Just Some Short Roman Catholism History Essays In One Place(Warning: May Still put you to Sleep.)and...

Just Some Short Roman Catholism History Essays In One Place(Warning: May Still put you to Sleep.)and Political Philosophy Essays to make sure you stay in a Coma! Daniel W.Vliet “The Bold Artist” 1

Transcript of Just Some Short Roman Catholism History Essays In One Place(Warning: May Still put you to Sleep.)and...

Just Some Short Roman Catholism

History Essays In One Place(Warning: May Still put you to

Sleep.)and Political Philosophy Essays to make sure you stay

in a Coma!

Daniel W.Vliet “The Bold Artist”


The painting by Piero di Cosimo in 1490 is called The

Visitation with Saint Nicholas and Saint Anthony Abbot

Piero Di Cosimo

A painting that is very cool. National Gallery of Art,

Washington, DC,The Visitation with Saint Nicholas and Saint

Anthony Abbot, c. 1490 Samuel H. Kress Collection


The painting by Piero di Cosimo in 1490 is called The

Visitation with Saint Nicholas and Saint Anthony Abbot. This

painting depicts several people who are important in the

religious community. Mary gave birth to Jesus and also said

yes to life in a world that would have stoned her as an


adulteress. Elizabeth, women who waited a long time to have a

baby. At this moment in the painting, John the Baptist is

leaping for joy in his mother’s womb. In the Bible, in Gospel

of Luke 1,41-42, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and

cried out in a loud voice.” bless it are you among women and

bless it is the fruit of your womb.” In addition to all these

things, Elizabeth’s husband’s power of speech was taking away,

because an angel told him his wife was going to be pregnant

way beyond her years. He became literally, speak less unable

to talk further.

Saint Anthony of the Abbot, according to www.catholic.org,

had suffered the death of his parent at a very young age.

Between the years of eighteen and twenty he heard a reading of

Matthew 19:21”If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your

position and give the money to the poor, and you will have

treasures in heaven; then come follow me.” Saint Anthony the

Abbott after deep prayer and personnel reflection knew what he

had to do to transform himself as much like Jesus Christ as

possible. He then placed his sister in a convent, probably


being the oldest man in the family; he had the power to do

that because it was part of that time. He spent the rest of

his life doing the will of god, eating mostly bread, fasting,

and praying. Greek philosophers sought him after. They wanted

his guidance. Saint Anthony also formed the first monastic

community in which religious brothers only came together to

worship. ``

In conclusion he was long sought after even to the point

where Anthony became afraid and felt people may start

worshiping him instead of God. He moved into the desert and

lived under the care of a people called Saracens. Saint

Anthony died at one hundred and five, a long life giving

himself to the lord in almost complete solitude. Cosimo

captures the essence of this character in this painting.

Saint Nicholas lived around the fourth century. He is known

for having a giving heart. One act of unselfish giving was

with a man who had three daughters; the man was faced with a

hardship that would have led his daughters into a very sad and


unholy life style such as slavery or maybe even prostitution.

Saint Nicholas heard of this by the grace of God, and over

time secretly gave them all a dowry so they could live a

normal life. Saint Nicholas, shortly after that, entered the

religious life and later became a bishop of Myra.

A Dutch protestant, in possible attempt to revitalize

Christmas made Saint Nicholas into Santa Clause a Nordics

sorcerer. In other places, Saint Nicholas became Kris Kringle,

a Christmas secular superstar. Saint Nicholas is known

throughout the world by many names, even until present day.

The Visitation in Catholics tradition is said as a joyful

mystery on a device called a Rosary. A Rosary is a beaded

device in which common prayer such as The Sign of The Cross,

Hail Mary, and The Apostle’s Creed and Our Father and the

Glory Be To The Father, And The Hail, Holy Queen these are the

mains ones used. According to the person or group, praying

other could be added but these prayers will never be taken

away. These prayers are not repetitive prayer at least not to


Catholics, but other Christian denominations would disagree.

To a practicing Catholic it is a form of mediation used to

learn the bible, learn and think about the life of the Lord

Jesus Christ. The Second Joyful Mystery teaches Catholics how

to love their neighbor and it teaches charity toward others.

This painting is hung in the National Gallery of Art, in

Washington D.C., the website used for this research is

www.nga.gov. Recorded on this site was other information,

which cannot be confirmed due to the size of the printout.

This work of art has in it the Annunciation, which is on the

church wall. According to the website.

In short, the Annunciation is a depiction of when Mary found

out she was pregnant. The bible reference is the gospel of

Luke 1,28 which is also a part of the Rosary, called the First

Joyful Mystery. In addition, in the painting, there is a

Navity and Adoration of the Shepherds on the left, and in the

middle ground, there is a great Massacre of the Innocent. The

Massacre provides contrast to many good people such as, Saint


Jon of Arc and countless others, dying as martyr’s .Who died

having done no great wrong other than, taking part in the

Protestant Reformation.

In conclusion, a powerful family named the Capporni family

probably hired Piero Di Cosimo. The painting was in their own

chapel in Spirito, in Florence. His style is compared to

Leonardo Da Vinci, because of a crown, which is formed by the

placement of people, says Giorgio Vasari in his book Lives of

the Artists. This painting is for all to see and enjoy.


Catholic’s Go Marching on, in the medieval time period

“It is altogether necessary for salvation; he wrote,’ that

every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” Pope

Boniface “Unam sanctam” 18 November 13021

An informative paper on the Roman Catholic Church and its

place in Medieval Military history and information on Saint

Joan of Arc and Saint Francis of Assai. The medieval time of

1 Read Piers, Paul. The Templers, The Dramatic History of the knights Templar, The Most Powerful Military Order of Crusades. DA Capo Press,2001.(page 257)


Crusader history is between 1000 years, from 500-1500 AD. The

Catholic Church recognized three major orders: the Templars,

the Hospitallers and the Teutonic knights.The smaller orders

where the Baltic orders of the Sword and Dobrin and the

Spanish orders of Santiago, Alcantara and Calatrava.

The knights where called to defend the nobility and

property and important people of the Catholic Church. The 11th

century Pope Urban II blessed the 1st crusade to secure

Jerusalem and ensure the Holy Land stays in Christendom hand.

No matter how you slice Medieval History Pope’s really

appeared corrupt and the non-Christians; Jews, Muslims,

Pagans, suffered greatly.2

The term Militia Christi means the orders of crusading

knights whose goal was to Christianize the unchurched people

of Jerusalem. The Crusader States established four small area

known as states . The levant; the first of the Crusader

States was the county of Edessa. The others were Tripoli,

Jerusalem and Antioch. The states functioned as lordships and

2 Marshal,Christopher J.The Crusading Motivation of the Italian City Republics in the Latin East,c 1096-1104. http://www.deremilitari.org/resources/articles.marshall2.htm. ( Accessed on November .22, 2009)


lasted until 1291. The Saladin and Hattin Horns, 1187 Saladin

defeated the crusaders in 1187 using mounted cavalry using. A

hilly area, the Horns of Hattin was the site of the battle

and where the Christians were defeated. Many Christians

escaped to nearby towns, some chose to convert, some were

killed and some sold into slavery. The Third Crusade in the

Third Crusade Richard the Lionheart with heavy cavalry

confronted Saladin in 1191 but did not take Jerusalem.

Richard I and Arsuf, 1191 Arsuf was a city where Richard I

defeated Saladin’s troops in 1191. He did not reach Jerusalem

but made a treaty with Saladin.3

A individual can be a crusader such as Saint Joan of Arc or

Saint Francis of Assai, to well known people from Medieval

history, so well known one could forget what time they hail

from, because quotes are always being used that where said by

the medieval saints. Saint Francis of Assai is contributed

for making the nativity scene the way it is seen around

Christmas. Saint Jon of Arc has weaved a way in culture in

religious and non religious ways.3 Read Piers, Paul. The Templers, The Dramatic History of the knights Templar, The Most Powerful Military Order of Crusades. DA Capo Press,2001.(pages164-177).


If Joan of Arc was alive today the first thing she would say

is stop calling me that, my name is Jehanne d’Arc. Which is

why history is different in this digital age, and the human

brains are the master search engines not “Goggle”. Does the

modern day Dewey Decimal system also knows Jon of Arc is

Jehanne d’Arc also; a machine or software needs be told. One

must grow up with the oral Catholic traditions or simply be a

history buff, Joan of Arc is known has the Patron Saint of

France, you can’t miss her in even in growing up in seaport

of Gloucester, Massachusetts. The statue is a bronze statue

and is simply known commonly as the Joan of Arc statue. The

statue is located on Legion Square. Anna Hyatt Huntington4

made the horse and Joan, the base was made by Frederick Hall,

this World War One memorial 5also faces the areas American

Legion Post, hence probably the name Legion Square. Saint

Joan of Arc higher leadership used her with the hope folk

4 Oral history interview Anna Hyatt-Huntington, [ca.1964], Achieves of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. http://www.aaa.si.edu/collections/oralhistories/transcripts/huntin64.htm. [Accessed on November 21 2009].5 J.Jeffery Grant. The Lure of Gloucester (1883-1960) Exhibition II Vose Galleries of Boston May 1-June 14, 2008. http://www.vosegalleries.com/downloads/Grant2.pdf . (Accessed on November 21, 2009).


lore of the enemy would scare them; she carried a banner into

battle for the French. 6

Joan of Arc is often invoked in many Gay and Lesbian and

Feminist movements, because of stereotypical thinking, that

she must have not had heterosexual attraction because she

carried a guidon or banner into battle, although this is

plain modern bull and sexists and distorts her legacy. She

was a strong Feminist, but the question is did her strength

come from the fact she was a women or from the fact she

really felt she was “On a Mission from God”, one would think

with common since, gender would be neutral issue, since a

supreme being pick a person for missions, not gender.

Joan of Arc came from what seemed to coming from the

deserted desert in France, she chose to enter war claiming to

be “On a Mission from God”, like the classic movie known as

the “Blues Brothers”7, claimed. These two men group in nun run

school that had to close down. Jake and Elwood Blues to find

former band members and convince them to rejoin the band and

6“ J.Jeffery Grant”7 Directed by John Landis. With John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown. The Blue Brothers (1980). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080455/ . (Accessedon November 21, 2009).


play a benefit concert for the school. Jake and Elwood Blues

had to convince “The Penguin “ and a Pawn Shop owner that

they where more then just thieves, like Joan of Arc had to

convince royalty and French Military leadership the she was

more then a peasant girl.8

The French Monarchy and Army really had to believe she

was “On a Mission from God” like people in the Blues Brothers

movie did. This has been the theme of the medieval period.

Many people acted if they where working directly for God.

Joan of Arc saw visions of the whole heavenly court over

time. The vision got stronger, and included St. Michael the

Archangel. He was the angel that thwarted the devil and pushed

him to hell. He told Joan the French Dauphin was the true

king. Joan of Arc said to the French Dauphin “I have come and

am sent in the name of God to bring aid to your self and to

the Kingdom”. Joan of Arc carried a banner in 1429, which had

on it Jesus holding the world and had angels on both sides.

Joan of Arc encouraged troops much like a General in command;

she put herself in harms way on more then one occasion. Joan

8 “John Landis”


of Arc was captured in battle and was in prison by English

hands and sent home in a prison exchange, Joan of Arc endured

months of trials eventually. She died being burned at the

stake as a witch in or around March 1431.9

St Francis of Assai tried to fight under Walter of

Brienne, Brother of John of Brienne, and Supported by Pope

Innocent III. St Francis of Assisi failed at War, like many

good people who think going to war is the only way to help

the world.10 The relevance of St Francis of Assisi in a

Medieval War essay is he watched or had others in his group

observe The Battle of Damietta. St Francis of Assisi had a

vision that John of Brienne army would lose, he told them and

the army did not listen. 11

The Battle of Damietta was fought in the sea and land on

August 29th 1219. Damietta Egypt was the near coast on the

Nile River. The Leader John of Brienne he would have been

King of Jerusalem if the Muslims did not occupy Jerusalem.

9 Alan Williamson,Joan of Arc,Brief Biography. http://archive.joan-of-arc.org/joanofare_short_biography.html . (Accessed on November 20 2009).10 Rega,Frank. St.Frances of Assisi and the Convention of the Muslims. Tan Books and Publishers.2007(.Pages 49-51)11 “Rega,Frank”(Pages 52)


One highlight of the use of a battle tactic using holy

relics, Radulfus was the Latin Patrarch of Jerusalem, he

carried the persumed true cross and pointed toward John of

Brienne Army, this made the crusader knights rally around

John of Brienne. The Knight Templar and the Hospitallers

fought in The Battle of Damietta. The other religious thing

psychological warfare in The Battle of Damietta was beheading

Christian crusader on the same day as the remembrance of St.

John the Baptist beheading.12

Knights of John started forming in1048 the Order of

Malta worked at a hospital controlled by Mahometans. In

1099,Godfrey of Bouillion took control of Jerusalem. Monks no

longer needed to work in the hospital. In 1113 Pope Paschal II

confirmed a new spiritual order. The order established three

groups one group was the knight themselves they protect the

people that can’t protect themselves. The other group where

the priest and they worked on the spiritual welfare of the

community, the last group was the servant group.13

12 “Rega,Frank”(Pages 53)13Sir Bernard Burke.An account of the Order of St.John . http://www.orderstjohn.org/osj/burkeosj.htm . (Assessed November 20 2009).


It is believed that crusades where for land or

because the Pope desired it, but that does not seem to be the

case. More crusades where started looking for the Crown of

Thorns or the head of John the Baptist and bones of Saints.

The soil from holy places was cause also. Clearly the Holy

Grail and the Ark of Convent are the most common causes of the


The story of the true is that it was discovered by

Empress Helena, the mother of Constantine the first. She

discovered the thieves cross and Jesus’ cross. The right cross

of Jesus was found when Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem had three

sick women lay on the cross for healing, one women got healed

right away, she chose to lay on the right one.The True Cross

stayed with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem

until 614.Chrosroes II of Persia took Jerusalem and moved the

cross, years later the Roman Emperor Herclius took it back.

The relic stayed in Constantinople, but was brought back to

Jerusalem. The true cross was not seen again until 1099,

around the time of the first crusade.14

14 Dafoe ,Stephan.The Relic of the True Cross/The Knights Templar


The Roman Catholic Church history should not be seen

as the Pope leading everything. Clearly in the Case of Joan of

Arc, where was “Christ Vicar on Earth”. Crusade history seems

that the Catholic’s simply marched on to war, many crusades

where about treasures. St Francis of Assisi was the man who

improved the spiritual love threw his poetry or canticles and

his examples; he strove to convert Muslim, at least from

warlike behavior. Did Popes Crusaders and would be Saints

believe they are “On a Mission from God”. The only truth about

history is it always changes maybe that is Gods Mission. Holy

orders that fought as knights, was not like one person getting

the word of God, and going off. This is what other historic

writers lead you to believe; this is plain written for the

romantic audience, like all fighter pilots in World War I,

practiced the art of chivalry, this is historical nonsense,

which comes up in studying World War I.A Hersey of studying

the history of the Catholic Church is all religious where good

and their works came from God and threw God, the student must

be forced to learn the two histories from secular and

http://www.templarhistory.com/cross.html . Stephan Dafoe/Templer History 2009.


religious works presented to him or her and decide the truth

on history and make a personnel discernment , on what really




Sir Bernard Burke. “An account of the Order of

St.John”. http://www.orderstjohn.org/osj/burkeosj.htm

(Assessed November 20 2009).

Dafoe ,Stephan.”The Relic of the True Cross/ The Knights


http://www.templarhistory.com/cross.html . Stephan

Dafoe/Templer History . (Accessed on November 22, 2009.

J.Jeffery Grant. The Lure of Gloucester (1883-1960)

Exhibition II Vose Galleries of Boston, May 1-June 14,2008.

http://www.vosegalleries.com/downloads/Grant2.pdf . (Accessed

on November 21, 2009).


Read Piers, Paul. The Templers, The Dramatic History of

the knights Templar, The Most Powerful Military Order of

Crusades. DA Capo Press,2001.(pages164-177).

Oral history interview Anna Hyatt-Huntington, (ca.1964),

“Achieves of American Art, Smithsonian



ntin64.htm. ( Accessed on November 21 2009).

Rega,Frank. St.Frances of Assisi and the Convention of the

Muslims. Tan Books and Publishers.2007.(Pages 49-53).

Marshal,Christopher J.The Crusading Motivation of the

Italian City Republics in the Latin East,c 1096-1104.


( Accessed on November .22, 2009)

Williamson, Alan .”Joan of Arc,Brief Biography”.


. ( Accessed on November 20 2009).


A Slice of French

Catholic Church History Pie

“Never will anyone who says his Rosary every day be led

astray. This is a statement that I would gladly sign with my

blood.” Saint Louis de Montfort15

The Roman Catholic Church, during the 18th century, was a

struggling time for Frances secular societies, but also was a

time of turmoil for the church-going society as well. The

French Enlightenment and the Napoleonic period, where not only

a time of changes for France, but it also was a time for

renewal in the end. Catholicism was the dominant religion in

France. One would be arrogant to assume the Enlightenment was

limited to the Catholic Church or to the political movements

15 EWTN. May 4,2007.http://www.santaclarafm.com.ar/Devotionals/inspiration_05may2007.htm.2009


of the times of the “Age of Reason” and the Napoleonic period,

but for the purpose of this writing this essay is about French

Catholicism in the 18th century.

The French in the seventeen hundreds had three groups

known as “estates”. The first estate was the clergy and

religious leaders. The first estate drew income from land-

holders like the nobility. The land-holding were fifteen

percent of France, it was owned by the church. The second

estate was nobility. This class worked very little and earned

money from ownership of land also. The French in the third

estate were mostly farmer, this included 98 percent of France.

Although Bourgeoisie were not farmers but they were similar to

nobility as they belong to the third estate group of France.

Bourgeoisie strived largely to achieve nobility for themselves

or their children. The high tax burden on the poor, led to the

fall of these social- economic classes in France. The third

estate could no longer be the only estate to pay taxes and

this led to the French Revolution. The members of the third

estate tithed anything from two to ten percent of their gross

income to the first estate. The king’s taxes took the rest


from the peasants of France. The rich did not believe in

“trickle down “economics. The plight of third estate had

nothing to do with not working hard; it was asking too many

taxes that led to the French Revolution. The second estate was

not serving the people and there was no reason they should

have not paid higher taxes. The first estate was providing

heath care and lower and upper level education. It was

understandable for the church and the clergy to be tax-

exempt. This unbalanced tax structure led to farmers who sold

food and have a hard time getting food for themselves. The

French Revolution and the American Revolution had many

similarities, but the direct cause was very different. French

history would be a different account today if the monarchy

looked towards their heavenly father for guidance, rather then

doing more of the same thing their earthy father did.16

Louis de Montfort was a helper who helped form modern

Mariology. Mariology has been around since the start of the

church, it is an idea in Theology that Jesus is worshipped

through Mary the Mother of God in all things artistic and or

16 P.M.Jones, The Peasantry in the French Revolution, Cambridge University Press.2009


creative. Louis de Montfort is famous for the saying “Jesus

thru Mary”. The belief that rosary and scapular devotion and

miracles medal devotions, the prayer said while wearing and

carrying holy reminders, go to Jesus, because Mary of Nazareth

was the Mother of God. (Fragment) A prays get heard according

to this practice and belief. Louis de Montfort died in

seventeen thousand and sixteen (1716), while King Louis was

only King since September seventeen thousand and fifteen.

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade was a priest during the

French Revolution. He did not take the Civil Constitution of

the Clergy in Seventeen thousand and ninety-one. He just did

his priestly duties in secret. Blessed William Joseph

Chaminade founded the Sodality of our Lady, but was forced to

live in exile in Spain in the last part of the 18th century.

He developed many schools and spent his life spreading Marion

Devotion throughout France and elsewhere.17

When the French Catholic church asks for worship in line

with those tenets, are they outwardly expressing the love for

the carpenter and for the fishermen “Peter”, whom Jesus

17 Jones,Terry. Blessed William Joseph Chaminade.http://saints.sqpn.com/saintw15.htm.2009


taught? Believers, then, are good stewards, good servants and

teachers of the lord’s lessons and idea. French people in

secular societies were borrowing religious ideas for many

public documents such as the one called the Declaration of

Right of Men, written by the Marquis de Lafayette in seventeen

thousand and eighty-nine and the sister document, Declaration

of the Rights of Women, written by Olympe Degouges in

seventeen thousand and ninety-one. Although these documents

were not written from the chair of Saint Peter, the only place

the Pope is infallible, according to Catholic Church teaching.

(fragment) The French writing of the day were based upon on

The Christ, all are created equal in the messiah’s eyes, all

got salvation on Calvary. French society may be viewed as

becoming secular or may be viewed as society becoming more

Christ-based, where all our welcomed.18

Jesuits were a holy order that was powerful within the

Catholic Church; they were and are totally rigid in their

thinking toward Catholism. The Jesuits are very loyal to their

Popes, hence every conclave before a new Pope was elected the

18 Owen Connelly, The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era, Harcourt College Publishers, 2000.


question was asked, how is this man, Cardinal, going to deal

with the Jesuits. In seventeen thousand and forty six, a

Jesuit broke with tradition and went into the merchant

business, probably only to keep his flock from being sold into

slavery. Jesuit Father Pere LaValette was in charge of the

administrative duties of a French island called, The Island of

Martinique, this island was owned by the French since sixteen

thousand and fifty-eight. Father Pere LaValette made bold

moves that he felt he had to make for the greater good of his

peasant flock; he borrowed money and invested into

plantations, although the Jesuit order as whole would be

responsible for the debt of the mission. A member of the

Jesuit order probably owns one personnel item. The leader of

the Jesuit order General Ignatius Visconti tried to recall

Father Lavalette. Four Ships were sent to Father Lavalette, he

never was on any of them, he would not go back to Rome. Father

Lavlette hired a French privateer vessel to try carrying

product for sale in hopes to turn a profit and pay off all

debts of the mission. Unfortunately the crops were taken by

English Privateers and the works of the mission were lost.


Father Lavalette’s endeavors got him and the Jesuit order into

a legal battle. The Jesuits should not trade goods. As

probably looks too much like having a business for profit. The

Jesuit order appealed to Paris Parliament. Maybe since a

mission Jesuit priest should have been a beggar father, and

not appear to be a business man, to the naked eye. The Jesuits

wanted legal action, because they owed money, not for Father

Lavalette’s action’s alone. The Jesuits had a handbook known

as the Constitutions. Paris Parliament had little interest of

the debt owed by Father Lavalette. Paris Parliament wanted a

chance to see the handbook of the Jesuit order. No one outside

the church and the order ever saw it in public. The book had

in it, sinful acts, that men and women do. Father Lavalette

was used in the end as a way to expose his order secrets.

Father Lavalette was no longer allowed to practice in the

Jesuit order. Father Lavalette became a priest without a

flock, because once a priest, always a priest. During the

Seven Year War, the English sold the landholdings and also

used it during the war. The inhabitants who worked the

plantation mission were sold into slavery, by the English. All


Father Lavalette’s debt would have been covered. Clearly he

was not a business man, but a missionary trying to take care

of his flock and better the life on this French Island of


Although the trials ended in the matter of the French

Island of Martinique, other backlashes continued. Paris

Parliament after seeing the handbook of the Jesuits, called

the Constitutions, led them to make a copy of the handbook and

to keep talking about what the Society of Jesus believes. The

Jesuits put their mark on global history, by making themselves

educators in the academic realms of astronomy and mathematics

and many other academic fields, but their core beliefs and

values where in question. In sixteen thousand and eighty-

eight, they got the title the “The Kings Mathematicians”. This

distinction led the Jesuits to have centuries of work in the

16th and 17th century. Any athlete would tell you, you’re only

as good as your last performance and the Jesuit battle against

Paris Parliament, led to public exposure of many of the

Jesuits secrets by making the handbook public. The Jesuits had

19 Manfred Barthel. The Jesuits History and Legend of the Society of Jesus.William Morrow and Company, Inc, New York 1984.


lost their foothold in the religious school, due to the public

knowledge of the handbook. Jesuit where seen as unfit for duty

because of their shared view, they where ousted from

educational duties in college. The overtaxed parish priest was

more desirable for the job of teacher rather then the Jesuits.

Pope Clement XIII desired to keep the Jesuit teaching, but

maybe “Christ Vicor” needed to make a phone call to the man

upstairs, what the Pope wanted, was not what the French was

doing or what God wanted.20

Pope Clement XIV was the spiritual leader of the

Catholic Church from 1769-1774, also King Louis XV died the

same year. The successor of Pope Clement XIV was Pope Pius VI;

he was the leader of the Roman Catholic Church from seventeen

hundred and seventy five- seventeen hundred ninety-nine. Pope

Pius VI was against the French Revolution, he seemed to be

pro-Jesuit. Pope Pius VI made his clergy salaried officials

because of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. He refused to

take the oath. The French church split during the French

20 Charles Bailey.The French Clergy and the Removal of Jesuits from Secondary School.1761-1762.Church History,Vol.48.No.3(Sep.,1979).pp.2005-319.Cambridge University Press.2009


Revolution. Napoleon Bonaparte took military action while Pope

Pius VI tried to make peace, rather then spearheading a drawn-

out Papal war. Pope Pius VI offered art and writing of

interest to make peace. Pope Pius VI had to live in Tuscany

and Florence. Napoleon Bonaparte had taken this elderly man as

his prisoner. Pope Pius VI later dies, because of his age and

health. He dies in the in French custody in the Citial of

Valence.21 The Popes efforts to support secular peace are fact

left out from public history. Religious leader should only

have say in religious matter and should not be diplomats in

the post modern world, according to public view opinion.22

Napoleon became emperor of France in a ceremony of

symbolism. Pope Pius VII was openly against this to take place

and therefore, he did not put the crown on Napoleons head.

Pope Pius VII simply blessed the replacement Crown of

Charlemagne and scepter and sat in his chair. No Pope was

harmed during this ceremony; Napoleon did not grab the crown,

as legend likes you to believe. Many of France’s relics and

21 J.N.D Kelly. Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford University Press, New York.1986.22 J.N.D Kelly. Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford University Press, New York.1986.


ceremonial items were destroyed or badly damaged during the

French Revolution, thus the creation of a new Crown of

Charlemagne. The Norte Dame church was not the first choice

for this ceremony, although the church it self almost

experienced the 18th century wrecking ball. The Coronation

of Napoleon was a people’s event. Religious clergy processions

and French public figures surrounded the day. Napoleon

Bonaparte, at one point of the ceremony, wore white robes and

was anointed in holy oils, by Pope Pius VII. Napoleon

Bonaparte changed several times during this five-hour day of

parades and coronation. In the end Pius VII was Pope during

eighteen hundred - eighteen hundred and twenty-three. He

outlasted Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in leadership duration,

as the Napoleonic Empire ended in second decade of the 19th


The blending of secular society and religious society can

coexist if certain fundamental truths remain understood by

both, historically as what really happened, with respect to

23 Iris.Napoleon’s Coronation as Emperor of the French.http://www.georgianindex.net/Napoleon/coronation/coronation.html.2009.


both points of view during the Age of Reason and the

Napoleonic Era. Secular history and Religious history should

not bear false witness against each other without resources

and documentation to back it up. If religious people were

meant to separate themselves from the secular endeavors then

why is it said in church to go forth into the world and spread

the good news?

There where many failures to French Catholicism. As human

beings can only take so much. The straw the broke the camels

back is unclear. Clearly textbooks had minimal respect for the

upper level clergy, who lived more like nobles rather than a

poor carpenter from Nazareth, at least according to the

secular history written in textbooks. It a shame there is need

for the multiple historic views, but that is why, in part,

this is the modern age, we are now considered enlightened.

“When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary

more glory and is more meritorious that and other prayer.”

Saint Louis de Montfort24

24 TFP Student Action.Quotes of Our Lady,Popes,and Saints.http://www.tfpstudentaction.org/get-involved/campus-rosary-





1. Barthel Manfred. The Jesuits History and Legend of the

Society of Jesus. William Morrow and Company, Inc, New York



In reading thru the book, I stumble on Jesuit history

that had a direct effect on the land holding of the French,

thus affecting the history of French Catholism. Manfred

Barthel may or may not be Catholic, but I would think that he

would know Father Lavalette was no private English citizen; he

still was a priest regardless of where he lived and did.

2. Bailey, Charles. The French Clergy and the Removal of

Jesuits from Secondary School.1761-1762.Church History,

Vol.48.No.3 (Sep., 1979).pp.2005-319.Cambridge University


The reason why this Journal was used because when

I printed it out I was amazed on how detailed it was. The

article included every interaction in the court to keep the

Jesuits in schools and explained allow the higher clergy like

this change on some level, they really did little or nothing

to help. The article also mentioned how the Jesuits still

lived on college ground in most cases and perhaps still

influences the students. The Jesuits took books from the

colleges claiming they where personnel property. Actual Key


had to be passed to the new teacher and the new teacher still

saw the old teacher on church grounds. So this Journal has a

permanent URL as http://www.jstor.org/stable/3163985.

3. Han Qi.The Role of the French Jesuits in Chinia and the

Academie Royale Des Sciences in the Development of the

Seventeeth .and Eighteenth-Century European Science. Institute

for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of


This paper did not go into the 18th century enough,

but it was interesting that the Jesuits nickname was “The

Kings Mathematicians”.

4. Jason, The French Third


This online website made the point that lawyers and

teachers were peasants. I guess you save your money and move

within the estate. It a wonder the French Revolution did not

cause a major migration to other countries.


5. Jones P.M., The Peasantry in the French Revolution,

Cambridge University Press.2009

Church tithing was explained in the pages of this


6. Jones,Terry. Blessed William Joseph


Blessed William Joseph Chaminade is mentioned a lot

but no clear biography was seen, but this website.

7. Owen Connelly.The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era.

Harcourt College Publishers.2000.

Owen Connelly text gives a good overview of the

French revolution and the Napolinic Wars.

8. Kelly, J.N.D. Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford

University Press. New York.1986.


This is excellent book all the Popes are written

about and when you’re on the web it was getting hard keeping

the Clements and Piuses together. A book makes more since.

8.Kidspast. The Third Estate,http://www.kidspast.com/world-


This web article closely agrees with Owen

Connelly.The French Revolution and Napoleonic Era. Harcourt

College Publishers.2000, that 97 percent of the population was

part of third estate. This web article says peasant were

tithing 10 percent in all, some going to the king and the


9. Iris.Napoleon’s .Coronation as Emperor of the



Pictures of the coronation and detail about why

planning was big deal to Napoleon Bonaparte. It was

interesting coin where made for this event also. Also Much

like Barack Obama has plates and coins with his face on them.


Stuff probably was sold to celebrate the event, much like the

plates and coin are sold today and all over the world. What I

would have liked to write more about is the swords jewelry and

all the art and the artist surrounding the coronation of

Napoleon Bonaparte.


Bailey .pp 305-319

Connelly pg .35-42

Han Qi pg .489-492

P.M Jones. pg. 17

Oxford Dictionary of Popes.pg301/302

The Jesuits. pg.207-208-209



Victoria's Christmas gift

During the Second Boer War from 1899-1902, the Queen of

England who was Queen Victoria. She prepared gifts for the


British Armed Forces for one Christmas during this war. The

gift was a chocolate tin, filled with CadBury Chocolates. The

tins were made in a big size and a little size. The tins had a

golden colored rim and were red and blue. The lid had on it

Queen Victoria’s head and her insignia and a message that said

“I wish you a Happy New Year”. The tin was signed Victoria.

The tin was later used to carry personnel artifacts, which

were personnel to the British troops. Some tins were so

special that some chocolates were uneaten. The makers of the

chocolate were “Barclay and Fry” and also Barringer, Wallis

and Manners and Rowntree and Hudson Scott. The Queen spent

3587.50 in British pounds this is 6,500 in American money. The

time and money was well spent since the British won the war.

Huxtins/London .Queen Victoria's Boer War Christmas gift

tins complete set


Just War ( Pigs in a Blanket)


  Saint Augustine a doctor of the Roman Catholism derived

“Just War Theory”. He wrote City of God, while being the

Bishop of Hippo, Hippo was under a real world bombardment of

projectiles at the time. War is topic in the——

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

 (2304/1909/1807 pg 555)Respect for and development of human

life requires peace. Peace is not merely the absence of war,

and it is not limited to maintaining a balance of power

between adversaries. Peace can be attained on earth without

safe guarding the good persons, free communication among men,

respect for the dignity of persons and people, and the

peoples, and the assiduous practice of fraternity. Peace is

‘Tranquility of order” Peace is the work of justice and the

effect of charity. (98)

    The essential of Saint Augustine can be explained how in

1960 to 1975 sexual revolution was trying to end the war in

Vietnam, the theory is the sexual energy the same energy used

for sexual acts can go off into the world and be a beautiful

expression to cover up the hate of war and create order.


Clearly Saint Augustine never spent time with Veterans of post

traumatic stress disorder. More people survive war then the

age of Saint Augustine, does this not raise the realistic cost

of war, thus making “Just War” more costly.

    Catechism of the Catholic Church:

      (2243/2307/2308 pg556)In the passage titled “Avoiding

War says the fifth commandment is against the mass destruction

and explains war as bondage. Government and its people need to

avoid war. War is ok if war is entered to rid the world of

absolute evil, to rid a permanent dictator and have the

populist have a better life. Saint Augustine never imagined

Nuclear winter. The military tactics used by armies such as

the Atom bomb and Weapons of Mass destructions, where not in

Saint Augustine land.

   In conclusion “Just War” is no longer plausible many can

die, due to weapons of mass destruction. The costs of taking

care of veterans for decades are much too costly. War becomes

a thing of vengeance, no country like to lose and think they

wasted their greatest treasure human life.


Many Authors. Catechism of the Catholic Church .Libreria

Editrice Vaaticana.1992

The Classic Three Little Pig Story has been modernized to have

the pigs being thrown off their land by the wolf instead of

eaten. The Wolf wanted to build condo. This story was found on

an internet site that was called: www. humorhubcom, not able

to find

An old story isn’t as big of a problem as the age old battle,

of the big guys and the little guys. The world view of the

characters in The Modern Day Three Little Pigs could be seen

in many ways, one way is a simple life of harmony with nature

is the best and right way to be, in the pig’s world. The

villain, who was a wolf with big guns and dental picks in his

mouth, was really a capitalist dog. The little pigs in the end

where just as bad as the wolf in the story, do to their

socially economic issues; they had to construct their shack

out of discarded courtroom materials in a manner that would

surely fail every safety code inspections. While reading the

story there was not a real proof of land ownership, the pig


clearly just homesteaded and developed were they please. If a

public archives existed, a deed or mortgage would probably not

be awarded by the wolf either.

One thing the wolf should have done was to make his

condominiums happen was he should’ve asked pigs if they needed

a job. This would show a heart of gold by not blowing their

house in. The pigs could have helped the community by building

a big school or cleaning the pools. The pigs could be given

homes, kept clean for the common good of the community these

pigs could have been the spiritual leaders of the utopian

society promoting good in prosperity where ever they went more

diplomacy such as treaties should’ve been done between these

two animal species they should’ve been able to coexist.

The Wolf could have become vegetarians, like in the Disney

movie Pixar’s “Finding Nemo”, this was illustrated when the

great white shark named Bruce, spearheaded a support group.

Other humanitarian efforts such as food drives could have made

the world a better place.

In history more diplomacy was needed just as in the Civil War,

in the United States. The Americans should fight pollution not


each other. The Beatles were a 1960s rock ‘n roll group, many

made opinions, rather then listening to what the Beatles had

to say, like give peace a chance. Politician need to give

peace a chance, it is not the American dream, to do anything


Can we not place on a global scale the pigs story, are we not

all minutes away from becoming homeless by big brother. The

divine creator with certain care has given all the ability to

pursue happiness; war should make us sick, this stage in the

game. “Just war” did apply to the pigs, the pigs bad breath

was a form of a bombardment. Like American and other countries

have before the pigs took up arms in hopes to get rid of their


Other stories, like the “Lord Of The Ring Series” , had the

one Ring to rule them all, should we, are we not has gentle as

a hobbits, we must control our urges to use the ring, if we

fail, we will lose our souls. Failings at trying, busting a

gut to end a war, with a simply spell like the one Ring, one

great missile, will could take over and rule West Bank of our



The pig story shows a community that joins together so they

can get any common enemy out we can defend ourselves. The pigs

did a great job forming a brigade, one thing for sure they

only mean business. The pigs know how, will only work against

the simple bad Wolf oppressor. The final climax of the story

is the wolf died; the story said it was due to diet the wolf

could have been also due to the search of greed, and his love

of money. The wolf manifest destiny was unclear. A community

of pigs was not the United Nations. Why was an Army not sent

to help the Wolf?

The pigs were still childlike in their ways, the one thing the

wolf must of felt was shame before he died, beaten by pigs.

The author of this essay probably thought the Wolf should have

been out hunting caribou. The author tries to illustrate how

power changes us, the story is example of violence and it is

an inability to never solve anything. Just like the old

Beatles song “Give Peace a Chance”. Gentleness is hopefully

the wave of the future.

The War of 1812 was a Just War


The War of 1812 was a just war because the British where

capturing our citizen and pressing them into service for the

queen while our citizen where at sea. The Royal Navy took

6,000 American Citizens were made to work for the British. The

British did not recognize the current United States passport

of the era. The Second Revolution was also started because the

Mother Country was supplying the Native Americans with

weapons. One such battle known has the bombardment of Lewes,

De, property was damaged and animals where killed. United

States citizen have a right to defend themselves .In the War

of 1812 the United States capital was burned and many relics

where destroyed. The British where in the business of

conquering nations, an army had to be tip top shape to fight

the British, past presidents let the United States

Navy dilapidated  The criteria for a Just War Theory are a

nation has a right to defend its self from oppression from

another. British saw taking Americans, as really pushing their

own people in to service. The British feared that the United

States would expand it boarders into Canada. The number of


causes of the War of 1812 were to numerous to list .One such

cause was the disagreement of trade. A non violent resolve

could not be reached despite efforts done by President Thomas

Jefferson. Although threw talks, The Nonimmportation Act

helped and later the revised version The Embargo Act of 1807,

these acts lead to short term solutions. The hope threw

diplomacy the two nations can live in peace and do not attack

each other on an eye for eye standpoint forever.

In Saint Augustaine of Hippo, who was the Bishop of Hippo

lived in a city was attacked by a bombardment. Saint

Augustaine is famous for writing the “City of God”. War is

only just supposedly when a country has equal fire power and

weaponry to attack back. The 20th century ended just war

theory with the invention of the atomic bomb. In world

religions it is against peoples religions to fight a global

example is Jainism, this religion requires his or her

believers to broom where they walk so the earth is returned

better then it was found. The Amish, originally from Holland

are against war. Their are many American religion that are on

the fence or are Conscientious objector, like the Seventh


Day Adventist church, if deciding a Just war is the people of

thee United States decision also are the voices of the people

living in Amish country or Native American reservations be

counted, With a “Yeah or Nay”.

Sergeant York originally was a Conscientious objector, but

later decided in certain instances war was ok. World War I,

mustard gas was the weapon of mass destruction and the Calvary

was still on a horse not a Sherman Tank or later M1A1 Abrams.

Although Sergeant York won the Medal of Honor, he killed about

30 Germans and captured over 100 Germans.

Drooping the Atom Bomb during World War II is as wrong a

legalized abortion The ten comments include killing is a

violation of Gods law, are we not saying in the Global War

Against Terrorism there are no clear battle line. With this

being true then right to life, liberty and pursuit of

happiness applies to the baby or to be less shocking fetus

growing inside women, being carried around by pregnant women.

This came apparent to me when thinking about terrorists and

Muslims. Muslims numerous things in common with Christianity

and perhaps there is nothing more peaceful to do for the


Global War on Terrorism is to end abortions. Since all Muslims

are against Abortions. But it is often said and illustrated

the Global War Against Terrorism is Against people who joined

the Terrorist Club, people like war, but it might be like the

Mafia once your in there is no way out but in a body bag. A

longstanding belief throughout the Christian nation, all the

way up to the early 20th century, is Abortion was murder, to

me murdering is war if it is done by more then one person.

Just War Theory can not be applied to the Iraq War, World War

I and II where the last just wars. Iraq and Afghanistan has

had numerous ethics violations that are just to numerous, but

for example dogs ears are often cut, because the people of

Iraq think the dogs look meaner it is done on purpose.

Children are boiled in hot water for punishment. Just War

Theory needs to be revamped and not based on thoughts from

centuries past.

Perry, John, Sergeant York.Thomas Nelson (October 12, 2010),

Kindle Edition.


John R.Elting, Amateurs, To Arms! A Military History of The

War of 1812, DA CAPO PRESS, 1995

Freedom from the State, Not the lack

of Religion and Faith

“Almighty God, Who has been given us this land for our

heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove

ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy

will. Bless our Land with honorable ministry, sound learning,

and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and

confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way.

Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the

multitude brought hither out of many kindred and tongues.

Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those to whom in Thy Name we

entrust the authority of government that there may be justice

and peace among the nations of the earth. In time of


prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day

of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which

we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”


Thomas Jefferson: A National Prayer for Peace March 4, 1805


The separation of church and state has been a legal monster

and has been misunderstood from the dawn of American politics.

The purpose of the separation of church and state means the

United States has no established religion. The reason

establishing a religion is not good is it would cause a

dangerous place for people of other religions, since the Bill

of Rights would still included a freedom of religion

amendments. Large churches like the Roman Catholic Church or

the Greek Orthodox churches would have control over places

like New York, and have great political power, perhaps a type

of fascism. Currently Paganism is the largest growing religion

in the world; historically Pagans never had believers in Jesus


Christ Hunts. It’s important to remember that a student may

where religious objects and sing religious songs and say” May

God/Goddess bless you”.


From the start of the primordial atom, man has put religion

against politics. Religion had Jesus Christ crucified, thru

politics. The state should make no law which imposes a

religion on the masses, it is a good idea. Would the Civil War

went different if the South where Catholic and the North where

protestant. Humankind can never separate religion from

politics, but should the effort be done at all.


The separation of church and state misunderstanding is that it

applies to a large department. If Delaware passes a Bill the

all Catholics need to pay $50.00 dollars service tax on any

dealings with the Motor Vehicle Department, would this imposed

tax mean that Delaware has made an established religion. The

bill should be called “Fund the Reformation Tax”. The bill


gives a discount to all other religious faiths. Atheist and

non establishment religion pays a service tax of $65.00

dollars. If this mock bill were around it clearly does not

protect the citizens on matters of faith and religion.


Earth-based religions need not be thrown of by the wording of

Church and State. A May pole, celebration can take place, as

long as the proper permits from the states where done, a

Catholic Mass could take place outdoors also. Religion is not

required to be hidden, faith has freedom.


A congress member from Texas named Ron Paul has noticed the

reduction of Nativity scenes and even Handel’s Messiah around

Christmas. The Merry Christmas has been replaced with Happy

Holidays in public uttering and decorations simply because of

“Separation of Church and State”. In December 2003 a Chicago

firefighter was made to take Christmas decorations. Rep. Ron

Paul, MD sees a war on religion, does the everyman. Michael


Newdow a doctor and a lawyer who took a case before the 9th

Circuit of appeals in 2002, he won the case to have “Under

God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiances, temporality .His

case stopped the loyalty oath from being said in western

states because of a legal hold . This case was revisited by a

higher court. Newdow later argued the case which was known as

Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, in the Supreme

Court, on 14 June 2004. Elk Grove Unified School District v.

Newdow was dismissed by the Supreme Court; he had no legal

case to sue for his daughter since he had no legal custody. In

2005 Michael Newdow went to challenge the legal use of “In God

in Trust”. In 2007 this case because it was motto, which did

not infringe and anyone rights, he lost.


The introduction of “Separation of Church and State” was an

effort to make the United States free from any war on

education, politics and community. The poor education in

United States has made understanding of the American structure

of the United States doctrine difficult for any average Joe or


Joann to understand. Separation of Church and State is

important, but the protections to the individual and the

masses must be understood. It is not a piece of politics that

protects people from religion and faith, but it does protect

from corrupt religious and faith based practices.




1. Ben Rast ,Separation of Church and State? Don’t Blame

Thomas Jefferson., Contender Ministries, March 26,2003.




2. Rep. Ron Paul, MD, The War on





3. Soylent Communications ,Michael Newdow,



4. California Catholic Daily, If at first you don’t succeed…,

