Music Theory . Level 3 - Squarespace

Music Theory . Level 3 Name Period

Transcript of Music Theory . Level 3 - Squarespace

Music Theory

. Level 3



Table of Contents

Enharmonic Notes

Half Steps and Whole Steps

Page 1

Page 2

Enharmonic, Half & Whole Step Review Page 3

Tetrachords Page 4

Major Scale

Ear Training #6

Scale Degrees & Advanced Exercises

Flat Scales

Sharp Scales

Tetrachord and Scale Review

Key Signatures


A rt i cu I at ions

Tempo Markings

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Page 8

Page 9

Page 10

Page 11

Page 12-17

Page 18

Page 19

Dynamic, Tempo & Articulation Review Page 20

Enharmonic Notes You may have noticed that one note or sound can have two different names. These notes are called Enharmonic Notes.

(F~) (E#) (C~) (B#)


The following are examples of enharmonic notes:

ffo ~o fto In,

C# = 0~ F# = G~ 0# = E~

9: ~o 9: ff o 0

ij 11

A# = B~ E# = F

I, I I 0

Cb= B


1. Write the enharmonic of the given pitch in both the treble clef staff and the space provided. The first one has been

done for you.

' ~o ' ~o ;1, @o

Bb 1

G# = ' 1' m = =

() ()

E = C =

2. Write the enharmonic of the given pitch in both the bass clef staff and the space provided.

t)= &11 ~() 0

Eb = C# = B = Ab = F~ =

3. Write the given note 's enharmonic in the space provided. Can you do it without looking at the piano keyboard?

.i) C#= ---

c) A~= ---

e) Eb= - --

b) F#= __

d) A~= ---

o n = ---


Halt !:>teps & wno1e steps Half Steps ana Whole Steps measure the distance between sounds. Being familiar with the piano keyboard is as important to understanding half and whole steps as the yard/meter stick is to understanding inches/ centimeters.

Half steps ( the smallest increment of measurement in Western music) can be seen on the keybo.ard as one key above or below a given pitch.

' ~, Reminder: There is only a half step between the notes E and F, and between B and c;:.

A whole step is equal to 2 half steps.

~ On the keyboard above:

a) Touch F and F# = half step

b) Touch F# and G = half step

c) Touch F and G = whole step

d) Touch B and C = half step

e) Touch C and C# = half step

f) Touch B and C# = whole step


1. Indicate the distance between pitches below (H = half step; W = whole step). Use the piano keyboard above to help you.

a) D toD~= ---c) GtoA= __

e) F#toG#= __

g) CtoB= __

i) G~to Gq= __

k) 1)

4 .. 0

I no fie, m)

lo Cl

b) E~to F = ---d) D~toE~= ---f) E to F = ---h) E#to G~ = ---j) GhoA= __

n) o) p)

9:no I ~o l,o II



Tetrachords A Tetrachord includes four pitches. These pitches ascend in a pattern of whole step, whole step, half step.

vvv W W H W W H


o~> "7 V V

\~\ '- 7



1. Given the first pitch, notate the next three pitches to complete the tetrachord. (Use the piano keyboard on the inside front cover to help you.)


c) () d) _2:


g) ()

h) .9: 0

Major Scale A Major Scale consists of eight pitches. These pitches are two tetrachords joined by a whole step. The scale is named by its first note and the letters are in consecutive order. By definition, a major scale will always have the following pattern of

whole steps and half steps: WW H WWW H.

C Major Scale


I w Tetrachord on C Tetrachord on G

To construct a major scale, notate a tetrachord starting on the first note of the scale. Then find the note that is a whole step above the last note of the tetrachord you just wrote. Write a tetrachord starting with that note.

G Major Scale

--,f._....J:=--0--<,--;0-, -,-\-z-~-s -)-\-~~-s-, -/...,,...!;1.-----,,II ~'---../ v ; -v,v v v ,

~--~----~----~--~@ ~-~----~----~--~ Tetrachord on G Tetrachord on D

joined by whole step


1. Notate the four major scales indicated by the starting pitches given. Write each note name in the blank provided. You will need to use either sharps or flats .

a) 0

b) :J= 0



d) &o






Ear Training Part 6 l,

Audio files can be found in the Kjos Multimedia Library at

1. Listen to each tetrachord. Circle the two no tes where the half step occurs.

, .. fo b) a) 0 II II

0 II 0

c) ~: d) 2: (I Cl 0 ~o 0

II 0 0

fo fo "o 0

e) f) Cl


2. Listen to each exercise. Is what you heard a tetrachord? Circle your answer.

a) Yes No b) Yes No

c) Yes No d) Yes No

e) Yes No f) Yes · No

Listen to the following examples of major scales.

-f O II On II o o eU ~: lo II

II @ n ~O e II 0


II 0 II 0 11 0 e

3. Listen to each exercise. Is what you heard a major scale? Circle your answer.

a) Yes No b) Yes No

c) Yes No d) Yes No

e) Yes No f) Yes No

.... z w s: z

" iii VI: < • · z · 0 "' "' . w _,_

Scale Degrees & Advanced Exercises Each pitch of a scale is called a Scale Degree. The scale degrees are numbered from lowest to highest .


Tetrachord on C Tetrachord on G

In the C major scale above, the 2nd scale degree is .Q, the 4th scale degree is B etc.


Given one pitch and its scale degree, complete the major scale in each exercise by adding the other pitches in their appropriate places. Fill in the scale name. Remember that scales follow the pattern: WWHWWWH.

1. ___ Major Scale


I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2. ___ Major Scale

:>= 0

I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3. ___ Major Scale



1 I\

2 I\

4 I\

8 6 I\

3 I\ s I\


4. ___ Major Scale

I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8






r-1ci-c ::,ca1es

lf sharps or tlats are needed in the creation of a major scale, only one or the other can be used. A sharp and a Hat can never exist together in a major scale.

Scales that use flats are called Flat Scales.

F Major Scale - one flat (B~) Bb Major Scale - two flats (Bb, Eb)

!}= O DJQ!~'i[ II 0 vv YVV V

I W W H 1@

1 W W HI

' &u~&-P$0 v·N'f II I W W H 1@1w W H

Tetrachord on F Tetrachord on C Tetrachord on B~ Tetrachord on F

STUDENT ASSIGNMENT 1. Notate each tetrachord based on the given first pitch.

a)~ n b) = ;:i ~:J'.:::::=: o========== c)' ------------

d) f)

() ()

2. Using the tetrachords from exercise #land the scale degrees below the staff, construct each major scale indicated.


@Bb~jo, /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

b) F Major

~: /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

c) B~Major

~: /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 d)

@ F Major

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





~lldJ JJ ~l.dl~!>

[f sharps or ti.its ,1re necdeJ in the cre,1tion of a major scale, only one or the other can be used. A sharp and ,1 tlat can never exis t together in a major scale.

Scales that use sharps are called Sharp Scales.

G Major Scale - one sharp (FO D Major Scale - two sharps (F~, C#)

@ o1~ ,; :\i\ i&\T 11 V7v v v 'v vi

I w w H 1®1 w w HI


r ~ r y t

1WW H1@1ww HI Tetrachord on G Tetrachord on D Tetrachord on D Tetrachord on A

STUDENT ASSIGNMENT 1. Notate each tetrachord based on the given first pitch.

a)' b)

~ ~5)~= ========== ,),

(I 0 --~,._ _______ _

d) f)

:J= 51: 0 ()

2. Using the tetrachords from exercise #l and the scale degrees below the staff, construct each major scale indicated.

a) GMajor

~: II

I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

b)' D Major

II ,, I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ I\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

c) G Major

' II

" I\ ,\ I\ I\ I\

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

J) D Major

• •

,, " I\ I\ I\ I\ I\ ,,

l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Tetrachord & Major Scale Review

1. Indicate the distance between each of the four pitches.

(H = half step; W = whole step)

2. This pattern of whole steps and half steps indicates that the above example is called a--------

3. Notate each tetrachord based on the given first pitch. (Use the piano keyboard on the inside front cover to help you.)


' 0

e) f)

9: :J= &o

g) h)

() ()

4. A major scale is created when two tetrachords are joined by a _____ step.

5. Using the tetrachords from #3, and the answer to #4, construct each major scale indicated. (The first pitch is provided.)

a) F Major

' ()

b) G Major

:J= 0

c) B~ Major

:J= bo

J) D Major

' 0






:I n < -n =


Key Signatures Date:

The key signature tells us which notes have sharps or flats in that key. A key is named for its starting note. The sharps and flats always appear in the key signature in the same order. The name of the key is determined by the number of sharps or flats. You will learn about this in greater detail on a later worksheet.

The order of sharps(#): F C G D A E B

You can remember the order of sharps with this saying:

Father Charles Goes Down And Eats Breakfast.

The order of flats(~): B E A D G C F

You can remember the order of flats with this saying:

Breakfast Ends And Down Goes Charles' Father.

Remember: The order of sharps and flats is the same in both bass clef and treble clef.

Directions: Under each key signature write the letter names of the notes that are to be sharped or flatted, and the word "flat" or "sharp":

' ~!, & I jff I

~I, ~ & I 111i

1. --- 2. __ 3·-·- ·- ·- 4. -- ·- -

'I, I ~~, ~

f, ~ I •tt'•tt#• I j

5._ 6._. __ - - 7._ -- - -- - 8._

9._. ---- 10. ___ __ __ 11._ -- ---- 12. ___ ----

13._ -- - ____ 14. __ ---- 15._ ---- 16. ___ _ -----


© 1988 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Theory Worksheets J or Beginning Bands

- -- ......... -- .... --

\\ ~ :

60- UNlT4 More Musical Symbols and fl rms

How Loitd? How Soft?

We have learned chat notes cell music readers how high or low to sing or play a musical sound , and how long or short to sing or play a musical sound. There is one more thing we need to know when we sing or play music: how loud or soft to sing or play it. Musical symbols known as dynamics tell us how loud or soft to perform music.

The dynamic symbol for loud is called forte (FOR-cay), :rnd looks like the letter f.

The dynamic symbol for soft is called piano (Pe-AH-no, the same as the musical instrument) and looks like the letter p.

The dynamic symbol for very loud is two forte symbols. This is called fortissimo (for-TEE-see-mo).

The dynamic symbol for very soft is two piano symbols. This is called pianissimo (pe-ah-NEE-see-mo).

f p ff pp

There are dynamic symbols for medium loud and medium soft, coo. For medium loud, an "m" is placed in front of the m-1! forte symbol. The "m" stands for mezzo (MET-tzo), an Italian ':./ word meaning medium or moderately. So che symbol is called mezzo forte (MET-tzo FOR-cay).

The symbol for medium soft is mezzo piano (MET-czo pe-AH-no). 111!]) The words for the dynamic symbols are all Italian. Now you know five Italian words: forte (loud), piano (sofc), fortissimo (very loud), pianissimo (very soft), and mezzo (medium).

Dynamics are usually placed below a staff, like chis. The music is performed at one dynamic level until a different dynamic is shown.

@~bb g j l I j k.

Ir •• ; •• E ,· F E I I I p


Here's a chart of dynamics, from softest co loudest:

pp p 111!]) f

f 11··

ff so~est -------------------------------------------------------------------~ loudest

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(l I I .. L


l l






.. I

1 1 1

l 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1

How Loud? How Soft?

l lNIT 4 6l \''> More Musical Sym bol:. and Terms

Which dynamic level is louder? Circle the correct answer.

1. p or mp 3. f or p

2. ff or pp 4. mf or mp

Which dynamic level is softer? Circle the correct answer.

1. p or f 3. ff or f

2. mp or mf 4. f or mp

What does each dynamic level mean? Write the correct letter from the second column in the blank space.

1. p A. Loud

2. mf B. Very soft

3. _ff C. Medium 104.d

4. -- mp D. Medium soft

5. _f E. Very loud

6. -PP F. Soft

Match the Italian term with each dynamic level.

1. p A. pianissimo

2. mf B. piano

3. _ff C. meZ,ZO piano

4. -- mp D. meZ,ZO forte

5. _f E. forte

6. -PP F. fortissimo

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Limited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE .

Dynamics Dynamics indicate the loudness or softness of a composition, or the volume at which music is performed.

symbol: term: translation:

pp pianissimo very soft

p piano soft

mp mezzo piano medium soft

Crescendo ( cresc.) gradually increase volume

mJ' mezzo forte

medium loud


1 . Fill in the letter of the translation that best matches each symbol.

cresc. _.ff a. very loud __ mp - :=:::::::==-- c. moderately loud

_p _mf e. gradually louder g. loud

2. Clap the following rhythm. Be sure to pay attention to the dynamics.

f.f f forte loud

fortissimo very loud

Decrescendo ( decresc.) gradually decrease volume

b. moderately soft d. soft £ very soft h. gradually softer

10 9 8

7 6 s 4 3 2

-t-LL-O_j __ 1J_J_J_J~O---j~10--j __ 0 ___ j_lj~j __ j_j_ll p-~===~~~~==ff w

3. Clap the following rhythm. Be sure to pay attention to the dynamics.

j j 11

f p ff mp f mf mp p

4. a) What do you think "issimo" means? --------

b) What do you think "mezzo" means? --------c) What term could be used to replace all the symbols in #3 measure 4? --------

:\tore ,\lusical Sy mbols .111d rerms

Sometimes music gradually changes from soft co loud, or from loud to soft. The most common dynamic symbols to show a change in volume look like chis:

A crescendo (creh-SHEN-doh) sign means to gradually gee louder.

A decrescendo (deh-creh-SHEN-doh) sign means co gradually gee softer. Sometimes this sign is called a diminuendo (dih-min-you-EHN-doh).

Sometimes crescendo and decrescendo signs are called wedges or hairpins. But music readers usually call them crescendo and decrescendo signs.

Crescendo and decrescendo signs are usually placed below the staff, like this:

.; L r r F F -========== mf

@b f f I •· F I f f r I ~ f (' p

Sometimes you might see the words crescendo, decrescendo, or diminuendo (or rheir abbreviations shown below) instead of the symbols.

co gradually get louder

co gradually get softer

crescendo = cresc.

decrescendo or diminuendo

decresc. or dim.

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I r· £ I

I/ -




r --! -


. . ~ j .... ~-....


1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 .. l

UNI! 4 More Musical Symbols and lr.rms

More About Loud and Soft

Write the correct answer in the blank space.

1. Decrescendo means the same as ----- 2. means ____ _

A. Diminuendo A. to gradually get louder B. Crescendo B. to gradually get softer

In the examples below, are the dynamics correct or incorrect? Circle the correct answer.

1. ,~ ! J ~ ~F f II Correct or Incorrect

p pp

2. 9:~I, l ~~ :J 0 I r f Correct or Incorrect

f decresc. mf

,2 E. ,~ ~ 3. r Correct Incorrect or

mf p

How loud or soft is the music at @ @ © and @? Circle the correct answer.

0 ® © ® 2= 2 r

. . ~·

. . f I JJ.J I ~

. ~ I I f

. f I r· I f l r F r

p mf mp ff

® Soft or - Loud © Very soft or Medium soft

® Medium loud or Medium soft ·@ Very loud or Very soft

Copyright© MMIII by Alfred Publishing Co ., Inc. Note: the purchase of this book carries with it the right to photocopy this page.

Lim ited to one school only. NOT FOR RESALE.

1\0 63



Dyn am ics Date:

Dynamic signs tell us how loudly or softly music is to be played. The musical signs are really the first letters of words. The words are Italian, because Italian is used as the language of music.

pp pianissimo very soft p piano soft mp mezzo piano moderately soft m mezzo moderately

mf mezzo forte moderately loud

f forte loud

ff fortissimo very loud

A crescendo (

A decrescendo or diminuendo (

) means to gradually get louder.

=======- ) means to gradually get softer.

Circle the sign that means the same as the word:

1. loud f mp mf p

2. mezzo forte mf p f pp

3. crescendo f -=== p mf

4. very soft ff f mp pp

5. moderately soft f ff mp pp

6. mezzo f pp m p

7. diminuendo p ff mp ::::=-

8. forte p f mp pp

9. gradually louder ff pp -=:::: mf

10. soft mp pp p ::::::==-

11. moderately loud -=-mp mf ff

12. gradually softer pp mp f ::::=-

Optional Activity: Each instrument has a tendency to change pitch when changing dynamic levels and changing registers. Using a strobe tuner, test your instrument's tendency to change pitch in each of the following registers using the dynamics given. Record your results.

low register-piano: --------­

high register-piano: ---------

low register-forte: --------­

high register-forte: ---------

How can you compensate for this pitch tendency when performing?


@ 1988 J. Weston Walch, Publisher Theory Worksheets for Beginning Bands




Articulations LI IB

The manner in which a note is performed is called Articulation. Articulation markings can indicate the style, attack, or length of a given note or notes.

. J r

J r >

J r >

sf or sJ'z

Staccato -



perform the note short and detached (symbol appears on the note head side)

hold or stretch the note to its full value or a little longer (symbol appears on the note head side)

Accent - perform the note with emphasis

(symbol appears on the note head side and outside the staff)

Sforzando - perform the note suddenly with strong accent (symbol is always below the staff and note)

Fermata - sustain pitch much longer than its normal rhythmic value (symbol is always above the staff and note)


1. Mark the music as indicated in each instruction below. Make sure the articulations are placed appropriately.

~ i J J F F IJ J r r IJ J F F IJ J F r IJ J ~ 1 2 3 4

a) Place staccato markings on every pitch in measure l. b) In measure 2, mark the Fs tenuto and the Cs accented. c) In measure 3, mark beats 1 and 3 staccato. Mark 2 and 4 tenuto. d) Mark beat 1 of measure 4 sforzando. Mark beats 2, 3, and 4 staccato. e) In measure 5, place a tenuto marking on the quarter notes and afermata on the half note.

2. Fill in the letter of the term that best matches each symbol.


__ ef

__ sf:z

3. Circle which of the following, by definition, are articulations.

forte half step accent slur

a) sforzando

c) accent



b) tenuto

d) staccato

s II

Tempo Markings Tempo is a symbol indicating how fast or slow music should be played. Tempo indicates the speed of the music.

Largo very slow

Adagio slow

Andante a walking tempo


accelerando gradually increase speed


Moderato a moderate tempo

Allegro fast

rit. or ritard.

ritardando gradually decrease speed

Presto very fast

1 . Fill in the letter of the translation that best matches each term.

__ Allegro __ Adagio a) very slow

accelerando Andante c) gradually faster

e) walking tempo

__ Largo ritardando g) moderate tempo

2. Clap each indicated rhythm. Be sure to observe the tempo and dynamic markings.

a) Largo


c) Andante

~-= mf



[J J II f

b) gradually slower

cl) fast

f) very fast

h) slow


i .0 J J J , J I .0 J # J I J J J J J J J J I J J , ) J II mf ace el. ............................ .



j In J n I J J J II mf rit. . ... .. .... .. ... . . . .

23 1.0

Dynamics, Tempo, & Articulations Review

1. Label the following word banks in the space provided with the appropriate term: Dynamics, Tempo, or Articulation.

WordBank#l WordBank#2

l I I I Accelerando Largo Crescendo Mezzo Forte Adagio Moderato Decrescendo Mezzo Piano Allegro Presto Forte Pianissimo Andante Ritardando Fortissimo Piano

2. Using the appropriate term from the word banks above, label each symbol.

a) -=:::: c) pp

e) f

b) mp

d) ::::::::==­f) mf

3. Using the appropriate term from the word banks above, label each symbol. I:'.

a) b)

* c) d)

* sfz

e) f) ~

> sf

4. Place the following terms in order from slowest to fastest :

Moderato Presto Adagio Allegro

5. Place the following symbols in order from softest to loudest:

f, p, mf, f.f, mp, pp --, --' --' __ ,


6. In your own words: How would you perform the following markings?



n r Accent Fermata Sforzando Staccato Tenuta


a) ritardando ------------------------------------

b) staccato-------------------------------------

c) crescendo ------------------------------------­

d)fermata ------------------------------------

e) accelerando ------------------------------------

f) accent