INTRODUCTION TO TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIPS A fast track to discovery and Union MARCH 11, 2021 TWIN FLAME MISSION SA [email protected] Johan Conradie



A fast track to discovery and Union


[email protected]

Johan Conradie

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To Kara, my beloved

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I would like to thank God for always being there for me and my twin. Thank you for always being

patient, nurturing and kind. Thank you for all the abundance You provide. Thank you for sharing this

immense wisdom with me and for helping me to share it with other Twin Flames in need.

I would like to thank all the wonderful Twin Flame mentors who guided me on this journey. Your

teachings and guidance are invaluable.

Thank you to my daughter for showing me the true wisdom of a Twin Flame.

Thank you to my therapist who believed in me when I could not.

Thank you to my twin flame for destroying my life.

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Guide to managing a successful Twin Flame Relationship

1. Introduction

2. Arcana 1: Signs you have met your twin flame.

3. Arcana 2: Practical Information about the Twin Flame Journey (Including Suggested Actions)

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Welcome to this practical introduction to Twin Flame Relationships. The course was written from my

own personal experience and from the deep insights gained in traversing this journey myself.

I am Johan Conradie, your host and guide. Welcome Twin Flame and Advanced Soul.

The Twin Flame journey is a humble solitary journey of spiritual awakening and ascension.

This course is an introduction to the journey and provides you with practical guidance and action steps

that will help you along the way. It is not comprehensive but will get you started on the correct


If you want an in depth understanding of how to manage your Twin Flame Relationship, please buy

the full Self Study course at and consider signing up for

mentoring and coaching at the website.

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ARCANA 1: Signs you have met your twin.

Learning objectives:

In this arcana we explore the twin flame relationship and explore signs that confirm you are in a Twin Flame


This module will give you confirmation whether you have met your twin flame or not.

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Arcana 1: Signs you have met your Twin

Here is a list of signs that you have in deed met your twin flame. Your best indicator is your intuition.

You, as an advanced soul will know that you have met your twin flame. Trust your knowing and

intuition above all. The list below also briefly covers the stages of the twin flame relationship as it

manifests near the soul’s ascension. Remember that twins share multiple lifetimes. They do not always

meet during these lifetimes and may not even be on the planet at the same time. The journey only

becomes relevant when the soul is close to ascension.

1. You may have felt a deep connection with this person long before you have physically met.

2. You may have felt unfulfilled in the previous relationships you had, knowing that the person

you were with, was not the one you felt this connection with.

3. When meeting your twin for the first time, you usually feel a profound deep connection. You

may be in a state of denial or spiritual shutdown when it happens, so it may only manifest as

you constantly thinking of this person.

4. You are drawn back to this person time and time again and your paths will cross constantly

until you acknowledge the connection.

5. Once you fall in love you fall hard and very quickly and usually during this stage, you will

experience an insane push to be with your beloved. This is difficult as one or both twins may

be in different relationships at the time or on different continents even.

6. You will receive signs from the universe. If you are awakened enough, look for them. Numbers

like 11:11, 22, Any double numbers for that matter, 77, 66, 42. Words that appear on

billboards, i.e. Twin or something to the like, will randomly appear all around you.

7. Time disappears when you and your twin are together initially. You can spend hours in each

other's company without noticing.

8. You can be yourself with this person and feel that they understand you at the deepest level.

9. Very often there will be a large age gap between you and your twin or an ethnic difference or

something that makes you not fit the 'norm'. You can also be same gender couples. Twin flame

unions are meant to break old templates and therefore the couple, will appear 'odd' in some

way, but people will always pick up on how deeply you resonate.

10. This love bubble phase only lasts a couple of weeks, usually 3 to 8, the norm being around 4.

11. Once the love bubble passes, you quickly feel disillusioned in the relationship and maybe

overwhelmed. It feels like there is nowhere to hide. You are constantly confronted with

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'issues'. This could lead to withdrawal or intense arguments. The relationship could become

quite volatile. This is a sign that the twins had not yet done the necessary inner work. They

are not awake yet.

12. It very often happens that one twin is more ready for the relationship than the other (usually

the Divine Feminine Twin). We refer to twins as the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine,

but this has nothing to do with their physical gender. The female twin can and often is the

Divine Masculine and vice versa. Same gender twins are also Divine Feminine and Divine


13. You may feel there are constant blockers being placed in your way, hampering you from

growing together and which is pushing you apart. When twins come together, it often goes

together with events like job loss, previous relationship troubles and physical disasters. The

twins themselves may also place blockers in the way and accounts of substance abuse,

infidelity, delinquency and other negative behaviours are quite common in Twin Flame


14. After a volatile start, the relationship usually falls apart and one twin very often physically

leaves the relationship. This is a devastating time for both twins but is very necessary.

15. One or both twins may feel they gave up everything for their twin and now their life is

destroyed. This is necessary so that the twins may let go of the destroyed life and awaken and

start doing their inner work.

16. The runner twin usually does not know why they are running from the relationship and

running is often triggered after a short period of closeness and a feeling that things may be


17. When in separation the chaser twin, cannot stop thinking about his or her twin. The harder

you try to move on, the more intense this feeling becomes, and you feel compelled to

surrender. At this stage many twins are in denial or spiritual shutdown. You are relentlessly

pushed until you surrender to this feeling.

18. Once you surrender to the feeling that you will always feel your twin, you find temporary

peace. Soon a spiritual awakening happens that sets one (the Divine Feminine) or even both

twins on a true spiritual journey to ascension.

19. Twins often experience each other in dreams. It is very easy to connect with your twin on the

5th dimension (no matter if you are in union or separation).

20. No matter how unavailable your twin is, you are never separated from them and you strangely

know this, even though you don't know why.

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21. When the twins are in the runner/chaser stage, the chaser will feel absolutely compelled to

pursue and chase the runner twin at all cost, constantly trying to contact them via texts, emails

or in person. Usually the other twin rebukes all these attempts. It is best for the chaser to give

the runner space and to start focusing inward on their own spiritual growth and healing.

22. Twin flame relationships are never easy, and you continue to experience ups and downs, more

so than normal couples. The relationship can break several times, but rest assured, the

connection lasts forever and cannot be severed. Its best for twins to invest in their relationship

and learn how to manage it successfully.

If you resonate with the above, you are in a Twin Flame Relationship and this course was created

specifically for you.

The course is designed for ease of use and written in common understandable language. Take note

that most sections contain the following special bullet points. Suggested Actions will be clearly marked

as [Suggested Actions]. Very important bullets will be marked with a [Very Important] tag. I strongly

urge you to follow the exercises and come back to the Very Important bullets again. The course is not

meant to be read only once. Refer to it often. Consider buying the full handbook which explains the

nature and purpose of Twin Flame Relationships. It contains all the wisdom you need to successfully

traverse your Twin Flame Journey. It consists of 140 A4 pages jam packed with wisdom and practical

actions to realize stable union with your twin.

Good luck on awakening to your true self.

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ARCANA 2: Practical Information about the Twin Flame Journey

Learning objectives:

In this arcana you learn some practical tips and pointers about a Twin Flame Relationship.

You learn about the purpose of your relationship.

You learn about the role of the Divine Feminine and Masculine in the relationship.

You learn about your journey to ascension.

You receive guidance on next steps.

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Arcana 2: Practical Information about the Twin Flame Journey

1. Twin Flames are ONE SOUL.

2. The one soul is incarnated into the earth plane, into two bodies which are opposites of

each other.

3. The bodies have a positive (Divine Feminine) and negative (Divine Masculine) polarity.

4. Polarity has nothing to do with gender. The Divine Feminine Twin can be male or female.

Same with the Divine Masculine.

5. Both bodies have the full soul within them, so they are not half a soul or incomplete in

any way.

6. Each twin differs at the mind level. They each have a different ego.

7. The soul is singular. It has no opposite and does not understand DUALITY.

8. Everything in the 3D World is Dualistic. Everything has an opposite.

9. Humans are a 3-Fold construct made up of the Body, Mind and Soul.

10. When the Human dies, the Body and the Mind dies, but the Soul lives on.

11. The Mind creates the ego within each of us.

12. The Ego is made up of the Mind (Conscious and Subconscious Mind) as well as the

emotions and ether.

13. Our emotions are the body’s reaction to the mind’s thoughts.

14. The ether is what the mind uses to create into the 3D World.

15. We are the only organism on earth that can create complex structures beside the Divine.

16. God creates through thought.

17. We create through thought, word and deed.

18. Our minds are pathological and cannot stop thinking. Because of this we say that the mind

is on autopilot.

19. The mind creates the ego, which is the illusion of self.

20. The mind creates the belief that we are our minds and not our souls.

21. Therefor the mind creates the illusion that you and your Twin are separate and apart from

one another.

22. This is not true. You and your twin are one soul and therefor you are the same BEING.

23. You and your twin can never be separated because you are ONE soul.

24. Twins meet when their soul is close to ascension.

25. Twins meet to trigger ascension, for no other reason.

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26. After the love bubble phase, an event called The Dark Night of the Soul is triggered within

the Divine Feminine Twin.

27. Twins can be notorious jerks to one another. All this is part of the plan. Always forgive

your twin, no matter how they act towards you. Put up strong boundaries to protect

yourself but always forgive them.

28. Be careful NOT to confuse a Twin Flame Relationship with an outright abusive NON-Twin

Flame Relationship. Twin Flames do not physically harm one another, EVER. You are the

same soul and are following a Divine Blueprint. This does not include physical violence. If

you are experiencing physical violence, then get out of the relationship and stay away

from this toxic partner. It is NOT your twin flame.

29. Twin Flames usually both suffered extreme abuse in their life and past lives.

30. The Dark Night of the Soul leads to the utter destruction of the Ego and the twin awakens

to the knowledge of their true self.

31. The twin realizes that they are their soul and their twin.

32. The Divine Masculine Twin triggers the Dark Night of the Soul in the Divine Feminine Twin

by running away after intense triggering, mirroring and disconnection from their Twin.

33. The Twin Flame Journey is Divinely Blueprinted.

34. The Dark Night of the Soul is one way that the ascension of the soul can be triggered.

There are other ways too, such in the case of Eckhart Tolle.

35. The Dark Night of the Soul is the worst, worst pain you will ever experience.

36. Your ego will force you to focus outward to try and get your twin back.

37. The only way to find peace is to surrender and look within.

38. You and your twin are ONE soul, so when you find your soul, you find your twin.

39. You must follow the True spiritual journey to ascension, to re-unite with your twin in the


40. When you detach from your twin in 3D and follow the path inward, is when your twin

shows up in your life again.

41. You and your twin are not a conventional couple and NONE of the conventional

relationship templates apply to your relationship.

42. You can only ever BE with your twin, meaning that you must live from your soul to be in

stable union with your twin.

43. Once awakened you can BE with your twin without causing harm.

44. The Ego always tries to keep the illusion of separation between you and your twin intact.

45. The ego creates personas to achieve this separation.

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46. The ego validates these personas through pain and suffering associated with your past

hurt and trauma.

47. The ego always needs external validation to exist.

48. For you and your twin to be together in the 3D, the ego needs to die.

49. This is a journey of subtraction and not addition.

50. All the work that you do on yourself in progression of your ascension is accumulative and

all adds up to union with your twin.

51. The natural state of Twin Flames near ascension is union, because you are already in union

in the 5D. You are ONE soul.

52. [Suggested Action] Buy the full Self Study course on the website, called Guide to Managing

a successful Twin Flame Relationship and follow it end to end.

53. Trust the process. This is a journey of blind faith.

54. [Suggested Action] Sign up for mentoring and coaching. I am here to help and guide you

through your specific journey. No matter where you are in your journey. If you get to me

quick, when meeting your twin flame, you can skip the dreaded Chaser/Runner Phase and

possibly avoid the horrible dreaded separation phase. If you are in Separation, I can assist

in progressing your re-union or even just to find innerpeace, joy and sovereignty. If you

are re-united, I can help you by showing how to live in stable union.

55. [Suggested Action] Read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and follow the instructions to

follow your ascension journey.

56. [Suggested Action] Watch the movie, Samadhi on Youtube. It will give you a good

overview of the ascension journey.

57. [Suggested Action] If you are in separation, look after yourself. I know it is difficult to eat

anything or sleep or function but force yourself to look after yourself.

58. [Suggested Action] Create a self-care ritual and follow it every day. It will lift your

vibrations and aid in attracting your Twin back into your life. Eat food that is alive (Fresh

fruit and vegetables), go for walks and ground yourself, take a nice hot bubble bath, find

time to rest, even if you can’t sleep, say positive affirmations, educate yourself, find a

mentor and coach, live in the Now and surrender to your particular life situation. Say

gratitude each day.

59. [Suggested Action] Write down a list of limiting beliefs that no longer serve your Higher

Self and put them up somewhere. Refer to them every day.

60. [Suggested Action] Write a letter to your inner child and ask for forgiveness and exclaim

your love for your inner child. Work on forgiving yourself. Every day.

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61. [Suggested Action] Clear your inner body and fill yourself with Divine Light.

62. [Suggested Action] Take your ego’s power away by watching it from your soul.

63. [Suggested Action] If you are still in the Love Bubble stage, then avoid disconnection at all

cost. AT ALL COST. It is much more difficult to come back from separation. Follow the True

spiritual journey to ascension before you are Divinely forced into it through pain and

suffering. Twins do not HAVE to suffer.

64. You cannot avoid this journey. You are an advanced soul and you are close to ascension.

If you are here, reading this, you have arrived at that time in your ascension.

65. The best advice that I can give you is not to resist. If you resist you are going to suffer

endless pain and suffering.

66. This journey can be extremely rewarding but it can also be extremely painful. In fact, the

Dark Night of the Soul is the most painful event you will ever experience, and it can last

for years if you do not get help. Please do not suffer needlessly.

67. Twin Flame Journeys are the most extreme form of relationships on earth. You will not

find the right help through conventional channels, such as couples counselling, therapy

etc. You are an advanced soul and you need specialized attention.

68. When you invest in yourself, the universe invests in you.

I hope these pointers help you in some way. I am available for coaching and mentoring. This journey

is not an easy one. I wish you luck on your travels and journey towards ascension and remember Twin

Flame Mission SA has been created as a Lighthouse for South African twins. Please make use of this


In love and Light

Johan Conradie [email protected]