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Narasumber : drh. Magistera Laningratum

Dokter Hewan di Klinik GustaVet

Waktu : 5 Mei 2020, pada pukul 15.30

Media : Whatsapp Video Call

Veronica : Selamat siang dok, maaf mengganggu waktunya. Perkenalkan nama

saya Veronica Fonda dari Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Saya ingin

mewawancarai dokter dalam rangka memenuhi riset dalam tugas mata kuliah

Academic Writing

drh. Magistera : Halo, perkenalkan nama saya Magistera Laningratum . saat ini saya

bekerja sebagai dokter hewan di GustaVet klinik.

Veronica : Nah dok, setelah riset saya menemukan banyak sekali hewan yang

ditelantarkan oleh pemiliknya, salah satu penyebabnya adalah ketika orang tua

membelikan hewan untuk anak tersebut namun anak tersebut bosan karena

memiliki aktivitas lain ataupun hewan tersebut tidak cocok untuk anak.

Gimana sih cara mengetahui kesiapan mereka dalam memelihara hewan? Apa

faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesiapan memelihara hewan?

drh. Magistera : Terutama untuk anak dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi

kesiapan. untuk kesiapan sendiri itu untuk memelihara hewan harus siap waktu

luang karena pelihara hewan ga sekedar kasih makan, kasih minum, tapi biasanya

kan harus merawatnya, seperti ngajak main kasih perhatian, dan kalo misalkan anak


pengen pelihara hewan orang tuanya juga harus paham. apakah si anak ini punya

waktu luang apa enggak. kalo misalkan dia gapunya banyak waktu luang tapi dia

ingin pelihara hewan itu harus diliat dari sikapnya juga, sikap anak ke hewan di

sekililingnya. apakah dia menyayangi hewan, apakah takut sama hewan. karna

kadang kan kalo misalnya anak kecil yah kadang cuman ikut-ikutan temen ato

kayak, mah pengen punya kucing padahal dia belum pernah lihat kucing atau belum

pernah pegang kucing takutnya itu hanya keinginan saja padahal sebenarnya dia

belum bisa untuk merawat si hewan jadi, jadi pelihara hewan ga cuma nanti

keinginan sesaat aja. orangtua harus bisa memberikan edukasi pada anak bahwa

pelihara hewan ini nanti seperti komitmen, jadi ga cuman sehari dua hari. karena

pelihara hewan kan nanti sampe selamanya, ga selamanya sih, sampe hewan

tersebut udah tua gitu. Takutnya nanti yang malah mengurus hewannya kan

orangtuanya atau malah gampang bosen juga kan kalau misalkan tidak sesuai

dengan, apa, si anak gitu.

Terus, untuk faktor ya, faktor yang memengaruhi kesiapan si biasanya harus itu

tadi, niat, atau dia udah punya, apa ya, rasa sayang ke hewan. dai pernah liat hewan,

terus dia kayak misalkan tiba-tiba dia kasih makan ke hewan itu atau udah berani

pegang-pegang hewan itu. misal anaknya dia suka kucing, dia suka kasih makan

kucing disekitarnya kayak gitu.

umur juga penting untuk memelihara kesiapan hewan ya. Untuk kesiapan

memelihara hewan maksudnya.karna kalo misalkan dia TK ya, tk umur sekitar 3-4

tahun, mungkin dia hanya ingin-ingin aja, masi suka karna, mungkin bagi mereka

hewan adalah, maksudnya kucing anjing gitu kan masih hewan yang lucu, kayak


cuman ingin main aja. Nah mungkin untuk umur-umur SD, yang udah ngerti

tentang, kan edukasinya udah tinggi, ya gak, dia udah bisa tau, gimana cara merawat

hewan, udah bisa kasih makan, kasih minum, terus ngajak main, jalan-jalan gitu.

untuk anak sd mungkin udah paham ya gitu. Terus, apa namanya, itu tadi, harus

siap waktu luang sih paling penting karena takutnya, apa namanya, balik ke

pertanyaan tadi, banyak hewan yang ditelantarkan karena akhirnya pemilik ga

punya waktu untuk hewannya gitu.

Veronica : Hewan-hewan seperti kelinci, dan hamster sangat populer di anak2

sekarang, kebanyakan anak membelinya karena lucu dan ‘mudah dirawat’.

Tapi belum tentu hewan tersebut cocok untuk dipelihara anak-anak. Bagaimana

cara menentukan hewan apa yang cocok untuk dipelihara oleh anak-anak?

drh. Magistera : Kalau dari segi anak sendiri, ini bisa dipilih sesuai usianya. misal

anak umur 4 tahun, yang dia ini suka main, masih aktif-aktifnya , nah anak umur 4

tahun ini pasti dia pengen punya peliharaan yang bisa respon balik kan ke dia seperti

anjing atau kucing misal,.sesuai dengan sifat anjing atau kucing sendiri yang dia ini

cocok dijadiin temen, dia suka main, dia suka jalan-jalan, dan respon gitu sama

pemiliknya. beda dengan misal anak umur 6-7 tahun, yang dia ini awal masuk SD

atau sekitar sd lah, udah bisa merawat hewan. nah dia bisa coba memelihara hamster

atau kelinci atau bahkan burung yang tidak terlalu responsif atau tidak seaktif anjing

atau kucing . Nah pemilihan hewan sendiri bisa tergantung dari banyaknya waktu

luang si anak atau enggak. kalau si anak ini memang punya banyak waktu luang

atau dia ini suka main bisa pilihan pertamanya seperti anjing atau kucing tapi kalau


dia sedikit waktu luang, dia punya banyak aktivitas seperti les atau main sama

temen temennya tapi dia ingin punya hewan peliharaan, dia bisa memelihara seperti

ikan, bisa hamster tadi maupun kelinci. nah kalau dari segi hewannya sendiri.

hewan kan sifatnya beda-beda ya,. kalau dia ingin pelihara kucing, berarti dia harus

tau kucing ini hewan yang aktif, tapi tidak seaktif hewan seperti anjing gitu. nah

tapi kalau dia ingin punya anjing, dia harus seneng untuk ngajak main hewan

peliharaannya, seneng untuk jalan-jalan sama si anjingnya. karena tipe anjing kan

sangat responsif ya, paling responsif diantara tipe hewan yang lain. kalau misalkan

dia ingin punya hamster atau kelinci yang tipenya sama, dia kan aktif tapi aktifnya

di kandang saja, ini dia cocok buat anak yang tidak terlalu, punya banyak waktu

luang tadi, yang ingin merawat hewan, yang sayang sama hewan, tapi tidak terlalu

ingin main sama hewannya gitu. gitu sih biasanya.\

Veronica : Bagaimana cara mencari info yang tepat sebelum membeli hewan?

drh. Magistera : Cara mencari info yang tepat sebelum membeli hewan ya. yang

pertama itu yaitu cari tau tempat pemeliharaan hewan yang akan dibeli. jadi harus

bener bener tau, kalau bisa langsung menyaksikan tempat pemeliharaannya, tempat

kondisinya itu baik atau buruk. nah hal itu bisa diliat dari kandang, kandangnya

sering dibersihkan, terawat atau tidak, kotor atau tidak, karena lingkungan itu akan

berpengaruh terhadap kondisi si hewan atau kesehatan si hewan. bisa bikin hewan

gampang sakit atau malah hewan tersebut terawat atau enggak di penjualnya yang

tadi. yang kedua bisa cari rekomendasi atau tanya ke dokter hewan setempat atau

dokter hewan yang dekat dengan penjual hewan yang tadi. apakah misal si breeder


itu sering ke dokter hewan tersebut, jadi bisa minta rekomendasi, apakah trusted,

terpercaya atau enggak gitu. terus bisa juga cari infonya lewat internet, bisa cari

review-review di media sosial yang mereka punya gitu. jadi jangan cuma misal

broadcast aja di media sosial tertentu terus langsung wah ingin beli nih,. jadi harus

bener-bener selektif dan harus cari review-review orang yang pernah beli di breeder

tersebut gitu.

Veronica : Apakah ada pesan untuk orangtua dan anak yang ingin memiliki


drh. Magistera : Yang terpenting itu harus siap waktu luang, tenaga, maupun

perhatian khusus. dalam merawat hewan kedepannya ya karena merawat hewan ini

gak cuman keinginan sesaat, gak cuman sehari dua hari. karena tadi kan saya udah

bilang merawat hewan ini seperti sebuah komitmen. jadi hewan ini kan punya rasa,

dia makhluk hidup yang harus kita rawat dan jaga, yang harus kita kasih makan,

kasih minum, seperti anggota keluarga gitu.lingkungan tempat tinggal juga penting

ya untuk diperhatikan, apakah ramah untuk hewan peliharaan atau enggak. jadi

bukan cuman faktor siap dalam waktu luang, tenagaatau perhatian aja, gituh.

Veronica : Baiklah, sekian pertanyaan dari saya, terimakasih dokter atas waktunya.



Narasumber : Natalie Stewart

Co-founder of Jakarta Animal Aid Network

Waktu : 2-3 September 2020

Media : E-mail

Veronica : I’ve read on the JAAN website, the animals you rescued are not being

put in a cage. Is being put in a cage a form of animal abuse? If yes, can you tell me

more about things that pets owners often did to their pets that they didn’t realize are

counted as animal abuse?

Natalie :We at Jaan believe that any animal that is confined suffers from neglect

and/or abuse. Caged animals cannot do their natural behavior which is outlined in

the 5 Principles of Animal Welfare.

Many people believe that dogs belong in cages but that is not true. Dogs that are

caged suffer from depression and isolation. They are pack animals and need other

dogs or humans in their lives. Isolation, neglect, hitting, starving are all examples

of animal abuse

Veronica :What activities do you do in JAAN related to household pets? Do you

often rescue or get reports on household pets from abuse? If yes, what pets are most

often found to be abused? And can you give me the example of the form of abuse

that they did?


Natalie : We have limited capacity at Jaan shelter so we can only rescue emergency

cases of abuse or neglect. We get reports daily about household pets that need

rescue but sadly we can’t take them all. We rescue many dogs from irresponsible

owners, we also rescue street cats that are sick or dying. One recent example is

Larry. He is a street cat and some terrible person cut off his tail and part of his back

with a knife or a machete See photo below

Veronica : Based on your experience, what type of people that often reported

abusing their pets? Is it a family, or a single person, how old are they? And why do

you think they did it to their pets?

Natalie : Usually it’s a neighbour that reports the abuse. Never is it the owner


The reports come in to us from various animal lovers- even children- that report

cases to us.

Veronica : One of the article that i read in (link :

yang.Dibuang.dan.Ditelantarkan) said that JAAN believes that most abandoned

dogs happens because the owner that are still a kid, cannot handle the pets? Is that

true? Can you please elaborate on that?

Natalie : Actually it’s not that the owners are kids, but the owners are

irresponsible. The owners can be adults, parents or children. If they don’t know

how to properly care for their pets- then often they just cage them and ignore

them. After owners get tired of caring for the pets, or they move houses- the dog is


left behind to starve to death. Many many cases of people moving away and

abandoning their pet.

Veronica : Are there many people that visit JAAN to adopt animals as their pets?

Natalie : We have a very strict adoption policy. An adopter must first fill out a

form, then we do a home visit and then the adopter can meet the dogs at Jaan. If

we feel the dog won’t be well cared for- we don’t let that person adopt one of our

dogs. There are regular visitors to Jaan who want to donate food or medicine but

we have very few adopters- especially for cats.

Veronica : Do you recommend a family that has small child/children (around 6-12

y.o) to adopt animals as their pets from JAAN? Why?

Natalie : 6- 12 years old the child should be able to understand how to treat an

animal. Younger children are more difficult. They may pull the tails of dogs and

cats or play too roughly with them. Small children need to be supervised at all times

when around any animal.

Veronica : Do you have a message for a child that wants pets?

Natalie : The parents of the child must realize that it will ultimately be up to them

to provide the necessary care and commitment. Dogs live 10-16 years, Cats up to

20 years. Every adopter should be aware of that and plan to have that pet for its

entire life. Cats and Dogs are not something that can be thrown away once a person

decides they are sick of caring for pets.



Narasumber : Anak dan Orangtua yang memiliki peliharaan

Lauren Fonda (orangtua) dengan Imogen Ramlie (12) dan Laura

Ramlie (9), Monica Oudang (orangtua) dengan Adelyn (11) dan

Armael (9), Winda (orangtua) dengan Sabine (12)

Waktu : 1-6 September 2020

Media : Whatsapp dan SMS

Narasumber 1 : Lauren Fonda dengan Imogen dan Laura Ramlie

1. One rabbit, for 2 years now.

2. Yes, my kids asked for them and I love animals as well.

3. Yes, we researched by asking our friends that have rabbits and also researched

myself through google.


4. No, much more difficult to maintain than expected. Turns out, our rabbit super

sensitive and gets eye infections easily and often.

5. A specific designated maid takes care of our rabbit.

6. No regrets. We all really wanted the rabbit at that time.

7. Yes, the type of rabbit we got is a HOLLAND LOP, which are much more

sensitive than other rabbits. Knowing this now, I should have gotten a less sensitive

rabbit breed.

V : Do you like animals?

I : Yes I do

V : Do you have pet? If yes, what pet do you have now? And do you have any other

pet before this?


I : Right now I have a bunny (the breed is holland lop) I have had many pets before

this such as parrots, hamsters, other bunnies, fish, hermit crabs, and shrimp

V : can you tell me more about your pets? Which one you liked the best?

I : Hmmm, my very first pets were hamsters and I had them when I was very young

so I don’t remember much about them, all I remember is that they died because the

mbak left them in the ball thing and they got stuck behind the dryer and fried to


I had two parrots (both green) one died so the one that was left was lonely so we

got another parrot this time it was red, the last green parrot dies and the red one was

lonely so we set it free

I had two bunnies back when I was 5 one named bobo (he was white) and another

one that kinda looked like Bambi but in a rabbit form (I forgot her name) they had

a lot of babies (7 of them) and we couldn’t take care of them all so we gave them

to our driver

I’ve had many types of fish in The past most of them were either goldfish or the

fish with bubble heads. I remember having a few rainbow fish and two fish that

stuck to the fish tank and cleaned it by eating the dirt off of it

I’ve had hermit crabs on and off, one batch of them had colorful drawings on their

shells, the other time they were just plain white gray and brown shells. The hermit

crabs didn’t last long though (a month at most)

I had a bunny that recently died (August 2019) his name was buddy and he was a

Holland lop. He had brown spots all over him and a “chocolate spot” around his


mouth so I once thought he ate chocolate and I got worried. Buddy’s birthday is

June five. Buddy died due to an eye infection that caused him to go blind.

I liked all my pets equally I can’t choose a favorite

V : okay, so.. do you take care of your pet or play together with them? how often?

I : I dont really take care of cookie (the bunny right now) because i found out I’m

allergic to animal fur. But I try to pet her as often as i can

V : well, if you can pick any other pet, what pet would you get?

I :Probably a dog that doesnt shed a lot of fur

V : why did u pick a dog :D?

I : Because i feel they are the most “human” if you understand what I mean, they

will also play with you instead of only you playing with them. I feel they show the

most emotion. Compared to any other animal

V : okay next, can you tell me as many as possible what animals do you think are

considered pets?

I : AN ELEPHANT, a dog, a hamster, guinea pig, fish?


I : Yes, you can adopt one

And the money that you put into the elephant is used to take care of it

V : well thats kinda unusual, but okay hahaha

I : I have an elephant in mind, if i were to adopt one

The link is:

V : last question hahaha

where do you usually get information about pets?


I : I usually google stuff or my mom tells me or i just observe

Narasumber 2 : Monica Oudang dengan Adelyn dan Armael

V : (Penulis memperkenalkan diri dan mengirimkan daftar pertanyaan ke Ibu


1. Boleh tolong sebutkan hewan apa saja yang dimiliki dan sudah berapa lama

memelihara hewan tersebut?

2. Saat membeli hewan, apakah anak yang meminta hewan tersebut? Kalau iya,

sebagai orangtua kenapa anda memutuskan untuk membelikannya? Kalau tidak,

apakah anak setuju dengan Anda membeli hewan peliharaan tersebut?

3. Sebelum membeli hewan, apakah Anda/anak Anda melakukan riset terlebih

dahulu? Kalau iya, melalui apa?

4. Apakah hewan yang dimiliki sesuai dengan ekspektasi? (misal lebih aktif

daripada yang dibayangkan atau butuh banyak makanan)


6. Apakah Anda menyesal membeli hewan tersebut atau ingin membeli hewan

jenis lain?

Kalau anak yang meminta, apakah Anda menyesal membelikan anak Anda hewan


7. Adakah kendala dalam memelihara hewan tersebut yang Anda harap Anda

ketahui sebelumnya?

Monica :

1. Anjing 2 thn, kura2 4 thn dan kura2 kecil 1.5 thn

2. Iya. Karena sudah meminta lama dan sudah bisa bertanggung jawab atas binatang

peliharaannya. Anjing terutama juga bagus utk pertumbuhan mental anak.

3. Iya. Melalui google, youtube dan IG

4. Yes. Sesuai ekpektasi from maintenance etc.

5. Anak, saya dan pembantu

6. Tidak

7. Tidak. Karena sudah pernah memiliki waktu saya kecil. Banyak binatang

peliharaan anak saya yg lain yg saya tidak setuju dari awal dan susah merawatnya

seperti rabbit, sugar glider dan hamster

Narasumber 3 : Winda dengan Sabine


V : (Penulis memperkenalkan diri dan mengirimkan daftar pertanyaan ke Sabine)

1. Please introduce yourself; name and age

2. Do you like animals?

3. What pet do you have now? Do you have any other pet before this?

4. Do you take care of your pet or play together with them? How often?

5. If you can pick any other pets, would you pick a different pet? If yes, why?

And do you regret having a pet?

6. Can you tell me (as many as possible) what animals do you think are

considered pets?

(please answer the section below together with your mom/dad)

1. When buying your pets, did your child ask for the pet? If yes, as a parent,

why did you decide to buy the pet? If no, did your kids agree when you

bought the pets?

2. Before buying the pets, did you or your children do research? If yes, what

kind of method did you use for your research?

3. Do you have a problem when taking care of the pet that you wish

you had known before?


S : My name is Sabine and I'm 12

2. I really like fluffy/ cute animals

3. i have 2 dogs, 7 Turtles, a bunch of fish, 3 cats

I used to have 9 bunnies and a dog and 4 cats

4. I play with my dogs everyday

5.i would never regret having these two dogs cause they're amazing

6. Dogs, Cats, Chinchillas, Cheetahs, Snakes, Spiders

Anything non illegal to have as pets basically.

So no Lions, Tigers, Bears stuff like that

7. I don't have my mom with me but yea we talked about it and she found my first

dog we got then she would another dog which because our 2nd dog

So we all agreed besides we all wanted one anyway

9. We didn't do any cause we already had a dog before that we grew up with so yea

we just got the dogs and already knew how to take care of them

10. We didn't

























