Italians Take 45,000 Prisoners Pursuing Austrians Across Piave


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Transcript of Italians Take 45,000 Prisoners Pursuing Austrians Across Piave


pale f i i c o p .vl

rkUnd. D. D. I A. M., "Tti«

M.. Ej>worth lly; Ur. Burk p. M„ pr»yef

DI8T SPI8CO* it. block from ■Oorald, D. D.i

At tO'.tO unday till AU’ Ilyin. Olh#r

EPISCOPAL Murray itrw r, YoUTif Utn'a

r ■chooi,Im*.” Epworih , 7 IB. "Thr*«

liaorga H. \\ welcuraa to

DIST CPiaCO- Orean itrtftat 10;3H, mornirid

S:30, Sunday p. topic. “War ominiQdmtm.'' lectura by Ur.

r EPISCOPAL id liener PirK^ n»-riy, mlnlattr.

..riTiion UyL « . y , Today and^col ind Man'# worth L«aiur. sn by the min*

iDlST EP18CO- , naar Ntw.Ltor. 10:ld A. dope." 12 U-.

Itagua vaap^r • of aonf and I. "CaUlnf for lour of prayer. Red Uroar A

r EPISCOPAL Ufa and LtUlo- Joseph, paitof.

Qch, Marry W. charfa. Hven

f tha pallor on •m our boya at ay Schoolt 2:30- 'ueiday prayer Come la.T e p is c o p a l And Bittaiate

idorf. mlnlitar. Ini and ivenlnk laitor. Sunday I atid Prirniryi mtOt P- M- lip, Tueaday i t » And atriasera 'ihip wUb EPISCOPAL

And Kairuv imbdln, pialor. preACh on *TIie :t6 P. M.. "The od Old German

M. Epwarth . M. Uldwaek

« p, M. All ilally Invited to

rnODIST EPI6- Ity hall. R«v. er. Public wor- A. U. Sunday a League V'etper mualcal lervlca. Symphony Or>

A. under (he di* raderi will Aialkt and will render music. Cornot

will be the flret d muilcala to te In the Franklin

la cordially Ip -


kcy Avenuei. Rev. paator. Kev,

10 A. U.. Sab- ave Loved Thee." or. 7t4B P. Mm *day. * P. M-, free. Strancers

TTeatKer. Pair tonlaht and to­morrow; rising temperature.


PAGE 30.

tLodittDIBT CHURCH— Orange. A.10:30 A. U.. till . M.. Lord’a Dayfiaople'e maeUng. ee F. Nottleahip. Wedneedaya an-.l ttted during the

ditt>I8T CHURCH— Servirea aa uaual. A D istrict at Can- M. J.. beginning lists C. W. Stamp e with ui. Every- kv. E. M. Bandya,

iBllIB CONOREGA- oaite Crlttendaii ka, D. D-. paBtur. of Peace." Tuea- fellpwablp.

SALattnue at

tfat, r . o..11 o’olotk

phet of the ig devotloni dltatlon on I and Their atwai'i wcl-

m yY—Corps No. 2, ces nightly at a iunday school, and wife will con- jTUn Tuewlay evo- lan, aololst. Open Clay alreeta. Come and singing. En­


IBSION—«• Mul- Inal entrance- To- nd pratie servtca

f.3b P. M. 8er- M. Twilight ser- 0 P. M. Wednea- bie study, svery- neellngs.ISSION^-McWhor-

Goapel servlets lay and Friday at >men Thursday a f- I's service Tuesday Intereittng speak- ca. special music, la«JT»R—41* Poufth tile avenue. New i ilglon resulting in masterahlp long, ms life here and your body eoten

w explained. Po bout clairvoyants. hypDottsts, Roila and other phlloso- Mtluni leading to >u of superstUlous u a new creature,

d being aurrouhdedwbkh places you

thu^ directing the nesday, 1 and B ook P, M, Weary Its call for advice t a t above addrasa, tet ItB Hoamouth 4 Franklin street,

!AMP MEBTIHG— no, Beltnar, N. J. r people over whole a more money new SjJseFs world war m pit, lak* el firs, tormented day and

Hevelattons. wx.. B. Heller, gevsn- lie rule world. Olsry

1 will toward Russia's mil-

th .J ll- .

, good will toward alf of Russia's ad s , Chloagb, shop L. B._^fl1sr‘s n world, word of han any two edged lua said, "Te shall )!y Ohoet Is come th of Ron of Living ollars. Silver and 1 of hosts, to give Is world; North and ,W ; Roada, 111- >01; India. i Japan, •O.OtinO:

U0,aiB,»O0: total Nit Kaiser rule. (>(Hl .tions of on* blood, i*mb of Ood which ir ld ^ o h n 1. Coast nsventh street, Bel- H>n.B BTUDSKTB->a« I Hall. Sunday, Jons »r Bobort Jolly .will

Bibla study t& the n t s weluoms. Boats

BTTOBMTS—Now- I P. M., discourse

L , Bible study.Iloomfteld. I P. Mm , discourse by A, J. No colleotloh. All

: a l F f i R L. Rev. JA n Motlaft: biM . ]f.> yo«M rmon br tbo TtIB. m y s i • o*et«sl.

*. BCIBKTIiT r Main street, asd t F. H. ree, tuelodlng 5or» Bimday Lony nsstlag. Sing room m c day from 10 to t F> M. OB

W f tITHODnT HPIICO- » « u u d ' N-rtk

T J. Joluuwii, puMT. 'VrauwBRV hi

P. U., Dr. O m n*

NO. 10,752 CrprHfkt kr Tk. Crwiu Urn. PcUUUkl 0,. •t Mnttk, 7. J., mi. NEWARK. N. J.. MONDAY. JUNE 24. 1918.-TWENTY-TOO PAGES. TWO CENTS.

W>S.S. Workers Seeking Pledges

f" ■

Signatured to Cards Are Being Freely Signed in Every Part

' ! of City.

Politicians Lending Assistance

CoB«ilsal*Ber ArclilhBld Is P red tc tlag th a t Offtolals W ill Be Bwaeaped Hllh

, Cards Bofors W ork Cloaesi Htrca- , uotiB E ffo rts W ill Be Made to Obtain r N ewark’s F o il Qoota.

W ith cahvassors^polltlc ianE . IoU l. c a r r io n , Insurance agen ts , laundry w agon drivers, school child ren and a g re a t corps of o th er vo lu n teer worK- are-—In all pa rts of th e c ity , Newark today buckled down to th e Job of sell­in g and buyln® th r if t an d w ar aav- iDga stamps.

The city’s quota is tS,SOB,000, but •tnce the stam p cam paign opened las t December less than )2,090,000 h as bees* taken , and some move ih a t would put It over the top w as necessary . Now th e move Is on, and a g re a t squad of determ ined, resourcefAl men. women tiid children Is busy se llin g the ytampa o r w inning pledge I'ai ds th a t m ean tre - tnendoua sales In th e fu tu re .

There were no rep o rts on the prog- fees made up to rh ls a f te rn o o n —the BoUqttors were too busy tu iTiake ihetn — but encouraging sLurlce of a rt^ady re iponse by the people f ilte re d Into the a ta ta headquarters *T th e stam p ccih- m ittee, and George tl. Matlon. head of th e publicity deparim ent, sa id Im ex­pected not only a flood of qu arte rn but tk re tu rn of pledge <^Arda tli&i would give Newark a prom inen t p laco In the aun.

Director Archibald of th e D epartm ent o f H^venue and Finance, who, though B. stalw’a r i Dem ocrat, Ivas fo rgo tten polltlca for th is week end la eng ineer­in g the canvass of the R epublicans and m en of his own party , w as uU smiley th is morning. T here 's a co n te it on betw een the two d u n s , and, w hile both ■idea have been keepitig q u ie t about It. th e to tal re tu rns from each mean a w hole lot more th an a dry, official record.

Political W erkeva Boey."They’re w orking like d o c k w o rk "

■■Id Mr. Archibald. " I f th e re 's a loose q u a r te r around th is c ity w hen the cam-

. palgh la over, I'm go ing to try to get i t as a souvenir. W e're g o ing to have •o^m any pledge. cardB befo re the week la over th a t the people in h eadquarters w ill think they 've s tru c k th e phenoinona o f a snow storm In June."

The Republicans a re u nder the d irec­tion of County C hairm an John B. W oolaton and Jam es R. N ugent Is eye­in g th a t the D em ocrats send th e righ t •n r t of m essage to B erlin . TJie c ity has been divided into d ie tr ic ts and not a house will be missed In th e canvass- D istric t leaders have a facu lty of g e t­tin g out th'3 votes and to th e W oolaton and Nugetil way of th in k in g they can develop Iho sam e elllrlency in getting o u t tjia qt»arttfr8 fo r Uncle Bam.

O n e -rf the opening ' ev am s in the cam paign will be a block dance tonigh t in Cedar atresL batWMsn S M sd and H alasy streets. The F i r s t ReglTnent Band Will furn ish the m u sic and, with a continuation of falb w ea th er. thaua> a n d i Are expected to a tte n d . Tha Re- publlcAi; YoUra’ 4-eagme w ill a c t aa tbp b o a t'an d It proposes to dB ev ery th ing ■oamlble to add to the p leasu re o f Its guests.

E ast Side P a rk w ill be a cen ter ot a ttrac tio n tonight fo r th e people of the F ifth . T en th .and T w elfth w a rd a The Republican and D em ocratic o rg an isa ­tions have united fo r a stam p drive there , and to Inorease th e enthusiasm th e Police Band ^wlll g iv e a concert. D uring the Interm issions add resses will be made by Four-M inute Men and ao-

! lic ltp rs in the crowd hope to w in many ’ stam p purchasers.

No Change in New York Fare Reported I. C. C. Decision

From thf Wa^hinQtbPk Burfou of iht ETE* StSG SBWe.

WASHINGTON, June 24.—The In te r­s ta te Commerce Commission this a f te r ­noon. It is u n d em o o d , refused to m ake any change In th e fare s of the Hudson A M anhattan R ailroad between Newark and New York, I t did, however, recom ­mend. according to a report, to Director General Me A duo th a t the fare from Newark to .Summit avenue, Jersey City, be reduced fro m lw eniy-seven ren ts To tw enty-tw o re n ts per single trip.

Thin la t te r recom m endation ls<an ac ­ceptance of the proposition offered by the Hudson A M anhattan Railroad a t the hearing before the commission S a t­urday. T his proposition was for a fla t ra le of tw en ty -tw o rents from Summit avenue to P ark place, Newark, and tw enty-eeven cen ts froni Newark to Kummlt avenue, w ith a rebate of five cents to th e passenger aligh ting at Summit avenue.

New York Increases Efforts to line Up 2.000,000 War Savers

NKW TORK, Ju n e 14 (JP ),-^ p * c la I rulIlM In t h . t tn .n c la l dU lrlo t, nu> m eroai fea tu re m e .U n sa tu v arlo u . p a r t , of th . cltjr, and a genera l re ­doubling o t e t fo ru by th o u sa n d , of volunteer w orkera m ark ed the begin­n in g today of th e laa t vreek of the w ar aav lng . drive to o b ta in Z,000,000 th r if t recruit* tn New T ofk by Ju n e :Sv ' '

Whlle^ the grow th o t w a r sa v in g , eocletle i h a i show n a a tr lk tn g In­c re a se , w ithin the laa t few days. In­dividual pledge* have been below e i - p ictationa, and m any p rora lngn t bank­er* today l**ued appeal* u rg in g nnft-e Indljfidual* to enroll In th e th rif t arm y. The aecretarlee o f the Repub­lican and D em ocratic county organ- Isatlane ordered a ll d la tr lc t captain* and leaders of political clube to make Intensive houie-to-houae c a n v a a u a In th e ir d t i t r k t i .

Seventy-five lab o r union*, w ith a mem bership o f 100,000 have formed theitaselve* in te eav ings eoclatles, it w as announced. The corjlh of 400 ou t­door speaker* repo rts th a t the pledge* obtained by them la s t w eek averaged tSOQ a person and th a t a la rg e num ­b er Joined the tthOO club.

[Warship in Collision, at SeaV 216 of Crew Saved

AH ATUINTIC PORT, Ju n e !4.— PaaaM ger* a rriv in g yastertfay from the W hat. Indies on an A m erican steam ship ■aid th*y aaw a thriU ing rescue a t sea >TI(ay m orning, wh*n th e ateam ih ip picked up 21* officers an d m en from a t J n l^ d Stats* w a rih lp a f t* r ih e had b«*n in ccilUlon w ith a n o th e r v*»sel,

Tl(e f irs t S. 0 . 8, ca ll w as r*c*!v*d fet t o'clock A. M.. and In h a lf an hour th e hteamshlp wa» a longalde the w ar- •hlpi w hich w as l in k in g rapidly. AU th e officer* and crew , excep t a few ■allor* who scram bled on to the vessel w hich h it the w arsh ip , w ere tn tile- boat*. on rafts , or f lo a tin g in th* w ater w ith lifebelt*. Dawn w as Ju s t b ieah - in g W han the llfeboaU jW ere lowered from the *t*aip»hlP lo a s s is t in re»- en tag th* naval men, an d It wa* 7:*0 before a ll w ara aboard.

Threa q r four o f th e ieam en were h o lite d aboard In a cha ir, a* they had recatved broken arm * o r leg s In tbe eolln lon . On* firem an, Sam uel Qouvoli J r . *f Honolulu, w as k lllad by an Iron b o lt' w hich passed th ro u g h h ie head w hits he w ss In th s ■tokebole. The oom tnsnder o t the w arsh ip w as In the w a te r w ith a lifebelt hm f h a d a broken T tb .' He w as able to w a lk on deck and ca ll th e m uater of bib orow before the ■teamehip proceeded no rth .

W hen th* vessel a rriv e d th is m ern lng a naval ta n d tr w aht a lo n g sid e and took o ff th e aurvlvora o f th* w arsh ip , who refused to ta lk ab o u t th * lo ts of th s lr ■hip. PWisenger* said th a t th e ship w hich h it th* naval veaael wa* s ts n f - Hig by (ha s ink ing ship w hen ^ e y a r ­rived an d w as ap p a ren tly undam aged.

AN ATI.ANTIC PORT, Ju n e *4.— T w enty men, eald to bo m em ber# of th* crew of a B ritish ship su n k o ff th e Vly.

tnringten, N, J. Chrts-

b* et ear I.«rd r* Day 1

g lh la Cap*, by a aubm arine, have ar> Mved hoiA on a revenne cu tto r:

VrASBINatOK, Ju n e H .— Report* o f thS 'Ib lld illg of tw en ty m en an d a dog firem a British etoam br a t an A tlan tle p o r t w t/n lakon today to bo Indlcatlys • f a 1 1 ^ subm arlno, T h * N avy Oo- p a r tm e a t wa*, understood to have (n- & nbat]oajth»S it tito tn eU an t. b n t w as w K h b o U tn I t un til fnrU tor official* bow i eaq a


Tells W hy Boiler Delay Could Not Be Foreseen

Coiuulting En^neer Runyon, in Freeholders’ Trial. Takes Stand

Under Cros^-Examination.

Boiler Contract Details Told

t 'e rreepandeare w llh Roller ^onl^nnlrs llra d Co Ju ry and H id e P art ef De- tra e r— M rC artrr R a irra R rp ra trd 4)b- JrrlloB* to Llitr e l T reilm osy la - volv lag P a y n e a le toV arlou . C oscrra i

Under questions th is afternoon that marked the heginiiliig of croee-exsnt- In itlon by F'roeeciitor Harrteon, I’rcd- erfelt O. Uunyon, county consulting en- gipeer and w itneas for the eevep free- lioldere on tr ia l fo r alleged ynegllgenee, iittem pted to explain why the delays In delivery o f the iiew Overbrook boilers could not h a v e '^ se n foreseen when tiie contract.^ wore le t in April, 1917.

Moat of h’rlday afternoon, and *Balf. up to noon today, Mr. Runyon w ss on the stand under d irect exainlnatlon by Robert H, M ct'arte i, counael for the freeholders.' He to ld of all the steps taken b> vhim self fo r the freelioldere to get the th ree high-powered Baden- haueen bollere delivered on time, and detailed evVry move in the m atter, from d raw ing the plane to eupervlaing the in sta lla tion of the boilers.

Under Mr. H arriso n 's questioning, Mr. Runyon f irs t described Just what the duties of hie firm —Runyon & Carey—■ are and have been- P rior to January 1. 1917. when th e question of new boilers was tak en up by tbe freeholders, Mr. Run.'on sa id he had made no accurate tests of the ex is tin g boiler p lant—tlx Scotch m arine boilers and one McNault boiler. How ever, he had the "evidence of his eyes," said the engineer, a t to tbe "u tte r Inadequacy of Ihe Bcotch m arine boilers."

"How could you know w ithout teste." asked th s prosecutor! " th a t the Scotch m arine h o lle r, w ere In ad eq u a t.r '

"We knew th e re were uplts of the ay.teni not-In opera tion ,'' explained Mr. Runyon, "and Ih s t oven with these out .tbs boilers w ere taxed beyond capsclty."

Ariewdblng fu rth e r que .tlo n a th* *p- g tb U r VlHd he had no "practical tsete" to go by fro m th* p lan t operating an- glneer, l.*wl* Lx Ward,

O bJeo tles* fo PerCartsaBo*."NOW, Mr. Runyon, ' .n 't it true,"

asked the proeecutor, " th a t you didn't consider th e ex is tin g plant the proper kind of p lan t fo r Overbrook?"

"Our ob jections were to its perform ­ance in th* h e a tin g line," said Mr, Run­yon,

'D iitn't you know th a t during 191« the only w ards from which comjllalnlv came wore Nos. 6. 47 and 48?" -aeked the prosecutor. “'And didn't you know th a t these com plain ts of TaCk of heat were due to tnaufficleht radiation ra th er th a n lack o f power?"

"No, sir. I did not," answered th* w it- .

Mr. H arrison th en brought out th a t only on th e McNaull boiler' w as thegj a “flow -m eter" to reg iste r performance. M r_Runyon said th a t when the m arine boilers w ere pu t In. he doubted w hether flow m eters w ere on the m arket.

'W ouldn 't t t have been itiexpenslife to have How m eter* Inetatled on the m arine bollera?" the proeecutor que*- tlcned.

"Yes, b u t unnecessary." declared Mr. Runyon. "Tests, If deemed necessary could have been made." But He had not made these te s ts , he again told the prosecutor.

I s t tm a tle n by Rival.In a le t te r prevlquaiy introduced In

evidence. Mr, R unyan Informed the Badenhausen com pany of tn intim ation by a r iv a l . sa lesm an th a t th* Badsn- hausen firm w ould never be able to meet th e ir scheduled date of delivery— August 1- Mr. H a rrl.o n turned his questioning to thl* reference.

How w as th a t In tim ation expressed?" he asked.

‘Oh, th a t w a . m erely the banal * i- prea.lon of a disappointed sateim an, a f te r he had lo st th e order,"*commented Mr. Runyon.

"W here Is Uie Badenhaueen p la n t r ’ asked Mr. Haffllaon.

"In P ennsy lvan ia , I bellev*." answered Mr. Runyon, H a sa id th a t when, their bid w as recslved. he knew th a t they m anufactured “only p a r t of the-bollera,''

"Aren’t they rea lly , asssm blera,. and(Continued on id page. Id column.)

Still Further Reduction ^ Sugar Consumption OrderedConeumptlon ,of su g a r by m anufac­

tu re rs m u st be a tilt fu rth e r reduced all along the line. Order* from Food Ad­m in istra to r H oover received e t th* local h ead q u arte rs of th e food adm inistra­tion today outtlPO a new scale fo r m anufactu re rs , boglnnlng July J. th a t Is axpqiitqd to brlng^ about th* reduc­tion o f th e n a tio n .gs a whole to a three-pound per o ap lts per month r a ­tion w ith o u t causing any great w ant or In terfe rin g w ith home preserving.

M anufac turers o f p ro d u cu classsd M "issB eqeenLtal" a re to receive, lagtead of th* e igh ty p er cent, allowenc* tbey have been g e t t in g . . f i f ty per cent, ot their no rm al req a lre fh en ta Manufac- tu re ra of le t cream , w ho have been re ­ceiving enough fo r th . l r normal aeedi, are to be c u t to s* 'vtnty-t)ve per c e n t Th* supply fo r beverage syrup* It cut to fifty per cont„ a s la t h a t for. candies, earealB, chew ing tfnm, cocoa and choco­late, condim ents, oonfeetlcna fla fa fln g ex trac ts. Invert sug a r, syrup, soda w ater, so ft d rin k s, sw eet pickles, . w ine and tobacco. '

Hotel* a re to be . lim ited to ^hre* pound* o t su g a r fo r every ninety m eats served, and baker* ean receive nnjy seventy p e r cent, of the q u tn tlty of su g a r tbey used in June , lliT ,

M anufacturer* o f th* following eam-i m odlU si 'Will contltm * tp bd nlppIMd on th e b a ils o f lo e p er cent, ot th*ir norm al requlnuneirt*; Apple bu tter, canned v egetab les and fmUa, catsgp, ehUI sauce, d rag* and medical |g * |« r a - tlon*, exploalves. glycerine, honey and preserved m ilk an d meat.

The ag tr o rder Is a ttrib u ted by. the Ipcal food authorlU e* t« lack of •h ip ­p ing facllltled . 'dKftenUfh* trea ted the lubm aH M « * i r f a n 'a n d « fa tj hi Im portation* from

— - , i . it . 4

Asks Equaling Aid For Wage Raises

McCarter as Electric Railway Ass’n

Chairman Addresses National War Labor Board.

Believes Congress Could Grant It

TVASHINOTON, Ju n e 24.—In the event (hat the N ational W ar Labor

.Board g rant* w age Increases for trol- leymen of the country , r r ls id e n t Thomas N. M cCarter of th e I’ubllc .Ser­vice Company, ap p ea rin g before the board th li a fte rn o o n a* chairm an of the w ar board of th e A m erlcen Elect- trie Hallway A ssociation, representing the entire Industry, said th a t Immtdl- at* com penaatory fin an c ia l aid should be given th e com panies, e ith e r through an ordey of P residen t W ilson or sts t* public q ttlltlea commission*.

lihoulil the P resid en t lack the power to . m ake such an o rder, Mr. McCarter ■ lid he believed ft ehould be grented by C onm »*. In th e m ean time, how­ever, he Jbought th e W ar L abor Board, having directed the w ag* Increaae, ehould recommend to tbe public u tility bodies a com m ensurate ra te boost. He eald he did not th in k It noceiearily followed th a t the governm ent should "fu rth e r burden I t s e l f ’ by tak in g over the lellw ays.

At no tim e d u rin g hi* a rg u m in t be- lo re the W ar fjabor B oard did Mr. Mc- C arler p articu larly m ention the Public bervlre or It* recen t lab o r troubles.

Me- N eC srter’e Agdresa,Mr. AlcCarter eald th a t, If Increased

w ages w ere g ran ted th* trainm en, w ith ­out com pensatory Increases In revenue, serious Im pairm ent Ot th e companies' financial stand ing would be certain , and he cited P residen t W ilson. Secretary of the T reasury McAdoo and Controller of the Currency W illiam s In support o f h is sta tem en t th a t th e healthy innln- tenance of public u tllitte* Is essential to tbe country w ar-tim e w elfare.

"How can these Increase* be assured?" aeked Mr. M cCarter. " I t m ay very well be Ihat In w ar-tim e, u n d e r the Con­stitu tio n and ex is ting legislation , thsr* 1h lodged In the P residen t, ac ting through ap propria te channels, power to raise ra te s In an am oun t equal to w ags Increases Imposed by th is board: or. If such power does not ex ist under pres­ent legislation, th a t it la w ithin the pow er of C ongress lo enact It. If so, it should be done. Nor does II follow th a t It would be necqssary for the govern­m ent. In exercising th is power, to fu rth e r burden Itse lf by ta k in g over the operation snd m anagem ent of these properties, as It w as com pelled to do In ] the case of the steam roads.

"But. If the exercise o f such power by the governm ent (s no t legal or prac­ticab le ,' It Is certain th a t th is board should no t ranks any su b s tan tia l swar,1 of Increassd w ages ten d in g to b ring about the resu lt th a t 1 have indicated, w ithout doing all Ih a t It can do to se­cure for the com pany affected a cor­responding Increase In revenue. The least th a t it can do. In my Judgm ent, la to certify fo the s ta le commission or local au th o rity hav ing ra te-reg u la to ry pow er over the p a r tic u la r company whose wage scnle Is affected hy the o rder of th# board, the exact amount of money involved In the increase of w ages ordered, w ith a sta tem ent that the sam e he* been ordered by the board as an elem ent of w ar efficiency, a ^ m p a j i le d by a recem m endatlqn on the part of the board th a t the regulat* Ing body fo rth w ith seeure t e th* eom- patty affected. In euch m anner f s It th inks proper, * com pensetlng 'Ineraeie in revenue. ,

"Such a recom m endation," Mr. Mc- Clarter continued, “would be quite Ift keeping w ith th* sp ir it b f th a t clause of President W tleon's le tte r lo the S ecretary of the T reaeury , In which he Bays: T shall be g lad to have you com­m unicate w ith th e local au tho rities w henever the Inform ation In your pos- eession auggeit* th a t such a coarse I* desirable and In the national In ter­ests.'

T* P reserve F re -W a r Rtetas.'Such- a recorantendalioii. It is be­

lieved, would be. fu lly reapectefl by the various reg u la tin g bodies and carried

Unto effect. I t w ill only be by the adoption of one o f the o ther of the m ethods above ou tlined th a t the pre­w ar financial s ta tu s and w artim e ope­ra tin g efficiency o t the electric rall- w eys of the country can be preserved, ae the governm ent' h as undertaken tn preserve the s ta tu s of th s stsam ra il­roads by fallow ing la rg e Increases In w ages w ith ar. enorm ous Increase In rates.

"The purpose o f the W ar Labor Board, as la svldenced by Its name and by the proclam ation of the P resident of the United S ta tes c rea tin g It, Is to devise, for th s period of the war, a ■uelhod of labor ad ju s tm en t. I t Is created to fulfU a w ar funotton. A very considerable num ber of caee* a f ­fec ting tbe w age scale of im portant e lec tric railw ay ■ystems throughout the country are a lready listed fo r de. term ination before the board and more will follow."

In approaching the consideration of Mhe cases Mr. M cC arter said he be­lieved the board should b* cognisant of ex isting conditions a ffe c tin g the elec­tr ic railw ay Industry and he presented them In detail.

‘The electric railw ay* of the country a re an Indisputable an d eiaen tla l p a rt of the natio n 's w ar m achine," he said. “T heir ah tllty , genera lly speaking, not only to contlitue e ffe c tiv e operation, b u t to m eet the increased demand* pu t upon them by the location and develop- mei^y of vrar in d u str le i. 1* a tea r **»*n- t ia l and has been c lea rly recognised as such by the adm ln la tra tlo n , a* appear* from a. c ita tion from th e la s t ireporl o t the C ontroller of th e C urrency and th* nerreepondence betw een tb e Secretary of the T reasury and th e P resident of the United Statee re la tin g to the m at­ter," .

H r . ' M cCarter then read an excerpt from th* rep o rt of Mr. W illiam s, In w hich he sU led th a t “natloBal and a t* t* b a tik * . and m any , thoaaaad* of ■mall And la rg e Invoator* have *uf- fe ro J eetlously from th# decline of the earn ing capacity of public u tility cor- porattone' and the coneequent sh rin k ­ag e In th e value o f th e ir aecurllle* rep­resen ting Investm ents o f m any hundrad million* of dollars.”

C ontinuing, Mr. 'W lllUm* aald th a t these lees** "n a tu ra lly dim inish the pow er and dtspoeltlon o f the public to respond to' the calls of th e governm ent for iBonoT fo r w ar.” and ha said th a t “a more u rg en t and p ressing peril I* forced upon our a tten tio n by the obviog* te c t th s t w e a re dependent so largely on tb e efflolency and etrengtb o f these corpora tlone and on our rail- read s for speed and success In pra- parlng fo r and p ro secu ting th* w ar."

A ftqr rec itin g th * du ty placed upon the irtllitle* by th e w ar and eU tlng th a t " the continued and Inoreaelng e f ­ficiency of these corpo ra tions I* Im ­p o rta n t fo r th e Buaeeaaful conduct At tha w ar,” a n d ^ a W t h t s efficiency 1* n o t pesiitble w ith p re se n t conditions." H r. W lllU m s, accord ing to Ur. Me- C brtcr, aald;

WMt WtlllBms gtUd.' ‘.The f irs t and m ost Im portan t relief to th* public utU ltIca corporation* can f e given by th e i ta t* public u tilitie s eommiBslona and m u n ic ipal and local au tho rities , w ith th e b road mtndsd ce- epara tkm o t th* people generally , un- derstand lng th* naceasttlaa o t w ar . and reajfa ing th a t tb* m ore prom ptly Ua burdena ae* aooepted th* aponer they w ill be lifted.' " I t la eaaaMlal th a t . ferbaarM C * and consideration be exarcteed by eta^e eommtbslFns and m unicipal authorlU e* bnd th a t .the co rp cra l le a s *l*o be pgr-' iContTnued op f ttlT p a g * , <d oejU |n ii.r

«*SBBI«> M w q l a p fp ln g Ju ly l-ilg. •sod for bo^lst. telePiBq BnsineH ColKs*, 4i Aetden y 'St,— '

tspV.cwniMhr p R u a t * <lsg, B Cs^'Mtt U aiM J L -

Trolley CompaDy Has One Job, 'Tis Said, Women Can’t Handle

Women m ay sit In Congreie w ith em inently aa tlifee to ry resu lts to a ll concerned: they may act ae Mayor* of f lo u rish in g m unlclpslitles and thoy may even be conductorettes, e levator operaiors. tru c k driver* end m unition maker*, bu t th* Public Service R a il­way Com pany has dlicovsred cn e Job they can 't handle.

At th* Clinton avenue crossing o t the ren n sy lv a n ia R s llro td 's W est New­a rk b ranch a s ta lw art c ltlisn h as (o r yeara been sw inging the de-ra tl aw itch for tro lley care, but on FHdey he su f­fered from sunstroke or eonieihlng and tailed to appear. There wee a qu irk scu rry in g fo r help and a m uscular co l­ored w om an wae assigned to tack le the sw itch lever.

T hrough all of F riday she w restled w ith th* heavy lever and, come S a tu r­day m orning, she again went to w ork, bu t a s th* hour* w ere on the e trs ln began to te ll and along about dusk she called It s day and threw up the Job. Now a m an, distinctly an a n ti- su ffrag is t. Is back In tha berth.

Italians Take 45,000 Prisoners Pursuing Austrians Across Piave

O’Leary Jury Dismissed And New Trial Ordered

Court Learnt that One juror Is Under Indictment in Fed­

eral Proceeding.

Quick Action on Information

NEW YORK. June !4 (g*).—Because It w M 1e&rned one 6f the Ju ro ri who hax been h e a r ln s teBtlmony tn th* tr ia l of John J. O 'Leary has been under in ­d ictm ent fo r some time In a federal prDceedInr, Judge Augustus N- H ard today dism issed the Jury and ordered ■ new tr ia l o f the charges ag a in s t O'Leary, accused of having aided h li b ro th er Jerenrilahl In an a ttem p t to evade Justice,

The defendant ha$ been held In th* Tombs u nder 1190,000 bell pending out* come of the case, This w as reduced to ItO.OOO, which counsel for the de­fense said would he furnished.

The discovery of the d liquallfled Juror, w hich noUed the testim ony su b ­m itted d u r in g .th e two week* the tr ia l has been In progress, w as m ade by T, B. Felder, O 'ltearyE stto rney . A fter A conference w ith Judge Hand and E arl B- Barnes, assistan t d is tr ic t a t ­torney. the dism issal of the Jury w as ordered-

The new tria l w i« set down for June 28.

Registrants’ Drawing Expected This W eek

Government Arrangihg for Fixing Order Numbers for Class

of 1916.

Plan the Same as Last Year

WASHINOTON. June *4 (A>).~^Th* date for. th* draw ing of order numbers* tor th* young men who r#gim*r*d for ■rritY se rv ica Jun* 8, may b* f1xe<4 for W ednesday or Thursday of thl*

Announcem ent o f ir ra n g e m e n ts for the d raw ing await* repo rts from half a dosen local boaras w hose records are incom ptete.

The d raw ing will be held w ith formal cerem ony in the Capitol, like th a t w hich fixed the order o f nearly 10,000,>t00 re g is tra n ts a year ago. The plan h*8 not been made public, b u t It is understood to bo a m odification of the o rig in a l scheme-

The Inw provided th a t the 1918 re g is ­tra n ts sha ll be placed a t the bottom of the classes to which they m ay be a s ­signed by the local boards on th e basts of th e ir questlonnaircH. A very la rg e proportion of the nearly 800.000 reg ls- lerad a re expected to go Into C lass 1.

P rovost M arshal General C iuw der to ­day d irected W isconsin to fu rn leh 500 whit* g ram m ar school g raduates and Ohio 180 colored gram m ar school g ra u - ua tes qualified fo r general m ilita ry serviee for special tra in ing a t arm y schools.

The en tra in m en t date is Ju ly lo. The call probably will be held open fo r vo lun leers un til about Ju ly l.

Reports Burian Asked Delay in Start of Austrian DriveLONDON, June 24 One of the principal ob)ecia of the recent

visit to Germany of Baron Burian, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Min. ister, was to obtain content for an indefinite postponement of the Austrian offensive, tbe correspondent of The Dsily Mail st Annemasse, on the Franco-Swtsa border, layt he learns from an unimpeachable source.

Bsron Burian pointed out that failure of the drive. In conjunction with the threatening food problem and race question, might lead to the gravest Internal disorders, even revolution, but If Austria were permitted to remain on the defensive the breadless situation might be tided over.

Berlin, it is added, Insisted that an immediate offensive was nepestary lo relieve the western front and to rehabilitate Austria with the German public.

Supplies for Overseas To Be in Storage Here

Port Newark Depot to Be Used to Full Capacity Likely as

Store Reserve.

Americans Gain on Line Near Chateau-Thierry

Pershing's Communique Cites U. S. Troops' Work in Improving


Raymond May Protest lo Baker Enemy Raid in Vosges Repulsed

Three Autos Stolen Last Night. Another Taken Saturday Night

Bceldc* looking fo r the Ihlcve* who stole fo u r autom cbllcs In thlc c ity over Hundar the police are try in g to lo­cate Max Rosenberg, who Is sup- potsU to live som ewhere In Ih li etty, to find p u t w hether he owns a n a u to ­mobile found yesterday abandoned a t M errick road and C entral avenue, Jam aica, Long Island. Ths police of the n o th R rednct, Jam aica, have the car and notified th* local authorlUe*. A card found in the ca r had R oaenberg 's nam e on It.

The ow ners of th* stolsn su toipoblles are Oeorg* W. Suydam, l i t P lain field av*nu*, F la ln fU ld : L«on 8- Broch, 129 Sut*«x avenue; Dr. Oeorg* Alem an, E44 Xosetnxko s tree t, Brooklyn, and Oavtd Oetc.'—*'? v s i South Tenth stree t, guydan 's oar wa* taken from M arket s tree t, n ea r Halaey, la s t n igh t; Broch's from B ran fo rd place, near H alaey s tree t, la i t n ig h t; D r. Aleman'* from In fro n t df 22S Hftlatd* avenue la s t n igh t, and O sterw etl’s from in fron t of the R ob­e r t T re a t H otel Saturday n ight.

Short Weighing to Be Punished By Revoking Dealers* Licenses

atoff CofTctpottdmee.TRENTON, June 24— Th* S ta ts De-

p a r l^ e n t o t 'W eights and M easures has been advised by 'the national food ad- tn ln litra tloA th a t food profiteers found gu ilty of g lr ln g abort w eight o r o th e r questionab le trad e practices w ill have th e ir liceneei revolted. Mr. H oover re - oently declared th a t he considered ch a rt, w eigh ing th* m ost pern icious form o f p ro fiteering snd snnouneed hi* In ten tion o f puntehing all- offenders.

U nder th e direction of Superin tenden t P ra k W anser, w eights snd m easure officiate th roughou t New Je rse y a re oD -operatlng w ith the-food ad m in is tra ­tion am t th e ir record* o t offender* will be placed a t tbe dlepoial o f Mr. Hoover fo r action.

Report Belgians Sentenced for Sending Air Raid News to Allies

AMSTERDAM. jiine 'tL —F o rty -fo u r B tlg lan * w ere tried by. cou rt-m artia l a t Q hent on charges o t tranam lttU ig to th* A llies oerta tn pspers com 'em ihg th e O erm an arm y and the effects o f a i r raid* on th* B ruges Canal, th s E cho d* Beige declared today.

Sixteen w ere lenteneed to death , five were acq u itted and th* rem ainder w ere ■sfltenceM tu prjeon term s of tw o fp tw en ty ysars .

New dnw ey A «te Osw H aessas s t*HIM ■rWii Ford Cars, Rswisa.'

ftomwiereial stedia* A ttaJntlns, Mato efflsc, OentnaVA m . Selesroon. Cential A Hqieei' et .-AdvertlaenMni.

O rlg lsslly I s tead ed aa E sibarkatleuP olat, bu t O eaeral G eethale a adT raffic E x peiia R eject This ae las-pracllcehtr ■■■City I'am aflaeleaer Natla r lla rd ' (e Coaalder P laa F laal,

From tha ITaMtfnstaH Bureau of U i KTH- K l\t l YBirS',

WASHINGTON. Ju n e 24. — i t he* finally been determ ined th a t under th* new system of traneport and atorag* th a t General Q aethals h a i eetahlithed. the Fort N ew ark quH rterm aeter depot w ill be used a s a reserve sto rage for overseas stores. I t was o rig in tlly In­tended th a t the p lant should be the main em barkation supply depot, but upon General G oethals com ing to power th is plan w as rejected aa Impractical and the main depot placed In the Bush Term inal, South Bfonklyti.

S tatem ents made In N ewark th a t the F o rt Newark depot, which was recently finished hy the ron trac to ra , was not being used, or, if It w as being uaed, it w as only to a lim ited ex ten i, are not based upon a tru e knowledge of the situation, according to Colonel 'Wells, chief of Ihe s to rag e division o t the quarterm asters ' corps. The Port New­a rk plant ia under Colonel W ells's Jurisdiction.

'T o rt Newark w ill he used and uaed to Its full cup.aclty, when we can g e t th in g s running there." aald Colonel Welle, "We have had troub le oyer the labor supply. We have now mdde ar- rangem eiite to obtain a auiiply and thlnga ought to go a long all righ t."

As a reserve depot, the Port Newark p lan t will employ about 7MI handa, when running at maximum. U the orig inal plan had been carried through, the p lant would have used a t least 4,00(1 men.

The subordln.xtlon of P o rt Newark It due to General G oethals and the sto rage and tra ff ic experts w ith which he has surrounded himself, 't'hey regard the selection of Port N ewark for the muin em barkation supply depot as one of the m lttuks* of the early period of the w ar, when the q u arte rin n ste r corps waa bslng run b y 't h e m uch-crltlc lied advisory commlttecB of the Council of National Defense. Port N ew ark wa* picked by the storage com m ittee of the council and their iiollctcH and plana held until General Goetlinis kicked .Ahem over early last w inter, w'hen Secretary of W ar Baker gave him plenary power over tran sit and s to rag e m atters.

General G oethals requisitioned the Rush Term inal and a large trac t of va- . can t land to the south of It, and Im- , m ediately converted It to the uses of the e.vpedltlonary forces. Uy the time Goethals flnishea hla developm ent the governm ent w ill have expended close to 250,000,quo and ’h’III have a storage p lant of Immense dim ensions, On th s tra c t south of the Bush Term inal there la now being erected th e la rg est con­crete building In the world. |

To the north of the arm y plant th e | navy Is pu tting In a la rge supply depot. The reasons th a t G eneral Goethals sub . ordlnated the P o rt N ew ark development w ere three-fo ld—a sh o rtag e of tugs and lighters. Insufficient w ate r In Newark Bay and the gain m ade hy the shorter haul between South B rooklyn and the em barkation piers In New York H ar­bor.

Colonel W ells s ta le s th a t the sh o rt­age of tugs and lig h te rs hae been and ia still so acute In New York H arbor th a t every p recau tion poeelhle had to be taken to avoid long hauls. E very­th in g had to be dons w ith an eye to conserving tugs and ligh ters. P o rt N ew ark, it was decided. Involved too long a haul w hen It w as possible to

.get a shorter haul by locating In South Brooklyn.

The arm y would have preferred to hav*.located the term ina l on the Jersey side of New York H arbor, and w ith th a t Idea In mind poselhle eltes from Wee- haw ken to Bayonne w ere Inspected, but none w as found to lend I tsslf so read­ily or rapidly to the needs as the Bush Term inal. TTie prim e requ isites were Im mediate av a ilab ility and adap tab il­ity , w ith room for expanilon. The only place th a t had these advantages, ac ­cording to the arm y otflctals, wae the Bush Term tnel.

"The Bueh Term inal I* a very short haul a* compared w ith Port N ew ark," ■aid Colonel W elle, "attd there wa* a p lan t there th a t len t Itse lf to Immedi­a te use."

The neceeelty of dredg ing and g e t­tin g more w a te r In N ew ark Bay wae ano ther obstacle to the developm ent of P o rt Newark, bu t It wa* eecondiry to the lack of tug* and lighter* . There 1*, however, a decided ecare tty of dredges, and tha englnear co rp s o t th e arm y haa now adopted the policy. In con­junction w ith th e quarterm aster, of dredging only w here t t 1* absolutely eaten tial. I t w as no t eseeritlal a t New­ark', In view of the av ailab ility of the Buah Term inal, and coneequently New­a rk lose*, for th* tim e being anyway, the opportunity o f g e ttin g deeper w ater In Newark Bay.

E very b it of epace th a t ia available a t P o rt Newark w ill be u tiltied . accord­ing to Colonel W elle, b u t It will fa* an inactive ra th e r th an an eetiy* station. Reserve etack*. a s needed, w ill be lightered t4 the tr a n ip o rte and cargo carrle ra In New Y ork H arbor, bu t In- ■taad of a continuous stream of bargee, a t would have been th e case w ith an active depot, th e tr a ff ic w ill be In ter­m itten t and according to th* con­venience o t th* tr a n ip o r t aerrlc*.

A. J. E

H u n tin g Down end C lrnnlng Out Eneiny Itineblne Onn Neat* on N erth ern Rdge e t R ellcsn Wood Engnge* A tten tion of L'nele g n a ’s P ighfern Along Mnrne.Hold Nnny Form er Boehe Dng-Ont*.

WASHINOTON, Juno 24 (JP),—F u rth e r Im provement of A m srlrnu posi­tions northw est of C ha teau -T h ie rry Is noted In General Persh ing '* com m u­nique for yeeterday, received today a t th* W ar-D epartm ent.

A rtille ry ac tiv ity and th# repu lse of an enemy re td In the Vosges also are reported .

The communique follow s:"Section A—In sp ite o f opposition

we aga in Improved our poeltlons n o r th ­w est o f C hateau-T hierry . In th is region the artille ry of both sides con­tinues active. In the Vosges, where p a tro llin g has been very *ctlvo, a raid a ttem pted hy the enemy w as repulsed.

^"Section B—There Is no th ing to re ­port In th is section.''

C learing Belleau Wood.W ITH THE AMERICANS ON THH

MARNE, Juno 24.—The A m ericans a r t s till engaged in d riv ing Iso laU d Oer man detachm ents ou t of the northern edge o f Belleau Wood, w here th e enemy Is cllnglw s to a few cleverly concealetk m achine gun nests. '

A v isit am ong Am erican un it* yes­terday showed th e rocky, uneven ground le covered w ith dense under- grow th and sm all tree*. Th# tre e s are m angled and the ground Is to rn by alien explosions.

H undred* of fo rm er Boche dugoule are now occupied by Am erican*, who** advance le f t a tra in o t cap tu red m a­terial.

OccaslonaUr. theiw le ■ grave. Atop the fresh ea rth of one wa* a so ld ier's , . * „ „ .helm et and g bunch of red popploa I 0 * ™ » n t ro o p H a v e bqeiiThese flow ers h tv e been the reg lm ent'e [ deteched from th e fro n t In Franc* »nd unofflc lit Indgn la since an p f f lc e r , are being ru shed to th* aid of tile Au«- wore a hunch Into the figh t and was Isolated In a ehelt hole for tw o days

Enemy Divisions Are Deci­mated and Bridges

W recked.

American Airmen Assist

Foe s Losses Now Estimated at 180,000—Italian Cas­

ualties 40,000.

Montello, CapKj Site Retaken

WABHINGTON, Ju n e 24 (JP ),-C ap- ture of 4I,4<'0 p rlroner* and enorraou* s io re i a t w ar m a ta rta l by tha Ita llin a In th e ir eouiitur-oRecalv*, w hich haa driven the A ustrian * across tha Plav*. 1* announced In an offlelal oabltgrani received today by th a I ta lia n B m b iu y from Rome.

"Offenilv* operation* by our troops began Sunday," say* tha dispatch. -A fter v io lent a r t i l le ry p repara llon i th a t destroyed e ll bridge* exctp l one ths In fan try drove fo rw erd w ith I rr t- ■letlbt* Impetu*. T he flooded Flave con laln i th o u ia n d i o f enem y eorpee*.

‘D lvliton* w hich bed p a iie d th* Plava were decim ated by our a r tille ry and Infantry.

"Montello wa* a tta c k e d In three col­umns. Enem y lln e i w ere broken a t Celia Della M adonna and N erveia and reoocupled. F rom M aeerada to Bar- dona the A uatrlana f ira t reeltted our a tta c k ! despera te ly , b u t finally were forced to re tre a t to th* le f t bank. B attle continues fierce ly In the Sardona sec­tor. F o rty -fiv e th o u e tn d prisoners and enormous booty cap tu red hy Italians." ■

American a irm en dlspleyed great bravery In th e f i r s t encounters. L ieu­tenant Young, a ttack ed by (wo Auetrlan ' chasers, wee obliged to land en the lower P lav a

Confidence a t Rom* th a t th* war may ha b rough t to a victorious gloe* thfa year, If th e A llies give th* Ita lle n i a full m easure .of su p p o rt In th* offen­sive which has been launchsd, I* re ­flected In th* o ffic ia l w ireless dU- patches received from the I ta lian capi­tal. These m essages say th* A ustrian re trea t acro ia th* P lav* t i l l become a veritable rout, b u t th a t Information from eoeret eourcea show* Ihet many

w ith the dew from tha popples aa his only drink.

T he burls! of Captain H. A. Darsche of Chicago, who was killed by a ihelt, waa conducted by a C atholic prieet.

I f wood life W-.bad for Ihe A m eri­cans, it la w orse for the G erm ans. A cap tured le tte r w ritten by a German on F riday says:

"Our canleena have not come up. The A m ericans are bom barding the villages f ifteen kilom eters (betw een n in e and ten m iles) behind the front. 'We are in one corner of the wood. The Amerl- cann a re In the other. They rush us w ithou t w arning, so we m ust shoot a t every noise.

"W e lie here day and n igh t. W e have no b lan k e ts and nearly freexe aver} n ight. The food l.s m iserable. It la cold and half soured. Only vegetables and m arm alade can ho brouglit up, and then only a t night.

"I have no more courage for work, i You w ill not believe w hat we euffer

There Is no chance for any leave. It la enough lo m ake one deaperate."

M ajor Roosevelt Honored.'W ITH TH E AMERICAN ARMY IN

FRANCE, June 24 (By the Associated P ress).—M ajor Theodor* UoosoveU Jr . has been cited by th* genera l com­m anding the troops to which hie un it le a ttached , for "conspicuous g a llan try "In notion during the operation con­nected w ith th* cap ture and subsequent ........................... _ ____defense of Cantlgny. Th* c ita tion says: June V r o P l .^ h e 'g r e a t ' r e 'r e a l 'V y

(■tl.iwjHsve n . . wsS Asv-i se «-.w lei V.., o.Aet ___ ^

(rian army. H ope Is fe lt here th a t a substan tial p a r t of th e A ustrian army will be destroyed and th a t th* fere* which eectpes w ill be to grSatly de­moralised a s to be useless for often- alve purpose* to r m onth* to com*.

The Oerm»n» s r e said to be thor. oughly aw ake to th e probability ot u complete collapse o f the A uitro-K uii- garlan G overnm ent, a lready strugg ling with a h a lf-s ta rv e d and rlo tou i pan- pie. In the even t of a com plete Austrlai. rout a t th* handa of the Italian*, Real, liatlon ot th la ta c t, Rome beUeved, hi; caused tha G erm an s ta ff practically t > suepeiid. It no t lo abandon, it* g rea t offenelv* In P rance , aa ha* been evl danced by the eom pacatlva quiet thvi'v for the p as t week.

W ith such help a* th* E nten t, arm lei can give im m ediately, supp l,- mented as rapidly aa tra n ip o rta tlo n cati be hud by troops d irec tly from Amerh a and even m ore Im p o rtan t by ample m ilita ry lupplle* and food for th- army, tha I ta lia n G eneral S taff le re ported lo be cqfw lnced th a t the vR. torluu* sweep of Yhq^ I ta lian arm y will traverse the fam o u s 'B a tn sU ia P lateau —the scene o t the g re a t b a ttles of laet fall—and w ill n o t stop until th* I ta l­ians have rec la im ed a ll o t the country up to the r ig h t ban k o t the Isonio, which m arked the extrem e ot General Cadorha’i advance.

ITALIAN ARM’n 'lEA D Q O A R TB R B ,'D uring an enemy raid hs displayed

high qualities of courage and lead er­ship In going forw ard to superv ise In person the action o t one of th e com­panies ot his battalion, w hich had been a ttacked .

‘"On tEe day of our a tta c k upon C an­tlgny , although gassed tn th e lu n g s and gassed In the eyes to blindness. Major R oosevelt refused (o be rem oved and re ta in ed the command of h is ba tta lion under a heavy bom bardm ent th ro u g h ­out th e engagem ent."

■WITH TH E AMERICA.V ARMY INLORRAINE, June 21__C hapla in W alterF. D ankers o f W orcester, Mass., died lest n igh t o f wounda received during the Germ an bom bardm ent w hich fol-

(Contlnued un 2d page, 5th colum n.)

Advantages of Depot Here Pointed Out by Raymond

W hen City Commlesionar Raymond, who haa Jurladlctlon o v er,P o rt Newark, waa Informed today of th e final deter­m ination of th* q u arte rm as te r corps to use the big supply depot ju s t com­pleted here a* a reserve ito rag q pise* Mr bVarees* Her**, A* eald h* wa* no t dIspoMd to accapt G eneral Q o e th lli 'i

' 'B ask ' M iM a. F lrvw vs'S . fhawRaalr. *q«Tb* B«eth ot a Ratfsaf

Ysday asd.toatqrtew; low prtrrs. Calnlalor, B la*m fl^>ad^aini^r y e ^ i

.■,w'G..4.~. y*' - ■ w . . .

Warmer Weather Predicted, Following Unusual Cold

F a ir and w arm er w ea th er Bounds good a f te r the coldest Ju n e 22 In a decade or longer, and th a t 's w h a t th* w e rth e r m an promisee for tom orrow. Thoi* who shivered u nder double b lankets la s t n igh t until, they got th* courage to Jump out In tho cold and hunt up the com forter* In the a t t ic u l l l hope for the beet.

B trange a s it may eeem to these, there apparen tly wde no frost In New Jeiaoy last n igh t. The outly ing sections have not even lu^gested th a t th* po ta to crop haa died In Us bed, nor has a mlit- d lem an called up the S ta te E xpertinenl S ta tion to Insist th a t tho farm er* w ill have to p lan t all over again.

N evertbeleae the m ercury did 'not ge t fa r from forty -llq* dagreee d u rin g the n ight, and over In N tw York th ey ur* sure th a t I t snowed a t Coney Island. The s tr e e t ca rs In N ew ark, how evsr, were runn ing th is m orning.

T he tu rn tow ard sum m er w ill bsgin tom orrow , according to th e expigjta- tlon* of th* w**th«r m an. A g radual lner«as« of w arm th ia now due. It Iq d e ­clared.

T em perature today: 2 A. M., 21 de­grees; 7 A. M„ i f degrees; noon, 12 d*. gr**B. H um idity: 7 A, M., 72 p s r c«nt.; noon, 22 p er cent. W ind a t noon, north, a t eleven m iles an hour. ^

T em peratur* y s i ta rd a y : ■ H igh, 2* de. g reest low, 61 degress: av«ra«*, lt,2 dsgr***. H um idity) H igh, loo p er c e n t) low, 12 p«r own. I average, 72.2 per cen-C, P revailing wind, h o rth ; m axim um ve­locity, tw an ty -e lgh t mil** p er hour. C haracter o t day, p a rtly cloudy.

T *m p*rature one year ago today; H igh. 22 degre**: low. t t degrees; ave- fag*. T1.2 d eg rte t. C ha rac te r o t day, p a r tly chuidy.

• * • th * M**r*i*tn AlMtywi Atvw-twplrl*4f, death-dtfytng, Sars-davlte, at Oirmpn .p a rk —AdvenlMmeat.

tha.\u strlans along the Ptove front began under cover of d a rk n ess on Baturday night. The re tre a tin g troops left their cannon behind them . Ita lian detach­ments are p u rsu ing the enemy east of the Piave.

A ustrian troops le f t to cover th* re ­trea t used their m achine guns to se t up s barrage (ire W hen It was observed th a t the A ustrians had begun a re tro ­grade movement, tb e Ita lians began Lo a ttack v irtu a lly a ll a long the Plav* line, from M ontello, on the north, well toward tho m outh of the river. Tho attack w as quickly pressed and became more Inslstrn t. accom panied by violent iirtlllery (Ir*.

The num ber o f guns left behind by tho A ustrians a s they re trea ted has not been computed, bu t Is said to be very great.

.ta r r le u B A viato rs Asslst-The work of the American avIator*.^

who appeared on the fron t la s t week for the firs t tim e, con tribu ted notably to the d lio rg a n lia tlo n of (ha A uitrlao forces which had crossed the Piave. ac­cording to R a ftae le Oarinel, eon**- pondent of th e M ilan Seoolo.

The Ita lian a t ta c k began a t dawn yesterday. W ith th e Montello on the left flank, th e a t ta c k w as carried out alt along the line th ro u g h Candel to Ban Liona dl Playe.

goon B ecem e B lsargaatsed ,The A ustrian re tre a t, which began In

an orderly m anner, soon became wildly disorganised and confueod. Many ttiou- eande of A uatro-H unggrians anrrsii- dered a t the f ira t opportunity when overtaken by th e ir ptjrsaere.

Rain, w hich had been falling for e ight days, b roke fo rth more violently about daylight today a t a time when I ta lian a r tille ry and machine guns began to open up upon the retiring Auetrlan* who w ere s trugg ling knee- deep In mire.

The Ita lian cavalry look part In the- pursuit, h a rry in g th e fugitive*.

As Ihe A ustrian* w ere pressed by th* Italian* they threw away their guns and equipm ent. They even left on the Montello stack* of bread, canned m eat and p re iervea which Auatrlan aviators had succeeded in bringing to them. _

The A ustrian* crossed the Plav# on ra fts and boats w hich th ey had brought up or had prepared during the d ttk - neae on B aturay n igh t. They left well- built trenchee, g r e a t quantltlee o f am­munition and b lan k e ts snd every va­riety of arm y equ tpq ien t In th e ir re- ireat.

The presen t v h ' .y o f the Ita lian arm y isc o n s td a n d i.y m ilita ry oM efal* '

(Continued on 2d pag*. 1st oolnw bi

Palae G ardeaCabeiwt, daqolng,


R uitaatiM tiIt* ^ li fcaM


K JIW A B K E V E iiiN G r N E W ^ m 02C B A Y . JU N E * 1918.

Qem«aic«au G>nf$i with Perslm g

Complete Agreement Is Reported

00 Qucition of Franco-Ameri* can Co-operation.

th» t I ta ly w»a to r»do»» th orrlovoua dl«»»t#r oufforod U st Octohor, in d »a osch day o( tha batll* m - * -hm>n l>ec.iii to a ro tr Milo oonfldo

Frenchmen Inspect U. S. Troths

PARIS, JMino U (A >).-Prem ierClaroanceau and G anara l J o c h vieltad Amarlcan haadquarlara yaaiarday, om - faarad w llb Q anaral P arab lng and lu- ipactad tha American Iroops, They naro accompanied by C aptain Andre Tardleu, th a rran c h h igh loram laaioner to the C nitad S u ta a and raoantly appoiniad hoaJ of tha now d epartm en t for Franco. Amarlcan co-operation in the war.

Queatlona concarnin* Kianco-Amen- can co-aparatlon war* dlaouiied and the m aaaurai to ba taken wrtih In the next faw m onthi In concert were talked over. Complela agraem atit waa i cached on alt poiiiu.

V ia troops q u arte red where tha ,u- apaotlon waa held balong to a div.atoii which landed laea lh a n a wtalt ago. They ware p re ian ted to \f. Clamencaao by tlaneral Pershing anil Major tjeoeral MacAndrew. Tha m agn lfa iu bearing n( lha man and their perfer't training ■trongly Impreeaed the Premier, who chatted w ith them and realltcd (or him- ael( their da ilre to g e t Into Ihe llln a.-i early ae poaelble and th e ir deicrmlna- tlon to wlj).

General P tr tb in g haatlly gathered tho otflcera of Ih" reg im an t In the canton­m ent when P rem ier (.'lameiiieau and General Foch arrived . The Premier ■gaha a faw words to the efficere ax- protelve of (he g ro a t ronflilence of F rance In th e men from tnereeae and of Uiaoke to r th* a id she waa receiving from America a t the declelve hour of th e itrtigg le fo r the liberty of the world.

Tha Prem ier then epohe to the v ll. lag a ri who had edeembled when Ihe nawa of hie praaeaca bacatna known and mingled w ith the Am erican so ld lan wSia crowded r»«ad hhn. The Premier aa'plalaed te the'-gaople w hat America waa doing In order to b ring lie g rea le tt ■irahgth to (h i aid of the A lllet with the maximum of rap ld lly . The Mayor of the village made a b rie f iipeech lu ragty.

"All right," he aald. "W e can w ait aa long aa la neceiaary , fo r we have caafldenca."

jn a a m sa m K


hope hep.m to grow Into confidence.A u itrlu n clalm ajlti the meantime did

li t t le or no th ing to laesen Ibis n in fl- daneft and w hen the Auatrlaii bntlettn of yeaterday w a i received w ith Ita lam rnt reg ard in g floods In the Plave, obaervere hare eaw In It an Itilenlloo to p repare th e peopU of the C entral Powere fo r pa in fu l newe.

Comment In eome q u arla ri here ae- lum ee th a t the defeat on the Plave will have a n Im portan t Influence on opera- tione on the w eetern front, It being auppoaed th a t th e aim of the Centrul Pow eri In the offensive was to deetrdy the I ta lia n pow er of reiletan'^e eo th a t A uatrtan fu rira m ight be tranaferred lo F rance aa a counterpotaa to the Americana.

L lkeaed ta a R eal.PAFUS, June : t (A'). -The A uatrlan

offensive sppeare to hsve ended In s rout, according to the view taken by Ihe P nrls p ress of the iiewe from the Ita lian fron t, aa sum m arlied today by the H avas Agency. Believing th a t under euch conditions as the news Indl- c s to t the enemy will be compelled to give up Im portant booty and prteoDsra to the v ictorious Itallane. the new s- pspere predict that the unquestionable defeat w ill reac t asrinusly upon the population o f the dual monarchy, so sorely tried by hunger.

The com m ent of Le Journal upon tha A ustrian situa tion bears the caption. "P efcat and Famine," while The U altn point! n u t th a t A ustria-H ungary has lai-ilved one n t Ihe heaviest blow s sine* th e beginning of Ihe w ar a t a m onient w hen tha Internal situation renders the event particularly lo be dreaded by th e Vienna governm ent. ■'The g re a t I ta lia n victory will bi'lgg a loud echo from the whole world," the new spaper adds.

The E cho P e P arle th inks th a t In eoneequence o f the outcome on th e Ila ltan fro n t new offenelve actions are likely to bn begun sftorily by (he Oer- mans on tho Krsnco-Brlttsh front.

T he new epapers point to the coinci­dence o f th e cuecees of the Ita lia n s upon the F rench front on the ssm e dsy th a t the A ustrians w ers yielding to Ihe v ic to rious a s sa u lti of their bro thers In arm s In It sly.

Italy’s Men DriveAhead Over Piave

Peace Demand in Vienna By Strikers Is Reported

Call Is Made that Government In­

vite Enemies to Negotiate,Is Word to London.

(Continued from F irs t Fags.)

t » . ^ g raa te r than th a t of th a A ustrian! on the S a tn ils ia P la te a u la s t fall. The A uatrlan ra tra a t w aa m ade more diffU en lt by a violent th u n d e r sterm .

B a n a s la g Baeaiy.S araa iad by steady and accurate ar-

tllla ry t i r a com pelled to fgee bayonet a tta c k s by th e I ta lta n a and conatantly bambed by Allied av ia to rs , flytng low tn-dsftanoe of m achine gun and a n il, a irc ra ft tire , the A u s tr ian s havs been fig h tin g recently w ith the courage of desp a ir. Local eo u n ta r-a ttac k s ware laaneh td w ith o u t re g a rd for lessee ag a in s t tb s AHtod trsnehea on the l lw ts l lo P la teau , b u t w « rt evsryw hera brekaii. SContallo a g a in Is In tha hands e ( Iks I ta lta n a

Tka arast of tha P lav e River flood passed yesterday, b u t tha falling w atera came too la ta to rollava tha pealtlons of the A uatrlane . T h e In- undaUan w ant s ix teen fea t above the l a # w a te r m ark.

Along tha Ik iw ar P la v a I ta lian p rasiu ra had bean eonatan t. The tired aneiBy w as given no r ra t, a lthough tha tl|(1ltlng waa In te rm itte n t, owing to the

(U e t th a t n e ith e r a ide had been able f i f ty y a rd s through

avy bushaa and ta ll ewampi ta asa p iera th an ttk P ba*v

graaaaa grow ing in th a lowlands.t a a h i .................................... .horolo deads o f th a Ita liana In

Ike fig h tin g upon th a Carso Plateau, ,SM t Of IhaT aoniB , a re recalled by ths rappgtsd sxam plsa o f va lo r and tndur- an as abown- in th e p r s u n t s tru g g le

lias a long ths front

Meatless Weeks in Geim&ny Seen

Issusd a f te r investiga tion . The Vnl- vsrea l did not havs these perm its , and imida no effo rt lo ge t thorn. Also, a f te r m ak ing th e p ic tu res w ith o u t perm lie th e U niversal planned a com m ercial ex- p lo lla tlon of the /ilmr fo r Its own profit, u prlvllego denied every o ther motion p ic tu re producer In the United h ta tea a t ono tim e o r ano ther.

"The only question a t issue Is w tielher private greed ahall have the power to nullify the g overnm en t's e f ­fo rts lo p ro tec t Ito m ilita ry aacfele. The charge of H eara t Influence le m erely an a ttem p t to m uddy the w ater, and ie da absurd as It U Indecent.

"No one In connection w ith th is o r­g an isa tion had responsib ility In the m a tte r save m yaelt. The decision was my own and o thers m erely ca rr ie d out my Inetrucllona."

NEW YORK. June I t .—H aving filled to obtain from the C om m ittee on Public Inform ation a perm it for exh ib itin g a film of Am erican aerop lane m anufac- tuye, the U niversal F ilm Company an

Short Lines in Demand For Government Control

Senate Body la Told They Face Bankruptcy If Left Out of

McAdoo Plan,

Say They Can’t Meet Competition

WA8HINQTON, June H cause of tha rftllraad ad m ln litra tio n 'i a ttitu d e tow ard th e ehort Una t t iU roada of tha country , 16,000 mllM ef tinea belong ing to am aller caropgnta*

re now on th a Verge of bankruptcy nounced Iaet_night to an audience a t the ■ and th rea ten to suapand operations, rep ­

resen tatives of th a sho rt lines told tha Senate In te rs ta te commerce coin-

Broadw ay T heater th a t th e plcturo would not be shown. One o f the Uni- vareai'a vlea presidents^ R. H. Coch­rane. issued a s ts te m a n t In which he charged th a t the a lleg ed influence of WlIHam Randolph H aars t w ith Chair* m an Craal of the com m ittee had caused the w ithho ld ing of th e perm it.

Mr. Cochrane said th a t th a com m it­tee,- In explain ing w hy th e exhibition had not been licensed, asaerted th a t perm ission to film aero p lan e m anufac­tu re had been refuaed o th e r m otion pic* tu re concerne and to perm it th e U niver­sa l to show such a p lc tu rs would am ount to d iscrim ination . Mr. Coch­ran e pointed ou t th a t an arm y censor had viewed th e film, recom m ended dele­tions and given the opinion th a t the p icture could be show n w ith o u t dan­g er of dlecloslng Inform ation con­cern ing a irc ra ft p roduction not a l­ready known (o the enemy.

Leopolij Schary Found Dead With Gas Tube in His Mouth

WKh th s n s l l s n s rm is s along th t t s l i sn ly g s t s rn In tsn tlon to do o r ..gis.

t i n t w ord ‘PlSTs' Is b sin g w rlttsn In U so d -rsd I s t t s r i on A ustrian hsarts," s sU s d u a t-M v s r^ I ts lts s 'D fH c sr who kgg bssn flg h tln g s v s ry d sy to r s wssic.

On th s m sto la n d A m srlcsns srs bssosilng m ors p lsn tK u t, due to tbs Influx o f Rad C ross h s ip s rs and officers of th s A nerlcsK H U U sry M ltslpn. The T hird H o lp lts t U n its of the Amsrtosn srm y , unda r com m and of (Jolonel E lbert JB, F a r so n trn sv s a r riv e d . Ths American avigtora. In th s i r Ja u n ty uniform s with th s golden fly in g eagle , are a ttrac tin g iDMt friendly a tte n tio n . They are re ­g a l e d w ith sm ilin g sve i, even by the roughest so ld iers a t th s front, luch as th s traneh -c lsan ln g ard itl.

t ta l la a s lu e a g ta r * Foals.ROHB, Ju n s tS (IP).—Ita llsn troops

LONDON, J u n s H ( * ) .—a tr lk e rs In the v a rio u s factories St V ienna on Bat- u rd sy fo rm ulatod a demand th a t the A ustrian Qovernmsivt show Itsslf rsad y for a g en era l p ese t and invite the gov­e rn m en ts of snsm y countries lo sn ts r Into peace negotiations, says a d ispatch from Tho H ague to th s T lm sa

R e p re s tn ta tiv e s of the w orkers suh- m tlted the p i t s to Baron Burlan, th s A ustro -H u n g arian Forsign M inister.

LONDON, Ju n e I t ( JPi.—K steiisive s tr lk e a b ro k e out Thursrtny In Cologne and M ueihelm , on tho Rhine, ow ing to a reducU oa in the bread ration , 10.000 persona q u ittin g w ork In munltl-jn fac­to ries, aecordlnq to a dispatch lo th s U ally Mall from The Heguo,

A D utch w orkm en re tu rn in g to The H ague re p o rts th a t the m ilita ry and police In terfered , bu t felled to prevent a s t r e e t procesilon of more th an 0,000 ■ trik sra a t Cologne. The etrikera. who Inoludad women, marched In a denee m asa to an opan place, w here a m ass m ee tin g w as htld . All th s epssksra, who Included forem en snd forewom en, lu sd s th is declaration : - -

wa g i t raof6 to oat wo obo-U no t w ork!"

T he D utchm an said th a t im sllpox la Ittfrsaa ln g g re a tly among the K fupp w orkm en s t Essen.

U em tltss w eeks to r Germany la s possib ility o f th s near f u tu ra Dr. A u­g u st M uller, Under Secretary to r Food D istrib u tio n , a t a m eeting of th s R s lch stag foafL-CommltUS B sturdsy , says an Exchange T slsgrsph d ispa tch from C opsnhsgsn. sim ouncsd th a t It would be Im potslblo to Increase tha m a s t ra tion . Ho said th a t m o il likely it w ould be nsceessry to lower It o r to In troduce m ea tie s t w eeks for (he w hole of G erm any , nr. a t any ra ts , ce rta in p a r ts o f the population.

AMSTERDAM, Ju n s H (JP).—Em - p iro r C h irlee , says a V ienna d ispatch, h as reeerved hts decision reg ard in g the resig n a tio n of th e A ustrian C abinet. In th e mean tim e he In tru s ts P re m ie r von Beydler w ith the fu rth e r d irec tion o f affaire. The E m peror's le t te r to Dr. von Soydler says;

"Aa It Is my Intention, w hile firm ly ad h e rin g to the confident re la tlona of tho p a r t ie s w hich h itherto have alw ays stood up unconditionally for the In­te re s t o f the sta te , f irs t to s ia m ln s i l l the p o silb llltle s as to how an a r ra n g e ­m en t of public a ffa irs could b s a s­sured , I reserve decteion respec ting tha requen t of resignation and m aanw hile

Tells W hy Boiler Delay G)ul(I N ot Be Foreseen(Continued from F irs t Fags.)

Locked Up Small Brass Key Blocks Trolley Sendee;Towerman, Barred Out, Couldn’t Reach Switch Levers

not m an u fae tu re rsT ' asked the p rose­cutor.

•T couldn 't say th a t," ^eclarsd th s sng tneer.

"Didn’t you know th s t th s Badon- h au ssn firm , a t th s tim e th e con trac t w as 1st," con tlnusd ths prosscutor, "w ere build ing a p lan t, and conducting th s i r businsBS p ractica lly only from an o f f ic e r '

"No, air," answ ered Mr. Runyon.E xcep t a t the Ovarhruok plant, Mi.

R unyon aald be had had no experlenoe w ith Scotch m arine bolters— the type th a t th e freeholdere discarded fo r ths new boilers.

"And w h at experience w ith Baden- hausen bolters, p rio r to th e ir tnstallm- tlon a t O verbrook, had you h a d . ’ queried the p rosecutor.

"N ene w hatever." Mr, Runyon said. He explained th a t he obtained hie In­form ation about th e Badenhausen bolt­ers d lrsc t from th s m anufacturers, be­fore tha desortptlona In the Henderson t Co, bid. w hich speeltlsd B adenhsuien boilers, wore before him.

A b rass key less than tw o Inches tong th is m orning tied up N ew ark 's tro lley system or, a t least, th a t b ig p a r t o f It w hich rad ia tes from the upper p la tfo rm of the P ark Place Term inal of th e F u b - lle Hervice R ailw ay Company. F o r e ight m inutes, from 8:02 to 8:1(1, the care w ere a t a s ta n d slllt and le v e ra l hundred persona cooling th e ir heela on the loaded p latfo rm s fumed and fussed and wondered vyhat It was alt about.

T here are tw o places w here th a t l l t t lo b rass key m ight have been to savo th e situa tion , v ll,: In the pocket of G eorge Hill, th e M ulberry i t r s e t tow erm an, or In the lock of the low er door, w ith in handy reach, but It w aen 't In either. U wa.i on H ill’s w ork bench and H ill w as on th s outside looking In and softly say ing under hie b re a th a lot of th in g s th a t are no t p rin ted In the com pany's well known volume en titled , "Advice "to Employees,

T h ings w ere runn ing along sm ooth ly In th e tow er before the trouble occurred . T housands of persons w ere beingrushed up the Inclined tra,cke In to tha

isandiT erm inal and o ther thousande Dtlqd th e -.lll'tKt*. •

cars coming down lo M ulberry Btreet. Then som ething happened.

Hill stepped th ro u g h the tow er door to ge t a good look a t the m orning gun, and the door, fitted w ith a Jim m y-de- ty ing snap lock, w as caugh t In the June breese and sh u t w ith a bang th a t sent H ill's h ea rt up !n his th ro a t. In ­side ware the b ig steel levers th a t sw ing Into place th e ra ils th a t con­verge at th s bottom of the IneJine. W ithout the to w erm an 's m aste r hand, they were as u t t le s s a s a P an am a In Iceland.

Hill ra ttled and banged a t th a t door until h ts m uiclee ached, but It atood before hla onslaug ltt, and In the mean time tong lines of ca rs ga thered both Inelde and outside of the Term inal. Then Hill, suddenly developing the a g ility of an acrobat, sw ung him self from the tow er steps, a round a ledge and In through an open window. The next moment th s ra ils w ere flash ing in to place'.

Now HUl la go ing to s trin g th a t key on a sto u t piece of hem p and coddle I t as he would a cherished am ulet. .

Leopold Schary. fa th e r o f H erm an H- Schary, proprieto r o f a re e ta u ra n t In H igh street, w as found dead from gas sho rtly before 8 o'clock la s t evening In his room at !S S tirlin g a tree t. Mra. Rose Feldm an, w ith whom he boarded, w as a ttrac ted to hla room by th e odor of ges end found h ls body In a rocking cha ir w ith a rubber tube, a ttach ed to a wall jet. In hie m outh. He had bean dead about an hour. Mr. Schary, who wua seven ty-eigh t y ea rs old, apparen tly h id been In good h ea lth and sp ir its Just before his death.

I t Is believed th a t Schar,v purchased the tube yesterday m orning and ended h ts life white Mrs, Feldm an and her son were out of th e house.

Besides hie eon Mr. S c h a ri leaves five daughters, Mrs. C lara Mosiae, Mre. H a ttie Morris, Mrs. May S len ts and the Misses Anna and Jen n is Bchary. Mr. Hchary, who h a t been a w idow er for the past ten years, lived w tlh hie eon a t the High s tre e t add ress until seven years ago, when he moved to S tirling stree t. He lived th ere alone.

Funeral serv ices w it ibe Ijeld this afternoon s t tho residence of hts son,

H igh stree t. B urial will be In the H ebrew Cemetery. South O range avenue.

Ship Worker Overcome by Gas, peclares Whisky Was to Blame

m lttee today m opposing D irector Gen­eral McAdoo'a req u est for an extension of the time d u r in g which control over the ca rrie rs by th e governm ent may be relinquiahed. They urged an am en j- ment lo p rev en t relinquishm ent of short lines w h its contro l of competing trunk lines is re ta ined .

B. M. R obinson, preeldenl of the American S hort L ine Railroad Aeaoda- tlon, declared th e resolu tion embodying the d irec to r g en e ra l's plan In Its p res­ent shape n u llifies th s present law. Ben B, King of D allas. Tex., member of the executive com m ittee of the aesoc.iatlon, b itterly assa iled the adm inlelratlon 's aliKude, sa y in g he had been Inforiaed that th s ad m in istra tio n does not Injsnd making any c o n tra c t w ith short lines, bul proposes to announce s general policy re la tiv e lo them, (luoh pro­cedure, Mr. K ing la jd , would only re ­sult III ruin for Ihe roads affected be­cause It would d estroy the ir credit.

Mr. K ing sa id th e operating Income of Ills rosd. the Guf. Texae A W estern Railroad, hae been reduced aboqt fifty per cent, elnce th s governm ent took control of ra ilro a d s hecaueo much of the fre ig h t ehlpm enie which form erly passed over th a t line e re now being routed over governm ent controlled roads which com pete w ith th t l one. He Slid re linqu ish ing of th s Denver A Salt ta lk ! R ailroad, a road about SOd m llss In length, by th e governm ent had ds- Btroyed th a t ro ad 's credit and th a t the Colorado A M idland R ailroad, hav ing a mileage of m iles, s lse will havp to suspend opera tio n s fo r the same reason. The Midland road. Mr, K ing aald. p a ra l­lels the D enver A Rio aratido Railroad and all tra ff ic h a s been diverted lo Ihs la tte r road.

Word reached th e railroad adm tnie- tra tlon today th a t the M organtown and Kingwood R ailroad , runn ing forty- eight m iles betw een Morgantown ahd Rowlehurg, W. Va., connecting w ith a num ber of coal mines, would suspend operations Ju ly 1 because of a de­ficiency In ea rn in g s.

R ailroad ad m in istra tio n officials said they would ta k e no action to assu re continuance of operation until th e line had ac tu a lly suspended. They In ti­mated, how ever, th a t the governm ent would not to le ra te actual sh u ttin g down of th s Itnp because it serves coal mines, considered w ar necessities.

Lying on th e bed w ith th e gas turned oh Floyd Young, n sh ip w orker, em­ployed a t the F ed era l Hhlp Building Com pany's yard on tho K earny meadows, waa found yes te rd ay a f te r­noon In hie room a t 21 South Orange avenue. Young, w ho la fo rty -tw o years old. was taken to tho C ity Hospital. Thors the doctors found him to bo su ffering from acu te alcoholism more th an any th ing else and d ischarged him a f te r trea tm ent. They also notified the police.

D etective McGuire of police head­q u a r te rs w as sen t to In vestiga te and a rre sted Young, whom ho found In bed. Young was locked up over night. A t (he F o urth P recinct C ourt th is m orning he tqld Ju d g e B oetlner th a t wdiisky w as a t th e bo ttom of hls (reuble.

Fort McHenry Hospital Gets Detachment of Pcrihing’l Men

yon and Mr, Bowden th a t th e L u k sn sT his had caused no foreboding; and I com pany would bo able to sh ip th e

n e ith er had the fa c t of th is nation’s f p ja ies betw een Seplembep 15 a n d Sep- en try in to tho w ar, declared Mr. Run- tim b e r 25yon, an sw erin g a suecesolon of ques Hons.

H sla tlsa s s ( C soaty to Firm s.F o r th s firs t Urns In tho tria l, the

re la tio n s b e tw ssn the county. H eader

Mr. Runyon told only of on# co n fer­ence w ith the freeholders d u rin g th is period. Two or th ree days b efo re he and Mr. Bowden left fo r W ash ing ton , Mr, Runyon related, he w ent over th e

s T T CO, or I r ; tn * to ,r w h o h .rd the en tire situation w ith' b u lld in i commute® and oth®r f r^ th o id -

luiiTa c r o m d th# o ld ohonnal o t th t ___Plave R iver, w est o f th s ipaln. slrsam , | In tru s t you w ith th s fu rth s r d lrscllon an(l rscap lu rsd g sv s ra f of th e ir old ‘ 'poilH ens th s r s , . a cco rd in g to a ssmv official announoam snt - tonigh t. From Caps BUS o th sr d sta ch m sn ts a rs ad­vancing tow ard th e m atn stresm of th s river,

'Ths I ta llsn s h av e th row n numerous boiqbing d s ta c h m sn ti across the main ■trsanw w here th s a r t l l ls ry snd aircra ft arS ham m ering th s snsm y.

News th a t th s A u s tr ian s -havs re- tr s a ts d across th s P iavs, pursued by ths Allies, caused th e g re a te s t enihusIsMii b srs . E x tra sdIH ons o f newe^japers ware bought up ns f a s t a s they w sre issusd. F lag s w ere displayed and bands played the Royal Ita lian March, w hile crow ds cheered the King, the arm y and G eneral Dlnx. D ispatches an- nouncs sim itar m anl(estsl!ons In provincial clUss.

A sam t-otfic ta l n o te Issued today ■aye:

*The enemy, obliged to hide the d is­as trous fa ilu rs of h is o ffsn ilv s, has had ta resort to fa lsifica tions. Thus th s A ustrian offic ial com m unication of June t i announoed th e cap tu rs of 40,1)50 prisoners. The t r u th Ik th a t tt|1 s,D Iufa re p r ts e n u Ahb 'sP U re tta llgo 'losgss In hlllsd, wvttP<|eill nnd iqlegUig. ,

"The eame com m unique m ultiplies hy tour our 1 % ss j i t th e a ir .. I t announces th a t forty -tw o A llied asrep lgnes in d four captive balloons were brought down, w hereas th e re w as realty eleven aeroplanes and th re e balloons lost be- tw esn June 15 and 20, while the enemy lost e igh ty -th ree neroplanee and tiva balloons."

The A ustrian c asu a ltie s are estim ated a t 1(0,000.

I ta lla aa B uild Bridgeheads.LONDON. Ju n e 24 (,F).—After re­

cap turing H ontello from the A ueirlani, according to new e received li. London th is afternoon, the Tialtpne heaan m ak­ing bridgeheads a t False and Nervosa. The Ita lia n s m et w ith little resistance.

Ths re tre a tin g A ustrians crossed tho p lsv e hy the only bridge rem aining to th s north of Zenson. Other enemy troops w ere forced to wade acroee the stream .

Between M ontsllo and Zenson the , I ta lian s a r s on th e river for the entire

diatance. They a re sending over cav­alry betw een th e Conegllano and Oderio ra ilroads to c lea r the country.

South o f th s Zenson bend, the Aus­tr ia n s a re f ig h tin g rearguard actions te cevar-the r e t re a t of their main body over the b ridges th ey have left—.at Han Dona and G riso lera . three and- a ha lf m ile a tro m the A driatic.

The Ita llan e have taken large num­bers of b rlsonsrs , g re a t quantities of m unitions and o th e r booty sines the A ustrian r e tre a t began.

T ha I ta lia n s a rs advancing from th e ir b ridgehead a t Ce^o Bile.

■aarltaiag Nawa far AUlee.A laconic b u lle tin tm m General D ial

anaeunelog th a t th e defeated A uetrlana w ere r e tre a tla g - In dlserder, w ith tha Ita lians In p u rsu it, w as the moat h eart- ta la g aaw a received in Allied oountrlee In aaaay m onths.

Opinion .hore b ad been prepared by the p regreea o f th e operation* since Uvs^lrst^ajfejef^heJhghtl^^

of g f ta ireC e ra fo r H alf Bread Ita tle a .

A lthough he has dons w hat h as bssn poaelble th e re Is only suffic ien t oorn for h a lf a bread ration in A ustria, d e ­c lared Food M inister Paul In an In te r­view w ith the V ienna correspondent of thu L okal Anselger. Tho Food Do- p a r t 'i ie n t is a ttem p tin g to m ake up th is defk 'lency w ith o ther (oodetu tfl, and, in ad d itio n to 285 gram m es of beef, two pound* of horaefle ih per person wtU be d iB trlbuted weekly.

M ilita ry m obile kitchens w ill be used to supply lOOiOQO psrions dally fo r four w seks w ith a warm msal, consistin g of Moup, 190 gram m es of m eat and v*g*- tables.

ZURICH. Sw itierland , June 24 ( F ) — The A u s tr ian troubles are extending, accord ing to a dispatch from Munich quoting th e Neueste N aohrlohten of th a t c ity . The Vienna Zelt, according to these advices, state* th a t th a a trlk* haa become general.

Paraguay Exprecics Approval Of WiUon’i Solidarity Plan

WASHINGTON, June 24 (A*).—Preal- den t W llio ii'a proposal of American aol- Idartty . as expressed recently to th* Mexican editor*, has m*t w ith prom pt approval In Paraguay, A diapatch re ­ceived here yeeterrtsy by the P sn - A m crlcan Union said th a t Dr, M anuel F ranco , P residen t of Paraguay , had 1n- doroed Mr. W ilson's plan in these words;

"P a ra g u a y acc.spts to th* fu lle st ex­te n t the principle* of Am erican so li­d a r ity a s enunciated hy the P residen t of the U nited S tates of America. There is no room for fllviiions am ong th s n a ­tio n s of the two Americas w hen event* arise th a t may profoundly a l te r the In ­te rn a tio n a l otatu* of the world.

"T he security of the pence a* well aa th e m oral and m aterial progress of the com m unity of nations depends upon tho fin a l trium ph of .American prlnrlp la* w hich have been given to the w orld by th e P resid en t of the United Blates."

Hawaiian Governor Inaugurated; Sugar Land Cultivation! AssuredHONOLULU, June 2t (D elayed) <JP).

__C harles J. McCarthy w as today In­a u g u ra ted as Governor of the T errito ry o f H aw aii, succeeding Luctu* E. P in k - ham . In connecllon w ith th* In a u g u ra ­tion It w as announced by Beoretary of th e In te rio r F rank lin K. L ane th a t P re s id en t Wilson would soon Issue a p roclam ation under th e Overm en ac t prov id ing for the continuous cu ltiv a ­tion of governm ent land, th e leases o f w hich have expired or will e ip lr* d u r­ing the war.

T h is action w ill particu larly benefit th e Inlands and prevent a reduction of ’ the Hawaii sugar produetlon th ro u g h the reversion to th* goyern- m en t of plantations on leased lands. I t w as announced the proclam ation w ould app ly a i well lo governm ent la p d i leaeed w ithin the oonllnental U nited a ta te s . '

j n

oon lrac i for the new hollers, snd th* B adsnhausen Company o( Philadelphia, w ho m anufactu red the boilers, were b rough t Into tssllm oiiy under d lrsc t ex­am ination . Mr, Runyon, In re la tin g the correepondencB th a t passed betw een h im self and the B adenhausen company, to ld o f a la tte r under date of November 3, w ritte n by him to th s Badenhausen company.

In th is le tte r, ae read by Mr. Mc­C a rte r to tho Jury, Mr. Runyon assured tho B adenhaueen company, apparently In rep ly lo a query from them, th a t the building com m ittee of the Board of F reeholder* would tak e up a t It* nex t m eeting the question of a pay ­m ent *on account to tho Badenhausen company. Judge M artin Immediately began question ing Mr. Runyon.

"Tht* le tte r speaks of a paym ent to the Badenhausen concern." said Judge M artin, "Did I no t understand th a t H anderson * Co. held the con tract F’

"W ell, the paym ent w as to be mad* to H enderson." explained Mr. Runyon, "and ho would Indorse the check over to th* B adenhausen company. There wfti aomft n rran jc in fin t betw®6n th® county, H enderson and Badenhaueen.'

H eC arteF* Objeotloaa.Mr. M cCarter en tered repeated ob-

Jeetlone to tht* line of queitlon lng by

**'"I d'on't under*tand th a t the question of paym ent Is Involved In th is m atter, declared Mr. M cCarter. ' I would r»- ip e c ttu lly re te r these question* to lb* court." . ,

"I th in k th a t everyth ng app erta in ­ing to th is m a tte r la Involved,' M - clared Jud g e M artin.

R eaum lng hie quoitlono, th e court asked Mr, Runyon:

"You knew th a t Kenderoon w as th* holder of th* c a n t r a e t r

"Yes, If I rem em ber corr*otly. ro- plled Hr. Runyon, "the apeclflcatlon* requ ired th a t paym ant be made when m ate ria l w a i on th* ground.

T he court then a*k*d If Mr, Runyon on N ovem ber I. th e date of hi* le tte r, know th a t m a te ria l w as on th* ground. U r, R unyon hesita ted , saying th a t be could not rem em ber off-hand. Judge M artin th en celled for th* contract H- aalf betw ean th e county and H endar- te n t t Co. U r. Runyon pointed out to him th e teo tlon apperta in ing to pay­m ent. R ead ing from thU oectlon. Judge M artin rem arked:

"T b it provides for paym ent m onthly fo r w ork exaouted In a sa tle tac to ry m anner and In place In tho bulbllng, d o s t It not? Wa* thei'o any w ork sa t­isfac to rily don* and in phe* In th* building on November 8T'

"No, air. th e re wa* not," answ ered Mr. Runyon.

Once m ore Mr. M cCarter objected, and a fte r the court had g ran ted him an exception, he a ik ed Mr. Runyon It the boiler tube* had not been delivered a t O vtrbrook In Auguat. ( tr . Runyon «aid they had.

L e lte rs Read t e Jo ry ,A t th e beg in n in g of hi* testim ony

th is m orn ing Mr. Runyon told of cor- rtspondenc* betw een himself, ' the B adenhausen com pany and th* an tho rl- llaa a t W ashington. All of the le tter* w*r* read lo tho Jury a* p a r t c f the cane for th e defense. L e tle r i from th* B adenhaueen firm up te A ugust IT w ere in apology for th* delay In the d e llv try of the hollers which had b**n scheduled und er the con trac t for A ugust 1. L ette r* and te legram s after (h a t dal* developed th a t Mr. Runyon and C ounty Supervlaor Bowden mad* alm ost da lly e ffo rts to eecure a r e ­lease from th e governm ent p rio rity board a t W ashington to perm it the Im­m ediate m anufac tu re of the steel p la te s to r th* O varbrooh boilers.

Tax Board, and, a f te r losing It, took It before th e s ta te body.

The city won tt* case o g a iq s t H arry W / Gaatem. liqu idating tfu a le* fo r the. Lexington Motore C orporation of New Yqrk. In th is oas* th* c ity levied an assessm ent on forty-seven autom obllas In a Newark w a re house w hich th e truatea claim ed w ere only tem porarily In sto rage and w ere p a r t of an In te r­s ta te shipm ent. The county board up ­held the City Tax Board and th a sla t*

Saries of Automobile Acxidents Sbee Saturday: Several

w w . . . ..... . DUiAra u au m e Hinteera In the office of County ’ board did tho eame. B riefs w er* sub-H erbert Taylor a t the court house. The freeholders, said Mr. Runyon, indorsed (ho course of -action th a t h a d 'b a a n tak en up to th a t lima and approved tho Idea o f the trip to W ashing ton . The conference, as Mr. R unyon de­scribed It, w aa not a fo rm al m eeting of the committee.

m ltted in both caeea by C ity Counael Kearns.

Supplies for Overseas To Be in Storage Here(ConllBUod from F irs t P age .)

Americans Gain on lin e Near Chateau-Thierry

(Continued from F irs t Page.)

Several persona w ere in jured , one oertously. In autom obli# collleiona and autom obile accident* sine* Saturday. The moat seriously In ju red la Clara K aufm an, fo rty -tlv a y e a rs old. of 22 M a rk s t's ire e t, w ho Is In the City H os­p ita l su ffferlng from a posalbla frac ­tu re o( the sku ll. She w a* run down la te last n ig h t In M arket s tre e t near Madieon s tre e t w h ile on h er way from v ieltlng friend*.

Ths aulom obua w as ow ned and driven by Leslie H enderson of Newfoundland, an Inspector em ployed by th* United S ta tes Cap Company. H e w iu arra igned In the Third P rse ln c t Police C ourt th is m orning and w as paroled u n til w anted

Rudolph Gega. fo u r y e a rs old, of 98 Union atreet. wae o truok yesterday by an autom obile ow ned an d driven by Rudolph Sayfried o f 79 H illside avenue a t L afaye tte and Union stree ts . Me

declalon a s final and th a t he intended to appeal to Secretary of W ar R aker. He w ill aak th a t th e depot be used actively a* a supplem ent to th a t a t Bush Term inal,

I t wae predicted by Mr. Raym ond th a t In view of th# fact th a t th is coun­try plan* to send such a la rg e num ber of men to France, p rac tica lly doubling a ll previous estlm atea w ith re g a rd lo the Bis* of the expeditionary fo rco i, the W ar D epartm ent would find th a t P o rt N ew ark would have to be p u t to Just a* active uae ae Bush Term inal.

A t Ih* tim e th a t the uae o f P o rt N ew ark waa f irs t proposed. Mr. R ay­mond recalled, a governm ent survey w hich N ew ark wae In s tru m en ta l In' hav ing made ohowed th a t a th irty -fo o t channel could be dredged in N ew ark Bay In six m onths a t a cost of 13,090,- 000, A t present, w ith Increased costs, tha w ork probably would Involve (500,- 009 more. When ha goea before Bec- re ta ry B aker h* w ill u rg e th is channel be dug In o rder th s t sh ips m ay coma Into tha tariu tnal to ba loadad.

T ha advan taga of P o r t N aw ark aa com pared w ith South Br'.. ...yn, tiie

lowed tress la s t Sunday. He Is th s f irs t American chaplain to be killed In France,

The doughboys considered D anker* the bravest and stan ch est friend they, had. He recen tly wae decorated w ith ' the French w ar cross for ca rry in g In wounded men from No M an's Land d u r­ing a heavy enem y barrage.

Alt loirraln* eeotors were qu iet yes­terday end la s t n ight.

Italians on Line in France Repulse Teuton Bligny BlowPARIS, June 24 (A’>.—Tho German*

launched a new a tta c k ag a in s t post Rons held by the I ta lia n s a t B ligny a t 11 o'clook la s t n ight. A fter hard tig h t ing the G erm ans w ere repulsed w ith serious losses, leaving prisoners In the hands of tha Allies, according to sta tem ent leeued by the W ar Office today. Tha F ren ch have repuleed German a tta c k In th a region of An- theull (w est of the O lie). th e ata tam an t add*

The text o f the sta tem ent followsThe French repulsed a G erm an a ttack

In th* region o f A ntheull lo st night."Betwae* th* M ara* and Khaims th e

__ - _____ ____ __ OerinaB* launched a new a tta c k a t 11com m issioner pointed out, I* t h s t *up- o'clock la s t n ig h t agikinat th* I ta lianpile* can b* b rough t h*r* over th* five tru n k Una rallroada, ' p laced In tha w arahousaa and thence tran sh ip p ed to vessel* going to Franc* w ith o u t e n te r­ing th* f re ig h t eongaitlon In th a New Y ork d istric t. Th* u t* of Bush T er­m inal. on tha oth«r hand, require* th a t

"g h

M arrifk 4* Haa* C(ui» r ta a n a a Bagy,N EW YORK, June 14 ( # ) .—Myron

T. H errick , form er Governor of Ohio a n d fo rm er Ambaasador ta F rim et, ha* kcoapted the chairm anship of th a n a- tlo n a t ft*a*o* commltM* of th* W ar Conus Community Barvlc*. It wo* a n - Boanedd a t lb* aattonal h*a«quart*r* o f th a t o rgan tia tion today, i

supplies b* tak sn th e re by lig h te r, since ra il connaotlona or* lack ing , and than th a t lig h te rs be mad* jise o f ag a in in ta k in g the m ate ria ls to ahips.

T he depot a t P o rt N ew ark. Mr, R ay . m ond said. Is one of tb a beat designed In th e country and ha* been racognlied a* the logical point of tran sh lp m sn t from ra il to w ater. It# ra il connec­tions are dlatlnot from and In addition to tha a s la tln g term Inala of ra ilro ad s In Je rsey C ity and tlaaw hare. Sendins ■ uppllss to Bush T erm inal te be taken from thera la te r m ean i paaaing them th rough the congsstlon of the New Y ork d istr ic t and h a m p trln g th e ordi­n a ry flow of commares. It w a* added, Mor*ov«r, tw en ty c a rlo ad i o f fre igh t can b* unloaded • tn u lta n a o u s ly a t the N aw ark Term inal, a fea t w hich Is not possible elsew here la th a New York d is tr ic t

W hll* thar* m ay b* a sh o r ta g e of llgh tars , Mr. Raymond adm itted , th a t should not b* a reason fo r th* fa ilu re to use th s suilply depot k*ra actively , fo r a much la rg e r uae of l ig h te rs a t Brooklyn will be n soessary th a n a t Newark.

positions on tb s he igh ts o f Bligny. A fter sharp fig h tin g th* German* w«r* com pletely repulsed w ith serious lo****, p rlio n tr* r tm s ln ln g In th t bands of tb« Alll

"T h t eppestng ortlllerU * have b*«n quit* active in th* W oevre and \ to sg e t secto r*

“On the re s t of th e f ro n t there nothing to re p o r t"

B ritish O.ala in H la s r A cilea,LONDON, Ju n e 14 (JP).—Tha B ritish

mad* a successfu l m inor a ttack on Gar m an position* south of M eteren (In the Lys sa lie n t) la s t night. Many Qer man* wer* k illed and fifty prisoner* and *om« m achine guns were tak en hy tho British, according to a s ta te m e n t Issued by th e W ar Office today. The sta tem ent follow s:

"A successful m inor tn lerprls* , which many Gsrm an* were killed, f if ty prispnar* cap tured and some machiiU gun* taken, wa* oorrlsd out by o J l troops las t n ig h t south of Meteren.

"C alueittes w*r* Infllctsd eji tb s snsmy and a tew prisoners war* cap< lured by us du ring tl>4 n ig h t In ra id ! snd patro l snacounters on o th er part* of ths front."

These plates Vera then held a t the1*1 “p la n t of the L u k tn a Steel Company In

Pennsylvania . The reason w as th a t th* L uktn* p lan t w as u n d e r 'c o n tra c t to tu rn o u t plate* for arm y looom oU rsi and had been orderad to drop sre ry - tb ln g else.

A fte r fu tile (M art* to g e t action th ro u g h talegram e and letter* . Mr. R unyon **lat*d th * t h* and Mr. Bow- dsn v ltlU d W ashington A ugust 19, ■With C o n g rsiim an P ark er they laid th s ir case before M ajor G eneral Ate- •h lrc , head o f th* prio rity coramltlo* o f th* .(joqacii of 'N gtipnal D eftnst,

'GanerBl A lsshir*. * ft* r U U grkpking th e Luken* oompany, ••so red U r. R un-

State Board Annuls Assessment On Trinity Cathedral Rectory

Creel Denies Hearst Influence In Refusing Permit for Filnr

BALTI'MORE, Md„ June 24 (JP).—Th* firs t d e tachm en t of Persh ing’* gassed and wounded m en to arrive a t F o rt McHenry H o sp ita l came In yesterday. Among the pa tien t* Is an Infanli-yman suffering from m ustard g ts poltdijlng- He haa no t y e t regained th* full pdwer of h ls speeech and can only tsIH In whiapere. H e I# Sergean t H u b e r t 'H ill of Lufkin, Tex,

P riv a te W illiam O, Rowland o f Lo* A ngeles a lso w as gassed. He le a cav­alrym an an d w as on detached i*rv |c* w ith the am m unition tra in horse **q- lion a t Tout. „ , , , , , j

P riv a te C harles G. H opklns of Mad­ison Tex., w ho wa# wounded la s t No­vem ber a t Tout. eJahns to be th e firs t America It w ounded In action. H opklni is an In fan try m an . Ona n ight tn a G er­mane ra ided the- American trenches. Xnd d u rin g th * fig h tin g Hopkln* w as wounded In th e left arm . He kep t on firin g u n til th e Osrman* had koub beaten beck. -

S ergean t H a rry D. M arrell * f Ban Franclaco. Cal,, a m em ber o f -tit* •*’’ service, la eu ffe rin g from e compound frac tu re of th e left arm . M arrell w as UP 6,900 fee t te s tin g ou t a p lane when the eng ine g o t ou t of order a ^ th e plane fell. T he maokine etralgW tened out a t an a l t i tu d e cf 190 feet. The feet th a t It fell In to a haystack aaved H ar­rell from death .

Dr. Clay MacCaulcy Decorated on Birthday by Emperor of Japan

wee lecsra ted on th e heed and waa trea ted a t St. Jam es'* H csp ital,

W hll* P tro lm en Fltselm m on* end T lghe w ere te k ln g th e autom obile of W illiam Johneon of 61 M ulberry street,' which he had le f t s ta n d in g in front of h ls home, to the F ir s t P rec inct S ta­tion early y es te rd ay m orning, another c a r collided w ith them on th e Broad a tree t bridge over th e M orris Canal. Fitzsim m ons and Max M anduck of 918 South E igh teen th s tre e t, ow ner of the o th er car, w ere c u t and bruised. They received tre a tm e n t a t th* City H cs­p ita l and then w en t home. Other* In M anduck's car escaped u n h u rt. The two m achines w ere w recked.

Two autom obile* w ere w recked Sat­u rday n igh t a t W ash ing ton and Sprue* stree ts . Mrs, C harles M ahlon of 29 D urand place, Irv in g to n , w aa thrown from on* of tho m achines which was driven by John J. G agle, who gave th s sam e address. She w as badly shaken up and w as rem oved to 6t. M Iohatl's H ospital. L a te r she w e n t home. The o th er machine w aa ow ned and driven by H uber R. B rady of TU H igh etreet.

'While going e a s t In P a rk avenue a t N orth N inth s tre e t y ce ttrd ay , an au to ­m obile driven by M ile Lucia Towls, dau g h te r of Dr. H enry A. Towle of J8 H aleey etreet, celllded w ith another driven by A. B lanco of 28 Searing stree t. M ary Blanco, e ig h t years old. who accom panied B lanoe, w es slightly bruised on th* leg. A f te r hav ing bean trea ted by D r. B row n o f ! U RosevlU* avenue, she w en t hom e.

TOKiO, M ay *4.—On the occasion df the e e v e n ty -f itth annlversafy of h ls b irth Rev. D r. (^ay MacCauloy o f B os­ton. head o f th e U nitarian Mission to Japan, w as th e kueet of honor i t a dinner g iven by a large gathering of ropreaen tettv* Japaneee and A m eri­cans. V lacount K entaro K aneko p re ­sided and R o land S, M orrll, the Amert- Cen Am baeoador, delivered an *ddr*ai paying t r ib u te to Dr. MacCauley aa an American w ho had alw ays devoted hla life .to public service and the w elfare of o thers. _

E m peror T osh lh lto conferred oii Pi". MacCauley th e hrder of th* Seored T reasure. D r. MacCauley ha* auppl*- m ented hla aucceeeful mlaatonary e n ­deavor by a num ber of bobk* -Igtor- p re tlng Ja p a n e se life, llte re tu r* ^ d h istory . H e hue especially labored fo r the p rom otion of the friendship b e ­tw een Ja p a n and the United S tates.

Dr. C lay MacCauley Vtalted America In 1916 and sp e n t a portion o f h ls tim e in th is co u n try a t th* home of me cousin. M rs. B. F ra n k C arter, In Glen Ridge. H e devoted h ls energlea to p r ^ mote a s tro n g e r feeling of frlw dllfi*** betw een Ja p a n and tb® United S ta tti-

McDermit Invites Himself to Speak in Record’i ‘Circu#’ Tent

Premier Hughet to Visit U. S.To Outline Aujlralia’s Policy


LONDON, Ju n e !4 ( J ) , —w illiam M. Hughes, the A u s tra lian Prem ier, upon the conclusion of the Im perial confer­ence In London, w ill go to the United S tatee te place befo re P raaident W il­son a full and f ra n k s ta ta m sn t of Aua- tra l la ’a policy re g a rd in g a Monroe Doc­tr in e for the Paidfic, accord ing to the Liverpool Post. H* w ill a*k, **yt th is new*p*p*r, fo r th* support and «o- operatlon of the U nited S ta tes tn m ain­ta in in g such a policy.

S tttf Cormposlesce.TRENTON. Juh* 14.--fFrank H. Mo-

D erm lt of N ew ark ha* invited him self Into a* o rg * L. Record's cam paign W nt lo r a debat* on lJnU*d Btat*i 0*»atort* l Issue*. de»pli* th e feet th e t be (kw- stder* • te n t "overstepe the bound* pf p ropriety ." W ith delicate Inform ality , Mr. M cD erm it presume* th a t th* Je rasy City m an ha* a "w*loom*" on hi* o u t­door m a t an d w r lU i: "I wlU m*9» Yob a t any tlm *. even In your circu* ten t, even though 1 f**l 'would be Jo w ^ - Ing the d ig n ity of the cam p alm by *d-

Month More Needed to LiitNon-Combetant Army Officer

s t a f f rarrrtpeadeeca.TRENTON, Jun* !4.—N ew ark '* **-

sessm enl of |8«,099 on th e rec to ry ef T rin ity E piscopal C a thedra l an d th* land upon w hich i t sU nd* in P a rk place wa* finally cv*rtum *d today by the S tate Board of Ta**e and Asiw**- m ent. The board ru led th a t th * work of th* N ew ark branch of the N ational Surgical D ressing* C em m ltt** could p roperly be construed ** of “ch aritab le purpose" w ith in the m u in ln g o f the law and th a t th* p roperty should no t b* taxed. Th* *****sment w as t>8.9«9 on th* lend and tl.999 On th e build ing .

T he decision uphold* th s contention n t the ehurch' trust***, srlio app«a1*d from th* *es**«Bi*n| to th e County

WASHINGTON, June 14.—D eclaring th a t the m etlen picture, "The T s n iu Are Coming,'* woe refuBod the neces­sary official sanction for display In New )fork b eciuse th e UntverepI F ilm Company m ade th e film "In open diere- gard and defiance o f eetabllihed pro- oedure," G eorge Creel today accepted foil respodslh lllty to r stopping th* film.

The charge th a t 'H earst Influence" guided him to p ro tec t th e K ea re t-P a th e film concern, Creel branded a* "sserely to muddy th e w a te r and aa absu rd * • It la Indecent."

Creel'a e ta te n e n t follow s;"Them otlon plcU ve, T h e T ank* Ar*

Cemlng,' wji* r« tu i* |l the necessgnr official danoHon -bedauie every deta ilof the film m eklnir woe In open diere- g a rd and even defiance of aatab llibed procedure. No phptograph* w gy h* «n<a* m a fac to ry dPlng^WOT 'work ' w ithou t ' ^

WASHINGTON, Jun* 24 (iP).—In re ■pons* to reheated Senate requesta fer data regarding the number of army of­ficer* commissioned snd placed in non- combatant positions, Secretary Baker today iMht a ta tter e la ting another month would be required to collect th* information becauso of delay In corre­sponding wtlh un4t* In France and the Philippine*.

Fifteen Billion Marki New Credit To Be Aiked, Says Berlin Report

*Th*AMBTBBOAM. June *4 (» )Relehstog tht* we*K will b« aiksd to PM* a nrw vote of cred it of Ii,99l,9«9,- 090 mark*; according to th e Bprllner Taosblatt: This w ill ra ise Germany'*

a r d*¥t to tllJ9»M99,0*0 mgfh*.le tjltJ9«Me9.090 maih

rljiM Per ef wwrihen qa ghlp*4*i|i«WABMlFWtWDN, iunti *< ( # 1 ^ A JM?

plemental wg*e *<*l* aiuiqUbea* t i d «hv Bhliiblng Board Ila*g ih* m g dfby Si* S til^ 'lng Board Yta** t h * I V refrigerating 'ship* operated by thh h q h ^ 'a t A9*m o n tv

!:!ass.s«K t*

m ittlng th a t you are a b(ma fid* Bdn- didst* for tho nomination,"

In another part ef hi* l*tt*r th* New­ark man writ**; "Speaking In yOUf circus tent, you have (he temerity to challenge the Honorable David Baird, preeunt Senator froth thie *101*, filling the tem porary appointment, to deqato. You didn't have the audaoity to ex­tend a sim ilar challenge to Alexander Simpson and myself,” ____

^ y

1. Urgint'4filWk,a*

Dhnieli Laud* Guo Comnuio^r On Bhtde with Subiiurine

WAdHlNOTON, Ju n s !* (JP>.—C h ief GunnsT's M at* H arry R. C h ^ b q jg o f A tlan ta , Cls- com m andsr of th * .n a v a l arm*d g u a rd on *n Amorloon *team *r, w as today co m m en d ^ by B to r jta ry DsnteM to r * ff|o ioat conduct dl*pl*Y*d during an ongagom ant b«w o*q V * v m - **I and an anom y suhtaartne on May 2s.

A fte r th o iobraarlno hod unsuoM s*- fu lly firo d fo tir torpsdo** G ham hsrs* gun crow O r*d Ib u rab o U * t ^ updor- s t a d raft, th a l•hot^•trih lI^f conninn tQW#f M tti® U'-fcoit

’" h ' wo* met »‘*t»< whother the tu b . inartno w as aunb, hut th* Navy D*-parlm o n t'a account o f tha engagem ent said " a h a av y M ack h m rte rose o»*rth e U -b o a t from th a wtploslon of th*.n .1 1 " ------------------ ^

B e u ^ n s

khnokutm RemovalDruffgifti


Announcci day ShoR



WASHING g lx ly -tw o A ao u n e td In xne t g s r De y e iU rd sy ci the to te l of one men kit wounded. . H a rry M. Ci aa wounded.

C asualties divided *s e ig h t; died from d lieas fo rty -fiv e ; mined, thre tw enty-th re i wound*, twi dead from wounded.

C aiua ltles folio we:


F ra n k A.

C harles 8. P h ilip H si W ayne C. Joseph Ki Joseph Sa M artin L, G iro Ursol

O lE

E rn e s t D1 L u th e r Hu


E dw ard G

L*w.l* A.

E rn es t M. H erb*rt E


CUrenc* C H s r t ln Fo

C lifford C. Pr*d A. h C laude T u

C linton AI H erry H , .

m ark .A lfred An L uther Th Gulseppe < Paul E. Cl Jam es A. ' Louis Coh H arry M.

Je rsey City, Michael

oinnatl, O.Edw ard

Miss.M erritt B

Mlse.Jam es H. M ilt Ferl« Jam es J. ' W illiam t Ed H elm s Iv an G. U O rpha T. John Koc N athan Li Be r t Lem E ugene 8. O scar Mar Jam es MttI

' Jo h n P als R ay H . Pt W illiam I E rn e s t C. Amber* D Char]** h

» . T.Oscar Seg Max Blof* U lebaol J

Itass .H onry 8w G otttrod ’ W illiam A PStor Tom Stan ley 2( John P. Z WOVIIDIII

C h o r lu 8. A rth u r Bl) O aotano I A rm y cast

v s r e *s fo il K U

C arl E. Gi C arl R. Sc

D aniel P. Beirtemln E dw ard F Clyde A. S

Ranxl* AdShelton B. Z y g m u n t: W llllem £ G eorge W Je rry O. D R affae le 1 Thom as F A ugust J . Thom as H G sorge E. P a tr ic k P i Tom F hlll W illie L. : Georg* J. W atley J. Loren M.


Jam es H.

C harlss W John Law

Je seph G. F ra n k H. : Emil Brud John M. 1 lo d le He-. G sorg* C

L*.Dale Hyl* C larence , M ark E. C Norm an S F rederick

Slass.P e te r Sch

s W alter M.Dl

F rederick

^ Ja ck V, P DIIEd OF

Dew R. Cl b lE O OP

Albert FtWOI

Thoma* J

OtI* Arvl Chari** L

E d g a r Be ^ w a r d H W ilUara £

M lhram J H arry F li C hester E F ra n li T. Connie T t Jktn'ei A. Ttaymond

Center, Pa


Q eergaD .

F ra n k J, C hart** I

« Of C

NEiWAlfIK Jilv ]SKWS, M O .N lJ A V , Ju*\K 2 1 1,918.

!mand it Control

They Face

t Out of

n .


lin ln litra tip n 'l 9ri II n* rail* t.dOO mllaa ef Icr caiapaniaa if bankruptcy perattons, rep- >rt llnea told immarce eom- D iractor (}an>

r an eitcnalon ti control ovar /crnm ant may ged an amentf- qulahm ent of : of vompatlna

■Ident of tha ilroad Aasocla- lon embodying an In Ita praa- eaant law. Ban member of tha ha aaior.iatlon. dm inlalrallon’a batn Inforraad toaa not Intend ith abort llnea, nee a general n. Hush pro- woiild only re ­de affected be- helr credit, e ra tlng litcoma la a t W estern ced about fifty verninent took rauBO much of A'hlch form erly are now being ant controlled h th a t one. Ha I Denver ft Balt ibout sen tnllaa ■nment had da- lit and th a t the Iroad, having a iBO will havp to he same reason, ling Bald, paral- Irande Railroad diverted to tha

dlroad admlnlB- dorgantow n and runn ing forty- Eorgantown and nnfciing w ith a

would auapand tauaa of a da-

lon officials said ictlon to a*sura in until th e Una 6d, They Inll-tha govem m eitl actual sh u ttin g Be It gervee coal necaaaltlee.

lital Gets *' Pershing’* Meniiia 2t Iff).—The ‘a rsh ln f 'a gaaaed I arrive a t F o rt me In yesterday.I an Infantrym an rd gaa polsonldg. Bd the full pijwer :an only taiU Ip Bant H ubert 'HUl

Rowland o^ Los led. He la a cav . detached larv jca tra in horga aai;,»

H opkins of Mad- voundad la s t N»> ia to be th e firs t I action. H opkins ts n ight trta G er- nerloan tranchea. Ing Hopklna w as arm . Ha kep t on rm ana had kaoh

, H arre ll o f Ban em ber o f -t^a a le from a compound arm. Maj-rall waa ou t a plana whan of order and th e klne atralg lftened too teat. The faet ratack saved M ar-

y Decorated on iperor of Japantn tha occasion dt in ivarsary o f hU KacCaulay o f B oi- Itarian Mlaaibn to •t of honor i t a srga gathering of teae and Amarl- ta ro K aneko p re - Horrll, the Am»rt- Ivarad an addraai . IdacCauley aa an Iwaya devoted kla t and the w elfare

r conferred on P r. sr of th e floored aulay h u lupp ld- ul mlaatonary a n - r of bobki -ig tar- fe, llta ra tu ro and eclally labored fo r he friendship be- I United S u ta a .

ly Visited America portion o f h is Umo

the home of h ts ak C arter, In Gian l i t energies to pro- iln f of frlandUitaaa ha Unltsd S tates.

Himself to d’l ‘Circu*’ Tei\t

rank H. Mo- vlted him ealf im palgn te n t a t S eaato rla l that ha oan- he hounds ofp Inform ality , lat th e Je rsey " on h li o u t- *111 m e it you r circus ten t, jia be lowak- ipalgn hr ad* ana fide osn*ftI te r th e Hew­ing in your I tem erity to David B aird , s ta te , t i l l in g

nt, to dehate, lac lty to ex- to A U xander


X) Comnuiader with Submarine

rune St Chief ■ry a. ChambV* of landor of the.naval 1 Amorloan eteamer, ttded by BteraUry it eenduef dltplayad ent batwasD hlg v m - pbmarfne an Kay ts. rtne had unsueoasa- irpedaee Ghamhera'a ■ abote at tba updar- lb ifhat atHklqf tha I tho U-boat anlt-

4 whather tha aub- but tha Navy t>a- of tha aDgagonient

ck ameka foea afar ha eaptaelon e l tha

A n st Removesn. Drugsisti

Two New Casualty Lists Give Total of 118 Names

Announcements Today and Yester' day Show Thirty-one Killed and

Sixty-one Wounded.

Jerteyman Among the Injured

WASHINGTOH, Juno 11 ( f ) . —■ Ixty-tw o Am erican casualtlea a re an- Kounced In a l i l t g iven ou t today by tbe W ar D epartm ent and a Hat laaued yeaterday carried f ifty -six names. Of the to ta l of 111, the lis ts show th irty - one man killed In action and oixty-ona ■wounded. . One Jorseym an, P rlv a ta H a rry H . Cuff of Jeraay City, la Hated aa wounded.

C aaualtla i announced today were divided a s follow s: K illed In action,•Ig h ti died fiom wounds, fo u r; died from dliaasa, tw o; wounded severely, fo rty -fiv e ; wounded, degree undatar- mlnad, three. T eaterday 'a Hat gave tw en ty -th ree k illed, six teen dead from w oundi, two dead from accident, two dead from disease and th irteen wounded.

C asualties announced today a re as follow s;

fULl-KD IX ACTION.Corporal,

F ra n k A. R a tfe riy , A rm agh, Ireland. P rlv a tra .

C harles 8, Gctden, Hoaptutm; W ash. P h ilip H enry OlUle, G ratiot, Wle. W ayno C. Jackeon, Salem, Ore. Joseph KanleskI, W octaw ek, R uiele. Joseph BavUieky, W arsaw , Poland. M artin L, Shelton. F ayettev ille , Ark. Giro Ursolao, W orcester, Mass.


F rn e x t Dillon, Peru, K. T. p i L u th e r H unter, L afaye tte , Ala,

DIHO FHON WOUNDS. [ U e a tc a sB t.

E dw ard G. Tomlinson, B altim ore. Corporal. A. Taylor. Piilladelphla. PrlTBtCB.

E rn es t M. R oerr, P ortsm outh . O. H erbert E. Zum w alt, Boiee. Idaho.


C larence C. Johnson, Decorata, la. M artin Foplacki, Baltim ore, Ud,

C orp o n ie ,C lifford C. Castor, Ira , la,F red A. Mcamll, Brooklyn, i C laude T urner, H am burg, A rk. |

P rK ntee .C linton Allen, K ent, O.M arry H. A ndersen, Copenhagen, Den­

m ark .A lfred Anderaon, E ldredga, N. D. L uther Thomas Ball, Cloburne, Tax. Gulssppe Cadlllo, Utica, N. T.Paul E. Cagle, Clinton, Ky.Jam as A. C leary, Scranton, Pa.Louis Cohen, Brooklyn.H arry U. Cuff, 31S E ig h th itre e t,

Je rsey City,M ichael A. C unningham , C ln,

e lnnatt, O.E dw ard T. Depplease, Fernw ood,

Kiss,M srrltt B. D urham , Blue M ountain, Kill.J a m s i H. Ensley, A insw orth, Nsb. M ilt Farley , W allins Creek, Ky. Jam es J. Green, Cleveland, O. W illiam D. H am m er, PottavUIe, Pa, Ed Helm s, 'W axhaw, N. C.Iv an Q. H offm an, Berne, Pa.O rpha T. H uber, W est Hope. N. D, John K acim arclk , H egew lsch, 111. H athan Lager. Sulphur, La.B e rt L angland, B erger, N. D.E ugene & L ittle . L iv ingston , Va. O scar M artin, R alston, Ky.

f Jam es Uttllen, C incinnati. |' Jo h n Paladaa, K ashua, N. H.R ay U . P rou th , Newport. Ky.W illiam R eid Jr., E ldorado. ItU X m eet C. Rosa, Miller, Oa.A m bers D. Sanptere, V incennes, Ind. C harles N. Bcofleld, S aranac Lake,

*f, T,Oaoar Segal, Brooklyn.H ax fllsfert J r ., Milwaukee.U lohael J . Sullivan, E ast Pepperell,

I ta ia .H enry Swanson, Janesv ille , WIs. O attfred Thompson, Chicago.W illiam A. Thompeon, D urham , N. C, PM ar Tomaa, Cheater, Pa.B tanley W loncek, F luehlng, N. T. Ja b n P. Zauner, New York. W o u n d e d ( D e g m U aie term tB ed l,

PrlTatea,C harles fl, AnderBOn, San Francisco. A rth u r Bimbo, New Haven, Conn. G aetano Falco. Buccino. Ita ly .A rm y casualties announced yesterday

w ere i a followe:K ILLED IN ACTION,

^ergcaate .C arl E. Gross. M ountainburg, Ark- C arl R. Sohneke, Woodslde, N, T.

C orpersls,D aniel P. Cooper; H averhill, Maes. BerGamln J . Ham by, P ike C ity, Ark. E dw ard F. McCgtheon. Brooklyn. Clyde A. Sm eltier, M sesena, la.

F rlvntea ,R ansla Adams, Paragould , Ark. flhalton B. B eaty, A rkansas City, Ark. Z ygm unt B ranskl, Syracuse, N. T. W illiam E. Burgess. B altim ore, Hd. G eorge W, Cason, H artw sll, Ga- Je rry O. Devlnney. C incinnati, O. R a ftse le D lglorlo, New York.Thom as F, Goode, Boles, Ida,A ugust J . K llnkner, Carnegie, Pa. Thomaa H. L arien , Sioux City, la. G eorge E. M arshall, R upert, Ida, P a tr ic k P aradtne, Som erville, U aea Tom P h llllp i, Louisville, Ky.W illie L. Rowland, B ops, A rk.Georg* J. Bneberger, Anaconda, Mont. ■Wesley J. Utuhbs, M arble c i ty , Okla. Loren M. T ro tte r , Caldwell, Ida,


Jaraee H, H ughes, Howe, Tex. Corporals,

Charlea W ade, Hawley, Tex.John Lawson, Jam aica P la ins, H aei.

PrivB trg.Jeeeph G. B alenger, Lowell, Maes. F ra n k H. Brown. Fond du Lac, W la Emil Bruder, Holyoke, Maes.John M. Deveau, fltonrham . Mass. Jodi* KU-Jor g u iaii, Tlmpson, Tex, Georg* G aeieiiberger, W est Wege,

La.Dale H yland, Portland , Mich.C larence A. Larson, T unbridge, N. D. M ark E . Quinn, Sham okln, Pa. Norm an B, Rodebaugh, Philadelphia. F rodorick H. Saunders, C am bridgs,

Vase.P e te r fleharnaU, St. Louie, Mo.

\ W alter H. Borg, Coal Springe, S. D. D IED OF DISEASE,

Corporal.F redorlek M. Grtawald, Now York.

P riva te .^ Jock V, P rice, New York.


Dow R. Cope. Yakim a, Waqh.D IED OP ACCIDENT AND OTHER


A lu tr i Fenhouet, Bellewood, III. W^OUNDBO SEVERELY.

LleatCBaaLThom as A rth u r Goodwin, Chicago.

Borgeapts.O tis Arvin, CarrolltoD, Ky.Charloo L. Costello, K eokuk, la .

Cotporals,E d g a r B eaudry ,’ W oooiockot, R. T. E dw ard H.. Lewlaon, B torg C ity, Ia W llllara F. Sheridan, Sherwood, Tenn.

PrIviftlOP*Mlhraro A ram , BrldgoporLM Ionn. H arry F lax, Brooklyn.Chegtor E. H innpr, SIdoll, III.F ra n lt T. fluhaad. O akford, 111. Connie TaloaoA Dunmor*. Pa.Jatnes A. ThemiMoii, Totoa, Idaho. Raymond LaUrroHo* Walker, Uarlon


. (P rev iously ronorlod m isoing.) CotpoaaL

G eorge D. KoHngh, Now H aven, Conn. P riso toA

F ra n k J. A llano, S y lito t. Conn. C h*r|* f H. HeOovorn, ChartoolowA

MOBA ' . 4

FranoA w sr* announced yostordoy. Th* lis t Included tw o klllod In ac tion and three severely w ounded. No commie- stoned officers w ere Included. The eaeuaittes were:


Oscar A. V o llrsth , Quincy, III, p r iv a te .

G ilbert W. Young, Springfield , Ky.SBVBRKL'V WOUNDED.

CorporaLlA w rence W. Eacklleen. Akron, Mich.

P rlv a te e .Herehel Carver, Jop lin , Mo.Charles F . F re tty m an , Kaneae City,


(ended by hundreds of eoldlera and m any cIvIllanA Catholic servlree to r the so ld iers w ere held e t St. D ennis’s Church a t U anaequan.

Com pany C o f the F irs t BaltsH nn, under com m and of Captain F ra n k Cun­ningham 6 t A tlantic City, and Com­pany E of th e Third D altallon. com ­manded by C ap ta in Ralph Van M. G orU - Itae, w e n t to the ranges th is m orning

to r a day of rifle p rsctlcs. Tho m ilitta -' men a re shooting the establlahad o r­gan ised m ilitia courne, w hich Inwudes slow fire a t tOO, 100 atid 100 yards, and rap id fire a t 100 and >00 yards. In addition to th a t roiiree, B rigad ier Geti- e ra l Bird W. Speitcrr. the Insneclnr gen­e ra l of rifle praclh’e, ha* pruvideil an Instructlnn course In slow fire a t 200 yards. Lieutenant Colonel John Mal­

colm la th* chief range officer. H e la I assisted by I.lcutenants W rlghtaon C hristopher and Edward J. W aldeck.

Th* sold iers were given a lesson In niacbtne, guns and their usage th is m orning by Captain Philllpae E. G reene ■if Shrew ebury, th* rnm m anillng o ff i­cer of t'o inpany U at the Third B a t­talion, a m aclllnr gun nutrit.

T onigh t th e re is to be a big cam p

"elng" a t the Y. M. C. A. ten t. Song Leader H aw kins, w ho h as been leading the soldiers In a num ber of can ton­m ents, Is to be h ers to help them "whoop U up." E n te rta in m en ts ere etegad a t the Y, M. C. A. alm ost every n ight, end the men are m aking It their principal cen ter of le isure-hour ac tiv i­ties.

B n v K o lif

B P g B 6 s m a e e eg3B geiffaB Ee E E B «3eE 83BBB5E8SSBEegaEmffiKmffiCTa^ ^

FiVfl^MlnBw N fM w Lot Of Ttiliilijii jW Weit Front

u n ­

shipping Board Opens a Free Marine School at Jersey City

JERSEY (UTY, Ju n e ! t .—The United S ta tes Shipping B oard to d ay opened tte ten th free m arine en g in eerin g echool for th* tra in in g of o ftice re to r th* new m erchant m arine. The acsslons here will be held in D ickinson High School The school s ta rte d w ith fo rty studenu, bu t new stu d en ts m ay enroll a t any time a t the school o r w ith John F. Lewie, lOR South F o u rth s tree t. Phils- delphle, chief of th e free governm ent navigation and m arine engineering acbooli from C onnecticut R iver to Cap* Hay.

American cltliene , m ore th an nine­teen years old, w ho have had experience as firemen, ollere, w a te r tenders, lo­comotive or B tatlonary engineers, or apprentices to the m achln iet trade, who have had three y ears ' serv ice on marine, sta tio n ary o r locom otive enginee and one year a t sea, a re elig ib le fo r free train ing .

Sim ilar schoola a re be ing conducted by the Shipping Board a t Maiwahueetli In s titu te o f Technology, Cambridge; Seamen'* Church In s titu te , New York; Johns H opkins U n iversity , Baltim ore; | The Bourse, P h iladelph ia ; A rm our Instl. tu te , Chicago; Case School of Applied Science, C leveland; T u lane U niverilty , New O rleans: U n iversity of California, Berkeley, and the U nlveratty of W aih- Ington, Seattle.

All appR cante are requested to report tonight, when classes w ill be organised. I t 1e recommended th a t aa m any aa possible a ttend th e day echool. This runs six days a w eek from 9 o'clock A. M. until 12 noon. T he n ig h t school will run three n ig h ts a w eek from 7i«0 P, M. un til 9;>0 P. M. Th* day course may be com pleted In about four week!, the n ig h t course in abo u t eight weeks. S tudents u nab le Xo a tten d to ­n igh t should repo rt s i soon ss possible.

No Right to Use Road Funds for Trees, Attorney General Rules

TRENTON, Ju n e 24— A uthority to p lan t Bhada and f ru i t a lone th«roads of the a ta te hlfEhway eyatem la no t fflven by New Je rae y lawa* It bae been reported by the a tto rn e y ceneraVe office to the S ta te H ighw ay Commie- aion, which today m ade public the find* ing. The propoaal to p lan t treea along the highw aya w aa p resen ted to*the com* m iialon by a de legation of clUxena.

The fluggeatlon w aa to employ eome of the e la te fan d s fo r b eau tify ing the roads* The opinion th a t funds could not be used for auch a purpoae w as con­veyed to the com m tesion a f te r a re- eearch u ndertaken by the a tto rn ey gen­eral's office a t the req u est of the coii- mUeion in reeponxe to the petition.

An opinion th a t s ta te aid funda can­not be ured fo r roads included in the ata te highw ay system haa alao been given by the a tto rn e y general* the queetlon hav ing been ra ised by the M orris County au th o rities .

The a tto rn ey g en era l aald;"C hapter 14 of th e law s of 1917 pro-

videa fo r a a ta te h ighw ay ayatem and designatea the routea* am ong which la Route No. 5. Such highwaya* bu ilt aa a p a rt of the a ta te h ighw ay ay a tem /are aeparate and d ia tln c t from the county roada otherw iae provided for by law, and therefore th e re aeema to me nu s ta tu to ry au th o rity fo r g ra n tin g atate Aid In connection With S ta te Highway Route No. 5, ae req u ested by Morris County."

Hudson Boulevard CommissioRcr May Attack Turnpike Paving Job

flperiel Serrice a! the NEKS,JERSEY CITY, Ju n e 24.—Application

fo r a ^ r f t of ce rtio ra ri to review the action ol the Hudson C ounty Board of F reeholders In aw ard in g th e contract for the Im provem ent of the New-ark tu rnp ike to the S tillinan-D elahan ty- F e rrle Company, whoae bid w as >1,291,- 000. probably vrill be m ade tom orrow or F riday to Suprem o C ourt Justice Sawyse by G eorge E. C utley. Mr. Cut- ley said today he had been retalnad aa counlel by B oulevard Commissioner Edw ard Cahill, as a tax p ay er, to apply to r the w rit.

I t I* underetood th a t the groundi fo r the application w ill be sta ted aa followe: T hat the clause In the specifl- catloos calling fo r th e m ate ria l to be of g ran ite of " the F ren ch co-efflctent of w ear" tes t, tend* unduly to elim­inate contpellUon and th e re w ere only tw o bidders on the w o rk ; th a t w hile the Increased cost of lab o r and m aterial* w as tak en Into accoun t b y the county engineer In hla e s tim a te upon which th e bids w ere baaed, th e low eet bidder w as th irty -n in e per cent, and th e other bidder fo rty -(o u r p er cent. In excess of the estim ate.

State Council of Carpenter* Pledge Support of Government

ATLANTIC CITY, Ju n e 24— Beside* giving a unanim ous pledge of financial and Industrial su p p o rt o f the govern­m ent during tho w ar, th e S ta te Council of New Jereey U nited B rotherhood of C arpenters and Jo iner* o f America elected theae oRIccr* a t th* cloelng eeaslon of th e an n u a l m eeting hero Saturday:

preeident, G eorge W. Adame of Local No, 31 of T renton, re -o lec ted ; vice pree- Idenl, Stephen J. Btcll of N ew ark; sec­re tary , John R. B urgeae, Je reey Ctty; treaeurer, C. C. Mowall, N ew ark: ex­ecutive board, H. H. SonderA A tlantic City: J. C. M otta thed , N ew ark: A. J. Dean, V ineland; W illiam H. Schuyler, B urlington: John V a n 'H a s te , Paterson, and George Allen, H adleen.

The 1219 convention wl)l be held Trenton. A reso lu tion w aa adopted In- doraing the action o f G eneral President H. U. Cbeaon In ta k in g an unsw erving stand ag a in s t the open shop on gorern- n ie n t 'w o rk proposed by enem ies of tra d e i unionism. T he situ a tio n . It ap­peared, hlngfied on w ord in g of ag ree­m ents en tered Into b y representative* of the governm ent an d repreesntatlve* of the C arp en te r! an d Jo iners of XmericA

Thousand*, Vi*iting Sea Girt, Inspect Militia Encampment

Sprrfel Strrlrt of 4*e KBWB.CAMP e d g e , Sea G irt, Ju n e 24—

Camp Edge, w herein a re encam ped clot* to l.Odll soldiers o f th* F i r i t and Third batta lio n s of th e S ta te MIIIUa w as In­spected yesterday by thousan d s o f visi­tors from all p a r t s o t th* state. T hroughout th e day th ey sw arm ed over th e big encam pm ent re se rv a tio n , heav­ing th e October-IIH* w inds th a t awept acroee tha. p arad e ground .

Church iorvlce* w ere conducted yes­terday m orn ings from th e knoll neer th e Execqttve m ansion. Th* b a tta llp e i held Joint se rv ic e s ,,a t w hich the.chap-, la lns of each offic iated . Music for the services waa rendered by th e F irs t Bat-


AmOU^CEMENT~Beffbuli^g Monday, M y 1THIS STORE Wai Make ONE DELIVERY a Day

(■ e d e p tla g fU e p U e w e a re a e lla g * • the neem n eae fta tlae e f the V etted S ta tea (••verasBeet. W e a re rw tfU en t e u r g e trv as will aecept th ie le th e ep trll th a t eheeld he eeeerded a m cesere w hich has a* tte alas “ Helpteg t* W la th e W ar.”


Extraordinary Sale High-Grade


3.65• Reg, 5,00 to 11.00Our celebrated Li Sylvia

corset, made of coutil and boflutiful broche, in white or pink.

Sold exclusively by L. S. P ltu t & Co.

Many beautiful inodeld, hand­somely trimmed. Each one a prize at such a small price. All new and fresh.

On account of varied styles we will not flil mail or phone orderi.

Siaea collectively, 20 to 30. W hlk they last.

2.50 P. N. Corsets ‘Special) 1.95

Made of batiste; very fine warm weather garments; me­dium low bust, long hip, elastic gore on hip, two hooks below clasp. Handsome silk top trim­ming, finished with white satin bow. Every one is new and fresh. Sizes 19 to 30.

PUuts—Second Floor

Annual Summer Sale of LingerieV A L U E S IM P O S S IB L E TO D U P L IC A T E L A T E R

Everything from Pajamas to Petticoats—adorable underclothes in a sale that will make fondest dreams come true.

Materials: Pink, blue and white wash Satin and Crepe dc Chine, turquoise and pink Satin striped Voiles, pink Witchery Crepe, Windsor and Victory Crepe, pink Batiste and white Nainsook and Cambric.

Designs of the newest, elaborated with hand embroidery—lace and embroidery trimmed.So fascinating—so reasonably priced that it will pay you to not only buy your entire

Summer needs, but to anticipate later needs and holiday gifts.

w. s. s.E v ery on* buying T h rif t

S tsm iit m eans the people so l­id ly In back of Uncle Sam. T he sooner th is la aeeom - slleh ed th e sooner r ig h t w ill tr iu m p h . Buy Stamps ep t- c ia lly du rh ig pledge week.

P la a ta —la lo n a a tlo a B anA e K ata F le e r Aaaex

Satin and Crepe de Chine LingerieEnvelope Chemises ......................................... 1.99, 2.99, 3.99, 4.95Bloomers ...................................................................1.99, 2.99, 4.95Gowns and P a jam as................................................3.99, 4.95, 5.95S k ir ts ..............................................................2,99, 3.99, 4.95, 5.95Camisoles......................................... 58c, 78c, 1.00,1.58, 1.99, 2.44

Satin Striped Voile and Pink Figured SUk and Cotton Lingerie

Gowns ......................................... ......................................1,58, 1.99Envelope C hem ise.................................................... 99c, 1.5^ 1.99Bloomers............................................................................99c, 1.58Pajam as........................................... . . . . 2.57, 2.99

Extra-Size Lingerie in This SaleDrawers Skirts .. Gowns ..

,87c........1.44, 1.78, 2.59............... lj?«: 2.67


Pink Batiste LingerieGowns ........................................................................99c, 1,68, 1.99Envelope C hem ise...................................................... 99c, 1.58, 1.99Bloomers .....................................................................58c, 99c, 1.68Pajamas ......................................................1.58, 1.99, 2.57, 2.99

,, White Nainsook and Cambric LingerieCorset C overs...................... 58c, 78c, 1.00Gowns .................................................... 99c, 1.18, 1.58, 1.99, 2.99Envelope C hem ise............................................ 79e, 99c, 1.68,1.99Skirts, lace and emb'ery trimmed. .87c, 1.18,1.58,1.99,2.99,3.99

Pink Windsor Crepe and Victory Crepe Lingerie Gowns

IncliHllng Bluebird and Butterfly DesignsG ow ns.....................L ^ 1.99 | Pajaaus ..................1.99, 2JS7Philippine Gowne and Envelope Chemiee 2,00, 2,95, 3.95

Plauti— Second Floor

Annual Sale Wool BlanketsA Reasonable Deposit Will Reserve Your Selections Until OctoberWith one-half our blanket mills today working on government contracts and abso­

lutely refusing orders for civilian trade it is almost impossible to secure goods at any price; therefore—

We strongly advise you to purchase your full supply of Fall and Winter blankets NOW.The blankets were purchased many mon ths ago, so that YOU would not be disap­

pointed in this long-looked-forward-to sale.Since then market prices have advanced a third.Can more be said of the genuineness of these values?

6.50 “Cralgsmore” Plaid BUnketo, Pair 5.4570x60 inches. Desirable, serviceable blinkets,

closely t^bveii, thoroughly twilled, high lofty finish. Non-Sbrinkable, handsome and attractive range of color combinations in broken plaid ef­fects.

12.00 ‘‘Ramsay’* Plaid Wool Blankets, Pair 9.95

70x80 inches. Large, desirable sizes, thor­oughly twilled. Made for good hard service. Soft, lofty nap, attractive block plaids in pink, blue, tan and gray. 3 inches white binding on end.

13.00 “Clyde” Plaid Wool Blankets,Pair 10.45

70i(b0 inches. Made from splendid quality, long itaple wool yarns, well constructedr toft, warm blankets with splendid lofty nap. Hand­some block plaid effect in pink, biue, gray and tan. 3-tnch colored binding to match.

8.00 White Blankets, Special 6.00 Pair70x82 inches. Splendid weight, firmly woven,

good lofty finish, possessing great wearing queti- ties. Attractive blankets In white with neat pink or blue borders.

13.50 “San Diego” White Wool Blankets, Pair 10.95

70x80. Made from splendid quality, fine long staple yarns, beautifully constructed, closely woven, soft, fleecy nap. While with pink or blue borders, with 3-inch colored silk binding to match.

12.00 "Primrofle” White Wool Blankets, Speeia] 9.75 Pair

76x84 inches. For extra large size beds, un­usually desirable blankets, superior construction, closely woven. Heavy weight, good lofty rap. Attractive white blankets with pink or blue bor­ders.

Subscribe to Newark's Quota of $200,000 forJEW ISH WAR RELIEF FUND

3,000,000 Jews In the war zone are starving; They needsuccor.

70,000 Jews are in Uncle Sam's Army and Navy. They need care and recreation.

A National Fund of $15,000,000 ii being railed for these important purposes. Newark's shire is S200,000, which mutt be subscribed between Monday, June 24, and Tuesday, July 2.

Give what you can—and then give again!

SEASHORE DELIVERIESSeashore deliveries by our own automobiles to i ll points

on the Jersey coast from Atlantic Highlands to Bay Head.Orders by mail or phone receive prompt attention. Sea­

shore office, 415 Monroe avenue, Asbury Park, N. J. Phona 219 Asbury Park.

Noticel Summer Store HoursJ u ly •

(Daily 0 A, M. to 5:30 P. M. j Saturdiy, July 6—9 A, M. to 6 P. M.

* j Saturdays, July 13, 20 and 27— CLOSED ALL DAY

fkii/TitGY/Daily 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.“ ------------- ---iSaturdayik-CLOSED ALL DAY

14.00 “hUgnoHa” White Wool Blflnketfl, Pair, 11.45

Attrketive blankets, white with pink or blue borders, made from choice selected wool ytrna. Splendid close weave, thoroughly twilled. Good soft nap, warm and comforVnle. For full t ize beds, 70x84 Inches.

10.50 ‘Veony” White Woo! Blanketfl, Spedil 8.79

70x82 inches. Full size bed*, beautiful high lofty flniah, blankets woven from good long staple yarns. Thoroughly twill­ed. White with pink or blue borders, wide while' binding.

Planta—Main Floor

9.00 “Peony” White Wool Blanketa, Special 7.50 Pr.60x80 In. Single or twin

beds, unufutlly wefl constructed blinkets, close, firm weave, thor­oughly twilled. Soft napped, white wl4k pink and blue bor­ders, 3 inch borders of white binding.

Sale of Restful HammocksTruly we c^n’t think of a more delightful Summer at less expenditure of

money than one spent largely in a hammock—especially if it is priced as reason­ably as these! These are the best hammocks at the lowest prices.

“RoneHnk” Hainmodu, ^ o c U 8,95

For ft low price hammock here la a wonderful value.

Made of good khaki cloth, tnat- trcM fitted with flhpr aod,cotton, covered with closely woven Denim. Baa the beat aprtngawith tweivt htlical aprtng aoft* port*. 9priflgl project oyor Hw fraflie, which inturei comfort.


17.00 “Romelink” HimmockiSpeda! 12.95

Criy or Tan heavy material, filled with choice cotton and fiber. Hm an adjustable back real, which can be placed In four positions, slat cross stretcher and chain suspenslona, which in­sure oven hanging. Complete with books and chains.'

15.00 “Romriink” Hammocks^Kcial 11.50

With head rest and legs. Can. be used in a room aa a sleeping couch. Made of heavy Khaki, miUrota .four Inches deep, filled with fiber cot­ton, top covered with good qual­ity Denim. All chain Anapen- tiona and vkry heavily eon* alructed. ■

Limited quantity.S hkdbL lJW .


- 22.50 “Rtmieiink’’ Dftvenport Hammock, Spedil 17.60Beat made and most comfort-

able hammock on the market. Haa the celebrated “Rome! Ink” springs with twelve spirals at each end and three center cross suspenalona.,

Covered with the best grade of kbtki, filltd with finest cotton and button tufted. Extraordinary big value. Can be had in gray or tan, complete with chaina.

IJSO gild 24N) CKtOfine Loangiag CinhioiiB, Each 98c

Benutiful cretonne covered / lounging cuahlena, round ead ob­long, covered 4n flne'eretonneet Some with aalesn-Lothert cov* tied with poplins.

Delightful Sewing Weather This!

White Dress Goods SpeciaOy PricedNOW is the time for sew­

ing, before the Intenae heat ot summer starts. These item s ere, therefore, most timely.

29c to 39c Famous

White Flaxon Fabrics Spedab 25c Yard

Simple pieces, high class, finely woven flaxon fabrics. 32 inches wide. Plain and a large variety of neat atrlpea in a number of atylee and sizes.

Sheer, dainty white goods for pretty Summer dresses and shirtwaists. Perfect, new, finely woven, pure white.

75c to 96c Higb-ClaM

White S k irtii^ Special^ 59c Yd.Handsome white sklrtinct

in gorgeous satin finish, plaids in an aiaortment oi sizes, beautiful etripes and other styles. Pinett quatity.pure white, richly mercerized in gabardine, whipcord and hengaliiie weavea. New, freshmaterials—just In for this lale. 36 inches wide.

Planta—Main F low

FOR TUESDAYOn Sale While Quantities Last

ODD BLOUSES, 69cVal. 1.00. Cotton blouses In col­

ored v-otls a l ih w bito co llars and trlnitnlngx. Ju s t odd six'** and sllxb lly soiled blouae*. sorx* w hite bloilses, lace trim m ed. Not all slsss. In each style. Main Floor . \n n s i .

MEN’S SHIRTS, 89cClean-up of m en's w ork Bhlrts to

be dlSDOaed of n l practically w hole­sale coel. B lur, ffray and khaki colors, collar u ltached ily le . Hisei. 14 to IT ti. No cretllta, C. 0. D.. mall o r phone orders. ,M en trance to the rlRht.

39c CRASH TOWELING, 29cFlue, ckHiqljr wov«n. atl Un«u

crirSh tow«liiiKt. h « v y wflicht. thor- oui^hly Ab«orb«Dt Drifia perfic tly . Bultftblt for hAnd* roller or diflh tow eji. Lower Jn prtcp than w can repiirohM e. HeiirlcHou of ton yards to oacb cuntonisr. No m»ll or Dbeno ordori. MbLm Flour.

.3.00 UTILITY BOXES, 1.99F ins Japanese m attlnx u tility and

ah lrlw ala t b o x .a ' > (l.Inches Iona, well made. Second Floor.

PARASOLS, 95c. Cretonne, pon ies, cotton, spo rt

Btrtcea, (towered sfteo ts and a few ribbon border*. Main Floor.

39c WHITE LAWN, 25c40 inches wlds. I to Id yard

lengths. Pure white, shser to ms* dium w eight, (In* threads, closeLr woven, splendid law ns for drsases, ahrrtw nlslt. aprons, nurses '.and Red Cross uniform s. Main Floor.


3 (or IJKL W amaa'sisrssy rib uiUou su its In pit rrench band too, k o ss Isnwth.. tn..

bottom. Mads iron) oombed yarn


ca ff ,______ ____ _____ ^ d yayiM.rolntorcod. whoro noodod. M n a

K B W A fiK E V E N IN G N B iV S . M O N D A T . TON®! 2*. Iftffl.

' '‘-i

W arR d irfF im d t o Be Started Tonight

Police and Fire DepartmeoU Enter Into Rivalry for Most


Repetition of Red Crosi Stunts

i r e r e e l LaaB thla* •* C aM t*!** *• ■*a t t» lU fcert

T re a t H a tr li F»Ua P a l i i ••■•a c h a ir - u a . M ar A aaoaaea B lc * • -t c l r r a aa Iat»*l«a f a t D rlra .

N ew arkera w hs w atched tn am uae. R e n t and found th e ir enthualaam aw akened by the rivalry of the F o lk* D epartm ent and th e E ire D epartm ent w o rk e r! In the In terea ta of the Bed Croaa and ntlier tia trin llc d rives will have an opportunity to wUnoea a elm- lia r h e ttle for euprem acy d u r ln t the co m ln f week, when the two depart- m e n u will a*aln become friendly eaemlcB, in the In te rc i t i th is tune ofthe American Jewish *\f*'®,* fa re fu n d . The drive hoAim In t ' ' . a rk and vicinity toniklil. J," .“yJu ly i, during which period the city leaaked to collect ‘ V '^ 'jo o 001)of the country '! fund of lll.000.»ou-Of th la am ount IS,000,00 o ’*fo r aoclal welfare w o f l * " " " ' V h Jw here Jewleb boyi are inm ajor p art of the fund f "th e Jew a IB fbo w ar-to rn d le tr lc ti of

* lJ n d e r the direction of CapU in Mo- B elt of the trartle equad, the P®"®*"'*"

<‘ia^rry out * itr<fnu(^n* th u t w ill Include ths? ' holdlrii? up ' P*m oto rle ta who will be aaked t“W elftra fund'i s ta r paatere for th r i rc a r .; th e placing of; m ; a b u ru la aT mi of t h . c i t y , trartlo im eraectlona, tp U«by Oltleere at limae atatlona; th e .p u r ­r in g of enthuelaai.i by the Police Band, and IMJlvldual rolieclloni by a ll o ther Interated policemen.

P alire lo Ceadnet B laek Danee.A feature of the police p fog ram w ill

he a block dance, to be given Wednec- day n igh t in F rank lin s tre e t, betw eea Broad and Mulberry e tree ti, w ith Csp- la ln IrlcRell nreeliUntJ. Music w ill be “ rn ijned by Ifk P o lk . Band, m ounted on trucke mMwav In the block, and th e re will be alnglne of pa trio tic eonge obder the loaderihlp of tho B am berger U b e r ty (.'bonii. The en tire prucerda w ill be turned over to th e fund.

Chief John A. Towey of th e F lra De- B ir tm cn t l i chairm an of th e firem en a program , the chief fea tu re of which w in bo the dally s tree t drive, when firem en specially l e l e e t^ for their pow are of peretiaslon w ill exhort the orowda from one of th e ir own trucks, to be atatloned as tollawa;

In fro n t of U Bam berger A Co., to - gKirraw; L. R P laut A Co., W ednesday; R ahne A Co., Thureday: th e P ruden tia l,

m aler; SIS. Joeeph «e Ckco ve. Gen- croao Della Vecehla; s n . Anna Shmoska TP. Public Service; 1*1,'Joseph E. Atna- ro te va. David Vf. Dorfm an: MT, R af- faela C appetta va. Punllo 8 e rv k e ; BO!, Ja m ei E. F u ller v i. Becaiirt N ational B ank; E70. Hoia B, McUeaii v*. Mayor and Common Council, N ew ark; I l f . Rosa I.<vln* VI. Louli Dobbin; i l j . Anna L ev iv ltik a va. gteve HavUskl; 571, H enry K eller v i. Public Service; S7I. E iaex County Brew ing Compaiiy vi. w iiitam C. H ocner: S7t. Anna M. CallanW illiam C. Hooper; S7», Anna vs. W illiam Bauer

Red Cross Asks Knitters To Help Supply Big Quota

K n ltte r i for the N ewark C hapter of the Amarlcan Red Croie m ust epeed up th e ir w ork if the wool departm ent le to have Ua allotm ent of aocki, aw eat- e ia and helm eti ready for ehlliment be­fore September. T h k la the w arn ing given by M rs George Hill W righ t.chairm an.

The required humber term enta* 24,u00 pair* of BO<.'ki, 6i0i)0 ew eatere and 1.000 helm eti. w ilt be needed In the early fall, and Inetructlons from national headquarters etate th a t thle w ork Buperaedee a lt o ther ou tstand ing alloUnonta and th a t early sh ipm ents a re expected. .Mrs. W right sta ted today tha t there la plenty of n'ool a t tha headquarters. 77S-777 Broad s lree t. for volunteer knitters.

If posslhle, chap ters a re asked lo exceed the alloted quota of socks, sw eaters and helntsla, KnlUera not fam iliar with the way garm entn are to be m ade are aak td to call a t h ead ­q u a rte rs for directions lit order th a t completed a rtic les w ill m easure up to reqiilrem enta.

Women and g irls who are leaving the city on vacallons a te asked to kn it for tha chap ter while aw ay ami to fo rw ard com pleted garm en ts to the headquarters. A uxiliary and un it c h a ir ­men will urge their co-w orkers lo as- eisl In the drive and to In terest friends who have heretofore been generous In doing k n ittin g for the chapter, as well aa those who have not previously vol­un teered the ir aervlcfl In th is work.

State Banks A rc Asked To Meet in G)nvention

Banking Commissioner Smith Calls

Conference at Trenton for


Nation-Wide Association Likely

to have sold llqnor la p riv a te T hom as Dunn, who w as home on furlough from Camp M cClallan, Anniston.

, P leas of n o t g u ilty were en tered be­fore Ju d g e H a ig h t by P atrick Fahey of H 7 M ulberry e ir e s t end Hugo Rauech of S4 N ineteenth avenue, w ho are charged w ith having linperaonnted revenue a g e n ts In an attem pt to d e ­fraud W illiam I’. P eti, a Springfield saloonkeeper, o f SU.DMI.

Adam B ran d i of 40 F e rry e tree t, charged w ith fa ilu re to re g is te r for •elective service, pleaded no t g u ilty and w as rem anded to aw ait tria l.

New Jersey s ta te banks , eavlngehanks and iru* t com pantea have bee n f

Young Woman I* Missing Since She Left Her Home a Week Ago

May Pay $10,000 to New Charities Commissioner

Reorganized Stale Board Today Expected to Fix Salary of It* Ex'

ecutive, Burdette G. Lewis.

Group of Appointment* Likely

prom ie* to tak a proper o ars o f th la .dum p." :

Mr, Van Duyna explained th a t ea rth ; w as being used to doyer th a dump, i b u t th a t It w aa expensive and hard to get. He said he had been m ak in g a s tu d y of g arbage conditions genera lly and Intended to m ake recom m endatlona to Com m issioner Raymond tom orrow .

Calvary Church Concludes Its Fiftieth Anniversary Services

F riday ; U Bam berger A Co., B alurday;R ahne A Co,.' Montfay. Ju ly 1; th a P m - Aentlal, Tuesday, Ju ly 1. The polio*-

Sen w ill be a t thaaa atatlona on a lte r - Lte daya.

Bireat** *• tcU Fasi*M>Th* W«1tafe fbild p a lte r* w ill be eold

by firem en from In fro n t of a ll th a tir* boueea In K ewark and th e tow na th a t a re aid ing In tha drlvw I t la tn e ir t e n lo lea f* nb m otorlat "untouched.” IB th e downtown drives th a F l r ^ e n ' i

Burglars Move Out Slater Safe, Get $2,000 and Disturb Nobody

B u rslA ti en te rid the SU ler Shoe CompMiy'a sto re a t 603 Brourt betw een Salurday n lg h l and thU m orn- Intfr rnovad tha sa fe from the cant#? of tha shop lo the back yard, broke open the f ro n t door and went aw ay w ith |2,000 In cash w ithou t a t lr r in f a ripple o f excitem ent In the neighborhood. Tha only clues the police have to w ork on nra ■ trld crlftv* Rod the s ta ta m e n t of

nd w ill be anpplim anted w ith B fr*« of th e ever-periu ta live hlegaphcitie*.

Both pblleemah and firem en w lli .gd

are a kid glove and the s ta tem en t an employee *( a g arage In the re a r of the place th a t he heard aom ebodj ru n ­ning near the bach of the store la te Saturday night.

The safe waa two feet high and waa quite heavy, bu t the In truders su c­ceeded in g e ttin g It out of th e door they had Jimmied open. W hether It was stnaehed open or blown open w ith an exploelve is not clear.

P roperly valued a t *245 was stolen yesterday In the Hill section, according to th ree repo rts made a t the F ourth P raclnct la s t night. Mrs. Barah Ball of 2*6 prince s tree t reported th a t 1152 w as taken from her pe tticoat w hile she w as w e a r ln g i^ s garm ant. The money w as w rapped 'fn a paper package, she said. She waa unable to explain Ita d isaphsarance.

Jew elry valued a t *100. to g e th er w ith *} In cash, waa taken from the a p a r t ­m ent of Zussi B ordtnaky of l*S Spruce atreet. E n trance wae m ade by fo rcing the . fro n t door. Dora B raunsleln of I t South O range avenue reported th a t block tin valued a t *40 waa atolen from th* ee tlar of her aaloon y ss ttrd a y a f ­ternoon.

aeksd by Btata C om m issioner of B ank­ing F. H. Smith lo aand represen tatives to a convention of tho se Institu tions lo be held, as called by him. a t the sta te house, Trenton, a t J o 'clock Thursday afternoon, to discuee federa l hanking legislation and a p lan fo r the organlxa- lion la ter of a n a tio n a l association of ■uch Institu tions and those from like cohvetitlons to be held, o r which may have been held. In o th e r sla tes.

The object of th * prelim inary een- ventlon T liuriday la to consider sta le bank ing In ts re s ti In the lig h t of pend­ing federal le g is la t io n to r the protec­tion of s la ts bank and t ru s t company and eavlngs ban k p re ro g a tlv ii and rights, Then If the l a t f r convention, to • be called tor re p re se n ta tiv e ! of sim ­ila r conventions In nil o r o ther sla tes, [ decides to do so, It w ill go on and srse t , a g reat national o rg a n ta a tio n lo repre- aant the Stale f in an c ia l In stitu tion s 4n [ keeping an eye on fed e ra l legislation w hich may be th o u g h t Inim ical of their Interests.

The Now Je rsey S ta te Com m lisloner of Hanking of New Je rs e y w rote early th is month to e la te b a n k in g Instllu- tlons extdalnlng to them th a t a con­vention of BUpervlBora o f s ta le banks was recently held a t D i l t l t Rock, Ark., a t which pending fed e ra l leg lila tlo n in fa r as It would a f fe c t s ta te banking Institu tions w as d iscussed . He a*)d the gathering re su lted In the appoin t­m ent of a com m ittee, of w hich George 1 yklnner, su p e rin ten d en t of banks for th s sla te of New Y ork Is chairm an, to form a national aeeoc la tlon of at»le In illtu tlons. Mr. S m ith Incloaed a copy of rseolu tloni adop ted In New York for ih® conBideratlbii o f Now Jersey Inill- tu tlons and asked adv ice a s to hi* ca ll­ing a convention a t an ea rly da te to tak e action In co n fo rm ity w ith tha relolutlons,

Home llm* la te r B an k in g rom m l*- aloner Smith w ro te a g a in to the atat* banking Inslltu flons In h i* charge say-

that rep lies lo h is f irs t le tter

W ithout h in t o f trouble o r sign o f worry, Mrs. Lucy Lessa Mary Sosvu**a, nineteen yehr* old, and m arried ab o u t a

Ingshowed th a t s ta te b a n k e rs a re prac- tloally unanim ous in th e ir deeire for an opportunity to d leeuss pending fed­eral legislation " re la t in g to sta te banks, tru s t com pan ies and saving* bank*’." He th e reu p o n called T hurs­day 's convention. Ho asked bankers whom he addressed to com a to the eon- ventlon prepared to d iscu ss the follow ­ing iub jec ts; T

Proposed am en d m en ts to the federal reserve act know n aa th e Phelan bill, M-H, 11.21!-

Recom tnendallon* by counsel to the Federal Reeerve B oard re la tin g to fed­eral and s ta te le g is la tio n affecllng ■tate In itltu tlona.

Federal g u a ra n ty of (n a tional or re­serve bsnk-m em ber b a n k s? ) deposit*.

Shall an asaoclatlon o t a ta te financial Instllultona be fo rm ed?

Mr*. L ucy L. M. Se*vnaa* year, le f t h e r hom e a t 1*2 W arren a tre e t a w eek ago today and failed to re tu rn . She told h e r people she p lanned to v telt a d e n tis t to have a tooth pulled.

A ccording to h er sister. Mies M afalda Lessa, w ho alao llv e t a t th e W arren stree t address. Mrs. Scavuxia had no reason fo r leav ing her home. H er re la ­tives g re a tly fe a r th a t som eth ing m ay have happened to her. b u t sea rch Of ho*pltals and police record* ha* r e ­vealed no trace . Mrs. S cav u iia , a c ­cording lo h e r custom, took w ith her all the m oney th a t w as in h er a p a r t ­m ent, abo u t *100 In all.

W hen la s t seen. M ra S'-avuxaa w ore a b lue dress, a la rg e w hite h a t. w h ite shoes, a b race le t w atch, lav allie re , a diam ond r in g and her w edding ring . H er h a ir and eyes are black, an d she Is abo u t five fea t five inches ta ll.

Speotil gfrrlrr nf Ills .YglfF.JBBREY CITY. Ju n e 24— When the

new ^ ta te Board o f C harities and C or­rections, c rea ted under the law adopted by the L eg isla tu re of la s t w in­ter, com pletes Its o rg an lia tlo n a t the C artere t Club in th is city today It t i understood th a t th e sa la ry of B urdette G. Lewis, th e new a ta te commissioner, w ill be fixed a t *l0,0<l0 a year. Mr. Lewis replaced R ichard Stockton, whose term of o ffice expired aa the new law took effec t. Ten thousand dollara ' sa la ry la th e maximum a l ­lowed under th e provtalona of the law , and It le *4,000 ov er th e figurea recom ­mended by G overnor Edge,

The new beard w ill tak e office Ju ly 1 and there a re a num ber of appolnt- m ente to v ario u s b ranches of the d t- partm ent w hich hava been subm itted to Governor E dge to r hiB approval. Thole, It Is th o u g h t, w ill be re tu rned to the board ta te today for action.

One of the b ig plum s handed out by the board Is th a t of secre tary , which goes to B arton T. F ell, who w as tw ice defeated to r the nom ination of sheriff in Mercer C ounty and who held g riev ­ance agalnet (he Republican o rg an isa ­tion for hie d e f e a t He w ill receive *3,000 annually , w hich la tLOOO less than Com m laslonsr S tockton received.

There are approx im ately seven ty- five names In th e l is t of appointm ents m ade by the new board and chiefs of bureaus a re to be nam ed It they are not In the lis t a lready In the hand* of Governor Edge.

In a list o f o ffices to be com blntd suggested by G overnor Edge are th e follow ing: L abor and ag ricu ltu re ,w ith a e b lif a t *1,500; a prison labor ag en t a t *2,500 and an ag ricu ltu ra l expert a t *2,000; medicine and psy­ch ia try chief a t *4,000. and tw o re- aearcli w o rk ira a t *1,500 and *1.200, re ­spectively; adm issions, deaths, d is­charges, paroles. , sta tis tics, chief, *3,000; tw o m v ea tlg a to rs a t *1,200 and *1.500; education and occupational dlB- eaaea, chief, *3,000.

T he clnalng services m a rk in g the ce leb ra tion of the fiftie th an n iversary of l.'a lvary P resby terian C hurch w ere held yesterday. In the m orn ing the p as to r. Rev, W, P. Lemon, d rew the teach in g fo r an an n iv ersa ry aermon from th e a ttitu d e of the early Jew s to w ard the Holy City and Ita tem ple and th e Influence o f the p rophet Zech- arlah .

'The peat Is fo r the Insp ira tion and n o t to r the Im itation of th e p resen t and fu tu re ," said the clergym an. "The old lan d m ark s are guide posts, b u t when they ham per p resen t developm ent they ceaae to be useful. The m ilestones m ust no t bs g rave stones else w e a re In a cem etery and no t on the K in g 's h igh­way.

"In all th e b lesslng l th a t th e pest has bequathed to us. It Is su re ly the h ighest com plim ent and the best con­se rv a tio n to discern the ImperlHhahle co n tac ts of Qpd upon th s lives of the p as t T he uncouthneas of ancien t good la th u s avoided. To rsbu lld cM w alls m ay be to cram p God In I lls p resent and fu tu re power. To the p rophet and lo I S the abiding value of the vision la th e proteotlon of the ever liv ing God a s the tru e wall of KIs people. The uses o f th e past are to he Judged l a the Insp iration for an tv e r expanding fu tu re ."

implies not only prompt ship­ments and courteous handling of an account, but uniformity and reliability of product.

We have been serving the people of Newark with

P ain t, Oil,G lass, Brushes,

V arnish, Factory and Mill

Supplieswith high grade goods for many years, and shall en­deavor to continue supplying only goods of quality at reasonable prices.

May we quote you on your requirements for goods in our line?

Really Tramactions Recordetl Point to Business Expansions

Forest Hill Folk Object to Silver Lake Garbage Dump

Two Men Held for Grand Jury To Answer to Larceny Charges

Saloon Man Pleads Not Guilty; Liquor Sale to Soldier Charged

th ro u g h loeal (beaters n ig h tly , m bklng B rief aptsohe* and a sk in g th e aUdlaticea to give a* much lo o |e change *■ th ey can. Loul* R. Golding, chairm an b f th* theater ce tnm iu te , l* a rra n g in g a schedule th a t w in enable th e tw o de- * a r t mem* to „ ap p ear on a lte rn a te Blghtb.

IM*a*C. a t Robert T re a t H*t*LMembers o t the com m ittee In charge

have completed arrb figen ten ts fo r th*

Canadian British Mission OpenAgain to Colored Recruits

fo rm al opening ef the drive tonigh t, w hich wlit tak e tiM form a t a d ian er a tth a R obert T rea l Hotel. O fflce ri. cap­ta in s o f team s a h a t a u m W o f Ih v iu aB llsa ta will lla tsn to a d d re ss ts by Gov- g rno r KdWA Abram 1. BIkuA form er A m bassador to T urkey ; N athan S traoa and Ju liu s R rasa of New York.

The captain* and th e ir team * Will r*- «»lv* th e ir l i l t s of ooncerns an d Indi­v iduals tonigh t and will s t a r t on th e ir rounds for auhscripllon* ea rly tom or­row m orning. I t Is expected th a t Felix Ihild, a ta te chairm an and local tre a s ­u re r o f the drive, will announce aoma lu b s ta a tia l subecrlp tlons ton igh t, to g ive Im petus to the open ing of the drive.

In churehee o f all oreeda y esterday th d pasto rs spoke In b ehalf of tho fund, rem ind ing their congregations o t a ll th a t the Jew ish people had done to aid th e ir drives and stre ss in g the ta c t th a t, Inaam uch as in our a rm le i, Je w ish and Q entlte boys were fig h tin g side by s ld a go ihoUld all oIvlUane un ite to tig h t for those who the w ar had m ade homeleea bad ita rv ln g .

InstrueU nns have been received by the C anadian B ritleh R ecru iting Mla- aloti to accept colored men for the se r vice. Bom- tim e ago a num ber w ere aooepted and then there w as a fa llin g oft and to r .1 tim e they were refused. This new order reopens the door.

Noonday m eetings In M ilitary P a rk wsr*_ rcfum m l today. A largo crowd heard the spookere, w ho u rged a ll B ritish sub jec ts to Join the ra n k s and the Am sricniis to Join th e ir toroee. Joseph P. Taylor, civilian rac ru ltln g officer, and Sergeant Edw in J. Leseol w ere th s speakers.

Oae Maa le a f to T a sk Corps.P reced ing its l is t of 100 men tn be

sent aw ay tom orrow the lacond local board today sent sw ay one m an of the special Induction class. Me w as H enry Rchw urtsm sn ot 2 Elm street, w ho w ent to F o rt Ktocum to bs assigned to the tan k corps.

Indicted for tho a lleged sale of liquor to a so ld ier, N athan Franxblau, proprietor of s aaloon a t 03 Mulberry street, th is m orn ing pleaded not guilty hefore Judge H a ig h t In U nited Stale* D istric t Court. Ho p robab ly w ill be tried during th e w eek o f Ju ly 0. Hla ball of *1.000, g iv en before Unlteii S tates Com m lsaloner M atthew s on May 37, w as continued.

F ranab lau 's I lcenw w a s revoked by the city a u th o ritie s la s t T hursday, fol­lowing h1» conviction In the county courts of hav ing eold liq u o r on Election

Two m en charged w ith g ran d larceny were held In *!oo ball each th is m o rn ­ing by Ju d g e D'Alola s t th e T h ird P re ­cinct C ourt, Joseph W lerw le* of 13 W est l lT lh s tree t, New York, w hen a r ­rested In Je rsey City y es te rd ay by h ead q u arte rs detectives. Is said to have been w earing a su it alleged by Simon A lenkewlcx of 60! M arket s t r e e t lo be p a rt of * l0 i- w orth of clo th ing eto ien by W lerwle*.

Leon M uscenskl o t J73 E a s t K inney a tree t w as tha o ther man held under ball. H e was charged by G ustave F, K reckow skl o t 30 Mott s t r e e t w ith s tea lin g *40 while the tw o men w ere w alk ing together.

Day.The soldier to whom ha Is allegsd

Old Candy Store Chaages Hand*.A fter th irty -f iv e years In the con­

fectionery business a t Zt4 M arket a tree t. C. H, G erdes today closed a deal by w hich th e store is tak en over by John K. PolchOB, who will con tinue It. The predet-essor of Gardes w as Jo h n J, Belmor, who conducted ihe sto re fo r tw en ty -tw o years. Gerdes w ill re tire from busInoRB.

P ro test a g a in s t conditions * t tho silv e r Lake g arb ag e dump, w here files breed and from w hich obnoxious odors arise, waa m ade today by the health committee o f th o F orest H ill P roU c- tlvo A ssociation lo Deputy D irecto r Van Duyne o f th e D epartm ent of S treets and P ub lic Im provem ents. The com m ittee m em bers said th a t unless Ihe eondltlons w ar* remedied, tho aeso- elatlon would go to Chancery and seek to restrain the city from using the dump. Mr. v a n Duyne prom ised to give the relief sought.

On the com m ittee w ere A. A. Drew, president o t th o association; Thomas L. Ston* and C harle* T. W lttsteln . H ealth Oftloer C raater w as xr the m eeting. I t w as suggested b y th e committee th a t the praetlc* of allow ing the dumps to be picked over shou ld be abandoned, as It w as ap p a re n t th a t Ibis waa the cause of the nuisance. The mem bera Bald th a t sp read in g th e garbage over a large area p reven ted Its being covered w ith earth , and they desired th a t only a smalt asctlon b* dumped on and th is covered Im m ediately w ith earth.

Dr. C ra e tir sa id th a t a t p re len t he did not believe ther* waa any m enace to health from th e dump, but th a t th e re w as a p o ten tia l m en ace ,. and th a t It w as up to th e departm ent to ta k e proper care of th e dump.

" i t you can show ue th a t thle dum p con he m ade som ething besldea the p e s m e n tta l.h e l* It now le," aalA Mr. Drew, "we a re w illing to he Oon'sld- e ra tf . O therw laa w*'ll go Into C han­cery. We have been w aiting two years f e r th* e lty to n o k * good on Its

Expanelon of three b itslneat e n te r­p rise s le recorded tn rea lty re p o rts tn th is c ity and vicinity. T he M. V. W eath er T rain C ontro ller Com­pany le in sta lling m achinery In Its recen tly purohassd p lan t a t Sum ­m er avenue and Crane a tre e t. This concern Is to m anufacture a device for use In Connection w ith ra ilro ad block ■Ignala fo r au tom atica lly stopp ing t r a in s which for any reason pass Sig­n a ls se t ag a in s t them.

T he H arrison T extile W orks, fo r­m erly o t Arlington, has leased from L eonard Kallsch, th rough Louis Scblss- inger. Inc., the en tire second floor of th e fac to ry building a t 111-521 Adama s tre * '. runn ing from M alvern to De- lancey s tree t. The H arriso n Textile W orks Is affilia ted w ith the H erb ert Bilk Company o t Paterso'n.

T he A m srlcunC ooperage Company has ren ted th e prem ises a t 210-240 Badger avenue from John C. E lscle, through F e ist A Feist. The p roperty h as a f ro n t­a g e of 520 feet, runn ing sou th to B ige­low s tree t, and a depth of 110 feet. The leaee hae a clause providing th a t new bu ild ings can be erected a t once, Poa- sesston Is lo be taken Im m ediately.

J. j . Hockenjos Co.829 Broad Street


OFFICE OF CITT CLKRK. , Kewftrk, If. S-, Jitnt t t , I9IS.

Ileport of deaths for lh« week endlnt June 33. i»is: Men. 37; boys. 21; women. 14;tlrli, IT; total, ti.

y ^ r and under, II; betwatn 1 and 2 yoere, 8; between 2 and 6 yearu, 4: between 6 and 10 yeara. I; botwaen ID ami 20 yeara, 4. botwaan 2 ^ and SI yaar^ 6. be- lwe«n $0 and 40 yoara. It: between 40 and (dyears’ 9; between 00 and BO yeara ll'j be-

' •""nreeti TOtween 60 ami 79 yeavR, 5; between TO afid 80 yeart, T; tO and over. I.

DlMaoea—AtiCtdenU. fall from acaffoM* S: accidenta. IllumlnattnK faa polioninf, I; a<‘* cldenta. acalde of body. 1; acoldenta, trolley injurlea, 1, acoldenta, wafoh Injurlea. 1; anaemia. 1; anciaa peetorJa, 2; apoplaxy nrcerebral hemorrhace. 4: arterlo ideroata, 1 bronchltla* 8; Brifht'a diuaiM, kldhOya* „1

Schoolboy Athlete*. Employed On Farm Together, Play Ball

N um erous schoolboy a th le te s , rsp re- oen tlng Irv ing ton H igh. South Bide H igh, Bloom tlsld H igh. T ren ton H igh and P rinceton High, a re w o rk in g on th e W alker-Q ordon farm a t Plalnsboro, T hey found time one day la s t w eek to p lay a gam e of ball, th e fa rm h an d , b ea tin g the dairy men, 1* to 6. Alan ("B keete") Denman, C harles G ross and H aro ld M iller of Irv ing ton , R ansley O rogh and Harold H enderson of South Side w ere on tho w inn ing team .

Ice Palace File* ScheduleI t s ichcdu ls In b an k ru p tcy b S i Juat

been fHftd w ith R e ta rds ChftrU i M. M ason by tho N ow trk Ico P s ltc e , show . I n f HablDtios of $62^36.90 and Skiet8 o f | t ] , 150.24, tJn ifcu red claim s aroonsr th s lla b lllt ts i to ta l 147,540.43, The a s se ts consist en tire ty of inaehlnsry. too ls end «qutf7i4isnt

The schedule wae eortlflsd by G so ffs H. C ains. sscfSt&ry oT th s company. Th© concern was ad jud icated In bank* ru p tcy several w eeks ago.

carcinoma of luiif. l; carclnonia of liver. 1; carcinoma of rectum. 4; cholara IDfsntacn or Hummar complaint 3: clrrhosu Hvar. 1: dif­ficult labor. 1; diabetM moiltua, 1; iherla, 1; ondocarditia, f; antaro. ooMt}|.-t; anterltla 1; taatro entarUla, I; IntaetmaL obstruction, 1; m arum ui or malnatrltlon. 1; meaaiaa, 1; menlnfltla. tubarcular. 1; myocardltla, 4; nephrltla, I; phthlita, pul- monalla. 8; pneumonia, lobar, 6; pnaumOnla. broncho, I: pramatura birth, 2: aaptioamla. foilowlnK operation for appendlcUla. 1; aaptl- eemla. due to infected wound of flncar. 1; tubercnloila, 11; whonptnt cout^h- 1; cdrdiac tnaufficlsncy, t ; pyemia, 2; empyemla, t.

Placaa at Nativity—United Btatea 7^; lre> land, 6; France, 1; Germany. 6; Chtaa. l; KuialSi'S; Auitrla. t; Belgium, 1-

Color—White, t3; cOlor^, 6.81111 Blrtha—>kale. 7; female. 5.

W. J. GGAN. Cl4r Ckrk,


Notice la hereby slvan that an aas«s41nani si'on all tha ownetvi of all tha hiuils and rral SlUta peculiarly benefited -by each of iha foltowlnx improvamanU, namely: The repavins of Meeker avehue from Bliaafaetii avenue to Frellnghuyean avenue, aceerdlng to the provlaiona of an ordinance ef the cityof Newark, entitled "An ordlnanct ts pi

■ ■■ ■ ■ frivide for tha ref^vlnf of Meeker avinuS EltKabeth avenue te PreUnfhttyas& avenup, with aephalt pavement ftwo*1hch aorface, one and one>ha1f Inch blnderl. on the. old tel ford foundation, approved Hay' I. 1F17. haa been prepare'! by the underPi^ea covn mleetonera of aweBamenta for local Irrlprpee- ments, appolpied by the Board of Comibla- ■lonvB of the. city ** report' by a cerHfj aeeofnpanylhf map

ity sf NawarK and that a iTlrate In writing, with an lap and acbedule* Ihowlnr

the Mverai aaeeaements acalnat the eereral ' benefited kJ aforesaid, he* I the office ©f tb* elty clerk lewark, for exdml&ayso^ .by

owners McuUarly benefited M aforesaid, he* been dapoaUed In the office ©f tb* d ty clerk- -• - - f No ' ‘of the city of - ____ _ --- ,—the parties Intereated therein. : '

Bald aeeeaamonf compHeoa ail IcrUL trad aand parcile ot land and ctsL olMtd-to be seaeiaed sa aforeeald, IriPlL on w th

The S tore 3s d o sed 5 Of! S a tu rd ay s a t 12 noora

aldae of Meeker avenue from SlimtMtb Sve* nue to Freiingbuysen svanue.

A <Mot" repreaenla an entire plot of land whether large or small.

All peraoite InterHted In eatd s eaeaeonent may be heard before said commteetoncra of aaeMsmenia for local Improvements on Thureday aftertvoen, the tweniy^aeTentb day of June, m i , a t 4 F. H. a t the opmmii- ■lenera’ room, No. 4 (third floor), city hall.

Dated June 21, H14.

Referee Confirms If Hand Sale Following Receiver’s Petition

TOMORROW’S CXXJRT CALLT he calls tom orrow In th # county

«*urt* w ill bs as follow s;Supreme Court C ircuit, Ju d g e Dun-

f a n —**0, Marie Plniiow ve. E rie R slI- rttsd Company: 2!4. Ju liu s G ladstone va. !*ldor O lickln; 217, M arls G. Local v a Baniuel Soheer; 2*1, F ra n k O uarlno vS. Jam es W sIIw ork; 29], M orris L esser vs. Jenn ie Fishm an; 294. R o ia T. Rady vs. F ub lle Service R ailw ay C om pany; 595, Andrew Becker vs. Public Barvlee B all- Way Company; l i t , E vanna Rome vs.

. raador G llckm an; 225, G eorge E. F a r- lay va, Samuel A. I-eonord: 177, Jam es O sm ba vs. Joseph May: 212, W illiam F O'Byrno vs. John M. H aram allan; 215, W illiam F. o 'B yrne vs. P au l H sm m al- lan ; 255, Amanda Jo n e s vs. Joeeph A iello; 254. Mary K ane vs. M orris C ounty T raction Com pany; J42, Angelo U . Tedeteo vs. Public Service R a il­w ay cenipanT; 214, C lara H frceholf vs. j Buprems Conclave o t th e Im proved O r- { der HeptSMphe. |

C ircuit Court, Jud g e A dam s— S3S F rancis B lrtw lsjle va. Publto Bervlca' SSI, a iav an ln s M. M nsiaro vs., C harlss B. Howard; 552, C onstantino N apovsno | vs. De Voe Motors C orporation; 554. , E lisabeth H oltm an vs. N icholas W eber; I *S6, Richard Berry ve. People 's R ealty i Company; 525, A lbert H. P oggenberg vs. Alfred H. Benjam in; 415, Jacques A verbuich vs. Thomas E. G lseson; 557, ; Joseph Grower ve. George B a k o i; 551, Thomas F. M artin vs. P h ilip Bteder-

An order confirm ing the receiver's sale of the stock and ch a tte ls ot Iff lan d 's re e ta u rsn t and cafe a t 1ST M arket s tre e t wae made by R eferee in B ankrup tcy Charles 51, Mason th la m orning upon petition o t R eceiver Abe Itaohlln.

R eport of the sale showed th a t the a rtic le s disposed o t b rought a to ta l of *5,t'T2.!l. Ot th is *2,055 Was paid fo r tw o ce rtific a te , en titlin g the purchaser to tw en ty .five barre ls of liquor stored In a bonded w are house In BaUlmor*.

Altnum $c do*WILLIAM DIMONDi

JGU3T S O ~ “ ‘a u g u st s o f f k l ,BERNARD K. JUIHIID.

Commlaelener. ot A »*s.m .nti tor liOeal Im- previmentii


GITT o r NEWARK. N .J . , Parvnant to a reiolotlop adopted fy ,th *

Board of CemmlaeloneTs of th . city off New­ark. at a meatln* held the 20th day of Junt i m , public notice le hereby iivea that It I.

MADISON AVENUE - FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORKthe intention of the Board off Comroieilonern ot the elty ot Newark, under and by virtu-dikw awO anllFlwA *'An Ar;l

T h fr ty - fo u r th S tre e t Thirty-fifth Street

ef provtilon. et the act emlUed ''An Act to Revlee and Amend the Charter ef tlw Ctt, ot Newark," approved March 11, 1517, ae-l :he eUBplemente thereto, and other publl ewe off the etate ot New Jerew. to ord

and cauBB the conitructlen of an elfht teithe

Inch pipe tewer, lo bo uaed (or hodee lewnonly,'in Lindetey avenda. eetweep Aieaenurr etreet and Brookdata aranue, with e broh,-h

Anki© Br©k©ii In F all.A forly -foo t fnll last S aturday from

a gcsffrild on a 8inf>keiitack reauUed in 8 b roken righ t ankle for David .^loxan* d*r of 71 Ann atroet. A lexander waa RAIntlng the Black a t tho p lan t of the IBbell‘P o rte r Company a t Brldit© i t r e e t w hen hei toppled over imckwarde He wag taken to the City H oapltal.


A Spec3a3 Olfferimig off

for week-end or vacation use

will take plac to-morrow in the Leather Goods Department, on the First Fioor

LakatlTa Fruit Roila c]*an llie ayiitem and brln*: happy daya. Rat a mil at b«ii ttmp and stop the caueea of hll- lottimeM, hoUnche. Indlgept1«n and conillpatinn. Made wlch real froitn-^Natura’a lamtlve fof»da. rackaire of Tloll-1 *t dp'ie

Excellent Values will be obtainable.


(Sizes 16, 17 and 18 inches) of black grain leather, lined with khaki .


■truet OB in iimMl 820 Nat

it gv<.. uhue 1 nBrttttnya^

will be made, becoming effective tomorrow, in the prices of a number of

Jndiley avenue ab -u- . . . . - Ills hewer to he le^d

with Itoiwe toBB*etlena ta the curb llnee u aceOrdanee with th* eUlUtei el this etei„. togelfier wHh all. the apfurteeahe*. n « .^ ■any to eempleCe .th* seme.

Such eeteaaa as may oMeet thereto are requeeted topreOMt tholt objectlooe Ih wrli ■ lag to the dtreelor. »ei>»f},"'™I 'and Fubllc Improvemebte. City Halt, Newarb. on nr before the expiration ot five dayt from date of thlo .OoUoe. ■

By dtrsctlon of lha Board of Cbmniiiaion* or. ot the city of Newark.

Chief Engineer. Department e l gireeto end Public improvementjk

Newark. N. J.. June 51. IIII.

In several desirable and seasonable styles, which, in consequence of incomplete size ranges, have been taken out of stock and will be re-priced at

h ig h STBBBT R B P A '^G .Notice la hereby given th^at the commU-

•lon«r« h6relofoM *^r45Sla?k*t2of cemmlMloaet* of th© of N6wmb* to

l^ y \5 r i .o 'i ‘l . r r S V " ^ ‘ Vf.I S tv S ’-icl* hav‘: X!qulred, nave mode an-eeH saU and w m -

$16.50, $19.50 & $24.50 (Department on the Third Floor)

n^aara 6f all lahdb htid real ^heM iSewark pecollnrly benefited by ^ h

o t\h 'e foHewlng’ lmpSVeme'tiUi'la said oily, aejnely---------- Werrealaroi

I I A a. I .hi 4( I

wtik four (4) tech wood bSocii ■, atz il) lach oonerete four Moved Oolnber 1. 1216. Said hMeloment coBiprleee all l iu , iraote and paff^le J‘l land

pavj l S i id *!

ivament o& ,1on. Ap- uebaiDont

in T rV a re ^ te ’'Uabie”to'be iJjeeeira M afore- Bold Jyi*a on both ildee of Rign fS m W alfan atreet to the


Wflhovt eucoeM. U may be due lo the fact that yoo have not had a thorough phyeleal esaminatlnn and the cauee of your trouble

not been feund. Flndlgg the oausa of the dlseaae to the moat Impbrtant of a doc- ter'a work.

Wa mike a thorough examination of eech and every patient that ealU a t our ofneoe. By meaai of the wonderful X>ray and other •eUbtifie r methode we endeavor to get at the bottom of tha dleeaae and treat It lateillgently.

Our thargae are moderate.


CATARRHAre you aufferlng from thle meet aa-

horfug and iangepoue dleaaaa? P© you auf- from bead noieMt

Expsiience has shown that much of the madidne uaed In tbie diseaea in iiaeleM. Our rpeclaltat has born at Hot Bprlnge, Va., where hundred! of patienta Journey yearly tit obtain treatment. Aa a result ot his ■tudy and experlrnce. ho has worked out a home treatment based on sclemiflu prta- cipiea eo that II le pbOsible for you to ob* lain the meet beoefldal remilta

Sciatica, stiff Jolhli and pgln yield to thla treitmeol nulekly.

The following articles are all made of black enameled duck:

OVER-NIGHT BAGS (12x10 inches): Lined with colored poplin , . $4.25

A Larg^e CoHectlon of

Dainty Cotton Frocks

plot41 t b .e i . r a

aj ^ 4 C&cflU Court of the eounm ef l i i i th a t the Joa*e of sa il eoipf hem ll ie d Thureday. the iwinty-aeveoth day of June, lesa a t t o'clock la the afterhobn* In the

Lined with colored poplin and fitted with scissors and nine toilet articles of celluloid,at * ......................................... $8.50

(made of the wanted sheer materials)

will be offered tomorrow (Tuesday) at

of bearing any ©ijaetioi^ that to the paid aaaeetmenta

Dated Ju o . J KEARNS.City Altoraay.

FUELIC NOTICE le bereby g lra g tb f6l1o*lbt ptopoeed ordlhense p»**d


WEEK-END CASES:Sizes 24x13x8 inches, 26xl3>^x8>i inches, and 28x14x9 Inches; cretonne-lined, with tray, at e e • • e • $5<50

$6.90, 9.75, 11.25, 12.50, 15.00, 18.00

these prices representing exceptional values*

meeting room, city bbU. « 11 •' - “ o S ’Clerk.

Perbapa year btaring ft t^lUngt Catarrh ottan bktaadi from iha aaa* and

tkfoat.If thla ttou

T^a ateraach becomea affa tud and lohditlaa baaemai aavara

laUr taada t« laralld.

SUMACH DISEASESCeueUg dyspepsia, Indlgsstlon, bsavy or

uBeonfottabie feelbig after eating, bslehlng e t gea sewies, heortWirg, pals, dlislseae, aheee iN sympton* that MMMd eo iL t-ur a'leoBoe to the t*w U » t ye« need treat, ase—L

m n , g „ gp gisesoie*. « t th* tl*n**h sds w u formirty at ih e A«*t4Mh

fm stesMob dlseseea vbers has- ■ "i iff* tr**4^

Much profrau bee been mod* In th* treatment of pliei, ftetula, tte.. by th* us* ef the now, hettnleu local aneethitlee. Aa a ratult llaq et ihea* caaei nan be aucCett- fully traited by polnlaiut mettaoda. Pile* *r tlaaur* ere renderad palniani end by a eltnpl* mlthod ere removed permanently. The trretmeiit In ae quick and palnlOM that Iba patient c tu s Inqulraa oftar the treatment wh©thar anything haa batn dbna, and whan Informed they art gtna ftrtvar axpraaMt aAtobiakmant.


! ' & U-UbatUbde'W jtfi U!(.•* ( eWilsed by th* avers**

4*4 rssMr. tk w' - I t a tbe*t ola-

nSELE fiUILOlNC, 6SS BROAD ST.OfOe* Baacti MoMop B-* Ih an g sg , U 4 *

A. 51. t* • F. M. iwoeasy *a« FiMhy, fl—I t*;!* A. H. «s i r . M. O t e days

W eppststHsgt mW< —Agrertlsemast.

Sizes 24x18x10 Inches, 26x15x10 inches, and 28x15x10 inches; cretonne*]ined, with tray and hat partition . . . > 6>50

WOMEN’S HAT BOXES '(sixes 16x18x12 inches and 20x20x12 inchei); cretonne-lined, with two bat forma and a pocket * . . . . $6.70


Also a number of attractive Procksvlroported as well as Amerlcan* greatly reduced prices.

A ftifther Wlilltertidft* to gn owiiinnc©, «Dof cerlkln d tw te J tt ClV « Hewar^^

The Dgsrd of Oebunlsilcnefs -ff the city of NemsJb de erdsin;

Oection lag atreet*of Newarkdeelfnat*4"*dTWI*W*i

1 That ih* nomt* e t lb* .follo--

ieews am


Boy^en place, A "lot" repreaeni* an entire - of* land_ —belhor lo r ij o^

the elirJe

th* pourl-------- n d _____

be made

bereby flv^l^tba^t

Report of Largely


About 90,

;su d *b*ii b*r«ati*r h* lfiSfij!k*avwlISr*lre« Fesssy Sloe. t .

SEPARATE WHITE COTTON SKIRTS In several attractive styles and fabrics, are

oil sateat $3.25, $3.90, $4.75 & $4,90

DevllB^ ''^ ■ ie n e t n , t , ‘ trem Hemtrdn tide* te

C hiH .. » «• *ban|*d te Lon-'‘°M m *k^'5ln * t . Hom W tt P t* » te

atSIrL ^ .bang-* U Mars*

■‘8 « ( lh Mff**l. ^cluarlee atreet. to ht ektngod 4u Bemoe trsw « > b ■«>»» T*«1b e tr i i l te

L fT T L ItU SS'i.'kM I .uST“"% sc a a 'r.-si's?street

(The Department for Women's Cotton Frocks Is located In the Madieon ©venue section of the Third Ptot^"■ ' ' '

freiA: Of

F*l«y 'sU**t to Its Detsneey jtreet, ta b*

A d lio u iil In Indudtrli th* w ar dff ploym ent ti s*vant**nth C*n*um*rt' from Ju ly 1 tb l* year, •vd llab le fl a re abo u t ' Naw Jersey ployed In s( Inff dbeu t •

The chan i u n d ertaken on by th* ei si* A. R. •Ignsd to do numera' Lea

"^rbar* 1* •h a Bg}-*, "1 labor, b u t i dsm and for now nsro mo lln i* of Inf trades, whei smploysd, bf ln td to t: wom en wi tuff* o t hi two ftrini 1914 the even II tt* tr ia l 8 ta t 1515. aevti ployed tn to n es , n 1* ano ther a r ta t ly ; oi th an 1,009

Mrs. Wh on Invettli Condlttona w ork fo r b a tte r on in New Y found of ohlld labor the w orat hom es wh

. being done tion led t govtrnmeB L abor Btad u i t r r .

In th e found two

' Ing fo r pa flnanelal. could mnk

I ono day—1 •aeh sh irt fo rty .fiv * dMie* o f c w ork r*q ste tsd .

Clod* «i Labor 0« t*«gus'* r tion* (or l*rg* mun being repo m lsaloner sent a IP' oondltlona, lowing thi provenont wage* In thdjr rang* *ra t* *51 worker* ! nil day. Th o f them I latter Is ' pnldory.

OlasB fa tion of th i able attOE girls and Ingly empi g ir la Com

. t t o m ost p bocause of

C*adlH< VFrlting I:

tpriea, th e i -Tha pre

• te rn s se rlo t m ot* from

B v m m & ^ i s m , m o d a y , 2 i 1918i*

prompt ship- ous handling t uniformity ' product.

serving thek with

Irushes^lish,ndM O lliese goods for id shall en> ue supplying

quality at

you on your ir goods in

injos Co.I Street


TT CLBAK.3.. Jun* t t , I l ls .

h« week ending June lye, 21 women. 14;under, I I ; b«tw»ttn 1 n 2 end I yesru, 4: I. I; between 10 ami and SI yaari^ Cl be- 1 i between 40 and Co nd 60 yeara ll'j be> 5 between TO and 80fail from icaffoblt S; fee poleonlnf, 1; ac-

1 acoldenta tt^lley wafiTh Injuflee. 1;

tnrie, 2; apoplaxy nr : artarla ideroita. li diecaae, kldhavs4^1;

ar^inoma of liver. 1;; cholera Ibfantacn or Mrrhoeif Hver* 1: dtf- ee rnemui. 1; dMh- I; entero, colHlT.I;

iterUta S; IntenluaL RUB or taalnatrltlon. fUle. tubercular. 1; Lla phthiala imt- lobar, 6; pnaumbnla. birth, 2: Mptloemla, appendIcUla. 1; eeptl- wound of flDfer. 1:

tn t ooufh, 1; cardiac 2; empyemla, 1.

Inited Btateit fd; lre> irmany. fi; Chtaa, i; lelfliim. L orad. 6.; female, 5.

EGAN, Cllr CUrk,

\3E RBFATIMO.GR BENtSFlTS, in that an anaeAneni of all the hiuda and benefited by each of imenu, namely: The rehtie from BIttafaetb ion aTtitue, acdordinf ordinance ef Uie city

An ordinance tP aru> t Meeker avenui irom rrellnfhwyeea avenup, It ftwo-lhch tttrface, » blnderl. on the. old ^proved Hay I, U17. the undehMtned com- nte for local imprdee- be Board of Cemmii- ffewark. and that a

B In wTittnf, with an nd echedulo* Ihowinr la aealnit the eerertl fited U aforaeald, has iffice af the d U clerk It for exAminavah. .by

therein. in^eea all lofa, (ractu and ctaL eiMUi liable •reeald. lylnir on both e from Elltahitli ave- aratiua.en entire plet of landId In eatd aaeaeament eald commlaeloncrjc of U Impfovamenta on he iweaty-aarenih day

U. a t the oommie< third floor), city hall.I DIMOf^lX lOFFEL,P K. JUlMiE, aamenta for Local Im-*

INTEHTIpIl. SSIONEIW o r THE WAKK, N. J. otioB adopted by the m of the cKr of New- the 20th day of June,

tereby fiven that It le oard of CohSmtealoqerH

under npd by vlriu*- act entitled ''An Act he Charter Of tju Ctt, i March 11. 1tl7, an-l eto. and other pubM- New Jereer, to ortl- •

ictlon of an aifht U) used Cor hOttee eewnts > an. nctween AieaaAdrr avenue, with a brohi^h Undaloy avtnuo ah>n'. n i l Sewer Co be laid a to the oarb lime :r atetutee of tbU atatu.

Sppurtenaheea aeccK-ay ohjeot thereto are Belt ebjactlom In writ' Department of Street 4 nti. City Hall, Newark, plratton o f five daye loe.Board of Cenunleeton*

.4rl<, N. 1. ^I. R. SHBIWEBD, ,p«rtni«it *1 B tw t. v.m .nti,• }1. m t .

>AVTOO- , t cDmmU.M th i Board

’ D t'how art, to iim u t upon alt id rt»I ottaU tn llarltr binetltwl n tSa aaM olty nayvba to tho Id to hav. ae- i.U and aaiaaa-

u i ^ all th . ,1 oatat* >» ts* iB.ntad by aaob lU la laid city,


|h i l r t t t tr im V arran y .Id . of Boydtn pla«o nod block pavam*nt on troto founaailon. Ap* t i t . Said |a iet«m .nt c t. and paboyio "f land to b. a u .u jd aa alor.- ildH of Algb iiroat

0 tho northarly aid. of t" r.prM«oly an onltr. hw larct or amallith* offica 5f tha altrJt

of tha oounw of i^ * a >f ta l l coifft haa ilxad r-aavanth day of Juno,

tha aftamoon. In tha ait, at tha gourt hoiut

aa tha iim* and Plata Iona that may ba mada anta^lAU J. KBARHS.

City *ltor*ay.

haraby «!▼« that tha ordinanaa pdiaad a »a«- ■ttlnc of thh Bo»I? oSLnd*that "thT flta l »a.-

^ s t i r 'h 5;a I. at 11 a ; M l

W. J . M A N , City Clark,

int to *n orWhhhoa, aaUbllat tha namaa

i tha City « Kawark. omUtlonan 4t tha City111' namaa a t lha .follow- waya attuata .la tha oily

tha lam a *ta haraby taraaftar. M ^Khowk and*tro« Fahhiy Sl»*t ill ahahdid to F a tu ln cram Hamhdfi tl*o* la » ba bbanfead to Lon>

>*Hi Aam bktt Plaoa t* ba ahantad to Maraa

. S 'a K tm id fi >IM« u S tbe ekance^ to Aeiae

oh K ath T li lh atraat to Mt of BonU BlaTiatll Id to Baltiuift atraat; trom Uambuw pl^aa to to ba ehaneb to Partatram m rn a Mraat Uba ab an iM jla SoiaW*

rmrh Parry fliH«i to Ita at tMlaneay # raa t, to bo

G to ConcBtions Among W omen in Industries

Report of StatcConsiBnert* League Largely Devoted to War Fac-

I ! tory Eiiq)loyincnt.

About 90,000 at Variety of Work

A dlanuMloD of tha Inortaaa of woman In Induotrla l am ploym ant bacauaa of tho w ar and conditions o f such am . ploym ont ta h e a up alm ost tho on tlrs savantoonth a n n u a l roport of the d ta ts Conaumara' t« a v u o , eo v erln t tho poriod from Ju ly 1 of laa t y .a r to Juno 10 of tb l l year. "A ccording do tha la tau t availab le f lg u ra i," It la sta tsd , "tho rs a ra abo u t OO.OOO women employed in Now Js ra e y fac to ries . They am nmJ ployad In som e I,a00 p lan ts, rap rsaan t. ing About a tg h ty induatrics."

Tha Chang* In the types of w ork now u a d s rta k sn by woman Is com m sntad on by th s sxecu tlva seerstary , Mrs. J s* . St* A. R. W hltnall, who recen tly ra . signed to do w ork for tha N ational Con- aiimera' League.

‘^fbar* I* a difference of jy ln lo n " •h a says, "as to the eho rU gc uf m ale laber. b u t a p p a ren tly none a . t*> the dem and for wom an w o rk e ra T h is la nuw nsro m o re 'a p p a re n t th an In ihe old Hum o f Industry, such as the nserite trades, w hersln wom en have Iona been employed, b u t It is by no nisanu con- flnad to th ass alons. In if lS only l i t wom an w ars angagad tn th e m anu tac- tuya e f h igh axplotlvas: In June, 111,, tw o firm s atone employed 3,Ti», In iB ia the aerop lane industry w as not •v sn listed by the B ureau of Indua- tr ia l S ta U itle s In T ren ton ; In June, 1*18, several h u n l,'e d women w ere cm- played tn New Jersey uerop lsr.r foe* lories. The m anufactu re of uniform s la an o th er Industry which has expanded g re a tly : ona firm alone em ploying m ore th an 1,000 w om an In th ree plants.

■ossa Wark I'ndarpald.Mrs. W hltnall rap o rls in som s detail

on In v e ttlg a tlo n s m ade du ring tha year. Conditions am ong women doing horn* w ork fo r fao torlas, she deotars*, a re po tter on tha w hola In th is s ta te than In New Y ork, though Inslancss w ere found of uncleanllneas, f irs hasard , child labor and overtim e work. Some of the w orst conditions w ars found In bom ss w here w ork on uniform s was

, boiBg dons, she tells, and the investiga­tion led to th e ss tab ltahm an t by the governm ent o f a Board o f C ontrol of Im bor S tan d ard a in tha uniform in ­dustry .

th a m ak in g of arm y ih lr ta aha round tw o ty p as of w orkers, one w ork-

' Ing fo r p a tr io tic roason i, the o ther for flnanelal. No w om an w as found who could m ak e m o rs th an tw o sh ir ts In

f o n t uy-**4btre kr* tb tr ty * il i part* In jA<3h th e ra te of pay w telo rtF -flv e o a n tf a garm ent. No evl- dabea o f child labo r was found, a s th is w ork raq u lrad akin, the secre ta ry sta ted .

Close « o -«para tlan w ith the B tsts iM bar O ap artm en t is show n by the Isagus 'a rep o rt. U nsatisfac to ry eondl. tlons (or w om an w o rk e rs found In a Ja rg a m unttlona fac to ry n ear th is c ity oalng rsp o rtad to th a d spartm en t. Com­m issioner o f L abor Lew is T. B ryan t •e n t a m un llto n s ax p art to exam ine conditions, th a rep o rt sta ta s, end fo l­low ing th a a x p a r t 'f rep o rt m any im- provsm onta w ars effected. A s for w agas In th ia fac to ry , tt Is asserted. th « f yanga from I l l . tO fo r tim e w ork - a rs ta t H Cor th e m oat oom petant p w o rk a ra Moat of th e w orkers stan d gU d ty . They w o rk ten hours and soma o f tham a ra em ployed Sundays. Tho la t te r Is v o lu n teer service, not com* pnlsory.

O lass fac to rie s In th e sou thern sec­tion of the s ta te w ere given conslder- ab ls a tten tio n , as it w as found th a t g ir ls and w om en w ere being increas­ing ly em ployed. Including m any negro g ir la Conditions w ere considered fo r

. tb s m ost p a r t u n sa tis fac to ry , especially because o f m uch n ig h t w ork.

C aad itlana a t G lass Pwatarlaa. (W ritin g In d s u l l o f the g lass fae-

^ r le a , th e se c re ta ry s ta te s:* ^ a problem of tran sp o rta tio n

•asm s serioua. Ona o f tha p la n tt Is ra- m ota from a cen tac o f labor supply.

OIrls a r t carrisd In f ltn sy s t e and fram tba naarast town, a ila tan o a a t abo u t th raa mil**, but theaa liv ing In tba v icin ity of lb s p lan t roust do tha best they can, A colored g irl, Jua l p aa t her e litaan th b irthday , said th a t, sha tivad about two miles from th s p lan t and trav arssd tha d litsn ce on a blcycls. a t 1:10 In tha m orning. 'B ut w h a t do you do on storm y nightsT sh* w as asked. 'Oh,I w alks, or aom atlrost I s ta y s w ith ray aun t, b u t, sha a in 't got much ro d s . ' 'Are you not afra id to go home a lo n e r 'Oh, no, ma'am, not much. T here 's two w hite boys l lv . i Just beyond w here I do, and som stlm es they goes w ith m t."

"In one of the facto ries colored g irls only are employed. Forem en In ler- vlewed differ about the com paratlva value of colored and w hite women. Ona considers th s work too m enial for w hites: an o th er save th a t the colored g ir ls a re careless and 'happy-go-lucky.' and w ants to weed them all out. All agreed th a t g irls are fully capable of doing the work and* a r t p e rhaps more dependable than boys. The experim ent seem s to be a success from tha poin t o f view of tb s m anagem ent,

"Forem en in all facto ries w ere asked If th s replacem ent of boys by g ir ls w as due to a sho rtage of labor. In every Instanse the reply w as em phatica lly In th e negaeivs, both Ir th s fsc to rle s em­ploying women and tb o ia not. In view of these fac ts the conclusion Is th a t the em ploym ent of women a t p resen t In the g lae i factories Is en tire ly un- w a rrsn tfd and should be s trenuously opposed."

F o is ts to D angers. *Em ploym ent of women In tra n sp o r ts ,

tion system s Is being w atched, th s league states. I t quotes s ta tis t ic s com­piled by ths N tw York com m ittee on women In Industry show ing th a t about too women are employed tn th is s ta ts by the Pennsylvania and the E rls r a i l­roads, as signs! tow er an d sw itch ope­ra to rs , m essengers, c leansrs, fre ig h t ch sck sri, ticket sellers, m achinists ' helpers and on drIH presses and ta p ­p ing machines.

Bumming up dangers, Mrs. 'W hltnall points out th a t " th s f irs t of these Is th a t they may no t be paid th s sem e r a ts of w sgsa th a t men g e t f o r tha same Job, Any I ts s t r ra te Is un just, not only to tb s women w orkerk Ibem salvss, b u t to th s men who on re tu rn in g from th a battle fro n t w ill nead to resum e th e ir form er ocoupsllona; and y e t a l­ready In ona New Jersey p la n t women are receiving th irty esn ta an hour fo r w ork which brought f lfty -flv e cants to ths man they have replaced: In an ­o th er women receive tw en ty -five cents an hour for perform ing a piece o f w ork for which men were paid th ir ty cents. E m ploytrs argue th a t th a productlva capacity e f women hae n o t y e t been dem onstrated, but th is arg u m en t can no t apply to lha ra ta paid fo r w ork dona by the pfsoa.

"A seesnd danger Is th e en trance ef women Into (ndustrlae fo r w hich they are physically u n fitted a s a sex. It hae been E ngland 's experlanea, fo r In­stance, th a t women e ra m ore eueceptl- bta to certain fum es and poliona than men,

'T h e Increase of n ig h t w ork ts a th ird danger. Though fo u rteen g re a t Industrial countries and aavan of our atatee have eeen the wisdom of p ro - i h ib iting n ig h t w ork In m anufacture , { New Jersey still p srm lts th s h ss lth of Its woman w orkers to ha Jaopardfisd In th is m annar. B eeupara tlon from fa tlg u s ta k e s plaea only In slaap, and slesp during th s day Is a lm ost con- j • ta n tly In tsrru p ttd by nols*. lig h t and lack of privacy. T hat ca rta in m an u ­fac tu re rs have opened p la n ts In New I Je rsey because privileged hare to w ork women on a n igh t sh if t can n o t be questioned. There Is s m oral aa well a s a phy itcsl m snaet In n ig h t w ork."

Need New Laws.A resu lt of th s Investigations, It la

sta ted , "w as a confirm ed convlellcn th a t tw o laws should be onactsd in New Jereay fo r th s protection of w o rk ­ing women. They were d raw n up by a mem ber of the advisory beard . In tro ­duced by an Aseemblyman from Beaex County and referred to th e com m ittee on labor and Industries. H ouse 2fS provided for a period of r e s t a t n ig h t fo r women In Industry betw een 10 P. M. and 8 A. M, House 231 provided an e igh t-h o u r day for w ork ing women.

N either of these bills w as reported ou t of committee. Blm llar bills w ill be Introduced In the nex t session of ths L egislature."

O fficers of the Ic sg u a g re : President, Mrs, O. "W. B. Cushing, E a s t O range; v ies presidents, Miss C ornelia B rad­ford, Jersey City; Mrs. F ra n sa s De L. Hyde, P lainfield; H is t Anna M aellvane; treasu re r, Mrs. BrtCS Collard, Jereey C ity; recording secre tary , Mrs. P la t t

A dam s th is c ity ; corrsapanding sacra - tary , Mrs. B. H. Flanao, B llsab sth ; h anorary vice presidents, Dr, John G rier H lbban, p raslden t of F rincaton Unl- varslty ; Rev. John J. MomenI, th is city , and R t. Rav. Edwin 8. Lines, bishop of tho E piscopal Diocese o f N ew srk .

y. W. C.* A. Swimming Party Tonight for Members of Gym Club

A sw im m ing psrty . In w hich ail m em bers of the lum m er gym club of the N ew ark 'Y. W. C. A. a re asked to Join, w in be held tonigh t a t the aeto - clatton pool. H lsa C taira E astm an , physical departm ent d irector, l i a i t l i l - ing on W ednesday n ight a t the rec rea ­tion c en te r fo r eoldters a t the C entra l H eth o d lit B pltcopal Church.

Young women who w are g rad u a ted last w eek from the tlen o g rap h lc de­p a rtm en t a re the U lsesi Emily F. D ab­ney, M arjorie D. Thompson, Adels Rchooplln and Jan e Oreen F lg ler. On W edneeday n igh t ihe f irs t of a series of Bible riae s sessions w ill be held on th e aseoclatlon roof. The genera l •ecre tary , MIee E llsaheth W, C lark, w ill lead. Mlee M. E. Tomklne of Sum m it w ill ta k e ch arge W ednesday of the v a ­cation house a t Boonton.

Library Issues Magazine with Information on War Activities

So th a t people will have a b e tte r u n ­d erstand ing of th s w ork of th e F ree Public L ib rary and how It le m eeting Its w ar tim e preblem i, th e lib ra ry has begun publication of an I llu s tra ted m agasine called ‘T h e L ibrary, and the M uttum W ithin."

Much Inform ation Is contained about soldier and sa ilo r booke. I t a lso Is sta ted th a t th a dally average receip ts are 300 books and 1,800 m agasines. On June 14 3,000 m agasines w ars w rapped and shipped to the arm y Y. II. C. A. a t F o rt Mancook, 8.000 m agasines to Camp Vail, 3,000 books to Camp M erritt and a special salactlon of lUO books to the Kdgewood Areenal. On th a t day a lio 600 books and 3,500 u a g a iln a s w ere recslved.

Montclair Man to Represent War Trade Board at Madrid

The appoin tm ent of H. B. Noyes of 4 ■Wsstover road, Montclair, to rep rsasn t the W ar T rade Board In Madrid. Spain, has bean, announced by th s S tate D e­partm ent, Mr. Noyes w in leave for Madrid ea rly next month.

He Is a m em ber of the New Y ork and Nsw Je rsey bar, and has speclallaad In m a tte rs re la tin g to foreign com m sros. H s epsaks fluen tly German, F rench and Spanish. Mo w ill probably be gone for th s balance o f the war.

Seventeen for Ntval Reserve; Exceeds Usual Saturday Record

Naval resa rv s enro lm ehl for S atur­day was a l i t t le above th s usual num ­ber for the laat day of th s w tek. Thera w ars aeventssn on th s list.

The enrolm ents In tha naval r te s r r s fo llow ;

Newark, C arl N. Schw lndl of ttO Six­teen th avenue, E noe Hockenbury of 3T0 South Tw elfth a trea t, C harlai V. U olta of t*0 Seym our avenue and Ed­win B. O ovtler o f 4* R enner avenue: South Orange, A rth u r Deleter of 14 Kingm an road.

Jereey City. John F. Stapleton of 33 Je w e tt avenue: H oboken, Maurice De Bari of 338 P a rk avanus: Paetalc. L ivingston A. W llio ii of 1(1 Main s tree t: Clifton, E lm er D, S tagg of 30 F ran k lin avenue; P a te rso n , Thomas J. M itth sw s of 10 Albion avenue, George W eetra of 127 W abash svanue. Richard Acker Jr. o f 83 F irs t s tre s t, Leonardo De Mail of IT* Beach s t r e e t and W ill­iam Solomon of 30 H am burg avenue; Boonton, F ra n k D. Lucoio of 307 H ar- rlfon itre e t; W yckoff, Norm an Orr.

K ingston. N. Y., G uy B. Aloy of 7 lio b o it Street.

Enlietm ente tn th e reg u la r navy w ere: New ark. Sam ual D. H abarla of 771 Mt. P ro tp ec t avenue. John K. Lowe of 31 Thomas i t r e e t and A lbert V, H arris of 117 Johnson avsnus.

Oarflald, G eorgs Badibek of 14 Grand Btrsst.

Fourteen Who Enlisted Saturday Are Assigned to Regular Army

All arm y reeru lta sa tia tin g a t the local sta tion S atu rd ay w ara assigned te th s r e g u ltr service. There were fourteen In all, four from N ew ark and one aaoh from O ranga, Irv ington, H ar­rison, A rlington, P a ssa ic and Carodsn. Tha others w ers from ou tside th s a ta ta

E nlistm ents follow ;Newark, Joeeph B. O'Keefe ef 17

H unterdon s tree t, P a tsy Rossnlo of 31 Academy stree t, A tallo Q rosso of 1 P ark place and Carm ine C aseella of 48 B ur­n e t s tree t; O range,. F re d CeruttI Of 43 C hristopher s tree t; Irv in g to n . Georg* E. Olson of I t Ridgew ood avenue; H ar­rison, John M. Bell o f IDS Second I tree t; A rlington, C harles C. B inder of 141 Hlghlanif avenue; Pasealo, George C. Reed of P a rk RIdgs; Camden. Bernard E. O 'Keefe of 1014 gpruea street.

The Bronx, Jo ie p b O. B odlns of l l t l F o rt Independence s t r a i t ; Brooklyn, A rthu r E. Lange of 14*8 R ogere avenue; N augaiuok, Conn., O aorga K. DInkle of 12 Fern e tree t; Y oungstow n. O., An- thony l la r t in o f 141 R ogers avenua.

One-Dclivery Sy*tem Due July 1Through an e rro r th a News printed

Saturday an a rtle la ra la tlv e to tha adoption of th e ly s ta m o f one-dellvary

W hy Suffer from G>m8 Callous or Bunionsp when 25c WUI Stop

^ the P a in !M Juit a few drop* of Ri|ht-Out on the corn or calloui give* you■ immediate rtllef. No mitttr how dtubbdm tht com, It dimply■ (hrlveU up and you pick it out. No pain, no cutting, no paring, no■ bandages. A simple, wonderful, effective remedy thgt gives you I ■ permsnent relief from corns, callous and bunions.

- ■ Every drug store in town sells Right-Out, 25c. Get it at your druggist’s today. Results guaranteed or money refunded.

HfCHT-OUT y o u ’ll F ot: ^ You Ever Had Coma

Aftw Udng:


MUm F tr GaUon*'"AUm mu* m 7u««"


»> - t w

148*448*8* V 4 m a V 8(10

l-P*ea,M aa • • • U ll AFiiaaTwimeef - 1M

All Mint 1 te k PlMI" a r s t n S M a r *

250,000 Maxwell Motor Cars Are Now In Owners’ Service

That feet alone is sufficient testimony to the excellence of this productFor the Maxwell clientele is composed of that daag of buyers who select caref^y and who demand full value for their money in quality and in senrioeLNor do they accept mere promises—being careAil buyers they demand prooife.Perhaps the very feet that we never have made a claim fw this car that has not bera backed up 1^ proof in the form of official records, accounts in part at least, for the pie- dominance of Maxwells.Another reason—and unqaeetionably a potent

the feet that there are no foeak foat- ure8, no inventions, no radical innovations in this productW e do not attempt to invent now devices or te supplant tried and proven units with others of our own discovery.Every uidt in this Maxwell—motor, clutoh, transmission, axles, steering gear, etc.—is of standard type—though designed and made a little bettor, we believe, tho Maxwell organisatjoaFor five y e ^ this model has remained prac­tically unchanged.Refined in detaito, body design changed from time to time to keep pace with changing feshions—for Maxwell buyers denaand stole as well as efficienc]^—But in all eaientinlD of chassis design the present model is identical with that of five years ago-^because that first Maxwell was right at evpry point350,000 o siers endorse your judgment when you select a Maxwell M (^ Car for youm

De Cozen Ifotor CempanyMAXWBUb AND OHALXBRa ,

ANtMNaWla D la ta l» |tM a f a r N a r« n n i New

AUkid De CoMi^ .OcDen] Mmeger

24 Brufepi Fkot Nemrk, N. J.IM aX bpM 4|M IbH ka* '

W IL U G A H A ea, H80.«M M lvenia Av*, NkrenwR. *. j .

a n . I ■ n ag fc S a a a k

' M-

dally by la v e r i l o f tha atorea of N ew ­ark , la y in g th a t tha eyitem would be In o ffoet today. It will not go Into • f ta c t u n til naxt Monday.

National Credit'Men ElectC. R. Burnett Vico President

C u rtia R. B urnett, aerretary of thaA m arican Oil A Supply Co., waa alaeted

firs t v ic t p raa ldan t a t th a N ational Af- aociatlon qf C red it Man a t th a lr an­nual oonvontton in Chicago laa t Friday. The aeaiiloni began Tuesday.

There were aevera t N ew arkeri prea- ant a t the convention, am ong tb ao tb ere being F. B. B roughton , aaeretary of the Credit Man'a Aasoclatlon; F red P. Crene, president, and L ou li A. Kempt. H. W, Aiigovlne. C. U. Freem an and A rthur B. Underwood.

F. R. UcComaa of Lea Angelaa v i a elected p re ild en t of Ihe e rg an lu tlo n .


B I S M M.^ w M u m m ts«s.

KtVs e f t ts d w e ia . •a**hU «. tA neM llA D.«d. 8eM ky all Diw u ( Deat. Iidraa Jaaaablaa

Perhaps We Have Talked Too Much About The "Hot Spot” and the "RamVHom”

Some Chahnera ownen ten ut that we have not done tbe car foH Jostlce in oar advertaements of late, by etpphadring theae two marhanical featorex to the octuaioo of otben.

Now perhapG they are right in that and yet—we do not whoOy agree with them. ^

If we have tried to impreas you with the feet that Chahnat pngln wi had evolved in these two featores, aomefidag of inestimatSe vafoe to yoa and of almost revolotianary mfluencaonaatooMbileezigiiMering. tardy fee apace was not wasted.

Besides, we assumed of ootuve feat yoa already knew feeChataoentobe one of the best motor can ever built

The Chalmers has always been a great motor car—speddng of fee ear in general terms.

For many years past yon and every other motor*wise person have con­sidered it among the first two or three high dass can.

And we did feel feat in fee two features above mentioned, we had added to excellence of finish, smoofeness and easy riding qoalitiea, an engineering dwcovery that made fets hmriooaChalmeni also man aeonomkal to operate and thei^y placed it in a dam by iteetf.

If we have erred in this we win change and tell youabofe other Chalmers features, on any one of which a vohime might be written.

But—are you sure you fully appreciate afeat a trenwodons diflbrsnee the "Hot Spot" and fee "RamVHocn'' combination maka in the power and economy and fee amoofenesa of an aatomobiltf

Certainly not an buyem do anpreclate feat—for other carsl

And we can’t imagine anyone buying any ofesr knew the difierenoe—and c o ^ get a Chatmen.

ae are stiD buying

k i f e l l d a n IT b a

T o im iN c c A R ,7 - rA a 8 E N o a m u T o m u re a tcD A N . ■ . i m i t g w n c a r l a n d a d ix t m TOURINCCA)t»-rABSXNCt|l*IM( CABMOIXT, l -P A » tN G IR DTIf U H O U n N X ,r-P A S m R lB R an | STANDARD ROADSTER - • SUI6 TOWN CAR. T'PASBENCBR S3m UMOVSINR LANDAVUT W H


D E COZEN M O TO R COM PANYMaxwall imd Chalm era AutomobU* D U trlbutcn tor N orthern Now Jorsty

Alfred De Cozen, General Manager2 4 B ranford Place, N ew ark. N. J . T elephone 4 8 5 M arket

I ,



The Stoutenburgh Labelin your coat is a symbol of Style, a warranty of Wear, a guaranty of Gratification. The lines are lasting, because the shape is tailored IN, not pressed ON. The draft of the designer is faith­fully and expertly materialized, and every detail of tailoring is governed by principles that consider our responsibility for the wearer's satisfaction.

Even if you pay as little as eighteen dollars at Stoutenburghs, you are getting a suit that has been watched, not botched; built, not "kirt."Our superior grades xscend to fifty dollars.Two-piece Summer Suits ten-fifty to thirty dollars.

Stoutenburgh g Go.797*805 BROAD ST., NEWARK open Saturday nights

HMdavtrten for Men's end Boys’ Aiwsrsl I FOUNDED 1840

iapw— C .


Says Directors Knew Crash Was Coming

Officer* of Wrecked Truet Com­pany Ai^rised by Hatch,

i Say* Wilmot.

•n t» ru ln » d by S hort H ills Club tenn is commllteo a t a d inner a t Uie club.

Ferry Street House Proprietor Fined, Other* Held After Raid

“Drys” Ask Arrest of East Orange Officials

Testifies on Smith Assignment

I t w*S sp p sren tly s csss of com lnc •v sn ti c s i tln * th s lr shadows bsfors. whsn, on the day before Jem ee Smith Jr., In A uauel. m S , mede an aeal*n- m ent »or the benefit of h li creditors, Bdwin H. H atch, a t the tim e vice preeldent of the now defunct Mutual T rust Company of Oranve, told four of the bank 's d lrecio ra of the impending d isaater and urged the Importance of Immediately g e ttin g rid of all Smith papar held by the Institution.

B rought on from Trenton, where he la aar*lng a term In s ta le prison fo r irane- actiena th a t resulted In the w recking of the M utual T rust. Hatch was an a tte n tlre listener as CHarlei R. Wilmot, form er preeldent of the Mutual Truet, testified today before Special M aster BIndeelt th a t th is was w hat took place, l l r 'W tlniot told fu rth e r that, reepona- Ing to H atch 's appeal, he “"d v J .n a Her*. Samuel W, Baldwin andN ranl Berg, Samuel Thomai B. B yrne ettcu tert agg regating |SS,000, which Match haudiaraunted a t theN ntlonal Newark Bank-

The proceedis ac«?ordlTtg

Five a rrs e ti w ere m ade by th e Third Precinct police yesterday a fternoon In a raid of a house a t H F e rry straet. The proprietor, M anuel Cavalia, pleaded guilty th is m orn ing to a charge of m aintaining a d isorderly houee and was fined 1100 and coata by Judge

W illiam Torello of 0 Colum bia etreet was held for the g rand Jury In *S,00<h He was charged w ith fo rcing hie wire to become an Inm ate of th e place. M ar­gare t Torello. th e wife, w as held m tl.OOO ball a i a m ateria l w itn e s s Der- medo Gonaalue of H askell and B eatrice SwtIgo of J17 Ja y a tree l, Brooklyn, were held In HOO ball each on a s ta tu - to ry .

Ju lian Solgodo of SOI M arket t tre e t, who WM taken In an o th er raid la te r In th« day. al*® plaadert fU llty to main* tainliifc a diaorderly hou ie and waa nnod $100 and co itf.

In lh« FJrat P rad tic t PoUca r o u f i th is morning George W rig h t, colored, wee fined ISl.OB by Judge Q uigley on a charge of operating n gam bling houee at 21 Ailing etreet. The police reldert the place Saturriey n ig h t and a rrsa led ten w ltnesies w ith th e p rop rie to r. The witnesses were d ischarged In court to-day. w

six colored men w ere fined |1 0 each for gambling. They paid. The men were arrested S atu rday n igh t in Beecher etreet by D eteotlvee D eering, Kinney and G ray of In sp ec to r Cor- bally’e alaft.

No-License League Requests Anti- Saloon League Action, Claiming

Several Bars Illegally Open.

"Gambling, Drunkeness’* Alleged

failed except In a (aw Inatancea to r e ­tu rn to w ork today , standing by their vote of S atu rday to rem ain on strike. Word to th is effec t has been eent to Mr. W eyand, w ho Is expected to retu rn here a t once,

W eyand laa t w eek cauaetl the arree t of th e r in g lead er o f the i tr lk e r i . who w as sen t to Camp Deveni. and a t th a t tim e leeued a w arn ing to the other e t r lk tr a

Embodying condem nation of the opin­ion of City Couneel Jerom e 1>- Gedney of East Orange, deferring fo r th irty days the exp iration date of such llcenaea ee w ere gran ted a fte r the adoption of the local option act. a resolullun w a i paaied yesterday afternoon by th e No- L lrenea le a g u e of th a t c ity aak lng the Anti-Saloon l.,eague of New Jeraey to cause the a rre s t of city o fficiate and othera sharing In the reiponalb lllly for extending the time. The m eeting, which took place In th e room of th e Lorn- m unity Y- M. C A., w as attended by M. 8, Pouleon of the league, who earn afte rw ard th a t he would rep o rt to tne league today.

At the office of the A n t l - S a l ^ Lieague today it w as declared th a t e - dence of gam bling and w ere found S aturday n ig h t In E aa l uy-

New War-Time Tariff for China Approved by the Allied Powers

Geavage Tlireatened In British Labor Parly

Commenting on Ministers’ Mani­festo, LondonTaperi See Hand

of Pacificists.


Political Truce May Be Ended

to*M r°"w i^ 'P t. ware^to The liquidation of a m.SOO note mada by T. P. Howell a t-o., to the 7rder of Mr. Smith, and had had dlecounled by the M utual

^ I t waa the expectation of the dl- iMetora who lent Ihelr credit eo th a t X am lth paper might from the Mutual T rust, th a t T. y . Howell * Co. would be able to pay .Ite X d l to r e in full. Mr, W llmot explained and th a t coneequently the claim tak en over by them would be good for ita (ace value.

OIrUeiede «e Liquidate Netea,Under a w ritten truet declaration. It

V M provided th a t all dividends paid b r the oredUora' com m ittee w hich had U ken over the T, P. Howell bu iineea w ere to be applied to the llqu ldellon of the four notes, end th ree dividends o f ten per cent, each ac tually w are ao

Fifth Essex District Order*Ninety-Nine Selective* to Dix

ange. As regard* the r e q u e e t of the No

I \ r

L i-

The dividends of ten per cent, each were oald on tw o no te i, executed by T. P. Howell and Co. to Mr. Bmllh, the US.SSO note, on which IMM) had been S j d . and one to r 11,600, W hen, evenl- u S ly H. S tacy Smith w ai made r e ­a v e r fo r T. P. Howell * Co., the N a­tional N aw ark Banking Company filed n claim for IH.OOO. This claim , the reealver disallowed, tak in g th e ground th a t the note did not rep resen t an Obligation of the leather company, b u t wae an obligation of Jam ea Smith J r ., a a d th a t th e lea th e r company never g o t the proceed* of th* note, nor any hene-

**Hv”h. who waa rapreeented »t th* k o arln g hy John Trl*r of th* office of Coll* * Coll*. t**llfled In corroboration Of Mr. W llm ot concerning th* note tranaaetlona, h u t did not go Into p a r ­ticular* M to Who had told him vane* abo u t th* Impending Sm ith failu re . He leellfled th a t he knew th a t

, IM S dlv ld tnd# had been paid by the creditor* ' com m ittee, bu t did not kjiow

SeveiSty-eeven men from Irv in g to n , twelve from MlUburn, fiv e from Hilton, four from Maplewood and on* from Short Hllla w ill m ake up the quo ta of n inety-nine re g is tra n t* ordered to Camp D ll tom orrow by th * F if th B i- eex DIetrlet Board, covering Irv ing ton , MlUburn and South O range Township. T he Irvington co n tin g en t w ere given com fort kite th li a fternoon hy the Bed Croe* C hapter of th a t town.

Four of the reg is tran t* elated to go to th* W rtghtetow n can tonm en t w ith th* quota have been ta k e n off th* Hat. They are W alter J. Schoch of I I Chea­te r avenue. Irv ing ton , and C harles F lrc - Bttn* of 111 Boyden avenue. H ilton , who w in leave w ith the nex t con tingen t; George Schaefer, fo rm erly of « Linden avenue, Irv ington, now In Sioux City, I*., and John B randi*, fo rm erly of 75 Fern avenue. Irv in g to n , now in Buffalo, will report In itead to th e d la tr lc l boerd i In Ihoee cities.

License League, It was e tated th a t the m atte r of arraete wae being coneldared. The evidence gathered by th e A nti- Saloon League wae Inveatlgatore sen t ou t by th a t o rg an lia

" " rh e request for action by ‘’jf •**** league wae made bacauee the altuaMon ia regarded an a precedent, whioh m ay affect o ther p la c 4 In th e s ta te , and thersfo re m erits the a tten tio n o

BIIASGHAI, China, Saturday, June 32 ( ;p ) ,_ T h e ta r i f f revialon conference has decided on a ta r if f on Im ports am ounting to five per cent, of the a v ­erag e value o f m erchandle* Import* during the y ee re l»1 3 -ltl« . Thl* will replace th* apecitte ta r if f which was fixed according to values during the year* lilt, m l an d ll»». Thl* ta r iff now repraeenta cuatom e duties of leas than th ree per cerrt.

The conference w ill determ ine the values of .m «rehandlie from custom* retu rn* and o th e r available evidence. Th* ta r iff w ill be eubject to revlelon, In whole o r In part, tw o years afte r th* w a r .. ,

Th* Alllad Pow er* hav* approved of th* new ta r i f f and th* sanction of O lln* la aaau rad , a* th e arrangem ent la of ad v an tag e to th la country. Th* legations hav* requested the delegatee to complety th e revlelon within ihrCo m onths.

larger^body.^^ told, Mr. Gedney advised

Food Body Gets Right to Pay More Than $2.20 Rate for Wheat

Announcement of Plans Made For Handling Housing Problem

WASHINGTON, Ju n e 24 (JP),—Organ lia tlo n of m achinery to carry out th* governm ent’i h o u iln * p1*ni n*# KmAva wnnmincifld bv th s D*D*rtin*nt of

i* B d ro f% i> s®W hen told th a t th ree d lv i-

• la rk e d th a t 'h e wa* glad I®g a d «QaaOraaaa*a A g r« « e u t-"

g ia k , oounaet fo r H arrison P. bOTF. truet** . In bankrup tcy fo r H atch . t h e V t t e p aald th a t ha wae unab le to

/ U ll a w lh ln g about^th^ParUcu^^^^^^^ ofIk* lo a n i m ad* by th e M utual ^ c u * t to Sm ith, a i they had a ll been mad* by the com pany bafor* h* had bocom* IdanttUed w ith It a* an o fficer and

^*W ^en he IdenUfled him self w ith lb* M utual T ruet, H atch explained. It wa*

I w ith tho u n d erau n d ln g th a t every ­th in g for w hich Smith wa* liable w ould be tak en ou t of th* bank, "W* h ad a aqrt of gentlem an '* agreem ent to th a t a fo o t; It w as on th* hael* of auch aa- ■uranc* th a t I made Jh* In v estm en t,' B a tc h added.

The receiver wae represented e t to ­d ay 's h earin g on th e dleallowed claim o f th* N ew ark N ational B an k in g Com­pany by F rad erlc W. Sm ith of Day. Day, Sm ith ds Sllngerland.

announced by th e D epartm ent Labor. The w ork w ill be und er th e direction of O tto M, E ld liti . aa d irector o f Industrial housing and tranap o rla - tlon, and ass is tin g him a s aaaoclate d lrecto ri^w lll b* rep ra aen ta tlv es of th e , W ar and Navy d ep a rtm an ts und the^ Shipping Board.

A m anagem ent d iv ision w ill under­tak e the m anagem ent of the propertle* erected by th* governm ent' and a dlvla- Ion of ax lsten l h ousing w ill deal w ith th e question of u til is in g a ll of the h o m in g and board ing fac ilitie s of each com m unity In o rder to reduce to a minimum th* need fo r governm ent housing. ■'

Th* governm ent w ilt e re c t in estah- Itshed com m unitlas houae* of a perm a­nen t oharacter. excep t w here Congress hns otherw ise a llp u la ted , and U will own, control and re n t th e houaae until a f te r the w ar.

Factor* to be oonsldered In fixing ren ta ls will b* in te re s t and Insurance, repair*, reserve fo r lo t* in cae* of non­occupancy, overhead expense* of ad­m in istration and depreciation .

th e Board of Excise th a t at* llcenaeo*- to whom grant* had been g vsn ‘ quen t to the p a isa f* o( the local o tth m act ahould be perm itted lo sell un til m idnight of Ju ly «, th ir ty “IJY* the decision of the elecll®" th* oanvasi nf the soldier vole. The six a t* Charles M. Decker *Ing tw o w holeeile grnn te; Andrew Mur ray, 41* Main s tre e t; John J- BkJJY. *** Main e tree t: A lexander Koelhoffer, *4 Springdale avenue; Thomas F, Blar.ey, ll»l N orth P ark street, and F ra n a L iv­ingston, 207 N orth P ark itre c l.

The day th* " d r y " victory w aa c o n ­firmed a f te r th* canvass of the soldier vote Mr. M urray closed h l i bar, b u t re ­opened It when advised th a t ha been given a grace of th ir ty day*. T h a t waa Ju it th irty days a f te r th e election Ilf htfty T*

E ip reaa In f eurprlea a t the action o f the Anti-Saloon League, Mr. Gedney explained today th a t a t the requeat of the Board of Excise he had given an opinion In accordance w ith hi* '"f**'" p re ta tlon of th* act. He contended th a t In hla belief th e th trty -d ey period w as given In order to allow a m an to dla- poee of hla stock and close up hie huetneis, and th a t w ith th e eubee- quent paesag* of the aoldler vote a c t the th irty -d ay period m entioned In th* previous act would d a te from the can- viLti o f such votfl M It th e o ffte t of continuing th* election. Mr. Q rfney argued th a t if th e places In q u fftlo n had gone out of busineia and th* raattlt had been changed by th* so ld ier vote it would have caused ex trao rd in ary com plications.

WASHINGTON, Ju n e 14 (A*)-—'The food ad m ln le tra tlon 's g ra in corporation in New Y ork had b lanket au thority today to purchaa* w heat a t more than the fixed governm ent price of 12.20 a bushel .sub jec t to the approval of Food A dm inistrato r Hoover. I t a lto was a u ­thorised to Increae* I ti capital at<wk from ISO.OOO.OOO to 1150,000,000, the In­creased Issue to be tak en by the gov­ernm ent.

No exp lanation of th* order leeued yeeterdsy by th e Preeldent to. enable the corpora tion to pay higher prices w as made, b u t I t wa* assumed th a t the prim ary purpos* w as to abeorb the In­creased f re ig h t ra te s to become effec­tive tom orrow and thua Insure to grow ers a t le a s t as g rea t a m argin o f profits a s th ey now make.

E ffo rts In C ongress to Increase th*

Juaran tead m inim um price of w heat to 2.50 a buaheV also w are believed to

have in tloeneed the Prealdent'e deci­sion.

Nulling School Open* at Va«*ar, Women from 110 Colleges Present

Frdinghuysen Dubious as to Airplane Progress Here

Three New Destroyer* Named For Heroes of American Navy

Motor Vehicle Commissioner Suspends Several Licenses

WASHINGTON. Ju n e I t (JP).—Names for th ree m ore new A m erican torpedb- boat destroyer* w er* announced yee- terday by S ecre tary Daniel*.

The Thomas 1* nam ed In m em ory of L ieu tenan t C larence C. Thomas, the f irs t Am erican nav a l o fficer to loe* hie life is the w ar ag afn a t G erm any. L ie u ­ten an t Thomas, w hose home w as in California, w as com m ander of th* arm ed guard o f th* ateam er Vacuum, w hich wa* su n k by a G erm an subm ar­ine April 28. 1217. T h e g uard m anned

F end ing th e action of the M orris ( ^ u n ty G rand Ju ry , Motor Vehicle Com- m lesloner D ili today suspended the license of Mr*. Ann* H. Crook* of I t* Hlwood avenue. W hile d riv ing h e r aqtom obtle Ju n e I on Speedwell avenue, K erris tow n , Mrs. Crooks ran Into B a rry L ev itt of Brooklyn, lie received In jurls* from which he died laet w eek. Mr- D ill eald th a t a charge of m an- a lau g h te r had been made a g a in s t Mrs. Crook*.

A nother Itoens* revoked wa* th a t of C grl H eraog of 69 Colum bia s tree t. W hile he w as driv ing a m achine t r o u g h Metuchen eoma f ru it Jare fell • i t In to the s tree t and broke. He picked up some of th e la rg er pieces of glaoe and le f t th e other* ly ing In the s tree t, HI* fa ilu re fo pick up a ll th* b its of gtaa* w aa teen by person* In ..-nearby garage. He told Mr. Dill he d id n 't th in k It w as up to him to pick up *1! th e glass.

F a ilu re to appear to answ er to a eh arge of ly ing drunk in h ts autom obile w hile i t waa standing In a d itch In Corllea avenue, near F reehold, re- aulted In the 4oe* of hla license by Al-

' b e rt B. D ies of TSI C linton avenue, k Motor Vehicle Inepecior R eev .a found

Dies In th s car At 10:30 A. M.. Ju n e 4, Bad took him before M agletrate Dodd

'. In A sbury Park , who fined Dice *15.M veral drivers were before th e com-

mleetoner fo r driving w ithou t a license, (.treste Gamberinl of 10 Cleveland av e­nue, H arrison, paid a (lire of 120.75 for th is offense; Albert Edgar of 31 G ra­ham avenue, Metuchen. wa» fined *25,

the afte r-g u n u n til th row n Into tho sea, when the ahtp aan k and th* officer died In an open b o a t eome h o u rs la te r from expoiure.

The H araden la nam ed for C aptain Jon a th an H araden , w ho se rved w ith d istinction du ring th e R evolutionary W ar, cap tu rin g e ig h t enem y vesasla and a to tal of 1,000 guns.

The Abbot is nam ed In m em ory of Commodore Joel A bbot, w ho wa* voted a eword by C ongress tn 1S14 fo r gal lan try In the W ar of 1812.

'Kindergarten.’ of German Origin. Will Not Be Discarded by Union

CHICAGO, Juno 24 (A').—The name ''k lndorgarten ." a lth o u g h of German origin, 1* no t to be dlecarded. for the present a t leas t, accord ing to Mias BtiiltA Louie® Wood o( Mlnnee^poHit president of the In te rn a tio n a l K inder garien Union, m em ber* gf w hich met In annual convention here today. The question. Mil* W ood said, had no t been considered hy th* executive board, and probably would n o t come before the convention. . .

I t la expected th a t 2,050 delegate* will he In a tten d an ce a t th e conven­tion which will la s t th* en tire week.

From (5e KaeAlspfo* Burrou of Ihom y a y y w a .

WASHINGTON. Ju n e 24.—"I believe E ngland and Franc* may fornieh ue w ith ptanee to do our fig h tin g b u t the United State* w ill no t be able to do It unleea m ors faollltle* are provided and we gel m ore action."

This B tatem ent wae m ade today by Senator Frellnghuyaen, w ho haa Just re tu rned to W aahlngton w ith th e m em ­ber* of the ■ub-oommltte* o f th* Sen­ate m lilta ry com m ittee, w hich hae been InVBitl g a tin g condition* In the aero­plane facto ries In N orthern New J e r ­sey and f ly in g field* on Long Island.

Th* Bub-commltte* v lilte d the W rlgh t-M artln p lan t a t New B runs­wick and th* two S tandard p lan ts a t B llaab tth and Plainfield .

"We found the plant* energetica lly s tru g g lin g w ith the governm ent or- derir" continued the Senator. *'We hope th ings are going to be b e tte r th a n w* found them, Thera li g re a t danger th a t there w ill be a gap In produo- tion. W hen tho p resen t a ir c ra f t p ro­gram 1* com pleted th ere should be m ore w ork to go ahead on. We need a more extended a irc ra ft p rogram and there ought to be some se ttled policy.

"The QPtimlstlc and exaggera ted sta tem en ts reg ard in g the num ber of aeroplanee th a t have been shipped to the o ther side a re very dam aging. A eroplanes hav* no t been shipped and cannot be shipped In any g re a t num ber for several m onths ae yet. No com bat plane* w ill be ehlpped fo r aeveral m onths. No heavy bom bing plane* and no aing le-seat ecout reconnalesancs fig h te rs ere as ye t in production.'

The Senator declared th a t a defin ite policy on the p a rt o f- th e o tflc la la In W ashington would help a good deal. Ho pointed ou t th a t If a d efin ite policy and program w ere fixed upon, then the m an ufactu re rs of the country could go ahead and en large th e ir p lan ts eo a* to be ready (or fu tu re buetnese. They now have sufficient capacity fo r the tu rn in g out of th e ir p re sen t contracts. W hen new contract* come along th* plant* will no t be ready, the Senator eald, ao th a t th* gap h* epoke of w ill occur.

The sub-commlWee of th e m ilita ry com m ittee Is expected to hold hearing* thl* week on th* a ir c ra f t situation- Thla com m ittee has obtained a lo t of Inform ation as a re su lt o f Its v *U to the faclorle*. The com m ittee d id not find every th ing as It should be. and the a irc ra f t official* will be aeked to explain certa in delays-

POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y., June 24 ( F ) .■America's f irs t g re a t tra in ing school

for w ar nursea opened a t Vaaear Col­lege today, w ith a n attendance Bllghtly exceeding 600 young women graduate* of college* from all over the United Slate*. A t th* convocation th is fo re ­noon, which preceded th* opening of the th ree-m o n th tra in ing course, women from fo rty -th ree s ta te s were pressnt, rep re sen tin g 110 colleges.

P reeldent H enry N. MacCraoken of Vaeear p resided a t th e opening of cere­monies In th e chapel. Among the epeakera w ere E lio t W adiw orth and Mr*. John W. B lodgett, the la tte r a tru stee o f V aeear.

The offic ia l dealgnatlon of the camp ts th a t of a school o f science applied to tra ined inuatng . Mo*I of the g rad u ­a tes a f te r an o th e r year's hospUal tra in ing , w ill be available (o r service w ith th* A m erican Expeditionary Forces,

LONDON, June 24 ( ff ) .—A m anifesto Issued by eight fcbor m em ber* of the B ritish Governm ent, according to eome o f ,4 h a m orning newspaper*, la con- nected. w ith th re a li^ o l a se rious epHl in the L abor P a rty due, som e pdpera say , io effort* of a pacific ist g roup to em b arra ss th* geveriim ent in th * pro**- cutlon of th* w ar. |

The D ally Telegraph aay* th e parly stand* In im m inent danger o f a cleav­ag e w hich w ill divide It In to aeveral w arrin g factions. The causes of dle- affec tlon are so deep and th e prejudices and paaslona so g rea t th a t I t la d iffi­cu lt to aee, i t adds, how an ag reem en t can be reached. The T eleg raph de- o larea th a t apeechei and ac tio n s of th e lab o r m lnlatera hav* been tw ie ted and m isrepresen ted to ault; sec tional p u r­poses and the minds of th e ir c o n itltu - en te bav* been poleoaed by Insidious p ropaganda. I t chargea th a t a cam - paign Is being waged ru th leeely to force lab o r o u t of th e coalition governm ent an d b reak up th* presen t a d m in is tra ­tion.

Georg* H. Roherte, M inister o f Labor, and George Nlcoll Barnes, M inister w ith o u t portfolio In th e W ar Cabinet, a re quoted by The Dally Mall ae aay- Ing In an Interview th a t th ey are so alck of th e "mean line* and envenomed calum ny" of th e tr opponent* w ith in th e p a r ty th a t they vVould g lad ly resign, b u t feel th a t by doing so th ey would be sh irk in g ihelr duty. They Intend to con tinue w ork ing to the u tm ost, bu t could no t and would not con tinue w ith ­o u t th e good wilt and auppori of th e ir oonstltuen ta .

E xecu tive W eald T e n o la a te T race,T he m anifesto teem* called fo rth by

th* determ ination of th e lab o r **sou- t i f * to mov$ a contarenca ftxcfl fo t W edneaday th a t the political truce ou- ■ervfd by the c o o « n t of a ll partlee ■Inc* tha beginning of th e w ar be t e r ­m inated. I f thl* le Indoraad by th e conference, whenever and w herever an elactlon occurs an offic ial labor c a n ­d idate w ill oppose a cand idate repre- een tlng th e other parllee to the truoe and th e poeltton of th* lab o r M lnlatera would become im potilble.

Th* Time* lays th e precise s ig n if i­cance o f th* declelon of the labor ex- acutlve to move a dlB#olutlon o f the po litical truce Is eom ew hat obaoure, b u t th e reaeon given le th e aw kw ard position In which th e execu tive i s placed by the action o f local branches of th e p a rty which a lready hav* Ig ­nored the truce by runn ing cand idates o f th e ir own agains t a u th o rlie d can ­didates. The adoption of th* reeolu- tlon would relieve the executive of em barrasem ent by re leasing them from th e ob ligation to keep fa ith ■with th e governm en t

The T im es adds;"The executive hav* f ille d to enforce

dlecipline In tha eon itltuencia* and are w eakly eurrenderlng th e poelllon to tho rebelllou i elem ents. I f th* reso ­lu tion Is passed the executive can in ­dorse cand idatures ag a in s t the gbvern- m ent In w hich they are repreeenied by Mr. Barnee and hi* collvaguee. B e­hind the sltuayon 1* a deep-aaated cleavage between tw o section* of th* p a rty —trade* union and socialist.”

G eorge R. Roberts, M in ister of Labor, speak ing a t an en te rta in m en t tae l n ig h t

given by a B ritish commltta* to A m eri­can soldlara, eald th a t America and E ngland had en tered th e w ar w ith a vow th a t It should continue until the alma of the Allle* are a tta ined and the Germ an* have acknowledged th e ir crim e and d efeat to th s world,

Th* A nglo-A m erican damocracle*. he ■aid, have eatabllahed a clear under- ■tandlng. Th* American labor repre - ■ anu tlvea w ho recsn tly v lilted E ngland had a defin ite m andate from the A m eri­can people not to en te r Into 'n e g o tla - i ttone w ith enemy represen tatives u n til • the Allied cauee w as vletorloue. In th a t { poeltton, Mr. R oberts declared, Ihey ■ m ore tru ly represented % ltlsh w ork- | logm en th an m any In th is country U'hg 1 claim to apeak fo r them, |


Recruiting Move in IrelandFor Service in American Army

dteoHalfd Pfeie Corresiwndeace.DUBLIN. May 22.—A proposal to

conduct In a ll th e towoa and vlllagee of Ire land a rec ru itin g eam palgn to en ­list young men for service tn th* A m er­ican arm y haa been subm itted to the B ritish and Am erican government*. The plan hae been mad* public by P. J . McAndrew. chairm an of a com m ittee form ed by c itlrens of Dublin. In a I ■tatem ent prin ted In Dublin new s, papers Mr. McAndrew proposed an o r- gan tied rec ru itin g cam paign th ro u g h ­ou t Ireland. H e said:

"I have had m any Inquiries from d if ­fe re n t p a r ts of Ire land ae to tha mode ef. procedure peceeeary for young men to Join the Am erican arm y. Th* young men e ta t* th a t they only rea llied r e ­cen tly th a t A m erica had gone lerlouely in to the w ar, and th a t they hav* had le tter* from brother*, coueln* and m ore d is tan t re la tives In Am erica who have Joined th e Am erican arm y or navy. Alt these Am erican Irishm en, they say. w rite them th a t. In th e ir opinion, th e w ar w ill lead to th* freedom of I re - | land, a* they ar* la tls f led th a t A ra e r - , lea w ill see th a t Justice le don* to the ! people of Ire lan tf w ithou t fu rth e r delay.

"Under the clrcum etancei, th* young men of th is country feel th a t It 1* only r ig h t they should co-operate and as- ■lit th e ir re la tiv es In America, aa th a t country ha* alw ays been the home of the Irish people who hav* had to em i­g ra te th ro u g h necessity or othsrw le* since 1847. I have subm itted th* m a t­te r to th e governm ents concerned.”

Watch These little Ads. for Big

Daily SavingsB cglanlag led ay th e McDonald

policy la to fn rtb c r t h r i r GRE.IT SATING POWER by o f lc r la g . la ad- d ltloa to o a r a lread y calabHaho# m o l d of valoo g lv lag , an aaaa o a l

DAILY SPECU L Women’s White Canvas Pumps

Same as illuatrated,

with covered heels and aluminum plate.

Production of Bituminous Coal Continues to Show Increase

I MfD0NALD>I j o e M A j K t T f t j a w ^ ^

CRETONNEthat apprala to ro a r tas4o.

Star Upholstery Co.4 0 0 5 p r ln s tle M A v « . P h o n e 3 5 9 W av


WASHINGTON, Ju n e 24 ( J ) , —A m er­ican m ines continued th e ir record p ro ­duction of bIturalnouB coal la s t w eek by tu rn in g ou t 12.571,000 ton*, an In ­crease of 170,000 Iona over th* h igh m ark of Ih* w eek before and 1,187,00# lone In exceae o f the output during the sam e w eek la s t yasr.

In announcing these figures today, the Geological Survey said the In- c rea ted o u tpu t during th* weak In Cen- ir a l Pennsy lvan ia wae (our p er cent., Tennessee and K entucky five per cent., and A labam a five p er cent. There wa* a lo ts o f ten per cent. In the P ittsb u rg h and Panhandle d is tric ts and eeven par cent. In Ohio.

Im proved supply of coal ca rs and b e tte r labor conditlone w ere la rg e ly reeponalbl* for the gain In production tn the w eek ending June 8, the f ir s t week w hen bltum lnoue production e x ­ceeded 12,000,000 tons. The mine* tu rned o u t 82.2 per cent, of th e lf full tim e oapaolty, the g rea test lose s till being due to c a r ahortage, w ith lab o r ehqrtaga, Including s tr ik es and mine d leabtllty . con tinuing ae con tribu ting factors.

A n th racite shipm ent* la s t w eek w ere 41,960 care, an Increaae of 1,280 c a r ­loads, or th ree per cent, over the w eek of June I.


i.OOO yards wonder- [ fill n<iw colftiinis I and Bjrpl«c« of ynfd wholeisU ]> r } 0 e A. Fin® for coverii, I draperies and hanc* l intm, __________ I

f m m iFive-plea« parivr euUe* reuptiolatered In u p -eatry,' tHk 'tlmp, frame® poltibed lUc* new. CaQ. write or pbone* Ham e i l l wllti■UDptMv tiet our eatittMtoa. Open e tn lB f a.

HELP! “He can iwlm, lo I know he’s ufe. He levned in the Y. M. C. A. POOL"

I f he can 't, don 't le t him go to camp, to th e m ountatna or an y w h ere els* until be can awlm.

Insist that He Learn NowtVritc, Phone or Cell


Ralph De Palma Hangs Up Mark For Two Miles in Giicago Race

CHICAGO, Ju n e 24.—The faateet lap ever made on any tra c k In th is coun­try by a ear of 200 cubic Inches dle- nlRcement, w as m ade Saturday by

Victor G allert of 300 C entral avenue, i ha lnh D« Palm a a t the Chicago Speed Je rsey City, and. Jam ea T, C am p b e ll' " _ . . . . . — j — .of 54 W est NlnetV-nlnth street,York, who had New York llceneea but no Jersey llcenaea, paid f lu and 810.75, reepecilrely . Jam es W. H enry of 1394 New D urham avenue. N orth Bergen, whe drove on an expired perm it, wae told he could not get a Itcenso until a f te r th ir ty days.

The license of Sidney W hately o f 126 Avenue S, Bayonne, waa revoked for (atUng to answ er a charge of using 8ea View avenue, Jeraey City, aa a tpeedw ay for hi* motorcycle. Th* reciprocity privilege of Max Simon of U IT L ancaster avenu*; Philadelphia, w ae revoked for falling to an sw er a ch arg e of driving w ithout ligh ts, while th a t of P a trick 'W. Hughe* of 74 W est I t l a t s tree t. New York, waa revoked fo r speeding. Edward Ounn of Lynd- hDrat w as fined 810.76 to r epeeding, and (o r a sim ilar offenae F red Bacon of 804 Redmond avenue. New Brunsw ick. tVH fined 86.75. F ailu re to m ake a p roper tra n sfe r of licena* coat Thomas R. Lee of 440 Avenue E, Bayonne, (6.

I way. D riving h la P ack ard racing car. he circled the tw o-m lle tra c k In one

Rotaritns «t Kansas City Ready For International Assemblage

mliiuta Iwo B«condB khcI ' fafly-ona hundradths of a iiecond. Thla 1$ a t th$ ra t« of l i e mll«* h o u r Do ra lra a Bot the now f lsu re fo r a ll o ther d riv ­ers to f lrlv o fo r by attom ptlngr to bettor tho local s ^ o d w a y record o* l i a miles an h our by D ario^R csta .

Thirty-eight Jailed for Selling Liquor to Camp Devens Soldiers

b o s t o n . Ju n e 24 (JP>.—T h irty -e ig h t men, arre sted n ea r (!amp Devens. pleaded gu ilty In tho F ed era l n ia tr ic t Court hero today to a id ing and abetting In the Bale of Uquor to aoldlerfl. They were eentenced to one year In Jail.

Tennis Stars Give Exhibition For Y. M. C. A. at Short Hills

Follee R eserve C ag ta la H naered,At the reg u la r Sunday d rill of th*

Newark M lHU ry Police Reserve* In Weequahic P a rk yesterday CapUln Fred W , Bock w ae preeenled a w rfet watch by C orporal W llllhm O. Sand- rltte r on behalf o f Com papy F. Captain Bock delivered an addrea* of apprecia­tion.

KANSAS CITY. Mo., Ju n e 24 ( * ) .— M eetihgi and conferencea prelim inary to the form al opening tom orrow of th* n in th annual ga th erin g of th* In te rn a ­tional A iioclatlon of R o ta ry Clubs w ere held here today, a ttended by the 1,600 or m ore delegate* from m any part* of the United Stale*. G reat B rita in and Canada, who a lready hav* arrived fo r the eeeeloni.

D elegatee from m ore th an fifty Am erican and Canadian citlee are here. It w a i annouhced. The convention will continue u n til F lrady.


Family a Fighting Fam ily!That is the war-time spirit of true-blue Aroericans-the spirit that wiD win the war. The day of talking patnotism is passed—the time has come to pr§ctic$ it

Your goivemment has officially set—

Sunday School Body Pledged To World-Wide Prohibition Work

On th e co u rt! of th* S hort H llla Club j ^ t e r d a y afternoon, six s ta rs appeared fo r th* benefit of the T. M. fl, A. IV ar F and , T hree double m atobea were played, and despite the cold wind th a t blew acroaa the court*, lom e fine work vraa d isplayed to a ga llery of about 600. Tb« receip ts hav* not y e t been figured , b u t It la expected th a t tb e sum realised w lU .reaob 1600. i

' MIm M olls BJuratedt, th e national qm kian'a champion, and Mlaa M arion ImdaOetqlD, tho new w om an's double rfUkfaplOD. fresh from th e ir v lctortea a t FM IadeIpbla. wer* th* headliner*. Ml** B ju ra tad t, w ith E llio tt BInxen ae a patrlAer, loat to Mlaa Marl* W agner and Mm I* W righ t In two o u t of th re a **t*. ( • ^ , - 8 —< and 8^-8. Mlaa Z Inderitetn , ggllwd w ith w a i u r M errill H all, won f l« m Mlaa W agner and W rig h t in two PtMlgfat data, t —t and 4—8. and B lnicn a<M I g la B. Ib h a n won from H all and W rig h t In Uro ou t o f thrOe vet*. 8— 4, t-~ « aad «—4. B. B. H. P endergaat of

Hill*, who a rranged tbe axhlbl- , 0OB fa r tha Short Hllla Club, ootea ae

ihfcrao-. 4 ( l a r th* jaa teh a i t ^ player* were

i'oiaoUno H a r t by F a ll fa Reid.Exclee Com m lraloner Coxxolino 1* a t

hIs home. 124 Rldge-wood avenue, su f­fering from n w renched knee. W hile try ­ing to catch one of th* men a t a saloon which wae being raided a t 100 Cham ­bers etree t S atu rday n ight, Mr. Coxio- llno turned suddenly and fell.

b u f f a l o . June 24 ( F J .—A pledge to w ork (or natlon-w ld* an d w orld-w ide prohibition wae adopted today by th* In ternational Sunday School Aeaoola- tlon. claim ing to rep resen t 22,000,000 people in N orth America,

Th* convention ordered se n t to P re ­m ier Borden of Canada a m eaiag* com­m ending th* Canadian G overnm ent on It* Uquor iJglilatlOB and to P reelden t WllBon and Congree* thl* m escage;

•'■W* glad ly conserve food and fuel In our homes. We dem and th a t g ra in and fuel be denied the b rew erlea"

Alien Striker* Fail to HeedWarning lo Go Bkck to Work

M eterlet A m a le d tn W ent Orange.Max Smith o f 187 E llaabath avenue.

Ibis city, waa a rre s te d la s t n igh t In ■West O range on a ch arg e o f v io lating tralfic regu la tion* by d riv in g h la au to ­mobile on th e w rong aide of the stree t. He w ill be a rra ig n e d before Recorder McLaughlin to n ig h t.

EA8THAMPTON. Mass., Ju n e 24 (JP).__The 400 str ik in g A ustrian and Polishweaver* of tha W est BoyU ton M anu­fac tu ring Company, who w ere w arned F riday by A gent F re d W eyand of th * D epartm ent W Ju stice th a t thay would be in terned he enemy a lien s If they peraieted In rem aining Idle a f te r today,

Friday, .k ine 2 8 th N ational W ar Savings D ay

On June 28th every American will be summoned to enlist in the g r^ t “army that stays at home.” On that day every loyal American should “ sign the pledge” to in v ^ a definite amount in War Savings Stamps each month during 191A

W. So So Cost $4ol7 in Jane Worth $5.00 Jan. t. 192^


Td A'5" UKPT. UWMIHI TtCBOOL) New Vaefc—M Park A**., bet.„tl-8# Sla.

Help the Fighters Fight—On June 28th

Je w e irr 'W atfcen la Meet J a ly 1.The an nual convention of th e In te r ­

national Jew elry W orkqra ' ,Union, of which therb la a b ranch In itata city, will be held In th e coupoll cham ber of th* city hall, b eg inn ing Ju ly 1. The firs t sea iloa w ill be openad by Mayor Gillen. , , I I I

Brocklyn—Cor, Franklin aad Jefferson Avs,1*1 ----------------------- -------I'HBFARg* Bt'KOIALLV FOR

nd (or Catalog * 'Buccea* InRagenta'Bxami*NewBand


National W ar Savings CommitteeThis Space Coptribut«d to the Winning the War Iqr




Ir GREAT lav» IB b4-,b DHdatuil

Same as I a t rated, ered heels lun plate.


NEtry Co.» n « 3 5 9 W a v


PIECESIRTOEEV___jrardi wond«f- tEw colMlni'<Bjr

or y*rd i f p il l ]> r I 0 e 1.

for covirs, rlea lo d h in t^ i

Kolatirid In Up- Uihed Ilk* new. I will m U wllh

Op«B efidlncK.

c u iwlm, 10 ow he’s safe, learned in the L C. A. pool"b« can 't, don 't tm ao to camp, e m o u n ta ln i or rhere sIm until xn awim.

am Now iT CallHalsey St

« J p w - S

: V

A Perisonal Appeal• s '

From the Presldent-to YouA


I earnestly appeal to every man, woman and child to pledge themselves on or before the 28th o f June to save constantly and to buy as regularly as pos­sible the securities of the Government, and to do this u far as possible through membership in W ar Savings Societies. The 28th of June ends this special period of enlistment in the great volunteer army of production and saving here at home. May there be none unenlisted on that day!

“ W O O D R O W W I L S O N ”: ‘May 29, 1918.

Friday, June 28, 1918Has Been Named as


Yourself On or Before That Day to Save and Regularly Buy

Stamps• X ' '

HSitEi) snziEaoovEmodEKr

Help Newark reach its quota. Sign the Pledge Card , which will be presented - to you before June 28 to save and mvest regularly in War Savings Stam

National War Savings Committee for New Jersey785 Brokd Street, Newark

This space has been contributed by

F idelity T iw t C om pan y

e v e n in g MONDAT. TOB*3*|E \ 1 ‘J . "• 4

6Dmu'4 ^etD5fVfcUA^ 4Mlr, uM P t BuadPT, k|r

ETMilf Nnri PtUiiliiai Compur

■Utem ent to th e conlimry m ad* 3 W 13 t>y It Now Y o rk now opaper th a t ahoulil know


t lf- tlT Martwi •««•*. Newark. N. A

On th e o th e r hand It w a i exp lained th a tI I t

I Batered a t the Hewartt. N. Poetoff Id* u eeeoBl-t e lau Tilephane i*M Market , „Frleata Sraaek kidiaBia wwawtlm all Orpaiitatoti.

NBWARK BVBNINO NKWP dtlleared anywhere la Nawam tor I t centa a week.Bt rofctl. beKtanlBK July 1. ■ubtcriptlrtn. M

<«nt« ^ momh.eaaia a momn, mu; *• rum . i™ .---.eludaa war tax; ll.«« a year, plui 11.10 tor poat-aca and war ta>; roreifn poalaia. t fanta a copy.

Addraaaea for mall eoplea may h» rhanxed aa anan aa daairad and can he left with your own nawadialer. the branch offlcea or hualnaai office of the Nowa Any complaint ahoum be made to Tha Nawarfc Kranlni Nawa.

^hla nawapapar la a member of the Aaeoclated Preaa Naere dlapatcbea printed herein and deal*- HMM bjr (JP) *r* Associated Pres* dlobatrnri, which may not he laKfully rtprlnlrd eacnpt bv m*«nb«r« of tho Aoooclfcled Pr«M.^ i^BtiiMOuc oriffln heroin printed to aubject to the ■mu* r*atrlcil(>n a i to republtoatlon.

MONDAY, JU N K 24, 191S.

GOC© NEW S ON T H E PIAVE.I t l i h a rd ly an exaggera tion to la y th a t

th e r e tre a t of th e A u itr la n i over the Plave R iv er l i th e best now f ilnoe th e b a ttle of th a M arne. W hile It m ay be only the f l n t phaae of th e g re a t A u itr la n o ffenilve th a t 1» over, th e e ffo rt haa failed definitely. The r itu a tlo n la fu ll of p rom lie which, If It ma- tu raa , m ay m ean a dlaaater fo r the H apshurg.

E xcep t fo r th e G erm an re tirem en t to tlio H ln d en b u rg p rep ared line, th is Is the firs t c lean -cu t reverse of tho C entral E m pires In th e weat alnoa th e au tu m n of I9 H . E ncour­ag in g aa la th e m ilita ry result, it Is secondary to th e m oral an d pollGcal results. I ta ly haa been taatad an d found sound as a nu t. T ha I ta lia n d iaaater orf th e Isonxo haa been r«- daem ed. G eneral Dias'# forcea have tho con­fidence born of success, a 'h lle th e m orale of th a A ustrlana h as to suaU In I ho depreaalng tn tluanoa of defea t, w hich cornea on to p of In ternal troub lea fo r w hich th e re a p p e a f i to be. n o relief.

W e A uatrlan retverae m ual be m aaaured by th a am bltlousnesa of th e und artak ln g . T he orig inal aaaault upon th e I ta lia n lines w as m ad e w ith g rea te r fo rces a n d sp read over a b roader f ro n t th an any G erm any haa made. T he Ita llana w ere a ttack ed on tho whole Tulnorabla leng th o f th e ir f ro n t and prao- tloally a l l of A ustria '# s tre n g th w as p u t Into th a blow. F a ilu re m eana th a t any raaum p- tlo n of th a s tru g g le w ill hav e to be m ore raatric tod a n d m o re concan tra ted .

T h a t A u atrla a tta c k e d w ith o u t G erm any'# iMlP ■aema to b e a r on ly th e In te rp re ta tio n

t h a t O e rm a n r believed h e r capab le of euc •M ding , n o tw lth ita n d ln g th o fac t th a t she

la lla d tn b a r every # lngle-han4sd effo rt. T h e Ik llu ra l i f in a l p roo f th a t, ac ting by h e r- aelt l i t t le reU anoe can be p laced upon h er. w h ich wlU be a ll th e m ore ev iden t If report# th a t G en n an a id le.on th e w ay a re bo rn e out.

. T ha re v e rse U a ll th e m o re encoureg lng I f I t Is tru e , a s R o m e report*, th a t G en era l

’' ' t Hh h a# n o t h a d to call upo n h ie reserves,■ s a d If th e loeeee c a n be p laced, a s Italy

^sgUmatee th em , a t 40,000, a ll to ld , fo r th e ; to 100,000 fo r th e A u itrtan e . W ith

.' ■general F oo h in su p rem e com m and of tho / I ta l ia n a# w ell ah th e w ealern fro n t, i t la

1 , , |b b e prem im ed th a t th e I ta l ia n s hav e n o t ' "S ir# a n y m o re m en th a n naoessary, con-

‘S in i ln f th e i r trdbpe fo r th e A llied offensive th a t la to h e delivered a t th e o p p o rtu n e

r t t u a T h e In ference Is th a t th * ■ I ta lia n U se w a » n o t In g rav e d a n g e r o f giving w ay a t an y in th le offensive, an d th a t th e r i tu a u a g M t t - t a b l e t ' w ith a relaU ve ease.

B u t th le shou ld n o t lead to expectation ^ th a t I ta jy w ill beg in an o ffen ilv* Of h er :BWn o r th a t th e A u s tr ian e ffo rt Is over.

’ i^ u a t r la o an n o i r e t ire ac ro ss th e P lave and V i^ m e l i i In ac tiv e w ith o u t m ak in g a very

a b je c t adm ieeion o f defea t. I t w ould bo a ‘SOBfeeiVin th a t h e r e ffo rt, ^ t h a ll Its te r-

rlM e coet, h a d been a fa ilu re w ith no th ing to ehow fo r I t I t w ould be a no tice to th e A u s tr ian peop le th a t th e y need n o t look to th e a rm ie s fo r an y Im provem en t of th e ir fo rtu n e s by loo ting th o enem y’s sto re honsea. I t w ould be In fo rm in g th e A ustrian •o ld le r i t h a t n o th in g w as expected of them , w hich w ould b e th e e trongeet k in d o f a ■U m ulant to th o u n re s t now existing am ong

a n d a n en co u rag em en t to them to th e c iv llla n i In rev o lt agalnirt th e

.^ •v e rn m e n tA u itr ia , like G erm any , m u st d rive It#

a m le e o r be d riv en by th em , a n d In thig Ite i th e g re a te s t ho p e t h a t m ilita rism can b e m a d e to d e fe a t I ts e l f . , W hen force defi­n ite ly fa lls an d confidence tn It is tost. It oeaees to b e a re liance . In th a t sense wo a r e w inn ing th o w ar. T ho A u strian fa ilu re le a g ro a t b a tt le w on to r th e E n te n te ; and also fo r th e people# o f A ustria-H ungary , w hose only ohan ce o f com ing o u t of th e w ar a h e a d i t by lo sing It.

tha s tre n g th an d su p p o rt availab le from th e reeerve b an k s fo r rediscounting an d in o th e r im p o rtan t w ays would prove of inestlm ablo benefit. A ccord ing to an official of the N ew , York Itese rv e B ank a t A tlan tic CllV. th e e x ­istence of th e reserve system during th e p reo arlo u i fin an c ia l lim es of la te h a s u n ­questionably prevented several panics. O ne hard ly supposes th a t any sta te h an k in g in ­stitu tion would ca re to bo placed In th e a l t i ­tude of en joy ing Im m unity fro m pan ic w hich would sto p St noth ing If i t a r ta d — w ithout pay ing It# sha re o f the p rem iu m fo r Insurance by partic ipa tion in th is system .

All of th is rem inds one th e t th e re U a com m ittee of New Je rsey h an k ers who*e especial Job Is to get eligible N ew Je rse y sta te b an k s an d tru s t com panies to Join th e reserve system . It haa been a t w o rk fo r some tim e. One w onders w h at haa been or is balng accom plished.


To have f re ig h t ra te s on th e N ew Y orkB arge C anal k e p t on a p a rity w ith ra il ra te s would have resu lted In re s tr ic tin g tra ff ic th ro u g h th e can a l Instead of en co u rag in g th e use of th a t w aterw ay to Its fu lle st c ap ac ity T he federa l ra ilro a d ad m in istra tio n h a s r e a l­ised th is fact, w ith a consequsnee th a t a d if ­fe ren tia l of app ro x im ate ly tw enty p e r cen t, has been estab lish ed to encourage sh ip m e n ts by w ater. T h is ts to be acco m p lish ed by keep ing can a l ra tes a t th e ir p re se n t level w hen ra il ra te* a re advanced tom orrow .

A g re a t v o lum e of p ro test on th o p a r t of those In te res ted In w aterw ay tra n sp o r ta tio n ag a in s t th e equalisa tio n of ra il an d w a te r ra tee w as soheduled to bs re leased th is w eek In num ero u s m eetings a t v a rio u s p o in ts In th e co u n try , b u t th is will now be ree tra ln e d , fo r It Is u nnecessary . T h s ’sx a n ip ls se t re ­gard in g B a rg e C anal ra te s m ay be expected to be follow ed fo r o th er w a te rw ay s g e n ­erally . T h e re le likely to be gom e question raised a s to w h e th e r a tw enty p e r c e n t d ll- feren lle l Is lu fflc ten l, b u t th a t can bo d li- cueeed w ith o u t h ea t now th a t th e u n d erly in g p rlnelp le h a s been recognised a s s i ta b ll ih e d .

Borne th in g * th a t have o ccu rred sin c e fe d ­eral co n tro l of ra ilro a d s and w aterw ay* b e ­cam e effec tiv e have led to th e belief t h a t th e old th eo ry of ra ilro a d m en th a t w a te r t r a n s ­po rta tio n m u»t b s m inim ised •* m u ch as possible in o rd e r to m a k s th e ra l l ro a d i p ro s­perous h a d n o t been abandoned u n d e r the new o rd er. T h e p ro te s t m eatlngs p lanned fo r th is w eek called fo r se ttin g fo r th th a t th e old co m p etitiv e system h ad been a b o l­ished by u n ified control, and th a t th e o b jec t so u g h t nqw w a s to fu rn ish faclHUes fo r rap id m ovem ent of com m erce. Includ ing w a r su p ­plies, o v e r every avenue of tra n sp o r ta tio n availab le , n o t a t com petitive ra te s , b u t a t ra te s th a t w ould be equ itab le fo r th e serv ice rendered .

T he reco g n itio n o f th is p rin c ip le sh ou ld resu lt in an Im m ed ia te benefit by g u a ra n ­teeing th a t th e volum * of w a te r-b o rn e co m ­m erce Bhall be ite a d lly Increased in th e com ­ing m o n th s b e fo re w in te r w e a th e r closes nav igation on In land w ate rw ay #

archy ifieans not m erely no governm ent, b u t II b ick w ard -clvIllstRtloTi,

IV ar has show n the world, a s never b e ­fore, th a t through the s ta le alone, th e o rg a n ­ised Inalriim entality of po litical Ideals, can m ankind evoke and direct effectively h is fu ll | powers. To figh t a h ighly o rgan ised a u - j tocracy. the dem ocrnclcs of the w orld have j been forced to avail them selves of th e s ta te to an eslen t before undream ed of. T h e gov­ernm ent of O re s t B ritain , of F ran ce , of Ita ly , of th e f n l te d Htates, Is today th e vital o rgan of the social body of Hs respeetivo nation . W ithout the o rgan ised s ta te th e free peoples of the A llied group, even it th ey still could be called free peoples, w ould He helpless before th e w ar m achine of G er­m any.

B ut w ithout th e ir su p rem e governm ent, erected and eustalned by them selves, th e free peoples would no longer be free. G overn­m ent, the sla te , la th e condition of th o fre e ­dom they enjoy, o f all advanced social f ree ­dom. L iberty u nder law Is not m erely tho liberty of dem oeracles; It It th s only liberty there Is for a civilised nation . A nd liberty u nder law Is possible only th ro u g h sff lc len t and rssponilb le governm ent.

A narchism — like Its ex trem e opposite, au tocracy—as a theo ry of social w elfare h as Its face tu rned b ackw ard ; Ita golden age lies In the past, not In th e fu tu re . As a school of th o u g h t It Is a m ere vestig ial body lodged In tho m odern m ind— out of place, w ithout re la tions to rea l life, ta k in g no v ita l p a r t In the function ing of social change.

A narchists a re no t w anted In A m erica, and th e quicker they a re deported th e better. T hey a re not revo lu tionaries , h e ra ld in g a new day, b u t reac tio n a rie s w ho s ta n d fool­ishly In th s w ay of un fo ld ing dem ocraoy and organixed se lf-h e lp th ro u g h th e s ta te— th e sta le , m an 's m eet p erfec t tool of p rogreg#


th e m ,Join


T h e c larion ca ll to iU t# ban k s an d tru s t oom panlee th a t h av e no t ye t orilleted under th e b a n n e r o f th e reserve system fo r the ■ treng then lng of th e govern m en t's financial line o f defense an d o ffense does n o t ap pear to h a v e m e t th u s f a r w ith an en thuelasiic response, ^ e r e ha# been no wild rush to ap p ly fo r adm ission . ^

Q uite a B unjber of s ta te banka an d tru s t com panies of h ig h ra n k In m any e la tes have Indeed seen th e ad v an tag e to th e govern­m en t a n d to them selves p la in ly enough , and have had th e necessary degree o f patrio tism to u n ite th e ir fo rtu n es w ith th e reserve sys­te m ; b u t a g rea t m an y m ore have not done so.

N o t long ago B reck in ridge Jones of th e Mlsalesippl V alley T ru s t C om pany, St. Louis,In a n address before th e M issouri S tate B a n k e rs ' A ssociation, gave an sxhaustlva a n d te llin g exposition of t h s advan tages of a s ta te b a n k in g m em bersh ip in th e rs s n v o sy s tem an d th e added e lem en t of stren g th w h ich a g en era l m ovem ent in th a t direction w ould g ive to th e governm ent.

L ik e ap p ea ls w ere m ade a t the recen t con­v en tio n s of th e P en n sy lv an ia S tate B ankers ' A ssociation an d o f th e New Y ork S tate B a n k ers ' A ssociation a t A tlantic City, All th e old scabe-crow Ideas w hich had held to m e of th e s ta te b an k in g Institu tions aloof f ro m th e p rocesilon o f b ankers under tho rese rv e law b a n n e r w ere to rn up and sca t­te re d to th e to u r w ind# of heaven n t euch of th o se g a th erin g s, a n d th e positive and co n s tru c tiv e advan tag e# to be gained by m em b ersh ip w ere p la in ly poin ted out by kL ukere racognlxed aa ab u n d an tly equipped to tn e tru c t on these nubJecta

I t w a* m ad e c le a r t h a t s ta te institutions, by b ecom ing rese rv e b a n k m em bers, would n o t lose in In te res t, n s t, because they would c a r ry *o much sm a lle r reserves: would not h a v e to re m a in m em bers a f te r th e w ar It th e y d id n o t choose to ; would n o t have to lo#e th e ir s ta te ban k c h a r te r (u nctions; w ould n o t be tiViubled by th e need fo r ex tra b a n k exam lnatlona, to judge fro m the p rac- tto a th n a <ar, a n d woedd aacrltlce no p riv i- le # t* o r a d v a a t o ^ Iriven tb a m by s ta te •b a rto riH -th i* ao tw tthatS od lng a d irect


W h a t Is th e cen tra l and e n d u r in g ch a rm of A lexandre D um as's greak sto ry , w hich begins w hen D ’A rU gnan resen ts th e derision excited by h is cou n try -b red a p p e a ra n c e , and ends w h en th e sam e D’A rtag n an . dy in g be­fo re L a R ochelle , receives th e b a to n ijf a

field m a rsh a l o f T ran ce J I t la n o t m ere ly tb* ep liod ioal In ters* ! of

Ih* a d v e n tu ro u s n a rra tiv e , o r m e re ly th e n^xstefly c h a ra c te r developm ent, o r m ere ly th e (a ic ln a tlo n of th e ■ fo u r c h ie f actor* th tm ie iv e * ; n o r is it a ll of th e se q u a lities com bined. le 11 no t, m o re th a n an y th in * else, th e m ag n if ic en t loyalty an d com rade- ■hlp th a t a s su re th e reader, a t every em er­gency, t h a t no n e of th e fo u r w ill fa ll th* other*, a n d th a t , a t w h a te v a r coat o f sacrl- flee, th e f rie n d s wilt ad h ere to th e ir m otto, "All (o r each , and each (o r a llT ”

C erta in ly It ts th is sp ir it o f loyalty and co m rad esh ip w hich give to th e a llied dem oc­racies In th le w ar th e ir Im porlshab lo appeal to th e Im ag ination . A nd In th a daya of r s . co n s tru c tio n a f te r th e w ar It w ill be th e sam e sp ir it w h ich w ill give to dom ocratlc s triv ing It# ch ief quality an d tt* Irresis tib le charm .

W e a re e n te rin g an age of ro m a n c e In politics. T h e dem ocracies of th e w orld are se ttin g o u t upon a g rea t jo in t adven tu re , bound to g e th e r by th e o lesest t ie s o f f r a ­te rn ity an d friendsh ip , and sw orn , n o t only w hile th e w a r lasts, b u t th e re a f te r , to re ­deem th e sam e ro m an tic p ledge a s th a t w hich g av e Ideality an d w o rth to a ll tho risk s an d en terp rises , all th e euccesaes an.l even a ll th e fatliirea, of T h e T hree M usketeers— “Atl fo r each , an d each for

all."H e re a f te r , w ith these co m p an io n s In a d ­

v en tu re , It le n o t to 'be one n a tio n a l In teres t a n ta g o n is in g an o th er, on* tr a d e policy over­re a c h in g a n o th e r , one c lass ad v a n ta g e sh o u ld e rin g aside o r tra m p lin g dow n a n ­o th e r . S triv in g to g e th e r to w a rd com m on ends— hig h n a tio n a l purposes, h ig h In te r­n a tio n a l purpose#. In a new c o n fra te rn ity of peop les an d classes; a sp ir it o f g ive a n d ta k e an d of m u tu a l a id ; au b o rd ln a tlo n o f a lt po litical e ffo rt* to th * p a ra m o u n t in te re it of th e d em o cra tic s ta te s an d o f th o dem o­cra tic w o rld -s la te— such w ill h e th e con­tro llin g Ideals of th* new tlm * . o f tb * new p ta c i . f o r w hich th * w ar fo r id e a l #lm » 1*p re p a r in g a n d d iscip lin ing th e a llied nations.

N ot a s a grim strugg le of m a te r ia l In­te re s ts fo r m ate ria l ad v a n ta g e , h u t as sp irited ad v e n tu re in tho quest o f a com m on good, eag erly pressed In co m ra d e sh ip and m u tu a l resp ec t, social re c o n s tru c tio n a f te r th e w ar w ill be rom an tic r a th e r th a n ra - tionalU tlc . A nd th e only " ra a l" polltie* will be Idealism *—all fo r each, a n d a sc h (o r all.

Do not underv a lu e youreelf. A ct and th in k as th o u g h victory depended upon you and your effort*.This 1* p a r t of a personal m ta sa f* from

"Vies A dm iral S lin t, com m anding th e U nited S ta tes naval forcea In E uro p ean w aters, to h is m an-o '-w ar'* men- T he m essage, placed In te s ta m e n t* fu rn ish ed A m erican m llo rs abroad, em phasise* w h a t the ad m ira l re ­cen tly told w orkers In A m erican sh ip yards, w hen he declared th a t every rivet blow w as a atroke ag a in s t K alserism .

I t is one o f th e u tte ra n c e s b ring ing hom e to everybody th e t r u th th a t th e w inn ing of th e w ar rests upon Indiv idual effo rt, s k il­fu lly applied u n d e r In te lligen t d irec tion . I t Is of universal m eaning, and h e a r te n s e ffo r t a long all w ar lines. By It. each A m erican w orking In w h atev er field fo r auccees in dem ocracy 's a trugg l* Is to ld ag a in th a t th e com ing victory is hJs victory.

W h a t A m erican ta r* a re accom plish ing In cheeking and f ina lly overcom ing th * U -boat m enae* 1s Indicated In th e encourag ing and doubtless au th o rita tiv e rep o rts concerning th* destruction of Q erm a^ subm arines, the loBsee of w h ich now a re M id to exceed th* o u tp u t; by th e progreeslv* d im inu tion of losses to sh ipp ing , desp ite G erm any 's ex­trav ag an t c la im s a s reg iste red In B erlin 's "official" s ta te m e n t to r May, a n d by th e accritlona. exceeding all expectations, to o u r forces In F rance .

Op th e p a r t of th* *hlp yard* a m ag n if i­cent prom ise Is m ade to r th e in d ependence b a y launching*, w hen e lgh ty -n lne hulls, th e veiaelf hav ing a to ta l d eadw eigh t tonnage of 439.988, w in go in to th e w ater. I t is b e ­lieved th a t th ese figures, to w hich local yards, of course, will co n tribu te , will be ex ­ceeded. T h e speed th a t A m erica 's sh ip building program h as a tta in e d In a c tu a l a c ­com plishm ent can be u ndere tcod w hen it Is re ta iled th a t In May. a reco rd -b reak in g m onth for launch ings, only seventy-one hulls, rep re sen tin g a deadw eigh t tonnage of 344.4B0, slipped from th e waye.

This Is the sort of new s to send to Sims, to th e f igh te rs In F ra n ce , to th e g a llan t Itallen*, who. In h u rlin g back th e A ustrlana, hav* th s beat new s of th e ir ow n to repo rt. U t l proof of th* con tinued an d Increaatng m aste ry of th* ■** by th e Allies In th e ,w a r fo r freedom on w a te r and on land, a w a r In which, as Sima po in ts out, v icto ry depends on th e indiv idual f ig h te r and w o rk e r . .

positively th a t G re a t B rita in w as ju s t as determ ined a s th e U nited S tates to m ake these slm s the Irred u c ib le m inim um .

Bo fsr a# we ca n d lecern th e re Is no u n ­w illingness on th e p a r t of the A m erican people to listen to an y peace proposals G er­many m ay w ish to m ak e . They have m ade up the ir m inds a# to th e kind of peace they are determ ined to h av e . The New Uepuhlic, in our Judgm ent, seriously m isrcp resri.ts them when It eaye, o f tho prevailing stra in In A m erican p u b lic opin ion :

A m erican p ro p a g a n d a pays Hp hom ­age to tho p ro g ra m of In ternational organization w h ich P residen t W ilson has estab lish ad aa th * m ost im p o rtan t of A m erican w a r a lm s, bu t evsn those people w ho a re p rofeaalonaiiy intepesi*® tn o rg an liln g a peace league a re willing to rep u d ia te d u r in g th e w ar tb# u i* of political w eapons and the sp irit of political accom m odation .The A m ericans a re p rac tica l people, quick

to lay hold of th o rea lities. They have d e ­cided w h at th ey a re dete rm in ed to have by way of a peace aeU lem ent. They ask n o th ­ing fo r th em so iv i# . I t is a program of r ig h t and Justice a n d ree to ra tlo n lo r o thers. P residen t W ilson h a s reduced It for th em to s bar* s ta te m e n t o f essential* which leaves no boom for com prom ises. I t Is w h a t wo h av s decided G erm an y h a s got to accep t as th* only basis up o n w hich the r ig h ts of nations can b* se c u re d and the w orld can be freed from th e G orm an m enace. H aving reached th is po in t, th e y do no t see an y p ro fit In discussing a n y ‘co un ter-p roposals G er­m any m ay p u t o u t to save her from m aking th e re stitu tio n d em an d ad of her, an d they do not m ean to ta k a an y risk of hav ing G er­m any bew ilder th e m ind# of th e h a lf-h ea rted unneceaaarily.

The am axing fa c t ab o u t America, a* T he New R epublic p o in ts o u t In an o th er a r t l t le , is th a t, "w ith u n im p o rta n t exception*, th e w hols peop le la b eh in d th e war, and ,n o m a tte r how lo n g It m ay drag out, no m a tte f w h a t M crlflce* i t m ay en ta il, tho A m erican p top le will re m a in u n ited fo r th e full ac - com pll»hm ent o f th e dsm o ers ttc w ar alm a of th e n a tio n ," T h a t doe* n e t sound like "Up hom age to th e p rogram of lh t# f- natlonal o rg a n lia t lo n :” it sounds lifcs a very em phatic s ta te m e n t of w h at wo have Just said and leaves u s w ondering w hat The New R epublic is d r iv in g a t. anyhow .

Tho only "d iv o rce betw een the sp ir it o f w ar opin ion" d iscern ib le I* In The New R e­public fam ily , w ith th e ed itor w ho w rites page 320 an d th o w rite r w ho w rites on page 232 exh ib itin g m a rk e d Incom patib ilities of tem peram en t.

tie* th a t eom prlts th* m onarchy. Through th* w ork ing out of th is system , only, can * m inority of 20,000.00(1 G erm ans and M agyars govern and keep In su b jec tion a m ajority of more than 80,000,000 Rlavs and Latins.

"T his system is essen tia l to G erm any that she m ay m ake of A u s tr ia -H u n g ary a nallo l In accord w ith her own Im p erla liitlc program. The G erm ans and M agyars o f th e H apsburg m onarchy resllse th a t w ith o u t th* help of G erm any they could not ree le t th e pressure of th e Blav end L atin m a jo rity and of ihelr a sp ira tio n s to em ancipate th tm ee lv es.”

W han th is cruel w ar le over.W ith Its su ffe rin g and grief, I

W* Bhall then renew acqualntaec* W ith a th ree -r ib roae t of beef.

Many 'Ot omen in Banking.


In a signed ed ito ria l, R ichard McCulloch, p residen t o f th o U nited R ailw ays C om pany

_ _ e . _s___ _________ wisK-of I t . lioula, d ec la re s In a m agoiln* pub llshed by th * tro lley corporation! "H 1* quit* *vldent, how ever, even in th* H m itsd tim e w ith in w h ich th e slx-cent (a re ba> been .in o pera tion , th a t th e increase In revenue# win not be su tr ic le n t to pay th e increased wages. Th* co m p an y It no t earn ing a s m uch und er th * new f a r t , w ith th e increased scale of wages, a s It d id u n d e r th e flvo-cont fa re and th e old sca le o f wages."

T hus does ev idence continue to accu m u la te th a t Incraaee In th * f la t ra te of fa re doe* n o t necessarily solve th e financial tro u b le s o f trac tion o o m p a n ltt , Th* ton ing system . w h*r* th# c h a r t* fo f ssrv le* l**ased upon ih s eo*t of le rv lee, #*em s to be com m ending lU elt.

Wh*n It w ss announced t h s t Miss Adsle K irby, a i i ls ts n t se c re ta ry a n d tre a su re r of th* P lainfield T ru st C om pany, w as on the p rog ram of the recen j convsn tlo n of th* New Je rse y B ankers’ A ssoclstlon a t A tlan tic City fo r an address, more th a n o rd in a ry attention w as attrac ted .

This wa* tru e not only am ong bsnkars, but ■ m ong th a t portion of th e pub lic a s well who heard of IL

I t w as not T ssllied th a t m any women sr* em ploysd In positions o f rasponslb lllty In b an k s and tru s t com panies—o th e r poiitlons. of couTS*. th an thos* of a tsno g rsp b tr* . ty p is ts and ttlsphone opera to rs . In hsr ta lk to the bankers Miss K irby , accord ing to a publlehed announcem ent, sa id th s t more than 20,00(1 women have Invaded th e W all Street d is tr ic t banks and t ru s t com panies since w ar w as declared by the U nited S ta tes, and tha t m any m ore are follow ing.

Ae long ago a s In 1012 th e re w ere enough women banking offic ia ls tn T exas to w arran t th e form ation of a T exas W om en's Bankers' Association, and Miss K irby e s tim a tes th a t as m any a s 1,700 women a re now holding im ­p o rta n t poettlons In bank* and t r u i t com­panies In the country. M ost o f thsm are a t th* W est, w ith Illinois, lo w s and Kansas claim ing the la rg es t num ber. T h a t wa have no t bean alone In hav ing a m ovem ent of th is k ind follow eo d irectly an d rap id ly on the heels of the w ar Is p lain from the sta tem ent th a t when Englojid en tered the w ar It had about MOO women engaged In banking, while the e itim ated to ta l th e re to d ay la 60,000.

Th* NSW York R eserve B ank employe m ore than 400 women, w en t on Miss Kirby, th e G uaranty T ru st Com pany of New York nearly ae many, and the B ankera ' T rust Com­pany of NSW York 360, Tho num ber of women employed In raaponelbl* positions by a la rg e Chicago bank ha* Increassd from 128 to 360 during tha w ar, an d in a Boston in- ' s lltu tlo n 'fro m 10 to lOO, w hile a la rg e Mlnne- apo lti bank has tak en on 100 wom en since the United S ta tes en tered the w ar.

The em ploym ent o f m oat of tho women, said the speaker who to ld of them a t A tlantic CU;^, Is eonflned In la rg e p roportion to book- hseplng. tran s it, aud iting , ooUsctlons, code, credit, foreign exchange and ad vertising de­partm ents. She counts money, operates add­ing and Hating m sehlnes. doe* effic ien t work on the books and m ak es herse lf useful tn cred it and aud iting and In pub licity depart- m enta as well. A w om an is a t the head of the cable departm ent of one o f th e la rg est trust com panies In the co u n try : an o th e r is m anager of th* eavlngs d ep artm en t of a b ig Chicago bank, and on* Is m sn a g e r o f th* publicity de­p a rtm en t of an o th er C hicago bank, heeides which apme In s titu tio n s hav* wom en head* ol social dspartm onts, In chargo of women em' ployosi, w hite th* G u aran ty T ru s t has a wom an to sateet Ita wom en •m ployees.

Mies K irby expect* to eee women In charge of bank cagea eome day. and perhaps of the departm ent! w here wom en deposito rs and de­posit box holders are received, to m ake them- Belvea of Value to w om en custom ers gen­erally. T u rn in g to th e ban k ers , Miss Kirby ended by say ing th a t th e wom en do not want to supplant men. b u t to supplem ent them.


Every w orker In th* fie lds who. In the know ledge th a t food la go ing to w in tha w ar, la apeeding up production goes along under the assum ption, which w* understand Indi­cates a proper s ta te o f mind, th a t It la bis own county and. likely, hie ow n fsn n tha t.In the tea t lay ing dow n of tha oarda, la to de­term ine th e resu lt. W hen wo ro tlli* over w hat a w ide a re a th is In tenslflsd patriotism IS spread ou t it I* easy to know th s t som ething Is going to drop, and drop hard . 'What got us th in k in g like th a t waa a copy of a weekly report by a county ag en t of tho U nited State* Food A dm inistration in H aw aii. F o r it w* thank M. W. H lgglna, who aoea th a t tho ligh t of th* food ad ra ln lttra tlo n In New Jersey does no t sp u tte r out under a bushel. Hero ar* soma sx trse ta from th* repo rt:

Shlm lsu has flvs ac re s Irish potatoes which w ill be ready to r h arvest tn about three weske.

Iw asak i ha# about fo u r and one-half acre* Irish po tatoes and tw o and one-hslf acres corn.

Found ab o u t th irtee n acre* mlscellanaous vegelabtea a t tha Hop W o In Co'* pltcs. AU sold to cihinose m erchants.

Look Hop h a t five ac res vegetahls* end hus a defin ite m arket for a ll he can produce.

C. q. Yee Hop hae th re e ac re s vegetables In K allhl which he handles th ro u g h hi* store,

K w ong Tick has th ree se re s vegetsblee: sells d irec t to custom ers.

Young Chong, N uw snu, a lso raise* vegs- tab les and has re g u la r cuatom era.

F arm ers on the m auka la n d i a t K esls- kekus, H onaunau and K ella a re g rea tly tii- orSBSilig their production of vegitablee. Shlbuya has about 1,000 m ore cabbage than form erly, from seed fu rn ish ed by county agent. Inoue Is p lan tin g a g re a t deal mors corn, O gata Is p u ttin g In m ora taro , etc. All a re help ing in every w ay to produce more food. I t is easy to m ake them undetsteod production helps our country and Ihetnselve* a t the sam e time.

SOME'WHERE IN FRANCE.W hen th e day la filled w ith h u rry and we

w onder how we canDo th* many l it t le du ties th a t confront us.

every m an;T hen 's th e tim e to roll o u r sleevea up, pul

m ore "pep" In a ll our w ork :Think of them, our b rave young f lg h le ra In

th e trenches—they don’t shirk-

F a r from home and loved ones, pushing o’er the top and th ro u g h th e smoke,

T h ink ing only of th e ir duty, God protect them , w e Invoke.

H eaven w atch, car* fo r our brothers, keep them , b ring them hom e once more,

T h st aga in , and soon, we'U g re e t them, safe! ' landed on our shore.

L ight, ah, no th ing le our labor, when w* think w h a t they m ust brave.

Gone to f ig h t the fo* of freedom, suffering sou ls from dea th to save;

Proudly say. our beat w e've given, back them up w ith p rayer and gold.

E very eon upon th e f ro n t line; her*'* to Saraml*. fit and bold.

A- B. J.

T urkey 's '" 'a r aim * read as if th sy w ere m ade a t random .

Th* Biu* D anub# m u st b* a m elanoholle Indigo by th is tlm *.


Now th a t th e P re sid en t h a s au tho rlaed the food ad m in is tra tio n to (lx th e i ta n d a rd price fo r w h ea l a t a h ig h e r f ig u re th a n 12.I t —th e m inim um price h ith e r to und er federa l regulation— C o n g re is will. It Is hoped, r e ­frain from fu r th e r a ffo rta to in te rm e d d le In an a ttem p t to fix th e p rice fo r w h ea t by legislation. Mr. M oovar a ll a lo n g ha* *n- Joyed power, by C ongressional ac t, to fix th e price of w h ea t a t any f ig u re abova th e 11.10 m inim um , p rovided th a t th e F roa lden t chOi* to exercise h is d isc re tion an d d irec t Mr. H oover to m ake u lo of th* powor. I t w as quite unnecessary , and decidedly Im proper, for CongresB to seek to Impos* Ita own Judg­m ent upon th a t o f th e a d m in is tra to r ex­pressly estab lished to con tro l food d lltr ib u - tion. Even th e dlicueelon of a new and h igher leglelatlve m in im um price th rea ten ed to cu rta il sh ip m en ts of w h ea t an d d is­organize w h ea t d istribu tion .

T he c h a irm a n of th* R epublican N ational C om m ittee d ec la re s th is Is th s tim e fo r m ore polltloi, n o t to ad jo u rn polltlot. The Hay# fever season ts her*.

As Oonerml M a rch 's figures prove, w hen It ootn ta to m a n n in g the ehlp and sh ipp ing the m an, A m artcan partic ipation in th e w ar isn 't so inconsequen tia l as the P ru ss ian s pred icted It w ould be.

Why Slivs Rebel.

incompatibilities o f TEMPERAMENT


p assag e by the H ouse, w ith o u t a d issen t­ing vote, of th* a lien A n arch is t d eporta tion bill, w hich now goes to th e S enate , serves to d raw a tte n tio n to one of th * g re a te s t teasons,If no t th e very g rea test of oil th e leesons, of th e w ar. T his 1* th a t th e A n a rc h ii t Is a social su rv ival, an a n ach ro n ism in th s m idst of m odern llte-

A narch y doss no t m ean v io len ce ; it m eans no governm en t. The v io lence associated w ltb it In th e general m ind Is m e re ly th* use 'of fo rce ag a in s t g o v ernm en t in th e e ffo rt tv do aw ay w ith governm ent. S hou ld a s ta te of a n a rc h y by som e m eans be b ro u g h t about, It m ig h t be peaceful In th e ex trem e. I t la no t because an arch y m eans fo rce th a t It ts hopelessly ou t of d a te a s a soc ia l philosophy, b u t b ecause It m eans re tro g ressio n and re ­versal.

T h e system of no g o v ern m en t concern ing w h ich th e philosophic A nan-h le t spins h is th eo ry ha# ac tually been tr ie d . Th* E skim os of o u r ow n N orthw est h av e n o s ta te , no gov­e r n m e n t They g e t a lo n g well en o u g h w ith ­o u t govornm ont. B ut w h e re v e r au ch a sys­tem exist# th e re lack in g th e dlstlnctlv* q u a lity o f developed m o d e m •oclety . A n ­

te th e tp l r l t of o u r w ar opin ion beingdivorced from Us sp ir it In B rita in and F rance? H ave we becom e so cen tered on th # Job of m aking o u r m axim um m lliU ry con tribu tion a t th e earUoat m om ont th a t we have d rifted ou t of to u c h w ith tho eonstru i;- tlve ob jects fo r w hich w e e n te red th e w ar 7

T he New R epublic la su re w e have. I t ha* discovered beyond a p erad v en tu re th a t therd Is a n "in creas in g d ivorce betw een th e sp ir it of w ar opinion In G rea t B rita in an d F ra n ce and It* sp ir it in th la coun try ." i t ha* figured out th a t w e a re now In th * f ra m a of m ind tho F re n ch an d B ritish people w ere In d u r ­ing th e f lra t tw o year* of th a w a r an d w hlah they have now aband o n ed fo r a m ore liberal viewpoint, a n d th a t we are In d an g er o f en ­courag ing th em to m ak e a w eak peace by o u r dstorm inaU on to f ig h t th o w ar th ro u g h to a G erm an au rronder.

The only bas is T he New R epublic o ffers for th is belief, over w hich it seem s to be scared, is a p a ra g ra p h from a n sd llo ria l in th e New Y ork E ven in g Sun, in w hjch th is e u te m e n t wa# m ade:

No sa n e person ca res w hat G erm any 's peace te rm e m ay be. It Is o f no con­sequence: It does no t m a tte r w h a t sh* w ants. Th* only te rm s a re u ncond i­tional su rre n d e r.These sen ten ces a re con trasted w ith tho

announcem ents m ade by P ro ild e n t W ilson, A rth u r J. B a lfo u r an d G eneral Sm uts, th a t th e door w as n o t closed to G erm an peace offer* an d th a t an y such overtu re* would be carefully scru tin ized . H w as only T h u rs­day th a t M r. B a lfou r repeated th is sen ti­ment, saying, h o w ev er, aa P re sid en t W ilson had previously said, th a t no o ffe r sincere enough to be w o rth aertoue co nridera tton h as as yet bean m ade. H e declared also th a t th e re w as n o t th * iH ghtest d ifference b e ­tw een th e w ar a lm s o f G reat B rita in an d th s U nited B ta tea H* m igh t hav* sa id Just aa

By g iv ing hi* In d o riim sn t to action in Con- g r ts s th a t would psrm lt members of th* C«*ehO-lloV*k. 3ufo-g l*v and Polish race* r ts ld ln g her* to Join th* American arm y as autonom ous o r sem l-autenom ous unit*, P re s i­dent ’W ilson m ay hav* added half a m illion men to our f ig h tin g forces. Such, a t least, is th* num ber th a t r«pr'»entatlv«e of thee* ra c s t prom ise. S till It is not In th is splendid addition e f f ig h te rs , many of whom have hed m ilita ry tra in in g , th a t the Importance He* a» much a t In th* m oral effect the p rse ld e n f# Indorsem ent w ill have upon tho oppreesed nstlo n a lltles A ustria-H ungary. T heirasp ira tions hav* bssn publicly Indorsed by Secretary L ansing and by the Prem ier* of our elttes.

The contem plated action by Congress and the P residen t'* expreielon of h is favor, are the la te s t eteps In the long effo rt to unite th e Blavi and L a tin s of the D uel M onarchy ag a in s t f u r tb s r H apsburg oppression. W hen th* w ar began they w sr* lep a ra tsd gse - graphloally , ** they ar* itlU. and had n* uikted aim and leadership. G radually th ey have been b ro u g h t together and a t the con­gress held In Rome la s t April, under I ta lia n leadership, they effected an o tgan ltatlB # and annou'nced a p ro fram . w

Th* fru its of thle conference have b*sn show n in Russia, w here Ciecho-Blovek troop*, which deserted to the Rueeiana ea rly In the w ar, are f ig h tin g th* German*. O ther unit* have been tran sp o rted aoroee th e Pacific from Siberia and a re on the way to Europe to f ig h t w ith the E n ten te . Still other un its of the opprseesd na tio n a lities are now fig h tin g w ith th* U s lla n t in th e g rea t ba ttle on th e Plave. Any of thee* w h s may b* captured ar* liab le to b* killed a s d t t s r t s r s from A ustria.

I f there is any m ystery in any mind abo u t th is revo lt ag a in s t A ustrian ru ls , c lear know ledge of th e reel feeling* of th* Slave should d iss ip a te I t: and th is feeling is em ­phatically expreaeed In the preem bl* to tho reso lu tions passed by tk* Congress e f Rome, w hich he* Just been given out by Dr- Felice F s r rs re . d lrse lo r of th* I ts lten B ursau of In ­form ation. Th* pream bte reads:

"The d s lsg a tea who hav* anaw ersd the call of th* I ta lia n Committee on A greem ent am ong th* race* subject to A ustro-H un- g a r lsn i, Csecho-Blovsks, R um anians. Ju g o ­slav s, B srv lsns and Fates, g sth sred In Rome on A pril 8th to m eet represents Uvea of the Allied nation*, adopts and subscribe* to tha fo llow ing dso la ra tion : I

“This w a r w as not prevofcsd, no t dasirsd , and, th e re fo re . Buffered by th* pooplos th ro u g h o u t th* world th a t today re sis t tha overbearing violence of aggreisTve Im perlsl- lam- The s trn g g te h o i shown more th en an y ­th in g In h is to ry th* profound sn tith es te be­tw een the Iroperlaliitlo Ideal of tha dom ina­tion of w eak e r nationalities end the Ideal of th e se lf-d e te rm in a tio n of people# th a t they m ay free ly w o rk out th e ir n stionsl un ity and be the peacefu l m aste rs of the ir own destinies.

“This s tru g g le w ill m ark e ither the trium ph of e th ica l and civic freedom or of Im perlalts- tle d ic ta to rsh ip : e ith er th* regim e th a t finds the g u a ra n ty o f r ig h t In peace or th e regim e th a t needs th e Iron hand of rollllarism , w ar and po litica l a rro g an ce to entorce Us w ill.

"Th* fundam enta l aim In the policy of A uetrla -H u n g ary has been th* s tir r in g up «f dissension an d division among the n stlo n a ll-

Tciitoni Bomb RcKuert.H snry F. Davison w as In F rance a t the time

of the rscen t g rsa t G erm an offensive, then la ts r he trav e led th ro u g h th* w ar-iirlcken p a r ts o f Ita ly , and ovsryw her# he w ent ho esw the tra il of su ffe rin g and destitu tion left by w ar soothed and lessened by tho Red Cross.

At one tim e he w a* aw akened by a terrific sxploelon. says Th* Red Cross Msgsalne. Leaping to th* w indow end leok lng out, he saw th* German bom bs s t r ik e tn rapid suc­cession a dw elling some 300 yards away, a butcher shop fu rth e r dow n th e street, and ano ther house s till f u r th e r aw ay. Almost elm- uttaneouely some U nited S ta le s ambulance w orkers a p p a tr td and began rescuing th* wounded, F or som* m inutes he watched the w ork of rtscu*. uncorta ln w h eth er to go back to bod or not. Then, to h ts horror, flying low along the roofs, p e rfe c tly d istinc t In the moonllglit. he saw a lone Germ an plane re­tu rn in g to g e t th e "rescue party ." Almost a t the same Instan t, Indeed, the raider threw his bomb, causing a te r r if ic exploelon In the houee on tho corner and knock ing eentetesi m ost of th s relief party . I t is th e usual p rac­tice of th* Germ an ra id e r to th u s return, be wa* told calmly by th e w o rk e rs themselvee. That, loo, waa p a r t o f th s gam*.

Georg* w rites In to sey th a t w hat makes him feel old Is passing s so ld ier or a sailor or a m erino w ho Is hand ing out lite ra tu re In the In te re s t o f recru iting , an d who doei not pay the s lig h tes t a tte n tio n to him. W hat m akes YOU f««i oW’

L ittle M ary Ann M cCarty I t a ni*14en h* '* au ^ hearty ,

And she pracUeeo h er p iano te*|on dally ir lth o n t f a i t

■he resides n*x t door in num ber T w enty-eigh t, to d w hen w e'd elumber

Sunday m orning put* th rs* hours tn on ths darned ch ro p istlc seal*.

"I 'm glad somobody h a t found something of th* k ind about 'em ." sa id a m ean-looking m an w ith a blue nose, w hen he had finished rend ing a sign In s Broad elree t window: "B ath ing suits a t m odest prices."


H ow British " T a n k s” R eceived Name.Because a fellow of th e Royal H istorical

Boclety has un in ten tio n a lly m isled the British public as to the o rig in of the fainoua "tanks,' Sir W illiam T rltton . w ho designed 'and built them, has published the rea l story of their name, says The P opu lar Science Monthly. It seem* th a t tn the ea rly days of the w ar BlrW illiam T rltto n 's firm m ade eome tracior* (or hauling heavy h o w ltse rs . Adm iral Bacon, then m an aging d irector of the Coventry Ordnance W orks, expressed regret th s t they would not cross tren ch es. T hat made SirW illiam th ink . ^ ^

He thought w ith euch euccese th a t he pro­duced a tra c to r know n as "L ittle WltU*. Since It w as obviooily Inadvlaabl* to herald "L ittle W illie’s" reaeon fo r exliteflee to th* world, h* w#e know n a s tb* "iB itructlonsl dem onstration "LltU ov a a called In th* ahop orders * w*Wr carrie r for U esopolsm l* ;" no on* knew th a t the hoU w as Intended to be mounted on * truck. K gturally. th # w a te r o*rrler b*f*n ‘u be c ilte* * ''tan ll,’t «o th* used by m anager* #nd forem en of tb* shop, until now i t h a . a pU ce In th e array v o « b - uU ry *nd w ill probab ly b« m known In h li- tory for all time*

Holland’s Neutrality.In th e som nolent l i t t le tow n of D elft there

s ta n d ! In f ro n t o f th e sn c leu t church the a ta tu e of Orotlue, An e*H* from th* tend ol h is b irth , he hse a t la s t com* back to hli own. F or n early fo u r year* th* sp irit of th* men who U ld th* foundetlons o f our in te r­n a tio n a l ethic* h as guided th e dlstrscted k ingdom of th* N etherlands through her ever Increasing d ifficu lties, w rit** H endrik WlUem van Loon In, Th* T*l» Review. Holland, thus far, hae survived th* ra g in g conflict, not th ro u g h the pow er of her arm ed forces on land and .sea, b u t th ro u g h a steady and fa ith , ful application of th e tenet# of International law and th* illp u la tlo n e o f international tre a tie s and coihpact*, A t th* present mo­m ent, when p se ilo n obscures th# vision ol so m any m illion sufferer# , th* sm ell kingdomalong the bank* of th* N orth Be* doe* not

■ ------- o fenjoy th* sym pathy of m any o f th* bel­li geront*. Yet In th* days to come she expecls to have the ir respect and th e ir adm lrslton for th e firm way in w hich she ha# m aintained the po iltlon th a t, a f te r due deliberation , ah* chose (o r h e re e lt '' '

Note* of Science.M ore th an 26,090,000 gallon* of tu rpen tine

e re produced In th* w orld every year, the U nited State* lead ing *11 th e o ther netlon*

in Its eeareh (o r fue l the A rgentine Gov- ernm en t he* found four d istinc t and well- defined petro leum are** In th a t country. In addition to severa l m anifestation* th a t willhe in vestiga ted fu rth e r .

* * •T he r* llro*d connecting Chile »nd Bolivia,

w hich crosses th* Andes 14,101 fa s t above s e t level, provide* oxygen cham bers In which passenger* can g e t re lief from th s r*rlfl*d s ir of the h igh aUttude*.

The Lauter-HumanaThe world’s best player piano. Made in N e w a rk and sold direct to you, thus eliminating the middlemans profit

By means of the Lauter-Humsnt any one can ren­der expressively and skilfully everything written for, h e p u n . . .T S f.- a n d it is built to give a lifetime of musical stdifatbtion1.

C •» ™!yJ=Sl!!£'!SSSL"i£;a n d p la y » w ith o u tch M * . M o d e ra U m o n th ly p y rm e tils . D w e n p e v w in fo rm a tio n . #«nt u p o n raq u a a t.

Music R olk, o i l- Poculir SontXi Wsrtiine Biltsds, Op#jt*Hc

M « i c R o ll.. w iT itiny line a .is ic * l SetectiOM.

V ic to r R a e o rd a Utest HIM / " " ISoiiu that tre'popuisr 'with our boys, Red Seal Records by fiitious lingeri.

Lauter Co.■ I

New Jertey's Leoding Music House 591-593 Broad Streat


I h i r t ;

Nbvy Wi

WABHINIth e p e rt t l th* wsrrwth e nStlbn te n c y Ft*< elghly-hin* tons deedwi Thlrty-asv* steel.

The to ta l minimum * launching*, ehlp* promi day h lstor e ffo rt put Germ any tl in their ai nounoement w ilt exceed hulls and b

. to n n a g t tsi ' new record

w as estsbil: I t l i po:

Ships, nteel 2l,6t# tons, *n Ju ly 4. olxlly In tl been le n t t th* yards V bu ilt th a t I tw enty-four in th* etfoi

No flguri concerning eqbm arlne i Which win F o u rth of i m ated, how

,wUt add me tonnage.

Inch Th* Steel

Include twe esrrie re at from 7,800 cargo ships 12,000 tone o thers, moi (hs G reat : tone. Most 1,600 tons e

The to tal •b o u t a thli tion o f ess

' ^ h l p yards and excesdi ing for the p re-w ar ye Ing.

Th* Peetf com petition elx wooden se ll, totellT 'The E a s t i e ig h t lout w hich will 9E.7t« tone te llu g 78,4(1 of 172,18* 1 launch tou

' 47,71)0 deadr The Beth

Francisco launch ing 1 nag* of any ■teol ships slid* from Building C w ill also Is tonnage r t tone. BeattI of B JrlpU hulls w ill 1 d im re n t y*

The Ore* EcorM (Mil hulls, to tal end win IIIt* AibUbi:A Jone* yai lidinch '714*

, cargo Steen 1 deadw eight

Shipping EW o o d e i

'n rA ^ iN c le rg e t t wooto be turn i Shtpplag Re

' 6,000-ton St tho 4,T40-t! w hich was (

Nun^oroua I been made 1 trouble* enc especially t th a t they -04 except In tl e lite C onstnew ship* V

i t s o f I(oreita M ach ln in

woodth' shl weeisn era to b* utlH im any of t l oq tho formla rg e r dOsI tied.

G nlepbuTg,

7,500TonNEW YI

Oaleibarg. i groM tons, y a r^ t o f Ihi p o n tlo n - I of Hax#r Bispohbor. T honor *( t: piece o f E, U nited Btat

WeAveri FOl

speefsi ffRrit PABSAIp.

H uffm snn’a f isn d ld f m orders th a t (He 1,300 * s tru ck test end * thirl .cr«as*. The w ork throu,

3, A Bui wo# luitrun a n t« reitii company is Th* full fOr

' thooe Who •an tin g tb plooei In th

jM u k e t B i


Mosohabloa n d u rg ln l

V, the 1now,R ta tt Depai w eekly U Issued tode a g e o f tom th e oonnlni th # demon th a t th« 18 iMiab In pal

fiNliar 7; CAMDRN. eoUler, Wll jBotardoy b| -inf Corpora Norfolk, VO Winding O 'genpany, b

.U u ito d eto <I*nfth ]• tl

go M l


" P i i i P i


• r .P 'ltf, I InUBC* f bM(.

B BTBANO*! 3W8.who. In th t w in th« wnr. n lonc undor

t r tU n d Indt- ihat It t i h ii rn f irm lb*t, ird». l i to do-

r e a l l i t oo«r od patrlotloio int (om othlns

W hat cot ua of n wooltly

U nited Statof 1. F o r i t wo th a t the llch t

Now Joroey bufhel. Hero irt;rlah potatooi root In about

ana-half acreo ine-half acre*

mlocellanooui lo'o piece. All

Ubleo and huo n produce, reo vegetablea ru ch hlo itore . e i vegetablea;

> raloea veg-i- era.Ida a t Keala- iro g rea tly In-. )f vacotablea.

cabbage than ed by county rea t deal more I taro , etc. All

produce more etn undetataod and thetnaelvee

;a n c b .h u rry and we

a t confront ue.

sleevei up, pul vork;jn g f ig h tt r a In t ahirk.

es, pu ih tng o'er I amoka, y, God protect

brothera, keep once more,

oot them, aalel.'

•, when we think

ledom. Bufferingre;[Ivon, back them Id,

lino; here’B to

A .B . J,

h a t w hat makea Idler or a aallor ou t lite ra tu re In id who doea not

to him. W hat

aho leapon dally

m ber d alumber a liouri In on the a.

found aomethtng I a m ean-looking 1 he had tinlahed I a trea t window; cea."


if D elft there 1 church the n the land ol

back to hla aplrit of the

o f our Inter- la diatracted )Ugh her ever indrlk Willem Holland, thua conflict, not

led forcea on idy and fa ith . International international

nto*a vlalon of ao nail kingdom Bea doea not

o f tha bel- ne ahe eipecta tdm lratlon for nalntalned tha t|on, aha choae

' . .1

eace .Iona of tu rpen tlna d ovary yaar, tha 10 o ther nationa

he A rgentine flov. d iatinet and w ell, n th a t country, in eatatlona th a t will

Chila and Bolivia, t , l a l te a t above ie« ham bere in which

from tha raritled

ren- for

{•no iftD - t

iratietio n i.hswg,boyg,

l i e n .

/ .

To Launch E i^ - N in e Ship* on July Fourth

Toonl4tB of 439,886 Asiured, Ihirty*ieveii of Craft to

Be of Steel.

Navy Win Launch Vc8*els Alio

WABHINQTON, Ju n e l i . —DIaeloalng th e p a rt th ey a ra p lay in g In w inning th e w a r rw o rk e r t a t the chlpyard i of th e nation under con tro l o f the E m er­gency f le e t C orporation w ill launch e lghty-hlne thlpa, ag g re g a tin g 439.16* tone deadw tH ht, on th e F o u rth of July. Thlrty-aeVan Of th e shipa w ill be of ateel.

t h e to ta l of e lgh ty -n ine abtpa la the minimum aaeured, and la exclualve of launchlnga.of deatroyera and o ther w ar- ahlpa prom lied In th e drive to m ake the day hiatorlc. An Indication of the e ffo rt pu t fo rth to eerve notice on Germ any th a t Am erican ahipyarda are In the ir a trlde le given by the a n ­nouncem ent th a t the e lgh ty -n lhe ehlpe w ill exceed by eigh teen the num ber of hulla and by 9B,4S* tone th e am ount of

, tonnage launched d u rin g May, when a new record for the ymrda of the netlon w aa eatabllahed.

I t la poaalble th a t five additional ahlpa, ateel cargo c a rr le r t , ag g reg a tin g IM ## tone, w it be ready fo r launching en Ju ly 4. Theee a re no t Included o ffi­cially In the g rand to ta l. Word has been aent to the Shipping Board from th e yarda w here theae ahlpa are being bu ilt th a t ah ifta of men a re w orking tw enty-four houre a day when poaalble In the effo rt to g e t th e veaeela ready.

No flgurea have been made puhlle concerning the num ber of deatroyera. m tbmartne ehaaera and o th er warahlpa Which >rl!l be launched a s part of the F o u rth of Ju ly celebration . I t la in t i­m ated, however, th a t theae launchings

,w tn add m aterially to th a to ta l of new tonnage.

In c ln te Two T ranoporta.The ateel ahlpa to be launched Ju ly 4

Include two tranepo'rta, fourteen cargo carrle ra and re fr ig e ra tin g ehlpe of from T,l(19 to *.*00 tone each; three cargo ehlpe of ll.gOd tons each; one of If.edO tone and one o f 12.B00 tons. The Othara, moat of w hich w ere built on (he G reat Lakes, a v e rag e about 3,600 tone. Moat o f-th a wooden ahlpa are of l.EOO tbiia each.

The to ta l tonnage to be launched le abo u t a th ird g re a te r th a n the produc­tion o f seagoing veaaela In American

'S ah ip yarda In the fisca l y ea r 191S-1S1*, and exceeds by 42,0*0 to n s the launch­ing fo r the en tire y ea r 1601, the record p re-w ar year In A m erican ahlp build­ing.

T he Pacific C o a tt aata th e pace In the cbinpetitlon, and w ill launch tw enty- s ix wooden and seventeen ateel vee- sela, to ta ling 2*0,700 deadw eight tons. The E a s t will be tecond w ith th irty - e ig h t launobjnga. tw enty-eeven of w hich will be wooden veaaela to ta lin g IS,7tO tons and aleyen ateel veaeela to ­ta lin g T<,t(l tona, m ak in g a grand to tal of 172,1*1 tons. The G rea t Lakee will launch fourteen ' s te e l ahlpa to taling

' 47,Ttf0 deadw eight tone.The Bethlehem Union p lan t a t Ban

Franelaco w ill hav e th e honor of launch ing th e b ig g es t individual ton­nage of any yard In th e country. Three ■tael ahlpa to ta lin g 16,400 tona w in allda from He way*. T he Moore Ship Building Company a t Oakland, Cal., w ill also launch th re e hulls, the to tal tonnage reach ing 26,200 deadw eight tona. Beattie lihew lae w ill be the scene of a ^rlpia launching, h u t the th ree hulls w ill be dIOtrlbuted am ong th ree d if f t te n t yard*.

The G reat Lakee 'Com pan’-. a t Its Scorae (Mich.) p lan t, w in lau,jch th ree hulls, to taling *,000 deadw eight tona, and w in llkaw lee launch a veaael a t Ita A ihU buIa (O.) yard . The Pussy A Jonea yard a t GlouCaater, N. J„ w ill ladinch 'fha la rg e s t a in g la hull, th e cargo ateam er W illiam P enn , e t 11,100

I deadw eight tona.

^Shipping Board Plaoming New W oo^n Veisel of Largeit Type

WASHINGTON. Jn n e 24 (ff).—The l a r g ^ wooden ahlp ev er b u ilt la soon to be tu rned ou t In q u an tity by the Shtpplug B eard, t t w il l be a new modal

' *,000-t«n standard type, adapted from th e 4,700-ton boat now being built, w hich waa orig ina ted a t O range, Tex.

NuRtaroua change* Ih th e design have I been made by naval a rch itec ts to avoid troub les encountered In previous types, e sp ec lu ty th e use of tim bers so U rge th a t they-cannot be ob tained anyw here except In th e g ia n t fo re ita oC the P a ­cific C p a it All. tlm bera needed fo r tha pew ship* w p i be av a ilab le In the pine fo re ita o f th e South.

M aohlaerr ordered fo r th e l,*00-ton w o o d ah ' ahlpa, w hieh waiw the f irs t wooden armtt ordorod bp th e board la to ba utltlaed In th a new veseel, and m any of th e detalla and th e flitingo oq the form er w ill be em ployed on the la rg e r dbaign t i taoU lta ta conatruo- tlod.

Gahgburgt Steel Cargo Vessel of 7300 Tons, Launched in New York

M IW tO H K J u n a ~ 14 (iP).—The4 r e s is t of 7iB00

c ro w wttfe IkuAehtd tod^y lh« yard s o f tha S U ndard B hipbullding Cor­poration. H iss Alice Beadle, daughter o f B^aypr R e id la o f O aieaburg, Hi., wa^ apohbOr. Th* y4a*el w ae named 1j; honor e t th e llnno la elty, the b ir th - piece o f B. N. H urley, chairm an oi the U nited SU tea Shipping Beard.

Weavers Return to Work on War Orders Pending Mediation

Fpaetat ffirvlce of 1*4 FFVF.PABSAIp, Juna 14.— r*orstmann a

I tu tfm ann 'a w aavora today returnad, f ian d lig m ediation, to w o rk ofi WXr ordar* th a t w a t p a r tia lly tied up when' (Re 1,200 em pleyeet of the day sh ift s tm o k las t week fo r a n ine-hour day and a th lrty -tiv e p e r cfent. wage th- .craaae. The n ig h t p h lf t had contlnuid w ork th roughout th e trouble.

j ; A, BttM andn, governm ent agent, we* luatrum eatel In te U liig the w oru- e n tg rc th rn to th e ir looms while the company l i conalderlhg th e ir demande. The fnll fdroe w ent bach to w ork, even thoee' who w ere d iach a rg id to r p re- een ttng tb«, dem and* ta k in g their plecee In the b ig w oolen m ill.

^ k e t Bulletin Says Demand For Tomatoei May Exceed Supply

TlUBNTON, J u n e '>4 (iP l.^ T e tU n g of ueaioheble p roducta In New Je rley an d u rg ing the people 4o uae them how, the B ureau of M arketa of the B tete D epartm ent of A gricu ltu re In Ita w eekly M arket Service Bulletin, 4«aued today, notea th a t a la rg e aorev a g e o f tem eto e i bee been p lanted (elr th e canning fa s to rlee and e a rs th a t th e demand fo r th em t i eO e trong t M t the auppry p robbbly w in be leae igtAB ih peat y e a n .

bCMHar V n M ta g Oabf taun eh eg ,

. c a m d XN, jo b * M • ( H 'l . - ^ k e b igeoUier, W inding O u l t w e t leundhad iBatarday by th e Met* T h rk ih lp Bnlld. -ing Corporation- K m > A. 0. B tu ey of N orfolk, VA,. ehrtetenod th e ih ip . The ‘W inding O nif we* b u ilt fo r a ooal company, h u t wa* ta k e n ever by the

. U nited State* sh ip p in g Board, it* . len g th II *11 feet end the deadw eight

SfttML 101 mis WEEIliaViji

isbclal Adivttl<zs,tatrVzwafit aidiS b , tn H u io h b e iiB O ^ m in u n H lc s ol&

U r. end Mra, C harles A. Qrummon of Clinton avenue have opened th e ir sum ­m er hom e a t Spring Lake.

• • •H r. and Mra. F. tV. Talm an Btllas e t

M t f ro s p e c t avenue ex pact to go to Mains fo r severa l w eeks In July.

« .• *Mlsa L ana N aughrlgh t o f Fourth

s tree t w ill go to N orthfleld , M ail., next week fo r th e summer.

• • •Mias L lla Beebe of R idge e tre e t w ill

Join th e O lrle' F arm in g Camp a t Spring Lake th la week. She w ill rem ain there for th e sum m er.

• * «Mra. A. P. M orrti and fam ily of North

Broad I t re s t have gone to A sbury Park for th e sum m er.

. « •Mrs. Mary W alker of WlUlameon ave­

nue la v is itin g re la tives In South Or­ange and Chatham .

• • *Rev, A lbert Sheppard, p aato r of the

E lltab e th Avenue P reaby lerlan Church, s ta rte d yesterday for 'Vancouver, B. C., w here he w ill spend Ju ly and A ugust w ith hla wife, who h as been th e re sav- eral m onths w ith h e r aunts. Hr, Shep­pard expects to re tu rn home early In the fall.

« « •C. C. Bailey of W illiam son avenue

liaa gone to Ocean Grove.* • *

Mrs. George G. W eeks of 713 P ark er s tree t and her eon-ln-Iaw and d au g h ­ter, Mr. and Mrs Charlee N. H agar of 4S Schuyler avenue, have re tu rn ed from t'am p Lee, PeterabU rg, Va., w here they vielled Mrs W eeks's son. Q- Clinton W eeks, a Y, M. C. A. secre ln ry a t th a t camp.

4 « »Charl«a L. MacCormiick of IISH

Rloomfleld avenue, who leaves for f'arnp Dta tom orrow , w'aa the ffusat of honor a t a farew ell p a rty given F r i ­day evening, by Hhcldon Cadmus. At hie home. 63 H eller parkwaj*. Mra. E d­ward Coeyman, m other-in -law of Mr. ('admuB and au n t of Mr. MacCormack, WAA hoBteee. and w ae aesleted In re- relv lng by MIse M argare t Young of A rl­ington. whose engagem ent to Mr. Mac­Cormack waa announced recently .

• * •Mrs. Isadnr G reenbaum and fam ily of

14 Neleon place a re a t B radley Beach to r th e sum m er.

• « *M ist M arlon B. Abbey of IBTlftncoln

avertue hae re tu rned home a f te r com­p le ting a fo u r-y ear course a t W elles­ley College, hav ing received a B. A. de­gree. She expects to spend p a rt of the sum m er a t Asbury P ark and th e rest w ith a college friend a t h e r home In H untingtons W. Va-* « «

Mrs. C harles F. Heck of SOT Clinton AVemue. who has ju st re tu rned from De.*« Moines, w here her husband, Sergeant Beck. Is etatlonecl a t Camp Dodge, en­terta in ed Saturday a t a luncheon and nhower a t th e R obert T rea t Hotel tn honor of Miss Marie G ran t of 128 D ick­erson Atreet. MIsh G ran t's m arriage to W illiam T. Glynn, form erly of th is city, now en listed in the ordnance d epart­m ent, w ill tak e place W ednesday m orn­ing a t St. Hose of Lim a's Church. The luncheon g uests Included Miss G rant, Mias Anna Glynn, Mrs. F rederick Ben- del. Mrs. John H ighland, Mrs. W alter Van Zee, Mrs. W illiam C orbett Jr. and Mrs. P ra n k Beck.

* * •P lan s a re cnm plete for the Mock

dance to he given W ednesday n ig h t in South Ninth stree t, betw een T w elfth and T h irteen th avenues, fo r the benefit of the a th le tic fund for the boys s ta ­tioned a t P o rt Totten. A m ilita ry band of th ir ty pieces from the fo rt w ill play and Mayor Gillen w ill speak. L ittle n ta lre B ranna, a toe dancer, w ilt dance. Miss Lois F ra n k of 229 South Ninth s tre e t is chairm an of the com m ittee in charge. H er a s s is ta n ts are the Misses Maude Sutton . FT'^ia P etry and E sther C arpen ter and Howard Beers, Leslie Sutton, C harles W urth and M artin Rey­n o ld s A bout tw en ty -five young per­sons w ill a ssis t SB floaters.

« * •Rev, John R. Humphrey*, form erly

peslo r of F atrm o u n t B ap tis t Church, who l i eerv lng Under the Y. M. C. A. W ar W ork Council a t Pelham Bay N aval Btatlon, has taken a co ttage a t City Island fo r Ju ly and A ugust for hi* w ife and tw o eon*. The fam ily w ill m ove w ith in a few days from thoir home a t 161 South S ixth s tree t. M ra H um phreys w^ill spend the fall and w in ter w ith her sons, a t the home of h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard Jack- son of Paterson.

Four-M inute men, made a p a tr io tic ad- d re sa po tn tin* out w hat g irla can do to help w in the w ar. Mra. E d g ar K, G ardner of Belleville avenut. p re s i­dent o f the Camp M re G uardians' As- ■odatlon, ra ised ^he f lag and a g roup of g ir ls under Iho leadership o f kllaa R uth H ahn gave a flag drill. All Joined In Binging "The S ta r Bpangled Banner."

Folk dance* and song* w ere a sp e­cial fea tu re of the program . Follow ing the French ribbon ila n u by the N utley Camp F ire G irls the "M arseillaise" wa* eung. Special denoe* w tre given by Cointance Carpenter, Allot Owen and M arjorie Dean.

Laiew leh-lievey.Mil* Phoebe Levey, daughter o f Mr,

and Mr*. Meyer Levey of *2t South Tw elfth etree t, and Mark Loaowlck ol the sam e ad d re is w ere m arried lest evening a t the home of the b r id e 'i parents. Rabbi Ju lius Sllberfetd p e r ­formed the ceremony. A fter e tr ip the couple w ill reelde a t the South T w elfth e tree t addrese.

F) ewer-Beam.Mlei C laire Miriam Beam, d au g h te r

of Mrs. C lara Beam of 418* {.Ancaster avenue. Philadelphia, and Dr. M orris Aaron F low er of 22 E ast K inney s tre e t w ere m arried In Dr. F lo w er 's ' offica S aturday n igh t. Rabbi Ju liu s B llberftid perform ed th e ceremony. The a tte n d ­a n ts w eri Jam es Eftro* and P h ilip Krlmke. The couple w ill live In th is city, w here Dr, Flow er has lived for tw enty years and hsa practiced seven yeara.

liavIne-M Igats.Mis* E ste lle Mlgst*. dau g h te r of Mr.

and M r* G uitave M lgalt of 6* H ins­dale place, and G eorgs Lavtne, son of Mr*. FannU Lavine of 6*0 E ast l*6th street. New York, were m arried last n ight a t Schary Manor, High etreet. Rabbi Ju liu s S llherfild perform ed the ceremony. The oouple will re ild* in New York e t te r a wedding trip .

Teeple-R eckeib«Tr.Mias E thsI M. Hockenbery of 72 H lns.

dale place and Percy A. Teeple of t* W ashington avenus were m arried Bet- urday a t the home of Rev. Sidney W aterbu ry Powell, pasto r of Mt. P leas­an t B aptis t Church, who perform ed th e ceremony.


A poetponsd business m eeting of the w ar com m ittee of th e a Kem pis Cluh w ill be held tom orrow m orning e t 10;I0 o'clock In th e R obert T rea t Motel. The teaslon w as o ii l ln a lly scheduled to r th is m orning, • • *

Among the epeakers listed for a pa­tr io tic rally tom orrow n ig h t In Bt, Jo ­seph'* School auditorium , a re Mr*. Jo ­seph a . Bpurr, presiden t of N ew ark C hapter, Am erican Red Cross; United S tates Com m issioner M atthew s, H iss M elinda Scott, who recen tly retu rned from abroad, w here ehe w ent as a mem­ber of the Federal Labor Commleslon, and Mra. C linton Mosher.

e v eAbout 260 g ir ls w ere p resen t a t a

flag ra la lng and dedloatlnn of a f ire ­place s ite a t Eagle Rock Saturday afternoon oil th e ocoaelon of th e firs t celebration o f Girls’ Day, an annual featlval to be kep t by Camp F ire Olrle th roughou t th e country.

W illard I. H am ilton, one o f the local

Twcnly-*even Workers Attending State’s Summer Library School

StttJJ CorrmpoHiltntt.TRENTON, June 24.—The ten th ee i-

slon of the sum m er school of the S ta te L ibrary Commtselon w as opened a t the S tate H ouse today w ith an attendance of tw enty-aeven lib ra ry wor jrs. The school w ill continue un til Ju ly 27. I t la conducted by (he Public L ib ra ry Commission, of which Moses T ay lor Pyne of Princeton la chairm an.

Lectures will he given during the firs t week of the course by Miss Theresa H Itchler, head of the c a ta lo g ­ing departm ent a t (he Brooklyn Public L ibrary ; Mine H. A, Schooley of the P a isa lc Public L ibrary and Mias M ar- g a re t Jackaon of the New L'ork S ta ts L ib rary School.

The class will visit the N ewark P u b ­lic U b ra ry , w hers L ibrarian John C ot­ton D ana and members of hts s ta ff w ill

pb collecting and a rra n g in g pam phlets, exhibiting m aterials sn d value of exhibits, the p icture collection, and o ther featu res of lib rary w ork In w hieh the N ewark lib rary epeelallses.

Jail Two Women and Fine Man For Liquor Sales to Soldiers

TRENTON. June 24 fJP),—M argaret Reeves and Dorothy Hoy. both of th is city, -were committed to the M ercer County J a i l today to serve a term of eeven days each for selling liquors to soldiers. They entered pleas of guilty . E rnest 'W entsel, also of Trenton, pleaded not guilty of a sim ilar offense and w as placed under *600 hall. John Kelly, also of th is city, w as fined *60 for se lling llq^upr to soldiers. The sen­tences w ere imposed by Federal Ju d g es R ellstab and Davis,

Mrs. Mary Eleanor M. ZehMrs. M ary E leanor MImnah Zeh

widow of Charlee M. Zeh, died y e s te r­day afternoon a t her home, 712 L ake etreet, follow ing an lllneas of severa l m onths. Mrs. Zeh Waa a life-long rea- Ident of th la city and waa the d au g h te r of the la te Jam es and M argaret Mlm- rah . who w ere among the pioneer Roman Catholic famltlea of th la city.

Left an orphan In her Infancy. Mre Zeh mado her home with her au n t and uncle, the la te Mr, and Mra. Jam es Bnhun of th is elty.

H er m srria g e to Dr, Zeh took place In thla city in 1*93, the death of Dr. Zsh follow ing tw elve years latar.

The funera l of Mrs. Zeh w ill be held W ednesday m orning, from Bt. P a tr ic k 's Cathedral, w here a solemn high maea w ill be celebrated. Rurlal will be In i the C em etery of the Holy Sepulchre. F unera l of M n. Mery Mara* B aker. ‘

F uneral services for Mrs. Mary M arsh B aker, who died Friday a t the age of n inety years, were held today a t 40 W elnut s tree t, where she had lived for th ir ty year*. The oldeet m em ber of the Bouth I ’a rk P resbyterian Church. Mrs. B aker had come to N ew ark a s a child. H er father, Lewie M arsh, w as the f irs t o rgan ist of the Third P re sb y ­terian Church. .Mrs. B aker Is survived by a daughter, Miaa Mary B. B aker.

Jersey City Complains It Gave More Than Share of Selective*

TRENTON, June 24 Hepre-ee iita llves of the Jersey City selective serv ice board*, com prising Im ird coun­cil of th s t city, came here today to inqu ire a t the ad ju tan t general'a de­partm en t how It waa (hat Je raey c ity has been aending, a i they allege, a la rg e r num ber of men Into the N ational Army than any o ther part of the sta te . Je rsey City clslm ed tha t It hs> a la rger percen tage of men In the service than the n e tlo n sl average, which Is 14 6i per cent, of the to ta l registered , and m any m ore than th a s ta te average, which Is 0.1 per cent. It w as contended th a t Including voluntary enlletm enta, Jersey City ha* tw enty-five per cent. In the ' •ervlce. The Jersey City men suggested th a t lilt* b t exchanged w ith (llfferent ' ■ectlone of th e s ta te so a* to elim inate ! Inequalities, It any existed.

Official* a t the ad ju tan t general'* I office aald th a t Jer*ey CIty’a elaime b rin g out tha fact th a t many more men can be added to Claaa I th roughou t the ■ ta te by the reclaeelficetlon th a t ha* heen undertaken. I t wae pointed out th a t board* which bad been s tr in g e n t In th e ir ru ling* have achieved th e n a ­tional av erag e , while o th e r boards, w hich did not m ake thorough Investl- gBtlone, w ere low In tbe lr average.

Rider in Motorcycle’* Side Car Fatally Injured by Erie Train

Pprctsl Srrrlrr of (6< XSWB.RIVERDALB, June 24. — W llllain

Helm s of Bloom ingdale w as fa ta lly In­ju red Saturday afternoon, when be we* tossed out of the aide car of a m otor­cycle which hie hrother, Jam es Hilm* of Patereon, wae opereting , under a fre ig h t tra in a t the Pompton S ta tion of the Greenwood L ake branch of the BrU R ailroad. He w as taken w ith hie b ro ther, who suffered a severe cut In th e forehead, to St. Joaeph'e Hospital. F ateraon, w here he died a t 11 o'clock th a t night. The brothera w ere going eas t along the ra te rao n -H am b u rg tu rn ­pike, and It la luppoaed did no t sea the approach ing freigh t, w hich w as a lio bound In an eaaterly direction, un til It w aa too late to atop. T ak ing a s lan tin g eo une, the motorcycle passed over the tra c k ahead of the Ira ln -end s tru ck the bum per block of a elillng runn ing along the m ain track .

The force of the collision th rew W ill­iam backw ard under the approaching tra in . H is body w as caugh t under the cow catcher of the engine and dragged severa l hundred feet before th e en­g ineer could be signaled to atop. Jam ea Helma waa throw n clear of the train , hla head s tr ik in g on th* rail* of the aiding. The fro n t wheel of tha m otor­cycle waa broken ami the aide car wnu sp lit open by the collision w ith the bum per block.

Newark Woman, Tossed in Auto Mishap, Injured About Head

Special Sertlce of 1*4 SEWS.HACKENSACK, Juno 24.—Mra, W ill-

ism B. Gwynne of 1*6 Johnson avenue, N ew ark, w as th row n tw en ty feet and over a fence, susta in ing In jurlea about the head, yesterday afternoon when a m achine In which she end her huebend were riding w as slde-sw lped by an ­o ther autom obile on the F ra n k lin tu rn ­pike, near th e Saddle R iver bridge. Mra. Gwynne'e In juries w ere dressed a t the office of Dr. W illiam C. Craig, a f te r w hich she w as able to re tu rn home.

It le claimed th a t Joseph E. W enns- berg o f 964 SI. .Meholaa avenue, New York, who waa driv ing the ear which crashed Into the O w yrne machine, w ent to the left of the read In a ttem p tin g to pass ano ther vehicle and th a t the accident w as (he resu lt. A woman companion of AVenneberg. whose name th e police failed to obtain, wae cu t by f ly in g glass.

One of Three Hurt in Collision Of Motor Cars Still Unconscious

fjprclal Sfrrirt of 1*4 SEWS,HACKEN8ACK, June *4.—V lnoeui

M aurer of 1*3 P ark avenue. P aisa lc , l i e tu i unooneoious In the H ackensack H ospital a s th# re iu lt Of n collision tia tu rday n ig h t betw een a m otorcycle and an autom obile at Spring Valley

GET % THIS OFFER NOWFor a limited time we' will e n l a ^ any ac­ceptable Photov boat atyle, for aa low as

B rins to our store any distinct Photoi Postal Photo o r Snap Shot Photo­graph, and we wUl enlarge It to a 14x2(Mnch aiae bust style picture for 19 cents.


Yea Do Kot tin t to Buy * Ftem*,

road And Passaic * tre e t 6 laurer Is •u lferlng from extensive scalp wound*, w hile P e te r B aker and Loula New- Meleer, both of 619 H ighland avenue, G llfton. who were rid ing In a side car a ttach ed to th e motorcycle, are also In the hospital w ith scalp wounds and abrasion* of th e ir hands. The au to ­mobile w as driven by John filover, a constable In Midland Township.

I*Jure* W he* A uto llx lk ea Pete.Sprrlal e'rrrfrc of 1*4 YNlTS.

MORRISTOWN, Ju n e 24.—C urtis Rsn- sley of the United B tetes M arines *ta- tloned a t Lake Denmark, w as brought to Memorial H ospital yesterday a f te r ­noon su ffering from Injurlea received In an autom obile accident near h i , Tabor. He waa coming to th is place w ith Sergeant D avis and th ree o ther m arlnea In a car be longing to A bra­ham Koaenburg of th is place. In try ing to avoid a car coming out of a p riva te drive th is side of Mt. Tabor, R oten- burg turned Into a aide path and hla car swerved, the re a r s tr ik in g a pole. Hensley wa* knooked unconscious and h u r t on the head. All the o thers except S ergean t Davie received m inor In juries and the car w as badly dam agtd.

No Report* of Frost Severe Enough To Hurt Crops to Any Extent

sta ff rorrrtpondnicaNEW BRUNSWICK, June *4,—No re-

p o rts o f frost severe enough to dam age crops to any appreciable ex ten t have come to Ja ro b 0. Llpman, d irec to r of experim ent s ta tions in the S la te A gri­c u ltu ra l College here, despite th e low tem pera tu res o f the la s t few days. Last n ig h t's low tem peratu re w as officially recorded here a t 45 degrees, b u t there w as A b risk wind blow ing, w hich m in­im ised the fro s t danger. T h is Is be lls red to have bSen the a itu a tlo n gen­era lly .

Mr. Llpm an said th a t In an experi­ence o f tw en ty -fou r years In th is w ork he could no t rem em ber such low tem ­p e ra tu re s a f te r the m iddle of June as have prevailed th is m onth. N everthe­less, In som ew hat ex tensive trip s th ro u g h South J e r le y he had (ailed to find th a t much dam age had resulted to crops. In fact, he said, the general crop proepset In th* s ta t* w as, In Ms opinion, as good as, and p erhaps b e tte r th an , a t th is tim e la s t year. Much of th is h* th o u g h t ' a ttr ib u ta b le to the effo rt* th a t have been m ade to Inform th e farm er* a* to *e*d peailb llltlea.

h*r tth m Mti hw m * to do hl« bit for htb country_ ____ SMctal and n t an antarged yortnlt of

tUn oow—Jt wilt aaea mOf« LIKE HAVINO HIM WITH YOU AT■hooU iiranlAfe UiltHOME.

Boo w m Ioo of tUo woMi In oar iton.. .Wo hav* no tgania vm aolldtor*. No mail order* filled. Bring In photo*.


" W a ' j y a , Re-

t u t M K

• « D O .

WAR SONGS!COME An d sin g t h e m w h u s .

' JUNE 24.1918,8:15 P M.coBNlte ttuvO tiM n auRsHAU, sm

special ssreiee of me s b w b ,SEA BRIOMT, Ju n e 14.—Rep<

RubllShed today, of dam age by th a t a ra a r a t aa jo in lng p iacei w *ra w

OPPENHBH.glUNS’&gBroad and WiHInm 5troota, Nowtrk

Specialli/ Prepared for Tuesday (Only)

M o d t l



125 Slip-Over SweatersTaken from Regular Stock

New Slip-Over Sweaters, Fish Tall model of mohair worsted, in w h i t e , purpl e Copen, rose,lavender and heather mixtures.

Reduced tor Tueiday Only 2 . 2 5

No Exchanges No Refunds

QPPENIlHM.€UJItSA6Broad and William Streets. Newark

Exceptional Sale$ Tuesday

N ew S u m m e r D re sse s■■■ — 1--------------------------------- ---------- — .............. ..

Women's and Miise*’ attractive Gotten Dresses of Novelty Voile* and combinations, exquisite models.

Sale Price


S u m m e r B lo u a e sExtremely smart models of fine quality Voile*, some effec­tively trimmed with lace, cluiter tucks and embroidery.

Sale Price


W h ite T u b S k ir t sOf Gabardine and English Oxfords, shirred model*, with novelty pockets and wide belt effect.

; Sale Price


Crushed by Fife-Bound Engine, Loses Part of Foot; House Burned

apoNAi aerrtee of t*t jfftffF.FREEHOLD, Juu* *4.—HI* le f t foot

ru n aver and th* to o t oruehad from tha Inate* to the tde* by Goodwill'* heavy m otor ohemieal engine early yea- te rd ay m orning, Eugene F. Duboli, p ro ­p rie to r of the B. F. DuboU A Co. F har-

I many. C ourt House aquart, subm itted I to an am putation of th a t p a r t of hi* I fo o t a t th* Long Branoh H o ip lta l ye*. I terday . Hr, Duboli, who la a m em bar

of th e velun teer fir* company, a lto tu i - ta lned a frac tu re of th* le f t leg above rtte ank le . The chem ical a p p a ra tu s

' w hieh aerve* a rad ius of ftv* mil** a reu n d Freehold, wa* a n iw tr ln g an a larm of tire In th* horn* of B dw ard 0, Itolm**, Which w at deatroyad.

T r a v e r sm Market S t .L S a W




BooitsP um ps & O x ford s


$ ^ . 9 5 $ j n . 9 5


Stories of Damage by Surf at Sea Bright and Vicinity False

fijMdal SMyie* of the EBWS.’ —Raport*,

■ a aw f with­

out foundation, It wa* datilarad thli moioung by Mayor P. Hall Paokar, Th* sa t w«* ranning high but wa* ben*.EoTm rather than othtrwiia, h* a*id.

aving bhllt up tb« biaeh appraolnhiy,

otganite Agaiaet DWayai npaia .SKA BRIGHT. Juna 24.—Mra. WtlUam

Jay of New York presided yaatarday at th* srganlaatlon of ah Inllmat* som- mutt*, a patrlotle society of tsa RUm- ian rual ratldenta. During th* eohnia of her addraSi *h* denoutioed ‘Th* n*«*tiaper pubjlthtr who praaetia* olatd hbtfad u d etoita* eagpialon totwaan ua and aur Aliita." Tha maatlng wt* luMd In tha hom* of Hr. and itm Ap. lhar Rirta. Hrx Bflhuylar ». Wwraa wa* ana *t IKa «hi«f warxan for tk t


AT A a 09E> SAVINGAll m ulntiv ptaeaa of WUt*w Funillttra MmFrlidiit Sattaea, ChtlM Loegaas, Ann and fild* Chilts, Table* and Deaki ai thia mbataatlal aaviiit, In KatonL Rtainad er Enamalad finiih.CHAIR CUSHIONS, Iww-inch bntdtfa, wtU. adgaa, bnttoBad too and badtoiB and eevand with gaed quaHte thlnts ar plain fabrka.

$L50e«ell. Valn*a|2.S0.HB-uraoLtnriEHmG or IURNITURE at nucaaNc eoBt. AH cdinpatant wothnm an anr ainff. Eteimataa ahaeifallr (antlahad. ______ ’

3 W6i t 37lli SL totafflMAit,N.r.i

J S S ^ a a tAmerican Jewish

War Fund Claims Your Attention

R u g & LinoleumOpportunities

For Tuesday Only

CARPETSOver 2,500 yard* txtra durable

and fine Velvet Carpet*, t i l bor­dered. Beautiful design* and color- ing*. »mm Y a r dReg. 1.39 grade,

Figured Grass RugsGreatly Reduced

Reg. 6.50! 9x6.............. 4.59Reg. 9.50; 8x10.............. 7.59Reg. 12.00; 9xt2 .............. 9.59

Woven Grass RugsColors Woven Through.Beautiful Colorings

Reg. 16.00; 9x12.............U.49Reg. 14.00; 8x10.............. 9.49

F o r T in Values to 21.50 Size 9x12 BniSMb or

8.3x10.6 Veivtte Well made and

durable; neat Ofl- enial design*; *1..

jiv eu i

14^Big Lot of Small Sized

GRASS RUGSAt Almost Half Price

Rttg. 1.45; 27x54.............. 89cReg. 1.98; 30x60...............1.21Reg. 2.25; 36x72...............1.59

Variaua Colaringi All Figured

Odds and Ends In LINOLEUM RUGS

At Vx Regular Price'Reg. l!o0; 3x6................. .75cReg. 2.00; 4Vix6.............. 96cReg. 3.50, 6x6..................1.65

Slightly Misprinted.

TheDavIdStrausCo.6 8 5 B r o a d S fa ree t


See HowJVC extract teeth absolutely without pain.

All painless exlractloni free with other denial work.

A ll Work Guaranteed Easy Payment Plan

DR. MCBRIDE’ SAmsdean Dental Parian

1 73 M ark#! S t.Hour* I i to 4 r* M. Op«B Tau4a}r* TliHrHdaY aad S a ta ria T Vvaalaga*


TERMINALSTODAY mad Ail th l i Work.

A powerful Uruma thnt layM bnr* thdi bearUaM orvtUr *4 lh« mala 0*0. la lit

H ofircoirueni womta. And -JANE AND CATHERINE LKK

U “WE MilOL'LD WOBKV.”A Tetnprftt of AlteehUf ha<| Vuii. AUa


ConMnuoux, ]0 A. M. to l i P, M.


MHtineri 8 to 5 P.Sl.-'ICvetilntH l ; U .PEcturr Prelude L end 7 Rherp.

Regpfved HrAtt Can Re Secured Blx Wfirke In Advnnee. PhAne TBBD MarketToday; M clNTYRB 4 H E A T H

FXKRBI.I— H.lhBY UIFEH—Olhste.I'hancei Mondeye and ThuritUye,

PROCTOR’S ROOFTONIGHT and Etvtt ■tenltta, ) to If.


KXrKM-*KT OJM'limi'rM,('em . .VrUr the 8bew, Open Till It,

ADKlsniON ....................... *5e


lA L lS A D E SOT i ia

AO.UN THR BSST o r ALU Fra* rirew orlu iv n y Tu««aiv e Thanaar.

lABamMaUe (Win’ A tlm tioa*.. _ s e x WATRIt Mint* R A T H I N G fiP lLvioiK Ray nii*r»a B A l f l i n u o pbm

K E E N E Y ’ SHoa., T en .. TVid.. .lane *4, *6. t t . I tlA

MLLP. JEANETTE, _ la a BMelKol EereM** NareltV.

■ELL B o r TRJQ.Vandevllle'* B n t Bjaxlni C£*»«lan..

Aaa P i n O tb n Bt* K een^ P m e r t Acts. Mat.. lbc-l*ti

An till* Week.M A K V n e A o x . v A . R 0 j eH “ TH19.

f W A R I ^aiaar. Rit DuubM

leae for K«« t*'

H E W A B K e v e n i n g NEWB. MONDAY. TONE 2*. 1M 8.

b Outlined in U-Bout Combat Methods

Morris County Fanners Appreciative of Womens Land Army AchievementsR E SO R T S

U I m H « r« tc M f , N . J .

))ival CoMuItiiig Board and War , CoDBnittee on Technical Socie­

ties Give Result of Study.

j j t tfjiing Devices Prove Value

If th» beet detenee n » l n t t the eub- m arine l i a tta c k . It I t hl*hly (m port- »nt th a t th e thoueande of Americana lrh« bold th l i th eo ry and propoee th a t It be uaed to the advan tage of the na­tion underetand preclie ly w hat U » vulnerable pointa of the eubmertne of today are upon w hich the a ttack may be dlrecUd. H old ln* thle view a f te r monlhe of Joint Inbor on the equally knotty problem e of s tu d y in s the eub- taarlne m enace and the num eroui wlerd Invenllope offered aaalnet It, the Neval C onaultln* Board and the W ar Committee o f T echnical Bpoletlea. In J bulletin Ifcudd today, pointe out the llnee alona w hich p ro freee hae alreadyVeen made In t h a t dlrecUon. : The I delicate n a tu re of the machinery of the U-boat, m ak in g It open to caey destruoUon by a aquare hit, la wen B o w n , a lth o u g h the email of 'h* ta rg e t offered, in c o n t r o l to the ii*e a t the eurfece veeeet, balencee th la n e cheering Inform ation le conveyed

oontrary to th e populer ■Ion. the lu h m arln e la an effective weapon ag a ln e t th e eubroarlne, to th a t thle advantage, can bo overcome. The bunting eubm urlne movee werlly. to avoid it lm u la tln g the llatenlng de- Vloea of the enoroy. end may remainJsbmerged. th ru e tin g up Ua perlecop#

erlodlcalty to U k e oDiervatlona or Ive on a lg h tin g th e foe from the eur-

fkMi There le a 't im e In the couree of the

•yglee of any long-range eubmarlno M e n i t m ust t ru e t Ite la fe ty fo r eev- t t a l m lnotea abeolutely to luck. Thle la when It p ichargee He tto rage ba t- tlriea , an opera tion th a t ooneumee lev - ir g i m lnutee and can be perform ed

ily on th e eurfaow A fa it deatroyer S n c ln g w o n i t In thle aw kw ard eltu-

^Uon would be a p t to have thlnge nil ■ a own way. for th e "eub" wuulf. tunke 4 beautiful ta rg e t for gunfire.

Concerning a new development in the


Concerning a new development in ino ? ^ a y of cap lta llitn g the conetltutionvl

gfiiikneMiee o f the eubm arin e^ th ering hydro-aerop lane"—the bul

In le a lgn lflcen tly reticent. Btatlm t Iply th a t “th e rapid developm ent and irevem tnt o f the depth bomb, and

, Inoreaaed c a rry in g capacity of the M em hlgb-pow orod hydru-acronlnnc.” ive made p o ii lU e a new type of th le

ih jn a th e bu lle tin p au ee on to a JUieloit o f torpodoee.Teofcglpat K now ledge geeeeeary.

I t in here, coneldering the problem of ^ 'le a e lv e '^ u lp m e n t, th a t the neceeelty

technical know ledge le pointed out the w ould-be Inventor, rropoeed

letle devtcoa to deflect torpedoe* been found to be uaeleea, for the

iple reaeon th a t It would require .'e lee tro -m agnetk cu rren t far beyond

range a s p rac ticab ility to deflect a le and d ie ta n t body to the allghteet

a re a AUo, th e common druwliBck ^ h e r defleo ting devicea la th a t they

'•„fwgglre fo reknow ledge of the approach ^^-^"Hhe torpedo— a iltu a tlo n th a t would . gbll te r i lm p le r meaaurea.' ‘T a rio u a lla ten ln g devicea, con-

^Bnioted on th e princip le th a t aound Vyawea trav e l m ore clearly In w ate r

A In a ir , have done much In the fe r- ig ou t o f th e underaea craft. The Inotlve v ib ra tio n of a aubm arlne'e Ion le eaally tin g led out from a con- In p t 'noiaea. Mere, too, only th e ;rtaa know n to have been achieved be h in ted a t , the bulletin poin ting almply th a t “ the deialla of theae M l m o re o r Ionly th e g en e ra l prlnclplee can be

availab le to th e publle."^ — ooulU ging, the elim ination of Hjiako and th e coun 'e r devloo of th e iSBatlon of a heavy amoke ccroen are itM g n ed to ta k e advanlake of the eub- a tarlne 'e w aalgfifpi m oi-ing able to de­te c t o b ]a M .a jw ' w ithin u ala-m lle sange, an jT w Ithh i th e aUfeep o f a perl-

ipe ti t le d a t forty-live degree*, ae atm pte devleen, combined w ith oom m on-M hae devices of apeedler b e tte r b u il t ahlpe, arc reported to

reaponetbla fo r conalderable

^^ iv ^b e* w id e!y u rg ed o ltn of w arfa re on U -boat w ith in enemy w alera dnea

’ gM m eet w ith very n-ueh enthiielaem M the p a r t o f th e board. I t le pointed jriiee* dV.m* *n «*An + nia>a Ithtn mlllitri WlUlitrS. '

•U tying iftio tno onrniy i nKnoia biuw th e m ined te r r i to ry evtemls beyond ran g e of th e m uat pow erful naval gund

g lin tn c a n tly , counled with the recent f lfe r o f a 11.000 rew ard for th e dlecov- ery o f a (ie rm an eubm urlne baee In AKerlcan w a te re . It le stated th a t "a t leimt once" auch a diacovi-ry haa m .fant th e apeedy end of the U-hcata o p e ra t­in g there .

-"V*» F IN E P O O D S ^t ia«lcMlui,»ea4rBM(>«f'ia

f tM le r n i friipc*,

MMM PIM i. ^

^ __ 1 1 a

UTZ([LLAR(iRILl[A lA 'lA C H O T tL .n iK M C D H T A 'N ii

, r!-.

L A h L H O P A K O \ ( . \ . . J h 1 f i t V C

Lake View HouseBomttni, c-AthlBi, d&ncinl. Bxcetlint Ublt Rad JwrvJCB* T. ^ Uoort.Mt. Arilnftony Ni J.

A d a g tk C it j , N . J .

Jl-N B BA T B S-A M B B IC A X PI,ANs : te a t DAILY; lin , a is .w . SIS. SII.S#

tt'CSbl.Y .Beet leealHl Popular Price Hold In Atlantic City. N. J.

A certain Newark girl hea become a reapeeted "farm erette" In Morrie County, and. however much It la do- aired to avoid lo ra lliln g a sto ry of the New Jeraey Divlalon of the W oman a Land Army, the tem ptation cannot be roBlated to toll of her. Anyway. UP In M orris County one h e a rt of h e r from aeveral lips, so why no t h e re f Not hav ing seen or talked w ith h e r while on a viell to th a t county In a canvass of land arm y accom pllihm onts, c red it Is given here. I t Is said th a t she le ft all th in g s citified, went Into a f*'';"®’'" barn , received Inatruetlone In m im ing a f te r hav ing pitched hay. m ilked five cowa to the sa tisfaction of th e farm er, and w as ever a fterw ard held up ae en exam ple th a t city g lr li can "do th in g s th a t only g lrla brought up on tarm h wTbro luppoB^d to be able to do,

Th* M orrlitow n un it U a buny one, w ith orders far ahead fo r f Ir is . Lo- iiated In the Van Uuren home a t z t Maple avenue, lent for the pu rpo ie . It opera tes In all dlrerMona, and has In- c rea ted He enlleied m einberahlp from ab o u t tw en ty Rlrls who ■ latted May to tw enty-five, which num ber will he augm ented un til the u n it house I* filled to Its capacity.

•The glrl^ keep righ t a t w ork and never complain,'* «ald Miss Sarah B urke from Fluahlnf. Long Island , who la supervisor, o r ’'house m other. T h is Is w orthw hile activ ity th a t has k ep t me here, a lthough I Intended only to s ta r t th in g s going smoothly. W e have p len ty of applications from farm ers W e could send out alm ost a s

Hotel in aiianiir

NETHERLANDSverb Are., M Yd«. fr« a O o e rfw ^ .

vi; e"rli;,kjLa:lieiI CENTER OF /gmeia .-» ■ «•wsuw • —Slevsin r; p rivet, b eth ,; over fifty outsign

raom , Itev , hm snd cold rontilpc tester.gPgClAL rR gff FEAT! Lb U .__,


necklet With Point, ef lolereel In AUentle Pity Mslled on Kequeet. ACCL'ST B l’HlVADliL. Proprietor.

GALEN H ALLH O T E L A N D S A N A T O R I U MNoted (or lu nip,rlor u b ie *"*•* '* •'•■

HydrLetlc depertmeni. tlesldent pnjrrteisa.

O cean G rove, N . J .

S E A S I D E H p T ^v„rk.tly on oceeo * .............. .overlooking oceen.D ire ctly .o n oc«^c St o CTCTo" !


B r y a n t H o u s e i ' *'Furnished moms, leg. tS \ve«k up.

— ,K% block to beach.Also for h fh t houeekeep- Mra. Chi\». Bryant, prop.


of lima, beans and tom atoes, ano ther angle o f the project wsa sought. Tho forem an of tho farm . Mr. Quinn, w as w orking In a nearby plot,and. like m ost of tho farm ers visited in o ther counties.

W e could lend out aim oat ae m any i gave hla generous corroboration of u a lr la (igaln it we hud them and could alory th a t may be of a is le lance In un- fcoom m odSt. them." Being a New tan g lin g aome of the k n o t. In the gen- J e rs w womati Bnrt having folk In Mor- s ia i fa rip e re tte experim ent now being rU tow ft. Miss Uurks h as a n a tu ra l in- | carried oh in the sta te .

■ to to 111 until July 16. :3 Lake ^ o . Alee W ish ed room stt f t Stockton sv. H. Heanli

A ibonr F a tk , N . J .


T h r e e c h a m p i o n p l a n t c o u k t e r a ...- 3

A R R 0 „4ih Aye. Ton. Tsl.


te re s l In the grow th of th e M orristow n un it. She arrived Juno 1 a t th e J-and Army center.

Selecting the nearest farm a from the dally achodule posted on the w all by Miss Mabel Brown of Som erville, squad cap ta in , the view s of both tho farm er and the “farm erette" w ere ob tained by personal vlslta and eonveraatlons on th e "home grounds" o f th e enllated fem inine forces engaged In ag ricu l­tu ra l w ork. . ,

Mlae Brown, being the aole m ean i of Inetructlon as to how to get h ith e r and th ith e r on the occaelon of th e trip , w as approached a t Howard B ayne's farm in New Vernon, aome th ree or four mllaa. they aav. from the M orristow n. On the p a r tic u la r day th e ra w ere two glrla a t B ay n es, nine a t Rochelle'e on the M endham roao, fo u r a t Van Itlper’a In Montvllle, tw o a t Je n k in s 's In Silver Lake, tw o « t J e n ­k in s 's in Spring Valley and tw o a t Mre^ K e lle g l 'e In M orristown. T he order book a t the un it house show ed m any o th er farm s to which they had been o r are going.

Asfo Leaf to Unit*M ontvllle la about fifteen m iles out

of M orristow n, which In d ic a te the

"I have bud good g irls ao far," he laid . "I have uaed them ever alnca they came, once as m any as five, and expect to have w ork for them all aum- mer.* They had to refuse me help a t times, as they had so m any orders ahead. I have hud no trouble, u sing them fo r w eeding a paeture of wild onloAi, pulling m ustard o u t ^ uata and In the vegetab le garden.

"To get more men than w e have 1 would have to pay very high wages,"

practicability A blue, dress o r paindc. | In n prison cam p, and lo on. O ther Sniform of amock coat and trouacre itcs t places w ere apoken .J "buik led in below the knee is uued for ■ people who furnished bedrilng and tu r lib ■necific nuroose only. o ilure fo r the land arm y.

u lho ld! a^ fa rm ere tte raised to Ihe ] A pinnacle of dealre, Tw*© g ir ls oporut- ; Grower, stood In the road In fro n t or a|aWlltCbtesw wr* wwassewi . . . . . . . ^inC horfl^drawn cu ltiva to rs a t Jetiklua 8 a t Spring Valley. The v isito r arrived a t the peychological m om ent when smllee of farm er and fa rm ere tte test!

would have to pay very high w aget, the good feeling on the part ofcontinued Mr, Quinn. "Three and a h a lf _a blonde and a b ru n e tte , b a r t-dollare a day Is low In eome m en's e«tl- »— j - j ir, thp ftioistens ofm atlon. We have not tried the g ir ls w ith horses. Our a n lm a la ^ re young and spirited and we are ra re fu l even w ith the men. There may be aome of th e g irls who could handle horses, but It depends upon the horses. W e havo p lenty of o th er w ork besides driving. Do they accom plish as much a s a m an? Well, It depends, of course. 1 would pu t one o f the g irls ag a in s t a n y ­body w eed in g "

<vJI VWVI , niAJWU All -MW ------ -- ----- -field w herein men und women worked. Nine un it g iiU were alooplng over young plants, pulling, counting and bunching. Mr. Rochelle and aeveral men carried filled packing boxes to the

both—a bionue anu a orunviiv , .tru o k . The ground Is rented for theheuded. follow ing in the footsteps o f 1 purpose of grow ing p lan ts and truoK those farm -raleert heroines of o th er I produce and has a green house upon It ilaya. The very firs t day on the place! u, tpe low er end.Tho very firs t opportunity "a t a h tr se. — all—I,. , ] tYlA llYa lv

tran sp o rta tio n problem th a t h a ^ to bs

W«ncn and Boys Are to Help ‘ Meet Farmers' Labor Needs

Rsnew sd e f fo r ts to recru it labor fn r th s farm s o f th e s ta ts a rs tg bs made a s Uis r s iu l t of a conference held yes­terday In A tlan tic City a t the ca ll of • t a ta Com m laaianer o f Labor B ryan t. A ira n g e n e n te w ere made to r tho co- b ftan tio n w ith the employment eervlos a t th e 'W oman’u Land Army and the Boys’ W o rk in g B aaarve In m eeting th e naedi of th e fam uara a i fu lly atf poa- albta.A ttending th e conference. In addition to th e com m taalonar of labor, w ere S tate D irector of Em ploym ent Joseph Spits, Federal D irec to r Thomua J, Burns of th s Fodsral-6tate-.M unlplpaI Em ploy­m ent B ureau, th is city; Lealle J. Allen, farm labor expert a t the N ew ark bureau : M arlin Shuherl. farm labor ex­pert a t th e Camden bureau; P ro fea io r F ran k App of th e State E xperim ent S tation, M lei Anne W acllvalne of th e W em an'a L an d Army, A aalalanl Btala Oommlaaloner of Bducatlon t ^ e l e y A. Q<LMry au d H arold A- Miller of the Boys’ W ork ing Reserve.

A dvertising le to he one o f th s chief

coped w ith und also the liuh ltlty of o th er unUs having lo be sU rled . 'The county farm dem onstrator, Mr. L lppm - cotl, a rra n g es for the tran sp o rta tio n to Van R lper'a In Montvllle. The u n it I autom obile, donated by Mrs. ^ ^ ' t j e s , B radley and operated by one o f the g irls , m akes tw o or th ree tr ip s m orn­ing end n igh t to take and b rin g back the farm w orkers.

The tw o gtrle a t B ayne'a w era hoeing lim a beans. One of the b es t phases of th s woiT\an's land arm y. In the wfltftF'B view, i i the keftn lnl«r«Bt each g ir l takes In some o ther g irl, and each u n it In lom s o ther unit. I t has been app aren t in all the un its v isited and It ■peaks well for a friendly com petition th a t ought to bo valuable. Ml«s Brown and "8adle," from B rooklyn, kep t up tho goodly Interest. They w ere anxious to know Just w hat the fa rm er th lnka and axpecte of them. W hen told tha t In Bergen County local b e rry p ickers iom ettm oi pick as m any aa 160 quarts In a day. Sadie reported th a t on her f ire t day a t Pino Brook F ru i t F arm ih e picked fo rty -flvs. on the second slx ty- stx and on the th ird seventy-one.

Therefore, she saw no reason why ■he should net go on up to 160 q u arts a day. "1 understand th a t tw o of the g ir ls counted 18,000 p ls n l t each a t A certa in farm," volunteered Miss Brown, "and th a t a now m an can do no more th en 8,000. The farm er w aa agreeably surprised ." ^ .

Leaving Miss Brown, w ho h ss been a garden teacher from experience gained In th e Brooklyn B otanical Garden, and also a se ttlem ent w orker, and "Sadie," who “Just stayed a t home before be­com ing a farm erette ." to th e ir hoeing

I’n ls e g fe r T b rir In te res t.F arm er M urphy contributed th a t

“ihese tw o g ir ls are all righ t. I would nut ask any better. They are w illing to be show n and they tak e an Interest. Men, boys or girls. It depends upoi, w hether they Luke a rea l In te res t In the ir work. I should say weeding, hoe­ing and p icking berries m ake good work for women. As to plow ing snd handling horses, I do not th in k th a t Is a wonian’ft w o rk /'

"W hat about dairy w orkT '"M ilking requ ires experlence.'*- said

F arm er Murphy. 'T h e quicker and d ryer you m ilk a cow the better,"

"W hat abo u t our girl who m ilked five cows on her f irs t day and w as conimencled by the fan n er?" asked Miss b row n, from her Umas.

"W ell, she m ust be a sm art g irl," said F a rm sr Brown. "As 1 said, some g irls tak e an In terest."

The g ir ls have weeded and weeded and weeded In M orris County as w ell as In o th er sections. "Beets, celery and unions they have weeded." said Mlse Brown, “and for the f irs t tw o w eeks the girlh w ere ra th e r discouraged. I t waa hard on the knees and they w anted diversion."

“How m any quit?” asked the v isitor.“Very few." said tho girls. "One

b ro u g h t h er own sliver w ith h er and p refe rred chocolate and g ra p e fru it to oatm eal and prunes."

TnO VCfj Liroi ,and a story teller to record the in c i­dent! L ittle wonder the th ird girl prodded a weed or tw o In a vengeful way and murmured. "Eem em ber ms. lo- merrow,"

They T ake to th e K orsee. ,"The g irls w anted a l i t t le variety

from weeding." said F a rm er am ith, so I le t them try w ith the horses. They Me doing fine. I w as surprised the ,vay one of them picked It up. Most g irls would have pulled on tho handle of the cultivator, bu t she did not. I bellovb m giving the g irls a chance. All these th ings have lo be done, the men and women can sw itch off- i don't ae* why they could not use horses. This la th e ir firs t day on our farm.

Did the m ale help resen t Yarmer Sm ith's a ttitu d e? At noontim e the girl who did not cultivate w ith the horses w as assn astride an equine of g igantic else w ith th s men fo lk lau g h in g as they led her. Happy a s la rk s w ere IhMe farm erettes, and possibly the weeding th e t m ust be done will be d o n e .ln a lltfy w ith horses on lucky days as a rew ard of hard labor upon tho kn*"»- It teem ed so lo the observer. Giving the g irls a chance, as F arm er Smith doea Is of Inestim able value In judg- Ing the ability of city g irls a s farm ers

The g irls a t Je n k in s’s w ere from Trenton, Brooklyn and Bllxaboth. The m ajority of th e M orristow n un it are young girls, from eighteen to tw eq ti’- iwo, some of them high school students. Batrin H igh School of E lisabeth Is well renreiented- . .

Meeting th e g irl chauffeur, whoso husband and b ro ther are In F rancs and who 1* patrio tica lly Inclined tow aru farm work, she volunteered to aid In----- ----------- ------ --------------- — forni work, ana voiunieereu lo aiu i,,

"We“r o * p a i r h ? ’ 'today," said M ias ' f’udlpg J^'’' ’'^ ','“'*„,^ t™ even o r" e W lt■'Excuse us If we w ork every : road, “'V .^^he/V urV ’dS S l'Torked over nine

hours when I needed them," agreed

M ajority Good W orkera,vThe m aJorUy ot gjrirf are ju s t as

good w o rk ers and enn bo ueod as satla- ttti’to rlly ft* men* »o fa r as I can see." said Mr. ItocheUe. "NoUher boys nor g lrla can hoe a s much a s a man who haa been on a farm for years, b u t I have had th re e of those ^ r \a r ig h t a long in th is patch and they can count us m any p lan ts as a man. We needed nine th is tim e ns we have 1,000,000 p lants, cabbages and cauUflower. to be shipped In a week. A good w orker | should do 12,000 a day. I doubt it i some of the g irls do h a lf th a t many, |

I We have one young man who can do 3E»,000. I can do th a t many myself.

“I cun get men by paying a day,b u t I cannot afford to do It- They say every th ing is going up. birt you find It d ifferen t when you «ell your etuff. Any Am erican man can m ake IT. s» fiiiy now a t o ther w ork than farm ing.

"G irls w ith horaea*.' vv.i .v;;i not have these g ir ls work with borcos.' In the green houses? t ’erliilnl> I can use them th e re picking tom atoes and netting out celery. expnet 18,000bnfkets of tomatocR. iti fr»ci. 1 depend upon the g lrle to help me out. j do not see how 1. could have gntien along th is year w ithou t the girls- 1 tell them to go slowly and do It rig h t. Som etim es they w aste good plant*, as they do not apprecia te the money value in them , and I do not feel like te lling them the sam e way I do the men. Then they w ork only h a lf a day Saturday and th a t Is a very bad fea tu re tor au. On S atu rdays we ship by and th s lr leaving cuts our ou tpu t p rac tica lly In half. They m ust have th e ir p ink teas snd doll up.'"

"B ut we worked overtim e when you needed us." suggested the chauffeur,

im il*" th e ^ 'o f h s r 'w s y fromO ver'in to lb s tom ato patch they w ent t® "" 'a Var*h\n^^

to pluck weeds and "suckers.'Onward to Jenk ins’s a t Bllver Lake,

I a place, acco rd In t to Its n a tu ra l beauty, for vacatlo n ln c while farm ing , the

'I alw ays ran a machine." she said in reply to a query, "but I never ran a flivver before." The chsuffeur usually rem ains a t the last place wherefor vacation ing while (arm ing , tno uaua-.j t.-..™ .... - - . , "

a lr ls w ere found w orking In the corn she depoalts woeheile'efield w ith Mr. Smith, forem an, and the on th e farm . On the ^men hands. The M orristow n un it places w ere Pa«««rt w ears, as Its w orking garb, apron over- produce is r^ s s da lls and sun hats , a costume th a t m ight to the Red Cross, because of an Intt-

- - ■ ---------------- In Its ! m ste In terest In the w ar such asbe anybody 's or everybody's I a son

F a n n e r Rochelle. "But you didn’t give me Ice cream when you hud your pink tea." . .

'T h e g irls cannot-m anage the heavy w ork, such os c a riy ln g those filled cases out of tho d e ld ” ’ the visitor commented In query fashion

H eavy U fttn g Not Expected."No, the men do th a t, T do nut expect

the g irls to l i f t heavy w eights," s ta le d .Mr. Rochelle. . , ,

"How about the day you said lo ins ■You m ust be w eak ? " ' asked the chauffeur. .

"Oh. th a t w as only a li t t le w eight, said the producer.

Three of these g irls a re s tudy ing practical a r ts In Columbia, th ree a re from EUxabeth and three from Norrlatown, Pn. ,, ,

A aother Newark g irl, detailed fo r house duty , said she w as a saleswom an "up on the Hill" before enlisting. She and one o ther are try in g for Y. M. C. A. canteen duty on the o ther side.

The county chairm an, Mrs. Jam es O tis Boat of M orristown. Inform ed the v isito r th a t tho un it has earned a ^ u t jTOO in th e m onth It has operated. T h e g rea te s t problem Is th a t of tr a n sp o r ta ­tion." said Mrs. Post, "altbough we a re aided by the M orristown F arm Service League, w hich has a fund fo r em er­gency farm w ork and tran sp o rts our g lrle w ith o ther w orkers when a fa rm er u.eeds a considerable num ber of berry p ickers or o ther w orkers. Beth Yhomas, food adm in istra to r and head of he service league, haa been m ost ktnd in CD opera ting w ith us. W e have had prac tica lly no com plaints from m e fa rm ers and have new applications all th e tlin a We could eaelly w ork sev­en ty g irls If we had them and could tra n sp o r t them.

E srn lag e Nut Larg*. —"The food costs about (16 a m onth,

th e ir w ages are 118 a m onth. and^Jhelr sh a re o t the overhead. Including la u n ­dry, Is, we calculate, about 16. The very heat the g irls can earn so fa r Is about |38 a m onth, w hich g ives only U over. Out in Long Island, 1 understand, the earn ing Is *33. w hich

I leaves them a surp lus of only 83. I t Is a com plicated project so fa r and H th e g irls prove valuable to the farm er he should a rra n g e for the transp o rta tio n .

Mrs, Post told of Just receiv ing an application from a nursery w here s ix ­teen g irls would be needed for t r a n s ­p lanting .

Miss B nrke had m entioned an a t t r a c ­tive offer In the line of da iry in g fo r the g ir ls from Fernbrook Farm . The N ew ark girl said she would like to be btslffned to th is duly- D airying ip said to keep the girl* a t the place o f opcr.i- tlon. w hich makee a different condition, once again,

A c ltltena ' volunteer m otor corps for th e u n it Is tn force, and tow n co -opera­tion haa been very generous. J. H. Bradley of Convent gave a flag fo r th e house In Maple avenue.

The M orristow n oommlttee consists of Mrs. F raser, Mrs. Bates. Mrs. B rad ­ley. Mrs, Gustav Kissel, Mies M otley, Mrs. Seth Thomas. Mrs. Thorne, Mrs. W hite, Mrs. Bcudder and Mrs. Moore.

NORWOOD HALL Fourth ATI,Hates i n to 816. T raveri A Trumpbouf.

MoBBOHth B w c k , N . J .

T H E M A N N A H A S S E T T__ B_AaS__ B*iw#Or Shrewiburr Wver.

Inc Hcmitllkt. Good tabla. I l l wMKty u / ' I!"rSsy up. WM. F. WOLTBB.

W ildw ood, N. J .


Midlud Botch, 5. L

MIDLAND BEACHRsflasd yiB usm eu? AbA BsOaslCLBANBST*ANIl*slMffinr BATHOT

o S TEE ATI^NWC COAST. „ H s « b -s u S s i l i l d F « ry , toot' of WMU- haU it.. Urfrlnw of Hubway, eUvatod ro«di *nd line*: le mJanWi' l i______ B-ariKca unc-i ■.*.».-*»-visoratthir aail through the l o w W* iS a •hort troUtymolt plcturoi^uo part of SttU n Iitapd-

S o U lT ti C aoB ty , N . T .

SULUVAN COUMH. N. Y. Siimiaor boorden

nice, airy room*; board; homoHko. Mri. Paulina Dl#ni» LackawoxoB* Pa.

Up the Hudson By Daylight

Don’t Waite Anything

Thooo ire dtyt of cm- oervorton—or iiv ln t we ore iir(eil to not wiite, lest we miy wiiit 1****' *"■

Yet there l» YFiete thtt tneani tiin.

The lite of SUndgraiied Roygl Cotton ind Wool Vgate In fgctorlct end en- 'glne rooms Is s dIsHoct giln lo oU who use It.

Five KTOdei csrrled In gtocfc—-oil gusrtnteed to be

: tHdferm Iff qusUty, even ic woltht, « per cent tsre.

m ethods employed In th e cam paign, which will reach ou t In to New York and Phllsdelphls a s well a s cover the s ta te thoroughly. T hrough th is medium the g rea t need of men w ill be b rought to the a tten tio n of those c la sses which the conference considered would be m ost likely to fu rn ish fa rm w orkers. Active recru iting a g en ts a lso w ill be sent out to m ake personal io lle lta llon .

The W oman's Land A rm y le expected to be a fac to r of g ro w in g Im portance In m eeting the lab o r sho rtage . Its w ork already th l i eeason has been much TYiora iticcdSiful th a n w as antlel* paled , and It Is likely th a t m any o th er young women wiH be recru ited from the leeching s ta ffs of th e public school*, many of which w ill close th is

* " h i i close of the ichools w tll release num bers of youths and boys, some of whom It Is hoped may b t d raw n Into farm work. Good re su lts have come from the camps es tab lished th rough co-operation of tho Boys' R eserve with farm ers ' o rgan iia tlons, b u t It w as re ­ported yesterday th a t m any of th e boy* w ho enrolled for the reserve dleap- pointed when they w ere called upon for service, fe lling to rep ly to the notices sent them.

Opening of new offices a t Jersey Ctly, P erth Amboy and A tlan tic City by Ihe employment eervlce la expected to afford some relief to the farm ers. From th* Jersey City offica, espsclally* s tro n g e ffo rts are to ho m ade to recru it farm ers. Through these now branches It is hoped to m ake know n to new sections of the public th s need and the opportuhltles and Improved w orking conditions and w ages fo r w orkers on fa rm s

received a posta l Inform ing them he w as In France.

The police also e la te th a t a bracelet valued a t 81* and a diamond r in g v a l­ued a t 860. w hich were found on Miss Clnlarelift, have been identlflod by Clorelnl a s hla property.

Five Year Sentence Imposed by Judge in Freight Theft Case

'Tn tim es like these when th e whole country Is s tru g g lin g to p reserve Itself th e re a re only tw o k inds of cltleens, good c ltlsen s and bad c ltlien s," U nited S ta tes Ju d g e H aigh t told Clayton B a r­r in g er of Je rsey City this m orning when he sentenced the man to five years In th e federa l peiillen llary a t A tlan ta ,

B arrin g er, w ith Joseph M aher and B enjam in Diet*, also o t Je rsey City, w as convicted of s tea ling dress goods from an E rls fre ig h t car In Je rsey City on May 13. The th ree men w ere yard employee* of the com pany a t th et'™*- . ."You a r e Juet a* bad ae German p ropagandists ," the jud g e to ld the three. “Fmergles of the governm ent th a t o u g h t to be expended In o ther d i­rections have to ha u*ed In detec ting and d ealing w ith people lik e you.”

The fact th a t the men w ere ra ilroad employegs and so v irtu a lly In th e ein

Grace Period Near End For Income Taxpayers

Collector Duffy Declare i Penalties Will Be Imposed and Negli­

gence Prosecuted.

;'U m*tl« I'Y tlirmwrto

o r no t ratiirnfi l»nv* by m em bers of tlie;Ha<I llekeia to tseU.

As in the cune of U teaU rs nrul oth«r am ueam anl enttrprl««B. the reporU an4 paymenlB nf U xpr for each month a re raqulrort to be matle by lh» end of the nex t succe^dlnJE m onth. In m any In- Btancen w h rra eluba and sim ilar br- fcaritxationa have conductedTheir Ireaaurera have delayed several m onths w hile w aiting fo r m fm bera to

South Belm ont avenue, tho H uejt of honor being H eadm aaier Louis J. Penn» w ho is to leave Ju ly 6 for his home In Los Angeles.

Subscribers Take Up Remaining Advent Lutheran Church Bonds

pally, ioelsdlug»ii Connection* to all point* In (he

‘^ ll l s I o u S 'M d '^ tr lc l’' *ervlce*eM h iun-dey 3*6 P. W- Pevlllon No. 3, Bear Moon‘’ l'j*B*f«e r»!*» for «n -.Idler- »nd itllor' 1„ uniform heiw<«n P s y U n * Isn d li'i..


mOnUlB -VTYiaea T - . ---account fo r tick e ts allo tted them for

*^Some o f the th ea te rs of the d'.ctrlct have been lax In th is respect, too, It Is declared, w aitin g un lit severa l days

I beyond th s and o f the month before Ths ten-day period o f grace allowed reporting. In severa l Instances where

f c , » . . . . . . . .nets p rofit taxes to those who fsllei. : u ." . . h » » rsouired to dsposl*

One Year in Jail Possible Term

I t took bu t three ra lnu tss y ss le rd ay afternoon to secure subscribers fo r th e 8*00 w orth o f bonds w hich rem ained In the 18,000 issue of Advent L u theran Church, made to m eet the Indebtedness Incurred by the congregation th ro u g h the purchase of « building sUo a t O r­ange avOnue and F a lrm ount te rrace . The subecrlpH ons w ere U k en a t th e •econd ann iversary celebration o f th e church held In Union H all. 880 South

Ae a re su lt a church

to Co io befora Ju n e IS w ill expire lo

' b ac l? fo r personal use, O rengo avenue. Ae a re su lt a chii ag ars have been required to deposit w in be erected and tt IsI bk.sws iM MJing»-&t« acQounts w ith tn e tr ih u w ill be opened for ^

companlea and an8oi'iation!:i and Insur­ance com panlet probab ly will have to

, mglce re tu rne of undletrlbutod Ttet m- emntoyeps ana »o v in u o u y m v..» -.n - I com®, w ith regard to w hich tho col- nloy of the governm ent made th e ir ] lecto r has Jum received a ru ling de-

1/ cniee so much the m ore f la g ra n t, the | fin ing the taxab le year. Under th is court held, 'T h e re Is only one w ay lo ru lin g of Ihe d epartm en t, the yoav may___ _ ___t. »n/1 «>!■» la HKnl Vjs KHVar IhA vnVAmmAnt flOCal VBBr Cir

them In separa te accounts w ith t h ^ r morrow. Collector D uffy announced ' banks, from w hich ril*Y cmG" today th a t the five per cent, penalty I w ith d ra w a l, only to psy the collector, w ilt be Impoaed In a ll caeee wheru the Ipaym ent la no t m ade w ith in tii« o x - ! T h r ic e f o r M a rin e s ,tended time. P e rs is te n t refusal to pay . K e jC C iea I f i n c e , r- i. jw ill Invite prosecution and conviction f l« * . W a iv e r a n d Is L n llS te dand. en ta il a tine of 81.080 or one year ( ‘ .In Jell" I r^ereleisucv on tho p a rt of H arryAbout 8,000 corporatlone, Joint stock ' P ersistency----

New York; DesbroM** “ t . . We«t 4(d 81.' . tVe*! IStth *t.

Yonkeri B«er MeunUInW ait point .........(w**kd*y*only).Cornwall .............S ew burih ..........PoughkeepsieKlTif*tpnCatikm ..............>TiidMn ..............Albany

I A. M "T hrr/ Poufh Sarvlce k eop iit



"P. M.


tr00*t> Sito^

f tll« g p * ! j0 "

■ ;*Ce ;0O u lo ; s » "I G 6 I I0;4«u *:60 ? i l ; l * a j

: * t l : « jjM iSO ai>11:60 ° - l l l S i SS:I» _

.. ® 1 !*<>,. 3 kHO?"'6|*;M •3:08 - 6 8!'*'.

1:10 3 * S !8 0 „ 2 IHSiiS s ' .......St40 3 O:»0

» »il.T ? flM :

Swindling Charge Causes Arrest Of Young Woman by Local PoliceEfforts to stop th e a lleged sw indling

of soldiers' fam ilies In Bound Brook resulted ta t* yesterday u lternoon In the a rre s t of Luclx C ln tnr-IU . nineteen years old, by D*tocllve U lrich o t nolle* headquartori. T his m orn ing the young w om in w as ta r re d over to D eteitlv* George B. Totten of Bomorvllle and tak en to th a t town. Bhs Is charged w ith grand larceny from Jam es Cloreinl and w ith ob tain ing m oney under t ^ e pretenses from XJtUsn B arllle and An­tonio Barllle, a ll of Pound Brook.

T hs police assert th a t Mies C lntarclla, w ith an unnam M m an sccompllce, a truck up acq u tlu laneea w ith theae fam ilies aud found out w here memoers w ere stationed a l te r they had enterd* th e armv.

The method, according to th e pollcu.

Ii aase --- - - - -Stop such p rac ttce i and th a t !■ to da&l w ith them severely.’’ he said, In Im pos­in g th s Hve-yeur penalty.

A fter questioning M aher and D iets aa to w hy they had not en listed In the arniF . Ju d g e H aigh t announced he would lay over th e ir een lg^cei u n til he had investiga ted th e ir cases fu rth er. B arringer, he said, had been convicted th ree tim es of crlm** and had served a sentence a t the Rahway Reform a- tory.

The th re e men w ere convicted of s tea lin g fifteen pieces o t crap* de chine shipped by R oyai-H asro, Inc.. P a te r- eon, to th e M arshall F ield Company. Chicago.

P lead ing gu ilty to an ind ictm ent ch a rg in g th a t they had shipped ad u l­te ra ted d ru g s In In te rs ta te commeroe.

r^ J lU B UL tiev USJ|#gei aieiweiw, aetw ^aisa- leiMjbe either the governm ent flecal year or the calendar year, a* elected by the taxpayer. The am ount o f undistributed net Income subject to th e ten per com, tax Is to bs determ ined six month* a f te r the end of th e taxab le year.

Advloe has been received from W ash­ington th a t tre a su re rs of o rg an iia tlons conducting dances o r o th e r e n te r ta in ­m ents for which tick e ts are sold will he held liable fo r the attTnlsaion tax** and required to m ake th e ir report* w ithin the prescribed period, v h u h&


Bow Ba HagalnfB H n o itb .te r i to d 4niHa In In U rita U commaroe. tenforA, Main#.—"1 auff*r«A no moeb R. H lllla r 'i Sons Company of Ja raey from a nmnlown, iMjawoua oontfiiton *ad __ _____ _ Mt__ ■ aaE M... ak/imaxsOi f'FoiihiR that I tt#Vir fait 1||[a work-

F ^ r i i i i e n c yZiegler of ** Mill stree t. Be lev!Ilf, who hsd Been rejected th ree tim es by th e United S ta tes M arine Corps, caused the Navy D epartm ent to waive th e Jb jec- tio n i a r tl allowed Mm to enltet thU. TT jrn ln ^ He w ai ie n t to P arle laland, s c«

Z iegler raipondod to th e firs t call and w s tr e je c te d a t physically Ifled. i t s wae able to overcome the (Iw t objection a g a in s t him and tried again , b u t the re w ere o th er physical deteotf and once more he wae tu rned down. H a tried th e th ird tim e w ith sim ilar resu lts . H e then w rote to W ashington and seked n w alker o ', the defeots. T h li w as g ran ted and he 1« now In the isr* vice.

o th e r* enlisted S aturday and today w ere: N ew srk, H enry F r i ts of $78 Avon avenue: T1elli:vllle. Howard W. Read of tU! W ashington avenue;' Irv ing ton , Thom:id I., Appltn o f 815 S tuyveeant avenue; Netoong, George H artm an ; K ingston, N. Y„ Abram H. Rlell of A l­bany avenue.

o u u am s wiii S'* ---------------pected th a t thle w ill be opened for w o r­ship ahogt October 1. A subecrlp tlou of 838 tow ard a perm anent endow m ent fund hae been made by the chu rch

The church, which wae founded by ita pasto r, Rsv. George C. Loos, p a s to r of Holy T rin ity L utheran Church. E a s t O range, haa been adm itted In to tho Now York and New E ngland Synod of the G eneral L u theran Council, I t h a s a c h a r te r m em bership of fifty and con­s titu te s th e sm allest seU -iu p p o rtln g congregation In th e city, hav ing never received any outeld* financial aid.

C ongratu lation! on Ua achlevem eoU w ere extended by Rev. A rth u r H. gohm oyer o f W eshaw ken In hi* w hich fea tu red th e celebration , telloW - Ina a repo rt of encouraging fin an c ia l condlllone given by the tre a su re r , C harles A. M oosbruggsr.

Special m usical num bers w are re n ­dered by a ehlldrsn 'a ohorua

•Ove-Dsy Outings 1" ***"'


L la y i-jiTie

Worcester, •» .l3 t Provtdeoc* d lrtet. gt.68, ■TATE BOOMS. » .* • . iLM . M .»-mgiiv Includluv Sunday. fe,«v r , M-Pbosa sieo B«kiTutt.From PloV i** B*



Second File in Chambeii Street In Week Cause* Police Inquiry

c i ty w ere fined 826 by Ju d g e H a ig h t

C a H S u a lty M aglsg a t C ity B a ll,In o rder to toater com m unity elnglng

In N ew ark, the muelc departm en t of The Contem porary, th rough its chairm an, JIrs. L illian Je ffreys P etri, snd th e O rpheus Club, represented by Cart

■tomsch trouble thet I never felt like work Ins at!it had irltd slinoat everythlni nlth- ib t r*ll*( The first bcttle ot Vlnot, how- aver, helped me and It ha* built me up an

B e c f l t e r H suw «f Methnffi D M th. Ju a t a* he w as about to leave for

H am ilton. Ont., today to visit h is par- e n ti. C aptain P, F o rd Daw of th s q a -

.* method, sccordlug to th e police, l u W pre w ill b « ! n bulTdlnr'snd .tr .og tfor the men accomplice to call up f^goor and op en -a ir song » I'kT .. Jo in . B.(sm llls . and say th s sold er w u . ! ‘ ° ' , n , . r s will '

I VnlB* '• * w— — —— --......... . — ---------- , ^ , ¥ •" 1 n ad lan -B rltlsh R ecru iting Mission hsr*

"*** received a te legram Inform ing him o tThvrT^lI'no* « ? r . i a^ rJi vlool. It o*«i ; the death Of hla m bthsr « !* telegTSm

Ita sulicciw w b««f and cod iivar peptnnep. i wa» from the captain • fa th er and cave iron and miniRTiaM peptonaiM. and cly- • nO detalU . c»roBbo«ptaa(«a. tha oWaat and moat famous

and needed money and th a t th e young women, being a friehd of th e soldier In question, would come and gSt th e meney and tak e It to th e sick man. According to m em bers o t the Barilla fam ily, they received such s telephone mcasage. saying th e ir re la tiv e w as a t Camp M e m q , and th e n e a t dap th tp

ntrenath creatlnff toatcNi, FoAter, L liaett'a

m.Vt'litg.''tonrg’hr. -Ti,e ' . I h f s r . will ' j;.^;^ 'V ^^T"8e"dlil?m eet In th e auditorium of pet. T*rmtnsi Drug Store, Wuernwh.Churchy corner o f Broad and H *rabau ^ j^. |p, MardiUtr.

Etreo ti, a t 1:16 o clock and a f ia r gm tm 'p Phirm wlet. Bchrlab^r'a Dnia our’e r a a lo n tharo w ill ad journ to David Stnoni. Plramen'a Phry., H-

Mtapa o t th e c ity hall and e ln r h a lt an n , Hoiny, Oscar Bchola. N. Uf^hlti, Frlod t h ou r fo r the pleaeore o f th e publUi ■ phuy., Lawltt.Phcy- P. T. Corrlfafi. W. R. They Intend iv meet ev fry M onday ' yxcnddor, IJeiihatti*T*a Drtia 0(oH, Incu and

- ' ' --------- •Ter)wker«i<^Adv«rUMtMaU

Police of the 'O ilrd P recinct a re In - v o itlg a tln g the cause of a ce lla r f irs dtaoovared by Stephen C ren ther o f H Cham bers s tree t thle of rage In a corner w ae found s o l d e r ­ing. T h is is the eeoond « r* «>* • lia r n a tu re th a t C ranther has d iscovsred In th s ce lla r w ith in a week. ,

Two sm all fit** rspo rtod y ss - terday . Boys p lay ing w ith m atch es U u sed a f i ts « th s s to rs o f P s te r H dsfelco o f 171 Malvern .tru s t . D am ­ag e am ounted to 886. L ike dam age w as dens by fire to an unoccuptsd a te re a t 188 Belmont avenue. T he M ass w as s ta r te d by sp a rk s from a b o n ­fire.

J ■. r M “ ■ - - ™ . -

COLONIAL UNEb o s t o n

PROVIDENCE DUUa l l ODTBUJB STA'W b o o m s . I t to 8*

Weekdsyi and Buodayi a t 6;|0 P. M. tn m Pl*r I t , N. B.. f'x't vVeet H ^*tos SL. N. Y. TIc-keU J. E. ilsyer, room JOT (tjnlon build- Ins) *'I6 Cllotos SI.. Neisark. sad ICdw. F. HcKesn, IS? Harrison sve,. Hsrrlxon.

F ra tc raH y D ay fe» H igh Seheels.F ra te rn ity day for a ll four N sw ark

H igh ichools w as celebrated yeaterday afternoon by Phi Nu C hapter of Upel- lon I jim bda Phi a t the home of Maurice a M aurer of 188 C ourt stree t. F laq s fo r the com ing term w ere .forffwlated. ,A social w as bald In Ihh s**))!** *8 A s

- , ■ y I i>,_, Lva Beuery datly, IjMiN iM Itf , X L H w A.M.. » ;« P.M., tSATK add. Trip. I'P.M.). guna.*:ls A.8L.1A:W P.M



a s b u r y p a r kWEDNESDAY; JULY 17

n ig h t I b e n e •< T oaM M i g h -H f

Deny Sailing L lqnar 3a F ts ^ te ia .Charged w ith th s aale o f liquo r to

aoldiera and sailors, Jam sa and M ar­g a re t B tew art of A tlan tic C ity denied they w ere gu ilty when a rra lg a o d befpre Ju d g f M alght In the q n ite d B U ten D iaiH st

(UMpuv las aaaw a^s-C i^ r tM b «p«rttb i|.

be t t l s l diBtiik AM ir*sli •¥

Via Caatral ■* Jainty:TrtlnA loava Br<rtd Bt* Rlatlon at lUS anJ

•t40 A* Me Bftturnlna ai t ?. M.

Holds Th Of Cl

‘Mu*t P!m

Give Jud Rev

Sermon in

"A C hristii Judictqtisty, * Judiciously a r S idney 'VVglt, m ern lng 'Coitf p le a sa n t Bapt th e in te rs s l ol cam paign, wh (o u r address* Thing* W hlct Ing ly W ise." In d u stry and

Mr. Pow sll sav in g s demo I term ed th* 3 p a r t In the i A m erican hist

'co n sid ered sp< th ese w ere th

"They were you o r ms, b th s p lrp g g lf A m erlta h s a b ra lq i and he g iv in g Its ga N either can s T he Prasideut people w h a t sa id to hie si consider her h av in g no gul p a rs th h er n g a fh e rs th her

"Ameelca ii in d u stry and g re a te r wssU!

i aaaf


[ ivr- r



D S ^twctaf.

i o u s ezcetlvnt t«bl«rlinrton, H. J.

.N PI AN115, » n JBPrlc*

LNDSn Mdardwalk.C n p tc l ty 440.

ACTIOS^ fifty out«ld‘>

\n in c xroi«r. TKB«.riM h o t e l . s e e FLOOM.[atvr<«( inTcprletor.

ALLkTORlUM• atid Mfvkt. l*nt pbyilcUiB.

D T E L11 Kuait rMm«:s STOCKTON.

uccimtocic 91. blCH:k to baaeh. fh t houMkMp- L Bryant, prop.

roNLake «ve. Alto n av. V. Hoanlf

> W sl«SI. »

Oo«an bl««k Fourth Avt.

d Trunipbour.

I.N. J.

ASSETTt la i , Burt il«. n i wMkIy P. WOLTBR.

S A V O YV. batba; rupnlAi■blp>manaoBi*b^

^ S* !■

SEACHAND. ^ , %ml4 BatiMdf u r BATHiire >ABT. RmoM

fuel a t WUU- ubwar, Sl*TAt*d

10 mlnnta^ I*, the lowor t4 j

5< ihraueb thi t Stotanlilubd.

r . N . Y .

II Y Summor <!• boarder*pood board: home

Lackawaata» Pa.


lU D S O N

rilGHTf Synday.I to all pointa In the

Adlrondacka, the ' hrouffh rail tUkete

Albany and TroY copted for piaeaie-: eervicea each 8un>

No. 11. J9«ar Wouun ld ia r ' and aatlor'

y Lilua iandlniiaA. M.

Poufh.ketpale Bcrvlea

I? 14;00ia)0 g. iO:S4’*'■ a 5&0 ^ILI AO A30[M> ® *l:W5 . . 2 1j40.. to *1:09-0 3*tl5«4,5 a)...... I6 .......

P. M.



1 <je:I»1 ItW ..

*11,1 ^fiM !■

Pooj(1ikwp.l«> Nm- w Moontal*. lanal tW* N«w Tork.t w RIVER

L il i n e

W miraot. H.00. w. 9ttM- 10 F. M.00 Baekinen.


u p l s a b b d .

\L UNEJ BY BOATN AND RAILO f IS* BOAT a V U I.1BBCT S ROOWB. I I ta *5F. a t S:to P. U. tram n t HiAwtoa St., M. V oom lOT (B»lpn build- N awark, altd Bdw. P.

t a v .„ H arrlm t.

daur. • ; » MC. (UTS. L.1A;U P.W



Y PARK LVRJlJiyi7pad a( Npw ilanay.BU Blattofi at Olio and uralna a t t P. M. ■careit? of earn U M"

i t tiokaUrin advanba.

Holds Thrift as Mark Of Christian American

" a ""Mutt PtiD, S«ve, Expend and

Qsvt Judiciously," Declares « Rev. Mr. Powell.

Sermon in Stamp Savings Drive

"A C hrla tlan Atnarfcan m ast plan Judictqtiity , sav« ludlo lputly , expand Judlclgtiply ahd f lv # lud lc iou ily ,'” Rev. Sidney 'W s tts tb u ry Powell told Ills « o rR ln i< co n c r* s» tian yeeterd ty , In Ml- p le a e e n t B ap tis t Ctiureh in a sermon Iti ttie In te re s t o t (he th r if t atum p eav lnss cM npsl(n , w hich Introduced a eerlc j of (o u r s4 d ressss on the subjoot. ‘'tl'our T b ti t is W hich Are LU tle bp t Bxceed- Inv ly W ise." H is them e w as "A nts— In d u stry and F o rs s lfh t."

Mr. Pow ell rocftlled the w sr stsm p s s v ln s s d em onstrstlon a week s ( o and term ed th e 30,000 persons who took p e r t In the parade "epoch m akers In A m erican h isto ry ." to r ''A mericana are

I considered spenders th e w orld over, and those w ere the lenders.'' he said.

"Thay w ere ju s t common folk like you o r mo. but upon them and us all th a • t rV fa ls o t a w orld depends. A m erica 'h as tw o arm ies, one v lvlna b ra lija and health In P rance, the other ( Iv in a Us aaina and w ealth a t home. N aU htr nan suenoad w ith o u t t h t other. T he praalden t has v ir tu a lly aald to hti people w h a t 1)14 w laest of k ln ia once sa id to hla sub jec ts; 'Go to th a a n t— conalder her w ays and be w lie ; which h a v ln a no-aulde. overseer, o r ruler, pre- p a rc th h er m eat In the summer, and g a lh s re th her food In (he harvssl.'

"A m erica needs the a n ts ' serm on ot In d u stry and fo re a lih t. !Ho jialton has a re a te r w ealth than A m erica; yet In the

past tha poopio of Amarlca hav a «p«Btmore an d saved Isos than alm ost ao y nation. A hum orous book w as w r l t ts a sonis y e a rs ag o antUlsd 'K osp lna Up w ith L hn ts-’ T hat baa been- th e aoU effo rt o t m any an A ratrlcan eouiilo. W hen th e Sm iths get a new car, tbo Jonosoa ac ro ss th s way m ust bava a new one, a lth o u g h the eld one w ag In p e rtse t condition and was not yo t paid for. Few young married' people hav a been conU nled te se ttle down In a m odest l i t t le neet and acquire h a b its , p t fru g a lity , and gradually, th ro u g h th r if t a n d economy, grow com fortsblO and p rosperou i.

"To m oat U> shine In society Is th e sole purpose o f life, to keep up np p ear-

:ances and to keep up with the se t; and tha end Is poverty, wrecked nerves, d is ­rupted hom es, suicide and shame. W e have become rtpendthrlfl by aoaocintlon, hut today th r if t I.. In the a tm osphere . By aasoclatlun. In part a t Isaai. w s a re becom ing economical. “The N ew ark parade la p a r t of a movement to pop­u larise th r if t . We used to «ay "th ey hava, Ihfcrefore w i m ust have." Now a ll m ust endeavor to excel In econom y,

"The A flaquaie Valuation of L ltU u " la the ti t le o f the aritt' serm on. G rea t aw arm i o f an te carry ing but a g ra in apiece build the g rea t g ranaries, se v ­eral feet In th e earth , filled w ith th e w ealth of savings. We asve only d o l­lars, no cents. Again, 1 say, no aanag. ^ 'e m u st have sense enough te sav e cents. A m erica fills Its w ar chest, no t a t B geyser of a few millions, b u t fro m a steady a tream of Innum erable Iltfla drops. Wo a re beginning to th in k logs of the sing le man of large Checks and m ore of th e m ass of people o t sm a ll mesns.

"Tou can have money If you w a n t It, T hat is. of course, If you w ant It bad anough to pay Ihe price of Induatry and th r if t . The fare m ust he paid a t one end of tlio line o r ihe other. An old say ing Is "l^vsrybedy h as te w a lk a t one end of life," The th r if ty w a lk a t the beg in n in g and ride a t the end ; the good spenders pay fo r th e e a rly ride end fin ish by walking.

"If every Idle word la to be Judged.

w hgre ghall tb a Idle co a t come InT B rgry m an's biography Is no t w ritten , b a t every man abould w r its a b an k ­book. Ong of thg greaXggt clig racter books la a bankbook. Your bankbook to lls more about you th an your biog­raphy. B iographies often lie. but a bankbook tolls the tru e sto ry o f a life 's la d tittry , oegnomy, fo rea lgh t and fa ith - firinsaa.

" f t la a sacred responglbUlty to m ake th e moot of one'e se lf and hue's re- sources, to r your money Is no t youra alone, it la God's loatt; It a p a rt of your country 's w ealth C hristian aeoTiomy I s . not m taerlingaa The founder of Methodism ta u g h t his fo l­lowers to m ake alt they could, save a ll they could and g ive a il they could."

Kart Cacklies at Ktiier Drives, Ball Lost in Ptave, Pastor Scyt

Likening the attaolc of A ustria upon Servla In 1911 (0 th a t o f th e Pergtans m ore than S.O00 years ago upon a sm all w eak neighbor, Greace. each launching a te rrib le war upon the world, Rev. C harlet H. S iew art, preach ing In tha N orth Reformed Church la s t n igh t, de­clared th a t as "Ihe heroic G reeks made th e Perelans bite th e d u st a t T her­mopylae, so today the heroics Ita lia n s destroy the A ustrians In th e ir Alpine passes, "Bmperor C harles and H li Ram shackle Em pire" waa Dr. R tew art'a subject.

The ta ll of the M agyar em pire waa predicted, the speaker declaring that "as (he m ighty Umpire of P ersia broke in u tte r collapse ag a in s t the rock of Grecian valor, ao today the nppreselvo empire of A ustria w ill break against th e m ighty w ill of Ita ly 's heroic reslM- ance." As caddy to th e K aiser, Dr. S tew art said, the E m peror apparen tly had taken a driva on hie ewn account and had failed on ths P iave haxard

ric lu rln g , by way of Introduction,

tb a a le ip le ia p lg h ti of X eraea In th a palace a t Rhuihan, and d iacu u in g the eausea o f u n rest ae cere, reg re te over fru s tra ted p lans and u n rta lliad ambi* tioDB and conaclence, tha lutstdr w ent on to eay;

"The timid, vacillating , tricky young Em peror In Ihe palace a t V ienna a tands In s tr ik in g co n trast to the tuatfu l, d e ­praved, drunken debauchee In the p a l­ace at Shushan. The one was th e ty ran t m aster of the g rea test em pire on earth , th s o th er the abject slave of hie UohenioUern m aste r—an Em peror In name, compelled, so to speak, to caddy while his m aater, th e a ll-h lg b e si of Berlin, m akes b is m ighty drives. On occasion th s caddy tr ie s a d rive on hla own account w hile hts m aster Is r e s t ­ing , and a f ta r vigorous makoeuVera, m aking a m igh ty sweep, he ooarcely drives the ball off th e tee, and from preeent appearances It Jooha Hke a case ot lost bail— loat In try in g to get a c ro ii the Piave."

Avers National Party Will Put Up Congressional Candifjates

C andidates fo r Coagreaa a re tdlT be put up by the N ational party In aomw

ThosoEn' inpTroubtiYou AUKlU to b« Abla to find

Aut wbai • wront arid miik« It *lfht. You will h* « b*tt«r driver >r » W tur r«r k fu r E«klfi9 * .'nurM i t ll)« atawftrt Auto ^cbMl. t>ny «v*nlDf !0r niBn Rnd w^tniin. Coivipt«!i» ;ourM. |fl>- PrlvRtB iBBA n* *fini«d. CeU or phon* for cBt»' ftfu e . J . N-Stewart AutORwMld School

Foundtd 1141.Stii W n i i l tk ttta. mi n'wmj,

T*l. t27®.Wm. M. Jr,. FfO*

B 3 E B B

RDDl-SIARYAIION-DEiUH woi yon HELP TO siiir n?Th r e e m i l l i o n JE W S -m e n , women and children

—are dying of starvation and disease in the war stricken countries.

Mothers wander crazed, emaciated, homeless, with starving babes piteously beseeching at their barren breasts; children weak and skeleton-like, lie famished, dying and dead: thousands upon thousands of them,*in those afflicted lands beyond the seas.

Their suffering is worse than death—it is the lingering torture'of starvation, the piteous tragedy of emaciation, the horrible waiting, in agony of hunger, for the grim reaper to end their'misery.

THEY MUST BE SAVED!To you men and women who read this appeal if you

are capable ot pity and human charity, to you as men and women with hearts and consciences, without regard to creed or sect, they appeal for help in this their darkest hour of distress. They look to you, who have so constantly and generously shown your capacity of human sympathy with the suffering, to save them.

You can save them. You will save them.

Grim death and starvation are fast in their work. Death brooks no delay. Death knows no pity. Help must come at once. You will not—you cannot—tu^n a deaf ear to their heartrending plea.

BEGINNING T O M O R R O W (Tuesday) and during the whole week, authorized representatives will call on you tor your subscription.

' > Ddake it as large as possible. Your money will save preciouf lives. In everlasting gratitude these unfortunate, afflicted, starving millions will receive your help, and will invoke the blessing of God upon you for all time.

Send in your check if you wish.


June 2 4 to July lit 1018 ^ILEWIS STRAUS Chairman * ABE J. DIMOND, V1oe>Cliainnan

Net Bllder, Secretanr Felix Fuld, Treasurer

h e a d q u a r ter s , 779 BROAD ST- NEWARKr*'" ' ’.U” .k ?

of the tw elve New Je rsey dietrtet*, ac ­cording to an annouiicem ent by S tate Cbalrm ao J. A. H. H oiik ln i o t MorrLl- town. K etorrIng partU 'ularly t-o the ' F lrtb Ulatrlct. whit'b Includes Union and liturria countlea, Mr. Mopfcina aald:

"The eonteat for the east left vacant by the de.nth o t ('angreaeinan Capatick

w ill not be allowed to go by d efau lt by ^ e N ational party. This le p a r tic u ­la rly tru e becam e there aeema to be a dem and from the more progrcaalve and Independent voters of the d is tr ic t fo r a 'c an d id a te of a lUnGrt-jit typo than th e ueual candidate ot th e older p arties ."

One Treatmentw ith C uticura

Clears Dandruff




E L P U N C L E SA M order from th i, paper S T A M P C O L L E C T IO N

W IN T H E W A R ! C u t and start your T H R IF T

SAVE F U E L by using Sterno K itchenette and Sterno Canned Heat. After this w eek no orders will be redeemed. T h e regular price will be maintained of $1.50 for the 1 Burner lu tchenette and $2 for 2 Burner K itchenette.Go To Yoar Dealer Today and Learn All Aboat This BIG FREX OFFER. See Ike Sterno 2 Buraer Kitcbenette sod Other Sterno Fod Saving Devkea.

Stemo Canned Heat ii ■ pute like coU crum, that lighu at the leratch of a initch. Burnt with tteady, intenie h tu u hot w coii, f i t or electricity. Safe, won’t ipillt imokelcH. lootlcti, odoriew.Retails a t 10c a oao. $1.20 a dozen.

STERNOC anned H ea t

Save Fuel by U sing S T E R N O C A N N E D H E A T

COO PERA TE with the NaUoni] Poel AdminiitntipD. D o your "h it" by uudg Sterae Ctnntd H ttI which ie regardtd a> a very iinperl

■ ing Iat

I S t tr t t C tm ttd H t t t which ie regardtd e> a very iinpertant help ip (he nrcenary coaeervation of coat, which '• te eiicntial in wioning ihe war.Dt Alt rear CttUni W uMi STEdtMO Ctmatd ttttt and STBESODeetox. b't a Patrirtk Tktmt Tt Pat __

Vftm t f lU tk ta tH t O0ta WtHAt CamUtta 4 «■- t f K i tA ta t t i tO i t t i

f tU tn a i t t t r a m A t

S T E R N O K I T C H E N E T T ET h e G r e a t F u e l S a v e r B urns S tem o C anned H ea t

Send One To Your Soldier Boy—H e Needs I f and W in Appreciate I t

STEXNO KITCHENETTE ii not a novelty but a ctmpUu fmk tin t thtt prepiretX an entire meat quickly—indoort or outdoor*. Very convenient for Auto- \im, Campei^ Toarim, etc. USED IN THOUSANDS OF HOMES

with complete luccett. INDISPENSABLE for uck roomorouneiy. Jintwhet you need for hot water in your COUNTRY HOME. AUo hot drinki. hot dnhei. Mgani big fuel and labor econ-

W k h


D tA L lrS SNOOdSEUSSTt Panbued In is l-Bueer HiMkeakU

1-Beraer SluheeMi* DeeW t Sil.__________—

omy from the day you get it.Stemo Kitcbencac you can:Fiporbroii ateak, chickeii, &>h, chopg,

ham and eggt.Fry or boil potatoea.Make pancake*.Heat ioup, beam, etc.Cook cer^ and egga.Make tea or coffee.Heat aharing water, etc.Ask your dealer to show you o u r complete line of Stoves,Boilers, Sad Irons, Baby M ilk W arm ers, and o ther hand­some and usefid devices for in­door and outdoor cooking tn d heating.

SPECIAL OEPEE; Send *c (to cover coftot mailing) for a wiDpIc of the new ^ t r a t D itinftitaat aad AatHtpHt. Addrew S. S 'fE R N A U A C O ., lac. 417 Fifth Aveaue, New York.

S te r n obrined Heat


Fnat Ytmr BttiEtmtftt Fadatf Aad Saad WM TMi Ordir

Not after .m o J*. H i t .' f 'H t t erOR toMiet bem r lo ooe lie *■ U. S. Tkrifi S (n a whh ike p enku .r w . I-B on.r aiukw M . Hd n n Ke U.

Tkrilt f a w n wlik Ik. parebe. M ik. .fem w Kiwlmm.. XBD LABEL

Inoi i»t el KiuknilM yeekeg. ■■■« eieemyeoT lU . erd.r.

Addnee-FUt le ekev. . .4 writ. pleUv.

nUk wdir e.d (CO LABIL mth ki m t dtnri h rkeewTluwi. S. dhnae g Cm - ttiH, fee,, W CtAldane., If, f , , fmpedMlriMi.


Moii^ gefn igrf

S. STERNAU & (XK loc.N n r'Y u ffc

Slerno■Cannedif He.-itr ,


AdGlnriGna. C. h., tl4 SprintflGld av«. Arneld'p phxrlnfter, Mt FrMpGOt BumbergGr, 1*., Co., MitrAtt ot.Brodntr. K. D., U BloomPkld tv«, BfrkcntnGlor 8 Kutto Co., $3S CllBton

X V *.CIlBton Phftrmxer, IIT CllxtUR »t*. OxrbOBG, U«m9ortd IM 6. O rE m D«ciiir. C hu. M.. * Brox. iovoiub »a4

EOOBVUIg ftVM.VlrMutD^G Fkxrrxixori Ik’OxA xx4 ume^ rilrm ouat PbxrmxcYe t i i 0. OrMfG

XV*.G*n«Rb*rf. 0.* (71 SprlXfftlcId *r*. Hxiin* A COr. Broxd tt.Hotchftutf * l>ruf 9tor*. I l l Br**d it. Hvtd*tML Cr. ConpM r. IT7 lro*d tt. HoimMt'o Pli«riii*cr4 40 CUntoa *vg. Hunt, (ieorf*. Company, IA4 kf*rk*t eA Hots. H. A.. IH doutb Orenv* kv*. KoGftlfr B. 0.e Bou, BTUkd and Will'

Um «t*.K*lt*r 8 fobwipf. CRuioti *r*. luid

B » r n * ft. KonPUMTe lf.» B*r4vw«, 111 B OtAm *

A rlingU n*v*.

ARLINGTON, N. J»n rtanrniMy, TKg, IT9 K**/ny

UiXtGU L. K. Broad lUr*k«t and WMhlnxton tt*.

Laird, It. M.. I l l Clinton avo.MCibuUe Nee >14 V*r»«a avt.M a^not A I>Of*ai«*, B r< ^ *t. Moll, Cbai. P.d U l qinlxai av*.Moart. Jam«o 4 if fprlngfltld av*. Oilonlai Ph«rRi*cT, Sll ava.Fotip'* Pbarmaar* 7T1 Broad iL Qalxa. Harry J., 117 Eloomrioia avt. fUrnor. Frank X.. 441 Coatral av*. ROTtnvky. Wm„ 7i WMnlnatoa av*. Etutch, Alfrad. f | l B^^aalwA ar*< Wppei, A. A.f 4l itant*i Fawdrli, D., I l l a Ora age av*. •*—*1*, L. L., 119 i , Oraaa* av*.

F.. U9 0. O m u* av*. Fharmaey. M Sprliijii

Bdw. A-e 4IS BratAM.Bayn, Sdwavd Am 447 BrowT^kt BoUnr • ' ^

IlSMiiM^FnarmacT/ilirpri ava,

ASBURY PARK, N.eJ.H tkrr, F. Hard war* Bloro.KarJoy. W. H; 4 L. J,Oramm*r'p Drua Store, eof« Caakmaa

*v*. and Madloort >t. iLitiitiabIh. U. B.. T34 Cookmta ava. MattUon Ave. Pkarmaoy,Biolnbak A Co.Bnydor A Koblaa. lac.

BAYONNE. N. J-Landtll** Druy C«., Broadway, oor.

Thlny-ji«cond *t.Bptk, at., TlS Broadway.

BLOOMFIELD, N. J.De«k*r. Cbax II.. A Bro*. IT Broad

■ t .Hla, Tbrodor*. |4 I Olvnwood av*. WaaklfPkk. J.. 410 Broad at.

, CALDVELU N. J,Caurtar. M. H., tt0"l4l Bloomflald av*.

CHATHAM, N. J.Wlloex. A. a.. Male et.

CRANFORD, N. J.Creeferd Pti«rra«rr, t l Nerth ave. Rear, J. B.. K tlelea ava.

EAST ORANGE, N, J. CuatoB FharmacT. t i l Oeairal am . Ceedit, R. r .. «t Main at.0 « k e r . f 'hea U., « Mnw.. itT Mala e«. Decker, Chai. U-. A Btea., l i t Mala e(. Flak. P , J.. tl* C n tra l ave.Freytag Itexalt tiere, Mala agg Arltet-

tea ave.Kxie, R„ I t Mala .1.Buir, CL U- *1 Co.. Ina L ' M., * Qe.

■ireoat rhariM er. Vk. m .; m Main el.Wlnlvre.. Juhu A.. <(3 Main M.Zuckar Pb -----

W.lla P. J WefU H

ELIZABETH. N. J. ..fleraer. J., l : i Kllaabeih avt.Clark R erdear. C, id Broad (LKUe.lMrth, liK.(ioniuoh, c . w , l i t Broad et.Ureluim A il.rU Coqiptny, I*

Broad at.NlehoU, Karl, Co.. t* | Broad it.Birin. ARwrt C-, 11* Bread it. Straeiman, B,. 110 Flivt rt,

LONG b r a n c h , N J.Feeler, It., gvoond ave, end B'w.r. Townlev, A. M„ A Co,

P. J., ita ^ .d w a y .H., 1T6 Broulway.

MONTCLAIR, N. J.^IdwIiL David H., i ctauroh at.Cran*. 7. Beyniour,^ k t n . ile. 13$ Biooniflald av*. O cck d r.^ a t. M., * Brua., t ChUrck *U U u b i^ , John U-r 47^ BkooniTfald ftf*. UxrHk Loula.Vor*noh,'H. B.

NEV BRUNSWICK^ N. J*-BlM tL O. U.. l i t Q«arf* *(., ft**f

WAahloffton.Kahn.e BamuvI.Uryn ^Yrldroh Co.. (9 Barr*m at. Mld(jl«a*jc Khorniacy, 14 Fvonch *t. Monfgan P(iarm*e^ 174 U*orf« ot Siroiur Hard war* Co. ,V*B P«lle K, R.. Chttfch 8 riac*<Yoniit, V. D. O._C0-_

o r a n g e , n . j ." ,.ll»

[ii HClaar fltotop c*. ' •RUTHERFORD, N* J*

____BFox.'lfH Miiiti a tpity. John ti., lau., 8ii llaio *LDo^or, Chat. M.. liMPlvy. John K. UlUtvd ClKUf 0IOT«p c*.

Barton Pkarmacal Ca.« *nd Bri* avaa. ^ , ■ -

CaH«n A Daoroot. iMc., 44 Park tH . AadMwford Drvt Co.. 44 Pork avt*

SOUTH ORANGE, N. J.Daokev, Clue. » I. * » r .a . I t Seirik

Uraac* av*.Pvladt* Uoiiia t . iOfBtfi B fl**T* Cd.

WEST ORANGE. N. J.thKker. Chao. M„ * Broa. Vailw efcS

iE D T M E5 t o r V

^ HOVttfkKO R. 0 A R M


Out In fro n t of tho hollow otum p bun tn low , whero Unci* W lf j lly Long- •*r«, th* rkbblt fon lU m tn llv«d, lo m * ' th in g w * i m oklng n tunny noU*.

“Bump! Bump! ThumpI Thum plty-Uium p-thum p!" it w*nt,

"Myl I wond«r w h it t h l t c*n Iw T ■poko Sura* J in * h;ivuy V uM y. m * m u i k n t Ikdy houi*h**p*h

I hop# It lin ’t th* Ut!lUry-*c*l*ry lU lg ito r , w ith th* doubl*-Jolnt*d t i l l , com ing u p itilr* if*«r m*," i i l d th* bonny. Then h* in d Nuti* J in * looked ou t th* doofi in d on th* w oodlind p i th In fro n t of th* butigilow th*y * iw Lulu V lbblaw obbl*. th* duck g irl, bouncing k a r n ib b ir h ill,

t ’p in d down It bounoad, in d It w i* th* rtibbar b il l which w i* m ik in g th* •o**r Dumpy *ound-

"Oh, Unci* W Igglly, com* in d bounc* th* b i l l w ith m«," quickod th* lItU* dock girl.

"I w ill. 1* loon 11 I flnlih tw ink ling m y p ink no**,'' ipok* the bunny, in d . than h* »tood In front of the looking g l l i i . to Iw lnkl* hi* no** about fo rly - 'l*T»n tlm ii, w hich h* did *v«ry m orn­in g Ju it I I fOon 11 h i h id ih ived .

T h in h* w *nt out to bounci th* rub- b a r b i l l w ith Lulu, but wh*n th* buM y g o t thar* th* cupboard w«» h»r*— Oh,

'w h i t am 1 ta lk in g ibou t? That • In Ifo th iT O ooii. I mean when Lncl* W Igglly got ontelde he couldn't eee I<nlu W lbbUwobblt, the duck g irl, any-

* “B u t h i r l l i b i r rubhtr b ill." e ild t i l t bunny n b® picked Itu p off th* ground, “Som* of th i o th e r iB im il girl* may have called to h e r to com i and p tiy with them, in d ih e T in off, fo rgetting about her ru b b er b a l l W ill. I 'll t i k i It to her. Lulu

w ou ldn 't llk i to loi* It, and p irh a p i, on m y w ay, I may have an advantur*."

(te. tak in g tha little duck g irl'* ru b - h * r b*n,-U nqle W Igglly a la r ted off th ro u g h -tb a wpoda and ov»r th* tla tdato find Luisu , t r . -11B* had not gona very ta r bafora. a ll • f a Buddan. th* bunny rabb it gantlC' M U haard a queer b ittin g and b u ll in g M IM under tha treee.

"Ha! I hop* thl* t»n t the aklU ery- f iB la r r alligato r, alttw r,'' axclalmed the. k u n j f , looking around. "It doean 't gpaan 't aound Ilk* him," he w ant on ■ u a k in g aloud, "for th* a llig a to r to r t

4 t g ru n t i and gobbl**, and thie aound* Bter* Ilk* a moaqutto. 1 wond*r—— "

"Tou naadn't wond*r any long*r!" **- htolm ed tha b u ttin g vole*. "I am the M oaqulto—the Ju ly 'Skeeter. a* I call g iyaolt for *hort, and 1 hava come to aeeyou."

T o oa* « « r ' w h ed Unci* W Igglly, • I h t t ' a kind of yop. I’nl *ur*. W hy do y o u w a n t to aaa m e? '. T w an t to aee which I* the b e il placo to b ira .y o u ,” w ent on the moaquito. or th o 'iW aatar, a* h* liked to be called

r'Woll, th a t lan 't ao kind of you." •gd ly aald the bunny- 'T do not.ucaot to ho b t t t a n r ,

"S o tn a tta r l Top m u tt be," «»ld th* J o ly ■Bk**t*r. "I cam* ou t o f my g w u n p « UUlo-ahoad of time, and I am wary b u h ^ jt.- t hava to bit* »om* on*, n d I mllght a* well bit* you."

"Oh. daarl" exclaJmid Uncla W Igglly , w ho d idn 't Ilk* tb l i a t all. "I w ondar w h a t I ahall do?" b* thought. Ju a t -than h* iquaaaad L u lu 'i rubber ba ll. In hh i pookat, and It gav* a aqueak.

T ir i ia t 'i th a t?" aiked th e Ju ly

"Oh, If* Juat aom ethlng ef Lulu W lb- hlaw obbla'o th a t 1 picked up. and am

- ta k in g back to her," *ald U ndo -Wiggily , " I f* a rubber ball, and—howw ould you Uk* to bit* that?' h* *U(1

Have a4 * a ly aakod tb* Ju ly 'Bkeeter.> tf* o f r tb b e r ba ll—do. Mayb* you UUk* I t b e tte r th an a bit* of me."

T i l t r y It," «*ld th* b u aa ln f bug, * h * n b* took a Ml* from Lulu'* rubbor h a ll , n o t h u rtin g It a t all, for It w*eg ll banged-and cu t anyhow, an d 'U n c i* !frlgglly,,M k«l|^

"H ow did ydn Uh» « r i , •T in*." a«*irar»d th* Ju ly 'tk e e tc r .•T m alw ayo going to b lta rubber ball*s i u r th la "

"W all, T w lih a l l you 'B k ta tara w ould : .« * tb * *ama th ing ." aald ttai b u nny

g a a la . Than ha g a v t M* Ju ly friand

S M Iu r b lto from Lulu'* rubber ball, to tt h im ov«r n igh t, and a f te r ( b a t th e a a y took Lulu'» pU ylh lng to h*r,

w id th* llttl* duck g in t* ld : "T h an k -

Ku." And aha d idn 't m ind th* piece* Ing h ttU n o u t■e th l* t*aeh*i u* th a t i t I* ■omatlm**

g good th in g to hav* a rubber b a ll w ithwon w han th* raoiquUoai *r« around , g iid I t th * ham m er doain 't *aw th e n a ilw h an i t go** to board w ith th* M rp an - t * r w ho Ilk** ahavlng pudding, r l l t*llpou n*gt ab o u t Unci* W Igglly and th*

■BAL B f u n TBAiranu.Th* taUawlBf 4**d« were tiled Baturdey:

NSWABR.m d artek 1 ColHne to Celia Arbell*]. o *

Morton I t l » t t w tr Hlfh *t <no dlmen- d o u )* tl-Fred Braboon to OrenvlU* Cojomoea w a S la th I t lie ft n Ir Clinton av, ll■l(l•, tL

Wm B Dad *t II* to m n c iece aialm o r t a l, n a Mew Torn a» I I f t o f r PaelfIn at,

*A^*hft^ural Rem* Butldln* Co te Wm n Caldwell. 0 • Shephard av 111 ft fr Bor-**BM kmrtd(**A Tlchoner, I*e, to AlbertXorleek *t ux, w * Inbella av Tl I t a tr 4rov* ter, 10*1*1, |1,P Bielly A. Son, ine, to Bhifman Breo, * w eer Pieiatn *v end Mott et, 10**11*. I t.

g - n a B Cannon to Felice Rnmeno et im. a ■ yatrmount av t i l tt e Ir l l th av, II*

OUTBIDB OF NBWARK.Jennie Dewklne to Harry O Hendrlelu,

Slaemfleld. n e Wateeulnf av 111 t t e tr orkoloy av, ItiitO , |1.Lillian Ootmer and hue to Chrletlan L * ^

dMier, Oranfo, a ■ Clevitend et t l ft e Irland ♦ a tc h n n i B R Co, ty iO o , tL

Bnllderi Material iu p Co to W alker 8 QnlmbT, Irvinitoii, * e Headley te r 111 R n f r Bprlnvtleld av, 10*11. 11.

Philip J Bowen A Co to Olllt Itaelntoeh. Bteamneld, a e Orchard pi I t t ft w fr Barkway ty, loxioi. | l .B-nt W dartpence to Philip Silverman e.t ua. Irvlngtoiii e a Maple av 141 ft it tr Cot­tage e tfK a lH , 11. . . - t ^Jakoh Blmmerer el ui to Jacob T Jacob-

[ et la .^loom fleldt e e_ Myrtle ev II ft o' Boulton Bkern,

pan et u>, Bloomfield, i i r land I Blmmerer. I l ii l* . | l .

Bntua Mead to Hand BW Oran**. * w * Orant* H tlfhta a r 11* tl p w t r B ValMy i t ICxfM, | l .

IfORTOAOBB.Th«*o n»rtt*««* w«i* tiled!

NEWARK.Albaet a Breoker el w t* Wm T ttavla,

« ■ D* Oraw *T i n ft a t r U o n le lilr a r , II**.

Fraaewe* P*pal* *l d* te CaTedebla B A^ a.* Ualvera i t I II tt a * tr JeKeraon at.

1,110.ijranvUl* CeniateM et a* te Fred Brab. w a B llth et III ft n t r Clinton av,

«^00.Franotece Cllatmo et el to Central

X- n a New Terk av I I f t w f r Pacltte a tR f ■l.eo*.Bamt la PeeplWi lav A Realty Ca, aemeptepertr, |400.

Bdwara Bpatrleaae _ e t ux to H y m tan • 4tb v f 111 t t « fr O u-ild« sty

hWra > CtMwffll ux MtehABlei B A

fl X Btaxphxrd av lift tt ^ t t Barfan at.•Iftft*AblfDUA B rw to P RU!tr 4 SoAi

av and Mott it. liTJftfte « . . . Fallo t Romanti et ux to Webotor B 4 L.

* a FalRb^uM av 281 ft • fr t u b av.OUTBIDS OF NEWARK.

Franola J Klabavr et ux to Abrabaib Fimiikenberf. B OranvVi w a PrlBcaton at 3fi f t a fr Hilton av, 11,100. _

f^rlfttlaa Landatner tc Waal End B A Orattf*. t l • Clftvciand at l i ft a w fi Watenunc B B Co. H.IOft.Bnrrr B Woodward «t ttx to Blavanth Ward B 4 Idp Bloomflald. w a Wataaaalac av 111 f t a i r Av Fontatav, and othar tract. Itpfftft"

E V B S i i ^ '

MACHINISTS------- = A N D = —

TOOL MAKERSWill You Help Do These Two Jobs?J o b N o . 1— T h e U n ite d S t a t e s G o v e m in e n t h a s t a i l e d up< m t h e I n t e r a a t i o n a l Asbi^ *

t io n o f M g c h in ig ta t o fnobU l»_ the_ M ^ l n i s t o a n d . T o o l . M a k e «there may be a more equal distribiiUon of ttie M a c h in ^tlon onnunitkmg and materials to win this war. The International Assodatim o f Madjnists |g in direct touch with the different departments of theand in return fe recdvli* their cooperation. No e-xpense or effort wUl be qnred to make thb mobilization conqdete and have it serve it? purpose.

Job No. 2 -T h e International Association of Machinists \as tackled the jo b oiuthiy eetablishiiw the EIGHT-HOUR WORKDAY with a wage that will e ^ h l is h an AMER­ICAN standaiti of Uving^"4his means more than three meals and a place to 8lee9.

Mr. Non-Union MacUnist, Don’t You Think These Are Two Worthy Jobs?

THIS 18 W A B 8AV1WOB UTAMP W K tlK — B'I'AHT TO HAV* THEM SOW * ___i o a o o o c a o M O e s O B a O i a o i a o a o E « > a o n o o O B 3 0 o o a o o o o O B i o r a o c i o o o o o D O C i o i

We Picture Two of the Models for Choice in This/

Sale of Shetland Floss Slip-on Sweaters


E o o o o a o i

W ithout Question One of the Most Important Pieces irf Value Giving News Ever Announced by This De|rt.

Certainty no younf womto wit! wint to be without • iaunty Spori Sweater this season. They are the very height of fashion.Our low price makes it possible for you to own one.

.Made up in the fine Shetland Floas—purled ah wstat and fiidshed with brushed wool cdlBn, as pictured. Another model ia with large sailor collar and round neck. Shown in every conceivable color. All sizes as well. -------

o a O E i O B O B O a o a o a o o o o o a o a o i 3 a a o ^ B O O O a o n O E a o a O 0 O a o i g

Girls’ White Emb. Graduation Dresses, U 8

Don’t you think the O rg a n iz ed M achlnisUA ouIdt^com rnen^dfw tw klJ^^^^than be unfitly critielzed by thoie hostile enployen who want organization for themselvea, but try to deny it to other*?

Would you not like to Join thin great, noWe and humane week? If n<^ why ^ ? Ytw ^ t to help win the ww and B a k e the world (wWch indudes the machine and tool shepe in the Newsrk dirtrict)safe for democimey.

You don’t want your neighbors, your friends, your shopmates. yes. and members of your ownr.milv‘XLIin'iiI to wonder why you are not a member of your trade organization, so you can help sup- fsmity, eonUnuo » egpedaUy at this time, when Presidentport w d protect ths trade at which you yoiB li ving, and e«i Wilson by proclamation has declared that the right to orga^z

iwnrHentativcs shall not be denied or inter, ered with byze and bargain collectively through

the employers in any manner wh^itKullT seiirtl^ ^ the'' u i d ^ " s u i « Department of Labor declaring thU Organized

Labor is the moot powerful influence for good In the nation today.Pay no gtlenUon to the KNOCKERS—they are speaking through the mouth of the hostile employ-

■ mn*e of having you continue to rems'.n unoiganized so those employers that want organ- fa A_ -Ah-^__ ___ Aa, MJwsesIr ■*■ Wall

While embroidered organdie and lawn; lace and embroldefy trimm^; tome bolero effects; V shape necks, silk sash ribbon belts. Sizes o to 14.

Girls* Organdie Dressesbrfhiriery cffectat pointed mtunic effect ak lr ta ; alsed , 6 lo 14 yeArs, at*

Girls* Handsome DressesVal. lace, (In* em broidery et-

feclB! neweet coatee models: white silk ribbon eash oversk irt effect*; ilxe* I 6 to 16 years: a t . . . . 6.98Girls* 2.98 Sample White

Embroidered DressesPMne orf^andle and law n: more

o r IfBfl elaborately trim m ed w ith embrolderiee and U rea; a a q allk ribbon aaehes; sizes I V n S to 11 yeara; a t . ■ v v v

Middy and Sport BlousesL o n a d Al f t ;K a 1 a t e a ;Hmocked • cif" f e r t s ; o th e rs r e e u 1 a Uon m iddy : so tnec o lo red c o lla rs a n d c u f f s :ela lti w h ite ,

e l t a n d p a tc h p o c k e tn ; aizen n to 18 a n d 3A to 44. S pec ia l

1.50Great June Sale of Sommer Floorcoverings

on, for the i>u izstion for tneiiiM ^es; but deny it to others, cin continue to pluck us to s fsre-the-well.

If you work in g shop where noon-dsy meetings are held at the shop gmto, do not let the boss blindfold you with a hesllly posted notice to keep you in the shop at noontime so you will not hear the message of Orgsinized Labor.

Don’t wait any longer, get together with your shopmates in your department, ORGANIZE your entire shop and attend any of the meetingt mentioned below.


Monday afternoon, June 24, at 3 o’clock, in Iroquois Hall (3d floor), No. 262 W ash in ^ n street, Newark, for Uiose working on the night shift.

Monday evening June 24, at 8:15, in the Labor Lyceum on Myrtle gtreet (Watsessing), Bloomfield, for all those Im ng in the Watsessing and Bloom­field sections.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 8:30 in the Newark Labor Lyceum, Fourteenth street and Springfield avenue, Newark, for all shops.

Saturday, June 29, at Krueger Auditorium, Belmont avenue, Newark, will be the final big meeting before gding “Over the TQp”-^io«’t miss it. William H. Johnston, International President, or E. C. Davison, the General Secretary- Treasurer of the International Association of Machinists, from Washington, D. C., will be the principd speaker.

On Sunday, June 30, at the Newark Labor Lyceum then and the officers of the association from 10 A. M. to 1? o’cl

Brings the Needed Rugs for the Bungalow or Cottage Far Under Price.Economical Folks from All Over Newark and Its Vicinity Will Save.

Room Size Wool Fiber Rugs, Worth $10 t Room Size “Hearthside” Rag RugsHeavy quality; reversible; equal wear on both | Closely woven of clean new mill ends; every rug

sides; slightly Imperfect; not many, so you p p p j washable; can be used on both

c'hoke'’T . . T ^ . ! * A . ’ . . I POP**'* hit-6x9 feet size; regular S5.75, at 2.75 ' and-miss effects; cboicb

12.75Prairie Grass Runner I

Full 22j<i inches wide, with I pretty Grecian border; good, strong quality; suitable for halls, i | j stairs and porch; special, yard

teesI be; eonuiiit‘r< k nbon, • and

from 2 P . M. untU 5 P. M., to admit to membership those who are unable t o at­tend any r f the above-mentioned meetings.

Look for big snnouneemont in this p«p«t on Friday, June 28th. Poet this schedule of meetings so it will moot the eye of every one in your ritop.

AMERICANIZE, DEMOCRATIZE and usher the NEW FREEDOM Into every Machine Shop in the Newark DiStrlrt. Now is your opportunity.

Organize and Stay OrganizedThis Advertissraent authorized by International Association of Machinists, Headquarters, 222

Market Street, Newark, N. J. District Ag^t, H. W. BROWN.

Famous “Congoleum” Rugs, Worth $3

Good size; i '/ i feet square; heavy grade; waterproof; sanitary; ideal for sum­mer use; e a c h ....................

1.7575c Colonial Rag MatsFull 18x36 inch size; popular

hit-and-miss e f f e c t s', ^ O / y handy size for ail rooms; O ^ v special

Heavy Cork Linoleum About Present Wholesale Cost

We contracted for this lot some months ago, and It has just arrived. 'The wholesale cost has advanced very much since, but because we bought it at a low price we shall sell it the same way. Genuine Linseed Oii Cork Linoleum; full 2 yards wide; large assortment of good patterns and colors; should sell for $1.50; at, the square yard . . . . ...................

News of Decided Interest From the BnsementLighV

Cut Glass Honey Jarsr With cover

and nice spoon


And All Skin Blemishes Soon Yield To

Z»Q)Facial Soap America’s

Soap Supreme

V A M I O t T ? ^ W A Y S(CfH>yTltbtfd)

P e r h a p s you do not bo lo tha detutoL Hml hava th a t obalreperouB tooth a t ' tended to because you fear the pain rvf toolh axlraetlnn. In tha -flrat place, IT MAV n o t b e n e c e s s a r y lo extract It. Thera to a poMlbJUly that It

can b* lo doctored ab to be USEFUL and palnlew. If It 1a necenaary lo extract it, there need he no pain In operation.

icawlcaaN i p a r ts ko

leak: m ade ofheaT3" s a e e alum inum : five- quart capacity : alwaya cnoS: co- cobolo handle

IvnilnTiHi Ten K i t t e n - WindowScreensF it te d w ith

fln* meoh ofa te o l wii'O; **-tond* to 31InchvE, a t

G ray E nM w l -Tmi « r , » • * « K ettlo*—Mad* In N ew ark ; 6 - ^ a r t capacity : alway* cool n an - r tQ -,

Let ua irtok over your teeth daali of annoyance.


a hit of advice from ub may save you a valt


d ie ; a t✓ _____gf==iBi

JC*w B in e F la m e C ah ln e t B a rk Oil Cook s to v e * —F u lly w a rra n te d —

I . B a r a r r * ty l« * t ......... jj-OS3 -B o ra e r o fy le a t ......... ®.#k3 -B u ra e r a ty le a t ......... S.B8

Htronic C la*a I’e r c o la ta rTo**, sp ec ia l ...............................

D e eo ra te d A jaefrican P o rd o ta to EO-I-loee D tn n r r Set*— o ld -lin o d edeea: covered diah In- K QQeluded; a ll fo r ....................... i»,E?0S a a d i r tllaJw e*, Special, Doaew. S jcO 'C edar P o liak , b o t t le a t ................ IT c

G a lv an ise d ■ G a rb a p e C aaa, R Q a w ith co v er , n ic e a lie , a t . . . .

S tr o n a G aJvandaed W aiib d rop s id e h a n d le s , deep size,

**^Ztac W aak b o aW a. fam ily *l*e, a t .............................


Fitted with best n y - 1 proof wire, Iall stand-1 ard sizes.

1.95h ie e r iie Co., Broad & Cedar Sls.=

At AH D rag and D t^ t S to m "Befit fo r the Skin”


d e c e a s e d —PurauM t to tha ordar « Fra4 <1. Btlckal, J r ., aurTOfata of tb* c^ n tjr of E iiaa, thia mad*, on tha atijftlwU w o f tha u ttdan lfaad , axacutora of » ld da* cauad , notlca la haraby ttora of aald dacau ad to V JllS ii. icribata, undar o*th o f ifftm attoT i. that? datnaa and damanda aimlnat th# aitata of aald daeaaaad. w ith in slna mohtha from tbia data, or thay w in ba foravar barrad frarn proaaoutlog or racovarlng tha aama afam at tha aubaertbara.


Roilaiar, Uayar 4 Albano, procton.

Plal«a with nufifcdnipla a If aama la daiirad.

la BQcg«iii

Bxaminaiion and EMtimafes fres

Full Sets of Taetli. . $ 4 . 0 0 n; Bridge Work, Per Tootb 4 . 0 0 upBold Crowns................... 4 . 0 0 opGold Fdliogs................... $ 1 opStivar Fillings..............................5 0 op


•■A1VI.ESB METHODB Wo k 6 'u a ra n fe e d 2 0 Y t a n

Open 9 A . M.Btindaya 10 A.

until S P. H.M. i« 1 r, M.


CEA8ED !Lpor.u»nTr^ th . o rd .r ot F r .d a . Stlckol J r., ourroiato of the county of


DEOBASED—Purousnt to Fred O. Stlckol Jr., .u rrotol* of


C B A * ll> —P iN oan t to tha ordar o l brad O StiSaT Jfo, mrroffata of th e cotiaiy wf E im x . tb li day mada. on tha a p e lk a tlo n oftha undaralfnadi axacutora of aaid daoaniad, notice la hawby *lv«n to the cradltoft of e^4 dacfiHUiad, to axhftit to tha tttbacrlbara. under oath or tfflrmtilon. thalr m m da afatn it The aetata wtthtn ulna montba from th la^ata , or thav wilt ba .forever barred from proaacutlM of raccvarlnf the ian a a f tin it the aubacrtbarA

April M. 1919- ______ tLOUISA CAUFBEliU JOHN E9PT,

Church. HarftBon 4 Roche. Proctor*.

U Koilay at ux to Oranaa B 4 L, W Oranxa, w a n ish at 11B ft n fr rbaatnut ■I, M .m .

Joa A Huthaa at ux to Waat Baaax B 4 L, Hoaiclalr. w a Valley rd fOft ft n fr VVaKhuft« av, |t,oao.

Same to aama* Montclair, aatna praparty,ll.ftftO.

onto Uaclntoata and hua to Philip J Bow* •ra 4 Co. Bloorafiald, n a Orchard pi lift ft w fr Parkway TV. ll.JftlL

Philip SJlvarman at nx to Broad 4 Mar

ESTATB OF HENRT MBRSFBLD, DE­CEASED—Purauant to th e ordar of Fred

O. Stlckal J t.. au rro fata of the county of Eaaax. thla day m ade, on tba application of th t unflartlsnad. axacutora of aald notloa la hereby flvaft to the eredUora of aald daceaaad to exhibit to the aubacrlberi, under oath or affirm ation Ih rtr clairaa or d em an ^ aia lnet tha aatata of aald daceM*di wUnin nine month# from thla data, or they will tto forever barred from proaactttlnf or racov-erlna iha aama asalnal the labaorlbara.


June ID, Iftli- ^Iiaac Flatachmaao Proctor*

Newark. N. J .1 1 Ctlntoa ot.o

hTOTlCE OF SETTLEMENT—Notice U here by fWan th a t the account b t tha # « •

e s t a t e o f f r e d k r x c k a b , o iL c a a i s T .DECEABKD—Purauant to tba ordar oi

F red G Silekal J r„ aurro ia ta of «f EMax, thia day made, on tho appUcaiioii aC tb a undaralfuad. axacutora oaaaad, notlca li hereby fIvan to th e cradto tore of aald deceaatd, to exhibit to tba aub- acrlbara, undar oath or affirm ation, thalr olalma and damandi aaalnat ibe a ita ta of M id davetaad. within nine m onthi from thla date or thay wlH ba forever barred frem nroaecuJns of racovarlng the aaroa a fa lna t the lubavrlDore, ,



d*y fh. V ppi'«v/"J' Sf

tora*ot Mrid^decawd, to Exhibit to the eub Oder oath or affirm ation , their

Jlalm . a?d damanda RgAlnat th e of■aid deceaxed, within nine monlha date or they will be forever barrad f f2?l pToaacutlnr or recovering the oaroe agalaat the eubicrlbero

May St, i n i '

or recoveringCHARLES MERGOTT.

EJgrATB OF ^rod‘S e a b e d —Purauant to th e order oi n Stlckel Jr»i aurrogata of the county of

* Akik made, on tha application ofEaMx. thla day made, on the application ot uS*updaralgne^, executor of aald daceaaed. notlea la hertby ftlven to th e cred ltori of aald dtacaaean. to exhibit to th e autacrlbar. underdaceaaefl, to axhTbli

ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. TftlPpE, DE­CEASED—Purauant to tha order of Fred

Q. iiteke) J r ., aurrogata of the county of Epaex. thla day made, on tha application r*f tba underalgnad, axacutora of aald daceaaed. notice la hereby given to tha rraditora of aaid decaaaad, to exbIbIt to the aubacrlbara, under oath or affirm ation, their claim# and dc*

ida agminat tha aatata of aald dacaaead,f r * ..............In nine montha from thla data, or Ibay

ba foravar barrad <rom proaaeutlng or. . pnracovarlng tba aama agalnet (be lubfcrfbara,


Praaent claim to Child A Gllmour. Proetora,

Kinney huUdlag, Nawark, N. J.ESTATE OF ROBERT B. STUINGTOH. DB- BEP ~ ----- ' ^

M cCarter A EniHaU. Proctonu H I Broad atraat, Newark, N, J-

CEABBD—Purauant to tha order of Fred G. Stickel Jr„ aurrogata of the county of Eaaax. ibte day made, on tba application of the undtraignad. axacutora of aald daceaaed. notice la hereby given to tha cradUora o f aald daceaaed. to exhibit to the iubacrlbari, under oaib or affirmation. 4hair clalma and d«mxnda agalnet ih e eatate of aald dacaaaad, within nine montba from thla date, or they w ill be forever barred from proHcutIng or recovering the aama agalnet tna lubacrlbara.


pltnay, MardJn 4 Skinner, hroctore.

within sfca m onthi front thU date, or th*F w ill ba taraver barred from proaecutlng" rooDvorin* Iho ram* * I * lu t tSo .o b ic r l^ r .


IMCBA8BD --Piirw i*nt to tho orto* pi Frod Q. Stlckol Jr„ .u r « f * U o f ‘J;* nf Eaeex. thla day made, on the ap p llca tlw e f the undiTilfuad. axaculor of aald deceaiail. nottea ia haraby given to the credltora of aaid decaM ad, to axhlblt to th e lubacrJber, und-r oath or affirmation, thalr clRl»n»

lied, notlca la hereby gIvan to ma craa Mid dacaaead. to exhibit to the aubacrlbar.

under oath or affirm ation, -d itw n d ri 'itlV iT V h i Mt*to of ra 'S ^within Blno ,n o n 'h , from th lw d ito . or tnoywill bo (orov.r 'b»rr*4 from nroiocutlnl oi rocovorln* tli* t*!!!, •t» lno t t£* *ubtcrlb*r.

April 3l, Itl*. VINCENZO LANZA. Alfonio Vlvon*. Prortor,

GoMan * tr,* t. Hobokon. N. J .


CEASED—Purauant lo the order of iTkri O. Blickel J r - aurrogata of the county Eaeex, Ihla day made, on the application uC the underalgncd, eiecutore of aald deceaaf-. notice la‘ h*reby given lu the cradltnre f t aald deceased, to exhibit to the aubaiTlberJ. under oath or affirm ation, their ctalme and demand! against the eetale of aald decea^ l. within nine montha from thla daw. or inrYwin be forever barred from proiacuUng oi

• ' the Iaubacrlbars.recovering the aama agalnatj u n . 16, j * n E HAILES.

W ILBUR M. BROKAW. PHrh A p ush . Prociors.

ESTATE o r JOHN B otDECBASiSD—Pui»u»nt to ^ 0 ordor ot Fred G. sHckal Jr,, aurrogata of the county of EMU. thlo d*y m*do, »“ tb , *p»lje»tlon ot tho und*t*l«md. OMCUtrl* ot raid de- ootoad. aotico b h .« b y lion of .old doc«»irt. to oib ibit to Ibo .uhoei-lbor under ooth or »fflrm»tttn, tbo.rcbimo *nd do m in g thiii*ld docoAMd. within nln* moolta from thl* S , . or tboy will, or recovering the aama agaliiatdot*, or tboy will 'Vproaecutlng. or recovarln* the aama agaii the Bubainher.

®IJa e o u n b m . v a n W4 0 ENBN.Child 4 OHmora. Procter#.

e s t a t e o f EDWARD T. E- GORDON, DL- CBASBD—Puriuatil to the order of Fr*jd

Q. attckel Jr., eurrogate of Eaeex, this day made, on the the uBderalgned, adnUnlatralrlx of ttld dy ceaaedo- notice ia heireby given to the crodl* lor# of «ald deoeaeed, to acrlber, under oath or afflr^H on, tbeij Galina and demanda agalnat the eatate of aald daceaaed, within nine montha f r ^ this date, or they will be forever barred fro:» proceoutlBg or recovering tha aama against the aubaenbar.^

June 19, ^*^CATHER1NE E- GORDON, Llndabury, Dapua L Faulka, Procter#.

uiaada agalnat tha aatata of aald dacaa^*within nm# toontha from^ t^la^dau^

v n T ^ T ic 'n r FRANK KBFBE. DECEASED —Purauant to the order of Fred Q. Bltckel

J r . aurrogata of tha county of Baa#*, thla day made, on the application of the under-


i i i i ' '5 » "to r* t* r'b irred tfoiB Draoooutlb* or rooovotlnf tb* i»m* ***ln*t th , ouboorlbor.

iitied . oiocutor of mid docMod. notice ■. horoby ilvon to tb" cr.ditor, of told do

rocovotlnfM*r Z, l*H. WILLIAM a . u e n n b n . Scott aoftn**. proctor. ____

ca*Md. to oililhU to th* ouhicrlbor «**•'■

wlthfn n fb . m onth , from IhU djtU^^^

ESTATB OF ADAM CTSKB. D E C E A S E ^ * P u m i n t to tho ordor of F r ^ O. Stlekol J r ., ourroioto of tho county o t Bo h *. thlo d*y mod* on tho *p*llc«tlon of tb* undof* *l*n*d,\dtnlniofr»ti>r of » ld doeobtod, nolle, l■h*r*l>y flvon to th* crodltor, of u ld do- c o . i d , w o 'hlblt to l b . .Ubocrlbor, under o*th or *fflrm»tlon, tho ir cU lm i nnd do- m«d. nzolnot tho

will be foravar barred from proaacuting or recovering ih# aama agalnat tna au b a^b err

H*y i t , m i . k EPWOBTH.D o u d u B. Todd, proctor.

ESTATB OF MIs HAT (OB MICHAEL) CISLO, d e c e a s e d —P*roo*nl to lh»

o rd . f o f Fred O. BUchol Jf-, ow ro fiU of |b o county o t E *»«, th l , ^•F_m»d«, ot the •»- nIicAtton of tho undorolrnod. ndAOnlitrotor E " M id docoMod. notlo* I* hot,by dyon o Uio crodltor* of Mid doccMod. to o inibit to th# ouhocrlbor, under ooth or offtrniotiou. thoir cidm * *i»d dom utdo nfolnoi th* ootAtoS m id d™»Mod.“h iid .to T o r th iy ‘ ’'» l ho fo r .v ,rT .o ir .d f« m I>ra**cutlnt or roooyorln* th , Mnio *t*ln*t


wlthlit nine m onlha^orn thla data, «}* *b#y will ba forever barrad from proaacattng ar recovering tha aama agalBit tna tub*crliw .

May I. Iftll CHARLES r , McKINNET.,NOTICE OP SE tlL E M E N T —Notlca U hafa-

ka t N at Rank, XrviniUn, a • Maple av 34ft f t ' a fr Cottage ^ g l ,8l 8

Ja«»b T Jacobaen «t u i to Blaomf|a1d B 4 Is, Blaamfleld. a a Myrtla av a a Jahob SlmiAtrar land, 11,100.

by given th a t ina account ay ine »vb- acrlW* ad m in litra to r pendeata .lit# of the e iia ta at Samuel Richter* dacaasad. will be

if and a tatad by the aurrogata and..T Courtand atatad by the aurrogata and ported for aattTament la of the eounly of Eaeex on Frldiy, lha *llh

e s t a t e o f WILLIAM H* CAMPBELL.DECKASEIV-Pufauant to th* . ®*' **' f*

Fred 0. Sllckal Jr., aurrogata ofo f EMftx. thla day made, on lh a appHcauenof lha undaritgnail. admlntalrgtor of a^ddaceaaed. notice la hereby ‘A*creditor# of eald daceaaed, to exhibit to th*aubacrlbar. under oathclaim# and damandi agalnat theeald decaaaad, within nine month* from intodata, or they will ba foravar b*rr*dproaecutfrig «r recovering tha aania agalnatih o eubacribar,

M .y 10, m t . J , O'NEILL.Fyancia A, Rett Jr., Proctor,

e s t a t e o f b m b ltn e McLa u g h l in ,DECBASSE—Pursuant to the order of

Fred !G. Stlcltol Jr., murrogata of the county t>f RBeax. thla day made, on tba application of tha undaralgnad, axeoutor of aald da* caaaad, notlca la haraby given to tha cred- Itom of aald daceaaed* lo exhibit to tha aub- ■crlbar under oath or affirmation, thalr claim# and daman da agalnat tha aatata of Mid deceaaad, within nine montha from thla date, or they will ba forever barred from proaecutlng o r racovarlng the aama agalnat

fay dvan thdt account of tha aab' ecrLban axtcuiora of and tmataaa under tnalo ll will *nd toa^m oot of Wllllom J . Burko,d“ « i S d will 5# oodlUd and .t* t,d by Uio•u rruA t* *Ba.T0pott*d far •ottlam oat t* tb* O n ih K r co u rt of t h . eounty o t B*m * on Friday, tho !6th day of ^uly, n . i t .


the aubecribar. May 19*11918.


day of July, next. Dated June i l , l l l>

A. PIERSON, f i» -


Oraertta Raalty Cd to John r Ollroy a t ux^ w a Chaatnui at .ie ft # fr Qulney av, ftftg M. II.

DMBta T H arllhar at tut to Thorn## Kelly • t tut. w ■ Poraat a t 4lft t t n f r Laurel av, miSOy IL

Samuel J Bama at ug t# Jennie U C*n- flaUL ■ a C07 Halatad «t and B righton av, Sftmft* and a • U ^atad at » ft a fr B rlgh. ton av, SfxlftO, mortgage 14.718. $1.

KBARNT MORTGAGE-Thnnua Kelly aft ux te K earny B 4 L

Am i . w a Paraat at 41ft ft ■ f r Laurel av* Mklftft* l l . l t l . l l .



NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT—Notice la hati' by given that tha account of tha auh'

aerlbar, axaculor of tha laat wUl and taata-ment at ETnIlr P . Ranwick daceaaed, will ba audited and atated by tha aurrogata and reported for eattlaniani _ to the Orphan#Court'of the county of Eeaax, on Tueaday, tha Sftth day of Aoguat, next.

Dated June 11. I9it.EDWARD B. RBNWICK.

e s t a t e o f a *CBASEI>*-Purauani to the ordfT of r*W O, Stlckal Jr*. aurrogata of tha SfB«NX. thla day made, on tha the undaralgnad, executrix ef aald dacaaaau, notice la hereby given to aald decaaaad, to exhibit to tba aa^orlba^ under oath of affirmation. dtmanda agaluil ihe eatate of #(ald d tc a a ^ , within nine moLlhi from thla d a t^ or they will ba foravar barred from p fo ^ u tln g or Mcovarlng lha same agalnat lha

A pril.jl. I t l l ANNA A. PIERSON. rr*n» B, Pontloryo. Proctor.________ _

MSIK* • HaU t* sraak C E tu n p t o t at, M ot eT jaeab L fcgmpf, w 1 John i t , le t ftS| 3 K f tm nap. lAUtM* .

NOTICE <3T SETTLEMENT—Hbtlca la hart- by given that tha accoaat of th# aub-

aerftHir, adminlairator .of tha u ta ta ot Tbomaa Naughton, daeaa^* will ba au* dltad and atatad by the aurrogata and rw-

NOTICE o r »ETn.KMENT—NoHaa la hara-hy glvpA that the account of th a aub*

acribOTi' gtiutnlalraior of tba, jo a a S A. Dorrian. dM’e a ^ . valll ba auditeditod aietad by the aurrogata and taporti'd for

• ''-phana*

ESTATE OF CAMILLA B. APGAR. D£- liKABED—purauant te the order of Fratl

Q, Bucket Jr., aurrogata of tha couiiiy of Haaex, thl# day made, on the applicationof tha undaralgnad, executrix of aald da- ceaaado notice fa hereby given to tha ertdItor oaf aaJd dacaated te exhibit to tha aub- acrlbar, udder oath or affirmation* thalr claim# and demand# agalnet the aetate of aald'dacaMid. within nine montha from thie data* or they will be forever barred fro to proaecuilng or recovering the eama agalnet tha aubacrlbrr.Jun# t, la il.


by given that tha account o(;lJte auh*nrrlber. exacnior of tha iMt drill and taata mant of Appleton D, Palmar, decaaaad, will ba audited and, »(aia by the fu rrflitia -and reporfed for #art1ainant to tha Orpbanif Co»rl of the county of Essex on Friday* the twan tjr-eixth day of July, next.

Dated June 14, 1811.riD B L lT T TRUST CUMPAMr.

NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT—Notice M hereby gWan that tha account of the aub-

ioilbor, tf* oAooutoir *t th . l*»t will toatunont o( Frod Cook, decouea, wtU *• oatfiteq and *t*t*fl by th* ,urroi*t* »nd ^ porud for witlomont to th* t>n>h*n* Court at .the county of Eaaax, on Friday, tha twenty-aUth wfF oexL

Dotod Jun* t BPBNETT.

NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT—Notloa ia hara­by given that the account of (h t lub-

aeribar, axaeutor of tha laai win ftnd t*ata- mant of WltHam Landaa. deeaaaad. will ba audited and atated by the aurrotttt and raportad for aattlamant to tha OnfiMna Court of tha County of Eeaax on Friday, tha 14 th day of July, naxt*

Datad t r u s t COMPANT.N f^ IC S o r SETTLEUENT—NotIca U hare*

hy gtvan th a t tha a rro u n t of th# aab- i4bar, executor of tha lagt will an d taata-


aTATB o r jwraiN a . * » o.*.w*o, ——Purauant to tha orflar of . ^ * 4

a 8 t i ? k * l j ” •u rtofo io ««Eeeex thla day made, on tba appHgatlou of adm lnletraw r of .aald da*th . OTd«*l*n*d, ilo ra lo r o flS ld do«*«d, nollw ;»» Swon th o ‘ c ,.d l to r . .o t . ^ d ^

,OT. ofB rib if U 4 *r oath or a m m a llo n . thoir If ;!™ domand* a ia ln it th* ootat* of

Near airaet, Nawark, N, J.June B, 1918,

ESTATE OF JOHN PWEGERALD, ^ - CBASED-Purouant to the fO .-g tic ta l J r .. ." .'.'." .V ip Y o n o lt h i day m ad., on the a p p l l o a t l o ^ {hTundorolsnyd rrldlteM

*faFW«r*'batTad from proaecutlng or

Jr aurrogata of th* county of B m x, tht# Amtf maria* OR tho-^uppllcallon of th# under-day made. 0■ liaci

[Ivaioath’ w ‘ aftlrmaiionr tiholr"cUtmi lind do-«si a* . Af uM riarraaMd.

►y atvan to m e cxeunor* «* -»*« a, to othlblt to tho •ubocrlbor. undor**' ___ . 1 .... r«1a(tna ■'nil da-

S S S d . a fa tM t t h . W a t . «l raid d .» M .d ,i l i l t» (orovor barred trom prooocuilna. or rw^Torlaa th* lam * asalnot th* ,ubocrl6o.|

H ay *, IM I. •nu T frttlDUBnnFall* Forianxa, Proctor.


k e t a t b o f HARBT m .----- thl- 8ATRI, PS.- CBABED^Rurauant lo the order of Fti-d

O. SUckil J r ., m irrofat* ol tho connty ol EaooE, thlo day m ad a on the appHcaltoir oltho ondoroiznod, M «ntor 0, ^ 5 ^notlo* 1* horoby flvon to tho crodltor* ol taut docoaHd, to oihlblt to tho ouhocrlbor, u ^ o r xlfi. « alllrraatlon. thoir clai™ and do-

U aaalnit tho ootato of oald docow^, " 0*00 monlha from thlo d*l», or thoy ho forovor barrad Iroin prooowtliii «t lorlnz tha *amo azaliui too luhaoMafr.

n o t ic e o f W TTLENENT-Notl^^^

SiThfiatlll h« racnverltig 1


hiraby BlTon tS T t th . aMount of t h . oob- ribSS of and ira r t» «

loot win and tiotam ont of oooraa y .

nont.Datod JUB* 111 me.LESLIE J. TOMPKINS,


aoNbar, executor ...» ....... ,•, zof H arriet C. Agan#, dacaened, wlU ba

id'lied and ite tad by th* aurrugwta and ra- M ttlamant to th# O rp h uII audited and ita te

’V Mttlan* W ^ tia county of

f c of JK y, #av ^ . t * 4 N*r_’Jj

phue* Court Bm ix on Friday , the t l lh

' r f o E iJ T l 'T I lB n COUPAHI.

C n T irB ' OF ' SETTLEMENT—NoUc* !•' hlrab? s lraa that tit* » ' *^f■ra*ik*T ■Atnlftlatrator of the eatate of Hat!SI^n; K mX s? ««•*»<>•and Hated to th* aorroiato and roportwi for ■ottlomont to tb* 2 '^ * '^ , , ,® ? !” county of Booo*. on Frldoy. th* twonly-olitnday of Ju ly n o r

Dated • ' 'i ? * ” 'f e EDEBICK BURNETT. " u rM f. ProotorfcSttrnott, E«r» k Mu

NOTICE OF BETTLKMBKT—Notlo..r._•»._« ab_ _Ai>«4io\S yi# S>itthoroby »lv*n th a t th* aocouiU of th* w b- aotlbor. adm lnlotratria ot th* o ^ t a of F W ; I tS k C. Stock, d « m a«d . will ^ a u d l WaBa~itat*d by th* aurro*at* and r*i»rt*d -for'*"" ^rphalOttlomonl ,to th* Orphano' Ccwrt of the - i a « a , on Friday, th* tironty.-iixthDoanty of - day ot July n*»t,

fcatto JUh. 11. IH I. 3 „ , H A STECIt. Biirnotl, Sort k Murray, Proetora.

n o t ic e OF SETTLEMENT—Motleo lo hWO- by «lv#n that t ho'account of th*

acrlbor. erocutor « th* *SLa2; ; , ' i r h r V u W . » ^ " h ; ' f J i «


Ciwrt o l |h* (o u a ty ol J t th day of July. n « L

^ 'R o b l it V t r u b t OSI


$36S— (As ill

ured A 42-inch top diz blue g(

$ 1 1 3 .:•—(As ilh

of 54-ir dining

$18 En—(As ill!

tubing, cross bi All siz finish, j

-Fishion them tr the mo(

-In some fine whli tsBsively

-Prsetlcsl ing distil

-Prices $1 BAM

W9IP you k

Sttnd- a great i holds a Cl large enoi—A knlnei

snoogh t Price S9<

—The lastIs one di•rtles—s slllt covifinished,touch.

—Whits bi others $1



89c Si» Illook

Wain1.1 In d tloni

lOc toBam


I 25c N<



' teed. ' Flo*

. Boys’ !Apgrw ott




E V E N I^ sroxpA T . Jj|K E 24, IMSi

p B o c a o i

iters 4 Si

a o a o a o i l

iy trimmed; ECS 9 to 14.

rings« Rugs IIs; every rug 111M2.751

□lag Mats I(be; popular W:i?39c Iibaot I )$ts ago, and It idvanccd very low price we

ement |Window IScreens |Fitted with p Qne meah of la ateel \s*Ue: ex- .lj| tends to 3 [II inches, at ID□


m tW .

I’S NOTICESB 'SnSlATNBft, UB- lo Iho order of Kr*.« a te of tlio county irs on the eppUcAtloij u'

itors of aald deceeufu. n lu the creditor* t<l bit to the aubaerlborJ. .tlon, their ctelm i buid ■Into df seld dei'ea^ou. •om IhU det*. or they 1 from proiflCuUns oi gainst the ■ubeurlber*.


D T. B. GORDON, DE- to the order of Fr«d

rate of the county ot , on the nppllcntlon <*' linietrlirlx o f aaid d *- by given to the credl*

to exhibit to the eub- or affirmation, their cgatpet the eetate of nine m onth! (r<nu thm

b forever barred fro;n Ting the eome agalniit

GRIN® B* dOROO>%^ Faulka, Proctor*.

A t (OR MICHABL) ;i>—Parenent to tlm lel «uiTogate of .'tbe

d a y made, on the tk ' irelgned» atUhlniatralor

ereby given In to exhibit to afftrmatnu.

inat the eetate monthe from

•r barrel Mine agalnet

McKiNHEir.CT, USCBABBH Fred G. actcBel’ of BMex, tht* n of the under- eaeed, nollM le are of laid dt- 4becrlber< under clatma and de- f Mid dteeaeed, l« date, ot they k proatcutlrig. or the lubiorlnf**!; J. TURNER.

; i l t U, »ATRI. HE- ;t to the order of prid Dgato of the eoanty of le, on tho apDlioition of KUtor of Mid decMied, n to the crediton of Mid to the subecrlbcr, under , their clalma and de- Mtate of Mid dec«a**4 . from this date, or they

red from proMeutlitjl or agalaii the lubemD^r.

T TRURT COMPANt-*rTLaBMUNT—Notloe le the account of the rab-

Ix of the mUU ef r M - iroaMd, will be avidHod irrogate and reported-for Organs* Court of the Friday, the terenty-iUtii

'**' BBRTHA rreC K . lurr.y , Pront«r».,lt¥*NT—Ifotife 1* »>»»•• h* '»c«unt of th*

tho l»»t vrill tod tMU- ury UnfKItT,I'lU tod ;iy the m m M f ttiommt to tb* Orpbti nt BAOI, OB rH dor.d


All Charge Purchases Tomorrow Go on July Statement Rendered August 1st

Buy Now; Pay in AugustHahne & Co.

E m €0 Ymn of Sueenaful Storekeeping .S F I Q

! S E # fBefiiming T » d ^ We Shell Make Not Ifore Tlian

One Delivery a DayThroughout Newark aad All Suburban PoinU

—T^li action 1* in line with the government suggeation that we releaae ail poaaible man-p<^wer for war purposes. We ask for your patriotic co-operation.

A n n u s t l J u l y F u r n i t u r e S a t i e

$368.25 Ten-Piece Dining Room Suite, $289“ (As illustrated.) Chippendale Period, made of beautifully fig-* ured American walnut. Consists of a 66-inch buffet, gallery back; 42-inch china cabinet, lattice doors; 40-inch serving table, 8-54-inch top dining table, I arm chair, 5 side chairs. Seats upholstered in blue genuine leather.

$113.25 Four-Piece Dining Room Suite, $89.50— (Aa illustrated.) Selected white oak, Jacobean finish. Consists

of 54-inch buffet, mirror back; 40-inch china cabinet, 6-48-inch top dining table, 36-inch serving table.

0 '^ :

$18 Enamel Bed $14.50—(As illustrated.) All square

tubing, 2-inch posts, ll/J-inch cross bars, I-inch filler rods. All sites. White or ivory finish, j I

ulh-_____ '

$41 Brass Bed, $32.25—(As iilusirated.) 2-inch con­

tinuous posts, H^-inch cross bars, seven I'i-inch filler rods in head and foot ends, tee ball con­nections. Bright or satin finish,


T H E Annual Furniture Sales at most stores are made up * of furniture especially bought, to which are added some

slow selling lines reduced in price for the occasion.—Hahne’s Furniture Sale is made almost entirely from regular stock and

every piece of furniture in stock is reduced in price-som e 10 per cent., some 20 per cent., some even 30 per cent, and 40 per cent.

Price Reductions Thi» Year Are Especially Noteworthy Because We Bought Most of Our Furniture for Less Than We Can Replace I t in the Present Wholesale Market

—We have not MARKED UP our furniture to keep pace with the advancing wholesale* prices; we have left all our furniture at the original retail prices and it is from these first fair prices that present MARK-DOWNS have been made. These examples:

Quartered Oak (Golden Finish) Dining Room Pieces

$46.00 Buffet, $38.00

-(A s illustrated.) CoIo> nial period. 48-inch lop, with mirror and shelf back; plush lined silver drawer. Shelves in both cupboards.

$28.50 Dining Table, $23.00

— (As illustrated.) Colo­nial pattern with solid pillar base; 48-inch top, extending to 6 feet.


$24,00 China Closet, $49.50

— (As illustrated.) G6 inches high; 36 inches wide. Four wood shelves. Cotnnial period.

$28.50 Living Room Rocker, $21.75

—(As illustrated.) In gen­uine leather or tapestry. Deep roomy loose cush­ion seals, roU arms and head rest.

All these may be had in Mahogany Veneer or Quartered Golden Oak

. V - - ^4,

$330 Three-Piece Library Suite, $235-(As illustrated.) Large settee, arm chair and rocker; fitted with spring filled loose cushion seats. Outside backs covered with same material as the seats. Upholstered in choice selection of high- grade tapestries.

$75 Living Room Suite, $49.75-(As illustrated.) Mahogany finished frames. Upholstered in blue or_brown genuine leather. Soft, arm chair and rocker.

$32.50 Chiffonnier,

$27.75—(As illustrated.)

Size of lop, I fix 30 indtPS, with a !4xl8-|pch mir­ror plate.

$29.75 Wood Bed, $25.25

-'(As iilusirated.) Full size. Head end 56 inches high; foot end 38 inches in height.

$33.25 Dresser $28-50

— (As illustrated.) Top 21x40 inches, with a 22x28 mirror plate.

$32.50 Prin­cess Dresser,

$27.75—{As illustrated.)

20x34-1 PC h top. 18x36-inch mir­ror plate.

$33.25 Toilet Table, $28.50

— (As ill-tsirated.) Top 19x34 inches, with large tripli­cate mirrors.

r$142 Four-Piece Bed Room Suite, f i t s

-(As illustrated.) Adam model, in rich old ivory finish. Consiata of 40-inch dresser, 32-inch chiffonnier, full size bed and a 36-inc!f

•toilet table, with triplicate mirrors. All fijtishcd interiors.

$325 Four-Piece Bed Room Suite, $245-(As illustrated.) Queen Anne model in rich Newby walnut. 50- inch dresser, full size bow end bed; 42-inch toilet table and a com­bination men’s chifforobe. Finished with mahogany interiors.


C-A-LI-C-0' The Cinderella of Fabrics

Now Ranks First iriFashion—Fashion has taken up calico dresses and placed

them among the aristocrats of her world. Verily, the models we show belong there.

—In some atyW slaevea .a iid M it of the waisLare of fine white organdie, in other styles white pique is ex- ttasively used.

—Praetlcstly all of the dresses are designed with strik­ing distinction—there are scarcely two models alike.

— FHcea $10.75, $12.75 and $14.75.BAHMS'S—WOMRM’S REA D r-TO -W EA R—


A K nitting Stand W ill H elp Y our K nitting

IF you knit youTt appreciate a Liberty Knitting Stand—just a simple, inexpensive device, but

a great convenience. The mission wood stand holds a cretonne bag, intended for the ball, and large enough to hold needles and knitting work.—A knitter will appreciate having a bail held firmly

enough to stay in place and easily enough to unwind. Price 59c.


Fly a Flag July 4The Scores of Flags Used to

Decorate Our Rotunda Go on Sale at

$3.50 Retrularly 4.50

■You have probably seen and admired the wonder­ful display of “Old Glory” in the heart of this store. Now that the .flags have served their purpose we let them out a dollar less than their regular fair price. Just as good as new.

—Splendid flags, 6x10 feet, headed with canvas, the same as our high- grade flags, with the usua! grommets for the ropes. Regulation finish in every particular. Choice, $3.50.

$1.50 Flag Poles, $L19—12 feet long, with gilt ball. '—Mahogany finish. —Complete with ropes.


Curtains and Draperies—In the face of advancing prices we have clipped our regular prices

for this July sale. Some examples:

For th e G irl in W hite! These New Bags

—The lait note—the finishing touch to a white outfit— It one of these new white silk bags. There are six ttyles—all charming. Taffeta and Moire bags, with silk covered or white shell frames, some tassel finished, some with contrasting blue or black silk touch.

—White bag! for a t little as $1.50—beauties at $5.50, others $7.00 and $8.50.


O dd*L o 'ta2 Tuesday Only^-No Mail or Phone Orders o

g Bleached Muslin, 24c ey Full p srfse t P i .c t s o t 3S-lnch m ow wVlts m us- flg tin. (F ir s t F loor.) ' g

g 89c Surf Satin, 65c §n S3 inches w ids. A rich ly finished ( s t r le th a t QO looks Uke s s t ln and is fa s t b u ck . (F irs t F lo o r ) g

Wall Papers up to 50c Grades, 10c j||4, I and 10 ro lls o t a k ind ; tb ti season's p a p tr s R In dosens of p a tte rn s . (B o rd en and decora- f i

Rugs and Floor CoveringsStandard Grades at Great Savings. These Values Hint of Opportunities.

lions. 5e up.) (T h ird Floor.)ecora* g

DlOc to $4.98 Trimmings, 5c to $2.00 g

Bands, Sdiee. o rnam en ts and flounclnn , H to D !T iDcbea w ide; sp a n a lsd and em brolaered on O

Q n e t (F irs t F ldori)

g 25c Nested Toy Building Blocks, 15co .............DS $2.00 Corsets at $1 JOH -D M /'n rsa ta n f ntnW h at

Five blocks to a s e t No mall, phone or C. O. D. (Second F loor.)

P. N. C orsets o f p ink b a tls ts , trim m ed w ith em­broidery. Low bu st, Io n s hip, elastlo In ie t in

UnoteumsSold by the aqutre yard.

—Plain colors, $1.10 to $1.93. —Printed patterns, 80e to 90c. —Inlhid patterns, $1,35 to $1.75.

Fiber and Wool Rugs—The up-to-date version of the old

ingrain mg, with more body and more durability. A - union offiber and wooi, producing the beat low price rug you can buy.

Size Reg. Sate Price9x9 feet $16.50 $13.50T /ix W z feet $18.50 $13.50714x9 feet $15.00 $12.506x12 feet $16.50 $13.503x6 feet $3.50 $2.95

Seamless Axminstw Rugs—Slightly Imperfect rug* of one of

our best grades. Two sizes only.Size Reg. Sale Price

9x12 feet $49.50 $39.50S'AsW A feet $42.50 $36.50

Wilton Velvet Rugs—Our best seamless gride. Per­

fect goods that will weir like iron.

Size Reg. Site Price9x12 feet $45.00 $37.50SI/4XW/2 feet $42.50 $35.09

Close Weave Velvet Rugs—Seamless rugs. Most attrsetive

patterns,Size Reg. Sale Price

9x12 feet $35.00 $31.508!4 x10/2 feet $32.00 $29.507>/2x9 feet $24.50 $22.006x9 feet $19.50 $17.50

Colonial Rag Rufl^—Pastel and poster rugs In pure,

woven rags; for bed rooms.

Values in Window Shades—Perfect shade cloth, cut 36x72

inches and mounted on reliable rollers.

—Opaque Cloth, colors and white, at 55c,

—Colonial Holland, colors snd white, 65c.

—"Albert” Holland, colors ind white, 75c.

—Venetian Striped Shades, while and ecru, $1.15.

—Best Sunfast Holland, $1.25.

Colo’d Curtain Madras, 33c—Cream with pink, blue and yel­

low patterns; 36 inches.White & Ecru Madras, 31c—Large and small designs for

Dutch or stsh curtains; 36 inches wide.

Curtain Marquisette, 22c—White only; imitation drawn work

borders; 36 inches wide.Filet Curtain Nets, 20c

—For long curtains and door panels. White snd ecru; 35 inches wide.

Heavy Velour Portieres, $16.50

—Severs! color combinations, such as red and green, green and rose, green and brown and two tones of rose or green. 2Vj yardi long.

Hand Drawn Scrim Curtains, Pair $3.85

—Heavy mercerized scrim, with hsttd'drawn border and corner; several patterns; very dufible.

lace Bed Sets—Priced Variously $4.95,$6.39,$8.75,

$9.98, $13.75, $20.00—Excellent Iices mounted on mir-

quliette and net; Marie Antoi­nette, Reniissance and Cluny lacqs.

New Irish Point Lace Cur­tains, $3.85, $6.35 and $7.45—Handsome designs on heavy


New Cretonnes at 42c—Rich dark patterifs for living

rooms; a good weight for slip covers.

Cretonnes at 50c—Heavy printed canvas cloth. Gor­

geous color combinations for liv­ing rooms or dining rooms.

Drapery Shiki at 65c—For over driperles or portieres.

Green, gold, rose and blue; .36 inches wide.Voile Dutch Curtains,

Pair $1.99—Hemstitched and trimmed with

novelty lace Insertion and edges, 2yi yards long. Viltnce. Cream and Artbian.


Help the Jew ish W ar Relief Fund

Th e Jews have always been liberal givers.They have contributetj freely to the

Red Cross, to the Knights of Columbus, to the Salvation Army and to every organiza­tion connected with the war relief work.

—And now they come to ask for their own, to care for them where no other organiza­tion can aid; to help and to hearten their own 70,(WO Jewish boys in the army and navy.

—In such ^ cause, who can stay his h a n d - give liberally and freely; it will take much to make the $200,000 quota Newark must raise.

A Dazzling B lack & W hite Sport Silk

That Will Make Stunning % irtsHas just come in. It is a heavy taffeta with

broad black satin stripes—awning stripes__andit is by far the most strikingly beautiful design we have seen in the new black and white fash­ions. 36 inches. $2,75.



6x9 feet 4x7 feet 3x6 feet 2AxS feet

Reg. Sale Price$9,95 $7.50$5.50 $475$3.95 $2.95$2.95 $2.45

Royal Smyrna Rugs-Attractive patterns; til reversible, so that the rug can be turned to secure extra wear.

Size18x36 inches 21x45 inches 26x54 inches 30x60 inches 36x72 inches

Reg. Sale Price $2.50 $1.95$3.50 $2.73$4,50 ' $3.75$5.95 $4.93$8.95 $7.75

—Any of these erllcles may be pur­chased on our Club Plan.


bock. (Second Floor.)

S 15c Dre^Shields, 10c; $1.10doz.Paint §Q Opera shape, flesh color, I lch t w e ix h t Medium S Q and la rce sises. (F ir s t F loor.) Q

i Men’s $1.10 Umbrellas, 85c i n

Ik Connection With the July Sales We Offer Many

Dinner Sets a t G reat Savings$7.25 Cottage 0 ^ AA

D f a m e r S ^ a t W . v V

American ts f fe ta cevers, l a s t ploeh, (u a ra n - O ' teed. Crook handle. H en 's sty les only. (F irs t H ■ Floor.) a

B()ys’ $1 White Duck Knickers, 79cA pgrapria te fo r s r sd u s tlo n vrear and sum m er w ear w ith d a rk Jacket, S lsei S to I I years,

'(Boys' Bhop— F ir s t F loor.)

Red Rubber Syringes, 50eT w o-quart fo u n ta in syrlncso , w ith tub lB f and attaohm ojits. (F ir s t F loor.)

50c Framed Pictures, 25eIn balMUeo walnut, i l l io n S tu iu itc its , la m t l o u t o d m o tto o . (I

oval ahapa, inelsslna rs• odue-. - . eo lo rsd repn

(Bseong Floor.)

—12 itylee of decoration —Gold ed|^'.—42 piecce American porcelain,

I $12.50 American ^ AAg Dinner Seta at wyM v

r-.] 8 atylei of decoration.—Floral or gold lace with gold

edges.—86 piecce porcelain.

I 2 9 J 8 A m e r i c a n ( 7 / : c a

B N w S e tg—(A behtor dMOfeilMe;

•hi odj ‘

porptlMa. , ^

$17J8 to 119.98 ( l A I W l DiniiefSetaat—20-decorations; floral with gold

edges.—Sugar and cram Included.

$25.00 P o ic e la in d > 'l '7 ^Dinner Sefa at— vent stylts of decoration; gold

odioe. ’ J (—Clear, even glue. i—American porcotatn.

$8.75 Poredain ^ n z T eaSetoatc

-.-56. pieces Americen porcelain, in- , elndhhgbtny bowL —12 norjU dkeorationa .with gold

$ r « 'H U tE R B N T

Crinkly C repe U nderthings

Are Easily U und en d and Require No Ironing—In addition to which, they can be packed in

small space, hence are ideal for week-end trips. Here a re :

-M arcella Combinstlons of Windsor Crepe, lace edte. ribbon run, $1.50. ‘ ’

—Crepe ‘‘BIllieburkM," one-piece, ankle length, ribbon irlmmed, $2,?8.

—Crepe Bloomers, flesh or white; double ruffle at knee, blue stitching and blue ribbon trimming, $1.25,


Fancy Shopping, Flower and Fruit Baskets

—Three sizes tnd a dozen shapes and weaves. Made in Jt|)an on the style of the old Indian baskets. We understand that no more importations of these goods will be permitted because of ship space.

Usual prices $1.09 $1.29 $1.49Sale prices 69c 89c |1 J 9

Glass Wash Boards, 59c—The best surface for rubbing, as

there !• no potsibillly of snag­ging the clothes.Gas Stove Tea Kettles

$1.29—Made from

heavy cop­per, nickel plated.

$29.45 “Govemor” Refrigerators, $24.50

—Apartment bouse style; eniroeM inside. 57 inches high; 26 inches wide; 16 inches deep; 75 pounds lee capocliy.

Infants* |K t5 Bath, $3.25—Laaie. heavy tub, of extra weight

tin,' With ihra« costa of Japan.

95c Stone Jan , 79c—Three-gallOn size. Covered. For

preserving pickles, fruit and egga, Limited quantity only.

69c Catsup Jiigg, 45c-Three-gallon size. The supply is

bird to replenish evsn now. ■

BaRi Rofun fixtures at 69c—Metsl P it ta nickel plated on brasa

-Assortment Includes;Glass Sbelvn GIsss HsldcrsGlass Towelvara Sponge HoldersBsth Tub SeiU And many otbers

Black Wire Screen Cloth, Square Foot 3l4c

—14 mesh, any width in stock.

$3.50 Alh Cana, $249~r7Z ipchea high; 15 inches wide;

heavy steel bands on top and bot­tom.


The Nemo“ Self-Help” Corsets

A Special Corset (NQ r f i at a Special Price ^ v

MOWADAYS many women are 1 ' doing their own housework and performing harder than usual tasks.

-T h e y require a special corset— one that will support the figure and give poise to the body.

—H ie N ano Self-Help Cor­nel meets thin want as no other conet could at the price.

—A Nemo Corsetiere is . here from the Nemo Hygenic Insti­tute to see that you get a cor­rect Nemo fitting.

Nemo Corsets W ill Cost M ore Ju ly 1

Ris in g costs of msteWal and labor force a price revision upward on Nemo Corsets.

After July 1 these price advances will affect manf models now selling up to $5.00.

—Pnaent price $3, $3J}0 and $o-—New p i im wOl be 1 4 $5 and 14-


Buy Now; Save the Differencea A H I tp 'i-^ R a E 'r t- - f l |* K )« .T te FLOOti ...

■Sk-'' ' - i


b a s e b a l l*B 0 X 1 N G


Dual Howfcy and McCaidiy dashing Ends in Draw, ,Recruit Burke Aiding Canadians to Attain Victory

A Few Depth Bombs Exploded at the Velodrome

Good Pitching of Jensen Avails Naught When Infielder Persists in Tossing Inaccurately and Bobbling Infield Taps—Doc Swigler

Thwarts the Home Boys in the Final Bout.

King Lear, Toronto Second Baseman. Features Afield and at Bat

Dual bkttU nc jfe ite rtkT betw een To­ron to end Newmrlt brseebell teem i m idet ohlll breeiee wbtob wkfted over W tedenm eyer reel ee tn te trr Hem bur* plkoe reeulted tn e f l f ty .f l l ty dlelelon. P«B Howtey** Meple t.e»fe trlurapbed In the ineuaure l conleet, t-1. but were veniiulehed in the euneet till, l-S. Feteraon kep t th e e l f h t h tte getherefl by M cCerthy'i B rutne well eepereted In the eurtkin releer, while Aloer Jen- *en, F erth Amboy lou thpew , p lto b iii M l le it fk m e fo r New erh, wea nnfor- j tu k k te la hkTln» colleepuea, noU bly B arke, s itn a le e t ro r i w ith T orent* h tu . Doo aw lfle r kllkwad the elellore only ( |* k Ik fe tle i In th e fo o d B lfh t oleehlnf knd do io rred tbo leure l wroeth, k ith o u fh Atcholo dW not unfold ea tn- lo rlo r ernrloty o f bkiobklL In fm C tbo B e e n bed to eonllnoo tbo porlorm- kneo w ith ktl of th e ir w ell-know n da*- te r lty M tll the Ikat in«n had been aet down.

K ln f Laer, Toronto eacond beaemkn,' bed k r l f t i t m arry tlm a of it. Hla w ork

kfletd w ki k fOkturo, and hie b k tt in f would h e re made Blit S hakoipeere be­lieve th e l It wae "a m ldium m er n ig h t i dream ." lo k r aurely did 'Tay flj Mao- Puff.'* and r l f h t w ell did Ifie loiml ■Itehere know th a t L ear wko In iho party . “B r tbo I tc b ln f o f my Ihumbe norhethtnf wlokod lU k w ay 0™**; voucheaftd Joalon a i L oat tho d lik In tho th ird round of the fire l fam e. Frem onltlon o f dleaeter wea •M n realtied aa th e Irrepreeilb le K in i

bounced a faa t ona to een ler for th b en tire Melanoe. In th e cloetnf fre lle "the K ink" b aa th rae b ite tn to u r tlraoi a t ba t, op* o f tb o in a triple. Dan Howtey hee loet B etter, Threaher, W kfnar and o ther p layara. bu t con- tinpaa In tho Naw la te m a tle n U f i l lon in f. B e re ta lne I/ear. , ^

Andy Andereon,' fo rm er N ew ark boy, did n e t have a chanoo to f i fu r e In any popoitM turoB, b u t Andereon'a pala eay th a t he baa baan doing well ae a Leaf M d b ittin g tim ely . a few y e a ri ago on tlio South E ighth K re e l School taam und wua conaldered

. • Otar a long w ith F Itcbor D anila endo th e r* C atcher Tom H adden wae In­ju red tn th e aoeend gam e, when Leer eanie rid in g Into th e p la te w ith the apoad of a h u rrlcan a and had to rotJro l a tav o r o f •'Mlcklo" OtBrlon. A lthough b o th gamoo work fa r from being iran -

qui effalra. only one fea tu re de lu*efluihed in the fielding line, th e cap tu re

Lawry’s Emergency G p Wins for Oriole Team

le in Seventh TerminatesSingliTorrid Pitching Tilt Between

Worrell and Banihardt.

**EsSendai Industry" for Pamhatn

■bMnle 4, Newark 1 S ^ e r k I, Toronte 3

Balttmare 1, Srra<

ItaeMte W O aaa i TeHrrdar.t (tat tiini*>s

i (Jd ftm al.'______ 0]Tf»cBaa 1 ( i t

Balfah) «. Jeiyer C1» 1 <t.l jremel. B im io T, Jtreer O ir t (>l gime).

W irnr- of Oamee lainrdar.Veraalo T, Newark « tl*!Teeoate • , Newark l (Id •ram*)-

, Jeraey dlty I, Buffalo f Ual fame), Buffalo T, Jeraey City * (Id leme).

ibi Baltimore S, Syraouee * d e tl ; .i r | I ' Baiumora T, Byraeuee • (M l.H w i Btaghamten t. Iiecheatar L

I B t a i l H «l t h r Team* t l W. L, P.C.I w . ts P.C.

Bbig'taa.. I I e .TM Buffalo.. . t l .IJJC enealer. I t IT .IIS Newark... 31 I t .tSTCelUmora. I* to .m lB yraeuee.. II t l .311f ^ n t o . . . M !1 .HJUereey Clly M .SSe

flaeaea Today.Byreeaoa el BeltleMra.

of a line drive off 81 Seym our'e aeh by Lear In the second chukker of th e fine! boui. The crowd gave I good hand.

Bebbllah D ay fa r Burko,Although the v lilto re w ere i tr lv ln g

all the w ay fo r victory tn th e flre t fame, defaa t would have been th e ir portion had a youthful ehortetop ■ailing undar the e l la i of B urke n o t InilK cd on bobbling. The aop lrlng Infielder h ad eom ethlng ak in to e U f* frig h t and th e congregation wao quick to diaoarn tho fact. A nothor fu tu re great." Oorooran. eueoeeded B urke, an a did vary w all, b u t McCarthy would tak o no ohancee tn tb a aecond g « o and brought Ja o a b t In from r ig h t flohL Soymour going to tho poet y,• “*?**,J] ' Jaoaba The lone Bear te lly In th e lalUal g rap p le came In the f if th e len ia , Corcoran h i t one back of th ird baea, w hich BlUle P u rte ll could n o t reach, Hadden forced ou t Corooran, Jeneen wae a t ir lk e -o u l victim. ®*'*^,*“ 5*" a eingle to cen ter and pilfered. Madden coming home on Howley e Ineccurale to i l to eley Shay.

Tha B e a n w ere killed off In th e th ird fram e by a faa t double play. They e ta rte d aueplolouely In o ther chap tere b u t lacked the necoaeary punch. To- ronto gathered tw o rune In th e leoond Inning. L ear waa given tren ep o rta tlo n . P u rte li w e# eafe on B urke'e low throw to Schaefer, Leer reechlng th ird . One- jowA eingle eoored Lear, P u rte ll being pu t down In an effo rt to reach the fa r turn. Andereen wae dlamlaaed a t flre t baee. Howley received a life, and Onelow reg lalered on an o th e r B urke bobble. P e te rio n w ai out to Jacob i. Two additional Toronto m arker# cam e over tn th e th ird canto. R otlly wea eafe w hen B urke obU glnsly tooalod. W arhop aacrlftced. Downey*# low throw allowed Reilly to ecore and W hlte- hou ta to roach the oocond haaioch , th a la tte r being out a m om ent la te r in eaceylng a daih for th ird b a e a

At th la Juncture ij«ar In aerttd hie home ruq lif t to center. P u rte ll and Onelow contribu ted atnglea, h u t A oder- aon Ikied to Gather.

The B e a n w ere T int to reach the ■coreboard In the lecond gam e. Jacob* reg lalered In the th ird period. The form er D etro it p layer alngled, moved up on H adden 'a eacritlee, and counted on a eingle by Swigler. The rune needed to win w ere obtained In the aiath . Sw igler and Shay w ere ticketed. Downey eacrttlced. Shey wa* nipped o ff Mcond by P liher. Cather*a em ok- Ing eingle ecored Swigler, and ^llnn'a double to r ig h t b rought G ather acroaa. T oronto collected e run In th e llk th . L ear alngled w ith one down. P u rte ll followed w ith a eefety. Onelow ilpped a datey c u tte r to Schaefer, w ho hurled to the plate, b u t L ear beat the throw and Incidentally gave Madden a ee- vare bum ping.

Tbe LeaTe ecorad ag a in In tha e igh th en e reeoundlng trip le to cen ter by Lear, the K ing con tinu ing hom ew ard whan Jacoba hurled over Downey'a head In m ak ing the relay. W ith two gone H ercha hatted for Alchele in the ninth end wae paeeed, but F redd ie did n e t te r ry long a t flre t baee. Ha en­deavored to purloin eecond and wae out. The move did not m eat w ith H ow - ley'e approval, but H erche w a i In a h u rry to g e t aboard a tra in fo r hndla. Tha B eerc leave today fo r Syracuae, where th ey open a eerlee o f gam e# to ­morrow.

The aeoree:r iM T OAllK-TOB<5NT0.

OF anklc 0in wA NrjHlT

McNamara’s Golf Best In Shackamaxon Match

SptMCERs add 5riLu IbvfMd -10 0 « t Race.,

wilk 'feeiR TokicutT

CeaHP Jfcec tttt bAueatfa Pose— IJnc Aaso UP

maaccS M thT t fH t.ScaH tfSup km a dUPruo '■basnedof fMcouBactkfkf arftti..

tAcM D trear

Hit 73 Defeats Travers and Mar-

iton Without Aid from His Partner, Walker.

Cold Wind Bothers Other Players

■fw4 n tiuioA,ko(M W Su«ef«i(i. < e

k o a it guMlA/ m 1M Ot. sftN tp

Raw W eather and Raw Behavior of Bike G am p Mark Meet at W hich Spears Nabs More Points

Rough Riding b Two-Mile Race Earns $20 Fine for Arthur Spencer as Climax of Unusual June Sunday Aftemoon—Quits in

Semi-Final Heat with Reggie McNamara.

Yankees and Red Hose Rocketing Robert Rides Around Kramer in Titular Event Trial

In Crucial Galloping

Hugmen to Try Toppling of Famed Bostonese from First Place in

Series Starting Today.

Browns Twice Vanquish Bengali

Buttele e« Jeney City.Rocheittc el BlnihemIcii.

BALTIHORB, Ju n e H .—O tli Imwty, plneh h ittin g fo r C lerk#, alngled Ir. the eleventh Inning yeeterdey end eent over th e run w hich ebebled Belliinar# t o win from Byreouee. l - I . B ernhard t • n d L efty W orrell he* e Uvely pitch­in g duet, w ith honor# going to W orrellJU B lu lo n to th e grounda wee tree, but goore card* w ere eold. ftu b e PernheiUi

R*UtT.Wftrhftp, F, f ..

A.B. X. M. o. A* E........ » 1 ft 0 ft ft....... 4 ft 0

1ft a

WhiUhoUM, «. f . . . . 4 ft A ft ftLftftfi ih ......... ...... t 1 1 i 1 ftM rttll, l b . . . .\h __ 1 ft 1 1 ft

....... 4 L 1 14- 1 ftAAiftfrMn. ft. ft ....... 4 ft ft ft I 1c ......

^tftrfton, p__ ......... 4...... 1ftft 1




TotftU ....... ....... II " i T I t I i 1NgWARK.

A.B, X, He 0. A. 1-Rhfty, th .. . . . ...... ft ft 1 1 1 ftJitcobft. r. f ... ....... 1 ft fl 3 1 ftCftthar. 1. f . . . ....... s ft ft 1 t 1*(nn. 0. f . . -....... 4 ft 1 1 ft ftBchtnfftF, lb .. ....... 4 ft 1 1 ft 0r>own«y. 8h... ....... 4 ft 1 4 ft 1Burkft* ft. ft.... ....... 1 ft ft ft A 1C?c>rf«rftn, «. ft ...... S 0 1 1 1 1Mftidftn, r . . . ....... t I ! R 1 ft.Tftnjftn. p ...... ....... 1 ft ft ft ft^Rftytaour .... ....... 1 ft 0 ft 0 ft

Tolfttft __ ....... ,14 1 1 T? ft

More then th e o rd inary am ount of heiabell In teree t w ill center In Polo Qrounde doing* e ta rlln g today, when th e Red So* open a tour-gam e eerlee w ith the Yankeea. The clan of Bar- row are now tw o game* ahead of the New York boye. b u t they can be ehallad from flra t place by the H ugglne gun- nere. I t !■ up to Herb Thorm ahlen, George Mogrldge, SUni Love and Ray Caldwell o r A llan Rueeell, poselbly JOi F lnnaran . to w in th ree of the four erufllal ik lrm leb e i If the trick la to be turned. The T an k a w ill be confronted by Joe B uih, D utch Leonard, Babe R uth end Al May*, a form idable q u a rte t o f tw lrlere. The Mackmen, who w ill I ehow In N ew ark Sunday, held the Red Hoee to an even break and the Yankee* have won th e ir lea l four game# from the BOitoneeo. However, the troupe haa a habit o f bobbing up eenenely.

St. Lout# wae trium phan t In two gamea a t D etro it yeaterday, the flre t gam * being annexed 4'1. the aecond 4-2, The h ittin g and bale runn ing of George Staler fea tu ied both conteali. Sothoron held the Junga leera to five h lte In the opening gam e, w hile D aven­p o rt and Shocker otiowed the Tlgere aevtn eafeCiee In th e concluding con- teat. H arry Coveleekl* wa* givon rag g id aupport by the Bengal* In the f l r i t th ree Inntnga of the lecond gpme.

Cleveland won from the W hit* Bo* a t Chicago, 8-J. Jim Bagby wae In­vincible until the d o l in g Inning*. Dan- fo rth w a i the lo ilng . pltoher,

Scott P e rry allow ed the W aahlng- ton teem to bunch h lte in two Inning* and P h lladalph la wa* d*feat*d. 5-4, Shaw relieved Doo Ay ere fo r the seh- atora In tha fo u rth Inning end atruck ou t e ig h t men.

Bill McKechnie Flashes In Reds'Pirates G m bat

Iboal eecond M aMban. hae been orueied tn a s te r acme "e inen tla l Induytry * by h ta home aeleettvS aarvloe board.

The ieote'.Rautmore. R. M. *i. Byi’erue*.

;;; IBr«<l3r. Sb CikrrolL i.aMcKiklft, ■'*b. .a 0

r . f . f t c.r . . ft

Brtmlvl't. e*f.4 ftlb • . ;HbPjMF, C, . . . ft

B«.rnh4rtlL p. 6

X. K. ft, \ ft

fotftli t I 1

BlJihop, 3(1... 1 Uulv«r* r.f.M ft

glirkt, Caf... ft twli, Sb. ... ft Orlffltj. Ib.r , ft

elrtb*, Oef.r* ft•Akplft. •elq t

e. .4. .* ft l(^rT«ll, p ..e ft •Lftwry........ ft

ToUi»....... " i 1ft tfor Cl&rko In tbo tlevonth Inntnc*

XffMUOO ...**..••• O O l f t f t f t l f t f t f tBftltlmerfO ............. f t t t I f t f t f t O l O f t 1—3

Toro-bono hit—Cobb, Koerlfloo roUe dormbordl. S fin . McHClno fllto—Wor- roll. Souftio Cobb; r»r*roll. Brodr ftftd Cobb, J,*rfl on boiex—H»l- tlmoro I, iyrocuM 4, Bm oi on boU»—Off WoTToll 1, off Bornhonjt L Xlruck out—S r

*1Sotio0 for Joboon In ninth*Toronto ......... o 3 i o»e n a ftN*»4rk . . , . 0 O ft ft 1 ft ft 0 ft—-I

lioi«n bMoo--Klnn, hhay. Xocrtfict hlto-^ Wtrhop. Petorimn J. nin--tjoor.Doublo plorn—Tolhir to <<hny; Andrroon to Loir to Om Iav, Ktrurk out—By Jenoon ft, by Potrroon 4, noM« on boUowMDff Jonoon 1. olf Pottrsnn I. First ht«o on orrora— Tornnlo «, Kowtrk 3. Tjoft on boMn^-To- Tonio T, Nrirork t. Tlm«—I hour and 14 mlnutax. Umplraa—O'BrUn *ttd Lawla*


Bnrhh'iirdt iy by Worrtll ft* PM»od ball— Boppar.

Bisons Take Brace of Gaines *From Jersey City Athletes

JERSEY CITY, Ju n e 14.—Buffalo won tw o game* from Je rsey City yn terd ii* . the f irs t by a 4-1 reg istra tio n , the «ac- ond, 7-1, W eldon W yekotf, p u rc h u o l from the Red Sox, w as touched up fur eeven h lte In th e f lre t game. Quy Cooper k ep t the local hit* ecatlertd . Horsey wae (he toeing p ttch i,' In the aecond conteat. SteCten, N iagara Unl- v e r ilty reoruit, pKohed good ball lor Buffalo.

Til* score:

Reilly, 1. f . . . . U>rhr»p, r. f , .

nltehoii!*, c.

a . r , ........ 1

X.ft........ 4


L»«ar. • h . . ' . . . . ........ 4 1PunnlL lb . . . . . . . . 4 ftDnilow, l b - . . . ......... 1 ftAntfervon. lu ■ ........ 4 0FUh*r. f ........... ----- I ft

p ........ .......... 1 ft•Her*chft ......... .......... ft 0

.......... IB 2NEWARK.

A.B. R.

Former Newark Player Collects

Seven Safeties in Nine Times Up During Double Clash.

Bruins Triumph Over Cardinals

I 34 11 1

0hay. Jh..Dftwn«y, lb ..............Cathar, 1. f ................Zinn, e. t .............. .ftf'haatar, Lb................Haymour, r. f ......... ■Jarnba* a. i.,. .* .* * .Uadftan. r ..............O'Brlan. f ............ .6wt|lAr» p .................

RIU McKbchtilft, form er N ew ark pU yer, hetl seven h its In nine tim es a t ba t yaelerday in tw o game* a t Cincin­nati, tha P lra tee w inning In both eoni- bale, the flra t. 4-1. the second, 15-1. Fred Toney endeayored to pitch two gamea and failed to (tn lih either con- te it. E rsk ine Mayer, traded to P i t ts ­burgh by Ph lladsiph ta for E lm at Jacobi, pitched brillian tly In th e In­augura l claeh, w hile Bob Harm on waa eflsctlv* In the concluding game.

Chicago won from St- Louis, S-!, Phil Douglas sending over two run* In the aevsnth w ith a single. M anager Fred M llc h ^ and O utfielder F lack w ere pu t ou t of th e gam e by Umpire Moran for p ro testin g decision*. Merkle, Deal end P a u le tte fea tu red In the hitting, although DougU* Baird had a double and Roger# H ornsby a trip le.

The aaiaclou* mole who chorllad, "W h at la ao ra w 'r a i a day In JunaT" a a he eased ano ther overgrow n tw ig acroaa the h earth iton* and aa t down ta recken Juet how aoou Slam m ing Sam uel w ill have BtIHielm Hoheiia ‘ollern , "Hey, officer, look!" unU aihed a blbful of b rainy Intarrogatlon , I t la 'n t alw aye only th e June w eather th a t'# raw In June , either, as tha hard ier se t of bike fane who turned out y es terday for th e ir custom ary a ir in g In V alleburgh w ill leatlfy .

T here wae no th ing raw about the w ay Bob, pedaling eclon of the A us­tra lia n Houee of Spears, added five more expected points to h ie lo le l In i the mad w hirl for the I '. S. b ik ing cham plonahip, nor the m anner In which F ra n k lin K ram er roped an o th er trio lo r hla collection, bu t the re wae. however, m uch raw practice afoot, and alm oet the whole asBemblage Joined In im ita tin g a college Raw! Raw! equad w hen R eferee Bedford clU naied tho sh ivering eesalon by d igg ing tw enty layers deep In A r­th u r Spencer's 'cherished b an k roll by w ay of ihow lng the official'* appreola- tlon for the raw p art th e cham per played In the ehow,

It'e g e ttin g so now th a t tho cycling fan s alm ost pay th e ir w ar ta x fully expectan t to see the cham pion show some new etreak of childlshneas, and A rth u r did his full b it yesterday to ses th a t no m em ber of the congregation w ent hom e disappointed. F irs t he qu it to R eggie M cNamara In th e ir g rand eem l-flnal of the national h a lt-m ile cham plonahip because he d id n 't th ink th a t R eginald waa behaving as an ex­ponent of th e in k lin g a r t should, and than In the concttrdlng tw o-m ll* aorafli- ble. a f te r being a parly to w h at looked very much like an S. S. S. team , he gave K ram er a sw itch th a t t^ould, have caused the m ost sty lish h a lr -d re sss r to show an *m ar»ld-tln ted degree o f envy.

Many folk* e l the track a weak ago th o u g h t th a t the generoue A rth u r made a sim ilar p ra ssn ta tlo n to A lf Orenda, b u t then the '‘P t f ’ cou ldn 't ee* w hat the hem m agnate, a lready ao rich In h irsu te adornm ent, would poeslbly w ant w ith a sw itch, so he charged him ten bucko* for hi* p a rt In th* transaction . Y esterday, however, th* e* -o ra to r ds; cldsd th a t A rth u r w as ca rry in g hi* generosity to a fau lt and so u g h t to cheek h is w ayw ardness by .Qollectlng th e aforesaid "d oub le-aag lt'' con trib u ­tion.

A rthu r ggeuerr PuBctore*.A rthu r's troub les a tarlad In his very

f lre t heat of the t i tu la r event. Me 1 unctursd a tire as h* w aa (earing afte i Floyd Crebs on th* fa r aide of the track and w ent down In a heap on th e tu rn . The heat waa re-rlrtden and Rpencer got Into the sem l-flnale. He beat O renda In th* aem ta and got Into the g ran d semie w ith K ram er. M cNamara and Speare. Spencer drew M cNamara fo r the grand*. E very th ing w ent lovely fo r tw o tape. R eggie w i* leading and equeealng A rth u r a h it ae the bell round etarled , and when Spen­cer tried to go round tbe Indeetructib le A ustralian , "Mac" forced him a li ttle h igher. T h a t we* enough to r the cham ­pion. He sal up and Just lasied home. Of cotirse, th e re w as a pro test when Mc­N am ara wa* announced th* w inner and b ro th e r WlHt*. who wae disqualified for sw itch ing P e ts P rohach In on* of the trial*, wa* b rough t In to uphold the fam ily honor, bu t Bedford w ouU n I budge end the heat th* tu rb u le n t To- re n te party g e t out o f the ti tu la r event w aa eecond money In th e coniolatlon number, w hich w ent to F rancesco Verrl.

Th* tw o-m ile sm irk ed strong ly of a d ressing room arran g em en t which con- osrnad the Spencer boye end Bob Spears. Nobody could fig u re why Roh-

duty, th a E m pire y o u n g ite r rides be­hind a flow ing m ouetache, which p ro m ­ises to becom* the popular sty le In bike w tndehleld If hls venerable lim bs hold ou t fo r only a tew more Sundays. A rthu r won the am ateu r handicap a week ago and he pulled through In th* same ev en t y e ite rd a y over W illiam Beck of lb* Bay View*, Hla victory w as the best received of the day. Gus Lang atrongeet o f th* em eteurs a t the Velodrome th is aeeion, found the handicaps too m uch for him In the half-m ile race, b u t he wheeled borne up front In th* open event.

The BUmmarlee:Htlf-Mll* Novice (Arastiurl—Won by

John w. HsmbiobBr, Bloomfield; F«llx Pain, New York, socond: time, 1 minute 9 4-5 teconde.

Kalf-llll* National Chanmtonahip (Pro- feealonal)—Won by Robart E. flpaara, Aua- tralla: Frank L. Kramer, Sa«t Orange, aac-

DDrf.feiM Sb*, U.S.K.W'l* > ThL W »gF1*R T"'

sue I VhC» trf HofMtf:•fteto*

Pair of Middle States Titles Are Defaulted

Behr Not to Play with Pell in Doubles and Mrs. Eaton Ii

Also Out of Tourney.

Women'* Singles Entry Strong

ofid: hftcItiAld McNmmariL, AuitrftHia th lfd ; Eddl« Uaddeti. Newark, fourth. Time forheel to decide f lr ii and second pUc«» I mln^ uie 4ft 3'ft Mc-cnafl: la«t e lfh th m ilt, IS 1*1 Mconde. Time tn dculde third and fourth plecM, 1 m inute 31 l-ft Mcondi; lA«t t l fh ih !3 4>& second**

HAlf-ftine Chumplonahlp (Coneolutlen)— Won hr Eranceeco Vern* Uelyj Arthur Spencer. Toronto* Moond; Alfred Grende, Auitrelln* third; F eier Drohech, Boston, fourth: tim e, L m inute ft 4-6 eecond*.

HftlfaMlte Hetidlcep (Amftteurj—Won by Arthur S . Khodte. Empire City W heelmen (lift ymrde); WMlIlem Book, Day View W'heelmen <2ft yardei* eecond; Max HklperTt* Century Road Club Aa*od«tifin (40 yerdei, third; Anthony Deelmene* Union* iportlv^ ItklUn* (16 yerde), fourth; time. 64 lec*ondfta

Half-M ile MftDdlcep (FrofeeilonaD—Won by Jaceb M atin, Irvlncton f i t y a rd il: Jamea Cobert, Newark (70 yardi)* lecond: W illiam Coburn. Newark (TO yarde), third: Robert E. Bpeare. Auetralle (acratch), fourth; Alfred Grenda. Auatralia (20 yard*), fifth; tim e. &T 4-6 aecoldt-

ft|liaFand*Out Invttallon (F refeaelantl)— Wen by Eddie Madden. Newark: Ferry LaWe rence, Han Frtnrleco. eecond; aeorf# Chap­man. N ew ark, third; Fred H ill, Boeton, fourth: Gordon Walker. AuatrilUtime. 4 mlmitee T 4-4 eecnrvde.

(Amat«ui;)Fw'Wen_hy Guaniitee T ' Qipen - Vftw

One-Mtle .................. ..L en t.'B ay Vtew Wheelman; Me« Halpern, Century Road Club Aefocletlon* eeeoBd' Ed­ward Byron. Bay view Wheelmen, third; John nawe. Bay view Wheelmeq. fourth; time, S mloutaa 33 3-ft eeoenda,

Two-Mtie Open (Frorepitonat)—Wen by Robart E* Bpeare, Aueiralla; John Bedell, t4 ’Qbreeks Loaf teland, eeeond; ^ t n k L- Kramer, Baet Oranpe, third; Jaeeh MaelPr IrvtnfMn, fourth: Alfred Grtfida. Austr^U, firth; time. 4 mlnutee ft 3-ft eecond*.

Now cham piona a ro aur« to be crow nod In two dlvlftlona o f the Mid-

^ d l6 S tates cham pionahipi, w hich a ta r t th ia afternoon a t th e O range L*wn T en n li Club, K arl Behr* who, w ith Theodore Rooaevelt P ell, w on the dou- bl,pa cham plonahip In th e East Middle S tatea tournam ent, hold tw o y e a n afo , la now In the lerv loe and w ill bo u n ­ab le to defend hla title , w hile Mra, H enry T aft Baton, who* aa Mlaa Ina Kiaael, won th e w om en 'a t i t le on th a t occaalon. hap also decided to defau lt her crown.

The fact th a t Theodor* Rooaevelt Pell w in defend hie elng lee ohamplonehlp Is som ething of a life paver for th* men'* play- This b ran ch of th* com­petition he* suffered considerab ly thl* year th rough w holeealo enlistm ent*, b u t the im portance o f the Middle S ta tes has a ttrac ted enough youngster* o f m erit and v e te ran s to m ake certain a fa irly In teres tin g f ig h t to decide an opponent for Fell In th e challenge round. Men's doubles p lay also haa a eaving feature, inasm uch a s new troph­ies will be placed In com petition. Pell and Behr gained p erm an en t poesesslon of the old cupa tw o year* ago, when they won for the th ird coneaeutlv* time. • . ^

.. ...... Draw for pa irings In th e women afifth ;T ,In g le ,, which ore to s t a r t ■Wednesday,

wlU be mode tom orrow n l g ^ w ith practically a ll of the h ea t p U y e r i tn the section entered. Mlea B ju rstsd t. of oouTfo, ift fo.vorftd to tirTto tho tltlo, w hile other# who w ill seek th e honor a re M ite E leanor Goes, M lai Helene Pol. lak, MIei Clare C assel. Mise U arle W agner. Mies Beeele Moore and MIm H elen Hooker.

P lay will begin each a fte rn o o n a t I '. l l o'clock.

M• Totali .........for Alchole In ninth.

Toronto ......... ft ft ft ft ft INowtrk .......... 0 ft 1 ft 0 3

• IT t i 1

Mickey Donley Is Fit For Scrap with Dundee

Manager Nick Kline’s Protege Down So Fine He Stopped All

Preparatoiy Work Yeiterday,

A. B. Duncan and f^harles C ham bers Brooklyn singles cham pion an* entered In the Middle State#, w ere tha only K ln r* County T ennis Club player# to win yesterday In th e team m atch ag a in s t tha W est Bide T enn is Club of New York. Th* G otham tean i won seven of nine m atchee p layed.

Tom M cN am ara proved to be th* ^eet cold sveather go lfer a t Bhackamaxon yesterday a f tirn o o n , and h it g tsady play wa* responelbl* fo r the easy v ic ­to ry be an d C yril W alker, th e home pro, scored over J e rry T ravers and Max M araton In a Red Cross exh ib i­tion. Th* m atch ended ( up and t to play. H cN am ara, although h* never had played th* course before, equaled tha profeealonal record of Tt. The o ther th ree card s w ere a ll up around 10.'

H cN am ara needed l i t t le aid trem bte partner. Th* w inn ing side 's bes t b s lt w as 7t, a g a in s t th* losers’ TT. H cN am ara w ent ou t In I*. HI* Individual sa rd w as aa fallow s:Out .............. 1 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 4—t lIn ...................... I I 4 I 4 I I I 4—II—Tl

N s lth tr J e rry n o r Max could do htm - sa lf ju ittc* . T here waa a eold w ind blow ing, w hich apparan tly affected the em ateura. I t w ill be recalled th a t only la s t F riday , w hen M ereton v isited th e cDure* fo r th e f irs t tim s, he cou ldn 't ■asm to m iss a shot, yesterday , ho w ­ever, hla drive* occaalonally w en t a-w anderlng , and h* frequen tly failed on ra th e r sh o r t pu tts. H cN am ara w aa ex trem ely deadly on th* greena. H li long p u tte ae a ru le w ere alw ays "knocking a t th e door," h u t w hen he did leave h im self a four o r a five footer, It d id n 't bo ther him In the least.

H e N s s u r s H as a Tt,H cN am ara w ant ou t In I t , and then

mad* th* m ore d ifficu lt Inw ard Journey In I I fo r a Tt. T hat waa prao tieally the beet hall fo r the pro com bination. • T ravers w as no t d riv ing a* w ell a s b q has In a num ber of h i t o ther m atohei recently , and he failed to g e t hold s f his Iron shot*. W alker had a good m any holes In p a r figures, hut he lack ed M cNamara’s stead Inees, eapeelally on the inw ard nine.

The only hole th* am ateur* won wae tha th ird , w hich T ravere captured in 1. Both M arston and J e r ry got in to d if f i­culties a t th e nlntfi, 'Travers'e second ■hot lan d in g In the w ater, and M araton going wide am ong tha trees. Th* pro- fesaionale w ere 3 up a t the turn . They won the long ten th , when M areton took th re a putts, halved the abort ' eleventh and then won tbe tw elfth and th irteen th , H cN am ara accounting fo r both. T h a t ended th e match. The am a­teu rs did a li t t le b e tte r p lay ing th e b y e ' ■* holes. *

The best b a ll cards follow: 'McNsmara and Welker—

Out ...................... 1 4 4 4 3 4 1 4 4—11Travers end Meretnn—

Out ...................... 3 I I 5 I 4 I I I—IIUeNemera and W alker-

In ........................ 5 3 4 1 4 5 1 1 I—II—T3Travere and Marston—

In ........................ 1 3 5 1 3 4 1 3 4—IS—TTC onsiderable entbualasm w as d is­

played before the s ta r t . W hen Con- gressm sn E dw ard 'W. Gray of N ew ark, a m em ber o f Bhackamaxon, auctioned off th e cadd ie privileges, W illiam Yawger. th e w ell-know n B allu sro l golfer, w ho recen tly Joined S haeke- maxon, bid 135 fo r HcN am ara, w hile - W alle r B. M ehl paid |55 fo r M arston. Edw ard M eeker paid I I I fo r W alker, while T ravere waa "knack *d dow n" to J. S. T u rn e r fo r |IP5 . A fter a few helee had bean played, the balls th a t th* DOnteetants used w ere auctioned off, thereby add ing considerable m ore to the fund. Tha ra th e r la rg e grallery paid a* usu a l for th a badges, and a l to ­g e th er clot* to 1550 wae raised,

e e #F ra n c is Oulmst. Tom McNamarn.

Jess* G uilford, Louis T elllar and Tom K erlgan e re am ong th* n inety go lfers en tered In th* arm y and navy w ar re lie f to u m em en t opening today a t th e Bra* Burn C ountry Club, N lw ton , M ats. Oulraet m ay n o t b t ab le to obtain leave from Camp D event to play the second th lrty -a lg hole* tom orrow a t th* Coun­try Cluh of Brookline.

New Yorker Carrying a Bad Eye

Dr. H. J. M o rg sn th e le r and A, B. Duncan will oppose Sallehlro Kaehlo and Allen Behr th is w eek fo r th* r ig h t to m eet H arry H. B telnkam p and Henry H. Baesford in th* fin a le o f tha Long Island tennle double* championship, fltainkam p and B aisfo rd w on y a ite rd sy from C. A. Anderson and Dr. W alter H. Rose, I t 5— 4, »— 1.

Gil NIcholla and Georg* S argen t y«a- te rd sy won by I and 1 from Jock H utchinson and Ksnne'th E dw ards in a Red C roei foursom e a t tha Glen Oak C ountry Club, near Chicago. The g a l­lery con tribu ted 11550. E dw ards, th* only a m a te u r In the match, w as ru n n e r- up le s t year to F rancis Oulmet In th* W estern am ateu r ehamplonehlp.

Mickey D onley "was tra ined down so finely a f te r hla w orkout S aturday afternoon th a t M anager Nick K line ordered hla "cham pion’' to lay o ff y es­terday. w hich w as welcome new s to Donley. The la t te r tra ined d iligen tly for hi* scrap w ith Johnnie Dundee a t th* A rm ory A. 4. in Je rsey C ity to ­n ight, and le entboslastlo over Me cha.icoe,

Dundee ev idently . Isn 't tak in g Donley very eerlouely. fo r he fought la s t w esk a t Bpeton and Is carry ing a bad ly banged up optie- W hen hls m anager ssked him t t he w anted to oatl off th* Donley mill. Dundee replied th a t he thought one eye w*» enough fo r him

*rl would have to bother about * * * ^ '"5 i ^ea t Donley with, to win hie reee. b u t i Sparring partner* to Donley had a

W estoheeter C ounty Tennle Club p leyeri ye iterday took a place along­side of the team s w hich have fallen before th* U niversity H eigh ts ag g re ­gation, In th e M etropo litan League m atch decided 7 to !. W eoleheater go t one In yie double* and one In th# ■intlae.

Th* turn of (1;505 wae rea lised fo r the Bed C roei yeaterday th rough th e exhibition golf m atch won by Chick E vans and W arren K. Wood, am ateu rs, from R obert Macdonald and Jam es Barnes, profeselonals, 3 up, a t th - M ayfield Golf Club, Cleveland. Th* m atch w as a best bait, eighteen-ho le affa ir. A to ta l of 5386 wee raised th rough auction ing the privilqg* of caddying, and sate of the balls used by the p layers In bette rin g par a t th e v a ­rious holes brought tU 5 .

(^lifomia Girl Scti World’s Mark in Twenty-five-Yjird Swim

Appeal for Funds Is Made By Cardinals’ New Owners

ap pear to enjey ‘h* Mlokey triedd*."h*?p"th.‘ C e USd’.h en the fellow j «ut h i . .waIJop_ aM ;wo^_o_f^hi. « mfrom A ustralia rode home by him ielf-Bpears. b a rrin g accidents, would aurely hnve won alone, bu t he m ig h t a t least

ButfAlo. X. H. 1 JerMF CUy. n. H, E,H irrli. lb . . . 0 0 ft| Brock, r.f •.. - 1 4McG«b«s Lf.k 1 ' 1K'hiUft, 0 4UurpbF, t.f.s i ft A Wha*l«r, e.f,. ft 4 1Meyvn, c* ***wntM* Ih .. 5

1 1 0 Bftw mitn, lb.. ft 4 01 t » L*B4ta. l b . .. 0 4 ft

Armtt’t . ft 1 ft McCarren. tb. ft ft ftftfthuta. c,t, .* 0 1 « Nortan, l , t . ... e 1 0Nowa* tb ..,, ft 1 ft Leonard,lb.. a 0 0CftoRtr, p r ... ft ft ft Carrot), o .. ft 1 ftwmmmaw WyckoTfsP... ft ft ft

ToUlie.qag^4 T " l •FaU............. ft ft aTotal!....... "*1

>Battsd fer La Beg • ta the aletb taslni.

bftfMi*—iL«nr, Rfdlr* Jftcobi* fttftrL fke« bUik—Miidd^ti, Dntvnty. TwhsKam Kinn. Threevbftift lilt —Iy«4rr Doublii plftys—> Aieh«]ft Lo OnRlow; Ahar to .Tarohji in 8rb**r«r. Rtruek mii-YDy t v l f l e r 6, byAlchfU 1. Bamh nn hallt—Off tw IiU r ft, off AlchbU I. Wild p1tch-"^wf|1*r, Flrat bft*«Mk Treft nn bw»»—Toronto7s Nowoirlc 4, Tima— \ hour and 10 min* Uttft. Umpire!— Lewie end O'Brlenr

Macks and Phillies to Play Sunday Contest in Newark

Buiral* ........... I * a s s i e s «—4jerssy Ci t y. , , . 5 0 1 5 5 * 6 1 5—1

gtelee btaa#—Wilts*. Artnslresg. gseri- tic* hit*—Kremhaus, Nowak. Deuhia ylaya —4Joapar asd WIUm ; Kromhaus, Ltenird s e t LaBatf. LsR ea bases. Isra«y City I, » ( fa l* I. ■*•*• on ball*—0(f Wyekofl 3. Bit by pttohei— By wyckolf (Noweki. Struck ent—By Wyrfcofl T. by Cooper 4. W ild pitoh—Wyeketf. Winning plichtr—Cooper.Losing gltekfi—Wyokoft. .

ST, LOUIS, Ju n e 14— A elroular le t- ta r appealing fo r 565,005 tc provent th* St, Louie N ational League Club from reverting to It* form er owner, Mr*. Helene B ritton , hee bean aent to ell Blochholdare of ih* C ird lnala by B ranch R lfkey. praaldant of tha club.

The le tte r s ta te a th a t 140,50* m ual ba raised w ithin th e next few dsy*. as a note fo r th a t am ount Is due Mra. B rit­ton Ju ly t C urren t liabilities am ount­ing to 330.55* m ust also he raised w ithin th* next week, th e le tte r oaye.

The teem wee purchased frem Mrs

have had to f ig h t for h i t holm rs If iv tiin r Rncncer h ad n 't deoldA rthur Spencer h ad n 't decided to tak e K ram er along w ith him when he elected to get out of th e hunt on the Munn avenue tu rn . He sw itched hls nredeoeianr on th e b ike throne in®*) handsom ely and as a reauIt 'h* M st K ram er could do w a i to tra il John B e­dell home In th ird place. Then the crowd took « hand a t rid in g and th*n e l Z Bedford. And ^ d f o r d 'a v erd ic t would have been etlU m ore , popular rhan It waa had U bean a suapenelon

'"sp 'eV ri'l’ue* 1ope*d th rough the cham - Blonihlp race. C harlie P ie rcer wae fh* h ardest man he had to peat In the

(Thnrles wasn t he rd a t tGl. In

m ates h it th* canvas. Donley's r ig h t

■1 n e w a n , waB . . . . . . . r7h n r ie s w a sn i n a ra a - .v"B ritton a yaar ago for 1150,500. and of , ' "ord inary '' sem i-fina l Tteherl

is r ig h t, an d h» had hi* left popping out fa s te r th en ever. M anager K lin*, speaking lo r Donley, laye he w ill have no e ic u l* to o ffer If H ickey doeen't m ake a good ahow lng ag a in s t tha New Yorker.

Th* A tlan tic City Sporting Club In ­tend* to stag * “b ig stu ft," Lew Ten dler and F ra n k ie Callahan have been m atched for th e m ein bout e l the a w - Shore c lu b ', open ing ehow, elated fo r Ju ly *. Jo hnn ie B ckhardt le the m etehm aker.

DELMONTE. Cal.. Ju n e Miss Francs* Cowell* of A lam eda yesterday se t a world’! record and tw o American record* here In the f irs t official swim­m ing racing even ts held. In which all partic ipan ts were wom en.

In th* tw en ty -flv e-y ard dash she de­feated Dorothy B urns of San Francisco in I t seconds, tak in g from h er opponent the previous w orld record of 14 2-5 aec- onde. * * ,

H iss Cowells won th e 335-yard event in 3 minute* 5> eeconda, low ering by th ree-fifth s of a second th* p riv leus American record held by O lga Dorfner

In th l* evsn t Mlse

One of th* few time* In the h isto ry of th e B a ltu sro l Golf Club th e abo rt n in th hole h a s been made in on* was the o th er day, when Charles G. Black did th e tr ic k w ith a Jigger. T he halt landed about fo u r fee t from th e f lag and Juet had life enough le ft to ro ll o \ Into th* cup. Black waa p lay in g w l t r Judge McAdama A. F. C. M illigan iltd E arl A lexander. George Low, th e B a l­tu sro l profeaslonal, aaya th a t B lack nhl the “honora" In good ahape. T he Old- eetabllshed custom for a m an m ak ing a hole In one le lo eee th e pro wllB a bo ttle of Scotch. i t *

A ccording to Louis K eller, le c fe ta ry of th e B a ltusro l Golf Club, the r* w ill ba "iom* deings ’ a t th* Short H ills o rg an - (satlon Independano* Day. An m terost- In* progam w ill be arranged fo r th e

the linke, a f te r w hich a epeclulof Philadelphia. r s x .v on th* linge, a u e r w nten • ■pvii,-,Cowell* for 350 y srd s w as t'm »d d 'ho te d inner will b* served a t them inutes 41 1-5 leco n d x se ttin g up a | t^ to th* aocom panlm unt olnew m ark fo r th is d istancs.

c lu h house, to th* aocom panlm unt.

'The meet w a i sanctioned by Ihs P a- I ^VwarV*ttm 'fun*d*for th e Redclfic A ssociation of th a A m ateur A lh- „ under the auiplce* of th* U nited le tlc Union. S ixteen women [ " X G o H Aseoclatlon.

Jim Coffay and B artley H adden a re m atched fop a ecrap n e s t Monday n ig h t M th e A rm ery A. A. In Jsreey City.

th is am ount 3165,550 I t yet unpaid Bloksy'a l i t te r sla tes.

----- ------------e-----5----------

BuHale.SBCOND OAMB. I R. B. BJ Jersey (hty- R. M. B.

Rawts, ibc>< 1 * H B teek.-r.t,;., * 0 1 MeOabe, i .L , .1 5. O lK nm h'aak,. 1 5 5. H iU pt?,*--- I * 5 W'haeler. c.f,, 1 1 5S.ayar*.e...- 5 5 Ojgtapteton, lb. 5 1 1

engeiigh, 0. 5 5 6 MeCarne. lb. S O I<hwper, r .f .. . I. 1 * Mertoa. I .f.... 0 5 SWilts*, lb . ... a t *1 LMuard. lb .. 5 5 5Annst'g, as„ 1 1 *| Carroll, a . . . . 5 5 *Ncbuti, c .f .,. * I Q IR ern y ,!..., 5 5 5Nowak, lb . . , Q 5 *|LaBalo, e . , 1 5 0Biertliis, p . . . I 1 *t — — —

— — —1 T ou ts....... I I ITotal*....... « I t *1

Bultale ................... 1 * { 5 1 1 * t 1—TJe m y Olty.................... s e O i i s i O *—l

Twe-kss* blb--Aria*treay. Three-bass blt-rHoCsb*. .. gtelee besaa—Wbotler 3, gupletos, HoCareen. Hsrrii, grhuU. gacrttlce Ml*—HeCabe, Xromkaut. KicrtOii* fly—Murphy. Double play—Wheeler and Leonard, le f t an hs in Jar- soy City 4, ■offal* I. Bates e tie a lla — >ir guffl:

Unless P residen t R aker of th* P h ila ­delphia N ational I,eagu* teem vetoes th* proposition today, w hich la eon- ■tdsrsd un llksly , th* M ackmen and Phlllle* will give N aw arker* th e ir firs t *3ih^Ulon of m ajor league baseball Bundky kfternoon kt 'B 'ladenm ayeFs P a rk . Th* a ta r t w ill b* mad* a t i o'clock. Connie Mack and P a t U eran are anxious lo show in N ew ark, a s both have m any local frlenda: tn addition th e ir p layers would be p leased to p t t - tlm* In Jersey . I t Is believed th a t th e frlenda of Maurice Shannon, form er Baton Hall p layer, a re tldenc o f Jaraey City, and on* of the m oat prom lalng young playera in th e m ajora, w ill be out la force. In fact, i t i t ea ld th a t Shannon m ay be called to the p lat* by Um pires HcTagoe and D ougherty whil* h ti frtsnda g a th er a round to have a look a t the g ift.

Rube d ^ i n g , t l l l l* W alker. George Bum s, leader of Am erican L eague b a ts­m en: l# y ry G ardner, MoAvoy, form er BaUlmog* ealeher, and o ther* of Ih* M aokera a re favorllaa. leoally, Hlok Cady, form er N ew ark eatcher, w as re - oently raleaaed by H ack, aa McAvoy and P stk ln e w ere doing good w ork an d h ittin g welt. Cady figured In an au to- mobU* accident la s t year, b u t Ip paid to havo fooovered en tire ly from Ui* of- teo ta a t th*_ accident. . I t U 'p ro b ab le

NATIONAL TJCAOCB. Besult* of OsasM Tsetsrday,

Chlesge I. et. Leuli 3pirtihur'fh '4. orhflBsell 1 (let samel.

Ftusbursh 1(*. CIncInnetl L (3d ]I game).lUeulto of Oamee Saturday,

Brooklyn I, New T rtk 3. .Bnelna I, PbilldelPhie 4,

(.'hlctso S, pltofiurih |.Bl. Louis 3, rinclnnetl I '

u l'ked "GVciTda and walloped Eddla Madden In the grand Jo* X op iky rode a g a in s t K ram er In the p relim inary , while V errl and McNamara In order. In the •.m is-th* la s t e ighth I" 'J , fa s te s t of The sem l-flnn lr I t wa* a ll

(1st f*m*l. CInrInnell I. it- Louie T (tdysOiS),

SUadlna of the Teem*.w. l ' p .c .i w , 1., p,G

ofr atsfflss t . off Heresy. 3. on L a ^ y , t .

C h lessn .. IT IT .niBlPIf.sbursh r t •!, Tl 'S w 'fe rk . S’, i t .Utlnrooklyn . 31 -'JJ

IPioton ... S') .(5ll‘'liiHnnttl. 34 S3 .431 Pblle,i-<- 34 3* .riSlkt. I.ouH.. 21 31 .41*

Game* Today,Nsw Terk * t Beeton.

Breohlyn at Pbllsdelphls.PILUhurgb at (Cincinnati.

■t. Louis at Cblctfo..

AHEUCAK UAOUK ■atulla af Game* Ysatarday.

vreehinctoa I. Philadelphia 4. eland I, Cblctio i.Ctevefand I. Cblctgo ;

at. Leuls 4, palnrit 1 ( lit fame). «t. Leuis 4. Dstrolt 3 (Id game). R etuiu af Gamaa M aaday.

Naw York 4, Vt'aahlniton I.Clevtiaad 4. Chlcafo I.

Detroit I. Bi. Loula 1 (1st ftm a). Datrelt 4. Bt, Louis I 4M tarn*).

■esten-Fbllsdalphla (wat y'di). ■iakdhtg of tbe TayaH.- (

that Beott Paryy will ba ana of iha Mbcklen pttobart. I’aryy I* tha plteberHits—Off Honsy, 34 Is • isalays: eti L a , ________, _______ ,___________

Rat*. : In t tu k a c - * l t by Bqktyii K atloneta andL wtaHay I X bllkdaiphta A n f^ lcan a a r t wlfilBg ta

bluAtr-i-aufflas. Lostag | tyusb baitbkll law. I

43*akas Today,Boslen a t New Terk.

rklledolphU at WaaUnglea. Chlcese *t Datrelt.

■ 'V ltv^asd at I t; Lculs,

Thk Olobk A. C.i a new cluh in P e rth Amboy, la *l»tad to open It* doors Thursday n ig h t.

Leonard Will Prove Tomorrow V^ether He Retaini Old Speed

Jockeyin g for t h l most p e r t during the f irs t tw o lap* o f the te ll-ta le heat. Bpeare elowed down e t th e beginning of the th ird tap emi K ram er, opening up , lead o l about ten II w as lim e te “try fo r J * w ith eueh an advan tage K ram er a t me best would never hev# beep overhauled bv Speare. or d a rts or oannona or any e th e r kind of a w ar tool e tv e » » P r '" J - field, ib u t It w as ev iden t w hile the lidora w ere s till h e lf a '»P th a t the Veteran cou(dn t hold off hi* rival. Th* aotufaiy fly ing Spear# nar- rewed th* t a p ta p id ly M th e rldar*. anproachea th e tu rn , and when they f ta ih e d bvef th* fl" l"h m ark Bob waa a length, » * y h # a Httl# m ere, ahead.

B eyl Pence da LaanI I t the ra waa on* poputar hero a t the

track yqatarday. th a t hero )v** th e f ifty -tw o-yea r-o ld colt. A,Tthur B. Rhodes, who files the colors of the Em pire City W heelm en and who Is t t l l i an kPiateur- J u s t to prove th a t the re 1* no m ietake about h ls age, and th a t he Is rea lly exam pt from w ar

W hether o r ' no t Bennie L eonard ’# speed ha* taasened any w ill be d e te r ­mined tom orrow when th* cham pion ■0*1 k galnat daeb B rltlon. a t Shlba pprk , T e o n ^ ahd B ritton fough t Ih New Torlc on** befora, Leonard o u t- polntiBg th* Cailootean.

Tha man 4yin m M t a t 141 piranda. which 1* a ll in B r ltto n 'i favor. Bllll* Gibson in sis ts th a t L tonard w ill not touch the I ll-p o u n d mark.____________ _

f t o v t h ® r o * i E l S lrd d U * * * * * * " ^

O ^ P T . 'J A O KAN .

ID C A t tU M M I N O O U .A H

B ax ls« B eafd V III Mra* W bdstoday.Evidently w all a a tlsd a d w ith tb* *ue< I

oa*5 o f Its W adnasday assahint. th* Boxing Cemmlsalon haa announced th a t th e m eeting th ia w eak w ill a laa b* held on th a t do t- f*)* board la achtdTtj v ied to 5il a t I o'clock. : ,

m .O tO C O T M A N O IN A M eR lO A

■NiTta *HWT 4 oouAM 00. vnot. N. y.

Sale of Entire StockMen’s Low Shoes

ForneriT $11 n d

$ ^ . 9 SAH SIRS com C vii

lliDlts. Ttm I Csntoiiit

Junes A. Binister Newark-mndc Shoes and MeGfcgof hand-aewed B«nch-made Shoe*—•« n«w reduced for the firlt time thii year. All of these Shoe* are absolutely perfect. They are the product of the world’* flncit hoemakcrB, and are the belt Show to be had ft any price.

Man’s Shoe Dept, BtaaA Itoor

aM «(^for NfW»rk.M»io SiiiU -

Just b adormnent Spender. I that organItgfly on g( ward, and that will mi

Hls he chimplonsh same brand ebatnpionah hope of reti Judgment a a protest in race. As li the final lai McNamara reference to two laps ol above the b he is of the

In the a lap and tl lap, when M Spences ins reaching ih( tion of McN as a result •ttndstlll ie chagrin of : class. McN tht big felli unusual gea and the ac t tlifflcult ani

The chan yesterday 1 th e champ th a t, and 11 raced McNi o f ttopplns would hav* th e consoli and picked made the i eecond-strli

Spencer's w aa ttas wl tieised a t veritab le hi rode up Co ra il when : him and or bad little 1 w ith which com m itted i w here sever hack and al w ere not c endangered and R etera fine of 330 Indeed. Th lu stily to r 1

A pparsntlyyasad aa a gautrageoua ti ahlp *3id w*i th* aam* dos- in the day. ferane* betw( mlta and Uol ahlp. “Hae’t when he and Ing, but whei


\ ‘ a ; ( ' -

N E W A R K E V E N IN G N E W S , M O N D A Y , J U N E 24, 191&

Best n Match; and Mar-om Hii r.

icr Players

9 b> th i Ih tc k a m u o n

h lf ( t u d r h» « u y Vic- r, th e homa T raveri and ^ o t t axhlbl- up and S to

ph ha navar Fora, aqualad a t Tt. Tha up around ID, - aid tram bta la 'a baat b a it FT. U cN am ara liv lduai sa rd

t I 4 4—II I 4 I 4—II—Tl:ould do him - a cold w ind

r aftactad the Had th a t only m v liltad th a I, ha cou ldn 't atarday, how - lonally w en t luen tly failad [cNamara w aa .

g raan i. Kla w ara alw aya b u t w han ha ■

ur or a flva n In the laaat.■ n .

I I , and than iw ard Joum ay aa p rao tlaa lly 'I com bination. ■ aa well aa h a o ther m atohaa0 ( a t hold 9 t■ had a (o o d .1 , hut ha lack ed aapaolally on

Laura won w aa 'capturad In 1. , (o t Into d lffl- avara'a aacond r, and Maraton 'eea. Tha pro- ha turn . They whan M araton ad th a abort ' be tw elfth and iccountln* fo r ■ tch. The am a- . ila y ln r th a b y e ' ‘

AIJow: '

14 1 4 4—11 14 4 1 I—II1 { I i 4—II—»14 4 ) 4—II—TT . Lim waa dla-

W hen Ton- ray of N ew ark, LXon, auctioned egel, W illiam jwn B alluaro l lolnad Shacha- iNamara, w hile - il fo r Maraton.Sj fo r W alker, tekad down" to

A fter a few tha b e lli th a t

'0 auctioned off, irabla m ore to

l a r ( a (ra ilary Ldfoa, and alto-■ railed.

itn McNamara, 'elllar and Tom L n inety (O lfera and navy w ar n ( today a t th e I, NlwtOtt, M ail, to obtain leave

play tha aacond iw a t the Coun-

( a R arnent yea- 1 1 from Jock h tSdw ardi in a t tha O ltn Oak lca(0. Tha fa l - . B dw arda, tha tch, w a i ru n n e r- I ou lm et In th a iplonihip.

raa raallaad fo r ay th ro u fh tho

won hy Chick Wood, am ato u ri. eld and Jam ea

i up, a t th<* Cleveland. Tha It, el«htean-ho la ’86 wea ra iled le p r iv l l |( e of ha balle used by ( par a t th e v a ­ In the hlatory

Club th e ab o rt tada In one waa Ih a rla i Q. B lack JlfSar. T he hnit t from th o f l a s lh le ft to ro ll o l rae p lay lnv w l t r

0. M iiiican end (e Low, th e Bal- ra th a t B lack did ihapa. Th* old- r a m an m ik ln ( e th a pro With a

eera ta rya w ill ba 1 o r (a i i ' In ta ra fi-

fo r tho a apaelul ed a t the Imunt o( I ti) eon- th e Bed la U nited

r k

Ttml o m t




Juit bow much the bike crown weight It not known, but the mythical uornment retta hetvlly, uneasily and uncomfortably on the head of Arthur Spender. In fact, it appears to weigh so heavily on the young man’s brain that organ has ceased to function properly. The champion has acted pecu­liarly on so many occasions the Velodrome has become a sort of observation ward, and yesterday some 5,000 alienists formed an opinion of the champet that will make it difficult for him to swap his head for a Brussels sprout.

H li heaaworit yesterday cost him more precious points )n the national championship, which, added to what he lost a week previously through the same brand of Judgment, has shunted him from first place to third in the championship standing. One or two more repetitions wilt place him beyond hope of retaining the crown that he won a year ago by a combination of keen judgment and speed. Spencer apparently cannot get it clear in .his mind that R proteat in the midst of an open race is annulled through failure to finish the ♦ h fii 1 . " wi'h Kramer a week before, the champion quit onM X, yesterday and appealed to the referee to either disqualify ReggieMcNamara or imn the heat over, Sp^encef based his protest on the rule In reference to riding above the black line. The rule book states that on the last

IhL ! '"“S'he U n f „ "’*"'1- but apparently,he is of the opinion it applies only to his opponents.

■ laran d*thrrnl!"“» champion rode far above the black linet.« w t ‘he finish, when he was leading, but on the nextlip , when McNamara went not more than three feet beyond the prescribed zone I

a w a / f r c t n i r : ;nr M M by winning the heat and one through the dtsqualifica- ^

r "■ » r i ! , r ^

r i - “and the acute “switch" that forced the l^b.mdifficult angle, immediately following ‘the “sq u e e « ’■ w“ s' fully « m ^ t e l l

. S '—■ —---------------------------

w ide s tr ife , m ake Jack a dull boy. l a t h l | coanecHon one le Inclined to con­c u r In th e opinion of John K. TenSr, p re sid en t o t the National League, w ho say a th a t “baseball la eaaentlal to the m orale o t the people. The young men find recrea tion In It, and It keepa them t i t to r an y call th a t may come."

In a* atatem ent laiued y ta terday , T enor p ro tests any classification of basaball aa s non-essential Industry. Any such discrim ination would w ork havoc w ith legitim ate Investm ent, a c ­co rd ing to Tener, and would probably d is ru p t 'a n o rganisation which Is “do­in g m uch to preserve the sp irit of th e public du ring these try ing tim es," The p a ren t baseball rom blne's leaden avers th a t baseball playters should respond to th s selective service calls th a t come to them , and do so willingly, b u t he le u n a lte rab ly opposed to the n on-es­sen tia l claestflcatloo. H ie sta tem ent s ta n d s o u t as m ore reaeonable, more

\ loglcBl than the one subm itted by Ran Johnson. Tho American I.eague p re s i­den t has called a tten tion to basebnirs money g e ttin g prorilvlttes, to the large bundles of coin turned over to the gov­ernm en t as w sr tax. Red Cross and o th e r activ ities.

However, It Is the public' which Is pay ing and has paid the toll to the governm ent. Hod Cross and o ther ben ­efits . The average club ow ner has given the use o t his baseball park and collected from his patrons. Baseball m agnates a re not to be pitted. Thus fa r the public has paid the freigh t.

—»•-Minora and National Cominlaalon

The cham pion waa not sho rt on epeed yesterday by any means. H is ride in th e cham pionship consolation proved th a t, and It fu rth e r proved th a t had ho raced M cNamara to the fin ish Instead • f stopp ing to p rotest, ho very likely would have won. He w as slowed up In th e Coneolatlon, bu t g o t going again and picked up ground so rap id ly ha made the trio o u t In fro n t look like aecond-atrlng riders.

Hpenoer’e ride In the tw o-m lle open w aa the w ildest perform ance ever w lt- neeeed a t the Velodrome. I t w as a veritab le b rain storm . H s deliberately rode up to w ith in a few fee t o t th e top ra il when K ram er tried to go around him and on the nex t circuit, w hen hs had little le f t in the w ay o t s tre n g th w ith which to f ig h t o ft thoee behind, he com m itted a palpable sw itch a t a poin t w here seven riders w ere cloeely grouped baok and alongside o t him . Hie tac tics w ere not only grossly foul, but they endangered th e lives of the o ther rldere, and R eferee B edford 's Infliction o t a f in s of tIO for th e ofteneee wee lig h t Indeed. The g ran d itan d Jury ehouted lu f tlly to r a auepenalon,

A pparently th s cham pion w as en- M * re su lt of w h a t ha term ed

entrageoiM trea tm en t in th e cham pion - sh ip and w en t o u t to g ive th a o thare th e sam e does he had to sw allow ea rlie r In th s day. B u t thara w aa a v as t d if- tsrenca ' betw een hie sw itch In the tw o- m ile and U oN am ara'a In th e cham pion­ship, “H ae’s" sw itch earns a t a tim e w hsn hs and Bpsnesr w ars h ard ly m ov- ; Ing, b u t w han Rpsnoer sw itched In the open r s A It w ss w hen tb s rld sra w ars

going a t top epeed, when It le difficult to avoid a crash.

While Spencer w as p lay ing the vlt- lags cut-up. Bob Spears w as displaying speed unsurpassed and aga in won tho tw o principal races w ith ease and grace th a t wore sensational. Bob, Just at present. Is In a c lass by himself.

New TmemnUonal to Furnish Teat

Rube Parnham , in fle lder of Jack Dunn's B altim ore O rioles o f th s New In ternational L eague, m ay have prom­inence th ru s t upon him. Indications a re th a t P arnham w ill go to the fro n t to determ ine th e e ta tu e of base­ball p layers under th e “w ork or figh t" order of P rovost M arshal General Crowder. P arnham h as been ordered by the selective se rv ice board In his home tow n to o b ta tn a usefu l Job, In­stru c ted to fo rsake baseball for some "essential Industry ." H e w ill appeal from tho ru ling of th e board. Paniliam Is m arried and has tw o children. He had been given d eferred classification.


Decision In tho P arn h am caee wilt h i aw aited w ith keen In te res t th ro u g h ­ou t th e country. One would be con­strained to affirm th e contention th a t baseball p layers a re e n title d to as much consideration a s th e a tr ic a l perform ers and It Is underatood th a t men In the world of m ake-believe a re to be ex ­em pt from the “w ork or figh t" ruling becauie o f th e ir e f fo r ts to furnish d i­version. I t Is conceded th a t all work and no play, all w a r and no Intervals aw ay from th s th o u g ^ h te o f world-

Jlbee and Jabs are flying h ither and yon w ith g re a t rapidity now adays In baseball. In com m enting on the Scott Perry-C onnle Mack-George T, S tallinge threesom e, a New York spo rting w rite r recen tly ridiculed the Idea th a t the m inor leagues have representation on th e N ational Commission. I t la not easy to f ig u re tho logic of th is talen ted Bcrltie. I f tho m inor leagues, the or- gan lxatlons which m aintain the m ajer league sta n d ard of efficiency by de­veloping players, have .no righ t to bo rep resen ted In the so-called Supreme C ourt of baseball, then the govern­m ental s tru c tu re of Organised Baseball Is open to a ttack . Not only do the m inor leagues deserve representation on the commission, but tho p layers should also be represented. O. B.'s e ffo rt to avoid the plain term s of erjulty m ay CPtount for much of the diamond pastim e 's chaos.

iM iddle S u te a O atk iok '

■With R eals W right. F rank Anderson, E llio t Blnsen, W alter Merrll Hall and C harles Cham bers heading the entry , com petition to r the Middle S ta tes te n ­nis sing les championship s ta r ts th is afte rn o o n on tho courts of the O range I-Bwn T ennis O u b a t Mountain Station. T heodore Roosevelt Pell w ill be on hand to defend the championship he won In 1918, bu t h is successful doubles p artn er, K a r l Bohr, Is oul, so th a t new eham - ploiiB a re su re to be crowned In th is d epartm en t. Ao have all the o ther Im ­p o rta n t fix tu re s staged this seaeon, tho Middle S ta ta s will be mlnue m any of tho clever p layers who were com peti­to rs tn o th er years, but there are still enough sp a rk lin g youngsters and you th fu l volcrano le lt to assure a w o n h -w h ilo tournam ent. The m ain

In terest th is ysar, however, isem e to He In the w om en's shamplonahlp. listed to get under w ay Wednesday.

P ractica lly a ll o f the heat women players In th e m etropolitan section are In the draw to compete for the women's otaamplonehlp trophy, which Mrs. H enry T a ft Eaton, a s Miss Ina K liie l, won In th s la s t to u rn a m e n t Ulaa MoHa BJur- etedt Is to com pete, and the Norse Isse w ill In a ll probab ility be tbe player to survive the fin a l match, but there Is keen com petition ahead with tho entry holding such nam es as Miss Eleanor Goes, opponent of Miss BJurstedt In tho challenge round of <ne national cham ­pionship a t Philadelphia Saturday, and Mleo H elene Poliak , who m et Mtie Goes In the final and w ho elim inated Mlie Clare C astel m the semis. Miss Cassel, however, le to try again, aa will Miss Marie W agner, Mlea Bessie Moore and Alieo Helen H ooker, the Brooklyn school girl, who m ay well be reckoned one of lha sensations of the summer. No m atter w hat th e rest of the tournsm ent may develop, th is p art of the com peti­tion, a t least. Is eu re to compare favor­ably w ith the best Itie classic has pro­duced.

—I—Nhackanuuon'g Test

Strangers tak e kindly to the Shack- amaxon golf course. Friday Max Mara­ton, w ith no th ing more than knowledge gained hy w ord o t mouth of the lay of the long course, w ent around In t#— a new course record—and yesterday Tom McNamara, possesaing no more know l­edge.than Mareton, turned In a 78. Had McNamara played !n better w eather conditions his score undoubtedly woqtd have been low er—th e etrong wind and cold atm osphere not b ring conducive to top golf.

To those who hadn 't seen s ta r golfers play Shackam axon before, tho m atch

McGinn’s W ork in Box Gives Astorias Victory

Hustlers Held to One Hit Until

Sixth, When Smokey Is Reached

for Five Runs.

Four More Astoria Boys in Army

The firs t v icto ry fo r the A storia nine In a N ew ark Sem i-Pro League game w as chalked up yesterday m orning over the H ustlers, due to the good work of Smokey r '- f o n n , who waa on the mound for r'.e A storias. .McCann held the H ustlers to one nit until the sixth Inning, when he w as touched up lo r several h its and five rune. Loughlln relieved McCann In the eighth.

Four more of th,e A storia p layers made their final appearance with theclub yesterday. H enry Mulheam.Leonard G arrlgan, Joe McConvllle and George F alk will leave for Camp Dlx tom orrow m orning.

Sid Coughlin, Charlie Billows, Loo Ctsuesen and Steve Freel have been signed to fit] th e gaps.

The score;Astoria H. H. E IMustler R. H. E.Miller, in . . . . ! s 0 Adam-, r .f .. l i efr e e l, a.a---- ) I 1 l.ienter. ID... 1 J ‘lAketAtuJ. ] .r 0 4 ilitlheArn, r.. X i M'C'nv’ta, lb . 4 2 MoCmn. p . 2 2Law. 2b....... l 4C lanen, l sGlass, r .f . . . . . 0 0Lourhtknr p .. 0 I

crtfttAd ft dcitro to te o mofft ■uch ftvonta. A four-bftll oxhtbltlon undor w ««ttier co&dltioDB aior« likely to b rin g out the beat go lf w ould he a tre a t, for th e longallnke. In excellent cogditlon. offer a te s t u n iu rp a ise d any- w hsro.

M igra tion Still On

The figh t birds a re etlH m ig ra ting across th s Hudson. Lou Raym ond Is being Bdvertietd a s m atchm aker fo r the B lobs A. C. of P e n h Amboy, w hifh was Hcenied by the New Je rse y A thletic CommlBiid'n th is week. Jo h n n ie O liver's n am e 'Is s ito beltig m entioned In con­nection with the new P e r th Amhoy Club. Jona than and Louie a re both ou t-and-ou t New Y orkers. Then th e re 's the Spring A. C. o f W est Ho­boken. The Spring Club w ill h a re ths serv ices of Jim m ie Jo h n sto n a s m atch­m aker. Jam sq le m an ag e r o t Ted C 'K ld '') Lewie, the w e lte rw eig h t chain- Plon. He also looks a f te r tho In te res ti o f Joe W elling, and bseldee, Mr. Jo h n ­ston lives In New York, w hich Is ap- paren tly quite su ffic ien t to quelH y him as a New Jersey m atchm aker. Now, If Je rsey can only find enough nice, little , w ell-behaved a n g e ls to go 'ro u n d among tho few o|faer W hitm an- re tired promOtere buey W aking for a chance to beat the “a n tl- lo a tln g " law, and the nam es of W enck, D w yer and F rsn ey can be su b s titu ted fo r Smith, Cann and Crain on th e B oxing Com- mteslon sta tionery , w hy, every th ing w ill be lovely. I t be ing understood, of course, th a t Abe R achlln cou ldn 't hold hie Job while such a p erfe c tly good secre ta ry t i C harlie H arv ey wae com­peting unattached.

T o u ln . 1AstoHdB .. . . 0 1) 4H iu tle rB ,, . . 0 0 4

0 Adam-, r.f.. 11 i<i»>nt»r. l b . , . 1 4 M.'I WNh. a.B. I 0 iAJanii, F.f,. ,, 1 'iK ’ lky, Bb.. p. 4 •1 Maulb'kv Sb. 1 0 liittbel, l . f . . . . 14.r. Kaale. c .. 2 OisiUler. p ... , 0 i- C. K*s‘c, lb. 1

Eddie Einhom’s Batting Big Aid to Meadowbrooks

Eddie E inhorn, hack from th e W aler- bury club of th e E aste rn League, yei- te rd ay m orning batted In moot of the Meadowbrook club 's five ru n s against th e Camp Dlx divlalonal n ine In a gam e played a t M eadow brook Oval. E ln h o rn 'i ba tting hae fea tu re d m ost of tho Meadowbrooks’ v ic to rlee th is sea­son.

The aoldlere got th e ir only run In the firs t Inning, when S tock m ade two wild throw s over f irs t hose. George H untley, who wae on th e mound for tho Brooks, had F ra n k B ruggy 'e num ­ber. B ruggy fanned th ree tlm e i and w alked the fou rth tim e. S in k Bause- woln was on the mound fo r Dlx.

In the efternooii the Camp Dlx lad* w ent to Je rsey C ity and defeated the E gherte, « to 4. The eoldlere pulled a ra lly In the n in th th a t n e tted them the game. F ra n k B ruggy and Porky F lynn knocked ou t hom ers In the final session, F lynn 's coming w ith a man on base.

The score of the m orning gam e; Hnadowh'ks. R. H. E.| Ctmp Dlx, K. H B.9tiieit. s .t___ 0r -R 'th r s s , e.i, 0Hiller, 16__ 1H .R 't h r> i ,c , f . IItcAul l ff , l . f , j r o l l * , 2 6 . . , , 1 Schwsrs, r.f.. 0 Einhorn, c... 0 Hum ley. p ... 0 Hort'nr'h, jp e

3 Herman, c.f.. 0* Ojrhompefin, r.f. 1OjDavIs, a .s ........ 0OBrussr. e....... 0e rarlstrom, )b 0 OBauaweln, p ,. 0 0 Plynn, r . f . . . . o 0 nulls. 2b....... 00 Insephsnn. 16 0 0 'Donnelly , , , 0

ToUti 8 JO 2 Total* .......•Batted for Herman In thei ntnlh.

Camp Dl^ . . . . 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Meadowbrnok-. 4 0 0 2 0 0 4 3

1 4 2


Coll Twirls South Sides To Triumph Over Kinleys

Johhnle Coll, the fo rm er W est Or­ange High p itcher, yes te rd ay afternoon m ade h li debut In local sem i-profes­sional ran k s by tw ir lin g the South Sides to a 3 to 2 v icto ry over the K ln- ley Club of H arrison In a N ew ark Semi- P ro League con test played a t Meadow­brook Oval. Coll fanned n ine b atters and allowed the K lnleye b u t five hits. Both of the Klnley n ine 's rune were homers, scored by F lynn sn d DIHon.

m’'4 fr- -

w m-

« ^ -V .<?

M i :— *

' M W


5 ^ t ‘i

f i l l e t

T-^' - ■'

M iV 71 'x-x


WM ^- J


"Sweet Caps*’ were the first Turkish blended cigarettes ever made.

And 40 years have not shown how to improve them—no matter what the price.

U 5 k D ad .tis knoiia

IS cigarettes 10^

Bn. Sides. R Vnter'an. ib . 1 Hoff'an, 3b.4 0 Falx, ■ .s . . . , 0 Hellftp, 1Hnio. lb ....... 4Lantr, r .f__ QButter'th. c.f. 1 Reebsr, e , *) Coll, P ......... .. 0

rre . H. E. S 0 0 3 n «4 0 4 1 4 I

K \n y CluU A Flynn, c .f. ,. iFarrel, lb ... 0Stole.., s .a .. . . 4Adams, r r* lb . o ' Harrlman, lb , 4 McManva. I f . . 0 Dillon, 3b ... 1 2 2Sawyer, c . , . . 0 4 1

4| Adams, p . . 0 4 1. , '7 — — [Reagan, r . f . 0 4 0Tpti’i . . . . . J 7 Oj ________

] Totals....... 2 6 IJeyth flldf a . . 3 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 *—2Klnley Club . . 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 4_2

White's Triple with Three on Brings Home Cake for Milfords

Whlte^g trip le In th e i lx th Inning ^ ’Uh the baoes full proved a J lfe -iav er fo r the Milforda agalnat th e E lm h u rst G ra y i yoaterday In a gam e a t E lm hurat,

I I-'Ong lolaiwl. T in k e r tw irled good ball j fo r the Newarkera,

Bnifords. R. H. E.IEl'it, Grays. R. H. B. Cerdaao, s.a,, -Rost, fb ......Donnaiiy, l.f,'White. Sb...Harris, lh ...Brause, o.f...Walsh, 4 ...,.Kpael, r.f....Tinker, p ...

ToUl*...MUforde ..Blmhurst

01 Lewie, c ........ 41 Kantnn, I f . . . t4|Kuhn, e .i__ 0IjOppen'm. t b . . o

4 ] OjQeck. 3 b . , , , 1. 0 1 4tBauman, lb , . 3, 0 3 Oioit, c .f .......... 4

1 1 OjUcClos'y, r.f. 04 I ofDetterm'n, p, o

T 14 l i T e ts li....... T '.. 1 0 1 0 0 a J 0.. 1 1 a e e I 0 I


Speedways Obtain Revenge Over Watsessing Ball Club



R evenge wae secured by th e Speed 'wsy A thletic Club a g a in s t th e IVatsee s in g B. B. C. yeeterday a fternoon M otordrome Oval, the local n ine trim m ing the euburbanllee, 4 to t , deepite th e fac t th a t George Sam ueleon w as on th e mound for the W ats. Tho Speeders felt before the W atseeelnge la s t week,

Jo e Lennon, w ith four h it* to hie credit, s ta rred t t b a t fo r th e losers. The Speeders Intend to p rac tice eeveral d ay s th is w sek In p rep ara tio n fo r their gam es w ith the M eadow brooks Sunday, The aeries Is even w ith one victory each.

T he gam e acheduled fo r yeeterday m orn ing between the S peeders and tbe M ontclair A. A. w as called off.Bpoedway . . . e e e i j e e e • __4w atsewint . . o o o t e e o e e —. )

Ninth Inning Rally Gives Centers Game Over Tigers

KsHylng In th e n in th Inning, a f te r d rag g lin g tn the reac a ll th e w ay, the N ew ark C enteri yoaterday a fternoon w on ou t agalnat the V a lltb u rg h Tigers, 7 to *, .in a Newark Sem i-P ro I.eague gam e on the C enter grounde, Joe Bache, who had throe h its to hie credit, e ta r led the ninth w ith a trip le , and he ico red on W uensch'e bad re tu rn to the p la te , w ith Cowell, w ho w aa h it, on th ird , and W agner, who singled , on f irs t , S chw anksrt pulled a "aqueeie play." b ringing In CowelL W agner scored neg l on S m ith 's s in g le , and S ohw ankert came In w ith th e w inning r a n on HIHer'a bun t to th e p itcher, v a itsb w h . . e i j o e e i o e — « Newark C fr* S t O e e z e e , _ J

Underwoorii of Submarine PUy Tie with Port Newark Sddier*

A l - ( ten-Innlng tie gam e w aa playsd y as te rd sy afternoon by th e Underwood Bine o f th s Subm arine B oat C orpora- Hon and the l u t h . Com pany team of P o r t Newark, a t Cooper Oval. The gam e couldn’t be f la lih e d beeaueo the ra id le ra had to go baok to th e ir poet*. In o u o lln o , catcher fo r th e U nderw oods b a tte d th s ball hard.

Cuban Stars Score E nou^ Runs In One Inning ttf Trim Ironcn

One had Inning, th e second, proved th e dow nfall o t B agao. the Ironside tw lr le r , who a tU n p te d to hold hie own w ith the b e a ty -h lttln k C uban S ta r t y««t«rday m orning a t th e old clrcna a ro u n d s . South O range avenue and W W h T w elfth i t r e e t T h e Cuhene won, V to 1.

. . . . C.:*,IIMWlt Cetpfed .Olante handeda a . c. a irta s whfMiMV

Baseball, America’s National Pastime, Is No LongerA Novelty to Englishmen Now that Soldiers Play Game ‘

B a » h e ll la no longer th s novelty to EfUiftHthmin th a t It w a i ft ypara ago, but It w as only recen tly th a t the natives had an opportun ity to w itness the American national gam e staged amid the p roper surroundings. Major league clubs have toured England In tge past and p layed the gam e w ith all the skill fo r w hich the p layers are noted, bu t the final touch w as alw ays lacking, for th e re w ere few. If any, real American baseball fans to supply the natural background fo r the sport.

W ith thouianrta o f United S tates lol- d isrs and sa ilo rs now quarte red In Eng­land, th is deficiency has been remedied, and the E nglishm an has seen the fen as well as the p layer. The result, as msy be Im sglned, was eom ewhat o f a shock to the eU ld B ritisher, and Ihe newspaper repo rte elaborated upon the feature. In describ ing the opening of the Anglo-Am erican I-eague, composed of three United S ta te s arm y, one navy club and four C anadian team s, Lloyd's "* « k ly News published the follow ing;

"We saw a little of A m erica's rlo lous enthusiasm for baseball a t the A rsens’ foolball grounds y este idey , when, a f te r about three h ours ' play, the United Slalee erm y team beat the navy by 7 run* to 8. F rom tho moment when Admiral 81ms, eom m ander-ln-chief of the American navy In E uropean w aters, end General Biddle, the American G, 0. C. In England, s ta rted the game wIlli a friendly throw, there w as scarcely a

break In a n arva-d lstu rb lng hubbub. To the philosophical Englishm an wba takes h l i sp o rt calm ly. It w as a ll very bswUAarlog, and he m ust have tae ii th an k fu l th a t th e rs w ere not more than about 4,000 persons present.

“Yesterday It seemed a s If these 4 ,H t p erio n i m ads more noise than we hear from 100,000 persons on Cup F inal day a t the C rysta l ra la c e , Tho crowd wae p a r t of tha game. Every sailor In h lf p icturesque h a t and every soldier la k h sk i regarded It ee hla righ t to shout hla Instructions to tha men on the iMiu. The p layers them selves kept up a ru n ­ning comment, and there waa also thu loud voice o t the um pire proclaim ing the 'ba lls ' and the 's trikes.'

"The p lay w as good, and tha finish d o e s and exciting, a lb e it we had to w ait for h a lt an hour b e fo rt a run w as ■cored. Then the arm y went ahead w ith th ree In th e ir th ird Inning and one In th e ir fou rth . B ut a t the end of th e e igh th Inning the aeore was level a t five all- W hen th# n a v r obtained the lead In w hat would ord inarily hav t been Ihe final Inning II appeared ae If they w ere going to snatch a win, but a f te r very keen play ihe arm y squared a t six all.

"There to never a draw a t baseball If th e re le day ligh t enough to finish the gam s, e x tra Innings being played un til a w inning run la obtained by e ither aide. So the m atch w as continued, and a t tho eleven th a ttem p t the arm y won."


The stage is all set for Midsummer clothes.

This is going to be their big y^eir. For everybody Is going to wear them.

The whole country has learned that they’re cool.

That they’re cheap if you buy good onea.

That they're extremely good looking if designed cor­rectly and tailored well, as ours and very few others are.

We’ve gathered together such a surprising array of handsome midsummer suits in well known fabrics apd new novelties, that we’re giving up this whole week to introduce them. /

And given over one entire salesroom on the second floor to display them.

Ask to see the Palm-Beach Room.

There are 2-plece suits in Palm Beach clolh, in eight pat­terns, at 12.50 to 15.00; Priestley's Aerpores in several shades, at $18.00; Brighton Flannels at ^ 2.50, Imported Braemar Tweeds at $20 and Han Schaffndr & Marx Dixie weaves at $22.50 and $25.

These last three all include akeleton lined waistcoats.

This is midsummer clothing week.

Prepare now for the hot days that are coming.

C C O - Y E R b C o4 2 Y e a r s at 6 1 5 B r o a d S t r e e t

pE T E R BREIDT’S Old Pilsener, L brewed of finest materials and of long maturity, is just the beverage for

men who want a drink with plenty of body.

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tel. Wtverly 776

JOHN B. BRASSER r Newark Digtributcr6 E. Fairmount Ave. I of BREIDT Beverages

MEN IN DEFERRED CLASSIFICAnONwho are required by Government orders to change their occupation by July 1st can secure work in Jhis vitally essential war industry.

A t i l l in g school far machine operators, etc., has been esttblie^ ^ ^ d u c e t e those unfemilier in menufacturlng line*. Good pI , while learning. Give us in your first letter your draft clasaiRcation, age, experience in detiil end present po»- tion. Apply by letter only. - *

REM]N(;iTON ARMS CQMtANT“ "in Av*., 8Hdfe«^ert, 0«nii#



CMeaco Otflc« 1I0> P»opi» * u»» swm iK S uitu , B. C., Biuwu, M4 C«loi ~aliai««.CnM * l iCitnIMi

III Hall atfMt, 4PP<Till, oraat* Mv*>

I r t OttM,____i^iiiiH.i|«Vir*iAn«t Offlpi, Ml SleomfliM W«-Mil. ta l l Mm * »M>fi D- U * W. Til.

•Hi* OfflM, Muoiitii H«ll kulia- l« Citato* aT*»« crown Cmlorl.“tr**ch*Ofl1o*. U 8 « lh atrmt,

M t*rtn »fltia B « n e Jr* anK ilori. Ban* bnlldJnn. Iflit*» SSH m . *1. I* MlllboA.|r**tIirBf*n?h*blBM!'«>»Tt’pla» »*•'

omo*. RftoBi I.Cnitaini. II Mapli «/**L Tol, MM- , pWTwr >r*H> OCflM, U Wort aitobwoU



I'oy 1(00 fooli I Ihot'a olK . *111 ohow plona nml oompieto you clojuy "O'-,inii-lr.w- R nini* rCiftmj. nFfDiK**.lowl&w; R rtiomR. flFppU^*.sckIIS fot*®; tflRjy t«> inovo Inlo m ■» ilttj'R. rftfln*d pRople (.Tily- •turf Imm®-‘“ ' i & o Of « l l «U!*- DCKtt, tiulia.r, I IIBlnumfl«lrl »v«., UlonitiflRld^UOVKriNMKNT work ' riimpeli ownir'R r#*

m®vAl And R*l* of *w»y roip#,■In ro6m*. bwth, ilMpIni porch. porchcR *iT*ctied; h*»med ctllm*. llvinf flroUt*®;

r e a l ESTATE FjOR e x c h a n g e

i,u oMf^J^ng^proporiJ- :*ol p f^tr ooijJli

AfttEdtE r n > -m

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and beit»r you/ * ®*" *iiaaci, 710 B ro B d il.


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hi.'iM-. iip-tQ'rttle, In MApIcwugcl or BUburM* will aril! lAJili; tlv® full ptrUcoUri. Ad* drMfia KX’-liKi^^i P o i H . N tw s

oak floor*: xarar<': prlca Is.tOO Tha Blcvanaon Company, HiPOiniltUi ^



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l i t TIIIBP AVB. , lUfttlWB RWd ColliftlNf a ■paelattr,


OWNER a*rii cloM them aul. It.ldO bwya huma. ala rooma. batlj. f**. aiaam; pint

SOillfl, handy Inrallun: iaUla your rant problam by ow nln i ona of th/Hi*Tha S iavtow n Company. Bloomflald Caniar.

ChatkamCHATHAM. M. J.— Why 1iv» .p u r 'm .m *

(ha hot. nolay i-lty »'han you i *" .<•' of four Btw houiM___Jah. _ll iijaialAHiAAB * MHCl lOF TtOOK*

LAEE rHAMPLAlN^tTitlaroan i oouf*try hOTTia furniRhed, majiar'R houa*u IS raonw,

X balha, icp»r*ta lerranta’ hovja*: prtvaia roijrreia dotk, mktn automoWl# road: ra* inird -ommuniiy. Owner. David Harper, IIJ Broad »t



l ia ACRKy** in Morrla i.'nunly, 46 milea from___# M,.. n AI ih S' io Bh

Wednesdtrs ind S«turdays

are special real estate days

for The Newark Evening

News. Advertiaements muet

be in the home office by 10:30

A, M. or the publication

thereof wilt not be guaranteed

in the first edition. Early

copy is urgently requested

and wilt be appreciated.

lx:r^« DihTAtiCC MOVlKa. HouMtaOhl Qooda aod plasoa.

nifh'Claaa aarvtoa u aa«l (ramFhlladalplila. Aahury park, point P la a M t NawbtirfK Pouihkaapala, Bridfapon, naw Havan. Hartford, N«v Tark cftty. Lmme liland and Irvtormbdlata perintt; •pa'^laj tripa

CUNlt)N AYZ., p leaM t frontroom, thrao wtedowa; atao ainxla (rant

nwmy 11.60. Plioaa Wmvtrly llfOf.

atiywhara; mt^arata char|aa, l^ r iafanw«« ■ Hop and rau a tainphon* Harkat TMi


CIJNTOlf r i . . ITJ—Baaatifully fu m l^ r t rnomo fnr a*Title««n only: near trolUy;

board If daairtd. trail all wack. ________

Frank J. Mctiralh, Praa Naw Catiir«ta-At«ai Siorasa War* Houa«,

tXiURT AT., i2-*Frant room, aouthom a i- ponura: all lrnprov*m®nto: nrar hath: ault-

wkilM fur two; aJao amallar room; priv'aia.

' n*14*26 CabMMt Ri k-NTj.Nawark,H iaH SIT TTPB iTORAQB, IfODEHATX

RA .TS^W hen you itnro pour xoadawouldn’t yon Ilka to placa thtm in a room that yatt know la abaolutai/ cltao and aaaU la ry t I t will moan a Jot to you whan y ^

plaoa wUhTat; tarma reatonablc.

.11 ronvcnl#ncaa7 Bwnd for book* Gllbirt C» Brown,

a ^Hlh aiiiiimiiiill® rotd; can h® had at " ! A PA RTM EN TS, ROOMS AND FLA TS

ITQ P&walc at., Ntwark.POR SALE—JlouB*. fight fW'h. all lmnroYem«nn; thrff mlnuifa If"™ •'*•Ilnn; flDf.n mllfl frnm yp**rh; <l« [»hl* Iialthhorhoni); *arrt«n piaiiiM; no agaiua. r. L. Dot 2ll( Chatham. S.

Harriri"i; olhor Immlns.Market at.

rJonnaliy. Farm

E u t O rtB f*

n^BHP^Rl mm£h CBTATv. b A o ttTl. TEL. 4BI Kutberr)'

cm # BARKtiBTjiR* TO A. L. CRO?J.

LOAtHIr IN*URANC»^ito broad .

1 ^

BlJU BR iia A Z IB O l.eR .,„ ,„_ , laTA T* AND riB B INSUHANC*.


»**1 E g U f. iM.. Loam «nJ Apiifil.iIAk lA L HTATB fenughL Hi* *n<l•nrpw htrai al*o aoli M * • » Urtea. »4r*r, H I Mark.t rt., o u r ChllAa._______

U A l ESTATE FOR S A L E - a T Ta t LINCOLN p a r k .

o o a iira R BRICK r e s id k k c e iI n lark# roora*- four batha. laundry and

hakjar'a pantry; utaAfn, elacirlo, parquet

CHa PTHMAN'S dwelllnx. Juit b#lni mm- pleted. convenknt HMrh ''hurrh fltetlon

end (‘entral Irolley: rorner ploi; room for eareie; rh« tiiu t trim, open fireplace. Par* quel fioora. 111" bMhi. flnetl rta»'oraIlona, artorafl flaturea, hulll-ln window MM and bfiokcaee*. enthlly r<»n«iru-t"i1 and a harialn; aell game for |i,000 raah, I'alaiire like rant. Htei'eni. 471 Central ave.. Newark.________17.»M DANDY two-family, all aeperaie Im-

provemante; well built and rentad; larf* lot. Stobert Heneel. 6S Eaton pLM.lOO DANDY reilflence, elfht roome and

bath; well built: good location; convenient to care, Robert Ventel, IB Eaton ph____BABT ORANOK—will iill my one-family

houae. lot SdiJOO; driveway; every 1m provement; near Central ava. and nricl Church Station; price $1,000mortfaxe M.BOO. at i P«f Phune141J, Oranfe. ______riVE-PAUlLT and I itorea; Ineome $1,400

a year; all Imprnvettiente, heat, fleclrlc, tile tethf. parquet floera; muat be eoUl be­fore Aufuel 1; a aacrlflre. Inquire of owner. B»4 Central ave.. Eeet Orenin.____________

IflO Af’RKH for eale rheip, nr will exchanfe for ln'’f'ine properly. M. P. Sayre, 37 re n ­

ter It., O r a n x e __________________1100 .iUTfl fi acre* of level lend by payjnf . . ... ... - ichj

IE down am! II monthly; no taxei or in- inquire Hiepner. of lO Market e t., 1604 reetf Cal! H ’i Market et. Mr. Ulaee. Rifen inirtir* Cnr imb# diatniif-a inovttiw:


coodf are returned: o«r new roonia. Juat completed, are all that caw be deelred: you can hire ona, any m e. at moderata raiee; come, tee and judge for youraelf oc pbeae 1100 Branch Brook for eotlraate,

PARK AVBKUB STORAClB COMPAWT, park ave., a t Twelfth iL. Newark.

9Vm, l>ecker, General Manafer,s a n i t a r y lep a m te 1o*!ked roome for Ih*

•torimx and aafe ketplmg of your furniture‘ ubii

a p a r t m e n t The Harvard. 601 Central eve.—Five ivoma, every tm fi ;Phone Wav. m l .located. Inquire Janitor.

AI'ARTME.n’TH, Roee Court. Thirteenth ave., Howard et.— modern^l i ^^a

tereeti^^^_ _•l.ono—H0C8B, five roome. Ibrea aeree rich,

tillable land: n«ar Caldwell. Ualacnie ehar'»ey. rine Brook, UorriB County, N. J.


UP UPp. POITCn dike head

Balllntf aftd exrhanfln* farme. Two targe dairy farmn. all equipped, at prli-ei reaeon- able; aleo leveral imall f look for.Mulberry >S70.

AUTO truoka for long diatance movttig: etov- - -------- aeparate

and planoa; we Invite the pubiio !net>ect1o*) of our Ware houeee; auto vaaa for Itwal aed long dlaiaqce moving and irurking: ratee raaeonable; good hanAlere; epc.Mal ratee for long dtatanee freight and baggaie to and from all datwte: elorage rooma. I t monthly. Weet Bide Storage Ware Houact, office, « Bank eL. near Plane et.; ware nouie, ^A to 7&4 South Fourteenth et.: tel. M il Wav,; night leL ^641 Wav, M. Greertatt-ln, prop.


age of furniture aod ulanol -- — - locked rnomi, |1 and $*_>uonth[y. Eeee*Htorag" Were Hnue;#. 111-117 Haleey et.< Newark. N. J. Phone ITV4 Market,BKAI*TIFUIu four-room apartment for rent

hi new hlgh-t'laM aperlment bouM: rent Itr. Llndekof. 4fl0 Belmont ave.; Wnverly MM. _

farme, the kind youaleo leveral imalt io Broad et., room lOI; phone

BUu aD PT., 70—Every Improvement: all roome and bath: convenient to trolley and

jlineyai phone il7 t B. D.



NEAR NEWARK. FACTOnV d e p a r t m e n t .

o biher a pl u m , m u r o a d st .


Mrfact eundidoni nYwlF il*eor*l«S: MW ^Mtrln tUlurwi tut ,0x114; room lorfrtw g»r»iw; Ih irt fleuu' coiiUlm lhr*» iwMiii *nd *•(*; mg*r*i* uuctrlo -IrtM

fof rMilIng u »p»rtnn»t Sulr-a

BAROAIN—Elghl-room hntm,. nfar C<-nlr»l *v«.; iS'lDAt l-l; ggraga: -Ipitrln light*;

Kr«*n*S p»rch; ncoriE |7,60,; prlo« for uiilr* ■Sl* ♦•.MX'- St«H!u. Crnlral *vr., N«w- *rk,

|M i^ dwlr*l)l» for p*jr*l£l*n or ,Ur*t.*lwIon: pi

' ifaruomlng houei; immediate

rice rUht; owner leaving oily; eulare ta d key at office. ^ ,


V V O lot*, n o d tnv«tm «nL I t t D j I d c i ih ta d b*l*n<» sn tisy piymonU; 11,1 * lo*;

MSF o*r Itn.; or what kav* rail In - as* c k u g ,7 Applg Chaa. J. Boot. Til Btrgos g C « r II Bragkw AV>. Call attar I P. iT.

P t^-F A H IL T boPM Mid alotj; ,«l*l rante i par noRth; prlcal(,IO«; tH.-.M? ^* r-Pf EMU nisi . Ui I vw fw J w V*/ a wVv-wW* waBi

|*^* |7 , na tr _Huda«n: aall with III* oaih.rain, ,TI Canhral *va.________________

l i e CASK M n Ba*rl]r ntt* Sowa, fix roama,

s S

,lb, tIaetrIcItF. rtaam hast; aaphalt atreat tina ataada; naar trolitg. Inqulra lira 101 Calambta aaa.

In te la*<lll; Boath BavaRtaanUi aL; goadter aparuaaat kotua; bargain, idgar a n .


D w tH ie iid iO frO N RILL-^RBSTAICTED RBaiDEN-


n ^ A C T AVE., T—All improvemenU: 14MitrTf* * gfiintfe for two cum; Im-I poMeeeiop; price t*rmi reg'Mkkkle.

AVX., t i t . Opposite Bold win >ve^«

EsglswoodiA VERY fine house, t roome: tewn end ger*

don; flhJckene, Mcellent echoole end It. B. eervire. t l Weehlngion pi.. Englewood, N, J.

G kfl R idze■lllLD TOUR OWN HOME.

Pey |IC« oeeh ithel'e ell), will show pleneend complete you cleeey now eeml-hungn low, I nio# room*, open fireplace, lot MxlfB, (or M.M®: reedy to move into In 1$ deye, reflnen people only; itert immcdletcly,

Bhone or cellt ’HAR. Dl'KR. Builder,

S84 Bloomfield eve., Uloomfleld.

DE&IRABt.E yerd, eulteble (or lumber nr etoregM huiln'^ea; MslOA; fronting on two

etrecli; wllh two bulldingi. one LOkIDQ, Iho other MxlO; iieijln uccom m odetei e ls horses; cen be rented very reeennable. A. B. ^iinhorn^^lD^^r>rdwjy^}Irtgj^bJe^

OHADWIt’K AVE.—t^holce « cI1od Of Clin­ton Hill: t remns of Iwo-femlly house; ftll

Impls.; igrege; $60. Prow. iOOJBrondCHADWICK AVE.. M-^FIve-room

mrnt; ell Improvemente; rent $40 on premUee.


PA1BMOUNT AVE, 1,1—Two larga, light rooms end beth; ell tmpte, Including light

end beet. Tel. I4t$ Herkct. _____

Jor elorage of furniture end pletioe; lepe rate looked roome, caniplcte veouum eyetem every facility for the proper eefekeepliig o]your goode. ___

LOW in s u r a n c e RATEia I t li to your adva&tnge to phone Mul. t f t l .

We earneetly eollelt your persoael UspeeUep, New Jereey Were Houee Co.. If Howard iLNEW CONCRETE BUILDING; BBTARAT.

LOCKED ...... ............. .......... ........HANOIBPKCIA- .......... ....... - -m o v in g . m o d e r n ITOBAOE CO.. OF­FICE, 61 ACADEirr BT.; w a k e HOpiE. II CAMP PL. DAT A NIGHT TEL. T ill MKT.

alV Vl_r.nk. AS* 1 S* pi„iXl.*UIALS a RSBaAfVnXJilLOCKED KOOMi. M MONTHLY; GOOD LNDliEKf, AUTO VANS K E A lO ^B LE j k c ia L a a tbb fo r lo n g DIETANCB

COURT r r . , 119—SmeU, light, airy room;$1; efeetiic; ekower; lelephene: retitver.

re^dentlel eectlon. Cell after 6 P- M- __CHESTNUT ST., Jf—Leri

front room; alee anel Market 415.

ge, well furnlehed tier roenva Phene

EAST PARK HT., I t ^ U g h l houeekeeping. large, b eeu llfa llr fum lehed front elm vo

room; running water; eJl convealeneee; near beth. ______ _f if t e e n t h a v e .. II*—Pumlehva iwome,

wUk hutb; ell ImproveBeuU; ring third bell. _ _ _ _

B O A R D IH C -O U T O F TOWN^THE BELVIDERE. I•■*l North Nun» eve..

Seat Omngo—One Urge f®***'.completely lurnlihed In mahogknjr. table end aervtre of high etandard; ***

BOA RD W A N T E D -O U T O F TO W Nr e f in e d youDg Oiupla want romfortabia

Inrge rowni. beafd ppUonal. ertiM Srlraie Amencen family; elecirk-Uy, pleno; pl»«-j* with garden preferred; oa l.evkewanw*rom m ullng dielemCa Addrese Carlu, Beaver at., reem IL**, _New Torlk


Haalthlaat apot Id J tn a y ; homo ciwkaS maala; fraah agg i, own TOgatabloa; lu g * p le iiM ; bookleL H. A. Looney, Mgr.

QHBRN ST.. I*, naax e ltr h *il—KIca rtngla or eo p o e c tlu roome; e ll Im ptk; tureMaed

com plete for noueekeeplng; reeoonable.___OR HEN BT.. 71—Two connecting roome for

light houaekeeplng; alae largo room, suit- able for one or two men. ________OREEN BT., 44; 6 Elm. for light house-

keeplog; all Improvemente.GILLETTE PL-. **— Clean roema, eleclrlo

light, large porvb, e ll Im pu., I t to |B; h o u e e k e e p i n g . __________________HUNTKKDON ST.. I l l—Large, airy fwr-

nlsheil room, with private family: one 43. or couple |fi; electricity, ateem heat; bethfu “ ------------- -------

PER SO N A LNowark, N. J„ Juno 11. 111*.

Wa bag to anaotinca tkat tha ga™** •** catwJ at l».4» Bouih Orango a»;DU^ Haw- ark, N. 3., end known ea wUTH ORANGEAVENUE GARAOB, hea thle dav been auc- oeeded by and will continue boalwe^'.... ......... ......— uiiorthe frrm* name o( LAMRAalea announce that Mr. Samuel M. Elantrhas ou further connoctlon wUh the buelnei*.

Very truly youre.LA6BER QAKAGE. by Jec. LeaBor, Mgr.

RELATIVES will appreciate any word con­cerning Mra. Lucy L. M, Bcevu»ae. who

dleapreerert June IT In this city; black heir___I ___ Sl.... SloA InnKAS

•ame Hoor; rail at your convenience.HIGH HT,. 114—Large room and kitchen­

ette; also pleasant room for two m«n or couple: all Improvements.UALSKT BT.. I l l , at Court-I-arge, airy

rooma; gentlameu or couple: houeskseplng privllcces; all eonv.; reasonable; adulta.

and ryes; about five foot five Inehoa ♦ore blue dreaa. large white hat, whileahOM. hraeelpt watch, Imvalllere. Communi­cate with Antonio Bcavussa. I l l Warren eL Holhrr and alstera are looking for her aaft want hat homo aoon.

HALSET BT, ,3—Vorjr largo, tool room, on flrat floor; aultablo two gentlomon: oloo-

trlc light* and rhona; roaaonablo.

FORBES—Hortag gad atoiwgo ■*. saddad »ana; Plarca-Arrow motor vaai for long-

dlflanoe moving; Ford trucka for qiitck gefw vlcta 143 Mulberry tt-i phone 4ilT lU t.; gu* lug to Bostop, Providence and Lakewepd. N, J . ; will take g««de up reaeonable.______

KOim-ROOM flat to let; all liteat Improve- meots; 47 rehlnet et. Inquire Mrs.

Kaalovsky, 67 Pierce at.FOUH-HOOU apartmeni, all ImprovemenU.

31 Tkhenor st., apply bgiemant. ____ _FLAT—Five rooma and bath; located in the

heart of the city. *7T Waahington et.

NSW ware houae; lockad rooma; motor vaa ■ervIcB for local and lung distance moT-

Ihc; gat our price# before moving or aterlM your gpoda. Daniel Huder, Tuanuer. IRONBOUaVD STORAGE WAHHT UOUSEg

m -126 New York ave. TeL Mul, TIL__

FACTORIES F O R SALETWO-gTORY brick factory building, 8$ It

• In.#7$ ft.; high relllnga, splendid oftlcaand ahuw room on flrvl rjour; freight aleva tor end gartRi! In building, twu blocks from freight siiiilun, two blocks from two rall- ruad paseenger ststlone: trolley paues prop­erty; price 974,106; mortgage $H,649, Ad- drees 31*4') Park ave., I*aleri<in, N. J.

IrrisitoBIRVINGTON-ON-TMK'HILL — Two-family

house#; all Improvements: In the b « i lo ­cation of Irvington; two-facnily house, w ith electric, $6,790.

SUITABLE for woedwnrklni and other pur* pneea, with machinery and boiler end en­

gine, 7,16* M. floor apace, with sr'irnga sheds and garage; else of property lunxlt* ft.; near rtllrusd stallon; tor eale cheap. Inquire Tt6 South TwenllelU at., Newark, N J. __________FOR BALE—Brick ehoii, 2 siortei; central

........................ ni ron st.

TWO-FAMILY hsuae, (I.SB*.TWO-FAMILY houae, with driveway; every

im provem ent; brand new; price $7.*09. — . . . . . . --------- «*• n ,For parllculgra aee Karrla, 143 Market et.13,600 nU TS onc-ftm lly house, fivg rooms.

part improvements, lot B9UI9, ensy terms: 14 *00 boya thirteen-room, iw o-fam liy house, paved street, len n s to auli; these and many olhera pn your own terma. Joba B< Franke Co.. IrrlngtoB Center.______________________

« 5 ^ 0 U B A V m , (7— immedlalaifloor! pgrguet floors; all Improve-

•tg; 14 rooma and > batha; price 11,906; tarita reaaoaatale. Phone IEt4 llarliet. Aw m Heller, room 111, Union building.

l i t

BVILLE—Two-fam llyt ail aeparate im- svemobla; convenient to all ears; price 9. Ro M eiue), 66 E aten p i , Xaet Orango-

M .IH OKV-TAUILT bomej all madam Im pMvemenuj T rooma a«d katb; hear oara,

IL^eD BaL 6* IJ*f ■ - - -btoQ pl.. Ewt Oranga,WglH i

,H9 DAh if-a MFD :8&m1. II

DANDY twQ-fgmlly, locitad I Eaton eornar North Fifteenth et. Robert

Rkton pL. East Orsnge.

FINE large ono-famlly house, with large plot and spacious outbuildings, price rea-* - — a-—.I- 1------ barn, plot

II sections. Rprlngfleld av«s.

. u i Improvemente; II rooms, 1 balbo; thla lepable; nice ene-famlly house, b to I beautiful horn* that can ba beuthi for \ igx4*0. (or $4.I00; building Iota all

lorma raaaonable. p-, fi. Beach. Bluyvessnt and RprlnglOh Immedl

all Impr ; price M, i A 4 Mai

KOUHES^Ix-fomlly* two-farpUy. including gtONt reairloted two-fatnlly. II room#;

' ' 311 Fifteenth ave,. Irving tua.


Two blocks from corner of Uarhat and Broad ata.ElecUiib llghla and power: live ateghi and heat.

JAMEI U. METUOUR, 61-it l.awTecia« a tFang Blowers. Vanttlatore In 6louk,

HIGHLAND AVE.. I l l—Two 'afga. light roams; Improvements, to small family, Is.

JF you can't locate right rooma, place your goods w4th The Moclem Storage Co.; etyF;

age. moving; rsaeohable. raitio Office, 61 Academy el. Phone 7111 MarkeL

m o d e r n h e a t e d a p a r t m e n t s .UNDER OWNER’S 6fAN'AOEMENT;



Adults nnly: refrrencee required: poesee- slnn .Tuly 1. InnulTc of Owner, Apartment I, The Lucerne, 1164 Broad el. _________

AUTO trucka for long dlaUnoo moving; ator* age of furnltive and pianee In eoi^ate

loT:ked rooms, f t and | l raenlnly. wagei Blorage Ware Houaee. ttC*l3T Halaeg 9t.» Newark, N. J. Phone 1714 Market,_______AUTO VANb—Local and long dlatanee mov­

ing; planoa hoisted; caritiig; |4 t our price before making your arrangemeota^ Bowl^ A Brown, 4 Arlington at. Tel. t<$* Markat,AUTO (or long or short diaianre moving and

also carting: 6 have no heavy expenae toSay; 1 can move reaeonehly. Thone 2619

larJtet: 13 Beecher sl. W. atundere.FURNITURE AND PIANO

HTOKAGK.Long diotanco auto moving. Phone 683* Mkt, n a t io n a l STORAOB CO., t64-ll>6 Plana at.

MT.” ’iM,EAHANT AVK.. II—First floor, T roomff, all modern Improvements. Apply

second floor or r . W. l,!ttleflc|d, 918 Clin­ton Rve.; phone lOl* Wav.UL’ITMAN st .. 71—fllx roome and bath; all

Improvenienta eacepi ateam. Inquire in basement.

JOHN CLARK A SONS.Storage ware houae; llMiL ••ft rooma;

motor van aervlcoi city or country. *97v*i South I2th at.: phone Wav* H it. Eat. l* f iNBWARK-PHTLADBLPtnA Aut* Fralght

Service; overnight dellvori*#,WINSTON TRUCIdNa CO., INC.,

144 Market et. Tel. Market UH*

SIX largo, light rooma. .eveept Btram heat; corner house. aduLu

only. Inquire 1006 Clinton ave., dellcateaauit •tore, ______________ ___

a u to v a n s—Phone night or day: long dis­tance moving; beet service guaraDteed; gat

—— I my prices before making final arrangeraenU 11 Improvemenis I Henry C. Taylor, 34 CotlAge st.; Mkt, 4944i

COENKK McWhorter and Oliver its,: I.IDO square feet: eieellcnt illTht; steam sup­

plied; power supplied; also 1,609 square feet; rent reaioriiable. Inquire Engineer, 103 Oli­ver st., or Felit A Felet, Managing Agenie, 71* Broad t l , _____________ _

Roaioa vtylei*

L j s A o n tKINORLAND. Lyndhurot Park—Nsw one-

family houaee; ah Improvemente; glass peroh: Wilding lots, duck farms; owner on properly. 642 Poet ave.. Lyndhurst.

WK HAVE for Lease In the Kremlin build­ing at *70 Rroed et., ervcral very desir­

able lofli. suitable for light tool or machine work, which can ha leased at low rental. Consult owneri, Felblomau A Co., 73* Broad ■t. ________________

SPRUCE BT., II—Four and (lYe room apart­ments, ateam heat. Janitor lerviee, all

Impioveiiteuti. Inquire JanitorSOUTH SEVENTEENTH 8T., IN. near Cen­

tral eve.—Seven roome; all hnple.; aecotld floor; aduJli; two-family houec rent *30-gOL'T!! FOURTEENTH ST. facing park-

’-"H rTen rooms; all linpruvements. Inquire 611 South Fourteenth sl. _______





tlU-BK Broad al.; ■t«am haatafl; low

1 raiitai. Apply ownara, Falblaman A Cu.. 731 Broad *1. _______

CB.NTRALLT loratad, aav.ral llftit loilti

Lr«Bi Farm

gndfi'iUCS—Cdhvetilent td etatlan trollaya; t«a-(«in|ir Nauae; (Iv9

Md bath flrat floor; fire moms and ■aeoDd floor; four rooma and ealra

_ third floor; parquet floors, vleclrlo itii garage fnr two ears; 69-font lot;

asked I* 119,099; open for any prnpo- witlila raason; Ibl* Is the ahanee of a Ui call a t oace, fltevena 471 Central

I BT., betwaan Beoond ava aad Bloom- ava—Two-fgmily, built by days'

gvery modera improvemest; ataam.. aeparata optranoe, beam oalllngs.

gwopd floers, two porekee. storm aa*h,M iP'c'S! fliV.ffTmoAD n.

NEW HOUSE, rh.ap: #a-«n rconia; all Im- provemsnte and beautifully dsceretnd; lot

tOalUO: easy terms if drslrsd. Apply to foreman, corner Hillside and Munn uvea.

gtULBEHRT ST.. I l t - m —3.499 eq. fl.j good light; all liaprovementa. Apply Baker A

Crover, agente. 76$ Broad at, ______LOFT TO T#ET—Comer, sec.ond floor, S ll

I light, ateam heal, 7,199 square feel. 113 Busae* ave , coy- Norfolk.

M ip l«w i»4I t ,100 MODBRN houae eentainlng t rnoma

ft bath and sleeping porch; hot water beat, electrict light: rnppar leaders ftstreana: l-cargaraxe: plot •fl«176i 4 minutea t« atatlnn. two to trolley. Communicate with Bargain, Boa 93, Uaplewooil.

M o p tc lu rb u il d to u r o w n h o m e .

p»p Mto Ckak (lhaf* ain, will ahaw planaand cnmplala ynu claaap n.w aeml-hunaa

I nic* rnema, eptn Ur« placa. lot ««t

FACTORIES TO L E T -^ U T O F TOW NMUDEHN factory, wllh gas. slnam boat.

electric power; concrete cuiielruetion; 6.009 feet floor; uenr two railroads and trvIJey; /en t rraeonabte. 399 Belleville ave.,


OUNTOK BILL—Two-and-ong-hglf-ftorytve-lAmllF house; aeparste hesters; aleo-

trlo light, peu-quet ftoorA tiled bath rooma, ftbaarar batn. Itnan elosau cold itorage cel-

laundry; handiraely a ogr lines I

dsoorated; from three ogr llnee; no deaUra

Mmaltr, Box 3t, News office.twoAd-

VAU4BUR0B fiNCTION—6luit sell before of thla month; one-family hause, with

aprovements; steam heat and eleotrlo i; beam oeltlaga, chestnut trimmed;

^ only *1,809: maks me an offer. For Sfiulare see Harrle, 143 Market at.

_ BAN craftsman bnngalew, with gar- Bfs room: six roome, ttled bath, parquet

Baaiwi field atone tlrimlaei and porch pil­l a r poogeMlon thirty taye; just outaide city t l s m ; prtee liTOO. fitevena 471 Central BTpk (

WANTED, one-family house with garage or epnre for driveway; must be n^'ar car line,

i Bloomfield ave. vUinlty. Wanted, two-fam- j Uy brluk, latest lmprnvrm#i4e. Fred

(or $4,890; reedy to move into In 6& ' Hneref, Clinton Bldg.. Newark, isys: refined people only; slari lmme- - -lletely. -IIAViC CASH BUYERb

Fhoiia nr «11 CHAI. DUKE, builder, : t l I tor all harBalne; tur one two or three famliv Bloorottetd ave.. Bloomflelil. 1 __b«u*al. l i .

MONTCLAIR b a r g a in . Near Country Club.

Modem, shingle reeldence, 9 large ................................................ ilTful

HARKlfl. 14* MARKBT 6T.

LOCAL and distance moving of household goods; Tnotor service; csTeful work;

chargee moderate. Mutual Eipreae Co.« Ine. Phone Branch Brook I34C. _____ _

HAIiBET ST., 10—Nicely fumlehed front room; all Improvements; centrally located.

Lewla _________________ _HIGH BT., I l l-L a rg e room: running water;

all ImproTSTnents: aultabls for genllenien or light housekeeplBg; Pear Central ava.HIGH BT., 448—Kxeepllonally large, clean,

airy front room; first floor; eultable for two; refined; near court house- ________HiaH-CLABS aparlment, 4 or 7 tooim ;

Irapte.: (Inset location: respenstble people. 103 Clinton ave., near Lincoln Park.______

TAKE NOTICE lhat we have this d s r pus* chased from Alfred T. th-ane Jr, his laun­

dry bualnese. known as Tha Bluyveaint Rough Dry lAuudry. located at 114 Stuyvti- ant ave.. Newark. N. J. Any claim against ths same should be presented on or ^ fp re July 1 to Dominick M. Acscells. *98 Unloa hulldlnr. Nswnrk, N. J, .w ** ,-B ccyrriB b a b i l e a n d g e o r q k a d a m b .PAMKNOERS on South Orange car, In

collleion Saturday, June S3, about I A. M., a t High et. awltch, kindly communicate with H. ti. Hefele, II Helen pl.

B iu iB cn PcrtOBftli

HILL BT„ i l—lArge front room, with run­ning water, for light houeekeeping; also

other room.LAFa TKTTB BT., IS«—Nawlr laf*- far. niahwt rooma: caniral: Pannaxlvaata, Cen­

tral alatloni; all Impla.; tanta only. Panly.MT. PLEASANT AVE.. U>—Two larfe

room., with private entrance ana private)6reli; eultable' for coonl" »r two younk

Phone B. B. IBy,.ladle*.MULBERRY BT.. 10—Larfe treat room for

llkhl hooaekeepln*: runnlnt water; oon- venrant to all trolloyi; aide entrancea.MULBERRY ST-. !«f-.-N lc* hou«ekMpln*r

■ -- ------- “ ■- 'Mid.lilhl, airy; $1.71; no ebjectlon to chllMARKET BT.. 17—L an e room tor light

houerk.eping and 1 larit" room for 1 or J ftnllemen; balb and all Impla.; 1 flight up.

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by *l*e- trlcllir; II yearif eiperienee,

MIBB c. A, DUNBAR, au cr« o r to MM«. B. WESTKR'VBLT, i l l WA8HINQTON BT.

MATTRESSES RENOVATED at yeur roal- donco by Improved inathod; IJ.Oe up;

box aprlnxa repalrml; feather* renovalad. AMERICAN MATTBESB REKOVATINO Ci).. m Barclay at. Phone Wav. i«7L_________BRASH BEDS rTflnlahed, repaired; ^ and

electric Ilfht fixture* (uaranliod to looklike new; electro platlnil willable prlcea. Felienberf Bro*., I I Mochknioable prlcea. Fclsenberg s l.; phone 7296 Mkt.FINEST HAND BMBROIDBRY, B B A m N O .


NEWLY deroraied. large, bright, airy fur- nlehtd room, kHlh all modern conve-

nlcncsB, In detechert private reildence. near UllMon ave.; 19 minutea Broad and Market I ts .: suitable refined prreon or business tou- ple; |6 , Fur addrtee. tel, Waverly 411*.NIW BT., 44—Large, well furnished secoTW!-

■tery front room for gentlemen; all Im- provemenls; near tubes; re^rences. ___ _NEW BT.i 16—Two large tight houeekeeping

rooms; all Improvements.

PIANOS and furniture moved to d t r 9f country In padded auto vane. Berry. 361^


ANY ONE deelring light hcueekpeplng rooms rs!l 111 Second sve.; sultea of one, two

and three reomi, now and beautifully fur nisheri; everything complete; refined people only; no objection to child. Mt. Prospect of Bloomfield cere. ______ _b r o a d BT., 1189—Two or three rooms for

housekeeping, wllh bath; hot water all day. Tel. 678 Waverly.


COLUMBIA BT. 6*. near clly hall—Two • ■ - - large, airy, clesn housekeeping room#; allLIBERTY STORAOH CO., I ImprovementB: $6; refined houeo; phone.NGTON BT. 8. 8ATBKT. MOtt. l i ----— ------- ------------------—--------- ------

ELEGANTLY, fully furnished rorner apart­ment; modern; 196 Montclair ave., cor.

Mt. Proepact ave.; near trqXey. Inquire janitor.

NTCBLY furnlihed room, beet location i homo- Uke; suitable for buslnMS man or man

and wife. Waverly 1090, Baboleon.NEIdBON PL., 19—Nicely furnished room

with porch, with light housekeeping priv­ileges. __________________________ _ORCHARD BT., S3—Finely fumlehed roome;

everything new; front room for two men: also single roomte________ .ORANGE BT.. 414, corner Becond e t—ftln-

gls or connecting housekeeping rooms' also sleeping rooms.____________

PARK PL., 66, The Tremont, Near Tubes. Farlnf Military Park.


Conveniences. Bervioe.

MATTRBBaBS r*nov*ud al CMtomai*’ r*.U denre. tl.ftO up: brass beds repollsneg,

mada Ilka new. Enlerprla* Banu-valini Co., Sl Bedford at,;DR. MANDEvTuLB. formerly of «t6 Broad

el., hea opened office al f t! Mulberry at., hetwaen Walnut and Kinney lU .: boura i lo,. ! to !; BumJay*. office eloeed.PANAUAB cleaned, bleached knd r*Wo;g*?fi

«,wrl»ncod heller. *■ fileenMn, SI Will­iam et., neap Broad. Tel. Mkt SSOI, **l. H!TBSWINO MACHINES repaired rlahl In your

home, any_ niske. Bend postal _to _>ir.JlUiUr, aaw..— -Mitcnsll. 40 Thirteenth av t.; tsl. 46^1 Mkt,iw E m S H MASSAGE INST.—Vapor t n l

thermollte hatha, Clinton a v t .i ah oni 1286 Waverig: hours 19 A. M. to t P- M.ROOFING and repairing gutlori and lead-

ere; furnsoss put In order* Tsu Weet Orance Metal Work*, tSif Qrante,MA-SSAOE, ELECTRIC TREATMENTS.

BATHS. SUITE 8. FIRST FLOOR, lUh MURRAY, CORNER BROAD.MABSAG^Fkolal. icalp and tetieral: ai

uate operktore. Nelaon, 187 New *1.. b' 19 to I; oppoRlt* Hudson tubseu


MAS8AOE>—Bleftricm ent: hours 19 to S, in Wlestisr

Bruod et. Johnson ft Evans.______

treat- all, to*

MATTRESSES, box springs, upholstering.brass bedd. remade. M. Soaktn, 481 Spring-

field ave,: phone 4613 Wav^______________

.......... lightbuaVdlng' house; terms moderate.PcilN IE R BT.. I. Off Ellaahoth 1 * ^ 5 4 1 c'uiwr:

fornlihed room; electric llaht; near , « » w rvorly.electric

TWO rooms, balh. given aw sy to rnuple for “ • Dr. iSlnkoff, 133caring of dental office,

Bnulh Orange avf.TO ST'BI.ET-N lni-room apartment, wRh

fnyer. from July 16, 1118: 11 Astor at., city. Kallich. _______

PLANE BT., 177, near Bleecker—Single and connecting rooms: house new ly furnished;

m uit be eceu to be appreciated; a ll Improve­ments: mortfrate.

MASSAGE and bathe. McBwes ft Anderson.649 Clinton avs„ corfisY Farieyi Nswarit,

N. J .; tri. 3Tfl* Waverly. .

TIlIRTKRNTH AVE., 314. eortier BruceFive roome; Immedials poisfseloa; rent 111.

D r ;

FOUR allrar.iivs' rooms, completely fur­nished: all Improvement#: three ear llnee;

I 10 m inutes to Broad and Merkst sU ,, near I Brstieh Brook Park. Phone Branch Brook

14*6. adults only; r e fe r e n c e s ._____________

PIdANE BT., 161—One tight housekeeping room; also im sU sleeping rooma Phons

136964 Market, _____________


TTH Roseville sertlon; attractiveinndern aprl,; 6 roomi, bath; steam heat;

electric, gas; all Impte. - Poseesalon July l. Rd, K. Brunn t'o-. 36 W ashington pl.. East Orange. Tel. 1191 Orange.


FOUR or fir s rooms wanted by young couple; all ImprovemenU: rent $16; by

July I or 16. N- 8., 103 Oareldo st.

k a n d p o m e l t APART-FURNISHED MENTB



PLUM ST., 23— Large, suitable (or on* or two

airy front room; ; all conveniences.

Howard Savings Institution; paym snl h ss been stopped; finder la ^ q u e s t w ■*

R06BV1LLE. Humbolt et., 4— L trge front room and kitchenette, com plete for house-

kceplng; and single room: a ll Improvementei between two car Husk _____ ________ .

sains s t (he bank, 761 Broad sU N, J.

to Isavf NsKswarJf.

ROABVILLE a v e ,, 3— W sll furnished room; private fam ily; suitable for oas or two

MT, p ROBPBCT AVB.—Furnlsbsd apart­m ent to let, for July and August; aU

roome; git modern conveniences' “ w ithout garage,

fumi,. . . . _____________ with o r ,

phone Branch Brook 77*3,

ROBEV1LLB, Seventh s v i . , *43— N icely fur- nlchsd room: bright and s ir y i near bath;

with or without board. __________

b a g —Bunday night, on Patereon car to Newark, black bag; ow ners nsm s ot bank

Address 16 Psnnsyl-book Inside: rewsrd. van ls ave., city.BA.DOE—LMt. a fo ld *tar b*d**, Inltlkl* F.

C.; values os keep-sake; reword. 293 Central ave.. In b a k e r y . _______________CROCHET HOOK—Loil. Friday, round steel

crochet hook; end bent; keoM ^e. Address a ., Box 12, Newe office, Irvington.

between Beymour avs. iHessed Sacrament Church.

COMR, fancy, .............. andBsturn to 76

I Ssymour avs.

FOUR-ROOM aperlment. unfurnished o: furnished, by young couple; sta ts full par

SIX-ROOM furnlahtd apartm,rH for r,iit; iplsi *Ula full par- I *n improv*m*nii; ooupl* or two eoupl*.

tli'ulara and t,nn*. Aodrtai Apartmsnt. ; ,,nhout chlldrtn; rinl fnr two month* and • BOX JI. Nawi offiM. __________ ! ,.*lf raaaoDablt to H lht party. AUraaa

RECTOR *T.._IT--N*wlr | n n o —Loat. Jun* It. eotlla mal*. y-llow androom, auUabla for ona ar two k*nUamam „ ki.* H...irtn#., aaak and hraaat whtta;— I w hit, m irklnn; tt«h and (jriaat w hlu

FOUR or five rooms, or small house wanted; I Rooms, Box 87, News office.

roomsend bath; splendid localinn, besutTful lawn

DO you want to make quick sales of your propel tyT Bee J, if. Mats ft Co.. Union

pari Irnprovemsnti: In down town section; i *po RUBLBT, furnished, for July and Au- by adulli: rent reasonable. Address W, R., gust, light airy spartmenl, five roomsand Box 84. News office. [ front porch, large lawn; Janitor ssr-. I _n B. tf . hli* IkIlA.nA

building. 11 Clinton st.: free llitings,and gai^en. 6 minutes rallroaej, school and W 4fj'rci), reasonable pHpe, tw o-fam lly

houses for i-ash clients: Ninth Ward andP'faoDlclalr, N. J.

_ ■ lesaper m onth; mortgags 14,699 i i 0 per c e n t;

rtrt «k. Owner, 112 Gordonburst ave.prlrs $7,289.

OrKBftFOR BALE—Modem house, 12 rooms, 1 bsth

rooms, gas. electricity, stesm best; tot 69x196; easy terms. Address House, Box L, News office. Orange, or phone 912M Orange.

n jS T V B N T H A V S., near Court H ssss— Ftsr-fam lly* brisk, twenty rooma and (our____'-family* brisk, twenty rooma and _

balbA Improvsinenta; rented low at 961

SoBth O r i a i e

___ b u t off*r.'A CO., INC*. 744 BROAD ST.

h ; ownsr i^n ta B. S. ;9299 AND 920 monthly buys six-room house

' 93,3*0. " “ ‘ "■for 92,3*6. Call Owner, Room *13,

blouses Clinton HUI. Blend. *0I> Broad st.HAVE cash buyors for bargain properties in

quirk anion given; pay sll 4 7*C en trji^ s^^

any location: cash. _ Stevens,_


p r iv a t e pa r t y wishes up-to-date one* family house, Maplewood. Bouth Orange nr

Bunimlt; full parllfiiltrs and price. Address rrivttte. Box 40* Nows office.

ffSTMOUli AVE,—Brisk, two-Camtly. 14 t e w a f rC T A T V v n t o C f t i r K V W Tspms, stsam bsatsrs. separata entrance, « H & A ls E *9IA lC r r u i i O A to b * ~ n o in■WkUB, aaVASli «l,k«*rUK'Q|

•lats roof, full lot; rented to monthly ten- kati at 9149; asking $6,390. E. S. BOND ft CO,» INC., 764 BROAD 8T.


CLWTOK h il l , soutm^ fo u Rt b e n t A BT-i half bloek from Clinton avs.—Twu*

(bmlly, iteam hsatsn* ssparat* sntranoss. U rooms; asking 9«.199. B. E. BOND ft CO., INC.. 7*4 BROAD BT.________^SEQUAHIC TRACT—Coay all reoir. moi-

■ ' ■ near

w a t e r f r o n t acreage bargain: $2 rash, 93 monihly buys half acre fight on ths

water: wonderful fishing; _fuU *78.Vail. 14*6 Broadway. New York City.

are housoy (rams. 189 Custer ave., neai Ctlflon tro lly : lot llxlSO; brloe t4,6o0 In quire E. C. Petrie, 199 Gllsabeth ave.; phom Wavsrly |I2.


SEVENTH BT., near Bloomfield ave.—«. family house, rent $60, price $6,200; Blath. 9. pries 9

f t , near Park ave., tw o Ipfsm ily huusee. rent 199. pries 91,099. .........................

BEL61AR. N. J.—Moitern boarding house;excellent condition: 34 moms, garage, nin-

nliig water In rooms, (urnIshM; will Mil

BUBI'RHAN pi'opertirsamsil one-famriy hnuses and any two*

anted, espeolatlyfamily house; especially w ant properly In Elmwood sei'tion of East Orange. Stevens, 47N (*ontral sve.

FURNISHED H O U SES TO LETFOREST HILL—To let, furnished hottM; i l l

improvements; for July end A ugust; rent rei£oTii^ b ls ^ < ^ ll 7&3 PeO rsw ave.


avs.Mlc^hael ps, 41 Sixth

SLEVEfn'K BT.—Dandy f-famlly house, all improvstaenip. including heaL 94,199; J>hf(h

I t . nice t-famlly honef, all Improvements, |*.»90. B, Judge, 307 Market sl. _____1169, VA1L8BURGH. bear 8outh Orange ave.

—Two-famlly house, stwan rooms, two baths; stparats steam ht^stsrs; price- only |4,|99. ateveno, 473 Central avs.


MAPLEWOOD, N. J.—Furnished house, 7 rooms; high, hosithy locetLon; I minutes'

easy walk to Lsikawanna, large pint, garden ft chicken hnuss; Immediate possession; iumrasr months oy longer: 170 a month* Raymond Connolly Co., South Orange.

BELMaR, N. j .—Wsll loeatsd resldenos; alt Impti,: for two-famlly house, Newark or

Orange*, fiomers ft Bonasn. 691 Eniury s t , A.b*ry..P*rl,,_M.^ g, -------

SOUTH FIFTBKHTH • T .~ 5 i ,« tw «-l*m l!x, all impts.i ateam heat, eiectrlo light; prt-

- ............ - * - E. Me-vats m o rig a it; little oaSh rsqulrsd, Donough. Kinaey building.REFINED home, eleven rooms; Improve­

ments; parquet floor, open fireplace; b il­liard room; price 94.119. I l l Mt. P lsk u n tBTS.NEAR Summer ave„ two-famlly, five- gar­

ages; Income 366; $4,209; only $1,200 re­quired. Wilann Ketcbam, 224 guronter « r . PLEASANT AVB.<—Corner frame house:

69 roocu i Improvements; small amount of eosh ; easy Isfm i. Dolan, 664 Market at.PARKRURBT IT.. n*ar Clinton ave.—Light,

uhserful boms; seven rooms; room for garage. Barnette Smith, 16 Ciinion at.


ROSELLE PARK. N. J .—For-rent, July and August, furnished 7-room house; garage:

Inciossd porch: planied gardsn; on shaded sireot: excelltn l seotlon: $49 per month. Na tional Really Co„ Roselle park. N. J .i phone J37IR. __________________

Belmgr, N. J.Modern Furnished Housea. for. •# !» or Rent.

HONCE ft DUBOII.70S Tenth ave.

Opp* Dsimt. PbsDS 898.BAT HEAD. H. J,

M odtm furnlahtd houses (or sa le or renLio i . “ -----------____r . MORTON.

Phone to. Bay Head. N, J,

NINE-ROOM house; large garage; all Im­provements; sarrlfice price to eluts an ss-

tats. Inquire 37 Haselwood avs., city.ORCHARD 9T., 113—One-family residenoa,

63 rooms, op lot 39x399 feet to Camp pl. A pply to W m . I. Cooper, 119 Broad sl.ORCHARD BT., 9l~«Two-(amlly houae, In

fins canAUlcHi: ^provem sntt: lot $2x111, Apply Owner* HI Maiaey sLCRAWFORD

t tgags* goS V iI Union bnitdlng.

. . . 67—Ons-fsm1)y; mori- It will gsil end anerltice; |S,909* Apply

BELHAR. N. J, Bummer homes for rent.

Write fur Houklst. GarrsbraSl ft Cunover,


LAKE HOPaTCONO—Biocoon Tsland-^Fur- nUhed ruttagrt ior rent; 8 rooms; 8 bod

rooms; lauren and boats. L, Lvaua, l i o i Grind *v*„ A tliur, P*rk, N. J._____________

FOUIl or Uv* room f l t l i Im prov.m .nt*; J*N»w»rk »T .Bbnrt..; r ,n t kbout | ! t . X i- I

' i v lc*;'ten mlmii** B. i Mi T,*,on*bl*. P hon ,

i____________ [ t HBEK eitkn. » ttrk cu r,rift* IS lA IS 1 Unea: 19 minutes to Broad and Market,Jt* i„ ( .r ? .d Im p rJvm .n tli rH.r.ncM. Phon* »ft,r i P.

______ ' — ■ \ w m ie j , , r; *■ •aOUTH TW'ELWH _ N.' ^

TMm; 111 linpl,.: r»*«>n*bl*: b*tw,,n bo. O r in c *nd Tbfrt»«ntb *v«*. In i. tcp.Jlnof.SOUTH NINTH ST„ (16—Nlt«ljr (u rn lib .d .

lira * front room wUk p r i n t , pri­n t * f*m ilx; r*ii*onkbl«; ___

Depuy, 194 Wyoming ave*. Wyetnlng, N. J-p o a —Lort, ih,pb*rd doi. wWt» "•'H .t,''.'’ ewllar. Reward If returned 19 L. Main, 81 Rlgga pi.. West Orange.

BPRINOFIRLD AVB., 416—fiCSnB t l» « - sm all (urnlihad room.__________________ __

Newark or suburbs; rent about |!8 . dreaa P., Box 169, News office.THHF.E sr four ro9m modern 1.*.*, *v

min. from Broad and Market preferred: i »969 to 949. Address C.. Box *9. New* offlos. | M. B. B , 363L ------------------------^ WABKINGTON JT., -nUp F e b niior w*ftled hy small (amlljr^ft t- I ^*i?,?®,,^I“ M"iht*h6UMKeDfng. ' 24?^"ltlncoin conv**nlBnoeai'quM fous*; new laanagsmsnt

TH R EE cheerful rooms, large k llchen, gsa range, tube, hot w ater; com plete house-

I keeping. Inquire A pt.-I. 1184 Broad st.

fam ily house: refer-noos given. ^XadrsI; I ‘

149—Fumlihad rooms

O H,, Box 61, News office. I ave.

WANTED, apartment or fla t from Septem ­ber 1; 6 or 7 rooms: will pay f lo or |I9 .

Address Box 416, South Amboy, N. J.

1 W ILL rent room In five-room apartment, use of kitchen and other rooms; owner

w eek-ends; no cbtldren. Address

j WASHINGTON BT*. I 7 l^ t e a m , electric.continuous hot w ater; three m inutss M*t-

l ket, Broad and tubes. C heetham ,__________

w a n t e d , three or four unfurnished rooms with balh, for ^coloreth In s go^_^ne^h-

horhuotl; no children, phone 14*6 B.


CHOICE apartm tul, six rooms and bath;■team heat; all Impta.; axeeilent location;

$46: posiesslon July 1. Tel. ow ner 4904J Orange; __________________

X partm w Y lOl'.'Yll Mt. pKirp*et i t , . , N*w - a|Tk. —


TH R EE or four room modem apt.. 19 to 18 min. Dorn Broad and Market,

wanted by two gentlemen, with raferancs. Address C„ B ox 92, News office*


Apartment; all modern improvements; inquiro *** oirv*,.*-* « - - - b ^ pearly new; vacating at once: five rooms; \ and three rooms: new and ueaum uuy lu r

ANT ONE desiring light hoUMkeeplnf in q u ir. m

[marij uvtt . Tftb b(i>a *b viiw. «vwiup,■tin parlor, dsn, porch, hardwood floors: call any time, soon; rent reasonable; two blocKB east of Harrison st. and a few steps off Central ave- 31 Cambridge at.. East Orange, N, J. ___EABT ORANGE, Main It., M l—Twn rooms.

front, second rloor, w ith kltchtneU e, water, eloctrlo light. Janitor. Sturvs. 491 W illiam et., East Orange.


EABT ORANGE. C irnegle ave.. 4—BeeutL fijl apta; 4 rooms, bath, large forer ball:

everything nsw; Immediate poesession; 949.EAST ORANGE—Four rooms, hath; July 1;

I IT per month; sdulU , Im M. Taylor, 4 Railroad pl.. Beet Orange, N, J*

COUNTRY houie: 11 rooms; all Improve­ments; lop of Orange Mountains ; fur­

nished or unfurnished. Phone m2pR Orange.BUNGALOW—Three furnished rooms] sleep­

ing porch; on n*|aware River: July 1 to Oolooer 1. Mrs. Van Sickle, Bevatis, N.BABT ORANGE—July and A ugu «i modern;

•flmpl<ll8^y furnished: gardi-r e y Y y j iy n l lL .

furnished; garden; gar P h o g eO ro rj^ e^ j[£ y ^

H O U SES T O LETVERONA AVB., 2IJ—Modern house of 11

rooms end bath; w ith all oonvsnlsnoes: newly decorated and painted: Inelds and out;large porch: wtth__or ,'YRh<iiul garage; one

■ rr



MODERN three-fam ily housa Twelfth a t, gear Thirteenth avg*; bargain* Jay ft J iy ,

'Ktpney bulldlag.UOUEBTEAD p a r k . 9— Bight rooms; mod-

em ons'la to lly ; garage. 11, T. Davimos, 9 CUntob sL


A flM |to aPOK flALiK—*Hottse, 7 rooms and bath: ex-

ofU snt location and every oonvenienee•aygvet floors, slectrlo light, •(earn heat; let ilto k il* tost; tardau and fruit tree#; will g o ^noe for H.399. Address Arlingtos, ~Box 97. NewsMODKRM ssven-room h oots tor sale; gas.

Steam, slectrlolty; convenient trolley,

Furnished house. U rooms and bath; all Improvements, twu water eyitsjiis, electric light; wuuld rent part or entire 9169 to *4*0 modern porches eenilnuous, l i fee t wideEsroge for I m acblnu; country, fiver, ocean

nlque combination: high elevation*drese Mrs* 8. M* Weliiiey.


BBlxMAR. N. J.. near beach—9^ne boarding house; running water In rooms; fum lehed;

24 rooms; gsragr; bargain, will let Inde­pendent half for privets family. *01 Tspth Sve.

block from Forest H ill Btatton: property w ell localed for a doctor. Phone B. a 179*. or

FIVE roe ms and bath; electric and gas; also auto garage: Jehu st. and Garden ave.,

Belleviiis. N. J .i eall 2 to 4 P,.M ., or room 607. *09 Broad. Schwartz.______ _ _____ _

aiui xuias ri/winp. «,,*• -- j — - *nished; everything complete; redoed P9®P> only; no objection to child. Ht. Prospect or Bloom field ca r __________________ . -

WASHINGTON 8T., 11—Nicely furnished large front room. sulUhle for two: next

door to library, _____W ARREN ST.. 61— Hottsekeeplng rooms*

9f.*0; cosn scU n t houisktep ing rooms, 14.69: steeping r& m s for two, |S .

DOO— Loal* Manchester black end tan dog. ard l( ■ ■ ‘Reward l( returned to *3 Bruen st.

FDR PIECE—Brown fox In Newark Theater.Saturday evening; liberal reward. R e­

turn to 80* North Fourth at., city*_________K ET»—Lost, bunch of keys, ^ t h brae*

ckeok. No. 163: Port Newark rd. or Hill section. Finder please return L U lhlm elster, 39s Peshlne ave., c ity ___________________

, from SL Bene-June II- on Vincent si.,

OP Newark car: reward. Address C. M., Box 77, News office.

PIN —Graduation p lnJoaL . diet's School. 1918, .

r u b b e r c o a t —Lost, Thursday, Jans 29.on South Twentieth il*. Irvington* fir*'

m an’s ■whits rubber coatj Party w ho ha* sam e please return to firs hisdquapters*Irvington. _______ -




WAU4UT STi* *1—Front room, on floor with bsth, for ens or two: near Broad and


EAST OBANan, MUn iU i « - " •» '5 ™ '? “ :

AIHT, l l ,h l room. DrivK* J *b *.:. *b4 llv ln f rMm:

qu»hlo P»rk: conT*nl»nt to *11 W*T*rIr f»e- tori**: Urm* tor on* M, t .r two |a . A* dr*H W »v«lT . Bo* 111. N»**ATTRACTIVEl.r lurnlihtd I"

*D*rtn>*nt; eonv** *nt to bttBl wU»W* for nnt or twa; Bontlnono* hot w»Ur. In. quir* ApArtgunt t, U H Brptd It.ATTBACTIVELT tqrnliMd, nl«»Mnl t«om,

kulisble one or two; convenient batk, adults only. Inquire Apt, 3. 1184 Broad st*a t t r a c t iv e l y furnlihod room, adjoining

bath; slectrlelty. Inquire 19 James st. Phono Mki. 9151. _________ _______ _

We can supply you with a 11* of^furn|shsd ' - ‘“liedand unfurnished rooms, In Newark and the

tuproundlng towni. with private families, no ehorgs; open evenings.■AST OHANOB, Nassau p l, 19—Comfon-

abls fronl bei room, all Improvements, private family; one minute to Central ave., reasonable.

KINO—Lost, diamond engagem enttween North Fifth et.. Central avs*. Nintn

it* to Hshne ft Co*’s* Return Is 2L>North Fifth *t.. W*lt»t B*ntop.

andTROUaeRB—Lo*l, l»(w*«nB»dnr-W»tion «•* ., p jlr brown from iBlonvobll*. BoWAfil If r*tnrn«l I* #l WAlton *v*„ thira floor. _

WRIST WATCH—On Jon* f t I will tt* B* ion who found wrl*i w*tch In t*l*pnoj

booth *t Hudion , , X S SI>Uu* r*turn iim* to Gould T Llo*r*lf*w*rd, II p»rk >v«., T*ron*.WHBKL-Botwton

BAIT ORANGE, North Fourttinth *t.,Lort* front roi>Tn* for Ufht houa*b**plndi

0T*rr* oon»ont»no*( no«r cot born, ond trolni. ________HARRJION, North Fourth It.,/ *H—

room for U*ht houMkiiRlnf. or *ult»bi« fer two gintiemen; Iroprnverasnta.

FOR RENT—Three rssm i and bath en sec­ond floor: all improvemente i rent 113 a

month; prefer Christian. Mrs. Anderson, 30 ‘Walnut Crescent, Montclair. ____________FLATS movsd In padded

pianos moved, 92. sO; sturats*461 Main a t, Ora&ic; tel* 4173 Oranjs.


•4 l«gdi O'OoQuori

ATLANTIC ST., S8—One room, suitable fCr light houeekeeping; Improvi'mente; near

tubas and cars; sleo large sleeping room.ST,, 1131—Beautifully fuTnishad, tlry Dont room for light house-

IMMEDIATE posisMlDn; 9 rooms, bath, full Janitor svrvise; near Csntral A Oranga

trotleya* Brick Church its .; *41. Geerga F- Mack, opp. Brick Church BtA« E. Orsnge,


BRDADViVo heauilful sleeping room, sult-

abta for one, two or three; sll modem Impts. I sliQtrla lights. Telephone 8681 Waverly,

KEARNY. Orani ave.. « 8 —For colored; fur- nished front room. Two blocks oast and

then walk north two blocks._________ ___

Hellevllle. one wire wheel, w th shoe attacJjed; reward. Daniel McCarren. 711 Lake it-, cuy.

BIST WATCH—Last, geld (IUm w n« watch, Saturday night. Trt •prlngdald * hAtwftftn Holland and Boi^|an sts. Pie*or bstwMU Holland and

return lo *0 Ann gu: rewaiWALLET—Oil Monday, t t Pehh, R*

Hon. cenUlBlw ’".“"‘t l . i , ' ’” ' L wttSon Llbefti. bond*: lltar*! f*w«rd. H. W*t»n. II Rector st.WAL1.BT *.5 ‘w» u!"r|Fsum of money, lost Monday morning, i>y

driv.*: Llbtril r*w*rd it fetumo.:

MB FARMS, N, J.. N»»h -h;I8*i—Furnished room, all Imids.: Unlwcar running In front of house; 19 minutes to Newark and Bltsabeth.

BROAD iT.. I l l —Newly furnUhed double rooms, for gentlemen; cBBiraliy Is-

catad: thras blocks from city ball; near Kin­ney sL _ _______________BROAD BT„ 367^. near Clark ■L“ Nlculy

(urnlahed rooms lo let, near Bloomfield a lui Kearny oar lina; Jitney stop m door. WllUs.

Market $904.c r ------------


BLOOMFIELD—House, * roomfi balh: eje;Ule 1 ,

neighbor month. .Consul!Walnut st.. DlPinflcld,

DMPIBLD—House, a roomei pain:! light, ptesm heat, porch scroons; select borhood: open fireplace; rent h. .Consul! J. M. Roddy ft Bon, *93

IKVINUTON—Nine-room house, nsar een**;!'sll impte.: fine location; reht *«■ *'■

BeftcU. k tuyvesast and Bprlugfield aves.

XEANIBlTRa, N. J . near beach—Five-room furnished bungalows, $109 to *169 per

season; three-riMim apartmenls* 91^ and 911 per wMk: alio furnlsked rooms* by tho weak. M. flehteus, I t Msin et.

A HU.NO TON. N. ,T.—For rent, houses. |rtx rooms. 166 end electricity- TMIl-

HnrrU 112 Blewsrt ava. ------------------


BRADLEY BEACH. McCabe ava,* *98— Eight rovms; all Improvements; ona block

from ocean; rent $300 fur July only. Feist ft Felit, 78$ Broad it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

HOUBB—About ftlua rooms; ffTtt a l^ it 9 « ;in South Oraagf. Coramunloata ^ t k Dr*

K L. Wharton. 71 Clinton gvs., Hsvark,

FLAT or house wanted. Maplewood, South Orange, Irvington or nesrby seetloua Ad-

drens K. BOX Tt. N»wi offloa.


MODRRH, ■ANITAAT v a u l t XOOMRt»r th* rtorlitf tb « w l* b u p ia i qf t» * bsuaiboM ■ « ,» : w* ln<lf« th* pabltc ln> UKrtlon *I bur wuf* ,b * w * , *t u l U B ^ Com You


!bme, l*< u ttuw 4*A vtBkln oar BnrIOA ■ou wuT b* pUMfU »t th*. atUBlioB tad

utr* f lv*B to **ob lot •< TM4*. . ^A l*ri», ortbhtwd f t "

of turuitur* and ptabo motar, makaa l*ad*ra in tala braaah at t t* baalnaia.

Phone intL 199*. Nswayk. K ^

BROAD ST., 140. near city hall—Pleasant froht room: also single rooni; geatlemtn;

convealeness; select; references


GKnVl'bMAN wt.h*i lirt*In Nutleyn Address F** Bo* 16* N iw i otiiCA


b r o a d ’' ST.r “gantlimen* with board; home comforts*

BROAD 8T., 1141—Well furnished roum, lultsble for on* or two gentlemen; corner

house. Phone 73*0 Waverly. _________BROAD 6T. 4*—Two large ro«>ms; use of

kltchani two houitkesplng rooms; private house. Tilaphoh# B. B. 391L _BROAD BT., 6641—Nicely furnished Ufht

housakeeplng rooms, i beds; near Pert Newark Station. .BROAD ST., lllT-~Larga roonv suliabls t9f

two men or light housekeeping; with ttsa of laundry. ,BROAD BT., I t—Nice furnished room; bath:

awnings; private house. Phene B. B. tTtf,BLSECHER BT.* I t—Single or double; slse-

Iric and oontltiupus hot water; five mtn* utsa Market, Broad and tubse. Robinsan.

rsasoA&bIs.rnTTwr ST.. 160—Large pleaeant rooms,

runnln, w al,r; near »«<! Marital:»«HT bftaht**t. Mark*! ill* .____________HIGH ST,, • « .Itig; ihtp Yardsjnen pyefarred*


poor taxi 27 Rector i t. ~WALLET—Brown leather watlit, conj^fnlng

auto license and lomS plotUMA _Raarardl( retuniad lo fiugane Devine, 361 High st.. city.



1NTKU.IOBNT nf»n Mb *»t a nt«a frontro?^;^;ith a H ao^artin ttm U j: homali*.

ceo tlaf: avam hhtf I* In «i* *«**•• *•*■irln«fl*ld a**., apt. H.ito»viLLB > worib *ia"***‘Andastorv room; near station and trolley, pleasant looallani home oooklng; lalaphons eapnaetlon.lldBKVlLLE AVB., 1*1—Boarding, tfokWa

and slBfle rooms; all ^nvenloBCMii ntlal section; board jp tlanal B. B. T^T.


BUNGALOW, furnfshect

Mfe.■tl rooms, bath;


trains, school, stores; heights section* Art* lugtdn: ierma Address Private, Box 2$, Kswi afflca.iK t and I I I monthly buys two-fainily* aleu'hsat, ggraia. Uriwtaggta,

tHcUy. hsac. gsrasa. Urge plot; ZO tnln- :as out; pries 91,II*. Ownsr, 971 Bread *, Reem 111*

A&LUfOTON—14*re«m two-famlly boqs.v.good Rmatlai^ all modern Imfrovaments.

Ttoljgpsft, t l OikWflsd ava.] piiane 4*9\V AritofttotL

A H u f t H i iU M f t1$I««LAMD0. (OMan

Im pts.: wliie porch, screened; near wa


FEW cheles furnished rooms; private homt^: refined neighborhood; 4 m inutes boaril

walk* four blocks railroad staiion; fu ll par­ticulars. Address Mrs. Bhriihardl, Lak* !*{&' Park. Phahg Neworls w averly

WILL rent ane-fam lly h o u ^ . M aplaw ^d or suburbs, with opilqn of bu/lhg- Addraas

Optional, Box 61, Newa pfifoe.glY or ssveti mom houses Ih Irvington, to

rent, with option of buying. Address O,B.. Box 93. News officea.-*STO R ES, O FFIC ES. ETC ., T O LETftT Central ave. and Eighth a t, suitable far

any rniiniM* Mat* ft Co., Uidoh bulldlag. t Clinton II. ______

nLAAti/ sA»i 4|T—-'MVe nd Shd tblgd flOOTS, eullabia for afflev or light mah^itaolhriug, iittsdlaia poeavaslofi. Apply Vorous L

BROAD 0T.eullalMa h irnitksdlaia p,wave«lof(. Appi

Ward, room *19. It* Brsod*

GROVE. Lake ave.. 14—LargeOOBANroom . ____ , _ .

westerly lake, thras blorHs toaglroom for season; private family: locaUoai

................................‘ra it ocean*


KALBKT st,. ,T. *1 N*w. dla^ballT •<*«• frem llahB, * Co, <«*li«»J* rtor*. w ltt

a « .b l, ihoir w!b4 ow,j *t*UA h *a , »nq *l*;- trie ll,Iit. AfplI * C*„ 711Uroid iLWniGHT >T. *n4 P*ita«,lT*«la av,.. a ,

IMntat tha Ra,l* G ro crri a not*, aaU- bl, far trulta, vantabla,. flab or any rt-

IlD,: lo*F rann l \a ^ a ^ lM a tasatL

T.Ubbatia TUI MattaLbom DUUIM Mtvibf Our.BMeiittK

baaltary Carpat Ciaaalac.J O tI P B J. XJtOSOSK,

Plaaaa a « 4 t e ^ t u n

Bioraf* Wara jraaw .a ii.d“'f f i .M .C

ITI-iT l'IfttlMewiark* M.


JT PUQNB 9191 H K r. ORAUB. GO.jLik/.j



J o n i i u rrs A roXt .

WILL IG tT 'Y O ui? ^Mp^iMO.' ".ONG - g w -


r o a IIu MOftWA8HINOTOH ITOMbOE CO.. |« LalarM tt

St.i storage, Ittge-elsad vat load, f l . l f mosth; mawlag, Ittge-slas voa. M; any paHof city lal, -

auta Tab far Iona or *iioit dUVuca HIT ItarkM. Ja«*b Liqbtaaatalb.

BLBRCKBR 8T„ ,J—Two baunkaaplnsroom*, runnlos w al,^ all Impti.; *l#arooms, rwnnme •,* •*»

large front roomi near Terminal.______ _BLBRCKBn BY.; 1*—Nle«[y (brnlahad room.

afUolnln* batb. all impravam.nta, far t* i Haman; prlTat* family- Aad«rion._____BKAUTITUL fbrnlihtS ream far yauns man

wllh privata family; rafaroqeaa naeatmary, Addraw V.. Ba» II. w*wi etflea._________BELLEVILLH AVM, IH~V*ry dnlraW,*

room*, aaparataly or an aulta. w ltt privai* ij wait furnlihad; central, Marrltt,

n U r i PriTal.i - ll j2 P f,S ''a l? id .'aultabia for ona or two; board it «a*tr*o. Phant W arirty t*H .


p o o —Found, female eolRfS ewner can havn same by ideBtlfylng and paying sxpenevs.

Consisting hoilery. o f

BELMOH^^ ATM. , ‘ • ♦ r i 'l . t i . t ? ! :• T h ^ dfood tabla; with or withaut board-

« v

bath: la rit,lO A lU ) W A N TED

BURNBT IT.. >t—llaaplnt and 1l(hl honat' k tip lh f roam,: *11 front; all Improva-

manta ________ _____ .fa ? * " A f i r J a WWawor. Max H, Newt of-flee.

DURNBT 8T., 17—Nicely furnished freul — a .. . ( a r ' ' -bed ropm; use of bath; private (amllyaBIGBLOW rt.. 994—Large front room, In

ene-famlly home; eoe block from Cllaten


BBROBK 8T„ l*9--^irihe>r fumtshad reeiai nest privets home; phone. ___

COLUMBIA ST.r *1, near Blm—f^rge front roome, Ught housskeepingr running wateri

algo lieeptng room; five mlautee (rum Mar* kel Rt Btatlen.

,S ;r 't l t t iV a l i r t taWa baard, ran(t.

roam,, withhtm «»*: tmw* Tobaobbl

111 Mortt____ >* aii.«ra

oowtthlaAt maWii wsDellowt t a « a

CHADWICK ATE.. I»—Maw, walt-tiualtho* iwom, bath; prlvtiL


and «" DUIQITICH. Aootlonaara

■W*DHMDAT.*JU^ « * " • ' »<'•• *■ *• •I salM roem*

Hallary. UndafwiiH. _y^'V* Ooedt,

BANK BOOK No. SJS307 loot; laaoad by the j.

a u c t io n RALKI , AOCTIOTt M M t tta.oDO w h o l « a l* btook o»

Hoelary, Undetwaar, Whitt S f ' ! "Ktc. J. Elaanbara, W- M ariallti M d I. Dlufitch, AttetTonaara will Mil an

WoUneaday. Jana l«. bl J*:l*A. M,, •harp, a t W a*

Rooma, «* ip r ln ftla la *v i„ Nowark, N. J. , ,

of » .« * do**h il lk *bd Halo many popaltr

Ony*, Gordon, Dromnitr Boy, Darham . W*]* Ijtdd spaelal. Caahmtratt*. Purilan Braad. C m itdar. Oar L « d tr . Marrj Jartar, i**< Brand, Orltntal. ittr lln d , A lllia tor, KayiR Btar. Trlanfla and M ettar H u b M r i

1,0*1) dotan Wool, Wiaaa Llnad and t e - b rlfta n Uadarwear. U*MT Boh and Woolah Olott* aboal It* «rl»- mal bo*aa of Ribbon* *8* ortflaal roll* of Table and «h*H olHIoth.

A Ttry ltr»a tMorlmant of Wbita Om m . I.AO**, Cartaln*. BmbroldarltA D iw tenalb

- - - - ,.„ian Towrt*. It* oritlaalpile** of Carlaln Goodi. *** datan chlidran a D**Maa, Rompara, Fati ooata, ate,

]?OM‘drw n” r f tn t ; and C fH d r* ^1*0 down flirtaltri, a *iry I " ;* * ^ 1 ® * ;* of Notion*, aaoh aa bllba, CoUana, Fla#*,

Jobbar* bad Dapartmaaf ilaM Bayorb #a n*t thla tala, ,

w m ha aald la atry U r it lat* w lttbht H«llAaatlanair*'” pha«« &**>« *<**•

Maalary, Undafwiar.NsitoDS. Bte.

eiaak all In arlflhal W j J l f T i , ,For further pertleulare, phnae l^ r k e r j I M

or see advsrtiseni^ht l e m e m ^ a News. Open le y lagpectlog a ll day,

V a v A fc . aucitoAOur, w lii ssU ^ ^ y w - ridesm lft JdvBgsi le^ ever

r ir iBugtsss a

Must I9l:«i

Hen sxpert•guipmont

^ e s d and PMlUSOO.

Do n Issa



Unllmitsddown, balan fuarantesd ladies! elosii oJee eundayi Newark. Ro 9194 Market.

*Ita lian and you for | l i t ant cars: lie funded; day i olossei. MasADTOMOBIL

course Is Ucohse fuara



tomoblla * with a For* W ifta waalaNow* offlcaa u t q m d b uan t who q■faddy work Lyoa* rarm ,a u to m o bil

SOUB jtb*:aoadltlaai: da u to m e c i

for f » d IT with toflla. nCo., m K,iAVTOMQBIl

wanlad; m pay- McAllI Bra ^Broad ft.a u t o BEPA

flrat-clau Parda Bad*AUTO Bale

u e Mtdiiia u to m Ob ilI* SOUTHARTIBYS—S<

faahlon dr, tn i: (ood p*j or avonlnCi. THOMAS g'rARMATURE

tornatlog c ales other t best pay* C beksn 2764,

A U lttA K T < young men

ago; good. ■' experienced [ News office.


GO.. 993 MOIBOY OR u:


BOYS—Easy vacation; r

sa t or guard

BOTS out o: hour* per

learn haudlli per week to i or bo qvsr 1 Stoadlili avs,


BOY waatfd ad•aUo aad

beaest youajbettor pay R ' ‘ BcbwaApply I

BOY, about vo lt en coil

be neat; sah (or sdvauceri Montclair,B O T ^^ brig

a permonei advaneemeut Bell, RooberSOTS—Atter

M d get .sltTon In tbiBuslnsss CollBOTS wgnte

factory; go ............:eisbuthe Nlckeisb.

of Lincoln BlBOT—Tool 1

te learn L ford Motor 7BOT wonted

eaoe* luo! North BroadBOY. 19 yeoi

making In bright boy.


BOT wanted* age and i

helper* 111BOTS and ji

a few raoi Collage, NewBOY wanted

to run sms iara Bal Co.,BOT to WQ]

geed eaUr; StroBgfort, IBOY wonted

rand*; rap $61 Esme biBOY* over 14

Apply Cul Uvragstea stBOY, 19 toYelst,BOY te run■ettigceue IAyungtsn et.BOYS wonts

**BOT wajif'd

• r t f . AddBOT wantad

■ock A «BOYB—Srlcl

ittt;laays autll:B.m r <aVa; t ta fS S r i a f f ’J


bull___mqrt be fai ooBtrolllay i ary ta d fa- bM, Bax 108iBOOH-KBn


t*a btiiidjfld,

B A U S K wi

S i

TO W NII Hunll avf.. ID. fttllr A'ntloCUf>; cal«rlnK to

MW.______ _

O F TO W NL romfortabi* wliH wrtrat* plaao; pUm

lawMiB* ro«4. •* Cmrlw. 4k >rk>

tDh C*l^w«U-* homa coekoa iiwblM: ykrn ly, Ifcr.

me SI, m i .ba wane# Iw- RVedUfl, Kaw- r m ORANOS day ba«n auc- )aaiD*M waiar JARAOI). Wa ual M. K lnar \ tba byainaiALaaaar. M« f ward ea*« Ikavusaa. who itf; black hair /tt inebaa UlU; t t hat. whtta rr. i'omtnunt* l i l Warrrn at. Lf for bar aaA[jHa. l a m a .> thla dar pui*i« Jr, hla lann-* ha hu^vaaani II 114 Stuyvti-

aftll .. bflfi

I4S Unloaclaim aaalniK

rl on or Befora»1U.jR o a ADAiia.ranre oar, In about I A. M.»

Amunlcata with

i ih

lovtd br alac-«or to MUK. B.iiNQTON rr«

j at yotir raal- lod; | i 00 up; nera ranovalad. Sf>VATlNO CO.. 7174.

paired; fha *><1 rantead to look 111 call: raaaoa*

11 llectaanlc

;HY, BBADTNO, S.%UX. LINCIK* lOLD STARIM- . TiflL BtUMkucuatomera'’ red-

beda rapoilahed.Maltraea Ranu<

ph. W a v .jm .^If of S46 Broad ;I9 Mulberry at., ala.; boura S to

pa ad._______d and rablockad; laenaon, 21 WIM' 1 1201: a«i. m rrad ripbl In your I poaial to Mr.■ ; tel. OlTtMkt.BT.*-Vapor tn l nton avari phopi t. to t p. It:uttera and lead- •dar. TeL Wtat Drante,_______ _

TRKATMBNT8. iT FLOOR, 100 V,____________ _rtd Baboral; p ra t.17 Hew at., bouraubeoi:or. aealp treat- iVlaaner Uall. too

(a, upholeterInR. oakfP. 481 Sprlnp'

naaeaiii elacMieUnd, I II Clinton

Bwaa A Anderaon. Farlefi Newark.

oet; laaued by ibr Ion; payment bet

ed to leave He

equeati road et. KewarK.

Paieraob car to »r'a name on baiiJt Sraaa U Pennayl-

• badaa, Inittala P. ka: reward. 21>S

rrlday, round ateel kaepeake. Address Irvlntten,_____ _

leymour are. a*ul >en. Return to 7G

I male, yellow and and breaat whUt-s tp;“ reward. K. L. „ Wyomlnfi N. J.r, whlla neck and imed to Main.

tlack and tan dof> II Bruan e tIn Newark Thaater. iral reward. Ra- t at., ciiy,keya, wHb bniaa

lowark rd. or HU) urn L Hlhlmeleter,

t, from St. Bene- I t l . on Vincent ax-.

Addreaa C. U..

thuraday, June la. i., irvlufion. fir*' I Parly who ha*fire baadquartara.

fafemant rlnji. be- antral ave.. HIntn

ard. Return to 2l»> Benton._____'•an Summit and jalr brown irouaar*, ■d If returned to 7

I I ; will the por- wetch In tetepboue Btetton a t Ntwara. , L OpuldT Liberal Verona.>quahlo Park •el, with t la 4 ^ Daniel McCarren.

petd filled wrlat . Til Sprlnffleld te r Berpen ata rl«a«p

ward.___________i t PentL R. I t Sta- ly, driver'! Ilcener. eward. H. WaUon.

tv Loan ben ^ , wICn iondey mornlnp, by lI reward If retum^-l

•r wailat. oontalninf e ploturea Reward Hvlne, 148 Hlfb «t..

IDlilt; owner can fiavr md paylnt eapebtae-



lALKI CK 0 ».di. Nplttni. Ilii *ad

h 11 on t»:l*

)a l»

Ik M d liiiolu, enok M irhnm. Otitorttnn tm nd.

■«<itter, KnrinS i r i _ ,,d n n l Bkl- Onnvu, Jor- out m ilMl r*Ui ofiVklt* Ooo*,, Door PMOlo,

IM ortfiDol n cklM nn 'i.ron‘i Cam . . iMorUnont IMB.. r la o .

Bnywo, 4* rltkakt iM itrt ____

tOULtMltIoDOon,|4 ;H A. V.k. K. J..jcK o r,0 Daod,.I tnd• Hntliol )*•*TOW**I in r .______ _

M««r, will toll ml w»- ift tTor oM T*»r. o*n- r l n n piM turltiio .

----- j l^ "■>



L Flret-elape a e a U taitallI Bnslaao and e^julpmehi la alrplauee.

t Uuet have toele and at leaat Ma yean' eaperlapce ea mecbanlcal work.

UtB eiperleaccd qq laeu ito f motor boat vduipmcpt

^ or»«»d nod ia , tu workara eas fljl Ikaaa poeiiioaa,

Do not apind care fare ua- leea you have expertoDoa.

•TANDARD AffirTRAFT CORP, ■ninawlck **a, *Ua*b«th. N. J.

a d t o m o b il b DRIVBRW ^ T B D ; STBADT WORK AND


, , . AUTOMOBILp aniOOL,Unllmitad courto and ro^ialrln*, III, M

down, balanoa day t<t llcanaai llotnia «f inonty ralundtd. dpaclal

ladlaai o lw aai o p u I A. U. to I p. Ji.; mao aandaya. U Um ia. lo t Uarkat a l , I H | kfark^?*'°^ oppoalla alovalor. T.l,

.. AOTOMWLB SCHOdt.Amarlcan taaohar. Wa loach you for 111 lo drtva and rapalrln, on dlffor-

luarantiad or manay ra- •''onln* cla.aao; alao Udiaa* Olaaaoi. Mancuai flarar*. lU No. Broad at.

________ i»T BBI.LBV1I4J! AVe.m ec h a n ic . PIBBT CLASB;*"0* A OOOD MAN. AP-


HOt b U »l DIVI810N P t;__________A ^O M pB lLH maohants wanlad In an an-

Jfkraie: one who le aoquunted wiih a ro rd oafi fla t. a rt. aiparl.aoa andN ttV ogroV *^ °*^*»*' ■“ > » ■AUTQliDBILE nteehaale wanked In larafe i . • “* w»*> UBdereUada Ue buelneee? pood. ? S f f ' i®'' .Mllil jaan. taqulral.rona Parma Oarat*. Lyona Parma, N J.AUTOMOBILB MECHANICd, turn to paaa

»«d .H a bly announoamanti BtaHT- ® Jl**; dtoaat w a,ai and ,oad abopcoadltlant; dan't (all to read ItSOUR Jaba; dtoaat w a,ai

A ^ O m e c h a n ic s*—Baoallant opportunity for food mactaanlca; onijf fln t-c lau man,

with toola. naad apply. Tha Buick Repair Co., I l l Newark el. ,AUTOMOBJtB WAIHBR and pojtir

wanted; &iuii be aobir and honeit. mod pay. MoAlllater, Carton Btuti Corp.. ISIS Broad at.AOTO RBPAIR Wa n . faad poeitlon for

firat-claaa maohatilo; mual Mndtratand Korda Badfar Barata, f l l - U t B arftr ava.AUTO Sa UBSMAN wanUd, with rafarancai.__y i Madlian ava., Plllndald, N. J,

tvabhbr foI T d a t w o r k .H SOUTH ORANUB AVB.AHTIBTS-^avaral yeunf man to laam

faahlon drawEnf and oomiaaralal lllpatrat. Ini: food pay altar laarnina; call aftimooaa

* ' “ • for »*''iiouiata. t h b THOMAa STUDIO, I I I Broad at,ARMATURE WINDERS wantad for both al.

ttrna tlo f currant and diract currant woiA; alao olfaar aaptrlanced alootrtcal workara: baal pay. Call Hr. Bnfalmaan, phoni Ha- bokan 27H, durlnf bualneee houra,

ASSISTANT wanted tu chlpplnf department: younf man, althar balnw or above draft

af«: food, atcady poiltlon for riabt party: otperlenced preferred, Addre.e A.. Box 31, Newe office.ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK In oil fac­

tory. L. Bonn.horn. A dona, Ino., Han- cock ava., Btllavllla, N. J.


CO.. i«) m o r r is ' a v e .B O t OR u id d l e -a o b o h An w it h a


BOTS—Eaay work for achool boya durlnf vacation: muat be over H. Call witb p tr-

aac or fuardlan, Eialold Co., 14 Hunter a t

BOTS out of Achool: Intartatlaf work; tO boura par week, Saturday aftarnoona oft:

learn bandllaf of mollon picture flln ; | | par weak to a ta r i; muat have workinf papar. or be o .ar 17, Cromlow Film Co., i t Staadiah ava.. Woat Oranta.


BOT wantjd In dnik etqre: moat be ener- cetlo khd williQf; quick advancement for

heneat younc man; aalary for beflnntr |S; better p ar fur ruuni man with ekperleaee. Apk^y Bohwari, Dru|yi*ta, 887 Broad et-B O t, about 18. In office of large dairy, to

wait on eounter and do clerical work; muet be neat; aalary $11 week to lU rt; chance for advaneemertt. dddreea Office, Boa 4. Montclair,

bright and eteady boy who wanta a perpaaixent poeitlon with good chaooe of

adeanfiement: good wagaa. Apply to Mr. Bel], Roeber A Kuebler Co,, 870 Flaee at-SOTS—Attend the Ooltman Summer Schoal ,and get a good-paying, permanent go*

altlon In the fall: booklet free. Colemaa Bueineea Colietea Academy and Haleey atn.BOTS wanted In ibtpplng room of leather

factory; good wages; Btaady work.. . . gi . - . __________ ....the Nlckei4ourg Bros. Co., Meadow of Lipooln Highway.BOT*^TooT room boy wanted: fine ohanee

to learn the motor truck bueineea. Gar* ford Motor Truck Co., Ing), 888 Ceptral ave,BOT wanted In garage, one havlag eaperi*

enoa. Inquire Lyons Fam e Garage, 1488 North Broad et., l^ona F a ra a N. 3.BOT. I I years or over, tq learn tool and die

making trade; quick advaueemeat for bright boy. Oltp, i f Warwick a t

BOTS w a n t e d . AP^LY JOHANN HOFF.

41 JBLLIFF AVB.BOT wanted, to make hlmealf useful in gar­

age ejid run Ford car; alao plumber'a helpey. 181 Lafayette e tBOTS and young men can make goed after

a few raonthe* training. Inquire Drake Collegt, Newark, K 3.BOT wanted for helper In ehlpplaf room and

to run email frelgfit elevator. Apply Will­iam Bal Co., 7 Vecey auBOT tq work on amall folding machine;

gead aalary and advancement. Agply If S tren^ort, 98 Park pt.BOT wanted for office work And run ar*

randg; rapid advancemant to bright bey. $81 E ife i building.BOT* over U yeare; good pay; etead^y i

Apply Culinary llantttacturtng Ce., Ltymgaton at.y cUy.


BOYa 11 to 17, for real estate office; muat unbltltui. Apply L*4S

BOT ta run •rrnntLi u d jAv.ljry U S trsSA A. O. % , i t r , 41

BOTS w u ttS for licbt prou work: (ooS ^ ^blFvr Taol WotkA » * Wo.talay-

BOV wont.A In Arut otorit I I y lir i or •vof. ASSron O., m i II, Nowi oRlco.

B o r wantiS to I.UB JowtIorF troSo, Sfo- ■eck A Sborrtll, I II Boutb it., cltF.

BOTS—SrIebt itro a i bpy>: lood ehim lM,rn fluttibt t r id i 111 Wllllim It.

:ood eblD.o to

”1h**lrr"c'oon{f X X k 7:r‘ i'SS3liiV .; for Aiiiiiindrii Bny t i l l : u r -f i r t psid oni W iy[jp«n Iv inU ti.

SROVR AOENCT,I II Main It., M tr OroVo, R u t O u s ti .

BOOK-KEEPER for l i r i l r « l M titt M* bulTuM' oftloo: m li|d |*-l|ld p rlllrrid ;

muit bo fitn lllir with doubli entry iqil oontrolllBf icGDUoti: ilv i r*f}ronctf. uG- nry And full _pirtlc^|T«, A ddrui Ltflft- bir, io x 111, N iwi offici.

b o o k -k e e p e r . IM J ltU tr t)ig

t i n buiinfli, o t i m , ____________

chfibi I ' l ^ o l l -

•i 1omtnodattonffor




S “jS*8SS®tR isS iP w B S


H E L P V A N T I P - H S I tBARBOR wanted; gMd pAf far right mAA.

I l l spriAgflelg gvABARBER wanted. 88 Payk pU DallSTBaT-

bar Shop. __BUTCHISR wanted; one who can drive far

preferred. Apply Hublng A Klrchner, t i l Plane iL, eomar Bank-____BUTCHBR wantadp tlrel-elaoe; steady pojri*

tlop, good pay. Call Tepperenan Cs., 181N. J. R. R. iv i.BUTCH£H-*A-l workman, wanted; eteady

werk. APP^r a t oace. A. 1 . Raxih. I l l High et., orange.BllTCHBRS^Tivo to o l butch.r. win't.S!

ApylJ P i i r . Mirltit, 111 Mlin it., OrinfABUTCHER w iitH i; iip .rlin c id nun.

ply O uitiv . Roll, IT! O f .n i. .1.Ap-



STENUKL, INC., WAVEKLY PARK. NEW­ARK. N. J.BLACKSMITH'S h.lpor 5 7 5 ^ 5 7 ” f « 4

wu| m : .Im Ox work; .hop .qulppoA with Bow.r. Wm. C. M inhili, II North P irk it., ■tait OrangeBLaCK^M^TH and helpara on wagane and

auloa; alMi Ba}nl«re A. McLaughlin 4b Bre , Ill.-IIT Hudvon at.BRUIU IIAKEEfi—Draw baqda op wheel

and flat bruahai; etaady work; unien prlcaa Herman Blumenlhaf A Co., I4l-84i Tfinter et.Ba k k r . experlancad ea bread and eake.

Terminal Lunch. II Park pl.____________GI.'SHe LMAN wanted, Taller, 47 Bank et.,

aecond floor.

GHAnFFEVIlS AAd LABORBRf Fer heavy work,

Oeoi pay.Two ebiftg daily. I hour* taak.

Apply At




CHAUFFEUR, Pi^kirS tru ik , |H ; firiinin for hotel; laberera white or oolavgd. 4Qr.

hour; handy man. machine ehep; order oeek,reetaurant, 888 weak, counter man. porter,

------' elere, 111 week; wdlchman,.......... J awlitant for icboel; gardeaer,

farm handa. I l l menth. board, room; ele;k.anefat employmaat aupervlibr; porter, pri­vate club; other vaoenclte

GENERAL AMEnrrAN AGENCT. I 4 ~ ^ e d a r el.— H

CHAUFFEUR wantad foy ona-ton truck lo deliver light merehandiea in Newark and

vIolDlty: permanent poeitlon with good ati- ary; apply. etatUg age. eiparlvnce and aelv ary expected. Addreea C.. Box 88. Newi office.Ch a u f f e u r s —Two Cheuffeur*. white, for

five-ton truok. to go to Charleaton, 0, C,; 133 weekly; treatporUtion refunded in three monthr. Cell 44 Burohard ave., Eaet Or­ange. between V and 9 at night.CHAUFFEUR to rqn manufaaturor'a car and

make htmeelf gancrelly uitful. In ahlpping room; •iiiA ’ to elarl. | l l . Addraea Cnau^ feur, Dos B<7, Newe office.CHAUhTEUR wanted with moving van ex­

perience. for Packard truck. Apply at once. Joe. J. Kroeger, 418-478 Twelfth ave.c h a u f f e u r wanted; aUedy, caprble . young man; city and country. Geo. J, ftroeAiun. i l l Jaokaon it.




>Rruuwlck AVI., ElllAbitb. N. J,

c a b in e t MAKERS-^BVERAL



COLLBOB a tu i.n t «r U ich .r ( I r i l t i i - .mpl) fur v ic.tlan : ipItniUU, p l .u in t » •; t n i fpr tb r i . mautta., II i l tor wo inentbi. WiUf D. E.. Box II, l i t B u t

Tklrty-fourtb IL, S . r . C .CONTRALTO,inl b u i choru. i l n i .n for

EpIioTpaI choir: b iiln S .ptim b.r; .m .ll •ilary. Apply BL Ju n o i 'i m tory , 111 Brood

CUPRL lod rMort n .p v .a lo d : PoUib or Slovlo proforrod: for motol roflptry. Ap­

ply. Sivips o n , Aotlosolity, to P. O. Boo :IT. Ntwork.COLLECTOR—Fubllohlns houo* r««ulr*o

nrvlcH s | yoan* mon u coUicior Or- o n iu 0B4 Hurlpon, Mr. Lyon,, t i t Brood •I.CUTTER wsntod who lo toqatilor wit), cut-

tins nbor cord ^ o rd or lootb.r: oltody pMltlon. Apply WIHIom Bol Co., 7 Voioy oi.CHEF—S«copd chef or ordtr cook; hli]P.’15VVo.t},\ hlphoot

IF IW uh|n(iop It.CARPENTERS—B .iob ond intohina hondi

In u s h ohd door tootofy: union w oiu. Curtlo Broo., I l Moln ot., E u t Ornpo.C.UIFENTMR Ond coblnot mokori wonlod

Colt a t Hpnolla TplhlDC Mpchlnt Coni- pony, •• Bprlntflild ova.CARPENTERS—n r t trlam ari pud Hvo

i l l Ravoriy rd,, Uppor Mont-Iromoro.olotr. N, J, ___________________________CdtlVAISBRS u d uaiiiodtr lo n i l lotp for

woricins m in', haiUMj PtfSHt uropofluon. Uonator, Room III. t i l Brood i fc h a n d e l ie r Ma k e r : out «hia i> work

puuldo o |» ; hlH on. holpor. Applp ot III w uhinfton i f , nowork.CASE pud hOF mokor wontod: nu«t_boRood •tltchor; itoody work. Apply wm.

Co., 7 Voooy ofCOUNTER M4N for lu u h room: o« ■up-

doy work- Apidr Aekloy'o LijnelL II Oronio I fCOUNTER MAN: optro; food wofoo.

oil day, H & utw Ob____Coll

COUNTER HAN, oiporlincod. Lunoh. I I Pork pi.


COOK'S AMIBTANT WOBtod! App'ly with reyeranee* te llguntaiii Mnui#* Montelalr.


DRIVER wantei, leameter. whoteeale houae. experteneid; eteady iwiltlon; goed

pay. Apuly a t eniw. 0. 0. tVInane Co., 186 Frelinghupgen ave.

HELP w a n u d - i i e n


f ir e m e n . aOOD UOURR



FIREMAN with N.w l.r a .y Iloon.f: IIhour.. Apply 01 one#. Word Bokini Co,,

Fourth ovo and F lllttn lh at.. E .at Orontr.




i l l FBRBT ST.

DRIVER for relAll reuto; m u,i bo food

S.rn'd’IT'dlf i.Tl”anga.

N. T. 'onn R.

DRIVEB—HOS OB t< work pad pi ■

Bchollor, 111• ‘“ I fppA O. P.

DRIVERS wontod, _ . ______food wpspt] tortSNPSSS lu*South KHvanft jjL^ Mdwolb.

DRIVBR wj •ItloOj I

Darla Ivf.

nbor, induilrlou upti: Co„ 111

.oquiri ivptFfircu..R w u to d pa poljk routi: Pb-



DRIVER ea hyaad wagea; eeber. ateady man; referenfle# reqntiwd. I f f Plgnt i t

ita te aalar;ava.

OliM R lldenu;



ON M ETA LISm SrW O lflt! GOOD PAT;lYa *■DROP HAND ON LIGHT FLAT fTAMp“r}KWt^. MVL-”»uSft a r Vo'gi n 8S{!i7*p;L;a

D ^R R T A im it-^ iahpM tw r wSpUil. I t |

KHaWKBIb, FUEL K N q n n n R , k iiIi b l ■TEBHE ENGINE: I t W



FOrtfeUAH, experienced in>eeXtlog ug heneh laUifi. email mlllere and other maehihae;

muRi alio undereland bench wprk; muat be capable ef handling men and women; elate age. ixperlenea and aalary exgbctad. Ad- dreee A- V.. Bex T4, Newi office.FORRMAH, wlth^wlde experlenie. for theRrinding and pnllihlng department of eilr

d Heel aoUier faotefry, wanted at ence. Addraea R. B. N.. Bog 89, Mewe efflee.

FlATURi: WORKGM (lighting), for tnelde and autilde work; aive ana helper- Apply

at 804 Waehlngtpn ey, NawarK't«ra. AttiRarlenced me

'aaUve paii< .en willing te (eerA. Cell

OR1NPER8 and palliherA eaMrlencid me attrt

men wllilng at R. Hilnlech Moe' Worka Bruce e t and

chenice; alae beginner* tiena fw yeungThirteenth ave.GKNERAL hflptre and laberen In and

about fgatory. Per further Infermatlon call at R. Kilaleeh A Bone* Werke. Bruce Bt. and Thirteenth avi.___________GORDON preei feedere wanted. F. F. Moree

A Co., 389 Market at.GORDON feedcra wanted. Borden 9*raaa, Its

Market >HELP™Chef fo?’Al6x*ndrrla l^ y iToO.'bekrr

||B, leraad ('oak H9, fry cook |70 watch­man jl« , all whUe, for Budd Lake; perter. Greenwich; kitchen men> cook, Greenwood Lake, cirefare paid one way; also many local poaltlona tor porteri. rhefa, handy man, kitchen men, dlanwaehire, en­gineer, licenicdi eheet iaynra, book-keeperx, rlerke. etc. Call ready fer werk: open even* Inga,

GROVK AGENCY.148 Main el-, near Grove, Eaet Orange.


HEI.PERS vanlrd in cake department: good tmy to atari. wHh change for advanc^Mnent

for bright, ambltloua workers Ward Bak­ing Co., Fourth ave. and Flfiaanth a t. Eaat Oranga______________________HORSESHOER wanted tn go to country. J.

Wimermute, Ptewartavllle. N. J, _ _ _IRONWORKER and helper wanted for a

emaJ) atructurei ihcp. good wagre. Apply Poetofflcfl Bog tl7, Newark.INSPECTORS for phnnograph motor*. Ap­

ply Dc Camp A Sloan, ifg Pennington at-, city. ____ ______________ _ICE CREAM maker wanted, v Apply J. T.

Caalle'a Ice Cream Co-. 18 Irvlngloh. _____ _____j e w e l e r , on gold rlnge; eteady work the

year round; factory in Nawark. Addreee Jeweler. Box It, Newe office.JBWELER'-Uati lo do meUIng and make

hliiteeif ueeful In jewelry factory. Cham- penolv A Co.« 60 W'alnut et. _____JEWELERS on 14-Uarat wire work; experi­

enced only. Apply al once, Boee A iloy- men, 818 Mulberry et.JEWELERS WANTED. APPLY PHILIP

WOOLF, 40 COLUMBIA BT., NEWARK, N. J.JEWELERS on gold Jewelry; atrady work

and good pay. Otto Bchanbacher, 18 Manh a ll at. ___KITCHEN MAN to do order cooking: good

pay to right man. Apply ready for work, Sayre Lunch. 661 Bergen it.K1TCHBK MAN who ran do abort orders,;

night work. 887 BprlngPeld ave.






H E L P W A N T E D ^ E N


■arvlcee ef q man experlencvd to act aa heed ef their atock room; only thoia with depertniant etore expirr- anee need apply Apply Employ- m tpl Offldt, aecund floor.

MAN waated Ip tehe eharge ef preee room;muet be familiar wUh punub preee and

drop hamMer work; tiaady Job; elite wagee wealed ta d referencei. Addreei Punch Preae, Box 187. New* qfllce.

MANWHOLESALip *-f nLn-ihif 1 . bArm ni-


»ALf GROCBRy; EXPERf-BFiREKCE. 1. - -------

BRO. l i t UinfEEKKV 5T.MAN—Experienced lit packing glieewere

and other braekahie goude for freight; only thoee who are eteady and lober ana want work a«td apply tu Mr Deli, Kueber 4 Kuebler Co., ^7# Plane atMAN--“Wanted, all ruuad kitchen man; muat

be ipber and undereland hla huetneu; wagaa 81 per ereek, room end board. The ■Iberon. 811 Third ave.. Aebgry Park. N. J.MAN WaS t BD t f T EQUIP AND RUM


fitting ahd act aa handy man around mo- lary. Apply Strong Rubber A AeuMtoe Co., 41 Bigelow el-man wantad fer retail milk route; atlarp

|2 | and commlnalen; reNrencee and aacur. iiy required. Addr . -Neera office.

dreia Delivefy, Box 4|.

MAN. ptaciibal. who thoroughly undemand* whitewaahing with pump mOGhlitt- Loaey,

70 Hollywood ave.. Beat OrangeMAN--^Bellxb]e man wanted to work la eur

periodical and newap^ot department. The Newark Newe Co-, 111 WeahlngtoB at-MAN wanted, tren lte atene cutter; geod

itlary; eteady woria. Ralkon Monument Worka. >49 Waal Sinner lt-UAN or boy for general work In leather

and loot veer aupglp etare. O. T- Vogeier 4 Son. 188 Market wanted to drW* bread wMon; eatary

arid contmlefion. Goodrich Baking Co., 14-it Drift at.Man wanted, one wlie can operate and

wash car. Qottman'i Garage, 861 Ber­gen i t . _________________ __________




198 MONROE 6T.


Lathe, planef, m illing machine, boring mill; only f im -c la i i blueprint; gbod wai«e; (reni- p ertitlen free-


Apply to repreaentetlve of Chaleee Nelgh-borliood Public Employment Hurexu, 240 WEST TW ENTY-TH IRD S T , NEW TOBK. or at S eth lehem P lant; offierx open dally except Sunday.


WAKTKD FOR NIGHT SHIFT. 4:45 p. M. TO 1 II A, U.; FIVE DAYS A WREK.h ig h k st w a g e s a n d pe r m a n e n t PO.BITT0N3 TO FTR87-CLAU MEN. BEAVER MAL’lflWE 4 TOOL CO., U FRANKLIN ST.MACHINISTS, tool mnkere and automobile

mcchanlca, turn to page U end aee big announcement; £1QHT-H0UB eliopx. dacem wagti and good ehop condltione; don't fall to read it.MACHINIST'S helper, experienced on aat-

Hng up ehafting and repairing machinery; give wagee expected and rnference. Ad- dreii M.. Box 84. Nowe office. Irvington.


RIAL s t o p p e r no.. 41 SPRING HTMACHINIST—W'anleit. ftreOrtaei. nil-

around maehlniat; nteady pnelllon lor right party. Apply Strong Rubber A Aibeetoe Cn., 4B Bigelow et.MACHINISTS wanted for bench work: good

pay; eteady work. Apply Culinary Manu­facturing Co., ZTJ Llvlngeton eL, city.m a c h in ist and die makwer wanted. Ap­

ply Diamond Expanelon Bolt Cq., Gar- wpofl. N. J . ______________MACHtNTSTB wantad; eevaral good men.

I A^ply Bell Ble^rlo Motor Co., Garwood,






ehapga of Ubogrera, grlndere, ete.; good opportunity for experienced foundry pre- ductlob man. Addreee Foundry, Box e8, Wewg offtce-L A B O R E R ^tl cepte P<r hour. Ellaabelta-

law n Smelting Co., 501 Mulberry ii., city.l a b o r e r s In braee foundry; etaady work.

Apply 8«8 Jeniff ave- ________LEAtHKR factory; experleacai or uneklllad;

aleo acheeT graauatre; good wagaa; ad- and wara room wol-kivancei

iiBlahl ■t- MW

mest; ahlpplng mg. 4ppfy f A Lygpi ave., li

:yan Leather Ce.. Colt IrvingUQ, N. Jt

wanted: axpartenced........... ..............jather; 9 tl to i l l perApply Bbglaad. WaUaa A Ca.p Phlia-

LBATHBR workire men In aeitlog out leather; 9 tl

week. I ' “ ------delphlg.LEAtlfKR workei^ Uchera » d (aa yard

anted. Apply 84 New York <l a r g e New York true! companY want ear'

vicaa of ypong man rgperlaneed In traneli work; atata age. esperlenea and aalary ge* aired- AUrew Tranalt. Box 87. New* office.

HEN—Wgatad. 19 good naea forwork In plerto add plant, opargl*

Ing on government eantracta; nltra-’ tara and e.oid worker*, 44e- per houri yard labor, 48o. par hour; dew'mod- am bunk houat. free; good raatao- r u t on ground*, aervlng meal# at OMt. Apply National Syntbetlo Co., j ^ r Miupey Schootr Parih Amboy,

MEN WANTED: le t Plant Engineer. Uaehanlfte- Miaetrlofane and Uelp«re< ■look Gierke.Caal ^aeare Lahore r*.

Apply United Oil and Chemical Corperatten,Aveaue B| N ey Lincoln Highway. Newark.


HoiTOK. >FPLV. OIVlNO *<yc AHD « * - TIONAIilTT, TO POBTOFFIi;* BOX IH, HBWAKK__________________ J__________KBN— n, B to »i|o t wir. toaelcf:

H* our isForlaUnO.iit, Ur. Vro,l*nd, e u tRomloften Arm* co., nejr FoitftMotli 3t- Forrr, llo b n tn : or ol* 3om*, ContloMlolli. y , yiAo^roB worlw. W. T._______

M HKT-Umni U ^ l Olortf o u M -B*tto|uI temtp*; liuri*ro4o w oou i; il*

MEN— FOUR* m.n «*nto4 (or la;itroitlOF «ot|( In aro4Motien ana mtiorlt]

atp*«tni«ni. laplT Hr. WarO. Etanaara Aoro cnmaraMon, Eiiaaium, w, J.________

■K Wan^A In wbottoal* warn b«o*t:

llBtfcuyilll I VQ.

par; aft net nocoHary,; aro., K a« MO'__ lAT......

MEM wanto4 (or Faro fconao Forli: W.w*** tbtrt«-(lv. ao4 n ( tr roAra oM. A*pi*

Jo*M ?»> Co-, 1* *» H CawnWI *(■u S T w a n ti

Amorli it., y a rr a ^ Irvingtasoh e m waotM t* (lya onf clnnlATf 'A dam

II MMrnollA a t, Novark.

mA(> O n e 0*'• ;ra u '

I coat jn'lKlra'"! *1-

I K. p. p if ti, u i Kaiwy !(■ i lU ^ iik 'k



boarding ■ccommodatlona; free Cmnap/ir- tation. Pennsylvania R. R. Free Employ­ment Office, 871 Merknt at.MECHANIC’S HELPER wanted to learn to

operate ateaqi tocomoUve crane: goodwegea; ataedy poelMon. Apply Poitorflc*

__________ __MEA^ CUTTER, firet-claa*: reference re­

quired. Apply Philadelphia Meat Market, 108 Main at.. Bradley Beaph. N, J.

SELP WANTED NRKOatVIlfQ c l e r k wanted by tanl^. ------ -------- Tbufaetuyer; tome one whu waaU t« grnw with ui: aalary te |19; mgai havt M ^rt- ence In handling men end teanei rm>lF* *Ui* >ng age, draft atatue and nationality. dreee Kefieivlng, Baa It, New* offlca.


RKCEIVING CLERK, eaelitanti yeung men.11 lq fa yeare of age; aalary 8lf in aUrti

plenty of oppertuaily to advanc<' in ahert time; r«ply. eu tlng age, experlenea and na' tlonallty. Addreaa Aa«laUnI, Boa | | , Neweoffice.


HEAVY llAlDWARE. J. B. OODgN CO.* FOOT EAST rORTT-BUTH 17.. BAY­ONNE, N. J.REPAIR MAN wanted for faolery; mea

with niLeround mecheaUai ebllltyj muit be abeolutely aeber and Indualrteue. Apply to Petien Pelnt Company, Ceot Cbaater ava* Newark-RUBHER TURn BRS wanted; goed pay;

eteady work; on founleln peoa. J. L. Schnell, 187 Market at., rouin 1118.HBPAlft MAN wanted an general faotory

work Apply 84 Madlaon et.






s o l d s r e r E ^ metal noveftie

.1 iii iSilver Ieft eeldareri. aaperleneed eg

tiei. Apply Harvey Otborpa Murray it.






SALESMAN.L. i PLAUT A CO. require the

aervieae of an eaparlMieed lalaaman for their men^e neehwaar depart­ment- Apply Employment Office, eecand Deer-

9ALRSMAN. marrlad man, ran larurn ptr» inenant npaUlon aa lollelter and cellectbrj

gulfenteen aalary with commlialon end extra#; advanrtmeiit. rg || gHer II A. M., Mclropo)lt«n Life ItiRurance Ce,, 111 Melu et.. Qrang*. _____ _________



s a l e sm e n waritad for work tfa* govern- mint hee declared - - - - -

chauce for hu bond required

haa declared vegentlali a goadfor huetlere; ealary grid cemmlielon; quired. I l l Jackwon et.

sa l e sm a n , furniture iniieiment haute;aetary and commieeion: good opening for

right party- Addraa* Hgitter. jlod 81* Nawy orfice-SALE6MAN—Experienced raelor "Truck

ealaaman wnnied; eteie a^erlance and reference, Addrci* Moior* Box •* Newe offk-e.SALESMAN and collector; guaranteed laL

ery |3n and commlwion; referegoee end eecurtly required. Box 64, Meritclalr, N. J.SHOE s a l e sm a n wanted, experienced, for

eteady poeitlon; ne Sunday*; axira* for Saturday afternoon and cveninga. i l l Springfield avi,



THE H- * W. CO., as CLINTON 8T,

SHIPPING CLERK. «xtMrianc«d, wantad at once. Apply 441 Kilt Jereei^ at.. Etna*

bath.SLICKERS. exparUnced on fiangar*. wanted;

iteady work- H- D- Parmelaa A Cq-, Miller at. and Avenue A-_______________


For Oavernment Work.Pleaeant W'orklng Condltione,

Strictly Modern Equipment.For TOOL MAKERS Who Are Analaua

to "Do Their Bit'* We Biroqgly ttd ^Rerommend Our Night Sh7^.^

*'■16 B_ .. _ -. __ _ _ek

Eight IlDuri Straight Time

............... IlfhRegular Wage*. Plu* 14% Bonue.

Five NIghta a Weekand Balanca Overilmt.

If You Are At Pre«ant EMPLOYED mi GOVBRNM" —


HTMQFF MACHINE COMPANY,46-41 MIIIb at., Aalorla, Long teland,

Oppofite Kait Nlnety-ftcond |I. ferry Dob New TorU-


BEST WAGES—4H-HOUR SHOP.b e a v e r m a c h in e a to o l CO.,

18 FRANKLIN ST.TOOL MAKERS, meehanlci and automo­

bile mechanice, turn to page 18 end ate btg announcement; iDIGHT-KOUB Jobe, decent wagaa and good thop condltloni; doa't fall to read I t

MECHANIC—Wanted, flr|t-daae mechaalc on Buick care and Dtico lyatem. ISO

Madleon ave., P lainfteld. N, L________MECHANICS—Motor truck met'hanloa end

helperi wanted. Garford &loler Truck Co., Inc., ItO Central ave.MASON, cement worker; chance Joining

really eorapany; take contracti; working men't homee; larga profUi. Herrick, room 111, «?1 Broad at.MILLWRIGHT, Grit elate; good pay and

Iteady work. A. F. Meta«e loach Mfg. Co., 19 Cnngre«« at.


WE WANT A GOOD TURRET LATl------- - - ------------- IP YOU a :

MACHINE xhavare and table btackeneri. H. Hahn & Stumpf, Day at-, Harrieon, N. j.

"mJy *6NAGER—A prominent rubberOFFICE

wKU executive ability to qualify ee ofSce managere; company operating eeveniy branch** In the U, S-. and applicant niuet be willing lo locate wherever a vacancy oceure; knowledge of accounting, credlti end general olllce delall nreceaery; thli le an eaportuiolty fur men looking for a permanent poeitlea. with uhlltnUed poMiblltUei: muet bt or good character, able to furnlih unqueelloned reference* and bond. Addree* witn full par- Uculare, Managey. Box H, New* effloe.OFFICB WORK—Young man for ganerel

office work and ahlpplng. Apply In per- «oa, executive office*. National Btaf Co, Metropolitan building, O re^e .ONi CHAUFFEUr7 white (IlnflelTT iaTl

butler. I houeemtq, i couple. |19b; gard­ener. Steven* Metropolitan Agency, i l l Waehingtop at.PAPER Box 8SGI—Wanted, aa experienced

mart, qiho la axempt, hiving a fair knowl­edge of figuring coft and manufacturing paper hoava in a email faatory out of town; familiar with cutting paper and adjuating maoblnery; good aalary and etaady Poiitlpa; beet of rafereuoea required. Write Manufac- turar, 109 Baal Twenty-third et., New York

pOCKBtBOOKS—Flrpt elae* areboaeer on BbtrlcUn rh^chine, alao pocketbook

makera. qaeraiora, helpara and cuttera; hlgh- • it aalarlea paid te right men. Progriaorve. 81# Sixth ave., HbW York.PACKER and checker, with experience; light

work; good pay. Apply fourth floor, Chart** R. De BevoUe Ce., Plan* and Acad­emy i l J - _________________ ______PRESS Ha n d , experfencad on Rllver novelty

work QD foot and power preee. Moore A Hofmgnh, 4IT Hulbinry * i , city.p a p e r SDKES—Experienced and

paper ciitt#>; good "opportunity ^or good iMn. Apply D. Sohiffenbaue, 78 Nlcholi et.PACKBRS—Chaoken and itcek

wholeaale drug eapailone#. Apply eon or writing* K. i . Barry. 64 rvlNew York.

clerk*,in D*r- Ubd i L*

man wUh *xp*rl*n*t la



THU BEDRlrli C a . BROAD AND W U T l>Aftir«TI., w a n t DAT PoaTBHB; UIUIIT WQKK: OOOD BAtARr. AFFt-i AT OMCrf.■unmiKTEHDXNT'B d p K ob , rouRTU BI.OOB.

PORTMR tr»«t*d («r ea( , ; isaA «MM IwmM flvAH, I II M ullitnr it., M u t ,

Itl-Bff At._________________ ”cS?yOBTCil:'«iat*A Th* (ron<i«>u*d Ca(*, 4«

r tf iT •*.viAUit At ( I I Sfo*4 *t, HtVArk,

A T^ARB o ld .' "

Indian it., fa m r -

VAiitiB, w u ; , m **'***'' ^xbn* ,4.. D |^ ,

rLUM BlB wantmL Cha,. 1 / | |Ufa,, Ifagtalilr.


Ha«1* j

KfO bR l*r*n w h UA *1 II*55-k!"' "WSSBiS

Tow r«ia





TIMBKIIBFEB wAat,4) « p H t llK*kt>>«r, (AmlllAr with csnitrustla* m utt bt

csm pttint; i t l u r comintDiurAti. A a lr ttiT. w „ Box U I. K iv , sTnut.TAILOR tBd (ttltr-~H aa « m U4 (* (Akt

o h trn D( our wanitn't AKtrttloa ratio, Apply EuBtrtnttndtnt, Mtytr Sratbtra (Bai Ion Btarel, Mtfn H.. rAtartan, N. 3.TAILOR « (a t i4 at anaa; 111 a «aak; aniy

t t t id y man wanlad. F. Paadtek, K l Caniral ava.TEAM d rlr tr i lar dump w ifani; »***■

I l l s a day: pay avtry alfbL Smith, f l Bridfi at.


wtahtr. Apply ta Hr.WAQON WABKBR.

. L. BAUBBROER ‘ "*»*<»Fotany, Bambarftr Siablaa, HI Plana at.


aaparltncad watch rap. m.Ht efflaa, tavantb fram I A- K. until i P. M.

k ce . raanlra an ipalrar. ■mpley- tb riaar, apaa

Wa t c h m a n wantad. with Urtman'a U onn , to whtoli and look after one 199 H, p,

bolter; no eweeping or cleaning. Addraea ----- .,1Watchman, Box lie, Newe o:WATCHMAN'—Inteiligeht, e tea^ , aHentlva

night weUhman; fFret'olMireierincee; In tocel factory. Addreei X., Bog i« |, Newgoffice.WATCHMAN; mutt be therquhly henaet

and eober; geod ealery. f l l iiarkat §lWALL FAPHR HANOBR WANTBD,


WABKUAN w aatal In p tra t t w|lh (aw t a » ta wMb. H anandai Oarapa, I I I Bavtb

Tw tink »i.WAITBR—B tparlth tId w*U«r wantad- IM

Braad it.rOUNQ HAN—Oaod epparluplty far aabl-

Uaut yaunp man In labaratary af aPtpt- leal mauufaciurlnt conoarp, cllyi brSh taluel adgsatluR laalrabti. Adt'iaa Oppar* tuiilty. Bat II, Nawi aHlaa,


PHGLFS A So n s m m . e« ., - W N W r " ” ” —n o F! fSTOH bt.

TOUNO MBN lalarMtad )■ noiiah pictura aoUsp, wfibinf ta appaar la pbtlaplay

■foduEtloA tall A u r o / UarM i- FtayarF ItuatD, III Will kttlldtiit, 111 Brabd it. (H arktl MM.)TOtllfO MAN wABtod. dnirbu* t t iMthlup

hratoh makihf -Af r*Mlii*f; altu Saw tap a y r*Mlr Jy pfaraF ri

............... a t H*rkat .TpUNO m a n wApI^ i t laarn ■ttllwrlphtlu

and mAchlnlM'a » ^ » t |t* 4 PAy^whuJ I jtrp if i, A ppl^ PlAtlhf a |A (4 FapWtflcaCTf:TOUKQ, aolorld .............lary whrki O w I t y « ^ al BItanp Bubbar A Aabaatoa

■Mh.wantad (or lipbl (aa-tad (or Mpbl (aa-________ _______TOUNO MAN (or lAbHIu aant, vAiBiak (d*.

t a n . ps«a pay oRd pruntUon. Doita BpqlfWlth-OhAndlar Ot., l i t B am tf ft.VoUNe MBN o r rMlaamant h f 5 u 5 B 6

r m a n *i»k 4,,rfb/m- ■Bce eg mi rtmekt S t

X l i r f V A N TIILw M INTOUNO MAN wantad to work la loa oraam

Ilora; paod pay. Apply at t i t Oranpa at., n tar Kaaavlllt avo.TOUNO MAN or boy wantad, machanlcally

incHnad, to laarn pood trada. Mr. Wabb, II Clinton at.TOLNO MEN wantad lo aaalat In Itock room

o( factory, Amarlcan Undaraarment Co.,

H U T W A N T U t-W O m il


i f Betbunt ett.Near Weet iL, 8 blotike ecutb *f Fourteentha

ABTisTi—Severgl young Igdlei And glrle to learn fgahlon drswing end IlluetrAtlug i

good pgy after leernliig; caII Aftarneene or evening*, or write for pArUcaltr*, THB THOMA8 STUDIO, 481 Broad *t._________ACTHEB8, PHOTO PLATS—Tryout gratia;

information motion picture acting; In-Itructlon If dealrad. Audry Moreden Sludloo,

98 Wlo» bldg., 4T1 Broad at.; Mkt. 8018.a s s is t a n t book-keeper, experienced; about

twanty-four yeora old, ...... - “ **MecUanto al.

William a. Boe, IT





Hlir WAMnH.-W«MB| ^









FOREST ST.* N l y t E l fDEPOT* A ta S ro to N





EEAftSllSE OPERATORS WANTED.Single-needle nperatare,Zlgaiag operator*,Two-n**d]e lace irlmmer*. BIndara.

Light, clean, aalry fa^iory; eteady svork end big pey.

Apply reedy fnr n'ork.The IL A W. t'o.. «l Clinton et.

b o o k -k e e p e r ventid i thordughly cqm- petent In double-entry end trial baUnre

work of tnnlelmenl furniture atore: muet thoroughly underategd book-keeping and Ha competent to take charge of the book* In cormerlleg wHh Ihl* Ime of buelnaee. Ap­ply by Irlter, atatlng riparlenre, age. ref-

lery. t’rewi/Co, 47 Mierence end i ' Market et.BOOK-KEEPER wanted by manufacturing

concern In Blqotnflald; mu«t be ihoroughly experienced; one wNh eom* knowledge nf typewriting preferred; # geod poeitlon for tha right party Addreei Manufacturing. Box 78. New* offle*.

office and boeli* ef •mall menufecruiiog corporation; give age. experience and rer- erenoe and ealary required. Addreoe Book­keeper. BOX 88, Nawi office.


lltenBOOK-KKEFKR, ualaieiit, able to M»(ei

typewriter. Apply In paraen, execui office*, Netloee) B itf Co., Metropufi building, Orange,




THE FEHRia BROS. COMPANY.109 s h ip m a n ST.* n e a r c o u r t i r .

CORSET OPERATORS.Heameri. ■trlppera, joiner*, clxiper* end

hindera; eltedy avork end big pay. Apply reedy for work, The K. A w. Co., i t Clin­ton et.

CORSET AND BRABSIERB ETELKTTKRaSteady work and big pay. ApAiy ready

for work, Th* H. A W. Co., h Cl/yTon at.CHAMBERMAIDS, wallregiti. Jxundre****;

Bluepolnt. Budd Lake. bit. Arllngtou, FalUburg, Barry vine; peairy cook. Green­wood Lakaj many other plecie; carfare paid one way; many local pueJtlotj* for houae- workeri. cleaner*, cooke> taundreMea, nurava, mother*' helper*, etatio#, cterka. etc,; cell




HORPIB AVB. a n d p o n t a «T.



w Q M ie 1|«H





DAT. F R O .,^ M . w « r a .

AFFLT a t t b r n a t io n a l a r h * a C «IX CO,, BLfloMFieLjp A v r Airt) a k o V I H !.

b l o o m f ib l I i . k . j .





T H B C B L L U L O ) P C 9-, IM FBRBI (T .




An/ llDit: ebm tviniBiAGROVE AOBNCT.

Ml Mkln It., ntAr Orair«, BiEnit QrAa*ACHAHBBRMAID-WAITHESBES v*nU d At “ ■

Iki Bcividtr*. M-ll North Uunn ava., _

GIRLS—Buy work (aa H b--I t l r t i dtl/lAfl vACAtlon: mU4t b t -vor (Aurtoik; aaU vttk

pArent or (UArdlAn, fBAtlOld Co., t | HUpUt

BAAl OrAn*A; wktU *lrlA only And muit undonlAnd IkAtr kuilnAAi Ihorogfhty,CHOCK ETBRS on bOAdod puriii: no phono

AulA'orAd. 175 South Bofontuntti ai., bo- twAOA Clinton AAd MAdlton avaa.COqic. cotorod, 114, III v t tk : wsItrAfAti.

vnito, cotorod, |7, M wooki i^hAmborinAldo, lAundroHit by luonth: houooworkorA, wUhot without tAUndry: mAld, oolorod. Aobury F irk : WA hAvo poAltloni (or ooAAhoro or ooontry, JorH / And Now Vork. MAlno to ihomountAlAf: contpcitnt holp (or prtvAi# (ini* ill - 1 .

tnfi.MRNT AGBNCr. I t HATiihAll At„ Aouth (rom^l*u !.• 11 » .

---------- — , ---- - -------------e fam-ll lt i , eeeke. weltrepaaa. day werkere. I l lfl day; nptti exenlngi. CENTRAL EMPLOY

city hall.COOK—Cempatent woman weuld like a go-

•ItJen oe rook* no objection to nuuntry or boarding houa«. Addreaa Mr*. Eo B. Uiffgrd, 7 Vine at.« cUy.________________________COOK wanted at anre; goqg cook; ne waih-

imr Of Ironing; good wage*. Apply after i ttilg aftarnoen. 74 Je)ta*nn ave.

CDOK'-^aod plain coek. willing to go to eeaehere; tef. I t l l Oranf*. tie Barrlaan

ft., lloat Oranga.COOlc-.M>Fialn oeek fer email boepItaL Weal

End HoapUel. H I Sixteenth ave.<?GMFAKtON WANTED FOR LADY; REF­


CASHIsii for retail meat merkei; oaberl•noed. Apply axeeuilve office*. Nallc

Baaf Co., Metropelltan hulldlng, Orange<onat

CASHIER wanted, who ie femlltar with book-keeping. Cell Plate Rrateurent. 696

Broad at.COLLSCTORv aafeiwomen wantad. B. fl. M.

Co., Haleey and Academy ate.DRESSMAKER wliha* help aa improv.w.

Apply IS Jgcab at., near Oolii atDIBHWASHBR, snick *n^ dtoAdy: M per

wufc. (75 BroAd At.EMBROIDERT HANDS. aIao opuAtorA on

hondkArohloli: lu r n in lAkin; ■loAdy po- AttlonA- t l ShlpmAn it.


BONUS f o r p r o d u c t io n . BONUS FOR ATTBNOANCB.






BtkOlL I AAd N>ntA4 Ik mAohlDA (Actory on AOkliiA w .tk: llpkt »srk ; food pAy

wtillA lAArntafi BaIIavIIIa or North NowArkniv"ci.;wTj?invtU* ear ip UolmMi at.(ilRto About Alfkto«h Is o (tl» • ( rcIloWA

firm, to -Alt on oounttr And d* elArlAAl worfcj maol b« SAAt: hourt, I to t ; islA rr to otoir^ I I I wook. Addrtoo Ofdoo, B oa i .

O IR U Asro M A VAAk At IjFkt work AA- MAibllnA hr ksAd: no nAohlsorp to lajoro

yon: Aivonoosiont to aulokrworJiors: boRB* t u FAnotu^iiy. Bstloik c ;^ M H u to r il

M R ta ^WORK:

NBR8: P I lAVB,^^








G.^LS p ju u d fo r^ n ^ t Uowrir « | p y , d iy : Ito ptr tvooli lo At4t(, APP)/ liroRfRuhbor

porA Aoho.’tot Co., t i Blfolow pt.

GIRLS on loldlor buttoua; foj ■•mblln*. <001 prooi olid wrkPf

' roi,utr*-t to™Uilloy CrDorlAnro rooujiodi dO^W. J. Uilloy Co.. 1(7 Mulborry ol. WAGIRLS, with lOHio oiporlonoo OR towolrv

work, to poldor imolt oRd nnto, Ato.: aIi « ItorcrA; rAilory In WoWArtt. A^drotp w t’------ 1, Boa s», Nowa oHIca

koyni } to I:Siturdav 11 neon; w*AM to otort | l , AP-

.11 or ft.OIBLA Tor Ilfhl (ooliry work

Soturdoy t l “ ----------- 'ply II MilGIRLS. II

n iv ii uifijewolry (ootory. nut tt.

yoori of Alt, to iniko Hiiir ; (111 In tnontollnf dOMrtisojgl ol ory. KriinontA A CA, prciitoL

GIRLS,Eiporlonood ot wroptln* otlok 0AA#Ft

(ood piy, ChArtni. Co., f LAfo/otto Pi,GIRLS nv,r H wontod to work lpi'‘(oi.,tory:

(004 ckonci (or odviDtomonl. ASSlY A. Kollindor A Aon. IK Boot Kinoop ((.

GIRLS ond wflinon IholRd row month:- whtro othon A|oki

Drokt CollOfi, NowiiPk'toko A

k t food,


CURLS, p o x 65. NEWS QFF|C>.GIRLS wanted to exiinlntt ablrifi espert

«*nt.'C(| and t<ern«r*; fine aalary te start Felnaleln Broi.. a&O Mulbefry *tGIRL or woman

three In family. ilM. t u Sprge* et,

f^rCall . . Newark-

generat heuiawsfk.Dr, F. GrpblSp dei.-

niRLS. to work an eardlng peigl----------- ------------- -------- --Inquire of A J. Moualey,

teenth at. near Elghtepiith gviletSl hu|I


GIRL for general houaework. vlTItouF'wVeh- Ing; good w egee. 91 W atoon avs.* Bm ;

Orange. Tel- 9117 Orange-QTRL wanted for qVerioal wefhi i l l t i tx

year* of age or over. Addreaa BeuAiifg,Box tC9, New* offlae. ^QIRLB about 16 to 88 year*

anamallng. Apply Elgpor^ Oaborne, 2 Garden et.

•i?n?T«5reI ONsMIh A

GIRL to work on addreaalng m achine: goad aalary and edvancam ent. Apply L

fitrongfurt, I I Perk pL ^QlHlo for fiaarpl

houae, 91 Perk at., Eo*t Orangip

hBtwtwsfbi boarding ave.. corner Sixteinii'

GIRL wanted tg work ih cream atora’ good pay. Apply a t 498 Orange at., aee.'

Roaevllla eve.GlRU email) to mark and button up Udlaa'

underwear A atead] ' ‘ “William eteady and qlean work. i*u

GIRLS wanted for wrapplag candy; oteody work: good pay* Csgrana Company. M

Summer ava.Glir k t wanted for tloiDiag. tyarg Irsm

7 to I t; no maala. Call Sanetorium, 189 High city.

“ vf.orT,-O linr It, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _GIRLS wontod. oodA dtrpoaioro: nloo hourt

And' (ODcl Bky. Addrou lAllA, Box i t . Nowi offire.GIRL vonlid

'NItrom U f(. Co AtlAO, N. J.

tar (okorol oldco' work.47 Lank ft., EAAt Or-

Gir l to «-ork on countor; rMtAutAPtur kAhtry nptrlAAAo, T*'A>tAAl uiasr. t (

Pork pi. _ _ .Gi r l or womAn (or' k o i^ iw o rk |j» % o h ^ B |'

n ici honiA In tho MMntr/- rbono ItM ROrAnit.

lAUndr/GlRi4 dror I I ; ' *ooA P A ri'M A ur 4 ^ ,

Wofdol) SttHpP LAHUdryT j (GiBtS' WAklfd

Gould POA ♦ '(M (oot . %


!&i ■

p‘ W A H T E D -W O ttMiDr Hitit botiM'

& 111 Irvliigton »v.-. South Ormaf -

■ a w * y o « z ? J I l♦ wall*^IW h. H» W « t Klnn«y »t._________bM nkw O BK —<3Iri for »*n*rjl hou»««rk;

Bfoaoh Brook 'l i l t '■ir'inMi.uyoRlC^Touat Clt*! wiuitod to M*lit ^ w l^ ^ i im iw k . ApUjr 5*0 i*uth TiBib

, or tlKipi » I1 Wowriy.


MOCMCWOBKBR—For **«*r»l h*»*wor1(;*ti«** »anii»i k*®** «•*•*• Pii“o i ***

BO W WORK—S»P*''>*n*«* 'i!!roBltr ouff*; i t i i ' i r work, TB *nd *0 M ^ i w Vrow; odir* und*r n»w m iiaio-2 5 ’ “ 11 !> ’I '_________________vnitB WORK—Neat ooirero on chlllroa'i

can 2n w «ki ow tpt MtuHoy. |T UalM ot» NowoPh- lido oatronct.

BkNlt WIKDSR8—m j)iT li»«« «lrli. ^Itoroira^ pood p*r, *t**dy **1 *?, ^*5 ju d . AMly N»w»rk Th««d C*., Htmll'

Mi u d U U ny it*.HIMITITCHBR — ■*[H)rl»nc»d

WMlid; iliidy work; fond v»y. 11* H*l«y i t . ________

o n rilo rBlutn'i.

KTTCSIiN WOkie.V,- ---------- 117 Bprinfdild »**.nlfhl

work; food w ifi*>.ATiT nt nlidilBK pirinnmlUr. havtaf <•»

Iwuri ddiiy to ip*fii *'•" l* i™*"** ■ im une poiiitry »nd u il* u d In wtikllih- U f f P«rm»ni0t, lu tr i l l r i builniii ol I'M__ ___ _ n an u u rv! Illl-_■; fo privloi* iio rr l in r i n«ii»*ry;if tl comp#n**tlod inr th i rlfhlWrttt lor p»rtlcul»r» *l BoolntH. Bo* »*. R*®!* n»lf«'


fi*t>nM r*i w*hl*d tor motion olctur* pro- *^«otloB; only tho«> Inlertilod In pfin'®

*y iotlnfi « P P r '" n l 'y . w SidiMH UaFAdAD Studio, III IT inK id ii* . m B t . ; / . * " M.rkrt t on.u u n i i *nd chlidton. b»tlnn»™. J?!LQQ vllllkilwill *|y«l« •••* — ' I -

f« l* ir motion pirtur**; ‘■'•J ilr aaod taunt: tryoui aTranlid, o ^n hh a'oYai^ •Toalnf*. Fli»o Art Motion Pkturo

I t X 111 Ifarkot ■!.I*AMP MbnuiUr* and lnip*«lori oa

moot work; ou*dyoondlUon*; lood p»y._ P* Fp t'it241^f».!*il*ll*Brf'fwlrk »y«„ Bron*. N. T.UARMBRB. U in 1* r**™-, on lnt*nt*'

wbito dr*o*oo: P*id whllo l«*rnt^. B, ' fo , I North k^tionih »t.. B»*t Or*n*i.

w m a r i f t hiltur wamad; muit ba com- Mtaat •aatnitraai and wllllni to liava

m V iJP iP Carlitoa at.* Proapint a t, I t m Orania.m a id , m a ra l houaawerfe, without

vark: to io to Maihoro. Apply at 111 Oakland rd.. Hapuwoodj aoaf trolUr:

I raunlrad.MAID wantad for amall aparlraant, mwt

'dantand rara of luhir; Maranca w- ^ i f f . Hall. II Sottlb Supnatt au


Wb:« S 2 l” iS

‘B u S fK R T —Bxp*rlenc,d iiu«l«dlo*i

IW u n m y■ ; oppr.nllcoo: kl1-y**r pool , H. Mond*l, m Bprtnfllild

trlmmor kiid loaitlon;




BOOK-KEEPER—Biporloncod y®"®* oo^^'^ptHko* hA**dr*(t »**mpt, <«“ l™ C S cl n o t^ v flo o d , but Mil »t Ih .Addr*M p*rm»n*nt. Bo* t*. N»w» j)riT£»__ ^ .„ |„ d , iiwty* on !>•»“ ■

b a r b e r w»nti itondy pMlUon luf morainf, Addrioo B . So. 71. ®'-morainf.

flea.BARBER w«nto •lo«dy P®*'!'®" J® '

Biornlof■ A ddrfo B.. Bo* 7*. N«w* °Itl®*-BOT. traduAlInf Juno 3*. wUhoo pooillon.

AddrVi* c. A. R.. Bo* i i , Niw* otile*CHAUFFEUR • MHCHANCIAN. «o™***«‘

■nd **11101; (»mllUr with nil kl*b-j^r»d* e»r*: privato fwnlly pr*l*rr*d- Chauirtur, Bo* i*. NiW* oftlt*


c h a u f f e u r . miohnSlc (whltal. t l , **P*rlmorrlal; kood rofirekoi*. North Sl»th ot„ Nowark.

lory tuppll.* lit. »ov*rnra*nt. prnpwiy o ^ nr. anil publtc Invlttd to call and thaaa taro carloatla, cudalatlnr af fuaMr,

. *1*1. rid and fraon Hint; » t J fly- 2 and 1 ply; alwajra In buflnata at « • - Haiaty a t . naar ktsnay. Btaphan

thaaacurk. but tIT HaiatyR. Naylur {latabiiahad llf l-Ali* kladJ of plumblns fUturaa eoBalailDt of bach ^ 3 ^ hlfh^and jow^ g lcvDaiaunn i»aui *««■* »»*•“ * t. — iiwL Urn oloaai oullita, lAVftorla*. kltckaf al^A r td f ia and boilira; wi*h tray*, ataam ata. rddlator* »»® l ’'A*'f,,‘2M?«!*!y’u r io of lank* and lauMU • “'? b^oda for eottta ti and puBpt. nolomalTc walor lyatant*. »tn ■


H a u t h d d Gm S i r i S F o n t e t

l»-FOOT abonraa* on ttuaritrid oak tdbl* with cArvad 1.,*; vary handaorat; ebidp.

J. C. Ralaa, optk'lan, tl7 Broad a t___ _llI3 BUO. Ilk* now. I l l ; ala* a™**!

ruf*. oih«r goodt, chaap, IE Now at. (itora)*

C U d n MR. I. Bad, WhtI*

brpliutionf*BT'Ho*ii,’whll* L»*^^ BuffUlflS IXJili A»» aawkoot ........Orpinfton and Wyandolt* pullata, noma Fib, I t hatch, oihara March and APtll *’a*®*i” ' Adam*. ISl Mulbirry at Phon* 4770 Markat.

A U n m O H L E S



Cr b w o r I C a n


CHAUFFEUR doalratFord car; *ood aaltaman. Addraa* Chaur-

fiur. Boa t t ^ N a ^ o l t^ * ^ __________ _COOK.~tlr*t-cl***, bulchar and paitrT. *•■

•Iria A poaltlon to work, rioloufAnt or hn- tol, city or coubtry, Addrcaa Cook. Bo. 17, ^awa officer

BkJIBIfB, K*ikAJ4At«tll> Oi ima ----- ____44VAMW maoA* •“■ooda naar and gunrantaad; not ®*^***¥^ ^ ' Halehary. r ' l ^ In U> wSirfiiMton RtAnch Brook.Laennrd, 14 Lomhiardy R.. opp. wnanltiston

llEALTHT hAtchod chloki, lie . up: LJf- horna and Minorca*; alao duckllnia "HI

i i N-Tth Savoath a t: plton* l i l l

Park, phop* *»** MarkaL

CHEF. cook, worklni tll-around. Amtrlcan; cookini, fAClory,

tiofo. Connolly, to* Vallay rd., Wtal Or- anf*, _____ __________CLERK, aapiriincad, and typUl, wl*l>** f®'

atilon for oltarnooni; hlfn Khool Jtrad- oal*. Addraa* Qttlc*. Boa » , Nawi otfico.CARPENTER—Flrat-elaai, all-around man

wanlt aloady poaltlon: tobor. Addraa* Corpentor, Boa U. N*wi offlco.

a s p h a l t robbir rMflnc. ** ** aiivnda or remrABto; olralBk.l «ooff.'.,'r";

tncludid; othir rco * « malorlali. hoUjAl*; wo kav* ik * .^ ® * “ *• »®'*

fro m 'tt to <* Pjr e w t s l l t , 4“-.” ?.-"- o. iC. Boofln* Co., i l l n t h at. Ttlopbonaa l l kind* of aapkAlt ro*flM> * » * '{!'

l i t *4 ft. par roll: nail* an* « i ^ * oindad; jorfaci rolU: A a t ^ l nS,*! J IfAlnta. l lT a n i J I jk



.'o., H. a Co* • RoM> doraoy Railroad Raaa l l kind* of otoro tU uro* ;» •» /! * " - 5 ; botor* you buy. ioiiuii**, »»• dprlapllO'dav*': tai. WAVifly i M t . ______________DOUDLAR aiaam boUoc, f l « *Rf)f*2*'.fla*

vaivts, fivt Air yAl»i*',*lP**'j*!ii'"^5lLj,„?;____ *a— WRIlO— ...w —. ____________________ , w-'w - •‘SL'CARPENTER; **p*rltnc*d In bulldlnp con- olhor planu at ouuAlty Mw prt<^^

itructloQ. w*ht* new or rtpelr. d*r_or ron- a . lUuglM.■ RrMCAIwMo WT»a|wm OIW w ■ v w roaMOUnci woHio US 8hnw nve>; tV*v. T»l-



Neweemort nro fiumnteed n nlnlmvm w w k iT ^ t* of t n »o. with Jio meni oh cowplRlon of flrot thirty dny*meni oh comploiloh ictunl pUtfomi eervice.

BIf Increnno In pny nt-end of flrot eli Iho,montho. Eniy. henlthfuU itendy nnd pornin

nent Jobe

HUBdradi of woman hav# i*k*A up IM* bind of work • • » wnr duty in other cliuo nnd olher countrlee.

m il l in e r y SALEBLADIEdataady poaltlon, Xlna Co., i l l

l ira “for 1 Kay,MAWIUIIRE, adpart, wanto*; f t ^ la ly y

"add aamnlaiioa Addraoa Kaaioura Eox'.~U| wiBinlaafaa ■ IB m aftlea

.wastad, raun* woma* t* da nura- 7"i t ^ a a o * not nocoaoaiT I wraat b ^ lOftropoaa Apply to boad ku m , bo- iT T ld M id r P. M., 77 Cantral ai*.

wat, wantad to a n a w - J ^ iblld: Mlary. lauBln Mra Manaky. i> It., tap n « . ___________________





.TORS, aitporfanood on Inlwta* whit* : Ilfbt work room; ataady worje B. Btoatoaburih bid*., eoniar Plan* any at*.. Nawark. ______ ^

pply at Room l i t , Concour** Floor, Pub- lift Sarvlc* Tarmlnal, botwaan t A. U. an*II Soon.

CHEF, oolorod, taka eharfi; tnaat. p o try , bulchar: quick, tobar, rilUbH; b ill r il- anci. Jamai. H Somaraat a t ._________ _

DRUG CLERK, rrilalarad, dealraa poaltlon.prtfarahly with bif ature. Addraaa Dru*.

Bna i t . Nawa o f f l c a . ________ _

A DouclAt. IRi Mllieum PTVap wiiwimsai aJ.'i » .a y "h a d i m ; wrtta for partlculara.


Boarded, cllppad. " “ b*®: • '• '“ b Hayo, H Thomaa aC. Blootnflald; til. I t lL



s u i i .iv a n MOTOR t r a c k s . W O MDRIVE; IMMEDIATE DBLIVIRF U

EUZABETH kVK. l i t* WAVERLT.LIGHT TRUCK, opan t o t alia etl»t**yi

fully equlp]>ed; eiiirier. I'K*I.M vpv... . . . . . . . . -ISWa ''*'?J*.**fI*baat Ofior taka* U. aathaofi for food tour- Ini 144 WbUiui it. ■m i ’rO R n delivery cer* w»h «P «In _flnt-el»M mecbenir*l eondUlon. p*"m Air»*-VI«M4< n i^ *i**i*aa • ' wwain-...-y —lor Sola* Garaf* Co.. Btudabakar dtaiara, 111 Main at.. F.aat Oranf*. ________ _1*17 FORD fommarial car. panal body:

II raaaonahl* to quick buyayL.J.ll'JifR f goMi With !l. Inquire U r WUIig»*ibedy gow 610 Bro«d «l. city.1*11 rORD oue-iun eTteneloh truck; pneu-

t mnlle llrir-, tep »m» elde curUln*: ^0®( little: che*p, 8!Cir«*. iTIfto. lOih ■!,: Mkt. ITOX

AT STUD—Boaton latjlAf-.H*’'* , V . r i J . 'S ’ II lb*.; raflilarad; fa* J'JL* “JSl,"*'field eve., Irvlagtou: phone *11* WeveriytAIREDALE, ont y**®,. ®‘®' oily; ohaap. U Soutb at.: tolapbon* Mar- kal U * * . ____________________

DESK, larf* flat n LVaralda: alaa about *1*14 ft.. *1»- •• "A*

FOR SALK—Rtad baby eA";l»*A;now. cheap. Mr* I. Borkowlia, t i t South Afvenlfeth et. — ~

CAHDKNRR—Experienced gardener aetiie poiltloh by Ihe dey. weeh or month, flret-

clnee referencee. John Meyer. 274 Irvlnglnn eve., 8outb Ordnge^________________ ____ _


liy; office work or any poeltloti of truet; iBt roforoncaa and aocurity If raqutraa.baal raforancaa

Phon* **!• Branch BrookOFFICE MA.V. oapariincad. over draft afe.

doalrai poaltlon oulalda; ebauffaur a II- cona*. V. Fray. It Ruth at.. I r* Inf ton.

POWER and font praa* forainan, flrat-claai die eetiefr In the meiel end novelty line,

know* how to fat production i ptoyod: would Ilka to twttar hi* poaltlon A d^taa Steady. Bos I t . Naw* office.

g a rd en KouC. • oani* par foot and up- ward: trnte etid renvM cover*.

WALSH'S StjNB * t^ . .CLAY AND OGDEN STR________

GUM ISABELS. *»o.l ^ b a r prlbllaijM reueohuhle; qul'jk, nupta Roee i*reM, *#

Clinton et.: gfou'tii floor.IP y o u ivtnt eecood-bend

end fixture# cell eufl ••• ^ M Arllhif' (oil it.a l>eft»re i»ufi.he*lnf.__________ _LRTTKR PRESS, with eUnd. |*. 18 New

it,, Biore. —


11. II. I t Orchard it. Trl. iol* Molborrr.DR. SMITH'S Hoapllal, boardlnf k a n n ^ :

cllpplnf animal*: callad for, dtllWTirt.Haaaaitt Vallay way, W. Oranf*. tal. III* Or.FOR SALE—Full brad puudlt,cheap. AJdroaa D„ Ho* *0, Nawa offtcFRENCH illk toy puppiri; two month* oIR

31 Hill at., city.

RBOi n i . 1*17, m i t o u r in g c a r s , f iv e


1114 Ford oneolun exprew.Severel complete JLtneye.1116 Overlend lourthg.................... - Btu

LITTER of very elAHy IrUh lerrlere, ree- aonabla; alre and dam reflaterad. John

Rold. 1*7 Tippan It-. Kearny,

m l i-eyl. 7-paoa. Btudabakar.Tourain* •-7-paia,S ttw irt ona-ton truck.H17 Grant i roaditar.1117 Hao *. roaditar.m i Buick, ona-ton truck.l i l t lata modal llupmobll* aedan,,Niw 111 I Ford aaprri*. run I i itiHaa I91G I'halmera winter lop.1*12 lalnn. 6'iieis,1*11 Mevwell roedeter.t*l1 Hulck I ’peM'. 4*<*yl ^


ONE-TON Kualilar truck cheap: workin* every day. Can hi earn Rranford and

Malaay. Iruiklnf aland. NtuiJ-kW R D ^uilnaoa cafa 111* and l i l t . JN* , foraiit atylaa. bodlea hand .???> "••t i l South Oranf* ava Tal. 17*1 Markat.WHITE TRUCK; l i t I''"-,***®".*®'.,'®".'";tlou: almoat now. any danionitratlon. a barf Ain. l « Cantral iva., Eait Oranf*.m o to r t r u c k s , 1 lo i ton*;IIv k t : 16 per cent, down, IS if II m « tM

tn*. Commefclela Box 111* Newi olBg** _icrMtT> dellverv lele I t l l , (Inil-cleii cohdl* •^Go?, barVa", IH I. Apply »p« Clinton •r*.. or Cisplay. «H Hunlardun al._______ _»va., or Copliy. _ ___________STUDBBAKBR 111* modal coinmarcial car,

in flmt-riftB* condition; a'harfaln- ta l l Tuoaday. llnyea, si Aeadamy al.I l l BUYS Kurd lop huainaai body: |ood a* **naw. H. Pohla. Uo 8priii*rield *ve.. cur-nar Klavrntb el.RACK Irucka fur hire; IH IpliA J. Melnn

,3 Kearny ave.. Kearny. N. J.

NICELY marked fo* terrier pupa. Tl North.P ark at., Baat Orniat Orngfa,

MAN kittalWHITE PERSIAN kittan and o}*'vary raaeuiiabla; food home n-antad ror

ihort-halrad kUtin. I l l Garilda al.

MILK—Four can* of Grid* A raw milk for Mia dally Elaman, 130 Irvlnflon *v*..

corner Boydeo eve.. Soutb O rehge._______ill tort»]MOLDINGS, herd end ioft woc^i,

«ell cheep. 746 South T w ntle tb »t.NATIONAL Cftih ragleler. |44: lined oyit»*r

ecunier. 49; office_ceee. I l l ; office

PAPRRHANnTNa-rAtNTINa. Flnt-cleei mechanlf weiU* work; cr^enh'

Able. Addreei Decorator, Box Newi offlc^TIN end eheet iron worker wnnle work, day

or conlrect: govcrnmonl work preferred. Apply Ttnemith. Box 91, Nowe office.

vUih cfleh drHwer,-ll»i ehow cam end coun­ter, 111; coffee nilll. ♦«: emell counter 14; ihoe miker'e mechlne, *10; tailor m*cnme,912. MeeefhBr Stortife. t Hollend »l.i .sprii'KflelJ eve.OAK leetheTthick end M t dMk

chnlr, coal |30, will eell for tI9. J Clerv- raoni pi r cof. Cleremont tee., Uopiclelr.

C ask R s f i i te n

BtSEX CASH RBGIMER Ctt.Center Lgwrence eed wi*rk«l et*.

We eell rebuilt NATIONAL eeab regletere a t A b^t ” na-liH th . orliln .l c « i; peymento; two yeere* guireeiy given, we will eleo reflnUh eoneble ptle* or buy it tor "P;**The lerffeat independent iseeh regliler denlari In New Jemey.

TCVERT CAR A BARGAIN. 1911 MixwflU touring.1117 Liberty, touring, lete tnod«l< 1917 Chevrolet, fine order,I t l i Velle. roediter.19U Cole 1. touring.1914 Rulrk «. rohvertIbU topv 1II& Wihion Big BlXa 19U Cole 8. 3-peuenger.1114 CodJIlec, louring.

Autom obile* fo r E u h s a i *WILL a ich an j. handannir '

SI* phaati'H fur bunfalow, ur anitU la r and raah rhunr iiraiif* l*us.

m l Marian, enup*. 1111 CADILLAC UM

WATCHMAN—RollAbl* roan daalna poaltlon a i prWata watchman In wholaaol* houaa

or bonh; Al rafaronot. Addraa* Walchman, Bex IT, Now* offlco. ___ __________




IN TWO WEEKS' TIME.WE g u a r a n t e e TOU R c l e «






PAINT TOUR SCREENS...............and provonl rualinf. W* carry a full Ho* of

paint*, oil*, ate.A. C QEtCHIUB * CO.,

471 Broad at.______ Tal. Mulbarry H il.RUBBER STAMPS.

Slfhatur* atampa, aaal prMoai. 77* Broad at. Bofordua A Hampatad: taka alarator.

y oung m a n , twanly-aavan. draft aaampt;oxperlancad aaloamnn: baa held aaacutlva

poaltlon laat Ihraa yaara; dealraa eultahla poaltlon. with advancement onporlunltlaa.Addraa*' Opportunity, Boa lH. Nawa office.YOUNG MAN, with three year.' book-keap-

Inf and atinofrxphle aaporlance. want* an offlca poaltlon, with chnnea to pat In ovor-Tlmrin fn c iw : n « nfStd of work; Al rat- aranea*. Addraa* Otfloa. Boa I*. Now* of- flca, _______ -


to r s on tnualln undarwonr; wook of work; boat prio** and * t*a^ work

ChnrloA A. Kupparmon do., II* It ft,, third floor._____

.to r s , oiporloncod on Infant*' whit* Ilfbt and Airy work room, food

I Nollfli

ISF, B, Uoman, K t Onmt*. N. J.

iforth Flltaanth at.,

M X A TO R S-G Irli ^ klmkl plw « l » l rTIfU bt laornari takan. B. StapntnA H

‘ ■ I i t , alSa antrihco; E*at Farry ear..TORI of otwiMt machlnoii will b* it our aaork; paid whtl* laacnlnl. work *U yoar. 11* william at.



TOUNO MAN. I*, macbaolcally Incllnad. hit and atronf, wlohaa work at onythlnf. Ad-

g ro a * _ W ^ _ B u x ^ t,J< * ;» ^ tf lr ;^ _ ^ ^ _ „ ^

YOU can hav# th* wondorfnl chano* of la tlln f a pricalai* Carrara marbla hual ol

Vtoloota* Btotrla that will a?'*!..*®.;, **,®A by wrttlnt Hr*. Rena Cary Shofflald. 10* Second av*., Newark, N. J.. or tal. B. B. 1311 for further loforiMtloA_____________sTo*b o x es ' douhla Ihirk f rfait houaa flaaa.

loall and 10*13; hot w»ltr bolleri, plpai, etc.; reaaonaWa, J. SuaMarmxn. l i t Rldf*- wood avf.. cliy. ____

W* M*ka and 8*11 Onlyn a t io n a l CASH REGISTERS

and CREDIT PILES.Lewaat prloaa. Small monthly payinOBta No Inloroat charaaoOld RofUtara ropjred, rebuilt boufht, fold

xad aacbanfod.J. W. PERKINS, a g e n t

The National < ai*t •>a*'®y7,£^> , , ,*7 Bank Blraat Pbona Mulberry I f l

H so tsko ld G oods u d F o n i to i tAT Hr. Cub'a, 30* WaablnfUn at., cenai

Acadtroy; thrt* or Hr* plac* parlor aulta, coot *71, aill for III.IO; aoldan ^ room auil*. *1* black loatEor chain, buffoi, round lop table, coat *131, *#ll for 130, rufa, coal It*, aoll for I lf,

EM PLO T M E N T W ANTED— W OMENCOOK—Baperlenced. naai. whit* woman,

wlihea poaltlon In prlvnta family; food raferanra, Addraaa Kaparlancail, Bo* lOT. Newi office. ____________ ____ _COOK wliha* position where there I* ^h*r

help, to fo to taathort; retorenc*. i i Oak- wood pi.. Ornofo. _____________ ■■COOK—Good cook daalre* poaltlon In prl-

vaU family. Call ISIW Bharman a v * .__

.TOM,. oaporloBood on ladUa' hlaiit ■Rfwaa; atoiidy aad food payliif work, l i t

HUlam, a to m c i WORK—H lfk aohaol fradaaU for

tfaoral ofttoo wyrX Apply In p*Mn. Ex- tfSSr* Oftloa*. NAIonal Boaf Co., MalropoU-ive Oftleee.

building. Orengre..R ^ ^ B M a n S d M k w i^ m w ia M Call all

EUt* Lunch, 1* Cantor ot.

WOMEN, MARRIEDHarried women arantod for n lih t w«k,

flv* n lfh ii a waak.Good pay.

CREDIT MAN, oxporloncad. capahlj, **acu- tlv*. coIlacUonij corraapondam.'*; drnct **'

ompt. Addraa* L., Box **. Nawa offlo*.

b ed room SUITE, braa* bod, foldan oak dcaaaar, chlltoonlar, droaalnf laWo, omI

t i i . Hit ior If). At Mr. Caah'a. l i t w aih-Infton a t ____

T n x w r i t m u d SnppUssa l l m a k e s TYPEWRITERS,

k b w a r k ' t y p b ^ itk b i x C I & N ^ • Beever «t.. reer ot |07 Mermet it.

Telephone Mefkbt 44t0.

MOUSINl. •I t i i rectinnc, Idurlng.I tU I'lipe Hertford, rUhftbeuL I9U Moline, tourlni*Ford moTor end Ford reer.You nefd the cef^w e need the reem.

w a lla c k m o t o r carCOLF AND LIBBRTT VBKD CAR DIPT.

664 Breed it, Phone t«89 Merket.J. W- Ulfford, Uned'Cer lienegeiv__

D O B B IN .*4! D O B B IN S1919 rhendier 4 -pu» coupe. ^19tfl CadUUn 7-pMN.- repelnled.1114 MiU-hfll 8-pMS, tour.1916 oldemoblle. 4'Cyl. ruiiAbeut.1916 Pullinen 4-cyl. rutiabeut.1114 CadllUc tour*, repainted.1914 Pevkard 2-41 llmouatne.1914 Case coupe.1111 Mitchell IvPAea* tour, t i l l Pgckerd l - l l Umouetne,Every car guaranteed aa

BBIN8 AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE.m Belleellle tva. _____

T lrss, A c c tn s r is s , R spairta Etc.SAVE ) l to I t PCI 'OiR. “® aiai'Uar'l itr*®

;ii:4U ..|N i O' t t l lM .. 33 i 37x4H .. 33

tils '* .*J?*U 3*K t..*[ii»‘»S m l : : ! » ^

91x4 ..16 0# IGxIv. 16 60Out-of'lnvi'Ti mall <''“der* filled. UNITED OUAHANTKB ■J lUB CO,

jobhere and fletallera

t:o 09 ' 99

«34 69

*74 Broad at., epp. William: ph««e *l» Wk ti Dletrlbuteri ef the famoue

F o r SALK—* ii Ftreelcn* rlmt. t i n t * ; I t new 'J , nn4* lU ton With rabNa will fit Forte* Win "®.T L ? . . . " Quy, Auto Exihanf*. 13Mali TheaD. TP^ uuya amy« r*** --

Day a t. Slontdalr; phono f i l l ; opan Sun-

'd o TOU KNOW that you•ooroS . ey!)nS«_reP*lrj,_d ^WITHOITT


PRIVATE party haa l i l l Jackton tourlna. nlf-atartor, aloctric llfh tx t'®™®®®**®*®

rliBJ, dimminf laniea, raliroracop*. apotlliht. 3 extra tlrr* on rim*. I oxira Urlvlnf flovea


*n’S d i;;^7"iM « 'm in :y by bavin, «®r cyi- fniler repaired by L. Uawranee ^ iM te d prooeea. at 36? Haleey et.. Newark, N* J.aUTO TtflEB vulcanleed; Inner ta b ^ vai*

capised. ll>e. I •eenudrbaiMl tlree.

weiHl chetna, btownut patches extra eparb plugs. Jack, pump and complete Mt of tool* Yivitlt Urene^i car haa run 7.191 ^ l l “ l * moalfully equipped car; aeking liTI,

'4 WavPhone

6474 verly.

ALL maka* of rabulU typtwrlUra; ®baajW oachanfa In Jaraay;. rental*. I^ .li Ihrao

month*; rapalrtnl. jb®"',*®?;;... *4i Broad at.'. Markat 3130; room I*.UNDERWOOD, Ramlntton, Ollviri. I l l up;

ronioia, t l up; aupplfe*; roP*>f'"*• Typewrltar Store. 4*7 Broad iL . B* B. 6166a

ScT M U , Awntof*. StoHR S t t l t E tc .a t t e n t io n —SoV* man** ajjd hav* your

aereena made by N ^ a tk Work*.c « r r .» '* ^ a i 4 r x " j V a j ^ w ^ m *

cbalri. 60c.; feather pUJewa, 60c. Hr* Laab*196 Waablngten et-COTTON TOP MATTRBW. t l ; Bprlngw. II;

foidirtg cou, coat t®, ••H ilV “?J1'rolMop deek, ooel fiO. aell for •!•* Jp® Caah 266 Waablngton i tCREX fbgif coet l i t , eell for |I : TurkUb

> S S .r. ‘ oil IK . fw I t ; fmphophone. II, Mr. Caeh. 304 Waahinfton et._______

SttaSy work.CUNSOUDATED s a f e t y PIN CO,,

44 Farrand *1., Bloomflald, N. J.


L BAMBBRGER * CO. kavo Ttry■ ■ ** ' ——' —ceddwtrable pMltloiw far eiperlepc*

' ghee aaleewameB far aftamoopa: thlat aa oppartualtF far women who

ve bad prevtoua eaperlenoe In aboa ealllBg la eara eaoelfent aalariea for paH-ume work. Employmaat Of- 6 qa geyentb floor* apaa fram • A. M. ttotli I P. lie


eiperlenoed aaletwomep for their Wamea*i iboe d e p a ^ e n t ; good po- gitlone far thaaa who qualify. Eri' plorraent Offlae, eavanlh floor, open from I A. M. until 1 t . M.


WOMAN wanlod to take ®am of three chil­dren; Polleh or Enflleh. Frank Badinakl.

161 Bmomfleld ava, _____ __________ ____WOMAN wanted to do P*"'®y F ffb i?.!?*: tnurant Woipin'e Rfelaurant. I l l Marketat-WOMEN—Two, lo wMh glaeeaa

- ----- •*dV - ‘e.v-a — — - ItiqUlr#

tlmrkaeperj rear R ^ a r t Treat Hotal.^ U A N fer~cloanlnf on •^eKlaye. Call

eveninga at 46 Heyeob pi-* td floor.

We will d* ALL YOUR WASHING and IRON nil bed and lahl* linen lowele, etc.. undaiFear and miny ether t>'«*^„>®a®i"* but few finer piece# for liome Ironlnf. Our charfa, 7t. per pound, I* pound* or under, lie . kandkotchlefi, U, each.


Phone Mulberry 11*4. _____ _

ABOUT BUYING NEW FURNITURE.When In doubt about a eafe place to » , a

Place where no two prtce# a n aeked. a 0 ace where every article la marked In plain

GIRL, expertetioed, oelored. want* lenon l houiewerk'. no Itondry. Martin. 31*

Ridgewood ave., N e« rk . _________

ft*forer*'a” tho” row**t p«Mbl* quick aal*varied; boufbt and no 14 tor ®a*^•* ,‘*L®*M poalble eipenM: walk In and j e t P®^®": OftBln a Paikow. euccoaeor* lo Commerolal

FOR all kind* of aemn*, for door*. vHn- dow* or porihot, write ®r„Phoi'e ua. day

or nlfht. Oranf. Screen Co,, Valley it.. flouth O ran f.; phone 344. __________ _

COLE. 1317 I-ryl. 7-paee. lourln, car; wire wheel* and food itroa; con- ilUion xnd *pn**ran« like new. price reaannaole.

CoH-9ir*ttoH Company.101 Weat 44th It.,

New York City. , ^U»d Car Dent. 4th floor. Tel. Celnmbuaflil.

BBTSCOE m i , with two top*.MONROE 1117; claeey little roadeter. fo r d m l ; deml-counetal: Ilk* new, CHEVROLET 1*11; B*V Grand lourlnf, bu ic k M 10 roadalar: ip•^'f®t' •>**■ JITNEY Commarce l)l*;'-t* paii ; extraa. t r u c k —One-ton Hudford truck; l* li.

NEW a h r iv a l s d a ily .TOWNSEND'S, l i t Halaay St. Eat. Ki*.

BOSCH MAGNBTOB-^ftlclel B o e o ^ ^ all make* repaired: rtandaM t im

xad tnbe*. Tlr* Tradlnf Co.. I I wiinam at.REPAIRED

ire bo.. SI* HalaeyyaiRKU vivw,

■I; I3 * m , *•; H iLvulcanlalnf. Uaad Tire

MILLER t ir e s — p iatrlta tan MUIar Tlr# Oo. of Nawark.

tl* Halaey et,__ ______a u t o radlaton and lamp

perv meohanica A®"®®''*"Worka, 4* William it. Markat »»»■

et.. after I F. M.BIO barfeln If eold at once, two *”®«

Ford tlrei. lOilH , IIO.IO each, 14 Jacob il., Newark.d e m o u n t a b l e rlma ''" '••j.

clampa, etc. Phln*** Joaea * Ca, m - l i aMarket at.

A n ts Truck* f s r H tr taoTO TRUCKS. DIFFERENT UAFACI-

CITY^ OR long DISTaSCI:CARS b o u g h t fo r ca sh .

IM7 Four tourlnf, tine order, *310; Ford runabout, aliock abaorher. two extra ahoea ■peedomaler. t l r . t i t* ; chummy Pullmanrnadatar. Ilka new, 34t*; Cole lourlnf. 1*1I.

Herbert Auetln, SIT

WINDOW and porch tcreen* made to ordtr: order ae eoan ar poeelble. John Kopp, i l l

South Ninth at.; phona War. tt*.

L sd d sfs , D sn ic k t u d F l s f p s l s tA COMPLETE and hlfb-oliaa lint J»W®t»

ocaffolda. manlli rope, etc., lor b^ldotf and factorlo*; atk 'o f '»<»>“« ; '» " * jej}®*' THE ROCK-A-WAY LADDER CO*i

0. L. KIMMEBLB * BRO„ Proprletora. I l l Bprloftleld ava., Newark: 1*1. Wav. »*)4.

4-cyltnder, barikln. Haleey it.

c a r b u r e t e r s .Perte, flttlafe, adjuitlax, reballdlnf. Larftet and oideat In atalRayfltld, Sirotnbirf, Soheblir. Mar*qL

WILLS GARAaB, I N C . ,___14* BelleTlIle ava. Phbne M* jk B.

1117 FORD runabout body lor aale. cheap, alio an open delivery body for Ford ear.

Apply after I p. M . Chee. J. Booa. 713 Bir- fen at., or I t Brafaw ave.; roildenoe.

TIES; CITY ■ OR LONG t r u c k in g , MODERN STUB AG , Ia c a d em y ST. TEL 7111 MARKET.U7CAL and dlatanro trucktnf and carim^f.

It, etfinlent motor 'oj®*®®'■oRcu'eS.*' Mutuaj \E ip r«e Co.. Inc. PhoneBranch Break *74*.t r u c k s for >lr*: i “ * “ SitJEehS: day. *f**k or month. Beoti AntomoWlrCo.. Ino„ 1*1 Bread * t. Newark. N. J.______

euto truck; Newark. ■

1. UariDn, phone 69. BuWer, N. ^ ______

a l l kinds Of ettel, weed flngpeiee. peiinler^ ( THE netlonkl draft fercei me te eell my leddeffl, iceffoldej wMhpolei^ \ 1*17 model Rno* a ** *Vi?f ****'** iwa! .l■ Ledger COei lei. h 6 B. B I rvlfnder ear. in perfect condition, equippedjacka Portland 1

? ± ,% l“ M 'o * r r p ? , IPainter end Mmou scaffolds.too sU

OIRLS <l) want clerical work:eftce, .Writs immediately to Girls. Box

Lt, Newe office.

WAlTRERSEd waoted at once for the le^> lag ehore and mottnialn reacrU; few

wagM and tip i; carfare paid one way; call ready for

111 Main at., naar Qrovo. Boat Oianf*.


a t a b a r g a in .Baby crib, with new io.a.ltie»?i,.'®il J,*f;

eell fo; •T li;o r^n r® »A ‘.» ’‘ ^v?J'.L'ft®Slaoo. coei |l9 i.T lka new aell fetMB. CASH, 3i* WASHINGTON ST..

corner Academy at.

L'AUNDRES.'IEB. e t c .: OPK.N EVENINGiI- PHONE GROVE a g en c y , ORANGE 1347.


•TBMOCtBAPBXR—One who ha* had at laaat threa yaara’ ixpariinca, muat bi

' th l. to do olorical work In part tima; rt^D.

WAITRESSES—Wanlod, tan naaual«dy*m rm m ;j‘^ IU o n * r7 o o d pay: ^ « r k and board; com* al one*. B®ona V l ^ enoaa- II Btono at^

h o u s e w o r k —Exparlancod- «e»f„way; food reference*. Addraa* fllrl, Box

10, New* eftlct, _______________ ________LAUNDRESS—Fltat.elaMi laundre*. want*

work for Monday* and Tueiday*; r*t*r-

at on ce—Mu*t be Iiold a t a aacrlllce; food chance tor couple ■'»77*"*^''oii>ekeepmf.

elexant parlor, hod room and dininx room furniture, ruta, cabinet talklnx n*a®|""®'j®|{ pelnlinf; eeparaie or lofether; cell ^day and tomorrow; dealer. Schwiri, I* South Thirteenth it. ______________ ___________

Empire U d d ir Co.. Phon, 8. B. 1114.

S kfs tt h r e e moitlum-elae combination aafoa. In

food condition; price rraaonable. Inquire H. Heutllnxcr i l l Mulberry at. ---------------

cylindar car. In perfect condition; equlpjHi \vtth nsw Mt of tiros and owo ixlra. Can bo M«n at 66 MUlold* pl.. Niwark. boiwton $:I9 and 1:16 ovOhlnga

ADTO BAROAJNi.Dodf* 1617, Rptondid oond1tl<>n; Oloimo*

bill. 1916. modol 41* tauring; Ssioq. 1918.

GENERAL MOTOR . f S ; 'and boavy irucklBg io *** pointa <

Marjiat 4176*

PsBM Bier C s n f w H irsPACKARD TOUR1NO--8E8T,

■EMVies. HOUR, day o h WEIK.SERVICB. KOUIL dayPACKARD BRNTINOW.,^^^•6 JAT Bt.a at Cintrsl ava.

louring, like n«w; Ford. 1917. touring. 9266; i tsin an th»

a u t o m o b i l e s

P s u e n is r C s n

BABaAINS-Steve*,, drieear., >»4®. ,*“ 5- standi. I t up; alldinf ceuchea. 13 up, fetd--

Inf wire bide, | I up; Morrie chair, 13.1). blioh couch, ti.iO; bureau. |3 : 3-ilory hulld- Inx full of furnltur* of every deacrlpOon.


Hotel. Second ava, and Ocean. Belmar. N. J-: . experienced, colored, wanli .vlinble for bunfalews or f“®nlehod roomJ^hona Ml. ____ I worlTro tak . home. Phon, Wav.rly IIH . I Messmer'e Siornfe, » Holland el.,work to take home. Phone Waverly

„ ____ . ipD.ntatlnf afe. einerlence nnit H tarr expected. H d S i P. O. Box tot, Newark, N. J.STBNOOHAPHER aed typewriter wanted;___ WM* ukeawmaedeueeAUiim yxPffl fh-younf woman In a manufactnrer'a office with eema experloMie. ^'Wrlti, atallnf ealarySaflred, to B. B., Bex *, New* office.STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wanted In'‘■ fM fac turln f'o fflca ; food oppertunlljf

t e eempatan^younf >adrj_atat* aalary, Ad- dga p it«no, Be* 114, N»wa offlct.trSNOaRAPllKIt wanttd; rauvf «s>

pariaatad. Apply in own handvrtjlbg. •UtlBg ag«3 qg^rltDe* and »nlary.

Box 74. Nowg offteg.AddroN

ifXNOORAFHBA^Toting girl, with oemi MMrltnc*; modorato ta la n i good potlUon

U right party. Addm* fitono. Box 106,

WAITRESS—wanted.^ taperlencrt wbitt jioTHBR'S HELPER In retined family, or bead waltre**, for hotal upalalra work. Addraaa Whlllnf. Do* 74,

t get *o"f SprriTtliel'd'xYa. car at Bavanth et.

d ETBOIT-ELBCTBIC. 5-p*a*enf*r bfc®|- late model; thoroufhiy overhauled;

wire wheels, now tlree; excolfaiH condition fuaranteed at H.oiO. W- J- G®®rsa, » • Fifth at.; Branch Brook ________ _ _

Ford, 1314, tourlnf. 1171. Nawark Aulo Ex-

FIVE and ***« P"**"**® *■hire, by hoar, day or trip. Seldainan r Garff*. 4A*-II 8. Oranxe ava.; tal. *14* MbtSEVEN PASSENOER teurlnf, ?> Per hour;

■pedal ralaa dally: eampa y d Bear Meon- In on the Hudeon ipecial. Tel. B. B. H is.

Chan,., 33 H al..* at- Tel. Market * 7 _ li^ I CHKVnoi.ET flve-paaoeofer tourlnf car for ! hour, trip; owner drives, i t It Branoh Broou

■alt at Lynnx Farnia Oarafe, l l l i North 'Broad It.. Lyoni Farm ., N. J.____________WILL xell fine Overland oar In food run-

ninf order, for *174. Apply after t P. M.. Davis, 1)4 Brunawlek ah________________ _ItlT FORD tourlnf car, in flmt-elaia cyd l-

tlon. l i l l . Call aftar I P. U., 74* Sprlnf- Rild av*., top floor;____________________ _

f IVK.PASBKNGER tourlnf rar, * l .i i hour; Vpioml « « ■ ion, trip. Phone Arllnfioi. .

)««. McGrath, 315 Kearny ave.. K tarnt.___d ij.rrVE-PASBBNOBR tourlnf: b®“r,

week; •pticlxl fxlrt; lutif PbonjWbvriy H92. __^

0V8BLAND roiditer. In flrit-elftn condi­tion: ill «qu1pHi*nti; |17I. F. A. Dlxhu,

669 Frtllngbuyitn ___________________STKARNfl-KNIOHT roqdriir, 1919; p«rf*ct

condition; nil now Utm : laU roMongblt. Phon# 1996 Barf«n. _________ _ __


.rtkcalira to Hot*l PgtMic Axhury

WAITR8BB w*nloa. whiU: good •***^i'?* qtigrten: w#y*« 616 pgr m»tb^ Thoqtigrters: w#g*« 616 pgr monin. »ni

Blltoroti* I II Tbtrd »vt., Aobury Pxrk. N. J.w a it r e s s wxntod. , . .

Apply «t Hottl AbgfdiOR* Id WMhlbgton pi.

upaUlrx Nowg offteg.NURSF3. two whit# girl#.

workori; Ixundreoag*. c1##OBri. rolQr«d: woman, i«1#ct#d cgretully: color^^ girl# and woman for laundrl##* d*ahwag»#fx. by hovr or day: #jp#Tlenc#d work#rt: youU/ fAWwe ___ ' __J*«. A**mt* AvAnlnKM.can “ f i t them 'every .day; open ayenlnfi.

WAltRBBBGR want#d f*»r gummir bot*' i)» Sparta Mopntalna. Addroi# Sv#r#tt

Houm* Sparta, W. J.

NUftSB-^BxcalJont in conflgg»#nt cai^ii;now #p#B for •ngagtmant. Addr#ga Mra

Ka1«r, Tl* B1ocmfl#ld i t . Hobokth.WAITRESS wantad. p i i ^ t o n ^ n d y

441 Oninfe it. Apply It* SprinffteU fvq,Apply

Nawa affict.STENOGRAPHER with eoma expcrlenea, or

brifht be. Inner; pleaeant work; food hour*: advancement, 414 Beaex bldf.STENOGRAPHER with at l*aet one year’a

practical fx ^ r lu c e . Apply Bed Cro*«Headquarteta. I Broad at.SHUfOORAPHER. axperlencad, wanted. Ap­

ply M. Well* * Co., i m Bprlnffleld a ve.STENOftoAPHER wanted; mun be neat; I*

t* utart. Mr. Webb, H Clinton *t.

'WINDER for allk and worated yam a alao onerator for circular hoee machina.

Blaonhard 44 Prlca. oppoalta Lackawanna Dapel, Bloomfield,WASHERWOMAN—Wanted, a fw d waeher-

wopian. Call a t 34 D°w et„ BeliavIMa. WANTKD-Chambcrmalil In *raaH boardlnf

bouae: elaep heme. I* Tlchenor et.

y o u n g l a d ie s AND WOMEN.

SINGER eewlnf machine operator, experi­enced on eweator*: irtiady work; food

pay, Cemfert K nlttlat Mill*, II* Wxlnat at.


aervlcaa ot axparlencad aaltawotnen ter their ehoe department: teedaalariea and permanant neaUlnna to the** who qualify. Apply Employ- manl Offlca, aecend floor.

SALESLADIBS wanted; no eaperlence re-Julred: F. W. Woolworth Co.. HT Mer­

it. _____SCRVD WOMAN, colored, wanlod.

at once, 4i Summer ave.Apply






^-DA'"^ ----- ------------UP-TO-DATE AHD PEASANT


k k w a b k . n , j . .

Phon! 41 i i S i^kri. c e n t r a l AGENCY.

FORD louring and d#t1vdry Cir#: glM MW FonlB, Immedixl# !•#’

Ida and end* ot furniture, one walnut bed, fuarantoed. povlJ Hall. 31 Harrunjrinf and matlreaa; for aale very cheap; no j pj, Tol. Market *43i.__________________ _Oddi

doalefa'"?! Second i t third floor.

FORD tourlnf car: demoonlable rlma and four new ehoea; *335. Inquire W, Golfer,

314 Nineteenth it. ■ _____________ _

b e a u t if u l dark oak dlnlnf room eulte. very tIlfhUy uaed; ald"board, I lealber-

chglrn xnd #xt#D#loTi tgbl#> Bxrggm. 611 Cvntrxl gv#., Eggt Orgng#.COMPLETE furnllur# for four room* for... •___ a.a ■ xMlaf- ■«atAi*44rl

NDRSB—Practical nuraa wlahoa ecpflnamont qaaoo, other aloknoiaoa, with llfh t houaa-

work. II Wlnana av*.___________________PIANIST—Flrit-Cloao pUnlot wlohoo p«I-

llon In movinf picture houa*. Inquire l*i South Ninth It.__________________________STENOGRAPHER, four year* oxporlinoo.

poeacaalni Inltlatlva. thoroufhiy temlllar 1th all office detail, wllllni and eapahlt;

|) i . Apply Stenoirapher, Box tlO. Newe offloo. _____________ ______

h ]«: bought 6 montba ogo only; tptendid- - --- k.-.*-,-ospoTtunlty for young eoupi# ttarttng hjm##- k##pinf. Lindibogi 406 B#lmont av#. Wav-

HUDSON touring: 6'paxt6n«r, ^ if-fU riM tolftctrlQ llih li, it

oondliion: *#11 on w V ™ *fiDoMtnger Buick. David Hall, 23 Warr#ft pi. T#l. Market 6611.

SAXON SIX, light to u r t« ; fin# qqndUloni. . . .for quick lal#, fiTi* • I t Broad it.

•rly 9966.COMPLETE *uit# of houMbcld good# for

•ala 114 Broad i t e _________FOR SALE—An antlqu# mahogany rocker,

aeml-gooB# nocked, |22. Addreo# Antique,Bex TJ, New* offlcaGAS RANGE, In f ^ d condition, for m 1«: Hu

dealera H. F. FeaM, 19 Schley it.

WASHING.The beat and cheapeat aolutlon of th*

houMhold waablni problem la the HILL!BR ROUGH DRY PLAN. Bed and table linenROUGH DRY PLA-.. — ----- ---- .RonUe Kvorythiag gig* flnlablngf many p1tc«a #uch a# tlaiin#!d#rwiar,*ho«#, «tc., n##d qo trciUngf

■ t cfcNTS PER POUND, aadkai ‘ ‘8asd«#rchl#fi. I can* oach extra*City and nuburban dellvertta. wsMv • fftwpnDVHILLIER r o u g h d r y LAUbipRT co<

♦II South Clinton at., E aji Oranf*. Phonoo: Market 7*11

Market l i t ) Orataiig# i i i i

WOMAN, ratlned, with Sautbtar • Y®»™;wlahao poaltlon a* houaokaeper In country

a ofU klH f full eherfe where roolhar ■ X JlJ__<f r\<u).leamcgft 1* n#*d#d. Addr#a» S DivUlon av*. Summit. Phott# 369^

IF TOU af# looking for aitghtly o»d fural- ture, w# carry a large uiurtm ent al luw

prlc«i; all goods nr# «qual to n«w; bufrot. i l l : round #xi#n#lon tab!#, |18; sideboard. I t : square table, 66; eU chalre, buffot. serv­ing tabl# and eaUnslon table. 64S; Baplec# M^ng room suite. tlO up: library table, 9lf* mahogany music oablnsL, |13: large and email haUracka brae* and enameled b#iie. Ice ohett and refrlgeratora dreuere and chlffOBnlere; a fete of our many bargains H. J. Hunt, l8l-U 6-tl7 Broad t l , near D., L. A W, Station. ___________ _

CHBVROIiET CARa ‘New modete; one-third b a ^ c e »

tnontblv payments: alio eevoral uted S i«rm i“ n # ilre d . Cbevrolet. Box 111, New# otfleeFORD used oar#; ^oar tg j t« I j by^ ig thoroughly lnspeei#d and rtbullt be^re delivery to you at •xcspUjnal PF*5®Jt Jj(® AliUter. Canon A Stula. 1606 Br<»a<l gLi rity.

“W 5 S d cr' ^ nW i^ S ; a® ”

1)17 SIX-CYLINDER Btudobaher tourint car; early overhaolad; *®®*Sf *"2,^511,, i , r now. Motor Saleo-Oaraf* Co., Bludebakar

Dealora, 414 Main it., E*»t Oranfe.f o r BAf.B—KHaet Sedan *‘'* 'P"'® "S'®

car. with lummor lop to «®"''"* *®J'J;Inf car: food repair. Can be aeon a t 170 Irvinr ave.. Saotn Or*n*e, N, J._______

LOVELY aot of Fronoh. purple, white an* fold china can b* had very nafonabla hy

tefaphoBlnf B. B. 433* or wrltlbf to Mij. R. C Bhoftlold, 10* Second av*,. Ntwnrh. N. X, for further Information.___________

FOR SALE—111* Mitchell cabriolet. fullyeauloped; Houck wire whoele; new paint;

recently overhauled; any demonatratlon. Ad- droai Aalo, Box 4t. Nawa offlo*

LEAVING town, muat aell at one* dlnlnfroom aet; Early Enallah; 10 plocoa; alau

many odd plecai, for library or llvinf room;I A. M. to 7 p. M. U4 Clinton avo.

YOUNG LADY ManUd; factory Office; not under 30 yenre;yeere' expirlenca al atanoxraphy, lypewrlt-

in f and foneral office -®®»• |®®“ '®rlfh l parly, Addraaa Lux, Box 71. Nowo offlve. ______YOUNG WOMEN to lah# Chnrf* ot private

iwltchbonrd for Inrf* mff. concorn; xleo - ■ — -------- pleaainpto recolv* vGItori; muat poiaiaf P‘*a*»iS mannor and be thorouthly axperloncad; whan applylni atnt* aalary wantad. Ad- dreaa Bo* 10. Ngwo offlco.___________

YOUNG LADY ■■ oxioalidy and atook koaper In mon'i fumlahtn* amro. Apply by mall

to S. w. Roberta. *34 Broad aU__________YOUNG GIRLS wanted, about I t ; ne **-

perlenco required; oteedy work; *®®“ jf®,*’ Adolph Samuel Son*. 101 .South Tw*ntlotii •t„ near Nyo ave,. Irvlnfton,______

WOMEN—Two colored women. *xp*rl»iicad cook, fenornl houaeworkir. djelr* amploy-

m*nt; will fo to *hor*; reference* 41 Mlaalon at., Montclair___________________WOMAN, middi* ifOS. wnnti llfh t JioMO-

woek part of lb* day: S® b i^ a nlsbta. full particular* Addraa* Work. Boa It. Now* offlo* _____________________WOMAN, tnlddlo-afod. wlohoa ettuatlon i t

dIahwaabhiT In poblle P!»®* ®r houaowork In prlvat* family. Inqulr* 43 Bertan at.WOMAN wlahe* poaltlon on Tuaadayo at

SM hm f and lton” nf. t i t Warron at., am­end floor__________________ ___

LARGE awivol office cbkir, 44; 1400 Jr.woahar. t t ; both porfect condlilon. Ji

Uapeo ave. Phono 4*71 Wav.MAHOGANT and « h aroaaori. with larf*

mlrnu^ tpat »aH f?.® kllcbanlablua, t l . Mr, 3 0 Waihlntton at.

CYLINDERS BEGROUWA *■ad Hni*i ovaralae wrtit mad* I*

order. V . S. SamaoL 4«» sillovlU* * « .. Bloomflald, N. J, I phon* 1113.FORD OWNERS—Hav* your par oquippod ^ t h domountiWa J [ ? !L J if f llowoat p'lreal * ® s SWaranlood.Motor Tlr* Mart. 34 Halaay ■*,DODGE ruadatar. lino condition, barfain;

Chavrolet, light delivery wagon, fIn* con­dition. barraln. Paddock-Iual Motor Car Co.. 3-l*-l3 Grian *1

NEW ruga, »*1I. cairt *•*. aell for * « 4 i^ » - south TwoHlh at.fonntor, aoo! 111. " ' i • " » '1 ® ^ / W r i r ' ------------------------cuat 111, laU for *5. .Mr. Caah. l i t Wnah-

luflon It.

ROADSTER; let* modal: flrat-olaio coudi lion; haa been rirefully overhauled; any

demonatratlon; *374, Brunner* Garaf*, 744

NEW furnltur* nland ba oonvincad. Walah a, I4Q Markat at.

OAK dining room oil. eight plocoe; very Ihirbeap. Phone War. 1*41.

TOUNO LADY, ambttloui, wlahea poalitun ^ In offt^T prelerably with P b re lc^a" ,-' nureo; I montba' axnarlenco In hnapli*!. f.m t[l.r with AYJ«"®{,«"«/Xf’to'’n '’m fi*:'-xmall awltchboard.

tB E R E IS AN ADDITIONAL EXTRAf a y m e n t f o b a tt en d a n c e



YOUNG OIRLS. graduat** of public ichool* toeaaaembt# Jawalry: llfht. dean work;

chance for advanceraanL Joaaph Hock A Co., 143 Mulberry ot.TOUNO LADT for cUrlenI work, fumtlur*

office; eUte ate, oiperleoce, aaHry. Ad- drena Poetinf, Bo* t l . Now* offlca________y o u n g g ir l —Quick and accural* i t flf-

uree, *iid aom* typewriting eiperlinco. Union Steam Laundry Co-, 311 Broad at.

TOUNO c o l o r e d OinL, neat, wlahet imal- tlon to aaaiit In light houmwork. t.all

44 Seventh ave., O'LoUfhlln.__________TOUNO LADY beoh-hoeper wIehee_poaUlon;_ refereace*. 111. Newe office.

Addreie Reference*. Box

y o u n g WOMAN Wlxhe* wa*hlnf to take horor; flr»t claii work, Yount, 13 Lake

i I T^'fnetoo.

TOUNO WOMEN of refinement, for out- elde lummer eehool work; ealary and com-

mlaalon. Call at ichoot. 431 Broad at

a f f l t e jif l o t m e h t b u b e a d E’ CLARK AND OGDEN STS.. NEWARK:


t TO I t A. K,T T P Itr over U 'yaar* of a t * wantod; m ^ t

be eaMrleuced. Call Koeblet'e, Fourth Vo> »»* Ofdoa ot.

YOUNG GIRL to aeslot In llfht houmwork ■nd core of child. Perry, 71) South

Tu-elHb It. ________ .YOUNG GIRL wanted to take core of baby-

Mra. J. It, Hiubln, 3)4 H u ^ rd o n U. ___


UtHVRi wgttled; good #ad «#iy hou*;*-^ n l r T«rmln»l TntAppig 6 ^ T*rnjln#l Tnegter. Park pl.,



* RBFINlMa CO.*A W AVEWtTE B.WOMAN—W#nt»d, #trle6if butiii### wumao;

Milt gap##rape#, #d«c#l#dp Wbo m m A# gMBMrtgkiy and bt>«k®k*#piM6> ftg4«|^ 160 Braga aL

COLIsKt’TOR f#r d#bl*. *1#® m#B_ ii»d wQin#n- caDVisMr#.

AMOcltiioD. r#om “CLKANTIRS wan(#d; «xp#ri#qc#d ftnoy spot

t«r. at #qo#: tilghtft wag## paid; #ur own ciosnar#- 901 Oraug# al. ________


CHAUFFEUR ikd wJf#; compeliat; prWai# family. Address Coupl*. Box 24, N*aii



PARLOR aulti, t ptoce*. *11: now rotrlt- orator, 111.40; o» \ muale enWnat, 17,4*1 dy’a ^aik, 11.6#; Aimtnataf rut, 111. I t .

cirp*'la“ '"5T Haltay a'C 'naar Habiia'aLEATHER library aot, l-pj^eoa. 7»® ^

cabinet, 113: new bram bad, labti III: aide Ice refrlfo.alor. III. value | ) l : other. II uy H Mali«y *L, near llsbnf'a


m u l b e r r y llH .

1)17 FORD touring car for »1a; food m b- ditlon. Apply Southern Lumbar Co„ Fwe-

men'a bldg, _________ _________ ___

See Mr. Fairchild,

G tr a |MCAB owner, no chnulfour. »a">® *P*®*,

privet* garffe. vicinity of *®**®fi®® and William at.. Knat Orenfo. Addraa* t .. Bos 7). Nawa oftiM.________________piiivw rB individual sa ra s^ /® ' ‘‘■ S l i J S l r and wash stand; linTncdlat# po###*lD<‘. Jew rate*. HIM. 219 Beytiour aV#*■PACE In larga. private >.’« * • • ' “® ‘ “iJ'V;.b itii and iruckn. Liee- Btorafe, 111-13 Haissy #t. Phon# 8714 M Vk9t»

1)17 MAXWELL tourlnf car. In food oondl- tion; 6436. Wiillam S. ftfl#* lT®tl M#-

ebanlo #t. _______________CHBVROLIIT touring oir 1619; mod#l 496;

In Al condition: #xtrM. Call Branch Brook 9114. _______________FORD lat# 1614: p#rf#ot running « d sr; prlc#

9160; any dsmpnstratlon. 13i warr#n it* city. __________ ,_______ .OHB ||axw#M roaditar. for sal#: mal^

Ffdsral Trtiek Co., i%t 6UT##y tt., Htwark,N. J. _____________ _

TO 1..KT—Space In prlvnl,* garago for on' car* water and comsnt iloor. 11 Houi*'

•teadV ark: Wav. 6615 _________________c#m#nt block P^*''*** •ara i# Cor r«m

six or sevfn car#; water and light aFrellnfhuyeen ava ._________________

luFOB SALE—uarafr, aocoaimodatae . .Mmmerrlal truck.; gai ttu k i InMelli'

Inqulrt H Beacnn at.OARAGE, private, far rent; I'reproof.

William it.. Kaet Oranfe.

A n to n a b ile i W sB tso

BUICK roaditar. 1111 model, fully equlUMd, • 171. Communicate 33 Shanley ave, Wev.

HOT. __________ #FORD lourlnf car. 1113; good condition;

price 138). Call, H. Slegal, 44 Peihine ave.FORD runabout body; aacond-hand; cheap

Clinton Hlir'Aoto Co.. 441 Clinton avo.FORD tourinp, 1*14: muat **H at once; t i l l .

I Olanwood ava. Phono 444IM.FORD COUPE hoSy. a batfaln. Soon at_ . _ - _ ------7-3 p. H., t l Shipman at.1114 r o a d s t e r , food rannlnf order, *310.

147 Thomaa at., bafot* 7; 30.PACKARD; two hodit*. For full Inlornia-

tlon phono *H Montclair.

Co m e k IeI C u t

MR. BUTCHER. BAKER AND c a n d l m t ic k m a k e r .

Are you atlll dallverlng ordori with an out-of-dat* horae-drawn wagonr If you ajo, think w ^ t ap ImpraaaTon Jf wldo-awalm- ntaa and pop you would mak* hy daahinf up to your cuatom- tF t houaa tomorrow In a onappy, up-to-tha-mlnui* Overland dt- llvory car.



IT WILL PAT TOU _lo MO ne hifore «» '»«high pri«*e.c?n'‘_ '» ..^« ‘:...? ''„* S Jw«on4-hand tlree, * l» *®;® P®',Sih 211 or poatal brtnfe Abo the H®?*!’'i'i,® * '** b e l ia b L b auto whbckis^• t l BiMmfiefd~ava. Glen RIdf*.

HAVE BUTERS FOR .ALL-.'M'JS?. m a k e s o f c a rs , w h a t HAVh* YOUm a k e s o f c a rs .

TO OFFER7r a d e l


J J 'S V i . ':T .V K 'S uy'*®” ' «f- -o X h a n d tlrea tubet, parte. I'h........................ S. HItuth

finfilon at. W»v. **14.ill hrlnf u# with th* o**h Bon, I t l LI

f o r d coupalat. ItlT modal; prlc* *4*0; vary food mechanical condition; can be aew

before t:tl) at 41* Cinlral ave.; phone Mol- tiio . L C. Ward. J __________ ^b-OBD, t i l l , tourint; run only 3«) tnlloe,

lenvlof city for xovernment poaltlon; will luU to quich buyer 1340. 41 Fabyan pl. Til. Market Sli4B.________ _________ _

PARTY leavlnf city will oelj *roi| turoa, mafaGn* rack, oil hea*^- chalre, tablet, braaa had, mattraa*. rircatalan walnut drexaer and ohlffonlar, refrtfarator. , Khllft dreiaor, ohalra. double wblta cot, waah bolleri, gat plat*. Call toon. II Norm rtina- leenlh at., E i« Orange. _______ __


INO.'- EXIDB st a tio n , f i t HALSEY ST.PIBRCB-ARROW, 7-pon.

guaranteed In perferl order, J hlair. Hernardevllle,

u u r in j onr;_______ .. c M«r*-Tel. IIS Biroardevllla.

SINGER aewlnt raaehtne—Mato aloro Hal- My and Academy at*.; 'f® “ " 'j

flifliaorn a t raduc^auppllea tor all make*; hematltchtnf.SEWING M ACHINE^New H",®*;, •* I,

te r machine, *1; J.*Wiieon, IIn. etc.; lUpolrinf. Ijjuer * Hug. f i t Norfolk at,; phone I lK Mkt.

NEW JERSEY Civil Service examlnatlone.onen lo rraldenu ol Newark, for aerrlee in

Newark, aa followe; July 34, 1313, cloaoi-l- Vn»r.l, varan., GepL Parke and Publl,; Properly, paylni. .l.ooi per annum; alao a I Bowi Police HeadiJtrlern. p ey liif lM i; "le­vator attendaui i.nale), vacancy TMpl. Park*

SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. I l l bprlnffleld er*. Sllthlly imeS machinal f tlow nrloli: open avof., * o okock. W av. )B*x-

rt. Coamopollttn Rallef i e publlo proptriy, paying tt.lO® (muat be 4i, If* Markat at. I nevond draft 04")'. technician (male end

___________ _ . --- alru, VNewark City HoapJUL »y*»S_ *l'i®J;n(a‘ oi

OFFICE aaalalant, either mail er tem le .Apply L. Sonneborne B Bone, Inc.. Han-

oock nv... Hall.vlllf- --------------- ,,

e m p l o y m e n t w a n t e o - m e n

nutchine operator (mala), vaoancy ofn*IDO Receiver of Taxoe. paying 41.4M per

' annum. Blank* muat be filed one week to advance. For partlculara addraaa tb* Bum Civil Barvlea Commlaalon, Stale ‘llotiee, Trenton, N. J.___________ .

ACCOUNTiNO. audita; ayattm* Inatallail;hooka peetod and balanced, American

Audit Co. II* Broad at,; ttl. 71*4 Mark**.

wantad to work In faelorr;for advnnremopt. Apply A-

b o o k -k e e p e r , oxperloncid. now ton- nocted with *o-cal1*d aon-eeaentlal k n l-

neao, doolfoi poaltlon wji" - Addnaa Kay, Box lOI,

NEW JERSEY Civil Sorvlc* oxamlnatlon, oain to mat* roeldania of lb* ttato, July I,

1*11' market o^ lx lia t, IMbll* Intorraailun kervleo. Grad* 1 (I-U, aolary rang** from •134 lo *16* pot month, a i nor lolioauto; *p. MlOimant will probably ba mad* piylnp f«im t i l l I* i l l* P®Y month. Hlanh* muat S mad by July 1,1)1)., Comiounl.’nto wit!,

tat* Civil Sarvlc* Commlookon, Stale

SINOKR oewtn* machin**, | l and ) t i ,d ro p hood; now i i - l . IS): fonulno TVlllcox t

Olbba, III. t l Main at.. Boat Granfo____

n a t io n a l BIX touring; run, only t.M i mllei; eieillant condition; palm Ilka new.

For parllculan phone Branch Brook 1)1*.POPE-HABTFORD tourlnf, I*H; 10 M. F -

run i.iiO mllei; will lelt cheap. W, ■ H. Halnei, I II Newark avi„ Jerioy City.

W* have eoveral allfhlly Overland dallvery wofonn which xra eeoy to handle and loonoml- cal to Tua. Theee aiucdy. dig­nified corn am eqitpped with itrong aale*. loff* iprlnf*, *t#mbody, b it m ar door*, mtlal load­ing otri;* and alaclilo light*and atortor.

Drop In and ■** Ihoa.; it will pay >ou. Every car guarantioo.

MANHATTAN AUTO WRECKERS CO.; w» pay baat marhil price* for old ®aj»

oonoUl..n; all part* tor aal* “h®®®-,,” ? 4#9ntb aY9ii JoiiftloD #1 iprlDg**#k* a##-.


WANTED. >»>»•on. of Dth#r hlgh-frad# light loDrlng cMf muat be bargain; no dealer#, Goldman, It Wait Thtrleenih at,, New York, Phun. 1*1* Chalaea.

I ll* Llfht E x p rw I-lon, *30). 1911 1,fit-pound dollvory, l_4)A

PACKARD 141* twin ilx lourlnf car; ;!► ganl condition Ihroufhout: prlc* |l ,l l* .

Addroil A. Reedwell, Box 4, Bloomfield.LENOX AUTO REPAIR SHOP,

Lenox Oarxgr, S3 Warren pl,L. J. TItua. Phone Market *174.

FORD 1*17 tourint ear; demountable rlma, three new tirae; reel bargain; price )374>

See after t P. M„ McNeil, 143 Clifton avo.

8B<'OSb-HAND fOX ranga, In fond co n a­tion, for nal*. At II Brond at., *of lanlti^.

1)17 MITCHELL Tdoiaaanfer to irtaa , MBr •quipped. A-1 Mttdllldn. W. F. MnlllD, tl*

l,ftay*tt* ft. Tol. ii* Molbarry.__________TIlllEB-QUAHTEH white iron bed. |3. with

II; oak rnorriachair, r : 60; maliop- Ispring, II l#Dlt,.mvew 'll: uphol#t#r#4 eoueb. ff; oxk

daih. t l ; pit**,, foaeonable; two oil patni- liifi. tio rtaalero. Lower floor, lio Hillildo ave., Glen Ridge. ■_____________

NEW Ford tourlif can owner driva*. I t ,4* per hour, or trip; limit 4 panengen: any

day. Phone Branah Brook ITT._______ .AMERICAN . IJjj*motor; good mechaniral condition; At 4*1 Aroad il. aftar 7 P. W.

l i l l l,t*i-p«und daltvary, IlOb,WILLTS-OVUtLAND, INC..

•I* b r o a d n .Mr. Stowort, Uiad Car Minofar.

OFBH BVEMINOS.TiL t l4 l Mulbafry.


TBU 1711 MARKET. 100 BROAD B'.,'

' rJ^Blmirt.'.' Mwtofa'ir; phono *7*4a t t e n t io n . AOTO OWNIBII- ““ QOIhII .

TX#a 411'*sigbM t nifiqM fo# old « « ♦■n« mslt#" bafqf# HniBg 9)1' wX#* 411'K om S? #hll S lo p ." I tf- ll* U vlifaton at

1 th* pooplo who buy ear* cripple' ihapi: poiiat or Sjon* kflhfj y with oaih .. S. H. * _ • . AW"

PACKARD tmck» for la ii; hydraullo holat* . _Ii* ha.w. mmlxl VShlliX OBf 111dump; will b* oold ehaapi folnf out ^ buolnaaa roaoon for aolllnf: all lu fTrat-elom eondHIon. R. C. Beat 34 Cu., 1 Clupel oourt, Phon* 141 Mulbarry.SECOND-HAND Ifuch* hitime paymanU conitdered; ipoclat. <^r- ford l-u n . tlrol-clai* cMdltTon. Kolly-Sprlngflold Motor Truck Ce„ 1**IBrond ■!. ^ __ • —

GOOD Mfond-bAAd eaoim#rcdxt «tra oa tlMM MyiwStA fW oril Truck Campaoy «l

Nowffr^sTl-*** Kolwy rt.

TYPEWRITER daak, coat 144, Ball for *11: ~ hroia bad, coat 14*. i 'l l I®' *■: onoratled beda. cOrtTlI, aall for *AI*. Mr. Cub. It*Waihiniilon at.

LATE Baaon ilx lourlhs; fin* ahapo; ^ on foa and tirei; a t a ancrlflc*. Wod*.

I l l Main at,, E tit Oranso.

FORD IP17 OttritlBg, ..

Crqvti t#Dd«n>ind CllkUB‘ »W.. 1Kri‘ 0f*nfei idwnt Itt* .

WE can *av* yott ** I® « P*/ cant, oo now r g t uolactlon In dlnlnf reon.

bed roam and UYtnf room furnltura, -Infurnllur*

EXPERT mechanic will «»»''■ homo or your gara ti: **c. hour. Conjuf

ham. t l Jam** at., Nawark.

MACK—T h ^ t n ■»* e ru h a u M and la fo*t. oondtUeul

lowpil^A T ^ x AptWMMj* # 1 ^iOB tmekh. I l l Bm sS *t~ W*n^ * * * -


MB Iraelth. H I ByffSanlti* « f ip a ra u piece*; ook fumed oak. irnth#f#ng, Aintfioxti <.lreiM{#n w#1'nqi. hriM #nri iBgin#l#d i> nt Nllk rlo#aM)ftlir#M#. 122; l»#Yio(i library tabi##L In ijifthogMy: gw giw #l#cir]f lainpa; • araftrimani of mg& .H *T. Hunt. 818®2|t*l9T

|ffiBD deve.-wiMae ^mikiArsitv Av#rhno1#rl: good cIrMe tniiPl N#il quiok. W, nxek*#, 64

Bouth Th1ri#«iiih Me, (rity.

FOR i'a l e —1*11 .r» f« • • " " " . .S H ' .S S t ibodg! gtmnqtitMbU ririii; M gtllw t W j i j*fii ear nw ■»* mtmWi#; • • t r

AUTO WMiod) Ford oou^ or roxditiFl m ult b* In go6^ oondKwn: xtxt# woilftir

yx4p xnii b#at prlc#. A<fdr#i# Loupi» Box If. N#w# oIHo#. _ _ f

fully___ flT#-jMii»#ng#ri#quipp#d: good oontlltion: low##t CMji


BEST Iw H C R lA U r « !? •MnABB. I t rmlluibuyaon av*. 47*1 Wav.BILE p a in t in g .

WBLDINO—All Wild* heiiloa a o w a r t £ d roaohin. tu U .

c J r Slntoenth ava. oat. tortngft*'*voilD touring ctr or l4*Jtw#U tn gwd rjni-

nlng condiUoni rttt* loarwt oa»k Prt«> ddroM C. Fee Bo* 76) M#4H oifflo#.AddroM '


B., BOX It, NRW8 OFFICH.l ig h t c a r ,"ford proforr^l •£"*

bout or boaineea ear;, fk# kart I*** NRlbout or kualnirt., buy. Phono Btlloriiig >1**WANT to buy uieobd-hba^d S ? u !5 ? « £ ”5 l * t«nk wHk p ttW XUgP* *la m c09r mtA*

A u c n o i i i i uMoqi cpf riwI t Uoilyu^Md #V#rt <»|W *

i l l I!WfLSC


PLialn##!UMlum I

Th# h4 during J to 6#pl«]

K. J. cm■0 Idol


hldg., writJrc, 1


Prlvau ftrumtntj WBIDT I

AdvXlU Mratory ftudlo, fi


TaaehtiSinging164 Wx

BUNA D pin no B

of th# pl BrooklynflOPRAN4

church prxnrM. \

ALlHe T. 6tq<LUIGI a

KxpltxBtonx M.,


FBANC Orxtot

llodarn Mxw#at hi Vit#m; 1 •i##wher« xrd achoi TUBS., Bj



10 Brin Bxnk. L.

1111 Bro UG6SO?

l&odxrq ix In Ipxnlil

BKRIa 110 wqtix Claxxxx o


nibfi; Drxkxe U


■nta I IIH xwlhi i jU #wlni


. xwlni bALL


i rsiH 4 142 4




■ Bl NBW .



BLECTRI l&itxtixt

u tn TOUl ttopi hy c Mwiy #qi motor* In


BLBCTR k#Pghl. a<

NXW Jib :

11 Itxahx



91 BA!



rO R E A l hydrxttll

cklntp % 1 t*lnck ott •pxp#r. 9- Ixth#, hxTi Chrixti# xi



COHCRET yard Xt1

vrUh lid# drxox ComFOim nil

I Mbimgi |9 liu pul •ttx it.:SAW TAI

wexl#y Be SbftfUONE n#w

6H*t0; I t Lxwnti

XmOF Kg twxrd II Cbxrlix g

W4T#r1r, 1VACIflHl

powxr.p To«l Col Is t b a u f

PfxH A Kxwmrk. IlSTVBL iU^ .B ri^ J

D R B g

Ka. w o u l i v m t ut vKia.T.Hd* cmrukaii It vtrytor c m tM r-

h op#» ^9fy»ondUlon. II**

n«l M V « in «ytr: lourivtf i t r wllMtnu.

trwcli: pntu- eurl*1it»: W d 1 ■!,; Mkt> « miftp : workin* Branford and irk.r l* n ' *il 41*-lada. Kopyi*. >t M irX t.!>«utlful roDdl* nonitrailon; * attt Orttig*.ImRivdtala d»*

I in U moBtM <It«a affloaktl-t'law Mimdl* \y (04 Clluion un t».mninarcial bury tin. CallHLhociyj (ond a*

fItlU *ve.. c-nr*

a, .1. liolmarktJ.

c b a a f tl'a< karri Twin* , nr tmal) la f

p a in , Etc.•tkiiuiir'l i<r*>Sls*H..K<i in' K i t S . . n»VK4 5 . . IJ "• jT«a .. Jt

iri (liud.TIUE co „ujinfls H» Wat, i^anprinc tnd

I ifUurkntHd. ■iratiht (Ida

pd trm'k bodiPki (K |Tprd»; will

o Kx('h»"f». 1>S in ; i»p*n aun-

ctn hkv* th tt WITHOUT » •

hkvlKf » n r *yl- , r in « Pat»nt«d 4ewi>rfc, W. J.Iniwr t«b»j »»i- 1 t in t . ■«»d«

ft. dt.1

•I Biwoh atatla" dwd mad* t iru... I t PflHIim kt.1 n i k u ; l*»IVt.Ikt.TT.TI: opkfi,. i l l Hklkar at.}|atrlbatara [

l« l by a«. 0 Itkdtktor im .rt, m iiT . k Rlavantn

;k, twn food DfW I kkCh, n Jacob

bolta. wad»kk- u . d Co,, m - it>

ir H tr tUAPdCI-


. - TURAQH CO. • HARKRT.kind and ooriinii. liprvico*, conlraoia Co,. Ino. Pheup

l i t tana. W ik* ■Mki AatoBoolU wnrk, H, J, ____^ tru o k j Nawwk.- ■nd Bntlar. Johnir. N. J._________ilaqb co7: nan.Kll polnla Call

f w H i r dISdT, CLJANBBTlY o k W liK . riHo co„ ,Vk. Tal. I l l Hulir lottftnf cart fn’ trip. Mtdtinpn f

avflpi tfl. S14f )(ktTlif. ; t par hour: Dt npd Qoar Uoun* fl. /«!. B- B. IM^k•Khlfbl: Camp Dlx.

rnturn. ttvtnincH, OtKt Branoh Brook.nif car, tl-ftO hour: 1, Bhune Arllnfioo yavt.k Ktarity.Tint; hour, day. Ion# tripa Phon-j

urp want! apaot in Y Ckt Arllniiton *v«. ranpe. '’A ddrttt C..

apM for rtn t; «*t«r mndlata pMMMluii, vinur atPk______“tH raia for autoiun it^ fitoraie.MVfhtt.__________i'nl» farapn fpr on* It iloor- U Home

at* *arasa Cor rom Kt«r'and llpht 8

tcooi-imoiSataa [at lltik i

rrnt: Srproof. 3:,ngn.

I W aatM


a n d p a r t p u r -I'.TSTAL BRtNOn


•AT YOUp youf old eaf. Od* kl. Wk buy and aa '

aulo p i tu . Phoo. 1* btiyor wUb Mfa 3 WHBCKHRIJ.Ml Bldaa. Tal. »* t



tra. an* nermil Mil lfi>tia or poor.r Ik lUm h •

cart, p*yli' ‘ i]*o carrym ; Known niaat* , I I Bar aV

WBBOKBBI COki w* !M for old ca ti In an> ■alt chtup. 416 Blfh of gprini^lold a o a .

Mnipr Itu ta or MujI- rado light touring cwr lrai«ro4 Goldman, St' ‘

N* v Tork. phuif.

OB. CLOSED BOUVr.>BU 100 BBOAD BVwho buy c a n onppic ' k, or ^ to n . «j.m.a^b;llontaialr; pkona H it CTO OWNERmlid eafk, a»r_oondlUoo imni daU Wa». t i l"

I l f . lH Xlvtniktaa at■joupa or roadktkr!

londulon: au ta mailri, Addraaa Coupa, Box t( .

anvar; fully lowaat oaali II , Niwa a(-

KBR TOPBIHO Bp P r , ION. ADDREia A. R. o rp iC E .

T •‘S'

,E p a ih t im o . ____I ipowm rr PRICER. laraaii Axa. 4TII W ar.da bralan aulamablla L K atakaltu WaldtM' L oar, apriikgttald ara.r HaxwaU In doad rwi- «ta lowaat o*ah prink, II, Mawa etflea.


N E W A R K J S T E N I N U N E W R J X O N D A Y , J U N E 2 4 , 1 9 1 8 .

n a n v c n o i i

Bat.IMl. COIpEMAM n a t io n a l


Aoadamy and Halaay aU., Nawark.Our m e rd la oair rafaranra; ic yaara at

auooaaarul' wark, Co'lVman’'Vradua'ln' 'a a iUM* Jpi«A*i*Mvw wTwrywfivrt. BHitL ......U nduottt MiUttd (o tho bettor typo &f onet. tloiuk cm , writ* o r phono 7l0faS#l Ittr- M l for lltenkturo.

aJi KUtiLER JRpy Principal



Reoponi Septembor l | , IIII. Proporotl^on for rollego, oclomtflc oehool or

^ n « M life. Primory dopartmtoi. Gym- bMlum tnd athletic fields

The head maeter will make appointment! during June lo lee appHcanca for admfeiion te Bepitmber,

"The Lion and the Rabbit"^1 old but familiar etory,

AhoQt the only praUe eome echkoli !• »bat they give them ielna

We refer* you to any aucceseful buslDoea man Iti whom you have

aonfldence. Why not go to v.>here thoneandii have made good T Indulra

DRAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE, llLlfil-160 Market et., Newark, N. J. Leading. Largeit. Beet.

AUTO SCHOOL FOR LADIES.Expert inelructloni learn to drive and re-

pplr your car: license guarameedi buoklei op requeet

CARPENTER AlTTO SCHOOL,________ 107 BELLEVILLE AV«._______IC. J, c o l l e g e Prep School; ira n. and h!g i

■ciool rtudU-a; languages; rhlhlren’edept.- regente; roUege entranree. 117 Dtilevllla ave.MOOTCLAIB Secretarial School. Theat**r

hlpg.. ftfCMiti-lalp; ehorlhand, touch type- wrnJrg, book-keeping; Individual ’netrucllon.

M u ic


Private leeeona, 6dc.; new and used in* l**^menta for sale; -weekly payuienti. WBIDT sc h o o l o f m u s ic , it COURT STa

l bW A N T tD

HTGHE9F7irtcee paid for tadlea' aad gente* caal-eff clothlag and •hoaa:^lao full draaa

aad Tvaede aulia; aaad poelal or tel. HkL 4110, Mr. Cahiia UT South Oraaga avABEST PRICES for ladlee' and geata' eaat-off

oletbing. aboae apaclal pHcte for maa'a aulte* overcaati and ladtea* dreaaee: aend poatal. Ur. Charloa, 411 Braad.JEWELRY—Old and new gold, aliver. plat­

inum. dlamendth felte teeth hougbi, any condition. idT Market it., room XOt. third Door, oppeeita elevator; open from • uatil I evenings; Suadayi also L. F. Lotble.

SPBCtAL BUYER of etd false taeth, bridge work, platlnuta, geid, ellver and diamoada}

beet prleee paid. Jeweler, 14b Mulbeirr at., near Market.HIGHEST prices paid for ladles*'and gents*

cast-off clothing, shoee. furs and old jew­elry: eend postal and 1 will call. Louis Fraoman. |4 | Bank ei.. pear Wlokllffe at.

MR. MANBO.N, ITS WARREN ST, Highest prices paid for rents* clothing,

hate and shuei; more than any dealer In town. Phone Market Sttl.ONE large, fumed oak, roll top, aenltery

atyle desk: elate price and where can be aeen. Address Desk, Boa II. Newe of-, flee.CASH FOR OLD FAIJIB TEETH BETS;

AIaSO o l d g o ld AND SILVER. JEW- ELBR, i l CENTRAL AVE., NEAR BROAD.HIGHEST prices paid for old gold, ell-esr,

platinum, scrap jewelry and faiae teeth, Lubin Bachthge, m Market at., near Broad.OLD GOLD, silver, scraps of jswtlry and

false teeth bought for cash. P, W, Par- iona, 817 Broad at.; I Branford pi.


J Advance oourse by A, BlnlgaUlanA. Fre- f, Helen Nagel, isililant.tudlo. I8i Broad at. Phone .Market 2116.

CHARLES TAMME, Teacher of Singing,

IM Orchard st., Newark, N. J. Booklet and terms upon request.

PLORENCE ARTlfuH,Jj** . London Coneervatoire, t yeare. r!’!*'av)* fH*llan method I. piano, violin. 164 Washington at. Phone SI9l ilUt.

EDNA DAINy S4 Otllette pl-,T .eeionfl In plnno and tinging; for seven yeare head

of the piano and vocal department of iho Brooklyn Settlement School of Muele.SOPRANO s o l o is t / avperlenced. wishes

church position; can furnish escollenl ref- •rencos. Write 402 Pavonia ave.. Jersey CUy,

ALEXANDBa” *BERNE. “ Ple^lsta “ w « Rtpdio, *47 Broad at.If. T. Btudlo, Metropolitan Opera House bldg.LUIGI fil^DA, vtollnlst Inetructor. from

Naples Royal ronservatory. btudlos, lU Btone at., near Bloomflold ave,; tel, 96 B. B.CLASSIC piano leeaona; puptts taken, any - *Jg*l fsntlerBin teacher; private liudlui ■Oc. Addreet Private, Box B*. Nows office.HACTtME piano playing, Icssona;

booklet free. Phono Mkt. T717. Clark- Wlnp School, 647 Broad, opp. Brnart Theater.

EDWIN WIOKBNHOFER.Violin Instruction, *47 Broad »<

Newark; tO Cottage et„ So«th Orange,PETRI STUDIOS


MR, rHABLEB F. EICHHORN. 14 ThomTe laaJtV Inetrurtor of piano, organ, harmony, dellSj fluto, mandollh and guitar.


Oraton Hall, Broad and Brldte ata. llodarn, olaaalc; prlvalo or claaa ieaaoni;

■awaat ball room danoaa; Franrlaro dlarram ayatam: wa (uarantoa our danoaa; If failed aim hero, aoo ua: part payment plan: aland- Md achool, Mkl. 4iai. PIJBLIi: DANCES tu b s ., sat , gVES.: JAZZ BAND,~ M. C. RICHARDS DANCR STUDIO.*** Mark,! ige«.

p r iv a t e LKBSONS a n y HOUR. Claaaaa Tnea,, Thura., Friday A Bat. Bven'a.BRRRY'S Schonl of Danrloa, 149 Broad at,

Baainnoro' rlaaa Salurday niaht. Advanood TuudkY. Privatf an / time. Phono Mkt. 9CS.


PRIVATE LESSONS A SPECIALTY,PRIVATE dancina loaeona, day or rvrnlna.

10 Bftniont ava. next Amarlcao Nallonal Bank. L, Brill; t«l, Wav. 1409.

o rU a f u g s i

RICO'S ACADEMY1111 BroadwapT^r *latiif e w York City.

IaESSONB eeS THAHSLa TIONB In g)| fnodeni Isnguggee by expert*. l^ c U l course* m Spanish for teechere.

*- BERLITZ flCHo’o"L” oP~LANQUAGB.ICO WMlIem st.j. Oringa, Alt languages taught Claeeee or private, G, H. Cambrelenf,

ShMtkud awl TnaamitiafPRIVATE INSTRUCTION In ehorthand eve­

nings; Individual Inetrucllon, Irving W.

OLD GOLD, silver, diamonds and platinum bought. Btlevro. 1M Market it., opposite

Newark Theater, second floor.HIGHEST pifcei paid for net-off clothing.

D. Tlichler, l2f West Kinney st.; send pnetat, or phono Waverly J77I.WANTED—Steamer trunk and sleeping bag;

t.ondlilon and price. Address trunk. Box 1$. News office._______________WANTED—A lent; elate else sad prlee, Ad-

drees Jerome Rlordsn, 814 Davli ave., Harrison.

Houcluird Goads W u tida t MR. CASH’S, 14 Acadamr at.—Wbal

have you to ae]! for c«*h7 we buy any­thing and everything for cash; eaoond-banil furtiRure and everything you want to tell forcaeh; 1 pay more than any cteoJer or auction house In the city; no agents to pay commis­sion; I call myself pnrsooallyi that's why 1 pay more than others; get my prlos first; tend postal; t will call at once: buelneet etrlctly confldsnllal. Tel. 466* Market.FOR forty years we have been disposing of

household furnishings for the people of this Kate; If you have any household ef- fseta In good condition which you wish to dispose of, consult us and we will advise you os to the best method.

M. J. O'CONNOR'S SONS.136 Mulberry it. Tel. Mulberry (»i.

ALWAYS pay highest eaih prices for con­tents nf houeea, part or full flats of furni­

ture, household goodi, rugs, brlc-a-hrac. clothing, uhiisld storage recelpU, stores; stocks of every descrlptlur; office furniture; buslneaa confMentlal and prompt attention; eithnates given free. Write, call, phone 4199 W’av. J. Silverman. 124 Somerset iLWE BUY senend-hand furniture, in large or

small lots, or anything you wish to sell for raih ; we pay II per cent, more then deulers or any auction tanuse; need them for rooming houses, that's why we pay the most; aend postal; we wilt call at nnc«; buelness confl- deottal. Ur. Perry, 311 Washlogton st.ANYTHING you have In furpHurSi house­

hold goods, earpets, rugt, nmall or large quantity; see me before you sell; positively best cash piicoe paid: estimates given free; alt builnesa ooafidenUal and prompt atten­tion; send postal, S. Lertnan, 61 HUIstde pl.; call or phone 4721 Wavsfly,ABSOLUTELY the highest prices paid for

either part or entire fumlshlngs of housee or flaU, store, office fixtures or merchandise of any description; we pay epot cash and remove promptly; got our offer before sell­ing, Writs or phono Reid's, |-17 Arlington st. Tel. 41*1 Market.SELL your second-hand furniture to Amer­

ican dealer; we buy In large or smalt lots; get my estimate before trying otheiw, and if my price appeals to you we will pay you spot cosh. Joe Treat, 219 Washington s t : tel. 844 Market; posla! will save dollars.ALW^ATfl RELIAHLE-tVAN P O Z N A K

BUTS ANYTHING *ASD EVERYTHING. Full value paid—honorable methods used.



your used furniture, targe or small loti; etrlctly confidential. Phone or write Mkt. 3714. Leonard. 13E Halsey st., near Academy.SMITH, 71 Academy st., buys furntture,

(fathers, carpets, office fixtures and everything, small or large lots; pay full value, spot cash. Tel. 4711 Marknt.AM paying cash prices for second-hand fur­

niture; need same for summer homes. Simon, J4S Bruce st. Phono 9511 Wav.WILL PAT fair prices for household goodjo,

office furniture. M. .7, Hunt, 317 MrtMid i t ; phone Branch Bcoott 2676; ___________


INDIAN BTCTCLEl.One I II! IndlM* twin; two 11)7 Indian

twine: nararitesd perfect condition; others from 146 up; ‘ . . *




n ta raqulramanu tor thla looallt:IIU awlB* a f f t M .......................... |IT1.M

■Wlnt af fta bed •wing x4 f t bed 319.09


from 146 up; cash or credit. BlcybteS *26 up; *1R0 other high-grade makes bicycle* and carefully overhauled motorayoiei. Bar- gains. Easy payment*. Syket Motor Go., 811 Waohlngton at. TeL Mulberry 1464.

iWlMg Xl ft. bed .ataaaaaa.awing xl6 ft. bed ...................... U 3 iH


SOUTH BEND IjATHES. B e ^ y —4161. 1% Hurray a t, N. T,

MORRIS MACHINERY CO„^ FormerlyNewark Second-Hand Meohinerr C*.,





ELECTRIC MOTORS—Motors and wiring iQitallatlona for manufacturers. We main­

tain TOUR OUTPUT through regular inspec- Gena by contract. Over 16 years^ experience; Mwly equipped shop; five cars and spare lootors Insure most efficient servics.

ELECTRIC MOTOR A REPAIR CO„244 Haloey a t.Newark, N. J.

Chll up tS6l-> Mkt. for expert co-operation.WIRING, REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE.

We fipeclallBA In PowerEquipments and Wiring Inetallatlons,

Have Our Repreeeiitatlve e c t r io m o t o r s a n d e q u ip m e n t

banght. eolA instailed, repaired, exchangSK). New Jereey Electrical Clearing Houae.

BROWN-HUNKELE CORP,.I I Meahanlc at.; phone IS l l - l f f l Market,

• e s t a b l Tb h e d T i i i ' ”MOTORS a n d d y n a m o s .





LAROX^T STOCK."Onra x Cuatemar—Alwaya."



FOR hYdranl

I a iS —liW bi praaa, l(9-tcaanil, praat, Jonaa-Lamaon acraw raa-

chlBt, li Inek npacItY; on , nkauM blowar, t-litcb utttlal; preaaura biowaix aandblut. •Mp«r. I-Inch alroka; ll-Incta awlnf apa«i latha, hannnti pullaya. LalAun Broa.,' l i t Chrtatla at., Nawark, N, J.


Dlamant T. A M. Co., 114 Bmmat at.

CONCRETK HIXBR on truck, third cubic Yard atUchad In G 11. P. sxaalano anilna

Flth aid, loader and atari watar lank. Ad- draaa Coatmotnr, Hnx M, Nawa oRlca-FOUn ptatint tanka, four Iren (drf) turn-

blitx W rtia , one dynamo, ona blew*/, and l< In, pallara ite-1 and wood, la i Latay- otto at,; tal. TIM Markat._______________SAW TABLES and otha, uaad maebinary.

Wealay Ttday, 4IT Flltli at. Tal. IMt B. >. Shaftlnt, nanfara, pnllani, baltlna.ONB naw Haald maanatlo chuck. No, 419,

4H il9: navar uaad. Nawark Tool Co., i l- ( t Lawianca at., Nawark,FOR SALK—Four-lneh hollar tubaa Apply

A, ; ^ k * Bona, IH Baimoiit aT»_____1i R, F. BOILBR. la (ood oondltlon.

candy factory, I t l Monroa at. Apply

M ullM qr W ailsdWiOF RAVMVII. II* >*f- of„rtorai Salt ar

board lift) I * , H- *M «nilBa Cbarlaa Ahp. « Bchlay »L. oily; pEona Wayerlg iW ^VACHINB wort amntad; w^l taka latha or

powar p m wark. Call or writa N «lh Btid Tool Co,| I t t F ^ h l l n a»w„' Blooroflald, W. J.

VTBAU' FLANTS honiM ~and dlamanllad, .FfaH *_Kanda1t, Ferri^ at|^^*oandry ata..

HawatB, IBTBBL aU aUa«f« ta sk : :,

p r l ja ^ A M M S |l |d Jails


t papoetcy aad

BICYCLES—CARLOADS OF BICYCLES— Columbia, thii standard of the world:

PIERCE, FRANK KRAMER'S CMOICI; Schultx VELODROME blcreleo. the only engine]; CROWN. HACTCLBa kaAMl: thov- ••ndfl of pel re of tiree at the old price*. For a sq^uare deal go lo SCHULTZ, 46-46 U-47 So. Orange ave., cor. Howard. Ph. Mkt. 1*11.THE Suiiee 19 EXCBl^oi^MOTORCYCLS

the latest most powerful meckine. Also the SMITH MOTOR WHEEL. A large stock of second-hand machine* always on hand. The well-known Black Beauty Blcyolee. five model!. Bold for cash or paymentt. Haver- ford Cycle Co., 94* Broad it.___________

BICYCLES. b ic y c l e s . ”Iver-Jobneon, B. B. A., Pterer, Yale and

Belmont, at old popular prieee: f«]| aeeort- ment of rebbllt Dloyclee, euppllee, Belmont Cycle Co., 226 Breed st.i Junction of Belle- vllle gve. and Clay *t. Closed Sunday*.HARLEY-DAVIDSONMirrO^RCYCi.aBAKD

BICYCLES—U«d tnachlDM on etiy termo, 1*9 up; CLEVELAND LIGHT W EIokr. |M down, 14 per week; Open evening* and Sun­day mornings. CARL W. BUSH CO-. 6X1 Broad it.INDIAN 1916, three-speed. dlghU, tandem;

fine condition; mush sell Immediately. 4fit South Belmont ave., near Bigelow et.HAftLEY-DAVIDSON 1919. with 1918

Rogers ilde caig fully equipped; 1916. 1)5 North Third it.

Motorcydu u d Bicyclei W utsdSPOT CASK paid ter eecond-hend jnotor-

Cycle; Harley-Davldeon preferred^ any condition; elate lowest prior, plaoe and ttme where machine can be seen. Addrou Motor­cycle, S ox 199. Kew* OtBce.WANTED—Karler-David«on motorcyol*; not

earlier than 1916 model; A1 cenaltlon;yrlce must be very reoeonable, R, Q, D„

II Clifton ave.MOTORCYCLE wanted in exchange tpr Ed­

ison home motion picture machine, orjvUl Goato, I t Elmwood ave.eell cheap.

Orange.Em I

WE will pay good prlod* for oeed motor- eyelee: Harley preferred. Carl W. Busk

Co., 619 Bread et.MOTORCYCLE ihed for sate, t | .

9:19 P, U., R. Bloomfield, 177Call after

Clinton pi.LADY’S bicycle wanted: state piioe. Squler,

112 Hollywood ave,a gg jt Qraji||e

BUSINESS NOTICESWB finish your lilverwore, chandelleiii and

brow bedeteads Ukg new; anything In the metal line reflnlsfaed and repaired: tnr no.

NEWARK NICKEL PLATING CO. Write or phone 16*7 Kul. Rear 49 Walnut e t

OLD LEAKY ROOFS.We paint, repair, ta r rover ell kinde; I

rlree; time guaranty given,THE CENTRAL BC«rtNO CO.,

e«t prirI II Broad et. Tel. It* Market.

LADIES' end mao'i Panama, Leghern andBangkok hate cleaned, bloclted ___

preeied. L. S. Arnold, renovator, 81 RhOileend

Island ave., Koet Orangia Tel. Orange ITITM.ATTENTION TO MANirpACTUHKAB.

Ijong dlAtance hauling and' general motor trucking; conlracte are our epedalty. Call U. A. Halleil. Market 4H7.HaKo n w o r k —Chlmneyi rebuilt, repaired.

plastering; alterattone; jobbing a epeclalty. T, H. Dermody^ 47 Bank il.; tel. lOtlM Mkt.BRASS BEDS and furniture refinlgbed; new

furniture at whoteeais. Crwooent Reflnleh- Ing Oo.a i n Hpringfieid eve.. Jrv.; Wgv. 4*2c,MASON W'ORK—Ploeterlng, mieon Jobbing

a epedalty; wet eSnere made dry. 8. Ilar- qunie. a West Fork at. Tel. 4619 Market.UNITED 8TKEL CRiLtNG CO., 171-172 Ber­

gen et, Tel. 1019 Wavoyly or Mulberry 1010; get cur price*; AU work guaranteed.EXPERT ehirnney builder; chimney* rabullt

and repaired; cleaned top to bottom. $1 per flue. George Harris, I II Be^ien it.NEW RUGS from old earpet*. New Jereey

Rug Worki, t i l l Sprlngfl9ld ave.» Irring- ton. Phone 4891 Wavyriy.c a r p e n t e r , Jobbli^ oUentUoni. roofing,

etc. Send pogtah Wm. RlDf. f Boeoeveit itr.a Irvloftoo.

M«td C idkcib a t o n n b k x t a l o b il ik b oo„

U« Spfinaflald ava„ naar Hanta,dan a t , cHt. FHONB t i l l WAVERLY; TRY US riRST.

B8SBK METAL CBILINO CO.Balli raom oaDlnta, ap; kltabana, 111 up.

a»-Tl Norfolk at, Tal, ITU B. B.. METAL CBILtNOt i ^ D WALlS.

Callloii, '»* up. Frtk Bort, lT .il BlUa ava., naar CHnlaa ava.) phaaa l lk l War.

MRTAL CEIUMGS AND WALM) S la te a t B uH dl^Bractad ..

JAB V, MARla All»ur—IRE,’




Money loaned oa fln t. eecond end third mortgofee. Buelhees men aieo financed.



11 Clinton at. Phore 4249 MorkeLMORTGAGE HONEY AT 6 PER CEST«

FIret, iecend and eoniirueilon leano, ANY amount p r iv a t e ,

TEMPORARY T.DANS NEGUriATED.B- AND L. ASSN FUNDS, NO BO.NUS. Combination ( 4 straight A H B. & L i Loai*


41 Broad et., Bleomfield (Tel. 4 tll) .MONET TO LOAN




INSTITUTION hoe fundi (or good flret mortgage loene; reasoneble ehorgeo. fair

treaiment. Address CoAMrvetlve, Box 149, Newi office.

p r iv a t e building and loan and second mortgage money to loan; olty or tubarbe;

noiee purchased: temporary loans negotiated. A. L. BLAND JR., 909 BROAD ST.

Ho n ey to lo«n on first bond and mortgage i t 6 per cent.; eume of 9609 up: no bonus

charged. Schartlnghaueen Jk Hartpence, oounselore-at-lgw, 7*8 Broad«it,

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESGROCERS’ specially buiineee for sale; one of

Che beet In North Jersey. For term* ad­dress Grncerr Specialty BusInwH, Box 27, Newe office.

HOUSE wanted where two er mere rooms can be rented; will buy all of part fur-

niahlnge at once for cash. Addree* Prin- ripeie. Box 16. News nfflce.MANUFACTURING oompany wanted te

build an edJuetable radiator fan that te certain to find a ready market. For full partlcul§re. addrees Wm. G. Weatherly, in-ulore. e_____ventor, Peole, R'seh



PARTY with 11.090 to |t,899 te Invest In local manufacturing bueinM* with orders

showing splendid profits; wiu stand most rigid iTivcaiixation. Addreae Kellonal, Box 113, Newe oCfIfe,

RESTAURANT—Excel lent opportunity for •nergetlr perly lo etert a reetaurant In

North Newark; large patronage praeileaMr guaranteed; any one Intereeled anewer Im- medlatrly. Address Reetaaranf. Box PL News office.

STATIONERY STORE, wfth newapapeP route; no soda founlatn; delng over 9169

weekly; eelebllabed 1171; exceptional oppor­tunity for a men ready te buy; preeant owner drafted; price 93,690; small mort­gage considered: no trtflere. Inoulre 141 Fourth ave., Newark, N. J.

CONSULT ub for mortgage loane nr invest- mente; prompt, careful eervicw; reasonable

rhargas. GeUer ft Plum, 146 Broad it.SUMS of 91.909 to 119,909 at 6 per renu; also

B. A L. Aae’n fundi up to I I I .099. Chos. Deubal, roun*elor-at-l«w, tU Hinton etaMONEY to loan on bond and mortgage, pri­

vate and building and loan. laaat- Flelaob< man, couneelor-at-Taw, 16 cilDlon st.Mo n ey loaned on l i t and 2d mortgages and

undivided Intereile in esiatee. UorrU Gordon, roomi 618-617 Essex building.1 HAVE 919,999 to place on first mortgage;

win divide to suit; 81^ of value, r . W,

MORTGAGES FOR SALEFIRST mortgage real eetate bonds, with-

out Jose In le yre. lo Investor; 1109, 1699, 91,090 smount*. W’rlle fnr circular 14T. Sold by S. W. Straui ft Co., 618 Kinney bldg.GUARANTEED first mortgRgee on lmpr»vej

real e iisti; fl.QOO upward. Guarantee M nrl^axsjb^lll^lfw ufanc^O j^


Usds to April 10. 99, rounihty Repayment Plea at

Legal Charges.You oaa uliteln a loan of |26 to ||99 ,

etcured by iaoiue furnliure, without re­moval. or by )our note guaranteed by a rey^onelble party.

t h e so c ie ty li maeaied by loeal bualneM and profesvlona) men, and was not organlxed solely to make money. Rrompt, courteous, confidential eeivlce aoBured. Call. wrl*e or phone Mr Both.

BENEFK'Ia L lo a n so c ie t y . Century Huildlng (Third Floor),

142 Bierkrt Street.License No. 27 by Bank CommIsatnAer.

Member Kenark Buard of Trade. Cloee ^ tu rd ay i 1 P. M. In Summer.

916 inUpward LEGAL RATE I-QANB Upward tn houeakespere on furniture end pianos without delay or publicity, you cun get the money today,

YOU’LL DE('!DK QUICKLY, . , . . plus 3 per cent, interest.

On 919 only IS.90 plus 9 per cent. Intrreet.' ' 17.69 plui t per cent. Intereet,

at _thf'Se monti^l^^^ayinente


y ftpMGUN______ ____________

You get Ihe full amount asked for end nothing dedueted: no f«>e or other char; CALL. WRITE OR PHONE MARKET it

You'll Reoelvs Our Prompt Attention.PBOPLETS FINANCE COMPANY*

207 Maticet et., fourth floor Banking I^epartmsnt License '.o. 47.

_ pfflQg Hours. 8 A. M. to 4 V. M.

On 949 only On 119 onlyOn 175 only |7.69 plui t per cent, intereet, On 9100 only 9t0 plus 3 per cent. Interest. LARGER AMOUNTS IN PitOPuRTION.

fss . • 91.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. P iu o i and O r |a u

WHERE do you Imagine you should buy your piano? where Is Sam Orr? How

ran I get to the .New Jersey Plano Storage Co ? How can I u«ve one hlndrvd doilaru on the purchase? They are all out of step hut Jim. New Jerney Plano Storage Co., 999 Washington at., Newark. -N. J.WURLITZBR combination organ and rlano.

with electric motor; ncnrly new; eplcndld condition. rullah]e for moving picture thea­ter, dsneing hall, restaurant, etc. Federal Trust Co.ON account of being drafted would like to

store free of charge with responsible parly beautiful player plana; one who would buy given .preference. .office. Address A., Box 17, News

$809 'PLAYER riANO; bought six months: cannot keep, swing to draft: buyer mev

pay balance: easy terme. Addrooa High Gradn, Box tfl, Newe office.REPAIRING of pianos and pleyer-planoa a

apci'lalty by former superintendent of Lauler piano factory. u, Bbrglaod, 7i Wintam it-,. East Orange,1376 UPRIGHT piano, used faw moBtha,

like new, eell cneap to quick cash buyer; gond reaann for aelnni. Addreos Private. Box 49, Newi office.1336 WILL buy magnificent mahogany

player: lateat Improvements: perfeet cob«- dttion. Baker Co.. 229 Waaklngton e t, nextto Bamherger’iL19-NOTB PLATTSP. mahogany plain ooes;

fin# oondltloa; Use; tisy terma Baker Co., I l l WoehLiJgtoa s t , next to B a«- bergeYa


17 PER MONTH will buy full else ll-nole Player piano; |299; guaraateed. Baker

Co., 226 Washington s^, neat te Bamberger’aUPKlUHT PIANO; no reesunable offer re­

fused; must sell on account of draft. Call between T and 6 P. M., 423 Hnntk Twelfth st.

RUCCESa when funds are rightly invested;secured and oseursd profits for one wilt­

ing to partake of hie or her ehere; no less than 9190 considered. Quick, Box ftl, News office.SHOE STORE

living roeme for buyer, office.

for sale, with or without good location; opportunity

Addrese Shoes, Box O , News



9990 BUYS good will, steek, fixtures af good paying, clean buslPees; life time chavoa:

owner's wife ordered to Colorsde. Call 111 Broad et..


THOg. H. HOT. PROPm 17-19 E99BX 8T., NEWARK, N, J, We win have our usual auction on


Just received, two carloads of extra choice draft and express hones that were pereonally ee- lecled by Hr. Hoy from tho firm s throughout Penneylvanlo. These horses are In A1 oondltlooi and r4ady for Immediate uoo. Auction lalfi Tuesday and Frl- d ty ; private 04100 at all ilnneikALL HONEY RETURNED IF


E. SONNABKND. Auettonoer.


II AND 20 b r id g e BT.Any one In need of any hnrsea, It will be

to your advantage to look my stock over, as I have horasN of every description and can suit you In price and quality: I have aevenigood big pairs draft horaeo weighing up to 2,800 per pair, and seme single draft horooe weighing 1,100; also have eome excellent sxpreas horees and Jersey chunks; also hove aevei-al second-hand bortis that have been used around the rity.

WILLIAM A. PATTERSON, •aleeraan.L. D. tel. III! Mulberry,

B A N E T B R O S ,•peclaUtte In

Pennsylvania Acclimated Horiso.17 BRIDGE STa, NGWAR^. N. J.

Just rocelved two carloads ef PennsjdTanla acclimated horses, consisting of heavy draft, up to 1,894 jKiunds. of which there are many mated pairs; fancy, light delivery wagon horsee. and farm chunks; eome mated paIrA


Tbumae Houston. Salesman,COLVER depot rsrrlige, 929; grocer’s wag­

on. |16; (op peddler's wagon. IfD; open wsgun. 910; side door wagon, l i t ; l-ton truck, |9 I ; 20 other wagons; 49 sets harness, prici' 94 up; chunky farm hcree. Mess-'n Storage, p Hnllaml si near Spring- field ave. Phone 8699.FOR BALIS—Four large hnreee weighing

1,799 lha. and over: moo two Waiaon damp*; twv lumbe* wegim* and two #ite double hxrbfwa Phene Rneaavelt 411. A. J. Mill nr Lumber Co., Carteret, N. J.WILL eell combination roan more; ah-

Bohitply broke fur lady or children to ride or drive. Vogel ft Schrmfeld, 164 Batd- wln et.: phone Market 1712,ASCKENRaCH. 249 Plane s t^ B lg etock

eecood-hand narnras, coharo, bridles, retna every ilemrlptlen; every port rapalreiL washed end oiled.MORSE, fine, hoalthy. for aale, with her-

neei and milk wagon, cheap. 991 Hunter­don st. E. Schroeder.8TSVEN good Work here*s, harnees, wagons,

truck! and lisltha. Apply J. Sctaach, IT Chester ave,, Irvington.MULE for sale,

qi ■ ............Cloud avte., Weet Orahge.

. In gno _______Inquire R, A, Mathis, Norlhfleld and dt.

nod condition; chtap

PLUMBER'S horse, wagon and homeet; rea­sonable, ITS North Fifteenth s t , Eaat


PIANO TDNSH—practical piano maker: r t- palrlag, all branches; new strlngn. felts.

F. W. Cann, 112 Rrunevrtek i t : 9TT Wav.TWO opeclala at 9296; 97 par month; 19- note player-piano; guaranteed. Baker Co.,

» 4 Wnahlngton n t, next to Bamberger’a,WM, KNABE ft CO. upright pi&no, 986; Uhi

VoHQ ft Sons upright piano, 976. N. J. P. Storage Co., ISO Washington it.CHURCH organ, two banka of keys, key

pedals, etc.: must be eold, N. J. P. Star- age Co.. 190 Washington st.NEW player pianos, uesd player planoa;

Bacond-hand playert, 9176 and up. N. j . P. fltorage Co., 690 Washington s t________UPRIGHT PIANO. 919; easy terms; Krak-

a«er RroA loaka Baker Go.. 2)9 Wash­ington s t . next to BambergerisiUSED upright pianos, 149, 190, 190, 9111.

9179; easy terms. Baker Co., 2fl Wooh- Ington st., next to Bamberfsf’a________PIANO TUNING. HEPAlRlNa, action~ng\T.

latlog, A. H. Blthman, rtslaence 29 F ab y ^ pi.; tsL 7910 WaverlY,WILL ROLL 9*99 plsyer, It-notta llks Bsvr,

used five months, 9476; easy tsnno. BakerC<K, 119 Washington s t____________ _PLAYER piano, used only atx months, for

tale a t a sacrifice. N. J. p. Storage Co.. 910 Washington at,9110 BUTS player-piano; mahogany banoh,

muelo. For full particular* address PUno. Box 29. News offlcs.

Piaiuw, O rfU t, Etc., W uittdoasH u ld for sscond-hond pianos, Tsl.

II49 Market •. On, 219 Woshingloa at-;ssnd pnstfl, will call.u p r ig h t PiANO. for cosh, wanted: sta ts

make and pries. Address Cosh, Box 19, News office._______________ ____________Ca sh p a id for isrond-htnd upright a a i

player piano. Addres* F., Box 147, News

■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESAMBJTIOU9 young man that can adapt

hlmaslf (0 work that can be learned by wmingness and good sense wnoid Hks to get Into soma builneae ea partner; can In- veet about 9609, Addreea Partner, Bos 41, News offlcAa t t e n t io n —A bit more ihan the other fel­

low: I buy everything: best prlrs* paid fur ronients of atorse stkI merohandlee of all kinds. Winner, 23 Springfield ave. Mkt, 9171.ACT QUICK—1 mm paying more than othere

for your stores, storke and mert'handfee, Simon, SSt Bruce at,; pbotis 8681 Waverly.ATTENTION—'Beet prifsa paid for stores of

ill kinds: see me before you tell. Keramer, 293 Bpringfieiti arp,; phone Wav. 1041.


in o FIKBHRN’B BLDG. MARKET 1748.ATTRacTI'VE rooming hnmefi: lew renlj

money makers; ran be h id st once- flaundsni, 999 Broad st' Uonm 49.BARBER B lioi^for sale; businssf betwesji

ft9 and 9T6 weekly: expeness 939; will «sll for value of fixtures. Address Bscrinoe, Box 16, Nswi office.BUBINEMBR, all kim1*> sold; action s t onre

without publlelty. Celt or write, ksunders, 161 Broad st.. room 49,c e n t r a l l y looated; email rooming'house

businees for sale; posAeaelon July 1. Ad- dross Geakrsl. Box If, offtee.EIGHT fusnisked reoros, all convwlenooe,

kH OMUhltd. for lat*; act quickly; rsa- ------ I l l Wi ■ ^ —eonabls, Yoshlngton i t


PBROUft‘ ION: “IN Shalu PROfl.__ TOWN, having no OPPOil-TioK: good orroRTUNiTT. aoorbiM)CA*mN,_,SOJ( At*, DUNB1.LBN, N. J.

FOli RALE---FiirntiiiVl ritom house; sis- gantly fornlohod; first-clam roots; eetoct nrigbliorhsoda bset proposition In the olty; always ruled. Call 111 JNcond nvs. (Kt. Prospect qtfill portttvely wo gysiMA



FANCY little confeclioaory otof*. 8 roomu;reat |19: prim 1109, New Jorosy Uloo,

1819 Flromim’s bldg.FRUIT, vofnUbSsi sod fioh m a f io t^ o r

tale in B u i Orsoge, Address Fruit, Boa M. NowsaR dcuRTT; •far*. CattMi StII

' l U i r t M i t e i t e .

TWO good work Horace for eslo. Fred gtock. 181 Burnett ave.« Hilton.

HORSE and wagon: good 113 Hickory nt., Orange, working horse.

GOOD, big work borse for sale cheap. 89 Jacob at., city,

For Sole or E ic h u |tACCOUNT of going out of tauelnees: one

heavy draft hone, two single wagona, one aelid black walput flat-top desk, chairs and other office furniture; would trade for Ford or other light cor; must be disposed of at once. Ijeonard Vyne, 736 kouth Twelfth et., city. Phone Waverly 4049.

Honoi u d Curiaset W utadWANTSEK'^td hareeea, ooUara riding ead-

dlSB,. any description; repatred. bought. Mid or taken in trade, O. M. Aschenbach Horaesa Co., 141 Plane sL

railroad to ware house, 29 Campbell st.

Jewel Tea Co., 19-

WALLPAf ER AND PAPERHAHGINGVERT fine paperhanglng and painting done

at moet reseonabie pricte; work guaran­teed; also work done out of town. The Ken- tor DeeoratUig Co.. 219 Twenty-second S t, Irvington; phone Wav. 9986.PAINTER AND DECORATOR--1 wUl paper

rour room from 92.10 up; 1 am the oaiy man In town who can eave you tneney. 1. Herman, 191 Uyrtle ave., Irvington. PhoneWav, m ih_____________________________PAPERHANGINQ and painting; guaran­

teed work, reasonable; it will pay you if I Mtimale. 1. Bleenstrin, I t Bank e t , near Haieey, Newark; phone Market 9644.PAINTING and paperhonglag; flrst-eloea

work done; reasonable; goea reference. Surenre, t Central ave.. Wetl Orange; phone 1312 Orange,PAINTING, paperhanglng, pfoatSTlnfi all

work guaranteed; very lew prloes; w riu and I wllFcall. U. Broder, t i f Eighteenth eve.

d. FiftCHER ft CO,—Painting and paper- hanging, reteoeable; flret-eloas work snar-

aateed. 391 Bigelow si.; tel, 4T9 Waverly,PAINTING end paperhanglng; leweet prleos:

all work guarenteed, l ia s Wetm. 179 South Orange arc.; tet. itlT MarkntTHE BHOOKIaYN WALLPAPER CO„ ml I7t

Bank at., will paper reome | l up; palnt- ^ j^ ^ ^ a lc L m n ln j^ ^ o j^ ^ a a so ^ ^

rUBLIC STENOGRAPHERSVULTklhAPlllNU, printing, oddroiolng.

Typswritten Form Letter Ce., i f Asaseray »t.;.B tnw M art.t **«*■

___________________________TO w iix ia m ' h . c n o w s ts . c i to w o ia

U ^TH K K CU,, ■<;&*■ AW 1.EATUIBR CO. AND Bi5WARI> Bi-lEOIfl., OR

WHOM IT m at CONCBRN:Taka naiica, that wa will uDoaa .Ad affar

tar a^a aa Tuawla,, Ju lf i, i t i* , t 1* o clock In the forenoon, at 42 Garden otreet, In the city of Newark, county of S m x and stale of New Jereey, the followtog goods and chaltels. te wU:419 9-12 . . . .p th e r ni«------- - ,.I . l l l Ismen-celoh

419 9-12 doxen ef bloek borse bullSt alts- ;ether measuring 64.914 Isai nf leather, and ,291 lsmeaM:elorsd snJlto. altogethfr

measuring 9.149 H feet of lenthsr, lw the pursoee ef reaitunK tbs sum ef four tkerg- oahd sereo hundred and twenty-five deiUrs and thlriees esnts <94,fll.11>, wtdsh te the amount doe ua for labor and matsrtale bestowed sad emfloysd la ths making, man* qreotur[^g and ilmshli^ tw l ie ihOfM b ltli thereon a t the

4 splits,thereon a t the legal rate from v 'll. HIT. ts the dste nl sals, eraleh wun ef money nhs remained unpaid for the

■ loMpoei psofttoier

hf more thea three raesUia prii dole hereof, after said IndSbienneM due OAd jpsyalHs unto us. Tske ‘ kf W9 sftr

heMrAmeH rr

U^IQIAL MAHTBR'Rof Jereey. Between Pefe^ Wannery,

complanlent, end Mergeret Hevey, et epa. defendants. On bill for partlUoh, NotKe ef eale:

By virtue of a derree nf the Court of Chancery, made in the above entUltd cauee. bearini date May <9, u i l . I. Edward M, Cette, one of the special masters ef the Court of Choncery of the state of New Jeney. Mhelt eipota for tele at public vendue and sell to the highest bldowr on Tees, day. the tth day of July. tiiB, ht ihe hour of 4 o’clock In the afternnon cf that day, In the ehcrlfre rffica In the cvrurt houee, In (he city of Newerk, courviy of Eesex end ■tale of New .lersey, all thoi# ctrteiri ioii, Irecte or paresis of lend and premleee. ■Uuaie, lying and being la the town oil Montclair, in the oouniy of Besex abd ■late of New Jersey, mors particularly described ae followe;

FIret Trict^Beglnnlng en the sorthrset side of kn evenut thlrty-sIx feet wide, now known os Cherry at reel, running north* westerly from another avenue formerly lead- leg to fl(. Luke'e Episcopal Chdreh, and le the line of land forroerly ef William Corby, deceased; from thenre along hsIi) avenue, now known ox Cherry etr«e1. south thirty-two degreee, east thirty feet; thence north fifly-eix degrees and iwtnty-fivt min* utee eext, one hundred end eleven feet, eU Inchee to th r southerly line of the New­ark ft Bloomfield Rattroai; thenee along the iouthsrly line thereof (being a sitghi eqrvei thlkly lest In a norikweaterly dlreetlon to the line of esld Corby's tend; thenre along the line (hereof south fifty-six de­gress and tweniy-fiva mlnutsa west, ona nuhdred and twOlva feet elx Inches to lb* place8«aide of Cherry _____ ________ __nsr ef said Cherry etreet and lot of Thdmes Olssih, known as No, 29 Cherry sireeii thence (l) westerly along Cherry street forty-five feet mnre or lesa to lot of James McKee, known os No. 47 Cherry ptreet: thence (1) northerly along said UcKee's line at right angles with eald (Therry street one Ikundrsd and ten fast more et lees to lends of Delaware ft Lsekawaana R. R. Co.; thenee (I) easterly along said Dela­ware ft Lackawanna R, R. Co/s Un# forty- rive feet more or lets to aald Olisln'e line: thenre (4> along said Olseln'e line southerly one hundred end ten (eel more or lees lo place of bsurlnnlng. being prop­erty known as No. 46 Cherry street.

Esoepting from the above dsscristle'n a email gore In the rear thereof, aetd to the

ace of beglontng.Second Tract^Beglnntnt tn the northerly de of Cbtirv stferi, SO rhe seuthwest cer-

Newark ft Bloomfield R. R. Co., deled April 10, l i l t , and recorded in D-ll of Deeds

“ X County, page i l l .Traei— fieglnnlQR In the 9*hter et treat, called Cherry street. 149 feel

for Eeis:Third

a new street, ------ - r - s -wMlerly from line of land formerly Thomea Farrell, at the soulhws^ corner et a lot berialned in Martin Jenninge; tbenee along the line of said lot nortbsriy 110 feet more or less tn the Une of the Newark ft Bioemfield Kallroad; lhance along the line thereof westerly thirty fMi; ihenea ^uth* •rly parallel with the first descrlbsd line IJI feat more or lese to the center of ihs first named auest; thenee eorierly aJong ihe center line thsreof thlyly feel to the place ef beglnnlftf. Including Ins Inchoate rlfht of dowsr of Iba ilefendenls. Mrs. John Hevey and Mrs. Thomas Murray, together witb ill and alniular the kercdllamenti sad appurcensnoea lo (he said premises belongiiig or In eny wise apperUlalng.

en c u m b r a n c b I .The property will be sold sub)tot ts

COUR,gparlal Maalar In L’hAnrar^ of Naw Ja m r,

t i t Broail atraa., Na-iHt. N, J. JAMES P. MTLOD,

Snlldtor (or ComplotrsAt. ............DaLad Juna ?, 1(18. (I81r88j

BIRTHSP; t i l* *'">•"» Ja llr) ,.* « n , Jana11, n i l , *1 nidtaflald P t r ^ N. J,


W. C, VtAdarhuf al 14 Brookflald raad. 'jpf*''.alflnlclalr, announaa tha aniatanitni of <hal8 daii»httr, I'troUAa, (a Francti N, Boola a t Uppar Uoniclalr,

HILb^RRSKINE—dir. and Mra H. D. Eriklnt annaunoa tha aniiaama-it at thair ilaurtU r, Marl, to WUIIam > . Hill at Naw- trk .


June 21, i t i i , Jehn Thomas and Hary Byrne

Oren^, m Byrne.

J.. on Sundsfi son of the late (nee Kfrouih)

Relettves and iKenda aro rcspeotfully tnvtted to attend the funeral from the resMsneo of hie slatep. ’ Mias Idargaret Byrne, 61 Cary street, cm Tuceday. June 26, at R A. U.| (hence to 81. John’s Church, where a high mss* of reciuiem will be offered for the re­pose of hie soul. Interment In 8t. John'e Cemetery.

C R is r^ A t Blesmfielda N. J., June II, i t l i , James la., husband of the late Itary I. Crlcp, in hie lid year. Funeral servlets at hiA home, II Race slreet, on Tuesday, June 36. «l I P. M, Relatlvss and friends, also Eureka Lodge No, 49, K. of P.; Jamta Boyd Council, Jr. O. U, A. M.. tnd Wash- uiglon Camp No, I of Bloomfield, a r t klndiv Invited to attend. Interment In Bloomfield Cemetery.

DE JO N G E ^ n 8undsy. June t l . 1111, Bolomon, beloved husband of the late Hen- rlette De Jonge and devoted father of Mrs Jennie Cohen, Minnie and l.eah De Jooge. In his l is t year. MoaonlQ aervices will be held el Hie rseldsnee. 98 Perkhurst street, on Tuesday, June 19. at t P. M. Relatives and friends, also Congregatlen B'nal Jsshurun, Trllumlnar Lodge No. i l l . F. and A. M,; Masonlo Vetersne, kUrlen Lodge No- 98. I. Q. O. F., and ill other atn'ictlos of which the decease wgo a member are Invltsd. In­terment Wednseday morning st Waehington remaiery. Brooklyn, al convenience of (am* liy. Please emit flowers,

DOUGHERTY—On June tt, 1111, at hie reeldenos, 172 Newark street. Daniel, be- mved son sf the laio Edward and Jane Dgkgherty <nsa Csbllt), Notice of funaral hereafter.

EDWARDB—On June It. 1911,

Ikesbotles that ws «m exposs for sota, a* oisrs- imldp only eo ' much of said goods sod chattels os wilt predscs on amount s s ^ - riedil to SkUofy our aforosald ' ‘ ths m iM obls sxMueuo mkX^ oalSa and Ihst osy bolanos of . may teiiski sr oAp balooss ^ Mid and m t U l i u M i l fepufi V#m I4 1 hy u e r s tm M to M tawfvl #«i»sr U

Id claim .and lied la M l

snsnsy {bat

aai ts ..laadt iM f ra

Bundsf. . . ___John Louis, husband of Henrietta Harrison Edwards Funeral atrvloes will be bald st his horns, 1|4 Clinton avenue, on Wednes­day, June 14. at 1:19 F. M. Relative! and friends afe Invited to attend, interment at the oonvenlenci ef tha family.

BNGLBHARDT--On June II, l i l t . «t bis parents' reeliilenoe, 4ll Avon avenue. Louis, beloved son of Louts and Emma Engtohardt (nee Hachalses), aged 4 years and 1 tnsnth. NDtlcf^ bf (untrst hereafter.

FELDWEG—Entered Into rest, on Sunday. June 23, 1919, Marie Feldweg (nee Weber), beloved wife of Robert Feldweg Sr., aged 97 yeari 9 monlha lu days. Htlatlvos and friends nr* kindly invited to atlegd the

-lunerti from the resUtsnee of her soa, Bmii M. Weber, £66 Waverly avenue, on Tuoeday, June 16, at 2 P. M. Interment in WocdlanJ Cemetery.

FORCE—On June II. 1111, a t ths horns of her uncle, Marcus L, Force, Woodland ave* nue. Morriaiown, N. J., Fannie B. Force, late of Newark, N. J., daughter of the late Edward A. and Julette Force. Funeral ser- vlcas at ktorrlalowM 1:29 P. M. Interment In Falrmouni Oemstery, Newark, N. J.» t P. M., June 36, 1918.

GAUEIETOKL—At Orange. N. J,. June II, l i l t . Mildred, belevedi daughter of John B. and Joeephlne Gausatohl (nee Tennant). Reiatlvee and fftande are kindly Invited to attend the funeral from her residence, 74 Park etreet. Orange, on Tueoday, June 16, 1911, a t 1:10 P. M, Inlsrment in 8t. John's Cametory.

GILLEBPIE—At Vontclsir, N. J.. on Bat- urday morning, Jvne t l , 1919, Ells C., be­loved daughter of Ellon A. and the lata Jamos J. ullleeple. Funeral from hsr heme, II W'lilard place. Tuesday. June 26. at l;39 A. M.j solemn requiem mmsi a t Church of Immaculats Conception 9 A. M. Rsletivos and frlenaa are kindly invited te attend. Interment In Cemetery ef Holy gcputchre, Newark, .

ntKKAHE->At Orstits, K. X, June 14, i t l l , Hannah Glnnene, bsiovod wife of Ml- cheat Glnneno of 44 Chapman street. No* ties of funeral hereafter.

GRA? Efl-^Buddeply, on Friday, Juno 11, 1911, Hugh H.. husband of Gepriine Oravee (net Haggerty), Funeral servicee will be held. Tuesday. Juno 29, at I P. M., at the funeral parlor nf C, G. Van Bus kl • _tlveetend. Interment Winston, Vs,, at conve­nience of family.

HEBRINQ—Entered Into rest, on Monday. Junf 24, i f l i , Theodore, beloved husband of

ate Buian Kebring (nee Uariity), In hie kr. Relatives and friends are kindly

to aitend the funeral oervicee on Wednesday, June 28. i t 8 A. U.» at the rest-

....................... . denoe of his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Halaille,y alnog the line of lot No. 81 ] HI Fslrmount avenue; thenee te flt. Mery a Inafter mentioned ninety-five ; t'hurch, where a meas of rnquiam Will be

-a— .. ----------- offered for the repose of hie soul. Inter­ment In sta Mary's Cemetery.

SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE—In Chancery ol Naw jaraey—Between Ueor|e E. Duna,

et ale., oomplalpants. and File Dunn. et sis., defendants. On bill for partition. Notloe ofOkie. a. .By virtue of a decree nf the Court of Chancery, made In the above enllUsd oatrie, bvarlng dale April IT, IQII, and an order ameuUTng decree, bearing date June 4. 1119. J Edward M. Colie, one of tho ipecial mo«J tera of the Court of Chancery of the slate of New Jeney. shali expose for ssle at public vendue, ami m U to the bishest bidder.

lay, (be ninth day of July, 1911, at hour or t : |0 o'clock In the iftarnoon of that_______ I highTuesday, (be ninth day of July, 1911, at ths hour or t : |0 o'clock In the iftarnoon of that day, in the eherlfCi office In the court house In the city ef Newark, county of Gaeex end state of New Jeraay. all thooe certain lota, tracts or parcels of liknd and pramlsei, sUk- ftte. lying and being In the city o( Newark.ate, lying and belnj in the county of Essex and state Jersey, and bounded and described

city . . ___and state of New

•riey, and bounoea ana described aj fol­lows:First Tract'^Begtnniai a t a point in ws;. - erly line of Hllislds avenuo one hundred (hlrty-one and eixty-eignt hundredth* (H I.61) feel south of southwest corner of ■erne and Avon avenue: from thence run­ning along Htltalde avenue south sixteen de­grees and twenty-two minutes weet twenty- five feet; thence north eeventy-three degrees end thirty-eight mlnutee weal one hundred (irtaen and eeventy-nln* hundredths (llt.7J) feel; thence ikirtli twenty degrees and twen­ty-eight minutes eaet twenty-five and six hundredths (16,09) feet; thence seulh a«v- enty-three degrees and (hlrky-elsht mlnuire aeet one hundred and fourteen (H i) (*et to

on northariy aideplace of beginning.

Second Tract—Beginning , .of Walnut etreet throe hundred a&d torly* seven (947) (eel easterly from ceilirly lii,e {if Amity street; thence northerly at right angles to Walnut street ninety-five (0*> feel; (hence oailerly tapnly-five (tl) feet; thenee eoutherl;un a map here . .(96) feet to Walnut etreei; ihence weaierly along asms twenty-five (29) (set to place of beginning.

Third Tract—Beginning on northerly line of Walnut etreet at a point two hundred end four <201) fret and six <S) Inches easterly from northaast corner of Jefforeon (formerly Amity alreetl and Walnut streeti; ihencw running at fight angles to Walnut atreai northerly nloely-flve (9&) feet to rear line of lot* fronting on Kim street; thence along Skid rear line etslerly thirty (IQ) feat; thenre southerly parallel wUh fln t Untninety^flve (96> Het to Walnut place of beginning.

Including also the eetate of dower ef the defendant, Ella Dunh. wife of .Edwm t\ Dunn, deceasod; also tho Inohuate right of dower of Cornelia Z. Dunb. defendant, wife of Goo ruler to theappertaining.

D ea th sKlNOBLAND—On Juno II, 1919, W4j

H, beloved husband of Mery L. m a ■••^61 year*. Funeral eervioM will I i t hie home. I t Montgomsry etreet, wodneedity, June t l . «t 1)19 F, M- R Mvea ana friends, also Court 'BioomfL ranter No. iaio. j, o. F.. are kindly Ir^lB Interment i t Bloorafltld Center.

KI.RIKRICK— Into r*.t, Kind, kfM

l^«b»nd ot Jranl. Klels.l R t l . t ! . . . .nd frUn4. fen :>■

Jkn, (tom rMld.u«., 4*J.lrm ount f .m .t . r , , p j i . . . omll flowm . )n^*~^*^?” **‘’^ * * ''*'' SonteBtimonl Iv.nuo, on Krldw, Jun. II, l i l t ,

Murlort A. M » D o n J£ Funeral oorvlcee and Interment private.OBERKIRSCH—Entered Into feet, ttuigag,

O k l l k w h '* " ' » « l o v . d (.Ili.r, fhlllo*iva* and friends are Invited to attooft tun .r.l IJ^dn.Hl.)', Jun. ]«. i t l:l« F. H.,

J** 2*?'* Som.nBl , ( r . t t ■ meni in Fatritiount Cemetery. latftf.

PETERS—On June 21, i l i t , Fursttf*_ widow of Charts* i„ Pvtera egad 41 yeaS.Flfih Hepdat (hurch, on Proapoci street. Relatives moet at her h«m#, IIT Walnut

* 'fe***\fe Reiatlvee and (rianda attend. Interment In Fair* ncount ( emetory. Jersey City papers plaaee '■upy,

huahenri of Ihr let# Catherine f^ellly fe frlandi are

?>.« li-ilSkJ'*** funeral frenaI* «**L^*“‘* Mr. James RalUy,■ *‘ '**®L Of' Turadsy. June II, attei*w Al ^ ' • ®e'‘Ph'e rhurch, where •high mesa of mriulem ein h« eftereft f»r (hi rwpoee of ui* loul. Interment la the Cemetery of the ll{)]y Srpulchre.

RUOf f -BEHR—On ,Tun« |2, i l i i , at her M d tn re . 71J Bciuth Kliteenth street. Hen- Ifielta Ruoff (nee Apall, wife of the tats Albert Ruoff, Notice of funeral hareatUr,

BCHARY—Buddenty. on Bunday. Juno tt, l i l t , Leopold, beloved huiband of tho late Barth Bchary and father uf Mra, Clara Uoalaa, Mrv. Hatlle Morris, Mrs, May Blepto, UIoo Anno. Jennie and Herman H. BcHary, In hie TIth year Funeral strvleee will be held a t (he residence of hit inn, Hormaa H.

104 High street, on Monday. June 14. at 1:10 p. M. Relatives and friends a r t In* vUadl lo attand. Interment Hebrew Cam*- tery. iputh Oraags avenae, Pleoae amlt fibwers.

IWANBON—-At ESK Orange, H. J.fe «ft Juno 24, 1911, Alice !«• Tour Swanson; be- lovod wife, of A. _T. Swaneon. Funeralvtret will he held at her home, 96 Waisaa avenue. East Orange. N. J,, on W ednem y ■venlAg, June i t , at 9 e’clooi. laterm eat at

ZEH—On June fl. I t l l , a t her homo, Til rite etreet. Mary Eleaner Ulmnoh Ifh .

widow of Chartse M. Eeb, tt. D. RriaUvoaend frlande are tnvUed to attend the taMroi from her home. Wadnteidmy morning; thesDo to Rt. poirick'e C athed r^ where a soleSkn requiem moee will be offered for the rapguHi of her soul. Hour of m*e» 10 be announskd iV?*'- >. I"4«>^nienl In the Cemetery of tk t Holy Sepulchre.

ANNIVERSARY MASSCONKOLLT—Fourth .nTilv.rii.ry niM . fet

r.iiul.m will b. of(«r«l tor th . r .p o i. » {fe. ■oul o( Wltll.m H. Connolly, i t i t . A.M.-

kirk, 10 H .ln itront, tVHI O r .n n , lt.l.< .nd frlrnd. . f . kindly Iftvlfed to .!•

ninu.’. churi'h, feouth Ur.nfe. .v.nw* ___feouih Ninth . tm t , on TuMday, iun* II,1:10 A. M. R ol.tlvn and frl.iuU u . Midly Invit.d to atl.Dd,. VANDEBBIM lT — ■..ODd annlranw y hlih B U I o( r.aoltm will b. offarM far r t . rapoH of th . Hul of Martarat Vandwatraat, on Tuudny, Ju ti. 91, a t I A. M„ a t n , JaniMi'. Church. n.iitlvM and frlaBda ara kindly Invlttd to att.nd. In u d bnt l.rlafe mamory of w it. and mathn-. Martfetdt Ta«- daratraat, who dltd Jun . It. t i l l .Oh, d .a r molh.r, thy ( .n i l . volet la ktekfed..

Thy warm, trua h .a rl It itill.And on thy pal. and p.aeaful taw

l i ra .lln t dMih'a cold chill. >Th. hand, ara claap.d upon thy h« |rt,

And In our achtni h w rt. w. know wa h a n DO mother now,

b e r e a v e d FAIIILT;

b'IN MEMOJUAMIN lovlnn and tondnt mamory of my diarly

b .I.v .d fath .r, Ddward Catll*. wkw tellaalMP In jM ii. Chrlat d u n o 'if

On. lone, aad yw r hat ptHtd,And tho ti who Ihlnk or you tteayAro tho.o who lovod yon bait.Stdiy ml.tad, but nav.r forfstUn.


MASONIC NOTICEEMERGENT communloatlon ef Tnitm laar

Lodge No. n i , F. and A. H . will be held tear. Ok..... Ill fiup , lidge n>om, Mkaoplo Temple, Reot-year, Reiarives and friende are kindly Tueeday evenlag, June « .


of George Dunn, tugelher with all and em- gular the heredUamante and appurtenance# to the eald premlBci belonging or In any wiee

INCUMBRANCES.The property will be sold oubjecl to tne

following incumhranr'esL First Trart—Mortgage foe 9J.09Q and In-

(eraat^(hereon a t I per cent, from JanuarySecond Trect-’-Mortgage on which there le

due 91.190, and intereet thereon at 9 per cent, from Hay 19. lOlt.

Third Tract-M ortgage for 91.009, and la- tereat thereon at 8 per cent, from December 1. 1917.

Dated June 7, 1911.EDWARD M. COLIB.

Ipecial H atter In Chancery of New Jereey, Til Broad street, Newark, N. J.

OUo Q. Koreter,Solicitor for Complainant, (910.2>l)

TO RAMUBL WARD, . eetite of Bxmuel Ward, e* welt os to (he unknown owner*

end pemone Interested in lande below de- «crlbed, tho mortgegiee, aaalgnea*, devisaaa and legal repreaehtatlvee, their helre and persons claiming hy. through or under them. Take notloe, ttaal on the 2lth day otHay, nlnataan hundred and •!*, Florence H. Cahill of Newark. Eeeex CobiUy, New jar- •fy. purchased for tha sum of slxly-one dollars (111) carlain land* known ss One, on block twelve hundred and elghty- one: Lot Five, on block twelve hundred and Blxty-ievan, and Lot Four, on block twelve hundred and eighty, all eitnate on the New­ark Great Ball Meadows, pursuant to ehap- ler one hundred and iwelv* of tha lews of n i l . and xuppiamenta thereto, which ignda ao sold era deerribed by metaa snd bounds M fellowa, to wUt Beginning at a point In the center of Maple friend Creak, at or near tha Interaectlon of Avenue D and Bige­low etreet, os laid out on tho offlola! asaass- mant mane of the city of Newark; (bence running In a waiterly direction along the aOutharly line of land ot- Carolina Netler three hurtdred and elxty f9*t, mere er lea*, to a point In (he northeoaierly line of land* of the North Company; thence running ■outheaatarly along th* eoaUrly line ot lands of tha aald North Company four hundred and twenty-five f«et, more or lex*, to (he center of Maple Island Crsak; thsnee along 1h« center of Maple Island, following Ua various couraaa and windings, tn the point or place of baglnnlng. Containing by eetlmalton one and nlnety-hundredlhs arrea. b* tha same more or lest. And that after­ward. to wit, on tho firet day of Auguat. nineteen hundred and elx. the aald Floratir-e % Cahill did saafgn all her right, fillr and Intereet In her eald purchase opd her rrnifl- eata Issued tn her thereon by the city nr Newark as aforeaaUl to th* p*lltlener-‘fhe UDdaril|n*d, Stuart Ltndeley. niltO*

And that by virtue of an erder m s^ on the fifteenth day of June, a . T). nli4p*f>n h un ted and eight***, by tha Circuit Court ef the county of Essex, you ere raquJgM/kv redeem said lands from said eale before the (wenry-ftret day nf nOrftftnkftir t A. l>. nineteen hundred and elghteeiwf^rt^i i show reuse un said deg before salf^--- ^ " at the court house In tha city of



In attendance,Ifederate rates and efficient service, day

or night.Funeral parlor* and egulnmeet al th*

latMt and meet modern aeafga,Autamebllos for lo i^ dtetance*.Lady attendant. Cnapel f i^ .(mAorr b u r ia l co w paw t ;

179 Brood et., corner Eighth iv*. Phone Branch Brook I t l l .



extra fin* black broadcloth, white or stiver gray plueh raxkat. with moMlv* bar handlee. engraved namrplat*, roaket htauufully lined with fine silk or satin; uutalde coe*. adv«r- tlMlnt, embalmlAf, drseelng. ghaving, oruel- fix, candelabra, glove*, rhalre. hear** and three cogohes te any city c*m«t*rf,




491 Brood st.

Son of the lot* Joshua Briertey,

Mortuarltn.Tel. B. B. l i t i .

BSTAB. n i l , TEL. IIU MKT.A. J. ft J. HOLLB,

u k d b r t a k b r s ,OFFICE AND CHAPEL.

129 BRANFORD p L . COR, SHIPMAN 9T.Automobile cortegn for long dl«tanoe.

A, STANLEY COLE.624 Orange st, Phone 1U2 B. B. 114 Orange,





184 Elisabeth eve. Phone 7411 Waverly..TOBEPH J. MANGER, (TNERAL DIRECTOR.


131 BrAod st.J, GILROY, INC.,

Undertakers,Phone 3021 Mul.

JOHN IX CRANE. 319 Harrison ave.. I l l Kearny ave,.

UNDERTAKER, H .rrin n , H. .f.


192 Fleming ave. Phone 114 MuLWILBUR B. WHITE, Funrrai Directer, l a

Ctlpton ave.; phone | |9 Waverly; fuaerals at moderate prices; automobile service.

) tne city or noat 10 A, M., why a doed therefor* not bn delivered lo the eald pfurchosar, her legal repr«*kn(attve* e* oevIgAe,

Dated at Newark, Ni-J.. Tun* )6, l l l l «TUART LIND8LUT.

Aaalguee of Fioranoe K. Cahill, Pun?ha»er.

JOH.V PRANcifi CAim.r,Atterney of Paililonor. IfO Markft et.

IN CHANCERY OP NEW JBRHRT—Be­tween 1. J. Tombachrr and f). M. Kalten.

stein. Individually end parln*r* trolling t* M. Kle«<nh«rg ft Hon. lomplalTiaiita, and Krtuss Chendelier Works, a rorporatlon, da> femlitii—Notlo* nf haP.

Notire le hereby given (bat Homer C, Zink, receiver of th* above-named defendant con.-any, purauaM to an mder of the <’euri, rviil

t at public «i4critia for cash, to (he hlgfatei bidder or bidders, i>n July l, Ittl^ at tl fldqrk in th* forenoon, at l i t [lalaty stryeir Newark, H. J.. all the goods and ehatula of th* defendant eempoiiy fovated in eald store, consisting of a stock uf office fli(ti|r«e, ms- chiner:. >'handeii*rs, iighiing flxtiirea, elec­trical euppllea, eln.

Said property wilt be divided Into suitable lots and offeifed In separate parcelH, and to he celd subject in ioiifirmetlun by (iii* (rfiurt to the bidder or biddara whose bid or bids realise ths hlghefi brice: at iaosi tsn!er cent, of eueh bid or bids ,(o be paid oa a epoelt.The property wiu be open for ImponUon

fn June tt, l i l t , heiwesti 19 A. M. and t M.

The receiver will make hie report and appHeaUen for I'antlrmallon *f safe at ths Chonfery Chamber*. Newark, on July t. 1911, at 19 o'clock In Ike forenoon,

HOMER C. ZINK,Receiver, .

I t OllaOofi at,, Newark, N. J , , Purst ft PtirM. Soilctton for Hecelvtr, i f i

Mar^ket *t., Newark, W. J .IN CHANClERT OF NEW JERSEY—To 'C harles Edward Wlftk: By virtue of an order of the Court of C ^ncerv of Hew Jer- eey, mads on the day or the dale hefeoi, in a eeitaln cause wherein Redwig J. Wink Is pelllloeer, and yoir are defendant, you ore required lo eppear and plead, anawer or demor to petufoner'i petition on ot before the 9th day ef Augoal next, o r Jn defavlt thoreet eueh d«or*e wlU be w ifn agijddt reu d|> tike choa«enag «h«^1 tlitoR edimaku

m jaeb lee t of lelft ta ll h t« o b u ts 'k "^v ln t the ,m4rrtese

3ft petUle)^* ,

MOURWNG GOODSItnURNING GOODS dyed at abort notice.

t ’alled for and dallvored by Bayer ft Son, !22 Terry et.; phone 1991 Merliet.WORK flniahed In 24 houro; silk watats and

dreooet dyed In ]2 houro, Ubonatlfe 17* Main et,, Eaet Orange; phono 2172.

at 7 e'oleck, ______brother. Solomon D* Jonge. craft are invited to attend.

to attend the funeral ef our Member* od ike

W.HBy order of HARRY WERTHfEMfe Geo. T. Peck, Secretary.

J k 0 . II. A M. KOTKXTRE members of James. T. Boyd Coandl)

No. 244, Jr, O. V. A. Mn will atleod funeral uf late Brother Jamoi Criap wnfunera Tuesday, room at

June 9t, 1911. Meet at counoil 1 P. M.

H. BBIJRUAN, Ccaaellor.

KNIGHTS OF m H lA S NOTICENOTICE to K. Of P. members; Bt. Ckrysao-

(om I.*oags No. 3, Frank A. Stirling. 169 Clifton eve. Watch paper lur netico of funeral.


the Uommittse on Road Aaseiomento and Speedway of the Board of chosen Froeholdero of the County of Essex, New Jsroey, for tho laying of bituminous concrets pavergnt on Bloomfield avenue between the town line of Montclair and Borough of Verona and Dutch Lane, Caldwell, Plant and apeslflot- IJons for (hie work may be eaen a t the of­fice of Frederick A. Reliner, County En­gineer, court house, Newark, N. J., and also for Item 9 a t the office of the SUto Hlfta- wey Gommlsslen, Trenton, N. J.

The work will be bid on in two Itemo. as followa;Item L—Bloomfisid avenue In tho bot*

ougha of Caldwell, Verona. Weot Caldwell and North Cdidwell, a* shown un map In ■aid office, except that part Includoft in Item 2.

Ite^n 2.—Bloomfield avenue In the Bor­ough of Caldwell, from th* Verona-Caldwell Una to Campbell avenue^ a i shown on aalil in » .

Bidders will hid on either one nr both ef •am secilofti. but tha bid (or each oaetlon must be Inoloaed In a- eeitarate envotop* with cheek to th# order of R, W, Boolh. county collector. In the sum of 9T.I99 fnr each item os a guarantee that If the work Is awarded the i)Hder wlU%nter Into g coo- tract with said board fur the same, and the bidder lo whom the coalroct la awarded wfli furnloh a bond a* security equal In amount to the amount of the bid, subject te th* approval of said board os to form and ouf- fklency. and as shown by eald epeciftca- tlona. Each bid must contain (he certificate uf (he bidder that (he provisions of Chapter 2G3, Laws of 1112, have b«eti and will be strictly compiled with In the performaao* of eald work.

The rommlHre ressrvea the right (o re­ject any or all bids and Its action la In all respects Subject to the approval of MIJ board. ,

Bids will be received by said committee at a meeting to be held at the court houee aforeiald In Room 3 l| on Thursday, July l i . in s . between 1.3* and 3:9* P, H., anafiubJIcly opened and read at the lost named lOur. Bids must be addressed to William Cardwell, chairman, Oammltter on Rood

Asa*eamenii and Speedway, and th* envelope Uiiloraad. "Proposal for Paving, Item 1” (or Hem i) as vase may br.

FREDERIC A. REIMER,County Bnflaeer.


Deiawanno. M. J., en trolley line, oete Newark end Paeealc: fin eat In eii pelual care free; lota of four graves,

■laie; per- . 149 up.

FLORiS-fSrUNKHAL deoignsv

all oecoslonai tlfas,^ mPlunkett, 149 Bloomfield eve.; 20 ^ im on t ave, Tel. Branch Brook 447 L; Waverly 193.

palm*, del orations far elV delivery, Connelly #


__________________ (-’O.,147 llarkeL st., near broad; floral design* delivered on short woilce. Phene Mkt. 494.

WASHINGTON FLORIST.Floral deeigne for all ftccoslone. low price*.


tween Ckrrit 8. PapPfa. vomptalnoiu, and PerroMli’a Women’* Hhop,- a corporation, defendant. On Bill. etc. . Notice.To tho Croditon of PdrrauH'a Womt&'a

■hop, a corporation;In pursuance to an order of the Court nf

Ckanrery of the etat* of New Jersey, made nn the I2d day of June, 1911. In a caoea wherein Carrie E Pappas La the complain­ant, and Perrault's Women's Shop Is defend­ant. notice Is hereby stvoq to tne credUnra of eatd company lo present to Chorlea a pilirlm . the receiver of said company, gt hie office. No. 799 BrMd street. In ths rlly of Newark, oountr efr Essex sqd ttate of New JetefTfe their eevkral claims and de- moadg ifeidnat eaM oempan}', duly verified under oa(ii or affirmatlodfe witkm one menth frem ttt9 ftMe hereof, or tiaejr will ^ u - otudod from the bepeflt ot alien dividends oe xnftp BWiaiter ko mode and deowetf by drift eddrt, trow the oasete of oatd com-

.-L Bewark. tf. J.

f^Kewirk, J.


Saaletl propesate will be received a t the ofn*'* of the heard between 9 and lig ) u'clork, P. 61. Monday, July 1. 1111, and (ken publlrly opened and read for the f^towlAg work;

WAVRRLY a v e n u e sc h o o l—AUera-llomi to boiler room and (wo weet olos* rooms:

GIRLS' VOCATIONAL SCHOOL—Altera, lions in iiQlier room and (roht sletrs. eto. ■

HAWTHORNE H('HOOli---AU«ralloiM to bollar, cooking and manual training roooup. aU'..

fll'MMKIt PLACE SCHOOL—AltiratleneIn boiler room, *(<‘.All (o ba rompi«(wl aigiu weak* from data

»r signing of contract,Trrme nf pmporal and sursty required gre

fixed by (ha specification*. Blank pro- pn*al* are ohtainable at ih* beard's ron- ' slructlon il*partut*iit, fourth floor, city hail, whnre i-ivntrart and t>on(| forms, drawings and apci-lfieatlons may be sxamlned.

The board rasrrvss the right to accept or reject any or alt propdtais, te waive In- formslUles and (o award contracts a t Its dlSi'ceiion,

June 20, m i ,H. D. AliGUE,


'— .............................. - ' ■ • = = 1 'HILLSIDE TOWNSHIP PROPOSALS


Sealitil proposals will be r*r*lv*i| the Townahlp C'ontniltte* of the Township of llilttilil*, N. J., at Hltlridr Hchool, Hlllafdei N. .L, a t I P. 6L. on Wednesday, July I, 1918, fur (he rollfCtlnn Of garbScs and sshse In tiarhafa Collection Dtsiriet No. 1 of eald tnwnstilp from th« first day of August, l i l t , lo (h* ihtriy-flrit day of July* 1919, fin* elusive.

Bai'h bid on ihle work must be eccem* penled with a cprtifisd check or cash for five per t‘*nt, of the ammint of the bid.

BoumUry line.* of the district can be kftd from ih" lownehlp rl^rk.

Thb committee reservte th* right ie rf- . Ject any or all bldu, *# mgy be dnmeft bdgi for the Intefexti of (be township

ONORQKC''(be township. ^ORGN COMPTON,

£?x f.ay ,g j aa


■BAUCD rK O V O U U ter i r ‘'rt* WblU 0*1 Mte* n M

M n r t ‘ 4 f i t th . DMrd «)( W iHlaM. te ti l . ottfe . (•* •

-.i' '^ 9 ^ ' *


far Objectors at Dix Quarr All the Time

Verds Only Weaponi, Officer* Re­port, and Gravest Ca*ualty In­

flicted I* Disdain.

Sincerity and Evasion Found

NEW YORK STOCK MARKETTh« r a m # of today'* Drleea lo r the

more active aecurltle* rit the New Torlt m arket In co n iraa l w ith the prev lou i rloalnK quolatlona, a* furnlehed fo r th* New* by Po*t « F la a r . 1* *'veD below:

.___ .Today'*-----1 P re V »H i»b. Low, Clo*e. Cior*.14H 14)f 14K ......63 63 6

Advtaoe Rwoalr A ]n R abb (t..» - AlaakaGoU.......ADU^Cbal........... 3SH

CAMP DIX. Ju n e J4.—Aaaembled h*r* for eaam lnaU on thi* week before a «a*clal board of Inyulty . conaclentloui ob)ectora from th i* and o ther camp* hav* been cloiely observed by their •n c e re , w ith th* reaiilt th a t much In- fOnpattoD concernln* th* a ttitu d e of the men ha* bean o b ta in ^ . The eln- oarlty of some of them la not to tn doubted, while In o ther caeea It I* evi­d en t th a t the claim of coneclentloua eoruplee le a aubturfugo to eecape the f l th t ln i Uttft.

An d«velopm^nt In in* m m o j* M in t ot th« obj«ctori i» t h t dUsentlon prcvslllnff In Comnan,^ 44, to which they have been aaelgned. The pro- f ta ied peace-lover* have made ineir company notorlou* o i I ho moet quarel- acme organleatlon In camp. ScorninK weapoiie, th*y ar* coiieinntly embroliea In a war of words which, among a nor­m al **l of eoldlera, would long ilnce h a v i produced a bum per crcp of good old-faabloned g rudge fights.

Among the objector*, however, the u tm ost eaeualty m nicted le a diadainfhl tf1«noe b«tw##n foM. Oft«c«ra of ih« e^mmand Mcrlb* n i the cause for the AQarrelinff the In tsnsity of the conyic* U o u held by the m m . They are Intol- •H m t of other b'^Ilefs. Even ainomr mao of tha aame a tc t b itte r enmities hove spriinjr up because of ihe ir In- ab tltty to agree on a common cause for M aking egempfi'in. A ppllratluna for tn m afer to unit* In th« lighting line lutve been m*d-> by eom* men who pre- fdyred plain w ar to ilio contention* of III* paclflelita

Ckange* of heart have not been un- Vgugl among the objector*. One officer i M t of a Slennonlt*. who frank ly con- n***d he was uncerta in a s t* h it ayaund fo r objecting.

" I can 't be ce rta in w hethar my tra n b lt la conactence o r cowardice," he Mtd. "I w ant to pray and th in k my

through th ia m a tte r for a few

officer to ld him to tak* all the Urn* ha needed. A week la te r th e "ob-

' jM tor" reported th a t he taw clearly ' S w t It w as hi* du ty to become a *ol-

tB*r and th a t th e m ore e ttlo len t a flg h ta r he becama. th* b e tte r he would li* fu lfilling hi* mlaelon.

Cu m «f M u r Chaac**.A different k ind of c a te wa* tn a t of

A man who f ire t so u g h t to b* r*ll*v*d At aotiv* doty b*caui* h* Wi* an Aua-

't f ia n . L ater h* am ended the plea by diteorlblng h im self a* a Rum anian. And tUially, a f te r hobnobbing w ith ioine

, ■oathlMt* and o th e r radlealA ha ap- M«a«h*d an officer, recited aome veree*

: l i r a the Bible and annoutiM d tb a t it. t y a n ’t A ustrian o r R um anian b lrtb . but i k ia eoniclenca th a t w ouldn 't let him \ & h t and th a t h* w a i a divinity alu-

who aapired to do m lialonary

lA addition to th* kI*nnonlt*e, th* lagMMfijr Inclodai IH y AatM'*tM A Qu«k*r*. M ount Zionist*. F ly- lAauth B rslhren, C hrlstadelphlsn* and M rab a ra of th* Holln*** Church.. B*p- fdM ntlng th* d th a r •x trem e ar* sgno*- l l S who r*fu* . to believe th * t the vharld ha* any th in g w o rth figh ting tor;

- AA aaarch lst o r two, an d a few Int*r-' AAtlogalleta

■ v ta a favorab le ra p o rt from the hM rd w ill not re tlsv* an "objeetoi' (M m the aervlc*. H* oait choose farm*

. lAfc In which cas* he i6»y ho aetlgnod farm e ither tn Am erlc* or P rin w .

' h* can *nt*r raco n itru c tlo n unite In.BBn •nhvi rMWMmwa -' ViM igi o r som t tTOP"Coiiibatgpt brancnl e tba[ vne arm y li**lf. ^

Tber* U ■ otJIkulatlon. ho»*''««'. *h*teaiinot W * f i t flnanclM ly by thi*

■■■ ■ directlyS p to y m e n t, *Hh*r d irectly or Indl- Maily, for-* sum g re a te r than a soldier n m ItMi pin* Yh* n e c e iia ry expen te i of aaran en e* . A ny add itio n a l wage* he r a y **rn wlH h* tu rn ed over to thea r a

l l « ^ ”% orult* arriving from_ Floridaippg* rwiu*^« WiiaveosMM sterday in th e sc an t clothe* they hadA - ^ a.a_ M _ I e.m wmed, w earing a t th e ir w ork ehlvered In th* w in try h ise t* o f the N orthern l a n a H ow ling fo r overcoati, Ihey nrgf* .ruehed th ro n g h th e f irs t medical laapM tlon, dbatad before a ro ast beet d inner tb a t Improved oondltlona greatly and **nt to belw ean blank*!* th a t «ampl*t*ly eased th* situa tion . Bevsral k aad red negro selactlvee from New j*fg*« have b**n d ispatched from th is eantonm ent to Camp Meade, Md.v to help lUI unite of colored troops tra in ing ibors-

A m ln itre l *how 1* to he given to ­n igh t a t ono o f th* ^ U. C. A. build ■ lug* by men from Company *, ituu Depot B rigade. Th* com pany Is mad* no a lm oit en tire ly of men from the Thlrtdontb and F o u rteen th district* of Newark, who hav* been here about a memtb.

; Artillery Regulir* Occi^ying Jerseymen’t Area at McClellan

Am. Beet SugifAm. Can........... -Am. Car a F .a.»Am- Cot. 03.......Am. K. a L .......Am. H. a L .,p e .Am. UnieedO.l.Am, Loco...........Am. Smelt... ,\-.Am. Sleri rdya*

'Am. Enmelra.....Am. T , a T . „ . . .Am. Woolen-----Am, Zinc............Anaconda.*.......Alch.................A. 0 . W. 1 . .......Beldsnn Loco......B. a a ............ ....................Beth. SteA,B „...B. R . T _ ...........B an u B to i.........Bntle a Sspenor.CeL Bet...............Cel- Bet.. pf.**i*.Cen. Leather......C. a 0 . ...............Chi. G. w ...........Chi. G. W ., pi...C„ H . a S tB ...CU. a N ’weM...Chile Copper.......Chino Coppei....CoL F. a L ........Col, Get a Else.Ccoa G ea.........Com Prod..........Com BtoiL.pi.* Ciuclble Steel..... Cub. Cena Saju- D m aR lo O .p r.D JitSec,............. IEti*...................*Eri% l i t pr.. ......Gen. H e to n ,.... I'G t N octlL .p i... !Gl. N bO i*......... :Illtnoii Can,....... IIneplntian - .......(nicf. Coo...........Inter. Con., pr*. Ina*. M. U ------Inter. Iin. Hicfcit*.......In. Fspai............Ken. City So.*... Kd-Spring Til*.Kenatooct.........U ck. SteiL..........L d il^ V*U*y..„U a N. ........ 1UsxwMl *...........M u .H o tl i t .p r* Utxicsa Bet......Ulsml C o p p n l. UMval* S M .. u . , K. a r , . . . .U a F k . .............Net. Le*d._.......M ends Coot 4 *A N. Y. All B nk*. N. Y,C*nL.........N .Y .,N .H .a a . N .Y ., 0 . a w „Nor. a W * ........Nor. FscUio.. . . Ohio Cl|i** Gea . Fad£e H aO ......F iB a ._ ...............F . a w . H. R ..Bitta. Coal........ *Ft. Steel Car . . . . Sy. Steel Spring.Ray Cora...........ReadJag..*.,........R*p,J, a S teel. Rep. L a S„ p r. Suon M olora,,, Ecaboiid..........

Steel, Copper, Tobacco , And Oib Lead Market

Rails and Other Investment Issues Are Held Within Narrow


Ust Eases Toward the Close TEACHING CREDIT REPORTING For D iv is io n _ o n ^ era l Output

1393 138J4 13«3i I3«jK97X 9Srt 9SJ< 97H

i m I08>6 109X 108 96H 94H 94Jf 94J<

25 Jd




Reports Soviet Move to I Yield Riches to Germany


lOlJ,' 101)< lOlU WlH 68H 66X f>T)i 32H 31H 31H IH ’’U

S9W 60 16 1 6 ^ 16 33M 33 33

NEW YORK, Ju n e t l ( f f l .—Today'* m oderately active etock m arket de­rived It* m ain euppot-t from th* Im­proved w ar situation . Rail* and o ther Inveetm ent Itaue* held w ithin bound*. Sale* approxim ated 626.000 shares.

Steel*. Copper*. Tobacco* and Oil* mad* th e ir beet quo tetlons In th* le te r deelings, b u t the Hat eased from fra c ­tion* to IH points a t th e end. The closing waa etrong.

L iberty S14* lold a t St.60 to 90.54. f ire t t» a t 9S.90 to *4.00. eecond 4a a t 91.14 to 14.06. and 4<4a a t 95 *0 to 99.00.

A ctivity In the early fioure elackened tow ard noon, but trad ing aeeumed wider proportions, em bracing additional Indus- trla le and equlpm enls, coppere and re ­lated metal*, also m inor w ar In u ce and ipeclallle*. Aalde from Heading, Investm ent rail* continued to hold back, hut laa l week'* Inquiry for sec­ondary traiiepoptatlona waa reeumed.

Royal D utch Oil a t a fu rth e r decline of 6 point* and m oderate reaellon* In Brooklyn T ran sit and American Tele­phone w ere th* few exception* to the euetalned s tren g th of th e general Hat.

Follow ing It# uaual couree, the m ar­ket came alm ost to a a landetlll In the early afternoon. Price* w ere variable, b u t th* s tre n g th of *1**1* more th an offaet th# fu rth e r heevineae of uttIU lea and a reaction of IW point* In Marin* preferred.

Btocke w ere decidedly s trong a t th* ac tive opening, th* advance b e 'r g accelerated by fu rth e r advICM concerning the eucceaeful I ta lian ot- fenalve. Equlpm enta led the riae, U nited State* Steel and Baldwin Loco­m otive gain ing 1 and S point*, re- ■pectlvely.

O ther w ar eharea. motore, olla, tohac- COB and shippings parllc ipatpo in mod­e ra te ineaeure In the advance a t the s ta r t , b u t rallo w ere dull and little ebanged. Belling for p ro fit! cauaed frac tional reactlona before th* end of th e f irs t h a lf hour.

Broutky Says Concesiions Will Be Given to Guarantee Foreign

Loan. London Heart.

NEW YORK BOND MARKETTh« r«UowlBt- <iuot«tloai w*r*

toy Po«t * r iM f: _. p .m:

H !! i ! !! Si 1! II IMlIJ, a* A.HU< • If TV < - • tetelWW ww ---U. g, L, l i t ovt. 4 « »[,»» 91.** *J.;» J* J4 U. S. Ub. td 4 * . . 9I.44 *4.94 99.94 94.99 U. B. Ub. Id 4?;* 91.91 99.99 91.99 99.J9

9149 9719 »H* *1H 1919 ...........................

Am, For. 8k . I*Am. T, * T. cll. .. —Am. T. * T. 6* .... 99 . . . . iiwAnglo French let fe 9914 1119 {Jil •} *AtOh. 4» ................. 1919 •• ■'A. R. I s ....... IT*Alch. new cvt. 4s 1949 96B. A O. cvt. 419I.. T914B. A O 4e.............. Tl

»i ' 1649 II II IT19 II

W H1633H

146X 144 90H *0

Asks Equaling Aid For Wage Increases

(Continued from F irs t Page.)


m itted to m ake such addition* to th e ir chargee for serv ice a s will keep In them th* b rea th of aolvency, p ro tec t th e ir ow ner! agg inst u n just loae, and give them a baela of credit on w hich th ey m ay obtain the funds w ith w hich to m eet th* s tra in * p u t upon them by the governm ent’s needm The b reak in g down of these corporattone would be a na tional calam ity. Because of th e g rav ity of the s itu a tio n In th la regard I am moved to ask fo r It th e carefu l a tten tio n of th e C ongress and the p u b ­lic,"

Mr. M cCarter then read the le tter* of P residen t W ilson and Secretary Mc- Adoo, ahd added th a t the F edera l Re- iw v e Board and th* board of d lre c to ri o f th* W ar F inance C orporation hav* tak en th* same poiltlon as th a t o u t­lined In the le tters.

He followed th is w ith a review of the lab o r altuatlon confronting the electric rallw eye of th e country, s ta tin g th a t " I t le a m a tte r o f common know ledge" th a t they war* "non* too proaperoue betor* th# w ar" and th a t they have been "placed In a condition of dire necessity by th* Increaeed coete of operation arising out o f the w ar and already existing."

Mr. M cCarter then preeented the two course* to r action to b ring about In- ertased revenue should the W ar Labor Board give the trainm en h igher wage*.

N ational Asaoclatlon o f C redit Men la ever reaching out a f te r new w orlds to conquer. Moreover, ite m eraberi have been accom plishing lo m eth lng . W hen the asaoclatlon waa f irs t form ed the question wa* often asked w h e th e r Its ac tiv ities would not o r m ig h t no t be­come com petitive w ith the w o rk of the long-eetabllshed and w idely apread m ercantile agendee . No auch purpoee w as evidently In mind. T he c red it men are ecattered broMdeaet, on* or more a t any num ber of thoueanda of w hole­sale and retail establishm ent* . They seek to keep In touch w ith th e credit ra ting* or e itab lleh *uch fo r th e ir eu i- tom ers. To accomplish th la th ey have accese. of eour*e, to the Inform ation w hich goes to them direct from the cus­tom ers them selves, the d a ta they may gain from bank* a t w hich th e ir cus­tom er* hav* accounta or w ith they deal, together w ith question* asked from refe rencee which th e ir preaent or p rospective cuetom ere give—people they have trad ed w ith and w ith whom they have had credit. Then they apply to the m ercantileagencies. , , ___

B ut th* credit men re fe rre d to ar* scattered from Dan to Beereheba. They have no oom prehenslve c e n tra l organl- la tlo n , such as th* old and established com m ercial agencies hav*. fo r accum u­la tin g data , which, o p e ra tin g from a cen tra l headquartera. m ay r in g up. as It were, Inform ation a t once frorn v ir ­tu a lly the u tte rm o st co rner* of the earth . .

S till they have the a d v a n ta g e of co­operation, m em bers In one city ex­chang ing cred it Inform ation w ith thoe*In ano ther and the like, and to th la ex­te n t th e y 'a re able to perform a very usefu l function, which ap p ea rs fu lly to Justify th e ir activ ities and co-ord lnatea effort.

W ith th e aid of con-espondene*. tn* banka and the m ercantile agencies they m ay and actually do perform a useful w ork. They, in abort, supplem ent the m ercan tile agendee accord ing to the Individual needs of the com m ercial and IndualrU I Inatltutlona In w hich mem­b ers ar* employed.

A year or eo ago th e aeeoclatlon planned, ae published, a distinctively co-operative credit a iso c la tlo n along national line* by mean* of an In te r­change of the f a d ll lle e a n d Inform ation poseeaaed by members. T he scheme w as elaborate, hu t If It h a s achieved eep ed a l dletlnctlon since, th a t fact ha* no t reached outsider*. Possib ly , It Is Bttll In abeyanc*.

A t th e Chicago convention o f the association the o ther day an o th er big pro jeo t wa* launched, w hich ought to tak e ahap* and produce reeull*. Thle le to eetabilah a N ational In s titu te of C redit, w ith chaptere a t each city w here th ere ta a branch o f th* aeeo- d a tlo n , fo r educational w o rk to r mem­bers, to provide credit p roficiency elm- lle r to th a t of certified accountants. T h is Is follow ing out th s p lan o f the American B ankers ' A ssociation In h av . Ing schools to teach b a n k in g a t various cltlee fo r ‘the benefit o f b an k clerks and o ther employees. I t h a a been ra t i­fied by the convention o f th* N ational A eaodatton. and one m ay now look for branches of Die N ational In e tltu te of C redit a ll over th* land; p robab ly w ith one r ig h t her* In N ew ark.

LONDON, Ju n e 24.—A R euter d is­patch from Moscow, undated, eaye th a t M. B roueky, Commleeloner of Industry and Commerce, made th e atatem ent a t the eeeelon of the Rueso-Oerman com- mlealon fo r th* resum ption of economic relation* th a t, In order to m eet th*Ruaalan engagem ents to Germany, the

- -----“ MedSoviet G overnm ent would be compell to conclude a fo reign loan, and ae g uaran tee fo r th e loan would g ra n t Oermaity w ide exploita tion of Rueela'a na tu ra l riches. In the form of num er- oSii conceislon i, th F contro l of w hich would rem ain w ith th* Rueelan Gov­ernm ent. a portion of the profile going to the la tte r.

Germ any, the commleeloner itated._ would be asked not to In terfere With Russia'* In ternal economic policy or her relation* w ith countries which fo r ­m erly belonged to R ussia, euch a s the U krsine, P o land and the Caucaau*.

G erm any would g uaran tee to R ussia a t least h a lf th* m ineral output of th e K rlvoy-R og and C aucasus regions, and, finally , G erm any would carry out th e rec tifica tion of the Ru§Bo*Ukralnlan frontier.

PARIH. Ju n e 24 (.ff).—M. S ikorsky. R u u lan av ia to r and co n itm cto r or g ian t a irp lanes, ha* succeeded In leav ­ing R ueala and hao arrived In ParlA accom panied by aviator* attached to the F rench M ilitary Mlaelon to Rueala. The Rueelan haa offered hie aeroplane* end Inventions to the French nation.

MOSCOW, Ju n e 18 An undar-atand tng hae been reached betwcoii R ussia and A uelrla th a t, pending f in a l ag reem en t reg ard in g th* rep atria tion of w ar prleonera, able-bodied p rlionera may be exchanged immediately, head for head. In num |)*r# a* g rea t as p e ca rry in g capac ity of ra ilroads and C 'hcr m eans of trano p o rta tlo n perm it. I t 1* also s tip u la ted th a t civil prisoners of m ilita ry age sh a ll be released.

N egotiation* betw een Rueala and G erm any reg a rd in g the same question heve been in te rru p ted becauee Germ any Inetsted upon an exchange head fo r head, w hich arran g em en t would be of g rea t a d v an tag e to her, as ahe haa the larger num ber of prleonere who would remain and w ork In Germany. The Russian* w anted all prisoners re p a tr i­ated reg a rd le ss of the Inequality of n um bera The m a tte r h as been su b ­mitted to Berlin for adjustm ent.

B. A O. 6a...................... .B. R. T. l! 1911 ... 9419Cent. lysetber I t . . . 9419 ch!A A O. cvt. 6a. II >4 Chea A O. 419a, . . . 79ChM, A O. cvt. 4l9a 79 Chi. A Alton t19s.. 46Chi., B. A Q. 4* .... 9411Chlla 7a.................... lo ;SC. , M. A Bt. P. 4a.. 7144 C.. R. I. A P. raf.ta 6’ ^Erie cvt. 4a A ....... 49)4Erie cvt. 4e D....... . 6919O, Well. 4i............. 9*Inter. Rap. Tr. fd.Int. Her. Mar, la.Lake Shore 4e t i l l

Lake 8hura 4 l . . . .Lor. 7e ..................Mo, Pac 4a .........

■ N. T. On. ...........N. T. Hallway 6e.N. A Weat. 4e.......Ore. Short Line 4a.Penne. O. M. 41*!.P. Lorlllerd l i . . .P, S. V. 61.............St. L. 1. U. 6a......Seaboard adj. 6«..So, Pac. cvt. 4 i...So. Pac. cvt. 6i..So. Ry. 4a ............Texas Co. t».........Union Pac. 4a. . . . ■U. S. Steel Is .......U. S. Rubber 6a...

7914 79 H 71'4 97 9419 *419


4919 69 6149 6IK

9119 99» 9744 jii* 941, 9419 II 6466

11919 . . . .69>i 6619

hdukW ILL help

you speed up production a n d incretse your output.

, 61 6IH1449 * 449 9 414 9*14II16 44 ...........................61 ................. ..97 ...........................911* ...........................7J44 ...........................6644 6644 66li 6}1*


Is your belting C B7

Write today for our booklet, "The Drive for More Power."

V* 7119 79U19 t l 9219

II *719 9719 7619 71 7919

Corn Prices in Decided GainFollowing Frosts in the West

ISEBOITI, 4 lU M ftT T E 5 T


J 1


Czecho-Slovak Council SeeksTransfer to the French Front

LONDON. Ju n e 24 (A>).—A m em ber of the C secho-Slovak N ational Council le now a t Toklo try in g to arrange fo r the tran ap o rta tlo n of his com patrio ts a t V ladivostok and In Siberia to the French fro n t, w hich they are anxious to reach a t the earlleet moment, say* a d iepatch to th e Times from Toklo,

The Cxech leader le a form er cap tain In the R ussian arm y, and a fte r a tew days ifi Toklo w ill go to the United g tatea to consu lt P rofessor Maearyk. the Bohem ian leader now In W ashing­ton.

Civil Sundries Measure Is Passed by Senate

Polish Council at OpeningAsks Political Independence

CHICAGO, June 24 (iP).—F ro its In Ohio, Michigan and Ind iana gave a de­cided up turn today to th e value of corn. Bullish eentlm enl developed itrong ly , no tw ithstand ing th a t governm ent re­port* said there had been no damage to crop* except In a few localltlea. At f irs t the m arket show ed a tendency to ease down owing to beneficial ra ins in K aneas. Opening prices, w hich varied from unchanged to 64 lower, w ith Ju ly 1.4819 to 1.43% and A uguet 1.4644 to1.4614, were follow ed by an advance a ll around to w ell above Saturday *finish. . ,,

In th* laet h a lf ho u r sharp declines took place which appeared to be due la rg e ly to London ta lk of a poialMo ■eparate peace w ith A ustria. The cloVe wae heavy. % to % net low er w ith Ju ly 1.4314 to 1.45% and August1.4661.4614.

O ats w ere re la tive ly w eak ae a re-- su it of hedging aa le i. Beildee, demand from the E ael w ae very alow. A fter opening 14 to 44 dow n, w ith August 68 to 6814, th* m a rk e t underw ent a fu rth e r eag. and d isplayed hut little pow er to rally . , .

L iberal receip ts of hogs weakened provlelons. Moat of the trad in g wae In lard.

Subsequently, report* of a n Improved cash dem and b ro u g h t about a moderate advance.

Price* in detail;Corn—No. 2 yellow, 1.73; No. 3 yel­

low, 1.6601,79; No. 4 yellow, 1.5101.63.Gate—No. 3 w hite, 781407914; s ta n d ­

ard , 78% ©79%.Rye— No. 2, 1.86.Barley— 1.1901-1 T im othy—5.00 @7.50.Clover—Nominal.P o rk— Nominal.L ard— 24.95.Rlbe—22.50023.00.MINNEAPOLIS, Ju n e 24 (.F).—Flour

and Bran—Unchanged.Corn—No. 3 yellow, 1.5001.60.Gate—No. 3 w hite , T4©75.


1 9 5 M a r k e t ^ LTh! Albany Itentlati, 116 JU rkel ft.,

lavtte you to coniult th*m rostoroingtho condition o i your teoth*

Export dontlltry tn gU H*.Bxpori gonuau7tnd modarnto prlroo. combined wkp twenty yetra’ experience ne»r the Four Cornere le your gunrnntee.

ConeulUtlon free »t gnyUlrae; c*ll gnd lei ua conTlnce you of our totoiniy to fulfil the above alatemente.

U o are i SiS# te • P. M- TariHUy, T harsday , ■ atarday .

8 F. M.T e le p h n e M arket 4M1.


N«w«rk TheaiUr Bulldlar


C«r Urm t« Ja la A. P- a f I*fipacfaf Stnice of ffto HEWS

Appropriations of $2,500,000,000

Are Carried—Army Bill Comes

from House.imntd* Wtecweaii vf 9IIWPATERW N, Ju n e 24.—By a vote of

147 to 74 in* tro lley men of th* Paiea lcDtvlilon decided S aturday n igh t to a f ­filia te w ith the Am erican Federation of Labor.

Ipettdt Flr»49# ef l*e HBWS,CAMP MoCXiELLAN, Ala., June 24.—

Th* reglm ehtal p r* a . here form er y

Nearing Million-Ton Mark In 1918 Ship G>nstruction

Seen, Soebuck.. 13SH l.H H 13S^

WASHINGTON. Ju n e 24 ( f f ) .—Th* ftre t m illion lone of new ship* bu ilt on oontreot for the Shipping Board probably w ill be delivered before th* end of th* month.

L ast week dellVerl** to taled five steel v**e*le, w ith a dead w algh t to n ­nage of 17,120, m ak ing the g ran d to ta l of r t j l production 924,000 dead w eigh t ton*.

^ VNew Ban on Beer Is Proposed

AMSTERDAM, Ju n e 14 (ff) .—Dr. A. K akow eku, archbishop of W arsaw , opened the P o llih S ta te Council In the Royal Palace Saturday , gays a diepatch from th e P o lish cap ita l today. The ■peech from the th rone wae reed by Prince Lubom lreky. the R egent forFolan*'' . . . . . .P rince L ubom lreky outlined the gov­ernm ent program , w hich includee the p reeen ta tlon o f a bill foiv m ilita ry leg lila tlo n . The speech called upon th* C entra l P ow ers fo r the reallxallon of P o land 's po litical independence In close understan d in g w ith the C entral Em­pires.

The tollowln* quoletloni tro iw ^! Chicefo Board of Trad! were furnlihed by J. M. Byni. * Co,! p ^ „ ..

Corn— Open. High. Low. ClMO. cIom.

jUry 148% It*'* 143% 14*% 144%Aut. it9% n o i t 14* 146% nei9O:lati_ l«

JulyJ u n . ' . . . . !!% 76% 7,19 77% ,,1 J

9714 1714 t m71Aua. . . . . 69


79% 71% 711461% -

_'orkJuly . . . . gopt...........JuljT^^rr. 16.17 i.!6 .96 16.16 36,16 16.17

.......... 2S.$7 *5 x46 2 5 .is IS. IS

43.60 42 .4T 43.>D 42.10

Supply Vessel Partly BurnedIn Harbor After Explosion

San Joaquin Light & Power Corp.

First aa4 RvfteBABg •H M a r t ( 4 «

Bo* AegeM 1. 16S*1. Longett etublithcd ef all

h ydro -e lec tric p ltn f* on Pacific Coakt. _ .

2. P ra c tica lly n o com B clition.3. L a rg e p o iiib ili l ie i fo r ex-

pintien.4. F irs t m o r tg ig e on About

g e n e n tin g cApACity5. ScauH ietl And titnc-tee teil

e irn in g CMtcitT- P riM to y i t ld abnnt «.40%

TheNationalGty Company

Ceevf ip e a J n l O fie t t m 90 C ilif •Ikeiti lim; 8U|„ 79(1 Bica! St.

Trlephoara l»43-)D47 Market. Jeadi-gAerf Ttrm AW*!-Aewpfe**.


S iu p te d b f t h . 110U,_ n u h Id

oo cu p ieo uy -------- --------Fl*ld A rllllery . IT.*p!oMhsermon, le now th* home of th e E ighth, •M a n ty -n ln th and E ig h tie th ^1*1^ Artillery, co n e tltu tln g the Seventh Brigade, und er the command of B rig ­adier G eneral T, N. Horn. General Horn, being th e ra n k in g officer, le th* camp eommandef.

Thla week haa w ltneeied the unload- log of fully tw o doMon tra in load* of eoldlare and equipm ent of b**brigade. T he E ig h th Field Artillery comes from Camp W heeler, a t Macon, Ok, and th* Seventy-nin th and E ightieth reg im ent* hav* been en­camped a t W aco, Tex. , ,

I t 1* unofficially announced th a t an extensive ae ro echool and balloon eee- tlen Is to he added to the e rgan lia ttone assigned to duty a t Camp McClellan. Two carlpada of aero m echanloi re­cently aiTlved her* from aviation camps In. T exas, and the a ttach m en t of a detachm ent of ae ro algnal troop* to th* Seventh B rigade lend* color to the rnlncre th a t m ore th an on* branch of

aervlc* I* to be represented am ong th* unit* w hich a re yet to come.

Captain O scar C. F ru n d t of Jersey City le now a tta c h e d tn the s ta ff of Lieutenant Colonel C harles W. Decker, camp *urgeon, In th e capacity c t aasla t. an t to th* sa n ita ry inepcctor. A fter

Slea-ShefSoath. B ae„.......So. S y . . . . . . . . .be, Rjrlfpx..........SludebAker... . . .StndaiyOU..........Tesn. Copper....lexi* Co..........TextaftFedSe..U cbatcoFiod.,.Unlaa Bedfle..Un. Cigst Stans lOSH lOZJb' 103 United Fruit...... 129 124 124

Engineer Asleep, Circu8 Wreck Cause, Says Railroad Attorney

the reqrganlaallon o f th* Tw enty-nin th DWteden, C aptainx/xTiKv,., — ____ F ru n d t wae for _thk* AMlatanl to th e division san ita ry Inapeetor, and waa alen attached to the 114th Infontry . H e cam* her* w ith th e F ourth New Je rsey Infantry .

Another o fficer who has served w ith the New Jersey troop* lo r th* lee*, few m en th i I* C aptain Roy K. K night, who la acting In the rapeclty of camp ad ­ju tan t. C aptain K night waa form erly ad ju tan t o f the F irs t Ballallon o f th* 112th F ield A rtille ry . Ho wa* also a t ­tached to th e 114th In fan try for several weekA

L. S. Celt 1...... ISM ISM ISM 15U, S. Ind. A l... 12SM U4MU. S.RubtMf..... 58M MM stu ......U. S. Kubber, Ub 103M 103M 103M ......L), S.6tesL. —,. 109H 107M 109 107 MU.£. hteei, pr...- HIM 133H ......Utah Copper..... 81H •OM *0M SOMVe.-Cuolinx...... SIM SI 51 SOMWabeeb............. lOM lOM lOM lOMIhxbtxhipr, A.... 43 42M 43W*fa**h,P>< A .. 26 2SM 2SMW rjLild.......... 15H ISM is v MHIk set Umoa...... MM MM 90M ......thcxtinghoiue,..,. « J f 44 44MIhhea'l Ut. EHa. 9M 9.M ......AUeon Campanf. 63 62M 63Wiliyi Ovet...... 20M 20M 20M 20M

*£x. Dividend. tEx. Right

HAMMOND, Ind„ Ju n e 24 (JP).—A t­torney (Tharle* J. M cFadden, re p re ­sen ting the M ichigan C entral, leeued a ata tem en t today explain ing th a t E n g i­neer A lonto S argen t of the em pty troop tra in whifth crashed Into a clrcua tra in near G ary Slaturday w ae asleep, ow ing to nines*, and did h o t eee the e lg n a li of danger. Sargent, he said, rem ained near th e w reck fo r e ls hours and then being w orn out, le ft for K alam aeoo.

Sargen t w as arre sted here Saturday n ight, follow ing h is a rriv a l from Gary, where a charge o f m anslaugh te r has been pieced agalnet him. This fo re ­noon he wa* b rough t Into police court end arra ig n ed on a fug itive ’W arrant, He stood m ute and ball wae fixed a t is,000, w hich w as tu rn lahed la ter.

S lity -tw o bodlee hav* been recovered from the w reck and. according to E. M, A lla rd , genera l m anager of the c ir ­cus. tw en ty -th ree of the em ployees ere a tm m laeing and th e ir bodies a re aup- pceed to have been destroyed by the (Ire w hich conium ed the wooden ciroue care.

* p 1BcfHiii Claims Submarine Sank i ""..fill 4,000 Tons in Ships in May5 --- -V QiiW^ERDAM, Ju n e 14.—O erm an ««b-

iAnk M to ta l of 014*000 tone of gjtripplnir during May* aocord lnf to an

iia te m e n t Ueued tn B erlin. The alao Raid tb a t In addition to

the JoMea announeed fo r April* 64,000 ten s w are taken In to Allied porta badly dam aged.

According to Allied BtaCemente, Ibe to tal tonnage Icat du ring April ^ a a 008,000, about ha lf of w h at th e Oer- mana cleltned. No Allied announcem ent haa been made yet o f the to ta l for May.



|4 1

MaiinoH Urges Unity onPresent Bulgarian Policy

AMSTatUIAM. Ju n e 24 (A*).—Nuchange. I>l B u lg aria ’s foreign policy Is cdnteinplated. P rem ier Maltnoff hae de- clarad In a n Interview in Sofia, The new p rem ier aald he hoped to r the support of a ll th e p arties repreeented In the new CAhInet and th a t they would stand M eadtaetiy In the Intereate of the country reg a rd in g Im portant national queatloHS.

Prem ier M allnoff said the baali of hie policy would be the sa feguarding of the food supply tor th e people and th s arm y and the s tren g th en in g of the confidence o f th e people o f B ulgaria In th* fu tu re of th e ir country.

P re lim inary n ego tia tion* ' preium ably regarding th* DobrudJ* hav* begun between B u lg aria and T urkey, and Ger- many only learned o f them th rough Ite eeptonag* aervlee, the Daily Mall cor. reapondenl a t T he H ague aay* he le in ­formed. A u s tr ia p robably will p a rtlc l-^ t * in th ese a « |^ ra tc negotiations In th* eeum e of a few day*

Th* recen t speech In the R elchetag of Dr. vnn KeuhlmAnn, th* Foreign ■scretary, i t fa added, reeuUad front eativaiM Uona betw den B ulgaria and Tgrl|sr..'«Fklah w *ra bagun on til* In-

• ( K ing Fofdlnixitd e f B ulgaria . lAtlAii F r r a t e r fa aald tp ag ree -wflk til* pliui o f S lo g F e rd t. « w e l fWlfllBieDt 9 f S u lg a ria 'e

lg |g SA w hbteyer eo*t

NEW YORK, June 24 VP )-— A eume- w h a t Irreg u la r opening wa* followed by flrm neei In the cotton m a rk e t th is m orning. F irs t price* w ere steady a t a decline of one point on Ju ly , b u t fifty - one point* h igher on A uguet and tw en ­ty -one to th irty point# on le te r m onths. A*prlV*te crop report m aking the con­dition S4.6, com pered w ith the govern­m ent repo rt of 82.3 lae t m onth, seemed som ew hat d liappo ln tlng from a b ea r­ish itandpo ln t. while, buying waa p ro ­m oted by th* cohtinued favorable ch a rac te r of the new i and report* from F all R iver th a t the governm ent had rew ritten Its good specifications p e r­m itting th e use of low m iddling Instead of m iddling In certain cases. Ju ly sold up to 26.61. and October to 24.90, he- fqj* the end of the f irs t hour, m akirtg n e t advances of eeventeen to th ir ty point*.

The ea rly advance a ttra c te d a g raa t deal of rea lliing . T here seemed to be lees nervoueneii over th e orop s i tu a ­tion In the Bouthweit ow ing to show ers and slig h tly lower tem perature* , 'w hile th e buy ing promoted by th e bullish featu re* In evidence earlie r appeared to have le ft the m arket In an aaaier techn ica l poiltloh. P rices eased off In consequence with Ju ly reeetlng to 26.45, while October sold a t 24.59 and December a t 24.20, o r a shad* under gatiirday** closing figures.

lA te r w «sth*r advice* from Texas seemed som ew hat d leippolnllng 9o early aellera, a s they pointed to continued h igh tem perature*, and th* m arket was also Influenced by the repo rts o f Ita lian euccaaa**. T rading rem ained quiet, but a r ic m stead ied up, ru ling around 26.64 fo r Ju ly and 24.11 to r Octobar, o r about 16 to 11 points ne t h igher during th* mMdl* of the afternoon.

Spot cotton, quiet; m iddling, 30.41,

WASHINGTON. Ju n e 24.—In an hour and tw en ty m inu tes the sundry civil appropriation bill, c a rry in g about82.600.000. 000, w as ^jaseed today by theSenate. I t now goes to conference.

The arm y appropria tion bill, carry ing812.031.000. 000, wa* fo rm ally reported to the Senate today by Chairm an Cham berlain for the Senate m ilita ry committee.

In revlBlon of th e bill, w hich pro- vldoe for an arm y of ab o u t 8,000,000 men and w hich recen tly paw ed the House w ithou t a d isaen ling vote, the Senate Increased the to ta l 147,000,000. made no reduction*, approved the clause giving the P re s id en t unlim ited au th o rity to Increase th e arm y by new d ra ft celle, and added m any Im portant leg iaU tlve ptovlelon*. .

Paieage of the m eaaure la te this week w ith com paratively b rie f dleeus- slon I* expected by S enate leader*.

AS a eubatUut* fo r th e Jones j>ro- hlh ltlon ' am endm ent to th e em ergency appropriation b ill now pending before Che Senate ag rtcuU ural com m ittee, Sen-

ia to r N orris of N ebraeka today intro- ' duced an am endm ent w hich would pro­

h ib it th e eale of d is tilled eplrlte during the w ar, o r the m an u fac tu re o r eale of beer or o ther In tox ica tin g m alt liquo rs The m anufacture of w ine would be per­m itted to continue. R em oval of die- tllled liquor# now held In bond for beverage purpoee* w ould be prohibited, but the commleeloner o f In ternal reve­nue would be authorlxed to prescribe ru les fo r rem oval f o r a th e r purposes.

Problem* of th e oil tnduetry as re ­la te d to revenue leg isla tio n w ere ou t­lined to the Houae w ay# and mean* com m ittee today by Jo h n J, Shea of Tula*, Okla., counsel fo r the Mtdeon- tln en U l Oil & G as Co. H e aeked th a t th e excess profile ta x be levied upon oil producers on a special baela becau*# of th* character of th* Industry.

C hairm en K ltchln announced th a t the ecnim lttee believes aome m odification Is neceasary In th e fed era l ta* on olle anil m etale th a t e x h a u s t them aelvei in a period of year*.

R. W. Hayes of B uffalo said men w ho tak* chances on oil development w ith several year# req u ired to develop profit, ought to be p u t on a baela other then the money a c tu a lly Inveeted.

Perctval D. O v la tt of Rochealer, N. T., s e c re u ry of th# N ational AeBocla- ilon of Em ploying LU hographera, te ill- fted In favor of one-cen t postage ra te on poateard*. declaring tTie p re ien t two- cent ra t* wa* causing th* governm ent to toeo money.

Bolshevik Official Shot Dead In Petrograd. Is Moscow Report

MOSCOW. Ju n e 21 M. Volo­darsky, com rnlasloner for p re is affairB and a prom inen t Bolahovlk# wa§ shot dead today in a atroot a t Potrogradx

Putting Off of Panama Election Protested to State Department

WASHINGTON. Ju n e 24,—P artia l de- e tructlon by fire of a river boaf used a* a fleet supply veeiel tit an A t­lan tic port waa repo rted today to the Navy D epartm ent. ^ . .

An explosion preceded the fire, but no loBB of life w as reported.

The vesBcl wae th e Fenim ore, a small side-w heel s te am er, chartered by the navy.

:Foe Latest Newi o n :S a p u l p a R e f i n i n g

5k ■ —


.u i l e n r o c k O i l M e r r i t t O i l l i l a i n d O i l

N o r t h w e s t O i lTexan a Oil and Refining

gend for special letter on these Issues

WASHINGTON, June 24 (ff).—P o liti­cal opponents of P residen t U rrlo la of Panam a protested to the S tate D ep art­m ent today ag a in s t the P residen t’s ac­tion In deferring for si* m onths the election se t fo r next month. They charged the action wa* unconstitu tional and cited the tre a ty by which the United S tate* agrees to uphold the P anam a C onstitution.

In decreeing the poetponem ent Preel- dent U rrlo la announced It was to give the c l tle e of Colon end Penem e an op­portu n ity to regu la te vice condltlAne, w hich have caused th* American m ili­ta ry au th o rltlee In the Canal Zone v ir ­tua lly to boycott th e tw o cltlee. ,

W ord reached W ashington today of ihe election of Salvador Chamorro and Vicente Rapaccloll a* F ire t and Second Vice Preeldents, reepecttvely, o f N ica­ragua. Both are member* of th* N ica­rag u an Congreee.

Th! followln* quotatlone were furnished■‘ i" N W T B IA U 8 . „

!;I6 Prev r H igh. Low. P.M. Close.

A sm * BiploslT*! 1*% 73% It 7*Chevrolst Motors ■ }»* 7 92 139 116Smith Motor T k . 1% 7% 7% 111 isSub. B oet T .t . ctf. 77 13V, 14% 16%U.S. Light A H e a t .. 3% 3% 3% |%U.8. W eamshlp 6% 4% 614 JJ,united Motors . . . . 87% 80% 10% 86%

OIL STOCKS.B ernstt O. A ° ......... , %

Federal O il............... *% j% , * » j j JMerritt O il............... >*% . t j 'Midwest O il........... 119 *74 116 H*Okl*. pro. A R ef. 7% 7% 7% 714O m arO ll A O a s . . . . « «

j A ctive Curb Stocks Carried on I Connervatlve M arflual B m Ii .

G-W. FIELD * CO.Ketebllslted 1907.

W BROAD ST., NEW YORE.Direct Privste Wtrri Conaectlsg

AID <------------

Omar on A uao---- -- j iPierce Oil.............. >•% i* ISHouston Oil............ 76 78% 76

MINING STOCKS.Boitfin * Mont Calumet & J**-. . .C«ni. Cop, Mlrv«» J% J 'i p PRtx. Con. M.......... « 5Booh«itar M..........Tonopito Eaten. .. kVfc n

__^^Offlcai a tB oitoa Providence ' N c^ H avcp Newark HArtfaFfi phlladrlphlA

Atiaatlc City

Avert General Electric StrikeBy Agreement on Arbitration

WASHINGTON, Ju n e 24.—Announce­m ent w as made la s t n igh t by the D epart­m ent of L abor th a t th* governm ent* e ffo rts to a v e rt the threatened i tr lk *

. of 21,000 employ*#* of th# 0*n#ral KIm - trlc Com pany a t Sckanectady. N. Y„ had been en tire ly successful. Both sides hav* ag rsed to be bound by th# outcom e of s rb itra tlo n by form er P re si­den t W. H. T a ft and F ra n k P. W alsh, the Joint chairm en of the N ational W ar L abor Board.

NEWARK SECURITIES MARKETThe following quotations today were fur-

nltbsd by J. 8. R'ltTppel A Co. Bid. Atked. 149 168


F ire E ag tae H tle W age*. Tw* B a rt.In a colllilon la s t tilgb t betw een the

ap p ara tu s of Squad Company No. 1, d riven by W llll*m Lydig. and a w agon, drlvan by A nthony Lodi o f 21 Bacchua atr«*t. Lido, and W illiam Lago of 96 Jaekaon alra*t, w*r« th row n from the w agon and w ere e ltgh tly Injured. Th* engine waa an iw erln g an a larm of Hr* In th e T hird P recinct when the acci­dent happened.

Program of Shipping BoardIncludes Ninety Troop Ships

F lftli W atder* Ja W. S. 8. Caavae*.At a m eeting yesterday a t 177 F e rry

s tree t, the F ilth W ard R epublican Bx- eeutlv* Commltta* decided upon a hou**-to-hou*e canvaes for w ar la v - Ings atam pi. F rederick C. Brledenbach of 177 F e rry i t r e e t and Jacob Belaer of 111 F e rry s tre e t w ere elected chairm an and aecratary, reepecllvely. I t wa# alBO decided to have an ou ting th* la t te r p a r t of Ju ly to P leasu re Bey.

WASHINGTON, Ju n e 14 Ninetynew troop ehip* * * k*d .fo r by the W ar D epartm ent hkV* baen Included In the enlarged building p ro g ram of th e Ship­ping Boerd. Thi* Vvae disclosed today In a report eubm ltted to th* Senate on the revlied 82.000,000,000 aundry civil appropriation hill.

Ten new d ry d o ck i a re to he built w ith the 836,0n0.0fl0 which, a t the re- queet of the Shipping Board, wae added by tb* Senate ap p ro p ria tio n s commit­tee to Ih* lu n d ry c iv il appropriation bill. They w ill be located a t New York. Baltim ore. Mobile. S avannah, Jeckaon- vllla, iBeaumonL O alveeton, New Or- leans.'Loa Angeles an d San F randeco.



'A s se r tin g th a t he had been knocked dow n and robbed' of 860 by tw o men who followed him from th e L ccka- w anna S tation tb O range and High slr**te. Jose R o se 'o f 149 F o u rth stree t, Paasate, reported ble case to tb* police In th e Beeopd p rec in c t yesterday.

W hile loading a wagon today a t th* «*a*x Foundry, Avenue a end H u rray s tre e t, Rublit ColIowAy, odiered. of -JOS

hfEW YORK. Ju n e J4 f ^ ) , - R a w sugar steady; cen tr ifu g a l. 8.066; mo- la ises, nominal, R efined steady; cut loaf, 8,00: crushed, 8.76; mold A. 8.60: cubes. 8.28; "XXXX" pouMered, 7.70; powdered. 7-66; fine g ran u la ted and d ia ­mond A. 7.50; confcctlonere ' A, 7.40; No. 1. 7.86,

i j i e t k in n e y a tree t, dropped dead from P ea rt dtaaaa* ■ H« w»* alxty, year* o ldneixr, • .—c, c— -.......—The- body wa* ram oved to laullln a m orgue In la a fe re ti* eUeeW

Prival* D eugal How Oveseeie,A brief bu t welcome m eeiage esme to

Hr. and Mr*. W illiam W. Dougel of 16 South Seventh e tra e i-th ls morning from th* Amertoan Red Croee. I t reed: "Your ton, P riv a te A rth u r Balentin* Dougal, ba« a r r is w l eedely overeeae.". Young P ougel re ik lvud hla m llitery tra in ing a t Uemp lMa>

N EW YORK. June 24 VP).—W hite corn flour, ateady : 6,26 @5.71 B arley flour, quiet, 7.90®10,00. Ily». <Ju!l; No. 2 W estern , 1.61, eoet and fre igh t. New Y ork BarleV. ateady ; feeding. 1.80, and m alting , 1.82®!-*®. fre igh t,Kew Y ork. „

P o r) (^ F lrm : mo*iv 4S-00; fareUY*65.00; ih o r t d « a r . ♦0.OOO6*.OO,

L ard —F irm ; Middle West, 24.90® 26-0(l. . . .Spot Coffee—Q uiet; No. 7 Rio, 8%; No. 4 Santoe, lO H O U H .

T allow —F irm ; city special loose.

H ay—D ull; No. 1, 1.40; No. 2. 1.20© 1.10: No, 2, 1.00®1.10; shipping, 60©8O.

s t r a w —Steady: Noe. 1 and 2 rye, 16.00 ® 18.00.B eans—Q uiet; marrow, 11.00; madium and pea. 12.00: red kidney. 18.00®18.25.

B u tte r—S tead ier; receipt*. I.OII tuba; cream ery, h igher than ex tras. 46 04614: ex tra* {62 acore), 44%; firs ts. 4219044; peek ing stock, cu rren t m ake.No. 2, t :V 9 0 » - ''

E g g s—Steady; receipt*. 14,628 ca**a: freeh gathered ex tras, 29HO40; fresh gathered sto rag e packed flrets. 37%® 16; fresh gathered reg u la r packed e x tra

; flrst*.A 719039; do,, first*, I6©37: ita te ,: P ennsy lvan ia and nearby W ealern hen- ' nery w hites, « n e to fancy, 46®62;

sta te . P ennsy lvan ia and nearby h e n ­nery brown*. * l® 4 li gathered brow n and mixed colore, 14016.

Che***—Steady; receipts, 3,061 boxes; sta te , wbol* milk, flata, freeh, special*. 21%®24; do., average run, 3614.

P o u ltry —Live, dull and no p r ic s i ea- tab llsh ed ; dreieed . quiet; W estern chickens, freeh. 46®I0: fow ls,N ^© 3(: tu rk ey s, 26® 8t. .

P o ta to es—Steady; Bermuda, No. 1, b arre l. 4.00 04.60; No. 2. 3.0003.60; Southern new. No, 1. barrel, 2.00O4.64> Je rse y sw eets, basket, 2.5603.00.

C ahbeges—Steedy. Long Island' and Je rsey , b arre l, 2.41*01.00; Southern, c ra te , 1 .6 0 0 1 ,^ . .

Cstluleld ...........C#n*olldalsd Trecl'™ ■ ■ ■ ■ „Consolidated T r a c t io n ^ ...............Esssx A Hudson Oas'Co............. l l jOis A Kisctric rf Bsrxon Co._.. 7J Oa* A Else, of Ber. Co. lot 6s.. 9*Oaa A Elac. of Bor. Co. ion. Is. l iHaokenaaek Walsr 4*...............Hudson County Qao C o . . . . . . . . 116Hudson County Om S ? 'J '', " i : !!Jersey City, Hoboken A pat. ta 44 Newark CwisoHdated Cas Co... 80 Novrarit Cqh. Oas l>- 'Newark Passenger Ry- Co. 6s.. 91Newark Oas Co. is ......... 107North Jerasy 81, lUUway 4o.. 89f>Kt A Voo*. 0< c rj. Co. OBPit! A pmw. O. * Co. 59.. »0Public 9«rvlc8 ■.................................. *v0Publle Set vice CertlftralSa. . . . . . 91Publlo Servlco Oen. 6s. 1919. . . . TTS. Joraoy Oas, Kief * Trac. Co lOj A J .Oas, IBloc. A 'Trao. Co. tl 85 Som. Union A Mid. Ltg. Co.^,.. 00Som. Union *M!d. Ltg, Co, 4i SI UnUad Electric Co. 4 " J O . .

Bondi, guaranteed stoeki and Publlo Satv lo ^ s r t lJ lw J j^ u o J s d ^ e n d J n t^ ^

EISELE & KINGH eatbeys * t tb s New T e rk n d Fhllsdelp lila Meek E xekangea


B o n d s758 & 760 Broad S t


SEC U R ITIES . m V E S T H E im . E T C

POST & FLAGGMembm M. T. Stock Bxchaag*

STOCKS &B0NDSY90 Broad S t

MUNICIPAL BONDSWe offer lubfect to lolc:E ssex C ounty , N. J ., 43^6, 4ue

1026-1932.Montclair, N. Jn 5 i, doe 1024. Boonton, N. J., Sj4o, d w 191#-

1046.F n * f r i « r* « e* a l la e * « * aa* All

Lack! Taxea.Price on Application'

J. S. Rippel & Company,18 Clinton Street,

If* A

UP-TO-THE-MINUTE OB- NEWSand ita yowiblo affnet on oil aocurltUa ti oarefuSly *tialy*ed 9very FrldRy }n our WMlity HorkO Buimnary. Wrtio for Ut4st which containi •■■fl » corn-prohtnilvo artleia on th«WORLD'S RUBBER SITUATION

In addition to Important loformallou on nctive Curb atoolUs

E . H . C L A R K E , I n c -, iumk 1 1 ta tirai 1(M l RBI. IumKI IMl


Memhar Consolldaud Steek Ex, ftf K. T.• CLINTON ST., UNION BU>0.,

Ililb ttvy 1117-me. Kewaffc.

Will Bleet Offls-eru TaalgkI.Officer* for th* coming year ef the

New Jeraey Advieory Senate of the Lasltg*' <3atholte Benavolettt AaaoeiAtioR ertll be alMtad tenlOU k i a meatlng'.to be held »t the T. A; B. bkU tU HAf« teed and Httdiea auaMk '

U N IT E DS TA TESSAVINGSB A N K0 M H6M M I.IUr n BROAD 5 T .t M w u s * T n u n m


49!, latoretrt per tmnnm on btU- aacc* np to fl;M0: 81494 oveg •l,M4;eoap«iwUd erat-MnnSy.


l l j

w' Econom y p u re ly eclfl a f low *hO W henever h ig h ahoea.

Low cen t t i t t le a* 82 Or m ilita ry to r a tre e t i

Bpeeklng haele, nothl k tre e t w eei

I t la m oi |o n w ith * Road te s t*

To re tu r h o t l ik e thi Vou w ill f tn o d e lt In i h o t w e a r I a t t i l th e h F our p lea rj

A heavle W hit* and Per sole a an* of th* Roadi.

You will P uokekln * loek ing , th p* th* can Well, w ear

F o r aver h aelon i thi p e r i and p Reid and al

The bridi

jChicago ; Wants ( ' For

T he Cbl p n n u a t me to v e r o f t e a n lte , uni) tnen and , fo r the g gham."

Th* resi t h a t th e ■ b n a ly ile of Rrse* tn hi |o r hum anl Snental w* p a ir o u r i •ffio lenoy th em from anent so ai com m on u Adoption 0 fo r :

•yjne—Tl population Cf Intenetf l im of our

'T w o— T law and heoesgary crlm a amo

•T hree— v a lu e of pi th s law* 0

'T o u r—1 sens* of p< R atloka of tio n a i atfal

'T lv e —T p tan d ln g b b u r pspple, b o - o u ra te

" ^ 1 —Th to defend Arms If nec

Fellowini In g camp* " g re a t val th eee w*i a tre n g , i th in k in g J e f our mill e lu tio n rei

"Resolve tn a n 'i Clul e ffec tive a e f ouc oltli an d p a trlo dem eeracy b n td ayateiIn g under s a l Ifo r all In th e ir 11 vote.

"B eielv* w e n t ehou ‘r id in g fo r Ing. and a la rg e theli •eenom lo a area** th* Individual! ■whin th * I th e propo* tu rn each ; o u t th* lai ta k * some th e ir reaps In the proi tlon ."


tfae le B qyho lived 'had c u t 'd< jAdge of U A fte r they ; ta n Buetei *t)i*m In A

"W bse-s l i m r boy,

‘th ro u g h a m ade, “w ben fir* !"

Now N w arn ed h< to s t a r t a A nd w hen to ld abou Who bad klA ther I th ro u g h

.Cgddlea vrl i t t le k lU i I " J u s t es te lk i forgi fo r eomo th in k in g o o u t In thi Ibid dried h im self. o‘ ban you i A g re fu ir

■o ona J die* w en t p in g B ttiti tji* weedi w ould he l i t t le fir* th * p ile ol to b u rn A H e atAitei th e weedi e e r e fu llr ’ n o too h l | th ro w in g

Meanwhl l i t t le hrei p re fe rr in g • a r t o f qul they oAuglg*V* A WIn te **4 hflAin** dmta k e * tO 1 ■om* aper b ig p ile o f I t eaugh t

•3>h, m r k itty i boy I c lo u d of II F w hat aha

A nd I t t •Bed fo r tl th e ehloki to ea toh II h e t te r m n elded qhid

A nd yoa r u n eny .4 l ie a te r did rpbd to

^eiUTARK E tE IfrN 6 MONDAY. J O ^ 24, 19B.

I S i tUrkat lUi

I brunches Ined with naur the

ntee.tlTue; ctll >ijr noilHyIt.. M.


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»:d o f t i lt u f t OR

i»cHtion.I for ex­

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!1f i n i n g O i la n d O i l

O i l(efiningth«ee Ueuet

Cmrrled on I al B ee li. |

► & C O .r,EW YORK. CoiiaecUBK BtSew Hbtcw hllmdcljAlar

r T « rk Mid BXOllllBRM


U G G•k Rxchuttie


E 00 . NEWSn oil securltlei to y PrldBy tn ottf try. W rite for alni elag a cOTfi<he. situationit loformeilou on

K E , I n c .TA M M m i

3W0RST:k sItoek Bii of K. Y »10N b u m -



« s

W h ite Few tw ear P ro m in en tly D isplayed in th e S h o p s ; O th er G oods Show nBconotny bo th fo r patclo tio pnd

fu ra ly M iflih re ta o n i d io ta te i th e o h o f low oboot fo r lum m or, and can o a t lihonoTer poailb le to r both low and h l f h ahooa.

Low oanvaa pumpa m ay ba had (o r aa l l t t la a t t t i t o r | l , and w ith tho low

m ilita ry haoia ara an tlraly praottoal to r a tra a t w aar.

Bpoaklnc of th a low and tho m ilita ry h a tla , n o th ln a a lia to raa lly co rre c t to r a t r io t w e a r now.

I t la moot rofraahlny to find a taah- |o n w ith io much of fo o d oonat and BOOd ta s to behind It.

To re tu rn to tho pumpo, I t you do n o t l ik e thorn o r your ankloa a re w eak, Vou w ill find any num ber of Oxford p iod ila In W hitt canvat. Or If you can n o t w e a r low ahoea a t all. th e re are • t i l l th a h ig h laced c an v a i boote for f o u r p leaiuro .

A b e a v ltr oxford fo r ip o r te w ear of ^ h l t e and colored buekaktn w ith n ib - lie r to la and heel, la th e o ffering of • n e o f th e lead ing houaee for apo rtlng Boodi.

You w ill f ind ahoea and pum pi of buokekln aleo, b u t while ra th e r b e tte r looking, they a re really not ao p rac tica l Be th e canvma. They do not clean ao ^ t l l , w ear no betto r and coat more.

F o r even ing w ear end for drcea oo- baolone th ere a re French heeled clip- pore and pumpa of canvae, o r eati:i, or itold and illv e r tlseue.

Tho ,brldal tllppera w ith puffy pom-

pome. In th a ekotch, are of illver tie tue . Even a b ride could liot aak more.

T here ara , o f courao, m any oecaolona avon In eum m or, whore w hite footw ear la Im practica l o r bad taeto.

Hero one m ay w aar pump* or o i - forda w ith th e conecloueneia th a t low ahoea them oelvoa a re a partia l cooeer- vatlon of th e co u n try '! leather eupply,

N ovelttea ap len ty In national colore a re rem in d in g buyero of tho approach of F o u rth o f Ju ly . There a re capo and flago fo r th o youngatera, a t w all ao for grow n-upo, and in tavoro there hae never been a g rea ter aeaortm ent. F or th o ie w ho plan en terta in ing th a t day. tab le decora ' '3ne abound, and w hile fo r o thora who are to enjoy an o ld -fa ih loned picnic, the paper lunch-

oon la te are o f In ta ro a t And Ip eak ln g of picnic haipe, the luncheon k i ta th e r- m atlc and e tho rw ite , thamnba bottloe of varloua k in d i and a l ie a and paper n a p k in i and doylloo, tho la t te r In equare a t w ell ae round, a re w orthy of conelderatlon.

A perco la to r w ith a t r a y w ith o r w ithou t a w lndehleld and w ith a c ream er and augar— all of copper— would m ake a welcoma g if t fo r any houaew lta. The cream er and ougar, o f courae, a ra g le ie lined,

Theee are daya when houecw ivei find the b la n k e ti need reb ind ing before they a re etored fo r the eum m er nnintlie. B inding ribbon In vartoue colors and w idttai la apeclally prleed.

A glaea deep pie d lih fitted In a nickel or copper holder le ano ther table furnlehing th a t hae a apeclal appeal. Ite u ia la n o t lim ited to pic., of courie, to r a lealloped vegetable or tiah au g ra tin oould be prepared In It equally well.

Caeeorolec In tho femIHar brown, d tooratad w ith Jewela In color and ftted to a m otal holder, are ae a ttra c - tlvo l i they a re a lto g e th er uiefu l.

I f one ha* need for velvet r lb b o a i In alm oet a n y color or w idth a m arkad down aale In a local ahop would ba w orth Inveetigetlon.

To keep g ray ehoee In the p ink of condition th e re 1.. a apeclal g ray cleansing m edium .

T u l l es o > o U <

{Chicago Woman’s Club ; Wants Federal Training I ' For Girls as Well as Boys

T he Chloago W oraan’e Club a t tta a n n u a l m eeting paeaad a reeolutlon In ta v e r o f federal tra in in g "to Ameri- •an lae , unify and e treng then the young m en and women of the U nited Btatea fo r tho g re a t ta ik th a t Ile t before fhem ."

T he reeolutlon, a f te r ee ttlng fo rth t h a t th e g re a t w ar hae compelled an Analyale of th a n a tlo n 'i ab ility to pro- B ra ta tn harm ony w ith tha h igh ideale f o r hum an ity an d hae revealed "funda- ta a n ta l w eakneiaea which g rea tly im- B ulr o u r na tional a treng th , lim it tha •rtlo lanoy of o u r paoplo and pravan t th em from eharing wisely In goverir- ■nent id aa to con tribu te w lie ly to t£fe com m on w elfare," iu g g e a ti the ea lly adop tion of a federal policy providing fo r ;

'XJna—The aeatm lletlon of our g rea t B opulatlon of recen t foreign orig in and o f In tensify ing the In telligen t p a trlo t- l im of our young people.

"Two— The crea tion o f re ip ac t for law a n d order and the eelt-contro t neoeaaary to preven t vlclouenese and crim e am ong th a youth of the land.

"T hree—The appreciation of the v a lu e of phyalcal and m ental a trength . th a lawa of hygiene and eanttatlou .

'T o u r—The developm ent of a h igher ■anae o f perio n a l duty aa to tho obli- g a tlo k i of oltlienahip In local and n a ­tio n a l affa ira .

"F ive—The elim ination o f m launder- B tandlng betw een d ifferen t g ro u p i of b u r peppl*. irko. In a republic, ihould •o -o p a ra te Intelligently .

" m s —The ab ility of th e c ttlia n ih lp to defend their, liberty w ith force of B rm i If neoaieary.”

F ollow ing th* ete tem ent th a t tra in ­in g eatnpe h av ing dem onatratad th e ir " g r a a t value in overcom ing m any of th a a s w eakenneasea wjille m aking a tre n g , a lert, ealf-eontroU id, and th in k in g Am artcane, a t a by-product e f our m ilita ry neeeealty," tha club rea- e lu tio n re a d i;

"Raaolvad, T h a t tha Cbleajye W o- m a n 'i Club ’ballavai there la no m ore affee tlv e agency fo r tha raganara tlon o f o u r o ltlaanih ip , m entally , phyalcally an d p a tr io tica lly In the ip lr l t of true dem ooracy th an through an an llgh t- •n a d a y a te n of in tan ilva tad ara l tra in - In g u nder m ilita ry d lielpllna—unlver- • a l fo r a ll d u rin g a abort period once In th e ir Ilvae, p refe rab ly before they vote,

'I ta io lv ed , T h a t tb a F ed era l O ovtrn- B iant ahould now adopt a policy pro- srldlng fo r lu ch abort coureet of tra in ­ing . and aa rap id ly ae p rac ticab le an- la rg e tb e ir loope to accen tua te aueh •eonom ic and civic tra in in g aa w ill In- o ra a ie th e ch a rac te r and efficiency of In d iv idua l! fo r th e ir life w ork, ao th a t 'when th a m illion or m ore g ra d u a te ! of th a propoaad federal abort couraei r e ­tu rn each y ea r to th e ir horoee th ro u g h ­o u t th e land they may ba qualified to ta k a acme la tdereh ip In the w alta ra of th e ir raapeotlve com m unltiae aa well aa In the p ro ire ia and eecurlly of th a n a ­tio n .''I ------- ----------------- ---------------

. Color of Fall WaistsT he ea rly fa ll w aiata th o w th a t

am ong tha celbra to ba prom inen tly w orn a re navy, caeter, taupe, prune, ■eal, ecru, evergreen, old china and • l iv e r . Sheer etuffe and eltka alone o r In com bination w ill be free ly used and lo n g ileeqea w ith coltarleea and co lla r­fu l necka w ill be good.

NOW FOR FREE CANNING BOOK32 pages, fully illustrated, just for the asking.

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Public Health Nursing Especially Needed These DaysWASHINGTON, June 24 —It la the

woman w ith the beat nuraing tra in in g who ta being need on In the public h ealth n u re ln g field today, according to Mlea H elen Boyd, lecre tary of the w ar p ro g ram com m ittee of the N a­tional O rgan laetlon for Public H ealth Nurelng, w ith headquartere In Itala city a t *16 N ineteen th etreM, N. W.

■The dem and hae bean g rea t for g ra d ­u a te nuraee to aerve In the arm y and bavy, and th e re a re many who. through fam ily t te i o r acme phyalcal dliabUlty, cannot leave fo r foreign duty. It ie theae nureea who m uat conaider tak in g g rad u a te w o rk In public health ceurtea In o rder to q u a llly themeelvea for the reiponalb la dutlce o( the public health nu relng field. The battle to keep up the h igheat s ta n d ard of public health la not to be re laxed fo r one moment,'' aaya MIta Boyd.

"There m uet be trained women who can teach th e tuberculoala patient how to p reven t th e apread of dteaaae. who can teach th e m em bera o f a fam ily how to p ro tec t them aelvee from It. In the can tonm ent sonea are w orking public health n u raes whoaa principal duty la to p reven t th e apread of eontagleua dla- e ia a i euch ae measiea.

"M alnu trition of children from Ini- proper feed ing ii ilw ay e a menace. I t can be coun terac ted largely by the p u b ­lic h ealth n u r ie who e n tire tha home to d teachea the m other the proper d le ti fo r h e r child, uaing the u ten e lii and m aterfalB a t. hand.

"The In duetrla l nurelng, which maana the ca re o f th e w o rk ir i In their hemea aa w ell aa In the factory, It grow ing to ba of more and m ore Importance. In the la rg e fa c to ria l where nuraee are employed, It la felt th a t a be tte r under- Btanding e x is ti between the employer and the em ployee and th a t the Intereate of each a re b e tte r cared for. In Con­necticu t a lo n e th ere are n inety-nine nureea do ing tb l i work.

"We are re ly in g more and more upon tha nurae In th e Infant w elfare e ta -

tien to teach the m e th e r i to th a t the bablaa w ill not die and the Infaift m o r­ta l i ty ra ta w ill aem ew hat nearly ap ­proach th a t of en jigb tenad Naw Zea­land. w here te ia than o ne-half aa m any bablee die ae are dy ing every year In the United Statee.

"Since the d ra ft I t hae been found th a t m any men a re physica lly u n fit fo r m ilita ry harvlea from defeeta w h id , could aa tlly have bean rec tified du ring th e ir ichool yaera. F o r th le reason wa need m ore and m ore achool nuieee lo r our children. In th e citlea and th e country the v teltlng nuree who caree fo r the tick p a tien t In h e r borne, nol ■taying full time, aa In the caae of the p rivate nurae, b u t apendlng only the tim e th a t I t naceaeary fo r the In ­dividual traa tm ant, ahould be m ore and m ore utillaad.

"There l i a g re a t o p p ortun ity fo r th e m arried nurae In th le field, fo r It l i poieible In public h ealth n u re lng eo to a rra n g e the w ork th a t a qualified woman can giva ha lf tim e o r even a few houre' tim e a day to tha nuraing work-

"The N ational O rganization (o r P u b ­lic H ealth N urelng le In the field to keep up tha etendard of public health nu relng and to d la iem lnate educational m ateria l on th le apeclal w ork. I t alao d iraota ap p llc in te In th e ir e t f o r t i to obtain tra in in g In th le w ork. I t helpa to p rocure axperlencad peraone to tak e ch arge of com m unity nurelng ."

Mile Boyd axp la in i the tram endoua field open to pubUo h ealth nuriae. "N ureei are w ork ing th ro u g h o u t the w hole country to reduce th e death ra ta am ong hahlea and to educate m othare to m ore hygienic care of th e ir eh ll- dren," th e eayi. 'T h e y a re w orking to reduce bllndneaa, by leach ing them how to care for tho b ab le t' eyat. In the induetrla l field they a re accom pllah- ing an am ount of w ork eo g rea t It cannot yet be gaged In keep ing tha woricera of th le Im portan t line of de- fenae i tro n g and w ell ao th a t they ran m ain ta in the higheat ra te of efficiency,"


tfnel* Buff, th a doggie gentlem an, qyko lived nex t doer to the Cuddleiae, -Bad c u t down all tha weede a long tha j«dga of M other Cuddlea'e garden and A fte r they had been left to dry In the ;Sdn B uater ga thered them up end plied *them tn a b ig heap.

"W baa-a-a-d!" w hiitiad th a li ttle ■JtKty b o /, In aurpriee, a t ta r ha w ta a ll ‘th ro u g h and found w hat a b ig pile It m ade, “w ouldn 't th a t m ake a dandy bonfire!"

Now H a th a r Cuddlea had often sra rn ed he* l i t t le k itty ohlldren paver in a U r t a f ire or play w ith m atehei. A nd w henever th a Animal Lai.d N ew i

.to ld about ao m t li ttle an im al kiddle irh o had fo rgo tten to Ilaten to hie iPAther and been tk rrlb ly burned th ro u g h p lay ing w ith fire, M other .Opddlea waa lu re to read it to her own U ttia k it ty boya and g lr la I " Ju a t laa w h a t happena wb*n llttla f n lli t fo rget," aha rem inded them. B ut. fo r ituna reaaon or o ther B u ite r kept th in k in g of th a t big pile of d ried w eedt 4)Ut In tha garden, " tt 'e no th ing but ield d ried weede anyw ay," he eatd to B lm ielf, over and over again , "and how •a n you a*t an y th in g a f lra It you're •a ro tu i? "

So one afte rn o o n w han M other Cud- d l ta w e n t te w n tow n to do lom e ahop- p ln g B n a ttr n a d a up h i t m ind to burn th a w aadt. And ha fe lt aura there 'vou td be no lu r m a t a ll In m aking a l i t t le A r t a abo rt d iataaea aw ay from th a p ile o f wgada aad p u ttin g them od to b u rn a p a '* ^ a t a tlm A Bo b* did. Me a ta rte d a ll ttla f ire w ith aom* of th a w aad i agS kep t w atoh ing them e a r t f u l l r to ia e th a t (hay dldn^t blaaa o p too high. A nd a lt th a tim e ha kep t th ro w in g on a taw of the drlad waaoa.

M aaim blla It happeoad th a t the m erry l l t t la braegoa had bean ra th e r q jlltt, p r o f t r t in g (o flo a t la i l ly a loog In a o a r t o f qu ie t w ay, B ut In a t aa toon aa W ay cau g h t l ig h t o f B qatar'a f lro 'ih a y . g av a a. whoon. p t ..ia llfh t an d i ta r ta d In to a id hoW h ig h thev could m nko th a fiam oa d a a e a And ta I o n U tpt th an It ta k e e to te ll ab o u t I t they had blown aoma aparko from th e f lio over to th e b ig p ile o f d ried wtadi* A nd th a t qulek I t enugb t fira , | i

■Vb, my<" n w a d tho n rp n o o d tltUe fciltyi boy a a ho drew book from tho b ig e lo a d of fineko th a t blaw lo ta h i* fac t, i 'w h a t ahali I del Ob. w lu t ahaVl I del"

A nd I t wna na w endor ho w aa f r ig h t- oood fo r tb« p tia of wood* w** « l« n to th o ehlokon hou io and It wa* ll|ia ly to en toh fir* any m o m an t t g u ta* r d b o l te r ru n (b r th e fir* laddlao," ho !* • eid«d q h ti^ ly .

A nd yon »o « w a U tti* k it ty bCF n n a n y .d h s ta r tn 'B n ''y * « r U fa-th a n

> o * to r did M hla w ay down

BUSTER STARTS A FIREpleaee ooma quick a i you can," ba gaaped to C apta in K a te ,'th e (Ira chief, "our w hole place m ight catch tire !"

And th a t quick the brav* p u tiy e a t firem an w aa pu lling on the rope of the f ire belt. "P tng -dong l D ing-dong! D Ing-dangl" i t r a n g . .

"C lan* ' C lang! c l a n g r w ant th a big gong on t h i fIra ongin* a i the doora flew open an d o u t daabad Nip and Tuck tha tw o naw (Ira horiae. And Nip and Tuck lu ra ly did go taaring down the a traa t to w a rd M other Cuddleiia houM.

But what do you think tha animalJ am w if.B


fira (Igh tara found when th ey raaebad the flroT 'Wfhy they diecavared th a t tbar* waa no, t ire th e re to figh t- ,

Unola Buff, tha- brave old doggia uncle, had jumped over the fence and pulled the burning pile of waadi apart with a rakA And in a mlnut* br two tha fira waa alt out.

So you aaa whot happena to little kitty boya when they think themialvet amarter than thair mothera. But than* waa ana llttla kitty boy after that who would have no more thought of atart- Ing a bonfire than you would yanrtaif.

Y o u r R u g s R n d C a r p e t i 'will b* wpudirfully Improved If frHtBi to m t WAMPOO prooeaf. A* hsrmlna m w uhlng your ftp* Jt ygeevp* an *pU, imnt, i n s i t , pte,, olftnaea the wpoL frppheiis tlw eeloiB, n - •torpi tbs pod is t tlierouib d l ^ f s e t s i t H w m \m to (ba flOMt tilk pr tsK ltls rue—hirmlt** to c*i«sl rue*. Prlots vpry modirstt.

J A N C O V i U S A S O N , I n o .112-114 Court St.; Newsil(, t

« r H i t e T07 U d 70S H s ilM n rTiiin)«y*reiy 8#rrts*u


“Sunshine Day” Now Feature of Hospitals

Close to WashingtonThe m other* of the national cap ital

have united In b rin g in g cheer to the lonely lo ld le re In the m ilita ry hoapltala near W aehlngton. D. C. Every one In W aahington hae heard of "Sunahine Day," and m any have helped It along.

Mra. E v e re tt BomervlUa Brown, a C alifornia woman, now liv ing In the D latrlct of Columbia, o rig in a ted tha Idea of b rig h te n in g tadloua houre paiaed In hoep ltale by the young lo l- dlera who have been III o r woundad, and th ro u g h h er a tren g th of purpoae and executive ability , w ork begun ae a pereonat eervlce hae grow n Into a com­m unity Intereal.

Mre. Brown hae rem inded W aehlngton th a t tha men near by a re *» much In need of com fort as the men "over there." dhe goal to cluba. churchea end hoiele. a d d re iiln g sm all groups or large meetlnga. W herever there are peraone to Helen th e la ready In tell about the aoldlera who are 111 or su tferlng .

In her report to the Mletrlct of Co­lum bia W ar Camp t.'ommunlty Service, Mre. Brown eay i:

"W ith 1,000 etek eoldlere In W alter Reed H oepltal atone, the task of pro­viding every man of them with eoine- th lng In th e w ay of cheer each week would have been Impoiinlble w ithou t the en thu ilasm of the m othera of W ash­ington. B u t when an appeal Is made to any m other fo r a sick boy. w hsther h* la her own eon or ihe eon of eome woman ehe hae never Been, eh* le wHl" Ing to drop every th ing and hoed It."

Mrs. Brown a e k i fo r deilcaclee, the th ing ! th a t hospltale cannot affo rd to provide, and alao for pueeloe, gamaa and read ing m atter. She lata each audianee feel th a t It hae been aaked to (urnleh epeclftc thlnge, eo th a t there w in be no duplication. In the laat year forty-eaven congregation*—P ro t- eetant. C atholic and Jew leh—hava cor- trlbuted to m ake Sunshine Day a auc- oaa*. *nddU n o .eaae ba* a church eup- plled m erely the need* of the quota of eoldlere aealgned to It. 'When the w ork w ai new in am bulanoe waa sent to b ring the euppilea of cheer back 10 the hoepltale, but now an arm y truck m ik ee the round! and orderlla* aocompany It to lif t th e barre le of applea, c ratea of o rangee and glaeeee of Jelly th a t eo fa r have num bered more than *.iH)l'-

Mra. W oodrow W llaon le n t a large am ount of Je lly from the W hite H ouie k itchen end a m em ber of the B elgian L egation con tribu ted w hat the boye In the hoaplta] called "a regu lar draam c t a cake" In m em ory of a young nephew fallen on th e B elgian fron t.

In a le t te r to M ra Brown, Captain Com ing, ac tin g a d ju ta n t a t W alter Reed H oepltal, amid: "We ara all da- I tg h ttd w ith th a aplendid practical w ork th a t you and your co-w orkera have ao ably organised, and you have a Tight to feel, ae w* de, th a t your ■bit' I* a vary la rg e one."

Ham Roll DeliciousT aka a m oderataly th ick allca, ra-

mov* the akin and lay It on a table. Spread over th* roaat a d re ia ing nf w ar b rtad e ru m b i and w hite lauco w ltr p lanty of chopped onion and a Ilttln pepper. Roll ae you would Jelly cake roll end tae ten w ith ste rlllied cord or em ail ik ew era and bake In m oderate oven un til m eat la tender and browned. Tha cord I* to be preferred to the akew era and should b* wound around th* roll severa l timea. Remove eovd or ekewere h afera len d in g to th* table.


Newark** Bait Known Jewslen Broad snd Academy Sts-

0#pe INm (





A . & & B U T T E R

A n d E G G S ,A * A M O o p id P h Ib i bL«aNfas'tMi As *S.iQBi!tbn ; j as


OaiapHed by John O. QuIaluA (The Rumhlne Man),

O F oun ta in of L ift, ip r ln g Thou up w ith in me! 0 L ight of LKa Illum ine mel O Bource and Bun of Love, ehed abroad. Thy lovt In my h e a rt by th e Holy Ohoat S ivan un to me! O Lamb of Sod, w ho e re la the m idet of th* th rone, bu t w ho tr ta d e e t In rough p a th w ay of th la world, ba my Shephard.

e e eO my F a th ar, I know th a t Thau

lovaat me, end th a t Thy love hae ehoaen my path . I would have It ao. H elp m* to b* a a tlif ltd w ith T hy wlae oholc* of rough and am eoth, of t in * add t ld a of aun end ihow ar. H ay 1 (In ith my eoura* w ith Joy,

s e eTeach m* to do T hy will, for

Thou a r t my God, and If I begin by chooelng It, m ay I and by de­lig h tin g In and loving It.

F rom "D ally F rsyar."

Not Sug*r-4)ut Sweet!T hey 're iw e e t—honey, m aple ayrup,

m eiaaata. corn ayrup, com augar. Ut* them and leave th e can* augar (or our aoldlera and alUa*.

How Our Ancestors Saved Wheato n E dinburgh town had It* plan

(o r ta v in g w heat away back In l i l t . A p a t r io t i c . (ood eaver In Ih* U nited B ta tta haa Ju it len l to th* U nited B tataa Food A dm lnlitrallon a q u a in t old m an u a l printed In E d in b u rg h a lg h ty -aev en yeara age, an tltlad "Th* R tp o a lto ry of Arte end Bolenoa*. « r C kblnat o f Uaeful Knowledge." On p ace 1*1 o f th la daltgh^tul oorapendlum of w isdom l l given a "Naw I fa th a d of M aking F lo u r W ithout O raln." The m ethod le a* follow*:

"T ak a tu rn lpa , potatoea, paren lpa aad w hita bea t, and grind or g r a ta them f i t* : th en p u t th* eub ttance In to w ate r, and le t i t r tm tin therein aavera l hour*; th en e tra ln o ff the w ater, and add traeh w a te r . In q u an tity lu fflc len t to covar the eubstance. Continue to re p e a t thla proceee, u n til Ihe w ater poura o f f quite c lear. T han etraln and preea th o w a te r from tha vegetable aubatance, w hich la to b* d ried on a ktin, o r o th e r p roper o o n v an itn ea Whan tha eu b itan o e la q u ite d ry , g rind ll In a corn o r o th a r p roper m ill until It becomea f in e flou r. E ith e r of 'th e above vegetablae alone, or an y tw o o r more of them m ixed to ­g e th e r , and prepared ae apec lfle il w ill an aw er fo r th* purpoae. T he fo reg o in g daeorlp tlon la to r m aking co ara* or com m on flo u r; when tho bas t o r fin*

flour Is t i be made, pare o r peel th* rl*d off the vogetablea befor* they a ra ground or grated . Then pureu* th* eame procea# aa w ith tha coarae o r common flour- T he w rite r h a i been In- formed th a t a mill fo r thla pu rpo ia haa been aatabllthed near Maw Roaa, Id th* county of tvaxford , w hich haa bean productive of much p ro fit to th* pro­prietor. Potatoea prodne* a (lour aa fa ir aad whit* a t w heat."

UHJLLOWING are the details of the increase in prices A of several models in Nemo Corsets, which, as we publicly announced three weeks ago, will take effect on Monday, July 1st, 1918:Nemo Self-Reducing Conete

Fraaanl Prlcat

No. 311—now $3.00___advancedNo. 312—now 3,00. . . . advancedNo. 3 I S —now 4U0___advBtioedNo. 318—now 4iX)___adviuicedNo. 319—now 4.00....advanced No. 320—now 4.00,. . . . ................... .......advancedNo. 3 2 1 —now 4.00___ advancedNo. 3 2 2 —now 4.00....advanced No. 3 2 4 —now 4,00..b.advanced No. 3 2 6 —now 4 .0 0 ....advancedNo. 3 4 4 —now 4.00___ advancedNo. 3 5 3 —now 4.00___ advancedNo. 3 5 5 —now 3 .5 0 ....advancedNo. 3 5 9 —now 3.50___ advancedNo. 4 0 2 —now 5.00___ advancedNo. 4 0 3 —now 5.00....advanced No. 405—now 5.00___ advanced

Nemo KopServiee ConettNo. 2 1 2 —now $2.75 .advancedNo. 2 1 6 —now 2.50....advanced No. 3 0 1 —now 3ii0 ....advancedNo. 303 ~ now 3.00___ advancedNo. 305 —now 3.50....advanced No. 511 —now S .0 0 ..._ a d v a n ^ No. 512—now 5 .0 0 ....advanced No, 762—now 7 5 0 . , . .* d v a n ^

July 1 J u l y l J u l y l Ju ly 1 J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l J u l y ! J u l y l J u l y l J u l y l

Ju ly lJu ly lJu ly lJu ly lJu ly lJulylJu ly lJulyl


to $4 .00 to 4 .00 to 5 .00 to 6 .00 to 6.00 to 5 .00 to 5.00 to 5.00 to 5 .00 to 6.00 to 5.00 to 5 .00 to 5.00 to 4 .50 to 5.50 to 5.50 to 5.50

to $3.00 to 2.75 to 4.00 to 3 .60 to 4 .00 to 6.00 to 6 ,00 to 10.00

Nemo Back-Reiting ConettNo. 3 0 9 —now $3,50---- advanced July 1 to $4.00

We already have explained that these advances in price are compelled by the greatly increased cost of manufacture, and represent only a portion of that additional cost. Further advances may be compelled in the near future, and there even may be a serious shortage of Nemo Corsets because of our inability to secure a supply of materiala of the NEMO STANDARD QUALITY of fl«y ’’

The NEMO STANl55f^ shall never be loweredROPS BROS. I NEW DORK

NO ADVAN CE IN P R IC E b N 0 W ^ 15 ^

For SERVICE snd STYlol Ilf “ilUEl” UfMfRg Fixtures 6 l Lamps

Elaetite, Qai o r OILWhen Yon Solid

, you ibould SKK on? Ei#st Wh- I rinty.howLOW mM tlHIOM gndd ftituFH.flv9 tha I m t )igiit to t w d «r work by. A benatlfkl “MIU U r" lunp wenid sd s rs yon? bom $ftd s d i ta s f nlogMiFOR WtDDINQ QIFTS*

Bty tk w tram P ja lw i orEdward Miller ft Go.. SSIffiSSTTaM• • oa* TO PARK PLACE, : ^ W T O «

bi MBXT Block to Woolwocth BoUiUa|.

nFOMONT m frfWiU Tint in Rich

Delicate ^u<ie*Silk Undarftnnoiitf

Wathable Satins CYop* 4e CMn*

G«oif*(t*Hodwy, G«wu

Ttffetaa, Glm s NeiRieN. tke«*

WMlm BUnlnt* Fidad Silk*, Etc.

Uao In th* Tin** Ilk* bluing. Reatoroa th* original luitar to itlka that have baan waihod and faded.

Will not etain th* hand*, nor crock; uaad In cold or warm water. The boot dro over made. In Ih lruoa wonderful color*

Price 25cFor aale ,b r Itadlng drug-

filltt, dapaotment itorae and ngorl* BhoH.F iip r- lliB liiM T C efm bM k

$2»4J3lhiJinr. NsoTaMte-It not eorrtod by your dtaler

tend iS e fo rb o x o fe o lo r iu lr td

Electric IVotectionWhy leive your hom* unprotected?

Which may moan « loss lo you of everything vtluable.

When fer a r e a a 0 n I hie

charge we will Gonoact game with our CEN­TRAL OFFICE E L E C T R I C B U R G L A R ALARM SYS­TEM and thua p r • V e -n t against Sur- gUry,

Newark Diatrict Tdegrapli Co.Raom aoa KUm f B«U«l»g,7 9 0 B r o a d S t r a a t

TAX NOTICETd« hr* htrfby rtqulrtd to rotors

lottl valuft et your Mrwual opoMriy, u M S tho tdlh 9i btay. t« tio B o v i nf Awfsimsnt end itovleien ct Tobm a t lU offloo IB tk« d ly ItaOi on or lioforo tko f ilb 4 ^ of ^BM n n $ ood In iio obm will •ny obatomtfit b« modo fer IndtblodnoM or for yroforty whloh may bo etaltnod to ho «x«Tnpt from toxotton unlOM tho lav to jitrletty complUd with.

If roturn Is not mado NBdow «atli ami Sto ooriisff to law tko tastav offiooro v B BiSios .f iw |Mr«o«wl iwoyotty Booorillaf to IpoirIsdSBoat.

BOAND o r AtSRSaMINT AHD i n v i i t o N or TJOim. touk fiOWB. ftooldost





* 5 , 0 0 0

w M m tikFagmsM*


KaiBtorrotAdded v

* Ho yR itra Chorar*

o imrHICBB




3 - i R o o m

O a l f i

* 9 8Othor t . 4 a id U-ltoon

. Ouiflto wa toi i . " *

P i —f-O W a t f fc


3 4i 4

RaodaomMr model tmtee mfei wood taab*. TMe aaj. laeto buDdreda at atbeo dSItaalata i B r ie f te mateh at maear-e IM w iath

OFBN AN A C C O A m i fPorcACAa/rwm Om g Tbm Gemeedmt Bag.nla*IB.

Sliding Coacha ^ qo ( I W z k w M . 4 . 7 0 .

M e b m M

mn 50c timeMax. be Dead

***" ’ ***S*5o#l ■ * ‘ ^poiaatof* and T U MattfWl UeMOd. ______

OUtor GsbAo to OsM m Aeeoeii

,rantoad 19 yoBBO* aro «A atoel,

ooworod In to»oyV - A f l W « | l j f ^ t . ^ ^

I b a t a B n . waoaa saad a a a t a a d O o f . Noa. ami ntWA

ufi, Samnm Pum flire. wglow, Fibra awd EkemM

•“ a area* aaaertmmit



S a t s ^Dfltii

9 P . N .

Jm io m O d tW ii^ m iSlargD tiint RoomPAY mt mis

SUIT1/51 A WEEK 1 1 9 . 7 4

fltak *r dsadll.

To OarCxisiomm

Y e a m a y M id w h t t e w y v u want to youf account at die s a k p r i c t A T h is appBei wbather your A c co an t t* open or if >wIlK VCwD BQ Im

O P EN A N ACCOUNTW SXSSSEiM V H M E i a a lY g n u c B u r w

M t i p r a n u B .

1 7 . 9 5


Huw to Open an Accoant Here

tofioo BO tofi fgi mn MBS OIMB «# OlftoBl

5 0 e a W M k

ILtorwiwfc)'*•* «t*e

I Tradlw M m p i.


wur**S a h o f B < ^ /C m k ia

2 I . 8 5 «•m . bead- A


• vJ



T i

W M tk M ^ s l r ■■4 le e w f tw r i iB*Bk«qi«i*»-V«r FBinUWM

-W9f H*®w

Beginning Saturdag, July 13th

The Bambei?er Store Will Close All Day Satnrdays

in July and AogostOpen All Day on Saturday,

July Sth

One Delivery a Day Beginning July 1stIn compliance with a re­

quest of the War Industries Board at Washington, we shall, beginning July 1st, make one delivery a day in Newark and all other local­ities where we are now mak­ing two.

“What Wouldn’t I Give for a GOOD UsedPiano,” a Woman Exclaimed

«// W o u ld do H e le n fo r S e v e r a l Y e a rs , o r U n t i lS u f f i c i e n t l y E x p e r t to H a v e a N e w a n d B e t te r P ia n o .

lh ^ V V ™ ,'V r .n , 0 . . GOOD « » d i»s.r»n ,..,

‘H t n A n M P i a n o , in ThU S a U a . L o w a , $ 7 5 .0 0 .U se d P l a y e r P ia n o e a s L o w a s $ 2 5 0 ,0 0

d‘™ S " r S n . t * r “ < l Id o«r work « . .m , .» d . r . .h .r . l . r « t . be depended upon ter exeellen.

perr^eece^^ JVot P a y C o o h . A S m a l l S u m D o w n W i l l Secure U e lio e r y ,

a n d the B a l a n c e M a y B e P i i d G r a d u a l ly E v e r y M o n th

PianosCleiti, 60.00—• nood proctice piano. ,Klmbill, T5.00~ln aplendid condition.Hardman, 100.00— In food condition.Ward, 1 2 5 .0 0 —medium l i ie piano, in nood condt*

tiOD.Monareh. 160.00-fu!l size, a treat bargain., Barimore, 1 5 0 .0 0 —mahogany upright, in aplendid

condition.Howard, 106.00—beautiful mahogany piano—ai

good at new. , . ,SleinVay-Vertiitand, 600.00-mahogany upright.

Uta model. <

CMckering, 275.00—a wonderful bargain.Stein way Grand, 400.00—very good bargain. Hardman Grand, 600.00—the artlat aize, as good u

new.Hardman Grand, 750.00—as good as new.


PlayersHallet 5t Davli, 4S0.00—full size, handsome ma­

hogany piano.Crippen, 375.00—ailghtly used.Kohler & Kampbell. 250.00— a great bargain. Caldwell, 300.00—full alzed piano— a rare bargain.

Eight Very Desirable Items in a Sale of Colored Cottons

Ginaham Voile Smtinge Percale Poplin Fancy Cottons" ........................ ....... > T - a aata n t cnttOtia I t i l l js tHome dressmakers re td the following carefully. To arrange a sate of cottons at *11 ‘

rom trkIbS achievement, ’these d ay s-b u t to assemble a group of items of the importnce of th is to tccothpliah the almost impoasible-

3J.INCH P U ID GINGHAM AT 3Se T A R l^ Striking ptalda for makingotvla* nodka. L lihl and dark effects. A limited Stantliy, in waiit and dreia lengths. While it lasts, f t e VARB.

34.INCH IMPORTED LINEN FINISH SUIT, iMiV t i# YARDmuA ioo4 AstArtintnt of colors^ in is t o o k iS e Bne Hnen. V making auita Ullored garments. 700 yards In all, to go at 2»e.

36-INCH c o l o r e d POPLINS AT 3ta V A R D - Nbw, clMn arid perfect In the wanted colors. Msde e f daMctad mercerized yarn. For w a its dresses and

About t ttiou»and yards on » t \ t at 3w i a k u .3«.INCH d r e s s p e r c a l e AT 2fe Y A R D -

Figurtd and atriped patterns in an exceptionally good •uatlty, in a wide color assortment. For making dreaati fof women and ifflaU girll.

40-lNCH FANCY PRINTED VOILE AT 19ey a r d __A vast rsnge of colors and designs printed on1 fine, Brm fabric. Exceptional for making dainly summer frocks. SOME pieces subject to slight im­perfections.

32-INCH AND 3B-1NCH PRINTED CREPE DE CHINE, H e YARD— Floral and striped crepe de chine, part silk, part cotton in a variety of dainty colored effects for making cool frocks and blouses.


36-i n c h f a n c y s k i r t i n g AT 25e YARD— Smsrt stripes and plaids in various colorings. Comw in skirt and suit lengths. Quinlity limited to 500 yards. While it lasts. 23e YARD.

32-INCH MEN'S SHIRTING MADRAS, 25c YARD—Mostly stripe effects, in the colors adipted to men’s shirts and pajamas. ’Will wash and wesr very well. Some slightly imperfect.

h p o r t a i i t

Two as sketched

{ T u e sd a y O n ly)

. !■ l u t u n n wfcsf* tko iouI Is tUa oolMS* Of* ■■•UtI wo cMuot ■wiVnstm Skat tbor I wlU MSsatti « i s'* emri see I atat* a t tka koltaw a l aaek I ttcM i ‘'Wfclla tk*T laatl ■* I mall, ukaaa a r C.O.D. avdara.*

4-fa . r a ^ maOksn a t s.e«■ HlfS bt«k*S esinfjrtahit aereh

I n ek an , k*v* broad arrai and I oiido altk Iron braeoC •“PP*rto. 1 TSa wata and backo ara mada I at doubla wovan eana. In n ti- I ural and traan flnlakaa a l S.tS. 1 Fourth door.

DNaalac B aeaa« a t >*•oacoaa!. In llsh l and rnodlum « ! - I ora. Tha:r ara taahlon^ with

1 tarnovar eollara, and halt at I walalUna. Olhara with kimono aloavoa and alaatic halt. Eacalar TIC and lie at BS*. Third floor.

n f ----- Slrcvaloao e»artaCaala a t 441

I Thojr wara made to aell for l.ttI aa—A- •rAla/wt aaaawniiwavtl' m mwii awi w.arvUndo c l v«lv*i corduroy

I rnd"flna leriry clothe. Baautlfal wodala. baited, aoma al k lined,

I Cam# In vary daatrabla rolMi. On■ e__i ai. l*at at a OR. NACODM in v«rr u«aisAui« vwiar.,, aale while they laat at I.SB. No moll, phon® or C» O* T>. ordtr®. Third floor.WAtt* Petlleimtoo

I ThcM p«iUcoiU w®r® m»d® loI Mil tor 1-06 2.00. li ^I wiliC*!lan®ou« lot. In whUi

lot i®«t®a on ■lil® Tblrdfloor.1,16 Faekfisp Clip®** Cl*lh» W*

The Prettiest Tub DressesEver Made for Tiny Tots

In an Extraordinary Feature Offer at


I Too yord* to th® packuo. *•I Inchon wldo nnd bioaobod puroI incnwp s*tuw Aii« w.v-w.**- w—-I white. On lalo Toaaday .anlF at I t ie the packaia. Flrat floor.

3*e W ritlas Paaer at t ie poplar lilnan. a ,ood prada of______. . i_ wl.KA «at H V a-WAV.writlai paper, In hlua, pink. Stay. I lavattdar. buff and white. ••

■haato aad : t rnatchad_anvalopaa In a neat ban, at lie . Flrat floor.

Made of the famous Amoakeag gingham—and every mother knows all that the word "Amoskeag ’ means in the wayof looks and of service, too, . . ■ l

Picture a little girl in a frock of striped gingham, with sticky-out (as one small miss termed ^ c m ) sports pockets, and collar, cuffs and belt of plain chambrfy. . , u. -

Or think how an empire frock of chambray—pink, blue oP tan-w ould look on a wee girl you know. How she would love •it, especially if plaid gingham was uwd as Its trimming.

There are quaint two*toncd striped ginghams trimmed In —plaid ginghams, both light and dark—and any number

of others. , . # ahYou will not see such dresses as these very long, at l.W.

Sizes 2 to 6. bxmberger '§—sb c o n d flo o r

S.M KkiltiBC B««* at 14*Novelty valval ktilUIn* or ibop-

I ptni base, with aolf Mvarad I Irontaa and neat lloJnca. Ou aalaP lm floor.

BetweenI t.lS rk tttaa Clafk at as« Yard

tO-Inrh colored ehitlon clothe, I iuUable for blouiaa, na«^ll»a«, I *bd ®v«nlnf unI ■*!« vTtM® thr »Hid®® l u t i t 6to I y»rd. Firit floor.


I jM VaibreUaa at l-SaI Uada ol a very flue pra'da of I cloaply wovan American (affaia.■ Ciowiy wowwnI moudtfHl on stroAk portion fr*iyi®iI tn d ftaU bed w ith u cheite o w o rt- '_ OWa WICSt Ik mmmvi*-1 mint of hondio® for both m«n I *Bd wotnon. yir«t floor.

Kow dull ind tim e must t t t m « the diy* to tho*e people who kiiow Imi one kind of weithefa

NVe J fr« y folk have more varieties thsn there are pickles of s cerlsln Justly famous com-

I W*Mfe** 60c N'®«kw**r a t 14* LBrk® aoiMJTimAnt of womon’o

I ntekwoar. rontirtin* of fJehu®. .I collar® and Como In wnlto {I and colors. Whllo they la*t ,at 1 U t, First floor.

a.Yeiterdty we could well navegone about chsnting the parody, »Whst is so paw as a day inJune!

Pa»alar Flntlaa at Blj I A»"n» tha bundrtda ol tUlaa

iBrloded In the lot _ art. ^ha I War of an Ka*'*-,I Twls." "Tha Sf™l ®t *„®'***“®1 ,I .L!: -a ah.. “tCAAnskr flf

UNV a .Today w» ir« again kna« deep

In m idium m ar—w ith a h ea t ways

The'American JewishWar Relief and Welfare Fund

Ctau Y«r AnotiNFrom June 24 until]

July 2 authorized rep­resentatives will ask I you to subscribe. The money you contribute will be used for two|

■-Tafian .1 Iha Aaai." "Kaaptr of the Z)oOf" nnd_ ’^ la* silly War-I riad." Book Balcony.

I jk Cat Olaaa Xnk a t 14kCut flaaa bbtter or lea tub. tha |full flva Inch atw, cut in a com- wiaoon fl“ al and mltar pawSrn I on land blaitke. AU ara atrictly . Mrfirt aid dtaply cut. On aala ]

m IlilUaUtnillQS---VTiwaa » aaw. —wcoming tow ard us. the propheia**?iteis ehangaa m ak e convoria- tlon aa»y. a t any rat* . How mo- i notonoca tt m u it be to live In

irota and hnv* to nlwnys ■Whnt n b M -y u tlfu l

wnleh rem ind* me; WHY. whenever w* have a perfec t day here, doe* eoi"*?"* "Iw ay* re ­m ark trite ly , 'T H IS I* reg u la r Callfom la w eather. .n « n .Too bgd we cannot havo BOMB nice day* ot pur own.

Today, for instane*. Thl* 1* /BRSBT weather.



L B » I B E R G E R & ^

great purposes:To help 70,000 Jew­

ish boys in the United States Army and Navy to keep clean, healthy and happy.

To ameliorate the sufferings of the hun-

fter-strickenAndhome- ess Jews in the war-

tom districts of Europe. I

CHv* llkorally w iiltk a wfegla heart a a t a a aaea puta*. It wyii ba a s Ala* taatateat ta kapplae**” far gaa.

Aimoiffldng! Bamberger’slalf-Yearly Sale of Funutnre

“ Of Enduring Q uality''

More new homes are being outfifted and refitted today than perhaps ever before in history. This is particularly applicable to the locality in which New­ark lies.

Modes of living are changing.People are moving rfom c|ty to city, .fromr c u u i v a iw

neighborhood to neighborhood. Constant migration of this sort means the refurnishing of thousands ofhomes in whole or in p a rt

Some people are building bigger homes. Som^ are refurnishing certain rooms, tearing out old rooms and rebrightening faded corners.

People are opening cottages at the shore. Imagine, therefore, the part FURNITURE—

good furniture—plays in the happiness or thesehomes. * . . o

Think seriously of the influence of this B p - berger sale, With its beautiful suites, its original

conceptions of old designs, and its extraordinarily low prices.

This is the sale of sales.It quite overshadows every other sale in point

of value-giving; in size of stocks, in beauty of mer­chandise, and in price lowness. z

No other event in the Metropolitan district ot- fers savings as large as this sale affords, NOW!

There is a tone of quality—a supreme diner- ence in this Bamberger event.

Furniture is continually advancing in price, be­cause both labor, transportation and raw materials have correspondingly advanced. ^

Bamberger’s succeeded in anticipating all in­creases by purchasing for this sale many months ago,* Visit this Bamberger event. Buy furniture at these prices. ‘You will save considerably—and your satisfaction will be permanent

Since Bamberger Furniture is NOT sold on the club or instalment p Z n . ^ o v e a true REASON for the LOWNESS ot our prices

400.000 Ten-Piece Dining Room Suite

built by one of the leid ins tureta in the country. It is made of mahog­any and is finished in an antique brown color. There is a large buffet, china Mbinet, serv- Ing table, extension table, five side chairs and one arm chair.

300.00 Ten-Piece Dining Room Suite,a t 26i00 j w A i.

The ittlte is msde bf quartered oak a n ^ u finished in a rich Jacobean color It is made up of the following pieces; Buffet, china cabinet, serving table, extenaion tame, five aide chaira ^nd one arm chair.

350.00 Fou^Pi•ee Dining Boom Sult^at 205.00 w u A

A William and Mary suite that may be had in either American walnut or mahogany, tne latter being an antique brown. There is a buffet, china cabinet, serving table and ex­tension tabic.

265.00 Four-Pie« Dining Room SuHe, at 225.00

The suite is modeled after the William and Mary period of design, and is made of Ameri­can walnut. It ia well made and nicely fin­ished, There is a buffet, with mirror back, extension table, serving table and a china cabinet.

300.00 Ten-Piece Dining Room Suite,at 245.00. . .

A beautiful suite, made of figured American walnut. There is • large buffet with mirror back, extension table, serving table, china cabinet, five side chairs and one arm chair.

428.00 T«i-Pieca Dining Room Suite,at 375.00 ,

This is a mahogany suite of the Hepplewhitft period of design. It is finished in an antique brown color. There is a buffet, extension table, serving table, china cabinet, five side chairs and one arm chair.

229.50 Four-Piece Dining Room Suite, at 189.50

An American walnut m ite that Is patterned after the William and Mary period of design, with all the graceful turnings typical of that period. There is a buffet, china cabinet, ser­ving table and extension table.

229.50 Three-Piece Livlr^ Room Suite, at 195.00

This suite is in over-stuffed design, uphol­stered in striped mulberry velour. The three pieces are lo fi, arm chair and rocker with arms.

3SOjOO Three-Piece Living Room Suites a t 300.00

A three-piece' suite ef arm chair, fireside chair and sofa, upholstered in tapestry. Loose- cushioned seals, filled with springs.

225.00 Three-Piece Living Room Soite, atl89JiO

221.50 Four-Kece Bed Room Suite on Sale at 141.50

This suite is built of sturdy American wal­nut. It is the English Chippendale design and is finished in beautifully figured brown American walnut. The suite consists of djesser, regular 69.50, at 49.50; chifforobc, regular 55,00, at 35.00: dressing table, regu­lar 47.50, at 27.50, and bedstead, regular 49.50, at 29.50.

300.00 Four-Piece Bed Ro«n Suite Pricedat 245.00 , ' , u, A

Suites of enduring quality that are fashioned after tw Queen Anne pattern. They are handaomtly constructed of Americsn walnut or mahogany and beautifully finished.

211.50 Four-Piece Bed Room Suite on Saleat 169.50. . . .

Antique ivory bed room suites of the Adam period; massively built. The suite has a large dresser, chiffonnier, dressing table and full sized bedstead. On sale at 169.50.

275.00 Four-Piece Bed Room Suite on Sale at 219.50

This beautiful antique ivory bed room suite is an exact copy of the Hepplewhite period, it consists of large dresser, chlfforolje, dress­ing table and full sized bedstead. On sale at 219.50.

350.00 Seven-Piece Bed Room Suite on Sale a t 295.00

This is one of the handsomest Suites on our spacious floor. It is an American walnut suite, made of selected stock and finished in a rich brown color. The suite consists of dresser, chifforobc, dressing table, bedstead with bow end foot, chair, rocker and bench.

60Q.OO Seven-Piece Bed Room Suite on Sale a t 475.W

This suite is built o f sturdy American walnut by one of the leading Grand Rapids manu­facturers, It is of a beautiful shade of wal­nut and finished with a pretty gilt decoration. The suite consists of large dresser, chifforohe, dressing table, bedstead with bow end, chair, rocker and bench.

367.50 Four-Piece Bed Room Suite oh Sale a t 221.50

This suite is of the Louis XVI. period of de


A ►

To Our “ New Neighbors ”

An unusually good suite in over-stuffed de­sign, built with loose cushioned seats Arm

It is well for you to know about this Bamberger Sale in order that you may choose new furniture for your home at l o w e s t prices.


sign . Built of b eau tifu l figured Am erican

chair, aote and fireside chiir.188.00 Four-Piece Bed Room Suite on Sale at 149.60

This suite may be had in either American walnut or antique brown mahogany. It Is patterned after the Louis XVI. design; well constructed and neatly fintshtd. The fol­lowing pieces may be purchased as follows:49.50 dresser, 39.00; 49.50 chiffOrobe, 39.00;30.50 dressing tabic, 32.50; 49.50 bedstead, 39.00.

300.00 Foar-Heee Bed Room Suite on Sate at 245.00

This American walnut bedroom suite is of the l^ u is XV!. design. It is built of figured American walnut and finished with the ut­most care. This suite consists of large dresser, chifforohe, bedstead with bow end foot and dressing table with triplicate mirror.

walnut and excellently Tl'nished. Suite con­sists of dresser, regularly $115, at 6950; chiffonnier, regular 92.50, at 54J10; bedstead, regular 85.00, at 52.50, and dressing table, regular 75,00, at 45.00, —

79.00 Three-Ptece liv in g Room Suite, at 69.50

This suite Is of the frame type. The uphol­stering is in brown Spanish leather. The three.pieces are sofa, arm chair and arm rocker.

275.00 Three-Piece liv in g Room Suite, a t 19^00

This suite upholstered in blue damask. Con­sists of sofa with two pillows^ fireside chair and arm chair. Seats are cuahioiied, filled with springs and have full spring edge.

300.00 Three-Piece liv in g Room Suite,a t 239.50 s .

Fireside chair, sofa with two pillowa and Ariti ckair in C h i^ cn d ilc deslgiii with cin€ panels and loose-cushioned seats covered with mulberry damask.

375.00 Titiee-Ptece Living Room Suite, a t 325.00

A suite in over-stuffed design, consisting of sofa, arm chair and fireside chair. Loose cushioned seals filled with springs; comfort­able, broad arms.

450.00 Three-Piece liv ing Room Suite, a t 350.00

Genuine comfort in this large sofa, arm chair and fireside chair. Overstuffed design, with coverings of velour and damask com­bined.

You may select either a single piece or a complete suite. Or you may purchase entire fur­nishings for your home.

We are featuring in the sale summer furniture at excep­tional price reductions.


Every period, every wood, every favored finish will bo found in the assortments. Thousands of dollars’ worth of the BEST KINDS furniture at lowest prices in metropolitan district.

This is the PREMIER sale of furniture in Newark. Quality furniture, here, of a generation lasting character.


sale fourth and fifth


B am ber^r’s—is the bale Newark people wait for,


Boys’ Bathing SuitsFor Young Fellows Who Take to the Salt Water

Wise Women Are Buying Glove Silk Underwear Plentifully

Bathing suits th it^how that aa much care hss been taken in making and designing them as in dad’s swimming suits.

And there it just as large a'variety of boys’ bathing suits as yoil wilt find in the Men’s Department.

One-piece suits, pUln and fancy, t t t.75 to 3.00.Two-piece suiti, belt loops, at 2.00 to 5.00.'One-piete suits, with two-ptoce effect, 1.75 and 3.00.

n o T i ' aRO P*-aBcO N O f l o o r



uelltlet w* ere now eelllnv win delltht yoq—firmly oeey. eoft to the touch—euro to w*«r Inaeflnltely If

cere every delnly women love* to beetow on fineappariliNobody know* juet whet the future holde In the wey ot price*—.but we DO know thet when we go Into the merhet lor more stove ellk underwesr we will pey more—snd retell price* win go ^ eecordlngly.up * t-------------

mein tellored end teney etylei, eenie oomblned with Vel. end Imtietlon filet Ineerti end trille, with telf or ribbon ehoulder etrepi, e t three price* NOWi

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