (iem an-l fo r th e i r rc l lre m e rn , a n d M r. VoorhfcK s la r t e d a m o v e m en t In lh a t d i ­rec tion In th e S e n a te o f IKM. i t ap p lied uiily to th e L a y Judg«*s o f c o u n ty courtH , whi(*h hi p ro p o sed to w ipe o u t by v ir tu e of u bill iJiaKlng c o u n ty c o u r t L aw J u d g e s elet-iivc am i e lln U n a iln g Ihe lay fea tu re . Thin bill wiiH p a sse d by (he L e g is la tu re o f lNfi4 an d velo»‘d by G o v e rn o r W e rts , In iWi li w'liH re in tro d u c e d , tmsHed. vetoed , [laeaei) o v e r Ih e v e to a n d detdarecl iincon- s iliiitio tiH l by Ih e S u rirem e C o iirl,

ln u in g Ihe sam e year the cunstllu tlona l am endm ent ©llmliiaiIng the lay fea tu re uf ihe court of la s t re so rt and m aking the

Vlce-ChnnceiiorH t'oriMiliuilonul orfirers were Introduced. No serious objections were offered to thv am endm enia a t iim i lime, but a f te r th e law yers began lo con­sider the im norianee of the change and realize th a t If rc-adopLcd th is year no fu r­ther chim ge could be m ade for five years, ilicy beciimc m ore in terested .

Whi>» they w anted m ore th an any th ing else was htj en tire ly Independent Appellate Conrl. M any w ere oulBpokeri in regard to Ihe m ethods in vogue a t j^reseni and d*- clured positively th a t ll w as a lm ost im pos­sible for a num ber of Law Judges, s i l ­ting In appeal on a Judgnum l of some of their colleagues, who m ight la te r alt ou appeal of a Jiidgniem of Ihetrs, to reiT- rler a deciislon en tire ly Im parlliil.

To n move th is lack or absolu te roiifl- dence and freed(jm of action In the court i)( last re so rt, abo lish the lay eb>menl and fuclHiate adJud lca iion of Im portan t cuses, the jtroiFOsed am endm en ts were formed.

Firm , the rig h t of the ij^g tsla tu re In vest {’hancery pow ers, ho fa r as forvelosure proceedings a re eoncerned, In the ('Irciilt t'ouriB and i!o u rts of Common Fleas Is elim inated from th e (."onsltlution. Next the personnel of th e F o u r t of FardnriH will t)e changed (0 conform w ith the new Ju­diciary by tim hlng It cnhslst of th e Gover­nor am i p residen t Judges of the th ree di­visions of th e new bcjicb, Instcarl of the Governor, ( ’ham 'e llo r and six Lay Judges of th© C ourt of E r ro rs anil Appeals, us a t present.

Foliowliig cam e th r ImporarU am end­m ents nduU ve to the Judicial system d i­rect, which com m ence hy changing sec­tion I ao a s to leave ou t reference to a C ourt of ( 'h an c e ry and s trik in g out all of 3. 4, li and 6, w hich re la te lo th© for­m ation of the c o u rts as a t p resen t con­s titu ted . T his is followed by the plan of the new court, w hich begins with p ro­viding for an entln* new Suprem e bench th a t shnlf consist o f not lesN th an fifteen Judges learned In th e law to he appoint- ed as at. p resent. P rovlaton is tnaa© (hat (he present r i i le f Ju s tic e and Assoi'’la te Justices,1 the (,'hancelior and V ice-Chan­cellors ih a ll all becom e Judges of this court and serve a s such un til tbelr

preni'' Goini, that It is one Involving <‘q iu iy jnrlBprudiMiin*. and h r Is forced to trtki- H frmn the ca len d ar and iM’gIn all

' oyer, lo inake li n tr - rn ta h le to the t ’ouri ! of Ghiiiu'i ry. I’ndrT (he new system law ■ and e(|u!l> JuriHpnideTire will be assim - j ; linted iin Ihe New Yuik plan, so thai n

case b rought In the taw division, which r<‘qnli-(':' e«|u1ty adjndicallon, may Im* trnnrf(*rre.l by ihe Lav, Judge to the t ’haneery division umi vice versa

Gn the whoh the plan is regarded as h e a r Pcrfeei as l•ould pnsslidy Im* divined and Mr. ^'^^^^rb«:.. well m n vast nia- jn rlty of the legal pcnfehNlnn. appear I'un- Mtb'Ul th a t it w ill nn A'l with the apnrohfl’ lion of the people whetl subinlU ol to H. Vi'le In the full of l>Ct7.

W hile nasHesHliig m any ndvam ug-■■■ It will rmtnil no addlHomG eosi. It Is argued. , for the sa la ry of the adtllHmiHl Juilge vGII be m ade Up t)y Hie uddltlnmil ('ompeilsU' I tlon over the reg u la r per annumnow iiald the (’hlef Ju stice ahd t'haiieellor, : a s well a s the cm niw nsatlon nabi in the six ; U ty Judgiia o f the ( 'a u r l uf l.i'M ra and ,\p- j pen Is.

The com m ission did nni eonsliler llu* plan of e lecting AHseiiitdymen by dls- irli'ls , instead of by counties, bui It will i d<j so heffire iTresentlrig (h© final report, on ; n e s t T uesday. Borne nf the law yers art* of an opinion (h a t a law may be eimcteij providing fo r a d ls lrlc t plan (ha t would ' meet (h<* cn n stltu tlo n a l oiiJ**vMoijs offri'ed | to Iho old one, w 'hllr o th e rs adhere tn tin* ' belief th a t no th ing sh o rt of a (‘onsiluiU on- hI am endm ent W’lli solve Ihe proldcm. It ap p ea rs ce r ta in th a t the d istric t plan will be recommcnderl.

The Board of Education Approves of the Selection for a High School.

$ 1 1 2 ,0 0 0 M O R E F O R IM P R O V E M E N T S .

Mebool ronimltsU»ii(‘rs lluisefal a f Hsoetr* iiig More T han tlis t*©wvM rs ftir Sa-IkmA 4 'oustrutilcni—Th* C«St Ilf Hiiimliig the Hi'lioolsin lH9*t Bat FortL Ilk a Ue|M>rt-l'lKiirrs in (he 1H96 H l l l l f i SrhiHkl |llp(rU*( L ines UhnugrcL

now received. Ono add itiona l Judge shall he appointed to m ake th© requlrefl flHeen and h© will receive a sa la ry of Ifi.fKrb which w ill be fIxiHj a s the m axim um sa la ry o f all tjie Ju d g es th e rea fte r.

Im m ediate ly a f te r fo rm ation th e court, as a whole, shal! set and devise rules fnr Iho guidance and p rac tice of the several branch©*. T hen the G overnor shall deslg- imt© five o f th© numl>er, to be known us th© A ppelate division, w hich shall exer­cise and be posseased o f a ll the powers now held by the C ourt of E rro rs and Ap­peals. Th© Judges o f th is co u rt shall sit In no o th e r branch , nor In any circuit, but shall be s im ply and p u r ^ a court of la s t re so rt In a ll coaes. Tn« heneflt lo be derived from th is change Is th a t a continuous and Independent C ourt of A v- peals will be provided Insteail of (he court w hich convenes now for lesM than six w eeks In A y e a r an d by the new m ethod speedy dectsJons a re expected In all m atte rs .

N ext com es the C hancery division, which shall have all ihe pow ers now vested In the C ourt of C hancery . Tho five Judges constitu ting th is b ranch will be assigned by th e G eneral C o u rt, and they will be as-

m oned an d rem ained w ith the p a tie n t un­til 6 o 'c lock th is m orning, when he b rea th ­ed hJs la st. H e w as In th e best of h sa llh y e i te rd a / , a n d w as In the office a tten d in g to hla d u tie s a ll day. M r, S m ytbe was abou t fifty -eigh t veafs o f age, and had been a Ju stic e of th e Feoo© and T ow nsh lv A ssessor fo r a num ber of years.

signed c ircu its a s th e C hancellor and Vice- C hancellors a re a t p resen t, and m ay act Individually o r a s a w huir. T he rem aining live Ju iJg s i win go Into w h a t It known as the law ulvlalon a n d ekerctsc a ll the func­tions now possessed by th© Suprem e Court a s well a s bold ing c ircu its a s a t preieni.

Among th e ad v g n tag es enum erated aro


Shr habi (h a l F rank F llU F o rrn l H er lo Go H Ith H im ,

1.1111c W lllinma, who w as n BslvAllon Ariny la rslc un lll rC(’cnHy, Is a l her hem© agikln, ID S tone s tre e t, and the man who ulie claim s ra n aw ay with her Is In Jail. The g in WAS found nt 10 Hiimnilt plnee ymierklrty. w here she was Htuylug w llh a Mrs. Bpcaker. F ran k Kills, who w.iH h e r rompAtilnii, w b* a rrrs le d on Mur- ket s tre e t la st night by HelcellVeH Fallon ami .Murphy, of ihe Heeoml Freelnct.

Ellis Is a IKILe m an. of slem ler butUI, and hiiB biM n III (he hab it of a ttending the Halvutloii Arm y gulherlngH in the bar- ru rk a on W ash ing ton s treet. J le r r he first met the girl, ami tllv lilci his Ume be­tw een selling (Pit lu ibp BalvallonlBis and paying H iteiitlons to Lillie wiUlnms, W hen Ellis WHS a rre s ted he w as asked where he lived. He ra ised hi* b au ered h a t and re ­m arked .

"W h erev er I hang th is up."EIMa’s home I* supposed to Im* in Hoston

and (111* g irl says th a t he told her a lot of s to ries nboul h is exp lo its the*© and In J^hlladclphia. (.'ap tain ( 'n rh lu m ade the general ch arg e of d isorderly conduet ag a in st him (hlB m orn ing before Acting Ju d g e Freeland.

T he *lory of the girl w as told to D e­tective .Murphy soon a f te r she had I>een tak en home.

"W hen 1 w as eom liig ou t of ( ‘la rk 's fac ­tory for my d inner a t noon yesie rday ." Hhe snM, "I me( F ran k and he walkeil p a ri of the way home wKh me. He told me th a t he w anted m e lo go w ith him and If 1 did not he would kill me. 1 w as so a fra id th a t I w ent wllh him am i he took me to th© house of a w om an he knew on Bummlt place."

T he g irl added th a t she did not know the woman** T$ame, nor the nnm her of the houae. T hen *he w ent on with her story tike (his;

"A t n igh t he took me nut. 1 thought he wouin *ce me home, bu t he began Ih rea ten ing me again and made me go to a hnlcT on M arket a tree t. I do not know the nam e of Ihe hotel o r who kept It. Iiu rlng the n ight he tried to a ssau lt me, but I fough t him and th rea ten ed to scream and he desisted . At an early hour we left and w ent back lo the Bummll jvlaee house.

"I did not get a ebanc© to tell the woman about 11 for some time, bu t when 1 d1«l she said she would go lo my nm ther's. Hhe did so, and F ran k snnti left, J th ink he knew som eth ing wa* w rong."

Ellis had a tten d ed to dye hi* light h a ir liefore his a r re s t, ( 'a p la ln Lindsley (old a N p ;w 8 re p o rte r to-day lh a t Fdlla had

'n ev e r been a m em in 'r nf Ihe ftslvadon Army, as had been s ta ted , hut w as only a "eo n v eri." The g irl, hi* added, w as dls- mlssei) from th e a rm y over a m onth age, because she and E llis had en tire ly tuu m uch to do w llh each o ther.


T. J . F lyu ii's H orses Run Away on M arket H lroetam l Hprrad Kuln.

T. J. F lynn , of 78 Oakwood avenue, O r­ange. earn© to tow n to-day. He Is a ratal] candy dealer, so he stopped at a place on M arket s tree t, n ear H alsey, to lay In a fresh Block. M r F ly n n forgot to tie up his learn. A p a js ln g tn d ley c a r frightened the horses and they a ta ried on a n in.

The an im a ls ran up th e north side of M arket s tree t and took to (he sidewalk and ic a ite r rd the crow d of S a tu rday shop- tiers. F irs t they run Into a showcase full o f co tton and silk sto<'klngs. In front of B am berger 's alore. They wreckcfl the rase . Then they nearly toppled Into ik 'h lener’* disp lay o f fresh sausages.

A t H alsey s tre e t Ihi-y m ade a beeline for John L uson io 's peanut and lianana stand In fron t of l^ n m a n n 's Hotel. I 'cam ile w ere sca tte red and b an an as were ruined. L usordo him self w as nearly crushed by the wagon'* nhaft. It got stuck In the window of his sh an ty and (he team waz stopped. F lynn declared Ids willingness to pay dam ages all aruund.

TO BE DEALT WITH IN ITALY.A M an W lm $Vas [ndlet(‘d In Essex County

for MansbiiighlMr Will tie Tried In Ills Own CoiiTitry.

A pecu liar law of Maly has been hrmjghi to bear on a m urder case in Ihl* county. The luw 1* 0 !U- which provides for the (rial In Ita ly of a man wliu Jja.m euninilttcd a crim e III jiiiuihi r coun try and fled lu IiIh native land. Truler th is law Aiulrea de Guzill'lm o, who Rljoi Herantu-o Aiifuro In UniiiKe on May IH last an>l thi-is fieij lo Hilly, will soon be irb 'd In ih»' h itle r I'oun- try . The Ita lian ro iis iil In .New Vurk hus requF-Hi#*i| P rosecu tor ( ’t!inc to birwnnJ to tin- ('rlm lm il Ttnirt In Avidllno. Italy, all (he records In llic case anti llila will be done.

---------sHOOMlNii A IH 'ltST BOOM.

The Way » Uhb-ago .Man G«( Abend of a (tad |nveNt$iH>nl«

A g e n tIn n iii i, m ure o r leHH eoiineetetl wJUi (he bourn lim es und towns which like n Hmilli Hea bubble wave swept over Mie cm ihiry Home y arn »igi>, was u( a WiiHhliigion hotel last we.-k, and during u TM.nvi rHudon wllh a VViiHhlngiun Hiar n - purler made a ri'Hii-nient which had as niiirli biiKlncRH lit II MH the booin had wln«|.

"Some of thoHe tow ns." said lie, " wot© hooineiJ on tkiHiIuk, and Home of tlH'm lutd pOHtdblllileH behind llieni wliP'U m ay vei develop Inlu HoinethlUK and rt-niiW in nntre th an even ibe ir rnoxL sanguine projeetorH anileip iiied . I recall one, which I bejb'vu In yet iQ become u c ity . It haA now alFOut 3.UUU people, and an Jmmeime *urn uf money W'as Bpiml on It. J''Hc.torleH were built, buAitieHFS liouHeH erected, AtrcelM laivi-d ami generMlly all Ihe m odern ctJlivenleriecH were lavished on the place, ami ll Juid a population tw o or th ree (Irm-H larger tintn It now huH. AtnuJig the men who uivesiMl w as a shrewrt ('h leago m an, w'ho wu.r b-d Into dropping ahoui $'•<>,oou into town lotn. and when the boom died out his propi-rij w ann 'i w orth a (en lh of whut he paid for It.

"Tw o or th ree y -a r* w ent by, am) In* was about forguUeii, witeii one Hummer day two years ago a m an up]a>ared In (he aJ- moHi dcseried village and began (nklng a look a t IhlriKH, He dlMcuvered th a t LuhI- tM-HM houseH coulfl be h o u g h t'fo r iltlle or nothing, iJial town lots w ere S'-lling at a l­most acreage price*, If they cnuld i f soJ«l a t all, and lh a t th e ijeopio stlli in town wen* hang ing on only bcT-iiUHe they knew UiAi If Ihe tide ever did set their way again th»*y would come out on lop, for th idr town wits In ihu nildKt of fine eoul and Iron und Urnb<T, an<l only needrri i-tip- Jlal loHct It going. The vlsllor very (iiijei- ly 1»i>ught up iJie musi ilesiruhie houses uinJ lulH, or gu( nptluiis on litem, ami thenlu dlMapi»car4Mj.

"T h irty day* la te r an o th e r m an eame. And lie began ta lk ing ai»out leasing or l>uy- Ing one of Hie Idle fartorles. Nothing suited him, how ever and he finally got the town to give him ten acres a s a site tor a fu rn itu re facto ry and lum ber yard. In ten flays nc hutl sno men a t work, lay ing fgun- datlcms and g e ttin g thing* Into shape, and the tow n took a g re a t spurt. F roiierty Jum ped aw ay up again , em pty houses filled up, huslncHB fs irly hootned. and the man who had first come to town earn© back again , and began lo sell off the build­ings and lots he had secured. Ue sold enough to m ake him a profit of about $]2&.D(Xi oil hla orlgnal purchases, and then he dlnappeftred.

"A week la te r w ork wsm stopped on (he foundations o f the new factory , the men w ere told pom© sort of a s to ry abou t an unavoidable delay ow ing lo unlooked-for litigation , and they w aited for work to

The Board of EilueuUon a l Ha m setlng lii'ld lii.Rt nlgh( eoucU’ rcd lu the recom - meri'l.iUon of the UchoolhouH© ('om m lttea *nd ainhorlzeil Hu* purchase of a plo t Sfx.vn Gir Hiiiiihcrn end o f th©Muck boundcil by D arker s lre r l. F if th av e ­nue, iiidge s treet atiil Bixth avenue, fo r a she for tile 11 |g]> Brhool.

Till* SchrtolhiJiise 1‘imiTnltlee, following the rtUMgeRtlnn of AMertimn H a rrig an In a H sobiilun off»r»d and adopted by th© bmiid. r*-um snd (he ('omnum ( ‘ounell t© provide m eans for the pnrchaae o f th© whole block, which Is ismxhnn feet, Th© following rcsolulhm was unanim ously Mdopled.

' Hf'Solved, TJin( (he board purrha©t« wllh Ihe eoiH 'urrencc of the ('om m ofl i'ounrll, the plot of gnnitid eonsladng o f lots bounded and dcderkhi'd as follows; Be­ginning a t the nortliw cst corner of S ix th Hvenuf and Ul-lge sireei, thence runn ing northerly uloiig Ridge s treet 500 feel,I hence In H s ln iig h t line westerly (o P a r ­ker s treet, I Iv'tii'e running noutherly along' P a rk e r street in rilxih avenue, ihenu© easterly along HIxHi Hvenu© to place of beginning, together wllh ihe tiu lld lngs an d Hptuiricnances slitm ie thereon, and* fiin h er , th a t (he board request Ihe Com­mon ('ntm cil to iHHiie luuids In the sum of $ITO,IN)U for the iiu rd iaae of the above- muned (rae(. It Is also recom m ended Ihfti In the opinion of the Board of Educa- llon It Is very deslruhle th a t th© rem ainder of the block, extending lo P'ifth avenue, be purchased a t this time, provided th© Common ('ounell will concur and supply an adfllMonal sum of $.»,000 fo r th a t p u r- pttsi- wlihoiil Im pairing the fund eontem - plntcd hy Hie urlglnat act au th o rix in f th© erection of the pro|Kj*ed High School."

t'h a irm an Gay of the Schoolhouse Com-* m|tt»'i- reiiorted to the b i« rd th a t tha property th a t It Is proponed lo purchase will i-ost about VX^.m, leaving I^.TOO of the am ount lh a t llu- e liy la allow ed by law lo expend lo he devoted to the c o n slru r- tlon of the inillding. Mr, G ay said th a t for the Helectinii of th© alia c red it w as due Coinnilasluner Lewis,

The Finance CommlUee presented Its rstinml© of the expenses of the board fo r IWfl. and the budget, which w as adopted , will be sent to the Cummon Council. I t la esllm ated th a t $ari2,iHX) wilt he received from iheB tu te . This sum m ust, according t« law*, be devoted lo Ihe paym ent of teachers’ saJai‘b>s. The to ta l am o u n t th a tII Is now '•rtlculftted will be spen t fo r teachers ' saJai'les la |4rA,M8, therefore th e city will he required to raise $104,568 to m ake up the balance.

The o lher mudicljuil expenses will. It is BiilU'lpait'd. Im* as rollows:Officer*' s a la rie s ........ .................... $1S,6MJan ito rs ' snlarlH*..................................... 37.0TOIncidental expenses.............................. 3,]uoRepairs ................................... 10,000Textbuoks, s ta tionery and p rim ing 30,000h’u rn ltu re and supp lies ....................... 11,000Heating a p p a ra tu s .........................« ... 11,000Fuel R e n ts . . . . InsuranceG as ...........U'Hter . . . . Census ...






Total m unicipal ex pend itu res .......flgH.IPOTotal am uunt for city to ra is e 1273,758r u d e r (he law th<? (Gammon Council Is

required to raise $1UO,oto fo r school oon- slrucH on purpose*. Th* board proposes (his year to expend $112,001) for th is pu r-

iiose. B o n is will be Issued In th e sum of tTOjiTO and th e am oun t placed In the ta x

ordinance. The Bchoolhoua© ('o m m lttee pruposes to perform the following w ork during the year;F irst W ard, ad4lltlon»l (;ourt W eb­

s te r BtrecI Bi-hool............................Third W ard, school site and build­

ing ........................................................IGfth W urd, a«hllllonal ground a d ­

joining L afay e tte S tree t Bchool..S ixth W ard, purcliase of school site .E ighth VVaro. addition lu Sum m er

Averiuu School, four classroom s.T enth W arfl. addition to Ann S treet

School, e igh t c loasruom s............. 20,00l!lElev»*ruh W ard, addition to N orth

Heventh S tree t Bchool.................. 25,000T w elfth W ard, purchase o f ground

for Bchool pu rp u ica ....................... 7,600

T otal .............................. $112,500(’ommlBBloner BRIe<X'ke p ro tested a g a in s t

the udopllon of Hie budget for the reason th ill no provision w as niitd© for e tila rg lu c the N ewton Blreei School, which w as over­crowded. and no place th a t could bo uebd a* an annex coubf lie w 'cured. ho said. Hi® tiioMon to re fe r the budget back to ih© F ln - rtni;F* t'ommlUc** w as lost,

Buperintenrlent B arringer, in a com m unl- cuHon, Informed the hoard th a t he h ad eliaiiged the j^rlmiuy sd iuo l d lb irlc t line® HN follow*;

McinmouHi S treet R chool-H lgh itreai^, \\ttv» 'rly tdaci* to B arclay s tre e t (hof!y sides), to Biirucf*. to Brltiec s treet, lo K in­ney Ptreel, tu place of beginning.

Boiiih T en th H ired Bi’hriol—Bpringfleld avem ic, Hinith Tw elfth sir»*©l, lo T lilr- teenth avenue, lo South N inth s treet, to tioiith O range avenue. Tlie divid ing line hetwei'ii the W averly Avenu© ami the F if ­teenth Avenue Bchool is fixed a t Boutli Tw elfth Btrect.

An Itemized Hlatemeni of the expenses for IK'ifi.whb'h the tioard la required to com ­pile. WHS presented by Ihe F inance Com - n illtee. and ll will )«• forw arded lo tho tVijiimon t ’cnmcll. Tin* r**[Kjrl la a s fol- luws: 1

H RC'K nTB.Htate ap p ro p ria tio n .................Htat© (a x ..................................B alance from l>fl(........ ..........Tax onllnaiicc. . ..................( ’o iillngeiii fund ......................Gash depaslted wttli Comp-

iru ller . ..............................h ite resi tin ln 'quests ......................

IT-,456 Cl 34$.r>M 3ft

lQ,63fi 1ft 175,370 00 36,600 00

m 33240 00

Tulal ................................................ I6H4.2M 44K X l'K M d T rU E B ,

Teacher* ' sahirli**, day schr>ola.$300,708 7ft Teacher* ' snlarb**. evening

sehonls ................................ ...........b iilarlcs, texM wjks, repairs, fur-*

n liure, healing , fuel, e tc ........

Total .. Balance

O.m 33


m naln lnK Jan . 1. IStij..$7.0W m7,0ftfl TO

expenditures w©r©

112.400 09 35,OSS 16 19.745 m 24.200 44 10,iU2 HO 1S.K18 70 :J.731 701. M6 91 «,(ifi7 702, j<44 23 % m 13 1.H6S 53

irity ’ . .......__posed of, fnatead o f beln^f forced to drga along a s a t p resen t. An appeal may n© taken d irec t from th e decision of a C ir­cu it C ourt Judge, who will a t all tiroes bo regarded aa a com ponent p a rt of th e fiii-

Srcme C ourt, d irec t to tho Appellate ivlsloD, and th is , I t Is claimed,, will eave

ttsalaas and In som e Instances m onths of delay. T hen In th© m a tte r of pracetieo, under th © --------- ‘iiade r th© pr©

As m i m ^ © e C i ©

resen t system a law yer fr©- ih a t a f te r oarefu l p repara- w m ob ll© opens to th© 0 o-

TIjf* munlcliwild iv ld i'l UK fn lbrns;Ofiii-rrs ...............................................Ju n llo rs .............................................Repairs ....... .......................................TextbtHik. prlnMiig. s la i lu n e ry ..F u rn llu rc and supp lies ..................I'm-1 ......................................................( '«‘hHUrt .................................................liiHurancf ..........................................Ri-ms ............................... ...................Ga* ............... ...................................W ater ..................................................Ini'IdcniHl* .........................................

1‘o n irae ts fo r the construction; of th e a d ­ditions to l|ic I'jlllol, M unm aiilh atuI South T enth Htreel Schools w ere aw arded as follow *:

M onmouth S tree t ftrhool—M ason work. Ford K. iT uden, $5,0%; f’a rp en ip r work, 'William G. Bharw ell. $H,fflD: plum bing, A+ .1. Blinpson, pa in ting , John K rcltlsrp layfi,

South T enth filireet School—M ason work, W illiam H. ('onnolly , $lfl,«33; carp en ter work. T lw elt A W ullors, $l),73ft; plum bing, F. A. llRBclmayer, ^Ift; r»alnt1ng, T. Don­nelly. rni«.

KBit Hlreet Bchool—G rncral pliintblng, MHlltam DcmarH. $147; sew erage. David i5. nidH, 1271; plumr>lng boy*' departm en t, Kllafl Beritt, $4:>l; nlumhltig, g i r l s d e p a r t­m ent, Ella* Bi^rlu, IIW.

Com m lasloiier Gay uHk(*d If the Sahi- (ary C om m ittee had mad*' any effort to have d isinfected Iwoks used by pupils w ho had been utlllctPil w ith Infectious o r ©on- tnglous diseases. l)r. W oalm an replied, th a t he hud been unable (o get tho com- mlUc© to meet.^ T b e term of the ICvenlng flehool was extendo<! to M ay 1. The flo- lowlng report of the Teachers' Commute© Was oclopted;

"Furlm iitha—Miss i*hel>e Hancock, vlc©- prliu 'lpal I^awrence S treet, fo r the m onth of M arch; Miss Amelia A. W ilkins, of Houth 51arket s treet, fo r the m onth o f March.

"i*erm anent A ppointm ents—Miss Jeast© E. .MaeGowan. M arshall s tre e t; Mtsa HdUh M. JaoobUB, C harlton S treet.

■■Temporary A ppolnttneul*—Mpi. Laur© li . Sayre, p rim ary departm en t Lawreno© S treet; .Miss E. Ells© GolBZoK p rim ary departm enl H am burg j j^ o e ; M iss M ary R. R ichard*, p rim ary departm ent H am ­burgh Ifiace; ill*a ^ d l e G. Russell, p ri­m ary departm ent H am burg P lace; U lsa H arrie t k . V an N est, p rim ary d epartm en t H am burg Place. , __

" T ra n s % rt-M lia M ary A. McNeill, from a ts ls ta n t In g ram m ar departm ent to

■ • • - . departm ent N o rth

ga'i begin again . A few' of them found perm a I bent em ploym ent In th e town, but the i i g re a t m ajo rity , a f te r w aiting till they |' couldn 't w ait any longer, got out, and

th ings a rc now ab o u t w here they w©ri \when tho second boom s ta r ted . P rohah li , ________ _ _llO.OOi) In all had been spen t to create the j principal of prim ary boom, which, added to th e $i60,0W dropped Bevenih S tree t Kmool; Miss M ary F , by th© Chicago p a rty , le ft him a net profit of abou t $46.im on th e e n tire trankaciion.I say the Chicago p a rty , Iwcause every­body els© sa id he w as Ih© man, though no one ever saw h im th e re o r heard of bta nam e In connection w ith a n y p a rt of the ■cheine»*' *

Clark, from p rim ary departm ent U g ra m ­m ar aep a rtm cn i H am burg . . .

Commissioner Hays reported the death of Mies Elisabeth L, Thompson* who had served for Ave years as a teacher in th© South Street » h o o l Th© commlsal<w©r paid tribute (o th© d eo e© ^ teaehert

tSitfe.' W ‘ - “3



T1t«r O rd e r* Mtwi Ch»r««l W ith Abutluff H it Wlfi» ki h — tt) Tuwn.

K B T PO R T . F t l>. » .-W o m p n W'hltrt'Rr" h * r« MDt •evpral ftnonym oui l e l t m to O. W . B row er, of Union, threaU nlaK him w ith d ea th If he don- not I ra re the rom- m un lty . A few d iy i «ffo Hrower. it le allowed, w ent home end drove hln wife akwut th e hom e. Bhe hud eoina veJuehle p a p e n th a t her hui!»anil wnt dflerm lnod to have.

B row er becam e frlKhtrned i t hie w ife* h igh ly nervone condition eTid ran fo r a ds..clor. The phj'(il< Un enid her nilnU wee affected . Mre. Miower wee taken lo the T ren to n Aeylum the ne»t day. Hhe gave u io w aluab le papere to a hi'^p^r a t the aay lum .

T h e wom en of the com m unity, feeling th a t Rpowcf WHH the cauot o f hie w lfe'e fondU lon, formed n W'h1h*c.aj» Bndeiy. ra ilin g th cm ie lv c j "The !-udy w hU^Hpe T h ey have le iu tw o leUem to tlrower th re a te n in g hie life If he dl«l not leave the com m unity a t once. He hae eomc vutueMe hoVMa They aleo aald they would make w ay erfth them .

B row er aaye he doein 't Intend lo Inave h ie hom e and will l»p prepared to meet th e W hitecape. Ho l i aw aiting develop- m e n ta Rrower published the following laC lefTW lerday:

**1 recelvcfi le tte r No. ? J«»t werk from thOM I ^ d y n'hltei'Hpe. In which they etat* ed th a t they wuuld lake niy gray horeei from me and th a t f w<iuM hau* to (ijel olT th e e a r th , aa my time wae Nhori. Nuw, 1 w |ah to Inform tho*e t inpty>heMded Jayi wwo ta lk ihrouKh their noere th a t tho ie h t i e * a re paid for, there la no claim i ^ l n i t them and all my bllla a re paid. * n a t !■ m ore than tho ie Jadna can la y for ThOmeelVM. 1 dp not wlah to Interfere w ith o th e r people's bualnaea, au why ■boukt thoae people bother with mine, w hich they know noth ing about T"


EouimI a o ll ty of M unler Im the iHN-nml IN^ f r e e for K illing H er Chlkl.

PA TER SO N , Feb. ZH.-Mra. M ary Van W pek w aa found guilty a t U o'clock la it n l f h t In the t 'o u r t n f Oyer and Term iner o f m u rd e r in the aecoml degree, H er of- fgRoe w aa th e drow ning of h»r n a tu ra l ch ild In the Paaaalo R iver on A ugu it U

X . •toy tn pourl w a . ociruiilwl en tlr.ly by (IM a n ru m .n ta of rounm-1. an<l Judya U tio n ’a cham a. Tha U tta r waa com- p la (« l ftt 1 a 'ehK k In tha aftarnoon, and t)M cajw w en t to the Jury. Thn van]lot la a au rp rlM to aoma paraona, who thought th ay obaarvad In tha Ju tlg .’a charge a tan* danay to fav o r tha p rlionar. linw avar, tb a C M trt acrkrtly adnionlahad tha Jury tk a t a v ard ic t of m analaugh tar waa not avarran tad by the avljFnoa..>lt m uat ba m u rd ar o r no t guilty .

H ra . V an W yrit eat In th r dock a living

Klo tu ra o f ab ject m laarr, during ilia long pu ra conauin .d by counaal In review nig

th a trag ed y of her life. H er dull fa re haa th a a le m e n ta of a certain beauty and ant- m attpn , aa aha proved on T huraday on the ■tand In b a r impaaalorad plea for her ow n lUe. Yeaterday It waa pale and d raw n . T ha iiarvoua tan .lon of grief and an x ie ty w aa w ritten upon It In d e .p llnaa. A t ttm aa, aa aha rocked to an d fro In the dodk, tha wom an wept allently. So fa r an

eould mova Uia Jury th e caaa waa



AT S A rR iriC R - li. K. uve.

I*Tup*rt>- f«»r «!**. Si I N. J.


NKXT TY> fX»UNl£H <IAnfllI>K Sih h'Diee romeinui ti n rcximi ami hMfhn >m,

wDh all m<»wtm Improvampnii; thin pr><i>''rtv Ir (•|•(pl^atly well liullt. »»■! Mr||] an *«•

;eUrnl futuf" J-u*in»'*ii jimperD. Th<« ftr>1 ll-K-fIf*' / " f ai a ii.imiTiu,l


1 i:n» Thud ‘VP.ItKI.IrEVlLDK AX Kw-iTjR. lirn iN l-;; UUni'-

KHTV S tiUtMlinKa- larac )<t. Mi\KKi ut a amall outlay >'an b# maJe tn pay bitnijK.’ n.~ in* rinn#; lo ■ au » r ntn mahi prlrvInw and Itrm i euay. E. K 1<nN|» « «'U.. 7>d }lroe»iri.INTii'N AVrc -VaTual'Ie iv»nifr h r tmpniv#-.

ra<‘nt. pear IvnnayR'imla Ituhroail Ju*l Ih* n|«l for anri flata, *tl fiK f rit'linton «v». tPd 7d fe*-! "n aiiJ atri-b-i. and Pth f««t rt^p . will rapidly Imprnv* In value a* ■••■•n aa conivmplaied I* <rfri»i|4AH K. K. DONIT A ru ., THI PbAdCATale AT DEYEHA r f ‘. t'T list nf farhaiigrM.

huuaea. Icia, farnia. ISu HprltigneM avr., >tr 7T3 Hruad *t. I(’l i o i r r plot of land, on hnijih Pevenih

Pt, iT*-ar l.tih av^.. wVbi End. Inquire I'f (>wn<*r StiJ f^cuth Tmili iL NilEDTATIB looked «fier In th* i>«ai pwaaioie

manner by UYRON W. UDRflK. IM Third B\l'. tt'tfVYill r a l e r>#ntraT>l« liu»lne«H and dwelllna

Lrroperty. '>n Alulberry it., IS.inmi i iiph; halan'-r at ti i>«r cent. Inquire A. II, PKATe, 756 Broad at. WcFOB RALE- [.*it Ahaino. enr. Hamliurg pi. and

Land *M l<d i&aluA. \*s Ann at. WALTEH D. (JgftORNK, iHf Methank at. 411FINT! Iiuilillng lot on flar«1d< al.. nrar Tbthl

av*.: 3A-if%a14S3< tw i, If Ixuiahl ImmeUl- aiely. MYU'>N W. MoRSIC. IM Third ava. 1HrcAl>QUARTKICH for Woodald#* real eelaie.

EiHrnar Waahington and (IraftuQ avea. JOHN W. jn H A E K M O N ._______ MkllOURCii, lolij raraie and eachanglng. BFTRli

A CO., 130 Sprlnghetd eve., or TU Broad at.



Heal Eaiatetm^'n aay; lt‘a what they do, that ooiinia.

nao* your property tn the rare of ono who glvre hie bualneea hli hept thought and rare. ERRKX fYlTtNTV HEAL KllTATK HK.ATV QtrAllTEKH.

UYRON W. UOBHR,S4d Third ave.

IN BRLT.KVILLR-LtYT—I(knil3ft, eaet aide of fUephena at , inuith

of Lmell. at a VKIIY U)W I'HD’R. IlKNIlY HUgHFLIu, 413 Waahlngton ave.. Newark. 1LOTS In no»eyll|e, near Central ava., between

9th and IKh ata.; can he ixiught part caah. balance «>n eaay urma. Addreaa

W. MKEKEIt LtTTELla.Mt. Arlingtfin,

4$e Iforrla ('nuniy. N J.

A A g rU o td lD g C p a lla a M ulligan W aa B«- llafwd of HU IH-gottem Gain.

N E W BRUNSW ICK. Feb , 29.-Johit H a r t and Jam en McGovern antared tho mp- loon o f la aac B ennett T h u n d a y n igh t to go t A d rink . Thom as MulUgan and Jatnea CoU m an, tw o o barau tert who have served tsn& s In S ta ts I'rison, w ere In the saloon

dsmandcKi th a t H a rt t r a a t them . Ho rtfuood to do sOg and w ith M cGovern left tlM saloon. M alligas and C olem an foU low ed and he ld them up. robbing H a r t of ftS L M ulligan and Colaman eompoiled M oOovorn to go bock with them , and they aU w ont to lU n n e ti's ealooD an d had d rinks.

T hey th en w ent out toge ther, sn d HolS'- m an, '^ k l n g advan tage of M ulligan 's In­to x ica ted condition, knocked him down

Rhd took aw ay w bal money w as l«fl- MuU gan, w ith a c u n e . f u m p ^ up and nav­

a g a ^ a tta c k e d Coleman. He w as Retilnji t f s beet a t blm when three offtceri arrived an d a rre s ted the cam batan ts . M ulligan an d O>loman w ere held on rh a rg e s of h ighw ay f^obbery. preferred by H art, ami each m ade c rO tt com plaints of a ssau lt and bA ttery ag a in st the other.


BsHAa GUaa and lb s U snbar B ro thers Are Bow O at o f Daagor,

NEW BRUNSWICK, Feb. » ,-N elson utA Ralston Dunbar and Miss Bertha ulLaa who were Injured In the accident In which Miss Laura Gllea lost her Ilfs, a t a oioasing of the Pennsylvania Railroad In Btslton, Wednesday night, are recovering. B ertha Gllea who Is a t the home of her grandfather. In gtelton, was reported dead yeeterday, but the rumor wae la ter de- tiled by Dr, K, Williamson, who It caring for hai*. He s a n the girl la seriously in- J g r ^ an^ that her condition has been lAado woiwd by her grief fo r her dead sli- teev bu t haAafiavt^ry reason to believe that she will recovefT.

The two brethert, who are In the Wells Memorial Hoaplial, In this city, have nof A been told tha t Laura Olies Is dsad. County PhysleUm Gsrrotl gave a permit f o r burtar, deeming an Inquest unoeoes- ^tiw. The funeral srrvlcss for the dead i^rl were held In the Btelton llupUat Church a t S:I0 this afiernoon.

HMR. l a m s OOKk TO PSlbON*

Bba B eg ins gervtng T hree T ears for At* tc tn p tln g ka ShiMit Calvin Cnrle,

80U E H V 1L L K , Feb. M— Mrs. Fompey D ane, w ho a ttem p ted to shoot e i-B cnato r CaivlD C orle In th is place several inohUiH ago, w aa taken to th e B tate ITlsoii s t T re n to n yeste rday to serve a term of th ree yBara.

M rs.L an e Is a handsom e mul&tto woman, ffboul s ix ty y e a n old. H er an tip a th y to CalVltt C ofle began In hts refusal to turn ovay m oney to her from h e r husband 's e s ta te , w hich bad been le ft In tru s t, but w jtlph, she asserted , w as d u e her. W hen th e h o m e itead w as sold she refused to le av e \inlU she w as carried out by the Hkerlff. On tbe tr ia l Mrs. L a iis denied t h a t she purposed killing Mr. Corle. flhe w as found guilty , hu t a coinnilBsloii was apjpoliUod by Ine Uouri to exam ine Into 1 san ity . I t reported th a t she w as p e r f ^ t l y sane , so llu r tin e seniencodh e r to th re e yi^ari, xiivre has never before bdaii a b lem ish on her eh ij 'ae te r.

LARGR buildlnf lot tor mala. Sn&tinO, ui\ 14th «l., near Hiirinani^ld ava. Inqutr* ItlLDK-

jm A N D Tg omes. 446 flouth Tth at. 4A1LOT on Huntsrdim si., hfur Cllnlon svt.

Asior s i . V) INKWAKK'H most prominent rail •ita ta ofTloe.

GHOEL a NUGENT COM PANT. TN6 Brna<lit. IWiPl^Ai’H your unqisTiy wHh

UDR0B. m Third SVf.MYRfiN W.

ftOT>WRLL AVR.-I>it 3flxl34 fl.; OD«-hslf cash. DOWElUl dt Cu.,

prlre 12GO; DM Droad


TUB proti^ny Nos. I l l , 211 and 216 Camdsn S t is for sals at s rsrjr low (Ifurp,

to elosa an sstals, Inqulrt of H. F. QUINN, 16 IfulUsriT St. 1


llw flllnva.A I l eir lu Inf'trm my rulron* anil th#

I'UMIv m ,;;‘n rnl lhat I hu\e M-m'.ve.l, rn>' "f- fu- fr«.m 131 IL •mn*J-l u. '.. t*. 7nj sr..near .Murk**?, wheps t will •i.nilnus the real <-*tste tp u a in - W . II- IIn WK. IA. Ml I’li-asant are —N nr bfitias, N r-mmS; sU

ij>i|.ii .. menia; ai> .ini heui, quli k biryer, .-nl) >:^Naf. VV. H. KUWI-I. 7su Hnaid at. 1A. Mt. I'leasant avr. Ktne ||'•lIpe, iSrounia.ali

Lit 'iriil2.V; itJ flue order; IT* f^si. W. II. IP AVE. 7Hv l-.rusd Ml. 1

A.- A. -A, -ATTKN’TD >X I- The Isadlnf real ea.laTe i.inro r<r Newaik and vlclnily is st EfD

ThlM ave. MYRa N W. MOKtiK.l ll«n uolora rr l, whllB SRil blue. 07f


'Ibis ■•.•iill'/ti la one ut the nneit, It hrtnx l<>- lUil III ihe aectJivTi nf Newark wK*re martir of

Its 1>e«i i-Ulaerui realde.12 priinia and lMihna<m and laundry and >hire iivtim; aleam beat thmushout the b->na<-. fr<Fiit itiui Lark atairs; hainlaiune rati* liiet iiianiela, wire }ietlln|[a 7*>r wind'^wx, d'Hira and rear iNircti, dumb waiter; Very neal rhanibhepa, ei-’., etr., sic.

Tbia realdeiiri' isHM built ]i> years aso by tta iHtuiMtit atid owner fur a p«*rmatisiii

ll•■tTlr, arid ihererura was built with csfij not like many w>k< build with Ibe Iritentlon of put- ilns UL M sirw tupe itlieKpljcK then imivlng In and furnlablhs It jireltlly, attract s buyer, and then repeat the mum n|f*jration. This house WHS nut built with any am-h m*itlva In vl«w, arul it la kn f'SieedInslv well-built atructure, wllh hI) rnfFijern »-'i.\eii|en«'es. and li bn-steil ciiii- venleniiy to can . bfdh ateam and electric; also convenient lo t-hiuvliea, ar hixile, atorew, etc.

It ' Vol' AHE LtarKING F**R A rail atiil pee me with n 'f rrrm r (u this prop' eriy. MYJtGN W. MmHHK.1 IW Third «vs.AN elegant 8-atury frame house fur asle; cen­

trally bHiaied: all imprikvementa; no reason* able olTer rsfueed. inquire VAN FRAAG HKiifl., rest 4Hini« and liiauriMive brokers, ruim H&, Globe building. 14JA TlAlinAlN ea iteennd st., near hew park;

frame bouse, 12 ruoma; arransed for tero fam- IMri, pHua tS.tlOU; an reasonable offer refused. lOx C. J. HRuWN. 72B Broad sLA SNAP iViuth flih tl., near Bouth Oranse

ave., ]i>t 3UslOH ft . 3-atnrv frame houae, all lni|irtivemi-nLi; moriKage to t ll.lCiO, 5 p«’r oent, brk t ll.iftO, HDWEItrt A CU., 1H4 Hroad ft. 1A Qt>OC Inveetnienl An Hth ave., two frame

bouaes; on# aevsA ronma, one twelve rooms; price for tMith hnuses M.OUO; annual rent HM. C. J- HROWN. T3t» nruad s t . ________ IPsA 2-HTnbY frame himse. 8 n-ioma. Ud i'XxHtO

fi-et. for tlik) caah, tialMnce inouihly.IMiWKItH A ro . , TM Hmad al. IA house <newl, with a heater and

1>ow-wlndow; lUkiU. MYItON W. MUKUE, l.tU Third ave. 1BAHi ’LAT. NKAU WAVE^LT PL - Pnug 111*

tie cuitage house. 6 naima, water, sewer, etc,; lot Sftxlm, price only l2.dU0. It'S a bargain.46k E. ¥L 1K»ND A CO.. ?Vl Itruiul et.flAltUAlN--1*ot for asje on A^-ndemy at., newly

paved. Inquire t)4 Wright al. 1


FHYHlCiAN’H OFKU'B AND lUCritnENCF,3 Hi:--:; tnmirrn brick hiiuao; idlk a and IS

r>ti.ma; sH lmiimv*-menta; lut 30xlU7; in dr. alr.i' r- 1<4 iilon and itci-upied by IsafllDg ph>s-> bdan fur muny years.4Jik K. E. ItO.ND A CO., 7l»l IlMad.TD iri'N iiR HT.. NEAR JiHl’llARr). ""

2%-atory frame two-famlly hCKiaa; 10 rooitiM; yaa. rsnse. hot end cold water, bath, e i r . ; lot mixkT. nn aspihalt J»avi-d sipeei; only 14.100; Iti' ve quh k If you uhdI « b»TKrtir>.44k K. E. UUND A CO.. 701 llmad.WtH>DSMi» -llraiUiful new Citlonlul house;

lto>auilfu] ki<-aMoii; M rooma, Loth, laun<lry; hardW'-*l nnlah; nlrket-ptated r^ iilu ry j'limiL- ms; aiahle. JORAIiEMiiN, corner WdShlng'i'n ani] lirafion uv*. ;u;tiWIIUIHT fIT.. NfclAK URAOD.

3'ij-*tnry frame coCsgo; 9 fYjotna; all Isn- omenta; lot 2Aa]ix>i; marked tlu-wit to

oh svry Hiuy terms; ^eialtnenta If.you want it. 4r>k E. K- DilNU A CO., TWI Ur>iad,


HHIfl flT., ilOh-701—Fourteen-mom houses;<Mery foMcelvsble modern Improvement and

very fine flaturea Apply L. BTERNUEHG A CO., m-232 Market st. iUy

HOrHE lu rent. May 1; XTi OrrhStnl a t.; T n^'mi;K--i>l garrm . large garleii; Ualtlnuire li**aier.

Inquire ;r22 ^Ssvhingi'tn at , <«or. of It'illlam at., top f1.H5r. H. A. VAN R ll'R n. 1J[orKK 7S Plane a i.; arranifed fur u

famltlea; i>«."Meaainn c.juld Iw hail r n u n T. k i r k , Market at.

ne two April 1.

MJJiOUHK.H, flnra ami aparimenia to let in the

atjulh end of Newark. ItlCIfAnU M TjE<'K KR, real eaiaie, III and 116 Hhernisn ave.Jlul'HKR—To let, three hrlck houaoa; good b*-

railuu, near High at.; Improvemenra, 1«'W rent. OKomiE DEVORK. «M1 Un*ad st. inmiloTlBF, with ftimlahed ronma; Imnruvemsnta,

Call a t 33 Ward st. IJ

1I"USK to let. No. 12 ^Vlllow at.; linprvve- iiirnia; rent 112. Inquire a t Kift Court at. 4UtWHY DAT RENT when yo« can buy houae*

wllli X">o i-a^b und pay | lh i*er nnmth till ii.tltl 1 — ~ -----------for. For Hat call at HKYEIi £ I'G.. I'Ji m JAMKH BT . Noi' 19 and 21—Three-itury Hi'MnsttePt ave,, «.r 7Tn Driotd at. 1 - . • —.-i..- t.-o.i. .t— ,,i----- . and


(L A L E -O tr o r

est^-nalon hrlik dweMinga; in flrsi-clajia order; t •’•iniaining alt n^Hjern Itupruv'monta; ta*#aea- 1 alon May 1st. Apply to CllARLKH miAin.KT, ; of D. llailantlne A Horn, Frum at., foot of Ful-! tun- |£k

ALL I Proi^rtlea for akle and rent.o UANGK I T. i*. CONWAT A rn .. HTATlo.NH.I TT3 Hmad at,, *nd Bouth Orange.iF4IR HAT.N, Il.tOQ; new houae, 5 rnomi and

baaeiiienl. water, atahle. ItumH at., near R. unmge ave. am] Columbian Helghta. 4ujIlDUSK-For sale or tn let, fumiaheil or uij-

funil»hed, two nearly new; flral-claaa rniMl- ern liouaes; 7 riMima; wutsr. furnace, fruit, aliadv, garden and bam ; doalrwbls lnoatlon; near station and tmlley; one hour from New York |■>n flreenwiajd Lake Railroad, terma easy. Addreaa MUR. H. W1NAN8. Little Falla, N. J.1UNE HOrU from New York; flasst residence In

New Jersey township, threw mlnuita from* Pennsylvania Rtatlwi; Telford roada; alone fiavetnent, fwwer, no m alarU ; flii* lawns; grand ahade trees, fruit and c^mamemal traes, lm> provementa, Ttir partlculara sAd terms, address Owner, Mi Cenrsnt tvs., Ksw York. 2hd

your [>n>perty 1311 Third ave.

with MYRON W.1

WOODSIDE—The Rneat building lota; stluatM on Paabody pi., north of C'bester tv s.; three

m Rutta ' walk from Woodslds oars| two m lnutn Iron HIveralda Rtnilon. Brla R. IL ; coiuectlCiM lo ourb witfa swwer. gas and water; airawt to b* paved tn spring; pries pkxi. Per aale by AL- HJCRT C. (YIURTEII, -paint, oil and vamlah nsrebanL KB Market st., oor, Beaver. ____nOO FOP a cornar lol; rma block from Iprlng-

Atld ava.; 3hal14t44: nelghborhrrad rapidly )nlldliw up: worth VIM. U. UAltJCY,Opp. Roaavflls Statlofi. 76J


Ea<4i o f thw P o u r Merrwr Ooonty Prlaoners Bent U p Rtr Two Ysora Rxir*,

T R E N T O N , Feb. 39.—T ha fou r m an who k tlom ptad to b reak Jgll here T hursday , jam ea M aloney, of N ew ark ; Daniel Holden. Jam ea M cGrath anti W tlllam C urlla, have met w ith quick and severe pun ishm ent fo r the ir offence, Judge W ood­ruff yaatartlay aentenclng each of them to two yaare ' Im prisonm ent for Ja ll-b rtak lng and fo r v a r lo u i length te rm s fo r the offancaa fo r w hich they were Incarcerated, i t w ill be fou r years bt»fore any of them get ou t again ,

Y eaterday they m ade ano ther a ttem p t (o b reak Jail, digging a sm all hole in the cell In w hich they w ere ouiilhiea together klnre th e ir ftret a ttem p t, under yhe basin, w here the p laa te r had rolled. They would have h a d g re a t difficulty in getting all the way th ro u g h , however. They w ere then taken up In to the courtroom and pleaded g u ilty to a ttem p tin g to break Jail, a l­though th e y dented th e second a ttem p t.


A n o th e r D eath from DIphIhirrIa and Two O thers Ntrlckeii liVllli th ^ Grip,

Bpeclsl to (he EVENING NFWrt.B A 8K1N O BIDGE. Fell. 29.-Tl3c *iuMl.'

M hoot of th is piact'. which wilh closed F e b ru a ry U on account o f the m any illf- fe re n t conU gioue dlsuases lircvali'iii am ong the reililenla, will rem ain clusfd fo r a n uncerta in period. Miss Llixlc H en ry , the teacher of the ]u*lmary de­p a rtm e n t, hag been taken down w lih w hat seem s lo be the grip. Haym ond IL-nry, ih i ten-year-o ld sun of U. U. H enry, Is Rtso confined to hlg homo very tlangcrous- ly 111.

F red W hite, the ten-year-old won of Jo h n WhRq. who rcsidey about iw o miles from here, died yesterday of diphtheria. A bout tw o weeks ago u daiiKhlcr died of th e sam e illseaie. There ai'c yei three o f the fam ily who are sick with th e die- vase, b u t It Is thought they will recover.

Kallt-uad Rtalbm Ntrurk by L lghtu lng ,'.I<AAJHKllT\’ll,L E , Fi’b, 2L—T!u‘re was

a heavy thunUtTBtorni a few niU«‘a souih of here lost night. The rallroHd Htation s i W llb u rth a w aa struck hy lightning and j^arUy burned. The storm broke down all U gegraph and telephone w ires, an d the n sw s w as b rought here by tra in . The tele­g ra p h opera to r ut W llburtha had a narrow escape, H e had Just slepikod out of his n m c j w hen th e bolt of llghln lnn , lru c k the bullu lng . The flro ran Into th e operating* ropm and idayiMl about the Inslnim eiits, T n s P lace w as soon In u bluac. and before th e firem en extinguished (he flames more th a n haK thj* station had been destroyed.

To Naareh for R are Uurius,N E W YOIIK, rv b . a .-1 'rtifi'iii.o r J, \i.

H « U h « r. o f rrjn i-elon t'olli-K''. mill u . A. PeU rK iii, for .t lOUK timo u coHivtor In th» sm ploT of the Amerlcun tliiHi-iim of Nut- u ra l H lito ry , th l , nity. i-allifi to-duy fnr I 'x ta s o n ie In th* >textn,hlp <iHllIea. T hry w ill flpeiul a t leant a year exolorliiK ihe d e s e r t , u l t h a t country fo r the iiuriiose of nixkliuc a collection of ubjecia of nrli-mlllc In lereet- P ro f c o r I le tu b e r hu> hern ap ­poin ted a special a ttsn t and eolieeinr by th o b u re a u of Bthnolosry, a t W inhlnxion, D. C. As fa r a , pusallne dupUcatcH of iiLl Itiias will be brought home fo r the Pmlth- son ton . ,, ^ ^

T erro riiio a W oinsoand CIi IIiIitu . LA M B ER TV IL I.R , Peb. » .-H o m e per-

been te r ro r i i ln i t th e women and cmlM ren of the Third W ard by thaaliiK twsm a round a fte r •lark, and In some ease , n j to ln * until (heir acreamii fr lf tlite n -1 eq- him ' off. He commenoed hie o transe f

'*>'■- M'lfbta ' Ih e electric i l» » j* Were s y h u m ln i?a ftd la , tm kiusp- • I w '• “ P'.. A U bourh several o tte m p ii have n m m ade to cap ture the party he liss e tm th t a i s his cwh way. eoemliixly hnow-

W hen an d where to p ractise h is prank*


A UrobsD W heel CauM', a I> l,a ,tr r on the Dee L. and YVe a t Itoonton.

Dispatch to th* NEWH.HO nN TO N . F fb . iS ,-A wreck occnrrf-1

Oh th a 1>-, la. and \V. UHlIroad about 4 o*c1<»ck th is m orning ai tho Nanny brldgf sw itch hfrt*. Fiiai freight No. 2^ ca«t- bound, dun a t Hooutoii a t 2 A. M., w as two hours la ta and was running a t a rapid rate. A fte r passing (he reverso curve be­tw een Uoonlun and Dvnvlllc, a wdu-d bruke u n d e r a box car m a r I he cuKlnc, du- rsJUng a n u m V r of cam . Tlu* irnlu bum ped over tho ties for two milcK iK'fars U waa slopped at Ihe Sani;y awllch.

H eversl i>ux cars were piled up In ihe w reck aiTil one car, loaded with foriy ton i of Ice, w as th row n across the westboumt track ami th e !c+* covered the rails. No- Unly w as liu rt. Holh tracks wei> bluckcil until noon.

The thrt>ugh (raliin w'ere seni by the way of SlorrlMtown and Newark. .Vy mail way rvcvlvcii here to-Uuy until 2 o 'do i k.


K airhurst T ried ti» K1J1 Ills Wlf«* uimI IbiM gbter aiul 3Vas l.rvekt^l typ.

I’ATtlllHON. Kell. -j. -Juseph Falrhiir.'it, senior im unber of the Ann uf K ulrliurst A t ’o., silk m anufac tu re rs , In the Mamet mill, was eiMiimltleil lo Jail as a lunatic by Ite- curdcr Keillor yesterday.

K alrhu rsl altem pU 'd lo mur-ler his wife and slx tceii-yoar-old daugh ter a t hla lunm , ftiS T w etuy -ttfth s treet, on T hursday night. J«'or wueks p ast he bus sliow ii signs of an unbalanced m ind, and durliiK 'tbe last few days he has Hxnlalried lo frlend» luiw easy It w as to kill pciRde. L a ta T hursday n igh t be a tta ck e d Ids wife and ehekt'd Usr Into InsenslbllUy before his dau g h ie r couLl In terfere. Then be uttsck>’d the la iie r, who fo u g h t her fa th e r off until Mrs. Fulr- hu rs t had recover#-d, and, resciilng her daUMhiiT from his giHHp, they lied to the home of a rolatlvo, w hers they spcn i the night.

VKKTHK RT., NKAR PARK PL.3*itory sad iwsemvnl. brick dw tlllnf; 14

roiHmi, all Impruwmenis. lot S2sll2; pries tlLlAMl; terms easy.47k K. B. ROND A CO., 7lH Broad.UWKLLJNOR TO L K T -

HY K. 1C. mJND A lY)., 7«1 BROAD ST., FKUM MAY 1.

Wsshlfigton pi., B-itory brick, 13 rms. lnip|1.200James st.. 3>s(nry briek, V rms.. Imp...........PMiuHprues Rt., B-itory frama. 10 rms., lmp....|4huFulton it., 3-atory brick, 10 rm a. Imp........IMOfllh at., S’Slory brick. l3 rms., Imp...........1720Qallman st., .Vstory frame, H rms., limp.. ..|M0 pvnninruiti ai., Calory brick, 0 rma., gas,

wat<*r, ato .............. .......................................I2S6Washington at., 3Vk*storr frame, 10 rms..

gas. water, ate .................... ........................Kasrny st., frame. lU rma.. lm|i.................I stoTIchanor at., frame, Ul rm a. imp..............

IMUEtdATK POHrtLHSION.Rroid it., k'St. brick, 12 rms.. Imp..atab1tqi.2n0KuUon st.. S'Rtury brick, 10 rma,. Imp........If»40FIm st., 3-atory brU'k, 12 rma., Imp............. |tk>0Bldnay pL, k-story brick, 10 rma., tmp........tMOW'aihington sLy a*story brick, 10 rm a, Imp-LMQ KIgiith ava., 3-atprv brick, 6 rm a, gss and

water ......... I2tt4Huflierry st.. 3-story briok, 10 rm a, gaa.

water, etc ...................................................... 4lkl0Avon pt.. 3^-atory frame, 0 rma.. Imp........liitTOE^st Kinney sL, 6-atory brick. 10 rTnR.,lmp.*MoC'amdvn st., 9-sU>ry frame, b ntia.. Imp........(440Waahlngi«>n st., ^U-st. frantc, 10 rms., gas

and water ............ 1300Full particulars and permita at our office.

K>k __B. E. ROND A n>., 701 HROAD ST.FOR SA L E-

By family going to Europe, tbs flns brick rsaldsncs, 610 Washington M,; flna netghbn-* bood; view of Lincoln and ioulh parka itn rooms, laundry and bathroom, In psrteot order;rrlcs Ill.nOO; easy terms; also carpeta furol*

ura, portlarsB, billiard, very D*- Possaailon

IMotmifleld-KOUffR ami tot; qina-room houas: about half

an sere of smund. mors nr leaa; sll klnda of fru il; giKid well of water; pump U the kitchen fmm well; thr«*e mintiies' walk tn elsctrlo cara; ciiiae to two rallrnada Apply to ^VYI. CARLW. 201 Frankllo ave., RIoomllehl, N. J. 43a

Lyons g'nruis.KkTATK nf Frederlcka H. Noll. Lyons are.,

Lyofia Farms; houae and four luia; rultfvafed In fruit, nfsr lla|<Uat ('hurch. A^ply to ADA.H NOI.L. 42t> Kouth 7th si.. Newark. bk

Knst O range.A.—Wllllum at , Hast nrangs^F lne house, g

rooma; hardwood ffoors; lot BftaluO; hU Im* provemenif; only 4tsj. W. IL .RuWh*, 7h0 Hriiail at. |A.- \ '‘llUani al., KaK Orange—Tnmer property;

9 r.Kima, all Improvement*; hardwo<^ flr>ora; flna h»mv; L'l.dOil. W. il. AOWK, TkO Rroad iMA ORAN!) opiHirtunily fur a phi'siolan; comer

tiroperty at Noat <»range; lot 36s 126; muJem houfle, \i rooms end bath; all tinprnvemnnta; stshle for three horaea; t>rlce iind tertne \*ery reasonable. WIT.LIAM M. BAlLbiT, oppoalls Rusavltle Htatiun. 1

O range,LOTS fur Mile. 100x150. on W att Montrose ave.,

l,aaler and Franklin pi., Orange. Apply lo owner, P. dOUEKHNU. Box TSX Bemardsyllle, N. J. _____ wi;

May I,Bit

InquireTW Br«ad st.,

FOR 8ALR—4m North Bevetitb M,, near gevenlh ave., dealrabls reaidenrs; k rooms and bath;

every convenience; lot 3UxU6: hare Is a chance 4o buy a house in a tucallly where one la sel- dora nffered for sale, WILLIAM M. HAILBT. opioslle Roseville Htation. 1FtTLTON PT., NEAR HROAD 8T.

,3-a(nry and eitenalon brick hoiise; 10 rooma; ail modern Impruvamente; tn guod rODdlllon; lot ebmit 17x1611 fi; this la the beat house on Ful­ton it,, end we only aak tT.WlO.4Pk K. E. BOND A CO., 761 Brood.FOR SALE—An attractive, private reildepce

i t 131 Mt. Pleasant ava.; baa alt modern Im- tMiMwtpents and hardwood finish ihnmghouL For particulars apply MYRON W. MORflE. real eatats office, |3D Third avv., Newerit. 3DdFull HAI-.R—1 have prnpertleg from H.ODfl up

th:it I can Bell at low iirU-i'H. anri on vary oasy fiayinenta A. 726 Flroad st. 1


Llsk l i a s D lH apprum l anil II Is Hold E k» |ir«as Fuiiila Are (JtMir,

Ppertal lo Ihe KVKNIMI NKWK.I’UAKAKK. Kob. 29.7-lJeorge Link, iMa-

tloh and exp ress ugcut of thn liockaw tiy V aliry H allroad here, \» am uug th e mlea- tug. S evera l days ago Link left Ihe Vil­lage paying he w-uK goliiK to New York and would re tu rn the following day .

A l ho fa iled to appear (he ra ilroad oltlclals bpgan an Invcaiigatlon of hla au- coum s. T h e InveHlIgallon n-vcab^l, H in said. That Kdsk tank with him $104. A iiorllon o f th e money bpJtiiiged to the unlio tl K taieu ICxprcfte Company, The m lsbing m a n 's proaent w hereabouts aru unknow n.

F rtiiik llu and N u tlrj News,John M urrell, of KuHaHln avenue, K ut-

li'y, w hile d riv ing a wugun, wua s tru ck by B c a r of Ihe Kaswulc nml Newark, Klec- irlc road yaHlvrdBy m orning on C entre H ired. T he horse was lliruw n down and M urran w as Thrown out and waa badly bruised abou t tho hips, back and arum. Tba w agon w as badly broken and tha hursa BllghUy injured.

Tie*morrow will be observed ns Uarnby RuTtday a t 8 l. Paul'H Congregutluna] C hurch, F ran k lin . HpRoial music, cum- poaliloni of 8 lr Joseph Hnriiby, will bo rondcred hy a choir or eelat^ed voices.

Hiit'HKh FOR RAl.lS AT ROSEVILLE—Flrat at., 7 roum*.......................................$3,600

8n-<ih(! at,, ff P*oins.................................. S,Tl)0Ki'Urlh at,, 5 rrwma...................................... 3.0OOIClHvetilh at,, 7 r>u.m«............................. . j.OUUSH(h at.. H pHims............................... . 8,(Ha)Hi*vrmh al., 7 rik>ma..................... 4.100Fifth hvr.. 7 riwima ............ 4.iai0F"urlh at., S pw»ni*..................................... 4.500Fifth at . 11 rr».un*......................................... 4.200Nimii a( . ji pumi*. ..................................... 4.&1OElavcnlh al.. 9 r«<ima............................ 4,HO0

l«K*k tivcp (hla l!a(. chM. «tuJ you will be fue- nlHliPtl ulih all (hr |iartU'ii1ara required: a large Hat t< RfiViLl fri'iii, and (-.irrlaKe tn anow yuu i^ruund. \VM. M. HAILEY.2;lk Opposha HuaevlHe Station,HOl'HF-AT A DARdAlN; 461 HUMMER

AVE ; llul'!4E WITH IIa LL RUNNING T R H uri’.ll THE UKNTRH: TEN RiXlMB;a m . IMI'RtiVFMFNTK: ItKTLEU'S PAN-■ritV; DfHriLAIl ALAllMS ANI> ELECTRIC LDITUINU, FlNIkHKIi TimuFOIfOUT IN HARD WiN'L; AVFN’FF I'.W LIi WITH AK- liiALT. iNgirift^: is \ hvm m kh a v » , i

Ip irk F l-'cr Hale, Urge frame hfiuae. 11 room*, I'CmIiImh 1i>itli and ]iiut|i]ry; hII modern Im*

(>r<>vemen1a; bvirgijir alarm*; lot FiOxlHO; nn Huinmvr ave.. ncur fle«-imil ave.; iM-cupled by iivnrr; fnr enle Ltw lu ti quli'k lulrchuaer; easy lenna. Apj>ly U. H. HlMiiNDH, onner, MK> RrtiHil Hi. MikIDU'KE r^T Hult*. un J^uinfiier ave., ten rooms:

nil liniiriivemrhUi; rkn I.h ueM for iwo fmn- hkx; ciiHh. liitluiii'v lui'Mihty. Inquire 4N1 Hiiniiti**r Hve, {

FOR HALE O B KXCHAJ40E.nniK)KLYN house (u exchange; one of a brown

Slone ruw; ail Improvements; four minutes' fmm Elevated R. H. Rtatlon; wtU exchange 41..VK) equliy for amaller property. CRANE. 8 Ferry at.. N. Y. 43jFIRHT-CLAHH newly furnlahetl boarding-house;

house 63x100; large outbuildings; Aowing spring wHirr on first and aerond floors; LfitlO sugar maple trMs; loo acres ullobla. the balonoe tlniher; an esubllahed tHW.rd1ng-h<iuae: known (u many Newarkera. Call at the nfflve and see photniraphs. COLEMAN A CO„ 23 UUUon St-, rooma 4 and 6. 63j

Ff(H RALE or eachange—$S0 coata or exchange f«>r lot, 6-room house, «H0 lUh ■(.. nesf

fiprlQgflHld eve., wlih drtveway; 438 Iffth tt., near houth Orange ave., b rooma. DETER it CO., 13u bprlngfleld ave., 773 Uroad iL Open evenings. iFOR RALE Or exchange, for Roseville properly,

lot 78x360, with houae, 7 rooms, tutro, chicken houae, fruit, wall and cistern water; three min­utes from cars; sltualed on a ntaln avenue, Ir­vington, N. J. Call or address Owner, 7 Roaa- vtlla ave., Newark, N. J. bk

FAtTTORT—For eale, to let or exchange, two- siory factory, wlih 15-horse power engine and

boiler. F. APPERflON, l£l High at. 1QUITMAN ST., NEAR HPIlUCE HT.—S-atorv

frame flat houae, 13 r<.Hima, water on each fluiir, eewer, etc; rented Inr $40n; would ex­change fnr amall private residence. £ . K. ROND A (Xi., 761 Broad. 41k

REAL KMTATF* WANTED.HOfTREH for pale and for rent wanted for

spring busineaa FRANKLIN F. MATO, 000 Drnad st. §4b

FARMS FO R MALE,FARM—25-acre farm for aale; all tillable; fine

water, fruit; dwelling, 0 roome; barn, etc.; stock, errops and lmprovHm*'nts Included, $3,6u0. J. W. LENT, Bernardsvllla, N. J. 1ri*Ai’K your property with

MORHE, m Third ave.MYRON


12U acres a t llaeklng iltdge; bcauUfutiy lo­cated; within halt rnljo of det>ul. achools, churches, aiores, poatofRce, e tc .; one uf the flnest streams of pure spring water, netwr fall­ing. and with small txpenae a lake of several acrea ciiuht be made; surmundlnga all flrst- cIhbi; cxtenilve views; rolling land; no stones; high slate of cultUatl'm, wifi sell for one-hslf lha price offored 20 years ago; a bargain for some one. Address ifelrs, Rox KI, News office. Newarlt. ____________________________ |

F A RM ft TO K E N T ,

FARM—To let, fruit farm, two miles frpnj Chatham. N. J .; M4 aorea new housa, i l

rooms, water in house, laige barn, all necca* •ary ontbulldingo. B. McKAUQUTON, 858 iiruad It. 0,7k

PLACE your i«ro|»erty with MiiRMK, i:iu Third uve.


lloVKFS F*-r sale, three new hftuses; ft rooms 4-inli; nil lin|‘r«nfnn*tju:' pricn |(«io

(-nsii, iirtlaiii'c nmrtgugi'. Inquire 4hi Bummer uve i

Jl'iT’HF Tu renf or f«r sale, handeoinely fu r­nished l^Muse, with all lUiKlern liniiruvements,

hi (he ceiitri* <>( the r lfy ; iHtsHCH-shtn when de- Hlrcil ArtdrcHw t|. L., |iin m. News tt(TV< e. 1

IliiT’SF -Thri*e-*tuTy hr1<*k house, Walnut el ; hay windows fnmt iiml bHi k: contains all

liuiuipVHiiient". Inquire W ll.R t^Ri. JolINBON Walnut il. i

IIOT'hE- For s«)e. Hlx-rmim huuae. with all Int- tToMuneide, 132 Jarrien st., near High; cheap

for rash, 10,,)

tl(H‘PF Fiw sale cheap, huuse on Third ave.;arnuigid fnr luo fHmllles, separaio bath. In­

quire 4H| Bummer ave. i

HOT s i; fur eale. His.h 1 sl.. near Tro** at.. 15 ro..it,s. all Imj T.)vrmen(a; a bargaln i easy

terms, r , J. liRnW N . 726 HMad at. 4TJ

ll'»r?^!' Fur eiii#. new hiMies, No. 12u t*<iuth lUb hi.. 13 r.M>nis; CHti !»* used fur tmt! or

IWO rumille*. Inquire 2l7 Norlh Tth st. 1

lAM »K .4T TUIH- A rerv snug home of * |i rooms and hathre-jm. wph auh-cellar for provisions;

inside btlndfl. rmtins finely (>atiered; chandeliers; runnecicd with KSf. sewer nnd water; a bargain, I3.SW; cull m oiuc. MVUUN W. UDRSE, I3U Third ave. j

Ia>T i'lxFiO feel, 2-story frame. T rnoms, new house; als{ K 2-story biillrllng In reur, use as

u curiK‘nicr "hop and siuhlns; earrlage-house for 72.IHHI, ensy terms. ROWKTtH it CO., 7M4 ilroNd hI. I

•mtiIM V inuan Cor Oauiirll mt Capo May.

rfol IX lH trh lo tilt HBWH._ MAV, Cob, at.—Tho BilJournrJHopubllp^O prUnury cleotjoji la tt High I re-j u i u a (II Oi* Iipnjlnguuii «r r , (CUHirv

c a u n d irw r Ihua «nilljig « ik>moot •‘gclUng polltlegT ooiitUoio m'

t i « ILotooy oc tfcli d tj '. T h , tihkot to no* fJtoPtoto, iiM M U itand*. (h » o out of ^Ito g|liN(;CiniiKilinmnlc cnndtdgloi n.(im- " ■ H lto to iig to tba CldHiM- Klorm wuveinom.

x x x a x x ix x x x x a x x x a a xa u u o xi T lA N N O V N C E M E N T .

iH e s tn . J. and B. ANSPACH, M e witb tie ttrm o/£. B. Meym- Witt, New York, beg lo announce that they have opened an exclu- aive OPTICAL STORE atS 9 7 B R O A D S T R E E T .

Oevlltla' pretertpliona a tp e c laity.- AH work done aa tbe pnaUaea.a t a s x s s s M s a n s s i . i « » , Y ^

MKlli'KH HT.. near High—S-famlly frama ho-uw; Al ronillHun: lol 2Utlll7; e«jst $h.6(W;

will sell to qukk buyer fur W.tkkl; greatest biirgHln 111 (lie rewl i-iate mHi-Het lu-day. IA)\'\S J, I’HlIiTlI. Tfl HprihgfleSd ave. , l

MUIoIlKRllY »T.,NKAK CIIEflTNl’T 2U.|tory fr-tme linuto, p iMutiis, gu*. water on two

flours, idosi«t nnd sewer nmnei-tlon; price only f2,;ksi; Jl.'ibb con remain on tKind and mnrt- gugo. r. K ROND A CO.. 7IH Hraad. 4bkMCHT be *oM do*© un cslale, a 2-slory

frame hoow. b nynns, lol 35xlixj fsri; moft- gUKc fur H.lliHi; can le* Imusht fur lUiW-FHH A C<h, 7M Urooil II. ]

NEW HOVftK FOR BALR-Not hutU with lentlon to sell; loi:a(lon most deslrahle In (he

North End; ihlrtetn mlnmes frum Jiroad nnd Market its ,; twelve mnmi; arranged for on* or two fumllles: «li>nm; ull Impruvemenis. Address Uwnar. 755 Br^tad it. 4ig

NEW house for sale: seven rooms; all improve­ments: healer in Ihe cellar; price

ll.liHl rush; halajicc muriguge. Imiulro 4H1 Hummer ttve. j


A n e t 2lS-»liiry bny.»LnUl>tt(4»me hw.lltilf,uri lut ar.iUiii; •Itunifri.Ku. ^ «v,..Newurh, N. J-; nn* blo.'klfrnm .nnrtrtc cva.


< liS Ttalr.) Av«.

BPR1NOF1KID, N. J .—flmall farm to let or for sals. Apply to JOU DE CAMP. 84 William

•t- KflyTO RENT- F^rm. acres, near Hernardavlll#,

good furtu, bulldmgs snd land, In ffne state o f rultlvatJim; rent $350 y«ar, A. U CAtJMH, 758 Brvwd st., Newark- i

VARMN W ANTED.FARM—Wanted, to buy for cash a farm In New

Jersey. Address with full particulars, Ig. UiWICNHTKlN. llW 8lh av4.. New York. I

HtUiNEH TO LET.A.—A.—A.—A.—To let, dwelling; 11 rooms; all

irnpruvHiients; locatirm desirable; also flats and rmirna UEu. \ \ \ HOWELL, 800 broad at.. riMnn BU. 1A,—A.—A.—To lei—A rare opportunity to l T aln

private* residence, centrally located; alt lin- pr»)ve!Tj*n(s, steam hraied; hunt wimm! finish. OEU. W. H invru.t^ HliO bm aJ a t . room 51). 1ARE you looking fur a bumeT Call on MYRON

W. MoKflE. IS0 Third av«. 64fCOURT HT., Nq. 61—Ilnuse, 6 rooms; improve­

ments; immediate posseielon; huqs*, No. 63 Court It., il rtHjma ImprovementB, KiassssTon May 1st; also 7 rooms, Ii6 Court iL WILLIAM P. FIELD. Prudential Building. ggkCOURT KT., No. 64—Briok house. 10 room*, Im-

priA’ements, poeseoelon May J«t; also 5 rooms. No. V7 Court at. W ILLIAM FIELD . ITu- dendal U u l l d l n g . ^ __ (tflifCLINTON A W ' snd Baraen p(.—Houees and

aiiiirtmehts to li t, from $10 to $26 per month- Apply a t IMIS Bergen st. BAyCOLUMBIA HT.. fl7-Br1ck house; all Improve­

m ents; cen tra l: $40. W ALTER U. 08UOHSE, 60 Mechanto at. oakCAMP «T„

location.34-14 rooms; ImprovementB; choice Inquire 41 Ualaey at- Olh

ELIZABETH AVE., IM—Klegant R-room house; Imprqvenivnta; large garden; cheep rent. 4(lh

FUR RENT—Htore and basement. 263 Market ei., SklsUlO, p«M»asb>n M arch 1; loft, 71 and

TR CUnton st., 48x104, pivaoeislun &tarch 1; house, 132 Itruad at., all improvements, liara wiHid finish: (lossasilun May l. Apply to J. J 8PUHR, bton© W orks. H arrison, t*. J. Tsi. ifiy.


I'LAfiE your protierty with Mull HE, 136 Third av«.


HOUHEri T(J L E T -Nurth 7lli s(.. 12 roiims. Impts, stahle..$50 00

High *t.. 14 ryoms, steam heal............. fiO 00WO iknitn I8th sl., 4 riHmts......................... 8 ooHnuth lllh sl., 7 rooms,.................. . !io oyRiverside ave., A rooms, Impls............... . 4p oo05 narrlwm st., 4 room s.............................. h W)Broad st , in roomii, impts................. .......... 4p upValleburgh, 8 rooms................................... . 2u 00L^cntn ttve., 8 room*, im p ts .... ................. —Wasliingiut) av©., 6 rnoms, furnished......... j__East Orange, ti roums................................... iftW1___________ A. WOOD. 72P BroadHOlIkE, No, 88 Centre at. i In Arst-claaa repair

and condition; all ituMjerB Improvements; cen­trally located; near steam railroad depoui, trol­ley cars, poslofflce and market; p<Htt«iMilon 1st hUy next: rent low to a guod unatit; alio upi>er pari of hrwiM. No. 330 Plane s t . ; 7 rooms; adapt­ed for a small family, a t a low rent, inquh-© nf ABNER 3. UKtSVK * 88 From at. «TfIIOCBE—No. 113 (Jarsldest,, from May 1. seven

roums, bath and laundry; ImprovameoU; |Lh) per month; houss, Nos. lOt Qarildit si., from May 1, six rooms, bath, Impruvetnenta, $30 pur monlh; house, No. 1U6 Oaralda at., six rooms, bath, ImprovetnfDts, |30 per month. Inquire 6B ith ave. ofu

HSNHT nUHHELL. 413 Washington ave..Has houses, aparlmanis ami stores In North Newark. Wn^alde,Forest Hill and BeUsvllle,For rent a t any prfos you may desire. Call

and see or correspond wllh htmt also bouse* and lots fur sala. iHOUflE--ri>r rent from Kay 1, (hrse-itory

brick housa. No, 4T Walnut s t i ft rooms, baUiroom oiM all Inprovamsaist obotos looa-

Jrsl-olasi oockdltlmi- Apply to B. N. CEUNB. ID Ototm aT0.< ottsr • £ AL BU

MAR.HHALL HT.. 5H o u ae to let; 6 ronm*.FRANK WIBIJUHN, 767 Bruad St., cor, Bank

sl. ttljOSVNElia OF IlHHEX c o u n t y

HEAL EgTATE.If you would have good tsnam a ami prompt

returns frum renia, can uq or cotmnunlvsTs with MD* w ho handirs hundreds of lenanta of ths very best class.

Rents colleoted promptly, and Immediate re­turns made lo owner of property.

nitflIRHT TE8TIMON1ALH furrilahed from those for whfim 1 have handJeil property duringlY ^ven years of hualhesa life.

should W pleased in meet and talk the mat­ter over with you upon apiKjln(Tn*nt.


MYRON W. MORHB.85d 136 Third ave.KK8EKV01K HL., 6—To let, amall house, fl

nHiMts, large j'ard, rent 112. Inquire \M Or­ange It. 4tn

I'ERHINR AVK., S fl-T o let. small house, 5 riHimi; rent $12.50 per month. 321

MYRON W.l’I*ACE your i*roi»erty w-Rh MORHE. l,*iU Third ave.

Bl'niNOFIELI) AVE.. AM -TIbuM to lei; all llnprovemeaii. Inquire MR«. HClIOEtiTER,

56 West st. 67)

189 TIhrd

. |iin60


I7I Mt. Pleasant ave.. 6 rooms. lmt|>s..,,,914 Hummer ave., I4 rooms, Im p t* ............S! 'V*^^*^*^**” ave., 11 r««jnis, Imiiis........ eoK2 Washington ave.. 11 ro«*ma, Inipis...... . W112 8(ujje st., 11 riHintB, Impts.................... ;i5467 Hummer ave., 6 n*oma, lm]«ts................. 868SS Belleville ave., 10 riKima. Im p ts,..,........ :i655 Wskemun ave.. 11 r.M»ms, Im p ta ...,,....... ltd2U6 North 7th st., 8 rooms, Im p ts ....,,,.,,,* ill)84T Fifth ave., R nK>ms, Im pta ...,................ ,'I881 Heeond ave.. ft rnoms, lm p t* .,» ................. IVl905 birciad it., ft room*. Impts........ .................. ;hi3fi Fifth ave.. 9 ruiima, Im ik ta.......,,.......... 3X;m1 Webster st., 9 rooms, lm|>ta,„......... . 22nUk Van Wagenen at.. 7 n«im«. Jmpla........ 2261^ natwhle Sl., 7 nsjms Impta..................... Bl

OarslJe st , 7 rooms.............. ................... 15Bll Cutler st., Q rorimi............................ .......... 1:1211 Winana ave., 9 roome.............. ................... h>IHO Hollywood ave.. East Orange, 6 r*oma.. Ho

AFAHTUENTK.852 Ganlde at., fl ruMna, Impt*.................... I'JiHBi Hummer ave., fl rooma, Impta................ 2nHlrt Hummer ave.. n rooms, Impto*.............. IM1311 Fifth ave., fl ronme, Impts.................... . 1578 ilarslde st.. fl rctom*.................................... 1286 Orlentsl Terrace, fl ronnvs.,.*-................ 12285 Bloomfield ave., 4 rooms........................* 1Uh2 Hlnne st.. 4 rooms.................................. B)66 Sinn* it., 4 rooms..................... ft

And others: also itorea a t 168 Hummer ave. and E4 W'lnane ave. ]TO LRT—On Kmmet at.* 1 esoi of Broad, 8

room! and bath. $27; 1 weal of Rroad. ti) rooms and bath, $85; 1 on Asioa fl roums, gus and water, flfl. Apply IIDO BitMid, cor. Em* met, 5mTO LGT-25W, 27 and 29 South 12th st., near

Oould ave., hrlck, 10 rooms and barn; all modern cmvenlencee; rent $37.50. Apply to B. W. OKKRT, 760 Broad at., or «4 Hoeeville ave.. In evening. 51kTO LET—Three new houses; all Improvements:

reasonable rent; also room* amf fiats. HARDY ftOMlNR OO., sUcceeenra lo W’. H. Rowe, t8l Bloomfield ave., cor. Qaralde st. 1WOODRIDTJ—House. 246 Lincoln ave., 7 rooms;

all Improvementa; rent $21. 60]118—Nice house to let for small family.

South 6th st., 2d floor.

TO LET—OUT o r TOW N,EAST OHANOE—7 rooms to let; all Improre-

ments: 4 minutes* walk to Orm-e st. s ta ­tion; rent moderate; also houses end apart- menla. J. H. WRIGHT, W Huba»x av*. 1

EAST ORANGE, Oak sL. 80-Houee to let. fl roome; gas, water; rent 111, Inquire next

door, or J. O. CHEATLE, 233 North 6ih sL 61JFRANKLIN—For rent, or for aale, entirely new

house, 10 rooms; haih; five mlnules from Erie Depot, Franklin; high ground; overlooke Nut- ley; beai tlfui view; independent, unfailing water lupply; alectrio care to Faaaalc* will soon run to Nawark; rant $80; or will **ll on easy terms; exceptional chance. Address E, J, WR!4- SSL0. 11 Lawn Ridge. Orange, H. J, Tig

HOI^SES FOR SALE OR R E N T - Springfleld, 10 room*; near Short Hllli fftatlon. Klngelond, S rooma; itable; large lot. Emmet st., brick; 8 rooms; all Improvements*

m GEO. F. DODD, 619 Broad sL, Newark.

HILTON—New enttagej 7 rooms; Sprlngflcld ave. HUGO QOEROKE* Credit Byetem Bldg.

ftnkIRVINGTON—To let, nn Rruen ave., near

Bpringfield are.* a hoase of 14 rooma, with modem Imiwovementa; large garden, wllh plenty of fruit; can be asen from 16 A. M. to 5 P. M. For particular* inquire of F. ENG­LAND. Bruen avs. ftTjIRVINGTON—L a w dweltlng. I4 ronmi; facing

two avenues; grounds; rent low. HUGO OOE^CKE. Credit Byetem Building. 76kPLACE your pro[»erty with

UOliaB, 186 Third ave.MYRON

SOUTH CUNTON ST.. East Oratige-Hnu** with 12 rooms; lot 50xlTD. Address MUFFIT.

942 <Hh ave. _________________Wj


FAMILY o ' five adults desire imnll house, or 7-fciom flat; rent must be reasnnable; Improvs-

menta preferred; desirable tenunte. Address, giving full particulars, ijulet. lh>a 5fl, News uf- flee* 1IlDUBB wanted to rent, with garden, in New­

ark or vicinity, from April 1 or May 1. House. Box 23. Newa ufflce. iq |LOOKING for a tenant! Colt on MYRON W.

UORBE, 139 Third ave. 63fPLAi'B your _ni*nperty with

UoUftE. 136 Third ave.MYRON W.

W'ANTED, bouHCN to let and for oal* for spring list, B. W OKERY. 760 Broad St. DtS


FACTO t i l LET.

a n KHTABL1SHEI> conuT drug store, in a growing |*art of the city: poaH»<M1on May 1

Apply lo W. II. A U. BL'ItNKTT, IT Academy at. ___ _________ ^ 67hb r o a d 8T. STORE 10 let; part of a store In the

buslnesa part- suitable for mlllln«T, dress­maker Of fancy business. A. WOOD, 720 Broad ■t. 1CORNER Store to let; g(»od location; suitable

for any business. Apply 756 Uruad si., room 5. 1

d o c k tp u t on Fiwalo ave,, Harrison, N. J.,

known hi the "Bowers Dock;" convenient to

both BrJdgs and Clay st. brldgss; rent reason*

able to a good tenant


809 Harrison ave.,

BOu Ifsnison, N. J,

FACTORY lo let, 12 end 14 Oliver at,,power and sieam heat; half minute from

Cheitnut Bt. Btatlon; auUabls for Jeweller's, or other light manufacturing. L, A. 8AYRE. StllFLOORB—To let. second and third floore of ths

fine building No, 665 Broad st; eteam heat. Inquire In ths store.60a T. W. WARD.FU>oR—To let, part or enure second floor of

755 Brood It,; lultabls raaraantile or office businees. Apply to J. WIBB A 8QNB. 76a

FLGORR and basement in building, 10 and 12 Ward SL: with or without power; well IlghlfsJ.

FRED T. KIRK, m Market 81. 641

FAirrORY Boor to leti rear 274 Market et.;tS5 mimth. WALTER D. OBBORNE, M Me­

chanic B|. MEr'ERRT BT., 160—To let. store and riiOms,

qulrs Da NECK. 154 Fsfry st.GOOD bueintHi store, centrally located,

drees Estebllehed, Box 16, News ofltee.

LOFTB to let. with heat and power; cor. Market and Lawrence lU .; 26,009 square (set; will Im

divided to suit tenants. Inquire of B. W. (IEKRY* too Broad sL 4flhLAUNDRY—In an excellent loeaiton; rent low;

g i ^ chance for a llv* launflryman of any nationaUty. 706 North 4lh sl., Harriwm. 1PLACE your proi>erty wUh

MOKBB, 1H6 Third av*.MYRON W.

KOOMB tn let, with power: oil Improvemeatij well lighted; No. M Boudlnot it. Inquire of

Bamuel W. Geery, 766 Brood st., or srigineer on the premlseg. Telephone No. 964. 4JB A ^ N of F . E. Blaleher, 90 Ifo rk s l sO,. ie

let, from M ay 1st; bow ossuplod by L to a R otsi eomplstsly OQQlpMd wlUr nog ffxttiiws an d all Improvemeatsi also M lt i ^ room and 10 M iiM on M and 8d floors; leoae glyea. Aggly M M . L. ft. BLAICHJBR, k iprtOffliM avs, S$s

BTO tiled, LOFTB, FACTOUlttft, TU LET.


HTnitK li> let. F. W UIM.ER. lu and Sl l*r'»pe«i pi.. bHiWfvn i'vupk's Hank un>l

hrii'k CISiiTh BlHtlnn. k71K*li)|(C. M Arademy st.] with or wltlmm

ri ■m*' Inquire at Ofneery, on curuer. mu

ftllfil* ROOM, etirner Mulberry and Meehsnlc SIS. Irsiulre of MAYO. ihj

HTOIIF to let. 266 HellevlUt avt., Oriem*} BuUdlrv Apply to Janlitir to building. 9*1)

TO LET In Ihe Atlas Power Building, cor.Ilsmlium at. and N. J. li. H. ave., very de-

pfMble fhcli.ry rooms, wllh pnwer snd etenm h*nt; '-•uitslnlng frum l.flflu to 5,5ii0 square feel; light r«i all sides; water closets nn each floor; aliK) large basement. Apply to 1). LAWRENCE, agrni, 3(jfl Market st., nr engineer a t faci.ury.2flkTO LE T-Ftcm April lai, Ihe building. No. 101

Wnahington st., near IflnHiker. for many years occupldl US an un>1#r(ak«r'i stand: isaae will l>« given. kIjw rtwclIJng houae, lift W^ashlngton sl. Apply l ‘i J. H. MEEKEJR, Prudsnllal Building, roum h2flb foiTO Lt2T'-B<h’(>nd and third fliwrs of hiilMlng,

cor Centre and Front sts. fopposlle Centra 8t. wUli i>r without power; suitable fur

m> M am' light manufarturlng purjxise; rent rvusoneUe. ARTHUli DEVINE. iTU U arksi *i.

__ _ __________ _ -_____ ^TO LET*-Flna large Broad it. store and beee-

mj^nt, wllh bakery: also two handsome flats: all ImpriwernsrU. BAH'L KLOTZ, 17 Mulberry•L______________________________________

TO LKT—Knur floors no I!*aver s t . ; 65x75, for atoruge^ or light manufai luring. Apply Miner's

Theatre^^ _______ Sly

TO LET—Orange at., eorner storo. C. J. BROWN, 729 Broad sL 82i

WEftT KINNKT HT.. efl-Hasemenl to let; oH- estuhllfhsfl barber shop fur the last 17 years;

fnnd ItiMlity for gis/o barber; cheap rent. Riiulr* 177 Halsey st. 1

iTUUKi, LOFTft, PAOTOHIBS, MTU,.WANTED._______________

UYRON W. MORBE, 199 Third ave., eon rent ynur psaperty. 63lf

FLACE your pro;«rly with MYRON W. MOUHE, 139 Third ave. 1


AI’ARTftENTB TO L E T -W akerian ave., 7 roome, Im pts......., . . . . |1 6 on

141 Jarlgion s t., 6 room s..................... ......... |5 IS)Al Hecotifl st., 4 room s........... ............ *«....*. 9 (MlColumbia ave., 7 rooms, im pts..................... 15 ooHrriad st*. 4 rooms, Impls, hrat, e tc ............ 1ft Ofl

Huuseg and rouma in all parts of the city a t low renUt.1 _________ A. WOOD. 739 Brood st.

AI'AHTIi e n t o t S ruom*; no ahlldren. Apply 2hl Bntad st* 1

llKUNHWICK RT.. 15A~Rr|rk house, 6 ttrims each; |10. H. GuERcKE^ Credit Bystem Hld^

DANK BT.. 690—Three new papered roome to lei; rv ii tb.50. psi

CONVSiriENT apartmente to let, 6, 4 and 6 rooms; A Ifl and 12 Eserx s t . ; also rooms at

74-76 Orange at. Apply to MBS. KANZLER, 14 UssHX at,,or J. H. MEEKER. 626 PrudentlalSHkCAN v'V rent a p1*a*aTit floor al a moderate

rental t Of couree you con by ooRiog on MYRON W. MORSE* 139 Third ave. 6&f

COMMERCE HT., 12fl-Rlx Urge light rooms: all ImArovemenrs: rent lift month. Inquire

Jj U. ROtH, 297 Mark*l st, 4«tCOITIT PT., 64—From May Isl, 6 rooms for

adults only; Imprtivemems; rent $lfl. 40jELEOAPFr new second fist to let; § room*, ail

lm|'rnvtti)t‘nti, with or without stable; Clin­ton ave., near Rruen, Irvington. N. J.. one block frign rare. Inquire on premljM>* or The t'sn Horn Funilture Co,, 13U Mulberry st-. Newark. N. J. 1ELIZABETH AVE.. 41-F lal to let, from May

1st, 6 ruDins; all Iraprovenients (heater). 6kFLATS Ip buildings. 381 end 283 Market it , ;

7 roomi and hath; ileoin heated. FRED T. KIRK. 2(6 Market at. S3]F L A T * - f r let, deelrahU flats, 6 rooma and

bath; all Improvements; Janitor’s servloea. In­quire l i t floor, 2S Grant s t 60yFLAT to let. No, Ifll 8lh ave.. from April 1;

all irodarn Improvements; rent moderstt. In­quire 95 Ith ave., oor. High it. 63kFLAT-T

Corner iI let, a flat, four rooma; rent lultman and Montgomery its.

MARHH.sXL HT., MV-Heonnd floor, flat* hrlck buildlnfl; all Improvementa; newly papered;

rent low. \

MECHAI>{1C HT., lOn-S nice roome, with water, fnr light houaekeeping. 1

NELBON PL.. 47—Handeome flat, ilk rooma and hath; all Improvementa; rent low; Imme­

diate poMsaebn. X RUCKZLSHAUfl, 22S Mar- ket et. ___________________ flffjORANGE BT.—Flat, 4 roome add bath; etatlou-

o ri tubg; rent $18. C. J* BROWN, T 9 Broadf t laORANGE ST.. Biff—F lrit and second flat: plac-

xs; batik; rent tow. 1PARK B'i.—F lats; B rooms; all Improvements;

halls carpeted and cleaned: Mulberry st.* fist; 7 n>4ms: all Improvements- apartments of S and 4 rooms; locatton ce&tral. J. J. SCHMIDT,

BnUNGIVTELn A3'E.. IftS-Barlor, kitchen and sleeping* rooms; water In kitchen; $6. J

PLANE 9T„ and gai.

365—To let, flat ot 5 rooms; baih 921

QUITMAM HT.—Ons floor; also three rooms; Cfilofed. Call 106. 1

ROnMH—(To let, four rooma on fleet floor, with bBSemeqt laundry; first-elais neighborhood;

man and wife preferred; rent $12. Apply 252 South Tth Sl* 82fROOMB fln let, a t 71 and 75 East Kinney e t , ;

lerme *|0 and IT* Apply to WM. I. COOPER. Na(. ftu i t Hank. 451ROOMS-19: four large light rooms, with bay

window* plRxxa; large rlnsets; water; In n*w flat. 52S k u th lOth at*, near Bprlngfleld ave.84kROOMS—Three and four rooms to let cheap;

5.59 and ^67 Market st. Apply LOUIB SACKS, m Polk sl. 761

RinHMOKD ST*. NO, 12-Four rooms to let; second noor, small family only; rent $10. 651

ROSE PTl, 41—To let, 4 large rooroe: rent $7. Inquire M West st. Ihk

SPECIAL and personal attention given to the renting pf houses, flats and afiartments. In tha

south end of Newark. RICHARD M. DECKER, real eelalp, 111 amd 113 Hhf^rman ave. 34m

BOMERsrCT ST.. 80-Four rooms; plaxoa; floor; 19.50.


UPPER part FRED T. KIRK. kUrkel st.

6 rooms. 611


I f soI am b'loklng many appUostlotia from excel­

lent p a rie s desiring plaoea a t that time, an>1 you would do well to call and place your prop* erty upon my booka.


MYRON W. MORBTI,38d 139 Third ave.WAZ,NUt STvT i# —Three pleasant rooms, $9,

to reo[H$elable p arty ; good neighborhood* 691

850 BUBBftX AVE., 9 rooms, all Im pts., $36.66 Sixth st*. 7 ronmi. Hate, all Impta., $}fl.

62 and 66W Fourth st.* 7 rtmmi, all Impts*, $20. Aft Third pit.,5 roome* flats, all Impta, 114 and $15* 49 Third :it., 4 rooms, apartments, $10,

All within 10 minutes' walk of n o te r lllt De* pot. or 6 minutes of electrie cars. Apply to

JOHN TBACTUB, 45 Third et., or PETE R VANDERKOOF A SONS. 885 Broad Bt 4flT$12—Four large roome; statlonArr tuba; Monitor*

420 High st., Qor, Aoodemy. iflw

R O O ltB , riJU T H , ETG m w a k t c d .

DON'T gw without I Dish yow wllb one.

Third ave%

tenant when f can ftir- MYROK W. MORSB. 1M


FLAT WIANTED; ImDrovements; state price. Addr#ia.H. C*. Box IT, Newe office, 1

NEWLY m arried eounia dealre to ren t 4 rooms on 8d o r 8d floor, w ith Im proverntnis; looated

between H igh end Richmond its . A ddress M.. S., Box 54v N ew s offics. 1

OFFICE iroom wanted on Brood* near llorkec It. Addfeas Office, Hex 96, News ofiloe, 33f


ROOMS—fl'afitsd, 6 ronmi for man end west o f ' Broad, north of Market at*.;

or May 1: 2-rsmtly house, second floor; good nelghborhiMd; no Irish need answer. ALLISON, Box 76* N iw s office. iItOOMS-Wnnted, from April 1. s flat or part

of tiuuas k>f Ave or *lK rooms, with bath, for a family of ihrea adulta; location central end mo<l«irute Sent* Addrsei S. K.. Uox. 54. Newe c^ce., 7

ROOM B-ITanled. 5 or 4 Ik Boutb OroAge:ground f ^ r preferred; In a good nelghbor-

hood. J. Box fll. News office. 1

rim iflB H E D ROOMS TO LKT.ARLINGTON ST*, 12—Furnished room for gen­

tleman. IACADEMY ST„ 56—Newly furnished rooms for

light houaekeeping. 1

RANK aiV, 78—Fnrnlehed roome, nloely ftir niihed; l»rt« *bd small roome; reoeonable;

oonvenlenoeo. 4lhBANK ST.l 52 -rum liked room to let for llglit

houeeketiMnf. t

BANK BT,, BS—ru tu lsfted front houaekeepang; ball room*

BELLI. V V«B AV8., 164—Two nicely fumUhed ruoresi; improvementa; iftivate family- 1

DROAp BT4 3T9-Pleaaant fumlabed UrflS frm tim)cn'-u> ltd. 801

CLINIIGN AT** 74—NIceD furnlehed rooms; h e a U ^ ib f ^ r t l e g e light bouseke^lnffs wrms

Ml< ^ u r X a n , i i - H k x i r t a n M n l f w M .

n ’llMIKHRU HOOMII T.I I.HT.C'l.INTt’N BT.. fi2—Large ruorn. furnished, vlth

water; light houtekecijng- 571CENTRAL AVE.. 289-Furnlshed reruns to Ki.


staiinnary lustns;-Kleganlall Iniprovemenls.


EAST KINNEY BT., *d r> ioins to let.

IW. near I’ln lflc—Furnlsh- 67h

F rii.v lS H K D rfK«ms tiu* light h'»UR’*keei»1n*:;alwi Hingln and double r>a'ms gentlemen.

142 Mulberry it. 2}r ilo il HT.,

bath, hut fl'Wir.

rittft- Newt iin l cold

r furnielie-l riHmv. gu> water, $1.5(1; in

ITIQFI FT.. 425-Furnished rooms ft»r grnls 'T light housekeeping. fUJ

LAWRENCE FT.. Il-Furnlshr-I riHtm to let. $1.25 a we*-k.


l ib e r t y HT., 25 -Furnlstied n>nms. IlKht ^huusekecplng; sliigle ruonis. genllrmon. 1LAWRENt'K ST.. 13, opp. Clinton-Front enr-

her fumlabed room; gas; heat. 12km u l b e r r y f t .. 2na-Ftirnlibed rixim*. light

housekeeping, hall ronma, $1. 41ORc h a UD HT., 51 Nicely furnisloil room i-i

]e(. w llh ‘^fas.aiheHi an>l use «f hath; h'lUHS ronirally Jucated. i

NEW HT., 5H--Furnished r**omS In let for light housekerplng; single or difUble. 1

1»K)M- Tn lei. a neatly furnished room. Itrqulrs 3liQ 1'lsne et.

WAftHINnTnN ftT.. 149 Nicely furnlshM room with Iniprovsments. for light housekseping or

gentlemen. gmWa l n u t AT., TU--two connerllng ronma; nea(-

1y furnished, for light housekeeping, l

r i / l tN If tf lE U R O O N ft W ANTED*

ONK or two moms on second floor, furnished or unfunilsheil, in reiitrv of dly. Address 8. H ,

Uos W, News iiffiiy*. ____ i

^ BO A K D IN D .

BANK ST., 50—Good board and cheerful rooms; also table board; eonvenlences. 4fth

HANK HT . 45-lloardera wanted. HCHESTNUT HT., Ifl-Warm rooms, with or

without board; bosr Central and Fenn. Depots._____________ «4b

c o m m e r c e rt ., 81—Pleasant furnished rooms, with or without board

COLl'MIiIA ST., 42-Plt«sant room, with board: ail Improvemems* i] j

CENTRE ST.. 96—Furnished rooms, with or without board. ine

BAST PARK RT., 5 0 -Furnished roomi to let. with or wlihout board. 5i[

FAIR ST., 44, near Broad Hi. Slat Ion—Large furnished rooms, with Improvements; with nr

without board. ]bilFLIiNISHBD hall ronm, with board for genils-

men. .I$th ave., near High. J., Box 4S. News ofllcs.liAIilET ST., 45—Furnished rooms to let, with

board; all nxidern Improvements. lalso back

1HAf«HRT ST.* 49—Rooms and board;

parlor; flrst-elaas.NEW BT., 40—delect board,

heated: every convenience.rooms and bath;

17mFAJi K f l .. M^Front ind h trk rooms,

board; gas and bath; also tabla board.RECTOR BT., 4T—Furnished rooms,

without hoard: table board.with ur

1RICHMOND BT, 74—Gentleman boarder want­

ed: pleuant room; home comforts. TikSOUTH IHTH HT., ftl—Neatly furnished roumn*

with or without board; use of bath. BfldWEflT PARK BT., 2-Elegant furnished rr>ome

with board; heat, got and bath; strictly first* class house; also table board. 82a

8TH AVE.. 47—Boarders wanted; also board; all Improvements-



BOARD WANTED by two young men In pel’ vale family no boardlng'house need apply;

flrst-class references. Board, iloi du, News office. 1

BOARD—Wanted, two pleasant rooms with board for two odulii: Eighth Ward preferre-l.

Address D. L., Box SA, News office. 4ftl

BRO W N * BCHLEBINGRR*AVON AVE,.near Clinton avr., neat 2^Btnry

frame reildence, ft r>^ma, all fmprovernrntB; price and lerms very reasonabto. BROWN A fcCHLBBINOER, 746-748 Broad. _______BURNET BT., near Orange st., 8-story brick;

all Improvements; owned by a party living in Texas; mortgage $S,090; held by a local Instl' tutlon based upon twice Us value; ran lx bought for less lhan tS.UWi. BROWN A 8CHLE8- INQER, 746*746 Broad.COMMERCE BT*, 2-story brick, 14 rootns, can

be easily remodelled Into fiats, lot NlxflS; nrict tr.OlM). DROWN A BCHLESINQEB, 74^746 Broad.DR GRAW' AVE. (Forest HlUl. sevaral neat

frame cottages with large and small pints of land at prifles and terms to suit buyers. BROWN A BCHLE8INQBR, 746-748 Brood.EMMET AT,, near Broad, flna private resl-

denot; handsomely decorated andpapcm l; lo rooms; lot 80s 100; price very low. DROWN A ecMLicaiNGER, 746-748 Broody_____________FERRY BT.. from Penn* R. H. to the terminus

of this busy ihoroughCors, bouses and lots of all kinds and prices to suit* DROWN A BCIILESINGER, 746-74S Broad*OARBIDE BT., near fld are., 2^-story frame, ft rcoms; all Imps., heater; lot 25x100; price ia.ft00. BROWN A aCHLEBINGER, T4M48Broad.HILL ST., near Brood il*, 8-atory brown etone residence. 12 rooms; all tmpe.. lo close an es­tate will be sold a t a oncrlfloe. BROWN A BCHLESTNGEK. 746*748 Broad.IRVING BT.. near Waahlngton avs., 8-»topy ani

extension O-rcom house; hu 80x171; with sta­ble; $S.500, BROWN A 8UHLEBINOBR. ?4d- 74ft Broad.JAMES HT., near Flans st*, handsome modern

stone front residence; ten rooms; HIM beth- room; price low* BROWN A BCilLESlNaER, 746-Tifl Broad._____________________________KEARNY 9T.—Two frame houses, ten rooms

each; ell conveniences; prices and terms very reatonable. BROWN A flCHLEftlNQER, 746- ^ 8 Brood*________________________________LOMBARDY BT, near Broad—Handsome 8-

■tory brick; 14 rooms; all Improvements; «k - celletit location fnr physician* BROTVN A HC11LE8IWQER, 746-748 Broad.MIILRERRY ST., from one end to the other,

protiertles of all deeorlptlon at prices to suit the times. BROWN A 8CHLE8INGER. 746- 748 Broad.NBLflON PL., from High to Howard—Private

residences, apartment houses and a single va­cant lot. on your own terms. BROWN A SCHLEBINQER, 746-74ft Broad.ORANGE 8T.. near Plane. S-ilnry,brick; com-*

Id# business property; must be acid to aetile an estate In rennsyivanin. BROWN A BCHLE81NQER. 746-748 Broad.POINTER BT*, between Elisabeth and Sherman

avea., neat 2H-story frame house (elate rooD; 7 rooms; all Improvements: heater: $8,500; on terms to suit. BROWN A 6CHLE9INOER, 746-748 Broad* _________QUITMAN 8T.—Neat 2^4-slnry frame house, ff

rooms; all Imnrovamcnta; heatsr; lot 25x100; stahia altaohsd; price $4,900. BROWN A BCHLEglNQER, 746-746 Broad*RirHMOND ST.-Three-etory brick rsMdtnce,

Btxtssn rooms, cxceilsnt bargain fnr soms ona. BROWN A 8CHLE81NQER. TrOd-Taft Brood.B O irm SIXTH, Sev»nth, fitfhth, Ninth,

Tenth, Etevenih, Twelfth, Thirteenth. Four* teemh, Fifteenth, ftlxtsenlh* Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, from the beginning to the end thereof—Houses and lota* arranged for ons, two or three famlllea. BROWN A SCHLIS8- INGER, 746-748 Bread*

THIRD AVK., near Fummer ave.—Three neat brick houaee, owned by a nfm-resllent. win

be sold «l a oacrlflce. BROWN A SCHLEB- INOER, 74H-748 Brood*

UNION 8T*-2^V^>7 frame. 11 rooms; water and iswer connectfons; $3,800. BROWN A

BCHLKHINGER, 746-748 Broad*

VINE BT.—Three-story frame house; water, sewer, gas; price tow and stay terms.BROWN A SCHLE81NGER. 746-718 Broad.

WALNUT BT.* near railroad — Three-story fram e; m h ta ln i store and 12 rooms; lot 35x100;

hlook-pavad street: 14,500. of which $2,600 It on m ^rig igs; non-resident owner; must Im snlA

BROWN A HCHLHaiKqER. 746-746 Broad.X. Y. Z.—If there were streets nr avenues be-

sinnlnff with these lettete, we would undoubt* •dly have propertlH cm them to offer; still we continue lo have the largest, choicest and best list to lalsot Dorn, and It will pay you lo call on urn If you w ant to buy any p ro n rty . n> m atter how large or small. BllOWN t BCIILES^ JNGBR* 746-746 Broad.

b a y en fl^tory friuDe hnuM »|l U p i l i M J roams, on ClmiNil iLt lot t6x

lOfi; w ill le ave m o rtg a g e I f d e s ire d t f irs t ooine firs t served . BRO W N f t BCHLKfllM QKB, 76»74fl B rea d *


EKMliftDt tticatlDn fo r batobur, groovr o r b o k tr i * 4 to r r f r im « hu lld in r, coDtoln, aio* Io r(« tto ro . I t O luerfa) rD om i; >11 Iropror*- iMintJii fpr I f im lllM ; lo t U ilW ; p r lc f o w , on<l wlU b , w in Ob Tnmt fornr* ,b l, form*.



1,0(017 briok ruM oncol JO roouuj otlooo* roDlenou: eon b t boD ihtfor i*h thou tb t boQM om ld bo bom tor.

BBOWN * S O H I U m e iB .


NEWARK EVENING NEWS. SATURDAY. FEliRUAKY 1?96. 8A B t)iorl..d A ^ i i t . for ■ dnrtl.lB C a t offlo.

ra lH . H o n o f tb«H> piMM a n o p rn .T riilnca,

K EW Y O RK —Evenlntr N*wa B raach O d in . T> W orld BulMlnp, R. F . R . H uD tuna«. apaclal r r p m e n ta t lv a .

O R A R O E -B veninc N .w . B ranch OBM , I C entra

a tORAN’OR V A B L E T -

J . J . apellm an , H llh lan d Ave. S ta tion . N EW a R K -

F. N. Rornmer. 7M Broad at, H o lah au rr 'a D ruit Htora, co rn e r of

B road and M arket a ti.QoodacU B ro th e ra , 427 B ro ad I t ,R. S taeb ler. 847 Broad at.C. H. D uncan, 1.1C F.lm iLC hartea B. B rrlth u t. 1« Roaevtlle ava.W. H. I ir a t t , Ua W aahltigton i t .M yron W. Morae, 132 Third ave.N e * a Btand, RoarvUle Ave. S ta tion .

■ S. T, Sailor, Sll South O r a n f . aye., n ear S even th i t .

S E. B udd. 221 Clinton ave.P au l E . S r tn e ld e r , U8 Bloomfleld ava..

cor. Q a rtld e at.F red B ir l th u t, t l BellevtUa avA

EAST O R A N O E -W. i r Allen, M ain a t , and B rick

C hurch S tation .W, H . P lum ley , B a it Orange S tation . II. N. W lldm an, N ew idealer. 106 M ain

■LB O rT ir O R A N Q E -

R obert L eille , South O range av*. H A RR ISO N —

P. J. Goodm an, I t t lU rr t io n ave. B L O O M F IE L D -

B. F . H iggina, N ew idealer, opp Depot. SUM M IT—

E d w ard B. R elly .M O N T C L A IR -

tv , 8. Pureell, N ew idealer. ARUINGTON—

C. II. B lanc.W A TSESSINO —

C harlea B radley , Newidealer. M ADISON—

L«wla A. W atera, Vewadealer. D . L „and tv , R . R. S ta t in .

M O R R IH T O W N -W. K, M iichmorc, N ew idealer. M cAl-

pln Block,


T he rea l ea ta te t r a n if e r . recorded In th e R eB lite r 'i offlce F riday anil reported liy the F ide lity T ru s t and Depoalt C om pany were:

N EW A RK.Clitrenee M. Heililen et ua to E hen-

e ie r C lark , w f N 5th at S25 fl f r 3dav, 26*11X1.................................................. t m

T rlve tt & W a l le n Co. to leitbella B arton , * i New at 231 e fr M orrlaav, » * 10fi.................................................. 2,»*)

Ella Q, S ayre to I 'e te r .Vurlln, e a W'lckllffe at Itsi I fr Hank i i , 2,8«i

Ahraiti t '. D enm an and al to E lla C. V erpllller w a M ullierry at corWUllum J o h n s o n . 30*33...................... 1

G eorge B aum et ux to C. Taefi, Hn th at 34* n fr I7th av, am iw ......... l.POO

Clinton A venue B ap tist C hurch to George A. B eardaley. n a Sherm anav loo w f r A ster at, .3**112............... 4,000

Jam ea Coyle e l u* to the F o u rteen th W ard BuiliUng and Loan Assocla- tlon, e e Van Buren at 25 e f r Cloverat, 25*100.................................................. 726

The R eliable B uild ing and Ixiaii A l- aoclatlon to Ellen Ilolan, e a Hoytal 157 a fr N ew at. 26*102...................... 1,700

A bram C. D enm an and al lo W illiam P erry A ckerson, a a E Mechanic a t 37 w f r Sam uel C. Collyer, 20*!*).... 1

M arla L a u te and al to A nna J. Ro­den, w a W ash ing ton at n e co rlaaac N lchola, 30x160............................ 4,600

John K enny e t ux to the Ease* C ounty P a rk Commlaalun. n e corE. K inney an d Adam s al, 26xWi....... t.SOO

A ugust W lldem ann et ux to the E s­sex P a rk Commlaalon. e a A dam sa t 64 n f r O liver at, 24*1)0.................. 1,960

H arrison V an D uyne and al (com- m laatonera) to W illiam F. H a tte r- aley, a ■ 8th av , co r N esbitt at. ]20x136 ............................................................. 6.000

TOW NSHII*8 .H a rrie t P e loubet to Robert 61. Boyd,

J r ., h lon tc la lr, n w cor Linden av and W lllow dale av, 101*222; e a W ll- low dale av 260 n fr Linden av,60x163: n e co r G renada pi and WH- low dale av, 62x211; n a G renada p]101 w f r WTIIowdale av, 94*112............ 1

Sam uel C. Jones e t al id The E a s t O range N a tio n a l Bank, E as t O r­ange, a a M ain at 16 a e f r 8 A rling­ton av, 43x75 ............................................. 8,600

The W est E nd I-and Im provem ent O om tiany to George F, Haurter, V allahurgh, w a Isabella av IS3 afr B O range av. 60*100 ......................... 960

Jam ea H. B artow lo H enry Wood,L lvlngaton , 6 IraclB ............................ 30,000

A nna K h lltchell and al to F ran k T. V anderhoff. E a s t Orange, w a 8 Seven teen th Ft 168 a w fr N in th av,30*100 ......................................................... 625

George Sppltesw oode el ux to Owen B yrne, E a s t Orange, n a D ougher­ty a t ftO w f r .N. P a rk at, 34*121!..., *,019

John D riacolt e t ux lo Tim othy D rla- m il. Or&niire, p t H ickory j t n ro r D riscoll, 1U0ie145; fl w cor H ^ynoldiand O leott flt». lOOxlOO...,................... 1

John Driflcoll e t ux to Tim othy Drlfl- coll, O ranire, e s H ickory »t fiOO a w f r C en tra l av. lOOxlM, n w cor H ickory and Reynolds atfi. 109x1*25 1

Tim othy DrlucoR to M ary Driacoll.Orange, nam e.......................................... 1

T im othy DrIacoU to Mary DrlflcoU, Orange, e a H ickory at n cor Drl«- colK 100x145: a w cor Hcynolds &nd OlcoU *U, lOOxlQOe..*........ ................... 1

CONTRACTS AW ARDED.The follow ing oon irac ts have been re>

corded a t th e C ourthouse;T heodore E ggerklng w ith Jo en lg ft

Peoplefl, $640, p lum bing and tinn ing . B8 L ittle ton avenue, city.

B enjam tn P. L aidlaw with F lem ing B ro i..12,250, W est Orange, N, J-

O. D. Cook w ith Andrew W llliamnon, 1711), plum bing, 19 Steuben Bireei. E a s t O range, N. J . ; H, E. Re<»ve. a rch itect.

a . D. Cook w ith T rlve tt & W alte ra Co., $2,234, carp en ters . 19 S teuben m reet. E ast O range, N. J . : H. E. Reeve, a rc h ite c t.

G. D. Cook w ith rhed iflter f t B lanch, 11,165, m aaon. 19 Bteubon aireet* E a a t O r- ange. N. J . ; H. E . Reeve, a rch itec t,

G. D. Cook w ith Jcihii R. O’Neill. $260. na ln llng , 19 S teuben street. E ast O range, w. J . ; Tl. E. Reeve, architect.

Theodore E ggerk lng with Jam es M oran ft Bon. $ ^ . m ason and blue atone, 91! L ittle to n avenue, city.

Theodore K ggerk lng with R obert Roh, $2,229. carijen ter, 9R L lltlelon avenue, cUy.

F rederick C la rk w ith E dw ard HIgble, $110, ptfintlng, floutherly aide of F leetw ood place, V a i l^ u rg h , N. J-; W illiam Moll, a rch itect.

F'red Cook w ith Charlea M. Force, ll.BOO, carpen ter, F leetw ood place, V allsburgh, N. J .: W illiam Moll, a rc h lte c t

F red C lark w ith John ty L. Book. $696, m ason. F leetw ood place. V allsburgh, N. J-: W iniam Moll, architect.

F red C lark w ith John ty L. Book, $696. masoir, sou therly side of Fleetwood place, V allsburgh. N. J<: W illiam Moll, a rch ite c t.

F red C la rk w ith Philip B ecker, $90.

Rlum blng, F leetw ood place, V allsburgh, ', J . : w illia m Mott, arehiiect.Sam uel J . B la ir with F ring f t Co.,

$1,BS2, carp en te r , w esterly stde of A shland avenue, E a s t O range, N, J .; F red E.Hasflelm an, a rch itect.

Sam uel J . B la ir w ith W etner ft Cogan. $556, p lum bing, w esterly aide of A shland avenue. E a s t O range, N, J , : F red E.ilaflsclm an. arch itect.

Sam uel J . B la ir with David E . Moore, $565, m aaon. w esterly side A shland ave> nue. E a s t O range. N. J .; F red R. H as- selm an, a rch itec t.

Sam uel J . B la ir w ith F erdinand Coyne, Jr.a $160, pa in ting , w esterly side of A sh ­land avenue, E a e t Orange, N. J . : F red R, H asselm an , a rch itect.

FERBOKAL.4.400 a p p o in t m e n t s to be made thiji year

In the Government service; eiAmlnslIon soon In Trenton: w t can prepare you by mall. P ar­ticulars ss to dates, salartee, etc., free of Na- tiuna] Correspondence Iniiltute, Washington. D. C. 1

n u a ln e fs Porionats.GREAT FlNT>—Siz months' use of It arrested

decay of hair folllclea In advertiser's case, and assisted new growth; boKis; no humbug. Ad­dress Hair, Box M. News oHIcb. t

IF YOU want your bllla eollecied quickly, oall on GILLEN ft CO., 4ft Market it. 1

MRH. MUENCH. 132 Badger avs.. near Hinton ave.; ladle# wishing private nursing; 20 years'

•xperlence; ooaddentlal treatment; doctor In at^ tendance, Clinton ave, cars going south. tia.U A R R T -^n d 10c. for malrlmonlsl paper, pub­

lished monthly; wealthy patrons; personal In- tfOduotloM. MR. AND MRB, DRAKE. 1«1 Washington s t , Chicago. IIHDWIFET—German midwife, with diploma; 20

years experience; women nursed a t her home: 4)u]et, 318 Eighth ave. Sic

WKW COAL 7ARO-MKLVILLE M. HUTAN, fom erly of N. J. R. R. ave., will remove

TO hl« new yard, cor. fiomerset and Rcmw s ta . on Raturday, Feb, 29; best grades of coal a t low- eat markei price; charcoal a ipedalty. 20kBUPEIRFLUOUB HAIR8 permanently destroyed

sitting. $1. MADAME fi, WBBTBRVgLT, 218 ^ sh ln g to n a t




Sea water baths in house.Elevator and avtry modefn oonvtntanca. Bead for llJuatrated booklet

B. r o r b r t b ’ s o n s .


ATLANTIC CITY. N. J ,I Enlarged and notably Improved, li now one of

the moot Gompltla n so rt bouses on the coaat. I having hydraulic elevator; hot and cold ssa

water batha In house. Bun parlors and tMated by steam and open grate Bret,Ud CHAB. EVANS.

MOTEL D E N N U -A T L A N no CHT. N. J,

->60 ROOUfr-

DEATHS.CLANJ'KY-Buddenly. on Fehmary 28. l«*d.

Mary, wlfv of Ulctaael i.’lancey, aged 66 years.

Funrral private from her late resldsnrr, No. Warren street, oo hunday, March t, at

3 l \ II. Ini'^rment In the Cemetery of Iht Holy Bepulchre.

DrNftAR--Gn February 29, 18M. Fred L. Dun- liar, aged 6T years.

Funeral sen ics t un Bunday, Harrli 1, from .No. Wfl Untad stireei. emmer Green, at 3 I*. M. RelatU'es and Mends, also the KxrmH Firemen's Asaoi'latlon, are invltnl to attend. Intermem at Mt. Pleaaam Omwery.

DHt’MMOND-On Friijay, February 2M. at flan DJegn, i?ai,. Harry Gurnee, son of WilliamH. nnimmfmtl, of ihli city, In the 2Bth year nf his age.

EVCKF-on Friday, Febniary 3ft. IftM. a t 2 A. M.. Hrnr>' A., Jr., beloveil son i>f Henry A. ami the late Klliabcth A. Km ke. aged2tl veiir>*.

R<)— Ives Bhil frlende, also members of Iba Gl'iihlng «*mters' AwuicUtlim. are respcit- tuUy InvHcil t)i ullend the funeral from the rtsM cmsof Ms aunt. Mrs. Hlnderleldcr, N-’ 4ft Fair street, on flumlar. March 1. Ht 9 A. M. sharp, tu Freeh Fond i’rematory.Is2:il:i1.

EVEItlTT-Suddenly. on Februsr)- 2H. 1806. Ed- vui!<i Kvorlii, M. 1)., In his 4Uth yesr

FlTZPATHK*K--on February 3T, Arthur O. I•'llspalrli'k.

Ri'tiilves and friends of the deotaae<l. also Harrison Fire Depwlment, are r»- spet'tfully Invited to attend the funeral ftoiii hli lata residence. No. 6 fiooUi Third street, Harrlaon, nn Sunday, March 1, a t 1 P, M., In the Church of the Holy Cross. Iniermenl In the Pemvltry of the Holy Sepulchre. A High Mass of RequieTn will lie offered for the repose of his soul on Tuea- duy. .March 9, a t A. M

FOSTER- On ThuptiUy. Fehmary 37. W t. Lo* venie, ijtily rhlld of Amns M. and flarah ]-'i '4t<*r, aged 3 rnimtht sn j 4 «laya.

Rclait\fs and friends are Invited to attend her funerfii on Hundoy. March 1. IftWt. at 2tSO T* M.. from the residence uf her parents, No, 4.Vi fliiuth Ihth street.

FOX -On February 29. Juaeph, Infant inn of Michael and Tllll# Fox. aged 1 day.

Funeral private from hi* iwirenis' realdencoi Iftb Warrant street, on flaturday. the 21*th, at ^ P. M. Interment In the Femetrry of the Hid)- Sepulchre.

OEDNBY-On (hs 3Qih Inst, Jacob Qedney. In Ills 6Ai] year.

Fimera] setvlces will l>e held at his late resi­dence. J27 llalaey street, on HuRiiav, Mart'hI. Iftim, at 3-80 P. M. Relatives and frlsnds, iilso the memt»ern of MaH<m |>>dge No, 36, T t). O. F., Brilliant Ptar. imughtera of Kehecca, [jadies’ AuxlHsrv of Oarlleld Post. 'Vepiahliomah Founcll No. HI, Improved Order of Red Men, and Pride of tteneral Putman I»dge. pHughters of !jU>arty, are respectfully Invited. Interment at Mt. I'leasant Cemetery.

OFDXEV—On February 3ft. 1W*d. Jacob Gedney,Hsc't tW years.

Relatives and friends of the family are re- <]iiifttei| (0 attenil the funeral op flunday, Man'h 1, at S:.'k' P. M.. al his late resldenrs, Nn. 127 Halsey street, also Marlon T.sridfe N". 2d. I. O. O. F.. whn are parttcularly re ­quested by the family lo take full clmrge of the funeral. Member* will meet nt Indge- r>Hjm on Huturday evening at 8 o'clock, to inske arrangemeniB,

HOGI,E-On the 2».lth Inst., John T., beloved aon of John A. and the late M.iry J. Hugle, In his ft2d year.

Fimersl services will he held at hU Iste resi­dence. No. 71 Eighth avenue, on Kunday. March 1, IfttMt. a t 2 P. M. Relatives and friends, also (^omiutny E, First Regiment, n r s i Regiment I»rum and Fife Corpa, Trinity I'amp No. 48, F. L . employes of Do- nn-sllc Hewing Machine I'ompany, and the Alumni Glass of the Technlril flrhool are rest>evirully Invited. Interment at Fair- mount Omelery.

l!E1)RJ(*H-tm February 27, Iftftfl, Augusta. Widow of George Emesi Hedrlch. aged 46 years 4 months.

Relatives Hud friends are respectfully Invited to alteml the funeral from the resl4lence of her brother, William BHsky. No. 143 Miller street, Rllxabeth. N. J.. on Runday, March 1, IHWl, at 2 !*. M., to Moravian fhurrh. Tth street, Klixaheth, al 3:30 P. M. Interment In Evergreen Cemetery.

ITARRlRnN-On Fehruary 3T, 1W1. Mary Har* rlsnn, agcMt hU years.

Helallves hthI friend4 are kindly Invited to sttend the funeral from her late raaldence,

Main slreef. Orange. N. J., on flunday. March 1. at 2 P. M, Interment In Rosedale < >mei'’ry,

JONKIH-On Wednesday, February 28. IftlH*. Norman Jones. In the 4Tth year of his age.

Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services from hli late i**ldence. No. 91 Pennlgion street, lo-marruw tflunday) afternoon at 3 P. M. Interment in Wood- land Cemetery.

KRAPF~<m Thursday, Fehmary ST. 1188. H ar- garetha Krapf (nee Martin), beloved wife of Georgs Krapf, aged Tft years 3 months 8 days.

Relatives and friends, also memherfl of St. Jiis4 h 's League of flt. Ann's tdtuirh, and flt. Benedict's &x)lety of flt. H ary 'i Church, are respectfully Invited to attend her funermt nn Monday, March 2, a t ftiftik A. M., from her late residence. No. Wl Gohle street, to HI, Mary's Church, where a flnlemn High Mass of Requiem will be offered for the re­pose of her soul. Interment In Bt. Mary's Cemetery. Please omit flower*.

KVHL-On Friday. February 28. tfttW, Maryi widow of Jacob Kuhl, aged 73 yeara

Relatives and friends are reapectfully Invited to attend the funeral from her late resi­dence, No. 891 Ogden street, on flunday, March I, a t 2:80 P, M. Interment In Wood­land Cemetery.

LEr\TT—On Thursday, February 27, 1W8. after only brief but severe lilneae, Hannah, be­loved wife of Jacob Levy, aged 4f> years.

Relatives and friends, Congregation Oheb Hhalem, Huida Lodge No. 8, iT. O. T. fl., Miriam fb-arlety, Newark IxKlge. F. 8 . O. I., I,adles' Immediate Relief Society, are re- Bf)ectfully invited to attend ths funeral from her late residence. No. 384 West Kinney street, on Sunday, March 1; IftOS, a t 2 P. M. Interment In the Cemeterr Oheb Shoiem,

NORTON—On February 27. William, san of Michael and Catherine Norton.

Relatives and friends of the deceassd are re ­spectfully Invited (o attend the funeral from hli Inte residence, Nn. 224 Jersey street. Harrison, on Monday, March 2, at 8 A. M., to the (Tiurch of the Holy Cross, where a High Mass of Requiem will be offered fnr the repose of his soul. Interment In the Cemetery of the Holy Sepulchre.

OUTCH-Oo February 28. 1880. Walter F., only child of t ^ d and Carrie Outch (gee Roth- llne), aged 1 year 7 months.

Funeral on Monday. Mnrch 2. at 3 P. M., from parents* residence, comer Maple and Rod- well avenues, Mtnhattim Para. Interment a t Fairmount Cemelery.

8CHICK“ On Friday. February M, John H.. be­loved son of John and the late Barbara Bchlck (nee Roemmeie), aged 26 years 3 months 16 days.

Relatives and friends of the family arw re­spectfully Invited to attend the funeral gar- vices from his paf'^nt's residence. No. SO Garden street, on Handay, March 1, a t 1 ;80 o'clock P, M. Interment at Fairmount Cem­etery.

BCHrMAKER—On Thursday, Fehniary 37, IftfHl, John Philip, only beloved son of John and Annie Schumaker, aged fi years.

Relative* and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral from his parents' resi­dence. No. BT Waydell Street, on flunday, March 1. tKlM. a l 2 P. M. Interment In Woodland Cemetery,

SZTMANGWITZ-Gn Wednesday, February 26, 1886, Marjj beloved wife of Hugo Biyuiano* witx (nee Rehsch). aged 22 years 6 months.

Funeral services will he held from her, lata residence, No, 46 Crawford street, on flun­day. March 1, at 2 o'clock P. M. Relatives and friends are kindly Invited to attend. In ­terment at Woodland t*emel#ry.

BTIICKEY—On February 26. Annie F,, belovsd wife of John fltuckey, aged 26 years.

Funeral services on Sunday, March 1. at 3 P. M., from hor late residence, No. 87 Pa- clftc street Relatives and friends are In­vited to attend. Interment at EvergreenCemetsry,

THOMPSON—On Fabruary 2T» 1896, Elisabeth IjS Rue, daughter of the late Benjamin L. Thompson.

Funeral servlcss at her home. No. 48 East Kinney street, on Monday, March 3, a t 2;9D r . M. Relatives and friends are Invited to alteod. Interment at Fairmount Cemetery.

WAGENBLahT—On Friday, February 2ft, 18WJ, Agnes, beloved wife nf August 'Wagenblast (nee WeUlauD, aged 26 yean 4 montha 22 days,

Relatlvea and friends, also Heri Maria Bruder­schaft of Ht. Peter's t.'hurch. Newark Young Men's Benevolent Association, M. G. V. Badenla. are most respectfully Ihrlied to attend the funeral R'om her late residence, No. 60 Hayes street, on Monday, March 2. IftM, at 8:16 A. M., to fit. Peter's Church, where a Ekilemn High Mass of Requiem will be'Offered for the repose of her soul, Inter- rDsnt In the Cemetery of the Holy IMpulchre.

ZEINER—fluddenly, nn February 27, 18A0, Ed­ward Zelner, age<l 10 years.

Funeral servlcss will he held at Bethany Presbyterian Church, fipruce street, flunday, Slarch 1, a t 4 P. M.

CARD OF THANKS,The widow of (he late John Grant withes to

express her sincere thanks to the members of Eagle Council No. 116. C. R. L., and especially to the members of the Newark and South Or­ange R. R. Company Henevolenl Aesoclatlon, for their kind remembrance and floral offering on his death, and to all others for their kind r t- membrance.I MRfl. A. GRANT AND CHILlMlRN. .*

H E L P WANTEt>-MALEft.N O TIC K —T ra n s ie n t a d T r iila ln g l a tJie

NKW B n iiB t ta v a r la b l j b s p a id fo r l a a d - vanoa«

N o acsm nnia w ill be open ed fb r •aeti*N o a d v e rt la e iu e a t w ill bo rooH vod o ro r

th e te le p h o n e e g rep t llioos s e n t by a u th o r ­ised ag e n U ,

j AQENTt^Gn>atMt offer given by any new*' c»‘n ii (i> agents on each ftrflar.• The CathtfUr News li ln.1*»rac.l by the Cuihollr . Hlsnops, prte»iH and eminent writers as lb*• leading Cathullc family weekly, subscription_ price, one year by mall, one ilollar. Canvassers are allowed (he Urge rommlsalon of flfiv cenia : tui each | l . agems w am d m every Oathollr ; parish In every riiy and (own; sijierlence not ■ n^essary : write f.jr sample r<ipy. Address I The Catholic Neva 13 IlnrcUy at., New I ifla

AGKNTH wanted (n lnirotlu«‘e “ Earth fUrdleiV' Dr. Tsliimge'H wnnderful hook; nearly AW

I massive Miges; i.ver I'lotures: he tells all h*« saw while trivMlIng *r utiil the wurld. Addresa

i'euHie's. «U4l Market s( . Philadelphia. Pa.lftm\ I’n l 'M , man. with erperlence In cycle re-

jkslr shop, partu-ularly trualng wheels and re- l«lrlng tires; give reference sn«l stale wages eijiei-ted, lUcyrle, orange News ofltce, 2ftmA(JKNTfl-The best paying atbletlo flsl-hlow

iua«‘hlne« in AmiTlra r»r sa1iH>na. (wol rooms, hotels, etc.; agent* wanted. lULLEY ft VAN IJX)N, Wllkeaivarre, I'a. flthtAGWNTH-Hiistlrrs make ffi dally salting the

only revniviti* itrlddle ('ok« Turner; eample 20c. O. MICKKI., manufacturer, Ilaverhtll, Mass. 3Sh

D e a th C la im s P»lcl In N ew ark a n d V lp to l t j To-day b y M e tro p o llto a L tf* In a* C o . '

PrsA. Amt.Caroline Qoepferlsh, 164 Ij*faystts

.......................................10 m o oTlP)mai Herbert, 46 Williams s t.. .05 H8 40

C, P. WILLlAMfl, flupt.188-lU-lST M arket st., corner Halsey,

ALRNTS warned f-'t iinhi-eakalile glass lam p chlnmey* and three nther nes , fast sellerat

Factory , 2d 22 Mi-.-hunlvX. SlkAGENTK-i.old glass slgn^ name platM; num- Iwr*. rettdnble dark^si niuhts; wrlls for Mm- ples, THOM AH A t'o.. Khglewood, 111. IAGENTS wante4l. quh-kesl seller ever put on j^he market 32 Cllnt'*n st. 1

Rt^lNEt'l'TTliK—AS'snled, second-hcind bonecut- (er. In Al vondHInn; issh, state prlre. Ad­

dress ('.. Hoa 72, N«*ws t>fh«-e. 1

BOUK-KKKPER wanud, y.mng man about 26 yearn oM. Address, itnting experience anff

flftlsry eipecte.1, IM k, Hnx irt. News offlcs. 6«kHOT Wanted lU yeara oldi, to run errands-

Inqulre lift Rank si. tI)RJ\ KIL fltesily, active imiu fnr dsllvery

Wagon; one whu cun furnish grsul city refer­ences, Address, stnting ugi*. refereitcei, etc., (li A,. Itos Tl. Nev-e siri»i-e i

D RIV ER—German young man wanted to take ca re of two horsi-H, reft-rencet rrnulred. Ap

ply a t laft flprlngtleld nve., 7 V. M. I

FARM HAM> warned; giwjd milker; strictly temperate; no oiher need ji|i|dy, Inquire J.

flI’LLIVAN, lllotinifli'ld t'ud, T'nrcst itlll. '73kMEN everj’Wherc to dlstrlbule syrup samtdes;

light and steady work; gixal pay, Pratl flyrup Ccjmjmny, Cam«|eo. n . j . j

rL A TFR -Wauted, a close plater that under­stands the plntlng of hsines and saddlen'

trimmings. Address A. A. ilOYn. Auburn. N. Y., cor. Genesee and MvIsIdji s is., enclose refer­ences. 501PAPER ILKNClERfl wanted; ftrst-rluss work­

men: piece work nr by the day; steady work. Call after 6 tn-jilght a l ,VMi Broad st. A. E. TALE. 1

Pa i n t e r —wanted, carriage and wagonrain ier; good wages, slrady j«4b m first-class

man. Address I‘alnler. IV>ii 47. News office. 6ftlflOLlClTORS--Wantsi|. men who can sollril for

a reliable and pr^pulHr buililing and loan as- poclailon; I will offer extra Inducements for good men for tlie three ensuing month*. Apply Monday murning, at U o'chak. ruom 137, ISOO Rroad s t . \

SALEflMEN wanted to sell our goixls to the wholesale and retail trade; our goods sell on

sight; liberal salary or rrimmlsslnn paid, po­sition permanent. For particulars address Cen­tennial Manufacturing Co., Atlanta, Ga. Fac­tory. Milwaukee, WIs. |hHAT,HSMAN—Experienced salesman to sell elec-

trlral device to physlclnns and ilenrlsts In the Ptate of New Jersey: gomi pay; no c«>mpetlllan B. KOBPPKnrg, 105 Mulljerry st. 071flALEflMAN wanted: young man having had

experience In add and rhemb-al line. Address with full particulars, stating salary, Acid, Box 13 News office. AtSALEflUEN—15 a day: no canvassing; no de-

llvsrle*; no collections; samples free; aids line or exclusive. Mauufacturera, 3M1 Market at.. Rhiladelphla. 3QdBALKSMAN—Wanted, an experienced sales­

man to sell factory supplies In Newark and vicinity; confldentlal. Addreas Factory Supply, Tkix 74. News office. iflALEflMEN wanted; salarv from start; r>er-

manent place. BRf^WN BROS. CO.. Nursery- meh, Rochester, N. Y. i

flALEBMAN to sell potatoes, T5c, m r tjarrel. Apply Monday, car No. Ifti, C. R. R. yard. 1

BTIFT'' HAT curlers wanted at FERRY ft NAPlER'fl Facton'. 5th St. and 6th avs. 1

tVANTED—Men and women to wi?rk a t home;I pay $6 to 110 per week for making crayon

portraits; new patented methrxl; any one whn can read or write can do the wors a t home, In spare time: day or evening, send for particulars and begin work at once. Address H. A. GRII’P, Oermati Artist, 3'yrone, Ps. flTrItVANTED—Good indufltirlal Insurance men, and

others interested In life Insurance, to cell nr write to H. HAlNEfl, Manager, room fild. Credit Byatem Building, Market and Washington s ta

_____________________________________AllW ANTED—Mon to manag* ollllce in Newark, N.

J . ; salary tl.nOO: payable monthly; lOM cash capital required: references exchanged. Seneca at,, Buffalo, N. Y. flftlWANTED—Men to team barbe,- trade; eight

weeks required; positions secured: catalogue free. Addreaa Rariwr School, 53 Centra flt..New Y ort. 1

WANTED—Young men of Ift years or over tbjiotn State Militia' uniforms and equipments found.

Address A. J. GREEN. 418 High st. 1$40 PER m o n t h and expense* paid good men

for taking orders; steady work. Apply The Protective Nurseries, Geneva, N. Y.__________1

H E L P W A N T X O -P R X A L R fl.

A,—A.—100 girls of ail nationalities wanted as cooks, waitresses. laundreMes. nurse* and

houaeworkers; wages $12 to S2fi. ('all to-day or Monday, Tfl Centre *i.. Orange. 1A,—Elite Employment Office—Good servant* al­

ways obtainable; references required. When In want of help or situations, visit 740 Broad st.

9vDREflflMAKINfF-Improver* and neat sewers

and apprentice*. Call 1 iq ft P. M.. 42 Tlch- en o rs t. 1DREBSMAKER wants experienced waist hand.

Apply N. A. BOYLE. Mlllburn. N. J. 74)GERMAN Protestant rooks, waiters and house­

work girls. 615 Main *l., East Orange. lHOtTRFWORK—Oerman or Pwedleh girl for

genera) housework; must he a go*id c'xik: two In family: references. Northfleiii tv^.. 2d house west nf Gsstun st., near 8t. Mark's Church, West Orange. 1

HOUSE WORK-Wanted, In smal) fsmDy. glr) for general housework dTotestant preferred);

must be competent and have good references Apply a t 239 South 7lh st. I

HOl'flEWORK—Wanted, a glr! for general housework: one that will go home nights.

Call a t 84 lit. Prospect ave., city. 1HOUflEWORK^Wanted, competent girl for

general housework; must be good cook. 13ft Bd ave., two blocks from Belleville ave. 1HOUflEWOHK—Wanted, a gifl for general

housework, with references. DR RTCKE, 44 Nelson pi. 1HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a neat girl for gen­

eral housework; good, plain cook and laun* dress. 321) flUt ave., Roseville, 22mHOUSEWORK—W anted, g irl for housevorh,

w ho underatands plain cooking. 109 Com- merco st. I

HOUflBWORK-Toung girl to assist a t light housewoiii. 48 Myrtle av*., Rnse 'l^e. 1

HOUREWORK-Toung girl to assist with housework. 42 Halsey st. 1

LINKERB and chargers wanted on rap* chain, W. c . e d g e CO., 46 Green st. 811

MILLINER—Wam«d. a first-class milllnsry Im­prover Apply at T. FRIEDBNBEHa'8. 616

Broad 521NURSEB—Wanted, at ones, two nurses; wages

114 and 118; must have good reference; also cooks, waitresses and girls for general house­work. Apply 16 Freeman st., Orange. 1NITRSE—Wanted, young Protestant girl. (14).

to assist with children and with upstairs work. MRS. H, L. COIT, 51 Halsey st. 1NUK8E—Girl, about 1ft, to take car* of child.

Apply i t ITS flpruc* *1. _______ IONE good finisher girl to s«w on buttons; girl

to pack; girl to pull hasting*: two women to make button boiss on coats. 84 Bedford st., in rear, 541


f u n e r a l f u r n i s h i n g WAREROOM&216 M ARKET ST.. NEW ARK, N. J ,

We guarantee that our charges will be u raa- •onabl* a i any other house Id the city. Calls will receive prompt attenllob at all hour^ Tal- ephone oall 181, Reeldenoe or ofRoe.

OPERATORS—Wanted, experienced operxtora on ladles' sh in waists. New Jersey Under-

garraenl Co., 872 Broad it. ___________ ___jOPERATORB and basters wanted orr fine pants;

experienced hands only, THUMB, 90 Bjyrlna- fleld ave. ______ Im

PE A R L BUTTON carders wanted: experienced only. KEDDBRSKN ft FELDMRYKH, 21

Prospect at.H ULLFlflU ft CRANI.


t e l e p h o n e 194. NEWARK, N, r.

B. M. BKIKNER. undertaker and ftmbalmer. No, 219 Cllmoo are. TeL 206TA. igiq

Q. W, HONEYWELL and A. Painter, under­takers, removed to 8N Broad at. ■Tel. tCfta.



IN general, you may or may not be eeneldertnr the subject )f otm atery mcmorlaJiw a neces­

sity whlcli cornea soon n lata to gll. W e wish to Itnpreia upon your memory oUr n in e gad ad- draas. nn<J adv iie th a t you ooiuniU us. W a tn r- n lih designs sa d estlm atas for all elasaea of me­morials "from the ilm ple gravem ark to the most elaborately leulpturiNl numuDsni.

' aE O R G E RROW?( ft CO., (fiaUbUehed IftW.)

870 and 874 BellevUle av*..Opposite entrano* to Mt. I ^ a a a a t Cemetery.

Newark, V . J.

GRANITE l(O K m iaN T i-lB 4 and IM Elm t t i eetabllafaed tn 1664; our rule l i to do ffrat'^aia

work only, a t lowest prlocaj deslgtls fumlabad and work deltvertd free of obarge to asg pact of tta# fllatej It la tmlvereallr aoknowleftgM » a t A J. X lB U N a of U4-1M Elm w.« ftosem- p l l ^ the t to t i tffecUve work and te a Che ^m m rn itoik. T t f Um,

^H O ES^^ahted. ft expert rtpsnuors on stitching machines; good wages and steady work; vamp-

era and top-cloeers. Address 11. W. MERRIAM BHOE CO., Newton, N. J. 81BALRflWQMAN—Wanted, a* egperlenoed salea-

w um an tn m llltnsrr store; none iribef* need apply. Call T. FHlEDENDKRG. 616 Broad ft.

681W A N T E D -A n In ttn iim t colored «lr1 for f « i -

, r* i h o u „w o rk : m u,t h ,ve (ood r* f,r« n c„ . Call Modi)**, DB. HATTHEWB, p t Be«l«nrt

OrAO** V all.y . ________’ __________ 'W ANTBIK»ii( looO but(onhol.-m»lier on

coat,. 17J Uruc, A. V . HBT. 1W A N T B D -I!*p ,n« ic ,rl S and, on la d itt ' iW rt

w airta . 910 Broad at, __________________Mh

H E L P f T A I f T B n - l t* ! - * P E M A L * .

W A N T B D -T h , opiwrtunUy of a l i t , llm ts m m and irom m lo aam from 13 to 1)3 dall*. w Ulna

tJrm ham ', P aten t P m ,; the m o,t wonderful In­vention of m l , a ie ; with one dip of Ink, II w rite , tw enty t l n i« lonfer than orolnary peni and prevenla b lo tlin tt noth tn i like t l ever before plaoM on the market, and )i worth ten tiraae w hat we a tk for It; all our ealeemen a r e m aklna b ic money, and we l i r e you the opporthnlly of eetabllehlnc a food, rfeady. peimannht, proBl- abla buetneu . W rite ue for te rtn i to w n l A h r eeod 10 o en u to r dve earaplee. -.1 TKK BRAHAK PBK CO., » . anclM tatl. O.WAJfTBt>—A man and wife who aE den tand

tbelir hn^nem to go on farm naarby. Addraw ------ Bax H . Mewa o d H , I

___K M PLO V M K N T W ANTFeD>M A1.E.A fllTUATb>N by 2 butchers, city or cmintry;

u*e of honw. wagon and t4>ol*. f re e ; l»Mt of referenree. Inquire of .V. BulIK . »l« Hyring* flsld avs. IJlOY flltuathm wanted by a boy lU years of

SI*, who lias had etvsniren months' <*xiwrl- ence with a manufocturlug Jewnlter; also has a fair knowledge of repairing c livks. would like 10 comiftets his trade; retereni's from laei ploA'e, Adtlress R. W , M I ’nloii at., M ont­clair. I

BOtlK K E E I’KR for |8 or |5 a seek ; account an t will take full charge nf small sets for

above am ounls; b<>ok« oktenwl, cli.>#e<1. e tam - hje.i. Bto. Accountiinl. Ikix 73. News nmose UUl

HOY fleventet-n w a rs «M. In offlte; otwraie Kmlth 1 )i»pwrHer. references; quick al fig-

bres, E . J. lin liA N , HUte st., Rheimfteld. 1

KNtlINKKK SlinaM'in wanted by «n engineer;underaiande all types of engines, tmtler*. etc :

di*eri a ll rrf|-alni; ,41 rcferencfi. .address H- D I' lIu l 'H tl, 223 Nf»rlh lllh »t., Rom-vllle. 2m

WANTKD—flmall net of books to keep. «>r light iifllce work, d'veiilnge. moilerate terms. Ad-

dreji!^ FfDi-lent, Jhix 211. Sew s uince. 341

YOUNG man. 22. wlshi '. a iKwltlon of an> kind;is a g'en! salesmiui wciuM like to dlrlvr a dv

livery wagun. Z.4U. 2lt A lyes «t. I

KMFLUV^IKNT M ASTKlk-FFM ALli:*A J'ROTFHTANT girl »eek4 ti tu s ih in to assist

In hoosen.'rk nr nurse girl; home m ore than wages. JI.. lb>x 78. News office. 1

tiOOK-KKKUKR, lady, with se\T ral years* *x- perlem-e, wuuiil like pftsltlrm. Address I'nm-

pstetvt, Jinx 25, S'fW^ OflUe. All

UOl'TlflT W.tnted, hy a young lady, imsitlon as r-o|i> 1st or Kf-nertil nfllce \y‘ork- AOdress U.,

Box 60. News uir't-e. 1DRFflHMAKnM—A young lady wishes work.

11.25 p*T tis) : experlenrett. Urei*. Ikix TO.News e. ]4| vDREh^>MAK^uR Young Isrty wishes pueltlon sa

IrupiMVer. Addivss 3ig) fltiuih 8th st. 84kHOUflKWuKK.- I'oloretl girl withe* genertil

housework In small fam ily; got^l rerereni^e.Diamond, hb flprIngUeld ave. |

NURslll-*VMung lidy waote situation as wetnurse. 2i) West m . 27k

WANTKD- Altn wants church pw lthm : grn>-I vu lis; excellem rea ler. Address Contra, EP>x

83. N e s s office. 75!

WANTr.D-CofUnemcnl nursing; experienced. Address MU;*. JU'KNLTT, TlVfc TU henor si.2-tj


MONEY TO ItOAN-Ws will procure loans for parilea tb a t a re In

need of money, from tiki and upward, on houee- hold furniture, planes, organs, horroi, oarriagea wagoni, or other p*r*on.*| property. The lecu- rlty to rem ain uiidlslurbed la ysw poesraalon.

The loans sr« all made lo private partle* a t 6 per cent. Interest, and the company charges a reasons bio am ount lo guarantee the loan, and to ac t as your agents In doing the buslrteae for you. A ll buslnesa Is s tric tly confidential. You can havs the money the day you apply for IL The loans can be paid In full or In part a t any Urm , and any paym ents mads on the princlpa) will reduce the company's charge* In propcrtlon. I f you need a lc>an, and wilt call and Inveeilgate our plan of doing bUBlnaas, we a re eure you will be sa t- Ufled with It.

NEW ARK MORTGAGE LOAN CO., (Incorporated.)

Evening N ew t RuUdlng (3d floor). 818 Merfcel a t





without removal from poaeeasloii of owner. We oan offer you ibe ftOWEBT RA TES and EAfllEflT TERMS.

No publlctty; all (leallmf* stric tly confldentlal. No delay you w ill recelvi the money w ithin a few hour* after making application fo r It, P ay ­ments on the princlitaJ, of any am ount, wlU b* recelred at any time. Each payment w ill iseeen the cost of carrying the loan.

Kindly call and Investigate our pU n of Boak- U g loan*: you w in be pleased wltli IL


NO. T40 BROAD t r , .

Opposite Postoflloa.



Will advance money on Jewelry. Watohes, D ia­monds and eU other persmial property a t ths rate of 24 per cent, per annum. All busln eu •triotly confldsDtlal and under m anagem ent of


88 Bank et„ oor, H aliey.





PIANOS, BTO., WITHOUT REMOVALIvoani on I>iamonda Watchf*. Jewelry and

Personal Property; good for one year; 2 percent, per monUi.

(Eetobllehed 1882.)C. BIERMAN.

Near Broad r*. lo rad a r a t

A. -A .—A,—A-—A.—A.—A.—A.—A .-A .—A.—A. I3SO.OOO TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORT<


United Btatee Credit Byetem Building. Washington and Market sta.

60 PER CENT, you will lave by taking * loan oa your farmlture, etc., by calling or writing

to Private, 118 WloklUf* aL, near South Orange are. Leans made within two houre a t your ewn residence. Open evenlnga. 88aM(>NET TO LOAN on household fum ltur* ,

pianos, organa and peraottai property without removal; partlee hcmorably dealt w ith, can frake rapaym ente by Instalm enti: buelnessatrictly confldsnllaL U. MARTINS, room 6. 725 Broad at

LOANS negotiated on real estate, notee, bonds, tnsurauce policies and all k ln ^ of perwma)

propsrty without removal. F. c. EDWARDS, geaeral broker, Commlialofter of Deeds. Notary Public, room ft, IBI Market sL, Newark, N. J,15(10,000 TO LOAN on llrsi and second mort­

gages at low rates; anywhem wHhln thirty miles of New York; money for building or buy­ing himoes. PPkOAT ft CO., 916 I'rudeiiUal Hulldlng; agents wanted. I

1300,000 TC I.DAN on bond and mortgage In autr,s to salt at 6 per cent., without bonus.

EDWARD B. RbACX. CoufissUor-at-Law. 614 Prudeailai Telephone No. KJiX125 UPWARD loaned on furniture; no re­

moval; prompt, private, re]tabli>; low easy repayments; open evening* until 9 o'clock. KERR. 456 Broad it. T8eMONEY to loan on bond and mortgage; nls')

undivided Interest*. REl&ER, 0 Wall si., New York. 441

MONEY TO LOAN on bond and mortgags tn •uma to suit, fiona $600 to $6,500.

2fti BUHT:YLER B. JAf'KSON, 770 Rrnad st.MONEY TO LOAN on bond and mortgage In

sum* to iult. fl. W. GEERY, 760 Broad si 80g

WANTED,A —Highest prices paid for gentlemen's caet-nff

clothing. 1. MADANBKT. M Commercs st.54cbe a t prloea paid for ganta' oaat-off ojothlng

Bend ordera lo PH ILU P8. 37 Charlton si. 68yDIAMONDB. GOLD, BILVBR, PLATINUM.

Jewelry; cotleettoni of lUmpii, oolns and plato bought a t VERRlSR'B.aftB Broad i t . near Clay.________ _________________________ 3bFOR SPOT CASH—-wm buy toy amount of

furniture and carpetflt new or second-hand: send poetal and I will oall. Addrese GANS. 794 Broad st. 72(1

JEWELLER'S drop wanted; about fift-pound hammer; cheap. Addresa Jeweller, Box 28.

New* office. aoj

*nd Jewelry bought. MAR­TIN. 187 Market it,, sntranoe on JJslsey,

WANTED—Becond-handed *bath tub, In good condition. Address C. K., 288 fl.mih 7th



NEWARK, N. J., Feb. 24, IftOft.The annual meeting of lot owners of this asso­

ciation will be held a t the cemetery office. South Orange avenue entrance lo the cemetery, on Monday evening. March 2. t 86A a t 8 o'clock, a t which time an election for three (3) msnsgers will be held and report* of official* submitted.

By order ot the Brotrd.WILLIAM w a r d . President,


bera of the above-iuimeil club are requested to attend the special meeting uf the club on Saturday evening, February 29, IHD6, at their rooms, No. 7 Nichole street, lo take action on the death of their late member. John Bchlck. Jr. JOBEFH REVAN. FreshUnt. I

___ F IN A N C IA L. ^


bought and sold alrlrtly on eommlnslon. Maps, maricet lettere and full Information on apptlca- lion,

CALVIN BULLOCK,t Danver, Col.GOLD'S THE STUFF on which there I* no

dIacouBt, Ilk* atocki In the celebrated Boeton- Oi»1opado Co., located. In Cripple Creak'a Golden Hilts; buy now outrlghi befor* the advance a t the preMbt low price; the boom for etocks le comfitg: write for proapectua. R, W, L. ORI9 WOLD, Marquette HulldlnX Chicago. 1PBRRGNfl desirou* of taking a flyer In *o|ld

advancing gold mine *tocks, address Denver Gold Mine Inveetmitu Co., 3 and 8 Bank Block, Denver, Col. 1


CHANGE o r A D D R ^ f ^D lt H. C. HENDRY.



n o ttrs: u n t i l BtiO A U , 1 to • P . M.. T to B P . M. litniMig a t • P . K . oo lr. tOm


ALL kinds of wrlngert and car- net sweepers repaired cheap;

aolld white rubber rolls. 75 cent* up; I'aUed for and delivered free; aeeltig msi.'hlties and elorks r*- piihi-dat reaaunable rates; quick wtirk. Rend pnsial or rail. W ringer Repairing Co.. 83 New at- T6w

Is It)-.

F. H. DOUGlJtB. maktr of ths Douglas Kaojo, Acme G ulur

end line mandolins. Musical In strumenls of all kinds; cash or instalments. Repairing a ape '

15 M-:W ST. TflfUPllOlATFHING AND K K l‘AlRlNG-=

M atirrw ei made and n>ade-over. fari»ets l*ld. dr*i>erifH.snadea etc ,, an tlq u s fu rtU ure scraped and refiniihc'd.

A. D ERN HA RD T ft CO..024 llroad

'HM-VCK -flalchrla mafOtii'i| licg» hihI trunks cf oUr nwn

ii.> ‘...'im e. n'pelrlnx promptlyla ih 'niti-d t>> .M'n lirosd st.. ol>P>

site W ashingli'n Uivi'k. 25r

ROLl.KIl JlKATKJi. JHK*. lIUtlM UHOTHKRfl’ rtltlH TSilKN -fl HI'Ul'I.Y HoUtiJ:, IWi

flPItlNOl IKI.D AVK., tiriN>fllTI-: ItEl.MONT AVK. 77k

(*. n . MlS’Tfi.V. naei'M and builder-Furnace*.rlsterus, cbiiimr)* huiM and re|inhfi1, walls

r e ia lr e l a|:U^nc»1. 25 W csl Kinney st 561t

inurm m irUt premium Htuie Fair. 26 IMune st, MM

W A LL FA P K K A N D F A l 'K I t HANDING.ADAM.S'fl )trooh1]-n \Vnll;ia|»er B inre-W a will

twtjH'r nnv fnii hIxi* iiio|ii.ung siting andre^jalrlug. twr | l . w>- auiintnice flrat » Is m wnrk. we i4'll pKi'i'r* iiiv.l iH*rtl4T« at fm*t\»ty |*rlre*. loipi*) fruni ft l en ii a roll up to 75 ’ ^nts; w« also ilo nr>t-cln'o< painting, tim ing anil halsomlning, estimaii-s gn«-n for patH*rthg and )*ilmliig at the lowest prb-es. Bend postal cards for samples or I'iill at KiU iiir’i Kn>okl>'n W alljiajter Bi>irrs. k)b-Tl i^prlngfleM nve,, neni MInIi *i . and select your i>*[ier. n* we i-a rrf a full line nf chob'S papers, such u* Mank*. ftals, g llti, emlM^ased, ingrahiN a>ul il ls i; lHrip*st assurtm etu in ihe Btate; wallisiiier tniught of us trimmed by m a­chine f h f . i.jien f\en lng* until P, g'vula dellv- ere<l to any psrt nf the city free, fllx Urothepf. decoratr; , iii|ivr-liangers and palnlcra. I.vm’i fiiignt Ihe numb'*r, flu 71 Bprinarteld ave.. near n igh st. San i<> bf'i kN for lh« trad* In the wbnieeule rtepHrlmenl. HftxAD.tMW'H HKiK»Kl.VN AND NEW YORK

W A lJJ '.t STUHE - If* no u*e to a ttrac tpeoi'le hy f«ilse «iis,, but call a t our store and ri tivlnce yourself t);st now hers else such low prP’e# fnr i-at>er-hang1ng, luilntlng snd kiilsom- Inlng K* our* ran be h,,,!. ra)»er fmm ft'* |*er full up; (irai'i-lusi w'ork guaranteed. Hrml or oall for sampb-s^ L. K a T 7, 1U Rpringfleld ave.S l’K t'iA I. flA l.I' of a iillputper; ennugh !*aper

sRil Imrde, t'l p a p 'r nsuii for 7th’. , vtsmi pai«er ed. lulling, side ap,i bunler, for W.7.1. Interior ami eiterin r house luUntliig. 4e«-ijrrttlve work in all Its brnnclH-s done In l»eei mariner and U'W- est flyurHs. ta rg r new stnek wM|lt»A)vri: nil work ll■■ne fnon Ihe store executed hy skilled m erhsnk's; ml) and be convinced J^ f iN R. O 'N E n.Ij. ft‘j Acarlftny st., near liaise)', open evening* untl) P n 'rlork. « wHUTIROJ’ n V IU U H ! T in u tA lll -W a n p a p e r

given swny. Iho iH jit of |i is. we d-' as we say. a t the UNION (II^RRa TIV E V.'AU.rAF'KU flTnHR, Take noili-s tha t we will furnish wall- pa t>eT «nct Ismler for sny room free of charge; you pay only for the Ulior. ( 'a ll or w rits for yifur -elei-tion". F irsl-clas* work tuariinieed. Estim ates furnlehe»1 for pfilnring, kalsnmlnlng. tinting and dei-orsilng m Hnulli Grange ave., COP. W lrkllffesi. J A m i i T,KVV.TH E FAIR NEW V<iRK AND PHILATtEI.,-

I 'llIA VVALLI’Al’Kft CD. — will pa)>«r a mom with gold p«|>eT and wide bnrder for J l; we do flrM-ciass work, we sell pst>er from 8r- up, a t fai'tnry prices; tiAlntlng. {uiperlng, p lsi- Tsrlng, kMlsumlnlng and tin ting ; pleasa send posUl ran t. M llOTHOUSK. W Hprlngflidd ava., cnr. High si. | i


tVallpaper*. |«alnii and muuldlngs. W* sell the trade only. g4gROOMS papered. up: house pslntlng. kal

somlning done at the lowest price*. A. ROOK- MAN ft BON. 236 Ferry it., Newark, N. J. 98c


Hehool*.NEW ARK A CAD EM Y -

B. A. FARRAND, Ksad H astar.WILflON FARRAND, Aasorlita Master.

Thorough prsparatloii for any college nr eclen- llflc school, or for business )if«. Catalogue on appllcatlop.

MI. IB TOWNSEND'S t«ard ing and day school fnr glrla, 54 PA RK P L ,. Newark. N. J. P ri­

mary. Academic and College Preparatory De- t>artment*. Reopens W ednesday, 8sut. 35.

Circular* on application. 21b

CHEAPEAT and best Inatrucilon In book-kee Itig. 3)7 High st,

MualB»F. UAGOIO, Instruction on mandolin, r iK a r

and cornet. Rlcva m andolins and gultnts for sale: home Instruction. 739 Rmad st.. Djoni 3: music furnished for a ll occ-aslonfl. IBf


RANJO taught by note, 40 r.; satisfaction gumr- anteed. U. A. COATEfl, 21 l^ fa y e lU st. 4Th

RANJO, mandolin, g u ita r and xllher taught. A. J . WEIDT, 116 Druan at., cor. Elm. ftlb

D an o in g ,MR. G. DAVIS, le a rh ar of dancing; classes.

Tuesday evening a t C alsn ihe Hall, flfll iJroad st.. N ew ark, new term now o|>en. private les­son* al residence.. 653 Rroad st., whars term*, clrculara, etc., oan be ohtaipefl; wsilk and two- ■teji guaranleeJ In six lessons, music furnished for dance parlies, wedding*, etc. I6b

JdHEPII II. I^H ITE. 4M nrr«(l , l.-* e m » ln liw lessons of the present season Feb., March,

April. iTt

LYTLE'S, HA2 Rroad. and Essex Lyw um i nsw term ; Join now. ftflrepag* book f r ^ 3>u

flh o rth ao d a n d Ty|»ewrHlnff. SHORTHAND Typew riting RchonI of Toung

Women's Christian Aaso., 104 Court s t . ; term s moderate- Apply at school, i» to l2 A. M., or to Prinrlpal. 1. U. Kennedy, 85 W right st. 7®fCAPAItLE shorthand-typew rllle ti scares; In-

coni|>eients uumeroue; effirlsnt writer* grad- nate from r2f* Hniad at. PEYMOUIl 8TENO- ORAPHK' IN B Tm rT IO N . 1

BOWUKN'8 Shorthand. Typawrltlng and Book­keeping flch>-rf>l. .ftiT High at., fum lihsa It*

graduxiea with yoslilons frae; 12 weekly. 71h

Cycling,cd lum ria c y c l e a c a d e m t -

Prlvaie Instrui-tlnn In bicycling hy appoint­ment. day or evening TH E KLDRIDGE BT- CYCLE CO.. 24 and M C entral ava. ATITHE flAMin.ER HIDING flcHonL w1|] oixm

NfHhdHy, .March ?d. NEWA RiC (‘YCLE (’'r . 9 um1 It ('•ntral ave. 93^

Language's,l UIlLITZ School of l.jTiguages; special enurw*

In Krencli. Rj2 (Tintrui ave. 82k


u e n t .r a l a u c t io n h o u s e —

ftft M ARKET AT.





fl truckloads of F u rn itu re from sloraga, con­sisting Ilf oak and riierry nedroom Suits, }>eautl- ful Parlor Bulls, Extension Tables, Chairs of si) kinds, llureaqs. Folding Reds, M altresaei. f'ar- ti«is, Oijclolh, Lac* C urtains, Bugs and various useful an lc ls i.

D on't miss th is aale. NO RESERVE. Ths highest hid takes It.

Goods as represented or your monsy back.A. LIQN ft CO . AUfTIONBERB.

ftfl Ma r k e t s t ..BeiwMD W ashington and Plan* s ta



a t the Balesrooms, 182 and 184 M ulberry it.^


* ver)' large assortm ent r f good, medium and common I'arlnr, I'ham iisr and Dlnlng-room FurrvUurs. in sui‘ and odd plep-es; F. P Mir­rors, Folding liedH, H ecreiary Desk*. Chair* and Rockers of all kinds. H e.; flO Carvets, mlsfll and mirond-h«ntI, 7tK) yards best ouallty of Linoleum; curled ha ir and otlier UsttreM es- Hprlngs. ilsddmg. Hiovee. W>0 pounds Tea, etc ' etc., eir. j

P A T E N T fl,

p a t e n t s , U. 8. AND FOREIGN.Obtained for all claaiea uf Jnventlon.

HENRY J . M ILLER, U. fi.,L a lt of C rane ft K iller,

W BROAD BT.____ __Ronraa lOfl and lOl.PATENTS- * — - —

FRED ERICK C. FRAENTEEL, Bvecessor to Campbell ft Co.,

OLOUE UUILDING,804 BROAD BT. Rooms 66 and 67-

PATENT AND DRAUGHTING BUREAU of AUG. M. TllI^Bf’HOW, C. fi., 22 Clinton st..

Newark, N. J. (Clinton Building): open Friday evenings unill 6 o’clock. AppUeation paper* and working drawings for machinery a soec- laRy.

PATENTS—DRAKE ft CO,, BoHcKors, cor.Rrcjid and M arket ata .; 80 yeara' axperisncsj

wilt be a t offics any evsning upon, rscalut ef noHcs.

l o u t FO U N D .

L O P T -P alr gdld-rlmmed atw tacla* , in caaeT either on Ilarriaim trolley ca r In going from

car to Hahne ft Co.'a store, Baturday morning. Finder will please leave ut P. J, GOODKAN'fl. 811 Harrison ave,. H arrison. j

LOAT—Gold-headed cane, engraved D, Uram- ley. Reward for return, 7(1 Hillside nve. 1,

B’ L K N -F rom 9 Columbia at., blatrk and while dog; very woolly. Reward glvenj no queillons

B E W A R D !!.

W,00 REWARD wll( b* p«ld for tha v re rf uit, ooBvIctlon fir th , p*rty, or |iw n « , who (tola

tba rrel n ia ta al»n from aa*t rfAa of Krernr ava,, naar Uarlln at., on Condit proDanv. OEOBOB D. nANF!BI.D R BON. 7(1 North Fourth H irrtren. N, J. ________ |


lU'HINKNB O P ro ilT U N fT lH H .nUTt'lIER husinMa for «ale, eptahllshcil fur

16 yeari. horse, wagm and fixtures: goiHj trade and locatlwi. giKwl reawms fur selling- In­quire 70(1 Rmad it., roivm .ft SfimRnAlUilNQ-HuUME fnr eale; strictly flrsl-

clssp. tn \ery rrulra) liH'slton; doing a splen­did imsIhRMs; gnod reasons for aelling. Address R-. R"x Tu, News •tflli'e. pSkl;nARDIN<MinrHE Fnr sale, nn account of

lilneaa, well fufnlshe<l iKMirding-lniuse; central. I'-. Il'‘x .43. New* offlh-e flj

HKKR Ihittling buslnesa, complete, well estati- llshrd, nm*i sen oii accouni of heallh. A<l-

■Ir-ne U.mh, tbix 4«l, News 4»mce. ai'kCriAl. lARD Ftir wile or to let, large cus|

jnrd. on c.tiul. Inqulfe III Ur.wmc it. 57JCANt»V tiTriiiK fi-r sale chea)i. 211 \V«rren st..

npiRwItr Rt-ho-tl fl-jyDRr«] BTonK Knii raI.E, ft,mm

l>e*lral*le li..Lilun. gi.t«i rcufons far selling; no rea^oiinlrlc t.ftpr refuF- 1, aVddn M.inaaer, ' ll ii ftfl. Nee* iifflt’e. ;gij ^

DRUG 8TDRK for aale. xirhI l.- .itlon; i>*ying f family (thiIc . old ,, «ood ressvins I

f.»r selling. A.Jilress HaIA. ,<t- I(V e^^_ jHNiUalHIIMAN rriutiilng wf ti to Te<h>1.in, de-

slr*** IntriMluring Inli' Kti*clnn*1. |i**rmBnenily. novelties of merit. .ii nieple ariP b-s ..f promising *Hle. I. J. J., Dox ftp. News i.lli.e. u-t)(iRiN'ERV PTURK ftu sale go.,d |>..-Hlkm.

shun distance fr«m city; iiort*e and aagon. ffne living aperiments; mraleraie icnt. Ad­drese Hale, Ihix nr. News office. 1liOI BlS- I’aying fumisheit I4 rt>*nn hioise; Im-

iirovements; rent |4(i; ft»r sale cheafi. (Vn iral. n-n 4f), N-‘S* office ,•>3]IF you have a business r f any kind you wish

to d1S;Misr of (juickty and wlth<ml i)iilf||>-M)-. address N. J, NATIONAL llUPINRSS KX UHANGK, Nll2 Hr<H(il sL HlhICH WAOiiN riiiile and dnuble set harness for

sale cheap. 4I Main el . East Orange. 1IK )ou want a g'^od salmm, centrally tociited,

call c n us. nil.I.K.S ft 4'o .. 4ft Market st |





AM., sort* and sixes nf fruit, shade and nm a- men la) trees, vlnas, shrubbery and roaa

bushes, a l Ihe Newark N ursery on Clinton av*., a t terminus of Clinton ave. and crowitiywft cars. Ofltce,4U»_____ 648 Uergen st.

LAUNTi r t to lei. In B rat-class liH^all'in, with large trade; giMvl »i|ip<wtUTilty for party wish­

ing to o|>eit tk laundry G E oK G E D. CAN ITK M >ft HtW. 711 N. 4th s t., J len iso n . N J.

AlIlvK I lc l 'T E For M)e, a bundrvil quart milk Hiule. with flrsl i laas horse nnd wnf<»n. Ad­

dress Milk, Rox 52. News i-fflcc. 791

MAN to Invest Slime money in the stiver noveltv t'lisliiess; gi.>.id rate of Interest nn Inveniment-

Addiess Cash, ling fift, Nev s office. ik)lMiT.K Ro u t e

IlriHone st.for aale. Itiqulra No.

NKWHIVAPFR RriUTE w anted, liatdw in st., 3d fliHtr

Inquire 9d_______ _ _ _ _ _ ____________ 7 ^ltH''Llt<>nM ft>r aale, '.’i)i: M arket s t.; cause of

■»*|p. !■‘knelw. Inquire rri Itoacvllls avt. 7m

HKttT.AUK.ANT. doing nn excellent btisineas: w ill)« enjtl cheap, iS lld .E N A ('(•.. 4fl Market________ _____ _________J

HW/VON - um.uT-Ul.ARH S.Ma k iN* FOR HAl.U. WITH N<» M nRTnA UK UAM, AT

ftp MARKET HT. K<di !M-"DKMATinN 2flm

HAIAM)N for sale, <|olng gtwd bualneaa; lowest rent In r lly ; cheap If sold a t once. Address

Cheap, lU x 42. News office. BS|

B.SLOON for aale. living am) furnished rooms. • >. »ox 24. News offics.

vN TK D -IM rty w ith cap ital, to Join the ad ­vertiser In the m anufacture of silver novsllles;

esubllshed burdneas; onleig on hand. Addre** Bllver. Ikvx M, News office. l

12.500. with *erv1ces. to Invest In mercantlls business; g> nts' furnD hlng, hats, lullllnery.

etc , preferred: referencea exchanged. Address Active, Ik.x 4IK News fiffice. 7ai

1100 PER MONTH, or more; chances to make money bv aiwculatlon a re be tte r now than

ever: n W Incomea are mad* from small 1nv*st- m rn ts. wheat and stocks offer excellent api>or- tunltlsa for th(v*e with lim ited means to make money; w* always work for cuatom eri' Inter­ests; w rit* for ad v lc ' and hook, showing how to do It, free. COMACK ft CO., » Uroadway, New York.




» &R1DOB 8T.. NEWARK. N. J.




From TB tfl tWl hred ,o „ l , c t frrrtt.! Alware « hand « large aasortment of horses, mil classsi, at prtvai* lals or exchange a t auction prices; two days trial on each animal. Horse*, wagons and harnraa received from private partlee to be sold on Commission, a t auction or privai* sals,

Terms fnr aelling: $2 per bead balow ISO; above, IS per btad.

flTARLEB, U Bridge at.

RERRT ft CARR. Proprietors, ROnERT CARR. Auctioneer. Mi

W BIJa. our stock of cajrlagea Is about gone, but we wish to dlsp^Bse of the balanes, and In

order to do so w* will sell a t the same low prices as w« did last fall

Having a large stock coming In In the erring, 1 will sell balance of last year's goods. Includ­ing Fugglei, Runabouts. Phaelona, Burreya Traps and business Duggles. a t very low figures. A full line of Huslnas* Wagons of our own man­ufacture for gtocere.butehera,bakers, carpenters, piumbera, milk and laundry men, always in stock. Harnssb In great varUly. Our $10 Rioid H am eu Is a *corclier. Our |I3 Huslnei* Harness la a winner.


_________ NEWARK. N. J.CHAB. GRURE, 257 ^nd 256 M arket a t .; ear

riages, buggies, phastows for doctors or ptess- Btanhope buggies and traps; can

M mad* In lw ..-seat or one. also a full lln* of ^t^kJkawaya and exteiiaion-tnp

*1*'* butcher s.T - j #***” baker waguns; p lu m b ers carpepler's

b**- spring trade; all work kT UHAB. nRU RE, 257

^ Market st. Factory , Rahway,

HriRREp, horees, wagons, wagons 75 to Iflo new wagohs and ca r­

riages constantly cm hand; also a . Ini nf iecond-hand stock; all lilnds

ana styles ai prtcra th a t ro n 't he best; snd a nice lot nf draught and business hnrees fnr sBln, ALHERT L. TIPLIN , U enlral ave. and Hiitlsipp ■1- (W<-

A N l’.MlIKR Ilf fine .leraey row s, alacr Jersey btilJ, <ine year nlrl. will be snM very cheap, Ap­

ply lo tlArdener wO MR. HKRRMANN'H placa, N-'MiifleM corner Gregory av*., or Dog»7I orange, N. .f,

AMKRIi ' aN | h ty iiew rller; does work equal to any lUkt mai’hlnc; ernii fn r ca talogue and

sampte -d w.,rk. ,V>H U entral ave.. K asl O r­ange. }

CAT 1Ucjgi-;d sailboat, new w hite cedar-decked ce«rr,-U,*ri1 . own satis, etc., vompleie, *85, or

wHI ci«-h*Mge for bicycle. <*an l»e aeen No, 2(tt N. J n U I

FMIl tf.M.K t'h .ilie fru it trees, rnees, shruha, etc cntalngup free; sriid for one, Globa

Nursery i'.* . RtH'liester, N. V. 1

D1A5U1NP RING fnr sale, about S k t,, per- fert; i-heiii fur ts sh . Aildrcse Snap, B o i

ifi. N'l.Wih Milli e. 1

)bvTATi»KK «-V,r psle, l.inx) Hacks potatoes a t I'**!'"a''k, lit!', e i i r a fo r dellvenr. Esaeg

PuhIihh* rn ,, m |,<iwrence si. 27|*t'ltli'KKNM- Kurty black Minorca chlckena*

Aliliei-, GCi.HriK LKNTZ, Arlington, N. J .

HK\S I.VU MAi MINK -Fit sale, twn low arni singrr msi hliit-s, JT and |H; good vondlllon:

and <)iil-lren's iHHlutcad. 57 Jefferson at, £

PKDW.V l.KG ttrillN pullets for sale ; Just begla (■« lay good, bii Hank st.

ORa 1 IDM >iij iKMl. ft months, cheap. Inquire ^ ll. r ilR IH T iil’UKit, :ilJ H[>r1ngffelil a v a 981

IviTATriKH Hi It It.. Monday; flneai alaak In Newark. *-ar No. lut. —

IHV; J seiter pm e fnr s ile cheap, liiqulra fll u<»'s rl. 1

snd four counters. 465 Broads 23k

KDI'H sloiWcaws

TV PRW RITK RP-t’ssh or time; rented; chsapp Pit III clijr; .-iH'rsInra free. .HT High f t. TBfi

NO. 7 RANGK. I’nclc Kam. M. U Lawrsnoa 4TI

FINE Wall shnwesse, 20 drawer!, 3 mlrrora i hc*|>. Inquire W7 Hiirlngflebl ave. 1

A TUAN«IMJtTAm,K bowling a llsy^ftr cheap. DU llowery *t. gjii

I 'lnbrellas nud Uanee.

T UMmiKl.T.Ail (\)VERED WITH HILK GIAIRIA stitched, tlp p ^

and hemmeil with silk, riba var­nished, new wire, new fsm ile, new tau»el--a1| alses. for the nev*r-be« fore-heard-«>r'prlc* of | ] , 0Q. Band us a pfwial card and wn'II celt for

and dellverwork free of charge. GARDINOR'^ leading umbrella manuraciursr* In New jersey.



Iloiiaehnir) GocmIs a m t F n rn llt iiw .f o r b a m : Hig tot mtoflt and second-hand

carpeta. $8 up; 75 stoves, all kinds. $1.50 up : parlor suit, tifi; child's crib, U.aO; lounge, It.dDt SKtenslon table, tS.M); showcao*. t3.50; oak fiddlng bed, Hnnleum. ruga, desks, b o ^ - rases and <Mher furniture. 2fl WUIllare i t , TIJ

FUnNITrilK- For sale at a bargain, one pitp glass gill frame, u ft. by 2 ft. 6 Inches; ona

btsrk wslhut roll Inp desk, with side drawers, good as new. ati>1 iihe harwil^tod, large ward­robe. Address Glass, fhix T7, New* office. 1FURNITURE For sals. 63 M arket st., th* en*

tire stock, consisting of new and socund-habft furniture, slnves and carpets, a t 86 per cenL reducilon, on account nf re tiring from Main***; now la ynur chance to secure bargnlns. 84j0f,D-FAHHIONED m ahogeny bedstaaft. $RX

Address Antique, Rnx Tft, News office. lltag

IIRDHTEADR-For sal*, two w alnut bedateadi.Inquire ftftfi M ans st. flU

IRmH* a n d flhoee.n iE A P FAMILY BHOE flTnRfi-I.,adlsa^ kltf

button. 11: ladles' kid button. II.ID; ladles' k id fox laced, i t ; ladle*' kid laced, l l . l f i ; ladles* needle Rte, laced and button. 11.35; misses’ k id builon, Win. u p : msn'* laced. H i m en 's lacM and gaiters, f t <15; boys' Inched, 85c. up; youths* laced, 75c . at WM J. HcK INN BY 'S, 876 P lan* s t , near W'llllam at. TJfi

W a lfh e s , Jaw elry* K te.A.—A--d>ne dollar weekly; fine dlamnBfl%

watches. Jewelry; no trssh. Call or eddrtaa WATUH RUPPLT CO., 4 Malden l^na* room Nsw York. All goode guaranteed. Sft

M en’s C lo th in g a n d F n rn lah fn fft*' HEN m BTTA, Have You Met H e r r '—th e new

collar. Riisteln’s, Market and M ulberry it f tc bwit 4'ply linen oollars, ell styleo, $0e.j cuffs* tic. per pair. ygg

HORflKP: iinnKEH! n(insKB'-sriIn ftft flrst-cUns business, draught

and work horses kepi continually on hami, a l Ihe lowest m arket prU-ee; 10 I'f as r**presetite'l o r rash refunded.

The Ulrv Linn Hnie and Exchange Btsbies. Bprlngfleld Hve >1- BTECIIER, P roprietor 72x

W .\«;HNH-«Jood pistfom i spring larpenier wagon, rwci gond top Hrews(er| r ’iod wngimt.

anil e iu o n s of all kltnls at s Imiui j'our tpwn prices. 1, 'I 'll'L lN , U entral uve. and Hud­son et. .Iftk

HOIlHMfl I carload of d raugh t horses from luwB, Including une m atched team of drivers.

■ Iso some rh«ap WTk hnraea. I 'a ll at JAt.'OM PFTKH UO.. 127 Freiinghuysen av*. flm

HOItSR- For sale cheap, n good horse; su it­able for peddler's use. Can tw seen ai 78 Tih

ave., rear. 07k

G(K')P horee. ham csi, blankets, top wagon and buggy- cheap, im use cause for selling. Ad

dress Horse, lirtx 62, New’s offii'*. I

RUGOV for ssle. l-'ki. light depot wagon. t25- set hsnd-ms'le buggy harne*s, (ifl, almosi

new. D- AHTf»N, II Ferry st, ft.’dHnRHKS—Three horses, all sound; one ver>'

fine driver and iwo verj* cheap work horses. 212 Ftlo'imdeid ave. 311MUKT dispose of surrey, burkboanl, runabout

and Iwu huggl*s, wlib harness, cheap J. I). ALLEN, 26 lU llm ad pi.. East r»range, 8HdlUGlBK for sale cheap. Inquire u.7 Rruee sl<.

i)rst floor. . 1

HORHK -rhartey R for sale , record, 3.80. S75. 41 V sdey st., Orange Valley, N. J. 85)i

TWO UAllB for sale, *RJ and 113- fiast (.range.

41 Main s(., I

TinilRK-lRvtd work hnrae w anted S6 Oak s(., Eaet Orange. I

ROAD MARK for sale; price 41 Msin il-. E ast Orange. 1

WAGONR-All kinds new and sseond-hand waguns. Oliver M Tg U.i . foot Clay si, 111

TOP WAGON for sal*. 2X i Rcrgen at- PI

IlK E B flM A R IN G ,

TA Y l/G l'S BTSTEM—liranrh nf 1«3 W. 14th s t.. New York.

Classes open s t all tlm»*s; d reism uklng taught In all its branches; cutting, flUIng, draping, de­signing and finishing: m ateldng nf plaids and stripes; all the la test siyles sk irts ; ths Beam­less bnsqiis and all bicycle costum es; designing isugh t fm m all the la test P arisian fashion hooka, e lf .; arholafg taken as young as 14; mothers invited; |* rf*ct flitlng palts rn s ru t tu measure vrhlls waiting. TA TLOIt'fl. 677 Rmad ■t.. cor. W est Park at. SOy

McDo w e l l d r e b b c u t t i n g Bf^iiooi.,-N esrly everybody knows th a t the McDowell

sarm enl draughting m achlna Is the eiialeil and nest meihorj nf cu tting In existence; w* teach the entire a r t nf Fn-nch dressm aking; you ran make dresses ff r yourself while learning, fiend for circular; leasnns day or evening, nishioniibls dressmaking: piiiwr patterns or linings cul tu measure. UIHR K. C. CRAW LEY. SW Uroad st.


OHa NGR and Newark Millinery and Prtascut* ting Bchoola—Having flnlahed with a large Im­

porting house, am enabled to teach mllllnary tn all ihs higher branrhee; also T-iylor Bystem and tirst-claaa drrsitnaktng taught: diploma* grant­ed (o graduatai; open d i^ and evening. 332. 324 Main st,, Orange: Decker Rullding. U Dloomflald av*., Newark. MARY fi. LYNfm.

EUROPEAN tailor rule for euUIng laJlsa ' and children's garnisniB; Instruetlohe, lift; pupils

make dretsea free while le sm in g ; day and even­ing leiaons; cutting and basting and pai»er pat* te m a MADAME VAN ZANT. 202 Flan* sL

B. T. TATJXIR aystam of dress cu tting ; w* (sach everything connacted w ith the trads;

■choLars make dbeeses while learn ing; lesson* day or evening; send for p a r t ic u la rs If. fi. CHniB T IB . 106 Belleville ave.FABHJONARLP] dresRtnakIng, sk irt and waist

pa tlern i cut to m sasure, 85c, ahd 40q.; llhlnga cut eud flt, 50c. 530 Broad i t . 8?^

U llU fO L llT lO N N O TICRH .

TH E CO -PA H TN ERBH ir heretofore e ilitln g under tba firm name of M eyer ft Koth* i*

ihla day dlaenlved by m utual coneenu Mr. Theodore Meyer will aasum e a ll aaaew and llablJItlte, and wl|] continue in the mami- facturiQg of peart huttona and noveUtee akM*.

N e w A v T i .r r«b. 3T. I8M. 'THBODORB MVrBR,

1 JOH N r . K O T im

COA1,. W O O D, KTO.

8. TRIMMER ft CO. ^ T e l a p h c f l e l f i ^ DRLIVKH HjeST LfiH IO H No. 8 N U T COAH

(wall M'rrened) a t $3.50 per ton.HTOVE or NUT. and No, 1 N U T M TX ID, a |

14.25 |ier ton (nothing belter for ra,)ge or pailaftttfrVS}.

Rest Lehigh egg, Stove and o b aa tnu t a t LO IfkEIIT MARKET uniU fifl.

II TtA)CRKl,f| dry kindling wood. $9. HIUKoRT, any sits, for gra te flree, a t R O C S

b o t t o m P R irfiR Give us a tr ia l order. w 3 CAN HUIT YOU WITH COAL AMD WOOD.

Office; Cor N. J. R. H. ave. agd tf tfay e tt* et.a on* blnak below Market St. D epot on R. IL avg^


p h n n b y l v a n ia r a i l r o a d .DEBT CHEBTNfW, STOVE AND BOG COAI^

M.50 P filt TUN; NO. 2 N L ^ COAL,M.fiO F'KR TON.

W ELL BCHKKNED. BEND POflTAl*u r m w N o F u r c i ; w i t h t h i s t l e h t ju

TIUN'KllY C<j„ 861 u r o a d BT.“CLEAN c o a l .'


ITiv* ynu tr i td xny No. 3 C hsatnut? I t b ea ll them sll

“T.argfst," "Cleanest snd best quality Lft high Coal In the city. $8 50 per Ion delivered

All ciher sites a t m arket pricta.O A. CAHILL. 188 F irs t a t

_Dnwnl^w»i fiffire, 487 Rroad et.

CfJAl,! COAIi! -Best hard coal In the city (Jfld* do), snd the only ;oal dealer In iha city th a t

•^el■ snJd lbs gemjin* Nn. 2 nut *Ue. dallvereft to sll ports of fhr oltv tn 40 per ton. full w eight; No I nut, siove and egg. |4 46 per ton: Nn, t nut and No 2 nut, mixed, $8.00; orders hy m all protnplU- deRverad. H, ft C. H. JFROLAM AN^ main offirs, cor. Emmet ii . , Frelinghuyeatt ave,______UEfiT I,ehigh rnal, M Ik* pnr (nn delivered, fop

stove, nii( and egg: alin $5 25 per ton dellveretl pjr Ijehigh No. 2 m il; nlffce and yard, 82 anit M Waverly pi. MARK KKTr’llAM, M l

UKBT r/>hlgh coal delivered: egg. stove or m it, 14 25, 14.7.1 |>er ion; No. 3 nut. |3.2fl, $3.80.

<"edar Coal Cn.. Nn. fl f'edar at. ASM

ri.dN fl'i AND ORGAN8.UARLER PlANri. tiflil; Reck plane, W . bgtM

ftrst-clnwr order; other bargains; planua tw rent; open svenings. FRAN K LIN PlANGfl, Fullon st . hear Peddle Chiirrh- 69oPIANG—Will sell s i nnre, grand upright plano<

nlmrist new, 7 L8 o rtsves; brIUlanI Ions; a ll Die la isst Imprnvemenis, with guaran tae. Fri* vale residence. 11 (’durt SI. I8JI'lANG. Fcr sale. Sierling rahliie l g rand up­

right I'lHtm; uRiniit c s s r ; gwtd condition; fufl lule b( rt en<Tlflrr for cash. A ddress W. IL M.. Box 63, N'PWi omi-e.

PIANU To rent, r 'h likerlng upright. In gooit 'i-ler. terms in-nterate. A-ldress F. H. C.,

UH. News office. I

PIANO TUNEB; pcpnigf prires; sixteen ysar^ exp-tfrieme. F W. CANN. 108 Bherman av*.god

PIANO lunlhjr. repairing of stringed. Inatru- menls. M II. LHUKT. 66.7 Bruart at. 54M

Ul’lllG HT i’l.ANO o r e n t : 12 IW monthly.HINDH, 21 Rank et.

OUflAV make parlor organ a l a bargain,Adi^re^s '■ rgan, Dix fi.1. News office. ___ M

H irv C L R fl.

A FULL LINE of '06 RAMIILERS am now oit view, comprising In all P> different model#}

Ihey are finer than ever before, and beauiifuU/ put together and flnlahed, snd Dis calnloguaj which ran be had for the asking, la a work of art; w'e are malting 2,0011 of them; do you waiK| ohe? Heaquariers for second-hand wheels.

NKW.MIK CY<’LE CO., band 11 Central ave.ALL makes; second-hand; Hi'wardi. St*arna«

■''olumhlus, Koaeing, ('redendas. Liberty*, Hartfords and others; gi*oii romllilcm; I2il tipj terms easy. N. J. UIcjoIh Uoncem. 4W Broad st.

771BICYCLES-1H65 CnltimhlBS. $65; 1864, $8S;

1508, $2.5; Centurys. 1(5; other make* cnnalder* ably less, easy naymsnts. TH E fiLDRIDOD BICYULRUO,, 24 and 26 Central ave. TAtf


ARK you weak, low-splrfted, tired of llfe t Dr.Htarkwaalhsr, the specialist In dlseaeea of tkw

nervous aystem, mate and female weaknasaei^ P'Cites and tells your irnublee without cb*rgs% Hours: 16 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 4 to 6 M. Medicine* furnished. Call or write for t«*. tlmon!als._ lUij_Haisey st. ________________ ^ABA MEDICAL INflTlTIJTC, 164 Orange st..

Nswsrk—Nar-'ous debility, blood poison, all urinary dlseaiwi. treated without pay tmtU cured; sm our large adr. on another >*#*< Hours: 6-10 A. M.; L3 and 6-8 P. M. I t eALL dlwssei trSitsd by experUDCed phretclaft

at tbs HlfiALTH PH ARM ACT, IB Market eU (opp. Courthoues). Charge for medlolne onty.tM

LADIES l-Hure relief for Irregutartttefli aafift suocdasittl and confldanilal; A yearfl' sdiperl*

ante. Office hours, 1 to 4 F> M. M CUntoil *L

WHfiN othsra fall consult the Hewlln Medkoal Co.. 465 Mala il ., Buffalo, N. Y.. epeeU llsu la

private, ehrdtUo and narvosis dlseaeee, lO yeanr continuous praotles; cure guarantead.

DH. K014tnrYlp«|U l<.. ■ s u n u d M tU n o u n le t ,11 ( « u l r ^ m a n liir ltM l id run

m (iMith dunuU i i t i C. & ta S tk , t d T f c w d . N.i uU drictlMi Dri« Ni HMir Mdi i mtf


Kevarlt (focning NeiD0.raiL U H lD


EnnlD Im PnblisblDj Compui;,2IB017 MARKET STREET,

XKWARK, H. J .[■ a tond M tba Hoatomra aa aaooad-alaaa


D an m ad bjr earrksra In any part nl Nawarfc, Iba Oraaraa, Harrlaaa, Kaaray, SamniN, SallaaUla, Maotclalr, Blannllald and all aalfb- ka rta f t a n a .

Mall aakacripikina. flaa datlara a yaar. a r Miy caata a aianlli. patlafa fraa. Slafla •aplaa, twa caata. Dtllvarad by cartlara In H aaw k, laa « « ta a waafe.

O rdlaarj advarllfawaala. tan and flttatn aanta a Hna, afala.

Adaartlaaaiania andar haada al Waatad, Ta Lat, IW *ala, Parannal. aU., oaa caat aw atd, M na cbarga laaa than Ua canU aaeb Inaaf

BATL’hD A T , F K U m .'A Ill ' 29, IMW,

THK CCBAN K E S O U T |0 > a .Thera la no lucyeatlon of a Kutna of

polittea In the auhatuntlal unanim ity of the vote hy wiilch the Fedi'rnl Benala adopted the roncurren t reaotutloii In re ­gard to Cuban affaire. Men of a ll partloa In Congreea a re agreed upon the duty of the O oT rrnm rnt to m aintain the aupretn- n ry of Am ertean Influrnce on thia ronil- nent, and to prevent the Inauguration of a new reign of terro r In any tiuarter of the New W orld. All through the vulumlnoua reporia of debatei In CongrvBB over Cuban affa lra th e re run th reada of hum an ayni- p a th y an d patrio tic fraternallam , Kven iu c h va te ran ataleam en aa Senator Hher- m an, accuatom ed to w llhatand the outcry and iw eep of popular aenUment, have been carried aw ay by the general cu rren t of adm ira tion fo r and aym pathy w ith the ttru g g le at the native Cubana for freedom.

T he Beiiate reaolutlua le clearly and ex- olualvely aym pathellc; alHrinlng the fact o f a a ta la of w ar In Cuba, the duty of tho U nited S tatca to m ain tain a trlc t neutrality aa betw een the belligerent partlea, and aug feating th a t the Executive ahould In­fluence the Bpanlah O overnm ent to recog- nlae. C uban Independence. The bearing of ■ucb reaolullona, it adopted alao by the H o m e o f A epreeentallvea, Ilea In their ap ­p lication by the U iecu tlve U eparim ent. If dlaregarded hy the I ’rcaldent, there would be no way In which Irglalallve au tho rity could be Invoked In order to a treng tben th e cause of Cuban Independence.

T he Federal Constitution la allenl In re ­g a rd to the declaration of a a ta le of bel- U gertncy, and the righ t o f Congreae to m aka such a declaration haa been necea- •arlU ' In tarred from (he clauae of th a t In- g trum en l which confers upon Congreaa th s pow er to declare w ar. And although the constitu tional a u th o rity to declare Vtar la unqueatlonably veiled In th e legli- la tlv e departm ent, It la a pow er which la gubleot to the condition of E xacutive ap­proval, like the au th o rity to levy and col­lect tazea, to raise and aupport arm fei, to provide and m aintain a navy, and o ther pcrm lia lve tunctlona enum era ted In the C onatltu tlon , The contention of Benator I f o rg u i an d others, th a t th e power of CongTeaa to declare w ar e ta c d i by Itself, an exception to th e conatltu tlunal ru le of partlo lpanoa by the Executive, can aoaroe- )y be ad m itted In th e face of the poglllve requ irem ent o f the C onatltutlon th a t every "order, resolution or vo te" ahall be presented to th e P residen t an d approved o r d iiapproved by him before tak ing effect. T he E xecu tive consent to a decla­ra tio n of w a r o r to a form al rteogn ltiun o f belligerency would be n e ce iia ry In o r­d e r to determ ine au th o rita tiv e ly th e a tt i­tu d e o f th e O overnm ent o f the United B tatee tow ard any foraign country.

I t thle be the potltlon aaeum ed and m ain tained by the E xecu tive D epartm ent, whicb haa undisputed con tro l over our dlplODiatlo foreign re la tions, th a recogni­tion by Congreaa o f C uban belligerency In a concu rren t resolu tion could have ihe effect only of a m ere concen tra ted exprei- •lon of oplnton. All the w orld a lready knowe th a t th e people of th e U nited B latee gen • ra lly an d even elluelvely ly m p a th lie w ith th e efforte o f th e C lsneroe Oovern m en t In C uba to acbleve Independence of B pan lth dom lnellon. T he S enate reeolU' tlon b u t feebly expreeeea th e prevailing aenU m ent In thle regard . B ut th e Kxecu Uve au th o rity will douhtleea be ledulouely an d e a rn es tly exerted to m ain ta in condi­tions u n d e r which no offence may be a s ­sum ed by the regu larly conatltu ied au- th o r l t le i In Cuba, The m oral effect of u Congreealonal declaration of belllggrent r lg h t t , even i t uneupporled by th g ^ ie c u - tlve , w ould be an elem ent of unknow n and dangeroue force and v ita lity . If, for ex­am ple , A m erican m erchantm en on the h igh aeag ahould be offenalvely aubjected to the rig h t of aearch, not all the power Of th e P realdont could prevenl an Indig­n a n t call to a rm a and a N ational resort to boetlle reprlaala.

--------- ---------1-----------------

PU BLIC BCILIHNIJ t'ON.aTBI'CTION, In tn fo rc ln g e trlc lly and relantleaaly the

policy o f rig id economy In publlo expen­d itu res rendered necessary by the Inc reus­ing deflclt in public revenue, the ufflctals la con tro l of the T reasu ry D epartm ent h av e undertaken to auapeiid practically the w ork of constructing public biilldlnga, A O overnm ent, like a n Individual, m ust pay re n t when unable to build: and there la DO rea l economy In the delay. Ilu l It su its th e purpoaea of the T reasnry oftlclala. In ligh ten ing som ew hat the pressure of a presum ed party exigency. Public expen- d ltu rea a re reduced,and the deltcll lessened by ao m uch as may be saved In the iiroceaa of p inching economy.

In m ost Instances where pnhllp build­ings, the consiructlun of which w as au- thorlxcd under more liberal m ethods of ad- m ln litra tlo n , a re oonoerned the practice of the departm ent haa been to reduce the force employed to the m inim um num ber conelstent with the m aintenance of s tru c ­tu ra l repair. Thus It chances th a t Federal building entert'rlses of weight and m o­m ent to the localities In which they ligve been undertaken have languished and stood still, as though conduciHl hy Im­beciles. T his policy of Inaction haa be­com e a clearly eatabltshed fea tu re of T reksu ry adm ln isira tion by th is tim e; nnd In m any com m unlllee no Improvement la hoped to r un til a fte r a change of ofllclula.

T he m ethod emptoye^l to prevent the u ndertak ing of new projecta of construc­tion fo r w hich approt>rla(lous have been m ade la alniple and effective, and beyond orltkdem os to Ua legality o r constllu llon- a llty . i t conalsis In hCglectUig to provide p lane upon which builders and con tracto rs m ay estim ate In p reparing bids (or Uis new s tru c tu res. Thus, large app rop ria ­tio n ! h ave been available for more than tw o y ears fur a new M mt In rh llad e lp h la an d fo r a new F ederal building In Chi­cago. In th e one case the clflctency of the p rinc ipa l money factory of the country Is crippled fo r w an t of room ; In th e o ther th e occupants of the old Oovernm ent buU dlnghavebeen forcwl to aliandon It he- c a u ie It had been condem ned as unsafe by local building tnapeclors. l iu t thoee In- tire e te d In th e prom pt oon itn ic tlon of su ch neceseary buildings have been un­ab le to Induce th e T reasu ry Itepartm en t to fu rn ish p lans and speoincatlcn i. The employee of the Bupervleing A rchltect'e offle*—nearly n o o f them —a re all too busy to gngage In lu o b a taak. I t costs 1290,000 a y e a r to c a rry on th is ad junc t of the T reaau ry D epartm ent, yet i t h a s been found ImpotsUile to gecu rt prom pt a tlen -

tlon to Im porlan i Items of ro n ilru c tto n A*'- «ignp»t to InereRPt the efflrlenry «if Ihe public lerv lce.

W here an u rse n t necewUy for In f th e w ork of c o n e tn d lo n really rx li te , aa In th e caae o f the G ov^rnm enl build ing a t C hlcafo , Jt haa been found n e c e u a ry lo apply to C onfreaa fur a p lttanoe out of the app ro p ria tio n for the work, to b<» ueed to j«ay fo r p la n i to be furnlehed by ex ­perts ouU ldc o f the Huprrvlaliiff Archl- tec t'a office, flecently S enator Cullom •<- cured the paBNitfe In the Henate of a reaolu* tton a<*ttlrif aalde t2&,OOU In th le m anner for planii fb r the propoaed (lovernm en t building in C hlcafo . and a alm llar exi>end]- tu r f fo r th e new EhlU deiphla M int la con- trm pla(»‘d. Thua, It appr«ra , th e policy of Inaction and circum locution la In dan ­ger of In te rfe ren n e in a v ita l q u a rte r. Eor If pubJiQ b u ild ing ! of iu ch Im portance nmy be planned and th idr conatructlon aur»erjn- tended w ith o u t the aid of n costly Itiiri HU of A r liilec tu re , the question of contlimlnK aiich a b ran ch of alleaed imbllc aervice m ay b« b ro u fh t Berlounly Into contPO» vertiy. T he N ational U ile la lu re m ay not iiilBuae a few haurw or day* in an Inquiry Into th e rea l uae and value of a super- v ising b u re a u which dot'»n't aupervtae.

[l la aald th a t In llie T hird W ard a a tronir effo rt wlU be niaile to prevent the rcnom lnatlon of Hi-hool rom m laflionur Baupe becauHC he com m itted the d read fu l polltlt-al orrence of rcfiiBlnK to bring attout the rem oval of a ei’hoolhouee Jan ito r who hafl b w n fa ith fu l and efflt hm i In h l i work, hut who h appens to be a D em ocrat, Burely the irreat masB of the UepubUcan vo te rs of th e w ard a re no t dlapoBed to consen t th a t

commlBBloner ahall be forced to re tire for any Buch reason as th a t. T he Jan ito r In question serveB In Ihe laraeBt public BchopI In th e c ity . The place Is a responMi- ble one an d th a t It ahall be p roperly tilled m ean t a g re a t deal to the le a c h tr s and the pupils o f th e school. W hen a m an docs his work fa ith fu lly , even In ao hum ble a place, and w hen a School CommlBsloner hullevea th a t th e In te re s t! of the achocl would ce r­ta in ly not Ife advanced and m iftht suffer by a change , he deserves public support In atandlnic hy th e employe. I t la the du ty of the School C om m lsaioncri to look a f te r the In te rea ts o f th e schoola, no t to sacrifice the ir ow n Judgm ent of w ha l It wine and r t f h t to th e d ic ta tion of p a rtis a n w ard execu tive com m ittees. The a p p o ln lm m l of a Jan ito r Is a sm all thing, bu t th e sort of sp irit th a t U a d i a Bchool C om m issioner to do w h a t he th inks is liffht w ithou t re ­ta r d fo r th e d ictation o r th e th re a ts of p a r tis a n s w ho Insist on dolnic his work for him , la a n Im portan t ih ln it and ouKhl to be reco in lsed and app recia ted by th o m rh tfu l vo ters of his p a rty an d by the public.

j BEFORE THE M. F. CONFERENCE.I Three Uueetlnne uf lin^m rtanre (u lie Takeu r p a t lb« A iinunl In This

t'llVi llealitnliiK !irar«'h Sit.Three m a tte rs of inmU Im porlunce to

M elhntllais In N ew ark anil vIrinMy, and to MethodUlF >f»n,Tnlly. wre to conn; up be­fore the N ew ark - th a t la tohi> bcKun In H(, PniirB M'-lbiyllst Episco- pul C hurch on M urch 2,'. The conference will prglmhly la st «evt-ral duyi.

The ruse of Rev. K. !>. iM 'rkcf, who Was euNpcnded from lh<: panlornte of the Houlh M arket B ireet M. E . f 'h u rrh lawt A ugust After A hnarlm t on h ehurKf^ of frivolity, there havinif been Q youii« w om an m em ­ber of his consriK atlon In the rase, will c(jme up SB souit u s the conference shall huLu dow n to luislness. If Uev. Mr, Di-ukur UlniMilf should not uriswer upon Ihf cull of his imme he wouM be con- slijereil indtty of ihi* charKC mralnBl him. If In- should an sw er he would be trlc<l.

“The conference,*' declared one of the lnr;il m in isters thu o th e r day, "w ilt dls- txjNii {»f Ihe case llnatly, IP Hev, Mr. Dei kcr shall nut tu rn up 11 will br- tried without his prexi-nce. Ilu t he will tu rn uid [bat I know

Thr jicrond MuiUi r th a t will eiiuttKi* th e atlen tlon of the m h d s te rs and th a t will be w stcheil w ith A ifreat deni of Interest outside of the conference Is the discussinn of the quesiton w liH tie r o r not women sllqtl he a d m lttid a s dideitates to the G'-iii-ral riih fc ren cc . O f course the New­ark I ’onfererii'e eaiinot tak e any IcKlsbi- llve Hctlon on the mnit«r» bu i it can u k c a HiHTid for o r uKulnat the adm ission of women.

The third, and perhaps tho m ost Im port­an t quoKlIon th a t la to come up Is the pastors' tim e lim it. The paatorB a re now shifted ttltout front one charKe lu an o th e r a t leasl once In hv« years. If the Hishop Bees lit lo ru i^ e a 4’hanj?e In A paBtoratc before the exp ira tion of th a t time, however, he ra n do so.

The questiun Is a vexed otto and no douhi II will c au se n a re a l deal of nnl- m aied discussion. Tho conaenaus of opinion of the N ew ark Conference u l presenl ap p ea rs lo lie opposed to thu tlm e-llm lt riovt In voKue and m any of them com plain th a t us soon as banris of aftecilun am i eHteem a re (•aiablUhed between piialor and peoplts the C hurch rules conipel them lo be severed,

Resides dlacusalTiir theso th ree sub jec ts the conference will, hh ukuhI, e lect d eb - KUles to thu K cncral conference, which will be held u l C leveland, D,, cm May ], T herr am ulK)ut h a lf a hundred asp iran ts for the honor ornouK the tw o hundred snd tlfiy rnln lsiers w ho wdll inei-t In ihls city. Those uruinlm -nily m entioned arc Hov. Dr. 11, A, R u n s, preHldeiit of l>rew Henili4- a ry : U w , l>r. B atulforJ Van Benachoten^ pn^sldlntt elder of th a Eatersurt d istric t: Hev. Dr. 8. J . H am m ond, iiresldliiK elder of th e N ew ark d li tr lc t : itcv. Dr. H enry Hpellmoyer, of the C en tra l M othodlsi E p is­copal Church, snd Ucv, Dr. a. L. Uuldwln, recordlhjf si-i re ta ry of th e aMlsslouary Bo-


A t V a n t i n e ’ s

N o SMmer have th e c ititena of an Inde­pendent com m unity m ananed to provide them selves w ith a decent p a rk , th a n some oils com es a long w ith a proposition to m ake m oney o u t of It by some pottering-, peddlluff device. Thus, In New York City, w here p a rk space Is Invaluable, Jt la pro­posed t h a t ' "kioskB" shall be sca tte red th ru u fh th e various parks, In w hich such lu x u ries a s candy , sandw iches and soda pop s h a ll be dispensed to the vlsltln ir m ul­titude . It eeem t to be Impossible fo r the averaire A m erican m unicipality lo keep Its public p leasu re grounds c lear o f th is lunch-house nulsaoce. I t ts a N a tio n a l fa l t ln i . D oubtless, If a hundred New Y orkers should hs cas t upon a dese rt Island, ab o u t th e first th ing done would he to build a "k iosk" and s t t up a lunch coun ter. B u t, somehow, th s sandw ich and soda pop c u lt ough t to be k ep t w ltb ln bounds In th e publlo parks.

cleiy of iho M olhodlst Episcopal Church.Rlshop C vrus D. Foss will preulde over

thi« KatlicrlnK. W hile the jtaslorii am In conference in 8t. I 'huI’s C hurch the lav- men will KalluT In th e F ran k lin S tree t M.E. Chnn-h. N o ih ln g of any p a rticu la r Itn- norlaiire Is exn<M:t»*d to he develgpeO a t the la tte r g a the ring . I ts principal business W'lll he to e lect tw o lay delegates to the Cleveland confer»'iipe.

Ak none of tlie m in is te rs o f (h is cUy have rearhed the lim e lim it of five years there Witt be no ch an g es o f p a s lo rs unless (he lllKhup Ahall maKti an unsxpw tH l move.This a NKWH rc|>orier w as assured the Hl«hop would not do, for lh« reafloii th a t no chanKt*« ap p ea red to be necesmuy.

N ext y e a r 's conference, however, will m ake a t le a st fo u r chAiiges In prom inent N ew ark churchc^s If the (imtj, lim it rule shall be s tric tly enforced. Thoac wlto will have served five y e a rs In IW are Hev. Dr.Hnnrv B aker, of H(. H aul's C hurch; Hev.Dr. H e n ^ Spellm eyer, of ilu* <?cnlral i-'hurch; Itev . W lndeld C. anodgrass. of the C en tenary C hurch , and Ib v. Frcib rick t ’lare Baldwin, o f B(. E u k r 's Chun-h,While ihi'AH fo u r p aa lo rs will end dve years of lUTVlce In iW7 It mny be posHlblo th a t tho B ishop w ill allow ihem to re ta in the ir charges,

Hev. A, H . T u ttle , of the Jlosevllle church, who cam e to N ew ark from B alti­m ore abou t th re e years ugo, will have h( least tw o y e a rs m ore work to d s In his handsom e church* Rev. H, C, Bascom, of the DeOrool M. E, C hurch, who Is the suspended M r. D ecker's counsel. Is serv ing hlB second y e a r In his church, so he will probably rem ain . Rev. W. C, Kinsey, of the New Y ork A venue Church, is In his first year In th a t church and Rev. E. M.O arton, o f th e F ran k lin fltn .el Church, who cam e h e re from Summ it, has tw o years lo h is c red it. Hev. Charles \V. Mc­Cormick, o f th e H alsey S tree t C hurch, assum ed ch a rg e of his congregation la s t B urtn r Rev. 8. N. Be bout, of T rin ity church, will a lso ba a hold-over, as he haa had h li p resen t ch a rg e only a year. Rev.Frederick Hloom h as had charge of the E ighth A venue C hurch only abou t a year,

there Is no expectation of a change.The N ew ark C onfarence Is a large and

Im portant one. I t einbroces all ot N orthern Ntsw Jersey an d S ta ten Isjancl and a few aiqiolntm ents In Pennsy lvan ia.

There w as a final m eeting of th e com­m ittee th a t in Ij) charge or the a rran g e ­m ents In connection w ith the con ferenc^ j un*.r.h.xi- a t a t. Paul'B M ethodist Episcopal C hurch yesterday a fte rnoon . The session w as a

one und la sted a long while. Dr.

Vantine’s Oriental Silks are great aids to good dressing— and every one admires a well dressed woman.


Hupsrior qualitlei,21 In. wldt. Iff Id. wUle,

jrd. 40r, yd.Our fnrtnvr pries for Our form er p r r e (ur

this grade, ikto. th is grade, ttOr.27 lo. wide. fiUr. yd.

Our fnnjiur pries for this graile, 70c. VnilTK liA B D TA l h lL K S ,.

hui>trior qualities^!£) In. wide, STin. w'ldSi

nitc, yd. 4(»c. yd.(Mir fnriusr prb:^ for Our form er price for

ihU urads. 4Vc. th is grade, ffelo.:w In. vrlils isx ira bsavyl, tMic. yd.

Uur former price for IUIh grads* VUc.

A. A. VANTINE & CO.,The Joirprst JnjwiKW, ('htncM LiTuI JwJPi JtifMM In the UYH'hL

IIT7-fl7(l lirom lw ay, N, T.



N ot c o n te n t w ith the colossal Im pulse to her local In d u strie s and m unicipal expan ­sion com m unicated by th e W orld ’s F a ir , th e c ity o f C hicago proposes soon to hold a S o u th e rn S ta te s E xhibition, w ith a view to th s o sp tu re from th e effe te E a s t of a la rg e sh a re o f B outhem trade , in p rogressive Omaha» too, th e re Is to be held In 1S98 a T ranam lsilaslpp l Exhibition^ de­signed to r iv e t upon th e a tte n tio n of W est­e rn people th e claim s of O m aha to be the m etropolis o f th e m ountain and prairie S ta te s o f th s f a r W est. T hese a re Im ­p o rta n t undertakIngN, of w hich E as te rn m a n u fa c tu re rs snd m erchan ts will scarce­ly fa il to ta k e carefu l note, E v e ry suc­cessfu l W e lta m exhibition c u ts aw ay a portion o f th e ground under th e feet of E a s te rn en terp rise .

In re p o rtin g to Congress the post and rem u n e ra tio n a tten d an t upon the ex ist­ing a rra n g e m e n t In regard to th e fu r sea ls on th e l^ lby lo ft Islands, th a Secre­ta ry o f the T reasury notes th a t during th re e seasons post the com pany which leases th e Islands has secured bu t 3H.u31 seal sk in s. T his com pany has paid no ren ta l alnoe and but |70,iKKi during 1B91 and 1R92. For policing B ehring St-a, expenses Of agen ts and em ployes, cost of a rb itra tio n and estim ated dam ages to C atiadian sealers, tha cost to th e Uovern- m enl since 1K91 has been obout |2,150,0U(J. No w onder U ncle Bam w an ts to kill off the seals.


Of Pianos. The thing for each buyer to do is to try and find the one Piano, of all others, that most nearly meets his desires. The one that suits him as to quality—that most nearly reaches the price he feels he ought to pay. No one Piano is best for everybody.

We sell five makes here- the Steinway, Hardman, Gabler, Vose and Sterling. One or the other will he found to fit right into everyliody’s desires and everyhodyls purse. We are here to explain all about them any time you come.

Thera ar< many kluds a f Blanos In our la r^a lu rooui. U s can iiilt a uumbar uf pa<ipla bars. If thay w lU voiuala.


LAUTER CO.,New Jersey'* Largest Piano ant! Organ Dealers,

6 5 7 - 6 5 9 B K O j f L D S T R E E T .

T hara Is no a p p aren t d isposition on tho p a rt o f tho A gricu ltu ral UepartTnent to cnfopcw tha law requiring the inspection of m oa ts fo r oxporl. The lim e fo r c a r ry ­ing th e regu la tion Into effect h a s boon Ulrica ex tended hy Secretary M orton: the la st tim e u n til June 1 next. E x p o rte rs of m eat p ro d u c ts aru evidently convinced th a t no aiivantHgu In truda could be gained by th e rig id cnforpomeiii of a law w hich would h av e tho u lterior effect of oonecn- tru tln g Ihe m eat export trad e u n d er tha con tro l of a v ast monopoly. R etalia tion , not udUltIunal safrguarda, Is tho answ er to E u ropean discrim ination favored by A m erican tuua l exporters.

A ecard lng to a recent report of th e Beo- re la ry of W ar a t Madrid th e re a re now em ployed In m ilitary service un tho island of tJu b a lin.tii! regular troops of Iho 9 |ian- Ish A rm y. T he Hpanlsh vo lun teer force, which Is chiefly engaged In ga rrison duty, num bers ab o u t K).nun, Tim Bpanlsli fores fur the suppression of Insurrection, ih e n ’- foro, exceeds 1W,(KI0 m en—a m uch la rge r a rm y th a n was ten t by G rea t l ir lta ln to enforce obedience and submlsBloii upon h e r A m erican colonies 120 years ago*

The cap tu red filibusters, Judging from the action of tho Benate. m ay have done uioro fo r Cuba liy getting cau g h t than they w ould have accomplished hy carry ing Ih e lr a rm s and sm m unlilon to the Fver- fa ith fu l Isle.

, --------—-------•-----------------T he U nited S ta tes B m ate shows by Us

action In reference lo C u b a th a t It re ta in s som eth ing m ore ihun a Plckw 'lcklan In­te rest In courage, liberty arid Independ­ence.

Spellmeyer, Its chairm an , presided.

r o r n v e a k b a d o a n d n o w .

Koine I 'le sasn t lurlilsqtB B rought to L ight a t a l*e«p Year Party .

In on« w ay o r a n o th e r the n ineteen young women who help Frln<’lpal F . H. Hanson to lay th e foundations fo r the fu tu re g roatness o f the youngsters who attend the W ash ing ton S treet and ths Murehul] S tree t schools, continue to san d ­wich In a wliole lot of fun betw een the sessions of th e ir respective c lasses. A favorite m eans of recrcailon am ong the teachers l.s th e b 'up y t^ r reception, such aa waa hi-ld in p rin c ip a l H anson 's office on Thursday aftornoon. A lthough the re- cepllon only occurs once In four yeara the icftchers m ake enough of It to la s t over until the nex t rime, and a HUIe to spare If lU'ud lic. The leap year observances were hiiiugiinucd on l-cbruary 29. 1892, whi'ii cKrli of Ih f tPHulura was oalleu upon to wrllt* nh u sbi'i'i of papi-r som e sentl- niftii, nuHto o r cxi.iTpi wliU h nhi' thoug lu P>‘irlh'UlurJy Mvilli'd In tin* occasion. The whole bualm-as waa then placed In an e n ­velope and laid aw ay until T hursday , when the leai hera inoi unalii and llie p ack ­age was exljulned.

The Uipae uf lim e and the Incidents whii-h have occurred aliice the w riting ma<lc iminy uf [he luKcrljUiana suhu to have lu rti Inspired, th ie young wom an wliu a t thu i tim e wap cxp rc tlng Bunn to iH‘.'omo 11 liluahlng lirlde wrote the words, ‘T o be ur tini ioT»e." Him vvi g m cepiluii and confesaeil w ithout reserve th a t Jl whh "not to ln‘." AmdluT, who made a aami'Wlnil a lm lla r confcaalon, blusbed as her JiiscrIptUiJii of four yi-ura ugu Waa read, na fnlJowa:

»f (ill tile sad words of totigue or pen.The HadilcHt a rc Uicae, It m ight have

been."T hat "uJl th in g s conic to (hose who

w all ' wan iirov'Mi by ilie Ifacher, who, since w rlllng ihu.-«e words, has become a iiiipi-y wlfo and ihuIIu t .

I ’oHHibJe re fc rch rc i<> ih»> marUaJ engage- nicius itich fxlHtUig. In wblch two of u ie teachura were pariieH uf the second pari, Timy have actunte»l ihe tta c h e r who WTiue: "Thca<- ursi [inicK th a t try men s huiiIh." W in ih e r o r luii any of the leach- erw heedid th e inJiincTton: "n iils , leap; leap VInil I a rt’. ' vlld not appear In evi­dence. imr Would any of the leacherw say Avlii nn r llu-y hat| h-arned a tty th lng alujut the "Hajjipy lainl, fa r, fu r iiwuy," of which one of their num hi-r wroic.

A fter refrcKliTiiiMiLrt hud b^cii served MIhh Ju lia 8 . HulldWiiy took charge of afTiilrN aa luaat-tnlNirena. Mlaa Hotter lold of "L eup-yuar eiiarjces,’’ and MIhs Biringor lauaed ihe W ashlnkton H ired Behool. w'hilc Mrs. C ra te r 's llnmm w as th e M ar*hull S inm l Hi-rmol, [ii reHjjomllug to the lonst "Uur P rincipal," MIhs Aher showed how abbrcvlaiLuti of the th le m ade Mr, H anson "Our I'rlni’c ." "O ur 'Hctiaea,'' by Miss Crane, wum a review o f the "H ad a head- egg," ".Mi- Hlaier got married,*' ‘'Mn tmither gm-H out w anhln’ on Tueatlaya" und "1'hn sidew alks w as too slippy" pleas ad\ancud by the piqdls u s apologies for tardiness. Miss M arlin , vlca-prlmdpul of Ihe W arren Hireet Bchuol, and MIhs lla r- bard, of the N orm al School, lold uf "ThoHe who h ave gone lo o ther fields," »□<! Miss M cduw un explained the m ys­teries of the Uoiiiul lalile.

Mrs. Hnuw and M rs. FishiT . who liavs m arried sm ee tbo la s t recepiJon, spoke of "Those who have left u s," wbilc Miss Jaoksiui und MIhs I 'rldham , both of whom are reported a s wi^arlng engagsm onl rings, toM of "T hose who Intend to leave us.*’ MIsh H ollow ay 's Juim oroiis i)uem, "Those who rc tna ln ," wan full of leap- year etU’ou iugcm cn l, and "T he New Cur- rlcnluTu" w as described In rhym e I

The L atte r la a N ua-|H irtlM n Affair^ W ith Mayor L eb k u erh sr L eanings,

Tax Receiver Ju liu s F in g e r h a s Blarled out In m ake his preseiu’e fe lt In tho pre­lim inary work of th e sp rin g cam paign. He has "opened a book," wlfich trea ts of m unicipal m a tte rs purely , In­asm uch os (he jniaiio>n g f the ijook and Mr. F inger is to advance th e In te rests of Mayor Lebhueoher In his con test for ra- numliiuilun. I t ’s an innovation In politics, Is (his little device, b u t Mr* F inger dlstdalrns c red it fo r Us Invention. In the samu hreu th he aaya th a t the Idea Is not M ayor L ebkuecher's . The brain of a minor clerk In th e H ecclver's office, N uthun Ilym es. Is sa id to have evolved the Idea.

It 's A good-slxi'il lM>ok. People h ave won­dered why Mr. F in g er d id n 't have a 'm a n . (ir a big, s tou t boy lo c a r ry th e book, while he walked along to d irec t the expedition*

"T iia i 's the kind o f a R eceiver (o have," rem arked an old cUlxen. who stood a t the corner of Broad and M arket s tre e ts the other day. "W h en tlie p eo p le fa llto c a U a t his offlee and pay th e ir tax e s M r F inger just tro ts a f te r them w ith his book an d Im- purtunes Ihem lo s e tt le up. Tell you w hat, money paid (h a t k ind of a m an it* money Well spent."

This was said p rio r to th e unrave lling of the m ystery uf the book.

A N EW S repo rte r noticed th a t Mr, F ln- g>*r ui'custcd m any clUaen know n to be wealthy and a lw ays p rom pt In th e pay- niem of taxes and a ll o th e r obligations. He would upen h is little—or ra th e r b lg ^ book, point to Bomelhlng w ritten o r p r in t­ed therein and then m ak e som e re m ark s upparenUy in an en erg e tic s o rt o f way. He would alao g e sticu la te w ith rem arkable rap id ity . Bome o f tha men would sh ak e th e ir heads In a MCKailve so rt of a way* g e sticu la te a l i t­tle on the ir own account* and move on. Uf course, th e re p o rte r would be su rp rised that these men w ouldn 't p ay up a t once. U iher men accosted would lis ten to Mr. F inger’s appeals, perfo rm a few calls- thcnlc feats and finally w rite som eth ing In the book.

in the course o f h is ex p lo ra tio n s T hurs­day afternoon, the receiver dropped Into a well-known re so rt on M ark e t s treet, and It w as not long before th e book was being subjected to a c ritica l Inspection all around and Its sec re t laid bare.

Dn the Inside o f the fron t cov­er Is pasted a ty p ew ritten letter* It begins w ith the announcem ent th a t the tim e fo r the ch a r te r election Is epproacn ing . The "proc­lam ation ," aa som e call it, goes on to say th a t "we consider It o u r privilege and our d u ty" to Indorse M ayor Lob-

le . F u rth e r on li say s ; "H is ad- m ln u tra tlo n in ou r Judgm ent h a s been

th a t effect, a re sa id sh o u t tha and It is u rged th a t

HOP BITTERS-------C U R E S -------

D yspepsia, B ilio u sn e ss, Liver Com plaint, N e u ra lg ia ,C o n stip a tio n-------ANU ALL— —

KIDNEY D ISEASES.F o rK a leb y C h arlea llo lih au e r. F h a ru ia rlit.co r, M arket and Broa«lhta.. Newark*

g rea t," or words to O ther nice th ings

[levM ayor and h is poll he be given a renomlnatlon* of the "proclam ation ' Irrespective of party.

T he algnera roclamuM on" declare th a t they,of (he .

, . fav o r the Mayor^srenomlnatlon*

The first nam e on th e l)OOk la (h a t of B. S trauss, and Mr. F in g e r explained to a NEW S repo rte r and o th e rs th a t the fron t page w as reserved fo r those cUIxens who were well known.

"How m any s ig n a tu re s have you got?" asked a m an to whom Mr. F in g e r exh ib it­ed the book.

"Oh, we have H5 o r IW nam es!" replied the T ax Receiver, " b u t you know I 'v e only been ou t a day o r tw o."

Among those In (he reno rt to w hom Mr. F inger showed (he 1h>uK w ere Commia- eluner B urkhard t, of the B oard of W orks, and School Uommlssloiier N a lh an . N e ith e r signed It*

Mr. B u rk h ard t listened p a tien tly while M r Finger, with m any gestloulatlonB, ex­patia ted on the m erits gf M ayor Lebkuech- er. The a rgum ents, how ever, w ere peem- ingly not convincing, a s fa r a s Mr. B urk- h a rd l was concerned, for he d idn 't even (ouch (he book with puiicll, chalk o r pen. M r N athan dblti't fo r a m om ent consider the matti-r. He w m ihln'l sign and th a t set- (UhI It. He wondererl, loud onouKb for every one p resen t to hear,w hal Mr. F inger w as paid for.He answ ered the question w hen no one else illd, by rem ark in g th a t the Tax Receiver was one who received taxes and he based hie concluHlon on the s tren g th of the anfflx "e r," w hich, he arg\ied, like one fAmlllar w'lth such th ings, m ean t "one who." Hu having suKlud th a t, he won­dered aloud If Mr. i-'lnger wa« paid as an expressm an to cart a book around , and he concluded th a t he w asn 't. Then he sighed A heavy sigti, ch aseJ a Hoiith O range ave­nue c a r Keing "D ow n N eck" am i went h ^ e , Al Icaat he w ent In th a t direction.

T he byatandprs tu rned to Mr. F inger. All were curious to know w h a t u se w as lo he made of the s ig n a tu re s when all th a t could be obtained w ere Inscribed on the bonk. A look of Infinite w isdom appeared on the Tax R eceiver's face. H e (ook from hlfl m om h a cigar, sm iled an d said;

"W alt;"But Mr. F inger subsequen tly l>ecamo

confidential when speak ing to an old ac ­quaintance. To (he la t te r he explained th a t the nam es w'hich he obtained would be subm itted In the form of a p tqiilon lo the delegates at the convention , when It cam e to BcletMlng H cand idate , o r perhaps bo piihlished In a nowspapcT to show how much w as though t o r M ayor Lt hiuiecher and hlB adm in is tra tion . Mr. F inger gave the book a careaslng p a l o r two, placed It under h is arm and w a n t his way.

80C1AL H A PPEN IN G S.M rs, Thom as B. Allen g ave an en terla ln -

m eiit th is a fte rnoon a t her residence, 71 Newton alreet. T he tab le w as decorated w ith L a F rance roses and m aidenhair fern und th e "sp read" consisted of w hat is (urm ed a ladlt's’ lunch. A fte r lum li w hist w as enjoyed by Mrs. A llen 's guests, who w ere: Mrs. Dr. E lla H aines. Mrs.Edw ard Bpaclh. Mrs. Ueurge B. Swain. Mrs. Lenla, Mrs. L. Joy, Mrs. L* LeLong, Mrs. A. A lbright, Mrs. A. F. K. M artin, Mrs. Van Dorn, Mias W lldrich, Mias Har* belle and Mrs, F, Conklin.

Mrs. U, B. W ard en terta ineil a p a rty of friends a t her home, 17 S tra tfo rd place. Lust n ight.

A m usical w as given Uy Mies Tom nkins a t the residence of her m other, Mrs. D. A. Tompkins* of Lincoln avenue. Tuesduy night. The parlo rs were decorated with palm s and cu t figwers, A collation was served by Davis. Violin solos were given by E. S tah l and Mias Florence Tom pkins und piano selections w ere played by John F. H u rk h ard i and Miss Tom pkins, while Ihe vocalists w ere: Sopranos, Mias Hmiih and M iss M arlon T om pkins; contraltos, Miss Belle H am pton and Miss Florence M ulford, and baas, C urils R urne tt

A "K inder Blnfonle" C lub w as organ- Ixed la s t n igh t a t the residence of Miss Alice. K irkpa trick . M orris F. W eeks will be d irecto r. The m em bers a re ; Mias F ran - cea Dvpue. Miss A drianna Edgar* Miss N ina Jackson* Miss M argaret Nichols, D um ont M ercer, Henr>' Young. J r ., E d ­w ard W righ t, John L. Young and Farcy E dgar.

R obert O’O orm an gave a s la g card p a rty a t h is home, 104 Broad s treet, la st night.

M iss P a lm er gave a card p a rty M onday n ig h t a t her home* 64 N ew ton alreet. The P layers wore: M iss M argaret Hoxelton, M iss S ara Otto* Miss Fenton. M iss E dna I'a lm er, M iss M ary H alner, Miss Nellie B row aakl, M iss Louise D rake ,E dw ard An- dross, C harles H alner, Charles W elden, (Jllvvr Keevea, Mr* Young, Jack A* Mao A rth u r , E dw ard DrowaSKl, Mias L au ra S rhellenberger, Miss C lara Jacksom W. B erden. C.“ w eadey . T he p rlie s w ere aw arded to Miss B* Fenton . Miss Nellie Brow'oxki, J a c k M acA rthur and E^dward Androsn.

Miss Jean Cham penois gave a card p a rty T hursday n igh t a t her residence, 47 L in­coln I ’ark*

M rs. Thom as A. M urphey gave a card p a rty la st n ight a t her home, 222 Belle­ville avenue*

T he L adles' Subscription W h is t Club played a t N orth End H all (his ahernoon .

M iss Ju lia Dobbins en te rta in ed the C hrlsllan E ndeavorors T hursday n igh t a t h e r home, 971 B road street.

The U p-to-D ats W hist C lub m et a t (he residence of Mr. and M rs. P o tte r . 424 Bummer avenue, W ednesday night. The prises were won by Mrs. Dye, D r. W arren, Mrs. B row er and Mr. Btidfole.

A subscription dance w as given a t D a­v is 's W ednesday n igh t under the m anage­m ent of Joseph K. Meyer, A lfred J. F taher and M* P lau t. Among those p resen t were: Mr. and Mrs. Qus Flaut* Mr, and M rs. A. K Meyer, Mr. and Mrs, Al J . F lah tr , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ooldsmlth, Mr. and Mrs. F crd R auch, Mr. anti Mrs. Lew U J. Llpp- m an, Mr. an d Mrs. J . K ats, Joseph Korn, F ra n k N ewclty, M. P lau t, F ran c is S traus,

! Joseph R* Meyer, Miss Florence Trier, L ew is S trau s , Miss S. R lchelm er. of Johns-

' tow n, N. Y.; H. Clay Levy, Miss Jac^kson, I of C hicago: C harles M ichaels, Miss J . Ml- I chaela, Mr, Bachm an, M iss H elena

H trauas, Jacob F. Meyer and Miss Ida Hose* D ancing w as In te rn in te l a( 11:30 fop

. supper, a f te r which Alfred J . F lih e r led (he cotillon* This was the second o f t, ser-

I Ics of three subscription dances.I M rs, F ranc is O rlbben held a m usical

W ednesday her home, 19 8i, F ran -! riB s tree t. 'The a r tis ts w ere: P ianist,

C ountess Gllda Itu ta ; baritone, Blgnor I ’ls- acan e : elocutionist. Miss N clbenger; vlnl- Inlst, P ro fesso r Magglo: sopranos, Shbb Hophla F riedm an and Mrs. G ribben.

Mrs. C* E. H ayes gave a card p a rty T hursday n igh t a t her home, J4&Thirteenth avenue.

G alas yeste rday Invited .Afuyelte s tree t, a p a rty

o f friends to celebrate the icv en lle th a n ­n iv e rsary of the b irth of her m other. Mrs. Zielder, Bome of the gu ests w ere Mrs.

i H tuder, of M ontclair; Mrs. H. C. H. HsrobI, , M rs. T* H lnrlchsen , Mrs. L. D. Adler, Mrs.I H erndt, Mrs. A. u lririchsen , Miss Sophia j F riedm an and Mrs. Blrken.; M rs, W. 11. iMoeller gave an afternoon

tea a t h e r resilience, ^ Freem an street, j T hursday . A large num ber of friends I called* am ong them being Mrs. J . Goerta, ' Mrs. T. Nicdi, M rs. H. <\ I t. Herold, Mrs.

M rs. E m m a L. __ _ , __to h e r home, 143 f.o.fuyelte s treet,

LEA TH ER T R tK T BUYING li l l lE S .

Dort nuis. In te lling nf " I 's ," Mr, llunson wue fiilt of ]diy for Idmaetf, "alone wltli hlriclren wnmuii.'* Tite teachers will have im oihcr riM'i'i.tlun four years hence, whert i tin* imper p repared on T hursday will be upfued* I

As a Consequencfi (he Chicago M arknt lia s l!e«n fitreiigthenriL

The Shoe and L e a th e r Review, In re ­viewing the Chicggo pucker hide m arkvi for the week, soys;

"The m i te d Btates- Ijea th c r Com pany bought 2 ,000 hides from one pat'ker this week. The purchase Includes na tive as well ns brandnd steers, an d In some selec­tions takes the packer up lo M arch 1 on de. liveries. Of courHO tho effect wll] to still fu r th er s treng then the m arket. No. 1 na­tive steers. 80 pounds and up, a re ratlu-r strong a t S V . S pready steers a re held a t No. 1 bu tt-firandM siee rs (Wpounds and on, a re held a t 7c. No. 1 Texas steers, w pounds and up, were sold to several buyers to the am ount of fully H.OOO in Chicago and on the M lssom i River ul 6V - heavy, 8ViC, fo r ligiir, und ik for exircine light hides. L ight Texaa steers alone can not be hnnghi for less than bV - No. 1 Colorado, o r sliU'-brumbMl steers, (ki pounds o r up, a re fairly «teady at flVio. No. 1 native cows,'Ki ptnindH and

\ u ^ ‘ up, a re 41 shade easier* L ight native cows, MiBH ■ puuTvds and '*----- — ’ -

G ales, MIsa B erirani.Mrs. J . H ensler, Mrs, John K rueger, Miss

iMrn. L. n* Adler,____ _ . ...... ....................... . . . . 'ger, y ■Sophia P'rledm an and Mrs. Koelhoffer.

Mrs. W illiam F ln ter gave a tea W ednes­day afte rnoon a t her residence, 344 T hlr- teeiU havenue. A m ongihecn llers were Mrs. L iste r, Mre. Moeller, Mrs. B rand t, M rs. T. NIcol. Mrs. A. Ooerla, Mrs. H erndt, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Kuhn, Mrs. Enirel- berger, Mrs. K norr, Mrs. C. K racm er, Mrs. G. Busch, Mrs, G ardner, M rs. WIbb, Airs. D Iefenbach and Mrs. Luff.

M rs. W ackenhuth en terta ined pf friends W ednesday afternoonh o n e on Freem an street.^ Mrs. C. Fsigon-

‘y e r . .Nlre. F t

, ------------1 down, a re sold iq> coTnjilete-ly und none Is lo be had u( present. Tho nominal tirlcs Is 8c. N ative bullH uro held u l G\c. fiat for g rubs , HratuJed bulls are iiomlnul a l 6l4c."

T he V engauelan ConnniHslon seem s like­ly to aeon be In a posUiun to give Lord 8a llsh iiry a nice long lessun In South A m erican geography.

ktimlav'Hrhooi Teachers to Hava m Hally,A rally of the Sunduv-school teachers

A l.ruet. «1t..ete,i on A -lilen,l sIlm iai-eohnorA iTeoclItton w ifriS . h " h f Innvi'iiUi', Oit (Ji niiKf. Iiml uwupil by John , iha pork M ethodist C hurch Itlooiiiilcl.'l

Ilrim ti F a c to r) ' ITiiinageil hy I 'lre ,

nro is suppos. .1 to /h o v e “ Lr'jSidJh T hJ | a " " ' ? e c r e t s j - y , will deliver en od-G eneral W eyler has been pu rsu in g u

policy th a t m ay resu lt In fo rcing Bpatn to reckon w ith a peacem aker of m ore than Ub ilxe*

bolb'j'-rooui The Wffll Oruiigo I'Mro Dc- ; piirlmctit did ex ce llfn i Bcrvlce In fighting ih e blaze.

Testeil a New Explosive*SANDY HOOK, Feb. 2 y .-F lv e shells

loaded w ith th e H athaw ay h igh eJ^loalve, w hich la c laim ed to be m ore pow erfu l than dynam ite , w ere yesterday successfu lly fired from a six-pound l)r lg g S '8 rh ro ed e r rifle* w ith a full powder oharge. F o u r of the shells penetra ted a four-lnuh p la te and exploded In a sand butt hack o f U. The la s t shell, w hich was fired w ith o u t a de­tonator* to show th a t the pow der will not explods w ith o u t th s cap, p en slra ted th e p l a u an d did no t go ofL


is a branch of 123 Chambers St,, New York, 'rite home of the Winton Bicycle.

BoIUrd Rubb«r Co.

A Loyal Sunday-school Arm y,' and wilt tell ahou t tho hom e ''d ep artm en t" work In Ihe Bunday-school. N orm al and (ffilning oIbsb work, p rac ilca lly llluBtratf-a by a "Filhle r e a d in g .w i l l be conducted by Rev. R, M. L uther, p a s to r of th e 8otith R apiist Church, N ew ark . "H ow to Teach a F ilm ary C lass" w ill the sub jec t of an address by M rs. B tephen M. C lark. ljresldent_of th e O range P rim ary Union,

A M in ister 's iT tfe to Rue, Ex-A ssem blyroan C harles B. S to rrs has

been retained as counsel by. Mrs, H enry Cross, wife of Hev. H en ry CrosB, lo sue the Delaware, L ack aw an n a and w este rn R ailroad Conmany on accoun t of Injuries received on D ecem ber 26 la s t, w hen h e r nose w as broken by fa llin g upon a h>^ap of loose stones th a t w ere ad ja ce n t to the ra ilroad com pany's tra c k s n e a r the Cone Street Station, Ip Orango.

p arty a t her

____ Felgispan, Mrs, flehroeder, Mrs. M(q*er. .\1 H, C. H. Herold, Miss Sophia F riedm an, Mra. W aefferllng and Alisa M ary K oehler w ere In t i n party .

T he Young W om en's C hris tian Assoola- llon will grve Us annual tea T hursday , from 4 to 'T P . M., a t the Hom e fo r In cu ra ­bles. C arriages will meet gueats a t B road and C ourt a trests.

M rs. J . C hadiey gave a tea T uesday a f­ternoon a t her residence. 8 W est P a rk s treet.

M rs. Oeorgo H, Bimonda en te rta in ed a la rge p a rty of friends W ednesday and T hursday n igh ts a t her home. 874 Bum­m er avenue.

The m anagers of the Hom e for Crippled C hildren gave their annual lea a t the Institution* 66 Boulh E ighth street* Mon­day, from 4 to 7 V. M. F riends and sym - pathlfcers of the charity called and were received by the ufficers am i m anagers* who en terta ined by acq u a in tin g th« guests w ith the conditions or the home, os well as by serving them w ith tea .

A progressive w hist p a rty w as given a t D av is 's Buturday night fo r the benefit of ihe H osp ital for Women and C hildren. Mre. John L. Mackey and M rs. C harles H. M ackey were Uie prom oters o f the a f­fair. Among the players w ere M r, a n a Aim. John G rover, Air. and M rs. C harles 81- moiiHon, Ur, ifaydon. Mrs, R. P rudon, Mr* find Mrs. A. T. Looker. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Osborne, .Miss Edith Osborne. M r. and Mrs. A rth u r Bamlfard, Mr. and M rs. O. H. H trohtll, M iss o m e tte , th e M isses Stltes* Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Chase, M rs. C harles A, Van Doren* Q libert C. H astin g s , M iss E lla W agiT, Mr. and Mrs. C harles Hehtilon, Dr. F. Kdsall Rllev and Mrs* R iley, Mr, ami Mrs. P K Innara and M iss K lnhard , Mrs. H enry Bayre, P r . R and , M rs. E. 8. H unt, M rs. J . Eno, Mrs, Lcvl H. B arnard , Mr. and Mrs. W illiam F . Volk, M rs. E d ­w ard S toutenburgh, Mr. an d M rs. Leslie M iller, H. E. Holorook. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Castle, Mr. and Mrs* F rederick N esler and Mr. and M rs. T hom as Murphy*

4'hauops for a LIvef j E l^etlan .T he chances a re th a t th e re w ill be a live­

ly election In South O range T ow nship In April* allhouKh there a re only a few of- ficefi to lie filled. T he te rm of Hamuol B. T tllou, as chairm an o f the T ow nsh ip Com­m ittee. will expire. H e will ru n again, h u t who th e D em ocrats will pR ag a in st him cannot he said a t p resen t. Jo seph H. Osborn, Tow nship C lerk, w ill ag a in be nomlTiated by the D em ocrats, a n a Philip D etrtch will be nom inated to succeed him ­self as O verseer o f th e Poor. Mr. D etrlch la a Republican and the D em ocrats hope to p a ras a candidate w be w ill b e a t 1 | ^


re tu rn e d the sp ecu la to r


A biievajator W ho ilp id on la Btoek for a Fur|iOM>,

Frcm the W ash ing ton Post.Ms rubbl'd hia hands to g e th e r gleefu lly ."Well, I'm a w inner on th a t la s t dea l,"

he said.Ggi>d." re tu rn ed th e broker* " I tobl

you th a t you ought to sell, an d you d id n 't to Ix'lleve m e a t tlie time. W hen did

you let It go?""I d idn 't let It go ." replied tho a m a te u r

speculator. "1 have U y e t.""H ave It y e t!" cried the b roker In a s to n ­

ishment. "W hy, g re a t m ackerel? R 'a only M now."

1 know R* complacently.^^^'And w hen I to ld you to sell It w as

"T h a t's r ig h t.""Then 1 c an 't see how you m oke y ou r­

self out the w inner."''T h a t 's because you do n ’t know me as

well as I do m yself. I 'v e go t th e stock now, h av en 't I? "

''Yea.""Anil It’s w orth 66?”"Yes.""Well, (hen I'm Ju st th a t m uch ahead . I

tell you i WHS tem irted to sell w hen It w as 118, bu t I w as ab le to re s is t the te m p ta ­tion."

"R ut, If you hod sold, th in k w h a t you would have now !"

"N ot a cent,** re tu rn e d the specu la to r prom ptly. " I would h ave s tak e d out to celebrate and it would have gone In tw en­ty -fou r hours. I would he b roke now. Oh, I know when I 'm a w inner."

Kemembsr tVadneafisys and Imturdara ars Special Real Eetat* Days” In the NEWS. Ac­

tual paid circulation, over 37,000 per day.

M emento J u s t th e gome.Prom the W oonsocket (R. I.) R eporter.

"I presum e you c a r ry a m em ento of som e sort In th a t pocket of yours?”

"Precisely, U Is a lock o f my hu sb an d 's h a ir .”"B ut your husband 1* etlll alive r '

Yea, but hie h a ir le all ffone."

Malaria and RbeumatismFrom the Jo u rn a l, W ilm ington, Ohio.

On one of the fe r ti le fa rm s o f the rich Ohio Valley, seven mile# from W ilm ington, the county sea t of C linton C ounty, Ohio, and but a sh o rt d is tan ce from the sm aii tow n o f Melvin, th e ir postofflee* In a cosey, little coun try home, resides Jo h n A rra - im ith and his wife* Minnie.

A few days since a rep re sen ta tiv e o f T h e Jou rna l drove o u t to M elvin to see them . In the course o f the conversation , Mrs. A. detailed the fac ts o f h e r cu re :

"L as t Ju ly ," sold she, "from undue e x ­posure In m y w ork ab o u t the farm , I con­trac ted m a la ria l fev e r and rheum atism and suffered from the Illness g rea tly . I could not th row It off, and a lth o u g h con­s tan tly a ttended by local physicians, con­tinued to grow w orse. In flep tem ber I caugh t a severe cold, w hich g re a tly In­creased m y o th e r troubles, and tak in g to my bed there 1 lay fo r m onths. T he rh e u ­m atism grew m ore ag g rav a ted , and fo r eight long w eeks p rio r to la s t C h ris tm as I w as perfectly belpless, m y lim bs below th e hips being a s if pa ra ly sed and 1 h av ing no use of them w ha teve r. I could no t help myself In any w ay. and w as not ab le even to tu rn over In bed un less my husband or Bome one else ram e and tu rn ed me. Medl- rinssw lilch the physicians le ft did no good, and nothing 1 could take afforded any re ­lief. i w a j d iscouraged an d f e a r ^ tliikl never again would 1 be up and ab o u t the house. I t was an y th in g bu t a b rig h t pros- pfjct, for 1 w as b u t tw en ty years old, had

m arried only tw o years, and my lifeWHS before me, and to go th rough It a htilplesK ciipp ir, a burden to m y ij w as a fea rfu l fa te to th in k of*

‘'1 had read In the W ilm ington Jo u rn a l from tim e to tim e a rtic le s te lling of tho wonderful cures w hich had been effected hy Dr. W illiam s's P ink F ills, and had bo- come im pressed w ith the cases w here they had caused persons to w alk an d recover who had been as help less a s I w as. Con­sulting m y husband , we de term ined to give them a trial. So he drove Into W ilm ington and, going to the d ru g s to re o f G eorge W. Brown, bought th ree boxes of the pills, t began tak in g them im m ed la lly on h is re ­turn. T h a t w as ab o u t the first of th e p res­en t year. B efore th e first box w as gone 1 began to reallae th a t T w as g e ttin g be tte r, and by the tim e 1 finished tne second boxthe pain w ith w hich I had been suffering for nearly six m on ths and the disease which had m ade m e helpless fo r e igh t weeks d isappeared en tire ly and 1 g o t up. I took the tn lrd box of (he pUls and have never fe lt a tw inge o f rh eu m atism since, and I am doing m y da lly w ork an d feeling as well aa anybody."

To confirm the sto ry Mrs* A rraem lth m ade the following affldavR:

Bworn to l>efore m e and subscribed In my

Sresence, a t W Umlngton, Ohio, th is 2&ih ay of June, 1895.0* g. H IL D E R R A N T . C lerk Of C ourt.Dr. W llllam i's P in k P ills fo r Pale People

a re now given to th e publlo o s an unfa iling blood builder and n e rv e resto rer, cu rin g all form s of w eakness s rls tn g from a w a te ry condition o f the blood o r sh a tte red nerves* The pills a re sold by a ll dealers, o r will be sent postpaid on receip t o f prloe (60 cen ts a box, o r six boxes fo r 92.50—th ey are never ■old lb bulk o r by the 100) by addreesing D r.W llllan is's M edicine Com pany. Schenec­tady, N. y*


Suoti u Tulfpt, Oitfadllli, Vlultli. Lllr of Iht Vallif, Hriointlu ind Rout in lobt fOUlHl It

H .C . S T R 0B E L L & B R 0. IWi maki 1 ipnlilt; ol Floral Dnipi,;

imngait In iho liloil itjlo.7 88 3 BROAD i T R I l T ,


GmteM ol ait Restdiea.O N S S O T T L E w il l c u r e y o u .




M IN E R 'Q hewariiT H EA T R Un i^ H C R iiT L # A D eerilrned iJMU. 11. C. M lN E n....IT opfle to r u u l MiTU«*r THOR W. M INKlt.............. Reeldent M e iu „ r


THE : i . iN la h t ie tl lo H 'iT lie e tr e , :

FOUNbUNC!W ith the tirea t and Only

«""" SEEId ® !1 i t , ” r a n

In Her Inlmltelile D ine ...4 4 TIIK I'.LHM iaN.illLK K .U iE I • -

MenagtiuMil O I^K L K S KltoH.MANN.


ANI> Hl.v M K K Itl (tiMI'ANY* InagriU id ruvlv.Ug{ the ever popular and

UtllHlloilt” W A N « ! ”

and the plrturehque and tuneful

” D R . S Y N T A X I ”Monday. TueatlHy* i % A # J l Ik IWedni'Mlay, Saturday, • \ / u A l \ l | . M aJlnvuand Kveikluv. 1 » w a l l ^ V ^ e

Thuniday and Friday. | DR. SYNTAX.Advance eale oprue Thursday.

1 .K C T U R K O N

THE LIFE QF GEN. U. S. GRUNT.Hy .MaJ. J(i«* W. W ham , U. H. A.*

rnd^^r thp au8i>lo»s nf M«rru8 L. Ward, Poet,Nrt. HS. <J. A, n.


Mailcet street, ne&r i^eaver.Major Wham waa r soiMler In Grant's regh

meni—the 2lsi Illinois -ani) relates many Incl. dpnlA In Grant's early i-arenr nul aeneraUy knoien. Hie roniparlsfa of the ramitaiirnB of tlhint and Nst>olt.‘i.<n are Intensely Inirreeilnc and Instructive. Cnlnnel Frederick D. Grant Is eai»eftpil lu be preacnl aiuJ utH'upy a aeat on the platform.

Tickets at OO cents may h* nhvained at Holi- hHuer's druf sinre. eurniT Hroad and Mnrk* t Blreeta; of members of ihe Posl. ur a l the diior on evening uf le^'ture.

O P E R A H O U S E .KKte W A l.llH A h h , M anaser.Week rommeaclng Monday. Ftb. 24. Mati­

nees Tuemlay, Thursday and Saturday.


Intrgdnrlng (he g reat Cake Walksra* who won the rhamulooehlp a t Madlauu Square Gardeo May, H6*

Next W eak -H arry Morris's Tirentlalh Ce&utry Molds*







Particulars to follow, Tickets now e t Holi* hauer's, goc** li .o o and li*S5.

JACOBS’ THEATRE.“ T h e G re at Diam ond R o b b e ry,"

1'he original coat*Mme. JausQHchsk* Mrs. Annie Veatashs,

Frederick Hond* (ieorge C. Hunlface and others.

Hill Wteli-''SAVED niDS THE SEA."

CONCERT TO MISS MULFORDAT rullMONWEALTM I!ALI^, EABT OR- ANOR. tVBPNEBnAY KVKNING, U A R n i 4. Mrs-Hlmtncma, sojjranu; Miss Mulford, c<*ntraltos Miss P. Mnd/'all, planlil, and Mr. <'Lauder* cel- lulat. Tickets. 75c., a t the dour only.

THE ESSEX LYCEDM.le new open to ag a f im e n t for banqoeta, eoai earts. fa in , leetnm* aMeclaga, raualealee, rs- repilooa sto. M |g X L A y D CO *8flMechatilo at.



Buy and aeTI stocks, Bonds and Oralti on New York Exchangss and Chicago Board of Xrads. eltbsr for cash or on margin.

/ 810 BROAD 9T.,(National 9lxte Bank Building.)

Telephone JOSO Newark. Newark* N. J.

lA FE INVEBTMENTfr- 11.000. n.QOO. ILOOOi l2.e0CL ts.000* S4*000

can be placed on llrai-elasa bond and mortgage •ecurlty on property worth double the amount and more by nailing on

CHARLR3 A. FCTCK. Couneellor-at-Law.

m TU Broad s t



Fif’slirieCi..m Dim 186 BROID S I Cflf. Indei Si,

NEW ARK, N. J .AneetB .......................................0 0e u rp lu i to P c llcy -h a ld e rs .., i,TON,04S O l

Ineuroe dwclllnge. fu rn itu re , s to re bulld- IngB. m erchandiao and o th e r property on favorab le tcfm a. Loeaea prom ptly a d ju it- ed and paid.

M nnry (o Loan on lioiiil au«l M ortgage. D A N tE L H. DCNIIAM, President. CIIARLKN rtlL Y K Il, Vlce-|»rP«ldent,A. H* IfAHHINGER, fterretary*

M T Y SAVINGS BANK^Mo. 742 Broad St., Newark.

EKTABLIlillEI) t»!q.

D S P 0 8 IT S O V i S 81,000,000

Intereet P8v«bl. leml-Ananellf e t the rate or three [ler cent. All ile|K>glM mail* on or before the t bird d a r of any month d ra v Inter- vat from the FIRST day of encli month.

Soolety and Tm at Fuuda taken.

ftTLVBSTBB S. Battih, P resident L ocis Lblono. Vloe-!*retldent. EnwAiiu SpArrH, Treaeurer. J oseph W. P urm i, Besretary. W illiam W, KuTTEH,('aaliler,

T H E A H E nlrA M N H D nA N C E C O N PA K T , 74« HHOAIJ S t . , NEW'AHK, N. J .

InoorporatKl IMA Charier Perpetual,...........■.•■■.'.■•■■L'■■■■■............... itwo.iiiro 00IteUisuraiwe and all other Itabllltlea Ho.NM M

Net aurplui ..................................... l,4&fi,4O0 klTotal aaselt Jan. 1, )8M............... tk.finS.TW 2ftA semi-annual dlvidenil of five <b) per cent.,

free of lex to srriphoiderii. hai been declare^ pso 'shle on and after March 2 next.

TMi company rontlnuea to liaue policies on dwellings end mercantile property at ouirent rates.

DIRECTORS.Lewis C. Grover*Frederick H. Harris,EUhs O, Dnremus,Winiam CUrk.George W. Krtchnm,

■ ' )b«n,

Chariea A. LIghthIpe, Jeremiah Baker.Henry C. Howell* Benjamin F* rrant* Jaines A. Benltler,J. Herbert Rallantlne.Edward A. CarapI

n H e H A RK lg, Fraeldent.E. O. Z>oremUB, V.-Frea, Jai, K. Worden. Sectr. D. 8. Crowell* Treai. P. L, IIoadl»y.gcQ.A.D*

T h e M u t u a l B e n e fitL IF E INHL’KANCE COHFANV,

NEWARK, N. J.A H E l DODD, - - - . PrealdentAtlHETt) (M arket Value.), Jan.

y ; a id *“ ■**•'" ”

Follol*. A beolntelj Kon-ForfelUble After Ueconil Yoar.

I* C*«E o r IjtP ik the Folloy I. contindid in ro ilC laa lon|t aa I t . value will pay for; o r .tt p referred,aG a-'* allowed. 5a.li or Fald-up I t iF r ; v i tS . li

A fter the Mcond year Pollclf. a r t iKCOMia- TABLN, and all n ilr ic linn i a t to ritiibm n, Ciieel or are remowd,

The Oninpany a«reBa In the Policy to Loan np to the Caih H nm nder V ain , when a u tla - factory awlgnment of the I'ollcy 1. made ae collateral alonrtl V.

I aibses paid Immtrtiately noon completlsn and approval of pruofa.

H fEPIlEN M. I)AV, D litrlct Agent,.ifl Broad St., Newark, N. J.

If you have Real Bilala for m * . to reiil, a ia , tea thai your ad. la In ih t NEWS, larilcularly on Wednewlay. and Saturday*. Actual pain avarage ciroutailon over SI,000 per day.

Ii you suffer it’s your own fault; we cure piles; Pile oilI t so ld o n a w ritte n K onrantee. Send fo r F U K B

L E O ILbook to Qnenoer Co., 400 West 07th tit., N. Y. Hold

'by druggists flnd 0. X Smith A Co., 80S Broad ft., Mswsik, N.J.


I f o r F fur O rutle F 1n ^ r» -L e iir iU tic to V ir !li^ti r)or t>rror»tlon«< I

In a ro'jm whf^ro ipact* l» llmUc-ft iind « I tatkk 1« rniukr 1, a f linpte and

almi oriiniiiffnlal ru n * Ik* very rialljr mail? Have u ru rp cn te r m ake a framp> v u rk nr box w ith an upper d raw er ex- iMiijcTl a ril held by n iran s of chalnii Rtwl l-ullryN. The uppvr en>li of the rh a ln a a ra I'ii^leijetl to the m irror, iu p p o rt plaoM In the bark of the oblonjf box—the chAliia

ji a re thr u draw n tb rnunh the pulley*, which »rc a ttach ed to the side of the •tun-1, and the lo n e r ends a re eecured to the front

lo rne r* of the draw er.In the d raw er opeuiiigii a re m ade for

wa(tbb<kwi, pitcher^ •uo|Kllih and muk. which, when not In uec. m ay be placed uu- 4b-riM>ath and concealed t>y h ctirtaln th a t depend* from the upper draw er.

A lowi-r draw i-r m ay be put In the bn*^ which can be uacd fo r c lo thing; both draw era have bran* handle*.

Around thr* top of tbe one [ *aw w a i run . a narrow spludh bordi-r, und below it hi fron t hung u sh o rt curtu ln of flow'ered Milk The allies w ere elm tlarly curtained, and aKohist th rn i w'cr* hung tuwida, •pong if, w aihclo thes, k c ., which the cur< luln* cuiK'k-ulvd fruiii view An ovul m ir­ro r was sopporU'i] a t the bai'k, and on the • tam l WL-rL> pliiceil u d a in ty luce cover and silver lu lln a r tb li H. It wua unu of ilio p re ttie s t th in g j Im aginable, and the little wom an who m ade i t—and she le one of Ehlladelpblti's b rig h tes t a rtis t* —had uaed her bruali on the irum ew grk w ith th a rm - lu*C effect.

Among some of the jtortleres hi the w in­dow uf a large sto re on Mai ket s tree t wns 4i creation of A ntw erp veluurs In a sub- «lueil slm ae of g re iii em broidered with ibuni<de’ds. j

The A ntw erp velour* hung s tra ig h t and fu ll from a hrap* b a r plAi-ed b(dow' a Krilla of spindle work. pnhUed Ivory white. i'iiejlei'uraUoiHjti tbe portiere was w rought w ith gold nu-mliic th read s In a m anner re- •am bling dUi'il-ln em broidery. T h ecu rla ln s were lined w ith heavy yellow satin. If porUeros of thl* lU bsIc sty le a re worked to m ati'h the schem e of color In the carpel and im holstery, an Inviting and luxurl- Ot|g sfrect will n a tu ra lly bo the resull.

'■Interest In spool w ork has by no m eans aubalded,*' says The U elhieatur, ami many Uiieful and decorative a rtic le s a rc made e ith e r wholly or In p a rt uf spools of v a ri­ous *l*es. r a t lc n t and deft hngeis ar« re Qulred to successfu lly m anipu late the wire which support* iho spools, for it m ust Iw licnt ami curved to give exactly the proper •hape. T he spools m ust, of course, re«-elv. tw o or th ree coats of enam el or gilding Iwifure they a r t prt'seiilaldc.

A very a ttra c tiv e curm r-tirackel can he m ade of spools, In which they a re strung on strong brass w ire th a t Is sulliciently pliable to readily conform to the curved ou tline of the sticlves,

W herever wln-s jnent they a re tw isted, an d holes are bored th rough the shelve* to adm it the uprigh t rode th a t support them a t the ends and m-ur the back cor­ners.

I'u re w hite English enam el Is used upon th e spools, b e in ^ ap p lled when it>e bracket Is completed, The b rack e t m ay lie sua- Ijended by cords or nailed to the wall.

T here Is a rea l d anger th a t tine sewing will become one of the lost a rts , and th a t It will be with women as w ith men. only those whose sole profession U Is can hand i­ly hold a needle. As women grow more and more like men In ibe lr a tta lnm en ta an d prufeasiems, th is m ay be a necessity o f the change. Heady-m ade clothing, and even m ending and darning , done In iho shupR, help all th is along, as well as the m u ltifarious o th e r du ties which press uiion a little KlrP* a tten tio n , which absorb ner la te r years, and which leave her, as a wom an, fk-atti tim e and Utile knowledge to “ take a s iltch ’’ for herself or for othexa

She In her tu rn Is not comi>etent to In­s tru c t her children, and so th e evil extends am ) has even now ext<mdcd until one aecs com paratively few women any more who c an do the exquisite sew liig which was common before the days of the machine. Yet there a re c e r ta in th ings which cannot he well done by m achine, and which cost enorm ously If one goes to the cKy hrad- q u a rte rs for them . She who Is a perfect m lsU 'cis of felllnK and hem m ing, tu c k ­ing and ga thering , should In th is day he a^ .c to tu rn her ta len t to account.

Not only m ay she eatab llsh a sewing r’lns* for g irls and im p art to them knowl- ^ Ig e which she possrsM'B, Imt she may i i s o make a sj^eclally of dolls' wardrobes. € f haldcs’ layettes , of ch ild ren 's clothing, and of bridal outfits. T here is In a Boutn- cm city a woman w hose whole good In­come u derived from the In fan ts ' flna wardrobe* which she prepare*. Thera Is no reason why her exam ple should not he followed elsew here.

In th is case, a s In a ll o thers of am ateu r w ork, the general ru le should be enforced -“cunsrlenilous w ork a t a modest sum. Any one who ra n sow well is able lo do fine m enillng. Likewise one often w onders th a t •he did not tu rn her though ts to m aking lip the countless p re tty th ings which a deft p a ir of fingers find so easy, and which most of us have to go w ithout. A village drygoods shop would sell these on a per- c»-ntage. Do you know It Is alm ost impos- •Ude ID obtain ready m ade a p re tty w id­ow ’s cap? If one co u ii m ake on*, one could m ake o ther such d a in ty gear as Well. And one should do it.

A rustic Are screen can be made from tw o forked and tw o s tra ig h t branehea o f a tree . If there a re boys In the fam ily It will s<Tve a s a p re tex t for a w alk In the woods, '’'he iiprlghlR, which m u s t be forked so as to s tand like a n inverted V, m ust have all th e sm aller branches knockea aw ay, leav­ing ihe knobs to add to the ru s tic appear­ance. If the hark 1* p retty , leave U on, m erely cleansing il lhorf)iighly wdth a stiff b ru sh ; but probably the m ore satisfac to ry w av will be lo |K-el It off. scrape ths wood, and then varnish It. T he two s tra ig h t cross nlercs, one for ihe top. from which to hang the cu rta in , and one from the bot- fom, to give t | steadiness, should be sm ooth, s tra ig h t pales of an even thick- uciiB and m ust be trea ted like the sup- |K>rts.

If the screer Is foi a coun try farm house, le t the cu rta in bn one of the fringed silk ru g s m ade by w eaving s trip s of silk and velvet in the sam e m anner ns rag carp e t Is woven. Tic a t the lop on e ither side w ith heavy w orsted cord tassel*, or fasten w ith stro n g blind stitches. F o r a c ity g ra te a handeom(f O riental rug timkes a rich screen w ith these woodland uprights. I t IsJiisi us nrnatiii’jQtal for the open g ra te In Slimmer as U itR; - • • - •w inter.

Biseful for the open Are in

It Is a lam entable fac t th a t very few of o u r Am erican women pose Ihem seivt^ c ith e r gracefully o r e lcsan ily , In w alking o r RtamIUtg one ehoulil a lw ays rem em ber 10 u*e the ball of ilu* foot. Infllead of le t­ting the weight fall m ore upon the heeiii. In the latlerfioH iiio iirheatom ach is throw n forw unl In Hilvance of the chest, and an unsigh tly result produced.

W hen one is w*atklng one should also ht- lem pi to keep th e shoulder* ns level and AS Immovable as poaalble, letting the mo- lion all come from the lilpa downward. I l la a not Infrequent spec iade , th a i of a w om an walking w ith her shoulders and arm * In conslani m ovem ent. A nother Im­p o rtan t Item, th a t huH to do w ith a t t i ­tudinising. la th u t of th e position of the body w'hen scaled. In the first place, a short person m uat avoid a high ohalr. Then. In inking the one she has selected, she should, before slow ly aeltllng herself, Hsaiimc the aU ltude of courtesying. Thle

f:cntle m ovem ent will lirlng her well back n thn chair. If she s it fa r th e r forw ard she

again make* th e trtomach the m ost prom ­inent p a rt of th e anatom y, a th ing alw ays to he avoided.

N ever destroy a lilt of linen or cotton cloth. M ake a m a tte r of principle of this, fo r such nlecea a re fa r too valuable to he pu t out of the way.

[f an a rtis t friend doe* not seise greedily upon them . Bend them to any hospllnl. T here Is a lw ays h cry ing need here of soft, w orn stuff for bandages. Now linen will not flit the requ irem ents; they m ust have been used enough to be free from dresilng and Btlffncs*.


T h o C o n n lry Nald to He On the Edge of th e C iini* nelt.

V ery gloomy rep o rts come In from the orange-grow ing dlstrlctB, says the Lo* An­geles Times. The ex ten t of dam age done by the froat du ring Ihe d o t in g days of the y ear Is beginning to he apparen t, and It .Is m uch heavier th an wo.n a t first supposed o r reported. One repo rt from Pom ona esti­m a tes tbe loss by fro s t a t th ree-fourths of th e crop on th e low er lands, and ano ther estim ate from R iverside gives the proba­ble sh ipm ents from th a t place for the sea­son lit 1,000 carloads less than it w as ex­pected would he sen t forw ard. Even sup­posing th a t these e stim ates of loss a re ex­aggerated , there Is no doubt th a t the dam- oge has bsen severe.

The lesson ta u g h t by the frost of Decem ­b e r Is th a t which has been preached over and over nga ln ^n am ely , th a t Southern C alifornia, which we a re in the hab it of re ferring to as th e home of the orange, la really on the no rthern edge of the true c itru s belt th a t ex tends through Mexico and C entra l A m siica. T h s a rea of te r r i­to ry . even In th e seven southern countries, w ithin which it Is sa fe to grow c itrus fru its as a com m ercial en te rp rise Is really quite lim ited—much m ore limited than m ost of us a re in the h a b it of supposinf.

In fact, the safe a re a of c itru s cu ltu re In Southern C aliforn ia is really confined to those stre tch es o f land know n as ' ‘frost- less be lts ," not because they a r s absolutely free from frost, but because th e re is su lltlle frost th a t delicate w in ter vegetables a re seldom Injured. On such land c itru s fru its m ay be ra ised w ith ahsolute safety , but, a t we all know, the a re a of such land Is qu its limited.

D uring the la s t ten years the ex ag g era t­ed reports of the p ro fiii o f o r a n n growing which have been sp read abroad In the pa­pers, aided by m isrep resen ta tions on the p a rt of real e s ta te dealers, have combined

% lo push the orange-grow ing section fa r outside of the sa fe ty Tine.

Not tb e Same Sentim ent,F rom the W ashington T lm ea

Cumso (m ournfully—"Ye* I loai m y wlW I , before we had be^n m arried qu ite a year.'*I / How io < B ym pathstlcally)-"H ew rs- 1/ B iorssleis is th e decree of death I"\ \ Cumso ^ h o I* com pelled to pay big aU-

ihony)—' Well, I don 't know w hat th s ds- orse of death would h av e been In the case, b u t 1 do know th s decree o f the Court Ynade It blam ed atUT to r m e."

Dob*| H old T our O lrt Itw psy ib lt for rsfu slw you. If you give her a


T he E xperlenee of a lte|M irter W ho W atX#c»okliig for a (M*usatiuti.

F rom th s W ashington S tar.I t w as la te on a d rsa iy . ra iny a fte rnoon—

th a t is, U tc in a n*^wspapcr Mense. for the big afternoon dally w as Just going to pres* ; T he I'Uy ,illu>r had * n u up ih r la st page o f copy, th e ii-lfgraph operator* w #rr busy a r r a n ^ n g pegs and sw itchboards p repara- to r) ' to cloAltig down fo r the day, an d the i m tssen g e r boy*, a f te r the rush of the la st i few' monu^iUs, w ere rtcovt-'riug b rea th and [ energy, and a t tim ».ime tim e endeavoring, w ith m uch w rangling, to peruse the sam e ropy of a spurting paper th a t had Just been rereived.

In th e cUy departm en t the lull a f te r the hu rr) ' Incidental to news ga the ring and th e transi)OBlt1on of the fa c ts to paper we* notlreuhlt', t^ulei relgiu-d, save fo r the d ic k tjf a so litary typew riter, o n e by one th s rcpo rie rs dropped In from th e ir asslgn- tm-nts. and busied them srives In various Ways whilt- aw aiting the appearance of the paper. T he G overnm ent departm en t man in the rea r o f th e room w as silently fixing up a report, and the co u rt reporter, who »‘nleriHt a few m om ents later, devoted him ­self w ith equal quiet to the p repara tion of a pr«sllotlon a* to the ^ ro b ab ls decision in an Im portan t legal oonlroversy.

D irectly In fron t of th is pair *ai the m an who looks u tte r one branch of Congreas. w ith hlH hajid res ting Idly on th e keyboard of a typew rite r and hi* eyes fixed on a p re tty g irl ui-roa* tnc s treet, a s though In Rear<*h of inspiration, Several o thers WtTc tovinglng al»out more o r isss occuplPil, whi-n the rea r door w*as nnlsHessly ouojied, and the HXitiunge editor, basputteretl w ith mudt um brcllH lest and preeenling a d renched appearance, passed quietly to hi*• ■orner, an d a lm ost lost h im self lo view behind a mas* of out-of-tow n publications. Il was the first seen o f iho editor a t Ihu uffloe dur.ng th s day. and hi* la te a rriv a l occHBleihcd R n iu rm ur of general comment.

“ ihdhi, there 's FaU glen,’' announced the polled' rrp n rie r. “ A llHle late, a re n ’t you?"

“T his I* nut a w eekly paper,” rhiifi^'d In th e ad m in is tra tio n end of the force, and w'Uh an effori to l»e sa rcas tic the court re­po rte r growleil: “Oh, he voinos In now W as Id be nn tim e to-m orrow ." *

’*Mi*(w*d my tra in th is m orning,” ex­plained the exchange editor In hi* rh n r- ui'lerlsU o bluff m anner. "H ad w ealher up in the m o un ta in s ,”

In addlllun to hi* new spaper work lh« exchauKs editor wun an chthuslaslfo agri- «‘uUuriRt, and owned a tib c t of land *pme• Itstanoe from th e city, w here he freqtlsTit- ly spent Bunday*.

“ P re tty mean sort of day. Isn 't It?" Fals- g len spoke up, a f te r rem oving h is wet g a r ­m ents and m aking him self as com fort^hls UB poRslIde.

“L e t’* h ear ll.” suggested the repeffter from the courts, “ the paper wont be'O ul fo r ten m inu tes yet. A nything to pass the lim e."

T here wa* a m urm ur of concurrence, and severa l moved near*^r the exchange editor.

“ I t 's ntii verv long," began the la tte r, “um l you m ay l)e!leve ll or not, Just a* you like. 1 have never told the s to ry since rom- Ing to thl* vlty fo r fear th a t its tru th fu l­ness would not be on-dlti'd. Then, again.1 ha le lo th ink uf U. but now th a t il Is In my mind, and a s I know you fellows eo well, I don 't mind le tting you have the beiictli o f w hat 1 went th rough.

“ I um;e tried my lu rk In the p"ar W esl, but fruin there d rifted to M innesota, and got work on h p aper In one of the largest clllc* of th a t S tate. The c ity editor se­cured a tip regard ing a big society seandal. and w ith the idea uf scooping the o ther Journal*, dispatched me on ten m inutes' notice lo a leading w atering ptacn on the lake, abou t fo rty mile* d ls iam . Here, H w as though t, the th read of the sto ry could he tak en Up. Well. I alighted from the ira ln about 7 o’clock one evening In the heigh t of ihcscABon, I eoun found th a t all the hotels were crowded to thulr ex trem e capacity .

"T h ings looked ra th e r dism al fo ru w'hile a s reg a rd s acconimudatlon*. bu t a f te r In­qu iry a t half H dozen places, I finally lo ­cated a hostelry where the rlork Informed m e 1 m igh t rem ain over night, if 1 did not u b je rt to occupying a room ond licd w ith a n o th e r gcnilem iin. I Jumt>eiJ a t the op- lK?rtunlty. and, a fte r p a riak ln g of eupper, s tro lled out to look around, ihe c lerk d irec ting m'* to proceed to room No. 9, on the second floor, when I re lu m ed ,h e urom- Ing to a cq u a in t my room -m ate w ith the a rran g em en t.

"W hile s lu in g In a pavilion overlooking th e w ater, my au en tlo n was a ttra c ted to on unusually p re tty young lady who passed , eecurten hy a faultlessly a ttired gen tlem an . The form er aplJeared lo be g re a tly w orried, but It w as Impossible to c a tch a word idle wa* saying. A m an elt- tliig n e a r me rem arked, ^ h a t is Mies B lan k ,' and I Instanily recalled the nam e o f a h igh cfitclnl of one of th e W eetprn cities. A few' m om ents la te r, a lm ost w ith ­ou t w arn ing , a violent s to rm broke and t hasten ed to the hole]. FaBSlng through the office I aerended the e ta lrs, and ub the second floor the num ber of the room 1

'f irs t reached w as R, th a t figure s tand ing ou t In hold re lief In black on a background o f w hite enam el.

"T u rn in g the knob o f the door, I entere^l th e room , in which a dim light w as b u rn ­ing. Joying In a double bed I could d is­cern the figiire of a m an ap paren tly fa s t asleep. N ot w ishing to d is tu rb my room> m ate , I rem oved a portion o f my clothing, and a s qu ietly a s possible took my place In the unoccupU ^ side of the bed. 1 left th e gafl hu rq ing dimly as I found It and had soon lOBt all idea of the appearance of the o th e r man. I fell Into a dose, but did no t know w h a t leng th o f time had T'A*>ed. w hen 1 suddenly became aw are th a t some one w as ent<»rlng the room. Opening my eyes I saw th a t the In truder was a wom­an , and , w hat w as more in teresting , she w as w eeping in a heartrend ing m anner. W hile I w as endeavoring to g rasp the s itu a tio n a m an also pa.saed through the doorw ay, and then I recognized the duo ah those who had a ttra c ted my a tten tio n on the beach earlie r In Ihe evening.

“T he com panion of the young wom an endeavored lo console her, saying tender­ly : 'i t had lo happen, dear, and could not be helped. You a re not lo blame. T ry to calm yourself.'

“ I a ssu re you 1 wa* wide aw ake by this tim e, for the situation wa* Intensely In ter­esting . I t s truck me as unusual th a t Mis* B lank should be accom panied to her a p a r tm e n ts a t tJmt hour of the n igh t by a gen tlem an , and the effect wa* heigh t­ened because o f her distressed condition. And then I wondered how U huppened th a t the couple should en te r g room occu­pied by two s tran g e men and appear so perfec tly a t home. The action of the lady w as also m ysterious, and I wa* th ink ing o f a n o th e r goo<i s to ry to be worked up. when M iss B lank *nld pHeouely In reply to h e r com panion, 'Oh, w hat ahnll I do, w ha t shall J do?”

“ I ra ised up on my elbow ju s t as Mies B lank lifted ner eye* ami glanced tow ard th e bed. F o r a m om ent there wa* a dead silence, phe next gave u tlem n re lo a sh riek such aa T never heard before, and then collapsed and sank to the Moor ns lim p a* a rag. The m an w ith her, aleo g lancing a t th e bed, opened hie m outh hb though to speak, hut no sound cam e forth. H e tu rn ed and staggered out of the room a* though Intoxicated. Durliiig a ll thl* tim e m y bed fellow had not ntlrred, and on th e Im pulse of th e m oment, w ithout stop­ping to a rouse him. I hastily grabbed my c lo thes and rah out of the room and down th e hallw ay.

"T h e en tire esinbllahm ent wa* aoon arotiaed. Thu night clerk, bell boy* and guests , the la t te r more or las* a itircd . ap­peared tn the corridor and mad* the ir way to room No. 9, D uring the excitem ent I m anaged to don my ou ter clothe* aB e r a fash ion and joined the throng. The young lady w as Just being ca/rJed out. but I notice 'l th a t th e unknow n m an remained, a* before. In bed. ,

'T i l close down on the sto ry In quick o rder now ,” continued Fnlnglcn, shifting hla position In th e chair, "The m ysterious Incident w as explained to my natlsfactlon th e following m orning, and It wa* then th a t I ro a if s ^ th e ho rro r of the situation . In s tead of en te ring room No. R 1 had oc­cupied No. 8. the m istake being due to the enam elled p lacard becom ing loosened And reversing Its position on the door. T he young m an w ith Ml*s B lank w as her b ro ther, and It w as the ir fa th e r who was in h<K) w ith me. He had been 111 for some wor ks and died abou t h a lf an hour before I w en t to the room. H is children, who re- tu rn ed to the room, w ere na tu ra lly over­come w hen they saw w ha t they th o u g h t to be the dead m an rise up In bed."

“Did Mies B lank and her h ro th sr learn th a t you wi*re In the bed?" Inquired the police renorler.

"N o, I Kept very quiet on th a t point, and to th is day they firm ly believe th a t th H r ff tth e r 's body moved. The frigh t caused the young lady a serious spell of illness."

“T h a t 's a p re tty good yarn, old m an," said th s adm in istra tion reporte r, tu rn in g aw ay.

T he first copies of th e paper w ere being d is trib u ted and again silence 'reigned,

AVifh M ust Pay Alimony,From th e Chloago Tfm es-H erald.

By an o rder en tered by Judge Gibbons In the divorce case of Rmllle G roth ag a in s t H einrich G roth. the wife m ust pay a lim ony o f |20 a m onth to her husband pend ing th e (rial. Affidavits w ere filed by th e a tto rn e y s for the husband, who Is con­te s tin g the su it, a lleging th a t he Is s ix ty - five y ears old, feebfe and destitu te, and would be compelled to apply to the county for aupport unless hla wife cam e to his aid . T here w as a n affidavit of the old m an s ta t in g th a t since he le ft his wife la s t aum m er b e haa been liv ing w ith a friend, H en ry B ohradsr. a t S81 Jan e street. O roth i’1e<’liired th a t his wife ha* p roperty from vh lch sh e receives an Income of ISO per m onth, and th a t she put him Into the s tre e t . On the bill which she filed fo r di­vorce she obtained an Injunction which p reven ted him from re tu rn in g to her home. T he a tto reneys for the wife ob­jec ted to any order compelling (he w ife to pay allmonyp bu t Judge Gibbons said th a t In a divorce caae, o r Tn any o th e r circum ­stances, the sam e du ty re s ts u p o n lh S wife tn provide for a sick, hclp leia husband th a t re s ts upon a husband under th e sam e c ircum stances.

X R ays.p iu loM Bothlni bnt t inbw t l a i n d i t a u la


8 9 9 broad8t.

l l needed hy i>onr, lircd molheri, OTer- worked and burdened with cue, deblll> tiled ind run down because of poor, thin iDd impovertihed biuod. Help il needed by the nervous ptolTerer, the men snd women tortured with rheumstlem, neu- rslgii, dyipepela,scrotuls,calurh. Help

Comes QuicklyWhin Hood's Harsspirilli beftni to en­rich, purify end viuliie the blood, end •code it in i heslliif, iiaurlahlng, Invig­orating etresmto the ncrvpi, muBcJee end orgine of the biKly. Homl’i Hsmspirtlli bultde up tbe west snd tirnken down sy s ­tem, and cures all blood diersMs, i>«esuse


l i th e f)m ‘True IiUhhI I'uTiUfT. All (Inipglsl* | l . Treparp^touly hyC. 1. (‘o. t.nwell. Mass,

■ I ^ lx*II iiFf'1h''uiilv jiMl* to taker l O O U S 1^1115 HiUi Huoii’shiirBaparilla.

o f i o -d a v .

D L S E I t i r n IMMAN \lM .A O F .

A TniiV«*ll*r T hIIa or Ht|ua1»r ndU No Sign(if N|il4-uiliir.

P rom (hi* W estm IhsoT GuZfitf.U'h^*n ihv trs ih t1r**w n«ar. how eag 'T ly

I c ra iu sl my hfUii out of Hir window to raU 'h th e Mrit gliiupHi* uf W nlve, the Kii- ch an ted <-T(y: An-l ihls l* wlun l »uw; A sipeu-h of yi'llow puddls-ii, frliigi'd by uuur a rid g ra s s , h(‘yu[i<] (hut u huddle of black ch lnm cys vom liing om wnioki-, thun a d ingy coifuHloi] of d irty shipping, and beyond a ll u gray scrublije uf w urdiouses and m ean bulldlngH. I ruhbi‘>1 my eyes am i asked myHrif, m n this be “ w here Venice s its In slate, ihrunwd on Iter hu n d ­red la les?”

We w ere hu«tl«*d out uf iht? s tation into a craxy gom iula ami paddled along tbe G ran d C ana l to our hoit^l. -So thl* Is ths G rand C an a l! '’ wc said, fuzing a t U in s io n y dlauppulnlnicm uti i Hiilfllng a t It susploluuHly. il WHS ieifimti ly d ir i l tr (ban th e T h am es a t JiomJim HriUsc; up and dow n H lore ami imilMd cht-up aivutiifra, chuniijJK up the fuui w alcr inlu u deep brow n fru lii. Vt-ry suuji wi- turned Into a side ca iia l, and Ihrji, lhii>-eU, my heart sank. \Va»v th is riMiJJy Veuli'e, or \^aa U a d read fu l nlghtniur< '.' Could this fuul open sew er, wUli Us uu*pi‘akabh* llKh. be piirt o f " th a t unsullird s»-a. wulj it* eddy of green wave'.'" was ihln "Uu' gulilen d ly ,” paved wHh enieraJd*',’ How often afle r- w an i I wobhU-il along ihi* sam e eaiml, and o th e rs equally (errllilt; In lludr wall nilaery. koImk iiome alw ays crushed uiid b roken In sp irit! Here I* u rlptloj^ of w h a t thssti canal* are, taken fruia my d iary , and U I* literally iruihfiil, whluit th e poets and paiiii^rs tiever are.

On e ith e r side siaaKcr* a it u w J of de­cayed building*: froiri tlin roof ilownward th e y a rs a m ass uf Hqualld ruin, bioheit bHicoiiies cling to the Plained and discol­ored w alls, g rea t *c:ibs of pluKter have fa llen from Ihelr fronts it* if a leprosy had ea ten In to them ; for a fool a 1>ove the w a­ter the w ails a re black with sihm-, the b roken w indow s an* biulTi-iJ wltJi rags or paper, th e sh a tte red steps lead up to doors th a t Hwlng by one hlngi-; the steps them - ir iv ea art- slippery with a greasy ncutn; to th e etlgc of the lower Hialr th<‘ri- Is a fringe o f foul, green w»M-d--U hwIux* *li>w- ly In th e crawTJng w ater; the Iron grille*, once so trcautlful. are eaten by bittt-r salt ru s t; the shuLlers bang a t all aiigk-a. Hap­p ing and creak ing in tht' wlml. in the craxy balconies (here Is a lumber uf h rokuj tlowi-r jiots, w ith drad (lowers In them; and th ro u g h a ll thetie reeking alley* the g re en ish -g rsy w ater slowly jMdse* and ooxes, covered with straw , • ggKhells> cab­bage s ta lk s , and namelrs* refuse. Over all th is brood a hundri'il illthy and ob­scene sm alls, each caiml cun irlhu tlng a p a r tic u la r ly pu trid stench of It* own.

N o lo n g er does Venice alt in Btat*-; hour tiy h o u r and stone by stone she Is sinking Into h e r dishonored grave. Then (here Is the o th o r side of the shleld-M odprn Ven­ice s e l s ^ w ith the accursed fo r rvs- lo ra tlo n , daub ing her lovely old pictures w ith new pain t, tearing down lu'f old mo- *alcs, a n a stick ing up rldlcuiouH modern rubb ish . W hy, I myoHf saw the lA-IIlnl In St. G tovannl Cryaoslom o In actual process uf so-called restoration . Ail the world knoti’S w h a t h as been done a t Hi. M ark'* anti a t Torcello , and actually a few years ago th e re w as some talk of pulling down the D ucal I 'a laee and rebuilding U.

Do you know the liu lc church of St. A ndrea, In W estern Venice? For ms, It had aasoclatioria sacred and belovi-d, and I p a rtic u la rly w'lshed to *ee it. 1 ntado my p ilg rim age to U through the usual net of p estife ro u s canals, thinking much of (he “ little graas-gruw n canipo opening to the lagoons and the A lps." Like everyihlng else, It Is a sham e and a dcsulttuoti; a huge ra ilw ay bridge shu ts off lagoon and Alps, th e liitie campo is grcCn no longer,II Is trodden Into black slime; the poor lit­tle ch u rc h stan d s shamofact-d, i-rowded round by facto ries and tall chimney

T hen Torcello—w hat nu*niorlc» ga th e r round It, am i though restoruilon Ima been c rue lly busy there, the InelTable p a th o s and peace of Us life In d ea th s till move tine’s very h e a r t. Com ing bark from a long day there , I read niy Shelley, and looking uu from the Ideal to th e real, ihl* Is w h a t 1 saw : In the far dlatancu the u sual defilem ent of Ironworks au.l fac­to ries, In the middle distance u string of filthy coal barges dragged by a punlng (ug, n e a re r still a frigh tfu l steam ilredgrr Borabbting up the mud and vom lilng out a volcano o f black smoke, and hII around mo w ere big steam er* poUutlnk' a ir and w a ter, a n d lltlle steam ers scu ttling along, sh riek in g , squeaking and puffing. I read no m ore ohellcv.

N ig h t In V'onlce and mualc on the can a l— (h a t Rurely would have It* old (h a tm . I had p ic tu red the soft a ir pulsbiK with sweet voices, and over all a *ky “ thick In­laid w ith patinea of bright golil." WidJ, every n ig h t about K the singlrig cortalnly began, g u ita r* tinkled, and now- and then one h eard a fa irly good tenor voire. t>ut a« a ru le the m en 's voices were lmr*h uinl worn, a n d the women’s Indeserltmbly shrill, a tid the song* they *«riR weft- \'» rill and R ellinl a t their wori»t- "Ah che la M orte," and Its compatilun abiurdttleB. And w hen once they began they kept «m; no sooner had one boatload of p Iuk'T h <x- haURted It* reperto ire than ano ih 'T took Up Us place, and repeated the same w ith th e sam e quavering* und (liiklliiga.


g u ld im lle<'e1ve(l by a Large Roily <»fiti'dNklllS,

F o r th ree dn>.-i wi> hnd followed (he tra il Of (he w ar p u rty —over (h* plains, across Ihe “ had land'*,” Into (h f hills, up the pttspfii iiml th rough ihu cedars. At Run*et of th - th ird day wn were clo*f upon (hem. J u s t over the rldg*' a tong and n a r­row valley wUh u Hircain wlmllng th rough It. In th e gruve* along (ht- creek the Btoux had tlm lr w in ter village, and lo th is vlJlaH*' th e w ar p a rty hud returned.

A( X o'clock of a Btarllght n ight In N o­vem ber, w ith six Incite* uf snow under ou r feet, we moved forw ard again up the rocky pass, the scout* preceding u* to see If the ■entlncls hud been i»o*tti^. Qn th e aum m it uf the m ountain wu dism ounted and herded ou r horse* In the cedar* and n sted un til m idnight. It wua a d latance ('f fou r mile* difwn (o (he vlllnge. hu t we tian-d not light a fire, and every horse . w as wati-hed lo eer th a t h r did nut u t te r I a neigh. The n igh t wu* q u id , bui free*- Ing cold. Aiul tlioHe who tr lu l to sleep ' found It impoKslhle. S littng Iti the snnw In group* uf rt\c i>r ten wi* ta lked luily In j whiHiM'r*. 1

The acoui* had n-purted th a t (he tru ll : w as c lea r uf pcmlnrl*. derla res the l»eirolt I F ree i're**. Th" Indians hud argued th a t I the c ava lry would nut follow them Into (h a t fa raw ay lo radnn , and were now ! sleeping in fancied aci'urUy. Al m idnight ws tmiVi'ii dov. n for n mile, and then r«>8t* ed urdll 2 o'clock. At We moved dow n ' unoih iT mlh- and n s te d un iil (. On the m an 'll ul] ronim anil* were given in a ' whlaper, um] every man was carefu l not to m ake a nniF < w hich m ight (h< heard iweii- I ly feet aw ay . At i o'cliwk we moved down fo r h a lf H mile. At Ti we moved ugsln. nud ' With now but a mile fr^m th e n eares t j tejiee*. Tilt- Hcouta had m eanwhile erepl : fo rw ard to iiivf*iii-iite. and Ihey rcporlrtt (he vilU ge nsJci p .uid no austTlelon of our pre*enrp. Ru «aiujim*ly had we moved th a t we w ere a full hour In m aking tho lust mile.

I t w as to be a dfivllght sitR rk- W e w ere to s ir lk e th e village In the cen tre and then illvide anr| fight nu r way ui and down the creek. Hoon a fp-r « n'cluck we begun creeping nearer. D aylight would not come for th ir ty o r forty m inutes, hu t we w anted ; to be a s close up as ]tusslble fur the rush , j Not a m an had *iiee*cd or coughed—no­body bad atuinhled or fallen. The first |n - tlm uUon Ihe Indian* would have of our presence would he the cheer* a* we m ade I the rush ucross th e valley, The odfl* w ere j agftlnai uh. hut ibc *urprliu would coun t ; heavily In ou r favor, i

As We ilescemb-d lha m ountain and cleared It* fringe of trees and bushes we crept Into line on hand* ami knees and then lay Ht full length on the *now. N n| a miiji Biiiud upright until the w 'hlspcr panned from e a r to eu r th a t the m inu te had come. D aylight w'as tireaklng. 'The coUon- wood tree* ,nhtng the creek r»>‘gan to a*- *uni»' ahajN*—we made out Uie conical fpnn* of iH'’ h-pei'N^ We ihm ighi wc heard IndlBtis Atlrrlng beyond ihe creek.

The w hispered command brought every m an in td« feet. There wa* tw o m inute* of walihig, and then Ihe wild notca of the tiugle ran g out am i wdth cheer* w-e dashed ahead, o v e r the level at a run- across the l■■ebound creek a t a jum p, and we w ere tn the vJIlag*'. Not* a shot had greeted ua— Tiot a shuut of alarm from ihe sleeping Indian*. W*- fired right and b-ft Into the tepee.*, but no ohe rushed out. T he village wa* dcsiT led’ W hen durknes* fell the evening tiefore there had heen UO lodge* along the crei'k.

T here had t» »'h from seven hunilred to e ight hundred warrior*. *quaw* and ch il­dren In the vtllage. H alf a mile up the valley had hi »-iv a herd uf six hundred pontr*. Nuw nil th a t wa* left wa* about tw enty lodge* In the centre of the village. All other* with every hum an being and every ponv. had dlBupppared. going up the valley nnil Into a m ountain fa s in e i* w here We dar»'d not pursue.

U 'hal had given the wily redaklns the a la rm ? At m idnight, while the m ain 1)ody w as *lx mllcH aw ay, hut the Bcouts w ith in th ree rnllcH of the village, some unc had struck a m nirh to light hla pipe. An [u- ilhizi W arrior hinl *tepppd tn th e door of hi* te p ie at the moment, and had sighted the Maim* of th a t m atch th ree mllea aw ay. A light til) ihiTe m eant soldier*—danger. T he w arruT * had been tracked to their Inlr, and a ; they rnuld not fight w ith Iho stpiawM anti «-h!ldren with them they had decided T(i Hbandnn the snot. T hey had departed an ftllently th a t the scout* lying h a lf a mile aw ay hnd heard no snunn. Not A skin nor a b lanket nor a k e ttle had been left behind. J u s t a score o f em pty lodges to deceive us. and In one of them a dead aw aited burial.


Olio th » t N«eds to Be Moistened lo Undergo a TtmuNfonnalloii.

Rock C reek Dark produce* am ong the m any ra re plant* one which ha* Buciriic tercB tlngly pecu liar faculties Hiat ll de­serves lo be called th s rcBurrcj'ijun plant of th e W est, says the W ashlugion S tar P robab ly very few of the readers of The S ta r a re fam ilia r with the reputed rose* o f Je r ich o o r th e raaurrscllon p lants of the E aa t. They are very InsIgnUP'iinl- lookiitg p roducts of the vegetable king­dom. an d grow in the baiTen* of PalcMijiu!, Sy ria and A rabia. They huve, Indeed, very little In common w ith our beautiful roses, th e ir nearest prototype being ths Brusaclfl sprout* or Bavuy eabbagvH «f cu lina ry fam e, to which family tJjey really belong,

The p la n t Is a short, half-woody shrub, bearin g sm all w hite nower*. and Ub leaf- le ts gruw In dense clusiere and w e Irregu­la rly g rouped on the sparingly branched stem . T hese leaflets cling taiiacIouBly to th e ir com m on support, tn dry witathcr, or w hen de tach ed from the plant, they curl Inw ard , assum ing the shuije of n closed, m any-pe ta led flower. w iienever these leaflets a re molmened they unroll them ­selves ag a in , tak e on a green hue and B’prn to revive for a new s ta r t of growth.

O w ing to th is peculiarity many super­s titio u s beliefs prevail am ong (he poor L a s te rn people. The rose* of Jericho have becomci an a rtic le of trade. The name of roses o f Je richo was probably given them by the wily fak irs to m aks the th ing mure salab le . T he shepherds of Talestino call U '‘K a f M a r y a m ,o r the ham! of Mary,

T he re su rrec tio n p lan t of our own region, w hich h a s la te ly been found In ItcH k Greek P a rk , Is m uch more IniercBiIng and be tte r en titled to Its nam e than ihu one uf the E as t. I t Is of on entirely different iiatute, as It belongs to the ulasa of fungi, or m ushroom s, though very few people would believe It to bn such. Undoubtedly most m y co lo g ltts a re aw are of the existence of th is o r s im ila r plants, but not of l u habits an d p e ^ l U r characteristics. In a dry s ta te th is little fungus Is not unlike tha rose o f Jericho , a ra th e r unsightly, black­ish ball, ap paren tly m ade up from a few le a th e ry leafiels, A more compieto m e ta ­m orphosis which the form of this plant con u ndergo In the short space of time of one to tw o hours can hardly be Imagined, and Is a su rp rise to every beholder.

A fte r being thoroughly dampened with cold w a te r , th is ball open* and unfolds the perfbe t form of a quain t eight to twelve- po in ted s ta r . The rays of the s ta r are w hite, do tted Inegu larly with black lines. In th e c en tre Is a globular p ro m in e n c y g ra y o r brow n In ooloi^w hich has a t the top an orlfios o r m outh 'shaped opening, so th a t one would take It to be a m iniature s ta rfish . I t Is certain ly rem arkable th a t a fu n g u s cap s tan d such a continued tw is t­in g an d tu rn in g , moistening and d ry ing w ith o u t su ffering in form and color. In a lls th e se s ta r s Vary from one inch to two and a h a lf inches. I t does not require a very cloae observation of ihe ground to no­tice th e se p lan ts in the woods. They form QuUs conspicuous decorations to the green m oss, to w hich they a re a ttached by very s lender roo tle ts . They seem to flourlih a lio In w in te r tim e, os a num ber of them ha vs la te ly been found. _______

Com e lo ne fbr y ea r P lrin res, P le ta re froaics and mlrrers. Ws a n the faanufseturen. If you Iqok elMwhsrs, tVi only precloxu iim« wasted, XHlsts' tnsttrUw. Cory ft Ksiuy, UO a i Z i H l S a d a t TelsptkOM Tift

An ExaDilnatlen o f tlie Alleged Life Be- vcalfdby thi' Spiritualist.

W e wonder w h e th er ll Is really tru e th a t the first though t of dlsemliodied sp irits which have not used this w orld so as to love the ih lngs which a re no t seen and e te rna l b e tte r th a n the th ings w hich a re seen and lernpornry. Is to try and meddle w ith the thing* which a re Reen and tem - po rarj', ju s t ar before, but w ith m uch less Bucce*B, knocking al>out tab les when Ihey can get th e chance, and when they cannot, o r have m inds ra th e r too subtle and acu te fo r such Idle HTHU*ementB, hypnotis ing RO-called “medlumB'' w ith visions o f a dream y and generally m ore o r leas m is­leading ch a rac te r, says the London Spec­ta to r. A lfred Huasel W allace evidently th in k s th a t even In these occupationH they a re m ost uBefuHy employed, for In hla n<-w edition of hla book on BpirliURlinm hu glWR ua a long a rra y of tho evidence fur an unseen w orld w ith which those dlaem- bodlrd ap lrlts fu rn ish u s by v irtu e of the ir tam p erin g s w ith the order of th e seen world.

\V'e a re fa r from denying th a t m uch of Ills cv ldvm e la very « lrlk lng ; bu t w hat we do deny en tire ly Is th a t there la any th h ig th a t o ugh t to bo accounted sp iritua lly im- pn-Hslvc In the dUcloaures In which those w ry Ineffectual endeavors end. It ap- po)irs (n u s th a t th e ir chief end Ir lo con* vliice- u* th a t they a re m eddling w ith u world w ith w hich they ought to have cum ideled th e ir re la tions before ihuy pu.Hjved in to the world of sp irits , and are only diBplHvlng their Inability to let the ir own m angled caree r alone. T h a t, no doubt. Is to som e ex ten t In Itself an Im- jTfBslve lesHon, b u t It is a lesson o f w a rn ­ing ra th e r th an one o f exam ple. I t is pos- bIIiIh and even. |HThaps,prohablPthatih«-*e who have lived chiefly In the Httln excite- m« n ls of H sensuous life m ay bt* very for* lorn w ithout these exoltem ents, an d m ay indulge in ul! aorta of a tltim p is ts ren^-w these excitem ent* w ith very Insulficlent m eans. B ut th a t la not a lesson on whieh we can feed ouraclvc* for ever; and It docs appear n us th a t ihe ao-called sp lrltnn l les.^on* which we gain from these med- dlliig sp irits a re only the d isjecta m em bra of the g re a te r religions.

\V hal sef-m* to uh a curious fe a tu re of ou r lim e Is th is—th a t while In o th e r days Hint which cam e from the world o f the nn- Hccfi to th e w orld of visible th ings wua ul- mo*i a lw ay s a source of new pow er and fllrcngth lo the visible world—and we are Hpeaklng nol only of the g re a t C hristian revelation , for even the M oriamraedan and th e UuddhlBl relig ions were rich source* of new th ough nol a lw ays puf© life and R trc n g th -th tt t which cornea to us In our m odern day from the unseen, so fa r a* It 1* tru s tw o rth y a t all, for th e moat p a rt ehowB II* how very m uch of th e m ost tr iv ­ial an«l poorest hum an n a tu re abide* be­hind the veil which separa tes us from the unseen world, W e u*ea to consider tho iin- *een th e region of rea lity a* d istinguished from w httl is m ere show and appearanen; but even the m oat though tfu l am i skilful o f those who h ave studied the phenom ena o f m odem sp lrttua tlsm seem to hold th a t s g re a t deal of th e life In the unseen Is a life of the m erest shallow ness, a life of trickR. a life of seem ing, and often of oa m ere neem ing and plauRtblllty a* the moat frlv- olou* life o f earth .

M r.W ttllaceeven ho o stl th a t the splrltunl world, as It Is shown to him ny th* " tran ce m edium ," la a world of hum or. Well, su re ly we need no revelation from the nriHeen to teach us to develop to the u t­m ost the Innocently frivolous side of hn- nian n a tu re . And though B Is no new dl*- covery th a t In the unseen world there m ust be p len ty of m oral and IntellectuHl pov e rty as well a* In the seen world, *1111 ll does seem ,ra th e r s tran g e th a t It should be as It w ere o s ten latlousiv revcaleii to u* th a t g h o s ts a re em pty-headed creature* like m en, an d th a t they m ake use of thowc special o rg an isa tio n s which a re m ore or leas able to com m unicate with the unseen w orld fo r th s purpose of Inform ing us of Ihe lr revenge* and the ir fooUahne** and tliH r o ften very legltlm ute fears . P erhaps It Is hecAUSp they have given themselve* som uch to m ereseem ln g and plauilbllU y In the body th a t th ey s re compelled to give them selves to It In th e world of sp lrlta by w ay of re tribu tion .


A Hole M arks the Place Vl'herr th e lll*lnrlc NiruHuce ^ t4kod,

From the New York H erald.DM Fort i ’hartrc* . th e last of the chain

o f forts built by th«* F rench to withRiaiid the advent of the KiigUsh se ttle rs In early colonial days, and cxleiiJlnK from yiicbec lo New Orleun*. hue practically l»een annih ila ted hy rc^’cn t blasting* ma»1c by workmen em ployed by th e Fe*bTal Governniciit to im prove the navlKUtlon uf th s MlMsIsslppl. F o r m any y ears the fu n w as lh»’ sca t of fash ion and (Xiwer In all the West ami w as a no tab le re iulesvous ' fur oil W estern colonial mllltttpy forces.

The furl now 1* a m ere sink hole, w here once nmaslve stem* wall* were. The re- j cm blastings have not even Icfi enough of the stone work to Indicate where the fu rl once stood. The riv e r ha* long been ciu roachinK upon the w alls iind has g ra d ­ually urulerm im d numt of them , until ihc s lru c lu re w.is practically dlam anilcd, lung before the iiiA 'crnnu lU w orkm en Ouliv- plelrii the work,

The hlatory of the fo rt In th is regard is chaiBCtcrlHtlc the M ississippi Ulvcr. which Is • •mtltiiiiilly chaiiKlng its i-mtritc ' w itiiuut regard to the p roducts uf i;lvtllE4i ' Hon ai*out ll.

The furl WHS abandoned tiy the Kngllah troops, which (V u p U d It In 1772, bivnuac uf the eucroachinctils of the river, and the ^etllem eul ui “iMd K ask la" was devel­oped a* (he direct rcMuli- W hen the fori w as firMt bulh li n a s nearly a mile from th e river, but th a t s tre am w as w orking In th a t dlrccilim , jia.l by IT.'id the ordltmi'y bunks of the rive r w r e less than huif a mile from the buHllmi* of the Birt.

in tim es of high w a ter the river cam e so close a* III [Uiike It bo unuRual oci'Ui* rchcc for h basiiuu to be carried uwuy Imdily. At thl.'- tim e th e au thurltle* dc' elded to move the fortlfleuUuM.H bhi'k fu r­th e r from the river. T he original s truc - tu te wiw <if wood- th<‘ old rashloncd. typical Iduckade built fur the defence sgHlnHt Hie Indian*.

W hen Uu.' siructUTc w as rebuilt It wa* of *tum‘. The *tnm- wo* taken frtJiu bluff* fu rth er back from the river and the place w)ier«- (he im-n under the ifireclltin of rhevu lP T M ak arty unarrled the m a­te ria l can *Mll be iu-en liy w orking one’* w ay ihrm igh underb rush and over old logs which cover the iHittom lands of the river.

The rcbulblliig wa* done well. The stone wall* were eighteen fuet high And from three to six feet thick. Thi'-> wer*' four bAHlliitiM each liavlug forty-i^lght loophole* and fig h t » m br»*urfs; over each w as A Bciitry box. The inagiixiiie of th>' fo rt wa* lu the centre . It wa* th lrty -nvc f f f ’t hy Ihltpy-elght feel, ami th irteen feet high above Up- ground, alno having a cel­lar-like dfprt

It had B stone doorw ay and n woodet an d Imn dour, such a I'ombirmtlun beln r som ething unnanal for iho*f days, 'rh>- fo rt ulRn contalneil h pr1*un--a low squar-- s tru c tu re , cuntaltiing fo u r ecii* w'Uh Iron doors. All these w ere long ago pliindi^re<1 pf ever)' ve*tige of ihc old dayH.

I ’p lo a few )c a r* ago there were m any old m uskets. oPt keltic*. Minic hall* and sim ila r article* in (he m agaslne. but vln- Itor* g radually carried nil of them aw ay . a* relic*, aud the w orkm an lining the blASdlig have bi en erm tent with finding m any old reltr* lyhig U>o*e about Hic old fortlfleallon.

The fort wa* ercr-tcil In 1I2b i»y Iflcrre Diiqiie Bn|*hr1nnt and nam ed in honor nf (he D uke dii r h a r l r e s the son of the R egent of Frnnce. The French Pom- m andan l* at the fnri a f te r BntHbrlart w ere M. D. Rietle. 1‘lerru D A rtugnlette , ' l .a Pulssonnlfpc. tHc!Hd*i ftl. r u i r . th e ' t ’h ev a llfr de Mcrtle. the rh e v a lle r de M akarty , Neyou dc Vllller* and Ht. Ange j tif* Ilelle lUve.

W hile In the po**c«^1on of the F rench, th e fort w'ss th e baRl* fi^r all the npera- tions of th a t n s d e n In iho West in its e f­fort* tn nerupy the arent N orthw est te r ­rito ry to ihc exfluftlnn of the English and o th e r im tluns. The fort wuh also the seat n f fash lonslde life- th e I 'a rh of the F a r W est. Many a fnshlotiHbie dam e and dem oiselle fresh from the salons nf the g rea t French cApItal, m in e to thl* n illliary iin*t In the wild* o f AmcrI' H with hus­band. fa ther, b ro th e r n r relative.

Many a s to ry of rom anee i-i.nics by t r a ­dition frr=rn th is little cen tre of guyety. and , (tie romrinee and lnter»'St ga thering uliout > "Old Ka*kla d a y s" hnd their beginning Itj i th e life a t thl* post w hich even more th an ' K aska*k |a ha* now' practically dlsAp- pearwl. A* lo the m ilitary operatbm s cen tre ing a round the fort, it Is related that C om m ander iMerre A rtugnleite . in 1736, w ith A force com posed of the garrison of the fort, ft com pany o f volunteer* from am ong the F rench v illages aurroundlng the fort, and a th ro n g of Indian w arriors from around D etro it, se t ou t lo subdue the Ohickasaw s.

H e w as defeated , and w ith F a th e r Ben- At, a Jesu it priest, ftnd o thers, w as liurned • t the Btikk'<. Yet, th is w as only an Itml- dem In th e h is to ry o f the furl. During , th e w ar betw een the Kngllsh snd the F rench—I7&4-5P—the fo rt w as th e depot nf supplies Tor th e W est. The British did not take possession fo r abuiit th ir ty year*. M ajor Loftiis, w hile ftscendlng the M issis­sippi. In 17M, to tak e poBSessInn of the fo rt, w as driven hack to New O rleans by th e hostile Indian*.

The garrison w as E nglish a f te r 17flR. how ever, Folonel fo ie , a native of Rhode Island, who had l)een w ith Wolf a t the slejrs of Quebec, com m anding from ITtlfl to 17W: Colonel Reed nex t look command, hu t he wa* so oppressive that the French Inhab itan ts com m enced to leave, and he wan succeeded by Colonel W ilkins.

lender hla adm in is tra tion , on the six th o f Dcfcmber, l7Bh. a t F o rt ("hartre* the lost, wa* eetabllshed the first m u n of common law Jurisd iction ever established In all the N orthw est te rrito ry .

a m o n g HOrTMKKN PtNEB.

Indispensable ^ In Diphtheria

Is Bovinine, a.s has been attested by thousands of physicians. One of the many testimonials we have received is one from Dr. Arthur P. Ginn of Omaha, which reads, *' I used Hovininc in several cases of diphtheria, and was siicces.s- ful with the ra.sc.s. This to me is sufficient evidence of it.>i value, no other food beinj; used (luring treatment, exeept the milk used as vehicle for its administration.”

Bovininebeing a food jiroduct, made by a siKJcial cold process from lean beef, is easy to take, quickly assimilated, speedy in its life- promoting pro|H‘rties, is invalu­able as a life-giver when it is necessary to maintain strength to carry a patient over the crisis of a disease. In diphtheria and other throat troubles where it has become impossible to take nourishment hy the mouth, Hovi- nine has susl.iined life for weeks, administered as uu iiiiecliun.



Cltolcu Hlrndt'd Tuh...................lift**, per 111E x tra Flue Kngliah R ruakfast

Tra .................. .........................par P>ItuHkft-firt-il J ai>uii T*'h ..........'J .V . \ ipt 1bYoung Hynou T u a ... pur U»Flue CriffccB.................. IN r- to iif if . per tbTfiirs V inegar............................ If ic . pur gaiR ctl H Ic r,........ ......................... p rr tbFurc iVpiHT....................................l l io . per lbiVaa^ all kIndB................................ Ko. pur q t

^liusi C ocua..............................pt*r n>CallfuriilH I’n ihc* ...........................H r. per lbTi»iiuil'»--. t'orti or IVun............ 7 r . a canlmiH»rtu«l Miii-arojil........... ........... f l r . per lbI'lin- Fort W ihu.........................7 f i r . pur gall''luu HhuiTy W'lui*................... 7iVr. pur galHwuiq ( 'tttaw bu .............................7 f ir . per g a lDi'licjnnr. ^'l|*^•al^'|....... 7 f ir . per galI ’ufu Whlski-y ....................... g t pur galtJld Ryu. ............ . .. g;t jwr g a l

K .’’ Ryu. H yt-ar* oM ............. g l per gsJripiT Huliiiifirk Chaiupiignu........q tlinpuriuil tilitgur A k ....................f tl .2 5 do ilb at Hinuklng T n l« a ’u ...............22r , per lbI'huluu H avana c ig a rs ...................... |I4 a lUO


55 Jla rku t Struct,M-:\\ .«Rh, N, .1.

ESTABLISHED 1868. TELEPHONE E1G.Order* l>y mall or telephone a ttended to

a I otu-cDullv'uric* In tuwnrhlp* every week.Llhural discount In lurgu qiDintltlup

m i s ^ p iM S Lenten Season.I K O N W O l i K S .


Corner of Orange and Ogden Sts.H A N V E K C r V R B R S O F

Improvud t^'orllsB EngInsSp T ubu lar UofirtB. T anks and Shuct Iron W ork, also heavy Iron am) l>rasB CgatlngB. Orders fur general M achine and Boiler Kepalra prum ptly sxscuted .

▲ LARGE STOCK OP’ N EW AND 8 Ei:- OND-HANU EN G IN E S AN D BOIL- EUK cm istanily on hand. T E F f 'E R OKATE-HARfl In all s ta n d a rd slxei.

W harf lo let, wUh heavy c ran e and sio r- oge privltegBs, hy day, w eek o r m onth , a t low cat city rates.

t j io i iv .s n l t Miii’kiTi'l, SiimkiMl Rbm t-cr*, Miiiht*r <»r r c a r l ( '4)illt*1i, ( AniuulSuit null, StinllucM,,.MtU'knrHl » ih1 nviMylhin^r in Uio ( Aiii)(‘il Si‘n F ikhD.

All Gfloils Are tlie Eboicest Braeils.

72 8 B ro a d S tr e e t ,NEWARK, N. J .

Wm. R. Sw an, Clark of C ontra M arket, saya w e aaved h la life. :iu do hun d red a m ore.

■iw Mi iosm i P i n w n M im w ij




Caikdy as Fooil.F rom the D e tro it P ro s Pres*.

By (he law s o f Ma**achueetlB candy Ir ('1a**ca a s a food, and the InupeL'torB o f tbe H tate B oard o f J lea ltit look out for In ju ­rious candy along w ith o ther kind* of f ^ d . B eing a heterogeneous m ixture, th e re c an be no itatidArd of purity fo r candy, and th e only te s t uRed I* to d e te r­m ine w hether It is dangcroua to health . A few y e a rs ago th e re were m any prosecu­tions fo r the sale of in ju rious candy; bu t com pla in ts a re now very rare. Am ong the reaoons fo r th s ohangs Is th s g row th of a public ta s te fo r b e tte r candy, the w ork of th e S ta te H ealth Board, the effort b o f the N ationa l OonfectlonerB' Association, and the cheapen ing o f the maJariale. The N a­tiona l Aoooclatlon has a Btanding offer of a liberal rew ard for the conviction of any offender o g a ln it the law prohibiting ad u l­te ra tio n . T his honest policy pays, the oon- feotlonery business In the United S ta te s h av in g m ore th a n dgublod lin e s i ts adop ­tion.

A Colony o f N urthcruers In a Hentlhful Kegion,

From th e HoBion Olol>f'.Down In Dixie ihtT* 1* a spot w here

"Old Glory" 1b ralRcd every m orning and lowered at sundown. It Is aw ay back In a big plno forfSi in Moore County, N. t.\. m any mil"* from any o th e r town. Y ankee hand* raise It ond Y ankee hand* lower )i. D uring the night It 1* carefu lly folded aWR.v In th»' d raw er of a dri'Sner th a t wu* m ade up In W rinon l fo rty y ears iigo and w ent down Bouth wlHi the liouai-hold goods of a g ruy-halrcd , long-whlnkered Verm ont farm er, who gu ard s the b right- colored sJJk as xt-aloiisly as his gold watch.

Tfi! yc/ir* Hgo Ihl* pine forest wu* pruc- tU’HlIy ileHprted. A few floulliprner*, each with a riLulc or tw o and a riL-uro farm - harul, lived In Hiiiall ualchca w herevur h liu le corn couid l>e ra ised and raxetr-back hogM miglu t)n<] enough to hc<cp ihem alive. A \* sv Hurnp*hlt> tlnibt-rniaii, who had fuitrid his way Into l ‘ari)hna, w as told tttiuui tho rlim ate . He sent for his Invalid wif" uriil Mlh! was cured. In th is way tho seuleineni of U outhem Fines, from which me flag flL aiH, w as starK nl.

Apjjarenily It Is the last place on ea r th wJiiTf tL jHTson would cure lo live. Tho pKie wouiiM are not th ick enough to be at> iracd v i’ or p icturesque. I p the uncu lti­vated part* noth ing In the way of vcgc- tELtlon cun be seen but wire grass, and evcryw’here the ground Is s trew n w lih dry lugs, branches ahd bark.

Tho sciilem . how ever, w anted som e­th ing to do a* Ihe lr h ealth Improved, for most uf them cam e (here w ith consiimp- (|on, hruncnltis or Nome o ther pulm onary complaint, a num ber had hought littis palclie* of the Mundy *o|], on which they creeU’d fram e cottage*, l l w as enoaper to live thut way th a n buiinl.

(trie m an th o u g h t h* would se t out a few N orthern g rape vines an an experim ent. WtraiiHe lo say , they grew rapidly, and when the bearing y ear cam s, he shipped Bcvcral pounds o f fine fru it tu the folks “At lionLf'' It) M assachu ititt* In Ju ly , th ree m onths l>efore the la t te r picked the ir own gntpes. This s ta r te d grape-grow ing. Then Some one set ou t f ru it true* and w as sue- ccsHful. e*pe(‘lally In peaches. The fru it business has been po p u la r Ihrnughout tlilR section ever *1iice,» It accoun ts for llie large purchases o f lend th a t have hei-n made, for the cnlonist* know there le money in buying land $J and H per acre am i selling ll In a few years a t | 1C or | 2n.

N early l.bOO people live In o r near ftiu ih - ern Fines, and over n inety p e r cent, of ihem were Iwm north of Long Island Hound and ea*t of the H udson R iver; the re s t cam e from New* York and P ennsy l­vania. To the N o rth e rn v isito r the in ­te rio r of the ir hom es m akes him for th* tim e forget th a t ha Is 40(1 miles south of the Putom ao Ulver.

One day In a household in th* big idncy wood* Is aliout like a ll the rest, seven o'clock In the m orn ing finds the fam ily dressed and ready for h n ’S k fa tt. An hour before, the head of the house ha* been up and ou t In hi* garden . T here Is n curious m ix ture o f Soufhern and N orthern dishes, corn pone and bacon, fried p o ta ­toes and perhaps beefsteak , coffoe and biscuit*.

L ighting his pipe th e fa rm er s la r te for the postofllce. T h is Is th e cen tre of a t t r a c ­tion. Letter* bearing the postm ark of Boston, N ashua, M errim ac or o ther fam il­iar places a re read am ong the crowd, and the new* from hom e exchange^. The n rn t. prlm -looklng Y ankee ro fllm ls tresa 1* for fl^e tim e the m ost Im portan t personage In th e place.

T hen they s ta r t for ih e lr w ork. I t m ay h4 to direct a dnxen h an d s w orking In an o rchard a h a lf mile long, or It m ay be to trim ft few vines arountT home. E ach has som ething to do, an d one doenn’t find them killing time, s ittin g on c rack e r boxes In the grocery the re s t o f the day, as Is so common in m any of the Sou thern village*.

T^y 10 o'clock m ost of th s lig h ts a rc out, save a t the hotels, and the only sound heard Is the wind. T he place, like all the o th e r New E n g land settlem en ts in the Bnuth, Is s tr ic tly tem pera te . D isorder Is unknown, and a s tro n g sen tim en t of m orality p reva ils everyw here. *

H i g h e t t o f iD in L e a v e n in g P ow er..— L i t a t U . a G o V t R e p o r t

OHftANlC ns*s,yq|ilng Msmiiry,iMtckof Koerqy»Phrt» I :oal liecey, ari*Epg | rmor In |

rrtw or expoS.irs, i>roduqlug wuue of Llw Ld- lowing sffB o f! NwrvuusnesB, D sblllly, Dim !>*■» nf Kigj.t, Helf I)istru*t, Dsfectlvs Mem- nry. l*l in pie* mu t he Kscs. .^vsrslon tn Hocl*t.v Ul*-!* pf Anihltlnn, M el*nrhp|f, |IjTRfSiwm, s u imsit Hsv*lijpin*nt, D>**of I'ow- • r. Kii*. t ’Mino In tr.« MmcV. elc., are treated Ur n«w iiisHumI*, rtUh never-faiUn.' succssr. bafely, prlTstely. sp rfd llj.

And Skin tllsMUWB, Ali h'nrm affecilnii Iknly, Sum-, riimai, d^t'i >n>l IIoLi*v.

Hlotchs*, firupiiniip. Aens, Eu«ema>,OM Hore^. riV vrs.ralnful Mwefllins Ymm whaieverc*n»e. ' iruNlilvely sod forever cxpsllsil froui ine *)’*- |



106-10S HQlbirrf 31,t l , 70 i n d 71 CllotOD S L ,

n b w a r k , n . j .IMSMMIMMMeMISMISMHMI

b lo o d ;

KIDNEY;tern by nteasi i>r H*ft. i1mr-ta*t<Hl rvinedle*.

Hlricture ami nil I ’rina rr ('nmiiUinl*. B<tJf)ful,lfifil-

Irm Kiei|'*-iil nr ^o o d y Uriae, Promptly < 'uf*d Wu liavs ths ifrr*t#4l rh lfuou t fur unontur*! >li>cUarfi. lo ca ted eve r Hi year*.

|^ r ”luvrell{*l(»fliir modern trea i:a sn t for catarrh and all limx alTfctiorit.

ASA MEDICAL IN S T IT U T E .1 H 4 O r a i i i ; ^ S t r a n t , > '« \v ) t r k ,

Oue h |« rk Abave H ich Ktraei. Hour*—* to HI A, M., I ts Hand ft l o | P. M.


w ith 111© world, 2 0 0 0 cTimplctely cure<1 men are slugibg nappy i^raijw* fot

the greatest, grand- eMt and luoel siio- rtnafu l cure fur sex­ual wcakm«s ami Just vigor koowo in medical edecce* An

)ac('utintof thlsunr;- d rr /« i rtwr^mervp in bfKik form, wllb ref­erences ond prmifs, will )>e to suf­

fering men frt€ . Full i3i.nnly vigorpenuancatly restored. Fullm a Imposslbio.


I Q A Z Here and ready I a A J || for business at

the Old Stand,m MARKEl STREET.

E veryth ing In tbe H ardw are Line. Mill, Factory, Plumbere’ and Steara- fltters’ Supplies of the best q u ality and LOWEST MARKET PRICES,


LHD POWER COMPANT.A r o L i g h t ! , I n c a n c l o i o s n t L i g h t !

e l e c t r i c P o w e r .ftATEM (J.>i AI'I'l.H A iiD S.

OlficQS, jt>«ud BB MschaJilc: it., Newark, N. J PlHKTuli*

Thoina* T. KInhey, tenitfrird Krueger,F. WnU'olL Janksoft, B. M. Aiianley, hAii^uid Klulx, I'hlUn N. JaciLsunA b r a t i H ^ M l l U r n M. C!Jarl[. SaniUsI r(, iJetiuln, t/t^allr B. Ward, M. D. Julm II. Marrliuii, Frederick S. Douxiaa trsorse \V. Hebard, B Lid ley Farraad«

J. Ilurbcrl Llallaullne. bUrXlUMTBgbXNT AND KLKO'Tmt'IA.M

Ji^hn J, (JafTEK-r

G R A r ’B H P E C m t ' A iJL U lC iN E . T R / ^ I MARK Th«ir«.t TRADKMARK

KagUih K«a*4j

butf i r iH TAi(ii..< Amw TAiiit.ram in iht Saf k. iiinn«iv •( Vliion, and many nihtf (■'•aaiaa that Ind la Inaaniry nr

sartlivUn In stir pjmpklci, wa qeatrt*m wpnS ('t« By mail e«rry one

S^Thp Rptciic Majkcinc i* »old by all druggiitg Mit [par sachage, or wit packagta lor nr wi)i L>c vrg

•sbr Mail «n thcrvi ripi of ihe Moaty, by addr«i»tnei T il SSAT IISH i l l Cfl.. SI rn iA f s.aet'OAtat •( cuunirtfriffe. fviUiw Wraprter ikp

Vhi- -mill '4F o r sale by Chartefl H olzhauer, d ruggist.

Broad and M arket s tre sts .

P/ PER-AND'"- ■


20 CllDtOD street, Newult, N. J.

M iiwa.rto j i i i n o an i iJiwPTXv

Rupture Cured iWith our laprSTS^klaagc Tram WorawttheMe *

I eiaot asd oar. neulep tha ruph>ra a&dar ^ \' haj^fotaafTclitand wTanMPkelraln. Kuntlnalloa -

lad / In att«ti(tanc« for UdUa. Hrcd (or <, pomphift. I

IMPROVED ELASTIC TRUSS CO. ;i l l * t u B nU w a,. Otf. I t t l , t l . , V, T . I

Powdero i t a o u r n E E i r m k *

S A N T A L - m i D TA rm ta diHbtrgM hem tb« UTtnuyoevut

I t ■Ulv t t i lo 48 b o m .I t b fiijMrior to Cojnibo, C o tn b o f lobfr

I k u , m d (n o tro io tU U 4 uaoU or otoir I bHoaTBOloacM,

8ANTAL-MIPY"vfakk beat tM sais

P rStfllMifr'a FaiHah DtaHawiI TlpaiiS,


Bar a. aJwayw r'Uae.i«. lai>'NB a*l"iraMiei ter CAuAmiw* OMiire tele , i^wferaHiiln tied bad Ould (BeuUle

, Mrt. irAled Willi Nuv rlhtMD. T a k e ' inu Bther, inArtiru'rloMctuf iHrtrAiiiftii. At (lru|gli(i. «r mbB 4«. la eiaot^ r»( |u>ri|nulbri. IviUPaoaUl* aoA " N flle f fbr bpeira,** In Mr»r bf rf4*r*

f Hall. lU.PSb t-«iiindai8li. Vnvir r«**r . (IklvhBatarCSewIcal i'«.,UBdla94i ^

hr Ul Moai hruutiu BklloAo.. Fa*


p u r r u THntTFFNTII fdTKUUT HKWKU -AS-NVMNIIirnL f'lr liCtIL'IlU.Null." la lirifhy Klven that im iu,*«'n*mr'ni

ui“i|| plU itn .-.rH'rM > r all the iaiul'i niid r«'iil rp iiilw ]>i I'Uiiiirly Li'iicilit'd tty the •.oJiairucli'jn uf the Kt-wt r tn

Kt»i:TH T im i'n :i:N ‘Jii HTiii.ii’r, ranruftlJiK '■'■ilh Ui- |nv--.rii :"iAfr i ‘2Tt pioijili -if Xiiiih iivi-iiutj iM t>nlr-il avt'iiLM*. Jio- < -rdtiiK lo ihti t>rr>\ Ihl'iiiK *'t ah "rdlliatii'e «'( Lh cliy i-f N»'v »irk, <-rjllth--l. '*.\n nnllniinrr’ lo (inpvlUe r-ir IIip rnnAtrUi-ilnii >r il ee'wer In

Hfd'TII TmUTlCKNTH J^THKFT, nitinrH:UllK Y'llh itH’ I'CRAijIH nPW4-r, 2‘ifi fpct noUth "t .Mruli uv"fi<ie (u ('ciitrul evenut, H]!- provnl ,Vu*u»i H.

Ham hem jiici-nre-l l*y ih«‘ UhdnteiRned Hom- nUssli'niTH. ii|p|'olmv(l l>y thn Mayi.r >>f the city ut Nf'i-Hik, t»M.| tli.iL (I liy n Inwrltlhg. wtih Jill ii -.uiii|.jiny!ng miip ainl eched- l )* niiiiwinK ihp jrpvp-ral H-n-Hsiu^nt* ih** MPvr'ral uwiiHrp |'<■•‘ JhHI]y hpnpfltf d a* Hfnrn- BAld, hen Ircpn ilrtMiiilLfd In (lit ultli-i* i>r the e.'lty i-'lerk 'jf the <'Uy rf Kca'iuIi , for rximiinHllun by

imrtlfn Intpcpp-lr'd iln’r'-ln.Halil ri.nii>TtRM< mU loTx tra-'tii nml

purccia of Inni1 .nu| ren] RMiuto Muliln iu be ai- tM'Bttd nn af->rcajkt<|, lylUK <>ii tioih nbltti uf

finT'TIl TIMIITKKNTH HTUt’.rT fmm I'Vtiipal *M-nuc lu a |poIh( iui fi-m north uf Ihp Aamn.

A "lot" n*piT»*-n*e «n rntlra plui of land, whrtlier IfiriB ur Rmall. "

All iw raiina Inlcr-iHicd In bhIiI eim'iement may bn hwird before buM CnnirnlMU'iierM. gn KIUIMV. ’i’HK HTII 1»AV OK MAUl'II. IWKU At 2 i‘. M,, Mt the C'orDm1*eluneri’ ru-nn, Nq- 4 l3d n<K>r>. City Hall.

Dated Fel'fuary !rti. Dirtl.t>AVMp r . BODD. .rn.,WM, OVONNnft JOHN J, M -tin.ci u.

turn ('(imulwlonurB.

NOHTH gPVBNTH KTRKF2T HEWKlt -AnBees-moni for i«jfb»*ftit».NutLee 1* hereby slvrn that an osMCAemi'nt

u|Min si) (he iiwneri of ell (hf tandii and. real •state peculiarly bcnefiied by the uunetructlon of (hr icwur In

NURTil itKVJaN-TlJ HT.UWKT, . ^from Fourth Hvi-mu* to a ivliit Sm (• vi n«'rth«r- ly from the Haint*. aci-urdlng u* the jiruilsU-ns of an ordinance uf the cUy of Newark. leiUl- tkd "An ofiilnHja’e lu provUlP fur Ihr cunetruc- llun uf a w.»wt*r In

NOUTH HKVKNTH STKbJKT. . fr<»m Fuurlh avenue to n i»nini iMu f*^l riarth- •rly from the eame. appruvrU AuguMl it*. 1«SW.

HaH bei*n pri-parcij 1>> «ho undei »igned Com- mluloner*, up[iu|nip«l by Ha- Mayor of the city Uf Newark, and that a rvpori. by u cm lncale In wrlHn*. with an acconijwnyUig mail and eched- vle, •howluR th* euverai HsneMnieme agaiiuit the ieveraJ owner* peculiarly beneftU'fl ae afor*- Mid, ha* bewn deiH>KU©4l In the ufflcf nf the city Clerk of the oily of Newark, for examthS- (lull by (he (uirtkA interested therelr.

Paid awwienient coraprlae* all U>is, (rticls and parcel* of land »tbl real eetHt* liable to be as* •eiM'd uv arunmaid, lylnu on both tides uf

NirttTlI HKVfcIN'ril HTHKKT, from Fourth avenue lo a point £ » f « t north of (he aamc, •

A ''lot" repre*en1e an enllrs plot of land,whelher large sniall.

AU person* ln<ere*i«d In eabl anaesetnent may lie heard la'f<>ro iald (’oninilMebmfra on FHIDAY. TllIC 8IXTH TAT OK MARCFi, l»0ft

Jt 2 P. M,, at the Comr»l*sloii«rs' room. No, S .hlrd floor), City Hall.Dated February at, IHW.

DAVmC. DOPP. JH,*WM. Br (rCONNOa, D JO H N l.licU R A ’TH,.

C w n m lse lM i* \

0,1* ri>rMn K ilim ( li itr irh l «nl1 (tF lf tr O lh m InturK l lijr Ihi- |■»ll-ThK KM olullont J l fn u l lh l i l l CllliKii •ncy Ailopim Atinnit I'lMnlnioutljr b r lhi> «*natp-A WiMiian »lli>l In NfW York h f » K ijr r im Lov«t noil H i' Sl«n r.»-caprn I.) ii<'biii(.

At th* fftiln o Hink In I-'nll Hlvfr, Miikk.. I ta l ntftht, llif Imluairn'li' of tlir KulliTy ■av* way, M d IW boy* »«'! tn 'n bi'n.1- lonit lulo the rink, a lilitnn ri' of th irty fr*l. 0 *fr tlfiy a rc Itijum l ami oiw 1* d«ad. , , ^

Th* attranilon waa a a a m ' of POl“ be­tw een New lln lfo r'l anil Kali Fllvrr. The rink wa* crowiii''! lo lla u ln to it cai'aeily , abou t ISOii [ii'rmiiii belna ]>re*enl. The Mama waa eontra lrd hotly, anil the play­er* fm juen tly cam e Iumi Iher, rouih ly handtlnK each other. There were almut 7(10 men and hoya In the ea it *allery, uinl th ey were ilellMhleil w ith three enntlleta. m id ilemonetralMl their aiitiroval by loud e liirr ln a .

W hen the game waa ha lf over a fight oc­cu rred between two em ail hoya In ihe fron t of the gallery, ami then" ii|iiioareil Im m inent danger iif a num ber falling ovar the rail, hut the d la tu rbanee waa ijuleied.

Curley. Ihe Kali R iver goal tender, and Dunning, the New Bedford ruaher. ram e together a lltllo la te r and eachanged blowa. They were parted by C aptain Cot­te r, hut they again niehed a t each other.A t thla junc tu re there w aa a loud eraah. A aeetlon of the gallery rail, th irty fie t In length , had given way. and almoat every- hody who had been In tiehlnd It had tum ­bled to the floor. There waa auch a prei- aura from the rear th a t (Ive row a of epee- ta to ra w ere carried over, In all ahum IWi peraona. . . .

T ha police as quickly a* poaalhle cleared lha building, and In a rem arkubly short apwca of lim e fully tw enty doctor* were Oh th a B e e n e . An Improvised hospital waa m a d e o f t h e r i n k floor.

N arclaae M enard wa* Injured fatally . I lia legs were broken, hie heail eut and he Bultared Internal Injuries which resulted In death a abort lim e a f te r his removal to the hospital.

Th£ im lju l in rr w a i auimnoiK^d. and a num ber of werp put Into rom nili-lio n , t t If lilt to M tfmatp th a .n u m fk r of tho ip Injurud. All who ffll ware m ort or U i i burl.

r o l l CI:BAN INlIKl^KPillKNCK.

T he filenate Alriioiit irnanLiiioual^ Favora the Cauae o f Inau rfrn ta .

L a te yeatard iy a tta rnoon the Senate paaard, with only six dlK«entliiv volea. the rM olutlona of the ro m m ltie e on b'orelKU lle la tio n i emltodyinx recoKnhIon of bc}llii< ereney, and before the cluae of next week it la alm oat a certa in ty th a t the Houae will h ave paaied alm tlar re io lu tlona. The reao> lutlona paased by the S enate yestenlay are "concu rren t" In their na tu re , and wvri' ho fram ed for the e x p re u purpo te of avoldlnir the necoBiity of p re a en tln r them to the P re itd en t for hlf approval.

T he a ll Benatora who voted uKalnat the paaauRe of ihe re io lu tlona y e iten U y were J iea ira . CafTrry. of Loulalana: C'hlllon, of Texaa, ami George, of M tealiaippl, Demo' crata« and Hale, of Maine* MorrlU, of Ver­m ont, and W etmore, o f Rhode U land, He- publlcana. Senator C aftery ia regarded aa the m o lt loyal A dm lnlatration m an on the doer of the Senate excepting Mr, Vllaa. of W taconiln . and the la tte r , who wan paired, announceo th a t had ha )>cen a t liberty to vo te he would have recorded hlmBelf In oppoaltlDn to the reaoluttona The action of theae tw o ^ n a to r a la accepted a i evi­dence of the genera] belief th a t the Admin la tra tlon waa and la a trongly oppoeed to th a expreaalon of any opinion on the Cu ban queaUon by Congreaa a t ih li time.

T he U klng of the vote In the Henate waa preceded by nearly four h o u n of eloquent ip tech m ak ln g In which only one m an ra iled hta voice in oppoiltlon to the adop> tlon of th e re io lu tlo n a Thla waa Senator Caffery, of Loulalana, who em phatically p ro te iied a g a ln it any aort o f recognition of the Cubana aa ItiaurgentB,


M lfi fflyna Dangeroupl? W ounded h j the Man Hhe M ad R^ecded.

F ive bulleta w ere fired Into th a body of K a therine F lynn laat n igh t a t Second Avenue and B a it Seven ty-n in th a lreet, New York Tha wounda, all of which w ere dangeroua, w ere m ade by Thom aa Cooley, a carpen ter, of llS E aat Seventy e igh th a treei. M lai F ly n n waa taken to the F low er HoapUali She t i twenty- eeven yeara old and had lived with her m o the r and b ro the r a t 417 E aa i E ighty flrat a tre e t

Cooley had been pay ing a tten tio n to Mlaa Flynn for acm e tim e, bu t because o f hla In tem perate hab ita lila ault waa n o t favorfd . She had refuaed hia hand In m arriage, and i t la r e p o r t^ th a t In conaaqueni'e he had th rea tened her life d i d ahe receive the a tten tlo n a of any other B u lto r Cooley perslaied In hla love- m aking . how tver, and m et Mlaa F lynn Ilk th e a tree t when opportun ity offered. H e m et her thua laa t nlglit.

In her an te-m ortem eu ie m en t. taken by Coroner Hoeber, Mlsa F lynn aBierlvd th a t Cuoley declared he would shoot her if ih e left him.

Mian Flyiui again told Cooley th a t ahe did not care to r him, Cooley arvw a revolver from h is pockeU He placed hie i e f t a rm uruuiul her and ehot ner iu the back . Just a t the tlgtiT strcmhler' blade.

Mlaa Flynn, dcrc-aming loudly, m n to the Bslooii of Henry liruggeinunn, on th e aoutheam co rn e r or h w cn ty -n ln th s tre e t acd Seejnd avenue. S ta rling to fol­low her, Cooley tired two more ahota before the girl re a ih ed the naluon dour, b o th bu litta luUgcij m her body. On en ­tering* the Hsloon MIrb F lynn ran (uward th e rea r room, while Cooley aUll pursued her. >Vhtn he saw hiT try ing to s lugger acros* Uiu door he dred twice mure ami both tim es the shu ts w ere eitecUve. She w as able, haw evid. to open the door lead­ing to the rea r ruom and to close It ui'ter h e r a s she fell on the door.

A fte r Mina F lynn had entered ihe re a r room Cooley u ltem pled lo rt'acli her and Prod a slx tn shot. The hartem ler caught him by Hie th roa t and suco 'cdpd in eluin- m iiig the dour shu t. C apiain Caiiey had 'arrived about this time and he tmu quite a s trugg le wlib t'uo iey tieforv he could m ake the a rrest. In a vary short Hina th e saloon w as crowded.

A fter an am bnhtm ’e had taken uway th e wounded woman a tlen ilu n wan paid lo Cooley. The crowd hud gi'own abtmi the B&loon to ii!,uO(i pcrfiiinn. Th<-re was a cry o f "L ynch the b ru te !" It was echoc<l by nearly every one who lu'ard It. This shou t and Dihera were taken up. "Birlng him up!" "Get a rope!" "Tic him !o a lam p-pust!" waa sbouied by liiitnlrtMla of th e onlookers. The police llnully drove th e crowd back and got their prisoner sa fe ly to the police s tation .

M Ith, DOl'l>, TIIK A(T1(K.H.S, FItKK.

Th* H om an Mhe Nhot at Kails to PrcRi II er (Jhargf,

Mrs, H arrie t Uutid, an Hctreas. wlio wuk a rres ted In New York on the nlghl of Fcb- r iia iy 3 on a charge of trying in ultunt M rs. Lillian Marlon, known on tin- HUigc a s L illian Bwaync. w as umilgm-d In ihc JefTcrsoii M arket i ’ollce Court ycalm Juy. Airs. .\Hirlon was upcomprtfijcrl to euurl I'y her ftillicr. I'rofcHeoi- Swaync. nii'l by h rr uuni. Mrs. Dund'N hunhund huh a l H O In court. Mrsi M arion w'uh re |iic9enifi,l by A. H. KafTenburgli, utnl Mrn. Hmid Ijy Mr. I'^rlcnd. .Mr. KulTcnhurgh «nk»*d foj ,,n ad- iournm Cni, and aMaglntiuti iiran n the ctiHe for March bl, I ’rorcasor Bwuync pro­tested ugulnHt the adjuurnm eru, but uh his dau g h te r said hHc whs willing he left the courtroom .

Mr. Friend then escorted the twn women to a side ruom and hrought them logelluTa Holh wept and were Koon kissing each other, Mrs. sMurlon said she wished lo w ithdraw the charge.

"H ring Iheni oul licre anil I will reopen th e <*-ase,'‘ BKlil the rnugistratc. Airs. M arlon declared th a t ih i'fe liail never been any trouble heiween hi-rself ami Mrn.i.Miud and H ill the revolver w as pointed In the a ir. ^

"You I wore tha t

n i h SfH lKTV WOMAN— ifs.ie wise— lias a rle.ir ami beaiililul

complexiuii.This is hcrause she uses Woo<i-

bury’s racial Snap. It is pure amJ an antiseptic. It makes ami pr.- serves complexions, No other is “ just AS good."

A T . S l . A . S T . t. . . . . . . . . U * i » H 7 - ■ u r n . * . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7‘ J l ? * i

l l u l H » y . . . . . . . M ; i ; i i »^ i t i i l l l i . . . . . . . . . . . l l ' i li . i L ' V i t i c r . . . . . . . . I 4.‘ 17'T » - f l i » ' I I . . . . I ' M V l l l U f . . . . . . . . . . . 1K 7

n J o a s a K k . . . . H i ' . > u < : k . . . . . . . . . . . . . I > i . r . '

T n l u l a . . . . . , . - ' 1 J . ‘.1 T o i a l a . . . . . . . . s - i l s i r .T l i t ^ I H o o t n f l p U l t ' y - l i n g a r i i l A t h l e l l r A h .

a l n — ( l i a n o t r e a c t ] t h e i r r o n c l u a t o n a h y t h * s a m e p r o e o s s a s t h e o l h e r f o u r m e m l ' e r s , b u t t h e e n n e l u n l o n s a g r e e d .

I n f i v e o f t h e s i x c o u n t i e s w h i c h e o m p o s e t h e d l s t r b ' l t h e w h i l e v o i e r s l a r g e l y o u t ­n u m b e r t h e e u l o r e d v o t e r s . A l d r i c h c a r r i e d f o u r o f t h e f i v e " w h i l e " c o n n l l e H , a i n l h l c n e t m a j o r l l y I n I h o s e c o u n l l e s , a c i ' o r d j n g t o l h e a n l r l a l r c t u r T i i . w f t s l . a - M . T h e r c m a l n -

n g c o u n t y I s l > a l l » s , I n w h i c h i h n i ' o l o r c d v o t e r s ( s u b s t a n t i a l l y a l l o f w h o m a r c i t e -

H c a n s i o u t n u m b e r t h e w h i t e v n i c r s m o r e t h a n t l i r e e t o o n e . t h e t o t a l n u m b e r n f w h i t f v o t e r s b e i n g d e s i t h a n ! f , 5n o a n d t h e t o t a l r i u m h e r o f c o l o r e d v o t e r s a I l M i e m o r e t h a n 7. V S 1. A n d y e t , a c c o r d i n g t o i h e

o f t I c U l r e t u r n s f r o m t h l a c o u n t y . H o b h l n s r e i ' e l v r r l 6.442 v o t e s ; i m l A l d r i c h o n l y 722.

T h a i i h e s f r e l i i i n s w e r e s s l u r a i e d w i t h f r a u d I h e l e s t i m o n y i n t h e ( ' H s e a b u n d a n i - l y s h o w a T h e r e I t ^ v e r y r e a s o n l o b e l i e v e

t h a t t h e H o u s e u f l l e p r c s e n t a l l v e s w i l l p r o m p t l y c o n f i r m t h e d e c i s i o n o f t h e K l o c - t l o i i s i - o m m i t l e c t n t h i s c a s e .

i * ■ 'M O R N I K G X R W K l I H l L r H .

E a s t I t J v e r J k r h i g e I H s n * » ( ‘ o l o i i e l I i i g e r i H i l l I n t h e r u l ( t U .

S e c r e t a r y L a m o n l y e s t e r d a y a p p r o v i n l t h e f d a n s r e c o m m e n d e d b y a 1. K ) a r i l o f e n g i n e e r o f f l e e r a f o r t h e c o i i - B i r u c t l o n o f t h e n e w b r i d g e a c r o s s t h e E a s t H i v e r f r o m N e w Y o r k t o B r o o k l y n . T h e p l a n s a t a p p r o v e d p r o v i d e t h a t t h e m i t i i m u i n h e i g h t o f i h e s t r u r i u r s s h a l l h e t t j f e e t i n t h e c e n t r e a t m e a n h i g h t i d e a n d f o r a d i a l a n c o o f 2d u f r e t o n e a c h s t d i * o f t h e c e n t r e . T h e p i e r - h e a d s a r e l o h e 117 f e e t h i g h . A h e a r i n g , a t w h i c h f l e i ' r e t a r y L a m o n l w a s p r e s e u i , w a s h < d d I n N e w Y o r k l u s t w e e k b y I h e E n g i n e e r H o a r d , a n d t h e r e e o m m e n d a t t o i i s o f t h e I t u a r a w ere f o l l o w e d .

— H r . J o h n R u s k , i m a t u r o f t h e T h u r c h M i l i t a n t , i . ’ h l c a g o , h a s I n v i t e d i ' o l o n e l I n -

e r s o l l t o a d d r e s s h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n , a n d ! o l o n e l I n g e r s o l l l i a a a c c e p t e d . T h e ‘ h u r c h M H S t a n t o c c u p i e s W i l l a r d H u l l ,

t h e h u m r o f t h e W n m a n ’ s C h r i s t i a n T c m -C r a n e e T n l o n I n r h l c a g o , a n d t p e m e m -

r s o f I h e u n i o n o b j e c i e d a t f i r s t , h u t f i n a l l y d e c i d e d t o h e a r i h e t l ' o h m c ] .

- A n I m p e r i a l d e c r e e h a s b e e n l e M i f i a t C o n s t a m l n o p l e p e r m i t t i n g . M i s s C l a r a H n r -

t o n , p r e s i d e n t o f t h e A m e i i c a i i l i e d i T o s a B o c l a t y , a n d h e r r e p r e s e n l a l l v e s t u t r a v e l I n A n a t o l i a a n d d l s t r l b n l e r e l i e f . C n i l e d

K t a t s s M i n i s t e r T e r r e l l a c c o m p a n i e d M I t s H a r t o n a n d h e r p a r l y t o t h e b u i t a n ' s p a l ­

a c e .> > P r e v l d e n t C l e v e l a m l , I t i s s a i d , h a s

p r a c t i c a l l y c l o i e t l n e g o t i a t i o n s f o r I h e p u r - e b a s f ' o f a d u e k - s h o o t l n g g r o u n d o n t h e P o t o m a c f l l v e r , I n S t a f l o n i C o u n t y , V r . , a b o u t f o r t y m i l e s b e l o w W a s h i n g t o n . T h e p l a c e I s o w n e d b y N e w Y o r k e r s , , h s s a w a t e r f r o n t a g e o f a b o u t a m i l e , a n d i a

f i t t e d u p w i t h b l i n d s . J l I s a a l d m a n y I m ­p r o v e m e n t s w i l l l » m a d e .

— T h e C l a r i o n * L e d g e r o f J a c k s o n , M l a a , , p r i n t s a l e t t e r f r o m H o n . W . C . w h f t n o y , o f N e w Y o r k , I n w h i c h h e p o s i t i v e l y d e ­c l i n e s l o h e a c a n d i d a t e f o r t h e P r e s i d e n ­t i a l n o m i n a t i o n , a n d a l s o d e n i c a t h a t h e

s o r l u t l o i i ' s I n m l l . ' ^ g ! r , i . r n j u d l l i c k ' u u r h i C y i d M C l u b o f P a l e r s o i i d i p L I u t h a A a s < > < ' - ‘ u l » ’ d C y c l i n g ( T u b s t o u r n a m s m o n t h e a l ­i i y s o f t h e f o r m e r l a s t b i g h t , H l o o n i f 1« l d b u l l b o t h g a m e s . T h i s d o u b l e v i i i u i y g K ' < h H t n o i n i h I d a n » x < ' < l l v i u c h u i i r o l o w i n ( b e

l o n r n a n i f i U . T h t * s c o r e s :H l A i O M F I K I

H I d d u l p h M u r e . . . I l s s k f - i i

T h o m a s H u l l n

T o t a l s

. . J 3y . . . . I N H . . .i :»2 . . . . H U . . . .H i

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I M j K r u c s t l i i t i f i ' u w u n , l i L I i T a y l o r

T C J i m i S T ..HD

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Do not be deceived by infHnge* menti of ngme, package or cigkr- ette.


Sweet Capoial GigaiettesBear tha tac slialk algnatura ol

on the package and on each clgarctt*. T A K E NONE U T T H O IT .

T h e \ r i M n e r I s t h e 4I N L Y P l a n o l a N e w a r k u s e d b y w i > r l c J s n ‘ i i a w n r d a r t i s t s w h i c h c a n b e b o u g h t < U r e H f r o m t h e m a n i i f l i r t u r e r .

A few Rllghtl.v iisi'tl, fully warrantetl, will be Sold a t rrducnl prlivs*



When they were young would hava held up their hands In.Hmaie* ment If they had leecn the prlca.i a t which we arc offering fins

A M E R I C A N W A T C M E S .

This Is (he righ t tlraa of tha year to buy,

. . . . m W * | T o t a l s . . . . . . . . h t )7F o l l o w i n g I s I h r r e c o r d o f t h e c l u d > i i n

t h e A s s u c l a i c ' d ( . ' y c l l r t g C l u b a f o u r i H ' y :W o n L o s t .

A l n l u n t a . . . . . . . . . . . H i l b ,H c i T i ' m C o u n t y . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I - * i i |M l u o m l K l i l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P iCastle I'ulni................ 11 C’ '

K I l x H M ' t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m 11. M o l U e b t I r . . . . . . . . . . . . . H H

T o u r i s t s ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I LF n l o n C o u n t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 U

T h i ^ I n d t v l i l u u ) a v e r u g e s o f t h e ' l e a d i T S .I n I h e M o r r i s a n d K a s e x H o w l i n g L e a g u e a r e a a f o l l o w s : ]

N a m e . ( T u b .( ’ o d e y ....... , , O r H n g A ‘ A. t!........

G u m e a . . Iti . . 2U . . 24 . . 16 s . 14 . . 211

SO I k 2U

A V .174l «:4I k uI k s

t « o

p ; ii b l l

f a v o r s f r « e c o i n a g e .- ' U a d i ^ E l l i s , t h e v a u d e v i l l e s i n g e r w h o

h a a b e e n p e r f o r m i n g s i t h e A u d i t o r i u mIn B altim ore, waa on T hursday relieved, by th e a id of the Itoahlgen rava, of a sm all piece of a needle, which had become Imbedded In her left ankle, w here It hud been for m any yeara. Its presence has la te ly caused Mlaa Kills g rea t pain, and I t . w illiam Lee H ow artf of Baltim ore, w as called In. Mlsg ElUs'a ankle w as snb- leoted to an exposure of the X ray s and the doc to r detected the presence o f a fo r­eign substance, w hlrh he then ex trac ted .


HU R *piid la tlou of Those Mfho C rltlelie the Am erican Nptrlt.

F ro m the New York Sun.To th« E d ito r of T he Bunr P lr—The

B taats-K eltung of F ebruary 19 addresses th e s ig n ers of the antl-H eine-i>enkm a1 pe tition in the following sen lenres: "W ho are youT N one o f you la seen w hen under- taklR ga fo r U erm ans or hum anity a t large a re p lan n ed l Of course. In m a tte rs of aes th e tic s In general, and the Heine- D enkm al In special, you m ay have your ow n opinion. B ut It la a sham e to oppose w hen a ll G erm any In New York says: T h is la ao o r ao. F o r the sake of decency you shou ld keep your m outh sh u t."

To th la one of the eleven signers would fa in reply , and he begs the o th e r ten to perm it him to use the pronoun "w e."

F iv e y e a r a f te r we arrived In Am erica w s sw ore. In the presence of the Supreme Being, th a t we w anted lo be A m ericans and not Qertiiana. Tide oath w as not an unm ean ing cerem ony, but a guide uf pa- lltlcttl conduct for life. If, hh you are p leased often to nuy, IJungananH. lia l- Inpe. etc ., do nut know wliat they are doing on the occaelun of nan ira tizatlon . it liehnovefi (lerniaim lo ('(insider thHIfso]- em n act w ith the seriousness of fuli-Kruwn m en, and not with the frivolity of half- wHted hum an beings of a low order, You, G erm an edIiorH, icach every day th a t Hu* o a th of utleKlauce bus no slKulftcarn-e If it S tands betw een German Int'llnatlons und th e (itttlea of Ainerlcuu rtHxenshlp. Yuu l»reuch day by day th a t every th ing pro­posed hy L ittle Germany In Aiu it Icu Is , w ith o u t fu r th e r ((Ui'sHon, m orally an obllg- a tlo n for (he rest of m ankind, arnl cois- s tltu tlonu ljy n law for Ainerjca, beoaus(* G erm any Is m arching a t (he head of civ* IHsntlon, and has muplclans and th inkers w iilch lead the world, Hy th is kin«l of tra sh you Inhale the unconcerned peujile

H i ' « ‘ s e . . . . . . . . . . R i v e r s i d e A . C .U u d l A * y . . . . . . . H l > B ^ ■ v ^ l J e A . A . . . , .

W o i A i l . . . . . . . . . . ( i r u b g c A . C . . . . . . . . . .E n g l i s h . . . . M n n t i d R i r . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C u d i x . . . . . . . . . . . . l i l v e r s l d c A . C . . . . . . . .I M c r s o n . . . . . . . H l v e r s l d e A , C . . . >L o r l v w o u d . . M o n t c l a i r . . . . . . . . . . .H o n i i . . . . . . . . . . . . N u r t l i e r i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

W a r d . . . . . . . . . . H o s e v t H e A . A . . . . . . 2' JV a n . N e s s . . . G r a n g e A * C . . . . . . . . . . I k

C h e d l s t e r . U o B e v i l l o A . A . . . . . 24 A l l a i t l l o L e a g u e F l a y e r s .

‘ * B a m ' t ' r a n e , p r e s i d e n t a n d s e c r e t a r y o f t h e A i l a n i i c l ^ ' a g u e , h a s I s s u e d a b u I l o t U i o f p l a y e r s s i g n e d b y e a c h o f H i e s i x c l u b s I n t h e I j o a g L i e . T h e n a m e s f o l l o w :

W i t h N e w a r k — L e o B m i t h , H a r r y H u g h e s , A d a m U o t h f u s s , J o h n l i o t h f u s H , J a m e s H o r w l n , T h o t n a s D u n a h m - , L o u i s W e l s h e c k c r , A . M c G u i i n , W . H . L U n a t n o r e , D a n i e l D u n k l e , T h o m a s P . R i i r n a , J u m e s H l u u i , F . I I . M c N e r n e y , W H I I a t n B m l n k , J . A . W a l t o n , l i o h e r t M l i l e r , t \ C , N o r t o n . V. D i a m o n d b r l a c o l l a n d M r u c e C , W h i t e * h i l l .

w i t h W i l m i n g t o n — M a r t i n J . W i s e , D t l r f B i a s . H . F . H c r r y h i l l . W . A . H p r a t l . C h a r l e s F . . M c I n t y r e , J a n i e s H . M u r d o c k , K . , J . F a c k a r d . W i l l i a m A . M a r g e r u m . I k e D i i r - r o l l , N . J . N o p s , J o h n W e l s h , J a m e s J . s M c t T a c k c n , G e o r g e K , F o w l e r . U o h e r l M o n t g o m e r y , P e t e r J . M u r p h y a n d M o r r i s F . A m o J e ,

w i t h N e w H a v e n - - K r n l e H o d g e . V . L , G a r v i n * Q u s M a c k e y , J o s e p h F r y e . M i k e ( i ' C o n n o r , J a m < a t i r i s c o i i , H a r r y u ' 1l i > h U ) i ,

P a t r i c k l l o y l e . W U l i u t n K i d s l c r , G e o r g e K e l l y . G e o r g e k e e f r a n d J . l i . H h e r e r .

W i t h l i t t r t f o r d — W . t * . u s h o r n . W . J . M a c k e y , R . E . l l o t t c n u s . E d w a r d F .

H c h a r f , N i c k B c h a r f a n d J o h n G u n s h a n - n o n .

W i t h J e r s e y r U y — J , A . B l n g e r , E . H o y l e . A . W i l l i a m s a n d A . B t r o w g e r .

W i t h P a t e r s o n — G e o r g e L . D a n i e l s . J o h n K l l l a c ' k r , H . K . R i n e h a r t , T h a v e r T o y e y - f o n , E d w a r d B . K e r t i . E m m e t t H e i d r i c k . W i l l K . H e n l e y , G e o r i c t - B m l l h , M a u r i c e H .

J u a t l c e , H e r t E l t o n , F r a n k K . F i t c h a n d H a m M c M a c k l n .

T h e e m a i l n i i m h e r o f J e r s e y t T t y ' s p l a y ­e r s l e e x p l a i n e d h y t h e f a c t t h a t t h e J i r - s e y C i t y C T u h w i l l b e f e d f r o m t h e N e w Y o r k I . s e a g u e ( T u b ’ s s u r p l u a p l a y e r s .

C h a r l e y F a r r e l l , t h e N e w * Y o r k ' s b i g c a t c h e r , h a s A n a l l y d e c i d e d t o g o S o u t h w i t h t h e t e a m n e x t T u e s d a y , G e o r g e V a n H a l t r e n h a s a l s o a c c e p t e d t h e c l u b ' s t e r m s a n d h a s a l r e a d y l e f t B a n F r a n c i s c o f o r J a c k a o n v l l l e . K u s l e . t h e b i g p i t c h e r , h a s n o t y e t s i g n e d .

T h e W ' e a t O r a n g e b a s e b a l l n i n e I s d e ­s i r o u s o f a r r a n g i n g g a n u ' s w i t h a n y g o o d u n i f o r m e d c l u h . A d d r e s s F r e d A . H u s o M ,

V a l l e y r o a d . W e s t G r a n g e , o r J u h n M c ­C a r t y , W a t c h u n g a n d I - a k e s l d l * a v e n u e s , O r a n g e .

C o r b e t t , F l t t B l m m o n s a n d M a h e r .J a m e s J . C o r b e t t h a a r e c l a i m e d t h e

h e a v y - w e i g h t c h a m p i o n s h i p o f t h e w o r l d a n d s t y l e s h i m s e l f t h e " r e t i r e d , b u t u n d e ­f e a t e d " c h a m p i o n . M e h a s a d d r e s s o d a n u p e n l e t t e r t o H o b F l i x s l m m o n a I n w h i c h h e d e c l a r e s t h a t h e s u r r e n d e r e d t h ( ) t i t l e c o n d i t i o n a l l y a n d t h a t h en o w r e c l a i m s U , a n d i s a n x ­i o u s t o l i g h t . t ' u r h e t t c o n c l u d e s h t s l e t t e r b y a s k i n g f o r a m e e t i n g , a n d s a y i n g ' T f y o u r e a l l y h c l l e v s t h a t y o u a r e m y l i i t l c ( ' o u a l , p r o v e i t b y y o u r A s i a a n d n o t b y h u m h a s t i o n e w s p a p e r t a l k . "

F l t a s l m m o n s a n d h t s l a t e v i c t i m , P e t e r

l a m V a n W a g o n e r l a t h e d e s i g n e r o f t h enuii’hlnc,

I t I s i x p c r t e d t h a t t h e n e w I t a c i n g H o a r d o f i h f L e a g u e o f A m e r i c a n W l i e e l -

I m e n w i l l h a v e I t s h a n d s f u l l t h i s s e u s o n I I n c o m p e l l i n g t h e a m a t e u r r i d e r s t o l i v e

u p t o ( h e t i i b ' s .F i l c h i n g G u o l t s l n d f M > r s .

A r c i u r n m a t c h w a a p l a y e d T h u r s d a y r i l g h l I n ^ t w e i ' i i t h e H i l b e r t a n d C a s h l l l g i n i l i r t u l i s o n t h e l a t i e r ' s I n d o o r c o u r t ,

, V . I b > w c r y s i r c e l . I n t h e f i r s t g a m e t h e ( ' f i s h i l t s c H i n e o u t a h c f t ' l . h u t l a s t n i g h t t h e i r r i v a l s t u r n e d t h e t a b l e s a n d w o n h y i I h e f o l l o w i n g s c o r t s ;

H I L H E H T H .D o y l e a n d W h i t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l l a i m r d a n d M e h a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

H o | k i n s a n < t l i e a s b y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M u m p n g e a n d W m s l s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l l i l h e i T u n d ( ' ( i r l i l i s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

' ( ’ A H H T I . I . S ,j j j e ' D o l U n g e r a n d F . O u s h l l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

] M i e r y n i i d K i n n e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

] ‘ l ^ ' S m i t h a n d T . r u s b l H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H I t ’ a l d w e l i a n d ( T e c d e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

\ t h i r d m e e t i n g w i l l s o o n I m ' a r r a n g e d t o s e t t l e t h e q u e s t i o n o f s u p r e m a c y .

K ^ r s t o i i A H i l e t c s h I A t h e n s ,B o s t o n i s t o b e r e p r e s e n t e d i n t h e g r e a t

r e v i v a l o f a t h l e t h * g a r n e r u t A t h e n a f r o m A p r i l K t o p i . T h e B o s t o n A . A . h a s d e -

c l i b ' d I m s e n d a t e a m o f I t s o w n m e m h e n * . p r o v i d i n g t h e m o n e y t u d e f r a y t h e e x - j i t u s e s ( a n b e r a i s e d . A s n o w i d a n n c d , f i v e m e n , I n c h a r g * * o f M a n a g e r J o h n G r a ­h a m , w i l l b * a v e B o s t o n o n M a r c h 24, T h e t e a m w i l l b e m s d e u t > o f T . E . H u r k e , K . M . ( T a r k e , A r t h u r H l a k c , F . W . ! x > r d a n d T . 1* . ( T i r l l s . H u r k e w i l l r e p r e s e n t t h e H s ^ ' < > c l a t l o n i n t h e a u r l n t s a n d t h e s h o r t d i s t a n c e r u n s . E . I I . ( T a r k c w i l l b e e n ­t e r e d I n t h e J i i m i r s . H e w i l l a l s o p u t t h e s h o t a n d t h r o w t h e h a m m e r . A r t h u r H l a k c w i n e n t ( ‘ r t h e l o n g d i s t a n c e t r a c k

e v e n t s a n d t h e t w c n t y - s U - m l l c r u n f r o m M a r a t h o n l o A t h e n s . F . W , L o r d w i l l r u n I n i l t e h u r d l e e v e n t s a n d w i l l a l s o t r y t h e

J u m p s . 8 . i * . C u r t i s w i l l t r y I h e h u r d l e s . F v e n t s f i i r T r a p s h < m l e r * >

C h a r l e s L e n o h c , o f R u t h e r f o r d , i s i c h e d - i i l c i ) t o s h o o t t w o l i v e - b i r d m a t c h e s a t I n - x l e r P a r k . L o n g I s l a n d , t h i s a f t e r n o o n . H i s i l r s t o p p o n e n t w i l l b e ' * C c m n y " F e r ­

g u s o n , a t h i r t y c n - y e a r - o l d e x p e r t , a t t h i r t y l i v e b i r d s . L e n o n e t o s t a n d a t t w e n t y - e i g h t y a r d s r i s e a n d F ' e r g u s o n a t t w e n t y - s i x y a r d s , f o r | 2i > a s i d e . I m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r t h e A r s t m a t c h L e n o n e w i l l s h o o t T ' . W . M o r f e y , o f P a t e r s o n , a r a c e a t 100 b i r d s f o r

l i o n . . M o r f e y t o a l l o w L e n o n e e i g h t m i s s e sB S k l l l F .

T h e g r e a t e s t s i n g l e - h a n d e d m a t c h o f t h e y e a r I n p i g e o n s h o o t i n g i s b o o k e d f o r n e x t T u e s d a y u t H a b y l o n , l « o n g I s l a n d , w h e n K d g a r G I M i s M u r p h y a n d G e o r g e W o r k

w i l l m e e t i n a J X J - i t v e - b l r d r a c e .>« Cinirse Sclecled Yet,

D e l e g a t e s f r o m t h e F w v e r s l t y o f P e n n ­s y l v a n i a , H a r v a r d . C o r n e l l a n d C o l u m b i a m e t l a s t n i g h t I n N e w Y o r k C i t y t o d i s ­c u s s w h e r e t h e y w o u b i h o l d t h e I n t e r c o l ­l e g i a t e b o a t r u c e t h i s s p r i n g . A f t e r s e v e r a l h o u r s t h e d e l e g a t e s a d j o u r n e d l o m e e t o n M a r c h H , w h e n a s e t t l e m e n t w i l l p r o b a b l y h r a r r i v e d a t . H a r v a r d a n d P e n n s y l v a n i a , I t s e e m s , f a v o r t h e B p r I n g A e l d ' . ’ o u r s e , w h i l e C o r n e l l a n d C o l u m o i a w a n t t o r o w

o n t h e H u d s o n a t P o u g h k e e p s i e . W h e n t h e m e e t i n g a d j o u r n e d I t w a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t t h e d c l H g a t e a w ' o u l d c o m m u n i c a t e w i t h t h e r a i l r o a d p e o p l e a t B p r I n g A e t d t o s e e i f t h e y

w o u l d r u n a s p u r a l o n g t h e r i v e r f r o n t f o r a n o b s e r v a t i o n t r a i n .

C a n a d i a n n i i U ( ' b l m g o Y ’ o e h t s t o R a r e . S e c r e t a r y H a r m o n , o f t h e R o y a l ( C a n a ­

d i a n Y i u ' h t C l u t ) , h a s w r i t t e n t o t h e s e c r e ­t a r y o f t h e L i n c o l n Y a c h t ( T u b o f C h i c a g o , a c c e p t i n g t h e t e r m s p r o p c i r c d f o r a n i n - t c r n a t l o n n l y a c h t r a c e , * n t l a n n o u n c i n g t h e a p p o l n i m » * n i o f a c o m m l U e e t o a t t e n d t o t h e d e t a i l s . T h e r a c e I s e x p e c t e d t o t a k e p l a c e I n A u g u » t o n L a k e E r i e .



J w sijt

J m i l i r t ,

& C O .

B S G i i s aw jiTs n s t o c iUprl(hl ind Squirs Plinoi Loww TIun Aii|i-

wlitj* Elia in Oil Cit).

H in d s , 21 a n d 23 B a n k .

FiltyTlioiisaDl Pieces oi MusicI'OK 2 CENl’8 EACH.

CHAS. W. BOUGHTON,Hinds's M usk Mtor*, 91 Bank

M a h e r , w i l l m e e t I n a f o u r - r o u n d b o u t a t M a d i s o n B q u a r e G a r d e n , N e w Y o r k , t o ­

n i g h t a t t h e t e s t i m o n i a l t o b e t e n d e r e d t o t h e n e w c h a m p i o n . A n u m b e r o f o t h e r

b o u t s h a v e b e e n a r r a n g e d t o t a k e p l a c e . T h e b o u t , b e t w e e n J a c k W a r d , ' “. o f t h i s

N e w Y o r k ,c i t y , a n d ^ ’ a s p e r l ^ n , o f w h i c h w a s a r r a n g e d l o t a k e p l a c e M a r c h 9. w i l l h e p r o b a b l y d e c l a r e d o f f . A l H e r e ­

f o r d , . W a r d ’ s m a n a g e r , w r i t e s t h a t h i s m a n h a d a l i n g e r a m p u t a t e d r e c e n t l y , w h l r h h e a l e d n i c e l y , h u t w h i l e p u n c h i n g i b f b a g h e c a u s e d t h e o l d w ’ o u n d t o r e ­

o p e n .A t h l e t i c . ' t f f s I r R At F r l i i r r t o n ,

F o l l c g c h l c j - T ' l c r n e l n g w i l l e n t e r

o f G e r m a n d e s c e n t , s n d y o u d o i n c H l r u j a ! w r o n g t o y o u r c o u n t r y a n d t h e p e o p l e o f y o u r b l o o d . T h l a I s s i m p l y d i e g u a t i h g t o u s . W e M i l n k I t a c c o r d i n g t o t h e s p i r l i o f

l o

o u r m o t h e r G e r m a n i a i h a i a f t e r w e h a v e s w o r n f l d f i l i y ( □ t ' o l u m b l a w e l o y a l l y r e ­m a i n t r u e t o h e r I n w o r d a n d d e e d , a l ­

t h o u g h L l u l » > G e r m a n y l i h i c k g i i n r d s u s b y u s i n g a l l t h e s b u i K m > i o n l y n f o u r o w n ,

b u t m i x e r ] u p . I n a i a a t n - Z e l i u i i g f a s h i o n , w i t h t h e v u l g a r c x i i r c M s l o n s n f t h e E n g l i s h U n g u j . g c . ^ 11 ' L i t i b G e r m a n y w a n i s a n v o t u i n c n t o f e e 1f - a d n i l r « M o n l l n - y s l i f t l l n o t a t m a c l l e l n r i c l i H e i n e , o r G e r m a n v i r ­t u e . o r A m e r i c i i n c U l x c n e h l ] ) .

N ( ^ n c o f U K e n v i e s t h e s t a n d a r d - t i c a r c r s o f L 1I M e G c r i n a i i y I n N e w Y o r k . T h e y u r ^ a t p r e s e n t l l i c m t ^ s t u n h a p p y s e t o f * m e n a l i v e . A t t l i e l r w i t s ’ e n d s ; a c c u s e d o f h a v i n g l e i l I J t t l e G e r m a n y i n t o m l s f o r - t u n e ; r i d i c u l e d l » y i h r p r e s s , c u r t a i l e d I n t h e i r s a l a r i e s . T h e y a r c o b j e c t s o f c o m -

t ' U F m l o n , n o t o f e n v y . K n o w N o t l i h i g l s m l . s f r i r U t i l e G e r m a n y l e a d e r s w h a t i l i e M « » o d y s h i n u s e i l t o h e f o r c a r p e l b u g g r r s

a t n « * a n K t u a d v e r i i a e t h e i r l i t t l e s c h e m e K , I * » M I I S J i l t t r y l o b e b e t t e r A m e r b ^ n n s . a n d

d o i t b y I n s p l r l t i g M i c i i c M A m e r l r i i n s w i t h t h e h c H i t h o u g h t s o f g r e a t G e r m a n y !F i n D e i i t s r h e r n o r R i c h N i c h t \ ‘ c r b 1u f *

f e n L a s s t .

N t K i r h e i l M a n y a F s l i i ,E l l l U d g f i e y . a p i o n e e r r e s i d e n t n f M a r -

r c l l u s , M l c b . , o w n s a r o c k i n g c h a i r w i d c h l i H K i i e e u i n u s e f o r s I ' X t y y e a r s . F u r a l o n g t i m e I t w a s ] h c o n l y r u c k i n g c h a i r I n i h f l t r e g i o n , a n d w a s l o a u f f l f o r m i l e s n r m m d d u r i n g c y s c H o f s i c k n e s s .

t h e d e f e u d a n i a i m e d .■ • ( ! r e -

, r e g d -h e f o r m e r t c s t l m o n

p o ! n i *4 a n d ( l l s c h u r g c d a t y o u i i l o a d e d v o l v i n g p l f l t u l . " s a l e ) t h e M a g l s l r a l eI n g f r o m

I w as so excited th a t day I hardly hiibw w h il I was say ing ," replied Mrs, M arlon.

Mrs. Drmd w as asked If she hail Irlcd to shoot Mrs. M arion and she rep lkd th a t she had not. Hhe aaid she w as atifferlng from A nervous trou?il«> a t the tim e and that the pisto l had lietn pointed in the air. Mr«, Doud was then discbarccd.


A l d r i c h , o f t h e F o u r t h A l a b a m a D i s t r i c t , D e c l a r e d L e g a l l y K l e c l e d .

E l e c t i o n C o m m l U s o N o . l o f t h a H o u s e O f R e p r c s e r U a t l v e i , o f w h i c h J u d g e D a n ­i e l s , o f N e w Y o r k , I s c h a i r m a n , y r e t r r i l B y d e c i d e d I n t h e c o o t o s t e d e l e c t i o n c u s o o f W T l l i & m W . A l t f r l c b i n c p u h l l c i i i O a g a i n s t G a s t o n A . R o b b l n i ( D e m o c r a t ) , f r o m t h e y o u r l h D i s t r i c t o f A l a b a m a t o r e p o r t ! o t h e H o u s e t h a t A l J r i c h w n s e l e c t e d a n d I s e n t i t l e d t o t h e s e a t , a n d r e L o m m e i i d t h a t I t b e g l v j e n t n h i m .

T h e a c t i o n o f t h e r o i r . m l l t e o w a s n o t i n a n l i M o u s , T h e P e n t o e m t t e m r m b r r s , n i l i t w h o m r s p r f ^ r m d l s t r l i r t a i n t i o i i t h ( > r n

B U t t e i , d i s t e n t f r o m t h e c o n c l u s i o n s r e a c h ­e d b y t k e m a j u r i t y , a n d c o n t e n d t h a t K o b - b l f l s . t h e s l u i n g m e m b e r , w a s f a i r l y e l e c t - « . T w o m o m l j o r a o f t h e m a J o r l l y - C h a i r -

D a n i e l s a n d 31r . C o < * p e L o f W l i c u n -

“ Never tied a colil since we have h a d - "HUSTON. Mam.. July W, 1«W.

T n m y f a m i l y o f t h r e e w e h a ^ ' e u s e d i l i e l l y o m e l . a n d h s - ' e b e e n p e r f e c t l y e a l l s f ^ e f l w U h t h e r e s u l t . N o n e o f h t v e h a d a c o l d s i n c e w e h s v e h ^ f ) I t . t b e l i e v e I t l e a g r e a t

p r e v e n t i v e o n w e l l t e a l u r e f o r c o l d s , c a - l a r r h , e t c . H K V , H I ' A N L K V S E A H I N G .

I Q C a r t e r e t r i S l .

w - f T H t h l H M p r l n g a r e s u l t o f t h e e n - _ . ' i r l i o f M i c H a r v a r d C y r t l u g

A K K O v I n i l o n . T I i I h H S K f i c l u l l r m I s g o i n g i nM - r p r l s l n g s p l i

Too Many NlghllngaleR.Miss Hesba BtrcHon, th e English a u th o r­

ess, spent some years on th imrder of Epplng forest. H er house there w as given up t>ecauBe the "n igh tingales w arbled so vociferously as to spoil her n igh t's re s t."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r i o e f O u a - t I n T . o n d o n ,

T here are said i« iic K.i.iWi fam ilies In London living In rliiKl" rooms.

H> r/n f'r?4 /o r th r n r t/ ' n iir / t r o w i r r /K i rff)\C(!t/ 7 / K O J / A ' / , fftf' A uA fra l id f i 'W)ry-Air*^ ( y^af mf nf y a » d / o r

Booth’s Pocket Inhaler Outfit, $1,th a t It w i l l im m fiiid li 'l i j rfti-pvi^ iinrt p r o m p t l y en rr L ' a l a r r h , A ^ t h n i i i , B r o r -

c h l U » , l . a r j n g l t i i , C o h b I h , L ’ o W i a n d a i l I ’ u l t u o n a r j ' > m l B r o n r i i i a l t r t m b l w .

u r * « T i r a t o n >1 t o l l l k ( h o i w a t t a r o v e r a n d t o i m l T o * l r J * l f r o a t m o n t f r o * .

R. T. BOOTH,23 East 20th St., N. Y.Any clrugfUi h at H o rte n get H r*ryoQ«lF

rOUlNHIHT, DolT be periiiAdoil into bay­ing a sulwiUuts. Tbtrs Is noth Inf Ilka U oa tloam-^o'kst.

h e l d u m e e t i n g , u p e n l o c o l l e g e r l d i f * r s o n l y ,’ I I p - n i ' - t h w i l l b i - h i ' l d u p o n t h e n e w t r a c k i m w b e i n g l i i i l K u l C a m b r i d g e , i t I k a ( b i r d o f a m i l e I n « ' b v u i n f » ' r v n c e , a n d w i l l r m l m d y r h v b H ' ? * t I m p r n v v m e t i l s I n t r a c k c n n ' ' ( r n r i 1o t i , T i n - n - w i l l b e f o u r a c r a l c h n s t u i i s J i n i l u m * l i H i i d t c a p , h n s l d e s a r o a i l

h f t W k M ' j i f l a r v a r - l i m < l ( l i e I ' n i v e r K l t y o f F f U n s y l v u u i a . T I i h a c r a l c h e v e n t s w i l l

b e t l i l r d o f a n i i b ' , h a l f m i l e , m i l e a n d , t t v j - m i l e r a c e s . T h e h a t u l l o a p w i l l b e u t w o - m l l c r a c e , w i t h a l i m i t o f y a r d s .

T l i e c o l l e g e s c o r l h g t h e m o s t p o i n t s t n t h e s c r a t i ' h e v c t i l s w i l l b e p r e s e n l e t l w U h a s i l k b a n n e r , i n e v e r y r a c e g o l d , s i l v e r a n d b r o n z e m n l n l s w i l l t > e g i v e n t o f i r s t , K c r o r i d a n d t h i r d m e n ,

A . n u K H i n c e t l n g o f I ’ r i n c e t o n F o l l e g r t s t u - i b n i K n u i h o r l R i M l t h e l ^ x t - . - u t l v c C o r n m l l - ( I ' C t o t m i i n i i j i t o n o t m c ' r e t h a n t l v y n o r l e a s i J i i i i i t h r e e r . i t n f u r t h u p o s i t i o n o f

H H K i H t u n t n u n m g v r i > f t h e f o n t I m l l , b a s e b i i l l a n d t r a c k K S K < K ' 1a t l o n s r e s i > e o t l v e 1y .

T h e i i o m l n a t l o n K a n - t o b e p r i n t e d I n T h e I ' r l n c e i o n l K n n o t b ’ S n t h a n a w e e k p r i o r i n • j K ’ h e l e c t i o n , T i p - f i j q i o l u t m e n l u f I ' l c r . t u n , ' f l * . b y G m E x e c u t i v e G o m m l i l M e a s m j i n s g e r o f t h e f r e s h m a n b a s e b a l l

t i - a m w k s 2i l s o r a t l i l c d l » y t h e c o l l e g e .( ’ a n d l i l a t c H f o r ( h e F r l n c e t o n t r a c k

l e a l i i h a v e b e e n w o r k i n g s t e a d i l y I n t h e K 3' m r i » s l u m f o r s i ' V e r a l w e e k s , J i n d y e s ­t e r d a y t ’ u p t a l n G a r r e t t r e d u c e d t h e i r n u m - , h e r t o t w e h t y ' f l v p . T h e f r e s h m a n c l a s s y h a s f u r n i s h e d h n u m b e r o f s t a r s , a n d h i g h h o p e s a r e e n l e r t a l i i e d o f w i n n i n g t h e m e e t w i t h V n b * i i n d G o l u m h l a . T h e f o l ­l o w i n g I s I h e l i s t o f t h e m o r e p r o m i s i n g

m e n ; H p r l u t s , D e r r , l . a n e , J o u o a a n d ( ’ ’ a r - ( c r ; i n l i l d l e * l i s i u f u ' e K , H r o k a w , H a n l o n ,

G u l d w a i i e , ( . ' n l f e i i , . l a n i l K m i , W i l s o n a n d G r a v e r : m i l e r u n , J . a i M . i b d l a i i d a i e r l l i i g ; p i d e v t i i d l . T y l e r . T i ' a l u c r a i u l U ' u - k m o r e ;

. l u m p s , H u g ‘ T H , U u l t g f i . W e b e r a n d I t O h b ; w e t u l U H , ( i i i r r f : i , E d w u r d K , W h e e l e r a n d k b u i h ' K .

J ’ u u l T i p i r n e y N e s r l n g n i i E m l .I n L l i e p M i o j t i n i n m n u ‘ i ' > t f o r I h o e h a n i -

p b > i i ' > h i p o f - N ' f ' w . b * r H e j , w h i c h 1f t n o w ■ l i . M H n g t o It i l o w e a l M u r r a y ’ s A r c a d e ,

\ | c ! , ; i h - m d c f e r t i e d G e o r g e I l e y , J J u t o M , I c ' i i d u ! i : . W h i p , v ^ l l o i i o - ' a n i e d l s c o u r *

: u ; i >1 l * y n n u n e x p e c t e d d e f e a t , a g a i n l o s t I - ' - j . , 1 ' t l t , i ] u R t i n t ' - t o I ' c i e r H e y . N o

i ! ' a r m ( I t g u u i f p w i l l b e p l a y e d ( o - n l g h t , H i l l .1 m a i e b f o r %*\ h a s b e e n a r r a n g e d 1n i v . « i u - ‘ i ' a i s y " M i p i d e n , o f N i - w Y o r k , a n d J n * T u d d , o f i I i I k c i t y . M a i h l e u w i l l a l l o w T o d d t h i r t y i m l u l s i n 1 .

I t I H e x p e e i e d U n i t u U t h e r e g u l a r m a i I n t h e t o u r r i M m e u t w i l l h a v e i x - e n p l f i y t u t p y n e x t T h u r s d a y , F o u r m e n a r e h u w r i i K p l t i g I U - ‘ k - a n d - n p c k d o w n t h e K i t H i ' l i . M i ' L a r c u , T o d d , P I p o r a n i l O l h -

s o n , M s ' I . . a i « n , a s w i l l b e K e e n b y t h e t a b l e b e l o w , h a s n u t y e t m e t d e f e a t , n e i t h e r h a s h o m e t T u d d , I ' l p c r o r F . H e y ,

' L ' u d d h a s t o m e e t L h p e r a n d D o l a n b e s i d e s . & ] < ' l . o n i ' ( ‘ n . t h p i u ' I s p u t t i n g u p a n u i g n l i V i - e n i g u i n i * i i l ( U ' l - m u i l , a n d G i h . ' ^ n n . w h o

r l u m l s f o u r t h i n t h e n v e r u g e , h i t s a c h a n e c i f ) ! w l i n i l n g . T h e s t a n d i n g o f t h e c o r i t e s t n i i u 1m u s r u l l o w s ;

W o n . L u s tJ o h n M l L u r v U i . N e w a r k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i ^. l o s e p h T o d d , . N c v v . ' t r k . . . . . . . . . .

I l f V t l . ' 1( w r , M o r r l K l o w n . . . . . . . .( T m r b - . ’ ! G M t b o n . T r e n t o n . . . .l b * < + f g e H o y i , N e w a r k . . . . . . . . . .F i ‘ i r - r J i c y . N e w a r k . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A l C r c ' l K i n n e y , H a r r i s o n . . . . . . . . .. v l i i - h t u d D o l a n . M l u o i r i l l c i d . . . . . . . .

t ' h . i r l r a K r e w s o n , I ' l a l n f l e l i l . . . .v v i l l i a m W h i t e . J e r s e y C i t y . . . . . . .W l i t l i u n K a u f f m a n , N u i l c y . . . . ,E d w a r d C u r r y . H c n m r i t s v l l l e . .*,,.2 ^F r a t t k U ' T o o l c , E l t x a h c t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u i l ‘

( . ' j c l f t i K l e e t O f l l o e r s .T J t o e l f l o t i o n o f o f h c e ' r . K o f i h s M e t r o p o l i ­

t a n A f ' S ' i c h i t l o n o f C y c l i n g C l u b s t v s s h e l d l a s t n i g h t I n N e w Y o r k L ' l t y w i t h ( h r I ' o l - l o w l n g r c H u U ; I ’ r c s l d e n t , J ' . A . t i r o e k . o f t h e C a t h o l i c C l u b C y c l e r s o f J e r s e y C i t y :

v l c e - p r c s I r t v m K , H a n r B r i n e k e r h o f t , u f U i o G r e e n w i c h W h e e l m e n . m u 1 W . C . M . H u t s o , o f t h e i T o s p e c i W h e e l m e n o f i J r o o k l y n : a e o r e t a r v , E . . ^ . n ( j i l g e r B . o f

t h e n i v e r r l d e W h e o l i n e T i ; t i e a s u r v r , W . A . D r a b b l e , o f t h e A l l a n f a W h e e l m e n o f N e w a r k . I I . V. D l l t i s o n , o f t h e E s s e x C o u n t y W h e e l m e n , t i l l s c i t y , w a s c h o s e n a s o n e o f t h e H o a r d o f T r u s t e e s , T r r s s - t i r e r D r a b b l e r e | H > r t e d l h a t t h e r e w a s

t h i r t y - t w o c « i u s l a l l i o I r e a s u r y * - T h e H a r i i r s B i c y c l e C o m p a n y I s b u i l d i n g

t t u n - s e c r ^ m a c h i t i B c j J l e d a " d o u b l e q u i n t . * " u p o n w h i c h w 1H b e m o u n t e d t e n o f t h e f a i t e i t p r o f e s i l o n a l s t o p a c e E . C .

i B a l d * t h s " w h i t s f l y s r , " f o y r o c o r a s . W U l -

• 444H


5^\fe: J(odici&Jcnrc(

A bovo is th e Trade marie o f th e

Best Coffee in tte World;—

L .

and th la Uth e hand- som e em ­bossed can {a lbs.) i t is p u t In. K oto th e p e c u l i a r " w h e o l ’* crnaine&t.

Is Uie best any too g:ood for yon?Also Iq 1 tb, boxes Jost like this, but round, nnd in ] ‘sod S lb* p ^ e r p a c k A g o s ,

Sold by W ILK IN SO N , N ew ark, N. J.



<i( N*w Jersey—Itetwi'an Harry K. Bird, coin- plalnant, ami F&nriia U. Bird «i ala., defeod- anta. On bill. sic.

Ity virtue ot a <tecr«e mod* by the Chancellor of the State of New Jersey In the above stated tattte. 1 ihall eznoo* for sale by publla vendue, and oell to the hlKheat bidder, on Tueaday. (hn third day of March. A. D. at two o’cb'ck 111 th* afternoon, at the Courthuune In the cliy nf Newark, In the county uf J&imx "and State of N*w Jerv y ;

A l l ( h o o e t r a c t ! o r p a r c e l a o f l a n d a n d p r * m - 1« e t B t t u i i i f * l y l D C a h i l l > e l i i x i n t ! t « G t y o f N e w a r k . I n t h e c o u n t y o f K a a e x a n d S t a t e o f

N e w J e r a e y , d e a c r l b e d a a f o l l o w s , t " - w l t . :Tb# Flrat Traci-Heglnnlng In the weaierly

line of North Third itreet at the northeaetfrly vurner of lot No. 24, aa ihnwn on a map of iimperty of Jamea Ward, daceaevd. dated ber, eighteen hundred and fteventy-one, a'hleh jHiInt by aald map la four hundred and oeventy- alx feel auUlherly from th* aonthwealerly cor­ner 'if the aald North Third atreet and ftevenih Hvrnu*: from thanca running north nfty-alz degrees twenty-two mlnutea weal along the enutherly line nf lot No. 2S on the M id map fifty feet: thenc* north fortyal* degree* iweniy- two minutes west atill along the line of lot No.2H fifty-one feet a ll Inchee, more or leis, to the rear of lota fronting on North Founh street; thence running aoutherly parallel with North Third atreet fourteen feel eight Inches to the northerly line of the Moirle and Essex Ilalln'ad Company’s land; thence ceeterly along the line of ihe same one hundred and six feet eight liichea tn the afertaaid line of North Third atreet. and thence running northerly along the line <vf the same thlriy-one feet one Inch tn the place of beginning. Being the same penmloee conveyed by Charlea W. tVard to the said Alex­ander n IMnl, I>ecsmber iwemy-nrat. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, by deed recorded In Rtok A-25 nf deesla for Ksoei County, page 44U.

The becond Traci—Helng a triangular tract of land a t the Bouthweaterly line or corner of the tract conveyed by the aald Ward to the eallf lUrd by deed bearing even date herewith, being five feet three Inchea on the weaterly line of North Third edreet and extending westerly along tha Iforria and Eoeez Railroad to a point about

I one hundred and six feel eight Inches from North Third atreet. Being the same nremloea conveyed by Charlei W. Word to (he aald Alei- ander B Bird, Dtcembar twen;y*(1ret. eighteen hundred and eight y-nine, and recorded in Book A-2R of deed! (or CoaeT (^ounty. oh pdge 4,12.

The Third Tract—Beginning in the westerly line of Third atreet at a point therein dletant aoutherly four hundred and Afty-one feet from the aoutbweeteriy corner of the earn* ahd Seventh avenue: from thence nmnltiK weaterly a t right angles with the aald Tlilnt street fifty feet: thence north Afty-one degreee twelve min- utea weal flfty feet nine Inchee; thence oouth* erly parallel with Third street fourteen feet eight InchM to a comer of lot now owned by the Said nird; (hence eaeterly along hla lot atwut Afty-one feet alx Inchri; thence itlll eaaterly glcsig hla lot fifty feet to the Hid Third street, and thance along the u rae north­erly twenty-five feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 28 on map of Ward property, and the same premise* conveyed by David B. Ward and wifr to Alexander B. Bird, by deed recorded In Book H-2fi of deed! for Essex County, pags n o .

I n c l u d i n g t h e e s t a t e a n d I n t e r e s t I n d o w e r o f t h e d e f e n d a n t , F a n n i e b f . B i r d , w i d o w o f A l e x ­a n d e r B . B i r d . I n t h e s a i d l i r e m l o e s , a n d I n ­c l u d i n g a l s o ( h e i n c h o a t e r i g h t of d o w e r nf the d e f e n d a n t , M a r y B i r d , w i f e o f t h e a a l d C h r i s t o ­p h e r C. B i r d ; t o g e t h e r W i t h a l l a n d s i n g u l a r !

t h e h e r e d i t a m e n t s a n d a p p u r t e n a n c e s t o l h a s a i d p r e m i s e s b e l o n g i n g o r I n a n y w i s e a p p e r t a i n i n g .

D a t e d N e w a r k , N . J , . J H f t u a r > - 81. l f t » 6 .DAVID A. RTKRRON,

Rpeclal Master In Chancery. Glen A Rosinger, Bollcitora. it2(l.7n) 4Tx

TO William U. McCullough, Agnes McCullough, hia wlCs; Sarah Jane Spence, Edward Spence,

Hannibal McCullough, Mr«. Hannibal Mi'i'ul- lough, Samuel McCullough, Harriet McCul- lough, hla wife; Hugh McCullough, Mery .j- Mcrultough, hla wife; Georgia or Oeorglanna l^angdtt, Bartley LangAit, her husband; Will­iam J. McHaAle. Margaret McKsAle, hie wife; Hiram McHafNe, Mary McHufhe, hla wife; Kale McHaffle, Margaret A. MrHaffle. James Mc­Clure. William Laughlin, Aldah M. liaughiln, hla wife; Thomas fl. l*aughlln, CaJlis Laugh- Hn. JoM* H. Ivanfhlln. r ia n t H. Laughlin, Hiram Cornell, flarah Cornell, nis wife: Nelson M. Cornell, Ellella A. Cornell, hla wife, Jamea H. Cornell, Harriet A, Markall, Ann I^aullne Laughlin, Charles B. LauxhMn, her husband; M * ^ L*. Douglass, Frederlrk B. Douglass, Mary L. Ixiuglats or Andrews. Melisu J. flloat, Wli* bur 9Ioat, her husband; Kllxa E. Cornell. Thomas J. Pue, Mrs. Thomas I'ne. Hugh H. Poe, SUile pile, hi* wife; George li. Pue. Jane Poe. his wife: Ftraii K, nudier. Washlngif’n Itucher, George K. McClure. Mary McClure, hin

' wife; Eila’srd Manure, c^irrio McClure, hla I wife; Hiram McClufe, Mrs, Hlrum McClure,

Elisa Day. .lamee li«y. her husband: William McClure, Ark Mi'Clurc, Ark hay, Charles Poe.

, A n n i e P o e , h l a w i f e ; A n d r e w I ‘ j » e . B l a T i r h c P o e .I hla wife; Harriet Klrldler. WUiiam FMdler. her > husband; Mattie Klrkpairlrk. Frank Kirkpat- i rirk, her husbsiul: Josaphene Prelllnger.

C h a r l e s P r e t t i n g e r . h e r h u s b a n d .I Y o u a r e h e r e b y n o t l A c d T h a t I h n v a p u r - j c h a s e d t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o j i e r t y , t o w i t : 1, f o r

t h e s u m o f t e n h u n d r e d a n d t w e n t y - t h r e e i t o i i a r a a n d f o r t y * A v e c e n t s , l o t a n u m b e r s o n e t o n r i e e n a n d t h i r t y - t h r e e t n f o r t y - n i n e i n d i t n c k n u m t i e r t h r e e h u n d r e d a n d t h i r t y ; 2, f o r t h e s u m o f o n * h u n d ^ d a n d o e v e n t y - i e v e n d o l l a r * a n d s e v e n t y r e n t s l o t n u m b e r i h i r t v - f o u r o n b l o c k n u m b e r t h r e * h u n d r e d a n d o e v e n t e a n , a n d 3. f o r t l i « s u m o f n l n e t y - o e v e n d o l l a r s ; U J d s e v e n t y c e n t s , l o t s n u m b e r s M v e n t e v n t o n i n s t o e n a n d f o r t y - f o u r t o A f i y - t h r e * o t s b l o c k n u m b e r t h r e e h u n d r e d a n d Iwemy-nlne, o n n s e e M m e i i t i i i n p a n n e x e d t o a

r e p o r t m a d e b y C o m m i s s i o n e r s o f A d j u s t m e n t , a p p o i n t e d h y t h e C i r c u i t C o u r t n f t h e c o u n t y

o f E t w e x , I n p u r s u a n c e o f c h a p t e r C X H . o f t h e t a w s o f I R S ® , a c e r l l A e d c o p y o f w h i c h m a p w ' a s A i * d I n t h * o l A c * o f t h e C o m i i t r o K e r n f t h e c i t y o f N e w a r k , N . J . . o n t h e I w e n t y - s e o n i i d

d a y o f k e p t o m b e r , e l g h l e e n h u n d r e d a n d n i n e t y , a t a s a l s m a d e b y t h e C o m p t m l i e r o f t h e » l d cfTy, u n d e r a n d b y v i r t u e o f t h e p r o v i s i o n s . i f t h " s a i d a c t , e n t l t j e d " A n a c t • ■ < m c e r n l n g t h e l e t t l e m r n t a n d c o l l e c t i o n o f a r r e a r a g e s o f u n ­p a i d t a x e s , a s s e s s m e n l s h h - I w a t e r - r a t e s o r w a t e r - r e n t " i n c I M e s o f t h i s P l a t e , a m i I m t H i s I n g a n d l e v y i n g a l a x a i » c e s m ' ' n t a n d H e n I n l i e u a n d I n s t e a d o f s u c h s r r i ' a r a g e ^ , a n d t o e n f o r c e I h e j i g y m e n t t h e r e o f , a n d t o p r o v i d e f o r t h e s a l * o f l a n d s s u b j e c t e d * o f u r l l i e r t a x a t i o n a n d a s - s e s a m i n t . " P a * s e <1 M a r c h f W . I H W ) . a n d t h * • e v e r a l s u p p l e m e n t s a n d a m e n d m e n t s t h e r e t o .

And yftu ap*w hereby further nodfled that you have, or cUim to havs.an Interest thsretn. and unless th*said lots, tracts or parcels of land shall b« re<1eeraed, as provided In saitl act, before th* expiration of six months from anil after the a«rvio« hereof, x deed for the ssme will be given according to the provisions of the said act.

D a t e d F e b r u a r y 16. I S P d .rn'RTI^ANDT P.4RKER

r < m l t A H o w e l l . A t t o r n e y s . f | 2A . A n i i j o dTO John A. Frlery, Catharine Frlery, James H.

Friery. Thomas Frlery, I'.hllln FHcry. piien Friery and Hattie Dx-khan. or lA*c’khAri:

Hy virtue of an order -if lUc Court of I'hanrery of N*w Jersey. mnd<- on ihe rtHy t>r the date hereof. In a oause wherein iJarllTi A«ln la com­plainant, and you arc defen'^.ants, you are re­quired to api>ear, plead, «l'inur or answer to th* complulnani's hill on or before the seven­teenth dny of April nexl, or In default thereof such decree will lie made ngsinst you as tb* Chancellor shall think cH]ultalde and Just.

The aald bill is (lied to foreclose a inongag" mad* by James Friery and wife to Thomas Sheridan* dated October 7. IfiT!'. upon lands In th* city of Nswark. and Hsstgned to the com­plainant, and you are made dcfendcur* because yuU ar* the owners of said land*.

Dated February !7. l«WJ.TIMOTHY E. Sr.VLEB. ‘S o l i c i t o r o f C V i m p l a l n a n t ,

17h _______ ________________Newark, N . J ,

(hy uiama u«od IToolfRtapi t< wUb taln«hadi

Hhs/i Uoo/ens n'if/;

W O O L S O A Pend il)*T won't shrink. Ikiilrbirul lb tbs bath In sill "M yuardea'ier giving It i9 |rou

H a w o r t h , S c h o d d e k C « . * M a k e r s * C h l e a r o - S C h a i b a n a t . , i k i i u a m l . * o n i T d H t . N e w f o r k .

CITY ADVEIlTl?*KMr.,'VTf*,NonCK OF INi'KNTluN—Board ot lHr**i and

Water Cvmmlsstoneia.Public ntiio* ts iicreby given that It 1* th*

lAteiitlvn of lbs Board oi Btresi and Wat«r Comnlsshmera of th* city of Nsnark, undsr siid by virtue of provisions ot the act *n(Ut*4 "An Art lo R*v|a« and Amend th* C liansr of th* city of Nttwaxk," approved March IL IH6 f. and th" Biipplsmenta therelo, and Ui* act ci««at> Ing the Board of Birest and Water Commtaslon- •r« of ths L-ity nf Newark, api'rnve^l March t i , 1MI1, Lo O ld e r and cause th* paving of th* part of

AHTfiB 8TBEET.from rtinton avenue to a |N»lm .Y) f«wi aanierly fri'iii the easterly line of Sherman avenue, with dheel asphalt |iavlng U|>on a concrete base, ex- reptlng Ihe Inlerseotion of Shennaa aveiui*, and the i« rt uf

AHTOll 8TRFKT,frnm the said point to ilruad street, with hrick i’uvlng. excepting th* Intersection of Fenniyl- vanlH avenue.

The paving of the part nfLINGULN PARK*

from Br<»trt street to t'llnlon avenue (formerly I-sgrange place], and the repaving of ths part of

IJNCOL.V PARK.from Clinton avenue to the northerly line of Hpruc* ilr>et ifttrmerly a part of Washington ilreetl with sheet ssphall luivlng upon a con­crete base.


from Lincoln J'ark to P^ilnler street, with sheet asphalt paving upon a concret* bass; th* (lart of

PENNSYLVANIA AVENFE, from Lincoln Park to Thnmaa street, and the part from Miller street to Pulnlir street to be l*aved the whol* width between ths curbsionea; and the can of

PENNSYLVAJ^IA AVENUE, between Thomas street and Miller street to H* puved on both sides of the street railway tracks, with the exception of on* foot In width Oh each Bide of said tracks, excepting the Inter­section of Themas street and Wright atreet.

The paving ofw a k e m a n a v e n u e .

from Strond avenu* to May Street for th* width of thlriy-flve (,£16) feel, with brlok paving.

The repaving ofb a n k STREET,

fiom Brood strsst to Flan* street, with sheet asphalt paving upon a concrets base, excepting (he Intsrseotuin of Washington street.

Th* repaving of*c e d a r r t r e b t .

from Bmad atreet to Halsey street, with sheet s^ h a lt paving upon a concret* base.

The paving ofEAGLES STREET.

from James street to Orange street, with sheet asphalt paving upcm a concret* base.


from Orange itreet to Fifth avenue, with sheet asnhalL paving upon a concrete base.

■rb* repaving ofWALNUT STREET.

from Broad street to N«w Jersey Railroad ave­nue, with sheet aaphtJi paving upon a concrete bas•^ excepting tn* intersectfon of Mulberry street.

The paving ofWEBSTER STREET,

from Seventh avenue to Bloomfleld avenue, with sheet osphali paving upon a concrete baa*.

The paving ofKEARNY STREET,

from Belletlll* avenue to Garsid* street, with brick iMvIng, excepting the intersection of Bum­mer avenue.

The paving ofLINDEN BTREKT.

frrm Haleey street to W’aahlngtoh street, wUh brick rwvlng.

The paring ofn u b r e r t btreftt,

from I)ellrville avenue to Summer avenue, with brick paving.

The p&vtng ofTAYLOR STREET,

from Belleville avenue to Gsrslde atreet, with brick paving, excepting the intersection of Summer avenue.

The paving ofHIGH STREET,

from Eighth avenu* to Bloomfield avenue, with oblong granite block paving.

The paving ofSEVENTH AVENUE.

from Belleville avenue to Clifton av*riu«, with vhkmg granite block paving.

Together with all th* appurtenonoes hec**- eary to complete (he above dcBcribed street Im- pravemenlB.

The prwtedlngs in th* above pavings and re- pavings will be taken under th* provlslone of chapter 210 nf the StAie lawsftf IHDA.

Also, for the construcllun of a lO-inch pip* rewer InFOURTEENTH AVENUE AND SOUTH F IF ­


FOURTEENTH AVENUE, fmm Sooih Fi’mrteenth street to South Fifteenth street; nnrl In

SOUTH FIFTEENTH BTREET, from Fourteenth avenue to Fifteenth avenue.

Such peraons as may object thereto are r*- queBted to present th d r obtecikine In writing at the office of the &jard or Street and W'aler Uommiaslctieri, on or before the expiration of flve days frnm date of this notice.

By dlrecltoji of the Board of Rireet and Water Commlsaloners of the city nf Newark.

Newark. N, J.. February 2«. iwiH.J. t r o w e l l m u n d t ,

761 il4!l) General Buperintepdent of W'orka.” OFFICE OF '


t'Uy Hall, Fsh. 27. IBOn. Ths following Is th* list of th* namss* real-

dences and places of businsss of sppltcanta fbr llcensos, contalnsd lo all applications or peti­tions mad* to this bo«rd for th* granting of lUenass to sell splrUuuus, vinous, mall or brawed liquors, and not bsretofors published according to Inw, tO'Wit.;Nqiti*. Plao* of ItUBlnesB. Residence.MIrhsel rincenla, 217-21B 6th avc...Ram* pluoc. Geo. W. Hammond, 241 Washington st.

Same place.James F. Rogers. 366 Rvnk s t ........Bam* place.Herman Bohlegel. 28 W'llUain at....Sam e place. Halvatore D’Aurla. ISk Beventh ave.Same place. Kuos ft J^lmmerman, 62U Orange xt.Same piece.A. W, Rgherl, I7t Mulberry a t....... Same place.Thoe. McEnroe, 14 B. Mechanlo "('Hame place.

A, T. GUENTHER.President.

L. J. WENDELL,C i t y C l e r k . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

t h e I n t e r l u c k l h g s i w i t c h a n d B l o c k b l g n u l B y e I c m

" f ' s l o p s o n l y « m n o l l e * t o a g e n t .C m a n d a f t e r j a n u s f T 16. l i B d . t r a l n a w i l l

M a r k e t B l r v e t B i a t i o n , N e w a r k , a s f u l l o w * : f 6.60 A , H . F : \ « ( L i n e , d a l l y , w i t h P u l i m a g

V e s t i b u l e F a r l o r e n d B l e e p i n g C a r s , t v F l t t a - b u r g .

t 10:37 A . M . P e n a s y l v a n l a L i m i t e d , d a l l y , c o m p o s e d e x c l u s i v e l y o f t h i l l m a n V r a t t b u l * C o m p x r i m e n t B l s s p i n g , D i n i n g , S m o k i n g ■ » . ( O b s e r v e t l n n C a r s , p r e » s n t t n g f l n x n r l s l r e p o r t s , s t e n o g r a p h e r * ^ n d t y p e w r i t e r s , b a t h r o o m s f o r

> b f i t h s e x M , l a d l e e ' m a i d , b a r b e r - s h o p , l i b r a r y ; a n d a i l i h e r u i i v e n l e n c e a o f h u m * s r o f f i c e .

l ' < l a h t c d b y i i R l I o n a r y a n d m o v a b l j e l e c t r l * l l g h l a . A r r l > e s U h i i s g o I M I O A . M . , C l e v e l a n i t

A , M . , r i n e l r v n n t l 0:40 A . M . . I n d i a n a p o l i s k . g c i A . M , L j u i t v l l l e 11 & u A . M . . B u L o u i s 8 : u u P . M . . T n l r d o A . M -

f 2-26 P . M . i . ‘ ; i i c i i g - > a n d 8 t > f j o u l s E x p r e s s , d a l l y . P u l l m a n > > s ( 1l u l * S l e e p i n g a n d D i n i n g

i o r s t o B t . L u i s . C h i c a g o a n d L o u i s v i l l e . V e s ­t i b u l e B m a k l n g < . ' a r a n d F a a a « n g e r C o a c h e s t o B t L o u i s . A t r i v e s C l n c l n n s i i 10:46 A . M . . S t , 1- o u l a 7 ; ( i i 0 P M. a n d C h i c a g o 6:00 I * M . n e x t

d a y .f ( 1:27 P , M W e s t e r n E x p r e s s , d a l l y , P u I l m e - ^

V e s t i b u l e S l e e p i n g O a r s t o P t t t a b u r g , C h i c a . a n d C l e v e l a n d . D i n i n g C a r s i n P h l l a i U f p b l s a n *

P l u s h u r g t o ( ' b l c a g i K . A r r i v a l a t O l e v c ' a a J l J - 2,6 A . M . . n ) 1c f i g n p o o P . M . n e x t d a y .

I f k :16 P M U o u t h w e s t e m E x p r r * * , d a l l y , P u l l m a n V e s i l h u l e B l e e p i n g C a n i t o C i n c i n n a t i S n > S B t . L o u i s . D m i n g C a r A l t o o n a t o R i c h - t n n n d . A r r i v e * C i n c i n n a t i 0:00 P k l . . I n d i a n -

I a p o l l s 1h ; i n P M . . a n d B L L o u t * 1:00 A . M .I a e c n n d n i o r n l n g

f y M P i c l f l o F x p r e t s , d a l l y , P u l l m a n B u f f e t B l e e p i n g C a r N « w Y o r k t o P M t s t i u r g ,

[ A r r i v e s d a l l y ( V i r a g o 7:30 A . M . f s e c o n d m o r n - , I n g L j C n l o t n b u a 7 ' 2n P M , a n d C l e v e l a n d 6.26

P . % T . , d a l l y . e x r e | » t S a t u r d a y ! r 4 ; 6f t p I f B n u t h e m R a i l w a y E x p r e i i , d a l l y ,

n l e c r M ’ r s t o N e w O r l e a a s , M s m p h i a . A s h e r l l l a j a n d H n t K p r l n g s .j t P t S d P . M D a l l y f o r a l l p r > l m s o n C h c a a *^ p e a k * a n d O h k ) H a l l w a y B l e e p i n g a n d D i n i n g

C a r a .F « » r n a l t l m r r e , W a s h i n g t o n a n d t h e B o u l h ,

I 2 4T . s A " . 6 : B f i ( L i m i t e d F . x p f e J i , P u l l ­m a n v e i i i b i i l e P a r l o r C a r s , V M t l b u l # T a s * * n i e r

• r . . a e h e e a n d D l n l n f C a r . t O : S T > . 4l : 2d A , M . .} : 20. 2 : 86, . t : 47. 4 : 66. 6:20 a n d 9:30 P . M . O n

B u h d s y . 12: 47. C i M . 0 : 68, 11:20 A . M . . S : 47, 4 : 60, 6 : 2T a n d 9 : S 2 P . M F o r D a l l l m o r * o n l y , 1:28 P .

; M . W e e k d a y sI _ F o r P h i l a d e l p h i a , E x p . , 13: 47, 6 : 46. T : 6B . 6 : 25.

6 : 56, 11: 6.4 ( 10:#7 L i m i t s E x p r e e s , P u l l ­m a n V e s t i h u t # P a r l o r C a r * . V e a t l h u l * P a s s e n g e r

| C « ' h r * a n d D i n i n g C a r V 11:26 A . M . :I 1:20 1: 36, 3: 8f l , 6 : 24, l : 4T . 4 ; 6d . 6 : 30. 6 : n , 8 : n • a n d 0 l i t P . M A c v o u i m c i d a t l o n , 1I : 3U A . M . . 6:00 a n d T : t 6 P . M . U n B u n d a y . F x p r e a a , 12: 4T .

, 0 - 4O . a w 0 60. 0 : 06. 10; . t l . i l :20 A . U . : 8 : 47, 4 : 24, 4 : r . « , 8 : ; t , 0 - 27. 6:63 a n d 3:32 P . M . A c - C c m m ^ r t a t l o n B i k O i f l d 7 : ' t 6 P . M .^ F o r T r - n t n n , 12: 47. 0 : 40. 7 : 00, 7 : 60. 6 : 28. 0 : 66, 6 50, f | - h 6 i ] 0,67 L i m i t e d K x p r e s a , P u l l m a n V e s ­t i b u l e P n r l n r C a r e , V e s t l b u l * P a s s e n g e r C f t s o h s s a n d D i n i n g C a r l . 11:20 a n d 11:80 A . M . : 12: 20. 1: 20, 1:28 2 .16. 2 : . T M , 6 : 24. 6: 00, 6 : 25. 0 : 27, T : . 16. h ?2 a n d U ; . 1 > p . M . S u n d a y , i S : 4T . 6 : 4t l , R - . 6H , H .70. 6 ; 6M , 10..11 a n d 11 A . M . 4 : 24. 6 27. 6 : . 60. 0-27 T : - ' W . 6 : « a n d U - a 2 P . M .

F o r A t l s n t i r r ' l i y . H .30 a . M . . 2:10 ( w i t h t h r o u g h P u l l m a n R u l T * s P a r l o r C a r a n d d a y

i c o A ( h ) a n d 2:68 P . M. w f e k - d a y o . 6:40 A , u .' S u n d a y * .

F o r C a p e M ' , y . ) 26 P . M , w e s k - d t y o .F o r r < n n g i l r a n c h . E l b ^ m n . A s h u r y P a r k ,

I 0 ( . i - a n t J ' i i v e , f * i r i n g I j i k e , B e a G i r l , M a n a a > q u a i l , p o i n t D s a s a n t a n d p o i n t " o n t h e N e i g Y o r k i n ^ H r a n e h R a l l r u A d . 0:80 A . M ,I 2 : W . 4 ; n a . f i n d p M . . a m 12 14 n i g h t . O n

B u n d a y , 10:16 A M . a n d B . U P . M . 5(00 a t I n i e r l a k e n f o r O c ' s s n G r o v * n r A s b u r y p a r k o g B u n d a y .

F o r R e a - B l i l e P ^ r k , I s l a n d H e i g h t s a n d T o m ’ t R i v e r . 12:60 P . M . w e e k - d a y * .

F o r U o a t n n . w i t h o u t o h a n g e . 12:48 V, M . w * * l i * d a y s , 6 : 6.1 P S j ; d a l l y .

F o r R r t v » k ’ > n . N . T . — A l l t h r o u g h ( r a l n i e o n - n e c t a t J e r s e y ( ' I t y w i t h b < - i t s « r f " R r o n k l y n

A n n e x . " a f f o r d i n g d i r e c t t r a n s f e r t o a n d f r o m F u l t o n s t r e r t , a v < I d l n g d o u b l e f e r r i a g e a n d j ! i > u r * n e y a c r o s s r h * c i t y

F C > R N U W Y O R K .L e a v e M a r k e t S t r e e t B t a t i n n . 8 : 10. 6 : 47. 0 : 00,



OPEN FOR BUSINESS. [««*«.«. waimamiKi. co.

C I T Y A D V K H T I H K M K N T H .O F F I C N o f t h e H o a r d o f A s s e u m e n t a n d I t s -

^ ' l i l u n ot T a x * * , r o o m 6, C U y J l a l l . i n a c c o r d a n c e w l t J i a n a c t u c t h e L e g i s l a t u r e

o f t h i s S t a t e , w h i o h p r e v i d e a t h a t t h s a s t e s a - m e n i f o r t a x e s s h a l l W o o u s l d e r e d a s m a d v o n t h e t h i r d W e d n e a d a y I n J a n u a r y I n e a c h y e a r , i l i e t t o a r d o f A s s e s s m e n t a n d R e v i i i u n u f

T t t x e # o f t h # c i t y o f N e w a r k h e r e b y g l v « n o t i c e t h a t ( h e y w i l l r e c e i v e f r o m t h e t h i r d ^ S ’ e d n e s d a y I n J a n u a r y t o t h * t h i r d W e d n e s d a y I n A j i r l f . ] ^ . I n c l u s l v * , a t t h i s o f f i c e , s t o t e m e n i a ( u u d * r o a t h ) o f p e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y f r o m a l l I m l l v i d u a i i

I a n d • e r p o r a l t o n * h M l H g s u o k p r o p e r l y s u h i e o t I t o t a x a t i o n F b t h * c i t y o f N e w a r k . N o d e d i u - i i o n

f u r I n d a b t c d a e e e c a n b * a l l o w e d u n t e a i t h e p a m * . d a t e a n d r e s t d e n o * o f t h e u r e d l t c p r I s

g i v e n a n d t h * a m o u n t o w i n g .K o l l o * l e h e r e b y g i v e n t o l l i *

K s t t o n a l G u a r d , a l l a c t i v e a n d ■ r u t i n e m l M r s o f S a l v a g e C o r p * .

d i s c h a r g e ^ a o l d l n r s a n d s a i l o r * w h o I n t h e l a t e w a r , w d t h * w l d o w a nf 1o n d * a l l o r a , a s l o n g a * t h * y r e m a i n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

' t h a t t h e y o i w e n f U M t o o n e x e m n t l o n ( r u m g e n e r a l a n d s p e c i a l p o l l t a x , a n d f r o m S t a t e , c o u n t y a n d m w n t o t p a l l o x a t l o n u p o n r * i i o r p e r ­s o n a l p r o p e r t y , o r n o t h , n o t u e * * d i n g i n a g g r e ­g a t e f i v e i 6) h u n d r e d d o l l a r * , p r o v i d i n g t h e y a p ­p e a r b e f o r e t h * b e a r d w i t h i n t h e U m * a b o v e ■ p e c U l e d a n d p r o v e t h * C l a i m t o t h « l r * a * m p - t l o n , 0* p t r o v i d t d b y l a w . * '

A l l p r o p r i e t o r s a n d k e e p e r * o f d w e l l i n g h o u o s * . b o a r d m g - l i o u a e i a n d I n n s t r « h e r e b y n o U A e d t h a t t h e y a r e r e q u l i w d t o g i v e | h * a e i i s t a j i t o o - s e e a o r o r t h e i r r e t p e c t l v * w o r d s t h a f o l l o w i n g f a - f o r t n a - U o n , w h e n s o u g h t b y s u c h a s s e s s o r , u p o n p e r s o n a l a p p l i c a t i o n 1 T t m n u m b e r o f p i e r t o n *

0 : 30. 0 ; 6« . 7 : 12. T - 2H . 7 ‘ 45. 6 ; f X l . 6 : 10. 6 : 10. 6 : 4f » , H : ( » . 6 : . ^ 7. f l : l 7, # - 20. ( I : S 4, f l : 30. 10: 00. 10: 80. 10: 46. 11: 00. I l : l 7 A . M . : 12:00 n o n n . 17: 10. 1 : 06, 1: 77. l : 6 t . S : t ) 0. s 66. 3 ; 4« , 3 : 06. 6 : 10. 6 : 67.4 : 10. 4 : M l . 6 : 14. 8 : 25. 6 4S , 0 : I M , 0 : . 17. 0 : 60, f i : 6H ,7 : 00. 7:10 7 36. 8 u 0 M - 60. 10: 04, 11:14 P .M . a n d 12: i >7 n i g h t . B u n d a v ( r a i n s , 6 : 10. 6 : 47, 6 : 00. 0 : 00. 0 : 3. V 10; 02, 10: 00. | Q : 46. U : 00, l l ; 6i A M . ; t : T C , 2 : 00, 2 : 30. 6 : 10. 8 : 60,4 : 60. 4 : 6. \ 6 : 40. 6 21 T ' O O . 7 : 20. 7 : 25. 7 : 40. S : l | , 0;64 f t r r l o - * s i . 10:00 P M . . 13:00 n i g h t .

I j s a v # * O n h e 5 t r e n ( S t a t i o n . 0 - 00. B - . t S . 7 : 01.7 : 14. 7 : 4K N -46 H R T I t r M A . M . : I 2 : ! 0.1: 08, 2 : » . 7 : 22. 4 22. 6: 1T . h : 51. 0 : 58. 7 : 41. 0 : 82,0:24 a n d I 0.(>7 P . H w e e k - d a y s .

L e a v e U h e s i T i u t B t r e e t S t a t i o n , 8 : 12. 6 : 50, 0 ’ 28, 0 : 64. 7:00 7 : 42. 7 : 60. 6 : 07. S : 8T . 8 : 68, 0 : U . f t S 3, 11: 56, 10: 23. 10: 67. 11:67 A . M . 12: 0 * 1 : 02. 1: 24, 2 . 04. 2:16 8 : 00. 3 : 10, 3 - 66. 4 : 10. 4 : 62. & : H Y . 0 ; 4B , 0 : 34. 0 ‘ 46- 7 : 00, T : S 5. 8 . 27. 0 : 13, f 0 O ( V l l : l i P . M . 12: 0S n l 4h v B u n d a v . 8 r 60. f t - . S t .

f t : 60. 10. -25. 10: 67, 1D 48 A . M . ; 12: 66. 13: 47, 1 : 2H . 1 : . 50, 3 : 27. a ( f f , 6 : 40, 4 : n t . 6 : 46. 0 ; t f i , 0 : 50,7 : 10. T : 31. 8 : Q 7. 8 : 30. f t ' 28. 0 : 60. 10:25 a n d l l i M P . M .

I # e a v * F m m s t 8t r r s i B t a t l o n . 6 : 54, 0 : 24. 0 : 63. 7 : 07. T ‘ 40. 6 : 0H . 8 : 30. 6 ' 11. 0 : 13. 9 : 60. 6 : 60. 10: 60. 11:66 A - M . ; 13 04, 1: 00. 1: 22. 3 : l f l . 8 : 14. 4 : 13. 6 : 06. 6 ' 46. 0. 43, 7 : 38, 8 : 34. 0 : 56. 11:10 P . M . . 12:01 n i g h t B u n d a y . 6 : 06. 8 : 56, 0 : 36. 0 : 50^ 10: 31, 11:46 A - M . ; 12: 83, 12- 44, 1 : 25, 1: 54. 3 : 24. S : f M . .1 : 44. 4 : . 10. 4 : 48. f t . 4l . 0 ; | 3, 0 : M , 7 ; 18. 0; O 4» 0 : 21, 0:66 e n d 11:64 P M

F R O M M A R K E T B T R E E T B T A T I D N .F n r E t U a t w t h a n d R a h w a y , 1:.50 ( d a l l y e x c e p t

K n n S a y s l , 6 : 81. 7 : 00. T , 6A , 6 : 41. 6 : 56, f t : . 7f t , 10: 44. I l :80 A . M ; 12: 86. 13; 56. 1 : 20, 2 ; S M , 8 ; f t 0, 8 : 20. 8:49 4 : 60. 4 ; S 6. 6 ; < S » . 6 : 80. 6 : 40. 6 : 60, 0 : 01, 0 : 07. 0 - 10. 0 : 62. 0 - 4l . 0 : 17. 7: 07. 7 : 66. 8 : 0! , 6 : 46, 0 : 43, 10: 47. 11:61 P . M . . 12:14 a n d 13:47 n i g h t . S u n J a y . t : . 60. 0 : 49. 8 : 60, f t : S 4. 10: 15. 10: 61, l T ;.73

I A . M . ; 13: 86. 1- 86. 2 : 66. 8 : 15. 4 : 83, 5 : 00, D ; 80, 7 : 01. 7 : 18. 7 : 65, 7 : 60, 6 - 84. 0 : 08. 10: 00, 10: 40. 11:87 P . U . . a n d 12' 4T n i g h t .

For B H s a t e t h only. 12: 3t a n d 5:00 P . M . w e e k - *¥ * r N e w R r a n s w i c k , 13: 47, 0 : 40, 7 : 00, T : 5f l L

6 : 56. 9:60 a n d 11-60 A . M . ; 12: 30. 1; ^ . 3 : 60. 8 : 40. 4 : 6( 1. 6 : 00, 0 - 60. 6 : 50. 0 : 63, 7 : 85, 0 ; K ) a n d 10:47 P . 11. B u n d a y 12: 47. 0 : 49. 6 : 6H . D :64 a m f 10:61 A . M : t 2 : 8l 1: 65. 5 : 80. T : 9S . 0:08 a n d 9 : . « P . M .

F o r W o o d b r i d g t , 1:80 t d a l l y e x c e p t M o n d a y s ! , 0 : 61, 1( 1:44 A . H . , 13: 90, 8 : ^ 4 : 66, 0 : 01, f : 0T a n d 0:42 P . M . , 19:14 n i g h t w e e k - d a y * . 8u n - d s y t . 1: 80. 10: 1S . 11:18 A . M . , a n d 10:00 P . M .

F o r P e r t h A m b o y , 1‘30 ( d a l l y e x c e p t M o n ­d a y s , 0 : 81, 10:44 A . M . . I S i M . 6 : 00. 4 : 66. 0 : 01. 7 : ( 1t a n d 9:43 P . M . , a n d ] 2:14 n i g h t . O n S u n - d a v i , 1 : 60. 10: 16, 11:86 A . M . . I 0 : 6o P . M .

F o r E a s t M l l l e t o n * . 7:00 A . M . ; 12: 20. 2:88 a n d 5:80 P . M . . d a l l y , e x c e p t B t i n d a y .

F o r K l n g e t n n a n d R o c k y H i l l . T :50 A . M . a n d 4:80 P . M . . d a l l y , e x c e p t S u n d a y .

F o r P h l i l l p s b u r i , E a s t o n a n d B e i v t d e r e . 7 : 50- 11:30 A U . , a n d 8 : 34, 0:27 P . M . B u n d a y a , 0:37

P . M ,F o r t ^ m b a r t v t l l s , 7 : 80. 11:20 A . M . : 3 : 88, 8:34

a n d 0:37 P . M - B u n d a y , 0:27 P . M .F o r r i e m i n g t o n . 7 : 60, 11:20 A . V . . a n d 8:24 P «

M . , d a l l y , e i c e p t B u n d a y .I F o r F r e e h o l d , F a n n t n g d a l a a n d 8# a G i r t , v i a ' M u n m C r U t h J u n c t i o n , T : 50, I L . ' V l A . M . ; 3 : 80, 4:60 P . M - w e e k - d a y e . F o r F r e e h o l d o n l y . 5:00 P . M . w e a k d a y e .

I NEW YORK TO NEWARK.F o r N e w a r k , 1:00 ( d a l l y e x c e p t M o n d a y e i . 00. 0 : 8( 1, 0 : 40, 7: 20, 7 : 60, 7 : 40. 8 : 10, 8 : 80, f t r ] ( \ 40, 10 i < k 10: 40. 11: 00, 11:40 A . M . ; 13; ) 0,

13: 60. 1: 00. 1: 30. 1: 50. ^ ; 10, 3 : 80. 8 : 00, 6 ; 3n . 8 : 00, 4 : 00. 4: 10, 4 : 30, 4 : 40, 4 : 50. 5 : 00, 5 : S £6 : 40, 6 : 69, 0 : C > O . 0:10 0 : 20, 0 : 40, 7 : 00, 7 : 80, 8 : 15,9 : 15. 10: 16. K i O O . 11:50 P . M . , a n d l 9:16 D i g h L B u n d a y I r a l n a . 1 : 00. 0 : 16. 8 : 00, 9 : 00. 9 : 46, 19: 00, 10: 80, 11: 00, 11:30 A M . ; 12:00 n o o t t , 12: 80, 1 : 0O , 1 : 80, 2 : 09, 2 - 46, 9: 60. 4 : 00, 4 : 60. 6 : 00. 6 : 16, 6 : 45.0 : 80. 0 : 46. 7 : 90. 7 : 80. 7: 46. 6 : 00, 8 : 30. 9 : 00. 9 ; 80»10. 15, 11:00 p . M . a n d 13:16 n i g h t

F n r f u r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n e e r t i m e t a b l e o , t n h * h a d a t t h e t i c k e t n f l l i ' s e . T i c k e t * f o r a l l p o l n t l o n t h e r t n n s y l v a n l a R a t l r n a d a n d c o n n e e t l o n a , a n d b e r t b e . l e c U o n a a n d b a g g a g e c h e c k s a t t h « r . M n p a n v ' s n f f l c e s N o . 760 R r o a d a t r e v t , o r a t

t i c k e t o f f i c e a t M a r k e t S t r e e t S t a t i o n - B- M PRRVnsT. J. R . WOOD,

G e n e r a l M a n a g e r . G e n e r a l P a s s e n g e r A g e t i L

CBNTHAL KAILRUAD CF NEW JERSEY^ Anthracits coal used oxcluaiveiy. Insuring

aleonllnssa and cooifurL TlmeUbla in «Ssct Muvvmbsr U, ISUA

Trains leave Brood ood Ferry atrs«t staUonai For Plainfield, 0:15, 7:18, 7:65. 8:30, 0 ;<SL

! 10:00, 11:88 A. M.j 1:18, 1 :» . 2:65, 8:35, 4:00, 4:40- 5:04, 8:54, D:5n. 0:20, 7:18, 7:60, 6:40. 10:00, 11:35 P. M. Sundays, 7:80, tcOft. 9 ;SCl 11:88 A. U.: 1:10, 1 :U. 3:85, 5:40. 7:8^0:35. 10:20 P. M-

For Bomarvllle, at 6:15. 7.18, 0;ft8, 10:06. 11:80 A. M.; 1:15. ];88. 3:85. 8:38. 4;ui5, 4 : ^ 1:04. 8;H4. 5:ilO, 6:30. 7:85. 8:40, 10:05. 11:25 p! 61- Sundays, 7:89. 0-06 A. M-j 1:10. 2:30 4tO0. 5:40, 0:26 10:20 P M. ^

For FlemingtOB. 7:16, 9rQ3, A. M.; t:15. 1:SS f M . KM P W. »vn(Ur», <■« P. k :

For itHtloni to High Hridge, conecd.tg fog •tatlons OP High Brldea Branch and Lak« Ro Dutcong. 0:15 lesc^yt Lake Kopatcong). s .0 | A. M.: 4:M P, M. Andayo, 1:(0 P. U toxcert

, Lokn Kopateong.)For stations Main Iln* New JenMT C*ii

: tro l Dlvlstun. Booton, Bethlehrm and Atl*p ; tt>v»n, 4.18, V:03, whh Buffet P arlor C!*r. Il:;i5 ' A. M.. to Kaslon. !;1,1. | 4:05 (Ruffet P ar-

S (T:» A M.ato SaJUm). ];1K, A.,0 P. 1C.Par Mbiuch Chunk. T:lk, ll:M A. M. (w ith BuN

r , t Kin. 1:1k , 4:0* (natr.t p .rio fCut, i:M P. U. Igndkp,, 1:10, S;40 P. 1C

For Wllk—bur., Pltutua and B ru to n . ft:0t " *'*' * **" * *** **' *®'*®*‘

Fo'r Eushury, LMlptiiirp . . 4 W llllunnnrlj*■NEWARK A N D EliIZADSTM BRANCB- TsoIbs loav* Brnad BtreelL Station for Bltao*

be(h antj Rimclle a t 9:15, 7:18. T:A6. h 'jj . 5 : 8f t , f t : 0n , l > : 38, l U i 05. 10: 38, l l ; 00. l l - f i A A . M . : 1: 16. ■ T « 5 , 3 ; i a a i f S T| : 85. 4 < ^ 4 : 10, 0: 04. 8 : « 4; 5 : 60. B - S o , 7 : l l 7 : 8f t , 6 : ^ 19: 9^ 11:25 P . M . S u n d a y s , 7 ' 80. 8 ; 4B . 0 : 05. 0 : 39. 19: 36. 11:85 A . M . t 1 : 10, M l! » ■ i o m p I ' m ' “ ' Sp’urtT K ^A M B o'y, LONG BRANCH.

GROVE, BTC.For Tremlsy aod Carteret. 6:]ft, 8:80. l i s i

A M,; l:M^ a;86.^4;0ft,^B:5p, ti:3R 7:35 p“ fil


W .4 f - w , • . c H P i v . u w , y . o u , n . sSunday*. 0:05 A. M.j 4:0ft P. M,


lehioh ' v a llet railroad .M c i r k e t s t r e e t S t a t i o n .

7:25 A. M. dojiy. *xcc(>t Bunuoy. (or Uauch Chunk and lal«r(uediat* stailoo*.

H;47 A. M. dally for Geneva, Roohester. Buf­falo', Niagara Falls, Suspension Brldg* and th*West, and principal local fiolats, dining car to Ruspenslon Bridge, Putirakn vestibul* sleeper to Chicago.

11:80 A. M. dally (leaves 1t:00 A. M- Sundeysi for UsuL’h Chunk and inttrmedlat* points.Connections for Reading and Harrisburg.

1:61 V. U dally, except Sunday, for Elmiraand all intermediate Stallone. Connwilon* for s«wartn, a t 5:18, 8:22, ii':85 A, M ! i io..PnttsvlMs and Reading; chair car to Wllk*a- i : 3a, 4 :O0, 4 .40, 8:60. 5:20i 7:05 P M barre. -0:00 A. M.j 4:06 P K «u«uay^

ft;80 P. H., Sunday* ogly4 for Wllkeabarra, L. I poy Perth Amboy, 0:15, 8:23. 8 BB t i M a and n. Junction and all Intermediate pointa. M.; |;85. 1:85. 4:U5, 4'*"

4:84 P M. dally, *xe*pt Sundry, for L. and * • - - jB. Junction and principal loterm ^lkt* stattons:Pullman btiffei parlor car to Wllkesbarra: oon- nectlone for Pottavtllc.

4:40 p. M dally, except Sunday, for Bound ^Rronk nnd InlerroMlnto etatloni.

8:44 P. M. dally for Esstun and Intennedlat*; statUms. '

9 (10 P, H. dolly fSundeya 8:81 P. for ruffnlo, Niagara Falla and all polnm Woat,Pullman a1«f[i*r, veetihuls train, New York to Chicago, sleeper to Ruttalo and Toronto. Coo- necilona for Reading and Hirrtsburg.

0;ftft P. M. dally- except Sunday, for Booton end Iniermmllate ataticns.

M.; I ;85. 1:85. 4:U5, 4;49. 5:50, 0;0Ul Ttli'P 1 / •lU ld.,-. UiUO A. 4:IH P T V

For Atlahtic Highlands via Matawin. "***U , ; 4;95 P.

I I : » A .F o r R e d B a n k . L o n g B r a n c h , C k s a a a G n i v a -

•Ui„ 8:22, 11:65 A. M.; 1:88. 4.05 4 % “ 0-inl i . R l l h c t a v B i - c w . l 7. i r r F f ct a ' O i w u 6 r o v . ; « r u a " * r i c ! F O H L A K E W O O D .

“ '1 8 r ld * « « ,9:2* P. M dally for Ithaca, Geneva, Rocheo- ' NEWARK AND NEW FORM

ter, nuffnlp. Niagara Falls and a|] point* West, Brood and Ferry - -Pullman sfoepers to Chloofo and Buffalo, ohaircar lu Wllkeebarre.

T i c k e t s a n d P u t l m a o o c c o m m o d a t l o n a P e n n s y l v a n i a R a i l r o a d D e p o t a n d 780 B r o a d

s t r s s t ,The New York Tranafer Company will ooll for

end rhech baggsir" from hotel or reildetioa through to dssM nation.

erI e^ ailroad'DKPu T roU B T H AVE. and PASSAIC ST

Call up *phoDa 1000 , r N a w a r k h i ^ Q o h ) dm Broad St., Nawark.

Laavd Pa lemon for Newark^ 5:80^0:13, ,

i:3S. 1;46. 5:34, 9:00, 10:10, 1 1 :8 ^ . I t ; idO, ■37, t:»T, 4:U. d:li. 7:8^ 814a 10;U P. U. un^aye. 10:48 A. R t 0:80,

j 0:00 19:68 P. If.NEWARK AND NEW YORK,

Loav* Newark. 1:06, 9.48, 7:38, T:ft~

BALTIMOREY O T , " — — - -WA0HINGTON, For Phlladelpiiia 10:06 (*ie*pt -rtrsn


6 : 47. 0: 66, 10:47 A . M . ’ i V i S .0 : 30,

IF.'KI, •V-'VI #%. Mai a.Wi 4 lOO,5;38, 0:65, 8:06, 0:U, 11:04 P, H. Oundayo. 7:34, 0:06. 11:33 A. I t : 8:00, 4M , 0 :H 11:04 P. M .

L«aT* Near Yorit (Chatsboff otmatl. 0:40, 7:15, - 9:53, U:#0, A. M.: h 1:10, 6115^4:23,s!*f, »i*a. ti*. — * ■■S tv ML. . B u n iiuM Bun* I ^ .W l. Qt>4M, 0 .0 0 , P , * * , I .PU, »W .UK. X e .V V •

iMlduiB ih»r,in, th.lr n.mr. and «h. u i u t oT I tunAir-. iiOO A. U.; !« ) . i i l j . (:M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I * M . - ■

Day «xpr«fi Bundaya. 7:34

ROYAL BLUB LIMI and Trentno.

- - . - . i . - " ..jntoBi A. M.: 1*^4 * 0 ^ TTentm.., 9:04 g-pQ i-g j“ - W t » » r i n t o , r a : ' m . i

> C^ttBlKWBL M.W OrlMUIB UA BU BDtBtlVI. H hen»^..h v . l i , r LlM, Bt *5a P.

H. BunO.yi, 3:15 p. M.

th-b- TKiffMHionA M. fmr ft. known, juid u . , .ncJ, priatur or keeper of dwtlltng, boanling-boUM [jin who ahatl rsfuoa to glv* to th* Oiiiata»t soaor th* aboT* Infornulloa will beoonw llo-

bl« under th* ttatut*, which Kfft>v1d«H for tbaUnprioonment of oil Mraoaa oo uffndtaf,

Omo* hour*. 0 A. M, to 4 P, d o ^ lwrdars. from I

B y o r d a r o f i h « B o a r d ,n. ^

A. It, to U M. Board.

A R C U 0 i . n i l

h Bundaya only.ieav** Nawork. 0:44 A.. M

. _:0(), 6llft. 4 - .Ip •05a_ 3,^00 1 Hu F # tteketa hoffToga olwckt aleeidux ca r IOa

I . j r O L P M A ! 7^ A W . M p . B A L O W I N , 4w . Sup*rlni«Ad*at. Qm. PoaMaaor A M I.

_______ ___ M Vosttbule timittd laavoaNtwork, 1‘41 P. M. Buodoyo, 8:01 P. M. Buf­falo Exproi* Leavia Nttrom 0:57 P. It. 8un- dayo, 7:0T P. M. Chloogo n m « ia foavoo N*w- oj%, 0:00 P. H. Sundays. 1:00 P. M.

1 ^ tleketo, hOfftaga elteohA Moapliig e a r !•* , ^— ------ -- ^oalloiL UBMtaWOA poll at th* City TM »t DC* Uvertls* In (h* NEWS. Sea. 110 Maihat atreet Maphaa* • K o r end SaturdoyHig O a H w . . J * - • — - - .

Londloi^ igho woflli to rent bouMt or n o io tiSIlS

w u U t

A POl.K AXD A w i n r .

th e ir and r^KWIvi-il i»*rmly-elon from the reaerve crew to ifo Into they a rd . He w ai there but a ihor't tim e, anrl w ent aw ay am lllnf, The (trem en luH]amuTtueplcloua, They w ent Into the yard and a f te r lonkina a round for Home lim e they dlflcovered th a t the ir v ieitor had hy thea id of a JaiWer^cut the wire be lo n g ln ^^othe N ew ark Telephone t'om pany, w ire had been c u t w ith pUem near the In- flu ltto r on the ik)U< arnl the enda w ere tw illed a round an o th e r wire, th e liiea evl- flently being lo p re re n t the d licovery of w hat had bean done.

‘T t 'a a irhem n to throw down the new telephone company,*' eald one of the men, and when ( 'ap ta ln Meeker re tu rtted from th e fire he waa Inform ed o f w hat had oc- (’urred, and one of hie men Raid the ru tt in ghad been don* by a linem an em ployed hy th e New York and New Jeraey Telephonet'ornpany. C ap tain M eeker waa hard ly ideaied. 1|« daidarid th a t the m an had norla h t to cu t the wire and he notthed M. N. Uandel, one of th e repreRentatlven o f the N ew ark Telephone t'ornpnny, th a t the w irewan cut. Mr. Randei waa IndlgnanU fla rnade a lot of Inqultiee and learned th a tInq ith e New York ann New Jerae^j^THeiihonet'o rnpany claim ed the pol*. Ilia lu rp rlee w-ai g rea t. He Informed ra p tu li i M eeker of the claim and the la tte r very readily placed h li hand on a bill whii'b ahuwed th a t the fire n n ie rw rlte rii had lK>ught a pole foriy-Rlx feet long from C. AUKkimine, nf 16D S outh O ranga evenuCp and th a t ihi yhad paid for It.

Thla. r -. C ap tain M eeker cW lared, waa the Identical pole in the yard . It had never been replaced by ano ther, ao Mr, H an ­del waa aatlRfled th a t th e pole lielonged to the underw ritera. He accordingly iiie ln ic t- ed h is m en to replace th e ir w ork on the pole, and th is they did on W ednesday la st. T he wire la ailll there. I t wont l>e d is­tu rbed . either. If (’uptaln M eeker's men c an prevent it. T hc3’ ahow rd plalrdy a few • lay* ago th a t they don’t m ean lo he fooled again . A m an who rlutm ed lo he a repre-aan tatlve of the electric light com pany visited the ir head q u arters . He wuntod toe iam ln e th e te legraph pole. T h ry told him ho could go In th e yard, and w hen he w ent th roe men followed him. He waa nettled. A fter looking around he said he could see no th ing w rong, and askoil for perm issionto go on th e roof. I t w a s q iitck ly g ra n te d b u t a firem an w e n t w ith h im . l i e looked

*00 am all and he sa id

"T he w ire Is now u p / ' said th e rep o rte r: “w in you have It cu t down agalnT*^

"I wont anow er th a t q u e s tio n /’ said Mr. linker, em phatically , and th a t se ttled It.

G reat w as the su rp rise of th e firem en th is m orning w hen they took a look a t th© pole to see th a t the w ire had again been

la s t night, i . ThMrs. Thom as O akes, of Bloomfield, gave

a luncheon yeste rday a fie rnoon a t her home on Felfevllle avenue.

W illiam A, Baldwin, Anial Dodd and J. K . W illiam s have been elw 'tcd elders In the F ir s t P resb y te rian Church, Hloomfleld,

H ospital.M rs. C la re n c e S a c k e tt a n d son , o f M o n t­

c la ir . s ta r t e d T h u rs d a y fo r C a lifo rn ia , to be a b s e n t s e v e ra l w eek s .

Irv ing ton Briefs,A successful concert w as g iven in th e

F ir s t C hristian C hurch la s t n ight and th e proceeds will be devoted to the Sunday- school library . T he concert w as given

auspioes of th e C aed llan Choir.The sac ram en t of th e L ord 's Supper will

be adm in istered in th e F ir s t C hris tian C hurch to -m orrow m orning.

David T. Prloe, who la cralmed to be th e o ldest p ap er-carrie r Ih S assk C ounty, and who resides on Clinton avenus. Is lufTer- Ing from an a tta c k of pleurisy. Mr. P rice Is over seventy years of age. The leap-year reception given In A lum ni

Tfall la st n igh t w a i a successful affa ir.About fifty couples were In Iho grand march.

Forest S i l l an d W oodilde,M iss F lo rencs T aylor, of 8(6 Bylvan ave­

nue. en terta ined the g iiseg T ennis C lubla s t n ight. T here w ere guestR from W oodslda, F o res t HIU, N e w a » and B ells- viUs.

The first an n iv e rsa ry of the founding of(he Woman*! Mission Circle of £raanuel Baptist Church wlU be celebrated In thechuroh parlo rs W ednesday n ight. Mrs. D r. L u ther, form erly a B ap tis t m issionary to India and China, will m ake a n ad d ressan d e ih lb lf idols and o th e r curios b ro u g h tfrom th s heathen lah d a

The ChauiThe,Chautauqua Circle will meet Mon­day ntght, L o n ^ llo w and Lowell will he the eu o je^ i of the blegraphleal iketohes and the auUioiw of the readings.

The H ead q u arte rs M ay We C hanged.I t Is reported in th a t Iba haad-


a dourre of t 'o n rrrn to th e Halvage t'o rpe IfeiHhere.

O riln a iily a te leg raph pole rti** sn ’i hri men much, hut there Is oin In

*he yard a t ihe re a r of the S a lvage ( 'o rp a 'ieadquart< 'ra on W ash ing ton stre i'f , th a t Is now licing csrefu lly guard«*d by the men pf C ap tain M eeker's coiomanU. T h is i t duo to the fac t th a t on W ashing- • tu n 's B irthday and again la^l n igh t a wire fastened to the poln w as * u t w ithout peim lsaloii. Now the •juesiion of owner*hl[t has been rulsvd. The polo Is claim ed by the New York a i d New Jersey T«‘le]>hone Com pany and also •q Board of F ire rndvrw rllerR .

^ m t- tim e ago the N ew ark Telephon** t'oni]>any hrguti business In th is c ity and rweivcil pt»rml«slon to pu l In a anmplp 'I 'hone In th e Salvage C orps heudquarU ra T he ttdt'iilioiie w as p u t In. and the w ire

from the com pany’s offlcfc to the Halvugf C orps' place w as fastened to thn pols lit the yard by perm ission of the U n­d e rw rite rs ' represen ta tive , C ap tain Meek­er. N uihlng m ore w as thought of the m a tte r un til a week ago yesterday , whetii « m an entered the Salvage <*orpw’ head* q u arte rs . He asked for perm ission to go Into the yard, say ing th a t he w ished to . lotik a t th e jmlr, ThS v isito r appeared tn he a linem an, and he w aa shown the w ay to the yard . Boon a f te r he re iu rnw l to . w here several of the flrenn 11 were sealed and he amiled In a peculiar way.

‘•There's som ething up." siild one of Cai>- ta tn M eeker's sharp -slg tued men. and then ha, w ith several o thers, w ent Into the yard to see If any ih ln g was wrong. E v ery ­th in g appeared to be nil right. The fol­low ing day alMjut 10 o 'clock In the m orning un a la rm w as sounded and C aptain Meek­er, w ith a delschTnent of his men, hurried lo the scene of the fire on C linton avenue. W hile they w ere aw ay a linem an entered

Slif Sel.i Hint iiv n tian >«t He Perm anenily in ju red by .* •lUl.

From Mie New York Jf«urual.It was tbu m orr.iiif of Uln<'oln's B ir th ­

day, 1 pottering about a t home, pretending fn Iw* dom estic and helpful, bu t r«-nll3' in le rferlng w ith K tiliiida's house- hold ‘ ■ Mhumy greatly , as I well kne.w. a l­though Kuilnda Is too polite to ever h in t th a t any w-sll-mH.ant a ttem p ts a t hslpUig tt- m aka til- wheeiH go arouhd ar* dny- ih lng but helpful.

"No, .Ml.*: : iM lIy," she a lw ays says, “ you ronlly does Splendid. You'd m ek a fiisi- i-lnsa houBi'kiepa, jea lulH you m ah. If you p<■ Uly pu t you' m in ' to It."

Hut a ll th e iJme she keeps a w ary iq'e out th a t I shall nol In terfere w ith th e w orkings o f her "systi'in ," ami K ulliida's systi-m is so nilrnlrahle In Us re su lts ibwt I am In rea lity q iiilr ns carefu l of ii as she. B ut th is m orning, pussessed by a wild desire to upsid som ething, 1 hail boon a rran g in g am i reufrung lng pU lu res, ch in a and dru]MT|es to iny own sallsfucB on and UulliHla'a mild, but secret, itisapprovaK

you th ink they '* any better, Mpii Dolly? ' she ven tured at last.

"•th , yt!!</' 1 salil. "m uch better. I ^ o k a t the ciilpr schem e of th a t room, now

B ntlt lo lllsii»rli'Ml M ruuirlet Sur­round ing I t - l n (he Umveyard.

[P M ersbu rg . \ n . . Lctli-r In New York Times.]

•Around th e old Colonial chun-hos of V ir­g in ia clUBti-r no morv historical lueinorle-, DO m ore ta le s o r liirrInB dssda. uu omru rom ance th an thoB-’ which m ark th g tm -

I ? Don’t Rub


iw iishab is fam e of the cruuiblitTk p lraV liiiias

.1. £.1 iivTiiic ui iiia i ivn/Ki) iiwn,Kullp^a. I t 'a ju i t an .ll,r.>r.n( an If f had tiouwit a-toi «f naw ihlnan and |*ui In It-'*’

iih u n ^ h a t hlanilfor.I, n h t (<»V 111, 1* , H tla- ■ n ii.iu ahum tw o m ill* from h ,r r . Thp faniA o f lliu *'< fllanilfurd Chur.’li,’’ i know n on the veatry hooka as the '•llrh k ; t 'h u ro li , '’ la general ihfuuahout Ihe South, j p a r ilfU la rly in V trslnla; In the N orth jo ii ' ocoaaloiially nn.l la ,om e h lirary u i l r iy ; p l r lu r r of th la fatniiu , ciltiii e. Vi'arly > tho iiaan ila of ju-uhlu Irielae aloiiK tli- i.le- : tu reaque ruu<t Hint winUa Ita way frnm ' th la f l iy lo the ol'l lowti, and ufajii n .riv - liia' a t th e hlntorle rhu ivh aland fo r hour* readlnic th e ItuaTiplluna upun itie wi iiher- 1 beai.di, ltmi*-alalui‘d and faat-eru in td la,, . londjaionen, or eln.' Birull alaiut tlte iiuaint, o ld -fa .h lo iied Kraveyaid. where llu hurled no m any m en atnl wunieu wlio lietjietl m ake VIrKlidan Idatiiry. :

In a do rk ivy-envered e o n u r of ilia churehyiirU . w ith no laldei to jinnk llio ! re a tin a [ilaee of the 'denaiU of the narrow ; houAf." Ilea w tiul ri-nuilhe of lieiierul VVlll-

Don’t Rub Your Clothes

tu tatters in a vain attempt to clean them vt'ilh poor soap. Save' ymir time ami healtli ■liy using

^ S u n l i g h t s^ S o a p 3

"I .ekaove' M ia, DoTly,

de eolo" achetne'a all riaht,

duat.1 n n ' hall'I ■ ■i^ i'a lank fo lk a a la h t."

T h e la a t la a n n ra u m e n t th a t a lw h y a trlki-B hom e, aa K u iln d a k new It w ou ld .

hu t youBA rnlaln ' a heap 'oUNO n n k k h i' youah proUty

tarn J d illl ly a , who died In I 'e i. ra liu ra d u r- I In * the oeeunallon, u io i who wa. ealTed t'y T h o i i ia , Je lte rBun ' ‘ilio j^roudeai titan of 1

I t m akes llu inc h rig lite r .

Len^rPriH, l.til, IIiiiImiii t&ii Ham < <!■ ftta.,Iir«w V«rS.

strlkiand J a t o'ncc.

"«»h, W ell/' T sgld. ‘T m th rough now, and I w as th in k in g of giving you a bWI- day for ih** re s t of ths day. I sh in H * e himio till es’enlng,"

"V essum ," stthi Eullnda, dt‘murp1y. "llow'U'l'wi here, a n ' Wf w as ih lnk ln ' of ruin' qu t to cslehrn ts M ista' Linktii

th e proudu-si N allon uf thu WMi'ld."T h e t»ld H laiidford td iu rch was built, or

r a t h t r fiiilslifd, In 173<. N uthlng ri'tim lus o f th e R ir iir iu rf tu-duy but \Uv four w alls Hiid Ih** ro4jf. whlidi has h ffu mod^'rmsi'il.th e ubjvci hflng to ki‘i-p (lie saciVd pluca In ta c t a s lung us pussiblf. A round thew alls and ovt-r part of ilm n»»if i-lliig hugu mussuH uf dark*Krk*cn E uhIIkIi i>y. itu ts

g<dn q u t io c s le h rn ts M is ta ' L in k tim 's h lrM a y hy a n ' by^ e f you d o an m in ', tou res' a, hU, now , honey , w hile 1 m c k y ou a cu p o ' toa.'*

R u lin d a w a s h a rk In a m om en t w ith th *

m a k e th e dU im in ili-d p la i c ih e lr ivnori a t n ig h t , h o o t-o w ls fly ifirough th e tia iie less

.’111/ ---------- . .

frag ran t Ceylon In a p re tty cup, .andth rough th e open door l»rhlnd htT I saw ---------- . . . . . . ."ifow 'iu l," H very dark and ra th e r ■oms A frican, helping to "do up " RuHn- da 'e dishes In Uie m oil friendly rashluti,

■’R uU nda/’ 1 said, " th a t l i no l G eorgs. W ho la H ow ard?”

"l»h, no’m. Miss Dolly: da i'a je ss How- ud. H e 's a K**mlemRn I used to know

w in d o w s w h en d a rk n e s s h as se tt le d ui>on th o o a r th , a n d a g en e ra l a i r o f n it 'lan eh u ly a n d d r s o la t lo n iliige rs a in ju t iJie p iai'c. V is i to r s to ti ll’ e l iu h 'h politt to the eaut w a ll a n d re a d Uiercun, iiirierilM-d upon a ta b le t , th e lin es w hich h ave le ru n ia f a ­m o u s f o r th e i r b ea u ty an d slm iille lty .

T h e a u th o r s h ip o f th i iie llin 's liaa a lw a y s bscQ a m a t t e r o r d o u b t, .Many pi<o|de c la im

4 h r ls t tn n ANsnelsIlim Nolen."K eso lv ed , T h a t ou r G o v e rn m eu t ehuu lil

a s s u m e ow m -i'sliip u nd iHUitrol a t om -e o f th e te le g ra p h tiinl lebi>UoiK’ s y i te m s o f ih ls (’u u m ry . " a ill [>*• d iscu ssed to -n lg lB ill th e p a rU irs o f th e Y. M. C. A., a n d a l l m en w ill be w e W m e d uhd g iv e n up |ro rtU -TtUv tu s p e a k .

'Thsto h a v e w r l t t s n them . T hen - \§ good r e a ­so n , h o w e v e r , fo r bidlevliia th a t th e yw e re w r i t t e n by T y ro n e I ’uw er, a celv-

im eilla

do w n In V a h g ln y u befo ' I w as m a r r ie d J d o an Jh ln k 1 toU. . . . you slH iut h im . h o n sy ,i-aiis^ 1 a im seed film befo ' t i l l y ls ild d y ,

s inee T h o m a s d ied . H e does do d ish e s u pNnlendbl, MltMi D u lly ," a n d K u iln d a g ig ­g led . " D a t 's ono t 'ln g 'a t G aw go n a v r Would d o ."

"Tr G eo rge b eh a v in g b o lte r? " I aek ^d . BoUcitously,

"M iss D u lly /* sa id K ullm ta, so b erly , a n d a l l th e c u rv e s w en t o u t o f h e r fftcp.“ n a w g c is Jess b e h a v in ' p e r t i lrk lto u s . H e 's c a r ­ry in g on ,w -ld d a l nrler g n l Jess la ik h s

b ra te tl J r l s h txiinedlan, who vlnlit-d the ch u rc h ab o u t h a lf a Lcniury ago, ami who w aa lo s t a t e r a In a VfSKt l th a t Hailed from N ew York and wus nev»T s f u rw an l lu-anl of. T h e s to ry told herHabouEs 1m tu the effect th a t while hm* un a visit I'uwcr w a lked over to the church oni* day, ami b e ­c o m in g p ro fo u n d ly ImiireHSKl a i i t i th a s lo w ly fa i l in g Inm uty of th e h ls tu rlc pile, to o k a i>enulf f ro m b is t>oekot an d w ro te

T h o u a r t c ru m b in g to th e d u s t, o ld p ile ; --------- Ini •

h ad n 't no feelln '. H e 's goln' to he th e re to -day .” R ullm la paiJM^I, and then she

T h o u a r t haR tcnrng to thy fa il; A n d 'r o u n d ih e e In Ihy lutielluHSH,

C lin g s th e Ivy to the w u ll.

t r a in in g fluMKi-i, w lilidi h a v e fo r th e ir u h j t e l th e s tu ily of the W o rd o f G od an d th e rire iia ra tlo n of y o u n g m e n ■ fo r churclv a m i V, M. A. w ork , w ill m ee t to -m o rro w m o rn in g from u lo 1h o 'e lo ek . All B ib le lovi-rs a r e in v ited to a t t e n d th o session .

A t th e n ien 'rt hitiM snieeilng to b e h i'ld In A sso c ia tio n H all to -m orrow a r ie rn o u it a t 4 o ’c lock ti le eu lu ri'd s in g ers . M rs. lAyun am ] h e r e h l ld m i , w ill be h e a rd . K Ik an ah D rak e , u f th i s r l ly , c h a irm a n o f th e C o m m ittee Y. M. A., w ill sb e a k . A la rg o o rc h e s t ra am J td io lr w ill lead Ihi) s in g in g . An e v a n g e lis t ic s e rv lc - w ill fo llow th e a d ­d ress . A ll m en , of w h u tev v r c ree d , n a l lu n - a l l ty o r co lo r, a re inv ited ,

T h e E ffo rts f»f N a tiv e O rg n n lts tl tn ts In 0 |t- Ikoslthui tn I t.

r rq n t th s PhllndclphlH Tlnm--M Bs M a rg a re t W . B eltclv fo r th e past

tU te c n y t.a id u TUlsHlonary w o rk e r In C eylon, In d ia . uddresN cd a n Intere4l« it au - dU-nce a t th e C e n tra l C o iig regatl-m ul C h u rch , K lg h te e n ih a n d G reen sm -c is , y is te n lu y m o rn in g H e r s iib jfc t w as G rcu l Bulfb^ I 'e m l ln g / ' HUd w as nu e s m - f s l plr-ii fo r a l l C hristian:!- to ra lly a ro u n d Mu* ml.- .!.itjary s tu n d a rd . B pouklng o f the .AnicrlCiin B o a rd o f .M issions, w ho h<*fors Ihe U td C roK i e m it c a rle s landed In A r- ineiilii w e re th e lirlU eljoil agelUS fu r th e d is tr ib u tio n o f r d U f fuml£> th e m , sh e sa id : "Th* h o n n l Is o n e o f th e o ld e st and m osi rc liab lu m l^ s io n u iy s -» 'ie tle s in A rm en ia . It hHN H fu iC f o f .'Tl: Am* rli'Hlt a n d n a ­tiv e t r a in e d w urK rrn In Its tw e n ty m is ­sions , Slid hu :' MirolltMl In n u llv '-c h u n * h r'simuH* iliii}i tl.iKM nuMnluTw. li progi'T^ w hich huH uH lou lshed i-\ i*n them selves.

" B u t th is s t r y pi og re -. |u ‘; iilKi nu-d th e p^ll•st^ itlvd Iwhders o f Ihe idil lu u l l lc n s y s ­te m s . Jiiel Tie > !!■' .i^.Ml^h1g (hem se lv i ' to oppoHi' C h f is ll i i i i l ty a*: n ev e r b i-fo rr," fttie th e n s u rp r is e d Ijri lu a r e i s by r iu n n e ra tl i ig th e u p - to -d a te tneMl-.'di^ by w lileh Ih r wMe- H w aki’ hcK llo =1 b’ 1 .+ r ry li ig on ih e w ar u»jiilnst (hi- C h rb i l i in G itspci. "T h ey h av e fo rm ed H n il 'C h rN tlu n Moclelles, th e y h av e co llec ted a n d t r a i i s l a t i d Mu* w orks of I’ttluc, In p i’i’biill, B ra lU iiK ii s m l uM ur A gnoH tles a n d s c u t ie re d them b ro s d c a s i tn le a tle t fo rm . It Is luiw' a life an d d e a th

s l r u ig U b e tw e e n lig h t a n d darkr<^.3, t r u th a in l i r r o r , C h r ls tld iil ly an d deim s- Ing su ia-rslIIlilt).

" W h a t mei-*»iK“ w ill th e C h r is tia n s of A m e ric a sen d o u t ti> th e ir lir .iv r s u ld ls r i a t th e froTM'^ M 'ill th ey lu y , 'iJo on. sv lie e v e ry c td g n o f v u n u g c and w in Uis m illions In y o u r tl« id fo r C h r is t; m en and m oney In a lm n d iin i 'e s h a ll he supplied.* T h s nu 'ss iiuo ch ri;« ila n A m erica Is now siMtdIng th ro u g h tin I 'r i id i iu la l C un iin llteo Is m ore Uk( t i n s , . ■Ui-ireiudi, re tre a t, tu rn o u t th o u s u m ls u f c h i ld re n irun i y o u r vll*

K E U G IO l'f t M vnC K N .

.YoEirffiirf rkhrpnl fttr it( fhr rnfs nf ‘ • tru li fo r ’ ftit UYinb «>f I<«u Aminfoirr- i eutii* ..•i,/,j4jniiV''uav ffiiiii.Vv’fjrcburrfAiiri^^dfor Ilf ihi rote »i u rm f for etrru W'urd cmi-fiiinr^l 1?i the nutfff.J

liign seh u o ls , tu r n out i iu n d m ls o f youngand

T h e so n g serv l-'o fo r m en w ill be h e ld aL A u’l 'k 'ck A londuv n igh t In th e p a r lo r s u f

m en fru m y u n r U n-alonleal schoo ls . (‘u lleges a n d dlsinlrtft h u n d re d s of yo u r v a lu a b le t r a in e d w o rk e rs . T h e C h r is tia n s tn C h r ls i la n himlK u rc too poor to allow you even to l o n iln u u th e w ork you liavo a l re a d y Im k u ii."

M H b la* licli w'l-nl on to e s p la in th a t ow in g to I h e ir fu tl i in lo receive th e a-’- m istum w l n u m b e r t»f legacies, ih e A m er­ic a n B o a n i oP MIssIoiih 1m now fac in g a s e r io u s ll tu inc ju t p ro b lem . F o r Morne y e a rs lo iit U hut; hei-n neccaM ury to led iiee Mu* oai>^’n d liu ie * ,b n d co n se q u e n tly th e a iiio u n t o f Its w o rk , to u cuhH lder-ible degree ,

“ T ills y e a r ." s h e sa id , "w e u re faeed w ith th e iip p a llln g fa c t th n i ll Is com-

said, w'Ub m uch m eaning; "Bo's 1 und llow 'ud . H ow 'ud wo'HhIpR dc g rijun ' I

T h # w o rsh ip p e rs a re e e n u fre d now, W h o . k n e l l b e fo re thy shrlm-

w a lk on. M iss D olly, a n ' h e k now s 11. to o / a n d E u tln d a sm iled a g a in . " I Jess th in k I

A n d s ile n c e re ig n s w here u u ih e m s rose In d a y s u f “ A u ld L a n g Byue."

te a c h d a t O aw g e a lesaon .""W > !l,“ I sa id , *'look o u t fo r i>oor H o w ­

a rd . D o n 't f r a c tu r e H o w a rd 's h e a r t lo m a k e an ln i[iress io ti on G eo rg e 's ."

"B ho, M iss iJo lly !" K u ilnda p au sed , w ith (he t r a y In h e r b a n d , an d looked t t m e o u t u f th e c o rn e r o f h e r ey e ; th e re w as a M l o f sco rn tn h e r d u lc e t voice. "R IrcK m e n ’s

And sad ly sighs the w andering wiml, W here o ft In years gone hy.

th e M ssuciatiun. U'IIIIh ' i i J . I Mini, c h s ln n a r i o f ih c R cU gluus .M cvlhigs t'u m m U te c , w ill lukr- p u rt.

A b o y s ' iO<’la b lc , In i liargi* o f th e H oys' iW urk ( ’4un itilucu o f Mie L a d le s ' A u x ilia ry H 'S 'lety, w iil lit* he ld In ih c p a r ln i’s an d Ju tih .r d r im r tm c ii i on th e n lg lii u f .M arch

in every fltdd hut that of Asiatic T urkey to o rd e r a reilucilun of tiu perce n t, on th e a a ia rb ^ - of U s in a rrh 'd m is ­sionaries. and of m ure th an th irty per c» til. on s it th e n iiB \c w m k under Bh care.

P ra y e rs ro te from many hearts to Him*T h e l i ig h e i t uf the High.

a<J c ■

s. gujri fn*shm en tn a rc som e uf Bn- f i - u lu r r s to he In iru d u i’oil, ChurleH It. Si’O tl Js s e c ru - tu ry o f th is d e p a rtn ie i it.T he tre a d of m any a nulHi-U-ss foot

T h a t so u g h t, thy ulsleti, is u'er, And m any a w eary heart around

Is s till fo rever more. ALL AROUND THE ORANGES.h'alH a n ’ w hite m en 's h 'a ls , d ry 's Jess

■ *SB llalike, .Miss Dolly. D ry 's h 'a ls Is Jess Talk my louf rake , honey. 1 takes my lo a f ra k e ou t o' de oven a n ' I p u li my fingrr on U, Jeas so, lo try w hethah o r no U*s donr talk, a n ' Jess us long as my finger's there, honey, It m rk s a Hh Ib dent, a n ' I sets dal loaf cake down, nn' th a t little den t taa 's In da t loaf rak e m rhhe on r m in­ute, m rb h r two m inutes; den d a t loaf mkR risea up g radual. Jess lalk It w as befo', a n ' ( h r r r a ln t no little den t dere. a n ’ da t Inaf ra k e looks Jess la lk dere never had been no little dent. D oan’ you be a larm ed , honey. D ry n>covahB/‘ and Bu- Unda Kighed and sm lk'd. both a t once, a s sho vanished H ow ardw ards.


H ow do th am bition 's hope take wing!Huw d roops Ihe sp irits now

W e h e a r th e d is ta n t oUy's din;T h a dead a re m ute below.

T ha sun th a t shone ui»un their paths

A U ra l K s ta ir IbMMiwlHaay F v e a l s o f l b e K u ln re—E n te r ta in m e n t o f Essex Couh*

Now gilds th id r lonely graves, iphy

I'B. l„ A. 11. A ." tio » l|),T h e le p n y rs which once fanned ihelrbrow a

T he g ra s s above them w’uvcs.

Oh, could we cal! the many back Vvho've g a th e red h e ir In vain—

W ho 've care less roved whore we do now, W ho 'll n ev er m eet again ,

H ow would o u r very h earls be stirred To m eet the earnest gass

O f th e lovely aud the beautifu l—T h e lig h ts of o th e r days!W hen the old church w as built Hlund-

a round carelessly , and then , say ing th a t every th ing w as all fig h t, he w ent aw ay. He was followed by a c ltls rn who say s the m an w ent direct to the New York and

EN E M Y O F WATCIIBH.fo rd w aa a grow ing, prosperous lown. Ac­co rd ing to the old vestry huoks. suine of

New Jersey C om pany's office. H e never re tu rned to look a t the pole, and no onecl.se has, either.

W hen Mr. R andei w aa seen by a im rte r fo r the N E W S he declared th a t th e New York and New Jersey Telephone Company^ had no rig h t to cu t th e-wire. The m a tte r w as a lto g e th e r

fo r his com pany to notice and he dldn* th ink th a t any action would be tak en in th e m atte r. He w as su re th a t the c u ttin g of the w ire w as in tentional, and th a t ftw as not done by m lntake.

Henry R. B aker, of (he New Y ork . and New Jersey 'THephona t'om pany , w as also seen y e s ttrd a y . He a t first deettned to d iscuss th e m atte r, Ijui la le r he said his com pany ow ned the pole and th a t the w ire had been cu t by his order. One of h is men. he said, had re ­ported th a t a "fo reign w ire" w as on oneo f th e ir poles, and he ordered th a t U he

e isc u t down, as Is th e custom In such eases. He declared th a t when he ordered tb s wire cu t down he d id n 't know to w hom It belonged.

N ot M anyT Intsp leesi th a t Are Not laJoS’ed by the TroUej.

F rom tha rh llad e lp h la l^rcss.One o f th e w orst enemiPB of good tim e­

pieces Is electrloUy. Next to le ttin g a # a tc h drop o u t of a fiflh-story window, (hero Is no su re r way of dem oralising a tim epiece th an to venture w ith It n e a r som a pow erful e lectro -grnera tlng m achine, TsU th e general run of folk th a t the wAtch W'as m agnetised and deranged from being carried in a tro lley ca r and they will p ro t^ ab ly be m uch surprised. Yet th e fac ts a re s tro n g in confirm ation of such a s ta tem en t,

“ iT obahly fifty per cent, of th s w atohes b rought In to u s fo r repair,*' said a prom ­inen t w atchm aker, "a re those which have been deranged by being m agnetised. T h t sub ject h as In terested me very m uch. ! m ay safely say th a t before th s tro lleys w ere Introduced, we did not have h a lf a s m any m a g n e t ls ^ w atches come to us."

A m agnetized w atch will play queer p ran k s w ith lime. I t m ay s ta r t off a t

th e pew s w ere rented. O lhera were "re- Bcrved fo r s tu d en ts" and ihe imor, W tiat w as once a ffoor of beaullful llrlHto) m ar­ble b ro u g h t from England about ITSii, Is now no th in g b u t yellow earth , m ade harda n d sm ooth by the prossure of countless

Ideifeet. An Incident of much Im portance in th e h is to ry of th e church was Ihe advent of th e ce leb rated pastor, Whitfield, who p reached th e re In 1766. W hitfield w as am an of m an y peculiarities. A young m an who h eard him, and who w as probably not a w arm ad m ire r, left a graphic but Ironi­ca l le t te r to posterity describing how thegood oM m an once created a son nation. T he )

a deporffled. W hen Dominie W hitfield best the

'h e you n g m an w rote: "Oompoaeil w as h la depo rtm en t, his countenance sanHI-

cush ion o f his desk with lusty vigor, the u n d e rs tan d e rs w ere overwhelmed w ith d u s t. H e proclaim ed aloud to his dear h ea re rs ih a t he w as going to cry. When th is w onderfu l parson did cry he wept with su ch d ra m a tic fervor th a t ihe negroes perched In the gallery broke Into a loudseries o f h eartren d in g howls and lam en ia ' Hons. T his sallsfleiT Dominie Whitfield.

reck less g a it and gain five to ten m inu tes a day for weeks, ^ e n It will slow up. a s

H e w iped the te a rs from hts eyes and fin­ished h is serm on w ith much vehem ence."

T here Is a good real e s ta te boom In Iho Oranges. Tho iiumluT uf unreniet] houses is not so la rge as a t th is tim e la s t y ea r and the r«'al e s ta te Iransaciioas m ade du ring the p ast m onth have been very g ra tify in g .

B enjam in L. W illiam s will assum e cun- irol of ifiu W est O range Pustofflco on A[.rll 1.

The Orange* I'osioffice was to -day placed In contrul of .MHoa A. H anchetl. who w'as recently appoin ted by P residen t C leve­land.

Tin# Ladies' E ducational Society of ihe O erm an-Erigtlsh School will ccIH rraie Its sev m ih ann ive rsa ry w ith an rn ie r tu ln - nienl ami rerepilon at th e school In (Gr­ange on April

The tw em y-ilfth ann ive rsa ry of Bie W om an's Foreign -Missionary Society of tlie B ap tist C hurch was cejehrated yes­terday afternoon by the society connected with the N orth Orange B ap tist C hurch , Orungt’. A sho rt muulcal program m e w as gone ihrough, a f te r which re frea h m e n u were scrvecl.

At a m eeting of the O range D em ocratic C entral I'om niltiee. held last n lg h l and presided over by W illiam F . H am ilton , th e most rncourug lng reports w ere received from the several wards.

The Orajige X’allcy Ju n g er M aennerchor will have a bail and concert a t the Gcr- m an-K ngllsh School on Monday.

Miss Anijcrson, of H ighland avenue, O r­ange, gave a w h ist party yeste rday a f te r ­noon.

The H aydn O rchestra will give Br sec­ond p riv a te concert In O range M uslo H all

.Ihls tokcK f|T»*rr whiit will liupjH’U?In Ccybuj, fill Inwiaiirc, where 1 have

w en a misMiunar.v, majiy of iho tn|?*Hlon sohcN>ls wnuM have Ive elont*d and some tliousanda o f ch ild ren luiau'd oiii, who would eagerly l.c Wrl.-omed hiln the IMn- iloo oppusltlun Si'huid.H, where lliey would J” ' lAUght to m ake h muck of tho birth, life aha d ea ln on the cross of J«'sus I'h rls t. Tim prlm tiiK and HnMiiailon of rh r lh tlan lite ra tu re wonbl be gtupped, some evsn- g e llita (lismlssiHl, the ItejtriH of all t'h rls - llan w orkers be pained and dlBcourage-d and Hlmlonlsjti re"..|ve such an Im peius a s It has n ev er Imd bi-b in . Wluu would tak e p lace In Ceylon would take place in every one o f the o ther elghii'iu missions, w here th e board bus la’cn ohllg* d to order a reduction .

"The new s o f ilm reductlim would be heralded fa r and wii|e by lluidoo iiii>| ,Mo- ham m etlun p rle s ls . JIuw cuobi the nila- Mlonarles face ll, how explain it ’! Will they Huy th a t the C hundi of rh r ls t Is luu poor to c a r ry on ih e work which n han begun, o r will they te ll ihe tn itli and suv th a t nrofessliig C h ris tian s ni brntHi lovt thidr luxuries m ore th a n they love their

The speuker Iheij exioK el ih(. courage and devotion o f the niisstorurlen. Hume of those h e a r ts vvcmld bn-iik uvi-r iJil'j tleuih blow to th e ir work.

"T hey h ave g iven an obj^s’t |i-Hsnn to thew hole w o rld o f s e lf - fu rg e i llb g hcru lsm ,----- - ..................... nil la ■ 'devotion lo d u ly and fu lln la Gml during

the T u rk ish o u trages. i»uc woiniin, tho head of a la rg e schoul fo r girls, wroie, 'I count It the crow ning g lo ry of my life lo be permltK-d to bn here a t this tim e,’ andano ther, te lling how a t iho mussucre of....... luH arpnot th e ir liouses wer*- m flames, theli na tiv e follow ers being slaughtered nefuro th e ir vyi-n and th ey tneinsH ves nmde the m arks for bu lle ts , wrote, 'We looknl dnjuh In the face and It looked sw'eet to u«.' "

Th<! sp eak er th e n pleaded for fimds toslop Ihi-- reduction , say in g ih a t if |.'!U.rto ex tra he plcdKcd now an d paid w llh ia ayear the c u rta ilm e n t would be rendered unncLfSwary

though ou t o f b rea th , and jog along a t anF o r a lx ty -ffv s vcarB th e good people o f-------------- . 1 . . . . I ..

easy pace, dropping back a dozen o r so m inu tes a fo m lgh t. All these p ran k s a re

B land fo rd an d v ic in ity w orshipped in the b rick ohureh . In a new church was

on thu n ig h t u f Marr^h XLid “

caused by the sub tle Inffucnce of the elec­tric fluid on the steel p a rts of the deltcala w atchw orks. W hen the hairspring becom es

bu ilt In P e te rsb u rg , and gradually the old p lace w a s abandoned to the ba ts und owls.O ccasionally , however, even to this dajjj

out. J u s t w hen It happened o r how It w as done Is a m ystery , i t la thought, how-

hardened by the m agnetism the w atch w ill gain lim e. W hen frlcllop between the dell-

fu n e ra l serv ices a re held w ithin the o l. edifice. F ro m th e original purchap*" of one

ever, th a t some one gnt a t the pole from P lnne s treet, o r th rough one of th e build­ings n ea r th e Salvage Corps la te la s t n ig h t and th a t the w ire wae then cu t. T he firem en a re determ ined now to keepa^j^ood w atch on the pole and s tra n g ers

be pu t th rough a rigid exam ination h e reafte r before they a re perm itted to ge t near It. Nobody seem s to know w h a t will happen nex t.

Bloomfield, M ontclair and Nearby, F ir s t W ard Republican Club of

Illoomfield had a la rge ly a ttended sm oker

ca te p a rts of the w orks Is Increased by th e m agnetic Influence the w atch will lose tkne . T here Is no accounting f o r th e p ran k s th a t a re played. Anybody can te ll w h e th er his o r her w atch Is m agnetised o r no t by p ass in g a sm all pocket com pass a round th e cate . If th s needle sw erves violently th e re Is m agnetism In the ateel sp rings of th e case, a t least. Now re s t the com pass above the balance wheel, and If the w orks a re m agnetised the needle will ru ta te rap id ly and finally assum e a sw ing ­ing m otion from side to side, keeping lim e w ith the ba lance wheel Vielow ll.-

A p rac tic a l electrician, when questioned

enince. F rom th e original purchase of one ac re , th e g rav ey ard lias extended to many. I t la e s tim ated th a t a t least Inter-m en ta h ave been m ade In th is ru ral necropolis. M any p a rts have been twice a n d even th r ic e buried over. M any of the tom b sto n es axe very old, and upon them, w hen th e d ir t and m oss a re scraped away, m ay be read curious epitaphs. In many In s tan ces th e calling of (ho dcci'&8t*i1 is s e t fo rth . Several persuna who w rre " re ­spec tab le Scotch and London linen dra* p e fs" h av e these fac ts Im printed on the

Mr. and M rs. Stephen T. Sm ith, Of C en­tre s tree t, O range, have gone to F lo rida to rem ain six weeks.

The P osta l T ileg rap h office In O range was to -day removed from the Llndslcy Building on M ain s tree t to the M etropolf- tun Building, corner uf M ain and C entre struetK,

John O 'H agan , o f Orange, h a s f>ct?n ad- mi it (*d to th e b a r of this Blate,

About tw en ty m em bers of C lan D rum - moiid of O range w ent to P assaic la st n igh t and liis iliu ted a new lodge In th a t cliv .

Mrs. A. M, R urtls , of C larendon place Orange, Is a t Providence, R. i.

1>Veetflebl s iu l Nearlty,At the D em ocratic prim ary held a t

Wi-ilfli’ld Inst n ig h t Theodore Mi-Gnrrat w as nom inated fo r Township Pom m ltteo- mon, A. H. Clark, for FreehoM er, and Irv in g Hoss fo r T ow nsh ip Clerk.

A vt*ry largu an d fashlunabb’ audience g a th e red la s t n ig h t in E t ta H all a t tho

fsn terla lnnaen t g iven hy C enlral Council, J r . t). U. A. M. T here w as a fine m usical program m e and several addresses.

The t 'ra n fo n l R oad Ttuard will meet M onday n ig h t and m ake estim ates for the

. M i : K P l M ‘- NPAUTIHN'ITY M K. I'o rner - W srrea

siMl Wllftnr iire f it . a. N. H«b->ut,At H*i|y (V»mmuti|i'ii At 7-44."«'alu Hn«l Aliel." O -r-j Ht i:t.w..rih ,I. Vi-m.er *^rUi-e xt S.:UV .'.unJ4y.-tvn.-..i|a t mua|.< -i.,i ail

iti'H EV ii.u*; i'iiK .'^i'.vTi:tir,\N ( ‘m f r / ii Hrs i ’, T. linlv>’. h. ]*, Ib 'SuU r rrr-

Ml pi ;si A. M. K-ti.: -,ih . hfxili alM Bll.le i T; . 1 V;*'lU 1* M. Hvi.riimeni Uic

a t 4 I*. XI. t*hrl-ilau Kudeavnr |'ra>iT- hif’etlhS tit S 45 t*. &t N<i evrnhtg aervUv

TBI’: M :\V .\H k rU K A i-B nitK ’ MKbTlN'S will b) Ihi* ;ir lc ii: . ' h i. I'Kul'f M.E. G hur.h. tu rner limi..i a n j w*trshsll

M-'u.biy. M.iadi a. at Th- J. II.I) ll,. .tf K uirii LUm.l. wUl Pi**nk

oil •Thysi. ..I lu-leriiM- noi) lu-uSU Iem lli-vi-la- tt«*n of T l- liUlOl. iTn !:. i,

D E G U i'!’- il . i; n i r j t ' B I'l'tner Si'Uih niiiUxe liud lJ |ilr|i> n a* I', t ‘. t' .v‘ in. j ’ii:iti*r. Sirvii . : | | | ,|av Huul.i,.lu.mi. i .mt nn.l T.Sti. The I - . . , gu.innir* will U*' at fju h •rvii'i'. und U'.ttj ci*. sk an.lHiiiK. Suii la>-»Gi-■1. Iq.M.iiU

It.tH U IEI, MI-IMitltlAL M. E G l i r u r i t t 'iin ier N hm York avenue uiul Ami St’,

joniuir. fi j?*i hi l*uto A, M.( ‘xmiliruiion at A. .M K^riiina M<n lea ,ii7 !Vr rrr|uili«, "Dra, Ualnaf-T.! auii Kylaii-e

. ami I'jTl UidiurM on Hun<t«y niteubig nr Hnii*n.a." /r-rm.'li, "A ITilng SVliUh May Be ItniM 'iiily

ST. I .I ’KR'A 31. 1C. t ' l l l ' l i r i t -Dlluioni avfiiua AtuI M uiiay Kinat, eut>iMilt>* High a traft. PreaiUi- but by the j.ai*Hir, Unv. Ktril i 'la r# UrtMwln. at

; III ;ui .V M ami 7 ISi l \ M to jil..'"rill:' Itlalury of H tlf-garrlfiee," Kvi>iUug |o |ilr, "A Trllmti* lu the I'tikn.'Wii flrpHt " Vnuiqt

! M ni's rm .in , 1» Ihi .\ .M. ^iun.U.i . *-hr«ii|.1*. M. K |m .irth vea[ier *ervU-e. ft ritp I'. M.

I B<)SEV||.LK M, K. I 'l l l 'U i 'l l -C nm ar Orange ■ptre.-l ntid llaUiKiite iiltu-e. K,.v. A. ll T uulr, ID . D., i-ai»ti>r, Serv(o»ii for ktaruh 1: lOjHu A. f \l ., Hilly i'nntmunU.n; 7 llo I'. M., I'rnSridns tiy

Dr. TuttI**, 11: 11 ,S, M . nmn'a nM-rtlng, I'.M , Ej.wi.nli prMjt-r irryU'e, in be |pd by Arthur

I W. Johnann. Klrsi imi | of sntig aer*V lee nul uf unw D m.U*

I ’ENTBA]. M ETim idH T Kl’lHt’n r'A L ( 'l l t :U ( '] | Market airret, iin ir Mulberry. Ilrv Ih-nry kiH-lhiiesi-r, D. D., The Hurra-tuem uf ttiN Hupt>»r will i*** M>lnilnliiere.|a t (hr ni'TiOMK pervire. TIk' wUl urearliIII Ihu riiTiliqt. Hal.l.aili--i iuN.I a t k RU D M Mi*et]ns f<*r K'Uins runv iria 4 V. M. ICtiworlli Jx-BSUP vpejvr urt-iLe (b.’SI I'. M. All art' wel- eunie, PH|M*i jally •lrm i|rrn

t'lCNTKNAllY M. V. 1 ‘H r i l l 'B Hummer sve- riue and Kenruy stfeel. Ilev. \S' r HnndgraMi* I'aator. Maerh t. l#«i«. H;.tii A. i t . ynni* m en'i meetitiK Ur4.'i A. M., O iiii-nary l^rgimi, lOiSO A M., <'iiinmuM|i>n ■•rvire 2 an y m .. Hab- lialh-ai-h'Hit. 4 I'. M.. tuertin* for men (*iily. T'lA IV M., iiervka cuniliu'ted by Mrs. itraca S\ rieer Dm via.

BALHEY HTIIFRT M KTIfnrHHT KrUtOO- I'A L I’H F JtrH lt«v. O iarbN iv . Mci'nrmlfR, I'naior. I'ul-iMr voTHhiu. lu.nn A. i t . and I..m I'. M Volins inni'a u ra je r m e e t Ins. ti.JIO A. M. V..ung ttumuri'a prayer-tTireims. I« *fi A M. Il-il> riimmunu-n. Ui.Uis A. i l Hiiiutay- Bi-hool. I* M Veaiwr oerv Ir-. ll.flu 1’. M.Hernion hy tbn |viatnr. 7;:M» I ' M

FltA,NKLlN HTitEKT At. K. fH tiT U 'H . T. M. tbiriun, naainr In the morning, n ’cemiim of member* with the L trd ’a Hu)>|M>r. A hulf-hcur rrU val arrvJ.*i* [irerMIng the romimminn. lit the evening. Mfinun, ongH, a tlrrlng tnlka with re\ Ival *<*rvlrr. K vangellstic aervU’c every ev- enthg during the wi-ok exi-i-m Huiurday evi’iiing,

’’•’ting. U:3ti. Huuday-avb<H>1,yiie, H:SU.

NI'DVAHK r'lTY n i r m ’JI KXTKNflfDN Hr». J’lMTY UF TBM M K. ( 'IID lti •H -flum m er- fli-UI Chun-h. tiiurnhig. I,., D. M uller; Mvenlng.F. Mai'liHiilel, Park Avenua, 4 J’. M.. L. / . iltjilnr. Ht. Andrew's, piu^rnlng, Frank Mjm- Danlel; eimlriK, W. Hrhweref. H(. Jamee'#. iijiirfiliiK and evening. Airn-d Kvuna. Monlgoin- i'ry Hln-et, morning ami evanlng, t ’. 1C Hi’utl- der. (J rsie I'Ksiiel. inurntng, W. r . rti’hiverer, evening. I,, r . Muller stid W. Kn.HlKraaa.

FNU(N HTKKKT M. K. rB lT tG H - t 'o rn e r 1 ulon and! tlrurn alr»*ela. tlev. J . \V. Uyder. pnaior Juniiir League »:4n. Holy fomm unlnn sud receiuinn of inemliera Preaching s i7::iu. Hubjpi'l, " t ’Uljan Irntejiendenfe. or tha I’lvli’ Duly nf the A m erlran IteDUtilU'." Hun- ilny-Bi’h'«ol i!:IS. Euworth League ll:4,'S, led hy Mr. Etlgar M atlhewi, C h lld ren 'i vUrn Ture- (Iny, 7 I’rfiyer-meetlng Tiieadiiy, 7:4fl. rU a* meeting Thuraday, led by Mr. W. f . (Teliti.

KIUIITB AVrCNflC M. K- D in.TU ’H -D )- euted ln-lwren Ilrnad and IBuh stree tj, Fred MliHMu, iMiaiiir, |i:S<l A. M.. general love feaat. 10 So A. M-, Mnly ronim unlou, laiTiitlon nf membepi i-y ceriificatp and from uroliatJfHt, nlhi r^*cejve on priiballnn any whti dealre ig )"ln. a:»0 1'. M , 1'. M ,Junior I’hrlatlati Kiidenvor eervlre. Il:4h 1'. M , t.'hrlatlan Endeavor »ers Ire. T::iO P. U . pi-earhhig Htibjwt. "A GreKl gueotlon." Tueeday *VHilng, T:4ft, regu lar prayer eer*vb'f.

HT PA t'L 'B M, R. r m m i ’H -D om er Urnud nn-1 Murohall eireeta. l(ev. Henry Baker, D.II. , imetor. BJ:Ho A. M., Hidy t'oiniitunbm, T.ifi I'. M. aermon by the [loaUir. Hubjent. "Uueal and u t i jm ." Tha rhotr wilt l» seelalM by L s - ia rd E. Auty and r . W enham Bmith. "Miirclie Funel>re et ohante Herai-blqUe," null* niNUt. tdsyed at the recent rtM‘lta |, will be re- (-eated by r«|iie*l. Young U en’e Fnlnn, D:.S« A. M. Bnliiiath'iM’hnol, 2:310 M. E|tw«rth le a g u e pruiae mwitlng a t T I‘. M. A Curdlal welcome tn alb

Work Together for B*-hI. * Evsning wowHp^T:4.A Ke*-an*| aSdr'>* l^aed «n perwioal ub- M riatlona In ICgyiit, ".Mmlem Rgvi>t and Be

ht Tue«>lny evening a«rv1ue ae ueual. A 0ur- dlnl wri. umc.


l-.n a \enu r. r .rner Wright atreei. R»v. L. W. Itiihier, i.Jra(nr. I'ri^tihUtg (<;. lhi>! tutatnr i t IMJUl A. M. and T;4.1 1' 11 Kunday-ochoiil

r . i t Y V H. tV K. S « !•. M. r*.n- eevraiion meeiing. Heaie reoerved fur strsngare.

HKLLFVILLE AVENDK rONQRKUATiDN. AL rilK H C H Hev. kaniucl L*ae Luontls, jm b - i<>r. I'tiMi. wnr-hip at liu.lo A.M. and T:49 P i(. Hunday ei'hiHil t i 2.3u I*. K. D hrlattan Rn- -I'asor a t d:4.'i B. i l . The paet.ir will preach. Mamlr.g eubji-'t. "U«nI and Une’a Own Houl." Dienhig au tiji.l, "Change Your M lad." HUrtiif cre MUil vlaitdre cordially welcomed.


Btrpei. vomer IhiDt-enih avenue, one block frofn H' Uth tirunge avenue licv. Klllot W hite, reetof. HiTvIi-ea lo hioriMw.aet-Miid Hunday in Lent. Kniy ( ‘•'mtnunb'tt, |u ;tij a M. Kvet.liig prayer and e<ntv>h, T.iki Hiiiid>tv-M-hoiil, 2 !(o I*. M. Wed- U' day und FrMiis, >laring T^ni. evening prayer and M>1di~~-’. 7 ;kJ. Yuu are cordially Invltwl to all Ilia Hvi k lv< .-

.Mi.ip uuiiiin nuiuniay evi'itiTig.Morning rrayer meeting. »:3u. Huuday-ecbiK)!,

Epwi»rtli Teague, H:SO.

approprlu iian nemied to put the rogila In ordtT Uh* oomlriK

Mlsfl Ju lia Adam s, of High struv l, Or- ingi-, la in W ashington , D. C.. on a vleU.

The JletJem piofU t F a th e rs u re conduci-

g ravestoneg . The res ting plaees nf th«■ ■ ■ ■ thi

as lo the p robable effect of the truUsy cars cnon th e w atches of riders, said: "1 th in k U

Is undeniable th a t m any w atches a re b ^ n gm agnetlie ii in the trolley cars. 1 come In

..................... ihe “ •“ ----- •

T he engagem ent of K. WllllamB, of verona, ami M iss C. C ourier, o f n ioom -lleld, is announced.

Judge Amxl Dodd and Airs. Dodd, of Bloomfield, have gone to V irginia fo r a few weeks,.

The m arriage of P e rry H. C yphas, of H oboken, and M iss Lulu M. D04ld , of

con tact w ith la rge num bers of m otorm en and conductors, and I bey generally com ­plain th a t th e ir watcliBS arc put out of o rder by (h© electricity In llu* car. I t Is n a tu ra l th a t If anybody 's w atch flutters by th s tro lley It will be a rnolorm un's or oon- d u c to r's . W hen th s wires on the ca r a re Insulated the track s, pole and m otor a re nol. K leetrlclty may, and I th ink does, spread from these p a rts through the car,

so ld ie rs. N o rth e rn and Southern, who fell d u rin g th a r iv l l W ar. a re well kept. S h riek in g sheBs and w histling builelH lore th ro u g h th e old buria l gruunil, leaving s ca tte re d broken headaiones and shattered sh a f ts . Tho Confederatfl dead lie groiii>i-ii to g e th e r by S ta te s arom ul a bcaulirul knoll, th e sum m it of which Is iTimjicd by (he tnausoieuni in which rests liie re-

Jledem pio rlst F a th e rs u rc conduct- mg a m ission tn St. Jo h n 's G hurch. Or- augi*.

F n d c r lc k E g n e r o f O range, left th is morning on a trip South.

W alter UmtKiey, of the S ta te o f W ash- liijfton. Is v is itin g re la tives tn O range.

Mr. and Mrs. George R ichards, o f l*ark aveiiurt, O range, a re a t Lakewood,

Th.‘ S uburban Social Club will give a musU-al en te ria liim en t in Union H all, O r­ange, the n ig h t of M arch 6,

R um m er, fin aci^ount of th e sew iT s thii l>oard w ill h av e coiiHldera* b le w o rk un U s h a n d s .

T he eiib’t lo kill a ll utillcenscd dogs a t largo in Roselle Borough went Into effect ypBienJay. bu t no dogs weru killed. The C hief of J'ollcu Is som ew hat chary aljout ca rry in g ou t th e on lers . M eanwhile dogs o f the no rth side of the track a re tied up.

T he cumiiany of New York G erm ans who bought thrt S ti lt fa rm at WeatlUdd have pl.iiiH out for li(« erection of tw enty houses on the tra c t, Hud will build as snoti a s It Is puBMltile to excavate cyllarR. 'Tiu-y have also cnnirnetcil for Olio shade trees rq bo Bet nlung the new street.

. m a in s of G eneral Mahone. Not fa r away i th a b a ttle o f tlis C ra te r, one of the lilooi-

le st eonfllcts of th e Rebellion, was fought, w ith in a stone’s throw Is the uiimaikcii

The W illing W orkers of 8 f. I 'ftu l’n A. M. K. Ciiuri'h will give a concert on the n ight

N ew ark, by Rev. C. C. WlnanR, o f th e W aisessfng M ethodist Church, Is nn- notmeed.

The Bloomfieid H igh School A ssociation held a reception la s t n igh t a t tha hom e o f Miss Em ile S tout, on F ran k lin s tre e t.

Miss Susie M cIntosh, of Glen Kldge, h a s gone to Lakewood.

The W estm inste r Chapel a t Soho Is nearly coniQlatsd and the dedication ser­vices will be held some tim e in M arch,

"V 'enezusla and (ha M onroe D ootrlne" w as Hie sub jec t dlaciissivd before the m eet­ing 6f (he M ontclair O utlook C lub la s t n ig h t by P ro fesso r Moore, of Colum ­b ia College, and Me. K eller, o f New York. A t th s m eeting next m onth th e sub ject will be "M unim pai O w nership of F ranch liP i/* E d w ard M. B sy les, fo r­m erly o f the Chicago U niversity , and A llan R. F oo t w ill discuss the question.

Fotir lectu res on " F ir s t Aid to the In ­ju red and G eneral Blok Room N ursing" a re to be delivered a t th e reeldence of

and, en te ring th s body of the paesengYre, cen tres Itself in the very m agnetisab les teel p a r ts of w atch works.

M afters a t M orristown.A dog, aupposed to have been aufferlng

(phi ,w ith hydrophobia, c reated considerable ex c ltem enl in W ater s treet. M orristown, yes­te rd ay afternoon . The anim al ruu in to &yard In the re a r of police h eadquarters,

...................................P ( " " •w here tt w as sho t hy Police Officer C am p­bell. I t l l not know n w hether o r not th e can ine In Us trav e ls bH any o ther an im als.

A very enjoyable loap year p a rty w as of C hesterheld lo s t n ig h t a t the home ................ ..

Cole, In E a s t M orristown. The usual p ro ­ceedings w ere reversed. G entlem enbrough t cake and refreshm ents and th e

Ir damselii paid the fiddler.Mrs. R obert Wilson, wife ‘of a saloon-

George In n e it, J r ., on F r id ay s In M arch. T h e lec tu res will be fo r women only and th e proceeds will go to th e M ountainside

keeper In M orristow n, had a very utipleas- an t experience In hiew York yeRterday. W hile w alk ing th rough W est E lgh ty -firit s tre e t, Mrs. W ilson met a colored youth whom she asked to direct her to A m ste rdam avenue. The youth w alked a s h o rt d istance w ith his questioner, while bs w as

' dll ■ -g iv ing the priiper ulrectloRs. Haddenly be grabbed th e w om an 's porketbook and ran aw ay. He w as pursued and w as finally ca[)tured by a police officer. D uring his n ig h t he th rew aw ay t h t w alieij w hich contained a coD sidtrabie sum of tnuney. W hen a rra ig n ed In the T orkv llls Police C ourt th e tn le f w as rem anded to the Tom bs to aw ait the action of th e G ran d Ju ry .

In coropUance w ith the S unday law#, which will h e re a f te r be enforced In Dover,cobles uf th e Sunday papers cannot be

by new edeaters a f te r 10 o'clock A. M. P o s tm a s te r O. M. Lannlng, of A fton,

M orris C ounty, hks offertu? a rew ard oftlOO f o r /h e e r re s t of the b u rg la rs who a t

ce Ir ■te m p t^ to gain an en trance Into the pDsL- office a t a n early h ou r W ednesday m orn­ing. Tools, whlQh w ere stolen from- a nearby b lacksm ith shop, were used In th ea tte m p t to p ry open the shu tte rs ,

T. M. n u c ^ e y , D, D., will occupyKev. J.the pu lp it of the F ir s t P resb y te riq n C huroh In M orristow n to-m orrow morn* Ing. Rev. F red C u tle r wlU officiate a t th eevening service.

. lodge ofg an lsed ' in M orristow n w ith iw en ty -fiv t

r K n ig h ts of H onor Is being o r-

c h a r te r m em bers.M easles a re qu ite prevalent am ong chil­

dren In M orristow n.F ra n k E gan , a m em ber o f A. T. A.

T o rh ert P ost, G. A. R ., died a t h li horn# In M orristow n yesterday . The funera l se r­v ices will be held In B t P e te r 's Episcopal C hurch a t $ o ’clock M onday afU rnoon.

Psopli save time ta iheppmc by consuUing the adveru^iqeftt^of i^lisble deslera

q u a r ta n o f Com pany K . of the Becond Eugei Rsglm enL a n abou t to be rem oved from t SC^range to MontolaJr. Com pany K le in command o f C ap tain Thom as H. Slack,

Itellevllle H appen ings.^Jam es M arshall, of N orth S tephen

s tre e t, while a ligh ting from a Jigger ca r on W 'oshlngton avenue, yesterday , slipped an d fell, sp ra in in g his ankle.

The first evening Lenten devotions of th# season in 8 t. P e te r 's Ugthollc C hurch w ere held la s t n ight, llu tess of the pasto r R eg, Eugpne A. Farrell, having delayed them ,

e Belleville C hau tauqua C ircle wtU

Tblrty-Blx m em bers of th s com pany reside 111 M ontclair and Bloomfield and i t la

meet Monday n l ^ t a t (tie residence M ^ e vIce-preBident of the Hocleiy, Edward

claimed th a t If th s com psjiy shall he lo ­cated in M ontclair fifty nam es will be add-

^ - is c e r ta inth a t ths change wftl b« m a d a T he b a t­ta lion d rills would be held In th e O range

Prognell, o f H olm es street blower avenue.

and H orp -

The BellevlU# C horal Club now nurrfNrn over s ix ty voices, ie v e rg l new m cnm eiv w ere ad m itted a t th e special rehearnal heldla s t n ig h t In the R eform ed church chapel.

Arm ory, a lthough tt Is possible th a t an dc- i qaalonsl ba tta lio n d rill would 'I ----------- - - i I ....... - .......... .........be held In

t>hs proposed Arm ory In M ontclair, Colonel M usay, com m andant of th e Becond HegL nent, favo rs th e change.

B ound About M lllbnrn.T he K in g 's D augh ters of St, S tephen 's

C hurch , MlUburn, will conduct serv ices a t (h i m eeting of th e W. C. T. U. In BunneJl’s

Calarrii oimI Colds Believed In 10 t# 00 f aiinutes—cm# ehort puff of the breeUi thraugli

the biowfr, eupplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew'i Catarrhal Powder, diffuses inls pow-

I fn over Ihe sorfsos ot (he nssai peiitre i paia- \ isM oad dellffhtfut to uw, it tellireehatanUy, isntly^ ooree eatarrfa^^^^hoy ffver,

H all to-m orrow afternoon, T h e fu ‘ -tie funeral of the lute Edward Hand,

Wyoming, was held this afternoon from at. Stephen's Eplseopal Church, Millhum^

w . A. Wasson, the pastor, offloUtotL Interm ent was in Bt, Stephen’s Cemstsryv

The old Bagt# Hotel, a t MlUburn avenue and^Main street, MlUburn, has Jieen sold

Smith to l ia i ih Im Uh and ^tsr ^ i ^ U t j n g b a n b of t S

of M arch IB.Il^-v. Dr. L, ]{. S tree te r will le c tu re In

g rav e o f G eneral Phlllliii. Whi*n l‘bllllii» ....................- ..............h " ....................cam e up to (he c ity wllfi Benedict Arnold •econcl In com m and, he was niPt m-nr R Iandford by Baron de Steuljcn wlih th« C o n tin en ta l m ilitia, who reslated bravely u n ti l flanked and overpowered by num ­bers. Thla happened on April 25. Ar­nold and Ph illip s rcm alnea In PeiiTHhurg,

w hile a t Bolllngbrouk, the home of th«

th e F ir s t -\l. K. C h u ri'h , G ra n g e to - in o rro w“ , ff- »■

In the Y, M. t '. A. Huif) G range, lo -n tgh l

--------... G ran g eon "T h e Fool and Hla Com panion^.’

Tofesaor H qm er B, Sprague wfll lecture

^^^A N tcyN lW A R KIf you DccJ anything ia the iJmpe of

M atch lock , and Bword.'Ili'v, J , i ’, PalterBoii, of O ronae, will a.l-

dress the OraiiKe Valley y . i l . 0 . A. ineel- Ing to-m orrow ufternoon.

B eddingf a m o u s H o llin s fa m ily ; Ihcn crosacii the idvor. a n d w e n t aa f a r a s M an ch este r, o | j- P o slto R ic h m o n d , B ubaaquen tly , he rt-turn*

"K _________I’niffBaiir H enry C. N orth rop will Iw - ■------ ------------ " ■ ■■ II, W est Or-

Bd to Join fo ross with C ornw allis, who was on his w ay from the South.

W hen G eneral rh llllp a lay sick of biliousfev e r a t Boillnwbrook (where ('oniw allla

■ ■ ■ ifa

ture In W uahliiffton Behnol H a l............nns |‘, M arch W, on "O erm any and Im perial llcrlln ."

The la td iea’ Aid Society will Klve an en- te rtu ln n iin t In the F lm t M. E . C hurch Orange, th e n ig h t o f M arch IS,

A "M lstorical H ym n Service" will healso stayed ), L a fay e tte , " th a t boy," aa tiie y lc ttm o f Y orktow n called him, alielled tho R rltlah h ead q u a rte rs from the lielghis a c ro ss th e river, and m ade It so warm that he an d o th e rs w ith him had to retire to th e c e lla r fo r eafety. And In th a t cellar ( .en e ra l P h illip s died. The old Hulling m ansion s till s tan d s . Several duel, havi

held In the I-Tret Preshyterlan Chiireh .................. ■ thi

been f o ^ h t w ith in the aliadow of Hie chu rch . T h ree deaths resulte.l from these en co u n ters . M any years ago un IlullHn nam ed A n to ln s ttl com m ltte if suicide « ith-In th e chu rch . These and o ther events ure to ld th e N o rth e rn v isitors as they step In and ou t o f th e church and m eander rev­e re n tly am ong the graves.

ColDVed U e p u b llc a n i to l l s v e a T lekel.T h e colored R epublicans of OraiiKe uro

ben t upon p u ttin g a ticket of Ihcir own In th e field a t th e coming ch a r te r election. A com m ittee , consisting of L. H. Smith, J E , P e r lo n i an d J . Sam pson, has been up-

the prop

Hrungo, to -m orrow nigh t hy th e pastor! Itev. Churlea Townsend,

Miss E lisabe th tlruenw ood, o f Itrooklyn will give a series of Hlble read ings In Vnlon H all, O range, du ring th e week be­ginning M arch

Mrs, O corge C. M iller, of t ! H u n n ave­nue, Hast O range will en ta rta in the mern- here of the boys' depaj-tm ent of th e Orango Yuuiig M en 's C hristian A ssociation and till- C om m ittee of .Management a t hi-r home n e s t F rid ay night. I t will be th e an- husl g a th e rin g to h ear repo rts from the delegates who a ttended the B tate oonvun- tlona of New York and New Jersey .

Society o f C alvary .Methodist C hurch , E a s t O range, gave a

o r Bedroom necessities, o u r 's is th e place to come to. W e are pa rticu la rly well erpiippial to .supply ev ery th in g you m ig h t

i wunf? «t p r ie rs w h ich we are alw ays w ill- I ing to have co m p ared w ith those o f o th e r ‘ place.s.

supper la s t n igh t a t the residence of tiniiaatar. Rev. l i r . .....................w illiam s tree t. John Y. D obbins. 37

poin ted to p rep a re the p roper appllcutlcm to be p resen ted to the County Clerk for th e p rin tin g o f such tickets as ihu ll ho n am ed by th s colored men. The coloredv o te rs h a v e aleo organised a City Central C o m m ittee w ith the following ofTtrers;OLmsteod M arable, F o u rth W ard, chair- m a n ; L .H . Sm ith, Second W ard, eecreiury;J a c o b Bampeon, p’lrs t W ard , ' treasu rer, H en ry W atk in s , F irs t W ard , chaplain;H e n ry V aughn , Second W arii, sergeant- k t-a rm e.

T ha Bebool Eleotlon la Vallshurgh.T he V e ilsb u rg h Borough election will

n o t monopoIUe all the poiltlcal Iniereei In

The h e a d q u a r to n of Aehland Hose Com ­pany E a s t O range, a re being renovated ‘ "J , the p a rlo rs and w alls redecorated .

The T hird Division of the b a tta lio n of the L as t, N aval R eserve, has elected Jo-

y i to h tem porary L ieu ten an t and T hom as OWynne tem porary E nsign.

K. Sam uelian. of A r- menln, will de live r th ree lec tu res on Con- stan tlnop le In th e lecture-room o f C alvary M elbodlst C huroh, E ast O range, under the aueidnea of th e Young PeopSe'e Bo- clety. They will be for the benefit of the A rm enlen eufferers, and the d rs t will be delivered on F r id ay night, tho eub ject to he Z lg-sag Excursions T hrough the B osphorus." On F riday . M arch » , he wdll apeak on "U fo on the Urldge, o r a M Is io n a ry T o u r In the O rien t," and on

th e borough . T he annual school election p rom lsea fo bo som ew hat Intereslliig. The H orough B oard of E ducation Is now made

A pril 1 his auhjoct will be -'A ncient Con- id M odem S iam boul.'' The

up o f th e following: W illiam Hllllnglun, P’rodrelck A. Mock, Jam es H. Hampton, W illiam W'’el8her, Oeorge M. Brunner,Tf** wv eaiste n. -ak« Tni sai_ . a s

utantluopl# an t, ______ __le c tu re s wUi b e l l lu s tr a to d by th e sU reop- t l ro n . * ■

C o m m o n w e o lth H a ll, E e s t OrauRC, wni* w ell nije<l l a s t n lffh l a t a co m p llm ^ n ta fy ^ l e r l a l q m c n t fflVMl b y A rpx cfounctl N o,

K rn e it N agle, W illiam J* AscheniwclL jjlobert A. G loyer am i Charles A. Smith.T h e te rm s of M essrs, Glover. lillU(|yu>ii a n d B ru n n e r will expire th is yeur. 'They

pfoarammt* opeKfri w ith O reffory 's " In fa n U M arch." rendencfl

w ill a ll ru n aaa in , an d It Is m ore th a n- - e v U - U * . a s _ _ a , a . . . . . L .irohabie th a t th e re will be o thers In the n g h t before th e n lfh t for the annual school m e e tln s shaJI ro ll around.

O range Banjo Cluh, (’omposi-fl of S. O ulton Sew ard, MHion H iirg les, T. M orris F en n e r and Igorfon ( \ McLB>rmoit,

® tiGuraThen Miss B lanche F rlderlrl plvajed w ith a monologue, w ritten fo r lier hy CharlfH B arnard . I t w as railed "F ive O’Clock T e a / ' and Mias FrtrterlnJ Im pem onated nine e h a rae te rs . MUh Jean Tam exen Sleo fan g a co n tra lto solo, "Volrea of tho W oods," by Rublnstrin-W alBon. and the banjo club followed wBh Mr. SfWAfd’s Ri'i’a n ^ tn e m of "T he BuU erftles.'' "Shop.ulnff W ith M a" woe rendered 1» a lA*Ing m an n e r by M lii I'^ldericl. W ij l iu t

iDttanlli Rillein


A, T om pkins, suprem o councillor of tho L. A. U. A.. and p u tt g rand rogont e t tho Royal A rcunum , niude an ad d ress on "Tho H eav ­enly T w ins," In which he explained thepurposes an d a lm s of Ihe two organ lxa- tlons. Miaa Bloc sang Tosil's "B eautyLyes,” th e violin ohllgnto being played hy

T n u T I I D C v He-pman C. a ru h n e rt, an d M Iss F rtd-I U n i U n C u erfcl gave a n o th e r aeleetion, "H uldy Hoad-■ w S i i i a t l * W .-V O U ia . SI,,., -o n , . .A nM ••Mr.ontaU

A warm bath with C u tlc u ra S o a p ,

i single application o f C u ttc u n i (ointment),

' the great skin cure, followed by mild doses o f Cim<ajaa R b s o it e b t (the

new bkxad purifier), w iS afford instant retier, permit rest aud sleep, and point to a Speedy cure In every fo rm o f torturL-ie, dlsffgurlnff skin btunoun.

ley." Mtea Slee aang two songs "Bpanish Lovo Bong," hy Cham lnade, and T h ay e r 's "T hs C lover HloRsoms,” acoom panicd hy P ro fe iso r W illiam C. Flderlt, and the ban jo lita closed the prqgram m s with a oa tchy aalactlon, ‘"The Brooklyn H and i­cap ."

■ ISW ISI v w s f f v o # Jiiie. Fibre. Combi-OStlOQ SDtJ xli l i s i r

This Malti'PM. BPHt Hxcetiior w9h •oft lop. full aite 4 fl. 6 ia. wi<1« xad J in. thick; worth I4.00; for • short lime at * 2.50

Springs o f erery flMcriptlotJ—Rolf-- Up. Fold-Up, Woven*

Wire, Slat. etc.

Boli-Cp Bpriqg. of b«»t material Spiral kpritigi Ateel kaiidi,

Worth 15.50 ;Bracri,NOW

Brass and White EnameledT f i - in « ___in all aaex. frum a ff.i r u u aod

fiffv different patterna ic* cbooae from, at prlcci rrum

O RA M U E A U V eilT IB K H E N T H .

BRANCH No. A Dlst, a, e. P. A. of A., win hold a moellOg Runday, Usrch 1, a t K sdrs's

Hall, West Orange, a t 9i80 F. li. All memliere are urieotly twiuteted to attend as bualneee of iRipunaBoe will be triniwolnl. JOHN J, KRN- NY, Fresideiit; FB U X IdAZJEB, Recording Bee- rsiary . iwiQRBAT sale o f stiff ba ts: a ll the la tes t spring

^ " “ "I notnlng olA H U lR r CU N U , t t N assau at.. Oeiuite Valtay, <21

This Crib. W hite Ruataried lioa , wtlli b raatk iiobe. < (t. Iomk. i It. wide, rom plrte w ith slats: worth t ; . ) » NOW . . , 4.50


V « u r M s n a y b a o k i f y«u w«*»l It. P lrig b l fMiid odyw her# j W tgM Uelivery

I# Jem y , ^ fbrs#nll«^

MDTIinDIFT WlnTKBTANT.FlUflT Ml'^TliniJlsIT I 'H n T K flT A N T rH riir’ir -Bill iM'iwretn ital>ey anti Hrniii!. Hev,

L. rt. l»yi)ti. j'BRtHr. M<iritinjr jirayem a t Ji) <>'r1i)s-k. rr<a<-!ihiK by the |«ait< iral 10:30 A. U- and T-Ial I'. M. Holy rctmmuoli«n a1 clnxe i f rnornlnir nermun. Hunday^ai'himJ s i <S:Su ] ’. M. V. F. H. f \ K, J»t 7 I‘ M. Mr. DyoH'* *venlnjt mjbjei.’l will tH», "I'owffr tn Hefinnrt Otul'i DhU* d ren ." MIm Klnrence B. MuirfirO will iln s,


Hfv. Uk-uree M. pxitnr. U»r43, tmimlnsK rvIPliM. SiXtl ttlltiilw u .ae'hf >r,1 T i is.*i l« e<u e..«ul.ruyer-metflnif. 7:lkl, Httcrjimersi w f'th* Ltird’e

Beats fpi«. All welcoltJt HIXTB |■Iil•:HHYTEnlAN I'm .'Iti'B -T ftrnB P

(if Union uriil Lafayuttr a treeu . General sml yisunK laUlpa' iirayf^r-nieMliisK at lo a . M. I'reaohlns bI A. M. and 7:4.1 V. M. bythe iMAJOir, IDv. Davla W. l.unk. FHirnIxy-iM'honl a t 2:30 F. M, y . .................................V. M.

V. B. C. \i. a t 7

HTRKFTrUKHnYTPm iAN rM A l'K L —near W arrm titrt-ei. U rv. Bfiinu**! Ddliblfm I'rlot*. fluntiHy-lirhiNtiM at U A. M. amt 2:Su K M Conimuninn. 4 I’. K , HuarvUIr Avkuiih (‘tiurrh. Dhilatlan l-hKleHVipr. iJ-43 KveiiJn^ wxrahlp with ik.Iu rIukUik ut 7:4.' AdilrenH hy Mr. F. r . K. ItotfiHiu it iiatU 'f uf J:ifrna,<Vylon.

DAHK DltKHHVTKniAN r H r iU 'I I - Itelle- vUlP avenue, ciirnrr K earny jjtreet. Itev, J, C km ^nt h'ri'nfli. D. D., Junior r , F.meetitiic a t lu A. M. MuriilnK Nt-rvli'c, II (.'.-lorM. Itev. UeniTte Hclhrrt, i.f IU<»4fmlleM, wUl preiu h. Bnbtinth BrhiH.l. 2:4f» D M ('urinFi-rii- Him service nf iht- Y. I* B. r . K . il 4Jl Lvm- Inif aervlfri. 7;43. Hubjeri. • 'I 'e ier 'a Lie

I’FN T ilA L J'KKHHVTKltfAN r i i n i f i l -('hnb>h. Jtclmonl ami MH-llA<-ti lii-v.H- K 'luari] Vkumk. lniJl- r, \UI) |iri'n< h ut lu I'tM t ir,. U.4.'. Hun.luy a. hiR 1, V:;ni.i ‘lirl«t1un KmiIi'Uv-'P ll:r», Gi>jij.(?l liyfinm, Nie. 1, *. 3 «nt1 4 til liw lipriiKhi by rnuxrva.Klr.n f«i nif>mluir hikI fvrnuifc fl»*n'ke. t'linart-x.iiluruii tilPvUMlnn uf nfixBli.nB TurmlMy avt-nina-

HGDTH T'AltK'l'IlKHUYTKTilAN (‘H r'H t’B ( ’tim er llroail aiid I’llnOin avcnu». |.>-man W hliney Alien, jtaatisr. .Mtipnluj ner\he iNi.lu. I 'aa trr 'a iU iirvat'h. r«numitil»ri e>-r vice ami ret'ciiUun uf new nveml>eri a t li.Illi 1' M. N'> evMiiljiji In the chureh.a t Mulhetry Hireet t'liaiwl a t 7:4.1 A. kii.) IV Diritlicrh'Mtil U:4. , rh r lr l la n UiMlenvor 7 1’ M Kjtfi'lal fKTvIcea neji wr-wk. M'‘niUy evinlng lU-v. Henry «’ \'itnd-"rbfek wlU Allart' rnnilnlly hivlie-l.

THIit]> I'KLSUVTKklAX I’B f U r ’Jl UrnH-l «tr«i i, .«i.fw»Hlle Gn-en ein-et I'n-arliluK at Hl:JW A .Vl. und 7:45 1'. M. by the baBlur, ftev, A N«'la(in ll'-lllflelil, ]>. D. Gnebel hyttlliH ftli'l slrufliiK by Ihi- i-holr «l l•'••nlrlK jtHrvlri-. HuU- Jeet Ilf f'rrm '’n, "Hj IrlluHllBm" Hahlmlh- pchfvilft a-8lt I'. M. Y. I’. H, K. I', M- In-miirrvjw. > ■■iiipfP«*Kuilntial bfus’er i‘ervlt-e duy, K 9. M <iuK|<el ei-rvli c It] VV'lfiUm it(r<>i<r. F rb lay . H J'. M. V<m a n c«rilla]|y hivltcil in nil Bi-rvlri)'.

HAl'TrST,IIhv. ,Mf. \V\7it. i>f New yi.rk. Will breach

nt Ml. Zl-m J;hi«i InI ( 'h u n h . Tlinmiir Pirt--i. I't-tiv-rrcm, I'lffii-hlnff 10 JIU A it . nn-l 7 Hh I’ M. All are weli-t.tnt'

TAIB-;KNA(’!.K 1«APTlf*T D U rR r'J I Fair- njfiiinl avetpje, l^-lween Fifleeniti jiri'l j^ litn ’Mlti ftvenui'if Kunday pervlrw: 1'fenj-hliur hy Flev. Mr. DeWolf al lo:30 A. M. i^untUfy-j^'-hniil at

D. M. ['reachlns hy Wllliutn VV, II ,ifUiin| bl T->l D. M. I'rayrr-m fi-tltixa 'I'ucHiDy Hif j FrM ay a t 7-3(i p. M All hpo Invite.I Ih iiitend.

FAirtM OirNT IIA lTIflT iThe l>opie‘i) rU U U D H -H unh BlrrM. n irn e r Wb-kllrre. The Rev. K. J. Olilknow Mullhjciun, pailur. L ird 'a D ay; i'r«ra<‘hinK ani] lenrd'a Hujijier m ]ii;3u. "The Pervinjf VhrlHt.*' Humlay-whool at I'reachlng fttiil bapiljun ai 7:;«), "The AX'-iilxliis C 'hfiat." t 'lu a l weak niKht eervlcen, All wel­come.

F IF T H HAF^TfHT D U rH irH -G orne r Ijifay - e tie and tireetn. Hev. T. AurlnlIluahcB, pHitnr. 10:.1f) A. M., ih rin f, "laefisiina from (}randmf/iher." }4unday-fM.'hiHt] Evenlhx 7:110. Hubjecl. "W blih rrT " Rnlu by fl. J. Davlii, Jr. Turmlay, *\ l-L " 45 H. M. Thiiraday, D45, prayer and Bervice.H rish t and hreety aervlcee. •.‘■’•me.

flOt^TIl UAI'TIHT C m :iU 'H -K M at Kinnev at rent, near Hroad. The. paaliT, Jtev. I( MLulhiT, D. !>.. wHI preai-h at 1U;30 A. M. aiid T;!Wt P. M. Tlieme of (he nii>riilnn. "The Vlfinry of l-'aHh Over the Worll," CummunUin at tJie doer »>f the ftetriifin. llabHimai ecr\b-w in the •venlriK at 7:3o. Humiay-ie-huul at 11.11(1 D. M. Tueeday and Thuriday ovenlng mevtln«< at 7:45. All are weltMrne.

FIHflT H.yi'TIHT I'KDDIK AlFMoltlAL t'B t'JU 'JI- 'T h e |iufftiir, ('harl**ii H. Dndd,will bri'ai-h a t 10: 10 A. M. Batdi:>iu rin«t uum- tniinion at the ttiurnlnir lervli-e und iit 7:5o P. M. fltmduy-Bc liHo] at K oil) 1’. M. I'ueaday even- inif, ('hrD ilan Endeavor ut H o'clock. The IVfl- dle ^Icn.-'rlul I'adeiN u n j ibiya' HrIVBde drill hh Wedneeday evening at 7:flll, Mbl weck aorvlce on ThunMluy evi-nlnx at fl. ]>rereile<l by meeting uf puatiir and de.n muh a t 7:3<i.

HEFt.>HMKD.FJItflT ItEl-hjItMEl) f:inrrH 'B -.SrH rket

■tpeot, cornel uf Uev. T. J. I^e, jiae-tor. Hei'vliiPM a t Ki:45 .\, 31. anil 7.IA D. il. Holy cnmimnibHi at m'lrtilfiK a<Tvlc»'. aumluy- Bchoola ftt i):b' M. iintl I’. W Y. p. N- D. K. at 11:15 I*. M. Tneifilay aveiiintf, aervice h t fl o' cUhjIi . All ('ordl*l)y

fiKW YORK AVKNirii Hiyl'ORMHb Hov. J. fl. Allen, I'AMlor. M>>rnliix wnrelil)> luiln. P aa to r 'j Qrat Ijeiiton lecture In course on family reUiibsn, "J 'lely a t Home." Mi»ecliil evenlnx evHiixellslIc eefrlca, 7.45. F irei In cmirne ofU y iiermimB, Elkanah Druki*. Ra*t. Bubject, "Hjnrlnp and Hrajilna." Kliialng hy the popmap fonx evangelist. Profeitaor Wjrr««n lientley,

lecture tn the series. Ww*k-n|ght service, Tues­day, fl. HtuOlta In Ihe " r llg r lm 's Frugrees" will

resurneil. Buhlevl, "Apollyuiis Hunyan'*I) '* "ijonreiuiwfi ot the Devil.'*

ClIHIBT llBrOHMED CHL'RCU Washlufi- ton and Delavan avenues. Hnv. I. V. W.

pralude on the pesihouae. Tunadiiy evening prayer-m setlng H o'lilnrk.

m N T O M AVrtNUB RSk'O H UED CHUHCH Dttulal H. M artta, paaLur. Murniug

.................. ....... • “ illprayer* 10 o'oiooli. Divine ' wormhiA wlti praacblnff by the paetor, 10:$0 A. M. Bubjeota

TbMf HUhf« A ibloK M * » ^ T b W

DNIVICitflAUflT.TH E fNIVEHflAU HT r i l l 'H r l l Tir. Orow*

Mill i n a .h III K>.:iif A. U amt T:.K> t*. U, Ml-mi 11-: -o! j.‘, i, "I -jin vvb v i *ur KiiemleeT"' i:kfiilnK Rubji-.-i -Ilrvelatloii; W hai ll la Not, unu \\ Imt 11 In "

KI'IHITDAUHTH.P r iU - tf HPIHlTl'AL r iH i’LR—(’.widorted by

Mr tb-. ij;: Disrk. ai liT M ashlnglon etraet, a t 7.4R I*. S4. MfKer enfifvil"n. HuBlnaed olrola

liBii-liiku) reading Thuraday evening a t | I . M *11-

W uif.lN ' H 4’BUIHTIAN T E M rE ttA N C * .WifMANrt iNKtHTlAN TEM FERA N CB

TNh»N Mulberry street, near M arket. Bun- dity meelltiNB M i and T.XO P. II.. 1h charge o t Mis, K»llj Hhil I tri. Nlecr

HKt'DMf r . t . U « lleiievllle avenue, fluifdav. 4 1'. M.. will be nwmorlal eerv|(*e fc»r oiif di'iHirtri.1 woTk*»rs, Undher OrUflth. fllaiera hiinriTd, Itidihme and Khan. GarfleM I ’oet will atienil 1(1 H iM'iy.

TIIK r n l l iT M WnMAN-fl f im u iT IA N TKMl*l''.ltA S f ‘E 1'NliiN will h«dd th e ir regula# 4 o 'vh -k inaeting nt ih» hall. Nr«. 174 llfootu- fb-ld aw‘nut*, ]|..j hy thff k ing 'a l> au ib lera o( L'enieimry M, L rhun-h,

.m i w e i .l a n k o d b .NEW ARK UliEH.VL LE A G t'E-ITT Halaep

alreei, i>i|-n»r Market, flunday aftentewn a t 3 oM -ik . 1 ' (*. Krhmlir. of (hie r(iy , will lec­ture. Kubji-t-i, "frem alliT i.’' All a re Invlied.

I ' l i r i t i 'H o r OOr> ' Meeti a t XI c lim nn eireet every Kiitidny m*'Tning a] I0:fcl ri't-b)rk, tobrenk bread i'r-n>-hiiiR HI It A. M. by Mr. Hiimurl Wiliiun iir it flumtay tnurnlng, All areWf-lo-one.

I'MHIHTIAN flc lE N rE D H rK i’H -Berylce* .No. UOA Broad atri*i.|. flunday, I P. U. Bible cIbm FrMny evening, fl t- fhu-k. No, R3 H ecinr Hire**!. Subject, 'T h* Chrlni ut tJod." Luke li . , IH S7. Golden Test. Liik»* W. «5 Ftfotaleiia, I,bra)4T. 2, aadf ib-nlal, 5. discerning the lilhrleti Tou are we|o<jruv- llrlng Hlble ik 'ie iue and lleahh

\«>rVG MEN'B DMHlHTrAN AMHOTlATIOM -I'UnbHi etrent, neur Jtnwid }(. A, <'4igarna.

secretary. All hii'ii of wliatever cre^ ^ culnr or tiatliinallty welv-<mr in aMsml the UHunal man'a maaemi-etlriK held every Hunday a t 4 n 'olnrk In AHitelatb^ii Hall. To-morruw, R lk ah lh Drake, (h* well knt'wn Newarkar, will |>reaah «« ''H eI'anie in H ltnaelf" Inlereellng and Inaplrlng

■ j wadilrekR, alwi alnglng by Ihe wonderful Cfdon singer*, nf New York. Thea* singrra a re re ­markable arilaia. Daminaieeting meliMilea. Bolna ami ch'inises Ori-hestre slid choir. Almoat 5tkl men preaanl a t every aervh’e.


lllghiatid avenue. Ken'liva at In:3d A. M. Rev. t ’harle* A Kavage |>aRtnr. Dhrlelian ICndeavt^r

' meellng at s,Hn flundny evening Prayer-nieet- Ihg Tuesslay evening at fl u'rbH-k. Jun io r En- deavur. Frill ty Hftern'Mut at .1 45 oVlfwk, Coin- t)iuiili-n (Mr^ice to>murrow afternoon a t 4 o 'c lo ^ . No night servlre.

FIHKT HKFfJHMEIi (’B f l i r n -Dnrner Main find Hilsit-rl flervlrea Ift-niitrruw a tHiiW A. M and 7:45 !'. M.. the Hev. Dr. O. fl. HUiiuji. I'aelnr Y.iung |ie«»h]e's prayer-m eeting Ht (1:45 i>'i)iN-li. HiibiH'ts: Jn (he nsnrning, "The WMow's H-m a Parable of Hidrltual Hesurreetjon." In the evening, "M any t'om ing frrjtn (he Khai ami the \i>ei and flitting Ti^wn In ihs Kingdom of Hod." Young peupleA m eet­ing at d:4A,

HT. I 'A rL 'flA . M E, n i t r jH ’H ^S ouili etreet. A. M. Preaching a t !u.3h A. M. by (ha j^aaior. Text. Jsi Tltnothy, flret chaider, |Hih verse. Theme, "The W arfa re nf the Christian ru-flned,'' at which tim e the naa* (nr will RiH>iik of the duly vt every Amerioan ritlaon (owartta almaallng Cutia. flunday-achfiols a.Hd. I'ri-arhina at H 3n V. M Teat, John, »lx. I'haider. IT fiini Ifl veraee. a fte r w hich will b* th r sacram ent of the Dird'a Bupper. A t TiM P- M . (he Odd Keniiw’s eermon will be praac-h- erl. Moth choirs ar» riHtuealed lo be preeent. All are weiL-oine. H*v. J. T. Hex. paator.


flnrTH NINTH KTHICnT fiRWER^AaMiament fur lieitefll*.

I Notice 1* hereby giv*a, that an aaaaaementuiHjti all the uwnera of all tha laoda and real enisle i^ecuMarly bL-nsfllsd by the eonatruotlfM of ths aewer In

flOTTTFI NINTH BTKRET. from Twelfth svenu^ to C'enira) avenue, with blanch In Klevsnth avenue, and Dentml avenue, from flouth Ninth sirct to flouth Eighth elreal, srt-unllng lo ihi< iirgvlsliina of an ordinance of ths city of Newnrh, miltled "An ordlnanG# to pruvidfl fur Ihe rnnstruciloa nf a aewsr In

Hid'Tii NINTH RTHKKT. from Twelfth avenua |<i i>ntral avenue, with branch In Elrvmih avenue, and Central avenue, from Houth Ninth siresi to flouth Eighth alreet/^ «litirrtvt»d July 12, INur*.

Tfse been (<re)iared by the umdenlgtied Onm- mlaabiners, apitolnistj by tha Mayor at the city of Newark, and that a report, by a certifioaia In eritlng, with an acenmpanylng map nn4 ai-hedult, ahuwlng Ihe aeveral aaeeMimetitg Hgaltial the several ownera as aforesaid, haa bren depthe Clly DIerk of the . ..... . . .anilnallon by (h* partlea Intercsieg therein .

Bald aeseeament comprieea all lot*, tract! and paroeta of land and real eitate liable lo he BR*«a*ed ae aftiresaM, lying on boih eld(W of

KotTH NINTH HTIlBRT, ftnm Twelfth avenue tn rsn trsl avenue.


frviin flouth Ninth street lo South Eighth etraat. (tn the soullierly aide uf

I’FNTRAL AVKNDP:.from Kouth Ninth street tu 6<jinh Kighth elrat.

A "lot" reiireaexite ao entire ploi of laad* ihether Urge or small.All peraone Interealed in aald aaBBMnMnt may

be heard before said cominUelunere, onl-'i!U>AY, TMK 0TH DAY OF MARt'K. IKtW, at 2 P. M.. a t the CommlSBionero' ruoma No,, 4 (llilrd flciof). t'liy Hall.

ne eeverai a*etaam entavnera peculiarly benefltad depoalted In (he office of city uf Newark for «x«

lulled February 2U, IMKI.^ TU V m C. DODD, JR-.

WM. R. (VITONNhn.12m

JOHN J. MorjRATH.t'ciniinlsBluTiere.

r.lVl.MiJflT >N flTHFl'T HKWRIt-Aseesamantfi r i.«tit'{linNnilce te hereby given that an aaaesamank

U|ion all (he owner* of all the lands and r e ^ estate (tecullarly beneftied by the ounetruutloh uf tlie sewer In

LIVrNGBTON HTHEIET, rnm Vv'tn uvenur in Vt'avnriy place, and frum ElKhtecnih avenue lo rtvvepleenih avenue, au- citrding t j the pro. i- tis of an ordinance of the cPy of Newark, - j |||ls d '*Ao ordlnarwa to provide fur the vuoit nf a a«w«r lb

LtVINOfl;! w , RFFT. frum Avon nveime 1< .«.svrly place, and frorp

awnus to KeveiilH*nih avenue,'' ap* [ii-is^d August ^2, Mklfi.

Hng iseeti iiropared by (be undereigned qpm- rnlsfiinnei's. nidsilhted by ths Mayor nf the cHy nf Nswtkrk, Hn<l that a report, by a certificate In writing, with an acronipanytbg map and ached- ule, slinwitig (he aeveral uaseiamente agalnal the levr-ral nwnvra pi'cullarly IWhcfHeg aa afore- siiM, has been depoalted In the office of the City Clerk of (he city of Newark, fur examination by the iikTllei InO'fealH (bereln.

Bald Bisessmcnl cumpriass all lote. tra d e and jmreria ut land and real eatate liable to be aa* B«HHd ae afi'rvaatd. lying on i'lUh aide* uf

LIVRSOHTnN flTHKRT, from AviiTt avenue lo Wnverly plane, and from l.lKhli'cpith arsjms l-i Scvcrjtcsrith avenue.

A "ti>t" reiiicseiita aa rntliu pint uf iand4 whcihtT large struill.

All p«>rM[>iiM tnteri-sieij In ta l l aaaeaament may tis heard be/ure aiild c«>nimli»iotjef*. on1 HIDAV. THE d'lH liAV {'l‘‘ VIAUCH. Iflflfl,2 M.. at (he ('iimiulasionars' room, No. 4 lfl-1 fliMirh City hall.

fiuiotj FHiruary '.fu. H'IhiDAVIT* r DOim. JR.,WM E O'CONNOR.JOHN J.*tlr(iRATH.

Urti (.'(immlaetonerg.H firc E KTHKET flEVVEli—Aaecaement (or

l>i!ne(lu,NoUce U hereby given tha t an aaaeaament

up'if) utl (he uwnsrt of all the landa and rent M tate i>ecuUarly hcnefllsd by the cunatruotion uf tlis iwwer in

HHCCE flfHBET.from W arren street to liank street, aeenrding ta tlie prr>v|aii)tis of an ordinance of the clly of Newark, entitled ''An ordinance to provide for the I'onxtruoilon of a orw sr In

imCC'K HTHEKT.from W arren atrvfl to Hank s lree l." approved Aukusi '.51. Hfiiri.

Has been pTeiinrcd by Ihe undsftlgned com- mliiHl'<ners, a i f 'ln te d hy ths Mayor of the cKy Of Newark, and lhal a reisirt. by a oertidcate In w-riiing, with nn arromiianylng m ap and ache- diilp, showing the several aaeeaamentH against llm aeveral uwnert peculiarly benefited ae afore­said, lias boen dviKiniied In (he ttfflue of the City Clerk of 111* city of Newark, for exam ination by the m n lea Interested therein.

Bald aHVBSment cimiprisea all lota, tra c ts and r>rti-celB uf laud and real eatate llaole to ha aa- •esaed oe aforejahl, lying on Dflh aides of

KRIVR smiCET, •rt>mi W arren street In Hank etreet.

A "lo t" rei»rrs(<n(B an entire pint of land, whclher large or eiiinll.

All perwma InteTssiitd In said aM casment may ee heard before aald oommlaaloners onFH1DAV. t h r : «t i i Day o f M A rtcri. i « hi,- - " 4 43d2 I*. M.. a t the oommlaslonera' rrajhie No. floor). Clly Hall.

f I . i... I I, - . It . IB . .1'K>l J, •, Mr jvn.t>iDaleu February 2K, Ikikt.


1 !m t ’nniinleeinnera.

LEGAL Nnxrrr.flB

n o r t h ItK FO nM K D CH l'H Cll—Corner Urnad and Hridge sirccte. The Hev. Donald Huge Jdachtty. pastor, will pt'CHcU to-itiorrow morn­ing and eveulng. 10;BU, "The Fave of Chrlal." T.So, "Th* I-uat hcolllsh M arty r," oorlcludlrig

IN CHANCERY f>F NKW JKRflET—Notlek.To Uauhal Herry and -llArrU Harry.Uy virtue of an nrdsr of ihe Court of Chancery

of New jersey, made on the day of the date hereof, In a i-ertaln eauee therein deiwndlng. wherein Jan* K. Jackeon l(i complainant, and you. and others are defendanis you ere re­quired to appear and plead, gnawer or demur to the oompUlnanl'i bill on or h*fors the thirtieth day of March next, or the bill will be taken aa cnnfeaaed ugalnst you.

The eald bill la filed lo forerioee a mortgage given by you to June E. Jkrhaon, dated May L 1KUA, h> Herure th* uayrrent of tf.fiOu on i>fem- Iste on Belnionl aveuuH, lit N*wark, K*w Jer­sey, and you are made defendagta becauae ll Ig alfersd! In snld hill thnt you may Nava pome eaultablp intercHt in a siiheenuant m ortgage for 11,500 given CO you hy ike Roswntabl. and aa^ ■Ignedliy you to Charlea A. F*lck.

OO g|v .....ie«l py ,

Dftled February 2T, IflTHl,Bcbancki imeior- 10 A. M., praycr-mceilng. iDtau A. M., mumlng service. Bubjeui ul sermon, "Tha Straight Gale." 2:80 F. M. Kumlay- •rhuoi- 4 F. U. Junior KnOcavur. U;I5 p. M. Chlrsllon Endeavor eoruecraclon meritng. 7:H0,

Ynura respectfully.A. q. KRAKHET * flONB.

Complalnani'e flollcltort.701 <|S-TA) 7(ia TtrcinO street, Newark, N. J .

evening aervlce; aub jen of pennnn, "The Wom­an Who Qianaged a Oruee Husliand.^’ with a

The NEWS circulates mart largely thait aity other paper lo the Ortagra, Harrlaan, K*amy> DIoeafiehL Monlelalr. BumatlL CbathatHe Mad* iBon andMorrletewn,aad thfoughtHit (be oeuatry heteaboute. Real Estate Agenta will 4o Wfll H use ft, eepaotalty oa Wedaudaya anA la tw rik in i^apeuial Real Eatala dayA



8 N E W A T t K E V E N I N G N E W S . S A T U H O A Y , F E i U i U A K y 2 9 . 1 8 9 G .

B U M A Y OF BOSSl. N «it iv rek On# of lli*i On^< A fnrrlran K nslnr* o f \V*r W ill l i f FoniinllT A*Lil«l to tlio F lo f i- l f r r AriuAmcDt w»il Hperd, » i L 'o m p o l^ 8y tho tt«llderft*

HuiieiaiiB Do Honor to th* W riter of Great Operesi.


Klni OroTf* IT. *nr»|>lurml l>» th* rin*M flod lri W hirli th» Gr«U Conipi»«f W roir • * ‘1 H tslrh W»n* l*™ilur*tl Hrfhrr Ib»r»ll7 WUh l'iilH>iitidi-d (t»rc*.N-Th» C'rfGBl r .l* * * t ‘*l*l»*»tlon t« Hi» an K w n l-F rw n a ta l A n o lT m arl* . Ponllil* .A L*ap T"U- O h lW -lllt W orlli.

NKW TOHK, Fi-h. » . -Mu.'.i'lana throu»hi»ut till' co im tr:' will to-day at'il to-morrow ci-lohratr Ihn h irihday of Roa- tlnl, Ihr I'oniiHui'r o t •Si'mlrBinlJi-, ■•William Toll" am t th« "9ta1'*t M atfr.'' Ilay lna N-rti Iwrti an ilw- ttvpniy-nlnih of February, hla hlrtliilH}' I* ri'|eliraH«l only fvery four yi-arr. 11* aold a t alaiy ypara of a«» thal hi' W'is only lUti'en. lln‘ num ­ber of hla blrllidaya. U iial.lH iii naually rom m em oratp ilie nniilveraary by ilv in a b i t worVi BiM-i’ lat liro in litem e In the bro- Krammeo of lha day. rm lD ubtedly th r moat e lalw rate peti'tiruilon Ihla year will be held a t I»ndi)H, w here the eairelaea will he held at the C ryalal Talace. where leadin* mualclana will lak e part. Idmdoii la the plaee w hera Koaatnl m ade h li Ural a rea! aurerai. beln* the pel of the Klnp.

(lloaehino Roaalnl did not have dlalln- Hiiahed aneaalry . Hla fa th e r waa a inwn- tfu m p ele r and Inapeelor of ilau ilile r- houaea. W hen the A ualrtana took I'eeam (he fa th e r waa put In prlaon. Then the Biolher, Anna, had to aupi>orl the famlly. Bha became a public lin g e r, and aang In



operaa and a t fa lra and earntvala. The boy waa left In ch arg e o f a pork butcher, L a te r, hie fa th e r, on leaving prlaon ta u g h t him to play th e bom . Angered th e hoy*e laalneea, he m ade him a bleck- em lth 'a apprentice. T hen a prleai, who w aa a cho ra l m aaler, go t hold of the Roa- ■Int lad and ta u g h t him to aing *o well th a t a t ten yeara of age th e fu tu re compoaar w aa a ’ church a lnger. A t twelve heaang a email p a rt In P ae r 'e opera, '1-aaang _ ___ _C arm llla." Hy th la lim e he had become very akllful on the piano. One day hla fa ­th e r a e k ^ him w hat he would like to do. " I ehouM like to enm poee." Pai>a Joeeph (lew In a rage and kicked the Iwy. ex claim ing: "You m ight Iw o m e (IrtI I rumpe te r o f th e kingdom , w hich le fa r b e lte r th a n being a m th -ra te compoeer."flrat com pn.ltton waa produced at logna In l ^ . l t waa a c a n ia ia called the

li im e n t o f Mualc."Shortly a f te r Koeelnl w rote a one-act

opera bouffe. He got only HD for It, bu t he won a nam e hy It. I t w aa brought ou t a t th e Ban U oee T heatre . D uring th* nex t fourteen year* he w rote th ir ty operaa for th e Ita lian atage. He w aa fond o t Jokea, and played one th a t nearly ended eerloue- ly. T he M arqula t 'a v a lu gave him e w retched lib retto to compo*e tor. Roe elnl eet It to the a b iu rd e it muele. T he bam th e hlirh, th e tenor ihp lownotoi. 'i^ e o rcheo tra h»d to tap the tin ]«iiU> ih a d e t M cy inb» li. The VenetlEni, to whom It WEI f lr it pUyed, had never heard lu c h d lacordi. They amaehed the H E ti and chandellera and newrly wrecked the thea tre . T he eom poaer w a i glad to d liappear. H la flrat opera to give him H uropfan fam e w aa “T ancred ," brought out In Venice In m i . I ta enchanting inel- odlea toon aung It In to popular favor. The

TO COMMISSION THE B A m E S H lP O REG O N .CDNrKHhy:i) t o p i .o t t i s g b l a c k m a i l ; Dp. iiunttr, ffte Eminent LungSpecM-

let, Compteien m Halt Century of»en«a(loual T u rn In th e T rial o f Paelor Itm w n a l Kan KranrlM'«.

WAN FRA N CISCO . Feb. :!0,^Mlai M attie O verm an, a pr**tty young wom an with blu< (•ycfi tin<l rerldleh'-bruwi) hiilr, adm ltivil with H emile linfore a n rccleeiaBticnl i-miri ThurnrUy n igh t th a t aho had deliberately, and ffcr |ioriX)Kea uf b lackm ail, w ritten h-t- ir ia jilclurlnK h e r own ruin Ijy PaBtor C, n. Itrow n. of th e F lrn t ConKrcgiiUoiml (’huirh.

Tlic itrow n eufte haa furnlahed many Hiji'pi bu t none to rom parc with the . mifceiilon of ihc young woman. I*aetor Hrown w as on t r ia l hefore th e court: many of hla < 'ongri'gatlon w ere to■ '••pt ihf rlrn tg e ngalnat him, and w'erc pp •-'ilnK malUTM. To no one had Ihl# worn* un glv'i'ij a n Inkling uf th e admlnBlon flhe waa tu tnaki-. :in*l h«r a to ry of the plot to d ' Niroy the rep u ta tio n o f the pauior ounie an a OMtnplete eurprtee

SucceMMful Practice In the MetSIcal Profet^on, Hit O g v o fic w i f o Medi­cal Science and Ita Amailng Re- tulln In the Cure ot Coaaumptlon.

Oil M arch 4, ISM. Dr. R obert H u n te r, of 111 Wt-.l «H l .trv .-t, .Sew York, will have acm -d :a) yr-ara aa a phy ilc lun . Hla l a ree r haa hci ii aa rcm ark ab l, aa It haa tii'cn u a v lul. Ill la fam iliar lo ou r n 'a ib ra who have acen hla b.-lurcB on Uing and th ro a t ilisi'iiara pulillahi-d by ua w ork a fiiT week in till' IhlHri'Bt of cuff.-rlng hum anity , t o r p, yciiiK Ur. lliin ti-r haa glvi-n hla whole tlnf* to the Biuity and trru lin c iit of the liinaa and the ir dlacaiw'a. The ex irac ta fruin hla lectiin-a puhllahed liavlna iiiado the laddli- fam ilia r w ith Ihe Doi tn r’a dla- | covery and mode of Irea lin en t, m any wilt ' bi- alail to know why he lieeuim' n lung .|iei nillat and how In- aeldevi-d aiieh a lirllllunl aui'i'i‘»* In hla career. Ilia ayni-

HEATH & DRAKE777 and 779U ro ad S t r e e t , BARGAINS TO-NIGHT.

THK R A T T T .E S m r O R C nO N ,

BAN K R A N ^T Sro. f>h. 'Ji.*.- S*-xi week w ill He** the battb '*hlp * »regnn, nm- nf tin- cra«‘k boalM fif rii< b' Hutn'M Navy, plmu-d In The Ongoii 1p» AV' feet •n rh ea loiur, nnd a t Ihr wul»-r line tihe

543 Ilf‘1' mean ilniugbl 1»i24 feel. Mtul ahi* Ifl i In r lu s bma-lam i a*i fei-t in depth. iG r dlBpliifi nient In lfi.2fH) torrn and tu r lndU ai‘-l hMr«e-|»ower la naiiirHl druuMhi and foriM'dd ra u g h t Her eipjlpirient In v rry heavy, and la inventoried aa follnWK: KUhl S-inrh, fou r IS-lnch oti«J four 6-Inch breech-loH-l* Ing rlflea; iwenly 6-poumlvre. rapid rtre,

and eight l-ifOuiid nipld-flrlng guna; four 57-m llllm etrf Flnirtiklaa revolving cannon, and flow ell tnriH'do tul>eM.

T he c o n trac t cuHf* for a epeed of flflerii kiiuiH per hour, but Ihe great baiilcpililp In rxpecttHl lo exceed th a t and to win ii hfuidi*4)me Irfinua for the rn lo ii Iron W orka. iiei’o rd lng lo the lenna nf the c o p tra rt. I 'll hi'C recent (ria l (rlii at'out Ih f bay the t ln g u n «hnwed a N|ieed nf Hevftitfi n hnolN iM*r huur and over. She WHN abOkit H.Onp tona light at th a t time, Ini'klng her guim aiul h4'r (urroia, no ttiat ■lib i*aii nut perhniiM be eX|»ecled to BhuW the fam e Mpe*->1 when *he la conipb'tetL


Rev. r»r. A rthur W. Hjioonrr, of Pam - di-n, anjicrliiti'iid^nt of th* N iw Jcracy Ju n io r rh r la t la n Kiidcavor rn lo ii, will ad- ilri-aa Ihi- KaHci I’ounty fb r la f la ii l-’.ri- di-avor I'n lm i a t Ita M arch m **tlrg Mon­day n ight a t 7;to oh lock In th* N orth R i- formciT t’hurch. Ur. Hpoonpr will aui-ak on "flnolB on Ih* tlnn." Rev. Dr. I>. Hag* M ackayc. paator of th . rhu rch . will inak*


bpck, I 'uatur Woodalilc R rc h y lc r la nt 'h u rc h ;’ Tucaduy. R .v . UavUI It. Fn iH 'r.

• s u p r III Aff P I I I U I A I *. w i l l i t i w**'th e HiiflrcBi of wclmmc, und a brief rcuurt o f th* H c ih .l .Mlatlon will bo nr*a.iH «I by th e aupcrln icndcnt. Duncan Forbea.

Th* N fw ark Kpworth ttn lun haa Hci-t*d Rev. W, r . K tna.y iircahlanl, J. F. f ry e r , Mlaa H*<lt.ni. .Mri, W llllam t, .Mra, Hy- d*r and Charlca Taylor, vlc*-i)r.alil*nta, A, O. M cN .ar, accrfla ry , and llllam S teadm an , trn a u rc r ,

H rv . D- H , Chr.at*na*n pr*ach« l In th* •crip f of gnap.1 aarvlcoi In th* New lo rk Avenu* Reform ed t'h u reh laat night.

T h* H ark I'reahylerlan V. I’. B. K- will hold a conaecrallon aervic* In the chu rch parlora lo-m orrow n ight a t « :» o 'clock.

T he F lra t C ongregational Kndeavor So­ciety held It* quarle rly hu»lneaa auBalon T h u m la y n lghl, when report* w ere made by th e v a rlou i commltteea. On Wednea- day n igh t the m letleloe bough cn lcrta ln - m en l will be repeated In the church par- lora,

Mr*. J a r le y 'i W ax W ork i will lie given In th e M emorial 1‘re ih y te rlan i hurch on M arch 1) and 20.

T he Belleville Reformed Y. 1’. B. C. B. w ill hold Ita lenih annual reception M ed- neaday night.

T he Sherm an Avenu* {'•P '*’'* achool haa had an a ttendance of D.D26 In ?h2 m ain ichool and 2 . ^ In ">e P r l m ^ ■choal rturlng Oie p a it year. Over ^ wa« ftH'plvcu in collftctlou* during the aaiTif pprtodv

W illiam H, U ratlihaw , p retldcn t of ine V a lky V M. C\ A., ha* apyotm ed

com m ltlei'a for Hi*icvkhviiiIva Henry H. T rum an, W, trelgii-*“ r D ^ e i d i r M cKean, KducaUotml A. 0 , U ihaon A. ll.John ton . Ja^me* H; l-M-lure. E. J. M eaieta, Dr. 11. A. .Man devllle, VV. Creighton Lee;C reigh ton Dee, Dr. H. A. 5 'H enry H. T rum an; L lhrary . t Union L. llVJafi, A. V. Babion,A uditing . B. H ubert Allen, A lticrl 11. HSgeri! Rolwrt I). ColUni; D ev o tio n * , M w a ril J.

Who confd'iMCil tlm l aho plotted th r d e -* ,............... r ' i : ' .......nm i.t i,,n i« ’alructlun o f th e m an whoae hoepUaUty ; 1m. W

voiiHuniplive wHh a ll th*- lUlaiTy

p ttito r F lr i t I*r**Nbylerlan ch u rc h . W«J nefuliiy, llev. Thom a* It. Mrldges. pantor Hf'i'ond IT enbyierlun Church; ThiifNday. Rev. liAiilel II. MHrtin, paMor Clinton Av’cnuH Hefnrm ed C hurch; Friday, H<‘v. T. J. Lee, pnwtor F irst Iteform ed I’hiirch.

Hr. lio lllflrb l will ta lk on “BplrltuallNm'* to-m orrow n lg iit a t 7;46 o*<\lock In (be T h ln l ITeNliytfTlnn Church.

liymriN from Ih* oM Moody find Hankey oullnrtlon cjf gONpel hymn* No*. I, 2. 3 am t 4, Niing by eongregHtion und ch o ir ar* to m ark the aervlt »•» In th* C entral Frcaby* terliin C hurch to-m orrow , tnemh*rii of Ih* congregation Ifeliig requested to bring tKM>kN both fo r ihemnelveN and atranger*.

At T r in ity C hurch to-m orrow night th* rmiMli will he; UrKin prelude, A minor, M erkel; aMaKtitrieat In I). Touni; Nuno H lm llll* In n . T our*; anthem , ‘'Oh. for a C loser W alk WUh Ood," offertnry. -Hav- ioiir W hen N ight Involve* the Hky." Shel­ley; poBlIude, Bolemn M arch, Horsley.

Al the I l ru r r B treel ITeHbyterlap Chap#*! In-m orrow n ight Hnmuel Chrt*t1an Kan- agn liu tn a m , h naMv* of Jaffna, Ceylon, will apeak. Mr. H uinam wilt w ear the costum e o f hla country. There will Iw the u sual solo mualc.

A m ong th* special m usical iHeclIonN a t the M etnodlsl F ro tea tan t C hureh on Hill a ire r i, belw een Halsey and Uroad, to­m orrow n ig h t will be the following; UfTertoIre, "A ve V erum ," UoHan Chora ; co n ira ito nolos by M tu Florence A. Mul- ford, "T h e Cns**n K ingdom ," Herald luHiie. "C om e C m o Me," c'oeneu; soprano solo by Miss llohson, "Uoiden Legend," Dudley H uck ' v iolin solo by Miss TtatMe H otohkins, " ra v a i ln n ." Hohn; the rhnlr, ftsststed by M iss M ulford. will render "Th* Lord llf tlh Bpoken." Wilkinson. J. M arsh la the o rg a n is t and O. F. Small the leader.

Rev, D avis W . Luak will lecture li» the Sixth P re sb y te r ia n Chureh WedMi'flday n ight on "L lf*—Heriotis, Comic and Other- w Ue." T he le c tu re will »»e nrecedF*'! by a concert In w hich the following will p a r­tic ip a te : M iss Louise C. Koehler, aoprano; II. n . A ckerson. tenor, and H arris (I. C raw fo rd , o n a n is t . Th* Irelur* will be followed wy a social hour In the parlors,

lu th e Peddle Memorial Church the fol-

M eeder: Hooma, W. Creighton !a>e, Hrnj^Y H T rum an , W. C. Powell; P h y ilra l De- M rim e n t. Cimion E. Hruah, J » m «partm eni* i. union r*. riruon, fioyea. A. H. Johnaon; Vacanrie*. Dr. H, * M andevllle. C linton B, Hruah. A. u .AJohnaon. t

T he Junior deliartm enl of th e N ew ark B apllat Union haa been organliert In t j« G e rm a n Avenue C hurch unrter the Uon of Mra. Annie Butphen. T he m eeting* . . in Ka heih Thuredav afternoon* a l Iw ill be held T hunda ir afternoon* o 'clock.

fli. P au l'* C hapter of 81- C adet* held a m eeting In 81. Paul » I jiu rc hTh'uraday nlghl, when George H. Rohln- aon.'^Jr .^of the RrotherhooS of 8t. An-

compoeer waa then only twenly-one year* old. Two yeara la le r hi* opera of " E l '— h e tta " wax produced in N aptei. In h e m arried th e a lM er, Mile. Colbran. and w ant lo Vlentt*. T here he hecam ethe Ido]

;ilia-In IW

o f the hour. H e waa a (ad to which royal-


d rew m ade an addrea*.Rav. Alonao L, VVpod delivered an ad.

dreaa In 81. John'* Kpl*copal C hun:h l**t n igh t. Mr. Wood wa* form erly rec to r of th e church .

T h t M arch m eeting of the C om m ittee of ifia B*ee* Kndeavor I nlon w ill b* held Monday n ight. March la.

The pupil* of Bt. P a trick * C athedralBchool w m give th e ir annual en terta in ' m en t M arch 17 und 18.

—T week. On Thuredav night an oy«li‘r *up- per wit be provided and on Kridiij- night

C ry s ta l i*alare.1y was g lad to bow. Thu Iasi opera Ilos-•lti‘........... .. stagi" ^ m lra m ld * ." II* received l1.U(v for It. T he y ear a R e r he w ent to Igoudon. Thera h* m ade h li fo rtune. K ing Ueorge IV. l>*came hts friend and gave him presents of g rea t value. Bosldes, the King nang duets w ith him. Once Ih* King In a solo znads a mistake* Hosslnl, acrum panylng, w ent r ig h t on.

"W hy did you follow me when I went off th* kL>y?' asked hla M ajesty.

" I would a rco rnpany you to ih* tom b." said the com poser. Ou leaving London, a f te r a live-m onths’ s tay , he had am assed I2B.0U0. He w ent to Farts, where he be­cam e d irec to r o f the T h ea tre Itallem a t asala ry of ao.tWQ fran cs a year, l^arr led a c a i itl th a t tried to ruin Rossini, hut Auh-er and o th e r com posers stood by the I ta l­ian, and he becam e the au tocrat of the city . In liU6 ho w as rsM m l as illred o r at hla own r<<quest, und then began to ('om- pose for the F rench .\cailem y. lie wrote "V ’llUam T ell" In IK2!t, which m arked a new depH riure In his stylei Though hut th lfty -seven year* old he never wroln a n ­o ther opera. He never gave ii satisfactory

Rev. D. H. M artin lectured on "A Jer- seym sn In Jerusalem " ^ f o r e the Howard Lyceum la s t night.

T he F if th R ap tlit Y. P. B. C. K, will he ad .lreaaea by P e ter Houalon Monday n ight,

A union lervlce will he held to-m orrow n ight In th e Ilrllfvllle Reform ed l hurch liy th* K ndeavor Society of the ehurch and th* IleltevlUe Epw orth League.

Th* nex t fellowahlp meelltiK of the K»- le * Erwleavor I'n liui will he held Mar»h 18 In th* F if th llap tlat Church.

T he B ethany R aptlst C hureh la holding a fa ir and safe, which will continue next

low ing m u sica l program m e will be given to -m orrow ; M orning—Organ p n lu d r InR flat* H ay d n : oi«*nlng sentence. Mam- m a ll; an th e m , "W hosorver !> r!nkrth /' F ie ld ; o fferto ry In H minor, R atistc ; a n ­them . "C om e Holy G host," AUwood: solo, Mr. P auvage. "K tern lty ," Hllss: organ poad u d r. a llegro , Rerg. N lghl—O rgan........... c T i .........................

shi* iind I'njoyed. Hhc tlcclared lUat lo KviVf Ih-rw lf from work und the posalbb' ' biirdshtpa a f in»verty, she cunspln-il wUh Mrs. .Mary A. iJavlduon to ru in ih* rbur- s«'t4-r 4>f Hr. Hrown and lu blnckcn h'T own. Hhv osst-rted th a t she ap|irim<dn-il tlu ‘ r«'pr»Mcntatlves of a m orning news- puper w ith a hope of tem pting them to bbti'knisU the accused pastor*

Tb»* Hcandal n rs i becam e public In pc- cem ber, w hen Fastcir Rrown secun-d the a rre s t of M rs. L uvldsoh, a nu'intter of his church , who cla im ed th a t he pub! her (0 secure slb'Uce In reg a rd |o h is alleged rd a ilo n it w ith M iss O verm an. .Mrs. Da­vidson, who Is a tiou t s la ty years of age, cam e here u lw ut a y ear ago a* a rciircaen- (utlve of A Rnstoi) c-oriel house and lUKUt a f te r JotiH'd the chu rch , which Is (he larg- eHt jiiid m ust fash ionab le F o n g irg a tlu n sl chun h in tbc c ity .

.Miss O verm an cam e here from Tacom a for her h e a lth an d visited a t the house of paMlor Rrow n, wdiose fam ily sho knew In TacomH. Hhc iFecame at-qualnlcd with Mrs. I)a^'idson. who tnok a fancy to her and prum lscd to oh ta ln her em ployment. Her m ain em ploym ent, according lo her own adm ission , wan to plot tdackniall ag a in st Dr. R row n, w hose guest she was. Or. Rrown la m arried , and h is wife did every th ing to prom ote Miss O verm an's com fort. Refnr* the ch arg es were tnadH. however, she w ent lo live w ith Mrs. Da- vids<»n.

A ccording to D r. Rrown, Mra. Davidson cam * to him la s t N ovem ber when there w as Intense excltem i'n l In ihe clly over the rx im sure of th e m isconduoi of several old ftit-n w lih young g irls and told htm^she had been com m lsstonei] hy Mrs. Jane Klls* abelh lltiddln, a lodging-house keeper, lo dem ond I2JSI0 dow n u n d 1100 a m o n th .fo r (en years If he did not w an t his Intim acy with .Miss O verm an exposed. Mrs. D avid­son said, It Is claim ed, th a t Miss Dverm an had condded In her and would testify ag a in st him , am i th a t .Mrs, Ra^ldln knew th a t he had occupied a room In a lodging- house w ith cn unknow n woman.

i^lrs. Dnvldson, the docto r says, pointed out to him th a t ow ing to the siat(> of ptib- lie feeling a lm ost Anything lh a l w itnesses would sw ea r to would l>c oellcved and a d ­vised him to se lllc a t once.

Dr. Rrown c la im s to have been horrltted a t the n a tu re o f Ihe charges brought again st him and unab le to see any m eans fit escape, i lc succeerlcd. however, In re­ducing the hgurt's to 1300 down and W3 a m onth fo r live years, l ie paid Mrs. D avld- soi] Jh'iflo. fo r w hich she signed a receipt. T hen Dr. Rrow n A ttem pted lo ilnd Mrs. Rnddin, but w ithou t success. F inally he met Miss O verm an, who w as shopping with Mrs. D avidson, and reprosehed her with her perfidy. Bhe Indignantly dented th a t she hm! mail* nny charges, and w hen confronted w ith Mrs. Davidson, denounced the womnn »s Infiinious. Miss Overm an ImmeelUtely left Mrs. D avidson 's house and w riit to th e hom e of Dr. Hrown.

As Mrs. D avidson 's record had been looked up and It hud been found lh a t she served tw o y ears ' Im prisonm ent In Mas- sach iise lts for disposing of m ortgaged pmiMTiy. Miss O verm an had come to be looked upon a s th e v lclim of a designing woman. H er confession, under the Cir­cum stances, cam e a s a s ta r tlin g surprise,

Mrs. D avidson, who Is in Jail, s till In-

pi) lilyonce u . --- . . . . . . . .and tlauKi'i* to life w hich liial.^im m c lii- volv' N. I.irlvcn lo exin-mUicH by the fa ll- i ur«' of Jill iitoMiflch jni‘dlclne*s to kIoi> Uu' ! jl < K '' PM uf the dlseuse, btj rt'solvcil to a c i | fur liiinwclC, reusordUK ih ‘ii cunsum pU on ■ being II disease of the lungs, noth ing i'u l into the stom ach ever reached Its seal, and fa llH because R could not do so. It w as the lungs th a t needed help, and he uuw ihJil tb iit could only be obiulned by hrcatlitiiK gsisw us mcdIctufH und lOedu cjRcd ulr d irectly in to them ; he rcasonet! Rial In no o th e r possltde wuy could ihey be reached by cu ra tiv e remedleti, he In­vented the m 'ci'ssury luBtrumi'Ulu uud In-- gHU to tre a t h im self hy lidiutullou. Tliv rapid Itupruvcnicnl and cven iu a l cu re In Ids own case led him .to apply th e sam e irea im en l lo o lhers. Dr. H u n te r Is Justly siyled Lhe F a th e r u f InhaluH un, for he w as lhe first to inlroduoe, udvoctiie andNUcreaNfnlly apply ll to Hie treu iu ien t of luug cases. W ith him ll Is a com plete sya-;tern of p rac tice adau ted lo the Individual requ irem ents of uach case. L et living pa-llentM tel] w ith w hat re su lt.

Rev. O. L. W aun*. Fu lrhaven , Mass., ■ays; "T he te rrib le d isease fastened on me. My days were num bered . Could not wanIi my hands or face and had to he fed.' Jir. l lu n le f said lie could cu re me. and In a few days 1 was abb* to w alk up and dow nstairs." J an u a ry 13, Ikdti, "1 am In »H respects a d ifferent m an ." Junuury IKW, "My lungs feel a s If they hail hevu w ashed out and th e d iseased tuties cleaned off," F eb ru a ry II. 1>W>, " I w alked three miles to-day. A sho rt w hile ago I couldnot w alk to my sltU na-room ."

................................ 79 Rm lth s treet. At-Mr* J . L. F a trlck . U n ia . O a„ says: "M a g rea t deal tietter.

y* w ife 's culidlllUti Isle h a s gained Hcven

pounds. Vours w as the only irea in ien l to contro l h e r cough. H er rap id Im provem entIs rem arkahle.

Mrs. C rittenden, wife o f the Rev. O rrin r r l t te h d e n , Ml. View, t ’al.. says: "Nom ore hem orrhages; so reness all gone; im ch ills or fever. I would iiul have been

fi bales.Upana^e Rugs.111.(niher sixes ill iiru]Kiriion)....

liSdlee' H-buiRin length Frenrti Muumiuetalr* biie<le tduvuR. eiiRiruid- *rod hiicVe, nil sUi-s, i bliw'ke. lane, bruwus, ' etc,, iH'.r i»alr.................

La«Ueft’ CorseU, double side slcfle, hmg waists, wbueand d ra b ..........

One c**e RIsck French Armures. I kiln , wide, all wool,p e ry a r l .................

Men'sNeckwasr,Ti*ckmFourdn-iJaudi, etr,,. regular 9Un'. quality...

Men'sPureLinenH em ititrbedliaodkerrhlefi.

Perfvimeii Talenm Powuer, per bnx...

Two ilsles HrusMilena Huge,]M m.xW III.(Hi her sixes In pro- IKirtinn)......................

HemnsTiis Damxsk, and bilk

of SsRn Hnicatflle Tapestry.

euiliil))o for ouvtrlng cliRlrseats and sofa {iljlowu, half p rice ...

NewHittingFlannels*peryard ........

One ra*‘* Turlklsb Hath 1'owils,1141'. qaatiiy,li«r pa>r...........

Ladles’ Cot tun H um , drop stitch.In o]>era ihadee, iHx-IHItt.,each.............................

Oar rec ila r 1115 lAiUfs' Mouiv|iietalrej| 8ii«(le Kill HluTrs,

to-night........... ....

ImitationTorloieel hellRiilrO rnam enta..


a live iiut for your ircatm i-iU ."Ml. A lciidcniull. of JHarper Hnia.. N. Y-

CHy. say s; "T rea ted by flvo physlchuis; coubl not w alk a block; coughed and ex ­pecto ra ted m atte r. Dr. H u n te r cured m e."

Mr. L am bert M iller, o f l l . H. r ia f l ln L'o., N. Y, t 'liy . says: "1 had aevere pains in lungs and nead: th ro a t like raw* ticid; ab- ftu sa a t has* o f b ra in . Am fully recovered and th an k Dr. H u n te r fur 11."

Mr. uydell W hHehead. fil7 W. 13th sL. N*Y. t 'l iy , suya: "Ifnd coughs piiins In chest, lungs sore, nervous and sh o rt of breath* U nder Dr. H u n te r 's care 1 gained 35 lbs..

Blila th a t she a rran g ed fo r the paym ent of The money lo Mias O verm an to keep the scandal from lM*comlng public, as Rrown

pre lude in <\In H ftat, O ounod: an ih rm , "H ow Lovely

hadwlck; o(ienltig sentence

A re (he M essengers'' (Bi. Raul). Men- rtelaaohn; o ffertory in R fiat. N ava; a n ­them , "O I,rord Rebuke Me N ot." Lakee; solo, M r._ Sauvage. "U alvary," Rodney

had prom ised to leave San F ranclaco w ith ­in th ree m onths. . ^ 1

R ut th is confession of Miss Overm an did not end F a s to r D row n’a irbubles. If, 1n- deeil, it quieted a ll suspicion concerning the Itav ldson charges . P a s to r Brown has e la ted th a t he Is no new vlclim of th e wiles of blackm ailer*. N early two yf^f*

(p iano and on tan ai'Cumpatilment); organ postlude In Is Volkmann,

ago Mrs. M. A. Stockton , a m em ber o f his church. Invited him to her home. He h ^no m ore th a n en tered the room, he says, m an Mr* Bioclcton Sprang tow ard him

and am now well,"Mr. A. L. Peer, IT® W ash ing ton st.. New­

ark , N. J„ "H ad 2 hem orrhages, lost 40 lbs. T rea ted i»y Dr. H um cr, the hem ­o rrhages ceased, to th e am asem ent of his fo rm er physicians, "D r. H u n te r saved my life .''

Prof. J . R. C'ummlng*, of New W ilm ing­ton, !.«w renca Co., I ’citn., cuusulted Dr, H u n te r abou t h is son. Rev. T. J . C um ­m ings. and th la Is w ha i the Rev. T. J* C um m ings w rites: "D r, Neve, F. U. C.8 ., has tw ice exam inerl me and reports m y lungs com pletely h»'aled. I 'm ier God th is re s to ra tion la ilue to your tre a tm en t."

Mr, "Henry Rrown. IIS W est Si., N. Y. C ity.

M iss E m ily K learm an , fiI3 Ann St., W est }[otK>ken.

Mr. Job Cassidy, 212 E . 54th fit,, N. Y,

.Mr* A. O. I*utic, 1g23 Jst Avenue, N. CRy,

Mr. Oovld lllscox . 39(1 W ebster Avenue. L. L City,All were diagnosed a s consum pllves, hu t a re now cured by Dr. H u n te r 's treatm ent,

Air*. Edw ard R aynor. R ensonhurst, L,1., "coughed up b lood / m a tte r ; had hectic fever and n igh t sw ea ts ; w as nervous and ioal flesh. Com pletely re ito n iJ ‘

200 pieces thisseason’s new est goods f ro m ........................ .... .




W ash R ags

from . ., U p -

i'« \v ard


G r e a t 1-2 P ric e S a le o f



th an Mrs, and. ihrowlnj kissed him .

her a rm s around him,)g ______....... fiefori’ he could relea»e him-

,e lf a co n fed era te of Mr*. S ioekton w m In

nat ne»h. Com pletely _F a lrlc lt Coery, 118 Colum hla St., B rook­

lyn, Hay*: "1 had aBthtna and hronchltl*

i B B.'.S">B’B: S '«"B B a B'B fl:» ■ BW B B B B'B B 'B "« 1


A fter R nbb tng a Hons* U« k n irrm le tn l W ith Ih* H m itj In Ills PfiSsPAsInn*

JR R flE Y CITY, Feb. 2D.-Mlchael C raven , a rea l efltate dealer, gave a card p a r ty a t his hom e. 86 Mercer Btrcel. T h u rs­day evening . E a rly In the morning, when his g u ests had a ll departed. Mr. C raven discovered th a t two coats and an u ls te r belonging to him had disappeared from a h a lra rk In (he upper hallw ay. An open window showed th a t It was a bu rg lar and not one of his guests who had taken th e th ings.

H e ra n ou t In the s tree t and. oerurlng the a ss is tan c e of three policeman, he Im>< gan lo sea rch th e neighborhood* W hile they w ere going through an alleyw ay In the re a r o f Mr. ( 'rav en 's house a man stepped out of (he shadow and AUild "You h ave cau g h t me, boys. I give In."

Hfl hart on lM>th Mr. C raven 's coals and carrle il the u ls te r on his arm . At the nnlice s ta tio n he said h« w as Joseph W arren , o f K asion, Pu., and w as flfty-Bix yeare old. W hen he was searched some change w as foiind In his pocket*

"F ive cen ts of ih s t ," he said, "belongs to Mr. C raven. I took It from b is pocket. '

the room, a smSHng spectato r, Mrs. fitochion h a s been before the e cc ltila s tlra l

Jjtii, nnjB. 1 Jin'i nBieiiun nuu ari ui ii.i 11 a inand could no t do a day’s w ork. Now I feel like a new m an ,"

Any o f these form er pa tien ts will an sw er

court and h a s told a d ifferent story, ch arg ­ing P a s to r R row n w ith m aking the aa -

le ttp rs o f Inquiry, as will also Mr. J . H .V f ti iD

ing vanoes.

M r, G laditon* '* A m erican Editor* U K W B R U N SW IC K . Feb. 29,-Yester^

day.’! Issue o f tho R u tg e rs College T argum says th a t Rev. Dr. Jacob Cooper, pro ­fessor of logic and m enta l philosophy, la to bo M r. G ladslone 'a ed itor In America. Th* T arg u m ad d s: "D r. Cooper had for m any year* Imkul In continuous and In ti­m ate corresTiamlenco w ith the RIgm Hon, W. E. tlla a s to n e , whom he th inks the g re a te s t m an of the age* It waa Dr. Cooper who persuaded Mr. T llad itone to under- ta k e th e ta sk of ed iting the w oras of B ishop ^ lu tle r , the au th o r o f the A n­alogy.^ an d probably tho groateHl divine of Ine EngU sh-sneaklng race. Tho s^* vance sh ee ts of inc work ail come to Dr. Cooper. Mr, UiadHtone’s recent artic les In T he N ineteen th O n tu ry all p a ssw th rough Dr. C ooper's hands beforo oubll- cation ."

D erv e tr, New R runsw lch,N. J.

Mrs. R. L, M orrell, P o rt W ashington , N. Y.

M ra M ilford Jones* Dover. N. J .. who Is " a living w itness to lhe ciftcacy of Dr. H u n te r’s system of m edicated a ir in h a la ­tion, hav ing been cured of consum ptiona f te r helng declared a 'hopeless case*

F- M. H u n te r , e d i to r V erm ont Record,

i Bedroom Suits I By the Hundred



F a lrh av en . Vt.Mrs. T hom as E as tm an , K eansburgh,

N. J.Mr. C. W , Ruck, V. O. Box ines. Denver.

Cot.Profeaaor H erring , L u th e ran Homlnary,

Chicago, IH.Mra. Holton* K en n e tt Square, Pa., and

thousanda of othera.Th* New York W orld, The Egress and

o th e r rep resen ta tiv e paiw rs o f New York C ity h ave Investigated l>r. H u n te r 's suc­cess by Interv iew ing hla pa tien ts and have publisnsd the resu lt to in* w orld a t targe for tho benefit of the afflicted.

A fte r such a life 's h is to ry and work as th e docto r's it in not to be wondered a t th a t he grow s Im patient w ith th e un w ar­ran tab le sxcltem ent over and im portance

I 'E R H O N A L .

John Hhermnn, although a deep thinker, ,ha* * lu iu r ix n l mn** of iron g ray lock* thflt he comb* l.uck from hi* forehe*4.

he fe itu re* will he funry an J niiuly table*. An effort 1, being maite In ral«e ItWH) before April 1 for Ihe new ehoroll build ing fund. The eom m itlee lo charge o f the fa ir 1* composed of Mr*. Juine* IV. A llen, Mr*. C lara I'a tleraon and l i r a N ancy B. Hamilton.

The fifleenih annual In le rna llona l con­vention of the C hrlsilan K ndeavor move­m ent will be held a t W ashington, D. Ju ly 3 to 13. The IKM Convention ('om m lt- lee Is a lready hard a t work a rran g in g (he program m e and preparing fo r the ucconi- mnnntlofi of (he ftl.fiENt ilehullon of (he ftl.fNNt ilelegates who are expecied. Th* New Jersey Executive Com- tn lttee has securcil (ho N ational Moti-I.fine of the largest in Ihe cUy. for the Ku- deAVorers front (his S la te . The

reason fo r lay ing down Ms openitlr lie re tu rned to Iiuly, but retunw 'd toParis , where he lived a life of luxury mi>t dissipation. He sepa ra ted from hi* wife. A R er her dea th he m arried jl young wom­an who had nuno 'd him when In- wjin 111., In IKC he w rote llu* "S tab a t Miiler" for a ' fipanlsh friend. T his w as first (icrfoTim'd In Jiiniiat7 . 1M3. In fourteen I’min-ri* ir brought him Ifift.Wh francs, He whs very Bupersiltloiiii ami dreaded Frydav. iml his fa t* WM to d ie on 11 F rld n y ./m November IS, IW>. HI* body w as t ^ / r * t entomticfl in the (*huri‘h o f the MindTlelne, PrirlH, tm l was la te r removed to Florence. liU rnnuu- w rln ts Bold fo r ifiU.fHW fruncH. In 1>«9 at r u n s a Rosstni Home, endowed by (he chtldleSB rnmpoHpr'B will, wrh oriened for invalid F rench and lUkllAo miisU-lnns.

Though om* of the beNt'imiurcil of men and u gr(*a( wit. lie wr* Klrnugely ptirndox- Icai, and a fte r he ccuHeil w rlllng In the height o f hia faiuii hla friends called him a m ystery.

...... ................ ............................ _ . F irst VrcH-byTerlun Church hua also been alluU«‘d to th e New Jersey delegation for the holding of local unluh rallies in d reunlouM. A ehoniB of 4,(NKl will lend lhe singing In tho three ImmetiHC tenls. The New Jersey del- egutlou will have a special tra in .

Through Ils evangelistic departm ent the New Jersey Kiideav«>r I'n loti has been holillng revival meellTigs in Rrldgeton, T ren ton . Vlalufteld. FaterHon and Cam- di‘ii, under the tllreellon of the loi-aJ unions.

Mr*. Hhlplcy. t>f i'nmd*ii. will speak be- fore the \V. C. T. V. of Hi. Jo h n 's M eihod- 1*1 rh u A 'h Tiiursdiiy iiiglu.

The O u te n u ry Jimlnr K(iwi>rtii Lsaguc has Hecl*<l David II. Mannltig superle- [eiulent, to BUeeeed Dharlef II. Hl«>rklng, wilt) iiHS ri*niove<l front Newark.

H, G. flhaw* w'lll address tiin boys' meet lug In (tie filnulh HiiiMlsi i^hureb to-nlglit a t 7.3U o'clock on 'TeeulU ir I'eaple."

P ro fesso r von Holst, the aged historian, Is ntiout to go to (lerm any to w ard off a (h rea ien i'd a ila c k of nt^rvous prostra tion . He expects lo traverse the d istance bs- tw een U enoa and Rorlln on a wheel.

a ir. Iludrt, one of Hip g reat money kings of fionth A frica Is said to |>* descendi-d from lhe nllcgHd fa lher of I jOu Ib PhiMppe. He is proud of his detu'ent from 43h)Bp- pinl.

M altro PouIRpt. one of the m ost em inent law ycrn In Paris , has t)egim an original work of c h a rity . He gives R l t t lw a t th* PhIhIm de JustU 'e, nt which he offers legal atlvte<\ free o f rhargo. to persons who can not afford to empluy lawyer*.

.M. K ugene-Joseph CourJon, who died in Marls the nihi*r day, was an Indian I’rlnce.

uged . ... ...............in Indlii for ceTrliirleH, and there created ra jah s of (Miandernagore, The Prince was tlfty-llirci- years ulii. Ills funeral was a l- (ended hy Um members of hla race In Ihtrls.

Mrlm-e (ildka. who has been anpolRlfd UuiimnnlRM .Minister a t Maris, belongs to one o f th e most faninus families of his coun try . In th r last ten yriirs (here have bei-ri th ree (ih lkas occupying posts as M In is le rs-o n e a l nerlln, one a t London und th e one now appointed to E*arts.

W alter A. C arr, th irteen years old, w ith a num ber of com puuluns, w as playing on th e Ice on u diK k i>ond nt E ast F ifty -sec­ond s tree t ami Avenue E In Rayonne yss- le rd ay a fte rnoon , when the Ice broke M d (he ( ’a r r boy went under. H« w as taken out w llh ln fifteen m inutes, but w as dead.

John Miller, the New B ru n s w le k ^ m ^ wito thought he had found C aptain K idd i tre a su re under n myatrrlouB stone slab on Ihe AikliiBon farm , near W eston's Milts, blew up th e g re a t sionti i-uvoring w ith dvn- am U r la s t night. At the sam e lim e h is theory of the hiiMvii tre a su re w as ex- piodeu.

The (b ird case of poisoning from eating honey occurred a t llunjinonion T hursday n tghl. A braham D ayton, of E a s t I lam - m um on, w as m ade violently HI from the cffectB of eating the honey, abou t an hour a fte r. He waa taken w ith convulsions, and a physician w as summoned. By P«f- s is leu i w ork h« gut D ayton ou t of danger.

F rederick Itnrtow , of Mledmom, while m oving a load of fu rn itu re from New York to TapiMLU, und w hile passing th rough Norwood, fell from the wagon and m s head w as crushed tiy the roar wheel, l ie WHS dead when found. It la thought

given every new concoction or device pre­sented to the public, w h e th er with hr w ith ­ou t m erit, know ing a s he docs th a t the condition to be m et In every lung case, no m a ile r how mild It m ay be, 1* too seriniis to he trilled w ith hy nostrum s which his experlencs has proved can not even a rre s t fo r any tim e th e dlseas* th a t Is sapping the p a tien t’s life. No one In lhe profes­sion has tho rig h t to fetd so strong ly ns th is m an of science, who has given an o rd inary lifetim e to tho study of th is d read disease.

T h a t su fferers from w eak or d iseased lungs can be cured, and th a l boyond per- adven iure , by Inhaling directly to the

a rt affecte<l soothing, healing and germ destroy ing remedies, should be new s to tneae sick ones

had gone to sleep and w as throw n out a sudden lu rch uf the vaTi.


KriiH*t KoenlK, who ha* a srocery »lor* a t s ix th Htreet, Hoboken, wa* a r r e .t - ed y e slfn la y for Beilin* Hiiuor w ithou t a linen**. I 'a lr le k Snlllvaii, a m em ber 01 Ihe innkeebera ' I 'ro tec tive A**od*tlon Of Hoboken, niBile lhe com plaint. The aaao- e iatlon ha* alarteO ou t on a crusade again*! the grocer* who are Belling liquor wIllioiH a llcenee.

From In ju r le . received while re*pondlngto an a la rm o f Are two week* ago, W llion Itrom lej', a Oam den firem an, died y e» ie r

KbtpB th a t Moss III th f >'lRht.As ships meot a t si-n a moment (o-

gathpr. when words of greeting inu*t b* spoken, and Hton aw ay upon ih* <|cpp, so men mnel In th is world, and I think we fihould c ross no tnari’M pa th w ithout hail­ing him, and. If he needs, giving him sup ­plies.—B recher.

M uscular Rheumatism.I^rolmhly llierr U un (Hhchsp Hint iii-

lilctA so iniudt uonlintioiis M:iln eih ritcum- ullsiii. Whnii it ohroiiU', llicreiare ftnv so hard to nire, Thl^ dlsca'ie is pHUHtal by HU ]in|)djv Mtiiin of t1u> blond. Tiir iiii])(irlty L'unsisis of un excewH of kthic iu'ld, Hiid to drlvif tliU iiclil from tho blood la the nbjci’t of iiU rallotiiil treatment.

The modical faeuMy have found In Dr. Dsvld KeniitMiv's Favorite Hemedv a ver-

The q u a rie tte and chorus choir of tru l M. F. Mhurch will slug the followitiv nund)pr« a t to-m orrow 's sen d o 's : B ialn^r's "Uod Hu Loved IliP W orbl" (from the orn- torlu "The Crucifixion''), V luceal’s ''F a r from My Heavenly llom e,'' sinig by the quartette.M rs.K w 'an, Mlsa Flt*-(Jeruld and Mk-ssrs. I ’utlreU hihI Kwaii; Wonilward'H

"H adlant Morn IIhIIi I ’asso l A w ay," ftlui Hhepherd's s«)lo, "L»'ad. Klinl- ly L ight," sung uy Mis* F ltx-(lerald.

Mrs. A. D. lirow’nlb% from Munn Avenue ( ’hurch . East Drang^c, will he the soIoIkI ui n i i i to n Avenue U efornifd Mhun-h to ­m orrow nlglit, The SfU'ClluM* will hr: " In th e M orning," Hweney, and "H esur- roctim i," Shi llcy. w ith violin obligato hy M rs. Dr. F rank \V. Klchhnrn.

Tiie inuxlp lu Hi. Mnul's M. E. (‘hurch to-morrnw' will be a* follown: M on lug—A nlhem , ''Therefore \VUh Augels," Nn- veilo: qunr()‘iie, "la jrtl Hem em ber Me," |.*unge. N tgbt—Organ preiiwle, Andatil* (piano sonata), Haydn; anthem . "A nd Ood fihflil \vlt)c Awjiy All T ears," .1. T. Field, teno r solo, I**iuitml E. A uty; resnunse, "L ow ly H eart ami Hended Kn**." i Isj-.k- coni. organ snlu. " I ’rayer" Un*r Fruls- chutx). ^hau ler, W enham fiinlth; q u a r­te tte , "To Thf^e, My God und Saviour.", I la r re t l; tenor aolo, l.ronari! E. A uty; nr- gan puslludo. "M arclie t'nneb re e t r liu iil fietFiphlque," fliillnm nt, W onhatn fimlth.

The second discourse batu'd on his recent trill Orient will hr given by ih sll4H\ r>. II. ilarU ii rI th(‘ (MinUin Avenue i;eforme<l Mliurdi to-morrow- n ight; sub- Ject, "M odern Egypt and Us A ncient W on­ders."

"T he Dutch M aker* of A m erica" will he the subject of an uOdres* by Rev. Dr. CIrlfflw. of Mor’ieil Mnlvei'slty, ai Ih* Mlln

A n d N o -W o n d e r H e W a s , C o m b i n a t i o n o l M la c r lc a .

ilay afternoon . Hromtei' wa* rlillng on a hose tru ck w hich broke down and threw him off. He w a* *pnt lo the hospital, Inlt plucklly re tu rn ed to duty In a few day*. A week ago, however, he wa* compelled lo Burrenuer. He had heep Injured In a s im ila r m an n er about six month* ago.

llov. J u Sing, a Chrl«llanl*ed C hinam an

tnlli anil poslllvo cure for llilx (crrSUlo | I* ''”™-'* next Frl-complalnl, Mr*. M. Hill, of lialeloti, | si,,,,hefi'* Chun'h. corner Clinton

and K'ltaiilielh avenue*, a t the usual1**., says; “ One year a(t'» I was taken with muBculnr rheumatism. M.v limb*were an )«liiful I coiiUl Buanx'ly walk, detenulaetl to try

m onthly musical service lo-m orrow night the following will he sung: Froeeeelonal


hym n, "(mwAnl, M hrlsllan fioldler*;' Psalm T7; M agiilflral uttrl Nunc n im lttis

' Sim per In F; ELaUicms, Hlr John B talncr’s "Benolrt, Two Jdind Men Bitting byW ayside' setlin;

gnil Iteforo 1 litui imeil th<> llilii! Iioltle tlie pain wi* all guiic.”

Favorite, Kemedy cure* chionlc, ncuto or Inlliuimuioty I'heiiinallMii; anti In dll'

theand Uev, H, H. W oodw ard's

K of Tennyton '* “CrosBlng th e B ar;" Ml»» L indsay 's "Come I’nio M e." tenor solo hy S. H. W hile: to T hee," by the conj Gounod'* "Beiiil (lot Thy i .. sional hymn, "Bavlonr. Dlesncd Baviour.'

K lkanah D rake will speak and Drofesanr W. W. Bentley will sing n t a i ix c la l Gos-

nu thi . Me.'

e; "N earer, My Hod, ongregatlo ii; Charle* Thy L ig h t;" proces-

e.*e«( b rouK ht a lm u t by liunurc blood, o r ....................... h i ■

. . -.n gpal Bervice In lhe New York Avenue C hurch to-morrow

*11 Rseet* of arid In the hlooil, aneh lu urinary trouhleg, ity*|iep«ia, coottlpuloo, kidney or liver complatnta. It I* * well- known ipecl no. All dniff)rl*u, (inn dol­lar * bottle.

--- - night. Mr. D rake will ■peak on "Sowing ami H eaping." T his will


be th e first of a t-ciies of lay sermonn.f l t ^ l t l BPrvicni will be held in Bouth

P a rk P resbyterian Ohiircli every n ight nex t week except Saturday, beginning a t 7:43 oMoefc. The followloc tnlhlsterB will p rcacli: Monday, Hov. H enry C, V auder-

W e m igh t w rite a pathological disfsoura# on the kidneys—their fu n c tio n In the hy glenli; s tru c tu re—and poeilbly Interest you In bow they get out of orrlcr In th e ir Work of filtering the blood; how they Repo- ra te ilir guort from the had, preparing the giMvl fo r ASHlntllotlou by the vsinous c ir­culation , and expelling the bod. Hut th is Is not the vlea* of It th a t one Buffering from kidney troubla would he as In te r­ested In as m uch as a way to put them In order when they fall t« do th e ir duly and cause the suffering.

T hs kidney*, a llhough covered from view, have very decldnd ways In explain- ItiK any evil condition, and calls your a t- tontlon firat and a t once by a backache, a pain In (he sm all of the baric. If a ttended to a t the first ra il. It Is sn easy m a tte r to se t them right. Tf passed unheeded the pain* become acuta, the whole lum bar re- gion 1* affaoted and extrem ely Ransltive to the tovtoh. N ext fallow* excess of urine, w ith itiereaslug burning senputlons and m ore riurnerous calls to expa] the urine. I f s till unheeded a rheum atism peculiar to the condition of tho kldneya rssu lts. and then , as the heading to th li article, taken from a teatim onlal of one of your towns* moil pu t It, you are all ui^art. No won- d ir .

Mr. H en ry H artm an, a baker by trade, living a t 119 Bergen street, Newark, went th rough the different phases of kidney troub le In iho order w ritian above. For th rsa years, h« says, he suffered greatly and had to give up aererat good situations. H is stom ach w as deranged and the condi­tion (if hla l>ack and kldneya such th a t he oould nol reach up nor bend over, To pick any oivjeci off the floor ho could only roach down sideways and rheum atism added all Us miseries. TO-DAY H F IB W K I.L A N D AT WORK. No moro rheum atism ; no more achoi o r palna, no moro alecpleig nights, and he tells you In th is th a t D oan’s Kidney Pills effected his euro and he adds; "I only wish I had got hold o f them hefofs."

F o r sa le by dealers* Price GO cents. ftlsJlad by Foeter-llllfaum Co., Buffalo, N* T n B#le ag en ts (or tb s V* 0*

of the P resb y te rian Mission, New York, w as m arried fn Jersey (Mly Tueiiday even­ing to M iss B arah rasstuK . uf Brooklyn.Ing ------ -------- - - - - — - -who Is in te res ted In m issionary work am ong the Chinese, hy Hev, R A, Meury, of the Bcoond Hcformcil Church, In Cen­tra l avf-nue. Mr. M niry In a personal friend of tho groom. Mr. King Ih fo rty w a r s ol<l, anil lias been murrled before. Tic h a s adop ted the luitna of Joseph Bln- Kleton.

flam uet H lm is w as until recently a lieu­tenan t of (he Halvnlion Army Cr>i-|is oj Long H ranch. HIb wife took a dislike (0 (he urm y and told him th a t If he a sso ­cia ted w itn It* incmljcr* he would suffer for It. fifttuuel altcndeil ur> arm y m eeting w ith h is tcn-year-old daughlcr l.*mjlna Ia s i (‘venlng, atul wKcti he. rH iirned home he found hi* M®*'*’ * ** effects packed in a trunk , wlilclt had been pin 'cu outNide the door, w ith t.rder* for Hamucl ujiil Jjoulsa lo leave the prenilar-s,

C harles H arks, who wa* convicted in the M onmouth t 'o tin ty Cciuri In Ihm of con­ducting a gjiinbllnK-housf In Asbury Hark (ha t rnimmer, h a s uppealcd to the ( 'o u rt of E rro rs , and yestcnlny renewed $5,000 imil. ifclng hla ow’ii security. He awon- h* owherl proiMTty III Ashury I^ark w orth

If lhe h igher enurL iitllrm* Ihe ac- tliMi of th e low er couri MarHa will have to aerve a aenicncc of five months In th» CLiuiUy tall and (my a line of iviO. The bull of l.ew ls fL Lym an. Indicted wilh MufK*. waa forfeited for non-appearauce.

The C lerk o f Lodi Township, Rcrgcti l*A»UHty. Is a u lh n rlly for the fltaiem entiJme E xpert KruRi-r’s report to the l^ d l Tow nship (.'oTninltlPe show* a deficiency lu Collector H urke 's account* of W.OOtiaf

D r. H u n te r’s tre a tm en t h a s passed from th e region of theorlxlng, and haa be­com e a n established fact, verified by the word o f reputable patient* who do not h e s ita te lo put th e ir evidence on record, l l rem ain* but to cong ra tu la te sufferers from weakened or dlanascd brt^athlng or- irans th a t no fa r a* hum an testim ony can___ ____ .t... J-... ^aprove any th ing , the day of the ir posslhlo recovery na* daw ned, tr 'recovery ha* dawneii, tr they a re b u t win* enough to em brace tliH r good fortune. T hey need no longer droop o r dread to heregarded as "hopeless oases" while med|-caT Inhalation conllnue* lo work the un-

B have come to us fc sooner th an or- |l dered — th ey ’ve i / f » / t o go to our ^ custom ers quick- P e r t h a n w e P planned — price P will do it, so P th ey ’re m arked P absurdly low— ■ $ 13.75 — s o l i d ■ o a k , bevelled P m irror,fine build P throughout. A P chance of a thou- P sand.P This Name fiiilt.

Doa^t forget those fiprings a t $1.90-a number of tU tm left. Value aud oldprloaSee us about storage—new builrUig, low rates*

Furnlttiroi Carpets, Stoves, etc. ■ Good, dellvtrcd free m State.- Low Prices, Easy Term#*

73 Market St.e r m s . ® Near Plane S t., Newark. ®

Telephone gtio.

O n* I i

dlanuted cure* It ha* done upd jH doingai ‘ ■ ”under Dr, Haiicrt H un icr'* guidance.

A ftrrw srd .When you've married Maud Muller and settled

tiuwn.And alt of her fulka live with you In town;When you've duly IndHrsml her papH'i ijiHp,And losnid Hrother Johnny your Huiulay coal;When the brand-new croua«>ri you huven'a paid

forHave l>een altered fur M«»oTneTS for ttiother-ln-

law,Don't blame mairlm»'njr: there's nothing wrong;For surely It Is a grimd, ew««i Rimg.

Chorus:A gmnd. sweet wiig.A iiranil, sweRt souk.

Hark to the weilnilna hells' Aitna. dons.Hark to (he weddln* belle' ding, dong,Hurrah for the word* nf the ihovightful gent, And hi* song of genuine ■enilment.

When you go fur a fi*!) on a dear friend'i yacht

And manage to htKik a fat Jnrk pnl.And fill your bins with liquid baft And are l>orne liack home in royal state.And Maud, wbo'a waiting there nil the time, Juat rolls up lier sleev*s stui ■tH'sks not In

liiviue;Don't blamd malrifnimy: ihere's nothing wrong, Indeed, Indead, 'tts u grand, awed song.

When to bad you have pul your llllle tirood And you long f'>r Innocuous desueiude.When you see Tnnimy kick, yell nuil tiioe,Ai lie tries (o digest a toy tin hnrH«;And tiahy. who's said to softly roo, nursta roiih In a regular hullalialoo;Don't blame mairlnumy: there’s nothing wrong,Oh, yet. II *• » grand, swent s«mg.

^Hirhmond Dlipalch.

Fossil D ragon Fly*I^fom lhe NSW York fTerald.. . . . . . . . . .

iAWi anrt tpcth.A fossil drngon fiy iw cuty-sevnn Inches

Icng, ormert w ith big inw a anrt teeth , has been fotinil In (h« coal mcnpiirea of Com-inenlry, l|i th o D i'parim piit of Jho Alllor,Frarv^c.Mongl.

( has bean ohrlstenecl M eganrura

He also nays Mr. Burko h a s mode a pmpo- sltlon to compromlst^ with ih e^ iy^nah tp anti aaktt them to accepl 11,000 In paym ent of the Qllcgfd dj^rtclnncy. Till* thi- ufficlaii ri-fijse' lo do, and have nollflcil p. w . fiiugg, counsel for the township, to com- tnenon suK a g a in s t Mr. Burke a l iho April lerm of co u rt fo r the full am ount,

Tho C ourt of C hancery yesier<1ay ren- rtj'rnl It* decision rtdatlvn to the eroaslng 1 of the tra c k s of the New .Icmey Houtbern R ailroad In Long Hraneli by the A tlanllo Const E lec tric R ailw ay. The croa*lng is to 1)0 m ade u n d er the tracks, which a ra to he elevated ten feet, the expense of which m ust he met by thetroU cyenm pany. 'When Ihik Is done th e trolley road between Wcei Knrt and P leasure Bay can Ite com­pleted, and It believed hy (h a t lime th a t (h r ra ilroad people will .have acquired the

Do Not ItchDSi 1 . *. WOOD'*

COCAINE PLASTERSAre coostM tlf need w ith tplsodld sqeceM in

the foDowing o lla en te and affmtionsLmrtiin, BHkMtii, Pwrtif. IroiMhItli, AithiM, Will 8Hk, An( Hhiiitnitlin.






We have a lot of Square and Up fight Pianos A) $20, $25. $50, $75 upward JSC

In good order. $3 and $5 monthly AThey are in good condition and are warrantedAiCkune this week.

e e e e


Depends as mueh ni)OD the owner a t II does on their na in rs l tooth itractoro* Carelessntts will ruin the flneit teeth .

(i^lentlAQ treatm ent will lieip the ap­pearance and the health of the w o n u All tliat srlenoe a&il a r t can dn for teeth is done here. We help nature if poeeibU —supplant her If neoeteui'y. Insure jroa haodBome, healthy Icrih anyway.

Cleaning T re lh ........... 7Sb,flo ld F i l l in g s ............ 9 1 qikHold Crewns ............ 9T.00Beat Net. of T e e lh .,,. , 99.00

Try oar now Loosl Amwthetlo, DKNTOi for eoiy extroctloQ—p r a l ^ by ererya body.



^*4 f l * h w d a u x r ts r . fo r a o o D BTOVIl# ® kind th a t go to piecci Id one eea*

S.A.WA8D tdom-fa.hlonw *‘.'*'1* '0 l»«t &nd iU*UM t l ^ m anufactu rer ■

N K W F O R K , fta Y.|*W)sl a ren t.

In buy 111, tb« oli*»» in . . . . . m .rv yen! you will h jv * a n out- .nrf- I. '* nlwny* troujil^*00!.,_ and In ih . ond you ur* bohlno

Bold by *11 d m o l f l* . I.nn»l « " Boll w o n '* p E u i w t T w H r o ^ B trH U 631-633 Broad.

y ^ r bBTRaln.Jin* of »tOT... ^'v*npbvv ■i.aq d*x Vbw t w m ..

CHiorlea. which Inrlude pipe, elbowi^


r l , h t to l .y I t . track* lhroii(th’ land* of It in* r l , h l toMoyer Jonaaaon, Inaurlns

coo]|ii*tc Iho em ir* r o a ^ which ha^ eii'

for lln tlny in . Up; irloalUa. DAIllAN IXTTlDN io rw lillltii th .ak lti, ITHICUKI.B AND MUTlI UKISAM, warranMit to Itir*.

Newark aaom* for th* T R IU liPH H o i Air Yurimce, th* he*t on* mad*

W ater H e a t l u . n n m

tperleiiced m or* dllTIcniltle* In It* «r«cllon th a n an y o th e r tin* In t U Btato o t NMr Jersey*

yrlo* Wa.

|P rio * U o * itU p*r jar.


MiL I WEirOfl^ at J WHblagb StflK

BM*y OM want* •en^thloy. To M i H they HmiM nah* Uwlr want* known. Th* CVEK- IMa tIBWa I* loeli*« lo o n tty to And tM wuiii •H dal. n * H V nnN O t m w i wanl# to yrlal

Edward Dunn Co.104 MARKET STREBTo




MACm ims TO HMG.Murderer's Attempt to End His Life

Will Be Unsuccessful.

F U L L c o n f e s s i o n O F H IS C R IM E W A D E.

HIa Falh«‘rv|n-l4lw W ill AIia T haUAb th« B ulM R u Knt R rm tlf^ u iovrd from ilU Thr o*t — of th r l>rad W otnra Rrfnseel to Allow nn AutopRj to Hn IV rforosrd, »tid th e H ad to rp o ii to Rem ove th«lkMjle« from Ih r Hobitr.

JE R S E Y CITY. Krb. 2 ‘. - J o h i i M arkin, thn youMf double m u rd ere r of hia wife, U s t ie Miickin, anil her m o ther, IlridK^'t t'onnora. who tried to kill h lm aelf In hla A’ell In the Eourtli P rec inc t fltatlon-houap In th i i c ity yealerdey mornInK, w aa r<»- ported to be reatinir easily In th e C ity lloa- pUal to-day. Not f a r front him . lylriK on a cot w ith a bullet In h is th ro a t, w as b li th ird victim , M orrla Cormore, th e husband of R rldaet and th e fa th e r of M ackin'a wife. The bullet la atlll In hla th ro a t, and tiouae Burfteon V arlck haa no t dared probe fo r It on account of th e c r itic a l con- litlon of th«MnJured m an.

T he cu t U ack in m ade In hla th ro a t with ha raaor, which w as no t found on him

\.h en ha w aa aearrhed a f te r hkn a rre s t in the atatlon-bouae on T h u rsd a y nii{ht, |e a very deep one. bu t It ju a t miaat>d the m ain a r te ry . T he phyalclttha say th a t althouRh the m urderer a n d C onnnra a re lM>ih in a c ritica l condition they both will probably recover.

M ackln la beliiff closely w a tched by the potlco and If he llv e i i t w ill only be to die on th e gallowe. H e h aa m ade a full confea- lion of h it Crimea, and th is has been taken down by the police. He expreaaed no so r­row fo r hlB deed. H e i i b u t tw en ty -th ree yaara of age.

C ounty Phyalclan C onverse w as not a l­lowed to perform an au to p sy on th e iKtdles of ^ trs . Connors, and h e r d au g h te r, Mrs. M ackln. when he w ent to th e C onnors liOuBa. In Phillips a iree t, y e ste rd ay , the friends o f the C onnors fam ily refusing him p en n liilo n . . I t w as m v essu ry fo r the C ounty Physli-lan to perfo rm th e au topsy In o rd e r to be ab le to te s tify , a t th e tria l of th e accused m an, ju s t w here the bullets s tru ck the v ictim and to descrlb« the cause of the ir deaths.

T he C ounty Physic ian repo rted to Chief M urphy la s t n igh t the re fu sa l to allow him to perfo rm th e au to p sy , and Chief M urphy th is m orning had C ap tain A les- sn d er M cKalg, of th e F o u r th IT ed n c l, and th e reserves accom pany the County P hysic ian to the C onnors hom e. The boif- ies o f the victim s w ere placed In a n u n d er­ta k in g w agon and w ere rem oved to^peifir’s m orgue In G rand s tree t, w here th e C ounty Phyalclan w ill m ake th e au to p sy th is afternoon,

W hen th s police a rrived a t th e houae they found w illiam C onnors an d Annie Connors, ch ild ren o f M rs. C onnors, and Annie L am bert, who lived w ith them , w atching the bodies. T he fu n e ra l a r ra n g e ­m ents have not y e t been d e tln lte ly Axed, but th e funera ls will p robab ly be held to­m orrow . A fte r th e au to p sy is perfo rm ed this a fte rnoon the bodies will be given to T‘n d ertak e r Klllott, who h a s ch a rg e o f the funera l a rrangem en ts.

PANIC AND DEATH AT A FIRE.A Rig Block In M uluth tSeetroyed and a

W oinnu P robably Ktlled->-MAny N arrow Escapes,

HCLT^TH, M inn., Feb, » . - F o r th e th ird time w ithin a few w eeks th e O 'U rlen block uji W est M ichigan s tre e t wan discovered cn Hre a t 1:30 o'clock th is m o rn in g and lit rh o rl tim e It w as seen th a t a ll efforts of Ihe lire departm ent to sav e It would be nnavnIHng. no the energies o f th e firem en were dlrec'icd to sav ing life and keeping the ad jo in ing KnowUon block from being destroyed.

The (TBHen block la In th e c en tre of Iho ( Jty, and m ore th an 100 persons m u s t have been sleeping In II.

P au l Baldwin and hla Wife, w ho roomed on th e fou rth floor. In grop ing th ro u g h the smoke In th e hall becam e sep a ra ted and Ji6 w as so closely pu rsued by th e nam es th a t he escaped only by lum p in g from the second story . He Is te rrib ly burned. The wife undoubtedly perished.

T here w as a te rrib le pan ic am ong the room ers and severa l w ere nearly tram pled to death In th e rush . T h e building Is valued a t $25,000 an d Is a to ta l loss; Insur­ance, $20,000.

T here Is add itional loss of Sm ith , K oors A Co., a com m ission firm, and ^1. M. G as­ser, grocer, am oun t^ jg to $5,000. well In­sured, beslaea a to ta l Toss hy th e room ers am ounting to several th o u san d dollars. T here Is little doubt th a t th e firs w as of In­cendiary origin.


The D eath o f a C hild fponi W hooping Cough WUl Be In v estig a ted ,

PA TERSO N . Feb. 2 9 ,-Jab ea W ood, of 15$ Lewis s treet, v isited th e office of b o u n ­ty Physician Johnson y e s te rd ay , and de* c lsred th a t Jessie, h is th ree -m on ths-o ld child, had been killed by poor tre a tm e n t a t Ihe hands of Dr. P ra n k D. V ree land , and dem anded th a t he give th e case thorough investigation .

Ho said th a t several w eeks ago hla child w as a tta ck ed w ith w hooping cough, and Dr. H u b ert E m erson w*aa called in. U nder his tre a tm en t Jessie im proved, he said. Htid tw o w eeks ago w as rem oved h" ner m other to the homo of th e la t te P s sister, M rs, Case, In P a ir s tre e t. M rs, Case, who is a n advocate o f hom oeopathy, Induced Mrs. Wood to change h e r p h y sic ian and re ta in Hr. V reeland. T he child died. I ts fa th e r became fran tic , a n d Im m ediately charged Dr. V reeland w ith cau sin g Je s ­sie 's death . Hr. V reeland w aa calJea upou 10 g ra n t a certlflca te of d ea th , b u t he re ­fused, a s did a lso H r. E m erson . The I'o u n ty rh y s itiiau will In v es tig a te the case.

rE A K L B ltTA N '* A tt 'k O E U SI.AVEBH,

B n th T a k .n ln t« C oort C -nFulljr U usrrted.Odv In K in|,y.

C IN C IN N A TI, Feb. Bcott Jackeon end A lotiio W allln f, th e alleged m u rd er­ers o f P ea rl B ryan, w ere b ro u ch t Into c rim in a l C ourt No, 7 th ia m orning, hand- u iB ed . The trip a long C o u rt s tre e t from Ihe Jail to the C ourthouse w as m ade so outekly end qu ietly th a t no a tte n tio n was a ttra c te d and w ith o u t p re lim in a ry notice the m en suddenly ap peared before Judge B uchw alter. All th e doors of th e a p a r t­m ent w ere locked excep t the m ain en­trance, which waa g uarded by w atchm en to keep a crowd from eoUectIng.

Sheriff P lum m er, of N ew port, K y.. p re ­sented h l | p sp ers fo r ex tra d itio n and the w arran t. A fte r a b rie f consu lta tion am onx the a tto rn ey s a c o n tin u an ce until next S a tu rd ay waa agreed to. Sco tt Jack - son w as hanged In effigy from th e Ohio bridge In N ew port som e tim e d u rin g the night. The figure waa c u t dow n by the police to -dsy and burned.

M ay Com pete tb r th e A tuerkw 's Cup,I.ONDON, Feb. 29.—T he P a ll M all Oa-

Bette says th a t Cord lam sd ale Is also In­te rested In the y ach t w hich Is being built fo r Ihe O erm an E m peror In th e y a rd s of H enderson B ro thers on th e Clyde. The yach t, which w as designed by G. L, W at­son, la being eonslructed upon th e blocks used for the V alkyrie H I. S he w ill m eas­ure m feet over a ll, h ave tw en ty -s ix feet beam and ca rry 11,000 sq u are fee t o f can­vas, T he new boat will ta k e p a r t In the In te rn a tlen a l races, an d T he U a ie t te says, a lthough It Is • sec re t a t p reeen t It la be- iHved she w ill com pete fo r th e .A m erica 's Cup. “T h is," the p ap er adds " is the m ore p robabis In consequence o f th e Lord D unraven eaoapade,"


ttpen tbg e f M arseilles H egatta a F a ilu re . UARSEILXiER, Feb, 29,—T he M arseilles

re g a tta opened to-day. The sky w as clear, but a ra th e r s tro n g m is tra l caused th e big

fo r th e p rise given by th e P residen t of tb s Republic to re su lt In a fa ilu re , the B rita n n ia e ir ry lh g a w ay h e r m ain ha lyard block before th e s ta r t . T he S a ta n lta graaad the s ta r tin g buoy, b u t k ep t on and w ent a f te r the A lisa, w hich h ad go t the lok®. overhau ling and b ea tin g h e r in a ru n of e ig h t rallee by th ree m inu tes ; a lso beat­ing th e tw en ty -ra te r S am ph ire by ten m in­utes, All of th e b o a ts abandoned the race St th e end of the flret round, th e w ind hav- Ing Increased so th a t i t w a i'Im p o ss ib le to sail w ith fu ll m ainsail.

T h s F rw ik lto P e e l T o n m em en t The w inner la s t n ig h t in th e pool to u rn a -

w ent a t M ilitary H all. F ran k lin , w aa H a rry Stager who beat WUUam W allace, IM to M. T he en trlhs fo r to -n ig h t a re P hartee Searle vs. D aniel P ax to n . C harles S e irte vs. H a rry C ra b tre s an d Louis C raw ford vs H a rry C rab tree , an d C harlea S earle and NathaiiUl Taylor.

KILLED THE WOMAN HE LOVED,:MIm l.ouinr Trelibti BratAlly MurU«retJ lu

l l^ r iJouitt b f til* Mao Hhe ,

H A RTFO RD t'onn ., I‘>b. L ouIsb T ri'b lo , th ir ty -fo u r y « ir s olU, d a u g h te r of tbti lal« Ht^mtann Trebb«.w as m unJ«r^d a i tv r hom« Iti Bouth Maiiclu^ster th is m um - In f by C asper H artlv ln , a fa fm hand , em - liloyid to do t hurns about th e plac«. H a rt- k'iii has U 'rn In lova w ith his vloUm. amJ ha* im portuneij ht*r lu m arry him. Rhe Ubl r.ot rtM’lprot'Hto his affection, and has rv- p v a t^ ly toiil him lo.

At alKiut 6^30 o 'clock th is m orning she waa com bine her h a ir liL the k itchen w hen H arilein cam e up behind her. looked ev er her Mhoulihr and said : "Louise^ will you m arry m«?" Bho replied im patien tly : “ G et aw ay from itu-* D on 't bother m e."

ila rtle ln turuetl aw aynvith a K roan.went Into the p s iitry . cam e backw ard w ith a vldous-looklnff d irk knife abou t ten inches 1(111 and w ithout a s-oriJ, p lunged the knife Iniu her lireast, J iu t ai>ove the heart, .Mlaa Trehbe sank lu Dw Huor and died In fifteen m lnule«. There were no w llneM es 10 the fa ta l deed and^M lss T rebbe 's body WHS discovered a few: m inu tes la te r by her widowed slater. Mrs. T hom as W ard , with whom sbe lived.

Thu m u rd ere r ran fnom the house, and no trace of him could be seen w hen M rs. W ard tUscovured the dead body o f h e r s is ­ter. Deputy RherilT George H. i la m w as summoned, an d s o w ra l posses w ere form ed to search fo r the im inlerer. Sheriff H all found H artle ln concealed In -a hay stack on th e J am e s O lcott place, abou t half 4 mile from thu scene of the m urder. Drawing his revolver, H all com m anded H artleln to su rrender, and soon had h im handeufTed, He had a ropo w ith blms and said th a t he Intended to hang h im self w ith It. Hu adm itted liaving kllisd M iss Trebbe, and said th a t he did R because she refused to m a rry him.

The m urderer w as taken before Judge Bowers Slid pleaded guilty and w as bound over fo r u tr ia l w ithout bonds a t the nex t lurm of the Buperior Court, on the ch arg e of wilful m urder. ICnrtleln Is a G erm an, about fifty y ea rs old, and has been In th is country abou t sevHiUeen years. H e la & quarrulaonie fellow and h a s a crim ina l record. Miss Trebbe w as a handsom e girl, of excellent c h a ra c te r and repu ta tion .

. . . . . am oun t to abou t ILOW. w hichJBIegoikl 1804 eatendiiii to-eJglit a t B o U 'a ^ d ^ il lu c f iV e rW by, InStiyaoce*

RUMORS ABOUT B, AND 0.Poailblllty u f au A pplication b e in g M ode

T im Is j fbr a Ibsrelesr for Ihe Mall- road Company,

BALTIM ORE, 2$.—H um ors of a re ­ceivership fo r th*.' B altim ore and Ohio H allruad a re m ore pronounced to-day th a n heretofore, and It would not su rp rise th e best-lnfortned finajtrlers of the c ity If th e anpllcailoti should lie made before the day closes, *

A United P re s s represen ta tive asked Major Shaw, a BaJtlm ore am i Ohio d irec­to r and chairm an of the F inance C om m it­tee, w hat t ru th t l^ r e was In the repo rted application fo r a receiver.

He said : "1 ra n not ta lk on the su b jec t.""W ill you ileny th a t a receiver is a

possibility for the near fu tu re?""iVu, I will say noth ing about It," th e

M ajor replied, and hurried aw ay.Judge N a th an Goff, of the U nited S ta te s

CirriiU C ourt, a rrived in town un ex p ec t­edly and unannoAmced to-day. He w as In conference w*lth Ju d g e M orris tn th e l a t ­te r’s oltice. Jt Is reported th k t P residen t Cowen, of th e B altim ore and Ohio, and A ttorney Bond, o f the sam e com pany, had a session w ith the Judges sho rtly a h e r noon to-day.

Judges Goff anri M orris la te r In the day slipped out of Che Fuderal C ourt B uild­ing. I t If reported th a t they w ent to th e Hotel R ennert to meet P resident Cowen and counsel of Hie B altim ore and Ohio to confer abou t itiu receivership papers,


precautions T ak en to P rereu t T m uble W hen He V isita the Mosque To-dsy.

CON9TANTl>*OPLE.Feb, 29,-Tw o h u n ­dred persons have been arres ted In th is c ity during th e oerem ontei of the fa s t of R sm asan fo r riotous conduct. S everal T urks a re Inchwb'd in the num ber a rrea led , though nearly a ll of them are A rm enians. The a rre s ts w*ire m ade yesterday , the eu> tho rltles fe a rin g a hostile dem onstra tion to-day, the m iddle of the fa s t of R am a ta n , when the BuHan attendeil the cerem ony of k issing th e m a n tle of th e P rophet.

LTiNDON, Web. 29.—T he correspondent of th e U nited P ress a t C onstsn llnop lo te leg ra rh s u ru ler th e d a te of F eb ru a ry 28 a s fo llow s; G rea t p rep a ra tio n s h av e been m ade fo r th e journey of the S u ltan to the Mosque to-m orrow . The roads from the ps isce h a v e all been sanded and th e bridges c a re fu lly inspected and repaireii. The S u ltan 's re tinue has not y e t been selected and th e route which th e Suit&ti wilt tak e la is not been m ade know n. E very th ing la being kept sec re t u n til the last moiment. Jt Is probable th a t h is M ajesty w ill re tu rn (o the palace by w ater. All o f the A rm enian susnec ts a rrested will be kep t fn prison u n til M on­day. T he elbops of the A rm enians a re closed.

The ag en ts o f M iss ( 'la ra H arton, presj- dent of the Ked Cross Bociety, will s t a r t for Zelioun cm M onday hy steam er. T hey will be accom panied by Mr. F o n tan a , a B ritish officlul.


A D esperado Bfaoots a Mao* Refs F ire to a y%ctory and E trapes,

JK P FK R SO N , WIs., Feb. 29.-W hcn Lew Smith, seertA ary and tre a su re r of th e W is­consin M an u fac tu ring Company, enlertKl the fu rn itu re fac to ry o f (he firm la s t n ig h t St abou t 7:30 o'clock, an unknow n m an approached him and fired a shot from a revolver ax. h is face, the bullet ta k in g effect over h is le ft eye.

A second sh o t en tered Mr, S m ith 's back, near the khwulder Made, bu t he fled, leav­ing his Oioiallanl alone In the fac to ry . Help a rr lv rd , and the unknow n m an w as followed tiiio the g a rre t of the fac to ry , w here th e la t te r held s large force o f m en a t bay w ith his revolver for tw o hours, firing fo u r sh o ts ..s t several da rin g ones who cam e n ear enough. F ina lly the des-

fierado set fire to (he factory and escaped n the coritusion following. I t Is supposed

th a t he ie^arded a fre igh t tra in for F o r t Atkinson. Sm ith will recover. T he fire In the factorar w as extinguished.


H iram P rice A lto Chop* Off a Niirse*s H and , A P<»s« A fter film .

K N O X V IL L E . Tenn., Feb. » , - I n H a n ­cock C ounty , Sunday last. H iram P rice killed hto wife and his m other-in-law and chopped th e h a n tro ff the nurse while she w as ru n n in g aw av w ith his child. An ax e was found , which Is supposed to be the weapon used.

P rice '* w ife had le ft him, and he had fo l­lowed Iw r »o her m other's house. T he scene o f the tragedy Is some d istance from the ra ilroad and little w as heard o f i t un til lost n igh t. A posse 1s now pu rsu ing th e m urdem r. «


Five H en K illed O u trig h t and His O thers In ju red , Rome Fatally .

LK WHS BURG. W . Va., Peh. » . - A boiler belohgljig to W . H. Overlioll. a t F ra n k ­fort, G reen B rie r C ounty, W. Vo., e x ­ploded a t noon yesterday . The m ach inery and hiouie a re a to ta l w reck. F iv e m en were killed an d s ix o th e rs le rlously In­jured.

T he killed a re : Bam Llvesay, K ell L1ve> say, W oodson R ansbarger, C iouney K ershner, — Dunt>ar, all of th is county .

The nam es o f th e wounded have not been Yearned. Two or th ree o f them , It Is siiJd, canno t live.

ST.H eard o f Dr. Naaseo*!PETERBBU RO , .Feb. 28.-A pilo t

nam ed Klasbo, who took p a r t in the 'Cog­gins U olar expedition In 1691, has a rriv ed a t AAeiiblad rrom Yeniseisk, E a s t S iberia, and rep o rts th a t abou t th e middle of J a n ­uary he heard a custom s official say th a t Dr. INansen w as re tu rn in g from th e N orth Pole, which he had a lm ost succeeded In reaching . K lasbo says he regarded the s ta tem en t of the officer as a Joke,

L ib rary Trustees W ont P ay Kent,H O BO K EN , Feb. 28.—The tru s tee s o f the

F ree L ib ra ry and th e Common Council of Unlion Hill a re a t odds. The Common ^ v m c ll w an t th e L ib rary T rustees to pay ^ B p ionth ren t for the ir q u a rte rs In th e Tow n llaM, T his the U b ra rv T ru stees refuse to do. They say th a t If th e Com ­mon Council try to m ake them pay re n t th fy will ge t an In junction forbidding th e Council from In terfering w ith the L ib ra ry T ra s te s i . '

lR>y M ysterloQily M issing,M ORRISTOW N, Feb. 29.^-Chorles Gano

a n ine-year-old boy living In N ew York! w hs w as supposed to have gone to Van D oreti's Mills, n ea r hero, la s t Sunday, to v is it h is uncle, S tew art Miller, h a s dfsan- p w e d , and no tra ce of him can be found. H is m o ther cam e her* lo s t n igh t to search fo r him and is nearly insane, as she fe a rs , h teh as e ith e r been drow ned or kidnapped.

F ire tn a F o n n d rj.BOONTON, Feb . 29.—F ire broke ou t la s t

n ig h t In the Iron foundry* s itu a ted on the p roperty of the Lord esta te . T he fire sp read quickly, and th ree a la rm s w ere tu rned In. T h is b rought the whole Are d epartm en t, and the good w ork o f th e fire­m en p n v e n te d a heavy toes. T he dam-

Big Ocean Liner Stranded While Proceeding Up the Harbor.

B O A T S S E N T T O T H E R E S C U E .

Rl«'niiier» Kfui lltiwn ti» th e V esirl tu Tak«^ GfT PH*ftriigi*r« hluMild t t I ts >'«*4'rjiisry to Do bo -T hs New York Said to lie Aground on til* WMt ilsrik of th e Chunoel Near th eG u Ick itep ltiio>-.v L arge N iim l»erof raa ienger* un th e siti'MioNbip.

SANDY lUiOK, 20.—C aptain Sul­livan , of the on ltm iu i Im ai, i-afne down th e hay shorlly afiiT 1 o’Movk th is a f te r ­noon and reported Hml the s iesm er New York w as ashore abou t o n e -q u arte r of a m ile west'Souihw t-Ht from the quU'ksteji buoy Oh the wesi hank.

T he ( ‘hspnian W recking Com pany Is s t w ork on her laying a cable over her siern .

N EW YORK, FE*h. T he s team er Yu-m url, which arrived to-day from the W est Indies, reports i Iihi a b o u t noon, a fte r p ass in g lilt* southw est sp it shu saw th e AmehcHti line s team er New York esho rs south-southw ent of the lu ll ot ib e w est bank . Bhe waa lying well ou t of (he w a ter an d apparen tly grounded a t high w ater.

Mr. W right, second vice-president of the A m erican line, says he h a s received s te le­phone m essage from one of th e sh ip 's u lflceri a t Q uarantine to tb s effect th a t th e New York, In chargo of a pilot, w as proceeding up the h a rb o r and a t about b:1U A. M, ran aground on the w est bank o f th e channel, about a q u a r te r of a milo w est southw est of the Q uiekstop buoy.

S team ers have gone dow n lo the New Y ork to tak e off thn passengers In cane th e vessel does not previously get off. T h e re a re S7 first cabin, 13U second cabin and 250 steerage im ssengers on board the s team er.

T he M erritt W recking O nm pany have a pow erfu l t>oat alongside am i the ship will iloubtlfsfl be iloftted a t nex t high w ater, If no t before.

Mr. W right Informed the U nited I 're ss re p o rte r th a t this wus abso lu tely all he knew about the unf<»r(unale oceurrence.

Q U A RA N TIN E, Feb. aW.-Tug I). 8 . A rno tt, shortly a f te r i o 'clock returne*! from the lower bav w here th e a tesjner N ew York is ashore, but did not stop a t Q uaran tine , o r the M crrlu W reck­in g dock, but prort'cded to the city. T u g s sent out from Q u aran tin e w ere un ­ab le 10 overhaul her. Jn m es A. W right, o f the Am erican line, Is a t Q uaran tine on th e tu g H. J. R arrcti, aw aitin g definite new s o f the New Vttrk'B position before proceeding below.

W recking lug w nila in K. C hapm an pass­ed down through the N arrow s nl Mr,W rig h t left Q uurantlne w ith Me tug a t I o 'clock liOund for the Q uickstep buoy, w here the O rdnance tug reported the New Y’ork ashore. ^ __


A P ap sr KI pressing H u n te r's Views Cauies a ItiiU Among lte |m bllrans,

FRA N K FO R T. Ky.. Feb . » . - T h e He- publicans a re in a bad predicam ent, as a re su lt of the Joint ballot yeste rday a f te r ­noon. A large num ber bolted H unter and It w as ail the more d isas tro u s on account of the prom inence of the deserters.

W hen Judge iian d es 's m inie wua called he a rose and asked to be allowed to ex­p la in hla vote. He said It w as painful for him to inaiue the s ta tem e tii th a t he was ab o u t to m ake: th a t H u n te r had been nom inated by the R epublican caucus be­cau se (hey though t hn w as for sound m oney; (ha t m m urs hatl been afloat for som e time th a t Dr. H u n te r was for free s ilver, and thIa had caused a good deal of uneasiness.

H e did not believe the rum ors a t first, b u t since th e ad jou rnm en t of the la st Jo in t oaoembiy it had come to him in such shape th a t he had to w ithhold h is vote from H unter. He felt th a t he m ust. In a il conscientiousness, cast h is vofe fo r a man he knew w as for sound money. He left a paper In the president's hands, so th a t an^' one could exam ine It. The paper read aa follows:

'T hereby agree th a t I will favor such leg islation and w-itl support such m eaaurai a s will resto re sliver to the pdsitlon ll oc­cupied a s prim ary or redem ption money p rio r to 1873, when it wan th e s tan d ard of va lues. W ILLIA M H U N TER."

T he read ing of th is paper caused a g rea t ■tlr In the Republican ra n k s and w as the signal for several speeches. M r Lyons m ade a short speech In w hich he roasted those who deserted H unter. Speaker B land Ford said he would vote for H unter. T he vote w as: H u n te r 57, Htackburn 41, B a ts 1, C arlisle 3. E vans 1, Holt 1, Langley 5, Lew is I, M cCreary t

The Republicans held a caucus last n ight la s t in g over three hours. D r. H un ter was p resen t, and w as asked to m ake an ex ­p lana tion of (he paper signed w ith his h am s and read in the af(ernoon. He re ­plied th a t the p ap er w aa genuine, and th a t l l w as his view of iho platform . He said th a t he w as In fav o r o f sound money and not fo r free Oliver. A fter Dr. H u n te r finished, a g rea t m any H epublicans made speeches.

A resolu tion wa.s finally passed pledging those preeent to support Dr. H unter, Bev- e ra l of the boilers were absent.

T he D em ocratic caucus last night wax of sh o rt duration , and no th ing of im port­ance w as decided on.

CIN C IN N A TI, Feb, 2 . -A special to T h e P ost from Frankfort* Ky., says tha t D r H unter, R epublican rand lda ie fur TTnIted S ta te s Senator, has. In a le tte r (o R ep resen ta tive Lyons, w ithdraw n from th e contest.


Articm Taken by (be Housi* on the Arizona kriioot Lands Hilt.

W ASHINGTON, Feb. 29.-T h e Army Ap­p ropria tion bill w ith Senate am vndm ents WAS laid before the H ouse this morning an d th e am endm ents w ere disagreed to and a conference w ith th e Senate asked. S peaker Reed announced Messra. Hull, M arsh and W ashington a s m anagers on th e p a r t of the House. Mr. Lacey (Rep., Conn,) chairm an o f the Com m ittee on P ublic l*ands, called up tbo rre s ld e n t's veto of (he bill au th o ris in g the Waning of th e school lands In Arisonii, which liill th e S peaker s ta ted th e Houst> naust, under th e C onstitu tion , now reconsider,

Mr. Lacey s ta ted (h a t the House was confron ted with th e constitu tional In lrr- fa rsnoe by (he P residen t wKh Ihe piiHSuge of a bill unanim ously rt^ported hy the C om m ittee of Pub lic T-ands, and which passed both H ouses of Congn-ss unan i­m ously. The bill w as 'ld en tlcu lly sim ilar to th e bill passed In a t the suggestion an d upon the recom m endation of the Com­m issioner of the G eneral l.,and office and S ec re ta ry of the In terio r, and which sub ­sequen tly became a law*. The passage of the bill over the P res ld en l’s vc-io was a d ­vocated by Mr. U nderw ood (Dcm.. Ala-), a m em ber of the com m ittee.

A fte r fu r th e r debate (he House, by a vote o f 200 to 38. passed the bill over the P reolilen t’s veto.

MUST PREPARE FOR TROUBLE.A Spanlah N^'Wifuiper Thiiika (he

iiltbMi o f Itrlligereut IClglds M ould |ii- %<ilvr U atiger-O ther Cioumeiila*

M .M iU ll). 1-Vb. 2S.—The ImparcSal re ­g a rd s the In ternatlunsl s itu a tio n . In view o f th e action of the Kenate o f the United K tatea in regard to I'uba, a s very grave, and expresa4‘s ihe opinion th a t th e reeug- n ltlou o f the betllgcrem rig h ts of t 'u b a In­volves g rea t danger. T he paper nlwo th in k s ti is t Frime M inister C nrovas DH ( 'a s tlllo Is ovcr-patlftU In the face of Y 'ankcc pride.

‘'R palii," euvH tiu liii|»arohil, "m ust p rep a re fo r any i-incrgeiKy. Bhe Is not g re a t III naval s treng th , but, s till, th^ I 'n l trd S ta l ls Is not u I'olossal niu 'al P ow er."

Tlie paper continues In th is vein, s a y ­ing th a t while Hpstn has hum itlsted , Anterb'H iias not been appeased , and fan ­cies sh e can not act with the Biianiati Gov­ernm en t u s she could With tlic T urk ish . Mc»re consldenition would have Iwcn galiK'd for HiihUi had she assuffu-d a de- tcrniln«'il aiiliuiJe, "fo r," say s the Tin- parclnl, "w e are not so w eak a s to ren ­d e r o u r hostility ii m a tte r o f Indlfferenco to s trad ing poutde having no w arlike qualiHes. U m ust siso he tak en Into a c ­count th a t Hpaln is not Iso la tn l In Europe,"*

Tlie ro rrespondeiie ia says th a t the ree- ogn ltlon o f th e Uubsn rebels by the A m er­ican tjovern tnen t Is un rv en l of g raver Im port to ih sn any w hich lias oc­cu rred for years. Kl L iberal denounces the r<K‘ogn1tlon of the heillgerenl rig h ts of the relH'Is as unjust and opposed to law. T he rebels do not represent Uuba, th e m a­jo rity of Uuljans being fs lth fu i to Spain. T he Insurgen ts , the paper c la im s, a re a m inority <jf t>andlts. a d v en tu re rs and the like, whose only object Is pillage.

"S p a in ," says El L iberal, "w ill resist even to the drenching o f th e soli with S pan ish blood any determ ined a tte m p t to affron t hy foreign Intervention those who have never yet subm itted to It. T he p re ­tension o f the W ashington Heimts lu beg­ging I ’reslilen t (.Cleveland to in terpose his good offices lo the end of Independence of C uba, Is l»eyond cnneepllon."

r,O N D U S\ Feh. 2H.-The M 'eslm lnster G axette. in an arilelR tre a tin g of the ac­tion of th e Utiileil R tates Benute In regard to t 'u b a , say s R is a rtllfirult m a tie r lo conceive of Hpein hacking dow n even be­fore th e irnited Biates, especially when she hns defied th e prevailing A m erican fee lln irln apiiointtng to suprem e com m and In t 'u b a a m an bearing (ho rep u ta tio n of U aptaln-G encral W eyler for severity . The G ase lto halleves th a t P res iden t C leveland will adopt a middle course, serv ing a t the sam e tim e to w arn Bnain in a friendly m anner, to take the wind out o f th e sails of th e jingo i's and to convince Spain th a t the I 'n lie d S ta les has In te rests In Cuba w hich m ake )i lm |iosslhle fo r h e r to w ith ­hold her recfjgnillon from the C idm ns u n ­less the {condition of affairH on the Island Is prom ptly Improved. He m ight even go fu r th e r and Insist on home ru le for Cuba,

The Globe regards the H enate 's resolu- ^tion AH a n o th e r en largem ent of th e Mon- ro(* D octrine on a g igan tic scale, and th in k s th a t BfMilii m ay kw b rough t to the a lrs n ia tlv e of subm ission o r w a r w ith a som ew hat stronger Pow er If th e House of R ep rcsen tatlvea should Itulorse the B enate’s action. I f Bnnin should p re fe r w ar to Ihe sacrifice of her honor, stie would unuuestlo iiah ly have In tcrnatlouB l sym - p a tn y on her side. The Globe adds a re ­m inder to the Chauvinist B enalors of the Indignation o f America a t th e tim e of the Civil M a r a t the m ere suggestion of the aiM-ordance of belligerent r ig h ts to tliH rebels by a foreign N ation. "T his re ­m inder. how ever," Th« Globe adds, "Is u t- L-rly profitless."


Nine iVnioDS Floe from (li« Is lan d to Es- ^]l|t^^(pa^i■ll Fcrikeendnn,

riM T .A D E L P H IA , Fell. 30.—On board the N orw egian fru it s team er M oringen, which a rriv ed here yeste rday from Uara- coa, w'cre nine Cuban refugees, who fled from the island to escape Bpanish persecu­tion. Tho refugees were O am lllo A lbert, une of the w ealthiest tohacco p lan te rs on the is land ; hla wife, two d a u g h te rs and his son, and fo u r cigami&kers, w ho had been cmployi’d In Mr. A lbert's fa c to ry . M r. Al­b e rt sym path ised with h is com patrio ts and he fell under the susp icions of the Bpatileh com m ander of the province. The torch w as applied to his tobacco fields and fac to ry an d all was laid w aste.

H e began to g a th e r his resources to­ge ther, b u t before he could co n v ert any g rea t p a r i Of his proi>erty Into ready money he received word th a t th e sooner he le f t C uba th e b e tte r i t w ould be fo r him . W ith b u t $19,000 of all h la e sta te w hich he had received from th e sale of v a rious o f h it effecls, he h astily le ft Bura- coa w ith h is fam ily and fou r of hla em ­ployes upon the steam ship M oringen.

Mr. A lbert drew the gloom iest of p ic t­u res o f the s ta te of Cuba. The flame of w ar h a s sw ept from th e ea s te rn to the w este rn p a r i of th e Island, leav ing n o th ­ing b u t desolation and ru in In Us track and every Industry and business on the la land Is prostrm tM and pa ra ly sed . He says th a t vessels a rriv in g th e re fo r c a r­goes a re unab le to ob tain them , as ne ither the h a rv e s t of su g a r cane o r tobacco has l>een g a th e red and they a rc forced to seek o th e r p o rts fo r th e ir loads.


T h ree of a Fam ily o f E ig h t Dead and the O thers Dying*

CHICAGO. P fh . » . - T h r e e nf the fam ­ily of e ight dead and the o thers dying is th© fr ig h tfu l re su lt o f th e fscRpc of coal g a s yeste rday m orning in the residence of F ra n k Btuenkcl, a fa rm er living a few m iles sou thw est of Chicago Hclghls. near C rete , MTU County. - .

P hysic ians a u en d ln g th e fam ily 'say the m o th e r and fou r o f the S iucnkei children w ill die. The fa ther. Ihe o ldest.daugh ter R osam ond, aged th irteen , and hSs four- year-o ld child Della, a re a lready cold In death .

T he gas escaped from a la rg e coal stove In a low er room. Th© m other was aw ak­ened during the n ig h t by the cries of th© ch ild ren , bu t did not notice the hot stove ■nd the gas. One by on© the fatnllv dropped off an<Lit w as no t until 7 A. M. th a t Aelp a r r l ^ d and th e cause of the troub le w as discovered,.


U nknow a H a n A ttem pted to K I l l J o h o H* t^ p i t l r k W hile D riving.

nOONTON, Feb. 29.*-John H . C apstlck, p res iden t of the Boonton N ational Bank, an d a m em ber of the firm of John Cap- a tlck A Sons, o w iien o f . tb p Columbia P r in t MIU^ a t MonlvHle, ab o u t (wo miles from Boonton, w as shot a t by an unknow n person T hursday n ig h t w hile driv ing from B oonton to his home, a t M ontv Ule.

M r, C apstlck, w ith bis w ife, had bs«n spend ing the evening w ith friends In Boonton. and w ere re tu rn in g to the ir hom e a t Il;30 o'clock. W hen passing a lone ly spot near a little p Isa:© know n here a s O aklahom a. a m an c&me from behind .a b lack im lth shop and fired a shotgun, the ball from which w h lised p a s t th e ir faces.

T he horse became frig h ten ed and s ta r te d on a run , and the would-be m u rd s rs t e*- (&ped. DsteOUves a re w ork ing on th e c a s e . ____________ ______

Chief Clerk X e sr to Oo>T a x R eceiver Ju liu s B, F in g e r a t noon

to -day notified Charles F , K eer, who haa been chief clerk during hla adm lh ls tra llon an d under the Demoi^raiic adm inistration* th a t hla services would be no longer re ­quired . Mr. K eer Is an e x p e r t accoun tan t, an d during the busy season in th e Reeelv* e ris office In Septem ber an d Dotober t h f

w o r | dCTptTW.

R um or A bout Coneal-Oeueral M'llJIsnis.HAV A NA . Feb, 28.—A repo rt w as In c ir­

cu la tion here to-day th a t U nited S ta te s C enaul-O eneral R. 0 . M'llHams had re ­signed. T h e United P ress le a rn s th a t he h a s no t on ly not resigned* b u t th a t he has no In ten tion of resigning.


D ispu ting Claims Mode for 1>»inafes H#- su lting from a (!!nllleion.

A h e a ted dlscusalon a s to th e claim for dam ag es to two boats ow ned by the S te­phens an d Condit T ran sp o rta tio n Uom- pany , caused b y a coHlslon w ith the HrUKe s tre e t b ridge on May 11 la st, m arked the inoeling of th e Jo in t Bridge C om m ittee of the Keeex and H udson C ounty Freeho ld­ers, held yeste rday afte rnoon . The dis- pu tan tfl w ere J . H. D awson, rcpri'sen tlng the com panv. and Thom as F an n in g , super­in ten d en t of the bridge. M r. Dawson a |i- pcared before the oom m itlee to urge the a d jn s im e n t of a bill for $1,800 fo r dsm sgcrt to th e tow boat N ew ark and th e schooner Joseph ine.

Mr. D aw son said (h a t the collision was due to th e fa ilu re of the d raw to open when tilgnalled. .H o added th a t hla com pany's Item ized bill for dam ages h ad been Ix^fgre the com m ittee for several m onths, and he w an ted to know w ha t cou rse th e com m it­tee p roposes to take. T he t»lU w ax read by the sec re ta ry , and F reeho lders H an n a and M cN ally questioned th e co rrec tness uf eoine o f th e claims.

S u p erin ten d en t Fanning* w ho fo rm frly w erked on tho boats of the com pany, di.- c la red th a t many of th e ch arg es were ex o rb itan t. He said (h a t Im m ediately a f ­te r tho coUisloti ho boarded Ihe boats, and found th a t tho dam age w as (rifling. 'The eu p erin ten d en t took exception to the Item of th e bill w hich charged $100 for the re­p a irs to th e steering g ea r of thn schooner. In s is tin g th a t the gear w as n o t (jamaged.

M r. D aw son disputed th is s ta tem en t, and c o n trad ic tio n s flew back and fo rth a t a lively ra te . The com m ittee finally re^ f e r r ra the m a tte r to a sub ‘Commitlee con­s is tin g o f C hairm an Dean* Frecholdors K einhard* M cNally and R lo i^an , who will m eet w ith Counsels M unn, o f Essex, and N oonan, o f Hudson* fo r Investigation.

E n g in ee r Owen presented a bill for $1.1W0 fo r repa irs to th e B ridge s tree t and C lay s tre e t bridges. The bill w as ordennl paid. Isa ac Jam es, of E ssex ('oun ly , was appo in ted engineer of the Rrldge street bridge, to succeed John Sohick* who died y e ste rd a y m orning.

B altim ore 's Big kfrlke hHllI On,B A LTIM O R E, Fob. 2H.—G a rm e n t w ork­

ers a n d clo th ing m an u fac tu re rs ronilm te to ta lk n g h t as persisten tly a s cam lldaips for th e p rize fight cham pionship. AnoUitr s im ila rity between (hem Is to be found from th e fa c t th a t there seem s to be no Im­m ed ia te p rospect of g e ttin g logelher. A slde from the talks, ppoclam ailons, etc.* n o th in g new developed In th e s trik e s itu a ­tion th is m orning. The beet fe a tu re of the s tra in e d re la tions between th e m anuL v- tu re rs an d the six thousand strlk*-ps Is the a lm o s t abso lu te freedom from disorderly o u tb reak s . The strikers re p o rt dally ac­cession to th e ir ranks, and th e re appears to be good grounds for th e ir claim s.

A ss«ssineat R^ivorti (.'onflrnied*S evera l rep o rts of the C om m issioners of

A ssessm en t w ere confirmed by Judge C hild in the C ircuit C ourt to -day on the ap p lic a tio n o f City A ttorney Depue, One w aa fo r th e sewer on W ash ing ton avenue, from E lw ood avenue to C a r te re t s treet, and a n o th e r w as for the L an g s tre e t sew er, A th ird report w as fo r th e sew er on O ran g e s tree t and a n o th e r w as for th e S o u th N in th s tree t sew er, w hile s till a n o th e r w as for the benefits a ris in g from th e aew e,' on F ifth avenue, from F ifth s t re e t to S ix th street. N o otvjQctloiis were en te red to th e confirm ations.

A T elephone Company Iono^poratf^1,T he M ontcla ir and Bloomflelcl Telephono

Companjy had lU artic les of Incorporation recorded to -day tn the C ounty Clei^^s of­fice, T h e com pany will do buriness in M ontrialr* Bloomfield, V erona, Caldwell and G len Ridge. The cap ita l stock Is p laced a t | 10Q,0w and business will be com ­m enced w ith $38,000. T he Incorporato rs a re E u g en e W. Davis, o f New Y ork City; G eorge B, H arrison , of (Taldwell, and Ira B. C ran e , Jacob H enderson, W illiam M. T ay lo r a n d Alfred fi. Badgiey* of Mom- Clair*

imm OF M ITiLlM,Tried to Burn Up Five of His Fellow-


S E T F I R E TO H O U S E W H E R E T H E Y S L E P T *

(n th e Act h} a Young ( ilr l. W ho I s i k i l nn DfTtcf'r in Tlint* (o Fro^fiit a JloIoTHUttt and ArrrM (In* Flrnd-l'nsiM *- tT»»ful A tlciit|i( !iIad**to Kill (he I'rliMiii- er* Vi ho ( ’imrc««ii>d HU Crline an d Maid II* IH4 l( lIrrttiiM* 1lU Intvm ird V lrtlin i W ere T iik liig llte Kread (Nil of I lls Yluiiih,

I ll I,. Hi NKWft.CAMDKN, r*‘l'. L*i'. -Jaiiibt'on, it v illa in -

ous-luukliig »f|tiuiiK»'nHr1iiu IlsH sn. Is In the coum y Jail on (he chiirze of a rso n am t Hiteminlni.; lo n v in a tc tivu uf his fi-liow country im>n.

JainliHon llv rs m W tiiiTfonl. th is county , l ie has viorklng for Charles O. B erry, a fiin n rr, who r in 'n t ly purchased a t r u r t i)f brush laniJ hihI htui enauKcd Jum ticou In clearlnK it off.

UHiig desirous of having (ho lanil p re ­pared fo r sp rin g plam lug, Mr. Berry put several o tiic r Itahm iii uu the work. A m ong (hem w ere five men who lived In one of J o ­seph W h ar lo n ’s houses on C hestnu t UrtM t, In W aterfo rd . Jam beou bus fo r seve ra l days been brooding over (he f a r t (hu t o the rs w ere a t work In the "clearing,** an d b ^ a m e m orose and moody. L*ast n igh t, sh o rtly a f te r 10 o'elm-k, a young I ta lia n girl, liv ing optioiKe the house occupied by (ho five I ta lian s , saw n small tde ie ag a in s t the aide of th e house sinl ran acro ss to see wha( It meHitt. Shu found a m an se ttin g fire tu the building, hut the nnlao of tho sto rm ra g in g prevented him from hearing tile g irl Mpproaehlng.

The g irl ran to ('o iislalde H oum an R ales 's lioiel and (old her story . R atos ran to the bu rn ing house and th e re found Jam benn w ith u miming pitch pine to rch setting tire t« o ther pa rts of ihe building. H ates overpow ered Jam beon und placed him under a rre s t.

T he oeeu iian ts of (he house w ere arOUseJ and the g ir l’s scri'um s Hud b rough t out o th e r lUillatiH, wliu hasleTied in e x ­tingu ish th e fiames, it was found (h a t pHrh pine sp llu ie rs . lowkid In coal oil, had been fa s tened up beneath the w ea th e r boards alt uruund ihe hoii^e, and had not the fire been diseovered until the fiendish

J ia l la n had set nil (he sidin ters In a b lasu the Inm ates could not have escaped cre- m atlnn,

\Vheji th e fli-e w s( ex tinguished (he Ttajlans. w ith knives aiitl clubs, a t te m p t­ed to a tta c k Jsiiibi^ou and would have killed him had nut Consmlde H ales pru- tfc ted him.

H utes look his prisoner before J u s l i r e K ohout. o f N orth ('hesllhursi. end Kllhu C lark drove aevt rn | miles for U nnstable M lltanl l»elt«, who brought Jnm beun to the county Juil a t an early huur th is m orii- ing.

The h<Mise w hich was set nn (Ire Is nearly a hundred y ears uld, and is as d ry as (In- der. Jam b eo n tOMlny said (he Ftatlaiis w ere ta k in g his grubbing nml the b read from h is m o u th an>l he conf>ssed th a t ha w an ted to k ill iht'm

TO BE DEALT WITH IN ITALY.A Man IVlio YYai liull<*le<l In I 's ie i ('i>iiri(y

fi»r M anslaugh ter Mill Hu T r ln l In HU Own Couutry.

A p ecu lia r luw of Ita ly has luen i^rnught to b e a r on a m u rd e r n'H.se in th is county . The law le one which provides fur the (r ia l in I ta ly o f a m an who Iims com m itted a crim e in a n o th e r country and tied lo hla na tiv e land . U nder this Irw A ndrea de Guzlldmo, who sho t Berafineo A ufuro In O range on M ay JK last and then (led lo Ita ly , will soon bo trb-il In the lu o e r eoun- (ry. T he I ta lia n C'onHu) in New York has requeelcd i*rosecuLor t'ru iie tu forw ard to (he t 'r lm ln a l C ourt In Avelllnn. Ita ly , all the reco rds In th e cane uml th is will be done.

Tho B ro secu to r hw!( been assured (h a t De (lusU iim o has been a rre s tn l, on in fo r­m ation from Det«H.-llve John C asale. of Mr. C ra n e 's office, and th a t Ihe p risoner ear) and will be punished if the necessary d o cum en tary evidence shall be forw arded to th e I ta lia n authoritlcH,

The accused h a s been Indicted here on a charge o f m anslaugh ter, but under the c ircum stances, Mr. Uranu suys, he will not be b ro u g h t back here on pxirudltlon pa|>era, th e local authorltlea being eatls- fied (h a t he w ill be punished sufflcJeiitiy in his na tive land* and ttiai th is course will save th is coun ty from considerable ex­pense. T he shooting was thoroughly In- vcsllgated a t the lime It occurred by D e­tectives W illiam F. Volk and Casulc, both of whom a rc connected with the iT usucu- to r 's offioe. T h ey learned th a t A ufu ro bad enllceii U« U uzlldm o’s wifo aw ay sum* tiiMH before (he shooting, but her husband iniluewl her lo re tu rn lo him. Un the n ig h t of tl>e shooting he louk the erstw hile lover to task for b is cor)du<-i. A ufuro tried to g e t aw ay, nnd li.id s ta r te d to gu to h is home, when Dc U urildm o flhot film, th e bu lle t lodging lu the m an 's back. He w as re ­moved to thf* MounLalnsIde H ospital, and there he illed alKiiit live m anlhn la te r. Boon a f te r the shouting De (JuzIUimo dla- appeured. D cicctivca Volk and CuHale worked liidUMiriuiJHly on the case and soot) Were In puHSeMBloti of In forn iatlon wtdeh Jed them lu believe th a t th e Ilian had ll^d tu hiK native land an d th a t he was living a t H an ta J'aobna, Ita ly .

iMMeetivu t.’asale, acting under Iiistruc- lltjiirt fn>ni th e I'ro»ei:ULuf, w ro te lu (he anllm nll«‘H In K aly and delaib-d th e fa> ls of (be case. He also sent an e x ac t de- sen]*iJon o f (he fugitive, and In a r e ­m arkably sh o rt tim e Mr. C rane wuh in- furm ed by th e Ita lia n Bonsul iu New York ihiil be had been iiolilSed of (he m a n 's a r- reH(. Follow ing closa uj»on IhlH rejMjrt cam e a le t te r from (he Uonsul, enclosing fth ulfirlal c(i[>y o f the fbidlrig of the D a l­ian (.'rlm lnal C ourt and asking for a ll the d o n im cn ta ry evidence in ihi: case, Mr. F ranc a t once Inslnicte 'd his officers to (nuke u(> (he record In Die ruse, and to- (liiy they wi-re busy In gelling iiia lie ra In the p roper shape.

The I'ecords will ronslst of the Rworn deposition o f the olTlcers who InvcRUgated (hi; ruse, an d also o f tho wilncsw 'a o f Die shooting. A cr rtllled ropy of the j'vsull of the a ittupsy on (he dead m an 's body anil the iir lso n e r's record In this c o u n try will also he fo rw ard ed to the Ita lian a u th o r i­ties. T he prlHoner'a frlonda In O raiigu say he w as Jusiified In (he khooting.

K rnest V. A. R etfa tto . a local law yer of Itn lian birth* explained, when seen by n rpjm rler fo r the NEVVH, th a t no form of rauH al pu n ish m en t now existed In I ta ly , It h a v in g been abolished some yearn ago, M urd ere r^a re punished upon conv ictlon liy Im prisonm eiU for from idgUteen to (wen- ty-one yearn . The ac l niak*lng It posstble for the I ta lia n au tho ritie s to try a citizen of the K ingdom th e re for e crim e com m it­ted In a n o th e r coun try da tes from the ilm c of th e old H om an laws.


The C om m issioners Take gteps T ow ard gc*. cu rin g a iMace H|»e<-lally B uilt.

On a rc o u n t o f (he Ann R treet Rrhool being ovrrcrow iled , the Hoard of ?:3duca- tlon 's Bchoolhoune Com m ittee a t 11s m ee t­ing held Innt n igh t decided to secu re an annex, lo bu ilt cnpeclally for th e p u r- liosc.

<'om m lnsloner N alhan has for seve ra l monlhH bnen u rg ing the com m ittee upon the nt'cesnliy of such Hclion.

Mrs. Arlelheld F m h n e rt has agreed to erect a tw o-sln ry fram e building ad jo in ­ing th e . school profirny , (o bo la rge enough lo accom m odate eighty pupils, flecreiary A rgue wan directed to no tify her th a t If th e build ing should be ready for OJ^cupallon by Aju-ll 1, the board wonl«l lease th e build ing for a ywir* a t a m on th ly ren ta l of ytok------ .................

Hlulv Money hi flo to sC akr. Wftik.R tV B Il R m iK . Fnh, 2 0 ,-L ltji* rp d ik o ,

a colored q irl who live, noar th is plHcr, w&a arrcaitMi y re to rday for siealhiff fiom a w rv a iu Klrf a a a lch d cotilalninK |ir?5U In m oney, a *old rlii* and a belt. Sho con- fcBacd to thu printia and aald th a t ahe had taken th e m oney lo a ttm d a colored t ake- walk to-n lB hl a t Peet»hur,f. ghc had JD in m oney on h e r iieraon when aearchetl hu t refuHMl to te ll w hal aha had done w ith the h a lu m e UT th e money and ilije . She wua co m m itted to Ihe H ackenw ak Ja il.

r r n i l n n t Oratilpd to Jeiwryitea.Mpfrial Dlrpatch to tbs NBW0.

WABIMNUTON Feb. at,—The follow ing New J e r ie y penaloti* were lanued to-day t O rig inal—Jo h n 1», Jlarcaluw , T en n en t; W illiam th a rk . Jeraey City; A braham llaiip, B ridgeton , K enew al-W IlIIatn B. hum . R ah w ay . H cli» u e -Jam ea IJoraey, Jeraey C ity : I to h e rt Htnlth, N ew ark ; W ill­iam J . C ham berla in , T renton. OrlqlJial widows ,e tc .—M arion W. W eldrick liin lra- tow n; B elay K, Sm ith, N ew ark. Hcleauc— C atherine S tlerle , Newark.

A q a ln .t a T rolley Freight Ilualneaa. N ine orgaM ltatlona were reuresen ted a t

the Easex T radea Council m eeting, held la s t n ight. A t th e request o f.l> e le g a te W lndlarh. o t the B akers' i 'n ton iSs, H eli- g a te l.iidlow , o f the T ailors' Union, ofrered a reso lu tion calling on the Board of S tre r t an d W a te r t.'om m lssloners to refuso to

o w . . . g ra n t perm ission to th e Consolidated T rac -to eng*,* to tre igb t o a y « -


^HlJ^frllM•r■ to th e Fund Rurreader the <h»-Mi>ii iiu 1(, hut w ill K efp t 'p T heir W ork.

M i^ur K loU B rre e n ts lu iio tisilo tis*"I bi-lb'Vt Ibp botel pro ject Is a failure*

but If v>v give up our option un tb a l (property f bH icve It will bu an absolu te ralbicf.'* Then** w ords w*to spokcii by M ajor ti'imutd K io li a t a trcelltig of sub- !*crlb<Tt to the fund for the proposed hotel Ju'ld in the Hoard of T rade rooms yeste r­day afu-rnouti. 'llu* M ajor's rem ark was brought out by a m otion offi'ri’ij by F rcd- t 'r b k Frcllnghtiysen . to (he effect that the option un (ho B ark placi- site should nllowt-d lo gr> by the board "w hen ll ex- p jres to -m orrow ," but th a t ih r Hoard of T rade ( 'um m ltico should continue lo so lic it lubscrlpdonM .

'J'hero w ere only fou r o r live stibaorlftors I 'rrsen t w hen the tim e set for the m eeting a rrived . Mr. K lotx exprcssnl regret th a t iTiqre ln(i re s t w as not m anifested, and h r ib-t'Uirid th a t he fe lt itlsconriiged a t the mitlook.

" i had H g re a t (IchI of Die en th u siism knoekeil out of m e the o ther day." Mr. K lo ti w ent on to sav , "hy a fellow who cam e to m e and liU lm ated very broadly th a t t w as g e ttin g well paid or expected to well paid fo r w hat 1 was doing. H rn lh e r m ade m e ftud like giving up e n tire ­ly, but there Is a elasR of such con tem pti­ble devils In th is c ity who, having hot a sp a rk of In teg rity o r of honesty about them* esn not see an y th in g good In any« body else, an d SH*>m (o th ink (hat every- bully acts MH (hey would under like vlr- cunistaiicea."

Several su h se rth e rs scouted (he Idea of Mr. K ln ts 's g iv ing up, Mr. K tots then ad- viK'ated th e e rection of a cheaper building* IDs plan w as to buy the Bark place «lle* en te r Into u co n tra c t tu |>ay for It In easy paym ents atu i endeavor to Increase the subiK^rlpilon lis t frum $1B0,1)00 to HOU.OOD be­fore jiosscsnlon should be taken. T hen when (he $2U0*ttXI should have been ra ised an additional ttHO.onu coutd be raised on m ortgage and thr< ImlAoce would he snh- scribi'd for by c o n irac to rs nr m ade up while the build ing w as in course of treo - (lun, Tho g re a t <]U«‘stlon. (hough, w as w here the w as com ing from, Mr.K in d said.

Resptniding (n tho suggestion fo r finan­cial aid* 1C, R. Unrluiff said he would double his suhsn rlpdun and he one of fifty to rn n ir lh u ic the adidKIonal t'Ui.ono. Jam es McUonnld de^'bircd his wlUlngness to double his subscrlp ilon , and a sim ilar offer w as m ade a m om ent la lc r by W allses M. Hciidder.

M ajor K lots th en atmouncpd th a t W ill­iam ( 'la rk had ag reed to Increase his aub- si'rlpdon In an em ergency and th a t bo had a lso received a prom ise from a m an whose nam<‘ he did not m ention who w as w illing to put up $lu,iNio w hen the lubscrlp tlon Hat should rcsi'h $W.(wn.

The M ajor had licpcd for a la rge r m eet­ing. and find r a th e r an tic ipated tha t th e su liscrtbers w ould au th o rise the com- m lttre (n go ahead , buy the site and p re ­pare for the ertM'tlon of the building.

''T h e re Is only one way to build the ho ­te l," pu t In C. H. ('am ero n . "Hiid th a t Is to buy (he p roperly and go ahead. If we let ihc m utter d rop now N ew ark will never get a hotel."

A different View w as hebt by Mr. Pre- linghuyscn, who ven tu red ^he ojilnion th a t ]f Ihu hotel should he stariM * Insiesd of bringing m ore suhscrlp tlone In It would slup Diem. He did not think th a t th e cotiimUtee would l>e justltled In closing th e upilon under the cIrcumstancBS.

"\Vf* can eaelly g e t a site when we have chough subsc rip tions," he concluded.

" ( 'd u We ge t subscrlfd lon i w ithou t a Bite?" put In J am e s A. Uoc,

"A p p aren tly n o t," adm ilted Mr. F rellng- huvBt-n,

T he closing of (he oidlon a t the present tinm w as 0|iposed by Mr. t.^rcon ihe ground Diat the p u rch ase price would am ount tu ahuu t (w o-th lrd s of the to ta l suh- s::rlpMon. l ie did jjot ftilnk th a t It would be guixl policy tn close such a big deal w ith such an uiu tT ta tn ly ns to the sources from which (h r m oney w as to come. These view s were Inibu-seil by Mr. Frclinghuyscn and Mr. Kcudder.

Mr. F rellnghuysen declared th a t he W)is so rry to ad v o ca te (be giving up of (be site, hut he said he did not see tne feasi­b ility of th e p lan to close the option. He follow nl th is w ith A m otion lh a t It be lht« sense of the m eeting th a t the subacrlhers w ere not In a posIDon to close the option Hiid th a t (he com m ittee be continued to solicit more subscrlp llo iis.

" I f th a t 's Dir case I'll w ithdraw all my In te res t," dsidared Mr. C arhuff with em- (dmsis, "I d o n 't believe ano ther equally goud site could be obtained anyw here in the city. K very siibScrllMT here ought to tu rn In and help th e eoim nlttce by g e tting one or two o th e r subscribers. I don 't w an t to be on the com m litee. but n i g u a ran tee to get tw'u subaerlp tiuns myself. If th s business men HUfl middle class of men In N ew ark a in 't g u t sand enough lo s tand up for loO.KuU* then th is c ity never ought lo have H ho tel."

M r I 're , Mr. FrellnghuysPn and L. Rpi^nrcr <fuble advocated the sdoption of the muDon.

" I 'l l m ake th is prediction* genllemen* and 1 d o n 't know w h a l you will th ink or It," Broke up Mr. K lots. "bu t I will say th a t If you bd th is option expire you will nut be able to ra ise $to,u00 In the city of N ew ark w ithin the nex t tw o m onths."

"flu re 's you’re l>orn!'' pu t in Mr. Uam- eron*

Mr. Cam eron (hen suggested lh a t a site to cost ahuut $M*(KiU be selected, and a $akl.- Oun hulidlng erpoiN-cl, (f no hetter could had, a s N ew ark sltoubl have a new hotel.

At th is t>olnt M ajor K lo li m ade the re ­m a rk s quuLeil in the openinK paragraph and followed th**rn by saying th a t (he best th in g that could bo done would he lo adopt u resolution euiTonderlng the option a n d ' go home.

AfUT fu r th e r dlsiuisslon, the motion o f­fered ]»y Mr. FrclInKbuysc-n was put and carried .


T h e W elbhiiowii JUtsevlUiA liiy il r ls u a Vli> (Jii> o f ViRllgiiaiil iDlphlherta.

A fte r u shu rt lllnena which, until T hu rs­day night, wiiH not ronslitf-red siTlous* Dr. Ldw ard KverlU died i.ist night a t hla la te rewidenre, [i.K7 W arrtu street. T h e physlclun becam e nffllried last Humlay by w liut be conhlib'red quinsy sure throat. He wna treate«1 for such a complaint, and early In the w«i k had the affecleil^parls lanced with such rc su lis Dmt He was able lo a ttend to h is practice imtll T hursday nlglu. Y esterday he became worse, but did nut take tn Ills bed.

Dr. W illiam F. Heggs, who had her-n a t- Jir. I‘'v e rit( , was enJIeiJ, und be­

coming som ew hat niurm ed at his p a tle n t 'i c<ui-j)ilon. In* sum m rm cd Dr. Kdgar V. .Moffat, of >(irsnge. in consultation. T he two jdiysictanH then dlugnosed Dm case as une of ninllKuaiK iHphtlmrla.

I>r. K veriit bore up rem arkably well, declining to go tu bC4l and during the day he Httended to suine biislncsf by telephone. In the sfiernoiin tw o holtles uf au tltox lna w ere Injected in to the patient, but (he dlSf ease lu d gained too much headway and tiic iluclor could not be savfd.

Deep regret Is expressed throughout the Hnseville iMstrlcL where J>r. Hvi-rltl w as popular fur m any years. A sad fea tu re of the case la th a t a t the Him* he was slrlok- en will) Die nuklady the doctor w as a tten d ­ing two children on BIxth avenue, both of w huni had d iph the ria . It Is iieljeved th a t the idiyslclan co n trac ted tho disease from his HUIe p a ticn is . Of necessity the fu ­neral will be p riva te , but positive arraTi|ce-> nu-nis Imvti not y e t been made for the Tn- lerm enL

Deceased w as A bachelor and cam e to Hosevltlo from New York Hiatn about twelve years ago. An aun t of his kept house fur him and the only o ther re ls tlve ho was know n to have was a s ister who lives aomi'Where in the Fm plre Btate. A f­te r settling In h is (hen new house, the doc- ir>r Joined the Hnsevllle Athletic Associa­tion and rem ained jirom lnent In the annata uf (h a t orKanixHtlon until the tim e of his tlealh. He w as tre a su re r for about four y<'urs, and n m**mber of Ihe Board of 1)1- rei-(ors. A special m eeting of the club has been cniled lo r to -n igh t to take action on Ih^ <lnath.

The doctor w as a Iho conneoiol w ith m any social o rgan izations. He was medU cal exam iner for Hosevllle Bouncll. Ttuyul A rranum ; HosevlUo (V)uncll. O rder of Chosen Friends, nnd (he R<isevlllo Bon- clave, of the im proved O rder of H epta- sophs. Word h a s w e n sen t to the siste r In New York R late and It Is prohnble (ha t (he rem ains will be held un til slio has been heard from.

A meeting o f fellow physicians has been called for to-m orrow nflernoon a t 3 n'clnek lu u k e netinn On the death of D r. K verltt. The m eeting will he held In th e office of the B nlled S ta tes Industria l In ­su rance iJom pany. &N>1 Hroad sireet*

A L ittle G irl M lising.F o r m ore than a week fourtpen-year-

olil Floreiicu H a rris , a bright colonnl child, hab huen m issing fmm her home a t 7s T lchenor s treet. H er m other, Mrs, K lla H arris , has sought for her In vain an d hag Invokud thu a id of lh« polloe in h e r search . 'The g irt left her home on Feb* lu a ry 19 on a collecting trio In a id of a colnred church and when la st seen she w ore a brown s triped dress, brow n cape and d rah co a t and hat. Bhe carried g lea ther Katchel and a book In which she recorded the con trlbu tlona she received*

Dr* LrhIlMi-li No la iiiger H ealth Officer* D r. fMiarlos Lehlbach ceased lo be

H ealth Officer i t noon to-day, his reelgna- tlon having been accented by the H ealth Board a t Its la s t m eeting. Dr. Lehlbach tu rned the keys of th s office over to Super* Intendont of ItiBpsctorip David D. Chand* ler. ^

(inu lled a W rit o f O rtlo rart*A p 'rit of cer tio ra ri w as granted by the

Sui^reinc Court to-day . on appltoatlon of City A lion iey D epue, for a review o f th e la x Jevled by th e tow nship of Belleville on th e N ew ark p ipe lla a jrhlolb T i M

The Board of Edn ration Approves ol the Selection for a High School

sna.ouo more for improvements,

Hcliool ronim lislonerS llo]»ef^l o f ll^relv* lug VIS,000 Mors TbSD th s Law F r» vb lrs fur kchuul <jonstrurtlon*-The Coal o f Itu im lng tb s Arhonls In tffOd k s t Forth In a H eport-K Igurss In th e 1900 B udget hrbool I>l»tri<1 Lines ('hangM l,

T he Hoard of K ducatlon a t Us m crtln i held la st n igh t concurred lu the recom> m endsilon of the Scboolhuuae C 'ommlttw and authnrlxed the puruhass o f a plot

feet At tho so u thern end of (h# bbv k bounded by Bafk* r s in T l. F if th ave­nue. Jiiiigit s treet and Hlxth avenue, for a ■lie for the High Bohoot.

T he Hchoolhouse ('om nitllee . following Ihe suggestion of AM erman H srrlg a ii In a resolutlun offired and adopted by the board, requested the Common Council to provide nieans for Ihe purehase of (h© whole block* which i i SuOxHUO feet, T h t following le iu lutloii w as uuanlimoualy adopted;

"Ilesolved, That the b o a r l purchase, w ith the concurrence of the Common Council, the plot of ground SonBlstlng of lota bounded in d descrllied os follows: Be­g inning a t the northw est co rner of Sixth avsftua and Kldge siroet, (hence running northerly along Ridge s lre e t »0 feet, thence In a s tra ig h t line w esterly to P a r ­k e r s treet, thence runn ing southerly along P a rk e r s trep t lo Sixth avenue, thence eas te rly along Hlxth avenue to place of beginning, together w ith the buildings and appurtenan rea s itu a te (hereon, and* fu rth er , th a t (he board reqviest th e Com­mon ( 'oun rll to Issue bonds In the sum of $100,000 fo r the p u n 'haae of (he above- nam ed tra c t. It la a lso rerom m ended th a t In (he opinion of the Hoard of Fduca- Don It Is very desirable th a t the rem tinde t of the block* extending lo F if th avenue, be purchased a t th is time, provided th« Common ( ’ounrit will concur and supplj an additional sum of IDO.UUO fo r th a t pur­pose w ithout Im pairing th e fund content- p lated by the original a c t m uthoritlng Ihi rrc r tlo n of D;e pruposed H igh BchooL"

C hairm an Gay of the Bchoolhouse Com- m ltice reiHirtfHl to the hoard th a t the p roperty th a t It is proposed to purchase will cost ahnnt tiii.oud, leav ing 1X16,000 et th e am ount th a t the city Is allow ed by law to expend lo be itevoted lo th e construc ­tion of (he building. Mr. Q sy so ld tb a l fo r the selpciloii of the s ite m uch o f th( credit was due Com m issioner Ijowti,

The F inance t'om m iU ee p resented Its •sU m ate of the expensea of the board for IHW. and Die budget, w hich waa adopted* will be sent io the i?ommun Council, i t la estim ated th a t $3.’ .iMn will be received from ths Rtaie. T his sum m ust, according to law, be devoted to th e paym en t of leaciiers* aalarlcs* The to ta l am o u n t th a t U Is now calculated will be spen t fo r te ach e rs ' salaries In KM,W(* lhen*fors th e c ity will W n-qulred to ra ise $l0i*&$8 to m ake up (he balam 't.

T he o ther municipal expenses will, It Is an tlilp a tcd , bn as follows:Officers' sa la ries ..................... |IS*W0J a n ito rs ' salsriHS............... *.................. 17*000Innldentai expennes* ...* ..**,**,*,.**« 2*2nuIlopalra .................................................... J0.0U)TcxtlK»oks, s ta tionery and p rin ting 10,000F u rn itu re anti su p p lie s ... ..* .............. 11,000lleH llng a p p a ra tu s ................................ 11*0(10Fuel .................................................. *........ 16,000H cnis .......................*...................... 7,000Insurance ....... 2*000Gan ............................................................ 1,0»Water ........... *..................... 2,900C ensus .........*................... *..................... 2,100

T utal municipal expend itu res .......1162,190T o ta l am ount fu r c ity lo r a is e . . . .1272,762 Under the law the ('um m on Council Is

rcqulrt'ij to raise $lUViO> fu r school con­stru c tio n puriKjses. The board proposes th is year lo expend $112,QUO fo r tnla pu r-

Iinse, Honda will he issued In th e sum of liNi.Oon and the am ount placed In the ta x

ordlnancK. The Hehoolhouse (.'om m ittee protiosei to perform the following work d u rin g the year;F ir s t W ard, additional co u rt W eb­

s te r titreel School......... ........... 11.600T hird W ard, ichuol s ite and bu ild ­

ing .......................... 26.006F ifth M’ard additional ground ad*

juin lng Liifayette B treet BchooL* 2,600 Hlxth W ard, purchase of school s ite . 10.006 E ig h th M'ard, addition to Bum m er

Avenue Hc-hoot, fou r.c ta ssroom s. J6.000 T en th Ward, addition to Ann B treet

Bi^hooi* eight c lassroom s.. ......... 26*000Eleventh W ard, addition to N orth

Seventh B treet H<'hou1................... 26.006Tw etfili W ard, purchase of ground

fu r school purpusi-8................ 7,600

T o tal ....................... -liuM O(Commissioner Hlllcoeks p ro tes ted a g a in s t

the adoption of the budget fo r th s reosoiv th a t no provision w as m ade fo r en la rg in g the N ew ton B treet Bnhool, w hich w as over­crowded, and no p lace th a t could be u sed a s a h annex could be secured* he aald. H lg nm tlon to re fe r the budget back lo tb s F in ­ance C om m ittee was lost.

Buperintendflnt B arringer, In a com m unl- cuDon. Informed the l>oard th a t he had chongtid the p rim ary school d is tric t l ln s t as foTlowi:

M onmoulh H tred fl<.‘hoo l-H lK h s tre s t, W averly place to H arclay s tre e t (botrx sidtii). 10 Spruce* to IT lnce s tree t, to K in ­ney s treet, to plaro of beg lnn lr^ .

Booth T enth Slree! S chool-B prlngfle ld avenue. South T w elfth s tre e t, to T h ir­teen th avenue, to Bouth N ln(h irtraet. to floulh (grange avenue. T he div id ing lin e betwe^^n the W averly Avenue and th e f i f ­teen th Avenue School Is fixed a t Doulh T w elfth s treet.

An Kemlxed s ta tem en t of the expenseit to r IJiKi, which the board is required lo com ­pile, WHS iiresntUed by th e F inance Com­m ittee, and it will be forw artled to tho ( ’onmH)M Counrll. The rep o rt la a s fol­lows;

i iE rE n 'T H .SHite app ro p ria tio n ............. ........... 63Hidie lu x .. ....................................... 34J.5MIJHalancn from 1S(M.............. 10.68k 12T hx o rd inance.................................. 175.370(0ConllnKerit fund........ ......... ffi,500 OdC ash deposited w ith Comp­

tro ller ............................................. 526.23In te re s t tm bcqucHts........................... 240 06

T o ta l ................ -$0H4,2W1 UF X I'E N n iT U R K S .

T eachers' siilsrles, day schools.$J1W,796 79 ■TeacluTs' salaries, evening

schools ................................. *........ 9,21112Salaries, textbookn. repairs, fu r­

n itu re , healing, fuel, e tc ............ yj7,I77 3ff

T otal ........... S!Halance rrum iulng Jan* 1* 7,0t^ 06The niunlcIt.fD expenditu res w era

divided as folIowH;Omoers .................................................. •I2.4fl0 09Janitois ...... ^'!?S i?H epalrs ............................. ^Textbook. (irlmlriK, stationery** 24,f»64F u rn llu re and siipiillrs............... 1D.322 69Heating uppiitulUB................... 13,^ 66Fuel .................................. 13,616 7dCensus ........... 2, 1 TOInsurance ........................... LW6 01H enls ................ fi.CfiT 70G as ....................................................... 2.W4 23W a trr .......... .............................- ........ 2 ,(^ 11Inc iden ta ls ........ *............................... 1.956 62

C oniractP fur the construction of the ud- dlDons to the Klllotl, M onm outh and BouDx T rn tit Hir4‘ui schools w ere aw arded aa follows;

M onmouth H ired B ehool^M ason w ork. Ford K. I'ruden, |5,yt*5; c a rp en te r work, W miiirn C,. HharwHI, $6*689; plum bing. A,J. Blmpson, $365; pain ting , Jo h n K ruitleri$3f*6.

Houth T enth B treet ffehool—M ason work, W illiam H. Connolly* $1 .633; carp en ter work, T rlv e tt A W slip rs, $ *.739; plum bing,K. A, llaselm ayer, $617: painting* T* Don- n^Uy* $78(1.

Fllllott B treet Rchool'-GHneral W illiam Dem urs. 1147; sew erage. l>avld E . Olds, $271: plum bing, hoys' d i'parrm ent, Frliss Rerla, $454; plum bing, gJri ■ d ep art­m ent, E llas Berla, $(%.

C om m issioner G ay aflked If th e BanL ta ry Com m ltien had m ade an y effort to h ave disinfected l>ooks used by pupils w ho had been afflicted w ith infectious o r con­tag ions diseases. Dr. W oolm an replied th a t he had been unahte to get the com­m itte e to meet.

T h e te rm of Ihe E vening D raw ing Bchool w as extended to May 1. T he fol­low ing f ip o r t of Ihe T eachers’ CommUtoo w as adopted; ,

"F u rlo u g h s—Miss Phebe H ancock, Vlcs- p rlnc lpa l i>awrf*nee B treet, for th e m onth of M arch; Miss Amelia A. W ilkins, o f Houth M arket street* fo r the m onth o f M arch.

"p e rm an en t A ppointm ents—M lss Jessie E. M acGowan, M arshall s tre e t; M lli E d ith M. Jacobus. C harlton Btrert*

"T em porary A ppointm ents—Mrs. T^attra H. Sayre* prim ary riepartm ent Law rence S tree t; M iss K. E llse Gelssele, p rim ary departm euc H am burg P lace ; MUs M ary E, Richards* prim ary d ep artm en t H am ­burgh P lace ; Mias Hadis G. Russell* Prl- rhary deparlnuTit H am burg P lace: Mlsa H a rrie t &. V an N est, p rim ary dep artm en t H am burg Place. ^

"T ran sfe rs^M lfs M ary A. McNeill, from ass is tan t lii g ram m ar departm en t lo vlre- iirlnclpal o f prim ary d epartm en t N orth Seventh Rtreet School; Miss M ary F, C lark , from prim ary departm en t lo g ram ­m ar departm ent H am burg

Com m issioner H ays reported th e n w h of Mias Ellxabeth L, Thom pson, who had served fo r five years os a to ach sr Jij t i i f Boulh S tree t th h o g l ^ T J^co w ^g lS ilffB e^ ,

J fflW A K K tiVEJSLNli iiEWfe. 8ATU.KJL>Ay, JbJUititUAlii iHUtti

O nW r«


■ u dUMH«d w it l l AlMulOf w «Ta«n.H U W If^ U

KKYPORT. Feb. H,—W om en W M tee ip i fliAVi l f f i t pie»v«iriU ADonYmouti le ttrrx to Cl.

M'. Brow»‘f, o f Union, th reo ien ln * him ■wllh d«*lh If h« d o « no t le^ve the t om* n u n tty . A f«w dM>» «K0 Hrowrr. It I*

werit hoiui> and drove hie « ifa ■«boul th e houoe. Hhr hn>l aonte valuahle

jK p ert th a t h e r hiwhftiid ».«: tlHermlni-i i IP have.I Jtrow er bw am e nl h li w ife*t t l f h lx itervDua condlUoii »nil ran fur * alortofr Tho phyaivtan fald her inin<l wur affected* Mra. Browei* w«e takeu to the T ren iou Aaylum the neijt d*y. She y*ivc th * valnaW o papers to a kee|nT a t the* ■aylum.

women of the rnniim m iiy, fe#llna th a t Brower w m the of iila wlfv eoondilMm, formed d Whtt^’fHii ftnrlcty, ra l i ln f them teivea “Tlu* l^ d y \% hltr-rnpe T h ey have ten t tu o letti-ra io H row ir th rea ten tm i hia hfe If he dhl not leave the c o m m u h i^ a t on* Me haa pome yahiahle llomes. 'Hiey a lto aald ftn y vrntild m.(ki* |pa>' w ith them.

R roav r.aaye he doeaii I inteoii in -h'uve hi** home anil will l»e «t» mi'i’i',the WbUeeape. lie la a\vaHi!iR dvvi'lnp- luem e. Brower tnjhhehe'1 th f follnwinK le t te r yeelarrtay: . , *

r “ I rerelved le tte r Xo. ? Im*r vre^k from those rjidy Whliei-apa. In which they ntal- ed that they wouM irike my irm y Uor^'a from me in d Ih.ii I woul-1 hH\H to uei oft the raftli. aa my ilme waa ^hort. Now. I Wish to Inform thoar <-mi'ly.rtiai1»*d layf w ho ta lk thronah itmJr noa»-a i HhI ihna» lioraea are paid fur. ih e rr la no Halm a f tln M them and all my Idlla are imln T n a t la mor« than ihoae jad ra ra n aoy for

plhemaelvea. 1 do not wish to inti-rfere jw lib nrher people'a Imalnraa. bo why Uhould thoae tieopJi* Im ihrr w ith inlm-. Ip'hich they know noililna aliom ?"


n r \ i . i ‘ST.4TF r t m a .ii .K -r iT V .S4i’ItlFU'K.h M -

-Property f<*r .*le. 271 N*. -T B1J

UUXtMFlKU) AVR VROUKUTV..SiiK 114 \M> ll'i

iNKXT Tit rnUNKR i»l' ilVJlKIhlv HT )Lt« h ho'ir*- > i'*n r<<iHnn and ti»ihr«^>ni,

wUij nil rit'i'lern . thlt- pTojKrtN !•l•\|• • t>■ rvw U i'i*il An>l will mnkt* nn r-x r*«lkiii ItMuti* liUBinea* i'riiii*M> 'Ihr nrat rt'e-r < un Ih* all'-rnl for rtnr.'^ .ii « piMnInal < '»el.AS i»KKKlt m PitUiTCElt Knll THIS TltUP-

KMTV.MVHi'S W M'dijii:.

j UUt Tm rl avr


S I Dejf Irate to lnfi*im mv p»ir-'-na tn*1 th^ pu)-ll. La th.ii I h■^e n.v

fill- fnm ufl *'•• • t" Hroa«J r .hf«r Miirkn. v UrT** I will Ihe t^al»Btai^ Liuajnera. W H. l(i)UK. 1A n - 1-ant a ir . S f# hnure. a r..<.nii; all

Inu-totemi^ni*. airatn h»*ai. i" tiun’k huyir. Mnl\ l;t.>d-i 'V. II KitWi:. TWHir^^O at 1V Mt l‘lra«imt ev# hi.uae. I2rn^nia;all‘ ’liii|.;.o»-menu., Iwt In nn^ order, |,i.r«nu.W. H U'lWH. Hrifad ai *


M A i.r^nuT u r


I’ropertlei for "ale amt tm l.T <i i?uNWAY & •*«» .

7T2 Ur>ad at.. atnJ 8ou*h (Iranae.l


UKI.LL' ILI.PI A \L I’ltlll. ItrSlNKSS l'h i»r KllTV ; iiljpllni?". iMTve |oi. mivUNt ill t

meot I amiiM oiiMni - ui Tn- ntn'k m |-tv Jmii In■ utiio, In I lo"** an paLite ia" vhII pi L •* |t>iw Hfi-t ••‘rma #■«*>• K K Itn.Mi A . "1*1 ■JiT -a.I A »:-1K IlKrflltKNi^K KitK SALE

I wl'MMKIl .\V>L, (No. 'Jim n*-»T Sl‘D’* »M* A VK. I T h te lin’rill.m 1

A A t. a t t e n t io n !-T»ie lea-llnc rral m jafi* ottP'r fnr N'Mvnik dii'l vl'ifilty la •*

Third MVIImN SV. MoltHK.; Plan «ol^*rr«L wldie B'|p| blue.

I'lilNTtiN AVK ValUHtdr <ornr-r f..r IfiuT'^'" nn*ni. Tie;tr ivnnrvU.vnU ItHilnanl

JijpI the "[Hit f.»r elore" an<1 <•! fe.«s nni1lni-.n i 'e . iinil 7»t feel ..n -ti»-ei •.•.•1 D* feel ^»e]i will rapirtu liuprnte In .■ lupaa«“*"s ... •finfrniiilaled ileifi-l la ♦•rei teil 4dk r; K. IVJNh a, Cii . 7fH

r.U .L AT im y u lt I C" f*'r Mat “f hMiHir. I..ia. farm" l^ t -li-rliiafleM - i '’ .

77JI Ur-Mn1 n\.

nl (he ll tiring 1--

- I

I Hauih Hrventh rrnl. Inrjulre ■ f


MKt* VAN w v r k n v s X H T f . i h

HfouDd Gnllly of Mwrrlrr Ih ll ie Heeniiil gnm for K llllna H er f'h llil

PATBESON. Frb. 29.—Mrs. M ary V*kii *t^ 'y rh w u found ku llty a t k o'clock U al fk lc h t In the Court of Oyer and T rm iliie r 4 f jniiPd^V in th«‘ aerond deirree. H er of- jSimc* w u the drownlnK of her Tmtnral ^ t l d to the Paaaalc R iver on A ucuat 14 IU bL

T ha day In court waji ocrnplrii enilrely 4 iy the arnum cnta of counarh and Judae P l io n 'a eharge, The la tte r was com-

)p leled a \ S o'clock In th e afternoon, and th e caea w ent to the Jury. The vrrilli t in ft eurp iiee to aoma iteraona, who ihouKht Ihejr dlnierved In the Judffi*'* charge a ten- daney to favor the prlaoner. Jlowevet, th e C ourt a trlc lly adm onished the Jury t h a t ft verriict of m analiiughier was not NrarrftAted by the evidence—U m uat he

•w urdar or not auilty. ...................H ra . V an Wyck aai In the dock a Ilyina

-f>loturf of ab ject mlaery, du rlna the long jio a ra conium ed by iounfwl In revl»*wiilj<

i th f t r a * e ^ of her life. H er dull fiice Ima th e alaineala of a certa in beauty and anl- mattoft* a j «bc proved on Thursday on the

r i ta iu l Ui her impaaaloued ol«*a for h rr own life.. Yeaterday ll w as pale nml draw n. Th* narvou* t.nBlon of R rt.f anu a n * l» ty * a « wriU rn upon li In il»«p ll i i .a A t llm™, a i «h . rorkw l lo and fro In in . dock, i h . woman w .p t ill.n iljr . fki fa r n i

Klty could m ovt ih* Jur» tlie i » « w*a a ra ____________


A ft* rH n td U s V p a X a o M ulllfaD B a a R f U c m la f HU lll.« B tl.n Haln.

NISW H H rN SW lC K , F ill. » . - J o h n H a r t u d 'J a in a a McOOv.rn e n iu r d I h . aa- loon hi- laaao .U rnM U T huraday u lkh l to c a t a drink. TIuunaa M ulligan and Jam ra C ol.m ap, two e h a ra c l.ra who have aerved trrm g in btal* P rlton . w»ro In the aaloon and demanded th a t H a r t tre a t them. I I . refuaed to do ao, and w ith U cQ avrrn Irft th« aaloon. M ulligan and Colem an fol- iDwad and held them up, robbing H a rt of tt.tO, M ulligan and Colem an compellwl M caovam to go back w ith them , and they a ll t a f t t to U ennett'a aaloon ami had d iin U . ' _ , j „ ,T hey khan w ant o u t,to g e th e r , and Cole- n a h . tak in g advan tage of M ulllgan'a In- toxloaled condition, knocked him down and took aw ay w hat money w aa left. Mul­ligan, w ith a curie , jum ped up and aav- agely a ttacked Coleman. H e waa getting th e beat of him when th raa olllcer# arrived and a rn a te d tha com batant* . M ulligan and t.'oleman were held on chargea of highw ay robbery, p referrad ^ H 'r* - • " ‘J each m ada eroai com plain t! of aaaauU and b a tte ry a g a ln il tha other,

— I------------------BAH.BOAO glCTIM H RF.fOVBBfKO.

B n th a H llet and th e Dnnim r Hrolher* Are How Out of H anger.

NEW BRUNSW ICK, Feb. » .-N e la tn i and R ataton D unlia t and M ill B ertha Qllea, who were Injured In th* accident In which Mtai lA U ra Ullea loat h e r life, a t a c ra n in g of the P ennay lran ta R ailroad In Sielton, B’rdneiday night, a re recovering. B ariha Ollei, who la a t the home of her g rand fa ther. In Blelton, waa reported dead yeaterday, bu t the rum or w aa la te r de­nied by l)r. N. WtlUafnann, who la earing fo r tier. He aaya the g irl la aerloualy In­jured, and th a t her condUlon haa been m ade worae by her g rie f fo r her dead ala- ler, bu t he haa every rea io n to believe th a t •he •111 racovbr.

The tw o b ro ther!, who a re In the Wella M emorial Hoapltal, In ih la city, have not r a t been told th a t lA u ra GIlea la dead. County Phyelelan C arro ll gave a perm it fo r burial, deem ing an tnqiieat unneeea- ■ary. Th* fune ra l aervicea for tha dead g irl wpM held, m the Htelton Bapllat C hu i% hA f!lltl thia. afternoon .

--------------- e-----------------

i -Hh H'K "I lenil..t . near l"lh . . . . tVe.l

M.iier, Wtl humlh Tenth >LEBTATKS loi.kt.d llle r l"’!l,V!’'Tmanner hr MVHCN W. HuHSK. 13a ThirlAV". fttr

prnfirrtv, -. -............St b l*T In^iulro A. II

FCiH SAT.K ItTHtfibl" trtiiln'’"" sn'l rt*pl1lTiff nr Mulli^rry »t.. pt imsi pish: DRlsnrr

" I'RAL. TM liriHi-l !»c

Kon SAT.K L-.l WxIOfJ. rnr Ksmbtini I'l Lrfnn •! ; Ini D* Ann "1. WALTLK

D. i>HK<(HNl! Msi^hsnlc st 4UKINK biill'Uns I*'! ‘Ki Nnrslil* "t.. Thin!

SV" • iL'i If lemiKhl Inime^l*stiely" MYKnS LV. MORSK, 13U Thirrt sv»- i

iMfe-.] I;i (lie* nf NflStirll vih"!*' itirfh) ‘>fIts brsl b'HlSSUS (told*-.

12 rr-iu.H simI l■A1h ^Mlm .iiij Lruti'li’y inn* rfft" reiem; "Ifnin hsHt ttir>iUMh»ii( tin* hi>u<M*. n 'lit snid Datk hihIi ". hsivlW'Di** • 'iD- lii.'i ^l^n^•lli, s i r s umiItiu" for wlnd"S".el....- Mini ! iir t’''rvh: -luniD w sitrr; vrrytifm 1 ;niua|*'iii-ri‘. "t -. - »ic-

'tlilh roiii'iFrji’b- vsNM l•1hlt IMf >-»sni ar* I'V D* l>rchrni letruimm anil fwnaf fur a i»ftTniin"ni iMinir. sml ilHT-f'ir*- wini l.ulU with vtr". n>'i )lhi> msny *hi« i<u)N with ths nf put'tliiK ui< s ktiuilurr nlu'anlyi. 'Li’n ninvlnit in Hiitl furnliliiria U i‘rrmiy, sllrs.-l a l'\iy«r. an*! ih*n r**|H'Ht till- SMinc «ni"rutliHi, TID* hou«' «)tR mil t'lHU wiiii sTi» "Uf'li JiMiiltc In vl"W, anil It It* iin e'Sccd-'llfiisly wsIMtHlll "tMJfiui**, wlih s)l miMl«Tn i-fini"iilw/u'fs, anil li l■HHt«*ll i'>n*

t'l cun*. Imlh #t.‘nrri und l•lt* t^ll•; also I'nniMiii'nt to i-Uuri hw", m h<x<H, stori^. tic.

IK yo u AUK LaiMiKlNtJ KOH A IH»MK. m il aiiil atf im: with r-ftertm’s to tht^ imip-


J-XH KALK. n i^ houat. T* fiKima amitisarmcnl. wat<»r. "isblt. Hurnsl at., n"nf

S. Hrangt s%'s. and (*t>luiiiliLan Hcighta. 4vjHitt'KE: L'"r "alt lir to l"t. f«rnl"lw*'l or un-

fi>mUIVHl. iwii nnurly ii#w; itrat-rlas* iiiihI- prn ImujH- 7 riw»nj*'. wstst, fiirnat-t*. fruit, rhs'i". aaif'lsii snil lurii; >kNtrshk l>>riiiiDitt, H»*ar Plailon ami Uollty; nns hour froin Suv V'lrk *n (IrHcnvuKHl lAk** HHlIfoad. tirmssaHj- AfldrrM MRH. IL Wi.VANK. LHtlt FiiU* S. .1.1OSK HOUR from Ntw Vurk; ftntat ri*alilt|ic# in

N«*w .lorsty ii'wn"hlp; Iht***" niJnuif* front p*nti"3'lvsnls HiMl'in; Tslford ros'l": "i-m"listrmvnl. r«w>r. nn m nlails: f!ns Inwna; ■rnm! "I'lt'l" (r*^«, frull and lirntnu'iital (r""s. 1m

Krir i>art1culaT" nit'l l"fm*. aditrrK* UwTi*T. AH I’tin tm l tv f., New York. lia*!

wHh MYRijN W.


HKJM RT.a ntifi-7'Jl—rounasn-room tioiwsji: Pvpry crmcsWablt mndsm ImiirovvyjafU ajjJ

vary fln» Dalur**", A|ipJy I*. liTKIiN'ltXRU A: r u „ 2.YO-232 Musket at. iDy

UnrHK 1-1 TT»ni. May 1- S.1 OrrttanJ at.; T K'wnJ KarTHi, Isrgv vs(tj*<n; llaltlmurs hcairr.

In'iutn* Waablnjiiiin at., nir. gf tA IlUam at . |.i|i jliBir. H. VAN HIURK. 1HOUSE 7 I'laii" « t.: arruniccd f--: otis* <>r

familii*". 1“ I B c r t i i i d 1)1* |iri,it .April I KllKH T KIIIK. 2.HS M«rk-l "t. .*'21HOUSES. Hilts utvl S|jsrtm"n(K ty> |"t In llis

uiuih fml I'f Newark. fllUHAUn M HRUK* KH, rr-al rptalc, lU au j 113 Hhvrman a ' f 2JLnilIoU.SKS -To 1ft. Ihrfi’ brick Imuafa; aoi'l I"-

cHlk'H. r4+*Hr IliKh "1.; lmiirtni*mi‘nis, lnw ranr. jilEulHiH DKY'OltK, *1D3 Ib'osii "i. Ltm

MXmtFH. L o r rs *T4>



STOKK i» 1*1. F. W. MILLER.I'rimdHt I'l-, lifiwfon I’Mipla'a

Hrl.-k 1‘Lur' h SlaiK^nH» and 21 Hank aiH


rmim"Ui .\c-aitsmy a liii]Uln* m ilritf

wttli rjr wUhnut iTl'. i»n rnrnor. Sul

SHOFU'XIM.fit. IlHjUllI'

(•■ra**r Mulii«rry Ilf IfAYO.

and Mi^hanlcLM

FC H N ISIIK H ItO O 'lh TO I.KT.Cl.INTON ST.. K -l.arae rnom, (urnltheil. With

wstpr; Uijhi hmJ"ckr»T>!ttg- ''HCENTRAL AVR., 2Stt-F\irnlihPd rocma to

CLINTON ST.. W -Klcasnt fiinilBhs4 Toonn»: "tstUmary liaflti*; ttll Improvfmenis. WJ

EAST KINNKY 8T,f<l T'lonia til 1ft.

SToltF t*> I'-t, 2*1 Tlfllevlll" svs., orlftUal f ituiMlna. Ap|e))* U} Janitor In LulMlna. D3J

IW. fifar rai'IHc-FuTiilah-6Th

HOUSE, with fijriuahad ro»*tnH; Call a* Sfi Ward at-


i-rly.y.U Third avf.

1IEA1KJI ARTF.uk for W-to-lalilr r*“al Cornfr Wnahlnftim and Oraf«m avsa. JOHN

W. .HHtALKWON. ___IJOUSBfl, Iota, farm" and saclianirin*,

ft fX.a ISD ^irlnrAald ava., or 773REYEU

Broad tt.

AN flraanl 3-Moiy franw houaa for aals. tfn- trally kwalfil; all ImprovsnMtita; no rfawm-

ablf iiffi*i rrfutM. JmiulT" VAN I'RAAO mtofl., rsal fwtat" and Itiauram:# broker", rm.itn XI, tJl'iha Building. _____ 1VA HARHAIN on ftfcond at., naar naw park;

fram" kouaa. 12 roomi; arrangaij for two fam* 111"#; prlca I9,5tiu. no faaatmabla offar rsfuatd. ■Ut C. J. imOWN. 729 Broad at.


Ural Kuala men aay, ll'a whal Ihry do. Ihal enurti"

Plscf >i»ur pmvfriy In th" rsra nf nna who ah fB hi" liuKini*"" hla hf"i ilimmhi and car" KSKKX Ut»l:NTY HKAL KHTATK IIKAD- iJUABTKKK.

MYRON W MORHR,34,1 i:tv Third nv*.

IN HRI.LKVH.1.10 JLOT—liaiKlSTt, "S"t "Id" of ntfchfns at., amilh

of lalUfll, St s VERY T/1W rRK'K. IIK.NKY RUKSFIeL. 412 Wauhlnalon sv".. Nswark. IUiTB In RnM-rlllf, fiMT Ctfitral avt.. h#lwa#n

9th and l&th ata.; ran ti# bought pan caah, iMlanca on aaay t»rma. Addrrta

W. URKKKR felTTKLU Ml. Arlington,

4g« Morrl" County. N. 3.LARQPl building lot fnr salr. 37‘ialfW. on I4th

at , n rar Kjirlngflfld "vs. Imiulra HILlHs-. . . Kill....... .HRANDTI omrf, 44rt Kouth Tlh at.LOT nti HuntrrdiWi

Astor at.at , n rif rilnt<m at*.

NEWARK'S moat promlnfnt raal aauta offlf".OROEL ft NUGENT COMPANY. 7bft Broad

■LPLACK youf pro|>trly

MoRitE, L'lB Third sv".with MTHON W.

BOTiWKLL AV|5.-^I>ot 2AalM tt.\ iina-half caah. IK.1WKR0 ft t'O.

prira tSfiO; 7H4 llruad


T in : |im|>frty No*. 211. SIS and SHI ramdfn at. la offsrfd for asla ai a vary low llgura,

to elnas an #etatr. Inquire of H. F. (Jt'lNN. Ill Mulbarry a t . __________________ 4

A SNAP- Koutb Uth M.t nsar ftmith Orang# avs,. ]iit SHkliie ft., 2-ainry fram« huuaa. all

Impruvfmfnla. inorigsgr for tl.UtD, Hi jior coTil; pries 71.750. BOW»:nS ft I’O.. 7H4 Broad ai. 1A OlX>D Invsatmsni on Ikh avs.. two frama

bouafct on* aavofi rooma, ona Ivatva roomai prim for hirth houns" W.OflO; annual rant I4W. C. J BROiVN. T3I Broad at. __ ____ SHA 2-rtTLRY fram** hnuas, 5 riK^ma. lot 2SalO0

fn't for t7fau tPki caali. halanoo monthly. iPiWRRS ft (Nt . 7M Broad at. |A KlX'RtV'iV hnii"f inaao. with a haatir and

bow-w(ndow: M.lKJtl. MYHo N W. MORSE IJtti ThliNl HVf.BAllur,AT. NEAR WAVF-RLT PL.-8niig IB-

tis cottage huusp, d rmitna. watsf. sswsr, *lc.; l*.i S5»B»4; pric* only «.tNib. It's a bsrgain. laii E E. BOND ft t*0.. TIH BtosiI at.IIAFBIAJN-Ieot for sals m Aoadsmy at., nswly

pavMl. Itjqulrs IW Wrlghl ai ___________^

l't..^uU jMur iipififrlySfiiRHF n it Thinl n%s. I

Fwat flrwngr.A -William "t , I-a"I <>Tsngs Kltvf hnuaf, 9

IVKiinK; h a rd s’HHl lliMira, Ini 53x11st. nil (m |ir>.v*'nifrbt», *irly I7i.4is» \ i . II ROWE llr'ead ft 7A. AVIllIsm at.. East orsnifw— 'nmrr j'ri'psrty;

:i ffHim", nil improvfincni"; hardwiMhl flixir". fins h'liii". Fi.ikiU. W. H. ItOWU. Ton Brmrt ai.lA 11K.4N'I> oiitHiriimity for a iihyalrlnn; eurner

l>rfi|"Tty at !laat (trantrs; lot Ii3x12.'i; mixlierti h'lUH", 1* r>Hitn« Hitd iuiih, all iJiipriAi-nii^nta. "(hIiIh for ihri" biitiM**; |irl*-s arid isrma \<fry rcin.irisliif WILLIAM M. LIAlLKY*. npiKiaitf KiMifVlIie fliatlon. 1

fil(M>MttlOltLHOt'KK and lot; nlnf-moni houflo; about half

Hh aors nf gnjund. mora nr leu ; all kinds nf fniU; g'lod w®» of watsr; jiump In tha kltrhsn from wall; tliP*" ttilnuifs' nslk to sisotrlo rara; floss to two ra!lri)ai3". Applj* to WM. CAREW, SUt Franklin avs., ntoomf!H<L N. J- 4St

|,)iina FHirnta.KHTATK of Frfdfrlrka H. Noll, Lyoni ava.,

Lyon" PHrms; Imuas and four cuUlvalsd In fruit; nfur liaptlar t'hurrh. Aiipiy to ADAM NOLt* 42m Hmith Tlh at., Nswark. Bh

4>rtuift4‘,lAlTH for Nils. lOOalNi, on Wsat Monirfisf svs..

lasatsr and Franklin pi., tirangf. Apply to ownsr, 1’. HCIIERHKH. Ruk T2. BsmardavIHs. N. J. WJ

h o u s e III l"i. No. 12 Willow at.; improvt' rusnis; rsnt fl'J. lni|ulr»- «t lift I'uuU ai. 4D1

JAMKH HT.. N.i" Ri nnd Sl-Thrw-alnry and I'atcnalon brh k dwflllnua: In nrai-i-liiRR i-rila r:

fi'nialrlUK hU tniidcm iiiipr” '‘‘hisniii. |>''"hi-i'- aion Miiy 1"l. A[i|d.v to (.'HARLEH ItU.AHI.EY'. nf U, lUllantins ^ tions. Front at., fuot of i-'nl- ton. 2kM.MtHllALL ST.. 5 iUiuss to 1st; 9 rof>ina.

FRANK. VS'JHiJuilN. TS7 Rruad at., cor. Hunk It. di)


If yi'U would have giKxl trnam a And prompt rsiuma frum rsnla. rnll nn br roinniualoats wiih tins M tm hnndlsa bumlt sda uf tsnanta uf ib* lifst rlssa.

R^nin follsi'isdl pri.imptlv. and Immedlats rn- luma mn-l" to nwnsr of proi»srly,

MBHIEST TKSTiMONtALH furntabM from iboH* fur whom J huvs hamJLsd proparty during my afv"ii y«*ar" of hualtifM llfr.

1 ab'iuld l« ploaasd i« msst and talk ths rant- Isr (i\sr with ynu upon apiiolntmrni.


WYIlON W. M01tS*K, aWd ITO Third avs.H E.sniV niR BL, R-To 1st, sinMI hMijns, H

riieims, largo yard, r<*nt 112. Imiulrs I&d or-iiiKS "t. 4m

i'KHHINE AVK., 22l -To 1st. small houis, h rihims. rsnt tl2.5o t>sr month. 2121

TO LFT-dii ths Atlaa I'l wsr Rufldlnu. cnr. ' HnmlHon "t. ahd N. J. H. R. .iv*.. ts ry d.-

"Irnbls fAi'ii'ry hkibis. with iiow>r nnd stsain |if« l: n.iUolnin* fnan l.(a«i ('» S.NkI ac|uare f r s i ; Light «in itli aldi-H, aa tsr I'loacta nti faoh tlixir; hIh*' DirS" I .L.'i-tn'nt. \|»]»ly io H- I.AYVKENi'E, Hgsnt. -loO Murlisl Bk. nr sro;lni‘t»r ut taccory.lHikTo LIIT— m April 1st, ths building, N'V Bd

WiiyiilnytLen at-, nwtr lllsn-ltsr. for many v^tra n<<-(ipii*il HI nn ur-lsTtskrr's atnnd; Li'B"" a'IU ti« aRied -iltki ilwslllnr’ bouas. fhi VV^sahlnglon at. Ai'ii'v 1 . 4. H MKHKt'Th. PnidsnttuL Hulidins,riviim M’li. 2!>1To LKT S'*‘ionil anrt third rtufra of huilrilna.

fo r UsntiH Knd UrBni "ti. (oppualts O ritrs Hi. IifjHiii. wiiii i»r wJthGUi pMw+'r. suUabls fter til-"I snv iiwhi mHhufj. larins purLuirf: m it rs diinnkijr. .\RTHLXi nBVINK. 17D Miirksl *t.


TO LET—Fins largs Jjrnad at. "(ors and ba*#- nisnl. with Dakcry; stao two handwnns flata

all Improvciiisrt*. BAM'L KLOTZ, JT MulbsrrIt.

FUttNISIlKn riwnia l«r Uglit houasksspitig.AliMi alngls and dntibla rot-irva for gsMlems^i.

1 « Mullerry «t. ______ -1ll l l i l l ST., rA’,-Ne«l>- furniihe.! roem: a««.

I'Blh, hui an,I eulil weler. eU-.. tl.h*'; tJ’UiM

HHIU BT.. fum ItheJ roomi (or gfn li <‘r Light houasksfping. *2J

r.AWliENCE HT.. 11-Furnlilisd front ball riHim til 1st. 11.25 a wssk. _ *91

LIMKKTV PT . 25 -FuTnlBhsd rooms. Mthl houjisksfijins; iincls rooms, gsntlsm^n. 7

LAWRENCE HT.- Ll, ofip. riln lnn-Fron t sor- ner furnlahad room: gna; hsat. I2k

MULBERRY PT., W3-Furnlabsd moma, houi-i-KssLilng; hall r<>om", 71.



TO LET -Four flr>nra sn Jisavsr at.; (Wx'75. fnr at'irnRS, or MglJt maitiifactutlng- Apply Minsr'a

Thsatrs. _ _____________________TO LKT-OTATigs s u corntr iiora. C. J.

HRuWN. 72l> Broad gt.

WEST KINNKT PT.. 45~lUwm'‘nl to 1st: old- sHiHldlabsil bnrljsr shiMi f*ir ths Last IT ysitrs;

rmNi liM-alUy for Kf<d l>ar»H»r; rhsHP Tt’Ot. Inqulrs 577 Halasy at. 1

OUUILMiL HT . Ill Nli'slr furnished fftom to 1st. with ifBs, hsal ami uss t’f bath; houaa

rsnirally hK’H(sd. \NEW HT,, TiM Furnlshsd h>om" to 1st for light

huU"»kss|itng; slmcls or douhls. 1ROOM—To 1st, a nsjiily fumlshad room, Inqulra

5)i5 rians St. d21WAPHINtJTON ST.. UP -NIcsIy fumishsd rmni

s^iih Lmrro>’tnisti(a. for light houaskssLitng nr gsrvtlsrpsn. i <k)lWALNUT HT.. TU-Two eonnsrilng ronma; naat-

ly furnlahsd, Pt light houaskssping. _____ 1

hTOllKS. LUFTM, FA i'TO K JES. LTt'*, kVA!7Tl:lL

MYRON W. m o r se . wur iiroi*sity.

139 Third avSee can rent «2f

ULACE your prniwrt? MuUHK, 139 TLiliil avs.

with MYRON YV.

'LACE your proji* MOUSE. i:w Third


L’KNTRB i t ., NKAB p a r k PL.H-atory and haasmsnt. hrirk awslllng; 14

rooms, all Improvsinsnla; lot 2SxU2: pnes m.iaiu: iBfma saay. *47k K. E. BOND A CO.. T9l Broad.

W OonSlDK-Tha flnsat building lota; altuattil on Psabnrty pL, norlh of Ubssttr are.; thrse

m!i utsi* walk from YVooflaids cara; two mlnutsa from HLvsraiiia BtatLon. Erls R. R.; ecmnecilohR to curb with sswar, gas and walsr; alrasi lo ba pavvd In aprlng: prFs |ikN>. Fnr asts by Al*> UERT C. UOrRTKR, paint, nil and vamlih nierchMt. 209 Markst «t., cor. llsavsr.LL.VI FDR A forn*r lol.

l!sW avs.; 251114x44: nsighborhood building lip: worth TAuO. WM. U opp. RosAvills station.

ons hlnsk from Bprlng' tpIdTy


FOH SALE-By family going to Kuropa. lha Tina mdek

rtaldsitcs, ftl9 WaaMngton at.; Ana nsighbo*- hnod; visw of Uncoln and South parka tan rooma laundry and bathpnom, to parf« t ofdsr; prlca tn.&no; saay tatma; alfO oarp^i. furnl- lura, p^laraa* bUllard. vary low* Foasaaaloa May 1. Inquira ' _g!k 710 Broad at., room ftf u r flAT*K'-On North Bsvsnth at., nsar Hsvsnlh

avs., dsslrabls rssldsnos: 9 rooms and bath; svsry rnnvfnlsnos: lot rWilHS; bars |a a chancs ill buy R houas in a Its^allty whsr" nns la asl- dom 4»fffsoii for ails. WflXlAM M. Il.VlLKV. oppoBlts Hoaa 'ktls Station. »

F4FH HALE OH KXCHANGK.DROOKIAN houBs tosxchangs: uiis of a brown

"tons row; all Improvcmsnts; four nilnulss’ fivm Rlsvatsd R. R. Hlatloh; will sxfhang* II.Mai squliy fikr smaller properly. CRANE, k Fsrt^‘ at.. N. _____________ ____________ ^FIRPT-CLAHS nswly fumlshad boardlhg-bou**;

house 52xUa>; larga outbullillngs; fit.iwing aprtng waisr on flrat and nsoond floora, L.VOO sugar mupls irsss; liN) ocrsi lillabis, th" halancs timbsr; an satabllahsd I>oa.rtllng<houB4-; known to many N'rwsrksrs. Call at Ihe nftts" and sst phntregraphs. COLEMAN ft Cu., 22 Clinton at., rooms 4 ind fi. U2J

FULTON HT., NEAR BROAD RT.Jl-Blnr>' and sitsnalon brick liniia*: 10 rnoms;

all modern Improvements; In g™»d condition; lot about ITxIbO ft; this La ths hsal houw on Ful­ton St., and ws <Mily ask IT.iaJO.4Dk B. E. »OSI> ft UO.. 701 Bn>4d.



Kftch o f fits F o u r B fsrrsr County P rlao n sn Hsnt V)i for Two Ysara Extra.

TFIICNTON. KpB, 20.-The four msn who a tte fiip tftl to hrsak Jail hsre ThiirBilny,Jftm sa M alonry, of N ew ark ; Oanlsl H oldsn. Jam es MeQpath nml WlUlam C urtis , have m et w ith qu irk and asvsre pun ishm ent for iheir offm ae. Judge Wood* n if t yegterdky aenlenclng ra rh af them to tw'o yearg ' ImprtioJiDient for ■ ml for various length te rm s for the oftences for which they were In ran e ra ts d .I t will be four years before any of them ge t o u t Rgalh,

Y esterday they made ano th e r a ttem p t to b reak Jail, digging a sm all hols In ihe pell in which they were confined together i ln p f Jhelr first Rilempt. under Ihe basin w here th s planter had ro tted . They would have h a d g re a t dim rulty Ln ge tting all the w ay th rough , Ijoweter. They w e e then ^ k s n up Into ths courtroom ami pisadsd g u ilty lo a ttem p ting to b reak jail, tl* though they denied the second attem pt.

r c R ftALK-An attractive, prtvata Tesidenc* at 121 Mt. Pleaaant av s., has all msoem im-

Srovamefiti and hardwood throughout.‘Of partlculart apply MYRON kfORH^

real "ptatt omce. Ikfl TlUrd avs., Nswark. 2f>d■I hare prnpsi-tlc" from 11.000 up----V

1— p o n Ka LK-

ihat I cen »11 «< ITK-prlp»«. and rni v.rj' m y w (W r, 7ai nmoii «t

HorOEd FOR jIALB AT nosB V lt.L E -P lr .l at., T OMim,........................................

H«nnd Pt.. 1 ..................................................Pmirlh Pt,. » rnomP.......................................KlPVPitth « ,, t pnomp................................... 3,'Wantti pl.. a .................................................... 3.™ppvpnth Pt., ? ...............................................p tf^^ Avp., T T*>om«........... ................................Poiinh PI., a ................................................ ’ .jja

' Look Jvsr this Rat, salt, and you will he fur* pished with all Ihs particular" required: a large Uat tn ssiset from, and carriag*’ to "how you ari^und. WM. M- HAII.EY.nj li Oppoflt" Roseville fltaiton.



FOR HAlaS: or exchange—750 caah or exchange fur lot, 5'room house, t'aNtt Llth at., near

Hprlngtlelil avte., with driveway; 4'iS KUh at., near Houth Orange ave., k rtxmui. HKYBR A itj . , 130 Hprlngflekl pve.^ 778 Broad at. Open' evening". 1FOR SALK or exchange, for Roaaville proparty.

Int T&xSp'ai. with houM. 7 roomi, bam, chicken house. fruH, well and ristem water; three mln- utea rrom cars; altuated nn a main avenue, Ir­vington. N. .T. ('all or addreaa Owner, 7 Roee- vllle ave., Newark, N. J. hk

FACTORY—For aale, in let or exchange, two- story factory, with Ul-horsc piiwer englna and

boiler F. APPERHON. 121 High at. tQUITMAN HT.. NEAR KPRL'CK PT.-3-itory

frame list house, 15 rooms, water on each floor, pewsf. "(c; Tenter! frir 740U; w«>uld c i' change for small prtvata real<ience. E. E. BOND ft up.. 7H1 Rroad. 4lk

REAL KHTATK WANTED*HOT’HKH for aala and for rent wanted fttr

spring bualnesa. FRANKLIN F. MATO, HDU Broad at. 84li

FARHH FOH HALE.KAnM-2.Vacre farm for sale; alt tlllaMe* fins

wsier; fruit; dwelling. U rooms: barn. etc. stock, crops and Improvement^ Incluiled, 72,509. J. W, LKNT. Bernardivllle, N, J.riaA iE your ph’periy with MYR0*N W.

MOHHK, J3D Third A>e.BaisklDg Rlrige.

FOR HALE AN OLD IlOMEHTKAD- l'p. 1 acres a t Basking Ridge; beautifully

caie.1; within half mile of depot, achnnis. churches, stores, postofflee. etc.; one of the finest "(reams of pure spring water, never fall- Uig, and with small expense a lake of several scrcB •'ould he mads; surroundings all first- rlaa". extenstvs views; rolling laod, no slanes high state of cuUlvailon; wlU sell ft»r nne-hslf Ihe price offered 20 years sgo; w bargain for aoms one. Addresa Heirs. Box H8, News nlTIce Newarltj


FARM—To let, Dull farm, two miles from Chalham. N- J-: M acres, now houte. 11

rooms, waioT In house, largo bam. gll naees- •ary outbutldlugSp E. UcNAUOHTON* 853 Broad it. 9 *

fU'UINDFIF.LD AVR.. G#i4—Houae to let; all IrniimvcinehiB. Inijulro MRS. SCHOEDTER.

flS West St. Q7JTO L B T -n r MYRON W. MORHK. 13L* TIhrd

tie .HOV8KH.

J2l Ml. Pleasant ave., u riHimg Imtpa.-...... 7 '*'S14 Hummer ave., 14 rooms, impts................ f***no Washington ave., l l rcoms. Impta....... 4.1

Mashingtan ave., 11 rcgims, Impis .......... <15IL'J Hume St,, II rooms, Irapts...................... :i54iiT Hummer ave.. 9 rcroms, impts................ :iT>.522 RellevUL* gve.. ID i*ncima. Impts.............W U’shemnn ave., U rooms, im pts............ '152Ub North 7(h at.. K rooms, Im pis........... .547 Fifth gve., H rooms, Impts...................... 155t Hecond live., H rooms. Im pt".....................225 Hroad st.. H rooms, Im pts-...................... -10J."! FIflh ave., P rooms, Impts...................... '2*,1ll Webster St.. P rrmms. Impts................... 2JHIS Van Wagenen st,, 7 routns, Impt*....... 22{t|if Oarslde it., T rooms Impts.......... ........ 11

Garside it., 7 rooma................................. 15LOI rm ler Pl., fl rooms..................................... 182fl \t'inans ave., B rcK>ms................................. loJ811 Hnllywood Ave., East Orange, H rooms., Hn

a p a h t m e n t h .i!52 Oaralde *1.. 9 rooms. Impt* ..................

AUAHTMKNTH TO LK T - Wakenian ave.. 7 rikites, Lmpti

141 ,|Ackju>n sr., fl riH»nitk.............M H<- ond st., room*................. .Ui'.iutnhiu sv'p.. T ro<ims, Impte.. .. Br<iid 4 riiiuns, ImidSs heat, etc

.715 Ob

. 15 tS), » 00 , 15 <aj

, ........... . .. ............. . , . . . . IH (HIH.iupep an<l riHima In nil parti uf the city at

rents.A, WO(^D. 729 Hrnad at,


ONR or two rixims on scrpnil floor, furnished or onturnlsheil, In centre of city. Address 8. S.,

Ib»i II. News iiltli'e. 1


BANK ST., do—(7nod hoard and ch^^ful rooms; also table tHjard: conveniences, 4kh

RANK HT., 4S—Hi)sr<lerB wanted. llCHEHTNUT HT.. Li-Warm moms, with or

Without board; near Central and Benn. Depots,34h

.M’.MITMUN'T of B rooiT*»; no children. 2M Hnmd st.


Hlll'NHWICK HT.. 188—atrlvk house, ft rooms ekch, 710. H. 00EH<'K:S, t'redlt Hystem Bldg.

7HkR.1.NK HT.. »Xt—Three new papered rooms lo

l" l; rent A>.riU. 951CONVENIENT apartmsnfi to let. 3, 4 and S

rfyims; K, IQ and 12 Esqrx it,; nlso rooms at 74-78 OTange at. Apntv tr MRS. KANFXER. 14 Essex St.,or J. H. MRCKRR. 9S» Pnidenttal.hSk

COMMERCE HT.. 91-rtrgaant furnished roems. wUh or without b«;ard. ®71

COLUMBIA HT., 42- all Improvemrnta.

-FLeasant room, with board;41J

CENTRE HT., 20- without board.

rum iihed rooms, with or 19e

BAHT PARK KT.. BO-Furnlshed moms to let. wilh or withnut board. Bll

FAIR HT., 44, near Rraad Ht. HtatIon-Largs furnished rooms, with Impruvementi; with or Ithdut board. ftn

31H Hummer ave., A rooms, Impts.............8|rt Hummer ave.. 8 moma, Imjils....... .122 Fifth ave., tl hwma, Impts...................7.5 Oarsiilc st., 8 ronme.................... .,59 Oriental Terrace. 8 rooms.....................XW Bloomfield ave.. 4 room*......... ............92 Hl'ine st., 4 room s....,..........................09 Htone st.. 4 r«x>ms ................................

^h eand 24 w inana-_____________Tf> MET—On Emmet at.. I east nf Rmad. 8

ro«m* nnd hath. I2T. 1 w vgt nf Broad. U» mtims and bath, W»: I on Astnr, 8 ro ims. gas and water. 71H. Apply IIWJ Rmad, cor. Em­met. BinTO LET-25li. 27 and 2I» Houlh 12ih *l . near

Oould avf., brick, |0 rooms and bath; ail modern eonvenlenres; rent 727.50. Apply H. W. DKERV, 760 Broad st.. or 84 Roseville ave.. In evening. _____^TO LKT Three new houses; all ImrmveTnsms;

r**flsnnahle rent, also nwvms ami flats. H.\RDY RCMINF. un.. sur^esanrii TO w . tr. Rowe, ini Bloisnfleid ave., Daralde st. 1WfiODHIDE—House, 245 Llucoln ave,. 7 room*;

alt Improvements; rent 121. 90j

FURNIHHED hsll room, with board for gentie- men. 18th ave.. near High. J-, Box 4B. Newa

oltlrP. IflJMALHET HT., 45-Furnlshed rooms lo let. with

lH>srd; all modern Improvements. 1

CAN ynu rent a plegsinc floor a t a moderaia rental 7 Of course you can by oalUng on

MYRON w . MORSE. 139 Third ave. flflfUOMMBRCR ST,. 12.5-HLf large light momi;

nil improvements; rent SIB month- Inquire liJl. ROTH. '.H7 Market ah 4«1

HAlaHRY HT., 42-Rooms and board; parlor: first-class.

txiURT PT., 84—From Mfty 1st, & rooma for adulis only: improvements; rent 718- 4flJ

NK5V HT.. 4r —Releet hosnt. rooms and bath; heated; every convenience, iTm

PARK PL.. M—Front and hiek rooms, with board; gaa and bath; also tabla board, 28o

ELEi.lANT new second flat lo let; 8 rooms, all impro 'erner^Ui, with or without stable; Chn-

ton s^•e., near Bruen, Iminglon. N. J., one l>lot:k fnrtn cars. Inquire on i^ramlses or The Van Horn Furniture Co.. 130 Mullwrry st.. Newark. N. J. 1

RRUTDR HT., 47 -Furnished rooms, with or wlihruil board: tabic board. 1

RICHMOND HT, T4-G"ntleman hoarfler warn­ed: pleasant room; home comforts. . 7Ik

ELIZABETH AVE., 41-Flf4t to let, from May 1st, 8 ri»oms; all Improvements (healer). 6k

FI.ATH In bullrtlnii. »1 .0,1 2tt.1 lltorkM : 7 rooms and hath, steam heated. FRED T.

KIRK, Market at. Wl

SOUTH 15TH BT.. 29 Neatly fumithsd room*; with or without board; use of bath. 25d

WERT PARK ST., 2-Elegsnt furnished rooms With aboard; heat, gas and bath; slrlctly flwt-

Class house; also table board. 12kfiTU AVK., 47—Boarders wanted;

board; all Improvements,

Ff.ATB—T(v let. deslrgbla ilsta, 6 rooms and bsth: all Improvements: Janitor's aervlcss. In­

quire 1st floor, 28 Grant st, ___________ A9yFLAT to let. No. HR 8lh av*-* from April 1;

all mod-m improvements; rent moderate. In­quire Bf» Bth ave., cor. High at. 83HFLAT—To let. a flat. fe«uT rooms; rent

Comer (jultman and Kontgomery sta.119,70e

118 -Nice house to let for small family, ^ u th 9th it., 2d floor.

T«> l e t —OUT 4>K TOWN,EaVST oftANOK—7 rooms to let; all Improve­

ment": 4 minutes* walk lo Orovt* Hi. Hta- Hon; rent nuiderate: also hnusc* atul apart­ments. J. M. WRIGHT. 5ft Buwx a»e. 1

PLAUK your property M'»RHK. 189 Third ave.

with MYRON W, 1

tb a Rervinf T hree Yewra Fnrtem pling to Nhoot raW In I'orle,

flOM EHVILLK. Feb. PompeyLane, who AUempled to ahoot e&-gcu«tor C alv in Corle In th i i place aev rra l m onths ago. wak tAken to th e B ta tr I'rlaon a i T rrn to n yeiiprdjiy to aervn a term of th ree F«ari.

M rftL anela a haiulaom e m u la tto woman. About alkty years old. H er a iiiina thy to C alvin Corle began In hla refusal to tu rn over money to her from her husband 's eata te , w hlfh had been left In trua t, but which, alie aasarU'd, waa due her. When the hom estead waa aold ahe refuseil lo leave um 11 ahe w as carried out by ihe Bherlff. On th* t r ia l Mra. Lane dcnJeil th a t atic purpOMd klHlbg .Mr. t'o rle . She w as lound guilty, ho t a ('ommLanion waa app tM tM lq>' to o Court to exam ine Into her ftaii^tv. i t reported th a t she uas |Kt . fe e f ig ' aane, ao Ju d g e H artinc aenteiKed her to th ree yeara. 'Tnere has never before bean f t blem ish on her ( 'h arar te r.



AnoUier D eath rrom l> l|ilitherla ami Two O th en SlHrken YVRIi th e Hrip.

tparlai lo the KVFNlNG NEWH.BABRrNG RIDOK, Feb. 2H.-The public

■choQl flf th l i plaue, which waa closed Fab rtiary 14 on account of the m any d if­f e r e n t ’ “coDfaglotia dlaeuaes prevuleiil •m ao |f the reslAcnig, will rem ain cloned fo r an uncerta in period. Miss L lrale H enry, the teacher of the prim ary de ­pa rtm en t, has be«n taken clown wUh w hat geems to be the grip. Haym ond Henry, th e ten-year-old son of \ \ C. Hcjiry, Is alao conilned to hla home very dangiious- 1 / IIL

F red tVhtle. the ten-year-olcl son of John W hite, who resides about two miles from here, dle^i yeaterdav of rliphtiiorh). About two woeke a ilnugb ter UUmI ol the game dtapasc, T here ur** yet three of the family who a re slc‘k with the lUs- aafto, but It Is thought they w'lll recover.

HalLmarl Htatinn s tru ck by L igh tn ing .L A M nER TV ILLE . Feb, 29 .-T here w as

a heavy thundersto rm n few tniies south of hare laat nlghl. The ra ilroad atniloii ut W llbn tiha w as s tru ck by llKhtnIng ami partly biirnHl. Tho sto rm broke down hH leloifraph and telephone w ires, und Ih t new s w as brouRht hen? by tra in . The lelo- ipftph Operator a t W lihu rlha had n narrow •acape. l ie had Just stepped oni uf his office when the holt of lU iitiiing .stniek the building. The Hr** ran Into the oprai-giing* room and played about ihc in s tn im en ts. The place waa soon In a tilnxe, and hf fore th a flrvmen exitngnlhiied tin- flKmes more th an ha lf the s la ilo n had been destroyed.

To Bearsh for l ia r r Curios,NPfW VOUK, Feb. 2l».--l^rofessor J. H.

H ateher, of Frliu 'elun t'ollegp, jimi ij. a . Peterson, for a long Mim* a cnUecior lo the employ of the AmerU-an M useum of N a t­u ra l n ls lo ry , th is city, stiiled to-day for F a tego ida In the steam ship (iallico. Tliey **(111 spend at least a year exploring the deaertg of th a t cou im y for llip purpose of m aking a colleollon of utjjcois r>f si-ientihe In te ren .' P rofessor llH tcher has beetj

A Hroken YVheel CausM a D isaster on tb rDa, L. and W* at Hoontoti.

Bpeelsl IHsi¥itch to the NKWH.UOflNTON, Feb. 29.-A wreck occurred

on Ihe T)„ L. and M'. U allroad about 4 o 'clock thlB m orning a t the Ranny bridge ■witch here. F ast freight No. 332 vast- hound, due a t Boonton ai 2 A. M.» was two hou rs la te and was running a t a rapid ra te . A fter passing the reverse curve be­tw een Boonton and l)env111r. a wheel b roke under a box car near the engine, de­ra ilin g a Tiumlwr of cars. The tra in bum ped over the ties for tw o miles before It WHS stojiped at ihe Hanny switch.

Peveral box car® were piletl up In the w reck and one car, Iuri1p<1 with forty totis of Ice, waa throw n across the wrsibcnind tra ck and the Ice covered the rails. No- iHvJy waa h u rl. Hoth trucks were blocked m in i noon.

The th rough tra in s were sent by the whv of M orristow n and Newark. No m all waa revolved hers to-day until 2 o'clock.


Lisk 11a* lllsappesnHl and It la I4al(1 R t- press Fiiuds Are Clone.

Hreclal in the RYKMNO NEWH.PF A rA U K , Feb. 29.-OeorgG TJsk. s ta ­

tion and express agent of ihe Hockaway Talley Uallroad h *l’c. Is am ong the m iss­ing. Several days ago Ll»k left the vil­lage saying be was going lo New York and would ic tu rn the following day.

As he failed to fiiipenr the railroad oIRclftla began sn Invesllgullon of his ac­coun ts Tli« investigation revealed. It Is said , that Lisk look with him 7184. A porMou of the money belonged to the u n ite d Rtntes Kxr»resi Uompany. The m issing m an 's p rrsen l w hereabouts a re unknow n.

- —f t ----- — • •Wife 5|iiM Fay AHrnnity.

From th* ( 'h lragu T lm es-H erald.HV HU ortlor entered hy Judge lilhbons

In the divorce c«Hc of Kmlll* G rolb ag a in st H einrich CSrotli. the wife m ust pay a lim ony of t'-'d a m nnth to lier mislmiid pending the trial. Aflldavlis w ere fllcil hy the attoru«?ys for the bushaiid, fl’ho Is con­testing the su it, alleging th a t he is slx ty- iWe years old, feeble and deutU ulf, and would be compelled to npjdy to the county fnr HUpport unless his wife came lo Ills aid. T here w as an afTIdavlt of the old man fliatliiK th a t since he le ft his wife last sum m er ho has heen living w ith a friend, H enry Rchrader, a i 351 Ja n e elrect. G rolh declarcKi th a t his wife has property from w hich she ref'Clves an Income of I6'» per m onth , and that she nut him Itilo the s tre e t. Un the bill which she filed for d i­vorce she obinlned an Injunutlon wbb'h preven ted lilm fi‘nni re e ^ n liig *ft licr home. The uiloreucys for The wife ob­jec ted to any order vompellInK the w ife .to pay alim any, but Judge Gibbons 4ald th a t In ji d ivorce case, or In any o ther cln 'um s tances, the sam e du ly rests upon Ihn wife to provide for a sick, helpless husband th a t re s ts upon a husband under the sam e elrgum stannea.

sate, l*r*e fram* houa*. 11 rnoms, hetlil*s bath and Isundry: all modern Im-

provement"; hunrlar alarms; lot 8fti1W>: Hummer sve., nest Rerohd ave.; orcupled hy os'ner. for sal* lu»' to s quirk purchaser: easy tenn". Apply O. R- R1MOND8. owner.

BPRINGFIELD, N. j .—Small farm to Isi or for Mlt. Apply la JOP DB CAMP, 84 WtlUam

wL _______________________' TO RENT—Farm, 100 acres, near Bernaritsviils,

food farm, building* and land, in fine state of rulllvstlon; rent |2Nt year. A. L CBOBH.

' 7(W Rr.ad Bl,, Newark. ___________________1

Broad "1. flftk

HOUriV: For sale. «'»n Hummer av«., t*h room*;all iinpruvemenl". ran be used for iwo fam­

ine": cRPh, bai*ni-e momhiy. Inquire 4S1Hummer *vr. I

1U)UKKH For "aW*. ibr** new bouMs; 8 rooms BRCh; "11 impntvem*nt"; priae |3,804»; tSOO

'ssh, liaUnce mortgage. Inquire 481 Summer sre. IHOUsK-To rein or for "sle. handsomely fur-

nblied house, with nil modern Improvements, In the centre nf the rpv . ^^nssesslon when de­sired. AddreM G. U . Box 4 , News office. 1

TinUHF .Three "tnrr hrirk house. 884 W*lnul "1.: hay ulndnw" fr"n1 nnd hark; contains all

Imi'fi'vemenis. Inquire \SlLHURH. JOHNSON, UHlnm st 1

Hiil'HK For sale, slx-rtvim hmiee. with all 1m- provcmentii, l'J2 .Ifltne" st,. near High: chesp

for I'seh. 18mUtiUSR-Fof sal* cheap, hniise on Third ave.;

arranged t-‘r two families. sepBrnte t>ath. In­quire 481 Hummer sve, 1

MnUMK fnr sale. Broad "i., near Uroa* st., 15 pximn. nil lmpr>'^enieTits: n hnrg*ln; easy

tenua. U, ,T. BROWN, 72ft nr>-*d st. 4TJ

1U»Tf|lK For snie. new house. No, 120 Pftuth Uth "1.; 12 Toont"; ran be used for one or

IWM tamUles. Inquire 217 Norib Tlh at. 1

I,rutK AT 'flllH.-A vary *iuis home of *1x raom* arid bnlltcoom, wUh •uh-cellnr for provisions;

b‘"l'le blinds; roorns ftneb prt|tered. rfuindellers; CMnnei'ied with gns. "eoer nnd water; a hargaln.

<h11 at nnre. MYRON VV, MORHR, l.'ht Third 1

FARMN WANTED*FARM—Wanted, to buy fnr rash a farm In New

Jersey. Address with full parllrulars, L. laOWKNHTBIN. 183 8th ave., New Turk. 7

HOUHF.N T«» I.KT.A _.A.—A.^A.—To let, dwelling; ll room*; ail

Imumveraeni*; location d«sb -hie; also A*(* and rcinma, ORO. XV. HOXVELL. WSJ Broad it.,rtv)in 59. ^A.—A.—A*—To let A rare oppoOunlty m ohialn

urlvat* resblenre, centrally located: all Im* fSpivrmenia: steam henie*l, hard Wf>od finish. IJKO. W. HOWELL. WSI Hrrisd "t,, room 5ft. 1ARE you looking for a homtf Call on MTRON

XV. MORHE, I5fi Third ave. 84fCOURT HT.. No. 91—House. 8 mums; Improve­

ment*; immediate posaesslim; house, No, 95 Court at., 9 rrioms. Improvements, imssesslon May 1st; also 7 rixuns, 98 Umirt st. '^’ILLIAM P. FIKLIX. Prudential Building. ________8HkCOURT 8T., No. fM Brick house. 10 rooms, Im­

provement*, possreei^u May laU als'f 5 rooms. No. 87 unurt it. WILLIAil P. FIELD, Pru­dential Building.CLINTON AVK. and Bergen ■l.-Hou*« and

apartments to let. from 416 to 425 per nsonih. Apply at 883 Bergen at. ______________ WV

Brick houae; all Improve- WALTER n, OSBORNE,


KART ORANGE. Oak st., 8ft—House to let, 8 txH>ms« gas. water: rent i n . Inquire next

dnor. or J. (J. CHEATLR, 2M North 5th st. 81JFRANKI.IN—For rent, or for sale, eptlrely new

house, in room*; hath; five minutes from Erie Depot, Franklin; high im und; overlook* N«t- tey; beaMtful view. Independent, unfailing water supply; electho cars to Passaic; will soon run to Newark; rrnt 7X0; or will sell on easy terms; exceptional chatit'e. Address K, J. XX'KH-

11 Lawn Ridge. Orange, N. J. 7 lf

MAHHHALI. KT., flft-Hecnnd floor, flat, brick huUdlng; all Improvements; newly papered:

rent low. 1MFrUHANir HT.. 108-8 nic* rooms, with water,

for light housekeeping. 1NF.l-SDN PL.. 47—Handsome* flat, alx rooms

and halh; aU Improvement*: rent low; Imme­diate poaaesalon. J. RUCKKLfSHAUH. 238 Uar- kat st.___________ ________________ ______ hyORANGE BT,—Flat. 4 rooms snd hnthi station

ary tuba; rant 118. C. J. BROWN, 729 Broad a t fcORANOK HT.. 815--First and ttecond flat; ptax-

*a; balh: rem low.

HOUHKH FOR BALE OR R E N T - Sprlhgfleld in ivioms; near Hhort Hill" Hlatlon. KingsUnd. A rooma; atabta; large lot. Emmet at,, brick; 8 rooms; all Irn^vements.

39h QEO. r . DODD. 819 Broad st., Newark.

HILTON—New cottage; 7 rooms; HprlngtlPld ave. HUGO CK>ER(.'KE, Credit System Bldg.

< RftkIRVINGTON—To let, on Rruen ave., near

Hprlngfleld ave., a house of 14 rooms, with modem improvement*; large garden, with plenty of fruit; can bd aech from 1ft A, M to 6 P. M. For particular* Inquire of 7. ENG­LAND, Rruen ave. 87J

l*arge dwelling, 14 rooms; firingIIUGDIRVINGTON

two avenues; groumla; rem low GOERCKK. Uredlt System Building. T9k

WPTaAUK vour propaiiy with MT MORKK.' 139 Third ave, I

gflUTlI CLINTON BT.. East Orange—llnua* With 12 rooma; lot 50x175. Address MOFFIT,

242 ftih Bve ____________________ ________ ^


f a m il y c* five adult* desire small house, or 7-room flat: rent must be reas«*nahie; improve­

ments preferred!: desirable tenants. Addres*. giving full particulars. Quiet. Box 58. New* of- flee. IHOUSE wanted lo rent. wUii gaiden. In New­

ark nr vicinity, from April 1 or May 1. House. Box 22. News office. 181LOOKING fnr a t«nanl7 Call on MYRON W.

MORSE, ISO Third ave. IKIf

pointed ft special ogt-nt a rri t-ol]ci;iijr by the Bureau of E thnolnify. lU XVusHhgtou. 1/, C A* fa r » s iioasllilc iiuiilictiios uf aH flndti wHl he b rought home rot the RmUb- ftOnIftll,

TerrorlstciK W otuenntid C'lillflrcu, L A ilB E R T V IL L K . Krd>. I'O.-Jrlutnc ju-r-

gon hiift been tarrorlEltiK tiu* wurncu iiml children of tbi* Third W unl by cUhkIijj; them around a f te r dark, am i In some (.'asc* Uoldlnfl them until ihc lr fiLTt aina frigh ten ed him off. He cftmmenutHl ^il* sii'uiigi' aoctlona during ihu ulijthta the cl^etrb- HfthU ivf'r^ R9l bu rn ing and Ik all)] keep­ing it nil, AUbouffh several a ttem p ts have Itfwn M ads to cftpture the p a rty he hnw fttlll tningra hig own way, secmlutrly know ­ing when and w here to p rac tise his p ran k s

ndjournoil election last night

Uafonner* for Uouncll a t Ctt|»e ,VI %y. HpeolfU Diaputch to the NJgWH.

C A PE m a y . F eb » - RepubUfftn prlisu ited tn tKa noirtlnailoti nf K. Hbln , TowruMtKl and blames J , Uoah for the Council for three years, th»ts ending one o f the most fixottlng political confllcte In I h t hJttory o f IhU city. T he ticket Is now oomplele, and a s 1i s tands, th rse out of the fauv* Courtotlm unkt. eandlrlatea nonti- nated betoflij to ib o Cltlauna* rM onn

Not the Naitie Heutlnient.F ron t the W asbliigion Time*.

( ’utnao (niOurrvfully’-^'Yeit 1 lost nty wife hufarc \vi* h»i'l been m arried <iultc year."

Howku <sympathellCBlly)—"liiiW ve-m ur*rh‘H8 In Hh* dei rec uf death !"

u^timso (who Ik comiiclled to pay big all- m m iy )-"W flt. I don 't know w hat the de- •Tf^c of death would have been in ibt' (.‘ftse, hut I do know the decree of the Court inatle It hlHtn>‘i.l utirT for nic."

A N N O t J N C E n E N T .

Mesara. J. Mnd B. ANSPACH, late with the firm of B. B. Meyn- wHi, New York, beg toaaitotince that they have opened an erclu- alve OPTICAL STORE at

597 BROAD STREET.Ocullata' preacrlptlona a apec-

laity. All work done on the prentlaea, ^

r V B K m m g t f t H B M l K K I f Kl K K Ita

L'lT 25x100 fi«"r 2 Bion- frame. 7 rooms, new hIso r S-story building In rear, use is

a rarpcnier shnp *nd "tat'lea: carhnge-house. fi'r 7'J fssn P""y term", lUHVEltS ft UO., 7H4 tlrnnd IMKRUI’FI HT. neiir High-fl-famlly frama

Ikiiisc, ai cmdltlun; b>( 29x187: coat TK.tkHl; Mill "HI !o nub'k buyer for |ft.5ftO. greatest Dm gain In ibe r''al entnle market to-day. l.nUIH J. FRIKTH. 7ft Hiirlngfleld ave. IMUt.BKRHY ST.,NEAR UlII-:HTNrT-2ti-stofy

frame houwe. ft nxmi". gas, w*t*r nn two Iltior", i l'»"el And tewef ronnertlon; price only *2,”00. tl..1tX* can Tfinaln nn Wmd and mnrl- gHg". K, E. T tnsn A I'm., 7ft! Broad. 4ftk

MUST l»e "nld tf» close nn estate, a 2-story frnnjc house. 9 rfwjiuR. tot SI’ixWVt fc,*i. mort­

gage for 71.800: vHn t«e imufltt for |;W)0. BttW- EIlH ft ro . , 7M Broxil si. 1

NKW HOUSE FOR HAT.K-Not built with In­tention tr. sett: liM'atlun moet desirable In Ihe

North End; thirteen mlnuie* from Broad and Market st* ; Uwlve moms; arranged for one or (wo ramlUeii: "team; *11 ImprovemenU. Addres* Dwner. T55 Rroad ft. 41*

NH W house for xal*. seven mom*, all lmt*rove- riienlB, hegtnr In the cellar, (irlce TTl.tKki;

tt.lOO I'hsli; balHnce moflgsge. Inquire 4HlBummer *ve. |

COLUMBIA HT.. 87 menis; cenlrxt: 740.

90 Mechnnio It. _CAMP BT.. 24-14 rnoms; Improvemrms; ehnic*

lOCBlIon. Inquire 41 Halsey st- 89h


FROM MAY L _WaBhlnglon id.. 3-sinry brick, 13 rm*. ImpILeOOJames si.. S-"(ory brick. 0 rma., Imp..........Hpruce *1., 3-ilory frame. 1ft nn*., Imp....1480Fulton st., 5-"iory brick, 10 rmi.. Imp........*540Hill st., 3-Hory brick. 12 rm*.. Imp.......... H30uuUmau si., ii-atory frame, 8 rnis., Imp.. ..7:180 Pennington si., 8-*i<iry t>rU'k. ft rm*-, gas, ^WHShlucinn *1., 2‘>i-slory frame, liJ

K«s, u-aicr, etn ............................................ LbWKearny st.. frame. 10 rins,. Imp.......... ... 71(10Tlchenor st.. frame, 10 rtns., lm|i.............. >360

IMMEDIATE I'lWSBhBIUN, _Broad st.. 3-st. brick, 12 rms.. Imp..s«able41.200 Fution *(., Calory htU'k, 10 rm«., Imp .- -7541)Elm *(., S-S(ory brick. 12 rm*.. Imp........... WOOBldney pl., S-siory brtuk. 10 rm",. Imp....... 1540Waslilnftnn at., 8-story brirk, 10 rnis.. Imp.1584 Eighth ave., 2-sl(jt-y brick, ft rint., gsa and

water .............................................................7284Mulberry st., al-story brick, 10 rm*., gaa,

water, eto .. .................................................KWOAvon pl., 2H-story frame, 0 rm*.. Imp...... 727ftFail Khinsy "f.. S-siory hflck, 10 nns.,Imp.tMftCamden at., 8-aiory frame, ft nus., imp....... |24(JWsahlngton at., 24-au fra rtie, |il rm*.. gaa

and water .... .............................................. I'KWFull particulars nnd permits at nur nlllre.

.m E. K. H 'iNP a- fo .. 7ftl BROAD BT.

EMZAHKTH AVlv. IBS- F.legnnt 8-room hgune; Improvement*; Urge garden; cheap rent. 40h

UWN yOUH OVJ^ HOME- 71,80(1.

A ftcai 2'>'*iory bay-window fram" dwelling, oil l<>i Sftiltkj, situatrd aNo. 2.16 Berkeley av*., Newai'k, .S'. J . ; t>ne lilock frum electric cars.


I 13U Third ave.Oth MYHON W.

1FtaAUK y*‘iir pmiMfrly

MiHtsK. i:r,» Third a\e.

I'HYBU'IAN'B u FFICB a n d RRHIDENCK.3-"(ory mijileru brick house; nfflee and 13

riKuns; all itiijirovemeute; Int S0xi07. In de- tilrxtil" 10<.'*ttoft and occupied by l*ad1ng ph)s- ll Iriii (or man] ycur".4Mi K. K. BOND ft CO , 791 IiriMiJ.TIUUKNOR s t .. I^ A R OR(’Ha KD

2'if*storj- frame twn-famlly hnuae; 10 riionis; gso, range, b>il ami cnid a’Atcr, barb. eic.; lid ;ift*H7, on asphalt |mved street; only 74,lftU; innv* quick If you want a bargain.44k K. K- BUND ft uO., 79! Urr ad.

FOR RENT—Blotf Olid hasemeni, Market st., 3a1xlOU, poaecHslon March 1: lofi, 71 and

73 OllnUin st.. 4Sxl04, i-oRseislun March 1: houi*. 1.12 Rmad 'it., all improveinenis. hard wmal flnlah; |>o**esHlni(i May i. Apply tn j . j. HPURR. Atone Works, Harriaon. N. J. Tel. ISft.



your projierty 189 Third ave

with MYRON W-

WANTRD. houses (n let and for aala for spring lIsL S. W. OEEKT. 760 Broad ai. 93e


a n KHTARLIBHED corner drug store, In ..crowing t>art of the city; iKisaasslon May 1.

AbPty to W. H. ft R- BURNETT, IT Academyit _ 97hBHOAD 8T. s t o r e to let: part of a stora In the

busine** part; auitnhie fnr milliner, dress­maker or fancy business. A. WOOD, 7'.^ Broad •t. ICORNER store to let; good Inratinn; auUahle

for any bualneM. Apply 758 Broad si., room t . _________*

PARK HT.—Flats; 8 rooms: a ll Jmpro^'ementa: halls carpeted and clesned. Mulberry at.,

flat: T moms; all Improvemcnter apartmetit* of .1 and 4 moms; location central. J. J. BCHMlDT. Mt Canal st. 8mSH'HINfJFTELD AVE-. 4«8- ParV r, kitchen and

sleeping mom*; water In kltch^m; |8.PLANK PT.

and gas.355—To let, flat ofi 5 room*; bMh

F2IQUITMAN RT.—One floor; alw> three rooms

colored. Call 108.ROOMS—To let. four rooms on flrtt floor, with

basement laundry; flrat-claa* neighborhood man and wile preferred; rent T32. Apply 253 South Tth st. 82fRWMS to let, a t 71 and 75 ttfoat Kinney st,

terms 11ft and IT. Apply to W?#. I. COOPER Nsi, Btate Rank. __________ ___ 451ROOMB-lft: four I*rg4 Bght poewna, with bay

window; piaxxn; large cloaeta; watex; In new flat. 528 South 10th st., near flprtngfleld ava.34kllOOMft-Three snd four rooms to let cheap

55ft and .567 Market at. Apply LOTJIS SACKS. 88 Polk si. 781RICHMOND ST-, NO. 12—Fotit fw>ms to let

p»T(>nrt floor, small fsmtly only; rent 719. WftlROHE HT*. 41-To let,

Inquire H4 tVest st.4 large rooma; rent 17.


fiPEClA ^and peraonal attention given tn the renting of houses, flat* and apartment*. In the

south end of Newark. RICHARD 41. DKCKER, real estate. 111 and 118 Sherman ffVe. 24m

eoMERSET HT., 3l4-rour room*; p lasta; first fl^xir; rent 19.50. 551

Warwick sH., 4 Market st.

8 rooms 811FRED t . KIRK,

“ w n jT T o U R ^ O U M OR a p a r t m e n t s HE FOR RENT MAT IHT MEXT7

If SOT am booking many application* from excel

lent partle* desiring place* a t thatj time, and you would do well to call and ploca your prop erty upon my baoks.


HYR9N W. MOIRSE.38rl 189 Third ave.

WALNUT ST., 188—Three pleasant rooms. W, to respacfahle party; good neighborhood. w1

850 HUH8EX AVE., » rooms, all Im r’*-. 125,08 HItth *t., 7 room*, flats, all Impts-, 118.

02 and 6flW Fourth it., 7 room*, all Imirta..BH Third if„5 rooms, flat*, *11 impt*. 714 and 718. 42 ThlrfLat., 4 rttom*. Bparimems, 716.

■" ^nhln 10 minute*' walk of Rowivllle Da-pot, or 5 minutes nl electric car*. Apply to

JOHN TBAOTfE. 48 Third si., or PETER VANDERHOOE ft 80NB. SS8 Broad st 48f

DOCH to let, ofl Poasalc ava., Harrison, N. J.,

known as the “Dowara Dock;" convenient to

both Bridge and Clay *t. bridges; rent rasson-

able to a good tenant.


•309 Harriaon av*.,

ftOU Harrison, N. J.

♦l2'-Four laiv* room*; siatlonanr tftM pJanl^r. 420 High cor. AoadOffly,

ROOKS^ FI-ATII, i r r o . , YIAK'nEU.

DON'T go iwlthoftt rl*h you with ona.

Third ave.

tenant whan I <vcn fur HOPUE. m


linUdEK TO r.E T -Nonh Tth s(.. 12 moms. Impts, stable..KH) 99

High st., 14 roums, steam heal.................. fin tium i Kouth IKth at., 4 rooms......................... k (rjHouih dtb st., 7 room".................................. 2ft u)Riverside ave., B rooms, Imiits................... 4ft Oftvi> OarMson *t., 4 rooms.............................. 8 ixillrnad at., IB Tf' mar, impt*.......... ............... 4ft IH)Vatlsburgh. H .................... - .......................... ftftT.lncoJn ave.. k n^m i*, jm p l* ...................... . —Waablngion ave.. ft rooms, furnlshetl..........Flasi iU-ang' . ft rooife...................... ....... in 0ft1 A. W(K>D, 73ft Ifrnad at.

f a c t o r y r ^ m to let, 13 and 14 Oliver st., power ana steam heat; half mlnuia from

Chestnut St. fiutlon; suitable for JawelleUs, or ^(ber light manufacturing. L, A. HAYRK. 281FLOOHit—To l#t, sacund and third flotws of tbs

fine building No. 005 Uroad st; steam heal.Inquire In (h* store.


Fi/K^R—To l*L part or entire eecoml floor of 7M Rroiid at.; «uliahle mercantile or office

hiis!DS*i, Apply to J. W1H8 A SONS, 7fle

5VOOl»S!DU IlesnUful hrw coUmUl house;beautiful bx-atl<m; It rtHuna, tilth, laundry;

hnriJa(io<) llnish; nickel-plated sanitary plumb- liig; Hifthle. JnllALKMON. comer Washington

' mid tlriifinn a\»s. 3ftk' WRMIKT HT.. NEAR HIIAOD.

2^ •s!<|^y frame r.utage; 9 moma; all Im- provementa: ft>i JSxtUU; marked down to 78.250. nil very easy term*; IhiUlmenl* If you want U.

• 4:di K. K. HfiND ft UO,, 791 Broad.

HOUHR, No. 58 O n lra it.: In Hral-olnt" repair and •'imditlon; all modern Impruvemem*; ren-

irally luoaled; near iteftm railroad i1«|K>ts, tn>h ley cant, posloffica and miirkei; i«'sseaalon 1st Xlay next; rent low t<> tenant; alan up)ierpart of house. No. 230 Plano i t . ; 7 rooms; ndapi- fd for a,small family, at a luw rent. Inquire of AUNKK g. REEVE ft SONS, 88 Front si. 97f

IPIUHI-^-No. 115 Oarside st., from May L levfn rtxuns, iMith and laundry: improwmenls; F-ti

per month; house. No. 107 Oxr«1r|« al., frum May I, alx rooiua. bath, ImpriMbi-ments, |29 |» r month; house, No. 109 QarsMe st., ilx rooms, hath, Improvement*. F30 per month, Inqulr* 95 4th ave, 99*HKNRY Rl'rtSKLL. 443 Washington ave,.

Ilna houses, aparttnenls and atorve In North Newark. Wnodsldr. l-'oreat Hill sn<l Itellevlile,For rant at any ledre you may de"lre. Ux{|

and ae* or correspond with him; also houses and lots for sale. 1

F1X10R8 and basement In bulldlrtg, 10 nnd 12 Ward *L: with or without power; well lighted.

FHKD T, KIRK. 288 Market at. 841

FAiTORY floor to let; rear 274 Market si.;725 month. WAI^TER D. OSBORNE. U6 Me­

chanic at. ^FERRY tST. I Oft—To lat. store and rooms. In­

quire DANHUK. 154 Ferry st._____ WiJGOOU buslueas store, centrally located. Ad­

dress Established, Hox 1ft, News offiue. 1

LQFTfl to let. With beot and power; cor. klarket and Lawrence lU .; 241,000 aquar* feet; will b«

dlvbled to ruit tetisntf, Inqulra of B, w. aEBHY, 760 Brood st.___________________ ^

: w hy IV\.V- RENT when you can buy houaa* wKli 159 ciiah and pay 719 per month till paid

; fur, t\»r liel call at HKYKH ft I'u,, 120 I Huityrflcld ava„ ur TT5 IJivud u . J

FLAT WANTED: Improvements; s ta l l price. Addres# K. C., Box fli. N*ws offlee.

NEWLY married couple desire to rent ft room* on 2r1 or M floor, with improveraent*; locatad

between High and Richmond * ta Addroas Mfl., Box 54, New* cfllc*. ______OFFICE room wanted on Broad, near Market

« . Address Office, Box 28. News offlo*.nOOMB—Wanted, B rooms for man and wife

west of Broad, north of Market at* ; ,\iirll nr May 1: a-famlly houae. aecond neighborhood; no Irish need answer. ALLISON, Box TO. New* office. __ROCJMS-Waiued, from April L » o r part

of houae of flve or n|x rooms, with »«h . for fsmlly of ihrae adults: location oenlrol and moderate rent. Addres* E. K,, Box IM. New* office,,not)M a-W lBt*d. 3 or 4 In South Or«n.e

ground floor i>referred; In w good nalgUuor hiKxl. J, I).. Box Bl, News office.

also bock 1



BtlARD M'.tNTEP by two young men In prt- v*te family no la>ard1ng-hottsa need apply;

flrst-clas* references. Hoard, Box tfft, Newn office. 1BOARD 'Wanted, two pleasant rooms with

board for two adulli; Eighth Ward preferred. Address D. L„ Box 5ft. New* office. 4SI

BROWN ft liiCHLKfHNORK.AVON AVK..near Clinton ave,. neat 24.’Stonr

frame residence. 8 room*, all Improvemenis; price and terms very reasonshla. BROWN ft WHLKiirNnER. 7411-748 Broad-BURNET HT.. near Orange st., 5-aiory hrirk:

■ II Improvemetiis: owned by * party ll\ Ing In Texas; mortgage gl,o«s>; held hy a l«cal Insti­tution based upon twice Us value; can ba bought for less than 7V090. BROWN ft SCrH.EH* TNOBR. 74H-T4R Rroad. _____________•OMfctERt'E f*T.. R-slnry hrtek. 14 rooms, can be easily remodelled into flats, lot 59x98: prh s

IT .im BRfUVN A 8UHLBRINCJKR, 746-748 Broad. _____ _DK DRAW AVE.lForest Hill), several neat

frame cottages with large and small plots *<f land a i pidftes and terms to suit huyer*. BROWN

HUIll.KHTNnKR. 749-748 Broad.EMMET HT.. near Broad, flne private resi­

dence; handsomely decoratgrt and [uiiiered; 10 rooms; lot 59xtOU: price very low. BRDWN ft HUHLESrNQER, 74ft-748 Braad.KERRY BT.. from Penn. R. R. to the termlnu*

of this busy thoroughfare, house* and lot* of all kinds and prices to suit. BRriWN ft ftCHLEftlNGRR. 749-74H Broad. ______GARHIDK ST., near Sd ave,, 2'4-story frame,

fi rooms; all lmi»s.. heater: lot 25x100; prlca W.HfiO. BROWN ft 8UHLEHINOKR. 748-748 Broad.HILL HT., near Bread st.. 3-itory bmwn atona resSrtencr. 12 rooms; all Imp*., tn close an es­tate will he sold at a aacrlflce. BROWN ft 8UHt-E8lNOKR. 746-T4S Broad.IRVING HT.. near W *"l^gton ave.. 5-slory and

extension 0-n>om house; lot 5<txl71; with sia- ble: Ta.WNh b r o w n ft gUULKSlNOER. T46- 748 Broad. ______________JAMKH HT.. near Plane st,. handsome modern

Slone front residence; ten r»toma: tiled balh- room; price low. BROWN ft SCHLESINOER, 74ft-T4R Broad.___________________________KKARNT 8T.—Two frame houses, ten room*

each; all conveniences; price* and term* >ery reasonable BROWN ft HdILKHINGKR. 746- 748 Broad.Lf9MBARDT HT., near Broad- Handsome 8-

story brirk; 14 moma; all Improvements; ex­cellent location for phyrlctan, BROWN ft RPHLEBINGER, 746-748 Broad.MULBERRY HT.. fram one end to the other.

nrnpertle* of *11 deocrlption at prices to suit the tlmra. BR07VN ft HrilLKSINGKR. 7W- 74K Broad^________________ __ __ _ ^NELBON PL., froiii High to Howard—Privata

rasldancai, apstlmthL houses and a cant lot, on your own terma. BROWN ft HUHLEfllNOER. 74«V748 Broad.ORANGE BT.. near Plane, S-story hrick; com*

Ing bualnesa property; must he sold to settle I estate in Pertpsylvanl*. BROWN ft

HUMLEHINOER, T46-748 Broad.POlNIER HT.. between Ellxabeth and HhtrmHn

aves., nest 2Mr-stury frame house (slate roof); T rooms: all Improvements: heater; L’l.ridO: on term" to suit. BROWN ft SCHLEHINQER. 740-748 Broad.QUITMAN BT.—Neal 24-stnry frame houae. f

rooms; nit Improvements; healer; lot 29xlUUt ■table attached; price 74,‘290. BROW'N ft RUHLEfllNGER. 746-748 Brood.RICHMOND BT.—Three-atoty brick resldehce*

sixteen rooms, axcellent hargaln for some ona. b r o w n ft SCRI^EHINOKR, 746-748 Broad. ^SOUTH BIXTH, Beventh, Eighth, Ninth;

Tenth, Elevenih. Twelfth, Thlrteanth, Four­teenth. Fifteenth, Blxteenth, Bevanfeenlh, Eighteenth. Nineteenth, from tha beginning to the end thereof—House* *nd tola, arranged fni* une, two or three families. BROWN ft BCHLES- INGEH. 746-748 Broad.t h ir d a v e ., near Bummer ave.—Three nest

brick, housaa, owned by * non-regtrtent, will he sold at a aacrlflce. BROWN ft flCHLEB* INOER, 746-748 Broad.

UNION RT.—2^-story frame, 11 rooms; water anil aeWer ronnactlohs: $5,809. BROWN ft

8CIILK8INOER. 740-748 Broad.

VINK BT.—Three-story frame house; water* ■ewar, g a c price low and easy term".BROWN ft HOHLEBINnKR, 746-746 Braid.

WALNUT HT., near railroad—Three-ititry frame; contains ilora and 13 rooms; lot 89*109;

bli^-paved atreel; 14.600, of which 13,509 tg on mortgage; non-resfdenl owner, muat ha sold.

BROWN ft HCHLKHINOER. 746-748 Broad.X. T. Z.*-If there were atreel* or avenuea be­

ginning with thene Isttera. we would undoubt­edly have proparilas on them to offer; still w« contlhu* to have the largeat, choicest and b««i list to select from, snd ll will pay you lo c«U oa US tf you want to )>uy any property, no msttep how Urge or small, BRDW'N ft Ht'HLEB- INOKR, 746*748 Brutd.

riTRNlRHED HOOHN TO LKT..........ARI-INOTON BT.. 12-FumUhed room for jfan*

ileman, ___________ i

fraiu* hou»ai Sbuy* a 2-atorvroama, on OniiTiol aL; lo ttB g

ACADEMY RT., 56“ Ntwly furnlthed room*ifor light houaakaeping.

RANK 8T„ 78-rupn lshrt rr>oma, nicely nlshed; largs and anUU room*: r«a*ontlile.


HOUflE—For r«nt from May 1, thraa-atory brick hou*e. No. 47 Walnut tt ,: 8 rooms,

bathroom, and all Improvemsnia; cholca loca­tion and tn flrst-eUaii condition. Apply to S. N. UPJINS. 90 Uealral avj., after 6 P. K. 51x

liAUNDRY-ln an excalUni location; rent low;giKMl uhaoce for a Itvn laundryman of any

natidnallty. 766 North 4th a t.H arriaon. 1I'LAUK your proi>erty with M7'RflN W'.

MURSP:. 12U Third a v e ._______ IROOMR to let. With power: all Improvefnants;

w#U lighted; No. 24 Roudinot *t. Inquire of Ramuel W. Ueery. 760 Broad st., or anglnaer on the prernlaea. Tvlephona No. 904- 4JBALOON of F. E. HlaUhtr. 90 Market at., to

let. from May la t; now occupied by l^aon Roa«; conipletaly equipped with flit* flxturea and all Improvement*; alao aitting room and 10 rooms im 2d and 8il flonrs; leaaa given. Apply IIHH- L. i'l, RLAUUIK'h, 6 Hpringfleld ave. 37s

r a n k RT., 52-Furnlahed room to Ut for light hnusekaeplng. __________ _________ ]

RANK RT., W-Furalohed from room, llgShJ houeekeeping; hall room. ____ J

BELLEVILLE AVB„ 2W-Two nicety furoUha*d n>omp; Improvamanta; prlvsta i s m u y . ___

BROAD BT.. 373—Pleasant furn1*h«6 lorgaroom lo Jet.

100: will lesv* tnortgkge If d M ir rd ; Aral rome flrat *erve<1. BKOWN # HCHLKHINOKB, 7M-74B Hnsod.


ExotReot locailon for biitnher, grocer of 'baker: 3-itory frame hulldlnu, ronUlii* nloc Urgeatore^ 16 ebaerful room*; all Improve­m ents: for 2 f^m lliii; lot 10(1; price U»w« and will be sold on tji>>at fnvorabio term*,

BROWN ft BTHL¥:R1N0KR. _______________________746-788 Brood *t.

BROAD ST.,CLINTON BT., Tj—Nlr»ly fUfBtlhe* ™ I i ; ;

h u t . h .th ; prlv ll,!! Ilf hi h o w h « P 'n f , <*™JJ

NIAS OSIINTAL,S-ttorj' brick KaldcDCsi 10 room.: itU I

__________ _COURT BT., f l l -N ln lr him Uhi4

w «k i «ll Impruvrawni!.

n n l .a c M ; « n ba b a sfh t for Ic h t h . n (M bon*, eotild be built for.


A n th o riu d A(i>nt* fa r adT artt* lii( a t oIBca r a ir t . M art n f thaaa plaeaa a ra

d |i«n m D ln sB .Nl^Tf T O R K -

K vrn ln* N»wa B ra n rh OlIlM, 71 W*rl4 RulHInft. It. R I t. I lu n t im a n , ip rcla l ro p rfiem a tiv e .

O R jCVOK—E v rn in f K ew a B ran ch Ofllce, t C fn tr i

•t.O H A N r ir V a I .T .K T -

J . J. Sprilm an , H lrh lan tl Ava. Station N E IV A R K -

R. N. Som m ar. TM B road at, I lo lah au ar'a D ru* Stora, com ar of

Broad and I t a r k r t ata.Goo<Ib>jU U ro th rn i, f!7 B road at.It. S taab irr . B road at. r . R.t D uncan, IW Kim at,( harlaa H. B ra llh u t. 10* RoaeTlHa ava. tv, II. B ra tt, JSt W aahlnato t. at. tfy ron W. Morac, 130 T h ird ava.N c t i a tand , Itoacvllla , Avr. Station.S. T. Sailor, »1 South O ra n ia a»a„

n r a r B rvcntli at.h E. Iludd. 231 C linton ava.P au l R. Brhnaldor, 119 D loom htld a r t . ,

cor. O ara td f at.Fred R ra lth u t. 21 Bellevllla a v a

EA ST ORANOB—W. H. Allan, U2 M ain at., and Brleli

C hurch S tation .tv . H. P li tm irr . B oat O ran sc Station. II. N. W lldm an, N cw idoalar, 106 Main

a t - fS O T T H O R A N O E -

R ohart Laalla, S outh O ra n ia ava, H A R R IS O N -

P. J . Goodman, 111 H arrlao n a v am .n o .M F IE B D —

B, R H lc rln a , N fw adeater, opp D epo tS U .M M IT -

E dw ard B. K elly.M O N T C L A tR -

tV. B. Puraell, N ew adaaltr, A R U N O T O N -

C, H. B lanc.W ATRliSBlNG—

C harles B radley, N ew sdealer. M ADISON—

I>w1s A. W atera, N ew sdealefr D. L.,and W- R. R. S ta t on,

M ORU18TOW N—W. K. M uchm ore, N ew sdealer. McAU

pin m ock .

8iMdi^nlr- "a f<*l'niary 59 . isM .it lfe r.f Michael' «ciO(| V.CLA SrC Y

Mary. ' year*.

FuDcral privet* fnim her lale residence, No.r>n Kunda.v. M arrh 1. a t

2 I’ M. Interm ent In iha <Vm«icrr ll-ily SepuK'tirf-.

DfNW AR—On Febmarj- 2.'., ISOS, F red I.. Dun­bar, a f rd tl7 yea re.

Funera] ■er.'Icca on HumUv. M an h 1. frnm Ko. laifl Unidiil atreet. rfirner nrrf*n. nt • !'. M Itelatlvea and friend*, alM> the F.aemid Firem en'* Atwirlatlon. are InvHeil lif HU*nd. iDtermem at Mi. lMear»nl O m elery .

lUD JUM ONn-fin Friday. Fehruary a t Han Djean. t 'a i ., H arry Oumee, son «if W illiam II Drummimd, cf ihia cliy, In tbi* 2nih year ijf hla>ase.

E .S rK K -O n Frldny, Kebruarj- 2H. \HM. a t 8 A. H., I le n i^ A., J r . t>eloNed a^n of Henry A. and the inte Hllisabeth A, Fncke, affej 31i yearn.

ReiAiive* and friend*, alati tnembera of the <’liithlrvK I’u itera ' AaaorlaUon, a re reaperi-fully invited to attend the fuileral from the

H liiderlel'


T h a ren l e * ta le t r a n s f e r s reco rd ed tn ih sK rp la te r 's F r id a y a n d reporloel tiyIho F id e l ity T n i s l a n d D e p o s it C om pany






4 . ^

w ereN K W A R K .

C U reu t e M. H etldcn «'t u x to K hen- esn r 1‘la rk , w a N 5th sf s f r 3dHV. SfixinO.......................................................................

T r lv e t t d<! W H itera C'o. to Isa h e iia D n rto n , s s .New s t 2S1 e f r .MorrisH\', 30xinfi......................................................

KHtt fJ. H ay re to F i- te r N la rtln , e s W k 'k llffe SL s f r H a n k «t. 35x115 ,

A h ram D en m a n a n d a l to E l la C. \ '« rp l!h c r . w a M u lb e r ry s i 'co rW illiam J o h n s o n . 3fncA>.......................

O eorjfe { taum e i o x to C. T re fs 8n th s i 34« n f r r lT th a v , 0fVxl4O.........

CM mon A v en u e H a p tls t C h u r rh to O t'o rae A. H ea rd s ley , n s f lh e rm a iia v iw w f r A s to r a t. S sxllS ................

J a m e s C oy le e i u x to th e F o u r te e n lh W a rd [lulldiTiK am ! Ix jan AsHoeta- lion . c • \ 'a n H uren s t e f r ( 'lo v e rSt. 25xino......................................................

T h e Uella!>le n u lliin R : a n d D oan A s­so c ia tio n to F lje ii D o lan , e s l lo v tAl 157 s f r N ew s t , 35x103..................

A b ra m F>enman a n d a l to W tltlam T*erry A<*kerson, ■ s V, M e c h a n ic a t S7 w f r flam tia l C. C o lly e r, 2)x!s» . . .

M a rla I ja tile a n d a l to A n n a J . R o ­den . w s W ash inK tori at. n e co rfiw a r N leho la , 9^1x160...............................

J o h n K e n n y e l ux in th e E ssex r o u n iy P a rk C o m m issio n , n e co rK. K in n ey a n d A d a m s a i. 38x<W.......

A u x u a l W U ilem ann e t ux lo th e E s ­sex P a r k I 'o ra m ls s lo n . e s A dam sSt 54 n f r O liv e r s t . 24x9«)....................

H a r r is o n V an D u y iie a m i a l (com - m lSBlonersI to W illiam F. H a l te r - s lcy , B s 8 th a v , q o r N e s b it t a t , 13&X13S ..................................................................

T O W N B IIIP B .H a r r ie t P e lo u b e t to R o b e r t M. B oyd,

J r . . M o n tc la ir , n w c o r L in d e n uv a n d W lllo w d a le a v , I h i x ^ ; e s W ll- low du le av r f r L in d e n a v . n<iilf»3L ti s co r G re n a d a pi a n d W ll- Inw riale av . 52x211; n a G re n a d a pilOl TV f r W lllo w d ale a v . !H x l!2 ..........

Bnm uel C. J o n e s et a l to T h e E a s t O ra tix e N a tio n a l R a n k . l ''a s t O r- aii^fe. s s .Main s t h'l s e f r 8 A rlinq:-tou a v . I3.x75.................................................

T h e W**sl E n d Jaund Im p ro v e m e n t <^u^ll^any to f jc o rx e F'\ l la u f le r . \ 'H l]sh iirxh , w s I s a b e l la a t 1B3 sf r fi n r a n x e a v , 50x100............................

J m n i’s 11- I ta r to w to H e n ry W ood.Llvlnft:.*'ton.- t r a c t s ......................... 20,000

Afmn K. M itch e ll a n d a l to F r a n k T . V nnderholT . E a s t O ra n x e , w s 8 H even icen lh s i li>J s w f r N in th nv.





mldenct! of hli aunt. !drs. Iflrlderlelder, N 4A K ilr str**i, on Hunfluv. Slar»‘h 1. a t k A. M. sharp, lo Fresh Fnnii I'remsiory, Lin^ Island.

advrrtlaliic In tb sNKWH m u st tn r a r la b ly b s pmid f« r In ad - la n r e ,

No seeniint* w ill !»• n p e n t i l ftor such .No a«lvrrfl*eR iriit w lH be reM*lvs«1 o v e r

th e te le p h iti i* ei<*rpt (b o as se iil by a u t iio i^ lte«l axenU .

AOhNTH Oreatssi ..ffer xlven hy any newa- Fifty rrm* i,> BSeiil* iin em !i tlnllur-

Nrwii Im inilorM-ii Py the ruiholleThv r .th u n .Hl*ho|i*, pjiestH anil eminent s-rlter* a i th* l*amnx rathehe famllv weekly; iul>*<'rip(lon prU- 9-ne ypsir hy m.Ol. one ilollar. Csava**er* jnre bNmwp.I ihe Uritf ••otnmlJisIrkn of rtftv veni*

WHHte.1 In every t'sthnilei |»ari*n In ever> rlty *ml town: exiierlenee not iverfMsrv. wilTe far sampte (Mipy. AfUtrss*

t.Btholhj Newii. pj l u « ’Uy at., New>-rk.

t.i intn^liiee "Earth Blrdlsd." nr. Tulmnse's wniterful Nwk; nearly

m«aah;e ,.ver 4nri ph-ture*: he tell* all h*■nw while tr.iveHma ‘n-un.! the world. Aildre*^.Pei.pie'*. MarkH PhIhulebihU. Pa lSm


L r o r c e S p o tte sw o o d e cl u x j o O w en H;*'riie, E a s t D ra tixe ,


D o u x h e r-ly s t 140 w f r N. P a rk s t , 34xl2>:__

Jo h n DrI.HColl e l u x to T im o th y D rls - <•011, f ira n x e , e s H ic k o ry hi n co r D tisco ll, 100x145; B w c o r R e y n o ld siihU n u ;o t! S ts. lOOxlOO...........................

J o h n D risco ll v i u x to T lm o ih y D r is ­coll. O ran ite . e s H ic k o ry s t fiOfl s w f r C e n tra l a v , 100x156: n w r o r H ick o ry a n d U eynoklH s is , 100x135

T im o th y D risc o ll to M ary D risco ll,O ran g e , s a m s . . . . ...................................

T im o th y D risc o ll to M a ry D risco ll,


O ran g e , e n H ic k o ry s i n co r D ris- colJ. 100x145; s w co r R e y n o ld s a n dO lc o tt s ts , LOOxiOO..

C O N T R A C T S A W A R D E D .T h a fo llo w in g c o n t r a c ts h a v e besn rs-

cordofi a t th e C p u r tb o u s c :T b e o d o re E g g e fk in g w ith J b e n ig A

P eo p le s , $640, p lu m b in g a n d t in n in g . 98 L i t t le to n a v e n u e , c ity .

B e n ja m in P . L a ld la w 'w ith F le rn itig B ro s ,. $2.3TiO, W e s t O ra n g e . N . J .

G. D. C ook w ith A n d re w W 'llUam aon, 1715, p lu m b in g , 19 S te u b e n s tr e e t , E a st O ra n g e . N. J . : H . R. R eeve, a r c h i te c t ,

G, D. (7ook w ith T r lv e t t A W a lte r s Co,. $3,234. c a rp e n te r s , 19 S te u b e n s tr e e t, E a s t O ran g e , N. J . ; TT. E . R eev e , a rc h i te c t.

G .^D . C ook w ith C h e d ls te r A B la n ch , $1,165, m a so n , III S teu b e n s tr e e t . E a s t O r­a n g e , N . J . ; H . E . R e e v e , a r c h i te c t .

(F. D. C ook w ith J o h n R . O ’N eill. $aw. p a in tin g , 19 S teu b e n s t r e e t , E a s t O ran g e , N . J . ; IT, E . R eeve, a r c h i te c t .

T h e o d o re R g g e rk ln g w ith J a m e s M oran A Bon. $825, m a so n a n d b lu e s to n e , 98 L itt le to n a v e n u e , c ity .

T h e o d o re E g g e rk ln g w ith R o b e rt Rfth, $3,339. c a rp e n te r , L l t l le lo n a v e n u e , c lly .

F rc tle r lc k (‘’la rk w ith R ilw a rd H lgble . $110 , pdfTnilng. s o u th e r ly s id e o f F lee tw o o d p lace . \ 'R l]sb u rg h , N. J . : AA’llllam M oll, a rc h i te c t.

F re d G ook w ith (!"harles M. F o rc e , $1,600, c a rp e n te r , F le e tw o o d p la ce , V a llsb u rg h , N. j . : W illiam M oll, a r c h i te c t .

F re d C la rk w ith J o h n ty L . B ooh . $8W, m a so n , F le e tw o o d p la ce , V a lla b u rg n , N. J .; W illiam M nll, a r c h i te c t .

F red f l a r k w ith J o h n ty L , B ook. $696, m aso n , s o u th e r ly sirie o f F le e tw o o d p lace, V a llsb u rg h , N, J . : W illia m M oll, a r c h i te c t . ,

F red C la rk w ith P h ilip B e c k e r . $90, p lu m b in g . F lee tw o o d p la ce , V a llsb u rg h , N . J . : w il l ia m M oll, a r c h i te c t .

B am uel J . B la ir w ith P r ln g A Co.. $1,832, c a rp e n te r , w e s te r ly s id e o f A sh lan d aWenue, E a s t O ra n g e . N . J . ; F re d E , H a s M m a n , a rc h i te c t .

S am u e l J . B la ir w ith W e in e r A C ogan , SfirjO, p lu m b in g , w e s te r ly s id e o f A sh lan d av e n u e . E a s t O ra n g e , N , J - i F re d E, H a a sc im a n , a r c h i te c t .

S am u e l J . P l a t r w ith D av id R. M oore, $565. m aso n , w e s te r ly s id e A sh la n d av e ­nue. E a s t O ra n g e , N. J . ; F re d R. H a s Bclm an, a r c h i te c t .

S am u e l J . R U fr w ith F e rd in a n d C oyne, J r . . $150. p a in t in g , w e s te r ly a ide o f Ashla n d av e n u e , E a s t O ra n g e , N . J . : F re d R. H u sse lm a n , a rc h i te c t .

rK l(M >N A L .

1.400 APPOINTMRNTH tft be made thl* y « r In tbs Government aerrlre; examJnatlnn soon

In Trmton; we can prepare you by mall. Par- llrulsr* a* tn dates, aalarles, etc., free of Na- I Inn* I CoiTeBpOTidenre In*tltute, Washington, l>. C\ 1

B usiness Peraotm ls,OUEAT riNr)-+gtx month*’ uae of U acj. ........... auested

(leray of hair folMoles in advertiser’s rale, and snslMtetl new growth: $2 hneite; no humltug. Ad- drfUM Hall*. Rot tk>. News office. IIF YOU irunt your bills coltectsd quickly, call

on GILLEN A (NX. 46 Market at. 1MHP, IlUfiNCH. 1.13 Badger ave.. near Clinton

avs.; ladles wishing private hursln i; 20 years' experience; ronSdenltal ireatment; doctor Id at* tendance. Clinton ave. car* going aoutb. 2fa

M AHRY—«cm! 10c. for matrimnnial paper, pub­lished Tnonihly; wealthy patrons; perwmaf In-

tridueikihi. MH. AND MRS. I'RAKE. IM Washington st, “ '{■Ijlcago.MIDWIFE^-Otimian midwife, with diploma; aa

yeora’ expehekne; women nursed a t her bom*; quiet. aiS s m ith ava. 3»o

NEW QOAL TARD-MBLVILLB U. R t^ ’AN, formerly of N. J. R. R. ave., will remove

w hts new yard, cor. Somerset and Rose sts,. on Saturday. Feb. ap, ' . . . .----------y , ^ best grades of coal a t |ow-est m arket price; charcoar a apeclalty. HOk•V I’BRFL.UOU0 HAIRS perm anently destroyed

MADAMJC RW BSTERVELT. 215 W ashington at.



ATLANTIC CITT. N. L Sea w ater baths In house.E levator and every modem convenlenot. fiend tw llluotraled tKKdUet.



ATLA ffTlC p T Y . N, J ..u" and D ot«ijr im ^ v e d , la now one ofthe most crgmplela reenrt hou

, ---------NTIC c:B n l^ d d and D o t^ ly in

reenrt houses on the oi e lev ito r; hot end ooldliAVlllg h;

w ater bsi hy i 81d

rmp1e{a resortnullo elevsto . ___ ______

?•*” I* 'lu rg 'a n d heated • tfa m and open g ra te flree.


h o t e l DENKtR->A T X dlN 'nc CITY, K . L

- n o R o o i i s -i 6s JO SE PH H. B O irrq it .

E ^ 'E llITT -Sud.lenly, on Fthruim " li?*. Kd-w sn l Kveritt, M. 1)., in ills 4tHlt year.

riT Z P A T R U ’K—<jn February 27. A rthur O.FitxpAiiich.

R^-latlves and friend* of the ‘dereaewt, also H arrison Fir* l^epariinent. are re-siierlfully Invlied to attend the funeral friin hi* late residence. N<». l> rtnuth Third "treei, ifarrlsfin. on Sunday, M arch 1. e l I r . M., tn tli« t ’hurch of the Holy tYoa*. Interm ent In the Cemetery of the Rolj- Repulrhr'*. A High Mum of Il«fiUi*m will be ogerfMl for the re|K w of hla aoul on Tuee- day. March 3, a t H 5n A. .M.

FnHTUR -rm Thurwiay, February 27, ikwl. Lo- venle, only ,,f Ant-i* M. aftd rtaraht‘’'« (er. aged H month* and 4 day*.

R ela iltea iind friend* are Invited to attend her funeral on Sunday. March I. JhUtl. a t 3:3u P. M.. (m m the resldetioft of her parent i. No. 435 lioulh I8ih alreet.

FO.X F'ehruary 1.1b Joseph. Infant aon of Michael and Tlllle Fox, aged 1 day.

Funeral priva te fnmi hi* parent*' realdenc*. Ithl W ttrrent street, on Raturday. th* 21Kh, *1 3 F M. Interm ent In ih* Cem etery of the lluly Repulchre.

GKJ>NKY--On the 2fllh Inai., Jacob Oedney. In hts 63d year.

Funeral aervloe* will l»e held a t hla lat* real- derive. 127 Hrtleey *ireet, on Sunday. March 1. 1^00. a t 2:3(1 P. M. Relktivea and friend*, also the meml>eni of Mnrion l/n tge No. IW. 1. n. o . F.. Urllllarit Star. Tiaughter* of Rebeera, I.*dSeB' Auxiliary of Oarfleld P0*1, W eptahnomah Council Nn, IB. Improved n rder of Red Men. and Pride Of General Puim an Ijodge. n a u g h ten of Liberty, ar* re«tiectfully Invited. Interment a t Mt. Pleanant Cemetery.

G EIiN EV -O n February 2R. 1896. Jacob Gsdnsy, aged B3 year*.

Relatives an<l friends of ih* fam ily are ro- queeied to AtteTui the funeral nn Sunday, March I. a t 2 :») V. M . a t his ia te residence, No. 127 Halsey alreet, also Marlon I ^ lg e N-i. 20. I. o . o . p., who if* particu larly re- quented by the family to take full charge of the funeral. Membera will meet a t l<»dge- riHfm on Saturday evenlftg a t 6 o'clock, lo make arrangemcnl*.

HCKlLR n n the 2fith Inst., John T.. behived aon of John A. and iha late Mary J. Hogle, in h l*32dyear.

Funeral servirea will he held nt his l i te resi­dence, No. 7! E ighth avenue, on Sunday. Mnrrh 1. ISfHl, a t 2 P. M. Ile lallves and frteml*. al*o i.’ompany E, Flr*t Reglmenl, Flrsl Hegtment Drum and F ife Corps. Trinity iMmp No. 45, F ./U . employe* of Do- mesth* Sewing Machine Company, and the Alumni Class of the Technical Behool are resiieetfuJIy Invited. Interm ent a t Fair* mimnt Cemetery.

HKDRJCH-On F ebruary 27. 180B. Augusta, widow of George Ernest Hedrlch, aged 46 years 4 mnntha.

Relatives and friends are reapeotfully Invited in atlend the funeral fbun the residence of her brother, W illiam TUtxky, No. 143 Miller Btreel. FMxaheih, N. J ,, on Sunday, March 1. 1«KI, a t 2 P, M.. to Moravian Church. 7lh Mreet. E lliabeth . a t 2130 P. >f. Interm ent In Evergreen O m eier}’,

HARIIIBON-On February 27. IWB. M ary H ar­rison. aged no vear*.

Relative* and riienda are kindly lnvlte.1 to Attend the funeral from her la te realdencs.

Main street. Orange. N. J .. on Sunday, March 1. a l 2 P. M. Interm ent In Rosedale Cemetery,

JONKH^.On Wednemlfty. February SB. 1806. Norman Jnnee. in the 47lh year of hla age.

Relative* and friend* are Invited to attend the funeral *er\’|ces from hi* lute re*idence. No. IM Pennlgton street, lo-inorrow iSunday) nfiernOon a t 2 P. M. Interm ent In Wood­land (Vmetery.

K RAPP—i>n ThuriiJsy, February 27, IH96, Mar* garetha Krnpf (nee Martlrt), bitioved wife of Usorge K rapf, aged 76 years 3 months S day*.

Relative* and friend*, alao member* of Bt. Jiiseph’a League of flt. Ann’s Church, and 81 . Uenedlct’a Biiclety of 81. M ary’s Church, a re reapecifully Invited to attend her funeral on Monday. March 2. at K:3l) A. M., from her la te residence. No. M Goble stree t, to 8l. M ary's Church, where a Solemn High Mass of Reiiulem will Iw offered (nr the re- pc.*e of her soul. Interment In Rt, M ary’s Cemetery. Tdease omit flowers.

KCHI.—t)n h tlday , February 28, IWMt. Mary, widow of Jayoh Kuhl. aged 73 years.

Relatives and frlrm ts are resper'fijlly iQVltad to atleiul the funeral fr-im her late reel- rfcn<ie. No, H3I Ogden aireei. nn Sunday, March 1, a t 2:30 F, M- Interm ent in Wood- iatiU Cemetery.

LEVT-JOn Thursday. February 2T. 1 «)6 . aDer only brief but severe lllne**, H annah, be­loved wife of Jacob I^evy. aged 4I> years.

Retatlvea and friend*. Oongregntl«m Oheb Bbalem, Hulda L>dfe No. .V U. O. T. 8.. Miriam Society. Newark Ignlge, F. 8. 0 . I.. jArtle** Im m edlale Relief Society, are re- *|My?tful]y InvltM to attend the funeral from her lute re*ldence, No 334 W est Kinney Pircet. on Sunday. March 1, I8b6. a t 2 F. M. Interm ent In the Cemetery Oheh Shalem.

NORTON-«On F ebruary 27, William, a<»n of Michael and 4 'alherine Norton. -• *

Relative* and frleml* of the deceased a re r*- speotfully Invited to attend the funeral from hlfl la te residence, No, 234 .Tersey itreet. JlArrlMiti, on Monday, March 2. a t H A. M.. to the ( ^ im h u( the Holy Crfis*. where a High Mans of Requiem will be offered for the repose of hi* aoul. Interm ent In the < em etery of the Roly Sepulchre.

DUTCH—On February 2H, IHftB. W aller F .. only child of Fred and Carrie Dutch tnee Rolh- Une), aged 1 year T month*.

Funeral on Monday. March 2, a t 2 P. Jd., frota }>&rentfl’ reeldenre, corner Mapta and Hod- well avenueo, ManbattoA Park. In term ent a t Kairmount Cemetery.

SCHICK—On Friday, February 2H, John H.. be- loued ftou of John and th* late Jiarbara Schick (nee Rnemmeiej, aged 25 years 2 memthn IB day*.

Reiatlves and frlerels of the fam ily are re* *t»fctfuily Invited to attend the funeral «er- v|ce* from hi* parent'* reRldence, No. Nl Garden street, on Punday, March 1. a t 0 't'lot‘k P. M. Inlernienl a t Palrm ounl Cem­etery.

fiCHCM AKER-On ThDrsday, F ebn ia ry 37. 1M»6, John Philip, only lieloved sun of John and Annie SchiiTnaker, ag«d 5 yitar*.

Relative* and friend* are re*|tertfuMy Invited to attend the runcral from hjs parent*' retl.- dence. No, 57 Waydell street, on Sunday. Mart'h 1, m ni, a t 2 P. M. In term ent In TVnoiHand Cemetery.

SZYMANOWITy.—On Wedneaday. February 2B, IMHJ, Mary, beim-ed wife of Ifugo Ssymano- Wlt* (nee Rehsch), aged 22 years B m^mth*.

Funeral eervlce* wlH be held from her la te rehldenre. No, 4b Crawford street, nn Bun- day. M arch 1. a t 2 o'clock P. M. Relatives and frlonrta are kindly Invlied to attend. In ­term ent a t Woodland Cemetery.

STCCKEY—On February 2*1, Annie F ., bojoved w ife of John Stuckey, aged an yeara.

Funeral oervlcew on Bunday, March 1, a t 3 P. 5f., from her late re*icleh'^. N«>, 87 Fa- tlBc alreet. Helativea and frienUw a re In­vited tn attend . Interm ent a t Kverprroeri Cemetery.

THOMPHON-On Febriisry 27, 1«W. Kllaabelh I>a Hue, daughter uf th* late Benjamin 1. Tbonipaon.

Funeral service* at her home, N iK 48 Kasl Kinney atreet, on Monday, March 2. a t 2:30 P. M. Relative* and friends are Invited to attend. Interm ent at Falm iount Cemeterj'.

WAGENBLABT-On Friday, Fehruarv 28, \8|>6 Agnes, helhved wife nf AUghsi W agenM ast (nee W flttauf). aged 35 year* 4 months 22 days,

RalalfVM and friends, alio Harz M arla. B ruder­schaft of flt- Pel or'* Church. Newark Young Men's Ranevrdent Association. M. O. V. Badenla. are most respectfully Invited lo atlend the funeral from her la te residence. No. 60 Hayes street, on Monday, M arch 2, 1B»6, a t fiilb A. M.. to St. P ete r 's t^hurch, where a Solemn High HSsa of Requiem will be offsred for the retH>se of her aoul. In te r­ment In the Cemetery of the Hr}ly Sepulchre,

ZEIN E R -Suddenly, on February 27. 18©fl. Kd ward Zelner, aged 11) yeart,

Funeral servlcea will he held g t B ethany Preabytarian Church, Spruce street. Sunday M arch L a t 4 P. M.

A limn. w |ib exiwrSenrc In cycle re-rvilr *lio]t. lla^tl^•ub*rIi trueltig wihe^ds and re-

lialrlng lire*, gi\<* r^.ff.f.^rjie and s ts te wages ex|wv(ed. Plri<-lr, i>rani;* N^w* office. 2lhuAGKS'TB—The Iwet |»ft) Ing ath letic n*l-hlnw

rnarhliie* in Aiurrlca fur saliwm*. |e->o| rooms, hfdels. etc ,, ag^m* w.mted. n iL L E T fi VAN

^\■lll(esbarre. pa.ACFNT;< Uustli

only rvveh 21K-. O. Ml' Mass.

tnaki 'h if UrlddU*

15 dally sielMng the I'ake Turner: aaniple

m<umfsciurer. ilaverhlll, 2ffh

AGKNTrt w.uitcil r,vr unbreakable glass lamp chljnneys rmiI tbr<* m her new. fasi>H*||ers:

I'uctory, 2d 22 Mecluintc *i. 3 lk

AG):nth i;.i|d Kigne; name p la tes, num-hers; readable il.irkrsl n lg liti: write for anm- l>ks. Till -M U4 K C i(. Knglewr>od, 111.AtIKN'TB wanted. ijulrkesi seller ever nut on

the iiuirket. ;i3 (’ijnt>.n st. 1Br>NK<’l TTFK Uanip.l. aerond-hand bimecut*

ter. In AI iM'nrlitUiii. i*H*h; atsie price. Ad-drchs 4 h,.K 72. ,svis* fijhie, 1

BD4>K-KI';k p e r wimted: young ntan about 23 ycHra nM Addrch*. niinln* »’X|«*rlenie and

aalary eii#c4ed, Honk. II.n ii3. New* ofn.-e. «nkllf>Y watiutl m <

Inqiitie 2s iMtik :'*iir* old), to run erraude.

r»Rl\KU Bti-ii-H. arth* man for delivery wiigun, one who cun furnish good city refer-

■' " aliilKiit age, refri-ences, etc.,encch. .^.Idreiie.to A . Mnv 71, N.w* nrtio

TiRDK Il tiernm n y.iuna rn«n w-*nted to take care i.f iu<» hnra«'*. ref.TiMice* required. Ap-

plyaM.-^d Springfield a u ‘..% P M. I

FARM HAM* Vyiiur-.L good milker; s tric tly m-ed apply. Inquire J.

B1 L L P a n . Hl-vnriuw,i ForeHl Htll. 73k

»!FN everywhere i., d ie ihbute ayrup e*mi«les: ngni and u u tk : k-ikkI [*iy, T ra n

Byrup t ornpany. ('dinden, N. J. t

PLA rkJI Wanted, a i-l ise plwler that under­stands the listing I.f hnme* and saddlery

trimming*. A.ldr.-- A. HuYD, Auburn. N. Y., c<*r. (.ienenec ah>] fin Islon *[*.; eticlo*e refer* e ^ F

PAPI'.R-llAN(iKU^4 uHOted; flmt-cla** work- m*T; piece n.irk nr by th - day: elendy work.

^*11 <1 ro-nigh« ,it ,Vrfi Hmad ei A. K,

PAINTER Wrtutrd, pa ln 'c r, good

man. .Addrees I’iimuT..arrlage ajid wagon eicrtdy Job i'i nrsl-clns* IIm* 47, New* Office, bSl

A HiTI'ATtON by 3 butcheps. city or use «if liorer, wagon am) t*-*il*. free,

refereuiea. Inquire nf N. ROHR. ^1.1' Held av» ,.

Rf)Y-flltUall<.n wanted by a lioy ill yr.ira of age. who has had aeventeer. uionih*' ex|ierl-

encr w ith a manufaciuriiig Jeweller, aloo itaa a fair knnwlnlge nf rrfMiirlux cl><ikF. would like i.j cnnipteie hla trade, reference from Iwm place. AddiM R. W , Hd I'nlim bL. Mont­clair. 1

IMHiK KKEPKR for |3 or Hi a week: ar.oun i- an t will tiike full charge of email seta fur

above unuiuni.N; Ixmlta opene.l. clow*d. exam ­ined. eic.. Accountant, Ib>a 73. News offii-c. i»U|

BDV- Be\enieen year* old, In J'fhce; «|*erale Smith typew riter: referenrea; qiiU-k al Hg-

ure* K J. MORAN, ^ ta ie at.. nio.»rofteld I

K NtHN FER Bliuailon wanted by un engineer, undeixands nil type* of engtnea. bdlere. r(-.-

does all repairs. Al referenc***. .4ddri'**' H. I> f HOCRi], 22:1 North «ih st.. H->«evme. 2ni

\V .\N TED .-(mnll *ei nf booh* to keep, or tight ottlie Work, evenings, mmlentte lem ts. Ad-

dream Iimclent. Ikix 33. New* olTlce. 841

YDl'N«1 man. 22, w lakes a fw ltlon of a n t klndi la H g*VHl salesm an; would like lo d rP e a dc-

livery wagon, TAG. 39 AJy*a i t ______ 1

ALL kinds of wrlngera ami coT' net swrc.H’iF rapairMl ghaagj

solid Fhito rubber roll*, 75 cenia Ui>; ^altsd far and-6eUvi<rei)l free;aewlpg ttiacliJne* knd rla(XB re-polrctl a t reasnAable rate*; quick

irk. 8ei|.| imaial AVrInger Repairing Co., at.

call. U New



H. rK)Ur»LAS, maker of th* rHiuglai Hanju. Acme tlu ita r

and line mandolin*. Musical In- atniiiienta of all kind*; cash 1 Instalmenta. H rpulilng a st'e<

N i:W BT. Trif

I ’P ltnL H T K IllN G AND nK P A lR lN O - MaUreosee m ads ami made-over, cat pets laid,

lUniwrlcR. ehH'dea, e tc ..am lq u e fu tn liura sciaped and reffnlshvd.

A. UERNHABDT « CO..1124 Uruad at

Ms, O^U.Sl tCK Balrhels.musruit* tool Imgs and trunks of nui own

I maliufat ture; repairing promptly lAtiemled to. .'iLbl Rroad at-,

-■its Wsahlngton 3*ark. Shr

KM PLOYM ENT W ANTKlk~rKM AtK»A PR<iTKST.'XNT girl seeks situation to assist

In h'*usi»w.irk nr nurse glyl. home nsnre than wage* K., Ik.x 7S. New* office.



Ho o k KEKIM41I. lai];-, with several years ' e t (jerlenve. would like imMltbvD. Addre** Conv

peleni. Moj 2;,, New* offli-e. B.H

tXiPYIST Wanted, hy a young la*ly lopylei .,t general tifllce work,

Hot 60. News office.

position asAildrea*

^HIESSMAKKR-A ynung lady wlelita work: $1.25 |*>r day; ciperlenced. P ress, Box

News nftic*. Um

PfirB SM A K R R Young lady wlehes i>oa1tlon aa Improver, .address 4trt> 8-iuth 81 h st. mh

H PI'BnW D RK 4'olcred girl hi<u*«ework In siua!) fanilly;

Dlamun'1. en Si»rlngtlel4l ave.

wlshe* genera]g'HhJ rfferciice,

N PIlB E Yiiufig lady want* nurNe. West at. 27k

W AN TliD Alto wants church position; gnoil vrt|.-e. excellent reader. Addreaa Contra. lb»i

82. New* oflb f., 7yj

YV'ANTKT> (Vii'ftnenient nursing; experienced, Address .MRB •Rl'RN krrr. T m Tichenor ai.34J

M 4»itTOAGR4, LUASS« K it.'.

RfMJ(^T4iHB- Wanted, men who can aollclt for a reJIaiile ami |...pui*r building and loan ■*-

•fH'ltttlon; F will offer ex tra Inducements for g«HHl men for the three ensuing months. Apiiiy Monday mumliig. ut 11 o'd-H-k, rt»om 131. MSI Jtroad Bl. I

flALLsMF.N wmie-l io seR our goods to the wholesale anil rviall trade, j»ur goods sell on

alghl; liberal salary nr r immiwelon paid, jm- alllnn r>^rmHn"nt. For T'ortlcului'a address Cen- lennlal M anufaciurlng Co., A llanu , Ga. Fa"-icir)', Milwaukee, Wl*. 8b

BALHHMAN—Kxt*erleitceii sale*man to sell elec­trical device to physIclHOs and demlsi* in the

S tale of New Jersey; gn.^l p*> ; no competUhin. L. KoEl*PICl.’H. 111,5 Mulberry st. iffi8AI..KSMAN wanted: y.iung man having htid

experience in ai’ld an<l chemleul hne. Address With full iiartlrulars, s tating salary. A dd. ii*»x 13 News cifhce. j |

SALESMEN—t*' a dav; no cam aselng, no de­liveries; no collecUnns. samples free; aide

line or exi-lualw. M onufuciurfre. ;tU4l Market ■(., Philadelphia. matSALKHMa N—W anted, an experlenceil sale*-

man lo eell factory suiiplles in Newark and vicinity; c-«nfldenlla|. Address |•'a •lI py Bunply. Box 74, News offlre. j

BALKBMBN w ahteil; salary from sta rt; per­m anent place. HRrriVN UTIOS. t ’O.. Nursery­

men. RuehuMter. N. V. 1

SALESMAN to ae|i |mti|iive*. T,V. f>er tterrel Apply iliinday. ca r N >. IKI. r . R. R. ymd l

STIFF HAT curl«re veanied a t KERIIV N APIER'S Factory, ftlh at. and 5th hvr.

WANTED—Men anil women to work a t home;1 pay 18 ■fn Jiff p<-r week for making erayun

portra its; new I'viletiled 'methinl; any one who can read or write run do the wi-rk at home. In ■pare time; day or evening; send for narilt uJar* and begin work a t Ance. Address H. a . GHIPFV German A rtist, Tyr.ihe, Pa. ff7r

WANTED—Good induat:rlal Insurance men. and others inlorested |q life Ineurance, to call or

write to H, H.4INES Manager, room BIO. Credit System Rulldinr, M arket and W ashington ais.

«1xWANTED—Mao U> manajce in Newark. N.

J . : salary IIAO*]; t*ynble m.mthly; ItklO cash capital required; refernn^es exchungeJ. Miy Seneca *t.. Ijuffulo, N Y. 381

WANTED—Men to leam l>arlier trade; eight weeks m iu tr id ; posUloris M'.uretl; catab'hcue

free. Address Barber :»,T! Centre ■( ,New York. \

WANTED—Young men of IH yean nr over inj-'iln S tate 51liltla; unlforma and ei'^uipment* found.

Address A. J. GREEN, 41H High Si. 1

$40 PER MONTH and expen**-* paid good no-n .............. w-nrk. Apply Thefor taking orders; steady

Protective Nuracrleg. O nev a . N

H K L P W A N T E D -F E M A L E S .

A.—A.—lOii girl* of a it nationHililc* wanicil as dlHikA waltresne*. iflumiresse*. nurwe* and

hnuseworkere. wogee )12 tu t3.’> Call tu-duy orMonday, "k Centre at., Grange. 1

L.—EIHe Employment Offlee-Oood servants a l­ways obtainable; reference* required, When

MONEY TO IA)AN- Vi e will procure loatia for partleg th a t are In

need of irumey, fh»m $2ti and upward, on house bold furniture, pionce, organa, horaea, carrUgea, wsgcMUB, or blliar peraonal property. The secu­rity tu rem ain undisturbed In your pouem lon.

Tli« liHiiig are all made to private parties at B per eent, tntereat. and the company chargee a reaeunable amount to guarantee the loan, and to a r t aa yottr agenta In dt>ing the buxlneH for you. All bualneaa la rirU’ily confidenllel. You con have the inonay iha day you apply fo r It. The loana can be [>alij In full or In |>att a t any (Im*. and any paym ents made on the principal will reduce the coinpatiy'a chargee in propnrtlon. 1C you need

loan, and will call and Inventgata oiir plan of doing buslneea. w* are eure you will bk aat- lafled w ith It.

NEW ARK MORTGAGE LOAN GO..‘ ' tlnoorporated.)

Evening News Building (2d floor), f lf i M arket et.




without removal from poseoaaloB of ovger. W# oan offer you the LOWEST RATES ande a r if a t t e r m s .

No pDbllmty; all dealings atrletly confldantlal. NO delay you will receive the money w ithin a few houra afte r making application for It. P ay ­m ents rin the principar or any am ount, w ill to received a t any time. Bach payment will leaeanthe Cost of carrying th* loan!

"■ *' " ■ TtKlndty oall and m veatlgata our plan of mok« Ing loam : you will bo plaoaed w ith i t


HO. 740 BROAD IT ., Opposite P oatoffioa.



Will advance money on Jewelry, W atchea. Dla- mcinde and all o ther peraonal property a t the

24 per cent, per annum Alt buelnee* iin r t ly coRfldebtlal and under m anagem ent of

“fixSTAHL A ZELLNBR,83 Dank et.. cor. Haleey.




75*1 BROAD HT.MONET T b LOAN on F lU N irU R F ,

PIANOS, ETC.. WITHOUT REMOVAL.|y)nns on DlHinnnrlt, W atches. Jew elry and

PeTPumal I^ruperty; good for one year; 2 |>ar eeut.per monih. ........... ■ « •

(E lU bllibed IS82.>C. niERMAN,

Near Rroad st. |o Cedar et.

A .-A .—A.—A .-A .—A .-A .—A .-A ,-A ,-A .-A . $280,000 TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORT­


United States Credit Syatem Building. Waanlngton and Market ata.

60 P E R CENT, you will oava by tak ing a loanon your fttm ltura, ate., hy calling or w riting

to P rivate . 188 Wlekllffe a t . near fikiuth O range av*. Lcana mode w ithin two houni a t your own residence. Open avenlngs. 83x

la w ant of belp or eltuatlvna. visit 740 Uroad st.Ov

DREflSM AKiNfl—Im provers Hni and apprentice*. Call I Ui f> P.

ennr si.

n‘*ni sewersM . 42 Tirh-

IDRESSMAKER w ants rxi'^Tlrni'nl wnlst hand.

Apply N. A. ROYLK. AIiUburn.*N. J. 741

GF7RMAN P rotestant cfinks. w alirrs and h'-Uf**- work girls. .M5 Main si.. Eaoi urHiigH. I

H O l’KKWORK—Gerrhan or Sw»'d1sh girl fnr general hnUBVwork. must b^ n g''>^l coi.k: two

In family; rsfermr-es, Nf»ribtl*ld siv#-.. L'.l |iuu><s west cf Oasion at., near Si. MHrk's Chur«'h, W est Omnge. 1

CARD OF THANKS.The widow of Ihe U te John G rant w ishes to

n p reaa her alnrere thank* to the m embers of E a rle Comicn Nn. IHI. r . R. L„ and eapaclally to the m em tore of the Newark and South Or­ange R, H. Company lienevolent Assoclntlnn fnr their kind remembroTice and floral nffering on h li death, and to all others for th e ir kind re­membrance,1 MRS. A. GRANT AND CH ILD R EN .

O o sth C la im * P a id In N ew ark a n d V lo ln lty T ohU j b j U e(ro |M )lJtan L ife In* . Co«

A b tPr*m.C*mHn* Goepfertah, 164 l^ fay e tte

■I ...........................................................JO $216 00Thomoi Herbert, 46 Wllllaiti* a t.. .06 SO 40

C. R WILLIAMS, Bupi.ISS-lSfi-lST M arket it,,, com er Halaey.


F t '—f u n e r a l f u r n i s h i n g WAREROOMK« 8 M ARKET BT., NEWARK, N. J.

TS * guarao tea th a t our charge* will ba a* iwO' •otiabie aa any other house Tn th* city. C alli Will recelv* prompt attention a t all hours. Tot* tphon* call 181. Realdeno* or oflloe.


BS2 BROAD BT..p iL E P H O N B IB*._________NEW ARK. N.

M.B. M. S K IN N E R ttiKlertaker No. 2ICI CUaton av*. T t l

sker and jsm habner,1. t037A. m q

Q. W. HON ETW K LL and A. Pain ter, under­takers, removed to 864 Broad at. Tel. TlMla. ----------- . . 28m


IN geneml, you m ay or m ay not to cdhalderlng the ■ubjtct of cemetery memorial^ a neoea-

■Ky wbirh comes soon or l*ta to alt. We wish to Impress upon your memory our nam e and nd>dress, and advls* th a t you consult us. We fu r­nish designs and e s tin u tea for all classes of ma- morials—from the simple gravem arkm otl elaborately soulntu'red rntmumentT

?:OBOR HROWM ft 1 rRftabllnbed im .)

! CO..8Tf> and 374 BellevlU* ave.,

OpposUe en trance to Mt. rieaoan t Cemetery. Newark, N, J,

QRANITB M ONUUENTS-1S4 and IBB Elm ftt.;establiJhadl In 1SB4; our rule 1* to do fttwt-olasi

work only, a l lowest price*; design* fum bhed and work delivered fre* of charge to any oart ^ the B u t* ; It Is universally acknowledged t t o t R J. XlBLlNO, of IM -IM JCI9 Bt. OOOOEn- pllahe* the moat effectly* work and ho* the clfoneit itook. ^ him.

UOUHKW OHK-W antfd. In small Inmlly. girl (or gsneral hous»'Work (I’rni^^taiit pn*f»*rr*il»,

mu*l to vompet*‘Ut and Imvc g n"l rpfprcncM. Apply a t 2im South 7th st. 1

HGt'flRWOHK—W anteil, a girl f"r gcnernl hfjuscwork; nne that will g> hornr nlghls.

Call a t 84 Mt, Proat>ect avp . 1

MONET TO LOAN on huusehnid furniture, pianos, organ* and peraonal pruperty w ithout

rem oval; parties honorably oealt w ith; can make repityments by Instalm ents; bualneos stric tly confldentiaL U. MARTINS, room 8, 725 Broad i t

LOANR negotiated on real eatate, notes, bonds, Inaumnce pollclea and all kind* of |>era»nal

property without removal. F . C. EDWARDB. general broktr. ConinnliBloner ot Deeds, N oU ry Fubllc, room 6. JBl M arket we., Newark. N; J.

irWJdSJO TO I<OAN efi flr*t «ml secntirl mort- gagee at low rate*; anywhere w ithin th irty

mile* of New York; money fnr .building or buy­ing houses. RPRQAT ft CD., kltl ITudemUl Rullding, agentg wanted. 1

C. O. MINTi'S*. maann and bulhler Fum ti'**.cleterii*. i-hiiiiney* hulK and re to lreJ ; walla

re t 'a lre l .m.l whitened. L’3 \Ve*t Kinney i t Mlh

I^>RTLANL> ladders and . are the to"l.

1*1 premium s ta te Fair. Jh l'lH n ea t. 6fida m m r m i E ' Z M

JV A l.l. F A P L l t AND F A r iH t I t.lN U IN tL

Al>AM0'8 HnMvkl3 p WnllpaivT fllnre- will toivM iiiiy i«ilr kite iihmi. Including *li1ng and

rrj.»alrlng, f-ir | 1 . Vi- gunr-miiH" fliRt-cUea work: w-e kfil pii|H'r* Anri border* at factory price*, paper from .’1 oenj* a roll up in 75 eente: we almi do nr*i pnlniing, tinting an'1 kalanmlning; e*ttmale* given f,ir |ksperlng am! |»alntlng at the InupAi prl< eH. tomi poelnl card* for sample* nr ra il ii( .\il,\Tii*'a llnvtklyn \\'alli)apeT flPire*. Mli-71 K|'T-lisgn<*M HVi'-, near lllkh et., and eeleri your pajH-r 0* w f carry a full Mrte iif rhoh'* |)U|ier*. kUi h aw hUnk*. flate, gill*. ^mbit**ed, Ingrain* at>! tile*; largi-*t aaaorinveni In tha 8i!iie. witllpa|ier iHiughi of u* irlmmed by m a­chine free; ojM-n evening* until B. givxt* dellv- ereii i.i any part of (he rlty free 8ix iinffhera, de< :>ratori, imi>er hanger* and iialmer*. Don't forgei the tiuml»er, tll» Tl Hprlngffeld sve.. near High S im ple hiH^k* fur the irads In the whoN'!.al<» r|*‘|i*,rUneiji. NixAUAM.s h il|HK*KLYN AND NEW TtlRK

W A l.I.D A rKR FTuU E I t 's fpi use in aitraoi p* nplfl by fal** lulii , hui ra il a ( nur alore and ronvlnoe ynureelf HihI nowhere else pucb low prl.eg for |•Mpp^•haug]ng, |>alnt1ng and kalsom- Inlng aa <>ur* van he had. Paper fmm Si*,I'dl up; flret-tdaa* work guaranteed. Bend or ta ll for aamplea,

L- KAT7. m RpTlnifleld ave.

f lIE i 'lA l. HAl.K Ilf wallpaper; emmgh paper and luifile. to bmm for 7V , rnorn pajier,

ed, celling. »ldi> and iM.nler, for $.3.75; tnierloT and exierhir h(»u*o luilntjni, de»'oratlve work in nil It* branches dune In Iwal manner ami low­est ftgure*. large new aliH'k wall|>ai»er*, all Work -lune fpi-»m tha xtore exeruted hy ikllled tneohanle*; .>al| apd convlmed. JfMIN R. n 'N E lL I,, 32 Academy al . near Halaey. niien evening* miill li o'clm-k. «iw

H U m i.u i ' m 'R H A fI! K I'H ItA li;-W alltok ier given away, the toet of | | I*, we do aa we say.

a l the UNKIN lYt npEH A TIV E V. ALLPAPER PTORL, Tnke nniu-p iljai « | | l furnish wall- pnH't' Hint li-jrder for nny rinim free of charge; you |iHy only fur ihe talxir. Call or write for v.>ur eeic.-iion* Flrei-rlaaa work guaranteed. Eatirmile* furnl*he<1 for [ailnllng, kalwiimlnlng, tin ting and lUi-nratlnc. 67 Pouih Oranga ave.. m r. Wlokhffo *1 JACOB LEVY.

T H E FAIR NEW VORK AND PHILADKli- I MIA \\’.\I.L PA I'E Il ( f ) .—We will [>a|»er a

^ 'om with g.ild pHtwr and wide torder for | t . wp do riral i iHPH tt->rk, we eell |»ai)«r fft»m flr. up, a t faciijrv prliT*. painting. y>ai>erlng, plaa- terjng, kal*omhdiig anti tinting; please aenil fxirtal c a r l M. HOTHOUHE. 66 Bpringfleld ave.. -or. High al 8x


R allpaper* , taLini* and mouldinga. the trade only.

Wa aeM B4g

ROOMS r«a|jeri«d. | i Nl up; hmwe palntlTtf, k«l- ...... ...............................................................ROOK-oomlnlng done at the toweal prices. A.

MAN f t HON, 238 Ferry ai„ Newark, N.


Kchnnla.N EW A RK A CAD EM T-

8. A, FARRAND, Head M aittf.WlLBON FARRAND, Aa*nHata Master,

Thorough preparation for any college or aolen- tlflc school, or for bURineaa Ufa. Catalogua tm application.

MIflfl TDW NflEND’H t-oacdlng and day school for gIrU. 54 PARK PL , Newark, N. J. P r i­

m ary, Academic and College Pteparalory E»e- parim «ita . Ueopena Weilnesday. fiept. 38.

d rc u la ra on application. 2 |h

CH RA PE8T .an d beat Inairuclinn In book-keep­ing. 317 High 22J

MuflltvF. MAGGIO, InatrucUtjp on msp'Vdln. fuUki*

and (x^rnet: Rlcca mandollDB and gultara fnr sale; home Inatrurllon. 72H Broad at.. nx)m 2. mu*1r furnished for all occaaKina. |B(

m " n ’IIKR hualneas for ‘’elahlt*hed forIII yeu-a. horse wagon jj\d llx iurcr. g(«ixl

trad* and l'*'aili>n. gi -it rt..-' •n’vf'T -.jlllhr.. !*♦ ffuire TMt Hmaci m., ri;^m d. 3:.m

H ti.U tD lN lI- llo r jfE (of vUitft, In very t en lral l.v,

'Ud tnialnea*, g.nvl reaenis- H., Bl x Tu. NVwL*oflU-e.

afrh 'tly ftrxi- : doing H epkii-fllUKi, A ildlf^i


B nU tD lN tl-H tM ’Ki: K-r *ale. .m a> illnea*. tti'li furnished iioartMtig-lpiUMi'

H M K., Hex Jti, ..jh.evount of , central

HJHFKtl iMdliiig i,u*lnea*. i.impirie, Well e*tal>-

h*hrd; must *hII nn Hcrouni 0/ health. \d- dre** t'aah, |(.>x 4ti, New* ofllce. JtJkCt»A|. Y.4RJI- For ortlr o| to let, large ow l ^ t i i d , on cHiisl. Inuulre Id Br<» inie *t. .’ rjCANDY S 'filllK for sale cherip,

oiM"'*lte achotd. i l l W arren *t .tl7k

DRUG HTORK PMR H.M.N. H.H01>~ l^ e lrab le lot'ailon. gii.».i rrsKon* f i f eelllny

V.'* ‘>fler refuwd, .\(Mrra»Itox }|H, office. ;Sijd r u g HTriJiU (,,r M ie. 1-m

farnllv tpadv. 91.1 fi.triP||«hol: for selUnK. A.ldre*a k,.*five.

ntlon; paylii* ■ ••iiil n-MnoMM 4H. NViv* of-

5ldE n g l i s h m a n i-.-turninM *o.-n to T.ondon, d*

elre* |rnriiilu>-lng Into l*tig|*u.1 tw rm anrn tlj.luiveliiea or Maplr anP k^ ,.ronK*lng

1- J 1 • H<'X 51i. Nrwn .iffl.o p4]

rtirtlTHtUKUV HTORK f n short diatarii-i' from 1 !t> ; b.ir*e

ffne ID Ing si'aTiinent". p^.nleTai"dreaa Kale. Box M. St*.P

d li-ati.'fi, in.I iviiB-m,

reiir. ,vd- 1

HdUffH Pay ing furniehrd |4 r>M'm h>ni*e pravem enis; rent f4*'. f -r hh1« rhran.

R oi 4A, New* offlte.hii-

rr«l. u’lIP you have a hueln*** of tn v kind vi'u BUh

to illai^nse .»f oulckly »»nd wltlnoit |.uhh--ljv ■d'lre*a N. J. N A T inN A l. UU.SINKftB J;v UHANOK. Art2 Urtvad *i.

t e n WAGON rou te and dnulde **1 harm-** f >i aal* cheai>. 41 Main *t., Kn*i o rang r. |

calli w ant a gii<M| aalnoii, m u * . 01M .?:N ftC 4V ,

centrally |iH-tilii|. 4d Mat'lieT hI. I

l.A U N iiR T tn let, hi fli-At-clM* I'H-aipin, wlili large tra d e , givod «>p)ini'iuivltv f"r i.ariy a lih

Ing tn rtpeii «. i^tinilry tJl-lniiG i; D. c a n FII-;l,D ft HON. 711 N, 4lh at . H an i*on. N. J I

MILK HOUTK^ Fi»raa|e. a htmdred ipnirl milk noite, w ith flrai cIh** lioreo nitd wagon. A.l-

Ireo* Milk. Hnx 52, New* office 7ii|




AI.L sort* and aUe« of fruit, ahada and ntna- mental (rr- >. inea, rljrubbery and roa*

huNhea. a l Ihe Newark Nursery on Clinton av*,» oi lermUiu* uf Ciint*m ave. ami cars. OnUe.Mh


643 Bergen ■(.A N .\ im :u of flne Jerapy cue a; al*u J tra e r ’

huM, one year old, will he eo|d very cheap A0* pL to Gor.lener on MH. MPRR\f^NN''H n l a j r VijUiffeM r.Hi.'. i«nn*'r Uregory *ve., or Rax 1*7! Grunge. N, J.

d«>es work equal toAMHRIi ' vn | k typewilier; _ __*ny |KMi mn-'hlne. aend for rattijngue and

eeinple of work. :t,> Central ave., Ktat Or-

I’.K T-RliuiilI) aalllVMl, new w h||e e^dar-dechedi' «ennelN'varit, own **11*, e tc , i«innpleftt. |ffB ey

will rxi Jiange f.^r bicycle. Uan he seen No. tM N .1 It. H. ase. I

MUt hAi.K Choice fruit ireea. re ■“t. ' cMlHidgiie free; *end for

Nur-ery U.», R,r hniier. N. Y.sea, shrubo, one. Glob*

ID l.W tiN l* ItlNG for aale, ahiiut 8 kt.,

‘ I “-IP f'<r c**h. Artdrea* Snap,i5. New* offli e. tr*i 'TATttKS

Tl*-. |«er am Proiliice

For sale, l.iaat aarks pniatne* a t k . Kk'. extra for delivery. i-Iaaer IS loiwrence *t. jTm

UHIi'KKNH Forty Addre** tlEORiJK

black M1m»rca chicken*. LKNTSi. ArlingtOA. N. J .

Ml.HUwrNG M vctltN K For *ale. two Inwarm

H'nger mHihJto-a. *T and U», gi>nd vondllhNli i^fead. *7 Jefrepsrtn »t. fand ( liil.irrn'a hr

PIlGWS l.K tm oR N pullets fo raa le ; Just begin ^ lo lay giHxl VH| Bank at. H4t

^ tiv-mth*. cheap. Irt^ulr*« '■ D R lhTtipH PR . 813 Hpringfleld ava. fl8|^•TATtiKH n1 1 '. ft,

111 Newark, c.ir Nf. I ■ Monday; flneat IKI.

M \N In inveai some money in the Bllver nn\‘e ||y I'lialneaa, grind rate of intereai on Inveatmenl | *-

Address C«*h. B.>g M, Noun ofn.-p. i«i| i pi

DmG -2 w lter puiw for aa|* cheap.Uto * pi, tnqulr* $ \


MILK U nU TE nroome *1.

for sale Inquire Niv. 34.'l |W1

NFW HPAPKR ROUTE w ani-d Baldwin at.. 3d flmti.

Inriulre iai 74k

Pt>nr.n<P>M ff.i* M ie 2*kl Market al ; cause nf sale, ftli-knes*. Inquire r . Iloseville kvp. 7m

RANT doing an excellent buslne**; will to sold 1-henp GlLi.MN A u^t., 4»1 Market


3b M ARKET ST. Kt»R INKiiRMATBtN’. 2»lniSAIdklN for Sale, doing g.HNl buslne**; ).iw*ai

ren t In r l ty ; cheap If sold *t nnee, Address ( heap, Jktx 43, New* oITVi'e.

flAI.riKtN for sale , living and furnished nwun* .. R'lx 24. News offi.-e.

W A N T E D -l‘arty with capllal. In Join Ih* ad vertlser In the m anufacture nf silver not rlMe*.

eaiahMahe«| buahieaa, order* on hand. Addr*"* Hllver, Mill AM, New* nfflce. t

$2.(VV. with eervh-es, in Invest In ^lercantlla hiiBinea*: genia' furnishing, hats, mllltnerv,

etc., preferred; reference* exchanged. Arldies* Active, Box 4M, New* office. 7^1

IIW PER MftNTH. or more; chom es to m akt raonty by speculation a re to t te r now th in

•i.e r; )iJce Incomes are made from small Invest­m ents: w heat and stooka offer eicell*nt optwr- tiinitlee fur thoa# with limited mean* to make money; we alway* work for cuatomera’ Inter- eala; w rite ^flf*dvlc.' and lHX»k. showing how tn d o lt . fre*. COM A CX ft CO.. » Broadway. N tw York. '

H O R flK g , ETC .







From 78 lo 100 head lo select from : always on hnn-t a la rge anonriment of horse*, all classe*. a t p r iv a u aale or exchanis at auctinn price*■ two days tr ia l on each anim al. Horses, wagum*and haVneas received fn>m privata partlea tn to ■old on cnmnilaaint), -----_ _ a t BucMon or private sale.

Term* for f i l i n g : |* t»«r head below » u , above, $8 per head.

BANJO utughT hv not*. 4ftc : sHtl*f*ci|on guar am sed. U. A. UOATI-:i4, 21 l^vfayelte at. 4"h

BANJO, m andolin, guitar and sllhsr taught A. J . W KIDT, 116 Bruen at., cor. Elm. Bib

D nni'lng.MR. O, DAVIH, teacher of dancing; cUK*es.

Tuesday evening a t Ualamhe Hall, flQi Broad...__ ___ _ ...... . ^s t j N ew ark , new term now oiwn; private lea bona a l reaPience. hRH HtyisiI *1., where terms, rirru ia^s, etc., can be ubLalaod; waits and two- step guaranteed In nix lenaons: music furnished for dan4'e parties, weddings etc. RJh

JOBNPH H. W HITE. 404 Broad at.-^RemNlnlng lessuna of Ihe present scsBun, Feb., March.

April. J7J

LYTLE'fl. f32 Broad, and R saei Lyeturo; new term : Join now. SC-page book free. ^ u

N lio rtha tid and T yp ew ritin g ,HHORTHANJj Tyiiewrlting Bohool of Young

Omen's ('h rlstJan Asso., H4 Court s t . : term* mffrterate Apply nt'sl-rti'Jjil. P t h l l ’A. M ,, a!r t«> PfUudliiil. I. (' Kennedy. Aa W right St, T8fUAPABLK ahorthand-typewrltlM s scare*; ln-

roni|iei«-nt* numerous; effirlcm w riters grad- nntc frnm fjlt Ftr>vcd *t. HKYMOUH WTENO-

r tA I 'l lh ' INSTITUTION. 1

nmVDKN'H Shorthand, Tyi»ewrltlng and Pook- k*-eplng S»-bnii|. AIT Mlgh St., furnlihea ila

gradualea with iKiBlilunB free; $2 weekly. Tin

Cycling.c r.L u x fn iA r r u L K a c a d e m t *

ITIthi* instnu-tlnn In bicycling hy appoint- m snt. day or evening. THE ELDRIDGH RI- C'YiT,K^t'0 .. 24 and^26 Central ava. tTlTH E RAMm.F.R n iD lN n flf’HOOL will np#n

Monday. March 3d. NEWARK CYCLE Ut' Hn-I 11 O n iru l ave.

L *ngu*gea.

|A*i0,f)O0 TO LOAN on bond and mortgage In sum s tn su it s t 6 per cent., w ithout bonus.

EDW ARD H. BLACK, Counae|lor-at-Law, 814 Prudem laL Telephone No. 832.t2.'V 1. INWARD loaned on furtiilure; no re­

moval; prninpt, private, rellabje; low rates, easy repayment*: oi>*n svenlnga until 0 h’cl!»-k K ERR. 4MI Broad at. 7:u>

MONEY to loan, on bond and mortgage; aiH i undivided Inleresta. r e i s e r , q w hII ei ,

1 If U’HE WORK—Wanted, cumpstent general houeewnrk: mu4i to pi>m1

3<i ave., two bkK<ka from BH Isviilf^v


HOl!flKWf)RK— Vanted, a girl for gcnsral housework, with refcrencps. D?I RVi'KI-:,

Nelson pi.

HOUSEWORK—W anted, a iieal girl for gen eral housework; istxid, plain conk and Inun

dress. 229 flth a w ., Roseville. 22m

HOT’flBWUHK—Wonted, girl for hous* vork, who knderaianrlf plnln cooking, lou Com­

merce Bt. 1

HOUSEWORK Tm]ng girl tn assist a housework. 48 M yrtle ava.. Ip>*evl11e.


HOUBBWORK—Young girl to asalsl withhouMWork. 43 Halsey st. 1

LINKEHA and charger* wiinied on rope chain. W. C. EDGE CO., 46 Green M 811

M ILLIN ER -W anted, 1 pmver. Apply a t T.

Broad st.

, first-rlaes tullllnery Im- FRIKT'KNRKRO'H, Ill5


NUKBEft—^Yanted, a t onw , two nurse*; wages $14 and 11K; muat have gmid reference; also

co«>ka, wallresaea and girl* for gerii'nil house­work. Apply 16 I-'Teenuin «l., Oriinge. 1NURflB—Wanted, young Protestant girl, fl4),

to M slst w ith children and with upstairs work. MRP. H. L. <T^!T, &l Hulsey il. 1

NURflK—Girl, atoUl 16. to lake care of child. Apply a t 178 Hpruce si. 1

ONE C<v>d flnlaher girl to sew on buttons; girt to pack; girl to puJ! Hastings, wnmeti to

make button holes on cont*. 34 Bedford st., In rear. MlOPKRATOR8—W anted, experienced operator*

on ladles' sh irt walais. New Jersey Under- ffarment Co., HTk liroaff *l. 1

OrEHATORfl and to s te ra wanle<] on floe pauta;♦xperlenced bands only. THUME, IK» Hprlng-

fletd ave. lin

PEA RL HUTTON carders wanted; experienced only. FEDDRRHKN ft KELDMEVKR. 21

Proapect *(. 641

fiHOKS—Wanted. 8 expert t>vfrt\or$ nn otUchlBg machines: gncul wages and flte*d3' w«irk; vamp-

era and tnp-closer*. Address H. W. MEKRIAM flIfOB CO.. Newt*«n, N. J . «l

BALHflWOMAN-Wanted. an experienced sales­woman In millinery store: none riiher* need

apply. Can T. KRI EDEN BERG. 815 Broad st.hSl

W A N TBD -A n Intelligent colored girl for gen* erat housework; muat have goo»l reference*.

Call Monday. DR. M A T TIIB W f 3W Scotland * t.,’Orange Valley. ' tW A N TED -One gtaxl liuUtmhole-maker

coats, 171 ilnice ■(. W. HET.

W ANTBD-Kxperlencsd hands on ladles’ walats. 9UI Broad at. __________


H E L P W A N T E l>-S fA L B ATrt> F E M A L R .

ly . . . .and a’umen to earn from |3 to $13 dally, oelllng

Brgham 's Patent Fens; the most wonderful In­vention of this agei w ith une dip of Ink, It wrUet tw sniy timea longer than ofdiniiry pens and prevents blotting; nothing like U ever before placed on the m arket, and is worth ten times w hat we aak for U: all our salesm en are making big nvmsy. snd we give you the opimrtun1t3‘ itf eatabllahlng a goiHf, steady, perm anent, peofli- able huAlnees. w rite u i for term a to agents, or send lo cent* for five saniplea.1 TH E RRAUAH PEN CY)„ lA, Cincinnati, 0.

WANTED—A nvin and wlD who underaiand their buslneea to go on farm nearby. Addrssa

WUilhg, Box 65. N tw i office. 1

I’i:Ftr,IT7: firhwil of Langusgei, s re d a l course In l'Vr»nrh. 102 riln ttm ave. tek


MONET TO LOAN on bond and mortgage in sums to auU, from $400 to M.iuO.

2«l HUHUYLRR H. JACKRON. 77ft Broad stMONET TO 1/>AN on bond and mortgag* In

■urns to suit. H. W. OEERT. T « Broad it,3flg

W A N T E D .A .--H lgheal prices paid for genilem sn’a caat-opr

c i ^ n g . I. UADAN8KY. 56 Commerce et.nic

BEST prices paid for eenta’ cast-off clothing." 'H IL L IM , 27 Chariton et. MySend orders lo PR

DtAMpNDfi, GOLD. SILVER, F IJI TIN UM.Jewelry; collections of aum pa, coin* and plats

bought a t V ER R IER 'g .868 Broad at., near Clny.

FOR RPOT CAftH—Will buy any amount of fu m ltu rs and carpets; new or Mraond-hAnd:

send LSMtol and I « l l call. Address GANfl, 791 Broad at. 70^

JI.W E L L K R fl drop wanted; about flO-pouml ham m er; cheap. Address Jeweltsr, Box 2h.

News <»fl1ce.

o l d O m j) , aitver and Jewelry bcjught. MAR- TIN. 187 M arket st,, entrance on ilslssy.

W A N TED -Second-handed bath tub. In good rondltlnJt. Addresa O, K,. 258 Roulh 71H st.HUl

M E E T IN Q fl.


NEWARK, N. J ., Feb. 24. IHUU,The annua) meeting of lot owners of ibis asso-

elation w ill be held a t tfan cemetery office, ikniih Orange avenue entrance to tlie cemetery, on Monday evening. March 3. ISIM, a t H n'clock, at which tim e an eleetton for three 13) managers w ill be held and reports of officials submitted.

By order of the BoardWILLIAM WARD, President.

J04IN J . HENRY. Hs.ireiary.

EAST EN D REPURIJ<’AN CLUIP-.AH mem­bers o f the above-n.imed rlub are requeslsd

lo attend the apeclar meatliig of the club on S atu rday evening, February 29, IKkl. a t their rooms. No. 7 Nichols slraet, to take acilnit nn th e death of their Isi* m etntor. John Bohick. J r . JO SEPH BEVAN, President. 1



m : x t h . \ l k - t u k h !>a y , m a r c h 8. in a , i l



EVERYTUINQ MUST BE HOLD.i i a r g a i n s f u r e v e r y b o d y -

H rru rk ltoda of F urniture from storage, rnn- Bisting <»f onk in d k herry ftedroom Hull*, beauti­ful I 'a rtiir S u iu , K iienslon Table*, rh a lra r>f altkinds, Hureaus, Fuldiug FUfdi, M ettresaea, Uito is. Olli'toih. Lace CUrtamk, Ruga and various Useful article*.

im tr i ml** ihl* sal*.' NO REilERVlfi.highest bid take* It. The

Good* a s reineiwnleil or your money back■ ' ‘" i ft CU.. AHUTIONF.Kitr

«H m a r k e t b t ..

- - , , ............ey hLION ft CU., AHUTIONEKK8,

c e t b t ..Between W aahlngton and Plgn# sts.


M. J . CrCONNOn, A U rn o N E E R ,

a t file baleRfootna, UI3 and JR4 Mulberry at.,

MONDAY. Ma r c h 2. a t u a . M.,

a vei^’ la rge assrwtmeni of good, medium n,nd I vrl-ir. Chamber ihk] Dliilng-rtwim

Ptirnllure, In suit* And ndtl piece* F \> if lr- rop* Folding lleclM, Hecretary r>sk». Chairs and Roiikcr* f'f nil kind*, e l r . ; t'ariiei* mlsfU and eerohrl hfirid; T»g> yard* tost uuallly of LLnpleum;^ c u rl 'd hair and other MiU - . .................. i.piHtreH*es:Hlirlng*. Ile<|.|lti«, Rtove*. 500 tMUnd* Tea etc elo., «'lr, ’ J


PATENTS. U. 8. a n d FOREIGN.O liulned for a ll cMsiiea of Invention.

IIKNRY J. MILLER. M. B„L ate of Crane ft Miller.

800 RROAD 8T. Rooms J ^ a n d 10).P A T E N T S - " ■

FR ED ER IC K C. FftAENTZEL, Bucceisor to Campbell ft Co.,

GLOBE BUILDING,804 BROAD BT. Hoomi 86 and 67-

BTABLEB*, S Rrldge A.

D E ltR T ft CARR, Proprietor!.

ROBERT CARR, Auctioneer. 86iWKLT,, our stock of ra rrlsges i» alniut gone,

hut we wish to cllflpose nf the balance, and In order to rlo ao we will sell a t the same h.w prtrr* a* we did last fall

H aving a large nto<-k cumlng In In the spring, 1 win aell liHlanre of la st je s F s goods, liirlud- Ibg Buggies, Runabout*. PhaeTdn*:’T ra to and Kualneaa isuggln. a t very low figure*. A full line pf Huslnea* Wagons of otjr own m an­ufacture fop grocer*, hutchers.baker*. earnenlera.

laundry men, alwav* In In great variety, u u r |]p H.>nd

I* r^w” On*- $ia Ru*ltie« |larnei.sG BOnO E TEAGUE.

Ift. 15. li H Fl.r.EV Il.l.R a v e . NEW ARK, N. J.

I R ■hi>si-«*ea and four counterf. 40a RroaC29h

TVUEWniTKflK ' ’a*h or tim e; rented; chaBrn e*l In rh y ; iu«ral.>r» free. ,1|7 ]{t|{h rt. T«h

N'V T R,4N(JK, Uncle Ham, $4, 11 IjawTSHto4T7

H N K wall •hnwc**e. 2n drawer*. 2 mlTTori '•heap. Inquire 23? Mprhiaffeid avr.

^ . T . " ; ' “ I*vlieap. ,iii Ikiwery at. ffft

1 n ib re llaa an d ( ’an e ft

u* a poaial capil and we'll oaff for and deliver work free of oharge GARniNDR'fl, leading umhreN* m anufactupers In New je n e y . Nil, • .M'AIIBMV b t ,. NEWAKK. 1


AT TJIK O l.n HAT STANt> OB' « . F. JON EH, COR. ORAM lia A.S'Il im oA D BT8. H J ,

K nuiiehnlfl (lom la a n d 'FarwKwvw*FtiR HALF Mig lot mlsftt *nd aecond'tiand

carpet*. |,'1 Up; 75 stoves* all kinds, 11.86 iig; parlor suit, 1(5. cklld'a rrlb. $3.56: loung*. IL H : .............. .. .12 56; ihow rase. t5.IV>; nakextension tahle. xi'wi; anowrase. 15.no; nak folding hed, $«, Rnnleum, rugs, desia, to M ' CH»a anil other fum liur*. 28 WlUlam *1. TIJ

H RNITI RE -For sale a t a bargain, ona pier Kla** glh frame, fl ft. by 2 fl. 6 Inrhe*; oti*

hlHck walnut ndl lop desk, w ith aid* draw arf. g«Mn| a* new, and une harwdood, large ward* roiic. Address lUaRi. Box 77. News office. 1

? i RNITURE- For Rale, 82 M arket st.. tha in - tiro *li>ck ron*i*ring of new and aeeond-hknft

nim lrorc. stuve* and <^arpets. a t fti> to r ceoit, Teducrl>»n. on account of retiring from bualn*aa| now 1* yuiir chance tn secure bargulns. 84 |O M t-FA SliroN ED mahogany hed«tead, $18.

Address AiMlque, Box 73. Kewa office. 18mliEttoTK Atifl For aale.

Inquire 3lgi TUne at.two w alnvt be4Ma*<‘fdi

a n d NhnBt.ITTRAr FAMII.V HHTlH H T nnE -1 ji1 l«T kM

I'UMk i, II: In .llr.' kid hilltnn. II .Id , I td l .^ kM f"I I I ; 1»dl.,’ kill U r.il. Il ls , Ild lM 'n ...n » 'J*. I« ifd an.1 huttmi, II.ZB; m lK H ' kid buiirin, up: m .p '< | | ; m .n '» la r id .Anil BAlt..., II.Id ; lA.yt* lA.*(.d. ddc Up: yputhi* iHi'.d Tfir.. nt H U. J. MfKl.VNBT'S, >T< PlAtiA

n .a r WIMlAni .1. .


IVklrhAA, Jp w A lrr, Kill.A .-A .--r» f, dnllAr WMkIy; fln* dlAnvindA,

no to n h . caH or t t l d m n TJ ATFH s r r r L T m , « MAlil.n U n o , r tm a 1, New York. Ad goods guaranlacd. ftg

™ t - : n r -u r i h * * '2 ’ ' “ f doclnm or pI .ap-bT ™ ? , h n '^ O n h o p . buBAlri And trAp,. cap

' Hoi'llAlrAyA Arut •it« ,A l„n .|np mPk f o o . r ’A, hulohor'li,

..J a T S . «■ ''Ud**- H H in tE . SdT*"d ZdB M nrkrt ai FActnry, RnhwAy

HURRe r . hnr*cR, wagotia. w afona— 7Q ti> Hkj new wHfuns and ••ar-

riages constanily (si hand; nlatr a lot of aerimd-hwnd ei'w k; all kind*

*»«l style* al price* tha t cRn’l he heal; and a - A** draught and buMnepp home* fur sale.A LBERT L. T lP L lS , Central ave. and Iludeon ■>___ 8S0

HORHRfl! HORPRH! irURSEfl’ 53 ^ ^ rtrat-cla** business, dm ugbl

" In and work horses kept conitnually on band, a t the lowest market prices; toto as representol or cash refunded.

The e t ty Tolno Hale and Richange Riahle*. flprlngfleJd ave, M. HTECHER. Proprietor. 7"x

3fen’s C lw thing nnd P u m ls h lt tg i ,■ HRNRIETTA, H ave You Met i r e r f - t h a gswi

collar. K psirln 'i. Market and M ulberry als. |! to r t linen collara, all atylea, If la j euffa.iUc. per pair.

rO .^ L i $V4M)D. ETC>

a. TRIMMER ft CO. TelapHena 184.DELIVER flEHT LEHIG H No. 2 NUT COftU

(well screened) a t $3.50 |>er ton,KTuVE or NUT, and No. 2 N UT H IXBDj a tf

$4 2S to r iui) (nothing to tte r (or range e r partcctl ■love).

lii-At I*h>ik r»ir. aiova And ch titn u t, t t LOW«i EBT VAIIKET rn iC E B . .

11 riA linEt.H dry k ind lin t w nnl. U.

nrpTT'iJI PR ir**s. fjivo UA A triAl ordtr. t» Wn A U «lt I tie VA-kVT n r m » U CAN m ilT T d lJ W ITH COAL AHO WOfMk O illnr Cor. N. J, n . R Avr, And lA rn rrlti

ono hlw k b.lnw MArkrt Bl. Fltpof. on R , R,

ALEX H. nOHKnTBON, lA U U AND O m c E -B O U T K BT, A N ie


'• v n •> Ik ifrM.Wj p e r Tf>N; NO. 2 NUT COAIi,13,50 PER TON. j


t im .v k h y cr>.. Mrtt im r)A D s t .

WAGUN.o; Urifid piaifurm *|'rlng carpenlcf s agon, tw« gi>fv1 p'li Mrewxier^ r'>« 1 wagons,

and wagnii* rxf *1) kinds at aleiut jviur nwn prices A. L. T ir i .IN , t'en tral ave. atri Hud- sort st. 33k


"PROM PT DELTVERT.*^ IlAvo Tou tried m r No. 2 c t ie i tn u ti II M kM

them all.*‘I>aTg»*t,'' " risane*! and best quality Xft#

high Una] In the city. iB.fV) per tn* dellverod.All other sites at market pricea.

o . A, rA H I lL , IS* r i r i l A t i _ D o n jlo * n nlTloA, 4117 BroAd It. ‘•T ia L; f'riAI.I H ell herd roAl In Itie t i l l (jAd'"

d"), ahil Ihe only -iiai dealer In the city th i t i

ItnRiiKH 1 oaririHd <if ilrniigbt h'lrses froit fiiw*. Inchnlltjg one rnalchcd |esm nf driver*

also pome cheat* work horse*. Call hl .lAurjH VT 'R 'n 'R c<>, 127 Frellnglm^ *eu ave :im

H<>RKK -F » r Bale cheap, a simhI b<oee. suit- able for peildler a uae U«n lie eeeu at Th Tib

ave., rear. U7krpMj|> h'^rse. ham esa. bisnheis, inp wiiann und

buggy, rhoap. nti use cause for selling. A«l- flrep* } torse. Ht-x fl'j, News office. I

RUflUV fnr *Hle.set hand made

new U .VMTfiN.

Vk). Ilaht dei*'t biiggv barnesi. H Ferry et.

■ ■II. $25; HI most

H.MThren |i>ir*eH. nil smind; luie w ry

fine ilfl\# r and I wi> vers’ cheap work liorncH, 212 UloomneM H^e. 311

aMUHT <M*rc)se nf auriev, lnirkl.i*r l and two hiiggie*. witli barne>.a, i-jn .

AIaLUN. 2d R allroiil p i. East I 'r sn v

ruiiab'iut P. J- 0.

vsdJtURHU for pale cheap,

first floor,ituiuhe (iil llruc

Hi'IRHIa -Uhspley R. for *nlo; record. 2.30 ; 4l VaMey *!., f>range Valley. N J


TWO UA1W for sale. IRi ntvl lU*. East Orange.

lUtRHK UiHxl work horse aimied. KhpI Uriihgc.

ROAD MARK for aiile; price fdd. kkiat Orange.

WAGUNfl urn gun*.

All hltid* new ati'l secotid'liand tlMver M’f> <'i^, f-Kit Uisy *». 711

TOP WAOoN for sale. Hergen al.



Nawark, N- J. iCIlnUm Uulldlng): oton FrMav. Uullding): open FrMav evanlPpfP ^ ti'cltok. Application pai»eraoAd working draw ings for m athlnsry - laity. *tou*

TAYLOR’S SY STE M -Mranr-h of 163 W. I4lh at., New York.

Ciaasei iipcn a t all time*; dresxmAklhg (aught In all Its brani'hea; cutting, fltiing, draping, di- algnlng ami flnlahlng; matching nf plaid* and •Irlpea, *]| the ia teat styles sklrla; the Penm- lepR hASqUe and all bicycle coaiuTTU't; deaffrnlng IttjghUYrona a ll the la test PurUinn fashion b o o k r .^ tte .; ecffolart taken *p young na 1 1 ; mother* Invited: perfect fitting parterna cut to meaaurs while waiting. T.VYLOR S. 677 IJrotid tt . , ror. tVeet P ark p ( . 3t>y

FIN A N C IA L .D ATUNTH-DRAKE 4k CO., SollcIlAri, co,.

BroAd And M Ark,l itA.; m y n n ‘ H p r r ln c f . will b t a t office any evening upon rtcelut of mitJca, '

MelFtWElBL DREflrt UUTTlMJ Nearly everylimly knows (hst the McDowell

garm ent draughting marhlne ]* th" ruxlest and heal meihiKl of cu tting In exlsiem e; we u*uch the entire a r t of French dreaamaktng; you ran make dieaaea for yourself while learning, Henrt for circu lar; leasona day of Hveriiria: fimiiionalde dreparuaklJig, po to r jiuttem* or ilttltixa ut to meaeiire. MlHfl K, U. C.'RAWLKY, Rrond *1.



bought and oold atrlrfJy on commlB*ion. Map*, m arke t la tta rs and full Information uti appheg-tlDUf

CALVIN RLXLDCKf1__________ Den vert Uol.


O OLP'B TOR H T tT F hti which there ' |a po dlacounf, like Ntooka In the celebratMl Boaton-

Colontdo Oo.. locateil in ITripple Ureek'n Uutdeh Illlla ; buy now outright before the advance at Ihe pTMent low price; the iwom for aiocks la cm nlng; w rite for prifapeetus. ft. W, L. G |iifl. W OLll, M arquette Rulldlng, Chicago. I

I .iisT -P A lr irniri-rlmnifil ApActAoi™, in , aaa.AlthAr <in KurrlM n lr<ill,jr r . r In »oln« frnm

<!»r to "A h n , A I o ' . Atorr. HAlurdny murtilnt. J lm lrr will i.|> .w i, ava ui p. j . aoODMAN'H, 811 l l . r r ln m nvr., HArrlmn. 1

ORANGE and Newark Millinery and Dreaacul- (Ing fichoola- H aving finished wfth a larg« Im-

portlog house, am enabled lo tench ni1|||ni<ry In all the higher branches; alao T ty lor Rypteni unr) fir«t-f1aa* drtpam aking taught; diploma* g ran t­ed to g rad u a te i: open day and *venljtg. 222, 224 Main at , O range; Decker llulldlng. 14 Uloomfleld ave., Newark. MART R. LYNCH.

EUROPEAN ta ilor rule for cutting ladles’ and children'*- garm em at InamieTirtinT. ’DflUJlliptri

mah* dreftssN free while learhlng; day and ev*n-LoflT -/Jnlil-headerf cane, engraved D, Uram-

ley, Tlfwar-I for return. 76 HlUalrle ave. |Ing letaona; cuu lflf and hnating and par«er Dkt- terna. MADAME V a N Za NT. 202 P lane at.

PERflONA dealrmta of tak ing a flyer in ooltd advancing gold nilne atocka, addreoa Denver

Gold M in«lnveeim ent <'o„ 2 and 3 Hank Hlock. Denver, t.‘o1. i

fITOLRN—From h Cniurabia el., black and white ^big : very wctolly. Reward given; no queatlon*


H K W A R lIfl.

fl T. TAY1A»R aypltm of dreaa ctiuitig; we (eerh'*evfr>lh'ng connected with the trede;

pcholara make dreeaea n-hllc learning; leaaons (lay nr evening; eend fnr< parlku lara . M E< (-HH1HT1R. I to fleiievllJe ave.

ever aold the genuine No. 2 not eloe. dPllvrri.A tn nil part* nf the rirv.Ll 40 i>er inn. full weight No. J nut. stove and egg. 14.40 per ton; No. L, r a t and No C nut. mixed. $.1 flO; hn1«ra hy malM prompllv delivered, Jf. ft C. !l. JRRULAMANA main offliw, t o r Kmmet st.. FrelinghuyoeB flve. i

RKHT Lehigh coal, |4.W) nci p(nre. tiu( and e s g ; ii]a< e3.2fl fter ton delivered

for l.idiiali N i. 2 inn ; office itrul vard, 93 a n d ’ M M’lnerly p). HARK KRTV’HAM f i l l

HKMT Lehleh coal delivered; egg, ptove nr n u tJ 14 i:rp. |4.7:i I*er (on. no . s nm, $8.26, U A6,i

Ue<{sr f ’nsi r.K, No. H O d e r at. f tw

I'lANtt** A N D (MtUANA.OAMLKn P l.t NO. linO; Reck pUno, |M ;

flrst-clasH order; oiher bargBlne; plapoa U> rent; open evening*. FRA N K LIN PUNfNI,* t-ulton si . near peddle Uhurrh

f'lAN^i Will soil nr on«-e. grand upright plonun' alnr-Hi new; 7 I H i«'(4vea: hrllHant lone; elli

!h* |iiK-a( Irniipivements, w ith guarantee. > r i- vute jDSjdein--. 11 t'ourf at. U )tl*TAN'» Khc aiiif. Hicrllng lab tnei grand up-t

rlghl |dnn<i, walnui I'aae; g4K>d cnnditlon: fo r *H|e ni II jui rlficH f/.r cHah. Addreaa W. H.M., Ilox (13, New* office. fljil

I'l.VNU Tn in u . I’hlckerlfig upright. In gooiy imliT; icrina !im»tenin'. A«blrea* F, ft. 0-,

Jbi* ( l\ News cJtUo'. f

1*1 AN" TU V j'.n; (w>iiular price*; sixteen yeara*' eXtori'’Ui'e. F. \V UANN. Urt Shetmoa tv e ,

804!IMANU tuning;

rnt'dlp. ,’if. >lref«tr1ng of stringed IfiatrU'

flH I'KT. (kW Rroad al. 04Vff'R K lM T PrAN() lo ren t: LJ.fiO ifiimthly.

HINDB, 31 Bank at.ORUA.V Ileal make parlor urgan a t a bargain..

Aildrcsa nrgan. Hog fiS, New* i»fflre._____ flii


A F U U . LINK of 'IMI RAMHLRnK afe m>w on view, C(imi>rlalng In all 1 (V different mrHl«1e:

they jire finer than ever tofore, and beauttfiplly put tngether and finlahed, and the catalogue, wlilcb 1‘ah he had for tha aaklhg, la a work n f , rtrt. we Hre mulling 2.i**i nf tliein; do you wgiil- orie!* Hc4ii)uarierp for aecnnd hund wheel*.

S'J:\V.KKK ry U L R (*(K, u and 11 Central ave.

Howards, flteartM«v L lto r ty ^ j ^

■VL1> mahe.H; nacond.tig^})!;I ■■•luinblas, Keallhg, ( ’rrdenda*. tijin-nyabi

Hiirlf.iPds ivnd oth*r*; gc«.'l vondlilon; |'J6 up ;! ti-rois eaay. N. J. Hlt ycje UMiici-m.

RR’YCLUH-IHUr. Uoliirnblaa. (66; IBM.IN(3, 125; f!cncurys, |I5 ; o ther make* conffiiler-

ahly leas, easy r ‘ ynienta. TH E ELDRID O S RICYUMC m . , 24 anti 36 Central a v . TOo


AUK you weak, low-Hplrlt-d. tired of Ufa? Dr.Htarhwcfithcr, liie s|iet‘laJiRl in dleeaesa nf Dig

I1V1 V01IS sysh'rri, mule ainl frmiile weakneae*«» bicHlca ahtl leli* your tr>>uble« without c h a n t . Ifnurs: Iff .\. M. to K P. M.; Hundaye, 4 lo 6 P „ M. Ateriiuiiicp furnished. Call or write for tee- llmonlaie. IU!> Halsey pi. iflfAiU MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 184 Grange il.,1

NK'Wark—Ner*. lUi debility, blood iKtleoh. a l l ; urihary dloeaerp. treate^l w ithout pay until J curod; aee our large adv, oji another ptfl** 1 H oiire;8-10A M .; 1-3 and 6-B P. M. U ft'ALL





H ou rt: UnlU fliftO A. M., 1 (o ft P. H ., 7 , to 8 P . M. Sunday a l ft F . IL only. ftom.

$5.00 REW ARD will he paid for the artost and .Minvlrtlon of the parly, nr paril*a, who ainle

the real es ta te sign from east side of Kearns' ave.. n ea r Rerllji ai.. on Cnndll pronertw UKORtIK n . CANFIELD ft. RoN. 711 North Fourth at.. H arrison. N. J, ^

FAHHTONAIILK rtresamaklng. akin and wal«i imiterna vut lo measure. 36v. and 40c.; lining*

cut ahj^flt. 5<b-. r>;in Hruad st. j j j

i pha t Ihe ifK A l.Tll f'H.\RMACY, » Market at. 1

(.iipp. (.'uurihoueri. Charge for medlcltia only.lffj


I.A D IBB;-Bur. r . I l . r for l r t .» u l« rH ( .U 7 S 5 iI suci'«a*'ul and confidential; StI yeara' eipwrl-

eiuie. Office hours, 1 to 4 P. M. 94 Clinton at. !v n

F O E t E U E I O E S U T I C E S


TH E CO rA R T N R R H tllP hevemfnr* existing under the Arm nam e nf Mever ft Kothe U

ihia dgy fflsaoKTd hy m utual eimsent. Mr Thendare Meyer will assume all a*»eia and ilahllliRa. and will ronMnue In tha manu- fgelurttig of peart buttons and noveliles alone.

Nfwavk, N, J ., Fa$>. 27. IkOtt.V.. TM k^lD O A i.H K T& lL

$ .. . r . K O n lB ^ I

W'HEN nthers fait runault tha HawllR MadldiU | <0.. 45.'. Mala al., Uuffato. N- Y., t|iaolallaU im '

private. I’hr-intc and nerveua iliaasaes; 20 ysorif ‘ co[itlhunua praeiice. nuira giiaranltod.

DR. HULHEB’S Spacme, a ittlW Oftd _____ _to re ib r au tefuale irragularltMa. J^ f tre w

flu fl<tuth Baventh «t.: C. B. flmttfl. fl«3 BfoMu ; a drvflftijRg; leoV Pr. JuaU* M t

1 i;-'Adftrewl-'


F o M i k ( f u m i n g 3 7 t » 0 .FnLtmD


Sfulit laws PibllihiDg Cmmh3I>«317 MARKET STREET.

MSWABK. X. J .[EMm« M ilM PMtofflt* M Morad-elu*


Dtllw«d k7 c.rtlM'. I» « r »Mt t l Nm«rk, tin Omcw. Hurtooii, K.M«]r>BillnlllA MMldalr, IUwiiril*U u 4 1 Mlffe* kwtac ton*.

M«U MkMrirltH., fin 4.IIH. ■ r w , . . IWtf cmU • aMth. pMlif* aflH . tw* onta. D«llvmd kr cvrlan I*H»n«tk, tM CMt. ■ wMli.

Orilnwr adwUMHMli, IM M i im*M« M f ■ Km , a g m .

MvartlMaiMti m ia kiai. M Wm M , T» lAt, hr-iat., Pn .iu l. tte.. m . taut . wmA, M M < h w t.lw . tbu In MaUMCh l u w

8 a ti;r d a v . FHnRiJARy a. iw*.

THK CUHAM l(r.Nai.VTM)N».Th.r. U no .utg.iUati qC a (am . or

polliici In th. aubitanllal unaiilinliy of tha rota by which th. r.dcral Senata adoplKl tha concuiT.nt rraolullon In rt- gard to Cuban alTalrt, Men of all partl.a In CongrfH ar. agrMd upon tha duty or tha Goramment to maintain th. aupram- acy of American Influcnca on ihia contb n«nt, and to prevent tha inauguration of a naw ralgn of terror In any quarter of tha New World. All through tha volumlnoua raporta of dtbataa In Congreei over Cuban alTaIra there run thraada of human aym- pathy and patrlotlo fraternallam. Kvan auch veteran autaamen aa Senator Nh.r- tnan, aocuatomad to withaiand tha outcry and aweep of popular a.ntlmrnt, have been oarrled away by the general current of admiration lor and eympathy with the •truggle of tha native Cuban, for freedom.

The Banal, reaolutlon la clearly and ei- cluelvely eympattaetlci alTlrnilng the fact of a atata of war In Cuba, the duty of the United Btatea to malnlaln atrlcl neutrality ae between tha belligerent parilee, and •uneating that tha Uaeeutlve ehuuld In­fluence tha Bpanlah Uoverumeni to rreog- nlaa Cuban Independence. The bearing of •ueh reaolutlona. If edopled aleu by the Uouaa of Repreaentativee, llei In their ap­plication by tb. Kaeouilva Uepartmant. if lUaregarded by the Preeldeiii, there would ba no way In which leglelatlv. authority could be Invoked lu order to itrengthen the oanie of Cuban independmee.

The Federal Conatltutlon la alleiit In re­gard to the declaration of a elate of bel­ligerency, and the right of Congreei to nuUe auch a declaration haa been necea- aarlly Inferred from th. claue. of that In- atrument which confera upon C'ongrc.a tha power to dtolara war, And although tha oonatitutlonal authority to drclara war la unquMlIonably veitnl In lh« Irgla- latlve d.partihant. It la a power which la •ubjMt to the condition of KaKUUv* ap­proval, Ilk. the authority to levy and col­lect taxaa, to ralaa and aupporl armlaa, to prwvida and matntaln a navy, and other permlailv. tunctlona enumerated In the Conatltutlon, The contemlon of Senator Morgan and othera, that the power of Congrees to declare war etande by Itaelf, an exception to tha'oonatllullonal rule of partlclpance by the Executive, can aoaroe- ly be admitted In the face of tha poilllvi requirement of the Conetltutlon that every “order, raeolutlon or vale'* .ball be prabentHt to tha I'raeldent and approved or dleapproved by him before taking efteot. The Executive coneent to a decla­ration of war or to a formal recognition of belligerency would be neceaaary In or­der to determine authortlatlvely the atti­tude of the Government of the United ■tatei toward any foreign country.

If thle be the poeltlon aeeumed and maintained by the Kzeoutiva Department, which h y undtaputed control over our llplomatlc foreign relatione, the recogni­tion by Congnaa of Cuban belligerency In a ooncurrent raeolutlon could have the aCect only of a mart concentrated expree- (lonefopinion. All tbeworld already knowi that the people of the United Btatee gen- arany and even eflualvely aympalhlie wltii the ellorte of tha Clentroa Govern­ment la Cuba to achieve independence of gpanteb domination. Tha Bcnale resolu­tion but feebly expreieet the prevelllng ■entlmant in this regard. But the Kiecu- tlve authority will doublleae be eedulouely and aarneetly exerted to maintain cuiidl- {looa under which no offence may be aa- aumed by tha regularly conitltuted au- thorltlei In Cuba. The moral efteot of a Congreeelonal daclartllon of belligerent rigbta even If uneupported by the Exitcu- tlva, would be an element of unknown and dangeroue force and vitality. If, tor ex­ample, American merchantmen un the mgh aeaa ehould be ollenslvely aubtected to tha right of aearoh, not all tha power of the Preeldent could prevent an Indig­nant call to armi and a National resort to hoatUe rcprisala.

PDBLIO BDILDING CONATRirCTION.In enforcing etrictly and relentleaely the

policy of rigid economy in publlo expen- dlturee rendered neceaaary by the Increea- Ing defldt In public revenue, the ufflclale In control of the Treaaury Department aavo undertaken to euipciid practically the work of conitructlng publlo build Inge, A Government, like an Individual, must pay rent when unable to build; and there li no teal economy In the delay. But It eulia the purpoeee of the Treaaury ofliclala. In lightening eomewhal the preiture at a pretumed party exlftency. rulillo eiprn- fllturei are reduced,and the deheit leeeened by lo much aa may be aaved IP the procrei of pinching economy.

In moat Inetancea where public build­ing., the GOnetructloii of which wee au- Ihorlxed under more liberal methoda of ad- mlnlalraOon. are concerned the practice of the department ha. been to reduce the force employed to the minimum number cuneletent with the maintenance of atruc- tural repair. Thus it chance, (hat Federal building enterprlaea ut weight and mo­ment to the locallUet In which they have b «n undertakrn have langulehed and itood .till, ae though eonducted by Im­becile.. Till, policy of Inaction ha. be­come a clearly e.labll.hed feature of Treaeury admlnlelratlou by Ihl. time; and In many communltlei no Improvement is hoped lor until after a change of ortk ial..

The method employed to prevent the undertaking of new [irojecia of construc­tion or which approprlatlone have been made le elmple and etfecilve, and beyond crlllciiun u to lie legallly or ccnetltullun- allty. It conalete in neglecting to provide plana upon which builder, and contraciora may eeilmale In preparing bid. for tlie new etruettrre.. Thu., large apiiruprla- tloni have l>ecn available for mure than two year, fur a new Mint In Phlladelpb'a and tor a new Federal building In Chi­cago, In the one case the elHcleiicy of the principal money factory of the country tl crippled for want of room; bi the other the occupants of the old Uovemineiit building haveheeii forced to aluindoD It l>e- cauic It had been condemned ae unsafe by local building InepeClore. Ilut those In­terested III the prompt conetnictlon of such ntceeeary buUdlnge have lieen un­able to induce the Treasury Department to furnish plan, and sp^tncatlone. The employee of the flupervieing Architect’s oBlee-naarly *00 of them-are all too busy to engage In auch a task. It coats 1290,0 n a yaar to carry on thle ailfnnct of the

; Treasury Department, yet It has Iteen found Inpoetlbla to nqure prompt atUn-

tlon lo important Uemt of contlrucllon de­signed lo increase the emrlcncy of the public eervlce.

Where an urgent neceeetty for expedit­ing the work of conetructlon really cxi.te, a. in the rasa of tha Uovamment building at Chicago, II liat been found necttaary lo apply lo Congress for a plitanca out of the appropriallon for the work, to bo used lo pay for plan, to be furnished by cx- perta oulsldc of the Bupervlalng Arclil- tecl'i olTlce. Kecemly Henalor Cullom se­cured ihepassagr In the Heiists of a resolu­tion aettlng aside t&tiOl) In this m.inner for plans for the projiosed tlovernment building In Chlcsgo, and a similar ripendl- ture for tha new Uhliadelphia Mint 1s con- templaled. Thus, It appears, the policy of Inaction and circumlocution le In dan­ger of Imerferenc* In a vital quarter. For if public bulldingi of auch Imponance may be planned and Iheir cunslructlon aupFrln- tended without the aid of a cosily lliireau of Architecture, the question of conllnulng such a branch of alleged publlo servli-o may be brought eerlouely Into coiiirn- veriy. The National Legislature may not mlsiiae a few hours or days In an Inquiry Into the real use and value of a super- vlalng bureau which iloesn't aiipetTlse.

It la end that In the Third Ward a alrong rlTort will be made to prevent the renomlnatton of Beboui Commleetoner Baupe becauae he committed the dreadful political offence of refusing lo bring about the removal of a echoolhouei Janitor who has been faithful and efficient In his work, but who happens to be a Democrat. Surely the great mass of tha Republican voters of the ward ars nut disposed to consent that a commissioner shall be forced lo retire for any such reason as lhal. The Janitor tn question serves In the largest publlo school In the city. The place Is a responsi­ble one and that It shall lie properly tilled means i great deal to the teachers and the puplli of the school. When a man does his work faithfully, even In ao humble a place, and when a School Commissioner believes that Ihe Interesla of the school would cer­tainly not he advanced and might eiiffer by a change, he deeervee public support In standing by the employe. It la Ihe duly of Ihs School Commissioners to look after the Inlereste of the achoole, not to aaciiflce their own Judgment of what la wise and right lo tha dictation of partisan ward axecutiva committees. The appointment of a Janitor Is a email thing, but tha sort of spirit that l.ad. a Ib'hool Commla.loner to do what he Ihlnke le right without re­gard for the dictation or (he Ihreata of parllsani who Inalet on doing his work for him. Is an Important thing and ought to be rscognised and appreciated by thoughtful voltre of hie party and by the public.

BEFORE THE M. E. CONFERENCE.Thiw ^ueitloni t>f lm|Hir1*ure la lie Tjikru

r p At tli« A tin a il Mf'iilnu lu T ltli i ‘Uf, MAri-h '*5,

ThrrA of mui-h ImiMirtanrii toMvlhotlluti In Ni'Wurk urn! vh-lnliy, urol lo Melhofliitfl lo turnf up h<-torn iho N fw irk ronf*'rPhp^ itiut In lu 1m* b ifun In Hi. Vuufi Mi tl>o*Jlnt pal I'hurch on M*kr<h &7. Ttu* foiift-rfin k* will proliulily luul i»*'vrral tluyn.

Thu can#* of Hpv. K. I>. U*-- k. r. who wo* iniapt*nd**J from ihf* puninrAl^ of th^ KuuiJi Mark**! M. K, ( ’hurcli lu«t A ukubIHfti*r a h4*arliiK on u chiirKf of frivolity. ihiTi* havhiK A youjiif wom an im-m’ hk-r of hl« conuri'Kallon In th»* t’uaf, will fom« up All anon »■ Uio t-ouferpnee atiall hav«! KOI ilowM to bUdlni'Ra. If HtV. Mr. l)**i'k»*r hlrnat'lf ahoiilU nut ■naw»*r uimhi tha ra il of h li tmmt- h'* W’ouli! run* al'lari'il Knllty of ihf* rh iirn r anuliiat him. If hf* ahonjil u tiaw rr li»< wouPl lr*> tried.

"The fonf*TejM'e.'* «IiTlur*'d one of the lorul mirtlalera Iho olhr r dur. "wl^l ilia* Idoae of llie <w«e flrmlly. If Hev. Mr. lU'rker ahull nut turn up It will b** tried without hU pn-aence. Hut he will turn up; thAt 1 know."

The aecond multrr Ihut will enfUKe the Atlentlon of the mlnlviera unci ttiAi will he wuti'hed with u Krr«l deui of IlitereiL outalde of th4< i-onfrrenr** |» the dliCMUiOU of the 4|uret1on wbullier or not womnn ahull lit* Hdmtltpd aa dPleftatra to Ihe Hpiieral t’onfprrme, of courae the New­ark ( "onferenc’e cAhnul tuku any IfKlNlu- tlve Hclluu on the matter, but U ran tak*‘ a aland for or agalnat the admlaalon of wonren.

The third, and perhapa Ihe moat Import­ant queailoii that la to uume up in the paators' lime limit, The paatora are now ■hlftNi! abuut from one (.-tiorKe to auolhc-r El leant onou In five yeara. Jf t^e Hlahop •eea fU to make a rhatiKe In a poBlorate Iji'fure the eaplratloii of thul time, however, he can du au.

The queatlon fa a vexed one and no duuht it will caiiae a vreat deal of ani­mated diacuaalon. The ronat-nauH uf opinion of iliu Newark ( ’onferetica at preaeiii Appeari lo be oppoaod tu the time-llmit now In vogue and many of them complain tJial an toon aa bunda of afTeolioii and ealeem are eataliUahed between paitor and people the Church rulea compel them to Iw aeveivd,

Uealdea dlacuaalng ihoae thm* aubjerla the ronfereiire will, aa uauat, elect dele- galea to tha general couftTem-e, which will be haiu At Cleveland, U., on May 1. There ai> about half a hundred aaplrunla for the honor ainojig lha two hundred piid hfly mlniatera who will meet In thti city. Thuatt nrornlneiUly mentioned are Hev. Ur. II. A. Hutla, prealdent of Urew Hcinln- ary; Hev, Ur. HandfurJ Van UeaHchoKm, urcajiding elder of the f'uleraun dlatrUi; Hev. Dr. 8 . J, Hammond, preaiding elder of the Newark diatrlii; Hev. Dr, Henry Hpellmeyer. of the Central .M* thodlai Kpia- cupal Church, and Hev. J>r. H. L. Baldwin, re4'ordlng oeernary of the Mtnalunary Ho-

No tooner htv« the cHiaena of an Inde­pendent community managed lo provide Ihemoelvaa with a decent park. Ihmn «oma one cornea along with a propoalllon to make money out of It by aome poiterlng, peddling device. Thuie In New York Cltyg where park apace la Invaluable, it U pro- poaed (hat "kloaka’* ahall be iN'atirred through the varluiia parka. In which inch luxurtea «a candy, aandwlchea and aoda pop ahall he diepenoed to the vlalting mul­titude. It aeema to be Impoaalble for the average Amerlcaif municipality to keep Ha public pleaaure grounda clear of thla lunch-houae nuSeance. It ti a National falling. Uoubtleei, If a hundred New Yorkera ahould be caat upon a deeert liland, about (ha flrai thing done would be to build A *'kloak" and iet up a lunch counter. Hut, aomehow, theaanrtwich and ooda pop cult ought to be kept within bounda In Ihe publlo parka.

Not content with the coloaaal Impulee to her local induatrlea and municipal expan- alon communicated by the World'a Fair, tlie city of Chicago propoata eoon to hold a Southern Statea Kihlbltlon. with « ▼lew to the capture from the effete Eaat of a Urge ehare of Southern trade. In progreaalve Omaha, loo. there le to be held In IIW a TrtnamliHlaalppl Exhibitions de­signed to rivet upon the attention of West­ern pwople the clolma of Omaha to be the metropolli of the luounlaln and prairie Statea of the far Weat. Thea« are Im­portant undertaklnga> of whloh Uaalrrn maaufacturera and merchania will acaroe- ]y fall to lake careful note, Every ainr- ceitful Western exhibition ciita away a portion of the ground under the feet of Eastern enterprtae.

In re p o rtln f to C ongrees th e coat ami rem uneratlun a tte n d an t upon the ex ist­ing a rrs iigem en t In reg a rd tu the fur seaia on the ITIbylofT iHlanila, the Secre­ta ry o f the T reaau ry notes th a t during th ree aesBons p ast the com pany which leaaea (he U land i haa secured but Sd.Ul aeal ak ln i. T his com pany haa paid no ren ta l aince 1S93. an d bu t ro.UUO during 11(91 and lim. F u r policing U ehrlng Hea, expemiea of ag en la and em pluyea. coat of a rb itra tio n and fs ilm a ted d a m a ie s to C atisd lau sealers, th e coat to th e Govern- m eiit Blnee W l haa been abou t |2,lli0,l)00. N o wonder Uncle Ham w anta to kill ufl th e seals.

There la no apparent dlapoaltton on the part of the Agricultural Department to enforce the law requiring tlio Inapeotlon of meats for export. Thu time for carry­ing tlie regulation Into effect has been thrice extended by Secretary Morton; the lost time until June 1 next. Exporlers of in«at products are evidently convinced that no advantage In trade could be gained by the rigid enforcement of « law which would have the ulterior effeot of concen- trstlng the meat export trade under the control of a vast monopoly. Hetaliatione not additional safeguards, )• the answer to Bnropuan diacrimlnatlon favored by American meat exporters.

According to a recent report of the Sec­retary of War at Madrid there are now employed In military aervlc* on the Island of Cuba 110,472 regular troop* of tbs Bpsu- Uh Army. Tho Bpanlah volunteer force, which la ebiehy engaged in garrison duty. numiMra about IM,OUO, The Bpanlah force for the auppreaalon of Ineurroctlon, there­fore, eicvedi IW.tlOd m en^ much larger army than was sent by Great Britain to •iiforce obedience and aubmtaslon upon her American colonies 120 yeara ago.

The captured nilbuaters. Judging from the Action of the Senate, may have done more for Cuba by getting caught than they would have accompllahed by carrying their armi and ammunition to the Ever- faithful Ule.

The 1'nlted States Senate shows by Ua action In rcfereuce to Cuba that It reislns aoinethtng mure than a Pickwickian In­tercut In courage, liberty and Independ-HU-C.

The Veneiueian Commission Beeme like­ly to soon be In a position to give Lord Hallabury a nice long leesan In South American geoKraphy.

tieneral Weyler lias t>een pursuing n jMillcy that may reHult In forcing Spain to reckon with a peacemaker of tnore than its ala*'.

Tailed a New Explosive,SANDY HOOK, Feb. ».-F lve shells

loaded with the Hathaway high exploaive, w hich isclalmeri to be more powerful than dynamite, were yesterday suroetafuliy flred from s six-pound Driggs-Bchroeder rifle, with a full powder charge. Four of the shells penetrated a four-inch plate and exploded in a Hand butt back Of It, The Uai ahell. which wae Ared wltlmvit a de­tonator, to show that the powd» vrlll not explode without the rap, peneff^sd tha plate and did not go off. ^

dety of the iM»*lhtKllnt KplnrupKl ('hundi Blihup ryrna 1>. Foes will pre. lde ovei

the galheritig, While the ijaaigm are Inronft'rerire In Ht. Haul's Dhurih the lay­men will gatlii-r tn the Franklin Street MK. t^turch. Nothing of any particular Im- ~>ortanre la expected tu be develuped at the Attsr gathering. Jin prlnflpal buHinesMZ _____________________will to elect two lay delegatea (o the Cleveland conrerehce.

As none of the miniMters of (his city have raai'heU ttie time limit of live years there will bfft no cbsnges of pastors niileSB the Ulshop shall makH an unexpet tiMl jnuv*-. ThiH H NHWB reporter was UHeured tlie Hlahop would not do, fur Ihe n*aoon that no rhanisea app<*aied to be necessary.

Next year's confereme. Jiowever. will make at least four changes In prontlii«‘nt Newark churches If the time limit rule shall be strictly enforcHtl. Those wtio will have served (Ive years In IRT ure Hev. Dr. Ilenrv Hakcr. of Hi. Haul's Church; H« v. Dr. Henry Kpeiimeycr, of Ihe I’enlral Church, Hev. WliUleld C, SjioilgraMS. of the ( ‘enteiiary Church, and Rev. Frederick t'ture Haldw'iii, of 8 i. Luke's Church. VVhllo thsse four puHlura will end (Ive years of service in i!(97 It may be possHHe that the Bishop will allow ihetn to retain their charges.

Kev. A. H. Tuttle, of tiie Itosfvtlle church, who came to Newark from lialiJ- more about three years ago, will have ut least two years more work to do In his handsome church K«v, J C, Basoum, of the Ueflrool At. E. Oburdi, who Is (he Suspended Mr. Decker's connsel, D serving hia second year In his church-, »o he wIM probably remain, Hev, W, Kinsey, of the New York Avenue Thiirt-h, is In bi*i first year In that church and Hev. K. M. Gartoii, of th* Franklin Sireei (’hurub. who came here from Bummll, has two years to his credit. Kev. t'harlei \V. Mc- Formlck, of the Halsey Street t'hunh. aasumsU charge of his congregation Iasi spring. Hev, S. N. Hebout, of Trinity I'hurch, will alBo ho a hold-over, as he haa had his present charga only a year. Rev. jCf' 'derlqM, Bloom has had charga of the Eighth Avenue Church only about a year, and Iher# U no expectation of a change.

The Newark Conference lx a large and Important one. It embraces all of Northern New Jersey and SUten Island and a few atmolntments in Pennsylvania.

Thera was a flnal meeting of the com- mlttea that Is In charge of the arrange­ments In connection ttdth the conference at 8 i. Paul’s Methodist Kplscopal Church yesterday afternoon. The session was a private ona and lasted a long while. Dr. Bpellroeyer, Ua chairman, prealtled.

f « i :k m :a k h ag o a m > n o w *

Aoin* Pleaianl Incldeu ts Brought to Light at a Leap Year l*arty.

In one w ay o r ano th e r th e nineteen young women who help F r ln d p a l F, II. H anson to lay th e fuundaUuiia fo r the fu tu re KreatneSH o f the youngaterm who a tten d th e W ashington S tree t and the M arshall S tree t schools, conlliiiie to san d ­wich in a wholt* lot of fun betw een the seseloiis of the ir respecUve olssHeM. A favorite nieatJM of recreation uinong the tea^'iiers Im Ihe leup year rereplloii, such OH w as held In Frliiclpal n m iso n 'a oflb'e on T hursday afterniKiii. A lthough the re- cepiloii only occurs once In fou r years the teacliei-H m ake enough Of tl to la a l over until the Jiext time, and a Utije to Hpare If neeil be. The leap year observances weic inaugiirm ed (in Feb ruary L*9, IWll. w hell MMcli of the tem hern was <'alled upon lu w rite on a elieei of paper woirn? seiUl- ineht. m otlo or cxi e rp l Hhu-h slie IliouglH piirllcu tarly sulteij (n the u4‘iiialon, Tha whole buslnvHM wus thiui phued in an en­velops and iHlil ttVi-ay m ini T liursday, v> hen Ihe leuchi-rs lut-i again and the ourK- age Was exhumed.

The liipsv of lim e an I the Inrldents wliii-h biivo occurred since (he w ilting rnade m any of (he lirHcripItuliH Beein (o have l»eeji Inspired. i>ne young woman who at th a t tim e was expr-i ting to

a blushiiiK lu'lJe wrote the words To h« or not to he." rthe was a t the re-

cepilon and confeHwed wllliout reserve tha t li w as ''no t to be.'' Another-, who m ade h Honiewhtit Himllur eonfi-HHlon, blushed as her Inscription of four years ago was read, a s follows:

"O f a ll ih r sod words of tongue o r iien, h«'^^^s^dcst a re thuss, H m ight h a \ t

-.'**.*}!* th ings come lo thoss who w a ll WflH provi'd by the teach er who sh ire w rllliig those words, h a s become a hBppy wife iin.i mother.

Hossiblc refereiu 's lu the m arita l eiiKasrf- m enia then existing, in which tw o of the teach ers were parties of the aocond UJiri m ay have actuated tho Ifaclit-r who

'uT-*’' '”*’ try m en’sBoujs. W lieiher Of nut any of the teach ­e rs heeded the Injuncdori: " trlrls , liap - leap w ith cars ." did not appear In evl- ucncs, nor would any of the teachers say

they had Icarneil an y th in g about Ihe H appy land, far, far aw ay ," of which one of ilielr num ber wrote.

A fter re freshm ents had been served MIsn Ju lia H. Holloway look chaj'KS of a ffa trs as toast-m lstresfl. Miss B olter told of I^eap-year chanoea," and M iss S trin g e r lauded tha W ashington H lreat School, ft’hllc Mrs. C ra te r 's them e was the M arshall S tree t

responding to the toast Our Ir ln c ip a l." .Miss Aber showc-l how

abbreviation of the tlile made Mr. IU hhom ‘Our Prince." "t>ur 'Heuses," by MIhs

C rane, whs a review of the "H ad a hea'I- egg 'Mif. s iste r got tnarrleil," ".Mfl m o the r goea out w ashlii' on Tuesdays" and " r i ic alijewalks was loo slippy" plena advanced \>y the pupils as apologies for lardlneHB. MS«» M arlin, vlce-prlnolpal of the W arren Hirect School, and Mina Bar- uard , of the Nurnuil School, told of "Thoae who have gone to o ther delde,'' and MIhh .Mctiowan explained the ‘mys- terlea of the Hound table.

Mrs, Snow and Mrs. Flaher. who liave married shicf Nio Iumi reception, spoke of "Thane who have left ua," while Mina Jackson un-l Mins iTldham, both of whom are reporteil sm wearing eiigagemuru rlnga, told of "Those who Intend to leave ua. ■ Miss Holloway's humorous poeui, "Those who remain." was full of leap- year encouragement, and "The New Cur­riculum" wurt ileHcrIbi'd In rhyme by .Miss DoremuH. In lelllng of "Us." Mr. lluiiHon was full of pity for himself, "alone with nliietefii women." The teachers will have another reception four years Ijence, when 'he paper prcpuri'd ou'Thursdui will be opened.

Hrustk Factory l>amwged by FJw,A brush fiictory Pliuated on A thlahd

avenue, W est tiraiigo, and owned by John JoA-ubsen, was duniaK''d by lire to (ho ex­ten t of SI.rjuu a t » o'clock last night. Th« tire Is aupposi'il lo have sinrtpd In tlie boiler-room. The West 4 Tanga l'"1re De­p a rtm en t did excellent service in Ughtlng the blase,

t oU ro a d

is a branch of 12. Chatnbers St., New York. The home of the Wintoii Bicycle.

Ballard Rubber Co.


A t V a n t in e ’ s

Vanliiie’s Oriental Silks are great aid.s to good dressing— and every one admires a well dressed woman.

This week:HLACK H A m ’TAt SILKS,

Kupariur ttualltiai,ISIlQ. wida. IT7 Id. wlfia,

aIAp. yd. 40c. yd.Ouf ftiruiar pnr* for thjr former prict* for

this grade. .lUc. this croda„ BOr,IfT la. Wlda, AOc. yd.

Oiir frirrimr pricB for tbi« grada, TOr. W HITF IIAHl'TAI HILKM,

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ihL grad*, ikr. tUU grad*, 6dc.IM In. wida trxtra baavyu (klr. yd.

Our former prica for ibiagrade, WK.\

A . A . V A N T IN E & C O .,Thf tAirg^$t Ju winw,

, i 'h f t tw (lUil huita * tn tht

R77-tt?0 Broadway, N. Y,

AIK. I IMfKiC AND 1118

T h e J.H(lcr |« a >on-|i«rtliiMi» AlTklr, U llh M ayor L eb U n ei'lirr L eaa lu g a ,

Tux Hecelver Ju liu s F in g er has a ta ried out to m ake hla presence felt In th e p re- llrnlimry work o f th e sp rin g cam paign, lit! has "opened u book," which treata of 'm u n id p a l m u tte rs purely, In­asmuch iiH th e hilHHUni of (he book and Mr. I''liiKcr Is to udv'aie'O the in teraat* of Mayor J*chku4‘< tier in his con test for ra- uomlnullun, I t ’u a u mnovalluD lu polltUis, In tins IHMe dtfvlcc, bu t Mr. F inger (ilNi-liilmsi « r**d(i fo r Un Invention. Ju th>* sumo brea th he say s th a t the Idea Is not .Mayor Lcbkuci hcr'x, The brain of a nfliior d e rk In th e R efulveF* ofllce, Nalimii H ^m ca, Is said to have evolved the l>lea.

li H u good-Hlxed book, people have won- dcteil why .Mr. F in g e r d idn’t have u m an, or a big, Htout boy to c a rry the book, w hlle liu wulkHil a long to d irec t th e expedition,

"T h a t's the kind o f a Uvcelver to have," rem arked an old clHzen. who stood a t the coriiar of Hroad and M arket t tr e e ia the other day. "W hen th epeop lefall toca ll a t hl» ottice and pay th e ir taxes uMr. F inger Jiiat trots a f te r them w ith h is book and Im- portuticK ibcin to se tt le up. Tell you w hat, ■nancy paid th a t kim l of a m an ii* uioiiey well Hpf hi."

Thin was said p rio r to the unravelling of iJie m ystery o f Uie book.

A N FW 8 re p o rte r noticed th a t Mr. FUi- K4T Hi-ruNicJ m any ciUxen know n lo be wealthy and a lw ay s p rom pt in the pay ­ment of tu x es and a ll o th e r ubllgationa. He would open hlH lliile--o r ra th e r big— Iwmk, point to aoiiieihlng w ritten o r p riiu - eii therein and then m ake som e rem ark* uppuicm ly In an energetl43 sort of way. He would a lso gesticu la te w ith rcinarkahle rap id ity . Some o f th e men would sh ak e th e ir heads in u negative »4jrt o f a w ay, geallcu la ie a l i t­tle un their 6wn accoiiiu , and move on. Df course, iho re p o rte r w'ould be Burprlsed th a t itii-se m en w ou ldn 't pay up a t once. iH her men a rco sted would Uaten to Mr. F inger's aiipeals. perform a few catle- thpiilc feat* an d llnally w rite som ething In the book.

In the course of hla expUiratlona T h u rs­day afternoon, the receiver dropped Into a well-known reHori on M arket a treet, and It was not long before the book w as being Hubjectid to a c ritica l Inspection a ll around and i ts secret laid hare.

On the Inside of the fro n t cov­et Is pasted a typew ritten le tte r. It begins w ith the announc4*mentth a t the tim e fur the ch a r te rplecllon is approaching . The "proewlam ation ," a s . aome call it, goes on to Hay (hat *we consider It ou r prlvilegu and our d u ty " ig Indorse M ayor J•eb- kuecher. F u r th e r on It sayH; "IUp a d ­m inistration In o u r Judgm ent haa fatten greu l," or words to th a t effect.

O ther nice ihlnga a re said abou t theM ayor arid hip policy uiid It Is urged th a t he be Kiven a renom lnailon . The tlgnera of ihu "p roc lam ation" declare th a t they, liTespectlve, of p a rty , fav o r ih* M ayor's renom lnatlon.

The llrei nam e on the book is th a t of B. Strauss, and Mr, F in g er explained lo a NEW S rep o rte r ami o ltier* th a t the fron t page waH reserved for those cilU eiii who Were well known.

"H ow m any p lg iialures have you got?" aHkc<i H m an lo whom iMr. F in g e r exhlblt- I'd the book.

"Oh, we have 143 o r KjO nam es!" replied Ihe Tax Receiver, "h u t y4)u know I ’ve only ou t a day or tw o ."

Among those In (he re so rt to whom Mr, I'lnger Hliow+'it th e ho4»k wnre Ciunnils- KloiMT R urkhard t, o f the Board of W orks, and School C om m issioner N a th an . N either signed It,

Mr. U urkhard t listened patien tly while Mr. I-lrjger, w ith m any geKiliuilallons, ex- PKtia(*'d on the m erlin of .Mayor !>ebkuech- 4 r. The argum entH , how ever, w ere seem ­ingly not convincing, h* fa r as .Mr. B urk- Jiardt was concerned, for he d idn 't even touch till* hiuik w ith pencil, chalk o r pen. Mr. Nudum illd n 'l for a m onienl consider llu' mutie!-. Me w oubhi'i sign, anil th a t pet* il''d It. He wondered, iousl enough for every one p resen t to hear,whut Mr. F lrjger wus paid for.He answ vreil the quesdon w hen no one else did, by rem ark in g th a t tho T ax Hetrelver was one Who received taxes and he bane(J tup conclushm on Ihe s tren g th of the tmftlx "e r ." wdilch, he argued. Ilk* 4)iH! fam lhar w ith such tJiliigs. m ean t "one who." So h av ing se ttled th a i, he won­dered oluud If Mr. F in g er w as paid as an expreHfunuti lo c a r l a book around, and he couclmled th a t he w asn 't. T hen he sighed a heavy sigh, rhupcd a South O rang* ave- nu« cu r going "Down N eck" an a w ent homo, ftt h'oai he w ent in th a t d irerllon .

T he bysian4|ciH tu rn ed to Mr. F inger. All were curious lo know w hat use w ss to b r made of the signatu re* when all th a t rouM be obtained w ere Inscribed on th e tiook. A look of Infinite wisdom appeared on the Tax RecelveFa face. He look from nis mouth a c igar, sm iled and said :

"W alt."Hut Mr. F in g e r suhsequently becam e

confldemlft! w hen speak ing (o an old ac­quaintance. To the la t te r he explained th a t (he naini'N W'hlrh he obtained would be Bubmllted In Ihe form of a petition to th e ilclegHies a t the convention, when U cam *lo Hclectlng a candWate, or ijerhaps he

In a newBuaper lo ahow how much was thought of Mayor Lebkuecher

' l l

pu bllshed k»Bi)aper lo ahow how - of Mayt

and his administration, the book a caressing |.It under hla arm and went hi* way'.

n. ilr. Finger gave paa or tw'o, placed


As*C*ni«qu«ric* th* Cbloagu Market Has Been Slreagthened.

The Shoe and l e a th e r Review, In re ­viewing Ihe Chicago packer hide m arke t for the week, says:

"The I 'n ltcd Htatf’jt le a th e r Com pany bought Su.fJdO hhles from 4>ne packer th is week. The purchase Include* mitlve a* well aa branded steers, and in some selec- U4jns lakes the pac:ker up to M arch 1 on de. llverlPN. Of course th e ciTeal will he to s till fu r th e r Ptrengthvn (he m arket. No. 1 n a ­tive steers, 60 pounds and up, a re ra th e r strong a t ftio . Hpready st««*rp ar* held « t No. 1 buli-brunded steers mjioun4ls and up, a re held a t 7c. No 1 T exas steers. tj|j pounds and up. were sold In several buyers lo the am ount of fully 9.INJ0 In Chicago and on the M issouri R iver Ht 6%c. for heavy, etic. for light, and fur extrem a light hides. IJ g h t Texaii nieers ulune can not bought for less t h u i i i j ^ . No. 1 Colorado, o r side-branded steers, 60 pounds or up, are fairly steady s i No. 1 na tive oowh, ro poumls and ujj, a re ri shade easier, l.ig h t native cows

pounds and down, a re sold up com plete­ly and nutie Is lo bo hail at iiresent. The nom inal nrlcu* Is 8c. N ative bulls are hehi a t C^c. tint fo r grubs. B randed ImiiH arc noinlnul a t

Siimlay-pcboot Teacher* to Have a Itally.A rally of th* Hunday-achool teat'hers

uroler |Jie auspices of the E ssex Founty Sunday-school A msocIbHoii will he held lu tha Hark M ethodist E hurch , Bluoriilh-hl, \Ve4lnc»day n igh t ncx |, Rev. E. M. F e r­guson, Hlule M43cretary, will deliver an ad- 4lrcas ou "A l^oyal Buhday-sch4M)| Army/* and will tell abou t th e hom e "departm ent'' Work Iti the Hutiday-achool. Norm al and tralnliiK clap* work, p rac tically iiiuatratcii by a "Httita reading.'^ will be conducted by Ucv. H. M. L u ther, p aa lo r of the Bouth R aptlst C hurch, N ew ark . "H ow to Teach a P rim ary Cla»s" w ill be the subject of Hh aiiilreas hy M rs. S tephen .V C lark, prcpident of th* O range F rlm ary jU nlon ,

A MltilPt«r*s Wir* to Rue,K k-Assembly m an C harle* B. fcHorrs ha*

Ik'cii re ta ined a* counsel by Mrs. H e n rr Cross, wife of Rev. H enry Crotis, to sue (he l>elHWHre, J^ackaw anna and W estern Hallroar) t.'onipauy on account,O f in ju ries received on D eram her 2fl last,' when h e r nose w ai broken t»y fa lling injon a heap of loose siotmp th a t w ere adjftceni to ih* railrosfl com pany 's tra ck s n a s r (he Con* S tree t S ta tion , tn O range.


Of Pianos. The thing for each buyer to Jo is to try aflil find the one Piano, of all others, that most nearly meets his desires. The one that suits hini as to quality—that most nearly reaches the price he feels he ought to pay. • No one Piano is best for everybody.

We sell live makes here—the Steinway, Hardinan, Gabler, Vose and Sterling. One or the other will be found to fit right into everylxidy's desires and everybody’s purse. We are here to explain all about them any time you come.

Tliar* art* many ktndi of PlpDot fn our karioln r4Mim. \N« can pult * numbtr of p*opl* o*r*. If th«y will com* In.


LAUTER CO„New Jen ey’M L a i^ i t Plano ant! Organ Dealen,

6 5 7 - 6 5 9 B R O A - I D S T R E E T .


D ysp e p sia , B ilio u s n e s s , Liver Com plaint, Neuralgia,Con$tipatton-AND ALI

KIDNEY DISEASES,Fur I4*lchy Charlep H4»lih*ii(^i', l*h*rnia4'lit, ror. M arkH mud Bni«4lK(p„ N>w*rk N ,J .


Mrs. Thoma* B. Allen gar* an rniertaln- meiit thia afiarnoon at her rpaideiice, 74 Ncw(oi) *tr<*ett Th* table wan dHcoi‘ate4i with La Fraiu-e roac* and inatd4'iiihalr f»*ni aud th* "apread'^ con*l*t<Hl of what 1* termed a ladle*' luiu-h. After lunch whiNt WHM enjnyf'd by Mra. Allcii'a gUf Hla, who were: aMra, Dr. Ella llalnea. .Mr.s.Edward Spaeth, Mr!i.r George B. Swain. .Mr*. Lenix, Mra. J>. Joy, Mr*, la. Lrl^ong, Mth. a . Albright, Mr*. A. F. H. Martin, Mr*. Van Doni, .Mian Wlldrlch, illaa llar- bclle and Mrn. F. Conklin.

Mri- U. S. Ward entertained a puny of frleinla at her home, 17 Btratford place, laat night.

A muHicat wa* given by Mint Tomoklmi at the repluence of her mother. Mr*. D. A. ToinpkluM. 4if Lincoln avenue, Tucaday iilghl. Th* parlorp were decoraicd with palm* and cut flowera. A collation wur Rcrved by Davl*. Violin roIum were given by E. Stahl ami Mia* Florence Tomiikln* and piano aelectlonp were pluyed by John F. Burkhaidt and Mix* Tompkiiip, while Ihe vot'allatp were: Supranua, Mlax Bmllh and MIhr Marlon T4jimpklMM; contraliuM, MiR.M Hell* Hampton and Mta* Florence Mulford, and ba*p, Curtin Burnett

A "Kinder Blnfonie" (Tub was organ- Ixed lant night at the renldence of MIhh Alli* Kirkpatrick. Morris F. Weeks will 1m» director. The membern are: MIsh Fran­ce* Depue, Ml** Adrlanna Edgar. .Mins Nina Jarkoon, Min* Margaret Nlcholn, Dumont Mercer, Henry Young, Jr., Ed­ward Wrighi, John L. Young and Percy ?Mgar.

Robert O'Gkirman gave a *tag card party at 111* h4yme, 104 Broad Rlreel. lant night.

Mies Palmer gave a card party Monday night at her hom*. S4 Newton street. The playem were: Mia* Margaret llaxeltan. Ml** Sara Otto, Miss Fenton, Mis* Edna Palmer, Mias Mary Halner. Miss Nellie !Hrowaxkl, Miss Louis* Drake,Edward An- droAR, Charles Halner, Charles Welden, Oliver Reeves, Mr. Young. Jack A. Mac Arthur, Edward Browaikl. Miss Laura Schellanbergcr. Mis* Clara JackRon, W. Ilerden, C. Westley. (The i»rlxes were awarded (4J M9s* B. Fenton, Miss Nellie Browaxkl, Jack MacArthur and Kdwtrd Andros*.

Mis* Jean Champenol* gave a card party Thursday night at her resilience, 47 Lln- cojn Park.

Mrs. Thomas A. Murphey gave a card parly Ust night at her home, 222 Belle- vUl* avenue.

The Ladles' Bubarrlptlon Whtsi Club played at North End Hall thla afternoon.

Miss Julia Dobbins entertained th* Christian F7ndeavorers Thursday night at her home, 971 Broad street.

The Fp-to-Date Whist Club met at th* residence of Mr. and Mrs, Potter, 424 Hummer avenue, Wednf^ay night, Thu prlxes were won by Mrs, Dye, Dr. Warren, Mrs. Brower and Mr. Stidfole.

A subscription dance waa given at Da­vis's Wednesday night under (he maJiaKf- meot of Jo«epb fi. Meyer, Alfred J. Fisher and M. PIsuL Among thoae present were: Mr and Mrs. Ous Ptaut, Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Meyer, Mr. and Mris. Al J. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Leo GoldRmlth, Mr. and Mrs, Ferd Kauch, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis J. Llpp- man. Mr. and Mrs. J. Katx, Joseph Korn, Frank New4:lty, M. Plant, Francis Slraue, Joseph K. Meyer, Miss Florence Trier, Lewis Straus, Miss 8 . Rlchelmer. of Johns­town, N. Y.; H. Clay Ivcvy. Miss Jack.aon, ufT'hIcago: Charles Mt4'huels, Miss J. Mi­chaels, Mr. liuchmaii, AIIhh Helena Hirauss, Jacob F. Meyer and Miss Ida. Hose. Dancing was Interrupted at 11:30 for siim>«'r, after which Alfrett J. Ftslier led the cotillon. Thla was the aecoiid of u mer­les of three aubscrlptlon dance*.

Mrs. FratH'l* Grlbben held a musical Wednesday night at her honie, 10 8 i. I'ran- 4-Ih Hirevt. The artlutH were; l iaiilMt, ('ountess Ollda Riiia; baritone, Signor Pis- ■ I'aiie; elocutionist, MIsh Nelbenger; viol­inist. ProfeBior Maggio; sopranos, Miss Hophla Friedman and Mrs. Uribben.

Mrs. C. K. Hayes gave a card parly Thursday night at her home, 315 Thirteenth avenue.

Mr*. Emma L. Oates yesterday Invited to her home. 143 loifayette street, a party of friends lo celebrate th* sevehdeth an­niversary of tha birth of her mother, Mr*. Ydelder. Soma of the gucstH were Mrs, BUider, of Montclair: Mr*. H. } 1. Herold, Mrs. T. Hlnrlchien, Xfr*. L. D. Adler, .Mr*. Berndt, Mrs. A. Hltirlchsen, Mlsa Sophia Friedman and Mrs! Blrken.

Mrs, W, li. Moeller gave an afternoon lea at her reilUenre, ^ Freeman slreel, Thuraday. A large number of frlenda called, among them being Mrs. J, Goerts, Mr*. T. NIcoT. Mr*. H. r. H. Herold, Mra. Gates, Ml*i Bertram, Mrs. L. 1>. Adler. Mrs. J. Hen*ler, Mrs. John Krueger, Mlsa Sophia Friedman and Mrs. KoelholTer.

Mrs, William Finter gave a tea Wednes­day afternoon at her residence, SB Thlr- teenthavenu*. Amongthecallerswere Mrs. Lister, Mr*. Moeller, Mrs. Brandt, Mrs. T.

JiuaL'ii, iffiiB. uMJuuri,iHefenbach and Mrs. Luff,

Mrs, Wackenhuth entertained a party Of friend* Wednesday afternoon a( her horn* on Freeman *tpeet. Mrs. Felgen- span, Mr*. Schroeder. Mrs. Meyer, Mrs. H. C, H. Harold, Miss Sophia Frlodman. Mra. Waefferlfng and Miss Mary Koehler wer* In th* party.

Tha Young Women’s (Christian Associa­tion will five It* annual lea Thursday, from 4 to t P. M., at th* Home for Incura­bles. Carrlaga* will meet guests at Broad and Court streets,

Mr*. J, Cha4lsey gave a tea Tuesday af­ternoon at her residence, 8 Wear Park atreet.

Mrs. Georg* H, HImonds entertained a large party of frlen4la Weilnee4lny ^nd Thursday night* at her home, 374 Bum­mer avenue,

Th* manager* of the Home for Crippled Children gave their annual tea at th* Institution, 66 Bouth Eighth street, Mon­day, from 4 to 7 P. M. Friends and sym­pathisers of the charity called and were received by the officers and managers, who entertained by acquainting the guests with the conditions of the home, as WLdl a* by **rvlng them with tea.. A progressive whist party was given at Davis'* Saturday night for the beneht of th* Hospital for Women end Children.Klr*. John L. Mackey and Mrs. Charles K. Mackey were th* promoters of the af­fair. Among the players were Mr. and Mrs. John Grover, Mr. atid Mrs. Charles 81- tuonson, Dr. llaydori, Mrs. H, Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Looker, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Osborn*. Miss Edith tJsborne, Mr. and .Mrs. Arthur Bandford, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hirol>eU, Miss Olllette, th* MlsseB Blltes, Mr. ami Mr*. E. O. Chase, Mrs. Charles A. Van Doren, Gilbert C. Hastings, Miss Ella Wager, Mr. and Mrs. Charres Heniiion, Dr. F. Edsall HIley and Mrs. HIley, Mr. and Mr*. Klnnaru and Miss Ktnnard, Mr*. Himry Ba/re, Dr. Kind, Mrs. F3. fl. Hunt, Mrs. 3 , Kno. Mrs. Levi K. Barnard, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Volk, Mrs. Ed­ward Btoutenburgh, Mr. and Mr*. Leslie Miller, H. E. Holbrtiok, Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Castle, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nesler and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy.

Chaneei for a Lively £l«<iUon»The ebanoes are that there will be a live­

ly election In S4juth Orange Township In April, although there ar* only a few of- ri4'es to be filled. The term of Bamuel B, TUiou, a* chairman of the Townehlp Com- fnttt**. wlU expire. He wilt run again, but who the D«ai43crats will pit againsthim cannot he said at pr«*ent. Joseph H.

“ w n t " -.................... * •______ ly 1____ ________ _________^

Detrloh wtll he nominated to succeed lilm-

---- ---------- — - ... ------- -----'ph ...Oshorn, Township Clerk, wUl again he nominated by the Democ'rats, a nil l hlllpself a* Overeeer of the Poor, Mr. Detrich Is a Republican and the Democrats hou* to name a candidate who will beat him.


A Hiwiilalotr W ho lir 'h l on to Block for • P4tr|K»f4e,

From the W ashington J‘o*(,J l r rubb<*<1 hlH hands to g e th e r gleefully. ■‘Wt-n, i'll) a w inner on th a t IsHt dt-al.''

he HiiJd."(Jood," re lun ii'd the broker. "I told

you th a t you uiiglii to sell, and you d id n 't seem to hellw e m e a t the tim e. W hen did you let It go?"

"I dbln't let it gn," ri-plled the amateur BptTUluior, "I have It y e t."

"H ave u y e ti" cried (he b roker In aslon* Islimi'tJi. "W hy, g rea t m ackerel? l( 's only

now ."returned (hs spoeulator

(old you to sell it t


"I know It, complarrhMy.

"And when I 116."

’•Thnt's righ t."Th4Mi I Can't see how you make your­

self out Hie winner.""Tliut'H because you iion't know me as

w’ell ae I do myself, I've gol the stock now, h.uVen t I ?"

" Vi’s."".And It's worih M?"" V***.""WidJ. then I'm Just that much ahead. I

t*‘ll you 1 was tempted (o sell when U wa* 116. but I was able lo realsL (he temuta- lioii.

think what youwould have now!*'"Not a cent," returned the speculator

promptly. "I would have staked out to celebrate and It would have gone In twen­ty-four hours. I would be broke now. Oh. 1 know'when I'm a winner."

^'*^s«sd*rs and Ssturilsys ar« kpsclal Real Retats Dsy*" tn th* NKW8, Ac­tual paid ctrculalloo. or*r 87,UUO per day,

Meiiieat4k J u s t th e Hame,From the Woonsocket (R. l.) Reporter.

■T presume you carry a mernenlo of some son In that pocket of yours?"

H la a lork of my husband 's*'jiut your husband Is still alive?**'Yes, but hIs hair Is all gone."

Malaria and RheumatismFrom tlm Journal. Wilmington, Ohio.Un ore of (hr fertile farms of tho rich

Ohio Valley, si'ven miles from Wilmington, the county seat of Clinton County, Ohio, and hut a short distance from the small town of Melvin, their postolHce, In a coscy. little country home, resides John Arra- smlth and his wife, Minnie.

A few days since a renrcsentatlv* of The Journal drove out to Melvin to see them. In the course of the conversation, Mra. A. detailed the facts of her cure:

"Laat July." said she. "from undue ex­posure In my work ahont the farm. I con­tracted maiarlal fever and rheumatism anti suffered from the Illness greatly. I could not throw it off. and although con- Htantly attended by local phyaielans, con­tinued to grow worse. In September I caught a severe cold, which greatly In­creased my other troubles, and taking to niy bed th.Te 1 lay for months. The rhen- matlain grew morie aggravated, and for eight long weeks prior to last Chrlstmaa 1 waa perfectly helpless, my limbs below the hips befiig aa If paralysed and 1 having no use of them whatever. I could not help inyself In any way, ajid was not able even to turn over in bed unless my buabaiid or some one else came and turned me. .Medi­cines which the phyaielans left did no good and notliirig I could take afforded any re­lief. 1 was dlacuuraged and feared that never again would 1 bo up and about the house. It was anytlilng but a bright pros- p.'Cl, for 1 wag but twenty years old, hud been married only two years, and my life was before me, and to go througli U a bi'lpleaa cripple, a burden to uiy friends was a fearful fate lo think of.

"I liad read In tho Wilmington Journal from time to lime artlclea telling of the wonderful cures which had been effected hy Dr, Williams's Fink Pills, and had be­come impressed with the cases whers they had caused persons to walk and recover who had been as helpless as 1 was. Con­sulting my husband, ws determined to give them a trial. Bo he drove Into Wilmington and, going to the drugstore of George W, Brown, bought three boxes of Ihe pills, 1 began taking them Immedlatly un his re­turn. That was about the ITrai of the pres- ent year. Before lha first box was gone I began to realize that 1 was aettlng better, and by the lime I tlnlshed the second box the pain with which 1 had been suffering for nearly six months and the disease which had made me helpleaa for eight weeks rtlaapnsared entirely and I got up I took the third box of the pills and have never fell a twinge of rheumatism since, and I am doing my daily work and feeling us well as anybody,"

To confirm the story Mrs. Arrasmllh made the following affidavit:

Hworn to before me and subserlbed In my presence, at Wilmington, Ohio, thla J9th day of June, 1895.

C. U. HILDBBHANT, Clerk of Court.Dr. Williams's Pink Pills for Pale Peopls

am now ^ven to the public as an unfailing blood builder and nerve restorer, curing all forms of wcakneaa arlalng from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves. The pills are sold by all dealers, or will bn sent postpaid on receipt of price (60 cents a box, or six boxes for 19.90—they am nevsr sold In hulk or by the IDO) hy addreBalng Dr. Williams's Menlclne Company, Schenec­tady, N. ¥.


Such » Tulips. DiRmlflli, Vlclilt. Uy of the Villtf, Kfaolntlii and Roau in it bo found ilH . C . S T R O B E L L I B R O .Wo milie t tptolillj of Floral Oulgna,

arranged In lha lataat itjli.783 BROAD STRUT.


Grcxictt of ail Acnadiei.ONK BOTTLE WILL CURE V«U.

HILL MIOIOINE 00.a s C. 1STH S t R t t T , NCW YORK. N. Y.



M IH ER ’ C i e t o THEATRI?iU g s g a r n D 4 ntarBroadD.MB, II. C, M lN K R ....P roprie to r and Manager THUS. W. M IK EB ...............Reaideol Manager


THE ; Ml Nights sUinyt'i Theatre. IFOUNDLING!With the Graat and Unlf


In Her Inimitable Dances.A ♦ t h e FAgHIONABI.E RAGE I 4 ♦

Management CHAH1,E.S FHOUMAKM.


A.SD HlH MERRY COMPANY,Id a grand re viral of the erer popular and

malodlone“ W A K T O I* *

asd ih* pictamqa* and

“ D B . S Y N T A X ! ”SillJy'I'fe.y. t W A IM nMatinee awl trenlng. i * W n I X VJI eTharaday and Frldgy, | DR. SYNTAX.

Advanc'* loi* open* Tliurodaf,

L .E C T V R K O N

T H E L I F E O F G E N . U . S . G R A N T ,Jly Mi^. Joo. W. Whauii U. Sr A.«

I'mter th* auMpIff* nf Marcu* L. Ward. Po*t, So. (1. A, It. •

^KDNKKDAT EVKNING. m a r c h II. 8 V. M. FlItKT KEFOICMKh 4'l1l ’l{ri(,

Market atni^t, near Braver.Majiir WhMm wan a *r>l4ll«*r in drant'* r^rl-

rtipdic-'ilit' 21bi TtUruilR-Hauil rplaiea many Ini'l- <|pf*iii In Oratii'* ♦‘Htly fidreer nnt xenerally knimn. HI* r^iruparlwiin of the i:i4mt<«lxne of 4jratu an‘1 NniRrlHnu nr* lntpn«ely Iniereeiinx ami Inutruc'llvK. I’lhlioifl Fn‘il4>rlrk n. 4trxtu Ih expected lo b« pre*eiu and occupy * Beat on tha l>lat/«>rni.

TIvket* at 00 cent* iniy be ntifiilned at Ifnlz- hauer'H dry* eiore, rorrifr Hruai) ami Market Atreeta; nf mpnilier* 4i( the I'ufit. or at Ih* dr>or on evening «f lecture.

W A L D M A N N 'S O P E R A H O U S E .r K r . i r t t A T i IMANX. M anager.

Week romraeicing Monday. Feb. ,\tatl- Bees Tueedar. Thursday and l^tiirilay.

fiym i& sH im DirsWHITE AM> BLaT...

Introduelng ili* groat Cak* Walker*, who wuBi ih* <-h«mpiODahip at Modliki'n buuar* tiardau May, *VG.

Nnxi Weak lU rry sMorri*** Tw entieth Century Mold*.

s c e i ' E R T ' i o r a T Oof 17th oflson,

bUUhn, liGRAJiDOPERi HOUSE.Partlgularf to follow. Ticket* now *t Hoti*

haver's, ^oc., SieOO and $i.*5e

JACOBS’ THEATER" T lie Great Diamond Robber*."

Tlitorlgluai eoit.Mrne. J*Qau*cU*k, Mr*. Acat* Y**manK,

Frederick Houd, Georg* C, tioolfoce aud other*,

n s v . a - “ssvto fdom the s u .”

CONCERT TO MISS MliLFORDAT <X>MMUNWKALTH HALL, F-ART OR­ANGE. VVRDNBBDAY EVENING. MAROH 4. Mnb-HlmmoQ*. *<jprRno: HI** Uulford. contralto; MIm F. MarOali, planlat, and Ur. Clauder, c*l- iulit. Ticket*, 70c., a t th* door 4jnly.

~ THE "ESSEX LYCEUM.1* n ew op*ii t* MigagamOBt ter bonquat* , e*n* otrte, fain, lac tam , m eetlafi, mvaical**. rapclona *t*. M ggX L A irD CO.,t6Uech*nlo *t.


lalNN AIXSN « Ou.,

rrOCK BROKERS.Buy and tell atockx, Bod41* and Grain on New

Turk Exchange* and dilcagn Board 4jt Trad** ciiher fur e**b or on margin.

/ MO BROAD ST„(National Stata Bank Building.)

Telepbon, IbZO Newark. Newark, N. J.

SAFE INVEBTMENT8- 11,000) ll.UO, 13,000) 13,000) U.OOO, M.OOO

o*n l>* placed on flral-clai* bond and rnortgag* ■ecuflty m oropeity worth doubla th* omobot and mora by railiQf oa

CUARLES A, FEICK. CouAMltor-at-Law,

63d TU Broad fW



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Insures dwellings, furniture, store build­ings, merchandise and other properly on favorahle terms, Ixjssei promptly adjust­ed and paid.

Money to l,o an on Bond and M ortgage. D .tM K I, H. UCNHAM , P resident. CUAKLKHCOLVEK, Vioe-prealdenU A. H, HAkkINOEK, kecrelary.

SECURITY SAVINGS BANK,No. 742 Broad 8t., Newark,


DEPOaiTS OVER Sl.000,000Interest payable Hml-annually et the rate

nf three per oent. AU depoalts mails on or before the third d » of any monUt draw later- set fnrm the KlRtFr day of such month,

hoclaty and Tmat Funds taken.kri.TXSrrsit a. Battih, PresidentLopia LinOkO. Vice-President.EnwARp Bpastr, 7'rasenrsr.JoegPH W. PiDMA Sesretary.WiLI.UK W. Hdttih, Caahler.


Inoorporaud 1848. Charter Perpetual.baplisl ........ ........................ t«uU.0M00Reinsurance sod ah other liabilities ANi.USS 38 Nat surplus ...................................... 1,«8,490 SI

Total s ia i t l Jsn. 1, ]8b6............... tS.DOB.TIKI 39A seinl-annusl dividend of flve (0) per cent.,

free of t u to scrlphcldars, haa been daolsrsA psysbls on and alter March 3 nest.

This comimny continues to Issue pcllolea on dwellings and mercantile property a t currant rstea

DIHKCTOBS.U w li c, Grover. Charles A tlghlhlpe.Frederick H. Harris. Jeremiah Baker,E tla s^ . Dorentus, Henry c. Howell,Wllllani Clark. Benjsmin P. CYsne.Georia W. Ketchatn, James A. BanisterEdward A. Campbell. J, Herban Pallantitis.

T. H. HABRIk, PresIdenL E. o. Doremua, v ..pree. J u . H. Worden, Seely. D. B. Cruwsll, T rau . P.D. Hoadlay.Bae.A.D.

T h e M u t u a l B e n e fitLIFE INkCnAHCB COMPANY,

NEWABK, N. J.ABIZf DODD, - PresldeniAHkETS (Market ValuBl.Jaa. I,

u !S ii ,m '48VN;'j,;‘N;'Y.'and “*

PoUoles Absolutaly Non-rorfaltable After StMond Year.

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After the seeood year Poltclsa are IffoosTeS- TA8L*. and all rrffrfettmi os lo realdriico, tronel or occuiidHon are rsmaixd.

The Company agrees In the Polloy to IsHin np to the Cash knrrtndsr Valne when a satls- fsrtory lutgninent of the Policy b mada u collateral tecuDIr.

lAtaua paid Immediately npon completion and approval of proots.

rlTEPIlKh Id, DAY, District Agent, r n Broad St., Newark, N. J.

If you have Real Eataie tor sale, to rent, etc M that your ad. ta In tha NKW8. particularly on Wednasdaya and gsturdaya. Actual oaM average' emulation over ST.doo par day.

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LEObook to <Ju#ncer Co-t 400 Wait fl7lh sTTn', Y. Sold

''by draggUu sod C. B, Smith * Oo.,8«8 Brw4«.,

J N J i : > V A J t l L J S V H i j y i J N U h A l U W U A Y , F K I I W U A H Y l i ’J , I b y O .

A m JUDICIARY,l i ie Vo6rhees Constitutional Amend*

ments and W hat They Mean.

tint; In appeal oa a ju iigm ent o f aorne ofileajfut ‘ . . . ♦ .tlie lr co(leaj(ueR, who m itfht la ie r alt on mipeM of a Juoffment o f th e tr i . to ran* lii r a dfctflion entire ly Im partial,

To reniuve th l i lack of ab so lu te confl- Hence and freedom of action In th e court uf taat re a o f , aliollnh th e lay e lem en t and fac ilita te adjudication of Im pot'tan t cases, the propouetf amendmentH w ere form ed.

F irst, tha r la h t uf the le g is la tu r e to vest rh a n c r ry powers, ho fa r a s foreclosure proceedln*fH are concerned, In th e C ircuit I 'o u rta and C ourts of Common P leas Is elim inated from the C onstitu tion . N eat the personnel of the C ourt o f P a rd o n s will bo chnnged to conform w ith th e new )u- dlclnry by m aking It consist of th e Gover­n o r umi P resident Judges o f the three di­visions of the new bench. In stead of the G overnor, t 'h sn ce llo r and six L>ay Judges of the (]ourt of E rro rs and A ppeals, a s a t present.

Following come thtf Im p o rtan t am end­m ents re la tive to the judicia l sy stem di­rect, which com m ence 'by chang ing sec­tion 1 so as to leave ou t re fe rence to a ( 'o u rt of C hancery and s tr ik in g ou t all cif 2. 4, & arxl 6, which re la te to th e fo r­m ation of the cou rts a s a t p re sen t con­s titu ted . T his is followed by th e plan o f ihfl new court, w hich begins w ith p ro ­vid ing for an en tire new Suprem e bench th a t sh sll consist o f no t less th an fifteenJudges learned In ^he law to be appoint-

ade th a trd as a t present. P rov ision Is mai_. th e presen t Chief Ju stice an d A ssociate JuP ttcei, the C hancellor and V ice-Chan­cellors shall all becom e Ju d g es of this court and serve a s such u n til th s lr re ­spective te rm s have expired, a t th e sa la ry now received. One addlLtonal Ju d g e shall he appointed to m ake the requ irea fifteen and he wlK receive a s a la ry o f |9,(I00. w hich will be fixed a s th e m axim um ■alary of all the Judges h e reafte r.

Im m ediately a f te r lo rm alton th e court, as a whole, shall se t and devise ru les fo r the guidance and p rac tice o f the several branches. Then th e G overnor sh a ll desig- b a te rive of the num ber, to be know n as th e Appellate division, w hich shall exer­cise and be possessed o f a ll th e powersnow held by the C ourt of K rro rs and A p­peals. The Judges of th is co u rt shall elt 111 no o th e r branch, no r In a n y d rcuU ,b u t shall be sim ply and pu re ly a cou rt o f la sf re so rt in a ll cases. T h e beneiU to be derived from th is change Is th a t a continuous and independent C o u rt of A p­peals will be provided Instead of the court which convenes now fo r less than six weeks in a year and by the new m ethod speedy decisions a ra expected in a ll m atte rs .

N ext comes the C hancery division, w hich shall have all the powers now vested In th e C ourt of C hancery. The five Judges ronsU tu ting th is b ranch will be aSMlgtied by th e G eneral C ourt, and they will be a s ­signed c ircu its as the C hancellor and Vlce- (m ancellors a re a t prcspiil, am i m ay act indlviduutly or as a whole. T h e rem aining live Judges will go Into w h a t is know n as the Law division and exercise a ll 'th e func­tions now possessed by th e Suprem e C ourt us well US holding c ircu its aa a t present.

Among the advan tages enum era ted are th e celerity w ith whlcn cases m ay bo dls- pu i(d of, inslt<ad of being forced to d rag along a s a t present. An appeal m ay be isgon direct from the dtH?ision o f a Clr- l•(JU C ourt Judge, who will a t a ll tim es be regarded as a com ponent p a r t of the 8u- prem e C ourt, d irect to the A ppellate d i­vision. and thIi.SQ it la contended.w in save weeks and In some in s tan ces m onths of tleluy. T hen In th e m a tte r o f practice, under the present system a law yer fre ­quently finds, a f te r carefu l p re p a ra ­tion of a case which he opens In th e flu- prerae C ourt, th a t It la one involving equity Jurisprudence, and he is forced to take i t from the ca len d ar an d begin a ll over, to m ake U presen tab le to th e C ourt o f Chancery* ITnaer th e new system law land equity Jurisprudence w ill be asslm - .llated on the New T ork p lan , so th a t a case brought In the I ^ w division, w h k h

'^Tefiulres equity ad jud ication , m ay be


A 14HiijiH»tlni) o f P ro iiiln rn t Law yers, to htiin lhi> liUHSlliiti W as bubm ilted , Trae-

lii'MlIy Agr*-*- I |K*n like A iiiendnienls—An ImU'pi'uilent Ap|M<llale C ourt—Lay Judges ■o Ite Knllrr-ly K lIinloAled-Only One Ad- UIi Ioi>h| to lie A |t|>ointed—No In-I'lTHiir III iht' l'o*t of H sin tenance,

It iB cuni'l'li'ri‘4 ri-asonably c e r ta in th a t the L i'glslaturo during the com­ing nci'k will ijtko tlid p relim inary ^lepH (or a thorough reo rgan isation of the

judlelary on & new liasls, by thu Hdopilon uf the constitu tiona l amendmentM prtii>o>*Mj by Senator V oorhees In the Sen­a te husi Monday night.

This, of cuursu, dutd not m ean a reallxa- • Mon of the repeatedly expressed hopes, on the p a rt of law yers especially ,fo r a change in i l iu t branch of (he B tate governm ent, b t^ 'su ie Ihe um endrneiu w ill have to be ri adupted by a succeeding L eg is la tu re and then B u b m ltlH l to a vote of th e people, but U Is IndJoRilve of th e fact th a t a m ajority of New .NTHey's law yers h ave agreed upon Ike prcipuscil changes. An ab sence of pro- fcfininnal opi>OB|(lon, eueh a s w as en- couiUtTed by the am endm ent of la s t year, will m ark the progress o f th is y ear 's ttmendmenta.

The plan of reorgan isation will be a l­m ost Idt'ruJcul w ith the V oorhees am end- nn-ht, w ith the single exception o f a Hiauge In the ( ’o u rt of I ’a rdons. This Is lo consist of the G overnor an d th e Presl- U<‘nt JuilgHS of th e th ree b ran ch es Into which the new Suprem e t 'o u r t la. accord- Itig to tne arnetulnients, to be tllvldeib

T his c h a is e w as m ade, one of the law ­y ers’ com m ittee which had th e am end- m enta under consideration a t T ren to n yes­te rday paid, lrt*cause. w hile N ew Jersey Invariably has gornl G overnors, It Is pos­sible th a t an ’"A ligeld" m ig h t be elected aotno fliiy. \

To i»rerlude a possibility o f d an g er a r is ­ing (loin BUi*n a soun*e and forego the n'-cessliy of leaving with the L eg la la lu re Mm‘ pow’cr to a lte r a t will th e personnel of th is tribunal, tlie change w as deemed w Ise.

T ha t constitu tes the first sec tion o f the new am endm ents ami Is th e only change TriHfJe throughout. The eom m ltlee , which t'onwlBiN of Thum as N. .\lc ( 'a rle r, of th is oily; Sam uel il. Grey, of C am den; Fred- orlc W. Stevens, of East <.>raiige; J. F rank F ort, of E ast Orstige, l<'rank llergHti. of i'dlzaheth; <J. 1». W. Vrootn, o f T ren ton ; Kugehe Htevenaon. of Je rsey f l t y , and J.G. Puncoast, of G loucester, m et In re- Hpouse to the Bunato reso lu tion In th« C hancellor’s room, In the H iatehouse, and carefu lly pcniBeil every line o f the new jdahs. A part from the slight ch an g e in the Mvtlon n la ling ig ihe Court o f Pardons. Mie alm ost unanlm oui opinion w as th a t the VoorhecB am endm ents could not be im ­proved upon. The ludlv iduat ipem bers had alU ndeii a lt the "h earin g s" given on the proposed am endm ents Introduced by Sen­a to r Johnson early In the session, and JlHiPtU'd carefu lly lo the opinions express- n l l»y some of Ihe m ost em inen t law yers In the Btate. All a g r e e d th a t no be lte r cuniblnatioii of th e m uliKudI nous Ideas 1‘H'Senied could be dev lB ed A han th a t of the S enator from I ’tilon, W ithou t being (00 radical a departu re , w hich would hcresearily lead to m ote o r leas confusion, tl was scon th a t an en tire new bench, on u modern idaiie, would be form ed and all the beneficial fea tu res of the New JerseyH. vsiem would be re ia in n ]. W ith th a t an entirely lndej*endenl A ppellate C ourt was piovlded (or, Lay Judges w ere abolished and the harrie r now ex isting bidw een law uiid equity practice w as removed.

.Nothing m ore was desired, and a f te r five hou rs’ conference the law yers, w hile not inakijig a public declaration to th a t effect, pracili-oily adm iued hav ing ag reed upon the flmtigps. S enato r Voorhees Is some- ts hat averse to assum ing cred it fo r the linal solution of the Judicial problem , and cuyK the Idt'HH embodied in h is am end- III.ills a re the jolu l p roduct o f h is own uij.l the num erous suggestions offered by icaillng law yers-th roughout th e B tate.

.Memoers of the bar. w ithout exception, take all cm lrrly opposite view, an d are ill<f»oar»l to give the en tire c red it to Mr, \ucrJiecs for iho resu lt ob tained .

Speaking of the am endm ents, the Sen- tor from rn lo n Bays th a t, like a ll law yers, UH wi II as num erous laym en, he has real- izp'l for years th a t a change In th e S ta te jiH lcU ry waB absolu tely e ssen tia l. The New Jersey system , a s it s tan d s , is a relic of llie old English system adopted In rcilonlal lim es and long since discarded by every o ther S ta te In the U nion except one, ami even rem odelled In England. JiSy Judges, who are a very essen tia l fea tu re of Ihe court of lu s t re so rt, a re regarded, he Hiild, by m ost J u r l s tB a s an aiitedlluvtan Judicial relic. In th is B tate there has for m any years been a general dem and for th e ir re tirem en t, and Mr. Voorheefl s ta r ted a m ovem ent In th a t dl- rsi'tlon In the S enate of 18M. I t applied only to the Lay Jurlgea of coun ty courts, w hich he proposeil to wipe o u t by v irtue or a bill m aking county co u rt L aw Judges elective and elim inating the lay featu re . T his bill w as passed by th e L eg is la tu re of

and vetoed by G overnor W erts. In it was reintroduced, passed , vetoed,

passed over the veto and declared uncon- siltuM onai by the Buprem e C ourt.

D uring the sam e year th e constitu tiona l am endm ents e lim inating th e lay fea tu re o f the cou rt of la s t resort and m ak ing m e Vice-Chancellors conatllu tiona l officers were Introduced. No serious objections w ere offered to the am endm en ts a t th a t tim e, bu t a f te r the law yers began to con- alder the im portance uf the ch an g e and realize th a t If re-adopted th is y e a r no fu r ­th e r change could he m ade fo r five years, they becamp m ore Interested.

W hat they wam>Ml m ore th a n an y th in g else was an entirely Im lepen jan t A ppellate ( ’ou ri. .Many were outspoken In regard to the mcthmls In vogue a t p re sen t a n d de­clared puBltlvely th a t It w as a lm ost Lmpos- Fible for a num ber of L aw Judges, sU-

irapBferrad by tb a L aw J u d g * to th a C hancery division and vic« varan. '

On th f whola the p lan i t reg a rd ed as near nerfe rt a s could p o itlh ly be devlse<l and Mr. Voorhaas, a i well a s a v a s t m a ­jo rity of the legal p ro fu sio n , a p p ea r coti fldent th a t It will m eet w ith the apurolui- tlon of (ha people when su b m itted to a vote tn th e fall o f 1§»7.

While poasessing m any a d v an tag e s I t . will entail no add itional cost. It is urgiicH, , for the sa la ry o f the add itiona l Ju d g e will ; 1^ made up hy the add itional com penoa- tion over the reg u la r per an n u m Inow paid the Chief Ju stice and ( 'h an ce llu r. ; as well aa the com pun sa tlo n p a id to the six ■ l ^ y Judges o f the C ourt of E r ro rs and Ap- ! peals. I

The commission did not conaldcr th e | p lan of electing A ssem blym en by dis* i iricts , Instead of by coun ties, but It w ill; do ao before p resenting the final report, on ! next Tuesday. Borne o f th e law y ers or*' of an opinion th a t a law m ay 1m* e n a r t n l . providing for a tlls tric t p lan th a t woul-l meet the ro n s tllu tln n a t onJecMnns olTcrcil lo the old one. while o the rs adh( re to the belief th a t noth ing sh o rt of a co n siltu tlo n - al am endm ent will solve the n ro b k m . It appears certa in th a t th e d ls iiio t p lan will be recommended.


l i needed by poor, tir e d m o th e n , over-w orked and burdened w ith care, d eb ili­ta te d a ud ru u dow n becam e o f pour, th io a n d Im poverished blood. H elp is needed by th e n e rv o m su ffem ^ th e m en and w om en to r tu re d w ith rheum atism , neu- ralgia» dyspepsia, scrofula* c tU rrh , H elp

Comes QuicklyW hen H ood’* K ir«ap«rl!l» beg ln i to e n ­r ic h , p u rity ,D d v iU liie th e blood, t n d a en d i It in « healing , n ou rlah lng , Inv ig - o r e t lD g e tm m lo th e n e rv e ,, mueelee and o rgana u f th e body. Hi«>d'a Mert«i>«riUa bo lide u p th e w eak am i broken dow n e y i- tem , an d cures a ll b lood diwaaea, beciiiae

A COW ON THE STAIRS.M ri, 31ar(lia M rltonalil, o f H arrison* ^Is-

Krfl a t i i r r lloH ir by a Ktin- away Bovltir,

A runaw ay cow th a t m adn Its w ay up a long fitfht of s ta irs to the dw elling-room s of Mrs. M artha M cDonald, on th e second fioor of the house a t 34 H a rriso n avenue, H arrison, caused a deal of ex c item en t yes* te rday afternoon. The an ln iu l Is th e p rop­e rty o f Gottlieb Z shner, of H ilton , who a sh o rt lim e before had p u rchased It a t tho Hull’i H ead, on S outh F o u r th s tre s t , H a r ­rison. Mr. Zahner, on (w m plstlng th e pur- chaae, had tied a rope ab o u t th e a n im a l's neck ami s ta r ted to lead h e r to h e r fu tu re horns a t Hilton.

T h s cow had been H and ing in h e r i ta l l for several days and w as r a th e r frisky when taken to the s tree t an d m an ifes ted a decided dliposltlon lo boss th s Job har- ■elf. Mr. Z ahner had h is ow n no tions of the proper w ay to go homo and h s am i th s cow hsd several w rang les over th e Jnaller. The H ilton man cam s off v ic to r In seve ra l of thfl earlier rounds, b u t w as (becoming tlrMl when he reached th e v ic in ity of Mrs. M cDonald's house.

J u s t a t th is point th s cow a g a in objected (0 the line o f m arch and a f te r a s h o rt tu s ­sle brake aw ay from h e r new ow ner and fjnshfr! Hcrnss th e sidew alk to th e open front dosr of the M cDonald residence.

Th^re Is bu t a sh o rt h a llw ay betw een tht‘ door and th e foot o f tho flight of s ta irs leading to Mrs. M cD onald 's room s, and In an Instant the cow W'os rlatterinK ' up the s la ir i . T he noise a tt ra c te d Mrs. M cDonald's a tten tio n and she opened th e door Just as the bovine In v ad er reached the narrow landing. W ith a yell th e woman slam m ed th e door and locked It; then she ra n to tliu fron t wln<low to call fo r help.

"M urder! polJcel thieves!** called th e woman, and one o f the crowfl th a t hail gathered on the s tree t ran and sh u t the s treet door so as to prevent the escniie of the sujjpuHcd burglar. M eunijm e several Iwys ran to ths H arrison P o lk s R latlon and hollfled Chief of Police O allaghan , w’ho hurried to ih s p la re .

Ity (he lim e th e Chief a rriv ed th e cow had become tireri of Its position on th e landing and had backed down, sll]iplng and stum bling, uiiill Its g a u m h in d q u a rte rs had brought up ag alnat the closed door, bolding It fa s t a g a in st th a C h ie fs cfTorts to open It.

A consultation w as held on th e s tree t, w-hiie the cow was p lunging an d s lru g - g llng inside and the neighbors w ere u rg in g the Chief to "do som ething before th e house was torn down hy th a t a w fu l c re a ­tu re ."

th a t all th s property-ow ners,’ a s fa r a s lie knew, w ars w illing (o sell, a s th ey budIhe lr p roperty tn th s m arke t ev e r since the p a rk schem e waa bn)ached.


Andrew LsM aiBena's House K a tered W hile th e Fam ily 'Were a t Mapper,

A th ief en tered Andrew Le M assena’s house a t th e corner of B road an d T h o m as s tre e t i la st n ig h t while tpe fam ily w ere a t supper, but a se rv an t discovered him. Reveral thousand dollars ' w orth o f Jew els w ere exposed on a d resser In M r. L e M asr sen a 's room.

The servan t had occasion lo go to th e top floor o f the dwelling, and w as a s ­cending lo the stcond floor w hen she encountersd the m an on the lan d in g of the s ta irs . T hs young wom an scream ed and aroused the fioiiseliold. T he Ih lcf ran p a st her Into a bedroo/n, oiMUied a window, climbed out on the roof o f a porch an d slidwaxaiwvu vrui. V4I ,aiO IWVk U1 b jfVri. fldown a leader p ips to th e ground.

W ord waa aent to police heartquarte ra , and Patro lm en Tyli*!*, E pkerlein and Adama w ere aent lo tha nouae. T h e olTlcera could aet no tra ce of th e In truder, nor could they learn how he en te red th e houae.

A Decree o f Abaolate D ivorce.C hancellor McQlU haa g ra n te d a decree

of abaolute divorce to M ra. E l l ia b e th A. M aaker, of thia city, who h ro n g h t ault on B tatutory grounda ag alnat h e r huaband, John M aaker. T he decree g ives Mre. M aaker tha ouatody o f th e ir tw o ch ild ren and req u ire , her huaband to pay her M per week fo r the aupnort o f th e children , F rederick B charringnauaen w aa Mre. U aaker'a a tto rn ey In th e x aae .

Tha NEWS la tha belt advartliing medium these parts.

A Concert to Mias M ulforde All a rrangem en ts have been m ade fo r a

concert to be given to M iss M uiford , a co n tra lto singer o f repu ta tion , on W ednes­day n ight next a t O om m onw calih H alt. E a s t O range. MIbs MulfOrd Is to sing and seteotions will be rendered hy M rs. Aim- mons, soprano; M Isb F. M cPall, a p ian ist, and Mr. C luudsr. 'ce llliL a re a lso on the list of en terta iners.

Captain H rany Batts for N sw Vorh,LONDON, Feb. 29 .-< 'ap ta ln Heanj% the

A m erican cU iien who w as a m em ber of Dr. Jam eson 's statT on th e occasion of th s la t te r 's raid into the T ran sv a a l, tailiHl from Boutham pton fo r New Y ork on board the A m erican line steam er S t. L ou is to ­day.

A sslitan t Beoretary Baldwin B egins W ork.W ASHINGTON. Feb, 89.— W . W . B ald­

win, of N#w York, the new T h ird A ssis t­a n t Secretary of S ta te , a ssum ed th e duUef of hla office th is m orning.

X R ays .piacloM BolhiBg b a t t h t M at lu n d la n ta tfi

/ , Itnn 't A a ld T n q r D lrlf llwpan«l tile Jot n fca lt., you, if *nu glvt ha, a

poor dM u™ uf, youmif, huL gH aoRia fuM ubm t»b»B at Schlll a Qallarg, «*



I.thoOiiBTnioWiKNl rurinvr. Alldfugglat.. ( t . I'rrparcil only liyc I II.kwI t . lowfll, M ua.

H o o d ’s P i l l s ' nithllcod'a.SgrsapanUg.

FITZGERALD'S ILL-TIMED CALLl ie VIsHs IliN Irv liig inn Girl sriil F inds

HU Newark G irl on H sm l-A Live* ly be^ne Followi,

^.^Iboiiy the Chipf deH Jed to b reak down the door, which he did, and th e cow w as liberated. Then Mrs. M cD onald clos»*d h<‘r window ami Hopped shou ting . Ilu t th e ow ner of th s bouse had som eth ing lo say about (he m a tte r and explained th a t som e­body. he d idn 't care who, should pay fo r Ihe broken door, t 'h le f C s llag h an rdaced /a h n e r under a rre s t un til a c a rp e n te r had appraised the dam age a t w hich the H ilton m an agreed to pay . H e w as then released and s ta r ted to look fo r h is cow, which had pariefi com nsny w ith th e hoy whom Mr. ziahner had depu lU cd to lead th s anim al home.

W hen last seen by the H a rriso n people the anim al was racing over the b ridge to N ew ark, w ith the boy in hot p u rsu it.


L aud A djoining th e Chosen H ig h School Afta In th e M arket,

Two sJdea of th e site agreed upon by th e B oard of E ducation for the proposed new High School, will, If all p lans tn con tem ­plation a re carried out. f ro n t on the p a rk to be established a t and con ilguoua to B ranch Brook. As has been exp la ined In (he NEW S the plot selected lies w ith in the block bounded by R idge an d P a rk e r s tre e ts and F ifth and S ix th avenues . I t runs from S ix th avenue fe e t n o rth an d from an In tem ectlng s tre e t to th e o ther, giving i t a depth o f 200 feet.

As the land s tan d s now, th e re is a n ele­vation of about n ine feet above th e s tre e t grade, and the p roperty Is d ie ted here and there w ith dwellings, only v e ry few of w hich a re su b stan tla j s tru c tu re s . T he m ajority a re sm all fram e build ings. Borne w ere erected years ago and h av e outlived th e ir usefulness. The proposed p a rk lines, as understood by residents of th e vic in ity , will take in th s sou th side o f S ix th avenue and the w est side of P a rk e r s tre e t , being th e opposite side o f both Iho roughfa rca from the achoolhouse site.

To the e as t o f th e proposed s ite fo r Its en tire length 1b a big plot of g round w hich w as bought abou t fifteen y e a rs ago by M onslgnor Doane. who w as th en V loar- G eneral of the diocese of N ew ark u n d e r Bishop C orrlg in . The la tte r Js now A rrlj- hishop of the diocese of New Y ork. T he p roperty w as purchased as a s ite fo r th e fu tu re St. P a tr ick ’s C athedral, b u t lack of funds prevented Ihe co n struction o f a n edifice, and It is ssld by those who a re In a poBltion to know, th a t It iti like ly lo bo m any years before a c a th ed ra l will be pu t up, Un the ^ u ih w e s t co rner o f Ihle plot s tands th e C hurch of the Bacred H eart, and th e re a re no o ther bulldlnga on th a t property.

A good p a rt of the p ro p erty Included w ithin the chosen site is now owtied b y ' George Leslie, who lives ut B lxth a v e n u e ' and ItldKe street. O ther ow ners a re H ugh ^ r t l n , P a trick B rady and ih v W eA d am a W a te . OpllouB on the land to hold good for forty days, w ere secured, it la aalil. by Philip Miller, a real e s ta te ag en t who hasi actw l as the go-between. A ccording to one of (he proirt-rly-holdiTs, Mr. M iller has been nego tia ting fo r abou t tw o m onths. Mr. Leslie told a NEW B re p o rte r to -day

By the m eeting o f two young women, one of whom w as engagt-l tg he marrh'*! to t ’harles fi. H. FlitKiTald. of f»7 L iberty Btreel, th is city , while the o ther labored under the Im pression th a t H tig e ra ld had eyes for nono but her, th e eiigagem eni of the one w as broken off and the love of th a o ih e r w as quencheti.

The mifeliiig took |i1ace on F eb ru a ry 2D a t the homo o f :11Irh Minnie KlsHam, a d au g h te r of F rank lin K lssum, of Hruen avenue, Irv ington . Miss KIssum has know n Mr. F ltxgerald for abou t th ree years and nearly two years ago the young people becam e engaged. Gn their engage­m ent F ltxgerald presented iu*r w ith a ring. Ahe never g u sp e ite j that he waa ftckla un til a short time ago when she heard a ru m o r th a t ho was courting a girl who lived In N ew ark.

M iss KlBSam learned th a t F iU gerald w as paying aU entlon to Miss J i-shIo Reynolds, of lia Hummlt Ftreet, th is city, and Miss Reynolds alHo. Mccordlng lo the story toU by Miss K lssam , Burniise>| th a t sha w as not tho only olijeci of F li ig e ra ld ’s a tlen - Uons. Ahf, however. dM n'i know th a t I-'llsgerald WHS engaged iq MIsh Klssam nu r was she acquain ted with the la tte r. MIhb Reynolds heard runuirs, however. Htid she decided lo lnv<*MlgHie on her own account, Bhe a see rm in e j Mihs K U sam 's ad drops and called upon her.

Flt*gera)d, w hile paying court lo Miss Reynolds, unktiow n lo MLsh KlBB&m, had not lnfri*quenlly borrow ni money from the la tte r. W hen seen by a NEW ri reporter th is m orning M iss Klppam said she had loantHl K llsgerald money, imi she added laconically, "P e rh u p a ho hilemla to pay U back."

On the evening o f F eb ru a ry 2<t .Miss Itcy- nolds. with h e r older slt>ter, called a i M|»s KLssam'B houae. She frankly told Miss KlBBsm of K K sgerald’B a ttitu d e tow'ard her and In tu rn Miss K lssam greatly su r­prised Miss Reynolds liy antiouiiclng that FUxgerald hud been engaged (o her for tw o years.

In th e mldflt of th is Im prom ptu Indigna­tion m eeting a step fam ilia r to both young women was heard , and a f te r a ring a t the door bell K ltxgerabl w as ushere<l into Ihe pr«‘«cnce o f the M isses Reynolds and Miss K lssam .

MIbs R eynolds g reeted F ltig crah l in a (ono Indicative of her feelings, and w ith very polUe em phasis said : " jiow do you do?’* FltBgerald w as alm ost dum founaed. He w as plied w ith em harressing questions w hich he failed lo answ er sanafactorlly . M iss K lssam uw k her engagem ent ring from her finger sn d th rew It a t his feet as she (old him she never w anted to sse him again . Miss R eynolds s tarted to go home, bu t a s she reached the hs iia 'ay sno fell in a fa in t, F itzgera ld was m eanwhile s tand ing around a s If he "had lost his head ." acuordlng to M iss K tssam 's s ta te ­m ent lo a N E w B repo rte r this morning. He w as Bpesdlly aroused from his stupor by th e perem ptory (ones of M ils K lssam 's fa th e r, who, hearing Ihe weeping and Bcreams of the young women, and espw - laJly M iss R eynolds, had corns Into the room,

Mr. K lssam (hen look pum m ary tn rsns to ge t rid of FttKgerald. He also (old the young m an to g e t "out of this house and never come here a g a in .”

W hen M iss Reynolds fain ted F ttigersM had not offered to help her. It la said, but M iss K isaani an d the p ro stra te jOrl's sis­te r raised her from the fioor.

Mr. Kiflsam h astily sum m oned Drs. E ng­lish and Pennington . Dr. Pennington a r ­rived first and work<*d nearly two hours to resusoita tn Miss Jessie, T he la tie r 'a s iste r took her home.

W hen a rep o rte r o f th e NBWfi called a t th e home of F o rm an J . Reynolds, the fa th e r of JesBlft, th ii afternoon, Mr. Rey­nolds rem arked th a t **lhe whole m a iie r does not am oun t to a hill of beanB." "I have no th ing to BSy a g a in st either of the o th e r p a rtie s ," he w ent on, “The fam ­ilies s re respectable, and all I know Is th a t th e young m an cam e here occasion­a lly and visited m y daugh ter. I suppose th a t a young m an can visit as he likes to. T here is no b reach of any kind, as 1 understand U."

A t the residence o f Mr. I'-ltiK^Tald’s parem s, a t &7 L iberty s treet, a NKWH re­po rte r W'BB told by tlve young m an's m o ther th a t h e r sun had gone lo N»'W York. Mrs. F itzg e ra ld said sne knew ML«» KiMBam Intim ately , and added (hat her son w as engaged u> m a rry the young wom­an. The engagem en t had been broken off, though, she added. Miss Klssam hiul loaned her son money, a ll of whlclj would be rp tu rned . Mrs. F itzgerald sahl chut her eon adm itted to h4*r ibiH he liiul been a tten tiv e to a M iss Reynolds, who lives on Aummlt s treet.

COAL TtllE V R H C A IT l’ItFI),

JHme. Du Vere to h ln g W ith the J*chiil»prl*. T he Schuliert Vocal Society makes the

announcem ent uf the engagem ent of Mme. C-Iementine D eVere us the p rim s donna fu r the ir com ing novetly concept in the Ovand G pers H ous« n e x t T hursday even­ing. ,\fme. D eVere Is one of the most pop­u la r sopranos now before the American conceri jjubllc, Mme. DeVere will sing the Soprano solo Itj W cInKerrs H ungarian rhapHody for chorus o rchestra and solo,

"T he G ypsy." m Iah Em ma (*olm will m ake h e r en tree before u Schubert audience In the violin obligato, which or- CUPS In th e sam e w ork. The o ther solo- ®1*> ?/. the evening are Mrs, t>rrle A. Tay- * Cl M argaret H ask ln and S. H. Fur-

B \ N ew ark flymphony n reh estra . assisted by several mcmluTs of the New Vork Philharm onic* will ploy the orcbea- tra l selections.

Uoys JJUturijN*il t l ir Herriers.F o r some tim e p ast bud boys have d is­

tu rbed Hie servlcps of (he House of I Payer. T heir ch ief deligh t was to gather dead cuts and throw them against the church door. W hen c a ls were scarce they used dogs. T his m orning a m ember of the church com idalned abou t the nuisance a t the Second P rec in c t Police fitatlon. He mid A cting Judge F ro rland the names uf buys he suspec ted as the wrongdoers.

C IT Y ^ N K W R l l ^ T K S .

A firs s ta r te d by electric wipes caused sligh t dam age ea rly th is m orning In the grocery s to re a t the co rner of H igh s trse i and Bloomfield avenue. *

A w hist p a r ty w as given a t the Garfield C lub last night. T here were tw enty-one tables. Mrs. U ow arth took tb s women's firat prise, and Mrs. Dooner second. U r. W 'adiw orth go t the m en 's first prise, and Mr. Goodwill second.

To-m orrow will l>e (ho la st Sunday of the revival m eeltng In C entenary Church. At ID:30 A. M. m any of th e converts will be baptised and reoelved ln(o the church , and th e liOfMj'i supper will he celebrated. At 4 P. M, Mrs. n a v l i will hold a m eeting for men only, and a t 7:S0 there wilt be a m eet­ing (o r everybody. T he m eetings will close Tuesday night.


B R O A D M i

C'oiiM t o US f o r y o u r r l r t u r e s i P l e in r r f ra m rs an4i m lrm iii. W i s i ^ Ihe m an u fa e tu rs rs . t f you Ivok e lsew hors, I t 's only p reflous Umn w ssied . ArKsiB' m s ls r ls ls . G ary A K su ay , AJO and 6'iS B ro ad s(. T s lsp h o u s 7M.

W hen I*ockweJI Fomul H rr Fnlc'irtaiiiltig aI ’l^rk ,SUr AManU^d lllm .

r«C#r*ril lo Ihr KVKM.V'a HMWf M ORRISTOW N. I-\ b. 2 ^ .- l’->lk’e Jualh 'p

Rtllwell held a m idnight session of Ih** Bollce C ourt la i i n lth l to 'T a

i fa se , the rom plalnan i in which has the sy m pathy of m any who a rc ac-q u a ln tH w |!h --*mc of iho r.ici^.

Ja rc il IVi'kW' ll. w tih his wlfo Klla and Ihclr ihrtM' dilliln-n, resM" a t r.4 Spi'liig s tree t. For som** llnm past I 'lc k w c ir s dom nsilc hiir‘l‘In<s'i, in' ~,4ys. Uuk been m arri 'd hy bis w ife’s ooniluct. ‘Lust rtlghi he followed to his lumic a d o rk cmytoyoil

' in a Hpeodwcll avem ie n u iil Juurkrt. w ith ■ w hom his wlfi* han ln-cn on very frlem liy

lorm s. The c le rk ’s actions aruUHcil the suip lidniis of ihc ang ry huKlainil, and

j w hen he Hiteroil his honu_ by bursting open a door and found hln wife cn lo rta ln -

Ing the o th s r niKii, there whs a row, d u r­ing w hich Iho v isito r •■seniu'd.

IW k w etl is p h yslrs lly not a very s tro n g , m an , and In the hgh t he had w ith bin I w ife cam e mji siH-ond In-st. He visited [ j 'n llc f headquarters, and I'focnrlng the us- i slHiunce uf I'oliow Gillccr H um m ii, re ­

tu rn ed to his iuwn*' and caused th e nrr'*Bt o f his piJglUstii- b e tte r half. Mru. Feck- well wan accom panied lo the FolUv (*onrt by her tbre«* ^-hlidren. D uring the prelim i­n a ry hearing (he cause of ihc light whs b rought out, and In d e fau lt of I'hU Hie w om an w as c o m m lttf l tn the .Morrla t 'o u m y Jull on a charge of as.m uli and laU tery. her huslmnil rteclinlng to m ake a m ore serious cnmplulnt.

T he eeim railoti of ilio m other from her th rv e children, u.h she was b-d aw ay to Jail, wjia the moHt id tlful sight ih«i hjis been witm-sscil In Hie M orristow n Tulicu C ourt In m any a duy.

Indispensable ^ In Diphtheria

Is Dovinine, .la has been a ttested by thousands of physicians, O ne of tlic m any testim onials we have received is one from IV. A rth u r r . (lin n of O m aha, wliich reads,

I " I ti.sed Bovinine in several ca.ses j o f d iph theria , and was succcss- j fu l w ith the cases. ’I'his to m e j is sufficient evidence of its value,I n o o th e r food being; used during


S taff ( 'a p la ln M arshall, the h v a l of the ■y L(‘Hfl ........................... .A uxiliary L(‘Hffuc, aU led (o-day th a t thiTc

w ere less ihHn iw ^nty nicm bcrs of the league sent In (h**1r rfslgnatloris and th a t none of (host* who ri’8jgin-«l wen* prom i­nent.

G eneral Booth Is a ( jircscht on the Red Scr«.. rt-turning home to Kngland from hln (rip aruim<t ihc world. The G eneral will a rr iv e In Loiniun ul>out M arch 12.

G om m suder Kva Booth will address a m eeting In N ew ark to-m orrow a t 3 l \ M.

T he MtHfT and fioSd oiflcrrs, to the nm n- ber of l!Wi, st-nl a lilspalch yesterday to GeniM'Hl Bouih HsHuring him of thu loy­a lty u f tlie arm y in Amerli.'a.


The ei'CmniitAiider W ill Hay N othing Alniut file MalHtiienl He Is BreiisHiig.

B alllngton Booth, cx -t'om m ander o f th e Balvatlun Army, allll preeervea a s tr ic t s llchro AS to the n a tu re of the s ta tem en t which he proposes to m ake on Monday, emt>0(iylng his derision hr to his a ttitu d e In regard to tlin a ffa irs o f the arm y. W hen a N EW fl repo rte r called a t th s M ottlolulr home of the det»us<‘d t'un in iander th is m orning Mr. Booth declined e ith e r to a f ­firm o r ^ e n y the rum ors th a t the s ta te ­m ent would cnntutii hla form al resignation from the arm y,

"T he reslKiiHilon of Mr. HUui Is a sad blow' to the a rm y ," said Mr. Booth, *'tts hs was one of the ahlpst officers we had .”

Mrs. Booth, wife of (ho ex-i.'om m aniler, fs s till p ro stra ted tiy the nervous s tru ln oiLUsed hy (h<; iruublo in th s a-rmr. l:ihe passed a lenilcss night, bu l th is m orning w as BomfwhHi better.

Ensign Allen, of nuffnio, N. Y,, wtio w'ss th e guest of Staff C nplaln CavKlll a t Mont- r la lr la st night, said th a t Balllngton Booth has few sym pathlxers am ong the Halva- tlonlsiH of W estern Ni-w' Vork. and th a t the feeling thrrfr is th a t he should have oheved the sum m ons o f G eneral Booth w ithou t question.

(X A i.iig H E WAM i iE i .n tr r .

A rrest o f Two U eu W ho Have Coiinnllled W holesale T hefts a t Elisal)e(lipi»r1.

Special tu the EVBNINQ NEWS,E L IZ A B E T H , Feb. 2«.-The police of

this c ity for th e p a st week have been try in g to round up a g ang of coal thieves who have been p ilfering (rpm the Cen­tra l R ailroad C om pany’s ears s i EUza- bolhport. The thieves have carried aw ay coal by the ca r load and afterw ard sold it a t th« ra te of & couple of dollars a ion to people a round Ellzabfiihpori.

l.*ast n igh t the police succeeded In cap­tu rin g John Q u artz and John Keeney, who, t|iey think, a rc the Ica^lers of the gang. Tlie prisoners wore arraigned in Police C ourt th is m orning and John B. N orton, shlpijut fo r the C entra l Railroad Com pany a t E U aabelhport,. appeared ag a in st them . Hoth m en were committed to HWHit the action of the Grand Ju ry for g rand larceny.

'pt© iKilk’o have secured The uHineH of o the rs of the gang and they expect to' cap tu re them th is evening.

I 'N ni'M O N lA TAKRg GKP '4.1.

SUNK IN COLLISION.Tw nM euriiers C rash T ogeibcr la th e N ar­

rows am i One Goes (o the BoitDiit.

N E W Y'ORK, Feb, k*,—A dlspatch from the o p e ra to r a t F o r t H sm lJton located on th e Long Island shore a t tlie approach of the N arrow s, rep o rts th a t a colJlsIon bi*- iw een tw o vessels ooou rn d in th e N a r­rows a t 2:20 o’clock th is afternoon.

One o f tho vessels, a steam er, w as so badly dam aged th a t she sank when w ithin a few y a rd s of th e shore. H**r sm okestack and m a s ts a re visible. The Idenlliy o f the sunken vessel and w hether there Is any lo t i o f life is not y e t known.

Tli« E ast F a ir filrert Opening,C ity Counsel I tik cr ami GcnerHl Buperin-

lenfletit M undy six'OmpHnled Asseasment I'am m lssloD ers O 'Connor. DoiM and Mc­G ra th to -day when (he In ite r Inspected the C en tra l S tam ping Curnpuny’s properly on E a s t F a ir s tree t. The c ity proposes to tak e tw enty-flve feet of (he land owned by th s oom pany (or the purpusa of w idening I '^ i t F a ir s tre e t la o n le r to m ake a d irec t conaeoUon w ith i,.afayette s treet. T he object o f th e vlsH w as J o r the pu r­pose of de te rm in ing th ^ a m o u n i '^ dam - ages to b« as-arded the company, ^

tre a tm e n t, except th e milk used as vehicle for its aiin iin istration ."


N othing New In the Hlliialliin-llvIegatlDntri^ VInII JlHltlngfon llontli To-ds;ri

N E W YORK, !‘> b . 21.—The-rc w as un a ir of suspense around Salvation .\rm y head* q u a rte rs to-day. It wun Mtld th a t Balllug- ton Booth wFiH prc{iarlng a s ls tcn icn t a t M ontclair. N. J ,, of the d tts rm ln n lln n to Which he had come about the real e s ta te held by him for the fl.ilvHllon Army, There w as a rum or nleo th a t Halllngton Houlli w as going to i>ay an o th e r v isit tu the Old h ead q u arte rs .

Colonel A lexander NIcol, the envoy e x ­tra o rd in a ry Ncm over here by G eneral Booth, w as Ki(.n lids m orning. He said th e re w as Tiulhiiig m-w In the situation .

W hen asked as to w hether he expecled th a t vx-i.'om m andi'r Rallliigioti Booth waa going to Biirreinler the r(n l e s ta lr held hy him fo r the BalvitHon A rm y, t'u lonel NIcol replied ih u l ho ani1cli»ated no trouble In th a i d lrertlon and th a t ex-Com m am ler Booth would relifi4|ulsh the real ealtite a i soon Ui!) tho neci ssary legal tra iis f ir s w ere m ade out,

W ith th is end In view a d rlegation of officers acfompHbled Uy rouri^ei will i-ro- ceed to Monti-lair. N. J,, luohably th is a fte rn o o n m’-brder to dravv up tin- pjipcr.H.

b ein g a food jiroduct, made by a special cold jiroccss from lean beef, is easy to take, quickly assim ilated , .speedy in its life- prom oting ])roi>crtie.s, is invalu­able as a life-giver when it is necessary to m aintain stren g lh to carry a patien t over the crisis o f a disease. In dijihtheria and o th e r th ro a t troubles where it has becom e inv|iossible to take nourishm en t by the mouth, Dovi- n in e has sustained life for w eeks, adm in istered as an inicclioa.


A Clerk Foituil Hound and (ragged and Ills K iuphiyer's Caah Gone.

CHICAQO, Feb. 2H.-The v au lt In Iho ofi1('o of Adolph Loeb. on th s ground floor at lJU L a flalJe s tree t, w as robbed la s t pvviiing. aod O liver F u rm an , a rlc rk , w as found gagged and bound, lying on the floor n e a r the s tre a t door. Loeb docs a large insurance business and quite a la rge sum of m oney m u s t have been taken.

F u rm an says h4- w as p reparing lo lock Ihe vau lt fo r the n igh t w hen a m an camA up behind him and forced hitn to open ihd each box a t the poin t of a revolver. Tho robber took a ll th e cash , but left th e checks. He then knocked F u jm sn senae- lesa his fist, leav ing him lying on tho floor of th e v au lt, bound and gagged. F’o rtu n a tc ly th e v au lt door w as prevenu'd from closing tig h t by the gas pipe, which w as sw ung In th e vau lt, ami so he m a n ­aged to open th e door au d d rag him self (0 tha fro n t door of the otnee, w here ho w a s found by th e w atclim an,

i-'urm an w as tak en to iho police a ia ilon and put In the s w e a tto x . Abuiit 10 o'clock a mar> went around to Lot-h's (iflU*e look­ing for Fu rm an . Thla m an. It Is clalm e'l, Ih F u rm an ’s coasln, an d ihu po lli'' dc- tiilned him. BIr. Loch p laces Im pllcli con- liiletme In F u rm an and beUevea the siury told ])>' fh*' boy. He sayn there w as Jl.4<'0 In the d raw er, the greiut-r pari of wlilch, however, being In checks. He docs nut retneiTiUer the uDioutit uf cash.

A n e r. f 's t. 0 (1 ...........Amer. Fol. G lU pr...,,Antur. Hug. Kef ........American TohSiCCO... ,A trh.. T. A H. F t ........G snsda Sloutbsra.......C h e s s O h i o ..........rk iesgn G as.................('hicago St N. W .i .. I •Cblcsgq H A (J.........*a . l ' .C .A f i i t .L ..........O.* M- A «l. P .............(J,« H. 1. A F'sclflie.......r>sl. snd H u d .. . . . . .

ftiLIH 'J


ii« '.7M'sk-;TitTl';

le'.,II-''".Till,Ilf.m iiivjm lmi*!7»"



liu '.


Ts’ j Tl*:

n.. L. A w ............ .. Hai a, nil., IhO*',, 1«/’,Dill. A C. P’........... .. IT', I7«4 <T!i IT*.Gsd. Kiso.............. .. ai 3l‘i an'" Ill',III. Caiiirai........I*aka Shura,..........Lou. Si Nash .......... ri)' w"Maolialtaa..,,......Mich. rADtroJ.......

.. IIM likV, Hfti; 1(11'aMo, Facifle............ .. si Zl St',Nai> rnnlAkfa.........Nal. lasail........... " ii'! 24j;Nat. I,i«‘ad, pr .,N. .I.Ceuiril.........N. If. reniraJ.........N. Y.AN.E..........

lUB'., ML IbVI.

N. V., L. K.A W ... ie'. in iav„ s. * w .......N, Y., A W„ pr... Noflh Amartcan....

.. a;'. ii7

..Northarn FaHflc.... Norlhsrii Faciflr, |ir ;; ioi; bf-H ift * ie 'Miibiran A Wrilera. J'hlla. A IMx.........

.. I> l.'i \ri1F1(

111I'aciflc Mall.......... IH'* kt', .1-1'Si. Haul A Omahs, . 4't (11 «l ¥)Trnn. 1'. A Irao.....Taiss Vacjflc.........

.. »A. in'. iti'; :ai‘ir . N. 1,., pr............ .. liU (F! ni eiKrplon iVi-lflu........ .. t'h; T’,WahsMii................ .. ii'a tl - ll’vWabssb.jTr............ .. IH IK\\>si. Fbioii,.,..... .. N KK,H. t)...................... .. z>; e.1 f Sl% SJi,

lUNR HTATEMg?«rHafiervc, ilscrfHas...laUMiia, iiu reaNu...... ..... . a 4.:::u.Iiiu

<ii( I'sass.I^sgsl Tender, decresAO.......lisponltK, (iscresse ................l.'irculaimik, i u c r e a s s . , . . . .

M sny l>eaths Dae lo L ung T m u b le-T h ree I.a G rippe Victims,

An Increase of six teen d esth s over the num lw r fo r la st week Is shown in the m o r­tu a ry repo rt of th e H ealtti D epartm ent, fo r th e week ended a t noon to -day , wheti a to ta l of 119 d ea th s had been recorded. Of the d ea th s th ir ty w ere due to con­tag ious and Ififectlous d ls c s ie i 'a n d flvo tn accident and violence. Fneum onla heads (he lis t of causes assigned, w ith a record of tw en ty -th ree d ea th s. Of the rem nindiT 3 w ere due lo la grippe, d iph lhcrla 6. (y- phold fever I, In fan tile convulHhms A, m arasm u s 2, mcaHles 1, te tan u s 1. |)u1-m onary tubercu losis li, o ther lu b e rru ln r d iseases 2, hronchltls 3, dlBease of ibn lK*«rt and c ircu la to ry a p p a ra tu s l*. ru- p h rllls 8, troul'lps of the brain and m-rvous eystem Ifl. (roubles of the dlgeaHvo nyH- h'tn H, tum ors 3. suicide 3. Th!rty-.*<eve!i of (he persons who died durUig the vH*ek w ere under one y e a r of age, fifty wen* Ichm than flvo y ea rs old, nine w ere beiwcen Ihc ages o f five and tw en ty years, wlilh' th irty -e ig h t w ere m ore th an tw enty and less th an s ix ty years of age, and the b a l­ance w ere over th e (hrec-scorc m ark.

T h irty -e ig h t caaes of contagious and In­fectious d iseases w ere reported during the week, a decrease of tw elve from Ihe re ­port of th e preceding seven days. T h irty four of th ess w ere d iph theria . Ineludlng m em branous croup, tlir re sca rle t fever 'u id one case w as o f typhoid fever.

|(r|{N K I» (MiT MANY TKLK.I’llON KN,

Thom as s t r e e t occupied by Em ory Brown & i.’o., ilrygaods. and W. L. W ellington &

Highest of all in Leadening Power.—Latest U. a Govt Report.



riir.U v lllendi.l y.KfV.i l-i’.iKlIssh

i»-?r lb

Tl .1

. r^c

ur F,H i .

K askn-rln-d .lap.m T rViimig IlyMiij T , : i___l•'ll 1• F"1T- * .. .I'UiY v n u 'g n r ..

Ul.M..........F uh I'l j»p* '1'• is, till kin iI’., d i ’oni.j ..raU forn l.i I’lis 'r Tuiim toes, i 'orn ImiHUicd ,M.i. .t.I 'tir t l’■'■r W Flm* filu-: : , Wtm rtwet l Giititwl .t . . D.-llchni’: 1Kure W h i s k . ........tiM B y e . . ..............." ( I. K ." lU r. V. ,I 'lp i'r MiMdslcck F lu n u 'rtg tmiK>rti''d tsinpier .\ lr .Ki'Ht r>iii.jklhH Tol«i- I t ’liuU'i* H avana

N (ill(-E UF INTENTION- Board ef ir tm t and U.kier ikirnniltoi-mer*.I'uh l,. n-pii ,* is. Itsrvhjr x iv rn that U ts rhe

IniDhiD'H Ilf tnv I\ :»irU of k!r<*ri and W'sirr I’MliMjilesl.ae fM .i( th.. c-lLy uf N«*iirk, undor siifl Ty hinu»- of rTovlsitmi cf iti* art #mlU«d ".An art to ret|i>r jm.) Hitirmi the charter of tie cUy «f Neo-ark." m«pr'.vrd Mardi II, IgflT, sihl Ih" siiniHemenis i|i»rete. an.l the act ers- .Mliix Ihe . r *n.l Wiiler romrols-;-! laehi 4'f Ihe Ity *.r \**wuik. npiTu^-ed Marcli J.''. INM. t" vrdff <01-1 the iikjeiilnx andtkleiitlhis t*r

BKItl.lN HTUEKT,ff*»m M.ikn in e mreet ii, avernt/’. Mliuy-AiUwr tfcith A nuif. .-n fllr In thi* EnRinrers i-di. D uhti'h v aii nd*)k.ted hy th** Hi.iird ef Htrott "M 'A'nter t'omndi‘r«i>inere l->hruarj 27, ISVS. end in n<. i..ri!aii-.r w.uh ihr lull'.viliig di'Mi-rtpilnn: b'-^lnnln* ai n i^lnt tn Ihe centre line of Ha«h- nn»- iilreei. dtmaht iwo hundreil and »Ixiy

northweiurrly fr.vm a innnujnetii oivhe »et In the intrroecil.m of Hreadeii elreei and Mega- »Uir Btreet, uni,I {tlHianre meiSUreiJ *1 ing the lenire i,( Maaiulnr atreei; thertro runmns \nH nuMliriiHUTi) itlre.-tjiui •even icen hnudred and ten f«e| an ,i UM Tuy-nre-K utulredlhP of a f*.ot • I7hi...*»'|tBi» t " th e (nierawi ih 'n w ith the fnr- tii«‘i . eiure liht* ,if Ms'iirffnr HVPDue, AH dea- lKii-»ii | m -n tnjUT- t»r mrevla nmde Hnd adnpied l*i 1.S7.1. -viiL. h le ,.n (lie In the Knsineef'H nf- n= e Hiilil i*<uni of ImereeiHvn he-lng distant m iiH tj tl rr*-( an il tvn-jti>-..--Hen h u n d red th s of a f'*>t ip i 2T-IIS11 n .)tr’irAi(fr<trty lflnm*inent

-»H In th e -<t,l Ik te M lAeGregorasem ji . Ih e tn e 1ie«itmUiK s{ an o th e r fioint la

n ire h a^ nf .M rQ rexcr s v m u e Tw«iit|r-


o 5 3I a r k e t N treet,>KW AUK, N*. .1.

ESTABLISHED IS68. TELEPHOKE S IS .Grd'TX iiy ni.ill o r icicphono a itc n iln l to

a t oiu-i'.Drllvi'i h s in tow 'dshlps every week. L iberal iliscouiil In large ipiantlijcsi.

r r ic e s Lower iiiid H. a iidO , Ihe I.eadcr hi ibe (low im an l M»TeuierH-4’loi»lnq

(Jmitniloiis anil ^ le * .W A LL KTRKET, N EW Yt)HK. F ib . :it.

—T he m arke t for stocks th is m orning was feverish and i xci1«-'l. Trading w as on a la rge scale and n.tme wide changes were recorded. TJio u d lo n of Hu* Ki-mile j ce- UTtlay In (he C uban iM'lllgt-micy m a tte r w as Hie m ain r»-asuii fur the fcvcrlnh loss and led to a good deal of redllzinK. BhHI- m ore and Ohio wits dcclrhdly licavy, b reak ing th ree tier e n u , to 24Uj, the Inw- cHl prlcf* on nn-urd. The gi-ncral m«rk»*t opened about g pulnl lovs.-r, (hen Jumtu'd

per Cent, and then rect-ded once more. K ugar sold a t IH-uiriiw,, Tobacco at

b t. R aul ui 7r.% ir7fi''j, Chicago Gufl a( Louisville aii«l NaHhvillca t Reading a t 11%'u 1214. L eatherp re fe rred a t ikKuti:. Hticculallun a t H o 'clock w as steady In tone,

iia lilm o ra and Ohio dropped lo 21 \ a f te r 11 o ’clock on heavy llquUlaHuns. The g*' r ru l ru n o f active stneks dA'ctinod L to h'ht p r r cent, in S iiopathy , Luiiinvllla and N ashville, D enver and Rio Grande and th e G rangers being iiotlcealdy w^eak. H ugar waa a m arked excepilon, rising to

jR A s and leav ing off within Vh of tlie h igh ­est. B altim ore and Ohio llnally railh^l a b o u t a point, b u t speculation generally closed Irreg u la r In tone.

T he sales of stocks to-day agg riga led 173,hOO shares .

T he range ol to -d iy 's prices for the more active sto ck s of th e New York m nrkets li given below. The quotations show the opening and closing and the highest and


Corner of Orange and Ogden Sts.M A W f A C W H L R S O F

Im proved Corllsa Engines. T ubu lar lluilers. T a n k s and Khcet Iron W ork, also heavy Iro n and B rass (.'asdngs. O rders (or general M achine and Boiler R epa irs prumpUy executed.

D Q n u n a r t ju D rrro rv*

NO PAYclo w est’"jirlces reached by the seeurllleslisted, t h e q uo ta tions a re from the Nsw Y ork E xchange, snd a re reporiMl to (he N E W S th ro u g h W illiam Linn Allen A Co., s to ck brokers, 810 B road street, Btate Bank Dulldlng, th is c ity ;

Open- nigh- f»nw, Ciat mg. esi. fst. ihg.


Hl»,'u ' . :


ts;]id%;<iH*4 BLOODi

in n ny m*aa« irt naii


ASA MEDICAL IN S T IT U T E ,1 8 4 O r a i i s r ^ S t r « n t , .N o w a r k ,

1}iia Abave IHgb Htreei.HDurs-« lo 11 1 . M., 1 IS :{usd u to 8 P. M.



Ikainagt* ('HitB4*d b j tlie CroMliig o f an Klec- Irii' L ight W ire at KlIxsbeHi.

Kl'fcJal !•> tlu* KVKNiNH N’KWH.ICld/iABKTIt, Feb. 29.—The iTturn w ire

uf IliH FllZJihelh Telephone Hnmjmny he- cam e croHsed la s t n igh t with a (rolley c k c irlc wire, and the resu lt w as th a t (he c ijm n t wa« hacked Into the luslrti- m en ts .o f a largo num ber of sghMrrJbcrs, rauHltig havoc to their luJephoTvcs and also to the sw itchboard In the cen tra l le b '' phono station .

For a tim e it w as fe a rc l (he syn-tem would be ruined. A large nuinhcr uf men w ere pu l to work illscuanecllng tin Instrum enra (h a t were burn<*d <nii, 'I'he eervlce th is m orning w as seriously crip- pled. The com pany expects lo h a w th ings w uiking smooHdy by night.

i^NCR MORE in harmony with tlu) w n fld ,2 0 0 0

rnuifik'U-ly rur«r| uieii ara , filagiug happy pralsea fot

Hie gri‘a(ML, grand­est nhd most auc- ci-saful cure fur a n - Uiil wrakiioei god liiHtvlgur kuoiTD to nmllc'al si'lrses* Aa

) sn 'o iiu to f this wot- ' tifrjul dliici'jnfry, la

iKH.k fnrnj. with ref­erences and pruofa, will Locent lu suf­

fering men (sen!'*dl /rw . Full m snly vigor periuAni.-uiJy reetoroit. Faliu ta ImpoiBibls*


Fired Ht IHspenanry 4‘onstulileiii, W A L H A U -A . «. V., Feb. W.-LttNt night

a t H o 'clock, while D ispensary Cunaiabh-!i Jenk ins, of DariiiiKlon fame, and Rnd- tnoml were on th e ir way (o the county jnll they were slODped by a pusso of unknown men and fired upon. Ahout tw enty shots w ere fired in rapid suecesalon. ilo th of the constables were badly wounded. N elllier Jen k in s nur Redmond relurneij the lire, a s (hey were outnum bered and they m ade every effurt to gel to the jail. Boih cotiHtahlcN miy They recogiilxed ih c , men who fired on them.

G R A Y *a S P E C I F I C M L D IC IN L . TR^-4E MARK ih. *rMi TftADKMARlC

hMI*4rAi vr>riiljDK

, .1 ( for S nii D*. \^Vthl 'i*.'' p «r ID «1 'I < rl'ri tmpMlrn • > ii'id >11 hit'

Ih cInr> nf ’■'•Jf '

K F S 1 I E : m » ' " : ! t n E i i t a iiii ,I’4 in m I nr M, J Smncik of inoe, fena mtA(r oiSrr Icj^ 'u I k^nilv or I nriiiqnnliun.

er^l-'.ll pA.iK'gl.itt rn n- • whu h «*e aciiinIf*<j bi l« •'! ’n P*"! y one

i r ' i i l i Sppfih* Mwilfinf J - iol4 hr »ll dnipjrnii §t Il [rtr sttkiitt, nr ii& parkniw for or wilt i-r vfnT Lfoaliy MUl on th?r«c«,pi tf ikaeinncv, hynSdiMMiigk

THX Sk it ■aareisK r«,, at r r its , r. i, r>« t'rniint of connirrlflis V-He-# WrnppM th*F o r sale by C harles H olzhaucr, drugglsL

B road and M arket a trests.

New LiiiiiherOiinpHiiy fnr hiiiiimll,Hl>cGa| le the F.ViCN'tN'a NKVVH.

K lH /iA BFTH , Fell. a i.-T Im Kcclestotl Lum ber ro m p a n y of Hummlt and Hiaie . Island filed a rllr lca of Incorporation hero (0-day w i(h a cap lia l of 110,UOO. The Inoor- poratora a rc GeorgH H. W llllarni, of Bum- m lt; O. 8. F lack , of New Brighton, p la ten Tsiund, and John Kccleston, of Hoaebsnk. Htaieii Is land . The p lan t will b t lo cstaa a t Hummlt.

P / \ P E R— —AND—

T W I N E9'4ft,000 F ire In New York*

N K W YORK, I*>b. 29 ,-F |re th is m orning In (he fou r-sto ry building a l '£) and 34

<’o.. commission m erchan ts in drygoods and woollens, c au sH a loss of tSI.OOl), T he (wo upper floors crashed through s^d fell 10 th e second fioOr, hut fortuim loly no on;j w aa Injured.

C. H. HAKHISiW20 CIlntoQ Street, Hewart, N. J,

BfCtf^rstioTi for ati Aneerlcan ArMsI*T’AIHH. Feb. 29.—Tliu Hat of a r tis ts upon

whom decorations havu been conferi'ed hy (ho F rench Govtrrnment iluring the past ^car WHS m ade public to-day. Tho Hat la a only four nam es upon It. T he only A m erican m entioned waa W illiam iT. Howe, the cAttla j>alnur. of New York, uuun whom wna (ionferred the decorutlun of Offleor ITAcftdemle.

Rupture Cured iVl*h AM* rmn«*«Mrt nuHplVlUi. WckrfI Vttll flUA ^withentlitipnvadBlsaticTnuii. WorflwUbssM *night and ilfl lirialti* tJw rut.nir* under tb* s

f B««r KS^UilirTrfwtstnUn. KiamuiaK-jn ■frre. indy li> aUaixUnr* for lodlst, St'od fur *


I |S9 A 394 BraaSwafr €*ri ISUi At i 1V« Ti. . . . . . . A

I ’ ■ f r. I rill,I nin**tf;-n hundpedihn of a foot • lU PUll ii'uthueniPTly fmm sal'l mnnumeat "ti'nr-; i h r n .» a tii l ru n n in g In a n o rtheow eriydll, tk'M mill Hit rIaM snxii-j tu said lie- Gri-si.i nvfiiui. f ,.u r hun.lre.1 .ind iw en iy <4ao» fwi 111 ilu> ipm with til*' farmer centreVM'* “f iluii.skHm|>rr MVfrvLn-, hh ilcilanaicfi upon

m ailr an d sd u fim l In IhTJl. ao d tii4ni«1 iiHvkr* Pir*'**! u(Min m UI nukps. said I' liU Ilf Inii : =. -(|uii lieliig ilIaiKht twenty-two Tffi ritiil InindriMphni'f s finit iXil-W t0g»iK'rlhwrxTcrl) fr.*in m niMiiumeiit ulonf Bfl In UiTi iifiiri'nicTiHuhc.l (4<ntre line nf Jkinykarnpar

Tb*’ Mihr.r ,|i«,ril.e.| lire Maall h*> The ctntrw l ine of i n - j p n e i n o i , w h i i l i eUal l s i x t y lOU) fevi will,'

The "1-1110^ ofSKVS VnilK .VVKNI'K. *

n - m l u r ' f » r - m i e n n i n u « m J m l v i s i r e f l . In S i t w' lih m m a p . in ni e i n (In’ K i i g i n e s r awmri ' , Silni 'lei ] lij lUriinl nf lU re el Mild Water 4 '•Tiiinl-Mlt.m'CM. h V t. ru i i ry 'J J , IWH, Ntid In a c - cOrUrtore w i t h t h e r>- | |Mwtna d e i a ' r l p i l a n :

hf'nm liM pii-Mt'iH lernanuM to ib m im rd i airwH. b ig ln h llig In ihn I r rm ln u s n f the easle rly line of jVrMT YnrX u-.enur. mm nnw o(M*ne,i mnt ru n n in g In M M iuuhatu t^rL 'ilre< tion and pnrHilel w ith i .u tih a r iit Mtrrr-i iw e n ly -a ii feel und IWeniy h w - dre.|ih« uf a ftn.t iWi Ihpno* oouthraat*e il j am t IxirHlIri w ith the I'aeieH y line cf lo t h e to n g ln t in Jfihn ,1. U uI>Im>|| fifly-four ilW) fe e t 1-> Ihe n o r th e r ly lin e of i io i th u n d a tre e i; ihene* nortlieuiMfMy ahm g th e sa id line of G o tih a rd l • i i ^ ( U ilrty feet to (he e aste rly line o f J* on f l(ultl'>er« |,*r. th en re n o iih w e iie r ly Mlortg the siiino m ir h u n d red ipKO ft*ei; ih en r* ■ ..u lhnoeierly «ml i te rs lle ) wUh 'M ih a M l s tre e tth ree a n d ih lr ly iw n huntlrerilhs o f afoc( iR .C-liMii |.i th e prenenl e asle rlv fine of N en 1 i>rk a v e n u e ; (hein -r Nuuiheasterly a long. - ---- _ ---- 'asterly alongthe -Mine ei\ 44U) feet to (he uIhco of be­ginning Kr un MMuot to .laheit itreet,begUininx In the oouHnTly ]me uf trotihardt " in i'l Ml H i«'int ih 'iein dlMtaiil rlihiesn

shd hf(> three huinlreiUhs «f h <ln .a pMi) HMr(hi'indeiiy fr un where the e«e(- erJy line nf ’.n uf J.>hit .T. Ihihbell. If eilended ftiTiHi* ilirtthMrdi street, would Interiwet tho w’Utlierlv line ,.f „rii,i Mtreet; Mid Iwginnlng IMilni le-inic lilfM (he ntWthiMiiterly romer of lotbehHigina lo MnrMMrei Jt. J'lerson; llienes run­ning In o e-unheoeterly direction «l«ng (hit eHslerk line of |i,tM lifLlixIllg to snid Margaret I' I lirMiuv utid M onin Kellinad two hundred

feel tn Ihe northerly line of jHhei street; itu nre imrtheHRlerly along (in- lino of siiM slreei K.lkty Khu fe*«i; (hence tmirlhwesterly and parsl- I'd wiili the eristerl)' llioe of kgld |.d i two hun- ''leil CMMU fori iM the line of Hntihardt street; Ihrti.-e eo«thne*n«rly*TrM#lg Ihe same silty (Htij ff'd lit ih«‘ |dsi-e of iM-gBinlng.

The tnwiiing ,,fHiM’TH TWKNTfJ'^Tlt HTUKhri',

A LAKGK bTGOK OF NKW AND BEC-o n d -h a n d e n g i n e s a n d H u lUFltB consinn tly on hand. T t ' i ’l ’KIl UHA.TE-BARH In all atandaril alscs.

from rt*.uih nranae a \i‘niie tn Klevrnlh avenue. 1 lie «entre fini- of (i-uth Twemlelh streel (n be-

U 'liarf to U't, w ith heavy crane and s to r­age privUrgcB, hy day, week or m onth, a t low est city ra tes.

Wm. R. Sw an , Clerk of Centro M arkot, aaya w a tavad hla life, tio do hundreda m ore.


WE IB E NEW MEN.G IIG A N U ! W e a l^ iiesM .Falllng M anm rv« Ijack n f I 'ln s rv y J 'h r a - jea! I lse a y , a r is in g f r i n r In d lB fre liDp, a i -

v c M o r • ip 'i s u r e . t i r f r i i ic ln g SfUiie o f t h e fo b lo w in g a ffe td a r N e fv m ish e as , l>eb1Jll.r, D im - nees lit M g til, ."^elf IH e tn ia t, l>sfeoU»S M em - u ry . 1 'ijn p len u n ih e F ace . A v ers io n tn H(x d e tv . IriJhh o f A m liM ioti. im |W (t«ncy. .M elau rh o jv .

NlN In a nnnherljf line of .S.'uth itmnge aeetiur. as now iuld out ami 0(iftnML ni a illHtunce of five hundrM'd and twenty iftiSm feet wiHderly of Hie renire line ,.f Kouili l-;i| hieenih utreel, meas- ur*-d HI right anales thereto; (henrr running iiurtheriy ami iigrailvt wtUi Houlh KlgUeenth Mtrret for a dleiance of iivnidy-lUM hundred and (I Irly-nne i2.2:il) feet and ntnply f'ur-hundrertihg of a rimt dHi-iuu) m ihe caH'ire line Ilf Kleventh SNenue; the width of said parent tu i»e likly (flo) feel; Mlia> ihe (uwnlng

KI.KVCNTH A*VKNI K, fi'i'in H-iUth Klalm-etdh street to the westerlyltna of u(h Twentieth Hfn-et The i-entre line nf Kle^enlh avenor to |»rgiti bl the f entre fine nf Houih KlshPu'nih stre*-i, ai jHiIni therein rtls- lent eight hnndre<| mriI alJtttH n Utpu feet nnrth- erty from (he oenln- line ol Twelfth Kvenue; lluiire running westerly gn'1 pHrslIel wUh TMeJfth avenue five hundred |iml fifty fW0> feet In tni' wemerly line of HnutU Twentieth Mreei, the width i f Rjild avenue to he slaiv-slx rtWi feet: the nnniurly Jtne of esM i|e»TlI»ei1 avenueforndha H i-art of the (ueHent iwiundriry lino of Inr t liy of Newgrli.

Hiirh iMTsoriri mm m ay o b jecc (hereto , a re re- quepiieil i.i th e ir o b )ertl- in s fn w riting a tIhe u m te .f lip . rif.ard o f r t r e p i gnd W a te r

immlfMlnners, mi ••r l>efore ilie ex p ira tio n o f five dHVS fn u n rime nf |hli* Tl'itl'-e.

Hy illreclloii of i |m* Ib ta rJ n f S tre e t and W atci* OimiuiiSMliinerp of tlie r i (y of N^-wark.

N ew aik , N. J.. K eb ru a rv 2u, Bl*il..1 MI'NBV.Sim G en era l Huiperintem h«m o f Wfirka.

J trep e ii 'iia , b u io i s d I■nvelopm apt, D«a->of lN>w- e r . Klta. E 'aliia ih f (is B a c k .s ic ,« a r a I ru a to d by n e w iiiatliudM, w i lb iin v a r-fs llii ig SLicuSSt»S a fe ly , p r lT a U ly , aioM^dliy.

Afid Kkin Btowmaa, j^ll Forms nlTectiiig Ko4v. Nose, Throat, Sxj^n_sh'l fu.nas.

lUotciips, Eruptluua, Aciia^Ecrnms, GPl 8orns, riccrs.l^iiltiful bwelDhgii from w lm teverrnua^ ]Kiaillvely aud forever eiiwiJImi troui the sya- lein by m aais uf safa, tlme-taalntl min«<LsH.

•^irfid iira ao il a ll F r l n a r r i(njdHlht.M, BhIDfill,Dint-

cull, tfsi' Frwjuent nr KlruKlv (Tpins. I'rmni'Gjr Gnrsd. We have ths trri'Htait ib ingonl fnr unnaiursj^ iBiibiarxss. 1.4M-a!ad over 10 year->.

1 - ^ Investigate our luo'lern IraatrnariL for c a ta r r h aial all lung HfTauiloii«.

PuCTU TIIIHTKKNTB BTRFl'Tf KKWBR-As- seMHinmt fur heneflls.Nn(h-e is hen*(iy glvgn that tin annejiament

U|on nil (h* loanors nf nil the hvids nnd real ( jdriiM jierullarty benefiied hy tlai «unslrucUon of ihe aewir in

PiiGTJl TIllKTKFNTU HTRHKT. fi>nncc-ttng with Ihe jireaent feetSMUlh of Ninth avenue pi iVnind avenue, ac- cnfillng In the tgovlalMna of sn ontlnanra of the City of Newark, eniiifM. ".^n (inUnance lo provide for (he rtinslrui l Ion of a sewer In

HOI Tif TMrUTKFVTIl HTI’.KKT, enttinertlng wlt)i (he (irnM>iit wwa r. S'-ft fret south nf Ninth BVf'nile to Gcfi'roJ avenm., ap- pru\>e(y AugUMt N.

Has t^ei'h pre^itred by (he unflemigned flnm* mlsslDners, api^olnied by th« Miiyor nf the e|ly of NstVArk. and lhai a rspon. by a aertifkals In writing, with an Hiriini]»anylng iriHp and whed- ule, shriwlng llie several HHiessineata sgulnat Ihe severnl owners j-erulUrly (#enefjt«ai as sfore- tHld, has hern i1r|s>s1(s4 In Ihe iifnce (>f ths City Clerk uf the city cf Newark. fiT viamlnatlun by thtt iiartU'S Interested therein.

Httld sssi'ssim-nL romprls"! all lots, gmrts and pari'Hg ot Innd and real eslale liable' tn bs aa- sesasd am sforeeHld, lying "M b'(h sh'lea of

HnHTM TBlRTRKNTII HTllltLX from reiitm l avenue to a pi'lnt 4nl fleet norUh (if Ihe snni«'. I

\ “J01" reprpoentR an entirg pMt of Lan4* s'heih'T large <rr amnlL

a I] jn-rD'iiH Interested In said asseaaixient la a jhe lit'iir i b'-fore said fVirnmlssloneni, on g I’lHHAV. THK flTB DAY <»F MATUVi 1AM, s! Z I’. M.. si the GommlssluDei'S' ruuttn No. 4 i.b] douri. i‘My Hall.

iMiicd Fi-i-mnry L*i>.TiAviii r. nniiD, jij;.,WM K, nViiNNOn,J o h n j . McGitATii,

1 dm '■ ITU m I ssl C ners.

NOHTII .‘ KVKNTIi HTHHKT KKWLU Lesrso- jiu-nt tur IrenefUa.Nutlce II hereby gi\eii that no aMeSHniert

ui-in Alt the o w n e rs o r u ll ihe iHnds unt] real e r lu ls pei u tla r ly Irt'iudlted by th s vu iistn icU u nof tbn s* r III

NOftTli HKVKXTH HTKFKT.Fr*uti FouMli menue to n t-did Mu feet noither- !y fiuiii Oir HiLinr, Ji^-rordinx (" the jrrnvlstooa of un tprdiioino- of itu- i lty of Ni wark, end' tlnl "Aji ordluunre lu pruvitle fur llie r-iitj'arui- tlon uf u s. Wff lu

NiiUTH hkvf: . \ t ji BTHKKT, afrom hViurtJi avenue ii> « isilrd 31o feel rvirtb- 1‘1'ly fnrrn the shiim-, iippruveil August Ti.

Bus lieeti pie|iikred hy Ihu miilenilgned Oum- niHeJurbers, iipiM,i)nted by the Muyor of the Mdty Ilf Nru^irk, nrid ihai h report, by a crrtiflcsxe lit srltlng, with an Hocomrsuiylng map acul (wIhmI- ub>, KlHjaing Ihe seveml aseessmenta agabot tho se\rrHj owners jiecutlsMy b<-neflied lui ab>re- nuM. h is |jern deiviilted In (he office e( the City ('|erk of the rtiy of Newark, fur ekanxlDa- lion !>/ the imrdi,** inlereslH Ihereln.

Siild ii><enHnie(it (oniprlw-s all lota, (ractauind par-' la "f btioi end leHi ewiate Jtatite t»* be-jJH-s*M‘d OM uforoMtld, lying on both sides uf

NiiiiTii hh; \ k n t h H TU K ^.from Fuurih u\enur to n i-oliit fi-et northitt the same.

A ‘fl'il" reprejM-nts an entire plot of land, whsthf r large jtr sniaM.

All persons liiiere.'Ued In said nssesgment mayIm lieiLfd before unld <v.rhmliisl<»ners onKflJMA Y. TIIK HlXTir LAV OF MAltrB, IPOS. SI :: f* M . St the i'ouwidasluiu'i'a' r ihm. Nu. 4 iihird tluuri. r’liy Hall.

L at'il FebrtJKiy li*. IHWt.DA V IIM '. p r iP D . JR.*W M . K. O 'l 'iiN N O n .JO H N J , M O m A T B .

Kin I'oniinlsHlonera.

Lenten Season.C h o lf i ’ S."*]! J l a c k d n 'l , fjn iffkcd 1 110 110

pr-, M iith ir o f I 'c a r l ( M f l s b , f'jm nofl ^ a ljn n ii, J j j l i . l i ' r , K ird in e s , H ouied M m Sti'i'.'l {iiii) r 'v o ry titilt ;; in th e fin est < 'iiliiK il S r a Kn iiil*.

Ail Gflol? Are the Choicest Branfls.

72 8 B r o a d S tr e e t,NEWARK, N. J,



Aro L ig h ts . In o an d eto o n t L ightsE loctrlo Pd«v«r.

(tATKd ON A l'l'I.U 'A 'nO N ,U i.m l SBMt.'Uvilo *U N .w .rk , H .i

Hi HkCTIlHI;Thom *. T. KInn.y, (iiiitfrlrtl K i t i tm F. AVol.!Oii .lui'kMiit H. Af- f'ljiiiil.y,H.OiUttl KIi.Lk. FUliJn N.A ltr .n 'D e i i i i ia iJ , W IIIiinnM .Ol.rJ, F.IUU.I ci. I>er»ni., l.'H ii. D- w .rn . M, D. Juhu 1). tliirrUiin. rr*J«rlck W. ftoOflM. U .c r i . W. H eb .n l. Dtiilier t r . r n .d .

J. Herbert b .ll*ntiee.HuriRIKTIJIUIHT .HD Kl.UrTHICUD

•John J. 0.n»ei.

8 ANTAL-BIDYAmelAdiKhWTRnfrointlwBrlinifiliVLBt

In tlthor KX in 4> h a a n .It la Buperler to Cutats «r ln|e«-

1 UdOA rad tn * (na i lU tail mall w MUr

rklehF.trr't Knilt.h BnUlA i

Pennyroyal pills■ ‘ OrlglBAl and ftaly OdMialaa. ^ ▲Ssrt, slssft mHIsM*. iavK M U t^^

vm.li//gnpsd In Usd SB4 Mi4«. upttsil shs Wa« riNbta. Tikka J a a o ta s e , Xr/SAS rfwy tr i m «*i»Wa>' ▼ fti»Hi§»>4imiUm9A*- S V D n ttlM A fil^d a * Il ititaM IW j o t i W a l y . m 4

iw toi

Serious Aocident to a Big Crowd iu a Fait lUver RinA.


O m P w ta n KUtsd O u lr l ih u a n f l U L u l l F ifty (Hhi-r* Jwjurfd l»y Fall—Th# RMOlnfloBi C nM n lIH U frr-rn ry jftdnptMi Als^nit I^nBiilinnitily Uy tlt«

R'nmBit In fO^w York li> « LoTBf «ii<t the Mnni.NMrrowly F.w.

o«pM l.ynchliiff.

At th r Cailiio Flink In K h ll'K lv ir . MaBB.. IflBt nlfrhi. ih* baluetrsiilp o f rlu* ta ll*ry R4ivf‘*wfiy, anti IM boy* uml m en fell lu aJ- Jong Into tile rink, a tJletas*«- rif th irty fre t. Uver Hfly a re InJnreM nnrt one i t dv'ail.

Tlie etlmcMojv waa t Kamo of polo be- twroD >>w Hctlforrl and F a ll USver. The rtnk w i t orowdKtl to lie u lniitot I'apakily, at>out 2,ritF> pwraohH la e ie n t. Thi*Kaone a'Oa rontcptwij hotly , and the itlay* ere friquenlJy ram e toKellter, rouulily liendllHK oarh o ther. T h e re "were alioul

rnoii attd boya In th e «»ut su llc ry . and tJiey wer*< ilellkJitt'd r^ltb theae contlk ia, end demoriatrui'*'! th e ir ^Approval by loud cliorrlng.

Wlten the ta m e w aa h itif o v rf & h fh l oc* currud b*t«/t.<eii tw o Hmall Ixiya In the fro m of I ho fa llo ry , and thoro appeared Im ailpont daPKer of a nu m b er fa lling oyer tbe rail* hut the d1iturb«Jie« w aa qiiteted.

t 'u r lry , th e Kail R iver goa l tender, aitd Dunning, the New U eitford rueher. came tnge ther a little lu tF r and eachaiigod hlofrs. They w ere parued by C aptain t-ol* ter, bu t they again rnghed a t each other. A t iblH Junctu re thei'e w a e a loud craeh, A eecilon of ih<i gallery rail, th ir ty in length , bad given w ay; an a alm oel every- body who bad been In behind It had rum- blea to the boor. Thene w aa such a pr^^e- aure from the rea r than bve row* of ep4M > la to ra w ere cairled over, In a ll ahont pereeni.

T he police a i quickly ae poo«lhle cloam i th e building, and In a rpm erkah ly ehort ■pace of tim e fully tw 'rn ty do idori acre on th e ecene. An Imrxrovleed hoepltal wee m ade o f th e Hnk born-.

N arriean M enard <wae Injured falally. Hie le g i brokctv head cu t and he eufterM In ternal Ln/jrlea whlfili remtlirtl

lm> t fIn d ea th a abort tImT a f te r hie removal to th e hoepUal.

T he am bulance wf.r< eiimmone<l, and a num ber of hacke w i're ptii IntiO commla- ■lOD. It l i difflk'Uit tu eBtimate the number of Ihoae Injured. AL’l who fell were more o r l e u h u rt,


Tlie g e ^ to Alraoet U naaln iauely T avere the I'aiiee o f Ineorgente.

J.*At* yofierday .afternoon the genate paaaed, w ith only i lv d ieaen ilng votea, the ru o lu tlo iia o f the trom m lttee on Foreign ile la tlo n a embodylrig recognition oC belllg- e rtiicy . and befurn the cloae of neat week U la itm oal a rerta iln ty th a t iho Houae will h ave paw ed e lm lla r reeolutlona. Tlte reao- lutlo iia fNiieed by th e B enale yeeterday are "co rtcu rrtn t" 1b ttieJr n a tu re , and were io fratfted fo r the ek|M’ew pu rp o ie of avoiding th e neeew tiy of preeen tlng them to the Prewldebt fo r hie ap p ro v a l.

The fix ftena to la who voted agaltiet the

Saeaagr of the r<aolutiane yeeterilay were [e u ra . CalTery. of L oulalana; t'h lltoii, of

T eg g l, and Q eotge. Of MieiliMlpnl, Demo- o ra ta , and H ale, of M aine. M orrill, of Ver- m om . and WetHkore, of Khode Ulaml, Ite- publluatiB. B rn a to r CafTery la regarded m th e m oat loyal A dm ln la lra tlon m an on the floor o f the Beiuite exce]>llng Mr. Vllaa, of W laoanaln, a n d ith e la t te r , who waa paired. anM tinoed (h a l had he been a t lllieriy to votw he woutdr have recorded hlmaelf In oppoeltlon to tJhe reaoluilone. T he action of theae tw o B enatore la arrepli*d aa evi­dence of the general belief th a t the Admlii- ia tra tlo n waa and la a trong ly oppoaed to th e exprew toq of any oplnloii on the C u­ban queatlon co ngreae a t th ia time.

The tak ing c f th e voie In the Ikmate whb preceded by n early four hovjre of eloquent ■peechmakitiy In which only onr m en ra leed hla voice lit oppoeltlon to the auop- lion o f the ri-BOlutloua. Thta wa« Senator TirTery, of 'ivoulelana. who empImUoalty pro teeted aguthBr any »ori of recognition o f th a CubaTM aa Inaurgente.

knew w hat I was vaylng.*' replied Mrn, .Marlon.

Mra. Doitd waa anki-d If ahe had tne>l lo Bliool Mra. Marlon and nho replied that «he had not. Bin* »ald aha w as rtufferhig from a nwnotni trouble a t the tim e and t ’ljtt the pletol had been pointed In tho air. Mi'h. Doud waa then dlachargcd.


A ldrich, o f the Faurfli A labanm T)l«tr1ct| l>crlare<| l.wgally Rlecied.

S e c tio n Com m lltoe No. 1 of the lloiiHe of Reprepentativaa. of which Judge Dan- lett. Of K cw .yo rk , Ib ch a trm u n . yemeriiay deokli'd hi the canteaterf election caa»' of

llHatn \\'. Aldrich iRepnhUcftu) agelnst tlae ton A. Uohblne (iJe ih o c ra tl.'fro m the I 'o u rth DiBtrict of A lahania, to I'cport lo thd.H oupe th a t A ldrich w as elected and Ib en titled the pent, and recotnm end tliat It be given to him.

The action of tn** cum in ltlee w as not tinanlmouR. Thu l)emocrati4' tnem beri, all of whom reprceent dlBtfintu In Boulham R ta lfi, d lw ent from the conelualona reach ­ed by the maJorUy, and contend th a t Rob- bl^ne. the eUllug m em ber, waa fairly elect­ed. T w p mernbera of the m t jo r l ly - f ’helf- muw- I>anlel9i v i i - Mr. Cooper, of Wiacoii-


Hie* F ly n a tlangemnaliV W ovaUed by the .\f au Nhe IIm I KeJ«M*te4l.

r iv e hu lk ite were flred Into the body of K a therine Flynn laat n igh t a t Second A venue aJid Kapt S even ty -n in th pireet, New Yorf; T he wounde. a ll of which w e ri dan|.;crouii. w ere m ade by Thgmaa Cooley, ft' carpnitterc of 31t K ast Seventy- e igh th a tie e t . Mlos F lynn wap taken to the Klov er HoapUal. She is iw enty- aeven y en ra old and had lived with her m other e n d b ro ther a t 417 hlapt Klghty- flrat i t r ^ c i .

Cooley bad been p ay in g a tiep tin ii to Mlea F fynn for aome iltnv, hut liecauee of hie in tem p e ra te hab lta hm eult waa no t favtjreU. She had rvfuatMl hlv hand In jp a rf lage, and It Ip repo rted th a t In coiiAcqJunce he had th rea ten ed her life did receive iho a u c n i lo ii t uC any other puitor'. Cooley pvralatod in hts InVc- m ak ing , how ever, and m e t MIm Flynn In th e P ireet wnen op|K>rtunlty orfered. J le m e t her ihua laat night.

In h e r an te-m oriem HtatemetU. taken by Coii'oner lioeber, Mlea F lynn apfterted th a t C.‘ooivy ueelared he would eOujoi her If ah t left him.

Mlat. F ly n n aNXln told Cooley th a t Phe did DiOt care lu r him. Cooley drew a revok«'or irom hla pocket. Me pLicrd hie le ft ti.rni atg im d her ami ahot n e t In the b a c k r jmK> ftt the rig h t ahouidcr hiade.

.\1m h F lynn, m 'reainlng loiirily, run to th e ^ 'B g ^ n of H enry ■truKK*'rr«nn, on

' tho aouthnaet co rn e r nt eicvcm y-nlm h Btrop t and Second avcm ti'. H turtlng to fol­low her, Cooley lin 'd two more ahoip h rfe ro the girt rcaclied the aalotin door. UoUa iiuUt’U todttod In her body, Hn en­te r in g the aaloon MImb F lynn ra n toward ih ft re a r room, w hite Cooley s till purpuiH) he r. W hen im rmw h e r try ing to ttagger acroap the floor ht* itred tw ice tru re and b o th ttm ea the ahota w ere effecllve. She w aa able, how ever, to open the door lead­ing to the rea r room and to cloae U afte r hfti’- a i she felt on tho floor.

A fte r Mian F lynn had entereri the rear room ty’oolev aU em pied lo reach 7ier and flred a 'M xtn aUoc The Imrit-micr caught him hy the th ro a t and Huccetided in aUni- m ing the door shu t. C ap tain Caeey had a rrived about th ia ilm r and h« Jiad quite a a irtiggle with t'oo ley before he <'ould m ake the arreal. In a very ahuri time th e Haloou wan crowded.

A fter ah am bulance had taken aw ay th e wounded woman a tie n tlo n was paid to CoolHy, The crowd hud grow n alvoul the aaioatJ to i.lKrn perkyna. T here wub h cry o f “ I-ynrh the !»riile!” It waji echoed by Jiearjy every ono who heard It, Thia

4 shou t aiid o th e rs w ere taken up. “ String ' him u p y ''U el a ro p e" ' "T ie him ro a j lam p-post!" was ehouiefl hy hundreds of

ih« onlookers. The police hnally drove (he crowd back and yot th e ir prlutuicr pafely to the police s ta tion .

h a s . T H E A IT A F1S, FICEE.

T b s W om an She Kliot a t FalU to H er C harge,

Mri* H a rrie t Doud. an actreM , who whb a r r e t e d In New York on the n igh t of Feb­ru a ry a on a ch arg e of try ing lo phoot M rf. L illian .Marlon, know n on tJie biskp a s L illian Hwayne. w as a rru lgned In the Jefferson M arket I^oUce C ourt yepterday. Mrs. .Marlon wur aciconripanlecl to court hy h e r ffttUer. rro feiw or Hwayne, and by her au n t. Mrs. DouiI 'b luiHlmnd was also In court. Mra. M arion w as represenied by A, H. K affenburgh, and M rs. Uoud hy Mr, Friend. Mr. KalTenhurgh ankcMl for ari ad- Journm eni. and M ag ls ira te H rann set tbc' i.ftse for M arch HI, F ro fesso r Swayne pro- tf-Bled against the ad jo u rn m en t, hut as hla d au g h te r said Rho was w itling he left the courtroom .

JifT. Friend then ea to rled thf^ two women to a aide room and b ro u g h t ihein together. Hoth weiil and were soon, klsHlnit each othftr. Mrs. M arlon said th e wlphed to w ithdraw the charge.

"B ring them out here an<l 1 will I’cciimui tho case," said the maKlHirutc. ilr s , M arion declared th a t th e re bad never i)eun any trouble between herself and Mrs.Umid and th a t tlia revolver w as poinled In the a ir.

"T ou sw ore th a t the dofoudaiil aimed.

I’H f : S O r l K T V \V O N [,\X — i f i h e is w ise— has a c le a r u n J b e a u t ifu l t u m p le x io n .

T h is i i b e cau se sh e uses W ooil- b u ry 'x K acia t S n a |i. I t i- |)u re a n d .111 a iitis c jitic . I t m akes a n d p re- se rv es c o ii ip ic v io n s . X u o th e r is “ j t i i t as B o o d ."

Hln--flld not resch ihelr ronclUBln:. by Ihn fiBliir t<ruci'BM SB the nihcr fmir rn^'m l-rc, but the coin'liiBl'i: ,igri'"il.

In n\ r of th*' bI* s fiunili-B Whh'h compuhe the dliflrh t thh whire Ueik- I v 'm l-numhcT ih»* colored vnif-T>. AMrli h r.irrled four fit rh f rlw* "wblii-" himI hisnci nm lorliy In conurW- . lUnglolheofhflBircturnB.WHS q’hc r*‘nialn*Ing i-aiiuiy In FallBB, in which (hi> cn]nr«'<l voiern fsiiltfilanilally hII of whom .m- U -- P'.'^lb-anai outnumiHT Ihc wbltn voices more than thr»*B to one. llis lyttil iim nhcr nf w bilr voters being h-BM than sind the loiiil num ber of rolon-d vah-rs n lUtlc more ihaii 7..Vti. And v* t. u n urdlriK m tin* oflh'ial rcinrriN from ihts county , H^ibhlnfi rc4'elved fi,H2 vnieB anil Ahli U’h only Iti.

TInil tkcBc re tu rns wi-n* sH turati'd w llh fraud llie IcMtlmuny In the cane rihundsni- ly KhowB. There U every reason to ihat tb s llouttr of U epreRentailvei will [^ ')m]^lly conflrtn the de4 lslnn of the K kc- tions C om m ittee in this esse.


KaRt R iver Hrtc1g4< l^sns-C tilonel Ingersoll la the I'ulplf.

Becreliiiry Lem ont y e ttc n lsy ajiprnvcd the planB recommended hy a board of engineer ofticera for th e con ­struction of the new hriilge seniRB the F ast iliver from New York lo Hrfwklyn. The p lans a s spproved provide th a t the m inim um height of Ihc s tru c tu re phall l>e 13fi feet in the centre ai m ean h igh tide and for a d is isn ee of 2ni» feet on each side of the centre . The p ier-heads a re to be ll7 feel IUkIi. a hearing, a t which H e rifta ry L im o n t w as pn'Setii. w as held hi New York la st w<H>k hy the hlngineer Hoard, and ihe^recom m cudations of th e lioanl were followed.

^ O r. John Kusk. pasto r of ihe fh u rc h M ilitant, Chicago, hap invllcii Colonel In- gerpoll to addresM hlB congrcKailoin, and Colonel itigersoU ha» accep tid . The (’hurch M ilitant 'H'cupiep W illard Hall, the home of the W om an's c h rlp lia n Tern- Iterance Cnion in tTilcago. an^l the meni- W rs of the union ohjected at first, hu i Anally decided to hear th e t'o loncl,

—An Im perial decree has been issued a t C anstantlnopie perm itting Miss id a ra B ar­ton, president of the A m siioan Red CrosR Boi'lety. and her represen ta tives to trave l In A nsfolla and d istribu te relief. t'nlle<l S la tes M inister Terrell accom irnnled Miss Harton and her party lo the m ilfan 's pal ace.

PreRldeTil ('leveland, It Is said, has practically closed ncgotlaMons fo r the p u r­chase of a duck-shooilnK ground on the Potom ac R iver. In StarTurd C ounty , Va , sln ju t fo rty miles below W ashington . T he place Is owned by New Yorkers, has a WHinr fro n tag e or about h mile, and is titled up w ith blinds. It is said m any Im- provemenlB will Iw made,

—The C larion-L edger of Jackson , Miss,, p rim s a le tte r from Hon. W. C, VVhltney, of iNew York, In which he positively d f- cllnes to be K candidate for the i ’repjden- tla l nom luatlon, and hIbo denies th a t he favors fren colnaac.

—.Madge Fills, trie vaudeville s in g e r who bap lH>en perform ing at the A um torlu tn in Haltlmore, Was un T hurw lay reUev^rtl, by tb s sill of tbe Uoantgen r a m of a small piece nf a needle, which had heicome ImiM'ddsd In her left ankle, w here it had been fnr m any years. I ta presence has lately caused Miss Fills g rea t pAin. and Hr. w llH sm I#ee Howard, of lia ltlm ore. WRP called In. Miss E ltis's ankle w as su b ­jected to an exi»0Bure of the X ra y s and the doctor detected the presem-e of a fo r­eign substance, which h e then e i i ra c te d .


pointed and dlKohargcu a t yuu a loaded re­volving p is to l" said the -\lai In g fro m the form er leHlimtn ,

^ wee so excited ih?it iJay T hurdly

Ills R epudiation of Those W ho Crftlclse th e Aitierhwn Hpirlt.

From the New York Bun.To the K dlior of The Sun: fllr—T he

B tastS '/nU ung of February 19 addressea the i ig b i 'n ^ .i|hr AnU-lIelne-l>eiikm al petition in the following se iu en res : "W ho are you? None of you la seen w hen under' tak ings fo r n c rn iiiis or h um an ity a t large a re planned! Of course. In m a ile rs of aesthetics In general, and th e Heine- Denkm al In special, you m ay h ave your own opinion. Hut It is a sham e to oppose^ when all tle rm any in New York says; T h is 1b so o r ho. For Ihe sake o f decency you should keep your m outh s h u t / '

Tu tills one of the eievun Blgners would fain i-eply, and' he begs the o lh e r ten to jfermlt him lo use the pronoun "w e."

Five y e a r a fte r we s triv ed In Am erica we swore. In ihe presence of the HupreTnft ilclng. th a t wc w anted lo lx* Am ericans and not OerinanB. This oa ih was not an unm eaning cerem ony, hui a guide of po­litical conduct for life. If. as you arc pleasixl often to pay, lIungHrlaiiH, Jiai- lans, etc., do not know wrial tl)cy a re doing on the occasion of niiiurallxailon. It henooves (lermHUi to «’onsldiT ibis so l­emn act w ith the perloimricsH of full-grow n men, and not with the frivolity of bntf- w ltted h um an belngp of a low order. You. Herm an editors, teach every day th a t (he oa th of alloglance ims no slgnllirance If h s tands tietweeii th 'rm an InchnatJnna and Ihe du ties of Amcilcaii cKlxensbip. You prem-h day hy day lh a t ev ery tid n a pro- posc'l by Id llle H m tiany In A m erica Is, wltiiout furl her quefltlim, m orally an ohliR- Rtlon for the resi of m ankind, and ron- Btllullonaily a law for A m eiirji. hecAuse tle rm an y ip mHM'hinM at ihc lu-ad <»f d v - lllxatlon, and has muaJeianM and ih lnkers which leatl the world, Hy thla kind of tra sh yon Inflate the unconci-nied people of H erm an dcsccni.and you ilo inruh-iilable wrong to your country ami ihc people of your idood. TbiH Is sim ply dlsgusduK to us. We Ihlrik It aci-onilriK to th e sp irit of ou r m other H rrm ania Hmi a f te r wi- iiavs sworn fidelity to <’ohiiuli1a ■we lo>ally re ­main tru e in her in won! and .......i, a htlmiigh LlUle trerm any h la i 'k g iia r ls us l*y using all Ihc nIaivk not only of ou r nwri, hut mixed np, in Hinats-Zeiiun*; fpshiriii, wllh Ihe S'Ulgar exiircsslonu of ihc I'^ngllsh lansnage. If L llile H cnnany w an ts a monument of sclf-adm lrailon th>'> siuilt liot abuse Heinrich llvlnn, or H en n an v ir ­tue, o r Am erican cilltensiilp .

None nf us envies the stan d ard -b n arers of L ittle Hernm ny In New York. They arc B1 present the inoHi im happy Bet of men alive. At their w hs' cmis; a<*cu.‘<cd of having led l.lille H crm any in to m isfor­tune. ridiculed by llte presR: curta iled In their saiaries. Thes arc oblerip of rom- pasRlon, not of envy. Know N olhlnglstn is fnr L ittle H rrm any leaders w hat the idoody sh irt U(«e<| to he for c a rp e t baggers

a m eans to advcrilne Hieir little schem es. Let UH all try lo be heiter A m ericans, and <lrt It by InspirlUK the best Am“rlcan s with the hest Ihniighis of g rea t H erm any 'Kin D eutsober IbT Slch NIebt Verbluf-

fen Liissi.

N<toth<Ml lUaiiy a Pain,Eli Ridgelcy. a pioneer resident of ^^a^-

cellup, Mich., owns a rocking ch a ir wlUch has been in use fur sU ty yeara. F o r a long lim e it was ihe only rocking ch air En tha t region, and wan loaned fo r inlleR around during cases of slrkness,

*' Never had a cold since we have h a d - "nnsTOX. Maae., Ju ly 30. IW .

la m r faially of three we Lave uimI tbe Hyomel. and ha*''« 1>een perfectly Mtlsfled with the result. None of ur have bed a cold since we have, had it. 1 W liere It is a great preventive as well e i a cure for roiils. ca- litTh, etc. IIKV.STANLEY SKAUJNU.

id Carter srreet.

A talanta R aw lers Beaten, Whilefleldi W in Tw lce-H aae HaR I 'tayen

h lgnea-FiigM lallc Folntrra,Hy loaluK a gam e to the Caalle Point Cy­

clers In tl»f t>owllng lourney of the Asto- ciiited I'ycliiiK Cliiba last night the Ata- lauta Whe^'lmen five mede what will proh- rthly he h fa ta l b reak 10 them. The defeal might iiuBsIbly lose them the champion- Hiilp, as the A te lan ttts have flnlshi-d th d r S«hedii]e and Ihe Hloomflelil team has loi»m*-d up ns a very pow erful rival for nr*l honors, w ith the cham cp In favor of the latter. The gam es last n ight were roll­ed a t irniH>k*‘ii. aixl the home team sprung ,1 big iurt*rlsc by heating the N ewarkcra In Mx- ilrsl coniest. The Ick' hI men got even In liie second gam e, which they won by 14 plus. The Bcotcs;

ATALANTA.Hudtl I Intsey .. Smilh ... I'erlM II .. doiiiga



. r.5

..w :

CAHTLK FOINTfl.t47'i'urils ],VS TsHUtwein irj llle y m erK siw illlg .......IT' iiU‘k ..........

Tdial* ..Til'- ItltMitnfl' ld t'y c lln g and Ailileilc As- ici.itliui'a tiowlliig team ami the T ourist

Cycle Club uf Fiui-rson m e t In the Assotl* ai< I Cyi'iihg i.'lutm lourna tnch l on liic al- Ir-va of ihc form er last nIghL HliKimfleld u'»n huth i;uni»s. T h is double victory gives JJloomib-ld an < xceilcn t chance to win the lourtianvini. Thi acoret;

HMdulj’h More ... liiisht tl 'rimtnu.p fluUn ..

Tot ala




\.V£’ lirew l.'A lien lan Is ijF rnea t 1^2 > 'uw an . I5k T ay lo r

T U t’HIHT.li:». mA ii


m :>| T o tals ........ ItHFollowing Is the ri-cord of the ctuha In

Ihc .Y. «a Uticd C ycling t'lubp lourney;A VY’on lAiflt.

ArjtlttJUa ....................... idHcrgPii t 'o u n ly ............................... 4 20Jllnoinflrld ............................. 1H RCastle Holnl....................................... II K*L11x«l>ei|] .......................................... lo U tMimtclair ................................ J4 14 ITourists’ . ........................... l.» 'JI'uluii CimiHy............................... L! 12

'I’he Ifidlvldual averag es of the loaileis hi ihe MorrlH and Kssex Bowling l^eague arc as follows.

D o n o t be dece i?ed b j Infrin fe* m e a t* o f n a m t, p»ck» i;e o r c ig a r-

****'t h c o n l y g e n u i n e

SwRl Capoiai Clgarattaab a r th4 tac t^nllc i l iM tu r t ol

• I t tiH packat4 aiu) oa eich c l f a m t , . TA K K NONE X VITIIUIT.

Every W Ieener I'lan o w arranted for yeara K ented and aold on eaay monthly fiayiaianla,

O P B N E V E N w a s .Ttafl W leaner ie t l » ONLY Plano In N ewark

iie^l by w orld-renow neil aHlatp w hich earn bo bought d irec t from |h « inanuflu-furer,

A few pligblly uead, fully warranted* w ill be polil al reduced prices,


PHNNflYLVlNIA RA IIJtO A ^-Tbe eteftftraUrttad of Aaertea, Protaoud tkrtmgbqat

the laterlocUag iw iu h and Bloek SigBM fUm.

'T ' aiope only on aotlo# to agaaLOn and after Jaatiaiy lA. ItM . traiaa will .

llerkat Street Station. Newark, aa follower f A. M. Feet Una, dally, wttb Paiitnnm

Vettlbule Parlepr ead Bleeptag foe r itS Tburg.

f 10:17 A. M. PenneyIvanla Limited, dally empoped epoluelvcly of Pullman VeeUbula Compartment Bleeping, Dining, Smoking and* Obeervatlon Cara, preaenclng mieivclal reporta p

LtgtitedS r

7^'hcn they were young would have held up Ihclr bende In eau zc - ment If they had e««n the pricee a t which we ' erteH crlng fine

A M E R IC A N W A T C H E S .

ThU U the rlgkt time of the year to buy.

N iim t. t'luh . Game* Av,Coffluy ....... -O rnhge A. t*__ .. hi 174

...... . Kl\'cr*lde A. C. .. Ill IHkDudley ... . I(uai‘\‘lllc A. A-. .. H 1H»U 'w il ....... .Urungff* A. C..4. .4 It: IHHLhKlieh ... ..M om eU Ir ......... .. u IHuGnilla . . . .H Iverelde A. C-. .. 2«l IWl*S»*rson ., . UlverHlilt* A. C. .. V 1*»4I.ru kw’ffiod . MoniHKlr ........ .. IH IHJHoiih .aN’o rlh i 'n i .......... .. J0 l«ijWnrtJ ...... .Koaevin# A. A.. BM 161Vikh Ni-Hb. .O range A. (L. . IH 131t'lvpJletcr . Uuaevllle A. A.. .. 31 l«l

.itia iitie I.eague Player*."Sam " {Tahc, pn sident and seerrtar'y of

the A llaiitb ' Li-aguc, has iapued a buliellii of pla>> re plgntil by each of the elx cluha III. the League. The nam es follow:

With N ew ark Leo Bmlth. H arry Hughe*. Adam Kothfuep, John Tlothfupe, Jam es Corwin, T hom as Donahue, lojule WelBliei kcr. A. M eUann, W. H, tilnsmorc. I)anlet l)unkle, T hom ae P, Burae, Jamen Sluut, K. H. M cN vrney, William Amlnk. J. A. W alton, Il«jberi M iller, C. C. Norton,

Hlamotul l)rl»4'oll and Hruce C. ^V'hlte' hill.

Wllh W ilm ington—M artin J . Wipe, o tie HItts. H. K. U erryh in .W . A. S pratt. t ’harlcB F. Mclntyr*'. J an ie s H. Murdock, K J. J’ackarci, W illiam A. M argerum, Ike Uur- retl. N. J. Nopa, John Welsh. Jam es J. McOravkeiv. G eorge K, Fowler, Robert M ontgomery, P e te r J . M urphy and .Morris F. Amolp.

With New H aven—JCrnle Ho<lge. V. L. trurvln. Hub ,Mackey, Joseph Frye. Mike O'Cnnnor. Jam es Hriscoll, H arry O 'Hagan, Patrick Hoyle, WTItlam K eister. George Kelly, George K eefe and J . B Sherer.

W ith H a rtfo rd —W. c . Oshorn, W. J. Mackey, H. F . Itn tlenus. Kdward F. Scharf, Nick S ch arf and John Hunshan- noh.

W llh J e ra ry CUy—J. A. Singer, K. Hoyle, A. W illiam s and A. Slrowgcr.

With P a te rso n —George K. Daniels. John K illarky . H. H. H in eb an , T haver T o y ^ * son, Kdward 8. K ern. Kmmett Ifeldrlck, Will K, H enley, George Sm lll^ Maurice If. Justice, H erl Kllon, F rank K. Filch and Bam McMacklit.

Tbe pmall num ber of Jersey C ity 's play­ers Is explained by (he fact th a t the J e r ­sey City (^lub will be fed from the New York League Ciuh'p purplus playcra.

t 'h ar ley Farrell, ihe New York's big catcher, h a s ibially declcJeii to go Bout It w ith the team next Tuesday. George Van H attren h a s also aveepUMj the fluh 's term s and has a lread y left San Fram-lsi-o for Jacksonville . Ilusle^ 4he-i*lg pltclter, Jiss nui yet signed. '

The W'«>st O range base hall nliip la de­sirous of a rra n g in g gam es with any good uniform ed cltih. A darcss Fred A. Husold, \'a lley road. W est tirange, or John ,Mi‘* C arty. W atchu jig and l.*kc*lde avenues. Orange.

Curbett) F lU sJm ninni and M sher.Jam es J . C o rbe tt has reclaimed Ihe

heavy-w eight champlonRhIp of the world the "retliand sty les h im self the "retired , hut unde

ft-Hted" cham pion, lie has addressed an open le tte r lo Hob FUxBlmmona In whichi he deeUrn# th a t ha. .ag rrendered title condltionBlly and (hatnow recla im s it, and la anx ­ious to tight. t ’o rbe ll concludes hla le tte r hy a sk in g fo r a meeting, and aaylng " If you rea lly Iwlleve th a t you are my Istlc equal, prove It by your nata and noi by bom bastic newspapi^r ta lk ."

f;uson, a ihlrleeii-year-old expert, a t th irty Eve bird*. Lenone to stand a t tw enty-eight

y a rd s rise and Ferguson a t tw enty-six yards, for I'.S a side. Im m ediately a fte r the Ilrsl m atch Lenone will *hoot T. \V. Morfey, of ra le rso n . a race a t inn birds for Sion, ^ iorfey to alloiv I.,enone e igh t misses as kills.

T he g rea test single-handed m atch of the jrear In pigeon shooting la booked for next' Tuesday a t Babylon, Long Island, when K dgar <^bbs Murphy and George W ork will meet In a 20h-jjve-l)lrd race.

No CoUMe Seletied Vet, tie legates fi’om the 1‘m verslty of Penn*

RylvsTTla, Hai'vard, Cornell and Columbia met la st night in New York C ity to ills- CUBS w here they would hold the Intercol- leg la ie Iwat race th is spring. A fte r several liotirs Ihe delegates adjourned to meet on >rercb 14, when a se ttlem ent will probably he arrived a t. H arvard and Pentisy lvanla, l! seems, favor the Bprlngfleld course, while Cornell snd Colum oia w ent to row' on (he H udson a l Poughkeepsie. W hen tho m eeting adjourned it was announced th a t the delegates would coTnmunk*ate with the railrnaU people al Hpringfleld to see If ihcv would run a spur along th e river fron t for an observation train.

('anad lati and Chlm go Yarkta (o R are, S ecretary H arm on, of the Royal C ana-

dlan Y'arhl Club, has wrUten to tbe eecre- rh j ft^ry nf Ihe Lincoln Yacht Chib of Chicago, M j'Ic c e iitln g the term s propoaed for an Tn-

le rn a llo n a l yacht race, and announcing the appointm ent of a com m ittee to a ttend to the detalte. The race la expected lo tak e place In August on l.ake Krle,

flstlc t'Qual, prove It by you . pel '

F ltsslm m one an d hla la te victim, Peter

H> W rtim /o i‘ tfir )ir.in ttw K ffrf tif f f m u i j / th ^ A u A tr^r \cv \

irra im ehU n m f / f i r

B o o t h ’s P o c k e t I n h a l e r O u t f i t , $ 1 ,lim t It 'v ltl iin m i'ilin fr lff rrlir:vr. r iu d p rn m p tt; / r u r f < 'iiisn li, A H Im la, lirn n - c h lili , l,H rvn|;lil^, L'oltlx am i allP u liu n n ary and B ronchial IrouhlcB.

M> urjip j>au t,i call lo ta lh th e m nlt*r over end to reoriee e tria l Irea tinen t fri'e,

R, T. BOOTH,23 East 20th St., N. Y.Any druggist hsB U or can get It far you, IP

fOL'lNl^tST. I>ei/t lie iteraimded Into buy­ing a inbsillate. There js nethiOK like ll oa Ihe mxi'ket.

Maher, will m eet in a four-round bout a t ,Madlson S quare G arden. New York, to­night a t th e te stim o n ia l to be tendered to the new cliamplorL A num ber of other bouts hevw-Nen a r f a n g edHo take plaea,

Th^ Ixml betw een J a c k W ard, of thi* rlly . and < !tsper f ^ n , of New York, which waa a rra n g e d lo lak e place M arch ft. will be probab ly declared off. Al H ere­ford, W ard 'a m an ag er , w rite i th a t hla man had a linge r am pu ta ted recently, which healed nicely, bu t while punching the bag lie caused the old wound to re­open.

AlbleMr Affklrs a t F rinreton.Cnllcge bicycle rac ing will en te r on a

ni w era th is sp rin g a s a resu lt of the en* iHrijrlsing sp irit of ihe H arva rd Cycling AssoclHilon. T h is aB sndallon Is going to hold H DKteUfig. open to coUtgp riders only. Thf‘ rart-fj w ill be held upon the new track DOW l>eliig built a t Cam bridge, H Is a third nf a mUe liii c lrriim fcrcnce, and will cmhorly tbe la te s t Im provem ents In (rack consiriirtlon . T here will be four scratch cvEius and one hniidtcap, besides a road nice between H a rv a rd and the I ’nlversily of I^ nnsylvetila. T he scratch events will I'e Uilrd of u mile, half mile, mile and live mile rai'e*. The handicap will he a iwo-mlle race, w ith a lim it of 300 yards. The college scoring the most points In Ihe scrali'h even ts W'lU be presenteii with a Rllk banner. In every race gold, silver- Slid bronxe m edals will be given to Aril. eeroiiFi and th ird men.

A inassmeetlnK of Princeton College slu - •Iciux aulUorisetj the Kxecurtve Commit-

to tiominatf* not m ore than live nor b'HA thnn ih rec men for Ihe iinsttlon of HRSiRiHhi miuiHgcr of the foot ball, base bull Hiul trfu 'k asSOciHlloiia respectively. The hnm ilialloiis a rc to l*c prlnte<l In The Prlhi-euinlHn not less than a week p'rior to CAi-h rtcctinn , The appoin tm ent of TMftrsnn. 'ft7, l>y flic Kxeculive Com m ittee ns m anaKer of the freshm an base bail team vva.s a lso rsiitlcd by the college.

r.m didRte* fo r the t^rlncelon track team liHVf been w orking steadily In Ihe K.vmnHfdtim- for several weeks, and yes- lerdity Ciipialii G a rre tt reduced, Ibeir mini- ber to (w em y-nve. The freshm an class ht»M furnl.sheQ a numl>er of stars, and ItlKh hopes a re en te rta in ed of winning the m en witli Vale and Columbia. The fol­lowing is the list of the m ore prom ising men; Ki'rlnts, rb 't r . I*anp, .Tonee and Car* icr. mbldle d lsionees. Hrokaw, Fianlon. ibddivHlh. Cnlfidt, JamtHon, Wilson and G nivt'r; mile run , LJUig. H ail and SterhTig; nob viiuli, T y lrr, T ra in er and Blackm ore; jiiinjis. ItogcrH. H ottgor, W eber and Robb; wcIkIUs. G a rre tl, K dw ards, W heeler andUhi>ii(n

PiM»1 Tm irney N earing an End-In Ihe pnoj to u rn am en t for the cham -

pionahlp nf New je raey which is now draw ing to a close a l M urray 's Arcade, ■McLaren defeated George Bey, J26 to 88, luHi night. W hite, w*ho became dlscour* «g»'d hy an imt*xpccted defeat?-again lost !'>■ d'-'fiiuti, th is tim e lo peter licy. No iinirnHmnil aam es will be played to*iilghL bui a m atch for tT'O has heeii arranged briw ren ' ‘P in sy " M adden, of New York, iiinl Joe Todd, of th is oily. Madden will allow Todd tlilr ly points In IW).

It Is erpciMed tha t a ll the regu lar nirttclies It) the touriiH m cnt will have been pluyed by nex t T hursday . Four men are tiow runn ing neoU*aml*neclc down the rlridch- M cLaren, Todd, Piper and Gib- Siui. M cLaren, ua will be eeoii by the tab le bfluw, has not yet m et defeat, neither has lie mci Todd, P iper or P. Bey. Todd has lo m eet P iper and lk)lan l>caldes Mi'Larcii. IMper Is ])U(tlng up a mugnlfl- ceni t;)imc Hi iM'csenl, and Gibson, who s(;iiid.<< fourth In Ihe average, has a chum’'* of w inning. The siundlng of the con ie flan ts Is as follows;, . . Won. Lost.J o)yii .Mi'Liiicii. N e w a rk ...........JoHepb Todd. N ew ark . ...........Iieji i»Jnrr. M orris tow n ,............Charles Gibson. T ren to n ...........Georgi* Dny, N ew nrk ..................IV jcr Ho!i. N e w a rk .....................Alfred Khiney, H a rriso n ..........M l« lirtcl Dolan, DloonYllr'Ii.l......• 'imrlca KreWHon. P la infield ,., tS llllam WliiiH, Je rsey C ity ..,.W illiam KfitifTmun. N uU ey.,..Kdwaxii Curry. Hernardavllls,F rajik 0'T<M>le, K llxnbetb........

Cyclers Elect 4»fnciers, The election o f offleera of the Metronoll- Inn Assootallnn o f CycHng Clubs was held last n ight lb New York Cliy with the fol­lowing re su lt: P resh lcn t, p. A. Brook, of the ( ‘a lho llc (Tub i.'yclers of Jersey c itv vice-prciddeniM, H arry Brlnckcrhoff. of the Greenwich W heelm en. Hnd \V, C. m H otse, of Ihe Prospect Wbeebnen* of Itrooklyii, sec re ta ry , k . A Rodgers, of Ihe R iverside W Jiedm en, treasurpr. W, A Drabble, o f ihe A tlan ta Wheelmen of Newark. If. | \ DlUlBon. of the Kssex Couniy W heelm en, th is city, was choaen as oiic of Ihc B oard of T rustees. Trens- u rer Drahble rcporied that there waa th lrly -iw o I’en ts In Ihe treasury ,

Tl)p Rarnea Bicycle Company Is building a inn-seatcd m achine called a "double quint., upon w iiirh will be mounted ten of Ihe faHiest professlonaln to pace F. C, Hald, the ‘V b lU Ayer/* to r records. WUi-

S 69 1S 19 ■>7r r.

3 h3 [i

;; H0 1?

tarn Van W agoner is tbe designer of the m achine.

Il in cxppclnl Ihal the new Racing Hoard nf the League nf Amerlcait M'tieel* men will have Its hailils full Ihls season lb coiriiicllliig the am aleu r riders lo live up to Ihe rules.

P itching GnoM* liulim rs,A re tu rn m atch was played T hursday

night herw'ecn (he lllibcrt antt Cashlll Uiiolt clubs on the le tte r’s indonr court, ■h. iiow rry slrcei. ht the flrsi gam e (h=.

I rHNhlli* cam e nut ahead, but Iasi n ight llieir rivals lurncd the tab les and won by ihe following scorea;

lUl.HKRTB.Im yle and W hile ......................................... 21Haiiard and M chan...................................... 2"H opkins ant} B easley............................«... 21Hiim page and W nods.................................. 17H ilbert am} t 'o rh lls i ...................... 21

rAHHTLLfl.Dolllngcr Rn<) P, C gshlll............................ ftHeery and K inney........... ............. 21IHiijch and G aven ......................................... 12Sm ith and T. C ash lll.................................. 2ic'aidwell and C reeden...............................

A th ird m eeting will snnn b«' arranged to se ttle the question of suprsm a y.

Hoslon .4tllletc» at Alhens. nnatnn Is to be represenlcil In the g re a t

revival of a th le tic gam es al A thens from AprIJ H to 18. The Hnptoii A. A. has de­cided lo senil a team of Us own members, providing the money to defray ihe ex­penses can be ra jae j. Aa now planned, rtve men. In charge of M anager John G ra­ham . will leave Roslon on M arch 24. The team will be marie up of T. 1* Murks, K. M. C larke, A itjlu r Blake, F, W. fjOrd and T. P, C urtis. Burke will represent ihe association ht the anrln ls and the short d la tanre runs. 10. II. I 'la rk s will be en­tered In (he jum ps. He will a lso put ihe shot and throw' the ham m er. A rthur Hlake win en te r ihe long d istance track eventa and the tw eniy-slx-m lle run from M arathon to Alhana. F. W, l ^ n l will run In the hufdle events amt will also try the Jum ps. 8. P. C urtis wilt try the hurdles.

Events fur Trapshi>n|prs.C harles I^enone. of R utherford . Is sched­

uled to shoot two live-bird m aichea a t D exter F'ark. Long Island, th is afternonn. H li Aral opponent will be "Conny" Fer-

C H A S .


& C 0„


J ir ts i 'i


6ARGA1KS iL W m IK STOCK.upright and S pain Plinot L m r Thin Anj-

whara Elta In Hia CIt).

H in d s , 21 and 23 B a n k .

sienofraphsra and lypew rktn, both MX**, ladlesT maid, ‘ and all tne eunvenleacw Lighted by itatkiM ry

Arrives Cbtoago .. M.. Cinelnniiir d

gillO A. U., LoulivUU IDfio A. U.P. V., Tnledo ll:OU A. M.

t 2 - ^ P. If. Chicago and gt. Louie Czpresw dally, Pullman V riilbult Rlesplng sad Dining a'ars to St. Loula Chicago and LcuUvIlU, v*a- Hbul* Smoking C v and Paesengtr Coechas ta S(. Louie. Arrives Clneinnatl le:4B K M.. St. Ix^uls 7;U0 P. IL and Chicago P. U. n«iC, day.

f d'2T P. bf. Weatern Fxprtss, dally, PullmanVeetlbul* Sleeping Cara lo Pittsburg, Chics and Cleveland. Dining Cara to Phllsd<mhia sq« Pjt!iburg__to ^ h ln g o . ^rrlvei a l cievsiaild11:28 A. M.. Chicajiro OKKl R bL nett day.

f 9:15 p. M. Hi>uthweMtcm EzprSM, dalur, Pullmso V>*tlbuJ« gleeplng Care (o Cincinnati and 8 t Louis. Dining Ckr Altnona to Rich- mond. Arrives Cincinnati d:0l> P M.. Indisp- ■ polis 10;1S R U., and du Louis T:00 A. IC, second morning,

f P. M. Parifle Rxprass, dally, Pullmati Buffet flleeplng Car New York lo PKtsburg,

I Arrive* dally Chicago T'3U A. II. (second morn* 1 Mng>, Cntumfiua 7;2A P M, and Cleveland 6 ;9 iP. M,, da ll^ AsBlrtay.

fiauthem Railway Riprcei. dally, l- ■ -- ‘ - ^ - ’.Uel

bKflAL NOTH'Kk,MASTKR'B kALEl—In Partitloti—In Chanrrry

of New Jermey -Ketween Harry E. Bird, com- ptalnani. and Kannla U. Bird et all., defend- anra. On tilll. etc.

Hy h'lriue uf a decree made by the Chancellor of the dtata of New Jereey In the above Rialed rauee, i shall expose for Mie by public vendue, auil sell lo (ha hlgheat blitder. on Tuesday, the thlnt day uf March, A. D. mal, at two o'clock

FiityTliousaiiil Pieces of MusicF O R a C K N I S E A C H .

C H A S . W . B O U G H T O N ,HluUa's M usic ktore4til Dank Nlreet*


f 4:M P.8lee]>cra to New Orlewaa. Uemphta, Aehevll and Eipringi,

[ f S:2h P, M. Datly for all polnia on fheag. •, leake and Ohio Hallway. Sleeping and Dining. Care.

F'lf naltlmrre, Washington and the Booth, 12:47, N;2B. SiAk. Sitw iLtmited Rzprejs. Pull-I man Vestibule Parlor Care. Vestibule Paseengest Ct^arhes and Dining Car. 10;S7I. A. M.. il:2fl S;47, 4 :.W. 5;2e and 0:W P. M. Oftflunday. 13:47. D:M, 11:241 A. M.. I:4T. 4-^a.It 77 and ft:82 P. U. For Baltimore only, 1:3S P.]if, week-day*.

For PfiHa«lelphla. Exp., 12:47, «;4d. 7:M. *:2.% p-.hO. H lW <10:irf r.lmttprt Riprese, Pull-l

tmm ^'e»tlnu'e Parlor Cars, Veetlbula Paasengepl rnschee ami Dining I'sri, H 2d A. M.: 12 241,

;1:3d. 1 28. 2 :» . 8:24, 3:47. 4:M. B:2A, N:3il[and ft-.'b) P. M Acrommcxladcn, IDSri A. M .,' • fl:4TO and 7:Sfii P. m On Sunday, Kxpreae, 12:47, e:4h. k .W. P:3n. lU.XI, n:2S A. I I . ; 8:47,1 4:24. 4:fUl 8:i7. n-2T. and f»:82 P. M. Afi-<

j crntmoHaih’in .t:hO and T:M P M.For Trenton. 12:47, d:4fl. ?;«n. T:W», k:2h,

HOTU'K UF INTUNTlUN'ikiard u( direet oml . P .kt. li i]a..1T TJmIted Express. Pullman Ves< ^^al^r Ccmniiaalonera. . . . . - .tlhule Parlor Csre, Vestibule Paesenger Coarhesl and Dining Car). II :2d and 11 ;8h A. M.; 13:3d. ' 1:20, 1.28 2:.W. 2:M. R:24, S:(k}, g:2i. 41:27, T :» , , 8:ft2 and U\ > p. M. Sunday, 12:47, A;4». S:.'W, : 1100, h..hk, in.q] and ll.'h t a . M.; 4:24. b;2T,l

6 27..7:.\V 8:.72 and 11-32 P. M. JFor Allantlc n iy . II.TB A. M . 3:1B (With

through Puhman Buffet Parlor Car and day! cnncM and 2:.'td P. U. week-day«, 8:49 A, IkL 1

. . . . . — —, — ... ^m •*» n»T ■.» 4.,n*.p., »r. ri.4 ,M * iM f . i BunjaysIn (he xfternoon, at the Courthouse In the city thyi order and cause the paving of the part I FB(»e May. 1 : t t P. M. week-daya.if V>v.4rk It. *tvA Art).4a*.. ,K.I . ..> ' * * I . .

Publlu n> t.ve la Hereby given that It Is iha Imentlon of the Board of dircet and Water CommiMl^ere of the city u( Newark, under and by virtue of pruvliiuae of the act entitled: *'An Act to Hcvlee and Amend tbe Charter of , the City of Nunark," approved March IL lAST. ; and the supplemenla lliereu, end the act cleat- : Ing the Board of Street end Water Ccmtwlselon* are of the cKy of Newark, aiiproved ,March 3b.

Too Mao.v Nlghtlngelvs.Mlea Hesbe Slretlon, the English A uthor­

ess, spent some yegrB on the Ifordrr of Epplng forest. H er houae there waa given up beoause the "n ightingales w a rb M ao voclferoualy aa to spoil her n igh t's r e s t / '

Cloae G aaiiera In Lomton.T here a re aal<l tn be I63.flnn fam lllea In

liondon living in single rooms.

, 5 % 4 \ T e r J i ( o c l i c i & 3 a ' / c (

A b o v e is th e T rad e m ark o f th e

Best Coffee in the World:—

Is tbe best any too g;ood lor yon?Alao In 1 lb. boxn Juit like tblks but rounds and la 1 t ib. paper packages.

Bold hy W ILKINSON, OADDIB &. CO.. N ew ark . N. J.

(MyraamaiTMdWoolfloap! il «>lih mine badi

fi as/i Uooiens with

W O O L S O A Pand ihey woo l shriek Bellghifiii la id* bath ti aliiati fourdealerglvinglt »oton

S aw eitk , Sekeddi k C«.. Hakera, Chlcare. IChailiaAi St.- BuiMd KI I-eonird Hi . Mew Tork.

N>w*rk, 111 the county uf Emex and Stai* uf New Jersey;

All (hose tract* or parceli of land and prem- isea altuair, lying and being In the d ty of Newark, In the county of Essex sod Btste of New Jersey, described as follows, to-wlt.:

The First Trnrt—Heglnnlng In thv westerly line nf Nopih Third street a t the norlheHsierly

rner of lot No. 24, a# shown on a map of 1irr>|wrly of Jamei Ward, deoeoaed, dated Oeto- ber eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Which ]H>lnt hy aald map la (our hundred and seveniy* six feet auutherly frum the southwesterly cor­ner of (he said North. Third street and Heienth H^enue: from thence running north hfty-Blx degree* twenty-uto minutes west Along iha sf'iuherly line of lot Mo. 23 on the aaid map flfly feel; thence nnrth forty-six degrees iwanty- «wii mlnuie* wesi still along the llns of lot No. 2.1 nrty-one feet six Inches, more or It**, to the rear i.f lots fronting nn North Fourth street, Ihem-e running southerly [>ara)lel with North Third street fourteen feet eight loobe* to ihs northerly line of the Morris and Kseex Rnllroad i'omi>*ny'a land; ihenre easterly along Ihe line »f ,lie same one hundred and six feet eight ln«‘he* (o the aforesaid line of North Third street, and thence running norlharly along the line of the same Ihltiy-on# feet one Inch l'» ihe place of beginning. Ileing the same premlees conveyed by 4‘harle* W. Ward to the aald Alex­ander F1 Bird. Deremter twenty-Arst. eighteen hundred and elghty-nlne, hy deed recorded In B(W>k A-3k> of d e ^ i for Essex County, |utge 440.

The berond Tract—Being a triangular tract of land at the eouthwesterW line or corner of Ihe tract conveyed by iha said Ward lo the sal# Bird bv deed bearing even date herewith, being five feet three Inches on the westerly line of North Third street and extending westerly along (he Mo t Ib and K**ex Kallroad lo a point about one hundred and alx feet eight Inches from North Thini alreet. Being the same premlsea tonveyed hy Charles XV. Ward to ihe said Alex­ander B Hlpd. December iwenty-flrst. eighteen hundred and elghty-nine, and recorded In Book A-2A of deed* for Essex County, cm r^ge 439.

The Third Trsci-Heginnlng In (he westerly line of Third street a l a point therein distant si'ulherly four hundred and flfty-on< feet from (he southwesterly rurner of ihe san^e and I4eveulh avenue: from thence running westerly at right angles with the said Third street fifty feet; thence north flfiy-oTie degrees twelve mln- uiea west ftfty feet nine Inches; thence souih- erly tuirallel wllh Third street fourteen feet eight Inches to a comer of lot now owned by ibe said Bird; thence easterly along hla lot about rtfty*<ma fsat alx Inchea; thenew atlll easterly along Ms lot fifty fret to (he aald Third street, and thence along the same north* rrly twenty-five feet to the place of beginning. Peing i*t No. 23 on map of Ward properly, and the eame premise* conveyed hy David H. Ward and wife to Alewnder B. Bird, by deed recorded In Book H*2& of deeds for Essex County, page "■0,

Including the ratal* and Interest In dower of Ihe defendant. Fannie U. Bird, widow of Alex­ander B. Bird. In the s»1d premise*, and In- clmllng also the inchoate right of dower of the d< re<ndanL, Mary Bird, wife uf (he said ChDato- pher C. Bird; logriher wllh all and aingutar (hr hereditaments and appurtenance* to the u id premises tietonging or In any wise appertaining.

Dated Newark, N. J-. January 31.DAVID A. nTERSON,

Itperlaf Ms«ier In ninncrry.Qlen k Roalnger, Solicitors. (tTA Tb) iTx

«»rJ AUTOR HTHEKT,1 from r ’H nion avenu* to s i"ilm 30 feei e a s ie rly i from th e e a s te r ly line of Hherman a \e n u r , w lllt [ : sheet a s p h a l t lutvlng ujion a concrete base, ex- ! I c ep iln g th e In ie rsec tlon of S herm an a v en u e; an d

th e p a r t ofA RTf'R HTREKT. !

fro m th e sa id p«iln( lo Broad s tree t, w ith brick p a v in g , ex i-ep tlng ibe Interseoilon o f P rn n sy l- | v a n ta a v en u e .

T h e p av in g of the p art nfIJNr'OUN F.4HK.

fm m Rh’iad s tree t to t ’llriiun avenue (fo rm erly I<agrange p lace), and the rei^aving u f th e p a rt i>f

LINCOLN PA RK .from C lin to n avenue to the n o rth e rly line of Hpruve s tr e e t (form erly a jia rt of W ash in g to n s tre e t) w ith sh eet a sp h alt tmvlng iiiH)n a vim-cre io base.

T he |>av1na ofPRNNI4YLVANIA A V K N l.E .

from L in ru tn Park, lo Polnler street, w ith sheet a s p b a ll p av in g u^Hin a concrete b ase , th e p a n

PKNNH 7'LVA NIA A V K N I'E . from L in c o ln P a rk to TlWimas s tree t, an d (he p a r t fMjrn M iller «tree* lo .lto m le r s tre e t 10 he p aved the w hole w ldlh between (he cu rtfstonea, and th e p a r t of

l*KNNHTLVftjS'lA A V E N F E . be tw een T hnm aa stree t and M iller a lre e t In he pave<l on btUh aides of the t lr e e i ra ilw a y tra c k s , w ith th e exception of one fool In w idth

TO William U. McCullough, Agnes McCullough,Ills wife; tiarah Jane Spence. Eelward Kiwnce,

Hannibal McCullough, Mrs. Hannibal Mcl'ul* briigh, Rantuel Mcrullgugb, Harriel McCul­lough. his wife; Hugh McCullough, Mary J. McCullough, his wife; Georgia or OettrglHnna lamgntt. itertley liangfUl, her husband Will­iam J. Mcllatfte, Margaret McHaffle, his wife; Hiram McHaffle, Mary McHaflle. hla wife; K»lu Mvlfaffle. Margaret A. McHalfle, .lames Mc­Clure, WIlBam l^aughlln, Aloah M. Laughlln, In* wifei Thnnnas ((. Taidghlin, ('allle I^augh- Un. Jeoae M. Tatughlln. Clara H. LaaghTln. lUram Comell. Rarali ("nmell, his wife; Notson M. Comell. Kllella A. Cornell, his wife: James H. (.'omell, Harriet A. Ma<-ka|l, Ann Pauline I^ughlln. Charles B. I^ughlln, her husband; Mary L. f^ouglas*. Frederick li. Douglass, Mary L. DouglaM ur Andrews, MellMa J. SbMt. Wil­bur i*l(»at. hei hustend, Kllsa K. Cnrnell. Thomas J. Voe. Mg^''Tboma* Poe. Hugh H. Prte, Husle r*w, his wife'; (letirge u, poe, Jan* Ibi*, hi* wife; ftarnh E. Hurher, Washington Bucher, fteorge K. Mi-Clure, ^fary McClure, his wife; Edward Mit'lurc. Carrie McClure, hEi wife; THrum McClure, Jitrs, iTlrtm McClure. tCUsa r>ay, James Day, her husl»an«l: Wmiam MeCture.1 Ark McClure, Ark Day. Charles Poe, Annit Poe bis wife: Andrew J*(»e. Blanche Poe, his wife; Harriet Fiddler, Wliiinm Kl-ldler, her husband; MniMc Klrkiirttrlck, Frank Klrkpai- rU'k. her liushHivd: .losaphene Pretilnger,(Charles Pretiinger, bi*r husband.

You are hereby nuiifled that I have pur- rhaaed the following iir'd^eriv, to wit: 1, for Ibe sum of (en liundrM hiuI twenty.three dollar* and forty-fl%-e vents, ir.u nunibcrsone to fifteen and thirty-lbree Ir. fnny-nine In block number three hundred and thlriy; 2. fnr the sum of one hundred and aeveiily-seven dollars and iwventr renta lot number thirty-four on hl«>rk miinher three hundred and seventeen, and H, (or the sum of nlne|v-seven dollnrs «nd se\eniy rents hits number* aevenlecn lo lUtiMtei-ii and foyiy-fnur In flfly-lhree on hlrwk nnmlisr three hundred and iweniy-itine, on awiessmenl map nnnoxed to a report made by Commissioners of AdJuaniienI appointed hy Ihe Cirrult Cn;irt i>f the county of Kasox, In pursuance -fchapier rXH. of the |*wa of IkWI, a ccrlifiad ropy of which map was filed In the offlee of ihe Compiroller of ih* city of Newark, N. J,. (he iwrnty se<-ind day of fleplemher, elkhieen hunttreil and nlnttv al a sale made by the Cojnpiroitsr of Hie said city, under and hv Grhie of (he ]l o Islona of the said art, eniUled "An art •■onrernlng the settlement srd rollei-iioit rf nrrearapes i.f uti- pald taxes, nssessments and wahT-raies or water-rents In qllle* nf ihin fttate. gnd liri[Ktalng and Icvj'Ing H lax SHwmm'iU and lien In Heu and instead of such arrcsraires, end Iu enfurc-e the payment thereof, aiol lo provide fur the hB« of lands stihjw'led 'o further Inxslloii and ns- seRsmmt." Passed SlNfch and (heseveral aupidenienis and nniendni*nta (heretn.

And S"'u are hereby funher noMflrd that ynu have, op rlalm to h»;e,■ n Interest therein, and unless theaald lots, tract* or i^arrels of land shall he redeemed, as provided in aald art. before tiia expiration of six months from and after the service hereof, a deed for (he samr will he given according to the provisions nf ihe satd art,

Dated Februarr 15, 1W.CDIITI.ANDT PARKER.

CcuiU A Howell. Attorneys. H2fl.0fi| findTO John A. Frlery. Csihsrlne Frlery. James 11

Friery, Th«>m*s Frlery, Philip Frlerv, Ellen Frlery and Hattie Lckhart, or I^eckhart:

By virtue of an order nf the Cnurt of Chsm-ery of New Jersey, nmde cm Him day of ihe hsrsnf. In a cause wherein Martin Ade Is com­plainant, and you me defendants, you are re- riuired to ai»i>ear, plead, demur nr answer to th* complalnani'a MU on or M*fnre the sevrn- leenth day of April next, nr In default thereuf such decree will he made agslnst you as the Chancellor shall ihlnk equlrnhle and Jusl.

The said hill Is filed tti fnrec-lnse a rnorigagr made by James Frlery srvl wlf*. to Thomas Bherldan, dated fictoher 7. Is73. upon lands In (he city of Newark, and HMlgned 10 the com­plainant. and you are ms-le defendants l>ecause you are the owner* uf ssld hinds.

Dated February 17. iHtm.TIMcTIIY R. ftCALKS.H'dicitor of (’ompialnsM,

17h gi.rsH Newark, N. J.

For Long Branch. Elh.»rnn. A*h«ry Farit,' Ocean Qrin-e, Slprlng Lake, flea Girt, Manas-

quan. Point Pleasant and points on the Nesr Tmk tm. Long Branch Railroad, fi:M A. M.. 1 I2:M. 4:< , 5:M p M . and 12:14 night. Ot\ flunday. lO.lfi A. M. and 6:36 P M. Atop at InlerlskSn for Ocean Orov* or Aabury Park oig ; Punday

; For Aea-Alde Park. lalnnd Heights and Tom’* River 12;3A p. M. week-days,

' For Boslon, wlihnul changs, 12:43 P. K. wetk- • day*. 8:W p. m . dally.

For Brook?) n. N T.—All through trains con- ]-nee« at Jersey n iy FRh hnata of ••Brooklyn

Annex." afTordlng direct transfer lo and from Fulton atreel. avoiding double ferriags and Ju«r- ney acroaa the. Gty

FOR NEW YORK.3:30. 3:W. 7:12, T:2fl. 7'45. R:nd. Aris. 3:40/ R;M. H:ftT, k:l7, 0:23. 8:34. 10:00. 10:30,10:43, 11:00, 11:17 A. M.: 12:00 nono. |5:lft. 1:05, 1:27. 1:34, 2:03, 3:21 2 W, 2:44. 3:03, 2-18. 3:57.4:10, 4:fi.V n;l4. fi:23. ft;4K, 6:1k. 6:37. 6:50. 3:53,7:09. 7:in. T S3. 3:03 K'SO. 9:22, 10;(M. I lil4 P. .11 and 12:07 night. Sunday trains. 3:13, 5f47, 3:00. 0:00. 8:3fi. 10.02, 10-30. I0;43. ll:0o, 11-‘ 1 A M.; T2:.W, 12:52. I :.72. 2;00. 2:30. 3:10, 3:flO, 4:36, 4:M. 3:4rt. ft:2l T'OO, 7:20. 7:23. 7 40. 3:11* fl;14 fl:27, 10-00. 10:00 P. M . 12:00 bight.

I..eaTe Centre Street flUllun, 3:03. 3.3S, T:0l, 7:14, 7:43 « 4ff. V .-TT 10:08. 11:03 A. M.; 12:13,1:06. i n . |•22. 4 22. 9:17. 5:91. 6:53. 7:41, 8:32,0:34 and Ifi.OT P. M week*daya.

Leave Chestnut Alreet Statlnn. .8:12, 3:53. 3:23, 3:M. 7:00 7:42. 7:33. k:U7. 3-S7, S.-33. 0:14. fi-«, 0:.W, IO;?ft.^lOj97. IDfIJ.A. M... 12:«lT, 1:02, I :Q|.

on each side of said tracks, excepting the Inter- [ 2'04! 2:13 8:03. 8:13.* fl:M,’ 4:13. 4:32' 5:lo[ 3:43!•ectlnn of Thomas street and Wright etreet.

The paving ofWAKfiMAN AVENt'E.

from Kecond avenue to May aiYssi for the width of ihlrly-five i83) feel, with brick paving.

The rejiavlnK ofBANK 8TRHKT,

fiom Bfoad street to Plane street, with sheet asphalt paving upon a concrete base, exk'eptlng the Intersection of Waahlngtan s tm t.

Th* repaving ofCEDAR flTRBET,

from Broad street to Halsey street, with sheet Bsphsh paving upon a concrete hase.

The paving ofEAULKA ATREET.

fr<>tD James street to Orange street, with sheet asphalt paving ut>on a concrete bass.


frt'm Orange street to Fifth avenue, with aheel asphalt paving upon a cpbcrete base.

The repaving ofW A L N n STREET,

from Broad alreet to New Jersey Railroad ave­nue. with sheet asphalt paving upon a roncre|* base, excepting the Intersection of Mulberry street.

The paving ofWKBHTER STREET.

from Seventh avenue to Bloomfield avenue, with sheet astdinlt (>a>ini uimn a concrete base.

The paving ofKEABNT STREET.

fn>m Belleville avenue to Uarsida afreet, with brick paving, excepting (he Interaecilon of flum- mer avenue.

The i>avlng ofLINDEN STRRKT.

fri m Haloey alreet to Washlugiun street, with brk-k paving.

The paving ofNfRHERY STREET.

from Belleville avenue to Hummer avenue, with brli'k leaving.

The {tavlng ofTATIAJR ATREET,

from Belleville avenue to Oarslde iireet, with hrk-k paving, excepting the Interaeuion gf Bummer avenue.

The paring ofHlOH STREET.

from Eighth avenue to Bloomfield avenue, with ubinng granite block paving.

The paving ofHEVKNTH AVENUE.

from Hellevllte avenue to (Jlifton avenue, with obliing grande bliK:k paving.

Togetiier with all (lie appurtenanc-ea n*c*s- sary lo complete the above dsecDbed street Im- pn^vements.

The proceeding* In the above pavings and re- pavings win *be taken under the provisions of uhapivr 210 of th* State lawe of 1895.

Also, for the construction of sewer InFOURTEENTH AVENUE AND SOUTH FIF­


FOURTEENTH AVENUE, fnim Routb Fourteenth street to South Fifteenth street; and In

A Ol'tH FIFTEENTH ATREET, from P'ottrieenih avenue to Flfieenth avenue.

Buck periona as may object thereto are re­quested to preasnt their objecilnne In writing at th* office of the Board of Street and Water ('ommlBslDners. on or before the eipiratlon of five days from date of this notice.

Dy direction of tbe Board nf Street and Water Cotnmiasioners of the city of Newark.

Newark. N. J.. February 2h, JAjmi.J. rnOWELL MUNDT.

731 G411I General 6ui>erlniendent of Wnrks-

(1:34. fl-43. 7:03, 7;SC. 3.27. 1(1:00,' IMSfr . M. 12:a7 nigh*. SundHy. H:i>3, 3:M. 8:.3L

10:'J5, J0;fiT. ID4S A. M.; 12:S3, 12:47, 1 :2k! 2:27. (Hl7. .7:46. 4:^1. 4;M. 3:43. «:1S. 6 ;,VI.

7:13. 7:21. 8:07. 8:20. 9:23. 8:56. 10:2S and H '59 P . M.

Leiva Emm*( Btreet Station. 5:34, 6:24, 6:52,. 7:07 7:40. 3:06. 6:85. 0:12^ ft:H3p10:35, 11:35 A. M.; 12 04. 1:00, 1:22. 2:lfl. fl:U* 4:12 6.03. 5-411. 6.42. 7:33, 3;24. (»:«. 11:10 P- M.. 12,-01 night Sunday. 3;03. 8 :W, 9:23, 9:M* !0:21, 11:46 A. V ,t I2 ;3 l 12-44, 1:25, 1:34, 2 24, firiH. ,T;M. 4:.10. 4G3. 6'54. 7:18. fl:04.i8:21. 8:58 and 11:34 P M

FROM MARKET STREET STATION.For Elliabeth and Rahway. 1:»» (dally exoepfi

Monisra). 6:31. 7 :00. 7:8*. 8;4L 8:3*. 9 :an, 10:44, ttrsn A. M : 12:36. 12:33, 1:2R, 2:83, 8:06,, 8:28. 5:4fl. 4:30. 4:33. 3:00, 3:30. 3:4ft, 3:.16, 6:01,. 6:nT. 6-16. 6JI2. 6:41. 6:47. 7:07, 7:85. 8:01. 3:48. P;42. 10:47. ll:3 l P M.. 12:14 and 12:47 nighf. Sunday, 1 :.W. 8:4ft. 3;»0. 9:14. 10:13. 10:81, 11 jar A. M.: 12:83, 1:33. 2 :W. 8:13. 4:32. 3:06, 6:.80, 7:01. 7:18 7:35. 7:59. 3-84. 9:08. 10:00, l*;48u 11:87 P M.. and 12:47 night.

•For EUxabeth only. 12:26 arid 6;rK> F. M. week« days.

For New Brunswick, 12:47. 6 :46. 7:firt. 7:30^3:33 3 40

1 10-47 P. M ' 10:81

ft.W and 1180 A. M.; 12:26. 1;23; 2 8iC 4_:.70. 5:00. 5;8n, 3j3(^ 6j82. T;W, 9:80 and

a K>-!nch pipe

Sunday. 12:47. 6:40. 3:83. 0;84 and. U ; 12:83. 1:S6. 6:30. 7:35. 9:(e and! B :« P. M.

I For Woedbridgs, 1:80 idaily except Mr«nday-4)> 6:8t. 10:44 A. M.. 12:86, 8:00, 4:33. 6:0j. f : # and 9:42 P. M.. 12:14 night week-days, fltm-

idaira. 1;80. 10:13, ll;S9 A. M.. «nd 10:00 P. M.I Fi'r Perth Ambfiy. I -30 (dally except Mon- I d&ysL 6:81. 10:44 A. H., 12:86. 8:06. 4:33, 6:01,. 17:07 and fl;42 P. H., and 12:14 night On flun-e days, 1:80, 10:13. 11:83 A. M.. 10:00 P. M.

Fnr East MKIstobe, 7:00 A. M.: 13:2i8. 2:S8 and 6:80 P. M., dally, axcept Sunday-

Fnr Kingston anid Rocky HKt, 7:50 A, H. and 4:80 P. M.. dally, except Bunday.

For Phllllpsburg, Easton and DeUidere, 7-50. A. V.. and 5:24, «:2T P. U. Sundays. 6:2t

For lismhertvine. 7:30, 11-26 A. M,: 2:S5. 3 24 and 6:27 P. H. Sunday, 6:27 P. M,

For Flemington, 7:30- 11:26 A. M.. and 1:24 M., dally, except Sunday.

For Freehold. Farmlngdale and Sea Girt, rift Mnnmculh Junction. 7:50, lli.'lO A. M ; 2:S0,j 4:30 P. M. week-day*. For FreehoM only, 5:0(1 P M. week-days.

NEW YORK Trt NEWARK Fnt Newark, 1:00 (dally except Mnndaya)M

6:u0. 6:80. 6:40. 7:20, 7:30. 7:4tl, 8:10, 3:80. ft:IO« 9:40, 10.10. 10:40, t1 :no. 11:40 A. M.; 12:I0« 12:M, 1:00. 1.20, 1:30, 2:ln. 0:00. 8:20.8:30. 4:On. 4:10. 4:80. 4:40. 4:30, 3:00. 5:80-3:40. 3:VK 6;iin. 3:10. 6:20. 6:40. 7;00. 7:80,0;!6, 1D:1S. tl:(kl. 11:50 P. M., and I3:t3 night. Sunday train*. 1:00, 6:16, 3:00, 9:00. 9:43. 10:no„ 10:80, 11:00. 11:80 A M .; 12:00 nnnn, 12:80, DOO. 1:80, 3:00. 2'45. 8:-V>, 4:00, 4:5n, 5:00, 3:13. 5:43., 6:80. 6:43, 7:00, 7:80. 7 45. 3:00. 3:fi0. 9:00. 9:30u 10.16, U:00 P. M.. and 12:13 night.

For further Information as# timetable*, to bft had al the ticket offieex. Tickets fnr all pninta on (he Pennsylvania Railroad and conneettnns*. and kerths. sections and baggage checks at thft fompany's otn«‘**, No. 788 Rrnad street, of a | ticket office at Market Btraet Station.

8. M. PREVOBT. j . « WODD.General Manager. Gsreral Passenger Agent*


OF THE CITY OF NEWARK,<'\ty Hall. Fsh. 27, IM»0.

Th* fnllowtnft t* (be list of the names, rtal- deurra and places of builaeti at sifpllranta forlicenses, contained In all appllcalluns or p*tl- ____ ____tkina made tu (hla board for the granting of 6:40, ft:23. 10:20 Pllren*«a to sell spirituous, vinous, (malt brewed liquors, and not herelofure published according to low, to-wli.;Name. Place of Rusinesi. ResIdaiM*.Michael ('Incenla, 217-219 5(h avs...Bams place. Ueo. w . Hammond, S4| Washington at.

(lame pUre..Tams* F. Rogsrs. 8k3 Bank st..-,..llBme place. Herman Pclilegel, 23 William at....Hams place. Halvatnre D'Aurla. 130 Hlevenih ave.Pams place. Kuna A Zimmerman, 330 Orange at.Hums place,A W, Kgbertr 171 Mulberry e t....... Home place.Thoa. McEnroe, 14 K. Mschtnic st.Hsms place.

A. T. GUENTHER.President.

L. J. WENDELU_____City Clerk.___________________________

CSNXKAL RAILROAD OK NEW J£R S E T ^ Aatbracite cool used ooclusiveljr, insufloft

akanllnesa and comfort Tlmeiabf* 1q eitefiC jftivember 17, 1396.

Trains leav* Brood and Ferry atreat statlonar For PUlnfleld, 0:16. 7:18. T;6A. fl:.39, 9:1%

10:06. U;66 A. M.; 1:16. 1:36. 2:H6,4:40. 6;(H, 6:64. 6:60. 6:20. 7:15, 7:53/ 8.40T 10:06, P M. Sundays. 7:50. 9:0fi, 9:.1flL1D86 A. M-; LIO. 1:66. 2;85. 4;U6v 6;4U 7:2£ 1:36. W:20 P. M.

For Snmarvlile, i t 6:16. T.lfi, 9:08. I0:09y 11:66 A. a .; 1 l13. I:JB, 2:^6. 8:43. 4 :« . l J S 6:04. 6:34- 6:00, 6:3U. 7:35. 8;*G. J0:0$ IDM P M. Sundays^ Dsn. A, U.; Ijio, 2 :36, *-0(|


" l e h ig h ^v a lley r a il r o a d .M a r k e t S t r e e t S t a t l e n .

7:35 A. M. daily, except Hunuay, for Uauch Chunk and InieruetUats ataiioisa.

6:47 A- if. dally for Geneva, Roeheaier, Buf­falo, Ntegora Fafls.'^usiM'naloD Bridge and the West, and rrinctpol local points, dining car to

Flemlnglnn. 7:13. 9:08, A. M.: Dill. D8S« * ri6. 6 84 P. M. Sundays, 4 Of P. i f ^

I Fur atatlonii w High Bridge, ctinw-tinf fa j I nations on High Bridge Branch and T.jiks Htw ' i>Htcong. 6;I6 texo^t Lake IJnpatoungi g.OS A.,

t l . ; t h P M. P. B : t iZ ,MLafca Hopateongj

For stallony cr Vain line Nsw Jeraer reft.i j t r a l DIvlalon. Easton. Rethlehf m ar!!d A P w . I town. I'-la, 9;0J, n lth Jiultei Parlor Oar II M

A. «■• (Huffet F sr-, lor Car). 6:60. 7:36 P, M Sundays (7:80 A. I t - ta BeaionL l:i0,.A.«0 P. IL 'Kur MttUch Cliunk, 7:18, p:fW A.M. (n^Uh Ruf-

'f r i PsTl.T r a n . l:l3. D.fte. 4:03 muffst ParloV , Can, i :M P . M. Sunday*. DIO. Kr40 P If ■ For Wllkesbarre, Plttatun and Scranton 9-6S

DI6, D36. 4:06 P. M. ( B u A tV r iSI For Sunbvry, Lewtaburg and Wllliamaoorl

NBWAnR AWn EfclZABBTH BRANCH. VrUM iH v , BroAd StrHl SUtlon ,*r N iiL .

beth Kii Kos,l]« , t A;1Q, T:,H T-ftBt:aB, (!:(«, ftiaj, io:,W, 11:0(,' n * aA. M.; | :]|l, nan, I ,™’frlB, 4-Ok 4:«t. e ;« , B;M, «:tlO.%Ti» t'.iC IM , * :« . W;03, i l . i t P. H. . Tils’liJS; 'liS Ill:8ui|»enalon ' Bridge. PurJiMB' veatlbuiraiM per J rg ; ,5 ’ «:06.'7:207 8:16;

d» lly Om v m 11:00 A, H . BundA y.l j P E R T H A H B O r, LONQfor Maueh ^ u n k and Intermediate pointa. i g*— <rr«iini«v '"s.i* ■ **Connectlcms for Reading and Kxrrtsburg. A M • Dffl

D8I P. M dally, except Sunday, for Elmlrm i iiindiva*’u jA*A « • s'oa I'*®



A. M ., A.w, w.AHi, o:tsi, nJHfluadavs, 9:(J>3 A. M.| 4:06 p. 1|,and all intermediate atation*. Pnnnectloaa for , Bamirsn *t d-ia a-su Ti '.sk t < ««

P c ^ v ll l . .n d ch .lr « r .0 W llb»- i T I m .'



OPEN fO R BUSINESS.r . B , H A b A M A X , i ^ „ ^ , „ J l j l g y i p g j1. B. MiAKkr.^CftU up 'pko&a lOSo. (Newark kr'neh)

6Sn Hrtwd ft(., I^awark,

CITY ADVKiiTIHKMKNTfl.OFFICE of 111* Board of Asseunieni and ha-

vlaiuA of Taxes, ruum tk cliy h *i i In accordant;* with an act of (lie L«gt*latur*

of Ihl* State, which provides thac (he *•**■»- meat fur ux<s shall be considered as made on the Ihird Wednesday In January in each year, the Hoard of Asseaament and Revision of Tax** of (he city of Newark hereby give node* Mtai they will receive from (he third Wednesday in January to (he third Wednesday In April. 1896. Inotualve, at (hi* ufilce, *(a(emcnla ipnSpp <M*ih> of personal property from all individual* and corf>otat1oha basing such property oubjeci (0 tsxaiinn In the city of Nawarr. No Ueductlon for Indebtcdnese can be allowed unleaa tha naffia, d u e and rcildsnoe of (ha creditor la given and the amoutu owing.

Notice te JteralF fifaii to the msmher* of Ih# , National Guard, all acitvt and ek#fuf>( firemen and memberi of Salvage Cor|)a. all honorably dlocharged soldiers and aallora wko hav# oarved In the late war, and the widowa of atbfh aoldlera and saliora. aa long a* they remalft unmariisiL •that they are entitled to an sxsinptloni from

general oiaj special poi] u g , and Iro m State* county and munlolpal taxaiicm upon real or p*> sonal property, or both, not sxirtadlng In aggre­gate live (6 bundred dullara providtiWf they ap­pear before the board wltkln (tat ( Im above ■peclfled and prove the olalD to iheir egenip- (Ion. a* provided by law.”

All proprietors end keeper* of dwelling houses, ftoardlng-houis* aiul Inns ar* hereby notlfl*d that (h*y are required to give the sfila taai a#- aeoeor of their respective war<la th* fAllowing in- formatloo, when oougtit by such oanoiior. upon perounal application: The number of peroon* tealdlng (herein, their names and the extent ufIh e ir------propror Inn who ahall refuse to gire (a the oa^iliUiit

barre.6:69 P. M.. Hundava oftly. for Wilksaharre. L

and B. Junction and all Intermediate polnu.4:84 P. M. dally, oxcent Bundsy. for h. and

B. Junction and prfnHpal intemn-^diaie •teUon*: Fullfhan buftei tiarlor car to WMkeabarra; oon- nectlona for PottsvIUe.

4:46 F. 61 dally, fxceni flur.day, for Bound Brook and Inlermedlate sUdonA

6:44 P. H. dally for Caatun and Intarmsdlalt itattoDs.

6-96 P. U. daily (flundayp 6:31 P. M.) for HiifTtlo, Niagara Falls and all points West, Pullman s1e?f>ar, vestibule train. New York to Chicago, aleoMr to Buffalo and Toronto. Goa* nectlona for Reading and HarMahiirg.

d;|l6 p. H. daily, except Sunday, ti and ■ •

9:00 A. V .; 4:u6 P. M.p . ..........................

Hunday^Perth Amlioy. 6:16, 6:22, 8:89 ii-M a

, liSfi. 8:38. ♦ItkL 4:49. 6:60, 6:2u, ^ M P, ifc ■UDdaya. 9:UA A. H.; 4:06 P. | | . '

For Atlantic Highlands via UaUwan l ao. 11:66 A. M.. D36. 4:49. 6:60. aSu P m VSl d ^o . 9;u5 A, M.; 4:06 P. U.^cc^F rerhoJd . 6:22. 11:36 A. M.; D#fc 4:4lw

For Red Bank, Long Branch, Ocean dravw^ etc., 8;J2, il:lM A. M.; 1:J8, 4;(jl6, 4-40 a -90 iftJ

*0 Ocean Grov^ 9 * jl JT j FOR L a k e w o o d .

Ton)* River. Barnegai Park obiS n«pw«**• :2a * . M,; l:M. 4:MI P. M * 8 » n i« « ,:M P. V . t i c p i aundi,,. I# , ituioB ti'or A ilu tlo C l„, Vlr.t'lu,d Md! Intermediate ■tntione. D60 P, M. UrtdgetOft^:24 P. M 4al|y for Khxra. Geneva. Boohes- | NEWARK AND NEW TORlC.

ter, nuffal^ Niagara Falla and all pointa Weal. Pullman sleepers to Chicago and Buffalo, chali ear lu Wllkeabarre.

Ticket! and .PuMmon acoommodatlon* at Pennsylvania Railroad Depot ftnd TfiO Broad street.

The New Tom Tronofer Company will call fop and checti hatasg* from hotel or residence Ibratigh to destinetlon.


12t4li night.* fluftew ro5 iT'i «)7i iwrazuT* V7U)ft »:(«. D.-OO. lU A». U:o5 !!!;«:"•A. M„ u c .P I JH..iidAy,.> '" ' r . lUMERIE RAILROAD.

D E I'.JT r O t ’BTH AVE. nnd PANHAIC »T.(>*us#cung umliM

NffWARK iM v e NewaiT for

19:M A. M .; 13:00, *,00, a;e7. «:d4. #;ga. 6:09. a« .iu, 4«,uu t'. m. fijndavk• ; » : BiST, 8:09. 10:M P. M., Ind is «l A jJ: “ •“ * ‘1:W A. M.; l J ‘uo 'iT -

i:S8 A. M.; 1:38. I:!®, T;W, * :» . l o L *St“' - 'Laava Paleroon fo^ Niwark, 6:36. 6:l2, 6:61,

Laam New Tork from foot of Libc^t*9:30. b.46, 7:16, 7:80 7 c

jl^9 :iW 4 9:16. 9 : k HLOO. iU.ifl ift-w, ,■ Iruvt u fuIioK,: i'ii!® .*- M M,; 12:!U )?dn 1^4 ‘la: AND PATKR8t>N. ! « • S i"- ^OS. 0 lil s l u i l»r Ptlfmon, OiK). t ;M. 8:44, K-^ai 6.48, T:U0, f;Su !-4r S^io Si

7:28. 7:46. 6:24, 9:06. I0;16. i l : » ’A."M7‘ DJO; J.27. 6:87. 4:U, 6; l i 7:86, 9:40, 10:83 P. If. Buhdara, 6 ‘68, • “

1. I0 :r- “


t:00.18:48 A M. i 1:80. 8 :80:

NEWARK AND NEW iTORK,L»AV8 N4KIU-k, «;08. *,48, 7:28, T:riJ, 8:20.

1:47. »:88, 10:47 A. U.; 12:03, 1:41, 2:M. 4:W 8:38. 0:80, 8:00, 8:13, U:04 P. M SunAayA ^24. COO. 11:22 A. M.1 2:08. 8:00, 8:84. 1 1 ^ ^


*WI0BJ A. M.: 1 :*, g1al «

« xpt Trenton) A- —

■v.io} moepc iTaniotii A axeept Trantm.^ | .(m 3 ;6(J 4.(>3, ■ :ci, (6:06 eic»

wuin# tnvrwm. inrir nainr* ana me ncan i ut lelr poat^saloni, so far as knowp, and any aucb 'obrfator or keeper of dwelling, boardlng-houne ' Inn who ihall refute to give (o the oailitaiit

asaeaaor th* above informutloB -WUI become I1a> ble under the itstute, which provides for the

ir*OBi ao offe-ndlniImpriiKMinien* of all p*i Office houra. 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.. dal

■rdaya, irora 9 A, If. to II K.By erd tr of the Buord.

^ HAACU8 B. AICKARM,W Preildoftk

if - I - .I '- . 'T » :« . Jil*. BoJfh »"<1 *!•............... ts.l;10, J:04.8jl8,_*;i2, S >-l»' • ' P,»;0T. «:82. 11*i, A. >1.; 1.

4:00. 8:23, 8:82, 8:22, t : 80, ll)3B, 12:00 'P. Mi SundiyA «:00 A. M,; 1 ;{lu, 8:18, 8:80, S:00b 10:00 P. M, h SunilAf, only,

D«y H o r n i iH v n Ntiv«r8, 8:44 A. H. On •undny,, 7:24 A. M Vcnitbu), limlt«d Icnvon M4w»rk, 1-41 P, M, SunOiyi. 2:00 P. M. Buf­falo E ip m u l4av« Nawark 8:87 P. M. Sun flay A T-07 P. 18. rktaato K iur«»tli. 8:08 P. II. Bunrtaf*. 8 iff P. _ ,

Por Uekata, chaoka, alaaolnn car In- <

a u ik i . “ ™ “ •“ ***• *-W 8i«8 tfc • • a t *‘‘jfj.;^.*>^iur0aya. ttey tnow Bm

B, r . BALDWIN.««■ s<ii'«.ltihMaaL Q,u, r m a in , I iln--|,li,c^lc-ago JEi^rHa^eavea Naw-^

T;'™.?*"! “ « n i l>on««a or tw>ixaey sn o w xusa .Toftoau laeta tftara tor wliog than te T9 LaU'y


NferWAKii JiVKSl_NW ISATUKUAi:, rtU ilK U A K l ittOb.

M aay Residents of Woodaide Appear Before tbe Common GonnoiL


Oils' Bf (lift P H lilo n i 1u W hich 01jJ|cr1lo]| W*a to tli« Ni’lo rllon o f Ihe OlblmiTni4« fur m Silo fo r til* rvojioM it UBi|>ltal Mrrtchosl AcrtiM th a fham ipcr.PropBrlyHiwiMr*Spriik Uul a iH llh r l*oart1 o f l lro lth ComcN In for • ^•nrlnffi

A Kiorm of pro<>‘iitfl m<*t th r propoultlon of the M»arTl of H puUIi to lo<. a le the* ron- triKlou^ ami lnff<ctloiiN ttlacarr lioepl'al on 111- fjtbbK profirriy , U l'c rrlil'* bsthhcj W uo-liil'lf*. when Hie m a tte r <‘am e up for Uluciipsioii UiBi n lfh l a t h moetintc of (hei ComiT.on I'ouncU cullc-l for ih« l pwriKm--. The i'onru 'll cham ber w uj lUled in ih^ itoora, inoatly w ith cU lrrnu who p ro tee lH aijalnat the propoaH alie.

lYetIdent prenldvr) rtsiI chIIciIthe mooUnic m on ler, KtaUuK th a t It wan hebl fo r the phriTone of nri'tirhiK an l»reRRloti of vIrwM from Ihe public atul tha Hoaivl of U eatlh In re itaril to the latii-r'n Mflertlon of a hoKpItal site. He furihi-r • ta ted ih a t th« H ealth Hoard had limn nmifled laat M onday of I'o u n cll'a Intention In bold aueh ar m eeting and requeated u a tten d . The H ealth B oard'e reply, In which It w as atateil th a t a s no m eetInK of the honril would be held In th e interim It would 1># Imponslble to (-ons1<ler the iioiicn o r request until the met^tlriK nex t M onday n ight, w aa read, and on m otion of A1< derm an Ogden w aa re fe rred to the trig C om m ittee of Council,

As a m em ber of th a t com m lltee, AM't - n ian Ogden then took th e floor to illsi'Uaa the hoard 's selection o f a Hite. He aald th a t h t regre tted sincerely tha t th e Hoaid of l l r ^ l th had found It impoRslble to gel toge the r a sufficient num ber of m einbcm In represeiil It before the Council. Me sla te il th a t the Oibhs projierly , acE'onJlng to the H ealih H oard 's a ta tem eiu , em ­braced four and a h a lf ac res und W'as held a i ;2ii.mn.

'As a m a tte r o f personal privilege." continued Ihe A lderm an, “ T would sla te right here th a t I am vlolem ly opposed to th is p a rticu la r site. I object, first, to Its locationi serond, to Its alae, for It Is not four and a h a lf acres, a s a ta te d ; th ird , be­cause It Is near a ra ilro ad ; fo u rth , It In next door to a cem etery ; fifth , It is In a residential portion of the city.

“W Hhout c rltlcU ing th e Hoard of H ealih I would say th a t the H ulldlng C om m ittee of thla Council has all a long been laboring under (h« belief th a t no t leas th a n fifteen o r tw enty acrea of land would be required on which to erect the hospital. W e were told ao In the most poaftive m anner, ami It waa generally so understood, as 1 shall proT-eeiTlo prove to you."

Alderm en rigden th en read a num ber of e x trac ta from th e sw orn testim ony of Hr. Herold, R obert SchlegeJ, W illiam A. W ard and o thers, given before the commiUee which recently InvestlgatfKt the Crow tra c t purchase, [n ail of th is tcsilm oiiy from ten to tiventy acres w as nam ed as the ex­ten t of land necessary fo r a site.

" I t seem s s ta r tlin g to m e." continued Mr. Ogden, " th a t they should now come to th is body of In telligent m en and nay. 'W e do not w an t fifteen or tw en ty acres a t |40u An acre, bu t fo u r and a h a ir acres a t

an acre.' T hey could no t have con­sidered th is m a tte r c arefu lly ; they have Jumped a t It as they h ave done a t o ther things,

"F o r instance. D r. H erold to ld me th a t the sm allpox epidemic cost the c ity |3n,UfU, w hereas official figures m ade It 110 cases a t 1163 a patien t. 1 don 't c a re abou t this, hui merely m ention It to show th a t th e Hoard of H ealth som etim es goi-s off a t a tan- g '’n t; w hat they aay to-day they do not rem em ber to-m orrow . Now. a f te r m any previous conflicting s ta tem en ts they pick o 'lt s Bite which la bounded by a river, a rs ilroad and a cem etery . I nave m ade these rem arks p rincipally to show th a t 1 am noi a fra id to m age my view s known be-fore the whole o f N ew ark ."

.Mr. Ogden then moved th a t ro u n r ll go Inio a C om inlttee of th e W hole, w hich was carried, and P residen t H ragaw resigned the ch a ir to A lderm an Kly.

A lderm an G arrison then look the floor and presenleil a im icb of p ro tes ts from bis r'OnBlIiuepts o f the H ightn W ard . One l■ro^cs| WHS over tw en ty feet long and bnre over 6<Xi s ignatu res, and w hen un­rolled It s tre tc h id com pletely across the i'(iundlm fin lc cham t)cr. O the r p ro tests luesem ed hy Mr. (?arrlson w ere the reso- liHlons adopted a t a m eeting held in W ashington lU II M onday night, a petition from Ihe KHsex t 'o u n ty W heelmen and I^'Mers of p ro test from lie n ry Dickson and L'. n in e . The la iie r w rote;

"I will confesB to one of the g re a t su r­prises of my life w^hen I heard of the pro­posed dedication of the G lhhs p roperty on R iverside avenue to the iiaes of a uest- honspf W hy not p u t U on M llltarv Park, alongside of T rin ity C hurch? T here arc Already abou t a s m any residences and shout a s m any people liv ing w ithin s thou ­sand feel of th e one location as of the other. P roperty , If not w orth a s much per fron t foot on the R iver road a s It Is on cen tra l B road s tre e t ,h u t hum an HfclsquHa As valuable, and h um an r ig h ts a re quite a s sacred, and the san ita tio n of th e one dis­tric t quite a s m uch a public du ty as the san lla tlon of th e o ther, f really ih inh . If th s choice were narrow ed down to the two locailona, th a t M ilitary P a rk would be ihe fitter.

" I f the advocates o^ th e p lan t say we m agnify th e dan g ers a ris in g from a pest- house and th a t it is rea lly a harm less piant, they sim ply fu rn ish ano th e r reason m r not com ing even bo f a r aw ay from the cen tre a s \^oods1de, an d should pu t it rig h t down n ear M arket and Broad, where It wHI be easy of access, In my opinion no sm allpox hospital shou ld be suffered |ji o r n « r a th ickly populated neighborhood; It should be c lear aw ay from residential localities. If th e p oo rfarm is not hlg enough, Ihe c ity anould buy a hundred acres ou t of town an d pu t Ua d isinfecting p lant in th e cen tre of It.

" I f th la proposed o u trag e Is a r iu a lly con­sum m ated . It will becom e my professional du ty to publicly no tify a ll Insurance com­panies doing buBlnees In New Jersey to get off and Keep off. no t on ly from that, but from Burroiinding p roperty , whose value would be de te rio ra ted by iheir un- w eh’ome com panion. I>et me no t be m is­understood: I am a peaceful and law-abid ing clllxeu. and I n e ith e r m ake nor countenance th re a ts , b u t an an u nderw rit­e r and the president o f th e U nderw rlte ra’ Pro tective A ssociation. 1 would regard risks In th a t neighborhood, If th s pest- house comen there, a s being so thoroughly undesirable th a t th e com panies ought to be w arned a g a in st them —and they will be so w arned ."

A lderm an H a rrig an a t th is point re ­m arked th a t he heard no p ro tes t from women and he handed up a le tte r signed "M other," in w hich th e w rite r asked, if the pestbouse should be located on Hllsa- heth avenue th a t th e t*ouncll see th a t the imhtic school on th a t s tre e t should be closed.

Dr. S tockton, Ihe first cH lw n to be heard said It seem ed to him th a t If th e Board of H ealth had tried to find Jbe very w orst place for a hospital they^ had aucceeded when they selected Ihe Olbba property. Tt was not large enough for the purpose an<3 the only land th ey could secure tu en­la rge i t belonged to the M utual Henefit TJfe In su ran ce Com pany, which he felt certa in would refuse to deed Its land for any such purpose. Dr. S tockton adm itted th a t ha objected to th e s ite for personal reasons. H e own* fo r ty build ing lots dl- reclly opposite the Gibbs p roperly . These he w as ab o u t lo sell, and th e title deeds were to h ave been passed y e i ta ^ a y , but the prospective p u rch ase r had ^ a r d of Ihe ^ s tb o u s e d iscussion and hadNiACked out.

‘Tn ten or tw en ty y ea rs thin section will he the la rgest sJtd b est residen tial por­tion of the cUy and 1 claim th a t you havo no righ t to d estroy its fu tu re ." concluded Dr. S tockton.

P residen t H arrison V an D uyne, of tbe B osrd o f W orks, a sse rted th a t the sH ert- ed rtte w as Only th re e and elghty-one- hundredth acres In e x te n t and h ad been mad* fou r and one-hglf acres by m eas­uring to the m iddle o f i i r s e t i . Of this nearly one and one-ha lf acres w ere unfit fo r build ing purposes, th e re fo re th e re were only tw o and one-ha if acres th a t were realty availab le on w hich to build a hospi­ta l. All in te rsecting street* leading to Ihe ilte w ere c u t off, he Hsserted by Ml. P1ea*ant C em etery, and the only m ethod of reaching the place w as by RellevlUo avenue.

"D octor*," said Mr. V an D uyne, "a re •om etlm e* the m oat Im prac tica l of men. W ho else In Q od's nam e would ever think of building a hoapUal w ho te aouthern ex ­posure d irec tly overlooks a cem etery? W hat a oheerful s ig h t It would be for convalescing patien ts. T he whole th ing 1* a n ab su rd ity and 1 do no t believe there will be one vote ca*t In th is Council In favo r of *ueh a proposition ."

At the close o f Mr. V an Duyn*'* re ­m ark s W illiam S . C astend lke presented tb e resolu tion o f th e Roseville Im prove­m ent Association p ro tes tin g ag a in st «lo- c a tln g th e hosp ita l In Roseville and sup ­plem ented It by s ta t in g th a t th e asso­cia tion he represen ted w as opposed to the location o f tlie "pcsthouse" fn any resi­dentia l section of th e d ty .

Joseph CouU s ta ted fh a t W oodslde had been s in g u la rly u n fo rtu n a te . It had only recently had to contend ag a in st an a t­tem pt to en large th e cem etery accom­m odations wUhin tls confines "and now It's a pesthouse." Mr. C oult advised th a t more tim e ahould be ta k e n to decide th is hospital s ite question a n d suggested th a t ft conference be held w ith the officials of other nearby m un icipalities and a rm nge- m^'Uls perhaps m ade fo r a coun ty Insti- UJilon w ith am p e g rounds and building* to which all m igh t con tribu te . He re- foTTcd to the Baesalc pollution bill now before the L eg ia ia tu re and aald r '

"This bill Is no t to c le a r th e rive r for ■'"Uil—. . . . ----------!' •

C atarrh and Colds M allsved In lu to oo j mUiuies—On* short puff nf tho breatit tbrougii Mb* bluwei. mpi»l«iJ with <arh bottle of Dr.

AjnitWs C aurrhat Powrter, dlffusM this i>ow- : Oer o^tr the stirfae* of the nKsai pasagee; fialn' ' Irsj and (lApghifu] to u*e, It rsliavos laetarittv, iiml irfutnauenily cures catarrh, hay fever, ealT*w hMdicft*, Sore thmai, Kmslmis and deaf- nrts; W ri*iits. Bold by rifAU. U0L2UAURB. 'Cnmer Uarksf and Broad «ta.

d rinking purpoaey, but to m ake It pure In order in a t Ihe valley nf i h e Pagaaln may be H healthfu l and. d ia lrab le plsaeure |.:oum l, and now Huard o f Ht^ulth w ants lo pbuf‘ * iH -ilnm se a t ih* very gntew ay of th is valley. H * sk you not lu pUce such a blight upon (his nelglibor- hoo-l." ^ “

"I thank (Joil th a t I Mm able to l>elleve th a t Hr are reprpaentvfl by Onunc'llmen Who will not'lie uiovcaI by ihi* Idle ch a tte r of n lloArti ulj H ealth whose memUeri* have prtjvi'n ilicnttfIveH in ru m p eten l." w as the way A. r . P o iirte r began. He r-lted how. w lih ihi- I’on icn t of Ih r l le u lih Board, live nitlsancvH had br’en foisted ui>on Woodnliii* In five year»i the dum ping of

H fc-rtttlsintc •'omiiany, then the ronjiei’tlon w itli iiran g e , iheu a

M-He r nuM'-t I n io . lh c I ’assa lc at ihe <frpeiiwoo<l Lnk#' brl'la^. Ibi'ii u cem etery, "rtliil now rt pesthouse."

"W lio Hill dare io say th a t Ih* U eclih Jio»r-l is uol an Inronipcient body wlnni they roint- IjA-fore you xiuw Mini say ihey ' uu iJu w ith ihifw or four uorcs wh»‘n they hftve, iHt alohn ‘■worn lh a l rtficen or ivct niy ju-rea Houbl be rc iiu lred ."

KIIhb H 'lle r kmIiI Ui*' Ibm rd of H ealih f w as lhCo»n|rtMont, h?hJ h*- wns followvil by

John .Mrl.,agaii, who |*refHCt'-l bin re- j luui'ks by Kiallng iba t if iherv wiis itny [ nu-mb»*r of the liuttrd of, HfilUn present ! who wish'Hl to he luAard be waiveI his rlvht lo Ihe floor. VVh»-ii no tme rv- ' nponded he detuib 'd how a t * supTMiscdly I sei.-rei pireMng of Hie !b*Kr l he had Ireanl ; the Gibbs site dl«-,'i‘‘ !*eLl. Thv* m*mlH’i'S I tiirm st'lves, be aneerteil, ii.ilmMte<l that (hrj slt«' wjH not iBige enough, bill he heard a.] \ olre s a y : JI "'M i Hi- ran buy the ailjolnlbg' proj.n j j . ”

"U liyuu'-iliey tiot honrta al»out this m a t­te r? ” nhUI .Mr, .Mcl.ttKun; "w hy 'lo they not AMHiip TMid esv tlu-y w ant W‘. oni*<.? The hoHril in goml u1 chHOgluR its m ln'l; you know ihey undid th e ir work In

' peRard 10 Hull new eerneiery , ant! If yuu Heiid ihls hospital site i>a<-k to them they will give you a be tte r om* next week,"

Mr. ,Mi la igan suggested ih s i the lu>»*pllal be lo«'Hted on som e good tiirnp lk i ro a l out- sldi' the i lty lim its. "O i't the law torhid- ding Ihls rviM-ub'd," he said , "<h' 1 glsla- lo rs had b rf ie r devote th e ir Hme to this than 10 passing hllla rega rd ing th e niaiiiu*r

' In which Uuckplberrles a re to l»e picked, a* they did laar week,

" I t has bet n said ihn t iho sp ring electloii bus som ething to d<i wUh th is hospital site quesilon. but [ w ant to say to every piibJIc officer of the c ity of N ew ark, from llie Mayor down, th a t if th e re is any wlre- iMitllng In thi.s m atte r, don 't use II on the rjighth W an!, for I w arn von and e^'vry one th a t It has able d ff 'u u ie rs ."

I 'om p lro llrr Olbson. a f te r speaking of th'* Inrge revenues ilerlveil by the city from tin- HIghtli W ard, him! Hr greu fu- nirc. cKlb'd a tten tio n to th e fac t tha t thla

I sef'iiun waa entitled u> an umiauHl ami unt of coniqderatloii, beeuuse w hile contrlbui-

ire of taxea It bud not askcMl or led anv of the pro|w)sed big Im-

n ts In the shape of public psttlia.

Irig It been pro\ i etc,

A. (prfilesi

G ourter a t ih ls point entered the............. of the Br s m Ii- Ainl T riton Boat

-luha against the proposed Hite, amt hrt<f S|iee<*!ies were delivered by H enry J. Wln- ser, Thom as W. K insey, D avid V'. Tobin, J. A. Beerher. J, Ziilln, G eorge McHwan H h d rh a rle s Bond, all a g a in st ik e proposed, site.

At Ihe close of Ihe dlnousslon Alderman Benjam in slaierl th a t be did not think the cUisens of the R lghth W ird had aiipealeii to the rn u n c ll In vain, nor would the d l l - sens of any o lh e r re s iden tia l portion.

Alderm an Ogden then mov'^1 lha t the m atte r l>e referred to a com m ittee of flv* to consider and repo rt back to Council. This w as carried and A lderm en Kly, H ar- rlgan. M anners, Og'len and H ragaw were nam ed a* the com m ltte*.

M1.L1K W tM .lA M N FOUND.

Him gftid th a t F ran k R ills Forr>e<i H er toOo W ith H im .

Lillie W illiams, who w as a f^alvatlon Army lassie un til recen tly . Is a t her home again, TO Stone s tre e t , and the man who she claim s ran aw ay w ith her Is In jail. The girl w as found a t 10 Sum m it place yesterday, w here sh e w as slay ing w ith a Mm. B hraker. F ra n k Kills, who was her cNsmpanlon. waa a rre s te d on M ar­ket s treet last night by D etectives Fallon and Murphy, of Ihe Second Precinct.

Kills Is a llltie m an, of s lender biiild, and ban been in Hie ha-hii nf at'e-nding thn S alvation Army ga therliiga in th* bar- rack s on W ashington s tre e i. H ere he first met th e girl, and divided hi* tim e be­tw een selling tea lo tlie S n lv a tlo n isd and paying aU entlons to Llllh* WTIliams. When Kill* waa a rrc s ie 't he w as asked where he llveb. He ra ised his h a lte red h a t and re ­m arked.

"W herever 1 hang th is up ."K llls's home Is supi>osod to be In Boston

and the girl says th a t he told her a lot of stories abou t his explo its lhe»e and In rh liad e lp b la . c a p ta in c o rb ifi m ade the general charge of d iso rderly conduct again st him ihla m orning before Acting Judge Freeland.

The sto ry of th e girl w as told to De­tective M urphy soon a f te r she had been taken home.

"W hen 1 was com ing ou t of C la rk 's fac­to ry for my d inner a t noon yesterday ,” she said, "I me! F ran k and he w alked part of the way home with me. He told me that he w anted nie to go w ith him and if T iHd not he would kill me. I w as so afra td th a t T w ent with him and he look me lo the house of a wom an he knew on Bummli place."

The girl added th a t she did nol know the w om an's nam e, nor th e num ber of ihe house. Then ahe w ent on w ith her story like th is:

‘'A t n ight he took m e out. I thought he would see me home, bui he began th rea ten ing me again and m ade me go to a hotel on .Market s tree t. T do not know the nam e o f Ihe hotel o r who kept R. D uring the n ight he tried to a ssau lt me, but I fought him a n d 'th ren ieh ed to scream ami he desisted. At an eurly lN>up we left and w ent back to th e Sum m it nlace h«wse.

"1 did not get a chance to lell the woman al»out It for some time, hut when I did ■ho oald she would go to my m oiher’a. She did so, and F ran k soon left. 1 think he knew som ething w as w rong ."

B ills had a ttem pted to dye hla light hair before his a rre s t. C ap tain LIndsIcy told a N RW 8 repo rte r to-day th a t Kills had never been a m em ber of the Salvation Army, as had l>een sta ted , hu t wsh only a "convert." The girl, he added, was dis­missed from the arm y over a m onib ago, because sha and EUls had an ilrs iy loo much to do w ttb each o ther.


They Am a S o iirreof Coucem to th e .Salvag* I orp« ^lemlier*. ^

O rd lnpflly it te leg raph pole doesn 't bo ther fir'-meu mm-b. but Is otie Inthe yard a t the rea r of m e S a lv ag e Co,r]>!' h'*adquari» (" .>n W ashiiig tof' s tree i.th a t now curofutly g u srd t-J byfhe m rn o f P-Tpiam M a k e r 's cnm m snd. Thin Is i!n» to (he f:u't tlia t tm W tiahlna- to n 's h lr .h 'la y iunl la s t n igh tu w lrt fa*tcnei.l lo iho pole wa« cu t w ithou t i-rrmiKslon. Now il i '‘ questloiii of owrn-rsUip h a s been raU'-d. 'The pole If -!n ltm i| by thi- N*-w V<u k .in(f New .Icrsi v T*bi>!ioTie Com pany and al»o hy the !lr-in l uf Fin- rm li-rw rlter* .

8om^> lim e ago ihe N. v a rk T ek p h o n e Com puny be.^jtn in ib is c liy am!I'f.civ fil i • pul In u sam pb'■('hum In liie S ap 4'yr],si heudviviariT-rs TUi- (cli-plmnr Wiis pul in. ;itii| Hie svirp nm oinp frimi ihi* eum puny’s oftU'r in th<’ Salvagp Corp*' n .j : f.i!si*’ni i1 lo lliepole in the v;jr>l liy |»ertnisHlun L.f ihi- I ’n- d irw r lie r s ’ rciT. .. n ia m *•. ' ‘.i [t u Iu 'M i-el;- «'i‘. N oihin,: rm uf w^n H .ought of the rfm tlcr un til n wv.^k .i^o -.-■ 'tenU y. when a mull i-nlprei) ih r Snlv.ig** t ’o rp s ’ hcad- quarlcr.<. H r iinK-'d for p irtn ifM on to go Into th'- >ard. - th a t he w isheil lolook at the pol'-. The ViJ^nor .ip]M-aivd lo he H 11m-ni.-in. iimj h'' a a s nhown the wkv lo tile yunl. rfooji j'fii-r in- r.-iurtt*-.! lo n here sev'-rni tif ih» !iretn« n w ere scaled and lie >«mlli.| |r. i p*

"There'H .MUnrthlr.K u |i." :a:.l one of C ap­ta in mi n. and thenhe, with siv«'r«l «>ihi!-r . went Inin thi- yard to ^'-e If a ii3’tlilng noe wr«'ni:. Evi-ry- th ln g atipeared to hr uii rlgh i. The fol­lowing day tibom Ho'.-ioi-k 111 th e m orning an a la rm w as smin<lrd and t 'a p u i n .Meek­er, wHh a ilela.'hmi-nt of hU men, h u rr lrd l(» Ihe rn‘eiu* of the lii»’ on C lin ton avenm*. W hile they wen* hwjI.v u l ln n n u n m ir re d th e ir h rad iiu an e ifl and MNM-lvrd p rrm ls- slon froiti Itn* rf-ta-rvi- .t ' w lo go Inin the yard . Me was rh»rr Imi a abort tim e and went Awuy smillTig, T b r tlr'-nieii b.M'ume suspicious. They wein into Hu* yard atjd a f te r looking arouinl for somi- lim e they dlscovcro'l .that Hndr vjslior had by tho aid of B bidder cut the iAir«‘ iHdunglng to Ihe N ew ark ToIrph'Mie Com pany. The w ire had been c u t w 1th [dliTs n e a r ihe in­su la to r on Ihe }Ki1i‘ .itid I he 4'nds wera iw tsted s ro m d an')Hu i wlr»-. ih r idea evi- ilently h 'dng to (ircv 'tii ihe illscoverv of w hat bad tircn ilorn.

" I i 's H s rh em r ii> tliri'W <h»wn the new telephone com ])any,” said on< of the men, and when I 'ap ta la .Mi'ek'M- n 'tu rn e d from the fire he was Informed of w hal bad oc- I'urred, ami one nf his im n salil the 'Mining ha«i hfcn done by a lin rm an cm t'loyril by the New York and .Ni w .In-sey Teleiffione Com pany. C aptain M rekrr wap har<!ly t)left»ei|. He 'lci-]ar'*d ihMt the m an hnd no righ t to r u t the wiri' and he noMtled M. N. H andel, one of lip- r r -p re sm u tlv e s of the N ew ark Tflcpbolic Cinnpuny, th a t the wire w as cu t. Mr. Randcl w as Indignant, He m ade a lot of lnr|Ulrii'K and Irarned th a t Ihe New York and N»'w .Icrscy Tcb'phoiie ('om pany clalme<l the pole. H is su rprise was grcftl. He Informed ( ‘ap ia ln M eeker of the claim ami the h u i'-r very ft^adlly placed his hand on a bill w hirb showed th a t th e firo u n d e rw rlltrs had ttought a pole forly-plx feet long from c . A ugustine, of tefiHoiith OraiiRc hvpt>up. am i lh a t they had paid 68 for It.

This, C ap tain M eeker de«-lared. w as the Idcntl'-al pole In the yard, li had never twefi replacetl by another, so Mr. R an- dfl w as satlsflcd th a t the pole belonged to the underw 'rltfTs. He a c o rd ln g ly In s tru c t­ed hi* m en lo rcpluep tb e ir woik on the pole, and th is tbej* did on W eilnesdai’ last. The wire Is s till Ihef''. | i w ont be d is­turbed . f'lthcr, If t'Hpliihi Mp'‘kcr'ji men ran p reven t it. They Hhowerl plain ly a few days ago th a t they don 't m ean to he foolrd again. A m an who «lalm ed to a rep re­sen ta tiv e of the e le r tr lf light com i'any visited th e ir headquarters. He w anted to exam ine th e te legraph pnjr. They tobl him he could go In th* yard, a t'd w hen he went th ree men followed him. Hp w as nettled. A fter looking around he said h r could see noth ing w'rong, and ssked for perm ission to go on th e roof. It w as qub 'k lv g ranted , hut a firem an went w ith him . He looked around carelessly , and then , say ing th a t every th ing w'as all right, he w ent away. He w as followed hy a rlilxcn wluv says the m an w en t dlrei't to the New York and New Jersey <?ompany*a office. He jicver re tu rn ed to look at the pole, and no one el.se ba*. either.

W hen M r Randel w as seen hy r re­p o rte r for the NKWR he 'lerlHrcrl ih a t the New Y'ork Hhd New Jersey Telephone Com pany had no right to cu t the wire, The m a tte r w as a lto g e th er too sm all m ean, he siiM.for h is com pany to iiotirM tmrl lu- d idn’t th ink th a t any action would lie taken in th e m a tte r, lie was sure th a t Ihe ru tt in g of the wire w as In tentional, and Thai it was not done by m istake.

H enry R. P aker, nf the New York and New Jersey Telephone Com pany, w as also seen ye.- tv rday, He a t first declined to dlBt'iiss tb g m atter, hut la te r he Raid his com pany owrjed the pole and (hat the ■s’lre hatl becui cut hy his order. Hjic of hla men, he said, had re­porter! th a t a 'Torclqu w ire" wan on one of th e ir I'oles. and he ordered th a t It be cut down, as in the cuKiom In such cases. He 'le r ia red th a t when he or*1envl the wire eut down he d id n 't know to whom It belonged.

"T he w ire is now up." said th e reporte r; "w ill you have It '-nt down a g a in ?" '

"] wont answ er th a t queHtion." said .Mr. B aker, em phatically , and th a t setHed h.

G reat w ns the Rurprlse nf the ftrenim thi* m orning when they took a look at the pole to sec that Ihe wire bad agiHii been cu t. Ju s t when It happened o r how U was done is a m ystery , it ts thought, how. ever, th a t some one got a t the pojp from P lane s tree t, or Ihrm igh one of ihe build­ings n ear Hie Rslvage C orps la te last n ighi and tha t the wire w as then '-ut. The firem en are deicrm lned now I»> keep a good w a tch oq the pola and atratiger* w-ll! hft pu t through a rigid exam ination h e rea fte r hefnpe ttu*y are perm itted to get n ear It. Nobody seem s to know whni will happen next.

5 Don’t Rub ^^ Your Clothe5 ^v r in s v a in “J J

a t lrn ip U iic lo a n th e tu ? ! B j e V 'ilh p oor so ap , iia v et W y n u r tim e an<I b ee lth * ^ |U liy u s in g ? S t

It inakea tir ig h te f

hom e

I . . . . Rm* . I.li , .nilpSr Harrunii StJ ,ge* V o rk ^

4 hrtalisii .4wsoriatlAii! "Resolved, Thai our G overnm ent should

assum e owneralil|i aiul ct/utrui s i once of I the te |i'gni|ih and telcidione svstem s of ' Ihls will Ih- d lsriissc'l to-n ighti In the pHrlors of ihe V. M. C. A , and all men will be welcomed and given opporiti- niiy to spcftk.

The tra in ing clasHex, which have for th 'd r oh.f' i-i the sludy of ihc W ord of Ood tHhi the ]jrejiara!lon of s’oung men fu r '•hureh and Y. M ' ’. A work, will m eet to-morrow morning from h to Ui o'clock. All Blh]«< lovers a re h n lied to a tten d the ■eKsloii

At the m en 's m asam eeilng lo be hebl tn, A ssoriatlon Hall to-m orrow afte rnoon a t 4 o'clock the I 'llo rc 'i singers. Mrs. Lyon and her chll'lren. 'will l>e heard. K lkanah Drake, of Ihls riiy , rh a lrm an of the S ta le Com m itlec V. M. c . A., will speak. A Inrge orchestra un<l choir will Tead tin* singing. An evatigellHtlc service will follow lh t‘ a 'L dress. .\ll tn»'ii, of wlm lpver crt'Cil, nsHou- ttllly or color, a re invtled.

The song si*rv|c-e for men will he hfdd a t H ti‘i‘k>*'k Mmiiiav night In the parlo rs of the assoidatlon, W illiam J. Domi. chairm an nf the B'digiotis .Mceiings commlitr-e. ■will hike part.

A boyR' sociable. In chsTge nf the Hoys' Work Com m itlec nf (he Ladles' A uxiliary Botdety, wdll be h 'l 'l In the parlo rs ud'I Junl')T 'lepHrtmcni em Ihe n ight of M arch 4. Funny sten'tipHcon views, game* atnl refreshm ents are some nf the fea tu res to be Inli'Uduced. tMiarles R, ffooU U ie iir t- ta ry of th is de]iHrtmenl.

bum iult I>emrM>ratA Nairie<l forOfficea, Tliw Dem ocratic caucus for the selection

of Sum m it Tow nship officers w aa held in the Town Hall a t Sum m it la st n ight and was largely atlendfHl. The m eeting was called to order hy Iloheri J. Mooney, and F\ W. Page w as elected ch a irm an and \V. H. Coffey BCcretftry. The only conteat was for Tow nship c le rk . T here were three cand idates—Robert J. M iddowney, th* p resen t C lerk; T lm o th y .J , Hcolt and JohnV. M urphy. Mr. MuMow'uej- received thehlghoat uum ber of voU*« und wo4» declared elected. Jam es H. K elly, a form er m ember of th e Tow nship Com m ittee, waa unan i­mously nom inated for m em ber of the Tow nship Committee, T he o th e r nom ina­tions w ere: Freeholder, W illiam H,Bw'ain; Com m issioner of Appeals. Jam psW. Reevea; Ju stices of the Feaoe, K. L. M cK lrgan and W. H. B ria n t: Surveyors of the iHffhway, George C. H an d and John K. Sayre*; C!onstable*. J . J . Hill and John M cGeehan. A com m lliee w'as Appointed to ednfer w ith a sim ilar com m ittee nom i­nated a t the RepublJcarv p rim ary lo dla- cua* the apropria llons. T h e Hepubltcan prim ary will b* held M onday night,


T. J . Fllynn^s Horse* Run Away on M arkel Street anil Nprearl Ktiln.

T. J . F lynn, of 7R Oakwood avenue. Or­ange. cam e to town lo-day. He is a retail candy dealer, so he stopped a t r plac<- on M arket s tree t, near H alsey, to lay In a fresh stock. Mr, F lynn fo rgo t in tls up his team . A passing tro lley c a r frightened the horses and they s ta r lc d on a nm .

T he an im a ls ran up th e n o rth side of M arket s tree t and look to tin* sidewalk and sca tte red ihecrow 'd of S a tu rd ay sliop- per*. F ir s t they ran Into a showvRpe full of co tton and silk stocking.^, In front of B am berger's sto re . Th«'y w recked the case. T hen they n e a rlj’ toppb'd Into B chlencr's disp lay o f fresh sausagea.

A t H alaey s tre e t they m ade a beeline for John Lusordo 'a peanut and b an an a stand in front of L ehm ann 's H otel. IV anuts were sca tte red and b an an as w ere njlned, Lusordo h im self was nearly rrush«d bj- th e w agon 's sh aft, i t got s tu .k in the window of his sh an ty and the I'-iim was stopped, F lynn declared h is w lillngncss to pay dam ages all around.

tv an u ar* made known lo be fuJflUed. The ■urest way lo aecoropjiih thi* end 1* to i>ut (hem In lh« NEWS,

Irv lng tan Brief*.A auccessful concert w as given In the

F irs t C hristian C hurch loat nlgliL and ih« proceeds will be dt^voted to the flunday- *choo| llh ran '. T he concert was given under Ihe auspices of th e CaecIHan Choir.

T he sacram en t o f th* L ord '* Supuer will he adnilnlaiered In the In rs l C hristian C hurch to-m orrow m orning.

David T. Price, who ts etalm ed to be the oldest ptrSer-carriei* In B ssek C ounty, and who resides on C linton avenue , la ■uffer- ing from an a tta c k o f p leurisy , Mr. Price 1* over seventy years of age.

T he leap-year reception given In Alumni Hail last n ight w as a auc'^essful affair. About fifty couples w ere 'n th e gram! m arch,

Colored Republicans to H a re n Ticket.Th« colored R epublican* of O range ar*

bent upon p u ttin g a tick e t of the ir own in th* fisfcl a t th* com ing c h a r te r election. A com m ittee, consisting of L. H. Smith, J, E. P erk ins and J. Sam pson, ha* been ap ­pointed to p repare the p ro p er application lo he presented lo tho C ounty Clerk fo r th e prin ting of mich tick e ts a s shall l>a nam ed hy the colored m en. The colored vo ters have also o rggn lfed a CUy Centra! CommUtev with toe foUowifig officers: O lm stead M arab l^ F o u r th W ord, chair­m an: L.K . Sm ith, M cond W arti, secre ta ry ; Jacob Sampson, F irst W ard , treasu rer: H enry W atkins, F ir s t W ard , chaplain : H enry Vaughn. Second W ard, sergeanL at-a rm s.

F o m i H ill ktiU WomlsUlh.M lis F lorence Taylor, o f 305 Sylvan ave­

nue, en terta ined the E ssex T ennis Club la s t night. T here w ere gtl'ests from W oodslde, F o res t Hill, N ew ark pnd Belle­ville.

The first a n n iv e rsa ry of the fdunding of the w o m a n 's Mission C ircle o f. Em anuel B ap tist C hurch will be celebraled in th s church parlo rs W ednesday nlFhL Mrs. Dr. L u ther, finrmsrly a B ap tis t m issionary to India and f^hlnn, will m ake an address and exhibit Idol* and o th e r cu rio s b rought from the heathon lands.

The C h au tauqua C ircle w ill m eet Mon­day night, Longfellow an d Law'ell will h* the Bubjects of th e b iograph ical ik e tc h e i and the au th o rs o f th e readings.

T he H eadquarte rs M ay He ChangiNl,It l.i reported In O ratiga tha t< the h e a i-

au arte rs of Com pany K. o f the Second regiment, ar^i abou t to be rem oved from

O range to M ontclair. C om pany K Is In commund^ of Uapwuiv T hom as M. Black. Thlryr-slx m em bers of the com pany restdo in M ontclair and Rioomfieid and It 1* claimed th a t If the c o m p an y 'sh a l] be lo- oat(yl In M ontclair fifty nam e* will be add­ed to the roll. C aptain B lack is certa in th a t the change will he m ade. The b a t­talion drills would h« held la the Orange Arm ory, although it Is possIbT* lh a t an oc­casional ha tla llon drill would lie held In the proposed A rm ory tn M ontclair. Colonel M usty, com m andojit o f th e aecofid Bcgl- iDkui« lavocf Um ciuuigk.

H eatfleld and Nearby,A l th e D em orratio p rim ary held at

W estfield la st n igh t T heodore M cG um it w as nom inated for Tow nship ('onvnUt tee- m an. A. 8. (’Tark fo r F reehohl'T . and Irv ing nos* for Tow nship C lerk.

A very large and faah ionab l'' nudleiioe g a th e red la st n ight In E tta H all at the en te rta in m en t given hy C en tra l Council. J r O. l^ A. M. T here w as a fine m uslral program m * and sevnral a'ldrees'-s.

T he C ratiford Road B our'l will meet M onday n ight ami m ake estim ate s for the app rop ria tion needed to pu t the rr>a«ls In oroer the com ing sum m er. On account of the sew ers the board will have considera­ble work on Its hands.

The edict lo kill all unllnenacfl dogs a t la rge In Roselle Borough w ent Inlo effect ypaierday, but no dogs w ere killed. Tlie Chief of Police 1* som ew hat c h a ry al»oui c arry in g out the orders. M eanwhile doge of the n o rth side of the tra ck a rc tied up.

The com pany of New York G erm ans who bought fhe S ti tt fa rm a t Wcsifleld have pUriH om for the erection of tw enty houses on the tra c t, and will build as soon a s It is possible to excavate cellars. They have also con trac ted fo r fion sha 'Ic trees (0 be se t along il\v new s treet.

D eath of E d ito r David M. Kuiytlie. David M. Smyth®, editor and p ro­

p rie to r o f the Sum m it H erald , w as taken 111 a l 10 q/clock la st n ight a t h is rpsideiico In W eal nunam lt. D r. Lawyeikiw w as sum ­moned and rem ained w ith the p a tien t un­til t) o 'clock th is m orning, when he b rea th ­ed h is last. Me w'fts In the best o f health yeste rday , and w as In the office a ttend ing lo h li d u tie s a ll day. Mr. Bm ythe w as abou t flfly-elght years of age, and had been a Ju stic e of trie Peace and Tow nship AsBPsaor fo r a n um ber o f y ears.

Q t l c u r a



A warm batliwith C u t l c u r * S o a p ,

C » »ln|le applicition o '_ . C u tlc u ra (oin tm en t),

Ihe greet skin.cure, followett by mild doses of”CuTicifRA R ES O Lvtttr (tlie

new blood purifier), will afford Instant teller, permit rest and sleep,'and point to 1 speedy cure in every fo r m 'o f torturing, disfi£urine skin hum oun.

"•Ill Uiw«(tli«al III. BHIhli iiw t, K m .1T ,

ALL AROUND THE ORANGES.A Real Estate Ituoin-M any EvenU of th «

F 'llu re-K nterta inn ien i of Essex C'oiin* ell. 1.. A. H. A.—Gossip.

There Is a g'lod real e s ta te boom In (he Oranges. The num ber of unrented house* Is not so large as « i this Hme last y ear and tbe ri-xl esta te transac tions m ade du ring the post m onth have been very g ra tify ing .

Benjamin L, W illiam s will assum e con- trol of the W est Grange Postoffi'e on April 1.

I The Grange Postofflee w as to-day placed In control of Mile* A. H an rh e it. who v^aa recently appointed hy P resldeiii Clevc-

, land.! The Ladles' E ducational Society of »he ' (ierm sn-K ngllsh School will cclehraip Its I seventh ann iversary wilh an en te rta in -

menl and reception a t the school tu O r­ange on April fi.

The iw cniy-fifth annlversam ’ rj'f th e W'lrrian's Forr'lgn Mlnslnnary Socle,y of the Baptist rh u rc h was celebrated ye*.

, terday afternoon by the society connected , with the N orth O range B aptist t 'ln ir fh ,I Orange. A short m usical program m e w as I gone through, a f te r which re fr t^ h m e n li

were eerved.I Al meeting of the Orange iJcm ocralic I Cenlral I'onrm ltiee. held last n ig h t and

presided over hy W iniam F, Ham ilton, th e nioHi enrouraglng repo rt! w ere received from the severR] wards.

The npRiiffe Valley Junger M aennerrhor will have a hall and concert a t the G c r m.in*Kiicii-«h R'-hool on Momlay.

.Miss Aip I'tboji, of H ighland avenue, O r­ange, gave a w hist parly yeste rday a f ie r- no<»n.

The Ilayitn OrchCi'trM will give Its sec­ond prtvafi-cnnoeriO n*Orange .'dnslc H all on the night of M arch 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. 8mHh. o f O n - t r r street, o range ., have gone to F lo rid a , In rpmain .Is Kwka.

Th« t ’oBtal TplPKi'Bph Offirs In Oraiwi" WK. lo-day removert from tho I.lnd .loy Hnlliiing on Main a lro ft to Ih . Motronoll- lan intlldln*. r-orn-r of M ain and I 'em ro Blri-plH.

John C rllaaan . of Oranga, has born ad- mlitod to Ihe bar of th is S ta ir .

Ahoiil iw eniy m rm i)fra of P lan Urnm - mnnd of (iran * r w rn l lo P aasa lr U at n ight an,I Inalllu lrd a now lodgo In lh a t rlty .

ilra. A. M. Hurila. of C larrndon place ' Orange, la nt Providence, R. I.

Mies Ju lia Adams, of High itro e t Or- Alls'”, th ''■ashlngtoH ,'!), r . , on a visit.

Thr R eilrm iitoru t F a ih e ra a re conduct­ing a mission In 81. Jo h n 's Church. O r­ange.

I'rerti'ilck Kgncr. of Orange, left th is morning on a trip South.

W alter l-indelpy. of the S ta te of tVash- Inglon, la v isiting r r ta l lv rs In Orange

■Mr and Mrs. Grnrgp R ichards, of I ’a rk a^■erlllf, Orange, a r r al Lakewood,

The Suiiurban Social win g iv . gm ndcal en terta inm en t In Union H all Or- aiute, the nlghl of M arch 6.

" ''lIlnK .W prltyrs of 8 t. P g ijl 'a A. J(.or• ,9.; '**1-®','''' W lirirc tu re inthe U ral M, K, f hureh . O range, lo-m orrow night on "Thp Pool and Hla Com panlona."

ITofeasor H om sr B. Bnragus will leclure " "vl y 1^’ !•' ■ '•.’ ’Ad, Orange, to -n tgh t Dll M atchlocks and Sword."

Rev. J. R P atieraon , of Orange, will a d ­dress the O range Valley V. M, C. A m ee t­ing lo-m orrow afternoon.

[■rofesBor Henry {'. N orth rop will lec­ture Jii W ashington School Half, W eal O r­ange, .March PI, on "G erm any and Im nprial Berlin,"

The la id ln ' Aid Society wiH alvw an eii- teiialnm etii In Ihe F l n t | : . . , C l < u r r h , Orange, Ihe n ight of M arch III,

A "Itlslorlcal Hym n Servtoe" w in bo held In Ihe P lra t PrealrytaHan Ohureh, Orange to-m orrow n tfh t b j- th e pastor, liev. i harles Tnwni*nfl.

Miss K llsaheih Greenwood, o f Brooklyn e ll give a aeries of ' Bible read ings In I nlon Hall, Orange, during the werft hr- klnnlnR M arch 22,

Mrs. George O, Miller, of *J U u n a ave­nue. p-aat O range, will en te rta in the mem- hera of (he »f th e b fa u g eAoung iMenV C h m B ^ fA J iM c la ti ir i Tanri ih e .ro m m lt te a o ^ W M a ^ home n e j t 1,’rtday night, ITwIll be the a n ­nual ga thering to h ear repo rts from the ilelpgaies who a ttended the S ta te conven- ilooa of New York and New Jersey ,

Aid Soetety o f C alvary .Methodist th iire h , K aat Orange, gave a supper last n igh t a t Ihe reeldenre of the pastor. Hev. Dr. John Y. Dobbins, l»7 Vt llllam street.

The h ead q u a rte r i of Ashland Hose Com ­pany, Kast Orange, a re being renovuied k",n,'lie p a rlo rs and w alls redeeoiated.

The Third Division of th e batta lion of Ihe b ast. N aval R eserve, haa eleeted ,To-

tem porary L ieu tenan t and Thom as G w ynne tem porary Ensign,

Rev, H onhannea K. SamUetlan, of Ar- rnen a w II deliver th ree lecture* on Con-atantlnople In th e lecttire-room of C alvaryM ethodlsi Church, E a s t Orange, under

People 's Sii-rlety. They will be for the .lianeS l gif the Armen^ft'»ulle|.|ij% , and Ihe Ural will be delivered oh Frl^Jay the subject lolie Z lg-aag E xcuraion i Through the

‘7.'! . / '■ ‘'lAJ', M are f » , he a lii apegk on Life on th e Rridge, o r a yil"" “"hify T our In 'llie O rle rt," a«d on

<1 "lAJcct will be "Ancient Con- alanttnople and Modern B tam boul." The Ik o n ''* ™ lllua tra ted by the alareop-

Orange, was*♦11 di ed laid n ig h t ' i t a eom pllram tary en terta inm en t given by K tiex C ouiujl No. sn. L. A. R. A. C lia rlte B tarr w as maktel,“ program m e opened

O regory a " In fa n ta ,jfa rc h ," ren d rrrd “I O range Banjo Club, compoaedof 8. Oiilton Sew ard. Milton H ugglei, T. M orris h en n er and Lorton C. M oDermotl. Then Mias B lanohe Frlderic l pleased w ith a monologue, w ritten for her by C harles Harnard. I t waa called "F ive O 'c lock Tea, ’ and Mlaa Fridericl ^ p e r a o n a ie d nine character* . Mtaa Jean Tam eafn Blea Kang a co n tra lto solo, "V'olee* of the Wood*," hy R ubinstein-W ataon, and th* banjo club followed with Mr. S ew ard ’a arrangem en t of “The D utterniea." ■•Shop- plfiff W ith Ma''. w as renderi^ In a p k a s- IfiB m aim er by Mis* FrldericL w n ita m ' A. Tam pklns., supraine DaitnclUor of lh a L- A. .Be . Ae* and past xrond regent 6 f Ihe Royal A rcanum , mad* a n add ress on ‘T h e H eav­enly Tw ins,*' In which he txp ls ined the purpooM and alma of the two o rfan lsa - Hons. Miss Sle* sang TosU 's "B ea u ty 's


I>elt*gat«e in Four Uepithlli'an C'onveatloiis 1i» R»a i'lmiiMm d(t Ihe KHiut* Tlnie*

Thi- Heituh1h'H:i Gnunty I'uniinlH '" la st nljchi «k'v hik'd th a t primaii*"* fo r the eler- lion of tleU-gai) -4 to ibu fou r »tH* of cun- v en tlans to t>c hifid n rx i muiith shitll be hi-ld a l Hit' eam i ilm t. Tiu- wholi m atii-r w a* set io miisu' a t th< m n'iluK of ihe E xecu tive ro m m 1tt»‘f or the t ’iiunty t ’om- m litve yestiTilay .ifteffioon Hn>l vkiiu Ivr- for<- til'' main bofiy last iilRlit In the form o f ft rceum rnvm lattou.read liy M ajur liorUx. All till p rim ary e lections tUroughom the • •m nly will 1h- hetfi on M arch wh'-n Ilel»-Kfttee Will be cleet'-d to llu ‘ ward, .■Hy. t..'om;r*‘eHlonal d ls i tb ’t aful vouvt-n-tlohs.

T he vliy eoitvenilon foi* the nom ination of H cariilliUii- for .Mayor smJ tw " eun- ilidates for memlM-ri: of the Hoard of S treet und WHter ('(iTmnlsj£;a»eru will be held un th e niKlu of April t at Hu* K rueger Audi- torliim , the !>uel* of n^preuenlftituii to Iw one d ' l< trail' in e.e'h 1' m> Ki publieau vole*, o r the m ajor fru rdon (hereof, ea.-'l ul the n r e n i H ub'-rm norm ! cleotiuii. The «ame basis .If ji-iijI's-'mitUen wilt ruli' lu the ap- portloMltix of de ieu .ih :' to (he I'oliKreN- elonul ib sirlc i lumetiiioM , sMitjor Leiiix he- liiK uiUhol-ixeil (. eli.im;*' ilie ru k wKh

lu the uutlylnn niwnelilps. .•‘huuM the t’oiiKi:. <loiial couum tiee of Hu' Klkllth dlK trlri. b) which iiiey beloh;:, ftdoiit Morni* o th e r in«-lheii uf apptU'Uomiieui. In th a t h'ftfir the Mojur will Huit the l-!»tex township.; fix tm u irrs jtu ;in lo aive them c t|u a | 11 ■ rers’nirtiUni

FoUowfii;: lUe y lt> eoiivenUOu ‘•omi'a t!u»I war<l -ehW fi!:!!. rui th r iiompia(lo]i of ; cftiulltlHtea for Abb'riiien and S-'hool I ’otu*

n)l*>>lOl!i'r rt, ^ | ll•h OH: !'.'llL’'IUb‘I lo bo I held t>n April at fibit-:-r to be »«eb'eti i|I by (he W.»rd K xerutivo eou im llte 'e . N ext 1 In tu rn In the j'o n i::' "jlotm l dlMlrln cuii*

veniloM, which vMit hi hcM «( t'o im non- w ra ltl) Hail. Laat Uianx' . on Apill K.

A eaiji iiR ot the dfb'XUb'!^ to th r ronvviii loll, w hich l?i to Im* lieht nt T renuui A pril I'', is on ihi- i-.inis for the dIkIu of a \prj| L'l, ip the llei'Uhlb .1(1 4 'ounty Com­m ittee 's h'-k(fbpiHTi''r''.

(.'Imlrniuii Li-nis and TriHHiirer W illiam J . Itiki r wej-i ‘'♦•bdi il iu; a eom m ltteo to le eu ro h'Mid'iuai'b-i-s for the K.^sex delegu Uoq at T n tuon on th r dav o f the Htato

[ vonvenibiri.j T he rnh-w uovernlfiK r»-i'eiit pn inory fU 'r- I tions w'Jll pti vail ih is time, willi ,in ji Hm'MfitiTi'-ni ti'iiultiiiK (h a t ihv nanuia of p randiilrtit * for ileb'K.ita-s to ell ihe eonvvn- [ UoriK AhalJ he idae. ■! on th e one Ib’kct, and : th a t one b»llol-box only be used ft1 each I polling plHi r, I'asien* will In- in order a t I the prim ary for Ihowe who wish to U4e j theTii.p Thom as ivarw in HSknl for Inform ation ■ rofiwrnlnK the newly creaiod d lsiriet* and

th«> n ietho 'ls ihal Mhoubt l>e upo d In rom -' pulliix ih* ib'leKaiious then* .Major Lentx mjKKesied th a t ihe W ard Kxecuthi* <bHn- in ttt) 'e be a llo e ril to s<'Ule tha t m a tle r to th e ir own satlKfaellon, eltlnx thi* caae of Ihe Fourirenili VV.irtl, w h ite thi're arfl eight dlafrlctK .»nd vUn-re l.trfut votes were e a s t n t the flnbt rmilorUil eb'ellon. This, under ih** call of ih*- S ta te cntuveniloh, uL low s oin‘ deleiTfiie for l ar-h U.-puhl)i'an vo tes o r the mu.tor frac tio n Ihereof. T hus one d tsirli’t mui*l he negleeteil unless some w ay rouln lie dcvi^red for rempflylbg ih«* n ia it'T . Tin* M.«,tor’s plun w as a i^ rp r« h te and the w ard (.ilfiG re will se ttle the m a t­te r them selves.

Remember \V«rinefi(1a]fi P«tur>lA)*i are"SiwarUl Heal Dnyi'* In Ihe NKWa, Ac­tual paid i:lrt'U]ai,lon, o^er 87.UUU i«r day.

The Hf-hool Flt^Mon In \'Nll«bnrj|li,T he VallshurKli UorouKh election will

not monupohxe all the ffOlUk-al Im ereat In th e tiorough. The an n u al school eloctlon prom ises to |pe flotm-what InteivsilfiK. The Borough Hoard of Kdin-aMoh 1* now mjule up of th* following: W illiam BiiMngton. F redrelck A Moek. Jami-s H. H am pton, W illiam W elshcr. ilenr^M M. Brunner, K rnesl Nagle, w illiam J. AHchenbarh, R obert A. L lover ami a . flm lth.T he term s of .Mesars. Glover. Bllllngton and B ru n n er will ex |d re th is yeftr. 'fliev' will all run Huftln, .ami It is more Hum probable IhnI tliere will be nthern in the lliiht before Ihe night for the Hnnual school m eeting shall roll uround.


-Ynbi re lire ftn' of thf r*rt«nf ' i tn i t fuv HBy irml* m- rev ArmiHime- fi-r Jiu aiird/- Lijtr idnirgedfur (It th f rntt af tfeii'crtr /lU'ecfrir wvifd rrui- lomr'l In th* nortre,J

MF.TMGUIST K PisrorA L . ^TU IN'ITV M fc;. CltL'K«'ll—<'(«rner Warrea ^ n . i VVififv Rtieete. H. N. Bel*.iui, imJPlur.

S' 11.'Iv '•nminunion .ai 7 t.'i. -utderi.■ Gi'i rtit.i ,Giri.“ I'idiut Ml IP i:i.w irtn

l.' iiaue \Va*|.*T nvrvlce at .-'luui.t) l hmd. Ml im»lf »n.1 Hi! e*'Ii'.>iur,

Ibi.HKVIJ.i.L I'UKSItYTKlilA.V i'll I’m ’ll Uy\. 1-. T ||ii|g.s. ii. i»._ j.ypior Beaul«r • \_b** HI in :in A. U «nil nn-le

, • ' hi a ;m p ,M ;m. tMim-ot of ilir la-uii'*p*'M'l*ri .It 4 I* ,\|. iliripnan I'n.le^vnr iimyer* in*=eiliiK At r. 4 |- it. V.i eseuina Mr\

; TMK S‘i :u SUk niKSi'UKKK’ ilKKTlNGt»in ...hki-iit. iji Ih- .u,n.„,, ,,r St. Phui' s ,m,r., 4‘hur.-h, I'.'rner br < .1 mij Marpihnii j*ti>-el», I-II ai.in.lsv, ir«r. h -2, m m ;(t> The Bes J H.

; .*'■ - lp«laiid. will i>e*»X‘•n MohI.hI .*«i-lft,.. Hud bvMUfPIcieal RevrliP-

Hun nf ihni. ' Till- public im Um.it*K 4iK<.asT M. K <’m i{i-ii t’.aner Sumb

iNAngc ;iti.| LMlktrtTl tv.-Jim-A, l!c. P •’ Hhr itiin. twHli'i Hni.l«J JU'I--,;.,. nil .!,iy In .U», ,itii| J ;m. j-hn . w'|lW pre**.ut m r.uh ncm.-R. Mint b-ih milMina. S«intlH> ii('h.m|, 2 .:m . Kifn.-nb !y-aaiir ».»Ti ice.

G-SSAitlKl. .SlK.\|fdtl Sts M i; I'pii fu ']| - •.’■‘rnei Ness Y.tik tiirmu. n'i>i Snn Hti.-ei. \V.‘ ‘ Klcir^*). tAihi >r L i\f frtiihi HI w s m I ’.Mnttiunlon at |ii :ui ,\ M. Ksentua hi7 .111. FreiUiSi-, ’ Gri fiAihif.-iu ,nul lt)lHiH^ Mud *’«rl .'t.-huri nri Kuiuluv "|.*.nlnf nf HMlwnM ” fii'rmn'n. "A Thin* wtiicli Mey bi* iTini.i'ent|y'\.M-u-.|

" f . l.l'Kl-Vs SI, B. r i i r i i r i i ii\rna«Murriij HMU'i. IPali ■in-ct I'letich-

iOK b.v (he '.anmr. it--i. Kie.l '•l.iif jlHl.lMln. nt 1" \ Al. aiHi 7:;wi I* M.■"Ihe llint'try of (4elf-SMcnil‘e. ' Kvcnlux u-vw

\ Trmme ici the I nkuoskn diesu,' V.nma Meii'n I’nlt.n, fi ;si A. .M, »4iin<tri>-Me rifHil ,Vn 1’ M. Kpwurth veeiiei' Menl.*e, U:.‘bi j*. >|.

i IB'SFS ILLI': M K. n i n t i ’ll I’.im'^r Grpniup* p»i r»H*i un.| liMihH.iic pliin llfv. A. | | Tnitl* I'. I>, iinHj.ir, .-icivlceN fi.r Sl»r.-h 1: M:au \ Al . Holv l'■u>»nu( ll■1l1. 1.:k' I'. M . iiren.-hlhs by ! *r, Tutlje, i4.;lu A. .M.. im-n'* meellug, rt.lio I*. M . Kitwurtli ppAycr oeivu-r. p> be le.l t.y Arthur SA Johnoun. Flref jairt uf mcetin* ".'ng per-

‘ I Ire nut nf hew booRi.I WKTiini'iftT KPim-nrAL; t MT lb 'l l Market uri-el. near MullieTry. U n.' lU n ir MiH'llmeyrr. I'. |i.. |i«Mtur. The Havra-

m»m 'If the 1/ird‘n wIM ti- a«lm1til*terMnl the niurnhis »ervlce. The itaimr will jirrarh In Ihe evening. MubtuKh e.'bnvil at p. jftMeriina fnr j-mnur .'nnveru 4 p. » Kpwerth l.e.iaue veei^r ten h e It p. M, ah ar* wel- c m e . rMiM-LlAlh tItMtIXerPi.

IK NIKNSRVM E. i ' t i r u i ' l t Smnmer *i‘e- nur and Kenniy mieet. jtKi. M. i’, Sn<Hlarii!»M. iHieri'r. Mai'. |i l. iiiiMi. !(,;■( M.. youuB nien'ameeiing. fi j,*, \ renienitry i«exion. l'(;,Ki

At., •'uninmni-in service ; p. si . Hnhlath-Bchii-'l. 4 p M,. mp^dnx for men only. T.lD I . M.. emit;* tomlniicd hy .Mri- Braca

(Hcf l>avl*<\\] >ui.><i:v STUKUT MKTIIol'iST KPIfiro.1 I'.Ua C iiriJC It licv, PhhMee W. Met'nrcnli-X.

pasiMr. I ijbhc Rdrehlp. 1" ;wi ,s. m, and ' 1 M, Vt'UiKc tneTi'M pnisi-i •ni'-'-Hn*, W;:m A.

M i >»un« wnm.iu'A iirAV'T mcelln*. IM.'V a .AT mnimnnl'm, |n ;hi .4. .M Hundnr-

. Fch'-r:.., *.;rtn f'. M. VeeiH-r ecrilce, ll.no 1'. M.; Hertn'in hy the j.itjiioi. 7:.'iu iv M.; KllAVKIaiN HTUKKT M K I'MPH.-I! K,

31. 'iHrton. (mainr, lr» Ihe niorrilria. recepilnii of nietni'em wli|i (he laip*ri Hni'iier a hHlf-timif rcxivol jwivice prerefllnx the rommunlne In

j me •♦►rmun, ennait, eihrlha imIIin w(th, revival Hfsrvice. hbHnaelln(]i< R^rvlre rvery ev-I eninx ctuilnx ihf Wceh eycep! SaeiiriUv eienlne. 5 Momlna finiyHT.meedna, 0 lifi.

Kpw'irth Iseairue, H.fln.I 2.3n.‘•IIT.'I ' ' " ' ' n . ' i i k x t k n k io n go-

i , . '■ r',,.' ’' 1 “ *■' . 't n ili-ii gurnniT-I liel.l ' hjirrix mornlria. L i- Muller, eveninR,

n i l s

I f jrou Deed a n y th in g in the shape of

BeddingOf B edroom necessities, o u r 's la th e pl.ice to com e lo. AVe a re p a riin ila r ly well equ ipped lo supp ly ev e ry th in g you m igh t want* a l prices w h ich wc are a lw 'iys w ill­in g to have com pared w ilh those o f o th e r pUcea.

■ n u l l ! Combi-uatioa and a!l Bair,

Thii MMlIrm. Be«l KxceUior with Sod top. full Mzf 4 ft in. wide ■ n d 5 in thick, worth J*,oo, far ■ tlioM lime at . ' 2.50

Springs o f every deicriptlon—Roll- I— ■ Up. Fold-Up, Woven-

Wiie. &]«L, etc.

EoU-Up fipring. of beM tnateriil bpiraiapriiif»; Rleel Bnadi,Brace*, etc. Worth f.j.50;

NOW . ■ ♦ a

Brass and White EnameledT'rr^rt D a H c___In “b from > ft.iron ueas ^in. p ,4 fi. 6in., m d

n flf diflt-Trnt patternato chooae from, at prices

; $ 3 0 .0 0 d o . , to S 4 .5 0

I’.' Usrk Aieiiuc. 4 I*. M., |„Muller. HI- Andrew'*. m.’«riilna, Frank Mar- Daniel; eventns, 1\'. r. Hj'hwerer. «t Jam#*'*, mi.rnliig and eienliiK. Alfcwl Kvam. Maitigoni- fvy Htreer, (mirnlnii and evonlna. K Heud- fier alrace ''hajH . ninmlnit, W. C. rt<-hwerer; evenlux, r. Muller *Tiii n. IV. SiuidxraMi.

FNJON KTBKRT M K, ('H FR .U I-I’nmer t ninn Mini Oreen «tTeet* Bev, J. W. Rvder lider.TT. Junloi laeairue i»:|,v Holy ('nmniunton and reception of memtier* 111 .*ki. Ppearhtng nt 7;JNi. Huldert, "I’utian Independence, nr the civil' r'Uly of Ihe .AitifTlr-an fleiiubllr." Hun day srlimj! 2 1.1. Kiiwonh LemrU'- led hvMr. M gar Mairhew*. I’biidren'* i-h** Tiie*. 'Uy. I- rrajer-meetlnx Tur*.lB>. t;4A ' 'I bm meethiir ThmwJay. ted bj Mr W. c , Crelin.

F b lllT H AVKM'K M. K. C ttm c K lao- cated Itetneen Bmud ami Itish Mreei*. Fred hliMim, iHiiunr. A. M.. fti^nfra\ b»ve fe**i.

A. At., Hnly Coimmiiilun. rerepMnn »»f niemtw'ca by rrrllfli'aie imil fmm proltatbiu. ale>> n^-elve on firntMilMU imv who de*lre lo Jnln r . M.. Kunday-*ph<»nl. p. j ( ,Junior I'hrletlan Kmleakor eervke g;4r' I* M . ''hrlPtlan Endenvw eenl-'e 7 p. M.. I'reflj'hlng. Hubje't, "A 'Ireal Jjueidlnn,"Jneeday evening, 7;4fi. regular prayer *er-\ Ice.

HT. I'A l’i/ft M. K. r j i i 'R r n c.^mer Bread and Mareliall eireei*. Rev Henrv Maker, Ti, P . I'Hetop. IO::H( A. M„ Holy C.iminuiUrin. 7.4. r AT. eerm-fu hy the paainr. Huhjeri. ”(jue*1

I and <mjeci.“ The chnlr will l«e aenlsted by . I.enuard K. Amy and c. Wenham Hmbb.I ■•Mari'he Fiinefire ei ihanie Heraphinue." iiuifi I niHiu. played Hf (he tereni re«'ll*l, «i|]| be re- I i-'ated hy reque*(. Vnung Men's rnton.

A M. PaklMth-pWionl, It.*) p, M Kpwr'Tih IvCHgue pnjiw meeiing al T T. M. A cnrdlal weironi# (o all.

METIforPlRT rnOTKHTANT.FIRST MKTIIorUPT I'UnTKHTANT i‘H rR c |fHill *tre.‘j, between IEH]*ey and Broad. Rev.

T, U. I'v.rti. paetur. Knmlng prayere ai |u o'rlmjk. rreav-hlng by the m H»;.TO A. M.nnd 7 4 1' M Holy 1'ommUhl-m ai rlose .if morning eemion. Hunday-srh'»ol at p. MV. I*. H. C. K. at 7 P. M Mr. Pvolt'a evening Mubjei'i will he, "Poaei lu Merome Cod'* Chll- di'eri." Mfiis F|rtren.-e i r Mulf-rd will Hng.


Rev. i|f«-.rge H. liftnesH. pH''i'>r. !'t:iri. mfirnlng *ervlroe. 12..'W. Siindny *rlii>o|, 7. preberatorv rr*i>er-mee|ng, 7;;nj. Ha. rHiuent of (he Ijord a HiJI'per, HeniE free. All web-onte.

SIXTH 1'nK.miVTKRlAN ''H rR cH Cnrner nf I'nlon nnd l.nfavede ptreetii. Ceneral and yming Indie*' priiyer-meeilngii at m A. M Preni'hlng at M. and T.4fl P M. bythe paMur, Rev. rtsvlM W. [iU*k. Hunday- (•.’horil a( 2.nt> P. .M. T. p. H. c. k . at 7 1*. M.

MRIM’E HTPRETPIlRSnYTERt\,V t'HAPKL • neap Warren etreei, Rev. Harauei li.ibbin* I'rti-n. flumlay-e. I'..v.|pi a ' It A. M. and :!::■» J', M. rominujilun. 4 P. M . ll-jeeviHe Avemje chuivh. Chrlnttan F.iideavnr. <1 4. . Kvening aorshlji with sdbi elnglnc at ? 47', Addre** by Mr. H. C, K. ItutsiHni. a n.'Hve of .laffna.r'eylnn.

TAJIK rJlKHFiVTKRlAN rilfR C H Kefie. vllle avenue, .-omer Kearuv eiiept. Rev. J.Clement Frenrii, |>. r>.. pHumr .lunlur c K. mreMng at |(» A. M. Morning sen lee. h n'cloeg. Flev. (ieorge Heiberi, ..f R|.H'mrteld, ■will prea<-h, Hubbaih-achool, 'J:4.1 P. .M tvinaecra- tion aer\-h'e of the Y. P. H c F . rt'4f' Kven­ing eervtve, 7;47i Huhjref. "peter** Lie,"

CKNTitAT. PRKKMVTKRIAN rM F lP 'H - CHnioft. Helmont and Madl*on avemie*. Rev H Edward Voung. |ja*inr, will i<resrh at und 7:43. FTaver*. HH.V Hundav-m-hnol, *2: 1;. '■hrl*t(Hn Endeavor, rt:4r. (fi'R|j«-| hj iimr. No*. !. •. B and 4 to tn» tirmight by r'-ngregiCli.n in mnming nnd enlng sen ire. ' ’ongregarlitnai dl*''Ua*|on of ntlenlun* Tvea.liiy evening.

H'MITH PARK !‘K>:fitMVT1':RlAN I 'H n icH - Corner Proa.I etreei uiul chrilun nsentir. J,v nuun Whilnoy Allen, rsebT, Mui nlng ■ervl. e I'CHO. Pnetor will piem h. Comniufilon eer- 'ic e and reeej'Cnn of JU'W, memher* a( ft .Vl P. M No evening rerCre ]ri the rhurch. Mervlre At Mullv-rry Hiro'-t chmi.-i a( 7:4f> A. and P Brolherhojvl fi.ift. Cbrlerlan Kmleavop 7 p, M. Hfiee(ai oervlreg jiexr week Mnurtay eienlng Ilev. Henry <' \’.imU-rheek will iireai-h. All art- cordially Intlied.

TIIIB !' PRKHPtyTRmAX CHfR''PJ-.IJmHd *tieet, obPneliH lireen afreet I’reHihlng hI lOi kP A M and 7 4.'' P. M. t«y Ihe nhstMr. Re\A. Ne|*f»n Mollinebl. I', Pj (]ne|ir| bynm* mid singing t.y the '•holr Ht eM.nlng wnb-e. flub- Jen .if *erm->n, "H|«irlM)Hhem," .4at.t.Htti Pi-hools ai.t* P M y I', h. K. d.lft i' M. lf>-iimrrow. CongregmionMl iiraver eervtt'e Tnee- day. A F’. M ipiei»e) nerviie Id William *lreei. Friday, « P. M Ymi gre (..rdlslly Inilied to all STM Ices,

lt,i.PriSTWysT. i f Ni-g Turk, will rreaeh


Uerk ToffOiHer f*ff tbt.'wi.'** Kvening feerahlp p-4Ci- rtuf’rd adtlreoe haKeU -vn jjaracnil o*»- s*iYaC'ma In l-lax.i. ' M-nlern Kx; p-f and !>• Miclent Hell. , ' Y-.un- it—.u'n v-*i,cr* 7 P. M. Tu«—day e^enihk: m . vl-- ga unial A uor- ul«j y.eic.)ni--


t'-n avenue...... . \Srlglit -(ireri Rev. L. \V,Hamer i^aalor PteH 'liltia bv the (mslnr at lu.tu \ M. HitO 7:4.'> I' M Hundsy-whnel •J :i" t ' M Y P'. H •’ K. u iri p, M Ciin- >-n.vli..n meeting. Heair re«erve«l (■- Miungers.

IJKI.E.KVlLJ.ri AVKNPR C’ONCREl?aTIPN- AL I'lU'HCi? Key. ilamucl Lto* L'cmls, itae- lur. |•ublU' Worship at b'lkJ A.3J. hiuI 7:45 PM. Kuiiday svhiHd at 2-^) P. M ChrUlUn En-

at iPtA I*. M The |iaslur wll! iweach. W iinItiK *iibje.'t. "Cml uii'l (Kie nwu Honi "K'-rning suhjeit. •■Chftng.- Lmi Mlud." •‘ rr,uiK±.|a ail,I vi*i1nr* curillully wrlcnnteij,

FPlHt 'HPAb.HT- .Ai.n.tV'H ON THK uir.r.. nmith righih

*(n-*t. ■ omer Thirteenth avenue, one hl.-vk ft-'m HouihfPranti avenue -Ilev. Klll-d Wlme. i-wtur. Her\ u es ii’emom*w.*etv.n.l Suniloy In l#erit. Holy ' ‘"luinunlon. li'.ftu A. M FienUi* i-rajer and Kertnon. 7 :tn Htmrlu)-srh-i"!. J-.ln f . M. U ed- nr*<l.'? .Hill FriiJay, .luring l*eni. c\enliig bf*»> r ,in.l iidilree-i Tirki Y.>u are mollall) Im liedte All (he te n b


n 111 ('reach mi A M iind T -ftU P.M' ! niKg -iifvje.'t, "I 'un We L>v.e (bjr EnemiesT* kieniuH ■nP>|eri, "Ueieladun: What it la Nut, and Whu If I* "

HPtRlTfAUHTH.P F R l.b ' HPIMITfAI. Cl liCI-K-r.miJufie.! hy

Mr i;e..rg». Clark. Ht \*7 Waihinglan street, t t 1 4.V p M. fiiUcr C'dle'-tlon. Iliwmen clnjl# p'M* ffidm g Thur»Uy gtenlng a t •


t M "N kliilberry street near Market, rtun- •liv me..r',.u s Hi ( an«l 7 -W p. M . in fharga o(Ml- K* II) rtitd Mrr Su-

-1 I'.iM i u T- I H^K^vllle aienv*,■"in'lii.. I .V4. H.III he uHrtiiorlal *#ri b * fit* •HI ilr(»irie.i w .iker**, Mr-.||icr Oiiff'h. hlsterg

N^Mfoi.l, p.,il.l,ins ,ind Hhsn. Oatilfld Poai wMlJ i t o n d In rt b o i l ) ,

f i '- I l lv .. ''' ':! tV.iMAN'P (H m eT M NTI.M ■Kli.M'K I NKiN' mil g,nM th*lr r-iu la rt . h - 'k iiw i-un * ,1 Ih r Hall, «... I t *Wi, I,,I 1„. ,i || p(.■(■nifnory -M. t:. cliur.h. » —


• liffi r,,rn .r i.f l l . ik f l . Himflay inarnooB a t S Ofl.tftt. I < S'-hmllt, ,if Ihla i-lly. will lao* turr. .Hulijf.i, •■rrnnallnn." All a n InvIlWl,

I 'l in i t 'H n r IKIII Mm.|> at « 1-1111101, airM t evfrj- Auil.t*/ Inornliia at ||):»u o'rlook. In l,rf,ili Prra.'liiii* at n M. hy Mr.HaiiiUBl tMla.rn n ii l Sunkay nuirnlni All ara welctiine

I'lnilU Tl.tN H.-lKM'lt i-lirn i-lt-a»rvk»a N„. «|,| Ilr,»ii1 -triTl. HiitiAay. 3 l>. M Hlbla I'laia YrMay rvmlii*. h o i tnrlt. No, Sa,,tne •ir.»t, Huhjei‘i, ■"rill, I'lirlai ut uod. " l.iihe t>.- Ih-.i, tiiiMou Toxl. I,iik- a. Xi. Knotataim, I, |,ra)or; 3. a-ir-.loiilal; ,l|fc,rntra thf I'liflal,

f ' « 'I " ’|I1|,. Hrina Itihif h.'l.hra and I lea it hV"I NCf MKN rt CHRIHTIAN AHHCM‘tATIOff t Union Pire-i, neui llriHad. U. A. C<»a*erta.

•e.-retary Al] mm of whatever . 'n ^ , color or natiiinsluy weNvijim t-» sitend the tiaunal men’s ntrt*.emeeilng held every Hunday si 4 o’cloek tn A**<K(a'(Mn IIkII, To-niurru*. Flksnsh Ttmke tile «el|.known Newarker, will tiresi'h nn "H* 1 ame tn nimeeif." Iiiirresting and inaniring aililreoa. gleu Ringing by the wonderful rninfed ^ingi-r*. of .New Ti>rk. The*e singer* are re- markalde grilslg. <'amtime*iuig mclo'lles. janlws and fhuriise*, Cfn-Pieetr* and choir. Almoet fiOO m«n yreiM-ni at every eervire,

< lH A N (lF anit.SN'JK VATaLKY niNtiRElUTION A L-

Jllghlsnil avenue. Ken'lrei i i U) ftn A. M Rsv '•harp . A Havage. isigiur. Chrlsllan Bruleaivr meeiing at h.WP Hunday STening. rrayar-meet-* Ing luesluy evening at S Q'cbK»k. Junior Kn-r deavor, Frl'lay gftern*>on «t ift o’clncli. r'om- tniiniuFi Rcfvice tn-morrow afternoos at 4 c’r lo ^ .No nigtil eepvlce.

CHI RI’H < nn)*e Mala ari'l Halatwtl ati-f-ta. Syrvli-aa la mirhita ai 1 :mi A. ,M aiul 7 A.'i I’. H., tlia Ttn. Dr, U. B, Hlalvii, |,a.|„r- V,.ilti* i»n|,|a'a prayfr ow*l In* at Bits ,.M,».|1. Kiihlaria; In Ih* mwnln*.

The i\b|r*«'s Kiiti s l*aral'ile .if ntdidiual Resilrrerllnn," In the evening. 'Many •'nmlng frotn (he M bi and the U>»1 and Hfiilng IVum In Ihe Kingdom of 'iM.*' Vnung peoplt'a meat. Ing ai 11.4.1.

KT. I 'A n .'g A. M. K. .'HI'llCH -Boulh alreet. A. M Preaching a( 111 HO A M hy ihe (lasior. Text. 1st Timothy. firiE chapter. IMih terse Theme, -The Warfar* of thf ''hrlsllsn rtetlned." al which Hme the nga- (ur will si<eak of the duly nf every American Clilieu inwsMs struffgllffg Cuba. Rusday-achnoi. J.ftu. JT'-schlng a t ft .V» P. U Te*i, Jnhii. x1*! •dmfiler. IT and Ih verees, ivfUr which will Os the sacrament of the r>Yrd's flufiper.'At T;.Tr| P M . (he "dd Fril.'w'e seriimn will he iiftarh- ed M-iih choirs are requested (o he present. All are weiome. Rev .1, T. Reg, paatnr.


S nfT II NINTH HTRKET SKWER^AsseSsmenl fi.r lielicfll'.Notice Is hereby given, (hat an aaseaamant

upon all (hs uwiivri tif all the lands and r«a| • ■Mile fiei'uhnrly lieneftted by (h* conalruotlod of the sewer (|t

^H 'T H NINTH kTRKBT. frun Tncirth meniie to i>nirat •veaoe, wHH litarirh In Eleirnlh nveiiiie, nnd Central avenue! fi «m K-.inb Ninth stvet i-. |«<iuih Eighth t x r ^ lH. roT.ling (n the provlBluns of an r.nUrmnra ^ (he ffiy of Ne-Biirk. enilMed "An ordinance u bj.rilile for »he conetruciliiu of a sewer In

KCCTM NINTH ‘HTnKET, fr-'tn Twelfth airnne (n Ceinral avenue, wlih hmheh In Klerenih avenue, and O niral avenue, from H-imh Nlmh street |o Sumh KlgMh ilrcst «|ppiuved ,ruly 12. IMCi.

41a* been iireimre-rt by Ihe under*l#n#d Com« mlssl-inere, up|H>iniC(| hy th* Mayor of the clli Of Newark, and that a report, by a r«rt1llcat« In wriMrif. with an accompanying map and e«hediil», ahowlng the atvsral awH-samenil against (be several owners pscullarly tienefltH *s aforesaid, has been dejv>altei1 In th« fifflea of

I Hie f'liy Clerk «f the efiy of Newark f<>r ex* ■ mlnatiun hy th* partlen Interaated (beratn.

Hwld aaeessment c'lmprlsea all lots, trocU . and parcels of und and real eftats Hahla to m [ aHseiaed as aforesaid, lying on both «let«a sC ■ KnCTH NINTH HTRKKT,

from Tw'»lfih nw-nue in I'entrsl avenue.<Ml bull! sldce of

I KUPTH ELEVENTH KTRERT,I from Houth Ntfith et(+e( to H.Yuih Eighth ■trrstjI On Ihe snutherly side of , cKNTTlATa AVENPE.fr»-tii Houth Ninth street iq Hfiuth Eighth itrof.

A "lot" re|iresenta an enilr* ploi of IoaiB , whether Urge or amnll. ^

AM i>ersona Interested in aatd aiseasnitTit ttsB b« heard m fur* oald commissioners, oa FRIPAY. THE ATM PAY HF MARCH, ISM, at 3 P. M.. at the Conimisalotiers’ ruottL Ho, g (third floori. CHy Hail.

!»a(ed February '.ii. iww.PAVIP c. nnpD , JR.,WM E. O'CONNflR,JOHN J. McHRATH.

12m i 'ommlsaioner*,I. rviNiHTON fiTRKKT HEWER Ai»eMmeR|

f.'C tM'neflis,Notice Is jMrehy given that an aisesamsBt

ui'on all (li« owners nf all the landi and r*i4 eriota peculiarly bansfited by iha oonaiructlim of Uic aewer In '

IilViNfJSTON s t r e e t , (from Av.>n livenue i<i IVavevjy place, and fr«ng Flshlrenth s\ enue to Seventeenth avenue, ar« •■'T'fioa t,> (he (irovlslon'* »»f nn ordinance nf the rtly of Kawark, enlfiled "An ordlnanc* u pruvMa (or the cnnstruolloii nf a aewer In

LIVlN1JMTt)N STREET,from Avon avenue to Wavepiy place, and fn Kighreenth svernie (m fievetueenih uvetiue,'' pr'i'-ed August ja,

I frofi!,*■ api

This Crib. White Knameled Iron, wfih hriM konb*. 4 ft. long, a tl wide, comfilele wtth slala: worth I 7.50 NOW . . e


Y « u r M o n ty b a c k ff you w « n t It. Freight paid tnywliere | Wiigon Delivery

In Jersev. I for so miles.

Hev. HepuTan C. O puhneri. ftM erlcl gave a n o th e r selft^uon, ‘'H ukly Hoad* wy. M isi S lN sang iwd sonffs. "S p tn lsb I*ove Sonir," by Cham lnade, and T h ay er's

The Clover B ioM om s/' accompaftled by P rofessor W iniam C. Pldoril, and the ban jo iits closed th e program m e With a catchy teTocHon, "Th* Brooklyn H and!- cap ." __________

URANHE AUTBRTiHibiffNTII.RRANCM NoPd. Dial. 6, P. A. of A., will

hold a meeting Sunday, March 1, at Hedge's }ZaII, W«« Orangt, at 3;ao P, H. All members are urgently roQunted ta attend ns buslneoa of Importanr-e will be (ranaartert jm iN J. KEN­NY, PrealdBftu FB U X MAZEE, Recording iec-____ _____CtREAT sals of sllff haigl all ih* latest spring

•lylee, rthr. rach: nothing #>M. HARRT CLINQ. Bg Nosaaii •(.. Orungs Vallsy. 4tl




106d 0S iQiberry Sl„68,70 utO 78 CllDtOD St.,

S E W A R K , N . J .

Here and i-eady for business at the Old Stand,

190 MARKE1 STREBT.I E very th ing in the H ardw are Line. I Mill, Factory, P lum bers’ and Steam- ' fitters’ Supplies of th e best quality and LOWEST MARKET PRICES.


Hev. Mrat Ml Zi.Ph JtH|iilHi rinii'li. Thoma* sireei. If-mi^rrow. 1're.iclilng Hi .It' A- M and T.ftO P. M. .Ml HfC Wl>)r|j|||r>

TAftKRNAcLK H.MTfKT '■||CRCU- Fair- mirtjlil HVemU', belW'-en Flfieriilh and ?<tste4'mh Hs-enura. Hundav p'Tvb rp, I'T'-arhlng bv Rci. Mr Tx'VVxlf Hi to:U)-A M Sunday-echrHii ;.'ki F. M I’lofl- liHut I')’ W'llllwin \V HnUKlarid

nt T.f«') I' M. I'ravfT-mrfiiitg* TUHelhy and Frida'.- *i 7-!l»( P M. All sre Invited in altrri'1.

FAlHM MlNr ll.tPTlHT (The Pe<iyle'*» <'iU‘l(C]f Hank *trpei. ci j-ner WJrkllffe. Th" Rev. E. J. LUdknnw MilUngiun, naator. laoni'a Day: I’reAohlna and l.uTd”* Supjier at in,ftn. "The Serving I’hrlet." riun.lHj- a.-huul at fireii.'hiiig und bmitiam at 7:ftu. 'The Ag 'nlxlng Chrlai. ' Ceunl «tu'k iilirhi *ervb<*e, All wel-■iftni'.

FIFTH HAl'TIST I'lll'IHT] *<',.mer Ijifay-e(le and lT"*i»eri; Rireute. IU*\. T. Aurlul liughea, piielur m:;wi A. M . tlu-me. •■Iji-Mims from OraiuUnnrliPr,” iAurflay-*»'hr>ol 3.'Jk). Evening gnbjert, "M'hlth'-r'’’' fln]n by

.L havl*. Jr. Tiieeday, c. K. 7:4j F. .M, Thuraday, 7:l.V pt'iyer ami pralee jrrrli-e. Brlghl and hieeay eervlve*. (Vnm-.

ttOFTM HArrifKT c m h c | | Kaat K\un*y aireet. near flirmd. Thf iKiRtoi', He\. H if. leUlheT. I». 1) . will pT'-ai h ut lUj.Hi A. M ;nid 7:ftOI' M- Theme uf thf’ inurnlnH, "The Vk’turv •>f Fallli iher Ihr Wnrld," Cummunbiii "i Ih* I’loae of the *«-Tnion, H*btt*r'jiil *ers Ice in iJie evening Jil 7;ftt) rtunday••<-Jue*l *t 2 -ftii I* M Tiieeday and Thursday evening meeting* at 7:4r'. aMI ar'’ weU'ome.

FTHIRT R.VFTIKT rKlHUR MFMClilAL CJU 'Jir’H—The i'a»tyr. Rev. (‘h*rlr» M, I'ud'l,

II preiich Ri lu.ilfi A- M HRfitlam ntid Y>iin- murilon at thS mofhlng iwri’ic'r and m T » i^ M HundHV'iH;h'Md ftt 2:fto F 51. Tueaday even­ing, I'lirlNiiBii Endeav'ir t t H o'clock. The I'ed- die Mentorlul I'adel* and Liuy*' Jirigad'- drill nn Wedi|Piulij.y evening at 7;3(p. Mid-weeli aer.’ii e on Thur'S'lRy evening at (t. r'f'*«'erte«l hy mcriing of loietnr and dra>-unji n( Tdtfi.

RKFOHMED.FIFIS^T RRFCJRMK1> •’lir i t i 'H - Miirkei

alrert, corner of Heaver. Rev. T .1. i.ee, i»h*- tor. rtervlrea a t 11114ft A. Al, and 7:4,' F. M. Holy rotumunlhfi ftt morning service. Hundaj,'- achoola at fi.lft A, M mid -:ftO I', M. Y. 1'. S. F. K. ai U,4.1 I'. M, Tueaclav evening, eeriti-e at H u'rbR'k. All eurdiiilly wrlrnnie.

J-K\V YCRK AVE-NFK REFORMED Il'-V. Ja'. M. Allen, .iiisiwr. Jlucfiiiig worshlfi Iw ;ki. Haator'a'firat Icemen lecture th r'flioe oji fbftiily reJIglim, "Plely ni ll-ifne” H|>fcla] evening rvHngeliallc Bervite. 7.4ft. Flrel In couree nf lay Hermona, Klkannh Urake, E*o- Hubjsct, "14nw|nx und lleuplng" Swinging by th<t (Hipulgr ■ong (rvongelltt. iTufi'iMr \Vari’en fieutity,

NORTH REFOnMKD<’H l‘H<,:H-t’,„Ti"T Mfo«d and nrldge street*. Th<- Rev. Donald Kagv Mac-kny, loiHlur, will pre.ich tu-rfiurrow morn­ing nnd evening. "The Face uf Chrlei."T:ftifi. "Th" latHt ficuttleh MaMyr," concluding lecture hi the serin*. Wsek-tiisKt anrvlcr, Tviaa- duy. H. Hlu'liea lii the ■'l'll■rl^v' 1 Pntgre**" wilt be reaiiined. Subject, "A|*>ltyon, Runyan'sConcejiiion of the Devil.'*'

f'HBlHT' HKFDHMKD f'DlTR'Il--W*»'hltig- (•'(i and liHlavrtii Rvenun.s, ReH-, f, v. W. fli'henck, luii'tnr. 10 \ . M., prayer-iiiaeHng. t0:i40 A. M.. morning tervlve. Subject of oermon, / 'T h e l*fniighl date." y-:ni p, M Hundav- 'm-liool. 4 I'- H. .luninr Khdeavor, «:4ft I*. M, I’hlradau Endeavor ciman'ralton meeting. < evening service; aubjeol of at-rmon, "The Wopi- kii Who MRTiaged a Frosa Husband/' with s prelude (t|i (he pesthnuar, Tiiesdiy avetilug pTsyer-meeilng R n'cltK-k.

Cl.baSTtiN AVKNFK REFORMKD C'Ml.'RFH Rev. Daniel H. , Usrtln, iioalor. Morning

prayer* 10 o'clock. T>lvlne aorslilji, *Hh ^ a c h in g by Ih* figstor, iu:ft0 A. M fltihjecl,

IhoiV Tbltitf* jJAlAst H s-A Il Ttilnti

lifts been prepared hy th* Undersigned corns nderiuner*, afi|Kdnted by the Mayor of th* ells of Ne-.vsrk. and that a report, by a cerifneats Ig writing, with an accorrittaiiylng matt and sched's ule, (Lhnwing Ilte Beveral sk*e*emenii agatn«| the Several owners i>ecuUsvly heneflieg as sfor*4e*ld, hMM been depoaliml In ih* oflloo of tht rtly Clerk of the city of Newark, for cxamtoMlo^ by the jiarttea Interested therein.

field aeh essin rn t runi|>rlaes ail lots, t ra a ts i n ^ p arrrlji nf land and rea l **(ala Hahla to ba ass iiehaed a s afur^waid. ly ing on ho(h sides of

LIVIN'THTDN PTH EET, from Avon avenue |fi W'Nveiij- (litre , an d fm ifl

E lgfU renih av en u e tn rieventeerHh avenue.A "fid" repre«ehts an tntlr* plot of langf

whether large or ■mall.All fiersons intereRied In said atseiiment maj

he heard before said cnmtivlssloTiera. nn ^FRIDAY. THK 'ITH DAT (iF MARCIJ. ]nm 3 P M . ai Ihe Curnmliisloners’ room* Ko, # (ftd flrM r), t‘Jty halt.

I Da I 'd l-’e h ru a ry iti*.I i>AY|D C. nrtDD, JR.,' WM E. O ''’nNN0n.

JO H N J . M rORATH.I I'm I 'uninilealonera.

nitt'i'K STREET KEWER ABnesRuieiit fo^ henefit*.

' N"(lo<' I* h<’reiiy given (hftt an assesiment' uiHit) all the ••witer* of alt ilia lantlt and real

en(Hle [ 'e ru l l i r ly beuefiieil hy ih* cunstrUflUoRuf Uie newer In

rn ir c E HTRKKTifrom Wiirren street to Rank streei, arenrdlTiff trt (he prriv Inlon'* '-f mi or<|lnsnre of (lie city of N<'war's, *’iJiltled ".Vn MrdlnHhrr to prov144| fur Ml*' i Mnstriu rhuj nf * sewer In

HHCCE STREET,I fmm St'orren *ir»'e(- to Rank street." sfiproviff I Augusi ’A), titur»,I Ms* l>een profisred hy Ihe unilerslgnm) com- j fiiUe|tiHers. ai f 'ln ted by the Mayor of th* cltjf I t t Newark, uii'l that a r"(>ofi, by a oeptlftcal* 1ti ■ writing, with an acrompmiying map and ocha-

diifi-, ihowlng th« several aeaessments agstnst Mie several owners pe<-Ullarlv henefited s i afore* HHid. Ijhs hern de(»osl(ed In the ufllre of the Cliy Clerk of the rtry of Newark, fuf eftatnlnallon b j (he purtles mtereaied therein.

Sold nssefiKinnui «-omprlee» all luts. iracli aru( par>-ei* of latid mid real estaie llaole to h* ao*

' sMMid *• afurcHiild, lying nn hn(h sidts ot H R l'C E 14TREET.

from U'arreii street 10 Hwnk street.A "Int" re]treBenU an entlr* plot of lan^jf

whether large or stnftll.All (lefwins Intereeted In *ild ssaeasment rhojl

fi'* heard befor** said oommiiiki5*r» nn FRIDAY, TKI-: UTII DAY OF MARCH, IWlI 2 P M.. at the cominlSRloners' room. No. 4 I8d flivirl, ettv Hall.

iJaied Fehruary 2ll. D«0fl. t DAVID r . T>onn. j r „ *


11 in commlsslrtneDL

l k <;a l NrvriC'KR,l.\' I'HANi'KUY OK .SEW JERHEY-NoMeiS

T«' lia<-hel Merry and Harris Herry, fty virtue nf an i»r*ler nf ihe Court of ChatlrerJl

nf N«w .loroey, nv.ule <m ihe day uf ths datgi hH-eof, tn a vervain cause Ihef'lu depending, w'lierein Jane K. Jnuksnti Is romplalnanl, ati4 ynu nnd othere nr'- defetidante, you are r*^ qulrcd tiv api-ear aivl plead. nn*w*r <>r demur I0 Ihe corittdalnam'* hill on or before (he thirtlstht day nf March next, nr (he hill will be (skan av L-onfsssed Aguinsi vnu.

Th* «ald bit! t* filed to ffiret'lu** a mortfOM given liy yrni to Jane K. Jackunii, dated May !,» INfLI, iu M''ure the payment uf H.NMl' on preiN^ li-es cut Relniom avenue. In Newark- Naw J*r* oey. nnd you are made tlefemlaiita becAus* It allsdred In wslil bill Ihnt ynu may have | otti«I eouliftble inieresi In 11 subaequeTlt mortgaR* fo^ D-.'kH' given tn ynu hy Ike Rosenlahl. dudi a** signed hy .vnu to Charles A. Feick.

hated February ^7. 1*1m|,Vnurs reapgctfully. I

g. KB.NhnEY ft ttfjNB, flCiinifilnlimnt'S KvtlleUoii,

7fil itATfi) Ttift rh-'4td fireei, Ncmirk, 7(. J.

Tkw N E W S cLrculatna mor* la rg tly lhan a n f nth*e (Mlper In th* O range*. Harrlsofi. K««n(f|^ Bfbnmfleid. M o n tc la ir, fiiim uili. C hatham . M g ^ bKin a n d M o rrU U m n .a n d thm ughou t th* oounlit) hereabou ts. H ea l Ratal* A gem s Ffll do wtU i i lit* U* tap e c la lly on W e d ac u U ^i.o n d f tg lu r tk t f^ ■twela! R t t l day*.


BiRm y OF fiossiMnsicians Do Honor to the Wrltrr of

Great 0})eras.


K lnj[ IV, hy I In’ Kin.M H oillf. W hirl! thi> l i rm t <niii!!0« ’r W nH . ■nil W hh h W rrr I’niilni'rrt llrfiirr Ituyally M'llli fnlnMlIHlril Niicrr.iM-Tlie Cryvlal I ’nlm-n l>li>l>rHlli!U tu II. nn Kf.nl.-K*'W NnlAl . \n n lv .ru ir1 .f rii.« lljlr, A I.™!! l> « r r h i l i l - l l l . W ork ..

NKW y n itK . I'l'ii. ■*-^M unli'lsni th roukhoul I'h. i -t ih im ' w ill t!!‘'l,iy ninl tfi-muri’uw crU’h rn t' 111*- I>lrlhilu3‘ Kim- ?inl. 1h. ! uirii'ii.i'T nf “ iiciiilrain lJi'."'■William T ill" Hii‘l thii "H talial .M alrr." linv ina 1"-II liorn on I h . iw rm y -n tn tli of F .b n ia ry , hla M rllnlay l» ( .'.l.h n ili’J only rv .ry fou r y ea r ., 11'' a»lil a l al»ty y*kta of ■ «. lh a t h r wM only Hfli-fn, (lid num- bar of hla M rlhilayii. M utlclnna uanally riimtnpmuralB llio o n n lv .ra a ry by nlvlnit hla worka ■; t r ia l iTuniliirn.'i*. In ih r iirii- K rainirt.. »f th r ilay. T 'nflm ililnlly lb- moat rlahn iH lr ;-i-h-brHllnn thin j 'r a r will h. h . l i a l l.nmlon. w h i r . I h . I'aiT iim '. will b . h ii 'l 111 Ih . I 'r y . l a l r a l a r r , w h r r . iMillnic ninati'laiia will t a k r |>art. Ixnnlon U IIh p in-■' w h r r . lEoaalnl nm<l. hla Ural g rr a l f -r. b.lnK th . p . l Ot Ih . Kin*.

U inarhino nnaalnl dli1 no t have dlatln- m la h H am i.a lry . Hla f a i h . r w aa a town- t r u m p r t .r ami In a iv tio r of a la u ah l.r- houa.a, W h .n I h . A ua trlana took r .a a ro lha fa ih rr waa pu l In prlaon. T h .n the m o th .r , A nna, had to aupport lha family. Sha bacatna a public a ln g tr , and aana In

< hi


R oslin l.opftTM ftnd a t fa ir* and carnlvaln. T hr boy WM U ft In rh a rv a o f a pork butcher. L a te r, bla fa th e r, on leav ing prlton, ta u a h t him to play th e ho rn . A nvere i a t th e t>or'fl ia a ln e ia ha m ade him a blaek- •m ilh a apprenH ce. T h en a prleat. who w a i a ch o ra l m aster , | o t hold of the Roe- Plnl lad and ta u g h t h im to alng so well th a t a t ten r e a r s o f ag e th e fu tu re com- poaer w as a chu rch s in g er. A t tw elve he i s n g a sm all p a rt In P a eE a opera, " l.a C arm in a ." By th is tim e he had hecoine very sk ilfu l on th e piano. One day h li fa- th e r a ikm l him w hat he would like to do. "I should lilts to cum tiose." Rapa Joseph flew In a rag e and k icked th e boy, es- o lalm lng: "You m igh t he<‘om« flrst tru m ­p e te r o f the kingdom , w hich Is fa r be tte r th a n being a flfth>rate com poser." His n ra t cmnposHlon waa produced a t Bn« logna in RUN. It w as a r a n la ia called the "Im m en t of Musk’."

flhortly a f te r Rossln( w roth a one-act opera bouffe. He got on ly fW for It, bu t he wen a nam e hy U. It w as b rought ou t a t the. flan M oie T heatre , D uring the next fourteen years he w rote th ir ty operas for the Ita lian s tage . He w aa fond of Jokes, and nU yed ons th a t nearly ended serious.the Ita lian s tage . He w aa fond of Jokes, and rU y ed ons th a t nearly ended serloua ly. T he A larqvls i^mvalll gave him a w relelied tIbreU o to com pose for. R os­sini set It to th f a b su rd es t m ualc. T he luisa sung th e high, th e ten o r the low noK'i. T he o rch estra had to ta p the tin isn ip Hhades a s cynit>als. T h s V enetians, (A whom It w aa Aral p layed, had never heard such discords. T hey sm ashed the sea ls and ehandelle rs and nearly wrecked th e th ea tre . T he com poser w as glad to dlm}.|iear, IB s flrst o p e ra to g l ^ him KuroiM*sii fam e w aa • 'T anered , b rought out In Venice In Itdl. I ts ench an tin g meG odles soon su n g tt Into po p u la r favor. The com poser w as th e n only tw enty-one years old. Two y ea rs la te r h la otrera of "Eiisii- iM ttu" w as produced In N aples, In UfR he m arried th e singer. M ile. Uolbrsn, and w ent to V ienna. T here he l»ecameths Idol of the hour, l i e w as a fad to which royal-

Crystal r ila c e .ty w as g la d to bow. T he la s t opera. Ros- slnl w rote fo r th e I ta lia n etag«A w as “Sem ilram lde." He received II.OWI for li. T he y e a r a f te r he w ent to I^ondon. There he m ade his fo rtune. K ing George IV'. becam e his friend and gave him preaents o f g rea t value. Besides, th e K ing sang due ts w ith him. Once th e K ing In a solo m u d t a m istake. R osiln l, accom punying, w ent t ig h t on.

"W hy did you follow me w hen I w ent off the key?*' asked hla M aicsty.

"I would accomiMtny you to th e tom b." said the com poser. On leaving l^ndo ii, a f te r i five-m onths' s lay ., he had am assed I2S.000. He w ent to P arle , wltere he be­cam e d irec to r o f the T h e a tre Itallen a l a sa la ry o f SO.noo franca a year. P se r led a cabal (h a t tried to ru in Rossini, but Aiih- er and o th e r compoMcrs stood by the I ta l­ian^ and he hct'sm e the aulM TSt of the c ity . In 1X2S lie was re tired a s illrcctor a t h is own request, sm l then began to com^ nose for th e French Academ y. He wrote ^'W illiam Teii" in 1!C . w hich m arked a new d ep artu re In his sty le . Though but th irty -seven years old he never w rote a n ­o th e r opera. Ife never g av e a s a t l s ^ e to ry rvasoti fo r lay ing dow n lits o i^ r a tk pen. l ie re tu rn ed to Ita ly , b u t rp tu rned to I*aHs, w here he lived n life of luxury and dissipation . Me soparated from hla wife. A fte r h e r d ea th he m arried a young wom­an who had nursed him when he was 111, In 1K33 he w ro te the '*Ktabat M ater" for a Hpanlih friend. T h is w as first perform ed In Jan u a ry . IM2. In fourteen runcerta It brought him ifiO.fttW fran cs . He w as very su p erstitio u s and drcadeii F r ld a i’. but his fa te v/aa to die on a F rid ay , on N ovem ber IS. IMN. H ie body w'as a t flrst e ^ m b e d Ih the rrhu rrh o f th s M adeleine, P aris , but WM la te r rem oved to F lorence. Hla msnu* mTipiB sold for l&n.oou fran cs , in 1SK9 a t P a ris a R oailtd Home, endowed by the childless com poser's will, w as opened for Invalid F rench and I ta lia n miisfclans.

Though one of th e l»est-nat tired of men gild a g re a t wit, h s w as s tra n g e ly p aradox­ical, amt a f te r he ceased w riting In Ihs height o f his fam e h is friends called him a m yitp ry .

a litp s tlial Pass In Hie N ight.As ships m eet a t sca a m om ent to ­

gether, when w ords o f g ree tin g m ust be spoken, and then aw ay upon th e deep, so men m eet In th is w*orld, a tid i th ink we should c ross no m an 's p a th w ithou t hail­ing him, and. If he needs, giv ing him eup- plies.—Beecher.

TO COMMISSION THE BAHLESHIP OREGON.Next \VM*k One a f Ih r O rrat .im eriran KngJaes uf W ar Will Be Fnriiislly Added to Ih r

H r i ' t - l le r AnitMiiiriil ami b|M‘ril« as llniiiputMl hy lha BwBdrrS,

r v

T tIK llA V n .M ,>11111' fiRICdOM .

SAN K K A N ris ro . Kill. N'lx! w w k Will see th e lintil«‘sh!p Dregrin, i>hi of th r crack boats uf Um b- Hum’s Nuvy, plsi-rd In commiNHioM. TIm' O n g o n Is f*rr 0 Inches long, iiihI a t llic w ater Ih.- Hiu* m easures 'Mi fei't. Her m» un dnim rht Is 2t feel, Shfl slic is W f»-» l it irudu e UmiH'I and So fei-l In ilcpHi, !Im' dlspl.t* cUM-nl is Ic.asi rons Hiiil (u I- Inill'HH'd hnn«e-pnM.ir Is 7,IK*' nsItiJHl drauglif ned r- 'r- '-ldraugh i. Her «ijiii|inu nt N v« rv Iu hvv. and Is Ihventurbd h* fo ll'-w ; KlKbt ^•imdi, four H-Inch sml four fidu-h tn*crh-lund- Ijig rifles, twenty ii>|«»miders, rapui lire,


Ilev. Dr. A rthu r W, Hp<»oiinr, o f I ’am - dcii, suTietiiitenJehl u f th e New Jersey Jun ior t.h ris ilan E ndeavor Union, will a d ­dress th s Essex t*oimty t 'h r l i t la n t-n- deavnr Unhm s t Its M arch m c itin g Mon-

Mii-I elglii ] |ioui>i rap id-firing guns; four sr-iijllllm etre JlolchkisH rt‘volvlng rannoii, and sU Howell tnr|Fedo lubes.

The c o n trs r l calls for a sp rsd of fifteen kno ts jicr hour, the g re a l batUeMhlpis .......... . to rX4-fr<| I h i l and hi win ahsmiiKimr liomis for the Unln]i Irtui U'oi'ks, scm rtllng lu th e ii-imii t»f (he ••ohliucT. On Ju t rc re r.t tr ia l tr ip hIm>u! Hii- buv ih*‘ nr«.Ron show vl a stoT.| of scvetiliMii kivolM p»*r hour iind over. Hbo WHS slHiut .1,1*111 tons UkIH hi th a t lline. lacking luT guns ami her u irrc is , so th in

; she ran nut perhups be expeelcrl in Nhow the sam e speed when she Is cum iiletrd.

flay night a t 7;4fi o 'rinek In th e N orth R e formen ('hurch . Dr. Bpooner will so* on "Hpots on the H»n." Rev. Dr. D. Huge

M u s c u la r Rlieum atism .I ’ro lm hly l|u>rH Is jir, iIIwhsu Him in-

ill tiMK’h piiin n- rhi'iitii-mlrnti. ln i i li ticcomi'S o liru iilr, tliern ui'« t f v t XII liuril to I'liri’. T Ii Ih (llkt-uiie Is ciiunful hy tm linimr,* niuto o f Ui« blood. 'H io lrn |itirily ooiLliMi o f im pxoona of iothli; uclil, tmil to ilrive tblH Hold from (ho bloo<I )> tlm o h K 't o f nil m llo u a l trom niHiL.

T ill’ iiicd iiiil fiiciitly ImvP foiiinl In H r, l>iivld K tiiuo ily 'd l''iivorlu> ilt'iiiedy a ci'r- tu lii nM<l pi.oililvo I'uro fo r i l i i , le rrib lo I'om iilkint, .Mri. >1. H ilt, o f (lu leto ii, I 'l l ., n n y i : " t l u u your ii^o 1 wiin tn k rn ivllli im iaculnr rlii'u in iitlsin . T\ly lluibx w-iTi! BO (ittln tu l 1 co u ld Bcnrcaly wnlW. I detPi'MilDod tu t ry

DR. DIIIO lERIEBnFAVORITE REMEOrnod bffo ji! I hud u sed tlu< th ir d b o ttle lliC p.ilii ttn» nil g o n e .”

KhV'orile Item cuy c u re s c h ro n ic , scu te o r lu liiim m ntory rh e u m a tis m ; e n d ln dla- eiinis h r im g h l ab o u t by liiitm ro blood, o r nn cxcenii o f ni'ld In ttie blooil, such as u r in a ry tro iilile i, d y sp e in ln , cotisUpalioD, k id n ey o r liv e r coin]>lahils, i t la a w H l- Unon-ii specIBo. A ll d ru g g lsK , oue do l­la r a boU lo.

Mackave, i>asiur of ihe chu rch , will ttm he the add rfss of welccmir, and a brl«»f rem irl of the Ikfthel Mission will be p rcscn ied by the superin tendent. D uncan Furbei.

The N ew ark E p w o n h Union h as vierteil R<>v, W. U. KinHcy presUleni, J . F. I’ryer. Miss Hetlfern. jMrs. W illiam s, Mrs. By- tie r 'an d U harlcs T ay lor, vIce-presM ents; A. G. M cNear. s ec rr ia ry , and WUlhim Bteavlman, tre a su rer .

Rev, D. U. U hrestensen prrHched In the | series of goxpel serv ices In the New York « Avenue HcfoimiKl Uhurch Iasi night. i

T ha Bark IT esby terlan Y. I'. H. ( \ E, ! wkU hold a cQiisecratlnn service In th e i church parlo rs lo-m orrow n igh t a t 11:40 | o*clock. I

T he F irst ( ’ongregatlonal E ndeavor Bo- l clety held Us q u a rte rly business session 1 T hursday n ight, w hen repnrls were madu by the various cnmmltle<'s. Dh W cilnes- day n ight the n ils1l»-ioe hongh cn te rla ln - m ent will b« repeated in thu chu rch p a r ­lors.

Mrs. J a r ley 's W'ax W orks will tfc given In the M emorial iT esb y ie rlan C hurch on M arch U and 20-

T he Hellevllle Reform ed Y. IV 8. C B. will hold Us ten th an n u al recepllon W ed­nesday night.

The Bhcrniiin Avenue B ap tist Biindav- srhool lias had an a ltcndaiice o f S.h-’C In Ihe main school and 3.:W2 In th e p rim ary school during the past y e a r O yer !-•*) was recelvcu In cullcellons du ring the same period,

W illiam H. B radshaw , p residen t of iho Oruii** V»ll-y Y. *1. C. A., U«» aiHioliiti'.l th-BB commltiBi'i for tli« comliiH y j'u r. B ie ru tlv e , H rn ry II- T rurnsn , W rrj-lK li- ton Lev. ioh ii McK m u ; K ilucilla im l. A. r . m.>iBon, A. U-JohuBon, Jumi;* II, Nove«; l.fc tu r,, is. J . WenUBl*. Dr. 1 . A. Man- dBvUli-, W. C reighton I.er: F ln u n w , tv . C rrightoii I.#!’, Dr. H. A. JU iirtcvlIle. Hwiry H. T rum »n; Llhrary. C lin ton K. HniBh, A. c . ImliBOn, W. C rilg h lo n L bb; Audlllng. K, llutHirt Allen, AIIhtI H. Rokrri, R o lu rt D. Colllim, Devot onal. E dw iiri J . 'tti'BBPlB. A. 11. JohnBoii, K II, MBi'dcr; HoomB. W. C rrlgh ton lu>e. 'Jo n ry H. Trum «n, W. C, t'ow rll; I'hyBli-al Dv- partm cni, Ullnton K. B rush, Jar tie t H. Noyes. A. B. Jo lm soni VKcanclps, Dr. 1 . A. Msodevllle, C linton K. B rush , A. H. Johnson.

The jun io r d c p a r tm in l of the N ew ark Baiidst Union has ber-n orHftnl*rd In the Bherman Avenue C hurch under th e rilrci*- tion of Mrs. Annie Butphen. The m«H’ilngs will l»« held T hursday a fte rn o o n s a t 4 o'clock.

St. F a u rs C haphT of Ht- A ndrew 's Cadets held a m eeting In fli. Uaul s t hurch Thursday night, when George H. Robin­son. Jr., of the B rotherhood of Bt. A n­drew made an address.

Rev Aloiia*! L. Wood delivered an a d ­dress In-Bt. Jo h n 's Rplscotml C hurch la st nlghl. Mr. Wood w as form erly rec to r of the CTiurch.

Tha M arch m eeting of tha KxeciiUva ro m m lttce of the Essex E ndeavor Union will l>e held M onday night. M arch ifi.

T he pupils of 8 t. P a tr ick 's C ath ed ra l Bchoot will give th e ir an n u al e n te r ta in ­m ent M arch 13 and IH.

Re%'. D. II. M arlin lectured on "A Jer- seym an In Jeru sa lem " before the H ow ard L ytrum U at nlghi.

Th* F lf lh lUptlBt Y. P, H, C. K. will bf ■ihlreaBiiii by I 'y u r llm ia tun Woiulay night.

A union service will 1h‘ licit! to-m orrow night in the Bi’llevllle Iteform eil Church liy the E ndeavor floclely of the church and the Belleville K pw orih l-caguc.

T h ak iex t fellowship m eeting of the Kh- sex Endeavor Union will be held .March U in the F if th B ap llsi C hurch.

Tha B ethany B ap tis t C hurch is holding A fa ir and nale, which will contlm ie nex t week. On Thnrm lay n ight an oyster sup- per wll J* provided and on iT b lay nlgtii the fea tu res will be fancy and candy tables. An effort Is being miith* to ra ise IfvOOO before April I fo r the new church building fund. T he cm nniltlco In charge of the fa ir Is composed of Mrs. Jam es W . Allen, Mrs. C lara i ’a lle rso n ami MrA N ancy B. HiimiUon.

The fifteenth an n u al InlcrnaM orml con­vention of the C hristian E ndeavor m ove­ment will be held a t W ashington , D. C.. Ju ly B to 18. The 18W Convention Com m it­tee Is already hard a t w ork a rran g in g Ihe program m e and p reparing for the acrom - modatlnn of the fiO.imil delegates who a re expertod. The Nrw* Jersey K xerutlve (*oin- miUec has sei'iired tha Natlorm l iio lid , one of Hip largest In (he city , for the l-tn- deavorers from iJila S tate. The F irst Ures- byterlan ( 'h iirrh hua also been alln tied to the New Jersey delegation for the holding of ](K'al iinlnn rallies uud reunions, A chorus of 4.(ion will lead the stuglng in the three ImmeiiHe ten ts . The New Jersey ilel- eggtlun will havu a special Irulu.

Through Its nvangellsilc d epartm en t the New Jersey Em lenvor Union has been holding revival m ecllngs In Brifigetnn, Trenton, Ulalnflrlrt, Uaterson and C am ­den. imdpr ihe d irection of the local unions.

Mm. Phlplev, of Cam ileu, will siM»ak be­fore the U . i '. T. U. of 8 i. Jo h n 's M ethod­ist Church T hursday night.

The C enlenary Ju n io r E pw orih UeAgue has elecl»*il DavM II. M anning su|n'i-ln- teudent, 10 suin’ee<l t'harlop H. Stocking, who has remove'! from K ew ark.

H. G. Hhiiw will addresfl ibe hoys' m ee t­ing ill the Hmilh B aptist ( 'b u rch lo-mglU a t 7:Sn o'clock on "I 'H ’u llar I’coplc."

The q u arte tte ami cliorus elm lr o f C en­tra l M, I'J. t 'h u rch will sltig the following m im bers a t to -m orrow 's servtcea: S ta in fr 's "Qod Ho Loved th e W orld" (from the o ra ­torio "The cruclfix lon"i. N'liu'iuit’s " F a r from My H eavenly Hom e." snug hy Hio quartaU^.M rs.KwAii, Miss Fltx-G erald amt Messrs. C ourell iitid Ew an; Wootlw-ard’H an them , "R ad ian t Morn H a th ra sse il A w ay," and Shepherd 's solo. "!,«‘hiL K ind­ly L ight," sung by Miss F iti-G era la .

Mrs, A. T». Brownlie, from M unn Avenno Church. East O range, wdll be th e solulsi At C linton Avrniit' Uefurmeil ( 'liu rch to ­morrow nlgiil. T he sele'i'ttoiiM will her " in the M orning." Hweney. and "K esnr- rectlon," Rhetlev, w ith violin obligato by Mrs. Dr. F rank \V. E lchhorn.

The music In Kt. P au l's M. F . c h u rc h to-m orrow will he an follows; .M orrlug— Anthem, "T berefore W ith Angi-ls:" No- vello. QUArlette. "Lord Rcniembf-r, M»-." I4tnge. Night- O rgan pndude. A ndante (piano sonata). H aydn; an them , "A nd God Khali Wljie Away Alj T ea rs ." J, T. Field; tenor hoio. Leonard E. A uly; reHuoiisi', "Ijowly H eart and Bemlcd Knee,*' 1Iht>m- com; organ solo, "P ray e i'" G>er Krels- chutx), I ’lianler, W nihuin P m lth : q u a r­te tte , "To Thee, My Gorl s n 'l Suvlour.". B arre tt; tenor solo, Ja-onanl E, A uly; ur-

Ban postiude, ".Marche I'linf-bre et C han t Hra]jhlque," Giillinimt, >V«*iiham Sm ith. The second discourse basetj on his recen t

trip to (ho Orient will he given by the Hev. 1>. !L M artin a t the C linton Avenue Ri'form ed ChiireU tu-tnorrow n ig h t; sub­ject. ’'M odern Egypt and Its A ncient IVon* ders."

■*Thii DuU li Muki-ra of A m crlra" will be the HUbJCfl of Hti address hy Rev. 1'r, (IrllTls, of Cornel] U niversity, a t the Clln- lon Avenue B '-form ed C hurch ucxi F r i­day night.

At 8t. Btephen'a C hurch, corner C linton and lOlisaU'th avenues, a t the u sualm onthly m usical service to-m orrow night IJie following will be sung; Prui'csslonj ' hymn, "O nw ard. C hrlsilan Soldiers,Psalm 77: ^lagnificrtt and N one D im itils, Hlmper in F ; an llu mn, Kir John S ta in e r's "BelioM. Two Blind Men Hilling hv the WaysUli-'* and Jtev. H, II. W ijodwnrii's Setting of T ennyson 's "C rossing the B ar;" Miss Llndsny's "Conic Unto Air," teno r solo by 8. il. W hite; "N earer, My Goil. to Thee." by the congrcgMtloii; C harles Gounod's "Hend O u t'T n y Ijig h i;" proccs- ■Uinal hymn, "Saviour, Blessed fiavlonr."

B lkanah D rake will speak and P ro fessar \V. W. Beiuley will slug a l a special Gos­pel aervlcfl in Ihe New York Avenue Church to-m orrow night. .Mr. Draki^ w ill speak on "Howlng and R esjilng ." T h is will be ths tlrsl of a series of Jay sermorts.

Sp/T lil ssrvlees will be held In Knuth P a rk P resby terian C hurch every n igh t n e x t week except fla tu rday , beginning a t 7;45 © clock. T ha following mlnTslers will p reoeb t Rev* i l c n i / , J /M d a ts

iieck, psStor W«>ndaitlr« P resbyterian C hurch , T ufsday, Bcv. David H. Fra«*’r, (•astor F irs t P resiiy terlan C hurch; Wed­nesday, Rev. Thom aa H. B ridges, pasto r Hei'und iT eahyterlan C hurch ; Thursday, Rev. Datdel H. M artin , p asto r ClUiton Avenue Reformed C hurch : Friday, ><ev. T. J. Lofl. pasto r Fjr*t R eform ed Church.

Dr, llolllfietd will (oJk on "H plrltuallsm " to 'iim rruw night a t 7;4£ o'clock in the T hird I 're s ly te r la n C hurch.

H ym ns from Ihe old Moodv an d Bankey collection of gospel hym ns Nos. 1, 2, S ami 4. sung hy congregation and choir, a re to m ark the services in (he t 'e n tr a l Preaby* terU n Church to-m orrow, m em bers of the congreggUon being request c«l to bring books l»oth for th em sp lv fi and a trangers.

At T rin ity C hurrh to-m orrow nigh t ihe musii will }»e: Organ pfelurlc, A minor, .MirkrI; M agnificat In D. T ours; Nuno Dirnlills In D, T o u rs, an them , " u h , for ii Closer W alk W ith find.** offertory, "fiav- lour When Nigh! Involves the Hky." 8hcU ley, postiude. Holcmn M arch, Horsley.

At the Bruce S treet P resby terian Chapel to-m orrow night Kamucl ( ’h rlstlnn Kan- aga RiMiiam. a native of Jaffna, Ceylon, will speak Mr. K ulnam will w ear the cQStunm of hla coun try . T hera will bo the usual solo inustc.

Among the special m usical selections a t the M cihodlst P ro te i ta n t ('hurt-h on Hill s treet, between Haloey and Broad, to­m orrow night will lie the following: (Jffcrtolre, "Ave V 'erum,'' Ita lian t'h o ra l; couiralln solos hy Miss F lorence A. Mul- fi>nl, "The Unseen K ingdom ," Gerald Igme: "Come Unto M e," t ’oeiien, sofirano solo ijy Miss H obson. "Gulden t*egHniJ." Dudley Buck; violin solo by bMIss H attierotcUklns, "(’avA tlna," Bohn; the choir.

assisted by Miss M iilford. will render "The l^ord H ath Rpoken," W ilkinson. J. M arsh If the organist ami O. F . Bmatl the leader.

Rev. Davis W. T*usk will lecture In the HIxlh P resby terian C hurch W ednesday night on " I J re —Serious, Comic and Otljer- wlse." The lecture will be preci-dv.i hy A coiicen In which the fnllowlng will par- ilciim le: Miss |g>ulse C. Koehler, soprano; II. It. Ackersoii. tenor, anil Harrti; G. CrRwfnr<l. o rgan ist, (i The lecture will he followed hy a social hour In th e parlors.

iln the Peddle M emorial C hurch the fol­lowing muelcal program m e will be given to-m orrow ; M orning—Organ prelude In B fiat, H sydn; opening sentence. Mam- m a tt; an them . ‘^Whosoever H rlnheth ,’* F ield: offertory In G minor. B stlste ; an ­them , ''Come Holy G host," AUwood: solo, M r Hauvage. "K teruU y," B liss; organ jMSitlude. allegro, Rerg, N ight—(Jrgan prelude In C, tT iaJw lck: opening sentence in B flat, Gounod; an them , *'How Lovely A re the M essengers" (Hi. J 'gu li. Men- delisohti: offertory In B flat. N ava; a n ­them , "O I.rf)rd Rebuke Me N ot," T*akec; solo, Mr. Sauvage. •'Calvary.*' Hortuey (piano and organ arcom panlm cnti; organ |K)Stiude In y . V'olkmann.

IH'KGLAll G.4VK lllMNKl.r V l\

A fter Robbing a Ifoaoe He Hiirrendereil W ith th e llooljr It) H is Poasesalon-

JE R fiE T CITY. Feb. 29.-M lchael C raven, a real e s ta te doaler. gave a card p a rty a t hla home, M ercer s treet. T h u rs­day evening. E arly In ih« m orning, when h li guests had all departed , .Mr C raven dlscoverriJ lh a t two coats amt an u ls tsr belonging (o him had d isappeared from a hx track in the upi>ef hallw ay. An open window showed lh a t It w as a bu rg lar and not one of his gu ests who had taken Ihe things.

He ran out In the s tree t ami, securing the assis tance of th ree policem an, he be- KHti to search the neighborhood. While they Were aping th rough an a lleyw ay in the rea r of M r C raven 's house a man stepped out of the shadow and said: "You have caught me, boys. 1 give in."

He had on iKXh Mr. C raveti'a coals andai™* -Atpolfk:' iftAifdA l\e sa id he W'as Joseph

W arren, of K aston, P a., and w as flfty-six years old. W hen he w as searched some change was found tn h is pocket.

"F ive cents of lh a t ." he said, ^'belongs to Mr. C raven. 1 took It from hla i>ocki-t."

J ^ K H S O N A I., .

John Hlicrman, a lthough a deep thinker, has a luxurluttL m ass uf Iron g ray locks th a t he combs back from hla forehead.

Professor von Holst, th e aged h istorian , is about to go to G erm any to w ard off a tbrsHiened a tta ck of hervoua p rustra tlou . Il»* expeRUs to trav e rse the d is tance bc- iwf(?n Genoa and Berlin on a wheel.

3iudd. one of the g re a t m oney kings of Houth Africa Is sahl to be descendin] from Ihp altc,f.-(I f* th , r of D ouli P h lllpw , He is proud of his descent from C’hlau- plnL

Mnltro PoiillJet, one of the m ost em inent law yers in Paris, has begun an orig inal work of charity . He g ives s ittin g s a t the P s ls ls de Justice, a t w hich he offers legal ailvU’i' free of charge, to tn-rsons who can nn( afford to employ law yers.

M. Kiigcne-Joseph Courjon. who died In P aris the o ther day. w as a n Indian Prince. He belonged 10 ft French Lim lly resident In India for cerlu rle s , nml there crratHd ra jah s of riiardcrnaK O re. *rhe P rince waa flfly-threi' years old. flis fune ra l w as a t ­tended by tlu ‘ m em bers of h is race In J*aris.

ITince (rUlka. who has been appointed Roum anian M inister a t Paris, belongs to uiie of (he mo.si fan iuus fam ilies of his country, in the Inst ten years th e re have been th ree Uhlkas occupying posts as Mlti1|fera—otu* at Berlin, otia a t London and the one now appointed to Parts .

ALL DPSET,A nd N o W o n d e r H e W aa.

C o m b in a tio n o l M laetiea .W , m ight w rit* t pathologlr*! d ln co u rn

nn Ih* klilncj'i—th H r (iinctlom In th* hy­gienic ,tru f!u r* —and poieUily lnt*r*«t you In how Ihry get out of order In th e ir w ork of Altering the blood; how they **pg- r»t« the good from th* bad, preparing th* good for aealm llitlon by the velnoii* r lr - ru la tlon , and eapelling the bad, Ilu t Ihia la not Ihe view of It th a t ona aufTerlng from kidney (rouble would be aa Inter- rated tn aa much aa a way lo put them In order when they fait to do the ir duty and eaiiae the aufTerlng.

The kldheya. a lthough covered from view, have very dwdded waya In eaplaln- Ing any evil condltloh. and call* your a t- tentlon Arat and a t om ^ by a backatibe, a pain In the tm all of p ie bark . If a ttended to a t th* flr*t call, It la an ea*y m a tte r to aet them right. I f paaaed unheeded Ihe pa lm become acute, the whole lum liar re ­gion la alTai led and ealrem ely aanaltlve lo the touch. N eat follow* eaveaa of urine, w ith Increaaing bu rn ing aeaaaM ont and more numeroua cal la to e ip e l the urine, I t Btlll unheeded a rheum atlam peculiar lo Ihe condition o f the kldneya re iu lta , and then, aa the heading to thla article, taken from a loHlImunlal of on* oT your towna- meii p(il It, you are a ll upeei. No won- dar.

Mr. Henry H arlinan , a baker by Iraile, living a l II! Uergen atreet, N aw ark. went through the different phaae* of kidney troiibU In the order w ritten ahnya^ For th ree yeij^rs, he eaya. he aiilfered greatly and had to give up aeveral good altuallona. H I, elom aeh waa derangeil and lha eonrll- tlon of hi* back and 'k idney* *uch th a t he oonld not reach np nor bend over. To pick any object off the floor h» could only reach down eideway* and rheum atlem added all It* mlaerle*. TO-DAY HID IS W E L L AND AT W ORK. No mor* rheum atlam ; no m ora achaa o r palna; no more ileepteai nighia, and he te lli you In Ihia that Doan'a Kidney Pllla effected h li cur* and he ad<t*: “ I only wlah I had got hold of them before."

F o r lale b y d e g U r*-. P ric e M ce n t*. Ual1*d by F o a te r-lfllb u n , Co.. Buffalo. H. g w < o t* * w a l« /B f r th » V iO i ,- r .

coNFCHAKn TO l•l.oTTlNO iiL.df'KMAii. j Dr. ttuater, the Eminent LungSpeclahh t. Completes m h e ll Century of Successful Prectlce In Ihe Medics! Profeesloo. His De votJon to Medh csl Science sad Its Am ssing He- suits la the Cure o f Consumption.

keBM llonal T uru In th« T ria l nf Poslor Itrow n 04 k ill rmitcJMvie

HAN FR A N C rnrO . F**b. w in M atB- o v a rm an , a prcH y young v u m an with blu

uml reddish-brow n hair, u<lmlttMl w ith u sm ile iH'furr an r-4 e’leslastl<'al court Tliursiliiy nlghc (tm t she had drllbersU-ly. iind fo r purpuM's uf blackm ail, wrltu-n bet­te rs p ic tu ring )t«T own ruin by P ss tn r U. o . uf tin* H'trst Uungn-gallonul( 'iiiiri']i.

Tti*' Brown <'U«i* lifts fnrnlHlif-l many s i i i 'i * r lH 'b u t Nuin* tu I'umpui'r' with iL>< of ih+* yuuiig wom an. PusiorBrown HiiM tin irtxl bt-furc the cou rt; tnuny (if hh- (-(iNgii-xiidon were dispuiM''l to u>-- CHpi til- 1 liurK'^ ag.-Uiisi liEni. un>1 w*-rc pt E'SsiiiK hiuir4 r:'. Tu mv one hftd tills wuni- UN ^Ivet) an Inhliiig of tJu* Miliuit^aluu h** WHS tu muki'e and her s to ry i>f ihc plot to d»-Mtroy the repu tn itun of Hie jm^our c.im f us H cumplM i' NUrpl'isr*.

Hhe cuHIcssi-'l Ihul : ’.i" t'lull«-«] Ihf* ( b - Mirnt'tlou of tli«‘ inuu wiiusi* ituH|iiiulliy ]»c liiul c iijo jcd . Khc th a t t«i

hvrsi'lf fruit) work and Git* pusslld- iiftnislilps uf |HiVirI>', sin* wlili j.Mrs. M ary A. liuvliison to niln Mu- chur- i iicliT or Dr. Bruwii und to bbu ki ji ii.*r . own. Slie ussiD i'd th a t hIic uiipiuftciii-ii ; liic rc])]csftntailvi'S of h mornlnK ucwn- i pHper with a ho|m of tem pting liicrn to blackm ail thi> arruMcd pasto r.

The ■cuiiulftl lirMi lMM-am« public In cem ber. when 1‘as to r B row n scriirc ! the u in 't t of ,\lts, Dttvldson. a m em ber uf his ch n n 'h . who i lalmcd thiit In* paid her to secure .diciicc hi regard lo hl» »ilb*gi**l if-lalluriM wMii .M.mn nverm un. Mjw. Da- vldsufi, wlni Is iibmd sixi.v y«-«rs of • ariic hf-rv iiiKjut a >i*Hr ago us ft repn-st-n- htilve tif ft Boston i-oipi't liuusc u?id soni)ftf irr J'tlin-d llic i hiirrli, whtr*h is tin- Itirg- I'sl and m ost raMliioiiHhlc UoiiKrcftatIumil I'hun-h In tin- Hty.

.Miss Dvi-rmuii cam e lima from Tacoma fur her health sinl vlsltcfi a t the hoiuo- of I'ftStor KruVin, whose ffttiiily she knew In Tacom s. Sini bci'unlt' acquain ted with | M)S, DuvidHoi), Vi hg look a fancy lo i i e r ; uuij prom ised to olduln her emplo}‘mi*n(. H er m ain vinployinctii, uccordlng lo her QVi n adm ission, w as tu plot mackmult ugalnst Dr. Brown, whose guest she was. Dr. Brown Is m arried , and his wife did cv try th ln g to prum ole M iss live rm an 's com fort. Before (he charges were made, however* she w ent to live w ith Mrs. D a­vidson.

Ai’i’ordlnsr to D r Brown. Mrs. Davidscin cam e to him la st N ovem ber when there w as in tense excitem ent In the city over the exposure of th e mlscondui*t of several old met! w ith young girls niid told him she had )h*cii com m issioned hy Mrs. Jan e F*lix- al)eih liaddin, a lodglngdionse keeper, to dem and down and |1(k> a m onth forten years If he did not w an t h is Intlniucy with Mins D verm an ex]M>sed. Mrs. Duvbi- son said, U Is Claimed, th a t Miss GvermAti hud coniidi-d 111 her slid would teallfy Hgalnst Mm, find th a t M rs. Baddln knew th a t he had CHu'upled u room In a lodging- house w ith I'Ti unknow n woman.

Mrs. Davidson, the doctor says, pointed out to Mm th a t ow ing lu the s tn le uf pub­lic feeling a linust any th in g th a t w itnesses would sw ear to would be helievecl and a d ­vised him to settle a t once.

Dr. Brown rla ltn s to have Ivcen horrlfietl a t the n a tu re of the ch arg es brought again st him and unable to se« any m eans of escape, lb* suen^eded. how ever,‘ In re ­ducing Ihe hgures to pN) down and a monli) for live years. He paid M rs. D avid­son fo r which she signed a re<*elpi. T hen Dr. Brown a ttem p ted to find Mrs. Baddln, but w ithout success. F lnully he nii*t Mls.a Overm an, who w as shODplng w'lth Mrs, Davidsun, and reproacheil h i t w ith her perfidy. Hhe Ind ignan tly denied (hat she had m ade any charges , and when confronted w ith Mrs. Davldaoti, denounced the wom an as Infam ous. Miss Overm an im m ediately left Mrs. D avidson 's hous4« and went to the home of Dr. Brown.

As Mrs. Davidson's record had been looked up and It had been found th a t she servi'd two years ' irnprlsoninent In M as­sach u se tts fo r (ili|K)sing of m ortgaged property, M iss U verm an had cornu to be looked u])uti a s the victim of a designing woman, H er confession, u n d e r the -cir­cum stances. cam e as a startU ng surprise.

Mrs, D avidson, who is in Jail, still In­s is ts th a t sha arranged fo r the paym ent of the money to MIsa ttverm an to keep the scandal from iK-comlng public, as Brown had prom ised to leave aan F ranc isco w ith ­in th ree m onths.

B ut th is confession of Ml.ss O verm an did not end B aslo r Jirow n's troubles, If. In- ilueii, it quieted all suspicion concerning the Davidson rhftrges. r i is io r B row n has s ta led th a t he Is no new* victim of th e wiles of hlaekm allers. N early tw o years ago Mrs, M. A. fltockton. a m em ber of his cniireh, invited him lo her home. He had no m ore (han entered the room, he aays, than Mrs. fUocklon sp rang tow ard him nnd, throw ing hep arm s around him, kissed him. Before he could release h im ­self a eonfedfirale of Mrs fltocklon w as In (he room, a sm lilng spec ta to r. Mrs. Htoeklun h a s been before th e eccleslastlcHl court and has lold a d ifferent sto ry , charg- Ing l*AStop Brown with m aking lha a d ­vances, _____ ________________

M r. filAdslone*! Anverlcmn Kdltor.N E W BHUNSW U’K, Feh. S .-V e s lc r-

d a y 's IsBuo o f the R utgers Collega T argum says th a t Rev. Dr. Jacob Cooper, pro- feasor o f logic and m enta l philosophy. Is to be Mr. Oladstono*s ed ito r In America. T he T argum adds: *‘Dr. Cooper had fo r m any years been in continuous and Inti­m a te correapondenca w ith the K lgn t Hon. W. E. G ladstone, whom he th inks th e grcHtest m an of the age. It w as Dr. Cooper who persuaded Mr. G ladstone to ’m der- takE** the ta sk of editing the w oras of B ishop B utler, the a u th o r of the ‘An- aloKy. *tid probaldy the g rea te st divine of th e F*ngll»h-«ijeaklng race. T he a d ­vance sheets of the work all come lo I>r. Cooper. Mr. G ladstone's recent artic les In T he N lnoteenih (.’en tu ry all passed th rough Dr, Cooper's hands before uubll- cation ."

ALL PARTS UF JERSEY.W aller A. Carr, th irteen years old, w ith

a num ber of cump^uluiis, w'sh playing on (he loe on a duck pond a t H ast F ifty -iec- ond s tre e t and Avenue E in Buyonns yea- te rd ay afternoon, when the ice broke and the I ’ arr bdy went under. He waa taken out w ith in fifteen m inutes, b u t w as dead.

Juhn Miller, (he New B runsw ick m an who though t he had found (Captain K idd's tre a su re under a (nysterluus stone slab on th e A tkinson farm , near W eston 's Milts, blew up the great stone ('overlng w ith dyn­am ite la s t nighl. At the sam e lim e his theory oC the hidden tre a su re w as ex- ptocled.

T h e th ird case uf |tolsoning from eating honey occurred a t Ham m onton T hursday n ight. Abrnhuni Dayiun, of E a s t H am - m unlon, was made violently 111 from the effects of eating the honey, abou t a n huur a f te r . He w as taken w ith convulsions, «m l a physician wast sum moned. By per- aia teiil work he got D aytun out o f danger.

F rederick Bartnw , of I'ledmoiU, while m oving a luad of furn itu re from New York to TftppaEi, and while passing through Norw(K»il, fell from the wagon and his hea<l w as crushed hy the rea r wheel. Ho W'UH dead when foumi. I l Is thOUglit ho had gone lo sleep and w aa th row n out by a sudden lurch of the van.

E rn est Koenig, who has a grocery sto re a t S ixth street, Hoboken, w aa a rre s t­ed yeste rday for selling liquor w ithou t a license. Patrick Sullivan, a m em ber of the Innkeepers' IToteclIve A ssociation of Hoboken, made the com plaint, T lie asso ­cia tion has s ta rted out on a crusado against the grocers who are selling liquor w ithou t ft license.

F rom Injurh'S received while responding to an a la rm of tire two weeks agu, W ilson Bromley, a ( ’amden firemHii, died ye ste r­day afternoon. Hrumley w as rid ing on a liOMti tru ck which i»roko down and throw him off. He wus sent to the huspltai, but plUcklly re turned to duly In a few days. A week ago, however, he was compelled to surrem ler. He hud h<>en in ju red in a alm liar m anner about six m onths ago.

Rev, J u Bing, a C hrlstianixed C hinam an of the Presbyterlftn Mission, New York, w as m arried In Jersey L’lly T uesday even­ing to Miss Barah (M ssing, of Brooklyn, who Is Interested in m issionary work am ong th e Chinese, by Rev. E. A, Meury, of the Beeond Reformed l!hurch, In Cen­tra l avenue, Mr. .Meury is a iw rsonal friend of the groom. Mr. HIng Is forty years uM. ami lias h<>iM) m arried before. He has adopted the name of Joseph S in­gleton.

Bamuol Hlmls was utuil rerr-nlly a lieu ­ten an t of iho Bfilvutlnn Arniy Corps of Long Brftiu-h. ills wiL* touk a dislike to the ftrmy and told him th a t If he asso ­cia ted w ith iis tin-tnla-ra luj w'ouid suffer for H. Bamuel attended an arm y m ceilng- wRh his len-yt*ar-C)ld dRiiKlU**r Louisa la s t evening, ami, when he re turned home he found h is personal e ffe ru packed In a tru n k , which had lieen placf-q oulside the door. wltJi erders for Bamucl huJ Louisa to leave the tirendses,

C harles I'arks, who w as convicted In the M onmouth co u n ty Court In isw of con- diicllng a giimbllnK-housc In AsJ)ury B ark th a t sum m er, has appealed lo the Court of E rrors, and yesterday renewed In.iWO ball, being his own lecuriiv . He swore he pw hed Prohf-rty In Ashury Bark w orth >.1i\(nj. If the higher court affirms the ac ­tion of Ihe lower court ParKM w!U have to ftJTve a sentence of five m onths in the county Jail and pay a line of ViiW. The bait of Lewis O. Lym an. Indiptcd w ith t*arks, w as forfaited for non-appearance.

T he (’Icrk of l,H5dl Township, Bergen Uoiiiity. Is nu thorliy for the statenioiit lha i E xpert K ruger’s report to the Lodi dow'DHhlp Cunim lllee shows a deficiency In Collector Iturke'a accounts of l3.fK9.ai He alou says Mr. B urke has m ade r propo­sition to com prom ise wllh the tow nship and Hsks them to accep t 11.000 in paym ent Of the alleged deficiency. T his the ofnctals refuse lo Jo. and have umified I'. W. Htftgg, counsel for the tow nship, to com­m ence su it agnlnot Mr. Burke n t lh a April term of court for the fu]| nm ount.

T he C ourt of C hancery yeste rday ren ­dered Its tlecislnn relntlvc to the crossing ( of the tra ck s uf the New Jersey flouthern Rnllroad in Long B ranch hy ihe A tlantic ( o ast E lectric Railw ay. The cro i^lng la lo l»o m ade under the tracks, w hich a re to i>e t'levatc(S ten feel, the expense of which m ust ho m si by lhe tro lleycum pnny . W hen this la done the trolley road lietweeu n e s t End and B lcasure Bay can be com- pU ted, and It believed by th a t time ih a l the ra ilroad people will have Koniilred the rlRht to lay Us tracks through lands of

........ ’ ----------- *------• It til • •

u ii M ari'h 4. 1 ^ , Dr. R obert H unter, uf 117 Wi'M i'lth Street, New York, will hu%e si*iv>*d .">U y e a rs aa a physlrlati. I lls caret r hu*i been as ren ia rk ab le as it has Ih-<’Ii uim*- fill. He ts fa m ilia r to our readers who have M*eii hlM lectu res on lung and throat cllscaKc;-: jiubilshed by Us Week a f te r week In (In' liiti-resl of suffering hum auHy. Fur t.i }>ai ' Dr. H u n te r has given his whole tim e lu rbe .Hudy and trea tm en t of the lutjgs atid t lie ir dlseaxes. Tim ex trac ts fium his lec tu res published having made the public fam ilia r w ith the D octor's dls- euvery and mode o f trealu ie iil, m any will he Klud to know wi)y lie became a lung <p:<-|alisl an d how he achieved such a hnlH ant suc4*ess In h is career. H is sym ­pathy will) su ffe rers from eonsuinpilun is liurliy due to llio fuut th a t he him self was uiii e a iiiiiHumpUve w llh nil tiu* misery uiid d an g er to life which th a t nanm In­volves. in iv e n to extrem ities by the fall- itn- of a ll s tu m a rh me<liclnes to stop Iln* ptogr* ss o f tile dlarasH, he resolved to act fur him self, reasoning thn l fonsum pllon Iteing a d isease of the lungs, noth ing put into the stum auh ever reached Us scat. Kii't fulled bi‘(*ause It could not do so. It w as the Jungs lh a t needed help, and ho .**aw th a t th a t could only be obtained by l>reaihlng gaseous m edicines and medi- c i te d a ir d irw lly Im p them ; he reasoned lhat In no o th e r imssible way eould lliey be reached hy cu ra tiv e rem<'dlHS. he In- veiiie«i (he ncccHsury Instrum ents uud be­gan to t r e a t h im self hy iniiulallon. The laphl linprovi'nu'U i and eventual lUre in lilr uwn case led him to apply the srtme ir«H tm ent to otiior*. I>r. H unter Is Justly styled th e F a th e r of JiihalHltun, fur he wus Ihe Mrsi to liUruducc, advocate nud HUn.'essfully app ly U to the (realim uit of lung eftses. W ith him it Is a complete sya- tern of p ra u tlc r adap ted to the IndlvlduHl requ irem ents of each cHae. Let living pa- tiem s te ll w ith w ha t result.

Rev. U. L , WaU-rs, Fairhaven* Mass., says: " 'f h e le rrlb lu d isease fastened onme, ^ly d ay s w ere num bered. Could not w ash my h an d s o r face and had to be fed. Dr. H u n te r said ha cugld cu re me, and In a few days 1 w as ab le to Wftlk up and dow na tatra .'' Jan fia ry II. lidti, *'I am In all restieciB a dlffereirt m an." Jan u a ry JKD4, "M y Lungs feel aa If they had been WftMhed ou t an d th e d iseased tubes cleaned off." F e b ru a ry H, l>Wj, "1 w alked three m iles to-day . A sh o rt while ago 1 could not w alk to my sJitlng-room ."

Mr. J. L. D atrick , 79 Kmlth street. A t­lanta* Ga.. say s : '*My w ife 's condition is a g re a t deal l>eHer. Hhe h a s gained seven tft>unds. Yours waa the only trea tm en t to con tro l h e r cough. J le r rap id improvement id rt-m arkab le."

Mrs. U rttleiiden , wife of the Rev, Orrln O rittem len , Ml. View, UhI.. says: "Nom ore iiem orrhogcs; surfnesH all gone; no chl]]s or fever. I would not tiave been alive bu t fo r y ou r trea im en l,"

i l r . M endcnnftll. of H arp e r Bros.. N. Y, (Tiy. say s : "T rea ted by five physicians, could no t w alk a block; coughed and ex ­p ecto ra ted m a tte r . D r. H unter cured m e."

M r. L a m b e rt M iller, of H. H. Ulafiln Uo.. N. Y. C ity , say s ; " I had severe jsaPvs In lungs an d h ead : th ro a t like raw heef; Ab­scess a t t»ase o f brain. Am fully recovered und th a n k Dr. H u n te r for I t . "

Mr. *-ydell W hitehead. 517 W. l.Mh St.. N, Y. (Nty, say s ; "H ad coughs, pnlns In chest, lungs aore, nervous and short of breath. Under Dr. H u n te r 's care 1 gained 'ii lbs., and am now w ell."

Mr, A. L. P eer, ITSI W ashington at., New- s rk , N- J .. "H a d i hem urrlmgcs, lost 40 ll)S." T rea ted by Dr. H unter, the hem ­o rrhages ceaiivd. to the am asem ent of his fo rm er physic ians , "D r. H u n te r saved my life."

P rof. J. H. C um m ings, of Now ‘Wllmlng- ton, L aw rence C'o., Penn., consulted l>r. H u n te r ab o u t h is son, Hev. T. J . (.‘urn- m lngs, and th is is w hat the Rev. T. J. C um m ings w rite s : "D r. Neve. F. U. C,9., h a s tw ice exam ined me and reports my lu n g s com pletely healed. Under Gud th is re s to ra tio n Is due to your trea tm en t."

Mr. H e n ry Brow n, 118 Weal Ui., N. Y. C ity,

M iss E m ily K lcarm an , S13 Ann rtt.. W est >loboken,

Mr. Jo b C aisldy , 232 K* 3Rh St.. N. Y. C 'ty ,

M r. A. O. LrOtze, 1625 1st Avenue, N. Y. City*

Mr. D avid H lscox, SIW W ebster Avenue, L. 1, (Tty*All w ere dlngnoserl as consum ptives, hut a re now cu red by Dr. Hunter'A trea tm ent,

M rs. E d w ard Kaynor, Bensorthurti!, I*.1., “coughed up bloody m atte r; had hectic fever aiql n ig h t sw eats: was nervous and


lost flesh. Com pletely restored.P a lr l rk Coery, US Columbia St., B rook­

lyn. say s : “ f had a sth m a and bronchltlaand could no t do a day 's W'ork. Now I feel like a new m an ."

Any o f th ese fo rm er pa tien ts will answ er le tte rs qf Inquiry , a s will also

Mr. J . H , \ 'a n D erve tr, New Brunswick* N. J .

M rs. R . L . M orrell, I*ort W ashington, N. Y.

M rs, M ilford Jones. Dover, N* J.* who Is " a liv ing w itn ess to the efficacy of Dr. H u n te r 's sy stem of medicated a ir Inhala­tion, h av in g been cured of consum ption a f te r being declared a 'hopeless case .’ "

K. M. H u n te r, ed ito r Verm ont Record, F a irh av en , Vt.^JB*s, T hom as E astm an , K eanaburgh,

Mr. C. B uck, p , O. Box 1069, Denver, Col,

P rofesaor H erring , L u th eran Bcmiimry, Chicago, 111.

M rs. Holton* K en n elt Square* Pa., and th o u san d s o f others.

T he New York W orld, The p ress and o th e r re p re sen ta tiv e pa]>ers of New York (.'By have Investigated Dr. H u n te r's suc-

f) bales.Upunceu Rugs, iSic kUu. u ither ilxsH in propuriinn)..,,

liSdlss 'a-buitno length Frenri) Muiisquelsire

Gluveo. einhroid ered backs, ail ■!/(>«, blacks, tans, bruwus* etc., per pa ir.................

Lotllss' Corsets, double side steals, long waUla, whiteat4d d rab ...* * ,.,.* .

One case Black Freneh Armareo, I 40 in. wide, all wool,par yard...............

Men'sNeckwear.'i'i*ckn,Four-ln-HaotR, etc,.regu lar 25c. qua lity .. ■

Men'sIbiroLinenH eustitchedllaadkerchlefA,,

Perfum ed Talcum powder, per box*..

Two Hales Bru“Heleue BugH, li> lu.xItU in.(Illbar Alxe*) in pro- IHjrtion)........................

Rem nants of Satin l>uri)M»>k. Rn.'i'utellttami hjik 'l'a|jentry, suliftblo for covering I Ufttr hefttii Slid hofa pliluws, btkif price ..,

NewOutingFtaimels,pery a n l........

One coi^a TurkUU Fftlh 'Iowel*. JlK*. quality , per pa ir..........

Ladles' r<»tlnii llo i^ , d ro p s tU e b .In n]tera shaUes* J8x:M1ji.*e e tl) .................. ..........

Ouf rngalar | l 16 La(R(l^' MoiioqueialreJ Kiieite Kid rixenAta, ^4 .7 ,to-night.....................

Im itationTertoUaHhelll ls lrOrus m e n ts, .

NEXT WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAX,SitEiil Sill diiiss i d japiese Idittiiis.

7 1 . ,zC.* • • *

200 pieces thisseason’s newest goods from ............................




U p -

^ • w a r d

Wash Rags

from . .U p -

^twardC O N TIN U A T IO N O F O U R

Great 1=2 Price Sale of

JAPANESE RUGS!■ a ■ ■ ■ ' ■


cess by In terv iew ing h is pa tien ts and havo pubUshed th e re su lt t© the world a t large fo r th a benefit o f th e afflicted.

A fte r such a life’s h istory and work aa th e d(}©tor’s It Is not to be wondert^l a t th a t h e g row s im patien t w ith the unw ar­ra n tab le exc item en t over and im portance given every new' concoction or device pre- Hcnted to th e public, w hether with o r wJth- o)it merit* know ing as he doea th a t the condition to be m et In every lung ease, no m a tte r how m ild it m ay be, is too serious lo ba trifled w ith by nostrum s which his experience h a s proved can not even a rre s t fo r an y tim e th e disease th a t is sapping tha p a tie n t 's life. No one in tha profea- slon h a s the rig h t to feel so strongly a s th is m an o f science, w-ho has given an o rd ln a rv llfetlm a to th e stuily of th is d read disease*

T h a t su ffe rers from w eak or diseased lungs can be cured , and (hat beyond per- ad v en tu re , by Inhaling Lllrectly to the p a r t affected soothing, healing and germ- destroy ing remfMlles, should be cheering new s to th e se sick ones.

Dr. H u n te r 's tre a tm en t has passed from th e region o f theorising, und has he- coma an estab lished fact, verified by the word o f rep u tab le pa tien ts who do not h e sita te to p u t the ir evidence on record. I t rem ains b u t to congrntulald sufferens from w eakened o r diseast-d breath ing or­gans th a t so fa r as hum an leslim ony can prove anything* th e day of their possible recovery h a s daw ned. If they a re bu t wise enough to em brace th e ir good fortune. They need no longer droup o r drea<l to he regarded a s "hopeless ra ses" while medi­cal Inha la tion continues tn work the im- (l)anuted cu re s It has done and Is cloing unner D r. R obert H u n te r 's guidance.

A fterw anl.When you've married Maud Mufier and eriBedl

down,And all of her folks live with you tn town; When you've duly indc/rieit her [«[«'■ nut#, And )oan^ Brother Johnny ymir Hunday i-ust; When the brand-new truusers you imven'i iulIcJ

forHive been altered P»r bloomers for mother'ln-

law,1>cm't blame matrlmon!>'; tliere'e nothing wrong; Fnr surely it II s grand, awM*i nmg.

Chorus:A grand, is 'esi sung,A grand, iwL*«t suhg,

Hark to the wedding bfUs’ dliig, deng.Hark to the wedding bells' ding, dong.Hurrah fnr the wordn of the (hnughlful gent. And his iKing of genuine eenllmeni,

When you go for a fluh on a dear frlen i'i yaehi

And manage (o honk s (at Jack p<it,And fill your bins with liquid halt And are borne back honie iti royal iiaie,And Maud, who's walltng them alt th# lime, Just rolls up her Heaves and iiteaka not m

rhyme:Don’t blame matrimony; ther#’s nothing wrong, Indeed, IndeeKl, 't l i u grand, sweet song.When to bed you have put your Httle brood And you long for Innociious desuetude.When you see Tonamy kick, yell and toss,As tries (o digeal a toy tin hutM#;And baby, whu'a said lo Miftly con,Hursts forth In s regular hullatiHlon:t>on’l blarne miirimony; Ihere's noLlilng wrong.Oh, yes. R Is a grand, aweei song.

_ —Itichmott'l n ispatoh.

Fogall Dragon Fly.F rom th e N ew York H erald.

A foasll d ragon fiy twamy-Pcven Inches Itng , a rm ed w ith big Ibwh and teeth, hoa been found In the roa i m easures of ('om - mentry* In th e D epartm ent of ih e Alller* France* I t h a s been christened M cgancura Mongl.

M eyer Jo n asio n , insuring f;«n>pl^te th« en tire yqs(i7 which has ex-

the rig h t toperleneed m ore dlfflculiles In its erection

A «r*eji , .....................

Do Not ItchD R. a. 8. W O O D 'S

COCAINE PLASTERSArs co as taa tlr osod with spUadld imccau la

th s following allmsDU and affsotlons:Luinliife, BioUotM, BroMhlUs,Attbrn, W u lB u l , And NNiiinilliin.



Sold b r *11 (Inigclat*. U ic l . . . n t , B. B«bww*’i P h « r a u T , M3 BriMKt S lm u

S U L T A N Ato rU p tln i th i l lH .Biliib**lu,

■" " ■ H U N L O T I O N. . . i t t ln i tu . ik ll , rmCOKLE AND


LOTIO’. frl«« Wo.

M O T HO R E A M , m r n . M d to o u r*. RrloiM o*i>t. p*r l*r.

SME. B. WEITENtELT.j l l S W w h l i i m n

Bedroom Suits By the Hundred

K N O W A B O U T i T H E P O R T L A N D ! R A N G E 1 ■ I

' have come to us* sooner than or- ! dered — they’ve

to go to our \ customersquick- 'e r t h a n we ' planned — price ' will do it, so* they’re marked ' absurdly low—* $12-75 — s o l i d ! 0 a k , bevelled I mirror,fine build ! throughout. A* chance of a thou-* sand.


m v s

i f f



T M . H*m* S uit, RIS.Tfl.D "o 't ((irBst tlioie SprlBj* .1 J l.M -ft nom b*ro( th .m left. V .ln e .n a o ld price fUljU.B«* ne about e to r . f t—new build lag, low ra te ..

F u r n i t u r e , C a i p e t s , S t o v e s , e t c , (Jo o d s d e liv e r e d fre e t o a ll p a r ts o f S t a t e .L o w P r i c e s , F j w y T e r m s .

I l i i

7 ^ M arket St.■ V NetT Plane St.. Newark.New Plane St., Newark.

Telephone gSo.

■ a w a x ' ‘Sr ■ a a




We have a lot of Square and Up-*' right Pianos A) $20* $25e $50* $75 upward

In good order, $ J and $5 monthly AThey are in good condition and are warrantedAiCome this week.

S.A.WARD631-633 Broad,

Xvtfp cma wont* aomatUlnge To g it it th«y obould maka Ib tlt wonu knowa, Tbi SVKN- INO N SW t If Inokad to moatlr to And tb» wanu aoMlad* Tho BVBNINO KBWB vonU to prlol


Dopoiida M much upok tho owdit as II dots on tho ir n s taro l atruoturt,CarelosanaM will ruin the flnMt tootb.

Bdentiflo trootm ant will halp the ap- pearoaoa and the health of the w ont. All th a t ocloaea and « ri c«h do for tee th La done here. We help nature If poMlble —aupplant her If &eceaaar/a la ture rou, haaaaoQie* healthy teeth anyway.

r ie k n lf ir T ee th ........... |ge*fin ld FuH ugi.a,**...... S in nG old C ro w n a ............. 67.00H«at Set o f T e e th .,.. , •S.OO

Try oar oew Local AniettliflUo, DENTO, for omy extractiub^pralBed by every* budy.

B O S T O N D E N T A L. ' 'A S S O C I A T I O N .^


S T * S fA ^ d u a rte r i fo r G O O D S T O V S I —n o t lha k lm l ttiA t to p ia o ti in o n * sss- •o n b jta u a e th e y » r * loo w eak to itand

old-faahlonedkin d th a t w ere b uilt To laet and lu ita li] th e m a n u fa e tu re F a reputation.

T h e re la no econom y In buyin g the oheai p n *a . aa e v e ry y e a r you w ifi have an out* la y to r re p e lri* w hich ia a lw n y i trouble* aome. and In th e end you are behind la y o u r o a rg atn .

W » c a rry a cdmplct* Iln* ot atov* aa- e M o r le i , w hich Inoliifl* pip*. •ibowk ■ t^ e boarrt*, ring*, aam per*. ate.

a s e m * fo r t h * t H i u M P H H o ( A i r F u rn a c e , t h * beat one m a d *.' ' ’rf*?.'' H e a tin g . Plin n b . In s . H o o fin g , e tc, BoUera and gbiraaoei

cleaned and repaired.

Edward Dunn Co.,1 0 4 I H A R K K r S T R B S T *
