hristmas - World Radio History

4- ,aao-r v 15 CENTS ,t4< /' 1-i ' ``' 1 y_ o O N0V2319313 NOVEMBER 26,1938 lb hristmas 4 ` ( Nnmber -

Transcript of hristmas - World Radio History

4- ,aao-r v 15 CENTS


/' 1-i '

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NOVEMBER 26,1938

I lb hristmas 4 ̀ ( Nnmber



_ ACTIÓN;'PLUS =,"..,L.








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THRILLS .:, -4




..-. -, 4

-1-,I,i" , - i '' DARING


MOI ..

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Ijf h e not yet oe a p y

t °sv` and fearlessness on p lr O. swaying pole, do so now. `r packed from beginning to and . . . and proclaimed the D

drawing attraction ever goesent@d'to the public.


qtretto,,'S: --.To Fair Secret

Park Manager i.

Showmen, one and all ... marl thanks for the way you reCcm

otwccs+ act" this past season. May 15

TRADE -MARK rsosnsct'r f%jled with unlimited happiriess.a

oNsgt high gate records for all of you w r..0.1you av b k d HO, s ectacular exhibition

$ YEARS' SOLID' BOOKING decrees el yew, .Rrrb

ñes ~sal Stories. Radt S MaQC





Write for my descriptiva and pictorial folder or meet mci

Hotel Sherman during thy) meetings.

PERMANENT DDRE5s r Care of The Billboard; Cincinnati Cppyr.tf11 19)d by AkikZ END ,I

VOL 50 No. 48


r The W,i.rld's Foremost. Amusement Weekly

weekly ,lat Ctngnaatt, O. Entered as second-dsa. nreA- ter. June 4., 111974 at Post Office, 160, rages- Subserlptléñ: NS Per yeai'. Copyright 1630 br The 'Billboard Publlabin¡

November 26, 1938

~Miami, under Act - of Hyaah. 18T0. Company.

$1,000,009 HAT BANS "S City Council To Act on Ducat. Curb

NEW YORK. Nov. 19.-nicotttaged by the courts' indorsement of the Pelee Crawford Act. pdhrídlnt-for-price fixing at trade -marked goods, C:uncilmop How- ard Spellhsan 'will Introduce Into the Cty Council 'Pi idn,r le;lelntlon' crate-' lathed maxirnUM mark-up for theater tickets., In acc.c.rdnnce with the prowl= Gan ed the peraoot Odic- code. At the Jaime 11me the 4ntOciMed Theater 'repel 8>rcrmtace, Tao- wpl launch a promotion pnpaeba Of its own, to r0'und up ell other reputable agencies to as to etrepgthen Ina pcettion IO neeollatlens tlth maDagera. gotcrnment and Ma

Befarhe -drafting anal form of his b1ll- trbcb Mil be auWoltted -se .an amend. tssnt,to the AdIInlatratttre.Code of the dux Spellman conferred -.AM Milton Wrinbeeger, conned for ,the Leacue of ]rear York Tbeeteraend KY.than LSetien then, ditto for the"A'rPA. Projected law twill make It r misdemeanor to sell tickets In execs dI the code's maxi- mum,. hid prortdce for a penntty of One year III Iall'Or ftnee'up tÓ.1500.

limiters object that, as licensees oe the Mate. they, are beyond Jerrledletion of the city. Spellmnb-, bd40rrr. laid'In re. ply. "ftideraltgovernment eniploytrea`Eave to abide by -lout! city ~nations."

Ordinance. Modeled after the Weld - Crawford net, liken eaatOtat 14ssttt1ytnfi inuk on ducats, eueb`as nim oof then. tar and'productton. to trade -marling. -

Depression Note NEW 'YORK, Nov. 241.-The sax Lest

pout persona to -the ranks Ot perfOrm- ere. actors. acrtpt write -TN pinywrlghta and sunk:ans,- et the bteaghta of their etueess, IYtf+nke- a »00,030 yearly In- come. reported Dr. Edward 1., Thorn- dibe, peyebologtet; at an educational conference, ~mod by Teacher$' Coltegc of Coiumbtn Uolveraity.

The proteaaor-et survey covers moues' attainable in the ernited States for the period 11:81-40. On the í,aln. basta, athletic entertainers, littirarS '

and musical niggles ,are down fog 415,000.

Erring Agents To Feel ,AEA's WI] *p

NEW YORK-. Nov. 1De:-1lnvinp Toddled MN No appeals troth tie glut agency dtdrantt5.toments. Actors' Equity. in the Now -eager Issue of 7,Yta`ernloinl organ which appeared Wednesday, refuses to deviate from Its Dement plans for Overhauling the agency synteaa. rigid at- pllcatlon of tines. suspenetons, permit revaoatlon,,. binekUsting and -the Lnetlt;U. than Of a new monthly report'kyittm far agent.. Counerirdenled to tbo,agents the last few requests'Ineluded to their pe- tttlon, Including abolition of .lames of agents, abolition of :varied tee rates and PICK for elowdechop terma, favoring too agents' own Or:anttction.

Michael Myerborg°end_Ai Wilton, who, are apt/ea:Ms their ticciüe ce. will be beard at the Tuesday Meeting of Council. which Is reed)Ipe: a plan requiring nil nneent`t to make Inonllily-reparte OS their p`werrrnts lilting names of nttors, corns

(Sr.,. 11E11/NO AGENTS., on .page 5)

Check -Roomers Pay Out aw Million For Night Club Concession Spots

Figure is for New York alone-now branching out to other cities ---espionage of pretties a problem --!Hunk ruptciea another headache-glamour yirn>; raise ante

By SOL ZATT NEW YORK. Nor. 'f Or--Pubiletty-cnneewus ºonoeetionere have caused night

dub on-nera W wtuouti considerably., end are nova playing nab -estimated 61.000,000 annual rental for the hat -shock, cigeret and flower caaareatotu In local night anon". In We peat the baunindemr always shunned publicity, prelerrlrg .to west In the darl4,gl ing the public the Idea that the girls were getting theeoln 'But In'aecerit Sears several night club oonoeea onera have popped Into print .es glans:welt. ngr urea, with success stones and all the trimmings. al,ontng how much money -there

Wt. to be made in holding hnls for ran. eoen. Which .lapsed the night dub owner to do a rife thing-tbtttt Out of Moon thoughts, they I nalig gut bap t4 the fact that the « iW-.,tSon*ro oovtetlmea made -aloee money thus they. volt, the result that: to the put few years, the once -of hat..eheck cones. mono ltatigone aky.blch.

Out of the 11.000.000 that the commie sinners cough bp to local eatery- opera- tors each year, 18 night clubs to the Broadway area. such as Mao, Cosa Maria- na,- Lnternatloltal Casino, ~ton , Ctub, Pasture; Stork and Loan and Ede tea. get 1250.000. The other three-quarter miUt-on .goes to night club owners from Manhattan, Báoáklyn and Long Island. This does not fpºludo the notate, many or, which -operate their own check -

`bode -Visions 1-Nighter' Tour; No Union Jam

NEW YORK,,Nov. 19.-During the Slut Competed twoyeeek "tour of one-night stands by Vodo-Visions In a hatf-doyen u-. vie batiste In Now Jotaty and Penn- eylvanta the inuaaelanb-onion made no attempt to Interfere with 'the ~ant*. hone_ Other union demands were anti,. Add. ea that the expertaaa t dodged any adycne publicity on its way.

Varying the booking arrangements. Vodc-Vb1oni played In eoine.houua.ter a Cxed [Total, box-office spill or out- right lease,; at ,acts.

(See VOD[:-VISION$ ova peepe 0)

NSA Ikuquet 1 Makes Histor Glittering Setting and Stand -Out Talent Culminate Brilliant Effort

NEtr YORK. Nov. 19. --Show history to Me" brethe:hoed bracket was Made Thursday night. lmecnty-four yºata tanta, when inis ialtver annlverrªry la, eek,-feted, the lilltlon'd slownten' Ase' , d;rstt banquet, held in thea. i Grand

pride upon i Prone of the Commodore Motet Ist as gilt- ttneg e acSUng as any outdoor amue.- t:xni fratertdty which created. It eves baked upon.

President George A. Hamldt Rangiest 1/0IutrueeZ Lew On I Bull Bloektlene! Executive utndece

John their ibe landing',

'Liddy n pooled

attendance ¡,hart of MO, the culmination of

a brilliant. effort lb which the' activity tia p erebly dlvldedt among so many laeiabera thee It is ~lenity tmpoedble

i ° -tire formal Credit to the many who ttO the!: thriving baby otantr5Uon

I( ewe pertaining to the New York ward"t F Ir aedo Coldre-Cate liter- fislieaal Lxtioeitlon In San Ranchee s%ees.y weekly le the outdoor de- ehHnonts, huila week on Nigel. 88 esa; ia,

so Valiantly. The gutter stemmed from the dials.

reached otlt ' Orir the.' rate saeambly to tie' swank CoamByodori appointments land concluded itb skein with the 1m- pWingentertainm0nt tteruled by such talent attixi<I 1tm as Helen 2404 9;41, Lou Retire Barmy Fields. Tied Skelton, Reyn- olds Skaters, roam* Aria and Coracle ArdIi, fo aamti }rut s; few of the moro -than 20 ants.

Ye* York's Wortd's Pelt was Mire- sentad bath physically anti ornamentally. The human representation by Maurlee blerrhey. Jay Downer. Ocdge P: Smith

Frank W. Darting, Itotand Brr<Ic)L )?Fate!/ Mack and other.: the decora- tion" by a hutre papterrnMehe rºpilee of Mel fair's Inti4 asa. the .Tnyton and Perisphere, plus the falra nags, which flanked the dale. A bronze hod plaque KBA, naignla stood Out In bold retie: ag;i4as a huge background of `the iiharst and Strips' fiut behind the epeekers'.i platform. The' nssociatktp's oolorrn bedecked the Doyen aide Of the ballydºtn

K$W YPRK. Nov. 10 -The the nee Theetricaa_Managers, Agents end Tres's-

' arses' Milton oo0KltutLon. Wiping Out group autonomy. Squeezed thra with the necessary two-thlyda majority voto Mot week.°the preen agent* and the Yiddlah group will continuo to exorcise the self - ride 'guaranteed them In their OtlgtLN Contracts with the union Until ehel- leng'cl by the p rend body. Insistent ntnyors that the union s wilier about pre_ Ins the issue tetanus It to being Lo-ecatllgated by the District Attorneyh office were denied by unloa o«stiub. Ind °disposed of by the DA's office with; "Anything pending cannel be dlr-n.'-cd with the press c

The dtsnenting groups, which have maintained that the new obtatit'tton rlolatee the preview Contra -eta güarast-

Tlae,Indkx Appears ón Page 37*

Díatngnithed on the' dale were TeX O'ltourk0, wit. adventurer and world Crewel«. odticlsting as t.oastmastei: Presi- dent, Hamlet ,and Cluttman Dufour, Marry fterrhfield, oortoªb4tt-psilasepbr, e tswood- A. Iíughee. general manager Camiadlen National Exhibition: J. W. (Patty) Conklin. of the Conklin Shows. representing the Showmen's League of

Typical of the pftca p id., Abe Ellis pays Billy Roes opera:A the hat -check; dower. elyaret and oteltt(e conesatton at the Caen lM This spot. has been a gold- Mine to Ellis for the list fear yearn, as he bad it when it wee the` French Casino and'ii, mid to have domed up. In order to dear the nut. kilts must gram' 6TSA00 In 80 weeks. and all over that Is wary. tuna. tho moat publlolued -01 night club con- oerelomers. also operates ' the Manhat- tan, Opera Itouse> which be took over recently Orl his own

About the biggest coneeael0mer on Broadway at prcamnt U a syndicate. -the Great Eastern Association, which oter- ntae at the Intanhauonal Casino (030.000). Cotton. Club (!99°0001 and NTC111 Midnight Sun (18.000), Hended by Jacob Berman and rhea, torn (nor

(Sett NSA BANQUET an peps 1:1) (See OUECK-RÓOIOCRS on pare 54)

-Press- Agents To Ignore TMAT nstitution on Autonomy

teeing autonomy, entered Into b teen the union aisd the press scents And Yiddish units, failed to scuttle, the new document by only 20 votes. They .rW pithy along with the union. they claim. unit.» the administration attempts to atop, them In their accustomed sell - rule. The manner and degree of this '-llterre eneee win' determine their enA- acqucnt 'ration. which may go ea high am an appeal to the Council of tbe,Atnerl. can PedaytUon of taboo or a complote walk -out from the nnlob.

Teak -that there will be a government looking into. com a' from two fronts. The ono questions union expend lturea . and the. Other' grows Out of an alleged com- plaint from- a road min Mx*,'despot. claimed qualiCcetbos. was said to batik been dented itsembership In the union.

Sod Re iiout

w have raked the DA to ed:

tdoctien under the new oortstlttrtkin is the next Important latsue for TMAT.

4 The Billboard GENERAL t+i EWS

Vet Acts in Unit Plugging Radio Set Sales in Northwest

SEATrt.e.., Wash.. Not'. 10. -Veteran ¡Male and tartdi gets (UM 1n the group of NOW -KKR entertainers nnr burring SlitsU bowfin and little to the Breda. 'rhrry are rtaatng g. g'a'in marry Wash, lntton oonnnunitica an the fern Radto ehata aponoered by radio Chalet*. Ktaup= log new model 'SD ramie sot. in Islren ¡nibilá balk, and going to town with the ' muslalsn..

BLTalgttt been the Portland, Ore,..out- let of the N1 -C. this itronp pr cents rive adds and unprecedented entertatnmetit et some of rho smaller places where tedio seta are. sold, to the wake of aji- reareoeell of radio trivoritea. Clarence IToleyl Tolman te etnoeee. John Noah. the Poke Pickens of. Corerevi Wdpes Delp. does atrtntrecr teatrurnent num- bers- Ralph "9noeme" Hamilton. fee - lured. was mut,ted (proctor of RKA. Clterles it lingers. asst violinist of trio Portland (Ore,) Syanpbone Oretmetra, to another. Ana Jamie Schmidt, guitar and Dantean. eoettletse the group.

Resolutions, Talks Feature AEA Meet

NEW YOR4N. Nov. 14.--%taenbrshlp Of

Anon?' Lyutty (it imetees first diaCus- caoa meeting yesterday. bald at the Astor Hotel. ed a ~elution requrating entire!! to appoint a committee to confer with predllerre and neithon for O:Reaaza- L ion of co-operauvat productioons wine&

actora' Capital. A second rrwntnti el. carried OLo''by at

Bent Mote. ,reaommetelyd the eatablish- niche, of an EquIty eroding o tliarteln. Union woks -eaten seen eour-dt would not adopt the ixopesitlon. Venture could hot manufacture phallic raid, and.00uld not help tnereaplofinent eetuatfon.

)Ia Jor pert or th. foram was -devoted to epeaehee by Worlhln ,ton Inner. Brock rrntbrrteele Margaret Webaater and Maurice Eyant, Musser complained about the Cólt of ~tenon end ['gutty re-, eponalbilttita an that More. TIr Walt+ alit, Swldtn- J qutty tntxht eóctend__itii. aettvttlt, beyond protesting rwetwa to that of Lncreaaing .teeted one--er- two- .hot. Sunday ?bows fee pro- dtlClUana ^-rhtth_ woU)d hat bee otherwise -comenereblly ndvtuabte,,

Perrbertmt molntalned, in his corn- eneitts on the' beset cede, thee the pact' sits DO per cent sncccctfni, while Eretlser IndM7eet h~nett .e ibWn11(taCtees and, remorgere eel quicker and eaxtr solution of mutual pretelens. PhIltp Loeb pre- ceded at the meeting., which vies sir' tended by 31. members.

Ruth's Society Dátes "me,. TORic. ',`:9v 1R.= -silts !tea-th.

knevvn`on $/B0 -Rest asOmni' Iterth, the Wins( %taker. played for Mre h -a terbltle. etnningeout party for Iteatenertm Wan- btirten at the, Et. peen 4'tt ni;ht end te wt for the elelrtbitd affair et the Tiber -Carlton Hotel November 2e&. North has siso been invading tae colleto field: with tin nppestaD,oe for Prlaceton,at t e RYcnton (N. -J., Cowart Club _among a airing of school state_ benr lined, u)1. hake -Up of the trta le Rerthu T.eother- Of-pear] and ebrrmtum orwin and plain and drums.

WSGN.Theater Deal Ht1tetneOHAsf , Nev, ID ,_.W Ith *men.

me of fall tleeh aeaaOtt_at Pentium The, urt here, /lofty ,P. Johnsbury'eerier/4 en., -,el of ve gOle,, act a deal far the Destine to trot talent et the mud* house.

a too sayer that taker" reftilr be tired rertutarty on Pautagre Theater Parry for hadt hour b.ig,natng at it p.m. on Sat -

urdnyeL With Joe ) Or¢ as em s«. SYSON will also use many of the roll at the theater on Its Lytle Theater Hour on Sunday afternoons and oeeeslonaliy use Went on other tuetnintog pfogTama

S P E C Í A L P.R I N T E D ,qllll or MACHl11E

1ioa,doo I


P,i .1, ,


BILLBOARD`STAFF The purpaw of Ind Orisartmrni h sir

be-aile pieducers. ~ken. age tt and When concerned with 'ins trees -ere !Neils in the crosier Indoor fie d. bear The Ri1lioa,d't coverage of eeeay brand, eb the ,how ea .'neat.


For FILMS D/1Flp VIC'rolt Atop mints (Wi

Lrrrz g JR-team thin welted the radio .ketch. line Koncir,.l arxy Jsmate. et Iitogtatn _which le COnatderabiy abora the atlragd' for daytime recto eatsglietsal. On' the'baata of the -plot outlined for Nancy and the dialog on pwgraics beard, -the team rates a crack et.lioliyaood scrivening.

LITA LINES -.called .11.1e "Cuiaan Kanto ,Smith - now. at the 'Casa Vu - baria night club, New Yore. She la a Cuban' gal of So -inlay phyr4eel' pro- portions who sings nettle longs nod doe) aorte clowning' for added' effect. thee a mike. but bar high .opºano' doeen't reed it. Haw petaoantltty and en Ihgrattattor dtltevrry. Ought to be a good bet for Spanish !Urea or for muskrat aborts.

Try Radio Music Quiz. as Stage Show

NEW irAVLN. Nov. 19.-Colle4e Thea- ter here thin Zunttny began an ' hour afternoon patrrmteclon of Molder,. Met. extras, - o radio tntulleal quip with prise glee eels a.

Jbmmy Mittam studio manager of w1tLte will conduct the regular 8unday- aftemoon feetUTO. nettle a atudte oathea- tra -raid eitigtn; tnlebt to supply the songs time.sre ttlentiiLr4 by the audl- eneo,

lathe thee. retinal nrnning ttme'of the novelty 'on the, air to only a half hour. the rsdlp-stage prr_entatlon.`la etrotcbod to a full hour.

Unemployment Tax Ruling NNW YORX. Nov. le.-The State

iavtsloal Or Unerdpioymrat Insurance has Informed Howard Wheeler. ~Mein of the Apetblo'Ébtertalnment Bureau, that private entertainment mebagers-will be

= held reeponatble ea elnplbgera for alt their act. except llatae bee's. Unite. etc.. aihr?n the rioployer'a sex la paid by the band leader or halt producer.

Aa yes the Socliti gectuttr Dlvtalon Of the Uusanu'of Internal Revenue has not committed tteelf on thin pointy but -.a else is now before ft.

"Hollywood Hotel" üirIs Show Where They're Censored

srawr.Y1' Atts'tralls. Oct. 22.-CbLtf eecretaty `et New South Weirs Cohan. after witnessing t,,perforaaanoe Ins week. censored portion of the nedilne scene included to the' unit HOftyrinood Hotel. In this ee,gaonee eight @how guts mine - down to the front of the atmpe. sing It tear linr5' and iurpltng. walk -lack up' stage. This fully -clad In front. they wove only a thin net co'eering on their becks.

After the censorship doe:ree. ltarrx Howa-d., the prodttfer. tan , upon the idea of pleating a smell board Err ttre rear of each girl. Thee boards each 'had one letter On them abd, when the girls turned their backs -oil the' CWdienoe trio Marcel 'read .'CMISORF.D.'

A Sunday paper, which had praised tiro ahem' as the best seen in Australte for grans, cans, out with n sines on the ini adequacy of do young tallies"dross, the -indecent abandon" of eight Negroes in that. version of the Ulg Apple. the -stele- /Was of the jokes" of Willie and ETtgen.e Howard and' trio ''general'lewdnese of the ohm*" -ea`a-whole. The orxt Sunday it carried rats Mite:haw efnrther.

Crltiedeme, ' however. Hearts to have tx.rntf Smut._ The show wan cold out Sot

,dace week abR moot of the weelc following.

Teachers' Kick at WPA's Competition

HAHLifbausin Pa.. ski. -LO.-ALnrT- 'riylTanta mfrete rs'ot the Dancing Teach. era' Bosinera Aasoetation met it the PennIlneeta Mosel hem and pat._ed a resolution to tae a complaint with WPA 'authorities against the essence ot °fus- ing free'daármg lataon's rut otIt'firet ln- eeatigattng each application an to [hair rear position of pupil.

It r. tan painted out that WPA to giveng Lesions to many who could atfard to ,pay. and that private duidºg inatrtcte,* are muttering as a result -

Donald" 0 rant of law York.,praldant of the siaoc/ntiOm, presided.

Ka j'cec Expects Big Year KANSAS errs. Mo.; Nov. tie-Signing

of Our vowel tar .a three-day nitro la Mimic Nall of the Munlclpesl Audlrotium In P'ebninry'"r..a ammuno_d Mat wr'ek'by George L..Oseldmsn. in charge of_ legit productions bere. The list ot.attracttons for current season looms 'ass recoed breaker now, wJth appesraneen,of George N Cobsn. Alfred Lunt. Lynn le"Sieenne. b`ltul' Harrymore and Prank Craven booked, Jeunee A. Nixon to Sallattitg Cold ran n_

hateen itttdaat Theater, dtrreted by W. Zonal Lerner, will present Judgment Day at Center Theater begInnIng Not'em- ber 2R for an Indefinite run/ its recent produetlolt of 'Fenny ]Meer wen _a_sube:ma It «lima.

Broadway Arts 'Taken Apart in. WPA "New York Panorama"

NEW YORK. Nov. IA The first hnirut a two -volume gulddhook to local life. Yarn 7ciric. Panora me, by the WI'A ?ott- met wentets Project; which includes all Itie Brnedveay arta, its* made It. *ppear- aretC end la now reported te have' gone Into its filth pedaling. with sake total - in More than lOi000.

Pulrilallecl-by Random Reruno. at .3.30 per copy. OW volume'elbcu..ea to essay rorloi all branches of city activity. in- chiding all pleases of the arts. horn the tbcotcr. muslc, mollOn picture:1 end ra- dio to a cha.pi- on the Wortera Par. -

PtibiaCaUan of the volume' Tees'etr_ red then the Guilda' Committee for ~Mal tenter.' PLibUntlonl, heeded by Prank-

1,KETI RíS6MgD' SiAT - PAD --Seale COUPC»r DOOKS-Rit.YAtlR4NT ctiEcsi't SALES 8O-K^''ItTID

ALL CLUED iOi.Má {ae LAfaiYLTTE ST., N, Y.4. ire? N. DEC nOAN. Chromao

t le 115 e.NESTN iT ST Platte.


10/46 adte. $ -SO

TEN ROLLS 3.50 19FTY R Á OLLS 1S0 ROU.SrZ1000 cabe

0.~C,....*.. Pon Pn I No C. O;, O. Ord... 1

Ilit Is.. mama. -Bruce Bileen and Morris I.. Itrnst. who act as 'penile?* of the projects finished works, Reason for this lee that the teetered government Li not Permitted' to engage .1n ncttvity that would appear- tot -compete With private.

More than two. yeas In the ranktna, euitttoyltid haándreda or writers, reenacts ecekrra, p1:otegrepl.ers and clerk, t - took devotee town' to aepºsate -cbapteta on the theater, 4Entra-nces end. Inilt.i 'popular nitesib (Polk Tune to Silting), motion pictures (Pimentou in Palaerel, radio rI.VOtt.n o: Whitens) and eh* World** Pair lPertsphere land Trylefe). ehch sub)ect te presented coinalae], ,tai records, the Lmportent and retain:ion, sty phases Of heads evabJteet.

Oonenitanu foe Isis theatrical iseee-mn laelurttd Brooks Atkinson, 'drains rtrl'.' of no New sort rows., Terry 11015 aye, editor of Motion motvree rigid; Jumen Shelley Hamilton. National Board et

Weir of,Mo.lei t Picturear !slink i,i -rtu- ban. Near York. WOtid'a paint . -P A-

Strroá, mns1Q medic of the Nei? Tioh and Pred_erld A. Wiliest Columbia i ije

~tin* Ca.

November 26, I938

Ihtia uqrxi ó firlei t. b ens; m doubt about t!x'

attmulnting effect the swing cram hilt had on the band buetheas ii La ºt interest to take. casual [natatory of the .trzart bas the' indirtdlul,mualcian. There am," tense not ,long age when ttee per- sonnel of a band -except alien eontidttn at an ensemble. meant little or note&. lag, either to the zilch who buy Innsell

bndy or to the I4:~pvbLtp, ';l, advent of radio. With the c Bassi eltminat tier of '


oonatdiratlo,- tntnlmtzed even mare the Cootrtbutforn or'Indlridual musician to the ha many prodttced by a routfoel Organization. Net that ork loader have at any tine failed to properly eratnnte tbo work of, atrihnentatlutt HUI tip until the 1-e the -awing enure bit the ,:vy(atry, :met spreading rapidly, thrttout the world. the crattsmaivabtp and, technic of lndlvicuat muttelans wee something that we&

reattletod .in ' appTeetatlon to the :cal' !node o: the trade. The geniuses o'taa darito% trumpet. drums and tai were riven their little analRt during reads. ttora of orchestral numbers but only to rare inatañoet wee this' ncoordild-pitlic aoolalm; theirs one an esoteric actietty. Their' date handling 01 iateleeIe arrange. amnia, their little nuances that to= it. fabric -of excellent mtidctansbep.-.tots were Nan in the larger picture of a Rosy welt -knit band. Swing. with its aeons on Improstsat:on lend bartnOautte been, eh.ltnged all that. And' today the r.ine bond Ia we good as the etunllatera rho work" Under its banner.

Before a -slag cable slay ]

a lender 's Y'3

a rep caned am m all. ass a s foe .tinee else with a pick-up band on a tour. Tee audience', to the _provinces and even en Tsroadway wore content to see thee favorite waving 'the baton over a magi of mttstekom turning out harmonies d tólerable Teeing. The boys belied tat music Stands were merely lnlpeno'-.l milotllo beekground for the real Or feet baton antics of a leader who in one way

or another earned himself 'a name to

the dance muele btntnces. Today 'the experiment le .IrequraCf

t.-ted With aonmetentle nnfavorabbs re- sult/so: rending olri - nntie With deaths drawing _poser and backed by a tool with no obtatanding fiiairulntntelle- That tbei Is tried again zed mien' despite previoiti failures le natant:inlet, typical Of thin htatnch of the Oscar 1rad-

tt..,._- Not many mneetroe and teek handlers are in a position Otentab; in

pm'ont by us. citetakar of Milers- h some, that most every man want to as for bltmself has` hot the iron to-.1.W tow eaepe uriacathed.


Of cream this applied opettly to the

bat'bitnds, but the sweet bands ose ft1-

iowUlg tits uatnt txatad In their 'expel' emcee -`ito .it unpredictable and edit pttbile. a a .h sweet bands t91

reside eta .41 aintens when the 'room are delivered b1' noddy tWbtttUtea ant we Carr pO'mtn-b wet wsrittd .to mutual nams--to apn.!st out Landing tiara bands keeping their ligade wen show writer In teen terrine Awing current that

would tote dettntjety" their boxcdez app -ti wit;last tai'! eontrtbutldns <Teel subdlner, ~mentalists and womb& who v, m Lttsd to the level of jut= mast, by the response of the public. IT

eittsadance at theaters and ono-leigbtal rand by fin lactates for air ftropene».

' Zhnandbooker of nand endey can w longe. cell h to riot] every maim tense In the Dar..." and aktkttitutee aro'rmented ea

ad -.pings G Uto k

pap 'buj rcorg

Thane batdltyee

dtrlda; .

course th0_tmpOrtarn Item, but he t9'

g ird proper teeognitIon to hie o.unru' aTo{.illats and Lnteruntentalltts

ttire-" the Sate of an sttrPOtb01t brim:

ultdtnr downward, ma the boxes efslde.

There ant s awing -crazy college -e

I tit Ar'4ÉIce who 4~0'1 know' the new and echici'Soteents Of the outama'. -

tttieistctans and singen In Ukr eounttP Ioa,LIpg bands. With the etOtne-r -

pray given to batada by COWL* aibreeiboys end airs lT u. untie-

st ate_ bow ring tea coanpbe%ely reva- ttO;aZell the band industry. rLr oat no lo:met do lain thivtaen aja'rbic talk and pialm mts^rpreltmteitar deb ~more orthe elintorners ahe -

ie exted'toby btO rnstotnºrn know ire

laid cuts Or stttlatn r'ge tar better :re no doe-. )le Js Led by, the node by -5.

(Sew SUGAR'S AouiMo on lxie sJ1

A'ore'FtrL¡'r 26, 1938 - -_ - GENERAL NEWS The R111boeeyd 5

Broadway Beat. By GORGE S.PELVIN

BROADW4 TT theaters are cubing In an publicity more rhea over rla ads

taken by department stoma late& -b a two layout for'faka `'t th Avenue. ten. tarlag a photo bf Lorinn-a photo with plant)' of gornph. . . - The. .copy. aimed to sell corsets and U. tees oil with. "H ym+YO R figure Uke tQlle you can alp this ad- lit dollars to doughüute

mrn the ad wile ream' ducats for f Marrltd Mt , et than hornearee for Saks.... Speak - tog of the stoves, LOWS &.Taylor$. whtdi to rrdbeautitWby taat «Christman with e window dtapliir aturtna ootittng_but hugs belb,,,000rea again with a full dla- play that hsá nclhltng lit ft btt't w *now. eternal no mesthandtae; nothing but pals, And Et probably beta More people lilt the atom than any merohan. diet OIIDISy In town.... Loretod, the oft- poetpmwd Jacque* looser, show that beasts four produeen (count Ym- e:0:11. to out to get the.pCst¡ioºiemeot oaf. Ungar" ,record fir the shalom a sholt art as' Cut out bit the Wit postponement.w

er° end ncrs that 'Ws been

put off fee - couple twine Weeks Portlier latenalne acrtpt aid 'cast changes are prom` Sd: It's had three c are:^tom no. far and two leading ladles: the players are e, full salarlog for this latest re -brutal period; and It woes replotted that Philip l erlvato, stan stayed away front, re- hearsals.tor a white, claiming, he, was tilling to do anything, they wanted him to do. but he prorerred their knowing what they wanted first. , .. Do tryouts meta anything, The Ply/Ma Gisybnrya

got t loved: ble trade rcTiewa !n Baton. will close after the Hub engaase ;tent - while &f,u*bfrda, which Was brevity panned. will prob ebiy opera on Broadway neat weak. , ...31d Heller. preen twat. trick nu Bflfbcard'a recant die - 'mutton on doubletalk. aserlonsty; he *rote the ^doubletalk Werth' glean In the at cy'on a nip of paper and cant a the dip arourla With Wan wbienaser he has t few seconds he Lila to traetnortze an- ent T 'a .rd, . . When o local pp n. approached the Craw Cuban. new Latin ai'gbt pat. to ask for the job the owni+rs

i Cad him that Mx other p, w,5e had abroad, wade offer* saline from 520 to IMO n k.... Some hungry p- n,' e -king ea low u 1LS a week to handle nitn:zlc4.

Cite recently ran a atl1l from The CIÑdel captioned. Jbebert- Donut pea. trays the doctor at grips loth, eorrup- tlan" yid the picture thanad Donut err=crntag Rosalind 8tslrou

The Introductory lyrics for the new thaw at the Oki Itetunanlan greet "tr. George opelato" and. astute ,him that be will we' almo mighty fine entertain- rarni ail of which La very complimentary -Mtt bstors,the producer* okelud the IyrIOa there was quite out argument s to whether It wculen't be wiser to pint the !yrdes at a nettle mole typdaal of the iPl:rons-a Mr. Shapiro, toe example. . Phil Goldfarb, 'blind accordionist,

abeam s_famltier figure on the aide. r at'I* Of Times Square for years. her back the suture again: it seemed- for a

, `,Ile fast year that IW4 finally found c nletta for hineelf, getting n two -51413t13 Italy at the 'Village Barn --but ho prob. bl found out he woad make more

S70oey roaming tau wriest* than pinyiefr libe At the 'usual laLrks.

il1aeMurray, night club p. n.' la g colutian far 1Vher£ 7b Go. local anises sni rheot. . Eddie Darer, hand dewrit La-i a o'g and Eddie harts. the 'Pto end Eddie guy. are trying to work

M semi way 01 arelding the oonfusSon. Mlrgat'Rnblf., of thei Robin ~era Trry Italy these days u'lth thb Young mean Artiste, a new art gTonp: _lbs'S üu.te a painter hrnlf. The Bartel Yorker braes VIAL MGM spntout

Chenl re for The Great Waltz t week Containppb a plug far Torrarny

-mated wwrnitzInahe'd ®stno stagy endl

spot: the' hotel bold. r` client:anti= aont,ent. iii tae - É9 with mole.... TTtaT ey Myron Me- bllelt walks oft with the film tendon

tR ... Onc-tltfrd of a nattOay, moon to be tlrai - - Gerald Griffin went On tt eccendy and' dropp-d 49 pounds, no "-sw Ur. epchtn still liar hope..: . :Li .Mann, voatllat with Enoch L_ight'y

It the Tuft fetid quite a or). think twice now before acoepting Mast alt the tut ant. a college hop. r Pendent. began ripping Maven iron mesaºe satin alntnit wound up with dray.

Santa a la no tie

PIILLAD61.PIlIA, Nov, 10, -"The Girl In the Gotdflah.Bowt" stunt that wow used in local niteries In past tea. sons will be'cluatetil elf for the Moppet undo for °headlineZ"

But UW.cad of hawing a ;Live :male the stunt will feature a fitvbard- blood Santa Maus behind the :nett Jew_ Stunt is- being bought' ty' toy departments of local stoves. sad Bran. ley, manCCer of tbc_ Fay'a Theater here, holds the copyright.

"Prolog" to Chi; Loop Unit Heavy

CHICAGO.- Moe'. 10r -Federal Theater, e1®eournged by the, income o/ The MI-Kadó. now ,In tic eighth week *4 the Greet Northern_ Imported Prolog to Glory from 10ew York for' n' rim-st the.binck- atone., The modernized version of the Gilbert ,and lealnien operetta gained tome stanch Supportersifor thePJ` grouphere

and n.eaptpanion tilt is igured to solidity uncle Settee podtion:In'thoao- cal theater.

P-rn return to. two houses, with :t13 ether legit strongholds. going fill blast. b giving Chicago ono of -the bluestNovembui.

in seasons. Auditorium lie booked up with The 'Women. `earl rd Rethn Re l ipht; :Barrie la drawing capacity trade with, Saerrn-and Goa, Sel- wyn OAOLinuIM.atrong With Of Mice and Men, Wenger hex Dame Nature and the Luntai In Amphptrton Jd., ónd- The +Sea Gulf Oil tap, and the Grand changed to Oo.Bofroteeed Time_

Ethel Bttrrycurre In SW'hltooaks.wlll Sol. low Of -Ailey and Men into the Selwyn November '30.

Ada -Katz. at the Auditorium, and Tboda Cocrott, or the. whinges, report, reeFcctively, encash:me aeffanoe'edlte tor - both rd. Rather Se Rtyftt and the Lunt and Peintanne rijarla.

Agents Stay Nixed NEW YORK. 1foy.,10.--After receiving

objectIona front two dilfraneltlaed agents and bteesttgattng the pleas, Council of Actors' Beatty --reaffirmed its Original ist6..atlona on the ground that tbesp- peals did net offer ouffleteit orbeence to Warrant reissue -of licensee.. Michael 2Si'erbeergi .and AI Wilton the,' bra who had TOOdared object -Song, dLd net re- spond'to an Invitation t0 appear In per. won before Council

Air Acts in Flesh PIIILADB.PmA..Nov- ID- Thxee mem-

bers of the WCAU Staff nee making per- eowal appearnrfce.s thlaeweslt at the. Car- man Thrill,. Tite)''ans announcer BLS Dyer and vocalista Larry Vlnorsit and Kitty Rallan.

Dramatist -Mgr. Tax Sock n NEW YOR3C, Nov. l0. --Exemption ca' an independent contractor morn em pployce statue under the Social blraurtty law no/lf leaver the ptayvtrtght.producdr

young man "jith a corn


if 1a-:rte?sfee: hadn't bothered him ale thoband probably ewouldat be headllafág at it.e Goss Bondara. You see. d was Harry's corns shot tipped us Oil to La layeMo sound sye:emit'With our new five "onto" aeodeL Harry aóloIrumpse from his seat; and we're-curremtiy banging the ho'ina down with our deductive arr®q+monta,


Orchrtri, lémdore erei'ywhºrd are hip. dip,, I

hooraying Lafayeito's new la Watt: 6;Chancel r,z Portable Sound System Ehink ot'itt Five mikes -- i

towolk with and ail Indivadually controlled! Put Owe In the limas oodlON Caeeher'la the wood. wtads--o'thtrd bytho strings,.... Then adjust oath «re'lo just the ",rlathl" volume -eat Out Orly I

or all-ei,twlat of let hand end Ire dorie..Swing ¡ ( It:Nat a with Lefayolto P. A. Modal 3J3-í Is coo L [[

of á. Complete lbw of`Larloyette sowed systems M

In ow FREE catolog.'Señd for your copy today. '





$112`2 Win° S 11 1C iñQ ,NEW'YORK,N.Y..e CHIQCAGO,ILL: , ATLANTA, GA.

'BOSTON, f1xTH AYtrnne 4OtW.JA<atONetVO, 2t'S Statures' t7a1tF!



r` ' SEND FOR loo antrN hv.ltKLfS. NEw LL

t= 1

¡ gush'FREE 1830 Ccter]al Na 7321E< ; '1a `' THIS Nɵ r t

i ' 1` 1


i rilil 0 a . IT WILL SAY['rOU MONEY(' I ,. Seaft -

94.......7..........7.,.........:T7 üy... . " w .----.. . t As.' t .

aTOCK TIC1r1CTS OBI ROLL....; .50 Vhf aalt3... 200 Tilt ROttf,. 5.50 FIFTY SOUS.. 15_00 100 ROLLS ,.. 29.00 ROW 2,000 inert.

nestle Courant. -Óoesle elee.

NO C. O. O. Orden alts: Mot. T9r4,. a».,


THE' TOLEDO TICKET CO. Takao. 11. S. h.



Roll or Mathtae. 10.000 ..$ 6.95' áo,000.. 9.13 20,000, ,. 412.25

100.4» ... 20.00 1 ,-.00.0:0 150.áo

Dc i. Coopers, Settle Print.

incorporated open tº,thlsTour. Wth in-

ripEGiAL OFFER talá0tporatod 55a with w fleet euchring

DA -

UM against ~ego Abbott, State's la based on measure which_ texts

Ilrtllvldusla foe income carnal thin ac- tivNlea' widolt might well be done by at COt ratlOf." *Mazy ltdahsr.- «Herne, 'foe the Dram atlbta`,Oulld.'Intends to bat- tle the haw on theary that the netivttles bt these groups are profcasional

CBS -American Record Déal To Be Cotñplet.éd This Week

NEW YOBKNov. 10r-Purchase'of the, American Record Corp. by . Columbin T'eedeaattug Jaystein, with Moyle COrp. of America as n silent p-ivtner with CBS, 9/b* well under way tjlts clerk. A CBS

,apokomnn Intimated Prided, afternoon that white the deal bed not been cam pletely aertled., agreement had been reached on major points leaving detail. Foe to bo 'cleated. Settlement is now considered likely for next week: 'CBS w1.11 -a/splits Aensrlotte, label*, CO:Wibla. Brunswick and Vocnllon. Herbert Yate, now heado tbo American ownmblp.

As reported In The Billboard this seam raw', CBS Doi had Its eye on the re c0.dltag-coatpanr for some time. the deal supposedly º:iginatinrt 5 the Idea of Arthur Judson, CBS concert .inlet.). It

C.:aitd that Iaee-tz Of osm morcid mne commitments 'CBS «Fuld riot :Tare fame to XlerJueip7n's oo0tracted concert per- former radio time for build -Ups and Judson tsar hlndereat In hie/Ste of talent. ft le now advanced that In red of ..1,211 - eon fairing Co benerlt to him laualaction

by hit aaoctntlon with CBS, he 5111 be able to spot We talent -on recordings and lbw 'that way contribute bath to lneoet&., and build-ulr_ - This la largely Fa+bbie by the coiasideitbly tnereaanl est0'of phonograph records within tots

rpmts or 00. Suction wants the Columbia cl_t-caa music /abet. glthe Music Oorp's plate In the purotuae hu born denied. authorities state July¡ C. Stein. MCA head. definitely .flutes la, the purchase.

Trade knave that CUS and MCA work elawety together. It Se reported that moat at the MCA trendaaucb elf Yummy e0orwey, Benny Goodman and others. now recording - for Victor. 310a-alliC al:llint-. and Deems w.:ards !re at used with Victor under comparatively short TAftns. MCA v:llt then be reble to place its bands on el , own tooOedis4f. Associate MCA hat, eyed the rsoordln business for >oart, tiles, oven to Coned= mina' building n OLant. SICA will coo the Rruareacic and Vocal: et Cabot, pop. War must* discs.

sM[nt«A'e NO. i SaryonnrF AtMOvla wan rOflIO tfl:ae Yul VN M.Reep, wt ey s_amee r

aeei = -eMt 'ee rdluL aw-e++-o enuwi nu etYsaY tap eels M 131.00 we Cr ~pram o=awbSteOG

Fee Canfºr, heir,


Be & L LUaRaTORI!ES oet iT. Padua el., Ohknr, nl,



*Ná1'fALTtiii-te Twee Wiiccs Trwsw, S KIM nit. -..M an. Vt. ty Prwrame iM.a IN of re, erói wilco. Orwae to, i

. .

s . d- _t.l ene se r I ~a ._U.

I ISTOAE STATE'AMI$!MENT CIRCUITS : warao vP.ret.._a+s, clueawean. Pa 4,.ghl InMat thole Obwel O[. -Nov M 1a.


'ATARIOHOTEL" Theatrical

$1.00 Up DOT $5.00 Up Weekly

620 No. State St.. Chicago, SIL 1,

MEL RALEIGH Wien Yw'Cia Pm, Agn[..e-0,4Y OR Matt

sae ero. OtARSOiIw iT:. OHIQaOq- a - s[qz. ba.oc Oáaall I+.o4 M


r,rti.aMM.i balms retaat'--_tMásh iot.L

fi The Bilthoard GENERAL NEWS Nooemhei' %-'ót 2938

: 1



Yn br Sony dark. luxuriant rs'i pools of Iorttierra >.t

1a lastalnty sod sadly alt !aY---:ee Mi cars. elttR Solid

Canoe feral. Herr is the very ease nee drtsr cclam. Mar' 1 le '[armless. tear-pond,

Yee waxy. brads, or tu mmy. Applies dmply, seeoot111Yigive.

chita,rei app,eragr..tavoli to watt ladies tort. >7ore'tha. ere ~lion brawn.wire ~urn Erect Fatima Hollyy- wood hoc itorbelitse retntarly. 73e evreyahrte. Bhek, Wowe or War.

11'^ tt.eeatneth 31lybeltine P.rtbee Pencil asst. te.amy . ]t1'tAllne bye Shade re Soatrri 'or shades carat bar no. alas arch :he mat -Ara. Gracious Intro. ductpy .toes r1 an 34arb nice ,ire 8eauir Alds obtalnaiie at t0eitc ea.

TODAY --411cow. t. -s thrift, se fay to Weather. more Mean n1 let beauty -..Oita 3lsybelllné--- inr eye [mice -rip to toed'tYut

.11 .- 1


t lo-n.



I N6fl B

C1SE x

i "Tin story of the

famous Alison= robin end ducelebnties, told by Pis owns[- assuager. Best taléa Of en inn since Chaucer stopped at the Tabard!' Illustrated..

11 33:00 - STOKis;

EVERY MA,N era snow ousiretaa or timba KIND

Ikeda tea R.,,i a. + i

!o i1e.

d, ocie 1. C{:sr.'31n sRaa4 I1u 14.rtwr t a rum' 15. asP-a

cool. PO_

. wei[ a", Writers. airarartx.itsto1 In.


THEATRE EQUIPMENT NtW &. I .4. 10 .41.. u...s s.rt+=r ti,.,. Weaera arrrr.rlw+: Irn..Ir.tM

r..,.aaa r..ras. e . ta-nrn ......e. Mr. r.ten,r.w r.s.,.. .r WW1 ....,.rr ...,.n.+ .`.Laa,> en-. r,. M...ri..r. sar...e.

.. w m ,,ma na rsa r..r.

use S. w..hewst. AWLc,tec.aoa. mama .A **yaw. 1r-



, 1. .;4,a4,V.'.ce ir'1r:l:r:., V


'cago Supper Clubs Seeking Upper Cru$ters

CHICAGO. Nor. 14.-Sansrt sod Intl. Matte supper room" are !toady Ilndtng lavor with the soclnbtes diem?. Beret*. fete In yeClusian In thelr own private Cube; the social regfttetltte are being drawn by tlnasual entertainment palliates to the commercial roorrui.

North Strte's Cotony Club. operated by Nick Darn rind 8cnnp OOIdatene. _H, e success -tor the. diet time since being re- modelled fast year, Club entptoye high- priced albtrn tam lt s that hve'btrtn Rñdeng favor with the Ultra Crowd.. Dwight "1.1te and Hildetprd. have been wed. and Nan Blnkat.ono is current_ Disttoc- Ilra ad,eirtiatns Cop? draws theeattoaton of the tipper -class IPadcre.

The Pump Rootn In. the Ambsacactar gait. managed by genet II1Motd, la ea - magnet for et good portion of the cream of after-thcnter trade. bet -up la highly Modernist«, ,but S UR Inttnlite cootre> to furnish a pleasant atmosphere. Follow- ing In the footªtops of Other*. spot, L -using popular enterrtalnára. Briteld brtmy,a In Corinna Mums, Spanish /Anger. next meek for vnlInddyáfte engagement.

64,18 another-lendlhx split eying the .Apptr cult is the Balinese Room in thé BIachtone Hotell. 'traturing Inruu- attrttaUsta and a atnget. Aleo banal. of heater the only'ewpper_dance. floor in America. Among smaller rooms UNWIRE ettinine efforts to get the 'formal dlnera are Iabell.., Adolph's. the'-Yar, Monte -Cristo. Old Heidelberg. L'Atglom aunt Spiro S. ldoetsof U n,feature foal, and atmonpheneh kn.eddlUen to Lntlmate en- tertainment.

The- leader* employ Drees agents' who tierle on Lisa sexterty editora end the More v:tdoty read eolumnistai to emphasize the "society Pet clervoths angle.

-`Borrowed Time' Hass Ace Cast 'in :Chicago

Ci11CAOO. Nov, Ili One or the beet all-round ca, to to do 3ustlec to a straight legit play here ls cuññently gracing the boards of the arena opera Home to Os. Boroaerd -T'lror. Dudley Dots Is probably_ doing the best work of his career in the 'eharacteclttatten of Jn11'n Northrup lOrnrnpa)` who alone la Left to aire .tor ehº tovabte. arplafir ed grandson; Pud. He breathed life Into that ,root. enjoys _At to the afh dc4:rno and le a meet Mph -alive personage Mira - out ',the duration of bagel (*Mortar*en- ttgbton,ng dramatleittlon at the Law- rence Ms -cards Watkins. novel.

Tommy Lewis. an adorable youtisatci, doll tub justice to., Pud. He has nos soaring arnoirat "Of coil-oomflcdnor. stage presence. understandingq of /tan d iU l- sy and of Use general atmrephere In this hilarious play Prank Conroy, to the uncomfortable role o1 Mr. Brink, who cornea for people allele -1e~ on Me la up, WOrce with conviction and a Une Tense of theater. He chines to the fading seetle,'when. pernsitted'by °Amps to descend from the tree to Corry Out his






., ifad,f4: 45 n : r_= a_,.4acr+: .-ermdr: ti,-e:,,i

job. he- forms the Old man by. taking along the ugtin:Unate and crippled Pud.

Brief but itympathctlo le the portrayal at Granny by f ranee Ba7tey. end properly stem! Is Jere AdiIT no Aunt Dtnrtetrta, who -wenta to adopt Pad be- eaube ,at the IiaCretlyo insurance polity left by. bis father: Who: with his wife., was kilted In Af'auto crash. -The laughs are m1ny. eapeclatlY In the ̀ eottt'et'satiOna between Pud gild Granny and during Granny's iredatence that he has the power to keep death tip e tree. PAW, O'Donnell. Jackie Algae. Clyde prankUO, RLOharel Sterling and Leto gckoes con- tribute ablo support_ Sam HordpflCrg.

Ice Show Does Big In Pittsburgh Week

PrrTSINTRoH,: Nov. la.-Despite tin- -nettled weathers opening night for the Winter Sports and Jntenattonaf SkI Snots, booked to for a week at Dugtusne Camden by the Harris Amusement Co_ was a near wll-04Lt. In competition with the Auto Show and Rrat,.tilght of Lelnt- POaltanne at Nixon.

Getting plus, In department atoll ads rind windo ». on daily' newspaper aparta and theater piges and nearer the radio, the toe and ano'. allow cotbterS night club s itertalnerti. formei mnrie skaters and athletes. Oiirdeiz is dlvlded into thine ~reed, treat sections. el. *1óO ,and e9. Aióean later this ' +on be solve of rodeo, $nn)n Hama Ice show and mLoellaneous attractions.

Cant Includes Vern liñtbe- Hazel Franklin. Alex Hard, the Ioe Means. gains, Grane taw, Dr. '8prou1 and hie 1.1tsm0 ifunewr, the . Se:ler Brothers. 18 pro kl jumpers, taowahoe and slalom racing.

WDAS Le Really Serious About Factory Deals

P1IUL,LADFS.PHHIA. Nor. 10: --PbUawtng experiments made py University of Pcnnsylvani$ psychologists proves that pe ems -w t -k more omoiently'to mute, WDAS oniciala have, [[bade a teletidtOtie celilPase_ of nmr..utncturing plains awning factory' tycoons the idea- of tastatlnty radios In their photo ,and keeping [tined to the station.

W DAS's proud boast le that from a_m,: to S:30^p.t . there are continuous musical programs emanating from the Mallon. Station made the move to corn. bit Milne of wire cervices lotting to pump. continuous music into factories ono private herrtee_ se:ttal rannlyanlesi reprerte, getting ready to Invade the PhILly +terrttoe-y,

The Only breaks in - the mlule on WDA$ are. three -minute nisi fladsid -eft y hots bn the hour.." A_ae7r angle on now Basting het: boon added by ate- tlots. Listeners are dneited 'to phone its between Stash' and ask for latest new,.

"Needles'" Oil-a,sd WñierPreen: PTTrffiauhoR, Nov. 10.-ifIron cell$

Wftnree unique Drat night November 21 when ILOWU presenta Pre, and' Needtea to mixed audionee of )ewreletudded co- daw e* and manual laborites who will be paying benrit-show proofs tor the Prderated Labor Schools of Wetrtern Pennsylvania. Co -sponsored by a coal. [Tutted bringing together such people as Mayor COrneiiue gouilya Judge LOte He- Brt4e. SWOO chief PIHUp hurray and Pree:dent Leo Abernathy of the blUpoat- erM union, the charity ,perfórmanee,wln abio,marts drat anniversary jo -'cast that opened In New York, Norm/ter 27 Last your.

-"Bight" Chorines May Do Dramatic -Benefit

PrrreituRonf, Nor. 1.1).. -Three weekly claims to acting, tap'dnnctng,aod ballet have become diet for chorines and un- dotitedlen of 1'd Sáthee Ac :[!,rich tour- ing company. Unusual in musical abo7w. Cohan yatng ters,ctudy dratriatteit under Reitz Jaeavis1 sealetid by MO) Denetock_ stock. (georgic Tl.ppa'teachcrs tape Mar- garet P3t]de,handteg the 270.1IOt.

8tudenta are rehearaine Spring ~toe and may preoent herteat performc,DH* when 'directors feel they are ready, In' 'bSte'er City they h pen' to' be .In_

Clnb Eh -jokers' Clan Gathers ICE%P TORN_ NO -v, 1.0.-With a mCRtb

yet" to so before private entertainment bOOtters meet - hito to form a rational

Get into the Read Show 'Business

Hundreds of own are 'making big money - operating Talking Pietua. Shows In Nunde$oss 'cóm'munities_ We rent 16 men 'talking pictures fete horn 520 to $25 Per week and rent and tell Ptoleelors.

Write today

ideal Pictures tuorporation Dept. 8. V.

28, Eats- 8tth Street. Chicago, III.


Ort.* naem._te+ u are.nO

y Leú'id3ll:ú v,r ¡.`"S1.2S Y If.elloe aatwd a t tamer IgeseOo.-Ya'eV "e

I .r t{.1f1ts OItAnO wra a 1rÓvet17 ao_ 14 Was 170. at., Mw v..t Phm=MJa:tena n-]a70.1



Tsre is at roosaw sally peer golpa,tat ,'s't .1.-.otloe tigAr, W. rabbi all tpt:a1 ett repolr,, FAST-a+d RtAfOMaBLY, aas.

, ,aaraes'Moathe.p w este:


717 Weir tbre is. Ne.y Twa G,r I

tarna, s3t77

ROi]F iamb tit w e L


tear r.l Tsars-Nelda ni4a, . epasCee. Irk a

sties ver. gees!. .c . ar..avyia. We ir77Le

OOd.y anal. wras r-rÍ1n catalog aa. lawhwaM» matwl.l,. w wort r.i IllsiUL, N 4., ea.Nev aeretca' WOO LAS. .151 1í1a MNe nn, WiS.. ltntN._rlw

Don't Look Old XMAS SPECIAL sa0.00 ?mom be

aaINi.nrm..o0 to likate eopetne Co.

151 ,Memos tit. L." ,Meer

'association; six Stites have shindy made platta-to be on hand with reprt- aentativee, Besides .e ooatungoyst of tic

coining tram POdisdelphfa-'theta will W. managers from 1.teeA*ehusttsr, upper New York State Connecticut.. Ilbeela and New, Jersey.. Membership- la brief negotiated by Michigan and Calitocals s15w.

SUGAR'S DÓMfNO----- (Coattnued from pees. 4)

public and has to like It If be wants 1 remain In buttons*. Banda can beibeJl- 'siipp Hiatt the.m m' edhi of forced feeding Y ',stock -booking channels, but the reruns ere hardly tatting If the product Ls net se goof( es eh*,~Iceman rees ts to he.

pren d

Thanks to awing chubs. recordings trade ter tbe.siIng odds ts, radii» accent R swinging: -and UM powerful help of Mg anUelcale nxpplating swing; healte Ltd

habits hat beooetle wised up to music tº tn.)? highest (Scene. Antrala eafe,:o NW then the awrrage jitterbug can Pro tbe.bilnidfOtd teat In nintety-nine eatal Out of",a°huadrot. That's a hefty pit' erntago when one .contldr'rs how It net

been pi elide for syowmannbtp operL' lug' practically alone to push eentermitr melt down the mounds of an !Mulford public aver since the days Of the hr'dpn port tincctoc adopted by illy Rosa.

VODE.`rISIONS- icoohousuedrlroeet pope 31

Housea (ote od -Melon' A Garrick 'i -lit' Mcv. Norristown: Htppcdretna. potty town:, Grand,' Brtstol;. guano. Ire w ustoeE Columbia. XtttaIU1IOL dt P+ennuytsat and- the Washington. Wah atngton, DL A

None had used Gosh policy la peat 11:T


ERRING AGENTS- ' ° (Continued from page 3)

p'nOLÑ and satario..,, Thal" -[bees and MI

triplicate contract forms Equity .apitc to police she repro -n,

Two mew licensees are IRO Oinehes W AI, Oche.'who hold'pe'ralits "l!` and

Norr'rnhdrr 16. 1938 RA DI1O The Billboard T Condúcted b !WIRY FRANKEN--CorwmunleaIIIen: ro 1564 Headway, Now York Clep - a Rd0 Survey of iQ ena,



gY JERRY FRANKEN The third, a.d last portion of ilbe

radio ylroaratD íbrvcy of Helonrt.' Mont., 1oa13 eltkr the folortto proglnins of that dty and the sponsor ldontlacetion rat. logs of .there favofIto shows. The list of lgoat-liked programs' was obtained by airing tholes Listeners whp+ had not listened to the rbdie during the Past ªL boars to name their favorite program or piogram.a and the Pro lreeta advertised by there shown. The table co title page sloes the figures on,enewere received. COMM "pre m. witted received but one or two farorite lmottticna, are net limed. Tilly are available by writing the radio dapartiitetit of The Milhaud..

Jack Benny", hair -hoar proliram for Tello was selected by Helene listeners se their No. 1 ¿riesling fadorlte, with a local news sortee treaded by Teso,eo as it:C-6tcond most liked pffaring. Hoer - ever, B.ni1Yle ldcntifcat[on rating of 48 per cant 1e snaring. While Ike Texaco norm shows templed perfect Ideation flguree. 100, per -cent, the programs are heard several limes daily, whit the -Benny .elide' to heard brit once' s leek. That nasty three listeners Oct of 131, did not know the .prodiact i emertng the mend . 1 n's retries speaks for Itself a1iiishows- certainly Inoof*r as this Section of the country 11 cal- cermod. the.Btrength 'of this particalar proyrtm. It nYeo tltdIeates the,powcr of the wen -!lagged oomtnerelal, a feature of the Be,my sheer. Ateo- apparent It that. in taking the news spots on KPFA. Helena. TeSScot has scads en astute ~fir buy.

~ranking favorite. 1a itntotsa are Maim Bowes' :ma.tear show foe Chrys- ler. still howling along at Rood epeNi, and tied for_the trey spot another alto, mobil* sponsored show, the Verd gym- pho4y Boir., It 1t Intereettux t0 not, that carrying`the.Yord name iet the pr'o )arum title ̀ scums to be of lietp.ln ettib llehiog sponsor ldlltilicetidtt, the Ford thole getting too per teat correct ádaalti OOaliou. 3f6Joi Bower. aporteared by Chrysler auto Products, lire]odini'Dodge e nd Plymouth..had hfs correct [dentin: ciiton 112nres Meng there three, percentages on the three cats totaling 66. The answer. "oars," without gtral- fáCattom, came to 33 per cent of tbo Bowes- total, with. 11 per coat saying this did not Ineow the sponsor.

Fourth place went.toittno Heat encore IIow wig Banal Orosby, protrain get- IiAP, hip favorite °Álentions. Correct tdentlttcatiotra came tor' 2 -per cent, of the total. 21 per setat saying more]- 'ehee.e." without naming the Braun-

lecturer. and 17 per eent slating they did bet linos.

'911 To' Stivere'- rides strongly for a local Helens, ,bakery, the ''Lone Ranger". transarIbed series tieing the "to , ranki g pi ogram. iloponsor fa

(See RADIO $7kYrY ate pope fl).


l')lstitRriie-flt of ii Radio Survey of


Sponsor Identifications, Favorite Shows in Helena

Table below, itet.'raverttc. cvantno and dº1ttlme pcograma [ü Flelsos, to getlter with data on spemos ldeintllcatiori of tiles* programs. Itimedtatsly matter the,nasne of the progratn,ts a figure !hewing,how utany Balms llitamara. ac -their favorite. Below ore the various products named as sponsor. log, with -the flrst-nain'rl product allays the correct°Otto. Percentages are shown in the adjoining éolnma,

EVENING PROGRAMS risers, Wswfts.IYt.11e- Ynr.waas

114staaa tats,. ,heft Denny ......Ilrl

1.11, - 1211 Don!, ,Know ... "1

Mews .. 74- ' Tasae, ... . '74

lia¡ar now.s ,11.- 04711te 24 "mouth t 1 P lymatbn and Delia 2 Dade. ... 1 Can ......... _ 23 Don't Kee., - t

read loader Ge- t -Alt Hake .. Il-

ford , If Kraft rMatte Man.. 40-

Kraft Chess. 34 / 57 á Kral. Irotwatt __._. t ` Sn: C*eeró'-_ ....... . 13 21:: Don't it now 10 17

Lew. Ranter 37- rddy's erred 19 70r dddyt 1akuyy 4 II

Brand 9 D on't Know . Coed' 1

News of 191915- 1 araswrll Kiwi. -Coffee 19

Cal/to 5 Dew", Know 1

Kay Kye.a's. Musical Kenn ...24-.

Leaky Seiko 20 _ CIraMates 2 pone Know ... 2.

`ladle C.,f tér .... 21~ Camel, - 12 Clearatte, Deaf Know ,. 4

Lucky srnlre° Has Paiada _.. 21-

tucty:ftrie 21 Lee -Radio flamer 14-

tux Soap .. r4 ,3rrrn and Anew .. 9-

elunteatreite - 4 Clearness .r . , .. 1 Don't Know , . 4

Noot"aS Gan. Geweral " llerirl 7 Dent Kelm/ 2

National Darn Dance 9- Alk.4edise, '7 Dons Know .. 2


'9B' 2-S



34" S62 11,

!. 1go

33!;. 71'%


54: tr*

S7! 14er t 9%




7e -H, 23%

769(. Z-31%

t graso Na erre lacyne. ! unease canas ,

'Oau, kiln's Fe.Jre, 9-- rendeslcat tea - 6 Yea ... 1

Warn It al ._.. a- tad; taMsr .. 3 Dent Kaew . 5

Mawr 10 Andy .. 7 - Ca-aebell's Soup ... _ 4 Soup . Dory Krow ... 't

Chas. (r `S.ant»rñ Moor .7-

Oyu 6 $lobeen .... 4

Ge/ee - 1 D ent Know 2

U roseta - ,7- Gal.aub 4 Ford . t. 1 Don't Krial. 2

»awe Nall 4- Sal Nepatk. ....... 1 too. . -. 3 Ow.1 Kos,.,- 2

Cane Sullen ... S- alwolin

P alrwMhe Sh'In.Crtaw 0 Playlet Kasen. 1 Dent- 124e4..... 2

tdwrw C. kill 5- Ca.nebeSt Soup 4 Doh') 'Knee.' 1

InIMsarle. Phone. 5- ere leona.. Ced') Knorr .... 4

wn Carr bberdo ._. '4--- Don't Know. 4

Keno SrsI. - 4.- Catawse-Datlinr Powder 1 Oral Ka. aa ... -3

WaM cr flochen, ., Leine ..... 1 Don't [Know' - 2

Ben Berta Dew** Kít ew 2

Rka.trd Crooks .. 2- Lard Cad. 1

Oew1 Keen - n inny Ceedan. ... a- w

Care. ra ... Jbon1 'Ka.w

pettily Ttornpgw 1- tall Mill ..... a

Caneral Metric


DAYTIME PROGRAMS rawrsas isd.rttlr l'.er, .rue Sleetlea itcp

'News ` Teraco 231 C1.b Maur.

N. Preduat Dew4 "Know . 02

Farm, wad Nome Hear '50- N Pre duet Ado, ... 7 Don't Knew .. ... 43 v. Padden _

Onydat 35 Sea, Powder " 4 Don't' Ksew 7

Mies and Bob .. 22- whealfen . 7 tale MÓdal hour.... S Rea rlow 4 Don't Know .°... 6 tnrtb.6rt idea. 21= W e ree!_st Ad., _.. 3 Dent Know . It

n9/ 2914

57" 14 ' 24 e:z

N n4st. _: %

17. 350 20% 20" 211 *zee

t>1,t 1oq,

20;f El _t

et role P4..sarta ,Mania. Peeemi cc to Tie widow Between the Hoek 100%end. 243-

No Preload Adh. .-. 1 9% Wh Nee . . I 91', Dena! 'Know ....... IT

Marie K. 20- RCA 11

14% viewer;Badb I 1499R,dIie a Don't Knów f

76% Méehe..ln.taw .. 11i- 9% S.paNNr FN... 2

15%, N., Product -Abr. 11

Dontt Knaw ... 11 111. Pas l..-Jt7 War., 7= 23 x, Sege Milk 7 lees Tao Story of Slarp 27,%, , I4.r11. S-

I.ary, tap 2 14% Soso 1 Bá'í Dent 2

to' S


SS' 5%

15 as

44^' 77L



Lont. Early Dead Lino

$eeaus. MAD Dula oil 71. tldmYrd i . nodal ñrrelear, tt.* dad line tor It.. radto dcwremcet won 1a/.raced. Ctor:s:t Mit -wen Tlr.ndary lañN.w Yore

Listeners "Pay" For Sustainer

KKK YORK., Sow, 11~14 of baron tea, radio aidlenoe 'pay° toe existed - i111., broadeesa atxt. It possible, for the time .the program taV.Oa-of, the stations broadcasting the abow, is -now being tired cut by WQXIt, "New York high rtdottty station. and arserad or John fbepard'a New England stations. Bbo+r ' V called Ttse ~el of the Month Otnb. and Is bring produced by Atesoclited Male Publishers. F.titiOua now carrying it ore doing co experimentally. A review of the hers broadcast Oyer WQ3CR this Week (lt-ednn ley) will tie found h1 this It ue of TA. Vlitbcord.

Program textures a forum 1dí6. , Virt- ous esibyeeta ire ebeeto end discussed Pro erred colt. e.tth the program teen - gaited for station use. Typical subleca oé trio flat program *oneero.eds Jobe tar youni people. a possible 'United States- Anglo -Rachel accord ° Wt defend of de. motraoy and so on,

Derma4 the listeners wend 121 entitle them to a weakly ,ballot. go that they may roads their opinions on the telpica !nºowed. n is mid that there duxes pay for the production and olertcal eosiq of the ahóv.'. U Ibere le anything oft-, the <edit, It _gce.e to the. atatlpti tO pee tot time. Listeners are told that by paying they nrw.proaing_ on audience will pay Inc thelf sown" program.

Not So Palsy-Wa I sy TI'ween CBS, KSFO

SAN TR01(7/13Co. MOT. 10.-P74a11 Li_ P. Tarry: general ntan.aKer of ICROW- Salt land. has &once a dental that the wtattob tt*- been sold Of that any otters- have been received far Its p'un:htaae. Rultoora were euelettt tits week that the atatlga ssoiitd be- acquired by the Columbia lr»adolattn,j tiy/trm.

Irtsidan, boweser. feel that a ~loom !.reach lien art.ln he:~ WO and CBS ranee the Federal Cornrnuaicatteine eoatmtedon spiked rtntai application.

l There le also In Openlom that CB$_ la tttlasattafir'd with tY present 100-14 to bran Yrfnalarm,,. Network closed -deal with 7£77'0 two years is go.

COS headquarters here likewise denied that there had bales talk .recently with anyone OOe netted with ~M.

Prod Hart. fornmer owner of 10113123. Honolulu. hí.'i elan been ment$oped as a pOc able _purchaser of DHOW MOOR his deal to buy KYA. 114.12:14 -owned. ten Liana matt months ago. ' Twice this yLsr re- porte had ft that leitdw bad born sold but each time deal tatted to take 2hipe. Clitloo ID owned- by tins ydu&etional D rmdcSsttng Corp.

Royal Viaít Seen Aid To Set 'suleo tors YO1tK, war., til.-Viste- of Ding

wind Queen or nigh -aid to Camels hi N o prIng la recorded astikely to boort sorer sates and Increase radio Valance interest. generally. ,Canadian ieroedeudt- Ing Corp plons.tatenatvo break-3l0n{t to connection with itinerary et the royal trek.

Entimated - that 1.072.000 1Yoanu'd llw- eelrere, In addition to 400.000 bopthrg recelrcrs are owncrt in Canada Dow. Thu ootnci to about de per cent of the Canadian homes, ñ figure ooTatderr.Aty lower than is the ces. In the, orbited State*.

Optimum 4 traced too terrific h1 O both rnd10 and telat-tslon received In ate land during the Coronation.

PICLADLLPHLAt No r. 19.-Charier Dement, former .alternen toe V1P1113. t ore opened lira own agency to handle redly- aceotante here.

3 a is 'haring áala with

Harry Diboll.'&sea theitrttal booker.

B The RluttaaFld RADIO

Rñrernber 26, 1938

'Convention Arms AERA Board With Strike Power

In Ad Agency Nea,otiát.ions; Officers Re = Elected ne;rol:lsUofu with tbe.C10, and eentinur tare Nellte Bomb, aeeret4Lty."aad aNrvtn

such nogatlauoaa until pbeeo la t b- binterartttageepeCiatmention.l,1lllc-tnee ltshrvt ft-^tYlienet'ett and wherever banquet coeetmas.ter. Etltskms ware P1i11-

APRA rteretres rammed trout a corn- llyla, 1fT1t. 7iolt, Ptclda, Hether; Paul 'Rrr:

rnqritty- ter -ergantrntloh of an A1ntA ner, counsel tee M.O.-APRA: Berkey Jane.

tonal. die aatCpur'e COtneLLttrm will ro -n aoetato eonasal,; ~mum 'ltfnrsdea, of Berme n Ccereln,

7r-IA1"FiA arttld with

liruppert the R'xgntrr Ao ,,t at' the Thcreter Á tbosly- t?urvtd Jmtta,

5,.--1Y7tA proteins .M0 Mel ~titian en- -dent MEW lemma Oi $t: IAuia; Ken

et Jesr thud Cathnlics. Pinner, vrce.prtpatdoat' t9t. l,oub tocat, American !'ederatton 'ed 1KtOridatu, and Clyde 1t'eetoai. banana avant of Loc-s1l3. 1ATSE

Seek. Dime Nick on

LT. LOUIS, Nov. 10~Un1ty- .ai; MI - dent at the Lest r-aU aI connoteºrt of the Am;clean Federation 01 Radio Artaiaa, held et tie Park Plana Netet bard Neeember 14 and 1,5. ¡vier. were CZ.dOlc tee attmLdlne, With the excels -- Wm of the opening autos. ¡,teach= Rtorning. buatncta,aaatens v ;* -dosed.-

Acetone t_40 mrnt It ccetent reWiutl.w adopted at the convention Were: ¡.-The ltntlnnal heard is to gCnetder s pion or atatelmnuation,' to formulate wave end mearia ed it j eteeenplteh .trit end to

ter inlcb a plan to the rnerobeintilp for apse mat- to the raid that Use ~mete Ora ' - 4:lathlri of AVite, and tin ccitaosl epansering 'QrgenlinUoata may be e

dl tit'

reeled. 2.-Te !titian .J . eregootinit Coenmlttae be ~powered to amenably contracts and make and ytlae conea.-L1one. n:b)eet to the jee era. of tba 11ai.cnal Board., .and ub?tat tO rettnontLon od

inch Contraeta by the ..n-renbandtp. the. aauly lion need Geode Briber. by a ci -

rtinilon. were Omen al the Irfe7CottaUng Catarittce, together wits. the 11,-a1 de- p3etrrtent ot'APRA. 3,-4aroup intJranee OS APRA members' was fndoe tee end the National Beard inatruoted to ieelt-into 111e en:~ and gat early ecttotl. 4 - 'the l:atletial Board azaa empoe-trW to call a strike on cerement/el network pro. gram.. it end when Co.`Wdered advliable, dam the 3LegOUatib Cammittc.e. C. - Aflte urged the rxeCCIIVO aow,nCLi 01 the Atcriean Federation of Labor to .eyed

WW1 of the cómdng year will be cen- tered on a concluelan et'taomtuereial *a1 - work negntLittone and. ceilpottm bar-.

gaining ru'lotictlon for tóe, Iocale to Cincinnati. Detroit, Denver .and M. Louie: ntdotlstinos with unsigned sta- tion* en New Yore, CbCpa o. LasAngaler and *alt Pratuix« ale `fncht 4 On cd re - genetical. for llamas of minibus, to New

York, Ch~ce Lote Angeles end Son PrLlnel co. not covered by existing caw trnee aegitiat:lena for electrical ttwn.- rulptlot:a. _

Re -Eke -1r O/Jk. era

AU present officers were re.elfctcd for the coming year, L. e_ ¡addle .Cantor. prudent; Lowrance Tlbbett. tenet nee. Ipreeldrta; Norman Ptstde. second ,vice-, e dent; Samba Iteitete. third vicar=

proalrteOt; Senses Wallington, fourth rierpresident: tire. Bratty Roll. eieo= Olive sec -otters: Luc:Ire Watt, recording

dietary; perm e Reiter. treasurer. The d boned ekcud cOl:WLita oft "Bill

Mona. Di4.ned Arnold. Pbtt,Baker, EdIar Bergen. -'hank Chairman. Everett ,Clark. Ocorela Meld. lien arancr. John .B.

Mexico 7 Huaberi. Atex&Mcñee. Ann Seymour. atm.

Mexico Iteconsiders Kar. $¡,rata. Janis Wallington. Dtc4 Woltz and we Weyer.

-Chicago warn -elected as the :text con- vention city. rue. next annual ,se ton to ,be held there scene time la'Aua-uat, 193t. Norman Field- In the eibaetxe of Canter and Tibbetts, welded at all butanes.' ersf toot. ire appointed various corndilt- tece tohandlo work for APRA during the earplug year. The 8t. Lo1ne.Chapeer v a -a titan a vote of thanks for boating, lettb" Div Pbrillpe. president: Anon C. An. ebony. vicepttsldsnt; Dave Ward, trees.

N. American Treaty WA131171lOEON. D. Dh. !Vii. 19, -Wrpca

wavy buoyed Mt- w k for taernfnal Calibration of the No++h American lit sad a.tLng" Aserteaarnt by the Mextean

'Serene riea Inforwention dadttsteá :that filame ttal queries* Were at week In tarot el the dereuenºnt. Earlier repoa-i. that the ldextt?it body had rattled to ,ran the seram'ltt, cabled cotiaideroble g as. but Art moan die:o hate new breather a little easier.

Mexican eremite per-trd the Interne - dome! CCnverdion and the Inter-Aat^rh- een treaty. but tanned to nrra_der the North Amorto.n

Mott t van" to

than, U. g .. wee toipartant of tal.

since it mean, the high-powered herder nation, would be severely C1tir'p -d end

.earl tnlerf4^,rirca ripened Kira/rNL Cuba sad ten Mined theme have aleseely seer r'1 tbevnflvcs to -Cary Lout their -iron nailer, the ternrta at the Hatone ounten,rnl. dew C*nr4e bas antoathed t w.t7 tar its *.guanine. Amen -tan be. tirast* feel that.- the queestion cannot be aotticd until Remo boa ease into the iced

TTIa aegis there emoted airing trait. cations trial Mexlop wilt reOranalder Alta

aaLtsm so a result of attivttics 10 behalf Pt tit a/$Icernent. No other dll,,tntlttee between iba áxter rttntblicd, and 11, l~ felt that with the ºt1 I1nd eipttlpr -

'ton Mundy settleei them la tittle that the two enuttenn. Ctnnoe tattles, Aeoord- UY, to Intorreation beer., the eorntnunlpa- Pore adri e1t1iittnn tor_ the nation be - Íe." the Rio'.band. II solidly brhtnd.the lfertb Araeals ar. pact It la beta.. d

that these, will be acme effort to hove Commis -cow T. A. t L,Creern 1lat'e bit dW ien, rat the PCC'tdatx enough to talto A llyttt0 trip to Mellon City, '

Inc Menlo« of Mille a tpotta t W 01m- temula over thq taco ea hlyher frequent. Mee to tropical ladle a - Gerald C(.

on r--,. .blot e' the F'CC International Secetnn, weld Hark 'y 8. Ottoman, of the State Department Camanitblce tuns Dive.

Merl, ea -representatives for the Canal Zone. >J (]raven doe, not go, them two may.

Ad AKrticico 'in Dark On Wligt9-iionrfl. Stu tus

NEW Wade; Nov. 10.-Clarlttratldn of now seanate-aad4Loiti a law with respect to nr-ndve,l of aleortleika acne} peraoancl wttit prOt1bly wit be undertaken until appoints , ads, LnttratOrie to r 0ald the a a." memel» alit then

It *M a to -ahñilt toil Arse.. A enci t ore operating nutter wino

ecntueiroi raid./ now, with Z. Walter T linddl sem, fe, trstance. Ordering Its non chock then -Pleb In and Cut .fry Loam - !tiny and fiat wore mere than 441 .lours

u ex.

Broadcast Tickets "ti . IÁ418, Ntov, 10r --A proposal that

tiro American Federation et. Radio Attlete mupport a deal whaeoby rilt,ticketa to broadcast* would early a 1O -tent

CAatge Tat referred to the A1'ItA'national tamed by the APRA-convention. The ermige*ttnn use mate by Alan reornill. of the Theater AuthorityT which has )rerladletion over á1t bumble and wbleh goo a 10 ,per cent tutee of art benefit tneomé. this become divvied among per- former ehatitka. The TA Idea is that radio broaeleriata ton have e. lOreent nick wonted out in the Iaehlon "tent steotauitp !lnea bare arrayneg. Linea chin/iv e dime so board ships on willing days. Visitor* metal hlgnda or relntivr sailing on the ship pay tibia le cent*. which goes to aa.indigent seamen fund.

No oatetaI ward is forthcoming on mien a proposal from nrtmarka or ada- tirna. lnasda talk fa taint they Ob)eat to,it; since to neight be cona3deted ad. Mission end mesa Involved union corn- lineationn with octane baring dialer )tarlsdletten. There :a also doubt whether any Milne, mach as APRA. Could .-mote Lich a demand.

APRA to nircorntnJtel on 'the whole MOW but the tinhillels11 attitude is that the tfdio union, has many mocs preas- Jng prolitrbs, interne gained item the

Core tlewplsoposal would go by radio

FCC Surnmary stmt.( with the' neat ewe a eescasa

dayby-der summery of the ICC ahem

me_ootr ° 'hear..ik will be pub tibei re,ekly.. This preweNfln. rin enaita lead... Co ,telI, draw 41 a glance, wit is happeeing la Wahlnrran,

Musicians, Networks In Coast Scale Jam

LO8 ANGEL?», Roe. 14'e-With prosy leek Tenney aseotediy not to favor of the rnoee*ere ,Local Al found new In a hot spot tart week after dirat.-. the Male for atatt orks In the three Ma)or 'web

Outlets here- Beale now to LAS. awe price will be about 035 higher. anAkine wage 10la0.perman pie week.

(.Penn- and rtto:-ns here been heard trot ataft ark nv.intsers, who have rte Pealed Meal eal 47 to ..tat their jobs attar reba ' csóertodty turned thuente darn on the upping -lot the ech O. CBS

already flax six man; on .)heir nattee, with 1RIL1. Mutual ou let,- reportedly sandy to lot out thiee Staffers, and 'MO getting ready to ftee several.

Webs Bruits Dint Aida new ae'won by local ii breach of faith. Ira ntau -h a

meta Pat atgned ewttract with Piero - teen 'providing -S05 per week web for

tour -hour sax -day week within n 10 -

hour per deytkete..prend. Contract with ildttstlole states- that webs may two

atatforkn far'Siistalning fir comtmsr. Isl.

lee Ting It up to local union» to Up the Mello for eoatrn*Mlata it they ao dr T d.

IYtaror came with arnouneemcult by

RNA that tt was,uet eteft Ork on the Jet-- an show. Board of directors of 4i tt;,ueed that -upping the mine 135 would &Min the net* to em cams norelai',ora, rather. titan pay the extra net :for aloft banda uaod'on counmeretals. idea npper- ently was shell on papar. but when pre --

tented to network otfielats egtlaw'ke

weny.toud,eotd lank.

Schneider Texnns oil WFBC

anszon Lt*, S.. C.. Nor Me -Cotton Town Jamboree, raid to he the ntr.t,taarn denote staged °in the Southeast with a

regtonol partleipatlgin. bita been In -

FCCHearings Do Snail Act; nugurretcd boro by Dec nehnr:aer.and the Texsria" and' ta barra tinily over WFBC

tor Cota -Cata-. debt ldcr tiara the cm -

Looks Like i- i.,iJ Now R eeecs J3tnlwrrc bn*n drn'fing teoed

117ry OyS Ú-°aasuftiú iá ta"ttrt hour.

V'AI fltOTO'Jl; Ida% 19 bw lave KV- some needling. aAdmitted it ought to be . procesrdtngt atad.

Waded the FOC monopoly and chain iaroadcarting beertage after Ct1AL'rnin Prink'le. fte14'tnoh declared they would not be svraMble to those licking n rounding board for tbrmxtcca fir their orgenlratlOtu gloving at a assn* lrnee, the committee has hawed' to turn David Barnet*. president of RdÁ and .hate= men of the honril tot NBC; Prank l4..tan, ~age 1.^rgt-e Denied wow,' and Hugh 14. Unite Jr.. Id NBC exeen- tivra, testify M to th. eorpocate struc- ture of NILC, the operattona of the NBC

ñ rttab bunenenr,_ sod the statistical coi1- p0rleoha of 14Rc: program ~co wtth tore -tit tare watch t given to their er>OOtlme tivte-rlere.

Most Important development to aarnr out of the hearing, tea, been the as - reshot of FCC -is acting general counsel. WilliAm I. Dempeoy. ea n Very abloeAttor- ncy. Other 'attorney- who are "rcpro- soating other oo nparace and orgsnlia- lions planning to appear at a later date -

ni*ie taking Dempseya measure to guide their petbntta later In the battings.

.0anvereation 'In regard to the Lear- tat p' In, titan lns't.aetseert cenoerra the anions" griosaes its to when tut proceed. time wilt be' deoOluded, fbtlbtates made tram the -present'price put ;,ad)ournmeat as oocoluslon ,during she month "of February. Daily press Cotering the bearing to ..tying much difficulty In

Boding enough dopy to make cene good daL1p story:

tor&,snot. detailed gm:'rth of Rile, probe -.tat down 'to meth, witb Domts-

sey cress-exntatntng Dottie! S. TIlt?111. amaialant managing director of NBC

"Artist 8erviáe. ,tut use of word -exeln- aiver'In etIDC millet** Contracta. 'IVthhü claimed In *non that teed was net properly mad. in thee tite artiste were ramify tnoa under rxcitines comsat. 2áb. °enteentlnn wm barked by tnsteflce showing that NBC petinitted Ile mettle to appear on -rivet netwwgfta. 1x110 *Lo. sec -earth to Tuthln. used -arttete not urine; contract t1ó N110, `.airmail teemra- te 'nded that the tench ~wive- be I, toted tram contract, aid 21LthIll. after

FCC Tae told that. Bureau accounted for 48471091 In rota dotting 19.8., During that, year talent: .tale was eat. baited at a moss revenue of- ee.032.274: The eM7,41)i Ogurs represents a Cone=

~aeon, tee et *2 per cent. Operating costa Were put fit .1388,000. ~Ls of the grew hemmer Dgtne of te3.03.2.274 Indicated chat tedio *Pont son libelled Out 14,020.107 for wee artist*, Moro 'tbán 43.500,000 of this nradunt went tot Imes on NBC pro- gram w-Ith leas then *500.000 for an-

Rmeenta 11th Columisht Droedeaatang m.

Tuthill Mitt the NBC Bureau operated to the tertistel beat advantage, citing talent the Bureau 'tang developed - Pointed out, tut, that the talent. gold wee highly teunpe dtlaa. neinttonhg the .Contain Motels Agency at banns grassed 015.000,000 tart yr.e.r.-

1eetnty op- cans ntealon- deal* brought out varialeto t5 ,the. peernntngr. ranging from the eeuael 10 per cent U. 20 nor Dent and tolling ea law as A. latter occurs when network'eptits' with talent ogeney to Munising angageninúta,'itnd 91O' per cant deal» were named as- occtlrtng to Concert Clete_

following 11tth1tl'a testimony the probe on bi'edlieaday, Went Into an analysis Of radio listening habits. !g- luon produord by fiúgts-lei Penile. NBC *tatbttelan.' -showed then program* ortglastflts In New York decreased trout arproxtmretoly' an per dent in 1900 10 ñbogt 37 per alert In 1037. Durte.a the same perbed. 1Wllyweed etiginriders rose from Into to 7 -per cent and Chicago from nearly, 0 to :4 per cent.

Other estimate* lndleeted four out of every 10 famines' with Incomes be- tween 41.000 and *9.030 otrn radio nett, 'there 'being -37,000,000 Mtn is America.

Joná P. Royal. NBC nee -president pi charge of programs, testified Thursday tree exPvrndltueta on the chain for pro- grarti service eri tO Mare Mtn

of Aguo

Mystery Chef Closes Oven

NRW YORK. Nov., 10,-Afptfgry Ciar/

toils November 24. dite ran widen pat- -

tieiper.r:g contemns expire. t1eftenAl Ad -

wedeln, Irá., Chefs .:pens-, b-ly'mcked

committee an chem. of ggassa andtwtnnr nntbonwl aalntrttstn,, tQ tnctuio,plana tar

Cite/ alareang .fatly. 1939,

P1T11;1113K613. Nov. lo.. -,Attar fee

Peat's as earnbinatiote annotanoer. pub=

Molly dud and 0ontlntdty .venir. Merin 13a1Ie tc - - WWt3W Shia vie for programing fact s rat WMMN. Fair-

mant,` W. Va.

indicated the netv.e01'C°advertiser, *pent

415,000.000 for talent, while 14110'. Own

expenditure for suntatning protean» amounted to over lStodlfi"-0, Other es. pew__, Inchudtrg those n'aeeattettd Cl

enemerstion with ¡]Fauna iItOsdcan.-.4 Corp. and otiter crgentarrliona. mere.. el

rerpcsnea and p-eyment a# muate realties t:rbtttht-the elute to 5t00,o00000. Pt,-

closednYtkt the ToOcod:M l orchestra. Costs

Nit, 4379/006 annually. RQye.t dlocureed the nets mergrem pail'

ideas., including relation with performer. aetecunnof prefeer program tare for OL11

darn and equality ed expt'eealan on ore- ttovcmir IWince. fn support of tart -named point Royal cited *hie ease Involving -Clew

end Igeigp Johnson acrid Flydlnsnd juod berg. .sitter's boot, AocrIea'a Starry Yen - Wes, waarattailr'd by Johnson, with tie f au It tIlet'autiror tent Jaen time on the

Johnnr le pvagrms to anuwef. Bert elatmat equality of expression use sun extnrltl_ed to .loyal pmtie&

mopes of program broedcnat by NBC.

Royal matntdtnid tbt-4 were dctermined by audience D0*etlon vin toan'lno matelot

managers.- Quoting 1033 lgnlW. BBOstl

mat tbe Chain. a ratites and roOved 4,005.000tettee.r. o Awhich

11 d

.mull Methbsr protested a ntossi v+ coo- marciala.

Notrmbrr 26; 1938 RADIO The Shllboard 11

tea teen e0 far In Sault entetrteinment. 'ng expert board of four. mode up Of; P. P: A.. the omnlecicnt John ICrzsuan. Otter Lemur, the Composes who Is stand. dy grocinR a a -wit. at least on Mice- metion Recce. and John Gunther. news - raper visa nod_nuthor. was n good iselee- Clon. lncl4rnttÍl)y. the proms hove been rasped 10 i5 for qutetti0ns accepted and 110 for those unanh or era*_Mod

in radiayn_ sarong. way there La no, ardlt'grwn Dan (Joltmgxtul, Who origin - led the Idea and got Kieran, Rtdlmnn, et al. together.,

.0 Jolson Dhow Is on -CBS at the wanly time. Frentkyn,

"Around the World With Jimmie dead 'Jails"

Reviewed Thursday 4145-5, p.m. Sly(e-Onime. Sustaining over .KMBC karma City, Mo.).

Preornen alb to the 'nedueriUattal^ tlntaifkutinn and rerolrea a Mythical trip taken by a Mother and has two children. Jimmie *no Jena. around the (papbe, 8crijrt, written by Dorothy. Core, lawn asrzneed ills to ha") the cacti. pets uric point out plots jot hlatep1eal ~Scanty os.uvll'as,perseaueend places figuring In todayb news. - On the pro - Min caught- it was all Well done and ceriatnly of Interest to the Jurenllo. M1- Ocoee.

Role et Mtn Clark- is ably poctreyed by the author. 'Jimmie la bite Peter- ssñ. Jrpne u Shtrtey Coughlin. both 13 ;aria Old. TGoy"tt get p.4ilty of Wont sad <:rora are rare. Feature which sets tip* Program apart from malty others of to kind. however, to the -fact thntOt'uñ= ratAtlt In aerial form, the end' of meta Islataurnent obtains: et nenomeut Ot,are:at' extlte t-In this cars when the boy rain out In front of e. speeding bija to ruche a cat on a busy London -street.

Sponsorship-, pceaiblllunI look good. lisrtter.

Sophie- Tucker heirtenved Wednesday. .5-.45-6 p.m.

CST. Style--Vecalswith Music. Sponsor -American Tobacco Co. Agency --lord 6 Thetas. Stetkkwt-W13BM <CBS Chi: - eager',

Ballads like only Ogles Tueker'can $1n11 Om, a atadlo ork with p0ento of ssaitag. !lad the sponsor giving away en automo Tale every day cry the Ingtedlatite Joins isle lull stanza and the resulting mix - ti to a lnrd-fire 1,5 minutia On aay- bae F'. Ieodettig- Cart. Sophie glace oil '+nth e-li her olO nest and energy, taking up the rosier part of thin show, with pop

atendºrd -Wish tong*. She bean% Col*$, d any. end unless you're plat one et thane who don't Care for t.hIe typó of

regram kevíews EST Unten ,Otheswlse indicated

"Information e" Reviewed Tuesday. 8:3c-9 p.m.

Style Quiz. Sponsoi...-Canada Dry ¿anger Ale, Int., Agency-J. M. Msthcs, Inn. Station-WIZ 1,NBC- 914v network.' :Confuttttit,oraeles who said -Pilo Please

was too high toned to be meld caenmer- doily; Canada Dry 'ginger ale bought the Qpr7 about five or six weeks. ago- Price paid. tizne 'teac*pted of-coured. la (12,000 per week for the first 13,w..eks. m good toy for the sponsor. Poealialy, It' was more Important' on the dealt night or tpccilors.hlp to ace have the oommerelala- lore handled. since an ov Babel, o1 sales emit would not only T» out of piece but might react Against 'thy edetrtirer. f'rcws'w, the- Oommerciale were windy robeued. where had down to n more than acceptable rnlllimlam.eod were, neverthe- 1ete._potent'rind punchy. Opening coin- mares. a gctxttvn by emote Clifton pyJyr to p rn jrapher ' Franklin P. /carrels. sanely. "IKhata deferent about tótrl¿1htY program?"- did' not quiteollck, lisnercr, the Middle Mira plea, by MU - pen Crass and a shorter plug, at the end etre.both effecthti AEI 1n all, very sit-

Totellxug. It's a cinch you'll be enter- tained.- A hotly acting attdn fur- nishes RtIUo lucks: tic acoornpantmoOt and elm takes out.on One selection by -Mutt. Re.ralndea of thEns; but not too mach PI lt, to given over to annetrnceraente Of tis* wtn-nn-auto contest end plugs few Rot.Tais- clgni-a, with ).11aa Tucker_ nis0 doing her bit hero. Olvenwas' is . buUt around' the *intend aenelirr In the Old sellable etyar.bnnlda (emcee as 'Creme come years bock) plus a 2S-word"Y<r*lotei Of why this particular smoke i nothing rb.ort`of cretasy. Wilda bmttau i la ex- pertly brindled and dialled out in a fat one-two three order. Pronoun Chariot wlntiore .aro announced ,on each shot. John Reed King and Ken Roberta ben- dle announcing honors. Hueeph'ry.

"Shoppers Serenade" Reviewed Wednesday. 7:45-8 pun:

Style-Songs and )nstrurentatl Sponsor '-May -Steers Furniture Co. Station--- WCAE (Ptttsbuegnl.

This sponsor meet think a radio nudi- enco a show to hertr,00snrnaC- Mlala_, Pour plugs In a qürter hour. plus simuni eertent alter stanza taking eudt-

lalsetcaly haggled. the Prot -rem was up to Ira -

cure to tune In, et11 another ilrograrm .01 OtLer


usual standard. whiela Las high as radios- Johnny mitcaarne.epomn '.bleat *includesBob elrt Jtrlaany lattchtdl. tAt+Or o CªTtr and et sesearplete combination deelWing three muted breams alteihiating between toles and oomboi on poptuness. Molo dies are lIlc.Ii end atiteptable, hot «tw- il:or but =leasing. soenewhni dimmed by' frequency and length or-ndv.rltdng nde: quatcly delivered by Ralph Walter.


"Wings for the Martins" IRevir.ved Wednesday, 9:30-10 p.,m.

.Styles--0rarrastk. "Station-WIZ l'hOC- B1ny network).

Wings /or the Martine le a new once-a- weck aerial witlsan cducatienal and so-= del slant. Aline at dTainat'lzasg prob- lems faced, by parents In brenglltt up children. 1Probtema are those bantering around school. eatertntafncnt end phone. Of nos-elniaroosn life: Series :wipes to emphadae point that education does not end with ei i'rooe4 reasons. but must be a oo-operatio:e effort on the Watt Of fata- lly, trecitefi and. eotr_munitya

Pipet program involved disappearance. of 11 -year -old Jimmy Martin who. like many kids. decided to scram from the home grounds: Bolen Of tether. :neither.

. kid and other Cbirn Otere were ;well de- reloped-oontldeeing time limttatious=-

Setica' scripts written end produced tai:dar etireattan, of a oamtnittee repte. .enter Congnra0f Parents and Ter-eJi- er'sand trio Office Of Ediaéation.

Program-a.hapes as a strong one for a rapidly growing-01nel. Ackerman,

"Suocettei Storieft" Reviewed Friday. 800=9 p.m.

-1"etk. Su-ttilntnS'on 'WMCA York City)

Toe Idea of tIde program ii to base W la Prankle`Rnach, MCA Blatt reportar;ln-

WrlrteW noted people In various lines of endeavor and Shin have'beginr.sra,ln the same told fire qucatlone at the nabob. In *his way tt Is' hoped to gist -toe be. glnaorn expert advice on problems Con- fronting them. Program 1..a merit. beat It his the Obvious drawbuk-that' audit - encash are thirty to be, 'plaited t4 thOae lntereeted In the particular field Mader diaeassltdn,

To Start the Metes La authade d Wilfrod'J. Punk, p

wit, es her neat. Mta Reach U_ stn ex- perienced interrogator and'kept her por- tion of the weak* loving. Punk was od conelderabla,aid, quite at ease- In front of NIte mike. Imprr'see as, a posolbillty for,a steady ..mike job. na tattle or eotrt- meentator. Second belt, the queattcna of the tyros. fell down. altho Punk did more than, his Job 'to, keep IV:eaterrsting. 000d human touch was, having s boto: bellhop who W-citted to write awed lira beatantUIP acribbteta. Freraken.

Style tNew

Additional Prcigrarn Reviews on Pcige I2

Raic lateti. LESSER

SPONSORS of The Shadow are to be complimented upon Vying radio

(sctata long-deserved break: ',bey dtats-Ibite programs with the emm of rho coat- to the studio audlenst . Beatrice Itinibut limo replaced Harriet 'Holidy to the c stlag department of NBC. Latter left to become Allen plbbsirn le the new director of Your Family and Mine, rlptacing Larry IImrnood who will be assigned to another show. Stun Wick barb done away with a mustaCbe of 10 years' standing. He doesn't look so sinister how.. Jobs >aoore.'recent romantic lend In the Broadway show. Knights of ,Sony, is making testa for 20th Century yeas. Bobby Strauss Jalnnd the Honda 'Wing test beginning Monday. Playa Typhoon Tootle.

Ruth -Yorke if /towns, to arpantne the R4/upee Artists Theater, a group o/ young Aastrfan actor refugees. Many Ara things Aare beers printed about .thorn. and they here good Dorking-6o -ocelotsCW. Mr. Weurs:r

Jane Btahtr Is wining a new rertea `tt'h4C11, inaeas Ma air debut coon fan !erne-fnatttufc. Ralph Locke has seritIC,I 'a musical' ~pit thorn that (hi, cations thinks would make _ á sponsor .happy, It"e really etl,erent. Cat tad 'Pies taa" ... " Music

Mar U. are of the feel juvenile Moue Columbia altorr-(d ow fie et h HW shórrs Inuit con- formto Cotaitsbfa'rt strict policy. Cart Includes G1í1, -Janney. iii the name rell; Hen- O'Malley, at Capt. Bill aria . and Mere Parker, Cra

Don na.

SHELLEY starts his senior olath PT f year en, s meriea J 7bron']teet-

fuag of 'too A&'y'heatd' -train Town flan .every Tüu_rsd.ty evening. Should be get- ting his *degree 'in political science this June..,.. SItrttn Barney,. Woo plays this mother on Pepper Young's Family, made her scat appearanceon a New York alego In Arfrona, with Theodore Roberta. Letitia Crosser (tale and Bustin Parninn. She later appeared with. George Astc, In ALezendeer Hamilton. .. Peggy Allenby (Mrs. John McGovern) h$*,a playmate tee her daughter. The - new baby teas born November' 12. end -sill be called John Smith McGovern Jr.. ti . A fear of the, rnd10 notables seen at ,the recent Lambs" Gambol Included Senator Ed road. Johnny Kane, Joe,Gsanby, Julian Non. ?red Waring, Frank Clrun'-rnit, Ward (Beetle) Wilson_ Paul W bttensD.n. Jay Joetyn, elan Buns. Jack Noneorth., Joe Laurie. Irving M7tobell; Jack Barker and Hugh Herbert.

aDOetfisehs Q9et'wes COMPTUN AOF".'OY has ellntinated l.a oornmerctalai en Tiannlogiving 'Orly o f sit ;its programs. Thalia are Mary Martin, The O'Neite. Gospel Singer and Gadding Ltotat. . . Gospel Singer, etorting; November 28. moves from g:gtu to OMS on two Red and alum. General Mills bas taken up a 13 -week option, on IN. Rate, Cotes air show tut/idled by the Ban Prºnalaco o1Toe Of Consolidated Radio Artists. Dace is also stlelit3oning John B. fftighes for a now commercial.

i B.. A, Porter,

23.10k-Qoblr came, on a Chicago tttp, Samuel-Rceeabaum. chief of In-

dependent Radio Network Alltltatea, at- tended Thursday shindig given by Na- tionsti-Sbéwtnrmis Association. : . Earle Pmts,, president of Radio Fratur . garT- toy Inn. making n good -wilt tour of maJor cities, ending with stopover at Chi office toe peslodle o. o. , . . SU As-, ton'Tuesday joined the Chicago Ottice of

-Joseph Hershey 1+Ld15111era, station reps. ,Asters was formerly partner of Ferguson Is Aston. Too.

Fredertoa Jfiflsappointed radio dtroctor of Peatdent'a 8frthday Walk was formerly asabta-it to Robert



Berger Wth iht Serthday Barb end was aasoclatsd with National Dexmo-- oretie. committee /0? the 1536 "corn- pafgn. More recently with Ferguson & *don, nation reps, aid Cert Duo(' Assoctatei. . Robert 3. note sock oia Tuesday es eudrtant refer du error Of 1[IXCA. . Two aposuara dfe-kertnu for MU Heenit'ss trio, organ-twNtp Dort, aerie nest _month. ulft hate been on the'air 1S yeas.. - . RrlOb- ted I. Cómpoyn; agency heed. trek- king.errOtiad the country on bait:eat trip- probably conlaertOg Procter fr Óombtc district managers

TOR notes: HelenW. Dana gusto At Year sense* end of this rdbet5.

elation' mlerYirag its electrical tren- etription ferllltlaa_ Pied Ruth renueeed by Wkaeatena. then . ROrnbaugll $ 014. eon. John. P.;Nel1 now ser.ltr'lnif Chicago mecottnts from New York.. . . TOM Yts- dale in teen tram Chicago. _ - Reports that Toscana program ese for. sale drtla trot s -SAC the. statemtrit.-Thtto ii nei prooppaosaa1 nt the present Ume to aeU ZNaeaeilRtt:'

CIucaij Rtiéls By

A PUAI/3 nádLo local bare netted'srnund 02.540. from Its Armlet/4e Day boll.

Charles ,Cuaggett. et the: Gardner AEet40l.. St. Louis l*e'in town -this week audltlohiIng aalsow,at CBS for Ralston- Purtns. . . . Howard Snyder and leafth Wedloek.. writers of the' Wrigley Laugh L iner shore, )tt-t returned from a Coast encash. aid Ze_Inks and Arthur Standen wire Oath -hitting _daring the former lien's Jaydf . Toma PUZdaie hopped back to -New York [after a two -wee vidt Mr film Chi otfroe. . . WI -b' is shopping for another sponsor .for Its Dear Heiler sports review stint which' lust fBOMbed Up it 2e -week run for Quaker Cuts_ Carnation Contented sponaoes bate born auditleining other announcers but liner derided to keep Port Pearson after

. ; :Organist Ralph Waldo Emerson his Joined sled sle at NBC here. . WON and the Rlackbatsk Cote bare cooked up another gutr mhos:, foe Jan Garber. who pan 'Succeeded Bob Creeby at that spot. A Monday show,.11 will be titled The Musical Cook hggk. with fialson Shawn the_ author Of Ilse idea

deck ()baler. the radio '_utter, *pent a Wupte of -days herd. then back ta Neta York, where he hopea to harm MA peal producid 1005. Aroh plana to miura apele around Christmas fa. attend his. brother's wedding. CBS publicity chut/ Pratt* Rand t ft town Oita torea; not to Kant ti-olai Deocmber I, .. .


Scriytercas Irma Phttltpt ts'pkinin if' a /aunt to No vt000d where eke mitt QA.Ante a huddle with Warne* ernes on Gala Page's nest MC. . How - turd arercessOS. dñ NBC glide, boarded- o trato for .0. Lech, that work with an _en nouactr's .conhaet at Ralf ' there. '... Benton & nougat agency ?tat' snitched the Quaken Oats 'We. the wore,' eats" from S. BHM ló WOW and espended ix on a half-hour shot. Check Aare, well be t'ic-note Qaieser.. . rrerrI Crelee-non, 0- AAF enoesaaeer at book /rota Ms neonate. Mack ¡hating reek.... Plitt Lordhas been assigned to a -deteeftt.e rear en an OC serfs.!, bat It should be a talc*_ idrknr shot, been use Phil' el a looks the pert -

A N IRONIC twist has turned up aa a moue] to, the HatWnal Wscult Ca:'

dropping of Ito Dan Harding's Wife pro- gram. aatat la now Laying out heavy sugar with the newspapers CO

advertise the fats ,,

that mica are 1 oo o,A00 paCk- overlest ye pyp pretloue to Air Mr allot. Bill (M nde2l Berry. singing galas pin e'er, arrived from Ctriey Mono circlet and llas an *hell feces a WON altdatton hoc . . . Vlrginta Payne newly,eleeted APRA proxy. is !Iodine _ It tough to musette In all bee lectures and radio work now. ... 2lsrold Wtel ham taken

(See Atli tñltftFS oa page Ill

12 rho Billboard RADIO November 26. 1938

Additionál Program Reviews

"Diane of I tie Motith Club" Reviewed Wodnasdsy. 9-9:30 p.m.

Style--Fonmr. Sraticm-WQX7t 1Ncw Yoekl.

This is a rlbod reopens -airing oontroversiet nee -Rona and laTtteng lie - tenets to rote yea or no on lassies rained Atidteaoe, to Oro this, 'Must. dull out 10 dents to Joln Ctl:b and obtain Fialbnta. Detall. on this angles are' presented ei,cabere 1n the radio departí went,

Program, technic le to present, tin traaerlptton, arFurnenta-fov and against the parterialar issue leashed. Tnts. oá Anil. of earn*. on the propottlon of Whether the tale *huuittl forbid ransom ~It to kidnapper.. Mr.,A nrgUed at- ftrmautely and Ur ill opposed him. A abort mummery toward and of program 'once morn'prtferi7.4 tao.caanttal'polnte madeIby each side.

Dbk IS wr1,t made, with opposing Slew; presented with force end 'login. Pro- grams. of souse, !a t-enUafly of social Import. and .prnepeetien ;someone musk be gelded accordingly. it make* -for trod listening for aostai:-mindcdaudl- neºa Ackerman.

`Súlnie to Hartford Industry' Reviewed Sunday,. 9-9:30 pm., Style var.'ery. Sponsor - Whelan Jewelry

CT Stilton as er1en ad brWTibroadcasts( This I Y talent

rt- rutted from workers In Hartford taatoles, with aprize'poing to the group gleing the beet prenetttn*lon- Judge. inellido the theater 'dttor and Inualo critic of Me tfartfeed Time and'an ex- ecutive of se Chamber of Commerce. Program M beoade"ned, before e- .tudb hustlenee ;it Hotel' Bond.

rivet show an pnterad'bp Prate i Whet- rob- Co. was a choral concert: ,tcond, n ~hay entertainment by employees of Cbanoe.Votf$ht airplane factory.

ifaCh group; produce. its awn show. and lack of experianee is bslrilsfg IMa ~ma. Unless improvement comes Of Ill own accord. WTreT production department must rift n Rood tea Ine idlelotltly developed, TttUtHL,

Campbell's Condensed News Rivlowed Tuesday. 12:30-12:35 D.m.

512ete-.-News eornmeniary. Sporner- Campbelfs Soup Co. Agerey-W'rd Wit-rIOCk,Co. Station-WMAQ (NBC, after 1.

If yeti tike Your Hein fetralcbttanll dished tap wttb just the tight amount Of sack you can do no better than Ford Pierson. able conductor of lists 11tlmes- n-,lank ttvemtnütn now, Manta. Pear -

1,11f rANE1/ end his

¡fFativo Hawsliar Orchestra

Nightly at ills hlawnilaneesom


Mtge Teak

NOW APPEAR/NV also whir his

ALOHA MAIDS In the new nosiest ail

a Helllago in " And on the air via NBC -Saturday. 1 t30 -P.M.--Bandar. '11 :30 P.M.

GENUINE 'PHOTO REPRODUCTIONS lint Ric. or Dossonlr,. r w Zawrols,

da ci Yaws a E.10 Ise es.:n too e1 Pews a. to nv 0.00

illasdr.lf oepda1 Wets Orsre.-taller, O. o. D,


son ttae cruet the lenptpy medium be- tween, the newscasters who ontOte ell over the place and these who give ft about as mutt uumpb al en iuttatcnr reeding off Itcvsatock quotation- it. bas a resonant pair of pipoaii tine .mains. oration without mouthing and a vote - pelting. atra1tt bltaru-ant manner of Intro. diatterii .141 plugs.

Leads oft with local metes Rama, hol- lowed by a plug, (lien a weather report and news from all points_ 'liens Is dta- played by not accebt'ne any pgrtiandMr bulletin, and a auTpel... n , tot of Info. 1s squalid tato the ear mfnutee wstbout the llatetfer helm- torsselous of the spteler'a rap,+d delivery. Humphrey.

Jóhn R. Keiuledy Reviewed Tuesday. 11- 11;10. p.m.

Stylo-Talk. Sponsor-Gruen Watch Co. Agency-McCann-Erteksen. Sea- tton-WABC ICBS neeworkt.

Orn the program .taught; John n, 1ten. nedy went Into a dlr.oi.tsitlon Of how Use most egleysissnt could be obtained by n alghteecing couple In l:ew York with eally'as0 ten spend. He, led up to this by tenting terrines about her. a M1U60n Ante, and other noted. free spenders. It leas. the sort of human tnterelty casual. talk which radio aeltloírc Injec:s,tntolta Com- mentary` shows.. 71'hlcb ratter, Ereas'the urgency of -hews and. haw ha rk IC all looks, If the.presonseni ail maintain this

of atitttrdoa th, ̀ahottid certainly engender good ?Jill for the Onsets watch

log Ita natmtste were hard to, believe, many farce as offered not quite dove - ulnae with those actually connected with the number, It tneeriOry nerves aright. Dramatization wan not poad.nntcd wear ettbef, with too'much of the dialog In the form ,of phone ootawersatlonit poor front both 1.21ta.mstto and auricular' standpoint.

Oa -elusion of t'he'ncrtpt presents the composer of the song In tiuewtLon: 'ont the allow heard Arthur Sehwart'dld the honofa with a few 110 1414. Remainder M the program Is the rztne .as of yore. Ries Morgan aUn dtspenstng very listen - able mUslic and Johnny calling, for Philip 5forrlaIn his Inimitable manner.


"Sidewalk Inters+iéws" Reviewed 'Monday; 12:15-12 t30 p.m.

Style-Inlervieva. Sponsor --!tell Credit Clothing Co. Agency --Ellis A4vertlsing CO.. Buffáro, Statioñ-WEER fBul- fatal. .

Program is another onq.if Rime necet- to-ceaea question. and' answer LLffafra. liens W'oedte conduct*. Spenser óppar-, frilly, believes a firm has to glen aaay most abythlmtf btlt thi' kitchen sink so attract otsatomms' and Innke ease. Ad- ;'eitber offers !a. Thankaairlog turkey with each LIS purehaee.

Thus Is_a treasure bog. another derive for 01,111111 something stray. -A' deltas is' dopº+itod at,caeh br.oadeast and the Lust'

mantsiicturea. epoásoring. Kennedy had person'to be lnterriewed la naked for an an eepeclalle warm Walt In detailing a. nrtie!o, and, al a fountain pen, wrist tetat be and Mra. Kennedy made to Now watch, colt -taken or the like. ft Use re - York years ago-with only s.5 brtwean, queated, Item Is In thin person'. possession them. Prattkess. he getsIlre flan amount eelteeted to dnte-

It' he can't produce the article another dollar La'deposlted.

Queettoas are an a whole not any too faadnaUng. anti at times Woodlo dntarn't

correct, Commeretaln are too drawn out 111001 seem to know whether the anewera nre Olt lt íd14 and lack punch. Program !a dampened by the poor merenendteie $ppr+l, lb- SO-KRKT, acs atones, has added Ching a teelhog of doubt on the part a Joe Hitter to codittnusty star/ and the 4h -stoner because' of an overabim- ,Rowland Peterson to promotion deeen- dan0. of tree Offers. Women went. Maned Truman, pintilytattdatrgt-

Sr., lie.. replaced Wayne spragtte,le tepee il'ttrsry- , Rober't Ttbcher., recently

:nation ation nl nrgar of tvtt,ax. Yankton, 8- D. replaced by Dunne Peterson as aeatatant treasurer of IOrd 13roadeaating System . . Seek Roger..

re whe story-taller, doing a -II-thin to yob., U¿ader rho Rip Top. over CIRR, tsar oouvey. S. 8. Yoe. president of lfDYLc Salt Take City, to the 'cOesI

RUI. Wiseman_, publicity manure. Of WOW. Omaha, addressed Pa--e:tt- Teacher Association recently on. Radio and Education. . . Robert F Danttilkv Weilmanager of WI.W. Cinetanatl, left on an extended bush = trip oceerte New York. Chicago. Phlladelphta, lime' .

spoils and Cleveland.

"My Daughter and I" Reviewed Wednesday. 12:30-12:45

.m. f yN e- Dprimt7 iii. Sustaining ` ee

Program. on three time. a work, fee - rum., Anne Rtrat, Anwapper advice not- ttrmntst. and attempts to toter-probIsana growing out of the close retab~Galdp between mother? and daughtcra.

Teehnlyue en Wednead,iy proa-rabt-had atiap-litrat open' by reading a Letter front

widow. Widow 'has a . yen to marry areln but ta,troubled, by her ~writers horrified react/oil. De-arnitleatfen pre- slnta the problem? then 1n a brief Inter- lude Mies HUM offers a Whitton which le picked up and drsatettted. E:verytwly should be happy.

Program seemed of some merit, but ttas overrrtlglie4 Dr- on ntarbapbnre of greet sadness. This. feeling 'n,.s abetter by the votoa of the actors and was Rhin, Not a bad job otherwise.


"Town Mix StrailtclttShooterzt, Reviewed Wednesday, 5:4,-6 p.m.

SNIo--Westr'ri stories. Spentoe -Rat. ston Purina Co. Agenc., Carver Ad - 'e ctidilS Co:. St. Louie. ,Stntbn-WIZ (Yoe netwodel.

Program., slanted for kilo. Is unndul- ternted ease-bruab Muff, :t*'hokcy nn any tits plx producers over turned 001. FS - fort is honest, but net ao hot. Aa- nountre. at close. says ldlx la tatper- t rl9nttest

Show opened nndcloeed with -a bevy of RItnton cowboy. ifri41ng a ectamevcisl. char-cter yelept "the Otd Rambler" tntrodUdee the dtaatattzntinn,. which teens with. tweet airplane plena and :nt- h:ias,. Chancºfes talk in too -rapid sc- quenee. and for the eruther the Old Rambler earrnrra-all radio listeners slut Tom litlx will trap the two ouned.nta_ homebody de -finitely ought to trap the Rambter.

Program needs production and -better ~lag. oven L',king Into- conatdgratton the kierstunnta. Ackerman.

"Tale of a Tune" Reviewed To-ettly, 8.8,:30 -pan. Style Variety. ,Spore ill.-Phitip Morris Co

AdfCR -_Blow, Station--WEAF (NBC Red network)'.

TItr411-of-the-Week: dralnattrnt:on has given war on this .how to Lew typo of a flpt Interlude celled Tüfit.of a Tepee, which purporta to giro the heide *toty on how varlets hit songs came to life.. Ides Ls .god. but script aLSn't, handjfd ally too brilliantly and the authentlalty of the 'Inside atorle*" Ie bit open to gcltaelon. Judging from the _one heard.

song dealt with oars the Arthur Schwartz -Howard Dietz hit from Re, srnge With triter. You end the Ytyht and the Musa. Ctraunnstanoc. surround -

tSx{tsu3ata nee OROS CLIMINa iratbC. W. Wvld-T.M.srrrr iwral..r, tad ama., a1-. Na. Yart, N. Y.

*AMY! v.Fn7t,

opinion. the Texaco slow grabbed ],p0 per- cent correct .dhntlflcatlon In the daytime breckºt.

- Second and third places u ,daytime Helena favorites go to two NBC row tatters, ,'Club Matinee'" and ".raze

-and Rome Hour." however, few its. -tenere seemed to know that neithar show has a bank -roller, with only 9 poi teñt,of the **Matinee" and 14 per cent of the ''Faun''' )hrtanon; reporting tbcfc Was no sponsor:; e..ºmnlndar, to both' cases said they didn't know the

- name. of the sponsor Proeter'll; Oambie's "Mil "Perkins''

to fourth among the' Helens daytime farorltce, with 46 favorite mention and a good 70 por cent concoct product esiting. General Minn' "Betty atld Bowe wan returned itfth daytime favor. its. sponsored by 'Wbeattes, prig ram had a right Ittratilleatiou degree of3º per cent. Cold Macias Floor was called the sponsor by 23 'pep tent, with the "Betty ,uld Bob" chew part of an hour'sO Iseral Mills show. Remainder at the-daytla.e standings are abewn in the . the rt:

The Billboard radio program entree's are prepared by the Market .Research Corp. of ;Amedca. Hein week%a Imo. will see the start ,,of fa survey made in Fr .no4 -Calif.

RADIO SURVEY= (Conlfafirol from page,?)

Eddy'' Bakery. The sneaked marvel of the West draw a good ldentineatton Agaro, TO per cent. In ,sixth Waco. "Good -Nears of 1939" returned an identiflcatton score of 7d par cent. Be- hind by Just one mention, the ISriy Kyaor aeries for Lucky stake topped "News" on identifications With -a strong SI per cont

fie oral clgaret programs run fairly elote, with $dice Cantor, following Ky. ser;, In .turn followed_ by the Lucky -Strike "Hit Parade,"' with Burns and Alley fair Chesterfield Lone notch away from the "'Parade." Between "'Pa- rade" and Burns and Allen te -the Lux Radio Thinker. Thie last-garind' show la again an exempla of ratting the name

' of the product into the title, with 100 per ¿ant.. correct fdenitifcation.

2n the, dose, battle for Clllaret sales. !t l.' quite likely1that the nnliltnttlicd percentages on the various giggle shown assalne Importance. Thai 'Bddte Cans .te.r. with 117 per cent correct identifi- cation, sad 24 per colt of hie favorite Tote's saying tome'F'"eissrnta,'t with - din naming any brand. Slime and Alton had --11 per cent and 3Syser B p'_ cent of their audiences fail to name :any brand., 'Burns ind. Allen had 44 per cent correct end' 44 per cent sdogrt knowel"

The ' ternnining nlgbtttmto ,peostamº and their identification percentages are In' the chart -on this paste': It taust-bo renztanhirºd to roi.dfng thin chart that to 3 ce tntn extent, to the; programs' with !ewer favorite mentiouaaa a high idonttfeation percentage niay'.be mks !eading, since tbn Tower aienttouaa a pros gram han the lees, the chance of wrong calling.

Daytlrrul' Shou+s IV was noted above that Tenneco has

made an astuto buy with. lie flown élnnraa on KPFA. It there le any doubt on this point It Is merely necea. eery to look at the daytime Atperes. Relent returned throe Texaco news Spain nx its No. 1 favorite daytime-ano;a by a large margin. To cement ,this

AIR BRIEFS (continued from peoe"Il '

over the WON Kagee? Ktattah Irttat 1110 - seeding Eddie Cnrinaugb. who Jett for hi. own show over WCP2,. Actor Glenn Goodwin fell heir to a baby girt this writ and Is passIng'oat the atones at NBC.

roster Riickrr, who deice a dally stun . fn - tike - Street broadens/ eve? KFOX. 1.5ng RtaCo.'Cefff. grifa aeR hIs gerelrfcrns art Nil Nichols. owner WW1' manager of elation.. . . Ruth

'Lyons. wirsur (Clbetn nest) program direr:or back on fob after d Wee" coto. . Maredffit T, ]raftpro- matron manager of Lot Aagr:es 7rcrald-ñzpreta for mdre :lean id geeFi. NOW .etch sales staff ;of Noüyttood. . gar],.,, Glad& ,-. alrtnp director


of _JUL.Km. Sal! Labe cey, busy settle specking ertggf. mente.

¡¡Yr WTI hicCLr.ARY. radio actives ant lit oOmmentatth, on 'KSneirai4T. Des 14Otne70. begk !rose a two-week vaaaettn-

Winston Thornburg. who-bkndied 1Mf0e t neeceunt for ttutchlnc A./reed/big Manly. ass been named proenotion dl - ~tee of WRAY,. Rochester. N. Y. . .

WONT, Rev:burgh, N_Y., tried a new political sdtser-ttaletg Want reoeattl.y with a rural sketch: Towle /Shim and Grand. Pep. 5r:traces Stephen Phut and ltslpts aeons wrote and. 'acted the bketchd which- told 'ruby llstee:ices sbtWid wee for Inch and ouch is.perty. _ . . Monet Palmeri. eat-pubiudty man for Warnrrs. bar Joined WF.L.T, New liarºn, Conn as announcer, tatrnreding Bill Parley. who tact to annamnee at, WICC. Br1 Conn. . . PA AND MA afeCO IOd. fentüiew 'on WLtV', Tap or °iris 7foferfa9 end Boone Connie Courthouse Jeri- bore,C. cet`hreted t!uIy 37th wedding an- ntvenuey Noteeinbet 12. . . J Jahn C Spears prosltottbn manager of »I X, l Reona Casntfy COvrtbouee Jamboree, Y Stile week .visiting lndLanapoll... Terre Route auñ Muncie, Ind., to handle the pr'omotiOn end publicity for the tmttn etgagrments to those towns.

November 26, 1928 MUSIC The Billboard 13 Conducrediaby M, tH ORODENKER--Cemn+un&afiom es 1564 Broader/iv. New York City_

IANCE TE: R Jitterbugs Seen as Flit to Ballroom Patrons- and B. C.

No Ork Sales In Arid Iowa

Grog Bittiaeb good only for one-nigliters == elections give nabobs elonte hope

cp)B1IcC..GO. }tot'. 19 Ottl4ide of the coe-nlaltter dtpertmente tiro band booking burin the Stele 01 Iowa boa be- come a deed pigeon for the large agendas ,arcane here. Canoe of 'it all, according to Joe gather, of Atoehwell-O'Keefe, who rat --returned Trim the corn area, la the tome tat' goterhing the note of grog. tinco repeal ref-^prodlblt%on the only brand of sigglo coup sold outright over inns is. beer. Anything with a bigger reek is sold only In 81wto-controlled rot* Oheree,

Result te that the coin coming into trod rooms end interim 4 oonflned,to the customers' cadentrg of sett -ups- and taunt Budd. Oye cry that they barely male enough on Ma to'pay Ott the rent, and when Sc Careen to arks, the, budget ant IRn't there. Most of the hoptelry managers are now running their rooms TIM glorified atroilleg oórtlhoa_ filling

Mande, bind ande, and they're usually local talent

lntria,Ung wain 1g- point Is the town lQ Dninunte. Ia ."Urburd -a 'night spot is as rare as an viklrno, In Pip. Yet right aeroe the Idlasissetpt le Coat l'Peleueille. Winds ha . tin Ilhnota and which tits enough ben: and show spot. 'to keep a town three holes Its aim two gay m00á. Only time the nett* towline .ntey In their pan habitat.,tor'refreshments and "moor .is oh Satarday night, and Uteri. of entree. they here to pack their own pre juke on their hip.

Recent election has' given Dome al the rntertrsliiment'eOtrepeene lrn hope with has State Going Republican. knit.sil are uaanlmeua bn tb-ir Clitm that -tmleaa aceaattung Is done to -ease. the MOM - la liquor they will have to shut dow-á *eh tau' and reopen nn caterita.

Musk Itcms ActJaetAY Mash rtnigned *aproles-

i1 aloni;l nun.prr nt Pomona pirate. 8arneuy Rape Ss ivaugutating a atilIO Ó1 ;ter Pan Afie;- nights Wednesdays ha the Palm Room ,of his, w1TMnt New York stand, Inge! Commodore, for eongwr'1tan, Ilhs,rra..puba and other denizens of the AI]Oy. 'Itoitywood dispatches reveal that Iblph }[aingIr and Leo Robin will do the score for a nos Paramoitn: dicker Ohttarring Jack Honny:and Tiorathy La. moor, Mon Abort 7bisn. Tenn eí10 edda to the atrewball song title output with a eisty Starttie Raye will wnrblq In Nener Mr Die, Tits Le La artdOom Pals Pall, Rank Skinner and Charted Ilacdanon are penciled In for th& rongwriling. as. dintrnedt on anitereel's `String.. Sitter. gyp,

MACE CORDON and Starry Revel' are - b`k in_>tow York again for o short m- artian from the 30th Century -Peat lot. Sots completed the score for Thelska- la' rreryahitry before they left, end are now wo'rklrrr, on meted, and worgege far a new one,'Rºse of theft rlrlgt4n ngworl.

to eCi before cameras. tOni't Gratrf o pf The Nem reek Sr, tt -

non n new one Ab- le W II J _Apolo, LRemick

ea fTniltihlr.g. tbanlel 81011tret will ante the pia t'ereion of One Third Of a Nntrets; now In production with $ylvta a aey,aterrred.

Sid G-. tSCn'ORD, Rees Hecht and id Date hure turned mil a dlttg in-

b`led Whet is This ThSnpp Celled. Siring'? Poulbiiity that Hecht and Bar rat an Toda nett :entapo for may

Brown's proposed show.

Convicted AUGUSTA. On Nev. 19.-If broad.

aidce for the atrprcbtmaioís of nubile anon** are goad enough'tor,the O men, Jimmy LAW. 1lgurea the tech: nie is ;good enough for him-end rightly': thing a stare -bead. 'Orcht - tra Pound Guilty!' and the attending picture. ,but witherut the usual nuns - ben, Lose Warned the head. in a pro- motional piece satiable for thumb., tacking ea the post -cone* bulletin beard

-The manager of the Oakdale dhrb hero revewled'today that°l.e had founít Jimmy 1.oó'an-d his popular orchestra guilty of -drawing unusually 'large «owns to. his night club ainoe they opened than engagement lour weak* agO,

t"Fur their sentence. the one-man kí17 decided' to compel Jimmy and his CKhtxira to remato at bin club - for four more weeks."

Sue: on "Deep "in a Dream" CO1.11,I11fA. 8., ' D. Nov. 19.--JackWardle*,

local band' leader, la preparing suit against authors and publishers of Dceiin a Drown; nearest of Oho current pop crop -that's deatInnd to head,tbe heap. Alleges hiding Ot Idea. title and part of the lyriea.'Coilabfhg with Edith tlálton, War -caw ctelo- to bold a May 2. 1.038, Copyright cn his Own Deep In a Dream., which wan placed ,mvcrel months sew with Fxelitslhe Publications. New, York. Current Dreare ditty Is nn" }l&Ie Da- tatlire-.ji,itntle Yon'liepaen e0inpo, pub - :lintel by Karma.

Ohio operators point to -dance devotees now patronizing roller skating rinks-suggest dlincing Classes tó creme new dancers -weds and' publicity OAirroN. o. Nor, IO,--.?ltterüugt witty their eccentric end gymmiatiri dances

have áhaaod a large percentage of [swept, out Of ballrooms, according to ballroom managers In Pastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania. In complete hormone with the attitude of Tom ArcbOr and,the Iowa Th liroorrn Operators' Aesoo1ati0n Donee hutt- n .e. luna been ; i6R par- thniout this `terrltare fee *overeat east}, and many of the operator, aro beginning 'to an:hevo that the 'litterbug menace" may be the truo eatue;Ol low grocers and general lack oC interest hi dancing on the port of the gen-

eral public. the niche berms steady

Gordon -Revel eace the of 1932.

Many, tallrooanaak rwhich were formerly Gordon -Revel c70nó good one night stands foe Intel -bracket oe- starts Many Stets and bench and even an ee..,d

atonal straw -Son ere now either ata{d or baso been cOneerted ditto roller

LCE:W YORK, Nov.- 10..e,20tb Century- tinting rinks. Among' there aro the Fos acs beset with cults and claims thin -Coliseum' st ILtanearhi: Ttiscots Part wool. alleging plagiaristic in connection pavilion. New Philadelphia: Riverside. with the Maok Gardon.11arry-Itori['aohg, ObrtchsvWet Lake Pert pavilion, Ant. Good Night, My Loot, which, was rued to once: Llberty.Perk, near Aillanos: idea- - Shirley Temple's Stotreirey pia. Coro- fiats Park. Zatxaillei Kelley's ,Park. Lee - plaints cause groin Europe, south Amarl. tonta. FARrwood :and Rowland Spring. ce and hers. In Argentlna, Juan Cain -'rear Werran: all in Ohio. `

brie charged that the number was lifted Many O'Lreratses are begin/tips to, ask front e song of his, nod n mu ical trial . if "the dancer bee 'beet- drtttn out tie was held In e,,BUotspa Alyea theater with the bolbootsi into, the roper rink to the audience, Io_on efio sniff acting as quest- Of recreation, The arv.' railer a Jury, Roth Curies were played end the rink at Ides' Park. Youngstown, O..

' rr andieo9 rated for the pl'aintiff. hut:tOth formerly ono of the finest dancing, Century -lox le' moving for a dismissal pavilions in tide area, hew then doing of this care, oh the grounds that the iieer-Capaclty bu.tneea lance opening audience -Jury teas unduly prejudiced- last month. Amon nightly roller

JACIC[S MARSHALL, snentlóaed In o charts McCord, total soaFssrtttlt. . -ratsoo. Pave been otnerved many format story in Norembet 5 isaue of The Silt- asking seo.000 danuegtx for inlytjA.Imint, dance devotee& board ca bebnF set for picture work. u clalmltre Gordon end Revel lilted mud« Odeon operators do not toot that lb0 Lot contracted 10 Denny Meroff. In fact. prom a song be wrote and used It ss the -ltthrebttg" should shoulder the btaat .aye MarsbalL nobody bolds a contract bads of the divryutgd tuts, nevorai entirely, pointing out that tn.,tbe past on Mint ho tea Jett a.em,4s Hand sulk- eut[tave oo also imp e7arted b7 iltttogcan few ym m ra dance promoters thceo rem -le tug out on his own independently. writers. having boon shaking the public' hand

aoutelovh`h rather than keeping them "Urn» OOnaeinda."' An 'a result' patrons

Songs With Most Radio Plugs are now shopping around. content to watt until n national name comes along before tuning out at lice' ballroom turnstiles. "Heart" Alone Leads Air

Race; "Day" in Tailspin Soeys,ltered'are fhase noe(s-lisy lOsor more network ploy WPAP, WIl6C)

,bétseeni 5 jr.mrh eea. arete threw rind 11"Ltnó.$-a.wr.-.Snredop. for the desk 'ending Thrtrrday. NoOember17. Independent plops are'thoíc received on WOR, WIaF.W, !rife.< and WNN /Oho .tines are destortefed Cur "F," mitMeal production` num- bers ea JC.' Bused on data supplied by. Aeorerate' Reporting :Sert'ree.

Trawler tittle P.ethasr r,.st Wk. 7119 Ww- YN lad. 7 1. %cart and Soul (r).... .___ Famous 38 31 4 2. All Ashore --_,_._.....-... 6hnpiro-Hrratelt 36 0 1 ' 3. My Reverie _---_- ~trine et 50 9 4. While a Clear -at Was Burnln. AP n2 23

14 5, You M rum: mutt Boer a Beautiful Betsy_(7) Remick 2C - 13' Le 6. They Soy -__ Wltmark 24 - 12 8 7. My Own (Pi ._.___...--..-.Robbins 23 23 5 a, dimple anti tweet - ._ truer 32 if 6 -º. I Won't -Tell aSoul Crawford 21 i0 2 0. Stlrhsrner8dinvenlr ., r ... --Y..--_.-Bret.-rata 21 13 Intt-ito tie nai Ads

15 9. Ya Got Mc (M1-.- -. [Loonies 21 11 A further suggestion was made that 11 9. When I Go'a: orsamtne Mt Lincoln 21 lb 'beillOOñ Operator borrow a note teemm a - 0. Picas Come Out of Your -Dreams_ t4orda da Mwia 21 '2 the Orenstune Ballroo. Clariad, end

A 10. Deep in n bears ... .. }lnema 20 18 lay nut,their budgets to take In inetiti- 11 11. Lambeth Walk _. - Male 10 iS tional .4 pert"stn In the local news- , 0 11, Who Blew Out the Flame? - -- - Feist 19 16 ptz 14 11. What Have You Got That Oct. Me? (P)-'nlnmu, 10' 12 Pal.eCrr Platt. who operator the suriuner ' 1 11. Day After Day..... . - Green Rms. 19 11 ~salt Beach Pock balho0o. at ,Aktaa - 12. Hurry Monte __ ..h. -. Spier M 5 0w wltFcel' a newspaper campaign odu-

D 13, Two -Sleepy People (P)_ _.t -_--=_>amoua . 17 15 eating the public to the effect of `"Jeep - 8 13..I'ee Got a Pocket -tut of Dreams (7) Santtey.dch 17 12 lag" and '8bagging,- pointing can that 3 14 Charíge Partners (P)-__-_- ---_-- Berlin Ile ]n oeCaot170 dancing was not permitted at

It LS. Sixty80ooAde clot S1',getliae...._ 5ahtheyslay 15 fa the. park_ Not.'onfy did Use publicity 4 16 -,So lie» fide-- - - Itcmtek t4 :a. aaimn}ate bore -Office ieoelpt. but the

"10 Ili. IW'Tlist too way To Treat a ®s"-ih.hirti-Olman 14 n6 campaign gained mach momentum that 12 10. Alaarrder's Renting. Pond (PI---- ABC 14 11 the Akron tCin}aterrinl',,Asaoelatien and II 17. Stop Dentin' 'Round Moe MiulbxrlBtlta.Drogrnan I3 13 Pareht-Teacher bodies publicly praleed 12 17., What Do You Know -About Lo -o7_.. -'.Petit 18 10 pa* officials In their efforts to operate 14 II. Lore, I'd Olre my Lae for YOU (P)... 'Cleary 12 1 a 'Olean and 11 --el" ballroom- - 1!l.'X# thetw'f:l You Rtttht.ha_._ ... ._»-_Tbnney 12 8

19._I_ Must Bee Annie Tanlgttt,...._.,-..- BTe io--an 11 a CL=RENCE Ihrtiltah1N, WIT. Pinta - 30. Old Folks _ »_._,..-._..Remlak 10 g dolphin, house band. plays the swenkS'

14 2O.,Angels With Dirty Pnoeí.-._»-_..--___Fred ;Fisher 10 8 :any Cub `dance at Bellovue.ytratlord - 2v. I Long To' Bati ng to You- ..-_ Red Star 10 2 Hotel here, follo loo the Arm;ritaey football battle -

Create New Dan -test Still other operators suggested that

aa!itrootn managern do everything,wlth- In their power to "create new draw -era: By offering dance- trots -notion - period' several times weekly. not 'Ihe old-tIme goose-step dancing chaate of the past brut elessm wherein the better-danresa come to nn holir, 0r two before the regular dance and aid beginners by ~chine slid serving ae dancing- part- ners, belief la prevalent that attend- ance. will -be hyped.

B 11 Cassidy. of Caasfdy'b lkaltroom. Salem, O.. found that his 'dance abeam brought Wm- enough new- fans to enable hint to Chem the Jitterbug trade' and hits been able to get good -turnout for feature band attrattlone on Mandel night*. Vince Weber, of Spanish Bala. ,room, Dover. O., isn't bothered to any great extant by Jitterbugs, feeling rather their tiller rinks and Friday night football,. hurting grc_.,..a. and plane On !n .Itut lag ,dancing abase to get the public inteer- cettd again to patronizing .balirvome.

14 The Billboard MUSIC Now -mbar 2G, 1938

The CAarapadtte AruNc of


New Hotel Wm. - Penn, Phhb.rafi, wcAE andMUTUAL


tytkenwe Manage went rRtotRICK' BROS.'MUSIC CORP.

New Yak = Ch. -Mead - Kansas City


CECIL 'GOILLY and brit

ORCHESTRA Currently serw"fne M knit BOX Ow eM

WOW and HOC 1lduth^ M'anagemeat

FRf DLR ILK BtOS. MUSIC CORP. Now York.. Clmisea-Kanaa. City

wMwic Prayed Smart' --art left W-

A-par r~lr

,feJ0E HART srergebody'ª Friends'

and (si ORCHESTRA On Tear

itciutlse Manaren.cM rREDERICK EGOS. MUSIC CORP.

New Veda -CIeefiand-Kaftan' Clay

e.... r HERBIE and


Nor-CHASE HUM, Sr. Lewis KWIC- and MUTUAS, hece.gé Manatcn.snt

FRlo1RICK SCOS. MUSIC CORP. ' New Yaw =Cie.eland - Kansas CNv

HOWARD BECKER and his.,Orchestra

<urrently. leeeeed LANrnn,al tie 1 -ISO -ROUND; firytt...O.

guise". Manaaersent IREDIRICK 5105. MUSIC CORP.

New York -Cleo* lard- Kansas, City

RALPH Ain.lPa nO

l9EBSTER Dmami%


t><etauve Manag"a-ent fRIIDCRICK Nun 'MUSIC CORP.

New' Yolk CHy

JACK T CY and his

"BOU,.EVAR'DIERS as New Plmine

aeoadn,eer Gunny Club, Denver. Coto. Ewcewfie'Manaacmcat

ratorItiCK hROS. MUSIC CORP. New York - Citis:and - Kamm City

,IlM14Y his

BARNETT ORCHESTRA "New Moods ie .StRa s?

'mewing (STHER TODD Oe Tow

EAclsalw lteug"ernsnt FREDERIC« SILOS. MUSIC CORP.

allw Yeik-Clsirstand-Kaífas fair

Orchestra .dotes BY M.

Talking Oat loud &SANY Óf -Oar. readers. *PParentty ln- Irk finencrd by the ratla and figures en, the isesee pagoa,,00gtlnuelly write in to Fe odinar of Cheer rangy to try their, hand at the deuce p. motIonRamd . -

end while we hon.A1y sed.nnbeethf trY tc,éneOw _5e such enterprise, those seek. log a pot of gold would do well to bear in mind the fresh experleace of one. of the blggies among hand' bookers b,ttlnipon what Deemed like a sure thing be personalty bought one of his the ettreletloita for two dance ditty lP ttearby Pehrulivanla towns ... now hob chalk - Jog ,f12.203 up to e=prrteace.

Gorham Gab with the. Rita betel chain now no

open ser,oiEnt. Chase In the know are potrting to onotivr hotel theta that is going to drop Its preferential strange. melt with Its servteing -band agency after the-!tret of the year . . . Merely a Mayor ahaTfye.up brewing at one of the smeller oThces brt-Idl.ltig one of the bigger attractions , since TITO (find his Hwingtetl Has written an lnett*etloti book on ~tartest the accordion, MILT IIFTFT73 le authodflg an opus which be Calla Techwfgeie or -flying die an Freebie Orpon- .. , RICHARD ITEMBIDt bows out of the gear« Rouse taut wctk; NAT ItRANDWYNNL" taking ores on Fri- day._ ... CARL. FCREMS, guitar sal. now co -6W~ of the Onyx Club. La rounding up o bond of white awing stars for hie 59d street /pot which ooinM cca'wlth Use thinking of QED' PDX. who -boa, de- nrt, n on bringing In CHARLIE BAR - NETT for hi*. Grand Terrace Casey. for

"the Dnst time a white band fee his Chicago rep:a hot Met.

plain Doings BERT DfORSAS',takes In a testy -weaker

-at Cedar Lane nitesy,,OpelOuess. L.a..- LANG THHOMPSON follows Carl RnraSrA Into Blackstone Hotel, Port Wort.. 'MIL-, December P.. DYN VY BTROItO.going 'wrong at the Illuegands Room of Brown lintel, Loutaville, which rates him a hold- Mer ticket- running lá[0 the new year.

H:EX SR. ENOIIAM. former elms trouper operating a netery'in Ruffin, N C., brings In the Lucky CttyBynoo. patens for the work -end danatms at his Rasta Club. iwiotidkn Hotel. Miami Beath, gets ALLAN FIELDING end his 'Tic Too Muslin for the winter, starting December 24 Pteldia leaves Hotel A¢elpi ia.. Phliurcdphle. a week previous. one-nlgbting to the ?lends stand and Is set to Saturn to the Quaker town nest march 22. . JACK WARDLAW ploys the Junior Teague Mont. ,cornúry. Ida.. on the 98th. añd the pro» Ruts OOV Club. Atlanta, Nea-rYeAr's Ero.


Cockr,ill. Combat

Ttfs POUR DICTdTORS, Chuck, aced d handing the quartet. locate, at Dick

Wllteforda 'Old Mekore' Iisn. 'Chtesgo. Note) 1dcAlplls; Now Yenrr's, brings

fn a ~Coll CanrtibO Tor the yitfrine-Ortl1. trot going to won (1*rteyaon. eeroedind> and hie TRIO (Cole Coleman. glitter, and Starr. Peel*. violin). , Tn Pittsburgh. JACK and MARDI: open this Weer. at Hotel Roosevelt and DPJtT L711TOM takes In a return trip with his Four Flirts at Fl;ara Reatitutwit. . . . POOR NATURALS, for the past fakir minus, at the I , tie gar, Mlnneapely:e. draw dbrn a holdover -ticket good for 'bidet K roll. . , WIRE TALF2IT' TRIO stert this week at Nelson Hotel Rockford. HL ,

ae dose Turn BROw'In 1ritiei his Lien et 1Catsina's_ cede. Charopatga. IIL with the FOtrR operdue Cii- dA5 (n) at Cinelattati a Ole n_o Notch

a' e

On a Western Wing HEMiY BDSftt: comes d8 the road

December 15 to follow Ilrttsey Deutsch at PietherLand, Milan ROW. Clnc'h- ned. - JOBEPH sues: Current at Str PrenOM Drake Hotel. gala Francisco, gets ii contra« extension to the fleet or the Year el does LEON SiOJICA. hold - Hsi down the fort at Hi Patio Ballroom la, Prisco. ., JACK VFLO:~N. snider George fei dere,on nests with Duddy W1E- ¿Tibñ In act., O, Ischia." stag , Unit isICtnyt In the Oklrbamo theaters, then heading for Louisiana and Texas rile palaces.

. ASII. CRACKER; lingers Ln.Steuben-


,Ihlr. 0. =airing from The Tavern to Sled Horse Tavern- . . HARRY HARRIS: ex-RhytWrtt Roy .et Bing Crosby days. twice band lender for it bafntrtornting amnion on the Wert Cowl*, IOW handled by Kirk Tbrney, Of CRAN.inn trollop:et otflce. . The GENIC KRCUPA f icker at Parntlnt will have an ortg real screenplay for the netting. writing es- vigned to Laura and 8. J: Perelman.. . .


The .Seto Stands

("RAMIE 2iARNTIT and tSTtfPP SMITH battle It out foe ,orority sisters this

Thursday 1241. in Washington et Mey- flowCr Hotel . . Barnet also takes In o Drertnber 25 stand fit_ ,Springteid ¿Mein.) Auditorium. and the 21st at SS. L T. campus. Dolton: - . BILLY (CRA., CRAW bet RUBS 1IORCAN for Park Ballroom.- Wllliomatown, Ps... De- cember ? ehd a soeiety stand the 201h at Brunswick Motel, Lancaster. Pa, It i0IE CHTt.DS plays a party Dia mbee 2 at Sehenley Hotel, Ptttslwrgh, and the 5th at Norwood 'Country Club, 8t, Louts. New Yea" lire party at 'Onarnteer n co.mti'r Club: -.Lake !Meet. ILL- gets sle)CINNRY's taut. atite PICK. RttB. Bowdolr College. Hnrnswkk. Ide., bra JAN SAVWT for their December 90,Ah:nay!. ... EDDIE CAMDFSI pttt a Crab. Orbind

) Spring. Hotel Die-

camb«. e. and the [8th at Colbourn Ballroom, Lime. O.

. Employed of

Phillips Petroleum Co_ DaM-15 tü0, using nerve bands "toe their monthly winter dances . Henry Russo dishes out the denbapatIOn Pr May (95). with Don Rolfes. end Chick Webb set fee the other seelicrna - . . neater Mao tarts lit 'the Vanity Pabb, Huntington. W. Pa., December 3, and Webb the Casino Club. Clreensitle, tits.: December al.

Cost to coast Emit VFl.AT.00 <MGM December 0 at

kinduralt Danceland. Rnmmond. foe en eight -week session H: A. TAYLOR blangs In CECiL GOLLY this week for an fader stay at Ills Made Ilex Ballroom. 'Omaha, . SOtJT'ffRRN GH ?L,l91PV'fortnight It at Tentilis Gardens. Richnsoétd. Va. . . DICK (Ifetebs) GARDN>?Jt Opened November 10, at St, Paul .lintel. that city. ,.

LILA KINO., fronting a coc:tall Combo. winters et Minim Beath. °panto« De- ormber 3 at Paquin, Club. . . . VIVIAN IIEnEnhSOhe, with Charles A:'Taytotes stage unit, playing interstate Tinto' in texas. . ®DER tiiRZOS takes In Thankagbing Week at Pantheon %heater. Vincennes. Tad. . HARRY ROGERS comes In for the week-end _dancing at Hilf Moon Hotel. Cones. Inland N. Y.

TIMMY R.TCHARD6 boav out Of Lathe's MY,ry ia-Rauad. Dayton. O. December '4 to locate tan next night at Cray Wolf Tavern, Sharon. Pa. PAW. (CAIN 1omtets this week' at Hotel Sagamere. Reehe ter, N. Y.


Notes Off . the Cuff IIO1tMAN faor ~der.

Irk Dann, ifuslo Corp.. has JIMMY ttV. ENOSTON fortnightinsi it at Englewood Club. Albany. N. V.. with"LITitti JOE HART on the fellow foe :two December weskit. BALABAN h Seer,. Chicago booking office, itikeet JIMMY DORABY Sot December T stand at Orpbettm The- ater. sprtngflr&d, III- and the following day nt the Palace. Peoria. RI.. . . AENF:' RLTLLBR. after five -months at Wyatt lintel, Casper. Wyo., diawe_ en Male! hold- over:. . cubsusM PRINCR,takta`.óver the stand et Show Par. Pbrvst Hills. Long talánd,. N.. Y... . JIMMY MUNDY, '

one-time, arranger 'for Ronny Goodman, (lice to the Coast t0 note the sons for Gana Krupa... Goodman, fneldeutaal, Iwo added another. ace Harlem orrangtr, (PRIM D: tSWAIM. to his soortrrg staff,

. hormandte Ballroom Boston, lights up a tan next month_ but not as a dansant farnDtln roosting' stand for the to bands has been taken over by the Lleberasan Circuit to he eon- varted Inter a merle beetle . ballroom - matter Of fact. wee originally Heantowna o ld H. P. Keith Theater.. . . Haltiroofe Assembly aau January a gets ALP.7i. ANDTtli IIAAS.. Gotham's Mae society maestro . and so ro solid our cuffs to the droners;


and his Orchestra Awset

SOUTHERN' MANSION. Kansas Caty, Me, LtcWWO Mreore wcnl

FREDERICK 5805. MUSIC CORP. Now `York-CtrwIaad-Kane City

LARRY FUNK and hi,

Band of a Thousand' Melodies On Tear

t/daslvc Mr.ertnsent FREDERICK SROS.,MUSIC CORP.

Hew Tark - etc.:lanJ - Kansas City


MUSIC with. ROMANCE íwtasty r'btttWOOO.,n4ffaia

Opening" 'BILL GREtN'S CASINO. Pltttb.rglr- ¡Dec. 9

IEiiífusly Manois tat, FREDERICK BROS. MUSIC CORP.

Now -York= Caevseand -= Kansas City


emirs anw:w QradcactiM etnr.wrA oracle

aa_ a II iii..-34iii..-34 iMG.AR 'CeLiaaelilA 1141.1j,04:1451.. Ctnlena

Exit/Thu Mes Otion~oant MaltOiwlcK caos, reiame OORp.. I

New Ytw - CSeMr.d - Catl,

Lunceford,, Dacca In Royalties Snit

NEW YORK. NOY. WW1. HIM, Harold P. Oxley; his ppreoml

rennnger.- this week instituted Bait against the Decés company to the extent of 5T,500 SOT back roy OHM sib lch-the Oct leader claims Is owed him by"tide Wax- works. Hand ts.set'to switch from Deets to Vooallon In January; end when Vence - feed/ asked for an acootlnOng and sudil- log of the books record oompaay mused.

LugecfOrcl Ork closed sot the Kit Kai Cttib'here Weentei y end la atstfd m open at the Band Box, new 52d stave! aitery. November 90. replacing Eddie De. Lange, According to Oxley, biº at die Kit gut woe good but the management proposed aver that were non amenable 10

bled or Ltinceford.

giteef-ÍÍ Zusic eea.ó'eits (pa- Week Ynding November 191

Sake of muaie by the Mamie* Richmond' Music Corp.. Ike.. are no'. Included. due to the exclusive. selling agreement with is dumber of pia - Ushers. Acknowledgment la made to Mayer Music Corp.. Musty Corp. and -Ashley Music Supply CO. of IttW York; Lgon ti Healy: Carl p10ehcr, rm.: Gamble Hinged' Manta Co. and. Western Book and Stationer; ;Co_ of

Chicago. Ono

Cad Irk. ll is WR 2 1. My tte.ério. 4 2 .Piemos and. 'soul 1 3. t se Cot a' Pocketful Of

15, 4 Two Sleepy People i L. tamtwah West. 5 4. While a'>J'gere Was 8.aairtt e T, wll Ail- re 9 I. ARerue.lor's Ratline. Meld

'9. My Owns IQ (anew P ,dn» i t Summa" Sciarenln


td IS 12. I Won't 'fan a Soul - 53, Sialy.lSecond§Cot Tslirrher - 1't Wlea ókñn Out Yba Fused - 1 T: Mdxkatl Rose

November 26, 1938 MUSIC The Rtl)bocnrd 15

The Revicwiíiig Stand Emery Delltisch

1Jirslewed in tAc Parllion Caprice of the anettoed Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati) Tale, U a brand new oggregaiaon for

To -cry DeutICh andIn Mile, vastly dif- ferent from the ,one he had horn 10 wombs ago and far More an the Cnm- i-rrclet Oda. where hie former combo eonoentrated stitelly on the dreamy style at rotate, the new outfit rune the gamut fr in the s*ceitartlia to a arí,rket°Jnck trend of awing, with the latter -getting the nod. lassetaelVii knack of mizing the f leet andthi 'wing in proper propor- tion gtaxe the malt mesa spotlit. aid"the excellent WLW wire into this eases epee Js bound to, bring the -ark proper reel. ornitlotl daring Its,four-week stay here. Kite PaYJlkin Capriole,' patrblia accepted Los band's effort» el click stuff.

21íe' Moot t bra tepidly alaspert into e saultorLoua group Mom making Its bow at the BLR=n New; Yorker. New *York, a few weeks ego. There are a few .rough

,,pets to be ironed: !belt they're beyond deteCttan of the overate laymen- metro, gestation compilers four rbythiii. four ansssea and four -reeds, 'augmented by Deutstbb titleltant fiddle work. The weU- balaaeco crew ?slam Koko treatment to an array of unurrteelty .potent erratlg ~eta, despite that a Long bus ride didn't leero the lade to the fineft fettle for abet? opening' bare Thursdny (17y.

Teo match volume. especially in the brasses. was the only real objection. brit its Leda should overcome that one* they pure the [Comb, acnuatial. Deutsch's ens Oddle work' gives than group a sym- phonic flare or, the -etail-clasalee. and adds the dctred color and effect to the bclrer enelOdtes. Band beats,out ,,tempo tket'a highly danceable.

On the vocal end the' band to well tertleed with the' 'voloee of Mildred Gm% s,per.orinbte mise with a pleasing voice and' a aerie of welling. and 'Bob Rlehardson,, who does okeh On the bsfl»derrtnR.

1 All to all. Deutsch "has got himxif sm>irthtttg^' to his new combo. Saeh.í.

Andy Kirk (Sezleircd at A conic Temple tiaUrooni,

,Detroit) O typically sweeter styled than the regular sepát waders. Andy Kirk and

ha Cloud,' of Joy stack. sup ae .a""reel analog Out 1i. cal tells- la. for the, most part. of the ride :ariety and In- ciLia Jitterbugs to gymnastic gyrations.

Instrumental itightlgltt« are afforded by tenor,- sax star Dick Wilson. Tor a welcome Change of pace. Phª Terrell. oval :ocallst. Sings thoopash ballade. e

In- truirtÓntatton la four sates, three tritr3,p-

eta. two trombone, and four rhythms. With the

Kirk. woodwinds deems ating the

ptsaying. Ki k. ou+; front. conducts With lnfeatioun merriment that catches on with denocrs. -For tOdsy's awing -mad Debi. be retos among the Deaden.

Re MS.

Art Kassel (Rer4-awed- at Walñui Room 1Hsmorek

Hotel., CAIOcgo) tltC'eotnl-j l out of the front lined S>v In the World Mir,' Knew -1 hot boon

toting around a company of capable blOtere. In foci, it wee na a memos- of the 33d Illinois°Dtv1Oon that be- Wirt grouped together íoine khaklclr,d_ horn blowers- for the entertelnmettt. Of the boys,

it's:hts,eighth coneoctttine year at this atanrt: Which.aattgba to the popularity of Rasters, lit the Afr, his tdentlfylOg tinder mark_' Bin muaic bar gone nil the wry thru tbe.swtng era without baring be- come lntreted'- by Lt. The Neese] style has hung to the sweat lido dl the way..

Pilote factor in his ,contenued slicecea la the foot that he believes that patrons come to to dance- A slciccre.effort to play= only those Lanes demanded la not Maly ,e pope t:ar gesture brat nlnkee for him a warm spot and friendly, fcolltig among those On the other side of the Mond,

Sufficient lnatrumentatlon on hand to afford flip slid iaotodrotas-sestloru, rib addition to Knseel's ear; combo;tncludee

four rates, two trumpeta; trombone. baasa, plano and drums. Library Includes ,old and new somas and a geneni.SI apl'tit- Idling of atoreltlra that are both ,dance. able and enterrtatning.

Vocalserrs nicely handfed by the mesa- troe Wily Leach for the romantic tenons icid^awingatreea alertan Barnes. Their efforts In in* ere efts.`: end' the gal cal - dons stands *bane. cutting In almost at- ways with one or the other gent. Spot- light also goes to drummer Fred Benertes. whose thump specialties gos!wro than at little way in shattering dancers' caint ,and putting_bounce to their feet-

) onipber9,

QUy Stoefler (Item -erred ar Turn pike+CaMato,

Z.Mc01n. '(s YD:) A3tSdoUitI product.. confining dance Mltoo

ng' to the Midwest, Stoelter Carrie bore en rotate to Omaha's Derioc Box with the best" band of` his puma. Atftglíig niweities and_ general nrrnrtga-- ntebta are staperow to anything he 'has had' ÓD the -rostrum 'since ' Introduced here lour Years Igo.

Set-up takes in three sax- two braes, two- Melia and threes, rhythm. Wally stage, and the temtne trimming la Pa- talcia'Long. Band to youthful and nicely tailored.

Moeller), chief go la the Mere romantic reuue,.subdued to volume but possessing a-penot--aurlg dzeceabtltty factor. ~- lures a weed trio, adding )la voice to that 'of MI -t 'Thompson and Ifany Smith. and on scene selections makos It re inanatlire glte- club' with the ñddia tlousl ptpre of Kenny Olheon and'Wbltey Anderson. all rnetmb O1 Of the band. Mk» Long. 'rut eye-cátcher. can go It alone very handily or cows In with' one err earth° boys on the alligteste.


Ozzie Nelson (Reeved If' Cord Coast Roos,

Drake ,Hotel, C:r/oe+9o) WAVINO n bato wince 10301 When he n

waved aside a eheepaYln !teen Rut- .gcrs. Nelson stands. well on his Own With s pleasing missio-dfa ..nains.atgrrgntion. And with ItaTribt HEillerd° (lies- Nelson) In the song (Orbs, etacks up ,ae a double-barreled: attraction.

Imtruniantati n badodee in rhythm

Off the Records B- Mi H. ORODENICER

Victor APAR m Donley T' grow 'lbiny Doey going'

lightly and politely for Lightly°and Peatitafy. a wtotnp pattern with toogle- wooJtle trimmings. coupled with a !sah- lonabte setting for Hosgy Cenniehnel's etandsrd Washboard Slues, hotly played with even temper and tests, the Victor batch U,domtneta,i by the up ~room- ing pop fate. And with- the ascent on rhythm without violating the melodic Content Intently, Benny Ooodmanla is Thar rAe Way To Trost a Slo rtkearti ang'Z Had To Do ft le dtettnred foe done» lug, as is a dandy Larry.Cllnton datable with Alter Looking at You and -I Ktared You lit a Dreier. put Night. Bunny Dentin sticks to ea-al:gat up and down »tuft for a balled barrel In Simple arad Sweet and t Won't Tell- a 'oaf f oboe You,:,wblch oft adds up to sysetly natb- ing. Prom the .Wing and' swny troll, Sammy Kaye noes gushy On the 'honey dripping* tor' Hurry Home and TSU ate, With Your JYise s, oleo enough 10051. (gee OFF TITS RECORDS Oft Page f35)

(using two .plans), four eat three trumpets° and one trombone. and the boys have plenty on-alas'nrtatical-ball am both, sweet and awing experts. Swell oo-ordination of,playtag, pertleularly on standards and. novelty »<loctlati& is s Largo measure due ,to the numbrr'ot vets In the ranks. moat of tboiiL, booing started with Ossle from scratch.

Maestro la. a- oheerful personality. sell- ing hiswaveswith a friendly line of gib., frogii nt vomit* sand° the college rah -rah spirit In emits and novelties, Two-piano,team embellishes the rhythmic Incentives. and ell the arrangements. down=to-cartb and'highly denooabio, ato soared by Larry Kramer.

While Wes H1~-11 laothing pipes are, exercised introqucritly during band s ss:otve._ w the awing arbltn' of , Rose Anne Styrene cots a more frequent hrss, tag. Gal lV young and somewhat Lreax- perteocsd but boa, whet it tekine to ped- dle the pop hits la modern style

Rein Where.

_ - _

Antiouncin? y tie open in of a hied- og,ce

in fate

R. K. O. Building io City NEW YORK

Offering a `personalized service ror our dients and ci latter. mpeesentation for -our artists.

FREDERICK BROS. MUSIC liORPOR'lliTION impersonalized Serape" -

NEW YORK - CLEVELAND KANSAS CITY 2307 RKO Bldg-, Radio City 1810 Keith Bldg. 1006 Chambers- Bldg.

Tel., Circle ¢-2380 Toll.. Cherry 7875 Te!., Vktor 9279

16 The Billboard MUSIC November 26, 1938

(Rawls, are tor cunanf work wArn no deltas arE Miaial

A Ashler, tN,i7ltaei Rancho Ran Pabtol' Cer-

to Caalf n0- Adam; John" ,tBoryel ][iddkW,rn, O. 1:b.

JO. rti (Rlret,l le_ isd,,,:b. *1; Mat - Mono S[attoon. Ill.. s;.ss. t:"tbkwpr.rt- 11751 Lwtmeesule t.

Al¢eetp. Dtea (lt1 Llaleol NYC, nC. Allred*, Dén!. (Cuban C_rUwl RTC. arl. Anti. Leo. itaias Mead.rJJ Leainyari.:[y.. ee- Aia7ona. 11o[OsO: 122.17.:Or Póil) NYC, pc. Al.1an, Oet1 1,Iteat7Nm b.' 4ndrF :WAD (Chllde' Reinhart Reom) NYC,

59. (Meto1011Baf NYC. no.

AD'dtaep, [tara; rCawnoea Club? NYC. o:. Arra.tte Lauis: (papa,rum), rirmphla, L Aato. 1'iu1: Itlogl NYC. L ' Alrp. satshrU: (derriere) TaotatAa..1L Y. T7aa

Sutbelora TDr: (Onnt^'^-,ty Leaned BDta- beme0?. N. Y., re.

11aa. IIstityyt (Van Clete) Dayton. O. b. Daats, ¿Shorty: IiMet*terb OardenN PUP.

n Harri cam: 1ótatlerl. Clerelard. tL Dart. Arno: rl hcudllly) NYC. h Barth. Marry ldunlaDl laud (NOVWowl' Nalcssa,

Wen: cs. Ol.arirai ID1, 1Mtidl NYC. IL

men._ lee; (Ouea3'a 1- Recision. TO. _an Cu, Rap: rllOntparnatae) NYC, na Bat([1L Joe: IRFelaral rtttabu,{u. K. )krnl Yid. OouM: irp1óS1111 Da7eon, 0. L Lernald,` 81<yt.enl lireLMn1 CphmWa. O.. an . jaEIor, Dopt (OL-.srtr Cr.,.n. t 't, Mama Jerrrryyt tAeaadl) NYC. Bunn. Attierie0: ICb'2 Amt, l0. no. Doper, Dive: taev. WA.ti-allonl Jacksonville.

PI a., !I. nowt* AD 'Real Lowell. Moan. b. 1t:rariway. xowa,dJ- (Club idaTlal,l WlSbtu.

nlrre. Pa.. De. '

1pI?adeynew, JLt! ISs1e:t Reread NYC. b. It+aaa111, Vt--rttC rAalaasadOn) NYC, li Drad*w, ltttnfl IJett 1Rampral_Pnib. aI¢ LiTeeH. Lotto _[C'M a) Ctrl a Parl- ,i0. Drown, Led(rdaasel NYC. h. hoDCy, lbr'_,yb (Way Wolfe Tarern) R3aree.

DwPaedwc. A4ne0d: Ilterod7 Lam; Halt LAM

yraQelgiQli IMO: C7 lead( lioil7a0od. [u.

G IDandirari Gab; (6^tlbp Club) NYC no. Ceti -o. Eddlo; ch , ime peed)) Act* .i,° la CaIPOide, Johnny: Yesca Moat Loa Angeles.

terms, Boni (NtoOltatl MlnneapOSla, h. Champion lean- stns.] tndlabapolls. 10. Clac, Low" 1LrogIoa Oardresl Inuta't:)w

Kr.. b. Cletus? Lenin (Paramauntl 21163. 1_

co,, Jar(Oorernor CIºaton) NYC ZL C.lemarEmit: (Ralear{-AILCN,si NYC. h -

Colnna. Bernie: IAatlr , wtlaDi., n. t o ved at the Cenelnllati offices, not

Orchestra R0tes FCUO.Ofop, ersdS .tieing oppEara a symbol. FIEL to the deatpnnrton CO.:

rnpoudlltD Lo dte symbol when addressing orpnataat(Oru or fndtcYrf=la ,tilted.

ABBREVIATIONS: ó-a+Idltoñuri; b-balk000n; o --asao, cb--cabaret; ce -country dub; h-ho%li Rah -fri(s)e ball:-ntislsht clubs p--amu;a- mane park; ro -road house: ra--c staaatfel a -showboat: t -theater.

Grant B^.bi (Yroeadece) Hollywood, no.


Ted: (Ooliinesul Ottawa, Oft., ta.

Orifan. Jack:( (Little Raibttelleri POW. ne. palde,, JObnayl (Plrklas Clum NaIlMa'CTt1.

ia0., m Hallett, }sale inead,wbrook) CedarbaoOl(.

e!. J-, ee. Halla; -ad. HcnZy Uy71'4r-Wafkkl Columbro,

lYltdrr Ro h: (P arain5O) Borten. no. Ide[lla, Phil: IWLLtalIre Bowl) Toa MSOSts, re. Harris. Owner "Towns Club)- lloateak-nc. Herded; 6U(eld iltewmsn'aJ -Basteas Leto.

Hss-SOS Y ,Joe -,tContlnrolal Aural llablmoee, no.

Hanear, Wall: (Ptaetetlon) Newport, Klr aR Heath -set Mar(: <Whlto°.8wan Club; JahOe-

town, Pa.. no. Reid,. Borate: 18:Anityl P1114-ut5h; 1, Hewdt(eka. Dick: (Pia.S1a) Cegar repollo.

Le. b. Reeboc*, Rap" twillows) Ptetat.rtb. M. , airman. Fete! Warn (,anon]' (,Baton. 60. Herman, Wooly: <Roseland) NYC. b. Hlnea, Bart: (Grane ?no=tan] CR1, no. Hoagland. E.'erett: Ito ratio) Jean 1Pean-

P.aWa>12, Prank_ (Orpbtwa BS:tnfrield,

)(*lam hxeea"e! IC)uu.8t. nrn:'y, h 115111. Uric: "l .MorocCOl NYC, no, NtOyq (tai: "Yacht Club) NYC. bo. Merton, ]tarry° (Ls Minim) NYC, W. {Jorra]. MI: <Baena Vidal .]{said, MUM. AF inn:leet, Dean: (Lowry) Pt. Paste. A. Runts{ {sob: (Vernier Dar) Crntltaaatt. aro.

Cemmaltdeyy Thot lark Oros'« ?oven» La - layette. La., no,

Ciepp'ty, Zes: (t1p!!rblltl NYC in. Cortan. Happy; lTwri)! 110 'CÍabI Albany

N,Y..pc. CtDrnsall, Jot: ti;ewa0µp) tal! Lake Cal), in. COCrlroi7. Del; /RÁ1 :`.Oi 1100C. :tell 1te'A-

moral A1Wa>T. N. Y.. U. " Mt -0o. acts Iltallap DatOen01 Pattrburp. Craig. Camp (L'W7 CQble) Casaly. Neb.- ne. Crawecrd.JKk:,IBC? reader ) ](ltwaeite, in.

- O)awtoro. Gene- (Como) boast* no.. Uéerlter. S(e): IRad lame Talent/ B;rabeb-

?rlllt. O.. ma. O[Omwtll, Oaaotgri (C=mm'>mler Perry I To-

Cra`'tP. Bib! /Chteatoh Chi. t.

D D'A&4aae. Jotepb: ;Proper Pot) t:YC, on

Afr:Gs, hem: (Club Pro6uil AmteAy. N. Y. pe. r, r. JaC*!'raark/oaT Tisrarnl petred:, tac,

Darla, .had:_ Baatlans Cob_.,IS'1?oc. 4, L (ta,1, =did (4rustal 'NYC4' re.

grow" Drrawrr. 3.4 Cºloaed Cards la-'k2r Tieh ORCHESTRAS CARDS REVUES -'SPORTS ;1

1/ 50'1 $ i

'oil., i roo

Otatr'Ntt Gtt) a mutt totata7 Rolt

tesdraltd ream. liana Mow noon.* raaw Mee M10

^IOC '

L ióÓ

r" - --,- STANDARD POSiER(

.wM r W ,.,e,_^l



Daeuk re a. (Roues wt Jarpwrid Oklahoma, Cly,'Okla, no.

Daste. St:lñon: Il/rmlltpn) Ws dolmen*. D . C. b,

Deets. Rwµr Cant: < nostop, n0. Daets, Peal, '<B'.N=a-.t+e ~tie. lad, n0. Dawson. Ted:,(La Cmnaa) 15011ywepL 1)e. Draa. T.ddM: (Caca01 n/0elou, me. Del .,.-: Mt, N o:ail ttaeatwr, HL: b. D ennuur, Pot* I.Yea QeetLndl BroaL De ncrt:alLatry! rLl7plry-Bouarel Boston, h ~nee Wm: Otani Bed NYC. no. DePa F1uL+a: itCObenY tlabl Chi.- no. DeVodi Dan: /P1ara1 NYC. h. Drulaeti. Fina7:, INetberland%Ptala) 'Claelir

weak ta - tauten, pJrlt. (Oeri Palart) NYC. aa,. LYOraay, Hatt; (Cedar= Luigi Optimum, Le. Dcu:.=r. A+k <Ralebow Miens) NYC, no, DonaQi. Senn: IWaltie) lnt1L b. Dorsen; TamaQ: (New TºricerÍ NYC. 0. Dangler. TOmy1 (Aatlrra/ (Car/as Clip, HID,.

Det50DlJ1. (curtalI''1 (Al. Aeae4oh IL-ooldyyn2L, n. Ihan,aor'4 JaLt. (lt(o'a Yell Roam) AAaa7,

N. Y:, rac Dwcbita LOON (Flom? NYC. 1L Da`vola 1RtrteC+igeandhA) Ottawa. Ont.. Jt. naam. OWpph (Worn Dore« Dworttn.. Obe: IStatel CN9mbtd. O.. re.

F Edwin, Mutt '<Club Att.eel MRwaa:kte,-ñc. rl!llr. S:e: (Qom= acaryr NYC. re. )?tEsnd. oeor[e' +Ls a/lraael, NYC. no. Weider. FTali. Il/ )P)LtaDvf)L a0. !Mule. Freddy: ItTrdeerLLty Club AtbanT.

N.Y.:n0. > . CAaYitt: (13artya'New York Cabaret)

r111 g:af.nna7: (Vletor R't4o1 Lee Angolan

IReae, Yelt IVsrsaainl NYC. no. F '

Pamuant, 1atJlgy'1 (90er Lilco Inn)' Clemen- toa N. .A. 50.

ParDrr. Dort: (1ROreattne -Room, ORa0n1 = Cfnciatt- in, Psa-onat Ra=: eD7teMnt Á[A1 Jt.d IhtnY N. Jr ax,

Orchestra Routes mur Met i- loam. Faatatla:,(Yum,ut)' Witt -no.

later than Friday to insure !publication. o - Hail, Bar (Greenwich Village ~of

Ir1aD, Mau: (ima(S:lerl 7ICIIbara.'N. J., no. Ink ti7ots: (neentüh


N Y.b.

Jatua. Al: Iblltme7s) i'rotkleR*r h. Jades. Jas*: Ctder Raptdabla. A. Jay-, Jobnqrt tCas9t'rntk Dln:'.tr C:a I

la, 1m65, CUM. no.

Jo =eon. Pole: '(tons etasl, Xiamen City. 3Ce.. tu

SCODiowsi(, Adrian:" 4aaidrow.,Jaek11e1 Xaa6. nil,. Twain, b. ldcPattand Tat: (R1ldaow C,rlill ,NYC, 1(c1-erlonb Pram*: (Cba4kás:ro-rnol

no. slcratyra ;Ain!: (iwk-Na11aa1 De,cett, h. Melatsra, DIM; t iutn'xni) IL:r;ywo0a, re4, MC1G,y. Ixllc3 IJrRerson brads' redeem, A McRae nape.: iilarárra.Caalaol IMt?alo, a., 1dc1t, J'atry-. ITD.s alraot ran Adtoe'g, aK alc;:,Dabn, J+J; IMaalan'fl Rooms Ott;, 1(A., a0. 7(uradxnarr8. JOe: 1COCotcyy. Club)' CM, ea:. merle. 7?.n:. 1YGstr11 NYC n0. Marla, Ray: (bwlnr G^--.+` 1 1tYC, h,e, Mar.aL, Jasa rtlIckecy noosed NYC. ne. atarte4. Ota: 'Club .Cl Rtol NYC. a«. Marlon!, 1C I+rw (Cizh tq 15102 Nl' nd. Martln. Ion: O.rOn á 1tdd10'Is) NY nt Harttd, Daei,: (kSL Otar el flr0altty,6 b. Atatier, ~rite: den Club) YrYO. n6 Maul. Hestia: 481:rr. drawl Puebla. y. >xCana: <dame(.pOdy;(tloeeeaar

Clinton) 1tYq t ba=. Nye: (Oeor^yPlar) Roston. IL

aU lOa. Zarb /DID Oreta-a Casino) P1:N-

s1ÑeI"Jack: (siikba Mal NYC. re_ Aisd*lri, Ray: (Caaa' Lora daodeall Ikr-

brntll(e. O.. na. toro(( Wany: I0oldm -Cate) ITaw Fran[laptip

Meyers,VW- (Stianonl 15eat;lil, Wash., a. N1lrk0 Joni 'TrfrCrSaa Oaildo)` rh11a t0. )tiller, {carta; _ (ppptsy-Flaral DOama, _

14o:rer, alsaiittt (Btata> Beaton, p. lIIWItOee. Lata)': (Btt+ndl NYC. 1. 1(111InFlosa HaalO:. 11111ct Cat? -tYC,. nG MDR., Jay: (Park Plural 9t. Louls.,b. mum. D%k: (Tbe Casto4a CMS Laa4t:ea,

Tlx.. au. Mader: Hairoldl 1Saarray r. Grip Alban,

1t Y., re. Molina, Catiori IG:iTtxls) CDIt d. 7iMaltba:liN

(11 Qlu4TWOTsinO Rapids. MM. !ó>ehttas (1Ga'ywo 1 .YY0. no. Mooney. Art: lttroba:sr MAO Detroit h. Moons, Kddlo: /E1aba] Luia[a.'Nr Y. b. Mordent. Rola, 1Psradlsol NYC re. Morton,. 1CwCbleO rliru:lwr0R1

NYC. ale_

Jonton,, Geny: (Yt'ansickl NYC. h. Munr0. Hal: (AfnlCtla Club) )dlMaaaee. et Murphy. P.7neli. Men L(Tek) Albany. Mimes Meal (Swing Sett Hollywood, bi,

Felton, Happy((Artadta-Inxráatloesl) Pnua.,

r.t"'¿t. Debt ititnetord) Bridsaperl. Cs. -:n., n. PR 1, J'aDenyr tP"aa:al en Antºn10. b- indle. Utter: /Park Genteel l NYC. h. linera, .rteddlet (Beata Line) Kamm

Ma. m. lrlsóetv, Jack; _(Vlenna Rooasl LIOasOntr,, re. Itaker. Freddie: Italian Run) TYC podo,,nw PSO-. Jerry:(Frºat St al .Oar4en' T1+0 o0e,,pG tb_^,cm, 111.a111 iaL 11pr1L11 NYC. b. }`Oct=au, t,ea' "(tYtaldMl) NYC. h. Porter., Clroei<e°Vs*tlal Loa Amarlos,

1p1rY0 roc -

Pranks. Wee wttnit: «Te Old ray Room

Fredric. genL: (Par* lylasal 31e. Lwis, b. 1lrednu._ Jun; IDo'at:rarC Tindal Etnthunt,

L ó. L. Dumont. AI:, Malt lj9on1 pterrbenvlilt O. a0. Pulebrl, Cbarlaat <ColmanClub? Awluata,

Punt. Larry: /Caarld(:e} aLemphbL b. Puffy. Wendell: ICaw tllriall Jacksonville

Mach. Ma., b. Musa. Joe: VITA brook) N. ,)le rot

C pabl4drJtlgmti,eny: 18.4410 1'e7toe's 11asDecuaL

-ramble, JaCxrÍldncoln Tim«t ritlabCitta.

dirber. Jew: ilstyMnawkl Chl. re. aladaoc, DIM: -(CammoGeao Perry{) TotedO,

aarpatir, 1NAt: lAmtatsadeTI NYC. n. MINX ltaatitet:;Rcya1 Point C7aD) Miami. no. Demon._ Mutit; 'Lookout Bowed Cerrneloa.

Ky. nc. Co,dron. l/etiri! (tt7iealtda'dl aChL aió

olattc, Jerk: (Cam MaartenLae r.-aa Dono, airy: 0114~1 Rowel Orand Lriard,

N. Y., goyim, NMI. (De mitt. Clinton) Albany. b. Golly Ceidl: rlautte Soil Omaha. b. R:irjñ14ñy, 11em: amwCDat II leod. G t7q. Leonatd: iLrnctll Dulutl. SpnO.,.b. oeoasr.a,>. 11...L7 Iw4dertAaliqel NYC. in. Gead.en, Orq Ilñ7racuser eyraeus, N. Y A Oran. JoDmr4: I(um11 MIL rt. OraDibiter, rrrrrhq: CCo[Oanul Growl ]t)n-

neat: -.11e. no.



C.Oneealanlly Located?. lha Heart v1 ips2an's Thear/r:sal end shyate D:srtta7 ALTRACTIV( PROIIIS)ONA* RATtl- WEINLY. WITH PATH, SLOG VP.


J e:dy, Itatold: (P1a01 1,131o31, Misa., in. J ,ar'acho. D1cIL-'(AragoK "Chi. D.--

Kale, A11se¡ (]tole IloaD Ch. oc. )Carda;,mrr.e' (aue4aeta1 KataaL Arl: (tlunaetkl Chi. b. ° KaneL'r. Ai:' New Penn Cab) PlttablrsD, Re. Hair, )(ammyIComm.dOTel NYC; b. Kaye, OOOK)e:_it:taRe Deer? Weelpoot.,ColtA.

KVA, sial:.(Orpheuml Y)neeapo(áL, t lC aeatrr: (Merl 'Ctnb ) NYC. no. Kral

T tlia/abore R te eadeo)' Pals Lake1Celehia.

Sea! tH011ywOádl Madison.W1a no.Kcr{,t¡tary:

IPairreewatl Ban ~ism. it KireY, Jay: (TM Brook), Na,; Orao40,, N. S:.

tench Jesteral /LaB1Tk) CLL`b. gum. Wafae:.. (SLrk 1L.tsY(as) Ban `Fran-

cisco. b. 'Unner. Jtay: k(I.arirdloal NYC. in.. Hrrb?. John_ OQ t Club) Y.n Johnny! (blLmcoa-1 CIe4, bl Crey, .P,4tddle: ,(7turtb IDP) )'(ailLwoa. VP: a..

:ÍhAntrtes. D. Kuhn, Dick: Miner)

'Palomar, 1.44

KuJttt. Jack: ,Iat'atr.aaor Cumbrrlard.,xd.. n. aCyaet, Nay: IPeape?I*aaGal NYC.° b.

Lake. Dot! /000 Club) ce Mom JJryart!.'Chaa Slew,leel 'Dalla[, Dr. T.allolhe, 01e51; (lasadata,. Grille) lLl,tttad.

n, ne_ Luny, Aiaaard_ .(ysse tt'Cloék) Woad Dea.eA.


l.íLrtttSdp ñti NYC. b. Ieat, ne:

11tspr TeCdyy iGlub L1fe11lev) NYR no- I.erattOrd. eriltere TA!laDauee. Pla.. Lsl'erle. Jeer (Old ltOnmari]aT(1 Noon L ReOora.0.Ke2 t: <Qt'eelYa Terracel Plntklnt, -laipáf., nsAa: (Ctvb tleDl Texarkana.. Art. Lame. Lease) lCrtrel(tº'a) Bo(rtn 11aa.eD, R. L. Layton, Hezl! Merril PellabartJe re_

La Wire*.Ladle: I)Ia/bDAw Remit NYC. no. ZRm,arO. ilkdlabh ¡Dreamland; Karma City.

SOo , b, LeRoy. :toward: (Orlando) Detatº. Ht., b.' Loots. Tee; Wheel rrirldenet; L Llah; r-norA: (Tattl NYC. b. LOCka. .u:Sler; IBaradly MU) tiewpnt, K7»

LOCUM Irma. á At1.01r1 and: Motes -Nil Wattrlo011. N, Y., b.

Lombardo Guy: IROOt,swit9 NYC, N. iLw+F Jairm?c tstalNe) morale, It Lope). Vinoent: Mess Manattai NoC, na LA' üaacboet (CM Gaudiest N'tiC, na Look. Jimmy;. (Nrlaoo/ Rockbtra, /lL, n. LmC..,nd Archie: IO1rrApIC1 Dcattle, h. Low. Beltl I: O. t.wnttord. Jimmlar (Kit TM NYC. ne. Lyre!, Bator Intent leen) a_rUeLteay,

Ht0 7 Clyde: /BAabtrt} Clndraad. t. 'raCn'ti, rRrllIIett Moment Rrook)7n, A.

N fütt-rl HarOOd: (Parrott) :CYC. 3 :ranee. 1.tklPprr:. (nsagaoytrtP Caydtaal Li

twos. Ark,. na, NtrtuoK Zed,:IParaddae Cbt, b. Hclaon, tizslal; (1'1r ) Chi b. 1elcLata. Mad: t7bnY1 VA"' t7cxaanAas,, b. N[WIa. P,aat; d.Ot Coble) Chandits., N. Y.

no, Neale. bann! ItAallct)_730atoojn, 11irtOn, D -dl= (Km 1CA1 Kkebl tarsi MAIM. re Nottataae. A1; Onitilo Cellar) LrYCa PC. Neulel(bam. Cary: Mel Tabutus Alen Rab-


Osman, Val- <Belmont PLya1 Nye. b. '01acla, MAW: <Weba:er Rea Pfl1Lirargb. In. ,Owerna. Han?: .(Breert7-WIRabsn) Loa Ano-

(otee, h. Orenb&nL)L Icen: 'Prepuce Tree Inn)

sida Cali., no. P

Path). Dow- Wolin rieaeAt Detroit, no. PaaiO. Het Lapa: «marital NIYQ h. Palmer,. 8leste,7 (Betbecal Roehrater, N. YJ b. Panui.o! (GUM' Park Callao) NYC, w0, P,atoee. Mlkel i Milt LoltUIJ A1Deoy, N, Y.

Parka. Bobby: IEl Riot NYC. no. reed. 0.17: 10111a4o 1 CAnelan sll, 21- ~ Don: lOraamerr7 CM. h. -. : rrrda,vJa, Paoli (palate) fiaa Fri1)4100. b. 1,0,01, Chet: IC1ab Z/rapel Hollysoo0.-ae

D. a., Johnny: tCapsiW) K'arAlai(te4

rr.--tr'yy, ]toa; In[tp0nt1 4 l o Dei. a

PsttL imite:, Rras`D; )Oadal - IL Pc7tcrt. Jimmy tP.uiat Pittsburgh. [t. 7TIR1ps. Wendell! Madinat C111, to. Pserte. Ilia; (C.tloaitt 'ludewalk Card Cute

cloned. b. Plul:amer, Rena: rAtendtJretls Casino) LLibes.

cont.: ran -

Ion.JNíIltairl lltmbaasy Club) Mania ANN.

Pp.:Oy' mob: (a3a11;K WalllCkl Cot-asJ>Qa O-. {t,

Powell: 7iddle: (New Illrwraldol Bperad Lade.

railack Arnold: (Berkele7CaiteT(tl 'As- bury rae*, N.

Rion, Leon: (Láadtórd Penthouse) B*ta3a

i1rr. Lewtc tJutirbag Rowel Hotttwaod. nik

Payar. Itoty: (Mule) rihlll(, L

RaLd Jobl:,4011.1202221221`cin C122121!R worm, n0.

Renard. Ju.q.rtat: l0000arict ato..r..a.,.,aa.) BoaBOO=Rndáa.

Chat.: (Ceql:rentlO Dat+. ne rtoyy )ea -irla: (DQaamSand ou'de'ial Oatabte, N. Y., 00.

R. ardel. (YAtLt Club/' NYC. dr. AleNrda, Jimmy: 1]err.y-d0'itOacdJ

tebi,.0_ oc. ltur7. Mac iRa?m*r) la -.,clan, b. Rimer Il(AllTwooil Li'ttJ, liC Rinda Jos. Mate; NYC. t. bobbin', Slily: ~noon' WOreewlar. fWtta. b 7[cdr2AO, Nae0. lltasace.yydr'dy NYC, Pr - ~awl ers..y: rEhnna Ir G1,1. B. Amara, Harry: 1HÁ11 AI7on1 Cbney Ista0.

re. Y., h, Ro4cd Knit tehttmtbaterl Rr'lon. n. Noland Deno lL'udsl Salt Ll`fi City. S ~not; Adrian: telar .rnl e(t^C, pe - Royal Fam B571, IXer N" °rard) Ttllyda il- !*oyat AmOsaradOn IT81y(e Brnrrsjf ITC.

he. iYelm ~Utz a--121 Palm scam.

C1tat., in. <$4'ra ROJJTES pA papo IDj

}Yooentbe'r 2by 1938 MUSIC The Billboard 17

A:cAP CUTS FOREIGN TIES Kaycee Grosses Hit Under Par

Ellington 8841 short - 8$50 weak for Rueburn -Becker's $950 oke

XANSAS CITY, Mo.. Nov. 13 -Darns ~Men are singing iha bleats thin _'seek slier Cheehtngboa-0Rlee receipts from twerp ueaslona 'where Duke ante scot*. 1[owaañ Becker. and Boyd urn

mall:Thy of p. arato(ebHsl bh if tme. on stage M the PDX Tesler Tbrster. for the end-groosoa_

At Ros iand,Balroom. Ellington ac- dunteec! for,_º ¿neuay (tÁ41. considering 1Lg SÁ10, asking price the speaglonr Mein - hen oC the colored .AL*ialclans' [.oral No. in, were famed to pry. Ducats went it 7$ cent* and Wilttam_ Shaw. union left wan 4,lsapPelnted at the travel of 1l0O-c 1d dancers.

likewise, at Will U. Wittig's PIa.Mor, ftasbuTn on a 8tturdny solº,h1t a week WO, altbo the dancers wer:h more than e nthusiastic 'cod' hi. mud[.. Recker, Tines provtoua iria-Mor- oppe.rancee clicked aolldly..tarsd better than either Dltoqtoa or Raehairn garnering .4400 'Thursday, *200 Pr(Cay and *WO at the tondo, matinee. .for an ahab but Dot too prodtabie $950 total. Weatber wan local. [rut Kemp. is gammin' the moppets at the theater and near -by football pears ware attracting many ma -tram the dty. Wittig has Lowe Armstrong fºr tonight's errafon. use tool* trumpetsr'layingg over here for soother solo Monday night An 7Mtintct- ppss11 Auditorium at- a Negro Americrin teem taitivlli.

Things will, pop here the drat of next month. , Oil December 1, º local drug morra will 'present Ramey Rapp, Johnny Kamp and Rita Pilo on three N(drnte etegee in the Auditortvea. The same day._ Chick Webb opens rt. :the Seaman teeter for a week... Clyde Mc- Coy comes in the neat night for Marry Duncan at" the, Auditorium _far a semis_ deaf same day that Bob Crosby nooses at the Pox Tower for setien; daps. Wittig will lay tow at the Pta-}.tor those nights rich a ' local band. ea elom(ztitfon nerbea ª raw an -time high. r.

il 11.

%edltgs ro. i06>i 6>d - Iffl1pdR

11a1 1saTrtFtltY lY W XEl6.0



Caw Oalebt a. Detearennerr Me matt sisee. biaas-

rWaTaL s110IrEIA. $POTZRITIV7., ttOTOR lanttI Y 0040It w311:12.11.

C. J. NEWTON 'CO. was WMu tear atm., new YOriK CITY.

YOUR AUDIENCE JOINS -IN 'When Spring Comestln The Valley'

Ile Our Trader «áw) I

DANCE .Nn, by Arthur Ward'tiollywood OIIeH:. 7a emote. OPbao-aia. 3a Crop

NATIONAL MUSIC CO. Ht Huin it, eaN rflA 101 to O. CALIF.

PICCOLO COW BELLS-Special rears, cart eimmat RmMte - gr to In tieC?., ra co rs a Werra* flak{.

Pun: Yecobv, a fr. 11 nil eM rev .a.110 fee ate sees Dell. Mier it SSe .-Ss'. biSl---a (4O

Mann b.[k Ir rat gMl.iled. K. T., NTREET ea age as. .eikerre011er.ease,


«CANO fiel moon, Yew cane/Mene Sao .t.

rol A -º EAR w lea Ceti La An¢Iri Calif.

Hear. Hear rioa.LYWOOD. Nov. la,-With the

film faded** getting set for o flood at the studios era wracking their heeds to figure out appropriate aound effects.

One antcrprbeng technician at the ltOM lot often his idea Of .what a Jitterbug sounds like' by. combining the sound track of;

(a) the busing of a mosquito. of jitterbug pastures. sound omen -teens

(b) the noise. of a burnming bird. (0) tit. aqumk Or s dry rude, (d) the sound of a whittle. (ei aleare.

802 Benefit Dance Draws Huge. Throng;

NYW YORK, ROY. 19.-Dance gtnged Tuesday (IC) by Local $03. API& for the betnetlt of the local's medical bureau-,, was, to put it mildly, a howling, according to Jack Rosenberg.. 80= prer§y. Affair was held at !tic hfanbnitan Center. capacity of M 5.5z», ..b511 a couple of thousand more tried to -get In and atiooeeded so well that the Ole depart- ment attempted to call é hart- to the Proceeding* twine. threatening to dose the had bemuse of the hills crowd, mdnY more than departmental rutty allO , Ro- senberg managed to wave the day-or, rather, the night-on each occasion.

Medical, bureau netted about $4.000 Out of the affair. which was braadesst Over WREW from It p.m. till ii a m, next f atñnng. Romer, Of ',bands making -the Musty included ~any ,every I.mpor- tant .group in and , amend Kew York. with names like Paul Whiteman, Benny Goodman. Zbmuny Dotson ate-, follov-Ina ono another -In rapid 18 -minute sucoes- slOnein'the band eland. As ter as local Jttterbugls were concerned there wan only One .stntlon'On-the air that night. Ind, that- wait WHEW.

'POND DtVLAC; Wig., Nov. 12, Seooa.t annual Rhythm Rodeo sponsored by Local 300. Ford du lee musicians" sego. elation. terra place alonday (14) a the lintel Relieve here. Affair was it btgnuo peas., With two bsilroorni, nñd 2$ been* being used, Admtah'was> SC cents per tp advance. 40'oenta'at the door,

Burns Office To Rep CRA in Kansas City

KANSAS CITY. Mo.,Nor. 19 --John 13. TIrano. general manager or the home oáfee of Bob -Berns' Enterprises. merest band booking ency locating 'here, atgtrd a pact this week- with Stan Zucker, Consolidated Radio Artists oxee, to represent dust agency to 'thin teni- torp. Timeline, will work to oehlttnc- tion. with Pat Lombard, CAA division

Buis OCloo reports -good bounces in the 'that month it hits had its bonne: out. end the opening of three new bilindagi. J. P. Lawrence will be in charge at Della*. flan B. Miller 'Is head of the Houton bureau. add Jack Bunter Is erorkane oat of Sylvan Roach and Austin. all Texas citit*. Agency la alto reprasent,ed in Tint,.. Oltla., and Went Hollywood. Mo.

Crosby a Killer With 58.200 on Three Solos

CIIICAGO. Nov. 19tBob.Croeliyb nret four one.n)ghters *Mee Closing at the Blnekliswlg Cafe here reflected the nits - rocketed popularity of Ids outfit. On November 12 the boys piayed a guarantat 'dote and were swinging for the largest Military hull ever ruaermbled in the Par- due University. The following, night Crosby attracted MOO peopte at the Cry. tl Puloco In Colet Oa. Miele. On November l5 bend drew 1,600 Cuatometi st the Ingle Terra Ballroom to Peoria. nL and on tin next eve moved to Ceder Ybaphrjs, Low*, to break all erlttfnt_m- ords In t at burg's Coliseum by drawing 5200 Cash patrons.- Lett three one- nkinterv.larre Si adreteslmn per bend. pl=an,; the Crosby coFera with acme S&200 tar tho'datas.

Buck, FDR Confab on European P'erf orrinlifirkg Rights Societies

Break in relations with, STAGMA and' AK IT planned- E. C. Mills is studying set-up-royalties collected and received by foreign organizations -involved NEW YORK. 110v. ]0.-Poestbility exi ie that the AmMcaa Society of Compote.

ere. Authors em al Publtghen may break off relations with STAM , snd,AK1Yt, re- spedusety -the German and Auaerlan performing rights groups. Severance of-exist- dil e agree-rnc tta,betwern ASCAP and its t uropton aaltintea. C it mews. Irotiid be the reatiSe of current events in Germany and trio growing world-wide indignation stem- ming therefrom. It is understood that E. C. Mills, chairman of ABCAP's admtntatra- pve board. is staldying the actuation wlth'a view to taking euci a step, and also that Gene thick. Society _ PeYx7. tree ha Wesbtr.gton this week dircuralag the ' -

matter with Pratt lent Roosevelt. ASCAP title! to' the use Of BTAOMA and -'ARM would' not have a gdeallose reat to by music ',tax free._ This. hoeeyer, vro41d breaking off STAOMA and AIM relit- Clot .*Sleet ~Are income grvl,tay. atone tHana, inasmuch . M It has no deflrtit4 the' Society meta only as a colltrtaon guarantee lea to. Whet become. of the 'agency for the Conine-Nustrtan royalty moneys sent abroad Or whether catalog,. tt reachn'th* Writers for whom It is ID - tended.

Money collected by the foreign orga is not allowed to be leant out of Oar - many or Austria 50, that writer* In this country who arc members of STACNA and AKM reap no'beanRt from their work from that end. In -the event that relation arbbrolon. between the groups. Ikrgiarm bit this country would Do ea -

More 't tCommñnity Singe' NEW YORK. Nov, lg.-Columbia Pic-

tures 15 grouping the songs for a duo of Cornntanity Sings movie shorts. Ólee fee- turing girls' name eagg althea and- the other Icing Till Pan Alley's .title* of friendship. tee the lcni nicker. Dt. rector Sara Nelson has selected Ge,w5ietn. Dinah, Lem Jane, Barrie end gaily. Palsy- watay pie' win include Frond Prom Toerr Deena Town, Ofd Gang 0,1 Mine, Me and Hs Shadow; Jeff Friends. and Jl We Can's 80.rhe Sarno ON Stoeatheeris. One - reeler. will 'be recorded end aimed next wee= by Htr¿b OteCollw-n.m110 supervises *hart sub)ecta for the .studio.

AN1TA $O1 ER. vocl:Sm a with Dick Barrio's Orchestra, was nulled 'by plane h -at week from Clevand 10 the Good Samaritan Hospel tnl: Cinotanau. for iln emergency operation". $he will be con- fined there for several weeks. Mean- while 'Carol' Page. of WTAM. Cleveland. will Derry ,fin the reminitto,dinging ohors3 with Barrier Bald.

BIL'LY. -.



,i. Th e

JILTMORE = OYS end their

ORCHESTRA .tVCT cotadtroco 20 WICKS


Tan parid Had le Cspu..un7 Nbjtisee.



Mgt» oossoLPDAT[o ae01D u*Tlsis, I-




Now on New England Dance Tour


Little= $sliding, Beaton


euy m4,á.;. Bos ton

18 The, BiJJboerrd MUSIC iMurtentfx+r 'Zé, 1938

s , .rt . a tin z O'nc-í iG%'ER I amnion the fact that I

tre wee playing ,daba* Dltwlc when dance bands consisted of only pingó uatd-drum.s and títere w"Sa sao such thing ae travaitt.g Outfits, tt:e pfcaent genera. lion of kitten. Or whatever you can them, {straw use one_ of Sh¿Pee rbsil are.yon_ peddliaig-Hayaci look,, Dun Ice tefe truth, ,.o tr 9p me., The late Cene Ro10- mldi potutdrd the plano while I hit the anima feline to yew ptitcrdopee) said It xanl m 94. totals In lift. Another boy I iu,ed to team up, with win Otto.Itnen- alboD. Po one had ever sean a banjo ºs ,

sax Id thew days. So you can sec that this one-Digbter

Industry fated It oertalnip'Is no lulus- tiy) Y no 01' Mnn Mono and La a long Way from kicking Ih. buokef or ex. i

ample. I recently recelred'a slues.; /Min a r.cho l enenrnttteo In one of the Urger i

uniteraftfDa eagle:* what I could do (Cr the tray of a 'name ark for one 1 '

iilgtbt at_a`buttget not to exceed 111.900.

.f'JishFaylon GakRer Mow In Ifer. Jr lrfir=Terr A,frrr. ?tisAfaat axxeaore


IN' lá

ti _ _ l, -

.#,, w ii 4 eíJirrSrrr ..wa_ .

sew «I j --r


.a = -a;

er namaase

StItERT PARADES and brass bond. blares ricoossµueftd tat beritriorre. tap Keyser, cornrow to Poe'kford._JlL., lo 1$ff fora aeceneyiler.


And I Con repyernber the day not io tong logo wheal Jere /Onset and bla riotWty Orchestra /Ilse pieoeel',conaldeval them- eeires Welty II r. school clambake netted them gig for bight's' tooting.

Startling With Meyer Dads liow did tbOr onensght business got

started-and why? Well. I had a ring -tide , 4 at Its birth nñd.. In fact.. became the -

tattier of ono-Mg/item In the Middle West, eo I can glee íi' pretty rile de- .ierlptton of Joel what hrppetyed

In 1930 I found myself. soap tats with Crape. tp the Meyer Darts" Ors up m Mtatlr_S. Merar at thin Una. 'had, another outfit which was playing date* around flit Careitnan and be' Want..d.erro `to go down then and manage thin 'bunch. It was. It re that I gat my Orel -glimpse of a traveling oreh'rtra.

Of cosine lento Nose plenty Of .small local bandy In the °Mainry at this time which would trek out to another town (or o otve-nrtht Stand avid then hop rl rill back to hone pbrte: bitt the Davis atilt; whlcb" I wee pllottng he the land Of the Ortilnai 'Carolina ntOon. was hop,-Sng Into hapylnt to hamlet. The malt trareltuz competition we bucked them wen a ere -niece unit going tinder the mornittr Of cite 'Garber -Davin Or et:r etas. The arts titif or that name be- e em: to a Seiler« by the Dame of "Jan Osrber, of wham you may hare beard today=

'biAaraie'" s Mutt InCjdr'Dtally those were the days. Pion

men were the ataMartt line-up and a :Olen: Or :mile' wax socanthlug the OM* player bough$"so the teat of us COVid

By JOE KAYSER 11e Chargé of Dance Tours (or -Rockwell=O'Keefe I'a Chkaso)

IP=IOME FNCYCLOPFS)IA aonOXon crtr seta interested in, compiling; a comprehensive section on' American fnza'It Wilfíbe Seaaing up a bet if Joe Kayser. bawd of Roctxalf-O'Keefeb

one - night de - p a r t slid eat to Chicago. is not con culled be. fore going ahead. Scarttnn

drummer In,Let. Linde ho - fore 1611, Kay- ser packed; bin drums every- where from Rector's In New York to tobacco ~mica" In

the Carolinas. With the exception of a two-year stand In trio' U. 8. :Invp fn 1018, this exponent at hot beata ban lived and breathed itener- Ioab ragtime rathtup until 1930 when he dlaaolveit the Joe imaypeetOrehestnr and Joined the NRC Artists' Bureau In Chicago,,.,_ In 1036 he' task charge ºf CRAB .one-night department in (Ile u1d ';n 1e54 :uomed,:ova to the acme post' for Rockwall -O'Keefe.

.Joe In married, hots four little Knytirrº. nnd_now thinks of banda W baz-oAbts tgrtn ronly. Murat of the top names to the dance -ark field today were fiat getting %Wen' way when Jae had .one or the big more bands of thn country. in .fact tic Was re- sp0oslble for giving' rosily of them their awl, t., as y0á"v:tit sea bore In bit barn ftoptmt -of °jus:, 1iow:lt all began.

memorize It with our own lbdlatiltial Improelations. tarpfe was the nit oi the day and all "membem of the band wore tlrma clown ' salts with big red polka dots Arid róuna ruffled ooUars. This gang' et Jlvess I wan rnaaatlng wan play - log a string of tobaeoñ wa cboia:e spirted act ;the' CatintrysIde: load ~Mg wan bandied an 1 atrtatls per- centage, bails.

It was here that I- gat, the Idea tot oreaatxing my tarn band to do nothing

_ hurt travel one.ntgbt"atands.. A gaitaor at the mop of thine Untteal-8tatea ,bowed me a goodly array gel worms `then the I Odwest which were mitre, largó r than those se' were making In the Carolinas and antis hot too much distance he-



Iw,t OB

1 a


tween them. This Jul point was very laspottaDk to"eOereldr, as you will see later `tin Stn this Saga. '80 -in 1921 I was

,back ,In the óP ,hears town. Ilk 'Louts. with my first band-gild sine of the heft musloio,.ue In ;tl wee a chap by the name of Ir auk Ttunabaucr.

'Duce asa,,no such enimal-air a band booker In thew days and if ,a 'band got more, thin .0 mites out ̀of $t. ,Louis It was because tt was on Its way to Chi. cagó or eocneWl.ere like that, but cer- tainly not ta,stop off n Joplin. Mo. Wine would they uupoe:e their Instru- ment's_ lt'tbey did piay In Joplin? Mail

er ufwetton'that I was aakltt}f myself about. T11.4- answer tusiwo alit to, be _tmpie..Jiist anywhere, thatis alL Just anywhere. I hired an, arirance snarl lei travel a couple ,of days, nhcrld Of Joe Kayser and bis Norclty ptchsetra nod told him to draw the Isere Orrrhore. If ar ovei-size barn ivy the best he could do. a barn, :¿t was. Thle Meanest Haan wra busier than a one-armed Juggler with a double set of radian Cube.

The Advsacá Man ' 'wna, his Job to tie up with a loud

promoter. basins:~ man., bodge"_ or school and to book the bee'« n any one of 1,001 drabs that I had cooked up. Ptfty-Orty, 7346:, iiometlmes sigh -or with- out a guarantee. and actarral troom When all Una was to no avail We /tin rented the 'brat ready lull OtlIttiRtt and started selllisg tickets.. Other -Sundry duties for our adrano, man mere the business 'of netting the local tbeater-to run olida.. plating wtnclore cardri In merchants' windOWss, eta/eking- with the local mil= racism.'" union to ace If it 'had' s nuns - tinting low, which meant we°toiA;ht hate to hire ti couple of extra pion" If the minimum number allowed to play was over fire. And lass but not mast by any meow our adtnnce' tamnglclan was elected to »ailuaro the pnomotorh beef 1f aometltfng hxpfrtgledind tharband'Fag unable to make the date. And 1át nao

tell you plenty of things, happened. We,troweled by -automostof trio Ume

mid the village iruit ti hail Jerre SI much wort then se he didrJo, the hoe`!e and hugely ,days We used to putt into one of thelr,saiops gtdtn frequently to hare a new spring -leaf forged by a_ a Siv-into

morblacksith. o maybe n.WhoIS new aping if the hop assesl the plains had been partieularty metal. A good hard rain was enough In there dirt -road days to make Ma mile o date. too. There wasn't an inch of paww:tent In Illinois then, nod we considered IC a hat IS the.. trip wee





JOt 1C4YRER and Alt. OrChcatru (1971 J }tras Rftffay the hinterlands Ylitl .santa flrat corneo, reading from lift to right: Narre Jales. plano; Bob Matf-in,

,bea#o; Nob Chaudet. Male, ]Rattner at the deunu, and Fraakfe TYombar (Tetras. batter,. nor, 'fen rater lfayaer't Coftebo boasted Joss Stacy. Guts Krupa dad Freddie (Willie rata) Fuller

,l, i ter made witbot:1,th* Care turning oree tee. ór -three times In iris hot ealtow. Aa 85 -mile, pomp made In lees tbra a days drleltng Its throe conditions woo as death. defying tie -Lindbscgitxr`Atha tie crossing.

if our you.go-abeed-stud-Air-It regent had stsoeeiatfuny"done hie allt-ll bet spa the blotcity Roe had. survived t1 -.e

hazards of travel Cr_ Were a cinch for a berg-up,dite lo Htakrlila, for ire Weren't rained out and ff the local unicD tilde decide vie war encroaching too brazenly on jore:gn soil. Burring any little slip - Ups. óf this nattae, we were all set tO awing out for the local petrify. Seventy. Ave and 50 cents were. the natal Charges at thd,wteket, nitho matey of the atanO, were played, on Ore park plan, 10 cents and 5 ccncs"at dance. My men were co a

=strirtght salary. which btotrgitt thorn to tilo mnsonls minimum scale: So ii I had token on a one-nlgbler without a (rtrantee and -the ticket Sale laid that prevorbinl egg 'then I had a beadar e

t0'StP JO50t.Éy

ll¢. a., now

XAYSSlt or_r8 rtlr BILLING for a thc+attr date'_ to- froekfoa; in, at Via' orptheum back op 162e.

along ,With, warped vertebra, frotn'the trip ores those roads.

Kayser Alumni In 193'J I Inar-ed the oriels member-

elup to eight men and dropped the "Novelty" out of"tbs. name. It was alai at that tieie that I picked up a cal piano Weyer by t e name o: Jess Stay. Ho waar-t bad, pod still seems to be do- ing pretty good' with Benny Oeodrnao stow:. Another ICs.' a alumnus Who Ii

still holding his own today Is Pre .df ''Schnfeleitritx" Ptidirs..

Al this time, too. I moved toy head epatrtcre to'Rockfard_ It1. centering v=' nette'ltiee rF4 11181. we duln t u -arel knew than a 191 -mile radius. This no ch'itt on the bac aldehaed nnanelally Daalthkr also. bectttrae by thia time Joe lienyaer and his orohceyre'kid worked up a duet a -reputation and =ln this, particular hut rttory we warn Bible to play a lot of ter tarn efilrrgentoDU 'within' two of tbr,I week's: of each other.

I ,remember one. town in pirnsrola where thoeitytathers met us s; Slue issue with a Imam. band and,paradcd us.upit main dr-cg path me under a beets wldah,btrrrirel the weed.;"Joe Kayser. the Man of the tleurl'e In Otero days we

Mill had no oomiretitlon,and the only home dance band nragnd walk that tO

Maim Jones. There ware, a"I9t Of pe- tentlnl name outitts't.hen, but no'boobh tog agencies or radio to.put them In that cl tea.

Records were about the only .thing Its

the -early' 10a which enhanced a WAY rep on national scale. I had 1103,

%choose then'whleh didn't'burt,tbe P- alartty of Joe Kay-_ re Hand and. lael' dentally. put a bulge to tiler poke. tm We `Sere ,making eat end tetaartlimp let private use Only. -That to, they never NO

the g sic at mwYket.beeaumt I woteu keep the, master waintat and xfl.n we pea ' e1` one.aigtrier I had a hawker -eight et

NotrmLer 26, I93I3 MUSIC The Billboard 19

Me gate to volt red-hot recOldfnte of Joe Knlwelt ell eienmea- Theft when we ;Whet up states end.JSst ao Oar *draws man wouldn't got rusty I bad Cum place thesis platters in. the local tñusloetores M c r.sltnment. It wee 's Crory *Wtvi.g venture.

The Scone Changes But by 19.2í the picture began to

change tedlcelly. These eachtown enwootors:bei*n bulldang tnaclotre ball- rocml% the booting bu s:nede began to take root, end the radio was peeking over the hor!R0:1,

ft,`sht about this -time I atl;rped band pp to II elects, and Paddy Harmon (tile gentleman wieo later built theOht- e'-5o Shidlum,l, sold me on the Uen Of Issring RoctlOrd to come and pi -Ley for blm et the Arcadia Ballroom which $e vaa.oºCrating iii Chicago then_ Th1s wee a*tetly a venture in pioneering because ,ben I moved into`the Arcadin it wan the only traretine band In Chicago In thou' 'days god the local tiaueñ wid na' see *ia am 'It was when taltlee carne Into'boing. I never will forget one *debt, I woe watkln3 é.crou the floor toward t.he band etaedd and ~heed a MAR grit' toll:hay earnestly with one of my boys. ate left udbeta he few me and 1 rent-free to set .my boy what'll was all about. ite told me 1t, wee the prYd- dcnteot the Chi local. fellow by,the name. éf Jamee Prtrt;tó, anl) that he just wanted to know berm mtK* rr(oney' nu tong pntd the mueloinn on this Job.

We greyed an, ;Cho. despite our flnpop: clarity with the local union., end It ersmY bong after that that looaln all over the country realired what they:were tap ~not and let down the being on travel. tng outflte.

Artie n tong and [Try nucceessful. learnt al the Arraille t ~Med. the money was m the road. 150 1935 faun! the 'bondoit fete again. I Was aí111 doing ray own booking. figuring that t wait_ waif enough segmented, with the territory to route myself,. f eilct have en oCer from a 1e11Ow by the áaliar of Juice Stein. who was i`_et *carting to the beeelne.t11 then and dldnt bare n tingle band.. tic Onsiy aimed ap the old O000Sandtia bunch tad to One year trade enough from their eme.nlgheare to act hinsett up In a swanky eat of offices 0111011 turned o%'t t0 be the prevent ltfusti Corporation, of America.

Cali From Colleges The road In litaS was o march different

scene than 'the tobacco storage planta of these Carolina days. ar for tbnt.ntatter ^`.oac Coo. -berme around' St. 7,ouIL Ralfº roams ter eprineing up oil beer and so' Were mime b>tula. It ease at the' time, toe. that trader*, first began wiring a Caton to front of their orkik eo I left It drutha and joined the throng of front men- Bliortty niter tats I got hold of a, janitor feilox by the name ot Mae tCraipa w handle my drum department, 4Yn M1 - be conditions hied inspeoved gre-tly and t2e'one-nightly lewdness MT general be- S an to dry off tiehtrtd the «alai,

Odiegea, ^too. berén 'getting a bigger oplialon of - the: maclvm socially and etarted lopping oft Chunk* Of thrlr tIhiette eppróprlatiola for Junior hope. Ile, Today our forger universities and *line of the smeller onto trio. are .Looktng u pon their big social dsnCCO as a drawing lgrd wrhieri nttrnets alumsny'students au a hleh,.poueted foothill tram- The: 11J000 figure I quoted to You early In Chit story more or )feas`bear3 ,that Ot1t.

Somewhere around 172* temintSe tveallste became the t-05l)e and alto the stage bond policy In 'theaters, sod radio had b4eOnve itch h factor that bands Gad to actiOce a lot Of 'ttaerettve road ela-e3 fgr-long engagemente In key ettiel* Teo long a Stretch on the read meant Oblivion now. with big hotels,Inateiltng ledio wires ., and bander lemming battening fermata aa a rrrult.

The Jaye ICayaer Oerebeatra went :with Pubipt and a fitting et theater `dgtm afloat this time and fared very mealy. 0.. tut [atop wee the Oriental Village at the Chicago W 1d'g Pair In -1933: ' I Put $$--atHie baton alter that old joined a band -booking, --department to 000 Oe We target ag#nclee.

The One -Night Booker 50 thorn tt fa to a nutenrJ1-tht: 000-




'-'1; Jr -Ado -11i

TOM JOYCS (left), RCA-1ltctor'r edtertbMg manta/arts and Jack Wilifaane apeefellst ea popular,reeoid 3aies,pro-mottoiet, are apparently Oltenia rhea good eugetetiotas en how to lettrreae'rectord sake /reen Martha Tilton, Matured coral tat with Benner Obodrnan. The'etcer(ng was .it the tmpfr itoee' : of the Wai- dosJAttoria Hotel, New York, where 4:oodd?an k potty great' gun..

n lghtoé husbeees-the hub' nrowad which R )U TFS the whole Weed been!~ ltevola'ee today. Attho thc'hoteleor theater b_bookerIn any (Coat inacd /rout pope hie one of our Inrgc: ngenolea V the fellow Rath

aci r sat°ealea?ts CM*. Hall 1ludo)

NYCwho garner the preettge by%booxing big S _names Into the Painter Hoass. Waldorf- 8a.chn, Cnieman3 IBrltlinrl, iurmccaneO, res. Astoria and the like. It tee the guy etlataaack. 'flwyi 'Blue Mead.. Chab1 Lra3nI- hLndling the one-night depattflwfit who kneleya ad the Important coin for his eelanpaey.

Of cottrser,'as I have petnted out, one Is. no good :vltñbout the other, for if to

big -runner- *non on onenlghWs too lisag he la going to be the origlltai for- gotten band in no time nrid It hou:dnIt he long until it harder to book him far u ono -night Kandt then shoving Mahatma ,GsñdhI in to pinehdate for Sally tab.& Bo lel a not be too tough On Mir brethren who handle the h oleing Of the eta= tttpota ...Ills that øi' radio plot -tip, beauty, thertb.)tat no gett1fl i around It, red»O lbemdreased the oneotgbt gatoo Sn long pantat

Sherwood With Williams

toa. Ky. re. San 1Prota. Manuel; (Coact of Two chew

Xes Odeon., rea. ¢ayer., 4001 (Pateeneerhll Pt. Vrayne_ lne-,t napireet Olorg," osalta uder°, ne. Morn. Jaw, lAresdta.incerna Cenan Phil}

rte. -

Srioy. Boiianar tdarey0l WYO.: b: I(ehhtrei Bull (Platen NYC, re. Chal; Walt_ CBenatertl ,Clartenon.- W. -Ye. Selby, Event* ilna¢loal' eausarasb, Calt1..

nr. S haw. arise:, (Unce)n1 NYC, la. Shutt, McUrte; le Oardeasl Chi, re. Moonlit By 'li : uIliiseteer lwaala I., SWI&. Paella IPararaoual1. NYC ta

Skinner. Tiede Mann. gofo me. Joseph C-: TLa Roll NYC, Be., Lidie- (ISoas resort NYC. ne. anthem Ce


r'eanulla Gardena, Ruth --end.. Va. reo.

gptMtlay. Pbn; 111ll;meare) NYC tt_ imam r? k; laditaalat Beach! Ch 1,11 ii Manley, Red- Wu.IytoOdf NYC. eel A:rel. isarat'd. n- Shtlbyi 13.11..t, tt. eltrnla, Mute (Weatrreedl Little Rect. Ark.,

KCW YOR.K. Now. 19-Ray Sherwood beano, talle: (Amt.=BUDDtr epiabl'poWm.

Ja She new he d of the CbIrettc Wititeina bumper, Ways (Ae.atuern Mansions Nana*. M10;1c Co. praten4=anal dsyortmeft, mat. Coy. are.. re. lag his third Job in 25 Mire In the multé 114150 ears, (B n)m raw Ltsttlrs. b bé]c Sherwood. to woek on ,Chel ro te' Diet: (Broom Dertfl' Leateea. ne-

newWilliams' numbers. f'ne "atrial for tSrtrta, none tstreeslttt el

you. put a ,efekeio Let ,the F(coole and mutt Shaded of Blum lltsyrorket Club) -ash. When tee Sun Sete Daunt South, -ñe. x -- Thies Menton (Blas MIrror) naiitcaew ne_

oming" Score to Mili titee,e tco lilelWWrote) 01117. ae

T Alai theleeptet% 1Thla 101'0. it. ' aonc Necm*tu eel Catos.: en teem YÓltic. !tor. 19.-Mualeni acose y,

- from The Girl Front Wt'0a3(a , a tal;` Towne. t73t-1We CbaL/ oNltlfla. Ktnr leagtlr'n1tlodrarna-currently at Amertatr- Tilbeal, Sleet,: IPIellitatlael VW). me_

Mano deli hero. goce to Mull.- Music_ ne.` Aiuilc and lyres are by Richard Caetee s.-

Jae#: tnteaadmeart ]0A' Ttarer. ~awn {rrteeatldttal Caatnsl NYCI

and Ted lbtiler, faenó responuWo.tor Chite _ nc. us precio atarte Hall hide NuR1bLre log, 1larrra. Ted; IOteetrie ell Cloelrtaatlt re.

publication Ine]ude-Sosion rp the Spring, Trombar Trask$ ISI- .tntheeyl ban An - The firer Comber. Oar norte. Kle.Mn' 10010. b. the -'Corn Around: Lirltab l o/ the Plant Two*, orna: lender Carton, h,

Two 13lat r -1 ¡¡pp Guw l '

and tree* e Cireaa, Yea wet (VtpOootat [ranrvlie. Ind.. It.

Opera.onn-Tour Seeiés Writ P1KW YORK. Nov. 19.-Opera-on-Tdtrr,

inn, to /eating .an Injunoton in the 8uprome Court to pre dtit Interltrenoe of Its pneeeisiletlene by the' stagehands' and *nutlet/ma' unions. O'IIltiala an ncornee. Sieve followed walkout an part

Of ataCehtrtda when the company and Its recorded muele get-up atagM Its wen. shot. Fame: at HIrmilgbanl Tuesday. idra. Herold M, Lobmnñ la treasurer at the eorpeoration.,

Top Baudsfor' hluelllellttch KANSAS CITY. Moe 'lieu., 19-11ol01

Mt aehlebeclflb randy new Terrace Grill. replacing the old Plantattem Orilinaorit l elated to- nee betide of top caliber when It lights up within tie neat fort - ,night Atn!uy-i KayeeMe top winter spot. babel formerly need mid-beaLetel end tat-- ritarial band** foe the. matt part. AA- córrnt le eerrltird by Conaótldatoe ltadto Artiata rani Pat Lombard.

V YSLaee. limll:.lTTlaneei/aa1 Hammond, lsdsti n Wire, Rudy! ICoemr,t Ororel ball Anplss.

nG V111anyl. Beau lHuazaial NYC. at. V(Meol. Omit a ~take Detroit no. VOTtten'a. VTIan. Ail-O:t7 nand: sew:~ aYM ICaet Oalrv4loR Tic . a0. 1-,o0aen, ;ltct: 'Cep Hoop/ NYC. no.


waiter. 'icier

tBCtlSn4rlj tCe'~hetll Stoma 'tapl4ycs Ha'-iy: /Trocv_sps) Sa-tan. me. wawa.* rata; (Tarot C':,sl NYC, ee(. Walton. Jeta; tr-chre,-sett A tgrL-rip, It. Walte m. Vernl; IRLe Teruel thee. Ntr. no. 1M1'ap1e11. ItoO: tYsrquKtel Ilit. Leptll, b. Vt'ateL' k:.lbpaeaL Cate 1,11V, Be. Ward, tleaatlate 11tra0fCd 14n(hOaae3 11oaAa,

lV'alatnr, 'Saeaasy:- <Me Hmasel COlutnLM. 0, h. Wearer, 'Owen ICtu4 Clerlal' Cdtumhue, O., aPenber. Oeette: ,IltaaaTl Pittsburg*. it. waetts, Raony:` Club lta7talrl no. wren" Ted: 1St. ?ninth, 5.5 Yrau -'ta, h. waldoo: IArmtndo'al. 1,4T0,-nd Welk, Lwreneet (lrWlam Penal Pitts. 7ab A. Whalen. Taeemy! 1Qsern'e Terracel Waters

Pair.. PtatbtnA., L' L: no. vtYerrkte, Harryr erina[, carol Plells, nt Wldmrr. D. -a7 fP:a Mere CheyesYne. W70' m wallamtt Oaate; IT_spalre Clabr Toronto. 0a et6.

res :47nlecsa. trait: 'ItSubasyl 'rtanaa Clt7. Y0.,

Wlisaear Ramlñrt (iVrtnado) as- Louis, be, R'eedeatdc Ilarryt (Armdla ono* cameo. O.,

no. Y

Tate(I, elinlyt In Tl'MeinIloe_,. eaet, Yeene, Jofiofinrr: Ilttcer:'iuer llene) ennuis Lle, N. Y., h.

Zit" Reedito. 4Qalarmva Char NYC. Ile.



it TO4 W,jatt ST.,CHIC*CO.lot_ I ChetibialRe feel inIA. LIS. -

I WP11rE FOR ;pltlCif





/1 ,,rlastC:




e ano CR 1- DI 011 11,71 Tyayt igareoattat Teemed ereg..rN le t ' rr nod.? (Mete: "two. 200 1] tto+ n. -se, iaPa

nod.?.tq 1.000 P uai, 314.00$ 5,451U

la Cl. . - [+ 00.a0 1.000Ptev., wee* i1Lye

Ít,;rOolta'ariI.aroeiart.1 r NÓ~vM eIb !r. ~Us I(s+nsce See, it'' IYíea IIeL


MUSICAL GLASSES *dot weldretYl, ~el OHM cae. et.oed be a tel at hie It.ew_

enereerM *****.....b.** wulRal 504.51e440pd ML M reed. 'deed ler' enlnarz CNatoPn

raa OLYo11 1t.Aaauat[ttts,

11a12'tOeth L. ItkNmn/Nal. M V.


Try SUNSET D AN CE WAX s Ln.bñu0 -- .. 2.2$ 141 1 TRY Al' LIAST 5 l8,

-..^----*Oa Aderess



IOLL TICKETS Printed to Your Order 100 000 for Cheeped GOOD TICKET eñ Hie Merial f

Keystone Ticket CO., Sro. ,oida, p $17.5010.....- ,0.000 _..17.5$ 7.Oa 0,000.. 10.Te

Cola With Ooder--ers_ t. O A. _ STOCK TIC1t[TI-el 5.00 ter 100.00, ear aaa.Mmeaf_

20 The nillheatd MUSIC Motrmher 26, 1938


N ono "disarm!" ft betel man- ager tone most. And that o 'know blindness`-Incurred by ¡ooklmg too

long ral nnprry On unoccupied tables an tits dlnln}3 rOord. Pbss` the Most port th-a 1pcolpattonal direness' la brought 'shoot, by h single Stern. The manager K(OWB that has tin -one la o4 the fln- ett-altor all, he Is paring si tot of money for a btghprloed chef and culinary }taft. 1fe liteo KNOWS that the service le beyond reptoyell-after all, hie omit d- le a tried and tine t veteran, while the . wader* have been th-ee for yearn and there toile haver been way OOtnphtute Thu cola remelt - bog Item. theft, ,Ii the dance orchestra Ile OU> S ED that the, band world draw business And 'be vea wrong.

Wiling an ore Bettie, be .1t for a hotel, bellreem, or Dlsht club: to no rancour*.

In a night Club yºe, do not ,dept'nd Isttroty on the band for drawing power (often the music 1, there for no other rea -.nn than to piny for Your elaborate Shia show end tore fete sets Of dancing between shows) Eogarslno en ort3nNtra for rout.hetel dining icy n, ltnw'etea, is rornethIAi oleo ngeln Here the banal In the main attractioat, Oood food end etcollent.riervice are Ct PO noel! U the delco band incite drawtt>g power. In taet, even If you offer addittoe.tily good program of floor .nntertainment= Whict, nifty even Mactgtt, several well- known perfopoerR they will newel offset the lack as your band r drnwints"íblllty.

Band Rotes First OO often h-otd angers Imo eltht

of the fact that patrons viro Coale to a lidded roam era there tor two.

reasons: first. amd'Of grestrot importance. to dame and to ileten to the band. and. otcondigy to tat and -drink. 1 am, open for argument oft the comparative Im- pottage* of the orchestra to rood and drink hut rcnembºr It la very cagy to prove that gist entertain cl-o'ttO patron* know, they are paying an extol tarkft fot the pftvtlege át listening rod denetrig to the tliytbmJ of a name band. And they ki;pw.,.too, that the dinner, for which they' Ter $2 Or mom. In the loom were the band playa. la obtatm-

G ROI1112itT 7.- CHRIBTENBERRY. vice-prestdemt and gecxrel manngrr of the Antra Hotel- Stew 'York,- is also the whored manager of the lnterna- tlos*t Canino, m oklog him BrOud- srare bu-elrtt executive and unques- tionably one of the leedtnt lighten

In the move- ' mrnt to raster*

Broadway tó lea ferment gtoOy and p settee.

His -daily ron - 1 ttne brtnp him

JI in contact with every phase of hotel and show bus/nee! and he V cotlsld,rod to be one of the keeoeet ob- r;er revs of rho

ilaoadway scone. Tbra Chrleten- berry's maw tench the A,tar tinder - wont etRrpletc rehabilitation at e a moderniation program that called for the expenditure -or over 111»00.000 ano which et-eitabLlalued' this hoa- tetry at the "Crer,.roodf' Oil the 1 orid"

the ka,Ote.g,Inatitutton It !a When tbo Internatlognl Casino tm-

derwetit TI -B proceedings. Christen. berry wax.celled to to resuscitate title huge nitarys and -be has elnce onor ce_etully'beought tt 'rout at the red,'

Ex -marine, rlt , :taper man. pub- 11C7t befell exccat,rv. Cbristenbcrry detOdea 4 hours a day to has dual establ !Brenta-er atom is an -right with hens.

is/lanaFfer u. s a r


7' [7_

8CENE or the !iota Attar Roof durtttA the recent season. with Hal Montp's Oreheatra elaytn9 for the "Pee:In' the Peach",daneerr, eme-0ht by Chrlrteriberry front PºINey'a litaid, South Carolina.

abla elsewhere at the same betel Sn a.

rdorn where 'there !s no musk end the prtcee ere loser. You deal with high- ly aipeclallned'typo of patronage; people with decided preferences nner:dena alai* the tines o[ Órehetetttal.entertalnment_

Your theater audiences are tntentraUy alike Ooing to the' mattes é: to a variety aleow'has 'weenie aOntewttat of a flr--tUy custom. Eton In me:ropoUtan New York rnovle-soarg Ls 'habit forming. Be It only' a dirtéd:orhoed house la the Broth or n de faker like the -Para= rooting Theater, there la a certain set foUoirtn$ that tho arnnngornent can count upon week [ti and week OUT, dur- ing the year Thu , the manager of a theater can be resnodebly acre that an orchestra attraction will do 'Kali for him at the box Office U it puts to a pro:net:Ae' performance eiaewhera Thta tart atwuy f true. of course. but it to the. wee frequently. And barring bad weather, strikes and general hart rimes (MI shelter manatee bap as yet,tonñd'a solution to nay ofthe'three), the popns- tar-prleott movle'theater tmprmarto has little to worry about' on that score.

Hotels Hs'e.Speelal Needs Dirt for -the hotel no intelligent roan -

ogee would be foolhardty OtLattgb-to óc- eept the lame gauge In hlrtr , * band for his dining room. The .ere few M- ot:~ Lñ wlsttb Ibis b. -I been tried have proved beyond e doubt thateach hotel. with Its LridlvLeIvallatic type of IMtionage, la' a veritable empire In_Lt- self. drawing, a certain, patromsgo that may net go to any other hotel in the country.

And, ea a result. I must concern my- self with what type of patronage I-mlght expect at Oho Mtor-Aotea. Each season úb open our hotel roof to name. barge, and we have played Rudy erne!, Hal Kemp. Omsie Nelapli, Ted Lewte end others.

Trio Artoo. atanddsig at the "Cgcosroads, of the World.' ti-pethepa the nia,t oosmopolltah establishment in We drew our patronage. from every corner of the earth. Our guest registers reveal every typo 'of parsonage from khedive to Caradlan.

"Meet me s0 the Astor" la not an ldlo phrase. The Hroadr'ay cocktail haunts and Oar lobbies one coraatantly crowded with people waiting to most friends. They might' be % altt e, to meet aequatnt. jawed drool the Bronx or lirook¡ym Or *wit Bismarck. N. D. but they; choose the mistar because It le Oentrallard end because II jo generality known as a "isles place to meet,"

The manager o! a hotel in :Oh Paul Iota to .know the- people: to gels town_ lla soon knows their likes and thalikca He discovers Iñ short order whether or not they` like refine munto, who 'their favorite benWleadrra infant be ante resat lmuortantly,'wboed they don't partLeu-

THE á1r7' WALK ci. ,. one of the rvtane' ooekfasl lotenpea at -the Attar.

lerly like. But how. can -you posslbly_do- termifte t1`Á likes and dislikes of a con- glomeration Of people,ageti ea ~set nt Um Astor?

We decided dhst (be precede:we to fol. law In booking on eñtcheetra wadi to eOmbinú every poulbie band lagmiteñ,t and L6 rock musical attractions that had" ail of them-Lrtdotd. a.1arge-sisaCd order. We Just'had'US hire bande that would plelao native Bess Yorkers, oat - óf -town stilton; anti a gaselly, portion 'át what la Corrttr.,anly known as the "float- ing popsttlot:'

Manic Mutt .Eetertaia NTICRTAINl.c ST, then wee Piet as n important a taótºr for oonetdertlon

ea musicianship, We r3itutned bando with out-and.ont atylºs that .tbuld ap- peal onl/ to a mtnerity (a minority of necessity when yeti oonadder lnne varied and huge patronage ydu draw from) and eceiftht only those flexlbre enough t0 appeal to the .mnJoaltwof li.atrods;

Then agujm. reuslcianstdp and mtriieól presaridntion of a phaetng order aren't enough_ f any this in face of the 'feet that 'l1ttdrbugi (whom we don't jet at the Astor, tortunntotyy only listen to band and *Odom two concerned with wlstcldne the Deader or individual' mom. boas.

The pereOnailty' Of the bend ,and "the personal magnetism or the louder arc puma prorequlettee that rank .equally !n Importance with musicianship. A band leader who`worke for toe glib newer be a "cold" mtinelea. ooncrreed oam- ptetely with his =bale and entirely oblivtoua to the highly Important task of creating a direct and "warm Matson with tlicee In the room,

That V why we played orchestras like Rudy VelLees, Hal Kempp'a, O, le bird. son's add Tod -Lewis, All of thine cool. cal aggregations ate iryond ,reproach flora the dance -band d etnndpelne. Alt of these lead-era andthe many others Who played for -me,. ore personait! eII-s.people with ability to entertain end able to give- that i111-itmpeeUtnt péssonnl touch to their mnxlcal «foeta. Ina a knack to be able to make each person in the l'oonn.foei na t lto you are directing your singing. o .medy or orchestral efforts di- rectly at. Wm- or her.- And It L that abUtty that makes fa ''repeat" business to the. hotel Arming room: brItglne the a mo -people back tbre 'toll timo again.

§klp the Swingitere WARE not particularly concerned with' vogues In. trade. I've hid eve: no many people 04010 up to -

to me and say, "Why. don't you hire a s -td: band for the, roof, Swing t an the -raga now':' True..owing Is now sot - laying an tinpreeedr`itell vogue. I don't believe. however. tlaneswtot addicts are in the majority by n long abet,

31 the.orchaetra you -engage la a flex -

Ode one It wilt find It clay enóugh to keels Up with the current musical trend. Any of the Bands I mentioned eo'uid_ "swing our on occasion II ti's felt fret the crowd wanted th'bear some owing mimic. No one [Cam of mtmle. however, was ever pinyar: to the exclusive of oe t 'rs; By the same token. all the band! teuld play a rumba when the 000efon called for ft.

But.g'tttng bock again to the leaden, each and every -one wise -a fine poriorºer and an excellent master Of Wmemooles YJtio'dkln't need to feel last if be stepped out on the florir to week. without hb band. In this reepees Vallee rotes IY

mach prütilge foe hie liblllty ea a sob performer as for his moek se lot Orches- tra leader. ~As Nelson ling» yell, handles' s show in Uto best, e' taste and creates- produotton ideas that, chow. out tile band to fine advantage Mat Kemp's Southern' Armed aMd genial personality woke friends for his hand Ond by the

ennui token made many frieruis for the Astor. Ted Lawlor important tnrade Is getting close to people. Vincent Lapsa, who appeared in the grill for us, also medo friend, evilly and did a dine job for the nightly entertainments

What Makes Good, Band In Use final analyst selecting a band.

for the hotel dining room aattitatdowe to a search for these ImgredPorde In the orchestra you have under constderetteel (1) melsicLutehlpt (1) peis.enahty es the Ituter, fxi) personeltty of the band u a whole;- (4) entertainment nullity Of both the'kaddºr and the banal 144 fits- lbfUtT, ao that the leader teen [went e11

requests for any type oC music, popular. with the nubile today, and (6) a sAUlha' news to do. the best t all times.

Ott a hind that, menattrem up. to all these requirements. give IL tiro ironer piosWt-mtton; advertlsln; and publicity from your Office. rand you can a't 1 .t2' comfortably and watch oho tustorner come in

o r i NÓ PRFSS (COMPS-utal from pace 10)'

Usti I allwgroesly exºggerated, but you net ,the Wen. Prose aµent? Helier, loin* kflllti mast

Then.tho atattlon'goes ,along end clicks oft a trade, deal With one of the town's newspapers, Yon know, stature for tlmr Wen. iomttbody's Cotta booms! the out expert, the prod*'!' of printed proof., ^(kct the press ol-'ntt

Well halite, put out a Stow. coverer rciíp! Have era press agent got prices for pager'' Utlicgmphy, envelo pes.

We need a new pre.-nttleb On tbst new kid r_eitei we've Just put oh OW roatgr. 001 the prose Kent to almost One thru tee the r=dcw.-nett.

One of the coitttantste to taking a

vocation- ,So ya art' º gti t column fat (Sae ¡'.It NO PRESS"on-page 361

Noreneber 16. 1933 LEGITIMATE ?7tw BiIIGoara 21 Coftducfed 'by EUGENE BURR-Commureeatioise to 1564 Bioadwayi Nstr Vine Qty_ -

ATC Press Service Starts; Equity Aid On Roads Pix Tie -Up

YEW YOliá. Nov} 14r --As pert of uta enrreaut read Campaign. American Thea- ter Oatrne11 bayed Itaf Drat wee.tty pro - notion bulletin for drematto editor. thruoa4 the eottntry, wllltb Aºtray' »laity angered eatery deduction for there en Tout* to the, roil Francico erpeeftion and Indorsed the ATO reso- lution for co-operation between legit ttJ rGotlon.pleture'Interests3 The rw'- lutio le being considered by the other nimbus of the ATC. with Lead t of the 1il17 it slated to go on record for it it a at-ttng Sunday.

Divided Into two parte. the Itrobpiow tiroabore Uta news "of New Tot! 04- tratttaha. ATC ccnrentioir summary. appreIithe eudttIOna. thket .codo and curse of ;touring chows for the week. In a litter eceeellpanying the release fed Armattont.. In Oharge of the pro- motion department,. »cliche euggetti~ treat the editors.

peep the 'sttg¡vetlen Of Fret* GI1l-- more. proehlent of the Four A1s Equltr council moved to -willow producers to deduct a tun week% eatery for layedta In the Carat -to -Comet round' trip provided Mere to a gttrtraptCe of 1I%e weeks of employment and provident for steepers both trays._ Pro'IoUIly & i&lty allowed o nly a half week's glary. Tile plan has been Aeiitrt0 J -.airs F Rerny. lereutt:e stcr arary of the League of Now York Tbratels, for the lnlOCmatMon of lib ambers.

A* earn as the nsrinbor orialtixatttmr of ATC tncioree the picture ao.operntton pt*lt_ÁTl3 tin Ippoene.the eor»mrntta to

: ttonationa With HAltywood pro-


Plan Show To Aid Needy Choristers

NEW YORE. Nor: 10.-A benefit for toady chorale people. to be held some

. hoisted the Clrlr tutu holidays. b berng planned by a »ramp of tatom boye and glrla, led by Chick ,Oispoley of Sint: ,ouu rate ''el , 'rho got thei'Idea to The fleet piece. Aside from 11s benefit eagles. prwatettan would scree se a shes:case for chorus tetral le an effort tar spring .perttcipan.ta out of the enterable' rusks. Direction*. etc., Ulf be entirely. in ,the' Panda of chortle peopIo; the only departure bane In ro- ped to the ntateriaL Songs. rasotetirtc,- etc.. ,have already been prornlaod by ~tone 4C ristá.

Shaw would take the form of a revue cad would use no costumes ' Or sets, being built np,on a rertuu1 Idea Of the rº0rt.hell Of a musical. :Pant planer, oetrdle; to planet [tin 'furntstl tbo =nits. Mate will probably -be donated.

Ides vas Prompted.- rays Gagnon, by he. difficulty experienced by enemas Peeples trying to break out of the ranks.

With the oornparntlrc downfall of the mctalhal Bald and ft .unapt *aratty of lob tuitions to :o dramatis and ether wimple have beeoree out or [110 rrestlon In meat Iii tr,ce.t , Mid the trnkdown ,of *lock h'ts ruled out. the 'Manse' el getting. steed den:Catte rale's. Idea would at least give tba younpetere a chancre to ho wen -

Tom Waring. !tram Sherman _arid Dudley K1tig. among othºre; hare been cooperathtt; With (lagoon In getting the Maw together, and Chorus Equity tus Prep ille approroa to

ea. would be. put the ata

Pl probably on !Sunday night during the'hOUday sea - ate. r a benefit ono -shot. Rk'x'a_r. If It eliCked 'strongly It .might be Continue[ J for n menthe ¿tin, Cast will net osos.- ailruy include only ,.theca unemployed. Ird benefit angle tall! not ho restricted w the . In cast. Meoe dlrs$ , to plan& frica y would go as n Chrtatmss aid only

tont a ypeepl

who are both needy

Censored Atlanta Grills "Rai tee" ATLANTA. Moo! 10.-Febecc° Road.

ttarog paced" the newly erected Board

--T't oT *take shoat.

Merttday daaptte l4'a ttIfO p !mPea p sty tefemetees ue this State. Censor.

gdp ordsgance. trbteli had previously *MAIM to motion picture. only bne

lw been extended by the city WOO' to all Wags tncludini total club 'e'ntatl ºne. Violations are subject to

a MOD tine or b0 dayi to jan.

What! No "Angel"? SUCGAPORE, Nov. 3-Local wee -

papera had quite beadaehe when they here ,controbtod with tbo. fact that Xenia Zartns. Auaatan-Arnarican Wallet denote, who erstwed to give two performencaaet the Victoria Theater, wee not ranee -Ina of -Goldwyn-Gold Fullers flan:.

Mfg -up Matted when total pipers ptlWlahed that Zottn had Inoognfto passed -thru Singapore en route to Java. to candy Det1 .ee dames.. Later on they staled' that Zorina teas due to give reveslportorrr.snore here[ They ware quite shocked to 'learn that It was not Urine who arrived but Xenia Zarina,

Upon' arrival Zsrrna 'dented that mho teas Zorina. "I have a right to my name: Zortna changed hem from i

the l or+ estan.~shetold reporters. Í

Free Subway Cirk For One'Acters

NEW YORK, Nov. IL -.A new subway eirein Ccr legit skews will launch ,Ii. 5ctrettlee Deoterdra 1 to bring the drama Into -rocked -in tie -fringe hideaways In the five bocce of New York under the eponoahlp of the Public Use of Arta Darnatlttoe on a non-profit bests, Plan la said to hale the Unofficial Mew- ing of the Federal Theater Project.

Operating lender the nand of the City Wide Community Theater Cheulr.,a,ape- etn! ahowIng of -oaie-setoff was held tees week for officials and directors of com- munity'rcantcre, ngighbodh0od etuittoel. tter. Chureltq and teed* unions. Who he..

League Enforcing Code; Two More Houses Come In

St. James and 44th Street join managers' organization outside agency reported to Burcaiu at internal Rev-

enue-daily ads educate public', promising refunds NEW YORR.'Nor. 19~ Activities of nab League of New, Yost Theaters reached

thi e peak s week, with entryInto its membenblp ranks of the 44th Street and 8*, James Theatºra, and with the Leagas board approving a co-operative ad tee placement in the dally papers as` part of a campaign to -educate the public to .the

'ticket -code. In addition. repent on operation of code revealed c i wetrineo trrom government turn Bureau al Internal Revenue regulations, and s.ft r: increase to buetnesa done by brokers. "In count for the single week end/he !rotesnnr, - f. total

miteTenontd 25,347. 1]s view of the-re- putcd.independonee oftthº two DOtta'lSald managed- theaters. their "cc -captaincy of League tertrse. laa.h as rocrell,era amId. parties to tine ticks' code, to regarded by the trade as a motor .,victory tar the League.

The nest taserttona of consumer redo edeettian:gg appeared is Friday's lumiae of the '7Yr e4, Ileretd Tribune and.Sun_ Later. other displays may folio's, along with, a ~meted public retstions pro- gram. Copy urges -public to mate boa - Office fetervstfone to- advance. ~ranter* a refund If accredited brokers trielate oiasfmum charge regulations., and Invtt6s patine to, act as paltoeman.

Thru' Its check -tip. system. Ltd Code ndmialattelere tiled cooapl dote with the United. States Altornsre entice end the Bureau of Intternal Revenue. charging Alfred Abrams And Sher) hi.OlbeOn with failure Can four occasions to camp tit ifñai wiling Wine on back .at ttcketsa as required by Federal tax lava., £elthewl

Both Fairs. Are Equity NEW YORK. Nov. in.-,eartara+ Malty

roe shed nosurauce from John Krimhty Y. Y. World's Fair rep: and :row -Frank Gilletere, ,Who returned recently from disruaatope with officials of the San Francisco Fa -potation. that Equity mero - bets will be used In productions. at both attraction it any shows art, signed.

reported gold on the -idea. Playa arc cif a ohmmeter- that W111 require short 'ro- heerants and lotto fin: motel pulley for *emery, Ad:Mr don h ere et. 30 menta.

Portlier initial productions FIT. shows* WIU be [used. it tila venture b sarccmt. flu the dreult will attempt -to tatereat Broadway peodUcors. tllUmateattn le -to establish "ootninuntty tlacatea- thruout: the city. .

From Out Front By EUGENE BURR

A maple of week» ago ther.lootumn Had the temerity to call young Robert nice, of The.Tc.rpre¡J*, to ta'ic-oorroornlne a couple of disparaging -remarks be made on the artistic- integrity of Charles FvOhman. in the course' of ,which Mee Was ohnileneed to a itu.el With his'ehelce' of tt couple at pprlmitive.v cspans. But. spurning both the battle-ax and the bludgeon I offered. Rice has Chosen to tight with a weapon mare prtmlllvostfll-the American language. Cheerfully admitting that hie reBiarlts about lrobmon produotlüáe may have been "hasty" (Deep were so hasty that they -wore Practically headlong1. he boa chofen to dº bbettle Over a coup[ of lnetdeatal remark» concerning the atlletlo,stature' or Robert E. Sherwood'» Abe Li to ono Si Ilfined& It ban been this oorniri' contention that the Sherwood OBI se bearing,. inept, martnsly badly toltatraeted, T` wipe qtr Its vittrpoint, in- hapeurate In Its historical eonpotationa, sophomoric In Its attitude and w.vthles .(_ezcep't _ In Die strictly commercial fleece), as it drama, owing whatever merit» I. poaecaios to Its subject rather than Ito 'author. aree.'on the Ott to hind, has unequtvccally tailed It the Greet Amerloim May (complete with capitals); end he Insistently tugs our Frohman discussion down this modern bypath Xi. language to !*woeful. but .tt know miens bit Confuted;

Pot, wttb kalaldeacop:o'versatility, be agrees with my Centel" of Sherwood'm coatribUtIOn to the putty and' then Immediately reiterates 'that It la the Groat Amertcwn Dºseari--a confusing acrobatic display that I. mad* no dearer by an ensuing philippic in which he calla ma. by iInpuateon.crerythin;; from a traitorous villain tone secret -addict of Iiittettem. Mace I wan dlaruenee the Artistte Itatvrro of a play and three Rine egress with my criticasms. I can't quilo Matte out the reason `or hta eªthiu aastlo, personal attack. Maybe invective Y the pierogetivo Of youth. -

Ile' remarks that be bee Do Intention Of holding tap the play an 'B sublime example of *bemire of dramaturgy.' that Bheretaod has LLndodbttdle 11e00 ululates - that the end of the second act In weak and the character ,of Mary Todd poorly developed, that aberwoed'a word, rare riot se gocd as I4DSolnb-and front this ho draws the somewhat etirtling oondtu3On that K le "as Roe a play as this Country has coca p Mused," adding that with it Fleervaeod "taker precedence atnáng all contemporary dramatists In this cOnntry."

Not oantent with tech scrrteabni remarkable endplay of erittcal'atanderde. be goes oh to ding a red herring furiously -serme the trail, shifting the itlaetualcar from en eveluetton of the play to a diatribe a5alnat what he la pleased to -think he has dlec.,rared la My attitude toward Llasotn. He Claims I hare no `understand - tog óf'''.ñmmwriean history or tradition; and. evidently -thmkirg be is praising the play. .tnddlree In a truly .inspired penegyrie of the Great Ynattctpsrtor, touching upon hie loro of fretdern. tolerance, courage, ilrnplI ity, ideal'of liberty 'and -horror of war and ogpreeten. Be ends by ceiling blm "the- epotite-lo of Arlterleantam'"

'That, of course. is the tradition; inn with lea implications and Ideate= I 'en st thuastfo&Uy agree.}theory, nut }theory, the Sather half Of the dun Of ~deb lUce: ears I base !10 knoxiMxo, L something else again-sa he'd probably admit, If be only trek' the trouble, to 'reed some. The Lincoln car -h. built up try Lincoln's fine npoeches, his drarnntia dreth and the pOP4rtar hya,glla that followed, la ono of the ;great herft,gm of American life,. end rd. be the last -to Matured with it. I Can Only wistfully wlsss.thst it had more beams ire feet

Forted ÓiT the real aab}pot ,by Moo, I gti'dly admit that I believe Vtnnotee may have been a greet math -but neaten: near fu great or One an the mythOleglea7 flaunt that later grew up around him_ -the high, lately, flamingly fair ideal that so splendidly representa the best Oi Atneriesn attitude_ .flew men could live up to their es a matter of fact, the only Amer:~ f eau think Cr who drill was, not I-ineelo, but WeahhngtOn-and the power and beauty of the Ideal facet[ wAS brourbt out tnlinttely bettor in Maxwell Andereonk trgtiry Faroe f Xh-wan more than micro quotation from Washington*. published workel than In Sberwood's Abp f frroofn. relfey Heaps-liappemr_d to be .un high -mended that the Intetteet`of a.Siara-stsmpedlnir populace eat11dn't even dtaee'in It in the clouds, -

All of that, however, to neither here h r Mere( Despite Rhea enthuat to herring-drawrn es th c, the question is of e play. not et the Ilnoolo 1es,]th. yea_y.only repeat that I honor the myth ae much as anybody to the land. andjadl that the fact it is a myth dot:Atta in no way from either etabeauty erne etnascy. ft Is merely

(54. :Foal OUT reoNr on pool so"

edg:r.g receipt of tie complaint*, As. el i at U. A. A:Wendy Jesse "lama mid his oft_ce .expected to enter trio cane with the U. 8, District Court within the neat two weeks, depending upon the e rrailing of eºe m n npete Intoratto.'Sinoe bolts brokers, who have not signed the code, were listed indlidbsaly'tn the OOni- pislaals, any lagal sacson instituted would be on two fronts Tether than t Rstnst the OÓtporate title of, Acme. ,"rn Which ncr'pertnore. Penalties depend on [whether or not Ylotatlons are proved willed frauds.

"Litho the 'League doteta't Mond to'be- coeve a.gavºrnment atooi'pi$eon5 if other enforcesneilt measures fall It may rf7Ort further eaLJ of,.tax-rule tiaiattone.

A4tora' Equity iraa waked its code 001A- tíaltteto. chairmeined by Edward Fielding, to report an its hearing Of MeripWnta Dorn tickk_ t broken On COO ope-allen Cótmcil reisolation protl't'-i also for a powwow between its committee sod rep- reeentethee Of the League to follow within a week or no. raleeuttee'secewtery Paul Ditlirell w1II=alt in on three.

No Thanks in Pitt For Thanksgiving

PITTSBURGH, Nov. 10. -On heels of $33,000 ~elector George At, CohanIII Pit Refher Be Rig0ht. Nixon Theater an- nauneod definttq-booking. or Our Tame and Golder Imp M Amettean Theater Society Ihowa. But Manager ]tarry Prawn etpl is looking for Trunaluglving week'.bining. '-Yee. ago Ziegfeld fotf'e,s or Warne similarly lush ~Intl WWII

standard:, ibis year not swell o return es15,t.mertt of Tobacco Rood .deplp foot that Pittsburgh hat rear grONtd canton's 1arg t legit box office oulefde of New York. Chicago and Boston:

+Pima promises from- other quarter* brine a premiere of Tom Wlttfost'e And 1'l0be Wept R tits Pittsburgh Playhouse Novemter'rot vita Dorothy Soott in a_W- ring role. Yiddish Art Player have be- g11n week-end-,prosh rticCt at Lando Theater In Bill district, and UElver ' ,

of Pen:ay:eacha Mask and Wig Club yes- terday announced its list -annual opi:e. .411 Around flea TOWS, wtjl appear Di - camber 20'in Slane Devalue.

Costumers. Sign 'lazy NEW YORK. Row, 19,--oeimme the

highest minimum Wary paid to its eitemteiwr. Theatrical Costume Worker* signed n cleared shop -cootreat with the Story Theat'ér. raising ararnstriamrwmres to_e213 a weer This is 11.1 -enure than let paid in any other local atop. fn- cr'eam áa'4 agreOtcd In exchange for two-ymr contract, Agreement_ Mao oafs tot Y 15 per olrmt m en pas for Union members Who had l,eelt getting the mtttt- mwtw prior to the deal.

The Billboard LEGITIMATE f^i ooen ber 26, I938

OUT-OF-TOWN OPENINGS "Greet LIH1)" (Shubert Theater,

NEVI RAVEN It new mtsateell Book ,by Irene Crooke?

and Lover!!' Brennan -D. name» by Fred - meek Loewe: lyftea by Lone lt nrenteno. flueled by Britten» 'windiest in sett(nip by =Albert R. Jchneon. Obit' tee1udes Norma Yvette, TuUto Cermlnmtl, Irene Borten!. leelrn Ford. J elph ylaeauley and Shepperd eltrndwlck, with dancing by Annabelle Lyon. Andre I lavaky-and Leda Anebutne,

Here le a.stary about,an oaítye Colonlat strumpet trate Protldemee who telgtié noble .birth. Mammas a bnillent marriage and emeneee socially triumphant. There W psetjyy of ienc~iney for Hoed chow- mnnahtp. btlt It Orono! slowly at Its Ne:A Haven premiere end wound up into In the slower yet. I nee* Room In. W ' Neere, sung by Norma Terrfa and PJ.beppnrd $trudwlok, the letter es the yoinq rfCrChman Who rescues bee from Mx barn on the stone* ter ~Meg the obi fe.v, to its Dale real bit tune.

Miss Tarns unftettlnately. is. not 7aang enough to be convincing In the early pert of the Moor and- near, late b. tsol! get mature er.cugb for the fins! stanras.--Iren0 Sordoni Is strong In her .ergs bat weak tO b -r dreamtta pssages, and TulUo C5rminatt triolts the rename of voice than Now Ilaiesieti expected.

The 'ballet numbers Are superb; but multiple revolving Wanes revolt In a cluttered tied, which will probably be cleared Up' when the Cheer tuna Per- manent (I) home on Broadway.

Prnientsion le novel. te.ting,odf with the edltarfet office of al Hours -picture Tel gamine conenctlti a feature on á!1s1 BOwon: laser FJ*a de i.e .Croix. The final e urteld 13 a etarprtao picture Of the Matra - One, with the tnmoux atreetwelkern picture .on the corer.

Btletina on, the titogrew of ceremonyKlima flashed from the pTotcentumIn humorous totatttogrepñ'quIpi.

Great Lady emerges passive. enter, tntrtn:tat- 1t wii need a lot of bright- ening end tightening to survive current Broadway compstttlon,

Julian B. Tuthffl.

Lew Leslie's "Blackbirds" (Maieatto ?3ieoter)

>toeTON It is.tmforttrnate t_itirt Leta Lesile,an-

hot be given full a nleilht fora sixth on - veal with bis Blarkbfrds..butdrtiUi 'coin - pets the statement that the abow Will in all probability have It betct rife. a81x aongwretare era hailed as haring supplied the music nod lyrics for this edition. '.g rattan , the half doyen ,there should have been some darter: soul who cattS- eg0pwty"suggentad taro n oat -ell, cf the numbers and strhrtln,. over ngelt'r. There b not a aligie,tume that s otaaot hit proportions.

And the comedy. for want of a bitter fee" Is worse than the myeftn Iii tact. the bleat s mtitec is nothttlg Mare nor Inset than succession Of Choral members stnutl3 telerthcr with come dance speslnl- tlea. The old -Here onthuattiairn. cxubec- anee and buoyancy that characterized former editions are miming, and It tom ª redly disappointed AUdien0a that left the recently reopened Molest»O at the clime of a tiresome evening.

If there ate any bestir lei the rhea they are Norman and Maker prance+ AYock and Richard Grant:. Jennie Clr,rk and Jerry Law», and the MI nee Clarke. Oliver. Spence And WlUtarns. lone Horne. 'the when donna.. la a clever ne- tnews with plenty oT good Tooter.: when shslsmrna not to mug; quite so ,much Mani be a stunner. plead L. has

Peruchi Sleek Opens Big CHATTANOOGA, Nov. ID. - Tsniaterl-

outly greeted by a packed Amain the Perucld Player!; veteran rrtoen company, Opened ei'w gene= at tiro WDOD Piay- Minae Wire -Monday eeenlflg.

Ten penmen 1 -are a large ideal fellow- Ing, hsvhin appeared lure intermittent. ly for the eat 12 Mire. Jute !feirted was the. evening, piny. In addition to "Pe"' and 'Ma` Pulacht. player* include daughter, Betty Brltm Pertachll jet rpti 'Tenant'. Itarr Down.), lrlftlte Oendey end Jbmms alone Newcomers to the coaupuitr are riirabetb Knight,- .to Ann Darla and George Colbert.

New Play on Broadway Revíewed ,y Eugene Burr

VANDERBILT Pork team waneom(alatitiy *tweed under'.

e<atrmin Tuesdrr Evening, tare 15, 1938 I.11í -tits foregoing seem as Itaca for

R the Sports ,nlgeet tattier than The B11t-

W'HERE 'DO WE DO FROM th game 01 puffball wasktd here HERE? Des we Go Pros. !liner, and it waapre-

A comedy by Wiliam óowen. Diroz sd tar sented en play by 0. -car Ilerirmereteln

Anatol Wlrogr,adolt, Setting deaf wed by anal DaIgttt Tsybor. it Inlght; lalae betas

Huth Wa and,bent, by St teeraty on upt'orlaws, finely written and amts Sfudlos Mt. peen anent. 'fdm Peter nently sucenutut tares-corrildy' It Only Tmhey. Associate ore/a- agent, Itcn Kam- ft lid first taken. -tree trouble to find wow State n ,o cn 1NiI Moans. Assutent a plot, ci orery ar L. lawrre. Wetoar -It.

Dwlfjr Taylor Yonne ad t`e 1 .

then Oraoa Wnlles) who his The lade in the mortgaged °bouts

Bttmkie ss

N+tt+ retied *erred hie time an a haab.aünger in , anion: to the itttaanl members: sud the Wes both a Mldweetern freternhty house and nlurnnt come then _With cneoursgemms Inwore -Pr+a a leoltywtood scenario deperteneiht, and 'but no money. !!natty sbe mélttsát Ieck,Haraey , . , ,. it was originally t:rescntxd'by WWI young 100 per cent Amertkahn Who u TTr« ' iFtetzer greliD of earnest young player.' an the herd of the haute the deems itcspicinusly Pere . Eder+u,.d Coen. it went ever very' nicely there, tike a ¡O) per Dent Pratt. which is zee K ai according to repent', and Measra. Hate- the least of the piay-e fine features), )area meretcln ar.d Taylor are une prr-senLing avmilomi his pililo and appeaet for lad Inoue tt lb Nob York with *ix members of the .to an opulent Jewish house, The aid to Phil . , . atone &ItP - - t[niss t original OaaL, Ttt4 other ptayen ware tortboom11i.5. Ted,Mil let - - added here. to no discernible rev en. Thais' about" all there nil to it-tent Dec Saunter .. e An indleattd. áIt might haco be --On a that falls tO take Into nocouni the varied fie- Hants r , .. ,. , , , r ....Theedoee LaaMtt smash bit If only your.; Bowers bad and excellent charectcr drewtetg, the tans o. f - RIt11arC abho saint "'Pent lea. time on tits bseiglfetutd- Mmentimi -of background and the eon -

tee King Paul eend which be Knows Oittremºly xeB--acid n syypgy hllasfous humor, Bowels might Carob Leiter ..Cathie' Briley bit. m ore on his Mary-which he can't barº gotten atta} 49th hra *ss plot_ u

ACT it-TM IJ1vinmi Ronne At s Fraternity Imo* at ill, because there isn't any *ter' bebedmanttgod to oval, bit better tae

Mane In Smell Midwaatem College. 'Late to know. He him!. laid bis scone In a deep -rotted na-rtá111 that ~nu have Alteenootein October ACTJt-Around Mid- typical.trelerntty houstr, and bib mom made sat a mortgage banging over a

!, ACT III =The Meet eeemin( Tieio- aged` to capture with moneing venal- frnteralty botase aO Important problem. rho +Wsteet. - .mllitttde the erezy.earefree.welteelitnem ik takes the nostalgia for granted Rt(n-

California bent New York' 0 to 0e or filled. 'áseentielly edmirebte 6G1n6 sett. towing that the house Le Important thiseebonts. In A. game of inter -fraternity hilt that, unfortunately. u, a17 It 1a , to 'his kits, but WWII to show that It

puffball Wednesday night et the Dander- quite cltougb for me- bed 'e tborely tot. it bead managed to aeon It. it'wOutd bill, Thseater. LOc$ prtdb bales at the « Woyabu crentttg-mitt I doubt greatly have become tmpotts.nt to the Audience edbtlesson (1(a;ticulerty mince the per- that` the own cuntortwrs *111 Mine too, Siglpsnt* were actors, end everyone city Joy. And Anatol WLlnogradOU's direction b knows that ell porfoetbtia front -Call- For Bowers, for is plo ban fallen by coo manna a help. lacking.rnttreiy the b eel c what with iba' pernicious eta- back upan our old and tattered friend. pace parch and ronndsc, out_ot eSen

Cl. mortgage. and. like TSehekav in The tbs.; was ea, sorely n,-'ied td disguise the itch Of castnttal incident.

The acting. however -4t lest in the Cast* of the six Cattfornin Ur-peett._- a -ls excellent. wits lad named Don Donne doing- One of the picnic lobs I hart seen all season. quiet,. finesse, al- ways abeottttely eight "and always doily cdeetive Not tar behind le Edmund Glover, who torrals a good number of the comedy !Inca and giver thong practice dT irerfret reuutsge. Stanley Becker. WW Dean. Micheal Owen and. John :area abonld ato come ba for .their Mere of plaudits. in appeoxlmately Mat ~Cr.

In eonhpnriansi the, New York contin- gent arermd woefully wreak-ferctd. Marry rind unnatural. Best of the lot L Ira ph IIOIICI.. ea the head of the house, hat even he bas en 1lnrmtng 1eudeney toward painfully wooden readings.

It may bet thought that freterii0y life to of.sotacthing lef=t than world-etaggOr. leg Importer.:* at thc_momerht.Rut these [tee end' the others of their e* -50.-117. usrerriennthot thra with serious pttrpme Impatient of authority. indlvtdwii!Ut. yet r,senUálly fair and docent. are tlu

,- hope of the lend. They represent treat very real Amcrkanlsm that Maxwell An. demon writes of In ifnenberboOker Nod- dsy. Mr. Bowers has tttougbt.thétn beau- tiful]y to the etuge: It's a pity that he Called to provide them--with-a sulbelesttly ttieañ7cal or effective play.

play upon the Imminent toss of the ofd hotaerw.adr- in tine ease. the ofd lest !rutty bouse. As a matter of rut, Where, ate., has meny point.' In coalman .with The Cherry Orollerd aside, train'the moritpee: it la -really nothing but talk, M enamfram en entire section aY life in the light of Its dimple oantree probltm, and It never ms.nrgm to get aisywhere, the anti, dtlfereneee ere that Bowe:! dining Is. unlike Tcbekorb, amuatng,

'warty and Iutefeattng, end his O?uraOters bare eomo relation to life.

Asa *Wieldier, lot, Bowers .hat dug deep Into tale Hollywood scenario' fibre

, and ctner$ed triumphantly with the one about a girl With a coming chid, who :ores the young tether but telysnthe story to tino faithful' swain whose hove. for lien Is untequlted. Fortunately. hoteeir,'R !a teetrleted almost entirely to lest!

It wine Written by Wiliam Aorera, a oat. where tt doentee do a grcnt`dcal of

^et - mar ^' ad

l belie t or not he Is even ti0rni t

news SUlX.r

Rabel Holmes Devoro

I,tlebeel Owen err W'

Gilbert Fat** s [ Getie}ce

M1>< O,rrfes Meedkk Geortfs G,ir.w.

duenee of the motie& can't be exleeeted to eat). -But the -feet remain*: the New Cherry Orchard., has based . hie entlro

FROM OUT',FRONT fConffrxd front-pt,t' St)

my misfortune to honor it for the eatontiot truth. that lain it, rather than for -the turgid to -fir that Pets bean blabbered upon It by welemearLLgg'but juvoune and eentlmontdbtio commOotatóan-lnelunInf Stemmed.

A. for the play.,is Rica cheerfully adenite. it to one -quarter etccgont LInoola end three-quarters interior Sherwood. basin; his entire appeal upon the pinnace written by Inneniti end' the -um to wbbth lee can put such passage. today -.hardly

dramatic es-art/We appeal anyhow_ But to like. somehow. it 10 still the Lures! American Play, It het right. F are suggest at least fato even greater Arnertmn Plays-tie Coastltutton and the-Deelaration of bidepenpena; and 1 thank that Maurice Beans -reciting either of them In front Óf a billet eye Would prove infinitely more dyieaatle than the :ill Ind Cnrpt stretchto Of Sberwoodh drat**,

The only trouble is that, pernletovs traitor W I pm. Iden't really think'thetftco playa at 1113.. I micro them two at the greatest-dotamlents ever Written-I believe the: -House Melded- speech a third-but try Iii i,wiU I can't thine of them Y plate. Tien -oat mȖo, Is proof that I min a scoundrel arid a cad. but I can't help it.

By basing all his claims ot1 the L,InOotn per one end édniltuing that Oherweentn Inlerpoiatlons weren't eo hot. Rice indlCatns that -Abe Llnr:la would have been

better play it it bad 'been all Lincoln And hail had no Ebrrdrbod In It at a11. It cn'itdtt'I have been wono-but I atilt don't think tt wculd have been -a play. I still can't see bow Bbotw corers. aWmttttdly weak writing Wallace btm s -n great drernntLt er bow a series of excerpts tram Ltnootnlans--or any other great dome. moats-pcneen ~err by ineatetito and Inept dialog;icsn be called the Great American Play.

Maybe Rico will toll reo.

While on the eubJect of Acnerteasusin In the drama. allow me to TTDcttn a few linee from an Drtiele written by Maxwell Arder)on. whose ¡fsldckcrboe ecr Nolydrry .expreeaes the same tictts. At the ante of ;.hs?nraking o(`tl a Constitution, writes Atrdersoni "It 'Rea believed that the -gravest and moat constant danger to a math life.'liberty and happiness Ls the government under 'Mich tar Urea. It was believed' that m clvtllratian Y ar txiLnec of selfish interests, and the. a government is necessary se en arbiter among three I/tteºvta. but that ties government must never be trusted, must be eminently watched. and must be dreetleellj hatted In Rope, banana it. to0. Y a r*lflah Internet and will. automatically become a naonopolh In slue send devour the oltHUastfon over ~chi It' presides -nnier-a there are definite and Orbit:ter). eheelnl on its netivltt0e. The Cotstltutloa !a a nionuraent to our forefathers' dletrutt of the State. .. .

-But the coddled yowl reforeior of our day, _looking out on Ms world, finding merit often unrewarded and ohionnery vtrtuntphant, throws piiCdnte to. the wind% end emip0 blindly at,a weapon which s0osite to hart likely to destroy the_

harm and scatter their belonging* among the deserving beer:tab . Now he :-.. rtgHt !n believing .that glue Socuctuletson of too. Mach intend and power to a few hands Is'a dement 10 -hie ctvlltrstlan and liberty. out, :btu the weapon be_ 1tndm la á law, and when the lad he otitcte ineeeises the power of tttta'goternment over men's destintee, hit to tigbling a Wiser tjsttnny by accepting a greater and more deadlyone, eaaa he should be await of that tact_ _ . .

`The greaten. eneautae of democracy, the most Violent rtestlonsrlee, are thaw who have teat faith to the capeétty of a frar pespt to manage their -aw'n train. ebd With to set tip the gdn'nmtnt M e polltlOal and social gttsrdlan. muffins. their buslneSs and making their de/engine for them, ...

`The fact that there are three ~clam en -government m.akea for it salutary daisy and blessed lnedleteneye the steettve Pottten make* for a govt.:t ne:t ant by ey0IMl prafeb.lanatt, Mkt by -normally bgmc.i and folydy incompetent anuateilyr. That was exactly what the wary old four:ling father,' wanted: and it wo are wise we shall -leery 'It. for no »Crowe to the hletory of the world rtes suooteded so well in maintaining the balance betweonpremnal-fberty and that manhaenr tot authority which is 11~11ery lot Ube free ,growth of Ideas In a tolerant society.'

1 submit that the: to an in$_tnftetyg greater .teettrt-.orrlal to the-Anterlcnn ePJJII. the Arnonean view and the Amerk1111 t_ l thad hit a Quotation from Abr*haat LEnc In arguing against the lnteIUbWlty of the Eupreuno Colfrt,

BROADWAY RUNS IMfrrm.ern to btonmbr 14, Iodcalro

Dramatic Opened Pert.

Al. tJaorAn ta Meadefres- I) nanbow i iim-_t,ttr íT.e.ry] lest,

Jaw_. O43 zl

yaM': - ton .l, '/'mined- hE 1. .,...i....ppt.L _ yy

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tadMe tt.-,`11 _ x et Wei Y

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Aftu(ca.l' Corn edy

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raest :t-- TO

IYorrmLrlr :?fi, I938 LEGITIMATE The Billboard 23

rIt the drat torte in many ~- osily .the Lord and The 1rilybcard'a staff of etatttticiana can give you

Inc cane' flguts-ltroadway Le Raced with tb -

¡templet of 'hnvlrie several repertory fefnpidaira within its erblt.

itnnrloa Zvarla, wbo got oft. to en a anent start .rttb hie production "of

*.Semler In'Ita onttrety. plana to follow up with A'new prodtnetion of Ñenry IV cod to ~re_ hta aumaful Rtiberd ft-

n ¡t all.º the tte

mace the 'St James Thea- ter. 'The e Lunt., now: touring with lr.pnttrs'on it' end: The ,Sea Gull,,. am ptsr.-Mug a tour and aapttng season In hee Tort with -revivals of those two' ttrettlone, plus Tammy ,of _the Shrew. miori pratpht, Ñev!iffta In Vienne end ~alb tr:e Queen; e' venture which

-alp cornea ender-thil headlut of nwdl- tied jeltertery. And at lists point we also , lit trienttori the Mlrretery Theater. watch last season played the !list full

,cat of !I pectory in New Yerk-sine this Le oelllºnne ere. -

rtle to Oalllenne era,, tncadeutally. read well be a oonvoniert landmark glib abloh to launch this -dtecmalon of a acstcm of theatrical production ;,buys ' ¿stn seams to be 'toNting Into beet. albs Le Oslitenney''CITio Repert- tetp Theater bloke the ground for the poptiar-ploed cliental theater ¿n New York Abe innrodalced the works of ~coy. Ibsen and other Mirnpaan

iw dreeatlata to thou eda of playgoers. Rai 4 not bien for Mina Le delllnnem o is doubtful dent Jed Barrie' would tore produced Cleric. 'Vanyva or, More recently_ .t Dolt's *.loose, or that the Lpzta -would include a pray by Cbekov alth those of Ittobcrt ,AherwoOd and Miriam fihakeapcnre in their Current ;germ

The Gttle iteperterry_wee a hetiTlty area,; 'Mired lnatltutlott. Tlse-wale of tickets ralkht pay runnitre expense*. but it ray, cut 4ttemient, even with near-ewpoetty audience.? to pay for the expense'eeticw 71eductio s. sa itnmbllog ,Meek which even nee loots tame -on the none too smooth path of ,a repertory chtererW Pate Le (satlteaneia wealthy pets -one- did n ot aeon to ntindl the neonHlty of eon trrbutl ng. the .production c-eet_n, looking epee the- Cline Repertory es a' radian, tQroabt might -dew ht, .donations to a library, alt'muaeum Or antiphony or - ammo liad it not been for the riper. catbens M


the ~erasion the CI -10 night have eontlnue-d for year. -beyond .14. itfa *pun., but thorn _mote._ a thane When cram hiss Le Oalllenns'sogeperoiria bsekFre felt asi.-y could' not afford further eontributfbne. Men for ouch a seen) eau .

The Mercury must- pay lie Oren way- ' The small profit we rolled up, on the

fntertnanees of Geese paid for,tlté pro. aur'lelt Of Shoentakera' Holatay, and tame ttin in turn'_pold for the prodtic- ier of IfrertbrMW' House.- It neat .be rime comfortable to enjoy a liberal en- ~merit, hut perhaps there N soar' virtue in the., feet !het o4Oh'produetion L as important to us an Jtrtgle pfo- erracttota would be to n tltañager who (petstee to the canal ñ--cr.dbray manner. When so much depends 'an your next shr_x it,ta apt to have a*trcarer quality et excitement and tndtvlduallty than Lt you are'turnine ottt,pWW.In tie ninnner of a stock company .or a Oradell ll in tire-prªducing u .nut_

Per seven mºmteu [cat araaob wen pre. 'Ia-- a result. last aeilen FO con- of ttae metropolis there are thousands'


ORSON WF I T'S directory of the Mercury Tbester, New York, was born trt Kenosha. WLs After appearing at the Once Theater In Dublin, Jretand.

he Joined X-' 1 hoteMe Oorstel7 d cern- p'ny for two sealOna. ?Or the Y'tderal Theater Project be dl - reeled titer Negro Meebátit, Norse Rata flat-_ Dr fhwtw and The Cradt Will Roo;. Per the Mer- cury ho ham staged Julius Caesar, The ehoeetakrrie Fdiday and Ifearfbrruk Rouse.

JOHN HOUREMAtt4 co -director of tilt*. Mercury Thatter. began his I

seeoeiatIán wilt; the theater by re- Howttug tafdoo productions to: venous inIgtlah.pubElontions. After an Interlude sat a giatn 'broker Tiouaetnsn beeeme ab smile par- ticipant to theatrical arrears by Collaborating on several -playa. 8ubee.gnentfy ho turned to spree. lion, ata«bg Oertiude- Etttetq'a Four Sellers its Three .tots and Ib-!wale Lode from the 'Sea aced acting es co -director for the Theater Oland** production oCMax- well- Anderse.o'º cret&ev. Forge.

«0_ ""1

'hie repertory season-e,-tthout acme cpa- 'Lotlon -that añ audience aire-ady exlmted for the type of prodiactloai planned.

We laid the groundwork for the Mer- ,cuTy- by pfOetuct)ig,,.Vaphe'e7, . Feigtu. Horse -Pets Hat end The Cradle Wlrl'Reek for thó.Pbderal Theater. We knew' that Ire had erelIsed a certain interest for g cwt plays of the past which have some emotional bearing on the -present..

Our pre-Memüty following - was a betcrotencotu 'group Of playgoers. It lndaded tbousande ,ot intelligent, ap- proclaUTe per.oea whir; eoeürdiag tO the screens to 'the tinestionnatres we dis- tributed, had never attenited,a,theatrlcai peRoern .nc'e - young .people who had keen kept away froto the Ui'Cedway theater by the bugaboo of high priced for the" kind of playa which normally would have attracted them. It. In. chatted. nurneroga'aasoried theateorgoes who cm* by euirwsy, taxi or In their pavatás limousines to the Lafayette, In liarletetito Ñeelyeebet1Y or to the Maxine luliolt On iOtltretseet to see -.0r. Faarutua

With' !hie et'tattltahrhtnt Of our own theater we were able to give even mom attentattne to two other types of play- gors who now form an important and antisiñgly large eevglrrrtit otour audlenor. The nest group eonsfets of those aemo- 'elated. ettber etc -teachers or 'students. with the iinlvonettee. C011ge., high echcols, grammar ttictolil and Wrote school. of Greater New 'fork and Its elalrfrOxia. Lest .*eases, and again talc

of the acanon in order to oonfoem with our, repertory schedule.

It may be, as ao matey of Otte friend* have malntatned. that we bars laid tea usual serves, on n atrtet edherenoe, W the repertory form.. We can- remember night sifts bight of rn,etings, treat the Unto dho curtain tong Idmen Midi the following chart, at which we debated wtset_hec we should take advantS o of the good notices on Shiterracker to split our company and tiaose ono chew into a separate theater, thus °certainly don- bhrig Our Tetelplac iPor better at worse. we decided that, baring announced repertory. werweubd stUch to It. Ino.onn- aequtgtde, Pioemakkre' Nolldoy cdgled to standing roam sftet Maly' 04'perform- WW1* to make roam for -Negri break notate.

Litt tb the swans ,wo did separate Jode& Caesar and Ifeanbreuk fiiotos for

'20 performances, partly as expert- ment The.subetantlal build 1n bueir.rws ont the part of both shows es the result of their having been stile to play. con- tinuous runs Wee an eloquentaitbó not neáa arity orarrio lag Irgunaent sgalbtt too slavish an adherence to the reper. carry ayaatom-

A Alntlsr problem arose In the.nistter °Leasttng Strict observance_ of ort,to- dex repertory "practice entails the. UM_ of the same caret to every production We do not, believe that the New 'fork public, accttatomed "a It II lA a very speclillned.systerd of coating. L -willing to accept the sort of _loeY-company. eon, -'e rust--lbuttd tlltxtaandt of stn- atmospbar0 that Inevitably resulta.QCTh ,deist diatouint Cards at educational In- tba lanntirat.oning. use of the same sitttation s. and we betlºsc that 40 pre actors In every 'play. In eseh Of our ,went of our audience carne from this atteoe%Y1ve productions -we hate chosen tetlfoo, the'baet avallable neon for each pat*. Amulet,tmpºttamt segment of cur cYen if In 49144 caeca we hod to go ,dtenee Is that which cornea to the the- ontside of our orn-orgbnlsatIon to find gm, in n the theater

ghly complex aasefal and pciltleial iii there. hi

etnled our piwys. in repertory. and we, [fatcntly tsrtird !o oar 1eºmpany a et orgnar_zattona coatlating of pentane themyettd' tot aurae rate what .everyone number of actor* . =ors tens fun Pay" but who sra bound together by aeºu000mmoa tole as before we -started! That reper- imy Ib New York la an enarreioualy ex-. IPratrlae IYtl.hnese, The technical eirpenec elf shifting.eesery frequently is high. but we were prepared for that andPlanned

out producttotie A.oeoedlmgly. Ire tpenl'a wet or money publicatag the retails et n repertory system Which the Nits York public (ace uatoated as it u la the hag rube of suocesaful pla:al centtutled to fled vlttuely iti0ottspcé- bensltsie and disturbing. We were pre-

ter that, too What We were not 'Now We mu examine another phase of Dlq) fired for was tot agony of de- this oniriess 'of running a_ repertory Ilberately alaahitor thin tuna at our tiro- theater-the audience. We.dld'n41 Mart most Iltcgrsfui productions tit the prat` lbº Mercany--dór did Mr. "franc begin

playing only three Or tom performance& n week_ With the opening of Heartbreak House !set April we were carrying;.d Jufltu Caesar &Mere who only pe forrtard, three tones In two Week". It rose then that'ws seat Corm, Into antYthtq theater for its kraal week*. lest .this sound too tragio a story, let us°add that, for all Of our problems. We <anerged from our first season á tow dollars ahead of 'the ga.nt-

Interest. By atgsblrfns theater party the ececutivee of theca orgaairstierne can improve flair lnenclal statue or raise funds for g special purpose while at the mane time.. proaidibg'an cnJoyable eve- ,ning for °their members at a OWL PO

greater than if rise member were to go to the theater by hhrsavtf. To the the- ater the ndtantage of theater partial y obvietss. In addition to dlapnLLry of tlekets In wont sad'bufldtag of certain kind af,good will, the theater party llcse= tice gives the box On tee a fairy-nocuretle view of Ma iirolxcte of, a [nay-v.-Welt makea it posalble- to aynchuontrne adver- tising and publicity teerte odmO.axliatly,

not no matter how -weft a theater may succeed so 'Organtaing the -orgaaliable oiidlenoc,.ita burners ar failure must be. measured to a great degree by ilea de= elm .« the casual theatergoer to see try indra ducal producttñot, Thin type of theatergoer dtrsn't parthrilierly erica whether,youre playing repertory nr not. Lie want. to are I good tbow,t the- least poaalble rhtiietc"- with Ilia, gr .ate+! pa - and. oottvem a áen 'The praettoe of ro. taring plasel,map seem. to. him like ab annoying in or*tion-untli be gets nerd tothe Idea,

It le the naveeslty for mishearing thte type of pieficoár -which to the greatest problem facing the practitioners .of repertorY. And It I. became we bellero that tee rnere, widiepresid the pradtlM the greater *L11 be the co -operation -of pG%gSots--rho more the rrserrter--tbat we --elcomº Mr- Earn and the Uinta to the repertory field.

'"Nett' Sin!' No Temptation rui'rnnURal Nov, 17,-Armoire, to

speculate ore the reactions -of humanity to The Nevi Siia, Coen-Teleprepli r rata InI ea -.JO.,ph Hre1R .has produced n t rn play tlut,needs rewriting. Two yeses ago Dreig rind ab'ert'iºte by an ,Oxford prieet, was ltrptrrd! to theorise dramatically en tin tbrala, ñ supposed -nett stn'-brought to earth by Ratan, Poe three seta Hrnl'é

cr e aye to setlrtee'lhypoLiy -of chrnrdti- gocre thrtl the ~Mina of yellow tour- nallsni employing Prof. Noes (Satan to re+tree) ae n feature writer for the Truth Publishing Co.

U th. truth were told, Bret'L mlehr study the technique Of pl4y'errightltig .arts e'rentuntlr p. Luce an acceptable comedy. Ooeaalonahly tlaaheo or 'wit My - 510112 t atichnt, unreasonable dialog and umatured. aetton.

The Nees S11r. was produced by tito Catholic Theater auitd; directed ,by !'rank Put:fact O111L-Berta Pittsburgh Pt ybrulse actor. Norton Prank.

Munie Op for Lake Ceorge? LAKE OIX)ltOE, N. l', Nov. le.-Tha

presentation of light opera and stook companies at this Adirondack re-ort next auenmer la being trttlrUM by the Chamber of C:onunerre' it is aaiinounerd by Robert A. -troidL president.

'Ilene Or THE1Saltr 1s41n rtar) j.anI oaae.--sta avwñ. NMtw

eteu, Dana.. OMr.. (4141 O!seteesrtt 841~1 M 4~R_,l, Lie T,acr. 4'4;4 a. b.. t RkMn,aM. get

11~1414-.wrWl,ta Inn.ertometaQ-e.,1e01-a sae .r,rerti.e e44 tYP. Screw aM ltrea, 1.4104ALViLNc TNLArAf a: sWÓisrr arma% ea., aMIei.Feo Vert a?P.ra,M.eUM 144eela11, Ph,

,ara eHar olcta... nini.a, ~so nnttee 4~1.~~- ~~14 r_loor tTllheY atftM AcV O.M.I even. N.w

aser.trrr. E. CELL, ee%, Seth

The 1939. Supplement to FRENCH'S CATALOGUE' OF PLAYS

is sow Rgany-ron annal7uTtos 510141114. Fete WOW

Kq aeear art -27. W. sets -L. Neer V01« all W. 7pu it.. L.. Ao. ..



MT 0g4-0014gC 44---11. 0 r0 serrW w.w tr.

1te6¢sJ Tender, t' 4 n,

ihfsM 1 t PeO. Leeds 1144«_~ 11v.. i Taro.

ROºXyrgLtx% OCrTta. .1 e30 eirpA. a~ York rªsr'

AMEIRICA\ ACADEAIY OF DRAMATIC ARTS l Irott tnra rut late Y rpgR7R n.Jir , 5AHC2'IT

T HE fore* ost Institution for Oeamatic and Expressional Training In Areierka. 'Mi cocirtet of the Academy furnish the essential preparation for Teaching and Directing as well as for ACting,

111144, WINTIR TLRM 1 telarSS IANUARY, fail ATALIXI hebvtp-Setsetsey, ftaue 141 ' IIALi.h'gW Stlafi Z

2.1 The alillverard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE No:Teri:or 26, 1938 Conducted tóy PAUL DEN15-Cór.+r..ueieatióee to- 1563 Broadway. -.New York Chty,

N. Y. 14iITEPiIES OLGANIZE Alarmed By Censorship; W. Fair Competition and Labor Troubles

NEW YORK. Nov. lac-The aneden wave of ponce eeaserabip In local night elute has rotund. cabaret owners Into termite. tt)elr own oreanllutbon to BOO Wither, oddity nevi ether eeneorshlp bane. NW T.' Orantund; who.' lost his Caheret.lierfu.e on Thr ntidel,tht Sun for Moe day lest week boatlee, Of mixing. to believed to be the leading spirit be- hled. tine move, ]nd will be temporary Chairman; or a pier teoe of club oporstore !(o_ddrt r et the Hotel Mtdt,

While At-leaning method*, of modify- ing the pollee' ban on mlilfg, the new crgahtratlen well take trite estraslderetlon a net of Mtanderde to (1) show tee pollee they ere wining to clan house. (2) pro- ton tltemreiree In the ease of laboreter- nlallttice re) clisetim Wendel Palr 06W - petition, (4) dlscwr the tacieai,ed erne of weer since the Inception of the set dal Y ter murricie ri, snit (5) deleuie the pre--- aerent' attempt to cremes* a Union_

Bain before the (drat meeting, however, thwb to a dtt1erence of ofÑtleti nenouilt night slob amen ea to whether or not the O4iraolºatmei would be effective and. because at earepsattton, whether they would stick l ietlea or knife each other. Lard year's aliceetve attempt to orxanito Orseneleh "'Nays cahartt owners Vow. dted ea nn Instance of why this thing rulihri Y. otk dull Thou/ lee. sly Irttererttd In the stove

are, N71O. :flaky Blair and Milton AdlieC, of the Parody- Re-teurnn', NTT, said h . Puro Wight dub Ou-w , would !tick to"etber U they had on effective volce'to persist their ease when liertalé el fflcuhtcJ comp up. Blair una M the same %_ptnldn,'but laid tlntt tho,bMnor- Shlp angler seopld be Just a minor pert of the role, 'ewe /yew amok-tattoo would play -In the might club field.

On the outer hand: several cafe own- er, are .of the opinion that t4T¢ L bee -

label -ties move only to nave -bee awn Milo. Thep CWm It. Weald serve to afetagonlxe the pollee department further, with the eysult that It eOtlid dig tip new ~lee toone.

Some others feel that It would be best to` lay low and let the sellable *liar quiet down, tether than titre a rumps and then erentunily disband. Deputy Pollee Convent sinner Cornelius O1.eary. in ehalTe or the eater«, lieenalnp dtYlyden,


Putection guteau se,eree Service (or Readers

T'r fá'loN is dtreoaod to The stn- ne, 4.111hr ,'ItIcriah Prot-ouon Bu- reau embus -Ong ell Manchus At the show beachree but 'drhtti-r.1 par- tleulsrly to, serve -tin Vaudeville. Nt,71tt Club Dud Radio thirds.

T hm'c kelahing to eetablleh Idea or , material priority ero asked to Melees,

deserlA=tone of Aaron In a sealed anY re'ope_ bearing on It. face their rants. pttiaeenertt adder's* end other Inrarmailan' deemed- necessary-. ttpon receipt the ,peeket win be dated. et - tested to and tiled away Under the name of the claimants.

Send pockets, necompen/ed by letter requesting reglttrrtton and return postage, to E.11ee 1t sttgarnten, T lee Billboard's Matertal Protection r als. Oth ilgcreleibce Theater Build- ing. New York City.

The alUbord takes ewer eseeawtloe to sahressd peekeh ..,b.nlfted fee realseetlen with the 0.'siv bet deer not aser4Mar, w in-atee low, Ilebliify be ienrierilen with' same.

TN Owens. le nee deslrned, da sapplenr In soy wee the aeevice ,pieteweerd by the U. S. Coptrlght rOfflee. Withtltton, D. C. lore 'nlmbeate'i IntenNen with .mind to la-ibivae he. pre ids a rgeer d oral- llahlns gelsei1yiet- Ideas Out le eat wilitie Itto were of the Coprslsht Otrhe.

wieuld _ be - more amenable to the night club owners problemll vane sere. If they tiled oteopereting.lneteed Of fighting.

:he general oreaMnaue of opinion, however, in that It a seemingly strong or ,gents:anon were fearrned, they would all pimp -Into this told:

S. F. ° AFA Votes On New Minimum; Chi Agents Agree

gACI 1,711NC13Ó0, Nov,_ 19,-Rntltical- lion' of contract for itele between the American . Medrrntion of Actora arr4 ngenta will be -voted on at a membership meeting hero Deotmber e. Prttsdpel chance front present egreenvent cilia for a eiubetanttal Increeto to minimums for enlertatncra working this arm.

Agreement «eke a *.lei to 860 ecaee, de. pending on type of spot. Present" scale In rla all Over. Odin:net also. detaenda that dub deter; be paid a net salary Instead of nosey 'kaas CoMMIStlon. All other clatters remain ea under' present agreement.

_ WritWti afoticere le also stated, with be in present set-up likely. Of - acme oft the local 'branch' nee At Smlts. representative; 'Chnrlºa Renard, bunt:cea agent, and ConnIe mitebetl, treasurer. Twelve members of an a4vtiory board are also to be voted au. With the pos. Kibbe exception Of two raevabere, the present board fa expected to be retained.

Demand» have been. made 'by the J.P'A that -the new ennngement of the 'Club Roberti pay waste nlalrue Itsslltuted igaitrel tOsaecr owner of the spat $ale oaf the club by Fret Roberti. It is cheesed.

Cherry Stx.ter`s' LaKt Torir CHICAGO. Nov. 10.-Carl Whyte.

mannger nod piat:let riot the cherry Sisters. has Invaded local booking of - flora with the ennounoomontithet the oat a contemplating n:"ttnal farewell tour."

So tar no,offosw have been reported

wed maele under sealed bide. leaving terms and name of new owner unknown to claimant. Club is expected to reopen December 1.

CHICAGO. Nee. Il) --IOtenttfled Amer - teen F deration Of Actors drive to sign all night dubs here -landed four more this week.'brtnging up the total to';e_ threber iera are Golden Spot, , Broad - Mont; Pranka'a Casino and pall o' Fire_ Ouy Magley, local Are bend, reported that several- others were on tl'.e verge ofslgning over the'ueek-end.

The rntertienment Managers' Aas'ocIa- nor7 of Chicago. en *nineteenth, of 21

--dubdete bookers. smtl'iOuy Mogley, local head of the American Pc-deraitlon of Ac- tors, reached an oral uoderatandtng pt a closed ,hop hero-tbta wt8)

Action by 1d to will farce hundreds of eats to Join the APA before they will tr2. able, to etv-ire club dates. APA. then Mareeyeproimeu'd to reciprocate by get- ting the local hotel. Into fold and delis away With doubltite of ethane ream eats In any outside entertalnment program».

rimed P_ O'lttelley. president ot'I: MA_ took the vote, unanimously agreeing tic Or -operate with the male.* of the APA.

Three Bands in Three, Days \iHW ORLEANS. Nov. ter-three name

mks In me many nights will play the llaweltan Blue Room of the Rooaovole, says top spot, this wet*. When Anson` Weeks and crew left Wednesday otter tee week*, Phil Let -ante Lund replaced for a.sngle night: while Clyde Lucas'and ark opened, yesterday lot a Stay. Lucas Is a decal favortta.

Maisie Makes' Vau e_ 'Debut; Not Counting 14 Benefits

PAUL DEN IS Dear Nadir VOU will be very ¡road of me 'When I tell, you Tm -,playing my And vaudeldllo

dote-not counting the le eenºilta I playcd.ln thnatert last- week. Ian at the 011i116,+Opera House. which Just retained %audcvlllº idler seven years of dóublc- featurea. This le. the That bill, Mid It'd, all,**, strange. The stage le stilt full elf cobtrebe end -very musty. Teie-dreeskrn rooms Slut loak like olopets-during the straight Caerle faptttte uSiltre used them as dressing rooms. The ntarthanda are the aamsso.-iee who were here ecru ago exocpt for the bead eleetetetee, who retired

es of ter a sermon worterie thepote In a night club.` -(They.ray he was never 'the snme.after be IWO'tthe theater after 24 years ligtitleg mudo acts.)

r1CV1E pit otchestra,ls'not the best. The drummer Le an.old (elida who can't read L the'drumr pieta but Id Libe. He ebemeeed tempo six `Ulna on Wei and- during

my high dam toe number, toot Ile hates fake; or nting music and refuses to play, It I .compiatned ,to the mnnngeht but has told MO the drummer is the preeldont" Of the local union and that not even the otter musicians date tell btm his drum" wing weelle.

Tho'rrax man Lm problem. too. lie instals on doing e stand-up bit on every number whether we performers -want It or_not_ (Ho's secretary of the local union.) Then therea the violin man. who Y an old nynp)1odr mast. and Olen pleas slaw,, sveyot'pasaages on all muds. Hein not,a big shot tn,tbe union -en maybe we can GO s ncething about boat.

911W nudlenae are Sunny.. doaetin is they but sit mete bever ̀ talk out or applaud 1 or anything. blurt} the 'bsr_kstage doorman. nays ,thej'te Icrtiot*en hose to

applaud- He says they're watttne,fee the tree dishes, and can't get used to getting n vondevWo ehow Instead.

The kids getter near the beet -Metre door and point to the actors. One of them whispered to the'othtr kids, 'The 'actors are real,' I sate -them with my own eyes." So lee Oka* to this.

We've got a good rahow. the. Seery act V soek-eexcept Mee ,Gordon. Ahe's doing' a contortion :tot, and every timer she bends yen' can hear the. bones creak a mile away. Sheer alto 'doing a fan d.ance., and you can -Weibel. fat to the wraug,Rinces lie alias ebb keeps moving fast mid never Nets the Lana drop If the did they'd arrest her for defrauding the publto., Of wen" I'm not Jealous. I Just dOnet like to nee the patrona cheated.

ELL, we've Just been teed whet the ab oa le being hied over., (They're going to Tiff/ hold' rarer the pIct re. too. It's Ale ónderei JDeptt'sr 8erueL-J After this. I play

the Patera. the Rex and the Jake thcntern for one night tech lfy agent says Uwe laour.s arc experimenting with Vaudeville and that we performers are pioneering In bets, Irig *etude heel. Sett I teterelrn that U the audiences doti't learn how to applaud pretty wan I'm just going to dFl (rem biletea_encátar.

if I were only bock to Nick's Romantic Cealno. where,wadtors break elates and tables collapse met Misnomers Join the poor show. Vaudeville b too Inlet foe ire.


Clu6 Taren JVetta Yórk:

PAUL AND GRACE ILARTMAN con- clude tbelr Plarn 'total stay this seek to 1111 en eightwork engagement in Florida. They return to the Pinta Caine m7 20_ .' _ . PHLHAM HEATH INK'opons November 22 with a show that Is horded by June Lorralnri,e nedley and Seebeck, Marcie Iterrie and the musty Of Eric Correa,

VFS.OZ AND YOLÁNDA are aeheduted for Monto Carlo appearances after their Caen ñeniinna star= they will recoil» the equivalent ºi 100,000= tones a week there. Acd-when they play London again on this tdtp It triu'be tee Met tone to eight jeans. Then they received name. thing we SO pounds 'week. Tbdey thry get leetimes that. . . GIVENS AND KAROL, comedy dancers, are included In the -Ilila-up of tbe;'Bill Robinson ahem that playa the 12Sth'Strset Apollo tees. ter the week. , , , DET. RIO'AND i51A2r'8 are appearing nightly -at Ivan Prank's, and MVO ANT) DORO are In their tee. and +reek at the Ptrowee. . , BILL SCULLY It tine new and young ertvee and manager -of the Village Pepper Pot Copses from the Wert Coma- having

'nerved -In Nube'end' In plea. Faffi.YN BARON, singer at the Swing

_(Attb. "has appointed Fred Fuitan her niar-agdr.

Chicago: JOE LEWIS . t'eturne "to the HI flat

Christmas Week at *L.TCO per. Clielt IE DAWN, night club edltrercl The flcrotd end Examiner. hen lost Ws' fatter,

Were and There: martaxITA AND MI CI'"hnve,rotmdrd

out a month's stay nt the Now, Peale. Pittsburgh, where they arc featttred_'yth Al Iravelare_ s Band. . . JOHN BOOTH wan at Omaha Chee.Parer the past feet- nIght_ . . . MAXINE AND TODD, June Defoe, Mardi Lang. Barbara Han Claire Taylor. Matta Dickey, Martin Batter, rrnra Duval and the Four Bing tog Walters Make up the Chow at the Pith. Portland Ore., a hoer tneten with a floor show. EDDI pay -rows nerbpctte..iteubenvtlLt. Pa., to one of use rare barbtci?e epee to feature ah A

CARMEN GARCIA. MOW!~ao. prano, hat been tart for a four -week en- gaggemeñt at I.« Resta. Ban Prenclam. by Grt,A DECARLOS AND ORA- Nl.DA' in their sixth week at the Ches Aml., lederalo.

THE VARRONE3. Carl'on and, Dolores. are In their eighth week at the TIN Toy -Tap. Mllwsukce. . PRANKIk AND' OL,ADYB: BARRiS, black and tea turn. are working Clubs in the Cinetn- nett area for the Jerk Middleton offfr.

DONNA WAMU! le get lndennitel at tho.8 otCloek Club, Clevelañd, booked by' Joe Mere GEORGE COR7'P.I.tO and' his Hollywood- Cantnc Actors. no'r on a three-week run at the Palomar Club. Loa Aaálo., have just =finished *teak on tbe,plcture Oreirea Delight, for ISOM, . . DAURO'S Dancing. palm - Medea hare opened' I return engagement at_ Red Goble-, I oli,. ndlanap . WOODS AnnBRAY are doing a bold. Dear at Northwood Inn, Detroit. Kr2.LY Sr$TER3 opened at Club le -e. Hotel Ahem Clealnnatt, SovetriTilber 16, booted by 01ltey`1 Jack Middleton. MEILRIL!. BROTlIIRS AND SIBTPFJ are current et Royal Palm.'Miami. Fla.

WALTER LIBERSker te In his ninth month it the Red Room In PienktnteD Arcade. Milwaukee, perhaps "the tensest stay 'of' arty stogie- performer there_

CO'LLEITE AND 43ñ1.0 hire de- serted the ceett after almost a year and a half °tit there. Are now working Dille west spots.

TI(l; BOYEITEA. donD- egtlrlets. are set lndeflnitelyen the RsLnbbOis Roots of the Genres Washington Hated. Jac'it-W ellle, Pia, .: DON AND DONA JACKSON and Rochelle and Rita nee of the Club 17E -

lag" Hotel Meal.'Ctnclnnnti. booked by Jack 1tlddlnton. _ .. 'RE» ACE gees fate Club Joy, Lcesthetenr By foe a w etc.

beginning Noaeinber 21.

(onerhi her 26, 1938

QC/Me seoihyt:aus Rialto wit ones a- ttanated' that the tears abed weekly

ai the cartons Broadway ateliers- by graRme managers. earl -penned prefer !oral folk and,funtreel hattkc- of foot - beet intent could easily set 'afloat the tamblacd tonnage of the Queen Mary. the Norrnandho and that funny little fiery tent rends over tO' O nealsore ra- nee in the summer time.- The nicee- anenilotrod naval expert axe ho -Baron e:I atLauaet't either. I knew. Tee been tees the theatrteat Y11Le of tears Maio timer than even my anemias care to tee

DiLL.Y Refit is the 117-Pree-yQulig idea man who Asa built, httnaelf a ttatlªalal reputation for novel. daring, -lenity publietred show*.

Ian used to be a Champ typist. iwt worked hla wi* Into show business

and has been a eon genet«. -- legit producer. night chub ope

\ 'srektor. pro:Meer Of epsetaejre and what-haue- you. When

- Other pºople thought he was alishtly daft y 8111y pose went abend anyway a n el in is et a. crony. Ss tilt his beat peak when be oper.

uted the Casino de Perm *lad the Billy Rom Miele Frill. New York. Then he l:iged the Ptenter Palace abort for the Port Worth reohtlar Qentenrttal In time: Then hack Ito New York to nag* e-tdufteºltfflod dreirs, enelbo.,ln the trig Nirpearoreo,

Recalled to Mott Worth. he Malted the Clan Manaba Reines of ISM.. The telliewtngeileinat he dt t a atoond show at Fort Worth and doublet to Clove - lend to adage the orator extreen1h.nr3 at the Orat Iakei letpbrlttoñ. Ito re= turned to New York is take Dots the dttuact Prr rwll C.'iDo and' emeepa- fnity operate it with'» book show. In the Burn ee ho switched to itralght raudet'ille--end It atilill dieing aitrlghi.

in this ,article' he hit* hard at the arcade -ay erepebeneenr who ate always viewing with awns lied stern UM* enterprs(tag *bowmen who der* to be original. lie doéan;t like the aou:.puu guys -and th10 article meant' why.

It di started again. tarty this year. when I carne back tO ttiew York- Sad IØØ peaty teri of ,a red.tnk-stalnededl= Jim Balled the Preach Casino. Wbteb had tern dlabLn'1 up elleited [tales ga-yetx to Octhemites, to the accompaniment of keel 'While from the aeaeuntfng depart- ment. Risen before the that :sleepy Texas Meweerl head_ been unloaded from her tipper berth )t the Pennsylvania Station. s..d loeg bºtine Sash stand heel Cotn- plated the init lnetalbnent era ,a new aet'of bubbler_'t e. Broadway fretcrnite hid pat In their aidera for a casket. =-ith shroud to match, fora oertiln elr.-

eta e.

The Midtown 'Mourners 'Otonly wiled I brier 'succeed tnaget-

tang' the door^ opened to the newt) tbrtatened Paso 14, nano. her my backer* wire fleeing -the city Nmu.--seenrdLn to reporrts--dally. 'Mat'/ didn't liter any awlfors but myself never etemtd to Permeate the skulls of the midtown rostunsa. h. I remember. the-' fee- t-etal tleatteinrn'of fortune with whom I 'eta suplsoscd ii bo associated ranged In 'meat Pity from two er three meow Mete- PtrOi s tanksepers -around town eo decrees

+aüleas of Ohio who fell tuto lb. Chilled waters of Lake -nine ore' night



and bobbed- up In the Inel-act Amin ot! the Cievelland Aqunceade.

At any rnee. the C*aa Manama ,fnalty 'opened after . meltable quarters were found, for Captáln, prwako!s ember -toothed tigers, And is tot of perfectly passable renal was ruined=openien nIgbtby the. communal crying of the 1Rialto lode who hied the show, but could see "the hood= wilting on the wane'

The erediettola were kttlon-and I-ecbrymow ate nut.wsa too !ergo- The cast saes ,too- bas. People weeed meter pay to roe a book -show In?eebáret. JOhn Murray Anderson had put toe many clotehe@ on the chores. There weren't any peasants left o who wanted, to nee easy Rend. Morton Dower, wale.a eon. genIat-ITibtnan, but he 'sounded better on 'the redlee There wn iet n stogie Trench showgirl In the, revue (I never ~aid figure that complaint out myself). No one could' pronounce the name of the peace. '

And besides, all the ildewalk trnlfle was going up and damn Sixth avenue anyhow. -

Carl, Reek/reel 'Whn- Por a while tt srmrd that -the 'Only

thing which veined drown out_ the monist and not-aornuffed mtserp -ese the perennial tlaküag of'tbe cash rlillh- tees in the lobby. Frog i' the first week ti wee dlefleult tee anneals 'In an 0alttra portion of anise etes'on the Caen Marian table for fear of eleplaHgt Mr. and Mrs. Tlerabrldge from nut 'Ones e, Pndtfoxh end .the Beene. f put Bony Rand up In the bar In beFsr_n shows, under the guise of a ooneerttetlonl=1st, where the regaled a throne of eleohol clients nightly with es:orepia !torn Dr. Pritot's Tire -Poet Shelf end the more rusty -tales of her youth. Morton Downey Ind the tnevltalees frills eye= Ané 3+mffne bed the tiihl,- tope erectng Like Clrecreekee'a from the pptatlre-eesntllting eyeiy show.

And aonmeowe eeenelbeercred a couple propt in a rear booth at Lindy's wise

Gould propotmoe the name of the place correctly.,

Tire' minpr-fury en -uttering* Ic_-ienedt Word skipped alpn't the ,thee* that the butchers. itnieces and h,a Chue Mee - men were being paid cell resod/ale-a procedure, I learned, that threatener -I to make ma a symbol- of lmroy: inertia began milling,, me rate asnas for Up - State ^nerve sanitorlums.'"

-Thais carne flap rrilllenutlum. I decided to tartan awaisdartlie the old alai-aride true Palace Tbeeter brand of nude- vt11e with beets r` xin!o comedians, good-

iOOktng gel singers. Snrebets. animal adta and aichange of Polley every few weeks. The Broadway bath of team boeuoe a roaring torrent that threatened to mats Father Deena statue In Longarne Square yen ed:mage. And snail men with beards, like -Papa Neptbnes. auddeltly aplreñrtel on the sitewaik in front of the Rood Melding presereers and Moths- $illy sea potions.

llserint Vaudc Pessimists Tiroº. that the Act of reputable pro-

ducers who -had etteñtptod a vaudeville renntsaarieé since the death Of the two. a -day in le]33 rah n gloomy feem r --of debt nod failure. Arid also true was the lot that attempting a variety revival ht the teeth of n New York ammreeteencrned a tisasrdntte bit of 'business. Sit alere Resin I contend that those showmen who 'teem to lament tenet the the- atrical Mourners' bench ate definitely destined to end their. career In a email sites In the Saudi 7ttillding evading second -rite play 'seriphs and esttes luriehee shat Of :ailed little paper bags.

The prints that bare been Winds from the ttel-to-t Mae- of preduotOg eattdi- viite allow* at the Casa Marrana are con- tderebte. the ernployrrurnt' Riven to e tot et stineetre show':atoppers who 'were reputed to have been wáahed up merely

77er AlUbanr+d 25

angers became they've newer slung etmeharine cere enenclal piece over a radio nee/ Mile hato been,breftening. And the. Wittig from npprec2atft a audiences eta n large tevely bundle In the right -bend drawel! 0t Me dent

I Intend to continue preseátinar vaadee 'rile at the Cams Mariana until the little prey* on ¿he -cash registers say -ILO:" It hasn't' boon the simplest taint to the rend luring, mine of the largest rimes In eihow ct:i larga to participate in these eteo.a-regbt circuote that I'm berm dHOdt- eotag. nut' at the Mane time ire never been quite as difficult as the droopy - chinned fraternity' witild'ham you bo- bber.

The Tear Deice Tribe Tho7 theatrical tear -duet, tribe art' not

composed solely -of one particuler'branch of the amusement business. Agents, mananpen, tcchniel_ni..orebestra leaders, night club ewnc4, newspaper talk, people who make their sandirtcb money betting on horses, aongpluggera--sr.4 e ven 'the performers theineel 'es-see itfl subscribers at one tlm or another.

I bare In mind ode partleutnr ease of a,eertatn young lady stoic talents 'open the /hestater reported to be aOme- thee* lust a wee bet I-ai ti_en ehnsatlone!. dale has. worked for lose thee would keep halt a heaven Balkan countries In °home and goat milk tor many n. winter to came. And yet_ this performer la coet*tantly breektngeinto print. either by interrimea or s..gned,arteelea In the slack magaatnae. cite a 10114 Will nit her sudlences. Bur- ins the peat year I here meted to feed a men etc thing .about her which dare not dwell upon the rsthereñporlfee subject elf what terrible people comprise the .irersyo theater sod nlfbt chub audience. They are hours, they get up and jenvo at ,the wrong tens. they don't applaud. they don't seem to listen Intently enon{h ,end. in etemeral, the young lndy'tn team - Ma has a perfectly awful elmee of it.alh.

roe getting juen. a little atilt of It. The phrases we' always neatly turned.'ben the continual bloater "about the bad man- ner' of her public etnaek' ungraciously e3 ham. I wendorit one salient fast has ever occurred to her. It may be thet her ptabllc. 'both patrician and plobian. Jtla'tdansn't like her.

Rosa Gore on foeevta P7 the time thin appears In print I

expect to have another cabaret launtbee. This one to'be a bawdy but lush saloon Celled the Diamond Aonwahoo With nostalgia reminders of Lillian Peas -II. Diamond .rim Brady, the mauve eleende end -black ttghss_galore. 'Ibis locale is the gíllt,' of tree Hotel Paramount on teest lath street-a very llledtwseb ainfelt, rim elreedy toed: Tier presence of two loud theatrical reverbceitIo . there ion. NM. 124W:i eat rind Owner Wilde, bath Of etbich have the ticket brokers bawling like re

hard of esmog cliffs' for more ticket* nightly, having _r.othm.grto do with the Mende! auppaxdty defeated air,

JOst root to disappoint anyone, I've remedy reserved extra -large raaplehts for the boys to_ cryIn whin the Diamond Iletrseahoo glitters for the first thee, and there'll bee -plenty Of 'little red ink án the tables to play with ha between Those. - '

fie for the World's Pair, the knock taim barn hi on thou for an enure year now. All sorb of thing's ran wrong, o. destined to happen. All of Ptushl-me le drenched with bay -fever pollen. the subway sta- tione are ail .eroseg. there won't be oce enough to past any Twee Ulan, 2.000.- 000.000 gasbUi t1 't the eerintia aatone deg feint -are too fee apart and eventually the culls,* Piufhlnq it ilanda will sink Ingloriously into the Fact, never bay mane .inn aftertmon. leaving aotbtle et mll !ho Bing; shots the alum but. proem - ably. enrolee Whalen :a gardenia.

But don't get too wrong_ I tore peen.

me.m. to 112R .piece, and George Jean

ICe'M a critic, Im'a be?

I'M NO PRESS- (CONtenatei Jrosn pope 20)

bin', to be'a.'Ibbled by one of elm att- noulltors. So who writes tit Yeb. you're right.

This mint goon. but you get the Idea. T see bare been isolated yet Average

ewe- in the layer roittlne the pets head may be called on to set any type of show t 4 Imayln.ettom can wean, or he may be called on to use his contacts to- . any, type Of DmedCiolIng ~na- tion., end, brethren. WWtth radio fare runtime more and snore to thy an - usual, the nab today calla for extreme ingenuity ne well as arduous labor,

And- Space. Too It le to be remembered that an spite

of -ail these'ertTa taeksthe beaten ditty-et ,the press agent Is rttL_to place -material attb the press, and so rite ~Mete Vein ell 'members of the antra pubtldity out. Dote must be kept fresh. With' the newspapers' .age-old antlpatby to radio, thin ,part At hie job aim been 'getttge more and more difficult. Amin esteems dtp!omncy and brain-recktleg are d*Utd for:

Alga tlN besrtbNekLpg for a Veteran radio pees sent to alt by and nee ble mstertal man;led by a 20 -year -old, copy boy who ham been promoted to tbs ease sited posattat>t o: radio editor. non - paper readers are. et Course. unaware et the naivete and inexperience of tee ~he peen ter. and It la only then the Mort politic bnndltng that radio been can be broogbt,int.oltig ently to'tas news- paper render.

Fortunately, here in the 'Quaker City we hare a group of radio editars's:Me axe veteran feewapaper men atth a mild background of brcadoutlrlg. ilegreer. Í

,know that to panto dues the eppe-eite holds true; seed hers It Is UM added duty of the coit.eti a press-egetriry tee use the Utmost akin and messes to Me to It .hat radio receives fair snit honest repe ntntetion,

Touching for moment on the trade pfilw rr-fife le pose .eel bf .es lino a group of nag anima as. any industry can boast, Main at the holm are Oldtiul.ere lemylar with the `'enemas of etirslsis. most all_ them culled from the imam of folks who cackled. on Crystal sets and ~name borne. Toa. they hare the elowpotnt Of the 1",.taf$iiive settle* Op- erate-. and uppermost 74 their mime) and peas la -the Ledo of Aieneoin 'slap , , . "to carve in the public an-

tercetseomwmle'nco null nooeeelty.e Their critIclmnut may tffi aggravated end bash. bet i have ]aft to bier them piled honest. Naturally. With much n medium 10- deal, the, 'tenon press head's lib re a comperwtltrly easy one. the inseam of lit depending molaly on the manage - meat's progrsIveneaa and hie own i'enutne ability.

'Co abrad, coq him a peas agent, but don't fornet,-'-a reel by any other» eta

PAPER HATS HO.Ieltlgiett Duaratioltl Xmas IMdse.

/ 1f(I%/4(1 f ,"1,a1... Dame[ ON*e7a0. she Cre.M. se eO=NrallO,t WON' TPA*. roe w:nRn, en Iota- ppyes Yeq ae ens ~wet de.tre1a19 r Per 1.000 3.543

cangle 100 NA a-Anxt.d Poi/ 14110 *ab0 pm 100 as. B-.-rlºrMw rYtW

mleiataea man '.. ..n... 2.5opI.1O0 bee --a.ewvA n.'e.e.d.M 2.00 7ee CO Aa:rtcd.A.ipw,M .-^. 7 Iw,,

OtOetel tW. 0. O. , Wra10 fee 1e,10 Ws_l`.- a's 01~111ltt csla3, Q,aOi''leaeee. Pans Oeoda. tl mg» .! Yrtcaa. Jeers. ate.

CORDON 1VOVttLyf T COr san ~mu owe- a.

- as. Yen. N, Y.

26' The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE Notpenrber 26, 1938

Heme. & "Follies" Ice Shows Grr uss $ 100,000 Each in L. A.

LOtt AAYt7:LFS,, Nov, i -Oyineiata of the Chamber of Commerce to the 00n - tray", pct entertainment has come to null in Boutbora Caltfertia. With Sonja

Menlo selling loe shown here ter three yenta Use public lb geeng-moro and more for the mid -winter sport; width hatvto- foro lies More c4 Ina teen - confined to ~ern cities. Promoters bare been quick to ranee the public limey. and now a debits of loe_palneet tor descend: liar, on Aoilysuod and Vicinity.

held Over for an addleinnet two. days. &Ionia Henie's toe Show pulled_ia- 32.000 cl, iatorales t tor, eight' dale at tlió Polar Pekoe. Prantint the beet show due has Betio en the road. ItLIa3 )Male did a- pacity burin ,, grossing e10oso00, 30 per Clint Over last mine nppesranoe.

With her time number with I('ebttra- vYt,d tl;y beet Ignite, show, It Ii rumored that, Minn Heide will tee a akating part- ner in her nest flicker.

Ittwowtns the Runic *how by one day on the road la the p1ó41/wood foe Follies. rr3giring ltoy bhipetevd. and 'Uoea` Eiar- herdt. Show was booked by MCA into P Peet1le auditorium. which -writs 3,000 more -then the Polar Palebe. and drew 08,000. lee Frxrl'/N Pulled In little bettor than $100.000 for the 16.dey run. Admlaalatn, wee from áS ~fete. while the Hanle show ,darted at el and hit 13.40 for boxes. Iloth show, were sellouts.

In the midst of hilly about for ihowó Orpluuat Theater here Installed Deering apparatus fo- the lltplice and Lamb adiow. The house, did good bit,. tear' the

Sugarman Is New Abbot .of Friars.

NIM7 YORK. Nov. sáá-Elias L. Bu(nai- man was e2eístetl Abbott and Hobby Clrh she Dean et'the Priam" Club meet- tñe Thursday. Lout P. Mundell was named ttaeanrrer and. Atan CoreUl. eocre- tary. William Srnnelell val. omega ed Metmtire director arsenal weeks age.

Now 'member* of the) board, to were tor' two ;Man are Leinér L. Hamaut, Dirk Henry end Mfg Frotumen A fourth will peohabty be named at a future meet- ing.

Incumbent board members are Milton I3erle. Edwin O. Diana, Goof*.. N. burns, Elam [Sex and Hoary'Jatle.

.1,aarber !*Roen In a Seri', of Op(nfene of tito Nation's Leading ?Nest Club gad MOM Owners esta stenaper, about Vie N(p!it CiMin- Vandeeine Department 111 The BUl oard.

H. A. LANZER General' Manager


Ner York. N. Y.

"The cool perceptipi'ne+eis and ecretra,te reporting of The Billboard qunfifies if ors rl leader unwrap.. hate papers in the shot- busi. ore's: Criticism that is un- biased riírd It real bemoan rtltilude' ,towards per forte, et? appear to be the essen- tial qualities nerd life blood ej The Billboard."

week.' Flicker vows Mr. Doodle Wok., Olf, with Joe'Penner.

After nationwide tort. lee "Nine will - rapine at Pan Pacific after the trot of the year.

With .the ...public no Ice-oonactou . grolp of flick -r tenwten. are sponsoring nUUl,on.c*aUnr open.ntr lee palace under TOu'trueNºn in.Writwood Vlltage en the outaktrte of Hollywood. Proent .ptara rail for akattts only.

Police -Ina dote of Auto Shaer Pan Pa- ntie will .wItph back to ice, with plenty of oampetition coaling from Polard linen arid :taw Wretwood spat.

"t lackbirds" in A Sudden Fold; Cast Wa its. fór $

HpaTON, irov. 111.-Law Bfack- bdrda, which opened at the daje tic The- ater Norembee 8, folded 'suddenly Wednesday. Were opened to plot no- 11edl sn3 eta around '19,000 thei first Week, admiration being e3.76 top.andcast being nonunion,

The caws Is dill' in tows;., claiming It lla no return to New York. Dance Director Eugene Von Orono says 1hó Mae leas balsa paid. Veronica, oas- turner, to in town with her lawyer.

The can le being prontaed,a Thanks- giving ,opening at the 44th Street Then. ter. Nevi York.

Nathan Kramer, Now York batel man. to undetratoed to, haves been the tracker. The. east say,' he, left' the Meath' lust Saturday tee make' Up utbe pay roll and that he has not been seen alnoe. taw Leslie reportedly' left for ahni York to

BENNY DAVIS le rounding up:another of his Stardor: grease. to he suitable for night Clubs ea well.. as muds. Re- ported to but Belting the unit for $8.000.. - - JUANITA AND,C1t.1hfP1ON'3 open first week 01 December at the nelle1e, Chaco, M.ancbt,ter, -Ettftwtsd. for air weeks. . THE SPUIIGATS. opened at the k4drano, Paola. Oaober 28. With dates it Zurich and Amster - Mira to follow.. .. BUDDY AND' JUDY ALLP,N.hans completed rune In Swede,,. Prance. Italy. #wtteceland and Bel- giuñt and are now booked for return* teN1ci and Can0 3,

110T $ARLEM RIiVOR. 40-pcnple Malt produced by 3fiturlce''Or<enwnld and staged by Leonard now total - log Use- least. Oarry, Lea's Band: Swan. Lee and. Jackson: Rubteornoclt. Holmes. Pearl Harrison.(Arig and :,tort; Rhythm Brown- Six Whirlwinds and 12 Harper Oahe In the cañst. . . PERZADR AND JaTAN, danc ire, are playing Upper New M2ONp-NE Rom Into the Oriental. Ch:. York State for''the Argyrtee °thee la oiigua December 2.- Seaga hóutw will use Hochester,'N. Y. Hudson Wanders and the -Sic Linty Rochester

OLYMPIC TRIO booked tors Heys week of December O nod 16, te - MCA for Rio de Jon -NO. dates, Wiling apcctivcly. Placed Minn Jacobi-Pen: nu December 2.7. E!Fht weeks= minimum. Agency. Chicago.

. CARL AND PArTIT SIMPSONneded THE NOVELTY ACES, Charley Wayne, Nereneber 6 for a tour at -Australia. Lafe HarkflNn, `laity Jim Dny. Rein Swath Africa and Extreme. 'The). hurt Diller and the Cotten Kida. of Winne awed w aiaeetaatulrun in the Midwest. Hoene County Oourtlaotna isms~

MAUDE NUGRIT JEHOMb,' widow are, eat tot the State Mender. Oreen - o! Hilly Jerome, songwriter. le Ming VUle, O_, NOvenann 23, and the now Col. with the grtpep.' st her New tank real- ,ony Theater, III Litereeo, O. the following dance. Maude La 'a former vaudevillian day.- The mill. Boone County unit of add aong'.rlter. . . NITTA -'VER- 30- people -rla ¿u1,y the Shrine Temple. NJLLE,.ieeently.doing a donee eingle in Terre Haute. Ind_ under auspicosot the

Shriner* December 3, MAXINE SULLIVAN to1)0wt lierCM-

rent 'thereeneeker et the New Yank Paramount with a Week et the -Stanley, Pithtblergb. and then goes. Into the Colony Club. Chicano, for a month. Paremouiit's St. I.ouU' eirsra; tit width she Ls featured, males. into' the NOW

'York house name time In Greece - ben

FIVE JANSLB'fS rued Jock Guilford are among the nets accompanying Milton

BFSOR WEZOCES will continue playing Berle on [tin vaude tour. Unit went dig up a new "angel," leaving ten rwude for ParainounL. which has boos ht into Palace,,, Chleago. Payday, brother. Sol, In oharge: Neither Kramer- a heleaae from pre -lone European corn- BUDray ROonanSaBob Crosby, Hal Sena nor Lellte could' be ranched, for a state- ~meats by paying the potter Alteney, and'Oeorlte Olsen are among name bands glen[ in New 'York. LOaided. $000, . U =Pi' TANNER, ,getting raude tours set for them by MCA. Lena Horne and Bobby Mama wererfea- midget, boa' aimed few a rule M inn: 'a. - . JACK L.INDbit, foe- aºt Indie balker, hued. .along with the American ',Neva flu intend e/ Or and left New York Ie mow oneratIng the Broadway Theme:, Ballet, winch includes children as young last -Week tat . Hollywood. Set t ru, Woodcliff, N. J. Palley is legit fn n tie-up as ade°prara. Hattie Althoff, of Meson Agency. With Jules Leventhal.

Gus Sun Agency Booking 55 Midwest Houses; Using Units, Bands, Acts; Mostly On; Off

NPRINGPIE,O, 0, Nov. 10,-.Calling Sera, heel been listed In tan October' b Pennsyirnia land I each. in Kentucky, at!Jetion to the fart that It was left -lenue,ea "booking-atsitation Indtdaite" New York and Tennessee alit of the listings of Mang ang This makes tña Sun offlee the most prouitn,- included in the Sun Mine tet:devtlia ( the amen dated Oct0- active vaudb'outilt in' the .India Welt. bookings are Warner:, Chakeres, ,Pars- ber 22 and November 3). the clue Sure It 'is booking 26 days regularly and also moat, belittle. Mailer.. Shea fwd Britten Booktna Agency reveille It le ft,iW book- spot booking 38 houses. It Iu.bookiRg. Aº7d. lag Od theaters in the Ohio, Indiana. either spot or cc'nsrcutlrely. 2b botisee to The list of OD houses -booted by Sun Kentucky. Tonne nee, Myehlgan. pantisyl- Ohio, He 15' Indiana 4 In Michigan.. 3 in iceboat yenta and No'sYeerk. Meet a! Its then -

Fairbanks, Springidid. O..... Three days.' 'spot' bookings (unite. acts. ,b .nde)

State. Sandusky, 'O. Selandays and,Buadaye (unite. gems)

Opera House, Ashland. Ó. Spot booking* (tents, acts) Columbia. Alliance, O. Monday. and Tuesdays .tartlets

'after prat et year (unItay, meta) .Spot bossLllgs (units, seed), Ya - days. Se!urd'ay..

Paine e., teamster. O.... , .., ..Spot bookings (tenet(, netel Undon, 'Mrs*Philedelpbu, o.. Spot bookings xusdtta, nett) Memorial. III, Vernon. O. Wtdbenetnys '(i acts')lt., -cts Paramount, Fremont,_ O .;.., Spot bookings (hulls, acts Paramount. itamllt ui O..r.:Spot booklhgs (units, lets] Auditorium. Nc+rark,'0.......Ptiday. Saturday (units) Palace, Marian. 'On Spot bookings (units. sots) Parana:drat, Middletown. O Spot booking. (unite, areal Riegel, Ottawa, O........, Sundays. (unite. octal) Murphy. Wilmington.- O - 'Wednewdn)a (unite., eAts) Logan. hoccn, 0.-. _ _ - Thursdays '(units, octal New Colony, Hillsboro. O, Wednesdays (units. acts) State. OreeneiIle. O Wednesdays (unite. Betel lnellan..'ltiehmond. fed Rnturdaytl, Sunday,. (untie, acne) TI roll. helper. Ind. Surelays (nntat-acte) Snead. Crswfnedarillo. Ind.: -..Spot booking., (unite, aetal la Posts, La 'Porte, Imp Spot beioktti&e (anti.- stets) Ohio, Preto, O. . Spot bookings (unite, name

bands) Sherman. CñtUtootlta,O. Spot bookings (unite. name

beadle) Leroy, Portamopth. O Spot booking* lunttw name

.bond.+) teatime. Dlananebd. O. Spot bookings (tanit% nitwit

handle) Ohio, scdney, e7' Spat bookings.


iiecBer. Zanesville. O.

Vaulcvi .te Notes

Nubs, ie "proving a wrnnnn ebt liennce is Well, having Just opened In Cak)nnd, Calif., her Versaillo Studios. "dedicated to grace and beauty and tnoorporating_the Daaoaa'Cgaat,tle Art *inane NoaseryClub."

. LEWIS REYNOLDS .and Co with Belle Rlgne. 'broke In, at- the Medea -11e. Paterson. N. J.. November 8. . . , KEN MURRAY IS On .the Coast, to etart be Vnlvearal'a Stefan, stater. Stefan. Ro - turns to New York 'in' December , for a [wí7 -week engagement et the Pa. -amount


ANTONIO OCIBILA'S lifinefCn Meats unit gónt Into the Oriental. Chicsge, :week of Decr'aneer 30.- Plays Calecilli Dayton, O., week' 'at December 2,

RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL. Nts: York, bas ale innovattop In lobby display:1. pre- aenting direct ea Or photograph» of sage pertormaneee taken by Jimmy -Wen wba developed the -Idea. . HENRY BU fie is elated for the Now' York' Paramouct in February. . .. SID TOMACK tea been sat for -thee Palace, Chicago. week of Noreinber 23 by the Simon Agency,

CIIAltLC9 (PEA.ari'S) BORN and Pedro end LWa, featured with. the Per. '<nudity parade now Weirton Pigtnd, Scotland end Ireland, here been.retatnee for an Indefinite stay with the dhow,

v LARU,S AND CAROL go, Into' the Reran, Tolenp, foe tour week of December 29. NORTH COUNTRY UU.LB.TU.Y HAND Is routing Independent chin's to the Central' New Iriirk State aria.

Sixth Street_ Coehoctoa O...Rpot bookings pawl" liana! bonds) -

Harris Grand. Pladlpty. Ó..... Spot booking. (unite, name hands)

Palate Lorain, O. Spot booking,, (unite. name bands),

Clete. 1 omorle, Oi, Spot bookings '(amts. ante) Athena. Allures. Ck ' . Spot bookings :(units., ion) lincynue. Du.Cyrll., O. .-spot bookings (units, need) Rits..limn. O. Spot bookings (unite, ac -e) Rialto, CIn:tiatutti. O,,..... _Sundays (unite, Dote) Payette, Watñilgtod C. Ii.. O-dp ot,booktngs (unite, ante) Grand Oirelefrttle, a;...._ Mir bookings (units. acta) Ruse ell, 1taySYlis. Ky. Spot Woking* (unite, acts) 77íp..- , n adir ille,4ltenn.., Thursday. Y r 1 eta y, Saturday

inn. te)I Monday. R'u*+dsl, Wednesday (bands)

Ennte, Pontine. Mteh ,.. ?rldnnnatutdsy,eunday (unite) hileu, Battle Creek. Mich.... ptokins(n)Ctowell. minas Rtic:. Spo

bookings uite [regent, Jackson. Meth.. , Spot booking& (unite) Mal -retie, EVnnsvlile., 2nd Thuradats, Yrldapa, Saturdi)w

(units booked tbru Doyle Wool- fOIk. Chicago Onlie)

Shea, Bradford: Pan ....,.,,. Spot bookings (ninita) leans. Iliomctteod.Pe.:: Snot booking) (unto) Ti'aito, Beaver Yalb, Pa. Spot bookings (uptiel nines. Pgrtlae:d, Ind. ' Spot boiktnea (unite., Ritz. Tipton. Ind spat boóku (111111l, 'etc -to Grand. Manton. Ind:..' .:..: Spot hacking! Onus. Sena .Centennial. Wormer' Ind Spat bxktnp (units, ads) Valentina Defiance., O. -Spot,;bo)klnzs ('mlta, ache) !Shea. Jnit nt`te'an. N. Y. Spur bookings, funnel inntlana. Bloomington. MM Saturday einided ttirkk)r. Jid'.'dn O. Prldtay (valtel)

November 26, 1938 NIGHT CLUBS,VIIUDEVILLE The Billboard Yl

The Girls .Are Always Nicer -- on the Other Síde V1L/ moat eonr.e assns of toast- ntms grate' think that tae most beautiful portion of a woman'.

anatomy d to ibs front View. leis my opiateº that there h nurse touch Cain:. meoC l beauty In a wemana back :thew - men. to my mttv-1._hnre nor_er yeomanly,

CLIFFORD -C. FISCH 1, connote- seti; of feminine. beauty, plgrcin fancier per excellence and producer O f international revues, started hie taster to *now bualnee annent 40, y -cata ago ea Manager of Nine Theo *pd leer Horse and Three Don'- in 'ankh he bought an Interest front a esertbroken juggler for 10 pourda

,1001 .he brought his animal. ad. trove London to America an there- after becalm" a %nud/elite agent, -s - ioelated with H. 13. Marinelli, toms

Otte,of ,the foe- ' Most exporters

01 European talent. Pieebea stayed, In this eeuotry as an

.ft gent until, 1[12' ,and Ian- ported anal immortale as Barry Linder and Sernh Berahºdt. But dining the Ilene that Pisober

max sgenting he m entagnewm! the reside circuit heads that -when the ten_devtlle truat-wtuforméd under the tanner of the United Booking Of - Ilota Meaner found himself withdet a franctilae-

Be then returned to Europe and rolled upyeltdte a reputation for hem= -if se IS rodoot'r of lavish forum. Ne re-entered American show bustnesa come in'1D34 when. with the basting of Jule* C. 131.41n. ptesldent of the Murk Corp, of Atnetrkn, he opened _

o .jht <flub outside of the Chicago, Worid'a Pair grounits. Stripe there tin tun been extension -thy between hu. rope mid America constantly, pro- dtr_ulc,neuoa in both oounttue. nits tint large scale revue In new York was et the French Ca tnieln 1035. hits crowning achteresweatn however, is the rare dttferent revues presented night- ly at the Intcrnatlonel Casino. new Tor K.

Able the 'lecher nerve is as tnatcgotta to -nudity la ham la to Once. withal he to a stickier for propriety tannr the asters and ,aceraeees who Park for him.

sipwolted the beauty of the sboutderl.. the brecetut Imes euttnlatg ,deign to the Want and hips. Just- dress them Up -or uñttrtaa tlirnt rather-and- you' WI" the .cash óuhons ra singing your protest

Tee features are all *lobe needed to pttveftt a dlattncttve retnee. 8cnnethlris different and, Seatnty-as exemplified by tte'airde exhibitions of turopen moat tergeous fanalte plate a !wavy sprinkling of shdemanaliip ,Add a budget of about 1100000 attd you've, got n nuroeftre above.

ft 4ni a simple as tbrnt the. because t ent production le another orcuton, the Product er freiny seine*. many ideas end On collective 'agent/NY-not what I Sec here, to be Eurneen moat gifted and talenuen toehnle»fl costumers and- »ass them-their women.

Many people le show business are un der the ginned that pet forniub.n. are lunineed, like the disciple" of tdo- bi tirruedIn the production of my revues bbrb inlet eta cue.

importing Is Coon Business New lei ire Itls.ggeelr bt.^rtnees to bring

aerie hum Purls and England to Amerl- hecwnnae they have enemas_ There Irk

a Welt deal of nttreetleat 4p hulopeal Rive,, end people think they are pc4e to see the saarte things they see on the


10-caltonFretiOh p'mctdnrds Abono all._I give them, something dtffercat

Ard It works the seine way Iñ rarclfe. I Perin I bring 'eswr Aforrtean ',hews and they innate just as much excite. meat So both. have the stamp of -an "tmpert" and. lit addition to everything ehc, theft are great mediums for Pub- licity anti exploitation

Another tying When a Fischer areas tton hits the pubilo It la not nuked to spend money to we film seam and peraotalittes who have no special ability outside of their name value It Ina been my practice to otter Iiaternte'ehtertaln went, expertly and. tastefully eastemrd and with. lighting effects which they hate never seem eleevlborr. But above eierything else the flesh eagle Is always

tree led I don't neceearUy use girls who hatsa

only beautiful faces- I look more teethe body' build then. friend betuty: f have found that better prudnottop results can be obtained from the tall, stete- rsque type that is able to learn how to transform en- stedlnary body` to some- thing that Is. luscious and alluring' This type is composed mainly of matmegulen that, I recruit Item the. dreatnna3 mn '

shops of Paris. And,.of course, my own iteteonal lasetaintre used as a barometer to Public taste.

$500 Bond' nor Chls In the present Internntloruil Casino

nbOw, Mete I brought over. t.óiee '00 girlie a. $500' bond had to be posted for .meth 'Mil Then there Is the angle of polling girls to leave ,their homes and native eoUntri_S. There are rriñny Olf- temiltiee Te take girls lees than 1$ out of England we must acure a court order Then mothers objet and hi/Al- ban/Ls fret, and boy frteads-wahsrt a preblO011 Ana penenal chaperons, in oddltion_ to the one I necielde, mutiny get In , the way. It's one of the pleb- lot` -1 that dieternwtse relations haven't as yet nettled. but Mani tt Y Ina con- tent to'gº'mlang tble-wny_beeatuo they .:» a er4-4.ay-tee effective peoduvttone

Then domes OM acute! atagtte of the anew. This to me Is probably the meat Important eingie Itetü on, the budget Trebbitcel tent and effects, costuming and lighting tamely eat. up .about 40 per Bent Of the allotment for any one snow. After ail. lighting aitd costuming hide a multitude of trim and nab peednoO paechosoglcal effects and suggestions that ennno ,otherwise be bad. he for

the acts tlemselveer this enhances their future slue in great deal.

Minden;talk Cornede ea tar ea I'm come -toed le out. 1t's much too difficult tó compete with the elattei of disbei rind the gargling of',soupe. The only ortocttve Comedy In a largo place: to eight comedy that works orar a wide tuna _and L able to sustain aaborest be. Moen bfteI.

Technical Effects 'Important But. as I lave rioted betdam: the most

Impci'teat single element to lbw produc- tion of a revue, once the talent has been lined up', Is the' Problem of con tenses uhd lighting effects. lee This

at I'm a stickler. as man people In the bustnsea probably kaolr

But don't getirte Men that Inn trying to be smug about the night club hust- natd, I'us _not pretending to be 'the greilest night club Impremen that eyei lived. I was Just inked for leg.apinlona and Í'm glaring them

.After sit. I'm any tty1rie to meet the American ,Oe0Oeption .if Continental entertainment When I put-ons Pennell type of show to Frees the, people, there accept It as a matter of etsatont thus In Parts when I stage a show with Adterrl- can ,tthleet the prop:. Roe M. It be- eauso titan again Imported' rhos s have the sane Metre there.

Au ion .1rne:lean night club ahawm generally. I think there babe, been soma [Me ones rtagéd There can be no actual. bawls for comparfaon, however, between American and 'kuropetn night club shows .because they ern both operated differently-to null- infirm/in Meade and different tstes.

Most Amcriosn night club. operators nt the amn* t14ú era *atttfled w'Ithh a soh, std 'bill. soanetimen big :Mimes. other times not se big,- but enough to draw n

fátriy crowded, -house., After the mine tonne- is that he tits leave `.std never came back It 1s that rind of n business_ But what shout good wail and 'repast traded t strive for a different kind of elfecl_ I key to give item aonething they will talk about, go' beck to their home towns and rare about, tied when their friends como to Wow York you can he ¡tire that eato 01. tlte`picóes they nie gollag to put on their "roust auto" list la thus International China

hiáke Them Talk" It's -bound tOhlaw a inked psychological

effect The production is so eitran:gent,

Bodies by Fischer

1 I


N t

THREE_ VERY t'EllRY FRENCH deeeíra doing ee Ore Can Can dance. tuff of flosen.cley *eerie daring peden. Jerpe premed 'hats dad long eiee_nee, rhsp appear to nu suss - her reenttlapi /actea..ifasinan night c:ub_et 2300.



ila,. ! --

roue OO7r A'CXT'AI. plinerT,S$ in Tischer'b revs [._They're represent- ing the spirit of erhampasme. The tall gafe are dressed tie flee nouns. the vitvele oar 1* ffttaterMg ~floe drape wee poaetne tinagtnsfy chain - mete on Ike pal brfoor, elfin ti an. -rgY_d ferven aH rIgh , ribboned) en «roue drawee.

apectecula: mad .ditiArent that they nee IL'ttned. They ice gorgeous co,tumee. beautiful women-both back and front -Lavish $attings and mean ,of a0 typal The natural thing to do is talk about those things. and everyone knows that


Tttñk_B YOUNG DAMSELS appear - rap en th* "Rafaletke` ntln ser of Fischer's current sham at the fea. rermitionai'Casttte, Tiro of them'are tough C eeecks ter so .efhsng ,oral the .other apparent>, is a pectflst Wits Jest wont; fo plepa fiat taxi- ttouNae end `dance. "Lotion note: The middle Dal u orcártnp; a crepe akte end the atom two psis are aperient t sallentranks moth metallic embroidery and oleo knits, In thee hate'.

there W no better ndvertttdntg Ulan by `cord of mouth.

And while rat the atibjeet et murar 1

might .acid that le anyone ewer Raw my shows he kisows that there' -Is 11it: Anuricest jars noeornpanlment t o1

original mtwc written to *penally Ili the tempo and mood of the ,pnrilcuirn produetioa_ Y feel that American pear - pie pet- enough Pee dr'tunmad late trans ears thru the mediume of stage, radio end' ballroom*. So for relief during the show ptomaine symphonic end tinsteean mtvto'is ~eased,

And as I explettted before, I bare no definite' theory' on color schemes and teébatleal etteette They Genie nitwit the show le being put together.

Individual Tastes In the lest-ttrtaiysds it all, Comae down

to a matter of individual style. Solna preduoaa Can just slap a show together and feel content- while other, make paine:eking effort' to present "the very beat there Ia.

Bet It three 1e any mteapptelienslom that I favor Etaopean talent over Ameri- can, I would like to erred that now. There is retinue superior about 110- fopean entertainment-ht's,yttat differenL

K. C. Houses War With Name Bands

KANSAS CITY. ten Wavy. 10.-Buonsia of the' bend pollee inaugurated in August by,Stenley Chamber,, at the troy Torre- Theater' bees tinned Jerry 2tá mold. flea'', s.n mnnnerr, to book Cline Webbls Band nit .hew -than December 7 week. Webb will buck Bob Crosby at' the Tower. Marks -rho =fist ataje 5h 05 the Newman has presented since July, warn MajOr Dower' eaves led is e'4'[-0, Week..

ft's' ILO reeral here that tin Tower hex almost doubled gro tree _of the du Ve- tñwe movie houses in the net the months. r'aktng the pie exhibit* piaati despe-rate. Orchestras which rellee. nil Sat groom, of 019.000 or more at the Tower mimed At-ilust emends Rod 'Norco. Casa, teens. Orrin Tucker, ISM 1eersp. htorsae Itridt. ion Garber and Benny G oodman. latter chalking up an unbend df $22000 for tics levee days, just /beat 014,000 ,above nOrnsal for the bone.. which seem only 2.1110 pm-FOie.

Shore Road, Brooklyn., Burned BROOKLYN, Not- te. gilete %nut

B arn here sans destroyed be fire .of tin. known origin Minden. There was no one its the bending When the fire beei'l out

28 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE November 26, 1938

'Roam tie tor savred week when ne (leech ara glvrnr)

A. B. C. Trio ftanWel NYC. ne. Abbott « Caielb team Man«agl NYC. ne. .11.1* R44 (Jr7 Chbl Lrt]n oa K1.. n. Adr L uu ee


IJtsemliOt Ben' NYC. no - moue trta {Lena d:-Sddlal NYC. C.C. Albim, Strati (lmasa Hoºm) IiYC b. AtkM Rectita IMIAIAInJ NYC. -{I, Atirq, cleverly IPalmer Newel CM. b. Alma 6 lte:sn4 (Q'leens Terrace) Woodslat` AnL Julia (Crtsit) NYC. no. Andre.


?rook '(Oeea ILIUM St Jor Antonia* úvstTÍUÉ`eiñrlwRa rat A1.E5n'.', Don. Atila Alsd^ll .(Lomb -at rtouatJ

CMIn/tOa. Ky., on ,ttidomta. Twit* IOtMniall 1.:11, l, .un.ida )Row noel/ Citl. =c. Artaatrang. Louts. 4 nand '(OrpIL1 Mee hl t.

ndrpppabq Ami) auRah; reABodcrxkdaknnue JtYa. L

Ada. Posit OrtJti ]71.97) NYC, I. Ashlar it Ware (DYticYa) NYC. ele.

BacLtioTa, Pour dBeboont Pllsa/ NYC., it. Batley Waters U'ahncr Ilogto) CM. 0. Halsor. Bt'alr (F.Imer )>_

Balkn. MeDtise_ ITaa Pr-.'rri Dettell. et. 8antal' 8.41e-1O1d Roumanian] NYC, ne. Bfpnlster. RN4ar. (Yldntdht Aida' TWO. ac., ILmet Dam Luis (BWmasiow- 4yi01 isrcrsr'

nent^ OWt_ on Bursar, Pradrrfya lAreatulCa) NYC. rc Baron! it Baler ten RIM NYC. no. learrett, ar-tIe (cnes re_rael er; ne turne, Oran, at4arratdel Mueukea M.

Barge B D'Ad.e 11í.nay S)]e aaa.'S rtf.dru no. t '1 i. Llll Ute CON'a1 NYC. nc. t3 .abebn ' , >h lo Wit, '1. hlYta.(17. Dr. id 18" a7IrmAPbl NYC, Si. &lauealrR PIc ora (Mente Cerlo/ 1tY0 ete. nr]aa. Arthur (Clay )r aLneue+l NYC. elo- Sera, 1~, ri-rmanYl NYC, ra aeimmámi ntolt7tl

n,riahlóufib6win Hl,ttº1 WaaOtnD-

BeÍIi HfaUón tolUpº Way's) PtOslóenta SI, Dee. t e' (paramcant/ ~ewelt t

6enJJ,L Pshet IOM Rcnnaa1s4,) NYC. tbe. acne, lien Gnarl Cordele. Oa. ixrk. Inlnt.11ttapantal Yi.:UMI' NYC. ec. Bette,. iD)[on (1`aLl Chi. E. Deen/ Mel, Went. IIrdt (Calonlall Dayton.

U, t eNteelaaret do (Malmo (Nod Hansel Columhsa.

O-. h. ar(' AI UBHatl be, ncetpóre.t6 (CWt_n Club? NYC. an nYrtur. Don, de each_ GBhubeKi CMeitanatL t nllSttta Tempe IHnnse Careos] atoblbk; Ala.

THE BILLETTI TROUPE 'Ye,'erbrr.a2-la. OWIIINl! OIRO-JA, MOCILt. Alas e(cwe 5.10. MONTOONrHY, ALA.. 'cursi ollbeust ass.rn*r 1.47. SNUINC

Pincus. JAORsOn. WIiS.

Birle, D'l"s 1Rtvctañ Xrt{ehn.a) NYC. re. Blwttit-rer, Ni.., QCrienyyl C.C. me. Blair. =sly (Ifutiwr'tl NYC. m relano ,, Merle (LaQne.."omeal NYC n

Neme ara. Juay 'Gar NYC. on Blinthe do biller( (ChM 12 Pat1o1 Meat*

Ct y. 130. Bose. Jean /Alms) ~mitt. N. lie uar.-Caf ie Lelomrta ICCDAeehoaal Nlo die

Janeiro. á _De A 530d _Dom /1)Nematt-^as Casorio). NYC. no.

byeeys,, Iuaa (Jimmy drays? NYC. rat, hoseLed Ray iRendea-o=ar itollycoed, Pe. Piislrler. Yvonne ON- Merited NYC. h. Boy)' 'town Revea ITosetl Ramas atty. 111 L

Brady, Ball lie 1.11:4 --el NYC, Wee ,E Ylne (Tan -casino )drat) coa An -

Viet a 11 ., Arm (Tap Hatt Untan City. N. J,. tie11.0. a

A lacy Jane 11e'í' l Cht, ese, alee _n, Juam)e C(.ommodetel Mee h.

muoaRJ.ratlmkñ; tBrhh r. i'a1rr) mti lode beta, Ala-

n mir. Osarte Iintarn leeest Ceawal NYC,

Ere-- . Carda tia) . lt II ) NYC. ih

Os. =etfey, CeannA Yldnteen seal NYC. ne.

11tllidiuk. Ba»Y'.-'Pent/recal NYC. re. L`mríiP J,_ture allow í=eel> Gail. roe. narvrd steer olnueeutt Door? NYC. no. -

Oyrr.N, Jlinmy fCLtcage) CPU. t_

C Galeno

ayis Vat)1ty°Z...ile (Ches Perm) Cha. no' Ca: T Bane.. Mealerd

rlantota) ')tina,,, Arfa., A.

Outten. Ch.rtetto ter ilot l NYC. tar- Carr, Brat; lace Clubs Cbl en Carr Ca area. x ltrtty eOe entid) Cbi., I. Carrel*, nr_:a eralaG4a )CYO, re. Cantu (k, German OM Club) CM, ne. 'scut ill Basle rtttrnry cianant'al' NYC. ta, le tease. Joh.ny (Tfkr,ll NYC. es, GJrñ ¿.o, teCenlq, eflpr'ana1(aCflnl NYC. rat Cat,,suet. The,_* 'Mist Call NYC. ves. Cae :roc even/ee Da:nl NYC. no. Cheney at Poe - net Wa .,In .140. C. C.. t. Chappie 3 Rend (tit het) NYC. n0. Can--. Rho` 'Co,--) NYC. tic Cipua Al IB*t3i 3Yí, nc. Chimney. Item»O) )Jpa4On. 'nc.

sosa ` i !tight Now NYC. rat 'Mire ;k Ciikles )Aimed) NYC.. ,t clews; Jean 1Pleeedltlyl "NYC. b. Cleat Reddy (Parantouidi NYC, t. F lloro, 4.40 ,IdetujI'NYC. 0.Jnlea larse, re hand (Pann.nntl NYC. t. c-ltv low 45511,0 NYC. IL Cod -'tan. l ornselut (Pen eemeel NYC. re. CC/! -ata Jun eme Club CM. nc Col'inn tent !ettedel NYC, rat. oatkas ik Altai." rllaniatonl NYC. tsar Ce,Vins- Annie (Podio City Rainbow Room)

NYC at_ o-t,lttrek, ran

.¿'la Thorn** 109 a Aval F:0. h.

re ar Th** Tat.; Chi. 1. Caatinensal T`alllrres ikon-`omra Tavern) )brit L. 3.,

oIsse_ CCrainooper. 5Buiild m y Rtllinoed. nr. t. *Arara

Coelho/ 14 Palorr? tveseen :/aryl NYC. re.

fi -

At5mU nits -Attractions Routes.

,Following ¿sat listing appears i- symbol. Ful butts* ,dleiión.s ion corre- sponding to rho symbol when iddeessing'otganisatens "oe-indlviduali listed.

EXPLANATION, 'OF SYMBOLS a-aladiOriam: 6-ballroañt c-cah5i Cb-caba*cti cc -country dull l --1 ot.It enh-muaie hail! wee -night clubs P -amusement perk; re--goad.-e

bowie: rceslaurant; s-shaWboert t M ---fhoar. NYC -Now York Mg; Phila-Philadelphia: Chi-Chicego.

.Corte, Prig, n (Paradise Csa11d. SDtlrtesapolll.

Costae A: 3tala IYumurll` NYC. co. CreeWrOI,, b Ceakt Iiltltaterel NYC. is.

CCrroiby, Dn). a: naiad 'IChierigol l Hollywood... áe.

Crump. . Pteleae) (Dlau (heel NYC, no. Cruz A=pache ~toll NYC, m,e. Cunningham, Ys,lryryell Ball) COL re. Cum:mois, non 1 Yeubtnalen. D. O,

D DAaixe s Anna IInterea(WOal Cealtisl

NYC. Dahl. goody 4.r1ilriry (Yacht) NYC. ne. Daly. la iLyriel itdiaaaph(, 1. - 12tner e,ilittera ICotten Club)) NYC, ea. Dannrale. Jinn 'Plantation) NYC. rat pard'7. triny (mammr'e Chic keel Yana)

'NYC. at. Darlo i4 Diane I .r_Waladorl h - Darrel. -Dorothy tandenalt duel NM tic, DArrow, Mick leillage Nara NYC. 9.

ut e Danko, Tacna (Rom Art> NYC, .0. Dane. RCA [[share Nutt. NYC. n0. Dswºen. tram] l n ri.ermen's) NYC. re. Day, Marla rJsradtse NYC. no: De Ante» a, crofter ICAclna De IA Stria)

cubs, no. De Mai, Moab to Mutts 1Cokiettneld,130. CAL

DeCampp,, Reente (011 lteemaeadanl NYC. no - De Carina A: Granada (CitO Amid. DuzEicl ea. L)'r Coa (Intarndlene l NYC., no. ilea L n'leoS.. 5 -nay (Jimmy KeBfal NYC.

Devrle , De(ntny Memel Bóatolt. ne.

7 rides. TYss Them Ifurretaldai tdliwsaare. L rd-.ay, Lola (gyata/ NYC% is. riUel,.AAo (Quy Nln.dlLea> NYC. es. Matt .i ereeym lri,'Los AneeN..t, ne- Emote & Henry tl,eternaLlorlal Co-asl NYC.

tlet3ee d. NotYlln (NelLcrlacd'r1a41 ,Clreln- tUtl. , b.

Estelle de Leto; (Raelo- City P.aL-bow fto:_!.1 xYC. ne.

Even'. Dale Cdtaea.erel Chi. is. Everett it Conway (Beeson) Vancouver.

B. O.. L f'

(Pelt)' Nutsey (Ulnae* Nut) NYC, ne. Penton; Joe, it Co, b arre) Amatefdti Nab

t. !alit) nib ibiam Elteentel NYC. rae. PasslenHlea. The Allallserel NYC h. Pay" 01.1.1yu, (Jnnmy Kellyrl NYC ne. Paye, imams (Ripe BOa NYC, rat rear)], ["eegy ( Riel NYC. ere, tea Lola (Bungalow Cale] Seeremenno. Call, me. Vello. Midele (atsed) Breo a. t Penton. au. Meo (Bieck eaand CM en Peneleet Jc Cook IShubertl Ctnefrinatl. L Sicilia. Benny (Casa iañtna NYC. ne. 6Jalda R°Ruttier (Captloll ) olido L mica, Dui": nóaree Pluel )t*. b. r1erae4erala, Lllilan (Piantatbn1- NYC. tia Marten,Jean (Palmer Hoste) Chi, h.

te lee-at Heles Mena -9 NYC S. t_ )oa!, Oar, 011111, Bru (!s cen ume) reaming -

toe,. D. G. L, tour Liven= .(Towne) Bastan. :te.

Night Club and Vaude Routes must be received at the Cincinnati ~cos not later than Friday to insure publication.

Deiahaaty cintura (Moo's) deln*ntowe!, C-.

0ótÍ Hewn raertobatu' l NYC. na D li... two (Ointenetlail NYC. 114 rkraspicy. Audrey .n:aekh.inil Chi. na_ 1)01470 (Villarfee Chanel NYC, 110. Denny D'ototrei "ICMlurrnai) NYC. no. Demur at 8syen (Teeth Club) Carlton. O.. see, DoRor fo g 11.rrry Corset NYC.- tie. De :Miry. Doha (Toderl 'NYC. rt. ~ter. Herbert .c-Meouity (Villiers Ceiba)

NYC. or. - ~loon. Jew erolani dal J4antewn. O... h. Inetatan, Tlfl Pony (Old Jtlrkeey Ian)' Chi Dillon. Cola (Ireterns$etal paalnoh NYC. net Dlmltrl lit li,lcoYttj)) (rJ Oeueba) NYC. no Diner emlorineert Nano NYC, ne.' Dixon. Olsten Itootuit CMbl PhDs. cc. Diann. Alice 1Ket -Kali NYC! wet Donahue. Al. it Bernd nRurobaw Norm) NYC.

Dºw .. Tommy. & Band (New Y ork er)

'Doeito _Valtroy YYñ Remelt oniNOt

Draper. Peal !WardorfAvotfal WYO. I: - Drayton Bltere A Jerk Mowers -0 tun! Lain.

Meng, iDeh. en. Drcer. -R Lelia (lilt Nail' ITC. nC, Dndteey A .Donack (Perham' Inethi -lirolñit.

N'YC, re. Dimas Jury (II ngsboer Dare) aaeremsriee

he. É

Ihatt, Deng_.L Cal Ra 11arQatH1 NYC. n0. iádd711, Tiller, otitis Eddie Keck: J011(1

r3.2.1; SAetaer/ponl .3. Adtrarda rc Amen IOraema»i Chi h. Qstrrhasalt Hy- ITaalLeltls Zink) Los An-

ft3latdn, Jlatmy RtTdliel Hollywood: o

Pone Cord. rrelemawl Loa enrolee, b. toy. ley, (aerra'l 1111:1 NespOrt. o.y., ex rraotena etor.O (Le COO 115.4011 1""C".9. 1(faprd, Ilea:u (Cliplopl) Toledo,, t. Pram« igloo* Mime; NYC. i. Irridetlet :- Yioe7( Ialselheekl Cbi, tic Peldinükt Charlie 1'lflent'nt Oust ; no. Prench. Reacher°l(Am?saaaaorl NYC., is. 7005tó. Jett .17ndato) Fllotlywoed, 0.

Gad Diana (GAea Amt) path ludlch lelfth Aral NYC. b. 011k. Anti (Winding Typ) NYC. r.a Cale. 'Tenet (II .011111 tcUl' rood. As, Cale do Careen (Riveritdle)]d8sau as, t ember. Dam it Mond (Blackhesitl Chi. re. Can. Eddie (Top Hat) Ocean City, N, J:. hé. Crawls. ststao (Edgewater Desch) Chi- b. Oayeee. Leila .(Club le) NYC, or. Oentlemrn Weeder* (Century'. Baltimore, 1. Curdy., Ala (Quetta Terrecel Woodil4s.

`OnbeL. ett. Libel (Rad» Pranbi NYC. í{a. 011berr. Ben (8t1Bau1 CPL ion O/lberi.' Ralph, (Paradlaº. Club) - Mrnneopolle.

011more. Oita (Pazadlle Clubl Minnsºpºlla. eitheoiI. Amelia e)rlwell NYC. .M. Gin -in, Mildred (C.arocel Pt. Worth. Tex.. O. t. Juñe IKI-Fier') Cat nc. Oemeaae. '4 Nemec Istntlpled NYC, h. Gory Deno it Roberto (Keith) Cleveland -9,23

-flee. 1, 1. Gown se Jeseme IPsloet Hostel 01i1, h. Orate at Mean ]lerernsUonale NYC. rat Ontrct.^,-.f l rrlOby, A Bend (Cotoaaet

Creme) ',Ylarnupalll. ne. Orertal, Chula Belmont Prise) NYC, h. Ora'y; r, hernia /Go; rah) NYC, u. Ctrs?. )durkl (Irderinw Desch) Cap R

Appeal for P-risorxers' 'Chile) ren Editors The Milhaud:

Among the needy ones we help at ehrtatenaa time my heart 1a especially gained by silo pitiful Wept of the bewildered mother Who IS Mtn to pro- vide rot, her diltdren rrhf the father to to priióa.

1oengttma bin torte le not a{tong one and If oho can manage to keep her home together there Ca a change of brighter deytn whom he ~ens to them_ Mho some Of tlt.cea famines aro receiving hello(. the money row bo used fps food and rent and- there. Winne Or nothing log to make Chrtstmne n happy day for t)term,

Prone this office we.nre planning to -acrid out bone" or laaran new clothing. dolls and toys for the little ones. Co that Chute,doy will bring to hooves shadowed by father's Arco))¡,-tleItoC Una realttetttOn that the Heavenly )mater still Mires for ids unrortunhlll- children.

Lastpear anew( the mothers errata me: "( had bleb about stem up hope e.t letting yeJ ~term añythlas e'ane when, the box arrived tt site ]aloe an answer to prayer; tt'a pond t0 know we were not reekotton after ant"

Will your redden help us jo do this agntñt Any tif4O oC money. oiatbtltd. books ar.e toys will be eo pt lv fully reccadt PIeaco mild them cp Mrs. El -i

l*ABton Booth, Yotunteen of America. Di West Willi street. New Towle. -MAID BALL:NOTON BOO'S)!.

OF..a. Jar -k (Viol Lane) NYC. h. Orgy, Dorothea rMetit0Itl) Black/Na, Calif-.

Orrery, 01efl. it, Cane Loma Band (Lyrbt) In - ALL C1Ko OttnMr Nutt NYC, a_.

Grey, Betty (Bismarck) COi. L. Draw. Whits 4141 NYC: no. Oucitalne. A/mette dlersoloairal BYO. en. dot7 Barnotston Utlantatiom) NYC. 00. Oytdeskr$w't Baron (Rivet] NYC, es. ` Uypey revs drAtalon) CM. r0.

H Heal, Vera LDerebe tier) Landon. N. Badness. Jimmy' (Bel Tahannl Brat Prim. Haines.. Tate A 81napaon (Leon Ac UMW»

NYO, Ham ln), Nut Troupe !lee ~es

eM CI0r1 Atlantis Cn.F- handy. SY. C. ,(,{Aloe: Chet) 1Yc.,et Igrola 41 Lola. tluurrittenat .Caetnel NY0.

I(rple ó04s (Chef. Sato.) Cat. se. hareem-um,Pit 71Club tel 1e1í no., ¡tern a. val flediaok Noelysootk, c (labia, bray ICeuanowl Pt Werth; Inc_ Demo Dud, it Rowell Inlets) NYC, 1. (lards, iLateta Iielham ))sate) Irony (NYC

ltarrleee, eetké (day 'Sass NYC. nt. Hawailen Nymla Remo IRLorrr)del Mluwaa.

luease H redrbl Sestet. Rome iremermant) IBM(

cry. 34.241, 1: (Careitind ilin;la(,tsa, 24. ii IAud. 11 W ocaour t. We.. 1l-

28. HHeeaaltyy. Wilco (8ls andl NYC. t. Wilcoa.

Bold (Pepper s'e) NYC ra. 110411.'e, Horace. , 4. Orch. altWley)hug

HMIs Sonic (Polar Palmer Yfollyac d. a. Herbert. !formes «Quccu ..Osr71 NYC. ir. Herrera, Armando ~bat IWhrood, fió. liMidne. Pater !Park Connell NYC, O. H)II. P)-renlo < Plesatetnioi. tilo, he. Hahne, Jack 1ltayale Vicethos). Chi. na, IDllbrd, Nautili (prat!) CM, h, Hon -Or. Hanle). ai Paget- {Captlol) ~l -

tor:, D. C.. t. Holdur.'Noiandf race Kati NYC. lac. Holland Jr Bert (Veserlf 11,11,) Nºsrped. It). Iasi, Lap (Cosa l rnaial ¡47 1c. Horn, Rudy rVtllab, I. tl NYC. no. )Ioureeli,

eferei John (1101 TaBartnli NYC. m

Houston n 'Stennis) C`+1. b. Harder. Wtonle. Gtrk Manta New Tort ~art .1 Chi. no. H*werd. ' Kph mere Gal 'sO1) NYC. no. Howard. Terry IBMerrtle) Mlt+rautcte, ',toward. iñM iMammy'0 Ohlt.14-n ram) a1Y4

rek aradt Jahn Wilt* Vireno,aotl NYC. he

Helen_ 'ego 11tí1, Ave 1 NYC, la meson. . Dtao lit (land IS,.eOs«rrayl 01, Paul. tL (fodder, Marge (YlUaia perm; NYC. to.

Rsnon (Oran 11111, I .11 Joe, Mn.

Huioa Azle rL. )seen ENO NYC, tic Hotseelel*aaL It1',!Pllimo:et 1(Yí. is. 11914"'1, Betty (Coq )'"nano NYC. .rap

Ina 1lltlies elfule31, Chinata 21-211: 7tew York - 21199. O. 2rrint VII (Yacht), NYC. tin. Irvine. Jack ,(Raab dlabsaf 1' Clii. na

Jackson. Btoet Jo Reeves CColor~s1 Ohl. Dc Jackson. ntmw,(sCotttal Clull NYC. no. Jackson. Han)) (Paredltef NYC, no. Jame*, .wqºel a (Moose Tem;tol Jam oatsnn.

Janet,- Of Prenri (Ja_st et-Wane/1 'NYC. rs. Jana de Lyrolen «Aisle) NYO, t .7wl0lres, The (rsEl Cal. V

)rocs.. Johnny .Ptfth Ave.,. NYC. is. Jarvis, Sam OIL Reeks? NYC. h. Jeyee. retell! (Finn Are.) NYC h. Juan, Ventriloquial Odeon)P.Ipom7 W15, .$-

L Jeanette R Eagan Monte Carlo) NYC,"ere.

-Otora3r eirmmtá tar NYC, na

' Johnnyon.`Oit

Jironoao talluel'

NYC, re.

Johnson. Myra (Yacht" NYC, ne. Jehnion. Charlie Cabal Cat) NYC, no Jobneon. Mfattae. (Betel) NYC. ere. J0911 Owen Itwdeven1 WYO. re. ~am Eletne dimeonl Cseelnnalt la_ JOle*a di .1(anrnl. In Cnlee) NYC, CA. Jdet,CRe ((51arh0) NYC. tic. Juehan's 12 Lowly teaGlue (Betexly hula)

Nrarctt. Ny.., es. Jule:ya. Tba .1Cbts Pare) Cs1 ere.

Ealmus. Bee (Rend&' PYOUeaI Cher. De. K1mle fc c1attera's1 Chi'oe. Kapetova. Klavdla t(Ruaa:ao Krrtelunal IfY0.

Kñ rhea. Siman (Ruutan Ernes 1. NYC.

)Boer![, Ben (pisee Eitaantei 151M. Inc. Kay, Kaf a A Kay (Wah oral Pella. Is - Kapp. latrine_ Al gland, 1Ahto Bhow-Weldtate

Astoria, NYC. h. Kaye. Denny ,Uoeettieater) London. K4Idteai, sued (Tswnel Boated ne. Ken;, = a*le (Ila.trlbeer ROonn NYC, tie Kees. nird.Yt. - genie Cone. Itsa)

Hreston. KeKlton.

lell Perty

rely* el INYC, b. Eatre PUG.

Herne. Hsi de( Drell. 1Orph,1 It(nneºptills, t Kanner. Billy «Swim) Iii Paso. Ta ., 0. Rine. Chirps Inaekr ei NYC. C. Etas_ Renate ramear NYC. no. ianL, 'feeble cBG'and ) Brooklyn. t ,Ft. Mon antes,. lltaileofl'Si 8.oti00. 1Cir Wayne. dc Bend ~de 1109:1119 tsui

Rsrcise0, 0. Kleby't Dural (Oriental) Cbt E. Ko,0Jtf: Alexia (lntertsstfeeal 'Cssr?olrie 1iá0.

Ktacrr. Leon 11.Immern1a'i) NYC. re. Keep (1netr-e-tfo'-t Duenal NYC no ñrwr-. Orne, tv nand (Palomar) Los An-

eek . b.

La Caretl_enta (Owadhol NYC. tic Ladd. Hank IBeS':lY ;rat tl Aesport, Kyy., M- Idiatirrr. Henry d narrare) TiNitabOe, Y: Y.

no. (See ROUTES osa pepe 170)

November 26, 1938 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 29

"SI .Ziff le Along" Flops in L. A.; Too Amateurish

LOa4 ANGELES, Nov. 40.1 --The acreer to why Utah thews ire having It tough regaining public favor' ta Illustrated hero thin week in Alfred Watts Shat/1a Aioxg at the Criterion Theater.

Attho' doe rr,peet Must be given the cast of Ehirtira .4IO lee riwlty arnkiIig

'liar-, when tt ail dimmer down there Ile eá show to Sella The whole production - salt ks of high Scheel the:triesle.

'Undoubtedly the'sbeerfte of FMB Rua Lift?* Chilton at the Mayan may larva ~teed teed the Sltef/ic atone limiters to believe that ducat buyers will pay fee any colored show aa 'lone as there, la Doh& juterbilg activity and a halfeway tared of plsualbllley.

shuffle Atone, caught opening night. sal fay from ready to open. It started dew' and kept to'llie.tama pace thruout the arenln¢, with a goad portion ' of dared walking out during interealeseon. The cast wee given, very poor matertal; Is era effective aonspe were din ,yed out too long and the scent 1t,cit d jitLLch,

Altba Miller anti Manton -ot'etar'bill- ittt: bright spat o: the evening gore to Ruby ar y.'who doubles from Run Little 1Titltsw. She did rulmber from Porpg aid Rote.

'BO Jenkins hoofed In a matut'e ,that 'piasc d.

Mettle tiocln did two numbers. !feeble :crib and hit septa. co'iboys-did oil right an e, fog tUThre but Jet!~ t'e'ar tr so tow the crowd .ntldfl't -catch most Id It, due possibly to faulty talker..

TX whit production ii. a striate at rather weak songs. blackouts that have Di lock. and torrid dance numbers that tied chorines &,'string foe b dtvtduai et: [oats rather than, teamwork. Blum ears rite: e1 alb top. with 40 cesttstr the low bra iteta_ Prroduateon will probably flay 10 3400 people the then week, with gen- erous handouts 'of duosta-betnt:'dlshtb- reed neuter` tetam. Doran Otte..

Names'fo>< Oriental; Bartholomew $5,000

CHICAGO; .Nov. 39,-tone . tinkle' Fe Bebstter Mil out foe name attractions tad their recently acquired Oriental The- ater beret Taking advantage of the dark Pa700 et the stab lake, whtria=Balaban L _Katz will not reopen bCtore,Chrietntea. :LIB will buy enter -troncg .nets vait- able -to sttmuiate- n teilowing ear -the bonsn which has been claeed Jar 'revered e onthts ,sad. at the Sea t time, witb- 'tiLd' the combo policy eoenpetitleb, In the ntlaltborlug -Chicago .nod Pelops theaters.

lacking offices have a standing can to aobMlt manta for Oriental. Madge_ ter a Mewl: will' Mr% a, h101, e- í5,000. as in the care -of Freddie_ hartheicanerw. wh0'reºpersecl theo botaat yce tcrdar. Guy Perkins. of the Jacebo-Perkins Agency. Placed LOle Lane for e1:000. '7:tek Of Des amber .9, to,compets with John holes' 9- ak at the Chlcego.

Ghost Walks NEW YORK. Nev. 10.-,tde abere of the

Satlamei VrrletyArtlats'laat Friday were reUniied foe the finis thee In ninny Yea= to their old headquarters, now the Club Sharon, when 401 vaudevilians, oldttmers and newcomers. Crowded the a- iii auditorium to honor Henry Ches- terfield watt a `three -end -a -half-hour tautf4 show sautes many hours of centi- Writal reminiscing.

For the occaaton old -tome teams wade malted, old raudo rout:Men by present- day manta Were exhumed anti it galaxy oI lets was an hen- to entertain and rte -anise* about the old Jaya. The bill

prrrnted Under ordinary ctrOum- Va_ieF- might ,have been reviewed ea "Wirer -.g on talent hut much too- long,'

Erpm3- was principally exe,fod by Billy Olth n..Rlth Den Healy Keeping In now and' then. Some of thaw who -ppcared rM 'did 'their acts Included kayereOtld

O*"crly. Charley King. Billy Higgins, moth' Herbert Professor Wa*As, üsrtr flatly

Meld: Chula is tiklna. Buck' and hobbled anti tClataon mod Cuban, who see reunited for the. performaaoe.

Artythigg Care Happen BIRMINGHAM, Ala., .Nov. ter -Club

PlerentiSe bete la no a beauty ahopI Boasting a past as multicolored n Joseph's coat, Dili site has again Succumbed to the' jinx thee ha' dogged its existence' toe these many }roars.

F -silt lA Its Imam- career It,started out_ la a &wank "dine,' and derma:Met. bet Ytéyeoon It elm harboring oath= log more than the prolate Chamber of Coenrnrres. Then came a stretch as a dancingicbool. acid shell - r as *al _Neale:lean Legion Post, with Satur- day night darning the ',height at 'Ha gayety.

Bcnnistaneo came when the place blossomed fordo se the late-latnenied Club Florentine. and. no .'-Instaed of gutting' scalped foe 4240 t$iis-you got a. scalp ,treatmobt and a.perean- nemt.

Levey's 8 Houses Top L. A. Bookers; Five Others Active

LOS ANGELTs,_ Nov. 10,-OutOs -taiga bookinen seem-tp,have been corralled by the Bert ,'Leto Mitre bare. with six theaters 'lined úp, against three for other booker,.

Levey book. the °olden Cate. dan Pranriscoc, the Mamie. Seattle; the Beacon, Vancouver, i11 full weeks, and throe days at the Grand. Calgary. and Saturday' and Sunday it the Remand Onlrlilfa Levey She bra Sunday at the Fl Cam}.anf. Antioch, Calif.

Other betaken babdltrt ont-af-town stuff are Joe Dentals, who has'the Capi- tal, Portland: Get» aetkOljplin, who ben spilt week at Strand. -Long./leach, and Al Wager. who 'books Realty',, San leer-_ needo. Sunday.

'Ilse-llg local house/ are it:ndled by Levey. Orpbguin ham top suta,for solid Meek-. 'Also spilt week St - the Strand here..Sunday'and wedonsday, to Sabers day. -

-Joe'Bren. of Panchen N Marco. books the Parsmámat-bere,-a full 'week. Paul Serer hen been Witte routing units up the Coast and inland as far as Eall'Lalee Clay.

Asbury. Park Plnni i. Nnwes ASBIIRY PARK. N..7.. Nor. 19 -HMiry

Lopes. Operator of the Cuba Club. Shore'ca regla entertainment spot. ls planning to book =patees next anime r.

Night. Club Management

t' ----Op' GEORGE COLSON '

Leaders Mate Advoilisle nLLlaNa are ftgulcs compiled heats Media Record« by The New Tort: naMuteTáe, on the number ºf ite tines

used by carious lending hotels and realelffetlie tit New Yerk'Ctty newspapers during tie heat eight months. Oá 1008.

A glance at the leader. in each group will present an Irrefutable 'argument in the mute' of extensive adtertbtng for continueui health. Pleat 10 out of a gioup of 20 among, notels are as follows: New YOeker. 20.142; Waldorf-Astoria. 42047.' Actor. 22,031. Perk. Central, 1e,9d2;`. Taft. 18,3724 Commodore, 17.1i23; St. Oconee, 10.752: mired Houle. 10,552: Belmont Plaza. 10.407 -anil lialtmore, 10.41tí.

Íet the- resteurtuit group. Which tn. Oltidee it!ilrets, they are graded as rol- ler -sat Longcbemyo. 60.143: Scbroffts bo,1e0: Internntlonel Crteb>, l&4,93: Ch1Lda. íS4.719; Cass Manama. 64.112: linen d: 8ardart. 19281: Cafe Mitts XIV, 18p0a: ,Cotton Club: t1Á70. and Brass tun. 8,t t3.

Waiters Query Patrona

NY, V2A1Tárt8;lnInn. the College In Chl-

cage's-S1ierrean Haut are restricted to Invite crellofams and attt7$eatlous on the fiourwholes from lu,ttoaa

They are in turn peen to the pro- MectCrs, who take ibero ~rusty In modifying cen ertt-b41L and in planning future Teclee.

oya Comn and Fair; But

Draws $110,000 LONDON. Nor, 1p. -Royal Command

Perforn,anee..betd L7 front of the King and Queen at the Coitkeum here Norma - bee 'º.`groe ed ellOAOA,"`Lhe highest tºk- toge yes. for such an event.

Actual program was none too strong and poorly ,presented. With two Many acts Mashing. Plftoen tads culminated In a Lambeth Wall flBa!o, iw which Over 200 artiste took piece.

-Of the actual act*. 6uts?andtng hit was registered by Rtthofd Hearne. comodlan. Tb. American entrants Stuart Markle Dancers. with Lita D'Oray. thrilled with e making adagio. net tint eras brilliantly performed, whilst Ken Davidson and Hugh Persia, badminton players, elltb Aanlriein estltanentaioe,.toe Tobin. scored beeslly. Both neta, rejtrmenting II. S. tit' the program, were amncb the hits. which aloe included the' Two Lealles, the Almrdoniens, the Crvstdetluatü, Rattan and Manners and Lea Allen.

Dlanppolntmenta In routine a'nd recep- tion were Renee Houston with Donald Stuart. Jack -Payne'* Band and Merrily and Mooney.

Rest or ptagram fair. PresentattOnt gaud production _Welted

the otnte5tary George Mace Palladtuñi touch. Pre** aersngen enta were lee learn aatliactort. pert Roar.

4. Suburban Weeks Set in Pittsburgh.

PITT3'iluR(IH, Nov. iia-Pºur wader of muda have been arranged fn subur- ban chief by SM Marko. of National Thcetrfcal .R.versange, who druid that 'oIeotlipñ and better t$aress ins bilerst Of theater managers to singe entettainmottr .

PolUu,dc Paree, a 36.pooptº abtae, has date, In, tn.:ding, Faitáodt and Clarksburg, W: Va.., and Oh Cuy: 1x10 and Johnstown. In Cepeiecde- of S.trg has also played Wheeling: «dr- rlw'S Feiner boa played Oil City. Patea are panelled In for rt n_n Al UCeel show With Dune Scboot e. mew rehear -Mfg in New York,

Bookings are with dependent huata,

Warner and en -

Anything. far a Latiglt PEI SDURQH. Nov. ¡0, -Paga th ai

Oraunun. Lew Mannar tlala work Dube casts or p'Alet end brwihea around the walla of his Nut Howe..

But they're not far Interior diesme- to,8. Lew provides them for ring - alders' autographs on the' ceiling. Anything to act trualn -s. hut then maybe he'll open be able" to get the ewtoane.e. to paper 'the :tall*. - -

Carroll Plans Nltery Circuit

NEW YORK Nov. 19.-1srl Carroll. who is buiuttog' a nlJht`c'ub In Cali- fornia with h aehrQule4 (irlttmta open- 1. to reported planning to Marta eight club Chain. With Mannar spots In Chicago and New York.

The plan. *high It Only In ate forma. Use stages, would rotate princijtat'« Case n month here' each M the ',war- end the chorus every three months. atving performers a nibil sum-ot ciiree to mill months' week fÓr Coach.

College Inn New Policy cureekGO, NOV. 19.-(ter. 1uped', pottoy

bows into Sherman itotct's Collage Inn November 20 when laq.known bands will oocOpy the band stand: and a major por- tion of trio- en;ertainrncn0 budget will be spent on the door Dhow.

Combination tie_ horn, batxin and spotty shown bas not wor:oed well

Manages Wank. Bering la In New York buying arts for a daily prodli dtlon. Happy Felton', Band' Is set.

Jos. McGrath New Mannar:' PHILADELPHIA. NOv. 10 -Josep!t Sic -

Grath, banquet manager of the Arrwlu - ei Internetloll Jteau.utant, has beau

appointed 'manager of the Anbifavt4to, a Taodbou y an the East River Orly*. Beath spots' under rnahagraneht of Arthur 1l* 1'-nulw

FCAYS AND 'NALDI, Adelaide »pant rind Joe Tunes' Band' -7a auppof turfy sidemen when be opens lilia new Dei, reofleo Hotel. New York, OM next month, wive siad $ aldl. the, T'ocadero. lrollywOod, for three weeks.'




4: THAN SUCCESSFUL. ' We Stoct-thc tiered Atserimeet Ir. 114CeaMry--{err rM Cheap+tt anb the nett at ' r the ~It Mkev--and UnbsYa4ie took: .=Writ. ~Our Meier-Sarina Ca/s1a To- ?

ó dry.A sa ddrs Yoar CiarrtapandOeNOG' to Arlsatieh ofNOG' Na 35.

ISCO- NSINb,0E4X JE_ GORPO12ATtON -a3 NasrTW_TMrR,O_.r. Tr. AAeLM/AVKaa...,VrSnONfraea






Afteeeirte.31e8Ahrlar r7e4b ae Inst inak,

Dama. fine2,p tt. LC L and straw: Their T' set

peens _

u'.+ mane r;. -r- In laeelee, s -ace b -ttttedb ~pot ~ern rt-S-'a s_t sal Two ~der rolr, err, sn 1111,10Ge - .. leetel ,ilr 1. t1 In

la hrAneilb nora r gis -an in Stott- wif shit to -mas da." .oler la ter/hot.

rodeen ala 7Sc Wrest aw 5275- u

AU Riada of Bahioans /or Dacoedttce Puipouu.

,,THE TOY BIILLOON.tCO, Inc. 202 e-:11.1`K'>r"" ' SPECIAL HOLI DA`( CATALOG'



30 The Billboard

Trianan Room. Hotel 1nl- haeeador, Ne.v York

Sticking eloec to Use petters, of dance team. a male dance band, An alternate music crew end perhette a fentnrrel vo. etal4t- or ºawns art to refund out. only chain» of theoptesent enttrteinment bpi e t this awankO Park Avenue spot has beep the Introduction of Dario and Diane. eupptenting Minor and Root. 1Yck- Oasperre'* Orehsstre, Vincent Sreltale'ni Latin-Amarken Rhythm, Makers sad eq- claltltet ,P.leanor French remain.

The work of the dance team le ,or a superior' brand. fit Jtii 1n perfectly w ith the refined atmosphere of the room, n nd'fs geared. to Curls it tempo that It dose a bit- more than Just provide ex- odlent spoetrele. Their oQeriO , a trio of numberº, ii elf eructs a fast. light and e ery natant that it provides the room with Jtra enough rip to take away from the otlff ewankncee. The pair work chttalvaS with rage. end present e n attrecase .apprarenee. They open With .+ tango. n showy number of daring turn and lifts. !Olio :rd by n' teenier number :to Mori-_ hllslighttng sonnet beautiful titre'* by Donne. Their loser a s rim merrier whit.]. althsea a hit shoctcr titan the elbow, toll of feet turn* and 011utIice i with. a serial of ~pone e ptre. A ehowrnanlf routine.

Bode! tagleter 8.e,tnor trench, an en- chantment for the q»t In many respects le but a passable purveyor of cones But !n ,the Ilne-up of the ambitious debiu raids would -lie entertalMle, she rank* ao ne-'here near the top.

Dick Oespnrreb Crew of 11 play. for the show as well no for dancing- Bregnleas S outh Americana alternate on the stand.

pnnere' from, ea. Minimum hid week- da}a, al -to baturday, Grove Cott"!.

Blackliawk Cafe, Chicago Tut' changing scene in Otto _Roth's

popu -tr Wabash street hideout finite Jan tttrbfe and ,1ourpriaingry stúiegy aggrs- ri-lion dLrprnatng musket' mirth from the. conooehie taut rant_ 'WtUfe that trade was. tearing a sweat -musts sums. ear to the nlmtng -rhythm. o? Soh Crosby. Who daveloped'e mighty throw. tun during tits troord run here., Garber ºbeet have bran, worttn* overtime pee rmrlo(1 nrrnagttrnrnts that go hand In hand with the testae o: HSedkhi,wtoi youthful and Jltterbtlit Ping patrons. lie derno't go overboard. and the tuna* as -fit result, are. eceeptabtat,even for the oidrr !o' 8.

C_rbee is In foe a threc.nunmth period until Qreelby'e return In February. PIS - rum *Matted off well and''there la no eta - ma why It. ahouldnt hold up for the ºfaire term. While- the accoenpabytr,g show yi comparatively weak. floor talent


Nigtii Climb Reviews neserRetired' nn a ,btsatn.o®e atimulant in' rune' *monk bedroom trams, have be. thin particutar spot. Band, la kbe sole commercial naact, getting alt the blinds `and seduable ale time nightly o*rf the Stumpf ttroruccastiog System. '

Brief chows ere [Inched three t era nightly; three one spotted In attention to bend apectalties. Frederic and Yvonne. new Mare team. work Yee' re*hnngly but the rouUlna*.la.-k pÑtab. kid. eeiii un- doubtedly improve with additional eape- rlcnee and by paring undue care -to their tricks -*Mill am rather crudely worked tn.

Mildred. Penton. blues singer. has at. secret perec.iaallty end a fairly goad com- mercial act. While she lacks.* geod.legit voice.. her errartgetnenu era styled to cult her pleasing delivery. Pipe. ouch tam fonts* es Angtlihl9 Cosa eind.Srnall Pry

Audrey pempaey. rhythm tipetr e

sells 'a couple of !slier nti ibirs. , fine a cute face ,and shapely fletlre- Bond fs sandwiched- in ter a novelty with 6ndy Rudiettl,'comic, and l-ee Bennett, deep- voieed tenor..pltehlnif In with contract -

dung contat-

dutg meals. Lee has en Impresalve voice and OrnmotlSce a Tong eriecttvely.

?.Unfntum reamº* at el.50. bat Mandeb -erg.

Pavilion Caprice., Netherland Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati

lice fetheyland Plan thte eeisaa hold* íbó d*tlncilem of being the only downtown Clnpñrtati hotel operating its main night -life room ens full-time baste with name bands and floor.ehow taro, Catering strictly to Ctncre",select trade. the smart Pavilion. Caprice hm h -tt enjoying stiafociory p10á, MMOC9 opening the season five week ego, despite the *tiff oppoettion- oQrscd .by the Beverly Bills Country Chub end the Lookout Borer, who enjoy eerteln opoyatliig od- Tentageatiartt their being located across the river Su Kentucky.

i nery Deutsch sad his new orciiestro .made theft bow hero truss Thursday night (17), making a amend llnprrrioon with their de:Monble tensie end their style which ºcorporates both ,aweetDoas and swing Ib the proper Proportions to astta- fy. llRand's vecatists. Mildred Craig end Bob-Riehetdeon, nIsO registered .oddly. individually and to their,dcubie'effocte. Deutach aggregation is supported by -Ir_- toaÍtdñ Castrok six -piece Cohan rumba combo. which has jut completed four weeks here. end befog !held for at lout two, more. Latter ,¢reap eerier out the train tunes in fiery Cashion. end biro herril a ably the ,better-known etimderd

[.Ms and fox=trote. Renee and ldov Uo. who ride the top?

- h


ad ut; o lorry Marsh SOplaleferbfe;d Sorrr_ Team

ladefirllftiy at the


After '.vecesslrl eetggmeements at DeWItt. and Nál,óasl Hotel Chains. and Peak Plaza Hotel. St. Louis.


kA! I

BULTON Dynamic Sorfgsfresit

eloting,8 record smashing weeks

FAMOUS DOOR, N. Y. openk'ig No'.. '2'4th

TOP HAT union Cory. N.'I. !fie itent


come tap-heavy_feree with .!fie Pavilion ,crowds. Playing their second engage- ment here in le month*, they hate jest nrttrl,ed their fourth work rind vas art to hold over for at least two more. When ,Caught_ Irate* -end Novell* horitributcd five distinct rent:nee, each to acorchleg Symms,. from the Pºvilion'lktrnna,v,ho have learned to appreciate their tmttettai dese, grace, and terpOichotesa.tntrlcsdei.

Another floor feature Is offered by Zack -1100g and Deliee Baum, -Arthur Murray dancers with a studio in town, who demonntrat-e rumbn.step* and offer a prize of a bottle of champalga or 110 worth of dance leraera4O the male and' femme patrons performing the,dnnce the best. with the audience the Judge.

Pavilion Ccprtce. with eta tasty decora- ttans and novel lighting effects. agars a warmth not usually expected in a tmodertttstle .styled room. Cuisine is exceliont and ,drinks ore of top quality. weth prli-.ea In Lase with what one mould expect to pay in a class spot. For the ,open ne of the Deutsch ark, Mani er Mat, Schulman had as his guest Ralph Hite,-Kitoor,i t 1Mtót Matt:gstgeat proxy. Chanel -Gillette Is the, hotel'. publicity dbeetot, with' Torch humus Mill on drift to end In making the patrome' evening pleasant one_ DWI" Sank s,

Chase Supper Club, 'Gluier Hotel, St, Louis

Still the rendezvous of the elites, -this loos .Corns to gain In popularity from

'Sway to yens, lest gioatih saw a big twist upaaing, atcording,to the. man-

agement,, part ,of which Is 'attributed to the Instantaneon, populaeity_of Retitle Rohr" and orchestra. now In their filth week. -

Raamer, billed as the «Yotntg maestro from the Mbabane* Delta is a new- comer' to St. Louisa** but won over the peleona here in a btury. Be hate a greed. orchestra, which.offers, smart mule with n swingy rhythm -that Is'vcry.danceoblo_ Band hao, It dandy routine Interspersed with .eplendld novelty 'numbers. which n ubby ,(t entertaining thtuotst. Holmes. the poesseso r of e snail telex, does *dale *Ol.oe, as well as soon duets with Napes Hutson. a very attrectiye damsel. Their harmony singing always' acmes. silly Reeves rand HEtb Thonipseult, two 'of the bend/Mon. also contribute -.vomit* end combine with Mtge Hutson tn_makq, u p

the Itttytbm Trio. " Added act* for the floor sbon',conalst

-of Billy_ end. Joyce:Bayern in e tap spe- cialty caned the Jitterbug Dance; Flagg and Arnold. two boys. In a Crock athleUe and balancing turn, and Richard Stew- ert and Dora Lee .in a.eeriee of dlopble donor specialties, which they execute with grans ynd whirlwind *peed, put. -ting-them clown as just about the brat dancing ant teen here In many a moon.

Dinners are well *erred and ranee -

from $1.75 up. There is a it minimum week days.,11 A9,&tturdfyi and Bund.Sy, Frederick Itran.' Music Corp. books.' the orchestras. , prank Jocrtbig.

Savoy' Hotel, London Two diversidad rices piosrtte, corkibg

entcrteinntent. Lee Sermanoe Wllltatas,'

Argent:MIMS orwtumc. go then- n tribecy routine, of dining and nerebstde*. With muslecal'and singing reller from the gal. Colorful net and plenty Ilk.d.

The Diamond Brother" lee nook en- tertainment with -their breathless. mad maarrryry hake with terrific feels. Highly popular head end likely to he held over for sarnral week*. Bert BOB.

Monte Cristo, Chicago One of the many- atmospheric brow

and restaurants dotting the ricer Nort=h fide. 'jbts one tM Italy"petaontliol In foal end teslorfnl Well' der:Meth:o h nn welt ski the informal entertainment. Dinners ere tasty and reasonably priced, a feature that has developed n re -guiar trade for a number'of years.

Juan Pint -dice four -piece hand plays Latta and Arnerlenn Miner, and to gra- ctaln in :tiling rNque+ta le auee patron* don't look Tarrant to an cxtenelrer pro - (Mtn, this combination Sila the order admirably- Renato lithe Torah«. at Irma gut with airmail Toler. Rid would preb- abty,, be out or place to any other epee.

NiGHT CLUBS=VAUDEVILLE Noreniber 26,`193.8' hut is a tmrretees entertainer In *hie envtrdrment.

Ring Solo nola, n deoomtire man ugth s turban and Von Dyke. to the strains« mentaltet_ Be to entertaining nt table* ~tides whether or not he tie taken ~lowly. A itiur_tettrtg guitarist le an. other Intermtaston feature, crooning slumly tune_, to'appreelattve diners. ' Rooms such As these cater largely to pre theater hour diners, end perties,.Tbe bare pet n tune play m. the later hours.

Sam /tonight -J.5..

Caitta nova Club, Ft, Worth, Texas

Located just outside the city limits, spot la Wye nevatst *lass dub;nnd the only one rearguing door *hoar. .Opened November 9 to good business.

Tony Yragekis, owner, »started Johnjgr Randolph. 'Unger. who -now has his aW_%,

bands, to open this spot and to remain Iitdednttety. Randolph bee sure=Pre"corn- bination in lets pleasing pervomSilty ant tenor voles.

initial floor shoe- u much above tae average of those presented -locally. not only in talent but. etao In ºtimber of acts.. Peggy Harris der, 'tap and *oft stun routltles -c*pabiy. anon Mildred Olelm, band singer. b In show for two num- bers, scoring erpeclally an. The Matt l Lox. Jack Rutty; plump -funny roan of bend. comes In for applause for xylo- phwne Bolo.

Randolph draws ennóres with his pop Mitt!* and also ' eraser*. Mnraf nod Morova ballroom teaot, Client -with t elr Preach tango, end ,Inter,-_ e . waits. hi1ggh light of the show. "Cope'" Childers gets wee -applause for his singing of huh Eger.

Randolph'* 11.pleco orehartrs cashew out dimwitir inhale. and does mete - lentil with the :show. Twos ebo+n nightly. A piano end, cetera° interlude Is given at tntermisetoas.

- Cover charge' 80 cents per coupe week nights and- /ISO Saturday. Sorriest goal; dinner pilots, reasonable.

Ruth Hue.

Mike Lyman's, Los Angeles This to the downtown hnsgout fee'

vatide artiste and the áfter-theater trade. Not 'wince the days of Canee Den'e has re mettopoilt*n apot teen able 'to cowl this -aaes of cutntometa, Bntertelnia'at to an cocktail lour-ge off 'main dinleg room.

Only three emtertainer.' are carried. but they sell thein.e t -ea -to the crowd Melly. tale to the intimate nttreestillef , Itn-

.promptu numbers by vatting entertain - aware featured.

Mildred Spry bandit. the dim ult elan mint of playing nay and ell numbers requested, and.,in, any key that haply to hit the fancy of vtyttttlg e,alb11a11.

Iii tt Lerner trandtee the vocals end plays guitar.. ~Pares 4jmnith-numbers. hie best bltng.Le Pdforo, hie has qutte a -reprrto:re of comic ntttnbere which plane.

y-Bmioñ doe:! eotno geed 'week an the aeooidioa.

Much of -the emcees of the spot ¡sea to- the bead greeter, nay Rife, Me knotrs everybody and =Were well. Bate was for:mirhp' he-uteri/ter at Coulee Can's and knows haw to- handle Si place faro luring- this obese of trade.,

Mike Lyman ii is ono. or the few down- town- ,.spots doing peak Intl such 'win and la practically the only rcetropoltsn dub which grits a play from then aka. tits; Dora OScn.

New -Kenmore Hotel, Alll8ily, New York

Altho consistently pleating and enter- taining floor 'show, have been main- tained et the hotel's Rainbow Room tire Ill the past. Robert 'Murphy. propetcter le presenting tine Meek en esoeptiotsalli iitcrttorlotte program Which Is -drawing large ottrirds.

Title ill -the only betel which provides a Ce:ttptete floor allow In OOrl' junction with its dining -room facflttltea This welt) program Included BIM

rC,t.rna.e rineeás o/ iChbrwere E Inferrer - *he Deae,e flume Du aloe CreatdOttR

Car IT O ns

e AT1tR

Addqtr iI:lfeLho et tU01TN MLRgltt,

Piste Hein,


Novrotbor 26, 1938

olieette and. Dtmltrt. who presented the rtutomary floor -Mhos dance number, welch e-astqulte erdilihry. They should cent out the eocledy. as it detracted from the act.

Marion Melton, exotic Mager with eve group Of tongs. C antad oft the boners. This clever young artist has a personalty that sippeeb, ande her cotle leering rendition westt notably big.. type,cielty_bltl 3 and ballade.

Birdie Dean neared with a Met grs'ee- ul acrobatic act. perfenning many dlt- ticvlt tricks. A bevy et dancing eats ,.rcbted it colorful number with spec tasulatr etteet.

Del_ Courtney and his' NBC Osebestea, spored. The leader omxseed the Chew host effectively. George IP. »Creak.

Rathskeller, Aietci ,Girton, Cincinnati

The spacieua beeement MOM coV n- ' it, popular rendezvous for the steer -theater noses acid the more con- slers:lee eight -life crowd. Otlenteie la a mixed one, wttb eikieltltgsbie erade,eoen- lag from the college element. While . business has been In the doldremn in alt of Mho meal da iaown epet. 'in recent months, the Pettsk*ller rnan.see rte peek up Its share -et the coin still olteulatüti,

The . MOM eeperntes daily front e s tit.

to 2 &In.; With bresktzrt, luncheon. dinner end lnte.blght supper end dance "Wont_ ConKR-aNYely decorated. Bathe - Seller radiates a pi *ring .delves of eaimtb and deprneee teeety upon eta fold euletne end popular prices $o`drnw 'em in, Binds Cl aasetnt-name nnd.oeia- stonily eV a ,Mine caliber furnish the dice -end -dance reeks/Ina and whatever other'entertrinment there is. ea Cnor arts are-Med. flay Pearl's Orchestra MCA Combo. la the current' n4trnenen and le doter,[ .1.15~ Mob of entertaining, the 1lethateller,patrenago.

Thets'a no,mtalmure, with the weep teen et -Satnrdaes. when cedar pattern's theck Meet Iota) it beetft. Luncheons and 're dwtchea ore moderately pt -teed, with dinners' reeled et 76 cent end ti. Ateoholte lIbations,srrse tends' eotaeoeled end rre.oiiable to prfar. Table cerdee lux shown is marked'Ince our lint vidt there.

erne JneW M the Ratheketler ta ats- efer, and Joe Weatherly is pultlletty 41- rreter. Bill Saclu,,

Top Hat, Union City,, N. J. feasting one of the. Meet pretentious

abet ii In Northern ;New: Jersey, (and ieettfiebly sal thee ftre-week-old. Cont mental Room matches up with any of its Were- corms tha river In New York rete beauty. design. oom:tort and - yr&--eran Nei ehivie. -

Headline nttrnetlen t, Eddie Garr. who in , been panlcklr, .the too rerun crowds 1e business te pretty bad here too- exeept on week-ends) with eedmtS2 net. amitations and a terrific double talk sidel. Whet there was of whet mfRbt be termed,nn audience are cold en tall comedy gab. -but tnetattotts of CTersller. lied Sparks. Rickman and Bergen Were Work, 'tutteeing finable talk Iadtetion 01 'ray Atwell describing a prrsa ffght'is o sllre.ilrs laugh getter.

Oamet% end, outside et the'line. ooze t ined of Cheri a and Iarbare.' weho In - dude hoofing niid iero em itIn rs 1ñ their ere. "Alto turn Is n 'little rough In mtot.,'danete are intro and swifter perod. Ann Btreute, a cute antler of songs, bas Mttythltag In her favor. food xpq1ta vane: !rod »ice and the ability to melee sons. But, with .all her good points. blue tone tempt out, with ,too much effort; with Mme rood eleliling to t'ocal tIctinic. she taeadde o pieces, ,pº the Miter fend; Ruch Been, a easing Mabee?, rant; I'M Jed o Jfttrrborp, but didn't prove It Qelee too low -and soft for the .pre snuff.

The Three Playbara (Eclair Milieu, hereby Meer end Ref Tracy. who also /titeeole do a geed comedy turn with Knee male and rlsgpc gees .that are thttte eel; Wo-kcal wheel Into a tansy led are oktla ail around. but on `singe teso long.

Jull. Wlnticle band played for the Mho -and -e -half allow and did an excelo tint lob of aeoompanlment,= as well tut peoiltling highly rhythmic end etsttrible mtaf0. Manuel eerandole Cuban Hand.


IL NrLD OV 11x711 ~ref

TOP HAT 1 artiest Orel. N. e

NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE doing the relief !timber*. mote the:velrn their pay with first-rate. rumba Metes. There 'Is ,also a line et to bftlrns girls Morrie pretty) aria sngage, in two top-, flight production numbers' that were well staged at:d reenined.e Maw. wee staged by Mildred Ray and Al Davla. DOwnatairs ooektnil ter also Ilse a coek- tall Vnit, The Afodraps (Ray Adams end Al Ooddatd? dolts wen ontbe accordion, e nd guitar, ,but the aing:mg, oh!

Preoe policy is .5tó0 wsrkdeya and » Seturd.ays and holidays. Phil Inch - more of Ben Mai -den -1i Riiera, Is he ci- Wa lter, "

Manager la Henry Beck. with Jack Terrell r'epone agent. .,SÑ Zen. -

Él Chico, New York Another authentic, polarful and ear

Spanish floor show -is Olt,..,dew. IIotlbe molt_ of the other local Latin 'spots. which include Americanised talet3t along with the Imported nete.'52 Chico alway has the real stuff.

Opener is Maclovin Rule, who appears* two -years ago with'& partner and is now cilolog. after a briar. 9210-t. a tall, ?tand- sOme. slender; brunet offering classical Sponlab dances in Souring cosumes. mire/nets. beel carts road all. An.exoel- lent danc r. Tb M comas Par¡Wta Dom ingnez. first to from Malaga. Spain. wto ernes Ispinlih gypsy songs with much tire. invered. Dottie and Vnkio. billed in the only donee peen; ,coming out of Spain dace the dull' wee began. are Wedowee They are a goodlcoking teem detclsig with graeseUl lengilor'thet Is peppered with, the usttal.hatrghty and fiery lipanilb gestures.

tea eeinveral, three youths strumming gutters., aeoompany their own'small: /oft votress. Their 'voices blend nicely and their entertainment L unobtrusive rather than rouatrs. The sop -builds tow nice parade finale and has ,the excellent ac- companiment of ion Alberto's Orchestra of aewn_ -, Alberto emsecs ntoel; and ehowe bis vest/entity he playtpc several fº un strenta with- the band. which gone Ortt WJZ'gsturdnya, 6'to 6:30 p.m.

An MA -ruction period 'fO lereet the floor shows and hetpae eatllsen'the dancing late d one. HeneritttiPistome. imported from Breed, e0., a aeraeatis personality girl who stage a Samba ditty and then IntrO- duoen el. Ouaman Campos, and Evelyn Id..". who tench patrons the basic atop% of the Stubs. a lfrseillan' dance that la being pmt ed es thte nOe Le2.1n daÍheo fad here. Thy Samba Is a eon of modi- fied Share, swell for nodal dancenc but too nwet tot exbroitión:

-Atmoiebers, aria. Posed. liquors, Metre ,excellent. Serilto',Gelleda la the cordial boat Peel Dena.

Biltmore Bowl, Los Angeles Sleep Pields -MMutl:Mte to do bis hero.

havtnr land bit opteen taken up until March te. Rig draw nor eight days, to S ally Batid. lacking them In after pub- Milty given her In recent court pro- ored lags.

Show opens with the Karelia. balance pole -wá5. Male eked baLtsc n while 'theeemeur dots _conuenticmai tricks, Also work with tgddee which partner balatac e from floor on bottoms of ba feet. CM/ail 'linda 'i:emme whirled dlazily in the air as partner whips pote LC' circle. Oood finish and act drew a nlee hand.

Don end Betty Hector did a ballroom asp. Hice appearance and good precision to their stuff., Wont over well.

The liorichainttte. a trio '81 screwy rnóeltebouta. hare good ahowmanahlp and keep tip a constant :ulna Cl good Chatter while 'they -work. Flab Hall 'loon v big here with bis rhyme*. working iii latest news erbnta with audience pee't et ition.

Working in ,a bine spot. Bally Band had the crowd dtttug ,on ^the edge at s WW the' chat A net reent.coinea down from the calling and Sally loot hoe bubble dance. Clo9d background music helps sell this number.

Viable finds Don and Betty Hotter 'back en the hoar' Ieirching everyone the lwenabeei Walk. ' -

gawp Needle merles soma stellar vocal cnta talninctt With Ida osit. namely. Ataratello Orabstn. Hal Doreen erind Jerry Stewart. During the .how Ptelde ameres end a 'dots a credltabo piece of w ck.. Deers .Ones.

Casa Cubana. New York Wine wet oboe the Harlem vptoar

House. since darkened. gem a new paint- brtt@b once-over. 'with ettereeine,s toe Cubanesisue atmosphere, and brings Bavaria closer to am+dway.

In harping wttls the trimmings. floor

That Biliboerrd 31

show end male. ,ettefc dote to nutlet/ Uses. Contleeent, oterboe.rd on dt.acent, incitados Cesar quad Dolores, masted Stara. 'for the conventional hipawaying:rumba routine*: _the Dalnnos. ballroom duo, with tangy end conga steps,thet-teglater; 'Oloria Delmont. on ,easy -on -skirt se- cants_ for e] .cestsnetlzed epenlrah dances: LLea 1.sa00, a tiny mite who does right by a too balest tarn sod a native-etexican hat dance 'round the sombrero rim: and eerier Oalvan., Spanish tenet dancer for tale toreador Impreselons. Invites' cheers from the native fret-nighters 'on he cape twirl. Mite Lesnea are obcio slye tip to ennR in dishing out authentic btepology, but tufled to present a P.iilshedl perfeemanoe because of, the poor Orchestra eeeoin- panenteat.

Only soeig, break-In 'ta the neuter caat fell to Lite lenie. And tees partly gal, Wising earned the'eCabet Kato ilanit .

erns. l:olu;lt up edaitrebly. With thin' but clear soprano pipes and en obviates tense cd suave humor in selung her sense. Nina Lines maims more Gabon for runibans than any two ef the tape stem. Tor opening -night. only, ebbs - added, the a bit net of line, vat rift D'onay. lforeter, her sex' *tyro of de. llvreleg,the Prenche -ehartsotuna always sure to register with rtiigetdera.especially ties baldpates'.

weeeeet dlrieson Its the made. tame Calvet, for the tango. incelttlres, plays Urge male as wHtte;t. bet eons' any Sincere -or Atütllty to -emits It 'rally-tñ- rilin<, BNi feri. rekeec letli , hare as Mute- a time with It- for the rumba rh.Ythnna

Noel Meadow-handiea.the publicity. M: N. Oa'odenker.

11Lartin's on the Plaza, Kansas City, 111o.

Aatlrlty took a lump in the righ di Mitt rer. thenwtlttl Jay Riled opened at this spot. far and away the Moat ornate In the south section of /the city,

llcBhann. a 31,yrar-Oyer @opta plates' pounder. combined a friendly. grinning personality with rare keyboard technique. Hie ñand, raven pieces_ is more than adee el*_sta. nob ltabsame :vendld the vocals, end instrumental solos are 'hared bye bt_c- Sbnnn and Isla drre¡mrrelr, Jesme pries.

Acts soon will bet need,according to (:lair Martin, owner._ "Bumthene brisk: íerrice good. Dane pester Jr.

Terrace Room, Hotel Net Yorker, New York

Tommy Homers Band I. stilt Melting tlsetnin and the room la dofpg gotid busl- acas. Despite the Dorar?.attraetiOn, the hotel to continuing stunts which have proved so' suocesetul In hyping business In the past.

Curtrnt.Is series of Tuesday night «Iminttioe eenteatj,thru a_tle-up with MOlte TA,Greet'W+Ms, lacer wee bell lad week, with .a doze' couple* (meetly ooelaj retlatrn talent the floor In an exhibition át smelly waltzing. Dull ea the,kontest 441, the hotel cant toss -- since the cántcstatíta .coene In as guests and ¡neutrally inertaac bumineee.

Meer show- still has Mntulce 'and Cordoba. doing woutunlly eeeenve bell. Poem dancing; Pail Beefnl, magician. who em iraslrr7_ persa tuecessrelly: Dorothy Wilkins, accord lonlat-ranger, who pleases; Wien Myer., handsome blonde. batxihn& thu intermha- aion lulls at the peewee and noes Mae - 'faun. doing the emcee nicely:

The contests ale .er peclally IntaWtftlnt When You vlaualttn caaplas wiseteteg to Defieyls Band_ But, despite that,., the wired dlebce out expellent sweet muffin.

-a despite lee prelntncnee'e s a awing out- fit- Pent Dents.

Cuban Casino" New York A skimpy bat ploaalbg Latta floor

show Is featured la this Timex Squnrr Cuban dlns.and-dannery.

A dance:, dance tram end ringer cons - pool the anttre Roor'rntertnizms'nt, with the outlet. cpui iing :e:. band voe_Itpt Thotoly tneratlatlag, tai Wirelike. `M- embers., a cute, wide-eyed brunet doing spirited thrxectus and Spanish dances.

Ooetumrs are colorful and routines In- te'rest-holdingg

Inter n Pellcta Ptoets mined theeuity Latin. song.+ with o dent -et hip move- ment. revealing a good. strong ralee. She "also plays the marincee with lbw band.

itamon and Lucinda, tall baitroom team, are -lively ' deoplta ,their aim, A good-aoolting couple, they energised with is slow pKRortat number and also a'ttal .awngy Conga. estate 5*04Yta (vtellnlsal 1s baakád by a piano. trumpet and drum» ter eheabow and donna mu d& Con ddittng Ito small elm, the. le a surprietne ly good band.

Spot to a large, reaOg. ~Me ereeet IMO, and draws "polka end Asnatsean trade-inastty'petreeir whO-Ilk.,to dance rumbas: Dinner beet. including a cock- tail, and up. Pond: good. -Serer. okelt.

Peut Dents.

¡Old Brick Tavern, New York

Thu ln a. now after -Carl spot In the Hoed -America. meat In 47th etris'I partly bailey. It draws, a good crowd- te :te loth bar' thanks nñoetly to rte, old- ttme aims projected on a screen, near by. It site gets musletafiS and ferformrs@ coming 'oft other jobs after midnight - The attrectiOn, free them is the not Lips Page nand.

Page's Band has clone recording and night.elub wort and is one 94 those bet colored corneae tint @tetra[ tans loess It blasts away all night and. has leeece himself blowleg.a mean trumpet, mostly muted. Ile used to be with Oount Bas'e's outfit. , tick drummer Kid Lips Hackett.. 1e feettlieed: emd'ho draws *thine lion easily with hli spectacular etale and suit-ebewing persºnallty. at The other e men are ouch aid the nd at a' whole ha all right A 1V2"BW wire la a pos. eiblllty- beginning with next weak:

The colored floor ".how cove on throe team nightly and Lao rather lntereattee affair. Al Vied. tell and _goodeleeklhg youth, enemies In smiling. cages-te¿plea manner and nee Map a few Tonga pleasantly enough. Amanda Rande:ph stems the. new with her deft bander of double enl/Mdse dinar hit per- smnallty bag ono rznnehlp. Stir Alto Mee a bile et 'lea al Iba piano between shows. Seeps- a slant -eyed, tiny. baired damsel. sloes One of theme moth dances that are. esupposedly hot stuff.

(See NIGilT CLUB Ott page ,36)


"How A Gift í The Ladies Helps Business"

Rtmerebee Year lee Lady Cvstotnen e't Clvlerw .

óewlUal Pedwmbraaae _tea will delep/ ovary v.vman irga 1 S et. 50, Y+asnt+dawifa Your "ilea. Writs Maas,

LAPLAVA LABORATORIES, CINC. 15,2 W. Waters PL.'Orpt. C.. eunso.II.





COSTUHPIIE Company 46.52 South Mata Steeet.

P. 0. ens 391` IIAVIRHILL, MAli.

10 COMIC REOTATI DNS, Si rd Hipsta.. 41, 41...044441.10/11/1. - -q _ wax L.ic t te. 6wJ learIt wow Imp f.+se_ iaMhn Mm in se a.lct:,r gat c,t thaw iWsetin .na t-'.;7-.. "ow: i ' -r_ ew11. al-eg Wy f Us ! rA:tba to A rt'1 erE

. J. , et 41ee-11Ie ali+ftiotwea, e1. L% le rind/ e i.i I. deteal'. >)l, il. r<r. CM w: 11164h is.. ea. Y. i.


To Oasr_Friends. Ecp.rioljy Kurt Robitoelhek Wg re net fie ws1A beet a H,Wlta..e aaitesa, 'MIt, n'1h11 do wee tie ta. beat wardnaa a ~ Ones. but seg s. ear a.eeostaa w an and > ss ear retie M a n/ bs Wa ea't dill under

JACK MIDDLETON Ste tilL 111.000, 01501111«fiSt, 011ie.

82 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE November 26,, 1938


Da V. Yetesl'

Thanks .to Si(lntry N. i

U _rtllPll71111(Illllllltllllllllllllllgllt(tIIIIIIIdIIIIII111111111111111111111111111111111119111111111111(i17:



* SISTERS * Irc`t'k 1Vopainbor 17



State, New York (Rrsaea'ed -Thursday 6tenlrg, Nov. L7)

A Orono; all-round bllb, live act*. oo-beeullntng Ella Loran and the archtr- ten.ot JO* Panes. Layout la out of the etanºI'tor a bill that taken In a name bond; Usual procedure being to. out to three ,ippcialttect enth the band. fries' ggoca overboard. however, on pinning limo. isurntelttltg to -112 witnutee, stun prnalnsi wotttd tighten It to sadenntage. Jis it Is, iba. It doinn t lag rotten,

Opening has Jana and I ynton, with Prank Brooke. providing a dance offer-

lkniifr g 410 t takes In

rted -In so a variety

dnteroelting manna?. Tim. town ejsecistI m. IJL *MO end oontartton week in nddlttern to we-ne atralght bilirednatica, white Itron» glfpapil with fast and tnte~at. Ing tap eftectreely lntenperacd with bal- let. The throe open with a tap that InOorporaua adegió staff.

Le Paul, aided by a blond*, connate. first half of ht^ Clay to plain and fancy card manlputatlag with fair results. f ecohd halt, fa much stronger when be works more 'of the same pasteboard enyetilletafincitrpon three stooge.. appear - log , to to innocent dupe.* conscripted from -the aud#enee. lr's an amusing routine. with letigiw- ooPI1Og front the play cm the plants and the adroit tatter of the manipulator.

Ens Logan show -.toga with rate. the patron's lapping up her burry awing- alteutrtg with trash. Tie dynulate + a 1Lterally mows 'em down with he- lnimttsbla singing, liar corals Jame and p aonellty. Sete did lrtdtera Lost iCa Josh e R tamed Joel, What eon the >ratter Def. Lock Lo .cud and Wee Doekn Dorris_

Harris end Howell. opening *lowly; do wall after tbey'get going and provide the high comedy mark of the program with their inataproplirns and croas -talk. Howell lingo Muria, Vat<rra, Please In fa -1 imito. Out arms It nicely. and Jtaerls genes laughs 'with a parody and went


Vaudcvtllc Reviews gagging. ~sled. to both by' Zerlta, atrsighting end ~Leung at the piano. Hnrrla and Howell Min In a,,,dnot of TI -PI -Tin. and then Cophae. `yotnmg tap dancer, cornea On for a short but fact routine.. .All tour are en In flub tlmish.

Joe penes does very -well with his repo!. ~mile on w show that is tñoro_ Wen creditable fog an ngnregattori that, la confined to the dcieetetton of mere patrician patronage; of lama heatotntea. The band numbers bold :meetly and humOl as well, al expert mwtManshtp. end Rine htmailf Johan -1n the ~diking can, amusing rendition of Sing SorndthMg Simple. .The,Tranca Slaters ore a decided. eilek with -their expert %eat blendfr_g, inahaneed, by elite ar- rangements and a WLnnlnd"solLing abil- ity. Highlights were their cateky. tlldhe Joseph, Joseph and ify, Heart la TaY_(ny Leuaona, °Two teams of attaggera Agnes Murphy and Pete Hayden and Ruth Scbolmer and John Engiet, addedto the nippy presentation.' Youngsters also were used, to demonstrate the Lambeth Welk. which Stns la supposed to bate' introduced tn-thde country.

film fore to Stabtemsºies House good but show_ George Cotton.

Purumqunt, Los Angeles (Revisited Wedecadey 6'eeneng..rov. le)

!tube ,Wait and'band work in pit thin week. fronting a show that le so-so and Jot up tolthcetu al class of entertain- ment offered 'biro, Only two acts show to good ñdrñnte.go.

Opening has' Panebonettes doing.acarf dance .to Lkbeltraum, There femuwe do - liter some goad precision work, but this number lacked sap.

Throe Dot Woe dense:rod some good balancing Stull'. Wu Males anda fenir_`to.

a a a a _ a a a a a a

71te Iasi 2aDy 4 -The Classics


Week Nov. -25th

STANLEY Pittsburgh

just 'Concluded 3 Weeks


Exclusiva Management


2111II1I1Í111111111111111111111111.111111,111111111?tt111111111111111111ÍliIHIIlU7tl1111111111111111111111 1%l

Dancé Delinegntors



Work Nor. 17.





!:':usual twtst bad one peter -es. balanMiwe femme a_att- white other partner did bendiesnde oat the gal's torso. They work 'welt and got -a ern. band.

After` the, old gag concerning how many rcquents he -bad received to-do a trumpet oho, thinning down Worn hun- dred," to ens ~tot crud Wolf stepped on stage and delivered fapoil. Some technical stud here, with Wolf gagging n b1R

With n butidhtap as a Max Reinhardt titaootwy,, Ted Blakey did Sttartnist' Dread. It seen[, ,herd that' every other warbler le doing Oils number. A bet- ter ae3aclon would- baTo- upped Blake - 'pia appeal. He has nice ' olce but works a little !tiff balers the mike. He fol- lowed with a number from Rigoietto,

Blakely did You're Lerch,. Madame next. while Pariebonettol did parado number In background. clad tit r onto cye- nning costumes. Gala are lookers and make a ride appearance,

Highlight was Joe and Pete Machos doing as 'screwy an act as any seen around bore In 'some time. With an opening of gag magic tricks, the dUo swings Leto wotk,on a,s .rI gbeard.'They brought howls from the crowd. Act builds to., strong Anis».

Claim : ah etlecti:'e, with Pboehon- citcs doing Scotch number In kilts.

Rouse packed ant this show. PM woe" Yen Wine Wtngt, a holdover


Dean Omen.

Chicago icago (l,ietteeaced Friday ótYnInoe7Yor. ii)

One of the regal awing .naiads. DOb Crosby and, hie Dlxirlarrd orchestra. is - crowning this Loop palac ' with full -end mellow rhytl nse. Nth, ft2$omewhat-tell- comacTeraa in front of larger audiences than ooul,a ever hive peeked_ the neigh. boring Blackhawk Cafe where they. ?Wiled for roveral morsthti tome Of

the boys at Arai evening show opening day were a bit trsgad and their physical mnko-ups did not exactly rev hsod _m hand with the blaring products fecal their musical inatrumsnte. There is no doubt that the bunch is much happier in more formal, environments where the eollIR fans and' their instigators a4e more at home.

Perot the atondpotnt of:entertainment, however, the Crosby clan dished east out for a Stall' 50 -minute session, lfier. of It Is swing Inrt it doesn't oxnenj deeect the borders ed sanity and 'appeal: to taste an weir sea emotion. Bob makes a muter enough entaoe, exploiting ins feats of his Individual band mates even at the rtsk of bring too repetitious on nausea- Re, giro safety _-he more. gscerOis on, vocals; trio. his'lesi heard, In peg Itfitrt (lava Neck a 'Bee4tItsti Bºby,is entirely pleasing.

Tie 'Al!-Amorenn Four." 'gamed -by Paul Whiteman'tma piece of smart prom &gentry'work concocted In a recent lane of Co.der''F got their ~nit with Ledy Re Good' and Thd Dig Crests From Critna. Ray llaudne of tint quartet drums in ace style, Bob gttrke Angora s piano with the underatineting of an -artist, I Olio Miller toots a meet rhythmic sax, and Bobby Hauer: wh1¡n up Ane tones, on hie bees,

Mehl! Marian Mann cooed' In swise melody S ,gmk to 'ale of 'Lore and Too Mach en Lon. To Sºy Goodbye, A,berid- stand decoration. and a valuable one, Jlouxny and Mint Byrne,. cuts swan; team, go to town with Yekase rif and a ~whet song -tap routtrA to the lone a-ecompºnhMnt at Ilandue's, working drum -Wean,

Chan Chew ,le the tone comedy era hnont and'bs-was ra welcome altering. ula pantomime, c om:trio, dance Maps .rri

hi% unquenched appetite for alien - Li o" an niatehee and flowsiá ato elm

Hd.e,dei'atralned swing style utters In ha opening with Poore Lore Song and winds up the term With 1)(y+x D ga Doo.

Bualncas- wasn't bad_ Paramountli Mart With Wings, en ,screen,

Sera kfonlgbcrg.

Ji, & Schaefer Reopenl hicago Oriental With. lavish Show;rl


Sea- face lifted by the._progreasi e J ones. Ldntck $ Schaefer firm, Randolph street's 'Oriental 'Theater la back in fo'd again as a leading combination house. Opening Lill will probably ro - mita as one of the most expensive -to. grate then, beards, the Impeeing ,line-, up- including t?cddle Bartholomew ,(a /moon marquee' name); Twelve Arieto-

eta: Carr nrotha-. and Betty: or Rose. Pierre and Sweeney, and Kirby and D uval, In addition to Verne Duck and orchestra end n tino of -16 garb.

The porky should, slick from the Mart. T e"' week -day prices. reinging-

ee from 2$ ante land 40' eta (Sipped to` 55 cents,Saturday and holiday evenings), are probgbly the lowest possible under this set-up. indication point to sanes- t lavish *togs production, -,Ingsrainted by Charles A. Hlggamcysr's bonne present tIopaa. which will probably "get tide temple 'in the swim with the met of 'the Loop'aces- _

The Dunk outfit opened. in the pat. with 'a swing overture; and the -cur- trisfe parted -to reveal the 10 STreet- bearts; to an almcat - epectacutar a.cro- bn,Sic routine. eingllir out enteral of the kids In applause -stimulating tricks, G irls look great On this atage and the hand given ,them by the packed house first show opening day heertlly ap- proved their work.

Carr Brother.' rind Betty haw an ideal opening, the hula gazing into a drug átoro window will» Betty in a trim bath Hag atilt demonstrates a shapely figure. Chapo next go into lanai amusing acro- batic cut -ups -and fine hand-lasisncing work, Betty making n midway appear- ance with it peer, leslily tap Offering.

Kirby and Duval netted healthy Innate with errJdy talk which, de- spite some antiquated bate, gnu given a fre-.h delivrry'treetoeñt Man. pit to ia- log an tmpreeslve,bn:ltone voice. abotdd CIO' Mk entire *Ong in attalgbt style be- fore doam S--rcre Wintery of Life in break=up faiiti44 which Irsds to him exit, lint gawky appearance In o1 eon. slderable help to ael1ing:tho material.

Freddie Bartholomew cornea on to a, big nand and, surprisingly enough, acts very ltaiutat end ii bonnet with hint- retf by edmlttlny that be ham no, stage net. Homebody ties rerie_-t .enough to prepare a navel. semen abort for him to

which Judy Qsstatsd°.and Mickey Roo- ne} come to the,rOseue. On the aceth Metro's prate' depaitment liai him de weeeae+from hie picture Ldeten. Daring. while Jrady given out with song end MIL 'On ,the stage RIeddie re-anacee n touching scene he played Lei Captains Courcgeosu and makes a gracious exit. Whether he will earn the tremcndou figure he le ,reptitled to get Tometta ,W be seen. but he is a box-office -+it trachea and rate particularly On this op nor Shaw.

Twelve Artetot a.ts, talked dance aet follow -with a novelty sight routtae and make way for some grand -comody and

,mimicry by Row, Pierre and Sweeney. Recent eddlticri of Bud Ewceney was a step In the right. direction: the kid pitch=

.ins, in with sharp carbons _ofHernia end Ned Smirks. Aare ~miss the blghr tight in the turn with his freak rolde. which ~limn etrlking propertied At the'Popeys skit, Muse Pierre contributes an lido Borttonl ttnprer._bort and is a dcmrative partner In thin trio, Plnisbed

,atroltg, The house line and the Aristocrats )eta

hand, for a flashy finale, ape titter group standing out with their neat adagio rrótlt.

Lh1tial screen eOmponlon tx Starve: Vettaffan From Lore. Jack Hurt and Earn Lorin are In sin house marreger,and first oesistant respectively.

Sere Uotetgbe:-g-

I !' t[3CCSÓ Sndl'C3



ATtONw 43Hesa,tttlW ll'f:ItV7nh

E«,ti kN 1,ja FOLIES ; f raa eT?ehD CG.a

Na L

iúNreas raja.a a pi.

ñw., Alraana. ea


November 26, 1938 .a- NIGHT CLUBS.VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 33

Radio. City ,P1iusie Hall, New York

(r, red -Therrdny (tenfnp. Noº.,1t) Art unlneplred sertee " of about -!!fete

Wilt -town is slapped ,together, for this week's eñniributton. The opener has s Nudism equine Gorden tsawdnat -reel. ltlellolM Dake cerrLxl, the ring - rower whip for the amused aauCoria de adult which. demo rep a la centauret, cL .riled its usual ballet routines fag barsey anus_ Aiocg'the Garden teen. porchº-ntr'üts but iShetland.ponles,odoga end monkey. Display :Mowed careful' training., but it ran a bet too long

The Rapid 7yanslt ~revile of the IS

o'clock rush hour in trio stibeay were trite croon-ee.ctlom atilt'. wreak In char- "erar, :mule and Wrier. Glee 02etb peopled the Beano.

Doubling from the Interntatlemul casino, F ranklyñ D'Antore and Anita gfws ,the rblll It, only dr»mntice-with their thrilling balancing end lifts.

ticuraey was paintieally and -vainly- ocrtticed In the prodlottott of the 14th street Last Side number. Robert Weedea deg vender tragedy wait a bit redeem-, leg., Metropolitan Opera baritone entree hOnera-here wit. Maurice Baron sad Albert Etlltmnn. OÓmpceT and' lyricist et 10A song. I Meal do Going, to the Door

In an unusually brief stay, the Rock - ogee appear la target. In 'a shoaling^ gallery; and then race_ thou AI, K. modl- aeatloOa of Ir.lian tray v,'hooge Ind Iy,e,ahaw't routines. "

Premiere Of stinted shirt film Strty Madero " Yenta " (Runt -n VlSterla tb,annlollyl, was half the blame for bad baetoSM at the last .haw.

SYlesa rvelia..

Paramount, New York (Rtrloued Weaetesdey ~log. Noel i6)

Ito eta 1903 enBllverenry -, show this Ware o/fení a sock line -up of personell- Um. and their oontributtons would add up to one of the beet performances seen lure eta tnGttt to It the sots were tied to- te4l ei .v th a greater unity. tatty Clinton anti Ma band. In their drat Para appcsranee. enjoy ton billing. and¡ ,musically. they dettter-a grand job. But Cline n. ilk» no Many of Mtn oollenguoe tans down badly on hie errteeotng task of welding the works into one solid .pitta of ahoulnnnalmlp.

Clinton and him" made were ~rived with open emu. by the theater's awltr- conselaCU patron:we. and `the band did la beet to please with lie grand ~- demo of fihodrseI, 01' Man, rarer and.'of murtie, Dlpty Doodle. Biblical ditty. swig by Ford Leary Itrornbontst). -was the standout_ `end while the purists mind set up the nitre! cry'oireaerililRtous Mont the awl -- dewier* Lion ,of the Kern delete. "the handling wee so good that Soren they WOOld be restrained a b11 thou admiration for the Clinton arrange- ment.

buddy Clate proved agate that one of the better sang Millets of the day. It there was ever any, donna at to Clerk'aabeitty to.,se l a song it vnutd be dtspaütd,' alter a hearing here. with Change Partners. fteº!t end ,Scoot and Se Note'ite offered In evidence. And ellmªtxlag the pope a's4 Qer.hwln'e tnmortal Patin" need -Bert number. It 4W1 VMesaºrifp ,So. thine with destine - Wm, humor ned' a more, understanding tench.

>, rnnar Whitney. from lloltgwoodard toe Paramount lot, make. the most of her trio of tap rcuttnee eusdoAers a atmr-

by appearing .In en evening gown d of the canat inevitable tights.

s`ae ta, etc. Prank T lbras. fresh Item his clowning

at Billy Rose*. Casa Mnnnh:., routs with ttsteirteages and gives out with a brand « « ernedy hake that eteakM tip in tauRh- ability what it saelo tit orlgtnatfty. Pao resistant. huidentslly. lt-te a in.OIY vole(' tint &see es a better fate than 'taerelP a se a buts hie the tibiae Raxa.

But with all tltta ta'ented resto. It ttatained for Sloe Warn. Clinton vocalift. t0 flap the shoe in eta tracks. Vocals in D1pry Dads try Revertr ttorUiat and m afro, Clinton anraneoeiu.ret of a- Saes- atte real Dedtab aria weren't enough Ike G`t,er thb attdlonee oe this reviewer. and Clletomy ~bast of the terrine hand nil his warbler and bis retitled to aa- Rtti her to do a fifth number netted ism a very cool ycúttertng,of applause at The end of the sho.w.

&rani half leBob Burn.' Date *tamer Ice Pura- a,urt. The A.kaneas ituceter, and, lb addition. a short featuring the Itaileotter P hith Armonk Orebetra playing gehubeite 85:npttegy No,. B Illnintithed 'taaphony)r Presented one largo screen.

this contained plenty cat entertainment, betterrpleeta of pantomime_ The humo« 'value for the etaas:ciata In the.houae_ la dependent upon burlesque. of the

Dentet Rtehmaw trained home and the Inugha ate bud and long.

Jean Mona Is a dancer with graos and a teeming loses for modern tunea. 1_tert- deth V: the girl einger with the band and sbe dota J(wb, Maestro, Pirase moot. capably and away. the audience with u reviva. Of ~end Bond.

On tes, screen YCUM Takes a Fling '(Oniterael)t Rex ifcCeseac:t.

Hippodrome, Bristol, England

(Week of Noserber 14) Brutal Hippodrome to One of the ,Stoll

Tour. molt' out.oftowin theaters end caters to a largo audio. once in a seaport city. Ou:rent pi'o- gram le of goad'ntandart,

Constant* Eva1M. anipgt and grace- 'fuI acre, dancer rrho has played several senora lit ArVAr(Ca. stores with a neat routine.

Qarveyp and' Mae. typically` English, Cross chatter comics. get plenty of Laughs nnd'take three solid calla,

Jack La Vler and Ruthiº Morgan, Americans, hate o Corking set with LA Vie/ burlesquing the man an the flying trapeze. It''I mirth -provoking ]revel comedy. Earns the couple, merited en- cores.

Archie Glen, doss a stew. Is natural arid rite funny mannerterns, bit --bee material bred. atrenggtbcbtng. :Hickey - Brothers and Alice. American

'^hake" trio. are -meal to.thla audience end stop the show oclirextth a rositne of enjoyable fooling. Alice. easy -on -the - eyes redrboad, has good pipe;

:Connor and'.prake. tiro -man eoancQy team. win laughs. Act le Intr. .Jack Henry does nicely-wttb,a melon

or' tuneeful whistling that le app re= elated. "

Senator 'aturpby. American not. artl'tra th.trn with that, timely political, mono- log of hata, IlweU 'delivery end nifty gem,

Seyrriñur nerd Iii. Mart, Hatters Band follow saran cooled" recta and atilt achieve a show -stop with a hokey routine tee which the music-good as it Ls-takea second' place. -A_norel offer- ing and built for laugh*. Rent RCM.

Ciiíáue,.Medrano, Path (Rep(ered Tue clay.. Rye %lisp, November*?

Topping tbo_aplendld,fare offered, here is Harry Kahne. the American.. lluspendtd head down, this remarkable mentalist tuóompiuben "Impossible teats,."' Pbr 40 fuitwea. Ian keeps hie Audience spelt - bound with the moat extraordinary dam- Cratratlon eat seen in Pori.

Gree orreee. the flying fool, for his finale. from '10 feet tostop IC Lent from. the ground by neon of a loop around his neck, a set»Qtlonal climes tee a wva=liked atticlde act:

The Plse ltatehas. hnrtnonica tnne+ antlthe, are okoh.

Crabs,. clefmineg tie is the only man In the, world to bainneee himself on one rinser. gets a solid bend.

Mize Hsnieon. eliarpoihoeter. mullet be: targets too 0111n -to make her act le- t.reating_ '

The -}louts Brotheir . American earteh net, had ,1 bard brine with a:dlmault, Last Mienbet, 'making 'tire attempts and no dice and lessen* the rent and rat :sod to Wake a bow. Appian«, stopped mho show three Minutes. The boy0 ubOuld'have re- turned.

Elva Sear Trio, hyd-working serest hate cloring epot. The Edwards. eques- erlan fact., and Clown trams: Alex and Porto 1104 Ilea and Loyal. are held over.

C. U. chain -bow.

Palace, Akron,, 0. (Resfetred -Sunday Afternoon,. Noº. 4)

Johnny iibtei) DavI, and or. ehestr., pitta three acta two of w,llieb. the Andrews Staler, and Panay the florae Me soars, provide nn almost Sour -long show that -carne ar near Wind- bag up another box-office, record here.

Doylies trend was better than the ever - get. the Andresen Iil$tors were a gist

carat and Pertly the none a novelty time equal of which bas ieldom been seen fete.

At the head of a'good aging band, the ncreroa coenedlna workp harder then any entertainer' to appear here to e long time. It there b any doubt of what Is ~III by 'a jitterbug, a peek si Aria working will clear the home. Be wine an nadienee and bold. is by giving it mote end ntlil trote. Duet swine' 6d the trumpet and nwtngn tits lima sofoe- What L more. 211 putsna much .ncrgy into directing' n number ne httiback hitting a stubborn pine. Every move to ahnwmanly. A battle novelty scores big.

The Andrews óütOt bane a good rou- tine el atage anutnnw and th4y sell it Atesandw'* Reelimge Bend la their

_eft newsy the Horse la one of the

A. B. C.,. Paria (Resíom'sd Friday St.eatap, O{iOber ISj

Wttb 'tbo best'and.most ttolortut_ahow of the Yaar,.thO A, t1. 0. la .playing ,to caíaemce.

witltout.a big name band, had

the mimic critics name three they eon - Mitered the' beta Itidt'ridual" plaSeta In the country. The result 'wan the torrnlnth of Django Rtetnhardttit Band. With a pretty English Mode. Beryle Davis. na (Motet, they play Linseltaaie Akers. leentbeth Welk, 14h41t lacy le Done, Please Be' Motet and Serino, Gutter to a boom gone mais:c mew

Charles Troves.. also feet erect. hrt,bls taival' sitmmein to plugging his own cou- paelttona. Naomi- Leal. making one lip - ~ace betoel going to the Stater on erovember fl, %new, the eXOtle da pcea of Palestine. ,A sure Hollywood pro pe -e. 'poorge ,Mimeo- and partour buries rue

sA apache dance 10_* peek hand. Other geed' numbers -are Nilly OalotL.,stn lll4 bar earn co ipo.ltloma., and`Robert /tea*, /See VAUDEt'lLLk RJTV11:11 pe$V 36)


CHP Z C1114.5. ow - CHICAGO THEATER, Chicago

Dlocct:en-FDDIE iL'KORT. MCA, Chicago.


I IIIUIi11i11I11tt11llltyll,lI11111111111ü1i11 I'Iip11UI11111111L1 I ILIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIUplllllllikfllltE







Write or Gell.ln Pér'aort


Night Clubs - Hotels -Theaters - Fairs

Fair Seerotaric-s,'Park Msnagsrs and Other Talent -Buying Vahan té Ilse CoAweritiée-Bo.avro I. look in lip at the' Hotel Sherman.

in1111tI11liilf111111111 nffidpail1 1111111111 0 11 91l11111111g11uniiiim 1111 ultilimilmfrx

/ / /




iOance Stylist Loew's State Theatre, 1:7&. -Seek 'November 17

Met: Slmñre A'ena Mamie* V. Yates ......... I

JAYNE JARRELL Extends the Seasonl.. Greetings to L eryono-

PiTTSBURC S HEADQUARTERS FOR AIL TRAVELING ACTS- tlVarllra.r building. 719 Lltrrty A.v.n -P911$11arca,

.trlantic 1509--AIIsstic, 1810---Ceuit $07I--Ssacnlev' ,1401,



G G G NtAT'[OPYtNO Min TRAttSPOSITQN. Ream 106 ttrte Treara pit.. Ilri and arera.t Sta.


PHONIS Walnut S9BB. Ssstaryi 4241. ,

T1l_ IF. ..TIC LS 512?O ~ill Ave. Ftztilto City., Nair York

:j' Thegillboard MIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE Nil-od'na[alTr- 26.7 '19311

s zgel ü, t le

Bthging II

NO1'liEl`ItttV1' OtttQn: .51,I7MI rite sent!. Mental for brint;lntr Ibnok to Dread-

- way, Yaa ray Oay DetnefSea Club.,tltie atnre 114 yatec}enr: Z. mar. he atatl- mUpéreft,ISut.lkhat>,aaU uhy; t brfog,thestt bu Idtnyl} ltaeino.< they 11rem10oda .box ar7lcn a7edei th presented tá e rlRbt'

elm* iAonnrey of Solo poly .nndt fda: renown' the Qhtrrp SLterr.. C7rrarloY Blnq,(remapitlepg'no;liral, rue vte tnuatcal

11tJLL tÍAKDY ~nee' the Knriioua D(eMv.lbrk-CJt7 night-club Wilt, paY

i NCIieS1SaK'+sea t>orh la thou' Yark,_ He Intltkndrd '_óttty-ti.mot hightichooi Aa;whpº than wan dnllettyc Coei,- t lid taa becaclo.'an inatrJatar at the ílllaru:ng C:1otIIlral - atyOrand O2nlr

-trnt P.tlnco in


.0*.day,.-uMa the tiuiáes tiet8. tCr 7aail- iou 1>dQ end tic p-riz-Ag 5tear were. In

I vogue_ Arthur Afurray. 'Inel- dehtaUy, r- 01 ü:ll. 7nntrtktüt tGihrd{í; and they Alti `much to clvliiºs,thmn

---' dnnOon and moY.o bidJrocgrS..dianCing gop'ntnr.

tt'aldY. `7at'Or ,r.abíritited w,idh Jock end Oharllea' plao'. Be b!'aatlae in- tend ted en Cthe ,rooadl,,daya- ,anti opened bta ró

d' fe

vcn Day 1Vlnetke' CIUb'-'ié IlgO, Jie"lA a}71Tf'addliki Po the ..oópoctionr ottendlnit.a1tC'Aontl 4md antWtte r.ªten hi ids inpare Mlle. tl7r ochrir hólEb'g and rt'aTeatlem le 'tfolf. ` At,,thr' dab he; Js rcaeitttYr nngroallóii-ln Watafling'a Steve Ilaodlo ,l

Room. Brothel

He b married to_ Evelyn, (tto>,ra, forrarr?Jesfiald beautYi

i 'I

ayS mrr:.rpw Arn el

By [3Il.I.. NAITY .

üciltbt tt éáit he 'done Ia.-ever" 'a

i eDOt. VanVanrindL'i<7at+p ,hela /top- n.^ccis ti0 'noalltyil' hFu* tQ.pptltttt9n it`o¢es beeroundt ltd,denia'l t7C3tmeat_

tt ínay be túnnr.'but thá ma>,ttnode tne p151/4o ajlo come here arel'Outlre .d ttá ;dºself0ij117lc7it it1 OtatortalnmenthÓ W1 'tlrriY ails en . c kg ...kW, "thó 'rodio= goes =go'fGr these oldtim,ren atare 1>jetor tótend

4ón i+u pºwi tl:-arpag 1dtlagoá'ante

t.7lritt ryiher,mcdtutiü. ^ St4érñl of m3' OEL= they. 'o're"ºt'eye 'ng/. when they ,ap¡icre. fArialhaetb have .sle Program'''. "Cato dnyn:" ' 01111 Wb ,-,yet rtt

Ti; wan back Whin!, 2 was- nssttolattd, Igt'erae fhfJiy poucr'Irrne end pext col:"

r ers'

WSW Jrt,k and. Charlie ibet' I?aterled nne r.Roi'nre crsntYl t Lila' tb

[eollect t4 r >}' ers, prrnme, clatb'tee andonutseltica, end tnt tasty !or say pta.te._ ,Novr thcr namce 1<Aieh t2tqle parente molt ,bªT'g tlw t1Detzom the menr and Indleativash.

Clay 7Qfaatló8 rtal,growlrhg 710 amrall to told tT,ent abouts Thr+p a1º exalN',be. roome. hare4=alPrtth; rolltt., I hltYc.the ^BTOsthst exus0'my 8pó1 seanaa'dt.ffrt'o(it" to:them ]a11641 e:]yb. .Ovrtº['1*,OOit,Ot[tr.tY klepl cofrecttarl ,or thgntor progmrens nerd and Ile , i,hnar, frOtth Rlta Nwingy paex `their hta,theclt :catxceloate to, tatiC tLre 1fCh 1te In tlil +mrirl.t. 1"rloDda:eltñtL _- - 01 the fmtly problotfrt In Very emtalt aRmp oC ththqr nlgili clubs cl Iti ot7nrn ot ea ,tt. over thetr ereltt, 14qte, tq,r.te mñ*t of'thñtn eomm'Patn lebrltlai--patllClltrzrlye,tbole o! -the rópomfs ta Srodq"ryplátitiºs. d=' girl otrkadt obi actors- Lames. entet!tá,Inmentlle.d-oioo;xe6i,t1a7rpRtYutrs. Or ns.'a.ipaYoSl,to frlwrtle for favors. '

I Fe1I[i Have Attraction They 'come isut tle málrJh to bo aren but Alt1m there tlt erttll thl,n, gold' ittino. to,

J117lata I.QVetali'áilldr'r..-.adóp'RtulAtsan ter abagrb the ntmcdphene'rCmd- be rrlttt 51! tAn I;at-C71nCx 'litLrtlltosa,

Nelda .rl q tsoots ºñc ul,r.a 'eou nLce. 'rhElt aró,na grcatgr arazhlprra ILhoseee tiiall, tollcw off' 4ü - oar ccntCite 9 Mi f 1110 ]lcar ahu a- must-; ,lrint_ ;' Gonoeeutinoea

of 11t.c thitlga 7ratmns,8top "toa. Thoy. -Of the itPra of esterdap than, the.,tara Mmll'IIn_ tbe pnt.e:o afar bóOotaing coq- geó' a k[ck'' out Jof^Spike 9incsleon,dL, hie -'m todaY. dclovtf,ttrnt ho(b!Oeingata1in4'for a reek. brr5nn t(ott r sod tts.ab,f C:ay' 9he erult

4 1ng tand';tad alriéolt rtte 'lenáttlg. mnnller

singlris/ the otd: boll a;lndnlñ hunm.rrúlic Collcetion Isr,1lpltprtant - tips. IlSttpiis'rorrcesrJotiétn,are'br+nr7r- , CAnt neAt!dl thr pllat4afatere nse]low. in. tsp POl;tnt tr tho* I eNtt .df4rOrntp`Cnr tor t1el! a,etlNteM,It' other 01Nte rto ltlri

eldenkni7y.`tfie 1tiR U Crmn the ,e2d .79u1- ttra,'coltectfonandlsplay. ThnroY'outtin`t Crerc ot the lexal decline; At paar,=!1.

,Ylattns, 1illdrq ?Jogfe[d. ':lllatth;tmd' be any tOorn to 'do'n'n. Dpata7rD ,I odtelde O! :'egw Yárk, t!onaselotreta- ean

,J +8rnd ttJ' a.e 1 the L earn rootus fuLbtrralb tivhlc4 I hnren,vt ap07a=lag In t?ttlladt:iplVn,e8Oat09i, Baltt-

Ñeddx+atY, at4rtoQY1tt 4o0o Tba.ard, 41i -u pour of i 7Yondar' lO1io'a 111trsMy Fe

ben Swot:,en5.'4f; t1e Itlncte Crows: J a We" c: We TYetts,Rugé7, Sps):e Harrison n r,ul JolulrtSte,ei arc rs'few,.'PC the,, Lalg_^tt ilnrirn'p¢r thc""Rood Old de ye' 5:110- hare appeared at the Clay NtrtQtlt'xt- `- -

awaking of the "good ;:old dayYh"' thin "what really shirred' the 'po'y 141nrt11. h^rQr}' time I lara7rt the "good old days-rmcr!t8aoed.I wondered] about_ Moe: It they atrio no ro+)d, 'Why 'shciylrt:n't'.they. be good.tadSFt That win e ight ycaata a:.ut nodUetl ,'tOt,d

y+' dOrd,

dn'hnvg exertnl4ly.'bertt gent to tn9,

Sentiment Not Enough YOU.,enn't, btüag the oleftlntera' beck

rar limn sentln U cat --uy must here andintenandstand on thetr OWn,,two feet -

/a« at Joe fiowora: 'tiB may 1h1 7n yir tira olcl, bin there's nothing dÓddºtttigk sbrnit hti:l. -Lew O,ros"vn wit; in' here Cie

ha u'an maenad' at Juº,' dellvorytóf :the ad sangfe}`fle' Crecy.= One olas. The only -thermic I' can dO' I* putt Rtt,tn,ln thelr Tl' lo, ect/ing, which

think. o m 7 thi -eery lmptatit, VnC,+ta aChláre¢ to at, Rrant'extent ley

the e ten a'plínra,atáC t -e,ayr 1Jncale.a_ it la,üthtutlo-eT'0,'t13ÑtQ,r le,, frvtn Rte

tmntlre decade. I gU`Ss Uutsasetltea mtlab nqrforcrn reel meore at hem) Iiíe tJte 1t,C4t F5404 t0 ,agtxtaa -gl4tatvGtrea- R'taey,eteh weaar.etotlece of',that 'perlocL'

traé audleneo lb- the proper rltop rt mob, to receive rl,. bes ármob,leavedd

bl` the surrMendtlysran ere tread7D trjrtry at ,thttr`bgOr, That.*rñ_ghtg ~runt.leñ- tun~runt. The entire netting 1's 1n'tcepLny; 1Vlth OW cater tatlt'afent-ttttrts Very' 1

) and ess, o le 1Sa, rc mcro 'and Chlengo. f.áitb;agó t feihXi:, that the 'txttcr,yolt, Snd',tlmétó [aaotarlyo>1b1(n'tf'tYénule -

treed y,oti °'ecfotyotern titc bettor thld arc telvLted_to vicar' thaaó aB9 time rgepttn_d1, I Irriru9e' eyorr 444F 'ad rtbom e

' MeNALLYI'S 0. 201 tor i2.000 while thay_ e:ltertslln hero r3o,dgn t-:.e]I the -seadrOld ear." hart.

they CC!!r` embo?rtinlmónt-end often tike tv play-the,b[g shot,

Tree gala of trinket's aPd. noveitieel;Jflttr cnmrl5 they IL71 for tO or 90 tine= more thetla the normnl .'uilie..acooimta !arils gctserbtt of thte *fonts., Out Mille lnildh omphs+tles le pL'% ed oni (hit - e0tiroc:; d re'renue'l checkroom men Prefer tohput their .:trey; 4gkeee unfit roost ehopeil madden,. In the wo:drobe_checcr'ootn ,u tats t t moat profitable. »Boat, to thee Lot

r á. er,af their 'Loeportimee. nre now -




Check Romers P Out aI?lhon rr;: : {, ,,< ;, Pr,+,In,

For gh Club, oñcess%on Spots I,rare rt -n I'r,-" I - '- PRICfl ONE DOLLAR ' 'NPW.a0fI10HT, OIr101NAL COM*oY

y I 15

evinW:le.e ,Arr, JtiPoetls- , nM. .puar

FYgllrré'-i>3 for Iew York aluu ethcr citilt-cepiontlgc of pretties a problem -1)92k. I'

rlxptciic: theater hesldllcdlegEurnoar ,+I7rli's raise ditto ,t

BUM íaa Ift.`éiira

C-nDpW i117lRClln[r out to

,By. SOL. ZATT '(Coofinlird ,iii peynl"31 nr combatliytdteatelentineetly'$&lit'ey '

the4nertor) the aorta. éPerates. ord.of °aon. Ono ',p4ptalar'eyebem, la ,i nvtttads ,'the' atria around eve two Ñr[kUa eii a 7ilft1nRt01tpthj,a end Ono /Its. I

corporal t15nE' p1nGa tYat.tlM.li6 naa- r rnoªtha and, at that. ha,vgn ,nnn WPM/ chin co 14 , dale ten_ Bert -elm ln aid en. °aY/c'thcrn- A,leádwnlecr. In t''rmr'oltln tn11y., r154. X1555-- heavy ,olaa!m Lbat wntc5ca char tram. nee IntltAetfonnll-Cnalnn! Rent.' when Je oirtt'r8ed 'fro(q, benkruptéY, he became caco o1 Jfis directora:

Other big night el,lb oxnensr.lonot-C nre Senn Morales, Mho- brie the -8t_ Worth% El C Niel ó and Vernndteer C2u-aIn ond' n0xa, with. the Ilfotlywo,od,_ Rea- tn Brent, wlrem,nnd If' It operas:' Albert Ahrens* and' .1.4011, send RnlplefideileL There la oleo .Ducar' 111arkmIah, Liao clüttI atth Abe ',mil.; who also has canny canoe(elom at,. the local b`iirilr b,inserb There are, a tOtal of 637 -cent ceaalone=rn'lllracnsed, by the Flu

heeding tilt-.eheekern say that -the night 'club "ybst'' ai WlinWLI" nrQiátltt eight month&, rind they take n ticking for tree'other-tbuax.- When- a big spot Ooiw'. now, there t*"'n 'I:ramble and -blddttat 'tar 'checkroom "ptjylle ref. Be - entice of high oompotttiOn.r the COnOee- dl9aer tie llbiley centee ació a yrar'a rent In ndvnaae, In. the it ellar° 'spot*, f0 per ctnt la 'laid down td coals 'luid the .bnlantle, fn' payhstóate. dioneL eenOtolieerr, when aagenng up a elicit. alatipa try to pta,oe the money in º,crow. AO' .1!- the plecc; <chile Oily, get 'their eon' 'baack. Otherileebeir rtberratr Jmtt oUr1rcrehltor. 'Aoadhottses and 'out of the, way, Piglet "phut that am known to bet p galrlbllr-p ale usually evoldedt,na they retirement the la tOtOyt trek tn,'COSO of n raid:

"::otwithetending that, nciwttee. inks moos. ~car problem -of _the -canCal- tower tia. I._.: ,asinal Titers are 11100 het 'Ohebireevi.l i the, e1I who 'meat be 11ttli d1 Visa ,t ,boons. boyar 'tiave" an espionage ay tó kecp,'tsbe oar these hots 271nowt' prtiee eBut'they; 'kñaw rttht pr,;1i' ̀ glair 4h' to edit' plenty at pahintcg going on among tLe.gUlsr acrd

°Often the 'haúatantter btcolo© 'chummy' 'setter the !sere Cr.eelcreorn write/err and __be has to be, Ireitehed; Th ie; are not many angles to- the ;game t ibt.the ope,'ste'aept on a'cunetant run= ding Jump. ^from place -to pMaoe. aback- Ing'on the house to mnko.aure the gala dn0't innhe 'away with tee, much, of the dough. '

The .only, reel' protection they.. hate la the looked box T hero- the. nosey le dropped, rind), ahlte,the' girls wenr'thusece wttbotet TtockMt,,.thay' still hIW'It_very collveir1ánt to heck nwa? "'Mg bill, Ja their pcntlra-- The ,gtrla-ore: su'oposedrto spilt 510 end ever tips with the ,

,h.ot :many figure It 'á their charm. that ?gets the, customer .to part With dal,7far oiib, ne, why should rtheyapllt?

Tho' bong hop it pretty Nice."from robeckirrg `th'e Aimee _ e night., what Tire gt'oss table-'nbenhld tale, rood If surer a wool .11 g inlet tee' ctmelt, tel,bvuhei. to -a new crew. -

Enlarle* run. Ito' 030- tops In, Uhtz big spots.- but, man. In, the. a moots vier, or, n K an up.

"wise to x11 tier aíhelce a sane, CO -make tbetn+ahee =muob more than

N ta n. LI. lnirts rule anna ]i. :NI °II ,d an a e eu d'frr.r' er

wwwwrt il,anrta. xg o, 1' tº. in. lol eviM JO ter i': o.:16 1121. ,..:fn!.at WM. MCNALLY. ,

I $! Est4 ifSlfelSlrecte New York 11

THE !BOOGIE-WOOGIE ° I Lao 'ral!-' tin oY

aala natao

J4F1NNl(' lV .71SON 1aa WtarlºASTN eT., pb.n. , axa=r,t u.r aao



r}'i'r'aah In rerrme-eba , ,wteeel .oe1(.tpt' tt d.ód, d 'Icatree,"i t7 tNnunt + n'uti Ru,n4`rbw aL.l.e'r, IWra," AMradfw" S

It :Pie. nurt',11r1 4t ,ilel'LS, '.a,a,u..'^r c-gryr 'ilium srIrrr,,,a MO-, ]l a 4011arr to .- rer e,M a+t'I]>re.b.les ldart<.Yiedemrr.

WWOleoyera_-n. !'i t#.Rp.gtrd 7NIM1rrr et'yle+P.

tati t it.ld'6 ` abri+tstró - eltaéetirswéi ,fit elnitnV La,faa'W.tWinoL.Nr1+YMtptr.


I ' M.pOp T.1ck P TM,.nI w61 WrpYR l6 )=.ü I alt: Yet OI.C4'w.e -' ,.M, Ta, x1 Itt- ilaee,lO, Oant. atqnal 'ran 6,

Si GRANi'rS MAGIC STUDIO, _ c7 W. 42M'at.. ire.i Yvt, w Y. l'

Those who


' ! Alit week ' d ° TY( h I

¡¡, I " f.b: t-sr1nt';'.Lnr.ttl.l Cttab.

n ^_arn( thClr"rnlnry. Their bÍgvot ~tree of -`onLOA ART *CnYIC. reznve la making dnt.s wtthºttatant: es -u oucush On. ggbl0b UT/ Torrey kr,ep. `

'Ploxor .niut; <trine Otte ^enn tonally clean, op a;,n,a,t penny, depending, of coulee. om thet¢ roue* sbinFy. Tide; job tlitQif4a more -pre ±utla" ¡and l\lt':tmii)- shtp then tha,ord7nefy hatohalkdltlrl .ends nectasnry. Th'r,girle ipeddunaLRt?¢ ttoSetttesotnd Oowcrm uitte7tyy:*pot- `ranga l.rst nnil' o CO vsnrlc-no tlaefr girl' friend'', on tlia,rcory that ,the IYie7e la at Ida

11a'Áthroli9a best when 'eterrott. Yokels ore, oho apbttad xi;g0end,Llattlñ bacathlíe




"Llri or TttGf'ARTY tCi h _rtrr.?iN'

.t,tut--,ol .f4ltUt1 -11.1.a) r - tb *me. eat traYek 9iAa. ' np.1r. SR r-- 1.....k. (WW1 .f.en'.QicqiEa. --ttl r --me ' ' 53.50, o absir. 'I PyYIÓ alrep10 nan'sIOR: ^ JI = .i517 5str..a;tr. New'YCety

TOLL TitE AGYfiRT113fiiri IN THE ,f31'114.13'oARG WHERE `YOU GOT

hl"8 ADORE89. r

Notíentber 26, 1938 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 8S

Grosses NEW YORK-Mu/So Ralf did good

470,000, with its. wooed week of The Teelry t* Heart= else u state show tee - miring the Drtents. Bonita Ortaiin And Tray and Lynne, Loewe State glossed

f a.. p27A0o with Mdltonatertee scrawl r.rek sad the film Young Dr. Kildare, compered with hie first week (672.0001 When he hind Yoe Can't Take !t Wtt,h yTthe

htrand pulled a solid *30.000 for the second week M. Brother Sat end ]high Herbert ;qtr 1t1 DoTh Buda Bend) ekimpared with the bull's $44.000 Its asst week. The Paresnotit;t'a third week of Yea With- Miner and Raymond ~eta Quintet. *lark Warnewee Rend rind Max- ine Sullivan did *24.000. ennaparr4 with 1624.000 the twee( netone and *40.000 the tint week_ The Roily puled a neat *30.000 for the second week of That Cer. tar Age and Red, S.olton eompired with the tint weeka'$36,000.

For the current week the. Paramount clamed stroax wfth The Arkaiteal Tray. ikr añd Larry Clinton's Band; the Mule halt appears headed for poor week with Sliry,O1or40ea Teem: aim /Vary well probably do -around 430.000 with Its Ssbarortna Patrol; the Strand *teens headed roe *25A00 on Its third and final week.of tier eutuent +how, end the State stains set for o goad week...with Ella Loian,.Joe.Rlfra4731.9d and Steblratater:

CRICAC10.-The week panted without any rendue"box-otece dlstutbanoes. Some Minder Wee noted to the Ciiftwge, where Prenkte Masters end his band moved in to 'Orr life to the second -wee[. bold - Over of Sues end Mooed with a Leer enough 131Á00. Gypay-Nose ILeela unit M the relaorn a oorulranlcd by Seruteo ae'tttze oó hicreñii, attracted only it foie $10.000. Mere 'ai expected Of the stage rune. In Its Snot Week -1n the seine ce L iniak. ar 9cheefer, 8tayi-1,40e erlth a Wannrr.quielle Rrr004w03' Wetke- tote* and a tiro -set bail bad a w ak ell *00' to show for It. Home. reoperte Centime* week under tit, Raisons & Sail MMus cement.

DETROrr,. Fox- Theater. with stage hell óonaletLír, of Billy Dhaka.' lkonneen and Sevltlif. Shea end Raymond, with strong pax. You Can't [tike -ft WUA Yon, Bowed iL35.000 In the overage *20.000 bateen._

LOS ANOELE23.-Paramount, with Ken With 1451nm and PeeM Mega Chow with "Rube Weirs Ork. tell 12.500 belaw average, ptceetng but 16.300.

MONTREAL.-Lo eves , took n' aligtht ntsetlle+e' with aleact- muds ,rill and Veretlon Frose Lóop, with,only 10,500 in the take. Norm to eí1000.

PHILADELP TA, --Jimmy Dorarra.Ot- Model. timeline n bill Including the An- dreae Sisters. Slim rand Slum plug Win: Ohteratórr groused $30.$00 et ebe ran* Thhlter.

Piitsbiirgli Clubs Reopen t'ITIRBURGH, Nov. 191-Ater [wine

'big spot to Joe Beaker, who lellemed It lba Lincoln Terrace, Eddie Peyton_ has iropeced his rlub.under hi Own name. Spot ',tats 000i feature* Jimmy Oamble'e Ore/metre..

Vine .laofttoo, Stanley Ibenter must. MM. 'hne opened 'else Villa Sartlno in Mt. Lebanon. where he books thee shows. beefed by Curt'Oudkert's Orchestra. The Bold seientey bUlroorn, has unatluttered for Priday end Sattirdnr ,t*Steing to Vet imtatf of en 'Art Mies crew fronted by Jack Wilton.

terry Steele I. reheearwtng a revue to fropc _ the Afarlom Casino under man :assent of Sam Bland1, ~ding lees 3rkreu:

Webster Had is temporarily elating Empire Room for dancing-

wS lD.itrlleitlOtle" Hit Studios PrrnssuRCIH. Nov. 30.--111terua are

t~,üne :rho (mice-,telleeO re=renwva hro In attempt to hypo' btinnees. Willim Penn Hotel leads foray laji boarOoai ~Mg'. g'. with Qharlcs O'Connor ` and Jelin Thaty. Arthur blttrray trestruchren. leaebt ng customers In the Chatterbox L4wstuae Welk'a Rand abet* with Lain - b lle Wade. eWrnorestrntecres. At Hallam ~Me dance team 'Dilly and Unity Miriam axe doubling n4. entertainers anti teachers of the, Walk.

N. O. Club Starts Anew NEW ORLSAN8 Nov. te-Henovated

Club Belvedere. formerly, Golden Pump - ha has opened with Dseteb AOdrue end ark arad floor stow. Under new manage - !neat of At Nicholas.

Record' Doubling LONDON. Nov. tile-fficyt week.

Bobby Wright and Marten., Assert- can, comedy team. chalk up .a reseed in_icng-*[[lloro doubling titatm_

They ,play'' PerterfOutb Hippo - (home,' twice nlghtly.veude. and the Club.' London., midnight Door allow.- I)tstanoo'bott:e ii tila two spots is 1H olla. - mil cnnatlttktea rah Fagltab record:

Spokane Vaude Out; Film Dearth Blamed

SPQKJtNt?, Nov. ter--Vaude folded last Sunday et the Pest Street after' tour weeks of .four -day balls Was only house running resider weekly stage entree.

' Atteatanee was oft 40, per Meat from lest aenañn. When we ¿[rowed an aver- age of 12740 per naturen-dry etand' foe 27 weeks, but primary reason far drop- ping eldo was leak of'that-rnn_ plc- aocompony it.-Manager llllam L. Ewes said. _ The chain Jf Eresgreea theaters operating -four movie ihauiwa) tied up everything with any b -0. pull, Oven the independent talenses. People would study' the lobby p:ettlee stale and then turn away. -Regular oustomere said quality of Bert' Lever circuit vaudo was tatter than last year.''

An Intarestlñg sidelight was that hart week nearly all patrons were,orer 40, poling people nil going to rural' "Otter- bug- dance nerve beaked to special at 'the,OrpheunL

Niagara Falls One -Day NIAGARA PALLS, N. Y.. Nov. 10.---

vaudevtlie. which 'te definitely 'on the up'avime: in WesternNeff' York. lis now beer presented by the Strand Theater' Nrtday nights: The Midnight Ramblerree a l0-plece'band,playing-regularly nt'flso 11014 Niagara, here piny far the show billed nn Amatáur Night, dews*et. be - odes des the amateur contestants, profce- atonnt talent le bloUgltt In. The erne - emirs win prises of *15. 510 and r5. The whiners of the first 10 contests wlU com- pete for free trip to New York. where. thru tie-up with The Cam Montar -a, they will audlUen-

AdeOleafon 'Is 25 cad 33 cantn. Bunl- aeseincreased from 52004o 1300 a week *Moe .the start of tints Friday night show,

aci Capty la 2.100. Adern C. Raytnan i owner end George SlecRe ina'rmanaging dL-et or.' Tónllin Draws Well

8PQKANE . Wash.. Nov. 19r -Pinky Tomtln'e show did .a little Letter than average hue -trams Thursday thruSunday at the °eels Kura, k'her* 1t, was billed Ab3ad'ot two first -Rya nlekera,,:iaaakir Russell Brown reports- Average bush newer for, stage shows et the Orphwurd meene the 1,300 seine ere Stied' to m - peaty , goad *hare of the time,

Entertainers Are Killed 1tAR1fi3DVRO, Pa. Nov. le. r Two

nigh: spot entirtaine:a were killed near ntr0 last week when returning Scorn an engagement* at 'a country spot near Carlisle Tiro others riding 'tn the cif were Injured._

Saatus r J. Tharp. 2.3. guitar pieyer..and Mn_ Mary Prebee, 02. ptanfat, both .ot Harrisburg. were the VlCUrnt.

DuneeraDuublein "hie trucllout' PTrrsistmGlf. Nov. 10,-As a bwt-

neeo builder- end low -eoat floor enter: telftment.- Wllllem Penn Hotel - in Pro - muting Charles O'Ooamor and llnrgaret Trusty, Arthur Murray teachers, as ex- hibition ballroom 'team that `dfrublee as faculty` for patrons who compete^nigiotly In champtstne-dance contest. Chstter- box Ilse. conducting Veé"at Wane cOfaeet ellmtaattOns In h -up with Loes'k Penn Tlrc'atSr_

New Club1e in Java BATAYIA. Jam. Nov. 13.-Zoe first

dancing resort -to Install air-oindlttoadng bete will be tise Au Chat'NºIr,

Another etub-due to open ,shortly in LbRt city will oer;eltr Ile taxi &stares -a fresh sln^Ppore and Salfian. This wilt ne the Met club- to employ taxl'dancem in the Netherlands Indtee So Kai it la no' wet" whetter either of the -two club WUL book mete and Mature, floor rho s

. Wrestling ,Nightly Alilw~k,eé'C1ub

MILWAUKEE 'Noy., tD -mra Terris. proprleter at a local Kittery. Y spe nerinngg acme 20 entries 'in The NerrreSetstinet Diensond Belt tournament to be held November Mint* DeOember 5 -at Pxtdte Wi,th'e. Puttart,Uo . Dallroom here. Club Terri advertises It Is the only ',night Club Inillsa wOr'td feet -Meng ~wrestling :shows nightly Spot offers Dgatahowe boated by Dick Pritchard.

ICEYOSRA, Wis., Hoe. 10,-Lee and Roos Perry tlaaleutterod their Timber Ridge Camp near here'Novómber 12 vale Cherie Adsrnaac'a Ork.

HARTFORD, WM., 7[4ík. lg.-Joe and Norbert Remmel hero Opsaad 'the 321 Club brie with Jimmy Wher and his Hollander* as the opentng'bend. Norb Rommel formally rttaattaed the Sabwnrtz Ballroom here.

Singapore Night Spots SINOAPORS. 8. 8.. 'Sept. 34.--n-4,3

month the folkovi'lag_arttate ere rippers:- 1ng In popedar.Sttraapare apnea:

At the Rattles Hotel are 'Phyilts and Jamo*, rend et- the Sea View Hotel ere Trevor and Dorn.

The New World cabaret presents Stella Silvsrtmann

Soft Drink Nitery Opens RED BANIL N, J- Nov. 19.-The

Varsity Room. new nitery, opened with Micheal Cardner and "'hued Rhythm` Oreletetrs_ tjott only sold-en 1n.noidtton In north. Jeatiey slaate [Ctrs iiie-negemcnt. boners sae mostly hittr- school and *allege youth" who an}oy litterbug' sessions far prince.

Pinata New ,Savannah Club SAVANNAH., Ga.. Noe. l0.-AI' Ressler,

oporetar of the ]argmt,loóal night ciieb, ben - ~based a neighboring tavern known as Johaale't Realer +setd ho expects to rite the bedidirg and con- struct an amusement enterpriee.'of an -entirety new" type.

Agencies AiRTRVB AROVI11R8. et UM Mtttwl

Entertainment " Etchenge, Rochester. cc. Y. bee added several new bookings. Including theI.aYlcyette Citib., llradtcgd. N, Y eportina *'Club. tc,tlett Pa,. and Kerenodrs nut, Bergimmtan, N: y., mak- ing a total of .12 full-time spots and tour weeknads_ . . KATHRYN Dt FFY PRODf7CTrONS, Oklahoma City, was selected by Chevrolet t4 Waage the enter- tainment for Ito West Coast presa meetings_ !Cau 32- poople taruo,thryn Air Au,tejctl.

Dottyp withton- na oar

that lin laded Reggie Roth._ Sheri Mann. Gayle Itñbins,. Dale TwyIot, ' K'ana Dolls Page, Rosanne. Angel and Fats, J7ro RVrepeaq Plasta bad wertere ~t- eat Glamour ' litls.. , - SILLYMcOOY. Now Teak. has added Dewey Pr.grtia. sports promoter._ to hie ,etett. Office handles- Denny Leonard 'and ).tickºy Welker for p. a.'t.

POSTER ,BOOKING AGRYCY, Dalian le tameless band' and floor -show bombe Inge for the new Clamin'ea ChM. Pt.. Worth. Tax., recently opened. Jerry scone Le handling Pt. worth'bookinge for the agency.

1t553&AN SS-rSIN, of MOA; will ~fan in New York emit March mad then re- turn to Rurcepe.

HARRY ~not, or Prosier Agamey, London,. and Dick henry. Willlem Morris Agency. were in Chicago lass week snak- ing the roeuuda_toé talent.

WW1'S nionssS, who set "Arran and Broderick at the. New-Tork'Strwnd. boa arraiagrd other' dates for them. On December 2 tboy'._cpen at the Earle.

-Washington, with the Stanley. burgh. to follow. After' Pittsburgh she act playa Sºrttly Allis Country Club, Newport, Ky.

RAT NAZARRD, New Yorke, ha. eet Chuck aide Chuoklm. the, Polo Step Brother'. end Baron Leer for the Pam,- moUnt, Sprirngtirld., Minn., week 'of No.. rember 23, and 1100k and Bubbles end. the Berry 'Brother, at the 'New. York i'ermount, week of November IOu



DONAHUE And His [Orchestra,


RAINBOW ROOM Radio. City, N: Y.


P. 5.-Thank you, 'john Roy for perepiulon to double from the 'Rainbow Room.


Our Congratulations to jun.'s, Lfnirk ati Schaefer on the Reopening of the Oriental Mower, Chkwgo.

12 XRIM- GUTS Currently - ORIENT/9- THEATER. Chicago

Mgt -RUTH KRAFT. 7140 So. State Se., Chitagv.

36 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE November 26, 1938

,APA Pickets the State, New York

NEW YOItK. Nov. to. -The APA ptiafintad L.oevih stet* last night, el;imtnt DOW had &Icon It "a run- sround" in its rxsottatlohs for an APA ' bop gereen¡eint covering the acts ap- i-Sill, there +: rek)y,

ReTry Caltltti, APA armature. bad sev- eral Mks with Loervl amerce C. ;!nekn- w lts and Marvin Stbanc . who We,. able In contact wtth thin Rey. Strand, Para- mount and Ininic Noll theaters and keeping rest, infeented or the negate - Lion.,

r)ottenck anted that It,rl picket line be taken off tote hot night. which the APA-dirt U Oxr pronto* of another con- farettoe biondey at 4 pan.

SihPriuytn Vii. Ra Cif(CA6o..Nur. 19.- Bluely Sherman

filed ae'tlon aghast Prank RAY. of Rosa, P-trre 0A,4 $'twenty. brie tale weak tux - me tar 51.500 due him under an old tentract Sherman chance that Nneo ptOmie.rd to we him in the art but failed to do to And: a3 a rc4ult he Lost a atiaa' cult Wotk-

Red Batik Spot in Debut till) RANK, 14,3.. Nov. ler--Osa of nits

seat ulterior, to be+ln Bill Sobtduie-bcre In presaant Tttu Kay Ray *nd Billy Finegan ,ate tbnhurtd' edgbUy. Sam Ysaaovle and orchestra play 'for dancing_ - arose De Mn,ria b proprietor end RaneeKoálp Men- agt:a.

D'oyn Town Unit Resnnitcs erne-4GO. ?'.ov. is..-goy, Toren unit,

Produced by the focal COntrai Ifoe+king Office; took to the rend swain yesterday 't the Power, 1Ceonaa City. She's We. returned to Boys Perm- 2.eb recently duo to Illnred et Slam Of the oat mem- ben and hea no- been trtmmod to an h .reek' tuts. foe Minh* house cortaxienp- ton.

Savarin, Buffalo, Resumes BUFFALO, Nov, I3. -Rita Bavaria Cefe

Ira, ro0]rrfod. Spot. formerly wniii ytd by Rosso Veneto and Thary ,Altman, tutor 'OpetatCJ snider Mrs. IleWis Gal- rr,JAcr and Jamul ^tfU(pe. former eat. plop -co at the club

Benny Krugnri eight piers band la_ it -fa -aided for the entire rwoe.

C .p ty L sSO. Band 1a booked by rx R. B. Keln_nd, Butfall, IBbotia booked

Al Norton. Rochester.

Club To Book Unite Only WIl.)t.PJi-RAUIM PS, Nov. iii.-Joe

B1an.esowr er at the Club Mayfair of near- by Yateav'tl.o. 1. 11',r booking unit ;how*. Ht , to the only night dub In tbUU section l .louring a 07Qiplatc Tio r apnea nightly.

KtRBY AND 'DCTVAL say gdomt-bi" to show btomr= after their .current week' sr ithe.Orttrnuil, Canc:go. to ,go Into the retali bakery buttneea Lie Binghamton, F, Y.

Compromise! LONDON. Nary. to. - Pan tom Imes, .

th1 eaenti*tly English Christmas fares Invariably sun true to the story., The one srltitled Aladdtk calla (Cr tihe in. citi ai m la the ceet'al -"two Chinon; Boltatálan.' Trends LLdtier. candor for hie Aladdlw pantorabale' 5t Ole Al- hambra, Brndtord, engaged theKtraku brothers. Jepaneta acrobatic combos, for the roles of Ohlnee poliosrnoa, The -Jaya icerdled et the Chinese rater end aatttimea. Part wouldn't Mew te- sta to Japánoe cbaraotorL'so a com- promise was *fleeted and they hare been changed to Arabian court at- tendsntat

Canton Spot Reopens CAA-roor. O.. Nor'. I tr-thlgtnat Hein

brau hate teen reopened as the Orchard h ula 3ó1_n Crab. with rramk Drama managing dtrtctm. Will be operated on a privets tnc'trllcrnlalp banns. Deems said dance bands 'will be employed regutarty,- with occestomai /Ioa: *bows.

Sheboygan Spot . Open 811121OYOAN. WI.. Nos. 10. -Stub

Wllsºn uttabuttered hi, Ambaawndor Club poor woe recently With :elude by Sammy Krt+rin. Spot features oreheat:a nightly Poetise blOr tyii.

Brandt To Do Ice. Show LOB ANORLDSr'NÓV, ID -Dr- Arthur

Brandt. monetarist' producer fracs Swatter - land. *fea signed to, Wows the proctuc. tton. in A. Frank Rulrponthnite Tropical ice fl-rdela, oDnrtric-far tho'_seadon thin Month. Brandt-sastcee will' be fontured etttncttoO.

Hotel Uties Electric 'Organ L.CNO BRANCH. N_ J.,. Nor; 10.-A

Hammond eaeotrio organ hall bean tn- stalled In the dining'room of the Oar - field Omni hotel here. Bt]t Thompson will preside for thete.datly programs of rc'quet mute.

N.? Y. 21 Club Wine PH!LJtDF2-1THA. NOV. 16.-Zrehntvo

Y.ghte to the name '"21" was awarded to the Murray' Hill Restaurant Corp., of New York. operattY- of the club rat 11 toms 520. atrect. by T Moral Judge Welch here this weet. tffc NaVwYork club led sought to restrain- a '21' Club" In this city from using the name. ' The Now Yee* Club did' not seek:damages.

String of Nut Clubs Prrnintito ., Nov, I0. -£deranged

by mounttrtg trade, Al nird.lew flu -Cur of the Nut Howe, ere planning to open n eihntn at r_ayltrine In otbrr Citkok Motif In Informal inn. o1-.bado stories and Impromptu ribbing by tetent sit cufeting from table to table. Eire/there will be aided by Dave Mcrcim a third, who doubles as a Na r, York photog- rapher.


LJRETT LEE Now Appearing at


Exclusive Mawsgernee -(AMES' L. SAPHIER. RICO i.uildlag; Radió 'CRy. New York. JI


UAZZO'% E and Foncliorr & are° Present


A'RJIOTT Direel From Their 5outh American Trlenphi

ROXY THEATER. New York, Wick November 18.

Pittsburgh Can't Get Right Talent

PrrIgSTJROH, ltos.. 19.-41taed dater go begging Coe leek of available talent suitable to *mall city tastes and budg- etat'according yo -John McOreetrcy. booker ter the Barris Aettlse-a,rnc Corp.

k] RSong mostly thrd,tha Wiliam Morrie office, the IHarrb chain Itraludeo houses to Youngstown. Detroit; Du Dots. St. Marys and' other towns. besides Pttts-

rgh. b Planning. to' open rte nee- .Senator

Theater !Or Thanksgiving. the Harriscompany

will we John Bole and -a pit tuna the Optntrrg' week.

Plantation; Buffalo, Closed BUFFALO. Roy. 19TTre plantation,

Once.poputar night club on the Mager* Palls -Buffalo route, be, dosed. V. Dei-

-Starchy. mnnnger'of the spot. had tried pepping things up by Injecting a floor show. -

NIGHT CLUB - (ters tisard from payee 31)

Maxine Jeb,woa, tall 'and nit+e-looking +stager,, sticks to stow ballads and Mende out due to contra/It to lb* reef 'of the show f.eoe Copan does teat cap num- berg peppered girl acrobatics. Pal,, Viebid VIM, an Amfaoolan woman With a gllttertng.inille. al tarys double entendre longs that don't heave any pomuble ,'Doubt a4 to eneanne. N3be strokes her thighs and rolls, her eyell for erddod effect.

Kerry Brack u the frtnindly host and Mrs. Christina Break the operator. Jack Yarrhow 1a the p. a.

Prtcea'an low. No closer. but 50 Mons Mintmum week dayn add'Ota'buck week- ends. Feu! Dd+strr

The Antlers, Kansas City, 31o. Long known for his loyalty to..Acts

S od Mande. Bun& Paeklor'te-going as for as patronage will allow, mdse floor abOwa and a large orchestra. And with the winter season oalciatly undo: may now.

'he'n oftartnJ Tonicity Douglas' solid nine - piece combination And Several act*.

Only drawback hue that t e show to complete only On Week-ends. The DOUR- Ia..' b,+átd 'plays nightly -without a m4s and la more than -a mild- ntoeesa. The bodes, a saz and clarinet blºweer, fea- ture. inn Mdartin. stn -ling trumpeter. nit BI/1 Nolen. sleepy-t'cd dntrruncr. who al.o wnrbiee oecasioreity.

Paes'rr 'will Inaugurate regutsr nosh *boors*- soon. The spot le becoming mono and more popular 1...eauee of Douglas' dtuu apatton. Service -trreltent; food and drinks abase per. Not, ta.Itty, ttb a place, rlonetbclntet, where,everyone enjoys hI1A- e dt. eepecdally rnustclatta and jitterbugs who enjoy hot sepia syfrerp'tt1041.

Dann Dexter Jr.

Club 'Thróli, Juarez, :Mexico Thin ,spot delebretea Ira 111th s+lultet-

Mary With the Srongeat floor show to Many Menthe- Feature' I. Sonya and demote, ooUmody dance tears, who bad the patroae cheering far mece.

Jimmy' Oaks.. In his -loth week -as e rn ea bnñdied' show nicely. Thin boy P ews more popular weekly and can have permanent spot, en fnr L atutCmrrs are concerned. Pepe end Carole, . Metric -en dance team iii autrentlo eostuntea, epanrel with tint Mexican 'dances for good hand. Jeanne Blanche was on neat with Mot tap far another good ~option. Oakes copurtbttted three songs rind entabed with- euatomere singing with him. Sets MS songs welt

Sonya and Romero cJo-.q with earnedy number. The Jtellfyhter and the Lady, insert brought plenty of laughs- with a semen finlab. Sure-fire rentttno end Clever d elivery. Should be tanrl:ed for hotter things. flat At Iddkr worth.

VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS- (Continued from pope 33)

songs and.wlrearacking. -Ousard, rapid- fire patter.; the Throe Arum, one Min and two children. ,In a spiendlkt acrd act; OoyLta Heriere, with Spantah denote that cll,kf ~aril* 014bert amp and good imitations; buoy Dolldor. chantitng sea songs of Breton. wren well liked.

C. 35. Cher :bens.

Roxy, Niw York (Rsatetred Friday carton,. Votumbrr 181

Weak pie and atrotiT stab allow- at Rory. Loretta Lee, dobnny Burke and

Condos Brothers dledpating the dal. ~unit.

Loretta Lee. polished eoealttt with orsattlo technique, .dM three tunes of

diefereat type- ftat.Qeeo Cie Here?. .19 Reverie and Tiger Rag. Lee Ire quality. rhythm and oontrol. ,Sockccd wi etc?. letting herself goo

Johnny,Duriee, conch. la well fortitled with good material. Presnta Wraith in wldlerl guy arid peels about the war. Noe high-pitchod' dellredy, 'well gutted ro screwy gaga, and kept audience In constant ebtackte&. Turn ilia 'title bunt be good or moat flop badly, there being nothing but Burke to hold It. Ha =dote.

Condos Brothers are two hoofed& par excellent*. They are drift. f ' and clean., giving a couple of brilliant routines woTthy:Of any stage. Danced In both 'duo and eclaetitive fnabean, ood- Ulbutthg one particularly earellent nowt etty while tested or; ebalrs. Turn is a honey with no Ira or butt.

`demons and Abbott Dancers. teeter - hog Diane Dunne.. Jaya -I m iten and Nan 134ar?, Jo in apache routine 'uithplvety óf hokc. Turn Mié done in. a tricky eetting-depletlnn a cavSG.nd has MI the pseudo -replier touches, iniolvtdl Mooting,. Lib expertly &deemed od colorful.

Wive Can Can 0,4s. backed by Owe Footer Diets for production, followed with ~twirling and leg.sñowing, gafare, all being dono In the *tine cant, eett_Itg; Can Can dornce bare plenty nero talebt and, coughed 'with hfatn ante Dew:ers, gore bill Otte Of three phony t'arirtan touches audiences like.. Harm. are Florence Spencer. Sharon lrnrvey. i{.athertne Hu - rim, Vera Arert and Vera Harrison.

Oao Foster gautpertor'med oxeetlontly. Pic. and a &tinker. woe submarine

Petrol (10th-PDX). Homo okddi last nhrm.

Paul AL ca

Reviews of Units "Shanghai Nights"

Reefs -wed Toe -Mott afternoon, Ndcero- ber g; at the lat.40$ Thsa.ter. Norofort Velos,, VC.

An Interesting departure in unite la this one with Ire- Oriental atmcapliore and trapping..

Show I. tastehlily 'eq'utppcd, and Usk floarry introduction by Kea.attng. eat sea and magician. Mite 11í-o tanners -or la the ,propor mood. Mini to ;leave -u *roseº, hts'Only atones bejimg n tendenoy t0= go a Mt blue et orate. which la OYt of place lam shoe' so de/Sanely meted to this family trade As a ttugioo Ent la CLOY*«, -htsl cg-ewillt17,141g trek' being

ill received. There are few epeetattles. the only

other featured_ people being. the adrigro train ót Fong anti Mince, who nilo yrre- ient on opaCbo auoiber. "Chow works tip nicely to tiro smash oltmaL the Kea Troupe, four tumblers, who da - foot piry¡Iing of barrita with oonatismineiO


ly four girls in the line, the Lot= DlrYonse, but they put plenty -of pep lntorfast routings.- ahuaghaf 8ci®adenl firs piece adage hand, fl reitelf sdpgthato muite.

Unit played to lar-wbovo-ate ego ttt;- tettdsricO during stay hey,,

Werner Toy/ord.

.V Wevaxnritu.,ue 41. n. w

#rM S WrreW *a9, R.,.I,1a.. t a

re.u.+u.a6 far te. *x-aNe- LA*

TRUNKS *SILVER VAULTS TNa roué :sr 7.2077.14.

OOLUilmus See.. case ...d ord. stood, N1LW YORK, es, v.,

"A DeLiwe aa.tos Mat erica v.., 'Fe mema"

ottbip 015ttetiU CINCINNATI 'STAGE


WANTED QUICK Yard,. item.. ma 11 t t st no alumni ge'

IMP. 0:4 ruse _ vinynm. P Cot, &Mori ,. + '.fit "Me 'be ro-i.b;a are ease kn oa

.in, sty F. and AITOQl ra. i..fll. iswa.. er 10j11. aWM4s Neal, Mane . Oa

NoE'rrrtbrr 261, 1938 VAUDEVILLE -BU'RLESQU'E Thé Billboard 37

Chilly Franklin Taking Name Bands; New Clubs Opening

PHILADICLYf tA,, Nov. 10.-.The swank pea resold a Hotel Rallrñüm, is oonteem. plating Inetttuttng hamo bend% Ofdrieta p( the hotel, the largest in Phlladrdphin, ere In Ideate: York neg+ottatlno with h ttd booker,. Tai* will make thC =^-oond Phtltrepot elth a nnt:io-Wad Mello,=, thn canto beliet the Arendlntnternalloaat_

Jan 6avitt'a now wilt leave, the Av- mdh-Internsttoaal for a week's stint at Me Earle Theater.. When the, tbrator won 1s nnished. Sarni will return to the Petiole .spot, He will be followed t4 term Williams' orchestra. Williams' stay will be exceeded by a debvtanto mom contest.

The Latlmrr Otub, shattered^for nearly leer. wail reopened Thumday''by Max

Penman An intuit to *poi, it will be mil on n no -cover err rnintniuin policy. °pork;., Abai inchided Toni Line, ¡lineal' Kelly, BilUe.L[e, hharorí Harbey, labia Terrtty and J0111011 llWebn Orchm- Ira.

Tit 91 Club, aht)t,:dowrt Vivo weeks ego, was reopened yesterday by Nerble Polak. forntedy OlIttbli 141: CD» and dais -time malinger of the Emb.eay Club.

Full Week Burly FORT' WOltTti, Nov. 19T11Iliy Bob'á

peste Foltina Ls playing an tndelintte lifaitenlent at the' :Mete Theater, 'ton - toque borlo hers: 'Billy Earle Le peo. lacar. Thu BUaco. ftssrrirty open ose reel ends .only, la now open daily,

LoliiFillt Chiba Rehr-Mie 1:OUI8VIl.1.F:, Nov. 10'--&tariing, off

this reason" with tile° but~ ...1 era the Madrid and Crystal Terraor. The Madrid I't tratujtne Jack Gillette and Id- NBC Orchestra with Gracie WhIt4, la dark Itanday s and 'Ttbsdaya.

Crystal TIJfaoe r.porta alai batrteneea' w ith Duddy 'Pubcr'a Band.

TheChub l!eddock-la Opénlug with Cari Teener and hid orcheetra and, floor Mow, and will lentos" atbaatrlS.i! 'Wit" w°dnr*days, a&rr» as teat matron.

Yea This- Issue -Peers

rae.ifseryDeat, The - - , , 5 Oche

caln rail : Cionandeoerat 44-49 Clair fled Aa4erf Iseevidits ..... _ . .. .. : 93-97 roe Mael+óeei 122-IEO

38. -541.65

Reg Cut .... 40 fd NO:vs

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. ,.....-,.P; 9 BOW Ciuba-Ywrdevlile 74-36 ekes From the Cron:wesds 43 ádvtera Mon 14 Cat sM'91w (be+t

DD 45

on Raears

1CSr1Á I a oldies _ t

- - 66-90 . --. .Ñ oatélem ...

7:1100 Totem - a- r. .,-:.,.'----T Íl Lowe-we-Lowe-we-7~Showi 39 t.ecs3 es katr , . . ... -. ; , - , - 57 RoUT>:5R t:t+t:, 5"''5t, actss,,

sve. t2a Units sod Atrr:sef., 28- Drsm.t _ and Musical. 1241 Rap-

wptr_ee, 120. Cr,eo'e[ 120. Circus and W.fd tNnt. 1211 921. $I. -iv FessLy al0iun . _-.. - - 95

u+tnl.raed None Domino ...,...: a._. 9;

` hMrchsredme.PiPes 93-I 14

SPECIAL ARTICLES I-fitWrtte MI Bad reshia Pews Avant El% of Me- ty1*.F4I der

149:-4 Ma:saaer Etna .1 Band _..... T1or,.,t.G«41-alWeta >..-.. rat Oars one Always Nicer-an the Other !ka',Cen the Lines


l'ol we e. a Coed Well A14bau3do4.... In..:oder

Today ..... . t One's Crowth 1. e lie the Cred O'd Dr000And Urinctog

'avert 1,ye Ot'd Tars t : 1n Rom! Ent


t8 20



4T 43;

, , . 3-s ..,..11.'s

Car».vat co P+ it"n erfNrwteent... 6 n y or ser hiel-,A Nu:. Section en Christ. 'lis :Hereto -

+s - 104

fmen Ilralid 112Ce

AraStu License Liao

Tom: Seaatiort DETROIT, tcov, 1O-13otao wag

was hound to find the natural anCd- climax Ica the Jam ~don, and -now We hire, On Wednesday the Boo: Come presented. a Yam &salon to end all Ja`lare.

Tie-up a- a -really effeotive, open- ing with a parade of rattans, ó clt carrying a yam-losalad- tray sctvw,tbe door. anti then Roth and Berdtln. dance producers., presented their own n ell , the Yatat.BIticrb Dance.

Up -State New York Trend Is to Girls, Novelties, Lines

ROCHIInTFlt, N. Y7 Nov. 19-Deyljght aatrine time. Voted here last week. &a40 the putters to night .chub owners, Ntho they will hive 'until April to deuce whet. U anything. ,la to be done; Antis blamed rnrnle ptopngendn tar-ptissñge of amrt:tlnaarit Utttf ,td lt,T.1_fhg cant club mnnniterl. It wee suggested that if 'pots kept top ahovta a certain peroontago ot- apeodrre would viatt hot epot'anywny.

BOºkeza find that just acts aren't er ou b, Treed le to name talent. Also, rind that sniait.g d ern -,the wane In majority of dubs her. a ntiotp-State. New York eels rie-dn't be raatactant to cue here.. Oood jots can. be bad, a ertelñ

,rte ' In deinund ire b'ocd novelty sots, single glrL-i, sister acts, trice arid !hies of four feces

flay -Ott chub, Niagara Pella, ,ts now tetrig ti~ rntetnpersed with cote.

JPC' Carden here has-abtfted to an - colored talent

]wood Hotel. Hebei Sprfnga. now using 'bOwa three claim a week Instead of one. -

College lttn, talrport, now spats anoint thren-dys a week Flu plaeq t>f week-ends,

Sovereign Club. Buffalo. reopened th e o -cok with 16 -people show.

ur z5i.% ue Notes - tCommunlc.rtlorts to New York Office)

New York: ANN - CO7L1,O appeared at A Note. of

Stara benefit at Madison squarñ Garden November 16_ coming Thom Unten (ltty, N. J,. where she hung lip' an attendance roeesd at the Iludoon. . . OLADYS CLARK back front Cleveland, where ape widerwéat tit itatcat tot' eye trabbl.. Sail tacura got' ;lea and visits- Polyclinic Hoepitaall regulurty footreatment. Doctor toy' ate may be able to return to stage In tour weeks. . , . VA4,LEY AND LEE extrn-ettracgon tenor, new at Murphy's niter,. Brooklyn. Open Thanksgiving Day for two weeks with a now Wally Jackrcn Cane routine. . MARCHE KELLY 'bark to the Otiose from the

,Qalcty, along with 1leien 'Colby, Dot Dltbney, Billy <Bumps) idnck and George Tuttle November tit- ~tag were Jeryl Doan, vibes *hilted 10 the Oaleettyy rtrpIce- lrt: llnxeL Walker: Toni Mitchell:t(l.¿orgla Satheen. Bob Alder and, Wdlter'Stan- ford. - LEO STEVPN$- new house

.paraders.-"Chmadeea." be .Cell! 'erra- at the Telboro cotoaprtse Lucy Sherman,

,a5aily,Chryetlet Bobble FeuteRcard Y Inca Burl:tatnl_

Musical Tabs for Roxy in Salt Lake

SALT LARF. CITY. Nov. 19.-Andy Ploor and Ooorte Alien. mtuanglimg' di- rector of the Boar ',:heater. will start a new polity :when they bring back -musical tlblriCdw,

The opentne *bow. ffdtlo, Sall Lake. wltl filature 21 nrtlwt t with cretin ire of els, Three álbowa a day acid two 31óc. turea Chetige of Muria, Batttrdaya.- -dolly Fields who directed prodtictlans

for Allen short the IsoWe wet called Playhouse, will again have cbitrge,,wlth Meehan Plaids as head -or dancing_. Come Band, 1 Act for vast"a-a. pitted by Ttoor In to. Angeles.

K. C. ffi i uehlehach RAff8AS'CITYa Ito.. Nov. 10.-Swank

men Teerraoe-'CrlIl''of Hotel ),tueblebneh epétiotO oast night With _Joe Reichmna's Orehesha. One act It being used., flrzt to he brought 1n Oster Jeanne Collette and Harold' Barry. da,teers, who are an. trodnctng The Lambet. BOLO here.

fbr mama' ye -ara the top winter spot 1n.:Sayeet, the hotel ilt tie only nameaa

Other nittriee here -report-lewd hatsl- neas., Wally dtoeflor's Bend replaced Johnny Auricarth's at,8onttiera Mansion Weicc'cfai; night. end at least II. other Onto Ar' now Whig note abalm and Dube ::era.

Brinkliiun Out of Werba's NEW Y bRK, Nov, )p ---Samuel SrWt-

manhas raligned from the operation s.2 Werb=s= Brooklyn. Reteewed his hold-

- November 12 and .iii -len 1* to htut up pCe.tblc Club steam `in Miami Sweat. On him return -aria seek .u.notber burly epos Oda time 10 the 40s New operator of Wcrbn's"ts Harry, Palmer. who also controle tbo 'Ribarp In SKr/cm., Plants no ~cote in popesy-cu.nent with Hind circuit rood shows-In either license: Maine In the tranatervient of tvetbn'i today brought, in ItueaeLi Carew is Plow of Moe Costello.

IA. Eyes Chicago Clubs CHICAGO, , Nov. 10 =Lscnl IATDig at -

rice. motto' Prank Olsen, u tanning added pressure hero to make night spot& anti bola! roortia use IA spotlight Opel'. atom. campaign has been going on for aneto thee, Olson acid, but a more con- ccntrnted edriva la now on to get aortae of the atenller spot's bit% have here. Wore been healer« is tylt-, boy deuble on the spots_ Colosimo's and Hasryad New York Cabaret are. the most record nitertea to odd IA men 'to their staffs.

Vaudeville far Denver DEH.CIPI:R Nov. 19 -=Tabor The-atal',

which hew been running dpublo picture bills. Isar changed its policy to tornado live trots of tatide ore Frldal'a to t3uñda;s 'With a Magic footttrv.

Vernon, Murray is leading man: Dor- "othy Roberta, eroutr4t: Roland O -Kitt, rtralabt: Jail Murray and Buxa.Ftecri,s, comity: DiVawt ót Detaux & Lahinar,

,De let%* and Mies Laitinar- will be prima donna, 111arib-Ft-rr,a will be char- actar woman.

Beating "Fair" Gun Nicks Boila's Unit

CHICAGO. Nov. 19.-At leant one local unit producer discovered that It Is too early to Ceah In On ti.. conking New Toth World'. Pair.

Nick !talla thought he had bomethtnt In Ala Weld's Fair Pre-Vue title, but receipts from Initial eitegngcrnenta proved Od erWll . ,So -the show 1s now taking adventege of the current awing-mu$c cnra=and sNüng'tts « as -the Jitterbug Jubilee. For an approprintc Ceattúe 311-. terbug contalte will be lteldat each date,

Show reopened at the Orphenrm. Mom - phis, and Olen Moved to patty the Atoll Binger honors In Davenport, !lam Moines and Sioux City. la-

,. '

Lincoln House Goes- Dark LINCOLN, Neb.. roe. 10.-Orphaum

1.350 -setter' here, which beta -sheen the veude hoyae'for aoval'cl-ye*ns. went dark Monday for a complete overhauling. Sine* lett-apling It hem been a straight picture house_

Pion now Is to yank thc'butte= off New_ Toars Ore with. a gain vatlde *how.

Ft. Worth Experiiuéñts With 1 -Act Showd

FORT WORTH. Nov. 19,-Hollywood Theater, moth, house. L adding one act to It. movie fare week -adds. TsualneM gained by Atnt two bookings will de- termine l'utura dateiL Plot. L act, e Morse'' and necompanlat,L Bob Downey. drew 00naiderai b tausineilet durum robe. -day run. November 11' to I4, Newt will Ole Rule Davis ~metro Novella. bar 25 for four day,.

No bookings have 'been made beyond that. Hollywood never bad deals be - tote. Marceline 1e Moore manager of the Molise, an Interstate Circuit theater.

AMY FONO woo aureelatd at the /Md. fan. Union City, N. .7., by "tegober:We who bed decorated their prop aid.Colt room with lanterns and tekom " el -tie In Chinese In honor Of her week of leovt'tnber 20 there. . . JEAN BRtSltf find Harry Role have teamed up for vaude. On Sputa way -Oa the Loam, .. .

CRYSTAL AYMFB and Julia Bryan roared tbo Capitol. San lorariet eo, from -the Follies. Loa AnZeto,. November 13. . BVtint1-3 TVCJINE,fetle*irw:- two weeks of estra-attrnctton (ngaFe- n;rnt AL the OOtttittbla, Beaton, eatit to 'Beebe's, Brooklyn. November 13.week, to re-cntoreo the Valerie Parks show, Ditto Rhythm Brown, dancer, and. Eleance- Camuels, *Ingot. balsa Samuels is new to' burly- KENNETHROGETBS. producer at Wad es'a, Btookllyn boa, as- signed Front SeetIm tat' and Doaa Darla to conduct bla'bcokrega

'EVELYN MYReS. who closed at the Btttotnk. Lou Aarelea. recently. maids weed ,frelei 80. iro,ta that el;e la onIter Toy ,back easel. to 130144 nxirawtttacitOu

. DEWEY RINGER, of Popk try At Riinger. Celltocnln tbeate r, operators. coming east to- scout for new btu ly talent, . 'SID STONE la Mill another burly principal hooked for the beait. Now In e' rete In TheorabviOna fusibrild at the Breidhu rct, On 'lost burly en - gee -resent be did etreightn for Hank Henry,.. . NATALIE CAR'11111t, f0rrutr sonrtsat to'producxr Patti, Alaroimfhal jolted the Ann Corto show On the Mira circutt. cusramf (PEAY 1

BOHN, comic with the Pnf Ilia Parade revile acmes the Atlabtle,'haa bran held (Stec BURLESQUE ,NOTES otn proe Jd)

Rutlesc1ue .Review

Capitol Follies; San Francisco (11 ydeired .Vortdey. Vafeattier '14)

Capitol Poll!.. reopened Armistice Day and licked in no uneettain manner by roeundine together a tuneful and anappy buTInin it rents_

Julie ihynn, billed as the Moat nave- tlfut- Ott! In the World. wail the chilli attraction. doing a strip. Shen got looks Alba Worm. In the meeet .

In reopening the Capitol. Manages Eddie Skolok oaten a hew eitrgº produc- tion,,including new dancer*. new c9rule.. now coenértir _r:tl new costumes. In -fact the whole layout . a'fair n'o ate. of Wont Leek of ,a printed program. however, made the thaw dItticsilt to follow. mason": oea life corrode end em Harry Arnie and Chubby Worry some of their. stud wae'or-irüul, at leant to local audlenoee, Bed -head Vicky Darren (wc think ,it was shej did a comeliest! &dip. out was. apparently awall.ibj note of a elie from tha'audaotre.

other peeler* were Mary Marta Brown once /nee Claire. John Darker wall the Warbler. Chorus Mara tip to.staoLard. Hinnies' to producer Jose Mende+! glen_ Sorter, end eoaturnea were exoelkut. Dntlnesi. good. Edward Murphy.

Kane To Open Atlanta 1'tf ttADELPmA_ NOT. 10, --Jack Rono

dosed Lust 1ton:lay a. menu -or oC tae Gayety: lot -1 burly *dock house operated by I. FL Ulna. Ito L panning to open the Atl4nta Theater. Atlanta With burly stork within -tun next, tour ' leek*, Mai. Ceban. temper opnratar and manager of the Trot, la a daily vlaitnr lab the Oº1et3.

Joe Yule Signed by - MGM ROLLYWOpn. now. 10-After 'a tnl

it 0011*14Prrd annoying publicity MGM handed Joe Tulle. fat ee of )pokey lto011 y, a contract. Whether nicker ticket will keep Yob otlt of burly bolsee_ could- not be learned-' ,He gees into Mora Uelfeh with:Clark 'Gable,


Fes ns "-where ~rem tti.eYrat1. O.

38 The,Blttburtrd November 26, 1938

i agic By BILL SACHS

(Comrralnkalions to Cincinnati Offbc)

Cd- aEOaOE NEWMANN, ebo.ush. Bred in his pnt'aa season April 231

and who tar the Met two months his been playing. houses. wind' up isle tten- ion wenttnbor 28. Thu tent rtnaon sous the best bey ever enjoyed. be ease, and busines. indoor' has been abnvn .peel! Cotlone, The well-known mentalist -ma- gician plans a larger lent outfit for the DM mason.. . RAY DALEY. mantpu. later, tau return :A to'hle rouse Seattle from' Went.. Alaaka, where to rroent muinthu he ba.,oftoisted,a dredge in hy- drae/1c gold -mining operations- . HARVEY LOt.O, who has barn working hie way the*1,l oolkie With his height -of. tend wt.t_N!r), la on me third log,.ef a dnlma degree Ai the Unlieretty of Wna1- rngtern,'8eattle..-. itDWAROS TIIK MA. ICIAN ~ward Shanks), of Lynchburg. V7',. taa reeeaarbeen praying 8cbooiL chiba unit CCC campy Ire the Michigan terrttetr T716 O7t1.AT THURMAN, mentalist and ehiractcr resider, .Stnus trane1erred bis attivilies from a Pon. tine, b51cb., furniture atoms to a similar knelt/en 1n Detroit. . ..TEE MiYB1'ILs IVAN, presenting a comedy chalk -talk aet. bee' tainted with ala-ards the Mn - glelan to play -icloole and Clara, . . . BOSCART T11E,MAOOCIAN, now touring under the direction of Reek DaUghnan, fottroerly w'lth the Rimini; advance, poet!!! that Deb set to Florida schools until Christens and, to date, heeround buar,.s ln vary geed. . -, , QU11=1; CITY MYBTIC party' B' dance and pay at the Rem6iten gotero, C7beinnati. Wednesday rilinel of Pet week (Id) atteact'd 141 Mends 01 ainflO. TRANSOM came lute the swanky Beverly 1E14 Cdltntry Club, Newport, Xy,. Owe nonce the rim from -Cincinnati. Thanksgiving nlgbt roe s fvrtnlghtb Stand. . T. J. CRAW- PORDl.editor of the iIIM'8 Liaklag Ring and H00 -pees of the crenntrsatlpn, wit' named to enacted Johd Jul. Dntison, Tel signed. u preenlent of the !Rat at the nisei-toeltcrntoreMerting held ni Renton. A Putt week As predated two teat ',oak, bo'weeee, John clrtrderGin- MltnñU, will nerve am cetlni. president of Om MM. handhñ., all the dutliw of that ofnee until another preafdoat Can be Chosen ak the next.TiM convention In Battle Creek Mich., next June.

-NOCK pipes frog Logan. O. that Weverything u running maootltly with hie new `Tbbursten`a Mysteries.'" magic tot -W.' Lint_ is heading for the South. wet . JOAN BRANDON. AmlerIC to nklic anteee. now winding cup at the Coliseum lea Itetr ryas in Lisbon. ~tu- rd. open! December I at the Apollo Theater in DU5 eldorl. Germany. She, nett.% tuts she will make' the trip thru Spain by bain and to looking forward to limping some liltereeting atghbt en route . WILLIAM MoCAPPItEY of Ptttaburgh, past presldent of the SAM. b to be quart eyttertnlnea nit t -?e eighth annual bnnipiet of the Tensnes4.owa, Os. Magic, Club late Ma Month. K1ngdon Brown, fitrrrt-r Youneptown enaglih and 110w of PttV btrtgh, le Moo expected to be present_ Cb.rI- A. Leidy, Youngstown L Wtpnper atanmmglelan. w -U1 emcee the banquet show, and Harry Tatter, club



or 'your -

Minstrel Showi C.~earkrtlee of "sect Pint garts. 8heitaee t'lar.. n.,-_ Clumsy. brsuel

n.1 CbmComelySe-b.Se-b.Clumsy.:a rw G sr, f`,urs. ta ̀ -u d Wee,. ee, TaerbrmU.w- ertrrurtra to 7ert life and woo lute raw rase. ~A foe $p.iw Ceasing. I

Den web Pays at..P,elrttsá.tseate -. _e IQteRrl es,F .6 tlrt.t tee aver ad years 4ead roe Catelos.

T. S. A£NISON d4 CO. :KO,pt-teaKhrcats-,in.

prealdetitt.witl'be' to chnnge of arrange - Meats. , , '. LACARDO, following alb en- gagement at the Grand, Canton, O.. bur-- Ieagwa .staked. has returned to. Relly'i, Cincinnati nitery., Rla wife, Arta! w e10 - tag Let sow a attonl reptile dance on' the ramo bill. , CARLE SIfARP$, card export, now doing a nut act under the label of Mr. Da:entfao with Clyde Jor- dan's' Ariifts end Models, vtoi a visits* at the desk hart liaturday (10). en route to Ottawa. 'Ow where the show played Sunday. It tweet for the Rialto Theater. Olnºtntatt, TLnnksgiving Day. Jordan formerly had out Noel Lester. m agictan, for a eeeeon. ,... DR. YTOODORICK ICARR. Mentalist, typewrites from Peoria. Dl.. that his company L running along anioothiy ender the direction of Roy Samyaton. roamerty,with the Blackstone and Thurston magic, optics. Sampson. )Carr reports, hen' the troupe tiet until, the second week In Jonas, -y, Including ettpoffs at two radio "atntlona. Starr Is ,heeded. °outboard. Phtrie. Sproule In handling the elect-rim/ and -ghost ahOws for K.R. and Phytljr, Pearson la a re- pent addition to the company.

BURLESQUE NOTES- (Gbnrthued from page 17)

Over foe an Indefinite stay following completion Of a 10 weeks' contract... MILLIE CONVEY now night -!Subbing at the Nomad, Atlantic City. Where. also kW Grace 'COMM. Pole Montaye Jean Rochelle. Paul Kaye, erased. SlId Rote. eiksheader, and Al Mayon. ringing gui- tarist. Lea Perrin exited after over Year, star: to dldtt3htrle1 Herman, . . ODIOffit B.RPTTON moved from the Star. Htcoklyn, to the Oolumble, Breton . . TIS2RY PARKER, Juggler. and =toe and Herman, fountain dancers, were added attractions, at the StarBrooklyn Week of November 11 to'helpp build' up another bile Alleb Gilbert- ºxtravaganna. HARRY HEN'iLEY,. n former featured cootie, b raw a rheas end'cOat Merchant_

JEAN '24015E. Idles debt weeks at 13arrys New York Pear, Chi, 'canceled another debt held' out for her and came beck to, burly via the _Gayety. Minne- npntla, opening November 11 set featured attraction for á fortnight. Her billing there read. "l}nrondway'aghapllest Girl:'

at the Palace, Dttflat0, November 25... ADO LEONARD after several menthe in the hotpltal, to back to normal again and will resume her ,stripping emirates at. the Rialto in a couple of'week.... - MAROIE .DALE._ who me:aptly chimed tar

s1, e Gayety, Milwaukee. opened 'at the

Grand Opera Beebe. Canton. O., Friday. . JEAN LOUISE eked to a road show

to Detroit end returned here to wo* night epote.. MARIO AND CARMEN

,elOied at 'the Rialto last week to resume their night club activity in Detroit.

náurance Shows iComnxinitations to DIII

5' Teams, 2 Solos.Ítentaiu In Marion, Rl., WRlknthou

MARION. RI Nov. 11).-Loral walke- thon _tune ,pºaeed the .840 -lour miark at this writing. Altbo Promoter Charlie Batevia found the going pretty rough at Aria. due to condition. beyond his con. trot, contest ui how running !moodily.

Pitt tee was rind two solo. remain. They- ero Oeorgo Schmidt and Edna ,tQreen. George Walker 'inn Villa CCetp ºrfoM, Arnie Rey and' Helen Caldwell, BM Mc- Coy and Bernice Pike and Kenny Lana and E4^Nyn'Thornpooni_ Billy Cell, and Joe (tuber are ache, Ml oontestanta ha0t, been eponicred -the past three weeks.

Recent vidto*s were BALI, acid Dena Donavpñ, Eddie Leonard. Ernie Steele, Ernie Bernard, Jimmy and Gladys Han. WW1. Seek Stooby. Peto Trimble, Wiggle Boyce. Lee and Helen Denton.

FRALt'KIE DONATO. tamporarily out of She ondurnnce 9e1ó. la working night clitbe In Findlay, Onlumbun and Spring- field. all to Ohio

ozottolf AND, EDDPO_ TUGHE, who met With -fair auMCse at ,their recent Orton Bay. Wis., ebevrtere now in Het.. ton, It ic, rumored that, George may launch *nether -content in or neat Mut- ton soon.

P.LLEF1t THAYER, recent contestant, in Hay (Pap Dunlsp-s Chicago above. is at horno in Lttsb'urgb where she and bar brother are dancing in night clubs.

t ARL ISTRINOH) ) ARRUfO'roN. re- porte that ho I* back in liar Vent after Clueing with the Centralia (Ill.) show recently nod 1 t trnniing In a local gym for a -track meet to be held in Boston roan. "Finit,hed 10th lit the ihwton= Providence meet. last peer and hope to do 'utter thin time, but who orer the outcome of my prevent plane I will be

Sachs, Cincinnati Office) tuck In the enduranºe field boon. oe Part.

WAITER' GROSS. 'woeking as day judge.ib the Jeiiersou City (Mo_) wnika- thon, reports that four ooupL', and -ono solo remained, at the 1.212 -boor mart,

WINDS WHICH flattened Zeke Young - blood's contest on Centralia. Il ., recently oouteln t atop tbo Mew. Contestant^ fautde a focal night club'tltelt-temporary quarters and kept tight on going mail the most day, when á new lent waa ~led on the same Joe:Mee . Glad,',.

.Houghton- end Jlesimt/ Hoffa;an. Pete and Pauline Scott, and Dorh' Donovan. sate, ienutin.

NANCY HUTTON. drop a`tlne to the oliwmn et your whereabouts and ac- t1vltica.

DUKE CORTEZ letters that he in doing fine with his new nightatub, anrdei; of Uºtgami, -roosted in the heart ót -Long Island. N. Y. Duke would like to react a ilne',here an Harry Smyth. Bids and Delia I)poot'nn, Tony Mardi. Prank and Lee Trenerf. Joe PuccineUi, Jerk Stan. ley. Ralph Hastings, Pete and r ullm' Scott, Pete and -Kate Trimble, Johnny Anderson sad Bud Colebana.

WHEN YOU ,EN-CON'XKETANT8 de- cide to break back into the game drop the column a line giving us the who. when. whet''.. etc.

LEAVD4O A TOW'S: to good ~ding se one of the beat reference. a show can have for a return engagement.

MAKE IT A HABIT to_wuOpb the Let- ter List 'etch week in the-DiU:ward, There, may be mall advertlaed foe you.

FRANKIB' DONATO and wife, Alice. are cale elf the 'nduranot field tAm- pofarily with Frankia rarkino ulgas clubs in Toledo_

ESTA ALJA. Posy Jobo.on. Cleo Vatentlne, Gertrude Beck. -L B, Hemp, "Relic Jake" "deli. Ibel Root and Harry White. with F.1tit+órCook producing, con vtltkite the entree( personnel at the Gayety, Philip_ , . . SLATE TAYLOR and Ermine Parker have joined the Dom Snyder show ore the Rlrst Circuit. MAE DtX end The Hinyt.arel, former burly greet!, nom now bury working banquets and other !tidal RinettonR DOREE. dancer with a Rt?lt show. plane to open a beauty. perloi neat season and'retho Moen the stage.

MURRAY ,(LOONY) SIEW18., h. set to open at the Columbia, Boston. beginning November 28, Also sat for a guest &hot ón fed Pitademidle` program (WOR) No- vember 42.-- UNO.

Cleicagos KENNY BmlattNA will change Jobe

with".. -Char In Country December 2. !fenny Leaving foe tier road and Chattit tr.-meant: as featured canadtan' et the Rialto here.. , . Kenny's wife, Mary Le. Mare. will accompany him.... pL'WPY RINGER, cif Popkin dt'Ringer, and Ere. lye Myers were in front Loa Angeles.

Ringer was combing the city for btlrlNque talent roe his Burbank Thea- ter in Lae Angeles. 7 . s N. S. BARGYR, finito operator, was in New York on blttdnee+ last ''oek.... ROSE. LAROSE replaced Trudy pelting' In_ Bob Fete guson's show, which moved to the 'Gayety. Cincinnati, Friday. Dolores will feature her dove done,. . . HELEN COLBY, June St.IC:Rule sister, has left fog New York for the first time in two

A nillstrelsy tBOBEMMET

lniartl Office) "ADOUT 1923'one of -tits inkier Min.

meet, featured la IS -band a musician on alto or melophune that bad a high out. standing 1,000 far above the band, even 'the tine band vow doing double forte. It erne mes -e shrift end piercing then hound system of today could being. it out and sounded from a dlstanoe. lice a womenaoluand Seine ran obbligato. Never have I guard anything to compare with this feel In any migtrat organlaatiott sinoo - So writes ' Bert Russell, of Richmond; Bad.: and he finishes with, -Do any cl you oldtlmars ren:expber himY-

PAUL CIIAMPIOI. of Binghamton, N- Y., Saraler agent for the Billy Delano Mlnstrete, lhlSOrtne that the female penionotor with

s Delanol,

George. 'Minstrels

son Milner. as reported by Ocoato A. Bowman re- cently in thL column (Apparently .a typographtbai error-PA.) Ile ales retcallt the Delano Brotñºr. (no relation to Billy Delano, the owhtP). -'illy *Pent n lot of money to motorize the show to play Vermont In, the imtntor.' Chatiipton votes. "trait be left the trunks and via on the third stand; Dela_ncOt poll a dog had an uncanny ability to find fare teeth. Let anybody put false teeth to cold water at night in any hotel room end Billy was In hint water iicxt morn.

yearn to fill nn lndet,engogrr.ent attbe Mg. The beer smelt enlastrol of them Onyety. GEORGii KAYE and Cab of. In my opinion. was Oeárgº Ham- VomDoli in from Lee Angeles to loin nr mónd'+. In point of people we bad o Western Milian en' Aseociation,rond chow veritable Who'! Who. of MlaatrºLty, Ln-

eluding Eddle Bolton. Jena 1.m.00 1. Prank Clark. Duke Obey, Brack Leahy anion others of a company of 20 -odd, and Merl - One was a spectra,' nrtlat. I remerabr Whitney Ward and Al Pitcher ea alto bring on, there. I was ahead.,of that

*whoa, with Dan Gwtnn..sºcond Inset, A few feaanmetagn when everybody said its. rood was dead and minstrelsy 'de der. .Carl Clark and I put out,* small obey Of IS people and it etnyed out all ..., an, paying *Mantes and breaking eveip, fret too were both cng'-',ed in other buatr end turned the ahoy over te, Bill a 1- Avoy, who Inn It for the rest of the year, closing In the apeing,, I'm 'or -m.1 1,m. rdrry I did! I beep It - There'll nothing iron. with' minstrelsy. I believe a amid! 'show today meld gee money. The his. gnat Mistake In mnnagenent,"

VAtrolre COMFORT, tenor, 'for a nun. her of suminele n feature 4h 'the At- lnntlo Cite ]tlnsirela, L current at Jimmy Kelly's nttory lit NOW York's Greenwich Village.

t, t);,, WOf,OOTre -ltubblt Prot" Min- strel, following n 'tour tint Arkanwa. Lmtlhdann and 511a41-.ppl. brought lb ~moo to a Gone Nawrnber 15 in Port Olbion,' MOS. where the show will apda winter. St:Wm-re was fair. WOhotl tart.

ARTHUR L. SOYBIN. Vf tits Minstrel tearnt Ham end Cablouge. ha, returned to_ hla home 1n Guth Ga_ after flee months' Confinement in Veer - rum' hospital.. Tuakegee, Ala. Boy- kin lout tIoleped, v,lth Tartans oo:ord minstrels and for the rest are years has been a member of Wiitutenda Mighty Minstrels-tourle.g the dearth. With his health recovered. he expects to be active again aeon.



se Pie es ,Dawn, darn MIN tab ,prna, a.errntlst .shat -fir mi. see fbw sire epr sp.and re' cent nnan.a. aper.rrr-,V. k_ w. Brº.d,ettiel hewn we ~dens pen two .Kti at,enar crmret.d iperner wvaMma_

MONTE MALL OtWy Maw, masse, Peat areaar,


OPENS DEC. 1st ems mein tta W F,000 Oenanbed,

Sews ansvea 100 ate W.I. total espasi. ,irsnt Estwnrh.tue al ata ' T1.j . 1, Owe >-11., tiesrntrr, etatltest Winn. ,tl. lr etxeae tin.* tll. t'IN¢Ipp tem'r Qtt,ºel' wanes,n,


ed7M. Tam.. reem.d or N.., a t;, JulJ.ti OOaeraYW [141P. It.rr'ia QrrL-,tn tNra

J011N DENTON. Tn.rJrn was. Ja; -.san ear.

Nottcrtiber 26, 1938 REPERTOIRE -TENT SHOWS Condutted,by FILL SACHS- Gar,rnunteation to 23 Opars

The Billboard 39 Placa. Cincinnati. O -

Milton Comedians Move Into Quarters

DAI,LAsCW, Go- Nov- IY--dile Rarn- tlteay Oomedtans, co-owfted by' Prank (tied) Ittttcher nod OIUe Hanniltor., Closed s istfatsctorynsrasiei here Norem- ksr o, and equipment was shipped .Into sinter quarters 'In Coig :lit, On: Muter opened Iil'Georgta and playcdNorth and South Caron na.

Equipment was transported on tight snacks. with thesptsaonnet trawseLltig to seven tars and a trailer. Organ:rattan ranted a crew of .20 workingmen. Roster - at lasing, NHduded Olhe fiameltoo. costa -manager Marten Hamilton, etutl- tor:, Raymond Mallory. gave -nee: Smiths Iratnitton billing; Ray Beum artner. eroossateet au:enrekteadentl Proctor 8atigbrnnn, sound trunk; Prank ('Red) Pletcher, ewncr-predbc0'r: LettY DPW: repintnot and.chorus producer: Jack.alld Rana Keating. Virgil Chauvle. Virginia tad Dolores Pron, nice Lynn..Dore Rue. Pepper Dare,e. George Kirk, IL -n hanér. gtTe Bishop_ Tern fifIbtillea and George Johnsen.

Rhythm Maniaca combo. comprised Re A Deity -or:, Manor Bob Pinson. trader nag trumpet: Duke Dunaway, trombone, Ceen Deleted. sex and canine, and Joseph Keating. drums. Show also carried a cookhouse end sleeping guar-. We ter the sock crew.

Heffner -Vinson FG-T.ite9 CAIRO. Ca- Nov. lg.-After three

weeks to 1Pior` n. the Mew is back in Georgia, i4adnon. lent eland in Florida. gars allow' A wen -nisi "hOose. Several members of Billroys Comedian,. were vtdtors there. among them Daisy Mao yhtophy. Bob Heidelberg. the Amos horny. Risas Luellen. Virginia Randall. nanny De Iasi and Eddie Mellon

Poiiowing day. nt Pavo. Os, both .hews get together for n,oe:ebrethee of the. AmosDe Lane- nuptials. Which took preen that day..

node Tooker Is beck tram r.entucfty. 'stern -'be .ippa'arcd to court astainst Lathe who' wss sent UP for 12 years fee shooting him_

Ralph Herbert end lt11yihnr Boy» heat et- nut for the Beoottsctlte. Pia,. jitter. tof.a h0 Other day.

tkannetlon, Pit., wee good. to spite =óf auy-ne.r-by Armistice Boy.eelcbratlons.

harry Whltestone'a minstrel, and Magic w-t,witla Tony Lamb's vnnde and rptetiuo Mow was is : titer en Pare.. Ga. Unary te:merly had a lnngla and novelty'itoro la.Ptuadeiphia. Jenne Baker and- sifet. Therese Moralea, lately of Rutty0A Bros. Ciretw, sea.* also, on at Pavo

Dineboy end Dorothy (twin aid the writer caught Downie -BMW Circle at 'R 1ahtasarse and enjoyed the show and a. Tait with Chaster (Bobo) lier.eten Bert ikvM. B T. and'Jingtee Carney. 1). T. lead the band. and hla Mother. Jl were tórmcrly with a number or Wt-known rep shorn. Deem and the wetter were on the ~es s Bhow lorether revere' yens ag:o." 'Buddy and Arline_ Hankins, were buy

e nterteltithe reindeer at Brendan-lta. Pia Iiklitet Owen to busy compiling a book

ct "faveeiten recipes be Intends to pitch ':SSI winter. AL ' PITCAITEILEY.

Green Players, in Quarters NEWPORT. ark.. Nov. 19. --Jody and

Inc Green Pinion. Joe Omen -field. meanies 'who wOurul np tbétr canvas se: on at Princeton; ,Ark- November & wrl.l again winter here- They season Jtsat tar d we. a long and profitable one. according, to Manager'Oreenfield, Judy abd' Mac Green orcheedrñ,,wIU gó on_ tour y la thla month; -The shot' will 'Mew tack under 'canvas early nest April.

Jack Collier on a Looper ST. JOSEPH. Mon Nov. Ith -Jack

Collier, who formerly "operated.a circle tat Northern Karteas but Innalte° ase .a teenager for several eeanco m, hen 'or- tazired a company to play loop of towns le Western Missouri. with besdu Matte.' hear. Betides Collier. oast In- cludes arber and LuccilleoConter,

a Davenport, Hsu


Ríppes CHIwlndtiu(,

ANDg d38 up sT8LL8

pil.L6-ITB r with Hil.

aftear tent tou

Morgan Pray have gone_to thétr home ib Makin. . ABP, LOWDER, trail blazer. has severed his connection with the Vern Dowels* Pierre, Irtnieln In


WOKS have Joined Jack Wlnstom'a floor Show aril band unit In Okiahonws. . SONNY DEBTR-R 'V now trail -blazing a colored revue In the Deep South, CODY TItOMAS_ oherectºr.*ctor. recent. ty Joined. thó Larry Nolan Players _In Woominyton. IR; ... J09Rt'1f BAULIIQ$ has 'reopened his company and L now them etgtg North Carolina theaters. ,. _. RAY CLARKS. whey recently :round up a tent tour with Jack Hnrt'a Comedians. !e asojot]rrdng with Mende fn Muskogee, Okla..__ . MR. AND MRS. TOM COULD. RARO (Etta Detoto), formerly with J. Doug Morgan and other Midwest reps - are now managing an rtrpnrtinent hotct In -Chicago.. . MARION MARCH and Jack -Howe formerly with -the Majestic '9ltowboot.are noetwith the Manhattan Players to North Carolina. . . TED NORTIT InalEE.RIL..after five weeks of peruaanenb stock In, Wlcbita. Ken. cloned The' Oea+on recently... OOLLBY AND ROSA1,PA recently Joined the Monroe Hopkins Ptayirs*ln- Dallas. =DIE AND DIONE 01A10.DNER. Midwest -raper. ton tuna. are iaow broadcasting overSta- t.on WPTP. Raleigh. N. 'O.

VIOLA AND JERRY- BRUCE. cito Jumped, to California et the close

of the summer season; aro now witb'tbe Monroe tiopklue Player. to ̂ Della, . MADOE AND MAROC ROWELL have sold their rvstnurant In Banana City. Mo.. which they operated for the past 14*'mentbs.. ,,. MONA 11AnIgf1, former- ly with ,.Neff and Cnrolir--e Schaffner Plttyirrs, etas Jotted this Harold Roster Players. elbowing BARRY IL na.LER sojourned =brtedy in Kan- sas City, Mo., recently on 'route to the West Corset.... ItdNSY AND JIMMIE OIIEARN have signed ,with the Inn/ Nolan Piayera. abowtrnyn loop of towns around- Bloomington: ill.. , , IT WAS ranorrroustm elated Ines Motet Mime of Thceilibaard that the Miles Little circle had 'closed. Shen, le still going aad_ la reported to be doing okeb. . DOhI MAAT:MRRS, who recently severed his -connection with the -Larry Nolen Players; r matting arrangements to launch a elrcic In Illinois, ' . . BILLY

'CHARLES. formerly with the Wallace tt vo Prayer* recently Joined the Mc; CiWen Statara' rotary In Minnceois. . , . ETHEL 'rE(IAN. who' has been to a Wichita Kan_ lsorpbtal for the, pest fnonth. has been rename, and In now' resting rn Kataga'Clty, Mo.... C1iRlSTY OBRIECHT PLAYP:Re. are .scheduled to wind up their seance about D4'oeOtbor 1.

LEROY is operating * 'Talent Quest" night project thru the ¡New- England States. _: . TIZCUNE AND MANDA are booking trench society date, In New England with their mull! dramatic trick.

LUNTS couuED:AN8, now In Colo- rado. are featuring Cherries des Ripe, by E. F. Hannan. VAN `Ares taLrLL A. BROUN, former Midwest rep folk, are appearing over WPMD, Frederick; kid elude Monday. Weimer:gy sod Friday at t1 20 a. m. as Uncle pal' and Dalla. "your farm friends." . BILLY LEE SPAIN recentl¢ underwent an ap'rration. at a Si. Loula'boapltal and is anztsnu to hear from old friends" Mali addretrédto P. 0. Box 25, A..l ,row. Me., bill reach bum.

J. M. JACOBS. who,apent 7 years as a trouper, da now .a cripple, haring'loet the rue of both ct his lay, Ile souk) be, pleased to heal from his old friends in the profession.. _ . BILLY AND l.fAlUON WSILE ha.e.gone to Miami' rot a win- ter* va -re ion after claainsetbelr Bilkers pornedisns, , :. JAM MCDOIJGAL PER- OUBON ban returned to his sisters home !n Louisrlila after ra fortnight's atn.T in Cincinnati.

'DDIE" DERRINGER, jura wait lila L Morena Players the 'pmt surimW, has joined the Lew-' ltattderson stock at -W_rgne Fella... Minn. . . . MORGAN, HELVEY PLAYERS recently Wound tip,, their tent season la Rut ?etas, atrring the. psrnph.irnalln Jaclaamvllle. Tex.

MARVIN-E. BYat- BItWO row a e» opened last week In-Isrued. Kan., with the following cant: Margie Standley. Al Roil., Eddie and' Lola lane and M. B. Oybee. Phil. Whitmore boa joined Keith Sind Edna' dingles, who .aim pre- senting their Along Come Jolter es a lyceum attraction. . . MR. AND MRS. CHICK novae, after- a tour -week vaea- tlon.=havo-retnrned their troupe touring Nebraska. - ART AND MNLE NEWMAN have,ébeed with Denny"s Comedians In Colorado.. . - SKEET AND PAT moss. formerly with Cbtisty Obrocbt and other Midwest rein, are now with Station KMA Shenandoah.. le. -KIRKMAN PLAYERS. who' hire been plllyiag a olfebe to and _around Clyde, Kan... hard moved -intact to Clay Center., San., and will BB Work_'out-ex' there. . . . ester of thn MCOWIOu BIB1?OrB, circling In

1.11mnraóta with heedquartete st Manittto, Includes Eldon Johnson..'Earl and Joyo OregE, Myna- Jane end Edna' Louse McOwen, Dilly Charles, Earl, Le dine and Tried* McOwon. - . HARRY MA8'i spent several days in Kann** City. Mo- lest week. Barry in .now out of the tee and, in ooatasefdal lines in Oklahoma City.

ERN1r.8T (HA) THOMAS. !inner rep jure, ta directing amateur shoes,

In the Philadelphia sector.... ARTRUR

BUDDY AND LOIS LP.tVELL have signed. with the Reºrñ-Gunn Co.,

playing so =deft:~ engagement in Dallas... a MR. AND itR9. JACK .SCHAAF, after a suoQasafut el ring to the, Chicago theta -Set with their educas Vona] feature. are now booked in a .etntag of schoolhetrses (around "Kansas City.. MO. . . ED C. WARD'S Princess Stock 00.. which concluded a long tent maeoe ib Arkansas hat week. well, con - Urine witty circle, in brume- . . .

I Old -Time Bills Still Popular By E. F. HANNAN

SMALL repertoire shows. under ,tent or playing .1n halla, .ere,stll tavornblo

to old-time bills. There is 'no felling off to gresentatlom of such tavoeites as Trn tfiphse. Lena Resent and The Pr-. aks, aid. In feet.during_th pert year Mode Of thole billa "have been used by errant traveling outatta than have ben py' yed In the pastdecade. They appeal to' the pubia of City or country.

Steange.,as:16 mny seem. tija top. busl- none of ono of the professional etoUC companlei playing nn hula= sulnnoer theater during .tire past '61Itillilar eras dono with' Teas Ntph's, Lase ,Resers sun holds iM owls with the inter written Mlle when offered by,te'nt or'ga-atcettona_ The reason isn't surmise. Mitelle- daam people go to Stash shows with the expectation of seeing plays that ere dose to their olio elation Ip Etc. -Penthouse drama and weird problem pls:ta do 'not appeal lie the average, working man on woman. Tbeye,-eclt aena]b'te fare with 1au4tu predominating. They go to a Citaw to, 'be amtatod. - Thin may of the grave fauna or the modern New

Ono o! the tarter r Óodkgta sRl ptesotrt am JtS'draruastie offering thin winter .the famous *mitten: but, Aaron Slick Frown Punkas Creek, and at; this writing the heave hoe boon sold ont,mare than three weeks in advance. The bill smacks of the "Toby". bills used- no generally In tent rep. Small hall oiganlsatioma and tent repertoire alooxa attot4ld play up these faTaritee while the' craze Is on. A lltt:e,estcá promotion will briol to many patrons who roóognere twithCae oldtbness the type .of play they loco. And more time ooet)d be profitably spent'by many Small cinematic' OtgaiUMtiofs In getting up on.tbfee bills.

Because they are old la no reason to neglect a good presentation_ a fault which the writes tau see, rociar with Tattonta small -shows. "Give 'am wbst they want" to as true :toe.-~ a e.r, and give It to them good. Put OTC Cft)nng you've got Into latch bills arid Zit! mine will be worth, ehtle. -

These o&l-tlune plays should be cashed In on by, small dramatic altos, tivhile the noovtsi_ ere 'tinting with so-called

York denmte oni or the reasons why triangle bllis and tes.sby oertredy plots- drs ove In large tittle* boo ;born ileyy e<ted T..-1 'em have their highbrow trod" thorn.,

?1b sad tilt eat th ask _ be .sppenedted MakesMakebythe rank and film. Most of it to otter more money in the calloused tanner and mWeIoi l I- t - i ri ass roa r! r ea t. their beads. In Men It la "over most middle -0~ workman. MVO boa . what

renen so' ÁtNA[Íec C.I Werú3ñttM. 11,12, everybodyh head. they Want, 'bait tell 'em vista It.

Two Boyes Circles Reported Clicking

LINCOLN. Rob_ Nov. 1O.-Chick Bo1M Playeta,1ee01 Intrenclted in thi$ seer with' two rep abows .n1 Miela, ere doing good btu/arts, according to reports. The NA 1 show, with Mra Hayes (Pierenco Gallant) and Chick managing, bestle quarters m Hebron. and,ls on a 14 -day awing In the area.

The No. n'2 oonapeay._ likau' lee with a 14 -day Circuit calls. Blaney. Nab.. home and hits three States, 'Nebrethe. Colo- rado and wroannes. Iris managed by Harold arid Intl. CGavbrlln

No. , 2 all went "from n ittmn:ern er

ow tand here after a stare ~Ion. while the No.. 2 outfit ducked for the West

et the oomatuatsft of a summer et peo- nies sr -d fear,

John Van Arnant To Open Booking Office In Muni

OPALOCKA. Fla., Nov. 10,-John a. Van Asian trial conerude the season with lila Radio lhttitnakcrtr teat thaw November 20 and 'sent again maintain winter quarteM in ,this city.

At the does of the'osnvaa semen Van Anise wet open a booking- omoo In Miami for the purpose oC oeganleing I6- FRch of the Biala

te,'units to play l] carry

thallium. ark, he e¡gya.

a aTa-oleos

BARRY DALE vetersa ehorecter mast, was spotted 10 KAaass City. Mo., the Pent 'week... . WILLIAM BALTHAZOIVE. second company recently opened at Yankton. S. D. . , HErtRST (UNIC nro reported to hare taken a eeren,.year Item on .their teat theater alto to Dallas and -have just a built a new rags_ end hobby. .. MAC AND MAR= MCDONALD have Joined the Pete Borten Playera In tbo Northwest. . ME tl EOox. aster A Jong eeslson vale iba Sid '8ingdoti Players. hen»eaterod ee amen -al lines in Des Moines.. . . TORT COME- DIANa. a r' lte r venal months of three - night e.i*men, are playing week ,Rands to -Oklahoma.. . . MANHATTAN PLAYERS, sbo'recently opened a circle with head - [quarters at Shelby. N. C., taa%e the fol- lowlt esati.JM<k Ilora-e. Kathryn 1laue'r, Alex De Vinci, Marion March. Rodney Oabelt and' Peter 1die15tyla.. , . PPAGIN- WIL90N CIRCLE. after also weeks in end around Dodge City. la.. bas -returned to its old stewing grottm.ds: in North Central- Iowa. with headquarters Iª Mason City.

f' MIME AND CLAD..,. BISHOP. owness Of the Bishop Tent Show, new have

their Rural Rhythm Clang broaden -'sing ovcr'WSVA- Hkrriavnhurg, Pa, end play. hog high schools to that ~tor?. lbey repeat neee good., PT WAS WU'lf ~REP that wO-learned of the sudden pasting In Rene On. lash work Of that DODuieprepertoire Plante, Wayne_ Bartlett. T e leaves a host of friend, In the tent show 0010 to mourn Ids demIse, - EDDIE Y.. JONES Ir. booking new dates far his eight -people circle- uurlinl; within a radium of 30 rinks of Tulsa, Odds. . . HARRY O. BROWN. after another week 'et tiahing around' 811000, Mine., will return to-hfs homo,.tn Wes- domin nanny plans for a drel0 to play that ,seate, with Cyur Mini and tuuw woiaen Ln the cent. . . MYRLE Lim: formerly of Mock aad rep. I. produr-Mg nod directing locil taunt be ellt show" in Pennsylvania, with hegdquertcn at Carbondale. DOUGLAS PLAYERS aro rporled_to.-ba doing okch on -cheer mrgo-round o.te, oe Roosevelt. Utah.

2 aerrlro mast rls..t Atra t L or MILL'S POST 0e.211.5-211,2 O[TOURIMG

tARViB ltiOt 4a)1,0t0 'NU Un - BIG IREE. LIST




'Oscan* Vii ~ties ateuri ana alrla/á~lt rINe Mn.raRa.

OeNwsN brMIA RT7 R Qgleam e aPt. 1.2a -Oar TNe,rsWe"suaelna, Ohl avrLarÜar.

.1111~~ One." TNr Ir'1v,e.ans n

GURTÍSS SHOPRIIIT QUICK saaviCl-IOW Pa1C[i, errs Veen/ Hea.seeirt.n s11,av.'y00S.r


40 The l(lllborrrd 11'ur4indiiwr 26, 1938

AAKTL Wayne. who settle bps 1etfc Deane. wet hilt knee to South- ern and Midwa,tarn tent repertotta wad taWatd heel(:, suddenly in lhhtne.,pa. November 15, Anr5nt the that encase be appeared with were the Milt Talbot Show. HetÍmer-sain!On, 'OtiLe Hamilton. Eutroy's Cecredlana and other*, 1L0 also appeared '.4th his :stir in Southern reudo batuiea and niebt ºtuba situ a few years back toured the Splegalbere and tlun_CI illts With mated tabs. At tea; here of his i1rth 't,7 worked with the Raab Brasfield elrcle ,.took out of Berne. The widow ac8Ompanied the'hody to Bart:citb hnere in Clnrksvtlte. Tax.. Where beetle! Was mode. !fie mother also aarri i c

TUNDM-Mr$. M',rf. rt. mother of Feed Binder; huricailun rona dlan.saddra ly at Ilia tarnty home In Itronklyn Octoúer 27, amid Oetogee 31 In grergreeta Cent. Atari. Lone Island. Other eurvltore seo a roa and three daugbteta.

BOOTRrWLGlein H, (11111y1. a88. who bn els youth was otftee D07 and protege of r T itarntien. to Brldfaprirt. Cann, rxonny after an Illness of metal menthe.

f!ARRIOO-PlsBk A. 65, fstbar of > to Carrico. fartmer reen58sr of blur 13outt'drittd Wolter. Detroit-, and now Op- osslOr Of the Oladwan Theater, 'that city, at his hone In Detroit Neretttbor 5_

Ronalto Mount Olivet Cranetery, that city. Ills wallow and á isere aces survive.

CARTTfFZ.I...Chdrttw L la. Im Now Tern 14Owtmter"J 1. A fanner reedrnt tai Columbus O.. Carte*alt trouped lea cinemaseasorn with the At G. Field ?Among -eh. and be and his wife played In several Ge'or'ge M. Cohan preduetlens oa $midway. A,brayttsel`.rJohn, Of Cohlen- bus,'rurvlves. Burla! hi New York.

CA85E!!LY-.14rs. '.ttry Lennon. so- prano and °»tdnw of Tharnaq A l.+rinnn. former oreanlrt oat musician a -'-Ire: - part. In that city recently stiller n spurt Water.

CA3SIDY-Mre,'WIlltsm A., October 22 in Bartnay. M iela.,'at Iserltonins tallrlmr-

n .; on operation. She wee the wife Of William A. Ca -Sdy, operator 01 n elleutt of theaters in Alma. `Midland and S. a- new, batch.Burial In Sa'tina'r. puneral. BAa attended by a large number of Mier poop:e.

CRADDOCK-Frank W. 57, tar 5e. Beata tuba player With the Cantata" Concert Band. Parleerbane. W. Vs lit St. Jeeepllb Hospital that elte. Norrnaber 16 alp 'nut a tnettaber of Loral Ne. 25u, Meat. WOW and Hiwee le Loden. Bur - tared by Ina widow. three dnushMera and two cans. Burial an 100P Cemetery there'Norcmber la.

CRAWPO6ID-laha mettoit pic- ttirO theater operator. 81 lib borne In Ktaniebttrm. 1 J,, oreenti: Crawford

nrted to tie morir b'ustn+sy run the advent of the "nickelodeons."' Eery/eel and interment In Newark. _t5ur,1ved by hie widow. Jaura, and a Ron, John G. Jr.

DrLO0DZIS-Prank 11...1.8. brother or Pyed D'L odder, heed the Prat ailment der Circuit. Detroit,. O/ a

Fred Ledgett . rid Lee8tadt, 60., widely known

ease trim director and torrnei bare- balck rider, at has homily In Rockford. Tit.. November 17 of cancer of the three*. 114 dun net troupe thpt+aasotla

Led Lett wee, born In Racine. Wit.. 1tartmber '20, la 77, and craned to niece tininess with t 1O W. n. Reyn- old- Cicala out of RoOkiOrd In jterl perfaernine with two onleJ. Indinn eh -ta double In not Over hurajlr'. Tula nest er alleetiOn was with the Wettest» Chem. dour.- loekfi' Ten back, and Teter }dined Seib

1 Iltelia C.roltn, le married halite Juliet), roue of the beet barebeek /Mere of her day. line 'they were f,a.= L uraid riders for Rome time ,setth the Barnum de Battey end Hiapuribeck- Walbee étiemee. louver ter y were divorced an11 Ledgett nettled Irene Mentf+otdtr7 well-known rider Of bialaalzhool horses and elephant per- foltner,

live to hajeartt ahetatred In tb H-tY ':.rock orar OAey. had. LediiYett abandoned riding and apeclalbeed rut eilatestrileri Merrier. islet that position '

to that Coapaeity being with the J ihn Robtrnan C,tratie. He elm wee with I tee 5811.,-P Wte Al O. Barnes, Ruestll, 19ír-. and gerladlterm-t - ,dreusra. Siirti1rriil .by lull widow. Irene, who

on RtsiUl Urns: CtroL.t thta y ar: two daufhtern, two brothers and a white.. Masonic funeral 1.3r9toea Nn - milker it. Burial in Orecnwood Cemetery. Rockford.

The Final Curtain October 20. Ilia widow, the children, four alateras and two brethren irdentw.

CTnlyDdeErm e CesOut -Jdtnon nle



3r Jme-emteemnab.. v1rO1 1O':etrait.

1'1a., In- n local heapltal November O niter . tone lllosuk Tnte'rment !n Rtersaltic Memorial Park Cemetery, Jaeltoonullle. November .11.

a 301.DBEROa-Mra, Nathafl, mouser ót A1rin'Oo dborp, kilowrl prott sonally as Al Villa. -Camas City, At0.'_orcheetra loader and mantel, °eiober 20 In SA Laker lfwp11ea1- ivatataes City, Survived by her husband, con. n '¡Otter. two bto?lurs end fntltrt, Senior* October 27 be the Lunen Ctu,pri, that city.

OR1tEIO-Mrs. Willem A. '12. 000tratto soloist. In her Louden hone ,Novemater 16. Boers In Breesklyi. the bean her career In Irew York In 1888, being known nn Madame Nevada Vander Vern, Otis sang a number of once *Nine the Iota Kstig aeorye V and Queen'tdery andhaid appeared in donee to three= the world.

HICKS -Stanley, 2º. nodule stunt Mier. In a plane cerebral fit,.Jaavg flying Iteld. itt, James. Mo., November 11, "Hlcka was n teat pilot In, the tgirtl rig of area With

HORN --Charter a. Sr.. TS. ache opened the !heat ame:tement plea nt ,Rdboboth Besets. Dol.,,about 40 years ago *8d coal atructcd=the tint .mottos pleture thea- ter then. November -18_ Io Bcrbe Hoe= pttat. Lewes. DeL; at heart 9tleetg, -A beach -front Perinea which he contested into Ilia reaortle 'first amusecteat phis - WOW

¡ destroyed, by a storm. Ito Inter

built a One paella:4a which he operated anti( reread to retire brcaWXr Of III b ,tt'h lb .a yeanj 'eta. He was born /n Darer, Del. Survived. by bta widow. Anon TA' three san.. -Charles s. Rehoboth Besoht Ritmitnd 0, /ñn, n. C., arid -William A., New leek,. a brother. J. Merrick Horn. end tun,sta- tent. Mrs; Reeves D. ,ótrib` end ilea. Chart% Ps Maroc ty. all of Wilmington.

JEWID-1.-Clleard 0, 35. of tVopte World's Wonder Shows. fatally slot iby an upknown natallantNoatrnber II' neat Americus, Ga. lib widow Imp ales, Sur- Ial 10 Tellº¡, Okla,

JOIhtDONDrnhard P., 49. emerald - of nmu.etasut genteel at 'lain* Mirk, Cora ; 2 LAW, N. Y.. and member of the Circus Sainte and Storsere end Was. at -the Seesxlield State Sanitarium. West. Oak!. Atñta.. October 27. interment In St. Andre vrie Church Cemetery. itLNk-- mond..Staten Island. Survived by his wider,. three daughters, tare tatters' and o brother.

KING -Laub (formerly lfunttii'. 50., brother of John H. King. founder at a circuit of 17- Detroit theaton known, s United Deteelk'Thºaters and president of the. Klna-1Yendte Brcrdcaattllk; Corp.

in Detroit Noaombrr 8 of a heart attack. Survived by. his widow; one Sari. Theo- dore. arid, two brothers.

L J40 -Gifford 31,. former Cbaclrmati aompoeer -arid pianist. killed, inatantl.r when We car crashed Into an abutment In Rotlyo, t. I., N. Y., NOttntbey 15. l.nngra graduate of tbn College in Manic. Cincinnnlatl. before. centering his ntten. flan to co.7lpo.lag,' was an. NEW radio arttat and acre -Woo Maniac 04th Paul Whiteman -I OFebnytra. Kit Chat major eemposltton bad Its prennero at Miele 1ía11. Cln maser. several pram ago and last April one of the features of a Cha. Choate 'Symphony Orehwi0 concert was,tbe presentation of Longs new piano tone .póem, Prelude to entenbe7, Lang wee Awarded the telLOsrablp an comp ost- rtno at Julltlard Graduate School hi New York In 1pA:, bturlal to'ClmclnaAll,

LEFFMrc_ Anne, -50, monsee_ot Harley' Lee, litilO,!raphee. formerly with. the,Cble Bros.' Circus` adt-sr.ce department and No. I lac of the Robbins Bros: Circus, nt her home In Cirlanls. ;1, ,C.. Ae- tober 24. Burl.1 In Hollywood Cemetery. that cite,

LtTHLTI-Artbo- 22. known cos the 'niece as -Snoóld*" Kelly. at -the brother and later team, ti00aki0 and ,tlmmie, In St. Jea.sph Mercy HOtpltal, ilOntlnO. Mich. Noa easier 13. She and her brother bad eare:tuned in and around Pontiac Mr many pram, and at recent -years she had been empl0yott at the Strand Theater mereei Survived by hor m.Othsr and brother.. Sorriota November fer with bullet tai Perry, Meant Park Cor istery, Penntinc

1ftCULLO[ror -Mrs. Jarttea J., n0. st.- ter al the late,leorge, C. Tllyou, founder of -the, Cones Islar5e. N. Y. Steeplechase Park and -ono -of the planers of the rraerle. at hut, halve 1n Brooklyn. Novoin= bar L9. Survived by tied inns, two daughters. two slaters And eight ºlarld- children:

McMII,LEN Clnrlt; 30, ¡nrophono piayor and orchcatna ~der. of BeMIMI. Wle, knew( floi:ember 0 :ahem his or loft the rued net'- that duty. .13tarrtved -by rats widow, p;1rents. throe staters and two 'brotlaerw.

MORAN --Nellie P.. faf -50 years a piano Inetltieiar lie DrtdgeportCona In that city November 10' after a tong 'IlInws..

PETrINOII.L.-arehn Pk. secretary. treasurer át'the Superior LWu.yrTheeter CO,. fatally abet Ntmt./1 ner 7 at isle tooth. ere 'horn In Lon Mare, Wks. The aa 'uatlant Is being herd -on Drat -degree murder cltargrn, Survived by lila mother. n meter and three brethera..Lu.eelL Nor. man and Lyminell'asseeiated with the thcnttr,_

RIDDLE.--Jnck, Si, veteran showman and acrabnt, at-hehorde !a Poplar Bluff, 'Ma. November 10 'after -a long illness.. Ile 'line with the At P. Wheeler Shown

35n1 ikCemorfant




GEORGE E. ROBINSON Our Partner and Pal


a. I

(dr -'tour years ea nastltatlt manager and legal adjustor, 8stisa aterllaa QtreW for two swamis. as legal adjuster, alaco with Lucky Bill. Lee attest, At, 1 Clark, RUM. out Brbs.- and.other shows._ He rand the Riddle circus unit on tuts rood ña a grandatand attraction until ill health forced him to dllacebtinue tito show s.,rlr this year otter opening with Rants Stow.' Circus. Survived by` nu. widow, 1.o114 a daughters, Annetta, and inetbet,

-ROBLPSON-Royston (Roac). 82. elf WberCaloaIs in the fllate CsnitnrtilR. 1laltintoro October 1b. Bnrrtt u by two children. his mantes and a «tee

SOUL SO:q-Fell. brotlyerIn-Lw ºf Roy Tarn, Ipt auperintendrit Oia'the .1. J.. Peen Shown_ t hie 'hone In Anng), Wlyj., 10nvpmbC8_ Burrlred by Ida alder and four children. Burial In Antigo No- t'etnber lo.

Sl'2131AN .lHOwnrd. Cl. Setittant ' manager of them eboygiiu (Wui Thea- -ter and a tot!rlar actor. found dead la :Maw*: nme'1i.bter, tau N'orcrnber t3.

TAYLOR -Prank M. feriae! black -fa e canedian anewn oh the -etago as Prank ritratl-Tayler. In Merrisanls Hospital. Bronx New York, NoVenmller Steed by rats widow, known professional- ly oa blanche Datenport.

TEACIB:OITT-!.outs. S 66. formerly with trio James E .Strntee and the Saul middle:on shows. at Ma beano In Dent- aLllo. N. V., recently of apoplexy. Sur- -rived by bis afdos', oteeeal ono datigllt het and two rotas '

TORTE -Mrs. Albert. wife Of Albert TrnVIO, Claw's, suddenly-_Nlovember i it: her home In Drtrgttr Teavia hasbeea s Leading figure at the Michigan' State Fair for many years. Her husband and eight children sirens,

TRKE --Viola, la, English rioter -v. well known on 'both the Mulish and &Miens can atagp. 01 plai(rtsy at her home la Landon November IS alter a lang,tilnala. She made, her Wet appearance ,on the stage fnEdinburah In IDOL add debated In America In 1030. alKarartn, In Tree ttorellob comedy. the Tenth'-c, at the Ethel Bnrrymoee ''heater. New Teak. Her tmbht-Ion was to be a singer weed la '010 Salo irtnt to Mil so to 'study, but two years later her hops of becoming anger were, destroyed by a throat In- fection and ebb returned to the Mew.

,Harty playa 'in which she appeared In- clude The 11th' Commandment, neatly Nfg4t. The Tir'iprat. M O)t ,tatnr Abet! Nothfnp, CMiwts.1 Coquette. The Merry Rfer. of K'fnde r, The Merchant of Venice and Mans Othe76,;` MlaisTlee also prodptat ppiays and Was the anther et The Swallow arid co -sensor' with 81r

-atone du'Maurler of The Di:acrr,.bosh TM which were produced. Jo 1ª20 she published Castles to the Air, o vOluira Of reinlnUCOncee. Sag married ,Alan Parson.-deatnaslc critic for The needed Daily Malt. who died In 1233.." ilr,tved by two Saba npd ti daughter.

VAN BSiIRñ e-Amedee 3 68, `former president! of the Van Beuren Motto's Pie - tune Carp.. New York, and' prarldent of the C210main Spring. Theater Cate,. wed Kernab Corp;, Of a heart attack aét his Tonto In Drramaoid. N Y. November 12. He retired from nit bushiest actin the mix ntontbs oleo. One Of the ewer. naocrsetur preduelbaels of the Van Bsuren,Corn. was Aaaopa Pablo. Other films were Briley. Thews Sack Adore, Weld Cargo.,, Fang and Clare and numerenn ish rt.. fBtirel4Lno are Sbrother raid

atjterw. WATIfALL.--AUrrd G., 118.. compº-er

mid stringer at ittatlen WON. Cblcata. of a heart Attack at his home In that city November la. Roflu In Hr.,land. Wathall sea the composer of several '_'Hl -brown operetta». anaebR which wee Slated the Salter and the score tar Dearer Ada'. Salton of Stela 8tarvletd by 111* widow, Orel: 'twee daughter, Ire two sole. derslees NOreinber 17 la Chlcaga

na ia-9es

ADAISA-SMALL-Flank Adams. drum - 'filer Iii Orty Oarrlohb Rend, and Alfa. I1.infil. of Obies.Win Ne- York recerttIy.

AMOS -Del. ---Char li@ Amass. 0001 eetaelonwr, with Blltrais Coviedinna. area Janaoa DetAl& dancer with rime etgon' ItntIoB, to Valdosta, car November K.

BA7'1 .flAlbNr-rr-Karl Bate_. 111P

D0000(W at Station `WJW. Akron. O. and ~merits Darren, fortnar y iden- tit3eC rrlth the atation'a offCm. in that sty Nortmber 12,

CONN5*d.-ABDHLTal--:oacpb O. Own hell' Jr., theater mnnfier Of Boswell, N. IL. and Prtncccn Cents lava AbdalM.

(Son MARRtAGS8' on papa 11!,)

NoBérnber 26. 1938 The Billboard 41

1rLzn. M1ItI llgo Mich upall<. Mcts ia out. titeet. )r.r`Iy Ile. Wm* aW


` f rm: hem

islas. 1lfsts>,

S1 ,.1 1' tAd ' 1tr14 Odre L ILIICnd.

Amble llesü. . )fea if. t.. n 1 áW) uYLL ual

`'-Pat. Hl11lte7 An5a1r lPullin. ¡1V14u1 ?fa ]i ' K 1aMr'. ) mr4i 1 -1.. .mrlrf 17tc n, YIAt[9 XN1aTlIta44oila xlk.. K ClPae01 -' t'n [JdW. M

M YR t1. l.aut/r15, TfrLn IcalSey, )i111+r Neer Man, _1llnE7

11t,c ?arlr D{tk tar9.k Pool nrr laíq7tltn It'r.1?r.1uyn.lels, tt.h7 Letts Jinn Hyn 1101 Itnrmpo.r aKM,')caoC.,yea 11rLt. I'Iw L t'. .ard.¡ )!x-Ir.rm 3eaM. ueUeftilfal)w leo... )}? P`arwaLlsrL, N"ca Q A A.ioe. t1rA1. 'JIItY, M FaM c.ALn la -r.5 jn, Jut. )loat,1tb "'Ali Ir.a.., >I 1 h Tl+iry AL1esa Tfe 1y..

la _.. talr. itr.. kn. Alt L. }1b Itn... YaarÍna I,11I111. ltOu ]O.r.ln a)rraa. bee )1 1, s.r.i 1)t'rll'rd.

111,4'11'"'"71 11Y XI:1wd eea 11 IWr1tC4.._MR'61ra ftrra..He. I,..110 Thrum. Pk_ _¢ 1Lald) I[.oa_ L .nl a.. Iln, IR7 Jllat..11, XR Fafl Iirey rY_ r 1.'[1a. a.9oibtl )ta4lro. Ilan' nu, iM red.. 10.IIl.a,' K, álr Nº`.r. rac: Ita.tal, ) n. Y. y[Or ILn. 114+.tea }[V,r it 11,7,, Kn. pl II. Mn, Tar.! JI[PI*. IMwC7+ 1Wf. XMLw 5t vr. ttr't1aM ill,: . M. Iyfnle. LW,.

1 y Y(a7 ] tr.

Mow, 1 n 1Prtr. lntter, ul $.'r. a'Adlm xra ]Ialla. t>aall. r ' R GTIa Ent, It:u n ll 1¿emrrd .o... Rt>y r aSrazle lr.t.d1 TIaL.l.n. ! tira, .Iri IM11, 4 ,Y9., it tug; .,Inr. 1aa K Mn.ll Jot ' SGa YIln16 f:L a. dltr ]Ad 1411- .. P,uaurr. Mrs IX Emory, it 7.fu 1j- lion

Augólel \san, Sln TAT IfaLsi I 11YÁI r. I,v, xn, aa] Itlil.'.a 7(asr11. wnu. ]In. )JÍ a rey era wanaaKa. I,cr.a8[ I..ti'rat

nn_ aiela ryt s .7 1 1 r 'loge.. us Ubee . Xlo lí4a 4%4: P D.Iee, 0.1 4 Pp.í{{n. hr... trye in., td,., Merriam, )iata. 'vN lTaleea I.

IILe 1.141-wnna) : Ylr1T1 I'11r7, MR t1. Mini.. n ta. MrT. ~Art tY.r.l, Ar. .sea 1. r. T. r:tlst. Ido. Moe uey Axrr7a..ra .meltla Nlrtt ro7. T

Y a YyLa.ltaa =1.11.-w,- b.a.ayya y3 1. J. W.tr_ a li.tei wa

YII:.4fa t11a.r e'"rlari, llw-T.IÍ. Win r u r-tr tra,Y. L ticl..ynt IYl1. ' w Y1re JOa Ra11, 1h1 ' net, i« Tu rMegY,, \dri, :,,,:it te rr11 Y7oala.s. un .y.4atak 1 nU Yttine .:rtllpt. lit (r. Y ' lf.lmiL I.M/ W.` flra : ItA] ^11 ' 5Lt4r, r/rlul AANr uarTM. un. Ater. :a++,ms. Ylt/ln4 NrfaS. MA.. )1 ü al. [a7tif

- ' t.Yln Itttt )°--Ilrr. Ytea . t4J.m )L Ol J4ea%r7 lisa Kafetr. 0.R R ta t41 1T1Mar.r, r+ta.. T.ala Uw,Af.r 1PM r -,,._.a Úar..l 1V. :zbas. tert. "'Mk. ]ha _ Kayryrw >, y K +11111 IQK O.ta 111...:1-.. . A. n1eR Vledrd. tl1*dtl I.1trr. _1tu115e J:1tat., l`lutlra nsn líen A. L Yraa/. I7

Y.s. v_Ie E-etde St4;7,5.Neo. t E.1. IeMv, le.n tatlw. Xra Al ilLisu.4.r. Slrs went. 11Yr..i 5 ., itn. )Ti n- pn. 1w 7t, t7frL IIQL1 d P. KN )I[a AJMttill="'''

.7Crt31 7'lerKa.,


o rr t+0. X rlalr r.r. >iR ~Ewe, Xn= YCr-a Klan+ Iplar SRlarfrtt L 11rw T. tA /'. nd. KJ. f, lamlq rl4n ,+t.(. a p leal Q ,t.s., M.w CUM* raltwr. N. -Mum' 1e1,rE Jr-. MM. 91111tae. X[}, 1ti'G-irr.- t ta tlrr. rh.a tJ55. J/n Jamn Ir. Jdfrlb trptL.,, Star rte lly,iplr. II.r. Il. rey nt.raa o,,,,sr. uil r Yuel tieios. ,,..1.1«,,, nnrl+h. XR a, k . . _-_ ,Ta Uln . d

elkasan0' tr rOL Mn. 11.7 la ¡ :reb/ I A 1TD Y. Y1. , A,Ilnticb ar- iriflb Kif11 7e, iM 1 `M.imntl, srey ln,rf9alta, Jter'1 lYtliflrrardy 114. aL.w.,. 7i.1r+.. ,7aMr. ,Y,alrti Ms,1r1 than. )0a7y hon.;

- p! ]fa.o Y. 4n.., `-- , S'ra+r. lIR 4M , a,Al. fas s Sly tfnb Lie 11 -leaf, len. ILL 4tfc.

yW1, +a 15570,:";;:33:::

1/n 11 a. aYlraw terK7e ,.sr.,trl. uca a14C1. Iasr. ísa A Ru 114 -W 1N.>rett ).'y.q,t

..1tI' á.rmalm T tUY,})I.a. 11 WM 9Mt7 nm';lR. E.Ip III .1: -0t,edl.dl tyn.f. (. 1L ~ .n Y7Li 1.011.11 W.,jar tl'brtm nraaln. üllllea,. I.oslr. y,t] Iaar.a,te. al{as. Kr* Ra1b 1r yp ' 11111 u*-_, Y.f., ]irR Url+ n. t)aa.L fLa! 11-a n, bH/l IItW

s.rwm. 11D.a n. HP ár n) 1 r ]I 5 n` .7t` r- 1.ak

lArm.' Iraq :L. 5

%I: lae IittiF)v1,7 cr . 11K31a l.MA7. alsa C. .p 11kNnL, Yfc4 To111n. Mn, &rvsxKYIMI ri { ' E117 Jaclrtn. 7Jaatm 1 uailu. ltSeIY

tHr: Gjff lt I.rtcpq 7/r /Sfo bU. lcta. Rfdtdnen, We. Thaw, AfR 11a. 1111.7. 'r,.m { Ylc ILnY. X .JON ROm4 Altp1 Tolley. Ktr nea r,aan. .9s. + . ]r.t+. l )trMw I[tY11 n w, e.,rrm Tnlo.r. }!íe 16 11. !i. tr J/rt llab.t S+ afu . K IL.aM R1e[et xadle fw T7lanpc xrt[11tac n ?7 Mra Iiat e tll..t: lrra.e..

2., arm TZC Ñas 1 71n R.

r 1L ee

MAIL OJI NAND AT 1l.nL, laana, tlla

CIKCRYI1iATi OFFICE /rri1. J1uMl ant, Ms. Fred. Tl'-ST ,Oar. fleet. [,,n4.n. C


Parcel Post tlRt.e.' se T:Oa Fd R7I,e ][e. WtLi.3 },- It X++fi.


1/rU., i.K lir_6

lt.. i31.,'ado Ihaan.tatltni 7t.Nma.w. S!T(Wm R y IDalwrJ T. T.. ro_n.. 1i1t.

Tee 11t

tiTSn, nnn. l M i; Fe U`) r tie ldra Ok Ir

wOinen lsh. -)6a Ann

tk. y itarut.

ÓertrerA/ 11dlr.ia 11rrt}k M7 mnt+nt' t:tar) n°dat°'reart<:. Vauder al.a',`uíµ 1 iQa lm7

Ta.1m. Il1Net ' n Jun. trraco.. ) ,

L w - , .. n ! 144 an b3en Se %T OW 1141,10 Cbe.tres Amt.. IL a ` h I- rNa y R 1 ilra 111rC MepAm. 11r. ilar. 5tn.11tM1üs., n twldn. ': tiCliri Alf lladla5 1 ,a e. 1iK TS' 1 n. 2111 )t U K. AwWre. J Ir... Um 1)1 ..a, Mn- ^_, lo _yj7s 4 xcKs. 11Ctt - 3[ 1^a.. FtagALl., [. JtOa iI. tl,.e 11.d1, )fni. 7laa XtLaM, Ifat+[ww.

lit. Plummer,. ArL<al.

1,14.%11-1-1.7".' ar 1tK Tv. 0. 11aa.r- ]]Ot ran Y -1N uK 11atU.{,S. T.e.. aloaa fBMt'/5 WI k;¡1.j.Aer)ar.51 Tea tfn.ac_ )trt< a... J@k L11y7. 7tr1. 173. P --3n í5aºk llc7[r[L,ct Alit. y1rxLq. rll'i lllrLerlw' !bran, JrJlr I,7ee ú7'L'0. Llb 7ea.ard. ita Mermar. usa Jinn. }ira etrtrt. J1pr. WI. rleo.

a tLl, eLT;. 411[I1Wdü ne+.te. (N /lle.. N.d[. Wm- '1f' rte/. mu A+t.tee.uRnLCEerJrr

YIn, Lyn DeWitt, Aa,M. li fnq llnb>y INet La. nle+a ltaraarai - i1., ti`aí iarlw, II w. 1 tUcbn, llrk i'Aal 11.].cla0. N1A Tdtte. u11a' te 14, Ma[py iaNU L 1P. ObQta Lr`..r. MK Jaá brier fPat Ih1m. llr Yar=La<t Ilrrr.otc,, ., C1Ylot0.

tld.erNi óetLbl ú. Km IINI. t1ti lt_ [Iy.1.I 7+ )dan T l/ars _ I,i51. In1ur. !(to a ..[ ` ly[f1l Ittct. T'b,aL,. .., 7[R fw2 Itsrltim. arc yjannsimrc. x1a , M.11be -Crlrr }lu1s tl+ 11rr}}y. tlai- a T b, }11 IF.4. r1r:r,, S'17neÍM. Thpraa. Mra C ri

rsly re-nte bmtm, n..i II,IMer. Yrre 31.. N1r "r.Z .rl,a JlOíS 1t} Mrs- ~Ms N Ilwoaaaa. MK ]I.Pwtt 11 1 ryle[Kl5 lCaLrt t1W Carnml 1fR , wok,. eL \T_ wtóp-, lame, ttft., y(allr K T7wgpttu, Mr.

3tn Sn+,naa n i. IL'. ]ALa1$ llatrttelp }}tq[ Ví _: n_. Ir. (S{tla Ron Zlatfelte Moth' a uhL a+r IOkC. }¡r. 7boorr'ellattA/on. Itl,ta, Ilea. KR, 1- v Itie . !IeUre Mr: err. r-

,tter ís NOTE -Mail held st the various oífkee of `The -Billboard is cluásified `under their 'respective heads

Cincinnati Office; New York Office, Chicago Office, St. Louis Office. R1iestt4 to have mail foe -married must be receii'éll in Cincinnati by FFidtiv morning ,(early) and In New York, Chicago) and Si. Louis by Tl ursday morning, otherwise names

1t¡!,. r,lrs of -those concerned will be repeated in t e follow- llllno.

Inter A ing issue.

!lane:]/., lt.i 11.7 Illur111.4 Ue ids n.oiu. Ilaada. Mrs Made ntruan. Mrs.' Auras. CT1N

R L alien

Sluff MO, 1.4dlfas 140111.341U11115" R..ri6af ` J1 TJ >cZkm 1

21ºtrS t y ,IiPaai Alm U dli5ar. null. ?em,ehV. L n ataca 74ny., fC1n a ri fie.. Stca Alm/ieOIIla '-"!ia 1' ,

K .I t i 14trr'rr177h. 11m

71A, ta.thar ' )71b1>fW ñnllasa. ít',,:_%-.1

14rY'Jfw\ Ile r; Sfg_ Lr+. 111.. 0'117. r a(a,, L.asL Al 1 a an.

o' Alf

w Xra

1JMrh Yr tlly fllO-lr.Na M'SeK Tó.1aL 1i,,4"77-04 IeGM It Y.


r yrsau a.rec, N eQ17^1'` 0 el -r. c11. D R'._, Jlar I_. rm.

I r. -n. ) 1' M «.1,- go. OriN,m (1. -qv: á`'i. Mir._ At-tl, Aon_ . -t !kf,ra 9. 31ta ]ittl atgirt 1ka Etta 1laÍr XR Jett

t11Y5.,eé. Mili -1N r ...:41 :. l.Ye!

IF,4_. - 4,I! [f'7l Girl.. 1` Ti ..'>tn 11111 iras. uf r"' ro len, t' nt xn Dee

"Kr .Yb i taana.

OUHr fa:nrctrm

I ,'h,. WI] T . treY. rey Yawls L_ -,u.. 3tKA

t. .Ir Part, '!n. J. A,1., b1er. 'EL, na " ann.. 1. Lra MK, 13a1í. }11R Ilo. +ara1W 11.R C111 n7art'04 YIr. Li,. 11.tg1

bir.CkHrrslr Nlr;<n4 ?hjl1fYnitnrt;rf57

V uíaY IJa[21 1 14erLa 1141p 1 m`51. u.a.t TiomN. uc4 tdtQ1F. MR wlm.0ar W Jan4. H1Na .etii Prw %tarler, llra ,lloan W llllrL. irnt

XXR A >L t:rwr}, h,tm 1.114V:

'- r.111ac1i. NrtY M 1i. Iw

.t,, ltK

rIlllaateR/ t1' ' )[ntL pa., 1IuuLt

U--+1rlJt.JtW O

Pen 1^t p. 1.']i` 7Ra ~14Wm1 tYa 3 6amm )tr,,, pp_.4. (l4 11,..1.$916 q,{t. y, M+4T. á a1:1 tr.laay r..tarod. f9in_ . "--. 3ía, r atb.

ttüli YJrolp 0:. IraAAlo MA. . a5t.ih,'mM $oórt

a al á_ TI, t osdre I'tIltera Kok

Mrs w- tltal[ICStOYO YR iraoln ea0a 2i .t -:..., Y1t.J,..O

U í1a I6 17 h Iacnl ..__a__ ,O, áb----- IR tSrr ran. Yr> lea isla rlaua. II _


'1,141"1-. f1. tfxw.-,' wnlu5 r I ala. 0.ñ. . Ya V`fL & Lttlate.e. Nw ó Alba Cox* e n. Mr_. Munn et I. - rL Lea i.oaUr.r s Ne. .. IIZ, w 1 +ar. F.onr.loot .- rY; R .a 7 7r._ . la.detp -ItC- Ih1r1.rK

r1 rir ;ru.aaat . raw. !i Y'~I ,. nI4.¡4nn, t , r,,a A Mrn n ...

911. 11111

4 0. M. Ned L JAW. M 7CY - a)4tln';a 1h1 _ , r r y, * v 11r; -Kls 1at.. t}taia aLLtank I i 40af1Jllr

' .in.L <Ida- o " ra MY )IrrYrt. Km. IuMa. y, N, 4, Irir,~ rn Yerra 17,1411.7. X7a1Tt.d vlt. ?hr.' fnlc+


n 4 to L r 1.11iwi Y1[il.aneL, lir. i't1aAp-rl Sranba t'' 4 r:n 17 rryi. )taca Unra 07114. Mt. Wtc`r_i

)L_i,lt, fin. 1. ai r .hn I:. . it. . K Mdkltal.l. 1'11155.. ',70.,%11..... : rt 'Intr..111hapOn I.a.. Mrs

' V,s - M[arala Ib. Ir.t.! Mkt üteres;r 1I`ile. un rent. JIÑ !ta,,LHue1K i1 rL,lk. 3y.. It. MI' .. Mn. berth, 1 ]tn T Idct:llt,

Mrs. Iid u 7 J. C. -,1 Y. ))I 0741. lr 1 -kn. A:t.It.a .6, ]fr. Stun , 11.. ll.r n t'Men ,' _' . 11 JL )in tidw 1,cWN.1rI. Ini1M ItaWrr. 31rr. Iwa


}i'rr; 11atñ,, uY.,.lenn

)hi J.' 1tr4.t. IiIi ill t{{rr i,., ----,-Al.,'pr4 Lti. -7at(rar' 1I.a)tc.

-'Z .. 127 1 a thrr.

AlaMaaa1tn et47i1dm


eM. t1a11. 144

r. llll44..i

A ttt,. lltant :t ereon. rW Ant

arrtr.,,n n. 113111

Áñl-rsas: liro ArLncv. [Yrttl A.Isirl. YrilN. Arnow 111151 %1 1 LntH.lnr.

t-.1 za-1Nal. A: P5i1aJaaar R

Atlr¢-ir M nea ,1tern.... ')9141 "Fern. .al

CO... ttti r.

dd as

aÍe.s ,alto a. 1)1a4..0. Yi.o.f :itlticm. tlLaaitm

:tltwtan, TAS.dT' -Átrti.L.wC ÍKº An\-'rr ChM.**

\uwwitln. "Nat A.

irThnme: t.Ú' Í Lwta7atrmd ~am. 1 o0ú


lfl111rat151R. Joan

rir.a.,ItIO`4`fé :t.,

7 f 11c,, I'm .'un.11e_ t.r 'Ink LUrt[r

paafw OK, /bur a it 4 0_- T. U IRídrtk g t:, a ,m. }.+rnte

W. Ca1e/ UaNw J]Lolt 1111$., tY ]. I90tºt. Mri.. 1., R' i >. r 1.r, I,. .a

11"11-P1.1. yp .1_ J. Ilertt A'.

1i1`+ta f..c F. 11' .r, y 14 I q, a

Mrlí iaóm). ""r .1.aI.,t'. 2'!. 1,rale>t,.rit. üit ú +1.+". lA.rwrr 7Ís 11r' co..

tp11l.rhuman!Milerl t _" II.Ñff

r: T tr Q

Blunt Raise. 4Tº ~` t¢-a.a I_1xe{yj,vO.. }ff

&°aIf. talltt 1.1aNie.

1. 7.M' 'I.íN, 1 r ICS T GGhha.D:Sla...5a - Maw tlten. L R a

11'_ 1

Y IFit,,i-i^w7 1. Prar,

a>1M.larr(Irl.. "1 Elms N'tl1[IR ihcá N'r 111ats. rertr-n CO.,,_4. JruM Pert - . Wit. r it 7loe5toAlifnDit )a ~VI. O.rrNt. tDleeaial.b ._ {jJ11pa1S r, ttiY alea r.atla


ón1.1 ,t_ :o4 a Irelr.

E. d -" r.i!,`rlri A Íi- a VOW i. r _.11 r. Oder 1 - , -Mr t,t

1 Hmrt7 n ......urn, t.w.raA IL a1MPh t.-_ 17r... IlÍ5111r J4

¡y ptr,. t-.nnllaae, rnmri ^terT] I, itcr+t V4u1 t-anatal..g. XI._ F r`, 11 ,Magi.; A ,tnf R...rrt5atyr. b sa. Jos, Cite IL. IktA '11a,.1t. Ir

In.oin. 11J0.ty_ttlt mk nltlf.r5 i_ Í.r L 1 - in. Q 1 C'ilrt. that S I r e '. 1 /lrah Ft.niq C?:. C. =1, ''7.,

Ph- 7.l I¡

@.rt, Jt If.níe. bow Ail. .1- I 11,I..r tt. tWt. SafuJ1 Naf1{ . 21-

tLYt. 71, 1Y

1I/[? t11M.Jota.rer 8' rus iIN* llino, Jo :Ir . nr7aa 0. iL nwI , T1r. 1}a, 1...., n

rYk >il.. Ú.c1 Ilu.)t COaw1. ChMt" 1 t fi1. - 1tLri11/ Ál

]!M .tp. ILA" .aa1 n, IL CS'r'.. At. 0t 1--.I. $cQSL

IIIt'.1 . I a R tT. f7TMn,1n.. Moor 1 n7 IC Cl"tat J.' ¿Sari t\r.rn..., No ir414 Itl' l». 7fm_ ttvls7. I'm {{55tra..


ts. .y¿KJY1,J

`/SaQ,ln. . TA

T11 Cm ' I.blf'0.alt..

Irtri_ j r (, iA.. IL n l.t.s. t51114" 7T, 114.. JaK1


tio. i9p, rsll

I4 eery Ma

04.1114.. A X. Da.ldrLm r. ,t ti 171,0 lgc.h -

C1azl.r N'rn IIr L

C Cl.idlw

r Jr, Vf'

pT¢ar,..n, . llr iInqam/_ II DOI.M. "'4'ree. Don,, J P..1 IMLI I m

nor -de. Aen r Cru ifiror.i.IltJaoLmi. tin 1- n'_ I! Jjrnrwi ti U. n 1,r tr 11171 H. I

I ,t ,/. C. r.. ii J..- I.. 1lrert. Thus. "><. a -r V1'. 1_ IICi R Ilmb K titwt .at m 1,--,,,,t,--1,..., Jtn I.vüet. it


ll14..) )[].tern. UaLLa. 3'..JM:l Ó.,ippVlñrlr, II,..a1dUmGD.tlitt1 $UllignP. ºaq a - ¡$'.l.l I) .

iR4.n. C' 11tU. C. 11 Irma. '1r - )IilA1p,vn, er nue. lr A. lr. d , A

i I'd Ta

1{Ita : t4Íi:fe l- r i+. ' ? r :

iJwsº. nl4rp r. ir -44:117- o -r. Z r.

1PJrfet1r11,I.M\r5ltnt Al 16-rua.s.. AtT. ?7+J+.' Xentn L tra+Ita+., >fS+nk Wont, Max' txn,v.y ,Alt ``foT/n Q)oº Rra5a. Jry tSC/en, (jzr .ap.! I/lf. ... Tn I Lnl 11, A n7R 0g5

pr.,.. . JM..t. I1.Na Ul.a, r 11. ¢ylloatitllC.ui 3ij



. :

Ii-_rG_ en le l;,, MIN.. r.d..M., EMU 1Ó

nLW.I_ .2 1-.I`ra_ l.t

sltor7 ' u-, 0. OroeO,. il! nro.n. w, r. (t,ar'pl>5f a

11.''IIpp ero.a, ,t/t7/. ll.htn'd. Prtar, h (I41o1 aMs*y Il4ítn. fi U.oe

rQapa (,¡P17,

t r, It `ial lYe4ae Hrr. NI.t: 'Í nor

1"T...111_2121" uron ' Yrwl tl. ! rr.. llrtn= _ X '' . 11N5a.

a i. ' tt,L1p,}ñtt Junto. 110. ow.

,IT,1'ia Paul r,` Iriu' ..........1ey

k`Jl! O.¿ 1<. J, n, i°'... lflt K to N. Iftar,A=lax faults SMatN _jar. L _

]Ínlx,i,114ob Uril3ti. 1L T. I i err, 7Nm Perm. 11Iee.M r:,trrm, a rY r4.. m{,, a.19r If Sena nun 1, lrrl7 m : P.

11 re. AIAI (mapai ̀ ' -r.UlYr. W,cII~-+' .ClM4 GlUwad


Ysra o- 1. dd Dins. Jlmta7e o LOOQ Cab. Muter r.,y,ir ̀ sYwl air

t1r . ¿ 7 , ; a / mEldLlr. DUI 43 aIdy.

+''-~b11L ba.7s7.

.....0......,...4.14.41,... 5w.C4 4*. txs.r.;,,,,,w, .vtL(xcoon A1117

vt y1

. .

. ., a , tl t

Iumut [n=a ally temaa ftjt, taili4



ri°. "` in T 1td-a. !_Ji 1C 1` 1- -it Jr ile.. 1

5311...a ;tt 1 ¡a _1 m 1 I . O _al. ir f)arºw.4 f.a."tr.

Í SM , Ira

wt/t. Art . Art

L. , C±.ia{ . lr.s., IHAttA waist,

.' ̀ w

Pell. *WA- LLA rIIJ

N/h* 0.0. {Nste. 114X. 111. t. o d- Itrf LL

.Jt_ hb a.1. El.



s14111.1Tel,,arf wr ?ZS.. l

Wi{en Writing for Aiia-ertlsed !hill. Please Ose Postcards. Also gtltte how long the forwarding address Is to be used.

a .nr[l. It ',r- r,aU, i.=-1,

It Turn. 11a47)5 _alee. r.aa. E:u 311/ D.~« ;. i.

.7 Jty,lts.


.37ar.. 'ELM

42 The Billboard LETTER LIST Nom+mbar 26: 1938

1 trkL nwOrnate., Ornate raro SIx, T, IS T. Mow 7".Mtr .L Tart Q Green. Infra« 1,..1.17.

I Jít7 (bun. Jnt;

erne, IOU rn 1. I{'..nt Oren. 2T,aataa, IL

W. N. hr..:,, h . 0...1./.rtelo. l4 t. I I4tr, GrowerGrowerYKsewi Mh,

'W. rabM D Or Lr >r. Arleta. 7. Otter. J. L ne /.etv. D

tee. Ilse,r*7 e1At+

)fle te 2 t. . leerw'V8ss Jrb.a nNiha Ft71nt3 theta loa. rb.d' i l new, Army R7, C, iPaA) On ,

IRtber, JOS7i Oahe. T-

I7'} Aare, taprrrY9ooM 1 Om. Warr

) , Yrl.rrA L rr177. d Y.

I -Ago., -MA

Irian QMIt

tafroe. a:a.alA .15.1111. tale. f':a.

tn>r Walter )4}pr, A-


11a111n. üp..,a,d1. iI

all, lee.rt . 1r..

1{{ 1. IÍL, ñ^Jr.. 11íAw

Paley. A1L. Ink

114 L l ra. Y'p ttam~..`atfó etaau111/rrre. 1

)''r la I M, - tlsrereaas. r. c'

t1-^_raareaa. rMeti IC1a+tr1 t1lewot ü 4tatitpt, tSea,rs. t1. L tt

ya.e1.4 Jtru Íj 1t= "1 t M.deuison. ' Ltwtr7Gn(t.J..L, aM°' rit tb 12-"'"«11.Ire R

. J.J...ata /:. . ffill Yaae. t )t. Jrrw. aaslmt, e:a L.rrs p ...' 11,7`m fltyrrlpc, Mania - IL ; Prat 7N u, fiOsa

OL 11erT ill P. y olta (Ls*. A`al'L

171E- @e 14Itrr 4A 7ir,-.Iet. Il.alcta'.,T11ü , ttat^ 7f/w)lnrlar."Jin Jp.rn J. A ea-.maM. R Ilarrlr .+iL r ella latw Itidd C'a7.a, Iry nand.. II. O. {-hllrr. WWI Tanla, f' a'yaflsEcy Jett 11r-It. 90.t R

!Aa 7.dta

VI'_ lean, it (bertri Ma.,1-""-W: 1' err4d Í:VIL .1ipa M 6.k.,

J. Garb. ('pDn ILrist.t Whitler 1. ,ax- Jrda p. fW J iteKrrcl; 4h.'. Ayta[rdrRts¢, alafrd. Rptplatrl>hl

llenlrrra'. I 14rrtl. 1ro.- ).- ltboa aa.n ` 1.1f.

1I.Y1r,.J- OarA.., Fa^., lta.larr ways* caste; A_ 1L. 7Lg¡ Clads

Haunt r(rl.apt1é,s¡ Jelm tt.1fF+}I.J'JtrMls

fclsw l.trteohe ylal tla,ilie O. E. r..vt. { f.Tl 1taatJm, Y IL }IkYkbr. Itatat Íf. Abut, tat rt;:nw .t

4ltnbtta..' t re Sank F'farrkdtnlow, 011daaa. llew. 1natr Raw,,. 1 (t,

rálr..ny )Irrt.Aa7 tl.sa7.. ÓI ) -t )1:a7tw

alll]ItrM, .lifall: Mara. Itv u W.

I1t1f{ret,TrAtT+ Italia. Q rt". 01111aars. Mr. K. 71.04..,:, rtbe Olt e: 1Io .Itt.=, A. I aPr

.1, al, IT= Í .ri. 1'M" tir t?14aSt.a,,5

itCtApYa 1 I - , ie asA Ítaff.ratl, i1o;

Ilxraa.e. Sta loe r7i¡{{..eO..r. sys 1ItQm Itrw D.

r4[r+hY. i't,s. j°: ---_-....a lone.

r^i7-tl,Y.,tiltOt{a ff P1rlN.rpleer

l: Y /II: 11. 1L/1. Y+t711t n %' . ,ty 11 nee, T. K. Oa' .

h a.L..1a'i.

7 ato IüsrYa nsd r7a:rt

e- AI Jtátnw .- .elsm. .1 )a,Ont. VI« I T. -.WO Itrraw- I/.sM

1)tl7.f4 ,h.. a n1. tl.',7 Jp'..

Unable. trlQ i '-oa++.r." _J4r]r iirary.a Jr.F

t' W.


- 1W L pa.lsar.r.IK fii(oa »Ale. I11g1altblar.r(,


(:.vh ú- Ó. 1'7cbb, % 0. iikn,"na

. iB7 J. Ñ1u+.

3 I _Addis 1L. rs n tts..eud, ;rlsat el.--..;. r. Va lar IIltats. An I.n t^ ' IN IlüóttotC, .tala7i (-tent. :mar Cara,

(W4`9 ¡al..


i1r. ]pólffeaa Pp


Dist A, P.,%, k LtieLlx tie at Chill. tnairaer.f. J.

Jav Ir"r-r_ Y, liai, '` PN r4a IÍltrmb. L.__ Ury:.A, Yiee 1 7nad,lrm Or1. Al M. U".' i4+M7

=zee ,fiia

~km. Rp4e. Xlcs. 1 Dee Qaa u.n1M ennui. cteN C ltirrrr. r. A. Il107 st, t _ AnNH Y.> J.ha awtra_ Itter U.,r

llbnbns. AI w /s.le 5 At lnre+A_ li=ps /Were Milk K. eiol.s. ITa: Y. I. Verte




CaY Y no. lVHvera p.aammoo K tt 1 1. 1L1m.

Iretf.r, K: rt Itt.e fn' 7[ y Al rksm Ix+ae i4 Weak". latlaes. Jot.nó Ks'+n Y.b ol.aT7ol 1tat-.r terereSd IL i`11. f`aaS K.

t¡¡oea..a. Wmtraa K 1 i1'. r Gtr*=_ Yeite!!r1 Y_"Wll. A'Irh,t1 ¿trill.

t' . ¡

Ho66aMa. La J, Kntgpaelaal,t is .off. w.. le K. Jete J. L P.arm R L t(:'ta.t, /. G 4rl+,oa.. Ihr t1Yad

{prt1 }tr*frw. Y.7't. lkL[pitr. 111! RLro. 11 want

1lal/ad, ItotJ. K AL 7A. tsp. 1 uele. J h XYfºm.^ tleocort 'lioe. J, P Pat 11N . IJaa_51, ne Cbertw Ti:td. AT dtra L, f tIM Waimea intog, I, ó. lirttbrIl jy 1 T. k'ren. :la«. jtsarse. AIr.W W. fla?ArL Y1M :/7!n. E. F IMtIgq,, WIW ttt aas ktr, J. teoc.e. Jack IIy X_. , Ir.e7rr1 Jr ,- r ll.etai., Áleae KnlsiA. In UT Lump. A Y1'. ,¡¡roen. 7l AtMb fLr Y 111NrJdt;y Jae! KnIIM, iearan Lode. Cy 3otar )Igeey enrW T'a! -

Krrrel ~me t,hn,7. tzar. JIv1 JrEn:.r Sr.,rmat, ilOmie7d. edarr. ̀J. !. (ltwy. tL ¡t.arra sri C+r7 tllebltl 1 .le,e7 1

O.a ""', 1.Ira1. rat fiMha7rba B .rerTy¡ ten E. j1{ep/3y.,, fearas Meetly It'a .roa. ar. I. 111.1a.. U. Z `fee71nupe,, e iie(.idtu RV L (io+arw Yrenk T. J. )L Sra, :taragrLl 1, 8 ' ¿,.,. .a* aF,A Jt,w I7111 Jutn (Nfa7 lbe,) flelqer vn'acLa iFarS.r-' llwle ser II, at tilde,: A. " P. L Muhl. Winn

F r 1:qeA1L Ijrr.sal 7aak )Jlllar: 7bbaf %pRna, lee. ft7e¡m -1 . K. !L )III1w. Ilotwm.L' T. Albrt

si:Vt,.n ^+

Mn 6 J. NI" },

`l.x O7,e,aw


ngl. Phil ¡¡ aka XtísoáJ.AdLLt b yly. tjWY'.rlS+e7x $P.3.,': t m Itrlr,1 & Ilma. )trtt i',r i

"W_.,--,::.41.. IFriArNo. J JJ (rr lief IIL Pat


lroo !, wU tiel tYlr +., S

/1:1411'321".(71. J.ek Kant, feµaSnt,r. el..._ T. vnln att±arn It,_rt ICU. lir traa. 7F1

K. !¿uni 71reNs. GOA y71 tl.7 [Ir: [+aar+l tnela IIcae7. Misr! s -. r.n Cbe+'.e7 11n Itb+rLL D. Oa4rs- 74-.7. Eaata+ tfn .re. V, sc. . Q,ah yyeCAttsMn. 0. I. t7 1: r. '

IO..a.esedy,-,,, p taRate 'rtre Sdelrlr ILrrs Ili r" Vlttsao (pp 111tuta, Ita7es Z ;J

Ilba.ld. 7t c taN.JIeeY X]st_.tar, E. 3. 4111,, WIILnt (gqrr1tyyts1(, g re. U.x.r A.

unttsnp. J, .a.ttm s1111r, 1te tw 1._ i(Ytlsee. il Na4or it`a.. YrbebL rlYeLa lark ,act Yalig, i'al tlallat^.u

IfaraarJ., tlo?.a/ ¡A14i. Root 3. 7r=a, Jobe Ylnle Rátfe e.r `y ha 7lsW. Ir. .IL fluor Re.e.fl,

mew LWote. so. ad 011ie sslntro 1[ar sa !" RI'Or Ot'a q afay IAN at Ras StNytt! . other luu rn. lt«t4 Oer1q JºIjra n.ºM' llr . Y.

lbw. L .ILa/ a< 7L alrc tt, ant a u'su maws tlsaa/._. tutl lb ,á, JI - A LaMar. Cato (Cu`_-. _lL.,i.s Itc rt

ti. L. 'r -t =

rW,.n S¡.ea+

11.M/rd. JacY YdL aslr:ta0, X PIM ]aútlIL, mu L i4 . W L ]IevA.sJl ÍÍ vice w. MAD ~odd. Jack Ill MI l1; Jataewle

(p7f,f=n. e I

Irad.tre. tf eAa1ar Due 7ses-R Wee TlltNI . unaflLYr 4 tan. Ilia tt.oe ia:rs le.a.Lata, Therese tAvte Leh Waa nloe'+-efl. D. M. wrratl,I ;7 . L 7

La Jtaarr 'Wri'erlaa.! Ja'i 7dlr11,, Mum (kraf!y, o5n t . tlttaiw 3felra.t Yield i.e. x T_ Male 11 1U, Carl L TJItaOrlt, T1ptT , pan, l4.nt 7u _ sa, laa ne

7M:i,ter 7104 rilaxºall: VT.11w e, Herb.n 11 . iT,tllr cWw lAw.. t llWl. Jllsaas Ie y. A4 4N4 Vntr LI:. ArL Jason. L J 177v.

Í'fam Ir,yR.r, y. 1r, faeairekur I.nefG ?1W, Own (seer. RofwrL 1h S. Itst»La(t4 J, (: Y+r Y.Ilaratci,, It it. Ent all'ai1R uta. Vntaf 1r._,i lrmtt.. -91Attr

{eeetfarorrd Ilatld IgR'p 14.rp 0. Ww1Yr Jar,'`tIt 7 J. P.

(` tlr sgt, +wa M'. YeiCeaat, pLe ?ONSeIc,' firnrT 11. (ts , Ir.aa 1¡1i1, FLrW Ierabee. Amer ?ilrr:maer. irtaot DOA". _j511,aM :. u1"'aü itealao )ylataeM,

1h¡ue1, Sae a. Vrwio 1. fi ]leal 77aolQ Armen J~rald sloo ratan. P4 Íu iln n1 lfattti leds rJtLrr, Ci.r Syr¢+F IL II atelt n........-~ Y fis

frjaR J Lafua...tqer JJ_y ,a+, Q U. ]imnlLl, UaD. E. Y.E.Lyw, lira' ttQas. g r aha e - rues, ttYd raM %al

ber. OcJok Ea". RcLL á Ysitab=a. Pal 1 aaw 11 C. ,ef¿! X X 0. YYa 8 lyre, Wttl Iea, A. If >1riJar_ 7- Atoms, 1larrt t4 rerarAe. AI Ilr, T}a Dal >.r ktelati, aae*, lures L. Patent, nob lal,. Leraa d DaUn Merest.. IL it I(0«! n. 7ytcaw, Wert .1.2.2L

],.arareoaars. Josepa FIDfO. /la3rT ?74saaA lh]w!. ! l M .

3esrcJótrtáe; á. la.r2.k ltae,

Jaal`.to, áeJlasn


When ma.11ng holiday greet:tie cards to rºlathes, frieadt or acquaantanees In care of 'Tic ,BiInboard 'be tare to eve fiat -class pottaáo 13 cent" peroutacel if the cards are in onveleper,. Ths applies whether the envelopes are seated or slñseeted.. but 1e is _better to -seal thorn. Cards in unsealed envcóopcs and- Waited ceder third-class postage (11/2 -teats per ouncol canner bo forwarded and th-etcIOro in:ust bo sent to: the' dead -letter office.

This riling for (era/biding of mall does not apply to open Besting cards, those *sot requiring enYctopel and sent under 1 -teat postage.

3r4.4r. i. Yeeet, SasrsA Pa`_ -art, L J. afa.w. S-saeod loots. jr

IL 1ti la T. JLack, Eddy -[xü y Iee.4I4eA.b

1:11.1). UII loes'., Lee LAM fyre iaLs `.1'art.l A leer n r /Apnea, Faint Ward ¡f.rt Itict rJ yyOre`et24 Rudd ae.K. ra

Jebaasa. 'w'1e1111M tnsm 3tadfib, F. t'< Sraa.0. } trk . lr.a P. leLb110._ IMI:s` s)e.*,

-1111.31; r ]r }1, t'1el II. ?yu^r 7i , 4 "abet lrrw. 1c Yartlrtttse. EaJ ylel7sa. - r r ubd 1elesrme. l n'L teak. Ire. Oaae


1..11. ldslic IRtt ft,awaaltn,yy.1¡ 1Laalb..dyt

Me )rn. 14k.°""'"

V Tercer. Tan


tf.r.-pki 1+db.tara,lercymla ~le R$m, ylylrysta.

OrrtlMlnl `.,' , 1pr.oaW

" i ek . RrtLL TIRIeLaM Y1' aIr 1(onL Ils 1 0. J>wse4 *,..... ~slip fAYm. 1LearA Y. Y.4 í1a 7W )/x114 1rsle 1'k- WDrIeY Jaeai.R.pp.r) It. td. -Ytawa c`n Q ría,' J. rxAr airs I ir --.

JMda.. CML L 1:drr- 14a17a11.° YArbr orrb JM I O. JetAae a.) Mitre. ]t71ó 7l,00'~ r ya Rr-01. jam. Las, Tren. >k fdamat- 1ór falor., r tcº L Y'at1 JL, mee! 3o,r Jr.. tier«. lee. Jraa1 )Islaaea+05 dt,e*b

"on. yytt ja ~re. ut Usa Vr.

O'Dnr.' IfUaiea. Joao Vfu x r.

}7- ,t r0 -.t1vt. J1Usrei tm , rte,'-' _ WWI IdanaL+seer, Joe uoullaa Y. L u. DI' .1 Q`li r b L aly aan ,1e1, )1,m,sm..(:D.rt<n 3. , 7

rp f..11yp7ppl a1l. laak attn. ItaJ*oltA Faaec7r, cYFoase0

gum.. 3{aIrf-a Lrew. tt ) Vti. t 1rr., t Pratx lT aL F. Kea.. 70ía Leonard. .0 NasóeLBaoe It.eenna, Jos rxeeess1''' (ir 3L K n4yJoe , swot L )farrI (alwILer Ifarer. 1L ,ly.l.rr. re l. 1,1r..-ia, Lrele i áLvwa/ Mx' a Órtly ]7)ltasrer

LY-.1 Jdi IMtay.psa,e7t

K.~f1a'; ):1rtG+sId 1'.e lla wi uero. 7ásricw,ap Is,- - -. 1'Yaat "

I[e1t}I, r. J. seotr, tha F4tnt lelL. R E rtg' J

;- Veneer ¡ Ka.L Yde`:rr )JL . 7tymtt t,rtlr'lF-. J. .A q

KÚ ' A. K. f,wle. arts Y Ilratx, 1 ( R Iris I11a1 14Ke7'e K.M aro Peke NI Untie. J, !. AIE -

haw. Wane A H, Ditty

fAarl J R. a.ria.a.: loamy. IL -C. kw : C.

K uc ilame IAtI >#esnd Ilan., daw'a Al Ili I Fssa tr rica*º IrJtoa u.rraco, Yffiv J. L )xvcor

Kal d; w y worm. Yal.h Alettl. E. NaKr TaOQ%O!° Nka7S Tend) 1[an. 1C tw4a, T C 1ltrldt. fAseoA 1 ;Tort Jr A Xr..

ette., .rt Vr,, 1f. 1D. Wa11.lL Iewee )Uee, ' L d Rt: K .mh. 0*L 6.JI IMtr. Lve )1Ater,


taeasd 1Mteeson, Iieq U, I.atNl. Tam )larca. A W. Nr*a+, 1 7 flw.

Ka,. T vrtt [.....n..sTaaaa,,,, '7faa )1aa1.1a. Y !ae ana IVtoeed . 1tetg l=7 J7,a>t }latea,

K p 011n tfera, Aser 7[utÍa; t :t.)6rnt, assalss 1Nwet/. .er Draw lt'. Mark aa+L/a ? ll Nan \r ...._. -tT+ W,trt

ttneLti BiTI t a J. a0L A. )I.ertn K. iaMl,, 1 fiew. )'ta.s s:aeap, IltafA .__Ir Trt Thu.

1Ylarua, ttamot. P)el r _.Irsw, J R.eM Mae O. reftt:as. Itab lt: i ñ wlua_ u ,taarj''r'

Illuuw. lt't1n. 31.~-41u. ,, D.p,ud7C 1i.rtpx}gb dSóortf r. (tl.oet.

Earl R t:bxpt. Vt'ta. C. Ke 6 \ III (JÜM ti It.ari. Fraf.Ka4Yº JltLtM 'r4rR Ia non*. ' 0. la: Dunn. Fete ltrraeaLfl 1aA$t'*. (a1r= hNl. ILA.' Illrkrrt S. 111Ifp L¢Wf i 1.r} 0a Ker , I. we )teen. I[aLt 0.

1«0. RM t', VY. A_

IT .rala ep, waclato r. v s,r. /tetsm Ll.,ee.n. kaki P. 1'In'a ibrn K \, e. arf 11ar11 rf, llar.., Arenan, Frar,17 1'1.ía, ose. K r, Ior..a Laplace, Itl y Yi_fefwa, L C. :fevae.n, lrtek a ,(1sMeaa. Tes K. R. .1.e. LW W 3C.1 .s. 1. 7actt ITmUMr, LM It UI I '1 Sr. 1:Icri t.awlw, 1r.arasn, garde, -t,.-tr t7ae5 I[lwewn 6er 'la. la M, leal ~eels Il.n . ICiwbe.l.r, Debar( IAa..-rldr Llama M,ltMwyk }Rpat

:fwrta4 IL Y. Jet 3 P(

H. L es llloi od Y:

Ur. 1L. ii. tt.lesl lt,nIu iae1º: rl sm IL X`vR.

S +AM.. Erode ?Ay Lraee. Freak Man",

. C. It'i,Ok J-..

Jswss twttd ~owl, I+xaa ltcl'a0114., 'ar, 17w W. lltll T.yge. J


Ckf.n7da, Ih J, Raa¡tt, r H Tira4 7ttyyy >L IcnlR . [.Uti {r

lrl.rCateaM! 1521.3. oa leraltl, cirarrr . Kror.

1',. Jaid. ark ' .Lóama 7I11nRA. Moat -

F. « f.orL Htrleo, w Tee ferr.p h. t}eeVr7a. P.

n6LLh, ít07 dlstts 7arr.a 6 eh". r.rr.rt Rml!p, `í1,1A Tnl:srr. T.:s AIttMI 1am Tti 7L Ztee.m. 7'mrad

ttkllrJ.- :Inl:b. 7Tm.. IL aaa, Alla. Itlef, Te ~lb", I á

C, TMrr,r#r. T' d?em!

IL rRRtici. 7eíeYes w ftrr R VR eftsvtot6. Jot. L '4r 1r,.wb7w í! Ric:,; 1

fu rm. l4nlaL }- - 4WiV

1t7M. it twin. Jahn A. ~taut. Ebel t1 }ceJswl.1 upanlartlti 3,... IY,a.

Trim DAM" a `1Wrl.'_ - rnrl U. Tluca V1'. -NJtatr

ILA 113(..125..., i`111Sah Tt+r. ilrKttCDOe y 4. WaIn, F.{ ,ie. 11111T

Roberte. taoth/ar,

Q G p. Mr. I'D,"

D'qq TTl,sau.eaa.QD^ld.

a;ra cfler. )Alrrhr6er11 Ce wail lav itnb.rt.. jta{lúd lltsrattwtr.. Itafalr g(;araoey I. ,* ñt`,O.Jr Vs/cL ex ka tre xha 1."m l F.sA'j.

Ac1sb0 LIrb0. Iralot3 Jotao. Tel a tate: > -

3larla Yea Jlyd.a, Ole. Rte. isa.t 7m.. Yu A4:,, lItr]tr,. 71ooe Yu L:x L. lrsñ T.e lu a. Y.a ye rica PN 7:`^ Itr7

G VT ntrsaó I. Yes 8a. F. 7tpa(a ntaa,. trrlb I. VT::: I:."I, nlrp eeab5es, I,ea Ya.ct, a

Vr, 1erp7q, lvte Y.ndy.. Z1tU irw.stat, DoteA rtarllnw 11Mn V-cr,r,. rl0dle

NteeuYrltkrr, i>,.e Yam 47 Auae, l Joetv 8rattv,Jel.. R QRafta7ii« ..:d. )ter) h fataJ;.w T.r-+to: tÁil Am«

Tts.rrllae- 1?ss. 1'iwe, 7>yHe 01/ver A. ¡n1,7rr R.8 Ytrae,.. Dteaa

:, J]oe

ktrci, >iMllin r.tlol t?¡¡. 6 4. JIOe esar.'aa, (Ia.ap VI YdW4 Jerb 6


1`WTO. Nmi, J7 ia(oNÁ Yaeslw leartla /.,. aLt, (L C. YNlranb Oa ntMw +.t,Rrbi:JLYslw.(q}oraadInraarR

Oa01Y aGiell, Yks LU4. i'leatltw atbee'r, 1-ri F.R'a_ _.rwl

T1OasasHUaaoa, !M'tsrtrr tlta+e nvxrnn. Jvfi'.lis, -h 1L1ío0QAP

¿ 8twati.l,.a, .1170t'1N,1.eo..

Jac, YIYIc,Xt fMo°aoe, JJIw tfit'ea7latai. least A

1]71[OY, I wt R1rae, c7R' IL

ooattnaeMc atlre ts,'a1'Keernete.TMaI! L. R t. 71o11Mrr777 Deal A 1.t l.11mn -t4/ Fl.aa. il..Ud.s. AI Itotd, (yaa, t11rae.tuas.' Tal WOW; ):talor llaR hnrlr2tara taaa 1L taelaa_ Ibtte'iqrrZ Rldetel. 75s,ty lit/4 lai MoLe. W FnA.

W apa. a ptodrlr loell: Waa.lea As.e en ChallY Waalo. 11=

l7wl., -iS.++Mw L'7lo1ó r ]YLMw Wn1, )1+.kte

tYia aka. ótlMalMler aRa 1)sst K weiñsrrl4 It> . L ¡ W. R.mwr. iteak

iat- 1at Efi Wens. Fnl.t J. .arrea !te Watf.e J aMf tlslil fa a Atria. st0e+ki.

, AH W+dr'la VYeebbLw. N eafa, Toa Melee 34,I, t]b Reem, J1 'c 1 J.

'-t u r+.'o a tteau.. Y. a Vralarw u.waa ¡t añk.t]. Il1'aes rMralp. rmL. VtlparieowR. tyMaea a Yrrats. ,j \m.l, RaeeserW7Lae ll'üsa. JOe


" é,t*aerY'IaYljtye-Nna wafMil'l.w ,Ire'a át. Neill OW

lYat)el KMIst. J({pp R

Yw11tt r1CLaila Et. Sot 1.111 -TED LIST on-psC; I16


tr{tl, I "err A,{nt.Melia Pmli t . a

neiv[e, :Irgen:74ní

' O. fi'attas ra yR71j OAea.itl..

Prwl - Ta iir ItAIIT.rna.T«raaaa.Ilr.TatTatt.

W. Mra-.. N . 1), 'Pa Hº. (kill a7He1.

,r.r YOIV Tatba.hró 7

YFe.t:.-! TR- ', lfteat 7W7ar. raer C I, r' arise Tultr, Awn' 1era.aL Teee i`y ?. Jw.rth

Tc' J. Due 'I.raar. II_ PAW Tv 1. U +*all

11aa'1''iM-In. Tor t. Rti Vd Itbattat}, IL L Tyttr a

pty-,., ki lb0t J. Rjyryra,sa11-i.

ts. !.

Jaa'J IL TjLjaLrsIgaWsn w

iw=r{, f.mis-F tba YYec1+ , Trr.tar.«a.

6.,' I's qd TTanrak n r.r ..., Freak "'IN ~inn'''. Tbs,t IVa,r`.a . F.t P. Tbllaeea. Tied

~Ns llsm5.._ NS}_ jr. It. Tb. . e0 7L IL Thor-




b Il4 f4JtJK. Qauie ¡.i, 1a A. K 91oea4 J.' Mrinrer.

1. [ samrrr, Ifálúº.er

.M.oel7iniyyiaa.a. mtrlor7 ). Y l.W. F71k W p Ytppt, 'acl t, rn7 wt >4iDJ. Ttwwsw Lw 9JetaS1 1. T1!lwn ?1.n{h1 earr. [kat} ~teens - Fat1. my L 7

Ty3opra.sO.Folna.. i' I.E.

cytn- dr. ft»erOw.'Y{t ` J::rrM132 Are`. 'Jbeewory Nomad

~Ktaaá Uaa, Taeb7te Illrñ.tt

áalúrl: il`esfLtA ~Dr, Parlw

II..aiat1ppana a ie:st í,tr-non. a: 1¡ ÍL~ TÚ6.S]r 3w 1I.e.. nia,.'r. s. 111 ,t,Bnit Keel,

Notember '26, 1938 The Billboard 43


Broadcast E. BttaDGF8 se . cretary, of the Tulsa . State bale, Tuteri. Okla . ,has some-

time to ail to answer to the editorial about .the fate watch appeared In The 7aielse-Tribun. of.Octñier 20 Wild which an. genteel In this piUnr in our -Dave of f;orcneber' 1.2' eoteenpaoled by our own tutnmeia. The, ntwspeper editorial woe prompted' braelteirlon started by a group at ,eitisenehmeled by William L bowie. an independent oil mesa anal a supporter of variot[s youth. ot>Raalrattoon.,-to'have the Tulin ocboot board cancel the oni- day eaboota boliduy when otdldren attend the Mlr. The radon Riven wale that tee -Midway et the fall lean not fit for them. The editorial ,tike went on to laabeet the types Ot attractions and cone~limn offered aid ptaccd the 'fate in the calm of second -ratera.

Ina letter .under date of November 15 to NO- S. Green. [meager -or our Chi - cito office. Mr. Bridges palate a picture at the fear tweet la entirely -different from what The Tuba Tribune and Wile -lam l -Bowie %Would have us believe, ttet.kledly forwarded Mr. Bredres letter to fit., and while he (Me. bents ei dues pkt ask for apace for rte we feel ihnt'he la enutird to his "day in cmwt"'Sod are taking the liberty of misting it., na fol5oars:

R am telang.theallberty of writing you with reference to an ertick, that el - peered In thee:etutita lfartntnnnx Bepod- caseto your ,remember 12 nixie. As -a do not tUldi, Mt. Hartmann but have had -the picaentre of ]utowtne -:eta foe quite sad these, I am writing in thin otard-

"While I gm very eórry.on. amount air the fair, I -nos eepeetally ,d4treestd On Wheal' et Mr. Vau tat, Owner of 'the State Pair Shows, tint the reprint of a+t_r 1o0M newspaper appeared - to 'The Faltre led. Mr,. VnusFht has ai ccye oo. conratal In curry way with ms in Sip-

any mammas of the pnbticl rind etas his,ahow 6í :reef: to large a acme` d the ethers, I feel that it ±a not below tila'etandard Of strre of the larger once. the. of course,' his fronts are not toe ornate, As yón know, concessions» vita,' ainlvala molt be welched very:closely Lad wit 'get Wray' With many thongs withouW the knowledge of the owners. but 't>í air. VMi hta ease anything that ties brought before -him woe Mews r1len' preempt'.ntWuitton and the dit- Vaulty ellmltuted.

"On Ohltdrenb Day at ,our fair each year we. are doubly careful of the care nlval attestations Offered the .shoot children. and iehows or a queetionnble manta eleathcee not strictly ettticatlonal ae'not opened arathatday_ We could not see anythlDe different in the State Fair Shows thnp any of the other ear - Mmes. and the uritmaand tnttnbent of our board- attldled them very,ciocety in halting Other faire tats geode». Other than the feet that Str. Vaught -A show it ºmiller, ns wee ended. we have' do erittetem to make.- and his dealings and Deanne: of hiking' Ode of any complaint* that came to our ears were above reproach. `i ern, of oouraa- sorry, as stated bee

recta on account of our 'fair that thla arithe appeared, this' year oui fair reallyl,.rtnade peat etride. Lii the way.dl' 11íi-ctas exhibits an an departments mad attendance. In the., peal few years 'se hate st1-,ileatñ an i ,my' iartaaemta that did not make good ahowinps-and

.haste stressed thin' eth're by added pre - retinas, and rite renhalt has been that d9r de(iartirtente Where all the tart In .airy 'way we here crer had. Our I1ce- eeeek *ow was one of Ute:bct. held in :hail d* Thai year, and, the same new. - Mar tint sewed the, edxtodel whteh *1a b ,dtsparactltt, to the ennlasgemeft aide the claim that 'our- hlsiry cattle ¡Sow was the beet ere; held In Okla - bates.

"We had horse recce -for four dais. two tzars of auto races and a 111Ró qual- hb of acts and Breweries In trout of aa grand stand .Tech, Tight, offering the

Airbus a full- meek of entertainment. Septinden bee wren Mighty good 'toward

fair, as shown- by -tbe mu number K advarha ticked seld this year and the Ptah increae Ln the mile over inn year.

"W0 have had to bulk! op In its pad hair years our attendance with a geld alle. having bed to oserce:ns a free

length of time, having been Barnett Berea 'Ashanti troupe. which covered' the

' h State pretty needy from 'Kittery to Port Kent_ The Whirl elf Today heara theeithe World of'Tomoreow fees York World'a Pair to you) has annexed Panes! ...hide/eono' ndereon LL ahw building Mapacity.

We hope it -.true but +Y

cans confirm as yet.

A DAVIhf. moneyed aniallat. is E3]í 'Interested fn tormIng a Prier_de of the Circus movementamodsled after the Preach soetety of the -same- name of which u' aJean Co:teote,a teadl.tig spent

Whale Rltehey; 20-ycear-old dauglateir of Billy Ritchey:' two° diving show Lm- pSRdrfo. is theater ntblate at the L'n- eoln l:ert',oriat ashes in Ten nessee. _ - . Dr. H. W. Waters, former e: general man- sesof Canadian National lí,.hlbltion. has written a book' slant ag'leultural

as falrs, pt end present, and U in the midst of peddling, It via a !lily agenttn Vow -show a Yost- . .. The "Safari" -shot the Astot r Ono of 11W "mart" events:. o1 the fall _lemon,Ks Meek saolr: of the prank Wirth office, deif el ercd &ever

gate here tor nine years, and this la Ito w ail task' when the public risk been eillet:pl the prav)lego eC Battling Flhht gat without restriction: I had estimated that`in ate, Xiang our 'glide would build up to our cxprtltlorat,rrtd ,u you wilt seen the picture of, our grendstand crowd one of your Oeueibor-isuea )'alga will see one of the caprclty crowds to which we p:ay,on one day'of fat' week,"

1w way only to the Interest Of dean fairs that we reprinted the editorial from The. retie Tribune. we felt that It watt Written slnoately, and that U The claims Lode therein were Justified It was our -duty to, do nor hit ,epd throw light on -them. We bold no grlerance agaltut 'the Tulsa, State pair air ha rank-ytt. It any.Urtiu,tifted harm lass tle;fj dune we ee- sorry. If Inns are py wsefly cduttt*ttounl Ilutltuttone lea's all do 'everything in gut power to keep them' 'M ouch,

otttlhnthr`-e* / w 4\

Leonard Traube

The WiIdl of Today SIRE JACOBS' 20th Century ticket of.

1 floe''oa 'Seib street la labeled e ii wrong century. It stetdYm1iira tickets

for the rodeo. , /hefting the lin- tbeftabte mantle of tern !'rte O. O. Mc- Intyre for a ~meal. our per/owed nSntlnetlon for the meet" colorful ear- nitet ahOWinan in America is W.'C. (Bill) teeming,. the Buffalo boy who made good in tele,rttihs---and Out Of- th m.

And'tbs wonder man -of 1P38. mal- e/eye la unquestionably Max (Slone)

'Llnderm Wee se of World of Mirth Shows. They say he wound up hie ne tor In Anderson. 9. C. only tors eibect at last year's "taste. Local emathemeticianc and geontetrists say this is a drop ,of only' a little MUM than oºle-Tall' o: 1 Per coot, I give you, therefore; the nai :fettle meet abets Jtul lndtpenetent ear - hived owner, , Bob Matthews, Mime King Tully lloi stole hew!~ nod

ns poster positio for Atlantic, City's Steel Pier, Lo working the net at the Rouen Circus enPittnce.... The Del Rio I.tlllputlen Family drew acclaim'et two Harold -Mutton Claims In Praha., but deafening applause is not new` to the world's atighnest- mites, Frank D. Yenderson. Pine Tree State steeds cata -

neta for the lame. . Prins Neaten.blgb-wire

artist, has - galled tar Buenos Auer vet Lhe Ii. f}, MUGGthere set -fea

week.12 eek. at Jnpaneee Park. Afnlompauy- tray him was Mite- Anna, Mrs. Nelson ,in pawed* t 'I tato. Bill RIM is n has best bind mead this lieu;.. ' . Talking about Bill Flooding (see' piealoud paragraph)* al.. yew owe l: to your of lulrnor to Induce him to relate the tdory"of the bosaman ewa Ling the- er:pence tab from hui general agent- It's en earthqteaks

,. And Gerald (world of Mirth) Sneltens' Charlie MacCarthy gag, whale 'he Probably lsreemfod, Is being given New Tolle circulation.

PRHVERICIO.i N. D.. a -skit by 1 alwwrnpn is Important 'newel. When genial .Joe Hughes, peddler of acrobate Sind auridry eanunastltleec, arrived tea event was made the nubject of a torc lec


amount aaceccnpanted by tlu H1~1.,110,1. ThIs wan one latueday. On 1teaday

Iiti hew wan ta mugged &Ra and a three. column account printed in which no stated thee. enthusiasm- andtee& are the secret, of: good eaiesananahlp_ He also makes the rlteteyªent that -several years Of the pereenteee alrangementgenetnhly suffinea to conduce a board of tlrectora et ,the ctatttonoei Appeal' 0f -a good show

adví'r*tsed. After we have ea - stated' the dtrectotiato sell a -few shows to the public fit ie easy to sell_ moro and bigger shone to "the dlreetorn. lay that ~calla!? nee often nee; to make tai a 'Slat rate for a bill of acts "and then cell their own show to the customers-"

Ie the -earn. hear Den Williams. one of the ciattleat of ca naval owner.. cones tap for detailed them ann. with a study of has earner es n ride purveyor.

atCONCESI3IONER who boa been be- . hind store) for -2a year* nod who 24.10111.11'Op 11.11' s- h.. whited at kale erettan,

but contests hie tight to do so bemuse of careunu n ltann and the nature as the budnesa, inquire to knew K 'there Le

really a moral difference between a haul of 11'11~1 et a time or on. áf much larger proportion. While the cancer+, Menses point le well taken. this- Is a lltu hike slaking If an oecssiOCaii Writer

ame le in the s clad with the perpettlul blab. :two galeatton of m fa ad ttenr. and dL n crtminrtla on- the. part of 'the op - ate'{ or agent when 'meeting the public, which oor_.trlbutet td tits Uvolihood. home peahen say that If away do- wrong they may as weltdo tt In a big way, but this is hardly nppltcabletoa bur:ravi which eaters to the; public and alms to"icome back far, a second helping to the same locality.

Notes From tie Segura reports that Maine was shy on outdoor ncnttarzn, rite, only that's ter any length


THE stage Sr diet for the annvnt Out- _ dope *antler". Prom aka indlcatiolre lee going to be á humdinger. Wée`e been cbedt,n,b over the reeervetloa list and..Ltia an tntereeting compilation, Prone Ván- oouree to TamlTaa, frorh Toronto to EL Paso, and troco asap Peenctss'o tü Saes York City they're. coming' Itb !gable to tai's ,reek of tile, liberty and the pur+stllt of'oont-ects. We want to extend to our friends of the outdoor ,.how wrcid D cor- dial Invitation tel call at the "Cremarnedth sanctum and make yosirtc Eves at borne. lea Just a block from conTea ut tAon her- eaalarte-re. Tai -re e no lase on the door and the inscription 'Private' doMti't mean a tb:nti 'when blends call. Maybe youT1 want to write back home to tell the wife how hart you're working. Our secretary will take your ineasabis with no hint resat shat. thinking- "Oh, leant- of your teary tales. We might even 'wrsa- ale^' up, a Coke or leeadnsdi' -os ,cene - thing, Anyway, mine In and ea-ap flew

You're more than a.eleotrull

The Cincinnati at- fleea of, Tied s have on flee thousandsmom-ees of dlfogra(e mem- bers of tits amtlsetmettt profession end, anted' twat Not a' week patees that thee

ay ep title le itot drawn upon people who bate ~addea.

If' you are riot repte-toted_ tu this file please send to The Nelleoeral Binamplttcal Editor. 25-27 Opera Peace. ,Ctnetnitatt. ' Oaa the foitowtatf data about t'attn+ttl

Newts: &Le;aptaoe and date et blrtlat home added.) ntueibee of . ara In ,amiueveet buteinesa or it 1n allied

field se state) date of entering it and first conneetlon and ea :ay: Other ooasiºetiata and capaciuce and length ot each con-

nection to date (mention years LI possible); -marred or single: It mar- ried. glee wife's name and state Lf '

sine ta.netire In amusement bushels; it merited previously. give names. date+, etc.; names and ases Of cblt- cren If any: names and addressee of parrots names of tratetnsl and btisklss± Orfgariiatiema you belle- to: date or furnishing ,data and year alaneturr

4ffb YEAR

Bi11bard raended by W. H. DONALDSOH

Tte,Largrtt Circulators of Any Amuumerr Weekly In U. World

Mender Arpt Diareau et Circularise Published Every Week

y The tl.sRe.rd Publishing Ceswp.ey R. e.LITT4[ronD aR. re~.

C. W. [VAaa., a..sstar.T..aavr.r a A.ewst 11e,,-. A. a Owdsx Dptn., 2i Ótsnv IÍr eoa.Ógr MsitL 0.

tae^er DMd-1Na wroar.a %,rM'R.- Vert, W. r, Main OlWtr a..e PIb'Y WW1/. TM DllrleM nauawr, aa-et Orlda Plies. c_.!A o. rhrv, aUle. Dies. CLAD Aeser., rliwbby,"

atnd,anaL, O. e aalecn orPsexee MCA" TdRt--ep ran Palv'NotifR7 Tk+ra

IIPde[' -t ate/0. iia t: 3dt1A. Oite3+,0- me now w'.eoa l-tr-. Itas.aN sae Il.vraae Aetw3r ID4 ._ i - . 1Í , esi.w. I'-}Ri,1t bat 4411. 1IltLalria.en rude u. t4sr_. Mt- d 11_, ,rir.r. Bert 7 iii Ps. M 'safaea/r: 1 a ak-a Rs,s4- lfodrn, a'. rL

BTPie,R itrra,iphr nu e 11Iqe IAA tate - r- use rA rba.a-hiss, can iyllran lnv:na .an, 11 Rr Ile* W.

110. vAsñcCwei r,n7RrtTw rsers, ee4.ILtó 0,»

ettólt--ae4a cose [ier 5~0

poá s0yals ]4esaerN.ass am xe:-lrZ rh.sgs N abr., abesH ai. as >r11 . L*

D ISPLAY -ADv[RTlyllo-I ay O-1 en "my Woo, elem. /ae.,' nai! Paw, st7at :ga7:í'LAInaÍua41ws than ty :raym. rras tae'» fv-c.a aa-. ra ar- un -14

\e e.aatti. td e'y.c_d saws hr aIa lyep is Mtrarsr'a/ a< dt.d is as M essea Mr nrar ,./ Use, . ny_

Tee BoSberef teresv tee itaat Usadle ea a2ssr- latay ewe- _

eqkll G 19

Yeí. 50. aOVtrdUto 2d, 1939, Np- 45

Santa Claus arrived Saturday moe-ning via United Air lines. Re was greeted at tear a:cport by repteeentatlTea et the State Street Council and a corie'd'*O tba Loop, This sheered the opening of tad Cbtietrn+a :Mopping season. a Week set liar than 1aa t year, .lad put many out- door show people to work se derr.ber.%'-- tots, -Mttartntne-re. etc. ill eapartment ¡tame. Frank Duck's amens si hit's W - ready trope OR exhibition at. the Fair Store. Jack 'earth's 'Idea:how entree - Ilona open at OOldblatt's nest Saturday, and the Boston Store. L.andel Orce,,, Wle- bO:tltY and Others ate readying shown fete the kiddie. Joe Coyle (!Co -rail "iln T.ea- aido,,tti Mandel', toy department. wbery he has bait up a faithful following radioed the kids.

Ore of tbe, largest delegatUOtas to the TAPE -cans -either& grill' be that of the Tenneesge Slate Fate- .. Besides PAO C,

Walla, manager, the -delegation tell! in- clude Judge' Litton Rickman. Jamb A - Cayce, W. C. Clark, W. T. Janes, 16 ¢ MrClRti ,line, John Moan and W a, teal- Iaca . lack 'ibre %% aceompabied by h[La. Ttrngli, spent te.serupte -ºf days in ehiteq:o,on tamales- ... L. Clifton Hea- ley back from the springs. ..._Mr.-aaxt umHari Does played heatey from the Circus Night Club at Bloomington over the weak -end to take Sn soma hoop shOeS.,... Dail Tarney will bendier par - seta' appointment and pietult work ce Gene Autry. singing ~toe.... ... leans? tins returned toiahe tritest Coast.... hey - mend B. Dean. -wile bandied Clyde Beet. ty'b fngageasertt at the Hareadadortnn anew In Cievelaeld. is back tales In Mil- ford Center. O:. - .,Dean reports a pleas. art éngngcrietit but no business except Friday ape- Hattretay ntghti - S Crónin .topped off en CltIeago far a ~pie -of days on his return art to the West Coast 'Co de'iltd a plans (a- next Mason, he said- .. Net Van To- wers writes from ttoctaestar. Minn- that be was Wt' MAyw Brea.' clinic for a "c ok- heneaa idom,ack but it arrant on Isla feet and 'bighballitrg- for MBnneapolia , It. C. In 'ehean In Cal coruidrateh pea trig oUt'a Winter attratel in. , .. Jest Martel, formrrty on the Al O,_ flaunts er- ns. adranctr_ I. pea atastehand with the Oypay !Case Lee vnude unit. +rhhich ph- d the'Paiaes last week_ _ Welt Carts in trine Peru, Ind_ mays he r it c ced up wttb -the Seem ¡Lira,, preducta tn_oor ~teem . Circus cum ma ate al La - ebb this Week. but tt .seats *suave ti Cots Droa- will troupe next salsa, r-t- ably ass lb or 20 -ear -.oboe.... Ewan - :toward balk in Chicago for the ertn1 .

. We7ti again ba with Bunuic. Dorn. next resew-

CIRCUSES Conducted by CHARLES WIRTH-Communrcattons to 25 Oaere Place, Clnclnnntl, O.

44 The Bifboerd Nocarnrhir 26, 1938

kuissell Opens li

Indoor Tour Tintelhin13ün. Knn., fir# Stand - bnsineaS good playing under aifspiees


-RLTTCunnaoN, Ken.. New, 19-Ruosea Area.' Mena opened Core November 14 for a winter -remain of -indoor dates. It pimped in:Conrentson Hail ail vequ tl7t- der auaplees of Cee.le Orotto and Coos to Joplin neat week, ausplote Of the While SbtIte,

The firer night was in reality n dr,*ra sell ie it hut curt and _music tcoree went off well thereafter. Btft high! and rem tnannr.ptrfermnncoa ere presented to tree 1.1 Irred eaawCA.

E'=d+ ;if earth were dumped, on the ha( i or to pmlect- the maple beanie. Local nfwspape s gave the show Coed ip4ob Ind anceithatits fille4 al: elght-

peee program with advertising. ileadltiihlit the twd-hour perform:moo

it the eºneattta.n act of the Clarke Welke. billed set the "Act, family of eft-

enedern. Welter, Jtt'rnler and his sea J.lem. ttpely:' drew the beat iunde Of lute ^^.er C lie Iliteddy p nfotmed versatilely, doing et beadetend and playing Amerfcd. 3t1 i%rd' Ants.. working without a net a other safety 'dratcca diel a grand[

ewlnulttf; helot drop from near Use celllnir The Great Delbeanle. Atls- Ih111att egtellbriet, did has stair -step Monts on rho hin, 'ot a hip wagon -hteI, Sbeellene number.

Madame lIrdIn1 r Oct With fOtir Know. t lit , Ainbia-ii Liberty horses woe Weal

received. Pete. 'hind -leg pony. nmit3M be , .Ickfn ; tun rubber- balls into the -.rape- baleen- of the halt. Pour per. lolmitre, r:ephnntg ' went thru their Winne -In an e. 141.rnt a}iOLtt$C. 'F.7e1ñ Welsh hid change_ Rubber, an elephant.

it*M.i ut!' Bel: "wpm weithaut'enti. Tight- ' .711 performrra were Jock and Ciesa .for,4c and Centerline and Metlua, bal.

clnaa at the ether strand. The INK - icill Duo patented oomody horko:ttal bar rt, and Wide and Wade icoe*d ea hand balanemria.

Oar of the acts on opeotnR night, glans,". Rini[ with hlri L`T»... " wa- role- Eel because of the large n11m1wr of other annual rot'1. The )nevi, had moral new acts nod were r unel: W .,

8aM Golden had luny dtip3fty -of snakes, blr ",i and it ulnae al the only aide show.

A downtown parade was given open- the ' .y, unng the load ñi7b-e `noel band_

The Staff C. W. WÑttb la general manager. T.

1}slyly[ Pkppk tere;rel cgOnt: O. O. reroute. promotion director; Justus Ed: ward% perifícity eprrectoir Robert O', manager: Reymond'Walton, ndeertlatag, tnanñger: Jamt.t it. Webb Jr.. treasurer; Citemie Dupule and Irene O'Hara. mote- ' r1.T; Cileard el Breaks, nivateal di-


IOU ~ma


THREE STAPP members o/ the Torrt Mir CtrOtra-Dad rummy (center). ,prnerett mesnayer, Chacrfa Warrorf (r(pht), aareatemt ma.iagr`r, and Jack ttvratcln. superintendent o/ ooseeessroai. Tierney kin Chicago LrovAirty on plane lot nest ximonl e:f,oa, et7rhrh aet11 go -on Mts. Photo ti- Toot Gregory.

Suit Against Gibson Involves Claim of $50;000

MACONe. -On. Noy. 19r-11tnplifylttg.e nerrlOurly, published report rewarding a breach of contract snit against Hoot Olbaan, Western star. Patel U. Conway. .presldent of the Macon Circus' Equip- ment Co., said here the cult tlavotrea a tot -1 claim of 150000.

The Ca'c La Pending In the fiupeflutr Cdntrt of Puiton,County (Atlanta). where Gib -on wee` ferí'ed With `court process while playing there recently. Tirol of the tune to expcMrd to be in January.

Conway erns[ elected president of the Miean "Ctreuo lfquipment.`On. n° foie months pgo of ter nerxing as a ¡tut-prteat- dent n and grnleral counsel' since i$84. His 107: partner, 'Emit Meech. Is now general bounsel.

Wlte1-11,C11, Admire Split BRAZIL, Ind Nov. Mie.AC tetten and

Admire. who, Inset en tut last thaw on rood. dinsñhed 'portntaahlp at 8penas. Ind. The terri ,tut will ngelo take Wit hla kid ehiíw- end the tetter'liaa [[anted with Prank Stout. Admire se .ohcad and. Stout beck.

Tribute to Fred Let/get

Pied Ledgett hen gone from Lbs glitter- ing world tilett,ta the -oleos. Cone from Om gay tented arena, with its thrills and trturn,pphs. It i eperkling «valcadcs, its taughtgr end nppi&tis . Its ronvinie and dáring. No iñore for bleu the magical - butte of the grand entry. It had oil be- came commonplace to him-thta wondor- rul apeetacle which''brtner joy to reu. sans --but he Rivet! It. It lied been bla Me for 41 pars. etnce the day lfi Slay. 1392. when he fared forth with tl.e W.13. Reynolds OOn.bltdatod '8110ww, a young star who mould hardly bellem he wee a Star! Of a real Circus. The program of that hotnr-drawn outfit under the Ben - Oldie banner conetelnedthls line:

Act. NO. 18, Pony act. . ' Mater Freddie.

!*reen,ihat time on lfied'4 fortunes had been oast with elrcuaes, ÁO anew nearly Rll' of tleen. he was part Of the fame. Of many. There tan SC*rtety be a corner et this Country he hrd=not flatted. Ile rind locos -n all the petite ,of storm and roll tired[. Once be watt reported among the dead fn ,a terrible train dlsereted. Preen country felar;reufde to then Crystal Palace In Landon and` the- Clarden 'In New York -he had been the (Sce TItIDU Jf TO FRST on page QC)

Dow' nie Closes Satisfactory Season;. Only Three Rainy Days

raster, and Hvtn Wrbh in charge of ST. acausTrlirr. !'la,. Nor, ins tho elephants. eintenle Breit, Circus, under management of Charles Sparks: closed Its reopening 'mason of 14 w eoles. hero today; weather befiag ideal, and buahteas grettfTung. Nowt wee there a More 'loyal and con- tented orgnairatton-a.embked at Foxing stand.

The allow was favored with flee weather.. encUttntling bialy threw runty dews, and buatnese was ve. -y enttaSactnry. Central City Perk, Weep. Clae will again tic the winter quarters.

Jacobs Attacked by Lion; Continues Act

ST. PETERSBURG; Plr. Not, IL- ltiretl ti. J _-th!. anti the Al O, Linares rrd ISchs-Yloeo drew, was attacked arid emote[ here Thursday hy'orte tit his lion during, the metlbce performance. Ile fired .e -?atrial blank caitrtd rem whl:e lying nn hi,. bnci,.drtring t110. :intend from heart- A teurnigiset was applied by et -- Persia -We sued lilceb- completed the act. Ho wee -then mien to ,e hospital. and 14

Itches were ntee-.nary -to close his fee

mRe worked In the night sttow. bee arm in a cling

Stan Dawson on - Move NEW YORK,_ Nov. 19.-$Winiey bow -

£41"3 up Men 'ttnblpttite litaS' Carets, to his States Island home for a Sear dayg. Anter gotiltig domestic affair" lie PReler Will trek to Peciee Coast. .hen to the Curett practically an atinual journey for the vet Ctrttoet. Acconfli'ani'!ne Dawaan ereea1 Learn glee Ted Woliratr , Venter Perim oorrespondeat of The Btllho.nrd. now scouting sews for 6ugLyad'li World'! Fair weedy.

"'I' am proudet the loyalty- and co- áprlaattaa liven hie by ray txoplu!' geld Mr. Reraike. "end aniXiunn'nttnt as tb ties plans, for alit ~on will be given to 9'ite billboard at a date M elRrtp afi poetiiMo:

Oetttrtntiont,el role Chester (Bobo) Barnett gives the fol-

lowing data as to where the folks x111 go: Chador Stains acid wife. itftf Mor- gan, CUBI 8halordand wtfe Harty Back. Harry Miller. Cherie& Kate.. Leslie Avery Melon, Gee A. C. Bradley. to pen Oddltiea- o71 -Parade mu ,r ism.

ian BROW: Mr. bird :.rra,'Bert Wal- lace. Msoon, Oise Ofi key Obtien, ifacoD: Johnnie Soider. New yank: Beat and Corinne, eihrtne Clmta, Ileattaton._ Tel.: 1edt Srngato.,,-8sraaata, Fla,: 1latnef J9mlletta, ,Saraaoi-; sugarfoot Mule.- Louis Grabs. D./Twine., Zile Zed

e. Shrine CUaere, Mama; Walter Otih award. CMinpalpn. HL: Eddie BendettO, Sarasota: 8911- Leon. Kew York: Jack klembired oirg. 'icy.: Frame Worircr. [tarry. netnpitH Mr, and leas. ltaward (DOWNIE.CLOBLS on pays 47)

Bryant. Tempe. Pta.: Harold trail. wins - teal. nu Jewell acid Cheri« Poplin. Jocksantilte. Fla-: Charles itaholt. Wean: Ilene* Reynolds.. _ Ksoon: _ Chief No-Knite. Chief Three TYee s. Zhmp:; án1 White,, Shrine Circus,' Houainn: Carina and Etta'Citrteen. :,Cacao; cape lr $ plckerd1. Tanewanda, 1g. Y.: >tayno. Butters. Macon; l.tartlta Kera-op. ;New York.; Arle }'teeter. H_ooal Martha PrTn- eipini. Chtcogo: Mrs. Walter co Out. Temps; 'l`iedla np gmdleti a, Tru3; Roby Hoyt. ?Isom; Cre-'ooncona, Harry Crrre. Pearl Crrag. lilt! Cra;',`Jack Cris. W. T: Best, Dorothy Park. Arlene Kenna, :Shrine cads,, Etuttartile. 1W9.: Mote Barnett, shrine Circus, Macon; also the writer to Macon.

fliD1 ,111110W: Doc Oyler . and wife. Duncannan. Pa.:, M onta Kersey, Now York: Wee Hingt+-..ntton, N, Y. Willt,«Im Bradley Smith, "Aloe.` Neer Torte »Cab- ert W. Spears. *,frvtoF.; Bennte Bernard. brew York: Mr. and lera. McCrea. Temple Catherine Wtlltatna, ClticInnati: Mr. and 'Mfrs, T. A. Mehl, Stnart,ie as 1t seems. Greenville. S. O. Sheik Deb BOn ML Chicago. inn SHOW BAND. B. T. barley. di- rector. Santana: Jlnalaa Caraey. 8am- aerta: John o...aük. .Orlan Holfie : &). Lankford C.o0ONt Bend: Bell De.trn'ant, Altoona. Pal Done$ Orrcil. Jackman

Lewis Will Again Tour

t. Show to move on SS trucks, 9 ieInai-trailers- 30 /iris in spec line->ctp

JACKSON. Mich. NOV. 19,-1.0wie lyres.' Circus wile agalnstake to -the road next ii .ten -mitt insay, oft the same people. The rolling eg,niprnent o00r stet of 33 eh:ste l -e ltd trucks and 9 eeml-trailers_ Wiens* will ,-be shout the wane Cite R3 lilt r 'on. carrying about 930 poop: Iii; top will be an 80 with throe 40 -foot middle pieces: akin -show top. 00 with tu -O .10 -foot [nand -ere menagerie, ,1"G0 with three 20 -foot mid. dice: cookliouso top. 40 by 70, end pad. room, a. SO wllh two 20 -Tao.` mtddis..

Perfórroaneo will 1* pzr'itted un two limps and en a ~se. A beautiful spec la- being'planneed with about 30 girls rn line In addition to big 'shoes bond. them will be a cohered band In Std» Sher'. Big, allow pekteeinsnee drItl the dude the regular line-up errata a `number of animal tents.

Central% 8011111' hsd the elephant ,ea tons in tektite -an for RepuWtean.peradoe. Manager Paul H. L.wix Walter Mesta, auditor. end Bill Ttet ley; ,latant.ilean. scar. recentty'leturnxd from, a bending UM. ip. Lased[ Is stein hurstlug 1e4iit 1n Siir_ow. W!a'be gone about two weeks mind on Ida return will take nut tame small ache to '.cork Inaicees until Christ- mas. foUºwitt= Which will pity a few Indoor dates and then prepare for the 19u9 season. rattan people are in quarters.

Mighty Haag Folk Hold Service's at Shoaimen's Grat3es

GREEN MLLE, Ala., Nor. I0. -When the Mighty Ran $bows Mira here re- cently seeders were held fit the graven

irrank luecha re, adjurer arid, agent 'of the ;how for many leafs. end Boa Young, who waswith Honest Bill Newton, for yearn huts: H. Hnsg phhMi A wreath, large epray and a blanket of ;ito'rter oti each genre.. Profe ssar Pcoyd'a Bend played n number of hymn* and the Bar: Prank WstsO,h kd thcoaltowielt to prayer, Cog. E Motley. who lieu tr.ieieted with both+ailoweseO. emcee the au:ise,.

Youngs gran* did net beta a [hailer arid. the Hass *elks took up a collection for one. No one krirw 171E birthplace or date of birth, to ii anyone knew* *cliche B.; O. Bargartior. Aherne' of Huger County, et, Greenville, and lee wilt ere that the marker le completed.

Performances Given At the 'Goebel Farm os ANCIMES, Nov: 10.-ooeb.4 i L'OO

,Parm, 43 =ilea from brae. with added acreage, new' buadings and aetdit.on of roomy bay a llama. lino Matted ills -Sun- day afternoon' peerforrnancea. Attendimee has been big. Lotus Goebel is owner and `Louth !Toth chief trainer.

The program presented Mat 'Sunday fOltowe [yeah -Moth group oL nee mats flans. Are -titer group.,Prince, rope-wrolk lug lion, Bobby Roth: wrestling act, using one. tiger and twa Ilona, two e)epli4n" sulked Ply George Ilenoiron: Bert Nrl- aOOal acute by George Thoataa;,Nelwonú doge, worked .by Virginia Brims.. D1o0a- man, Hindu animal hypnot+st.

Also se the farm aM Cote!. vtlñnetoak l t.leet.; with, L. rlartwlein to chance. The real '131lcker' Is belts used to the {lobby Breen Fts.Rertnan Muir/ film, nag to production.

Fratil:, [;ilteiti's Appointment ANAMOOA- Ia., Nov. 13. -Prank 'IEl%g-

listt) Milton. In dolt born player. an:ear- I,'y with Merle -Byars" Band on Ringline- Ibarntim, had been-appotittcd bandtuesaier -of the Iowa Reformntory Band bare.. At one '[tire N1.1.'4. a nit-fitber or the "Kttte's. Own Brand" In the Britten Army end ter e i In uui Ain -vicar. ariñy band during the World 1. to La%t ~WC he

'arse with Knit L. Kta3'a Band. ci Pt. Dodgy, fa.

Notrmber 2.6, 1938 CIRCUSES

(/ With the

ro \%acuS' lasts By THE RINCMA.STER

era. r., re`i unarms iv% u, ú orcifysntust

nws Oduk"--a, ti. C. se.--4es:s.1 hr tv.LTSt . alonl:NADEL.' Doter

"The waits Tana." r. IlN.s_ I Venues etaletYr.


goC1f16LLE. In., 'Nov.,19rlbo re -,Ulan reonthtt meeting of the' Birch Lando-Ift pent No. 5'4 o1 Hartford. .Coon.. bead November 8 at Cho Time of its wenetnuy. Jeffery O. attache. InBSEUIbetry. Phelps an instated by bits wife and dottier in entertaining the Pant and their gumta. Following a butahe« Sed - Son neev:h1 were futtrllabod by CPA Joan 1Crrirer, of leet'SWlei. Conn., and gee, deal b r CPA Carlos Sr Holcomb, of the Hnetfoid Teht. William Partner. sketch artist. and 36 Burt, mardf:am and 1Notriloqulwt, entertained. 1Pre-ertt 'were l-, and Mrs.- Oil Conlin). me and Mrrr,

Chalks e Davis, -Mies berry Durant, yeas !dexter W. Mallows. air. sand 'Bra. a S. lleeca11. Mr. nod Mrs. Harry W. Nesting, Carlo* 8. Hoirgmb,'ltlr. and lira, Wriltaro It Judd. Rill Montague and 1Er. and M. Sam IL Stratton.

Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. HWwrnaclel attended the funeral -of Fred- Led,agett at Roekforsf, SA- November 16.

The November hararheon of the Chi- cago Jahn I.. Davenport Tent was held la the Prather Route Noreen« S and

ia á rr a.t Interesting affair. Thy ie Pasted in rho 'grand stand" were Chair- man Charles D. Colllrrt..l nit CPA P/rti- dents Far. hX H Hartless and Clint D. Ttotty; Irving IL Pond: Walter itnwlec. lament palnteT In oft of etrCua Beefliss: r -gene L. W ahem. and "Bob's Shepard.

Mello FMK Ln and around newton. Tex;, are looking-foiward to the Arabia Tempt* Serino Orman week of Noehm tar 2I,. Rev. J, W r. A ray is the pro- Caterr and wall Mao Mgt es equestrian d irector. He reotrtty returned from a tall et the Buena* Ranah of Major Bonbon Ltllle (Pawnso BIB), Pharr he eoUtrisoteel the famous veteran roper. Widow Joe 'terrain; to Work in the eon. eat. Joe rind Oro Peas, it W laid tn- ttodl-+ced trick roping to America. and Mexican Joe was Will lltogera'-teeeber.

C. E. (Itephnnt,l locals; all Carillon and. Bill Mont_,ttte, member' of- the D'' -h tandolf 'tent. tweed as judges of ~tames at n malquel'rde ball nerd eight , of, Oetober 28 at the American t.e,ti'en Rote. Wethersfield. Conn. Batt T4111 :ITstt under auspice* of the Ha tiara Awarder, Lenten. heeded by lire. C. Lindquist, Wife of 'the Tents historian. ' ÑMelts L. Wuhan, CFA's imtnteeador td good will, [pent CñYatgl: of Ne"esn= hie 4_ in Oainesville, Tex:, and was a Meat In the htrase Of A_ Morton Smith CPA `Hair Btemp , and h oy .Wlieen, Mr. and lira Alex Murrell and Carne Brewer. ef tide -Ordnenvlile Community Circus, sere tab» gateau of Mr. ,and Mrs, Smith. Nilson obtained a number of du$iC**as frolr_ Slope's collet:Mon o: circus *tcme fad his oollºotlon 01 pteipame. ?se -mitts and lithoe.'-

Charlos D. 'Conine. elude -mars of the

459#1 a ,. ;v

yea taaL'nn Weals Aaen ree . te vatr.a Lido ' .°ts .etºs.ata{` tar

str 1es4pI 10 r fn S.Ó5á 't'net deslrOe eo'Nntt Wm than d1} Won. VAL, its treú tr.

eanetasmsrn 1..«.


VP% 5.r1 TPr Oases 1111,

ERSAL MOTOR'C0-°`t. 'e'j


vtRTisrNG pRae'oatf, wats for asut04

54414 St) lb anew" HIM.. N. v. -.,.

Chicago Rent, left Novemeer 12for «v- end weeks' tour around It Pend and ISInniapolts in -the interest of the Palmer Hou ,e. of welch he is assistant mnnagér.

C1reu Fan Dan 1: rue. of &Alley Barns-', N Y.. nccom(,anlcd by Lteu- tetteSlt Meeting. anti Fans Richard Wolf end Nelsen Wile. court:red with O. IL Barlow III to the Pat 'Waldo Tent arena Boom. lungesaminu, N. Y.. and`mappcd plain for a_.Ytal mtetinlle and partial to he bald there - this winter.

lire. Stuart English and son lure left for EL Petersburg, Yin. (Or the time,. They hope to spend cotrc4derablo («Me at the quarters of Ringalag-Barnum circus ,at Sarasota

Route Lined Up for Gainesville Parade

OAINLMVILLYi. Teat.. Noy., 10.-Itkil- erhry Of the Oilneavlili Community Cir- cus' Santa -Chita parade la practically oemplºto. with only two -'dates to be filled. The route follows: Greenville. November 28:. temperas, SO; Tempeº, Dectotbor 1; Wynn, 2 Henderson. 3: McKinney, L; BhermAii. ac CLtrknville, l: Palettioc,11: Jacksomillle. A: Clelbturnc. 10; Klemm, t^r Mineral Weals, 13; Win - tam, -15" Ballenger,' I4,

Verne Brewer will be tn' charge with four nwrntnnta ,Eight ponies, -tyro Mon. kayo and a dog,. along with 'aitx Platy ~gone and note and -06 ,costutnts will be carttnd.

Ater Murrell. general superintendent, has a crew working daily at- winter ousters. Recent visitors were Prank R. Owens. of Uwe' II. fit Crhnº expili*t, To- para. Kan., rnt end Earl. W. Phs, of Port Worth, -In the accident ,prevention de- ppearttnent Of the Commercial Standard Inuiratseo Co. Last year Pba-es visa backyard oS eer Ot Mu Rinpling-Liar- nturs shela.

The 4iovt'>i big top was shipped to Hariingen. Tex.. this week. Bleacher tease art being rented eseh weekend this month for football games in relgh- ixtring attn.

CERCUS PICTURES Q'r a1H1 004 00., letep+e%t .. u 1-11 Ytt ais. Cart lr,ro ti,,H :-_ 1f 't, L O, IIeat V alas

"WI i Fr, Ix,

remyfw u 3i es

- ritRT D.

gm -

0411z. a at., an.+.ta:-. gf'..

Sarasota Quarters Ready 9-o_ R1 cH`ive' Barnes-Flotb

SARASOTA. Ply., Nov, Ht.-With work nrar)y SnbbOti on the, new cat housoe and addition' to the monkey -home winter quiff tere ere in shape to reee1're the At O. Barnes -Sells -Moto Card wheel wean Clam 'bare :te remter'2T.

:tolniid' Butler; general press represen- tative. has Opened R** wtater home hero and la using It: oA liead4Unrts'NN. al he warts Fiends West Coast dates for the chow. Jerome T Hsrriuttpn, contracting press.' had tO have thre vbove laid -week Mittgo to Baltimore. S'bere hie. nrottiar Le serlolv)y 1111.

Advertising Car No 1 cams'ltotgttar- ter'e last week. Arthur Roppet left Ire- medlately to reloln the arid* :h inckAOn- vil)e, John J.'t e -e.4 -ns m.amger,.left Sunday for Loa Angeles. together wttb George Lowe. Gent iodgeman, Robert 1Kannlgan, Henry Barth' and Richard °Brien_

Other' members of the'eat's staff de ported as follows: , Forrest Mtgga. Cov- ington. Ky.: Jernes Long, Battleboro. Ott Burton Savage, Philadelphia: Edward Ii1ley, erootte_,'O William Dowd. A1bu-

Workman Tent, CSSCA, Planning, Christmas Party

RICTII$OND. Va.. Noe. L4.-Ile W. W. Workman Tent of the Circus Saints and Stoners Club 14 plen5Li a bi4 Chrtst- mau party for crewed of. Dectmber 20. The 515 roof garden at Johti lrarahnli Hotel I -lit be transformed Into i, a.rntval end circus ground. The commJttr_t In= steins, Chrlrlos A. Somers. chairman; Ed Rose, Prank O'Brien. Jock Lyon).- Joe Eel"Larfy LCd4y, Charles Bitting Allen Sparrow, John C. Goode, -Clarence I': Ruddick, Janice tiente Artd Wlil7aia H0111. burg. It le anticllratc'd_ that a record eraw'd win .be in attendance from the Norfolk and Petenburg. Vs.¡- and Now York tenet*,

James IL Prices Overtax of Virginia; Senator Barry ?food Byrd; Saylor 3. Pül- mer Bright: lion. GeOrUe Perry. ioniser governor of Vtrginlis Sion. Carter [Nam; Conererairrsn Dave H. SatlitrOcld, Jltdge P.,C. POlkes. tall members of the Work- man Toot,. will be,prrien: Tile women will be preselated with gifts from the stage Christmas 1ree'by HearalO Lin bar% 'olio will act as Santa Clnta.

At a meeting here Noeetnber 54 of the olecee and trustees of- the National CSICA with members from .Consoled Tent. Norfolk: mill Romans Tent,Peters. burg, rind W. W. Wtteifnan Teat, RLCh- mood.-Retiitnie Arnold. tutorial pmesl- etent, named Jack 'Callum, Norfolk: Chnrlfll Scennua, ,Rlchmond. and Sink Pond; Petersburg. to Malt varloui grauJs and indtviduali lfi Roanoke and'Newptort Nedrw, Va.., and Beldfen, N: C., toe the purpose of efdabltshetig tent*,

Charlie %VW Its the only Chinaman In the country who -is a member of the CB8CA_ holdtog membership In the W. W. Workt:um Tent., Fixate Clarence T..Riddlck. national secretary,

WPA Set for Opening M White Plains., N. Y.

NEW YORK. Nos, 19.silts) rehearsals of the, WPA Federal Theater Project's deeps for .the opening at White Plain., N. Y November -24 itarrd this weed_ Molt Gatk, for year, undetstendkrr with the Stangenn teeter -board act. joined thin week_ He'OOltferred with Managing Director Rums'O'Sullttan on plans feat a new and bid OOrnedy teeter -bated act for the show. Throe will beIrr11 new cosh:mew for the spectacle Armertcc and The Pamade.o- Stout.

The belgedes are Wiling White Plains heavily. Harold Sallllnn. In charge, has predUcally the memo crop. White )?buns newspapers art' co-operating, gidendldl) Wltls_pienty"of pir'turemaxd stories.

Chief White, Cloud has,adeled" :several new routines for liL,Wlld West display. Barry DI Dio and iilly Rhode have aev- irai he'll' dogs tar their ern.' IAotbcr OMith will again bare Ow wardrobe,. making her fourth season In that CapaaitY. reporti Wendell 3, -Goodwin.

'ittCot e%. N: 1.1.: Mack 'Powell. Marian, Teri George Hanna. Ilan Antonio; Tam the .1t_.Secraasento, Coln.: Manny Minn, Phoenix. Ariz.: Edward, Caupert, Marta - pole; Osorge,Orth. 3f -enemas, Wis.: Todd Golding, tokome. fndt B. Vogel and L. natty. Per",gmlth, Ark-; Frank Ma- .hery, Baltimore: Paul I oe. Knoxvill*! Clareric, Fadrod. Mlnrc-tPolla.

Parker -Watts - Adding Animals, Equipment; To Feature Parade

SOUTH FORT Willi. Ark., Nov. 19. -When the Polio. a WattC.ClrCus talttJ to the read next' season. animates and new equipment wall be added. The por- :camence win be entirety new with e

number of feature set'', Tide horsr- drawn parade will again be featured, and will have more people. ante,; olephatata, hone* érid other antral+, Manned' Ire DI Watts bas lust returned from a bud- ness trip in the ,North. ' On NoWinbor 4 and 6 eiepheEcrs. punka and -e1.0 or animals were Utiad up on the dOwatos-n nimbi of the city alt* special attraction for tte,nserohaats' "Cirrus of -Values sale and hOtoe-carting event, spansored by the Cllsalber of Com- maM'-

Idzny people rot.rh, the Meanie.; of elephants by Jimintle O'Coiuner and the berme by Hazel Kids. Work -on equip- ment will net start until after find of

The Billboard 45'

Silver To Remain. On Road All Winter

tGromnAnn. N C. Nov. 12. --duvet 1tms' Circus, Willett le deans lair bust - mesas. wilt stay out all' winter. Weather bas been aloe.

E. ti Holland has Joined tea general agent. Freda end Meier Guthrie also joined ,arid aro doing three acts In the big ',how. Captain Moyer and hie Lion left, 'May'o'r going to biz home qt tl-

Syncopaters at Rex's HIPPSN, N. C.. Nov. M.-Lucky City

SJnc:opat4 a. II-plooe dance bend, are. p' Yang twice -.'cekly at Reg's brae. Flier allow 4 presented Saturdik Rights. Anl- rn on,abel pith In zoo are being planed In. their winter, e's$Iee, Chief Fran Canon, w'ho featured In Iaq:haro'a Congress of Indians has a beadle rl eonrr_losl her. week -cads. Recent vase -ton were Roy Jnnnler. from the Ka. Bonet Zooiogteal, Petit. Washinttteq, D. C.:_ members of the Fog Mayen. and JAek Rogers,00 ill. xey tram the cosIng or t onantt Bros,' Circus to a night club data In Maryland.

Kenyon Joins Polack enter NAT!. Nov, O15-Otncr 3. Ken.

yoi,,who, closed With the Harold -Marton si in Circu P2ntadelphla lent weep. joined

Polack )best ,Glretat-at Mobile, Ala., tela week.' The Del Sto midges atta Jotnsd.






F'LtRESQ'U E L Tao uerr tae ra


Ato Isis IA óse`seas lw .ra.

a.'wrsl Dallier. - - - - .usare.. cienes.

Pt]ÍÓ rINs T ( 1Qüti

Ile t)..rlr i.eq,...eserlsaa

Dln t He ttdio.á t 1V

w/ tsR 'Li R A' aaLS r, 100, e5.e5:t.e4eM4, áf Nt' ADD. 117M,

geed 341(. -Cate .1tL Mew, Bit [t G. D. Orteto.L m srsrt rn. aLTJAiA,O

IOK 01sjpibrgEP, Lma.Y 'sum. aw_ml. Nerr at NA 4=.a6, O. W. week. I:rt ear Cr-l=- ta ar.r was ta® Mtnr.r-1 OP 41 40re0 ltslerafa slolAi.RRY ot'a,eRt:D OnOUPrrtat AND sRit{TINo manias To OADLR,

fketnrulrtr,wl Nilpr. =,;_ 1-.11=


OVR L111t'il TI Ps %s ARE Tomlin*aun une. OUR CITAffl t.15í Dl:Iu'ER-se-istlr Nnesor.I:epx

O.HENRY TENT & AWNING CO. 4611 Area Clark lta.M. CAM" S. - the, year. but live *lock is being kept

Rn, shape. ThAn J (5klnny). Dawson 13 liMsdUnip

winter quarters publicity and also has charge of the front door. They quarters ago preetkally self-eustalntng during winter months. There are vsltora daily, from ArkatIMA Oh:abeam end Itlsto:lrl. Sam Starratla, superintBdcft'tar guar tens. end eras are keeping the gsv'ru:d in aLape. James Watts is acting as pur- ch too agent for quantal.

Melt. Watts his furnished a rec24UtLOn roam for 'boys sojourning st quarters. Joe Webb is a frequent vt+SatOr. Ile at- tended the hops,ehow at tilde -Reek. Ark_ .tmontr recent et,itere lone Plead. in" _Orehaen. -owner of Chace, & Son Circus'. Mr and Mov. Walter Jennler err¡ -Buddy: hatrs;t. H. Parker and children. Joe Kennedy. Noble C,,Fi.lriy Mad John Campbell


NTIL; W. W tY LanoeBT OCRONIca AND eAn. NWALZ IN AMERICA with aft areolar piderlal Sanely atetaaM rtes part' -a. srNo<a1.r. TgRel10'AI meow: AwT[R A U Dtts. rosy.

Aer,OAROa}, H[0ALOa. 0AitNgtt0._ LOW MtIC[S-PttoMVT set I P/AENTB

Wrtts fee Prise Len and R..i. t ..


44i The Billboard CIRCUSES

u ncien° the Marquee By CIRCUS SOLLY

CHRISTMAS SUCGtSTIONII It still undo. eldest. fire eveealptlon he' T a uuIbe d.

RAYMOND TUCI(F.R has hie ride 1n the,O. i4blatt Store, Hammond. ]ad.

ViitOIL B. DARE, clown, bao joined the Musty Haag /Draw*. a,

ChAROANTVA by -Ringltng gorilla. win be at the _1411M Olympia Cirrus In Leaden. -

WALTP.H L., MAIN recently nddree.wd trot Kiweutts Club et Chardon O and told of pomo of We Cetus exiiaelencce,'

JOB SHORT la et Wenamakcr'rl Store. i(ew York, bIt loth niesngement there. la booked at the New york Weel4'. Yatr:

D OLDIA HAMPTON who War '.vtth ltobhtrn D reel.' Ctrcus, wilt winter, at ola home In Watt Point. On

JOSEPH KILTS Is nt*d Of the .Irtst- lerbeona and A.irle colored mnalcal allow on tibe tins Sun Tide.

8HYS9Y BROS.' CIRCUS. organized cearal ...treks ego, hill been playing East- ern Itskth Carolina, Mutton' to aetlefae- tuy bu_tneafi, Sally hen. -a..

BERT (ETD) WIC.M, who bed brigade on the Ringting *hour for years, la Chief electrician at ttheitit. Paul Au- ditorlum-

FRANK B. RUBIN; of Atlntntic City. imps treat he will noon go to New York to arrange for en attraction nt the New York World's 7-latr "

HOR vTSS 9rh,yt-h -Rudy Rudynoff is UWni1nite' at Casville. Sills. Include four wbflBL tour blacks, four sorrel, and n gray atalhon,

PLYING ' MELEERS Olosrd We -week Man= with the Barfield Contnopolitod dgbowa and Jolted lennak,Wcata Shows at Witten. Fla.

rSroNSISILI7riS partiste I. the pee- roe »ea ene ii.oriso toas:

BERTRAM MILLS Circus. managed by Cyril and Iterºtest Milt, w1H open at the Olympia. I.ondoal, 3 rcember-22'and tin until January 2d.

BERT LEO:, clown, rind 'pony. "Pte t-crn. are Ltttt ndsenlaing 1n Youngetararn. O. íP111' be In toy department of a atore there.

KINKO. with Robbins Boos,' Circus halt half of mason, haa been playing night clubs In Cincinnati. 'Ho l, nt tho Shrine- Cierna, tYm etilo, Ind', this took.

JOY VINCENT la operating moms. +lttrie' for- the, R011ér. Derby on' Southern

unity Ho wee with It l iIng-lisrnuin show anal It dosed. Has .ae'eraf Mr; Otto toys with htrn.

JACK CARLINO and crew of three ware In Rey West. Pls., reeontlq billing the Barnes choir toa' the at'a,:'tt danta. tforembrr 21-22. They pat up plenty of paper tone stand 170 mitt. distant,

,JO1t:ÑI''OTARf, taldeot singing clown and acrobat, peat throe years with .1. it ).talby cIrºus'unit. has tcft for Boston. hie home city. where he expects to,work department stores during holiday semen.

HAROLD MOdSS. who drove Walter L. Main's prnntelcar from 1,030 to 1036, -line a Job -printing atwp to otnerva, O. In the allow :tom did the eindyrbutcbor toll In the hie tnetartt riding act.

THS RICHMOND' (VA.) T1Mt$-Die. PATCH 8uO.fsy ntli,5arine rrct:on 'No- vember a carried a -story of P. Winery) Ryan (John 1.. Milord). an acrobat for 30 years. Be le evil- annual director for the Knights (of Columbw in that ,city.

PLYINO COVETS-. after inning in Madison.' Oa. October 30, Opened ,14o- eoirbber 3-^:ttI3 the IflghtT 81xraley Mklwny, remaining with show (1111111 the 10th. Thle week the act Is at the -Shrine Clrcus. Ronaton, Tex.

(ateitTS, 1104 Paulin e1 Prod' Ledget/, in e xcellent earl -franc/ roe oºue+tIan dlradoa a t, his W-me,In,Recklerd, Ill- tiorember 111.

Q¢LLPNDER'S ANIMALS, after ales. In , with /luseell BroeiClrottat hºve'deen playing higthschools In tailchlgah. After 0-ne Eno. tell the Fitetnstil *hew Wil- liam EF Callender succeeded him da- .queeteten director.

af. I.. (DAKOTA HILL) BAKER suttee from Crouse. N O.. that his wife,; :.ira. M L. <Madam Dorothy') Baker. eat: fared a stroke of apoplexy November 1 but sera abe lr LmproVi5g arid doctorñ' believe rho will gnu:hardly regain tine of her limbo.

JACK RANDALL Is back borne at Little Rocca. Ark.. :niter a nine weaker trip thru M'.alselppl and Loultlana. attended Downto Soil' Cireas at Crowley, IA.ú and me' a number of frirñdi, Matinee light and night house three.fourtha. Randall still be M the Chicago lfoinge.

DR. JAMES .1,11AMITF2 and wife are frequent visitors to Barney true.' Clrttte. Their -eon, has his elephants ñnd+nnit with the show. Peggy Waddell u asahttng him with Lite oitpbante. Noble liamlter, en ratite to' DAUM with Inca Hon sot, was a nailer.

VISITORS to the Al 0..,flarnee and Sells-Ploto Circus 1A Coiurnbue (Iii., in- cluded Jnmen je.. Bench, gebernl ngent. rind Lee 8. -Oonairoo, advertising ear manager, of the Downie Brag.' Circus_ The nezt day they drove, to tbº_Doweile thaw atrrblinhassee, Pia,

J. BM. AUSTIN and iaife attended -the annual Turkey Tr$t at Cucrp.'Tbg., re.




Name to ºº:d Utters on covers. 150 ostra for each Tine.

NOW ON SALE Arranged Especially for Your, Need*

Dated From January 1, 1939, to ,)arivary' 1, 1940.

The roost convenient .rnenlranduna stook for Menage., Agents end Perfot'mers in all branches 01 the Show world. -Actual site 2abx5!'r inches --just firs INS vest pocket. COntabti-~e aiendars for Years 1939- 1940. U. S. and' World Maps 110 pages for daily memorandums, space for recording receipts end d,eburierneniy of. money. Census figures, and moth ether valuable 'information.


For sore ef'an ofllcn, Of The IPÜllfoard. Maffed to arty part of the world for ;to each.



The Bi1lbosrd Publishing Co. 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, O.

porting that a forge crowd attended the unique pnnAa. Den. who a'rr manager of the Barnes chow neat half of the eta - BM, has been at bocao In Ban' Antonio, Tex.

P AUL M. CONWAY. tanner thews p. a. and' now attorney da Mato.. Co.., .hneaied about 11C00' relies elalting tbowa,aed trouper Mond, Oda season. Had an a«41111-nt secantly iehkd nearly his, now Ta~ plane, but ha k.ckity cicáped drivry.

rl1')bn: KS= after cloaingsemon of la' a're[ts.,It felts. waé producing clown - At the Cement Riotti-to Chub Ciretts for the %epee Brothers wick of November 13.

'others. in clown N1ty 'Were Mickey O'Brien., SLIT larch, Three Eddy*. ATery Tbdor and Marehall- Chapiet. Keck heir aoverit weeks of indoor dstea. to follow.

A RECENT Fredericton (N. LI_) Dolly .v oil r n o three-eolluun account of an - interview by Jack Roger" with Winifred Collenao. trap artist who appeared at Ws. 5lydnrleton Esthfbliton pant 'Sumner. Proft-tu way heard ores `Use national network Of Caratdtan Woodcutting Carp. November 4 ea part of PA -rpm's' popular tinder t -e Bfp Top aeries.

CAPT. A. "J. ANDFJt8O1f and b4 30 Wonder" of the World showed fro FYank- lln, Hty I'fo ..mane 11 to very- good butlnesa. Anderson lit making reboots In rttnnsylranla. where , he expects, to work toe some time. In Ticilorate he met ids ' friends George Patento and wire and 'Ocoree'a 'brothtr. Doe Wane - field.

AERIAL ORTONB. en route to Felt Wayne. IneLCibplaf tee, Ot .--al Electric CIub. Ctre'ue, st Mopped nt Jane milli.. A.,

O to visit the rton.Panwtng Duo. kits Panning -(Vera Orton) to a tarter at Oracle. of the Aerial Orion.. Vern and young eon, )stile% accompanied them to Fort Wayne. It woe the sec0itd timo they played the 0. It. yellow.

RAY"W. ROGEkS the aiildlñe spirit babied $arrctt-areat' and Wallaco-idol.' eirewist, tut'

beer; °ket5M5 out oust it,. but (Scads ba- ilor. he is snaking. elaborate plash fir the neat season, Lass ponabiy rotreemllete- ono of hie ahewl_

J UDGE, HARRY CUTRRIBLL wan elected ptegldent ot;' the ,ChnrRa lf.`Con._ * ohm . Tent of too Circus Sainte end Sinners Club of Virginia et Norfolk. Va. November 7. O7hM newly elected pm. corn.. are A. R. Thomylion, heat ware. president; Shepherd W. Dreary. second tloo - predelent; John New. secretary: Pierre Boulogne. treasurer;- William A. Srddinger, sera -cant nt sirens.

BERHIECE- KELLY Circus . Revne was at the rational home Chew; rt. Qm1Lat. Ark., week of November '7. ,Other sots on bill were IJ'rrisona -bicycle turn, Silk frwlne Swing Tables; l cC..onnell and Moore, nosalty JUg lent*' -Montle Ifeekcr_achmlt; clown cop. CapacIty crowds every night, reports Josephine &'Uy. There wag a special Saturday matinee for the orphans,

F W.. ADAMS, of Atlanta, On.., visited the Barnte-Setlá-Flow ahem when It. wee there and met ninny ofhts chasm friends. Sys that' he was extended alley cour- tply and enjoyed the _performance. Do recognized " MOdoe"-end "'loons in the menagerie. "Modoc" ~on the Gentry. Patterson show when Adana -eras there,, and"lotus." big hip. on'thc Lartrtm show to 1021. cimo from the old Ddlimar Show., One of the -Clinton! troupe bad' a bad fall In Atlanta,

DOWNIE meow oir No. 2. in charge of Lee 5- Conarroe, closed ar~Wtt et -Sts Augustine, eta.. November I and Made run into quarter' at Macon,; an. After storing trucks and sAttlptaunt General Agent Janson 11L Beach and Conarro0' visited -the -Pernes-Pk'lle-Ploto show et Colwahta. Oa-. and ,then left. Tor ri fish- ing trip down the Florida 'east coast, catching the. Downie allow nt" Daytcnn Sot remainder o2 see", T1te§ report fishing .okº11.

BOB BUCKET, general pistan, represen- tative for the Sonja !tente ice oatmeal whleh opa'ne a four -day engagement at the Arena, et. Louts. November 22. %paced Tris sailboard ace there brat 7vrwiay, aiafvibg frota the West _ tin plane, Wet nce0mp;.nlsd by .1. N. Van Clan, olio In press department of Herne snow.

BYC&NT guests or Coi. J. 1.1 -tee Clog. id, State chairman of the Pauto Caro- lina Toting Republicano. tiutuaiertob. S. C.. roer Bryan and Billu.. Woods, of monkey drone fama. en romo to Florida

Noeentber 26, 1938

after closing their allow to Virginia, R. H. Work: J. C. Robert.. Roger Berrie., of .1lerrs.Barnrat Circus, pow to South GaroUnn; Jobnnte' Bullock. owner, rind Johnnie Murphy, general !Sent. of Bullock, Amusement Co, Colonel per. o ld. koepe open hawse for 6hOWm*O"-and tae a freº trailer ^camp. for.nll In the prcfc akrtt: 110 1, á forater aháwman.

THE FOLLOWING' >orsemi In a recces feature story In the Cietlnnail Post carisen,. Ind' the `Ssrebtedge Lithographing Ce.: "e

ablw% -.Stse-go ccspany twined, out the Th

' 'Mateo po,to In 1M wa10. ,le war feinted ,a(c-.der ee(Uar ato Ciro*, It

the old W. W. CWe Cirea It was a I14saeat attain A crew et Mró- b,i.`ts artists, working ears* nnñlhs, Sod,» draw asatalal- foe 400 iltaoariohic stenos be. fora h torte be -primed. . Cendnerila s lavared beak In Iiil wlisn lie tam pea. dread a postar teeing about 'Prot.' Nam. mia'a steam aittttlp,' Thy pester ahartlead a

aleees. Cincheatlana, Begird, but Slrobrsdro 'prides himself on using oaring, rho fist 10 fwecast ªk hoed."

ROY BARIIXXT arrd ran Shipley, alto being away from the Pksnous Barr De. parirnatit ,store. Si. Louis, for ' a tee years._ returned to stage a 'Christmas

show for tine -Children. B alpley has been on ,he Witt for a whIle, being e sales. man. Barrett wry with the Jay Gould (.'.reels Perno the pest sesaon. That makes Bhlpleyla 101h year and Ba rett's girth nt the .tore 'rho fernier is staging ttie allow and the Inner preectntlrlg ell clown nuiatberp..Shine opined November 18 and runs until Chrietrnne-Ste.

CAPTIONF Bffe of Clime ow., Neater tsars Oft,' a. coturno.long, feature artery

'01 uto. career OS J. R. '(.lack) Molloy. `Canton (O.) acrobat and outdoor ªhow- rr- n, together with a awel) layout of art, !.ritt n by .[eater akeren, appeared let the October 80 mitten of the Caution (IDA Ropcafter,. The yarn went on to W1111011/ Malloy, whorls a bricklayer. had n yen for the drone and bow Ile, ersahed. she big top with the Ortetn_2l Cando: Eleg>riet troupe of aerialists, married Nancy Darnell nix yearn ago when bath 'were wltb the 1iaftiybeck-WallaOe Circus, and how bQ or anta.`d' Ill t own Otreuat which be -recently !mulched ea o stags unit. There 'erre taoellent shone cf Malloy and itli' Wife on the enipme eat one, of- Winnie. featured canine of tIo troupe

1%Iodel Builders?. Activities ST. JOSEPH, Mlcby Nov. 10 -Orel.

Walter H. Woods. ht. Petersburg. Psi. end John B. McCurdy, Harrisburg,. Pam herejoined-the aetoclatlon. Frank ter. Roisuon, Tex. Inv; the Barns* drew - In Memphis and vintted with remelt I><.

Jacobs. They were entertained at the been. of Ralph H. Miller and iota large m10110ttere emus. Prank 8ta=. of

the Barnet. able:, bus Obtained' a 11W7

o aga and glee -home team from Robc t a Good. Allentown. Pa.

Walter W. Mattbbe. Long Bench. Calif. rod Kenneth D, ytull. toe 'Angeles. re. eenely visaed the Hagenbeek-Weloa quarters at Ba`datn.Park.:: (full has o ce, pleted a Ir,tt'.,porte tent and bag poi Willett for his abow. Charles L. Merit Austin, mina, reeentrjr visited' .lane "'well and John Dvorak, Cedar.Rajdda. To.. and' saw their ureoctt4 etreusaa. SYSS.

ra i,spent the week.end la Ch16í¢o all visited with Citarle! 11. Bonrw'tt and John B. Shepard.

Halo Bros.' Mg top _bas been suf.- :mated by or:other middle ° p1-itia fur- aished by G.eorse R. Barlow lIL 'ITas makes lira feven-pafe top. reports Jolla ft. Shepard: owner: Philip V. CreW'tiict Newport, R. 1., bad his matorimd alum set up Ice,* one-dny engagement thrill this alnarnrs and tt played to over CO people: iirr, t_ltacksttin,.Decatur, 111nee again aó1d hie model circus and wtW soon start on another.

Rtidy Begone, Ashland, Wte Ma the Harnett show at Duluth, /Jinn. Cbs.'le+ N..SetºJa. Camden. N. J., boa recovered from an appendix- opern3tolt. BA ti - tended the /Shrine Circus in Philedel- phia- URrOld U, Moore, Reading- 1 !<s completed a calliope' for hLn Charles E ilorlker florristnr)t. Pa., 115-

ltnit Eusnril T. Warner. Reading, and taw his onlolature circus. J. W, Barrett. ».aingtó:i, Pa,, hoe 'a complete miniature dims which he has R__v building tae 14 year& Joseph It Miller, Charleroi. Pa. visited' William H: Waiter, Ilo:riesld'd: Ps.. recently.

Anyone Inherested'tn the GROW Medit builder. and Owners',Aas~ttstlan should write the jeccFetary-trcosurer. John B. 13t:epaTdr 440 H. ParkaWº Secant, Chi angOrill.

Noprrnber 260 1938 CIRCUSES

erro_, veers as 000d WIMeewar med. (Matethteetea the

narkh rneneeing its peopice. the pºrtarineT'a of all nations manage

.to get along peacefully, with ens an. other and in- their relations with those or other pltraulta, This la a wenderfut obiett treason in undreetanding. fair piny/ and toieralvde.

' perfoe nera'come from_end Meet In all pacts of the '.world. Japan prodti-ea umbrae and Su/cetera, -England great Fentotnitas senate and »welts ads na Tit! as,drnmatie actors. PrOCI Germany cams aolae of the beat balancing seta seer an wire embers. item far -awns ,tustraUa we get bareback riders ant%

splendid acfebatie troupes Tite United etatee produces a teener:ust portion _of tbn world's eats and leads Lit the burn - bet 01 tnrtlt feature nets. Prance end of er countnni contribute a goodly sitars of the W(0LCS entertainment goods.

Artists Sod seta are tntarnettonal. P.ten when their mittens areltt War they era a borders and are at pewtee .s:slime themxtves. This ehoWd serve red a splendid' ~pie of good Trill CO all peoples and nations of the uXITeree.

Economic eenditions enny -.comer :lane bet not with performmw Everything

ete to "balance." end there h hiardly over * Complaint from them to their hepectiee gevOrnnxñts fin coauiesttoer vim tmtrtgratlaa eestrtctIOnc. for in- itantt.

Speaking of ban anop.' whlla Canada don not produce acrobetic Or novelty aehheearth the Mention, It does send the feel skaters end hockey players to all pane cf the Wertd. Theo, toot the D endelen,ga, 'the world- Mary Plskford. :twin Shearer, Boatrtce Lillie, Guy Lom- bardo and many others who.ltavo_peone ably rimed mere money In the 17rnKM, sate than, the ecoumulated mar7iingle of all perforrmcrs sppeertne, in Canada,

Neel Onward, who does, net ffer- i te

bukid-up. Ls Edgilah. He tea pee of the -cries austral pleywriehte and .Paters. dabbhn; &L:o in soneenrifing, 1Certie des ai5iting and freldleally etsrytbtme In nett -craft. Mr Coward lute made n nee twee In the U. 8.. -posstbiy more than xa Fed to 100 average American per- t* :are In Ragland combleed. Tian II curtly as It should bo. All tartlets are happy to sop other. make good do n big -way.

The public, too. wants the beat seta sad does not care where they come from al 'loaf iA they are good. When illy

ierrp Cijri5hna5 attD '

30appp SZebu »ear rem



tmuaaaie,M Pretl.t.a Inn enetkosi sweeten. A. teases neonate IatarnallenM Tesra

WANTED AidmltT, Birds, Large Repdees. arse Monkeys. Write er wire lowed, Mice.

JIM TURNEY - Boa_ 458. Cltsrwster. )s.





lay their good money to NS a ahoy.' they want only the best.

Munition makes have Onset been ice - Weed o: camerae wars. We do not be- lieve this lo be a fact, While nonce of the greedy ,onen might try, they niche could -not .doe it-no melee than a few titlaeiuputcua .manager. or -agents ern :start trouble amneng intelligent per - fermate: end toot of them are ltitet- ILgeat and ¡Cod busIftas people.

orbs booking agent or rKtat's MOM- eentetive in Irsinnd who .drculari es his elielde or the Irish ;client« of English atents, Urging them to buy teeth 'Sete from ably en Utah firm..,JUst na un- talr As theCahacitaa agent who shouts -Canaan for 'Canadians" or "Busy Catta- dion Acts only;"' from bin caste. There Is no such thing ºe Certeelnp. Teller or A:reclean aria They nre lnterlatlonal. They get along like one happy lankily.

rM M AageLyTELY. M5W Tte. M Proms aayyeMrtaN,nteU Pb.,. Cs" at a4,' ir. e+. 1Alitl5 PAr ÑÁGt ó nplr7ry. sy



H =wee emit, to,etupttM.til hl <I +Sy DM Itba ;M t1aWteYtl Y. Aaaas. Meear...,

Mrr. almsa 757. Weatwn (hntaa, Óattew., 0.,.

Often n small agent without- dienta will' try to tool pertoatnets by arranging to get there under cotttrnt-.aa their per- sonal manegor. Re will write to them, stating that in bb country be urn get them roots rP.ADtf. Thee alwnya seated» good to pertormees le any_ eches ,aiJ- bideu» persona. He will then send out circutara 'tó the chants of other agents, elating that be can supply atandsrd ectt for Ices.

The foregoing paragraph sound. like a riddle-to pay more and call toy leas can't be done. Too result is that the letter -weenie, agent .only twee the good net for window droriteee to try to sell ntibetatndard''acts, the good act rending the neuter' a. good eídiaone uvtk, where. sea It - ould have earned a_fofc wage and amused thousands of pCOpe let

It atilt ,uóund* like a. peedo end actually It .. - It le. Nit )eke the old chicken and egg story-which one Caine brat? The agent mart rare c~enta to get good acts and bobee he can get good' seta he mutt bete client*.

The melees or ..trotrpea, as the case rimy be, take their lose like any Ober bustneas-pereen. WW1 they go to their club or vaudeville emeelettali thgy porn their ;led experieiteo Along- to other who preflt by their miaplamed cone fidert,pe.


The Billboard ziLT

Am assa ors their erteeencea In'a peaceful, boste s- ue manner.

It would Reich the dietatoes of the wend a Masan to ocele eb New Tork,'toe instanter, Sind gee large and eellluelastle aádlenem stand tip and cheer Robert Morley. In Oscar tt'itde, and Maurice Evans. Flan in /lainkt, both.greet Artille Seem l4ogtand. Our Conedlan causal, Ray. mend ]fosses, In Abe Littoceri ire,/Ufite:de fe being sheered at ovefy performance by people end -performers from ail parts of the world who llvo peacefully In New York

TRIBUTE TO, FR - (Canttnudd from ,paw- see

kw*, reamed. known and,laktd by hun- dreds in what wan ate 'to Men, the greatest -business on earth. Stricken a few menthe ;ago. Peed came back to his home town to tugs bb last dote. The end Memo tiuntray.= (Prom Ir ckfeed (111:). Reebiei-Jecer-ialte, November Li.)

DÓWNIE CLOSES- (corrtet4éd groin. peg,- 44)

8omereet, Ky.. Dave ROWletace. Llotrete Doc Clare. Pleasant lull. ILL

SIDS SHOW BAND: Joe.. Brnnttly. pewee Taylor, Prank roster, Willie Rob- IÑon, 8añ1 & here lt, Alford DotiAlag. Samuel. BtTtekland.,'T. H. Jones. SZe r Werhsr. Thereat Jones, 1kbe Jeeteori. al. to Tames.

TlLi'i$PORTATIOI'f DEPARTMENT! JoóOftlean arid wit.. Mimosa; Bill Buatt, Californis: C. Cr. Landeree A M.' Bush, James McCarthy, dsoon: Dick Robert- son. hornet 02.4 .0rorye Snarled, Tempe: Wilson Gay, Tellehasueo. Pia-; Oliver Ketly, Syracuse. Ala.: John Ñanko. Sara- sota: tenteen Adeline Ma on: John C. Johitro:l. Prorcnec.i S. C.; Harry Konlite. Rtnaton, _ N. C ; Otis Southland. Prank Martin, Ms oaf; Jame P. Runt. Lena- bertou. N. C,; Marie..Elise, Cleveland; rerl Ileyhden, Bradtej. Me.] ItichnM Ilatfle. Chicago: Jew Lkitbáck. sweet - matte, Ala.: Albert Wavl enough, Bud Cave, Frank Smith. Herbert White. George rheum. David Wee-ord. Jame* legram. Pd Ritchie. C. Thontas. Macon: llarbere Proctor. Nee: Seven. Cone,: Jerry Arnie. JacksOemine Mae Enoch Bradford, fiattonls, 'N. C.:' Torn Lackey, Phtladotpie ; Harry Lebbettar. Cedar- town, Gee Buneerierrt11, Temps: Seek - Atllunon:,eSaruda: H. lL Jones, Daytona Beach. fin.

CANDY STANDS' Harry Netton, roan- eeez: Bob Kingman. Peed Bennett Les- lie Grant. Milton Ceaser,,Aies Cunnn; hash, Johnnie Ittrday: MIAmi; Renato Moore. Mecca; Roy Stearn, CerccavlRe, Gs,a' BUR, Berger, Lynn. Muse'

I.11NCR STANDS: Eddie Ceeowell, Bobby Ports:, Lovely Mocgsnthnu.MIamL

MMSAGERTEe Peek Taylor. morale- tendent: Hackie Martin. C. ii. Alaarander. John Boseett. John` Brier, Themes Tootill, Attest: James le : Reynolds. 8t. Aligustbae. Fin.; Peed' Meer. loblte. Ata.

PROP D ARTMFNT- Bernie Lone - dart, Marine show; hta.cone lltanley becan. West, Palm 'leech, Pin:: Migtrstus Blacker, +peeve. Kelly )linen, Samñay Young, Eddie' Turner..JimMle Wade I'. T. Barnum. Macon; Allen DavM Oaanesvlitt. Gee Tiger Selectee Bogalusa, La.

BIG TOP. Charles; ,Rhin!, aupertn. tsndent _of . carte**. Kvtlle. Teem - C. ThomaS, Youngstown. Q.: acme Dur- ham,. Claude Potts. Wilt Cook. Hanel Haddock. eticen: James Ingram. Raleigh. N. C.: Johnnie Doyel. Auguata. Ca.; White Troy. Wilmington. N. C,;' 135110)

Beetick,, Rocktnjh_nm. N. 04 Clarence Muir.: Dare Thornton, Gadsden: Ms.' -licary eleColap, Norfolk. tb; Prank Smith, St. Nut; Louis Baker. Mont- gomery. Allay Dutch Wilkinson, Tempe;

They do not alert trouble and talk et Btl*ter BUUnRI. Wary Thorne», Mnceat.

geing to Feat-mot even' to court. Whnt titeyrdo b arrange 'deter bookings under a reliable manager and live In peace.

Mentioning' the btreLnI'os trouble* of the ¡metocmers and the pieties of Como s.'enta le not progagendn. The offmri- enaoe et- eeted'Oily to Ltidielte that pert farmers often have crane to be beetite, but Inatesd'eaerclse diplomacy and settle

RIND STOCKY linr rleen Barnes, Thoru- aston..Oa.; lfebeeth Airecleton, Mss; Buck L)Ullasd. Whttevlllc, N. Cl Btlilmpn Lewis, 11,¢uatoo George Tillie, eleeon; Luther Das1IL Tampe; Ben WnLlace..Che- Sego; Leo Maratod,, NARMrt. 1. J.

WA RDR OH r DF.PARTMKNT: ,Rob Steele, Macon; IBU'Soler, Shreveport. La. '

COOKIIOUSEt_ Law- Miller. Chicago: William 1181eerd. Lakeland, Iita.c Al Grant. York, s. C::. Chance Lucky. Jerry

s Audry. Jacksonville. Flee Bob. Mill.. ü- Augustinº. IRS.; Jack letatarl. A. H Kelly., Raymond Ohere, Willem Chap- man. William Smith,:Prink Ty. ere Wii- 11am Bird, Sheldon Btraagar, Prank Kali Dave Stewart, Macoat..

Notes From El Paso Ta. PASO. Tex.. rrov., lD.-Deihl Terence.

georml'mannger of Tom Nix Circus, lair_ nonfat lala ,sr_ btant, Cherie* Warrel, that he v:tll contra here boon from Chi- cago.

Al Anderson. prop latan, le ~Wing from net attack reported to have been made upon him IA Juarez, Mex., by tour unidentified men. ILO was treated In a hospital there and at. Otty-County=Ilos- pica], SD Peer

Red Portia». eltwtrtclan with Met show the past aeawn, was In town en route froth California to Loutalana.

Inghanni's Indians Start Tour S T'CA.RT. Va. Not 1D.-Ingltamb Cone

gross of American Indian started taut of Pxutck Count) »choral et Red' Bank School, November 1!, Two wetted' are used on state during program. Mrs. Rex M. trtgham, who han been very in, is reeovertne,

15 eats Q;; (Free The fiillboard Dated

Neivclnbsr 24; 1923) n

The Tlseenbeck.Walleoe Indoor Circus corned Ira tour le Si. `Louis Novem- ber 12 at the C011t:ettth. . Jam Nee'en Waa haling rood INualnese with hU Jungieland Show with Saott's Greater Shows, Vet Vine. who area bettrex On the R1ngling.ltrrntim circus, took cña,rge'cl'the. advance, of O. B. Bgrnow'a Superb* I'r»duelig Co Work Mr. cue. . The Great Artee Troupe et Spanish people. hand balsnyars and acre. bats,folned Atklmon'e Circus. . . 11111 Koplin. Omen with _ Sslla-Ptoto'Circus. waseMrIckan with- paralysis. to TnO!ag- apoUa _. . . The Cuban Circus Publi- lonae. with Mrs. Wade PubULones at the front..opetsed -to good bualneaa at the Nailonnl Thee tore /feeble.

Arthur Diggs. lithely 'In charge of the brigade of Sella-Ploto Circus. wan in St. Lends ahead of the'PJtret orad Skirts Co.. . . Mate. Bradna. of the Itingeng- Ital`num d rene,, was playing 'the Poll Time..: . The Jobnsom-SIIism Tree and cep tibd Cheeky -Lcwlar who -.titre with the Jobn-Robineen Cirque, entailed their -Indoor circus engngeneente at -Mans- acid., Q , Mr. 'and Mrs. William- B, Henry'closed with the Robinson chaff and %aft or n months el -cotton to Hot Springs. 'Ark. - . . Horace Laird and Bis Pile 'teeny Jesters were a bit with tbcir clown bond at the Military -Celeste Amsterdam. N. Y- seek of Noreinbcr 12. . Tae Oentey..Paetereon Circus cloned at )bolo. lIen.. November 10. Martin A. Anderson. tonne-J.)5 A taam-

Mor with llagonbeek-Wallace Circus,, died at his home_ in Sioux Pau". S. D., Octo- ber 21.

Peru (Intl.) *rimer a:towhee the Jobe Robinson and S. hi -Ttete cm. cures, were thronged 'so heavily .-.Leh'On Sunday% that VLitLn{k louse were restricted. . Mackie "domed. sas.tant boas Cantwrnnn on tau At O. Barnes. etrcus. was LWtertee tram a broken ankle in El Paso. Tea a Charles Negrlat troupe, With Siinglmg,

'Barnum circus, returned. home to C:tnh- ton. O. . Tommy Theene elm had reserved se


sect ticket box on Welter ,1..

Main Circus. loLord the TtIbin di Chr-ry Shoe... , Maio Brodie. ebb oasgen teal utility man with the Mein shah. v -as In Phlladolgtale, wobiling .-Dar the Mack Motor- Zttacit Cº.

CLiRENCE RIDDICK. Or Richmand. Yee I. the new natleuni sOe5ctary of the' emcee- Sainte and S Inners Club of Arnetle>. hnvIng aticcoodºd C. S. Goldatom,

4$ The Billboard CIRCUSES November 26r 1938 ICOME to the swots wetbd a teachable *Mt. any Vd'ee of the 11'I"d. {Pub - nailed in The Bifbr_ard two years

tarot isa my tarowel1 tdcina an to the Oarnhra. epUtle nów I tine 1lritw n the I inee, and It- h my farewell tialon Of Ina circus. which to all-eocompaashag and unirereel. In a letter there^* much Of Talus 'between the line,." and' so I Wane what I fee Uinta oeyer been spoken and (wilted-hidden, wonderful, tiling.- between tents, between rings and atngot,

between poles, be- - tweet driver and

rider anti horse, bet'aneon mbn'n and I a d l e s" dressing rooms, between beats "on the our-

` cue steelier*. be, tween.lutith count- er and anIl mmeni teed* in privilege ear. between city halls 501$ the legal adJhuter, between the front'docs and thesis:ice bad chain wagon.

Did you ever atop to realize that the,adretu la bard upon "The Triangle" aadlthet edpnme atftnite Power banded the idea of the chats to earth In the morntmt3 of cree- tiont Blond with me of the equator: "does :Sliest itself. Tñere, you ',WI find 'The Triangle" in The greatest!. drew, of throw ,alit se I the beaten áa the sun riser aborts the dream lt.,kIll be underthe largest spread equotor on Its golden psRival, the of canvas cunt rrevted-with no pwea- ecliptic, to the Drat degree of Arles. forest- , supported by nPnnlñtim uprlahte. That ini' an angle with tae equator, the ntarreloess'int'entor of ctreusdom William taualnauon of this *rut* being an are IL Curtis ("Captain Billy.' ,we kvrtnety In the OMtilde well lard :quarter pdt .',call him). who hen given to tae demur guy ropo and chain and' atnke and' world the spool wagon: the stake driver ground teem -She 17Lnglc-" Pepe. big- that drive/ three :aten at one Vane: lop Center pogo and grouted ditto. Ali aarety cable saute, eltnitnating,toe pins CMS: the lot, .in the training 'hatu. , in -and proventror iK.e&' from falliii tito rtnifn- and pu-formarxea, a:errsherc folding grand -fiend reen'ed heath wagon, nboutthe grout to the Triengulsr. The traped:We to fall or float" away in. flood. 010n le Duper-eteeer 'ss ace space, and machinery that pile& sap aid take. thouebt -and air. Therefore it le eternal down whin end pol e-ht burning" the and cnn never die. At present It 1's In inidne ht Oil to bring forth the no:pole th- happy throes of unuren Iearen that big-top..idea in practical'; workable Ionia, vent "(three _tiro whole lump." The enure

'hurled, mtemuotu are now somewhat

end edecte that, forced the Hingitdt- hurled, dineardtd IbóYdac to keep dbnñ Bsrrium-Bapeiy -'big bertha" to the barn. expenses. la the corning ,nez.dny.elrcuz and v,taaller alowe tO gistF should cable his Inventive principles will bo pare - no alarm. L to the beginning of the mount.

- iy DOC. V'ADD.fLL

etween the By DOC WADDELL

means to a just land -glorious end. CPNtlps organizing children to "save the_ circuit are interesting, biiS'eerve the senie miss pore Slut h etigar-Mated pill of flour does when giren to the In.

I Eaten with my heart and heü a releo between the lines: ~There're to be hew' fence in circusdom's front_ rants -- a new day for -tsto'clrtus la nbaut to aarri-tt>r= pttndplet De just, be true,. be na_erlfut, renewer the- lnndmnrka ad. I hated to, without Inflation, by, the old regaters, Jainen A. Batley. Uncle Sohn Robinson end Adam Porepau$h. The aid tried, tested fundamentals are ae- serting,

h,mfghty force -that !Iowa along In *limb currents, ewrtft and strong: A delight that roasts *without fate fa gen:lo bieaKttg-.that's the circus.

Yen, Out of ther,tnngled mesa et the present will 'feriae, in, correct cetera(' of time, tile ure?teat-timer ewer conceived by moatalr mind. Another `Bailey is oñ the way In nmmatnen;a ream. Htatory




Shuredry - US A M P and D F M P Canvas. made by Falten Bag & Cotton ql Mills and preferred by show people everywhere.

Save tramps»tarion .charges by tending your order to oar nearest plant.


Fulton Ba ' Cotton Mills__ Mani 'aciiat'rs Since 1870


YO J. h402,... from our Experience

foe over three-ghiarter% of p centtrry'we hove been, supplying your ttode.wllhi their poster brush requirement:. Brushes mode from,

and improved by the tulglistians of the Wien themselves. Think of 'brushes when you tools for Greªtor Profit and Greater Production. Catalog On uoepucst Send your orders toe

Rennous-Kleistle Division CARROLL STATION P. O. ` BALTIMORE, MD.

t II


iv, .s A(VARas. better known M the show world as Dad troddeft. asonftettet añd dress. mien, ea lie appeared at the ape of" 10 when he started to gihcaa: life. Bon Ors. N. end Vary E,- Andres and brother eJ ataeo C. A ndrp,

Jame* A. Dailey said: "Drtravailance In -the circus gnme is a ttonumca roan. only."' His syrtnm was, "If necessary to have the bent, land do rlµht.things. npemel t'D cents obit of every dollar and nine the penny. IC i's,. Batter -who mid: "The circus try sugar. the public the flies. Hare the "war and, the fliers will cable; When my tente are up. the slow belongs to She peepte. It I been what they want they will pay the, price to enjoy' It,"

Italtey believed In the religion of rap anti wi.te1,"Bathe were on his lot Work- men. bathed after their' labor was done. Before tee -patñdo each, -[river rind h understudy ,dtaíred and shined their ahOra. Ile surrounded - himself With super' staff nñd-prrformeraw and working people capable- and !$lanced. Ile -paid rock trite. tones; ware,'bu d, if with him certain tested tame, he'd put snob one on pay roil with Certain per lent of the profits to -hi, or her credit. H. booked after bis people In health. tlted;ntes'and death-'took .then right along with Wm_ There we' no :Ord and serf principle, no Alb and flesh char ifies leh and dleprlm- !nation-1p buu *Irc(ts structure.

It was "Pop -Corn George-- Rill nito In - indurated the principle, "sweeten the &eolla Of a ettttornft. It will open bit jnirse and stert him spending," I.ernot- ilide and sweetmrnl .tande out front loading tp the marquee main entrance carry out this principle.

Alt the above mew. in the hasp -0n, circus, wllt'Dº unproved, to, the briber? degrees

The three rings and *Maros between Will glee a -s y to the "betwreenthe-mite" oOnoeption of the'rate Ken Hubbard., Wfio tit tire- weer Abe ilnrtia, the hutm orist. Her, back in the' years, prophesied the circus of the future. Said this bleio ilt sage: "The performances Win be on monster Naga. with, ring*, aerial rigging and, In -bet wean states on It. ióritett to the front as in a theater, the seat* In raised-er+-:rot form, et -tabling each and alt to (newly see every riol and offering,` This colasawl wilt have Its "maat+tve gts- pole canyon sown- en the lareeet ectenite ruder bard for_ a big bop, between large eitiée:there to -remain, perhaps. a months raving daily mimeo° tralupottntcn end attended by thousátida from "here. there, and everywhere " cambia by airplane.., btu, auto and every known transporta- tion way. '

There will be, a menranerte tent sod museum nod,aguarlan torn, all hearing

their t'tspocureolarsinsd !enure.. carry_ lag out the old idea L-Ltle John noble. elm once ,employed-four big tenth, múeettm, meniagfrte. aquarium sod creep. outdoing at the time .tartaea A, Halley add Adam ,Porepaugb es to new ideas_

The new-day.eIrcua will tee to It net Cbo child' labor law la icenaaped yo that the shore -born Child, gifted to 11y the air, someniautt on bareback honor., walk by wire and do acrobatic Stung can be educated vocattonatly and.detelop Intoa champion performer and, not, as new. :greed Into eeiteeoi*. where. as a rule, "diamonds ore dimmed and atoms pol: tabeel-"

Yost children's, attendance is "Way down. The !scar -born circus will carry out rst principles; and Cats", to the kiddie". Orphans and the uttderprtteJ_ legal will 'be gl,s st, rand fleeted in tie center creme seats, and note, as at present. put Ober to '13' section by,the band, and, ff these sluts cab 'be wed, then hid away on the "blues" in an end o! the_ big tent Where then cannot see the -ante. Children n -ill not tto oentchnrited on the front door, and candy butcberi will not be permitted to traritp ail otee patron* to ar11 theta pop qt 10 eenta a bottle ...aunt the hea,fr. price is a nloZal. and stand In front of spectator" in making a sole; obscuring their view of the performer -le they paid toate._-All gambit arid petty schemes to 'act' the money" will 'be ab. matt,

tit rhowfolk win paid any honest, living wage and fed nourishing fond, one, this wtthotur ápy otstesde-ouereus- life organlrrtloit having anything to do with, ft. The drew ii. in reality, n world by itself, and there no no pane, In It lbs labor unions slid fnterfersnor by those ivho know`It not. In tie old'daya daindut Gemipere organised,et'ery craft, but when he reached the circus hot ho -stepped at fta outer berth :a. Leber agitators. Will not interfere with the ahomfolk of the newdey tented ally. Writer* of. circus storl "e and author, of toile picturi., like ,Jim MATT,. with hie Choir, Parise. and -WSllsoe Becr, with brr, J/fpatr Barenssi nxívie. troth rd whom am what Old' Qireiss whetting dub "towers with the, show," and as such Were. e e genuine, cfrcut troupers style it, aplenta, will be blacklisted and Lhmne 1 unto the'publlc

T a acted why -the moortditlon and attuation of the Cireus O it Is to day? My -sr.e:,et: The rsdtteii le on. The racketeers, so -celled, are Liking it over. ' Know the," pure. vnaduttºatoll racketeer/' are not mSCItine-guru tilers Or bomb thro-err. They are men with bit - business ability end _cleverness who So- ecmpuíh in their owl; wáy. Well. In IW O

f wear "eked to dine with .an ok-congéHa- Man, ndw' dc'~ed, echo. tarn ~tale ehiannet,°influenced thin 'late Jkhu Riot' lint, Ile ticrrultted fro to read, re lettm from (tingling that ptatnly'Indlcated be could' buy the Hingling title, end with tt the Barium title rentild be obtained. I was ,then press rcpceeentative, under my friend Jerry ]tugiwnil on the Ilaiettbeelt- Wallileo Circus, Whoi. with Edward flak' lard and Bert 'Boners. constitute "big Wu -Air in the American Circus Corpo- ration. The proposition Was that f put it úp to them, e' thee did want the Baarttm title, and my comtnftnion on the deal would matcrme rich. It putt it up for Afuglven. mu* answer was, "Doc. I'd like to nee you do that, bitt seen -wee hareandtbcr way." When, from all this. I predIC;td ttur set dltioat or the circus an It 11 fader. I was giver: uto laugh. Finally Edward Ballard rentrn d from Europe, Leek the Kew rock City build- lege from the Rttlglings and' the :cost Yore paper and The' Billboard en - "Pounced the fact, and that Balls-PIotO w rruld opens the atssoa Lei the bi ; me- tropolls. Nest John Ringting Joined Bal- lard, in the racket scheme that tied bite tight ,and: In due trine. practically brake him- The kalltttz of Bsllrsr ' min; Oumpertz_es director of the Ittneuga- Baa-raium-Bailey uigenliatlont` untying al certain territory around the Pero wine epaulet -5i- laufChiry of she 'Cole Brea" phew ambits sudden,clostng: the forma- ttón of Robbins Bros: Charley C' h-' (Sic SITUP ttN PHI: UNES on page II)'

Notrmbrr .26, 1938 CIRCUSES Thee Billboard. 49

dretlon with the Placers County pair at ~villa, Calif.. recently totlnw: Brant[ ludLne-}?n-+t Mosinee, Ceelt Jonee, Jim Gallagher." Bull Skint:" -Jahn Bart:een. fat Oa)Or11. Jack Dalton. Bareback Monk R,hUne-John B rtram, W'1111ñ' Hendee. Atoll ih,rrarlo. Cecil Jones. -Call Aoptng-A1 Morrla, Chut7 Sheppard; Leonard Block. Steer Wr etllnk.-John larndra, M Allan. Olen Shaw. Single lto.tn4--Leotard Block. Carl 8wleety. Cbudk Sheppard.

DWNUIBA {CALIF.) ROCCO, Notembee 11-12,, was ,s¡t5+nsored by Dlnuba 'rodeo ennedetton, of which Cie rgo I.. Bevan* Li president and James E Arden' secre- tary. Results: Brook TUdlne-Pint day, Jettl4 Cooper, Pranklenichnelde'r, Alvan Gorden, 8inoky _.Soren, ' Second day. Jaekln Cooper. Frnnke Schneider', perk jeekson. 151111 Man 'gal.' day; Prankle Schneider. Pete Travis, Smoky Merin. Chi Meodee. Second day, Soo Burrell, prenkte sahnelder. Johnnie Snyder. Seer Wroetltng-lerst`day, Dori War. yen. Holloway Orate, John Dowmnb. Cherokee AIeOFD &'Card day.,Clay Ceti, John Ilovcmnn, Cherokee Alcorn, Hallo- ssy'Grnee, Pimple, John Bowman. Oskar Warren. Clay Carr. 'Calloway Orate, Team Roping---Plrst day. Owns Arrant. sod Bill lalekaon, ClayCart' and-hrnmett GIS. DielrRcy. end -Clay Oarr; Olñn Stmt aDdOeosr Warren. Second day, Al Coel- rn -and Cons Antonia. Cn'.r,lpt.a,jd John 8oga.snt, John, Mende* end Joe btoadC1, CI ve Hciley and Mined Dori*, Finale. Del Rey anti Cíay-Carr, Cleve >repayand Girard Dade. Whitt Clay and Huhn E'.rlaktante, tracer Warren and WILWIe Clay. Bareback 1t'dwg-Pivot day, Joe' Burrell, Joe Mendrt, ?rankle Schneider: -

Wank ktendevaarohnale Snyder acid Peto Trade apilt tooth. second day. Pcunk oc Schneider. Pete Tra':la, Joe Burrell: Carl Hendee and Johnnie Snyder split tctirtb. Ceti hnnht Butte Led, Dhnn lehmon Herold ad -10n. Seemed day. Clay Carr. Jiíbulnte

Snyder and' Harold Jeclr-on split.'fIrat; ],canard Htoek. Finals, Clay Carr. Johnnie.,9nydir. Harold Jaeksen. Led

1111 Cowl By ROWDY WADOY

' AM4 S. HILL rí11 handle the rodeo ta be bold la ,olneetioñ with Western erre -stock Sneer to tae ethgod in Lon ylac)H.

82livildr, 1,i65: Dtex Robbins, 1,152: Joe et, & 809: Jim =Cabot, *25I Pox O'Cal- Zhwttpwn.- kilo; John Rhoden, 1í1091 Italian. 0011 Bob Haverty, 801: Bart Clan - Bill 1aton, 1,106; Bob Dodlat, Min non. 004: Buck 172arLa.'gd2. Olin abed, 1,0771 Hoyt Haffner, 1.0591 Brook Biding -Buret )Mulkey, bick

, leorge *hello:. 1.002: ]a 1 Mode, 1,0581 Haight, Dolt' Aber, Vie Schwartz, Dull 'l:farott Shaw, 1053; Andy Curets. 1,046: or Steer Riding -Patti Cnrftey. Kid Oran' pork, 1,021: `Jack riberotl'D 1,016; Fletcher, 8molry Snyder, Jim Whiteman. Mickey LtcCroeey, 10101 Lonnie Allen, Celt Boptog -Toots. `alptteld. Clyde 080; Back 8tandifer, 912; Joe B -tit, Burke. Cecil Ow W alay, Everett_ Bcr.rm. 077: picas lieserk. e4: Jack Wade,. 040: `Team eloping John Rhode.. Teen Tom Bildo. 9i5; Vitt tiger*, 434: Howard Rhodes, Buckshot; Sorrella. Joe,BaraetL btCCrow-v.'022: Tome Taylor, 014; ;Hank Bareback ,Rlding-Poto'Orubb, PnuliCar-

PINKEY 15AR818, who b, proaantmg Mina, 913; Behan Boon, 9121 Buttons ney. Call Dario,. Smoky Snyder,, :leer pier roping sat at um cowboy inn, Ron- Yonniek, 402: Prank Van Meter. 8011 Decorniing=Wainer Linder. Andy Lurid, - . City. Ito.. 'pared hest to Gene Autry Tex Barba Oak: BUl Stowe, 873: John !rank ticbneider. Joe edtaidch. Slew

will oompury..lovamber 1, at an otter- Jordan, r57: James grin. 8.ví1 51.-¡a9, WróetlIng--Brerett Bowman, clone Rosa,

*eater party Autry ins o_ppenrfng at' Del Ste. 8S7í 7 Lockyer., 855: Mitch Hugh Bennett, Homer-FM.1.1 e h Singh the Tower Theater there. Cute mac. Owens, 854 pal 'Zone -alt. íl52:- Dick,.Bopatg-iTuah Bennett, J'abury Behan.

Intcob. termer carboy end rodeo -ííón- Mtwara. 0441 Doug Sauce. 841: Lea gar- = Everett Boornaii, Lawrence Coney. teatant. 1% co-owner end ,manager of the C;óí, Recentvtettors included Mete Cole: man. Monk' rider, and Little Dear and- 1118.

gTBt,ZTB o! _the rodeo hold In Com-

EITAHOINOS for the Rodenetwaoctatlon bf Ameriea'M 1938 Costley Charnplottihep 04 eTLtlounced lreerember 1- by Fred 8, FtCareer, secretary::llwerett JSe man. 15118: Paul Carney. 5.7S01.13urel Mulkey. 5.12ee Nick Haight, &5I3r »arf Aber. 5.033: Pete Onibb% 4.980. s- 1tr Truett.

Frodi Iheinctt, 4,454: Vie iliohwertZ, 4 045: sddte C,rtia, 3.918: Asbury Schell. 3.432; Teate .fandtold, 3Jol; John 13441" man. 3,302: Ilonser Pettigrew, 3x171 )Lid Pletcher. 8,216; °one Rost., 43.203' Clay Cur. 3,122: LasrreBie Conley. 3068 Huh Whfteºran, 2.081: Johnnie Sehf#ltter, 2. Smoky Snyder. 2.709 Andy

'ureeni, 1.538: Bnekahee Sorrel/4.14534i Clyde Burke. 2.525; Jackie Cooper. 2.4.41 Chi Shepard, Meat_ Dill Melieciio. 21+69; WuJd Watklite. 209: bare Camp -

2.282: Herman Linder. 1225; Jim Wiiltentan, 2.225; Cecil Oa-nlcy. 2,1431, P.ey brevity. '2.044: Ike Rude, 2donfil

KMMhX 13011

21: Res Hanle,ng. 2,0001

5: Leo ' S'. 11072: g Perd.t ),671: °wooed B rn y. 1,714: 11í:1-. Wyatt, í,T671 het earls. 1:154: Frank tichnetder, 1,711: Tttk Oreeneugb 17901 DIek orttflth, 1.772: Carl II t tt. 1J144: Minn Salines. 14A50; Mike ~ter. 1.5061"Cbnrlfe Totted. 4150: Doti Walden. , heed: To.Juy

e. 1.442; Jerry Ambler. L428; Dick. 7Yultt, 1,421h- Cecil Hanley. 1.418; Back tlooeltprtd. 1,402; Siaynsrd elayler. lace Bob mtci. 1.3531 Guy Cash. 1,358; Stub D litintxy. 1.245: Seat Cioodepeod, 1.100: Rutty M40ít)t), 1.aC2: Jimmie McOro. 1341 John Bertram. I343í Herbert San - dill. 1.235; Jeke McClure. 1,1; JIM

e Rodeo Toda By Guy WEADICK

TE' Rodeo RodeoAmeetati in of America has announced ,that item annual' conven-

tion will be held at Llringaton, Bent., January 0-7, 71 h:ie !netted repreeente. Urea, of eta Cowbdye'' Turtle A." Batton and the 7:ne'tbcres! Cowboys' Aeaectatton to attend so that 'OemlercnMta ratty ha. held In an endeavor to straighten out dtmtcuitbeS between rodeo arana6rtnente

-and t4itteatnnte. The Kautz of thus meeting will havo

a great Lannenco upon the tuture .et the, rodeo ea a recognised Oompetltl7F Sport and ae to legitimate commercial enterttunment feature In, the answer, irltat world, in both cases of 'which the publlolt moral and financlat evp- pert rnttetbe heel_

1b discard aeeeral 90110155 and milt/l- ode used in the past neema ateÓtutely nceenara . they to be replaced by tithe era of a more practicable bstul'e, based upon' recta.** they ohclat. and came list In keeping with the adverUeed claims mule toe taika, both as a 5ennIne coernpetttive sport 8.í1d a5 a legitimate and 'worth -While L,roIae rent attraction. eontawhet- along c 0am8len =sense Urns that have been adopted by Other ~age wired. _oftate.lty supeniscd end gee.- sziud oórnpetitise spore told the pub- lic as commerdal'entertainment.

Many of sticü spOets litre &,-eloped tt mildeweatde Interest 9! a Untamed nature In riot only themselt'ee.but their contestants- "as 'well This bus been proved by the intxea.lig box-oSlce re- ceipts and -nation-wide publicity regard.. leg them.

A great deal of the mlauit eratnnding and dlaagreeing la blamed on individ- ual, and groups evidently woeltbtg fed pereenal taterests at -the capons Od th6 rodeo In geiiaral-added 'to., this the mk-i'Onceptctm Of felts an they exist and the glaring tnooiulrtérielea 'en to 'ad- vertising one thing and- doing rr. infer.

o`F'at least Something entirety different from what the public .bas been led 't:oh bellocé and expect.

Ae the well-known gentleman, with glee brown derby.oí,ce old. 'Lsi'e look at the re'c'ord.. Tbe. AAA has a mem- bership of about S0 but -,of a probable 240, rodeo Menegcmenta In the Vnktod States and Canada. About every major rodeo ,:.anagemvnt- LS a membe .

The Olen has mémbers/1Lp of about 700 out of n probable 1.000 oemeatanta, Aboilt every recognined and outstand- ing contestant of proven ability to

member. Theie -two organisations are credited

rind generally accepted ea being the of= tidal griteraing bodies of both branched of the rodeo, field, Their' inability , t4 come to.suitable ~entente a. ter Mi er conduct of the apart la apparent.

The main points of dlsegraetnont seem to he: How to properly siendrredtee the sport; how tó draw op uniform rules nut regulattoet eon riling the events In wnlet contestants Compete, as'well -a» thou igovrmine neanaremente, failure to get anything like, an intelligent únl- torm tntterpretatdorr ot--tic.; rulee and regulations by tether , contratorit. ar nianngcrnenta, let alone' the dear old pullie, which to expected to know what tt L all' about ;If It La to display enourh Interest to pay to are. such competi- Honk ltudateritt upon eb0Pirt=ot both tnanagemante'athd contestants that their interpretation 'are the right anew. rdie- regordln) the fact then sa1D0eS4ly "of. Delete' o. both organizations snake ca- rted eta,.- eaten: the ponntulron and support of BAA officials in enceetlig members to use their sdtltatlon with

the RAA for'adws;tlaingopurpcsen, and then. bare Much management* conduct what they term are either `non-protee- abttal' contests or "amateur" oventa, which they claim allow them to dls- ernalnate against certain oontestanta-as. to ,entry. The rotaltetton of lr.divldual, and of the Turtles against aomc' of these mcthoda haz further 4nmplicated tito misundcrntandinga, .

It is generally accepted that in all rec- ognined and otlielally auperT1aed' ones- 'petit/re retorts, anyone competing, for

',bun outset be considered a prof ca desnt and ihat,e, Ilret4,e:O0a1 cannot compete in aneatear events -or Oompºtitioese. Alen that' emeteters cannot compete' ter oath. and whencmer they do so= they Imme- diately Mai to be amateurs and are no longer ell'-Ible to enter enmietrr create or ,competitions.

Tile being sea 'It must then be eon. stiterrd that it any rodeo where Con- testants Mt Competing fir cash they and Hoe contestants mutt be regarded as p»leastoaols,

./Sad further oonsid4nng that the tna- 3cd.* u of rc,deo'cslatesut. large and sansIl, take'deltght,lo ad:ertistng the now -stet; eoiypcd copy to the' effect -Hint: "The contestants attend and 'compete at their

-own risk and expense. ea w~LI a pay DM entry fee to do ro, They reoetro Tito romuti*retlon of nny kind whateoerer other then .the Cacti purees. trophies and Utica they wen' on,tbeic .merit and 8bíí. ity dVip.eyed. This la a COX -MIT -14C T A BROW WITH AIRED PERFORMERS.

From limb, advertising anti claims. naturally. the cubit¢ bee been misled In expecting to roe conto4lants 'Lrl action aquae. e. proven ability warrants :their oomentlag four` «World's Championship" tltlea-eocnothing It pays lta money io:.

it ma'y be mated here that the only Later the RAA *penmen are throe. of World's Championship* in nine events. which do not include any pc'o'olalen for points ee' *wards being made to lady bucking -horse riders, lady calf ropers, lady trick elders, lady trick ropere. cow- boy trick lideei or cowboy trieek.Jopera.

Bespito kits. however, Lorne of its members. .drrrtlao and award "World's Champlonshlp tltlea hr theme events, ea

well AS Adrarttee and' sward 'World', Cbemplortthip" Utica to their vetnnetni rtgerdledl of the tntt that "thhr_Ir Sava organlaatlen,.the BAA, enthoriroa and awards'only.Worldll Champlonahip tt- ties 1n the _events It sppecl:les and theseare

won ',only et the end of cute year by codtea:anta haring the hl Stare polar i

during the year In the ipa cod events, Issued et Only RAA contests.

Too. many contestant, not metnbfli, 'eft the RAA otter winner's Ittlea of ve- nous dettdet, with nothing to warrant such Heim but the Indlvic inl canna of the outfit awarding them.

In addition to all tots, several defier tithe are adsortiaed '_rid awarded by RAA managements. such .ea `North American .Chemplon. COnndlan Chum. Pion, -óOutbWOat Cbampdoti, Neethweet Cbitnpplan

And. on ten of It a11. the cant. ttants. Turtles and others, tornpere gi all thee* ofortn, - winning titles, too nutnrrotra tO mention and of *vela coalflte:Ong de- grees that It la hardly to be exyocted anyone can oven UT to -Agues tut wise le the ?ír.11 cham3tton and any after lie - toning to the ii,auy end vaned Clahns,

It can be scan lay the foregoing refer - enes to the many iecon,lateneics In- <latlaed to by both managements eArl oaotatae117 Mae any Attempt to

straighten out the rodeo -.and p4eQe it where it belongs la n joke, and this will be the onto en 1058- es mush polleit-i are In effect and the government of the rodeo fs left I0 the ilaude. at parrot* who advocate and attempt to justify them.

Despite yapping often heard about "sport for sporty sake," It meat be re- membered that about - crone enraged 1n the rodeo, like In boxing. b eb.tll, football, hockey, etc., la In It as a legit. Imate buslneta_ And that ixioper prey eideticñs require flsie n tial investment gird risk. Such attraction* must be con- -ducted upon' sound butinea,i lined If iltvesitnenta sire to be 'x'arre tod and 'legitimate pronto made.

Alt 'these matter* should reee1Ye the 'careful oonnl watlon of the oneº who guide the certiny of rodeo wheel they ataarnb`e. at ISrinirelon.

They should r. ens itcr that tt :boy are +go.ltg t0 ndt'entie to the publio- and expr,t lt moral and 'Inandel rap- pótt ,that their, offering» con at at genuina competition fox World's Chem- ploauhip tithe. tiny should Include in the list those- events mOnt%Ones Wet they row ~setae and yet'do no pro- vide for. and they should gat the data from the other sports as bow to cla4sify managements, °rests -and 'mnteatanta'. Tony ahoutd.alan mead their judger an umplra Stud referee,. are selected to other Sparta,. Trey should haw various Cloeee anis_titltit that contestants with S ability btutt compote In and graduate from before being etlilIb. for World's 'OhirretpIonahlpn. They should atandardite rein contests end eVetitti and prepare uniform rulos and regula- 11Dna for both menagemedte and barl- teet.mta,-itnd arrange so tone a uniform leiterprctatlon of all meth' rune and rev - i latlona la tint` óf all Understood by manñgontenta, pinta rind OOnt/atan t alike- as wen no eettileate the public to them e0 It will know what It la all *bout while wltneeetng a contest It lt>- paid real money to sot.

As all these things haw been Cane In other campetlttre sport., surely 'bare nre men In both Mallet r of the rodeo capable of doing the Jerre kit their Iles.,

Then. It they Mad any management: stilt, ineteting upon (potnibly to sate unoORy) ' clas4,ttytits their otlettnga as either' noel-proteai nail , oe amateur and C,oetteetenta who dale.; to psrtSeipan, in them. let Cairn learn from the diction. ary that.n pro e$seenei'!a ono who makes e, living from sport eiornpetbtlana and en emanate prnctloes UM art merely for 15* lone of ft. It nny develop in Ro'donve that they W111 -find 'managements rid contnt4thu. too, who fount be clamed ad profeielersel Oren tito their *gown ability and xpe- deno* would piste ttteni low In the p:o- feaelorsl ranks and really indicate that (inky their pertldlatlon for carh kept them olit of the ematettr ranks where lbey=rtauy belong.

Rodeo rnnnagetnenti, contestants. exena and titles for then% must Ito cL. - sled and preaented under such ciaeafd cation if they realty -doure the public to eocept rodeo ea 21-so0epta all= com- petitive aporte.

Anyone can ttcactne bow mUeh lit- taint oe .how large a paid attendance tharc'WOlJld be it Joe'Louds:detendcd hie World's, Champbotislclp title In a then with come dub who never bad on bas- ing gtovas before- Or how much of a ant a at'.Ie if games between the lea.: Yoek yanks t,nd soma scrub nine that notice played b ebeit before would be attracted ping for the Wet;d'+ Chsm- ptotuhip Serles

To to -peon the public to 11o for ,net bunk is nix-tird. yet today to rodeo. su- perelw'd by the present eel -tip. anyone in the -world wile pays the entry 1, -

can enter' any et'rnt to: ',World's Ceara. Vona -bin thins and the cosh petrel of- fered retard!~ of Whether sued entrant cier befogu tot on hone ce had a rope Ili -his bend.

Or' Coulee, ita the height of abetted. Hy,' yet talent Wtt la non about thlit match exporlorice and ability Is to be ,ten listed to commie wall conttrutrith of Otttatandlrg and feeognlred ¡norm ability.

tone menagemmtte alSeonree such entrlt-a to swell their entry lista err fees and publicity, and for the reason thee

(See THE RODEO on pipe 116)


Rodeo Talor 'tiFta,- Or.reg Wsen etaee WNHra

Uw. cYrite eK w4.g ire. EjLIlv.0 W., Lek, !",':ipaiw. U..

50 Trite Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS November 26, 1938 Conducted by CLALOE r1.ELLitt--CeenenunaeatIo i ten 25 _ib . ,'a s+t.ce. 'clnelnnstl, O.

NAAPPE GLEN - 'dE TL'PICS Chi Program Is Wide in Scope; Great Trade Show Is Prepared

Reservations for 20111 annual conclave have been pour- ing 'into offices of the stácretary--far, carnival and amusement machine operators are to be guests

CinCAG0: Nor. 19. Operators and attaches of park.. piers. pools and beaches and conot ateliers trots an owe the oonntry wan wean be tag tbotr'grips prepaTe- tory to clopdarture fbr n Ghleego t0 attend the loth annual conrsmtlo and trade Mow ci the I4nt1onel AamocIntlon of Amnacrnant Parks. Poole and' Beaches in the Hotel. tilkerrmpn or i?ovr 'bee 28Deccmber 1. end some of thorn froam the'rrxrst distant pert@ are now On their uay, ea denervntlona from all over the nation, from Cantered» and Waebingtoº-to Maina. hare been pawing into the oasem.of 1 n--ciary A. it: Hodge for Severe: waist.

Prom all tndtcatinL.' hintant, ,thla - will be 'the btyprret and beat'cónventlon r or In the association's Watery ID _spite o -r_

the tough acaano experienced by many i

pperotore dear to Wit' weather ewadltIotas NEW YORK. Nor. 16: -Amorlean er% nblued with 'Old Mao 1Jl-s,rdMlon' Mtcxum al Public Recreation bee deter/unladen

certa,t to the prase sad loaned"to the Mui"In of tlw City Of of the men engaged in New lock the carriage aiuÑe'oned the czeiar r amusement Industry:' and ucedb Den. Then Thumb. known ltecrMarp Hedge rappac s more . aw 471;u "rindhtb- *Inflect man. Thti. aewe areext

than space withrimore

nñwexhlbftoa@ than bonkW during tiny carriage wad dotieted tó the A7iIIr}i

preriotan convention. 'Upon the 'name- by w`rniel W: Otímpert n' ono 'Or Iron

Lion of the board of directors., the Moore- trustees. R. t1. Uraelt- eecretarj of the banns eider hen issued tavttatlens to all training more attention than nt- rantotro of the fair. °wswat end

1I PR Loaste Tiny Rig,

a sheen tent inIxhine mausolea to ruff, other Oblect tai the- mss ,.,. of the witbone charge, the exhibition halls metropohr. which will be open eterl ng 1Rn:day. r torltOtber 28. and continuing Until the curtain fella dawn on'the contention on More Rides Arc Contracted Thursday; December 1.

Ptontsm eoatmltter. conateting of At Philblert Key West Spot Rcri-. rt t, O'iaellcy. chal3tnen: Raul.` 1L Huednpahl. vice-chairman: Harry J. KEY WEST; Pb., Nov, 19: Attar clown Bete,. A. R: Bodge aid Charles. P. Keller Crag' In Andrew.. S. O., where , ear Ily Jr.. bare. to the Judgment of the offlove I rides had a, good week. equipment was and directors of MAAPPn. done an out. leaded óñ trucks and ,bagºge cant end trading job. Secrettny Hodge Billed at- left for Kay - - Amusement Park, tuition to the tavttettons of the Amen- managed by E. H., ectlbert, Park is on can Recreational Equipment Aasocledon the -water_front and hag plenty of tree* extended to all members and guest. OL uñde-_ snitch panne benches. are to he NAAPPh to attend the AREA banquet (Sae MORE RIDES on page 117) at 7,_Sunday, November 27. la the árttal Ballroom Of the Hotel Sherman_

Moreair` has beettlald On the Social abate of the -convention than ever before and the reception oorntrlttte. beaded by Arnold II. Our -tier, ha' been buoy for weeks ptannitt for eater aliment delegates and guests. The noonday IutseluCcre Will be" an outel naing fea- ture and the Pent novae Ctub. ergantzed lay year. will be -Operated on even more elaborate Lines: than t-xt year. Banquet and bap committee- headed by George

(Sae )VAAPPS GIVRAI ems pope 127)

S. F. Spot To Use Hgh Act SAN PRANCIBCO, Nov. 10tTo ,attm.

vIste winter busuksaa., Whitney Bráe., ovperatoas of Plnyland-et-the.9each, will feature the VOW i&OUywoed ble reeketa, high net. nightly on the mldwny, open- ing `on'.Norsanher 20. Rotary Club, will sponsor Boys' Day nt Ptaylattl on Sr- vember 25, en annual affair. More than EIDOo members of San, Prunelaco Boys' Chlb,wUl ride tee on devices_

fijnra Coaster Change Asked y0t isturrews, etc./n

planrtiq commission bas agreed to.p er- mit Idees Amusement Co. to relOcAOs A Roller Coaster It city conned app trills. Cottnetl would abandon a portion of an avenue ,ot grant .lwclnl permlesiaat to cr_=t the Coaster over the -street. The area is nosr,ttrid ae perking apace for the park. Park management plena to enlarge the ball diamond if the change la WPTOsed.

Mingling Casino -Deal Closed 8.111~11, Pta., Nor. 19.-Carrying

out 'the final eiauso to a ooatrsot made with the city when the Ildo Bcnab Canino wise purchased: ofici la of the ,a `e Ring 1inFr a -state have refunded 013 ' n In tits bonds. Mayor Verman Kknsbroagbb i no,,ntlited. The bonds. which Iii. «'1 , has , held tar neyne time. were renamed under the city bond 'calla LUE pL.n.


....._.-! - s

- y 1

IN TES OAZOOX,'T?NS° NOVEL ,hothing boat one:paled of faro Mare tube. attacked ,to a triune aapporttng Uirea.o.Aeaa afele all¢@ pair Of paddle wheeft, fire Oa.00kers eft _en water up to then. tautens and con not Jatl,out. Propelled clncer blir hand-ereekt or outboard motor, the tide b to here been paperer t c part rceson Leith adults as well as klddIe , Inrentora Howard Karat. sejv various atteehnicnts fend fha"palreOlt to till :aorta/ Of sports.

Key West Playlan'tl Staff Will Move -to New 'Office

R1EY WEST. Din., Nov. 19.=,s* soon e the new -cattle building to -Ptiyland Park is completed' the onice fot'e win more tea= the Hotel Jefferson to its new home. George Dorman report's that be will elope with the Wolfe Amtrsenwat Co. thin 'week .And. alter stating his e(dt9, will come bore to take up._hts dutiis as park secretary. Mnna17er Bockus returned from a trip to Jar-k- now/Me and Tantpñ to look over new electrical equlpmeng. Hddtie laves, who for the past two seasons has bad his

,eeiokhowae with Doeaoel'a Weald- Fair Shows. le here looking for a Iooetion for a modeie rdttaurant.

Claris. at. Smith orris that lie and J. (See KSY WEST on page 77)

Complete Program_ of AREA in Chicago ANNUAL DINNER Di the Crystal, Booth, Motet Sheeneee, Ctte+lpri. sue--

m ea day, None's: 27. at 7 p. ra. for eaobera and their guest, at -SL' (ltatitne matt $1.58 plan tos;'bclance paid by AREA.) Pre*Ldenl'a Annual Address. Ooorr1s A. Raodd. 'ores/ Markers and tht,AR.A Btl1 R ob)Ern; The Wage áad Honer Lace. Charles A. Cache. nee:dinp A:aunt:den! Parka lit foreign ¿cuida Bald Tratatr9 Nalfre Operator'.

W. C..- Weer»». The .rtepioeott 'ropdee1 stoma and'IYotferaI Rtccetalruot Hew England

Resorts Wallace S1. C. Jones. Éxecutdve 'Session

Exhibit room connmtttee report., W. F.'Mauveii. Member/hip committee repeat. Megrim 1siMan. Export committee report, R. a. Joseph,. Wortdh Pair OOmmlttee report. Harry 'C. Ballet. Treasurer, report. Hurry Cá Bake 1.lnnncofQoe.mtttee report, Weilate St. C. Janes. nominating committee report. Harry Ct IInker

Complete NAAPPB Program, in. Chicago SESSIONS lid THE HOTEL SHERMAN

SPECIAL noonday luncheons. Beach and Foot Sectfcn Round+Table forum, arranged,by epocial pool and beech cornmfttte, "Man hf. Ramberprr, R. N'.Perktua, Paul El. HefdepotNI, ehafrmen.

Tupdsy. Nóvesnber 29 Sand Reaches as Compared to Concrete, Drink. The and Gress Area., Robert L'

Perguson.,Cspttol Beach. Lincoln. Neb. Paci,agd Benoit Acttetn4y- Meaha,Ñoal Stunts, grata hag Troaapen SuIrmttttr

and Dieing Frhaittior -,Sand$ Caisnpeipne, ere open dtscuaton. .

Chotoer'Nnth.e: CompuNu. or Voluntary-lfot or Cole Soap Mspeieg.nq, Out. dcarSCack Shdnrrac ErperidaKxd. ltd by O. A_ HYatt. IUtn4ls State Board. Of health: Julian M. ¡l4mUHIgtn Lagoon Re -art, Sett Lein City.

Wednesday. November 30 Hal=ding ~Ito Conlde see _bp 'Co-operetbig with Moafth Auth8rltier, Ju31an

M. Baitiberger. O. A: unit. The Wage and Hour Eaeration In Connection with Hew Legrelliffori. tlineuaston

red"byte, $. Alsxaa nder. Woadsidó Park. PhLi delpbIa, 771e,,Vefue of the Srelmetteg Pool to era Amurcmrnt Park. Menlo1On )u& by

Leonard B. F-ei!ox, Glen i`tfho (Md.p Park; Harry A. 'Ackliy, Ackley¡ brsdicl'ls flay. Pittsburgh_

RepenienOa teeth Renard to Iten,itting Trunks tVithouf uppers, discauttovo led by Paul E. Ru--depobl. mans..;er, Jnntzen 8irtmming Aawclatton."Peatltnd Ore.

Latest rirerlopnneñts W Sidrnmfng Pool tinter Coilro., dlaetlaaLan bed by JttlWI M. Rainbeeger.

(See COMP?-ETE ltd APYD 0,1 pee, 117J

Ocean View Is One "Of Few`Shore Spots To Score increase


Owner -Manager Ocean View Park, Norfotk, Va,

NORFOLK, Yen Him 19,-We ate prow of the record wa at Occaº View park made daring Elite year o: recesalon_ to she* Vint we are grateful to patrons ao Will make as many Improveuarmu for nowt Zcaaoa as we poi ibiry an. With the. building of Joule. oiS Ocean View bolaeb there will be Meted inducements fir rain bathing for the thousands@ who oornt here. -

' The park did more business during the pest oitmnxr than any oneeet lb of the leading mottle re.orte m'here'aimitar ea., terprirre are operated. Reports retched shoe- 'that sonar, 'of the ,best known -warts On the Court` lost money lanais the greet : nit, 10 same duos teil'M off In receipts tenebcd 70 per pent coal pared tiltb nose of 11137 and other. years. At Ocean View receipts were ii per rent higher than In 1021:1 nod very close to the record nrado in 1.37. We erele clay this. remurbable ransmuoh ah June to its entirety did:not figure 10 the eron's hi:airm a : Continuous bad 9rrather Caused a decided law then. Decoration D@yr,..cold and' damp., wee prae'tnanny a blank_

Dlsliteie cane -with a rush 10 the hot weather of July. Total atterd:Mae es the seaman was about:'ICC.000. Out JIM' 4. 15.000 entered the park and daily etawds were above the average -tart July end August and two weeks In 13optlenbet,

Cliippesva Making Changes CRIPPE WA LAKE. O. N'oe. 10,-with

good weat;rer. operators 'ot ,-Ohtppest Lake Park here are suthtñg e;tenstre inkprowcnent., a major project being reautLlICSUOn 01 the lake front *long the lower midway. tlterral eonee.a$nJ

_helm been Shifted to other lOfUlOaa said -Sacker Bosch, managing director. fooe''Kosr's pony track. for several yeah near the epot-td soetoe, has berm glera tut original locatipa neat the now,: Ccotrtor. Revamping of general build- tnas. rehabilitation of Sonnet tales gird other work' will be continued sa loot as weather .ls favorable.btttirt Winter

the r d ns+ win be - +po months.

Wagner-Newflan in Renewal NEW YORK. beet'. 19. Sam t. jilt'

and Louie Newman. veteran operaltt' next owners of the- Wend"Clrelu Bide throw, Coney Island have 'renewed the=' Surt avenue location for in years. Combo plasm to widen' the front a tee feet by eliminating doorway. leading to Weer

NogiembvY ZG, 1938

trr"*., .9

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The Blllbrd 51

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52 The Billboard PARKS-RESORTS-POOJS iotr.ftthor 16, 1938 IMB

Stunting L/HT you think this article 44 on the

Mi'n'ts' -anatomy, may I eta -n right off by upologizing foe the title?

Stinetine Orwp'r CrOteth is a play upon words. attempting to Intimate thee the Olseter a ~piss will dasctu_ the roes Portend' of publicity stunts for 411171109.1

meat i '- ke. It hoe Wee proved time and time again that an amusement erne ter can be° nude re grow and prosper dim" the use of welt-nansged , stunts.

That the the is n weak try at iclever- risss b! eonoé.ded. Renca we understand each otlior and, shauld mare no dlt- 39citlty itorn' hire -on-tinicsa. ct TOcurse. yon don't believe In expiottiNoñ and promotion. le that .be the case. I am atrn.d "welt nors-r get along, because publicity's eny'btul»e+r; anti buslheas b pretty good. ythenk youl

The majority of oc.utnient operstcte do believe in publicity and belly , drank es goodne. end no it:s Just the problem of what type of publicity to e mploy Unit confronts (hens. The fete pstk owners who don't Core -a 'toot about adver:tang .or pas orienting no longer present a próbtem to the industry be- cause alley are s0 few and the euelli se they do la ao amdl euat bc' suse,of their park of letterest-tbat they need not be considered_

An usemnent parks which p *ottice .pror- motiotutl methods; work. In Dote of two wsya: attire: the manager or Owner of the n'-earound rends ids stories to local paper,' and _handles hit ewe prow tela- Itons or else he en ;sjoe a hireling "Cho s Venally s laud -member: egotistical trail rldurelnesent oonipaay no excep- tion -..who to a entrain *Upend a aveek aWrnpts to'get the name of talc park In the papens se oaten es possible. At the risk of b_Ing called prejudloect,,f believe the latter'prooeduras by fó: the bOtter,be- eattee Ib that way tbe',pari ranges cs11 devote more of his valuable rime to acted operation of the business, and. etraondly, ties mutts erotsuee to be bete ter In rear 01 the fact that publicity le

specialized field and not something that can be Ynccesdálly'eccoraplished In one's spare time.

Paid Lineage, and Readers The usual brand Ot publicity Indulged

in bypa;lcs'ia for the experienced praise ngent or afomneationed bellt-thne one to Wend; out regular atoned or relesaw' as thiy are profewionally known,, to the ttr.espopefs. calling attention to the wonderful udtratttegee the play arse Offers. Publicity pura- yora in the amutsénent park field ere not ae ex- trs' agent with idleatfnt i N their Dean=

f r,)vne s Growt _


patriota 'with- carnivals, or drauser, but they get there same. It ansy be all right to string a long lino of ~We like "stupendous. eg:ganttc,"'rcoleesal" 111 describing one-night stands Of out - doer ,shows; but :In Wanted the. media of attrectiona et stationary eetnblish- snents-you've got teem Just a -tittle -more coeuerrative teat you, be aoctased,Of grow exaggeretWii. Not that the ettr etiotds may not deserve all those Ilowtry ad) tiec

ec- vs atill,otto'hta to control his Ont tl-

desm because; he urea the gate tame- papa- outlets all sinaotl long.

Where an amusement. park plays nee sots Or stages special events tiro task, of getting the relearns publtahed in the paper* 'is comparatively ' uney.. Often when oceaslan warrants. It or when es - Memel pletariee matter la available local dailies will oo-orcrate by pub! htbg photographs of different entertainers or unusual attractions.

The exited or the co-operation of the' -

prose -weirdly depends Upon the amount Of pent ndVOrueleg that the. pare does An of vrhich beings me- to a, meat !m- péexant phase. l{oiantttatnleht man inn pr would expect to boll,- ioo, hie furs tone Without spendleg sornee money In paid advertising. Papers in smeller towns demand ad copy lino foe line with what they give 'tit lo -called 'readers."' while-abeets m the áiome dues do not Were such a'etrlet rWiñg. 4ád 'Probably betaxise of pride of their drametie Odl- tore do not,guth bonos about the advert slug. Nevertheless. I font that when a paper la Important enough for a write -19p et important enough to carry:-otse' ed. Publicity does not. take the place of esdrertleing. One Mvrks.witb,. net !netted of,, the other, the free apace you entree adding all the rater preetlee to your cope.

in handling all &deart : ng, promotion and.petblfclty for Jack and. Irving Rose11- thal.'of PelI* tee Amusement. Park (on the Jersey side of the. Hudson-Adv.), for the -prat eel! lean the writer di- rected the bulk Of Ida pubtleit5 makrtal be the eight big Nye York d ashes In addltion, to- all of the :earthmen Jersey denim. weeklies and -suburban' paper' and m-agaslnes. We ndvertit-d In most of three, size of coin; isr7ing with rates of this publicahloree 5o far as render retie/es concerning 'weekly attractions were ooneernM. we received exception- ally fine co-oponatlon for Use pan: few years, And thereby bangs a tale.

AUTO SPEEDWAY MOTOR CARS_ ter+s 50011.1 now acsor.

- - 7 m - lth.O.,duw,biaan. der. nee tie Lola Weal N AvNu914.trp teepe le. else Ytur

Order Mrs us 1iv0 0.11mm.





D'ON'T FAIL TO SEE Mongols New Kiddie Ride


BUBBLE B'OUNCE. RIDE Permanent -- Portable - Sensational NEW AND USED, RiDES AND AMUSEME .ITS..


nm'r REVD%B was born ore; a blink alt 2104V'eav' York City end Claims be't gotten .as close to 0114 411154. tlomenie he's ono Lot the highest priced pees. agents in the amurC- eeat-parts = field end eoudu eli lit'. Own, publicity tithes In a Oatham eky- scsnper. handling national oocnmer- eLM accounts to seed as outdoor smUfiment ono'. lie has born III

charge , of ` rid- rertlal11;, ,pub- licity- and 'ett- ploltattolt fear

, Pales4Qóá_ (N, J.) A uesa,- meat Park for

P the ad four yearetes id prior'

I f to that lee brat ballyhoo drums for Luella Perk. Cone y. lsiñnd. Ho has also handled special

publicity for the New Jersey State flab, Trenton, far :the post their lean: ]nearly all of the oulslaC and Indoor swimming pools In and around New York City here been pubilated by Went Re also did :le 410 pub/lrpty for, the Canadian National- ihchibItton some ygara ago.

Before entering the pr's -agent field 'Nevins true a ,aporta writer for Vie New York Evening. Part white a student -at New York Vntvsrelty. pie quit cellese ,during his third term to do magazine wt-ltln;,, during which time be contributed to rtveytotle na- tlored ªtagiixinee and lane a monthly column to Tito'"Ooffers' Veu. stns Re then did week!; features for the noa.defunct Nits ` Tort Bremen(' Graphic and NRA 9eñto0. supplying pps-Howald. newspapers Chruottt the country.

Fie served se.gboat wrller for vart- ou . iletmiping &tease wttth, as Johnny, Dearth's Nordlus and lelosoor Holm, end .raven wrote a book on swimming with Charles Ito, rllUes thus,Olympic mach. Ren"oveor. Navtaa never found t'ho time to learn', to weimsand since liels been In.tlee pub. heftyfield, width b about 10 years. rte eleIms hie bead has been'doeng,all the fisimi dnlug for him

At first the blygee" ito'eapespers to dotham:own, looked unit: Palisades Park as neither fish nor fowl- Some dramatic editomen.alnly thaw who -also handled sdvettlatflg. recognized the value" the amwemont. oontee had, In the community 'roe maybe It :yes Just the dollars aril cents lirwilaM In the W sebedulesi and they Used regular atarte. en the parka Other drum& hevula who weren't ouleardlr concerned with atÍvlr- ustnx done by the park, trio all news. paper men realize that Money which pays their r-eláriei conga from adver- tising revenge, declared that an smueee Meld park bard no pie's'' on a dtarnetle page of 'big -city rie:zapnpetw. Result was that a'oóntenuel good -will tour around the newspapers was necessitated % end finally therm ,.nrntlMrreeldt neaten were - convinced 'that 'emumcmnent part riee< be as vitally interesting to readers during summer months ex summer play.revtews and stage goislp. Lost euaiuner all news- papers In <neater ,New Yáik dovotedJoors- «latent spaM.on therr drnmstte prjes to Meade* Park and other outdoor nirt:ee. meat centers' ilk.- Piaylaad. Steeptechaao, Luna Park.. et.c. - The Nem York Would.. Teleran Conducted a regular outdoor amusement feature each S:ttterday Jn its special drann_section tor ante first 'time legit mummer, and even the ultra -con-

s r,'attvo Ness. York 'Butt ran a.column of amusement park notes weekly- : Pao Pullaadea Perk I hail a special arrange. nit Walt; The Neer York 6i'enfne pore '_hereby" we receired,n,sereestter heed lair across fta drama page esery other tantur. day. with a story and es- big Malice CO n l tertian rig Saturdays

In other words. It le possible to place an amusement -park with dramatic edt. tors hn-thÓ same cxtcgory as Iced 'Mo. 'ton plcturi theaters. I duet kitty whether net know It., but, ermine houses turnout , the country 'gob a cettali ernoun* of pubtldty'eads track 011 dins terent pictures they play. 'T1te- know appeculanaterf how much tree admits. lag they are koing to get in advance- aºd thatk,texa.etiy what parka can do. 'Ihee emoereatnty of a hit-end.mng pute holly plarwean be eliminated i time and effort- are taken to discus pree notte-a plans with local dramatic editors.

However, this bite, of drarnattc-pmts publicity by Itself for amusement 'parks. is a 'Create of effort unlasa accompanied by. stunts- ¡warded that et has n defl- nito value in calling attention to tbs. park. the antuIceluºt pages fare usdt.Ly so crowded with menon pioturs and UuatriOal news that park 'dodo' an aoniettmee overlooked Tlteref0re It se i mpentdve that a - pleyground' enlist other forma of c=ptoltati0n to tire with general releases.

Steels ref tee, Unusual Come parka go fn for athletic events,

oonducting'championship races In swim pd ale. all 'of which oeive u doubt. pun.' pose and which are good, Pine publicity ttstially can be'obtained á4n sperm pages of the perro na a result o1 these events and good -interest focused op tie 'rata: tedium. which to usually the'beet payer.; coneeedon Inn an aririurment reek. Oiler; sialigment,centera rely on pet shown or fashion dispiaysas epee./at ettraetsota to corarcard further atteatlon. -tit this way nee edvertlstng.'eaa'be garnered ce tromen's pages or even in regular news sections of iwitare. A nuntbor..ot ideal can be worked'toe:nttoe free .space. Pea- siblilulee` for speelet attTtctlo s In nmtaerncnttpa ks art unlimited. prant- IY. 'bat', why I ill* to do aintisorw-t panic publtaty-that tune probably tee habit' 1`htive at eating regularly.

In Palisades, Park List summer and the two,presIoue summeds we s.2aydr'd ell eerie of events with publicity -Making motive& llowever, we specialized in the, stunt, ,rarloty. Dog riho'e+,, flower exhi hires and diving competitions arc eonstdrred, at mts, but 1,0 my mind they have be- come so cuatonuiry that I look upon thorn se regular outdoor attractloco. .t atttnt, io my opinion, is that which L Unustial. 80 when r.titlo Wes amnia Sti nNap 'One'* Growth (me fhb 'sal where you cnsae en) I mean .for pokes to do the unusual t0 attract ,ateentLn and budaesa

Porhaps-you recall some of tale atcpte or unusual everts that were staged -in Palisades Park. There was the animist' on the. Bernie Itatlwni. perforated the Wet bummer. which received' ast- wtde publicity in'adwspaprr, marl mega- zlneg. roe weft as over the radio arxh in newsreel*. The first ennuel ¿Ire. AiºK- tee Realty PsReart'a pulchritude cart - petters open coney to minted women. also wasp ojed this pied ieasan, receerlin an

:adfua] amount of ~rend col -erase, and the annual eminence of "forttipr tell' era' held ekch'year at the Jersey resit'. to name n' few,

leech of these eye its attracted the publicity it did beeline moll 1,A06-en" ttrety different from wbat"h l bra abate in the past, It :rag for tho,as» rei.scn that the klaslug iilaram:ran whialr the wetter,ataged for Rex P11tixgs.-oar of the beat bombes lac=over worked tor. lain* Parlt. honey Island. it Y. sO1

yea's age rOoclvid ar:cia is trinrrnCOUs

Nott.Inrbe 26, 1938' PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS The Billboard 53


Ba avé to ill* throe modem, .naetñ dds e,trin buals et tbr ,

N.w Yetk Wodd's Faar . .._.. oily eee-h.At slpowri hew.

Tar alntent twenty years, Dodgem has been en outstanding success . tllow, as a Wozld't Tale highlight, its popo- ;-

Iarify will become even greener than over before . You, tee, can cesh in on a World's . -Pair altgsc.

thin by ordering YOUR Dodgem Ride -rat once. ... Send for beautiful new folder. See us at the NAAPP&B Convention in

Chicago, Nov. 28th to Dee. 2nd.

a o DC~ IIF

DODGEM CORR_ 706 Bay Stale Bldg.

Lawrence Mast.



response from the press. Becaust each gal 00 different It was noes.

Of comics. I could luck out niy chest la If I haven't [done It too mttetj al. rtarlyl and Inn* Blatt I bare such eccentric contacts on all the New Yorlc- Glty nevapapers and 'nisei services that all ally fttends wrote atortea about the afareme loosed stunts. But that would te nutrias because. -, e friendly with some nitispapar men, no editor In the'eeorrty la going to put enru s lea. tare "teary on the front page 'suet "bey cave he la frteadly with a person. That would be afuer folly on Acs part. Big publicity Piecrt-ara'publiaberd_on their taeit na news steries. I dealt Whom yens know On a paper. India" you tyre or Oran conceive ',something ,that, to be.s you won't be irbdo to got big atc;T screw

Exploding," Press Myth I abould Ilke to explode a myth that

rtes been a legend amp publicity- tnded tolk.fo_ too_on_g., A great many People feel that they MD obtain a big Plthllclty_atory merely by buying it "ter man man a couple qt. drinks. Sotno Nan go viethe extent of gettinggetttatf akoheticafly inclined ecrtbbkra plas- tered. tea I never could understatId how thot.exp.ect any Individual to write after ush ovrrtndnyence. I -mat exinfe.ra

that 1: ¿M2 thought the sane way. It Ina to Lima Park a-ng we bad s feint Gress 1ntecvlew fnT,.O,ne reason os other, Iknew of one reporter who +:orked'for e t`ry influential paper. and,iwac anzioiut rte him to del a big story. Rearing of bit drinking ~melee. I pfccaedcd to Pour the best Scotch thatctire Mirka oo44 buy in those prohibltiñ-sa days down 1114 rrethi tlod throat: T e result ceothat he became s4 mummified (and who didn't on =that z-peakeaay toslc they Cued to seat) that his was tbo,only story that didn't appear on' the following day. All the Óther dallies repacked the event --taarpt Ill. ono i wanted. 'Cite might be able to l;aeak o 48 -germ front-page

banner .merely by buying a reporter a drink, but thatk In 'the =ovine.- It doe en t happen in 'real life

Stunts to 'be really Restive must lee OTtglnal. News cation! will ge'iña big way for oertatn U tine:Ideas have never been tried befotta. Too many park sinagers nod pries agents are content to Dopy press stunts maneuvered by. othera and While, to be sure. It' a nturt ti Iltad it swill get space fn ikei st after the" lama idea her been used in Nee York. tt stands to reason that a carbon copy of anything can't proe,.ae succCeifui as lice original.

To-eiemplat', this point. I wci tcarttt- nato cñot4it to be stile to think np -two new.pubiiolty ideas for liana Park Which eau;ht eel :siren. One ane the kIaabt mórathoh, already mentioned. and the other was the aó-calttd cahoot for barkers, resulting. to p barkers' content. Both roCat(vod' natton-wide publicity, and immediately -after each one Chlatgo'a A Ceutury of Progress tried thé .very Diets !dean. The. Mexican Village' at the Chi expo 'staged a kisatag marathon two wecke, after s'the Coney Island coolest; and then the lair management cons. ducted a barkers' content *Yea the the publicity- people in the Windy City at that timer were expert and probably knew more about the art t.hnñ the writer evil will, their twosetunts,dld'Cot bring hall the publicity the. mane stunts, brought Ott. Luna because =thelta were not origins& 'I ant het trying-tocot:very the idea that they.oduld not get the Spa& that we did nor Pat they did not know how' tie IT,1t lust that In those two dr.itancco the Ideas bad been used before and therefore weren't as ettoetirc as some Of the maaycprtglnel stunts that tl&y et,.ged.. such nº en toe -cake setting content and highly - ;annexed sally Rand episodes.

Sometimes original stunts Which nerve then purpose* can be mute annuli affairs and thus reap publicity fee a park ,year in and year one. Tb,a /low -

r r7


r -



- 'mina*



t. i

/Wsl's.pvipeettr.e of Poled awance,to Do lam beat Rld. et :Nt i Yak Weiler, Far.


FÜR sALE Mechanically and Etectrieally Operated Sc,ri c Sptctacie in Motion


- -w

nn fdu.afle-al end orem,Y.r-*satura Isar as" been a proves Money Cetera in,'heas and IDaNrheena'laeouglis.l tae Urit'd hares and Canada.

Can be'Yet Up sed Taken Down Is Two Hours- 3WWee a Sow. Unit by Railway tapes,.. A Angle pe sen_eas one/ate-lb

A Reel Money -Making, Proposition for a Llvs Wire ShoWrngn rimy tail Rrleen:1W ane,tepabis Party,

ROMANCE OF NIAGARA FALLS 152, W. 424' St.. New York City.

AMIEwIL . - 1

1 --4=r14-; tl -


8 -CR A Met .1 Colon and Caegmlcre. esautWatttreaeJlned Cam A:pantsttnt aseeey-pltiss aldn-Otperted e ,L Countries.

W. F. MANGELS CO., Coney New York


54 Tire Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS November 26, I438





Appeals toNdl,cisaus and-asrs at data nó arbor ride. Csatla me apeesl yea after lets. Restates soft IS lamas et water r Mspptenraine wosien P. Can he pima{ ridd,et on Midways-FUNIIOUSIS. SWIMMING POOLS, SIC., con.

meted to PROFITAnag (OAT RIDES The Oelr Seat. rills the Added.feshoeei

BUMPING Coal fierier nom kff,tontrºf of pas cos a. Eleetrle Msdel filminatss On Pumas and H aan&

PARKMINa Let ut lbulld, rebuild. and bring your tides or eomplete park ue-to-dsro.


and other rides. Arworica`s- Largott jE=portcrt of Amwomoat Rides.andl Equipment.



A REAL MONEY-MAKER in a virgin field, with prac- ticetly ,no upkeep to eat, up PM

Season lust opening In the South. on this NEW WINNER!

WRITE TODAY /or full particulars.

Howard C. Karst Forest

Hanover, Penna.

THE IDEAL CONCESSION for bothirt= beaches and pools, ~toyed by young and old alike,

Cpera:on ACT QUICK' and. GASH IN

! C

,MERRY GOO ROUNDS -NEWLY BUiLT Will sacrifice for quick- tale to dose out:


All mechanical' petit NEW with MODERN standard ilu4paneet. Ride' must be seen to ieallee wh t wonderful bargains they are.

No reasonable offer refused%

JOSr G. FERARI CADOUSEL dRKS PORT RNCHMONO, N« Y. C. Telephoner Gibralta 2-7578,

d0 Lut N C E 4a ana lbeeNrpr ..ed,x

ttria eUe t

. GUAM, -FacttPOEC

YOUR Pi2tFiTS lutwneM, Oerw4 NtwfrN see ouifemirPamela,. CF^

Í+llALS.tMd Or beta/. Ma" a.

41121}THERT7'N'ÓÑ=TRANSFE'RA3l[ ,pli6ICE._'nor K WESTERN BADGE & NOVELTY CO... 44ár.Itaüi Mírte

Sena, father_ andion, who berg been bkntiltng Oewrge Ttlbtyub Steeplechase Palk: Coney Island. tar more. years than Z eon remember, had a bright Nee whet they flnrt staged their grandmothers' beauty eonteett That +that attracted . s

great deal of publicity for Tilyou'a boardwalk r+endenvO'lts -and- does oésry. Year, na'doers ratio their annual-ltiodcrn Vanuabeauty pageant` Tito hitter to not ob.t Of the ordinary. bttus; a cut -ends.

I dried beauty contest, Ctis Ire ppa beenso well ~Whiled that it always manillas to, grab the apotllght..

Events for Publicity Only We at Palisades have felt that an

ordinary 9cautY Pageant Sa a nubile:1y getter la pretty welt played out. With the exception of the Atlrntte City beauty parade end lii,eplecha e . the greet many of Went' which are eonquetcd each year thruout the country hardly attract Maio than. a taw small pictures to toe Ice el ipr .sa. ' And In the case nf.- a pork In a big metropolis. you're -got to, do better than that. Therefore we barb attempted to give neü=twists to- "be -fifty contata, remising that there to nothing better than stunts, involving beautiful Cris. tltteroe to add,. press agents in pre -historic day.., If there were any. neat hare planted beauties atop dinosaurs in éheese-cake fashion to get their ,picture& on atone tablet., which'were the uraI- pépers of that day. -That's bow ions it scorn, that rule ltse, keen In effect.

At Palisades tnatead of rwirttng. 'freight' beauty c rhteete use ,dcroided to stage a ec-called beautiful leg. Content. and to make it novel seo covered the' header Of all oonteatante with flour sieka., t this way opinsomz of fudges could=not be awsyed'by beautiful laces, for the only things that were !edged were tees. The stunt went over very big, and ' we repeated it this past sum. met, When pox Movbetone, tlninereai Newereet 'aºd other companies recorded the event far posterity. Life '111-110141I141

pee, dorotcd-a tortes of picture* of the contest -

Later last season we tried =anther beastly meet. "We Issued a call thru then peal?* for ntayred women-totereated in praying to the world'thst wadded. -gala

ems- be Just es berme/ful'as single ones.

we were ev.amped withentries. and It Seemed that married lamb* were trailing for Just such any opportunity. Again the papers and picture =mats like Life tent to touts In ptiblielring,the event.. Ae,a matter of fact. this stunt attracted such attention tbat,Jnelt itoaent al. In behalf of Palisade's msñagernent, copyrighted the title at the novel canton and teemed corporations In various States, protect - fug the eornyetidob for Pelleadee', ex- clusive use.

AU the stunts that I -have puUtd'haye been dot3o solely for publicity, the there is ño rpaion'why malty presa shags can nos be need as special att--sctlana !o tfraw rat treat gates. fSteeplecit sc, :or example, vaaa,'tta annual modern Venúa end .g'tlandrr.oth error 'beauty contesta to boost tea for eta take, betides capturing free -newspaper apace. I have bran told that both always pull them to oriel not eh4 ttlrnstlgss'clleking. Tha only,reatron I have nerorlattampted to useatuºter as nitracttana %that I am al wa+ye,eemterned to trashing tlrr',eventes co .as to appeal to newspaper edltes*. Often anslóa that mIgbt make tar good sowspeper copy might not nooesearlty be'.good from the dpeetetols' viewpoint. When a stunt hen, pressed effertly° and you decide to nuke it an annual event. you might ~der Eta poaslb7Lttes se a regular tepecteele as we are doing with tbo air% Affiance pageant. which wo are. pinnnd4g to stage as a weekly audience 011111 nos% summer.

T ioIy Covering Territory One be -remembered in plan -

Wog pubiielly atthgte to thta,{ yéu afy not rattan gnytblrag.over on the ilexes., papers' The Ides of chortle lfria ]amp fnn ,lit takai to get their names In the papers is passe. There la hardbp a neke ettttor to the country, no tatter boll amall, a paper he manages, who 'can't smell ,a psi th tiiy Stunt Yet If that aetmt harm tome sort of news merit ór to

77% N'ET PROFIT ta ire dew". ,r

mart ato n ltk'dotT'at ? éoTsú Fd.i R^al veld a skA ana.

7r pKer>H '.Wt


M Wm ca 1h g

e-orvO0[ Dolt T a Q-- rts tyr 7r+anan-to rot

awio.' l

,imd .

í,tYtx.iJ tis t i1e i7ILfa.1

ELI BRiDGE COMPANYy e oo eriiÁ.iIt jtcl{wí'rvriiii, ILL

'CARROUSEL ORGANS Turn Yaw Or,an Y, aeN' tL Rteab P.rle Wire,' rq R.ckr £raoar .nd MLameizn tee


lfa.merl IDYIa ref artisan I1:.-rsh 7aesasads) Ta.irr n ema C+adtrs-a Munk *of 5.11 lulu.. Taaf.q qy kT7rlrlra, r1.,plm w 4rAlr TraWvaral .atraara

B. A. 8. ,ORGAN CO., 3rtéwA,T,KRc;Tr


y is

: erre. -liras Itiern ear Parts w ' nt e. br A, e,rran{, wAt]Naa a_eN, Iunlcald, Ii4 U. O. a._

DA -K. RIDES Use STR4aLrTE Rwsiaear Color Effeeta

Sraaa I ioa ah-M y s l i l y l n s --T h rig iae. 3TRO ELITE CO., DIM. sbit,i! Wit SI,,NRrTori

LARD[sT attain -~ter 1tpot sIcAt



'dtlferin4 t.,e , éditer will sand 'It thru, despite the trials that he knower,dt a giving feel space to an nrauscsr.ent park. People are Sntehiated In reading about * rents that are different. Ghent nerd cantata ár attracttote. o$eI twos men knnv that: ' So It you 'are atirooadul i0 thinking up something nand and co gel a lot of ptibiictty 'In the papers: don't smirk and think you'ne.atolen.liytbtge, Thank your lwalry stars that you *toe fortune% enough to have a 6s'ainclitid ,that choked and make plan' to start generating new,ldcaa.

Amusement -park owners operating III big antes are advised not to ovetlxk publicity peasibUlttrs Met may cat« to suburbaaí tow i, within a 100 or ;100 - mile radius.. A greet many or sai

outdoor men. eaUcernthemselvesoIl y

trtth the populace In their booted!~ Stclnity sod forget about Use tñoTaxnds. maybe hundreds of thoitisnd,. not M very_ tar" from them At Palisade Part we not only aim p ubltelty and pripr.totion to appeal+ to millions he the 1minedliBle vicinity but we attempt to,mate a direct play -for the Tremendous throngs or out- of-tow/tern who Wait New York each summer. What` we have hone can able be s000mp]tahed by parks en big -tale like rtticat:o. Clkwelarid, end -Loa Angeles Which attract tourists, maybe not- in y great propoeshch. na New York.'but in sufficient numbers to warrant ccmalderar eon. .

It Is because Palteadea to so ultvated and Con attract natters- who owns to flow York Uta4 f Include- ityudiosted oohsrnnisrstat Fray general. publicity. bat advertise :D weekly hetet guides wlilch are read by tourtets and plan stunts that have national appeal. so that doas t-to-

Oosst radio broadesraa and lit.wspaltera .0115 be used to carry the name or PntL,adcs frcm'otse corner of the CounitrY

?Va.;enlber 26, 1938

to tin other[, In hula way We have dls- l! that'.vben a,visitor reaches Now York and hº la fensin.Sed thru-an ad or a plittnerity story about Palisades he boy goody heard of the playground theta notional publicity.

One of Use mart important branches of promatton used by Palisades and which la stt$jasted for all other"aims,. pe -1 perks la'ourdoor ncV Cetlaing. .reek ¡Jot Rehm Rosenthal. who. not because j work for thorn_ but because I know Wens_ oil two of the aswrteat showmen nil autdOor- amltsnlent 'bitaitteas today. sio .twang believers In thin form of tÍnt- voaetaon. Tibonsarsda oa 'dollars are .poet each autai+xq; lit to -these boards ehriout'Narthern New Jersey and the Ore hems Of Qteatar new- Yank and th.onands of doliste more are spent in Wye crews of union blupoatare whosecetrrage.of

view York and >iow Jersey Is eoaprehenaice.

Promotion Merits' Proved ,trR trnpoftunt Cog in the highly

istct1nlzed machinery :that maltea Pnll- ts4 Pare bisra 1e. Charles. C. (4001 rent!, vI Urine good will created by ;i,bilelty.'be bee dotio wonders in tying

w$'h notional as well as local mer- chants, and thril no.ortgtnal ticket plan t - drawn hundred* of tbou}anty to the jeort.,, Picnic bookings -far parks is is kola far -au article in tt5lf: Wet in $111,11 - ankle dews -doing the t:cream of "Pau: soda Doc Morris deserves* a place way t. at ths'bcad of the close for b4 tine

Yes inert of the.-'explottattor program roen-ed ma transient treds. Patre,}dea has bsa for the pal;tea 'years a b6,; pottitt bosrd.ln,the'henrt of Time. Square. The the boºrd coste about e401í a n 5. the Rosenthal, bars found It euooe.atul In PLUM acreas the name of 11altltt- 't0 editions. Tea, too, the park be, it intnemmoth renalagr electric elgh :rent - mg the Budson River, 'wlLeh can be segr.for oilier and -which la especially rop.ilar'with Riverside drive bus riders.

d11 bile advertising, eoreoltatlon snit ixesielSon hew helped ^nlW.dee Marne -

..,pt Park. which was in a -dilapidated elhdltkvn tYt 'leab ybrn titE'-ltgrtritlnLe (rok aver management troto the Schenck bcsib',rk Jae and hitch, Steady auerCaan Inn' eitaonoge proles tho merit of the itrnsntaor_1 atisbed end socslcs well' for the rthabtutatton truth boa been .dono by the Rosenthabs. Muth, has been tease In thin publication' in iiew col- arnnr about changes that have been bought about -by thertagenudty of Jack' t _s Irving Rosenthnt and their staff of tettliteéta ,nil dean U Ii's.'bu1 coo Dwelt Ilse: tobid be written -abeett the taco. I11IIFwT bstiattae IRu.-b ~tug innoratlonso ,rite been no eanbliabad that they are o*Nng. a definite effect on park;renova- :knta thruout the country.

Effcct`of,'World's IFadrt The big problem before' Palisades

Park, as net! as ill emuscsn.oñt. pain S In Ma around New York City, I. the effect if the. 1!139 World, Yaks' There are two choola of thought. eoneenatng ,tltss, ono berm menewrs fool that Palbadee and t11 I to Otbci playgrounds Will be ter- Ibtr hurt b ee:on..of the tope. and the -- eta wise feel thst"ths parka, w,Ill-bene-

ncestW of the train.-adous number Pin w410 will be ettr .strut Co the Y. I belong to the bitter clan lecauaa


I feel that -the path.'due to the natuanal stunta that have teen staged for tits two. three err tour years, is welt known to out-oftoltnera.' The Rosoutbisla agree on this end we lull *coin -unleash en advertts:no end cxplottsitlam eanstasign for 'OP olds* will far sou -papa -there-at tho pest four Yearn insofar as the a4rer. Hang budget Ls Concerned and. I !tope. lb tree advertldnt "apace that we w111 be stale to 'Obttoa.

Attho to the past -year we have con- fined our pald' advertising schedule to New Y'pck end Its environs, becattse est this World's Pitt vre pinn to assn adrer- ttsing copy In `dais m thruout the cotta. try and to. post: outdoor board* is every Elate in the Union so, that when men, weanen and children ,out. ,o. to New York to'vJslt tQo fair they clil- oleo want to

7De4 PaiIssdca Park. The etur:ting planned for Palisade* ,during the fair tldght sell be watched by all 5tousernett perks. Thisle' Pat send egotistically. I nacen that -if the stunts scheduled are, IIMcnr2Ui' during the World's Pair, the value of amusement -part atuntul wall once and tow all' hº proved. And even the stoat] minority 'or anawoiaeat-park marls,}ho rival! do hot believe ilea*. than tnlght be shown the tally of the'r ours.

Stunts do help [amusement parka, to, grow. gut try to make thew értant4 origins] in your Indlyiduar case. Next year, with the WON6b''Peur, nartptta cx- plostotton achernes will originate In'Nesr YOrk, many rat the fate amts. Almuso- meat men are urged not toape chess istuntf. Thank by your awn and youaro sure .to get more roam ~Sr. if yon exert think of anything_ortglnal develop somethlnU, that has proved auccesehti,

"And It you can't do that. then go eh -earl. IprgSlt what l'9 said and steal intact sor one of the bundredaiot prase stunta that are belne pulled every day_ Oat the habit -of atunting the growth of your park.


''Goad weather has made _e 'tot of folks 'In outdoor show biz wish( they kept their placer open a little looker. World's Pair Wflneraoo; Queens- Borough it iiif thy nation in hams construction. Bryce Oliver to doing well by himself us e broafIcester, 51ú0W people who formerly r.'.^de Oreat Neck a popular residential community are now dot --'the -mine for Peewit Mille and Kew Carden. Dis- memberment of Mineola Pair grounds for «Instruction of n -new .00nnty c urt- hsottae' will get under way ,portly.

A. Joseph Deist. pony- of Reekawgy Playtand Park, Will roan make his D- iva] Miami !aunt. Future Ol: Broad Channel. ono cff the Ielamdb,rncOt pópu- 1ar arnus(«ment cºmmun tfeo hansp or -ca, Irtthil now that n ton: bridge will +ups- tate it from the Roekatny Peninsula. from `where 1t- get mart tried ,. Jone. Breeli,,,rgolpenant t, stored for winter: but, -ui usual. work will M on toward tnspeoving It for neat spring.

ROCKAWAY BEACH: IW-gurds are tor bo given ,priority right.. as anew abo?ete s ditNng the ..4nterby New Tort City, Ed Eliock_ summer rgfr ebtnert king. Is operating a htattkh wagon. Bt ce riding is siren on the Bonndwatlt nQw that the epaaeli'1 over. POundttlon Walt on the shore road la st-Il being ter.. and appoiently more speed wig hare to he added It the pra}tat La to ho' completed by the titoa of the Wcrld'i Fair,


Public Liability Insurance, Bonds. Automobile menu -since,. Fire llnwrin.ce




175 W. ,fACKSON BLVD. - Tcl. Wabash 1780.



4 I




Two yeara,.Suecsssfull Operalen in Atwtriha and' Europe. The on ride in which the passcegcrs turn cannel: Maly over. Gag stop, one bad.

quick get -away ".21.51m..51 aalisFactory' capsuly.


New loto Prices


Hondsor»e, Newby Designed Cars; Excilf tg Stunts, Low Operating 'Colt. Found in',all the "Big-Timd" Parks.

There's a (Reason.

MANY l fig.- .s'


The (gat word

Powered with Twin

Streamlined Body mad

ROCKET CARS (For Circle, Swings.)Flashy

Rocket Cafa.ell tta;nlºsa

,Swing or Seaplane. deatbteC

pads .salsa by (totalling Stainless

steel 'will rejuvenate your old Circle 01.5. well -![sown PaPark

'heir 1936 business the

Steel Ships. .I A UTO RACER

Ere Horsy 'bury nigh Speed Caroline Cars Built ro r stand the gaff; Cylinder Engine end new patented Smooth .

Crapping Clutch. Handscrnely Neared. A rani automobile bulk 1 to, atrtºn'obGlo standards.


We'll Be Seeing You


: ;i


`- ,1"..WW\`".11. 1"e10101"."110... \\\\\. PEN' / RG1DE

11D IURTES iov~(41117-



rR r

Pf 9E JS'URE TOsiND fo,P owe ,t+flyOP/cf 1/ST, PATALOvE AA/O,/.4JF'dXTAñ/T AWN" 4XA01wI'EMfaT To Of .s:!!YVe 44ArY

,bYEXr rf.oR -taw- TivisJ cotiPON' etf

INTERNATi4NAL -MUTOSCOPE-REEL Co INC. Penny Arcade ' Headquarters

518 West 34t11'Se, New York Casty

Send me new price Ilrt.and catalogue of 1939 fine. IJ ALSO BE SURE TO MAIL ME IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT

YOU REFER TO ABOVE. Name Address .

City ..,.


Sb The RiTlboard PARKS.R ESORTS.IPOOLS Roranebcr 26, 2938

The Pool Wh><r1 8y NAT A. TOR

EAl1 Communications to Nat A. Tor, Caro 4 -Mew York Office,, The Bibb:ordj.

Censrenl órial' News Another Quietens» Special number of

TAa IXIXJE.oerd L open 'um and anOthot convention la ,altnoat here. My brief advice to, pool, men to to get the Meet out of 'Mehl" it Ls lust Y_ Important le read and ,etu ty ear.¢ulty the d;seein? artiate* 1n. tine Leine nail Is to actively pant-riperA 1.11 the Chi con:ably, Those 1n aquatic 'bli-can not, only learn [Mtn the experiences of others but -can'prant conakdersbly from the veleta, of Mien On different fields of amusement. 1 am not trying to au pt that a, pool ornor . Hot:l'd mine lietening to a paper Prong read on tenx-optratlon to preference to Come milt onptrk riti,nelbelnent. 'i hiker, dtrcomed that at part controntlans too many pool men ignored all Ise mectlnfs not relating to -natate:1U~ and,,ns a result failed to get is much out of the o anfabe a,: they mold lump. Poor &ten should rend' all types of trade article.. hiding to deal with the -amusern nt tadtt.trlr. Idees that Were MIXOlinnStef to motion picture theaters or to fairs might be applied with great cloacae* to aqua- dromos. Many times one can act a swell paeanºtlorW m operation scheme for ILL tank from. someone entirely out of the field. At the *pane time ono sbOOld, be careful not to take too many Óptra:ons

and t17 them all. Just as bowie playas that have, woeirea 'for infra tasf be' good for pool..othets may be den nitety Mad tee teaks tiro .etyy. good In the particular limn tar abbot .they ere originally In- tended. Its the vetee 'pool man who reader ursilen all phases of amusement and trli.,the -wiset operator who sedates e-seit Idea carefully, we'ching the prod and 'cons with relation to iota particular project.

Eaelosíve The department la In receipt of ere

olUsfee flea'. 'that the old Knights of Columbus pool in. the Cormier K. of 'C. IloteL Ns Yolk City, litre been taken over by a gym ' combo that 'plane to Operate the inelemeh tank as a public pool as ,well Yea restored serelee LO Iva

gymnasium patrons_ Combo le George Palmer and-Cheuncey Olas.;, who -have run the Uptown Athletic Club in Oothamtbant for the pest few yams. At the latter .eeteblbhment the two, heist had a taste of pool operation. attho -the tank there lino been excl.aalvety for gyrnitee. The nevi tank will 'be known nl Skl the Pool; being on the top Noce ct whet le .now known ea the i?s.patol Hotel to midtown. The phmgee II under- going elaborate atttesUoefa .and plan calls for Its opening about the Aret of next month. Mixed pub.1C swimming :.alit be the Order. with the -tank open from L0, am. till midnight.' New pool'rLe very dose. 'by to two weft-establtabed Indoor tanks, Para Vendome -and Park Central aquadroraes. /be -column wishes



BOOTHS 17 1: N D 18



OR WRITE FOR CATALOGS BALLY MFG. COMPANY 2640' Be huent,Aee.. Chicaaw.'Itl.




Exhibiting as nano!


at the Chicago N.A.A.P.P.B. Convention



i ktn`wz'Yi`z,tcn-tc-~v-tw-v-1vac"%Ah`baeeYSi

Yraa1i95 t0 (:?ilr TJ'rlfttLlS at fht: eOlit!'1tillYlt


ROSENTHAL J y t nperatilf

PALISADES iiMUIPIENT PARK Palisade, Nov Jcrsoy a

Lrki-Uti>ii»aºw`ltc`tsíi r`ia"fts7º c`b`°vt»tst$$

Palmer ang Citaser the .-beet Of hack ,and welcomes them, fate the fold ,ot ooad- mercial pool operators.

Dots and Dashes Pool owners viNiing the Chi convela--

lions for the Cr t time arc urged to. hare a look -tee rat lake Shore A, C. indoor tank. where a mgr atrasny ea- tlMt.l ehamptomhipi have bean held... -

htack Rose. RYverafde C.scadea Outdoor pool New York Clay. Informs the writer that the Oólunln Wig a little premature Ln releasing o ataxy concerning that new crafter community pool for Throes. Keck-Pit nor Holm did the World's Pair no harm teat week by postng in _a bathing titbit In Miami labia tratning

.tier Billy - Bote', planned, Aquacade , st the rapo,

aneJticaK Redté i6tza,r

ttip lstet QSSCCialioit By' R. S. UZZELL

Redlxtrlbution of the weather did not work. lb. take a tropical atoera up where it does not betong-was,ail wrong, The New P,bslaad eran were' wholly un- prepared for such an trnportatlort. They were without wind and flood tiwiit- once, so MII the top falls On the owners end' operators. The Insurance poncho. of 1622 will be written to cover such tntrarions.

1,Y.)".x.aritteria says we should an frown an -selling our product* on theeontingent bola of ,a percentage of the grcae_ re- eetpta. Its manufacturer has no time to, travel aver the _country to look in on receipte;of his devices. This selling policy will got contribute to the stability of our business. Without rash risk. the producer take& the hazards of producing t now device, at big lnittal,eoote.'whlch may work end rnwy_ not. Should it go, be 'needs his Capital to Ammar produc- tion, and It 1t L Sagpo he 'has , Ioat enough.

Where es good Mai awl to be shown on a percentage ai the grnas a turnstile ooenpatly Wis asked to Itltiita7L n turtistíte that would register only alternate turn of the pasaim-te . /hullos to say, it did -- not handle such a matvrick.

"Temperamental" dl. Wini A toy -trata 'manufacturer made; 8n90.-

000 last year and all 'of our miniature rail way manufacturira made Mine money, while the Baldwin LOCoinotlí-e W,'rza Lose money. Theirs+ la celled a staple -buaine'n while wo are supposed to have a temperamental existence that may be here today and gone tomorrow. A'eonap lacnnt wort -bias over been con - toot -with only halt or IDactbnal truth%

once we .were'told that our national saber:'-ation and annual convention Would do, well, to last 10. Fears. Title la our 20th annuat- conclave - With n0 much vigor- as we had . béfore the, crash In VW. We tire growing Older grace- fully.

Conoaaettters at the-i3sn Prarclaco Pa- poettloñ eland more than an wren Chance of mating more money than at the blew York Exposition because the costa will not be nearly ao"high, Long ago it. was freely conceded, that New York 'will gel. the larger nttenetanec and also the larger grew Ir.corne.

Boffin To .Be Visitor Word has oorñe to ysour,author, that

Willis -n - Butlin. England's foiemost showman and artiu*(n lrit, park man, le coming to America. Be has had a phenomenal rise In the amusementuorld ngalnst great odds and When his coon. try could not award nor :more stabtllt7. He. after all. to nn Amerloan,sad is re turning for a brierosojoalrn In his'nat le lend. lie will demonatratcthe foot that Americana, can transplant succesafuliy their ideas to foreign shows. There hew not before- ha time been so marked, an American income -let :aagland since Sel- fridge took ewer there, the department More. kiwi end nado It a byword' for Londo n.

Should Mr. DIlUil attend that con; veratton It Le well worth' while 'to give him a hearing. 1110 ~et such a dynsmfe personality le well worth the time. It la an opportunity that should not be

sv. ped over, Ho bras lntrodubed a new type of bathtr,;, and summer _colony that ilia revolt/Centred scene ,at Britain's seasido resort*.

Doerzt.`f,---By .NiChole reports he re- cently Matted- Henson'» Wild Animal Perm. Kasnua. N, IL

Seer iruitie front corer ti! this :Orono for aconrpleme plc. tore a[ory. l.



*Greetings PARK MIEN' Yea sr. ~dialer lnreted re rhle-e aVehe Nu1.1 She -whin; °doe o, due. the ,N-A_A.P.P.$ Convention. Sae wiry this act fns emoted d,cen. worth* lemons sated boas*p--. why It has been *eau ,ed to, ewe reW--wlq cacee mares rote used°ie ca ¡Octant tpr.sda-why Niter roes ac Intl ~tithed corn:tyre elopers and, pktuN.-w* dourfclions lane beee broaduat by raffia. Tea's wrasa It for your part. AVAILABLE FOR Paces final

AND CRIRR AXIOMS. Pecanverse Address


Slat Ira BATHERS' n.lnbsat!

KEY BANDS sad Pr oircvicer Lr


siEveasseicts. h íssEw oalanú ottomans.


Del bra.

't S. ORIFEL, r`:rs il,


tagc tmpt ú-°tM PLunca}

S- 8e=i err: ELMER BROWN

390 Arcade Bldg. St. Louis,Mo. wvlu ATTCMO eGtaaGO~InC1114G."

Ride Men Attention tar. r. A.CHINA will W al MoRebSlwnna.nCkar,. tor atVww,en'1e<n91lerl.Ne9rraer 1'tah.DMare.r III. te .neaetltla ildta tM 'drgría'e 9gatael/W-I Part. Jncacn-eM n ... Fla., aunrnrr 4.a+,.+111:

Weather and Pay Rolls Aid Jersey Walk Cone ssionerb

ASBURY PARR., N. J., Nov. 10.- Ocad weather and pay rolls from PWA Jetty coatatrüction hare, alejad .conoeulonas. In Oda sector: Crowds- on -boardwalles here and ,at Long Branch have nearly equaled' those of mtdaumnier. Jetty projects are_unclor way at Long,láranch. Deal end Mlenhurst A dispersal- plant, and bu:khead job are helping ceC r - lra at',Sea Might rod Monmeutb Desch. Atlantic Highlands and Highlands also have government work- 1n progress.

Ray Bromley I. doing walll,, with the 'Cuattr Car. ride bare. As geOrlal manager of Wesley Amtrsernept' Co., be le faeleltg great preparations for ,a=t season. The corkapany also has motor boat sot! won rldW. New: eoweeesioOere on the promenade. "Zimn" RexnicZ. L -s Lane aaltel Leith l erereon. vln operate the Palace. recently purchased from Jt }f Williams.

Orenlen Thompson. who em Woe" Mated with Williams at the Palms. ]tea the Colii-Operated Machlac Co. 'with Neaten Morton and there la a' poast- baltty that they will hove ñ conoasesre on the The *arm westner Le greatly appreciated and. had Ji not been for Mine rainy Weethee *berth after Labor Day. boardwalks- would peobay:y be as open now as to Augtus.

Norentber 26, 1938 rho Billboard 57

RíniCs and Skaters By - CLAUDE R. "ELLIS

IClñtlntwau ONice) MACE POORMAN reports his 7.306

tgtlaee-foot' Coliseum Roller Rink, slit) open seen In SLAW College. Pa. It will be.eelutpped With n ateam.heattns plant, anddifytng'syatem and Chicago skates ayd Will Aare spa(0ans -.15 nights and tyro alterneo irweekly.

is. A PI NEY. formerly' of old East Mater Gardena Roller Rink, Akron. ro - pida hi. Armory Rink. Sioux City, fa-. GU good bualñesesa until about n nlontl7 acv when he ,ran forced t. else due to time Naliangl Guard 000 100501 the. build. Leg while on airiltc duty. Rink .1. -ex- pected to open soon, In,tae tnlStrito he and Rowed JPoroo bare -berm- :tliftt rinks In Iowa and Oklahoma and And thrmharicg good'bosinea

HOLIDAY skating parties are being sluiced along tbó- north Jamey /Iceland Skating Rink. West End: Her- man Bakerranik, eland. Keansburg. and Harmony Hall. which opened recently, rill have ;big parties_ Two clocce tttorts With specie) lsgbtIng with feature -the seatcm tat the three popular Spots` alts operated. by Vete'ráéia,

FRED (Bright .Star) Murree. 713-year- cOdpPawnee India., figure skater. reports he:Oared Al Wlshle 65 -by -Ile -foot Piny - land 1481127 Rink, 'South Bend. Ind... on itotrtmber X3-6 and found' akateva show -

S_ The First Beel Skate



.3312a331BERoé-ºweed AW.. Caivae.'1R_

The 'Jest 'Skate Today

The Myriad Reflector <R..erriet Morar n.n/


wilt ~Cot Pra , s.rG

'''we~ie,5oaaee.on.. er ~oh. Mr,

rename a1 ten n°". nee.

one $5.25 cavirÍ.g. pr iÑlw. dn.

FLASH MP C.san.114 Sa% Pa. rHa aates.aaem. S..ral. BOO 04y 44.00.

É eO Í'tPRÍREMÉP MFG. CO. ar., a.oca.or. it LW YORK O1TY

' l .

.j. e


- ti á -


D. H. TRU.Y.AWS $20.000 IDYL WYLD ltOLLRJ1 PALACE, Marton. Ind PM anrtt rraary.o/ nhtele scat celebrated uttA a I(atteseen party. art October IA. sines 554 creendrd.- thrum recently undpeent en enrJ)rotem*e4 wars= wh/ch lescludt4 trwtaltatton.of an'aufornatte rest heater and (e. tattdx board, ttpltt Mmes and r.ew.deworattorta.. Monthly parties site Jasa- tured, weak an cr.-ropy draw of more ghee ,i4í9+. Aranay.emdrot 0rtycer rraa'Srrnday itlphts and rink"'opemIeJ niphrty rteept on .tfondapa. Rink has a 60 kw I11 .Iaot Jtoor.

tag mach Interest to a new dub. Eddie Robbins. reenter fancy 'skater, is Cow manager. Bright Star reser_tly nppeare,d,

'in IleinboTI Gardens Rink, Mound Morrie. Mich_.managed by Mr. and )Mrs. Harper Spencr, and repeéM business good at that spot. On his Western toner bo la -scheduled to piny Ruth's ArnOlrt, Park eel.) Mink ors November 90.13 and Woollley's Rink. Salt Lake, City:

A ROLLER rink will be again Mir- atcd this °wtnte_ by Bruce ,d:, Gartecnr In a building In Lakewood Park, Atlanta.

:SIX'QO)ERNS on Skates, managed by Ted Merrtnaañ.t recently Weyer: dates in Washington and Wilmington. Del.. and expect to -go south for a- 10 -week tour, he report*.

A'OALA eelebretton marked the recent opening of Harmony Hall Roller Rink near Middletown. N. J., aprestad by Louis OlabDick. who had a rink at Seaside Heights, N. J.- last anmmer_ Associated with him la M. Reese. Speed skater. arito will teanb, in (Mice e e ibations. There *Ill be .hating four nights a work, with dancing on redeye. Rink has a 50 by

w -nisi lar.. He../ LI.al1A4 are.ea ,ti. 300 -foot floor. aa+4Ury qr, t., nairht oían. -see Mey la rea ems Otnectee la a saartarol.r P ;», NIA

PH OP aJ eeisetir trs.lere. .r_E bail t 2a a PILED MARTIIi'S Detroit Arene Oar. S:tIrtae ~ow d wU111 heatIF-orasasa res. dear InterlistOnal Arneteur Raiser writ et /Mindy reP iNIIn pa., .au. 'Ta. tal! M' n r.--- -a, Usti yon .rara cannot afford to rain :Skating Thorne. prodilaoli b ' Bob liar. i'. w.eessa'r le asd-ora tea esta wan -riega/. Mera on November a. andfeaturing Jimmy U.r1.f sI err= nieta. and Joan Ledstans. British amateur alglTa'Olt P lw PrrTiOULÁR aaOCP [qq[D

Watson, runner-up, had ala Ladeanoe ticket sale.°of 1.000. reporta E. M:

esa YMtar rLAMnalit MOW AVAILADLI. Agtere-skating champion". and Wily MYRIAD REFLECTOR CO. tisis 1.0ST «OUAilS. Oracutrn*Tl, OHIO. Amen, r.f.nbo1s were AL'. and alrsr_Vlttor

J Brown. Newark. N. Jr! Mr. HeckAtlsr and Earl. Van Horn, manager, Mineola (L L) Rink; Mr. and ;Mira. FYe4 II, Frei" man. Deatoral Ids. and Mrs. Wally Kleter, Flint (Minh:) 'PnrtRtnkl Jae* Shñ, UUCkeye Lek*, O.: W. L Oenns. Amster- dam. N. Y.: Ralph Were. Chicago Roller ,Skate Co.: William P. Seiterino. R,ollwr- drome, Cmoimtatlt E. R. Whitcomb, RLcherdaos Baltbcaring Skate Co.. Chi- cago: Mr,, and Mrs. William I1. Carpeñtér. Riverside Park 1JbrichuVLlle. O.; Mr. and Mrs. George ~net: Pred1 <lfriglit, Star) Murree, pro figure skater, Red Lion. Pa./ Mr. and Mee.- Cecil Mien. Fairground, Roller Rink_ Wheeling. W. Ye: George D. -Linde!. _ manager. Coliseum -Roller

'PROFESSIONAL ' Rink. Orand Rapids, Mich.; Jack Potent "ROLLER SKATING'MATS" Mr, and ]Ira. E, E. Eyerr, Eysr' Roller

Ce sser Worse, arlwe. rata, M.r4.noe, .Ua- Rink. Anderson. hid. and Mr, sand Mrs. a rwiied Qwr:r. At__,re5iy Prka4: Jóiwpts Felt. Beira Rink; Fort Warns, slain at. a.laV.. .r-rr' fags.( are, or was Stet..,. $&aunt ea.. )Ind.; who brought with them their Saar

a us man Yau. P,.twrra Intwwta manager. Merle _Patterson, and his as - Tr. 0. L 0011111111CoiPOAAr/0/1 atetar s, 'Gall Mowry.y. 1140 rip t ela asp.._ .inner. 4, a lawItttlr_tsa tu+.yrrca«w.i -1 LEO MAT TNÍ FR- Akron oPeratoc,

<opened a inc.:: rink In downtown Lorain.

ROLLER RINK ' OWNERS O.. haring ini.talild new equipttae -t. tieealoni are bald nightly -with wailer.- Su Sall meet and 9tindays_ Toe leveret

i veri use io00 laeta aaaS .M tome are tinerttai sacra he bas operated the roller rink le . Praa:a.rel~Una a,- s haw, .a fora.~ fJummtrBtath Park. Akron_ then.. n.. I nor endonrea, ln-r Thy ...big eppral- - -- sax

:, Ant Te,. atleaara. tIt44 S«' Mad -

' ,kw

Tramill Self-locking Sectional Floors tau I..1 are hind up/ m `A61htg. as ,rail as seLr

Pod ce 20 ( r Oderopilin m as r.atkfP nme, a-1 u.rtai link, Mal.. 71.7 are srnlK and !'.era ~POI IAe belt rotablen.4es seer 25

Moo, teen 1eq TAP LBICA7rKIPPeCa" NK MI..

.8TCATIMAND Reber Rink. ,Clet'elend, is having good business. party night on November drawing a big crowd of rend. dren. reports Armand J. Schanli Sr.. a Truitt vlateor°to ¡be'rink.

1.EE"00E.YS. cif Muneie'(tnd.) Skating AasociaUorl. la Lit the Bait and recently visited Mrs. E. ICeliry'a Chess Vota Stet -

fag Chin, Philadelphia, where , he acted as judge .at .A Halloween party at which 71 pdPW wore awarded; Forrest Marton Is, a .tall member.

EKATEI Ab'D Rolie, Rink. Trenton, N. J. le It -tying - good baldness, reports Lee Coen, a recent visitor and,trtrather of Mundt.' (Ind.) 'Skating ~edition. Re alto' visited reelect/rated Barnes' Wii. low`Grove (Pe.) Roller Rink.

PATRONS et Crewel Pool Rolief RIak. Seattle, which recently btetatled an e1ec. trio organ..saw-a version od the Latntxth Walk cat .hate. for the hire tiane'recentt3. put on by Hilly Martin. lnttructer, and Helen Orbom. dub,' rne:nber. Termed u e l,.lnbeth ROIL the duo -tined funds. mental walk steps but incorporated a ~ben of fancy tuition.,

EASTWÓQI 71'051.---r_ ink, Detroit. featured ' wedding on /Intel on Novem- ber 10.

ETRw7' -Japanese skating party ever held in Alkl Natatorium RoF3at- $Ink, t3ewttle. wet. staged rreccótiy under auspices of Imperial Skating Club. a large group attending elite, taking put In grand march and oont sts.

DICK BCIII LTZ ° reports that crowds are attending bra' Sliver 'Lake Roller Rlak° Everett. Wash., where he recently Metalled a maple floor and an organ. Al Blockntoro L oiypnta$.

ATTENDANCE *anus geed at a ne» 13 Club party to°Idyi Wyld-Roller. Palace, Marion. Ind, on Voyelribe? 13. °ofttdala report. Wright'. Orchestra tlnalabed Inuttc and ,.'.,pair of shoe Ihrtie* were awarded is dent ' prise. Kist party in scheduled for December 10. 'when ahoy skate' will ¿gain be awarded. .

SKATING' three afternoons arid ht' weekly during July and Mt/oral. Diamond Square Boller Rink. Pittsburgh, drew

abort 300 each night with Cereonel Original Roller Skating Band. retort* Joseph- rthiba Jr.; rink manager. On other day- a program of Impralernents wan in progress, lne!tdlrng decoration With, about 500 echOol Pennants for opening night. September 12, when over 400 attended_ Patronage !Ise ina+lssed

l'leltiy In recent weeks. A Halloween party with dtgbt prize costumetawarda

(See RINKS on page -e:)


Pt- Gvndc.r"a,steu! iI

oá :3m . -,'Q. .:4 se TY'"-'47- -.

1 :.',,CINCINNRTI = ROLLER. RINK ' v. yt xy ft

A RARE OPPORTUNITY B i*Pp. .Abadutsr MAC 11104 ear 00a0. fwd. rp Ultra e, fhb.. aw.InawL in r PP. i.e Leleass In pobe. Ítm Coffi en ns tÚ.qj.t.j Wwa. THE AMERICAN SIGN COMPANY Iata P. writ ay.. corms riArt. O.


5501Á' AAO CQMCK$aION. new A WPPD TOMB. CAMPBELL TENT & AWNING CO. "..,.. al Taint, -ap:nanlld. IS.

A Wonderful Christmas Present High Top White Calf Skin

Shoos on

C at" aleiaaeaatar

The WorhPis Greatest Roller Skates

Now better than ever. Put some "Peps' into your rink now. Our ATTRACTIVE WINDOW -'CARDS will hielp You.

Bushings Rawoodod.

Ch;cegó Roller Skate Co, 4427 W Lake Cliieigo, 711.

58 The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS November 26. 1938 = Cnndueled-by CLAUDE R. 8LLt8-Communleation to 25_OoaCa Plsóe. alatttninattr O.

Ic .3SPOr17WE5 T ER I Rl . . S

Drop in Gate At Beaumont

New flurvebt CIub -proves a good money maker - RAS take is- off 50%

BEAUMON . Tax.. Non. l8....Attend- woo al the Sat annual booth 'Pete* State Pair hit* on 'Itswoeter ,2-13 wire 25 per cent off due Co art -e* days of bad wrber. ra tht.ted attendance we/ 1 »10 atptlbbt 100.000 last year, MI5- _ ay btClneae of the Royal American Shawls was more than 50 per cent off berate of heavy mint and sloppy giotir die,

A feature of the tar teas tbe,,new liersat Club.,awenk nftury. sItSeh 7ttdled Wiley ~Moo Rod Nichols and his orchestra. on only dire fair days daring thOr Met aoafas played to eland 15,120. while Anson Week» and his orchestra, with two Lair diye and a Sunday nial- Mee, hayed to moro Malin 4.000: COreirsy titan Dances reed heavily a-. a floor - aids, ettreetton. Terry and W taker. oath's*anie ballroom teem. were r. hit in their owned? nettles. 4ervo and Menthe, B user beiltrootn dank -ere. were pleasiing. ibe' gown* of Marsha earning plenty Of appleuse from women patron.. Moth bends and ncta wore booked thin I1ofais Ilancoct. Maim office ót Mane Corp. of Americo. binaitore terra highly pleared. with the ente'teLaminit trnittt,

C cent for the Iter.rwt Club, timo- ratlon gees to L. B. h erring Jr.. tat: *nathtary-ntartgfer., who 'coirotncod di. remora It would pay- Iv earnest more than $3,OCO, with a Put o1 I0.000, lb- cludleg rental of .;wary, tables. and

(Eco PROP WK'ÓAT7: en page IS)

Attendance lieeor s Broken At Maritime. Winter Annual

rarity sT, N. ti.. Net. 19.-RZto 1.nd s noun! Maritime Winter Pair here. whieb rionod on Nov, rater 44. estab- lished a Ia.ñT attendeeºe record. said. A. W. Market to. eyecreterr4-ntslta t. tie said edmlaiotta, not counting strip

&Iota and- arena d amUalone, totaled 2,022 8tí6í U".n at stn ¡037, fair, ii doted Meeker. On four of the nigatta teas attendnnco _cssccdal' unseat,.

Itt a qupitiyrir ntre distributed LO pethous 14 was **nuanced that about 52 per cent pTelerreO tltst horn nttáw: 2d par Cent favored Imported vaudevWU*: 12 per cent, tag -of -wet tournament; 10 per crnl. local enudevltle

tiuoeees at the talr has tntenl/nrd prepdrations for a new arena .for 1030 to coat about 11713.000. F4nnneing 1.1 to be elith rilki' front dornirlon and pro. nnolal government* el d grows ,outlay te eltamated at ̀bout 0120,000.

FJying. Turns Equipment Shipped to Worid's Fair

NORTH TONAWANDA,. N. Y. WW1.., 10. -Taut first Chitin. et of meehenieal cottlpinent for the Worldb Yale Piytn i ?Urns was shipped to New York Ian week. b.y_. 'th`e ó I rneñ h n iueriing Corp

1. -ngc f I1IL cam ware titled to capacity. lihlfimrnt wan etoloignrdr to _Settle* 1Redat, laid;, at. the tategrounda, aheae the 1'1y1bt Turns sdructum It nearing cam- }Vetti`n.

All O1. the Intricate dtdalls of'esngeneec- Inp and conetruotton of the ride are being .tgpervlsed by Nieman A.yttiett, I:ptttliteg .and designer of flying Twins..4ertel Joy Ride and Drlre-a-Dance, \1.r, Dertiett -t * hoe under; obstruction at the Splil- man plant Ile ndditIOtu.1 hew ride features for the New Tart Woridle ,pair ..local Will b1. .hlpptd ail Loon ttti?r

to complotea and Meted- Week on thaw itttrtttloats 1.r bptng given prom - denim .In Order to he ready tot -operation pre v co the hutre opening


L. D. fIERIrINO JR.. atcretarlr- nleneqet of South Texas State Fair, Itcetrstorttr, es plum reedit for WO tueeeij Of an the 1136 onntiul. the Ilarteat CruA'. Ttee nseº /enxure ,niraed mare then f7.W0. Wife tsltenrií of 19.6001 Incladlnp rental of seeitety, tablet and rAsitr*, which .trieprueltt will be purch'11aed foe aso nera year.

Glasginv Exhibition Gate Is 12,593,23

ot.A$(IQW. Nov, 19. -The Empire Ex- hibition ended he six-month run here on October 'it with n shrewd of 344^ atredinl: kbo atngte-day record of the merlons Wembley Exhibition by 42J140.

Total attendance was, 12.3º3231. cons Vexed with 27,702.000 for the WOmblry event, bald .fpr two yaws.

Eghltnitt am being removed and'buad- inga nee expected -to bo razed rSort.

Travits Renamed in Nnsiwille NAISITY1114E Tenet Nov. 19. -At an-

Ppnl ttteetiOg. Of ~tom of 'T'ennessee State Pair bete out MdlLdny S.. A. Mc- Clanaban vtaa InataiTsd ac, direesór to alter J. Ii. E. -Jell tut ebrtrgt re -live stock. agriculture and poultry.,Mr. Snorts having reallincd-betause of 111 health. The hoard voted to attend the Clieesao meet. Litt, árltvLrsg at the Hotel Sherman Monday. morning. November 28. They will be accompanied by Phil C. Travis, olio, teas elected manager for 'anther. yea . Members;' who wilt" attend are Judge Litton Rickºr:nn, chairman: James A Cefee.,W. 9. Clare, to. T. Jones F A- ateetanebnn, Jaen 8lokit "mud W. J. Wallace.

Act Salaries Need Not Drop In More Agency Competition

Article 3

NEW 'YOBS. Noy. -19,--Least week. account healing with tisane IFg booking ontce complexion and -relation to outlets oc ,praapeotree' purchasers of *ttlaitiOM triad t0 v-1. Mich why prices for acts and unite 'might trawl to go down Amoeg renaorts for 1.h' tale keener competition end expected avail- ability 'of ntoto end bettor talcnt

it war cued whether IS prices too net* and shown wilt tend to decroare theta would or woltid not be a Corresponding .doerolue'in,the aelerlht pellet to acts. In- dlcohiorm point to the Sect that salaries will remain man or lees :Yea, might even spurt upward..uTanfo a it rtonude.

Vila Waage slttsatbn la not sostranp In business, Industry end ºefinterec ne- gotitlted roll ,a patoprtltlre While., Let tin call iba booker the nuuu faeturese di' A thq sec the product or' e. end the `fair or other aalet the gan*nmer or C. Caring to capipetitton and the avtellablilty Of almilar products on the market, 4 is

organ obliged tO glee O a better price Weak. but his product. which .le II. 0011.5 Aim Suit a0 'Much, often more berausa- of sale* realstance. nuanced rnerohan_- dping methods and the like. Thº *tan- utectureroOtiid: Of course. trim, the, coat of the product. or act, but this lamb Jk,,ly In a compettilvg world. Op the' contrary. Ise t4 Ot4-.rm forced tetO -telad ttraittf3bg," faith ss pitting hie cheek In; to grass goad for ljigóballa. This ban

(Sec. ?CT s4L.ARIRS'on ycpc 48)

Activities Set in Lakewood' ATLANTA. order lér-Winter mason In

Lakawoocl park rat

started with stock -rat nulo caa on Armtatloe Day that were wen attended. report,; Mike Bentool. president. and Virgil'elelga, secretary. of Lakewood Park ,nod, Southeastern Pair. !acme is Carlson ºtut' again operate a roller rank in Ole poultry-buiitIiu4i and Plane age on for other feathers,' in other hutldiaga. Rubin At Cherry. Exposition te not wintering at Lakewood tine year.

Complete Program'of LIFE in C1i.icago -OL" ENING nimbar 1.t e ba'et-supprr on.Mcridnp, hoternber ht, from 6 tote p.m.

for /Or oalclfis caller, ilOortf of direetOra /C.V.-that tar, can he made e aeseeth-*Alit rrt3.t 01t4 urptu 115111 4t be toelt attended ea that ~pates coa be,atn-te bolter wows_iste .

Wedslesday, November go 2 psttr-rhs'Arm.l and ÁcrompJtrRsent of the National Patty Shóaa, LloTd

Dtlrltnp,hatn. atfsthoda a/ IsetertrainR,_Ilurry t3r'hmpretbn. Report or et_nsullC.tloti bampttttee. A. R: Corejr chairman. Rcposta of omnmlttots--rcsolutl4na, special ootmMutttttu. Open adlaousaáost. ihtslne-f IiÚon=úttSUUdhrd bu' anon. new ~shwa, elc:lon 'rot -chime*. .idfourntent.

Tuesday. Nercrilbdt 29 10 a m+--Seailati celled to order by president Invocation. 7áoí1 call by secretary. Addrrt l--AlCmbri ,of Obtengct Chamber' of Commerce. lteapcome. Minute* 01 1217 ranting. App6Lntntamt of comnttttnes, Asldre-a Of PlM'.sl4nt Ralph E. Ammon. Report of *yard ot.dttoctons. Repent of government relation. committee, Whoa afl Dnnrtglr, ~twain. TAs nonce show ',damn, glad Its F,9-icirt on Petra, Charles° W. Breen. Noon ltlnenenn s1.! Poet Pros:dents' Club. 9-30 p.m. --the Uretory'd( fan tngerireslupal Areoefe;IOn of Faire and Erpofi-

trona, t. $. He -cling Jo. Contributing Pactata to r Ereeeir/ul rear, Gbtndrl e, Lewte. ids -014 o o lair, lie' od A. Rushee. The Statue Of Monia0 Pt?ttrris In ldreettsing, Ht,fold e, bend.. Opel dlsrnatton.

Little Rock Has Deficit

Stuck show arid roílco luir till. expense Ix 1>teu_vy=':i9 event to be licit! earlier

LyTrLE ROCK. Ark_ Zioy. l0__ll et annual exhibition and rodeo of Artenew Lure -$took binersil socistitn hero on -No. velobel 7-13 Heft the aawclation wtih a deficit but brought bright prospect. foe next year's event, which, out cl iSia say,,aboutd not tie as expensive to pro. deco. "Secretary Relational J. Higgins Bald money was lost on the drat TOntum because of expense ID purchasing ground. laying many truckloads of sawdust, erection' of office ibulldlug., restreoma and áheir Items which should not be a dram on'Iiñances 'text year. The 103.1 Legislature will be caked to appropriate tunde for erection of a pormnnottt arena and far prendurna to farmers and caftle- rñen.

Paid attendance wan 32.564 at 2s calt*, netting *8.141. About 2Á.00o entered 031:1 pena booty. 4 total of 1.6610 books Were Issued With 94 pa lies. four for smell' day. In each. ' Parser w1Ll be reduced next year, litgg'itu said, Itddeo. attendance was 21.400 with an avtTa of 90 cents paid;admiaaleri, nettitSS 700: With ,gate and rodeo receipts and proceed* from eoncelalonn trio a y. tiers took 'In about 451,000. Eapendr. turns ansoUnted to About 110.000.

"The tiacoclatlon." Gold Col, T. E. Dorton. preeldent. "-UM good shape Is. n&r.n-lalla., Mho. we antlotpeted 200.000 vialtert, we got only 57.000.. We beincre we put 'Cu a good ohm and It will be

tSre° LITTLE HOCK oa pole 43

Calgary's Surplus Goes Up;; Total Now More Timm $53;000

CALGARY, Alin,. Nov. 10. -Calgary Y.xhtbation and stampede, IJtd_ bad a ,suiptts on operating accents: of, 40.51: for 1080. E. D. Adams. director In charge of finance, reported fit the anneal meet- ing ñn Notambar 10. compared with

Jetupttts of 06,200. in 1097. Total reeelpt' _donne ledsfi wow *100,06á.68; ejcpeadl-

The tnni surplus **corded that of 1987. anal.) 11'1.000 was spent pee., than the usual .amount eppropria*td fear bu nldtag bnprovemerate end -repairs. Expense foe upke.pi repair iliind lmprrn'ec enea tot*rad

.$$MlSa .,not including grounds ex wnac during 'fall Week, which nrnounted to 115.50dnitl,

Mahe attendance at the 1938 Egh:tb1 lion npd Stampede' increased by only 2.1111 over 1_37, gate and grµui-etaad revenuer l IIt.BOSAS. tnetucmcs 41.10116 from, nn extra racing ¿ley. Wert - minuets tats wa s ;29.502$0. is let pw of 46.610.72. and ice re -card receipt. veNN 0414.12- higher. 31r. .t4ams mid prat ,:none9 given by the coanpeny during ow past 25 years, Including 4309,202-22,005 out at andx7-an;l sales Of, Alberto TY- Stock aesotingon. totaled -$1,310 00.

Added to mail ~pint butts up tarn (Sec CALGARY'S SURI'LUI on pogo 65)

DORTON. Nov. 10r -Grant Barrtngtou and Marshfield, Mase..r'fnit7 will be Pets Mittel, to oupynue part-mntlturl ~chic for four more years an, ,n result of list election' hold hero On November R wan% the ,»tarty ,refereredum Tote wee fagot eblo t4 the 2n4aaure, Prt;mutu*I' bete rit:p brought both -tilt, manerrneute heavy rohtiva during lhn peat two yesrl<

World's Pair Story flows portaihuetg to the ñew Yott

World' Pius will' be fpgnd on pe go 94 01 tab l nuo,

i4our.mber .26;= I938 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The- Billboard 59







we ex ezc a watvu we' come . . .

i Drop in and see us at

BOOTH 72, EXHIBIT 111,11 and at our

SHERMAN HOTEL SUITE during the Conventions from November 27 to December 1



19$4 1986 19113


9 IN C.


260 Tremont St. Paul N, Daniell. Mgt.

NORFOLK, VA. PITTSBURGH' 133 Cróve Avcnue 722 Empire Bldg..

(QcoonvlewÍ Frank Cerv'onc, Mgr. M.'B. Howard; Mgr.

and leading European Cities

Aoltibition was a costly expetinzeKt

. . . . O't expetiment :

60 The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS November 26 1938 .411a

Fairs Set Styes in RurI Entertainment APaNPARI: from the orchestral

1Joodligbta bathing' the goigeotr backdrops hi glittering bruinrice.

Onto the mtage comet a bevy ºf ayo- Snenp beautloe moving tn- rhythmic 'unison. their diaphanous oStatlmea mnk. hug rhleidoseopic cbangea' as varicolored llghta play upon them, whiledlñiatad{Ciice tit thousands cnthwWucallp apptauda. R

hounds ]tkc a <ankle raving over a first night at the operas But Ara merely n description of a'grand-etaº,d revue nt any at the larger faire. Such a deetrlp- loon couldn't ham fitted the picture 11 or =0 years ago, but outdoor enter- talbnirnt has made great" strides et7téé that tame Li both grand-itand and midway aºnesement, Such *Midee, In fact, that It mar truthfully ho asserted t1 st fairs -art the styles. in Surat enter- ment.

Lea's hark bade for a morifent to 1Ó1Z, 1;orretlting now Is bétng tried aril at the.

B.'- NAT S. GREEN _stand *bow at a fair cOnutited mainly 'Of "dumb' acts-acrobats. gymnasts, blgyclo rides and the lute, with a eprtnkting of animal sets-dogs and' ponies, etee phasic*: roller-skating bears, ele. Thew are atilt an Important part of snort - grandstand slow* and probably always. will be. but they. too. have fell thehand of progress. 'Tine midway of old uatLAliy wee a email aggregation of tune -tried rtelee. fourth -rate ,how* and a babe number oC tonógaion e. ?or thrillsalbero ware balloon a lisión., parachute drape. airplane stunting" and *o. on., And foe the grand -stand ltftalo those lairs t17í1 had night ahowa ,choir- üaed'tlreworke display., The old, thrills. laving pealed tbnu long use, have ¡mewed 'out of the ~Una. The aiewo.ka estate 'fa more popular than intr. 'having Itepí ;step

- x ab

s t

r -a211: ., -.. et e

s AN tDQAR 1. 5C'l'fOOLEY REVUE presented by N. N. Bornea do 19íd. sacra

long the muertos' crudo ~Hato toyed .at Met tinte. No acere beckprostad extóRaiony such m are now wntarrsstly sued. -No ffoodiü}hts. Note tlta'crnde losidapeekeri óa the !rack Iñ front'of the platform.

Dallis* fair. lea a 're': uo presented by Peel --Barbee and produced, tf tau lenient- ber tightly. by Edgar L Schooley. /Cone of the elaborate montage that: are 'the ruin today. Merely o plain eye atom the back ó( the platform. In troctt 'of which a lino of garla end Menlo special= ties, are ºorliiiig. IOttrométy crude when eudgetfl)y present-day ntnndarua, but It Ful mare life and eater than the usual program and the ctxrtOMers liked It. That may not have been the east revue fPCented at.a fair. but ft was the !teat to attract intention. Otfiete folio -ace and In - the tatty "Sea we find ledward Y Carrnfiien and' Shin J. levy presenting a similar chow at ,the Ak-liar-fica an Omaha. I[, too, was arude-but piealin$

Then a couple of ;elm liter Jpbn T, lblla. secretary at' the fair at fiaattngt, ouncclveel the Idea of hooka a a

name attreetlor,. fie went to J. C. McC.i t- , then head of the Western I:made-rule Mtinageru" Aasoclatlon Iñi Clil- cago, and asked what 21 would oast to. book tide° Samuels. mude headliner. for the four -day fair. "Two thottaartd do1- lan," McCafery told hate. "Sold." said Biglin. "wan. you're -cram" McCaffery retorted. "You can't afford to pay such a prime' ~Whet do you carer' illalin replerd. "Berea the cash.' Arrived at ltustleigi, bliss &rnurla ww'that hfr act would be "Zonte on the rani -alt- jiiitterra on the far aide ,of the race track. This, hind, you. was before the: dnyu of pubtic= addrees-ayatems, and talking -of etnglns Matte on the PlatUO.m were altrioet a total law. .So Rae got a truck. had a piano placed on R. then with he: "piano player Oho climbed onto the ;rue7t Sod' In= atrtreted back driver to drive, and forth on the track in front Of the grand stand. Prom Ohba mintage point Ode par-ehted het act, It warn a tretnendeee bit and drew packed stand every night. Juattfying BL tin i faith In the drawing po'ata of a ."earn."

Crated -Staved Show's Revolutionleaaf Two decade* ago the' typical grand

with progreaa. Since the early 2m the quality of

entertainment presented to the lair - going pubita > launeahunbty -Improved. thanks to public -oddness systems, iidr- quate lighting and other inno elates that of isb,c4 the produces of 4owe to otter daborate. Jebel -elitist production. The tiara have r sought a *`treat chingo in the entertainment tanteo of rural Abierita. They have 'broken down Inhibitions and taboo. tint prevailed, tot decades and have pared the- way for t?eatera of.'emailer rowha to -ester tht'tr patrons beautiful musical revues that would not have found acceptance In the mid days.

into -the 'upward trend of tale amuse- ments *nay fadiorº bare entered_ The lnterñattonal Aa oclellpn -of Pain and rxpoeltlons. the leading carnivae Miter - atom and the stints furiaishing fair attraction:, alt .have, hod's part In hm- Pr'evtni tthc,,quallty of entertainment. Ear -image ,of Ideas at the annual eten- venflena In Chicago halt brought the lent and better features to the attention. o! Leading tart men, and led_ - to ~Piton of attraetiolla thee -had prayed alter at7rtb. The amaller faire, to tires -hare been led to adopt a better grade et en- tortainmevt.end time Menem! Improve - Went boa resulted:

The Semi, (or-Beatily In the old days there was some

attempt to drew up the attractions,- but they- were rattier o.-u0c. Pear men. pia-mpted by the booking agent, began -to resin,' that the more attractive they'- made- their ahowa,the bigger crowd,- they Mew. Bh?ttet lighting facilities were hatred-aced. 'More attention mid paid to dre+aln"t up both saaac and iota. The old -feels oned costume's, designed 'almost r olety. for oonvenlence, gave way to ayo - appealing dress. The search for beauty vet on. At Oral amine of The Lenora. Ilona, were, considered daring: At the winter fair meetings the booking agnate

presentedactesrvatIrplenty-of sea appeal. The fair men-and their whree-itllaá them. rand every year fottttd more and more fain using the popped.ap aryl beautifM idtteIes. leaulM-tnerttunott at- tendance; Soon the various cakes ºers vying with one another to ptaduce eye- eatching levies and apart. The result* were, rot ,always eattdtietory. Competi- tion led -to the production Of Name revues that iaare short -an ,talent and cheaply


óatvated. There innate didn't, do -the Rama any ?rood. Brit gradtulty the quality of reviles was nailed and, with the advent of public-address arum*. analog and talktr l aria eazo into their

:own. Pain that titre on progress _tans rapid, end today the revues _passonind at any State' tan' poaeesa a high degreb of merit. Tllent compiles távorrably 'with anything aeon In tbo theaters, and coatuml i , to 'cis a. Lnylatr scat¿

The Sandi :for Thrrils The, buida that thntlled fairgoers of

2-0 genre 'ago pre too tame and innocuous for today's generation. When avtation was new. stunting. wingiwrdktng and the like, Battened the -c owd.. But they

.became commonpiacy and the public demanded Other and better thrills. Ante" teem. itotetigyo3e races, auto polo. etc.,. became popular-and still are. But.

-even greater thefts were,dternanded. and 'thin decnaad brought Li to Laing the, Thrill Day hrog.ams now -no popular. The booking olives sold the Crowe on ,the ldesi that what had been alt ,obi day, at the fair could be made -one of ,the biggest ass's of the week by Ynaugitrattnj ,a, Thrill Day.. Ana so come the halm.

mare Just as popular In pawn. During 1038 tuulblliy-slants played pert:ape Stu faire sod -nearly everywhere drew capoc- Ity atowdn. Indication* are that they

continuo to,bo-good bolt -office fora, Iart tune.

fn 203& nante bac[h were treed out ai a feature., atnmet:on at semen -al taste dtiecW meant,. Whlloo.tbey did not draw capacity crease le .tawny- tnatanoe, ,the tainCes a wee autttolent. to 'lead strerab Mate fan's to try them' cat In, loch Biggest splurge wee made by Atichigaa Ble04 p_ ate, Detroit. It booked scKeortt et the topnotch" bands of the country read presented them at a-Yaanainal ad- tntrsbott petos. ' hots -ands _of younger Poem Soaked to see, hear itúl dance to them; so It loots a* tho next year wIn see kilt - more fairs nitrate name bands..

What of the ,Fetus? As 'In óvaeythln else, there main be et

steady -progreta In grand -stand nuns tb aatlily the Over -changing Melange. or the-publle. Maritally the mows probably will remain much thc;same as at persist, gut' bodkins cruces end fete tnllnagera are alert to the trend, of the tines and quick .to sense any nea'erithu -trim that has ene'- hposslbUlties. Steady iniprore- ment , tit facilities for presenting as sea lase brought Into the ken' of faire many feet -arm that could not have been pre- eented id front of -a grand stand a few sears ago. There le no question that this liaa teulted In a onatlad, lnecvcase in gate receipt*. The fact that the finest entertainment as weft as the tlaeet"es-- hibita can,bc seen at small cost brings thousanda to faire who would-ntt,atte:- rneróly for the caltlblte Por. áfler 1121.

the fair'llea' boltdar and those rbo at

1 }R r


t -63 o


NF,RI Toff SRl a ntatatee set that is typical of revues -presented cat troth! of grand atones et the layer and barter' fell* detetespeafttorts today.,. Note Ms orche are pit lv front of the stage or piºtforrnpouoethioy unknown irntec fenº' firers áe0. The elaborate rertee of today -Acs atoned 20 edemaita_fle err -Matra.

raising stunts of today--aoto. eraa r.ce. roil -oven. craihot 'Maunaming ' Walla and finally alrplaie craabne. Por several yeir-7 dare -delta such an Lucky Toth, Captain geodes. Jlmrrile Lynch, Flash Wlltlama, ,Clarence Muck -and others hare apparently gonetbo limit In thrills. Thrill Days. have rooms to mean !tilt grand brands. Plow long the ,present stunts *11l satiety the pubtlo remains it,- be, atfrít. They -re- good for several soda at wart. And doubtless 'by the time they begin to pall the dare,devlts will think up aoanething new, altho at would teem they' NIA* a well-nigh lmpaa- taable tank belore ham. But then re an Ingenious lot and probably will he able to think up new wayº of risking their lase* and ps aing teat public..

Hillbillies arid' Name Banda The hillbilly craze an the radio led a

few eeercartee :to book atllibtily units with astounding result*. Dread Mande ware packed to-onetime/rig. Lulu Belie. Dade 1: a. -Lotihc btassey. Patty Montana and after fs'rorhes of the ail

tend aspect a full' tscaaure of entertain - meat alongsrttb the educational /eatertn,

Public Slant on Auto Racirsg Auto reelue-when Its is real ~turt-

le popular wtth the public everywhere - But dtha nn opéñ tirerrt that 'hlppodrom- Ing to killing the game. If one clans tbe,,Sguresron attendance at ,auto rams the, country over during the last few years he well Cud that ,-31t bast *boon a decline. The patine likes a contest, but it soon Marna when a contest U not a 'canton, and when that happens m- tereat begins to' lag, Arizona State pair oQitciñh has -e found n way to keep interest In auto racing at a high pitch. When they found the sport teas testa. riing to pall they attained thi aifuatase Ind :Mane dot lied on what for -them hits prayed a successful solution. The/ nnotmcod. that only, rearm Meer, of Arizona would an eligible' for the ~- And ' therm was no gtleatIon ea to the genutnsaoss of the éoeitesta_ Result has been an enormous- growth 1S the ~-

aged PAIR S1T STYLES orb pope 011

November 26,. 1938 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billbonrd -61 k 5 :. y.

r ,. -+"'. /tr_ _



f f Í v r1rçí ITi'. Iit- :Ai

ta --- "11 :w'1

I , u


1 1













1 f r



TI ,



WISCONSINSC STATE FAIifR . the Wiesonab. State Fair was phased with the

paalomaantes e Tweeds Lynch aa.du sussed wish the id splend co-opouiwn aeon the dadaroanaionswet by the

mecca mer.t of'jlmmle lyrist. The VVbtooses Stab Falr would like to Wok -Lynch agaIo tow still stated andglor the rah,.

front: RR C JPRYAL

UPPER 11EN1NfULA STATE FAIR r1í, wa the bleaest cote of all limos :.. . and sec

Willh.avo'it *pain.


BARNES-CARa'UTHEItS General Agent JIMMIE LYNCH Booking Association Sore Oronsn



tir nsinaañrsts1 tha Iowa SIN. Felt was welt p1Mc.d lth h Shit d

_ _ 1 tat M ed

MISSISSIPPI FAIR and DA4RY ASSN:, then Ñ rio doubt In my mind but stn 1hS. b

w e aV prepcL e a e nee fhd%peal.-,* abaw attic Hype In A.wrrka today , . tlMry for the day was 14,416 . . an Incacaaa dab -sat 10.000 was wtvea a sal .nemeM sad. mho/s, was packed veer 19»T ... you hod, sen.et4 h g dtint, all NM fir. nndi Will wine ditf.r,M. fhalp rl and spineehllllne canp.nat. Vela úatdihleM-clece`tho.iwanthlp In'pacacntInr, cacti card I trawl we say to olne to have lhab show of ow ovary act know:eut erowd was lhtOied. . rim apt from:

E ( from: H TRp

MANITOWOC COUNTY FAIR DuQUOIN STATE FAIIR .. we turned Shawl sway how tM vemettaa0.twlce. .... you cove ut a .nappy Iuk-eshrj. bnstitaking . Irmmb Lynch aunt la 111. -crest d.awin( Ned prortr-'m awry pairs* wilt Mmem bar for a lams{ Iti2141.


62 The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS Ilorerttber 26, I988



Friends and Associates F

A Million for Yetis Past Most Valued Business -

City Agrees to 5_ Per Cént Of Chattanooga Gate Gross

CItATTANOUChA. Torun. Nov. 19rÁ réqueat by PreeldeDt Joe Engel. Inter - ente Patr Assoc1etton tbn_t he .b 're - 1o5 od from tela centraot to ply the city a percentage of reoelpa of the loa0

Ifair In Werner Park Irma rvtúsed by the chi. ooniatselon, wMien, bawdº*, did bent n xrduettoo In the ettra,aharo of the gate. PTeatdent Engel said 'coat



od peYalart:t lnlprovrnlsnte he antic to a park bad out deeply Into re- oeipts of the fern year of the tale under r


Everything from a Window -Card to a 24 Sheet: Your Entire Need All 9 00 IMPRINTEDin

One _Bik' Package. NO TAX ALL FOR- DON'T 1' i IT

FI, Iedcr ,For Nerr 1You ! ' Faf 'Folder ant Sea What Yeu

Receive in Thus Unheard-of Offer.






CHICAGO ST. LOUIS 633 "Plymouth Court 153T Washington Ave.

IF YÓU VISIT THE NATIONAL CONVENTION Make Our Recess Your Headquarters. We wIII'bC'ori the 611 ,Floor of the HIp cI.Shcrman in the Dog Fight Room,.N ore refboe 28+30.




/ /

I l`lellana~1011a.w.t.alialiaa0







Sl' il ST1 iT,

AUGUS 119-27, 1939

1937 A.ttcndanco ... 602,586 1938 Attendance . . . 624,308

Ralph E. Amite'"? Manager, Milwaukee

Tó Our Friéndst


STEELE O'UNTY FA Owatonna, Minnesota


his, ndmtnutration- Commiesionér Ft. ,M Cooler said the

city Ube had gone to oomstderabtb ex- petaeet la preparing tite ark for the fair and that 5 ' per)oent of groat rename wield' about cover- thin expense and be in line. with einounts reecho by the city In other years. Contract with En. gel, he slid. called for 5 per cent of the nest 512.000 In gate reeelpte end 40 per cent o: all over this ~tat.

Ile re0otnneended the contyeet tea re- vised io, flat 5 per cent. which was app -- proved. and thin wen paid Leto the parks department fund. The felt drew more then 100.000,

FAIRS Slur STYLES (Continua!' /roar. pece G0)

utanty of auto racing In rt Arlsoa. The races at the Indlnnapoilii lieeedwsy hate' retained choir popularity because every- one knows the contest in genulae. 'rho rural public that goes, to fair* wants auto .racing. abd of the promoter*, are hop to the ps2chology of the public they will 'stage roc »''that rare real contest'. It probably would not be' featable In many Inatanées to restrict drteere as Arirona .has done, but.ettch reatrtction wilt be unnecceaery If a.genulno COntC1a Is -staged.

Progress of OW 'Midways So far *0 hate- had little to M' of

inldway ntftaetHonea That they are en impoismit pert of every fair goes'wtth- dtrt saying. Groaner Or- ~AM 150.000 sod awned ere far from email chants. end to drew inch amounts at midway moot hare enterietnenrnt'Uut the pulaile Mee. Cientlenis up fA a few'ye-aT, ago leek' not triad. prcgrina comparable with ethos branches of the entertainment world. But- a few progrer.ett'o moos had {1r7ó0 They began not Only to drew up their, rides 'and fronts end- provide attractive 11 httz $. but Mao to pull real talent to their Abavva. Otherh frellowed m:1t-titer had to to meet oompetltlon. Working under the handicap of moving Use lingo otitille, wry wee!. prQdrrti ficeelanrily has been slow. There Is still pltaty itt room for lniproveuncnt:-ciad We coming. Thy publeb is too wan aduratr-aI to good eittertainmeet to 000 - tin -no pntronalior anything Clint dote not glee It n fair tnoney'n worth. And ao the carnlvnis that suscite met lennrcoe to moot the needs of -the tlmee. As In other linen of buslncee, there will illwaye be abawmcn who try to glee, as little end get as Mitch as the Create will 'bear. But they wilt beemne fewer end- fewer e s they -:canna that In the long run it well pay them In dotter» and cents CO run their shows on a Strictly bttelnose baits.

Fain Are 81g Business During the 1635 season tirof'thn lead-

ing fear drew' an attendance of more titan 15,000,000 people. iic'oordtng to agates of the lnteroattonnt' A ',oatatton of Paint and Eepoeltlone, and the 2240, or more tetra of the United Matta and Caardn had a total ntto:dance Of more



It We Want a -tee Sateen (take --Year Salary Les,

S4.4 Permanent Address,

SIDIIEY BELMONT fullcrter, Building. SL Leal., Me.



S K Ill

!.realm lie C4,11 cal lUeetflt

250.500-1000 WaNe. Usad,.buó in ertart


EDW. SAMARA, Ing, 31 South SL,

How Ye,s Cop,_




P., W. A B gOTT

Managing bóertor

MINNISOTA1 Federation, 'of County



U. 'O, Jacob,. key.. Anoka, Mina.

than 50.000,000. -That. moat nsattr a! pulp Kite -in the dare "of big busenoas- Tletuaxa on the atf0*l:41 agent for enter- tainment ere not nta able, but the/ run Into an ettnrmoue sum_

Por,tow monthe of the year talm,p4O- rldo employment for dieter nda 01 enter. tattier'. Etch year the..dentalmd gto-- greater end! there la a greater inelntttIce on,'duaUty. 'which souks oils id the sib- enntowe Of everyone coneesflod_ It pre: vide~ an lncenttee for mediocre. seta ¡0 improve tbett turns -and aesaniree the con - tinned inter:et oil the lteibet0. BO, born

all inrttoatlotis, Inns ,rill eon t1tne to 'act the atyica-In, rural entoetslnmeá,t for many -lye's toe:cooi0.



Harry L. Fitton. Manegct Billings. Mónttna

November 26, 1938 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 63 -


`. K LI U S LIE R Fair Grounds

Urges Exclusive Thrill Hose

14110' Girard Ave.,, No. Minneapolis, Minn.

Sanctioned Auto Raes ,Prosrarns. Thrill Shows. Stunt Orlring"Exhibitions. Airplane Crash Through a House.

By Capt., Don. Voge

Reckless Ray Kennedy. Skinnor Stark and Hank Sommers, 'formerly with tho Siiictdc Club, have ',joined oür organization 'to make the "1939' Thrill Show" *he,' gro.tcst over producéd.

la addition we oiler 'Midget Car Races, The= Taking Ott and Alighting of an Airplane en ,the Top el a Moving 'Car. Comedy Trick Flying Ace and other Sen- rational Attractions.


Only flying return act *Pits kind. Three pretty gust, one^ man catcher Theta gins do tricks that men liven do - a Sack Double. tho one and only Pusrrg in Midair. Provide thrills with their rensa. Henal ands graceful aerial evolu- tions. Section's Greetings to MyFrisnda

1323 N. Shepherd Drive. Houston. Texas..


Mew Yen and Rerr England teMI ry. 1 .-d PMtn, Putllrhv' and *ea Drum. JIMMY ,DALEY ATTRACTIONS

11 aerie marl 5ure4. Airiest. tt, T.

FREE ACTS now rifting -4e, ACTS FOR tolo rains

OELEan nieces. aire hita' panlciSa a RI P,Nt LNOsr,

Consolidated Arnuurncill Éulsrpriscs IMmns' 0, 0dm ;. aspa 0111.15.15.

Des Metas. teen.

ATTENTION, ACTS SLSST ii rea ocre. blab<t.s. ,Ails re an passe.

eas t no Act a ÍW , t. amt

aµ KeeILUAMS 8o -LEE b Ave..A M. Past Atlas.

WANTED ACTS a wa.1 nt--`t Ear S.,tra 7Y+rnrvT. Inclaei-c ltall-m: Anhwei. r.~ Aar ,at orrr ~ coo 1

lav.'a s.o.t 1rr,raeGt. Rp.t wtA v:1R a 000ltE. wosee:a,

faa Nr'rt ewes.,LnMq,er, va



'BINGO BUSINESS" A Column About Bingo In the



S 71,121fOR, tela.-ADOttt 2.3300 feet of tn+utated coppes,'Crt s: used tn. ughtteig the "White way on Trt-Btato lair grounds bare tens Stolen, Asigo O erns Aretakcr. rejeorted to poltts.

YO1UCT0't, beak. - Slides¿ directors seer elected it tbo SlsUt an:ival meethig Of aharcholiS'i' of TOrSton Altrlculturnl and ritduttzlai mtitlbltl0rt Aseo:tattoo. Plnanalal statement on the year's opsea= tit shorted a deficit of 01,D00.01. (trance fn 1007 totaled, 13.30436 as con - pared with 43ms33 thus year. Atttna- _tone 20 1038 lest I10172.80. Ci5cd stand returned 1.5.22130.

W1IARTON. Tell. -Combinad Wharton and Mntasordn County Fa hero. ,111th anni}

Fair, here. on October 1Bá3 ass the most

autueegful In hlatdry of the ese4Clatlop. Total attendáunt of 70,000 tapped pret7otu swords, with Friday setting, veer atngla-dap- mark of 25,000. Prtereladam' touched nov: bitch of 13.000. Feld here. tery.Managcr Starry Y. Cvpenhaim«.

McCOhIB, tflstAmoog,lnipro cinema Wanted for 11410, following ~tool of talc llret Pike County Pair In Iererel yea" an Co ar st 5-8. are pe_renasient tie- bontt hallo and a plant site. enlarged Flue -stock exhibition to double the, 1338 spoon* ereeuon of open-air. arophltbea. tor. lasing out of ,;permanent mldwny tote, paling 311' Streets thou grocnds.and COmplots drat: s^.

nurolor. O. - Misers concessions. .vrktas custard inechtnea. *Ttawball.. pop.torly candy floes, unitise. lunch -and drtnk stands rind grand annuls. are in winter quarters here miter ñ saacerdul lopaon at Ohio, Indiana and" itichie,n fairs. 1-1arge 130011ding,ie betnit t,enrodeic4 Under *Uperehhtsn of Prank //tuba and 3taurtoe Myers .10 house equlpn ent.' It wilt also hero a' point and repnlr' shop and verse OA hindquarters for 'Service Dlrecthr Kuhn. Scn.e held* N -reuses are In lna.

SASICATOON. Sank. -Vitae for 11359 were taxed by Western Can:adw Fade An - ace: Mots,' Class I1. here on 11o/ember 3. The aisoolatlon dealt with the aitti. W'bwain from the Olrcmilt of the fairs In Lethbridge, Moose Jaw.. Yorktan ,and. Tenon Albert, which have formed the Canadian Midwest. Pans ~Del Alton and arranged timer own date. Annual meeting/ of Weetérn Canada Fain Aíó elation will be held In Wlhnlpeg on Jan- uary 16.18.

ST. CLAMREVILTE. Or-CcnMruatton of water maim. and .anftary and atocrn letters throovt Belmont County gatr ground, Is planned for Dext spring by the board. The plant will have lmptose ttxlUn ~IOC enure than 110,000.

GONZALES. -Tea Gonºnten County Fait on October 24-29 had total attend- ance of ío.00Ó, with, 300.00, on Saturday. President O. B. 3tobertson and Cenral+ Mnnascr R. A. Raanachel -aid the fair

the beet attended ' rád land the largest, number of exhiPitfn in DSccry of the' &cseelatlon.

RA XISSDOR°. Par-Taeáty-CIve thou- sand copies. ea -the amclal'paemIum I st for the 1Q09 Petnayivanla"Penn Rho.9 boo worn placed to the mans 'by the Pate. Shsw ContrntalQf, List Offers 8.181 cash nwardetotaltng-442A24. break- ing aR records for number end vs.lue.

CFh'TRALIA. Weatlr-Board of Ueda County Fair hare voted to change the mart tr)' Southwest Washington Pair. and the annual Will omlaraoe aetlelties of the southwest section of the 'Slate.

DE PEKE, Avis. --'taro 1335 Brown County Fair had protlt ñ1' 11191.46. re- ports William 8. Elatla,. eecaetarl. Re- ceipts .of e20.13w7O Included ei.O47AT. gates: ,13.88300. grand r Ir'md: OT.IAS 05. e000eeslonr, $4B0. wild life concession: 91.032.50, ptromturtt hook;. 12)4.75,, rent Trani. exblbttoca and 13.000 Slat, aid.

PARMKYt CITY. BI.-Col. Cc o. Klttle- pta wee re-elected president of Penner City Pair Assoctataon; _W. F. Pett_sen. vice-pcetident: E. S. ii%gliLman. aoue- tarp: E. -R. 111tr=hnrt, treasurer.

W/ADEYA, i1innr-'rhere wilt be It din. nor at noon and date* will IN hit qt the annual raeatusg of Pine Belt Pair Circuit here- on,-November 30. Offlorms will he elected to atLecerd'Preaident AI. B. Taylor, 2kmkijl: Vice-Prpódant Allen Doman. Grand Rapids, end secretary - Treasurer whits)' Mturrey, Wñdeho_


a 1


1 : alfi

.-g l

- I f/` _ri.: . ..--.._ .. a c ,r ..1 p/ 'e rii i

., ,, 1ai,.t y ttre 1 ur /J °

TIrH -rKEt4rQRLDS/'eriPiYEST _AYTIVt:,YIQNrt F IRA 1Vtc awlli2TH

o7Vf2i4 45Slll'arórt. 156U BitDnl)1YAY L' ' YOT%'!7

.ale . #.01.m.WrILTM L0/.4 0014 .. r It_' .. VP S





WORLD ON PARADE floats Stet (.1,19321; SHOW OP A CL N wet RY t iceat Scats Fak. 1934) SOARING NIGH rMwreaeaa Slat. Pair. 1915: Rilt AND CIH!CR'l Meireenta State Fair, 1'936 i t Also WESTERN CANADA "A.. 1434: Rarest Tetoneelapeiatien. 1711,"29. '35.awd.916.1

L Address 1411 EWWOOD AVR.., DIRWYN. ILL.









STANDARD OUTDOOR ACTS fir Orr 1939'Cic.u, in Fans. Alta W. et' ReflaSte Sek nee,.

529y Ceeru treiai Sheri. Wafc4ao. la

X939,. á


ATTENTION tan '0.. Cal.lec Eves te press Deese~ 15, eretoreass will be given N Acts new in Mkt Tens. /

It you ee tp te 11cf+d, tend tusM n bel dalti aa,Ile es. cote sa .."5.0'sp . yes a / pad

I in Cá ',

nida; stets she ekes .neta+ and' copy .d Taw 1~rahsre at, at. DlAuVAIS5 Ola Awn* Elda., 1502 S1. C.She.,ee Ili... Wee We 'Ltcaireat.


(,4 Thy billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS November 26.3 1938






G RieLyikl , Prttentln,.;rri arrlatd,j.hidls acrid contortion Iranxo tñt and posl: terct,r, hip`xa"t ad or rtf,lcind an the,rfwatl,e,.tl:. mind a polo 't00 it.hlb,

Wtºsfjíitg a Merry Xnlas ro Mr. A Perham C. A.'KW^ Mee. i.a Miter and WHO Oraadccatirr4 Station for the nits aceaon of 20 srecka outdoors..


-- FOR SEASON 1939 Wish Coonvayeréult Soasen ee Park. Semen.

JIRRY D. MARTIN, Y- O, Wes' 44. nosMO. Pork El. j. Esdorns Roprinentaiinn far the New York Wortdilna1a, Siren Agency.


If It's Thrills You Want in 1939.. .


Winkey's SUIIIDE Original


Easily Eclipsing th.e Extrirrce'Efforts of=AU Other Expe1Z Stunt Mcn.

Under the Management of a V. n Shosr,mim Whota Practical Experience Coven "All Anglia of the Stuart 'Business.

Write or Wiie 5800 Wool/dale Are.. Minñmapoiis, Minnesota or CONTACT 'OUR. REPRESENTATIVE AT' Tfft CONVENTIONS.

GOVERNOR, HENRY HORNER' Invites you to exhibit rat and visit the


J. H. LLOYD E. E. IRWIN Director of Agricultura Genai'a1, Manager

exceptional entortaiAmcnt- by a:n exceptional tfirül attraction! 9 tF°LJL ®' HEART'S


1550 Srdadway, New Yank City

121 Ft. High Double Ladder Serration. d' exceptional !seeress, it reflects the brilliance of its Starst

ai:CCptioasl beciUse they .ichiaye indirldaaUlyt exceptional bocauta ,theyaée diafiettly euhtandiogl

AYE LAD--'Tia.tile clastic in High'Thrill Actx. Crash Donation.

XMAS G R EET I NG= /runt -


New tsnglanrl!s latrgras Iridrpenele, 4 'tr¡,rr,:itry,

BOOKING: FAIRS -- PARKS - CELEBRATIONS Ablation, Psi, See,crseiei -tor ut submit you a speclinen.-ppe rseo

your 193') dates. Poe


Fair Meetings I'In0 Belt Pair Circott, Novcuber 90,

tt'ndcna.. Minn. Whitney Diurray,-aeo. rotary, Wading,

Iaternattonal Association of Puke and' Islcpoafttona, leaneMberr 20 and 30. Honsl' Bbcran-n. Chicago. Ralph T. Itetnphlll, ~ern Oklahoma City, Olds.

Ir era Pair hennagera' AseoólaUon. December` 12 and 13' Ussery Hotel. 1a[a twine*. B. W. Williams, aecra- tary, Maaicbeater.

lows State Palrlloard. Decor lber 14, Savory Hotel: Dos Moines. A. A Corey. ~rotary. Dee Manson;

Wisoonaln Aaaoclatlon 01 Malta. J71:11. vacs 4-0, liatal 8cbroader, i[itwaukee. ,

J. P. Malone, secretary, .Bearer_ Dam. u Western Fataa A+ .00Ii rr t1ºn, Jnunry

r 5.7,- Paleor' Hotel. Sol Frrinetaao. Testa Pain accretarl,,. Sacramento,

' Calif - Mane Assoctetion or lec.r.iae ^Ire.

Januory 10 one 11. 110 144 Jayhnwk Topeka. amigo ,, secretary. Valley Palls.

Oí_10 Pair Meaigrts' Aasoclntlon., January 11 and 12, Deahldr-Walllclt Hotel, Columbus., Ma, Don A. Denier. *kecuttct, aacreeary. SeDe- footalne.

Minnesota Fode att0A of VOUnty Tails. January "1113,. Nice:let Hotel. MLnnenpolla. I.. O.° Jacob, *screwy,

i Aaaka, l I Wcotarn C d ~anon anon of Ec-

hmItIOnly Jeunery 10.15. Fort hazy Hotel: Winnipeg. Man. SW W. J'Ohrni, secretary, daskntoon. Sark.

Western Canada PaIra= Miaoctattoe. Jantio_ry 16-18, Fort Garrl Hotel,

cg° Man. Knuth mousse. nacre. tarnPortage La PraL-t0. Matt.

Canidla1 Midwest l alas Association. JAttuary 113.13. Port Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, Man. A. S. ltusaeli do . semi - tarp. Lethbridge? Alta.

btarmehtisetta Agrlcutsura! Pairs Amoolatton. Jnrrvai.=y 10 and 20, Hotel Northampton. °Ndrthrunpt4n, A: W. Leonhard. secretary, 136 State Uotae, Boston.

Virginia Assocleticn of }a!». Jnnu- any 23 and' 24. John hln:ahatl Hotel. R;alrntoad. Charter B. Ralston. asCra- tarp. Staunton.

Nebraska AaaoctetlOn of Fair M*n- ageca, January 223-25. Cornhusker Ho. tel. 7lrceln. Chet G. Morahan, secre- tary. Arlington_

PennaylT nle State As-neisttoa of County Palm, January" 26' and 27. Penn . Hard* Hotel. Hat7;abnlag. Chsrlai,W.;Suoyer, nacratary, ILcading.

Tºxas'Asaoclati0n of Paine. January 27 and Zit, Adolphus Hotel, Dallis*. O: 1..' Pbwler, secretary. Denton..

Association of Tisl nelt^_í`i Pairs. February 7, Noel Hotel:' Nashville. O. D. Massa, secretary.'Cookerille..

-New York Slate Assectatton of County Agricultural &xlatlas.. rebtu. racy 21. 'Ten Eyck' Hostel. Albany. O. W. Harrlacn. tereretar3. 131 North Pin, avenue. Albany.

$SECRETARIES o! as_.z rations nboutd rend' in thietr dates si'1nür guirles ,see being evade.

Seetnaidefront woes 01 thin' Gracie fórecont. plcte picture




FAIR M EN Yee arc cordially i¿avtted to ' ms et Me mold SAefsaan, Chkaauder. Ins Oa A.r.R Conwellon, 340 why laic act ha. eai,ted'6 can. 2.222,. vanes. of valid bNMk,ca- why it bas bees. feal.aed In sir., reel-way phet. maya.lnet utt4 tt for picture a,+.ada---Why other mss. alo fat publlahed cemµ tl Owlet a.4 pklu.ep--why Oeuripptkn., bare bien breadeaie by radio. Yowl; want R far your fair. AVAILA.ELE OR PAIRS, - Maxi


Pcensa Brat Aden. Can of


The Rohe Hits Croberoads, Then Back to Grass Roots

NSW YORK. Nov. ]0.-111mbc ¡Acbmsna Oalct 'man and profetalonel rustle for Ilarnee.Giñitlxrs ]rats Booking Aaao:la- Nian,hit the Times Square.bolt aricLoa- or:mooed _kilo TS ~on at talrs ltttfe short Of terrine.

no -attended Cho NSA banquet Thurs. ,day night, then bock to useWendy City 'etas the ales circuit. Etsad he's on -tiro mooch for aC.ñ- far Minnóaata, Inca and North Dakota. alalting tow'n's ,abo'ir houses and clubs with that in mind.

V. A.TROMPSOLer mnnazer or Thom, sort[ _Woe. Ballroom anti Pnratltttte -CO.

e reports late oagnnIJntlan has bean 'con- tracted to furnish balloon ,afeeºdoe and

I,prracbuto linnie .1 the 1428 Valley Mid - Winter Fair. 11arlbngen. Tex.

Ágricutturai Situativri Condensed botan Frorni October Summary, by.' U. S.. Department of Agrlcatlture.

Washl`ngton, D. C.

(' C't'ODím ba the -1sualnat month to .7 agricultura, Farm employment IS at needs d ppnk as, -tens of thoulatitdr of' sddltlopal bands b.:p with the ]rarvest- ,Ing; and preparation of fan crop.' roe tba2kct-M=ton. tobecce and, peanuts. In the South. ruses bents to, tte.iIorthwest, apples oil the Pactllc. Coeart. Abotlt..the esrre farm labor haul:vet= etnpiOl'O4 Iola' year as la -t, notwltnatailding sharp t0 ducttons In prices of farm product.., Pyoa wota for -felland wester marSe+t$.

-hare rlmproted. =nee memory hie 14 , creased production; sohedutee and, pal

rolls_ But a big gtséation mark Ls sha .Sport demand' fol' American entail -prod- nata. BAE tali ayttmatld toa World wheat supply at close of 6,000.000 bushels, ser toed berseat ón Teem& Of stir' total US! Oolted'Ststee MN. stout 23 par oent..TrA world supply of cotton has Leen eeU- mn'e.ct at about 51. 00.000 bales, of tablieb about 10 par_ cant I. Ame:Jaen =Sto.

<SU AGRICULTURAL ,bíI pipe 1031


13013 s,OVEY The Original Sky High Boy

Pcaaentfing one of the world's highest and motndaring Contortion swaying 'Pole acts. Special ligHting effectf, ;ochading neon. -


West. East Woonga. Okla. a Rosemont. Martinsburg W, Va.

November 26, 1938 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 63



AT stssieYS or Taft: d,tTN AA'NUAL lMF:SSth'G of the lete- rnottoasat Asao- datdon of Fats án4 Erpoaf lout le the Hoed ~mime. Chrcopo. o-1 ,NotYn- 'Ur 23 and 30 Ralph R. Ammon (tell). manger o1 fvtseerseie .~rate retr. xt21 presrde, and "Wilton Danalper (rtpht); cihairman o lhe'pOCeratatitrt reletfºne conlrtillte. »n4 oaatreet pertarat manager- of eatfern Storer Erpoiliffen,

, 8prlegíteks:Weee* 'MU pipe the report 01 Meet tetportaet Eutp. Outer sprouri on e.irrear probreans _and toprea :Net immure Secretory .Chertts lie.,. Green, 1IlMuri State Fatr;'ScdnUa; L. D. Iferriel Jr.. to rotary-indna'w ol South

'Tema state fair., 8taum°rtt,. end ttarold`F. Darns, ªe retcry.mana;lsr of North ROntena t'atr; Crest Fads;

ACT SAL.4RIfES- (Cowfi4tted from paps' Ss)

the effect of tnereettng cost of pbdue.- lion while -at the eame time trimming net yr l t per ohaeaa glass. Tito otnxiu- tieturer thus owLut i his eX,tow rd Tol- e,,, brinping his ultimate ,,protlt, °aP detplts felling per eaptta.pins. In clue ' Ipp3teo A'-buslnele a point U sometimes re -tied when many too any sales Wrist to tctrg profits_ doien. according to the rompllcated-lave,a of ditienlahing;tbtnrna.- tut Ma 17saaa bear* llttle,o' no rela- Uon tQ ,the net -booking bltaneo cave that,'mucb ~base baggage in the !corn or a,lbLelanderd acts bee to be carried tee the 'book., rind aot-I en much a ii

1Dceatble If undor contrectuel ObUga- Útanaa to dó -so,

Under rhea form -of competition the act ceañ stand he ground quite capably 'aad'can derner.d, and,get its, par-*ttluo salary. In rainy caeca, going by ,the ILccty that the act la the lifeblood or beoidng oStro, It can obtain better term": the booking *Mon can pick up Ile di. r«t 1.101" "gatun trom-tho sale of en sot rte the oput:actor or producer method, te, better yet, by the s0 -call d blanket contract. where no. neta ore absented by name but are loft. to tber-diacretion of the' booker who rs "usually' tboroly con - Tenant with Outlet wants. Tbo blanket eat.ttact 18 cicloen or'berer Oren out to an untried booker MI his Aral turn at bet with thatt,patticulor fair or other otttIct.

lien buyers can often buy act by set treat One organiletbOn or more and save their rochine% money.- but such buys--* ate to the moat mtnorlty. It considered. foodtbaslnene judgment to have enough e hnftloree In th?, booker or bgytro him as wide a leeway e poatbte_ Wt they con tarp by beittg ultra -

Ltct;T 1s more than made up far by the deeI;a of ,the reputable booker to give Use. beat that 13 In him, the best In *truce and facilities YAnd. molt 1ro- pIrtant of a I. -ddb -rey of the,iEt or acto rust -acted for. -If the outlet does not halt" enough éonSdenoo- In a ~ter of X!PUtetlan to -gire hem the benefit of the dose,, the sltiutton colts .tor a change. but, it oleo calla for atrdyribefore IM erime.nting with new ,Laces. This U the a oteludtog'erttdo In this _honer*,

LiTPLE' ROCK - (Con-U'uecde jromn papa 65)

repeated- next year; but a me tth earlier."

hteatiy ratIt3 on the lien day cut at- tapdance to 7,300. The eaeoclation ce- peeted 20.$00. Cold Weather Óñ tbó accord dap kept croada dafrn but' at- bind:t a advanced -on the third day. !lest da, for the rodeo was Friday, School Day, when prlcta were reduced lo 25 coats foe chlidren. Among ire.) acs were Site Kyle. high direr,; Johnnie Oib foe a 81:c Atortarcirt. on 00 -toot rig- giuti; amateur 'show, eOtI erta t3y S* eotlepo .bends and Dave Will


Trained Pelemtno Morns, brought from Calrfornta by Colonel Barton.

Assoclutlettf booked 25 sat ColtCCetne. fo Fairly Et Little Shot -e hod 59 comes -- Jost. 12 riding.detdors,nnd 79 dhows hilt

bustex® woe reported' parr. Mid*ny sans dud to be. too. far from the main entrance and rodeo gets, but neat Year this will be, remedied.

DROP IN GATE (CtsiUnered from pope Si)

chairs. 71hie egirlpment "-Ill be por- elrened tel next leer.

Royal American -'Shor& matntainIng their high atanderd, which had tapir tmsai good colleetlon of midway-attrac- tiona, elceed the ain't -n here _ and entrained fez "whiter,nuartore In Tara. Pa. Its.

Ethibits were letter than at any pro. Inoue annual. Lite stock came back for dIspiny after an absence of 'evernl gents, poultry anew wee carted the basket any fair in the- Southwest by experts. Of- flcial ettesldenoe and retinue figure« nro,not yet ava fable,.- Secretary herring will attend theChicago meetings.

CALGARY'S' SURPLUS-- (Conttnued from pope 58)

the years. the 190A eurpine brought the amount,' saved by the company for a. -rainy day" 40. 0.53.072. - 'Edo 1038 ex- hibit -tar ranked among 'the most ruc- oe:trtul In the 63-gr6nr bh.tosy. .i)et President S. CLarlea Yule. it wan re- ported that ail ripproprlátlo® of 1144.19u' bad barn made-fram,the redere!'Worke Program- for new- buildings.,,


FAIR'S ASSOCIATIONComalei Orrr Annual Meetiil fr in


LEON A. STEVENS ALFRED' W. LOMBARD President Secretary-Trbasilea,

- -



Emery Fair Man Welcome




. --

.... ., it tKh+p*illir ... ° o

- f , :r,y h, .





a. .

.' e ee V1tK 1

t a

OCTOBER .11-t 1 errs

3,45,6.7, 1939 f.







"FOUR BOMBSHELLS" Tied. Nam. Sta. -Q. ti Pan Otfew Pateara Nadine


CERIUM) NOTICC-This Attraction -IN be'S+Mwlttcd,to Only a few Bene.Tide A.ct D. -.n att.the

Ckfcaio Conranllee. T 11411 $WING Is TO

FRANK WIRTH BOOKING ASSN. 1560 Brwdway.. New York City



EIN1 ALEE TRIO World'; tnast"seie.ational novelty sliootitag act


Tutoring The " 'óeel of Depth Shooting at,a reoolsing hunian target..

A crowd plrrscr anywhere: For indoor circuses, threaten, class night dubs, óportamen's -ákows. .parks. false rodeo* and seereleor reelobtstioes.

For Indoor events. Write For Fain and outdcor events. R. W. ALEE.e Mgr: BARNES Cr CARRUTHERS,

9514 Yosemite Ave., -Detroit. Mkh. 121 N. Clank -St.. Chicago, 111.




I-The Western Cáñada Association of

Exhibitions Annual Conyenfión Place: Fn.* Garry Heim, Wlnnlpolt, Canada, Tlene: )aeuary 16th. -17th and' !8th. 1939.

F-_ W. KEMP.. Preeld:nr 510 W. IOHNS, Secretary Edniontow, Canada Saskatoon, -Canada


Perukes la Prairie. Canada L.tabsidti, Can.4,

66 The Billboard CARNIVALS Noaelnber 26, 1938 Conducted. by CLAIIDE R. [LLtS. ROBERT DOEPKFR, Aum_lete, CorraqunisaHom fe 25-27 Opera Phut. Cínciasatl. O

'SAS HAS Big Grosses Are Runge Up,

Weeterii Canada figures hi new nurse --still dates re- sult in szltitifactory bja

DRAIIS[ON3L Ton, Hey. IR.-Royal American t3Lov,: 1018 season, whdCh ended. here. pa=ved Into history with records establishing it M the'moat ttc- Oratut ye« of the wganlzyeiLort.

The alcove startled 1Cta.snow World by peoducing atteIIdanoe titiaés In its &even Cats oti theCanadin.Clane A western Lair eircnlÉ by *bowing tin thcreaaa of from 10 to 1S per Cart over reeved -break. lung year of 1087. Tats lndltriied c:ttie f rom Calgary and Edmonton. ¡Lite.: Ciro Manitoba to ?i WJtltam and Port Arthur, Ont. Brandon rs.a !rte lust d teti attar the ,above left Davenport. M- atter 'Calgary teiloeyd tirriodon. Then cartie Edmonton. where the their eatab- the highest thercase to gross 1n Canada. la Snekntoon tine show sr -

(See RAS HAS ny..Sr cat pope el)

Met Sector Is Mecca for Outdoor Clañ

NEW YOfttt. NOT. lo.-1latropolltan sector this ttreek = assun:e,d all the pro. pon dates of Chili Heal' Sherman Raglc Carps; prior to the Wlridy City cnnclavc ellcinseei by the banquet -ball of the Sllowm.ena League of American Loon] canter et I: Wert La the S1.A119- D.itt o ~~slice, National Shnwtnen`,-Aesociatlon rrltlt ;

goinge-on is pegged around -Ube 01211

Nitio Thursday -at the monk Coenniodtire.

Not In irons, tt e+irr. have yet allow: men Mtn no many midway lamed'. eon- OtesalOnare and albeit esteltitee rusetnbto at this point at thin period Of year. The cor.2eetion L sei congested. In fact (re.

-(gee MAD _SECTOR ,cut pepe,al)

Sim Angelo Sends Western States to Qitnrters`in Black

BAN ANCLIS.C. Talc.. NOV:. l9.-Weetern Mates $home ended their 1038 tour' hero ]sat week. Aided by leo Simone, Lire dive, which attracted lnnge,crowda to Lilo midway. Maws enjoyed a profltebtc dos': Mg wceek. Larry xttillins,of shows' dtaf, repot anon despite' shortage of Money taro the territory played the treason warn aatufnctery,' All u utpmant'w chipped Into quarters nt ban Ardennes ter the Winter.

Ooaer l Agent Jim Schenck, Chow pilot for the plat Are yenta left for Denver. ter COntibue booking for neat eealen. Albert Wright. buatttses manager, went to Chicago. where tie win become ~- elated with a ,,brokenega-canes. Owner Jack Rl,bsck and Benny Ifymen will *feud the holiday.. to ltan ns City, bto.

Clianlpien Changes Runde GT,L VIc...AND. O.. NOT. SL.-C tatnplon

Electric Co. here. formerly owned mid opeeeted by W. W. -tile, heat bean rue. cc t ed by the Champion IPeet.-1c MIS. Co. Oirtgln of the new company are Leon O. Summetu,. ppresident and general itnn.livr, Val"' ' i. ttuntrnru. vice. per ii ant. and Charles i. 8umnteirs, searetary-t.-esauter.

Krekoa Re -Sign;- Jessup BAN PRANCIaCOI &or. ,¿p.-like

KCtck+w, manner of West Cruet Arntuiq- nunt On announced; here this week that he J,4 re shined W. r1. Jeaanlp aui gtncrsl agent and business meila}tler fat 1M?. Jrsaup thtºe am b o co:winded bla eighth with the show.

YEAh' KANtkill3 CITY, .:$0...nore. 10.--Teinn

Collins and Showmen -- -





-eEsodel- M tuts is 4 CROUP .Or >mu-asR.5 of the Ladles',Aurtlierp; Heart of Americo Showmen's Club, [urines Orly, Mo., snapped on the rlpJK of Norenber SI :Veiny memo[[r terre-one oj..rosan. The r u_ilmtj lsaa a mensbertAifp of id&. Left to HVht'(f rem t rend Mersa SroEr:CtdStttaly: eicaaurerf Mrs.1V. 0. Cancan. pr ident: Mrs. Ellaet,eth Yeaeotit aeerrrar., Sectored rase, Loretta Ryan. airs, Sloe BNsertdliie, Tapes Clark, Jackie lVlitoa. Lucille Ruker'Nezntrtieep, Arta. C. W. Pnrkar. RiiUA MartelIC. Jfra. !Loper Honey, Mrs. Siet Vayytt. .tfoOne Ross. Third ,ote.-WY. Louis Lerida[. Mr,. Charles,ND:han. Mrs. C. 1, Game. irrekV liysrsofl. Sirs. Abner K. Kish[, NMAt. T. tlafnerd, Mrs. mitt White, ,KII. Neal Welterfr Sooty Warr and Lacltre Return.

Whale of a Week Is Ahead Fa r Conventioneers, in Chi

OffIOAt10, Nov. IO Therni a whale eR- week *heed for the outdoor Orxñn= iiaü0ns acheduted to meet in the Hotel _Sherman, afar:lne on Noiember 28. 8bonemen' Imigne of America will -hate an taw/shiny full schedule. starting with the ITnddont'll Party next Saturday nilbt and ending with installatn_ a n of of - beets on R lurOdsy. December 1.

Bernie Mendelsohn and other metnbedti ot.the cm -entitle) era WOrktlr dlllgentty on the Treaident's Party. 'stitch they promise Will be a jolly" and oolortul *rent. to N for rurrnbent Only, an ite rnany.of the Out.OGtawn boys wilt be In out Saturday. a Iarge attendance la ex- peeted.

Annual mennnoelai service will. as usual. be held Iii the Sal Tonkin of the Hotel Sharman. alter which ttweittten'will pro- ceed to Jhonnien'' Heat, where, a admit mrvlec will be .held A lnrige top his b: -n Provided for the outdoor servile to pro --line minter It Weather fa incte_nent. IIushes and privet* cans will be Ors hand to preside Lral.Ap.Yrtatian for all oho wish to go to Woodiewn Cron, eery-

WJect3owor 011k,. rill bo held In the

chile'sostu on Monday. Noreatotr 78. at t' o'clock. Sara .1. Lely..chnitman ortl:e banquet

ante hall committee.. beek ftem Hot Rpatngin. slays everything la set for gain

snout evening. 'ee Collins. brilliant speaker (Sec WHAtS OP on page. raj

Loos Tour Clicks Open Early in '39

SD. Loins, Nov. 19.-J.'Ooóm a 1.00s. whose Greater ,!Jutted Shown close the season tomorrow in l-arrd% '11Ní.. re- ports = n sueeesatul tour. having been out 40 weeks. 18 .or which a -Ir. (nine and- colebratioai deifies. Showa, which

the usually ahingtbnu

in Birthdd..ay dCelebretioir will

open earlier than sear before to 51430. having recently booked the Charr Days Celebrrttent at Beceentv111e. Tee..."which II bold In February.

This dna' and this Waihingtoñ IIlrib- day Celebration nets considered two at the bust winter or spring OelyLayemerita.

Gonplete Program 'of ACA. in Chicago ALL sEIiSJONS of Vie jefeh,onn Wl meeting of Ors dererfagn CSsratrale

.4 ~Men silt be held in Roont SIC. heist' S,lterm-on, Chicago, comorsetíeltap afótWay. ~ether El. at rf p, .t. cod coettenulltº neehtiy at tie samstime and paeoc tnrfU7'rtea baldness of the rnéetinp I. computtredd Opratng of meeting by Purulent John W. Wilson; 1tat1 Call at member Micros. 131. MOM of tnintitea of 1037 Chicago meeting rind approval theteoL Atfmt2l [salon of Otmoral Counsel Mss: Cohen end arsoCLate counsel and approval theregf. Heparin of oeonmttteesc reports ,of martes. Cormorant/often-nit _17150.1 yrlon of ncttetthu of the assoceatten for the. pal Applications fae rnétnlle tainivsnd semen thereon. tra9ftn'llwd' bnulne ta. Now business. laertioq OS directors until -the next annual Meeting_ Directbre' meeting combined, wtth'unembership mere -Mg. Melton of ogtcerss ' Discussion of aasoctatcnll potholes for l!39Í fietsteuan nt next meeting place. Pre.entatton of b21í. P ti s9fteinl report of meeting. Bltecellaneorui buslne . Adele- 1e. by é eenbvia present on sitbjteta to be announced at the time of the meeting. General conference en ~attars affecting the carnival Intlluatry. Adoption. of pollen.* and leglslattve,progrsm (Or LIMP. Open lerum. A4 ournrnent.


Callum, wanted to be a circus clown - [bon be wen a boy. but witnebow he got steered on anetber'Oaurse. After

' Paving the Unlicraity of Kamer bi went to. work an the, old Rana*, Cttt Journal man has been to this news- paper game ever cinco.

staling developed a fink for making hitmorods speech**. as yarns went b7 and Ms tame lncrea~ed. be ',feline ht:n+tlf winkles alau+st' every nIght et psrtlea and banquets. On Sown. -ber3h he wilt ennuis his yen, to, be a showman by appearing before the SbowMon'a League of America bn- gttct In Chicago for the second alma returning borne In time to be at the Heart of America ighowulen s Club banquet at the Held Hotel On New Year's Kee. "A few more dates with

i the showmen's meet at.l0eia and I'll tfeel like o showman. myself," safe CoUtna, wino nsoer day hopee to de. rote la bile limo to making laughs.

Change 'n Plans -Sees Wallace. in Memphis Quarters

BILOxI. site., Hoe. 1º.-Conotudtrig e. 35-week--setiaon at CommunitythCommunityPilr

here on Norturr er ;13 to mediocre buainer. Waltaoe pros. Show% Irtte:le- dtstety cnteratnedl toe Mertrphis..rthere they will_ winter to quarters formerly riled- by Eimdnrn Greater Shows,

Previous arrenaementn bad the abyss wintettRg cm the tide grounds in Moblk. Ala, again, but last-mloute caneella- lion of the Tema tombs the organila tier to make harried arrangements to More r equ.lpiuent to Memphis. repotUe Cenral Agent Walter B. Pox.._8esarml bossiness was pooh but else Orgtenitatloe had e gratifying Inter -rase dUrferg clewing whets. he said.

Visitor's Included Mr. and Sirs. Walter Moore. Jerome McGuire. Mr. ends Sers. Robert R. Kline, of 'R11ne7< 'Greater Chrem moan Siegrtsr Jr.. and Janus Terry.


Mammoth Expo Tour Up to- Expectations

t06 AN'CIELFIN, Nov. l0.--alarnnroth ![position Tram, human Jane animal oddities unit. opmwted by Hutton A Anfertger. list had good bunlncse store lta opening at Flora, ni., Iieoorfing to A.' E. (Iniekf Waltrip, general reproser tans .' Bs aineaw On the Coast- has berm Up to expeelatlora, 'with 'the arganire- tion enjoying exce unitat, ertrtnñeinenia

(See .'fAM.KOTH EXPO on -pace $1)

Cliff Jewell murdered, Robbed; Assce i1:tint Flees

ancrizCU8. O r. Nov. 101-ClIRonf C. Jewell. Rniba, Otis.. member of West') Wentdis Wonder Shown, shish played Sumter County Pair test. week. was slain near here on November 21 - asp pistol wound* at 'ties hands of n -person Cf ponsops unLDCw_n. isovordlag to a verdict returned by -coroner 1St' Jenkins,

Slsta.Patrottnen It MSpenea and J. K Vorroiler, who found Jhereit'a body shot !bra ebb heart nod head. reported that Jewellb.wete said her husband had men than *2.803 -with bici when 'he teft here. Polleefotiltit only 821' but reported that We wallet was relaxing.

Illness' Forces. Autclicll+ To Clóstc in Aiybrvil[le. Ls.

ABBEviri&. Le, Nov. Iº.=Hunda of Mara: John T. Hutchens. stricken whit pneuxnonha friar unite rushed to a hew' piled. goateed sudden nieenete ,or J. Itutebens' modern Museum here out. No veinber e. reports 1.íra.; J. H. Evtins. Phi' tim arras at nest bold Little hop* tar her rnco asy, but bins. Hutchens' oandltlan has- unproved to such extent dint die and her husband expect to glove .far their daughters home lo MOmplfis to anon, a ..kale.

Oetterat Maiw,,yer Notches reported that altho the ,íh .;yl sae- bad. from the Mart the *reactivation Owed. on the right atele"ot tha ledger.. ttcruoylitet. es- cr)tting Mr. and Lift[. W. C. Ruaoetl, ha. departed. The t3tttaells will !ewer 'scan for their home In "Webb City[, Mo.

lYureltbrr 26, 1938 CARNIVALS The Ilillhnard 67

THE RIDE C F TOMORR ' W From the worldfatrious Ridee-O we teok 'the basic prin-ciples and gave it: 25% More Capacity ... Three ree Mechanically Banked Trains . . . Comfortable Tandem Seating ... Striking ,and Harmonious Col- oring . , ,. Start1ifñgly Modern Light Effects ... Unprecedented Speed

. Complete' Streárñline-and we made the "SILVER STREAK"áster engineers. with' all the Beauty. Speed and Appeal that the name nimplies . . . Thé Modern Streamlined Profit Plus Ride for 1939.

Fully protected by patent applications


l I '


- 1 -- -_ k

SPILLMAN SPEEDWAY AUTO Actual receipts for 14 consecutive weeks - S11,560.00 Record for 1 week with 7 cars - ... -,- 11.7$6.85


FLASH . . . Theyre off to new high-with more Power- Speed-Appeal and Profits. The Dyn.rnie Brand New Distinctive' SPILLMAN AUTO his-New Jumbo tires- Biidge Type Framó-Siiént Chain DFlve-Oversize Axles and Wheels-A Rugged New Powerful "Hé-Mah" Motor That Purrs While, It Pulis -.THE CAR THAT CAN TAKE IT.


At long last . . a

fifty foot. light atawer designed expressly for .traveling shows with ... eight power- ful flood fights. and a

red beacon marking the extreme top- bridge type base sup- port- special ,shaped tubular , construction making it uni2elievabll easy to erect and transport.

'Long range search- lights' with rotating drive are also available at a slight extra cost.


r R







The flhlJboard CARNIIVALS November 26. 1938

Cirnivai ge 3d on _ ro áation 'bit before kite there been arch kern intent In carnlests. Never hp a0 ranch been wrttten about

them In local newspaper*. Dever have they had so ranch ettenlion from. the (oldie d pertodlcate. People oviceywbore are talking about the carnival and It. future.

Some **eaters speak privately tea tho. the hearse were *treacly on the midway. Others, Ulna) the Colored boy wFaattng_ when he pewee* a ,graveyard at midnight, keep repenting that time -wore. ellehe "It docent _[tatter what they ray about WM e0 long na they ray something."

I cannot agree with those mneangera, As long a. poopto aro talking about us we lat$'a. Chance. but the carnival as ale know It todny la definitely on pro - bitten. More and more Once are .eioe- Lng to us entirely, and where we are Al- lowneOto play robot nod more ó enenIttees are ¡Likable


e gtu :v.11 . That a real problem u presented here everyone Tamlitar 'with the esenthal will agrees. Hem we ore to meet the }yroblem, which }e Calf no longer avoid, depends on our theory at the carnival budeele.

'lire word rd "carnival" Bono born !O the for generattonit Perhaps a Weave. nit 1tls bstotyt will give Us an angle for mra'tng our present tm chins,

During the so -celled Dark Ages carol- *aW itlnyed to church yards under Writ, plcó oil, the pooar prttot'; who Often dim..ed and managed the shows. Troupes trxrukt travel from' Onie church to tit. other.. To a certain extent that has sort" On Co the present time tind will Continue. tho moat chinch chow* today are antatourltrh In the teat wave of the avlyd-the people put on. a Ate show for themselves and that friends.

The development of the' secular car - Weal was due t.o the taet,.tbnt. carnival roan have to.enttbe year round'. Church tipoase+rithlp tended to bring very quay times at Certain -seasons M the ecClesl- tnUcal year and cloned the nhoawentireit'y tit /lust*, The 'proems was a inpleted hy the Reformation. for the Puritans Cain/ benn power with abltter hatted of all rho a.,whtcb is only today ~inning In soma piaest to yield to toleraao/ and rrwLtlu] understanding.

The machine age brought to She old

Utenter Hbozo, with which he

- remained until lolte, when he opened two, movie theaters In Logan Coun-

L.__eo Mo. West r.

ginta. A t l e f twat years the

call of the read became too strong ant he told his theaters to purchane.e half interest tit the Letilp Attractions. in the spring of x023 be hunched his own Show and' haa been owner -roan- seer of ramous shoves sine .thet time.

In tail be organised the. Buckeye Stale Uboves `vrblch be Still controls nnd''of which he Is géneral manager. A ,genial fellow. Galled u rn.ttiber.,eit many fraternal .oºganirattoas and Is toted 'al fishing rind "outdoor sport:.

carnival nanny things that made 'it, en - ,pear almost entirety newt. Who would think of a midway today without rides? To tine public especially the EH Wheel end the !tarry-Clo-Roane are the carrell. val. The chowl and concessions, liis- torienlly the older and In many ways the more. Important tO.a nucce._tul car- blvaL have been eb meobaidrect thit the tenveling "Chow we have In America to. day u primarily an outgrowth of the Cbteago World's Pair at the ciao, of the



In tlle'Grand_ Ballroom, Hotel Sherman,, Chicago TICKETS $5.00 PER PLATE

Banquet ,Committcc. Show'rrten's, .League of America. 165 W. Madison St...Chieago. III,


TO ALL Freest "The Mighty Mowarc'h of the Tented World" JOHNNY J. JONES ÉXPOS'ITIOIN

he Shoe frcnuflfut L,LAWRCNCt PHILLIPS


By JOI CALLER tAs Told do Ted JohniptI

JOE OJLLLYit was. born W ituds- peat In what was- Austria-Hungary 1

1r} 1802 He "received hie education Ir. ptropeari school* and speaks s,iwb ianguogee rtturttly. Re came to this eountry with his parental while &till young enough to absorb tlw,AMerlatl Ideals, for which he has the highest

reiard. n 1014 rOsUer tutored the amuae-

hat century. tho'Ita Meta run back lnto the ancient carnival.

After the World's Pair closed throe nllOws started to tout tlla, oouratry with the idea that the !laid wan- unlimited and they "would newer play the samo *laud twee., so get' the money now.. 'There 'wc.i no. thought of tomorrow, rio vialoh of 'a future. no idea that the car- nival would continuo to gron.In popu- lar favor until today the ottendanee at

anent 'btlslnnns, a. a coaccartan opar- better aborrl.'along tile midway Often_ slot tit $ahsto- eseeede the total, pop -.elation of the


¡I gta Parr[. Potts- torn played., PA. That e

felt be totaled After my 18 years' experience 'ran- t h e it loin aging allow. Z say rlthorut hesitation Tile unfair cottoeaalon. and the truatocal that the public wants carnivals --41 they amusement ,must So, i repeat: we mutt provide n good, moral arnuanmont.

Zile Buckeye State Shows lade splen- did Illustration of that this year tit: Oiorala, Ala. The Jimmie* vOticbtatton tbOrer is One of the biggest. lifasotlle af- fairs of Its kind. and title was Our fourth consecutive year to play Lt; Ttnee. were very hard in that country-money wan »tame-bltt the geopfe had oónftdoaoo In thetreualtty or our allows gained due-

tho three peerioen ]'ears and they Went' atretgbt, down &A,- midway curt pntronleed every *Dort,, Tram brought Seems to mo eery forcefully that there are no 'hard times for What one ballya ea l "good. *torso nmluernenta." Every- one around Plorals knew. tram previous years that the Sockeye State' Shirr do not operate any unfair eoneessloma or tolerate any of the commonly 'called "hooehy.loeciar or "seek" Mow*.

This hot - operate_ d to our advantage In another ways The cntcrtntrra nt ttusinesa being aueatiatly a matter of, nOrelty, oarclnittoes often would like to have a different chow each year.'Often they receive front unkroivn shows .btdn far in ,oxoees of the real valuj rot the Wanda, This puts,eéiidlte fireasur'e on the committee In fever 'ofrthe-uncncorit_ But ail long ea ea many JStotrf ore still playing on a no -reborn back the wise committecC will take the show Ir wbrlse manager it has established. óantldenoe. trusting bans to be ahOwman enó-ugh to provide something new aixl.dltferent each year, and to be Judge cneugll eC people as well as shows. to .bring only reliable,. rcepordble people with him. A small tlnanctal saertfice today may easily Save a sever, headache Inter.

- a -

'The sarnl:vl Is buelnisi-big lntalnese. The very smallest thew repmmcnta an Investment of aiteest 850,000, The aver, ate show on taaroed today costabetween 8100,000 and «200.000 for equipment atone. Conservatively, there la no lca0 than 010.000.000 invested to carnivals tn. the gutted Staten.. gtving employment to upward. of *11.00/ people dlrealx on the lots and:to'untold *dent -boat thou. sand,. in the fabrication of-tenta, truck.., trslnsy rides and other equipment.

Yea Indeed, carnivals are big.Mthtees -and It is the duty of the carnival manager tome that ti to also a legitimate business. It te Ids nee work to provide amusement and thereby to return to his owners e fair- profit on their Money. The security of their lnycetment and the welfq o of the eonplby're's are alike lot ht. henna. The public le the lath, and for good: clean fun 'ht -will award hie handsome pay: for trash It will throw hie show -to the wolveat

We must give, the public ''What It [rants. Two long boa that cry been usurped by Cho 'P otagonista of filth. A 'hod, moral amusement is b ' far the meet profitable in the tong run lsy

salt Aaaocuriene end Ce.wwtlIetts, we are now bookaas tss,the lad" Senses 1n. Mid..Weiserw ""cxplrionoa 'bear.' that out, Tito bates eashaivsy. We Assn our RNr.,s Devises. Will ifeenlel stew Canvas and 'setts tar exportencea of ma -Other ehowanetl t.h-eta,atbow. WANT NO far! e w -Na .Ran. Shear epees April lSear Wields*. s. Ran. wudir It.

nun' To take only' once example. defiers, Qrarlerst. Address ants ralease r le, Concwai.. Raw that Of a pc:monal friend, look at the

P. If Boo Shows. Pot altmaat a firth

or a century P. 11. bas been playing the SWIM/ circuit and making mae.ey-- not tie: perhaps: but atoaddy.

Winire is tia g37t artist, the seek pusher, the untalr.conecoaonor who can show any real profit he has held front bu operatIonst

Aonther pros( of title is to be seen I awry time a ahow plays' n new Cairn.

Firrtt the_ wilits trine_ They are siis- piclotu; they look us overt When it la nettled about that 'the show b gold, that the, eat* are noun, that the eoncasnionr are on the level. Uteri, and -not until them do fathers bring their families. youths bring their aweetbr>,rts, anotieo let their children clame -to the lot alatty, Titen, and only then- the midway is thronged -rind' crowds spend freely.

:glee, the rublio what It wants. We Carnival men are killing the lusty ¢oller who ban fed us acid 'eared for uto Every tines a Cnrafvnl bursts up a town It is biting the hand, that feeds it. Even the anitii:.Li in 'our 'aide gigot -is know better tiran to bite the head that teed[ them. _ Too many toms already have been crowd co. carnivals becatuae of bad stows. We must clean our own bosu- rró Ante not wall. for a Legion of Deéertey born the outatde., We might get lnitead another lath Amoudmeett, The carnl,- val manager mutt do the Job with the Co -Operation of every true trouper who

-wants to 'keep out 'operatlttgr and with the co-opemilon of the comanitte4a that want to We tills healthy, wholesome amusement oolttLatttd for their towns -nod thin source of revenue ªvallablo for their causes-

tt'o *hould reopen the closed terithe. We must Start by playing well the town* We now ,harts, No detall can be Soft CO chance. leery carnival traupe?r ltttta retitle that the whole, ahow is Judged

- by hie or her every relation witth' the town p -opts.

Haw rr-any of you bate stopped to think that you bring over 260 "walking. t alking advertisements"' Into town with you? ' Dow we carnival folks behave on the street& bow we areas, whole we spend our money, all of these things count for the cernlyal b%lalnme.or're on the stage all the time. not Jurt,ditr- nit our acts.

Every one cd uo win cheerfully slid wIthout thinking make any. naertflce to keeps the drool' going u long as the crowd Is therm It ta'sod that fro many' of to forget for n few hegira of imbibing and roughness the Diet that by tape very sets, we are 'slopping the show" fur more seriously thrift if we walked on the lot hn- the muddle et a performance,

A 'carnival '1e "n good customer to town, to all the merchants. ,plentyrof our Own Money With them. and they' heroftt from the money viattor, from. the neighboring territory bring In with them, Only h part of which is spent on, the Midway.

r Z Know from my own experience thrift

If we vrlri clean hou-30 and operate a show that Mkt a real public denied we -Will find friends to most uuexpected quartos. Recently I had the great mtlajnetton .of re xtabltahing to n cer- tain.exteñt for the eu/keye State ilhows thí friendly rslet!ons with. the church v.ble 1 motto Una ancient earnlval, Among my ir.¡eat Qeseured' pO seasiOt s v a recent totter from a well -k m:Vim Rap. list pastor Connie ullug'tbe moral atmos- phere of *Illy?how. 4Arcopyrot this fetter We* pílbtlihed In The Rltiboardi')' Wa dirt mot anent -ice one worth -while or VOW profitable attraction, to gain this. Itl facts Re were Operating Otis chow with no thought of aeaurtng till lnntor;.e- meat- Ooo'd abuse regidre Iklltful thawrtanxhtp, not, Irnmornllty.

The fate Of the csrnlbel la to the hand"' of the carnival tots thraircat

iliarCmniber 26, 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 69

il ¡

I Complete facilities for fuid'l protection are' offered to 'the

Amusement Industry of America. Our clients include names you know-promineñt circuses.

carnivals, .concessioners; ride operators -and many, others both large and srnill iu5. the amusement field.

We can insure you against ,FY FRY hazard, providing, you with various- coverages heretofore generally not available.

Submit your insurance ,problems to us. Personal service to ah clients, large and' srñált.




&na.ferli:ion rÁCIdreSS

HOTEL SHERAAN, CHICAGO Member 2 6,`Décérriber r


70 :The li1llóonrd CARI IIVALS Noremhrr 26, 1938



MAX LINIDERMAN, General Manager L. HARVEY CANN, General Agent FRANK BERGEN. Assistant General Manager RALPH A. SMITH, Secretary -Treasurer HOWARD RAMSEY, Assistant Secretary 'JIM McHUGH. Press Represcntative GERALD SNELLENS, Contracting Agent JIM STEVENSON, Lot Superintenden_ t

L. EDWARDS, Chief Electrician WALLACE_ A, COBB. Trainroaster LEON A. REEVES,. Sccnic Artist HARRY HAUCK; Mechanical Superintendent CHARLES, KIDDER. Boss Carpenter DR. J. K. BOZEMAN, Physician

FAIR MA'NIAGERS CHOOSE WORLD OF MIRTH SHOWS because ,World of Mirth brings thorn good, clean

cntertainment óf the kind the public wants; en-

tertainment which helps make any fair an oc-

casion looked forward to with (keen interest by

the townspeople; entertainment which the Fair

Manager himself is proud to offer to his com- munity-

L. . HARVEY CANN General Agent

Address AU Mail: Room 1512 1560 BROADWAY, NEW YORK



S. N,(

Vti Voke41)15 (Lp. tL l Sc .w . 11L




November 26, 1938 --- CARNIVALS TIIeBillboard 71


g t : -

o. 1., " I= fllrenei

,-1, r-'I 1_:li" 3`


..1t s'."" - + 1"1 - k .,


El ).1 .,


` ` L._= _ - ''- f I! GROSSEO 55.0?:5.00 MIT' 12 DAYOF ÓPERATION. '







_ ' ~ MN.







- ú, GROSSED $5.011.70 IN- 14 DAYS AT "TORONTO FAIR, 1938.


L- . T1





4 EASE'LOOI o. Thc New Glass PhotoFlólder p Mean a "1M1aar car atta Jll.a a(etarara als&

D+l. 1/ Ito- 11(0W Ín dÍL tt< soartieL ilerk t annC .O ho- 5 t ta am+tla{e,.f K.rI.... I I

mbMk/W.. .AI óTrll'.A1 L( 73AR6L aa d Fn7e: I. ecrrlet pa GIL r< 1llyw eaar tt- mrreeM al C'- MOIL tltt. r.taS IIch_var.l del \'t7. tll tti,ztr,t r.sorll..t 1_ te -.

PMe. PTA!. FraJaaé t p.,.. ú at ñls e1r rr_-eta T1,. win to pus..7 rtah U.. New . a-+- shoo Pt.No Wider. u'. Is.t.daqtme .ands' Mho N Mew &Ivey Ert:10..T.1 PORT ?l r1aR Rr.leeL Ml11 sa Xmas ranwe for 1 sr e2 Phase. MIDWAY PRODUCTS CO.



acct be 'Wished eeetllesa. Osito so. ésarr+hw .a1a1 e. Msl1 é. Pit sa.a,My.

S.ILACHMAN & SON ilo.Ola,.. .1. W. Waentnataa. IN 0.


® CITOP'U S 3CconÓ rH.tndrd In good mechanical order and


Write or Cobl¢' lo FRANCIS LÉFEBVRE

I .Lombard St.. 0'i uelt: talkie

QwaeticaK , alttliaais

Qssaciafitou, ,9lac. ey MAX COHEN

ROC/MISTER: -N. YNot. 19.-Aa this column 'sill]"be the'tnst to ¡ pear prior. to the 111th annual. meettng .of OUr nasocLltIOR In Chicago, we take pleasure III tateladIng n cordial Invitation to all Omen; managers., eiecattvea and othelí titjjlllatad with or' tatclested In the car- civnt, industry and enu aASO0tattoD to at- tend,sctr:ont of tho'annva1 meeting to be held, c. mmeñeing on ]Itonday, Nei -em- ber 28.- at 11 p.m. In Room 118. Hotel SlicTmnn_ Chicago, and conttnuingntght- ty at the aan'to Ume and ,plate"+until business Is completed.' E1sewltere !n this Uauo wall be found the 'complete program.

Meeting. Wilt be fcntured hp . Tee!~of al. cdatlon-scttvtttra of the Wit

fºrmttlatlon Of a Iegtatllait,. program other 'raettvttléé tom IPSa, discussion Of matteta pertaining to raft and motorized trnnaporrtntiort public llsbIbty Ilasurºitcch and other topic. of interest to the Industry. As to past Year* our meetings wilt be held In conjunction with annual sessions of the Sholrsngn s Latsita, of America: International Association of Pairs and Exposit:MIX National McoUa- tiºn of Amusement Para&, Pools And Rosetta, and Am.'rIput Rccrtatloaal Equipment Associntlon.

I wish to remind Otis membership again that they have been oprdlatly lit- 11ted by the EIAAPPD. ecru Its secretary, A: R.'Hodge, to attend Dee ^_0th a_r}t,val teals. aboga In the Itotal Sherman and to- view the exhibid on the tYler2Antna Rom' during the. Wick of Itarember 28. Ur. -.110050 inferflu that -,no charge Will be made member, of the ACA In thla mnI)e. tlon. Leiters oeta1Im,ie LO arrive addiLing that mans oC our ~mho= will he In, attendance, wig they Iddlcate that on every hand there la enthusiastic ep- provel 'of aetiTlUb, of the association and that we shall be favored with a large attendance.

WS plan to arrive to Chicago obi 5atur- daya N0?Osrbber }$B. mild *bail be 111411= able thenceforth but would apprecI. e It rely much If members declaims' no Mecum specific problems v.oa'd contact at. ma early after aiTtVal LS fa convenient.


THE ORIGINAL CANDYPULCER - DISPLAY PULLERS I-- ' r dent for dear n et A 11CnmI1LT MAONIn[s v.vaeaLed a ~In, swear ,axialA1La al[ mooing= I-44baU..oe -H.cte I ma/mrt

AV wl it,~ Y.- arf n, nrsed Mot sial .ryrl, .+ en .t mt-tutW ra.etia ,l v .ts.reas to ztr k t.w .t:l, rT Wn i OH WIRA fpeR DttuantPnon ALUD PaÍOis-

HILDRETH PULLING MACHINE CO. Is, CtºIsis 'IT. moo, rol. cele


ATTLNT1oN; CARNIVAL MANARC ee.nCl.ta ~mama a/.e.yry. IwtAedle[ Medan Math 045x. sL Oaecayb..e ne. ~-Ones MKIhWN...well rtseh/1, Paunt/a, taa.ta..a tPeralerl. gsaraNud M81117o°d 0H04. CAN oUASAhT[C 25 Conr+rtMat .I111 dater. Imc.. at rYa. My Past ree.rd.a.ea.a lar itself. AeAhe.set anapcUl dat.'ras Mat 5 Iaoa,M:n. t..snlw n1.t.IL Manapr. Nat.; AI(toaeswey. an, 1fi^.Irtr M-eM, anasq.d.' WWI NOT ham a rpaM4n Che- t a.NaIdwa, 1e.vlat_tear amain ...U1 M ~Mu? IlryrMp.'at t. aWr YNasrtlf, . hips Inttt,l.e'a. Its., .:SWNe, MttM rFrt meth roots. In Ml/ It.rAasd es.ttL Waft Oa wttlal _Jd ONeIraL n. aaeaeatbeattehUder.41 Rcpla N ROY eOLDiTONL. a12ora_a.. nor Oi+IlNbi. ARIt. ' eI.O--eNda1 AOtae.. t:Ra.bfew. slap."MU-Hye., wrlt.< Alát at lowly-sous. ~mom [M.Ms.I [n, =wr WIN ro....IcrC a'tptr{.arw Albert* Write Ma.

THE RIDE THAT NEVER GROWS rLD Wee me tY«'tlt1. .a.t 4taet or'Aln f-7 tl. re AwpPn.t/,PORTi.suC aKOtsTtR al01LDIM0. t ap1R.pa1 w/dt Ur reo InaD lae..r lti- aunw.r t`alp rY 1..a ñe taew YoH+i Tr.cLa K.InI cc Mae tit pf7oa


1 18.055 POITA.LC.K ROT Cn 1110tR Aaaw .V. .-re Mt at. la.t ~AM 4.41 1n rYeLelnl

V. HAN t1a0A,71tAa

OlTYs MO. 5. KIN, 2iea. TWOaL. Ot

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to Everybody CLYDE'S' UNITED SHOWS

Mal M.alma'au .maca IO!$. avant 51-+4 OMtl..e, West Cma...11ans of all Mesk lese mata mar

51í.45. KH ty1l.45. P N7 r001 wl 1, -W t, bed ~t~IIaws. P.-. gli le

tz bark

. * .s5 l L -ala GRO. a aMITH. Mv.. I o- set Sufi rorM.. ala.

72 Thy Billboard CARNIVALS__ November 26, I938

IiFIIIIIUI .94iIIIAI11IIIIII MI1II11R111m~11111111111I41.1 ' ,111111~110111111111011~11111111111119 9IIOIIUIIII-'11:;1l11AIIIII11P1j1:IIWIN1111111110 C:I Illli111111111.




'FAIR SECRETARIES AND CELEBRATIO- N COMMITTEES: If you -'want" a bexrttfull Show with plenty of rºarning can city that dºe-s not carry a''Y racket or .grin that It

lust what we 'have to offer ;for our 10th season. We invite Iraspecton, and also Invite you to C ritact Any Fair..

Celebration or' Ciry we have played for' nine years for' reference as to our show or business dealings,. You wilt

find that 'Ws show is always welcomed (back. We will be glad' to furnish our Routo list for the.past n1.80 -'years

of all'eFahy, Celebrations and Cities we have played to Committer/Onto/mead. BE SURE TO BOOK THE SHOW


We will again travel in 1939 frons Cinoda' to, the Gulf of Mexico, .in the" Middle, West: The longest route

ever traveled by any motoricrd Show 'that has never cancelled m Foie or Celebration Contract. This Show played

X22 Fairs in 1938, and will play that, many br more in 1939. Faits started June 23 in 1938.


,,CONCESSIONS Any Legitimate Concessions that do not. operate for over Ilk. Rernanber .rá Rackeror Crift Wanted

SHOWSWill fttrniai. chromium Panoted }mats, top and feanso-up ecrnplctº to Showman 'Also lsanb Show to .ptit tr alas

7 that 'will 'kelp Yp with the Standards óf Ibis Shtxv. Can stifle several good Talkers and Grinders. Frank 7,ordn writº,

GIRL REVUE --Can piece Electric GuitariPfayors. We will .lumish Electron Guitars andh'Erlutprncnt.. Can place yountogood looking

Diners, SA :tries paid out Of office.' 'Cr we will Wen this show.ovér .to respolts.ble pyty to operate if ha can turislsh

show lb Put in same.

MINSTREL ,SHOW. Can place Musicians, Chorus Girls, Dancers. Comedians and Novºliy Acts. All rust Itz'sober and reliable.

Salaries and percensapcs ,paid out of office, as this Shaw Is -operated 'by the office. Dave Stratton,. Write

at once.

FUN HOUSE=-can place good eobºr reliable Man to,'Mar'tage New Bug Hw.e.

RIDE HELP-We own WI the Rides and can Alyce good Sober and refiablo Ride Mon who can Drive Big Eli Seml.Trallivs-


THEN P. O. BOX 491, WACO, TEXAS (Whiter Quarters) .

ailli IMfIIIIIIhIUAIII0S0111111111, iTF"a10111111WIIflllp'4lrr.(IIIIIWtñilllhlllr.llllllllfllllll .4lrr-".IIIIU{b1AlIIII0tr1111111111111111,1l.t:INECIIIIIII111111111ACIIIIIYIIIIIIIII01('sal r

TJft:::t»:ar.t...::l:,t etnts«:u: ^-' t.=== IVithne of ñ Merry- Xrfuils and Happy Nest' Year

To All 'Members of the:. Tented World

WESTERN SThTES SHO'S "The Rest in the Won" -"The Show of Shows"

Row 'Coneracting and Arranging Route 'for Season. 1939.

Will Finaniq Shownsorr.Widt New Ideas


Attractfons Meeting the Required Standards of. Tilt' Orea lization.

WANTED-Nigh Aerialist Act. COneact at aildeess mentioned or

ihowwton's,'Convéneion_ Hatay Sherman. Chkago.

Attcshon, Fair and Cokb,iiinon Committees. write of contact us

la Mar Hotel, Sari Antonio. TeKás-




GOLD MEDIL Sil' "IS "rinterica's Finest ifotoriard Exposition"


FAIRMEN. CELEBRATION COMMITTCES--Wc arc new preparlpg our route

for nest year and Invite éo respondenec from your

Carrespondóneo invited horn Showrñoe with worth -while ideas.


OSCAR BLOOM, Mgr:, P. O. Box No. 8, Now,Albany, Ind.

{wwrneK'S . eagle

o Úisse'ica 165 W. Madison St,

°Ocago. Ill.

41111CAQO. liar 19 To, pr'eas male thla week. so there wee no,Chartee to get BOWS,or the regular 'meeting. 'Chntrman Inns I.. Levy la busy is-ith fine! arrange. mlcnte for the Banquet and !tall to 'be bean November 30- 'A. L- Rearmtan od1. slots that thts year's program ír111 vary e bit from Its spredeemeore. In that It wilt tarry ! directory of shows arty at. (Mates hi all -branches ot'.the buetncY. He atiagearte a prompt rrsl)Oneo to the testers sent out laid R11.1 be pleated to bear ftorn any who razz bavc;been over- looked. Lasting charge to et&.

r ,f, Dottan ts_gotng Into final nctiers ' one the annual Mnemorlal SersiCo wad ti planning an Impresatva affair. Arrange. meat' are b,ir.x &lade for dedication of the new Eugppole At 8hohlneis'1r Rest on Chia a es,lon. Bernie sturh 1eón -and córnmttteo are plant -04 to ,.make the P iolltteSt'a Party ' a !Cal event. B. 'T. Jeaeop Is OE Set and ready for rrbkctre- tlhala rand haa.aot a'ocltcdull ofenerxtoe for 'eotntolttgo members.

Nell asad Mew. Webb left for a vlait on tit, (bast: They_ will stop ter a re- turn v.init early an December. -Abner H, {line and Harry A..fltlOits deiced both atating that they} iouk1 return for the cro reAt:on. Club._ was p'.ka-Sit to learn Brother John t. Reid to well ow the =road to reoo:-ery otter a recent Mama. Rodent appUCAUoas received *ere for Pite--.tanOS. J. C. 8cbntel at d John L. Lortnsñ Jr.

Ned Trent and.llnddy Paddook, both in Itne for the Gold -We: Meinhmthlp lard, are potting ' forth, real effort an they near the gone."Memberabll> Drive clears t:hedsy or the Banquet and Dall.

Dun were reeel ed this weak Inners C, V. Dlurn,- JOhtr A. g/oan,eeU- rseT,, James T. Sherman, i te3raed Bynt. lrigto:S.-D. AI. Halley. L. S. R4obter. Raid

I W. Kurbíe, Rent: tc W Tanieta. R- E )innºy and M. P, laird.. Johnny J. Jame, exposition mallard ivs Check for .647 an result of 4ta anew:newt League Benalst.

"LOOK AT LIFE WORLD'S' LARat:air ARD IrrNgST TAANaCONTIrrCWtAL TOUR MYSCUM to 1.~ fms C - Act! E*3 t-7tar Wife: or root t.vea Ural. ,yfr, Wetr res .nRCr. luirirot. 'Deb r. .1Mc east

nai Mee la(.t. .d Man: =TsMt.0.ántP'tr-

b aftMNtariLlnnat tan rots dal d ta ,- c11 l' t, p,aLar, 5tn datw sr1 heR 'tn, piar. tYa ` I, ¡1 L.r.r ltt1. .lar es the t.n+t. ma caul n.a7r a.~ e17:1 rep .O evert ntat.t ID: CA..1t. AllTtelbsto CO .LN.t- ~ Oa 6t.-, sr"4- 14 ohrs

DIP'SY DOIJLE Latest Money -Letting Ride Tens Them Alt New Ready hr`spinR

O.tlsary. Prkei. T.rrrs. Wtttc -


TILLEY SHOWS Now toartrNº POR tnaa

C.axsra s. 'met .st l.ruL 11.4hr, runny. HCV - vg4NY ttt1 sirs n+ wo:ma.tYar rrl,{¡[[. 4 X.rLaáal .r. RY!!a rtla t116r IV-- a-.rt_ Jniw T. 1t -esa ksa ptwr-rlka ir ,ee tkd lent er ¡ alt r A ,t2'vllro, with Cf a '

-a nsa Y


NOW 110O10It11,IOR,e[ASON iaw t-Qop..koh lant}f/.er 4,4

Aalwe pLaoK. Sei. aa.raan. Ja Cut ~whim OA.. o.t..n, MMti

TWA was Indeed gr6t.tryuus. Chairman Cart J. 3editnayr reports that' tit adQl-

.ilort to the pltdgt,t lnndn tor the gho'a'- ántn'a home he boa rnetved cash re- ppaO0ffaae to dew froten finds Gordon: 15I, .1

DoJlan Hopryppl!se., Ida Cohen. Wet. !a E. )tsekoT James"CtinllAr. Hy1it

Y. t.tryn, Denny Pugh. E. W. iYrasr. Wllheimano t;ttlasc, Donald 14a1,zod. A. tY. tt'Irtr. Xttltt; tied Canby. T- Rtittroard. A. L. Room.n, to. L. (YoodlnL Walter B. Fos, Prod ID ,ckmann. AIbl.'s%

J. starrn, O'ffºnry Tent, and Awning Co-

1Notxrrnbºr 26, 1938 CARNiVAI.S The, Qlllborfrd 73






i II,

Leading All Time Sales Permanent and Portable. F;l

V .3( i .u

i' See the work. ing -inoklel of the excite leg

new ride



1Ná,1 PPR Convention


15,1-. 5 + ,.

I _ _ - = - NEW


Ill' - ` , = ,

Rutz elot,fri J COAST TO COAST

Place Your Order For Spring Delivery -=11O W ADDRESS ALI. COMMUNICATIONS TO


5liówmen'e League of America

165 W. Milliken St, Chicago

SHO-WMEN'S HUME IFkJ1r'D Prer/outlywtaaawtedpd Rees -bred This Week. .. .. .. 2.700.00 ow. J. OtOLrAYR rienraJ'AaYfAa. COO*

rer iuna.. VI/RM.-FOR PLcoot CARD.

A Home for Aged and irtfirm Showmen

Showmen':,Home Trustees FRIO? CFCKJVANN - Chs'tman

M. H- BARNES-- Treasurer E. W. ,EVANS .- SetretA.Y

W. Calklen W. R. Hirsch fol J. DoeWn Max Llndpn-.r. MsK Coo,iiien E. Lawrence Ptrrllim '

Fo .-n l+nll'S.ri Carl Stt nvfr F. try W. Hart.ks Elmer C Vr4in ll'ar-.04 o Your Co-lJ jreratiñn


MERRY-ZO-ROUND AO Fax = tatos Axea"L 011a OO.ºeethl erne -Out

A Rua a.WM as $1.500 nob. COLEMAN EROS. SHOWS

arieWIMe It, Mrdalebwn, Duna.

ORGANS AND CALLIOPES Elba.. A.t er.:eursn. ter eaM/


f'tar. Worst Pores Merl. t} YAP li

r ewr ar

CHRI$TMAN-OAOAN WONRr *eta 'ern tau, EL. rl_h.., Iir, Ye.

WIMDo*IC, .ái yrtf 14na22'. 22s2S rues; and ,

is pytw. cendtaes.d main, ene .b4eh, [ogees. be. stet. Ile, fe ell esculent osat Quick .evita, Is, prices, ,1 _Write fee M. -aal.leg.


Wisconsin De Luto Co.. Artgur Hopper, iratrlll sod; Little St'A'Fñ. Prank llAntakt, 011ie IL Bradley., C. D. Odom.,Oharlo; Ti Ooee, Charles A. Leu2t, ZeY.e Shtlmmtm7. IL A.- AtllLer, Oxcñ.r HairereÓtk -8eatnlA Beckwith, John Lavin. Ifari,r P. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C1Ltlt NoRlo. W. i. IlCctnp, George Nelson. L. C. KnBiy, John W. CtalJt>ian. DaW rind Nancy l.tlib , George Vegetad, Charles McDougall. Petar /tes- tes, George II. Lnwr, roan. tnsn IC P. llu1.. Qeld. 'Jisant,to Limtraueb. R. C. Ward. 'lbm.'Argcr. finer: Pelrt Ó.'Oroatlel0ao. Al Rear['. Ralph Ant Wlilleao Clairo..C4caT BSooQr.`Canadian tiMronal 'lisgx.3ltton: Phi1C Travis, E. S. Webb. J, A. Darnaby, Lrnpleycs of M. J. Dóo. Ian.' o3Ol'a,Ltroerty 8bows. Ab J. Wales. J. C. \reCaliery, Curley .31r.Ithe+rLetnn. Waltcr A. WTtttcl,O_H. Well0n17nd. Pella Cltarnºskl, Loittao Sfllls, Louteleant State Pair Benefit, Simon tt7teh. W. R. Tliraoh, Carl J. ScdprilKJ:syr. Josrph T. IfoosOtlr. R. E. A. W. Katz. Jack Heal. J. E. Clotti0e, uit'id Al» `_Ka_ha and ilfrttCe Chase.

LteaPomso to data the Manna! Drive for ConlMory $oapttal.and Relief PYmda came from Royal American 8bnvs. Tampa Bºneflt, Wallace BrMk HIMwa of Csnadn. The DlllbOelyrk Beckmand d0 elereti. nutrias Fteld'dlrCsra.'}Scl .11. ?aught shwas, notaries Broe.-9ñ1rs. ]llglsty 8Lop{Je7 M=davy. Jon Clullcr'e Ihledu'ye State SJx+',ei4 glanders OroateL Shows, Art Lewis Sharas and Johnny J. Jonto Exposition. In ruldttlód,-to throe. other benefit ahgtcs layer been ]ºQId from eLtt:h reporta ar,o torctttr0astng: Mt in all, result Ilea teca satlAfactory and Cttairmnn Sedlm4yr predicts a tOtAt fa- vorable with that' or. 19E7.

L.adia' Auxiliary Club's open house cobrrnalon will be

held tlórembor 711: jrmallatlOn dtnper is at o p.m. IYoror=atter XI la Hotel sea- men's Crystal] Bal.lroocá,

Many 11eaUtifW prime lOd handalark Will be awarded durtrlg the open noun; session,

Regular lit -weekly meeting will tIrt hold Naresnber 17. rtth President Lean ?f. Brnlmleye presiding, Marly plano will ue dlac=l$s0tl on reining erronta.

Rcllat oOmGiltt!e rop+artA aiI' memtiea tt,elL Mcrn,bras rIcotrnd Sister MiT_+.

ClCarlee .Driver ertljustn$ticalty niter n.i:


lo absence dtic to tltiSoa+,

BROS., Ltd. (European Suppliers) BLACKPOOL, ENGLAND

Oea5ott'l OreetittO

B'UCEVE SP TE S°'i i "Tian= Cernitaai With the' Community Spirit»

JOE CALLER, General Manager

Celebration and Fair Seeretarlgs

Address j. A. GENTSCH

General Agent Notches, Miss.

Winter Quarters



SHOWMEN! When You Flees e

C00ó IDEA I'll. Back You re the Umit.


RAILROAD CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL WAGONS Built .ter -Tian McCoy 'Circus-Offered at a 4Asgaln.

Offices, Baggage, Supply. Coekthoatser, Watei Tank and Flat lobs. W1, on IRsrbbcr' and Timken. Also Soloing:

All Cheaper and totter Than Whiter Quarter Conttroctkn.



NOW 000KIN0 IOR.teso $sAson prMt.q,ul,aa. tf AMII. Hahn

.O.rM.n1 .M Indlokb OM<

All Oeft11.rN anb Leeat' "Di

wt: ou01 Arm or'Elt(rTC wr'ir ptrti.lLrhtT- CAN 7JIJlrt. AtU+7laF lu7> ASIDr e:O>iRAt I'OIC ?If 7 r" n1.1,trr'',y'I5eta rf.+e._YLaRIr r.a+.$1O. 1 - ^d ere -oar et rr.t,aºi ,Gtt"_1 tti+k . r.+ urr t: .are,

4 tr, 4 1, t _ ' aR.-1 C -ro-Yaor.itA

ralrr.erry w- - rotor Alud.. )G' -,1, --.. rbia rJt Fr .' 1 14tLrgtr S`:-+ttee ~au. Will axes ,a .ñdf TeWt eS- r' tint moue a, -al Ii1V 1-lralr. ,u.

Act: go -a bur I ' y fro arz-m^-4[tM,. 1' n w .$ter tt/ + tat. ItiYc tYa1t ^' ^. e~n , q. tr. ' $i _ D. tete fa t11T Vtlta/, Ly) . ,Orf t~ Taw .tni11 I: - . fr Il.rry ,11I ernr .tt.c,o1 ' A11t,1renLTAeUltB WANTING A CH NOE NO A,NEW YPTO.OATa snow. WIIITIL *Moo.: Al. WAOy[a {re O. O. (JAOKrOLIIA , Cc. a.ft TOOo00t 0.

74 77íé Billboard CARNIVALS Yorenliler 26, 1938

eY- :_' PENNY PITCH GAMES su. 411.4111"..00".

ál.1 +J rrld sro.

7 y IJ sailua. J41.0aFe

aílu .u6a. .nh O Ja1a'Mú.ia000000.

PARK SPEC;.IAL WLLS 30'1.,DItnn.r. uuUMrlyPaMtad. We

¡ Lou., 1t iffi 12.10-20.25 3.4 t-riea 41L00


BINGOe-bAME3 tóálrri c,oa+.á ..a 5'

*gap FOR CATALOG -0-r. rat oM or. Oslw. n.,a no. NNW. Larson. h ~turn. sY,r,., Oaretl.l.Ie..,

li St.:ICK 1FC. CO. 1i,-130 W. Lasa *t.. calla. 111,


at, -l. srla.t,.ts'rr n@4. TyfM.ItNq Pr. M..45.00 A ....rIla. 49471la Milne órcn .p a

I ,rtr,nt .dw rnrh Wz... MPaw.i.r

.....47.0.....47.01-04e / R..Rnw r .CsoOras

[.aa. .O/ea

Na f. .w^.s,. 0e4+ ao seq.r xea.+gz-

ewe ..0 N Wala Csru. µty Papo4 nono.3 gem 1,00

O..In, Cri.s4a. Prl,a aordb ¡lluutxtua. gt. NEW DREAM "BOOK

114 na4aa. 2 a t. h,rr5tr.; Clwrlri.aerdé

irGiM' O WR//>MM1 ~h. toss

NOW TO WIN AT AMY 1111011 or SPLOYLM Tloa. 24-Pyti tiara. R,.otiwy oeurd. all-0a,2aG .

Pane sr Ls LOYPTIAS P. T. oASDS..Ararwn AN Ok4Alonb Lots?,..ea., slit.

100140 fORTUNg OASbs, new ti.r of 30 Gnat. .ac.

M T[LtPATHY, Qatatet. C1' Ptea. CHO.'

rao[[ a iái n 4.b ~rein AQÚ,21L7e.L Iair.e,Ma 14 tt 40 a.: preset ta oar

SIMMONS & CO. tjl W.41 Jnok.on Yisd.. CHICAGO

1 ,w> td3e,5 tTi-.dsnl. 17:ca


C d? HAND áBIL.L'S me rí5514 aka m1Á .w at ants 1.,Cf. ,.,m 4tt,M

i,et i 1'.p...e ,...IaY ......,., w 1:4.1.011L

- ..0 r. - + ' ..... QROGABSS efiHO-PRINT ,eptst-yuuaa... eM..w'a

BUDDHA PAPERS -SUPPLIES 10.141,30 ACTRo9AtLY.INOYNLY 10560A575 1E-VO4 a'untt 1-4-7 awl a. pp Beads?L7_..: 11 rr ut 1.-r 17 alt,.a,vr.tur f:r 2]1r.í a:e.b SfiLn 1 Ltale. 145112 iCeta. atls! , t fr.l , ~la1A1

upe 11 tlawe. Reeds. 37... n-.IrI,,,.U~ or A?srNA, awa S+pWe. In H..r12 c.tdue 00N. :iamb Sim

NELSON' ENTER rR!Sirs 1a is.,Th.d OL. O:IunS.a.. O.

non CR1STIEs

1. of MNeonYork. 120 Call _111111 AL. ser Ysk Olty CAN USE AT Ab.!- TiMFS

wa,enalen Ada or cum 0.t nits', Ce:aud Yeserr.. 4.1. .( alRt Narall,n a".

calce Alt rattYttl0r3 4.4 Salary.

BAIL THROWING OUTFITS 11_N DNIE Cd. ad 1LWe. 'ti 111.ntI rg'IMame S CInmi w mom. gí0.00 ~Ina. nil Jl...ttr t. leA4 13r0 tllak.,re end.,.

TAYLOR GAME SHOP falr wY-a 01 qy 11.41.


Anaal, M awl's. at tarm. AAA** ~Wt. berm (Off CATALOO- 111 ga.recat c rerdw.

0.011410 D. ee ¢100 er lates e.r1at'rA1e and Í.a.rarr. h;r, tests amine as new.

LA "Still NIGH *7511{65 WORCS. T. ATs, __ _,V IN.. ROBERT 'R. KLINE

.Oe*r5rI'-,- .,110 ñ.o AttartT. . s'tlgt, dwreNatNr K 1e a. OLkaSs.

pwanr-5se..Nsh Cafe.


ase Kl Y.wr '. ii 0.ru0cA r101r.0 Ñ t }U .,a OI,r Am. Tab Ionia ant emu,

ato all. You. arnY] Mark It Net


'fµ,_L_eVl,. M4,-


10Rtort. MNMa on up Inºopt. w,I t r. 1Md 11,11nr.o0. rt CO CIRCLE 05111 01.2111.

40 St.tlg As. aOSTON, SIAM

,I.rite abe used,le Good adr.nla$a:

SLIM JAMES. formerly with'the 8Ú71r ribtata `liara$, le -recovering from Minsk" "unlined when a truck body -fell on bier No Is attCiiplp Rock. El Pam: Tez.

MiLO ANTIIONY, ',ICI Paul Towel Silver tt0 Shove this season. wrttea green N'e'w *11*1co that he L with a. win- ter hot touring that 'fleeter. 3

01H00'lATTY LAME: Tlitket seller honer. Ina Piro deaorwáy, "M.l.i.l...r. yea Bisect tour dung,"

.1_ LEE 'IrncK).1iL 1. In Wlliat'n ,-

ton. N. t7` ttst'tiing a minstrel show stitch he puns to place with a owntval 'nest 1.41*00.

Mi KE CAB [LL- closed his Outd,00r-eea- soo at Emporia, Va., October 22 att- op ened al the Anlene n Heil. Lour !Maud C1ty. N. Y.., In The CO Front Bagel ttpfee an Indennite eag:I4sinoat.

SIGH on window el a farm had. sheet: .1.500 PsId t S,btal°pare,.t" 01óY +Dale *area we .N thkectu.

=lore AND MOLLIE OW=05. after s eUocm*ful Outdoor se..toon. returned to Clnclnratl Ribero they plan to remain for wand weeks. moo atZseing von

° nor. Cc; The lafiIbo.rda oMcea tot Task.

HARRY A. PotlE Letters been Rutte 0


Communications to 25-27 sac 4NRgs se-Iss YCiensreadrr

COhLMOr S S rind rind the nbilltl to use It ire two of the most Taluable its? *era Um shear entrain."

MR- AND MRS. OW ROE Wtrr:EI.PIt have 'been pinord In charge of the. Blue Ribbeq.Bbowrt gilartere to.Ooltlatbus, Oa.

CNR.iTMAS' StiCCfiTIOHit la wall ,unds- i eided C! 'a agwt<ip/lon for Cho IUbeard.

JOETESKA. With. lute Model Farm Ot- hlbtt. ]noted Into Cali Olrsrdenu. *40.. 1124 week; He oar hcu remain itueeb tar the winter._

JO811 RUFFLE repone that he tuts tila "how, whleh Sr ,paeeigintng 'Mete Toots Cabin, clicking playing Panusyl= rant'. schgOr and theater dates

SICK era 11,0' Peon! of a poet0 1,01,1. W. tale. Yea"

PAUL (JONESY) JONES. formerly with Dodson% WorldarPeir'ShOws, I. In Duke Ho*pttui, Durham. N. C. He ay" he'd like to rt,.d'Jetters from friend,-

IRSYE RUSSELL. featured tap dancer with Irvtng Lana' Revue on -the O. O. Buck Boothe this Deacon, is playing night Cubs In New York.

Opera Place, Cincinnati, O.

that ho hiss not,beca slaned M general agent or In any other capacity by C. H. Y1thlll 'AKrnotiOn. for 158 0, as 551 re- cently reported_

CARNIVAL MANACt RS who fornerty bragged shoot tr1 0Ymber of lights -then@ Mows used now beast of the numb. cf het.

EDWARD JE8601'. well -ROO ssonraoM. stoner. TIsIted Tits IN N -board, Ctnalnxtatl. tut creek white en route !rent Con,nera- sille. Ind. to Tsanpd:"Pta.,, wbero he will winter, -

CAPT. GEORGE WEB._ hush ,diver alto elated with Crowley! United Show. reeeotl:., Is wintering In Auattar'T et.. and not St_ Augustine. Tex.. as 'was prcYtowly reported.

IVIN !hs my brother al a 0,100 e0., Í still Mara teeugh reelect _fez him totba,* speed ihs winters ll hl. hro...-Cousin Pes.gc

- EDWARD BINDER, well kn.M*n In outdoors/row buslntes u Srnoko, lfurrtan Volcano, Is matins An nttetnpt. t0`tettle down Slid bas opened_ n magic ratab. ILahmont In Haverhill, Mast_

1.20 J. COX and W. B. Jonas. pise Bead -on with the Becknienn d. Penny 1i.a are 0ptratln.g o airing of tours

PROGRAM HAS 171;6N PJtlrtAl`rD and all .arranyem.snta made for IJtO 11,1 GO anngal *a0etfny o/ the :AiNertrran.C.brelcolt Asaoelateon, lad. by Ennis eat Joliet W. Wllsonr Lro-o1r22sr o/ MO Cctldn Jr 'Prison Show, (left). end Mel Cohen,- ,f prM)erel COOlrrsel and aeoretary-lreatilrei 0/ the a1300fatfvn. Scsato,u tptU bepra ti Room lld. Motet Shrrnsan, ChJtcayro. vn NOlaetnbeT J9 at 11 p.m. and Will ~Moll nightly "NM b1.rl50ar ti CUM ptated.'O/ftedra Io1lI be elected and pollees Jor III" sl-lü be mappld.

COon WILL WWI. lip In lay ownewumdy can Let's/ cahina botTon Mt. 070510 and htmertd0ld.

YJstt weekly Chow infers "al slt.t oil wish 'Opened big- fail to !how the date *lead,

BISI1TUA 1óE1Ú, whet eloenll with the Wend at Pií2 Showp recently, has baited Howell's* Stele ilthenir, with Jack Cotten on the front ofthe nnaeg. on the South= eta Greater Shows -for the winter.

HAVING recently concluded a tour .rttb 1h11's Carnlvel Shoes, Dare-Detil Ktriloff, high -pole portal -mar. reparta from Singapore, S. S.. that be is now playing panto thrUOut Itaiayn.

DM WAY Io'fInd out whether is.. arc slat weehing fei ii'te wild him for mane,.

MR. AND Sans. ArrneolY CUUYAS and Toby (Bob) CUJldrea card that they are oontemplattnit spendlbg the winter to Florida: They closed r,centty`wlth the W. O. Kaus Shows in Now Bern. N. -C.

1LAREETP (HAPPY) BvMRALLs after closing wink ,toe Blue gibbons shows al COit tnt ,M, a a. bta 4cd lot LnotttlooUo. Ind., where Yoe will winter with his star. ter. 3dr":: OltrYl a Perrigo. formerly Mrs. Hal'Grahean. of the /Eel Na]Orphan] Sh0r .

ACCOUNT oh lnire re M wedeln,' .rlll sacra. Ik. Iwo ...Ili end asereear al ter;llu ChLeago me.lings. iac.11ent co dltise. 11.

m.asen, WMo' nand 'tfanner Moon-

Happy- Days WOOSTER, 0.. !''yo': 16 -Whin J. R

15tlavrdaof snows belting his name. tOs. ,a eernt election bet with oafl- elals.ot` the Hanle Paint Co.. here. he not only paint off to cash but mate good his promise to stack, Ala large catatape a rho Erma plant and play Nippy Delis Ar{{ Here Apobi. A largo ctoadTaltnca±d the pay-otl. 1Cdwards also hanlort out tia calltope from ids winter glutton at the Wayne County faligrounda here to serenade a large department attie* In celebration of tit 56th annllersary In buslneas.

EDWARD i,cROY. h181í -wire act, Ma seasan. Iran Erse B. Hyde Ind .Starkey Greater Shows. pen@ that he ha,,. been contracted to present his act s:lui .Vest'. World's WOnder Shoes at that organics. Lion h'.11st.o! Florida deter.

31R6. LOIS DR- R U5 GIGI KNOII, better known en barn: Doorknob. iniecesefuliy underwent a..cond,thtoet operation Ito - ;amber: Gr'in'Koicemie, Ill( She lute been placed on a, rest cure by. attending pbye:olsne.

CONCESSION seta to Nocella*" <aieeen "Cl.. we a dotter. nd i'haley woeth .if,áuti. Mrs. I and lo-rsW- off'aty sl/rk í."

JIMttY ALLEN. manngor O1'the Atli. 7ªt!0 'Btsdluta On J. .1. Pate !Stows this season. appeared dá- the program of weekly shown3n Johnson (Uty, Twin.; Bristob, Va., and Winston-Salem. N. O.. last Weals

A MIDWAYeattraatlon operator who had scatted' In a park to a number of fears Was )oklatriy ,aalu+d. don't IYou want to dio a chump, do you?s "I don't aunt to -dio a.cbumpi but In peace.' criar the reply;

MIDWAY Wowpiat WIN re who Meow ap IM spoep 1ít, summer alb 1sow weiplrtt- h.e0ne taw .didn't nick and°step fie the lair seawna, red ,onii.-Oseat., 51.. 'Hai.

MANY SHOWMEN _ who liar'{ Ceased oporattng blow -offs' in the back end, of their tope base done 'so profitably. Some - Mtn brltnve=In, selling n, quartcr s Ow for a dIme nod melting temp with 'bock- ot-the.curtalzt^ added- attTneedems.

GEORGE, OKA17A'S wife is teriowly 111' at lute home in Tampa. Pta., .seewrd- Ins-to ogre. L -J. Tsnnér. who raker that anyone knowing his Whereabouts Inform

FRIENDS- CUSTOMERS ' >7Y°r.T ass ervsaWleta In 2I6 ELI

rii,b,r W=a r tlr main .aaWRltin halts Ahenw.l 11.1.2. Il.k,ge, N.nawlnY,aa_W taen.nly 1. Ask llra Moon te. 1r1.1 Hamm an4 end MC r.f, weal 'Salt or a n:Mla.a af relit.

Lees u. L'y-11'eT !t tarea

'ELIBRIDGE COMPANY '0 .11d.n N er De.nDk Prad,rly

1100 Cann 1aCRa0AlYILLC; 11.L

THE NEW CHAIRPLAidE - II . - r s r Y

-1;- `-" I'

7.i r-49. 1 --

'LAMS _0 .LAMS c:aat..u.s ar snw hart in t.Te.: -'*!-e.

'a tot t nd,el'a M7twÑdin et-7Dt 1 a, ti. baterton* a wma, N4+ tN opsta/tc* TTga{l

sz Y tIr .aa.. u t Le e tal

1Z1 --'_t .' =Lis Idsaor.lóe ! a311iiTÑ k a1e1116 SprMd.11k. itIM,4.. N. Y. !

SHOOTING GAUERIES ATTENTION Weer. al Oar Rlpet It.... T.rreea.,. ueasont- - e TM 4. es> -t 4 -meten. -TWirt, 1'R(Mrn erwl a7M m,yna Sitie w _steal m1.r and yn ane.iL i,MY, s r,1 la t01.1 atad /4wd''... 75 tasts-

1r.aM s, N... ¡,t t?,001. Indrmf

SQUARE DEAL TARGET CO. fart Wllliw.lo*. N. Y.

1 rípiren,bef 26, X938 CARNIVALS The F3iliboñrd 75

tUm Or her ll:tansia. Okada >a n oonees- sl0ner.

.FRESH, sorter-ceeeklnr: ride help keep many ',sung ~own .Omen returning tee a netting


IRYIKO WAIL wbO,e Metre ete -d With the O C. Buck Shows to Littleton. t .:o.. on October 29, is to Orarneboro, k. C After a t: V-wae'k vacation them. be salt assemble Ma revue cast for a awing of theater dated

A CONTRACT for alt the snit -water taffy elands at Abe Née.,York' ;Varlets rate of 1099 has beefs awarded to Fat- inMl Sutter. widely known eoneeealoner, idanelLttet. 'O-., he reports, and be tine begun prepeeretlans for the opczat.un of his stands thorn,

PAINTINC.vnly.the Initiate of a show tide sns nhéw -tars and baggage wagoni'hes as. p.tilder valuer to a'burl.ep now or aa-eie- sad[lhiais whailorer.

SAMUEL 3, ICON/ GRAY. trustagpr of Orare OreCWr Canadian ilhdit-s returned to tila horno tñ 'Cenada front a. brief Mort to, the States. where he *maned to purchase rietvsnl redel fea next Sea- ton. tie fa ongaged in aupertntending ender quarters- activity,

"WHAT sac these much -advertised Mme. caning dalest' asks Option relrycarp. 'Do thew who Ite,asray freanrhme role hark to see the midways ea re they the last saes if- ne seasons b. t1,ó thaws'"brrior towns:

tIOLSTT FRILL/PS, Oriental dancer with irving Lawn: Rertba tht.'senrn_n,on tlió O. C Buck Show,, has returned to her borne go Pittsburgh. where she to appetl-ring in night Cuba. Elbe dosed with the revue in Littleton, N: C.e on October 29.

OUR secretary-nreaaurte is dumb In one way and amrf to another. Walt he oreite.11 Itaaw strut a fifth wheat at a wace.. he waken sip lee "Ith a penefir-Iarime.ert rime. Model,rtlile ¡ltd w.edernitile bLcks,iih,

ARTIItrR ALEXANDER cards from Rot Bpeingn, Ark.: "After the Blue Ribbon Eltows closed the"noasoa In Albany. On.. Mr. sand ere. L. E. Roth and Mrs .t1- exander and I left on en extended motor WIN, stopping off 'bare. for a brief men'. Ilan before Reeding north.

YEARS AGO a fair manager said! .No fait la cewpdato without a Mary-Co4*ornd and,a barmen asefeaten F. Now he can add, 'Without an o'Rartkacd ~drab and a thrill sham,

ANCYVITIIt critekt9I Árt the' ew.ifaek werklbi Psir=elf 1030 haca been closed by ELI (Pep) Dunlap. of wnikatboft note. he reports, for the excluder on -frozen mimed, with about 20 .Stands thruout the ^grounds. Already hating `been awarded the sueca -Weight eralo con. cordon; be plans to opten n flow York Ofice end warehouse to January.

SHOWOFF CLUTCHsatN who 554e4 sap rifts a,d, then suddenly Wake ,them o,,those eso suddenly atwtag a Farris Wheal seal to


T. JESSVP. ventral agent and bLrinejl roanayer of the West Cleat A.^ivac,arat Co. for_ the post afpait sacra. ae :ó has 'been re -e- payed in the avine oapacttp for 1939 by Mitre Arekoa, raet,agrr of the orjiantonttcn1. Jrsesfp, tu 7,u more Ikon 25 -.- 's t1N oácfdoca ;J7co3o baseness. tina Ken aoNce mitts many clreuis.o. MCNdwilaa and regle road allows_

Whiff? Ne, Shanirlg.! BEAUMONT, Tex, Nov. 10.-There

sacie -no ttiutbern-pier ahwving on r the midway at Sou.thTexna State Pair here ase leovernber 3-13. Itutrw& the

i milling thattaands Malted over dome - thing which iooked just ac gtitte:un

I and Tobias trade

hull*, carpet.

But they were rasa hulla, as the ,Mot lndtgtty us realty iOiT*thInit hete.

I The hulls- were declared perfect for midway use.

hese girl riders ...erren. are as dorm:cm- as reckless Orlen% -

MiCHHAEL ROMAN. veteran cortts- slonér; who t:se been off the road Aeteral MM. writes from Tenafly. N. 3,, that be plane to go out, again In 1939 "with n 000khouee and girth shat on Endy Bryn.* Shown, He M wMi"known in Use out -

`door /Mid. having been asuootnted with O. J. Beaty. R A_ Wolf and Gold Mede, Sbowe. and' Rubin Cherry imposttier.

NO MATTtn ¡hour we. figure ii, the wale and 'Una ticaerts wink -re be hard lo' dodge. thou who used to pull the awNrh tar.the ray -off hazer will bolerded to_payelf la the IIgMr-Cá timer Patch.

BILLY FARMER. Paul Davlaanei P2s1 p Bison. T.tso bandied novelties for Jack Burateaw on the Henales 'Bros. Shows' engagement at Winston. pulled Into EI Paso. Wit. last week and Joined

"Ihnelem On L ttlp- to -PhOenix, Arts 'The boys reported they vfsited,Jilanita Pest rind Maxine Brunk. of -Brunk** Corneal - ems: In Houston.

"WHAT car we do to elute 1.4.Wshow. ,went' drmandf a midway fan. °lf_tee'ípnd our, money with. Them Fahey ,Mar tó ui, as a lot of chumps and marks., If we don't 'peal any weaey of ignore their midways then emir teen Is a,Monk sad su g.

a. S SAVAGE tens from Johnson City., Teton.. that the M%i:ttrel itreTUi, pat season with the ,.7. J. Page Expo. sktkon Shows, wits iehecluhed -to play a route of theater and. sebcol dates this winter under direction of JimmIe Allen. Last:minuSe changer In the cam. how. ever. forced coneetlaBon of datos and members of the revue bate left for. their bores and other'show.'be report&.

A NORTNtitN .gal a she had never been :euf1. before 'stood -curl timer V Y,ces watching the Georgia Ileease plates on can an they kilted.. She was heaed to reaaaik to he-. cempanaoe, `This Slate trust ha 'full of skew people."

JACK A. AND MAZES 7dÓNTAOUE. who closed with? the Art Lev:Ls Shown at Mph Point. N. C. are ~Wig in Charlotte. N. C.. with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ntrft'rsu.' veteran aaa&wfolkss who intro aerate' o0ocenaiona at the food' show their', The' Montague* are eó -mute to Punta.Gordn. Yle:. .vbcte?eht-YHII win. ter and seas an, the banks of Prue Riser.

MANY side-show- napes-ZA rail "beams In dlsptTfnr banners and pictures of ,tone-

- deported flab. When these firmer frisk features deed their ban -cars dasd will there. Dead brines h a banker See make fee dead side Mow.

RALPH O. LOCIdrrY. secretary of Johnny .1. Jones Expodtlon, atterr e'brinf That with bb 'Mother it their bonne In Ettrtck, Va... lrrt'tar Washington, D. C., where he met ,Owner E. Lawrence Phil- Rps. 'of the Jtwes orgnnlattorii They *Mended the,luvational Shot n'.o_n'1l wa Mo- clotton banquet, In New_ York and MIL for Chicago- to attend the meetings there. .

A RIDING -DEVICE feieiaa ebeeld . net iperits -the thatch. Nit big bb h' not only In gets_..; r ride up cad',open kn Noe but the Weir et his p trees_ should"be are. tected. Naval alesid Bete be eeid to a.peisen who N physkatly rwflt or Intedeatrd.

n B. CUNDITP. while en rout- to elriml, writes from Wytheville, Ark.t "Us se been oefttnacled' es spodlal agent with- Pr..` A. Gibbs Elbows again. staking my fourth year Iii that capacity. Before lasting for Miami I contracted Jake Sumnlar and Wee Royal"liawsiilsn Show far the grgnnlatloñ for 11130. Jake Will build another' also`' In 'inter quarter* sifter he concludes 'hts present vaude- ville tout.'

MANY bocinem reef, in lines other than thew itriksits ladle a deferrers. latitude w hre aeewdld by tiowmce el/orris thew their




AIR COOLED COMSRESSOR -I NO ICE-NO SALT-NO''WATER scree anff Coat cr, th. 7ns,a -e an Ono t awn.' C wed and

M a tEMult, onset' 10 ea_ pee Hsu-110 ee (3055 orwren.,- NEW r[ATlinr$ -ron luxe-IMIrtsLI iseadu,'0ar.nat. Aetaew ee.It, Op ta_ glen atarflelb. Sinn. H$/nly,eca..,eede by Lard d Nwtsa.

tateca your order Now for Poly Delterey, PORT MORRIS ,MACHINE & TOOL WORKS,

71* Ea.t 115:15 atrwt, NEW Yon« CITY.

GOOD NEws PHOTO 4 F 01 R I 43

OPERATORS FOR it We have line completed a New Lino et Photo Mreeia fei PkWrese I tolls 2'In . Hearts.

Mona Spades. Diamonds. Shoe, 1.1f.lre Perfumer Design rte.. sal with rams Saftng.. Veer at tsaeIM price* -

Send IOc for Sample.


GREETINGS ,Fslr Associations, Committees and Our Many:Friends.


Wanted Wanted Season O- J b IuCH

5iIt-S 1

Season 1939 1939

OPENING APRIL 27, ALeANY:'N. Y. aides, Sheen and Caonccragapt ankh whAi ou hare. Will' hey or book Motordrome, fun Meow, /tatfare,5Mw. Cletus Pcrlomeen and High Ohina Dos Net please well. ~mu

P. O. BOX 292. Orstre d. FIa.

FRISK GREATER SHOVES 41o0 GIRARD AVE., No. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. For 1,939 Futsaia, e .anl Wat N*Ire. Ter.... titan Ose.aNIMn, sisen-. al IMar3. Pat. e.'d Calrand.W11 Seat. laly.w,a,sa, W'nt CtoW-'e Nlda leela -geed ar. 'Ta«Mw aSLbwent,, all oeGNwsttnc orean ~Pe PMSa, mese, o e'er., Pee Geen.. Pleas .ad Palw1etry. Wart L'' Trn.l.-O a Metsanlat, al'epet um lbs eh-. sea es, tl-y. wet seca a bur Otto,.... menear Oree.. Hw.aMalr- pllÑaan Mw p.QG Nrd faaasla good osrd,tlae, reaMMlle.

brtlrrn. The eety way té prove to them that .you arc M bu/ls's;b to de beWess In ra basa,usdiko way.

FRED C- BOSWELL, of the shows Waring his mina. '"who elol_iecl Idi M. ow: Minion in Princeton inceton W. Va., to JOrA due Ms -advents- weather and conditions end .wound op the' . eeesacD aa gniierall rtrvhiev'ntal(v' the Of e Brcodway Shown of Amer!". la fo Hot Splitsts. Ark., where ho will remain ISrerat, weeks. lie visited .many shows wadi* en re/We"'there front Newport. Ky., where be cloned the eea.son_

á011g ride eperatts cernp:aia abort -noise of feud tpcakwa._ They bars been r,uick-ti tw- eet abort the sanos, whistles. ,.stile witt.nor mutffen and lt,e rear el_ the ,idea that drrwned,out the words of show _talkers and helped brig abc.rt adpiton cl the Mika.

RA4-1 tRILL 'letters from Hour": "Still plafltig atOte Rho*. With Jack Ifamittooa RAU of Oddities a1nee leeT'- kreg Burdtr.ka,AIUTexas Shown In Calda well. Tex, and closing with_'Crowler's U nited Show% In Corpus Christi. Tex. Opening here was Lair. After an engage. orient with the Shrine Circus hie we wtU continue our {wing -Or store shave. Rave been working a new fraane-up for my annex and bnalneea bas been good since Í'0a100 :cent"a the aWeisa1PIA=

SOMETIMES a, 9howh went eimediten is Its a,-spidse. This teas teems proved lime awl time amain by caaapa Mat ttaf 'haré played under et-feldler" oftaniiatlona tales.- their State conventions. Duwntewn parade, hold pelrneyl pa4roen en the streets.

J. J. PADS owner -manager of J. J. Page Jilipoelttoq Snow*: Iderlon Cell. mayor .at Johnson City. Tent.:' Las Car- ter. prorólnent reslygr. and Ike tfoRln- ney. of Johnson- City Put Deportment. -pent Armistice Dal Maltttas Washing- ton, Baltimore, Philadelphia. ?few York and several New - Jersey spots, Page

tl! i

FI -SE etici


CAMAL - rf re, - read resta but 4. art eur a tes -41 m as h'urer;

MY resume la Whoa?' roas .WAIR, r Morel One net' ire Tan * antaq to w hew tan et anesaaa. t hoer Ca,- 14.15 Ele aalr.rrd Cuaeaw.N., In V,lad 04tsaa and rowr.lyw,, deaatrfprs. MY SPECIAL METIDO pa F00N0EC OR 10 YEARS' EXPERIarOI.

**NO no «CON cY. Willa T O O A Y roe F R le t eiresiet3Od aaletd DR. CLEVELAND DENTAL- LA.DR'ATOIMY oree IstIt, S. W. r apee) Awe S. Sc. Leuil. MIL


ipccoRN Berth Amarlcant let+. HWtesa. Baby Golden. White Pearl. :'Mi :Who. Rate and; Ydlew. Teti Abe Popcorn Seaao,iing. Zinnia and Pomona cents In *awn flashy wises.

H. B. HllIBINGA DELAND, - - 1LUNOIS Grooms of ,an.traed VulMh:a at Palates*.

MhICE 550.00 IA. OAT ON CAMaY FL03S- ' 7in,y reylaim.. art IL-`bv me, Lrli IN, 4.T i4aQ' .s

aw - b. .ass 104ter

. 7.t a ttns._a ;, t+ - 11414.-e Si I wore t}.t Pe TGt ÍStsQTNLe - QAnOY PLO.* saaCNlAg

OD _ rnx 1132, hashr:eta, Tana._

averred that from time outlook to Ibe Out, with eta .many smokestacks tu sic. iloº. 1039".horrid be a bi-eger and bettor Measen,

WHEN a slaw Webs wakh a fate lcsp et Is .rialto on its stray » a neeee NMMI, bat whet it bards' hundreds of sell jest to be going some -ohm,. then It lase tae eh a>4111 ~tins. It's Eke the :or was fi-^41 a Iraq

76 The fl ttl bonra! CARNIVALS November 26, 1938

FROM n.dx Goodman AND THE













it CnnrpIcte Lido of

,BIG ;

I IligltGrade Products




¡svtio4`s I pOPORf!

weraco nv LS tlef mlt9, t eataAlrcfal. ,

IRrtatrrttüf Price Li'st.aitd Samples -on Request



CONTROLLED FLYING RIDE. Ride beaks; .ill previous rowed* in its 41h ycad of opbtatioa tm same location.

We'll be an the N.A_A-P-P.6B. Show:

BISCH - ROCCO AMUSEMENT CO. 3900 Soutar Parkway Oúugo. Iliioots

Capacity Great


The Last

011.13EW THf At:'KNOWItOGtO RIDE liNIATiON OF tole


366 HAMILTOtWAVa. Illusarateod Boomerang Mfg. Corp. RaDOIC1YN,,DLY, Glnutu NA,RRYItrtrT. Mrea Mr.

"Word" in Your Letter to Advertisers. "8111btnrd

aed redo clear act good HA'

town lo coley' a, Ro farad ti a-and farad ashes o! his ounarlion,o.

ART LEWT8 SHOWS' winterqunrlcr/ notce by E. a. Knautf=M i equipment hoe bien ~real to quarters In Narfolk. Vi. Manager Lr-:rte. Al Rogers rind P: Percy Moreno,. lett_for Now -York to Mend -the, National 8bnwthcn'a daaoc:a. tlon banquet . . quarters are uj.der sypercLton or tito -writer, who 1101 -started work on equipment. Budding" program included, eo-sstntetton of three DOW fronts. man:Alee front. three trucYe and

now electrteal truck.

WHIN a show .esabouac is meat appre- daMd-the eoening weeks In Jho .taint, the Nose ,throe bloomer* In a row the Mr, weeks_ and Iho days when, the 111'11 too far cart of tc,svn. The K<khausd not only is a blend let need lint -i cansanicnco "to_ all stew people. as well at 3,e0ol in` which, Io dine with end ae oig !flat's. -

BIICKEYL BTAT[ SAOWS notóat General 3Jana-rr Joe Griller and start are wintering In Natchez. Mira., where some wagon" anit equipment- are mewed on Maln sttcet SUM; the post o floc, Manager Caller, who recently returned from -a Walt with hta smother In Ohio

Wen ,

daít en vlatg a ng relatives rind intend; on MtataalpYpt Gott Cosset. tfc plane to tt'e .4 the Chicago meeunga, , - Mom. beg-sited the show attended performance of P S.-VVolootth Rabbit root >ttinstreia n ear headquarter. and revealed -'tics quellt Mimeo with Wolcott. wife and Others On' the show..

NOW `to gain a tailor of- distinction. The o nly way la ereseasee. Lnelrrro on an em- bryological cordial and' they wits One you doctor. Raid mitii ad' tied ro proleiwr. Lecture, an -a snake pit and you are captain. fry hamburger ,and yea are dubbed Whet: Ii a night watchman and you a.l chlof. Do lard shuttle.. and yin aro counselor. De 11í11k sfornaeh melded and they can you duke_ Other sinah.wblia titles., tech as car -t. Drina ern, ~id and many ,others, also cwr he *Rained with Milo or rio o/foat.

RIJEIN .g CIEE LRY Winter quarters doinh by, Seorttary Prank B. Reed.. , . Lees tips weeks have bean repent in Moe-

tan equipment in allow'', new quarters In Dlobl]e. - . . There are enough peeple spending the winter :nee to keep one from becoming laneaamr.:. , harry and=

.Bench 'Scutum bane -their troller 00 - the',groemdc.. - . Tratnmaater Sheppard

and wife. 1Jlttan: are heree, is are Whitt. and Mrs. Relate áBd.Oupt. !tat Woman and wife, , .. [ltca Woodall cant/truce to ópoirMe.iht dlniag-ear, Poamey ar-d Ciao Reitman are at Majestic Apartmonta, Rot Springs. Ark.... President Rubin Oru.- berit spent ecTerdl day: In Beaumont. yes., nt an Amui,enient Corp. or Ansertca meeting. .Re left the_reio. Philadelphia. Mrs_ Annie `Oruuberg le in Phliacl.tphia with their daughter, l alit! : - Jae Red- ding is wanton:se $1 honie In Wert Palm tteñoh, Pia.. - : Ceahler Sharpe to vW.1FT his Miter st , Writ Point Os., before

Ws ,making s Florida trip. Downey Won. Circus exhibited hmo November 111 and Chnrlcy Sparks and Manager Charlie Rats had the. mono & cherry -bunch as their guests. Ltttin work wilt be.d n here lmtll`after 1óo Chloairo.mectiag.

R4A,U.Y nIG,MrN. 1a the bu,inessda rat try to teed Credit tram their executives for %emit wolf dent. At a watfot-of.tact; the In- peManie of annual and manadeaa Is anpha- e lead all 'Iho nor., when, the serialicd tired help perform their ,óuliee.caiabty et twin rah lwratkna. Ttrlt goes for all kinds of businesses, and alto lakn-tn all fern. of shore buslnew. Mcluelnp sh ouin. It leket a really shrewd- aed-d:ecrimleaPInf eaocsllw la stied good Cºnonnd. II I, obstous Mat'if the,lw- paenarls peas membr e of hb ern .rail ire as

e etiKiog upon Friendly TIP

r"bm CONCESSION`' ' TENTS ; BUY `"°" SAVE Iwerrortr

41 POWERS & CO., Inc. -_-Tinaselphia.-RrF C./deice, LL _1

I fond for Cprultsina Tent Grebe \v FAR SALE 'sryd m T4 --..ele ben at Lm i l -v Lamm. :rat e

us tuns non RUftIN de CHERRYIt Rea

r1'otfcntber 26,.191i8 CARNIVALS The- fRlibónryt TT


P.,lace Theater Building New York.

NEW TOR*. Nov. la -Benefit banquet at the Hotel Commodore Zhareday aught is bli.tat7.. A few hears prior to thy} banqui; the teehet sake had exceeded the 150 n art. Tire -"dare. tt ecking was more then well attended, scree 300 being present. Register huffiness was for "the mist part atspended, meetine.bsing di: - Voted to buttgjat.dleauatfons and repauti.

Prraldent Hamad Leaded the fine Week- nocampttahcd by otecors and Indtviduale. banquet ºheirrenn Dtitotir and execu- tive vICe.cllnlrman Rothitein rind the entire banqurrt comteniiter betne thanked for this. work they did to make our farst ffalr n tnlb era. Vice-Preeldetet Max

t1-dernssn, leek "In town. was the re- cipient of a atfrring ováteon when, he prevented P ealdallt ll1gttdl with s-eheek for, 131 .0:03.23 fdr the burial fund. The money was raised by Litsdeenemewqt eus -betarflta atnged on 'the World üta,_ Mirth Shows this eeason. Phquee Were prraerted' at the banquet to vnnone shows and ndid1duula who have ren- dered &Mineolahed aeivtoie to.the'te'- eanteation. Recipients will be an- nounoed inter, hoe membership. cards are to be awarded to Joseph h- McKee: Gene O'Donnell. Alfred O. McKee' and president Oeóree A. fir:ntid for-lmnging In 50. or more members.

FJaewbere in this-eaates yeti will find a report as: to the notables at the epenete Mote and the entrrtelnment talent obtained by Billy Rose. Oeorgc tti. ltantld..r lei' Jesse iKA., e. cf panchon 1t:. Marco ofnee.

There were milny visitors present and r,Wte a few new members flied their sppltoatiorsa The eligibility committee emtoun ed. the approval Of the followlne for membership: Farbert' Sehwtck. Dick Collins, W., P. Mnngete.Cb anew [s. Stone. J oseph J. lit ,Edwin P! Ceronett, T, A, tt'olle, Joseph L Goodman, Murray Engel, ~so propnñnd by Alfred O: McKee. 'hin* Llndernsan+epottsored Lean Reece. Joseph Aunt. James, A. Owen". and Ear! Pantie. Bain Lawrence went In

ie ap0iteaatton of C. D. Crumpi 0. finellens'proposed- Bernard Allen and L. J ames Quinn: Arthur Full sponsored Max Ksasow Prink 'Miller brought In Meyer ii, Ptr.iker, end Gene O'Donnell eras et+onatb:e for Charles Morrie and Kee - elan Morrow.

President IDBI1d announced .that the Witt meeting would be, held December e ,yt & ,p.m. and stressed the feet that none but paleup. ribernbere would' be eligtlge for attcdd Delloquenta are therefore ndslsed to send In their duty to Exeouttee Secretary Liddy In order to be In good atandlog and' be entitled to 'the privtteges and protecitnn ad the eeeentretlean, ' Birthday congrntuintlon. from the

members .and officers to the following: Kerry 0. Traver; lcotember 25; .John B. Wei!snnf and Bid Ooodwelt.,: eterb r 21; Ralph Mean. November -30h. H. W. Dyer, Leo T. Jordan and Thomas W. Woodworth. November 30.

L.,dies' Auxiliary It's still the !rife.% growlai} Ladles'

Auxiliary In show busiaese. Lone Isar tend, Mildred Helfand. Rose Doriettula, Helen Coranatte, proposed by President Dorothy Psekttnan: Bobble Greed., pro- posed by Slater Helen Rothstein.

there wets Over 44 ladles present at the November 25 meeting. Plena were made by secretary Anita Ootdie towards Cue celwedn[ vornbl A

and purpes fter ea

they curalon of

the good points the pieslQant and Mere- - tary cold -they would., rather the ladles would' think It Over and rialto their de- cision at the next" meeting. We then Joined. our brothels at their meeting. Toward the close 'our prnddent, on be- half of the auxiliary,, presented the NSA a beautiful NSA flag. When our president marched In with the flog eeefyoné arose. and President- Hamad accepted - It on behalf of eta brothers. Hs apoke with much feeling on what that ring meant to him.

Ho asked the men to rise and'gtve three cheers -to the ledie t.

When Ise concluded the ladles Indeed felt More than repaid.

We were glad to welcome borne Mimi Lee irte daughter of Seeder Lasurea. Also sled to welcome to our elttbroorne, for the. flint time 830ps _McKee end Jeen Walker and her sister and -mother.

The ladles then acted saibosteeree and sewed sandwichñs pickles, hoincre_nde flake. Coffee, and soda: brother, Merry lSchwerts was a great help tin this, and as Must that- retry capable ehatrledy of entertainment., Stable Mudge Cohen, end her Committee took careof all.

WE37J PRODUCTION 00. -la itoür in rqv yvtere ntiee n enemata' reason bt 25 weeks. owner -Manager Ed Wefts and O. A. Weyta ere visiting relatives. in Palnewvtllgl. O. before going to Merida for * vacation. Plunk Oravea, who again was gigged -cos general agent, Is at his h.acbeater, N-: Y. home. Quarter"' worlt

.Sr14,1111der way early in March.

KEY WEST. (Continued from page 50)

P. Dolt will arrive &boot December 1, Bolt having Iie,.sed en..epnrtment here for the winter. Rosa Allen's near snake farm is about completed. Loopipg lips wrote Chet they would finish fair dates 1n Waco. Tea.. and Mart for their honor in Waicxoss, Os.. expect -Me to ar- rl:e in Key Wert about December 10. Ben Brno, with the Pualaod "Shows, wrote that -he -had tilafee more fate dates, et -the end =of which he would be here. Because or Cold weather In Hartford. Conn.. e* Van Cetioto end Annette McKternan will start scat' about two weeka,eoonee then planned

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman, when not, fishi g, Ian be found at tho nor bolt, ~roe on Division street. Visitors have included Jack Cook. Ben Webs. Eddie Darts.: Ike Paust and brothers and Sam Weintraub. »sported by BM 'Eaton.

gavy t6G IStGSw c ictit, aeczftc t Pula ghdw


1laek-Water. Ala. -

Week ended November 12, 10311. Dear Mixers

Even 4 blind boar will pick up an acorn One: le a whsle. (lemma .Agent Lam Trudklovr . certainly did himself proud when ate -bemired this town C0ntfaoted the event known es the heck. Water ilackyerd Beck"- Rent - Raising leek. The object .ct the Celebration

was to pave rents** en opportunity to ?else money for their landlords. To be exact. we were pleying artier the ,ntra- plece Pf thá tocat.banka.

The aharrb contract called fora num- ber of 'attractions located to the bsetyardn . of the delinquent renters thrisout. the city. This prorate* gate via show a world of trouble and grief., Almost an Citizens in town. were bgbutd in -their rents. trora.the ministers down to the stmt sweepers. There were ̀ tire

butcher. the, baker end the candle- stick maker. coal demanding attra.ctlege that would fit In mealy with the'Ir pre- Ieaalotar. The six Pelvis Wheels end 10 kiddie rides were easily divided, brit our three Metey.00.Rounds and 40 other rides wore hard to locate as well as der S0 shorn. of widen 23 were girl presentsttoae.

The loeal'doctor3 had to draw strews CO eettle the Unborn Snorts location. and' the butchers fought among thersuatvos to see who would get the !Toni - Animal glow. 13y nightfall the show sews well Located and 2i0 residents each bad a beck arid front-end midway, The cot,-' cmdann Vero laid out on lawns and lined' up from Trott, gate. to porches. Before the.. week wisp over each borne lever WAS forced to thesit In the hot>e 'Ulu the beck gate. A nickel ticket, his Wes placed at eech.front gate. with the



Season's Greetings TO ALL OUR 'FRIEPIÓS-AND



e , For Your Most Valued- Business

During the Past Season.



During the -National Convention. Make Our Rooms Your Headquarters.

"A HEARTY WELCOME ',WAITS YOU" We will be - on thee 6th Floor of the Hotel Sherirtma in the Dag Fight Room, Nov. 28-301





IN WiNTER QUARTERS You'I1,Paint Again With

`Jelan's CIRCUS FI DISH ES -A PAINT, ENAMEL. and VARNISH for every need --cart, cesehus, . wagon., gosh,, Pent pole and other iquipmenr. Use Pbclan'a cocas Finiihcs'for Flash and Durability and



tSitrring the areas and Carnival Trade* fºr 29 Years"

resldent ectt0g as ticket. taken tilting e.

15 per cent cut towards hie rent. The attractions were rift Into'hla.meter and be paid the I get as well en ttunlshing the lot and aster. -

Then to rave .the _residents -a bigger tusk the teases gave each family 10 or I

lb people to board and In return gate them An aedilieettal S, pea, cent Of the front -gate take., .On this we bad only

m a one co plaint nd tt'wae from a renter who bad taken in 12 ride boos and 'who cielt ed that hledetighter- hid contracted some rneehantbal dandruff.

As the Week passed keen competition amuse between tht rentsrs. Borne hand - baled the town with -Trade With the Ssr lth,.."' Others rented loud -speaker trucks and brut~ the atrtota .with "Johnson'k Mfdway Is the Den." The Browns -'--f ñe: o..per act to Wasels tinned t lopbone men, the -Whttesr did -ky written, the Rumen, went Into wide - walk Dentine, some put one ad.ertlnlrtp match books. liad pewdla.calendun. n. Mane who ecntldn't spring With anything used Word-of-meuth publi-1ty.

All during tan u, It Iasi i n ds of the mayor's opening ddra.a re,n-r In the ahawfolka' earn, "Make oihr town your towit; your ibiow will 'be dur,show; let'I max end mingle bad -gat better nc- gttalntrd-r We certainly made their town our town artdnaade It for plenty.

ROYAL MIDWAY SHOWS, UIC, Fennerlr McClain Sours

went Hfi 1919P- slew. meek 'sr srLtheut equipment, We hells- outllte Pea Sider SMw, Minorret, Athletic sad lanke Siwwa. Win .beek Crin.._ flaw, Meehawóeat, Fun Meuse and Itallblley. Ce+eecslens that wick for merchandise, A enlf rte tes,: Gallery and Ball Cimss.

I. T. McCLELLAN., OBn St., ' North Lil te Reek, Ask.

WANTED AI,L WINTBA1wOltlt Oae a11rOONa weed eraNe MueeUel. A At. Mam, arria . WI. Gael. Mt -^r,

it dire Priam, C-.- ,.-. Mcn Wire We L. BACKPSt9TgE

Sew N,.-tl'-- P1Sn

We certainly mixed and Mingled- and did «e »4 acquainted' I Tbeyu ]note u 50 years from .new. Saturday night play care the arrow the beet day of the a euon_ rich renter tank his cut end 0,.101 It oO the others' nhlowaye.

The \Cox-Shw, wee put to ahe Cot's Ps due ta'sle boa_'s takinr 1`iirnttlaa Dco Cook's and several state -a 1 dross suite and loastrag for the Chiraap cue. venti®s. MAJOS IMIVIL .yf,d

78 T'lir Billboard CARNIVALS 14dtaortbar 26, 1938


21 Very Alerrp

Cljrf 5trua5S 1




Our best asset,is our reputation for providéñg cican amusements, and your protection is Our past performance of, our agreements.

oltóap ree.tingg To,All Our Friends - Fair Secretaries and Showmen

Now. Booking_ Clean, Meritorious Attractions for 1939.




Ll_a_mes E. Strates

y pro5per,ouo »aPPp

jr/Ptur pear Córrespondcnce invited from Fah Secretaries wanting a Clean, Up -To -

Date R.:inroad Show.

Add revs All Corn reef ications to S.rriZtVirES SHOWS, BO* 574, savannah, ,Georgia.

Art Lewis in ITorf elk Barn

QuIIIIPFA (kerb Wes already wider way - staff re -ell= gaged for 1939

NORPOLIC., Va.. No.. 10.-After le. week tour: the' Art teals . `.ebowa 'Called' It a .o._ on at Mgh Point. N. d;, and equip+,rnt Wm shipped Into quarters hero Vol the winter. Building and re- pelring wort gop under %ea",imrnedtetrly earl egllprneAt had been etcred.

t;howtoli' already ref -signed tor_ 1030; according to -P. Foray Moreney. secretary. Included /Speedy !rimer and his motor - dome. Newt. Kelly wad ,Sweet Mime it- trncttarn: Hob Bolin°!' Midget Rerto. and Certain LfeVny'a Monkey Circus.


Help to Protect Your Home -from Tuberculosis,

Work. on , a new entraiioo' front has Amairet.lo, Long Ialnnd.'ti. Y.. where he been started end tu.or,nee fronts for formerly .wee in °barge of the Apt* and the Havana nod'Casino-dº Paree are !tent'leeere begtnntng a similar expert- 000terriplat ed. gd Iineuff. lot sovorn! ment in attempting t0 Man . the Iwo ;seam with Royal Amcrsan &.Caws, has ibaby pythons to maturity- : -

boon engaged to, erit¡n Arid' lint into Paine and dperke-recently spent a re- orient modern plans for ~heldahtnent cent Week-end toncthcr a. the.ltatbonnl of the org&Dtrntlon. Jack Wells heat, Zoo Park. Wtstung:on. erjdlñg with a been -signed as mótei electrician.dinner and gabfest at the home of the

Braden business- iüanager dur- former 113' »tar -by Palls Church. Vas log the letter port Of 1031,. has been -

re-engaged in thor acme eapnctty for 1010. In addition to Braden. slanged Barfieldtt Shale Farewell L WE has re -.44M h!s ;entire stir of this sewon. 1R incindea, F. Percy Morency. secretary and treasurer. AI Roger*. grnnrnl süprrintcndent; Ad Knnun. master mechanic end super- intendent or tiler, Jack Wells superin- tendent -of electricity. and Prank Moran¡ transportation' sujsprsntend-_nt.

Paine, Sparks -TO Meet Giaut Python Shipment

ORANGE/l)no, K. Y., sot. ash-Rich- ard 'O. Paps.. reptile expert connected with the rtatlonsi Museums Waaitington. and P. W. ,Pete) Spares. of Monster' Snake Exhibitions on various catriivnls and partner of R'iili n Skeins, of l¡Oeene Animal York hen:, will -aeon motor 'co Los Angc!ée to [sect a shipment Of giant python,. the major portion .of the con- signment »eta; an order to one of the - World Fair exhibitors. who L plannlnc en,.sechlbit of testae snake« at both the San Freneleco land the,. New York fain. The "mikes. captured' on a small Island in the Mtelny include unusually large specimens'. s -

*$perke will ~tat in the unloading and Out Season for I euny 8 recaging of three snakes at the lair ex- XX II- POINT. N C.. Nov. 10.-8. D. nub«. In addition to his dudes -1n con. (Bob) Penny's Aenuemctlti, which

-election with the Weems Animal Park, rounded out -e 20 -wick r- ieoo with .a Moarnwblle Wllgam 3teetns. whose broth- sutt°ailul avoid- at the recant fair In or. Albert Meeina, is now to labia col. Praalkhntohl.'N. Ci. have manned ectlel- ;eeting, for their eyeing shipment. is Cues 1a winter quarters here. busy /manning his' animal quarters to Show's fair dates.; with several ben- aceccrirnodato the Large sprint; shipment net spots In Vtrithete. proved moro of wild animals dertLned for carnival. profitable than anticipated. reports titre. Grans and pro exhibitors R. O. Pelmet. of the ahaas' Star.

Paine, who from 91011 until 1033 made Present ySana pU for a larger or- a a ientillc 1nm tlgation Into ,the feed- gentnetion, Ire lad9 and Manager -Penny log hnbLta of en anaconda, which died bas pare used a Chair--a-Plane. Whip atter-22 years under his care. and Spart& and front arch tór the Ciafa entrance Who has recently obtatnrd possession of from the Art L,'wLs SNOWS. 'R. O: (Dobl Sob 'baby pythons from Trunk BUCK'S Penriet, who hat be vt contracted- se Wild. Animal Nun and -Jungle Camp at general agent. has assumed his dutlrs.

Fete, al Dóñaldeonville,, Ca. DONALDSVILLB. Cl-'.. Her. 10.-Irtr.

Moo) and Meg. C. E. - Sarfleld. owners of Bartield`a Cuarnopetttatt Shows. whieb closed .n protltable season Wren Inn,Hat- urdey night, tender d the personnel o turkey Lupo« and; farewelt party I the Cttlf Club Monte. donated for the -once- eon .by city officials The Wrkóy_ was prrpntrd by the Seminole ñoteL R. v.' bond furnished mtlele.

An ltdprromlitu hoar .show.- directed 'by govt Setlusnaker and em...c_d. by Mrs. P. W. Wit no. eaa n ,huge Lticceas. Atr0ºg the.pertonnel partlelpattnk: were Stony Kirkland. Mn,. Ann Pcrtner. Flank met- Ate Bell Bromberg. lira. Penakiiá. Mrs. Mickey. Apple and Mis. ILsrheld. Bsaetto was conducted, by, Thank WLieon. -

charier P.ckort, apd Clertae Rhodes were crowned kidg nett geed»; With n mock aeddlnkperfotmed by Owner tter- reld,' who was' presented with- a het

of rewire and named"deon of iho'w manngeea.'

' - 4

Franklinton Date Rounds'


Spillman Has New Ride; Light Towers - NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Not. lot - r tho Fan soar the Splllanan En-

glnCerheg Corp., 'tiro_ tae efforts of its president; Crorgo ii. Oratnet. be-'

strewed the noorealty for Upt0-date Ideal In itgbting egret rind, °plea treat- nxºt;coupled with the beat fenitltcr of, the modern design. Mr. Cramer nro points out that In the conception `of iris aiora ñew Buser_ Streak. it was .a fore- gone tonal/doh that. the baste- mind - pins of theorlddarnoue Rldee-O ride would be utilized. Scores of thee eon atstent dividend paying rids hate been sold. and It !a a striking teetkrnonlal to its popularity to And that nene itaereter been resold, rho anrd. -

'ate Colorful cyo-arreiU leeappeal of the Sneer Streak.han been aeoompllabed by a balanced and harmonious blend- ing oC Itght; and 'color phis the foment phases of modern.drvligp," be contintied. ...nee oamo is not dnly.ay nboilcal of the speed end dash of ripe pit's ultra tilde hut titalso deacrlptixe' of the 'trine mechanically banked trains whose color tedcttM -la afire' with accent stripes of vivid contra:mug colon. Tandem reat- tirr Ln the trains lends an intimate nppenl and, Contrasts strongly with the now obsolete side -by -side setting er- nnidmOttt common to the rides Of yes- terday. Radically new snglpoortng feats covered Ray severe' patents hare teen ncoeaeery to make porerlbte the itn- prooedented speed and thrift of the ail= ver Streak :Ruth complete comfort and safety to the patron-

"Th1a advance thought -In design is njao manifested in the LDdllg", dtt lei- tile, lofty light, towers specially de- sig;ned and engineered to meet the ré- quirements of bOth,carnlaaL. end pares. built for eau; assembling and erecting. they oeelrpy a sutñtmuna of space std «eight for 'weekly tranapoetatian ptir- pate-. With a ring of powerful ilghts they will flood midways and parka sith a non -glare paol of_ light that well OW Ilantour and beilifn»Oe to both grOttndr and nttraCttoOL-

.tlarsorpotnthkg,of the Salver serest will be or exhibition at the Chter.go conventtod.

NoccvnLer 26, 1938 CARN,iVALS The 'ftillbocrd 79

TYAsTED! ' Meñ To Cash In On These

New PopcornM3chines Tr,r trja..ptr or., eD A -Ie.Or }.m Menu OK .21 nickel.

pr.l dire 1 Ti_c ere Jlr,Mt ble rah',Ry .--S'. r'14 Mil'. ."1 and

> t Árr4 tí-Il f b,t r4r. ts.ryctlMa; s..00 b 1114.0O one iow. tam bn.n`yp. corals, Sip terror.

Nolte loe Catetogr ADVANCE MFG. CO.

6325 ht Lauri Ave., ST. LOWS. MO.


».lalylla. YMyllrraeMMW, pagrd7,dºe I. .M taa sVaae+1 ,1i. bd. newlel'N a.a 1 te ae0

M UPrebd .nobs.. an1 i ede 3bat K1.Oao.1.aoo, .,000,


PRICES': Mñimum Quantity 10001.

Pt/slags Uri, L....-e,,rt. 'teal In'Pell/. 'a11M.aMd-a3, M 25 awe. pea 5.000

[Peel. - - 1.50 rse LYt *olioae 1ea mamas. Inm.ál.ta 41.111,-

Mt. a.nrlea tes,

J.iN. SIMMONS 8eco. N W. 1aCHSON_BLVD, Ch .age. Ills.

You NEED a BIG, ELI -11 r. old rat ha. 1111" CI.1 ú1a r url INNPI:\:ka. we 004 WO d oc,, aat=2. t._eel.l-aUae Inds-

u'1 nen. 1ar. a .tan fe ,úln bare 010. : re0ltxr ce cot a -'-i w ba¢tht

Vrl,.i t.r ttu TseoM erSt 1 7f0 117A Y.r.h -

MSIY+Á w .ec e/.1e }..e ,..y de arNbrwt.- Si rive Toe 1.p- a ncc I=.r ppe rw cur_ lI.

ELI BRIDGE COMPANY pulleMl sr Dp.ei.eM Pva.eet,.

1100 Clare de.," JAOKaOAWiLLC. ILL.





A'Column About Bingo in the



Cos atyefes LOS A.1. i P,8, Nov. 10.-Cioe:nf of

West (oast Amusement Co.. :Clark's Orent:er and 13itdetbrnnd's Vatted Shows hn3 ahtnsented attendance at load .Iamvtolaa-; haunts. Charley and Edith Walpert,And Mr.. And Mrs W, T. Jessup, of Weak Coast Amtucnsen* 00., have arrived. a. he" Punk Poee.t, ,of White City Shorn. Mr. and' Mrrs harry 'Cayóor easn0 In' ter. a Setr_daye beforeygoing to the desert, Prank Murphy, of ioaey and "nark Sltáee,-la wereing on The Loa An- eetca Sxo,lflnrr. Joe and Elba% Rrvg pulled In eroenrC, 8. Wrkghtanlan Shaw'. Mr. and Mrs. Prink ttodetnnd wino tUerghhere. ila will Mr. and Mre;Joe Steln-

Others casting in to_ Join the CO.tat- Drfsodora TOTS, Mr. ¿lid lfOHH JooXMetUer, William: A Duncan, Charley Youngman Aft La Rue. Rumor partner. Charley Johnson, William McMahon. J. Miner. Hiram' W. Butler. Sammy Cteman: Harry ' Dlnsaolut, Harry }:. Dixon, Mike Skein, Ted Ar Wright. Harold Schneider. Mee - Mall Otiflln, Mr. and Mira. Al -D:Bo:a Hnrrt Oordon; W. D. Sinclair and Ted and Markg Lolbre. Cold weather hurt Hllderhrar4's Milted Shows 1RLt ntennd Of the rearon et San Bernardino, Calif. Frank -Cbtcareeill enJoyed four 'big daps nt Baldwin Park. Calif.

Hemet (Cale.) Turkey'Da-ye testa yreae drew Its lergret Crowds etnce It. incep- tion. G°R.Stedten's ride. ate plating to tptr busIn©e at Monteray_'Park. Joe Glaser ke p bong Bench, CaUf:,

opening of the "tour Corners of ton, .World exceeded hla ex- pectations. Citl lharOrnatl and Joe De Mourbelte are associated witb:hln. -Poe 'the purpuu5 of raisin. eed,d funds Call donate Zoo, Perk'has decided to have A carnival early la December. Mark Larkin nod Ken" Douglass are hand/nn the *To , tale. Prank Forest, after t vaean 77U locate at one .ofthe beechen.

C. P. Zelger left for 8hnrtden. Wpo., an bealnevs. Bob Casartauch L n1. the Mayan Theater. Ban Hobbert returned from hie- trip to Northern quarters .of several eerniv57s;. rvety Pvralall Slimed host to -n party 1n her motintaln home ice weight>rood. Calif. Elelerge Owe is In- terested in the -1 aetropoitten'}bgravvlI-l1gg Co., white Demur 8tiver 1.a aaacctaetd yltl: the Acme Noyettyreo. B. Weiss has the oinln' budding of the new.,a,unuse- mopt rlaott. Monkey Wand. on Cahu- enPn boulevard almost eornplote4,

Harry Lttd , Grace De Garry. retired from the dreg*: fleid. ors tint, op.eratint eencettalena. John L (Spot) Ragland wee 1tí towñ fo ba brief -vigil. Leslie Doran. *Lein le at Odbera Lion Farah. Jack Osborneline returned and *Ul,cslgaltt In tee elretieal. hardness.

HuntCr Farmer. home :for the winter. vial to Into 'the nowcity bilatnee-s. L J fBaldyg l.Uller mad the wovolty cotitea- elon at \tohterey Park. Calkt. My, wind Mrs. George Guider retied Hi from Nnw Oriribs and will vacetton In Southern California. Moe Levine to a :tent hospital for ÓWerenl.Ion. Mr. and lira. Harold Weber w1U sacatlen at'OIIr an 8prt ge. 02111., while 1.1rn. C P Zelger and`Rasemary Loomis lIo thtir.vaeattoal- leg at Pales Springs. DOo Ciinninj.harn to fully severed from n -recent illness. ftr, and Mts. »idle Sherman vitll Write ataCvcafniide Pler_


We Furnish sad Operate :Everything Cenepletei Large ..tend with báautlfal display of rho 'finest peemluc. s arv.itsble from

Oer Own warelto use.. Every date we played this season want us ,butt.

1 again nest year. There r irrAt be ri reason,

(FAIRS-FESTIVALS-SPONSORED EVENTS, ETC. WRITE 'US Mfrs.t 2B So.G Gltlton Scree' Outlet Synd®tier(, Inc. hle.`á, nL,_


S PRING F'I E Li I:0 Transportation Equipment

%social designs foe Shows With FLASH and DURABILITY. Trailers that ptoasc the eye and defy the wed. lot. Th it's why all heft,ahowí- use SPRINGFIELD".


<r.l . i ;, I - -A i L7 ' I er, r =ti --


ts= I

v' '' '' (Íitl 6rr 1


1 Í ( 1 _'irs3r3 rl: ~' . : s-t_. .-`

No MIRACLES here --lust BREAD and BUTTER Built for:coasistont. day-in.,day-out service, the' TILT -A -WHIRL performs no miracles, but 'does Its required ,job., inexpensive to oporlta and main- tain, it gives lei the üwe.r,a seedy "bread and butter" gelatin 'on his hi- vettment. In good weetho,-in fair Nina it gives kiwi

PLENTY OF CAKE, TOO. In deafen and workmanship. it is as fine as mercy can buy and' yet the

,original colt It well within eompetitlwo limits.

Front every standpoint the T14T-A-WHIRL has b'cen a good buy for its owners --the !kind of bey you dell expect when you: come to the Stllner

iMFg. Co, for rides. -With ciceltent r' aeautaeh., ng, Faeititiee and aapesieneed

ºnginºceinq staff we can assure advanced design. Jed reascnabla cost fe

ride eg-uipmenrr and,aoniee. May We subm:YllteJture w:th-p'ricc and terns?

SELLNER MFG.. CO., ' Faribault, Minn. Viii/ Us at Booths 44 ,and 45 at the Cónvention






Is 'Going Over Big

SURE WINNER Your eppert.wey H here.' -1.N eaper,,aea It ~ornery. In a few days yin can become an 4q p.rl eperaler,,.One Nut H filly perw.t knew' their Meant. Ord*. testa today and re to loan- Prkc $50.00, F. O. Z. Coldk water. Halt Cash. Callas. C. O. D.

Write for deinlptle¿clrruler. Mannj-otl:rnd by

'D. UIERBRAUER, Sr., Coldwater/ Hew York



HANLEY'S PHOTO COMPANY 20S'Ea.t 12rh Street, Kansas City. Ms.

Canada for 1939 Season in Canada GRAY'S GREATER CANADIAN SHOWS il

Now beaklnlg 51de Show Ateiae'ttani of aey'Show .1 mere walls :es without own .Auld- mewte Cu. furnish brand new .11"110r thee. Snows. Sl.awmcn ale are carearth so. - bide.. and eisable el, ope.Ntagsame. kindly wrire_ Uoesaa and chaxnsaw tesrnra

rAlea wood tore to boak,Oulsta.dA'.f free Act_ Cenccoksm Onstna Pee.ty Pilch, Photos. Nooses, Cloths Mss. Reeling Aney. Darts, t'armlat.lUalt Cows, Fhhpad, Ptalo thgs. Fite. Cu.tard, Pcan,eM, Steles, Swilaaert, afewerae Havef., Sale Dual Loopeatana and Kiddie Whip. Will deal MOW en RNee-0 at way. Aloe w.,uld I.1,e Is hear tram Redo Fern,nan, proHn.yly C:anedien. Allyn,vaoe /d Re to buy two Lases, Second -Hand LI[bi Pla.HK Me,., be In first -Nets (.woman. P. S.-Wwsdd tike ro-heer horn Him, Powered Oene cal Agone, w who fa capa=:. of bookiñ1 new spot'.c and belling Racers tabby o Ma similealeai or hooters 'ssimile stamps.

to,maaens Addrex: 241 Catercat St., Lends.., Ont Can.


What havoryou? We w.snt,Sfow, of 'Merit. and ~WY wont Gal Fun end Mechanical Shows.


We are coming yqur way. Get in touch with us. Address BOX 117, INeett, Little ,Rock, Ark. <Winter Quartsrd.


80 The - Billboard CARNIVAL'S No:.+eatlier 26, 1938

gIIIIc~lull®opr;I1mi11D ti i u

y 1 pffl

i9111111401I1I1 III11Il1111IIIIIiII11YI1IIH1YIln11111IG141;Illlffill I019IIIÍIIIÍ®III491Illl IIIIIAIII;:41


Season's Greetings to Our Friends Everywhere Thanks' to the Fairs



and' Celebrations .of the Lone Star State for a Splendid Season ac ....v«r........._ _ 1:,-...-...,r,

Get it touch with us early éoneerning your Events in 1939 it order that we can figure with you: We can assure you the finest Ifne.up of Shows, Rides. and Concessions.

- ;.

NOW BOOKING SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS FOR SEASON 1.939 We offer one of the Longest -Seasons in -the Business-Early Celebrations=and' Late Fairs.,

Have opening for. several Shows with or without own outfit. EVERYTHING LOADS ON WAGONS


5 .. ...: ss- _

Opening at Houston Fat stock Show FEBRUARY.25 TO MARCH 5 In Heart of Business District

Clbsing ,Date, Harlingen Mid Winter Fair, NOVEMBER 21 TO 27, 1938; Tilers to

Winter Quarters in Houston, Tux.,s.

:'' Ii11211:IIiIIIIIIII115011/r.:IIImII11®IIIN

Follolccd by

!>allllll(®L",11trIlllnllll>IIIU:;11CrlA I

iFt: Worth Fat Stock Show MARCH 10 TO 19; 1939

,Ponnanent Address: BILL NAMES' SHOWS,. INC.,

P. 0. Box 1377 Ft. Worth, Texas.

II '" VP21llIIIlU®I:4fi91HllPd:illtr:ll®IIIIIIIg1EMINm1111111®i11

NmO,NAL Wagner, Clark Form SHOwN1EIU'S roriibine To Operate

ASSOCIATION G.. L. Shows in '39

An Organization }by and for

Showmen end' Allied Fields,

BENEVOLENT -PROTECTIVE -SOCIAL (Cemetery ,Furrl. Hospitalization.

Relief Bure.nt

Qsics $10 (Initiation $10

sixth 'Floor, Palace* Theater Bldg..

t5641 i%roadvey

Phew York, City


AT LIBERTY COMING SEASON AGE 53. Sober, 'slivers, personality; ad cssanttrh 'Hive hew cal. Seat el lib. Mew. 1 hieº lsprswntcdt tql b Publ1.,, 17 twit T. A- Wells._ 25 can; H. W. Caa.sbclllr,, 30 croup 9cn-Kra..,a. IS cats& Cee. L Doerr" 25 ream ei1IU L Wilson. Min 'Créterc Wort4S Estee/non Shown.






!ST. LOUTS. Nos-_ 10.--,A1 Wagner and 0- D- Clark- /list week combined lnecr- pits In Toledo and will take out a carat - sit nest April. to be,knowa á.. the Oreat Lake! Exposition. Shows'

-Both hale had long end varied ex- perience. in the Carnival and amusement pork- heeds. They will own nil ºides 5.04 wtil-exhibit bchlnd,.e pne gate, pie;

I setting .dvepal' free aru- rind , .hand. Organteation will be motorized and play In Ohio. Pennsylvania nod Indians. Orders for now motor equipment hare been plated with Charles T. Oose, of etandatd Chevrolet CO.. and the true. hoof lralkr Co. Winter quarters actietty itt,TolOdo w1A'bttin In the sett few weela.

Executive ratan will compile M- Wag. nee and C. D- Clark.. rmtzxgerst Mrs, Rae Ade 0 Clark: seerets'ryi sera. fleece rifnene:. treasurer- Harry unities, _oon- cratope superintendent, Charism Hunt - 1 -y. ride foreman. and Theodore Meadsis,. electrician.

Worrier advisee that he will maintain his- Intereed In and operate Sandy

.Beagle Park, ltusadta Pgtnt, O.. next ecaeon.

ZIinidat'e Cr/xiteir Showfolk Scáftet' at End 'rof S'ésifaon

Ulitf(KLITfC. Aril. Nor. 11%-At the eon - chidden of'Sltndrin Greeter IShosa Anal ante of the ~anon la :t Baturday night almost sit of the pert -mud sett for their respective sense or de ting-ssetlted ea. aWOma, rite and. Mrs. Harry Ztlndara went' to Minnesota to their folks there_ Me. rind 'Mrs. Arthur Zlmdan left for Dfflaa, Mr end otra. ht Pins. after a short v'aCatiOn, WILL each work an 'next TOar'a mote.. Hr. and Mrs. Oeliar Harris rind Bettte'Be le Muse will Ir lion In litre rip?' sea, Ark., before returning' to quarters in Little Rrxec. Arlt.,, waver* nailer is eonetnrcdon 'supertntendent- M1u Stunt trtlt return to ~heel In Little Roca Ark. Mr. and fin. W. it. Ketty

and Edward Kelly will chit Mother Kelly In. Plush earth.

Mr. add lurk. Mnx Wilson reported a good; rind left for' glen: CItT, Mn:, Mr. end Ifni. Bud Munn -went to Hat `Springs". Ark. 1,4r - and" Mae. Cali Scott -left toe their home III Waverly, la. Mr. and Mra. Henry Welhe.orru Baby Wayne headed for Tripoli, te..- Mr. and Sere. Al. Crows and Dalle -a Jackion do - parted fee Tarkerasurg. W, va, Mr- abd Mrs. Pat Patterson Co Tanipaaaa, Tex. Mr. end lira. Crawford. free no; to Ray West, Fla. Mr: and Mrs. Rex Cole..Wild Welt Circus. will Cotstlnue with tilde' bookinre. Mr- and Mrs. Eddie Bell will rarratn in Little Ruck quaitork rig sill üoertte Spaulding'. and E H. Harrtgen. Mr. end Mfrs: R. Oryiel. Rtyesan Hermann and Sam Merton will do none winter dap iping; haetn v booked^Ciarandon. Ark for 'their coiseese/one. ' "

Willinm Bato. Robert Carter and John Moniker took $ trip 'to Corpus Christi, Tex. J:.mea Watson sand Robert 7liylor to Woodward. te. !fence troller, left for his hotnr In Tampa, Fla. Aiebird. Borth win stint hie awtliir In Seymota, liad_ TLx Hobson to Texarkana. Teu Mae Me- Ciellan to Hot,Springs_ Ark_ Irene miner to Dyoratiurr, TennL Sant C. 'Trutt will vt''it his biome In Elaancsitic; Miss. Joe Benton left, for St, Louis, with Tommy Thompson. going to Nashville. Tenn. Charles !Reek wall Triter 1n Memphis. Charts Sear, The. Billboard agent end mall reran, wilt continue late duties in quarters. Buddy Munn wilt stint In ytoche 't:a, Minn.

Converse Launches Museum vnwrroN-$ALEHt, IL C_ Nov.,IEr-Art

Conserve. Teti -In -One aide ahem operator. who cleats the ~eon with the. Art Lewis Shows at Roxboro, N. O., hats -Launched the World** Traveling Stualsim In a store on Trade 4.1350. here. Opening was sue. eesiftil and Consrrse said he plat - to usare north thru vl'eet Virginia with the poasiblllty that ha le pisy sóveral Ohio

,spots before spring.

FT. MTlatB. sett. Nov.. 1D.-C. P. Bench. seelére:ary of Bouthweet Florida Rrtr, this week nnnounped that he Iota concluded negotiations' ºdes manager Reraey StnOcklrr-of Royal palm Show. to ease the ortedumt-fan furnLsb tats nsldway attraction at the anneal.


World of Fun Shows In Greenville Barn

ororio VILLe. 8. 0., NOT. 19.E J. Stabler's World of Fun Shoes. niter- wrIting hats to the Watch nt Twptlacu. R. C.. pulled Into quarters ]sere. where the organization. will open Its 1439 tour. manager 3. 12: Steblar has purchased several Show fronts from Tinalriy'a Shows, and. plans to enlarge for next season are under way, reporto Roy Sharpe. of the shown' staff.

Mr. and Mre. J. J. Steblaí and daugh- ter. Vein. and ,Snnngcr Steblar *want Ito Sts,nfcre. Conn.. for._the doter. Sir. and Mrs, Joseph 8tebinr and daughter. Rituabeth. will spend the winter in Titus. rate. Pia.

Peggy Ebtideetn and c. Moffett snit remain here, while nay - Blmpeoft Dttt for Ashland. Ky. Mir.. and Mrs. Doe Smith .beaded 1dm Portland. hfe. Bertha Bert leinod another show.

Geller Host tó Showfolls At Buckeye State Quarters

NATCHEZ. Mies, N ..10,-,Top Oafor.. gegeral' Inanngvrof Buckeye Stoic Wow. celebrated bee efcciton to mamberahtp in the Eibmin 'non's lat.guo of Ameelaa thb year by phry-ing host to the'pentonaea of his organicintlOn and Wallah* Bros.' 3howa, which ,were playing near by. at a' party...ha the M1mtrel Show top on Oet het 27.

P+ptivttles got under way with a-beas- itt performance for the f.esgue'1 Ceme- tery Fund. Than erne. rinsed by Dayton Curtis. with tacnaber .af both shoed par- ticipating. Attar the perfonrliuleo Ostia entertained the ahosriolks7 with a dinner ut the eeokhause.

I4 opening the program t the Min. ntrel Show. Caller spoke briefly ex- pra'alnk his pie aura with the lesson Just eland ala his epprret:trop of the eo-ol;_rRtrbn of i11 eplploreeir. Tee wtnt on to emphasize the common intectde of ail show -folks in the betterment ed the emusemént business.

Special features on the program Were Dayton- nod Pay Curter, gura man L'gttl- nor. Chaffee Mtn and Member,. of Doe Cisco a ¿ilnsircia.

Noremlre:r 26,- 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 81

Full -Daté Carnival Show Letters Ae: Reported -by Newt; IJ epresentntivee' for the Shows

Funland Iontejuma, CIs. Week ended Notww,.

ber It. ,Aurpirew Tin Depar:tnent. Lo- eerrony'. Dooer'atot. Weather. cord. Burr - «di. poor.

Old' friends renewed acquaintances and whits exchanged this wank with Mr. and Mrs. Slaw. lit. a. -id Mrs. Toms stale and other names net remembered from the Starkey 8bow at Fort Valley. Oa. Frank Smith's Cotton Ciub Follies (minstrel) added adrend mIlMelans and performer this week from one ad to The dtltbOerl. Thom rasa always ottek fee good reruns., Hla show La really ipallig to town, P1oyd R. nett going to the hospital for an,operntion In flUnoee.


Wallace Bros. (Bngpege Can a.nd.lrLcka)

Bifasi. NNW. .Flee day, ended NO- oentber J3. Comrr:May Fetr. Aeapfert, Arm/rams Lepton. =LOootta i. Breen Pros:, Weather reard:bie. Swiftest. inedreáa. Thin dell concluded a 35.weet lemo

for the organization. fteorganization.aonaa is whole was pow. but no two-week stands were iii}vd and the organization t`ae fet-

tsnaste to bung '1ikeesed with Ideal weather and a gratifying Inereesso In htiesntete dttring the custtss a -rite. 1t la.Manager Earnest S. Parrcme inttn= Ron to invade new for ritoty next, ~- sod. Solrle lmprovcmoDL' ,will la_ made l7C, :ideas' and other equlpident thinwlp= tor. ,but "holm will be about Utz fame sire newt season. :Mr. and Mrs. Moore and the writer lusted Downie Soar' Circus at near -bp Gulfport,- - Wednesday aitemoon. At the Cie* altmefollt game the following es their winter destinations:. Mr. and Mra. M. P. Tillotson to New Orlrsní- ?tanager and Mfrs. Farrows to quarters In Memphis: Mr. awl' airs. L. A. btulcr ~gin -here until the holydays; Air: and sirs. Arthur E. Watch to slobiit: Jack. L.. 011rtr }pined e winter phew: Mr. and' Mrs. William Wallace to Memphis and altar - "Y. Sty: Mr. and" Mrs. John Told to Mobile; Abe and Edna plank went Ott a Stating trip before' gtiereg to 1.1-.44r horno In C2arkedeln, Mica: Mr. and Mrs. mar.

Taylor to -CraxfordevIlte, Ark.:' J, W. Wllaon.. show' otectriclan. remained item es did !tarry Klmmétl; Jame* L. need, and wife to quartrsn Wiwi then to Atlanta: Dr. P. A. Angel and Roes Crawford to Memphis; Mr. and Mrt. Sidney Grant to Jackson and- ileettlees- burg. Masai, Arthur Sorrell and wire to SAM bran, ruse: AsCiy to iicltondb. Miss,; Edward Webb. to quar- ter+: Mr, and Mrs. Joe -ph ti' Vicar. Un- decided: John Batt Is with a winter , how: ddrdran Adems and wife to >tera- pter: Barry Gibson to quarters: Charles Q. Troop to Murree,. Ky.. mid the writer to the Chlaao meetings and then to his home at Qreessiltle. Po

s WALTER B. row.

Hilderbrand's (Motorized)

Berkeley,, Calif_ Week Ceded ?Mom - bee 13. ~Wire Doy Celebration, Lo. ontion, Shattuck and Derby afreete. Aetpteee. A,nericaf Lepton anti Mks. Weethwr. ,rain crod,oatd. haastncas. goer. General Agent Pierre Ouellette sub- coeded to opening Iteeketey for t- rabr for

Ara- rat* the Brat tone in four year*_ POlidaletvon woe them hungry and Mon- day. opening algal. was targea:, of the


WATER CIRCUS Mu add Weenen Nigh IOtresr. Wader Clung Clova and Girls lot Serintbeard. e rtwa mini he audio, Wji.,I. vfwi sw peeNnted Weald like to rear frost MA Canary talcs,* °tack, leery OTrien. lack Parr and 441 woo were t -lore.

'Permanent eddreft BILLY RITCHEY


L54-0 Croon te..s/, CumMrl._4. Md. e dr._ to All MY Friauls

season, Armistice parndeetaned at show grounds,agtt ended et marquee withoill easy ofidals hOndWg It. Owner O. E. Rilderbgar-d Alined hero from Portland to join the allow for openirg. In grant- ing the permit .to piny here tocm: papers mated Mat the record and reputation o f this show had been carefully ettecked and profamineld At. lamest the oknnest end most entertaining now playing the Went Coast. S." Coe, manager, and wife, Betty. -left Wednesday for son Bernardino to prepare' for shows' Coring there. sirw..Plrrro °Valletta took over the front ticket lox td Getty*-absenoo. Mrs. Art Anderson handlod Ilia 'No. 2 box: Saturdáy'I Cbtldrette Matinee was the larger.. of the ecaron. Oeet }.000 boys and stria realstMed Ot .the Amer- ican Legion booth. ,)laze? Fisher and Verna Etoborg, had the `biggest 8atur- day .of the Terrain caddy flora and corn.' IOUs end Mows enjoyed .0

pop week_ CLAUDE -A. BARB.

Oddities on Parade Open) Well in Nashville, Tenn.

r+rsltVll.1.Y Titrai. Nov: 10-Without iadrenal billing, Jack Walsh indlCtaremce ,hurt'$ Oddities Ce Parade opened on Fifth avenue North here on Norlanber 11 to highly satistactory burineas. Fleet two days attracted about 3..600., Organ: - ration Mao bad persasnal of the limit. rill.. iJr+agieas^College se lea guests.

fn addition to Walsh and Bates, roster Melttde% A. C. Bradley. general agent: John Payne. bannerai Enter Myers and Rages 1W)d: tickle: George L. 'ayees, lecturer: Alex Jones., doorman: Janata Hu1dlestOn. etectllentn; ' Oscar DOle. proportion George Martin. ' carpenter;. Charier Roffman. cOmar lsarT, Baby. Lee, fat girl: Plofeevoi Cook, tattoo artist: noon 'Sayler. Charlie McCarthy: Dos May- field; SlraM won Robert.-pony boy; berry Johnson. award «walk:M to buckskin Betty and, Colorado Peed, Impalementa: Spider. human corkscrew: Madam Claud. reentntlat; Tex niecek and Co bey Johnny. rude _and, songs,, and Aileen, Allan. extra added nitractlan.

Hannibal, MIo., Ends Season for Imperial

HANNIBAL, M0. Nov, SP.-Imperial lihows, which etoaed 'theseaacn hamo re- cently to .mitidnctory businers, here stored fill equipment in this eity.for th4 winter. Prior to the closing stand here shows enjoyed the.iranmer Creek of their season at Sower. -Orna. MO. Victor ~aria teatral agent thh. reason. tase been rseñgngrd in the ramo capacity Sor :Text yea-.

Joe Teska'a Working World te reported to lease prayed (O eatlsfactory Marine-as on frie lewao . ríase a"rresa according to DI D. P1t»{lenld. is contealplattstg the

FRANK A. CAPP. who to chairman cf like bettgyeto d,A-ll o1.0e Wart of America glimemen's Club to be held do tits Reid motto Kane, Chp, IHo or Deere:her Jt. u ó otteten gift

the mad .mar elate cocaaa trade. Atli marking Ate *eta year meth rho iXo iaet-L0ekttood ao.

ikxt yewr...MORE MN EVERd..1T WILL BE


/01OW`E G s AOt vgE

ttak OOP

Al1,E A

Dress up modernize .

with Ertglhi or colored metals. Cot more- attention - bigger crowds-- larger "take." Ameri- con Bonded Metals will do ill

as they have for hui,dreds'of others. You wont 'believe how much you can' accomplish at such little money until you actual/9 are these modern der orative metals_ Brilliant chrome and nickel finishes_. Fancy pat- terns of striping. "scoring. etc. Rich 'colors - red. blue, green or gold - over bright metal bases. Available in a varied seÉedtion of sheet or Coil stock end with Metal-Bord backing for -easy application.. Write for samples. prices and illustrated literature. y A Mf RIChN '.MICKELd10


stage Settlings and backgrounds, show SHOW $ frontsb, bally platforms, ticket booths. etc.

C A R N,l V A L S For outer covering on ferns wheels, for light reflection, booth trim trim of várl- osis rides, etc:

addition .of aererat new ride.. and show» end Jollarward to e prosperous =es- aon In'1910

Zirudars (Motorized) bee-

17. AArus Week

Amerman Lepton. Wrether. Odd. 2titsi>oras, afeae. -

This closing week of the Mason was much the tame ss the opening week, eold and threatening rain. iR sine war atowwlth, almost no attendance the Shat part a: the week.- Wattnet rttat liar Ile latter ,part o: the weep-,drsw hare*,; crpirdl., but spending was off. Mi. and Mrs.. Carl Seot purchased en etItatmobsle to mete their trip home. ..Prank Waldron.. formerly of 1111.1 show and latsly of Growler** united $1-.óR0, ºtatted. as did Pas Ford, of Gold Medal Shoo S.


iSS6u3 Shaw WOoltek s Club

8T. LOWS. Now. 1O.-Club held t%a card ulster'eneettnr in the clubroomsNav+ano- ber 3. with VIo--PreaOdent Irene Burke presiding. A isage nuliti*r or anon. and members attended.

Neil Allan epterta:toed ~hen with a 'Mexican sapper on llosernber 11.. (tuesta tnclgded' Orate OS.. Daily rev' CIA. Millicent Navarro, Katherine Ohms. Jana Pea_.oe. Lora ,Potter. ~no Storm. Beatrice OttsilinL Jetty R'lltiamS, Clete Jacobson. Irene Betake and Pbaraoo Aiiritra, Cenwe v+re planar to decido winners of labia prune.

Roland in Poor Clo4er NEMtsomitY. e, C.. NOW. 70--1t4,`trt1

:whose closed the, airman ender Parent- Teacher Association auspice. ll_7a Óeá t'dvemt> = 12 to fave,sble Weather bus poor buatnesa reports Dill Staring.. ne- toea their mails bee shows played South Carolina Coaxial Fair nd Rases. MyrW Beech, to only fair rerun.. Mr. and Mrs, Here's P. Roland ~tit to WW1. tigton: 'Sr_ and Mrs. Corji, Sulphur aortal*, Pia,; nay ftWtunitá. Morehead atty. DP. C.: Jack Rugs to Heath Carolina Mir. and Mrs- Dosgilcs-Rolanrd to elan - fling. S. Q.. and .8b arty Shell to Cute.- Billrstarltng win spend, the winter on the seat route ins Cloorgts.

r--- n 1 I

82 The. IIllhonrd CARNIVALS 1Voiemlaes 26, 1938

!f JIMMY1l J.h71S=N

I coders ' Premiar High -Fire Direr i


Executing the Ulilninte to a Layout Bewk Somersault Dire into a Flaming Tank. APvaratu, nd Other equipment'caesb anything of its Lund previously' bunt: twinerno idowdealed wlih Colored News Lights prescnh as i n ag


i 1

r _

', tuatafi ova..-!





NQcflIc Coast

gitowi-,ien's assta i 730 SO" Grand AVer'uo, Las M+sekm[al-i1.

LOS ANGELS4, her. toe-Jltten:dnnce at Alonday ashen meeting registered a new hips, _there being IOchmtmbnre grea- test. Vst* ai 'business procedure was fol- Sowed and current bills were, ordered. paid. Ottleers prosent were Piro. Vice-. Prai :eat Harry Ha?Ttat+A. Second vita -President Ted LeP r+r, Fourths Wei - President Al' Flatlet. lremuier_Roea R. t?avla'atad_8eeretaryR. CI. Rast'Utiyc.

Comimjolcatto a: !roes Brother Pitt . eenre nn appreciated Inetwure

and tie annotincemont that Se, has Open a mew place of bushier*, ;.J. O. Crosab mailed a check for memberéhlp. if. H4netñinlgo lettered that he la enrich improved lo. health.

paw nnimbor.e Harold Selinebdnr. created 'to Vol Wino: 1111411 Mohan. credited to Claude Boric and E. W. Coe:

' Tommy Recd. errrlited to Joe Olney. C. J, Walpert and -Bill Jexattp: JCet¢b C. crauc3yrcrecttted to, Joe Olney. Redd- ing of the fLnausetal,astateeriellUreTeeied that the club h;s the sgra*teat amount of money ever to ita cotters.

Jobs L. Miller, chairman of finance -coraniIttte reported en excellent finan- cial condition. John R. :Yard, chairmen ways end menial- oommittee,a' read a voluminous report coraring,isarny worth- while slagtestlena for conducting the

Orgtsnimtlon, Inrarperatted In bit re - part wan expreaaed the ,grateful npprrr elation of The DYllboerd gee what it

' bs

meant to hla and .other ahowmen'a or- gontreacle., Stone Mang' rneaabeen were paying.eittaer their first visit tothe club or hating been away for sotneanwantba.

'First VtdhProsident -Hargraves intro - dared t sfollowtisg for a bow and a fu i words:, W. T. Jessup. Clsar:ea J. Wainert. E W. Coe. ,Jeer, ilea, égtt, Pr*ne P. rtedmóisd Joe, Krug. Joe Steinberg. Louie

.Chfarlee YounRrnen. WYU[am A Duncan / said. Art La Run,Hunter Partner..

FOR SALE Following Amusement Equipment:

Ono 'Boomerang Ridc1 New in 1938. OneRo-Lo Fun Hóuse, New in 1938,

Ono Spielman '12 -Cat Hey -Dry ,Ride. rebuilt In 1937. One Spillman 12- Car Lindy -Leap Ridº., rebuilt in,'1938. One DualLoap-o-Plane (bulls by Eycatyi,, le geed condition. Ono II -Car Spilleaem Kiddie Auto Ride. good condition. On. 8 -Cat Allan Herschel! Kiddie Abdo Ride, good condition, Oise .No. 5 Big Eli`Whect (a roil bisealet. One Show complete. including Beautiful Front. 60 ft, long¡'Seals. Stagesand Tent 30%60: One Side Shin complete, including Tent 20.120. Banners, Poles and Stakes, etc,

w (bought no IN 1937I. One Marquee. 21x35 with 200 feat of side wens, All the above amusement cgeipiwent .Is ,prised 'in ,keeping with its value liño miuepteteetations l and may to inspected' any, time at the State File

Grounds, CoieChM.bus, Ok.

Address Inquiries

GOO'DING GREATER SHO!`S, INC. Box 386 Columbus, OHO: Telcphonc, Klftgswood 5T16.


High -Class Shows that can and will pur,somcthing back of $ O

their Fronts. Will finance any new ideas we think worthy. , l gI!1tChariot Jobe:2Mb sVlninm Mest-abe». J. so CAPABLE SHOWMEN' WANTED

e. unary Lewis. Joe Mettler, _ºarºid ed Webber. Prank, lnmat Al'Roe, Leer/ Mullin".)at Handing, WNTItC' A MODERNISTICI

Won aRedend8nsnMl.mU!J.hCtarmorPaa.FairSecretaries AND FLASHY SHOW. ET 1S


award went to`Ployd B n. AN TOUR DAT$.

T. Jeytp ,then reed e. lett ram CARRY 12 RIDES, AND 12 SHOWS.I mike :k.- In which act's inclosed ohtclt Ivor a handsome corn to or' divided Addie,s-MEL H.. VAUGHT P. O.' Box 1108, between the' cemetery and emergency

r. eMr $

idt:k and relief funds. A vote of thanks or was ~Mid nrtd a noisy demonstration

v 'P

in IA7ER . Sol0` {S 51?

for Parks, Pooh and! Beaches

Cemotete Water,Shsws Prodare.d. Dis'Ag Cads. Clowan seal Marry Aquatic teara.ce. All Stan or their tospcct-.e AchZ

A rmvsa ANendaece ,Stlmutatsr.

wrie. - wlra -- Phone

FRANK WIRTH, BOOKING ASS'N, inca 510 Broadway. New York City.

Foreign Representative -


300 West 49th St.. N. Y. City. Permanent ,Addréaai' inc BILLBOARD

rl given Jessup.'Brekos and pereonr of the r Coen AznwtrneC. Co. /i`_\\\\\1i\\\\\`h\\\\\\\B\\\\\\\4 }treat read ai letter from C. 9_ vVrlglstr


¡nail add tenndcnd a check for tick ctls for the Oigantia to be given to 'any o -11,Q tool Choy Are usable topurehase ciek:wta. 7111s. too. wag eresttY- approdstM. 2a3 Z 7 1 t I l' J T1 T Cs i if ti Z i T Gt J,, cows contact member -te the - wiz Los Angelis Member of Ccaamerce, re- potted that eftortai are being made by bait nod board members to have the club ,given Hghtttt_ rCWstsluOn in that body's a tnu*I year boob

Harry Hargravee arced for the privilege and out-.

lined -about

ed +irSed nnteftAinaant,awhich arc to be' pre-Annted_ The following corn: mitten was appointed to Waist him ,In bisrd_ling, the hog stlow: itek Wagner. Doc] Ounninpb*m, Ted LeTbra, Jack Bigelow. Rot-"lt L. Myera. P., A. Barr, Prank Murphy. Jack aorrnan. Joe Mettler..Clyde Gooding. John it Ward. AI Ttsber. !'rant°Lº Sennett. -Joe Ror.tts. -Charles J. Walpert and'Jobn T, Hack- man. Leo ,Carrillo is to be 'grand mar- shal of the pored._ Advent ticket agile his reached' the 870 mark thus far. Urn. Harry Taylon at the LA(tee. Aux - Mary. axed ,%Ter 60. Mille Palmetto: and Minn LPPnra made tine ,,etude_ Klan fi01Jty* Matt In tat thin Ume with a check for 6100 for tIaktte for the taddas' Auxiliary. - - -

El Paso, Texas.

Now iou,tracting for 1939 Wa will own mar Detroit Saturday, Agill'29rhrand will sWwa f1w ¿hale. Ietal'one 1 Sauthean Idlcbidan. We haw already connected Sofa aua.aer.'.af loci ion, In the Upper Peninsula I. pr.cede cur lose eirs.lAºt Fain. L L Waae Is agsdeueesi.aeting agent and

b edwJn the held., -

IMOWAtCN-We want new and athaciMe Shaw,, Inetedb--t Ivnl.nria, woof Oro, -e. BaMriHso Stews, Walk -Though, Pansy Arcade and ethers. Let us ttnawwhar re. ban, as ow arc te + poitite to rvrnith ya:, motor transpartaebn and IIp yew finance It acquired. Will also book Rides lafikh do refed$tikt.

CONCESSIONAllit -Cae.pla..,iapltistaie Caneceelom, el alt kinds at rearonat s, rates, and we will c..11 a-lew asalutives. tu ianalcpt eppr.tunity Mr modem Cookhtnie.

n It yo -are Irlert,led Y .ea.aaelSeg wink a noon- which sus a c.esduity'foc' rated lac Twenty -sin, eenseeatien years, act in teach wain -us at once, ~run.

W. G. WADE SHOW1S 289 0.1ws.s Are., Dvrretr, Mich. Tdtphonc -Tewnsead 8-I50á.

Important announcement W . teal ~relet Weans ad Paaaa.araO.n

CHAS. T GÓSb Wíh arANof`' L atvnrO L -OONeANY.

WffLL BUY tfi/e .h Wiwi Re. 6 aro 5154111- asa. a1lM.

l oadwary. N. Y. cuy , w,.t 84 Wrest Hen WY! In a+nao. 0 4 J. oorr;

J. ir2C C*aMMa aL, *seating. M.



WWI fins, ce any worth -while sttractiom.


We otter A Tong saiimts, with. a Reel Strbsg ee Fairs, 'Address

l: L LAI'IDES, Core Raid Hotel, Kanto City, Me.




1: .9











T is with much moro plcaiura than we are able to express here that the Amusement Corporation of America wishes each' óf The Billboard's readers a- veryMerry Christmas and unbounded prosperity In the New Year., To Fairmen and Showmen attending this year s Chicago Convention

we wish much happiness and plcar.ure in the renewal of old friendships and hope they will endure for many years to come.

To 'Executives of the great (Fairs. of the United States. and Exhibitions of Cañada we extend unlimited thanks for your co-operation in ;the 1938 engage- ments of 'Royal American Shows. Beckmann Gerety Shows-isid The Rubin G Cherry Exposition.

To each of the 3;400 performers, ortish;-workmen and managers who this year toured with our three dominant midways and helped in this year's his toric successes. we express our fullest appreciation for your -.untiring efforts. And to' each of you we extend s welcome return -for the approaching 1939 season.

This has been .s year of great uncertainty in many branches of industry. To us. (however, it has been a stepping stone to an entirely new or in the history of outdoor amusements. Amalgamation of America's three largest. finest and' soundest midways is an accomp'shment certain, to write new records in midway annals. It is an achievement of which ,we -are proud and, happy.

Te Fairmen this Corporation offers ,increased earning capacity -and guaratt- tºed newness kW a character never before possible. It means construction oh a three-year ,rather than on a one-year plan. It establishes such flexibility on our part that new we can definitely capitalize on the highest possible peak of public demand on every fairgrounds. It means realisation of programs that other- wise could be but .ideals =and dreams. It means new territory each season for outstanding showmen. It completely eliminates the age-old bugaboo of year - after -year repetition of attractions. On such a plan- the. Amusement Corpora tion of America can build more costly facilities and present attractions which never before have -been available to 'the midway world. Fairmen' and Showmen alike will reap rich. benefits due, erítircly to' this expansion in capacity.

Therefore it Is, with great confidence inr this new érai we Mil, you, ,now. in salute to E9391

'WI' 91 ENT _ *PP I of PLI4ERJ ti EA+D'Q`IUART,ÉriS CF+,t C AGO.

I 9 3 8

amts Minnesota State Fair Minneapolis, Minn.

Florida State Fair Tampa;. Fla.

National' Cotton Show Memphis, Tenn.

Calgary Stampede and Exhibition

Calgary. Alta., Canada

New York State Fair. Syracuse. N. Y.

Michigan Free 'Fair Ionia, Mich.

Southeastern Fair Atlanta, Ga.

Edmonton Exhibition Edmonton. Alta-, Canada

Tri-State Fair Superior. Wis.

Tennessee State. Fair Nashville, Tenn.

Alabama State Fair Birmingham, Ala.

Mississippi State Fair Jackson. Miss.

' Louisiana State Fair

Shreveport, 'La.

South Tcxas State Fair Beaumont, Texas

Pinellas County Fair Largo, Fla.

Florida Orange Festival Winter Haven, Fla.

Florida Exposition 'Orlando, Fla.

Duval County Fair acksonville, Fla.

Gulf Coast Festival Pensacola, Fla.

Press Festival Atlanta, Ga.

Chattahoochee Valley Exposition

Columbus, Ca,

Alabama Fall, Festival Montgomery. Ala.

Gulf Coast Fair Mobile, Ala.


.,; ;., r



` o

_ ,G

f.. IS ti w ,'\

13-h I


We After Fáirs Three N .. - ................. ---.. .*- UNITED STAT¡AM


HE COMING season-.a939-will find ore constructive -dl

outdoor amusement marked' the historic duslry-ip'many yenns.i It-wiR'bc prog- rrt>e of fin .entirely new kind. Co. operative. Determined. Definite.-Ellee.

'five! Not merely tbei building of new ntuchiáes that mus be experimented with to determine their public inter+tat and their economic wilrth. Not merely the

icing of famous amusement Centers which all.

are a ntaze.of :gl'i'ttering electric brilliance. No/ e beautifying of Something which for years has rhutifttl, impressive, accepted . . .. and his.

progressive. These advancements will con- - cpurse, because i'rogres$ in one fbrancltl Progress iñ another.

t But, of: vital importance to the future ,,

If advan already madam in merit and, quality are lo obtain . l closely woven network of Managerial develo Im will bring ibis I due_try, more strongly o than ever before.

That is the ason Royal American' Shows, Beck- mann Gerety Show' add the Rubin & Cherry Exposi- tion pooled their tiletteh, ,tl;e:_ their responsibility, their cons! historic accomplishments, into one ternhined organittation - THE m1111

PORATION OF AMERICA! This merger permits part of the earnings of

each unit to be used for employment of high -salaried, capable department whom the next stages of development necessarily must depend. One easily can understand this never would be pjhoossible

-,on the 'etrrniings of an individual Midwgy. We will, . in this manner, effect extensive savings through quail-,

mot' t't purchase of items necessary for our operation. N'S e will be able to contrtiet the movements of three

Neer: read, just been torlcnt tinue, dernan

lopntent in the orld than .bas »1'a this In-

Tears of experlence,f e Meat and their

é, stroll, d

0 0 v



RUBIN @ CHFi_'A-,.:ti' r C

frains,insteild, of and rls, overhead Erott tlu able-usto-build d fi otherwise to rohít1¡ -sr high earning obility4

7ltese benefl value tot the worn United States and to Shüwmem affihl t

poration of Amen.

This organiL,tw' re of more titan 4,00 o .1

Management the tr iticcesful orgstiia.4Rol D ckmonn Gercty ° at Exposition.

Behind ihe+le gatilird years of raperireer / Outdoor Show'htu "lion all others) are site 4- .u» J. Sedlmayr. gar ins; Shows; Fred. Bed'- p

Gerety S t ; 'o be & Cherry - xt star ' er manager R Geret bus :es,. et

-ho- es. AMR -

urer bin a 'I

- Velure, come, y ice

Shows. T hesif\es J'

their entire liv t a6 ae ohnplishmeetele ref


Royal Americori Shows BeckmorinG'e

thrleu*tr d midways, with many tricnee celled development of of bu" ; or these shows do lead re stab 1. own executives as Carl

er Royal American ,., president Beckmann t 'berg, president Rubin



ti , f,-Q i1 '

, f -

o `.




1.1 i

y t-

- t s d I

ti4 IS:: p r I.

'o, ;. _

'ENJOY Ttt747t T1LrlRR

i fÑ a ,...fik:l ..,

`1"7-.147-k .. ; P tr F 1.41-'' w , _


Va' zonally Famous Midw N OF ANAD Ñ .-... - SUMS M ER i c

t !c

AM ERI CAt. }OtvS, TamAa Florida. nil GNU; GCS, San Arsanb, TtxaL

C'riE811 ' ~ON, Atlanta, t~iecgla. liw CA:ao

I of stitalieh, too, will help reduce :cemminn these branches will en. ltd fare, IA finer tear theaters and

enhat},y bar already. wveil.known ;. ahifitf

bend 8' prove of Inestimable scorn 'Oge'fales we play in this' urn! rk They will mean much

affilia h the Amusement Car.

ganiratittnrpeesentsr1nvested capital n 132,011:,91, It gathers under ono

the ,t ' nee; largeet and' moat rgaeizt'' .oral American Shows, [,erety C, and Rubin & Cherry

d B rs t II


it ,r G.'. dare; htr.inew Ar Lan Show.; ' Barney S. t fie .. ile,cktn ' erety

. Ami 'ling, ' resident in i tl F position; Curtis J.

-.'.-ion t id Royal American e< T'flare devoted virtually

Their individual) recital here.

is preset]

owns Mann Boa. lectiv the

row ISee rtfory..lsiiis. ye re of 9fper.ience 1M -show wort is .ral mpnagrr. He

of ;the'Sho men's League tif America. t Corporation f ^" erica

R e oyal American Shwa, Beek. bows and Rubin'& flterrv'Farpoei. t will operate.independsrttly. Co!.

will he supervised yawl assisted by seme,1t Corporation of e(nierica,

Hcadgunrtera will lie in ago, Illinois., For yearn these three ieminent midways

have led the way to, great ativaneements in the terite4lr.howworld.Each seaaoa limy have brought to fairs, all over ,cite United States and Canada, bigger 'and better'amusement teenier. with ever increasing greases., As n result of this amalgama. tion, 1939 will see the beginning of an entirely new era. Greater development and earning capacity will obtain. Fairs at.whieh these mid. ways appear g_n 1939 can be definitely assured of the most elaborate displays of commanding at- tractions IT the history of Outdoor Show business.

Tb Amusement Coloration of America, in behalf of Royal Am paean Shows, Beckmann Gerety Shows and 'titbit% & Cherry Expo-Win, is very happy for th "trvalanclte of commendation received from frt4ids all over the United States and Canada, In co nectlon with creation of this Corporation. 'Th Corporation's execttlives arc highly appreciall a of the exceptionally high

or with which ibe merger has been received. -"my We usly thank Fairtnen for the won-

derful co-ops tiot% 'ven us on our tours of 1938. Whit a enamns, wlehea fur much prosperity in a cw 'ear, congratulations for this year's ma lúu co vention in Chicago .. . and with the mo eta', ate program of deve:. opal. nt in history fore us. we look forward to really big things 1939i

0 0 0

r 3 ' W i t J

Battle of Roses San Antonio., Texas

Illinois State Fair Springfield, IIII.

Iowa State Fair Des Moines, lawn

Nebraska State Fair Lincoln. Neb,

Kansas Free Fair Topeka, Kan.

Kansas State Fair Hutchinson. Kan.

' Oklahoma Exposition Oklahoma City, Okla.

Oklahoma Free State Fair Muskogee, Okla.

.1r. Chamber of Commerce Celebration

Port Arthúr, Tex. South' Texas Exposition

Corpus Christi, Tex.

Iowa Shrine Jubilee Davenpcirt, la.

Brandon. Exhibition Brandón, Man., Canada

Saskatoon Exhibition Saskatchewan, Sask, Can.

Regina 'Provincial Exhibition

Regina, Sask., Canada

Winnipeg JubHee Winnipeg, Man , Can.

CanadianLakehead Exhibition

Ft. William -Pt. Arthur Eric County _Agri. Fair

Hamburg. N: Y. .

West Tennessee DistrIe.t Fair

Iackson, Tenn.

South Mississippi Fair Laurel, Miss.

Mississippi Fair and Dairy aho

Meridian; Miss.

Independence Jubilee Calumet, Mich.

Midsummer Festival Milwaukee, Wis.

I Let Shows RubinEJherrqExposiiiion

S/táO0s ewnren




i iee Putpose thk CøtôPtlitat s HEN -the world's three largest, fincit and molt soundly financed

portable aenvsemant organisations }Dined forces under united

management...them were numerous definite and pre-deterr.sitied

purposes. Far.reaKhing benefits see 'n to accrue not only

to the midways Invoked but _also to the peat way of State,

Provincial and 'Regional Fairs and Exhibitions, at which these varlbua

amusement center* appear annually.

The ptirsary purpose h fo elk mate dangerous and costly tonfiiets

own routings . . to reduce overhead' through purchasing necessary

facilities sr* g quantities . . to comardinate the yeas of ex.

perlence of numerous succestivi executives for benefit of the industry

es a whole . . . and of great Iñ.potance, to create flexibility that will

enable each of these midways having Fellable seunea al additional at-

tractions and ride device, to accommodate the' largest Fain and 'Exhibitions

ea Ike 'North American conHnrnt

Fain will derive a deb benefit from the fact that member or-

ganisations' of this Corporation each season will present New Names.

Now Faces and Now Attractions. which will, of neceesityr command

places in our ranks because of their .+rent and ability to produce results_

With ihtoº consecutive years of new Fairs and Exhibitions available to

them produces will be able to present atfaet.ons mmy times finer,

more elaborate and much more n+ºsitorlous.

This means guaranteed newness of attractions to Fain at whkls nor

midways appear' Newness means Increased earning power.

In brief the Amusement Corporation of America finds an answer

through- this integer to many of the serious ailments of Individual op-

eration. Its benefits will extend to Fair*, Showmen and Owners alike.

Progress never before. possible now is certainf

The Am usemont Coep-erstien of America will in`sto way interfere

with the public good -will enloyad by ,base major midways. Royal Amen -

can Shows. Beckmann Canty Shows and Rubin & Ciserry Expetitlon,

definit,ly, will continue to be known under these names.

It is with an urgent desire to keep apace with the rapidly grow-

mgFain and EahlbiNons of the United States and Canada, that these or-

gañis/Moms have seined forces under the banner of the Amusement

Corporation of Amcrlea.

ta Goatse Newl,fne


Ibi1Uv "1'0 65

On.. rive,





45. Z)Oppirht

4. 47y6/'b _ 6j;eal J'

1 O.


Unexcelled Opportunities

Cro^s.a ,¡etie+cts le,pro

e Tall?

Persistent pro esa


celled Brilliance

Ei, E9vJp te



-An g woo 'If



, y., wc tia



M 114454

nfor Cy° ;ctat

Atowieded Pr+fK,r ht1 g

3.000 people

/S 4.414, ir

ey re/ e /00 -"rip/ raf


!pb I y,i'h'f 64 4B




- t< rds

a '<«#.5"4>e +

November 26, 1938 CARNIVALS The Iftllboerrd 8T

3000 BINGO iraarreiel'-t taNe Oath pt vT90a troddi ~W- n , tsipr*'1 two atert We 4oNls.le ranC>. Vet

Y, eMMLloatae ur bits .at ºelite gy./,, 11145r 50 tarda. SS) 75 tarea. 51 SO

10º,cMtr broc ISO muds 512.50; `L00-<erdr. 515; 26o wea *SLAM- aº0 Iwo. 410t Rr ~no cards falá woo ter 100.

eats Ú yo {From Till Billboard Elated

Nóreenber ZA. 1923)

sae se ZO1.4.4..4M ¡k eº amnia 41100. Otartr.ce A. Wertheim'', Wothd'a Boat

3000 KENO lfede a0 KIw 100 trr1. ealh Rhrad la ] t. ra the rerff--.e4 .4 dn.ri. LIaL'r $ t .cud.. 14s.14,44 10 .oetl.

with ~kin All hind and L./,4 ieti see ~phew and east saute. taL nrd ebeeetlea ararte. AU arm t ar Sr t.

THIN BINGO CARDS Dup eatd task en obit*, ass Se. Tabs weds

e ' .a fd thcata..te. Thu. are ~Woe .-01 pn p ,fua J> plaat5 ..d tt.ra 4 6,1 1115,.. 3,000 dlae- tsat care.. ear 700. 41415; .tilrge ds.tkq., S. sr ara.n, n0e. arlawMM atom Shane, real ciaa 41t -Se Laa,pOt. rnb. 0./4411111114... 0 1 -SD outteer sing otr4t en .am.. s.w,

gar O .ae

:od tar a M twill pi01LR ri w aar:i.1 rw Orno C Q D. .atl.a...

IMmr; Mltrellr ke ebasia .ceepda3

J. M. SIMMONS' & CO. 7p°W: Jar-lcson BI"vd. Chicago

SELL 141 IME POPCORN NU[O'L 6o/de,n Yellow

.1'H if anew ant fÍtr): otrTYt72 TRfAL ncrTTr.R .t0

=.51,<1 ca ....I -Aar 100 east. or rtcmtd lo eerer tuai:ta e1. thaw

THE DYKEM COMPANY-73°'iatty Ma;'

accOpo.i1$eo SNOW nsioneRTY FOR /ALE

BOUGHT ENTIRE WAX MUSEUM Learn In Pedladianti, arroxoa_.

!bath Sic all oa any part recap- Writs roe detail. Wtll.'S CURIOSITY SHOP.

20,51 2nd a'ra1, ehliseteloeis. Pa.

8110we closed m highly successful reglotar- pórc+oa tour at tfoWton an Arloinloe Day and, trnrMdiately lett for their California tour.. Forrest City. Ark. prosed one or''tbe heat dates of the 5elnein foe Dislie- Innd 9toowa, . . .,Litk'e Amuaelnsait Co. yuTled Into Granite City. Ill., attar Wooing 1'17.0 r1+A1/01i at *01110. Ill.... $',elan** Pair. Live Oak, Tls.. was proving a lucrative stand for Brown A: Dyer Shotrs.... R P. Lowey. of 8, W, Brtlndnge Storrs' ndvaoco forces, was d'yglnR tree toads show,. In Missouri Unitary... . Greater bfiesatry Shows Closed what: was said to. be the ergaAlaatior,a moat suc'oasf ll .eashñ at 1Prilltalaltolrn. N. C. and wont tote guar - tarn on Virginia 'State -Patrsronnde. ftlebm Cod.

Con T. keoaedy Snows mos'ed' Into quarters

Waldo, Miami after an cicellerat

clatna date. at oo, Tax.... tic. 5114 Eyed Giber ,Itoreilerly ]tittle Lo-

borta. of Loos Shows) eo,cbrated their third wedding anniversary at their hour,. in Waco, TeX.... N L.. a tasters. known as Stnggla,thOr.CloWn,-Was playing Valade- 'villa dates watb'Zansar in the New XnR- land States alter. a aueelsaatu) season On 11íW Dufour Shona. Rlibth Cherrp,texpdaetlOñ'oórc]sided one of the best'dotes of the Reason to Montgomery. Ala. Ruble Orubelg's home town.

A40ed !n am3o r r tree George L. Dobyii sisr.rd Charles * S Pede< t i krilldelle 'CVI54

Wstmeff ro ,A,On .ye.r oontrace as gen- ii 100eel IoM 717h.. :le. era]' sBcri% for 'the- George L. Dob.,ns rfirealla e.tLtpr. rod rr,, Shows. - .,. Morrie d.: Crrt1O ShOww wound I.aan . ter ti enee to hA. 71wad tip n ptc:isant and prosperous seaman, Mr

Port Arthur. Toot. Walter P.-Stanle0yy. foe Seas ~oaten

with the C. A. Werthom Interests. as- point(' geltersl rliartagcrahip of the or- kahisatiors au It closed at Brady: Tex.. and want into -gttartcrn `on the 'fair- groWtde nt Parlo. 'FLz.. '.. fl O: Crosby. New York.OOlsciadtd T11gatiationa to be- come associated with Dorearcit ~tee Shows Iu ail ,oxeurle capacity during 1924. ~Me ticket: labs for the SbOtvrnen's League of America annul banPpr.: mod bail' In Chicago. had re -ached the 49,000 mark,


Wt Yla gbh ttYetVnny te tno I.n th*,rtp A.wtlal,en,. Cenewllslee. SwIñM. Finm wtta nan.we ham had .e epte7'w..v,ii or -le raw. Oar ehawrotll. oteaMrtat Sad tee.

qirlawteme 4/1114/111,b114 w1 te 1 e uytnitatJm tee ihri atom weyatlre ane.aurprt In Iu I.e er tDa te. w rinee.lrul. am to see ma SU, we 'tat.MOTa t.rr MOT %w, Ina'a ~yaws .t4 puperop New TaA, the An Ltn1y entwn. hat., will Inawrarafs IY 1Da0 Awn tata et MertNt, VI nu: rl.ryq w¡L naq Md ncdwn RIY.t and Cowin ~II fete it teOten4tl:. rrantt;.r-.ats.....t_'.ip belD.atl7lltd sed br.lydelr uaL«wtea. We. win bleb Pear Psis. Alta Spednr} It=110411.4 w .ny 914iSr t'eecplcllni- Cep/ct.tlr In. ,trtttadIp OYc.S ¢illtntw. rSartew.. WIII r.larwa camas, 61,l.1'1mocai rrINtTS/Ninr Sbres eMll all t.eaneM AFa,Me. PatT4tay, Ftlan 01111101. Ley N'et.vt.Ranbhpanerr, .a4 w1lllboaa awl *Ow Lttiihiase'OtOiMWaL HaYa POR oylwle',artarl and t0 Laatnonr Mbrral. FlrtgwM S pwa Ose Sito NYbtLe ERY1Nrx c. [te.rtainr In nn4e11n Map- -

WILL wily M. reear. Na s SO Swab WMII

,Address Art Lewis, Gén. Mgr.,, ART LEWIS SHOWS, INC.

WINTIR6UARTLRS7 I"askwo C. WWaMr Srs.,

Noslolk. V..

La:rewNre. o1lie.e SOYTMIRN OFFCT '2047 Nst4nd Are. tade 724-24

'Manx, New York City Mow Falrfa Nor6t, Vi N

P. a,-atW. Let. R41 U. n tlie.anet/nI. WW1, Ostraoe. mama* as.s0.

FRED W. SIMS Presents

SIMS GREITER 'EXPOSITI0F SNOWS Canriclds Outstanding Midw y

Now Booking,for the Season of 1939 -- 10th Annuil Tour Correapóndenee bolted front all wo hattslle and rnsritorlbus attractions its

keeping *true standards. FRED W. SIMS

Pcrman.nk Adders: Den 85e Toronto, Ontario. Canada.



IN THE .U. S. A.



Winter Quarters Addr"eaa


prona /r psi It~+ Ro, A s t> s n IR, Fm ta Ell ri 1se Nun A R as - ---


' To be hóid at the "Old Stamping Croon -do." horn, of Hie molt enjoyable parties ever held-Reid Hotel. bouncily Coate) Hawse,' Kansas City, Mó:




ItoliNe.afeñy 7 KANSAS CfTY

SATURDAY NIGHT (New Ycar'i Evo1,_ DEC. 3,1, 1938 The Reed Nst.), ..lac an e wader be ewwrrthlp and vunejKrnene. hit etas compitl over. ha=ted and pod.torared, and S1.ew' People era now elernM4 a cordial weamiss and thaws Nil nnepit, Way the Coact A..,:cow Catcrtñc Company 14 the *learn Motel. ,Most 4.0,. F0,.aafa Catering Can,tiaoy West et 1a.. WI ole. 4. .. crave dhc '5.rpwt.

SHOW FOLK: DONT MISS THE-dALA EVENT OF THE YEAR. Make youi 'Rcsorvatienu early. S3400 per 9c. -son.

FRANK CAPP, Chairman Baaildct tad Sap Cowlrnlitee, Haan of America Showmen's Club.

INVITATION TO FROZEN CUSTARD OPERATORS To sot the maeeeíne-that HAS 'MADE GOOD. Mcct-w at our Cuetar0 Beeth

at the Chicago Contention Showmen's Leaqua and ,NAAPPA.`Shoeni,. Hotel,

November 30 lo,Dccomber 1. Chas, Cald:n= 1tried 10400 double -dipped cony; to SRC day,at the Atlanta Fair from ono. m3dIno. .ne tart that era

hire NO repossessed or iccend.hdnd nnadhancs lee silo is SURE PROOF of

its SATISFACTION. IIZE-WAY All-EIecrek'Custaid Machines. by

GENERAL EQUIP. CO.., 423 W. South St., Indianapolis, Ind.



Contwtunleate 603 Humboldt Bank Oldie.. Saes Maacisco. Calif.

D ST ti.3.TT

88 The ItiIlharard CARNIVALS November 26, 1938

.............. ,.......=, .... ...._. ......................

»y.+y HARRY R. ZIMDARS qtr - 9114e.

presents- 1.1

ZIMDARS ...1,0.:_.


1 It xm unit extreme, madneq that I

. SHOWMEN: Will Hnare.'.r Build env New and Wh It WkdsAt- read' of the panning of hob (Duteb)

traction Want: Orpnircd Miens Tempe. An Ala. Rodgers. Rodgers and ,1 bad Deem very

Gal Rev». Mosinad al Show arrs,8le Soaks Show. -t^ clone tnnitde many yearaaod I am sire be will leero a gap In thlr'Gcllenw ,e

/ thingi widen Will bo felt Or a Iona while,

RIDE /it E N : Will acah co Sun t4 d.e.o,. Lindy Low. Oodseis, LsepMp-loop. Hne 4O:Ft.,arks, ).acary.GoRosnd 1'Ytaapid .had lea aD ter Sale- Peeled eoar:tion errdceder. lg$'eet de, -

Sunday + on Nosvmbcr 'G. Reasons owe marvelous westhert a great -singing '.hoer

Will 5411 faekni.e on Dlssen, frasen puton foe vial:ore, with 300 voloea.'In-

CONCESSIONAIRES CertaM. Ph4°''''d Hoopla W,iC4+-

4 side Selllna flatcluairs en W?edu and eluding a number of Opera. antra, aT-d

Cried stems.the fact that the nearer we ap ireects e mare

ttotems f evidencening day Of

d bn y metropoosition litan asn in'fhe Middle West and,Wdrt, Francisco. About 40,0001 most Of whom

FAIR SECRETARIES : Invite you f o. 5..t oak' Win- Came In automobtlos, were ta'attendaned

Unt at ck. Poplar St. Bob (Betake-ItOrrblet) Ripley blew

North Llttlo Rock. Ark. or "' .lym Ene.r,n, phlln4chpiila. Tots,A, into San YraSkboo on ttoromber 12 and

' us to P. O. tSoz 14T. 1

peodueer ,Of Orbental 81"'" and other ,quietly made o seta trip to 1Yeatu

ottrectlona, bas elgillile+ his intention oc Shortly fitter his tenant to UM{

$+ organising a company to apply, for a "in"' othob tnpPumped bwhÚ cea

~erosion for a strictly moilerit titration


ot'an'Oriental Vineso. was brought rap in Stray- Rosa rend Rá

WATCH OUR P R O G R $ S his early newspaper training n San

Joan A. Ward. Long Bich_caui may elsºor this Was hb atoomd start- to

Sleet 1925 --We have' grown from s two -tide show to our present he ono of the show conceerdooenp oA the -the city of Seal Racks In 28 Short*. Its

standingof IS iidéa. I2 sl,ewa. 6 Ilaht'tewert. 2 =Bands, 2 Fret, Anti. anyway with oh attractive and unuaaaal left tOSO 14111414* ws gaudy pa bo oam.' }} M, He Will, probably coafer with Pyle is

t i = Les Ant otte relative to Ma allow. Waled

yZ Courtney & Donnie. r nOWdte;d with will De 0110 of the fez¡eLCe_ of th_e Oa1..

7 Can place.aércial Johnny ºrºnson in Johnny's -now ridº way

Special, Agents and; Prorñotcn have all plane perfected (or Clue building r ?j

}I, of the new -thriller while awsiting ar- R Ceclad., Johannes/Mtg. South Africa.

¿ i rival In, gam Pa 14agp, of Btansaa. ºrte of' the Lowness of the top -moony

j{ S ...ui ibová Vtttorta Palle. at Empire 1Ctttibl-

PtBaaident Business- 4/svtat(er 3. D. (Jake) 1 rtünel, circus go'neeal' Lion, Oiaagow, iftiurr.ed to San rranelaco


Golden Gate Glea 11 s By WALTER K, SIBLEY

SAN'FRAKCfbCO,, Noe. M.-Arthur of the,aXpo11tion chile treloUng'thlp ltontaen. let the. past nine year. general Europe. manager for lflilob-Aotenger Interests. __ -

tendered his reestoation, r Yectt+N ai close Of thnSan Soot engagement on ln- Andy iva, owf Ras solar ee22 fears

comber O. It is hlo Intention to teke,*'n of ialener, ass OR -tae recently hat'


apartment In San F ontIsea, Where lie an- Shows red more lice

tlalptoe becoming Ideatliled With 'thy` tontailing aI an ,Malec ..Anitnls. He

OoldenlOste Experdtlott of 3939. plytfo !n Ps Arts and may

apply for tame space at the expo.

William the arm that .11.13

5 a contract for erection of the Dalteeo- tt.Oz-Vát bviid1ng, and Anthony Thor. min, architect and dcatgoer or :the build. Mg to bo oonrtruetod for the Ripley show came from Los Angeles: ter a oea. terrace with Prederte.< 1Veddieton. chief Of the' didede t ed ,eoncmions, end tbs. department of works relative to the building dnstgn. "Charles Pyle. tinder Whose direction the Miller earn-, trill to presented. said, It would be the largest and most novel ho' brie ewer presented. Work will be started oñ December I


agent. is woryltisg on a deny to present' from New York. where be has ream.


CirtS» Beatty and IliLion act at the quashed alt hie interest. _tai the Vi toes

Winrorquartsrs Address: P. O. Bolt 24T,, North Little Rork, Ark. CiOXL Putts attraction there and will devote eh his time

Charles L. Baase. inter -2w~ booking on Trrsuro Island_ Ins Ls at ,else expo

: ::++> :.::. _ ._c'«.. kw.,^^' agent and, a 1..4eran in this lies. May - _ home Genie Ot his aturoponn-area at the










Can -"due Photo*. -deUtatn, Diaeeet, Fish, Pond Sew, Candled Ape ~VC* or 'Ce laos work for 10c. Ab,e.3s le if' no 6.1H.

HaeelOsiftls for Unborn, Mechanical, Prise..,Manker Cited or,awr High -Clue! elute* Pit Attraction, with o, without ore otthw. Can place .nun to take eaaree, and spirals nicely -framed Liam Meld. dreo'-a -Straw* Freaks wanted fey Side Shimc -re n.anaaemtnt eF I,eck Ifsnraten.


Address--CrawIty's United Shows, Bes -1467. Corpus Christi, 'te á.

II Joseph a. Kennely. IN -Softie Coast sep- I resentatlsw of Major IDdware Bowes, Vat

aafLrting to nisoasbytnx an tinusuei Mn- to- Downs' Amateur I roue Unit for the 0018 It, will be comprised of attrac- tions which here tteraced the glentest numb'er,of Tot- In Una weekly cantons

Satyr Rand ba3 arbeptied a,lImitedon. gagement at the 'Music Box Night- Club here so that tine may be, Able to perfect arrangements. ter 'her proposed attroc- tfone at the 0011'

DilRf IELD'S COSMOPOLITAN SHOUS We have duct closed a Pont; wed otee wccoasiulswawn_ 0u 'I. satargier5 the show and re- anoities ~act spier. ;Arid utablóhcd-w ter quartets In the Fiargseunds,at Dothie, at. We eats.; thanks to all Cakbralion Cemmk1et and Fate lecrslwln who Ixanre dyed snake red

seals., weeils, and an.t» Ieq.,kiss from comma tees wag appree1ePe a 4140111 ntehvav-hen hem Njettlenable,lsatures. Want teheir lehu peog,mI.s showmen with worthwhile 'at. hpslhornaed soneestMnaarss who apsradale the pmhy et this thew. WHI place one more ~env 'ids, seso a teso't:tn that la etn,soal We efier Irte rtotayt re them who bao).

Pad te». Addrew ail esa.ssaakttienr to C. I.,BARFUItD. Mso, SARFIELD'S COSMOPOLITAN

SHOWS. P.'O.=Seat No- 728, Darts.., Ala,


Greetings to Our Friends'EGeryichere

Winter Quarters' Address: Ramsey. Ill.


lfero Anderson, lnlnrnatloual repte sentatls-e of the foilphonc dtrtaloa'or:the Edisto) Co.. who has returned 40 his Dome lA San Prantil'icó from an extended Europead t--ip.advised the publiCity del partment of the Oc3IE that dtut a his Omar then 'Conttbsmtsl Europe he was pleasantly, surprised' at the amount of

_ ad*trttering which 'he raw displayed re- gardIng the San Francisco txpoaltlon.

First beat* at the giant Cyclone Coaster being built by' the Trnwar-Biker Interests were erected on November 11

with cereetonles. Htaft photographers end, -reportter., usado =Ow a :uneaten of the job. See PSIesbour. construction fitter for I:taver.J3nker. sa14 hat will have his tirot thriller torbo built oñ Treasure, Wand ready for riders In 4z weeks.

Frederick . Weddteton, chief at the, dl- tision of coricC,riona,. has okayed plane tor the Midget VI]Ign and' the Chlldren'm Village, construction co both to be started soon_

tv..1. (Bill) Cotlins.i who Will bo gen- eral manager of the Midget Show, bras had mgob' experndlsee with this type Of show. having been ,manager of midgets_ at son Diego' and, Dallas'expoaltlond-

)dieiuil As Pfeffer, San i%tanclaCo. whir piphabl '' will build the new l)rnmsin ride and may also here a number of other amusement oant r ta. built a num- ber of attractions at L anmmn-pactIo Dx-

panition'hce in 1015. --mot. =

None of the proposed Oayway 'attrst- tions bayo reCt:Vrd the =ioasl andi urn [tonal publicity which the Rocket Ship Itsf had. This hovel 20th cia- tu--y creation la the result of labors of Keel, 1elwvod ,11COn1IO. New York: Walir7 a. Sibley rind Walter HUfe, sad it Is the thought atrAng exports that this nabs - tic and vaysuel alias will be. cite feat"UO of the Gny-way.

Little Billy. Iuterfatiemaliy known mtdgot entertainer, who may be one d the-attracttonn with the \fidget Villsg0. has been maatlng piettues In IdollyeoOd and doers exception -any -wen In tint lase

couple of ytars. - Wcinwntt atom so lee; aso _that he woe is top -liner- on the Keith Circuit.

Ban Fr nclaco-Oatland Hay Brides. sometimes coned the Bay bridge, during its two years of ópenatlom has osnied bowl), 46iodo.000 people over no moth wnye, and traffic is Increasing -

Elements -Nullify 'CI iS Business at St. john

err. JOS)fr N. D,e Nov. 10r--ALtei r lapel of about four years Canadian Pin Clonal Shoves, with 'base at Montreal Played a nine -day stand recently undid' Cedars of Lebanon Aasoelatton auspices. which provided 000cNeion help. Then were -no sbows, but one ride, a Sierry-he- Round, wan rset 6p. lnciomogt tneetber. which hoe hampered alt outldoor.arnura

Jatnte Lewis: FCbiirifrth(''élts. Ore., eosi- IOOLO and 'Pena this nelson. hod

traded for o. food cancessom about ale radii ying influanoe 'Orb business- Tba

months ago., Shortly,atter this it rein- ride was the top nioutcy.gletter. with blegc

tiro died tn"Orcece,kavtsy him s eon, next. Mousy Bert. woe scarce. turot' bowl -ION

'tearable forne.- Lewis. -Lewis, -who went to Its flint e'latt here show broke

Qreece to settle the estate, returned to í, lot which WAS not deed before of iincel

San. Ftanrsoe the other day. Before The o7$anlmtlon. of bench, o'arortshIP going tad his borne In Klamath While ha played to en EugU hi-speaklnl; salad to purehared additlesuil spaoo for his con- LLeebwae :nuptials.' On Its tour it ON eri.__-ron because. he said. he heard ao chte111 bilingual) nggual centers; natas botr

muoh talk and saw so muss advertising French and Crcitah.

Nocerñbcr -26I 1938 CARNII VALS The Billboard II9

PIIiil.a1ltgiia p!LIT_ADELPEETA, Nov, Ilk,- Bauch

cue t atureucn ooniAnues to play to.good bra;Lness with the tollowIñg-bill, Johnny Walker's itevtte: Neil Johnson, novelty bag puncher: Jolly Ratite. fat girl: Pro - :awe or Nall, magic: and Mme. Merejeb, :Watched. Ila.rtp1gg girls are, id the sheer.

4";hth street. Miseries repents lta- prtirred bWlneas Ufa, week. On the bill ire Wail,' White. myetºrye malt. Thomas and RObLf-on. clamor gees; Congo. South afrtttan Hnahtatn: McGee. eartoontat: 'spiders and Myatcrle. Illusions. In'the annex ere denting girls end recent eddi- tsooartnoltetio Jean Mitchell. Lute. Hobb. ytstsn Krause and Garnett McECnram

Jo.1.`taon arrived for the winter from Blue Ribbon.dibowe. for xhbeb be

, general agent. Ile repeats that busi- ness was spotty at sill! dates and good at the. _fags.

Bill Spero opened a aboolirigtgnilery Bert and *Wade« week business WAS

CMidie Pima returned here for the altar Sire to Wrenn Veers." sic X91 be m330 - dated with a !pest' amusement oiganlr.a- tion for the holidays. -

BETWEEN TILE LINES- (Contfauéd /ma pa90 !d)

Opening. closing and riopentl . etc~., 'between the lines- tell thestory o: the lessen Chars leavening, the whole edrCU, hemp.

The most pietvroeryye tigurs In circus life today La -Jet" Adkins.' Weeding "be- tween the llt ea" I urid him in the

' eSddte. Its lenewa the circus game. has tfk !dens. and-wnseh hilly closely-he

his. Da]tey -Idtis .bountifully. Whether be reallygd it or not,úhen he toured the country rindibetightup all the worth - whale circus propeitv'atgn titim,als to the old.d5ritcr quartera lideeatsoaíery, Ate.: sl the .Oeáage Christy bilks at South Houston. Two.. and on the William P.- 11111 Tam ft. Lancaster, Mo., and other places. he port out of the game nere7at who would, lilted to bate had en tour a hie chat", 1111. the bank at Hem aioodt and doen_now stand: a silent wen. Wirt Ile thin rhetweep:tliu-linty" aurrezt.

In ttte,nte.C-clay rehen, clowns will be pertnitted - to devetap, be really !tinnyy, led they will be paid their price. The art of bowing "in" and -out"' by per- formera will be beautlful to hehoÑd- There may be a parade. If no, It will asopt the landmarks or"tha old: If not, Mere win be mometldng'para-nount, On downtow r Streets. Intend: There wilt be one act at trait that cannot be daoalted, ImpOsstble of dupileatloñ,.i lñ the Beaty

n'.ntter what the cost. The eirc is le nt the plain where it is

nreewary to choseo between two mode. She toad It will take Is marked "'Duty.'

Owitere M the ratites arcut will leilyae iheresrlr;ps and etiitI ,lte only desirable qu+l:ride. They will read out rood in come form. and In eonalderable qj nttty a corresponding amount of good teal return. If circus owners wlthhuiid Stod Or permit negative equalItlea to. be encased In denting~, with Mitten the immure of ret0:ring tee cuatatled,

Po- a tong time circusfownors have re- fiLed the train as to'eralit. They Just weutd not seknowdcdoe the 3smes' A- gency wily, that credit COnaisis to a ree?pretal action based on trust. Conn, deuce end teethd that. there must he -a t hen and a receiver, truster er.dr trusted, creditor end` debtor; and that .In the d,-tna buttncas you are giver ono ee- re:trer, truster and trusted. aadtter and ihMotithne you are a olesed -corpora- q en on two entitles. in -Inner man and as outer man-that bftween the two sit Ib. rock le held. Sinop mulleri death the voter man mooted' wh'ere he had the

berdidtrt even need the help of Hag laser mail., let alone bis credit. ':now the tmster urine hue come to the arid' of tits MP* an& :mint give way to -the elrcta Omer alts, to complete'tbe . reciprocal t7ele, o.9íí ,pined his whole treat and faith In his inner :TOM(

The curio -day tetra=s will have corner - like these: "Ideas, are hot mer- eaodtae'Jend "It le the human element

More than nnytlatng else that make. the flat move forward -- The circus' foe yearn has gone along,

iilf:ug a 1lttic ú cbndltlons permit and

charging n11 the tremtr will bear. "We're it tiaaltaais to melee artMey. you know." this elreteaowners.hatie proclaimed The ne r -day circus wilt pay Libor more, giro eustoalent more and charge Ices. A balance sheet, when Dailey 're, In the saddle, reteels that the Barmueu-Benny xolamo of bnsiittm under the system Jwt.enuadernted anti bbo red more then 60, per oent. Batley knew that when workers are underpaid the strata morals la had. The corning circus will not cling to- the outworn tradition, 'Charge what you can gel: -pay only when you must." It will pay more. glee more and charge late, The gold In the, golden rule will be applied. Verily, the underlying_ theory of 'bus:~ practice by; the Dory-day'eir- eta W!q 'be "Has as much na paehble. tA!'e 1ía much ae possible, and charger ea little as you reasonably Can."

The foundation of true olrewbtutnast ls,eonsdenoe. which springs from Intag- rtty fair dealing, efilºtens seétlee and United benefit_ ,Conttdence can he .de- rived and malntalned by;

I. Every elstun awn,. eoreldedee hh vs.catlaa aetlbry sed,a, affe.dlnr^y iéline. opportunity to time tea p<op4,

2. .4.4 -says eóreeer-ia with falrecjt, eeI..S patronare_ on .wart1 and with - auf dóro{story eelsrene, to a caw - 'M ads..

S. everailing rho ahem treakiiilly d -ail dlmet.b.ins aerial is i -a ºerpa,allw of sda.rtiting copy . to state only the nett.

4. knowiws,ascurstaly tae emit of dries badness to sedtt tsar a day ,plc., ,a fair wise and lair era* .wry be

1, thing belt deers* te !shone The seaadard-s af,th.-cI,e.n, and to we tan - due. affair" tilt WIWI may flu! wive and pro stable to .follow as an example_

6. Being _fait and Mn+rat with ,puttee* Ind a.nployar*, at all bireét -render, Ina to -them the maximum .iavie and beat ce.op.ralleet.

7: Delfts ceurftous and 1frlendh tai there whoa all to tir.creeue and by meet. lag, abrtazi ions peomptiy., eeaºsing Mat good credit b a-paefeg suet.

5. Ittu irfng that _thew 'k a fevrfeld eana±Noa-he. tier I'm 5c. Ié 'cm- aluners, le eenpelfers and to lane from when", tho carries bury

The nosh -day 'lrcuc will' be presented to the most attractive way, Ha.-d-h_zded circus owner, have been carrying oses the Ides: "My circus in good enough If the . people 'rant the tlugte thºy111 Iisvé to add thew Iwill not bother with"

A Lifetime Record of Your Social Security Number



C441~ jj.r.

i(45, fin. w..ih ,.a,... uretra ' SOCIAI. SECURITY

4A5 REutlElltg IIffH'NI. S._SOYE.rirINENT a

1eJ 301 ' 5i - 1U0 .

NAME _Ttak ectf Cl. ra

Your Name and Number Individually Engraved~ on an Etched Bronze Plate

SOCIAL SECURITY PLATE COUPON Tkis coupon ºntktlet yeti to your own permanent bronze Social Security Plate, engraved with your name and number. when mailed to Social Security Dept., The Billboard!, 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati5 O., with 10c to covºr=postage°and 'handling COS is CA

Socitrl' Security Number ±.. Neriñe ..... .


City . ... . - . .Stare . . ... . . .

business M what may be trailed "Love,' Does the thougiutdf 'Iowa^ In skirts life cause Vie hard-boiled to imite? Ile ware; "Circus'bwlneet 'Ii warfare: got to the goal by any Means Vou can and the drill take the taluure,:"

The Jim nalley_Uncle John Robinson - Adam M relpaugh Idea, 'this public la *Maya right;" will prevail la the tier -doy circus Customer* are not always right, but carrytng out` the idea will bis the thenl.'To h i with the public." Tutee .circus owner's gesture of ,twirl,- nor.

hard-boiled mortals are lost In the back-. then requlre>d. win tt pay! Penns It waters. ' - N11 cart the circus money. Unrcrupu

The new -day circuit owner will knew [etas persona may enter claims for ce:- tltns beauty In bugui late le an snit. with placement of things when they 'deserte a Money antler that may e caluntted, nosmÓh Butrsplsects. ut MIDI it will pay -the An added tnerod

he fop enceis+Sul croon ircue. It win pay the instable -.dirt-

Where Are You Wintering? Kindly give the iinfnrnaation' on titia Monk and

mail to The Billboard. Cincinnati,. O., for ono records of circus, carnival and rent shows ft_uinter g111írierac

Title of Shale Kind of Shot', .. .

Is it Flat-cirr, nagcag'e or f eifórir ed? . ... ._..., Owner ...... ..... ..'. Manager .. ,.

Winter Quarters Address

Office Addremi .

Opei'Iing date and stand for 1939 if definitely MP ,-lar, .................. ,. .

decide of friendliness and' Rood win. In- vtsible dividends Rase a tray of reap- pearing In bard; visible Coln that nib the eodol'. Beauty in arena business mutt be ,sore than-a(in deep. It circus owners are eourteoae beeetue they hops to maker ñ sale they may 'inlay the sale. Be courteous because you hive real 1n. terry: In giving the patron the beet, if circus rs beautiful on eta ur'face.but hag no quality patron, will ednMaue'only,aa long as -It takes the nest buyers of ttekete to tell how they were cheated. Under all the bta,ity there must be' the inner beauty of Lntee:ley ind dependability It must not only he in the;pertornunes, but an the drctaa owner behind the aam. Warped and crooked circus Inei cannot rnnie the straight and beautiful. eh. no matter how amen the circa. owner Ls. his responsibilty ta to eultitate the tuner ~eat This will make the owner of the new -day circus build and sell beautiful, dependable perforrnaneea

ibs new -day glean Will have a Merrell of employment that wall go deep to pecking perfoeme, aeentá' and. hell- -Mailing applicants b2 the way hat is worn. the Met), the marriage and the shoulder..Medal Eyes, Medal expression, hand- shake sent other common a7wtrmr still be tebOotd. tea: now knownthat a person's shoulders, change with the posessorrl thougbt.4Penmenehip will be taken teto eonaldernthoO. Circus veterans remem- ber George O: Ctarr, who for year. ¿toed .Gore to the been of Jemop A, Ziatley, What_ a. wonderful honestsquare: Char- acter be wail An employment bureau cf the 'new -day bag top would hire him qulekly.rrorn what his etgeature reseals.

And "'rody-' Hamilton. the greatest of circus pm' ngentas, would he empl5y4 quickly trocn bis handwriting.

I hare pictured -the new -day alarms In_concluslon. I mention the edreiu that win come yam thereafter: "The Cr,raut of the Air." he 1105 in my crocus book .Loot --trip Reclorard' With. this . t¡teul 31 Weeks' my loyal friend, the late I. C. EaScilo, predicted it, Yew the mOtKet dirigibles sod airpinnea,preaenttrzg '-tire Circus q; iler'Alr.' arc on the way. And the World smiles right along?

90 7Rhe'Billboard EARNWALS


r IÁ1: , i i itt


Seery year Koay'Ceaeh'owrOrI gran Coat lo Coal 8.1' - Wo don't, we how you Can make. lt. henna."' lout once aisle Katy

,Gooch leads w4th amporfant style. and comsat Irv-wraticna %Ire* now atxa+e IPK celeriac -mile cabinets are oontoaredclear to Me ban's, greing,,20% more sterna opla` a+ dncenlous Ice r plan mates psstrttothe new udntf dotes between the :isms,room.and' the rest campastmenr. learning ~rite pnNaey. Wolfe fix,,, brochure of 'Ohs nr.medell sand- you'll be óerolnccd that 'Yeure A1-erd wisha.Kory Coach 6dtind'


1'80l Rt[D,AVL, G,1LAM4200, MICH.



0. TRAILERS asz a ia%fe lop!

B Y AttYIEANS tee the Inleresting onhlblt.of )0 new 1939 Schutt Trailer mils. Wham rmdola when you whit the 201h.Awal Conrret:v. and Tiede She. le

Chaco the Last :Lill« menhir, '

W1iboe' Peea$ el the eoñtpeay.' will' bo o'. G:rle to wro{crme rot- ifers and point our the lca'uret that hard mad. Schuh, Trailers to,ptpular with, S how eroho.

Tee new 1939 models tar..sureara Fast year. are in rtyllnt, beauty red eo,.Mets. Haw rrl+nemrwla and cent.nleeeta mere $M1'. worn livable than

rye,. stray madras at* partkular y adaplabir to ,the needs - and ere of *fwwemea Dewy miss rho Schell rnbibiI-Shaman Hotel -November 28 to Deer valor

Wrlte tee new LREf CATALOG¡ íreellecsly 1p rated, ilwwlna atl eaodrtis; ton- Hn.c.Non 0.111$, etc-

SC1'iULT TRAILERS, INC. Dept 211, [ikhyt, Inalrti,


TRAILERS National'Tr.iik

Homes. .

A05 re ins

1595.00 tma Moo

0$545.00P0 51140.00 le Ft.-$. 24 Cl. Sold c.,,Cenrcnlear

Mums. Sand lei Choate,.

O R R & O R'R 2416 So,'Mkhllan

Avrmrc Chicago. M.


1 AN AMAZING VALUE scion's a Land -err modrp, A warts rid I7 -toot TROrrW000 Trailer. pety e 0ty .f upcd al she fee 7 Six monlhl et, read testing under all corn Mikan Isere storm this model to be it T,fyt. wrong and durable, 'Mu all !

ptad tee 'Itteeatwc on his ,rat, new. i

pepules mood .thee ate the p.sce tor lu cry Ond'eomlclt at the towed peke. ,,

wahw Lee TOty cod lumary. Call et writ* 11 today.


IS mire. Na W el Daton l i¡



eewee i3rW

Or/ lTea$f anC'LICa

9t0wlsl4 trs Ott& Revd Hotel

KANSAS CITY. SSo., NOV. 10, -Clubs second meeting of the season last Fri- day light Awe the return of Abner I3:. Kline, president. After greettne many friends. fellow -Clambers end. their wivee.- Mane exhibited ~non plenum which were well received.

Lad by rrink Capp. Entertainment Committee .chairman, repotted on the nntiil*1' Nee Years Eve Banquet and Hall. It was voted to :stage It at tite Reid 710 teS. burr viettthg.shownien and their famllios could be canny socommodatod after the -boll. Present plans call for many exhibits- and a strong programs. including a talk by Toein Colima, local writer and bu rl nost.

Harry Allehtalct. _treasurer. continual to 1.4 the HASC Membership drive contest.

Ladles' Auxiliary Alyrtle`Dtinean, president, pros:44d at

the club's regular Friday meeting. Seitz end. nc i lamas were noticed. Pearl Vaught and Virginia Kline beingfn attendance. Dote. for winter festivities were then decided and are sa fallow'.:. NoeninMion et afflOora. December 0: annual bazaar. Docambar 15,16; election éf hiker«, De- cember 1C Christmas Party. December 29: lost/Madan of odsleStl and apt«

! house, December 2D1 annual luncheon and Tackyyºarty, Deermbct 30.

Since VtrgInia Kline; went to New York to attend the Natiena1ISh wmenls Banquet.- she we. asked to .take erect- fñgs from the club eloº1g with her. A letter wale read from te the ladi' Audi= lo:y of the B,hommin Ltegne Inviting all momtaera tó attend their flagellation Dinner et .d.7tettii*ñ Hotel November 20.

Members were served coffee and doughnuts and played gam!~ after edJournmtent.

Ziindurs in Wind -Up At Brinkley, Ark.; Season`Successful

ST. LOUIS, Nov. i0. -Harry P. Zlm. dare Greater 3howe,,thfch closed a sue, ccraful season at -Brinkltiy Ark. on ND. Masher 13, are gUarteredat North Little Bock, Ark. Extensive 'building and en- largtnr,'o« the show will be started, In the ntxt few o-eoks, tender direátion of 'Bailer Hants. who bee jut concluded his fifth consecutive oeason with the Mow.** oOnitrltetthn sxepºrtotenderit and 31de Show manager- Anew boucle end. tore fronts. and other lenprovernen a are aeantemplated' by Cramer Zhadsrs.

Chief hfechahto Yank Went_ and Isla mew -of electricians' have. been Instnieted to build ale novel light towers. Globe Poster' Cofpy-Chicago; I. drawing plan for new papte dor the' .1039 tour, wino a slight Ohinge fn tllte' of the ebotv.,

Sinop 111:í show /all grown from li too.ride,oegenláatWo to Its present I2 ride. 'end 10 shows.

-major states

that be will odd three major tide. for next year. Rex Colo has been signed to present We troupe of Western Indent. Ws Chardon and hll Thrill show also hero been ehdeiced !Or MOM reoaoni. Management, also pima to Barry two bands end two droe sett.

K. G. F,LuW2es in Adti AAA. Okla.. Nov. 10ti. O. Am txaf.

mint Show called) 'it a **MOO at cOm- ctualae a1 les ougagornent here October 20 and moved into -quarters In Sapulpa, old... kin week. Owner K. a0. Clapp reports that he contemplates a larger orgsaleatiCn.2S 2.939 ono rut quarters work welt get under Way' anon. Shows enjoyed a good mason conaidesing cha timO% «app said.

Dobson Begins BuiI/1'ing At Huntington Quarters

HUt+TI NGTON. W. Ve.. Nov. 19.-11111 portion 'of Dodson'e World'« Four Ebeiws. widen -closed the season here. was stored October 19. and winter quarters aetcvitle s got under way Octobere31. under dIrec- tnon of BM Harvey. reports'V-Bohrn*. abates' aecratar,. Present plane Call for ens atructaon of 118 hew wagons and at least lhrte modern fronts.

White the show sate playing its final stand. contract* were aligned with the to "tal Ootnttttttie for tl e'oegatileatlbn to open hero early In AprU Sfabagemcnt also be. Concluded rucxoytiatlotia to nrake (*i Raton, W. Va.. Its decorid stand of the mororl.

Ass soon en equipment had boon Moroi. C. O. end M, O. Dodson. owners, and their faralllrrs left to: their Winter botne-k ,n huanaL

ST. 1.04718; Nov. 49. -Mr. and Mrs. Mel ]i.:. VwigbtL Of State Pale Shown. while en -route to Chicago Whetted The Billboard ounce here Turadny. Veaught will remain In Chicago until after -the 'big doings.' while We.. Vaught wilt go to Ck0.+Nand to visit relatives until the Chicago metttnge -start. Ms: and. Mrs. Curtis t'elorº, of Royal Ame:lean Iduiows, {fist week departed for the South. Curtin la almost completely recovered froom a recent illness which laid him tow for over a month. Bel gained 10 Tuounda. They ,NMI'* the house guets of Mr. and Mr*. Chelea T. Gass here.- Mrs.. .Earl Ftiobe., secretary of thº Rtta70ilrl; Shover tSomeib'a Club, has bcrmaeroualy LU at bar home hero the poet two weeks.

Ronny Bernet. now known as the MA ett'stco. tinted with Myron (Shiley - Sha- piro, manager of Globe' Poster Corp:y local plant: for semen days. peter Ca- nnroe, 'raper alr" Shows' general agent. eratted The -Rtllbeta-d'i oltem Tutsday. 'With him ere Prank A. Berry.:.of Hanni- bal (lie.) O'atdeíoi Advertising 0o. Bath wt11 make the Chime* irietinga. L. Ctlf- ton Kell. y. of Amusement Corp. Or Arne -rtes. phrased thou the city On route from Hot 8pringa, Ark., to 'Chicago, to attend the meeting there.

Gto ge W. 1)ortsarulol'ioyd Boma both on the Johnny 3. Jones' Etposition._ ar- rived bete last -week for thewinter. '110nny Leonard., formerly In the. e*Rnlvat Cold. opened a WatkathOn In Alton. Ill., this week.

w _Eor

NOre»aber 26, 1938

Lawrence. in Finale; Crump G. A. for '39

WAYCROSS. 'On.. Nov. 10.-PLrored vettn good weather, the Siam Lawrence Mow** final atatsd Of tit* eaaon 'Aire resulted In good business for the organ- l¡:atLOn. Show officials -reported thee busincat on the,s[u.s0b eat aallafaetors.

Ciceln,Z geeturo,wsa the -farewell party tendered the egeetitive «toff by Oner Iswrerlce. who announced that be had re-engegºd,ClfR Ctvmp-ae general agent fdé 1080. Crump and Lawrence left this seek for Nevi York.

J. F. Sparks Trek Winds. Up a Winner

Pt-. WAYNE. Ala-. flOT. l0-Inchrrgent weather played havoc with J; V.`Sparka elbo'e'aa tore an business vena ooncerned here Iast week, orginlretUQDY Coning date' of a 33 -meek Beaton. .flaturdey; however, 'w-ént»e: Moder ted n bit and showfolk managed to obtain a falrdars business. Seaton as a whole -cur a win- ner and straw wont. on Into quarters in Alta, Ate. on the right side of the [edger.

Manager Spark.. plans to' begin qua;- ted activity In the next .several weeks. niut crew will consist of eight men until about Jaatuary 1. Moon bo plans. to -add to it an work prcgrcares.

Air. $814 hits. Sparks w711 rustiest for a few weeks to Florida end then return to quarters chichi the ehO'w hl'la the toed next aeaaon. Mr. and :ors, Tom Starks went to their home' In Dirmingham.

Business Holds Up for Brydon's Life lbluselun

COLUMBUS, O...Nov. 19.--Look-at-Lee ,Museum. 'tinter direction of Ray Marsh Brydon closed a two-week engageutent here' On November 12 to aatlstattuy business. Prior' to the oryanLeauens stand bore. It eshlbltsd In Jobnsterus. Pa., clewing there with a good profit tor 'itself 'and Mercy Hospital. sponsor. Dar- ing the" last half of the engagement. Roscoe At'ea, Sin star, and his reed allow' company were VISItOre.

Just before the , unit Wan to more info -McKeesport. As.. oftictala Learned that the betiding there had been con- demeed and show was `ranted into Steubenville. Oi, where. K played n two-. week engagomónt to flilr results. Ted Leah and orebeatra, :tic were paling the Cepltol Theater: were guests of the show .there. Rodger*, 'the Peanut Rine. was ek. daily- %lentos Ur' ltcubenslUO.





it.i9 Per ' WoNc; L{latt iw,i Mrter .Ser.ioe.

- Shoe* Amon. the Palma nateeted Herbeq

Mostly Show Pelka CcmbfiGulfnei fables

,O. Huth. 121.9 arde rc.U,S. Ka. 41, *Owe.. Carda and Sasses.:

I, On ihe'Cuttéal fng{ewaad.

rea Reteeeaa LeW Woods a Glenn Maley r{óm 1Ndle .

Punta Gorda, Beach MMmrrly C$adwish ,arat111


rlcirerlr Allarto-,,pa.1 HandNt show rare Cudnna ea

emu-- Cttcvtolet .W1'1412oxa +r rrL go Writ LA'ID.atoTOrle.le{., e /ta-

.Itryi,, wrN" KANSAS CiTY


As two.. aP{aº Mr rst. ar taaTisrNsr- ILr. r t.x then al moos"

November 26, 1938 The ~beard 91

..amme: sel~i


onsoreá Events ,.

,Veteran, Lodge and Other Organization Festivities

Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS (Communications to 25-27 Opera Pface Clndrsnatl. 'O.1)

H. -M. Has First Indoor Circus _To Go Over in Philly hi Years

pltILADELPIEDA. Nor. la.-For the 1tarnld-Merton 'Circus. wbtth opened beca on Monday under auspices of Lu L'r same Tdersple, openlrrg bwiDeen' aa wiry :'firorable., with Capacity óh Tuoeda *r9 Wednesday atta rtdvnnee sell-odte for Tburadae and Petday. Genre iReim. po. sen'nto, wee Inueb phased 'with the ex- eaDent ebew prevtded.

Advance sale. atroutitgd to' more than í10.O00 'owl this was, the that indoor

elrcul here In Verso thaw has gene orer. At nlght-hnis a Meek láate wire et'throe ticket boxes. waiting for grata.

Staff for Ua©Id-Morton "Was Bob Mar- ton, director, Doc Stabler, general rep- resentative; Henry Robinson. spent 1 rep. n rrotative; Omar J. Kenyon; director Ot public retinae -at Tex Sherman, pros; Al War d I n i:'. secretary. Tuesday and Wednesday Matinees entertained or- etlarte and crippled children- u guests of the .S~ End Wrenn berrdpany:

El Paso Mido?áy At Sun- Carnival Going Downtown

EL PASO- Tex Nov. 10.. llldnay 11.e fifth nruniee SOuthweltern Sun Car - rend will bee moved back -to the down- t0rn diet -Het title eenterr. said Yarn )t.*eombe. rnali nalrig eh -eater. Events' will' include annual. Run. Bowl !netball rune between champion. of the Border e arderence and an o+ntatandlnr Eastern te_'n. parade Or stones, eoror.atian and hni for aun queen. and a symphony or- chestra concert. °Metals say that more then 100,060 will: see the parade.

Thu will be Nºteeamibos third year .as direCoc of the Midway. Hiss time will '-etude Leo_ P. Floyd. chairman; Ray Stoecker. Iceretasyt Parton IL Dent. perm Shorty 'Wells. lest superintendent: Jitrny Borehedrau. electrician;- Jimmy Allerights Charles WiUorord, ~ants.

Clam olsiorolWa and noon entrance Gtr ,ero being built for the midway. Event le advertised by .billboards, radio and newspapers as fn_=sis Yana. Awls.. D eaver and Port Worth.

Among ettractwña'-`booked ere Per. eytbe'a rider. twin Perris Wbeals.,alerry- Oo-iround. Octopus. Dual Loop -o -P -ant. 1Caup, Baby Mite Ride. nod Diped Doodle': Dud Cron,' Roil -o -Plane; Milo Acthertlya Side 3he'F, Snake Shea- gild Monkey Show:nikold Jonm. glue hawse: Jack Smith, ling=ranee aSooling W kly, and " K. nostan MoLonghltn *welt* T.

Captain Speedy Phoenix. high 'net Otter. haa_bnen !'tined as free' attr.4tl0D. Duille White has booked Streets, of Puts, night Nub -under ern"Tea, with stage show lied ainelaq %altars, Jack 8urilmo will be manager ot-oU eatstin:d &Intl fordreero,Nre.

8.C. Acts at Horse -Show ?Oltr WORTH, T+cg_ Nov. la,=THe Hall

Ilene Shone drew mom than "20,000 in 'dl Ravers btcrnor;al Coliseum here on

November 8.13. Children being admitted' leer to,atrne t all perform/mein atter the Owning Openins,nightdrew 5,000. while Melly ;LOW attsO4nnceon November 10. 'IA tile largeet night attendance. Acta bºortd Hint liner n-Cºretuhrra to tide renter appeal tn. the Khoo; included El/1-W Meek Hori<e Troupe, Willie Necker'. bohemia/ma Plnactlere, Dina nee's_Animal act: Taximeter, comedy melts Lltll-Wllbtlr doe let. and a Pair a blgb-sehooi boete .. Capt. Irving O?toy. announcer for thb'rotlao`held'at ei'-anareetern rxpeoltioa' and Ise, Stack

' laser last March. erne announcer -

Pro Aetd Are Fe-Milted; Bolle Sh ,w To Be- Annual

POHL. SMIrtu. Ark., Nov. 74.--F+rlatur- ltg Profu k'tet' attrectlOW, National ILame Show spoeasored by the Rent 'Estate

ere here and ending on LCoscarber l deem 29,ono. and the coanmtittep ply ta make it ata annual event, reporta Ed. tos N. Williams, mñnagLng director. 'nitre 'ere.5o booths and' w afadcl home, amine diner waa'Bernioc Krlleire Cie; ros Revue_ Including, Lloyds Dogs gild º`'uks' 131?ralce Kelley, tight wine 'Her - name eyelid: Mies Josephine. sºrlal Lad. den Itllnlllo Irviny comedian, end Mecen- rd. and ktaaae. )agglors.

Peanut Festival Id- StuCCCb'B With We t-4 Show9 on Midway

DAWSON. ea.. flor. 19.-Featuring Wcst'a World-, Wondce Shows with 12 rides- 39 obowe and 40 oonoeestora' on the midway :Seel nightly free- acts and ,rework., over 250o0 attended the sue- cfisful Smarm ...tern Peanut Festivab síponebred by civic and fraternal crgw el- rwtlone here On October sl-lao::embe, 0, repofti Al H. Miller, midway dIrector-

-A pageant. with the peanut as Its theme.' was staged on three nights, end there were two paradni and a on reflation. About. 112.000 wee paid In pretnhrms for aerleultural and peanut exhibits. Officials were IL ,8. Jennings:. manager: K. O. -Richey, president: -Ed etergpai a'lt'o -president. and Dallas 8per-' beck.: srcretary.treaáurer.

Show Champion to Cougress CANTON, O. Hoe. 18.-ainyor Jamie

t3hreoanbe, who for **Meal- years Wee tooted the annual July 4 Celebration and Home -Coming here, wale elected to Congreso on November 8, During the years he hoe been meyer flecanebe has been extremely' friendly to eircui and carnival agents, On se -eral occasions he Interecded for }how*, enabling thorn to play Canton at the 'minimum lloense Ire deaptte the fact that the city has en exorbitant reader.

RLlfER BROWN'reports he will at -age a threelday seasonal Guard Indoor Pair to Pestus data.) Armory and will blip prodeme a four -day charity circus In Bellevtile (Al.) Monza Home. Advanoe ticket lelesfer the events are good. he said.

áLl't'wns! JOHNSON report's he. Intro- duced his Fmtastic Anstla at the rosiest Hamad -Morton Shrine Clroue. Toronto, and that he at.A appeared et R. -hi. Shrine date, In Cleveland; Amherst. N..S.: and Ph.tadeiphla.

moon SHOWS, an industrial exhibit and otir-tesslonla will be featured at the Yhoenil (Aria.) American Legion Parade of Progress, militate T.. ,d. Kennte0el; There. will be a tree gate and ticket sale content winner to receive a trip to Golden (late International Exposition, Ban Francisco.

MILWAUKEE_ atldeummer C'

native! ortuntasion re-elected. Rudolph Hoten.

son. g9tr'eeaaldeOt: A.' J. Obeenberse.r, Ttef- pretidrnt; Otto Hauser, secretary; Wl1- lfnm II- Wendt. auditor: Dr.. John W. Mudroeh, ,t esorirer. The,",coanmteelon eelemel idtttetttve dates fear the IOW lake.f romt -.test Itral.

POSSIBIL iTY' of etaglnj,a fourth an - nun! JybUons. wars dssinmed test week by lenders of ICanan* City Fan Festival A,aiosiatIoo, which sponsored' tt to pre- Tiotta years.

ivtilNi; PIIODL^CINC1 00. managed by J4R. FAwarda.`o! J. R. Fdwnrde Shows. and AV. H (Doc) Herr. pony week and' coneeeelon .operator in Chippewa Lake

Park,,, ati,ttnn 0.., will opon its' t' e c- week memo of me refs aettapon-

g ored, Salta Clans p tadas and pageants- In Marton, O.. to be followed by oate lq :.IOUnt Vernon. o. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Klan are contrnetint alenta. Thole attending a preview parade on Kovember 28. were Mr- .an,d Mrs. ltalpla Peters: !Maynard (Doe) Mast, circus fan; Beatrice Lente and Mr. and Ma. Rex liteCoanoU, all ºi ~tom

FIVE 'raudii acts win be úád at Tuiaá (08k..) Nntsenel !tonne- Show. sponsored by the Real Ihatnte Board and directed by the. Pederat Production Co..reporta Edwin N. wuttama.

APTM1 clod tug a aucet?efti -faineeaioe .of 13 -:,'eke recently tn,.pndeceon, Tudor Sisters and A Marahñtl and Mien end the Throe Maya played Fort Wayne (Ind.) General Electric Indoor :Circus on November 13-10 and have three more Indoor dates to play before returning to IndlnnapoUa for the winter.


(Continued frost gage et;) from S*neaa.Ctty, to to speak on See- ccuFsl Worry, a eub)ect that should ap- peal to a)ovamen. Ire the line of enter- tainment Chairman Lely haw *erne surprises which ho Irv-mot revealer-g. Those who attend the _ angtret are es. lured of a 'splendid- repast, Colorful cep. tertai anent program and plenty of dancing, with Le., Daernond's orchestra fur indrie murle. A ,check of resorsa- noni at the Sherman Indicates a heavy Influx" of aháamon on 'Saturday and- .Sundayarrl n sear* or MOTO coming ear- lier in the week.

MAMMOTH EJPO (Conienrrtd porn pace Se)

in Por fr

tland. Beattie: San Prahetsoo and e0axland.:cnnt.

.San Prañcinco offered the banner .day of the season. Success there was &ttrlb; sated do, a publicity and content Ile -up with T:R Son Pranctsoo Nets, which in- cluded its pleote of art_ Pbnowing the - 10 -day engngpment tbeere`.bo F moved to Oakland for a -seven-day stañd, where a kiddies Content tie-up with., the Oakland ;Trrhune drew largo crowds all week.

IReilaratIons are now under way to play this city for It daps et Espeoltioa boulewsrei and Vermont Avenue: Waltrip already born-arrnñrled a contest and pub- llafty tUo-tip with TAO Loa Angeles Times. No holiday closing, Ls contemplated:

ItEVdca a. Mere Of jiving animal' oddities, show carries an Estyptoletly ex- httrlt; 13notats, headlines girl; Cuslatndl J3eiim.Jºrlburn, Shepherd from the Itody !:wind, sna London flea circtss. Little Star. -diminutive 30 -inch mitch, cow. giv, birth to a calf at bap 'Jove least Week. It -was -liptopeiat4ly tz>rmed Saw John, ExpostUon Trans. owned by M. C. Hutton -and Herold Anfeoger. Is man- aged by -the latter. Ratite. selected by Rennes, is Contracted by Waltrip; whe also handless all press and ensiles rte -ups-,

MET SECTOR (Coritertued from 7rokre 65)

ono .nmartle exprcaaed 1t), that the boys are stnldting on one anethes*a toes in. "the NSA clubroom,

There's, no Mach ,enirnal as 6 full Hat. and 'If -one were publishod,.lt would be- wtlder,the typesetters. The scribe caught the following. et any rate, chewing the proverbial fat, offering thoughts an the nature of 'the 38 efrcrrtt, expanding On what they bare lined -up, or- anticipate lining up_.fori next 'ter. and so *whir into thedI' ht.

One fencer ñ_aei'boen practicellr asleep an arse of the' pew leather sofas of ,the elubreorntia for three, days, but they a; nnHy tfiowed hint oitt anti sent him borne. (The rumor that he wan a general aged, dgering out hla season'k swindle shell to hand to the bcasman seas tracked drawn and knocked Into a emitted hat. As a tatter of tact, lie was werk- lag on next' yearn

W. F. Plane Toured Party quota from midway -mss Ln-

eloded'W, C. Firming. E Lawrence Phil. lip*, Max L(nderrnarl,. k IJArery Crum. Gerald Snelterael Jack L. Greenspoon, Charlie CWtea. Irsy cable, John vú.

'Alison, Joe Goodman. Art Leine. Oscar Buck,_ Jim McHugh,. George Hirshberg. 3. W. (Patty). Conklin Harry Du T. W. Sails Lew Lange,r. S. Kern.KMT, Mur- ray Goldberg, °Sprae Tester. Prank Mil- ler. Sam Laertawr, George Wbtteheed and numerous others, including Max Cohen, -Arrterlesn Cernirois AseoclnUOn.

Paine broright Elwood A. Ilugbr, To. nonio: ate). E. 1s. Allen, Plenuntten. N. J.. .tr. end Mra, Cherie* ROM, Tb- ronto; P. Wr Winter. Auburn. Me. Part mess noted were Derr' Stone, P rabcen Parlt,Bosetoo: Jack and,11ctng Rosenthal Palisades. N. J and other" (`meters and uttrecttontshs iae)uded Jake Shapira. Tri- angle Poster Co -:-Chen Bnhrtilte.ltnsur- anore Mlle. pewees and Rube I-tobstaan. BarnesCarruthers: -=Abner -K. Kline. Cy - eel). Aircraft Cbrrp: G. E. Korn, Fulton D ag and Coeton stilt!; Arthur Baker --Lock weed Co.: 4.t. B. Ilowa-rd,. tCcr- teak oflloe George A. Handel, Ina.

Tuesday's gienerol meeting, last berate the banquet. was a climactic aCair._tes- cured by 'ceremonies during which La dies' Auxiliary donated the NSA flag with lion Inelibta to the aioociaticn. On Wedreedny about '103 rsen:hers and ,guests easembled at the Wailers rate and made a motor tour of this great expanse rim gue Of the expo. -Report on the banquet, with list of them* attending. appears elsewhere in ibis issue.

RAS` HAS'BEST (Continued ¡marl woe 66)

rived -ahead Of time because of the ex. (*Dent schedule arranged by the Ca. radian Nations,. In feat, this year the Mow had they flneat co-operntlon from both the Canadian NatiOmal and the Cinedlan Piscine:

Region followed Saskatoon and heavy ~me in groin, attendance units e recorded there. Thee came the summer

-fair at Wlntidpeq, one of the newest In 'Cenada_ Concluding engagement In the Daninldn was at .the faLehead Ex. hlbftion in Ontario_ From bore RA re- entered the united' States byway of In- ternational Falb to play the Thf-State Pale; Superior, followed by 'the Minne- sota etas* Fatr. liinneapolL+-St. Paul. Astonishing was the tact that., altho

. heavy mina fall thrilout a port of the State fair, mare that, 1.50.000 were on the Grounds as a Ulie when an Inch Of rain tºU.

Other State fair. slatted ank where heavy Incteesee in gr'os_co were recorded and.eantracte were shard for the shrew to coin back to Ira were Tenneessm NoshvU[e:` Alñtiaesna .e Burmtrre;ltamt Mla- etau¡II. JaCkaOfl, Attendance records for 33 yearn were broke -ti 1n Jhctaon. The show wound, up eta senses at 'the Sotrth Texas State Fair In Elearatfnnt,

AtPaducah. K)'.. Ono of the fall still -date* played. merchants displayed sign', reading "Wal roma, ROyall Anxrlesui ' After leaving winteeaqunrtera at Tamp" the allow played. ateirttng April le. at the, North Florida State lair, Jackson-. sips,, There'a record fair attendance we n established. tit Atlanta. tbo -show was located at Lakewood Park and from that city the, esser-It-r1 aaevd into Tesy- aoasee, whore at the° Memphis =cotton Catatvat. the neat of Use new :-ear* records crag established. this. deapIte two 'days of bard rain and are estended cae gagesnent, from there spring mein date* Inducted irlran.ville, Ind ; Racire. Wise; Rockford, m.: Cedar Kapitis. la; and Davenport, In., all of which were,000. ' dared ,satiatscto-y from the rtespotnt

of ett.eodnace and receipts_




A Goiter., About Bingo hi till' WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE!

Department TÑ15 WEEK and EVERY WEEK

ST. LOUIS" F'ATENIT SHOW -VRterrAL AYºetrQRllrM. ,r.aNuaar 212.. ST LOUIS, MO.

..The Ie.Ñlarea. mcraMla4 .A 1111lU.e1t'a,AluA rert.- tN mair4M M rareen saNlee M.

pay V[ RT O n e:. tHn I. reap .naw tp.t.11 Out tl:w nuen oowoxtsionaifirs: ~alas eat newness rakMr <en a.. ued dvlM raal AMR, and ere .akale .-'j caera sasa+ans avplt>.

ExNlneTeglib Or ~sob -se wr. .reu itt- Te.'ese+- le» to wr L WRiTE FOR vAois-aoTua on TIa *T. LoUli PATIENT altpW. all aaaaaaa-tdvernkq orFlogl, 440001.11E at.. at'. toaM.MO.

92 The Billboard LISTS November 26, I938

Coming Events These dates era for a five -week, period,

0ALL1'OHNL.t Hangt.pou !urea-Kmaa'eeélio Dana. Der

11-11. wen. OathSoar. Lod. ,t:i q ne tern Lare.Sloek Show.

Noe. 30-30. IL J. WelcC TaliTian.

Cotdt:ADO Dtenrr--Auto Wow. Dee_ 5.19.

11WurUA Poet 8t. JO.-Ci1W0nla4 Ceirbr1LOO. Den.

7-1A atotttIL4 Columbus -Solfee I;aor Circus. Mal, 12-37- ahrcO Isrine Circles. Nor. :1.21. D:' Q.

Prreuerm. Dernumt JIMaL ILLINODI

SeiteetDU--Charco Optes. Dear' 44. Flwri Scores.

Chlteio--1 ur. 1Ra a Prather -.Pottle% IWuar. Nor. 3344. 0. C. Lightner. 3410 S, 5ticltt-

tRUcaayo--OOsn _ Uoeblee Straw: 002. 13.5, A. IR

Mar1013.. 4geon indeee CarniraL Dec. 1.10. Sprinplletd.-Auto Baow. Xor. 31,34.

tr. MAN Esa rurgk-i1hrtae link r CHcas, Nor. 21-1,

Arthur Sranm, inalonspone-Auto,, dhsww. Sao. 10.7.3,, C W

Warr.xk. ale E. Weell~ion at, hOSYA

Sine C.nt(r-gear ..v Can .Show. Pea 0-11. Seri aMsrrta. ' rCIT¡CKT

313.$0rlBa-TCOuu 1-.ticnaL, Noe. zl-Tl_ MARYLAND

Dth oea.-Autn Show i ?!ó10r Heel ExIilbIL tow. 1044 John E. Rothe.

11A5SA C1 t W a:Trls 110.,1áo-.Va11. Winter Sima'.. Txpe, erasion

Dugan. Piar. $$-tart, t Weber A. ,,:roan. rc-loa--110.40n's Own. Weesor * -Trier, Asap:

Wtk0. Dee. 3 -IL. C. J. Oor0ea Bonete-11051On HMOs* Wow. DSO. 540.

)119111C/4N -

73tr olt-rletton 1r.' Llar -stock at:ew, Dee. 13.13.

Dotad..-Drerolr Ac ltlebltan itspo, Dee. 41-91. 011011 R.814 -Apple (Error. Dar. OA.

at t at30t7(i F+_n watt guard_ LO.deor Fatr. Doc. 1-3.

.r Brown. Kamm City -Auto Slow. Xov. P5 -Den. 3-

C. M. Woodard: NICW JCR91T

I wn.-tlrss.. AM Squad Was 'Animal, Bppeis RJt1sos t AVAIL 81198.- Xº7. 18.24. SL- 1 tlipet r14. Doom, Brook_

New Brunswick =K. of C. W130 Aclmal. 89o14a40 Leaflet As F,. Show. Den. 1.4. O. P (spate ok. Sound Brook,

Nexerk-Arito, Show. Nov. Y. -Dee, 3. W. L Melton.

NEW YORK Tow Yost --Neri[ AerctLr-n W0ter Sparta

Show_. M8,Jsan tiq, ctardtn. Dee. 0.10. Lee Coeu4er.

Ruebssler"Auto Show. 'Pos. 10.7. ads. C. 6thoe4 171 C art.

OBLATION J Oarbee--Cardeld-Cu Poultry ~rattan atom.

Sc?. 24.Der., 1. A. W. Creighton..Entd. 011a.

OREGON Portland -State Corn. 5~trr. Dec. 7-1. It WMnkam. 131 8 W. Pa ave.

RHODE ISLAND Prns1dr te- oultry Tau n elele3 Sapo.

11.11. 6O0771 DAKOTA

Stour Palls -Auto Show. Nov. 31,4t. W. Kletey.



TENNESSEE leaa3s'ulle--Stale Pet Cattle Show. Mg.

L. A- Rleltlydion. 1313 1071, IGfi. UM. TEXAS

Dallo» -.Croton P0ettvel. Dec.. 30. Chamber of Concreente_.

31 Psse-Ban Couplet Dta'74-J-n, 2. Stone Newaenbe. 502 Larda Dldg,

lle ester -Ahuma 'Temple Shrine Circus. Nb? 31.34. Kra 3. W. lsr .tiroy. Box'7133.r

!lee loco-1113Utday CeteOra,ton. Dio, are ha iry Ittnff_ - -

ViRO1N1A Newport Naas--PenI esta Cile.Tlly Pair. DOC.

-4. Canc. Demo .T. Ciar. CANADA

wool»al; qua. Ante Show. lelo. e8-:1. A. Leveatlue. Sun..Life Slag.

Toronto.' OnL-Auto Show. a;.v, 34 -Doe. 1. J. L. Stewart.

Winter Fairs CAJJVORJnA.

¡Sdio-RUeratde Co. rite, Indio Clete Club Pets. 34. Stewart EMU: mar.

tmtwrtaI-Imperes Co, Mall. March w2. D. Y_ Stewart

Ilan farrntardlno - 2:atbpnet Orange Show. Moab 164:1 tvm. Starts,.

COLORADO, DeA.ei-National Vftaterrr.. Stock ,Snow. Jas.

74-raL a C,`R. Jooci. Buck Trade. Den. tes.

rt.0R3DA thiallas barer-Iurar. Cu. Strawberry Pau-

se. Jan, Coat. E. S Hotmasa luaus -lake Co. Pals. Peb. 31:5. Pori ' 5dardalkew. wtd Co. Pair. r'Mb. 3A-

3 rv, L Taiornkee, Mart Myers -normaren Pia. Pak., Pvb. 31-33.

C. P. Renck. Nonti0aran-ltedlar.d Pistilo rivet PmeeraL

Pelt' 37 -Slam!. 4. .3.'54. 'Cron. 410' Calumet Idg, Miami,

Largo-Pao:Ms Co. Piar. ;an. 10-14. P. Drew Lea'.., mgr.

MWboUr--o--5Ietnard Co_ Pais Aria. Plot Well Iw I4.14cc31. 0.rL,3ltNWty.

Ot3Rndo--Central rfa. repo. Pia_ ?7 -March 4. Crawford T. nrckiord.

Palnttr~Manatoe 'llireT Pali. Jan. 10.34. W. E. Malin.

Ruakta-P0rt4. TomotO-F.utlaaL Ale. 11-91. Ocorec D._ Brotar nota

lfebrlu0-.-e4uvUY memoir. Co. Pair man. se.Téh 1-31, W M WIttlema.

Tempo-Pen.Amcrtcan Rentando 3X8011 rpo Jan. 31Trb. 70. P. T. 801eder.

pm. soar. Whiter Marres-Pkv;Ca Omar, resit'Il, Jaa.

23-37. Almon R. S`alte-- ILIJN016

Chlcaao-Tllternnt9. Lire Stock rapo. 0414. 24- ' Dec. i. a. IL Held*. ties= Stock 'Yards.

Ctricas'o- L03T15 W `rt

Latrett.e--dwth. La. Min -wiener Pik. 1st. 33-13. L 'A'. Stow

01110 Columbus. Grerve--PutnamADro Pals. Den.

30.23. T. M. Tee4ardtd. Soryrut CAROI,TNA

00wtea:t-cowman .Fair. Wrca Of Naar, 71. le: H. ?Luray_

Dru¢tote..7ampt:es Oa. Pair. Wick 01 No- remasr 11. W. P. 3154artln.

TEXAS El PL10-Siauuewevbrrn- 'Lira Stock :c Agri..

Shah. orb. 11-22. W. 'S sorter. h.- v0rea-1mltn western :Erpo. Is Fat ¡Stock

Erin.: !.!cree .tala. John a Darla. 'Ifarilhaen.-':a71ry .343dwlnter Pala. 2101. 41-

21. -.Sidney Reine. Boustoo--Itotkacon P'ee Stock Show J4 Llre-

8tae7e.Lapo. rob. 334terca.5. W. 0. Oex- San Angelo --Son Agee30 `Pat Slack ISmmo de

Rodeo. hearer' 3-5. i. C.,,Deal. . b'r,n Ogden -Ogden Ikea Stock Show. 'Feb. 7-14,

myrta Halm

Poultry Shows 'S7Tetre-idatea are let a rltre.irerA aorta»

.CALiP03L1 i.t LOaAr;rbs-asov. 21-27.' Jude P, ,J, Peltier.

Gorden*. Ca1l1 - CONNECTICUT

Dankury-Lht. 1-11. w. M. Both -

vew ltat'es-Dee, 9-1. at: D+bibeti, CSO 'State at,

Nouteh--Ott.. 7.9. Robert P. Joe4,4 444 wntl t1L ytr-Dss. 1e -t w 13. D: OaraaaarD, North Windham, Coon._ 3Cterieeaa--Nor. 394Tta 2.

IOWA Dee 3fMnsa-Die. t-3. J. }r_ -Oberon. DS::Uaaue-.0et. 21-3an S tt."G tr:ulatnaa0. Slannlo8-.i¢ov,' :A-D'a 1. -'SL r.

KANSAS Mlrtaiephla--0oe. 7-00; Oho VresCOrrr. Nes'WtkNor se-Gw 7. '0. C, Yiturtla.

MaLNE Portland -Dec 18-16. Motor T. Adam, K.nn.r 3p, ,6tlABTL.tID 8esltasaur8 =1i4+, 3I-Dwe.' d. R Kenneth


SpetnilMld--Deft. cI0. a. L. Concalr., 1E14 UAW ail

74I74Der. Detroitdeta=Nen. °i -DSO, 3, It, M. Hansa,.

1.11ó1a 1.8583.Doc., 14. Prank Smith. MISSOURI

14n&. City_ -Doc. 1140.. MM. E. 1L SWotck, d ndependecee, _ 1110.

NORTH DAKOTA 3Dnx-Der. 1347_ Bun E. Stewart, not 232.

OKLAHOMA Aeña-Oee. 4-1b. T. D. Drown, LO SLyo Tulsa. Okla. Moloyee--Die. t -/L T. D.. Brown. 133

Mayo 204g.. Tula' 011at' Renville MAIDS

Providence -Dec. 4-11. `Wa:eri7-Noll 24-24Tr. ~Bert Drysdale.

CLtrn0CAA-Doc 1wirna-3. !' OIIIham. mio

Casper --Dec. 31-30. 0: 51. Perry. Boy 361 Edgerton. W10.

Dog Shows These bates Are 41,5-1-1 rice.Waek'Period

CALIPOA1t0. Ies Atytete/-Vaal 24.22. Jack 13radaaaw,

1114 8. Oread are. :fan 'Jere -Dee. 1.1. A, L, Roae=onk 20

3Pcarroeo, at., San Prancttr0. trae. NEW JER+Et'

Newark -flea 10. Poky. Inc-- 3032 iumeaad aL, Prellai PL

NEW YORK prono. 05w -York -Dec. IL Foley, IeCr 31103

Jtanstesd a0.. '1'Dl a. PA. Nee Y0,1e-Por. 27. Poem Ine., 2000 Rana,

*dead *11.., 'rhea, Ma PLYKSTLYA.VIA

7Anadelph:a.-Drc. 3. Poky. Ines. 2005 Ran - steed its

ARR.OxA DmlRtaa..P. ,r A. u., It. A. Moons R Mutilate

Templar, Spadr 3T-31. J: -IL Barrel. E01 1057.

Ftatford-81.31e Gtt1n c7naairl Ana. /Pets W. Ma. J. M Ksltk, iso S. Central, are.. N :44n1z,

AnE AMAX Little ltcefe--8!ata OCtOooP Aala, I.aitet

pail e1 a4ueR J. P: rLird, Box 14E.- UttL tlodt-Stele Soc. boCa'oa Amu. Rpo-

¡:ilott_ Pea 33- AL Ib Mtteeall, 534 Center a1, Conway.

CALtrOnNtA Leo Are 81H--NatJnnai InsetatorI" COngreaw

3M. 1-7. A. O. Dutnt' 01111a12hNatl. P1Te0a Asan. Jan. 14 -St.

B, P. aalaine. Bol 34 . Kama City, Mo. Ban JYsnctsoe--91410 CMete-rna AMO- Dec.

0-14 3,. Perry, 355 3.1, ' -1i at. San Pranedseo-Amer. Nat. LISP-Otoek AMO

Pth. 11-37. r, E. 3/o111n., asa Cooper It11f.., Denver, 0c1O:

43p Peand/kco-w'w14en Pacts Aran.. Jan. 4.7 Towle Palo. rcaerasenas. Call!,

ienIbt4--Arao, "mule. Cd tolla. Dec. 7:4 L McMackin. 472 !tesa Biela.. ban PhaA-

tla0u. 000.06.íi0

Demno--P. of 33.-B14.1 Ortatq. Jan. 1742. It:,del01=- Joxnwn It0uldst ato.

CONNECT tCUT Hartlard-F Se A. Mom. rob. 14. W.


Doren-PentnsuL'H'0rt. 836,. [Std. 14 -IL 'T. 3'. Penns,. Lente o! Dail, Nclear3. Oct

kennel -P. cd 31, BLaee 'Onnie. bee. 1444 IS Cs JoNna0ar, .5284273. Smyrna, Del


lV.dhingt're--0.dn 41.0dd Ftlnoms_. Jan. 71- 20. it, L 4Mderaon, 415 716 al N, W..

Workington-EA:Onza Of PylluW. Feb-. 20. tV= A, KIumr .

a'arñeln7ltcar.-r 01 tied Man. Pre, 111. as AMaaader. 410E 5th It.. Ir. -W.

FLORIDA Arre4la-Tin Can Tchenta. Doc. 1243. A. Q

/WM. sa W. Ruda«. . at.. 032:wbus.. O. Mlatal.-tetate Aviation Assn. Jeri. e. 0. W.

Dray, Ilex 14lí. Orlando YU. Tampa. -}^.ó ern Tobrlat..' Jasa IC -75. A. D.

Steele. 13 ''t'. Hudson sL. Cak'uedbws, 07 GEORGIA

AUMaMa--04doet Ads. Alen. aS OM. Jan. 13- N. O.'RI$ley, now tilt.

PT.1.114011 4 11gó-1a3L Aula. 4ahá&'Expos Nov, 23-

10., Ralph 'T, 1lrmphOL Sax 474, Olds - Moen 'Ctty Okla.

Oska..,a. - No(3. Assn. COtn=Operalnd ).lechen' MM. Dec 113.13. Chateo 8.' Darling. 130 B L' -1a11- st

Chtesto-Celn Mualne Atha? Aso.. Jan. 10- 15. Jarrea A. (Inicie. Are4rmatl, 1Wt4L

C1s14ato-6íast.17. m ut, Such& t ata1nat. P nco-

113iro-t14fe AReI. Auno Jan. 30.1kó. 1.. matrelae.'IC4 C. Dearborn it.

entra a Logue or Amer. NOT. les. nlrstbIch 1:3 W, Ladlsmn r

CONVENTIONS C.lratº--;,+111. Amen. Anwaemtat Parla. '154031

and Beaches, 1101..2$-De0..3. A. n. Noddle. 1101(4 SbermIm,

Cbltago--Neu Paalerbal Cao{twa of Amer.. Pets. 21-71. IS, Je. resell. 1s C. VweCsar

Work. P. of E.. State Cringe. Dee,. 12-35. C. W. ILIvekoer. 131 Summer M. Recktord.

Peoria -Slate 'Terror Ones Desdarr 'Awn. Peb. 14 L. Parlor, nlnemilglQa

MM. ANA piwi.arto

rt atPell Ito J'a. ¿au PSQ Latter

LS Payene-Siete L*r-b:ock Modem' Alen. Jan_ IL C. Harper.

I.a raTnlir"-Stole Hart. rrioe. Jam. 10-1I. R. L Wlnkley1etk.

IOWA Osa .tal--- St -te Pam- Iasreteu ltd. Jan.

tI-70. V. no RanCttoce 5103 Valley IISt_k bier_

Dee `_.:I. -a -Stara Pennon'' Crain Donare Awe. 386. 74-24, D. E. Edlson. Ins CM, FL

Pl. Dada Arearleen Band Mee!~ Asas. Marró C13.21, (!lenes Minuet, risk Hal/. Noctatwestrrn Cotes Evanston. UL

Das Mofara -B=ata rail 1unagOV Awn. D.C. 11 -IL E W. WüDar... Manraeatet, Ta.

EAN4AS JuncIlan Cety-- .tate Poultry Breeders' Asan.

Jan_ 5.10. James A. Cueatv7, -5773 VY ,ib it.. TOprta.

Llrnate--P, ocio., Spate Orante. Dee. 13.11. SL SL PV -T111. Orase Clli, 3(18.

Topeka -State Minn or Aerleeltºre. Jam. ISM 11. J. C. 1011,'+1, Male house, Topeka.

Topeka -Slate Hurt. riot. Dec. 1.2. 0..W. Kinkead.

Topeta -Stab Assn. of POPS. Jan. 10-1L Oro , domar Valley Ptla, Iran.

WIc4'b-P. ta A_ ~a, Pr : 15.I1. 11111 Tart lute Teeple.

iM01111ANA Ntw`Orlcada-Manar, Parir Borneo Fed. Me.

1º-3t R, W- Bteektern, SSE. Washington n e Creares.


New eh4raas-aaaz O1 Southern Ain. N'art=

' Feb..ra. 1-3. P. E HAM., Box 13PA Raleigh. :4 C.'

Now Orkaras--r. R.A_ Moons. PCP. a D. P. tw11ueas Jr.. 333 SL Clunks M

- 11.UINL Amnia/as-P. of H.,, State Orange., Dee. Ede

Mo.. N. I...ataseAll. AubYrn ).de, .

Portland -Stole- Sae ti00a'or Amr$ 7tsvtAo- tton Peb. ]7_ W. B. HMI, 142 IRvó a4.

37.tAYLNMA Dallirnate--lt. h 8. >Mona. Dr0. =4. C.

WNkY--n. Mnsenle Teat ,

Ra71D?orr--óUte Perm Erman§ Pfd- .San. 10- 12. 0.>C. 5?1ae Jr., Sherwood

3a.tBIiACBtlBaTrñ yoaton--V. ,of H- Slate Orag11a ram. 13-15.

E. II Oilbert, Xee11t Miaow ]tasa: Boet00-44. t Nueeeryneo's Asas, Jari. 31.

L. ibrk3Ltwo0a Springfield. tiartban74-?on-State Agri. Pair= A,a. 'aa

Lombud, 134 Stet. House,

Worcester-tlnlea A11rf, '3teVpOs. Jan. 4-4. E. a.Carperttrr. MOIL done ,Canoga -tm- herst. Mara. '

' wbeeester.-Ataie rlrm Bureau red. Dec. 0.7, ,H. B- RussaA 131 Lextcitaw re.. Waltham,

MCRrrla_Y E. Lnaitq--Btek Cltr::lo}sa IloEc Detc 3.

W. J. Dtttman: Dotter. Laasttll.-,Plate Awn. of 3:unetyrs,ra. ?eh, .!N

8. R BbnaYker, 1c11ra. Mtcb. Orand Sayida..p ar.c4 rat t3teek ñssñ.

Dee. '0-7. S b Vining. Oread Rapids -diode Rort, Soo.Dee..,8-T.

t4. rTeetmin. %. twnetnt, Larding -State tYrrn lqutplñett .4.oá. Nor.

70 -DMS. L i IL Larsen. 431 Pullin at_ S. R., Maud Rapids.

MINNESOTA Sprtr.eapelts-.State Ted. County Pairs. Jan.

10-13. L. O. Ja,toA Rt. 3 Anoka. Minn. 9. PaBt-A. P. & A_ sra+ae Jan. 'J. 11. ...en Monte Temple,

9t, Paut+`7tte now Eureaa. Jan. 1E41. - J.á Pines, 1101 crone °HSds.

In the Convent on'Ller appear only the dales 44 thou fIAings ankh we feehrra of laterest to.11kc ediun.mon1 Industry. Ian tab cetecofy ire else*. beaters, er4c01p amusement and Alice organization. foe echowin. growth:.

...meek.. .c 4eea Veterans of r4ew.4pi Wall, Ddiabl*d VetOvém and other viÑr et

eeg'4safl4.Nr Odd rellowe, Knishes el Pythias, ,EIA1, KnPdh Tempters, Meek* 0,4er Barred Anieek.O 3/echoers. Eagles. Shearson,, Sad Men. toes 'od Awoken S,Zelrflew. Weedwan of the World, Mamma Moore. Knight' el Cehlmrtwt. N4r$rylfue4 1ocl.Haa. Earl. and Moms etgadi.atlam. .lee -Stock Apseldlani, a3Hry lIeredcny Sized,' Of &$lItucti..: hen Il areal+. Patroá of Husband.y. Slate Cringes. ilceend and Oufdaer Aeworth ier A..e beVe la_


8t._raw1--t'a y te Nertermeoen,tr n. Dec. W. 1'. cowtxttbratte.

8t, Paul-icstaataIO/OW V tte' eteea'Al-stet 1T1 n -r J. Eraphy.' _

3113 -*0!!301 Kansas CM -Western Aiwa. ºf Nu,. ea

tau. 1-0. George W. Itcalinger, Xansas Cull, Kan.

31Is1L181PP1 Jack.on-P. as A. Masons. 'Ptrb. lb. E. 1.

reuptt4, Meridian. MINE' .Jorkon-aerate Perm I Moot red. Non 39-10.

It: L .54401., 31004TA-YA

Linea+ten-1140d00 war° M Amer. Jan, 0.7. Fred S. ~wear. *annoy Calif.

NIEn,ta511.5 Lmsnta-Seats Pisa ttoreau sod. Dec. 5-4.

T. T W, -ter. 1134 P iL 7Jnoola-Ma1e MOD. CC Pair' Mau era JO.

2J2á. C. O. Marshal;-'.5,112.gton, K:m, Omaha -R, N 11.,..5 N. A preens- ,Des. b:,

L. e.. Smith. 441'Mawcse, le - 00.318 --glace Poultry Awe ian. I. E

B atley, 8ewarn.- Neb. Om.M--rar./n' P4001 M Co -Op. 13ss3. Feb. 1.10. E. L R,iCuaker, 391..8 LovO. Worth eta

'NEW BASOYOUtnr. Lcecird --P: of 11.. State'Gracga Doe. 11-11:

J. A. Hammond. mew JERSEY

At1aatte .CtiT..8tafa Hart. 4376_ Dee. 74. A. Porky, Stow Brunewlele.' ~alto OUp. -P. oa H. State Orange., Der - 4 -It Ju. 8. Klrly, Mello& MIL N. J.

New Itrrnvalck-State Term Bureau. Jut - 11. - Tayleo. to W. Slate et.. Treat: o.

Treoion-Acct. Kock C. Stake Perm Snow' Jan, 34-37, W. C. Larna Dept. of AWL

NEW MEXICO corn -mote nbtW Oroce-a Alan. Varies 31-34. A. Drornhltf4. 5741141. le, 14.

1 -KW YO318 Albea3'-.Agrl. 5or.''er N, Y. Jell_l4, P. SL

atúlan. 8tata Ofnce Stith Aib..7.-State ~a. County .etX1. Boclrtnat

Per. 21. 0.-w. N.rriwea, 137 11.'Plue are. Ithaca, .Plan lend (Some Week. Pea 11.1.

R. IL Wheeler. Roberta Baal. :Draw Jazt..tewtl--Slate Poultry Aau. Jan. 10.

E. 0. lade; 845 477, Rochester. N. Y. New York -Toy Mfrs. of Q. R A_ -Pic.

J, L. IRt, 714 MI6 are. New York-..Aeicrl3A Bantam Aims. Jar- 3-E

0. A. Piste:cr. Dose 414-. Chirac*. Rocbeatee---State.Itoct- Bes' Jan, 10-11. It. P.

SLOPtwnOn.-R. D., Le 1tºy. N. Y. Oyraetp4'=state Prow rEquIPmels4 De.-.e

AMu, Dec. 5-7. M. A- Joltnron, Boa CM Kennet N. Y.

NORTH DAKOTA Devils Lake .'-,8t&U Mermen' Oral

Assn_ Early to Feb. C. Id. Conaway, 131

Tiro. denv. Parpw permo-)R. Je S. Mason*. ,Jar 3ta3 ty L

Stockwell. OIDO

A3roe4-P ai' *. State Orange. Dec. 13.13. rohn Clt8nlr3hant, N, II art Vernon. 0.

/s« LISTS on pays aa

Noi+cplóer 26, 1938 The Billboard 93


1OO a Word M-5-O..CASH. WITH COPY,

An 4 entte7 mks. Nn rala_ Qro -^ /drrrel.rc7er ingot I lilntrtTH MIS eet, b tweeted raflne seetF,Ys"ra.l wlt>t,eót7.,'t'º

.r+. U. Aibt to rrOrcl eRF sererthanunat Of emirs OeyF.


M AT LIBERTY le WORD Meet Else Large Sleek Typo 2. tenisci West Lint .0.4 e I O Type, U Wesxts (NNyeatt

vf } ~en tie A6 [ cede etiñ a Ra4'Oºte

01111113T191 mpg.


A -I RICiTATIONS.-KIDS LAST FIGHT. OAR. room Flocr,'Dlw Verret Band, Lana. Shoot-

er; Dan McGrew Ityprvwr7Nen1, all fen 3PA0. SERT,^ 323,1 So. ztnr."

At>fItNG1NC SIMlLIfI[D--"LIGNTNING ,AR: rr-'a' 51 ". x, In rac Or. "Harmony

±GC. An -angina. /nnt r,,e Writers' Ac. MUSIC WRITERS" SERVICE, "1587

:r6td.ry. N. Y: MEW FOX-TROT, "SONG OF JOYS," 8$c -

KARAT JOYCE, Crescent City. Calif. de3,i

peCIIESTRA SINGERS. CET THE NEW TIT. prfDu '1 Wrnta.B.aby;' pialttled.Iby THE

LAKE CI- ' MUSIC CO-, Erie, Penn. Featured by loe Rodny's Orchestra. Co-

eDeiºlo with, lit eivle enterprises for the bene- fit a1 the earemun:Tlee. Wah:ngalí a Merry

OLCMESTRATtORIS WE SHIP PROMPTLY. 'OA prices are the Incest. Write for Tell

taint:n. SONG SHOP, 36 E. Film, Cincinnati, OPio.

SaIAePY VIHTRtLOQUÍAI rD1Al000tf, SIM= IfPed r,cthod'I ~inn( no lip wovemºnl)',

Maraboui Songs.: Stamp lodnardetalls. TIZ. ZARD, 17 Suydam Slroet _Brook N. Y,

SGNCWRITERSI' r. i'LOOY COMPOSED TO tors words, $1.00. P,tetedy composing

cetoas, complete $k.00. FRANK LITTIC. 215 &foot Thsedrsl Les Anplea, Ce ornla.

WANTED :=ORÍ41 NAL POEMS. SÓNOS. TOR ironed are ,con,ldoatli.. Send poems tO


larks en'rayalty bat. Pubild.ers' cornets: Hera hams AL SANDERS, 1261 N. La Sall. Sty.


AIUSSNESS OF YOUR OWN! SELL USED dethinf. IOO91-300% feo11L We start

sou. Satisfaction guaranteed. CetaSocue FREE, CLOZS RUMMAGE MART. 14-3238 State; Chs c. R - X Al MODERNISTIC liNNOMENON - (UST

retuned Itrtiday sensation. Year arc..e,d ts P 41rr1trlr. pi Tremendous

UNIVERSAL, 3238 So.i Salle OlIc.40.- LGtNTSSTSTR1aVTORS-TO 'MAIL SAMPLE> a and utathe A

rr'bed proft,e- do bare free. KENDALL COMPANY. 1558'

Erie. Minim N. Y. de3 L0ENTS--300.= PROFIT SELLiÑC GOLD LEAP

Wren fee store w.itdow., Free Lomeli., stETALLIC CO., 439 NarHt Cierk,.,Ci'A ago. _x AMAZING DISCOVERY. NEW BEAUTY THRILL,

-Perham§ bubble aeon.- Sensational Seller 8141 Pronto. Sample Package, 10e. VALTEX PRODUCTS COMPANY, Roche'ste'r, N. Y. ATTEN71ON, MTOICINE SHOW MENI=HAVE

tdeneed new 'Tonic especially designed for rerrk fall andwtnter sales Coed Deopos[tIon for The` downm. Would Ilk,, 1.4 id from; Cr. ~stein, Harley Sadler, and,. ether,

h for creCted'- terrgoelit write CITIZENS MSC CO, Sori.vfleEd.,Ma _ x' Art(berlON. SUBSCrIPTI0Ni SALESPEOPLE

If Mu work eat of Roc1des'ard north Of 't Dixon rase, for pprep0sit Ten. AMERICAN POULTRY IOURPEAL, 538 5.Cfartc. ".CO.H My NEW HOT SPICY BOOKS. t1OT PFD

P_º1. Sold 51.00 foe samples and confideit- RPF BuRea Rat, JACK'S IOK.E'PARLOR. 55 Han- - -- St..Badosc Stns. X CA OIDR COODS-DLAOESL, 35c11100- SHOT

LrCe,, .Oc Fro-,, - -t Deals. Notfom.. 4Ca SOUTHERN OHIO PRODUCTS

2 as.

Elm St. Clef Pull, O. x CARTOON.DOOKLETS-REAL STUFF. $1.00

P 'CO Prompt delivery. ARTISTIC PRINT 1110.1, ',lass Point, N. C. CA4K1N ON BIC,DEMAND FOR MetilfAk hofllfili Large _D,Dfiles P'NlcaLars tree_

^'F'3 IOC atampt, MARQUEZ, DAL_ Aozrrado I'M. Mexico City, read« CtIAR $4.40 EACH DEALT W'511( A PUSH. d "P:atuuel" -for Christmas i.hrw storeg

Two- beautitUf M^ó B AaettrC+nddlnaic R

stores. Oerads-with cush- CarJ tc l0 25c. promos $16.35. Ruth rnOrw

o f r $9.05 for camc4.te deaóexpeers prepaid, a 1i *Posh, haance egress C, O. D. Sal +. etusirsntéed, CEORCIA BE DS PR EA

10L4PANY, Nelsons. Ga_ dole

CECARITTE' STAIN 'REMOVER-fELP.SLLLING Counter dbPtays. Send 10e tor_ samolo

wholesaleHprand ternierY, NICOFF; 13E3 Roveeside, Califbwta.

CENTS 2e . SILLS 2.5e-FAST-SELLI NG HECES., ally for :-anta. aeon, de-ncnttralors. Sample

10c.slry taroe ils stamp. LINNELL, Box 1963fB.


SOc each. Sample, In


New Xmas item r children... rase settler;( pr a 150% "refit. `

fo Snole prepaid 53c¡ doren

Ms; 3Cc pule,F. O_ B. Cldea4D_ *OrGLIDI7t

SKATE CO-, 3129a West 491111 Peace, cdaego. le

DISTRIBUTOR. -FOR TIP AND TRADrCAROS_ Excksllyº ~Ivry. Full credit on ell reseat

melees. A money maker_ LACK SCHAUtR, NATURAL MANUFACTURERS, 415 Sort, St., hL W_, Center., Cate. dr3x HOLLYWOOD'S NEWEST CHRISTMAS_ FAD=

40 Book Mttthet pr .dfn Cs-rfcrnie 0.ºd. wood CS/arose Boer_ Name or initltlm,erep- `rirrs,d, onu books and opts. $1.50 Crepe d. Sc learners -50 book mateher,mMtneramee with your name Lew,`sSdals, $1.00 1lrepe fi. ~lodes '

free Kit .with 30 -different make Items. 50%,1 'profit. ELLIS PRODUCTS' CO Tall Bldg, Hollywood, Calif. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED TO WEAR AND

dtnhanitata Sups lo friends. Mss ausvas,er*. l to 512 In aday suety. Experbence unneces- sary. ValUable densenstratied eaipment,,ae- ttsal ~plies free. H. 3. CRAVES. 1300 Har- riter, 04e -l. 1-m7. ChFealto. LOOK-NÓRN NUTS_ CROSS, $1.001 'INDIA

Parftane Brans, cross_ $1.50; foetid, Lem ender Flowers, Bross 'packages. $3.001 Calk M/h, ceders. Sampler, 25c. DeVIIIU. 13549 lme der, Detre`t, LORDS PRAYER Pi NNE. ON XMAS'CARDS-

81!',`seller 3 t,mples.lór 25c NOHAWK MOVILTY WORKS, 179 1,4 Wells St., Room 2058, Ch It ago. 1 IL ne26x LORD'S PRAYER PENNT- E&ACl11F$ES-ALUÓ

engrsvbrts (Lend', Prayer.. Tim Cons-ru d - rents, 236 'Psalm, Crucifixion, etc _ Deau- NFulN carded $l'50 Per 100: $11.00 pr. 1000. Bracelets, 3 Vie eaJt.` RAY MFG. CO., 2250 CI % sais. Chicago. - de3 MAIL ORDER DtALERs-1$ VAST MAYL SILL.

ere. ¡Famine 4p.aggee'Ernprtnt ehl.tleg. Sample oreo. MISSION'FACTORY. 2328 W. Plco,'Lea Antefes, Ca1K_ X M nbC CLtA PROFIT O 1,

Clearer S--

Clearler fee cures. metal and*lb.. Exclusive lerniay. Freed eamp44. NOWAY WAX COM- PANY. Dept. C. Layton, O. 6e24x

iMAKE No1SOAP-4.1O WATER' HAND'CL[ANS: beg Loren, Sells, motorists, creels,, factory

;workers, house.ivet. RENEW CO 113 Jones. Ireideeycet. Conn, 1MARVELOUS NEW TOYS -BIG lOc SELLERS.

3007. profit. Write - .:diatel1yy far sam- ples_ Send Quarter -fee '

pklns ie- GEM. IRAL SUPPLY CO., Dept_ 6113 -BB,

tnr'' Plaus. O.

'MIOICINE 1.111,4, 'PITCMIRS. COUPONIRS. Caevasse s -Salt Old incise Tee -fe' beautiful

Want, big profits. AMOCEN' CO., 147 NMI, . StAn;enip. Texas. MEN'S. HOSIIRY, NA iIOXERCHIEFS,, COME&C

Aspirin. Ftes:r Blade. Wrttc for peke IAt. AMERICAN DISTRIBUTING CO-. Bas 724.

I ICssex ilre., Te ..

;NECKTICS EXCEPTIONAL OILER - IncreT come.-Ñand-Me.,e, y400 dozen; Asiortad,

2- 5s mate s15125. BERNDSEN, 1954 Parent

ÑEW'r"AND- DIFFERENT CANDY DEALS FOR bigger ~Its -and faster li eno-Sr. Swing Mirror'Vinity Chat flied wile finest h

made O.oeolNes and Pulh.Card Irk" In 1647..Cast * mu only $2.00 each In lots of 6. Sample 25., Milt. O.onolato Watts 'Cleat. height.) -Inches, weight,2 Roundr, push -card takes tn. 53 SS. cost "rmY $1.02 each In dozen tort., Samg'w , S1.25.r 113 deposit, balance C. O. O. STAR CANDIES. 2653 Artingten Se.. Chicago. '

NEW ARTICLE Fp IPE SMOKERS. BIDisl pobmiy for `,,aFaftsen. " Full. time or s4:e Sr.. Proven, rc',sit. No competitfuiit PIPE fTtRILIZER MFC. CO.. Able -da. Cis 'OCEUR 6 BOUQUET," AN EXCLUSIVE PER

funs", -"m Aorous." the swrouf face, pow. der. Free infarm_tron. RITZC41AFT PERFUMES P, O., Box 134, Frrmoryt. O. Ideals PERFUMED NOVELTIES -NEW FAST CHIIST.

mas ScPcm. Afo Perfumed Christmas Cards See,satIeri Sample 10C. MISSION CO 232BW Paco.. LP, Angela_ Calif. no2Cx',

' RRSPONStEILE, Af.IBiTloU$, NIGH TYPE woman, wail wen -tainted wish %trice and

screen folri. Take orders for-rsdflonalhe known C,00d lice-ekeepinj epfrawed products. Lwow- tional'ccoertvnity for wfndt teens. Write NOILLENA PROMPCTS. Noe

RESURRECTION PL"ANT UNIQUE NOVELTY. mlr..cle of nature. Cotta below 2c1 ilia for

25C. C. E. LOCKE, 7 Rio Se., Metllia, New l axku, x RUN HINDUS, $2.50 A HUNORtD WITH

diagrams. Small {Mehl Al ~Mast 501' fast rellwl QuICk SrMCP Sample, IOC.(

'TREED. 1459 -N_ Rockwa . "Chicago. III x SALES Mtr{--SPECIAL TROPICAL DECORA:

rims. SNniM Moat. ~plan" Palmetto*, (Ferns, Big prolate made d coratine night e1Ubs, homes, arpes, office., ~men. Collin co- ppep,F1un A CO - gravity. Season now oning, Write a. 1- I/ILRRIs, ~pa, Ia. ---

TIT-MAIL FORMULAS. BOOKS, PIC- tun« Nes,g tip, 5. i, barESnit Big. peel IL

Particulate tree. f, ELFCO, 438 North W Ala Sr., Chita -0 Hear

smox.o.4.uxE YOUR SMOKERS' EQUIPMENT to algal':note unpleaaent odor at b_'nrng

C .'/a,ratter. Sample 250 celri SMOK-O-LUXE Wag. Box -U-62. Conine, 4, III no's. x STRAWBERRY HULLERS OF/ER 100% PROFIT

with low, investment. 'Hob/ household Ica% Writs- 'Box a#.- Portsreuuti N. iL SWEETHEART' MIRROR SNAº ANY PIC-

hats en line back.' 'Cine cad.. WAYNE WALDO, Jetfarseil. Ia.__ "THIS E IS _SAteTA'CLAU"S SNAPPY XMAS

No.erry. "=Bye Lerucs,.,' Chaim up now. Send 1ST: Lamplo..JACOLAC. 1315 S. Ashland, Chi- co/O. THRILLING CARTOONS --PHOTOS, SPECMAL-

t+i Nove+'hee. 50 Assortment, $1 00; Sam - Pte; Cate' 5e. '4 Ekmes Cin.tstmaa Cards, 25E. 51.00: Comics. $1.00 100. 5.00 M. Wr"to REA LUE SALEs, 81 I n

70e -e1, 1.0, /Vlgolel, Calif. WAGON 1O11DQS $7A NDÁRD' ITLM5, Ill.

catty . $terns, Drug, Ce -,modes Beata all Pekes. Hat shot masted. packaged right., seedfor eenfldery,el law prce list P. AMERICAN C.O M P A N Y fMaMafaetureral. Men-pfdu, Term. X WHIRR TO RUTAT. WHOLESALE 500.000

Article% Free Directory End oto... uetjabie ksfonnstoon. laArwooth$. PUBLSHERS. 92$ Broadway. New Ye.k: debt WOOD ,JEWELRY -BAR PINS, ANY'NAME IN

fanneyy rust., Se Per'seiter Mlnlmum 354. Postpaid. 1laralIEommissien to Si leiAgents. THE AUTONYM SHOP'. 211 E. Sop.


n Tip -Teo Pouring Scouts, a ew'kitchen tool neede6 and wanted In every homes Crddd. Feat ~ester 5. 40, 25e Eno *tamps). De. tilt, free_ SCHMUHL MFG CO., Canrerting%

107' WAYS TO MAKE MONE,Y'IN HOME OR entice But¿ness of yea.,, own, Full par:

neuters free. ELITES 214 Grand St. New York. no2tls


Pata. Live arrival wran!^sd. Send or Price List. NEWTON. CAPRON. INC-, Datet knptr fora. 90 Wei -a Ave., Mantrlalr. tL I.

1 - ATTRACT1ONS-ALIVE- ANT CIRCUS, Mane Cletus_ Headouarlers for Stow Mite.

Peetkutan, dama UNIVIRS,AL, 3238 Sal. State..Clskageo. LLICATORS AND SNAKES tO LARGE

Harmless Assorted *.lakes for Shaw, 510.00. Price list. `ROSS ALLEN,; 511v -o Springs, Oh -m via Oida. "fla. tea BIRDS, CATS, DOGS, KEPT/LIS. MONKEYS.

fish, bantams, falpeona. Nsall animals, par - role, 100 aaeaa. S, mpk, 10c. ALLPITS MACA2IN.1. 21112' S.,-Mkhiir.s OITfseo, x CREEN BAREBACK MARE. ALSO PONIES.

Write Your wcnts. COOPER PONY FARM. Bou,berrals, It.

' IAPANISE SPANIELS, `ORIENTAL ARISTO- . Crete. tlieRstisrte toys, ar ty, fl ttylids,

brains' with Write re-

quirements. DOROTHY PAT?. 'West L -es Port. Pa.

LIVE ARMADILLOS - AL SIZti.- 'AM; mother and basb.r-a. Prompt eP_irayy, rod


CI MIDGET CIRCUS STOCKLIA L TYPE p.,re-Lrti SP,ytls da, any coke. rí11~. I

Mule -a Mat are real midgets Matched pars(( and doll tea' L WIND WILMOT. Rld,ard', Mo. - - ._ ' _ at

MOTHERS WITH NURSING BA81E5-RHISU1. $35.00: combination Rh.ciaila, Secny (Menem; b rn trove, Marosclta. JM S EEM BROS. & WARD.

INC.. Cr ornide. N. Y Write for poise list. riicni Rá.'COLLIES,'SHEPHERDSDOSTOIS,

Pit ELM Pupa. 9+ip'ar 'enure; teem deQvevsr me.taaaarantoei Guaranteed merspe Tadkire. YOIfN, 501..Rockvwod Dallas, Tex. 'd.31

TROUPE -4 DOGS AND PROPS.. INCLUDING Somersault O0R. SANlARO," Box 1631.Ra,w ~st.irg, Ohio. x


COOKS -FOR CONCESSIONS. -LECTURERS. Shows. Stores. Canessera, Plictimenl, Mo,.on

Neal*$, Wild. Druz Evil, Fun, Soros, Recita- tions, Fiction, etc. Stock aced species ed'tlns. Wash yew bus -mos. - Low DNees. 10 diHr- en' sarnptci., SPA° postpaid, $1111N PUBt1SH- ININ HOUSE. 5.1 S. Stan St.. Osten!, -III. EARN MONEY IN AMY CROWD. CALL

names of stranger,, bra unspeR,en Ruantlerd, Professorial Ecorse mind evading. /pint Y+le- k+E. etc.. S!. 'NORMAN, Box 34Iis,Sa, Cara nardi'o. Calif,y,, LEARN VENTRILOQUISM BY MAIL --SMALL

eesd i 3c stamp beings partilculrt GEO. W. SMITH, 125 N. 'let fosses Room 734, PeeFla. OIL_._ NEW 1939.4Q CARNIVAL SHOW SPIEL BOOK

bras fv.tion, 35 Splefr, 5Ct. Della twk. 4$ Sublimes, SOD. Pildv'nen, Nana, Demon- E'reteil Nl,v . Seief Beek, 11,1Ld'lEsn SO Slalel, rSOc. .140 *Lampe, WM. DULCEE, Plils. LIfHER. Three'Riverf, PAINT SIGHS-iDR PROFIT -.FINE LETTERING

fast with S medwey Pasterns. Modern m,wsy tires Free sa.rnpies,,'Yterarure. Ice 3-1es. alphabet enclose ,nicks. DISPLAY LITTER CO.. woi. B. 6389 3d_ Ave; BregYNn. N. Y. YOU CAN ENTERTAIN WITH TRICK CHALK

Stunts --Laugh Prod c.ngR PPrtoopgrcam. S1Á0. Illustrated catalog IOe. 'OALOA'ASIT SERVICE. Othkersh. old, de3


AMAZING -DUTCH HOLLAND HAMBURG - 'ces, Het Dore. " 1JnP3. e." quirk money prepo-

sition. Raatrurent;roadtrards,'lunch Peer -t. Surmising p.rin:uart, seen*. DAV IS, 1á9X I48448. CTar1rebi.a W. Va. x DARGAIN.-.TMEATRICAL COSTUME ESTAD.

r-shmenr, L.aI)i Stork, Iow'rentN. 1$ are nine plate. aged owner R. COSTUME SHOP, 530' Rip Street, St. Paul, !Ann. Offer also Illustrated lecture, "A TrJp Tttoufh oss.deear, lesser with 100 - Cat pre peeele 'portable stereoplIc n, Unit 525.00. gets it. x DISTRIBUTORS, CREW MANAGERS - -PRO-

erected terratcfy a1IIJ COCA, i'w Patented Heeoe hold .parr, Wcre. tetIte, twang-~4y. WATSON HAULER, C-234 RIdgo Avenue. New Kensington. Pa. FLASH! NEW ITWS-1111LL ,CLAMPS, NOV.

Cocorsar Lamps. Florida's oldest and 'largest manufacturer of Tropical LOS TROPICALOS, INC. 944 .Norte M?ioei) Ave**x. hO3ml, fla Open Y4ar Aro m4


All fa O. trp ATZ. 4754 N.KIn'Oalt,


DIfferyet, rotary. Illdt, 513.50 up: tut* myth Agent* warded. U

. BrenOmF Theataurl, Omaha.

..NEW MONEY MAKERS MACAZiPfI-.PRE- Icnte novel bm.i'.e sbuildlñgIt n men/y,

Sample clip I. MARVIN STUDIOS.PsAleta. ere. 201 S,_ Dearborn. Otkaea P ITCItMENi SOLICITORSf-MAKE EXTRA

money with' ntw.Sla-npin[ O.rtfF. Sfam0 Ch aka. Plater. /Mx- Ca -leg 09-8 free_ C. H. H AN -SON. 303 W. EY,_;, Chita .% _ It "THE STREAMLINER." A NEW PU6LICA-

tbn, preaér,ts Mho modrr.. Mend In busing.« bW:SrIE. Sample copy, cerise. STREAMLINE FRESS, Canton. íhl% THE MAIL ORDER 81SSIHISs lS YOUR EthT

Chance far Ir,~eperdenc4. We heeler:. On .Matta a - ready clad ROAD. M_aNyrGV IDL. 49'MR BRIE TaEcd0. O. _

TRY MAIL.SALE . 15.000 CIRCULATION. °Real money-m,aklnt &Poo 'anklet Trial

Copy. Se. RAHH'COMPANY, Box 56. Wilkes- Barre, Perna -

'TO MAKE MONEY, MAKE DOUCNNUTS-Dt. mend, everywhere. brig profits. Tv.eh4 de-

licious iwP.s4ad dca.rruts ~literature, Sec. ttruradsbl. MULLER SYSTEM, Caeinlcen, Penna. x

:YOU .C, l R _ECEIVE 25 UTTERS_ PER DAY cootálntng 31'0 My IEltkneto working

Formula m Pie, and Fora ailed TOLIA, 51=1 FLOYD COAST. Router °. ton Pa.

Additional Ad, Ur -der Tide Classifcsf3oa WIII"Be IFo_ued Sri rho Noel Pogo.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS !HoE'embei 26,. I938 91 The Billboard

IO7 GOLDEN, OPPORTUNITIES TO MAKE mmo0ntfeeyy locally or by mats. 1 stow you how.

CH.'.s, POONIR, 1614 St.. Germain St St.


remove ihsse Irons 'cloliwl. Details tree. CIAIION LCON-31 New YeAs Ave.. Attann0


BARCAINs! FAIRGROUND% FLIETWOOD$; $550OPCetdan Wheel Fete Flnith, Iu.Nnl

,Farm, Mrs America swill CIa-1, Derw,r Dry vr,th Clock $15.03e.Classic. C-na, 514Aí; Policy, Flying H1gh.'Si100: Natural,-. Bee jay,' 'Top lfrn. $ROO; Rollarsoe Oise Machlnf 5s - 25c, $17.00 I. 3 F. O. K. Escalatorw $18.CO ,Mils War tasse, 5c -2$c. S23.O0 M411 Lib-

erty Heads Eetalator. St 520,00; M. Ex- . raerdnry. 5e10c5 et 43.Áb' Paso Coms. Sc.

$21.00;' Mills Meet ea. Sc-10c. a19Á0. M .T following novelty f ball tables at $$CO

each; Oeytonia, Etectsk Scoecbo_d, Rcadh-t. SECOND HAND trot Springs,'East & West. Firecracker. Out-.

board, ,Noma Pun, Live Wire. All the above ! machines end rabies are stored atol M r..vo.

elate Mane. None broken or cached un Claw all look fine. too 1 f3 cases. bal- ance C Ó. TODD 31`OVLLTY CO.. 1400 N. W. 2021O_ IL. OXIth na City. c» re.

f vtice OR}r adwRhsnnoies of used, ,mechbncs

accested ter perbllutern M this ebWmn. &*achlm of cunt manefa.l . 7odiJbeing advertised sstenalrny In .The Willard. by wanufechnen e:rarlbi.ten er jobber may fact be advertised ,as- -wad" no The RB1. beard.

A É ARCM N II hi' SLOTS -11 ILLS' BLUE FRONTS Cootie- Jackpot with Cold Aw, rd: conbs-

toolelfst-cla*s cerrettlort,.nicke4 dim. Or ff.-'3(- her, Feely Potion Lacs. One-thrd. deposit. CHAS. E. LAWRENCE,, Blanche Herd, Lake Gay. Fla. .

AAA.." BARGA,ttes - TRACK TIMOS tREO Headal. $95.00; "33,,Sfe.I Flees. $0C.00j.

i 10. Cary Genic

00, Fat raun®y' $ 56040' ' PPreatvsc , S

$2$-50 Re Funs. S'i'100; Ea:y Rcaerva 119 :0; Aurataet, 51750; Boo Nao, Tr.5O MARKEPP COMPANY. Caas,rl-,nd. O.

ADVANCE ...COLUMN SELECTIVE CIGARET 1d_ch'nes for [sport -1' at 100. State Con.

dk:cn and lowers peke._ N. W. K. VEND. MACH EStCN., 383 Hawthorne A4o, Newark, N, J. -- - x

COIN.OPIRATID ELECTRIC VICTROLAS. I b'e '77 } a'rJ,tr'rnodcls:o 540.00 up RAY-

JUDND YOUT2, 10.33_1-larrls011.' Moryoe. P.tsch.


QT NICKEL PLAY, LATE SIBIAL, 530.001 F Mike SOC Play, Red Failure Pay,

$54.4171 each. Good as Burr. Plenty more bar- grms_ rend fit F'tt. Send Coast'. lk L. KROPP. TVecelpasa. Ala.

ROCKOLA 32 Y. NO. 2. REGULAR ''PHOKOC! pa _ J. splendid cordite"-vri:t soil for S59.50'

m lraern far 1 1 0 v. phonerreh of equal Yakut,' PAUL HODGES, Dade City, FM.

ROCKOLA WORLO1.SfR114-FROM OUR: own (~.:!tons and not trade-Ytt Efeceismt.

condition, S 135.00 each. 1;3 cash wfih order BIRW,NCHAM VENDING COMPANY, 211:7 Third Ave. No., Bin", Ma. x,



Bas.,. trti, Daly R0Pi.

TONis AL .! Bat, or


n., Magre Roes. um Bowling. N pe. Chicago. de)

SECOND-HAND MACHS.-BALL, SLOTS,.DEW-, y'Crlckets, a cost new: Ch woe, onsets,

1c p.ay. Sc play, used P10 Wctiittcr Mono- -r -h, 2 Poe/msa31c Pop Corn Mal,'nes.I

rnar,.Mopsecbo4 Iron Vane; Candy'Rar. CRYSTAL -BOTTLING CO.. Trinidad. cafe.CI aa.tte Machines; Snacks, 200,PeaWf 'Ma."

c' new NATIONAL,, 4212 Merkel, Ph11aGe1-0' pry, P5.

20 MASTERS PENNY NICKEL CONFECTION see v!!y, SS -50 Two -Hwd ton Jr. Sc s[

Sí5.50. L R. PORTER, Atexandry, Ind.

2.2 PENNY MACHINES, MCIdA VENDER, 10 s 'ghtly used. good conditen, rub.

teen**. See DONALD P. BAIRD. Cot.,,a @1íd.1. Iowa. _

4$rLOO CAEiN DUPCIX VEi! COR3, IS WALL and Floor Stands, re for headers first

553133,00 takes ROSS BAREFOOT, R. 3, 0Cflfgtield Pike, Dayton, O.

100 GRIP TESTERS. SINGE" GRIP, RID Fly. t Goad condition. $5.00 each. 25 3,.Wry

Gib Tosten. $7.50 each. Deposit with order. bStance C. O: 0. HARDEN SUPPLY COME P ANY, Sioux City, fora. 1OO DIFFERENT KIND VTNDINO MACHIN!:

-$,says laitr.ething different. Write for CUP low price list. RAKE, 5138- Woodland Ave Ph ladrlphia. Pa de3


FXHMRMT ROTARYS; S5S 04 MAC1CrgNGER. $4500:. Fan -Peon -t Mu1Oeeopo 457.50:.e

'Kotler Tarceiles, $35.00. Hal/ deposit, CLIVELAND'COIN MACa1I we, 3556-B Pros teca. Clesel d. FEVC .AIRPOPS-LT -CORN MACHINE -Sy USED

2 we es, ima new. $15.00 each. J. E. LaMARFt. 1556 Arapahoe. Dritycr. Coo. Silly-'COOa ONt-CENT GINGERS. $15.001

Patek Eerriesh endadC Si 0.Ó p0. Skinis draws, WICHITA NOVELTY 'CO.. 717 Cho Ave-, Wadflirs Taps, Tao.,. FIVE POPMATIC POP. 'CORN MACHINES.

" $30.00 oath.Perfcctf candilleek il. I. PROBST.'Nemf AtRium.' iIL FOR SALE--BALLY RESERVES, LIRE'. NEW,

12SÁ0- Turf Charon. send ~di $20 DO, 1 3 deposit with order, balance C. 0. D. EN1D MINT COMPANY: 71 j' N. Ind., Void. OPL. , -


Roed as new. $25.00 cacto jON N' HILL,. 26 W, Maple. Waite WOO. Wash. FOR SALE. -ARCADE' ROBIN HOOD, PALM

'Strings. $40.00:" Balay 'R et4've, -S19.Á: Corey Wand. Rebbl, $ 16.50; Stoners Rages. Carnival, " Si 6.00; Long Beach, Narestrotths µ Mk. M.r curir.. Boohoo. Forward 'March. $7.50: Home Run, $SOO;.SMrt Sox. Bob. 'C'ce, Punchrttss: 5400. 10% off 'lets Cl' Owe*, !10-00 allowance trade in on rsew ,,ts. $7.00 On 4ouner,Ra res, C. N. VEND, ING COV E>'S7 W. Broad, Columbus: O.

FOR LILE-ROCKO-BALL SKIT -DALO AL - ley, wit:" trippe $codee devices,. Señio t.

and snbn. DULLION, Stelon'"O," 1101P 11%

rte e YfyR

,t. Coxes/eresNC,. FOR SALE OIL EXCHANCE-BY!'PER, 54.005 Afrerad. 51500- 'Bab g y ñersa í(5110¡$O

'B ALLY :MAGIC 'CALL,_ 5ví.5 P tAO TE Treaty, ¡ 1+4~ 11 517.5g.<115.00 Jaek tl $2250, Re em . $20.50: Daly Drarspers. feldrit Fleets. $4`95O. Pain, Sorintls $450: Review..

Twitter Meters. $600; Baly CtaIlegper., , '547.50: C dYtits Play Ball, $17.50. :AMES P. Brokers Trek $8.001 Mills oval Vendors, tae. TALLON.,8J4 Third St.. New °Mean, Ls, May hee~lioned, $30.00, Collbeb Gaily ZppobODY'S BARGAIN. LIST IS WAITING Races J. or. S9.50: A.dranco 5.4.1,5 HatW4y the You, We 8W. Sell cv I*dsa~CC. GOOD. Bar esters, $5.00; Stewart McCeaite Nut DODy, 1821 E.E Main, St. Rot eclat, N. Y. Ye Wc1, Raver used. 59.30-i Reel Dice, Tit Tat t dos o Toes, Cams Mask Clocks, $4.00.. All machines!

HOME STRETCH, AUTO IOEROY, GRCAT GUNS, an clean and lardy to,Opetate. 'MILLER VENDING CO., 415 Lyon Se., Gird 'Rap'3f, Ste mat Races, Round World. A.mfrer.. Fire-

cracker. liar-. Run, Feral' Seers Sensa'tror, w T safe. Rbe-rhat. W.:ard SEop 'Errs. Bump-

RÁNKa,ROLL 14.FOOT -SREE BALL, $15.00. er, Action. $5.00 each. hence, SwYs. -Ito Aufanatic Per Out, $5-00. IE. j SnappvrtElme $29.50 cads. Siesta. N-.

KURTZER. 892 Awn St., Akron O. 1 539.50 a h Zeta.. $s4,4p.50 LEHIGH SPE- CIALTY CO., 2d and Crean Stu Phtade;s:ei .


AIRWAYS, SKI. HL; HARE AND HOUND, 51000 awe. --25 Comma Wild. S11.SO cool

T Dominoes, Red Cabinets, compMrelyy7owr- kr Id.

11 Derby DIY, 335.0. 1%3Uó :óaíí. balance

C O. ID. H. fr G LT . NOVELTY, 849 5. W..26:51.,

ALL IN GOOD.IIt IPE-MILES BLUE FRONT Ralis. $39.00. .Mills Chary Bela, $49.00.

P. WWI Bells, $59.00. Wise black Paces Races r,Frills ow= 1.000.,5129.00 ereh.r0udk- Soy DIgfer*. $59.00, Model F í9s .tt Piece's. $2500. Caste Little arc w -ni, c wheel.aUto

SIT, nseion, sae, a.

ARCAQt MACHINES -13 .CARO. VENDERS, ms. E 12 Pte -comes, taun-

ter Ifsla..1 pores Psechino. 3 114-IDl ~throws, 4 Little- 55.00 each. AD, A.I sham rw unk: Qne -haft of five l:co clown, 12 ft. west Rims tarts 35 ft. long.- ell In elect; sail for $25.00u P. VA/VAULT, 3051 Isabel

esteem GALORE -KELLOGG HOT POP, tornVendGner Machine, Sc play. aulOmatk,

vu 11 ,vend Eight ,Bags Par 1..-54441. troth :ra, SS9.S0 lets two, $54.50; five or nexa, $49.50.

100 E,aea't Denity dt, $7.ote,cope t.n, $ Jrmc .í6w$ FIpce,Stand:, $1.50; lot* tan, T6.Á each: lees 25 or more, 55.00 each. - 15. Inner. eetieFe, R4utoscopas. P.'rtr -Play. kiddiesbs,

19,50'each. 200 late model Master etralgt lc play Vend s Strlelnos, used six lrpniht, aacr.flca, 5500 each. 75 penny -,nickel Masten, $7.50 each. cu' rteedrrtre new. 300 Stewart McGuire penny n skol bulk merchandise Krah- d a,, se df plants. obtachIes.-toys. chasm'.

cost $1500 orlpt.aly, sacrifice, $9.50 cads. 2 Reduda .5~4~ Veldt LEye Ray.l Gros saAt,ie_ $00.50.. 75 Patlfjc 1C Gum Ma. - c hlnee, four $5.00 oath' 12 Reekola1 1938 World Seeks. 'reconditioned by latency,:

anted' Rke row, $119.50 each. 5O used; a lly Hot Vendor Machines, guaraneced leepos.

i3de'to detect from new, $70 0. each, ten toes, $69 lots 20 or more, SI4.SQ . 2 Bally' Racers. 150 each.' t M -Is 25e doff 'Ba¢ll Ve-aS;r r 'MarhIn . uped My weeks, ,test; 577,.00, Yens*, sr 19.50 ornebest doer. ,1[; Clue -tor ikfdmaac /es. guaranteed

Ad ftribe olds., All -bore raatl`'Sltl,

PO ale " Con0IIOf and eppeararKr; 'ave.'

tray yews square dealing Is best Iraurrre BF'' e.I a ee!Icn. I f3 cersticd e'rrpc,.iI wtth,oroer, 4sewste C. 0. 0. 2 - dratossnt re

est eases, with

Verne, Dorton, MACNINta 31 W

KEENLY BOWL*TTE-SRS.' 535:00: WURLITZ. es, Slue -Dank $45.00: )ltay Paters. 53000.

Kenney Pewterer Jr $30.00, Orating. ss.CO; era a, Half dapos.Y. CLEVELAND COIN,

Prospect.2316.8Prospect.Cleveland. O. UK! NEWkADVANCT le PEANUT; $2.751

Collaeebus lc Pe it. $5 25i Moder a Heir - ahoy or Precejt, $1 50: Northwestern 54 Mee- ct..riditer. 53.5n. Adrance`I'ershey, Ie Ót Sc. 53,75; King BO Bar lc Ftaey. $6.25: 'lc Masters. 54.

nil 50: Automatic Stores, four Cent

pant.,wnf Ic with de Isom door stand. $1650_ ADAIR, 7338 South Euclid' Ave., Oak Park. In. `

MUST SELL". A. let. WALXER COMPANY Denny rnadnines, perfect condlPlob.= 12 ,prLms;

14 Iáwet'oy Chaco/at' Vendors and00 rñenny ttonmhoe games. Chance .to make money, Bed od'et tykes whole lot. Wade for full In.

I femal+en. LE lLOHIC SALES COMPANY, 719 .John Ave., Aºe?.or. Wk. 1NORT3$WTSTERNS TOR $,ALL=t00 PENNY.

nkket, btack.rdoraregc porcelain rretchan= 'dseyd, SAS: five or,a,nra $700. Depnart re- !quired CHARLES PORTA, 354 Franklin. St..', JE1afEilo. N, Y -

Owl CRAND shiM, $2500: NINE PALM: ' Sr!tsg, 53500: eleve,. Fleets. $55.00' four

Te rat Ptay. 57500: fourteen Reyernr, 52000: erne Amado. 518.50: ono Sr_ae'6oard, $20.03! PARAMOUNT AMUSEMENT CO.. 314 Caren, BA d SNACKS le, /5 ed.DI LUX[ ` = S! _New OrY rls, I..A - , bands. 5 -Máñ;5avcIsdts.'Iall. used, carel- _-

am reikr 1038p.andm ; Abe ~defy ,PACES RAG.q TRACK TIMit-Wt EUY`ANT' eXO'pou'os aieorradopearme caneas. about 20 col We salt 02-fs re' Paces Ragy,f ,a.e5ss asserted line,!!. Chairas. ^ $650 eorrtaeae CHARLES'PtTTEf ,New BedFordl IMa . de24K Ter_i-3 arte.ti KLOTZ'SALES. 17 tM )'ousel

BARCAIP4- -LIVE 2;113: -.PENNY PEAiINET TOR tmrd* V~{edOes like new. 511.75 Sael.bc-.

-m r-.1ranted DAVIS METAL FIXTURE CO.. U Micthlgan

SELL US YOUR USED LATE NOVELTY LAMES aar"sd.tots. your`prlea and mate first leper.

'EDWARD SALES 'COMPANY, 322 S. 13111'SE., Omaha, Nab.

SELLING OUT!, 20 FOUR-WAY AUTOMATIC Stores. 25 [Moires, 20, Woke', hienhy sea

clOs ,. PraclIeaW nor- Give rate an Of Set! HERMAN PLOYS. Iron Rivor, fsl_hlga..

SIX NICKEL 0. T.1, PERFECT MOOD EACH; One Botad Bell; 560_00; I WatlingTreasury,

540.00: I lilt Parado. $15.00; 2 Tycoons. I Ralintad -I R.osd.p, $10100 each; 3 Presk- nest $22.50 ,each' 1 'Arleeiton, III Clocker. $20v00 oath; 11 Stables TIHeet, I Hone roes, 540.00. SULLIVAN, SALES CO., 405 W. Market St,t 5..4x,. lyd.

ALl EVENING GOWNS. WRAPS, $2Á0t S+wt. 50c up: 'Furs, -Costumes. ti, rd

Bundles, $1.00, Streat Wea!, CONLEY, 310 W. `47 1 New York. BARGAIN$-ORCHISTRA COATS, JACKFTI,

all colors, $2.00.. Overcoatss,,,, Furcoats, Mara Suite, Tuxedos. 510,00: 0eautidul Ct,.., 515ÁR. WALLACE. 2416 Noeth,Haltte , CF,'e re_ EVERYTH INC FOR PLAYS, ENTTRTAI k

-roods. DliplIaayyPs. leer ~tux, made to ceder. Write THE ,C05TUMER, 238 State $1., Scba- ncetedy.-N. Y,

NEW ELABORATE GOWNS, WRAPS. COS. SNACKS, $14.00: .EVÉREADY, !CENT IAY,'11 rumen., $500 up; Lingere. 'Reducing Gat.

4 compartments- .7.001 Mo.tais 5 1.C4:+í events, Rubber Bunts, teepee, Opera Hess Ceenb54.00. Perfect. BOSTON EXCHANCE,,' French Wigs Rueter Face Meeks. Fate Urns, 1326 Washington- Dothan. Maas. Ereimkes, Artificial Nails. Step TeaseIrrspr- SN00Acacrre POOL TABLE,' USED' OWE lene 0urlIs. 1919 +,lutttated ceta*Og,

moor" 5115.00; Dean 'Ron,' lust like rive, is Iyork. +Set. SEYMOUR, 246'Fllfls Ase,

$25,00; World Series $120.00. Want Seebun New YaR Hockey Carnes. CHA. NARTMAN, Water. town. WIF, SPECIAL- 'SALI -OP-CA iLS,-'UTED'"ONLY 3

weeks-Kearsers Multi -Free Aaw_s $7000: tats croad 'Bellylbeenorea$20.03. NEW OR- LEANS NOVELTYCOMPANY .233 Dry.' St:^ -el, New Ortrans, La, TEN`ONE=CENT, - 'THREE -COLUMN SNACKS

senders and the/ de lave Stands. Noe -TIP edsdltlan u.PJd' two roaltha. Male offer. A AND W SPECIALTY 'COMPANY, Carbon - date, Illinois, TRACK TIMES, REOHI4D,1 á47.001 GRrY-

'Haed.' $65.4Q" Tanfcruns, $$950; Liberty ,,?tits cc Derby_ Dm, 3.19.50' Da' Teas -es $29.50; Baly"Cl ub'House,-545,00;featly Bella, Debase , Roseoontl 52950'_ Belly Sk s- tiddR Std-5O-$et:y Ibvoritos, 539.50; Calksainl Dominoes. 56_S0: Gottl"eb 9.Cole Head Derby Day. $69.50: bane By-a-Olsde 375.00. Ralf deposit. CLEVELAND COIN. 2336-8 Prospect, Clevelerd. O. TRADE -Told Ga:OETCHEN SPARKS Se.LAT.

Soil bothroe r.0.50. model. fee


irtg'Gallalos with '.22 Riles. Coat $199 50. W1R I,crxe to. r»Miat'havo /m. AsdUSE= MINT GAMES CO.. / E. Oak St.. Louisville. Ky. USED PHONOGRAPHS -1135, "34, '37 MOD-

ols, $25.00 and co. WAle fat wee list, KANSAS NOVELTY COMPANY, 555 W. Ooug-


d.t'ion: Pay 've- Good Catinesr 'Carnes 'for safe. H. Cr H. NOVELTY CO.. Pontiac _lit, WANTED-WURLITZER PHONOGRAPHS. ALL

Models. DISTRIBUIDORA DE, I/OVE000C$, 5_ A. Apartado 842. Montemgtr. M. L. Mexico. WILL''TAlCE'IN' TRADÉ-COUNTER MR -

chines._ Woes. -05d Scales. P,sut' Macs'res, Stands, Sallts, WI:aboarda, Carnival Wheels.

'Roulette Tables, Arcade Mad res. for Colues. txn.Pelntct Mee/lines, WOJalse Psenesraptta, Watling; Sealer and ~lanai or Rí.14, Ciarstto Machines. O1ICIIN, 89 Themes, Newport, R. I. WILL TRADE A.1 'RIDGEW- AY SMALL POR-

cels'rh Scale on good Phonograph., Wilt buy Rail- Rzro Coln Boxes priced right. DONALD NEWMAN, Waukon._ tow*.

USED COSTUMES -CHORUS, PRINC!PALS, dollar Up: Uni'orms, Tuxedos. Drew Safes.

No catalaguo. LOUIS GUITENBERG'S SONS, 9 W. 19m, New_Yerk,' l.le


D UNCAN'S' MrdusueCtR SPRIAO CLOSES the other fonts. More money la*:ee fart

aril better. PcemuPas; ono dolma OUPICAM CASE, Loren" Text a

OXPHRT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH. INDUSTRIAL Lhwlopment. ,Newest (uarerdred Fcfmfcaa

& st eatalnc free.. Specie pe:Ces. heads

CialISartO de ORATORY." thwnett, BH-1

BARBECUE SAlCES-TNRIE ,KINDS. BARRE. cued seam, In-tSf,On Oskkcn Crow. Ewer.

Tense Rends. 51.130 lac the lot, peeped ROAOMAN$ CUIOs, 47 Miller Bldg- TO- Ie,fo. O. __-- FORMULAS.LATEST MONEY MAKERS.

Write. fee free Waterier* detoribinC` news) Formulas for Fat Sellers. - Ha BELFORT,4012 N. Kocher. Chicago. NEED AGAULM. RÉCIiES; PROCIIIP

Let's play 'ball -what's yo .'c roblern, Exe- brta Free Partllisaealars. 1.ESEÁ RCN BUREAU, I D0?, Chelsea, Otirlbstown. Mass.

SENSATIONAL!I'COLL!CTEON MODERN FOR. as, Ic eachl Lheralure, free! FA: $cars

C7, -1s Colt Camo` HOt Tamale Pon-edat $il! Write. CALLU: 20,409 Trenton. P16tderg Pa.

SPECIAL C[T-ACQUAINTED O/ttR FROM Q'AaIlIled^Cleerni,5.. Eles'wyianel clearer fer-

resAn, caste, take, powder'and twee" ewe spool",,

nleren !flit, All 25c I wad. 1/23(33 Nees.

TOPS S HUSTER, 3720 Wilhs Perkwy. To-

WATSON PRACTICAL TESTED FORMULAS-- F.ake latest money -reeking: fast

pproducts. Literatures tree. WATSON CO PANY, Stockyard-SSatlerl:Kansas GOY, sMe. M»



CONCESSION TRAILER, FULLY EQUIP/IQ for blinks, kc awn, ha"[urgan,

.Sc. 22 feet. -API Sheol. ORR b ORR, 2 165. Stnezn. Ave., Cheese.

CORN POPPERIS. CARAMILCORN sQUIF- mart C./saline Portable*, Long.taklrn Ro-

tary, clan, Pops Kettle,. ,VI-Elecr,la, Burners: Ta ks. NORTHSIDE CO_ 1303 Cd-

,:le te. Des RM--'nas. ,losiei -


Rh Kind 12, $.0.00. OA%OAu sAu.s., EtC1R0 FREEZE CUSTARD- MACHIt1E 2911 N. Glade_St. Chicagq.11l. it moIm,cJacn;latest etesters'Teailer. acted NY

1 -COLUMN CrJRETTA- CIGARSITC MA- we ks. Most OUsfandlnR outs fit gn-raid. lR-

ehxa wirh Cabinet bass,^dsrari,n trim, Ilk_ Coss


nosy $35-00,each; 6 -column Corera theoretic CINTtR, BrAeQway; Hudson. N, Y,

Mawhinen, Si 4.95 eedrr3 for $100,05. Nair .WARM ILKORN KR 'SPITE* OUTFIT. AUTO-

daT,eosOt, CLEVELAND COIMI 2336-8 Peet -peer, mnH; ~Pet. Carte PV Petite Ortih

POPMATIC `,MACHIN[S -NOR SOMit Cleveland. O. Outfit, S1ldnrr Als_hlne. Lt st PIaM, O '

jloer ser.plee, esters pradi[ally row.. 535 10 704 Or RIFLES, RECONDITIONED: ANCHOR. 1045 Abbol/. Del t. Fe'ads

.cads, I. e. b. Dodoes I.) nevodt h lens. fully raarantoc,L A IN $7500 each, F. Q. 9. POPCORN MCHES,.-C TE R l$PET. CARHEL C. O. Cr WHa ce .U5Fle . ATLAS COIN- MA.

I' New York. .1/3 -cash with, Ora r, he fans crisp. ~sole u fret" Toast. PotJtto O' -

CNpN tc E COMPANY,;1200 Wethlptn Sr pray. C. O- D. EAST COAST. 625 Tent". Ase., N Machines. ow LONG-tAX1NS CO.: 1976 Pt+ dabt ton Mangy x York City, Sunnctld& O-

WURLITEER R12s, 555.00: 312s,559.00i 412s, $16500. Rcckol) ,12x, 1.55 0,11.

depo"I CLEVELAND COIN MACHINE 'EX. CHANCE_ 233 S=! Prospect, Clsssla td. 0. SIP BALL


GUM FACTORY FRESH, lie BOXI Tote. Stick. bn1et entry Vendin

Cram AMERICAN CHIWING, Plea evevelc.

ROCKOLA WORLD SERIES. 5)1O00: 2 EX - Shit Rotary Mirihondhs. $55,00; 9'Exhiblt

,rslishutek d Mrrvntmtn, 53700:-I Rockol?


IK'-V new, Classy SIDO Outfit. compite[, 533- Perfect emith Bert free TrieL Wale DON KUNNIDY, Shelbyville, Irá



A.1 ATTRACTIONS -.WOMAN, WITHOUT Heed At.vo: CS_tnt 0008 4- consoler* Wax

Ovid' Bight IUulra'od Recitations rslideal, Cllr_* Shows, Wec r es, nwi ona,'Deea Sao L bitten. Unborn 5f,ews. Curl:Mies, Two. ikaaad Nabs'. Human Fly Act, ether bargain.. tiltwMta0. des -O3 UNIVIRSAL, 3238 So. elate Cn¡cage_

BALL CAMEI-ItOTTLtS,, CATS. DOLLS, KIDS, ' Teradns. Nair ottaacth.$ outfits. Tents,

fumes. Racks. Taller,. LaMANCE, 782 Maraans _ Mod% Ca

ECOuET CARNIVAL TOR SALL STORED t1 Ufkr.,a l.! :h. tetrstte'.Snlllmen 3 -Abreast

fyrptiaaI,'Mengel 13 -Car Whip. Smin, chair- OPTaM, lioschall 10 -Car ,Kidd;['Aute. Rile. Wiring, Eoulormont, finSelaa _b6. -00 tars`. Cons good partner, ILM R COT[, 11128 Broad. Detroit. 'Mich. ELI WNttt. $2,100;,CAROUSIL. REAL 'DAR- E" $11.2101 Whfp 1700t P.endattee Traen 51.101 Cat n.nita,-$1.0190. 1,, B. ALLY. Rh 4 ,4.aeatla. D. C.

,O'SALE-COPA ITE-41-FT. PARK MERRY. Co -Round. 50 Anbn i. 2.CAardots. Cagan,

Meter: Also Caw-.,. Truck. Tractor and 22.Pí. 1raRls. PSSISCI ccerC,'ttort, FOREST PARK marmot. PA.

MC I« STRIKERS -REBUILT; LOWEST PRICES. wb,ter Carnival Causes make you ,mercy.

C tfib aupplird. t0uatreled iftirature for :taro. "MOORL.MADE." Lapeer. t. itll. k fOLLYWODOrZ&ARCHLICHTS. 24' AND 30".

Clete eat. Solon CW1a) 4 SQe%tr,nt. Blo . V# Totes

ROY LIE. 1705 Mc1G- , .y. Cad-

!HARI-TINT,'" 40.10 (TOP ,ONLY}. FIRST. rvt f. Order fur SdO..00' takes , Y. Other I

atom pity also- H. A..1CLASS., Ofdtn. Mo. QUIRT, 16x14 TENT., VENTRILOQUIST'iFdC-

bre. Pian,ds-11/41 'trines. 2 -Trunks. Load's Peryer iP:. with Be.vser. Sell Choirs Itartains MIS LADS, St. Leant, red.


LOAC.RAP,9[ SHOOTING GALLERIES. ALL .Mel ccnsfrucled, tarp -N -: .sew and

used fallerfea.relweyi on hard. H. D. SHER: BASH We've, Neb. M[CNJ,ÑlCAL SHDwf, COMPLITI. $40.00

to; Chat*, Sc, -'My plain, 500E1,1E0k:ed. Eft ens Yau,butd then,, 31.00. "'AUSTIN. 1701, Second K, rneY. tteb. MERRY -CO -ROUND, WITH TRUCK AND

Haler, 0.00t Ctukptane. $400,00: Tta air S$80.00tinY Gallery. SI 50.00 WRtler'a flak hero, PLAKMAN AMUSEMENTS. Pené+s. E-ia. Fla.


- PORTAEL[ SKATING RINKS FOR `SALE. Wills or wire- 1- t. MILLS. MKr,. SIP ($11

1ó;t1, Cannelloni Ind WRESTLII4CIDLAR. 525AOi CALL10Pt. TANG.

h.. with a A no-'`20..=0 Too And VOW.,IIMMIt Trader Camp. Elerwtts. Md. E -CAR MANGLE WHIP. FINE SHAPE; STORED

Trey. N. Y. 5675.00. delivered warm 100 ell;. L Hr,CRAHDY. Doc 242. Ormond. Fla.


them,'who.can,poriete new Picas.. Noth- hE,t7.e. It, L L .PHELPS, Gctaeral pennon,. Dad Redid*, Mich. g*L1.=i1ÑFCTRf" DANCERS.'MUSICIANSC-AL-

Cer-óf. Ash

Musi:al all

and learli11ea:dullable for mall afore urts. , Pocked d. Sang? photos. SOX 1147. BiIPooard. CI.ia[0. *1LL SD-A.Ne_ 1 MUSICIANS. ALL IMtrtntk twee to loin .'d and new ke a_ &all,&urñ four year* en.foad. Must be ,road rs. rise.erd tai c-.oiI Caen. doubling Irotn.nwnts o-+6 duet of Scondinsvlan: Ganes and f10

We 10nRs No towers or ricers RAY' STOLZENOtRQ 704 r.Khd Si.. Austin, Mi -n. OICNISTRA " WANTED -6"PIICES, NON-

:Olt Start Novt [bet 2d. INaeJI road. fake 'd Nenerceo for floor dhows. Cw Ooaaleto 410181. e I iI',nf price,- r,,e,Eenoe 'first let - 11A OWNS RAkCii KITE CLUE, renews, Md. WANT -GOOD TRUMPET. TROMIONE OR

Fourth SIr de.ia+.. F'se,d Vblmt /.1st :Ent e T rd . BE AleoO C-SI. B: 'beard. CYKdnnatI. so

WAHTTG-LADY BOOKER WITH CAR CAPA. P. M Aaeateca AttaOtt$ont.,BenefIts.

Y` '.-,.6 acf0i, MANAGER ,EmW nwM C re A- tt8uraat Stockbos.;CaIIR- W. NTTDs-ADVANCr AGENTS. AH0 PEOPLE tOprodu[e and.premet* local talent d,0'rl.


,bash. State *seta. BOX 912), ~Poland Md.

IkANTEO_COWOOY AND COWGIRL ENTER. 1 Must be young. Send1 ~lea_

c-IaA HOUSE, Mtnin< ice. Mr. 11ANTEDANCE - MÍISECIAN M 2,'°TRUPIT. A"eD _

San, sent,, P,ano. ~mm. *Stale an. RY OTIS, Mlnn oel}s_L!re1{ ".ANTED -SORER. EXF ERIDICED AD:ARCS

sa4er1 .with cm ae book Atllbthi.ed illejlson sae Liberal petoertt a but _ro dedvaisoe., TMI CAEAT VIRCt .. mu_ . Cleciyatl.


Family Ailmin

-i 'THIS -PICTURE qs1,norrnbires of also, At G. Field JM1nstrel Sand, traten. of 15898-'99. will recall to many the heyday of ñtinelydty. In the rosé. left to_rl¡¡bt. are Vie Faust. now praying night -.Clubs and showboat* w'rh his

Swiss bcIHngiñg tan: George P. Marshall. Paul Lalonde, Otto Granite. Fred] W. .Grey. Werner Allhatrirand Joe .Norton. Middle rows Tommy Hyde. Raider.' F. J. Hodioid, W. A. Cleveland; Bat Ma Cutler, leader: L F; .shelf Ind ',Doe" Qufrley. Name of the man en if. end' Is no? 'known. in front are Leaser Falrn,and Emil Peterson: Eddie Doyfe.-drum ropier. whé' now dons a hoop -rolling ,and novelty act fn Rfelt elbt with hí5 wifé. led. II. J. Gardner. Name of t*,c man nt Etta eight Is unknown.

The Billboard lnnftra fra reader* to aubm-ft photos. when frOna 15#rí 2b'peets ago. It Is specially requested Met fa,0iseer be CLFABand Oat` they Re moºompemded eltñ -Corn deacrtt flee daza. Group p'Otpr are preferred bat pictures of Individuals. who, era STILL LIVING trill be ~teemed. They Hal be rote:riled aJ se -derived. Addreaa Show ra,n11yl Alba" £dltcr, The 9f11bdant. 25-27-Optrei Wore, Cfneirirsatl, O.


SPACE ,POR FIRST-CLASS PINNY ARCADE Wanted. Park rear New Yera: preferred.


able ion Roper SluHfRr. Ciro details. ,Alto some Cheers Stases. ALFRED CARRL1LI, 3336 Fourteenth, Deiced. Mich.


'A`CATALI7CUE Oi MINDREADING -MENTAL Nlaaie, Sp.'Ht &/teefs. HotoseOpes. Bud'!va

lend .t1a9.

39 FOnscatta..Craph o aoaY Sheet; Books, Lc :Icy PÓPBTMost omaSstt line M I II red

eateecuo. 30e. NELSON INTERPIIl13,n South Third. Colu.rnbut D. A -t, SINSATPONA.L MODERNISTiC ILLUStONt.

0yiginal Creations. Hoariest ~man.M.r- ac?º Got in Decanter lteteuturo, Saarrpl. UNIVERSAL, ?238 S, Slats. ~to. ,nt,TENRiON. ISCAP[ ARTISTS -OAKS REC-

ordbre. -sr 'Sfrait-Jacket tRskasR ne,b, ete pblroe,,, $15,00 valor. $25ÁO. Stec;ats on m,Rnr Rood Shore Prxhsble aeestofs end s, "Morita, orsa, Milk Can Escarps. Freer ACTION WISTERMS, GANGSTERS AND DRAMA' ";Si3ws&op usa IY,e. wt1TtR¡c FSATURE FILM 't Mahal- OAKS MAGICAL. Oshkosh. Wit. no2GX Fe,+,aa+Fu.r,e-. S wst.rrte,. Also 1G'uMl F lrn rd' 6 SUPPLY CO., 1018 S. W,abeu, Ave., Chxalo FIRST 240.00 TAKES CO00"`EMT "TUMMY MANILARIAN..,Bost 1ht Uniers Pity. H. 1,

JACK _ dii3 and Ter+ Full, Mark. Peator'd, toed ahspe, `,ate ever $110.00 value- TOLIMY WINDSOR -

VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES- 24 -PAGE ILLUS. 'hated Crunch-, lo¿ PRANK MARSHALL. 531* $ Loomis Bl.d., alicate, IL 11;íy e', all Indent veneri'ap,l't. ~26


ARMADILLO BASKETS, LAMPS. ETC. -THEY are dJlferenl and d,stlftlltw WI* #51 cur I11/w3ner,bNeY 4uotatIass. APTLY ARMA-

ILLO TARP& Comfort. edy'cac

CIRCUS ..tPARAYUS-11.¿' TEETH Swivels. ~Ire Courts firia41'made_ Stamp

for catalog. [OW. VAN WYCK, 2443 Colo - rain Ave., CkxInnal , O. il[XPSLt MOLD MATERIAL. NÓ,N.SHRINK

Ing, nor-vwrping, waterproof, keeps detall, used over and over. Particulars stamp. THOMAS SALES, Oor'.$56. Delry1. MLM. KNIFE TIIkOWINC1 SWM. HOODYI IDEAL

Xmas Gifu Inatnielson Beek or Sped ,1 Knife, 31ÁO. each. "DEAN." 1294 E.,San Few. nando Si., San lore. Calf.

EXPLOITATION SPECIALS - ERAND.NIEW latraatery punts, Edgar Wallace's 'White

Face:" [feat for horror or spook'ahovs; -Pao- -locrYour Daug ht;rs, see "Before the White Ma,. 'Ufa of. Plar." a Christ," "C,rtua," `BFOM,e Facets.» OTTO MAR bACH. 630 Ninth Area

New York City. POR SALE 33MM. SOUND AND SILENTS, feature and .eh rr;, Cow,..:Prelecor. 6A

,All arc priced to be sold. WINe STANLEY R. OLSZEWSKI. 56 Rasa 'Rid.. St i:anrl. Doke. Pa.

FOR SALE --TALKIE FILMS.. WtSTte!" themes. Shorts. nergafa. [pod oeeseinkx.=

used over route. Revdrnsn ~tie. O. W. ,OWEN. RocernAlle. M.._ MAKE OFFER ON TWO STRAI ---T -rub FRO.

tearora, 46 reels 'fibº. All in ext:eikrt pars. di BYLUND, 134 Barrett, Iameatowr4 'N. Y. MOTION PICTURE, RADIO -SOUND EQUIP.

merit, Rcfared, Bought. Sold. rechenee whir YOU can't' 'use for ,that you need. - FIXIT

1SHOP. 18502 HRhfde Ave., sod la. L 1. N. Y. saOvtt ROAD SHOW OARCAINS- 35MM., Sind Po.i. tu,,CarnpIrte. Lenited Quantity, Universals,wills Amplifiers, Sneakers FaquiP.

rmenal Sully i,au.o .d. At allrap$Fve low SoeslPrkodscioni


SUP;FLY GOO". I603.13 Broadway, NewYcvk..N.


ctors, 400.1í. capeccty, with -Roll of Film, 9,95_ Moue Ca -rara. 19,95: 1.l6mes. Film Rental Library. FL}ru rented es.crywhee- Thee N.swtratod cateüoaue -stair santo o Art FTkn, IOe1, CARDEN EXCHAt4Gl, DIP West SOth, New York -City. NOW furry y.LAflCT LIST -BSMM, SOUND

F:11s. Dramas. Westerns, Cem dies, Car- toons. Ewetythlnw ,puaramt.ed as repreeenlled or money back. ECCO PICTURES CO.,-14ad. don Kan. ONE PRINT. 'NER`U»BORN- ¿OLD," EIGHT

mob, tañere, $71.CO. Hurry. OPIRA HOUSE. M "sidles. Merle.' PERrecT SOUND PRINTS $5. W- IEICY

rental, bur, sell, trade. ht, nf;mO. No Fan" Wet rot." adlet thrillers. ST. STE, PHLNS THEATRI. St. Stephens, S. C.

I SAP IT -f FIREPRÓOF FILM 100 TOY MACHINE ..Ani' 'MON. 354.' .1,. Se par long., TIMTEL FILMS. 44 Illlnots St,, IndlaasaeaSIL Ind.


I N:uie, Stisendisesde. A, ylflMy$. Lenses, Slweapl..000r. -Portable Preceelen and- 1GMM ECuip..eenl; bought and acid. ~4 -ZENITH THIATRE SUPPLY. 308 W. 44th, New York.



Marlette. 0 .A ATLESSTHAN NALF PRICE -SO USED t6YM: FREE! -CATALOG SOO MACiC TRICKS FOR Sound Arel.toei Furns rented, 'taiIS.(l,hCd

pocket, pa,terelub et rdlats."Sorth's Iarcest shera,en. UNITTO FILMS, Stale TPeat.,, lino, LYLE DOULLALStatlon A.9. Dallas, Ter_PItnLMIPI. Ph. x


DARGLINS CACAWRt=16MM. ovule ten,'CaanNas..Films, Exdhan-o. Lcr e, la¢

25[. MAX`HOLOINL 220 W. 424 St,.,tiew Est liatlnge fu, stomp, WrIteCINE PRODUCTS 'Yore. City. dllx I.4ACIC...MEa4TAL,ISM, SPtRITISM, FORTUNE

Tr rd. Luerr.oue Pallid Choir starer% Il andew1tln- Palmistry Choir. Catelepm 10e. REILLY. 57 E, Lone.Celumems. Q no2G MAGIC. TRICKS, ¡OKER'S NOVELTIES. FULL'

L ea. Lance esrilotue' I St. Llpessi dls- count In deraf_Ots_ KRINOO, 536 rAth Ave , Ptnw York. N Y. del

( MACIC-PULL LINE BOUGHT. SOLD, EX. dsar'.copyy. Write what Pave or want; Care-

Ledo*. H. POWERS.) Birch APIs_ Charles. f toll, W. VA .

PPNXY, STRICTLY Roi1SAoMAL PU ikr57. Ventriloquial Pp es. 'Punch wet fusty al'dr

b4dtonelles. PINKY. 126f. M. ~Ea. Chicano. I illintralod folder frees r»M SPECIAL = S1:00 ASSORTMENT MAGICAL

E. -_gnwd. TNckt, Putiflus, with ACL,Op-e Cob4 tic postpaid. OAKS MAGICAL. M

151 Broadway, -Paleflen-. N. J.

BIC SACRIPIC* SALE -GOOD TALKIE PEA - how, 510.00 vareer; ,Shorts. _14.1701 Proma,tsl

rented. $7.50 a. ni¡gs, ar $115,O,114t -; SWtals, $3,00 dapor. SNIN.Fllma, t're.ecto .. SIM SON. 1275 S. froadwayi Day1..r. A. x CLEAlA.MCI SALE-USBO 16MM ARTS, CAR.

root a _rd other*. ~re yout sub -d+ for d'Ilrrrnl orris_'Su:miles and to- - . FALO MOU/FTAIN EXCH..Net. Samar-LC. EVERYTHING IN' MÓVIES=PILOIECTOR3.

cameras 'sow.[,ed a,a!tv m and nont, '35m ADlmr¡adhori _ told row iS40 00. perfect can. delien, $3195.00. PIKOMiSTONT LAOORATO.


"Webb Sound Prolrrtrora. -á[[,d55' and co, -ire Fw St. Free csralop,,L "ON' ARCH THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY,. Mare ORA Tanis

SOUND FILM --.1111414. 16 AHD, BArm, PRO. Motors end tatpt4lei. PARNIS FILM SIRV. ICI, Rex )A 4. Mt. Paeaaant Tart's

SPECIAL -NEW 2000' OE VAT'. 3SMM ,PORT ebtea, longtime with salted. Cost $P;307.12O4 savtfice,best offer.' POWERS, 1620 ksol

Slotot,Clry. Iowa. -Tit; WORLD'S BEST AND ONLY ASSION play! Phóredr.plsed to the Holy L--1 wl'en Chv¡st Malty lived and soy hod A lme ads, t1Non of rno Blb4o--p( the Life of Christ. Esel.Kl..4 toriftorhl ar,a4.Lmrnts. 3:'ens .or (filter Sound and MUM Q,.oPa. t y loan request, SCREENART1 729 Seventh As._ New York CITY.


Salem. AnPIew[, Strcdd,,

rc mere. Pro. 1=1.1 $tJPY p0., LTD,. 1108 S.-

WE BOY,- R[NT. TRA DE. SILL' V'16TERN-AC. Hen Dctura, Don't be film VIS.swned, buy taro from us. sera~ Carle to

Monde this winter." Let ILIAS, floe 23. Live Our. FK. WMEIE"IN 'rift MARKET r01í TNiATRE,EQUIP.

35 MIL. SOUND OH ,T11.14-Wt5TERN7. AG. Clung, Dry a. Sax, Can,=ater. Least. APOLLO

MCHANGE. I I T'$. 9Ih St, Newark. N. 1. no24 31MM.. SOUND FILM, PRO FCTORF-DE YRY

2;0,00'fe,l pm: 4,000 ft., $45. Passion Play, $50. Savlf.thte othcrrrorlc property ASO eMA, showman. DU. W00DWARD, ¡L. PO -r will*, Pe. x 35MM, TALK 1 ES'- FEATURES SHORTS Sort"Salas, ,entails. Portable SaasJ' Outfit, $F50.00. Silents, $1300 ,rot. Lht', INTERPRISCS.,IOX 23, HaSarslmen. Md


CRANK ORGANS, STREET PIA- NOS, FACTORY tebulir. Barg_ird. RrOatt end ,raw` music

work al reaspvble prkct, S. CEOHARDT ORGAN. CAS Tatenv, H,lladel0.`rL, Fa_

FOR SALE, -CHEAP-IA.RGC` ORGAN; .55 -KEY G ayle&L Beautiful' front. NICHOLAS DROOL,

300 Carr AVM.. I9e30+bure. N./. no26w

Additional Ads Under This ClaasiHcalies WIII. Be,.Feued Orr Elbe Neat" Pass.

96 The Btl!board Cl.ASS4Fi ED, ADVERTISEMENTS A' ore viz bor 26, I938

FOR SALE -5x14' LIBERTY BLACK PEARL Snare 0nah, atp con lcta U. 5.'S. 17 watt

Se rd Srltrn, Tike ,now_ Cheap, RAY STOL. 2ENBER0, 704 [odd St. rMnlet¿Yen, VIBRAPHONI'WANTEO-WILL PAY CASH

for Rood corked alzo Nnbraphone. M.aat be bargain POWERS. 1620 Iactlaon, Sioux City. Iowa WANTED-SWISS-HAp4D PEELS.' DIATONIC.

oily tuned. State the oor.dlbn. Pitch, nuns. bet and prlte. Quick mile. RALPH PRONK, Waterloo, tone..

ZYLOIHOtNt-IEDY, 434 OCTAVES, SPLIT I rsmea and resonators. Good condition.

Fired In. ; c larcain $43.00 Cash DE WIL. FRED. T01 W. 46Cn St.. New York Cif,.

PARTNERS WANTED ) ¡tomtit pekes; UNIVERSAL, 3238 Sc. Stale,

LADY PARTNER ABOUT THIRTY FOR Thirty-Nrnne t*aioe. Small Hawaiian thew.

Mhos Cencesak. P. Tea* financial interest. FRANK POWERS..cato.UiIIbOard, Cincinnati.

NIN.wOM;N FOR WINDOW DEMÓNSTRA. Hors of Framer eina. Head -esa Women

Miracle'Phenoenernn Smoak !martial arrest. mail, ,wcerrary. SERT,T 321.5 So. State. Chi. CarO-

!R[ YOUNG. CIRL AERIALISTS, ANY Taker GnanCL& a!Ote,t, ire sat".

EUROPEAN POLE NOVELTY. -Bee 906, Bill- board, 1564 Broadway. NON erit.


"cobra .o'EDtr UtY," 1 OX. OF EXCLUSIVE Perfume: "Amorous," Ow clamorous' tae*,

ewd, natural flesh Rachel shades. Per -1 p N or hens and face powdss both-fcr$202. Coeesi.I lent Xmas gift. Free lotomtaNws RITZCRAFT FM/LIMES-P. O. lhnc iá4. FrdM.f. O- dot

READY? READY!! 1939 PRESS PASSES 'LIKE elf retention carry. BeautHuLy and ele

//rr1N wsnfed with FF*, 1 ~elm Four for tic: 25 for $1'.O2. BUDSNKAYE PUBLISHERS., P1wnOVtP. Panne.


IrcrwOxl Dr- South Boni!, !el.



ACT NOW 4.FOR:A-DIVE O;SIRATORL, Send ter -frco'cirib of conG0mie ling of

~ken. MARKS E. FULLER. Inc., OWl. Roches3 Roches ter. ti Y. n^24>fi

AU. -IT TOR, 10e OPERATORS --SURE Wt NAVE the slew Suedes, et P.; abbe fuS length'

Canaria. 'Write for reduced Dr.bai on Machines _.A Strpoints. WABASH PHOTO SUPPLY. Tenn' h' hr had no26

LOBBY PHOTOGRAPHS AND POSTCARDS -12' 8a10. 32751 25. 33.50 S0, 1400: 10'3,

110. Postcords. 100, S2.25. 2S0.-44.50: $7.00; C.O.00 513.50. Send t m Or

richly- pkturo- In rasto wtib Order, tv'r-.oca on deliver/. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC LABORATORIES. Beat 91; Rkhmondl Ind. X

MIST. STAMPS. is EACH, MADE FROM you faswrHa plate. Place them on,clarion-

ary.. Chrhlmis cards and Rifts. Hundreds of uses Minimum' order. 51.00. _ SaDs6ctk'n


aiWr ton, EImis N. Y.

PHOTOSTAMPS, I00 FOR $11 PHOTO GREET- Int Cards, Postca0s Wrens Aw Picoo,,-En:

lanseme ts, GIN. Mass wILLIAM FILLINF.' 1Cl 1 N. Westnrt. Chkayo, III.

REGULAR $275_0O STRIP PHOTO Of tfrr Makes 4 for -dime also , , for quarter slits

photce, $125,00 complete. 'HASSAN. Box 971` DarkeraflerR W. Va. no245

ROLLS OLVfLOaso-TWO PRINTS' EACH and Two Free Entor4Oinalt Coupotl3_, 25e.

Raprl-,ta. 2c each! 100 or row*. I G SUM.: MIRY TTUgIO. Un11e, a, Me. net 7o:

TWA DISCOUNT ON PHOTRAIT CAMERAS-, and AachInhen Boa Strip Photos. I I'¡,bd,

Games,. F.1.5 Tern, crank- and m.lcrnion, fan 'Cehnet Bkraprlfts, $633.00 011er sales,

~GGna P1&lea tily d PHOTRAIT. pax 'Itnnland,


$50 A wax WITH A"XODAK. tooXLETt drr4ees 100 en ley ~eta. 25 cents:

3."CEORCE. 21$ 5. Qc.ews,'Phfl-de. HM. Pa -



t'tde ytRallrnetwts,Ptel . Dres

Teonntenco ses.

pEascc Irvl. Write NIMROD, 40 Unofin. . Ghacaga. _ re26x

CREW MASIACE:IIS-SMA3NINC RR1CF1i. flEi trMt Concertlrafas. Seseelauias; Polisf. hyp-, CeLneetln, FlayprL;- burEddn catas tree.'LaPURA LABORATORIES, 799 5Unsrn1, Tokdg 11.

IS 'T HOTI E.ARLICUE-HAIiBURCER dMA- d . 128.50. Cart..easnn, 39.00. Be-,, More i Se11L 1Y1CKtRfON MANUFACTURING,. Dept. 2. 9ratnc r held. Mo.


Pair_ Pine, Bettor. Cheaper than oth-


oe Lowest Gflmal0. [


TATTOOING OUTFITS. SUPPLIES. NEW ANH used. -'Dar In lint, Elaetre-en o..frg ma

Chine. $5 nuke scriw soctrity eplata- -W ATERS,"' .965 P.atr-Ln, 0.1541. i- T.2.Ofi'" POSITIVELY -REWOVE$ TAT -

kern without colas. Cunt_ *Abend safe, and certain Sends trial Yet,. -SI Q . S.'BROCK. 23 Bo..X4n St.. Dostoel TATTOOIN ,'OUTFITS. REYOVIR, CURIOS.

Odelfha, Uhusuar-. Dies lima. Anligxs. EG"CA". .33 n Crvi. s. b uast

and sold. MIL.


HEAD'QIhARTiRS ,FOR-TWT$ 1ALL"iirESt- Srdiwall. Bally Cloth. Mosquees, Prosear tunic.

Sauna Sattbi Culfel t. Draper{Or. DriCra- tfona UNIVERSAL, 5235 SO.. Seale, Chen*.

ISDOIWALL BARCAINS -s 5 TT. DRILL, hand rvwdt-eb wnite. mood as new, 1 ft.

hies. 318.001 8'ít. ;21.00 per -l00 fr best, KERB COMPANY. 1 Grand Ave.. Chlcap,



Teas. s, outs sties. Concession Tents, Shaw

a! Tents. Write else? you wort and get real want,. KERR COMPANY. 1954 Grand Ayr, Chicape.


A USEFUL XIWSS,-CIFT-MONOGRAMMED Stát;Orery, prinred'ro your order and put up

in namely box containing 10O sheets paper and .104 amtlep0a, PrYce reasonable. Send for samples. LINCOLN PRESS, ''1.07 Cedar, Stranlon: Pa.

B USINESS CARDS NEATLY -PRINTED -- 250 Whit* Lilian P1n10..'2 5-115)13 74, $1.10;

$00. $1 90. Prep_d Fifth Zone, Guaranteed HOMER WOODRUFF; Sldnrr. O.

CUTS FOR THE SNOWMAN -i HAVE PLENTY Stack Cuts, ele. Unlimited Yaretty. DELCO,


classy Two-CoLsr Latterheada, í2.4S, 300: $4 low.95, 1,000. inn. printing, low pprriced. IICARD-PRIH7ERY. 5493 Lope. Para, Clslcago

POSTPAID "PAINTING -1,000 $2.25. 545sr 814 Letterheads, 'Statements, NoI&wjds,

*1c. IÁ00 B.n'ress Cads, postpaid $1.00. BARGAIN PRINTING, 237 S. Lancaster. Dot,: lar, Ter_ L X



Letterheads and 100 63 Ersrikoas Poo -- prick $1.00. or 250 e.1. both, 3200. EVANS PRIM% 44 N. Tenth. Read sg. Pa._,

SPECIAL -LETTERHEADS IYttl f ENV bow 6.3óc. 200 each, $200 BrtD.Sid in states.

Real quality. COOK; 730 .Wesl GIs, Peoria, Ell.

WINDOW CARDS --14x22, ONE COLOR. 100, 52.50. SOB ~Oat balance C. O.D, pet

'd.lpping ctvrsea THE JELL PRESS, Wmton. (Penny. )50 BEAUTIFUL PERSO1LAI. CHRI$Tr.tAS

Carla, SI AO. with 'Name, Twelve etrusz- ,55 Chris -swam Le'tc.h*ads, 51-00. Saraplss 'free. RIGGS PRESS, Va'ay, Intl

IOO PRINTED BOND LETTERHEADS, Toll, and 100' Envelopes to nut" your nano

and address. 1o4h,'for 5r,00.StAR3. Leon, Ken,

LSD %Xtll 20.1.10. BOND'LETTERMEADS AND 6250 644 24-tb.Enveloc.cs. bosh primed and

"Weed p o d for $1.50: VICTORS. PRINT, Exeter. N.H.. r 290 LE'TrutusaDS. $IAOI 240 ENVtioPr3,,

j1ó0. 1,000 Hard Ballet 3200.. 500 Owl.: revs Garth. $1.50 EMERSON PRESS, 309

a M.ttca.nery, Jiduon. Md+. set

SOO TWO.'COLOR LETTERHEADS OR INVL: Ion ,- !3-3$' both 5575. 100 có, $1.25;

20-00~ bond, 0.+,

THE ACADEMY PRESS. Gen. try. Mk. 1.000 8s12 CIRCULARS. $1.75' 3.000 S5.1Se

1.000 4x9, S1:10.5 53. SO Postpaid Zone 4, LAWFIDALE PRESS. Don 303, Frank-

e. t4,,


A -I AMERICA'S 'LEADING CIRCUS-CARNI- vat Side Show Banner Pr'-ntera. Qaooh

our tboe .an.e< the thermal. MAEIYtti STUDIOS. 3544 North 'Haglpd, Chrxaa0. dei BEST CARNIVAL AND -SIDE-SHOW -ANNIRU

On ear" Positively rO dtaimotlntrnenls. NIA MAN STUDIOS, be, 1234 5. Halsted OStt,,,..,

DYE DROPS, LtKt NEW. OVER 300 DESIGNS, trop SIO to $25 «coding lo,ut.. SCHELL


Ussaeddl-Poeithre nerd MOM -0m Medefn- Ibl c, Inraf r-u'alals. Peofetilonal artlstt.

A-1 ADVANOE AGENT - WL7' book Name Attractions,'COweel and

All G4S .Bands. Slhaws whh good' wardrobe and dependable tranepertallon contact ~- RAY SALTER, General De:s any, Jenkins. Ky.

ADVANCE ROCKY ..ano E6 rea anta: Westin. lfillilMi. ~nest, 1tadM, A11Ol11

!)art sr ala anncalra AWN Ulm, nr' Lets. tent N N2211 Cxnnt,vt'.n. Moth'. Drdltat4a natas. Wean". MISS *Lan Pm:~ a *stet v l'r- 'Teel toll 4HH1O 1.a . not , .ñ ro. ano ralea Mani 6 -OX -1141. Billboard. 7 t AGENT A7 LIoERTY Dre, Set. BoCA all

tsm -rT. lran r ü4broti S`h.ctia pmyo.i- lfrh ^-af. KspaiaeNd dl .fih 7NIr 7L Isut-eux. Had aLersaaa ^+ao, 1>L



NOTICE, DANCE PROMO- term+-T'welre.P!ee...O,Cl*Str.. nowion ,C

Wrvta tot open datos and pictutes of ~nit* PAT DORAN. 1602 Staunton Ave.. 1A W.,,Roa- neke, Va. di3

.01T -LIBERTY AFTER DECEMLER 1%1-6.PIECE EIaM_ now playlrsr Hotel Cloister and 19th

Hole Chub. Hare centime ¿Qlllpmena ard.tD- 'to-date lbrety,,hocreege all typal

w0.'1. Vocal trio and diced- A Dvop00Ñlon., Icont'dated. Writs en wire HAROLD SHEAR' ARD. Cs ssrCAL. Hot" 'Sea Island. - MIST -PIECE BAND AND CIRL VOCALIST-

Union. 46 ~due of Iocatlon during past yyeeasrr Write fx ofrotos A,rd-publicity. LORIN TOWNS, LeRoy Heel, Widorra, Kan. '

ASE *AL L THROWING MACH IMIC-GIANT m, ,I, try eendlHon, and LechRanaa

Shoon Galkay. Wrato BOX G:2. 1M Bdh boafd Cimino hl, O.

CASH FOR (LOOP -O -PLANE, OCEAN' WAVE. Other seed fides_ dcsnessed carnival and

'show property COLLINS. Boas 77. Kerney. Nab. CASH FOR eRIDES: TENTS. SNOW EQUIPMENT

of all kinds. Want Penny Arcade Mochlnry Calliope, Organ, Lite Nerds. Snow .451"ehln-a,

vine Tare . - _. _ _ - n

ELI FERRIS WHEEL, IN GOOtII, CON®11'10N. Clw Harslet' cad,.°tee and state all' In let-

ter. BOX C.14, R.Z oaad Clncbtreatl, O.

OCTOPUS OR MOLL( RIDE WANTED. GIVE fu1.1 particulars. Address 'W BOX C " Bo -27.

The Bl°be-C Eli. Co.. CMaMrsat%, O.

TAFFY FULLING MACHINES, ALSO KISS, wrapping m --liras: mute In Coed OerdE-

tktrt- BOX C-21, Billboard Ckctreotfi. O.

THEATER CHArP3 AND GRANO STAND SLATl EUsadi-Can use ICtietai rhoussnd, Prefer,

the old style theater seat for tool outdoae'thea- ter. Winner wire, R. E. RICIFWINI. McdaaniCO. tan. Pa, dying full d -falla, prates. elf. no26x WANT TO BUY --SHED 2=MAN NORSE: MUST -e

be be good Bondi ten, DANCING SCHOOL, 922 -Colley* Avenue: Csllfcrnb, Pa.

WANTED TO BUY',FOR CASH_ -USED 'RIDES a -id show propertyB .' ,y cendlt tn., For Sax,

--M,d,anim w', l ShoRAY TARHAM% Newton, low a.



ROLLER SKATIRSI, LADY MAGICIAN i10W a,altoote far theaters, setter emir, et

chabi. units, trade thews, indoor circus, Yang man and lady Easl,'twirls. 4angete.A acrd dot- fieult spA1e. rs.e. trick -and 'fancy rota s.t t- 4ta. Lady as as a test maCAotan,, dyllsli. fully emeA+Lnr.g' and aem.ete4 This ties 13

Ioutitandlny. a ,root feature nowslty RCP. w1ER

cobtie:l costumes, car. RUM and %BRIO. A IIn t. class ronsr=skating act that is ?feesea.

;PRICE_ :G6ya Min, Ne)r1On, Kato.

wANTED TO BUY --FOUR ELI WHEEL i Cars place. season 1939, midst' -sod, cell -

able. aces foreman. L. H. GRANDY, BWc 203 Or-rwsd Fla.

WANTCD-100 PAIRS FIDER ROLLER RIN1(r Skates. In,Eood c neec on, leer;eh. AUDI-

TORIUM BALLROO,=Union and dw Charles St.. ;Kmmnilrs; Tenn. -

WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE SNOW Gooses eE every doierrplion INewUeedl.

What have ybu7 IFNIVERSAl, 3218 SO. St11o. Chka0o

AT LltlEhTY raó5 laa. A.. 39. 1+-aalli.-, laltl ';tif LLiget!I NP ya0.

orient, It {,'tr parr top. Virtu le en., P aKl-LXD CE/ECJI:. 1te,lla, 01<la aale

T'"LiRCRTY-Bs .,


NaE/ oab". 7t~W0.8 R)Ol,[as 4at.AOur^l«auym4dosa

.d mat e

cRLVislra lioúieTY PUPPET, (Winn Pond; M J.:'dI-Tr.a 0((11Ltk tl6- on Raden. ma dó,rrer aparta! ria 'tae.

r-LGvt:u r, .e fi4. Y

Palette PRODYOCIM-Tpoqg :ant Cie sus »son. t.^aat !,lsa. Eat a,almost.-


rralteaae number. "Hal tap, ad} o.- ny rorKhAn fir arta Llna nne~ Ti -.'rut In la> er act?vtl. Rho Wsk s;t+Nr_ .EruKa 41221 =- OM ita..,llasa-mtea-eatP; _ SLUE il.Y[I.2VJ,, 1,4' 44re=t 111r CaUL41Rla..'tY..,

P OR [VAr10iL1ETI0WORK. " a e< a4tl lana-r;,ot. Nausea Mrrr-al©tlrsaa own

YON ta stase, aao*cw met t DAMaUo q!tY t won, Lab. 19i-4 ao- ea Ebal Eilrtlma stag/ anti aspaslelaea ~Su run a.7 glues e< suds 74.0 awl iat4r.Aa sad ra 4 r A-IÉólrars,I,11eaorab(IlIF tslb- iDt1T n!ilrd, (7.-0.Vr OLA

ass and nob arm l,ae a due ktr.hoaI Je1m ae caadcal n.-+r:ty. won faca a+dt- CFlaaoL

yafri.e*aseob Re t WasbaY.lttwñ Are., 1tAWm*.C:.

MAY WE NELIP YOU to .ntaY,ahr pour Tasmtaaad7y,pOs,adOlaeL .draUSI' and barer. 5x

t't7t1ÓEr7YAÁ; 6dbVF. Mai. ballrooms

eRe., Lúkaiw

At Liberly Adve tisements '

Se WORD. -CASH 'Meat Mom Santo Leek Typo). 2c WORD, CAIN Mash Una' and

Name Black Drool. le WORD. CASH (Small Typel INo Ad Lea Thaw. 25e1. Flp+as Tetal of 'Weida at Ono Rafe Only.

AT '1:1LI*TY


set l'i.e.Lea Iefrtnt -yylpie-0.1p !Suite on

CkRb ~da.tio all

on. (M- WILLLASE LñSCix,

ATTENTION, ORCHESTRA LEADERS,' ORGAN. Iced Union Band aw'ab.. to"week-undV

soar norm_ 3 Tenor Saute, 1 Tna'ost. Dream, String Pre.. Cultic; Pleero. C. I Vermilion: U - bray df Styled' cemanercid special' arrange - manta. Tramaonatte a Writ, cr wire pre - Paid for full parIiulas and moults. BOX

GM. Billboard, GrscirmdL

HL HENRY AND 'HIS ARISTOCRATS -MIRE Horkte location. 5 Man that sauna Cioduel.

union. Arrangenícnts.'P_-A. tetan, 1ni-TOn15.

AT USIRTY efe.,. Augment if neceseary. Reliable bOokert.

AGENTS. AND MANAGERS marygert,.write. N. REYNOLDS. 450 Amtter- aun Awe. New York City. del

NATIONALLY KNOWN TEN.tECE ORCHES. tea and CIII vocalha, Ur on, all Spfelil

Ar tr

rarngcmmarili, e,pabicNoronh oa,f

hC.Ag/ s,aWbuad'tsa ra..

Or floor chota. W I) no.a-rna/nera on lemaelle tf. t. cOMa . ' lU1 is a r ssX 312.

Billboard, Chicago.'

WILL ORCANITED S1X.PIICE UNION BAMID- ftandeid'ernislnitr.l. fa£3r eryurpped..TNea

featured vocalist". Cut any how. AvilaL4 on 1wa were.' tlOtke, LEADIR,,.=I1 141h,

L 114.00^, 9A.

4.PtECE ALL. GIRLS, NOVELTY SWING BAND -"unable for night eb.7s, hk1e., do.

Plar.o..Sar tS7Ub11ne Clarinet,SgMef' Cidra

'rood Eieclrie GIht, Oruro, Ta

vpcartlttl, lap tie,cer ors! mv Hies Poe

rat op." Southern (OCaf n lon phd. rre

M i Í .IhrnSS. 306 -5th Aye.. N. W.; Rodsaa


AT IfRCRTY 2reaq 10í-r.-rhd' DoemriQr ras 3Ss tla', Parrl, ds area, Canes' t±4emfa

* P.3aetsL+ r,auae Platt eat. A uieel t,. -w nrm E+Dr joy`i tAdsad a4u, .ML-Arga- 1`rRTm undo, age. Kids ante, Sawn Lail. was: ends lento -SOWS rw'r.-as'!e t« S eeetasrL sun. DON-SELI.T. Trap Inn Uotrl, DoaEt tºv. 11,.

DOD COOK'a MnO ORON[fTAA-61>`aU rstecrJ attCt.trdr. ow Lootlns

saRl,s, .rontlea, aoa.+otnea ane- 1eLsr

date. IR 0. ts0 634. ltistn An tT`OIsO..TLA7r02biliÑwmtt'Ieeéwo ,lLs!-A >e.le

e aaa ; aeMd'retOraa.nrxw

than rtsee,. .1Y r R .oaoaeeeaEAl t, °` AliIp7c saee atcay,pd,

wné°t`«i+0.° P.+ee hraka ran sonL'A- ffen.a' eate ÜbtLo',At+'at r:+as pqutar

.r40. ' IsÓi[ c.24, 6dn.w.E tt++1!-llee

iV,orember 26, 71938 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS' 7Ritee Dili board 97



p8ACULAS. OLOODLI SS OPERATION, ,NEAD- Ion Nano Alive:.Deetorea Scientists puz-

¡Md. ~wined sutural( dc_ap11allon Abao- istet hew and eritnel. UNIVERSAL. 3238 Sp Stott, Chtcagº. - r AT d LIBERTY


A-1 MA34UtLt MINIATURE CITY IN Attlee. Now booking a., pdpentaipe mar

Indoor event% charitable, lode* or a htb bano- IHe or celetvatiarss. The beat mo ey.reiune low; nO tucea»e us m s; continuo periawlee any and nittat- Sponsors, that hare no -back. tone or kar to 'take a chore, save yyoeuurr

trrrnr; we deal with' liver when Only: Press. Thai .hustle to_ achieve Bataan$ :In enythanr; tat le worth ,aI,. . Marra wand altar.,. Lino Bents, Trawl en a slat -wheeler. Write to MANUEL'S STUDIOS, 154-4 N. - Halsted- St., O lcego, In_


...Alive: An or9glnre tawd:m miracle pese.! dno-_mron,that derisardeaalalh.-a. A bewilder.: Ina htturNHc decapitatMn. H4i+ claaa. refined.; .Per retlab;e engagements. UNtVLRSALr 3238 5.,3ate. Chkat'o_ AY Lr1$RTY..geea.t Trued- and iÍaC.éi Win

Dveeaaaar Trig randy sedoseted Nadi i i_smr. tnl loath t imó tio}fo' arn se ^mm4der peereeemeetate propa0'

taha ,tt.'D3:1"1/r1s,.04ueral Potency. Mitb 6e1Ó

ATtcwTlibs PLEASE Ara .\m et.tpwtMt Dsa,S ,...s' lcdrtla,tblau3r M6Ylai ra edgy. ara s,i t; Wieeg red stMrkal éx shown ltrrNhaaei :to car. Itplf aCrl 5 (r'tr. ef Dhiteg ATM. IkllMllb N. J.' .me, n ,aII. 2-2177.

Ia0 WAIVER -Ma NC li'rMst erre. aasbs .- 171Yti YREtl. .d iEanalal tes rtºfeeFw Í

Mitt 1cppa.1dnl

ORIu1KL'OON6O,¿ Tenant -Pao Hut t'4 aNs, tdl7hee eM none : tar rplenºn es - =la. st t1 Street Stuanae.

TICKET ZiLLeRt[dtrErO terra nY-t7sew-t,eevdT r Taaei he S-O,aLGust6eatls nota,T 1:[J.ER. ADS L\etfa NL Airar. Celt.nai TOMlLN6On TNIo newer ORONSRTAA--Py eetwtalaeDet Ike eb118en.atrl e}Im_ tSeq t"rsenrzi B o italns, d.dri t.

ry -cJta, -mn,eten dsth.radl

Reaeer . ele ebl row, _'- ro twlnlnt. Welt deR. ate. Nrq::

7.t a..eeea. 30t thane etvre4ro. g - fluetemd74ttta CLevmctlr M ra1.l% llreutar ward. ItNn bee, 321 W. I:aedelats.aC, (21.-1,w- 1i..a DearbornDd61). Dean¡



STRING BASS -SOLIDI NO sop artist. Also deatée solid rhythm Ptarro.I

COX C-33, Billboard. Cincinnati. O.. - - ,.

TENOR, DOUBLING OLARL rel. rh.Sdpplarne. TRopet. Road, transpose,

pF, . fine .tone. swing. or sweet. sin -

Iet kesh t1-iencoCakro dot. s clood 5 .Ter( spot Eastern or Sanborn reliable men. Ite rc'ltl alien preferred and' actrowk Sale ail RID ~INLET, 402 9th.` Feet Madam. la.

TPMUTT - YOUNG' AM. bit °uL Good- reede testa,. Ód% C-36,

E. ' d C t;.


take ...aft MUSICIAN, 2713 Irwin Ave., basket_____ at. Mick de3 A.I TROMBONE FIN! -TONE, GOOD

'rare*. take of rend units. Can Jain al she, Write or wire RUSSELL ISI4ORTY1 WIICAN,..800,Lexlnaten Aye,. vme Hass Ky. MRANCER-DIXIELAND AND GOODMAN - ttyM Semple cha[ o sent M request. Bj,. edoetI.i metes, an.- erena nh write IMO S KILLION, II3S "Paseo, Apt. 7, Kan- taia C$2y. Mn 87 IletITSficTENOR SAX AND CLARINET.

Location preferred. AL .NICNOLS. Tern,' ATTTNT10N: NAMe- LEADFREt,THumPET

Rive!' Res crowd With name band Un- avn"m, save Yo -e tea I% SOX"C.$1. 8tt- btard. Cincinnati.. O. ATTENTION: FLORIDA BOUND ÓANCE SAMOS

. 4Si ee.

good send Rhythm, Men,'thal dleK floe Toenteer peat two

e Bass; s.l. Plano non leada

has W;a y . 1 tern. Yong and rñllatde. '' I't N. REYNOLDS. 20 McDonald St,. Sauget. `.Y _ ew16 a+NGT TRUMP.IIT-TNCRÓUGtTtY EXPI_RI.

anted.. Sing Baritone, rams; e tore, take o4f. e4e Pearl, s MUSICIAN; Apt. 9, 1.650 Pel, Den.

010. ºRUK, 'SIX YEAR' IIXPt ltieCt. YOr g ta.bnk. aorarze. Write er dor DLubtle122. Four UFden Ave., De am -y.. n.

DRUMMER -ALL I.$SUNT1AL3, .NO HABITS. n ame orperilnce. WIB ao anywhere. Were.

write. JACK KHMER. New EMIT Apse, hot. 32. allirtnesixrhs. M_me.

DRUMMIR - EXPERIENCED. RELIABLE. u nites. Aron 26. F tort sau'pnen.; .lay

solid Eroe'..-Iwo with any band, rtarge a small CatP,aao.n. Locatttn pre leered Flee to tearer_ Bands, shows; wrfre'a wire. MU. 61COHN. care Hoppe Music CO.., Chippewa Falls Wis. EXPERIENCED -DRUMMER GO ANYWHERE.

Union, car, 'sing,, new Lardy trl-tone blue outfit, bells_ Bert out a Reoovv oriay back and boost, Habits each. NWe. man bard or terser. 'Writeor wire JOE ST. CLAIRoiSbx 102, James. toms. N. O. ra26, IX ~HENCE If SOU SAPH ON t, DANCE OR

Bard. wishes accounting cavillers es with music as sidNh.e or view versa. 3.c+iatactien awrara. tend. LOUNET HARRIS. 143%: N. Patin. Et- daado, Kan,

FAST TRUMPET, ENTERTAINER:-AOPEAR-r rte.. rc^able..unlon. Ago 25. Meaty el go trumpet. song, novelties, &amok to tires e

tM Photo on g: st. Location a D ROWN, No. Elul, Mita. MST OR 2b TRUMPET -YOUNG. $OolK,

read or fake, modern v.- on. Prefer Kea. ,ter.. oaat.ler anything, VIRGIL-CLARK, R. P.:: 4. Sox 76. Prior, Hill Sta., CYncinnef0..O_.de3. GUITARIST - ORCHESTRA TYPE. SINGLE;

sober, ~at and experienced Free to two* Like Iplain Rued dance orchosiae or ...atria -vine,. Reed. fate Aga 19. Write JOHN RECTOR *ado 2. Nkkon, tat G do3 GUITARIST -YOUNG. UNION, IMP Ell ILNCID

andneat appr_ekte. Some vacata and sim- ple arrangements. Not corny. but peter ppl1eosa-Un the M/tc.efere nee to knock. frst,out. fellow musk/ans. catearad Jitterbugs.' e X 146, Billboard. Chkame. ' h AMMOND ORGANIST AND íÍIO INL PIT-

Man ;plays Voiles Saaaphone. Cello.' Wife plays Organ. Plano, Vitera-H.arp. **(wog. re-

rnr liab:e ` eexxppsseneed all lines. Large ItW IKIISIO4ERti,701 S. Park,.Hearin.llt o6 . n. LEADER AT 7.1WIR1'Y FOR ORGANIZED

Union Banda Mud to natant eaaarienced and reliable. Address WADER. Con. Dei Dro- ver. Caro. MUSIC fifACIICR' FOR -SCHOOLS, AMATEURS,

EEC-dTeechlrtg all band and Orchestral in -


BALLOONISTS AND AIR. pl erne Paredrnete Jumper. Equipment row

M Tetras. Crab bond if desired. Estabelehed 1903, THOMPION BRO2.BALLOON b PARA. CHUTE CO.. AUeera, IIL AT LIDtRTY- .COsiIDY-SLACK- WIRE ACT

, end Ttyr.D ,Ivsoltng Act,? Indoor Or part. CECIL WOODS. Practar bluef, /.i0. ca3 KARLOFF'S UNBORN HEADLESS WOMAN

Afore_ Mynery..1r. Ito rew. ar Mt. Worlds Wonder Semifinal Fte ure tAttrac- tien. UNIv(RSAL,,3238 So.'Sta re. Chfea**.. OHA*. AUOURTUS--Heal-(Van Trion, Mika.

Ooesedtlser sonlbar a1 teats" week, we tar la'aer cirrus m Etter' "MILK eat la Barra w ith we I tan es®lele and nuay rana,M,..

do a.na1 get 1J r.l'n. sad m K Co-.

CiOffrac 'Ai., Ve. itn. fapnnesBeeler prod Ca-. 002 Goan As, Ili Warne, tsA

g,glie-ol aces. F. TUSK, 84 Lawrence ERS PÚ-1NIS DOUELINO ACCORDION -UNION,

young. Experienced both modem and crania Arran P,a aloe. ,,. Haw big b:sd exper,uare but would polo trio er cocktail ccerditattan at cement. sox- C-25.r8111board, Clnclrvutl, O.

STRING slits.-UNION,rS1NGLE ACE 25 ALL essentials- Mutt pub Off. Haws a titket.

Anyplace. Stab all first fetter. No der ct wires_ RAY GILL, 719 Prospect St, Galana, 11L

STRING_ BASS. UNION, ACE 25. HENRY COVYEAN 5128 Loomis -Sr.. Mimeo, IL

TENOR MAN.CLARINtT tIATUWE VOICE. all vsaant}ala.c.No ia Appearance. MU-

SICIAII. 216 N. Scfv.#tQr. Otrernwa, la. 41e3. TLNO" SAK ALTO_ AND CLARINET F... ,sal'

particulars -a+ request. MUSICIAN.,, III Wale. Ave.. Alta.tsy, N_ V DOZá

trttYraenta. European r-+JIEe school eatlon, I'

ilF OR SAX - CLARINET -IEObIRN'3Mf, 24 Or 1.-d 'rarer. Dependable nee=

plenty of experience. Stahl rtnaooe0., good N ader, tore, take -off. Union, 23. Want steady location wthrelllls/N.. band. No pantie Avail.

first letter. able' NIE 8RYANT. 50 Shoedetails Newark N.J.

TROMBONE AND AZRANCIR - YOUNG. e ther, union. All. em~Miab- References.

BYERS KILLION. 3133' Pasco, Apt. 7, Kamer City, 1.4J. .. ¡

TROMDONISY.-IXPEREENCED IN ALL LINES. 'Toni, road, fr ~sm., re'Lable_ octet, Loin of once. Union. Went LITTER. 120' Murat Street, SWracus°. hl Y.


'Coon_ cro. N. C.


.0(0000 10NIat-Yebee, esaee, wet rood, de --I

iTdte E 4. ro'a deans estl %on

aaaalflicr Tarde'a tar er[, pleat [AttRT t[e?T.74t:t Mrnrk+far, 4>< _

AUTO ea x doe Claaforl. Rested and Nola - wow Joel Ws. n. Aa.ter taus, á Atearee awe eat. ma Pima Jitfattl: WiLKtItte. 7pertt.eas/ AT Line RTY-Coleeed -rnºapr. t t,0et 7hia..

a write. 44)4 Aso

- enlace Odd 2 S. HOLLI`DAY, SB1'-l7otDam lls"Jmre.

AT LIUrnTY-1pnpM u44Yl-1tetm4 tLr.dY sod 04aa it liberty t -i ".'ln, le-aar dr.are. m.u..

BOX ]T BW4ss Cvterstt. O. DRUMMfR-Arr aswtdesrv.-.Nr. pt.ctrpooa sr4 acil2

It -` Ilan el,.pld+w rat W wMtla

putt tr"sa we eneaspoaaataaa as y rase n: a rad,}p,p root

t,etof fetal In Nord.

é É . lit r E AALR ®O JR.; t3Enteu>s LEl:drJSlnt. . (1

Wirt VOCAL see teat _ La 1Tse - AetelNstlraetuax. 1 a rcr-adteaF, rR10!' Boa C-7J. DWbwu. r tnr n._Q _ sa.2á HtON-RANOE-TROqgONIeT--Flee tor. oat, ta)e aid temdl:tkoer. 1'a-a:uradtsulttt wthA tut Skrsd .Lir J. r>rrrl -eO. Mar. latee. k, 7le.e east ae satr^' 1?.rer r(iu rctR atth any aL7de W'1. IRi10 ,letalk ynl Melw. R1TfY IiLüa, tae ua-.Sail 1ie tYOaEAN aWINa DRY WiRIYR=TaeK yti.lrñ Hoestan-eoe. at Linea, P!uItts. 1*b. 14.10., ha7r1. -.J dr-C . . eke e/tA

1k'bL PH. Al.te,i ate»na Neta1. Chtraro; sesaeaalrei w.I as, ip,n.alnnl in eh d4 t^ re:r. R,sTiAlrDrftSO.Y, ed7r WrL7teeóra! Burl Aml.onlo--StaterWOadsstam^o7 the World. am. Cllren. II Starch :0-llfi. PL L Milker. 1JaRte.

` AT LiltRTY


AT LIBERTY ACCOUNT Slllrby Show Clo.'raf-Pianist. Leader, Az -

r . Double Trumpet for rep, Musitel, Mrh1 'tf A F4trc novelties -6 special& GUSYAV 'SCNULZE,Patrrvton Ma1rt, Vatdoata,Ca. r.e26 PIANISTREAD, TRANSPOSE; UNIONS -St- y -sow: all el:tenitetL BOX C-3D;-B.tbee:d,

' 'rcnrli3O._ Al LIecnTY-Llano. Onset reentua nib. at.

_.ry Prater Risen band etude IX= íy31. [:Uttea.rd, P1ndoa/11, O. PIAN Temee maq Wtae,t{ra,, tr. !rm tTSd.rrfeatlr+el= rr. tat2+ rrtsdaaa RaO+. LuLL 11- drr .¡j',Oe ~saint í°a.rn``1 rwr:vrsi .ds:si aaaóersa. IOK CIti.tBDod.eCeeá PAttO pLATLtpp- N,.aaé yi,tRr.rpt §Atcmr-

aDoajaR0. o4TP.LtawodeAnr.

ILISTB- (Gbnttnlud from pope 92)

Aºa. DAro.S-] RaTbII Vaóderytr0rt.2e765.

Belvidere am. es. p Cprraland. Ca'ue--$Oc, of Amrr.'PoeWua Dee_ 16-, 17. N. K, CDtDDet. YEIIia Bldg., Wadable-- teas.I az:ar-btat9 tira at M/ifctna.'Jaa 77- lle. B. W. Roily. IiT S. Lon at.

ebtumetla-Bq.N Ia!! may: .Yes. Jars.' t. t:. ara. D. A. Detrick Hel3lteaial3e, O. OKLLRCa7tA

lClntflahCT--p. Of Z. Stale OrAIIta. DtQrS-e. Oklahoma t%City ª 8t YRrrnerairPa->

CI PP. 1111000. Jan. - ; T', Cheek. TbLa-J1. P. Si A. ltseeai Pets_ t4 -1R. 0. A tR u rg e o n, v'erd u 'Tim Die. Oathrle, Otda.

ORE Darner -Beale 1[oit_ Moe. Dee. a5. 0, E. Mc-

Whorter, Agri_ Stde.. tocTalUs.^Ore. 17.SteYt"YAItW


Harrtabur*-61a4e lt,.e., of Corral} Pairs.7 Jan. 3a-trl. Mu. tc'- h-eorer. Rra Pa

P3uabesrrta-4r... O_t400r Ads. Aam, Jan.l 14-11. P. tkRHODEY . Dos ttLAseader, Ps_

PrerEBorwe-FL at H., Elate Oreag0. Dec. 14. 15. f:rs.. C.lrywD00f. R. L "'

1iOUTH CARALLW 4halteston--.A. P. lament march 9-1.9. O. P.

Han. 540 btaeelde aide_, Ce.^a-.11a, S. O. l:OUTá DAKOTA

Aberdeen -Bufa test $0e: NW. 10 -Dee. I. W..A. Btttt,,CleDtt lteaa0. Moue 1'alt. ; YLSf1. g.v;tr0

CbaltaaOeBa-lRate, nod. *se_ Hey. 30-Da,F Z. OI M. JxnU 'Q 1Delnál 1LtK. Vol'. Of hon.; XcareSDe,

NUt1T1Ue--RJte Ann.. at.hlc/. Ptb. T. 0, O. Massa, Oeokartne. Tren.

KaaAM1.T0--1i -i: - A. Maaont. We, :b1. T. 1G Dodd.

Dunas_-n:aW Assn. ótAóPetra. _Jan. _Tr -Z4. O. L. rbvter..DiOioLL Teo.

PL'Tsrnrih--Otder at Odd P,ri)awtI[ateil is - 21. 8.. L. WStllamL Dallas.

Haostaa - Texas dc tiouthselrlbrr0 Cattle ~airs' Aasn. Mareb 11.f3. henry' IMO. Coliseum wee- PL. Worth.

HISS rRODIroENO onurwLr.t.ppra.aar et erratlealy ~Maly IeRa ean rile awor'lJv-a1

aaro... tee .r.te anq bot/tt, ~no aeRyl; ~of. mod saws víuY. mta 4aNce.1, Olt"ctot. Plata ¿iery i]71 .+ane. MD. I .n amncr:. «XL /7rryr Iaeaerel MltntHse aooe>L nrt/m or whs. meaEMK ail ItI:RYA1tU, 761 M. Dear. bore _It, Cüaaeo. iMtNO álr ...-z-_NfJtet ~as.- reara1. u m ea nnm.I4 1 Ufa" Pp_ ELYÚtt. >,T1yEQ .:ih. W. Naé7ea. 1Mia . AI. atATf TaNOR eAXOPNONi MI II- CLAwINCT-.Doold Ita-a C.m aW url ltulDoeL Al.e tulnisa saataa d} Florida

b ee Noéeára/nasmCItL7C`:11Jii. Abadembreaehe. JACK A x. tlr.aR tn. ncn Tlaty-RRANKLIN, f_J-ab Daum Don

Coker._ ap ZZLL taroje atl-.Lna wine witb tenable 9na l tlb spertoa i0tai- New rada Led .t_braat for 1o.atMe bamL 1'rwSaE oor! Win wow_ re Distefano Babo. Wen or No :14e Efatrfmge. RcIIfrYw. I!L U Kt1LELE PLAYKnl-l-ir,T- wal.a :]nll neOL s!_ qr all[In1tt'tc r l. 7 LIe 0. aloe, re 11514 wt.ta jASlhl PA Tlelt. Peral! 1tC-a Dºtae, tl\Rti,. lC ° Y. C-\ ettne:tla1Y'

LI DERIY Madison -State Perm 11Uaw sad. _,74±,t.. 15- ]5. 4 P. lt.eberty. PARKS AND FAIRS a °i 1.P°' °1 1t- ara to (11"1". lie.

- - CAlADA Drendnal Lan. Peeltry Area, of Maj. Maul ... O. (w.... -.n Calgary, Atea. .I~ 0f Oyentea, Marne

5-4. A. L !Bartley, leg. 3 Demanton )stet BD3olfer Mtdtclne Nat. MedMai JAL, Atea --Order of 04d rdíoae. Larch 4-20.- AS. 11- Dailreettal. 30.1 LOO? 0?

-QUO.-Raldhts of Wilallaa. Feb., 13. 8. IS_ el.

Mont -read. Que --F; 4 A. listes. Orb. 0. W. Wllnemsea Tama" Oeefl, Prt Aun. ed°Ont. re*. -. J: A. Cf.t.- PnrnameW Dilos.

T O0. nsettaian Aun, of Clan. Feb.Pleb. S. O. le. W 1Kanttetd.

Saaketooe. bask.-atak. AWL Saca' Aun. Jan. 1f.13. .John O. Marian, Der, Of asst..

Whnnte r. Lee. -It,. A, ]!sosa.. Pea. e. Oto. :Bra" esaataae Tlnepb. Wtnadpee. Mn. - wwerre Oats. Atan. or Ethos Jan. 1.11.El. sled W. Fepos, Snake-

tcen. 'Bask. W Eentpee, Stan. -Waters Can. Pairs, ism.

Jan. 1s -1L ICrIth Stewart, Pertaq ta MtIL, Men. Wttodp e, -Man-Camelase Midwest Patee ,Aun. Jan. tF1i. re. e. Russel. LaU-- tnldtr. Alta

Waco -A. Y. 4 A. masons- tira R. O. i!. Belsw. Boa

UTAH Batt LakedCYtT-$tate rum Dtlpeau. De0. -. T, R. WelllOE. S ett Lake City-Yetenn 0d4-7tlWsrt' Alen.

J'el. 23. W N'YERsd04t P.0_ place.

'mcrllnate0--6tate DalETmea'a .Lure. lest. IO- U. E. K. Drury, aT Mata aa, r_.ae1t June - Vt. VEROTNIA

Old PoLet Ccmtert...bble Dalrysteu' r Aun. J an - a4. IL r6. '(Gaulty. Dbetaaea6. Ya. Riatiamod--naeq Asas, of Pairs_ Jas 23-24.

C. D. ltalatcq Boa 4gt.. Staunton. ta. Rlehmeed-A. r. es A. Hawes. Web. 14.25. J . H, ctu1, 7issenk, Tonal.. Rita: end -Ater, Me. for Mat. Science. Dec Yeas: 11. D. Take,. Box MP. Genera.

N. T.

eer.ttte-Kortbwért 7 wild M. Merril 13. It Clyde tester, We 40. Wails Walls. la'YttT -71tUI\1A

Ctsertestem--Shrine lkrectorQ Aaaa March 23.25. L. C. Dfepbf-, Doe 633.

SGuu,aslUtt-atan tied. SW. Feb. 1-1.

RINKS ---e (Ceatinned 57.

drew abboat 500. and ~tan~ are berated lnto,nnxt year. Two etcetera nd 12 rink tnanaje s wee recent Vial tors.

Current Cominnent -s7 CYRIL RSAsnALL

DERB'F. Many. -We follower" of ad- vnaice'd roller ek.tlniart In Xrigland are pleased to learn that the LLSstgttra are golcg over big ID the States, and dt only ¿roe to prose the vaiue of -real enter. prtae-stn shill erase Of the Railer Mirk Opeettore' Association rof 'the United Smiths_

I meson, received from' friend$. Lei- ser nnd-IattrOY, Of Armory Melt. Chlengo. a tine picture of the rink Interior, to. totber with ono oh -tire aealf. Tlerne hive beep ,people who doubted that Mucha large rink without pSLara or ob- struction' milted today and trill Ma- ture ckrudy Illustrator that Armory is one tali rink beyond any., pOeslble doubt add obviously larger than any' rink we have In Europe.

I slims- that Lloyd Chrtatopher. 6t. Louts, amateur roller stpeed° CbatnpSO* last year. hie gone over to the paid ranks. and one wonders what proa there are today, who' can glee the little Mir ~Irian ucleee run for We money. One bare oI 111) auccetaor to Gunn- or eelington. and Joe Laare' tappet** to be the bolt apeedman with bare:. Mt* ere - deza iaL' araUabte despite hie 40 -odd years.

BeDey, great ltttCs. British spool - seer on rollers and lee. t new running In double harposa, having married Beryl Styles. Junior amateur Ice figure chaos CUD. 1-4216-'37. 1 .et IOOoth. Stoat of the racing done by ̀ Benn)1 "Once. I991 has been on the ' blades and hie peasing from the ranks of roller speed prat Sett a 'gap wblch has never been Ailed

Let 8ka*rl itid, Cleveland, d., Kea KCes.rney appegra LO ltswe outs of - tito nneet [iSks,lD the Metes end Conduct." atfalre In admirable feabion. Yriolud Kearney reomatly erne n1C some splendid pleuras N, Ilia Nazi _Teller Teri» With cast of about 40. and the pletuue Of Debby Breen." 11.yieer.old film ate:, At play' in rketerlenl3 ruin partlºulnrlF no- *ratable, One bears little here of actIYt. Moe In Railerdrome. Culver City, Calif else flt:ratt'4yik on the Paelfle Cv..a4, elegy say, tho two -films abowt0g @Cotes In tai tint wen On slow bens recently.

Comments ea EMI. Reynólda Ln The Billboard Te the Iddeeenca were referred t0 to the -British preya'nnd Sound wary tarlsiactary.

98 Thy Billboard November 26. I938

Mdse. Will Play Big Role, in W. F. New Year's Eve Promotion

Nº:W'Y- ONIC. Nor. ltir-pits nien who brrt'totib., will be of Mo fate-Jrlaptrcd type

garner the coin by belling balloons.. and will carry the t.rpion and prrbtphere

given till to bow such Caotpnigns are -Conducted noisemakers. funny beta and oontettl to tntignia, Ba11booana, tor well as lodge,. tnlllInc fen 'Tech crowds On WY* Yearit clubs and other organization,. Intend tr-

Q1tIGAtiO. Not'. l0 Ttfe pOptJtar ty of :rilaseart! promotions a_ n Jtu+dhnlHng Eve 14 well as mercha 4t e bottle who Mg up and promott+yt the Dawn of the

medium to rearing" to eve baba In the Midas:: la fraternal asp ntsnttotu, ohmic:~anpply night clubs 014 `Ice pay nargld [O' tt21r Near Yt* 'a Ihn

and OAtbs tune to it as a moefle of Hill"- deptet troswcrio , In 007,14 ditirtcts fraternal oedanlzat!alis sun decoratlooe ¢et -to ether. PromllU9 at MU:filed-

aale o,d campaign, are .being tromducted to ouppttrn at, bingo activltice of the and novenae for Now` Year's RYo cave- after the traditional Arad L ltpc :tom la

cmiy. to other pleey eaMa are being ,,,,,:km, by mile. which near 1,.arr engaged breUoma. ow be featuring items ht/ring pinned. all New York radio ,; attors Will

is arty- ether type of tund-ralrlsiq activity Lava In Occrlesonal ,eoenl supper Or the .trylon and parlaphere 'malgnln of the sand forth the strains of Ueteta of .:1 Rene

earn piety. At the ltelm O' most oatnpelsna L ñ7, rsrecñced aaseslsoard' oy,rator. Wanda rate If they ,rant to garner tote Day --the tber_o song of theletr written

olio nines' the carapa to for .the-organi coon Win, pecordISi(f to report _ 149 the late üeo a Centrism.. itorld'e Pair *Metal* met with New 'Why _ should' the people of they

rotten on r experienced

percentage bto aleTh. need York firmn,itcoeatd to produce Worlds UnitedStates dedicate thin ties Year to of s7,


hoard to suet pair merchandise In the lemplre Mato ,a celobeettOn Linked nrltb the' New York t r...fttjinlaju tstceep to Obtain boat headquarters at the Jslt on WetttMsdny Waddles Pair?", aakt'd President Wh,lee,

tcaattm. some.brgt report. and optejxeint. out.: tak vcrk!o aa!ttatnttum +with p1*-na "tbcauso rio autSer wlteTe yon tile. To I -A Column far OPi RATA Er ion- In this typeed prmaption are and' ff,tr `te rcakmg to mole. drew Yesr'a how rBrnotNy yourintemta a

DISTRIBUTORS of SALES. tot plenty of bir. Many oaks ere tumuli;peal ro !,.,l and cam tra>h at this Uwe to `.^a lm New York and'Mem lteee a Marl- related with this International ,create

BOARD ,,5ALESCARDS end . moth promotion for tLg Wocldk Pate, yomrfanhlL,T and Community will feel the

TRADE STIMULATORS. raise nude for Ctufatmea -baskets and About 200 Iter+seea were preskn! ac -the Dsttrflelhl trite -Its of th14 oxpontticut .. .

piesenta for the jioor. How They' Work preitdent omeetin

. at which ürñver A. ~en. The New Tots WOrl4'L Pair kited Pests f the fair, and John Young the 'say to a 'New Yearsmterbrrtton of

In reoe0L 'a setts we have received and A. O. Layton !lowlands)!lowlands)aplite.,; Par- 1»Tote atitilfi ngce. AIL.N*n- York City 1

1 I ! . I numerous rrrlttcwta from Cps who arc pooey of the meeting wan to point out Ls"iolnlng 7,s io featiritles that will be

nnxiaw to take a creek at aateeesid pro- ways that llconsoe+-could oo-ojr:rate with relayed to yeti by "dn. 7,O rt.ii and

By UN' SMtTH nuotloaa for -tnformnllon fie to -)tat bª7,1, rho fair ar-d capitalize' on .the New Ye Leis Press. Tt+o. entire nation la r0Spond dti

eiperteniodi boca gogboltt lining up or- Eve prcenotl*n by tying in with the plena Usti npproprfate eelobratio:la."

An. mud. t51a Ottristrnnd 5peclaL la tenlratielt for -ouch oral*, abet corn By getting their cUatOrntr to use lair- The atgtlrtteartce of this meeting of

diock-cull of Jtlerchandtae-appreprtate relatonn ,they Pair !ad how they, carry Inspired tnaa'cit*ndltpp on this night. WrelÁb pair execs wall n:rrcttusdire ll-

toe Christmas promot:0ea Read It ease- on a camped :O. "the Dawn of n 140 Day' will, be rite amuse !s tint it mºilcs tee Wet drag

í11117 It you harrnt already inside up Or mum lining up an argent:atlon theme for all New YefrYn Eve patties asset that morebandtae la destined to play an

your mind -se to oast yotrre goingto 10 1ut On a deal la pretty, much up to oelebmtloru. Hotels. theaters and might important iota In papulnrl:lag 4 eertrlee

work risen month the chances are test the Inzentnlv et the OpSrater. ilrusity Clubei aro retorted tai be lending their 7,a- fair before the meet opals. if mho 1

yeltil find ~Wag to your Ithdug in the procedure sv to,l0Cnka organizations elstance to the"fslr In Mehl rig thlpawn that -worm** fair. novelties nro doadna¢

the Issue. Perhaps you'll pick up ,- an Interested In raising funds (and What of a New Da; the Utethe of. their New to be an lmportan npoJio SO the Pt:fin ttf

etOta learn or taro to ptay'up in addition erg tan'tfil. The op thon'contaeta tee Yews Y,'r, celcbratiOns. To rills énd' wheda dGtiard -n make ,the country

to what yOra are now concentrating on. to !aIys meets with other odicen and decorations will Ir carried out in the, Ww-1dS Pro' eoli*c1011a,

Year In and gr.±r e,ut 3he inboard's explains how much tech tan be dumped m-angd and blue cotoaa.Ó« the fa[r, eau - to

Spe liel has Introduced one or Into their coffers tlmsu a aair'Card cam- venue., beta. Winona and sal ernakers, -- 4 itsnts Aufnban that harerte clickedeptar op= p Once the yg, _oeu the trsvtl which two port of lets ]eur'er Eta Or]0- 1NG3 etstoti nod this *tar to 1#r txCS liana Signal he Le reedy for the cam pwlsn Ot,wurre: there are Many dlfrereatt ways + I ! toast expe such a

most hut one of the Winter Sports 1lR [tae Each week Lehi to Weosthm the most experienced n,Ru 17, the tltaltle0a

tmpñ ton that the clock O)'ele Ii dell- tell" cis ho proceeds an 1OUOwst bltRl' back_ }teat It' wen the aGelrlc Gets Strong Play ' V 1 nendtilmmm clocks nand now (he E1anr. With Org,

Resolving Globe ifl cute" talc- Ibbl operator creates that hr usually'8y ,f;:,

oil bold with John P thine and is produ0- pays -tile orgenlratipn a da: commission CHICAGO. Nov. ID. --Winter !port JOHN :" ' .

!7,g the go -re -ml ice ape»!cart On »A rear(' Mid or splits 50.00 at ter merchandise. which tnnde,its début to '- CAR*- r

Were again to an example of what a expeneci are deducted. In either cane the aolcaboo d Cold 1n an ,estenalve Sire*

little In .nyity will do far an tutu. The the operator On.r nce. and neruma full tart remote b . to going to 6populnr this N. OI NCLAIFt AMIRr of h,tvitem. M. ]- prtfduittm, or+=nly d!_pinycd on clocks le charge of. tine campaign. Ito rerir0t` and winter. nos only altlt'boerd ops but with write* us' about ,Jumbo, The F*ttae is

a comp0r-d sely dnelant.,clerks:, Yet gee= pur0liLtes merchandise to be QlstrlbuLod, bingo oponteeg 7,a well. At frail SUCK played with a set-.uP M trnl ay xlar to

ante Sew dire; and deatgn the electricpropeu,es literature. worha,bp, the 71-- Mena at ice Mates, hunting grape, lam- bingo in that there ere five ra.cao( elect

pendulum rink la Lace more a popular Cord t usedp o be and tales are' of all bedeck coifs. stole Andsacnirs~ ere numbers each. Difference la tttt one of

aeiler. The Eatery Clock nude Mai first other th14W. malting their appearance on bingó'etande the squares in Jumbo has a-Whltº Ele-

bl splash some three ymn 7,.!ñ. Now a 'To get ]p full Cooperattan.of the eat. to North ~liftmen where winter had prams and IT playereco melee hi with

modern varSatlon of tills timepiece. r.lth bershlp ell. circulars and tardy bear the already gotten wider wvy.'nrd tiio ;tetita the White nephant he retell o the: name of the ergeniatton. Tills matter have been't popular, it isretiorted. f Is,addltlohai prima or a better -than -4i'

added. rppcallttg Sestihrti OS 1114 Esame W_,rglrJng Ohba riectrio Clock la-maiscd direct item the ernes tat the serene that slime -are Maas olio would tags print. Another mUffctrknce Is fiat

Organization by the secrrterf Or a t sp ditch- like to engage 10 Mutter artaeb tt,feei each row of number COD tf.nrrohd"s,oiled borneLtOn its mmsTkO' and Is I mmediately labeled 'lilt." , A little tote;, s jlt'tte ALL members are whetted to -take cards. that il:emAeceaarl eriutpm 1saRsL too COSt. square whit r the player Nina gratis, $12 111

change and You bare something that alit When cards are completed the money by. iv. Hence they aro more then, t=t1147g to lar to the trier *Ur lei the!banter of a handed .ore. to the +tm,M oary, who In tyke mt.cbnn^ee on i inning the article. Of D1illto card.. Thos, of cOOraM, tdestar that turn palest -it on to tbe'.operntor. bier- their choice. there err many more free agiiares and rhandiso roes out on reecelpt Of peldtup For the anew reason the type of goods conmgwmntl man more a rtunttiei

And talking of earns ngna and new off, ir 7 Pte

drake. the tnmaus, Etta Dog cartoons are u 7,L p,gatpng in good play ottaatenDr irda, to mnkO.Jtn>nRw. Antis elatmn rile eptet!t

Flit . Cemrnhsaion DOW' avrnllahio !n colors t7, it 7,e vibe-

Ttho.tea boarder. *NIL=early píyaklng. fee- up the BAh u', which !n an element many

reetzerrt torinl. These lnletlt-praroking On a Rat cetintab..lon srranpémcnt. th0 turfs both a hither quality. and n mete organizationalLod nitaft+ dal rya

fiketchca sent over hi,. In the picture Operatoe usually dG per C.Ot" OS mntUr tppr of eg4lPenont AlpOng ten A CU-t'S AND 1NTERII5TINd little ei-

f aml e41t100 and abdu/d move even the aKeresehtice r r We c.tru es tanntlssinri more jaopwiler hoard nwtmben ore shot- ten. brand man to ww, La the iiaté uap

haler In the new n 7,c emit eons.. many for the orynnLYatiem. to other weirdo, 1t mina, rules, hunting knives, alga and Epr.t]nl Prixp. gn.iso namely of award.

Who weir.: lotat:orui n card tat* In 010 the Dry, rote r2. Out Lunttni- Mal. imp an extra. coal olatt0ti-sype elitist 10

at the boyg (lanais Zito oattoans an pxFeitant sourceof his ahnro can.; nit take.: care of an With the opening of the rabbit ee den the first player to set the four cottirts

fill extra lhiCGtt s without moth edits- export , to touch e a when the sec- hit week to many bliddie Western of We. card filed St. Catherine of

banal, etta:t. With"01in:rune* in the retery toke+i one el caricol work the Op BLntee,_ qukk-tbtpldng -opr-.aloes 'enp Oehoa 1:141"12, Ines' to using the

otLty+ et ri pri.,ibló'that Malty :Were will may decode to pay him -a fist fee of 25 or cleaning up on Lillie pot -t men's boards stunt and; it lym,

a ptort`nq gttlle po Yiial

hop on the banal wagon, The paw tome Dent i en each comp .led card.; .le- and let-up inthere

appear* to be no Immediate with, the players,

comp 4d to rot and are popularly ptsdltig'on'th_ tike. sight" The timeliness Of this COMMn'0220TROMotuo lust State Three or natresnndytie, combined With Ita Senator Lawrence A Kole' tea paaposed

priord' Badge'' Wm tralrtraal appeal to all chaser, has doto to ,draft a bill muddtyinrg the chill* gain' el When the ñrgardzinton teal a largo much to enemata. the kpptimtt sborta bring laws to 1 nee. Uut

The Qlststmna 'sews offire iiralarest met7,berahmlp ter -o _.,Iii [S9 >+A linnets

o úa p tagrxrntM, work of tiered wtnmere and to feu -retell any ti`1!tt tti".t3eiiatar 1[nmyq jrtapoul, M 7,1

arri illations. elute and churches a Out n-butffdt and pro:lt-rh'rtitg arrange tendency of opa to:loeo interest In this wr.verallalmller nor mente kg tither pa's' aim DICALS ore past 1.1,1) ?Boe.ORO3 TURN on pepe 101) profItabto c.nanstft, (See DINGO EljSItfESS on papc ICI)



Pt I Z E 5 Ñ O V E IL T I E. 5 P R E IM F Ú_ 'M 5_ 5, P IE C I A_ L T I E Sr_


Conducted by MAYNARD L REU7E11-Comrnanlultfezu+ to 1564 Broadway. Nc'w York ;

ORGS l UPN TO SALESCA DS Card Campalrns Are Dump; Needed Funds Into Treasuries

Olas finding ergo moro receptive tu salesborlyi fund- raiaip.g 'drives as Cltri.etmuat drawls near-explzmation

.1 _sa


a.a_ w.~ 10

1 J'

y (T



VALUE 1 i¡

,Lr1X131O..a 250070555021. j,=

-900700000 1 1 700000000/ b 7»ea00Datik71 iá.y 1"/3a / 1r0 MUM

A4. 0:10 -The .. Iwty der Lhwaa1aDa+t Odie /.cayra.' n. nn t.

...Awed 0451141 It IR I ew1 114I Pwl xad

lr<eMnls 0 M .Ins a1

Tt Máltr. 7 NraMa. r

SrNp In

oaae to OC

Con* .ra, al 10 1.1.93

.4.44.4, 7.90 'at too sofasal ea

!i. 1541 s11,50.


tw oso-.Tbt t;utt re.- fallen lbs sauna. A. In- n.a4fy Inn *Mlle Item new uhel Xman. as 1ha Ifni! to It I4 1Arr1apr and bewat, fan awning*. Rea. Ilu. et IOsaflan' 1Aaaltn`at.,4. .sn 0511141 e w^aroua ...sooty .4 vy4-orad. rww

Seli.ntd0alari Wli 5.00t Nrro1.

00 Grant"UnfreeDaeM 660,068..

4. r,


I.1.. .0 -1e -/0M0. IDa9 "mein, .12.101 Irwrl~p'titi Wald nut In 145


IIY ¡faRÁ004m1 ar°ñ '1.Te. 55yr a0vt In4a'dIi

Came Tawi. .0rop 11.19


311' ONRItTMAp POLDEnl. 2 0006:1NTTH EMPUMC 1tT

M1. 0210-04x1` eenlleL at 21. ~VW

-r r ati pepatlM Xmas tr.4 Mt itwrr /aalZ

savrrlm o wple at _plulbll Drab a. am44 tic. Dams 2.T0. 5rota 111.60

Ma. 001--21 moonset Xmal caret and U04a 05'4 ouUH?. no.m4.. -^ M.I.. hex 1111. Dllo, 12-1

Aa 003.-21 4,wí44 Xmas caret and! Itddert. Cleat 4. a` 11 Used.

14.45 bey 374. : D ggrs _ WM- pM5'toilQShaw eL[CTRIO 1)I,AV7:R

Nw 0SW.-14°1st e1n.1Si a+erlt, knit nerd ,e5a+rd' Indio

elet/ HO <Nar,it at ' Oaten the ~ape man

Nets* afford i.t s ~

. pa.eehben .n.1ar. lr retract, A.0»chao5»- 'itñ d

head. =' °r= Oaerl4,Nyowi<' ~rate. CAR eu4 ~Meng lut miler erA.m OM by 1.154 condom. Oatlpanl btte e s, 1.000.1 11armare a10. Dreae 00d 0 anA, TN4

aen SM able slaEa Lady, *úm4 o4 -Ir M -SMbe U. D.í10--Ovsr 0 4at01e ~Dow.

00.- ti - of -1, Oar., bo w.e., 1 1 et lint rands, ample l.4ad

HIN1n. Jµ <4~1.9 _rats OP. Jot HptiMn. area" 1 0111411111. i peen

der annpeet and I r_up 44ewplet_ All idsta4 Ih read biaiI , 44 w/111a In te vie* r we lee Yaks: es Milt' O'i!.

* eta


, Nw Y607-w11t cab. IC Atrium 4e e.1 re: cr nbe, II al aer.ala a..n/6r.aa u.1. .4.rd11En. n.M teN1..414`1..Y shw nailer, .IlvlRfe' atom.. apace tar walla t!'ta. Take, v_u.n .. wt1 xhata, 4y1. t t/ pari dn.

Pille 51.711 4sxh


/4elllirlá 4O/-m lutb call.

Ia14eafh geld -Naiad,

1.,,2,IIn.nitfl and hand,"cama M

1!11 ~Oa" V.Itl 4n4 Lw1.44t.1_a a 1.114 111110. ben. A nlad eat.V and ,rumple .0 -

lbws, .4t, 111411. Oeue 1211.54. qe. V2111.-Tai.ial.0a óDapd4r et *en.

0-45.4 pt mlmer, M9 brow- ant e4rb, Otld-/ImM 414w. tlh 944 101 a pte Mt. txA Ml 704 ÓeO.a. 111.40,


tara? 11114 ran malt 9..?'dot as PI" -or 6Illn 1 rub cawed yew pgwe. Eno silos 01 a 12.1.45ad054 pat 174 CIII, teen tare eerily, Isom, .112' f!N'dtiIIty la a 'hurdle*. II 0414 -1b welt* at eader.1.tla ~Own a4* 14544. Lee NA tilted .rah a '124.11.., A. Ir -7 twp+.a4 pe105, «eared, tar 40TH. Ind ~WW1. HM 1004. Min, Vint. Arrant .10452 Ina ód1 ster.

Mc. Rn00-Iex+lalm ¡pen MM Ile 4431. alxe .4_p lack corn% ab t Pavee 11,111. Oran 111.10.

14 a. R010-Ieenlal Oen 1e1* tilt 4 5elnt 144411.4 cane. [4th 178. Patea MAO- Orea. 11C,%10. 2a 11650-Pa4nt.Mí San. eduk Ilia S MI4L Puente ete.eel>- Me. O.uan 141.t111. On.. 120.75. A4. 0240-.-PIa/et color maNenlal

ó 1de. 'Dame 51.50.bMisóíi 0S I I

.ha044I oa-a-Mttoot. -h o.. Chain 21.25. GVD4I 112.10. I 115. Itt1!?-P.+rl.erteec eeca:nsa. chanIM1 penb11. tacas 1tw. Owen 61.45, Orce, 510.00. tensorred pen set bebas s1.11>

t 10Mar 4. abeam' to cstal t1


11I1 -

{I J 41.1".:=

1 ' 17 4tr:fr

..°.::til`". I ~



mains 'Milli RI1380N 691CCt DEAL Me. D10O-Aa .axntnr.t of w.rtta7

11.a4b.,IR.-S..up tN tt.Ia..ew11 I Slue FM. ban ,Or.44sH1 i t1a1M 41.441 s 1 pp

vender,w peeer, 1 bMt1..IlsxNN .ny ltitsw. u 7alhfer

D4OMDrrA 10 OY.iryr

AD In j nape We Mt

Ig7M Il t.wt%t Ea1a deal 024. Oaten 310 eaall dad.

0a1.4 -341I ate* deal.



n.D"°,a.';;' c! I ,'' 1r.ddt.1 Wirth. o/ perr.ave,

1 1514 of IINVNiatt0,..1 Daht!-It`


am lW1td-wfipl'rW-SxxL7 arrar04galdr


4N.Mins, AS 11Wd í7(Irf ,Ifni atwp. Colts dial 170.604.a5140a



BLADES r-IJroof di II. Ni. 11840 Own _I 1r 4

1 Yllaa N each paek. M $IlIIIIdC 11.

ee a tIN.---11IW »p lo meat taai.r aalrt -+e I. a _ S1t++1M11 S t., a. 1-=

!n°¡Itaiii 0'/ecaala/ tg It'a O.1. 100 -Ot.dw a2t-- 1.000 DIad4. 1á.5"a

I ' Ka. N1ye 'wow /Intl-Np 11Mt1h Ñ111ry tI/MKto ~Bane. M4 5 1aae. 0 pp. In - w td 190 .dy.50/.t 1.OP0 814440 16,4.1.


i llEnil r MITE D z DP- ,{+a-=,. YLH UTILITY OAIIi(!I y I = I Its. M53ó-aeñulr OY w. de leather . I

I O 1. a p.IrrflM w I _aarte0 Cr.xA. 0.a0.í4 .aª.-- Dertel pum, tealh. t.wh, 0111.154 N.4, at 0.C[0 5000 ín.4 .lad,. pocket LEATNbn IopLLPOLO/ orna, Aí11 Ina and

Na. 3170 - Tama, ' -


~et. Laww Aral. 1111 E - ,1Inn44mcMd N+.1Mr. 11a Each SIAM. __ - I,10hMM p M Ocaet wl1 5l, Oaa 116,00. ` - 0,1 0..' arp. 1ta.lenral (gtltGrO -- _ _ , e Ieltlnestlam' FIVE.PIECE TIE SET r f . 5120.

....Ns'. g.............131-11". 1.nnte4 rlelS I Í', ' tach 1/a OOasn= 5lki7i. tdp 4f e ílatAar awlttrFi, Ita dew ' -- 01 120.46 and aIIW 55.14*. All In e pH boa, J

H ai á ~ant, Xmas a01 -:a1. `á . 11rr01e-set 261. O4121 1998.II

NI.O1Z8-0re4 et Munn,. 505 '' SAUDI0M K: SAL 800tlOOtto, tase pen eat ice 050 and bUr14 t 040O..du 4 Pnt 2412 0 ".*. Matan ed nasal lilt. 44 MO e rat 2Ó1+!4a4 IIM et pare W ai:lolat.

CHENILLE RUCS so. K21O-Irrot11e4 i/hh' quality. Wee 1176" by

42wa W4p.1 cech'11Ii- ltd. CAA 7110. Oman iYLt6,

4mr, .0a5. - w_ DOXCo - -HA NOKEItOl4lire PORPYM

Toree a4tOrted twee 01 -0/, 10(1. t0`hrS41HfL Made Ham lhrwwwr4,tpW4 Ne. TET.- Mw I.... ~HI -th tam1r44,,esd 'Fana1 .J 1etalfr t.... .2 wnw w/M leant er.bNdrrd Fancy ~On tubed

awn: Prlta/ la+4rl,bur. I wit- Woad 1"..00 11e. I 0011 bray* 13.46 '1.1211111 Pet.

0ro1a 11.01.

- LS

MA- 044-da6..' Itt,Qercl.lerF AwlrHd SaSIvril and dea:fv M aM

le.) u rd Tbol {gR{.n.

Deese. tee 10 a.w.4 51e

an- I

Man' O11uMiar el 9t.. _P4w47 440. due. Laren a1 e1. (Mai Irak)

Es~' T Há.K761 lr Aaron 2 ~ _ra y Se 1. -110111 Wros.- u1.

'1, 'Irked 1150 Kioi+


rjr 0M.1ety 1t/.' fthrs .rANd site. U. 111M ,e aid «11Y hold N N"111 d<t teak- IOxr4. 21.90. - CERTIFIED ASPIRIN

TABLETS Ns, T1 05-4, high -I íS1' I l.º4;<t. rA:gy at rpIR IhD.dl..t1. nasal«

1.1 lablW In a ea in. e nd 12 ..'" In a /finial tI[aR.

1 carton 15c. 12 airway :et.:



. . Ro. V01-N1_ter alley/ nn- 7 MOM..T Mead

la0. OatuUfal ~wend 4sol aw i. ..e4s t each M 10.14.01 se*. Hama Mint V A pr.nbin 1. pet .'rand. Satlerllk 0twlan. 11-101

e- Gwen Deets !Der Oro. 82.20_ 510A0.

_ . p 1 daah 'M. _

] 10 $2-111.-1 -- - .,n 1

LADIES'' FANCY PAJAMAS 1a. 0203-A PIP cUr .40.4 In tae.

paw4 pAJ1m4A Fmee1. MaN et d.0-1111. taro elided d011if 11ÁI.1rls

w Iota 51 1

1+114-41,141Aa.41 ba,q

wwvta4e/11y ~et no, h.,irY144r.4 flower da. alm. 7ruewlara 1e m/eh 1511 .1aup waled tun4

0 la./t 6i

Ifwn.a. ai4rtl 11.6. bliab t'e4. Land ifTn 1. ~lion 114 ~Be.

twee 11TR

Dotan 58.16. K.4102121 -L.411*

I'm P at set Made or TMenata added, elan r.411em It.w feel I..&1.d. Made M on. do 0.11 u4 twill Al 114145 11 OOk+e+ Red, lE te and that,

Coda .576 Craton 49.00.

N0. 0470-La./1N' 3 -/lice 0140,1 del. OOatlil, aft Mealypt Old AMA/ 110"4 to wets, Cohort, Olaf and mad IIW.. Staid 1244111n ante taupe

Seth 84,1$. psi". 11::78.



Pait' on. <al. lIlla í¢4n I.U. 61124114 01-í1m et I.e diLoh' MM

rue sir"- Strew silo 44 Potato. 10'-71. A 554517 aoallt7 4.54251. 1014

IMP 2m.,Mh dumT.Ucn.

Lech Oath Oaten 111.40

- CI




I For Llus,*A. 00114.4. Prim..

WRIST W AT0M t1 I anP US e r n, Mw V501~4"genOaOlw ONe 0en1d/IlAMF IMu.. Oman Ma.. .eeNaSnl.a h Inert. adH.4Ola INd band. iAte1t. 5.a 5yara0r,g f.e' SNIT e. 4.000

walch. Mlles, m..w7- t a11rLth4.411a mta, Ma srMeja.Ilas ...tin 9..a.

llewe.: dial, hronduw.olata4 .a1..Wanlwvleurr. C555140 el a.a.41 M 11.144, WSaN' .ti saw far teen match.

truer/Oncesr]11. ?4fí 1w5t s61/ taMsSL10. -eto.t RII

011101 /. P.o.e. Le Un- ion 111161e5..10% 11:31,C

. 'r ~errs w 10 . ,,_51£ a t c.o.?. ero.ra.



100 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE llorcrnherr 26, 1938

WILLARD AC fleet- e SAree


- [kcirh 4nN4n 1.01, *Milne het aped 1111 hate 4 b., .4.~1.4an Yreed., .44 i their can O. Ne4 Cl...

Weel.ce. ee ..I II 4. 44. Moe H linen R1044116441 .\ Au., W.W.I dr. *now,. wtl.H1t A. O. ret-. 4aaNIM care. tineaM a. ...t1 no 4tater. eah1.4 44 614,00. Ore« No. Ost. Oeunrlere In a, ../ log Italar4N. Ce.w WW1. Deg Pr Si80 !- P14tpa14.oftt.34.- WI. a,4Kn-ParaW' 4 NNe irwe.. Nu"

_pm.. 1,01 they.4ndl mod N 4i6.40. Iti.04 mob. t4 MO or'lfe.CeMa Se.DO.

D No_ D1D.C4T.-4de1.*.. Rrn ,e 4 OIaM .eha.cra cry the tTltyt of Raednttati ROAD $0.50. A.O. enq. on.) 110.17 eecn. In 1... cr Ps each s0.70.

-CHECK T'HRU THIrS' LIST OF MONEY MAKERS 027111211-t.rtaba ?gp.wrltt4, 3-..w a»{ -are a7 Rem etA.n. r,.n_._as sa a1ax124-4.11.. 1011414' Oorl, 13

1.r1> 1,4pteg rye.. ..t ..p., eeb12.00 n lsx20-0. U. out,. test 0,0E10.

Deno 1411x304.--Treefy Tub,* er

44mferel awrn $3.10..droae_-_12400 O 1 1la--a4.,1eNW OM+t OOtt- r7ddn

1.96. _ s1e.A0 111sp X,131 -NM -LgOr' Delta. 10e'.4"




n1X%4^a.'l rM tun lu 1+ rr Deily 14- ----- ---=----

4114 x.144-iñt4rr4/levyl Ole, Deb.0 1 a'- e1,.. A. y:.atiM. ta ',N1rNl N1er41 Inn. tata -- _ - 111-13

43254f -cero O,nwnitaen Uwe mad 0111r4tt. oaay te11...w-__-___.;1-15

a2].lLl,-e.H, Canpac/ .n0" W.tch Jim (ma _s4-00

n1[t.-AareirAnerde WKIt w'111i1.iS

i072W4-A-,.:04n4Ws Trrntae'Clhrh ir'tee 4,ta.r au. ,In',414ry `aue_-i12.26 oxeo--tnpyrW 4co:tr OeN. ten: pH. Meek Muir., 11' Na.. E4-- .... .070

D 16x311,ta nch 11q. Waal-'. 4,l:M. 1aM, - - Ji00°

41a1M1/T.Wr4.7 De14 4tci1 a Serb .iMab eNMIM n>_ sbs_.11.46

N.. DI3w1s-11tG !" ore. 6- un,r .1,44 t aeev,y came wlli. edM. t)) 11e! 1v1144 44 nl.teh. aurr.lud ).-.I.4 n414eIN41. >}10 ei+w A tw,n.da fro or.rnF 1R14. 144.044 r4.s Vp,e. At1atthndtW..4.

000 HMi 44054 Eata in La N.d+ bawd. »ea- 4e ol te Lg. amab".:7t Lg. 3. $245 - [ach 4tt


Na. e1tWrT-t04¡ WaN.uLra a14 In:pert.H -41ro.+-1 lt 411. t. .. Iu,4r u "41111.t

317-2Rs W. Madison 51.; CAks>'a. II e.loh 11. 4144.1 ZOO

ton ire - WInr,70DAY. 25!.eD.4e4.t en 0. Ot O. J.e.le71 R4Nhr M4 Premium r1e4--41 CL No. c,e0. r T01.s a44 .0 nu" Na. AIM 4401 M reWYL Mca7tM Te,e bs.M11. w4 -M Not p.41 nI.IL


Blue rind Silver Mirror Vanity D1esstr. Packed with 116 hand- dipped Chocolates. An outstand- ing ;premium for hollday' business.



$ " EACH


WRITE -WIRE TERMS: 30% DEPOSIT -BALANCE C. O: D. rnllhl p+4.w04'ln Jots et 24 Pieces

ZENITH SALES CO. 539 So. Franklin St. Chicago,



FLASX Lae Price




EARL CHROME :COMPANY Spteial Zenith ta1Ulautore



Write for

Lalesl Catalog

With 4939

Trade Now DérraandiÑg Zenith Quality at No Extra Cost

ONLY $41.95 1!


PopuLr Items

'Write to'T/te RIllboard. dupes' Service Deportment, 251 Opera Place. CN-otn- Ratl. O.. for' .1 birest43 0f aompenfts M th4 departnreltt neppfy4e9 me

'tsars ,Mesh 'Interest you.

Internatiotuil Dolls Joseph llago -Co. 1,.: ar.nounoed a lino

of 3Q dolts for the holiday trade; said to be different from NRytb:Cg eri- abown before. Called Internaelonnl'Dona. they are drF_-td to canteens intro styles 'of foreign countries.. and an cdttcatlO0al (older concerning the country inch doll represents la attached: Della- are sand to have ºppeal not only for Children Wit grrosrt-upe.a$ well: who may want .13.4 n for hau:a decvratlom.. Coming lo boy ¢.-^..'j and Airl cbaracer. dolls are made, up 1n eight and 25.Lneh antes are light in A C. ONLY weight. hate Soft phobic belles attda11- wool. wigs. the firm-estA144. The large- CM.% .1:.d.1. a 'her, 4iá brad', rases. aloe dolls easy be had with htunan' halt. j U4..tiMe woof.INo roIaN..s parry Mittens permit remoraof costumes for i Rtyetreí ere eaing. [sundering,

- No. 51131360. EACH nC Ideal Lamp Value

The Manufacturorr- Outlet Syndicate repeat» It le marketing en artlr_lcelly

designed table tamp 20 Inches high that .00r ee In number 01 **tors with be.utlfut 17-Inch0 pleated 00haat- ing shadow at sue l M bow into: that It -14 ideal fee the boildnjr demand.

alsoThe Item is no Jatd' to -. be per - feet for bingo n n d aaltªbo4Td

erser*tot.l.alnn comcocatottanr.



Personality Pup A hunlorow »,,city. the Pemonallty

Pup, a.ld to be an ddoalitam far neeeity meat). has berm-pinood on the market llby the it'ovelty Toy Crafters. 'Life firm

State* that -the It.horrid be good for a varlet*' of purpo-e&. daleaboarda, rules

_stimulators. place cud. and holiday greetings., and claims 114 ability teapro- ald 4ñni s a laugh a rnli ebotrid gain It wide etteietlon. Pup *rates in tndlvtd- uNq_ ;.cked boxes Of assorted colors oOTSYwtth $lamina. 9ispla3'eigne are furnlatfed grain:

New Electric Pendulinn Clack

ChoateThe dew Choate Model EIOsard glee - trio

oe- trio Fadulurn 'Clock put ^ottt by FItetria Pendtlltlm Clock Co. to Proving So be a ern at1Orta1 4»Der-as a t',.herstrrina

ms ite. according to the firm. Clock l3 said tá be attractive, standing 11 Inches high and coming to -three Anllbea. herbbroom

and gunmetal. rand should be welt-ma.l 0n arty .hpclock :ne. The 1s M

01 Low In pale* that It 4kea a turf -ail yet lnnxpañslfe gift and la Mao Ideal for premium4 use. It la 0.14,

Mechanical Walking: Dog :Cohen Woe_ recently- ttttrodtíced a

large mechanical walking dog shie1,1lrsy" ~en la twice al large Ds the original 9-U Dog. DogWelke on dour Ie i. turn- '

1ne Its bend from aide to side. while ne holding a sandal in its Month. e 1

line has caught on, to Now Tort and



Adams ° Candl4pe

Ty Camera


1s125 EACH i '16 Picture, fromi Roll of. Fn..

a . 3uper Speed t4el Mee' Fetus

e Vivo,o bawl Vivo, ,Lade; ear Shutter NIPe fern, l, or SnapiAOte



=i:w,.á.r Market Pekes 041.1,ane-led Quality Comfe ei ef

.0. Sun To. tostad. Shipping C1..arst-.- WNa Oteen.



SELLING TIES OVER 14IlofQ PROFIT Efts L'M4 TIN, 4+4,a4 14X11`6', - SLED D.1.


aEaO. Ter. 6a",pM awl.

=<4 , .. 'AID DM. TMs. la.epte 1te. 26. 2.40 Dec

timed M -'r. Tl. KM/MN. IMAM. i4.. . Tp LSCd . at, Rlth J.w.bY G.nepa 6rt., .Ce

.T4 L-.1 Hant¡ -4l.yg. 4awrM Mt . Yae ~old* Lim 4r'óte.d 1ra,eul.c ^.44'25% 0404.11 4h1 ON.r, ael. araw

F RE E 'Y 70. OaewiplA

rlayta1Órat "EEC liNrla1s.


, ;.'51, 1ti TOi`.





1G EAC 1i e .ours r 4;e4444~4 train SOW rear 1..1147! --


CUT ME OUT This 41Nt44rM old 41.00 .ntnt,e ye, arroa ono rat ~MOO. el "STOOLIC DIM," C 4.'e Av+ viteoo

*LACrieriO soil DAL 444$ W o.lnlfCM1 4 4.1414 1117,

Viking M'etalaraft Co. 3 gush rod WI.,,Ar eda ontANDO. eta

should asks nlQood Chri"mas,Wm for

Watches for Christmas to reports. pltcbmon and- dtndt .oeilers. ,00óonung

BeN erage Set Monti Csrto, t1*Tetage_net :eceatly' liar

~Mood 'by Forsyth Mfg. Co,. Inc.. not only.baa titithy hlit may be 'turd :u 4 game ú wall, ece'ordingto the oolnpsny.,

I Set oanalata et a spinning cltomlunl- plated basket raóunttd on rº lSl5.-1nch two -gamy .IitbcgTapñed tray bearing

(Sto 'POPULAR ITESIS 0a.pape SO!)

AT WI-IO1FQaaR 1AM1Iu or PVttel- ad

r. ..nata.wt, M

OW 1I té. Writ. a 1r 1

/Rsa Cepf <4' per a14 s1As

TG,AyIN Wt.4Xs, sed M. no

Y11 [IR 6L4a 444 Ye


LOU' MALTZ 1110 f0. '4:A at. Phila. pw

Nqateinbrr 26, 1938 ---- - - WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The- Billboard 101

0.00rs! 'cH

3 ktryávr j


A/F.. Álitalaiáiffiltikmdik


With This Sensational Holiday Sd:11rr Trv'inendaua 8-r11jng Appall

Added Demóestratioñ Features Opens Unlimited Stilling Field.

Live Ones Evoryw>,are Are Cashing In On "'SENSATION., "

Lose no time. place your order, be tbo lint to pionsoto SENSATION" in Your Territory.

IT'S A NATURAL! SALES PROMOTERS.- Book Your 1Sales Now. DEMONSTRATORS y7- Contact Your ^Store's at


In and Work Up a Deal. AUCTIONEERS "SENSATION" 'Lends Itself

to Wring That Holds the "TIP" and Offers a Bona Fide' Legitimate Article.

Absolutely Guaranteed for One Year. DOZEDi1 LOTS, Ea. $1:50 -GROSS LOTS, Ea. 5.45

Same Do' Shipstscats. Wire or Air Mail Your Order;

?ssi. Deporlt ,WWe Order - aaianae C. C. D.





.n M {

rR and SCq - TI uAT! R

D I LE! C134 W; 32nd ST. NEWOK CITY

WtryOur iR

P o«



RA-'0RY FxH11,

LOMP /Et fc

5 AµPLe





l"'"a"""' C

102 The Billboard WHOLESALE

bra Radí&Buij'of 1931

; a

Ttalsi ay 4 /lall"tn be newer *rodeo e s.t1r..- ties sse a. "t laale ler esd 1as *49~s. o a wbs A0*0.0.0tha.lkl^.Vat.eee u.

a: ch Nil .ra dT.. -a. 1.ttaar'adr IOU tq.url1 tall6 *t/5 ppcc/.e, taal anti .vne.rd elrsaettltl. OtaWrd Whig' ettlasb

l_a! 12sysaleyí intMa


5 ` LOTS OP- a

SAMPLE $9e94 014(4 * Wimple of this wow 1919 modal now art rrrorlf]: huk Onr [tw gWrpMtV,..}j.W ~II, balasee C.O.D.

WRITE FOR, 1939 CATALOG Dadlei. Creels. Weleha. iroduicet Coeds, Catnwar..Lfe.. at tswnl pokes.


i ac- G r A beautiful ALL -CHROME BOAT that is creating a lien* sation cverywhcrs e

I T 3tEhttfha, tea tangle '.114lus? sa walling for ",th an He~wf14re11r0r ti shown It masts

With ntlant aperory For sues/Kurds. for prnaFs or for Chrittenss lifts Cl Is sure-rte illarn. The IIYecetut `rood h,!1 Is In hand-

ebony. mahogany or walnut.. Saes we In oar -proof gllrrtine cllrama Maim Rig- ors:: Cs of 'Mow plated wire Stands securely acrd gracefully an a stalnlcti sleet chrome Cate. 16" *. 17 wide_ Arcked 1n indhidwt fir. torts. SnlDVins weight 5 Ins.

4+lQg EACH I SAMPLE i Dane $1.50 Rush Your Orrlltar NOW

2S7t DlFasf1, 9arartoc O. O. D.


E _ I

SaUd' 8raa ;airs Chrome /noted,


FUR Free Cata4og! FUR RUGS OUR 111111 As.Loncs mercer O lta--, 11/4101.w 1. . seas an

hogth. t.rtra,7.an1b1 1 .,mnLy. onaeri-. tan eoe--la la O;ct,, lush .ra caatl_ An `v.. style, Vase.- An

wnpa. Mason top l rlred esek Ora* Go- ner rum _COAT 111140.111140.-

Isi R patea rip sLües, tll Shea 41, Ash* dar IAf> "anti tlr


H. M. J;. (CO" 150 W. 28th SI.x'New 'York City


POPULAR ITEMS- fcostfnura from pope atoJ

game symbols arid h000mpar.ied by a scare card. instructions and r,O chains. Basket le Wald t4 eight Ceded . tees guaranteed. against ohlplting nadl lxl:ing_n pilot wheat an' each gloss to conform with game cymbniy, The noli- drip tray prevent* alóohol from marring furniture. item Is de: berthed at a sturdy outfit, caking. up tittle space and ewaa- ing Lndivicualiy boxal en two -tome 'dis- play boxes. The tact 14111 the set le tow priced and a year.ronrd seller mnkea it Word foe premium use. the firm orates.

Automatic. Tuning Radio

tDEAa. X{Ian OIif_T _ etlloO.eA`CEOOaRq P RIZtp. Whits. S ew.. or.r. Ae,7u A 1 0 FL rterylWy 1aV1t. a F U R R U O. Own ors. new -an.,tt..

etra..d. ri.m 80 ¡tiiessa.ront

S - wins b.aefel Is bYwlanMt Waite


We sMUa11p m O1.en1. Wed Tubvtc. Fomltaarl ler 241.11 o swrO.ta:tFl4mla,t, 111:94otro.., oRKe.. Ile.. I

tal,rante, Reaclp Paolws and tike Mama Wino *My


It cwt. .wise ta. l wise N tert 1!M1 r1a .wa 10- aebt.,.e wRos sr+M l.44ta415.. volt* so fey nee Hia.a e+d or.W tl,s. Ona.ttllyd *awns M as.rsq^ rllh cach, wqW.

SUPERIOR CHROME MFG. COI. INC. M0. 7º t a1OC ouAtR R0. 7ít0 &Am..«I°HAIR Ira EaN sato aaaq,n Asas patia4lMa. Pe. s13-23 tat

--CHRISTMAS CANDIES le Forney Pat+er, trftad. Word asd,Clsts CaMalnni-1 lb. te 5 tbs. Net WOW Contorts. ilandant e teeserwtlw rtFa park.apr., a154! a{ry end elebar.tctr .tetoral.d F?ci./yp. L.ery ~ate pare fondles **portly paGk.d ID Inupa.M1fyr o. bwuNlrly PI" or elaborate ~Lain alb Worm dun equal cost. Will. fer phet.EraMk IesOeaReamf packages avadfal ae.

iMo C.. JOHNSON CANDY CO., 1tn5r:iwláerE:i ;412,

A tvet table model Who featuring automatic tuning la. .0th of the nauy radio* being marketed by Sliver 'Mfg. Co. Firm -stated-that autolltitte tuitlls$ _s is usually

Notrrrtber 26, 1938

fovnd m11 _ _ _ ta hflthér - - -_ priced seq.

. p. but It la 1 how mars.

1. O - InF it nalall- able to o ,,'" v

L Lam!.

ud whlc

.feall crackly a t s twice that will assure

.elteboard apsl besksoa or* and spec -tatty safeeiacn -a handsome 'profit. Pirro re- pents that this la but ono of many hot items It -,s markottng.

Zito Dogs in Miniature. A veatpoekat :edlttan of the coradeal

2ato dog drawings Is now being nag eted by5 the N'51el Art Mature Co. - Drawing« aye 2 by 211. inches In size and are printed fa tuU co3ors. Set Is nuida up'of 48 dlt. ferent cartoons. packed in an att=act!NO open-facfd carton ready for maldlrrir. Firm roporté that Zito drawings u1 *Ma alas, arm fast to New York- atraco they can be oarrbed csafly to the vest- pocket- The edition sells on algbt. the Stem ~walrus, siwwa it guarantees 45, laughs to the nsan who OWOF a set and, all to ',room tt 1p alsowaa Low peke "ifs laid to afford &grata a liberal profit margin.

Clipper Ship Like somsethiág out of a fairy book le

che new Clipper. Ship marketed by the Biller !.Sag, Co. according to reporta. It's' a modern recelan of. ehc.. chi -carne ses171ñg vt3ag1 tb.o Clippie. Ship. Nail are fashioned laroltrosnil the hull a* made of wood. .Penn repacfa the number IA

n faithful rc;,roduCtiOn tot 'the original, osen ter rigging. which.gire the number an nblladance Of appeal and Haab.

height Scale The new- Out.*-YOW.Hetsbt Scale

manufactured by D., Dberhe suer at. I

reported to bare been a hest at Southern faire rind' expo-ttsone: Opora.LOt* Work akeng tbo Mme Imes mitt quea.Your- Wetght ops. Only Intend- or hitting Ln a chat:- to be wáipched, the euhject stands isebuat R- large' nett: whore Iota height. le :My -mused. Myron 'Gordon. the .oral reports, terms Use Ouett-Yota-Height dcnto winner (recta actual expertenoa Appeal of the dslee.Nt Is told,rltre ki the fact that creryeme LT curious t0 know Ms correct height

Felt. Rugs Amertean !tug Co.. has a Um; cd warren

felt rugs which It reports In ywy popu- lar title seaman. Hugs are mitt! to be practical and stirsetire, teenier.; is a P ar:ety of Coleco. Size. ars'27 by hi and JS by 10 noels*. Numbers appear to' tare good iateeboard peasttrillttes. and. bin=O -opeualtOte toolting3 for retnnthing dtilferecnt should be Interested.

Autocrat Radios Autocrat t -Radio Co. reporte tha its

llné or 10090 tnodelit'ts now on the mar- Att. ¿Members featured push -a -button tuning. ,wtOm*tte' volume Control, afra:añillaed cabinets and tone control. the.fUm stagm loverad numbers feature. lalaette , evb}noq which the company ~tee have ins neccisery clash to mate thupu fast .aljpre On aatrr.lxwrd 4oa14 sad good bingo prince.

New Sweater Line A now line of masters known ea

Oartwiatyls 4' being distributed by Pru- donafal Trading Co. Pine believes. Its' 11100 !* bsgaktng right at the tune when







1 0'0 0 LAST



$1100 TO $2.00 '





IFactoty'Cuatintoc for I Toss

Think whit you could do In your torfitoty., This A.C. Mork Shaver has never boon advertised to Retail Dc-aless. The field is bide open. TAewaads OF Satisfied 'awn. MAIL $1.25 TODAY for Samplo-podtire pnreald. Only financially tosponsiblo Op oaterswho' call do volume noss ír111 lo considered. ACT AT ONCE befoío this liberal offoi It with drawn.

DUR-A-RIL PRODUCTS CO. Sales Office, CZPT g.oadt.'ayr CHICAGO

li'oh nono\\tt\ BLUE STEEL



O. rIC . w 14. tF _ I GILBERT BLADES

wnt. 011110 nEP[nr Rusn.Ess I 1ÓCC P..-000 6 eylneRT AUTO ernes, P.r100. .aoe

OLAORa SINGLE ED -ÓE F.. too_4Ac AUTO ST1EtQP 45c 0 SHAYIIDNiC DEAL 1e tlaad1.-"0_ ra MNM 1 s I 0011.1 °t`iá

, wr;'.vt .a I 0 ó "FIRST AID" OEi

3 I t.arr got AMa.9eM Clae, n r n,utrsoki. naedaa , ID Yards Wawatit. I Staab at. re, I Ali cab, Wrí..w- ,110.0

4ed1' cwt dery he new aeno:sand ark, L. L A

YOUNG NOVELTY CO., Inc., I 1C0 Heiler*, Sva.t hasten. Mess.

des. 0.e1 61.60 rcla 101.11. eke.\\\\\ II a Ih\\\r\\d ORIGINAL

Slip -Not -Ties row FALL 1.1ne. Stag Oe1. Priewale. r1K{,,ry. hie.' Nnd for otsaw:

wiío 105d(4.M FM* OILTiEOGE MFO. CO.

12,14. 131:1 at.. Pnis..ea 1.

ELGINaWAL1NAmsí.95 n.hE1VE0 wrest Watt9tes utalo3 puARANyCEO

MyfaWaH ,Mqreln Mina 1011. W. otsr 'Ow NW.d.r..l Vtowt Ko cook ~Si

As Ia.e.rd.tP.aYta,o PPP". for {w9-9 f.-'9,rar Frio 0.14,10e.W a. eeen,Toala

tdi7. ONew tr f`gl,Ofp. 0.. G, I.4.,;,LeNp

73e vol 1.,t *t., lG.b+aalpe.4. ñ..' row

Olen apcckpüaiag in weaning aroPorsl pre motions -are, looking toe something dlf' tenet for ,Cltrltmaa trade, CamMstyle woat°ar come la snpoñtr and peer typin Ise both solid end"ton-tote oclwf Ootnbutatloma, P e (trip reports.

VaDánlb2tSl 1938 - WHOLESAI.J 'MÉRCHANDISE_ Tyro 11iubooti 103

MORE MONEY FOR YOU{; With These Provén



MtN H. te bane Ne2Lwl aarilOtl woolly HM ttaret Sean. seat 0,41r1 ewe lü. sslsMs

V cnitaao-: Prrrw a. 111.-111114)411. aarrr pas eaeeA. perapalr. Tara Oreas La54 ,pe+ d>r.., 60e

.t IZa... I la

- --II

(.,..... Hi -43311 -Lassies + i ea,r.H worm, vnñarrblo verity

obi on ego "Mats. Twn roe* weed out the .v We .:r you. New k ism adkt rat i ` I Ro[ M a.. reper rr.PKd 31_ aucea 1 Lath w Da..::

EYE-OPENER Weber Shooter

Nee t' sr L:le Sew N I.n/cara pees* ~s.1. MW rlas+`WI -MNcr .r.lw. A OSA MU 6e.nele * in.. a sN. 61.

Grow* Leer. Ooaan 75 C

/v'rtn Attroeehx(y Lcb.:lec>f Jokcr. I deY[rt Viet warren rnDNT. Da. s1.1i irllraH UPON YOUN ertlPOt. Dr^ 1A0

Mal »ala Y1LT ataa1114 ~MR art CLUB. _Oe...........--._/ .12

'MUSH rON SALO HEADe. lot.. ir.alr4 eruah urtargone111e1t9q GO ÁfsHMs. aANaO KNI/E., .........iE1.e7

Al! P,Ie4ayF. Ok D. CT'UrA. ra n Wuh oeste.

VN.M =Swimlease Stara Year Lim at Ott

1. 124h/ove , la1DN.rORL..L.AW5,a7.. CYtICACc7

+,TTENTISN BINGO OPERATORS "SEE THftU" ;BINGO MARKERS Are Taking thee` Nation by Sterne_

Popúlsrly Priced. Write for Samples and Prkc




WATCHES " -; II w ORyde rt!' au. ~Ms'1

*saws. (tK wauh to thoroughlyr.eenrlitafl/r. ~rood In ~dells n i.

sad .OalcNtlar _

aSocMeeq. abt LATEST


NIT IR. AII_ w *to sr, ns *ire Rowt a WPPLY CA.. I

l sefÑiiñtiü4i5.",`aw"`--

CANE'S aofdIM S Renter, DIWMeM.

.see te go. ..e eninsIe. ~ism nMLced Pied gNrtnpe. fter.'e wore It she Owens.

WRITE FOR OUOTAT1on6. Senate 200 oliscasµ


TE i


Reliable Bales Co.. nearketlrtg a line .et. Socha SCCtirlty plates. ,doublefotd leatherette craws and lettering -outfits. 0E4 fens, two' soling plans which *31ot11d in- terest thole. who work or contemplate woeking , Social Security plAtee. lack CSaravaro; who operates Reliable, 1s ex- perienced in hailing egeate.. baslog Weal. ~sled with verbena line other

, ,than Social Elcciuliy plates. 'Untied. Balloon


Co, recently retUroed 50 1ta old addreee at 12-5 Flab'.Yentaº.

'New York. where_it has inereoied floor Ellice_` Said Ogrdon. Tito Ls taking charge of the business, Is known as-ome of the country's loading balloon Mtn. Oordon SWOP that the filial carrlrie a oompleth Mal of novelty 'and regular balloons. He Invitee: [Mende to Whit him when. they are In New Voile.

RINGO BUSINESS - (Continued /rota pays 18)

__o[ the country, there la provision that only bingos sponsored for educa- tional or charitable purposes be penult. tee. We. of reoUrae. are In favor of th9 lesalisatton of the Yuma verywbereand are therefore 100 per cent in accord'wttte ih senat is proposal

A QUERY THAT WAN rather ettrp'1a lug tó W wail one wbech came an tilts Week from Charles .11. 'Mason. eat Danes Cttyr Mont.' Mason writes:

'Dear Mr. Ouy. "I ata- Milting you' regarding; a ques-

tion of tier in,a bingo garree. I am open. siting a 10 -week series game here.undsr the apocaorahip of Leglog,'P st No. 8.

-They IA? when a bin*, la called., It more then =a player has bane, an ¿his winners bould'draw to see who gets the prize and I contend the reel winner is the person who. yells "'''btngo" first.

-^I hare toltewed your column In The DIUboerrf'tar-along that and enjoy read- fng,and'Settttlg Woes from saute." -The reason we nsy thla cammunlcatlan

Rya a rester One tee Via le that try thought all bingo Oooátrclora held O ravlOga to determine the enoner. Mien more than one', person In se game m_aOe btnt;o at the lame tame. At lcaat In the Eastern territory - this has been the pro- otdule as tar hack_as we Can r.membei. The person who dra-ins the lucky limber ,geta the main prim and the other play- e ra who had bingo geacOtasoletion Vine. It »arms to ttsSbat'Under Mason's meth- od "Of declaring tA first `Peraert' to jell "bingo" the, winner,. there is ,a great danger of krguntentl. It seems hopos- sablº-that n peacefuliganti,esri, a runin this way. But we are`eortaln y curious totind out hoc many operators ire tots lowing the "first-yeller-ls.wtnner" moth. 00 end to harp just, how It works geil Drop- Ira a 113t.



AKRON MERCI tNOISE CO. at: a al.1,. at. *Imo. on*,

(CoRtiNued from pápe`b8) grand oppnftvlllty tot fund=naaing pro., motion» and the, groan operátºr ePenya ninnageehto'get his !Meer into this p$D aomebow. With everyone bt a spending mood'ard be ktile, ghee to distribute, It Is no problem to 'get men undo women ,to patronise 'a card: OtgantrattO3b knoir tins andnaturnity go In henry for sales - ear« deals at this time et the year. If you are wide aEtaka you wilt cash IA Ón this trend yourself.

Prom now on It shOtild be sU drtre. so go to,1t and best of luck;



ORCS TURIN - ,- rcomttnat+d ,)Tent p't PR)

meat. As before he, will tbannee the campaign. aittt otter deducing 'expeow' and cost of IfSrohniedkte, will split net profits SO -60 with the organteetloO.

The budget plea' Isnrte Itself to Wider rxpioltlitoon. Often the operator wattle up the deal with a tree drswtng on la, g rand ,prisa,,.like - an eroaPre radio. liven luton-`Obttes bats been-used-,Erate- bags orstwaany bold at a detoce Which S orrell as grand finale of the titre: The op auppnnes.00apon books w11.11 carets end for easels charms raken on tha salescerd the purebosef roenl:Y4 a coupon entitling hint to a Chan= In the drawing for the



- !C.

ONLY $1.25 IN


n J IIQn'i




SAMPLE $3:45



3-In-Onu4 CAMERA! *TAM 16 sirs. MOVIES for

prokctbn e t screen * TAXIS 40 Indlvid. sl -candid" SNAPSHOTS on -one roll 'of

* MAISa% WWII `DOORS" for -.movies"' ..-Ilnelat, aroirc,lOr4 * f'UtsY GUARANTEED in writ- he lce.OMf flit ̀YEAR.


Of Your Films

THE HOTTEST XMAS ITEM Sine The Invention of Moving Pictures

WAR of 1ho prof* possibhlllcr of s rest MOVIE Casaba wills taf11.50 ant- se a plea lhar' is Welly arm' 'lean Net a toy Or novelty, bet a hash plots 'el egeOParnt.-,- r...a.tted eor ON* YEAR. Post aefre-n,Nnt. Fully adlustsAM óuphrltrm. OeauIHat1T ilAhhed ease wilt, sleety of eye =seat uso 4 assareMNo la eras. 01ns,' ORDER NOW- 2556 depwH raqulrcil

SILVER MANUFACTURING, CO., Inc. 2848-ELSTON AVE., . . . D'epi.'B.38 . . . CHICAGO, ILL,.



Prl.naane. 111.,11e111.,11e. 1144.4e e le Ole.e. .Pa? .

.ur rALr1,411/2,.a1,411,411/2,albos,P

toNet*. ODed 053,41. SMsl leM 1.lee . WTseMmiOn{-¡nkiCoeiVlM WI.O e-a/ree4he._


sea owococATt PEA Ls ne eak.- bo.W NIÓN OUAL. ITT ONOCOLATEr N M.rd/em.y _

n/ uwaraK E.r arWrtRITR /O CI -TAILS AY




_AU' Carib Perfect-K. Ospaeetre 'Eris Caw Rs IIad Sla»1ó or Two on s Shame WrftsM Simplot.


grand award in addition to the chance Of winging a =alert- Hem on the card. This *err= al an induormant to get the purchaser to coke mono than .enc, chance and beLpS'0011lplecc, the card In a shorter period.

Figuring the ,Budget In [irrtyuog gt his budget, the op

smalls otiprges a flat for for =MET mem- ber in the organization to carer his crier - bead. Usually, hits is it per member. This figure covers expense. In getting promotional material Ind Cards Into hands of members. 'Ebe op then adds to hir.,budget the salary of the clerk o r aetrrtery. If a drawing is tobo held. coetarof the grand' p6`Ite. hall and °rebes- tra are Rime d In.

notate T3¡ nay 1s split with the ore the op re eive. all refuipte until the DtiSgtt Is cleared Then. after drdlicilba east O[ naerchnadiae; the 0,i:stow and organize, - HOD divide preens on Ursa. Rtevlataty stranger,. The op ̀ usually nark tap the OWL or n erclltndtse 211 to IS 1 /3' par e031t s0 that he atokp a pronton both mar' chandiro sail the pronurtiorn.

Atreráge Return The weenies return ¡Fog a tratsrnai

o geatiatlOn mailing te %IMla ly Dlbput 40 per cent. Thus tlgma. Cl course. Verlm ticcerding to Oa manner in which no drive ts promoted_ and o_a-operttlon the op_ receives from incanbCri. This return. however. usually 1s high 'hearth to make the pamnotldn:worth while far the op and ,Hive ñ hsndaome preflt for till nryenlróUot t.


MITT' ran

u uv 11

RE1DYMIADE TIES Mai.+relaclured by'ZIP-ON N ..e W.r.

l . 4r-+ej


gF.K. = ..-rry !+ ::. i,:w


2e1P-QN N110KW6A e..r .Nu..M...I_. ew.


SCHULIl9AN'S;' - 10 ti0 W

BIINGIa' ta: We stock. svaey .p-te-thc-rairrats Item lei Speeri,lrkit Heavy and'tldst Watrht Gprlr, Tlcaset fee «ratty wrpaac. Numbers. Mlitee Ca.arN, Markes. Las Tamale. -Cere,lscaets, Waco Money att.-s a,1 tally ce.tPMd to prie/ met fpstiilty oé'KevaJtT:-to yer Peder at ihort-rrotico. Day and Night Ss«victi.


P4 PER PADDLE(' Awlsc9rs wkXe ID. a the taadrl »hooks.

SiCHULMAN'S'¡e:y.a¡'F¡.Y^ Eats ra1. rwraqe./ePate el 0.0,- $. r TM atneeerd.

104 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE November 26, I938 - -

THE value, style and acknewle.dRed depends-óillfq of Evans style aitcs-

(pries has sélenulaecd ,Dabtre dén'and to a point whore economies rotalt-

tng from rolamo production en- able us to gins these salts

sTirs..tlants on to you at prices that will surprise_ 'you. Every

Item carrles an extra die- idºed of value. Iilus-

hared ate only a few óatstanding f t e tit.

psi tic elatry suit- able for prises

end premium!.

1-Tila rea - asna vanity sensation, New, large shut corn - /sad that ever wenun Itaa.


2-The vanity also con- tains ~worn i1,r.. hta a.4 apple (pace tee lar fa- uwito powder.

I-Lockets w ~mares most' wanted accessory. Here's elle,'In irpnutne elehénrte unarn.R wands patobed tb ,talnrrfle sees.

4-Leans ~dented pocket tylhlrr.,.It tljhti la the wind. An ltena ter botis,raen and Iaemrn.

S-.QoeWMaticw cigarette box ape table light. M. Nelda fob pooh aria 1 ideal toi hemeerof bee.








*.FLASH Prl:- -fig E -* 810 PROFITS * LOW PRICE

t E I

I qlill

Packed 6 to o Caton SAM

FR.i0 E.

ONO Ilsntrátcd Push Card ~quash C).ast. SOO hole Push Card' Ile = Is IScI tares In 54.45. 60 bole Push Card Ile to 15(1

S lakes to.S 7.9 !Oe extra dáó Mae WA . SALe3SAARD, (One Shell: SOc Petri 403. bal. Moe. SALE-SIOARD IAwaldr 3 _Chestsl' Takes = in $24.00s RUSH YOUR OROtR 'NOWII 113 Deposit wP4h Order Bailor. C. O. c

( I. O. it aqo. GOLDWYN COMPANY =

440 So. Otorbean St.. CHICAGO. ILL. 111111f1111111111IlI111111111111)I1111I1111111111IIIc

8uá tea

shun bed

r11e or ira se? A Quiz Section ón Christrtuts. Merchandise


IN, 1188 with current radio , programo where. ealtertn!Omelst to of en toter. rotative nature. herewith Is

rented anan aprórt.Unity,to aye whether or not you }-Low the highly nnswcra t0 the folowing ~oodles questions_ L(ntu- rsUg nb, Prince ire awarded: but ,the astute win be reworded for his ele''Qrorsa by ecuring i goodly ¿lore of the Ch. -tet- ra -as Minus sa, which to always the rºoct 1lotativs Ct the year:

Dolls Is It True .or False-tL-st the Shirley

ample dolt will' bo tito ,dumber of the year? PAL8Et Like all good things, Shirley ~Pie' gave., wan* to the end of the teed; Let us hope that 8blrley a box-office popularity has not

been reduced a1

much the Shirley Temple dolls. for now You can buy them et, halt

leaT However. t' when one doll

drops svr1 -hoot-to stardom.

Is !s' Tau. or False - that,tlte tread is, towards= Character `dolls?' TRITE: One sot

; the "dolls which will light It Óue

)(AUXIC- If J, DAMS for top_ratlaw 1

the Soule ell% en etaotcopy of -Sonia }lento. coánptete roan eia to ,ice skates.,ho child will be able to resist this dainty nrILl who la attired in n beautltul white Ina' coat with hat and mull to match. Under time pint 1s a short-eklrtel tide -skating «atonic auetl as Mize titanic dieplDye In 'the movies. It

Piedieled that tilts 'doll will srsius oft with the atfect:oh, of emery Parent and child.

Another doll'caracter la the Nun or "Little Stater deü= This dot! has a die. ilnctriro_quallty and actually oytribfsUara the real life' alstór .ordeae. Stately in appearagee. they are realistically gar d In . regulation slater outfits, comploto even to a mania{tire pritytí book. Thus doll has bt*,a the rage'ihr-dotlt the. Eos.1,

form drill collao1l0n lar complete with out a "Little Stater." All indications point to it beriOnU. =a big number.

fe If True or ?"alas --that there la norm on the market an armpit humSf lob*' doll? Perfectly Tl=U I There la eisatln- tmcotb tubber doll which erwepn drinks. Wets he:,, diapers? and .bathe.. While A

holdover from last 'year, tittle Mothers .the country, ovestctUetlnulete enough sales to place this doll at the top. Chil- dren love them, ei they can spend many playfillL hours with them. -Here la the payoff I, These superior dºUIs do not wit. thelr,dtnpers,lmmedlately. tints hold the water heir sei+erai minutes.

L It True or False-that boys will be. come dolt.oºmsctoUa' this year? TitUEI w1\1`\\`\tr\1hp It ta- a known fact (bat when. a' boy

A REAL HOLIDAY HIT!! The Most Outeta..dlnj Lamp Vela. In II..

Ceunlry Today. Arfi.tlealty du lg,sad web a -penis pleurae 17" Shade, Lamp 20' fall COME* in Whale and Ceese-.

Sample Sant Prepaid StºS IT'STHE tllcCtST FLAW PREMIUM! (VLR


WRITE FOR CATALOG t.eta,inº ill M. Iat.Mt and flatsi sel.etlan.ol M.tchaedike, especially awned to. CARNIVALS. BAZARS, BINGOS.. I LSTIVAIS' GIFTS. PRI- M IUa/MAWt3. C/MAWat Lowest Prices.

1f3' WIM Ord.t, ?atone* C. O. O.

Manufacturers Outlet Syndicate, Inc. ra-SóulA Cb:nfen .5g. C?.ri.esee, IN. I. rides .glint ito will ride nail In u

grans .up be becomes -doll-conscLoual" This year even the little boy .v/1l be- come doU-Con*cloui. 'Now ..the trend

n le tOathe W. C. inside°doll, tio eesc tly'drct Ln typical Ftelds fastiion. Checkered tteusers, black coat, ascot Op and high g»y tapper. The red-ñaeddl vomit

Iolder of screen and radio makes hit bow /Leto the-torfiehd _as dummy. bet Ire

. call talk_rWat back°to a Chn?llo IScCarthy.

r for he 'halo a movnhle verritrtlogUtet jaw. oe Ealcsbtd oriel' bingo opuatena wrlta po.º dr

"wile your eere- t Jobber. but, hurry. for

e this W. C.=Plalda doll bide fair to. tM / the of the onHOes fá4 'the hulldáy.(staaan / lictbO..t311ver1 The LOUR -Ranger


This Lotus Ranear dell' stands it to `(.let high and is attired In full ~his/ re - gotta. coenplcts even ear to mask. A companion nurt}berr le Tonto, lit.. Indian paL; ,Both of tuso dolls are Just rarer. fictive on º aabebasrd no they are lit n atora .windolr.

le It' Trtre_or Falce-that mall« cuas still be a lewder iii the toy field? TRtrai $bnkeopearc é gtio'atiOn that ''All the world la just a =ata¡e and all men acá

jrÚ /,aP`ir.bF>l~rtparldhl ti


.Pag. atter,isagP Of tirtffie values Ys''

Toys, Prltretwl.a, t:óvei1les,-t;afh.ns. $31012 02n15., RadieL Wa1d!xa Chats- hQ

mr" etc. Y 'values are the host In'1M coon. thell

try. ~eat once ter FfiEE Gtalee;;.


Df tOcpt. BB1

2YS. Wells St, Chicago. 1111. t 42b1 pm,i >k3S

QRpFW.rr IQllr OWN IN'WtTH - ;r THIS rt W FALL LInt1oqed

CO Man. cd YM41nt ,c xÁpRátt as eren,na-.r Is U. +ur.wN

~Ice or - .,,. salesmen. 6-,s LasN Tr.,. 51 .211 pap Om.. daft Limed Tt.a. 31.e4 ur++,«O.e,I Gunaan Tonnes re.., 31.10 per Oer_t Nrsa 24 ad* Tie% e2e0 per Nat: r..ns Idled r'. /ane tn wDl. Geer

Des. LOWER pntoci ( Lender OWrrTsrrsa 4á00wjtea.bn44w ~

,ey 6 1'Y /i eaRa at Mewl. Ttea N',Tlc,I IiiuMeer TN 4. ICerU,1d inn

multarla TMT1. a Oenwar.Lrerwtl Iras ya'n Veal serWtwi cllálvaTb,~

D.oL RM. ii w. sltl.,V-. Seto 'T+Mr.d°srt


SHAEPS 12 or more 8 C

SAMPLE $1,.00

tan Antonle. Cur.ronteed 1 SO ,wlth Order.,

AUTOMATIC tOVIITY CO., 1410 Nieta Aar, San Antonio. ven.


Y.111ner Carr. CrM or et.i ga.m.<ta tech.... Sº465 aaor la toa

et 5. ~Ns bee 'colt . ..,.1 rakes tarn

oa.rnby earn.. 20% hape.n. -earn- 0. 0. D.


--ELECTRIC BULBS -- nay *flan Frwt. Mu'utaetlm and titre MORI

Wrist tat Pr». Lid

BRIGHTON LAMP CO. 1h I(Wea ri. Owe. 0. him T(ra. Ie

1Zin.Wfr"1711011."~".s 9i .!O~ 5 1rM lk the- urania of 4":7 b". Oho acta hint

November 26,' 1938 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE ?hi, Billbóerd 108,

Just Oit ! Vest Pocket Edátion


1110 DOGS. in lolbr5

* 45 setenms.sfy fanny ZI10 driWRre to the-sa

* Ole Steady -maker at 501. * Dent In tall color. set embed In onseil rindow radon ready Far mutliag.

* Sample- set 'SOc. QuseNty Dittos an re - Mist. Citluslw hortlrorp wow open.

* Obelay slant available. * A eefeh't al every,party.

The Current Rage in New Yerk


women In, It merely players.- flnd realization In a marionette set, Parents want to show their children liáw to pia* with them. asid If the ,children can finally take them away from thwlr par- ents t21í7 +sPtll'.Itnte 'a.good deal Cr inn on,ltheir own nook_ All marionette seta oume.corñplote with a thaater and arery: thing necessary for puttir.g an a complete show. Most populace char ccter tai' <a ur- friend the funny ctrv{is clown.

Is JrTrue or Fafsd-that barking dogs make good, .vatcbdoé w s and doge ith ` tlashlcg eyes snake good salclboard

' - tr numbers'? Trili1: it Ire Lven an the


IHottlacxl barking' dog. Ica. a beg board dumber, the new flneh-eye 'dogs are bringing In big money. The seerat of this dog 'Is that eta- eyes are flashlight buiba wiith the batteries ateveriy bon.

I celled in the tali. Simply y -t the, dog sod you start the iambtniuon wot2tng,

FACE Pow al, E R The dog bllrand Off b eyes ter flashing on and arc for eÓdeT1111-OOODda,

lESS realistic themseltrs

are blire moat

and Poi derBasn _' nrn, .

3[ing d ae>: styllx inaade .era:hnitad ter retrn tbs, ezr: y[hscnt t3cettic,. plusji

Il C iic Y C D ne ;b.:'!0 Llaciixhrtlsds,nnd crew teddy bear.. sapo.


i<pECiil[ C0M51N47708

,NEW! SENSA7IONALlIDLFFERENTl el We Una titer peltn0 .eel Twee 411011;peen -oe(tale Maud 'me a f/[W.Irul paean. Lay cear-llnf pawn In abe 11110. and 1.a. belolnebr,ty N awaeOnether f f`so.. tee eem tearoom*

row u aN Ore á-

vee II theca .st ass es.. wndtyea can [» Use on ee lees Ill SEI[O FOR TRIAL ORDER OR SAMPLE 0aOm Deem, emerald. 51.50.a,p' aeartaele In

+wP Carrara

peñWleGen 0980.

O. shit! sr Unos rums

LA, PLAYA LAB., INC. ttUt.w.-wisne rl.. causes.

Many stetted for the .ªaleaboard. bingo nnd-boraar treed. because 'It.. appeal nod novelty.

Cauca le tts`True or folio -that games will

be dead this ¡rear? PAC.5E1 2'tI .teen thirty-nine utll be a very beg game yens. No: J prospect for Monopoly's position le the fnaetnating Chlntaé ,Checker Marble , game., Many asanntme.urers are making this game Under assorted Chinese titles, but Lt to more tun than is tong war wberi-pLsyed by two to Mg people. This game Si the atreamfined tendon of the old checker., the differ 'ere - being

III i'' that checkerboardthe 1a in the shape of -a star and the -object to to get from One point- of the: atar to the point dl - really opposite.

5.000 REBUILT IL - GIN. WALTHAM. HAMILTON Wahekes. else aLadies', Cr."' Webt Wadies. Make. tie Maneyl Ez'Slu, atW ;Orel

S4.75 Send fee Free Catalog.

THE NEW YORK JOBBERS 7e Bernrery, Dept. 0, New York. N. Y.

Save Dollars on Radios Bey dtnek-raNrrr prf:o - 0.7usy Oyaart.w aaM..r. T, 111rt.uf Oat _-eL a0 -Da M4 sensd wad,. 26R Drs. Ldeap C.a.O... F.0 n_ O lrae. tal err nee 7:170- ts.tal.a. 4anpY a11.5o weM-Lae et t, a5.e6 weals.

AU'TOCRATy,RADIO CO. taar Ie. elealntoe Ilzr. OMltwrr. tll

Speaking of Chineae'gamos. nab Jong. an I ereettir and fascinating gambling farne. returns to poputarlty. Today» arts are Dot the 'Milky onta:of yáltes7,ear., They, too. are atrntmlined anti, the Mah Jock' player. In. order ,to keep tti ntyie. will hare to bring tar sat tip to this yrarl standards. Main dtffere,noeu are Catalina ;playing ttlmb colored ewtalln money, svelte Leather -covered carrying ease and tile' new we... York rule*. e94,1ak with this btah' Jong craze-alsd you will be abio do' redeem your laundry ticket... -

Since thane are [a goodly number of bridge players Lit the land, and not .ell or,them good. Autobridge looks nice, me solution to' a lot of their difficulties, Sut:4:414 i- le a playing board- which tsar threi invisible players who are ex- pert* and you, the fourth. You bid your own hand -and play' your dummy's. Red playa are easily discovered mod corrected_ New betide *15 ooa+tently being Mark- eted thus giving the dealer a chance far added Ilia. W1th all tndlcatloaa


- - -_- - - -- - - --

zrf' SENSATIONAL LOW' PRICES on all FURS v<awt s-<

t.- .

r! ot:


nowt 'Fur Adaert leer in The BIllboard- GENU'NE DEPENDABLE'



t¡¡ I )': State whkk "'is.' coatis yew

y ra ne and ' fleet W

Larry ell I;

ib is.

. ;. : .. I4



,. Clean sic

5O N_ , Write fie

iMe CNa- ba. Money

.' sa,sndadln I drys,If Olss,fisfka flS!

I`w ioR, Frei OetaNtw ea return. fn ^' Ilrqqlllpql'IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIllfllllllt111'r11111tlllllltllllllllllllllqllillrlllillllIdlllltlllllrildrllJltl_=

1\l =

- - -P,9ECED 'COATS Placed Mallow Ñalr or.,. e.eaprr A rates a0tact).a T.iB lrhrpM Molina 1UN. t.eeay a Prav.sw [blMbl. too are.a,nwerrllle. IHar. ar. Prbe.wa._.. 0.50 aalddw. PbWd Min +stll<r. rKON. sAtLw a ri-esa . .. 1000 Y-6aapd tsallce.alart.,tlus 60 wee OP " 1tA0 Iorrr ates .:.'t..... .. .............. .pp <t,l..a.:.a41xacw. FNwd y .11.60 ,P M<....4.i1t,.1 x;<e.,r 10-00

r---FrJLL SKIN COATS Ors.n Oor.1e. "Mel. twa,,sr, Ntnogs M3.60 eel.-olµt <DrtlOtsy,). MNSLIstOea'aIM

O.OawIKy.. rittd.rt4wy,<r. Fewrew.x 174.00

ee.IMMle:t.s. MOM. w a Prince... 1.iD moped eaaaoOe<arM:t.. t la< aabe N.Ist awlaaet, f Ittw,L aeer A ItMw. _a.i8 'arr.n a o..y L.a,n.,"Ptpsd. l..fewe a -

W.:26". +`^-1,2; ...Xwsa >7-g0

108 LAJ?6TM I cnon.e the mwl. le..ern fma lnls llrlw_.h ywr- r taday tee th. t oNhln+a. ba.bsY ,Ra'e awe eor.a tend S:.oO MpvM, ó O. 0. D. ow ae

, ordrt =naa.0 slr ardvs a.O IyeRNt 1A Dyt. ?L


JUST OUT Watch the Overwhelming landslide Sales!

Stye. 'A- A most file-Oks wire haired DIM: qv with buds el per. sinality and human oppcat occupying 'hk nateh.b.a anthems' with s dipaily.rehoi pí.ld.s tams et tealthf, with..) ono Duns. N olfoni. to anyone, tack pup packed In matt hrndserne eellelehe covered eaasainte in flashy varied colored, kale Doer. slew! -A or 0'L.: Sample 25c. pica Se'pona ei, Doren $1.91, p555,0 ale Cot Cress $2030, F. O. B Chicago. SfpM- -C' tame as 557tes A or 6' teat ['reed In brigtt esiarod sweaten or 'eats. Sample 3.0e. plug Sr entree: D350 72.30, pes postage:, Goss 121.50 F. O. B., Ckicag . t caza


BE THE FIRST ON THE JOBl Novelty Toy Craftera, 332 8. Franklin 5L,^Chlw itn


1 ill 1h11tllnllllllltllllllllllllllllllütrlllllllitll1I41WIdIt11111111111U1IrLllfiitllllllltlllulllic r _ i .. r . '_i. ei.tE :t. WIND- UP


"+i AND

Tha To 'Cried -hen are best sitien ter i'ltchasen. Wed.w Weaken. and Deana*.

a.tralew 2S% drpeaal' anua, .ccompan-p

e.'o. C. erdera. Order from ryhk'.d.


5655 IivaIa Vile 43. $ 4.50 LOSS Crawling easy - OH ' 9.50 BB77 Tumbling eleven- BM 9.00 M IMI arcing Penguin.... alt 9.50 8859 5e mining Dell. - Foe 9.00 5060 Rut! 'Damon........ 1S4 9.60 8E63 Coen Page, 51.25 14.00 n062 O.0 Scatty Dog,,: 1.50 -21.00





i "`'r.

106 The Billboard - 2 IIEtI ITE I IN

" RO -TRAY^ is a btsesd new Idea . . rin.a.habty convergent new smoking

leeSs.ery, 'last has more sates apnoea Man spy _Ohs,' wheeler bone you.» .Yeas hedl It la a tceaalaallew. CIO- AsItT71 S1avER `. . CONTArrag . ASH TRAY, al M ewe. The .eª.ac way in which NO -TRAY "terver'-s cloacae nukes en Insti.,t hit ;Mt aveeybe4y, oboe tern the Dal --sac a cigarette

-.op." Nelda 20 elgrrrltes. a teely

*Inbhed Y rite,. 1aatlatalt.. Olean Oleo. Red.Ivery. Cray. Seed. Ire cam; awe. ~ins, .n1 peukabi. LOW PRICES, New!

1 : :in

-1111 e 1...... That Are Going Over BI`G!



Revolving A STRIKING,

l 1



Life! Action: Five Cadre! MI




u u u N


Q . ,

p' fQ r'"`"11°'' ->"-.I 1`4 OJT ''Tit 6y4 4

rHICR . 7Ls0

This neta^ RLVOLVING .CLOBL ELECTRIC CLOCK Is neater UNIQUE . . n/eserq et Dllf [R[NTI Everytodp there- aren It asa yen. ,w,td ewer N. Purity al ACTION. If ese-rm. en. the time. The ta aeyh.l, euthenrws'

weld t 5 -Color. abs re -valves ednllnuaft/-. T. p'eci*ion-clack ,.tetes. ehearrleg Thee e,

here. cusesaNed enevtrwent. -tapuiilte amigo, breiwe.baie. Overall alas, 10" hash: 6" wide. Preedextremely ter.. Seed for derail[ eel seeckil doiS NOW I






GEN'U11NE S U N -'G L 0


wwtir 54 50 .teteea


-116/1 Depoalt, n,lanee G. O. R.


ao Wet, oreas,aey, Mew Fut. N. Y.

aRRO # Li oi , . ,


EACH In D.x Leas.

.o.a C0ieqO



gig ho/lt. for Ver r OPiaatela NOW r.dvektlerd I. Retatlses.

Seed 31:25 IMr Lament. PfepeleL Mob end Prm.e Frée


1250 W.,Va,Burca St.. Chicago.

rn SPECIAL VALUES ELGIN or WALTHAM O aty11._T Jrwtil,,mea.MevN 0a,e_

! .

1 teta.. tneRt.l.Ma,J

S 00 aeraa. t i «s`4fiw R.,i..'e . ef \ I ÍwN 'iá Iota 5375

eAe te>w tw \rr.,l.-Z-17.111/4 Ap e. aa-w tee tree COMM. naar O. ..°' KANE WATCH CO. ,,.w Ywera. N.t,








ITFaIe OR- aTRCCT aft at seen

ItAlO TO Wee DOL a,U ea ManL

n1, reopen, w.seen Ventrntie eL D e U", Ma¡er Donne, >1/I 110.00 Cleat In 0e!lepe+'-.. .i17e0 Dot

8800. 4{e[A T.M Weanafv, era. no

le oellcohaM, 55,10 Doe_

Me. a1 =24.1eer, pen. ulleePat Yaea.e Do.a» dOeLt 1. ene. Ii10 ber. Arias pawl nurser..

w:il. for LL! Mena Mee *he Onto. tefe... O. O. D.

Persia Mf . -Co. 4151 N.

1110500 %RR A.rtie.




WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE poteUng to a 1,1g Reme year, Autoblidgo should be a trig looney maker.

Toys 1a le 1' rya or False -that toy trains

is have ~tared ,n vier eras TRUEI With Liao detriOpment Of thou:ea:Aii nod thou.

® mods of .rallroed tans tite.00untry rover -and we do thcaa I:. hem -.*s won as

® chlklren. the toy train iaduttr, to hevw cptcrigg y mow phase. The hattoduetlot, Of spectacular Wntature Units., built CO scale tram' actual railroad blue prilita. permtte tin entire train system to be lD- &tailed 1n F ur-af ,apace_ Thin la an

_ Imp:etaut .00nsld*ratton for many tall- Ill readers. The bin nrerage approximately

151, Loeb*. and the locomotive and tender 17 Ir1ChN. The Cadet/lading feature of

NE the train 1a that -White' rtpeed rna/b $79121 4 atom Crawl to a sFecd of 125 scale

IM mute per Lour. Also novel b a Termite IN control resertic motor in the l000:motive

and **eh t.^a.CX apotlan L Mounted on n roadbed base. The railroads have materially aided in ,pubilotztng theme :fast trains by allowutg - thc!E actual crick ,mina to eotlductistg rellblyd er nle100ns lapel 1n -timers! by emoting strong Public. latereat 'iq rail- road acilv!tict. Decimate of tremeoelflls publictetercat, full co -operatics on 'the pert ot.the rnl!ra'dá sad 4 Kenai product from the mannencturer, there will be ltttl0 buy ,reiistance on miniature toy

as trains this seon,_ 8o get on OP/ toy trash trail and ,dc tt say that wo didn't tell you.

Is ft ?roe or Foie -tint =sates] tom will' not get much play this veer? FALNXI We don't knew to wheat we should attribute !t, bell bonny Goodman or .00),, Other maestro: bat even ea awing' la the rage. so are mtlslest lays. They include toy cradles equipped with musk boxes, toy piano' with !:static boxes. lrulsieal toy realms. mualcal' hurdy. curdy.. complete 'With I onkey-n,,Lnd ncn rneehanieet Cathedral organs which play beautiful church mnslo. Thew toys will, enjoy a wide .poem among felts' of all ages

hiel entstly 14,.. aalesba.rd Operator. there la a notlosable reWlaul of the musi- cal cocktail shaker, as It=mukee i"areell :tom :oras a one.d,ot board. In.fnct. any- thing at all mualcal le bey sad- by way of 'cede anee :there are on the reenrkot musical power boxe% mtutcal sharer boxee in use shape of a plano. musical brozo jugs and enes al touch paper .peders.

Gift ,llorar la 1l True os Falsa -slut electric

reaors have had their day? PALSEI A goody ekdtrte :tree is .Rill -omg, of, tbe ~bait ealmboard and' store Items that laava Vet hit the market. ley actual

,surrey there a e IUU 0tthr 301000.000 men In rho United States that do not own an oloctrir tMix,T. Certalnly. this 13'a ílatd

well worthy, Oftam. Nationally adcer. ttsod ¡aros. arc mow do'eat CO fi prl0b achata Cho dealer can afford to' gise a bettor product and still at the alma time make aetpo real money Sor himself. The electric rarxrr field is a'trcnxcdout orco


'eteaU,et e n.+ asaa In o.te7nr'aK1 pe anoa.e", n. tamably Web eMreh 1..18.~~4.1; taU4nanrly .let wend. RIO* for 110 -well

O. ("es tab. IVle woad" !feud. ieeeeet. wllh eera and

e/Vf- aEHD .FOR F1Att OOAY or 'OUR 540 PAat otNtRAt OATALOD, ,t

ELIh+1 ' BROS ±é ,e.y5a,=,;

November 26,. 1938

lecXt>nAS SPECIALS=n' i tLtfTñle tltaalT TrcC yS a, eL1^ti> M4 Keeh . 17C

OY pOOR LIONTqrt LtTb. 7 awed G An,. re.,. e,. - If

MAt aTRCC DULDe.3.1l1 bill

P«,ca,.,.,. . ..S TRC[ On. AY1aClaT`Yñ a9Q

0nre.atat. orr......__,.._. lafat[L--P'ee Xlaa Trp.,

1,aya soe Rea. o.,a....t.. 4.25 tTt olhKgtA u1RTlna

,.,. Maalrvnenteas. Du, 71C DOIIALt rDaC Fine avast:: nLaura--:OOe MM Oaetn T, l. S ea W to0. 10Db . 9.90 te ~I.




eal:.t.a.,re, one on 1 o- ture le.ew. 4.rrenteeÁ Ir eer wee. Dam.. SALES. CARDS

DLt Baare én TeP.- /DAMN. 143 100,__.i .00 ,IC alea.....P.r 100.... 1.00 25 N.;,...P.r 100.. .. 1.25

-70 Nete,...PM 10o,... 1.70 40 Nar,...Per toot,_.. 6.76 no 01e1.....PN 1e0.... ZOO n0 eee.... PM 100.... 2-20 e{{

100 leak.-~ 0. 715 atMD POR LARGE XMA aY.ATAL6o

a _ - --



- -



scs:= L MtW ONMOTMAt arh!AT[OR - atrccq FtrraQ lame c .. 7', e ,uyyns.ald m!t aros etee., a-1 I,t 1 álid/ 1,r h IrkJ wee

rd v)e .h{n,'ttn1 [ira i'47711,

ernteld anwt,1y TLe, aeeu. dr easa7rv.

v! 1 r4

Ws preilY. M rJt. euNel e...y r euc. i`sd p.r-a:n,i',: a':á wee, date, a.6 Jt net ,lona 1e a, tae

a. eba, a aaoeüat d ! r, ltra5om :,vt . .1.. .a,e,i dr'na e.. !.. v [ti ;IV s rttta-eo.J.r tal at' ;.sta brit p0p rod. 1Ia.. rt M.tllai 9 ' eg .r ot1a..1 and *Ugh .IM lx walla clt) U. a.atgt al" ,Of AO baattlal ,*Fifer..& taa,al

G. A. MAR4UEZ b CO. R4-0t46o-0X 1170 Meek* e;l1rr, ,Iarloa ~Mean Art Ga-d of AU.2t'tstC+

FOR SALE TH[ yicAL Moncv.aeAlceno PAMPA'

Ry+di1 er OWier.i.

THE ONLY WALKING CANE Thal Marc, Murk.e awMd. Tie Oda Mandl/

lee 0.5 ~Me Valk. Wru

,PASOUALE MARINACCI &Syr t u, , R. Y, Ott NretOty=BL


WALKING DOG f Meee Own Twrca... I.Ip

e0 tar art,.. ae 0.0 04, - Weaves erI

' . two L^17,1111 ....7.7.-r..., ' eai lu Mal

',M »se .. i ,,t _-- 16h belt - . rii a YdaeM _t r.A-- Le

a , .wnr.t- :111"13.1: yyyaaru..e

d' N i MtaN. DOa sato aMOr--0fi 1'

Lns{.. A a.ry teed W 1er. , airOr. -. S 8.00 LnRaC MteH. MtOWyRa Ger.- 0 a. Irr,,th. ., and e sea tu_ I[

á4,40 we. PawOct..:. amen. Po iefl ifi 'arllR

oa»db lea /Anew.d iar-ref Ten. s1.75 P,- 0.1. meow. DOÓ blle-q bey in she net ed MCI, r -.. Pe, Or. LARGE tscON. anima a 80eY. 519.61'


Ya:' t éeniñ IóBiÁI," áiirli.bón. 0ei.n 72MeSLLD+ai.h

Wee Coo.

aL'.cre'Ód O. 0. atRD 52.00 FOR rA aaMPLr 002CM OF


COHEN BROS. 1011 PANIC new.N[W YORey ni. 'r

NVoaeniber 315, Í988 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The ~board 107






_ --ai This h the enly phonepsph err" awe AC .nora with r

Q M.A Z 1 N' G T E .N DAY tone arm one Tana ehawar than Ras Met sold

MA5 OFFER 0 at so low weeks. ,New b your appellu.Yty ro,eash M or tame fen boldness Oar .01. letinee ~halt adapted re. m. Mme. daneee;_bunsa4wa earths, blnxe.pOsee, I

peech.board genet, Cit. Mae wtheleet volume for a . lame she morn. TbIt Is rainier rnershenefiee and le

net a eto,4cut.


I ! suiPttons


rom the S(nQle.GoPy CóSt '

1 . 7/«.:5p °foOldataefa

: 5 4,

F .17:= °" lr $ 0 0


Copy ..._ - eAla.... '


II :u. 9n 1


, i r


TILE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING CO, 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati O.

Muse enter my aubscripttor for the neat 30 weeks, fon wleiel, fu eyp, no! 'the $4.50 I would Pay lot 30 copk3 at tllq result lira;le

( opy'pekee but ONLY $2,

NEW Name .. .. ......... ., .


OcCup. t ion City State

b,tiibees may takai leranraire of tea. ellee to amend that, gcbst:ilptieaa. This $2,raie * Whet only in Veined twirl and Cicada. fwalgn rate SLSOt Roxatr,retasr One Yew. 35, =lash copy, 1 S. 1 U. S. A. apt Caeada.








A.1 L. '1C'1-115 COUPN NÜW - - _--t----

M;pafl 12 IP lit* eV' t a a n. M*- Oonua 4.1;....41111.1:

O 10e, p,aNe%dtpde

rawanL Gpnw ec-14[WO

1M uN co Mu

l.tC rer 1y.f evert M .OnY °-i "`at"M led 10p"nna with.SAMPLES.. THREE. OR MORE 1N1,1 pee a aN 1e' eao.Na. MI net M W ~moo to owe ,» ,1 tend 31.902re.tii. Menge C-0. G., f. j nrr-e - r

.,IPLAY'LAN - PPLy CO.,14-16 l!¢st 17tb St., New YorkrIN.Y. and. given .the proper Induormelit over/ man will become -it 'a4atottn.r.

Ia II TYyte oe False-tht&t the public la tired of elettrto clocker PAIa91:1 A goad eióOtric. clods la alwaye a, Sinning number for' eaieaboarda OT rrtorea. One of the beat ~eke featured lately collate In, Ulo alutpo of a ahlp`a. pilot wheel and le canatrilatcd of natural walnut woad with the bundiel of the wheeld'fnttbeYdtei gilt, it Le pat's~ extremely low for the beauty nád appearance of the "clock. Janney* report'that there seems to bo no aituta- C10C1 peters for 'electric Olcc:rrt., Just, M many clocks are said today era; tit year* peat 'bemuse every hexae' Dow linda that tt boa to,replaco taoee eels parcha.aed mare ago. We .also etc two and three Ctectrle Clocks In eve7 home today be- cause it sates the houtewtfe many Tylluaeble steps. 'Take our. tip and *adds for kb* stew electric cloche that hit the Market every'day. Clocks are a *tattle Item 111e ringer in a grocery store, and they will 'help to sweeten your Income tax rc:tsrns.

fa It Truetor False--thsat'.FC are going I4 sae a radical oh cogs to lamps? TRUE! There tI now being marketed a lamp whbeh boa Do awitchee. To at/ appear- ances It -la the satoe table or floor lamp that we know ea well. However. Irtatead ofgroping a.-gurd to the dark. we .Imply turn, the abaft of the lamp and Pratt ape here fight. The h tCbO4'Pxe all^eon- ccaled in the Inae and the sample Mot- u" tnapected had eight different lIght- !ng combinations, ipclud*rsg indirect. Ho roaso« why v.e thouidn't tyre some Im- provements la the lamp stein and this 1ºá1u Uke a rca!dipportunity for the wide-er: eke.

fe' It True Of Fºfao-that dream wits will dttas'up Chriatlnaa Wee? ,TRtfittl Whet the tallaelsgn rope bronco. thaw! la bithtrig nicer that. a man can buy TOe tt woman :Maul. eta attractive- dr hater set,, New numbers being eablbited this Icon - oovrS a *me range from .uitrnrnodrrwto; HERCULEAN - - sedate elaselca! aryls,. Then. too -drams BUILT - T S .cis are -nl,kaya diaplayede In a rayon- IttYd -gift box.' wblch *Oda - to their Salability. Probably the roost a5rpeitl- tl lbs are the new numbers which' hare cryatal.elear handles for betrsb", ~be and mirror. Zeta which hare genuine ºlolaoaae trim always soil and' no'ClIri t- eal mercl:andtae oolloctton_ le 'coalpieio ~bout them. Ideal for ebteab owyd r_d bingo operators, premium uatia, sake - card dealers aa well a. storekeepers, "

!a It True or FaÑe-tbat blankets will' wares's the betarba of dodders? TRUE! Blankets -are always one of the beat Cltrlartertaa 1te.0a evil[ tiled. of they poeeeaa ICO per -dent npiKAl from rcen and worrier?. Juat thl.' tall a-saltebpatct operator menttoded that ho la running Hudson Bay type blanketa an a board. oi1lopharie Ti moped. end it L proving the beat hindmost stttnultu that he has or- ptrleaccd all'yésr.

In 'b-lanketa colors teem to ptedornl hate. map the latent trend II the reNt-rlE- hie b.anktt. a different coteº' on each aids.. Socletlei and churches find planter Coln. óDe el the _beat ways to keen their clients. Carnivals and bazaars hued always found bbnitea their Na .1 Item. Saleaboard mid bingo operators asp they'lll'e loin. to hurry and get, your atoºl:l because .old man winter la dett- ailely bare-

la ft True or False-ttiat ,the home enavte Held is Overcrowded/ F/U$EI The pass year had shoveb that Use bean* movie flold !a ;tist besttutlns, Hew ede- ttelop ineiita la borne meal. eelutpsant1t

$1E I Nepali yore

_Santa Chant Let us rand yen es, gsw-a.,racd

-proven plis hew te make,515 A '1 LtlJpN PAY AND UPI e .1 provea pion - mew He rr Miner It. very 1

day RtGMT NOWT Nsttenel a.a 411net a t e era of adsarl'dt. W eaturlap electric thaws at $l0 le 520 ea Or. «very

roman res s ardte et Income, will buy the am, streamline I L Cl WC I tee ERAL - be.

case* lea pries is sere isle. metre faaaay-. . ell Wrote today err. stoat,; only $1' eat an astral sample and complete selling kN with -the GUARANTEED °PLAN Met 'rata You hew to .wake- $15 .A DAY AND U P-eo. eK4$9 lions-n>. !*Dunn. year mosey Weeded le not sallalk-0- IF YOU CANNOT at? TN15 LLCM, -



I'NTERNATI'ONAL MERCHANDISE CO. 305 W. Adams 51.y Chicago, LB.

buy ?let she.. all bmp eel ere sanded.'e. Mad. alsetMCear awl ,4rlecl.e bw * Flirt. I.atV.e. PaQaTIVGLY_IFMIT $rLEER*. Ir Mew HeN N1. ratamtrse ..e- w4 aaAnAN1tE TO TAKE SACK Qm {XCNagoa. .04.00 shoo Va) arm. dos.chi Palu. .t _pL,r..f , O.'.. LY o. ems. *AMPLE oaicM rr-ap.11ai-.1,ra.

ORDER TaDAt/ M.ngetbk/ *ma. Greas Y ..lJ-00 Dea- ºs.t woktyw, a.l o. C. 0.. F. O. la Mawr INK.

Oataacp .»d Sa.,wle rrw-au!a. Fla. .n tase. ai

HERCULES_NEG IÍWEAR MFGc 00 770 Yrrem..ia *L <Dom. ILO. e). IlaaeelplV

N. Y.

SHARPY CHRISTMAS, NEW YEARS vaanky. 1e t,, t0.1 .,r'. 3º - y tGTI _on ele t.00E I'unO

$4+6*. on.s.a' 1.' d1 `- ,. ?Ir--s. t CridrS t ,..Y.u, IKt /,td1-E4 1/r-- J, 1 ~ewes l4la.plt-!r t]ILI+, 1bc. A ««tele e. arlb.ut.tG4. Inn - nül a'ral-O/,:lata

ARTFORAt COMPANY 1110 Un.nWer New Vert -


?tiled Dewed' rail rote .et. su: Te c:Ttp*. Oblast ~dam .n dada. ~bed In 14.1b Lté>ri R114 wet a.titJ tg ow. alal owletlemtt..00. cl t4v, end at at . TTq dew"t 1 e

tYeYyr 4eeLTow ,T. a a teamp, e sF' 1440 Gncvr. t4eTpk., 60e'oee. PERKINS CO.

e Oda Nwer.rti n'earf, t

108 The: RiUhvilyd WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE Nooenlbrr 26. 1938



god tUni lure tended to Wirer -the cad SO that It is near' al coon antral to take movies as It hi to sop plotutea This Meant y7enr Mould,be-one of the terceat In the honit movie. tbatd. One -motion

y ti r',; picture fan begets many more. All that r Bo has to do la to take

FOR RA I Won n are.

`to. set it the sat eeu and become h F Ii.ilo to T. ti. a.t btatess In 1..1 a movie addle*. It is like a chain latter. e.atAir-ar.s Mee ore í moor ere mGr . aunt ought to knov> because that is whet » tar, twicee ore n~. De r-. fa.J lai4 ' é

Ter lured oat OtjQpier ~es YOtrt happened W- Inc. t In Gum have


i it LL.

YUOEs, Parerbet.rrr disr.renm hueaa TAN.

FL w;,.r rr>Lrn.t nul:

tea Turnip-. ERr..n,. . A tHn. tep rae`

;11 3,1 2021-0

lily, to ami i1tl.16 .In

1t. 3.

Zoo, N. rwt. sFs.eo+ gory. el2,arz



t ( few mouths ago when. the, Creel: extern ` Imott Caused` o Inaction ÓS bu0ln0a, HART PRODUCTA 'tawny even beta* 171 the United & ter ot.

, d 171 WntgerEl.i., O4=soLr. 114 liii now that all jhls uncertainty ho. been removed. that the automobile tn- dustry lo, turning the wheelie *itn. 1638 will Dolan a. a geed beet -nose par -- Croon 1037.

TO be forewarned -la to he forOat:íed. , Don't sly we didn't ten Pots Inky`your

Christmas merchandise while stocks pro hl,Zh And prompt deliveries can b0 21111d0.

The only way to make sure that You Went 'Miss the bast to pnoefarrlty Is to got, your tfe.Yeta now. (let your Cht1Lt- nine stocks 'lei. order' Ile ready for the rwrh-and we do oxen luahf


An Excellent Le" 'et S SO Xnuut Gift 6e'Each

SAT7/'I.LT CH WY" The [Ircvlt ~or ..7L1 eraatl:a4 rpd1.0.501. Rood ~Moe one No .n' gyp" OF bawds - 0/1014 'MOAT.

'ROHDE-SPENCER' CO. 22a.tre w la.dltpa et- Glltex. I

Kiddies tové GLIDER -1 SKATES

DOUOLr I, RY1e14R1


RED HOT ITEM! Ora- ee' .ono en OM as rMMT gert Ktdr 0e Wld aM Ott OUR aKAT[s . , they eon safety u4 aliy er MIÓe . n ip ,r onto. Dell kills ' 1r

o1lMMtIr 11s1e1ad!, 71

WI-.ut .n revery peaal Ora ea new:

all :aPlissalPaAlu 50C Í.Á7Jú óiiLe...30e


=12o Ve- Nt'aPMPica. 01410560.

ACRtICULTURAL-- (Costiieered /roin paps 641

EAR, wilt lame its annum outlook, re. pert, cowling an ,Ooaarnodltse5. the Drat week In, November.


(All Hind Maai The loot ~din Cnt MtOon be loll ..(Piin « pnst rA de.>. uhls.ets tarp 4wnIt1l.e Wine ADS

dsr1T. 'their atJlkiae be.s17 lm.huait biveQ owed. The robs' bone s. 6aaC, Letitia t?nOY 1Ta &ae n 4 si K MD os .151et for 41.00 .«lrr,mle too 0012`e1.a0 p..

Guºar, Tma"s.s` pretl. 1. Sine on melt Owen. A. the leonine ire ]teal

,ces 11101.1itb Aa CooOs M slevoeet earl, do, emu Sawa, can he roJd dally. Eael, yaºe Muting Dater tor tse .-areal deaa. one at{xl1b.° . 'be taaflal- C.Q tiy -oe end e1.0o tie Oro be.sitrra dltbtaót, cus,stw.

G. as VARQNEZ r& Co. Apar'ueld? is lt ^'tl 1 Te. /Wa-1w Olry. Mes)tw

Jfasfeon Art Goods Of Art lEtnds

B1LT-Rin TIES{ Th.


01.714, D--e7.ÓÓ M/tr.--4~f.tMtuOMcd. a a.Hh n/. triaraln Llr.aa ., 'Amu. M Re ill Wea.aiK

!. nelli Aide mid. .a traittelínt, N...en ~sr c,ee=. n Of Ow, s.6


5'TEIBES .wrmatict`..0 -ma ewir.a.

lo.. taMrrt In I.rey .r r.l. t1. A mom - ti cad ' teiert, anr. r-yw en drat .nr Si m,.weh 4.11 WALNUT,$9 i- Lou

aa_ t+r1Pw. Wsr

Pot. 4º20: t eerr. 010.1S.

puled It dotvtt to plenty of say trtouáe and mew we are all trying to Outdo each other In getting. unusual .hots.) Re- member the ntxi big .boom won't 1» In real estate. but will be in horn movie equipment. =acme; Projectors and the Liles

Christmas Ella Outlook' la It True or 7abc-.that bl atluta this

Clíriotous' will be as good as 1n 1í0377 PALSSI hitho an Lndl;attona point to a greatly Inaonaed fan -buying semen - this 10.a prophecy. -there will be a Shoal - age of rnerrchardtse beteve we sic- the yuletide. átatit Roth% taeturers have been very coUeeyvietlee in making Up goods-

Dn lAlSjl: SEP1'0 t OUTLOOK Ooudlttoas which ¿Heat the domestic

demand for farm products cent:tned to improve -during the past ril0P.'th. In- dustrial production advnnrwd_ altho at.* rwiacwhatvJrarr pone' than -in' July and early Augvat. 1]vploywiont and, thetory pay roll& which had lagged In July._ tn. creased more rapidly .te August Ovid Step= !ember. eh rising lndueirlal Output neces- sitated Increase* In Worklns tercels and number o: holm per t:apioyee. The situation lit Sept:mbar Ken marked by arrerat tiratittling factor*. Chief among !brae was the tnitropenn erWs, which made uncertain the prospects for nanter- one .liive. oS buainesr, which ate artecitd by foreign'cóndltloru.

The demand for and' prime. of wheat and option during the poet month re - Ceded the uncertain -foreIgñ prospects Wheat prices were given, a. temporary Dlilp by the posrbllitlee of war and ttieresrled' eaktngtt by European coUntrlaa which might accompany wet. Coach price . on the other hand. suffered,. a temporary relapse ñonawo of team that a war might have adverse elects on toretgn cotton textile aelitity. The del - Par lac:tarred la valve 'In tOrecIgD es-

.7B j this year and the present btlaiaeSg revival change NI response to the Neer scares

twi jhas caught them unprepared: No one :and if such "a tendency OoDttnilee ,the

expected /such a sherj upturn just a- elects ,on foreign demand for Vntted Stars /arm products Might be adverse unit.» Odoet by ether developments such as. Largo expenditure' In this country by foretgD governMentY." Notwithetandtrg these several unsettling- fsstors to the .alttlation. however. tho general-olltloc.t "continuos to -be for additional rinpso.b- ment In the donvestto' denim:id for farm products during, the fall and winter. Foreign 'demand prospects are lees favorable

CASH titOOME: REDUCTION ltrmetti'. cash Income fryers rnsrtettngs

Whe nightly higher In- August compared with July but was. much ,less than In August a year nilo.. This August the total woo ' 0014.1&10.000. compered with $600.000.000 In July and with *780.000,000 In August last year. The incrtaes 5r0 July to AURILit the leer Tail jeoe-.than the usual min- during this period. The August tnconre raised the total for the Am eight months- This. year to ei800.000A00, s compared with 65.000r- 909.000 dúrting the'corrmponding period ót,1037 and with 5:.500.000.000 to 103d. This year conspired with last, only dairy products show an tni'iteee 11D Income.

The Mecums front marketinga of 'mope declined much more thin the 1:3 200141

from Lire stock end, live -MOCK products In _tie lint eight months Of this year OOeetpared with- list.` The reduction from ,trope wee 1533.000,000, the de- r?413e 'Dorn live stock sad uve-hock prod.bets was 6160.O00.000. Clovernrnant payments to humeri totaled err .000 in August. competed with 03&000000 In, July and with i5.000Á00 in August lest year.

PRE(1E8: EI011Elt Oahe* In prime of Perna- farm products

more ̀ than ousel declines In others due: -

tng the month,ended September 1ár The Index of prlGee received by farmers In- creased three points to. 17.5 per cent 'of pre-war. On September 15 feet year the index -was 118. Crams moved ri little higher during the last month of record. but 00ttOA and ,000onsced, showed no change. nulls wore down slightly. dotty product* andg-rneat animate as a groin were Weber. Prices of potatoes were down: truck crops ,were up. The index of prices paid by farmer," Irma. unchanget. duilnt the last mónth Of record, being 'computed at 123 as of Septátnbei I co The and* of prices received to prices peld was T8' per ocot_of pre-war. come pared with 75 ter tent rn August end with 01'. per cent co September 15 lash year. A further advance In prices re -- mired to the last two weeks of - Sep- tember this yes? probably raised the

index of three prleea to the highest Ogure Men 1232 Afnrcb.


N UPCLE f TN THESE XII SPECIALS Wiu Do aparIl.a woo-sandswoo-sandsD1t, roda 7


i[Olala_Nw 104 -HIGH oases 154.M cerd sus. .1Mnrat. -OusnerA.ei.lo toro-.acuriN L». a. a MedN.p horn a sas4AnMM. $5.95 11Lau a. O. x,w. .. .

SWIN. 1.001 Lose, r'... srt;^'. ottr14. NeA. O. 0. O. thD /Op »FA/ 1035 pATaL00'Ii[.

/r1tADeK POLILASC as Oeasr7. Ne;u1' YoAK CITY.,



MsHIts' 5-15. DCX,MgCT CHOCOYATEY 70c it Boars for ft.00. stir on slew.

P SO.NLW' NOVELTY CNANW, 65c 6,N.DattlO TGrata,...r..,.. S 6.00



T 9RCMiIiM 311pPLY CORP. 01,11-VsT.AU0JIS,[.)

FREE 193$ CAT 142 ros~ 01.11,11=01153 S+et ! tlit Id l .1

t+. i 1a Qnwsre, 12 30.1120a. Kew

fine"Omassh. tree~-1siPee, tt.ü9. rRs Too MP at' tarreSuaGl.e tyre pia*ga

W.ila OtDee ler Piss *WI At Ono.



aT Ur1M ew, . Ohsicaoa

t Rr..'YerI,R.T'. ma mod Si.,

Nt« Olft.r+. s.a.

1015 Lie Ar.O. I« Ot.,.

Les Intone. 6etr.

H MILTON De Litxé Electric Dry

.H ii,lhr ER S' Sensational Sailer OA Coupon n 98

Shies At ti


Operates en 110 Yen A.C. [wren... One. Yew Furore CuaianN.. ' Loch. 3hoisi puked In Dhrtay lies.


15% DspatM`with Order, natant.

Williams'Sales Company 210 West,Sth Se.. Kaas.s City, MO. ',


= 001 1 T!4 fllaare!

+g Yov [4,: s.uthe..aas,

_-. e1

FREm/uff - tí Pwsla.A, aroed

a iaa«

al.ff-data i ++ñi.


MLdtKr [Wow mope W/-4btM - N M.E. ,eres +r! -et , a!t lenn.ilsW7 b ºa reed (

~ivcuNr on v eWa.thnal PO . Writs (


Wa.eblMaadwt/oLucsusAáhi'rr ezeiailnta.wrici tt> wFass.,wsrae rinse la VOW


n¡ S. Ar1GE LL la6.WESl 2?""..eN eVAK err`r,ty

MA uli .tuPAaTllrC meteors

b{ l00¡' NEW

I .--d .(í ] (lEllJrr


e. L. j

j aTtq et.cTstrenrltrw

Pinto tiny fie.'

Ito TMs. $2...0 Our 52S.00 Omer. Arse - Mb 111o, OriN M um* 11111.

aaredt .Has.*- '

Au p'-. ago 7I

per die Are...

Den 51113-I om Pam. tee. nO sere,

ho n. rht, sire am pdac lieu'

$1.10.1110T TIE RS -

)0 N>. IOU' et-il PNLdlIM.a. Fs`,

HOT COMIC SPICY XMAS CARDS tllytcd in a sway O.1era. 320 dllewni., Pelt err sita

Tenors ssent

friers, í.Ot1 N,

X iOLD 01 1 01

O. 51.0 pre 400. MCW emita B&RIs` or.e / au* win Ene., 1 balón Po too. 7

le Calare. 01.20. 100, 54e4 60. 1.e50 'D4r'Irr hospice sed 0.ialeeee el Cod. ens Pqate>r.

T. R.'PAYR1:, 25 CUdienr Place, *4e Tot

WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE-PIPES; The Billboard 109 November 26a 1938



FOR SPECIAL SALES Wrria tat Detain


_.atoe ~wry aa.isr tor a,aat,Y Senn!, . {

to/later Oorrne and lsttlwt4e,e Rea, Plpet.i 11

SnyyavLe1p4c and~sew_ wow ,e. G

HARRY' 'PnKÜ'LA & COr S har Wa ba ill:Ave., Chicap.Iil.

iHEY'R PL ÑcttvwCT.c. THEY NEW I'iTI,A1c`iilci úas. I SELL fEltó''PENCILS COMD'OS



m. r4 IVRS ;

An.N.w Gees. rolled Into Clnellnnstl. List week with a km fo.` Oa. 11~1 ISaraafy 1e Swop pitch !tent for "the holidays._ He z Wetirer .24 IMet~red In _plans to tie up ant, -a local chain stare.

H. SPARSER & CO. rtlairrr,ATo3f . 'Natrona 7th abed. tests -'Mw' nhe re:ginned to be cóeral I of 'dots herbs hes '1n the ká t Pled!

te A d- eflara.-al foe 'krehmen. Dr,onrtbafen. Novelty lake men ne u lee lel .,Slserme. A010l,, Streetmen and OMMen_

by BILL BAKER (Cincinnati' Office)

WHAT'S DOW' ... Kerry Welker* Pipe In 'and tell Bill atomato 'It VERNE A. STR WART .. . after working Indlema 'and ,Oido spot: with herb. to sueceaeSul results, blew Into Cincinnati lest week from Atarors. hid. and Tlsltplow' the plp 'des k- He will remit* in the quern City for sot.- I2a:. days before br"ditg tor the Ken- tucky tobacco. markets. lie Days hwfa anxloue tO read pip« trem D. -A. Latch. ell. under wboee directionTte started out in the pitch gold. and Marry Walker:

IF YOY', NT CA think of' new Rem t work. dim outs tomo teed aid one_

ANOTHERVIB,LTOR . to the pipes ccek last week erns Max 8par7 hall all boon clicking With watched In Southern to.rttory. Max In - Toed_ tent he planned to work the Item

Ch for w few weeks around, nclnnatL

U N D E R W O O D +t1tY',Ll . .: - of the pitch 'Prins. -en adRhted In QLr-

elevltle. O.. ro0entlp. Working mad tO

PLUNGERS-Special $18.00¿ Warmth'',

PCNa dlaP'tYOliLa corneas t.ry Otnlct frtee, Maelriastww

GRODIN PEN CO., tv.rane ógi:

TuYInSiiÉR RALA« FunWst bettnt 141100., 4Ffet .reined. When tnn.l.a, x lest.' i1 a' n,. -a.. Pale. 62 Metier Mad. ea e+C Ietane. La1te. :War. a were.4 a l.., a see. r.ddte.^ and

f,U..irnro 50 i ill* Te

Noott 0.11.1..

W0.111( PIS rose TWILSL ER OAI.t.IOºs

20% D ran. EW,.D. O. D.


125 Sth Ave.,, NEW YORK, N. Y:


B LAD E.S eatY Dbwa r,'eae the

M.vuret(arm/. uA m0_ Mlll.n DRC X tt9

rto..Lees 1141 IR te07. eTO'tfebn

VIM t. Sold as 101/1. Sw^4110r Ni 110`0110'

REGENT. MFG.. CO. ru se. n2lSUM. In MN' YORKCITY,'44 tanker w ne.fwe/ 1.15-1 ten Mtn. All trx,Olrti .4 Ne11y Germ_ Get my h aw Pero L e<


f4r. 'T s7 b :ei.IÑ.LY.eYrONtCAOO. 1Se ty. eKi.a,ea eL


Clrtllnslbn arsaa¿,'L.ckcl ^iKt Grid fi- end N ro .`.na"'iá can*, .wee el..ere fren'e. I tact. arid snrdksd aro-. s.rd S7 4Mr ~its life or Comm..

Morro. Mere

CO-OPFRATlON1 from all N what b.trgs the ' bast" rreolts.

DE stuars891LLE .. ,.

is working healer In Clneinnntl'a West End to tetlefaetrey tnntna---. Last Week was bla'eocond la the Queen City.

MO WRY SPOT RcpOrte drifting in to the pipes desk tram out Indian. way Lndlato. that the weekly farm sales being held in Liberty Mills are the answer -to any pitchman's prayer. Doan's are held every Thursday and the spot can 1x worked' to *1.15 per day reader, It might be worth laoll- iL'w Over.

CHARI.XT CA$UES,t . . pulled viatica and left for the East lays, week after arrant atccemful weeks with Pud-ad'e tn ClnninnatL

CENTLeu.e.r Y aid ladylike eonduef ace Pi,e part Mr arrpeeents of ;Itehdom doe. net go .maoHéed amend tin Iees1 lea. It 045 miteriIfy ,le banding of _feste Meer srete- menh made by ..libh prepataetdirh /taker rMe ehratte and, s'b.lded% ..of ~ben of M¡ pleeh fraler ky. Do year best to off - ref r-Ibe :Scrim r,tal_Minarets of this Mature. Phil bringing our the erne ch.isner of tie scaada4nonttrina toddles-

rt°'n,CRÓIIBE . 'continues to click with barbs' In ono of Cincinnati's chain Atoreo-

BUJ, OATES ... cur.-eiretli ca.:eking .pane- 12I BOatpn, will go into a department store there with e magic, vegetable prepare! `after ' the Christman holiday..

SIOÜTED WORlttNO along Drced'eny. New York. with ~re and gtieS`knlvea rreently were 'Tim Shat usan and Archie 311tnitb.

WIO WAS IT WHO edge remeekedr'°D..'t ,event Your frlreds'ohy the, «mies you Rot. because the assn with the flaws, Is sawrtlmct the fine to' offer Irelplry{_ bend' when few« are down."

MOOTS DEYEHD.., Sower aeon. is reyorind to be clicking working New York.

W. H. < II LT) KNOX .... tella-from Wichita. Kan : "Hopped in here to work. the 4-H Club C.iebratlón

^Tsai Ur nos r ap.ctalty self sad found only two regulars AlIO a ern Will TM Yea Needs."' newcomer working. Dr: >Z A: Connell L a00E READ * tree co worked eat end Shields had the iS 114wll card Street.

row Yet+ Cety- lord's P:'ay'ar-aoFa-peaay. The aaa-

choler.. Mr. Jambs. worked rug needles. A11 Od vs got sense money. 'Litho the spot wesn't up to expeetttora, Thin Jacob. fellow has n nice Cash and Ls a alnoere and honest corker. All the boys are a credit to the profertllotn -Show was a good one atbd the privilege price was reº.eonable.. Will mark tlms here, until. December 1, when I open n chstn In Kansas City, for December with toys.. . .

TRIPOD OPININOS, "Tito feet that dean- wwhhlg .Ntthmee ref Cho ones Mitt ,oho Wareexf btaa r eats has horn fully oatoalbied."

R. L. ANTHONY . clicked' with Intensifiers an the parking lot -on Ninth attest in Alólandela, Va.. last week.

TOMMY MAW* ... la reported to be ,,ollechlne wtth ru Cleat= in Pittsburgh. ----ter. OLOROE Id BEYElt. . I ngwnge from Milwaukee that he found ,bu.tapa eery slow In lela travels title :steam and has -returned to working foot punk In atoms theme, - He mays he would like to red ,pipes from Prank Libby. Al Decker. Johnny Voghta 'Tommy Burns and Jim 'Olabor na.

SPCC(ST LAM.? with the male.lty of us le that ter: Spend Sur money ttelere`re awe, It.

HAVEN'T. HAD a pipe from Art foleon Ln a-000nb'age Come on. Art. pipe In.

CHARLEY COUR'TEALYX . . . end (Motto Haney are án their 10th week. with vegetable graters In one of ,downtown Cincinnati?* beat pitch spree.

"JUST BLEW TN .. here from grid, Okla. to join my frtei dm'Charpa Ross and A, W. MacNeil! and found things In much ,better condi- tion than In She 6óuthareet;' blasts Mor'- rti Di ri,CTea Stem Cantor:. O. ''Paciorits are working full lime -and -we bavo been making -sales and ,working good street Corners' We plan to open a store In. Akron Which, Ineldentelly. warn called the Ghost City in a recent Issue of n nickel weekly. After.** looked It over we thought'It a TcryFllve city: The 17011 and I would, 11k14 to read pipes from 'Chief Mersa and wife and Gypsy grown.

JUST 6I-noCAUSL paopla m Sat of your e.Orden ei ,reason te believe Hwy are no) wnslbre.^

CñItRLBY CJOCItJ;Y) ~fi . .

withwhite gathering]inlmcrted to be non maine

men aRreét

.lit Canton. O.

JACK FAY to reported to be grabbing off plenty of UM. quortere,with the ~lc vegetable urepancr on tbo streets of New York.

J..7. O'LEARY .. fa T,rarkirig magic peelers end preparers' to oath takas eft Penºsylvanla mar'ltets

PRO1'Etid< R GREEN ... , is clicking with tho`lnat around Newark. N. J.. according to word emanating. tract that sectors:

CHRISfleIAS SUC6E3T101,13:.7f =«fIB un- deeided..tlee s ssbleriplbn foe TIr. elUboar0.

Df A REciwrr IiSm1S .. .

It was erroneously reported that Al lla7- rie .was passing otrt plenty of ghee knits on 16th a't.-+tet In Asbury Park. H. J. 1Dt should bare read 10th and Broadway. Near York. TIM SMURPHY'... scribes from Harrfaburg. Pa. that he N w rkingg what bo believes will -prove a rood Chrlatnnaa Item. Tint. well-known outdoor ahclrman. la from the old-time echool of pitchman. JAMBS L. OBl101tNIE ..

blasts gum Crowley. 'L.. that he is Wong enough to de w-Utiger work again and that what liana business there la

OAK-HYTE ¿Mtous,


TNt OILY OtaullVt¡ Walt D heey ltu. ast1. In tar tallee.. 1ev.w..reN no etaar h., en. .op.rl Id tn. ...r Gamey men, sreaein tLrwawM in..

ileaelrbir Alc le Y T r X a.neen. 1nrW Woe floc weff, Yellow Dla. -:

II,'rQRK RUag.CR Co.


jj = -

M,l _ Oa eraw Wtl. rrr-1 Med..nhrar ,a.nd-t.ira T4gvp g...& u ~soar et VIdle

4.44 ~ere aeengYG aumri. Lier ceo JA!CNWiN PEN 6e w. 2au at..

M.r yrrY. N, Y. .-.., rTr,

II ` eaY,P.aa. Naomi tyltne Nawr In Wnittene merrier**v AIR:. L..kwt.. eruae., t Meer awe raer -,r rer K r era. end:~ raes -,.1

I IOLYM'PiC C"ohr:t:.Y, l..:ñ-':-:7107 órnAye,. r+ºwTOwt

r.t' irse fee Wan, De Lea loo.

Eery $1.00 Gob you 55.00 T.4 etc mad ,eKOL Goodrfu Wens %Tel' f -ver san 60446 and when ma toy ens - mist lime. am peal. I» On Oaedr1.a.0e.. 111114. a ey

Inn' « a R:eL i` Nun room woad. 0000010 N,

11.00 Wear Meaner% D ept. Oft -It. crumay.

RI11 .


S 50

I ,Gta.aneeed Nem-rid Genuine Fee C*Wi. $2,00 Depsrlt, hauls. C. 0.'0.

Money n~did within't day* M roe. wetted. 'Roll, flash for .aMlbeaNr. bingo eperafrers, agents, uIreo.a. M aloreke.pen Other Cads Imo. $$.00.

WAYNE FUR CO 1761 Linwood Arc D.atrolt.


Dees. ee.. your screw. ARGO. 'PEN -PENCIL CO.e,Inc.

220 troeemtr, RrW YORK CITY

MEDICENE MEN Write today fro taw estates or Thiele.. 011. Sa1r., Seas. TrbWat Utter, a.... Lon Mme. -wand merles.

Or 'PRODUCTS La.nOUATOAtt M..RfactOrtM ph '^igtru

13i r. arri,. St. Oe .7.rnm, oa

C.iew.Mi. 2Á atan* Won *iOi,.

Wh Ost< be1: ]enDÁ oNaa

G enta7tq DI Wg 7Men:u Ierift tMd.'ta / _ 7d1 41,11!.

s.ret. sr eueet o tea -esa d Pool BA- JfFR rr-e.5. lee pHl. 91tP,AT Pf/.t.n Mn sr:z. v AM N ~runneltRI~runnelDN PROCtIt 00#P.. eeFr ser. te.,.:t A'a. ..rink. rL,Y


aBroeo cacees 1'.s aºd- raa.

Coi d arA La rcDetrrw.t Vv -lana." svf'r,ia .ad hese. arcs. pede


-:~lee ter PHOTO OPCAAT001 A tiara Moder rekm '<Itb ter 6-rwr XoreMr l rtoeL Yellen, ltine,s. il-t:ee. tilos »caw .Rd Na.

Lod LMilimtle girders. Cot from 140 to Or. Lila at Gent te the Iie IS. to ºM.. mee,

All es i MUY. dmea.`-tb. e cocoa. CAMERA CO.,

loe st.ur. N('e Yen. N. Y.

t ie paw a0nerM+dMM t.: eerpr11al er' era tiee.atl elm Deli.erard.

110 Thor Billboard' WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES Noocntber'26, 1938



-- Mae Man.r+tt..r .er.0ac. Unael reuegawl Pone.,

elbar4a nNyslrwtd OM seta,

11 f l.:.a _.

I. cord: Ifs Stir h0 bsyo't ,wen n ,he.tiO -Of'jitt.:hrpen lu t11e State uncí' Adds that

I20 la Levying Ibp French DOI% toe the upper part of Lptjjltann. Jlin should like to rand plpes from AI W611t0b. Jack Pi ewers. ° Curley Ptederlalto, Ray Meaty and Sid /Grab.


SOUTHERN PEN. CO. 5ta'uricttiae0 a. se set!.

1l NI Wise St-, Deft. "X", Petersburg. Vt. Sena SUQQ'fce gamsle$ PN411 EnSlan n4

SOCIAL ,SECURITY Machines and Plates

Ow Tried. t4.a.l

N Ns ate row. roe S 50 wl sac , its ras 1w"94 1$ Les.

iakerhn. awns. 01,-

5...0 "a 1n,.rM1a

a ml4 *. ,


a:..M, Y. 0.

aATiiÓi1G1 GMLRAL sew "oyes,

. 000 P1aTa5.





tat ,11 pdg Pa

If r 00

-e.Al ,,..... e7::11ti e.. lintel.S IKj, ta a m l t j Olwsret. ((1,,,w, Lt,wanr gams 1sT}- - lhtt-s'.s

rrra r_7tEll 7al.r?-I. tip _ sa we artr ̂ A* atat

Kip -Cho Ilan ati',Oar '' .i,.0

iv .aa

I o 1F <el S. MF lea.cae44 Cel.TalSi Flditite Co. "

Oe:1.Ten.1a 6.11dir9. clNolnNAT1w O.

NATIBNAL enamor it rim* Pit 'renal OD 1100

EÍJ --, c:tl''.. _"_'_.` we Prte.., N.wr Xmas Neda10. the. ry. Walpole. ' Pa'ttpsld 50e, tt-niA n

IN ATIO N EL' PEN Co. K: .,` ór wá ELfi1N - V,AüHAM & HAMPDEN

WATCHES 81.75 P In N.1e OheMwCara., oar, -an i

U alma .sauahwl.n

euarahtwd M ntonp Ma-d.d.. 5 USED RUNNING ,POCKET AND

WRIST WATCHES m.i a`trvw'i nil,'r evvte,.ts $ 7. 50 S . LOW E s.aa tg,41.eur leib.

.11.4404/97~, ,A'Mi,WEAR bIAMoNIíaSlf

.h,' Dit ,n dtsel_1S IMa M. Jana f4 if Mau Si. A inn,

11c Ire 'el edemas: lb' knit adds e_1 glen] tau.rai1o11 Write for ,eta,'05e Aea.eP

dt! 211100N' DO.. Dept. 12. Wheelittj, tel. Vs.

[ FELT RUGS Amsted Cemhlnalleae Coldn. Irery trama a PaOapaet. OvN 160: /retlt, Inal7ta,lan Fhas- .2? will Maes Yav m Iw0't.p 1a Rugg,Nus

2rs5s owl Meld IPdalprsd`. AMERICAN RUG CO. it MUM IT., y'tW yOSK CITY

anit rr Inppone a dub oetatKW palaN. Jr.. ilataL Mo.11-0507ralifft. rtr,sO Pao 1,0001 sa-0o'P. 100. Na 9DANLM, 536-00 p.. 10001 WQJipar 100. N5.10-11, Isi,'4a AmawIOAN aAYTY ROtE,'33º_bo pit/1.0101

'er010 per 190. N0. l,0-atad a'L1.t POINgSTTtAO. 4 In. Naentrrrl ed. M el araaC nu

W ,ne MPP L. s... opO.rVe. 1t7.50 p 1,000: 5700 No I'0-6. W,mPN OM. 100 slim d tlt_ ~WWI aalees,' sr -;w 1 ptpaie far 53.10. q N


OUTAIes A IAUaL. r,0.4, parten. 57.804 t5, OsrN.. 15.TaP Largo Banal- 111.00.

owe," Prawn., FOLIAGE rat ell /rmwp.s, Large o0nele,111.00. DEOORATrD h5o AOpIKO 5415,5 trntArHB.

e uAsh. dy,n,tar 10,10 pat Dra.. lath O _,Wee 4.0.60 pér_Otc. 1

W '1*a blaneter t.. .... .ata osa Dar- Ito Ixh Olanwler ,. ,.^... ..... .4.6 ºI Dos. A Mara Mm Nws11/ Ter. ./clara 10. 200.1

1yjr 0.enDi.t. inmola Lt'o M All /l.n.r, 4401 Pglpud fa 51.00_ ~t- tar 100.

*l binan OrM

25% ~en messing os an order.. ammo. o. 0. 0. apse fa.'?,,. Lid. e.''a,"-lsss W. Aq ,reeexasdlw srpe.aL JOLF a0.

FRANK GALLO, ,P.,',=.',1 1429«Locust St., St._ Louis, Mo.

Vetgrans Wake Up! Nate arnowel to te

^ nets,,


o el as i,-eusrl. gin31el,thyle12

tit solos YaÓAtrel. nay WI- New T2t-oily.

JOfiNt HIfFl{B or antr.'ertteing tame, writes that lie la ettil with It end that I» closed n ,,went season on Illldsrbrand'a United shotalt. Heyl again tttntcr in 8tonklon. Cntlf.

AMONG THg PITCH _ . . cos. ores siArklYnl i:dlLunbit. O., on Hatbar'etra Night tó.,tair rbtllsttveea 'were Prod nod Deb Guthrie, Welter ,nSerx. C,taudeo WAtldnll neld W. P, (Dpd1 Harris.


was a big one for Doc Ocotge M, Reed, Ot°'Coltlnsbu.. O. On Novonal> r '0' be oelcbrí,tcd' has dad birthday analversary by working to fair bnnlnate on matt ,.tree[. end on November 10 lt? and Mm. nerd cetehrat el 'their 201h Cadet:1g on- ml:'r'ia y. . Dftt Rg74 Tom Eon. nedp. PTaiii: Libby and Conte A. t;}rooan., '.141~rs thr Doc. "where art thou? Let s- hear from

THINGS WE NEVER IItARt "else 1u a pitchman cYcey time whee It comes to ,mo.- log o., prodUets from our shelves wr0A the lent eopenca'." - Local depaltrawn stoma Owner.

AlIONO Twit Bova _ _ - worktng Houston dudsg the fall there, according to leery Ruestetl. nano Henn,' Clroea, toll Blserrtct, Merril KahntICd. Arno_ Cohen, Harry Cony. Ids7eh! south. Curly Eamon. Benny Story' and O0!t. ffttttt_ "the boy.. eb Oyad geed weather the .tit.- week, but It rwtrr.t the last, Menost all he'a't test. Russell Is heading ter Santo Pr .,.boo to Magee the Lair there. DONAL X.'CR-fiPR .. 04-1111 thathe worked to felt burtneet tp tatoux.Palls. H. D., tart week to fair re- satlte with ishaspennea R4 added that Berko was -there with Andy, and bteyre'.7 worked n butt layout. Craig) to beading back to the Twin Clue.. where he eon- templent spending the bondage]. '

-JuiT ORrrli o AICAY .. frost the cold Ingalls, of Jack Pron." wndts 0a from

area. "Gad no hunnernd expect a tatter Printer_ Met Doc LCl-1oli0, with magic and 'tricks. and N. Ptschman. with Rkdde 'Afters, In fenoseitle. Tenn. Haven't.arta manly of tbca:niht] this anrrlttter and, /II !pout, a few days In Atlanta. It I don't het there, Florida is the goal."

ARE YOU ,)eotalty ~hers ready Yor IM ChrKlwaa hadr7 Cement sepan tadkat'e that it should '4e big.

Ki.'tdh'E.T1I BTALCUP la reported to 110 working Reatuoky tot. ritory to'. bualrloaa.

PROF% JACK CCILAIIIDINO . attar a tong silence taros from Ran Antonio: ''After okatng'at, the Seals Paw 11v01 la 1Ro0111o7d. ill. in' OctPber to good business 1 routed to Peons, IL.: 1rdtithonc ta, 81. LolIA: Tut'a- Okla. and Houston. Tried to Moat star., but there was nono to 'be had ln all thaw tonne. While to Noueten I found the, Old.tlfaar Tom Steoorbey. of MX book fume. ioolttrg Well. Morita Ke,hntroff

and=Jewry Rowell lifts were thermº. Rave bean pitching a tie-, 11 .7th chart 1*tth horoscope,. for IS ,o-nts and had m falz seaa,n10. Am- heading for California 10 w'_rk the fall there. it 'II my test trip to Lb.. Cant.'" 1f7í_ AND tits. JACK'EfENDRIX fog trota Sbfereport. La., that'Nemst0n, Wson, IhslIo$. Ti's.. and Shreveport. La.. are OuCh ten p.tehmen. But. tell, let them 'tell fir itero jnat_tredod .our troller for Dery ono owl plaoi to stay in Tens tllta winter becallal It aurae at the there'. plenty of what It takes there. Al. peseent e're weir sing auto Polish ajr9 do111Ij nolieh. Pipe tn. Ed Piste. Shtttg' Eea»a end Herb itnit n

LET'S 11AYE mere, of the "De You Omman- ben1' and "Pasoan* SJrísat" of wrl-lao.,. pitch/oaks.

NAT IC..2.tOR7tIB of Meson rplasot twniri, reports. from Asbury Park. N..J., that he rs stall con- ducting his lylalntal there 004-I 't_use not )eft W nitre the Wool end shMV Picitleal tn; Attntralta OA was arroraeously reported In last week' bails.

OLE CAB BILL . . . la not end ntlYp has been .One 101 doubt the. integrity of oily of the ,oys Or g,ItrrtSea. In the pitch pralossion. Hb6'would. bowocer, Ulm CO get one poent,antatght- cned eat and Mot to: Why dó mane of the' fellow's .take great delight to report- tng that a ese tnln person Is In one spat when be known that what he is :eput,:ing L nt Cruel, All we Ask to teat you glue us tbe,facts_ TE -taken no more of your dins to report the truth than It deal to sent in a false report .about some- one. 60 lot's all '4arkt together eat this po1ntf It.member., reporting something about someone which ,ia not type own be 1111 as harmful to you Ike It Can to tha'porson the reporta are written, about, Then. toil. do you bone tly betlevo'It_1s erteket tó send- In such reports to 1.1,11. colrm iner who. .otter al],- must take your word as to what's gong on In hat prole:anon?

WI HAVE 'REPORTS from, unimpeachable tavrca. Snot Ierelal'States are Milne.( 5 pwrsé On sled' stews end sled salesmen who Ise lo wps.ule actor/log to aswt, prnalbrs by State sl.fut,s. Tisa ordinance* do net fotbld yte. sppeare.we 01 wad Pen sod Wed .dws,i In the 'Stales nor de they /rebid Ise Salo of grad preduets. They do, hawarer, ionise that I' -e pceduet.,ba sad is acos.demo with Cho ernerlead' laws awl ofldsli'ha.e hit It be linemw it no uncwfalir lams that they plan to enforce the oidinanesa te the li'. Out erly surrealoI at: this time is .hat sled ,pu,rc'yc.I' COI wflhln Pis taw and, May She.. It's the only way fa opera* .pd, tho:H may be,anbal ins,, costly IInpa. 'begl.s.h.. It. will mule In a t. ..,' ramilnailla. bugling*.

Jolt `._ORRIS . le reported to' be working St o flashy layouts. one tee Wattldó. N, J. end the other In ?I 1.11 N, J. HcV trorktng edeatrio razors, loiter Spot la opon 10 clean 'CPoritccs, at, the mayor be en old- time pitchman rondo aboetwrtter, accord - ring to Henry shoat_

F p. P, NE . pencils Item Lake City, Ple.,,that thru Th4 Billboard ho finally pane.( F.ddle (9AIftY1 Leans at the °mrgla State Pair, Masan. Pine repO2ed that het bettetwe Eddie and wife have-onelot cleanest and cbeo;rnit In:Mtt& for auto polish be he.


DEMONSTRATORS!! Soo tho new selection of :Mracti rc fast -selling, nun': bore wí11 have added to our tire. Got your share- of the profit theme now inumbora offer you. Sarrad .for new catalog now!


195 Richmond St. Pirtividcncc. R. 1.


FROM THE FACTOQY_ Mountings lrorá 11%&7 up. tó thalls,1e,t- s7rrs. Spt,ld:,T new desig^7, tursdlelelly moderate print -end ,.1h service - Welts

to for iilehubicd ciredl.a...ht4nietwi sstaples 25 cents, poipald.


Big Proits! O.a Toqr o.n ba4

a.P, ,us«új`a,ii4ti T1aL 2 a -0 a r7m=ma

Y Wamrh.' with amP. .ad % \ anag aa esta

Hil1R ó.y1f w«a0. oranat`j-.,, 'rq. Y.t, 111.s-

CHRISTMAS CARDS we w o0sfty a. as,aftm.nt 'of enptienu (twit aal'CM0o144. TIN .5 atrrartena and Os.l 0. stpy Sew. 21 t r tai N .all tar 5t- ^ Ta aeon the It.5w'ia.m more, moles paaadinsi . wt.* emote re, are «Orgy a wools bin N at a annls .' C1.,da and !free' : a

'Isms 24,1.

0. W team tor $1.00. RO'tes Isr Sr.,.. male wen. en PeOlawal. Wane than, 4tsoo. Mel*, ~ M4/15110 NOVELTY 00.. Dept I.11-, Tie Fifth A I., New York Olt..



3 Atttrbi Suss', P.rtpaii


tr. N. Y.C.

SUBSCRIPTION MEN Selling Sports Publicátions

Unusud Handbook toe Spesfwen Coil Ss

tseh in tort sF SO av Mere.,

Staid Wm, for Sample.

WAXEDFLOWERS B' BAILEY:í22.FiPIM'Ae0.,; Nt51'.tkCltl

SUBSCRIPTION Et rims molt -Wei TRiOua. iarºó4r5ídt Ws alma.

e1aeYr r' Om*

I mm i rtati sl.ol POULTRY TRIBUNE

"'mufti, *Cants, tat.


Always Best SE,E.m LE F2St

tweet/Um n.w Ii,Fwalw.n Pan, --Planets. VaryVw.'ILue 0-; Oeles VM11tw11r. 0eí,01 ulnna, tóas1h14 Pal, tog Psnea'Mia N^'.at 0516 lat4a1 `4x54 5114 wrea--llnws dnbri- wrlta tads, ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD -


%et maya 0c, Moya w6

nu'IF tta-t. reas--.. ndeiar Ytud,i rset='' sa? oPtrA 9,'tkwl drd aeq te tp D WILY AAieW'

- - - r.. oar a_ b r.d _ d /rife ITL

STARR PEN COMPANY, 300 W. Adntns-St., Chico**, M. 1



Movo/nsbar 26, 1938 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES The Billboard 111

No Y a: ..:rr I a t ee.y Das_. 1'.761 Co 21-05

'bye' Hay 1wA... Dei. ^1.7111.010. 15.00 e. U w -an,ew /51.444e . Dow, 1.753 era., 15.110 Lars - De" C.upM. . .Oar-, 1.751 oro.,. 15ÁJ 'slaw" . 1111 5115... "'Olt -21-.44t n ', 20éá ..a', Go.Mr MCC'. ,. (x770. 27.5 le Welt O 0157 D55O... Dee., 2.50; 1.xí.' rend. New Co ,.e. Das., 1.901 O.P., 21.00 low U. s. A. C7.escee. Tape. Dar.. 1.15:




p,atatkelC,Pees :wS4.50 SWaa tira. 5.o0 NM' ~idly Whidbey CLUN .. .Ore.. H.00 M iIir11. Kin* Rona 8.50 ! I Lam PladteTsü lcl. 2.35 Lasó. 01.10 ...:.. . O.w. w.. 140111.4 Doe with Le,te.,r

M, 31.00,sae. In vin Der..31.00,, 0 S wil On U DOeF llw e:d: d1ot.. 1.75: 18.03

I p

Vs.f I Sena Stew ennik aL... On. 0.75 Want 0,,.t en All On~ Orden.

Fond 57-00 n.r 5.. -piµ Out Strut 1dr+w. HARRY KELHER & SON¡Ine. sun.~. _

Ne+r Yen. awn


XMAS BARGAINS Holid.ty Gift Spüciatl

IN 1302E01 LOTIl. 554Ma1I1CURE51T-A1Uettlaa 35e I

rk'oae Inlay DIGt Cm- Ter See r6r' MaNICUNJi 5ET-.AS..e.w 60c i Lwow 5:rx. .Pn e.t,.,:.

ara. MILITARY scT_Oltpt.y 35C a' SI±. Per Pot. :..... GENUINE iiiNa war 70C

t/P°-iPER TRAYE:LINOG195 'iRr-w+t[. 3 OgI1OM1OleáitiLT-I

- lal DY:41, .01.pe57'1591. 75c VD extI ¡ 6rC. ORetSLw 5iT-Oatd Plata,

óslMlal DaIPa. .D11p47 iec. 51. I Poe an -7 a St.Y_Ib.1ip.Leel TA.eKr gnatMantpar. ail FiO/Ir.1111uttr44441, M Aetpal Ceaor/.

w-S9,eepmu sate ate order. U11-a7t..nt wan

rtal4 crd.n. d.La

J. C. MARGOLIS 517.-020 C.a1d.r,rt New York Chi'. ' - f,

Build Btfsincas For Yottrscii SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES.

Stamp and Defcver,ton Spot PRICES REDUCED I

On Ow rent-6cnlne, II.t nlesa..11y Kwoan ONION LABEL PLATES I In 4.11. Cast. Al L`lai IdenelhunIen and ~o- h Oedwied Owadnr Plata,.

WIN fee SPECIAL 10AAV OFFER ail^ OM , aerie Idma 1100 rCseh.

IDENTIFICATION, PLATE CO: I 1115o D 1111.$. Del MMN.. 1..

BINGO ° D1eTR1nur0na-oPc rcar01131--Or: A1..

ER5-P ROMOTERS Crl 0tM Pr.,e/a M nlee.%a,x,Ptw .nd

M,ethy.N nom memo LNtrfes, $10.20 o0if SF Teo Waal To MR Mear. WPM as

WORLD TRAIZeINC CORP. - t7 E ay. new awl co,.

ev1r seen. Ire addsthat 1ffte a uniform lehleh re:Meru:1 the altar Of hla o ire 154

attreCting much ettenl:5s1. and the Lewlect er-e picking ,up a nee bit 'of money wherever they we -k., They were.. comet -Wed Pine, "going W Misima- end Orlando to Work their product, io I

_Jetned them de a co-worker. Ae DIll Bator says: 'The front le 75 per cent of the battle?. DAIS BRIHS*Mt -- who Perked, elmcet all of the mull Mlehi sn 'fain t4 sloe' ro'1u]te. nA room taanatug that_the ah1`-s, s and clear- ways In the tawnit,whrritr )r4 stopped site weakling day andl4i RTlt. Sam silt make b tow more spot. around 'Miteklgen fore heading fey Dayton. O., rind- Now Orleans. wharf he will, renisaill Until somo.lizno In March. After that he plans to fulfill s, few night ctub'detes With his new bexIng Kati act.

If YOU baton a position In. which yee1 are supposcdt to "MIME.., b el' peemlf yÓu7 bindt behind you,

C132EP TWOHOUSE - . - pipes from Brsdfdird. ILL that 1;0 end hie troupe de ebb In113an. hate bean working to .potty bwsinees bet nunole territory after playtni8 to good results In Southern Vtn.comsln. Errare bradlá; Into Iowa, the Chien eenntettthintt'. working Fewer, 1 of the ieire r Kcntue:lry towns T-2ohour0 edYtsos Stint Prtncwton. 711. M a poor spot fqr nn.{ anon' with troller*.

-13TICISJ.NO IT OUT . hem Later Chan_ daunt duo to the fair

" weather, 1VMto Hob "Poesy from Muncie. Ind. ^Am .corking demonstrittloet 30 stoop . Would like to read pipes been J. C. (lack) Currant. Andy lcr=mrr and Al Cover.

DR. A. IS_ JOEiri45EN .. Is to Otnal:s. reamertnp from injuries etStalned In a recent accident In- which he lost"ble auto_ when It went. oser An e :nbnnkmont. Doe recently Completed a 1b.oco.m114'trip thru Wyoening. Idaho. 3Jdnteno, Colorado. Rod O011th Dakota. Ile would like to rte pipes from the gang.

It. $TARJYRR .. .

who`'hoa'bee'n resting farm Sales In New Jersey. says he han met many pite:Lmon but few hard workers.

(-NM. p GRAS FOR , . . u qulbs that `'be and the misstm Jumped to LntrVlbe. Pa. from Pt, Worth. Tex.: for Thanksgiving. " Says he esw Johnnie 'Ward fn Wert This. recently. "Word h:ul'a 0:06 Outfit and reports good bwiw dell¢." the fide! ACribbasi. Rene arts herd to fled to Trxdt" O. B. stets T: atilt confined In Charity Hdlpltal. Hhrovoport, LA'.. Dish en Infected. foot, H acacias ,to Boer from a_:none and pitchman f icnl1gpn gays hey. had n letter from .1 P. erefleynotde. who recently wine out of 1-Zentueky, where he toured bWODrae Moir,

THE BECKER 'LIPIE IS BETTER trw /- pr.oe llat`M PaaP1. Táwks. b !dn.. TaDMe. and dal." 0414,lal0414,yewle Own 1.511 º 7,41 + .-th w, ease coney rael...t-,Nlln: Nerb

rrlpq...lr0iw;ri.yrrlr,14 sastMt mow

BECKE1t CRIÉWICAL CO. as M.1. atue ñan.d llisoi.

Olww.uL o. CHRISTMAS P'OLDE'RS I- P. Ci taY ny fa 4 Alf. 50e F1,14.. .. Ian Ral. t.a. Xr t1ee., ü -l -let-. S7.501 t (IMt}+iLr Jr'tt, ú1lf.IaOkmQ54Taa

1Too i. a. -' _ tlt ;7 I. {'A'ePlr11. fl .º,1n 1 yr -..1.r . i.e lltteeee Mal 1»


ilet !WIN.. 110351' P.rleil.ed !itn'an11w141 AU1eenIlMO L t ..

50011 Prang NA Ply Ir Uinta 4101...,PwT-31.0 a D:rnt 4 Instal* a 0roy IV- Pocked, we `. 84~14 10a

14lydeo.l Caen.

NEW METHOD CO. Rot -e6-1:1. aradkrd. Pi



D RIPPINfIS .. . _

from the coffee pat of DellIns .Cate. by Lout.,E. (Rohe) ooULIw: rchtef Yd. Edeie and wile. L.tety'1of Tons Dearth tried opera. wonted wire je't-ohe7,' lD Pled -

(Sew PIPES. on pale Uf)

FREE new. illustrated edolog of nil

FJR COT á M, fE1DEL awe I51 FIN" Lrc..sht Ow tatnt ,1f% Fur Os;te aL the Went a11eM te boyen errpwnaw A tea 1):CPA3W'l in tw 5wt55b x Senn -r scud Mw.l. Flood. *whiff. A,1 V1alalaroh5. Eatetlent Ialcar, N. e4474, selosbKewwutdY pafO.


I' I! 'ir 1 e t 1--5../ % / 17


Mnn,Rnvary-Tmsl Net Mme offitZE 1 -1,14 -RETAILS 2Y_

Erin a 114. 1 O0 LNc X10 SAMPLES 51:00 P7115AID, LIBERTY SALES CO.





STEPPIN' SAa1, 'The Latest lb. Petty."

PdTCHMEN ~so 111501 DEMON ale 5T1MO.N u wawa. 5100557 SELL. e ]Iwa NOVELTY ON THE IOAIIO WALK SIN ATLANTIC 011T7Tfins Venn. YOu CAII CLEAN-UP FOR Tply NOi.pOayo.

RVSN YOUR ORDER luMtDIaflLYt r$A1ilpLEt 691 Prdeeld Awe -wheels 1n U. s. S7EPYtN"SAM RETAILS AT :57.40 EVERYWHERE!



$400 Per Doze :0 PER = If3;Cash a ..see, O,- ()OZ der x MUST ACCOMPANY 4A11 ORDERS, *alone&

Goes Lets Only. Ibleped -G. O. D. WOWDt wrist. 01451STM0* NUMRE1r. OOI No oven 110 IN ALL nriPARTiMLNT STORRS it dorw,uoor4 Pin VIU1tIa ,rP:e ie *511.0. *snits




PUT UP ,IN ATTRACTIVE HOLIDAY 'BOXES Other (tarns in'a4' Ilse In -

elido. PEELERS ,wire emá . malt. blade) GRAPEFRUIT CORERS, 'ORAIICI Iu1CIn1, SPIRAL SLICERS. ROSSETTI CUTTERS and ..any ethers


flodar.w i



Time and áM «leer Draw Qlled in Ihim-Idh5unc4peat be., MIL appeal for 4rray Man eon h. Demon,t.a han be* m.kine Off Mdeey win. Shen. consistently.

2-24 Orange Street, Newark, N. J.



WN15N Y a te. - .75; Woes. 5.50

tmef co -pica cif Ltgnior and Beer Drlaka. 0155 OLA

f5 '[fa,, O.tew......,. f1-2-ai dQ-x., 11a.00

a O Daten.


P.ekaá a tLrtar..6Nº OS"A11 thlp.rrA by e}.p.E,, onI`r: II Net R.t+4. m.lf Callsr1w h .n,0e PO* e.Iena a s5a_ seed far Free ll uwtt.d'alat.55..t t,e7o Lou,"


COD arvadw.r. ,bou Veen City. - --- - -


NEW °aeon .nelD it 01.1Y1* Alt 105,altalhei

5.114' SOS ter 30 015 .pM t

1 salable $a.. Refund 1,9-2, ,e Order. WEIDE1viAN`S


... Ode I.nMrYnt A a.-n;1e,e. i -1.aMar,d Dacrallore a P4P..141.

Scum y.i Skies ted.y rae loan.-4lee4 á5.1.N1. buera Zr.'.. ierel for 50. C00/4f mor yltitll. 1..11, 1111.01144IU1d COW** of 5L math N5 ,ttCaey

M. SEIDEL,& SON .10. 243 W. 39 i. New Ties, K Y


Drat 11.,241 [kt 2I10. 0rw1. WV Taaa.,


}nre's'w`IYrJ`4 pt,rsle Paw 1. re1 1.n15. , 3d bar twit Web 0' . \ Ce:- le NSW, Y a ErNa 11 4a rcrj}rrnh ad . -r7 Ind 1`

-_ 110,01110,01

7i4a I nYkh 1 tk' .. d

OEt..TONdA Me0601NE 00., GI.Trn.ta 1154. CUMMwrU O F.11.7, 044b +3c. 4ID6ri. /bp a.prrEi.eSa

SELi...- ACE RAZOR BLAIDES 55+41.. D..eo. cdegga.__ Snel.pj n+saftF FwcE LOWEBT If1CTORY 1elOEl ¡fAMPLE¢ I'r.5 'OnLae.!r.

ACE BLADE CO." N'aairr't«,o 004 if 11T.


SPICY CÓMIC.XMAS GREETING CARDS 20 New Tht111tn that Mewl a. -I reenty repeal ,0óh tat the ..sal ]Pas, bpi real Km.* Coil. ,/ PrIcas etEA 55/1.1 Apo 5.114 íplb. w1si. 51.4 Vase En.eltpn,-to .IMO. 5.11e rest at 10e. aN.s ao up t4 5C rent- eat'.beir ane we two .hare M tea kw. Tree._ Whnlweile Prim. 20 id'gr.. , L 1.50

10./fir-anal .Ill. 151. t ta. 2_ai 500 0ord.-.1Ur En~ 10.00

5000'OWr'snP En.e15Fr .. ... 15-00 N.^, Peery, I1u117 deidem' that 1111 mane a clod dun bridle'

00M10 5150P, 24645 Kw,u-J.en, Anne_ PIIII1Mlinla. Pa.



- MADE EASY" tOnill.m,A a 0 us .1 .tr4.;311" 1,. w+J ;SETTER AT. 7[1151$ 15 Sd.4 11

o.,oaig d can_5 let µ' salw9N

tie 35 .1350, JONVIS RANN. 1350 If. Can Are.., O -deI.. I,

aii nor 551rIIpCnt.rN. IS sd.Nu5D5 5'F n1aa. tlae/y TM 01tle.arr.

112 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHAND]SE-'PIPES !1'orerrtbrr 26, 1938

itc rmnLI1Ct1SC - ,a ws FIDIIIASILY taw laws are ,OSasaifod

en (I) truce an mrrohandise situ- - ated within a State on- a Orrti-if

data at each year. 13) Ueonse tnxes1 prtvltege of collating business: -13) spe- cial taxes payable ley ail who "ea busi- nºss- In the state paavtdiut the ,seller actually is transacting Intrsatate bualncas within the State: (4) ocotinetleela1 taxes. genarally rºqulred by city ordinantoe to he paid by business owners. and (6)

taxes es Ribero a Seller trn.nsaate Intorstato titian:wee and ntillds Mate and city taxri UOn laws but the user is so- gUired 10 pay a tax for the, pdvtlegº,ot "using' the eub}ect of the same.

blotto o? these taseae,exeept probably the last, named., may be required to be paid by either Htaie or city taws If the busliMSA axil nterchsndise It within the e~sestbcatiotf of interstate ooaatneróe.

law slid taws Any 8tat0'taxntlam law Is Instill it It


WE ARE"NEVER UNDERSOLD" W IInw s1 a V.etneeYt r111..1ae

NOW _ w1 tha/treee e.wy L ,rs ,. Arali ArS tevf it.

ELGIN ELECTRIC RAZOR Cl ,alibi, as Rs err4e. w ^!t

far apt, ease. Marie ae_-. sell s silt rlraniSnS'.. b ..asp lash. eta tt º.00 Yp1ua J

esth knit' te - asEeN [t. 0 to. tiM Qa:a. 50

lees, rile wr.oe.e. $ I'

tee nDL.Aor, R

terse sumo, eem O. l

Oat ads v.r p+d, seta aL.A DES

RIMY oaoss 11 seers .-. 4.20 sSIER o qtRP IIYeses. HOSIERY. t not ,'ó1,W .20 commas(

oat sm.. coal* LOTIOha and onsets* Aeltyld.

Lp 5.76 W+d. iws.+e. a snit. nnoas..54.11 :...

...Orr[Nºrr H AnO1,/arr a'M M.

wile .40, r...._ rwN i i.. IA Dn. IaO,fi

woe 6D'srAln 0117. NO. Vdv. óM1111 00 0.era' N,rlt. MID

MO- CAOH *HOE LAetr., Awwfren aa.NA

Pa/M. Meted ens eased. ONO1s

aHnItTYAa FOLDgRa. attl,te.a P.te-r,. taoatbp. eestNvt Osiers. Gee N to .lewe With t ne.711,, EAOM aOx

aHAiaTalAa Fe144ERs. avow Vohs b OW,/ A1..11.1r.ta RAM rIMr birth tm. z7

ffpp s Um. EACH a0 OHRIeTHn! C.11.114.C.11.114.1C.11.114.111. Ole Yrlt

My D,Wiiivién_1 óó Mtn; PAMrry one erne--- CAM d.11nat

OHNteTMAe W NEr7/1s Ceara,.n^, t4.. lu 4ra, o=re .s.1 N Z$. A. M tom,. CM,V4e., C N R I A7f A s W R EATH6 nrir Door;

e -d YviNMe, ooZEN OHNrgTMAa TREE t-[cenaÍÓ

t1aNt a[ a-AreKN OrL wee wash 111.W,4011-19 1111tOne. a.ew). OlepMe ift

HOLLYWOOD aulLDlírÓilLOpiÍ _30 .

atTt t Rtss Y -r swap). tow LOU). A F.µµ eNO, baa

aELLULOt D M[C/IANIL`AL 707111 .80 f>tNsxtlla1AA,, Ea. In Dar Dap. OYNTAIN PgNo. Ataoned eielaer.

1 Da - N .n AANr+StAM DaPLr'p 5 S dot Dean: 00 wear KNUYae. %1,eretd 0.da.d,1..85

emcees. D. In O.rdl' Dolan MtNYTAAYELIMG *-CT x,PO 1a0 cam, , W,srr new., flore wtu s

P- .. Op n4.a. !rt 'L MITARY 0RUf1e errs, iiM 4 :5O J'n.t1a 1e11'.1. EKA ,1.

POxER CHIP Recs. TAM o66a. misnameIV ell., a701 in...

PgÓ%C7 401.Ti:Nb' Mooned óit: Mr. Valor, 0-150. : 007.ALIL_ Full aim. Rubbe Visa NpA1 Tr efi.d... teas.. UAW. Vis taL Yam. each 00.epeNe

ROLttN 'KAYES. ºai1 leartry lelwa. Ruben .n Oulnlet. RAM _80 La11h,- L.. ve. Pa_

Toy .rw GAME natÓAYr1tMS fN.tell vttW 11 e1,001."Duew 3.60 e11.t.d ror e amid jlj}or.rArcST eaaaa Value 1: 52.001. 0°1 '7880 AwavV/ !

CA..tNW. !UMW te PltaWe Arm r 11 er Fti,1A la awe. 20 V. nrt, oe.d an_ Eala.' . a

ALa1[OAItO at01Á4-.1ºOD- 110Lt C:-_rttw C.IM'F. CItr. A 5 o.,.lrwe, H MD er P1.ed1 11.s8. li I,if DraQ4 Ip VVltl! Yser i Cne,sw tACtl

UqlvttMAL wHot.dAL[Ns'ywssws. Hew -, . ramose gteY{ alr.rgwnrr ali trden t


Dame. el ROIL 01./ O. a D_ Orel... : seed ALL ORD[RS m NEW YORK Only.

, r51; .17 .33


woat9''. lOwrsT Nacre 'WHOIitA.Ls.

By LEO T. PARKER, Attorni try at Law

1a not.authorircd by the State oonstittn- tion. and a city or Bounty taxation lar'w fa void if it is not nuthOcised by either' the Suite ronCtitirtten or a Iitete taw

There. are many ordinary, masooe why Waite, county and city laws iris Told and unenforceable which Impose taxo. lion Or require, payment of ltcena> fees by pttchnnen.

The WW u well eatabUshed that any city or fStste taxation bite Ia'sold which in unrceaomnbte. arbitrary. Opbretaroi or discriminatory. In other words. the courts will not uphold the validity of any taxation law which is designed to work hardship, on anyparttculer elasl- Doalba of dtlsena.

Per illustration. in People v. Ringo. 12 14-11. (2d) iOii. ft Wait cltscleeedtbat muniolpnl ocdtnanoe, wne passed which peoeides that "rho' peddler, vender' or hawker libel)' stop or. remain between 8 am. and tt p.m.. on oertatn portions of designated streets and in -certain deist/meted aarltor s. Another part of the Ordinance prorfd4. that no peddlers. venders or hawkers sha11'etop or nesnadn at any time whatsoever on any street lying within the tertitOry known as the Fifth Ward

A pitchman wee arrested for viol:dime ,the provisions of the ordinance while 'tiling bis wares atvO,,p.era. In the Fifth Ward.

_11 la Interesting to `know that (bo _bicheº court held the, Stet portion of the ordinance vend and ,«fictive. but held the portion of the, ordinance .Invelld which 'perinea that no 'sale. may he D11.10 at any tame In the Fifth Ward. Thu court midi.

"TM_ ludgmente should bo reversed and the uhf rmation diranl'sod titian ibis yTcund Chet the ordinances of Inc city of New York. referring to the Fifth Ward of Quearte ROTA. riff unrCOooable, arbl= teary, oppne,wlve and dlatrlrninatory."

Dlfferºnt' CIm:fieatiotn On the &her band it is Important to

know that the higher courts have frequently rtpprovnd elmai8cation ordi- nanor' hared upon the difference be- tween the bandea .. t of in itinerant peer. Omit, to a pitchman. end the bualftes, Or a merchant ápernted at- a. fixed location.lwtttbo berth are engaged In -the same genital character of billowiness._ finch clasadNeation la bnee'd essentially upon the different methods etsployed by the two daasol'In carrying on the'same gen- eral character Of dustier'. Sucha.Clns- aiAestie9l has bean recognised by the courts Ile Ñrtld .both Ln exerdee of ,the regulatory pollee "Omer for the purpose of merest -big cheats and frsuda and dangers to public health or 'morals. (Baccua v. Louisiana, 233 U. 8. 334, 7lfngul T. (Hither, 142 Md. $ser.liattrnbin v. Thentas, .112 Ohio St_ 397). Also , In the exeren aoi the taxing pow-er. a State Ot' oily may eery a -dltl'erent tax on' the angle general character of business when een09eted iit 4eeenttally ditforeat,ll',odee. gee ).tnchine Co. Y. itrackell, 233 U. S. 501: 3 uert v, Missouri, 1116 U. 8. 2213.

Tibe 4ate,st'blgher,eourt Cate. involving this point of the taw Ls IIlaledk V.

P owledgo. Chief of ,Pollee. 179 Co. 773. repo lad May, '11138. Tn this can flan OOart held that a license tax last Is valid which requiem non-reeridenta to pay a license See to sell certain obaltoadltice. but exempts from the tax' estabtlsinntntel regularly end oenttttuousiy engaged in the sale of merchandise ewloroanly Car- ried on hand SU a .pest of the muter :stºck of stash Oatabllahinenta

fete nitric Commerce Obviously the racist important Maw.

Pon probtorn '.ire .ironing plt9bmeri relater to State and city lacease lax» whitb may not be aTotded by.tbose who transact lntreatate" boatmen al Wan between eifteuiaOf tile 11t,rt State,

Ifrterstete commerce Matra to bud. area transacted between eitizcna of dlr.

frent States and la not taxable by 'Shirr a State or city. Aa a genera! rule a /41104 of sets 'or transaotlona winch are intended to complete a titudaeif tran7pe- tioa between citizens of different. States to purely interstate ,hualnets, althó one cc morn of, these' acta fa coñtptetcd fully within A,194atc.. fn other wordit,tbo feet lliat'ah.lnterstnte transaction L delayed, or a portion of Pile Completed intrastate, dare natin the least affect the it/item-tale etiaiecter ,of the trnritaelioñ if the- CC- SUITeeldi Or the ovonta-le continuous.

Illustrating ntel eple Interuiate trans. ae,tlaa, assume that a.naleatnan entrrn'a State and solicits Orders for goode which see' Shipped Into the State to - the pur. chascra the selesanurs.enñplayer IOtsttea In another State. This is purely interstate and no State or city taxation law Ls valid which la, Mt -ended, t9 tax wither the ealcernan i r the salesman's employer. (266 U. 8. 326).

Now let in: consider a slightly Ib- Ce'peed complication. 'In Cheney Moth -

r. Masaachueeetts, 246 'U. 8. 147. a Connecticut corporation opened a selling QRioe In Boston with an oMce *Merman and four Ómployisa` shS noliddtaxi, and took orders in Maeuocbueetb+.ltt7YC; ,W eppoovai by the'ofeclnit in tie horn oSIoe located In Connecticttgt+Yrom Which ahlpmemts, were made directly to the puicbascrs. The orders-_, were cent to the! home ,orrlee In Connecticut from where shipments rand roNtectIorts wore made, and- therefore the United Stateg 8tuI*Teme-'Oourt held, the State of Maas.T- chuietis we; not retitled to tax the branch ofltee in this latter Stars.

Iii -another Caleb, 74,074D57 1E1 Sod 976. n corporation of Indianapolis had an office In Florida. ,Sak*men from this ,latter 0tttet teilelted ardent whips were mailed by the branch mangos. In Florida' to India-nap/Mk. The merCben- dim wail mailed tip the corporation to the ptirehasera In Plarids. The court held that this. corporation end It rep- mentatdvo, were not required to "pay State or city 1100Grwe In Florida. Thin is Important ter. bacalne by adopting thin plan ,pitch men and other' sellers may solicit orders for mro'chandlse and avoid payment: oT license fees If the

i, U reerehandmm malted to the purchasers from another date.

On" the other hand all penem ., as pitehénert. who sell tnorebaltdlee and dourer the some immediately to por- cheeere transact intrastate burin --s and cannot mold payment of, liornas fees on the pus that interstate bunnies to being transacted. This as .l0 becaurte an ab- Aó mm tute male end immediate delivery of m eheinilec Completes the transaction which Is purely.- Intrastate business.

State LAW Must AutIsoiso Varlrnu courts have hold that tinder

no'' circttmntancos may a city ordinance be valid which la not autborlred by State law. The lath, hither court Oast on.,tb)s subject is Past parto Paterson, ltd 8. W, (2d) 746, repOrted June. 1038,

In this case i riunlelpalordtnanoe was enacted which required payment of Itóeneee Seal by all persons 'wlso, l0ll0lted Wanes* lee 'any kind et merchandise,. In holding the ordinance invalid the court asidt

'The ordlnenee under consideration is clearly añ attempt tole'? an "oócupitta n tax upon' a legitimate business Oaf witch sued' a tax has' not been impaled by the LeELsiataré of the State and fa therefore violative of the constitution as weld as the Mitutss'

In another ,sae: IRtk. 124 Iowa 461, it was disclose,, that a State' taw potted >rbloh autbortted mtmietpaltties to license meacbanta. A city passed an Ordlnan0e elasnttytcs all tr$natent_s as minehants and required payment at a license fee.

A pitchman who sold and dºll,ered hie wart' to purchasers was netted becatise he Lad failed to Obtain'% lICanaQ.

nva .íai flowerer, the court held Vio Ordinance rohi bemuse; the' city was authocl2Qd by the State law to oceans Treerchanta" Only, The -Cot" explafneel-that thither a pitchman. solicitor nor altaenun le a merchant.

Invalid Pirchrncn License Laws Various courts have held that.pttch,.

rr,5I1 may he required l i"pay license ltd under vend laws which 'dreietiate nee -4 ettablisbeQ merchants or itinerant seas. cm. Therefore, we 'ball briefly `Rr10w lOotling cases involving laws Under thy classlflcataon.

toe above mentioned. neither % slats Matute nor a city ordinance la valid If

SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES rcrty Mika lemma re ILtM w1 ea ID/ Rarlrl Ir cuts ba,e,i II ,den ,Yrn making a

Ellerx tµ,lrtl 8eeufitr PIaWa We 1-a» tTp HL`.el,sA


we haw, ha,NHer+ 2.-0 An. RIMS.. are.n a0e1.1 a.utrrty PAID rwtlMee ee by. Mee. rtaerp.d riAe let+r oalAnYr^t narr rob v«brr, In 0.c01eIdld' i.IeRH1A MOD 'Kb pea effort metal ewers. They' e.t.

.eanryr M 1111 iM .Ds oe !fe mat Our Price to You is 20c tacit.

10. or Maro 1Sc Each.. PLAN NUMBER 2'

CAA 141, te tas t`4«. no ~MI p

/WI. a .Cr'w1, 1111% for wtNI.L plate. ihft, or e.'ereS.i tot of dr. Ia511rs1Y10 a-qn41147 ,M M44n. w wow 1r 1WdIM p4te M4 a IIM,1ret.

COMO«. Sot é9S .21O ler+aworfeaa«taéosr#r Plttes, 05/h2.4551 oe ,beth 114.1_

AO Aar '" .... -S x -0O 1;,óó a.. asóó

Double -bend LedthenaleCá.n reta Maid Comore: -

60 ler ...a - b 1.79 too rec... ... ... .. r.biwº

aÁ'aOIPLéT `rid'óiAtta0loe. RELIABLE SALES CO.

iepL wed 211A 1t.. Wee TwaL'Rf

j SOCtn 1sEEuiflY"1.

'r..u..:R-i_ sil

' ttaders lot PITCHMEM 8 DEMONSTRtTORII' c70MnINATlor1 sNaSr'P

- CMCR.IwTTL OLAaaR ortntn. OUTn1 ' AMo

i Or1 K tY tasta,at rlil,e rlvnew,VaGn, eet'.M ntari.0 On ew M, '.trees rykdV 1

*TAR a Tlyt ART

, REEOLE GP As' Came ,d.i11lnr':,Hed nt. 100ty .55.1/ [Narelhrr Metal. th.t 85112 tttr 5011 tie.

51 I.p-O,1 0W MIN.I I .M ' ro Fr.. I= or sK+ Oe al,Qetrdatrl



wean Manses t.w,vYe Zircon. he.. elis Mina .f

'Dreamy Marro Ms 10 HO" tearh. sr.t ednlMl nteei .cid:=etrt r1ar: tine tetina R'dy 1rt rteb,sal.. ADM.

THE ZIRCO'11 CO., DIM. It. Yncoetisg, W. Va

HUSbiTra 'sLtnER5 et nw bare bey , ~bin'aa. es. tL- 1M -ion da't sere" enw tee. bus arel' p41. treat's. 7b. harta( ^DID" Y= De

rae -.4e._ 8.No 0t,00 Ow )` Sam RvTAbet .` lact te and 7'1'1 inn a1 M r'od1 Dar. Primer 17.1.0 CO MrMW rºette.-Jellrn 1511

S-Tenn1. Re,t Oepalt Arne Ordict. bel. G. 0. I. -

PRUDENTIAL TRADING' CO:, Inc, ,aí344. ulnae Dwelt. NEW Ton K crTY.


Voten ~tun.. " Agent; Pitcher., cult.., .nM. t Ñ otemost N liw le. tes.

1243 Broasaty, nw YnM Oar

Ott wr1[It Pí118 lea t' 71YNCU.S 1 I us Llnc ,L.utt Orlon.

ami _= -

eend $2.00 rot S,M+, ~sal 041..." tAr. "' BURST GtYRO TOPS I

H.w rle+ ti art aas. SERI(' BRAS. NOY. Cfl . 5.w gen

Novrnlbrr 26, 1930 WHOLE1ALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES r+' Its terms ale ubreaaoaable In Irectaer'

rte E C H A N I C A L TOYS' r N0lrard. 173 A 931, an ordinance. wail Albin -oven Sure Fire Sailers ' hold veld wUtéh-tequ4íed "tie%ly eeteb= ' Ilsbed-mercbant and Itinerant venders"'

to obtain Ilcenaet. The, lax was bold ) Told because It defined a "now- mat - chant" ,as anyone who Intended to ro - main to busttleas ha than one pear


..<0`4:40G ! p1t707-ORIOtNet, Ou DO06,$1 .SO ói:A42_MARX TnIOKYTAXI.

1 so I,

M. s9Vm. -11fI:CNaNÓA1 aiGr- ZO ROY Qr. NN.O ..lth-tyWl, DOL aé 2TOTiOW.EONAN}CAL Y. .75


KEY vath,O.rre a.n ..- 0114 a.. tspe-,4rONANidnL DoNn. .75 EEY run Memo Moe. Doe..,

No- 3304-Mtl1NA RICA L DA NO- .70 'IMO- COUPLE. Dor.. 11r,_44001-alcp NANtOAL



wÁLK1ÓúüLIÓ..., 125 II 'Te YhR a t a 'N+ Ot Wee GrftM, k_ re/ KOeWrIXmas IWctra4O 01Y. 60R Drv.11 WtUn order.

GOLDFARB NOVELTY CO. Too 'It ,a, of IawTkw -tO1FEaT 23 no su. now venom over

N.a.a feN 3f a, a.,,. P. e.wrcl far a tc ,t 5 Hem.,. nwe., 1114e.. P..en. NA. 030as.1re0re0 IRawMr2, Na Ceoe. rSo or wan,

a DemomVe.^-ea aim 100 01114. ó0ew Cl,prMa ColNce. 01rRllw. I rec

rap In 01.'6 A. ROYAL. NOVELTY CO.., fit Waehlnitee 11., Iiaetlowa. PL f

FUR MATS M 13.013.0tram cell amen N. Y:_

1e i cOOle.l` nOECED LATEST HY Lair in itt 4r.. 39.0O E.

t1á00 Dwe,lt--a0¡C.aD_ liana ter P.r. wry. LZ.t,ot People, Line or Ivy Owen.

SHIPPER. & SCHWARTZ snort** Punive

Dept. R2 Nee T ..._wet Illenof

Tull ORO,

This Iif henna' year

For Ueda r: J oar mu:~ test It'é e I. a writer avtae _, 19 Brea Ytw linalut_roaM

APEX NOVELTY COMPANY - loea wiet ía10.1 at..'CaIu ,, Hl.

LUCKY OSCAR unh.aak Dori Dumpy. ~lame New. -

Sampla 2Sc- MI NEW IMO.

WALLENBEGK MFG. a[allwl0h, eW

to another case ot Woolf v° run*. 174 Att. I93. p State law Was pe_e cd Walsh defined iltineruit Tenders ,and divided, them Into two ~sea. One class. whleb had previotrtly been in buaaneee In the. State, Imo not required to pay Lcenic rem. Alt others who hod not previously operated a buslnram Were required' to obtain herniate. The -court bold tats law mkt and explained Its moron c, folhecer

»That the 3º111atation may b-. or aooio Publie benefit baot enough. under -the State coastntutlon. to ghri tt rtllalty. -in addition. It sal Set not impair or duatroy prtvrite rights guaranteed by the "con- stitution.,

In- another ,Cale, PscIAa JUnctlaO Y. Dyer. 04 Iowa 30. a city 1100me0 ordinance 'held unconstitutional and told which defined a trail -lien! merchant ea -.every nor-rwlde0rt pyre in who -shalt sail. tal- c1111n1re or dlapose,ar any goods. soiree or mereaba ld:en of Wm ORR.'

A114 1n _ SIRinaw Y. Saginaw. Circuit Judge, 106 Mich_ 32, a t3t:ete :statÑtc required an Ittr.erabt marchante to ob twin Menace. This law .vas meld' Told bccatt a It lie -lulled every potion. Arai Or ileTPOratboo t'8H11eg Or 0 eriDg for iiele an; gooiie, wares or merchandise_ w7thout n permanent place of Maddox,

-In waft another case. Grantham vv Cblaki hs, 1S* O1cla., 50, K was dlpetoed that a city ordinanño required Itinerant Iholelaanti no icy ~tee toes and de- fined them as lncliidtnq "any and ell ttinerant. venders, transient 'en~ itinerant traders,. Itinerant merchants and traveling marchanta,-pMsore coming In and offering roe a.T]O.any kteetat O: tner- chaodlea and persona who 'cab or otterr tOr'e-de goods. wire.. cr merchandise by traveling around the City or'by deliver- ing thou from cursor freight depot& and who have Ito Aced or established store, werehonse or other plaee`.,ed Intalneaa within the city." The emiit held this 4r'dinanee IlrYaLd, najlnOíl

°An eznm1nntIon.0.' the ordinanca to quest ion° shows that It la an

rnnttenapt_to enforce Ste provlalone In a dertanitiatory Manner that It' to tnealtd. Illegal and rvld_ Its prlr a- yr Purpose operates to grant. a0 apparent and real sdraíiteg8 to the resident merchant.of the ,city who bate err established pbsée; f buailxas within the otrpórate Ilmlta otthe City."

Mill apgther'Important phase of" the lná Ls that' if a re'quirect ]fornse Its Y; Uirreasonablp 111411 the taw Is Told.

In Ifabetto. 160 fI. 204. a city ordi- nance was enacted whirl provided tbo

do following `ícb le of '/icsnie feet: "Itinerant tncrebantsat retail, or awe -

non. 810 per day. 3ó-0t peddlers- and aouiclting agents, 33 per day. . . 031 others not',tpeelatly provided for. 12 per day. v Swart held this ordinance void saying:

-roe businms of tt1xu alpt 'merchant snuld hayr t0 be much rebte tamuraers. tiro then ordinary merohlndlsimg in [mall cities. We are therefore, of the opinion that tam ordinance Le sold."

I/ [DGET BIBLE 8iº AroJjr . Fcsl Seller - Sells /bell

- Cores You 3c, SeNs Hot At 15e1 I


lr..-r u

rr `' tt,X"' F.t e`'.' wt .1ir- i =ele Demon 6óqi4r4.Tlb wr

[tDDD eer 1 M.Hleast MIND ara ... .... rw,ir,.....,

Nee. Na.<.;F OF,Ii01Á DtÍYT..e, Drinal4, 01.11. I


a 6 4a. M / l.QawMoll


I t..' F : NW v, eta. t Ions an/ MiMginRl_


II 1.'.#'' O41 ClpMa ReapritA.r an

21n turtle U atp to- otle -UT turtle rlta rl on rT 1.111 arja..Yh 1e1 -W

eaea. ter $.03 par Amen.. PaH.te Nw'eMM e- a Ml.r_pswt.

T._ We IlsnuWO-.331., e,PdTw sow:fay s ~Hu. Nee 1Y. re.1



asses Mwai4, 'I_L I 1,...... - a e An Wane r -r' new, enormity /awl -_aatfet allNNtN OP, plant >4.1,1>4.1,13833 Kii alpYT red reir nee, a sat- Masao fqOW*"!

IOe. N.e axt. .....

Our 1

pz !

I (All Sizes) First -Ctasf;

- -7---/-0:;)É.,.5TIRES z;i TIRES ,

1 h - `3eiot. 'raluie°Ttir4uleÍi Our r _ ,? cc o Co Operative Association



Tito I31T1Loard 113

BUY GUARANTEED TIRES 55%1T(7;.: 8111-1,- 1:5f : Lifefime


Ire/ Guar>ttttced¡; U




SIO.SS 3645 a 53.25 4.15-1e 10.85 7.05 .1 S.40 5.25-18 1,85 115S eL 6410 5..50-11 33.1+0 ILLS

E 6.7S

'vault i'E.lCENT t'ROriT SAVED ' aeseaM $1_40 50% i

LIS 56% 1.45 50% 2.10 52%

6_.00.16 IS.3_S i0.í0 345 SS%



O..r CO-OP 3Ppp11.3, our ter+.i ..sib .. sed our euelo;or....Ith IN das. 1M4 bus teals -or abaste quality. Wahine ara nee refit ba te..d p.eóta U....y retwa.d e. ...maw*. Our lwi± oulPut w 11011.53' milla . moonyew r to royals °roo wed. .ny tta 11 Nu Ow.jrbberr cat asid a his Having ,N yea. 'Act u Err labbsr ed dlrt,A..tar. We bey term... trape for eatt M Ilea. are/ <eeb. Old Helot ar« danreyes.a, Meals

Tall our let <Lisa tiras at 53% berry YalOO. KENO-O1tDER5 ANO WRITE. TO Ce. OPERATIVE,AS!OCtATloem o - AMERICA. 4036 W. 03015 ST.. CLEVeLIt,YD. O.

Nat K. Morris, I itchman, says, 1K YOU, AFRAID TO TRY VD CTNrMG DIF[R CNT ANO, leIW? s1 ARC TO A 0IYC111. MAN On WOOMAANA IF YOU r.V IaH TO OAT IM ON IWO or Tarr a1 MONEY 11

O CTTC RS 1M TSARS, THEM Twee e0 orate POI geMPIts Merge sir *mow DUR-X GLASS FRUIT KNIVES


/AML-C CR0410N 6Aí0. WILL 1 l51 AND Tic* PRIG[ PER






ENGRAVERS Thanks a rot loe-cv, but sbitomand°may a1Pél eui and friends fe oy a top Xmas wawa- and, an este bctatSIN.1a Year. As utull. Row Xaltas Rees, Swena Oraoeict.. ILiddta'. Locket and brac[Ict Seta, TM Charm, Now Creases, Gen Fob,. etc.. is 144111.1. two. ..os eon, plete t, to or Skeet fewetry. etisde ceprclsah la.lhe diera...hating on. Semite_ _Complete ti.oI tied engraving tryllprwsnr, Steel and Dlsmond°,PPI.,l AAKbtats. Catalogue. Fla.lda rese r,.a keis1,eetitnf

C P line o n

fldWa !trees' ne.+r eesdy. ALWAYS SOMt NG eW' Edw. H. Mórse 18c Company



HUSTLERS Ntae's the baaaest thing you caw. Beall each` »H es'a. fate. Luis, iivoeby or swralen. Ma t1a.steaM't eye pprial ... Leaks meey Het h. vale*.

Write for par'tfe'uiera. BOX 9904, The Billboard,

1564 Broadway; New York City.

r__ _ `< t 1: 7' 7.101.1T1'ILY óTtt_AR1 0100K- r. VERYTMINO NEW rAON MONTH

271e, ,wttsir, Apr.0 Wa-'r.s-W.IM ir FMpoeIIMeL M.OUCEN NOVELTY 00.. / 6410 WuJ, /L. De1re1L í111M. // Id1`__1`I



DO* We*e,. New T«a ONE,

SOCIAL SECURITY Earn $12 to $15 Daily

The Eral MstNse Moiler le the tow Peke


Own, Th 1. Madcro, New.,tmproved. Faet- able StasPlnr ata- chl'no. Siwok a 09 - mare. FULLYICUAR. ANTITO.

Every Individuaba Prospect OMN 11 A ~Helm, l La.r hip. Klee ee


[a.telei ifer-tw,/r fn e a+MD

ROOV,ERS E/lMetbt4

0011 14"1 AeA.. ere,esllrn. N. Y.. er ta.a 1iMMwiq, Sae* 011. Owe. a,. R. T. 0.

ELGIN & WALTHAM REBUILT WATCHES $, y 75 T.,I4wet, 113,11e, In 5. j N. Cneell s wa re. PYIes Lid. Wavy data V 7ía4 sat, led.



E. ..

114 The Billboard WHOLESALE .MERCHANDISE -PIPES November 26i 1938

u tNawo-º-

0,:: -) SMArSN/NGX/l 1.4SPROMOT/O/r ! ó w 00

Has all the Features of Shavers ';>:" lw.P+'


G` Liol

C .,t/ a:

1'r ` ...; :., '. : :' :..

STREETMEN, TOY SPECIALS For Xmas Season Every Item a Fast Seller

and Specially 'Priced Monkey With Comb'

and, Mirror. Doz.. $1.751 Gro. S21-00

Tipping Hat Monkery. Don - $1.75: Cro.e $21.00.

0-V DOG -Des.. S LAS 'Cross, 1{-00

HIKINC DEAR INerl. D..., $I..Wt Cr.. 521,00

DOC-4 SHOT. Lane Liu, Dog., 51.75; Gr.. St0.50

Large DANCINC COYPLE. Doz., 11.410 Gr.. $13.00

TUMSLINC PETER. Clow Dee. SI.1St.Gr. $18.00

CLOWN -114 DARRIL. Doi.,, 52.001 Cr, $11.00

LOOP-TNt-LOOP AIRPLANE- $19.50 Dot., 11.751 Gene J MtCHANICAI. WIICCLER $1930

Doz. 11.750 Coors, .1. WACKY DONIKEY,Swull S1so- S10.Ó0 Dos., 51.001 Cray r TCSMIE DANCING SANTA CLAUS S3J5 Goat . - GIANT 112E SANTA CLAUS

WORKERS -- Lath 75c ,SILY!R FOIL ICICLES -Large Dee. $ 75

Grott,. 1- In Ten Grana Loh; Per Gcq, .,, $2.50

Srttd 33 104 Set o, Snlnptrs. Remelt 113 'Deposit With Orden, Datertco C. O. D.






Sensational Sales`Piomntien Item!


Elcctro0. Nowtºape Mats, Counter Displays on Ro-

" quest!

PRECISION BUILT The .Undcrwoed lin Ivoryl in. a eDn- trollad- Soles Promotion him erprotsly deíijncd for b R atoro pr°tltotioa! Can bo used for ono-hdut or one -day 3.1ka with plenty of profit for tiro operatoelt The Underwood Is a real close-tl.avor, featuring Owl oxelu,hre now -Underwood Double -Action Carlin; Head smbb Multi -Way Ocaid Pickup: Self-16a"ip- eningl Self-starting! No-.rodie - inMr- foreneoi 110120 V. AC operation.


Events for 2 Weeks (Xor._111d. )

AIA.-DuetP'.aZSeC. rile CILIUM:. 71-lI. aaLiY.-Lee ArWrlec lene-BtatY anon. in -26.

141 An[Nra. 1YT. Allow, ?5.77. OA.-Acsena. slzrler Cucru: 214/.

Columbus. tbUoe t.00eat` Circa; 2'.'-77. II.;.,--Rbl<aFo Ter, *en r: YestRer riahtmm

Sher. 21-1E. AptiTOtelNd. Mee SbO., 71.2/.

13111.-8Y0ailL7h. Chrtitl InóoPr OItCe T-71. IndMall}Dlla. Aufg,Sbo*. 10-J1,

AllarriSLtCtore." 'Auto ?Pow at motorboat !cthiflbN2L, 10º5.

IC7G.-A4.I71ADa. Teeter°, 1'batt*eJ. 73-Y!. N: %l.-ilolrlA+rri WIId Anttnai ttpurta8taó

Fzheq. Yrt ó2o*, 10-74_ N. Y....fin V,rk -Doe 80.g0. 37.

RolLester. Auto tlaen 111.)5. l6 A.--tSlealt Pelir floto TCI[-1t.,1:60. M1bla 2tLD Shrine Cft-

rue, 91M, pAx.-A1aa,tre1, Q0R Acto shot. 19.11.

Wet. 1R.ISrr. )l CAL1P_.-Ben Joe,. noG'óLew. s!.- Hr-Kt7 J{e=0.. 7ubeslL'1. hlet e.3'otY

7aerrtl°a.. PONtry Shaw. 2fOra 2. IAr-atw MCLea.' Poultty 111.or, 4.T.

31Ae.tlnt^!'aJl1t{rry Sh,ry 1a-1Stt, 1. RAN.-:CortbG. Poultry .i1,. 10-13e0. 2. MD.-mkba0nt[. Poultry óiq+'. 20.1)eí_ 1, 11tA316.--IlaNetL 1raU, ~ter Aporta' Ettyp.,

WON. MiNNJ11eaAObtta. Poultry 61i0T, 2)-DrF., 3,

Detroit 1lre.. PeuMt7 AUow, 1.3. 110.--m ralea- :r1tL.tluar0 Radnor Pair. 1.i..

1(a.ruy City. Auto Ebex. 2i-L}re. 9. - N. J.-14rrwrk.` auto :ahem. 7t.Ue0. >L

Moor nruaartek. e.ort.etun Y.aldbJl Ai Pr1 Liw. 14

01QJLrdasOrr. notary Fed, t12.os; 2/.15e6 1.

JlllÍlaOetpQ>fautiw aha5t. ), corn _` Y-]..

TER.-Crernooh. the l.ry Slwsr. 1.9. VA..-,lrerpeta Nonni.. Manly °PS1T, 7-11

Qnt$'Tereoto tOnL1 Auto Dhow. N-Ilee, 3.

IEvcrlH for flve wookl ,in advanco appear in the tort hove. of cáck month. This week the'', will bo4ºund on pago 921.

HI t4eT y.i t3Mrle It6ti e6"-r11e One- d PIPES - x

ISA LES i0. fCP'tlNrt"d fiDr. . 115o` rlu,r

177 tOvr,tta At.. New VerS_ PILL. : PYRAMID

íA4 Ttr 6lllto bP mar.


Moot. Mn.. rrelnti7 to good t ba11)tea and many jeeicpots went cut up be. t.tlen the C'hIcI and myoelt. Ref? moos* paper" man or the, Al Hanson

*A ló 'POST CARD* Wm 1.1e0 new PM 1/aJal LI.s er 1000 Rune.


DEPT. SALES .CD. oAL4rrr`1i 'r úAy

MEW PHOTO RING *111. W lnyrl ydnv0r.. ñ1.1. it ub pat Renee In

IyytMu ree.nt mike

t attd'epr4Wlt0erL Reno* 20e ae'PMt1 P1eat1.N/. AfA1 Oe O0.rrevn and NrnIIT PRoM/tlr+w wMr,

OOL[MAN_PHOTO PRODUOTa. 1.211 IL.wrt.r Aeerue, Otnu,YnU 0.

AOE t'.ALXR-aOna cns

New Walking Penguln


'Ns Or+InR4 Pin wattry. BnUrW.4-R..Il.t/r. p.e Arrti, t2.l1 P6N.Mia

Or.ta With Dt0..4r.uS44.S0 Nr" Wail leg Iia.L OWN. á1.00 Dean

18801L AQEROA014. Iltra. Ab Faith A..s... New Yut, Cgp.


ELGIN WALI`HAM WATCHES ...bunt end- OuueM0N61w otvrm. Ilex, 01'ee iAr..: wit<r,.e, ya. fT.,R: $tal, 1J_BM LIb 12-1 .1. WnaM.. ?J. 51.6011taJ. 12-10.

5PICC1A1. .^s d leYDt e7d

PunaRthasrd aim? Tjl 7 J. W.» Won á Wa110..r. Rr-

b1H, r1d POW- 0,1444 te a e d

I 4.3.nwV toW /ROM' e..N. 000+11. fulls bona..


1p '7C*.d.rC.narredrl{'elro)b,wa

I:1Sb IN`s fy+r«Ica. IS .arptr 460 hrri Uputlím :a. Ile!'u05tNr on rint MM.

ROTEIC' PROCESS COMPANY 1a2E OMtrot oL. whlladuehl., P.

J3taow, V wwelyng t$elt .hose. WeatAor h Ma and rtadcre are :ow Ln this Poíttam '





A ¡¡rr`y - I SHAVER OEa

1 FOR The PA'Or Qj¡OH ^*ºutd Underwood,

in 1

Pllrak(n pobCbr Grip. Ivory


71JIRALrapbcd and F

box 3d ,


EXCEPTIONAL VALUES FOR XMAS 1 CL0111 . 1LLINOI! - 144.1110.0g 51

WATO14ta-7 awrr. L0. 1t line. In Neu Y Me `... Sº.t

oW íbW TOHRal3[Lbin a j' 1 . WALTHAM, YD Obw L YK'_

ñrñeá arlw arlra Au.p 3.21 Ir11t. N i:. $


N 1.1 -ZS. MINI WILLOW Italy) WINOS. 'Des r...)1./1

OR03a[i'RA7dtur. PuOl.h WIRY Rhim-" ItarKn one' GUM*. 12.40

O R 0 5 0 t 1- YNId. ONO P%l.h W0u -Ohrlro. D.t. aa

6peo1a1 Prk»y rv QYlttty were. >4 Olpdw. amp 0. 0. 0. 10U1011 riad [Wm. SsAd f. Coy

N. SEIOMAN é;eiYo.: fr. Y


ttnD ALL L[ATH1R Lacto [OÓ[ DILLPOLDf TA/ CwbineUan D +Rw.eJ1 lha PlaurT-_

24 OAOC H10HLY OLISH[D iRA3e PLATEL - e 4, t]enta _Caen In TTavune, Lot.

D1LLPO.D{, In ara.a Lo,e, tic Cm/i. 4a Mel. Ke 5}r Om Iuted >waas

r.ato.ere íhe .jolr llen Knew An SellnyT.11 m Um ~mum (roaOhr.. A. AunL w,4niol.ert, >Mt0. "rat. t.eO.Va CvK+ NTfÑ11MbS6R airf. Der»a:r 0. --,Ad 0-41K

Orear.. O. O, 0.. F O. O. O.nWR Mur. ~SOLD W105 IDLNIP1MTtpl1 .\bR[AO,

107 [m aL. Iro.ta.. Ya.t

HOT Co. 04 POS. N

M MXMA$ .Nih` ZDO' 100; XS De Lo 50 d1n. 10

! bo0. laesa Awe Owl., 1,00

P e. pen'r Óro. l e .+p wive, O.0. .10 ILIa OO~'-+M 7iN Oaern..Qrr. 0.60 OI lM Pt'Jw ' TrrrinM tital, aro, th14 M.uhr. . .N

7r PM, Orlo, n,SO TreM1IM eaxrv . A DOW, C'c404, Oro. 1_50 Pntw,P OMleeell D USK YOUR OnOtR FROM A<sovi Lr7T w Dos. to ..r,l 3.03 toe 50 , .r.410MAaaF X.Ma Lht ene. aaMa-, ^ , We fMI+M.

elBaroTRIX 14ÓY. OORP., IaM Kr" ram. a. T

Lure 11.211.

HOT IIíOLIDAY SELLt:RS 00L10 seen nail Dnr., t.írj

Nvttrp 04... -. - , 5440 ahmr, Dw-, -

Ttlr $10011 ,........;.e.... full r! CAWS. 1e4 tilo eX'eLr/U Ir 60L1D,'1#i9 IM.'r

110 XMAS N[W JOKL'ITtSI.Os >ilPMlcua. N 50aM -O.larrt is Do! 00 2 a9

Wilier, t.AS

+OL$clls HOTOear.Or^ Cstre.<a;n4+Qr. u'G.tu Oo aa.'Y 12 ISO M. T1. M.L ee.t . ^ P. .ANt. Cun8 Mrt4ry

s_eó Ii rue P.1:PItNr. ....fi1


Ar1./ Weaa 51 P .-.TS )4epa.t marches Rude e.t! Rum . .l,

fl'orr.rnbrr 26, 1938 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 115

the ideal personal Typewriter way ---

., J V4iFe( - . rz`; '.;,.

, e ,3. i:r n.v

u,i, _ :4-=yr.--

r +1:` - 11


Try an Underwood Portable ... you'll find that in typing performance -it is right up to the standards set by big Underwood typewriters throughout the business world.

You'll find, it fast,'tdo . . . because it incorporates exclusive Underwood features which 'have- for years made Underwood type`Writers the speed typing.cham- pions of the world:

And, if you appreciate -beauty of line, you'll like the new smartness and, style that t'nderwüod designers have put int. .this new model: Mai! thePcuuptaF now or see your nearest Underwood Denier.

Portable Typewriter Division

UNDERW00D ELLIOTT FISHER COMPANY Typewriters Accounting Machines Adding Machines

Carbon Paper, Ribbons and Other Sapfelict_ O»ffi PARK AITFNUE,'NEW YORK. N.Y.

Baler and Service- ,F,r.rryre-btre

A new popular priced Underwood Portable that embodies all the , latest developments in personal writing machines. Compare it with anyother Portable in the world selling ate or'near, its price and you will soon recogriihe the greater value which this -Underwood model offers. It has the'Sealed Action Frame, Cham- pion Keyboard, Dual -Touch Tuning -and -an -array -of feature's you woukLexpect tó find only ir1 higher 1Srieecl

Portables. Check its outstanding value point by point.

PorswVs T ;picurisr, Division U,is;Etttótk?t) t;r.t.POtT Ri3M67t,CobtgA.$Y Ono -'ark Avenue, New York. IS... Y.

Without obligation to me plcayr fórward cornpl-ctc information concerning Underwood PodabG Type writrn and :Om Underwood Lau Payment Plan.

Yom Xºr+

A ddress

Cerr, - Sr+!+ a f.,

116 Thá Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR November -26, 1938

Two More: Rose Attractions Set At World's Fair

WSW TORE.. Roe. ID. -Lincoln O. Dlckeya general manners of the' 11Úy flux , enterprise» at the world's Farr. resealed this work ,that negotiations for tar, trnirsir COneinaltinc on the Minting fair[rounds hero reac3uid final nieces rind M7 Virtually assured of b Vic in- cluded In the 1909 U $'!neat alone. L rfFlr'.1 r, ill,`bei Barbary Colt. a village. cenalating chiefly cif take -off* on promr- i'rnt amtasernent centers of that untie' )amour r,ection In flan Pranclaeo, and eh _r cetser, Killers of the Deep. 1n Whteh Capt. Bradford Cesxell Will fight shark. untkcr water and in full view.0f epee-


liarbnsy Coats will Include anvang.11* MOM square fort of nttrrtetloals a Minta- ture r.ptáns ól the San Prenticeo fire: Psnnrtr Palace, ladle` night club 'With revue -type entertainment; and -other In- dt ennertta nos, fully _developed as yet. '1C1Jlara'wl11 be hewed In large trans pi,renb Lanka and »MU tentitre aquarium rxhlhlta 'beaiitss Capt., Oaroretri daily combat With the big flab.

Royalty Visi Doiinite Road enterpristy=had proVlouity can

traded to produce the Immense .pageant In the Sdato-eOnatructcd and city_ tlnnnae'd amphitheater at the .bead of Fbnntaln Lek*. Production Will conalat thleUtl of a comhlnfUnn reme. writer ',low and hlitoetea) paatant rí11¢ win pyglmhty feature Eleanor Holm. erstwhile amottur writer enemy/. and .hondliner with Johnny Wetsmuiler in Clereland's Aqutrtode' at Orrat Liíxea'"Evpoaltion.'

Dickey and ht. zarooinS** best Joined the regular Lilly Isere staff. with held. quarter at '155 Fitenth ttaenue. I]lckey will be In.oharro of-aperatfon and »Mile ronntcurtion. ohIle`Roeo impervious pro- duction. John Murray Anderson Will heddla stone* and produclntr detaller- Albert Johnson, deelrtns, and Charles Pre: te_iM, bookings.

P3tr oRtctn_. ea sill a; all Wu., -York. were Wettenod' by MI . Franklin P. Eloc e+rettta et-stmunt this week to the Iffy« that the king old queen of Eng- land will d.Anitely make the fair one -

of their *tops od their ~dean tour next -June,

Lack Rnsen:sl leackiek That there mill not be ,a yacht bum

at the falrltrotmáx next punitoer Awned apparent this week when Pare. Commta- sdatter Robert Mocee. woo hat heiis 112 ehºrge of the protect, threw. tºe. whole Thing back to the city 'in a wave at Megan. inability to' obtain proper co.



Finland Amusement Park Miami. Fla.

cherub= front city officiate concerning tiredólns of drainage canala ya=nk the

Advance guard of the Byotttsh exhibit delegation arrived recently for consulta- tion with fair oldeleb 1-dtland'w111 be represented 'W , the forelgn zone by an extenetve Scotch .fUage. ~taring ,º( various 1pgh and rcprodnottorasc etc. It will be agethºr Obese exhibit framed along eniertattadent railer then ̀ edu- Catlonai althea:

Except for tbo'DiUF ReLe-enterprisre. Itelitlty In the ,00ñettlsioo department continute to more lowly. Lack of proper financial backing by, accepted col)oeaekulurs ocinaa 10 -be the prime factflr In midway. hold -Up. Several con- cerns with prominent attraction Con- tracts in their peeseacion have' been ern able to produce adequate operating rub or saurlty TO -begin actual construction.

Seeking Tony Chains c1NCtI,NATf Nov. 16. -mina Chula&

in a wile to' Tao BGtborad thud week. ',collected' that anyone knowing u+A Wttuteabouts of Tony Chula. ptteao notify him to return borne lrnrnertintely,

tnothsr le atertoudy 111 and not etc - peeled to lire.

TIIE RODEa- (CoriHrued from papa 49)

such talent does net require -as ,largo prance.

Put contest* end ooatestnnte In the slot they belong, end let them both move up the ladder' onMerit and proven ability be their rerpeetive timid- rather Min by afUratIon with eorrio organtse- lion Of by tfadiitig upon tbó efforts of those with proven ability.

The t forthwnat Cowboy# Aaooctation membership, ofcial& alms And object*

.are unknown to the writer. There tae been. hod--rer. rumor that It le erictitlr- aged hi some rodeo enenagements to combat Turtle propol:tL not desired by fame rnetnagelrionta.

There e2 no need for morn than two orgeolnailons In the rodeo Celd:`ooe tae inn ireolmente. the Other for 00nt4iatente. and both open to membership In the rea¡r.OHro branch.. at nil those rdeslrin4 'to participate In lcjittmete rodeo re- gardleea of siso -Mid !repel -Lanett -ell tO be dasdled'according to merit.

There should tie a eoinhppttalon Coon- poceed,of members of both or:anlmtions to officially aupervlaa and govern coea- petltivt' rodeo, with ao- ono to receive °Meli,l ~Rion union n member.

° Men to hoed both ~kw .and act as thv Joint cammtralon ah,neld rinse proven records of dtlroees pracaeat knoiekdge., eMperienbe And ability In their re.peetivo lines,

Surely RICA ,nun can be prevailed Upon to -beryl the orgenlanllobs if they can bo' assured ed., honest and affable L-ó-oprrliticn by an member&,

Let'. hope that the backslnpping regulation soft. -en p convention epetchoe .113 be replaced by honest rind pro- grasalCe netted, Aupportttd by both or, gankratlona to a men. at the Livinartºn ~rung. itorne7nbei plait - Mistake & Prinedt conditions are a. Challenge 'to your beat min, Mud wluterer Is deckled upon, you must *refill. the re.ponalbf. ley for antee.i tic tritium. Mr. and Mrs. Public have Cully dentonatrated tt.ty 714111

narrater/7 In a big any for`thc goods - not inlrb1A.

rt-rri-.sztr-Emr= ,... ...... L . ..L.








9.122 fSS1)11)1P3.'fit NIDL ))sstss+1lf1llllcttit,t..i ..n.Rt2

--AM U

TWW. !sarao fin+Ilea Y9J Yoder- rtararsl ~O. Mrs. )laden

Valk rp i G.hilk Wabwile Alfa

r r Lrk iriirl,e Dot,;~

K li 1 - L )b;*i rt(ea,a,, r IaR It - "I.". al. (Mull [l,ailltrl. 3fa

WII (ltei rA1Kt WI

htlb. ?DI

,, n aa.ylna Y S's ri`.a.

t<Ms. Cbera: taee.rr_ 1 oete. .n..

, á, ltet). Ssuder , Obtd In.. T. E Bmalt array r . 1_ t-}.1, _ MDT etv, jta.auan Tmtml+a, Ja t.

,teram. Vaal m V." Bury:. 1Ó.1b rVi]rrreNl ):ark N'a11ae. JTiée3 `r'`' Ottawa,

.Id S. Wan,. Oar* ,I1. 1 }V VT- Jack 'r: torn, nm 'Caw la,r3

itae Bnoo lei, l.?er. r wanner. t'R pri ;, y O' nlfaaaea,,,etLLr


Wl'i7 YWa, a../,uq ltóM.ive., Jamb raiear. lLbt


CHICAGO, 'OFFICE 404 WOe/a b1as-

S2 Wet RaedalN 111.

Women Bali Real. =sit n Pitta Ir..e.-,. 1r.4si4,

Moo. Steaseó Rrt. ar, Rce.)1Hl.í Irtae, us. abaci

).+: ]erq

=Do; lark Jack viartdaba.fa rands. yfra li.liir. Vºrllt. T4ttal

Watiaet. la.s.t 9. VWrt'l.mons.

° ebweº. et 4t Jaa,a. tt r.

setae nra.ew.r.

Women li rntl .lrpwut es berm Y.ai1Mm; VA

hh eL. Tat_ v.,tt t..r,) .Rkd r tbdL ee 4c 1fMt Pow Dank,

Ttá Manta ¢ gran 11:.---,14 1e ter. ti s N. ]rti,rit

1 FStw. l.. )ilftrr, b. 1_

Ile 11 J ]I .e AtO+a. Ylla. t .

rlwia: Í bJbt I llinist3l. . W,qh Minna, ire.. . Mier. r1aee' ItÁct Yetrprin aw, erti,. L --ry, rfra atast]a Íketrfo. A. fln'

_ Oes.- Ta ,mew+ :tadr

Bee ¡aa,, p( \rlet0. A Paeatla. yylC+A. rr.yty,`

Jaqt., )y+isda Nr.a ]i1,1rl.ta L s1W4agA,a kart9aa.Jr- D,

N}se1 ..ó1ss,e til . a4lsta ems. rirwar0 Mt. II. lb, L. M.

i. C+ivp. A2, h i T r . r t.dtrkY t..t W6r

H. q..1. ras[ya

amwaitL, Ora ail G 1B.- IlL

t¡hi,n¡¡¡w', sn lsºrtia 1WIIr t' IMltk

, i -,s1a. ,t 1 near 1


Ire .r,'Jwra Ñf r. n.rtmcut, ,nr,rals mn4 1 6als its.alhr.

atals Yg).-r. lpga

atals 5 I,R. 1laypci, A1..-+ 5'.sw., bee )aaaat-t sfiea W _eR. ru xlfv. ltabs N1alte. Ed xrsLL]lar. vi,ri.;

Men JUtrru, A.1''rti D. Tea Qtss lrñ aaa0r nnp. Iat 7 iQ,dl1.O_ pila. 'tYankt if.5 palace

tt Ft,- a iYarrl Ite,e.ida acerb: Er,tsa flA I barn.l4-aM

.. ;:.a,.i:t r:ri nn, T. I. )lr vbetnt

tr.... a'4 Atart C.Jar C ate. Bansan In trlrt ],aart , tl.

4p7aasr-il: 'r4 .ce (/lailanArt1vs'1.'ja,)Jromt

1(>vtwtlee tir)ar G 4' Matta. -


ltaeed t e:h14, iratk n..arer 'Slab tro O ]tla'. trtitu l:citi.nat >[om y Itae. Sob enr IDrndd acoe- tr ,, , ,t. ` eTi11e 'H. liso_ ITaa, 31Lr.0a

J tán. 1 raer,.y Iteabet.JN u, Rsrrlam0 l7aer! M, E,rtta Ñ esrladaM

tlíONA Jeees %t0+rar'.a, row a` 1aiate tfn. Jebl.

ri,a Joen lRa}Ir., Da.s 1- O, rwaete wa11w aua.nln a ittarrrte<.a

aae:er ~buy Tevre.t. nWitco, taka

Jjiar IL Ths Tod.

r..a10., Oda JMtai,a., Bt0aa.

E. itt a .ucr Red

trwa-s: Via0/ nw.ñoolf-a. Je. «ta. r-ta ttO°tr. l./i 1dtAli O)t HAND AT

ST. LOUIS. OFFICE 313 Areaw eh1v.

Parcel Post BerocJdr. _ ).. r re

Ilshat4) .N Yep6.2ttaa,,

RJagi 8. rrFri+wrer' J.º _ O'!tNi ¿Ur a e1r» Oa

,lttsea u. sl.ltae. }i rtgmre Elterf

anres )0!omta 1 »÷i411.1":513"..."44 Jartw. a. nr 3`sNs 331=1. lthrla b7a u oet0e. Jaii LL

s.7m_ N'a. J[an, wale

It.í.c,,,_f¿e ,ú ,L3vl A

,r_^YYrkitta i'rr'f; ew b`trrw ;ttai« .°r x. It.r.ft.011. 'ID,

f`t`c.d`::, Tiwdx IL>, a11J 13 Rt Jr.. . - ,y =tan. t ; WOtnea Npa-+. AI!

Rae ttls. ^oe A t.r , ro - k 11 IlMtni vrwíw ltaflae. IYalr, de. S ca.4+

,tlteesrf lta . nob Uow.ltr._,;- ls.r.- . (1Y n, Lllir' lfaae.r.taect, y¿, rl ttry+i

. 4Mn 0. ianr._u., Adtlae lielt ]taps_ 1G ettañóm G l, , _ol..aeot_ é1a10U.1t iMd Ili - '1]c,3s itmn E. C.

jraeY1 tley p+'wt. N. t1a.a, J1ala J. itfM,rtr1 11 r

[41at1raa J. ~boo. tl>:i,

LETTER LIST (Continued from poyyr IS

W,l.; R R't4m. L7nIaa:úÍ lrael e rfb Abra, SSW )L

W.tb.' Pra fr i trit,ea, e-ean gesee, Che.

er.s'°t5. <gSr.t. <:ra Tabery* ar411, Jr B

vilunw nar Webb-

rbtcr, e. IL W ll.w. Due J ewer. Jew trllx.n, Jack e.1 U'eber_ Ws A. WIbie,, JNl Kset_, yt eritrs. )Ira Kwiee, lc'>Sa tsnam, tJrOe r5rtSeerreebya,.

>< Wit+en.. )lo.iñ rn,et., Wat at R1Lce,- lVatta itectt nt1t.i.Wyy Was, IL "'ñ, w tr1aM111 lo

K +ºnan. oa C. WW1 -..1',.. otr Kel ']far Wlsrtrir.)tJan. IL

K.k4. u'n.~!L 11,11,7t12114/105 lrrl:a R n Worm. ka KNIa,


roi! ,N `: Wdla á IH..n i'eua0p, Dit>< KrnVk ]f<° a tacs Via Vafd SrMr. r 11 Waal, r lCr.'y tm Ro31_ Wad. 3. r uhlto

Yrmla2l f _ 1s«need. w'M)a4 besar SP.,.lte.f, [1.471 14.0 W h.Im. ]ia,p. S 6. ,l `Vate:er,

oreaalat eroo4t V. f Wh+1nn. 3abn W'oole,rwd. Krvaa Frt,etlta Flef. : 5e.

traah, riM Whitsl.r lYs p . V1 Ia,.

{WYy 1. ft1N lr.-i , WuA iV1au. . L v.,., as0 r WWb.. R'. VreliTa w, Wh1Ml,iRT rM1.tall, 111lblnst,, Clirl t1p t.

Warrm WlAlabad, Web'.

vQiccTtdttta+cr.1aC. , 7Vfts+, 1Ktt Y, Willa.. liana W 1 tb.An W ry. M<sl Y. wine.. ]etreat W lllel Wain /. " tr


W Iu at, ties. J. NAM'''. t e?aae' v0m WIl1Uaw. Hasflttoe°T.rai0. ~or LADS +, )tra_

7,mr I/raser lrauJlrl rl6arerDl

Wintet1 rt Mall. Dab Men t - añ.R 1L Ale nM 341l0 tl i.

MAIL_ ON HAND AT ,,u,r A al

1VEW YORK OFFICE )In aren,» .__,..."4":01:,

t `a ttmsr L..ilr.a-r. 74rrr lOwwy. 111*

1L 4f.ra+ea 3tar.tro

Pattie' Past eektidal laaarr:aJ° waiter enaraaa. Ethic. Pe


t c..._ -e. r. r. )GtJa nn r,n]`1 0°"t`áinan

Aaa inoa >ten. . 7 In

K' i; R,tf I;eYfC,.7rÑ( asa\

[ 1tir ya{d,1 JwrN A. d1tr>1t;air¡ )t (Siry.a

i Yelle' y'_Nbr" 3t'o,tt FynU. )irarrn ... He)r.S{ ary °t. rA F.

y 4ae tot11

1.0 G

f`,radde,attt5 _ 5ewtw, )lK n ), Jlrs

ix,... r. U. .ta

lu.nno [Llar t,.Jt4 artll4n NaUrun" no. i - .tla ílClr

..earíB, Bete

Allow. Irony Dos Arka. Whin. G


Allasn, W.

ttr+rtlMl tiadaZ ' fn r. G t4r4ila ,llb



1 , =iñS. -lit 1,,aettry Itar t4 \k! t IDYL

I ' II ,',7.. t.a. º ieu. W. L ti .1t A.

qe/rj pm. Uerrr ' 9r.. afaai (ertw. rr a D.ty7t Q>t7er t>Roer. 7,ett¡t

hé lr'-éÁa Attu liaE7lt, ] A san _+. Y.nnrn, 1

Mown ]fact rairAl )t" . y rle: ]etm rill... .....,,a . w.a tt A Sbeer,. Y


. r

ablaii;., aearr tvawl. R..M o,re. iar

itiu7: alma 0, r r+i.on.r. 1naeHbrrrer A

L ardvl 6°°

Osr m a7 ilewu.i. Joke .claw, 6u

91atMn CI')s_ II 'Man". 4eata kccaar Ra L. }

- Ih-St tad, ífaeet"


tIGR'r, 3f_ J. Xirrr.o IL

Nisn. ~ rImv>Daa. Ytaudd., d +-)a Y 31. ray ~

Br It..rMttle Mn. Mrr Jack

b,res, )frn Carr AaLWn.. Ana* Itenrna Vim Oay. 3r..s netw trata. eti A11pp ?1Wa atlt ,_ammioe. MI.* A Ih'. )Its Jae]da T71ao.n, A-,1 CSe.r . kn.i [lr1,t. 1á7i cree],{t, lat-- t-. u)tea, ,ta

H,IaS. NrrL O.esi:'i WrI., yJaa W , ]eaa,ti ),tira y( 7Wrrplia.

Tac ttreirAratr;Galtt. gtMs . I _"CIiLLl. tVfetdt Wtlkw^' aMtM iaYr ICM las4rtn. rZtn. 11.112:la a

Mediate ' ce.,naean y,Q,,rrn

J U.: : _7fdrlirl]arY

November 26. 1938

Lawrence_ Shows Bettered 1937 Fge , YORK. Nor. 1P-Badt' here for

ply toe: nnnuil "molt, Saptmy Lawrence. tad cf the- Sam Lawrence Shower, an. . _unced hie .tcoen aurprteingly better dam last year. Tour atcaed fn Wayeroa. ado- wtritt7 gveatnra after n '34=weoele


and thou the Fast nd South. Outfit meet three ,00lobratmna, 12 tars and Wan«. mill " dales with early ttt li heso,ird by weather, ~lolly at po- g tulty good apota. Petri were very

to crodite his_ entire staff with a ing Sim the 00r record during what sr -punted rte di nsitrots+, tirade. Lawrence

retained C D. Crump its general at and wee emphatic about the em.

work performed by Crump in the terancc and his wife; Shirley. `Sin the paced as tecreary.

kernedla.te members+ of the Lawrence tinily who are members of the Ira-, txoal Showman's A.roeletlon or Leffler* ~lacy :Mealier tie. believed to be

:rd reprt.entatton. Iternbera are Mr.` +.e Mrs.. Seim Lawrence and his brothers pd their wives, Mr. anti Mrs_ Charles farnnoo and De. and Mra. Jacob Cclen, NSA physlldan_

Jimmie Lynch Goes Talkie %LW YORK- Nov. 111. --Pat Purcell,

irrr_at rep for, Jimmie L_vñchla Death lltr.;-err, announced that outtle'a equip - r art la being. detailed from Tucson, its, to Len Angeles. where 'Lynch

a film. He will leave far the Wean t lenmerltauIy Sifter the outdoor

berentions to Chicºdo-

-Senior Renews Sun Contract SPRi .CPIF2.D. 0. Nov, 10.-A renewal

e lia_unr-year agre'em.ytt with,_tho Crum fun Booklet Agency here hat been en- toeotd'by W. C. iBilly) Senior all gen- eral rge7 representative for the fair -dc- yatnrrnit

Weiss Bingo in evo Parks 1 Cf]CCT neATt, Nov, _ 119.- Ben W ele

el The tliUbourd 2rnm Miami. eta., 711 he had aignad'itnntmele for the etc-

' it* on bulge In Penland Dark, Mlnrni; lo i= 11 Philbert'a Key West (Pta-1 - rat Perk.

}TORE' RIDES--- (Comtinded-,from pare SO/

MGM.' Speetel events are planned. to ladled by Harry E. Wilson and two tt at

Ell wite.overhaulod and repainted. 1h131"Brefa.' Sho'-ce :still tunnels a Wont - mot and RoiL-a-Plane. There will be

erhlew,-itt ariditlon to 8pesdy Merrl)1'. . rrerbmc. Leo Carrells Monkey Oir- Sam ftutre Cri,n4 Shoe, Mabel

,llatklt Mule and Doc Ilnrl'rm On tame, Serer t OldlUeeof Life and IIgari;yh Re:>elrlee It la pinimcd to ithent free aeta weekly. -

Pin Wain has taken Over "Charier Otbenrr eontreet for - bingo and' win Out a 9d by Ofi.fiot stand. Mai -ter la-.lier% Dan announced' that only r.toe:k

cans will be alUOW4d to operete. chair Willard Albury bas 'been lnvit0d )5 oSeia111' open the park_ Reported by

E. Wilson.

NAAPPB (Co5Nnued 'earl pegs 301

£. itanid, will stave unneher ,beantt:NI atiti ta a aurtrin dropper Thistiday s may. Deeembe 1

guise who hate not ea yet made ,ar- rte-Mats-me t rle to Chicago are urged

110 without f'Il, it* progre771Ye I'k. pier. piloloe'bench men. Including oiRtertloistc., cannot aRotd to mesa this

?trailty for aaaurtng better result, m the 1939 operated; Meson." acid Seo- t'ara Tt ,

3LVRR LtGPS (CanrJattgd itrom patte .40)

,nit. acrobat, Utica, N. Y..'In Roo - 1,11 Nag _nhOt -

lfit1twARD.-LUP1R0 --Letifa Hñyaard. taso, and Ida Lupino. flint sotreña. '121_1 -Ma Rathers, Calif.. November 1d.

TFde-13RITiON -Norman Rester. ant, E:ltwbslh Renton In Orow" t. Ala . Nora -niter 7

IJ.CFC*trR-ICISKIB . -:Corporal Joseph Q ~mar, off -Foift Wayne:- lad.. and arma (Rabe) IClekis, chortle girt. in Inds NOrember 11.

-' KE1t-S1ti.t1-Albert D. Leaker.

_ GENERAL creator of the Lad:or Poundatloh. ntedltal research .organlzallon at the Utumnity of Chicago and principal Towner of Lord it Thomas 111[0007._ Now York. and Mra. Doris Kenton Sine. pottese and ectrees and wldowof !1f:tfton !tins, mount picture netO.. to New "reek October 27.

LAUGHEe1Di - LNOLAND - Plank E. L%+!rbead. drummer With tmitha Sitperba Band. 'end Dorothy England. nonpro. of Zanesville. O. in Newport, X. Harem.. bee O.

MALONEY-BATTISTA - Rumen bIn- loney. ,.uoclate editor of The Nee Yorker lilt,roaLns. and Mhyam ,Da.ttbrtn,, former

amen an eta? and now;of tho'Hrgltl- taata stoire. in Elkton. Md.. Soptemt:4r 7; It was diselppe4 Nover:her 10.

1TONACO-CA8Y - Jimmie, songwriter. and VIrginia C=+03. forms Blrcaduay 'Selma. IA Be.lrlY Rills, Calif.. November 16.

NELSON - GARDNER. - Oho Nelson. former burlesque straight man, and Daur:de Gardner. nonpro. fat NierAlwn, Pa., giddy 4. It has hart been learned.

HIEOPtKCD-13111AO1ddAN-clay Sieg- fried. Of C. L. Itoekua $boss, and Katha. Leta ilrtdgeman.. nonpre, of Tryon. N. C. in Philipsburg. Pa, recently.

SKOY.11ORN ...Raymond aatey, moni- ker oS the Mali at 8tlticm WISH. Beaver Dent, Wis.. and Marion Elaine Horn In tbit'clt+f October 0.

isTANLEr-Bl'ELLA-Elmer Stanley. of tlte 8ta ihiy,- Eddie and Mee aerial 'act, and O's -en Stoilo. 'nude and retire singer, in London recently.

tSTtP1i+OE15 -Thy 16 - Preston Sttllge$. author óf Strictly Dishonorable and other -stage prOOtidltotu, end Mrs. Louise Sargent Torn. nonpro, In Reno, ?fovem- t 1r

V,. - Don True. blood. of Byers & Beach Shelia. end Lola Laren. of Lenten'- Hand« on

_the same orga O nization. ctober 12 lia porcine, Ark

_ W-A1S.EY?pDsl74AN - Nathan ETA= Walley. protein:kc al fIgure.ekatliig chem- plgn. and Edith Dnst_nsUt. nonpro. at. the Little Church Around the Corner. Now York. November 10.

INLY50N-WLLLIAM& r4 -Don P. Wil- ton, :tiranoe,sa0nt for Ltdeky Teter rind his i 1r11 Dtie+rbs for ''ha I . et two nee. sons. and Prankbc 'WiI1Lmsom- nonpro of Daytona Itcrwh, "Pia_ In the Pleat Bapttnt Church,. that city November 0.

W KMAN-DECKiN'OUAht-Harry O. Workman anti Ann' Beckinsghrm to In.. Mane. Pa.. NO.enhbef lb.

WUEI .GADDY-Charlie Wren, ttiotore dr'ousrt'operetor. the pact souse n with the L. J. Roth Shaw.. and Pearl ,Oedely- In North Augusta. t4. O.. Plorember' 2.

ts:its9 images ,Mary Edith Loma%, profeentonally

known an Ginger. Ray:.featured with The flowery on "the Roynl' Arrcrienb spew., and" Lloyd Sullivan, show organ. Psi ,_ In Tampa :Tinter quartets Thanks- giving Day. Sullivan was formerly or- ganist sit whet. Clnelnnatl" and other radio :stations_

Oingar Pranks, dancer With Clyde Dells' Pretty Cifri-kevrie. and Verne beka *rd. also O[ that unit. Goon,

Charles 11. Wrhrlik. program direotor Of Station WELL New Haven.-Cona.ard J eanne Frank. ngetpro, of S4ldgaport. Conn - icon,

Jane Walsh. RXO-Mtartet,.and William T. Middleton, nonpro, In Ira Angeles December' 10.

Joen 'Mart. film actress., and Charlee S. Deaden. screen wrttee soon,

{Í000S Fannie Brice. stsage end screen

comedienne, from. Billy Roar_ theatrical ~Mee. In 1" -Angeles recently. Paulino Muter, nonpro,, from Cerroil

B. Miller. aide -show manager. In Pr,Js,g- htamton, H. Y. September 10. Air,'. lunar will :muzzle her maiden name, ishultmg s (Darrow..

Mary Jane Trues, actress, known p= feselottally, as Mary. Jane Barrett. from Einert Trues, motion picture actor, in Loa Angelo, oet4ber 9D.

Pearl Jean Moon from Raymond- g. Moon 'former general massager et Co. Opltei rte Tbontoi'a of Michigan. in Wayne County Circuit Court. Detroit. October 21a,

Mildred Rodger; nonpro. from Run__lt Rodeos, announcer far 8tatlon WIN. IL C

Bianchi. city October I, fley. oeuvre. formerly of

the 2LeQfeld'Follter, InSsn Ralph. M. Like. prodOcer. In Las Angels* Nosemaber-2i

Wenche. Satchel, itnellal acts -eta and lomier ,Zfep/eht- Foillec star,' from Max Demberger. New York *Wake :eta; 1n

OUTDOOR The Btlllhonrd 117


The Value of_Pray and Oymnaatio,Eglapemenf far,Batheri, dtaeusuon led by Joc Mallo, Peony ParloOmaha.

Program PROGRAM' SESStONS of the Naftonal Arsaalatron of Amusement Perko. Foots

end Beaches, Grand Ballroom. Tuesday. ilre.ambcf 29

2 p.m-Invcaattoo, R.. S. Urenell."R. 3. Úfeeell Corp.. New York_ President's address, Harry O. Raker, president of the NAAPP'D, h.w York. Reports' of convention. oorum}trees--Program Herbert P. O'Mal eyi erl

beach and loon program. Paul 711. IlUedeñ ,

ohl ppterttltiutent and battgnot.' lira. P. M. Killaly;receptienn and spend, Arnold E. Ourttcr.' exhibits arrangement*. Nog. man 5. Akaelder.

OreGtLnge-- nternational Association of Palm and Il tpouttl0ns, Ralph E. Are - Men. prestdent.

Amertcon Carnit-ats Association. Max Cohen" general cotnaelp, and secretary. tt-CNntrer.

Showmen** League.ot America. J_:C. MreaSery. Tree ddeilt. ii V onsl She't4inen'u Aatoct*tloa. Cron. A. Harold. preeklrni_ American iRecretettooal Equipment .t. 2odetion. George At Harald. pros_dent_ New Frglard Pe tier. NNAPPt3. Wallace St,C. Jones,_paesident. Pennsylvania Amusement. Peril! A.. octetion. 'e, E. Porhl. president. Report of liability Lnaueatue Cocnunattee, IC B. Alexander. Announcement of winners byJtary of award., Theo 11. Toll. chairman (winner.

to be present). Executive Session of NAAPPD-Roll cell: reading of t-tl.nutrs; annual report.ot

taccretair: 'annual report of treasurer; report et finance committees Reports oC Committees--oocne of the :oltowln1- mrnmlttea have plrnuly re-

ported to the board Of directoes. The prer_cnt will have such reports. ts rend at the executive reactor se In hit Jnddafttneht will be helpful said Intere:tins t0 the eneen- berahlpeeaea'ahole. IU.tinto will not permit the reading of all oomthttten re/aorta during the executive aension they will. be Interspersed during the pregnant ~eras of Wednesday and Thursday afternoocie:` Foreign relations.'htstortshe, legislative. membership_ mate royalty. nominating, publicity, relehittotse, safety cºde...4~t- toing prorJoclona and protection.

announcements by thecprHitdent_ Wednesday., November 311

2 psi: -Where Do We Go From Nero? Harry O. Tenser, Traver LMterprtes,'New York.:20

Pali -two 2vend of 844tasra In the Str/rrtmtsiy` t'oo1 Fidd, Joe Malec. Peony Park. .Omaha.

2:110 p.tñ, -Price Potdck* oiid,eho ?Wee Judea:Mrs/ fn Btlttngt Pratsoftem. Carl E. Benninger, Kennyweed Park: Plttabtitgh.

3f15.p.m.-Sr.fc?ttordbtp Your Parrs, Pools and Bocctea. D, Melville Carr. Chi. cage 'Chapter. American R.rd'Crons. -

1,40 p~pub lctty for. Goldner Amusement Erirerprtao, Bert' Nevins, Bert NosIn.K Obioea, New" York.

4;05 'pros Peraoner-Satttt.uuaihtp-!Iºro To Got Pioslei llles D. 131hl)tngs, Bel- mont Pant. Montreal_

420 P.m -CI -Operative Endeavors Ref Wean Pool esml Bccc-re Orpontratfonas Earl 1S Coilhi R'fleaeh end Pool, Noe York, r

Announcements by the president. Thursday, December 1

2 Rebirth -flat -Or Mo`nina Neu -Ones Out of Old ,Ones, William H. Schmidt, Riverview Park. 0211Miga; J, E. Ialnbhe _r..guelld Beach. Clavnttr.d., and others.

2,20 pro-s n a_ Attraction's or Ntrs<ttctt Bt/matarit for roots end menu.,, W, W, Lltlleneld. Saints Cruz (Cat1f j"gdaslds Co.: Mite, Louts bt. 1?h1111PY, irtiilllpe Swimming l'Oole. Cincinnati,

:b0 p.m.=-Th Verne -.of Specter Prdmottotta., Harry .7.,lkrit, Pontchartrain Beach. Neer Orleºns,

3:15 -pair .S1Aeflsi1 Qtils -sae QtiRtfonr You lenutel Like tic`. !lope Aissiieerod. .7. R. /ramble Je.

PN15 psñ---Shoran*+uht'p.tezenipkt d --The Gla.tgow Exposition. Norman Bart- lett. Tomawanda.-if. Y.

The New Fork World a Fait--1971-Tllo Loop,'Otorgo P. 8mitb Jet The Chil- dren's World. yrank W. Darting: Renew the.Shoia; Maurice ?moats;,

i:30 p.m ..Jfor- thi ;vend's Fell, Wttt .erect cad Benefit ehe Outdoor 4nlute- meal 1r Sit:stry, George A. Ratnl:d, Ocarina A. H *ntld. IRON Now York_

Awarding of trophies by warrior i iwxtd'coann/t tea. MIUÍIu0oelnents by the president Mee:Ana adjourned.

Reno September 7. Ramona Sargent. flan Pranclre0 night

club operator. from Ifast-Inge A. (Jimmie) 'Urgent. former tinvremliy. oQ Caltlornta football. piaydi. In San Peenclsco Oo- tober-28.

William W Monahan, chief rot exhibit* for the Golden .('rata internef4oñal Ex- position. from Elisabeth Momoham In Sari Pranctsco November 1.

Tesela Sher -man. vnudevltte actress. from 011a Nelson. Wreath burlesque straight man. In Reno May 1, it has Juat beerrlearned.

Delilah Anderson 0eenpterre. midget entertainer, from Gilbert Jeanpierre in' bt1Rwsukea November 4.

IJl'Gll1s A reran-l;nünd eon. Jerry Lee. to Mr.

and- Mrs. Roland "Repte. hi Citictitnatl October 29. 'Prather wet formerly en operatic and concert basso ar<i dramatic 'artist and la the ton of the late,cherecter 'Comedian Gua Rapter:

A daughter to Mr. and yrs. Billy AaciekT in Pittr_burrrlt recently. Father Is taro. Phonier. r,+tth Noisoir maples. Orchentra,

.A pp, 'Richard Jr.. to Mr. a-uh Mp- Rlenard Smith. of W'llktoahurg. P .. re. oadtty. Mother was forredrty lhnretl(. Campbell. of KDKA atbR.

A son 10 Mr. and Sire,.. Chance Bpre'fik10 in Plttabeintb recently. Tauter r0ondueta deity neumlcrd revue for -Station R :VISW.

A man. Sn1.y. to ' Ir and Mrs. Marty R

tU aya, rather 4 acccrdloniaó with iiling..

~He'll crew nt Paaaa's Rea t 'Aran t. Meant, Pin Mother is the former Peg Swards- Atlanta modal,

A 0% -pound 'poi Lee ar4 Lloyd Jr.. 10 Mr. and mew: Leonard in New Roche:le. N. Y.. October 22, rather ii an Ladle 'carnival showman formerly with Isis WOWS & Dyer Shows_

A noel to qtr. and airs. Jnck Conner to Grenada Hospital+ Orenssla. Mica No- vember 30.

Twit boys. 1%omsa.Jeeph nndi Robert COUrthcr, to Mr. and MM. !till W t./KM In Memphis Atonmber 7: Mother la the

-dieUgte.tet -of Mrs. T. .7. O'Comtnor. anal father la -the don of Mr. and, airs. Pop Wilsoil..ali outdoor se-towpeople.

A seven -pound daughter. Settle Coloen. to Mr, sodfMr, Roy Turner In Oraneme Hospital; Oxford_ N. C.. November 4, Parente -were formerly with the Llnlger Tent. Show.

A 6% -pound <laughter to Mr.. and Itra- Charles Clark in Milwaukee recently. Father ti bottle manage_ Of the Rtvar- side Theater. that city.

A er m, lahrt Calhoun, to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Qp:hurch Jr. In Rex IIo.pltal. Lta1e1$h, N. C.. -November 6_ Father to

rr_uponrte'nt roc The 81IRaoard there. a former member Of the .editorial staff of The Raleigh Norm and Obeerror snit Inn been sseótlptad the part emend years With Clo North Carolina State Pair. i 614 -pound eon to Mr. and Mrs. Prank A N reszato in Bt. VInoO:t'a Hoag. pitch, Lox 1tnñelee, November 11. Pan(hts are known to edit endurance, field_

Tcwtnr Jantea D, Jr -igbt pollen". and Carrie Anita, de,Mfi p *:undo. to Air. oral Mel. James D. Watts In Hear ,Bering. 7renñ.. November e. Potter, formerly with the hate Ii: Lt Clark Caeca. la now n store owner and postmaster t=7 zees .


118 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR November 26, 1938

NSA BantTuet Mties History (Continued from pine 3)

Atraeata: - Harry C. Baker -president Noticed Areociatton of

Perks..Poole aid =Abner IL. Hof - man. NL<A eeuatsek:-Dr,,J*COb Cation, ltn pb)s;clen: Dr. Stith Kohler. director gcner/al Central itltropean Outdoor abowreenl AOIUatu, known proteaseOo- ally J3 the hum ortat I.Y. Sims; Max 3in- dttman, ntsttarnr World -of Ltrtti'Showe. NOA first vkoe-prtatdeot; llttgadae.r Dina - oral a:van H. Ifumphrcy. commanding omcer :blond Corps Area. V. 3.,Army.

dd and. bra als-camp. Captain L&wrenOe E. Dewey.and Tbomes Brady, ehl.t Fie an aprakene room:Mitteo, who dressed the ditftnitary portion of the dada: Rep:'eeent- lug Mayor P. H. Le Guardna-was License Cameneraiarier Paul Moen.

Inciy branch of óutdoorn, from caterer end arrafe, firma up, had Ka dettpteoee, scene its high se 20.11x n tr*nn vend there era* a fntr quota Irani Indoor "branches. headed by Entertainment Chairman Ellin FDwn who furnished the crams of his Cesa Mariana show. A special Emat 111 his Sable- was Hugh ~lie" who could not nppear on the stage' et eho' rite because' he had. to stake a train.

About a score at shows. a terera entd attnertionisv-made the occasion tnke.on the a.epceb of a ,semi-oonrention, with their ~as Crowded with pitaatire seekers diffusing good -fellowship, follow. Mg the ptsanuree .of tho banquet ar.d. entertainment Itself.

Plaques Are Awarded At Oboe of .tho stage ahor'Hamld ata-

noeintrd winners ot 'enigma awarded. to mrrnbers and' blench *ho- bad rendered Ilia I4l9A dietireculebed «orrice nine", .era inception In December, 1037. Ltsí In - tingled Herbert P. O'iisalsy. Play:and. nee. N. Sam Retbstedn, chairman, of the Innee end ae.inberehlp' Committee. end here -chairman of the banquet; Joe- eph McKee, Paltmdes IN J,1. P.'rk: 7í1U Block, Witham Hamilton Producing Co.. Jer0Oy CUT: Jeree,l aye, leanthrelr &ram - en; Joe Balls, Madison equine Carden L rid; Capt. Denial R Pot and Captain

new -York. State- Trooper*: Jack Crrrnapoon ,Greenspoon :e Srseneon COnnisilon Co.; The jrlUbiserd;. George P_ 8inith Jr.., , vev_ York W otld'a Pn11 Max Iiefmnnn. NSA mewed. caarae;al: ;Pettus A: Wilson alment. World of Mirth Chyme, J oh fl J. Janes Ecptelttoe. J. W: (Petty) Conklin. Conklin Elbows and Carnelian National htltlblitofl_Catladlan Nanourl' nahibltinen Dorothy Pecktenan. of' George. A_ Harold. Inc._ president of the LadJra AWrthr._-yr}'Art Lawn, shows. Btr ter Shown Now York State Parr,

keerticuee. North = CeiKeU:ta Smug Intr, Feleleb; New Jegrey State Fait, Trenton; great- Allentown <Pa.) Mtn B1o4maburg (Pa.) 'Mllr; Virginia State Pair ~- moan: Greensboro Asir, Greensboro. N. Q.

Alto Billy Roao, New York: Thomas 1Dradp. New York; Jack leehter. New yark, rite Weinberg Sew York: Herbert

Leenen Nee- York: Eternal A- HtighnI. Canadian National 1 ehlbltlon, Toconttt. Cant. jinni." McGrath. New. York Stets reopen..Jobnny 3. Rline.. (iraste, Shire world; Phil, user, New York - Arthur Mill. NSA exerteary: Dr. Jacob Cohen; NSA pb7alalan Ciruberg's World's ErTiosltion &bona; O. Q Snick Shows, and Jack -and Irving Rosenthal, Palisades Park_

Kayo Directs S .ow Stage ,tbow, ender direction of Jesse

Kerye, of the Panchen Ar Marco alike, 1n- ClUri d font It41tal. llntrn aiorgatl.. Benny Zelda and the Helen

lumina: Gina from 13111y Rosen Casa a ariana: an Walhens. Red S4:ltort, Den Tranner. Bab Howard; Eddie Rennet*. ?obvert Perlin Caen, Carol Kaoe. Three Items ea enema. P-inl portion. ºolyate:1n Brothers min Cent rani Alb. Pratt Ruck, Rain nos Alts_ Ei'i)tY Lewaa, Orsola Arent and the atureel Aut e-'Fitierattenn girl line.

Jot BeasUO'l Madison Square garden Band., 'in World', Farr uniforms. played the early part cd the ,evening_ and Hat Brnndywlne and boa orchestra handled (list shot and dar.Wng. Acts were ob- tained thru -the 'Courtesy Of filly Row. Panchatr 1i-Mnrce, Ed Riley end George A Rtainld Inc Adduiozal t elsnt from other bidoor and outdoor booking ofrieea W on hand in rein. of en e ire geleeT. Besides Kaye and Rºte, who was chair- man cd the .entertatnrgr*tat committee. *trite welt aiage included Baia Inman. George Ostecriand. Sam 8beypn. Leo

Cirund, Charlie' Hart, .Joe Casper and Ilerooaa Bhunenfetn

Sd elights Ea.mgnet repreeerntatton flom Out of

town still* otitiers and b.ogteet committee a bit nstert ed, it ~oat looked like Chicago at convention twin and the Western delegation "Was gracio:is. If not eurprbttd. In their praise or the whale. thing. . treeivt for a rather slow -moving dala and lengthy list of speakers, proceedings monad with re. markuebno precision. considering the youth of the aigenleateon. NelA will do welt to.shoeten Its data oereaitoniei next year, tho. . ,. . How Uwe Kayo end his ))ttle band of wants:it* *ear put over the show -in such rapid time and With no few 'hitchers 1a teen beyond Preaaldent Ire.mir.; wbo hue produced many a ban- quet entertainment bell in hji,4ay:

Herbert Lewis. NBA accountent,n}0 51,111 marveling at the hypnotic prowess of Rajah Rabotd..a* demonstrated In The B-Uiboerd rrulte-as the night if,irore on.

. , Prank Wirth, attraction booker. was a *enter of fun and frolic al! ere- ning: Prank rte-oongratutated on all alders On his raéntry Into the fair book.

- log b:a. .. The Wirt: atfice's newly acquired public ty director. L. C. iTed) Inner. called .at quits early-h avy cold 'wars in grippe IndLcaUons.the, reason.

William P. Dunn Jr., rice-prealdtat of the Manutectursrs Truest -.0.. nod erne. tart'-teeswuror of the Ringling-Bar- num circus Interenta received has Mina. Mon into, OU1400r contention festiettice. De wan entertained no end and la booking forward to many a "happy, moment at 'lmiir events.

E. Lawrenee Phillips, William Carlton Flemin_d. J. C. (Tommy) Tb,om as and Ralph Lockett represented ,the Johnny J. Joules fepoetuose .. . Dull Stem and Lev: Wasaernisn, Mule Corporation Of A use:i , attended their first outdoor

binqurt and ball. And many marl' face* Donathe Indoor -Zelda -were much In evidence.

Furthest froth busloaro Location wait Abner AC.-Kalaé, who 'drove all the way from Salome Ore. . . The man who traveled" the least was "Sam , Rothatedn. whoa* .Pork as nor -chairman mode,hlm practically a resident of.tlae. bold. . Mart excited, was Prase Agent Bert Nevins, of Palisades Park. when Will soon be a 'popper. . Least -excited was Johnny Liddy, exec son. who took lt,all In stride. having been thru a score or'ao of NVA ehowfesta- , Every company into n1, bad to remote "Ha Drese,Suits for Hire" dgna. Tbey ran taut of,ma-- twist 24 hours before the fun,etton:. . The Busiest bea was little Joe Roes, who covered all " ehrienee and during" angles.

Man with moat amll% was Arthur Campoletd. of flnikar.Lockwood. Man with least atnll..k. Lea Dufour, who kept working like the proverbial Trojan right up to the finish mark. . Vie Herndon dad a swell job on rho anpago souvenir ptbrrtnm. done to Mina- nrul contenting many Interesting 1ayou is and articles. . . The mona'contelnadetneb delicacies as Juico Joint. Slum. (fruit cup)., drop and Ptah Division. Iran Sensation (bearts of grimy), RMi- Down floated nuts), Pit Snow- icemen oLree). Wales (filet of Sole)') Spttdap an Tetra Added Attraction ,(solace. known oa wide inn Money): a Pitch-Till-II-Wth erection. 000st-etiog of Girl' Show .(baby chicken), A Bcd;One (candied exert p tstoet) and Stringers (tetrtng beaña): ñ BIg Circus Bide Show o0ntatnlr.g ~tan Asset (tos cream). soots went fours j . and' Ring Crock '(claceroons). The Getaway ("It's All Out quad All Over") was.. of course. dentl' tamer.

The In Metmortañ .pogo 'res'derotod to Jack V. Lyle.. Carl T. llnthawgy.,Edv.nrd B. Block and Harr',? Helfand.. . There seta also a handsome facsimile dglaature page with about 100 nasals.

Banquet,Reg istrations A

G. A. Al>DyaK. Mark abows:'s, S. AIM - angler. Woodside Park, PAktadoiphts: Al- fred. Adler,. Prank Wirth Booking Aavo- r:tatSon. Inc:; -Bernard' Allen. World Of Mirth Shown. Ma,jer eand'alra. E. -It. Allen. Plotalnston (1P. J,), Palle a. J. Allan, Boa - toot Leslie O. Andereon. 1NeOtaw-HIü Publishing Có.:- Chatiea Angevlaº. Measmore & Ixruoat;, Orsala Arrall, po0rga°Hamid, Inc.


With' Bath, ~del Park, Palisade. N. J.: Mr. and airs. B. Sarbea. O. O. Duck Show; Itowwnd $- Bardelij`New York World's Pain M H. Baratta, Sarnns- Carruthers Fair .Booking Aasocllltloall Noenian aertLett, Raritan Rides, Laney B; Word Beam. B. War4" Banm'e Con,rrew of Dare -Devils: Jack Bean. Henry O. Bak- er, Joe Beck, ;Cevíark. A', J.: Harry Be Oar. ibrald'a Revelations Of I932; !farad* Den,, New '.'ork; fiddle Bennett. New York; Phil Bennett. Brooklyn; 3. Mar. canna Bercºrlet, New York; str, and Yasuo 11-e -n Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Ber- gen. James Bs.aea Jr., Wend, of Mirth Shown Mr. arid Mrs. August Barns, Pat- na -des Perk., Paltande, N. J.: Irvineand Sam Berk. Brooklyn; Cteoree Bernie"n Postern 8tatea Yxposition; stem Irene _mumberg. Now York; .1. sad Jenta)5 alad- her..A. Cobalt es Sons Conan Mr, and Mrs. W. 3. Block; William Hamilton Con Mr. end Wrenn. innate. Kaplan & inept= IL l lutnenfeld. George A. Hamld. Iu0.;, air. and Mrs. Prank =Need, Pannell* Park. P.ilaed,e. N. J.; P. floree. Maine -.State Fairy W. H. Bowe. World of )hero elbows: Thermal Braúy.Ncw York; Mr. and Mra. Edward nraimon, Grecnapoon en Brame woo; liriebi Braun. Great gran: `:eellie Breen. New York:, Harry i? III Fulton Hag and Catnna Mina; Mrs. Lillian Broolts. Nae- York: Mre. Oilman Brown. World of Mirth Stowe; Osier C Hvok. O. G. Buck Shows. Aimee Burke, Pall- wades Park, Palisade. N. .1.l 'Dorothy Huyatt, MOM Labern*Oiies, Ina.

C hoe M. Campbell Catlin a Nitr):

Shaver: Arthur S. Campbell. Baker.Lock- crood"Co.: Myrtle CampSeld, New York: Mt and Nix, 1.. Hervey Cann-. World of Mirth BhoNrn Chariot. Carioo. Carlos Mr -

ale; L J. Cotllp, Catlin 4. Wklnon Shown:; Lola Chalfont*¡ NOW. Yore: and Mra. Henry' Chcsteirneld, National Variety Artista, Inch Bea Cohen. Now York: Charles Cohen. Gellert, usa Wilson shown Herman ánd'Mldge Cohen. Haomflton'Ree ductng Có* Inman Cohen. Berney Plebrtes;.ltn...l rolan Cohér., Radenal Silk

- Co.;Laula Cenan. , New_ York; Mary Cohen. New yore; Malt Cohen, American Carnivals Associatioa,:'Inn; SstA"t7aben, O. C. Buck 'Shows: Mr. 'and Mrs: V. J. Caletti. New York Wortds°Fair, nlrs. J. W. (Petty) 'Conldtn.- Cóakkrri Snows; Marjorie. Cooper, Palisades Parle: Sylvia Cooper. Intñraatienel Mute:mope Reel Co,; Mrs. Jemes J. Corcoran, Grsntwaod. 5..3.; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Coronatt, Corta atl ¿irntiaesnrmtr, Ina{, Dr. H. A. and Hildegarde County, Infant Inetibar ton Con' Mr. and Mrs. William Covens, Berates Shows; l an; Joseph Celda. The Blitbeard,

'D Mr. arid Mrs. idsegh Batson, Mr -*-

more b: Damon:- Olga McClure Demon. Saw York; FT,ink W. Darling. Children's World.. New nark World's 'Pain Mr. slid airs. Harry Decker, Art Lewis Shows: Paul Deena, rite BUtboaud; Thomas S. Deplttn. -Scareease Co ; ' Edith Derany. Palhadea Payko Oarat J. Derany, New Wean I e- Join O: Deekenni lly Rose En- terprtens; L. S. Doenbiowaky. Raw York, World's Fair: Mr. and Mrs. A. Dreier, Deader Itatab;; Robert Minton Brew, Pali- sadew Park; Harry W. °rind Miner- a H. Drucker, Willem Ptnsker Co.: Prank P. Duffie1Q,°Thearie.Dnffseld Ffñaweelta Co.: Mr. and M. Low Dufour. Oniony dn. men Charlie- Kidder. World, of Bi Rogue: Harry Dune:el; Catkin a Wllsen' shown _Henanuel Klein'. Iireoklyo; t.

KU M. Hert'a:berg-Wilbert-Flaesett Tr :WI %Mitred L. Klein Montrone Inch/rrl, Sank: Mrs. Abner K. .(Vlrglnls) Etloe, L7Yvly Aircraft Ca; Darla W., Jolsonl, 31 anti Manny King Kiln. Guar- sdow' World; G. S Kohn, Penton Beg Cotton Millie A. Knutleeberg, Mike tern', via. Inc.; Mito 'i. Krtttferi;,. teaw' -j,.l, Mato klatr, Mike Keerla, Nee York

Peggy Landry, Flew York;' Ales. Frain cis. Joseph. Leaner and Mes. Motile Laude. Delight Sweets; ;aye and ]ire. Fib! Lange. Brookl n; Mr. and iwr. Jr - Laaky. Leaky Literary Berrien Mrs 81rri

Mr. and Mrs. F Pelt, Palls de. Pule Morns Plokshieln, Alt Louts Mere Prances A. Flack, Pew York Werldy Pate William C. Plemi ig. Johnny J. ' Jonq Bepealtion,; Florence Brown Poster, lrty. fug' Trapani. Brooklyn N.. Y.; L. P. Its. to. American Bank Note Co.,. )dies pox, !knock & Schaffer, New York; J:4epa

- Flgerl. Rocky Springs Park. Lenp suer, Pa.: N. Jerome P oodmsn, 'Triangle Post. or Printing' Ca: Mr. and Mrs, 'W. jj< Preeman. World of Mirth Sbowae) - Madman. Marial Candy Co.., Ina.

'C Marione, Chagnon, Paliade« Park; he..-

ty Galbcnitb.'Mauro-Ooldwytt-Mayer: 1<- and tira. 'P. Clanafn.. Palisades peen 111ltaa Gaudy. Hots Wililants 0laoua: w, Cif. Gehrlg: Jew L. Gelsmnn, .Bartlet 131date The.; Mr.. mid ;,frs..Jarnesa P. CIIY. J. P. Cities Jr.. New York;, Martha L..On. ter. Laurelton. N. Y.: Morns Wham, Key West. Yea.: Mr. and Meal° B ac ob Micm O. C. Duck Shows: MY, and.hfra. IL J. Glynn, Marks ',been Fltdk*' Gold. he. Teek;1'Mack IGo:dberg; Brooklyn, 1e, y3 Murray Goldberg, New °York; _Sir Goldberg, Rockaway Beech. N. Y.; ern D,Ooldtnrb, New York: Ralph Oeldenwn World of Mirth Shown Mr. and turf. Jas. oph Goorini:aa. Goodman Wonder Std Goodaall, Brooklyn. N. Y: fleas O. °mild. Rorneetgr, N. Y.,, `1e c, d Grande, Larebatond, .Ii. Y.; Chart* Orpatbam EcckawayI'Playlaad, N, Ti Harry Greene, Mares Candy Co.; Ism (traene, Naomi York: Mr, and Mrs. Len Greenspan,e0oodrnnn Wonder Sh0ee n and Jack Greeritipeen. Oroenspooet

_Brnmlion;" Mr*.. M. ,Orsznsp_.-a. leca YoTigf-Mildred Greenstein, Brooklyn 7L Y.: Gerard aid Ruth Oeedn eld. ,r , Tingle George F. Oride. Palisades Part Philip 'GuUltn; World Of Mirth Winer CAen W. Cliennclt. Oemuee County yak, Datarte, N. Y' Mr. and Mrs. Max One berg, Grul~ World's arYpwstrx 8hbwe; Mrs. henry A. and Rebut 4. Guenther. Olympic Park, Newark. N. Jl Plato D. and Antbo P. Gutmra, ~ea, , Minn Marjorie 8. Outman, Now Yak A. R. and Ethel Outtcnmacher, Panama Parle.

Stoma W. P. Dunn Jr Manufacturas Tlrtatt-CO.: Jamas Durant, T. W. Halle, H. W. Dyer. Pallsadee Park.

Mr.. and Mr& la ice Elk. W1lUere Hamilton _Ptuduclne; Co.; Jcuepb End Mr. and Mrs. David Kpatein.'Nsw York.

P Nathan and Lillian ^bar. Rockaway

Se:ch,'N..y,: Vane Therese Phllon, Pali- sades Park; I?od Panabrr, , New York: Itrio Pantkno, Four Palatines; Rüy iYin Helen A: Peuaotte. New York:: Fed - tier. International bautosoope Reel Co

H Harry Ihddab. Palisades Patti Winn

Hamburg, William Hamilton Prodeene Co.: Gene Itamtd. Revelattowa on 1a1,á lire' George A. end Zytm"Hamtd. Oeo e A. Humid. Inc.;- Ted Hammenstene Net York:, R. In 1lardtng. Pewees Belle limns. New York: `Mr. cad 1 Iko, Harrta, Asbury Park, N. nimbi. IOeni William Hamilton Producing_ 00; Zen Harris. World' of, aflét'h Sbown Chi M flart,.óeorke A_ Haalad, Inez Mrs.C2adn Hart. Merl Pier, Atlentle City^ lir,_esldi Mtn B. itartnett, Mrs. Thocniu.,l. Het. nets, O. C. Buck Show:: -Mr. and 1 -re Roy Seekter, Hubert MU,4um, IbQ` tilt llam Holman, World of Mirth Show: De. Tad and Maas Iflteenredt. Circle hens Inerittn:d Co.: Arthur. L. 11111, New York' Georgso lilrllbtng. 'Cetlkn a Tram Sbeeir Mr. and Acre: Walter O. Kr-gsa. White Plains. le Y,: Ilan"? Winner, )ter. yell Candy Co.: H. D. Howard, Peon A, Hurtld. lne^ Miner: 1,h and Peter Huber. Floral Park, N. Y.; MrsG. Joseph 'Li Iinglua. George A. Hnmld, , Inc.; Pe! Willtn Humphrey, Billy ItninnEnterpclwa

I -i Mra. Atone Israel. Taflot.. Brae: )dew

Jerry Jackson. World' of Mirth,~ Walter Jecobaon, Jacobson Ciei; Mr. and. Mrs. Jame U. Jtbally, 'Patten:la Part Betty Jerome. New York;. Ce rre,Jrasel New pork; Mr. and Mrs.,Sol. Joan:Mtn Scbork de-Sehetfer. H. W. Jones,. angel Better Games; LOO Jordan. Pans:tses Park..

K Kaplan. 'Triangle *agar Prim'

Mg Co,; Its', and Mrs Phil Kann" KiJ Fan do Bloom; Mack andBlsnebe,H. Sal'.. seer, Prank ~tin ne--o Kaye. p:rr.Cbas & Marcos Mr. and Mrs._AI Kaatirt. A t

Lewis' Shown Mr. and Mrs. Thara.l Kelley. World of Mirth Winn* ewes Kennunite Chattanooga rrela) Thant

iVonambor 26, 1938 GENERAL OUTDaR The Billboard 119 'ea and Miriam )Aaurts, World or

with Shorts: Charles Lawrence:' Sam tarMtl00, .teem l.aitnence rl .e 1., rstloe, Nc'w York: Benjamin Leldcr., Nate National- Bank and Trust Co.: garnet Leilder. Wilam ºen,iker Co.; On - o dd LOOIOClt, An oriean ,Phone-- Johtt lyrsard: GteefBPoorn ti DrAmaoit; Herbert

Levees, Nam York:- Mr. and Mrs. JWIII s ritry, Bronx, New York; -Mr. and Mrs. Art

, Chance. -Talk nod Mr. and Mrs. 'tor Lewin, Art Leafs 8hrywa; Pearl Leila, v.. aafboav*: D. L. . 1 JChtbloll, Pe11 nden Irk, Palisade. N. 34 Peed L. Liebman, too York: Lion and Rune Llobtnan, p rnot.Carruthera I r Booking Ann,- _ttbn:_Mr. and 4n; Jack and 7.1ra. Max U mr4cran, World of Mirth Shoú,.t 7dra. dtirtºRa I %tile. Laic, l Ltttig" Now TocK Rower 13. Jr. and W, 1!. Llttteietd lit Biflboord; ltniph O. Lockett, Johnny I Jnnea Repotitloo: C. A. Lomt+e The ,:dlboerd: Dr. Mallet London. New York: Mr r H. Lute,. Paltsadea Pant: )t Blond

Lome tiros.. Inc.; Mr. and Mn,. Its: try hyena Palisades Posit,

Mc Y. 31, McCurdy. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Jlm

'1rw h World of Mrrth.Shows; Al. Jima e Mr. and Mrs. JoOod41 A. Mciteo, Poll -

Park: Paul R. McKee. Rocky lee, Faro, Lartcar. tef. Pa.; George W.

iitelouathllo, Now Tcrk World." Pair; McNell;' New York; Raymond P.

1,1:Sultr. New York. M

Man C 'Madden. ÓtnngÓ.County Pa1T, ~notch. N. Y.; Jane Magid,,Ife. lyer1S John J. Mattosit, Calhoun $have ItYf-tltnti Co: William J. Mnlnnl;; N. 8- "t a, Behork.3 Schaffer; Lotto Meisel, 4xtsasye Flaylnnd. Rockniray Ik3e11.,

Y Mr. and ..Airs. Joe Meketbatrr. S. 1'sY Er Urca.; 'Frances and Jotspls mob 11,rUtan Produºitiº CO.; Francis B. and IL. and Mtn_ Geargc. H. Mfr'rn4rº, New Ink; Mrs. C.-8. Moyer. New Took¡ Harry ;Aqua, Brooklyn; Prnrl.. Mayers. Lang h+cb: N. Y.: lira. Lerida Meyers, World 7 Mirth She*: Beatrice lillbuuser, t-xka-rnya. Play -land; 13, L, MtlhauJ*i, n .:iaAny Beach. N. Y: C. R. Miter,

- y fat nd, - N_ Yw Pranit C. _Miller `Pall -e Bros; OOneeerion Co.; L. O..ond holm. Miller. Prank Wirth: Lester St Eater, Bartlett Rides, Ina.: Nathan Mich ñtlller limo: Mee Miller, Brook- ke: darn Miter. 8ohork & Scbnffeevidrei lUn, Mtutatuan. New York; Alexander Y. ütebdi. )tartsdat&-N. Yz J. P. Motagoll. ^c_dtaO National irallwayn: PbU:p

hl, Paliaades Park: Edwtn P. ...nnroeº, Jennie E. Strafes Shows; P.

Sir _Idorenoy. Art LORI* 8hotve; air. not Mrs. Cloarl:aa,C; and Doc rtbrria Jr.. i inaocs Park: IHT, and Airs. Leiile Mar-

ofd New York. Mike Minim. tee Munson Corp.


N IL Nadel. I1adOl dí: Sour. Alec Naboa rd Sir. and Mrs. Lon P. Nall. palisades rtk: Nn41:3r1 and Botts Nclttion, New

rorT Bert. Nevus. Palisades Park; Mr. led err.. Oe0l'.o Mkbo,a, the ,Irma Co.;, Uttar Novak. New York.

o Orono Oberland, panoban dr Marco:

almond Mrs. Eugene. O'Reneei11, Art Shows;. William, E. Ormsby.

>IJS*ades ''Park: ht, H. Orodanker, The 'i lard; R 'E 0vistt, Harry C; Acker. p

Dorothy Packtan. Otorge A. lluotitL l tn ei 'Mrs. Sarah Fnaktman. 19rlotrep4

era Paley, Brooklyn: 24r.. and Mrs. Hy ?retain. Jerald Prahklr. D. nateln, Ins. k}. and Mrs_ B H. Patrick The Bfli- :reel: Jack Pratt, Masco Novelty

L1wrenec Phillips, Johnny J. Jones Men Jaynes Picchianl. Flunk trifle; Mrs. T. R. Pie -son. Palisades TArsrt. Maurice ar.nd Margery Pteson. New

tr Ted Pirate!. Myer B. Pinker, t ti,nl Pinker Co,; Frank ')stns. New It: Murray.:Pota.», World. of Mirth

Mr..ond Mrs. lStrl P'iat_!o, 1.'ora4 M.rth Sheers.

R Mr, arid. Mrs. William Biabkltl. Jnter-

.0 :eel Mutiucope trees Co.` D:. and tank Prank Rena. World nC Mirth Shown;

)fair at,e, B. Blnn0ol Argentine tea;, Edward Rninetzl, New York

l -st4's Pair; linrry Romith. Marks Ibis, Lunde cote R. Randall, 1-alO idgt totltae Recht, Infant Incubator : John P. Reddy Jr.. Ringltng-it.Tnum

Cur -G J.- A. Reilly. New Yolk World's r. Otra M. -E. -Reinhard. Richmond, t' Ur. and Mrs. Maynard L. Soutar.

ftIfbaord: Nellie D. Reynolds. Gbta- rune, Mandib R4^vnatdr4 Crag Blade. ti: Jt ,fib Rlnatdl, Pau '_"des Vann, Ii. RtrSader. Stlterk Si Rchafrer:

,=-dY and Mrs. Mario Ritchey, Billy

iUtthera Water electric w OcslntnA ¡. 1'.; ells, 71/44. ptirinyto Now York; Mitch Robinson. Brooklyn. N Yti Edward O. Roseker 'Jr.. MarchnOttille N. Ja Al Rogers.. Art Lewis Shows; Joseph Regent, Dufour s. UOgorn; ,Joe Rost; Burry Roeen. Coney bland, H. Y.: Jack end Wady* Shelley Pas rtitlralend Mr. and Mrs. bong RoseatbnL Rtilaadea Park: hfr. and 1.07. Max 1Roeo(f. New York; Mr. and Min. C. W. Rote. Canadian Nateonal E.xbtbatrnri. Telront0; pr." and Mra Nathan B. Rosa, Lone Inland City. N. Y.; earn and Wiens: Roth teln. New York;' Jack Rothstein. Paterson. N. J.; Raoul H. Raoul. William IHemiltaa Pro- ditoine .Co.; William Russell. Glnegovr, Scotland.

S Henry S. .Sanders. Pubtle Natgonal

Baal! end -Trout 'Co..: New York; /Dines& E. Satwatoe7, Bartlett Arita. Inn,: J.

,}9Cbochtcr, New York;' Mr. and unit. Max Set/after. Ccltlptk is Schaffer: Artie Sºhitimen. Art Leather- Novelty Co-: Prysnk gehUllirrn,rWoild Of Mirth Shows: Clem Schmitz, 'Indio City; Olebel Achammnker; 9ldnny $cbontxr%ler: Wttit- 71-m Hamilton Protiurin% Co.; l9d- watd Schoeppe, Philadelphia; .$dOlph :thwart_-. Pnttn_des Park; Harry Mildred, liarmand and Wilklnrn Robvrortz. N eww York; Clairmont Seoncid. Palltado Perk: Mrs. C. D. Seodlelei. Palisades Park; Jake Bhaplrti.'' mangle Politer Co; Sam Shannon. P:tnefion S Ma1Y0'. M-. and Mix. Prank D. Sheen; Haw yaw: Marry Shepard ~des Park:. Chsttk- Shim - noel, 'New York; Louis J. Siegel, Exeeil Attractions: Mr, and Mrs. Silver. Lima Park; T, J. Singletan. Pitta" Jetty F rk, Auburn. N. Y: Melon'statde, Ilom Pinakºr Co.:. Mr. and 'Mr* Ede i Stailth. Trio BUfbcerd:_Cedrito P. Smith Jr. Nea Yñrk" Wort" Pall: Jesaíe Ssalth, New YOdC Paul Smith, New York Stat. Pair, Gerald Oneltctre. World of Mirth Shows; Dave salt'. George. A Harald. need J. Inward Bol11y. J. A. De- Kanatch Brows; Inc.: William Cl.`8ulkyl Troupe; Bert. Spence George W. Sperl. Dixie Vortex';Co.; Paul Spitzer., A. 1:p. rteln; Latham G. Squire. NOW York Worlds Pair. W. H. Stein. Music "Corp. of Alnertea; A- W. (Stodnnñfl. York:` Leo Stone, Prank Wirth; Jarnm 8 Strntes. 'S'ratei Ethnwa bars. Della Stringer. Chdtdreñb -World:" Ben to. Sarong' Oesngo County 7atre, Goshen. N. y.; E. Suraarmnn, The Brlibaard; Hairy Snrsriiart, World of Mirth Shags; Chertrndo Sylv*n;,New York; U. Ií Ilya - lagoon,

T Mr. .sand Ltn. Irving 'ILfteL SPrldiree

ltT- - l r Ttn$1: Mr. and Afro, Samuel Taffet. Tatter BrotherE airs. Maw Thte- rnnnh: Palitadaa. Park; Sharon Thomaa, Syracuse: J. C. ('ibrnmy)' Tbóutas. Tohnny .1. Jonas Exposition: Lillian To. nt::s; George 7r. Tnnror. Pleavurs Reach, Blackpool. EEt .g Gordon P. Tanner. Nor- wood Am mernents; Leonard!41attbe, The B(QTEocrd; ChIrºdt+te nod Marjorie ' rontie; Me. end Mile. George' W. and Minerva Traver. Pair at Ronne. Inc.: Dr. H. W. Turner. Doykotown (Pa.), Pair: Ain A. W. Turner, -New Hope, Pa:' AI - brit E Tsirptn: Mt. and Mn.. Barry G. 'haver, Now York WQdde Pair ici Gºid- en c Ito }position.

U' Irving .iDdomits. Blue Ribbon Atone,

Botts;PGs. Dolly irdowita, Astoria. L. L V

Iredie Yatpthen. New "York; 'Prank Verna, The' Brooklyn SYaaderd; Jeanne -N.' Vernon. Mural. Me.: A. T. Vi:a1.. ,Oblo 37splay Plreworka`Co;

W J, P: Wadsworth. Rln:,ltng-Bnrpiwn

Cirrus;' Mr and Mrs, J. E. walker. World of,Mlrth iSbroinr Lew Wasstrrsan, Muelo Corp. of Anwrlca: Edw. R. Wnrraan, Pay Warman. Oreenapeon & Ilrstanan; Jack N. Weinberre. RiStn Ribbon Attraettopa: '8kdnea J. Weinberger; Irene and Joseph Weisman. Palisades Park; Ralph Went- worth. Lang -Worth Co.; Granite P. White head. Sane Wpcdttton isháw,; Richard. J: `Thalen. Palta dean Park; Mildred NOW - Dam" Ben Williams snows; Jahn W. Wilson, Cetlln ;t: Wilson 8borw Nennotb

-tCtlson. International M,tutope Seel Co,; Prank -W. Winter, ?talcs Mate- Pain

m !bid Winte, InternationalMate- Olutosoope Riel Co.; TAW Wodlntinr National Variety A,-tlata,.Itici; 'iheora Warman. Luna Pork, Coney Wood. N. Y.

Y ldr. 'and Mrs. Moe la. Young. William

Hamilton Prodilclag Co.

Z Bernard TAifai, Parfet Rills, N; X+

Mn.. Piorenco ZUndeiL Eddic'a éhve-altar

I i



4-, ¿1ENTCI1 Just Closed Biggest Deal of Year for

Nationally Ad verti'sed COMPACT RADIO

Manufacturer Won't Let Us Reveal 'Name.

Sample Only

a L4.s

Quantity Buyers Write, or Wire for Special,Priees'

B & B adio Distributors 43 E. Ohio St. Chicago, Ill.

p¿oa""e9"bG"d"T6 R6t 4A"aa`ey"trk"+Is'm5mawA:emk a 3T i


SY,S No!~ Contracting Shows and Conccssións for 1939. art

Winter Quarters Address: 118 Joplin St., Joplin Mo.

UI i s á `r11-~ir m7 eiZes;: Ptnn1, Coney Island 14. Y., 'gam tun= doll. Ootsey R It nd, N Y.; Mn- trep: Zonal. New York: a. L. and Mar and Mn.e Retitle J. Z.ouary. Palisades Park.

Richards To Direct Publicity for RAS

CINCINNATI, Nov. Mt.-Roland W. Richards this week at Beaumont, Tine.. wan engaged by the Arnuaeanent 'Corp. art Antwica to be director of p bUolty of Tears/ American abase next season, he atgted yrvterdny afternoon on a Visa to The 8tti'beord. aeeórnpanted by tali wile and daughter. Marilyn.

They n;ntorrd from Beaumont, carry. tng along their trailer, end were headed/ for Spelriutelald, O., to that RUebardn' relatives en route to the outdoor con- ventions to ChICago. Ante the me/tinge Richards 7tí1] head for Ploeida with Ws :malt, as be la scheduled to arrive et Royal Araeetean'J winter' quarters in Tampa Jandaf'y 1.

They were with this show for sereral weeks tbta year folios Pine the cthaltag.of ire Goodman Wonder Snow where he Was d.lraetor of publicity the pus áoaaoal.

s aalety arene.,


,, ata -i**hk

ret100yata Weds: in nata. RalpawltD

tv 1 iaef

TRUNKS'. SILVER VAULTS TN.t - YOd.tse 7.2977º4

OOI.Vtang Ñ AWiY OathK.

mad Y 7N aleen, !'s ,* maree Tait ositl VIS Nt Maw'"



OJOS /ONrNER. WANr TO Ir4Y-iNreeine Ww1e or any ox4I

ate.r,tereal taw at Mt try. CHAS. OW,VEiR

Ia17 *rattan ai. ft. Soots. etA

ase Mis c wsapac-Sent* to shxtrlers by are. elw.$. The óaliewb.

120 The lialbovnd GENERAL OUTDOoIR Novrtnitrt'r 26, 1938

&tercet ITokayl NYC. .re. Minn. Paul (Mldntlyhl Pall. NYC. ne. Nines. Joe. h Oreh_ Mate) NYC.' t. Venal. Al feria) NYC, ne- CtreO3it. Rlnil, TRUCKS. CARNIVa1n ,2. m, Viola Watteau Modeareel NYC. 5a. Rio. Dense. a BM& Cinetrna kensi Oi Io 1 ,t,.,al Vutt, carat( NYC, ne. aaeval.n's I lwr.esa min. Masan I leeadbtyl NYC. IL NYC, me_ Ye Ansel .4BrroC) Ornantel NYC. O0. CHARLES A. LENZ markr2 a rams IO.bmo, CluclnBalt, le. RnnhIR Aria h Mack Top et the Town Vallta ,J1 now.) ;r1'0. ae. Mass. Tony realest., bis. Chile n6 Cheb> rat. route, M. _ Veloa el Yolanda (Goa MarursI X40. DC ,-_nie1 Ada -cu' ?carton'. Owen (Tut r..1 nected. M. Mork. Dean (L.tile> NYC, ne. - - -

- 404' 1.h..ute. tltMwee a,ag, OMtew. Q

Itte r0á oil to e!- - Mourn h. hush Mani* City Rnieneue more. 1. - - --

Or rte XTC. me. Marra a )Mao. INne Pnal PltU t0J',.rne, C lit.. ins I NOVELTY, munen At AND Come0Y

ROUTES- (ColtLnutd from popa Jd)

tang. 'Jadia C1lorryGo-R~01 Canton. O.,

-tllsEw d CarroSl Ir++eu Nacre) NYC, a. Ur?: Mary ralmeay Re11y%1 1íY0. nt Latin. ~lc /r.tepes re ~War 1[YO, no. Ltitfarera nand IY11rl Lake City., pia, Lateen_ M4 ITop nazi Unite City, N. Y. ma. untie, jolt (t(eaela> :tYO, nc. LaVots, Dena, -Co, IWpo Wheel( DlitalL Li1Qr. Test? (Wa4en) Phil., tL . .

LwWn, R+.d IAc---o^'ái NYC. re. Layton WM. L rout "Oriel Milo Carol

1+tiCtteraA. awn It Genus. Karte, Trio ,(Ro)'als Prance) M.

1A Cirmonta, Menthol, NYC, n6 lar flan ICYIreIM ICYO, re. L,,, heat* rytrnlon Club> Le Payette. tad.. DC. O Ito. anal Cle: 4 1. Lae, Itltt7 l0»emeee,Cty, h. Sa, Lorothy ttlnteeeLty _Dril]) Alta.oy, !0. T.,

LtCtr. narria lPan.Pace(k Rlnkl l.oa An. saga a. -

/aMsJ.ti. Tt. IWtleü» 1an1 CtL nt. Lalinaas3 (tiaineteDl NYC. h, l,tenud. )taleJi IIa MrY.11.A NYC, na TA thau( tt4at.e 1 NYC, I. L; Qet1el,.a7 lteterllet1on11 Ca.mó) 1fYg, a:. [as JuyPJa.(Caplbtn tvd,ltegtors. D. C., I. Ladle, :tary lass' CtusOt' NYC: nri teeter, Ted iW'd.tA NYC. re_ lAdler. The Or.ptt Illutlu-'ap' NYC. rae, Lt'*-;r 1. ternayC-an 1Ylam1'aI Pftttbaren, a 4g1_; woo. yin ICar.e' tYaaLtlnett4 D. C..4. S,tw1t. Ted. 4 daua IAixte Ptoeti.n[ea I. Luria, Joe Z. tomatoes,. PAllr a' 4wt1. Docyelty InL )tetal NYC, h. 4 Hnk IMatt4eGrbe Mormon, Cahf., no, LMrtn.,b.Owna IYl:legr, CratnOl NYC. L7bbse.,'Frallk 1Yarame+iate )rYj. Lind. 4Nla (Caca Mmlea) K me. Lit Deride IllonWl'sl Ilar-.a.Lrara. Pa, 7

I . Ama Is7o.s Templet Juh oren. Pa. Leonas U(:t ;Olak Ooarlcctl Clarr:and, »a t q( Óúd,dl11 .r)sáwr,r7pl NY% a t.atr, JL. Met .Dorerw*stet) London, h. Lehi ATOn II?lLriiºItonl 1:Y0. nC- LQpenit+a.tru (Leon & iGQdir'al NYC. ne. 'f/' -,.`r ~NV IV1)lida narnI )rYO. Nr4 Larrela., June 4Pelnas. Moth/ rloonk.,NYC.

to Lou 1.0051.5 aYumuAP NYC. M. Lar Ra..eharm t'^lrLn) XYC,'a Um 1040400, Dr- _aril :rYC, no. Lnetenn r. A:eh,.r (lleiee1t7 nW.l Nerptk

Ky.. ee__ Lydia a Joresco iNetr Worker( NYC b. Lynn A-'Dearine ,JIe.m7 )3.11YJ) NEC. nc. tJbi,.

R7-+- leay (Ltakaat EElloutel" OorlrlQ-

M dteJl/tn4ro 7't1a (Dauheatd Trreeíl =a -

hunt h(CeaL,, Sara Ann IneBends.1 Cin'Nand, IL iL:Co', Ctyde $ Orris. l)'ltlnbertJ QielCln-

t. sfaCny. Prancer (In-Hat)'Chlr Ds. -f^Qo'r'ari & Merit tWoRetttro=)L-ak/ Lee

An1t1. s McKenna, Joe.* Jane, 184t.1ea1 NYC, I. 11cIL.c. t.eta Mew Yortst) NYC. P. McMahon., Larry' VIQig.Casno> NYC no -

tench, _tca...htan, V ILL Nli1C, no. 1llfiyr rte_ NYC, ne. a es. I(aauch0,1 NYC, ne. RAY. DU dPspp.r Port NYC, ha Valets (Plantation, NYC. ):í. va,.yl.l, ,dudY May :Ilnt1NI NYC n6 MyeA D11:T l8lewnal Chi, b, vendee .ft Carylant IlelwasNontl Casp»1 Angell». Am. C:n.l Vklóotta. Oh Ma.. r.d(la roen a Pd,lhrai' NYC, ne. Reddy. Phil ITokayl 1rTC. re. NtO, ne. nteam PemllT Rldeali'Rocty ytihL (7a. Mlwrraka De,.;dl IltsOnh»w Jinni NYC, re.. Roed, Mane /VlqAgr Gs.IMI t1Y0. a0. NYC

ttinsatlonal F11we5 (Oren '01ra4 moo** Ain- Co.1.17Ytrs tlowman, ex C. Moray. :hancetla lsereriy IU11s), : ewVarL Rennes. Paul IOrph;) Altnnrapalla; L ig[hfy>-ctl' Curacao. Dutch Wtat Indian. Darkf._1[etty: F)IgWm11 La.

1L7. Ca Ranee. 71x Mena, i':taoucab o VIII" ittt)T. k Send (Karoatlrt (Izorcl, Laa CampbSb,94Vetted: Drucaml, et. a. )a4a4Mq, nand. C71: -r Iteon & Eddies1 Ro7noida. task 1Villaaa'Nut 47001 NYO. 110. Ang.asa ae. Dyvr'a prealeC Sreoba. Mr"

ft 0. no. icynol4s. Helen, B.katera Mean )lansaU Yana, Meader NYC. n0. 3dRt1, Marion tChrcabrol Chi. I. NYC. v Vance, talr,aic (Jimmy 7te11Ye1 NYC. At.

trance. VDUs: No slttigl- STD no. Vsugba,. ílhan I Qwerlg> NTOna. Panne. Lola IColaW6o'N ChL no. needy Detethy (Sleek Call NYC, x

:Cambia IHarTy's New York Cabaret) Chtl an. Iltatuane Bred ;Corso. XYC, na Natlual., 'TOtte ¡Nrthrrin4 Platal CIee4lar

natl. a NapreaYd. ie^-'Da IR, Rrtlal NYC. .h. Netwty Om*. dS nand iDtatet. Chi, -b. Nelsen. OMEN (RtC Meny Club) Rochester,

N..Y..a Mielrolae Broa. (Cotton C)4b) NYC. m4 Nftboll, Red. b baad-IJuui1s) NM Orleans. b. Chabnl. Kea (Ysebtt NYC.6t. Nlgq, talb /Radln City Rnbetr OrilD h''YC,

r1e. Noel & Noland ;Pacadly> 1sYQo eh_ ñNand. X. y 1Sr I NYC, Noonan. Aware, (Dytic'ae NYC, P..

- ?Mersa Itar,rtrll kA1aDam'1 Chi, ne, Leorst Wlimla 101d iWun,ankan) NYC. No..

o OCottnor. Eileen pateeoaSlgnal Canine): .^G.

- nC. C/Coanor Ann ISO Chill Chi. )IF O'Day lari'tie rnt.marcil O'DaB, DNImY/tti1'lrretckl NrYC., h. (Sikes.

W7D tr-,aitúetAtYaLL1 JOYO, ñá Joao Illlsak Clat NYC; tx.


a-üi tNásanaá iqq i!i NYC. n_. Orltaa,, Joe <Club CtcWl RetlywnotL re. OrwDs Sisters (Lookout /toutel Covington.

Ky.. ne. Owen,, Ouy IBi. Redte NYC, P.

P Padilla, Norm4a CTho)I1 Juarez rapt, D.C. PaaiLea.. Ann ARos. Bowl) Chi, ['alyy, Nellie (OalLaat'e1-NYC' sic. Pill )tat Roy. Orient -eon portal itaatte¢arY. .tr» h. Patriot. Uaaton (Casa Alsrtanal NYC, e.e. riot, r117.r'tParaliie) NYC. CO Palter, shirtl,y (Dartlr)ral 11ro0tlyn, nb. Pa.?at>,. OtatleNla tLarulgl NYC.e.. Prisons Kay ICsw. Monona, NYC. nc Paattrr. Tony iWneoln/ NYC. A. Patten. Jean Mayfair, Yatt-MfIUr, Pa roe, Paul S' It81t.(s 811Dppt1 Y-onL..De, ee. 1Myn1ti J i.ny erJyleei `11(1,. P.

,Pryne. Prank Inlamtek.Ch1 b, iyrklaa, Johnny (Crpnot¡I Washington.

Petersen. Ann (:>L1dNgne.8un1 NYC. ne. PettyItalia (Chen Parcel -Cho, tlt. ?belie. Phil r. Dotty 1,Beuonl Vur_teavv,

D. O., `3 -Dee. PhIIb3raantpar (Century( Banaraore. L P3 TOrc, with betty Darden (Otne.k.

inane( ChA. h. Playawyu.'Three Crop Had Colon City. N, .1..

Pa:.yltgrro Narita Muslim.. Kretehma) NYC.

Poritee, Lorerll' ()rt:0aorel, NYC. h. 1'rtm% Alberti; C7tyack Cat) NYC. r.c. ºtrit>reee White Wine ^(1::a=I NYC. 104 Pryde A Dell (Torch Club) canton. O. no. Pryor. Rorer, de Otch. Ir,arl»1


ChJI haf lietttta. 8nt ISdzowtee Seaebl

qurtn or Melody lMlamll liaylgg 0. h. R

Ltadto Lou (Coppnol) Wathlnato0. D, 0. t- Radio Clewa,t Thres AOrtentaN) CJN. t. numbed. halms' Ch)etnnatL h. Ramon A LUU-3. IPtrtaq'CAetGa1'Nlti7. Lan Randolph, A-r^c. ()}rick) NYC. Dc, )IaGr. Vittoria l7Jmmerman'aj NYC, re. B RNíi (Arabtaa+ISu(Ipre Club) Columb'oa,

IUtkear.- ~et! (CbateaV Nodarael -NYC. tte,

bter)oure dttxa J Pre CDL he. Robbins N0OR. .0 Matt (omita()) float. -

Robert' & Ninon (statteonl'.) St.ocklon.,

óhsre, Ralph .,Ralnloº Dan)NYC. ho. snare, Aleha IPr.¡lee7 Peril -YC, 11e- esi.aH,_ swum (Wien), NYC. h. Shea 4 LtaymeaQ (Orpll,l ,attaneap.ttLt L tlóernura Nun. A. Teed* .Drradnlabd Gardens(

O-wnt.a, Bl.err, ra & Les Menthe Ban Pata) p1Cer.

r1te, CalfL., ne. '

gimmick, :.rt IC»mUllentali' xeatal'Cnty, Xa.. D.C.

Lihepated. Boy (PaD.Psaltlo Rink) Lou An. *cite, a-

Ahorr, Willie (Bari Beall Ct>:, no, Rhynl,a Trio (international Oasthe) NYC,

nc. d:dr11, nol. Trio fÓ[1mtly tinfl Né+'Oort.

KY- CC. Sempeon driers ill._ t.) NYC; h. 8lnatta. Ray iBuIIab) aio, t- nuole..Notta a hand IParsin.ranl, NYC. YI. Bnyeee' Dears 18hrtrw Clew).1 oT..toti bode, .11e Maelmetl-Mato,. Wa..-enatpa, Jaeke

aaatltte. PM, !L Boma 4anekl NYC. pó. ni3eerl) tank. lRco,netsl NlC, h, dottaltty Ph1L /e Data- CDllt:morcl NYC. a tiplraL-i.1 -IPtiatnouael NYC re. L puR, Mateo A)leLenden) C'_ctlaatL h ntAntet+d. ~Data rStltrnxlt NYC. h. ntan4y' niters iTewnsl Roston. no. ntapl4y, None tWhlrllr.f Tap. NYC. ne. ,8tap1 t Wetly t Yetdyn (lLCvartl Cta-

ntrr. Jack Walther Honed ICLL !L B tety J»hh (A,rabln Suppar ClaDl Oo.bmLra'r. lev' iGatelt (Coo WasSingloct JaCkxe3-

Sr11a. fja, h. leetreng. Iltaumantan. Clty(eel NYC.

tPl-oq. Lord. t0ering) NYC. nee. 4! CLafl. Matra) Wan3mresá. le. J. eF_tnrap, Marina laimsnd) NYC. I. - S-anrcal, ParLa DeaCLI Chi, h.

T_ Taba, mien (;,debt,; Boli 1c'Ye, Iba TaneTate.

Katheri Jack ¡ 7 ryyrauY re.

Templeton. Afro 11Lar10 City Rainbow Dte nn[ ICYt no.

Terry; )1urluóLMont Carlo) NYC, n0. Terry& Walker (College ¡Dnl Chi, no., Thorpe Sisters IO.ttan Chilli NYC.'nc. '[modosa & Demobs Igo )corra) NYC. U. minion, ).earl loro. WathloatOD) Jackwa-

uDbo. P7.. h. Tatman Uta IDWmarel XYC. h, Tt!Ion .sly. 110 is .(Rainbow Trine :NYC. re_ 7bms Witco. The IWnitonh Plana h TinTa

opera lary'a Chictoa :yam)

Three Chances. The J (Commercial) Pillo:, Nob.: IL

11mm1. & Preddl OCotlÓn,Ciab) NYC. rte. Ttade4 Tolo -``boy Jt000e) NYC. re. - Titaad_ he Iramaese( NYC, Todd. Mabel (Pal.I Chi, I. Tauchetne_ Cloche (Gal Nluetles) NYC. Ds. Travers- Jean (Nita 1Ina .i cc .ia0e.a O. 1.. Troy Ab Lynne. (Morn. City) NYC; mh. TiTroOyy (Urna (Leon r.' s) NYC. no. 'LaSto.814tera .e Amery: Joliet, ILL.. 13.14; Ia-

enanapche IS:

ender -wood b ip[rweod block Cat) NYC.

upo%eue, Vlrgrnls +Man '(yelp' NYC. rae, Usdonett, Soleas iNu inn keelchmal WYa AO V

WANTED imPoRrANT ANNOUNCEMENT Mar -its Os Jerry MU Mayfatrl 11v44on. ROG^_rto. Mary (Gal MIND ell NYC+n0. AGTe or ALL' ntaCRIPT(ONa Mew ,ono ~menu rives. and' a. FM Oat

sac. lobes;*: re, -rl (COnshnoPilJ CDt. na naps,(,lee irmovene Nahum, tilt noire, JAM tc VIO B ATTB T1014 HC

3btAhall b UN" &dirt )1L. 13'31) Iadlanal)- Reek_ Mildred Grarrre New lark Cameral rant anmany. dew Teri pry Marsh. 'Petri tt) tM tlrºq ne.

M'uiaSd. steroid way ¿flt.eUrel NYC. te. Wins ruiners I R T,ale Pra4ita) Chi.. no. n'ton.°CSar11E 4C.,-,taodore) trTo, h Wilson. rdne Berle +I)Lery"a PJaca1 Mama

Pity, 1.t0. 6G. Rlntcca azey 3)ye--al ttl,Yr,y O., h,- Wlthee, Jeri '((lueens TerraCel Wocdrles.

thacáe,t liar Tellico IldAleb;1C1 Y,1arurtyl rrlá.,'L

Wong,` Joe (4bSh ELI NYC. t. Won Jun. Troupe IPass!»euety Pt. Wayne, [<! L Vi Mel, kr aidne Ca,tnnl NYC, no. W Johnny eruAetll C.cSru.aU, L tat L Cotona NYC,' h, Wrl:ht, Charbe t8uet'nghamD NYC. D. Wynre, T:an,lCatutoll Walbifgtda. t. W fie Jr., Rom t1(asst) R'au,leWtam.

Yero re born trireme NYC,. re. Yorke .tc Traci ptate-Lake) 'Chl, 4

Zaranotf. Ronda +(Pei z'Wock) want* newt*

Zomlti IWonder Da.rí .Oletrntutt, tx.


aarrMau are siren) when is

American Lo (Wilbur I )b -Lots 1Lsntbrad, -Tallulah; neatM-mI) D+rrymoce. )ahH; (Ilarmd Cleveland; (an -

wins) Chi ; 00eí, ,¢0. D;CSeem Trine; (4br1 C1ntlnnall. KRIS, 4t Rip Vin 30. Co.: Dena&

Mien. ;(drool_ Until Tree_ 10. Golden 'Boy: (fhertO, IattYmorc. Great Lady: Bhdbertl Td Ratter Be Rand! (A 1 Mil. Ilflot'a DuLISAt: (BSabert) Xew.,11aVe 4 Cana. Lawrenoe, Oettradet Mantel Cut Ligiitnln: (47te.tnut et.) e'btta

Lent & ~tanner ICars) Detroit. Of Mice _red Mint '4te4ryn) del; (

4ti1ranteo St.Dee. 3. On Dorroretd Time: ¡Grand O. 11.) Chi. Our Town: (Locust .8s. Phtli, Sint At Needleat (8o711 Aireandrai TM:WA Can.

lean Car), Opera Co,: 'Boston O. IL) Bona ghpydoe a pubttaalte AFoiraitl- Polls, 'Stine..OleiWhn Dow tantalization)_Sr?oks.)

Washy 13; rMptropp]I tanl Seattle .J -0L 8051 nc Marano: .Alt IJAJesey-89 Montreal

Con. Tºbareo Road: Ii:rlanprr) Atlanta, Oa TottlMrater (Damn, `Ban Pearce mo. Whir Lifer (Darlda»mI M(Lwaule0. Women. Thai I'Arrrrteap). t)L l.sala; (000

Cinctnnatl Mtkc. .. You Can't Take it Writ You: I)trn1CB1

And., Kongo bity. Atu.. 31.14: (31íL4 Acid.) Oklahoma City. 011a., 1)1 (Argos; Wichita. Kan., Z.

REPERTOIRE L)y4beryayet t Dayton. )it., 0.01.1. Owe Gat Wee*. 'ir..

CARNIVAL [Boater arc for current wick velan no elks

a s liben. In some in.raneer p nobly

clunk.; epoi»te 4tí '1h1f1d.)


[0(0.014. DI.1 lit el ytgtJyweed. oa ES TI) AC .] CF'iAS. T.GOSS ells Ld. - CAL at - WnA eyAMOARn 410RVnoLMT OOHPA>r.

Ml:rtleleDL Marla IOamtcatYl NYC, ro. ItOek. WWI r13)rgl .Y.IddteawR. 0.. 13_ t cua Cl. MA.. Ilt.

)GrtlnL Laub (Crlalae NYC, 7-. ILtIve:11 Mande.- 1ad.: 7)-14, 1; 4rtaUbMm1 VIDo4 Marl 144M Club) Chi. ne-

Mammy Gene IWarwYkl NYC. P. .}dtlolm. DI.. 7)-34. t. . Vn nt, lceme Ir.eOkOY[ noun' CMtngton.

xsay. Kathleen r£arand Caer CM. re. Noland. Yyy)la Molt eon, armklyn- h. !In?LL no.

he Groat IDeI)r1ºI Brook OCtd, Mo..M1y

fleshy .DorrhaFfr 7s.Atta, h 'Wire/ere TOO. The- 1Ml)IatA1 Cunbetram4, a.kxtr 7t+aw_)swen 3(3e. teytlda a lir¢ta In ---artkt Chi, a std h.1eeTdt,

JNa (Nee Yorkel :tYQ h. Roli_enp (nºAI. thief. Dog Town Ballgea !West- Vlte "Pen,. /Psakley.> 33~ "I )Irrrlll oros, b eta«(Royal Patna Club> land' rort.mouU1. 0.. :d, (Curia Wells- voderYti Will. OhXlr (rdütm Ctubl NYC. 100.

}Stunt, 0ip, ton tl.e 7 t. W te'te':r & rt 1a c Ytí-ia ltiares. Moe.. ae. C 1 r w1 - }_ erode Romany Three I cdl rA.m) Qt ..a.1. b- Wnelee, ?ND 18HIewolk Qah-Qtbieal CIa-

nar+lsa. 7)[lc;ert GinDlare Krtkkdaal NYC, ne. Ramon. R

ICacdi;trl tO

NYC ne. CiDnatt h. Mo Oa. Nary Ito 0.114) CU. P. Row, lrrrs,k.8weerwy -.trntale Chi. 't: _ Wally. Nalesa (Bt. oger) NY41 h.

)Jü'sr'StIN. .t Co'. (Tbreeth 1)07(613. DR Bombe. ?gttdted /LArm.ilel NYC. r ..tiiton á Jeanne-IStlmmelman'a) ,NYR ye_ B e Both 4Re'Imwl) vatagsl NYC, neo R.eenL P1r1 InLseonl s7a.e.> NY0.(, h. :Tara y ~imam's, NYC. re.Pinta

t. rtg iYfiler. Ann /Earlel Pinta 1Wa dr Ae11; *Loon & Eddt"al mu, Del. µAma . Merl (P'ams Dole)Dole)1rCq ne, initldear. Lucky; ~7. ISlra.ndl NYC; I. r . Oettcdm dfdidDái:h(=guild NYC. Re- Warren, Rath Irear3byA) Brook nu roc. són'Yeee4 ~Tall eCata tllananal NYC. f>e_ Ito. ' Dr. Sy3nn /YJ :soroeeol NYC, ne. WeaTlnatcaq. Oran* pew? 1Wh.14 Ogle) no 'MI Sroeherl geed: -Wet Ctrl, D0. Roth814y de HT *Stew :Orr" Germany, L NYC. ne. Mod*. Jean ;Karr ,tow York Ceare(1 C4e4 trua,. Aim tie, NYC. e<. Wrs'¢.o lóhes'tl MOW" t.

sac, - Ryan ICm Tawny emeddrnl 7rY'G'h. Were" Senor (1izrtle at DUQaU, F' Mnte POW irlravtlont YYC, aa. Anus. reanlle tYtJ :CYt>: he- Whalers, Jackie Im M' ntter'al YC. nr.

Jan* Wilber 1 -N1PQ, NO- S wheeler, Beet eHaserly gam Newport. Ky., 'crin eyun.uMn *' Slakarasky. ICrptCIB Mariann Krttclyaal NYC, te-

MonarCArir i41ey Idlmn.y Ketla NYC. no. mom*, Ca tia *Cohan C.Senl NYC. lJe. rrily.,. (Roban O;rut NYO.,ra, unman. Men (Cue ~aria) NYC. n». t;:+ttaa, Johnny Itloatettard Tatwrne Mop.

h.aa.rL L. 1_ no. }ata! , .Olotln. (Wince Rarnl Nye, he. )l,errr-.2., Tea with leant the Muta III.aolooat

lL.s'e) ,CrfeingteY Itj... ex. Minter ,e velan (old,a!ant NYC. no: 'dorm.Antar, Gahm* (NolLlrtsel P:ttal

Ct-..:1at1 h. MaUcdn RtylLt. Tinto CQ6ltlendetll Colum-

bia a. a N.JI & Charlesp0oa Wothnntdonl Jaelt-

-trnrille_ ?la -,h 7,11,10. Vera lll:ternaUonU Casino) ,O(y

rig SalamauItt'0ao Tony. Kwinaatea rLo.knnt 1faºse)

(tt:n)a at.) Ntt1.'nt Paabetn. Fred (Lyriel Jpd.o.1Pelu, 1. l$andet;. Joe. & Ilan; W1ee...uoºntl 31..

Wayne, Ind., t. Binovral. 010.,áe & moon O loaatb77 1(704

Blinahro. Ralph (Pali} Chi. t Pars. ~ea Mandan )tTttea0Or WY O. be. 1,141. VRriR rnllot Carl NYC, r - foully. BIC tTraorn roll NYC, no. ~ley Ray IQhorns Tenets( Wooded.,

L. 1 D0. 3srMt, 01or1. 1nn ternaUoylat) XYC. 5O. Derv. Twins 10o11Ke lam) .C11. nn (t..atlen, Anna rRonasandan V4Istu1 NYC,

,Whirr Jed. all NYC etc. Whsle. l [an r7eo YQ re_ WhitWhitn k I 1YC, tse

White's Gloria tPiere NYC. e0.

Vittltes candy lleppewa tpoege.i 02un1 11TYTA

Dr. Whitney -1Deanors MPararrovetl NYO, I. Wirier. Goa 'rever.'' . Ratllo Prank'.( NYC.

WIere °Oró,../lt4rlf) R'a.hlepton aren,7. Lie rrachi11 NYC. ne_ Winans, Dorºthy Wear Yorker) NYC, d warm? & pee .fltui$.tatei (ht. Y, trnllaenst Posit (Rldkgey (lobe) NYC, ro ~am* & Charley rl'alomatl LOs ADEN"


W uata~llama. Janice 4Yaelit> NYC. nt.

m a, Owen IDeWani-Meal NYC,.N.

"Season's Greetings"

FOR tSALE YA- W.t sP dL1 wtth i Ter, fea. - ñ _

$2;800 Cash 14far+' now iiRi enie l 67aw, ismererlfine. R. - -

háaltM 'Docile Yee. eddied

ac 4111

W. PARKER AMUSEM,JHT CO. 14111,1~14h eelh, Rawl.


Ihlmtal: t'..N tiOrrin d1r teal e

sl Oe-rxen!it0e NurTL4.ahalbl h. .1

Al Palled, Mp., St. MonaN 11113 ale av. R, mu __ Wile. P

JYorern 6-ºr 26, 1'938

1 - : aleaera, d C. nr. llne: Cluertlsaa,, La.

- Dtale: anncttºa City Qta. .ht+. aE.d 'Cody; '8t. 14r7sr Oa. . to¢t tram Cordele. Ga.. ENID& 2' -Dee. w.eet ends.

Amu.rarnte: Whttwell. Tenn.. .t Aouthosn- 8oadtaraa. Ala. sa Milt Matti

Okla. =es.. 1D-32.

ra * n Sy Stephens. Art, SO ' t AUtwta, da-

: -ro Atºu=taeate: Nrraton, Ga.; I.ts.ry 21s-

_ Jl brew: 1711lel Mobile. Ala. .lasa Deathly. czar. . i, :earn. Aura.: Lindell,. O.

' ID4sYa Creates: Newton, Os- Leary 31- 3,

_ lttdd: Cameroea. Tei r lima; tPlrcateT. -Oa. ' Zahn N. AsberiLSl, l.a. a tKmid'a WowOer_ EPaLrI Perry; fla.;

tunr144 3PDec. 3. á Sutton(' U*a10a. O.: Li_lSuu City - Dee.: 3.

WANTED mow FOREMEN, pONetaaloR aofRTa ARC got -E IN ILL OtPARTMERTa,rOR 1baa.

- n a. will R wet i

ÁYol+a Pine r OetAr. Ptty rrisor:abU

OIL EORA7lON MORA, ITTtEt OtSat Va e:.rSMNerR MINN ane iArtuwnenta.

PeTC.R C. RUST 1a IL 107I1 iT_, IetLLErILLt, ILL.

WISE & 'SIJiTON SNOWS 1J aT: sansei Q.c ooaa i. ari.DawntOra. Port

41 wan awl uemapa tatoast 3!'S :. LRrlllteal. ., ", 67-00 nark. Minima. Oa.. MN weal oar. Ga_, neat week.

T71--- +

A Dever ltetsr and Pr'aNilOA Faroe YeLti

141.-trallera Id[el ter row nines. ray a trR--ant, ant rprinp oJah tlnat44. ras

L LFÍp R'N t. LaraSne, rAlt1 - IIaraaota.


Mal GonarOi rrwooanb. toa 11130 Orineo. nea4rmrnu.,, Adates 3100 N. Orate Are.. Cntcale. la.



_ N Also larte f Mss* 1newLlee Stirrer.

4LAt MILLI IL 756 Past Ara; Net ageism. Ara.


CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Barna. Al G. Snaffle -Plato: Miami, Via., 32-

M. Pt. Plreco 33- W. 1ó1m Reach 3a Win- ter Bardo 21; i.ablani 2*; saraaola 31; season ende. DeeraSarnea Prosperity.. S 0. 23; Ora* ILION N, Chappaits 71: Nodres 26:

Polack iglus:. Mobile, Ala.. 22.2*. Waimea 31:01-: Joplta. Mo.. 31.26. WPA. 11028 ued'lc$i ArmOTyl` White Plain&

N. Y.. 2e-20.

'MISCELLANEOUS Artbur. naslclaal LtDctt7 H1D. MIL. 3144: Norte 221.-2* Itireh ~each Oarr.ett. Sao., M, :D6e-

peadonec 23: P3voee 26: lporla 24 New. t10 m

291 McPherson 3E2 ' Lyons Dee, D1 Hutebtnseci 2,

Dlotneata ot PIMA; Rayne., La '2I;'CrowlPl 3S Larayttt M. Sweatt. :aat.c1an: Lake Plaatd, 33a., 23; ti:eee liaren 24' &Pith Bay 212 19efY a1a.e 2e; CltewysteR 34: Pab?lee M; La Salle M. Punta Oor6a Dec. 1 Pt ]t!rera P.

pampOet2, Loring, )EatfeYn-8al..tun. N. C. 37:' Gastonia 34; Mt. Holly 334 leutheeiord. tort ?a; I1Ie121l1 27- 1taRatpo: jt.Atea 'Me Dec., 1, N. YN,ltjkesbeeo ?.

GlowareL Linden. ata,Ttelan: ltedan, Oa., 3t -30I. t?rait Bros.' Shoo: ltatyoolL- Md.. 3124, úanleL fl. A-. ite03e2iR;- atsnrnod. Ia. -33-21-

CEartttdR 2S 3-taryaYAlO áJ; PRut Or*ra, tira_ 113' aeenrtil. ?a_y,1

DeCfee, 31slel:.n: LtlmpklC, Ga. 31-33. al maiat0' lScat*ra. Two 4,trmorrl Noratct. Conn., 2i-D,c. 3.

Rta-Patalca'a. 0.. T., WIDO AaNasU i33ww: Ponga. N. .7., lfdí.

Lair. Leon. Siatleyaa Csttbatep Tex - Sends -mu '3t1.3a: Pt2T.ore 7U93s Lomtstew Doe. 33..

iMtAntu'sZoo: afomrer La., 33. ]OetiaLy's Variety Bttegt Clarksburg. N. .7

Staua[amo. C T+smaa. ]tsylan7 Tadeo RIreaas IH:ch.. 2t-26: Megan7tit1.

*alloy, 4. 1;., C[reda Cache tY.autr=.aar'aP.taTt11 Pittsburgh 14-26.

1Par4u2s. Ntdtelan; Dr.uelas. Art>; 37- Xe1al Sonata, M*x-. 34 Meyer CUE. 1a. T.,, 7M73; ID PAa>}, Tate_ 24.2P: Atamoiordo. 1C, 1r_ 30

SLrttaPa A1á Stinstr.tai Clinton Ts -An. - Attaaiia 2f-fl44. SIitce. AI 1t., 81'.ow: F' 31-91. Rse,lgp'I Deg Circuit Auaurta; Oa., 31I?e:.,3.

L. Wen"Thrater Workahop; put Cra:re. Wts, 73-15..

Teo?`-a.POitt>a}Z*ra:.Mnz.-.hla, Tlrnat.,,3D14. WA PrePY.ctaa Co.: StattOn_ 0., 33;,Stt

VOneti. M: Wooster De.t, 1. Willa`Ebo'as: /5eheoral' 7teteNet, 31At.

CINCINNATI, Nov- 10,--1D2 lt. Ernst; Tortlior showmen. Wax $Nplofod at the Pounfatl7 Square lintel here. will go to OolMmbas._ O next work to .Iténd the convention of the Dotal. (Meetere of Ameyloa. iL whtOh lac wits 11tá orgiurister.

DON P. WILSON, Advance ezploltattat3 fig Lucky Teter clad i1.1í Hell Driaw . apd MM Wilson. OOonta. fOt- te-eel! of Daytona Beach. lit., who were married am that city no November D. Are walling tnRaahvlt[e. Ind.,. 5n They pl to remain there [shad tóc show returns tO 3hÓ load after the ConyoatlO0* to Obl- cago. i /R//R/////D////RRlt/teel

in R

ly & lAftile M ,i MI

It . IN

t 1vs C


7 CHICAGO, DURING THE CONVENTION : 1 PO _Cole ' 7Zob[e e. laitf :' I, y In r WINTER QUARTERS ADDRESS, FORT SMITH, ARK. : Ef'ae/u.D ti siesese/uz tlilli//111111emr!

WI-NTED Fq 8ainbridgc. Ga.. Harvest Fcsttral, Ton Days Starting Narembor 23 Followed by Florida Cowls:moial Celebration at Peer St. too -One moth Show riot conflicting. Atto few moire Stock Cencossiona. No racket.



The Billboard ' 121


Now Building

Ncw Midway Fronts

Ncw Tops for MI

Attrac- tioes

Book With



BAKER,LQ 00D N T.g,4y

Z` TO Cie*' -



U Mileage

¡Nov. 28 --Hotel Sherman, Chicago. ..4 ,. 812

814 vs 29_ t. . .. 34- .. ..

Dec. 1 -Homo Coming fo 451

Dee. 31-Rofd Hotel'. K. C.. Mo. Seasisn Total Mileage

78.316 STAFF

W. L. Mellor, Peet. Il. F. .I coda bay gh., Hi C.'SommerTlllo.

Treas. Secy. A. E Campfield Frank app Milord ,Sen[th- bonny Morfitsoy

Noto, Booking at Indoor: Events

-WINTER QUARTERS - 17th and Central. Kansas City, Mo.


New Tent Show


Two Improved

Tent -Show Fabrics "Bake"


TENTS FOR ALL PU'R'POSES Write _ Wire - Phone



BANTLY'S ALL AMERICAN SHOWS (America's Fastest Rising Outdoor Anuaserneaf .Orc aniaation) Tako this opportunity to thank our many friends. committees. fair ausociatie_tsl, : hesw'oporatars. Billboard .staff aatd our' Poyal' employees for their eo-operation In masking rho -lair season a eery pleasant` and profitable one, :tad we oxtrnd ro yav all

HOLIDAY GREETINGS Wo Are -Now Booking Strictly Lesltimate,and Stock ConceaaIona---CEcan.Shows,

With or Witltout,Lqufpment`Anything New and Novel-8ot Clown.

COMMITTEES -1f you want to book a show catering to women and ~drum -swo hire ill


Permanent Address. ROyeotdsville, Pa.


WAN7t0-MaiyAi ,Rwn0. LeneO-Pea+q Oetep.e sed Talen. 21"44. Will' bplt llama Na Me.. aritIor retnet e ogitit_ Pill ~mine OeniNRD, rpm lar erect. of 30 gems. twiner,. air. ter .ewas in rbylnyy fat esa an Apr& gen t aNl atenaeed Free_ nett teed phelp raed «tale :elan. Good ~eel lSóa ter 63034 Truck. WantN Arltate Rya, Nata. Mrs. E. L Ynein, sod Ende amrlr, eerrntamleate_ /teams ED WOYL6. Orna iM Manager. Owe sikbaere.'e7.asosaaI.




351044 W. Pierce Street. MILWAUELL, Witt_



All trate 1t,'-Cs.nerielons. Cana Came, Dlspara.'a8 Came, Mop, Petuwy Arradr, Seootlsg Cstaery. Cocee -en. Mrs. C. Walton. WANT American .,eran. Open sor all kM4, Stands. P.. C..w Cºst.rd, ar 01,/1 fe wank Orase PRES. ele. WANT Ta11t4.. Master C,reiwonler,

_experienced Med agars asith-pe*sen,My prerfHeest CAN PIALE FOR_WINTER Canse en, N'P W. ~ter Shia&, .inrwer. Onset dales ra follow- Pail vow awn wires. WWI Me wildly

NINA SCOTT. The Armero. Ideulem N. C.

122 The Billboard rYaccrrrthrr 26, 3938 - - - t 0I. N O P E,0.AT'1: D " -,

.1:r1( .,t l MI EE i .r., "# a DepQ2tmentrz Opefnto?a, Jobbez2, De.2t2¿butoz2 arti anufáct4e0d.

V EtV al N G _

Cendv<tcd by WALTER W. HURD-Gort+mueicatbont to

SERVICi£ el- 144,1j -5

Woad* Husidins, Randolph and Dosrbern 5trcets, Chk.igos

., LIECTION -Aside from the national 'aspects of .treeleft-year- election

of 1938. lire coin machine industry was itp for a popular vote in two''Stattt in the election, .añd the tottery question was submitted to a popular vote in a third State.

While the questtoes' -uemitted to: á popular vote'lost in

all three States, still it is fair to say that a, genuine gain has been made when the.q}teaton of legalizing or licensing amuse- ment machines can be.brought to a popular vote in two States, and the general question of petty gainbling'brought to -a vote in another State.

The vote ón the -lottery amendment in Maryland=indicates the peculiar quirks that "we the people" cart take when we

vóte on- public questions. A governor was -elected oma pro - grain caking for $8.000.000 urn round numbers for progressive cnteeptises in the State. But the;people then voted down the prineipal measure...vh-eh the 'successful candidate had rurged to support the State program. In other words, the people vote to hire a Mail to do an'$8,000,000 job and then turn dowrt

the necessary sources of revenue: Which means, of course, that the new administration will haveto find new sources of revenue.

Several :State had various proposals and constiftit anal amendments on 'which the people were to vote. Voting psychology expressed itself in the negative? since the_ big majority of all such. proposaia, were defeated. Members of the coin machine, trade In Oklahoma who had worked só hard foe nearly four yeire to put their slot a -rid games 'license measure over say that it was this negative attitude of 'the voters which finally defeined their measure.

The proiSásed amendment- to the Nebraska constitution which would permit 'licensing of slot 'machines :to provide pension funds came tinder an avalanche of criticism by news- papers all over the country. Newspapers and,refórm elements took advantagesef the fact that the proposed amendment had 'tried to cónceal slet-machines ae "vending machines."'

The trade -will generally agree that It is better to promote the legalizing of bell machines as such rather than under the guise of vending machines. The lottery movement is being promoted openly and by its°very frankness Is making good -


The trade should be pre 'erred for' next year -as a legisla- tive -year. Seidl the.expectatlon that many bills relating to c in

machines will be introdúced in State legislatures: It is safe

to presume that á greater liumber of licensing proposals will

be introduced than heretofore.

There is a general feeling that the return of several States to the customary reajotlty party in the. State will be advan- tageous to amusement games and bells. This is a very natural expectation. A minority party in -e city or State"is very much on the spot in ,any liberalism that may be =shown. There -is

an old slot machine philosophy which says the wise thing -to do is to play ball with the party in power_ That, would be

the most sensible'thing for business generally to do, but many of''usnever learn, that lesson:

One of the most sliming --situations I saw since:1934 was in a certain State nominally about 2 -to -1 Republican. But when the' Democrats, ai a minority party, got in power there was:soon trouble for the°games_ After many reports of trouble I visitefl the, Statc`to see -what I could see. Móst'of 'the epér- ators being - Republicans. 'spent their time in cussing the 1]emocraticofficials-with'the result that for War Tong years conditions got -worse and worse for the games:

Chic prominent newspaper lit a State elcpected to "open ip" with the -change in pólitical party has warned operators

,to'GOSLOW ii putting games back on location. That warn- ing no doubt should be posted in every city añd State where -a more liberal attitude is shown toward games.

From a national viewpoint the post -election trends took

-favorable for the coin machine industry-unless another depression is produced for pólitiical purpose's.

Probably the most reliable analysis of the ejectióna by an

Opposition newspaper is that contained in The United' States News, November 14 issue,- edited by David Lawrence, cer- tainty the ablest añd mist conseienthousÁnti-New Peel' editor iñ the ocountey today.

His paper warns: The recent election "dote mean fewer experiments, mere bloc' government, more logrolling. añd. back-

'sceatchiñg, more deals for changing existing laws, more delays,. fewer 'actions."

It is this danger of blocs, delays añd filibustering ,that

may face the country for the next two;years as It did in the last two years of Hoover's administration. No thinking'pe:son wants another depression for political purposes. -General Motors has just indicated it will not' throw Men out whole-

sale as was' done, generally to sharpen the depression of 1937.

The depresólortuof 19$7 cut heavily into the coin machine busi-

ness and let's'hopc the riext'two years Will riot_ bring another like _it.

The experts are busy.- of course, trying to figure out the

trends: in the recant election. It ís evident that a big majority of the -new members elected to Congress were ire favor of

bigger old -age pensions. Thc_rapidly gaining rnpmeittum of

the old -age pension movement means more and more taxes, whichmcans that games acid bells may be ;offered, as a, source ;of revenue forpensiori funds. The' Nebraska proposal failed

recently, but the -idea -of Jicrnsing games;and beils.for pension funds is certain to _appear In other States. During the next two years many pension bills will' appear. New revenues will

be needed iron%'all possible sources.

The -most serious trend in the past elections was the -split

between faimers anti labor. Operators. in steelier: cities profit directly as, the farmers prosper. -Rut the farmers -are in a

bad way. Neither political Party to hit upon

a_ plan that will solve the farm problem_ Both parties have

promised the same-thing-bigger and better payments. That will call for more revenue from many sources.

November 26, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Th.? Rfllisoerra 123

eeney's STEPPER -U PPER introducing a new -

princIple_ of stepped up payow table play & awards ` F--=0.

jApproved In territories , prohibltirig

multlple-piny payout .tobles

= It

,w : - , . - - ; ̀ successive try 1..

4 2=-1/211.1--



c.- , .,

trys for a winner

teeney's TRIPLE ENTRY gill x£F:vrc. ..

Gives _ .,te 1 ,- la er 3 , r £NTR6Y I p y Í _ -

I----- - ----- dá - _ a :

2 t 2 2 and stePs'up ' 3 ,'3 t 3 odds with a"at h I at \

if player doses on 'first game,

he, can insert an- 4 I,,'

other coin and

- odds will be dota-

e# --Ipl lr-1t-1lcr

[ CanCA00,. NOT. 10~11.1 apealal ar- 'aa !nut . New Tears Eve is belle emend 16' days trite year for the

-tilt or the thotu ante of üñeratott R ,rill attend the ftno7 Uproar of the '-8o3í11 e111i1 M;CLtac, show In the

Grand Ballroom of the Woven, Ito. et, Matto. breernber 1ñ. °


JO51T1t BERKOWITZ. head Of the 'Vhtretfal irfp.,Co Rs-naas Crry, ,era. ate W. Mr dente, who U ex-

y proud of she. proDresi ,M040be k Zinn dl.rtnp the past pear. The totngo.i 'a ispenutór, recently

Jertad Berkowitz to Opery. Nees .ohlius and Ntcrctvr faatorir at oar atPefc,

bled forseco oñd play.

Y If ,player secures - no wiinners on first two

games, he can insert third t - 1 oin, and odds will be trip - _

,a, Ind for that third same play. 50.1-4 Taking over the play -'*

k -` ", land the 'Iócations L

o tt _ -

° - J. 'H. KEEt1EY &rCicIIIPANY ÑT`

L ._ _ -_ fi. - `,"_ = "TM House"that lack BWR. 2001 CALUMET* AVE.,HICAGO

Keeney PPI`WATE SHOWINGS of 1939 Games-Displ jed Onl- at Factor

Earns from 200% to 300% more than other console games 9 coin chute with -3 dials, and paying off On all played numbers coming up on any of the 3 dials. Odds up to 200 to 1. From 1:to 3 winners possible on each play; omi/n51V


New Muith-Play Free Replay Award,


everywhere. Also made !+r SRJlltlmo Model

'December 10' to 14 añd 'lanúary.14 to 19. Alll 9pe'rators,"'CoIdially !n'vited 14GOII1M .Say 3,000 Delegates,tes. dnT


pttdtLV u am

'.7.51'.17~,-"` ..ERE'S YOUR.. ., spend and Dssttcea world to the' leaders J/ . of our industry. /

1 I Airead 'Y Signed o,1Seé BigShow 'And .on Wednesday/ The mystery / CIIANCE 0 SAVE! !7 etxttt of the ahnw is betng kept atrLátly `' LOWEST PRICES WE'VE

aearot to bunny that ac are EVER MADE! f N[CONDITIONtO 'PMO)IOOM.PN /Mnl.,watw O. "5.---4-'51;'.g: / Mlile

Males T.:- ..ur I r4.elr. PA. ---4y K1ro1 f ta Ineeedl 1131100" / ~Owe d.l..u/,ar, O. Waa_-- ]7.00 I ejRl N.Mes Ma-eai) s, ó

7a o0 I ,1r'..itll. POD ea.eO g W.rl u.r 1-,0----.Y---- 7_do ~Raw 412.- _ 70.00 /R9.f+O1. 1670 MCM1 IMN/OM

/wIW, llll.n n.l.d Orllrl--__ reAO sItNO FOR `Oprt Levelly -74C« LIeT / OF elk OnMta, /,I1TOMnTICi. oath / /&Oltet COVNTtn Dlaf-ce. ffLlor Ma OMeNid _/NO OTHER aMINI.MaNT MAOMe[1ts.

ail intrigued "The wortdls Urgent hotel I. Mrosdy m 1t 1i faR7 making _ preparetlone tor the biggest giii g. event of the year.t, kyotnlber 12. 13. 14' Tne.on lust baloquet need; ho dal:rep- and 157 aud h- H. 'Cottrnan, blavagger tam except to say that it will be b:.-41 Of the NACOM1i show, "When the big- land better than ei,er Octet*, with more Kest hotd'and the hottest -convention Ln MOM for, n` hotterMoe to 11w largestthe;OOuntry get together 'there,wiil boa and most magnificent hotel bJiltvsm in hat Oren In the old toner! tonight' --wad tomot£o* night and the night alter. the world. An automobile watt be given

-_ l-Th. MA Creme nmmni .Coln f.lchtns *fray to the lucky whines *G the; Tcnl. - 8bow, apooae .-d byte lfallpaiel A The tt,d[r. tore tuso being Ñrnembcowd.

elation Ot ColnOperrted Machine ;tone- On tioad_y they will' be' eaxted Stern t04Kltr(a7, Is the nranit .Or nlnnttut er the Stereos eta the wo ldkj Iartart and wort, ye,an of experience and reel mast famous Qeptrtment- stole Mnnhall thought nnA 1m -iDAt$oD, No effort á1r Pierde, tar' in oOdiplotc tour óf thus tn- &specie is hetnj; spared to morph this atltutlon In all les wple-Christmas glory. alley.' t1u best lb Vie history M tile' A hD]klay card J 4fjy, ,iith yltluwbie table industry. prizes, MW be held Ln the North llajl- "It is dedicated to providing pfeesu a l'o'on of the Stewaa Tuesday efternoott far the theutlnde of or-.uttera woo will oxainsirety- tea the Wirt and friends of


ands tuselate eta sterolboa eferatars Jobber, gadd .*uibtitora. caught the'epirlt or the occasion. At the ,..rne feGtef1 r .c- TitlOO /sad epptM71 esme tsars th*,-bow tiU be laslle.d with ld Ot;eNator3 isladleated by the fact that brand-new ideas that orr7ahive can pick snore then 3.000 re!Izsratlans hare tat n up during' the -G1tebnceas lull and eivel wt the i ACOatlr erne" with ca,Theb in on.thruout the year, neAMy tvro Weirs rentutiohnO toter No - "Tier AlACO1dTi eMiw ,Oorrunlhete has Vensber 90. the datld Sea free Bader' up tti'/, ci.;at lmprO n4tr away ºt readstratton,w Coffman aetd. talent ever presented at is thin ~bloc abort, tar the mutual batttlrtst red to "In addition to enjoyt0.7 the oonreo- additlon leas scheduled a co: ip:eta five- than ATOLlratn; 'areal' dpou94,05r den count *tar program to 'rake wt'ely-day of the co meeting all of big neaten: among Use mnvsnteon a rest want for operators_ tnatilrtasturt3. Jobbers and distelhlstenet dh4trlbetat. gad $Obbera end ehelr Wives Prom the tOroemntle:at coming to the

1 1 and ear ethearta NACOAIM olif:e, 1 know that most of nett December j2_ the ett stay of the them haw r nnethiner eta their glee~ in

shoe; leader* In cwy limners of the in- the awe of ea:¢rta_inment-, oa well as dnatry wilt join. In brosdeasttn, th. now and towel eatdpettnr and tarn*, that story of the coin maelilne, jo tell th win help opeaton to new locations and pecpts thAt Mere rurerer ISM. tin bider+ Td 15cofne. thseenese.' Tbc words and ninety at ;lie -9Jnía thin e0 per cent of the.02.000 convent -1M) them* Stung will be copy- ai u -re - feet of the etterene exhibition rIhtcn And dedicated to the welfare of hail I. pifitrncted for already, and only the industry. a tow booths remain' aVallab' e."

sPtatRL PelfP. st1. Poe O.n r/.) ,..In.s. N

Ok . 1.a0

13.148r I



sae* 9.OR4ND MVO- ST; tattle. MO. I í..wu.. AS DEAD ,A S A DOORNAIL!

. where are the novelty gtrnos of , S ycsrs ,ago? . . AS BEND and forgotten at the fireworks of Inn duly 4thl where ere the PHOTOb1A.TICS of 5 year ago? STILL MAKING MONEY FOR THEIR ORIGINAL operators! . .

That'd something foe you to

I N V EST I GAT E li,ternational MVSeaeoye Roof Co., Inc.

518= West 34th Se:, New York

ene t+. s. cedota ato ,d.Ntóv. Tr.w..a The n[lNwn,.

124 Th n Hlil borrrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES November 26, 1938



7aae ~iNININ W,p,. eppealnitr N ~am O A 1 LLY [L -A Nin+l Iror00,..~tsnáluo+od wmw C e: 04~04~ / .r M M a, t/Y nWtl ^~01.4,41 I -le.,, earn.yO,, 4N7 O 111 rwult i10 7.%.a

11457 OAT -_....; 00 paco TWI1t 0011.01.5 «. - 1Y0.v0 OTOR11r ,O .+MP - bail) rptPi* X . « - 70.00 rLEETWOOD _-.. - ' .09 Al(LON WILL.4*70QÓsV T1.00 rAIRpIpROUNOE _

_ _ `e0 aII.VCR 0111E/ /r6lr ti111, ..- 72.50 fT55LKA _ sd:00 /tID aK1N*, PM« 0.1.01 _..... 12.00 meows O[N1r _- -- " ' ttt16bb66......0044 PACE wfilleOLl .r«. r 70.00 4K/1L O`ROY - _-. E000 nOrua, to. Pity 45.0e Ak-4504)15 - - _ 20.00 051[1157 #tL., iK A Yp 02..00 pa PLAY YOUZ aoo0 lII 1905rr . Laps O,alah -..- 4P1O YRaAdK[At 4

WI: eI11Ept ...--_ 52.50 aRtAN° 1Y112í _ra..c---._.. TO, 00 YELLOW /ONT' 20.000 RAZAa11 1700 EKTRAOROiNAII- w NIT ARADI 1t1a00 ,y T IKO IMLATOi'--_ - _ 25.00 O LR6Y Dar -- t0.00 C.CCNItT, 10a Pl. - 20.00 COLLAGE roOTOAII -. 15.00 MILL: 00L0. WAGD _.....---- 20.60 AoTO /1N1/M ........--.....-....._- 10.00 µATLha ROLT01 2D.Oo SPLED KING - - , -. 1000 V AT1.1ND'T1,EAnUAY. 1s Pity -..-. 2.50 I1I11AV 10.00 PAOt OARTAM, 14 Play ....---- 14.00 PA+r 8 --r-.".:_..19.00 LtTTLg DUKE _ _7.00 vt*AYy[CION - - to 00 100 .ta... p.rpin. M 11144 ál/c Ww. M RDYAL mAGEa .__-1_._- 10.00 /.dr/A1M4 ,V la. ,;1n ?001a ~too, ..M. OFfLY Raecd _.--- y 0.00 rNO71O0NAN0 41NR111 -.4.--«.« :: 10.00 T41Ixk...,oa'u,dpMwryl1nM'h+..besa0.01l tOtniC

. _ 1000 1 rNull,t, M[ eu.l .0w. OLA{J'G KRRY_y ;06 cvAN PAYOUT MODEL F. a° _{210.00

0Ll.TIMI .- .. tO.ÓI WuRLITZ[R 24 170.00 Wi1NL1TZ[R 410 i/róe _.. 00.0

111.71/10 CAROM

4 17.00

0OOK0LF MllíPiglAt. f0..-..- 1D4:S$ tYORL.ITZER-aae .r- .-. _ 110.00 ^ Wwt17ºRRR 414 - s 110.00

1111ED 00.14Ó1.I4 Uet1NLITZti/ 4qtRq -r---- 70.00 Ow 114w Y WMOrMM4 MIN ArWyal. 0141 MILLI* DO.NE-MI .-....... - 70.00 ew/e1..- NI. putt n Msm to mail WURL.1TZ5R 51 - , ____ .. 00.50 re:+. 101 aew Pa,1c . Wilts PWINO wino . -- 40.50 'RI Mt tN;RY _if00.000 O.OYtLTY+'OA:ME* 1lP7 oALLCPIKn DotINB_ .. 00.5C0 nUf[R St1A. N.r itn4O- ttNAON 0005 . 120.00 RITZ. N. -0 00 alYl[qA . . ---= 170,00 ITN. U1.a 10 D7 -.¡ .. 46.0o anNC TAILf, Rd 014.44 -...a 03 ¡MET P4 L10HTf. Flob *.mat. .. 40,00 OALLOPIIfO DON',10 ...__-.._,- 7AOo #ALLY smell/qt. Flip. fanPM 20.00 LINCOLN FIELD*. O1 *soften oA/E1AtiL. N.w ---.........54.50 CNUOaA1.ETT[, OHA-lí.7 T aO.aO

l!bOKIY CLOap7 C. Neal _«. 50.50 MIiO[LLAKL040Y

&tsélér'r óiClt Co"ti Ñ e92 ó ó[,i w.50

IIALLY 1. r'o7rvirppolLRñ Ms/óú:d0

scour Oar 02.00 RAL``Y lAOiO OAII - 4000 4A DOLE OLUN , - 10301 1115.L1Y RAOER , - -- = 1/1.00 OlOn NO1011 , - 00.00' 0100.1:0 __._....._ 4º_ TANFOItA!1 _ .---=-- - __- ]5A0 OPMATIO 27.80 I1AVONI7E _-----"-...."» .. a2.o hay., *RapK. 11. 444,104 --.-- 45..p OIL LUX* a41iG--'-'- - w t7.50 PACES 414011 5., Ma. alma 1to_00 a2N 1NG5 1UN 50.00 1,10115 14A0t4. ad. 05E ..---. 1 00 OprMNCLA _... 95.00 PACta N4054_ Ae._ 4 154 __ geOp,pO

t eam/ ROL-1TR ...r ___7 20.00 ACta- N04. 5e., taro ---- [5.00 etoNEN jli11P xs - 70.00 P10115- ,R501[4 s!. 577, -.-... 50.00 -

COUNTER GAMES onOfTONfN COLUM Aft /00.00 Ip1115 /AMI ..{17.11 MILLS YE4Tr0C.iET MILL ..---.49_ttO1

PkRIIOK R[tLT..ile. iun_ah _....r 10.00 o AVAL ALLY *,i.IO MILIWIE4L . . - 12.00

baT. -- 32.546 pUlON MA7TIG -...... . n.0o

r wJni NC[RVC--'--- -" ratio' HaR110NY"Roil r-__-- -lO0 IVCKY Paola _ reuse

yl,ogtPPlRi, Sow ....w...........--..........., r;0S

GNAl,at51AeT11t T- :« - - -- T! 5.A `'=4LITAIR[ - 5.00 01[144510[. 214 Prij «-._ 17.50 21 r.R .,7 ..__ In

YERrS1 1I0 oep1M{ NMI, 0ren. oU. 0.0.0.. _

MAYFLOWER NOVELTY 'COMPANY. INC. 16074I Unl01...aly 570.. OL P` -r. Ml.re4a1

Attend the


wSSOCIATI0N Show & Convention January 16, 17, 18, 19, 1935







*** B- UY WITH ICONF1DENfCE *** ' AIRWAY _ 05.50 h1ARE A 01011N0.05 0.50 4ILV[N r1.15N ,..55.130 .

A71AN710 CITY ., 24.54 UNCL4 I - 2a.a0 Y000[ - :50 1

at;AMtlTt 11.00 MEqCOR "...... 4.100 ZI:PNYR 1 17.50 II

O2Mo1N0 20.50 NRRVrL 00.110 -

014100 aAf[ÁLL. 11,60 PLAYn AtL - 90.50 JVat A PRAY L[rT. GANAII00 ....... ^2.50 1,111105P7* 111.50 'DT Celia :... 41.50 aTOa1[A mots :-


hap 100101,11-111.100101,11-111.5111P, S60AD I t CI á{S.f' LLUOCiA [OF41-4 P.... 12+230

I J7A Order, C. O. 0. _ -



COIN MACHINE ISAR 1L GA INS - OPERATORS ANTI 1gRCHAPETS:r zI 1 f Nuys Zap sMra la N. -Practically .Orpm ..r..los ormal. i l cacl,ln4 00014. All Thx0114.1 1

00erer_..11 as O0qgeee se de ( In nu. rev c4frs tag 00 A_ r..t.Pee. SLOT MACa11 tvl-i COUNTER _GAMES

MILL! 510100 WELLS <Nsval ...070.001 aN0*TGItt11 roK4n1Lte I 5.00 MILL* 501114 DELtc 01..4. 110.1 70.50 0500105/1 its OaMa 0.00 MILLS MYAT[NY 1181.1* 51.50 N.PI 45.. ,0115 LP I4711140001N455Y 00100113NC% NIGH 800

í1I I .... . _ se awes *+ta SELL ROY rra..rl Tr?no COIN OPrRAlr.D 1IIONOGRAPI.1

WURLITZEn MODEL e.t.a,. .112730 000K.CLA RHYTHM CtAOTr.R .15.4110,00 1,7UNLITZIN GDEL 0140 1700 1ruIUTZLR AV 00.00

r7CTRA Se4CIAL--Ileek.Dla Illaptslal X170 .coach I,,,werl 1.l;ht-(P Cafe. 511500. AUTOMATIC COIN 1.aelIr SALES CO. .(40 SIO W. Van Davos SP., Co .caco. Ill.. U. S. A.

P E CIA L TICKET SAIL CONIM.[Tt'DtALA, /2z18 140111. urea* TIlRe1 O.rd."Nl1dw 1d J.r)

,COMPL[TL OCA.P, 12.e0 [ACM (252o ,mltaal, C.rd. 1I.i[4r end d113 0~ 0! Ar7 Gene t...44 t110444 Inelueoa) 0.04150 Or TIRADE COLO, M,aaIRO p. MAJOR 1sstQO001" L4t

OP 1Ó OLD aRLINbT0W n Ph Nltg010rtZ DOUnLC 0114W

-CARDS AND LABELS-S6.VO.Per Dozen Cabo N.101,1,

1.-14.04.)1.-14.04.) GAIT I

` 15.10 T1~11 0117 *3.50 Per Doan, Ot 2.00 115 Os... 'less.** Per D%10. 2250

d01.. $6.00 Pée Demo_

Ssñ0 In feu, 4,Smri NIOWI 1 SED*podf. Balase1 C. O, ID Write tot Prices on0R.d. Wbl1s ~deism Tickets, Slot Wchln. Symbol


Tlek.I,, le (111 or is Carew



*Tet..s[LMOHT AVE. 01110500. ILL

I 1- U., S. VENDEX NO. 320

Study Locations For Bulk Venders



a p d- THE VENDEX CO. 2es*añóóií::i` ñ°t0."-

PY4nNd CC-JI,.K111n: Soil; N SAM In/ 4n,pta .I.a.w+ W 154 5.11 11a9 i04441.e .4 90 mcrAr; cuts awrlelenf. 1bp1 ffiuqq N ~owe to OncerNletMnv /4ur..11.t Polk Abider *ea AAAt ,.},.. 4 5..0h., 0auo1.. 1m4 MtP1e,_et011



'Thai /oration ham, teen eoltcitcd.,_ es- In1E5L00 lgrn2tteri to 090e your -bulk render. HO it 7014 stand with yoar.,ma. chine full' of treeh, Inviting mechAn- dlsn. Your next enema. that, 0f Choosliur the spot to put" your machine. la of - great Importance -1t men"m0ari the dif- ference DoLsenrn a. well -paying location and .n11 unprodtnble ono.

It to impossible to merely leek n1 a 1ocatlóoi and Judge -v:110ther OT pot It will reap big r«turna for you. You've got to try them *11140 know for more. elmllarly It V dIa14121 when_ .pladtay, n mo0>11(30 Ili o location to OnY, "'TIT'Ore u 1IIo Ipot mlteré thi4.rnochlne 11111 R}Tb the ~- money tar me." fn scene Instances there are ,pats that. seam to Paco been reserved for o. rendtngg machine, other, cell for much clef ration on Ibis point. -

Place Conveniently In the tint place you wilt want your

mncbtrlia where a large atiiaber of people pass OL.cls day, where they have occa,ason to Malt n tow minutas. Por In- stance. C$50> ing w boa or eleíntod on tholr wily to and tram w'°í . welting for trains to a dopot. n4 11 W012004o booth In D dry( More. On. Important Wen fa to here them conYiml)Or.tty pluced'so people will not hare to Co out of their way ,t0 p1tronline them: A mocbla4 W e dork, opt-et4hO-'I5.7' COY'. tar will tuaterally not be given the St- teot9o-1 of one plated near the dbor o2 nn eetabt15hrtlent Or Ln some other prom. wont spot. It L,loglcal that aliksly' location 10

wheto the people, hate loose ehAnge to their ñanda: for example. near a clsh re055 4. In Bt0to5 whleh ammo Palm tax a great massy p nn1esrehartge Honda. With your machine TIS012. there handy a 5u7prfaingly largo number of these pen. ales trill IDd'°thetr %say Into IL

Try placing the miOlolno near other rain -eentrotted eúlulp'ment torch no a phonograph or eigaret semitone W1lan they Oro- putting mangey in these ma- chines the atray.pennsea err olives placed in* bulk 7011051, P10 games and Ames of chance open up an outlet for :nor- ehandnIng. squfpnaenrt. People stalt iia to turn to pray male good customers.

Watch Results Carefully After placing the mated= In t100 meet

topical spor,cpll bock On a few days and if It la not getting the play whit;. could be elllectell from that Im.61lon Sry ;Roving, the tne9htne. to another spot. /hie change may be...Cased, whnt wss needed to Increase the profits,

The )o0atson'61' your mscbtnes Is 'ex- trslriaty Important, to' the aurae.« of poor Mtnlrtr111_ Mart ,e1Atpnt them III Oho 151st bandy place. The nape spent to einaty70ug the location will be re- -paid many told.-SNortbweat zn Corp.)

jr- -_


NO -0-0 Wei will, roarer BUDGE from our twenty-two Year Old ' Policy to rcconvnend ONLY THE 7'é ST

I and to protect our customers' I I

IFekrirrrlents, as carcfu ly and 'honestly a5W9.try to protect our Own, ,

We never did, neirer will, Gm !

ploy turing words to:mske state. plants .or 410161* to Illoip tos ,pile up great- volume 'of ,sales.

' We rightfully. maintain that BANNER customers are" always

I Vanier 'by' dewing exclusive)/ w,rh fat wheneher they aro InI the

Hi Market for liso latest now ma. chino; Ánd íh,0 very_fincst qualify

j used oquIpment Of "Ovary dencrie-


Hon. 1 Jobs the list of, GaIncra-nsslE0

1010 your Inveatneent will a l "WS. y 1 bo protected.





WANTED .( ihpPlmvd rrlrwblte ]e,w, M .a.5. c1RN °

IeikG11 Liv1e. i'Y Inl. 1-.rfl0M ase lIMOS. I11at M r_ o .h_ L. MITT ,.110000- It7'il rrn la urn 1110 . at%A ano0

011. í401c6 neat r ti I ,Gee. lA 144 . Addni SOX 0.550. caro TIN 010515 cine `.n.U, O.

AMA Plans, Petition PHILADELPHIA. Noe. 10... -The Ammo -

.1001. Mathias) Operntcca. Aaetelit era, Of

PGtodelpbla announces that, with Cox - item over. they are getting rowdy far the tin -Walton 01 ]1 t1t1G114 to 0n1.0í leg" ildatiOn 'beneficial to the 00ín-alxralcj amusement Industry. The grill to signatures. ,

A complete, rotted dá o5011 "MO 9511

conduct this campotgn and other mat - tors of business west named recently. It f011onrs; Maurice - sllul10k. prea:acai: Nt. Rosenthal, vice -1mmldent: L L

F rOtdrnan sooretary. goo SterliUg r zmisurer. 05:1 Harry U. Wcmltdatt. Oa' responding secretary.

Tnotrnher 26, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Hilibonrd 125





nn[omIII 11th ,ANNUUL

l h




11 1 1ú





. ?f, '

lg4I y I




A greater coin machine show than ever before. 'sponsored by the same organization responsible for the last d highly success- ful shows! This .year, iñ new and bigger er cluarterc. the great lintel Stevens,, largest in the world-and on -a new date, Dec. 12, 13, 14 and 15.

See the,oxciting new 1939 moodctaofthe leading cola.machine maoufec urers-arnusemvñ,t machsnds,.pin games, phonographs,


A. H. T. btanufacnuiog'Co. Advartec Machine Co. Astatic Microphone liborator`y.

I nC. Atlas.Novclty Co. Autlak Coasttan! AutornatdGames Automatic Age Autonuttic World Axton -Fisher C.3. Edger No.eltyrg Mfg. Co. Bears* A(anufiet:uriog Co. Billboard, Pablishing Co. Dlackh4wk Sf(g, Co. Brunswick Ractrrel-Corp. Buckley Mfg. Co. Central Die Casting ac Mfg-

Co..,inc. Century Die Casting -Co. Churchill Cabin -et Co. Coafl-SLcuclaodC.o.. Inc.




. t EVER ATTENDED! s`: vending machiñcs-they'll all he there-along wtchthe leading coin machine supply house --the greatest display of probe. making Coln maChibts in all history!

fie the first in 'oar territory" .to operate-and profit from them. Register with NACOMM. Send in your ad. a t ce registration form nounMake your hotel reservations direct with the StCvette Hotel immediately.

Here are ítoine of the loading. manufacturers and aupply companies in the coin snacitina industry who will exhibit their latent 1939 modals. To see their now- est money -making models-make your plans NOW to spend the entire.4, days. December 12, 13, 14:and 1S. at the STEVENSI

Coin 'Machine journal Coin Mich into RSSr iew The' Columbus Veoding'Co. Corotlt.Debitier Electric Corp: Drcca Record Corp. Dctrola Corp,. Arthur H. DuGrooier. Inc. nchior: Corot America Gam -Superior Gay Games, Inc: Gear Speciu)tkt? Inc. General Vending Machine Co. M. A: Gerrit Co. Glidden Co - Guardian Electric' Mfg. Co. Gametic NIfg. Co. 'Haber Screw Machine Prod. Co. Harrington 4 King Perf. Co. Serena Harris 8 Co. A, C. IHiittze'CO. 'Walter C. Hoy


Hygradc Syltaala Carp. Illinois Lock Co. O. A. Jennings tic Co. Jensen, 'Radio At(g°Co. Kuboc Electric Co. Lela Electric Mfg. Co. Lindberg Steel Treating Co. Mechanical Plating Co. Mechanical Sales Corp. Micro Switch Corp. Mills Novelty Co. Philip Morris & Co.. Ltd:, Inc. National Slug Rejector Inc. National Vendors, inc. lfccht Nielsen The Northwestern Corp. PalroaoticrAting Sates'Co. Pant Confection Factory Peanut Spedalty Co. Pedersen Bros. Tool re Supply Co.

Peerless INnvclty Co. Pernio Products Corp. RCA Mfg. Co., roe: D. Robbins & Co. Rock -Ola Mfg. Corp. Rowe Mfg. Co., Inc. Schtoldt Brúl. J. P. Sc'churg Corp. Standard Transformer Corp. Tile Stark Novelty Co. Stewart c McGuire, Inc. Spin.OSales:Co., Inc. Stoner Corp. rrisnoune Coia Machltu CO. UNecd-A;Pak Products Corp. Universal Alfg.,Co. Vecder-Root, lee, Walco Distributors Thos. A. Walsh Mfg.. Co. The Rudolph n'urlitzer Co.



12050. S;AtOts ST .



_ .1



"Silver Kings" &AQQUALITYS ter 11q.1. dormt.r. talt/kAL t'r4bplrTt IIaM:it, t4 t _ t

._ ,. . fa . ?7 4 s 't:aeatnt_ K,r :UI.VtL xtMo r. ewer aeL


F, b

"SI L ER Special Ihrr ewnucTOtRY Orr[, ;e .mm

1 CAanalr 15845 lies trot O memo, ..a. larlJ be OM a ltls. l olaaa tMlaetL-q m,dlal firs. i1.1 *MO. Fro tanned U. met. PM: {let allanew et ld _ e ddm4d:y,N sf/lrLe VIIrNOOR

ee_e0_ Tan at s5:10 wdri F. O. U. Cilia".

Factor, i1y41aatar


OFFER "One Vender.

10 Downer Gandy. t Cron Chernra-"

$84-5 /I i-aastd eon War- a,. dkplae ~- dew. Fe. Raaagn, taclarke. gas Om Marta teed too{6 Wert.



'..f a

ERE1,2Ó47A-50..68 P PA.





Ball Gum Vender

The 1...t +eeoatffrd Wadi,; MILL ~mew due tiro' car, aaabary drss,.nr <hula poem is ante,. Vena .n. two tar ta asarle rumen mdPklº with 1100 MOM ors %-ash hall

yens. $7.115. 51:00 adata calla ad<., hel- loes C.O.D.

1t M/T.Danteis ` 101T teal.. mg awe_

.-!J ~IOU. It *AIM

FRACHIS1Ei i lLESMEN ! Go Into B u,s é ne s s

for YOURSELF! Oaf 'factcry c4ulPtad /e -"reduce isms ' V.ndlne riechiM row wool, Buea,Pack.

I aDr'ór LaWidi Penny ro `QoarNr. Our óflted eatxrknced M hindlinn velrasa label butMa., rckrpaan ind coítas.1 pqndsete. - Good calerrncds emeriti.* tend- tai as odllhw as your elms for :1910 Inl WtriÑ conridesee. Write


and T.n. dert ÑyTM LL<ltsav

tinrr-tir? t 1-'

í n

' 1,i1-1(r

C ft;;iJiI E lit Seefeldt, of Pan, <an Sales Trip

CHIbAGo. Nov, 10,4-Wllanrd 8tefeldt. k

mnlnaneker 01 the g

apectntttti dloparts:int of Part ConfoctRfnt'ry Factories, Chicago. an- nounces this Pan le now 1nt.odudng its new fell and abater Ube.

8orfºldt will lease shortly on r , a 10 ivy trip thru the eastern tºrrltory. Oñ this trip he will Oblates: oolnmen handiing bulk venders, Ile -suitor, "II will' be my%pleasure to. show Pan's new tines on ".title trip. Pan hiss been steadily forging ahead In the butt candy speclaltiea and now has a Wide nelecUon Of candies which arc TDade for Uet to the bulk ven,dets. Veers of Pin candles need never tent that their `ma- chine. will Jam up with broker candy Or that the quality is vnrinble. Once a"user of Pan eardiCA always a user

`of Pan cnndxs."

Thla bulk vender will annwer the erator's need tern Tender that willstand up 100 per cent in tough epots or

bir troueame locatiora. "'the n -se Sutter Charm vender is de-

signed especially for Charms. This unit hay en*turusuatly large capacity aril typical -at all Antonini Oair_rn,Products. the cender le mechanically foolproof."

Torr Okehs New Automat Venders

CHICAGO. Not. ID.-Itoy 'hire. Phila. delpbia distributor, rtekee time out to Compliment Automat Games On their two 111W bulk: 1vnder., Wirer Charm and rectory- Xing.

Bays Terri -These machines Witt find ready bu ey buyers. as they nee rt bunto sOlco the 'probtcros of operatera In satyr locality.

Victor Vending New Bulk Venders Finds Biz Good By Automat Games

(New Bulk V'etsdaa) QIITCAOO, Nov. 312r1t. P: Dort. head'

of Automat Games Co.. liaa announced. the Intrc ttletton of two new hulk mcr- ebiaridlalnrr =chinos, 13tiver Charm -and Vlictory e=rg_

Says Burt_, "!among the featurOs in- Corporsted In the l'actoryliing Lean 511= metal globe contetntr With a display window to Identify the merchandise.

CHICAGO. Nov. 19..According to lets«, reports from tlarWd 2.1. helmet. president of the Victor Vending Ocala. snits of their Topper rued Universal 'venders are.hItfiling n new high. `

Said 80htaf: "Arrrangetnentn are being made at 'Khei factory and ehov'rnom fOC the bcnMlt Of operators who will --he visiting In Chicago during the coin ma- chine contention- All operators- in. tereited In the finest of bulk merchan- dising maeainee are cordlegly Invited to visit our plant durtng,thelr stay."

cigarette arette merchandisers'merchandisers'.

asociatiop OOcamunlwttesi. to At- Reuter, The 1AIItrOardJ 1604.11rsdway,.2-rew York Clty.

oft problem that confronts 'every se$ooletiOO are the members and yrrw.a rite .

trteinbers of the "show rue" :Aso" who are constantly Baking :WW1, to the nsaocU- tiºn?"aor "What can the asso_ olatlon do for me7" In ble address before the Cigarette Sttrebd anh:ts' Aºocdatldn Of New Jersey on Tuesd`sy, November 8, Charles W Iitange. prestit4irit-cmcritu of the aaaor:n11001. pneli'etad-both queries in a timely oldies,. In part. alt. Stange stated:

"Who lathe asnot-tatlOn? rI LOW: It must he -the meutbenihlp who approves the plans. Who is the nieaborahipt The mocnbtzr,Itip is:toeh andeeecy member Of but aasbelaUohi. no that our nr.iociatlem cannot be o cinglº melrlbrr:1n Onion or a oonamLttºe. The naeoelation is no one. but -everyone. 1n other words, all of us together make oh the ºac.oelatlon. 850. ono of te,, Whether we have 1.000 cenchitres or: 10. has the -4w~ rights, the J eta rote and the owns privileges as every other Member. There are some asnoclntloms.rhich give a-naen as many'votos as la equal to the number of dollars In dune be pays no that one mentor frequently has 1.000 votes- because he in a large dues payer and another may 'base only 30. lint isn't

have the same right to make'motlobe; to dlteaw them and te. vote on. them- bo- viben any member shays n . roe the alsorinilon ,isn't doing thb,Ot that.'Or If he Complains about what the association I. doing. then ly should look to hitnsotffor what be hasn't done Or Isn't doing.

'There isn t.,aiytbhiu which we went to do ns operators which the association enanót do 'it We only make up oar blinds to do IL . . ]' believe it we will be honest with tads other and ouraolm- 1t we will trues ea'- . other and trust our- e0itratf use writ to fair' to oath -ÓU14' and fair to oursolrsa. we own' make our businosa.g1Te bus both Proi_t and pleasure.

1-lcry headache which we have is this bualact4 overt' heartacho and loss, we o_triekres-are responsible Tor. Certatlaly the manufsctirere of cigarettes do not tell WI to offer induora ertte. rata,; coirunheloraa rind chi -el for looit:ona.. Attthcy are Interraied in le the sale of their eizeretteo. The mnnufaoturere ot: Cigarette mnebinee,do not conaps4trs to be uutatr to_eaeb other because an they want to do is fruit ttr.-ahtpra_ The location owner tlo,ean't know anything about",_lnduºemeats and higher eomcnlfaionf units we tell him about ,n...84 the only person who to at fault,is curveIre. We. end, qua only: way Ira Which e can make -any money to Our Mai,

la to.stsrt with outselvºs- "We ate to blsme.tor everything that'bad h ppend and In happening sad If -410

want $O cure any bad conditions then wro-niust do It otlrseires. Let's clean Our own house bettrre w0 a-tteept to do anytilfbg.eln. ---Don't"-Way tine fienociatton is unfair. Don't say the aeaociatloo docent want to help you. Deat say tbo aawcia- tOu can't male' more money for ,you. Don't ray the association can't kill may thee* for you. The auedation fe Tool ,cad Sou can -do anything you warn to do. but you have got to want to do It!"

New York'C ld Totett A few. Works ago lleb'.TIAwthorllo. of P de if Cigarette Betyke. pvciw-nted.Matthew -Vents , malle-eet in the New Yolit C3LA, avtth a prize

n greyhound. bob for et to take Into consideratio, bo7ovor.` that il_attbosF waaa newly married men. and ,otter the. dog. long trained to ga after anything that

i7 -12 t y,

.,, a`"; -. a .. ..i

. :' ; . :



PG?OFIT with TOPPER For b..0/T, Queely Parte.matre Jed 4 Price-i cantata &Y Cheese Is Tolípn- I4 New Oahl.ndine Forlorn rod. lhoty Makes Taoper "the Tees." Topic, V.rrde everything; 'Charms, Call Ctirs, Peanuts,. Crue3si, P.. ticute. Capacity 5 Lbw t19ú( Mdrthandlac. 900 Oath of Gans.

Ise Further .Octails- and Low I.Prket Giantess Year Neared' 1=abey or Wrist

VIC'TbR VEHtNIIOl,C .0 4203 Fallertw Armen, Clic


- 'BOOTHor BAR r.a men i`a.-tG.. for ,., Ulm .h,at

OQ - 1 r 1ºe

rlal aa Yl a.VT '..tern re,.. M. Kaa

1` > 1V,cllt%i iaereñsn. aad - - r'rinu.ia a t-eatwM 41ie NaMrarilºOr-

CENTRAL OISTRIBUTIiiG :CO. _lea w."ro.d 11_0:t, .ttarvea a o i. 1a



SEL nr^ ~ . e 'L5 a SAMPLE

It.NGP1R 114, OUtN1118á)

I GUARANTEED 'di YEARS! ; t' - _- -

'Vand1'A11Cam6ka, ,;Y ; Clarrna, T.ya. and aau Crt,M.


P -R4o4N1r s. Atic 1 ir Any S..urt ODcra-' .


true- with lit becanse regardless ot.liow tames -or hew little dueri FlaYr we all

DIP; E.' 1501-091. 34T11dT- IiAltiAf CfTf,

011M.`}I.\a.."1`1Kg OPERATORS '

in51F Inttat.Mat. ProMaoN Mst.aandac. W.dl9 Lases' .ed Maer3a M.OMIa1u T'a+'w.. nlc«Oluoa. gas. Ishlb N fdl W' tarm.tltn

MODERN DtSTRIBUTINR CO. 4085 O.avwetrl An.. _ ogTRolr, eIICN. d____`__`010


11' THE KW I 93 010DEt


*,, '


NOW Eve's OresYer peaGh,u%,tn- Ih4 vnprovsd rnOt.i.l; featuring, t h c

>prtaednd new 'LEC11tOTHER>`I" hear e,ontaol---., eodUSWs,DArar beNr.00merd l

Prove. to yovssar thr'adranrara er


writs Lm.nedbtefy fie' 0/radial


TriERsA A RtA-soo

"FACTORY I KI HC'- i A ~set ebb. crn,e /w TusN Spatz.


. - = d. 11raA log . Ohrnm., l n t a l p.wfNm pne 1w pew =rae

l i "" OOR BUY until 7ath toy r1r.a1OlM

{, + "SILVER KING" lM , Itai.r Max, SeLOo $.rrií

Sdtw Tel it O

Norerlt ber 26, 1938 -



OPNA1 MFG. CO. 1-- , I25.1. bQThTCNIlA6Q_-



ALARM! Cigarette Medlin Operators Sko,,Mety chin.*. bed 'sIs&-lacked In. .,a a WORSt AUTOMATIC CAR ALARM MNk shrieking Flee Sirao. tweets doortoed and drunk on earl and. AA to. Irlreht.. Easily rnotlUed drat Wed- Iref ,chins a.a.Man4_ Seesi i eserl rty dleevñf to opera -toes. Weirs for p. k4a. Ah. m41t02111e farm. IN Ogres and .warehouses.

MORSE SIGNAL DEVICES 1940 GeneOO Ave-. CIen eta nd. O.

RUT NO'WAT THESE LOW ,PRICES mfr. awewWatOutr -t+e ao' iVat Rin-. _ANN.orfN 1044 aip.yl,

Ratlpul woo, ii2 .-- 60 n -OM_ nl mes 11.15 a 1--sell+aswÑ+i . -s Ó.á0 'ewat

ntaW°-t.t.. _ -,--- 2.1500 °b11 Yrsd-r/aI. orne nar.;--- 7.50 tk8 :e Gordy MerallM ------- 4.00 Ate. 6e Mmes. tttteins~ _,.----- 7.50 : 1-40a..lcw.1M.:10 w1129 aar._-- 75:00' RON.Na.IM.I Gasr MKfIIM Mlll 1

.7-00. Olélaxa wl-M.O.rr. .rlt>a bail ..--z...a..00I 4.OM. Awa+ea, ,'te. 50. 10e, li.. [feel,_ -re. Mer, bets ueedee 14-40

1/3 deport[. ccrfl- el peertte ma. flied ,check or, Ghana, of etrry neater order desertpfdos. Send Insist sceompstry

'fee ftsf. au' Orders. Bet- erne C. O. D. '

L -L COIN MACHINE CO INC. 1167 W1111101/161 sty ªn.tes.,telal..

AMUSEMENT MACHINES runs, hod polttthed 'of- t _ f w neighbor- hood, cote and raised *rural lunapu In the Parties apc'trtment. Matthew- had to plate It 'In a kennel for the winter months_ Ate aide tine lo his imenst duties Forbes 'ptu:a to nee hie doe, nest seeaon 'There la little doubt that he sh,tlld=oop_qulte a Sot porno- if It con be arranged for the dogs to chant a pat Lngtend of the eilítoyla--y rabbit.

Al,( the member. were sorry= to Icon Of the elder.. of Mrs. WifU rn Preis. wife of tile' erg' parstlsr treasttter. Wont' et prow tune's that ebb to r000vrttttt teem her recent open 1.1óa in Ode aiylo. I

The new manager of the PtlOulu branch of Cigarette Cie'', at On..15 Jack Grant. fcrtnerl- of the a:onre:ta seritoe organl- lotion of New .letaey. non the ideCtlyeale wrticie appeared In The BM, board ninny of tine operators report It pas helped them lino up 'sonic of the Setter erase ltdlttOns.. . Harry Mimi 1s lalietfcMng out 'weigh. his, Zito Dog pSe- ttuee. They are going on the m'ertet 71ow In pstkngrg of 4S g. dlftrrent drawin ail done In itfeltue coders, . ).zany of tee members! have beeñ dropping In tO loot over the new -ailed of the org rogi.tlon...

"Cotlunodorr' Yoien has pat his beat In`dry dock for the year. frying W1.1. stat0. of ,Dublln Cig Bvniex., abo hoot elbrooter and has challenged Yolcn-toa rap o71 the Sound neart`oprl rags Jack Mown. of Ctgcrottc Soreier_ who II n NAT: York Uaivetsity alumnus, and 0e -6 -roe -Vassar. of Vac Ctearettd Srrv; terse, who Claims Yrirdhrnn as his alma 'ouster.: are winking riche ineereitIng bets Pn the Odtoorne of the annual meeting of their Teipecgre teams meat T:erM - It he rumored that Alan Jacobs will -be pruning cull climes round the net of the year. , CKiI De Marta, of "Peekskill, nod Bernardi Roaenbtatt, poi Tarrytáwa,. th port [sinter 1105 00, ily . In onit In W'telhoster. They roan early the other eu rntug and Sot.. d toot,on the pump,. Mine- . . Amon-Gascb'n son _ e recover- ing from

ar m't recent Milo nocldent. .

M1 the members see reported' looking forward to the _srilICIation`a banquet scheduled to be held eonara time late ha.' December.

(MERCHANDISE SECT1ON The Billboard[ 127

Prom- Boston 0Olnea Weed that the West meeting of the DMA of ' ldasee- ahaisette was the most 'Socotra/l2 over held by the otg. A sties promotfonnl pttaaram_ which has', beset under com- tlderattpn for neural Menthe, tree adopted to a tntanlnt us tote. A coin.; rntttee ctmp0,t'd of Alfred .,9harcnaVr. chairman: Myron iflllmaa and Louis iiáanlan, was appointed to complete .rr- trnpmeñts tor IhnugvrsttnJt t21C plan On ar before Jlultlai) 1, Slglgmnn has been oYHt-rimenttng'wlth a ralas riRfmutang with surprisingly suoesseful roltulta. Thla ta the ran ,time, ho:vevcr. + v that a cigarette merehaaaerising meanie -i xubot}atfom his sponsored a program - destinad to ineratucD! atlbstapttaDy th picking up 0n:G1 of al2 Ite members.' wrnlhert



fl oEUCi" E049'' PUP' r l


INatiosnl Candy ,Co., be./ 345 West Erie St. - - - - - Chicago


t:ertéF%SS .':ri -.cy_i.evf F W V/.yfÍIaSLKÍts^^ii-_xtti..s.t ti Yt b' _ =STI

'1 521* .. H I_i S * 521drs.



Latest and most desirable nrrnlen_ rócaurlhoI Colon. Ñoeey Stock. Na Lead., throes its( thou 50 -alai, 55a eer town.

DbARF CHARMS 67aá lo ..`Sº mom.- 70,. 0c. e AUTHENTIC PICTURES

All Charms Parsed t Cron or s Sip% kV cos.

GO Ir RA N TE E `°mulctc tans dep aaHlyradet. lª e

emp°~el,wNitHhYodr.. 8OirLdee

, 00 11Dd



Xgleit7t~?;?fOu:dRla_Y.tl30:.s:y^ .^1LGO1i$lig2Poliii'.d-?'n6tlamofm'1iJC



° At Last A Rev'olvi'ng Three Compartment 'Penny Vendor I.i Counts. Taak et Will osara 510Á0_ a learitAO.

' A ...Ere sees...=sM..A4ns..aat >.a pee 5007. arafñ en are r ~Ott. Pin rammed 55AO llrt 5 slnels Y.ndov. p..y 311.75. tatllrankn,J/ew ie Or ere say rest

DAVIS METAL iFIXTURE'CO,. Lansing Mieh¡gan

:lace the; advent of Oool

Acearding to latest ea -Monte» "of Trn Kenneth Wilton, who operate. pMmo. Gr'al! Strom -f Jºurnal, CIgasette sake, this graphs nod other tygia. of equipment"tn year aliouldl wind up about 1.000,t:Oo.000 and around .AIttI{, boa De

equipment uument "in

aflea,de pf"ast year. Canto. at the e -ad" neon al:.ehlnMM. of Dine months were near the 000.000,000 mark.- Bated'tiri government Me Datum e nd trade reports, it to aftheinted that° Lucky Strike mien will relied Wa about. ahead of last year. Philip. Morrie Weis w 11 lump 1.600,000.000. with Cuenca suffering tow of - and_ Choate/441 and old OoItt about Ii »íM0.000 each. C51ae1. Locke.. and Chesterfields. will account _for CO per tent of total CIR afar' ed Gold, Ph1111/ -

mforefs an* other ?rands'-will cemetirut4 lO pen ant. with 10 -cent btotOda and others marking up tl a rtmatntng 13 per cent.

Ghlailekna City

Pram Chelsea mince Clueless Culp to report that busineae is better than *w- age and that he ls'idding to hie equip- ment.

Ray Bolen, mechanic at 13oyte Armase- ment came tá.,work. the croft'_ dray with one of thees [hilt-wIdO virus. -The toasan-=o new con. rho fifth boy Iii a family of II children.

L. W. Aahbr n.- has bean purchasing new equipment the peat=few cloys. Ho says ho le gentile rtart47 for the expected winter boom to buslnalyd.

A nativé Chicedorn. Lwadeld ,by name. bonneted with H elich Malnutecttlrlug Co..' wee,_ receiving s hearty welcome from budneat aoquatntatiota In Okla -

OKLAHOMA CITY. 9kh.. Nov. 29 horns City and Tuna a few days back. L. A. Deli). accompanied 'by Sine Belly)

J. Q. AfcCltyikaq 411-d IIath ZUdd, cif is weakling :stasvrnJ days in Olr]Wtems Chickasha_ hove been buying quite .a IntrodaclflE Liar Hoar Jéanla><tat C/llat-EtOla CO. 3tate-ogiernrrori. 13Lnte .pest COaa t>WN mimber-of counter gw'ne during recent oprrr.ting tllDatr ulsetl ems two ]Elio [seeks,. Ditto tot Todd's tico brothers. Pfrtmmrr. lttttweet rNa:rolty Co.: Jock ?o° of ArdatOOtL and ,Chllile). of Doe. Abrahetn. Btfftt4lr: Drib Hutchins said VI. ?bx. - - Writs 1o447 roe tee- Lots Young; Lawton Novel ty Co.: Lori cLl Mw, bilptratdlott Prude Valle"'. M. -A.. Dnyid. FAIRWAY VEIIIIING.MA'OIIINE CO.

MII4 n_ stewed árn. cm ,q°. rat Ada. and -Otto ¡hiugiwrty., of VlrtItJIL

Woody liubbnrd. operator from We- watti. was' 1st Oklahoma City ptucbla.

PEANUJIr VENDERSe tog equipmerntltcentiy. t on -ele. Robert Weddell. from Heatttnee, trans- ta<.dnUnali warsnued ~ten 500 need bus:nos to Oklahoma Ctrs last ñ ótliralMG

U7, nutlet avea ..+ra. s Vyyvx. A representative from the Baker

CZ AWRY á.,r0. CO., Ptoveity Co_._ cpunton.- etas in twxt1 the `1'.-i Ghee a .s - iii, I &Mr* day. 'Both men reported. b L.U.cza

Xd IlerrtaL; of Mlasora'. rcccnt2y rO- turnod from a trl trim the Date. e.

attics. at XBrirRow Drum -right and Ada.

Oklahoma is -oho of flue bast /Mates in the Lintoni its ¡Oren to peir- ChalG Coke -Operated equieunent. We have the woad of none other then operator Carl AYtder .an. ?f C.9L n{eto Syringe, who was In the State for that purpose re- cently.

taKING of VENDORS" -4a¿V[ll.r1.Na

2,00c wenik. TNe+11 a ze nt

NOW t. 1..101111.,

YYMDORe FAOTÓRY KERO' web am an -mewl globe ~tallow, wt.1 41.012/.wIM.d, toall

'tI1LV'_set~QNARM wIU t*,e14 e1.-i/'arisll


elhea,rma, 11101,131

dp.oe.«a red re*

0Li LYc 111005 ene sm.'a g1aes:7F10; M en- car -seise

A..t d/t $0,110 M. Ka.- Ten al ón.60 -Yak. YVriy OrOl+rr f e t silaet.l


VPII a41 W. dl!<f.4n 51.0.. ", 11t_

Carl .Jsckeon. froth_ he pur- chased

p - chased a lot aR used equipment a day cc two ago_ -Ida reports. thAI bunnies In the ÓU -capital ts'1D1od.

C. J. 2Potaon. Guthrie okwratrrr. says he- ta dollag a nlCO bitslneee axith hfa new, Jtnn.fnge Good Luak condes_

L.. R. Richards. of Poufs Valley,= made a rush trip to, thm city for new equip- ment recently. Chtmo back for more throe, also iota,

-Clarence Kemp. of the Nickel Notetty Co. to Oklahoma -City. bought tO new Wurutter phone* rtte»pt y.

Approximately he BWIte oreente.1 hate announced that they will attend the annual Cala.tnnchtne Omni to Cbheigy. f

I7.8 ,The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES dA'iIEi!tCHANDiSE SECTION) November 26, 1938


N. Y. fj7ttaca' s co


Have you seen the ele 1 D )cero M ef i? wee r o e

Do to today! It has ,evsrythingr-

This Pint is ,headed by B. A. SOSSENi, who has had, over three and one" -half years' oxpisricñce With SNACKS- and is prepared to offer his wholo-hºaried- co-operation to all operators in the territory.







FACTORY PRICES. Comploto Snacks Service.

Partí AcoóiParics.


New. Dicct From Factory

Only 2+4.4D and ep

Over 60,000 Sold UNIVERSAL -- I ed' to

WI 'lWV. Men- with heeded l swim tona a! Ps

1.0W re ICt, Seeds



\r -_

t 1

..0 rriabe- eNa1K M nu.s. I1st1. ca101. charns. .0 ~WIT o

`$ 6.9 5 Slbtql_'

Isiredactory Ofisr

71 UsGTr Lti 10 e.ary.

1 R. tors. MI for 18_35 VP :a OrArr. aalaec O. O. b: e."p foe ;Inuler end arty rMnw. ow- aw

Fusee, oln aulo,


WRiTE FOR LOW PRICES Oa Peanut. Ball Gust and

Package Venda -rib

Also Tablet Size Venders. Supplies for All Machines.

Sélf-Serv L 'fg. Co. S. Brood newt Wiekeasn Sit

Palmyra, N. J.

Serving Operators in New York City New jersey Maryland Dcdawa re Washington Southern Connecticut Eastern Pennsylvania

BOB' WHITE r. PROVEN ... The '- - One Machine That I' STAYS PUT!! I,- .


Low -eat Mite* IN QuaRTITv LOT


ANIMAL CH;AR'MS Beaded_ Pearl, Finish.

Pet Gross., ...... . .7SC larger Size:

Per Cron' $1 KARL GUGGENHEIM, Inc.

160 Fifth Manua II. V:C.

So You Want TO 1 Operate Cigaret Vending 11'I achines

Cdfao1, Note, The loltotafeg entele-fa ehtnre must.e1ao bo 6 eak>sman. UnLy by a pnolwtorto ' eperlafor who formawfy cil^.reta, which are bought; the errrtep Opsrafsd. Meares msohlnea In Chicago, or 30 o_perwtCr IOU" bo-acid. It mat Le but who /or pommot unless owes to shon w that almost ot`-aty merchant rite kern h'i felentity.Seoret. carries tartta as o tidelfno Can *0

Too ninny Unaiplolted 0. poorly es- much butts: thru a vending macoina th_ai otherwise. Thin cast be shoves ploitod territories exist to Justify )ín7 aia<g sino4 .» sty moor whom the opera. Implication_that t3te cornpn 7aUvoly -$I1 for aoUpits bn.lnca Umtata that It Br' tsar éfearet vending mac hlne''busine a .hown. The. operator. therefoore. mat la -overcrowded.. IteverthcLess-tho Indus - 'be able o sell the valve of nts.hul try ban reached that stage of dsialop- and they, he must be able to ee1Uhl moot Moore olsorimtnatton must be ever- and bts particular propatttton. ó certnia, ebbedrby-those Who tioataider Ili an Am or- riumber-of locations °rind a ocrtntn per_ torpitie, contngo of every operation Is sequ_-si

Many who are nb8 In the bwtntaas Without errors. but no euopassful vend, today will enter and' Bud ,happiness°and- trig niaahtnw ,operation can be mo led suborns; mazy others will Arad dainties and failure. To ettpourntte the tanner and to minimize the number's cif the lit- ter this brief article discusses the per- sonal qualifle tions of a suoceetfull op- erator and the rewards which he will tarn.

The sign. -et vending mac,une Industry does not require a large capital invest merit. á71a exact amount cannot be scati= muted. for the' figure is a ~table de- pen.ding "Upon such factdve.ctul: How many machines does the. operator wish to operate? Where -will the operation be located? Does this locality require a,iArge license yep far the X III oS 01l ors? What la the overage sale per mecbine to this territory? What 1. the -average ootri: saistdon? tow pretentious la the opera- tion to be? Is theoperator going to open an office,' or store. ór is he -going

°to operate from his' residence. or from h!s pobbei s pines or hurdneg", moos important. box "good fa the operatar'ti name? 1ior.much Credit cart. lie obtain from the mnebtne mantlt eturore and .how far will tho'toba000 houses go with hint? These are but a tow of the many questTons which make 'It difficult to name a definite ,cdpital requirement without. kno-:.tng the pa:tleular altws- tten of thO Individual dperatee.

Capital Required An 'ti gonertalicallon.'however, it would

be well to figure an investment ót' about 475 for every machine r: ith which the opssatsoa la begun. This estimate in- cludes no license foes. It le based ,on the usual'credlt arrnngementib uhloh can be made With tbe_ alec:ilDe Ceamtifao- tureas. a reasonable ,credit ello*nnct from tobacco Jobbers and n margin to keepgoing the tautness until It becomes cell-eºytatgtcr. Mt an exaisipk. ñti OP` eratar beginning with 26. machines. which to -probably the least nmotrrit worth whtio'to begin math. should be pre- pared to tweet 4:07S in -his "buatness. Ib Is emphasized that -this -figure le -en. tirely arbltxory; tc^ hoe been ex - planted above. the amount of capital required is _ influenced entirely by the particular- silts neon.

By= -25 ,cnacbtºcs.,if they are Judi- clouafylocated, win permit a 'legitimate return ,an the Investment and in ocldl= Won enable an economical operator to earn d IiYieg. Thie'typº of Operand:a. of course. la apt recommended. -bit it is used as_ an cxnmpte to show how little capital 1i ~Lunen of Moe(' -:*hb want tO become_ cigtirct sending niachladi op- crntcee. Obviously the rate of return increass faster than the rate cd Invest- ment. In other words. since the fixed expenses are constant, the return on an ceration - Of 60 -thltcbttxa. requiring about 83,750. Is considered greater than twice the return on an operation of 25

I machines., as Illustrated.

zrachlne busiwas or an cunee, pepena I I Ilesa good general buten* D km:Sledge

I Business Head Needed Unlike rnos: epeclalizatlons the cignret


sending machine BuninOr. dose not re- - quire ,.pecdflo learning or opprenticeahlp.

A general bunismsa knowledge. some 'nibs, ability. ,a friendly personal) a

1S7E 0YMOHEYMAAfRI1 good eharoofer and. above all; a witlling- _ --- news to work are the only personal quell. fab/

VVl1LI iicadtoeu it¡iah as tirotor n'iwt endingá;1

Whether It be the e5gnrre sandiLt. t It y

should Invest lilt money untes lie'aso LOW PiR.I To ?now merely that prohta are created Art O..a.Il,lta'C - -

Ytl U. O O. GCM

6B1Ñcj MFRS. mporta t to ltrpar now to'httyétisptl: KALE AVl.BROOKLYN,N Y I

iW kitowntww to minlmtee eortst to know how to mnJntatñ sin attractive. oorn-

IN THE c81L10oARD - íináoes auseiner.. úáprice. princ'Unless- ie paastlay A LL BE SATISFIED 'WITH not be fn buatmesa far hsrnxlf.

RESULTS wry operator of eilgarM vending eaa-

TeaM.tSO tri ae111r1g Mere" Uaradite for more than ' 1/at Oersare. 1 _ tbe account of purehass s leas


unlos. one knoclr hira to. do It. It is O DE






100% LEGAL

~rang NS ohaNt Si

11 Lean Pegs


elu?Vrar CMi L111

Ahleutaly de pmealedMeetae

Ouva,t..e 11 the er í-oree:'s

-gablettil Whit. May be.

'S4 11.4 LOTS 05 Ii


PUTS YOU IN, BUSINESS. FOR LifS Orwt mind r4w,. N. mecern sa'. u.t v,M y.a le 151 wea1--a an emu,ft' w purl- Hmi.-yi order puya' utch IMr lull

1171 Os -a. edema O. O. O.


48161D'J.-North-AYs,, MllwauiCeer Wih

- - -


' T L it', S T a break for you operators.

Tom Thumb Peanut and Gum

Vendors -as Cow as$260 nratae» r.l brad no

..,re W.e etw ae et :Ma Was' d p 1 . .aar h .r D ). ,- die eMta tllt.+ M ~mend un i Mesln,. .iNt _


wlmemea ye*"

lAttr ft ty.

tenon. MO- W, te. Mien ehrelnaMho.r chirN r v R' Aehu Ntb: +e


Notronnber 26, 1938

SN"riCS i o ata00

/_ p 11 Cud'. S J 5

il--bLIae ' Ian. .... L le 110144P4. 'la :Sa.06 ill aRte o1rn, 4001.

KA.1tlT 11- 11

eslLRitl. OIv.4a 21A

T6j/m erih IIÓORé. ¢

claws .451 é oR' úIpOreinñer :s t -see. 1 J WaY Oraer 1141. G. 0. O. Rain RIO PEW CATALOG.

A S'e 0 HaNR°ia ñ:; a.:; :xa,°e:a.

SANT,1 :At G MAbe r _- - nttat 4aa VT"

O. - elab oat- . et Je 700 sad . , lyala Prlte.

/7.00 Per Doi.

ITANDARD ;ALES CO. Da ra.utti. are..


AMUSEMENT MACHINES entirely In this manner- The operate!

1 must be able to, cell, Permed Qualifications

Even after n.]ocetioat ha4'been seetrtod the operator mutt excreter' teat ',iris frlendL1neas_to maintain IL on u 'wont - abbe bast,. A good operator two:ea-tame and cheerful:. lie le able ,to give It and take It -end Usti metro he motet possess a, friendly personality.

He muat_atoo be a man of good char. acme? Ifta name should be reepc.cted. or, et worst. not besmirched. 'rhea la DO bualnao fog gangitCra Or ragketeel:s,., foc the lucratia'c locadoni ere Well-MUM- Uslted buotneas concerns that cannot at - ford -to -deal, Roth, tbo Wrong element. The operators record moot ba Naar, moreover. 'beCSuse the average operator, 00 has 'been suggested,. must avail AItri- selt at reaialdeaable credit. A 'bankrupt or '& deadbeat is not 1n' a position to operate 'efficiently.

CLA US Sorriest 01 all qualt(Isatton.s, however the most

important 1. a'Itlingntsa-to work. Like a doctor, an operator MT:" aSQrifee_hit Lame, naght and day or pay someone to do It for hit- The maxim of tbla burl. nom to tirvleo` and the -operator mu -it be Prepared to metre. Cigarett are 'unlike n ay other Handed product. If a peanut or a candy machine goes out of order little excitement results. Eve when a pay elstloa telephone fella the atone Mon. agar patteIltly walla for the company to send .repair man. WCen a °learst inn - chine isms: however, a:wentliely different reaction takes place. The' operator 'le cillod up regardleoe of the time, and prompt attention ».demanded, It is no uncommon occurrence for all ail-nlgbt location, to request service el a elsat.t machine at 10 or II o'clock_ In the' eye - 21102,. if nn operator mitts to keep Ida business ho must consider every out -of - order call as.,a etrmmona dtOsaadlpg en uanuellsto añswer. The operator _tenet be wlilingto work. hard and without re- iard b6 tepee - ór weather.

geed Cigarette Mac'iineslt The man- an woman.

ó y Is

y mentally and psycl o:ogte:thy nutted for this k Lie find b d


and EXCEPTIONAL VALUES wo0e w VC . -npp4ntta all

' .hotter than :twenty llnanclal reward. grown le. 2. ,. f nee Tic Rewards

Moat of us dentro to he in titueiniian fo: cygnet -ea. Wee/vivo to cdntrol our time; we Wee' to govern the speed 01 our pi:o- duetioni ire want ro earn the full fruits Of our labors.

The cigaret ,rending machine buiintee Were these opportunitlq'te their fuilset possibilities'. The oigórot ionding ma=

HENRY WERTHEIMER chi operator has no atore whine ales him dove to denture Boma. The opere- 7at FOYRTH AYE_.. Na:W YORK¡ Y'iI tory Moe le, determined .only py P20- ductleal

N.11..di 1 fa o e-00 iM A.tata<ratr-.Splu-,r. Ivo,.

tuLKIauU.--o.0eisrrrn -

Má , .:r--e.001Wa+, Iran

.nNea1 na /St--ñelarN su..1. a7.Lo axtetu Caney v.nd<r. Cduan. P. O. O. Nit Yera City.

T[IttnS':t/3Ca.h, Balance G o:.°.

HOT IINDORS NOW in Orig- 56950 ili'a! Crates .

Very Slightly Used


MECHANICAL 'SIMPLICITY No moors. no Ionisers. slosmoke. no sréaliooso, odors, no burnt corn. no raw kernels.

r AIR CONDITIONED Rainy weather. cold weather of hot 'weather. 14OT VENDOR de. hirers a hall and uniform InoawYfe of ,tasty. aíñitary. freshly popped corn.,

SLUG PROOF Equipped Wfish the most efficient kind' of coin iotector. the VANAK sing 'rejector.


The Billboard 129


1§Ja i[N1Nsr7"-"slay- RYTN., naA3-.-- -,htartlT'Yn1D'...ARD OTietR FMOUe

01[b2 /Rut ~inn-ANOt ioNa zwe OaD[R. 125.0.00. 4411 WhN+.r4 ca pea. i_ { M TaM Car stereo orey-atole.. ~NM 'sod

LL ny R.1weat law' ~et OP- ..t7 all Me bags Iad la the put abd L.c7 pee th I e aa tae ela,4. I'M UMW OorDle

e"s At[t. .te,s R.r gaLL iMr.ldlUa e' -Ian. rBilrt set .liar melba t lint `I.+L OMIa'oaa7 eeerw trae

+ fl7t teal. CYm7e 'te. the lame" le nakr

vey ti.ti eau _lop la..1. eeet

cat,,t-.,.t-:t sn/ r4br Aitb 113r rY4aL.e lSsae4li0' (eRry C7rsseL. i`sen..í _11.><as de.ta p.0 1004 L Wm*ono.wF n ra 11d. faada..rsa 9 fee fal ~Ada of m K t< alasnan'I taut was

eM r a,.sr TI~ ti :4+r Plan -a reel sa. 1tCy.sa0 1 _ I-ftawt.. CASTERLiNÉ BROS.

:AP- CP. totn n.urnlea GM. _ dl- Joe.

1VU R LITZER PIiONialt R'OH 616 a . . 5 5114.50 616A . . $139:50

Guaranteed Mt:chanically Perfect, Appearance Like New.


lUotlfalv¢ifJ /f%1f PtoiJzóniva !%i!liióulfltl

of the Bob White tender to

ALS for the trade. Every hour 14,a business. eapertencing at this - time. A goodly hour. portion of our Increased production fly careful evening the operator can echedule hen Already been met catch .to work at his moat natural speed: elo,ona -)Dell current ordemo" i5,abo're him to rush hire: no one low him to «tall him. Whenever an In- dividual can ouchsc'hia-ñ,óynial rate 'Ma efilclonay re schea It. htgbest degree. and thin V one of the Important Advantagte

'of the claret. t*Dding machine buslne-'s. Like any other buatarss mint the op-

eratee'a proeta or leasea are entirety his own. Usually the amount of either le directly proportional to his abilities and hlacenergy. liwythe ctgarct machine op prates loos two otiv lttpfilas not shared by the average /manias* man. Re -esa go to

i the trade Instead of waiting for the node , to come to+him, and becans 1 1ita,btralbasa

is dlventeed, he will not stand or fall upon one deWion- Its cigaret tending bualnem. further. mode, la an exetttiia buslneie. It la char- actetledd by quick turnover and'-con- tlnitates activity. It. *i- rah intereetlug business. and even In'R email operatiortft le a buelnese of magnitude. Z6 la a land - new which is attractive to those who are ambttlooi, for It ellen opportunity ewer Gutye merehondlse ~dine machines. in today's highly Competitive economic atfstom for the well -qualified to rfalke a Thy equipment to be bundled by tbº good rettirnon their money and Sluts._company: inch/den the 1 Cent Helder

Moldy rtt*chlne. I -Orris Adema gum ma- chine. 4endrink Clem -Cola methane acid

Tbfasalds el Silisllr.í Cust:aiérs

USE SiLVER KING N tee et Them All

Sample tA_G01 ! 10 w'Mw...I+S' rRtet PRE [iiLbr.

CaM1. Iheeete ea Nall

ewmV slMerwatr,.t+D. tond far Saanpl..

tor . n i MsRM ae.d meaaa. MM_Irr M- tails ar4+pelea a- wee mat emanate. 76e aro. CANDY; ,--11b. Lb. n1aOPL.SycSael el

ñ 4i'e1M.M ^p a i3a, Averrir tMet Mel

write tar

R A Kr I l'te-e7 olMrAetne

eaas Wo+d Ara. va,.,taattesaa,_ Pa.

Chi Distrib For S. & MeG

Gerber' & Gloms appointed to handle, line Of radi=e. machines for N. Y. firm

CBICAC10. Nov- 1pPatt1 ¿Rolm. and ASA: abaue, of the pgrber A Glue Du- trlbutlttg Co ., Cblcago. hato announced that :Moir firm Toe been' epirodated das_ tributar for the line of Stewart 61 '7'de-

Boost Production the t2oefLL new Stewart G jlr,luizo ,s -

Run on Bob White NEWARK, wf. J Nov. l0.-,IfTu k Emit.

of -Eastern Mechlne ,Exchange. reparta that' sale. cd the Ebb White. bulk :per. ebandtilraag rnaehlne, have 'raorned t-nese r heights during the past mi ith.

Saga Kart, "Our crony yeas of expel- ence In thº-bulk vending -field have re.

DVERTISE IN THE BlU DOeLRD _ 'Jolted no- the-ntsnufeeturing of ,' tea- - Chloe which- la trouble -free. bra. ,a

YOU'LL B! SATISFIED WITH wady revenue and hold^ adoration when It L placed.

RESULTS "We ore us-rangtnp for inereanod-pao-

cent candy bar machine. In addlticiet Gerber to 01nm will dare a full -loop,/ of flbldn' , candy nn4 Adams gum for the machines

$ald.oerber: 'l reel tina; oTe have Mod* one of the "oat Important mates In the hl.e4i of our Onfilni atton. 'With the dlitrlbutier. of r9'eurt d McOutre prod lasts tar! beg -Ana 'orle bs the Cop dia- tribuetng ecanpenies to this part of the oatintry, sW a Stvunl-t dr. McCurry name on merchandise vendlec machines le one that fa recognicet everywhere ea a synonyt for quality, modernity and

PEANUT- VENDERS NtelA-1tir,Pt+«r ta.,aaarAtsw. elieÓ Neete.etars N0. ea aJIQ 29e9:2.-70arn CanslnaYº+ PtrnriY1'MN 7.00

1 /a D.smil. aaaaMe C_d.P. O. J. L. 4A'Lte -001,

.3902. WufiGrrtp,l Aux. ST. LOWS. co.

profitable operation_ In thla outstaod- iPg Jibe ' of vendors we have tbs fna. chines necessary to weal -rounded opera. doh of such equipment. Tee operittor GOO dnlres to enjoy the profLts to be -fleet!~ from merchandlxe welder opener con can enter ell such fields which heve_pros l Mort popular; 1. o.. ODCa, Cole, candy. alum and elgarots. and: be can be Ware at not only the Onset mot chines but of the moat complete seriioe from. out ortanlratIOn."

Commenting on, the new alllenee. MAUI mid: -wet only do 'Gerber iC Glees.prrdpmicate In the distribution of ¿Minter llamas, pit. xisp-ipini and similar typo. of amusºarsrnt, machine but wtt`h the nequIditon of -ewan '6t ldooáoure pa'odtscts we have becoºie headquarters for America's leading tent hno equip- ment. We not' offer the Opr:.atore O machine supply that caters to their evE-tg need. 1101 wo anttaua to' Aland hack of the (lecher & Cilare,guaranteo-=- 'A Gerber ót Ohm lvdoweenemt la * genuine guarantee of sattlaffetloU or your nlomtey refunded.'"

In Chigoe» Oat week gamin H, Mate tan, ro¡tmntat5irº of Stewart or MC- Culre. raid thzL J_lnre it Stewart, were - dent of Stowart,óe :tt[luire, pis indeed ri4 p:,Y__*ed nod happy t0irnow that the

M1d414 Wert d triton= of cur pradlsote le In mach, cllriliao bands. Gerber di Gleam have !egg beeni noted for their tact,= i rice retied e, ,ervrttloda Of "handling dletiiburtticit of coon -operated etlulpment. HO all -o (cal- poitantler: that, Stetaart A Mer:tore equlpmem_ will be the no -r eett:ht at'$ne! m,5ebltt-o in this port of the United States, r their are otaetl ere,. un der tot rrt ste-r ful promotion of ten Gerber 64 Oloae DYRribnuag'po.^

ductirenesn; ho dons not ba>'e to writ take Carr of the demand, ~Oh we are

130 The Billboard



CRYSTAL GiTIZER All, Electric Dice' Machine

2 Thrills With 'One Play Tens Yéarr FéHvne and Pays bet F.on, s to 10 rkn. Greeters* F« Is. Plrr.n Alr GML Wild Ovas WIZ. Bo Flrsf In Your Tertitary Wale This late SteMy



Aetuanr. S Maehinss In One. Walk S'OI/. ferent Payevl 5eevps, With Nev T11rOs ' Ne PYUing:Pesrer . NewPaYsirr CtChub No Expensive changing .f IA.aaaa:s1i.e!!-

14.T5 spy. . . Aa far Only t/9 Deposit. gal.xe C.C._ D.

OTAI-1MTáe0UCTONY; Ory R or wee Ser ant are m J,/r.1 M made to Mtg.

nuns. 11 NaÑ aNr.I .eÍclilÍ Only 1, aegr

NW all era rer a rowed nor rnlealnr. Only son In a OMte.war. TAR eel.eloat 'a mod

n.11 ne,y

rÍI N ÑIER SALES. Ice. "Pict a-Wlnñer WN\ ~ern

3907 Armitage Ave. CFtFcsyo, fII.

. t-1194 jc arsy pviki ' I Wo 1."14 re


'sttoors ntruni. Pcn;nlc5- '~

t.kysrYlty rrx d sise -' t.a, a..a.! lw.n lI s[. aei_ C41 ice á

a rr. irl~law


r aós ..~.:i4175 i

..... 113 441 t- otesall.

771151Aillifir Wat- R OM OUR b D R TODAY! Am asméefiC Tv


¡R E DHer $4.50 JS-

I The Deal .4 .11

terwene, ieraua. let TRIO. - ~t,

! lCsrda

ail ter :I 1e.ea, [[DN0,.1sao T l l e t a fa ósr steno.

Aa'Reset »SAO. wont* OR loan 13110 Tsraale at ee. aLl,00. Ar. PAT $34.00. ~pre ~-e0. aTAaAMUNa 1,1s* As,a i' ec. $aei . m s.P.00: smut tova OR.


O01111/AMY. 71143 1/0111.,a-'. H MAr.

C..4iaaW. IL

. no.n`

1 - ° N --a . t


NAAPPB Show Opens Nov. 28

November 2G, 1938

Largest, number of coin mrtcbine firms. exhibiting in hl.tory of- gÑup

CHICAGO. lfOv. 201b In; í7W11 exhibit cat the Idatlaanl.Aatoclatioat of AmWtrn?nt ptrita. Plot. and: B43.C:lla t* swerved of the f;reateat not tang to IM history.'socording tº' A. H.. Hodge. seeta- tar% N he -nude public the lfst ,pf es- htbttcra. Greater vastetp'In displays nil v:a11'aa tneressed attendance Is Indicated. The convention will opeii,at the ?Iner- meL Hátwl' here November 3á and con= posse thru DeOernhet 1.

The largest,' nnmter of Kemp laminator le, the celtn-Operntcd machine trade i! the htatoéy of the HAAPPTt Conventions have also ~red elthtbtt' space this year.

Fleets familiar 'to the coin maOIIDU trios] that have reserved exhibit space arene.followa r

H. V. llright Turnstile Co.. Chicago: a~ofri' Merhl?ie Jrnrrr+al, Chicago; "Buck- ley 14fs. CO.. Gblcago: H. C. Evans,& Co., Chicago: Darter ó Ohm, Chiesgo; Inter- national atutoscope Reel Co.. New _YC41r: O. R. Kirk de ON. Chiregoii Lion Mfg. Co., Chicago: itWtioaz Deg Cory.. Chicago: Percy, adfg.'Co.. Haw York: PIc-en Mfg. Co., Coney ISLttld. N. Y.; RCA Victor Co.. Camden. N. J.: Silent bale; Co:. Aunt. neapellee "The Btlibocrd,'Cincionatt. sad atr era.

Jar Games' Here T4 -Stay, Says Noel

ñftr}2Ctl ]'roe-. Mov. 111 -tluy Y lsocd. praslderit-of Coy 02.11m+[. Iºo4,-manutsc. turers,0f ELK Minn' Jar game*. recently mede.tbo foUOrine COnonenta In answer to a quéry to the longevity -of demand for jar g-+rr-esi

" neartigatlona satiate w that jar games' are getting a favorable share of available operator** businesill. A ire ro 000e03010 eondltlone - have retarded growth of jar, games s1t)eat. but steadily increasing ,'oiurse of repeat orders Con. 'Omen 'up that _the 'biannual cycle le On the upss:gg and that demand for .Jar Fares will be greater'than -ear.

Tbo jar game principle of liberal pay- out is the foundation toy any chance game- . The puil.ttcket industry. loos 2s] r:ointifa.CturOd tip Lard and trade seal'eardn. Thew] gtmea ore ,the begin- s -of pí111-tteket product* and aiie based on 80 per cent pay -out to ptayere. Furthermore. overy one or the Up, car* gasses' -and ticket trjcte ~a hew a birth date. 1)0' yeesrs age and Is suit thriving today. in fact. such ,games are belasg manufeatured' to greater gnanti:lee yearly, and so It `till go. with the IMAM of Jar games-

"Operetorn ehouti remember that they continue to purchase 'prod6áta watch make them cob :man It is only coman

'.tech. therefore. that players only con -

Contention isoula WIth two national coin_ Machine

conventions In Chicago a le chednd e t during the- next se rrtoalthi, yac

Rltlboard mike -then ever in the history of the tndra.tií wilt servo to mow the news relating w the t two great 'conventions. The fOOawttsg six 1555401 will corer the compietº tory:

$ December 10--ire-oOnVOntiOn issue for the NACO1fMf Show.

Drormbee 11--Convrntiom number for the II ICOAQ1 Show.

December 34, --Complete reports of the NACOMM Elbow.

January 14-F reoonventsori witty tor' the CMMA _Shaw,

h January 21-Convention number For the cMAtA [MOW.

January 20-Cómplote reporta Of the CMISA 'Shod.

tine to play games that pay them money. ,

'There mill always be demand for jar i- cemen that ar*'properly bullt_tad which sill :room repeat httolacat for the oper- ator. Eh producing the F Z=Pickle' One we bare dleregnrded' manufacturing Costs. In Order to take CATO oG incrraA- tng'votulite. our have, found, it ssscca?:y to equip oúr-fnctory with atetomtutiO ass- ehlnery to spots Up production and tO supply the precision necessary to games that- tivllt create permanent popularity with the players.

'Jar game arm -bare. to stay anti, op- erators who take;, advnnta3e of posaibll. Mee that 'Jar games offer arc ,bound-- to prosper.

gain 1iaucisco. ZAN :FRANCISCO, Nov, 1L.-italf-

oloeed cats next day gn-se mute evidence of the excellent-ttme 'thleh members of the Oakland Music Opeistofs, AssoclatIon and the 8m PranciwcO Mush OperatOra' Asseocialion had et their jolrtt dinner Meeting held recently at ...the Hotel LeamLRstO11 In Oakland_ Oucsta end mgnlber's of the aissoclatiens were so enthudhette that It Is platted to bold attntlnr oiTatra every three months With

n the two groups altersttng as hoi.á. A complete Door ehOW Wee the at-

traction of the CrCOIUg. Songs. -routine oat*, speetalty debase And a Magic "ow by At lamb, of the Oakland'Assoctation. gave 'the dinner guest. *Onrething to talk about.

Speakers, '01 the evening mere: ,Ted Nowtrian. H. la Thompson. If. .B. O.. botarn. Tony Capons, Fred Newman. Bill Barker. Cleorge Miller mad Tony Corn- PagnQ

Otto Hagodoa andAnthon Compagno were. delegates to the A. P. Of 1.. oon- wAtton bald recently at Santa Barbara_ Labortlondttiona In general "Wont die- eatased- Camp mu. president of the San Francis ).triton. suttee that there have been nos -changes In then board' nor en- largennent'ªt' territory this month.

. her. and atis. Ckulee Shelley. of Syd- ney. Ausiralla. tfaltedi 11e dan Francine* prior to their rwttirtti on the, a4sstpoas t.o

their home. Th1ey have spent six weeks



Mills Illest locket Bell --Automatic

pit Siscr,. 8"s7"rc13". 75 tbs. Losdcd. 5495°

CN 4CA F.a>s..C0

Older Direr![}' From ATLAS. WE SHIP FASTER,


Atlas Novelty Cm. 2200 N. WESTERN AYE.


In the States. traveling mart to Now Yak and visiting friends en route:

Elinor winter has been n mead- eh- trtbutor'far the llt:key Mouse rot* and -toy fending. machines tnanulac. Lured 'by Hamilton enterprises,

abs H. Jensen, of 7:ureka. Ina re ie 'y been . named NÓroutrjt Callfornfa re,'e- aentative for ,Viking Specialty Whale,, owner ét .hiking, reporta that In la doing a arlo job Of , Iliit-,

Richard (Red) Marcus, of Golden taste Novelty Co., returned recently tram C11103;;04. Ho commented that_the 'Led* 'plate0 looked'pretty good wirer. be 101-,

back to,tt.

anti Durge has had ouch autos tbbi month with we candy and nut mrchlda' In Chico that he shade a 'trip to 910 Francisco, to -purchase, some penny can counted. 'The o.orlsy was pilln aP arovndhim ttio,faat for his Older «;a. ere. hl ilat4.

!I `.o X

` e f+

I 0



r];. r .n ae- '- f r







t c : rY

I -;


7: w' rc

a %

,t a


THE .CNNA CONVENTION XAR *or ui.'eT experts to' dulslieotc Otis scenes - at the January, "cc, It States. above ~titre it e{/ an, operators' RCNtfisg daring the-ennelal'trwww, Pebauory 20.-19.35. Arrangements ore belatr made Pr operatan, lobbers and due/Ws:does' to had conferences durlisp the On fit serhote, Jeatrºre U-tP, 1939.

ti'orüntLe-r'1,',6 1938 AMUSEMENT MACH 1 NES Thé fifllbonrd 131


511 Operators )our (onvention C

THE 'BILLBOARD because of its thorough national' distribution set-up 'is

readily available to operators at all times in every part of the Country ... metropolitan centers and rural territories . .. ., by subscription or single

copy purchase:

Since 1899 Tho Billboard has been read regularly by coin, machine operators ... bringing to them WITHOUT DELAY the:important news of the industry. itss large 'following and preference ,ar77ong operators TODAY is the result of valuable, unmatched WEEKLY service, for40 years:

Because there will) be two shows in Chicago this year The Billboard will issue two. Con- vention Specials-one-in December a,ndl one

the respective 7conventiorit and there will be

.complete special mailings of Tech issue to op-

erators and jobbers 'throughout the country. Plan notó- to concentrate your advertising in the only publication that affords you complete coverage of operators in Chicago, attending the Convention., and throughout the country.


The Billboard Publishing Co. 25, Opera Place 4 MAin 5306-71 Cincinnati

$ranch O filers lens NEW YORK OffiCE. Palace Theater Mad 3-1611, 7; 8¡9.

CM ICACÓ'on IC[. :Nee. fhh weed. elder.

Central S48O.

ST.. LOU IS OFFKE. d9O Arcade ride.. Carlin. 0441.

PitILLA otLPHIA (mica.

722: Lampert Rd . Mediten 6695.

án January. The "issues will be -distributed rat

Cncertrate your sales ef,Ç,,'f ,» the oree i`n porIantaperii the field

IL '


132 The- Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION). Novrnibir 26. 1938

Portraits of Record Artists

Thti Y tits regent nt a scrtr' of metienneiJ broyrepe ice/ akrlehri oe band leaders. a'id other smite whom emcee- tsiep sire ~town" erfderspreud popularity to phonograph raendnea.

PAUL, WHITEMAN That Peel ~Neerlen to the de'tn Of

American dance mine re tadtapatabto fact, and hie enduring pea -camerae la nIL the mare retriarkebtc bemuse of tuft ups and downs that normally acootnpºny those -- buttercup career!. For Omelet 20 years, PW has re nrd supreme ne a band leader, !lieu varytiIg and' changing styled In innate, end -in the face -at strong eoan- pottnon front capabla; and sometltm betlliarit pas and awing Josortros, And yet today Whiteman la as thusly in- ttvnallSd la eier n -i the most important developer of the liá t, popUl1nr Lorna of Arnettten ramie. ryas If he retired new, ho would stews, be remembered as the one Men who. prectlC$Uy unaided. trans. l -in-el the blatant and Casette !evict of musts that wan celled term Into the aatootll. ettowmnnty Mold of dance Made au It in known teeny.

Dorn In mercer Lee IAQU, PauFn Iinar ausleni ennttneta were developed when he played the viola in the-Ditver Sere. phony pactteatra and dieeeted n navy band during the war. It ese sluirtly otter 1910 that ha forned a ts-nall bona Of ht, own in San Primer -to and started to rub the rough edc't+ O1r rsgtlrat 8loviiy but mutely Lt renned-It itsow:tooth errºnatntonte rend three the Oreetiot of a new orchestral .tyro Of Jens- He also bshnn, at this time. to deeneruLTite ata eeenlljn for dlseewerttie and dereloping eutstandeetg auuietana. end epf»rnlnent among the names. of those ?ho nary. "Pope" Whiteman to thank for their enncae are Benny Gooedmao. Tóm ui,y Dereey, Henry Busse, lack Tregarden. Prank Wernher, Rues Morgan and many where too mammon, to list, The dato Biz Dddt"beeke wan beta of the men Irri nnnt or all WhLtemxorpretegcl.

Attar engagements ttt Los Angeles and Atlantic Ctty. Paul reed, n his awe bhp. Lime apj,osrnaee at New York's Palen Rcryell . shortly arse? hie' Vector meted. finer or N'ltfepershtp, wretch set an at -time betel of 2.000.000 dimes said, The Palate Royale started n etch of enireeementa in hotels. night clubs and thence -le that reads tike s Dhie Book of such epeeist hie a udevtlte dates were ellmtured try a- aalory of °{78.090 for OTC "'k at New Forth h need Patooe Theater. And then cam! 19?4 and linibiathry-making aen- otO of fLwe et Aeolian Halt New 'reek. When Wbiterisan tntreelueed' George Gtsetlwtn's Rhapsody fie ittuó tote wildly cheering audience.,'-The reiterant:ore of pan was complete: K land Onntly grown up mid .taunted Its rtghtfttl piano In the scheme of Anaerlcan Itta

Preen that paint ºd- Whiten anti pod. Clan asthe foreirientrexpeedent of mbddurw mtwle _ was cry»* Uuiiid with Attletitatn and IAnrepe'an totem, oonccrra at Carne.

Ball New Were mecca of fiery, inusie. and the' Lewisnhn Stadium; a medico picture called' The Kurt of !era end butt around Whiteman nod hue orchr-era, and intenstte -and extensive radio wick. nepeetedly in the attetrt field Aar PW stood on bead and ahentl. dare above his nearest competitor: set - eral of hls Oersrtwin,'eoaoattl hove es. tah:lnitsd attendance reeoeda, and at -the momcr. be is planning atilt another Carnegie hall recital far Cheistmee night whtrh will feature -some Oereliwln Hittite never before performed in public.

in addttlon to working on tht0. Pau! to ctirt'elttly heard on the Chiateetold radio rhaw and is playing theater and Cortese ono-nlghten. This. f chitty in ae- tort:lñS either the role of dance -band maestro or ptencert meletnt''ta only one Of the thlnee that Inlve rondo White. man's Milne the most tmpterttat rind the rmOK vital In time whale b'L.eay el mod- ern Arn rrtcen ~WO,

C11H111111lI IFI 111111 i f111111911 UNIU111111111111111tiiiNl fl'1111111I IJ iid111111111111111111U11U11llIlU'

Record Buying Guide P.

An Analysis of Current Songs and Recordings" Front the 11

Standpoint of Their urea. to 'Phonograph Operators By DANPEL R.ICHMAN =

Tabutstion is bleed uppn radio., p erforninnc e, sheet metete »aim add = record relsdrer of the weeks Reports !tons must!° pre, Mrhers as to the retottro. _ _. importance of certainm avlt9tw in net, eatables pare also eonafdered, al well as - = nitaratton rewired each week teemprominent operators, _

GOING STRONG-KEEP THEM *N = 7.4 My Reverie.Mtlo this was Now' in eesehing the -top. now that Welber*, It

anteing zealously -to Ira No. I' pnattlon, and leeks good to (stay er'atrnd a- front-ntnner for another few Walks- Op --haters report a = II

when et ounce to popularity at Larry Cllnton'a'or Ring Crosby's waxims. E Doth,are groat- and at won't have the tán of them In at the Dame time. coaaldtring the fever the, eon is meeting with and the.fnct that = snot Ctse hen something didarent to offer, `

Hºsitu and. Soul. Another leading favorite et !tea tenement and profitable = = to have around for -e, little while,Sot., The Clinton reooMtnb ls,settaag

the moot pay In.the machine._ E While a Cigarette Was Evrninj .t good, strong_ ditty chat le attracting E E plenty sit nickels. especially the way Duddy Rogers 'the number =

L at the p- s. salts popularity right new. and Worn aren't taking adttin- E Mtge of 1e, etether week or two, may'tt .too late. = Old Falk». This L* adequate proof that n song doesn't hare to be on the E "lilt 'Parade" to be - a good°phlno number. Actually this, homespun = = bait i'lieuta'tactonnted to a tan'Of beam along the'Llnes-of long plugs

or sheet musk! utlea,.bla! operatorle are ilndhn': it one of thrbetterdrewa = = under the'Treedler rilingartist, who Crosby augments the lest of snored. artis who E made de it,.end dote es geed a Job .in hie way so'Larry Clinton, with =

Ilea Wain for tiff: warbling. turas Out to his. _ = Summer Souvenirs. x "left summer ro naziee" ballad es usually good around = = ibis tinta at the year, and 0:02 le -a litho flitter than fns average. Oler - E atorm are ending out that the public feels that way about°It. too. Once =

again. Lerrf°'Cllntem-

tun = Alexander'* Ragtime Band. A reissue of alleold Boswell Slat recording = E of a eeeminely perm -Mal termiteto doing No to keep inmost to E

the oioltlni r aliive. Belongs in phonoe where the pstronsge any ea" punt E seen a local chewing of the 20th Centary.Pos`pieture. E

COMING RIP-BETTER STOCK _THEM = = Two Sleepy People. Reports from éverl' sere-radio list& shoot-reeualo

dealers, phopo-operator*-Indieste that In a very short time this grans = = lyric number from Paramoant's forthcoming Thanks for the M{mory =

film will Jump to -the department abet» thfe creole may there for aonno = = neck', ;;,meat' stage end luny Kyaor have dance s r eedes of it. and Ella

Logan join/ lr ngy Catralebeel, tito oompraer, in ,a vocal interpretation. = 03)a are also asying that Lawrence Welk's "Champagne Metric'- dies is

:= very much In demand. I Won't Tell a Soul. A ptomaine ballad, that Ie ctlmhlag tiRpbtrualvoly E

but steadily on ail ~Ingo. Law'renos Welk again. tettli a sntoottt,, medic = pla`!ter.

You IMeee Have Been a. Baavtifiel Eaby. This flicker song amen Warners' Ned To Cite. Dfe1c Pee.ah starter) took it nice leap of nine witches CO =

= priest

in Otto place on the roster Of taste +stab- are, - radio" plugs. "The _ E pre

Bale "la Mao starting encourrigrngly. Tommy not'a'ph Clambake


= en wrap It tip and lelher it lin a neat package, end this *oak will

sea the release of a Ring Close ;vexing. with the Occege Gerehw'!a classic = from the opera -lbrgy find 'Bess" .tivisnerifine oil the reverse. -

= I Iro,rnd My Yellow Barker- The r awatteel sequel ha A-Tfafrt A -Terkel ..

and it It dote brlf a- well as its forebeatst. you know whit to expect. = ,Chit) Webb and Min.fltreereld. of edazree;,are cutting It, and ft s ould =

be available to ella elite week. E = When I Co A. t)eaamIng.' A aeks» love number from the University E

al Pranteylvanich ifeek and Wig Club ahem' for this year, All Around the = Town_ catching on newly all over, and the nlcket-droppers ought Logo for Bonny Oaodmsi 'a plattering_

OPERATORS' SPECIALS Ltsttag mean thaeie »orgies which te tltmarlyes cannot be -ohm« «S w'=

popular neiNoc.erido hits, hart á7:íN+ are,, or Ore emery indication of In.. = lap,' aatea*,fiul pihphoprerph reurrbere. -- Neap: Seniors., 811m and Ciao In a popular lien of the t'lal Idol Ptoopee 1

and Tien! 3Yufel school. currently Lary big- E-

-4... Button;b 'Another swing entry, wltif "nldlo. Detente doing the = stomping. that his been buingil.a emllea-toloperatere linen,

cam, Emaline. Wayne Kink cameo up with a foliow.thrtl to his popular Josepphtne. _ Just Morung. but picking up speed alooll'd

Sella the Bo-uine. Th sese is' dates beck a couple Of oms to Cole Porter's re = sco foe' the Heoidway musical. soiree. Like Portet'a Night and' Day. E

Ws one of thoao 'stttndirda"slut are always popular, and an played by = Artie ease. It Ina): a'tfrst.rlass phopo bumber. -

F, D. R. lanes, Aaotber musical show uine. from the'eurrent Max Gordon °_

1.1. prodlitticn Thee Out tha Net. intl-clever lyric nismber h .a9,1. achieved = the' tseuntry.r_i0e insularity esteemed of it, butt Chick Webb and We. =

=m. nttpteraid troateed It In a way trist'a, attracting a lot of phem,o ettordien. E E The' Bhxs., Still another Shaw entry. both whim *teen over to Negro !duct. = not s0 mu. -ht the deep river type es the atsuftbng+bects. Colored locations E

ought to Q10 for It, and the sltaggore vent label It a kilter. E. GOING DOWN-NOT WORTH PUSHING


= Sc Help Me. rye Cot o Date With a Dream. The Ysan. LambeHi Walk. E Stap Beatles* 'gourd the Mulberry Bush. The Bootle Woe gas; I

Haven't Changed a Think; Small Fey.' Tani- Fsultl.

11111111ikI111I1 LTl11Ii1111111II I'PLT'I IIIIIIH1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r

Ed George Visits Rock -Ora Factory

CHICAGO. Nov. 1o,-E4 .áéorge, srtil- known music operat_o r, owner ten Use at peorge_ Novelty Coo. Akron, whiled he itock-Ora ftotory recentiy with ht, bHda, lie orphaned that , ¡bey :were .on com. kilned hracymnon-buying trip. They planned to ' buy furniture and other furnishings 'while In Chtcarlo for 'their newly Completed -Akron Iwtno.

Being a dyed -lb -the -wool cola ;.e- chime- man, he admitted be could Mt resin, paying a" ;tent to the Ink Chlsge Uock-Ole factory. "In taet," Its rule. "I wanted ray, wife to sea a big eCra machine factory and eso how the tri.- chines we operate are made.'

They spent.sereral bairs'In the many departtaenta.wetehing Use canons gases of mae"utnºturn of ohaVCsrapll" ZO.Boy serlen and other equipment.. Mir. Otregi was fseeetnatedb by the lone aastrmiiy lines, which she Ilk, nod to the in the hugeaatomobiie factorise,

"Pd.Oeorgo to known thruout bra ter. rltory ss 'the phonograph man " sale a Rock -Ola exec. "Ile Isla built up a plendid ronte of phonolrraphs.niast.of t itn Ibock-Ole. While at the rectory.

be abetted: 'We hardly 'know the mcanla- of a ,serrlce .oath. We ate a rueantly amoaed at the smooth., trouble -free per- formance- of the llock.Oer. peonage:ge l Allow. me to compliment post on that great drop -style Oittg-proof coin shuts e high kaa been a-tandald equipment to the 1088 modeli."'

!`at14SaS KAIiS,t9 CITY. Mo., Noe. 'ID.. -filth

btinhneas reported' betak by vliloally stl coin, machine man in the Kensaa-City area, moat of the oo0vcrsatton is one. log to the Chicago eeneent_tona 'be city aril! be troll represented. as taunt.

Althea It wis placed on the market only tíao wort, agt/. the Pltp Plop Fib=' see yeniry game of the Star Mantes-

I Luring -Co, is telling feet le. this seeneen. nee ording to W. H. Bowen. star etue-d- tave. Three foreign orders. including cm from Prance. were ,Meted in tuft, weer» shipments. Total. aalq,Pow are Post the 200 nark, Bowen, declared, :netting it necessary for the BCaT plant to employ additional help. The' PlUalieeegstrne pep off in beer, claret' or gum.

Another earloed, of Wurllteer ante. Instlo P6anntrteptis Was reeelred at ells

Central Distributing CO. otrleº lot: ]Lai day b; Tim Cruse iitrtt and Rue P. Mason. enable Central officiate- They séy the ournnt Wurtitzer models are far end away the teat aclifre two lute ear kindled,

The Great °.8tatea Mennfseturing Oft wtit be represented rat the Ch cago cots machine show by A. E. Sandhutts. pow; dent: hta non, Meyer dar_dhauw teal George

Mates Patton, , superinteadert of tee

OrenOre ates plant. And. u 1n fanner years,-thotCompany will have an eaáiltt. An the O. B. Sel-Mor venders_ as'wed' as the other gare/g, win tse co _ athl ,

lion, Ineluding a novel new b-otnt ti - genet vender.. e

Carl P. Heeled. president of the United Aniuoarnent'Co., on hiatn'street, dac:.ns the recently Introduced, Bally hank Divan table gams to hove lumped ts'O the lead as" a best nailer for iii» came puny. Roehart has been extremely w=t of fate but will take time Gat to tot.+ Chicago for the sthese despite ~re d liavy blueness here.. be amid.

Upturn In night club patronalfo here

is be>eetlting phone_ mat with Madders out,on location, for many of'the nitetk lie corn -operated units no Ontei'ul% anent' fort area.,

Hal Hemp, cached= leader,! paid s volt to nereral tebone distrtbattlIty spy last week white his band' was appearing at the Paa;Tease Weasel. Jrrtsa teal the lanky Meth Coaollirtun b Jert3ay interested in which platter* pail CW

coins. Ke'rnpa Mace. tne!denteile ways bare`beea better than average rm

nuchlnáy teeter Perhaps We became bt

slants them teerni d the coin tesh:as trade,

iTouanthaer 2ttSt MS AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) net Rillhorrrd 133

*Mat the Records Are -$

Deng for M' e--- In this, the operateis' own. column,

,t1e music merchants of the entire na- ry help one another to' select the i4fclt moñpy-seakiogr,ecerds: It it a Mmes by the operators and,, foe the gwoors. When contributing to' this ohms be sure _M.-belt/de the mama of the recording, the name of the artist !ad the type - of'location the *ace-rdiig pies1'151 iM

Afireíss communicaliens to



1564 Broadway, New York City.

Muskegon Heights, Mich,

November 10. 1938. :line Editor:

TM tune I- Mid moat T:;atllab1n on iT _arbines rtg;ht now ii 3fericate Itdte, r,S both Bing Cronbyb and Gene Autry * - - - --- srcerdinge of It' are slicking blit. Crosby Roreaíber 1G., 11188.

a sung -favorite' here- and I króp at To the Editor: rot ono at WI. Moll on each' of 'sly San PranetsCans LTA conservative lei e-cdnta._ Tommy Dorsey'; Ya Got Me tbeli Lanes, and It sometime" talus a hid bid My Ohm an gotnL- :ell rind Prod tucae from the ittst eeveref weeks to click trial. -es Chance, Partner" Is also e11Gk.. here. When It,doos, tho.,it Lents ne it bto t , tie. money stager for .Dine time. Location,

(fer_r2 /Lumen tunee air well liked' on differ to n certain extent. but taverns sY le»rhtnes end et this time his ire. and cocktail bars are becklnit heavily Irr'r le Unemployed le a big nickel get- Bing Crosby's KCSfceia Rote,,, Pocketful ut, Merpte, by Donny going 0/ Drell!~ and Ateiauder"s RApthne,Band.

tide rind I expect' Other big bftel Ineitado Russ Rtorgañs ht. Wheh l GO So. Help Me and Sltt,U Pry, Kiddy a -Dreaming' to be Duehbtb Oto__3fan More; Stop, -Hratit' .bother amelt tilt 'Round' this .Mrefberry :aur3i, played by on my machines TesoMy,DOrsey. and Change Partners, by Stoat sot my cúy. Jlmañy horsey. Ruse Morgaan"» I,antbeth tornera' norm .to go Walk 'milked tope this weak en the play for any sting se meters of several of our machines In long as ti hita taprooms, plenty of pep. Col- Always goodrduring football seaaon.ari legs football songs. the college match tuned. but not for a however, -flopped College crowd. With niven Icy of Celt- fa- trio this ;env. form]_^, 8,tanforá, four Junior coilcgea 1 had every college what twll ,trberS colleges within a few duo made. but for mike of oneb otheroaewoukl think the soma, rea.sesl, thy Mu:BC-would, be given a big play, but

M not ge. Wherever young folks bang ,quite the, contrary Is truo- they are set gay IKyurb tues n go ' von_ Malt among our poorest loehtrloas: The total

showing- signs of beteeerment alul may yet climb to Bob Crosby'e etas wlth.tho .opts^

Mien and Sloan ere newcaese -n to the local ~eta but they are definitely srinnleg their way to the top. Elln.Pits- getuld 15 on our slow list in spite of re- ports to the contrary trote sallow cps

' Definitely om the downtrend tire meant popular numbers llk.-.t-Tfaket s-Taskot, Smart Fry. Poeleet/4ui of Dreams and Hut - berry Strati.

In scene eXclU5lye *tees of the city we hero round tarorlti ns for ,8panish and, Prench mounteri but only for those ren- dered by nigger named banks. Our ne- ttle movie Psat:., Dorothy humours tropical selettlone fromraotre of het re- cent Sough Bea vehtclae. click to better white iLibea Up. In 'the college a el where 'intone .rind Loyola. groups go for their sepsis need& awing renditions of college hints are reqt;utaired._

P.. P. t elt/A I» OLER!, larestdent, Great /Southern Novelty and

Music Co.. New Orlsñlu.


'nth is another artist -who click* fe'sny While net among the topaotehelr0.

e --,r4, mat are atlas worth keeping in my prunes art ;.fltturder's R uptlt .e Dead.

e, le Where Yost Find, it, rrerGot o ;etc tVtth a Diroe, Stop Beath' 'Rowed ML irt3b rry Bush. Summer Sovtvenfes, net Goes On Here, Don't Cross Voter i=des{, So Help lee. A Pretty Girl Is "Lilts a keledy, Stardust and Ifarfe. Por three Re lo. Rua "ittor an. Lambeth Walk wm lips snit now IL has began to slip -I Sind ! 3r Reeetd Buying Guide 'and Ott the

features. et big help in selecting tor'my machines- .

JO£."ItArkávrro. Milekeaon Millie CO..

Sttaskegoo 13.s1á"his. Mich.

INew Orleans

tails !diem:November 19. 1938.

8 Crosby 1. -the godfather- of the iul tousle. oft ót -the, Creseerit'City. R- Negri:. -boys end_ girls Idollre Wm.

he whites ditto. fits recent popular - erber .VC5ferl2t Rose, eat a' record that Dxitably' wiL leas for many a day, but

h told its tale so that, we hato Liyfe3eel our ít:tetítion to his later

0150e. v. err fireerie. -nay Dorsty' Band' manages to hold

(Karns with nob Croosby'a crew, but other ,'rat.. populartty IS. Molten "to in- t,.duel-number^. Joe Daniel, and his

Whiner Goodm witfa -n his -Stan. t-h and Jlpcv Rap, DGek itoberteon with t:N 1'r'rttf sup well as filtm and Morn's

Lrr if relbh, Lionel 'Brampton'{ Ork -.tart and eojaPam Wailer'. Tell firth rams Stares and Pico Sleepy People, Art

'a s Blue A. Count I3a-'3G'a land 23

San Frartehco

Univensitico thru their student errata -Na- tions end new .-utIits'. hare matte,. heairy drive to prohilhlt minors 'from enteric/ any dance floor where liquor 1s sold. with io.tne .tiff' fines, being e!aipodoc the proprietors of tatabitahtnahte t,ebo did not comity tie)tb this Law.

Negro Seattone. In Sae Pranclaoo and West Oekland-ore rarely porticalar shout the names of the_ pfocra but they do del' mend time -tines bandit and artists, Al - mays good for a s ek of 'nickels ere Ring Crosby. Tommy floreey:, penny Goodman and Ella Fitzgerald -

Our nominations for obnyloa this week re glirdleee cd the' íacatilans, lay which they have been Ailed are Long fore Loney Mart and sent and My -Otet.

WILI.IAI! CORCOme f. President William Cbeooionn CO..

Nan ?kanelsoo.


Nov. t8. 1938. To the Éd1tor -: -

Bing'Croeby'e Mexicali Rode is losing populatlty l v t alai] the 'bust* nickel getter of any of -the newer reoordlrgS. Thais hold. trite Lu+'t}11 Cypee- of 'oosttofa. J immy Demers arrangement of Change Partners follows tight stron1g with the above pl.steer. Lambeth Walk. by Rua Morgan. aua and Li still si CoOd num- ber. and abuid have caught a tot more rackets biol. ft :tat been"that the 'two above smuaua hits simply_ pW.hvrd at fonder. It or-ght ,00MPS back later vitas 'grist popularity

Por our mediocre hilt we are use Heart and Soul; eithíer by Larry Clinton or Connie DOawsl!. In accordant» with the particular locetlon_ Botha are very Socd. We feet that the Coupling of Ord Folks and lift' Reverie, by Uhcg Croeby. u going t0 be another Me rteafl Rate.

$3.00 Average ly eekly Return NVES..STMENT As Reported by Eastern Operators. With


R.Itard15n el your pact op .hm or expetttnrº with llnai,uMed eat -of -date wall bases, them new. Ooaes w1í1 make you money. Odetnae Slat armored CaSet aunurieta.,ed tot so and'rested to pan U.dersrritera Laboratories 41,060 volts. Is tornlahad bT us. cnabt,n; ankle MeltreeS Llanwhiaahmar. We know "the musk ~want and mew to gut tia.s,wy Mom ,muss ma,cilnesiaarilhout.eutra.scnie,, calla.

Order Wien bona. S gar and S Wail, wilt meta ercnecd'eableyw wan* and make feat- 11 she boxes cart 1Sc a week each, serer carry s t yob hare. YOUR INCOaet COI'S U. YOUR MACHINfS AS! CNAINID GOWN.


ADVERTING, ON Mar hog W ITH,A OtNTLI1 beet, "PLAY 1 yo 2o'NICsfcLS. Teeple stilt Ake to wt dawn and people ate; kave a taw minutes to .pro( wkde ~Nag to tie served. Open your eyes. SevIhat tbínge Tying on that lase or A'biiv New easy fora pen. to mesh up reel p.1 Y In a bcaetlt.l, oattraitire bow.. Watt operate ~wry knMa pphorograt& 'Mon new Bois sns velure spite.-fMres th.asehise tort. -placed 'a . 1ty bask bar or ere Is Ms, baasman. Seeoe added ~Mlle horn prl.ato rooms and oetabIbkntpts -haring two or 'three seetisrs with STASAMLINE COXES AND (ETNA SPEAKIRI

NATIONALLY it! COW STRCAMLINt WALL .ax, 56.75: STstAMLINf[ BAR,60X; 57.50. ratsis,5e PER FOOT, IÑ5TRUAUNT CASTING.,3Se, 11'''101NT DOM. 4Se.

SHYVERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY '2315 West. Huron Sired QWC-ego, I11iñoh ,NONE/ Arodtaee 0896,

24 -loth Service. Express Orders Recrice Preference.

WE -ARE IN A SELLING MOOD Phenetraphs In A-1 Condition, Rudy sor Immediate Delivery _

SrebSrg.i935 selKreNsoae 17.50 Seeburg Model A ij^sykanola n 49.S0 se ,A'wlh itNminatee,trllh ;Ai

BKktroand . - , 64,50 Se< ,eti burRrdai C 54_50 seehurt M<d.i'D . . 59.50 Milla Rrgetar D'ner Meters (7.50 Rockda 20.RKNd Iñgsertrl ......110.00

WeMaverNs,lttrtlio/Wets and Carom at Gire.Ary Trirea. Writeter Lid coming Olt Om Prisa Norrmbes 25th



Lallla De Lure ... _, 39.50 Mgis Swi.g Kinp 39.50 M. Do Re . 49.50 Rscko:s 12=R4cordRhythm King , , , 40_10 Reektla%Reedar 12 -Record 19,50

1URlITERS 1 616


LOW PRICE Write or Wire

BABE K AUFM AN t""COR -fa-iá ̀250 W. 54th St., N.Y. C.

10 WURLITZERS Model 24

5Z25.00 EaCH ij3ñ.iae,w.caod+r


as Mg R,iCerti 1+ now 14r0. 1. to demand and Old Folks is following right along -

/biddy Rogers .many pushed torn Linder tá.-Vocallon label While 4 Cfge- refbr ,War neenn1b. (Us version "Ii shit best. of the rereading so far, Connie Boswelt's rendition of Summer Souse-- ntr*Ja-folding leg own on_ our tn a schln.1 The number -wee newer to -terrine di- mond with Vd. hiraetch..butt we predict ilt to stay on loeatlnú for several more weeks. It is istlrpelsing to note that Lawrence Welk'a pressing on the Vo- Catloa label et Suyet?eart Rey, coupled _

with Bubbles in the trine. and Two Sleepy Pfepie ojid l Won't lilt a Soot his getting a terrific plug on our ItIA- ehtn:8. Tla.1a le the eirel tiine hie re-- coreirrp here "teen in demand with Us,

bbreItl dialed are ai°uúyl pepul.:r trn, -beds^. Particularly so et the

present to Xgdy De angM'a Ruston-nttt- ton and'xy Rid'a,Sthg!re' Sating Songs. We feel that the.lattilr will get -the .stare, o play.

Pee Meted ioenutoitn. AIR 1.41 Bar- ker'. Don't Make Me Fl rp4 os No. 1. It's Laird to Judge other race numbers while

°shin Is se sal r' howgVer. Slim =Lod'S]altane Jgtrp Sta_Ion did have the Jump on Don't lIak- Me Hrp,h an-il we milli gin a blg'play from-tt.

Poe. fluids information. hero'. What we're watching: Bing. Crosby. will soon release 5t'i omertlmL eouplt9 with. Yon Must flare Nears a Bwatttful Baby. Sunt- iwertiesd la stmt er to otretfed« Itis and is Ilo_b Crosby's thecae pone. 'The re. Torso etdr.-Ile Just h ig a type'ot song and


P/ O Folk Pt 'WOLF


)apprím NEEDLE glrlNvlc snit -comity GUAR/M.11111.1note

littered ehrwSWINE Sap. Odra'_ a and Polished by ~mend

dd utnre c

ss Er,ery ,

tº+ a°iCUt Cat, T'ti^n

+sutttri: Thu Oreat+ ear.Achleeaat

Muslc Nlatbsem.yta +A




ALL rtOnra:: QIgOLg 1.1,15t



\w_\w.wwwzww\wwww\ww\Iwa. `wa PLITZER PHONOGRAPHS I _

2 412 - .60 OR 25 CYCLE $55.00 y U -POP -IT POPCORN MACHINES - - 50.00 0

The Aboco Machines Arc is' A-1 Caaddioe sod, gaudy to Put en Locatioo. IA TERMS = 1/3' Deposit With Order. Balance C. O..D.


1211 73d 5t,,. Ñiagara Figs, N¢w York..

PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS 5 1937 Seeburs Royals...:S175,00 6 Reds-OtlJRhythns Icings.$ 49.50 5 1937 Rock -Ola Imperial 6 Mills Do -Re -Mi ........ 59.50

20 110.00 II 1 ~liner P-10 29.50 I '193711ock-01a 16 Recaed 69.50 6 Milli Osiscc Masttirs 15.00 113 Cash Dcoos'it, Balance C. O. O. All Ms.hieas Cwatanteed Récondltionwd.


rI DO - EA.


412-312 25 Cyclo' ór 6,0' CycTé

)llJ6ERT G. ,MALOUF CO. lim121 73rd $t.. 3ái1 ee N)agairar Falls. N. Y.

should be atvother'Pooketlal of premise. To coral this. Chick Webb and Eili. Pitennnoltl have a incasing of I Found ity Peleóia sazirrt.. % .areordertng'henil on thtnc0ft .vas the artiste and the tttle- are ertosuch-tired stinks for us,

We are pler_-ed to odor otrr opinion On records as a Suede for the oporatce . as 'we find tbat we can depend on the records, plotted In Iota column eibg %ellf pot go wrong to ordering tin -m._

HARRY CORM Ohio apecinity Co-.


Kañsas City. Mo.

November 19,'19313. To .the editor:

With interest to football now reach- ing a elinsex wc.f'. d our phonographs on loestrons near high ecboota and cols, lrge'eampuses, to be pulling coins than at any other time of the school year. Perhaps 1tk tho ílumnl Influence. On seestrnl occasions I Wive bollard old wilds and w dergiadufutes meeting in `Jelly pinta- and niteries Just off the



1 READY TO OPERATE !:"very llrechiiri; Cutrranle'erf!

WURLITEER, P1 O ,.,.... , . $49.50 i P12 69.50

"' 312 79.59 616 ..- 119.50

'4 6163.1. .7 139.50 ROCK -OLA No. 1 _ 59.50

No. 2 - -.. 69.50 MILLS Dacca Maker 49.50

'r Do Re MII .. 69 50




campus outdoing tixmeelvea to place diekeb.In rnachit:Ai,

- tier.'. dlie paradox. however. TM pa- trons don't morn to care about gold

'eorags. con tigo -anthems and the like. They drop their cash 'Du the -platters made by Jimmy Donee. Red Nocro, Benny Goodtnnai. Artie Shaw. Rob Cros- by end other erwlag-tistobasre, passing up the ,recorded Medleys of stool tiros erotic aá those. waxed by Sea -idly ?Gaye, Lorry Ct111tnn and others. We've ¿on - chided -that: the Polleeó crowd-pretty wall Ewing minded-torts, for kits march music only at the big game.

Reading thn hat orplatlara that are proving winners are F. D. H. Jones, by Chick Webb and Ella Fitzgerald; Caro- atita Moon and ffoogb-lt'Oog le by Tom. my DOz*eym My Rercrto, Who nIeur Oat the Flsreser'and This Is Mt4dtte,, as

Norm 'and by'Etcd Not'and M1ldrod Bailey: too Sleepy People and - What°Ifase You

Cot TA¢t Get, Me?. by Kay Kyseri Night - more, an Artie Shaw awing cleasto, and the_Ronnyy Goodman quartet* ~one of The Beata 1st Your F -t paired with The nix, in My Flat, letter;ditties cape- deli sock° on Harlem locati red

Thom tuna aro no longer cont alder. here: Pocketful of Dreamt, So ffeip Date With a bream, The Yam, Champa Partner* and loos Gonna Look Hy Heart. But tbep Twit plenty strong up until a week cg, two ago"

TIM CritIMMEETl'. Central Dbtrtbbuting Co..

Kansas City. Mo.

good here In the city. but 50 miles out of town people eat them up.

I tense long elites discontinued trying to anticipate a lilt number and do nits Union in selecting a record by on or- ateetra because lit) a nade band or be - cutler of a pees-lous lilt It made. I have ween a bond seem with one number and' flop with the next.

EARL P. GORE. A. M. I. DDletrtbuting Co_

New Orleans. La.

Kantao C:y, Mo.

November 19. 11935 To the Editor:

maybe Ton srrong, but Treserious when I age that the various; record companles in the last few weeks have boon ~dog bettor psatteew for the coto ~dine men and patrona. Take sot -no of thaw new offerings for 'example::

Red Nerve end Mildred hi-illey's My Reverie,' What Hare You Oct That Get, Me? and 'Who ,Breie, [Put ,_the Fteaserf Tommy Dorsey's Carolina Roan and Dooy4e-Woopte; Kay Ky,or and' his wi- sdom of ,Monday Morning and You're

' Loeely, .fedarRr! the Chick Webb -Ella Pltegernld an-aasgeincnts ,of lrecpitarsots fa Rehcarafng. t Let a Tcar Forl -tIs the !taller and F., P. R. -Jones! Andy Klrk7t flow Can We See Wronp7-with an ace Pha Tbireil vocal, Dubs E1ltngtot'a Bullet Pint and Count Baden Arson Don't Wajst No !Mee, No Peas, YºCoeonait'Oil, lance Teetering it ahouting. anlippy vocal treat- ment by Jimmy Rushing-


Those.dtsc. are doing double duty on rmany` locatlone to the OTaater, Kansan City'ases :arid procuring Teeny'an cktrn nickel tó °boot. I find t most coins are garnered moro ón slut strength of_ the bond or singer than the little of the Tong. That is ospeetelly true of location


where gather the jitterbug Juvenile*, J causlcinna and otter. Interested to the

is:Tailor music field. For _cocktaillottngos and. ºaora eedete spots attracting nn °ides patronage It's boat to ateek tip' with B ing Crosby, Dick Robertson, on oc- casional Romeo Iíetdt rendition of In ~ timer dremod up, Wayne 'King and' perhaps, Eddy Duchan. BtmnyAloodrnan has two now records out; nil fora- tatnee being atralgi t pápe. i ruts expecting :no entire batch of aides to edict ten-inn/1y ónoe the thews become `hotter iptnwn,

RUE P. MASON. reentral Di-strlbuting Co..

!Causal Olty, Ala

New. Ortcsws

November, 19, 1998. Tó the Editor:

Mellaste Rece by Ding Crosby Iras bead- n bis Money tnak*i,, but it has be- gun to sap ó7o late, e we are ,beginning to replecc lt. We find that-Julienp Ermine oral Tutu Pruitt. m. are going big In colored Spots. m Is Jerp thins are the nave numbers that and At Goa Crics -Boite Carafes, Q-- JRruu by Johnny Ilcdges.-119b Crosby's ',catch on. Ofd Men Mole, A-Tf$ket


.wrarch of the Fobcata was a tremendous n.Taaket, Button halloo, Prank Norak's

r New Have%, Com4

A'otreneber 26, 1938

comparing N'ew Itnven'e.drslre tog ctyk ,ñ tth,otber lccalitles,nisd also yew' taecad Buying Otido, *Welt ia alwmya, abile no mutter howcvueh an operator magi he knows. CHARLES AITRO;

Yale Amusement Co. New Harem, coca.

F - Molleta. M.

-November 19. 1933, 4b,tbo Editor:

The loci time I wrote you I recurs"; thatt_ was waiting for -another Ma that xogifd garner the'ntakela like wan mitre Joicphrnc. Stack a record bes sr. rived nod ham been sending the peal meters. on my mncbinea tray,ahinnei fa the pin for the past two week*; I lriok for a tong.-rtla with MIS record anti as buying ono tOrorool

onoot my maelliner, The , norm pl it. disc ,la Smarine ace the recorder ngide is

CJ R Law - rence Weis Orchestra to a -t well accepted rem His Chenp Parton ` la stron his Ttno3 Sleepyg pa. preS.

R. Carlatedt , ty on the way ink liz Fry, by Run alai,

pan and Kay Kyeer., taí still holding sqt but Musts, Maestro. Please end A -moll A-Tasket are'devinitety on the way ctri,

Harlem spots ft35 putting then eking on Polley Writer Muse, by Wasllev! Sim. and Small FYI, by Mildred ba3F¡y, 'My Reverie ha. been gradually bnUdi , up in - our dance spots, but I canna_ specify any one orchestra whine Troll in the outstanding hit.

I sego no reason why this cotucin it 'yours should not be an invaluable ue to fluorin opá...By ow/Malting It an spec. rotor can sadly make lira record pat chases increase his _ earntngo.

ye. GARLSTRDT. Monroe, 12L

- hit _wttb as.. We are still using it. td i' sYil wit both white and colored locations. "His trxrr oat,' rl Toney Spector mho is good but his MUM -

sr ^f Cote flopped for us. SHERMt1X Kay Kyser'e Two Sleepy People is a

NO ; °_'s sweet tuno Chet shOuld' +go plaesa tae - N, 6 y* -19 cording to st tndloaiton. -Havehid

' so many' requests for Pound Any Basket, able' Ella Fitzgerald 'has rung over the, radio. that It -stems it aboaid' be -n big -

hit when dims of the tune ore available, Artie

lila .4 and s9 / hrea. but f bel tithe titles weren't ro good. With en co - minimal exception hillbilly tunas are no-

1Yovocnber 10. 2910. To the Editor:.

The tact that New HAvOct to a college town puts me in a better position Judge an Instant 'lilt" trbci the "studoOI reaction the very liret week. The stir - dent oleinerit la not concerned with the 'popularity of tee song, itself. but how it,

t le played e swig by an indlvtduil or orchestra. My machines !n student lo- cations, contain only ante artiste aa

G Benny oodman. Tomas} Dorsey..Jlmrnle Lunoeforrd, Bob Crosby. Art Shaw, Jimmy Dorsey and other swing artist-. The muslo_Of "sweet"' bands la absolutely out. At the ptese'nt time 'Ctintoo'.s Reparta . añd ,Art má2sawb,.aegra the Separae are wearing down needles.

In e. good location almost any popular piece, will be played lrtospectlre or the orchestra. I make It a point to have at': least, two Iling-Crosby rocoede to each machine_ Jfericata Rose and,'Pockctltut

Mai of, preens a,tbe two Crosby r..+ cis that aro 'clicking. I am taking idron- tage of Art. Shaw's musts.- Art is it local boy and a trernendoas bit In this town. in- a short whit I ,bollero that be will eclipse Go rl non and Dorsey in awing popularity:

out -Man Mora and morale of Ted Lawler music are going 1a the locations that do not eater to the dancing element The backbo to of bolsiness In, such tome

-music: Roy Acuff and his crazy Tonnes. w eans, 811m and Siam, re',oxnnsples of the novelty ^ids, Thig is, ttie .type of location' I take spooled effort to piasae. Ono good number dare a work will insure

good Week's collection. I am on the lookout for 'a -good re-

cording of :'ue.,Sleepy People to stock up with my ooUeceiOlt^tit tarry ciy:ton's try Reverie and, Old' Folks, Tommy DIN -- tiers Hy Omw,' Alt Shaw's Sep01 the Septifsur and aid ót C7oeby'a1, records. Tbrso tecosda can stay In the machines for is long while to come.

I rind your column a great help in

OFF 'niE RECORD$ --- /Continued from p.05 ti)


B ARRY WOOD. an O taw an taw ld atrlence. le a n co min- to the ;la

a -c -Id. A singer of the soft songs tint a soothing beery, range._,loe's n ietrcdms addition. With a ~about In.s cctol backing, lends his voice to the .1 ballad f Won't' -Teri a Sent and the 1a Ole OWNtoled-anthem. Worth a 'ibh* only the pity of It that he limits hie IC.y selling to only a aing1e':chotus.

Ray Noble otters smartly elided su rnasgementa, plateed with the elieiQCsri NOble eclat for sty the ,Waters of eft est- tonka and S_s own rhythmic oonet,'Uda of an Inettumanta_ Cho/dier, it et - Ionise =tiara includes. a -awlns [bait

Cho:-rtn with Howard Phillips staging Mt -fend.

`Gene Krupa, oonwldeaably toned dews and plenty Iiatenable, tho nothing to astound «thee Ono way or epsOther. 112.43

=his tbythmpe tsons for n danceable desk with-Pop , rat Me With your Fffaeca out Lore Dvesa't Grove on Teces. Kay Eyed. whose, %*lice lends grouter dlatsnetxa 'the label than his music,, giro kJ stereotyped synoos for Harts You ref- Belles So Stool and Tito Sleepy Post

Vocation MILDRED BAILEY tops the hap IE

Hine markings her soulful dOj14 coaling tight from tee ticker to mite mean belling for Nora Yon Forsadles 1d

.Soon./ and Ord Folk For the cunt - compel. on the Knees rde , v Lawman Week's distinctive dens-apatlon foe Sioepv, People and -f h'os't Tell #

nay ay :lofted:doing a Garber cola for Salting at .tlfdrargTt tend Tell With' Your.lRidies. What mereharr- as swinge-ooa. but lie Ooty must bs,cisalked again-_ Cab Cl' for -hie JicK, from the Cotton C:vubS»%'

Of the bands sotso had busted I '

from the Label to other markets., Voiotia brings lack Sarenay Kaye for S areal' elated Mordent land .tfoomdst:t; t

Music OperatIrsAttlentlofi- P use* PNOkOORwPNRCCewad

.w I

war N7 h1W.a P'i°w Une loll en te ae., ma o. Nr'/ Newark Surp{üs Materials 'Co.

ORAWkw loon. NOWAAa. 41

November 26, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 135 /ugaD, when there was greater emphasis al hia sab- -.h trornbolting but ever

syneoa. for Wdbeuth Blues and a astclaS of Limper Atahjre and Stnlnbltno, ,DI an earlier .true 'Shaw - before he

, tend bin peeper stride foe ¡It'Be -With r Ea Apple' Tine An a ebuOle

I test and a Iti%lase- Let MY GO2 the C11n- Ice [totopo.

Blucbid -.5yg WALL(- finally zu0e0mbe to

the organológy fog hie Bluebird out - p }nigh. And rho the selections. Tree r ype People and PA Net 4e Yortler. My -

si, anent the beppieat ~Muftis for his yngapation, it's plenty botld. Artie

le [twee Way to pure :sorcery In anon - r a -couple minima comedy fates_ of

I uDntn 3' er esr. Whet 1.. TMs Thing Cnifrd troth Woke 1.:panEnvl Le and Yes..

' drdryr treat Rc ,er1e, Jan 8*ettt has i !leek set. _adding freob -$Arctic rhythm 'to F ¡ir root Stomp, the Joe Oilier -Louie oay,"eli 5le. using his kteutltydng (brie. Quaker Ctfy Jazz. Sor'the alp - tar.

Wale DeLange la cull .'kidding the ascseri Wayless with another novelty ttbk,. My_ Xtd'a Stnptn' Strang Sonpr (lace Thal' Store ¡1(4 -Narery saes).

lagiereonte la an instrumental of the stirred awing ' variety. Right fn'therelitCor- sr-. Where Y0 Are, which le undis- gybed' ballroom blaring.,

f1D tie eroet Site. Hank Diary? Moths , ere daetTeable and' ltatenable needling

ter white O erperettt Was Btertabgp and 14pit fa My Heart. a couple anal song gf sda. And, with him vocalist. Howard

`pl.any londtng,,bts name to the label, saacoeptanin waltz duo in uariecit Rvae sad Vail the end, -

Wilslev Finds Use For Old Pin ..Game.

SAX PR.'1NCTSCO, Damn'30-Attenttok, rnnttlaettueta of 'pin garnet - Eldar Paler, of Viking Specialty .ea., _has

!.acrd a now nisi for old pin.. wane., Yea. I yllale-, has -turned to, Inventions.

11ía latest ecntiibutam b. a- yet trap thicb be fashioned frotri ,a brohen.down JO table.- While working late -at night

his *bee recently he vee mildly [meet by ,the thud 'ot a falling body -mine ..been thin a hole in the eity- L.'.'rt. P_tnnilnnuon showed ti- to be ,a

rare rat Imunerltateey end a mne.' en- .s .4y be -repailed the eky*ight. thus

' Wang further entreno.. witch aim- I,../ed mnttere montewllat. However, he no haunted by the fear that thorn avers

iir-rr denizdlte .of dirt ,alleys roaming le istabltnhmmeutc

Beni ,day he _called ,sereral storms (rig traps. None, bowestte. hreded his betauio they ,did not stock large

1 atom o.tebe. for Wtlelsv'e denizens. k.t not to be Stopped, he :et about erútli-

cae tent: his attic hatchet, faking a pin gems. be enlarged, the

' usually occupied _lay then lever ter so that- a good aired redone.

be admitud. The1 IDKdó `thaniiln works 'tike a Rube Goldberg

orlon. To string (a) le -steadied -mina (b) around %Bich are eprtntled

Milo nuta (plc When rat (d) nib- on banana (b), sating (a) pulls over 1 of "need' (e) Wt1ICa craetroe ' On(o

itic41) making rat (d) prisoner of 't5) -

ft 'all 'ivy handy since -Wastes can, Isla t ru the glass In the Morning and


Xfrry XBLLY auddlca the Mille left "pocket' Belt. "lea a boaeyr


see chat the night hen br-un ,'. to the tv*y of booty'. He maims the rest Is han- diest In the eatüa Manner as n trapped moilntaln lion; l.o., a clip knot on a length of rope.

While not busy Latching up new' in- ventiorí Viking's Mr,'Wilelev has And time to bare several nlfkcl-pistad brans name plates etched In red mnnutecturod and ,plaw4 on all machine' sold in his itore_ lie states that he -wtsbr alt Ins euitotaare ,to know tat. be is wiltlnC to temponerflyT abandon his inventione U they should drop in to buy 'some espilinnent. Ile moans, that be- doesn't have muela time for tnventtólirt. We don't think ,so either-jubdRdng by the foregoing contraption

Modern Automatic Stresses Service

CLEVELAND, Nºv. le.- Modern-Auto- matl0 V ehabge. Iuo.. here is making rapid progretn nn d.tetributaas., reporta A. J. Pielde. manager. It 13o:r represent.* in - Northern ,Ohio the Bally Mfg. Co J. H. Keeney Se CO. Mille Nosettyteo. and rt. Oottleb.dt Oa.

Operators in Northern Ohio are tieing contacted by Modern's road represent.. live.' Dan', Bewley. who rep oet: that op- 'Oratole he has talked to ago gild to know that there is a distributor In Cleve- land carrying it compact* line of gamer produeerd by haste tierna,

Modern Automatic -Exchange la. In -po- Mtion to give excellent ~co to roa- tomOra thruont the territory -and le equipped with, one of the tiara repair Shope to Northern Ohio. Ftatde said.

The. firm has reoaaih!, inttoduocd en ktlleCltR.tiony a bargain basemen!, equip. meet being offered at -reduced prune.

Gottlieb To .Show Real Innovations

CIITCAOO. *or. lO.-'1 uii4.iratznd there will be AOnae striking new innº.n- tions shown thin year In all machines' and deviccs.'S' field' Dave Gott- lieb. of DI Gottlieb & pot At the subs time he- andount.d that the Gottlieb firm mould have "some real, surprise* In stem, to be axhlbited at the CBfbtA Coln 14Lrhlne show to open here ºt the Hotel Bbcrntan on January 10. We' v:IIL have Memo rndlealll rx,: ideas that n0 -óñ11 In the coin machine, bunnies can afford to Mtai.

-ilooattmg the Coiatfg show. Oottileb continued: -The entire Industry bide learned to look forward to 'the middle of, January tech year as the great home- OOninff time, when all of tin Can have a friendly get-together in the mtcreirte.of our' Mutual ba nt sae The Show media the beginning of an active year, ahead. Tlae,etimuletton that operators and job. bees get from the flab creations ex- uihited, as. as the interchange- of ideas. coñte-s at a !ogle :At tine. Every kind of ainitaernent game. merehanasteg mannaA.. premium' and novelty teal be exhibited,

Want Td Be an Association Exec?

NEWARK. N. J_e Nov.New. jv-Cltiter- chadiien.' Raoctattan of New Jeraeyy in a recto'. leave of Cepnrrt Ste eje crops, in ebowt7yt the ebeev:azy qualification* 0Ór a tending machine seentintiOn 'eifac', utive. told the rdtlry which U. quoted herewith:

An ~Mon i Mon now ,being .-formed in the veidtna machtde Industry advertised for a' -manager. Out pr 250 npplipante 45 WOE. Interviewed and not e, Single Indlvidttnl qualified.. The Orgaaizcrs of the Umeselnttoal.were app. -ailed at the lack of' latent 1n the fold, and ye: ,tt is 'no small wonder that they were tenable to and someone to read tbeir'orgeniratleanr tin order to properly qulattfy ns on 11~11 - MOM manager or en. association an in- dividual must hate abactyb*d psycho/o=y% humanity. dkplomacy,.esperieneed co-op. alrntltrenes+t and the abilit ' t9 COrtntfnad Men; 1. treed to have MLLTage. clarity of thought, eonitrr= y of ecttoti. Intagige»ce and capacity to Erarn, ilernten. lluLive- nra.; nealnaes, nceuraty. orderliness: and ~ere disclpilne. diligence. pose. initia- tive, good' 3udgfneát ,admtntattatkve 1tp, bilgneis acumen; a properly batahoed attitude: end In addttfon must b0 hies_ eat, sociable end knew or be able to Leann Quietly the tricka of the trade. And so


S -T -R -E -T -C -- The Finest Reconditioned Quality

Bargains -in America!

Out ttreruy RaeeeF ftM,.d ts..4 Owner Ase Rapelnr.d " RKN1enyi ss T.rº0 La-zreo leas IAaÚéW ariy 27 ewer -a» _ 17.n0 notuer--,- as e0 C44,4*r- 211.000 0 D«1 OM=_141 2770 Clair atelaa_ 20.00 Lek.

k. P141 -4141112.310 4ág erzO Fa M

raaGalupn _ a4.001 rlast 42.50 Wear RéraÍl 0.00 I

Ora Time.- 22.00. eland Aiwa , 45.00 ,, Ner. A Waned 10.00

N _ti 321-00 f t1t

ws,.3 i.50 2.50,

Y:a. Al.. t e

On .aoAHl Peewee Play ti P n


acd.1 l I ~MI Lile

or luee 1a ARC cacead anea toed ~us It eaNnlw


r`w 1 Matase .0Ó Ono nattd., .ote. nylit -_ L7,00 meet 42.00 Itae ,u: isiu taaetb4.,d_ 23.00 rie.le. 4b.00 ñ v 44.00 a«eroer _ ie4.00

RedlMeed w/tboet rum.* . a7.00 Phnom_-- 1 t .RO ~ore a _ 3300 apls.n s-- MpYM ar[ asen.!". ia:.a halt ...--_ 10 00.4,.

twine __-_ 24.00 Tecia

ems 17.4e

____ 74A0 Yepm ROO tn'r AdnlYat.


a eu news


W4~41 =:4nr'. Routs 6.04 Pete V 1' kan- Waae

51115 Ead nor 3 for $21.00

O1 . Chico Derby


.4N1440144 Rep" Or - can it -wart 11rirq Re. peel O i d i r a-Itrt Cvtutetn W

E'aecroONr itT,00 I LlMnnlao-_-ie.


N Tl I I .

ttitldsu T..a E' 4,n4ry .Oaerr bn Pa,qleM



WE $UY, SELL AND -EXCHANGE WAItTtD TO RUy tery T.W o T4,00 Fete rime, e 17,60

Or.adataraea Wll/ptsa O4rrtlnea.., TD.Oo H .7..1 " -- - 10.00 ribNtra Olue Kac.r e1.oD ra.atrsed Ln.OD T.ce osea PATOUT TA6L65. Aa.Ma.-O.n 6Oe eew 12.9 Darby Of tenon ......i m.Oe COIrIrTE'R QeMC[. Pcnpayy Pads 0. a.vd,tar.s. . .. 1SS.e Merl V. Ifia naa. S n, 901t49L[LPOdI 'MAIt. 1He,l PSP -.. 170.00 Leon T:. PKa1 ,w«a . 8 RA.aO Pt.,11a.w , 4a.rlo 15Sa Konioctttk,b.: 1'1D.00 1.7Y Re[Hy r wln etd Gir. HaPAr 1nt T.ts.T'4Me p n..d.".711442..e....4.7.74".... .... ro,eD eo

4.111 Thaw j 150.00 . .. .. 55.00 0atal erppset/ atMAYs co 1'U37 Tr/ttl Ta71...'. na.s0 Ne-me:i:.,.. 7Rws .anrt yt.aatr.. ... r.+0.6 D,sb/ oaT ..,. 30.50' 0,iv ........ 16_00 a'4Y(;LTt M. Llbwsr 15411 .. .. . .. 20.60 Tug' Ohm e 14_e iat,7 IeaM . . _. . . a 4ai.00 no« -c...1.0 r11.00 OIu110 . . . . . . . . . . t eso s ,, D asa,. NfeM --v... :. . 00.60'I M/1e...r - adlly awae 56.00 en.. 12.6. OPLe 12.3. a+,Rw.d Oua 14.m

eeKM . .- . . 40.00 N-rMkr 00.0a a,sead tIMltire'ld laoo rtvDn Pre,' ' - 40,5e afaltets rmtaiti 111.49 axa.Ota t2tasas4 te.teai,.p 7D.e0 aJn..a.nn. 22.50 *ea: 2. 50.e0 CLEVELAND- CHICAGO AMUSEMENT .SALES CO 11 21 PROSPECT AVE,. fILEYELAl1D,.Q.


As a.nSie ahruate Tian TARS Zeta Neat,. A4 41/0 ~WOO AaroDanMetla Hsi ser n

INneb Irks. Ceta.. Ie4eet1 Ceentr gen Gras, I. Des

Ch ase G:9 re Eai. KFr-aarl-r scam o ed YWiryy , /04..414 pis, ; m ANIi*EM mane, ags., aiim siewawims

P lnher Moore Is e res is n=om mad t-'nlrr Guam. Oalt{1.,,e Wa4<I NI C,d lacra. . e Nana t 11~ - Irlak.a creare. echas. Dep. ira aaa e,}ruN,t.,eale Laicals aun A Go It DIpose Per. We, M vitro.


FOREIGN CIP'ERATOIRS Fait,we¡,v;1ar Sa iqsp. crow. San Pranclaco to Far Eet torh askº poa.ible for e. to sire yata.prow3t 4eilledes: We. maintain %i100;000 seek of loin maehlnea ht r/C are In Ile market fe, Pise-clty Comes. Pa.-OuI TehAM. Siet.. COunres Own" lad Diaper laaalainq sable as -for a wctatk* on rear eequlydmiMa. Low p,dcet.' e4191%, pú41n++gE' lad sleeking be,. mods et roe headquanlera 1st fanal'. rmenNon.. For roue ecermMen . oar cable ~miss le PIN- CAMP -nd your Inquiry will.btdtg a cable -reel,.


the aecoO)atICO 1y 11íC! iOnidog.,,fsir one who pomence moat°of these-giialttrasa pins the .a1,51[ty to 1í11e on e Itaesa[e? income.

Little -bwInew men ere retttetant t9 pay their leader more than they theDe- aatvse earn. %Mils those 151 the upper bratke.Le .otnatimes like to drive too 'sharp 4 bargain. Fortunately. the decal= here of our aysocletion -heel hoick a mntddli enures. ft le fl» Chill %bunt that we WM* a good essocdatioYt,.


Mll1<iCtiANGiST S(CTttjN .for tl.o


136 The .Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES November 26, 1938

CHUTE! Takes it out of Slot

and Pin Ccime,Cláss Mr, Dpdermmr; HCre'i lust Nf it `eeave

b n /poking for. Ira. new --:Y' different. COWdSNATIºN SALCS BOARD AND PIN

II CM-rt. An absolute 'MIMED merry -maker eas ioeeben. Sulk - r attiaetl'eU, ijee 13!% x 18'. Sete eet.b,mter, Serpens* and v,l r, ion- celery. hot,F wdl board at rep

and bat hf,Yttn'de-rn I:ou,11 sine \ae:ther Ot T.. -f PAY POCn,IRS. At.,tdi Ira.,, 'Cc to 1:3.kí0. Wee boardle.*d.r47.O Lett. 'Re 0,0,e_.ter,t DOerM wppllyd You can -

11101 payouts, l a,'S<, *0*. and merthadlio cord' Intruded. Absolulehí tees and ,foal

aproof, Won't ,cot out, et er,A-.. ' Payoult Keen bid to opshefeir onM Every Dtaysr alwéye has ctw'r'`*, $S.Co %tie*, iesuW sales beard can't offer. In last location, 5 reriAi reo.iltod M 2i bows.



: w .. : Y: .. l:. :.'.':' '-- i:i.i..i.::, ,;; ws.:....:L:Y r:::, .. ."s....a..S:a. ,?J:..... e.s ......71. ..:..4.:: tiM\.M-1.11 z: : :..:.s:a ii::ety.4i iii i:::.-.


/, ' + ,

lr P ,'_ r a CryrCi RSAI Pii0D3n;,rs


ONLY $10.85 F.O.B. CHICA'G'O










COIN - -

AJ e a ALLY'* A, *Klee reside Meet De,.r eM M I

ytrl¡3Ion re tablets inn LYe.aO we mom yrtt.l InWtr.als ~ern. [tte tepee and earet f. .dIPrn an* nub crweles aln FRILL vgh aut nu.lwter4 oarR-011110.a and DOYIrLg-01414ao:[ Ilr^!A.taa IHIAo M rrli..rn t ere, e1elcMnl~-e ta. Ir.Y. 1e411117


Rt;aULAR remelt. A. en,m,vd.eterf tor ile1ua^ Uwe aser---Kra Lv erwe+s n4 :r ldlee el ella, .ae em w 1tilo:lne used ...MIA. p.w -. .rr..- In} eaaaw's+r CbIAI.~.nd N sill IL it y Mop irtcca ta ~aid rueroe. tic BAIIr Z,¡


+;tttfi 1. »iilritf2i2= to -re. ssn:_;.O "SW '.liSii2li.l2iil+tilicZrf

1120 PACE'S RACES Mutt be sold .al your own peke if you are rcasonabio.

Walnut .Cabincti 30- to 1 i:3t

Casi, and' Cbeck.Separato.s, Serial o,Ct 5,000.


CHAS. PITTLE & CO. New Bedford. Mass.

Form Snacks Corp. NOk acra" Corp. it stet Tenth

Rite Nato York 8naCk* Corp_ I. the sue thaixod attributor for :Bracts for he eastern territory. otvntiOg operators Ln

BOSTON. Nov. 10,-tiavtet S. Bond. 'Near yOrt. Brooklyn. New, Jersey, Mary- prteáidoot or the 7Ylmount tutu iltacl)iri find. Delaware, Wnettlagtoa, Oonnoctl-

Cea.'B7rram add 5Ome vlllo. lL°-'B.. menu- cut ap4 1§iatern Pennasltanir.

fswttur,n of Snacks bulk vending ion- B'_ - n híndn Use Ilan. Smera VIM boon uaeieft+ecd s,IYtl, $itamle T4ndma

Chlrt^S beta announced the opening of for Wee* and one-half read.

In New York, City

Spinner, Newest Game From Daval

(New Cann) CiIICAGO: NOT. 5A, rPlrst estno Odd

Hstl, nnvtooinat 6pinne?i' That eras the ant Uneernent that Darallr president. A. 8. Dovtlt$, 'made, t0 theme Who were In sttgi7rinnce at the. premiere_ enowlsia Of the new genie bit the abownoome tOt

Georg '-Tenser in bete York. n1d Dougliac i'We kw* We had a triti-

um when tie had the giant on. location In NGw York for .testtnq. Operators were racy anthhciaistiC over the game and re- q':-ited that We set the game to them as soon os pomalblo. All new. all different, providing broath1COs act uO end nn- pense, spinner has created. unrestrained enthusiasm among an who. hasb"alrcedy icon St."

L D. Rotifer. Darn! ºdvcrttabrg man. tiger was enthusiastle over the garner.

Said he: r provides the greatest variety of alltople and nonepparetit snoring adjustments. It ti the only gatric which provides a; variety ot-aooe-

d}tmtIente whereby the operator may control the We with which the player rate fitake, ace a high m. Tye cap- tive spinner ball Li another Wool tea- turw-sit. too., Is under control. it adds

and'indeaertháb*a suspends to the "ame.

''1'heit, too. there is the new -typo activeab'lo award Meter. With It the operator can Jet the game for award, In any sequence he desires. Meter- ready Inge ere elwayií aQettrato-nnnthi Lave: noceenptlhmrtt.

"The ~TA free.bail- skill shot maybe Ten :liter! to become operateºe iii any de sired_ acor0. Naturally the sootier tiro ball 4só nude arellsbic' to the player the. higher the ,are Ile can_rnnkº.

"ly you want to know 'whit It loran to be thrilled( to your llñgcrtips w?dbe you experience that diugbtsul aortae -of plensiuo that any genuine coiner, got* from a good game see 8pinner aá won its you oath"

British Paper Hits Gaming Act

LONDON, Nov. I9,-The World's Feir, [!rotate emut.otnetat troche mitarine. to o reosnt editorial .dlacusring. this ";out - of -dato' hefting and Gaming Acts

.Y Í



a_.. . . . , y f f .-" ; If it's coin operated 't'

" ...we, have it! +

NEXT ,TIME TRY.... ,vi


' OriolcBldg.:BAITIMORE,MO. ' w sa AT-

,Pillshurth WnAstt«, tullllo

quote a dlacuarion in. the lfoeiie ert

Parliament ,ón 'the subyeot' of footbij pools. At develops the point that for public opposition to the proapowl to eitntinate these pools was so strong tl*

.leglslf_'tion destined to throttle the pece Wise wltbdra'.Tn or ,Stleatcd_ '

We, quote the World's Fah: -Lady . Astor nuked If:lt was .,not uric thsettee,at the lea D p d

,! settee, before fly

Rouse the Gorerniaernt had thought at on., MOO -of dealing with football pooh. and to that be true why could it met do Lt now, seeing the terrific watt* of money going on?, ReplYina to the observation. Sir 9n:tmuul Roam said Vow the propvaai mot with Tor,- gnat opposition. Zt Was either wittulnri Or _ deteateel. From the foregoing It will be- seen that, there le Tory 1lttls hope Of a charge for solos tune to


-It moats ironloel that. entllinhe a pounds are allowed to be poured hito theme poets with Impunity each week,

While rush thiturs as hospital eireepi. club draws, rends, blowy betting and Last-ball by no means kart an far Li,

our readers are' conesnted-gttlte ham- lets nrntl ertitnt 'glamor remain ulll.

"It'eaetns that the, pools hate brooms ao much :. part of . Our tat! nai It e

that tú attempt to slippier, theta wna}i, re_i It in almceS n revolution. Mean. il.11e-other_tetiOns Of the conimunug.

aaeáb' ns ours, who probably eerie' yen as wlde"a public one:Whale et: Sleet «el more capital LnYewted \rind provide tear

ploymrnt to many more ,people tina the, pools no.. have tti be. governed by

Laws made_ nearly 100` years ago."

List of Exhibitors,

NACOMM ANNUAL COIN MACH. SHOW Stevens Hotel, Cjilehgo, Uecénlber 12-15, 19:10

<List as of '1orentbctt 18, '19381

Msg. Co., Chlt:rgo; Advance Machine Co.. Chicago! Astatto Microphone

Laboratory, Inc. YoungttoW% 01c MIAs NOVelty Co., ChitngO; Audr.k Co., Sew Yolk

City: Automat Onoaós., Cheat;ot Automatic! Age,. Chicago: ,,automatic Wank la! Worth; Axtoli-Ytaher Co., Loiiatvttlo.

D*ke: NoTeIty,and Mfg. Co_ Chicago: Brame Mfg. Co..-ChiCbec; The Ballbosri

Publishing Co.. Cincinnati? Biackhaak Mtg. Co.. Chicago: Brunswick Record O' -+p.

Nerw"Yolk City:- Ituakiey' Mfg. Co.. Chicago. -Central Dio Canting end, 31íg. Cow Chicago:' Centtay Dio C'.t11ng OD.. Chlta?S

Churchill Cabinet Co.. Chicago; Os12i-Blettcland -CO Iaq bisdtC'on, Nis-: CV's

afacfeenc-Jouriial. Chlcngo, CeettMachtne Review, Lori Amigotes: the 004nnbiu t'IOf' tog Co. Colttrnitwe¡_GU CornallrDubthm`Eiec. Corp. South Plalneetd. N. J.

Deeea Reoord Ceyp-4 Few Yoek Cttyt Douala 'Corp.. Detroit Arthur Kau amnio-. Inc., ireverhilm. Nimes.

.Zteyting Co. of America, Chicago. Oam-Silperhi chicar;o; 04 Games, Inc., Muncie. Ind,! Gear'SpOCiiltiee, toe.

Cbkrago' Ooneml Venting Machine 00.. St. Louie. 3E. A. Oerett áím., 3flL".rikek Glidden Co Chim,aa ouirdinui Else. Mfg. Co., Chicago; Oumatic'Mfg. Co., Sc. WWI

Haler Screw Ms.ciitno Products Co. Chicago; liarrtngton As king PertonUO4

CO,. Chtcngo: _Samuel Harris b O. Chicago; A. 0. Hintz CO.. Chicago; tinter C

*fay. Chicago. IDttotn Lock Co-Chicago; Jena n Repo Idt. Co. Claim -me Rubes moult

CO., Chicago: Lrn a.E7eattlo MGg. Co.. Chlo- go: Lindberg steel YCttltrg Co..°Qhfootu

Mechanical -Plating Co.. Ch knack alydlt.s,tctil Bart Corp_ New TciiC CItY: WIN

--Switch Corp.. report, 11Lt 3llila Nooielty Co. Chicago; Phllip mama G Ca. Ltd.

tn., Chicago. Nattoonl -Slug Rajectore, inc.. St. Louts; National Vendors. loci. Se- -=

Hecht-NleLien.,Chtliago: the Nortli'.rettern COtp., morns. HL

P lmaiitler-Bing SeiestO0. Canton. Or, Pon Conlectiort P`sctory., Chlt$plf Peanut Specialty CO., CtitcSRá `Pedersen tiros. -foot and Supply CO.. Chinese: Pearl

Ices Novelty Oe.: Spooner, WW1 Poroto ProdncteCorp.. Chicegv. RCA Mfg. Co.. aia..Camdon, N.Y.: D. Robbins fi Co -Iirookiyva) lLoeh-D-2, mfr.

Corp_, Chicago Rowe Mfg. Co.. Ind.. Now York City. Séhm14t 13"1"-'chteagoi J. P: Sccburg Corp Chicago: Spin.O sales co, Jae.

M1 xsoaponls: St_nd+.rd Transformer` corp Ctttcago: tb. stark woven, 00 Canted.

O.: McGuire, hie. Neer York City;: titoner Corp., Anrora. III.

Trinount Coin Alochtlte Co.. Boston; U-Nttd-a-Ask Prodoati. Corp. lirce111151

Ethereal Mfg. Co- Natives C113, Mo.: Veirder-ROot, Inc.. C^ito+gót Waite DUtribO tolls, New York C1ty Tito*. A. Walsh Mfg. Co.. at. hric the Rudolph SVtutllw a North Tonawanda. N. Y,

tiapombc'r 26, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The JTijtboerd 187


l¡ ,s ̂ TORlc. ?Pay. i --Hlgni' of the yam,-"Ube Cash-Si el~ Pyosnlel ntiy

1Trd to the front ornee. of Horwslea

Eddie cantor have one thing in They ere Moth ~sing t,Jha

-alt poptllnUtom. 8o far- Ponce has 1

'r,o,, . , nay Becker. of J. H. -q ,tc Co., writes to to ray that emit

_- ha absolutely dote :Mt wish upon tla ¢tends is, "That they a hang-

facel to_fnee.:' . Aothl.l:,t more .-'eeesive then those four aWWiOooktnl

e ry aclmt cadets., the eons, of Dine L IIfmsm. ' Wail Liked b, aU Newark ' pr -Freddie Law, chit! at IlereUles. for c;t sir -dent smite: hie helpfulneas.good- royeship and Sei[[[ne [Mier -ti hip.

le the tint hat election year to !ark .that aolp, games haven![

aired- . December 5 é -tti' year cd repeal end the DIM 'Ivor

mt triers* haYo led an bent locatlesta. . Ono of the largest service foreeet In mrttop ltta.n eres is that or John A. -dbbar. Kit cmpk3 :1).1 'of

..e. it 11 known to the trade. are Jnek pesiln.Bill McDonald:. Jimmy Otlroy,

;, 1s )ttlanenra. Phil Coogan. hoary Me- ettim. Freddie .11uIlcrPet? Frei/ht.

rtiiur Iltaydt. 1V1aLuAv.Ftl, ]its. tftfelytt 1.-k. Anton' Ifohnuah,'Gene Callahan.

Y tnctitde Helenley and

Newarkettric, employees j out-Oesitown crown. 00 Rata, is back tram- Halginere and

- e attain bony ;With partner )Party for, . . Phil Qiákn. who bets been

'Tented red geed -will ambassador for sSzJs Pttfeglbbons In the New Yet* sty anal, .wan forced -to keep hie mouth peed tae threw 'Months one en Pink' ;WO be Is a cede of lockjaw resalting f om r-.pltcAUoi fánoalnc'*nu,vñ, of btu a tyr . . , Nat Cohn. of Model a Vend -

Co. "la beanbag' ter a ~ea t the caralnet convention. . Otir kilos% omelet tide_ to the fatnfy of ltre Keller, Brooklyn op,"who reoently :wed away. Bert Pane Is one,ot the'bttsbbst execs

312-51. cite'. lie reportar "Slick- Diu . tedr .. . - fiat BU,arxtoltn Of Acme - .aastles.ctalrns that the prevent tax R! t situation Pins changed the com. eta tampleslon'or the bta... , 1pltrlry

ice, of Yatlgltati tempt"' Co,. Te- ent he la dolly rectdring corapllman- Jre* ktteni coatmenttng on "Ida flee to loned ;peens,. LY-mfrtne scales are ere ming more w tl bC-eUre of ailortcr skirts. The at tell tut that they're ()e'en for

7111lriettling stocictnjt .imam* , now that let suite are honk. . Max Irervieb., LBtttrtlttghnm Vendtng Co-, writes that

more operators are pureharing the Tsai, coin, -operated cuetont bemflt MI. on table: lie dolma that production [III eetng on as top speed ami that i nttfUed to show en tt:Crcaas

Its 1R*otf [brow quits a- party ,at the Woe.« his new Utica aha roonts and

Gurnee Of boner were JIM ii.

sty. Who came all' the way from sod Jack aitrgibtoma, from New Olty. Steve :Delwin. Long bland fie', will be nave in the- dttrlb

-hr- -- .

big ,aaºIii Very soon- , . L H. Rath - Militia. of Banner Specialty. reports that be Ina read and *write In more than three. [[swages, tea Stated here ó;,feve weeks age., In fact'Rotbs:etn may be Fitted as an-acoosnpllabrt1 l»Muist, writ- ing In more then tlrs' languages- AL"Cohen,-of 'Aseo Vendit-g /torbino Me change. remised satin orderer in one day from Arizona',, Texas- and Caliteenta. Claim' that Ws a record for Ma new. firm. . _8untrawce seede to small l -sect boxea ' sold In candy stores in Newark are the new rag. among slide.

Newark opt, attention! . Another prom most Brltith,tbnn'$ m.Qtbr[m hare land d oK our...horras kt£: Scott Án41 pith. ~eke'. of Scott, Adlekes. Lid.. Loan - don, recently arrlv ed. en the Normaitdie. Look'. Like an Impish pot.-conl,rentioºt showing 1áa Chl with All Cohen, of C0iO-Opernted: P. -lí1 Ooddaad, of ,God- dard Novelty. -and Scott and Adlcke* ell there at the carne tick[.

At S. Douetla of Divot Mfg. Co.. jandrd 1n town for a confereisee with bla trib. Alm to meet 'lair. Rngltsb dtatrtb. Hcott. Adkins, Ltd. Dough. stated: "We've goya few "new-a%1rptise' for the bops Chet_ we toed will tonkb «tin ms -chine history.

ItLob arcnncr lie lnsa whirl these day. taking care of -orders for bow Wnioo nsppbtre Needles Date Robbins

de t

arts[ do:trg a. -lanot8o irae blnams with lingo, according to reports, . Ctale° ()rent. of'i`tike Mttiirea'-nptowttl oMMee, le a ..eel -known tigure in coin circles- She once- -tan for Boxy Vending Co. . l rtnin Budtn' lays claim tO-being the bilfleat operator tn. town.

A large oQtnpany long tdoatibcd- with the- manufacturing of ratio'taatruinºnts will announce a e rtes of w -r: counter finit+,fer the coin trsthlaa trade within Outs next- 10 dayts. a.ocording to reporta-

Csntiy Manufyctuaers To TtyIllillois Farr Trades

CaIICAOo. KoY. 1p,-Wtll'te,...,. Q11301 Co_ agaln traed pnld ndret'tieling ,aptee recently to prottoto the' co -operatic;[ of candy jobber. In Illinois to ntaintaln- Inag prices under a recent aaretmant reaehtd by eeveral candy tnrtnutncturera here. The *grew, ment was made in,wm- piíenec with the State tale lewd* taw.

Ia the message- the -Wtltlnmaon firm aátd; "Aa you know. tale company and a3Y+tets1 othera are arranging, `thru the fumble Wholesale Confectioners' Asso- ciation, to establish leealo price con- tracts unaaer't t, Illinois Psur Trade Act. We' took this step because the' awcia- tton bad.appxoacbed the matter of resale' price maintenance under [pile Pall Trade Act ta_a. very pprecttcal manner. We be - Item that, en far es they barn been able to -Rib they have toile whntCver is necea- eary W, tnl*ire aticcsse toe the n n-fiteting of candy uhdºr these new comd:ttonir.

"DM the Illinois Whops ir- Contee- tiarem' AasoCiatItn ,win not be able to enforce those contract/3' ín o manner_ mutually `entLSe tor, to you and' to there mstiufactirrera unlara tt Yt given -hearty ,suppert and content 06 -opera - than. From now on the eticOtee of tap

i 'RE'S a GAME MIMÉ, h c des VflObK1nt COIN


,y(dU_ TELL 'EN1, HERMAN/FLIGHT h-S evrytlrn,¢,Ise

:etopiped C4LD!Q,rh/4w.y


r L-


HERMAN BUDIN =- -- MIKE MIUNIVES Exclttsire Neta York Distributors for

EXHIBIT SUPPLY COMPANY Four ©likes To Servo 'You

145 PARK ROW. N. Y. C. 174 5. PORTLAND, BROOKLYN!. N. Y. 593 TENTH' AYE... N. Y. C. 555 'Ws 157TH ST., N. Y. C.

venture. will depend upan you end each ]aálsldusal jobber ha -the -State of IüUtOL.

"'We want tp repeat what w'e lie o :add Many dmee betor -dihht the ,benetaLis from pries putentenapee cannót 1?o a gift from meoufsclalrere. or the government or the' Illinois Wholesale Confectioners.' Atoelatlmt- you miest work for It: and earn It 1'ourmit. Yen can tatimSiO 311e1 what- your In reseed nwftte real be In dbtlarti and -cents per day or per ...vole. Ark you wiling to do the work:ece-s,:try toriptcP getting It month patter month?

-The candy world wtll harm eta eyes on n trie:la during the next few months. Can.atd wilt thejobbern of Ilanois worn tolettheai pattf-ntly, peelletently_and more Closely than ever before to- matte thin, first experiment a cutre.,? The -where tuttere.Of the jobbing Industry ail ()see the country depoode. upon tbtes test In, IHfaols. and much of It depends upon Tom

"The Beat few month* will tell this story; but bawling faith in leas. We'tnon Bt will be as story with a nappy ending.-

"': a , - -




f .

e \ .J


e ̀ .. CAN YOtt FIND J1Jf BtICMLJSI-'S two deeyhtrra so pn11 iroapc o/"Bettie Co -Ed" charmers,'charmers,'Jim fa ge1H'rdi aatrlr men - el fledge .11/p. Col dad 'a-sights/proud of Ara talented deuPilterrn,




H IT'WIN tea _ ..ere

..+gip 17.Ñ-a's .'ir ere

t)Ioó0400 :000000 °000000 '0 00000 0 V t ; _:.t<OQ oo-.-oo - - _

----- _- II

5 t -J



tse ?[ter, rue ia.14.~D

PA ~Me i1-fe .144 -

new: I oas.. i teA Orssa-.. -43-00 a.n;za Cara.. .ea twit darn" Vnat oe .

CQMaltot Ow raw L..1w Luca e.ra.T G1w~ ewW. Mvrralrva es0 a pa. meta. tow Presser

weirs neon mnoui4n,

MUNCIE NOVELTY CO. - P. 0. -Box 813 MtuticTc,, Indiana




I3$ The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES Wacembrr 26, 1938








Ume:a Omsk- Seee,ater Sell Mee.61de Vendor/ fa another mechanical morsel by Grace/boo Enslnteta-. »Qatar eompanIee- to rhovsaal. rof Slae,sard Colombia- nor. on Fetetl"R. Sawa tasalstee eels .arms:aimfait Pennlés, Nickda, Di, -.ñ, and Qeirrno, male: are scp.rated Iror" thou teareaiont cheeks by. the sew 4beck wpsrstar wane h almoal homer In es emer..s,y' N.Citi.a,,

, l wt NIEL As dezp.oe1 i Sdsallard

I i 12j 1W I wiLtty l A. reliiptt ¡¡ as Colombia ,

.r ny' As prohnable 1 Oil eSNEAIi11 Witte at. anew lot tot detall*. and,eonlldsmitsl now casei »lis 'Nan HOTEL he Sperms nap tenet ry. -

I N16±19 Ore OclpIay M the,Nal.i Seeman 'Shag, altere you will 5hó seer lbrtev,y, Ski -lump,,arel, Ginesta,



Operators Urged To Go Slow

-MILWAUKEE, -NOY. 19,-,r;í» 'Go Blow** tfllUIn1!' Appeared on the !tone pate of theilunday tdlt:on-of ono, of the city'. newtipapeea tact week. It quoted ON/ nuthortttt6 to the ette$t that operator» of pinball manes should go very slow"In A-d..¿trrg _gzu eo following a relatable decision by the State Supr`r rne.Oourt re.. renta on one pastteular type Or'genae.

The city ~Inane, tanning gemrs Atilt attracts, some offtetale etated.

Tlta%.Oo 81ow- warning Is expected to be needed Ire many .!tsar 11 operators tget In too dtnch' of a hurry to replace machines following the .recent e_leetione.

Bounty Clicks for Budin and Mauves

NEW TONIC, Noa. like-gíerenan Bu(1un and Mike blunves report that EXlt101t'a Bounty le moving iiSiy 'O . per - atece like the playing fetal/nee of the ga;me.' claims Birder, -and they are find. lag 1t- poaalbte to make same reel money with N. We are ebbs to 'supply the op. Craton Ire rapidly Y they need the game duo to ' the three dlntllbuting

Beta in New Yore. at my place In rooklyn and, the two Offtei« of ?dunces

in Manhattan.' 1'ilke Munvea stated. 'The operateee in

lower Manhattan. bnme been abiding for Bounty regularly, and mg ,brother Mix In *Ur 167th Amer store.. tells, me the came condition exists up there

Elliatts Sprenei' Coin 3ine1dnes. in Provinces,

AtrUERH'r, N,. A.. NOW. :101- Mr, and lire. Frank Elliott, 'of ,!.n:llent. arc burinesssa;*ett a/,1r.atTfmoalal partners in there phases of the s:ntibernent bad-

- r - , new., dlstrlbutlap of coin maehttias, ownetehlp and áperetlom of IR touring enrñlvaui '1Prank EI 1011'a Shale, formerly known all the Hlu Shorts) and pro- inetien oil Indoor fella rand trade elbow,.. They are back -in Amherst utter aisue- eeasSul, tour of, the maritime provinces end bkiVtOtiti,diAnd. One of their con>

,oaralotn, with .the tent show was a. coils machine ñ -cede under canvas.


T7te,llliotta distribute coin mechldlts 122.60 ` thztt the maritime province. and New-

... 54.60 rOVISWAltd under the dealgnatioh .bt lime Short Man. which 1s sir. ghhiott- Letters addreased only to "The Short Man, Amherst. N, 8.." are duly delivered to ML, gott without delay. ve has been In the Coin machine trade far the p IS

He atwnye with base :in Am -

beret. He larwe bean en operator tie well as a -di*trtbutor. Ho" wee one of the Drat '16 bring pinball ernmen into the 'Atlantic prov ncees.' Bis activity- in the carnival 'flat« wee started about fuse

years ago. With his carnival, Mr. Elliott has in.

trot/Wed coin machines In many new pots, lnoluding Newfoundland r -.11 the Preach co:opy of St. Pierre arid Mtgtleton blends off Newfoundland. -1ír. EltlotIY mot Kirsh krj' both ' 1Uah aiud Pr ttch- e1eUttnttng'ttrt colñ machine activities in Canade. Newfoundland and- et. Vierre- :.hgUelOrt

Attention to renders- candt gum. weight. music. lortune--bu been broad ened by the mllotta PLecew Ant Ot-the rnndei4 In the m ritiénee and Newfound- land hue been LtiCa ,sod eonatderabty :WS year.

S1\CRIFICEt ir TOUTS ant ano[i (WSW - S 17_00

LOON K ft --I irati, calaleet OaawD'TaND caws New) **eV DAP i¢LLe IN's? PADDLE' OroNT PAaE ÍL1b-Newl 110.00 TANTOnAM (Oo....l.l 31.59 WE RI, Cal AMPS tTkAen , º0.00 TRACK 31.111: lRM Ceot) 1t4,50 PpaCQO pirL (IxE welt . .- 2030

Novie.TY 'Crew Flab- .a14 60 Alm . - .w1*A4 Be- 01 Q1 00 narly Reeers.. 24,A^ noeed 17.60 DPI Pan '37. 1.00 ' Rusa 1330

G ,~uao o¡r67.. 13.i V7K 1 !t a1º.aD OOYN7(R.ÓIM[ o

Cl., Timi ta.eo Daily R»eas Jr.11LJ10 Wm.. Meet" a:rA pt.'s*. wag. , 1ae

erw. ¢i.a°Oo ioéÁtw1eeA... e.oe


aMec.t 19 ele edtKlaNaenee


EeeaM 10501 Model A' 06DWIe0saatt9..n0 t VeeNMI _ 44.00

A.r .9 1924 alar -a D-` 1eRydN.4110. 04 00 ,,Ntta MM k Rro..algr.d WRITE iCs R rnlOin or1-NEW oAMra.

T11.r.t-1 rs oN.. wins dq.aVw n1 - O 0. O.

ea. 1110111 N tIVaRLjIY, EY ÍNó.


itfCONOITrÓÑfD NaLIT R1StlRVtS(INr.Typel.i 31.50 SALLY. f A IACRONN DS 56.50 CAOETCNLN CINCpiS - -- 14.50 aIUE fiCOÑTt. Ys . . _ 43.50 w'iIRLITZla6t6 11_7;50 Wrlrr tot oar cowtphN 'am oer lSt.ty

I tbs0.uta owl seed warwes .1r~cest rs-

GRAND N'AT'L SALES CO, 2300 W. Arewkas Chicago, 10.




Í1ew. Gdee"s,lt:s NSW ORLWt8. N*7. EOr-ll11 dlrtrfbu.

tore of nationally known stout pia games and -counter equipment and Coin phono- grapSt» are equally optimuua over winter prospects in. the New Orto.rne are% and, tills enthusiasm tu T*Jnpant dnspfte one of the wont cake of Indian aurorae! ever experienced' an the Aachen. Even the rental boys are reporting the teat year Usrerernl f.c.i.lOi s. anti Oportatlana of pins. slots and claws are at least 3) to 16, per cent h'al'ter than n inan5th ago end well above the level of November. OM.

IX is inte eertltig to o to; boa -ever. that there ere Jeerer coinpan:es in the lime- light these days in the Deep South. Par: hspaAd- pet cent of dlatrl6N4loi oa pin

j demos thus: day. la golpg tó thine-oe four complete. as *galore possibly tales ns many this'tizne Last )'i* Ae for eilote; there are -oceb fewer ~sine*. rep-e- lenttOd In,actuai turno'rar tban there me for pin and counter games.

lzuthuMalm le also running high on the fortboomine corn machine contra done in Chicago. Most of the operators and distrltltitrea are yet:undeeided al to which meeting thee wilt, attend, but there to a enovegnojtt under foot to.go on innf..e 10 one or the other 01 the oon- vellUDas. 'Presiden% Julius Pee* and Secretary Jute. Peres of the New Or caiis Venders' ~OW etlpn and President George Drennan of the Vented Music

-Operators are strongly behind, the mectall

to- bring the blreelt New Orleans del' ;atlon eves t4 the ohms or abate,

Herby Mills le a buey operator thaw days. -'One of the ploneels of the local operating .obey. M11L1 has gisrtrn tip hie play:noel on Royal '4-7Qet to rantme full Attention t0cIty-wide operatlortaraªd.le highly elated _ over his recent Bony purchoem,

a1., tmuel, the om(le of tly-pxie Coen Ira-ehtne'Co. was the gathering plugs' for mile-re1H 1Outot-Aar operatoto -inch

L_t u to toot, 'ect,r the [stet! L1JLIII' pin etc ,tioas and *iota at Shill II' Wtaata Pats reported ditch interest albown by

the rural boys In Bailyls lb:serre. P- 1

Rpstttgs and PLM 3L,o In - Millr Chia Couliter and Cherry fled slot, Noticed there ñne after -.roan were Whitney Le- teuno, et- New Roa sat Dick Cue. Bay Bt. Lout., Mhsa.l Pi M. Adam% Point a la nacho. Sud H. .1, Aultuet*. Plaeiuetnlr.n. La.

!It,allt visitors to the Oftlet o3 the C. h -2C. Sales Co. iascltided It. S. Netton, or Natchez who coma Into temp to take on .two Wuritttey -and saverel slob,. Joseph Kauai- prominent operator of LUltng..eanee In to peralto to the Armié- tine Day Legion parade and t0 tike On a number of ,lots. i soAk'rccently Slew to the (taut 10 rote part to the Letitna parade.

A continued. steady ¡dentend tar ill latest models of artu"Iterr phonogtaphe te reported by the Jales Peres :foreaty

w w ww w w w w w,

; B -AF G4, i NS. CO11iSOLiES

Trask Tema (/1.4 ) :`R o.90.A.e

.0p '

II tan, - ---. nntia

Yreea , i` iifO comm.. meow, ,Jn1 llwrrr oQ1v

awel rrr.e_W III PAY TABLES 1114. e.a-_ sra oa,-^., new ramelk t6D_go

F'd--457_..t1Y = - - _'I:CNp

á011511e M..Ill,li NMI i aoóq ammo see Meará(, tee --; ateo up'r A1r'.1._, `. 6Ó ameba Deaey Dar. am Olb1eK.22.{0 ~]Oettello

Nish Card.'taw armnet s>a, se Oettrl/ CoN7s Re4

CanIM..._ 2240 irj 0M1.N, aoery 3>t/ e i atNrm NIL .11r5á

ñtse . _-.Y_ tj 30_



PHONOGRAPHS . Uanaaai OIGA -...--.- .... s1,.r so . ÑiÁ -----t 11111

t 2 )16D lane PIZ _Ñ°D Mle OAIN,MT ---- - so

1111emuDaaee menu ...i..........1140 tee IIr aaaro Mtebl P Plea

'«euro O ..---- Osbo

El'~orsM m 4-.-__-- »Ad a.eMwR Model A se 00 T;:wt'1 i3 t4ltye Pedal, Vat. .e.0-0,

MG GANIES'00MPANY 1639.43 Hennepin Ave.

hen rieapolis Minérstota I - - I



ib.ttir Re- lúar,lt .. -.

aiE 11

G wmemo _ .124 60 Snappy: , , 3410

.swtaárl 20300 , -Rectet 5440 telar . . 41r.40 Taef Kigg¿ 10.60 Genoa NIL . 223.0 Walr't 011,ar Flash. 15,50 rye , . ... sa.V Chita rla.6. 27.00

r5 .Jaet

made . . , 4á.Óe IQeyl,sw.. :: 1

A UTOIeA1'10*. La1.Ma,.al eGt4 h.e1 17.00 T / leeteed 40.00 3V e aaa .. 1'4

'0.9aNla ' OG,nD Derby Diy. .}eand 112.50 Tuet C.`Jlerpe.4.-- Sown Kaman 00.00 42 um* 1.25. 06.00 Muliaoa. .. 1 O 1',e4tS'V. 1o$154 . Cool Oa6. 1162.00 Ciea»M ... 17-60

I 2 ero6á r oe`ne"tt'm..t"':' 557.50 (

OONeOtlt. TMM6 3115a}A

rReWi 1 sloe

Pk WI Tti st.x DatO tÑy. a:10 twa Mea Ms ae.a0 eh. '1611a PUN Raeee 12.50 C4y. Neeae 4134 GM. O'M.17 96,00 Tara ose. 114-01

o0perlTt 01,11 name.* 4.00 N eel soots 0.50 R,+1 31. . . .4.1s0

4.e0 ~me Veee} 4.50 a. s: T Tµ. 15.60 Ris7tiR.4 7:ño

OCIO*- . oath' mien Ai IM

*waetatavtalry . 440

C- ite losaWares 1240 Panay Petar see Avie.wcA tr_ Jae wt, 1L'.0

Ptfo ado nAc;Ma. t aYcftuv's'/O .,...r ...5 s0.t0

1C WuNtlav á=1 SP 4t?1..:.. a 10 WartuuM 010 or 710 1213' 2'W.ellUse 244i 22a10

300 Slats. Re..-slemed Lt1i New. Or w»M W rne taa Soma km tits

lawn 1 fa'Owalfrd taw n. nat. a O- D


tKt PtaaalMaals SI, Evlalrilk. tal.

Co., territory dlatrtbutor. ,and A-

.Mender d4atiict -mks manager foe r'0 Wurlttzer Co. Prank Dr 13arr..- charge of talcs Mr -Petty flats» tint de snandrgreat tot the'latcst counter =out Three musk operators hired purest& ,4 a

lire of these counter modele to tt P 't foe' days, ineluding, Sohn WIMP. d Rennet. lea.: lion Neubauer, of :hem data:. and Steve Quartarro. the WWI newcomer to the lróil_uatXy.

1R, N. Moeoctalok. Southern :'n mamagcr for beeea -DstrlhptLng háa'tennned from a atiocoesful trip :rAt Tbxels and round operators more e

tiranzlo, than 3O.days spa.

e- -.....- \,. 5 r'a7r1aR e - iii VI ii.1:1 iflrlii ur>;s=tr> 7vtz.,w,rn, f WO SPEC e17.60

` 11.1. tS WE orad---- W.V...

nlCCoa11.t' C pOT`0.+ejaNÁú-- tie wa los...---- } i Ñ nc uN, éR arjl;lf 7a


; prl grRt t tu 1°d "=- ° : sosaowe ¡Ñés?aO0 a11tittd - rn1 T 1r+c w,IlMd Zia Mih

me? ':. a7.

C w.; s la ,M1saCLLar-yWS1e0 c'

OaRr paeA--- éia p .

WMirµM eAi. 76º o

eeatawe _ ,,00qq

Filet~ allo

feint <%Tt e2a.00

osne r-^` r O .a, I ,,, er,s,rM C M b.. at &7 ...r.t. tae, V 7 ro

--- 's. files "`' ? 3 Z ttrn ern ern- ...

J1otr+nler 26, 1938

)am es 6

THE rage of awing rogue. has brat the new proeperlty, to -rho MUSIC ,ekchibr operator; another of the blues acorn', to have settled

-f r..o t amufmnobt machine operator. . tax dtstrtbUtera and ma nttfacturññ

supply their machines, as well. is 1 a portent of rho'"laegtnntnrb of the

a' of game machaace- so we know tags today or merely a nynlptom of ,.rues do the .ut.dtstryt

yar:ly the tatter but more accurately the quiet parted between the boots

'71jptin6 oandltfcnza of two to tour years owe and 'the near future which hen every'

Dlllty of a Oomebtele for coin-oper- reM pewee. ',Clow -rat huelnar oºndatione Im doe biggert tangle factor la ei:i plowing 1_9 field today. Clam" necessarily de -

upon Surpitae funds for aroure- pat. and the man who la out Of work,

b eraplayed an part-tlmeor aub- « wage.. le In no r>antlan tit spend

ray upon thcmt The cóotldered open. meet economic ,euperta`todny a

c -it we oars >p fear, a .pertod ° of rywlval p that the war'tare has alenírrd awey fix the, time- being and the amusement »...->sas Industry la to a poattlota to

tn,the tmirtenetotUture from the rr.

ma ability of the lndtutry to adapt, Itwstlair techalrpees to,chnnglrlg needs id the day will be Cr. important factor. aba In dcttolnintng how fair at can share

recowry. People are not going to Lurked tstth 1''9át the same oid, type r operalton they base had_ There

s- old favorites. of Conroe, god the Mot copular seines con have a long



ttfo and same will even Ibo revived. the s.0 -year -old O5liieecopcs and other 9ldtltnori* atilt on location are proof "OS that Seat.

Get Out o1 ,Rut thtt'patroos w1U let be content. to

hare the industry follow along in the se7me old rut, playing the same old game in, the same Old wiry. with these ob= clout etotptLoru. NOtwlty can come !bolt anther to tba game' themselves or in the ray they ate operated.

bf0?elCy in games M not very., Watlla- fautorilY sedum} m-reiy by piloting a nisé playing field on an old game_ .Borne real thought la, required i&- dosntn= 'a new lame, and 1t Is here 'Wit a lees of operators bate Melia their mistakes they have taken -an old gaitao, In good condltl6n IueabanlesUYa and &lightly adapted the field In the rmñ boj.. that they could draw the same. patronage to tbo°grime again by a mole fwór-Uttinh- It dots notroften work. Or foe' Very tong at any rate. Some manutncturera. hare made the 'aree typo of m1+tabe'wher! they bare put out a nom model too elómefy Imitating', an earlier aucorea... 'whether their oar or a ooinpetitor .

The policy of repeating the lame claw of game. is mart frequent In the pin

_Ravin held, Óf cause, and there le-ataU' roan for dr ve:opensnt within it. Todayy machines are fax different from the &tropic boards put out OW. ycrr, 110 by the Thaoufnettlrer" who," factory was most likely bin own basement At

A uL.',' V -L U fl, PAS ®-: :, al


Milla -D. Lure Daeee+e.4tef...S -49.50 - Lesbian! Modal A 5 57.50 MIA Swine' King $9,50 fera.g'Ri,r t1917.20, M.11e D.R.M1- - - ..... 59.50 I Reeerd) . . - ' 15e.50 Reatt-0L Nlrht Club: ...... I5.00 11fad,nzei 4tl2 --- Y T9.1Á Koch Ola RhetV Master 1W.lFgse. 616 131.00

116 Record I aa.S0 W urlltsar ,T16 159.50 Secb.rg Model 0 5950 WuNl'.r Model 24 421

Ree:ordl 199_50 All Phonographs ,Pall.hcd and CcAted far. atrc.chaiical .racetlon.

'RCS--4rsertTc? .t Late Penh." With t.,sh'Ree.wdilie.ed AAe.egraeA.



1.235T[RM51 ¡-aü e t-:O..D. '

ATLAS NOVELTY CO. e'61 Iarta,Aw",w PITTa.SUrtON. a.

Caa1e =sidl.ar_ "ATROVC00.' caco N. W.W.II, Are,

OM10aao. ILL 1



º/s µ f at. -A1.0 abs -,ete..e 17 AO a ; ma `a ti, tt1+++1r¡,:--ñ,e. tz.ñ0 't, s`e'w`"' a.eo otianvra'u .


a afd.M10- _ 4.50'

" -Tao ..,- á ó0 ..r' s. , `L-- ̀ uÁ0 l.ltj.yar

9b0 t 7. ó1mt, Ktn--"` ta.00 at p.°t-íMla--' ts:ye'

'J 6a°areW 4.14u

>µ..r..0 Dota nV

WILL pte0 IxONarst CO Wac1a -- par tr wit niO

Loc1aa V:...

osc chat tfl-


lu .1 .1. " loo perhaps 610. The des-clogdnent from thole crude bomsehude tableº to the eiti'enmllned-products of totters big fee - tones le very clearly progresa. thud the pin same has 'heroine the aomenory'of lbs smartest night cube and'hotels inwu Lb -1 devótoptmeet into n shoo held. A long eerie" of fairly ;trimly atopa bas made this polslble,, and each atopla rep= te rentcd by one More gamic model- As long as each one had ertglnal CA 'contribute It was eotcomed by salmi section of the pttbiia and jt sea Only the lordeletns línliatlioest`lat ready lost feVOr altogether. tusk* t Dui thoio ma. chines unaailnd]y produced or exploded,

Ilajeehers Neadted It Ls trato again for.aninrrotwn of new

Ideas Into the game nerd_ Thy ha e been "sadly tacking óf late. taking active production In the Ibduetrei by and large. About filar nT rive year* ago the trade was teeming with new Noes_ toy ma. chines: many of the Operates on* know would ataiip you on "the midst with a re- mark about 'n new idea I'm golag to mirk oink" áád the idea might easily re- sult in a new any of game. When pro- duction br.ame mote atandertitred, this facile lntenUctube_t of the average op. crater 'Soughed off, and today there are fort v:ho even bóthea -to think,up now tames, tearing It all, up to the pTotes- aii.nal designers, la the, aarrloo of the eirlutfacturere.

Perhaps this hell been a gain. In afar as it has ofopped, lot of freak WOits, but Still 'Lbw Inventora of the country Can be relied _on to prOduoo a fati per- ceatnge of a*COteetul Mena out of alt blare doomed to oblivion,-. decent atudr of. historical 'Invention. of nil classes 1n dleaten that what :phileeopbvers' cap! the nef1$- isy, a eptztt of.tlte, time" SOOTIllsto govern the Conrad o. invention. fdraa stay tslieing up and file .tut; blt,tboy tap- tttdny come to arul`.lne. at Just about the time th i,, ill a real need far'them.

'Mery is runt suers a need ter new ideas. In genre' today. bad ,overy>leaton of experiroc,: pOln1i1 to the certainty'tbat thew now Idea' will -he found before it hi too -Irate_ 'Pin tableanrie nil right, and there are, tbeeitan to of locationa whetw they till make money foe a long tiros to come, but they need to hale some radttwlly hew de:-ellapmcnt or to he aided by some newer type of genie.

Operators I edlffeseet fliier,4 proof of title !1 rite. typical tn-

dtersrence,or the avarnga-óperator today -lijtIcrmaeaa is realty the word that de, Lcribos bb profeaiLonnl attitude. That'll not a healthy °ergo for the rir+ido, but it la no proº1 Of dltaeter efthor--tnerefy

elarnlog that it 1. tiro to tale stock of.the nittaAtlan and chart a course for the future Ineeilit,.tit1y.

Paophectee e: )tint whbt'new garde Mena may .develop are eintea--they could ,qo

tautly be '`prored %redo almost before the Ink on this week. Issue Is dry The writer knows, hose'ter, that mom once. ntore who hate ,done-anyserious thtnk- ttfg about the matter halo been wait- ing for the part year or mere for eorrte- thing to develop In the way of new game maehtnee. Here Is the ,gate of oppor- tunity for _the Inventor and the man- ufaeturer.

'Fir Lo -caller. Nºelft There are other Trauma why the In-

.tustry stands at the ci+o-riNioada today. - One is that the IMO of leatt resistance

brio been followed till it has become nl. most a sat. Typically: this bas bun Mae of pricai_, Machine pelees etarttd at, say, the 10 dollar, of the early 'pin gamea and have steadily mounted. A year arc, operators eoraplednod cd *CO meobtaed: today It la sá0 they conelde! "too much for a machine,

Eighty dollars or rotor that much. G not too much if the location can afford It, but most of dolma es i t. ape wliat U needed lip n 118e of high -Prim machines tenoned to'inrrt n more modest market. A leading -muslo innchini manufacturer

The 8111board 139


R FfE; ,

I ,. S

I'ID .






- I


FREE [ i2 r: 'f.aii lar a.air. Term .rid aware Card. fee >k Qea (fv11 M. eAar aitMl as (remlAi.l

0 tia!Ka .Mt0 MTp In ~.1d +.1.e a,ra..l O o 1 ., DI.-Mre Al. ape.r.te, no,.at eareaet'OaMert ~Os Turntable Stool C.- i -IM IMAM" a4 ~lawn f<,tu1t,° IWwaOIATa o [- 1-IY[aT 0NAnn ?scot °






IIFG 453 West 47th SL, New York j

rorilV L FfT%4fUBo1Vs, I'ru.

362 Mulberry St., Newark N. J. Mark FITZGIBBONS, Mgr.

1175 Amsterdam Ave, New York GSNB CALAAIiAN, Mgr.,

217-19 Elizabeth. SL, Utica, N. Y, LEW WOLF, gr.

622 N. Eutaw St., Baltimgic,,.Md. ART MYBF,RO, Mgr.

Hotel SylYalaia;, Philádelpbla, Pa. A. A. nC1tOCR. X1rr

"2 to 1- It's Bally"


140 The LtPllbeorrt AMUSEMENT MACH1INES tanof/.:r w.o wr JaG-

November 26, 1938

ff.77/,y(If///f,y(Iy/ply,yNH/JN//H1113/'7r16MAt+XAYA9(SVI/f/f AOp..:...:.:.:.eJ.. _ - _ .. - i

LOOK ! VrTERTS SLASHES PRICES! ANNOUNCEMENT: Oui new Odic jilt art In the Mali to ail of our custorltºrs. 1 you are a buyer' of tlar Carnes Tally -Cade. or Trade Stimulators. be lure 'hat yi5ur_ 1..rhe mad address B on',our mailing lash' Lack week you will' recelo. mail from this firm eontalnbg Aire latest gad beat ire ticket money in.rkon.

The policy of Wert* 1t to make the bat rsarehaletise burn.wl1 possible `to print at a "price in comparison with actual rock -bottom manufacfi[ring Coate. Gook pekes ire, slightly higher duo to the increased cost óf hems Labnra Our jar Carnoi arc kwcr Lw prké.' for" óu4 folding machinoscaablo In to,oporato orn a mass prodoctfon basic.



no WO 00 T41r1 Intel

viÓob. 'editó TY.a - v4 i1!» Pays ous- 72.00 Pr1./11 -e41.e0

war sur o.eaq aahrl. 1mMYr .tlMt dr K A WO looT npv,,M,r

í[.á érlNr+l R W./ tr-a l..e LKi.'L lR 1o. fillA[ now

cc.0 um em ark*.

Gem 44 Ya»1.0.4d M MID W4AM

7 4+.1,0 she o rder.

RO WO SO (AC/K POT CARDS'. flaw, =e .Au:,a/ 1.0.... 7 C? 4.1e : s Olaf a . 7r'an/ . I t 1:50 wo, W4 a doeaer .lu. 4 áO0 is 0e oN yowl» 1 R 0r. 14 TM ran 1 silo an. ~III. a ni y,ecti4 with 1500 IIC1t4 410 pYt me morn - 20.17 Cnnr.Vd. .0th snap Irtl4S* aele plat 4s74 e.,nt x4,00 Pirate. 5.,4.4 ants 3020 Vesell ga,dar sett p.«u 42.10

S ele LIIAOOt , IlariuttTrlra-- 2220 Thiel. Twins Thiel.

15111M s 54

LEf , r, _i Vow Leve 1111% etttuss LN i1 , a a.l tltee. tt

j te i [d M n{,>, "nit Veen ru

; tw

-9 rts1Y 5400015. Tra m -n


M e w -

eM1A0. sITaa

t 9 9 / swum

r.lec»ed wr-míwretsr.

[ash Ou[- haa =. r.... ^%ft~ '75.."?..

6!C LEAGUE JACK POT CARP. a wry Merrell p. .01sl1bn ;Us earsb.11 d1arwe4. TIUla to dfM Datc45 Up.. oven end fn Senn ai. wh Ws,[wtrest. W.y, .l.s, 147-4.444. 1441 le MOwr. `.a a...a +t s'sc*I rd. 1025.00 cep Drips. 010 Lan...airhh 1260 IititY lot pity am' 1wfI 54_.70


We Wish -to Extend Óur Sincere Wishes to EveTy-

--«;a".,, 7

tael. .i. 1147. Print4d OLº n.. ter* ato.. Inr aei' eaM caard n1nw7'tapistit

..,r e 144al.

el thee. [4.m. 02r,L11t/ d.- .e..pel.n-44 11.4 241.-ra.Y h a enstllr aa ap

M y.j mwvr.ra[ 1,- .n oaks r 1a , r y,. aN4s.

POK-ERMOIt JACK POT -CAROS. P,t1-3100 Neaels 60 May a.,. worn .....l7Di.3a ptit.2-1 1 el -ousts se our we: welt.... .. . . . . ili00 Tri M e/. Astn 2100 Nita. 51. play eal:prrft....... ba.00 Table 5WY E150r'1LNa ae 01.7 aea ptdlt....... a5-?




- 41

BYIESE1 "Ell Ile!' 3


.Sow %0y', Ad'fexlaa II'teld 6et1c Cover.

LEIS 45.00 ALLOWANCt. Sted b.11 et: lading corerias

with ...ant of Shea ymn s, t arteul yew eider. We fí.07 IrºWW I ono st.

~WO ea used arms, end ship your GARY RESERVES C.40. D.. 521.50 Each. Turn yew dead .saa.pnven1 Into 440.-ordsi IIAGY RESERVE today!

AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT CO. 641344 Madison Aya. 2694 Comm c roe .SI. MEMPHIS, TENN: DALLAS, TEX.

56.50 EACH

aTOatlt wAoce AUTO O*RaTW »ALLY,Nt NOON IT AUNORAN 141101141140 WILD DAYTOIVa /1R30RAONtn 0H100 Da MIT LOAM 1111.110141111.11014



PLAY MALL ...... eAR00 11411.011411.0n1e0'hDtn

14177 I4.114.`141,.) sslLriw 1.1.514141.1.514141.1.51414

iN1.M1 I . xPLAM°{,lke .): 214011.1111S OWL A14110 1AST 111a00. cowry ISLAND ,.. /Lr:tT . 57.60 ,ROLO 111114P sa.x0-

EACH f#aso n.00 'm *0

10.00 of 0.00

O.aO 111.140

'+éió 21.10


NICo aAL1 AróRrw'aÁStSALL distal- nuns MCRCURY TYRY KING Was ADMIRAI. atR1AT10N n5.UaOC1t 1 rv 4Yhts 0á 0.0.0. AOT.'Ot5TR10l1VtN0 CO 1211wr.r 51.1 N. J_

BIlli6(Li Irll

II waive /on OUR OOmPLtTt OATALOO OP !W aso 01-14442:73...1140 v[nO Nd


Loy11 1s CeYM, Stltl .. .LNLr a.,.r 55410., 50 arePwtor.l0n TOw.e


ayoo d[. 1105.00 or a, syt 0.00

Pro11t 4125.00

la currently .advertising hares different models -0 small counter tyre. ª standard and -an nttre-0xcl airs with erpectat Sea, titres_ The *mule- mMlt machine men'u- fncturer ooUld follow mutt with slrnllar typo ,ot machines priced for different market. rateordang to the tooatlots the operain want/ to serve. There la no rtysod w hy thé Blink neotllne Co. Could not sttooa[atulty rnnntífsottu.a and Dtºrchast- d!e, gay, tbo Flyaway 'for nters@0 !cita- tions. the: Flyaway Junior for counter. or edosper spots. and the Super PlyaWey with swanrty-gadgets and trimming for the esaluslec't7po oGapot that demands something extra in taint}.. With n -gall. Mg program llke nat.-the dporator would have n' wide -enough chOiCe to meet tits pocketbook -and his mute. It sectttd oleo provide, his wish a -reserve arsenal to moot the eldest of competition when the location owner felts him -that Oper- ator Jones offered' to -put in ''st better pane.**

kigh-priced machine* Texan that, the average ol:Treec win bare f/rw'ej loca- tions to -his investment, but they also Minn that be will tend to ben MOLT re- epor-':tile CUSUIL_z7. Men, than 'the opera, tor who tries to work, on the proverbial uboestrtng. so that there are advantages on' each aide of the qumWóñ. On the w hole, hewer/et the polley óf continual rinsing of the average price., wrhieh' bsa- prcvailed 1n recent .00000a; ta,distliictli u nwise. and It Is Just this foºtar e'hteh

' h been a major cause of _tile tOotiln 1

which prevent. the deretopmo*t of rndienity new typos. Manufacturing ban behove* perhaps ,too etenderdired and

, nerd the Icemen of apm0 new cnterpete- ' ins Remits* who will' oxpertinent In new

dlrections-lo prior ns well' as design.

Type of, Patrons. Lack of dcfrtlte obJecttre for tito in.

duatry is another cause of today* doldrums. In other wrsrd*, a tavehtnc may be Intended by its designer to be pfayerl for cnah prizes,. bnt:'the aperetor who buye It may And that Iee'il,pincing It in is territory wham 'such prizes are frowned upon. or vice versa. A -11011 - priced Machine requires high play to moire it pay.

etrietly shill games., operated 1,1tó as prima of any moat whatever, air maun; money dtlr some operators. R1 /n. soh of alien -feel that they could not pet along sttbout pslsls,. Both echaaa _el thought are sight,-aaoordlog to then k- cal/on. thefr type of patra:ago and stele method of operation. The COº ray thing I+5 tb:4 a tnaoh,ric sold to ,ap,ºd to A high -play type of patroaay-.e !41 not make 'mor.ey, 1! it in rum fo and Oá17 In a location whore the pt2rose demand ptires, and tbo operator ñ5'<AI to oonslder this toctoe.beto7e'btiTlitE- and hlghlsor- uTo aSintM11i21Ip 1'.A only ruin a terrttory ovrnt.. w lly' .1: oterloads theme wrong kind of 110141rrlea onto the Local Operator..

L eel enforce:merit reputations we t2e crltlEs1 factor to deteimtninr peer ~teas. Operators Who loll to abir dF the regulating/1w bring trouble not. on themslelvcs but upon other opeuXe1 who .are proceeding aligns atrkrtlr knl lu sos. -dºcnt1Ae Persistent and 21/ 4,121 violation bya Sew usually bring. a (lc - !rand for n crusade that will wage aC loot only abüatal but an pronto as we:

Some operators hare the mistaltla notael the} they can get along ebb s

"'Its" to the proper authorities: mares It Weeks etlil In «date Gui.all towns. arts

it will rarely work nucseafutly for Tarr

long In a larger community Whore 11T

'oral nutboritlea, perhaps with "orate» pint lurlsdict!.bs. are involved..* Ito bLsaltaltding'ofitoera.ln y be reached. b., aside from .a Ity.v, VtIc. where Y*ekriser- ICR .letnaste have no0r101Tly Pro control of local politics, this else d

riot u*unlly loellsdº stump of the tits: -

tope to s000eed. And ultimate', mischance. perhaps n spectacular a ° taco Ms o$ad'In Wane crlmtñal ewK merely thor Oydlo -overturn of Pant" ademinlrtratlime, will change Condit/o- and bring retribution to the- otfenoON operator* if- not to the whole tad°

TWrre-la pl.rj:y to be .std' 071 4ú4y

of irrlrzae and R7tnty to be said for reef

chandlae premiums, ne a dadtnita 14+7

distributing valuable, goods of 005 IUI

o another. Doing i contrary to taxd

regulation le always da>,geroas. 1A tretilUgdnt presemtotton.of the .nary

one. for a i'ery Happy and Profitable Christmas. YIiERTS M

Voreniber 26, 1938 The aillboarri 11.1





COIN DIVIOLR end T.w Sparal. Cana assn[

All+ araLtsbN 1m St env, :Oa Inire. cantable .a.twbei tl.les aad-wFi.frult Wed


1107 W. Tetei.aares i1..Caneen, Ohio


far ,eke LATEST N0,n:t IES, -PRIZES


a a tlympsthetic hearing almost any- rn_oatne operators are I:T*1 M moll.

racketeers, and Can present- their -robtbt2 best tbru an ae--Ice and

- reed. de 'aoelatlon-and gain ° tra ' attention of the public. Most people,

V favor of ,prise»' o? carious aorta '. r9ttlea anyway and. Ir i1ld Hula art y 11ittCB to -that ertd where required.

Sorinbte C31512 -07.:70'M,

even peleea are not.rteoossary ske cartes popu ar once more. Be-

mix? the old football Iond bra ebsl t -and many of,tlxm ere hot to Old . lypleºtly they ware played bye player., on, op'poeite 'side% of the

...--,µ.rbnap Lt was a hantlne field eld r:e of a áá1f ñ doren otter »dipt-

but the Idea os competition won YOU often sot one player ,alono

a pin `abla, perhaps' playing f Kaaare game. But obsorving,operatarn_ñbo- thrt'tbale boat r :Its venally came

a nee Ot mono gather around Ina . The usual one -plunger .pin game

I . sºfyaell adapted to ainililteneous i rang r. playlap by twñ people: and r i :ae return of this aorta!' tea-

struld at6mutºts the popularity of types oS gluier.

long as the tame-ltae!! la later - II "E «tloullb Eo stake. people want 't0

It, olden, for tile' sake of oviir- -3 the hazards .or "difficulties' In.

rietly I -0 they often bets,- Some varieties f

Y larti_a $tot popular tar thin reason. - le. golf starlit la such a pep ita? garga. t the oOtmsmeobtne vartlon or It au -

teeny sbere. In that popularity. '1.2,1 in rea bung ,the goal should be l

:cii ' i- dtnli but not impollibte for `

k *tsrago player; 'Mph acoíee-the 5-y lbouwandn of 110 many Rama, for

A -+`-are urn:Met-nary.. rxeep tor 041:rratted perhaps. fhI'y mooring Ln t arbor& or nccompU r al ahment at'

, 'a erympat tlfo Obiot---lve In other C- ea. can preside JUst'sa much

' -t for the eretage player -more if L. SaDilon Is- centered on' the garde

-. than tbo- prat.

AMUSEMENT MACHINES Adapting tit; cotes Chute -to the iota. -

lion and its patronage la another prime neeeee ty In stimulating th> iseek ry of the buslacssl. stee-cent play Lt -not a universal ne ttintty. eltho eanyreiptuitora situ ihtnk a0. Ttrrntaanda_ of =machinesar Cart make more money at OLe-cent play than at nee cents_ PariIcnLatiy It the gamo la played for akin people will' want Ile Continue to play It. and rive gnome !Or the pet& or op) at o nickel' lü usually nnean a iris more games otter that,, boa. On the Other hand: some Bamea In the proper. locattoms can be onetated`at higher play"tieO a nickel'.

Pettby °°Qerat.on kiss pawed the ..1- vatlon at n number -not operator'. because j people have tóund their amuºemcnt budgets sadly it dude.g depreaatcn. It la better,tn get their boatmen at lower priers than to= IOC* it altogether -and thereby destroy the amttasm*rnt game ltáb4L

Study Yew Problems -Operators who ate Willing to ''lov'e'rs

SOfits Rood Worüt4 thought to tbei route problems eso. de'Llse try, go ID.trodtme enough Doretty into Uteri Operation, to keep their ruator001e Sala}'to.g machtaa. There are many Waya of achieving lb» end and stay a few of the trust, getteret hare been suggested In this article. It is tip to the 1Odtvldual operator to adapt them to hit own`oanditlpris end ,prob- Iº,.'

There to wilt! plenty of 'Opportunity to - make money and zaaleal ore *WI Rood: Ono of tit! etronntet reasons for thle 54 that people are morel emtiáemestt-minded today than over before: Alt etatl'_-ticai ntuenrt!,rppletr Lt._e me that more end more of the family- bud',et O! Amerlc lª' beltri -taflMtt for n n1n m rat. . Twenty Tearer -age moat ~addle depended upon their own reserth es for eniertalr_yr+'nt: today they go soul In lthu market to buy It. I

Thin s,endencys le- being accelerated more and morn by Industrial develop- menht of the poet eta years. The 40 hour week-lU not the SOhoor wort -le appareauiy here to stay. An -84-hors work Rea a comtitonpinee for ranch a 1ye11-Oryantred 'labor group oa l0o6mo- rive engineers a little over two decades AgO -and la unheard of to most Dotds today. People have more. leisure and they are going to spend ' true talento hours In tailing runuaeziwnt

Osiae operators sae wtn their due char . or that exponeted entertainment budget and' there new lelsuno hour. by acting their -games In a lastsloa what trill win constant and treeh patronsige.

TO, RESP BLOND AND CUTS. a ai.ttefn .those . baehinj arel:

curves, Rat" Keny'-deem it irle°, tO u.rtch the 117arca Ms =the held$ Trelon Seale.








i . rrt3-u1-%t!ra y,'I


- -- - --Ú t`'1¡ irkz:

l L


The Lowest Priced Console'





%I50.00 O-rder Direa or Frain Yufrr pl,ctrihutvr




Send Today far


and large OUTLAY PHOTO


lrníC. Y<cv 0301 Inn Fw OOa1 4641.1,4, en,r IhR..n111 I. itaft e allrt, thin ata.rM d.. Mt taw* n 112.00 rc 10 sattu<arol 9 100 tl.iw eMl+ires bee ter co Oaa.tllÜt - L 0w1e4 se ard1rarlMa.amd oink_

=wands It4M 0.4.'1/e.. =W 7aat rett alare tht 1M1 .wL.eralLM. aM wMca haw 1a s rYi EM tt Y" Vas dcrtY haw Ca ear Or An awp uma U.9~4 1V.r Iwo ...router!" ..a4 d rlwre0,=.MI.t1.e itue petal, i1 lay tug 1ee1AM about Itr.w/lrg _Viz .enarlr4 -.Itb'. ~It nod one oe--. t 1 '1N[G

lea+ tn70'1 m..g .e Y.'s MI (ea alartad M...c . Inv pit 0.41 u.. atN

OIVB AWAY CF.NUU L ACTUAL WRaf 'e4Ld YA LOS -$-2 7.501 t j t -,


M. SEIDEL= .& SON £W-y1;> 'H

twee ta the 1yUr.1 atPesNMd Ill N an. oerrae e. w-r.,.r Retail _-

«...,.... -

ioset dLL srrPl1Ur 7L ` wfr+aHt Ti 0 ro M!_ 1 Co ii.` an. tk. ,1 ñ4r.r rein tram t tv º<, 'Mr!~ YtOe

ppcciu a^,I+alr .rR[tt' t.r1.iW r,- 00.1_ pw.e.. wise .t11t OW a

I)olrtt 1:014: a ,ilJlrute! IYrrle I

?'tultry for Your

BG6pE $T



WE' BUY, SELL OR TRADE KaEtsO rune (Who 1.000 a.1/.a) , : 01 trt.0 q .n..ry o. -.r nee» say pT3e netY.eM1a Tem e11a.3.454 nn1.,,.. ,, , 142.TA I ttwliawsi! ter. Sowing Un/ti Ract.OlaM1 O4r. ewe. am , tssJA IieearoL W¿did a.raa a1.e0 fi 01t... LhaCa ''sn..r ~an 1114 nd 1 2O...ilen . sA4 I Os-OO Omar. _ 67.,0 a R 01.1 . . . ... 0.601 Z Rae erg rÍ01 WOO a vera 20 00 2 CM.111M 7.40 e rhino o>t.n 6At 1 litany syaT 20.00 .t Mall it.ie7W. ... . 4.00 2 taeY ..00

2 ateeer'. Ilats. .... 00 GO 17 oa:l. a:tbw 4.00 T al sit 4.00 AOla ~la tosa 0..0 o..qe , ... . : . 400 2 wN'anra ono 10110011n . . . , e,0 a ó0wtw., . , , . , wee t ere Net 10.00 iatre.l.Y 7a 2 te.rtae. - ... 4.00 07eutt90w. .n0 aar.r.ea 1.O 2 ta.s at.t,W.d ,,., Lee at1TOa1AYf17P+J1,DaT a awes OeA¡ '7.30 rwvatleia 5.00 al w -a _.-1 5 0.00 2 N.n.atr.tch 7A10 aataler ~al. . , aA0, aPlKair. 12.tí0 OawWN . 7.40 0 Para«. e4a4' a,0. t 14..4*iv. Loy Praaa..4tl - 22.30 r'MOxOORaPM'.

1 ar'ss Shari -204 5 42.00 :XIS 0h rt-Ola [hru.ea Mot . .. . S ramp t 'ie rem". 04,4411_ _ 47.00 sa,R.wOle >ftwtals L7T,ee t9'70 -, dns0 1 W..rllat.r n70 127_50 t V:.11«,= 1........ Oa.oO /n.iare.11 e10 ~an Wins. With h WtOi. rLtbO Or(1rn. 550-00 ael.tieeat. T 1.0s: i/ O.Oeth ._ eat.,la C. 02 o_ _% O. M, Sill



November 261 I938 142 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHFNES

.l 54.30 DN07 10e1 97.60 tI.cS10 10ó0 Itaeoll, I,.vvtd SKI -.Y., go .110 auab En 1Z10







Write ,or



21- }T r 4 I/


r frf TO 1 , - _ . -_ _ ..1:_.-°" R"S' S.A LLY

Wire Quick!


453 West 47th St., PhoneClrcle 6.8343, /NEW YOLK 362 MuN1bwwryrr3t.. NEWYARt,.N.I.. 21J8'Aerind.m.A.o., NEW "YORK. N. Y.


217-219 ESlsate4h Sr., UTICA. N. Y. 622 NA. rota.« St., BALTIMORt. MO, .t-EW W'atf, Mir. ART NYOERG, b.16r,




Taafl,sewnl ,..f106.í:0 O 1.1. RauTr.Ig . r 146,00 RaleMs .-,,. ._.. 110.00 :a+ r.r-upxr F 100.00 r4.n.0.WW 100.10 M. S,pM R+.r1 104.60 ewbt Yim Irarl,pq ,11a*.60 C'til a De.wlrq. fr0.00 awn Taa, 1'Pº0 30e.00


II"- ,I E2 JENK 6a SNLYER MELON D-1 j.. (Mills Ono. 1s0A0O 39.50

10. IILVrR hf1L0 DLLt[ taerl.4 1sor0001 39,50 ^E.JENTºfIP'LG% (116,OG0 A 59 t^ 4 MILLS re MCLÓN eCLILr. ` ' /,,a2aill 42.50

I a M(; 0 CHERRY n rLLJ 39 59

1 MILLS SSc'nLI![ FRoilT.'aJV. 3a.0a 1 MILLe,v. 0. Y,.a rum 414/04, aLe 0 PACE 5e 1afa.0E LUXE ,COWS M

ET8 faerr4n10a.4af 1441472t .;5.yy 1 J 5 Den. W th O+d.v. 0.1 G 0.11.; F. O, l.




FIRST COME -FIRST SERVED ,57 JLNN. BLU1 OH1Vs. Mot 1 a.000 a 110.000 senr. 17.50 E Jinn, 11 SILVER CNIEr

(130.000) 39,50 1 nee AG elk SILVER CHIEF 39,50

WHILE THEY LAST Teak'Rockola Regulars

1'111,1M -tame O.wdlt,.A

$37 50 -each COOP SALES 00., laOi N_ so.o,l4ne A.e..

Ralo le their at of a series Of rMw ideas In counter-$yp! gdnús that will be p.6- Rented:to the trade by one 01 Arorjtca'u l,-tting nrdfo englneertrig Organtmtioms. rue company M putting Ile valuable experlpnee into creating Money -Making and tnespdnalre games for counter -gnatº operator._

Rao', construction-. It is claimed. la tut.

CARL -ALWAYS A SQUARE DEALT - - usually at4rdy, barn housed to an extra

- I heavy gouge Sheet ateltl.etlblnet. The gibe WINNER* HIGHLY RECOa/MINDID is trade of heavy metal. guaranteed to

'-AOYCLTV YSMEIl' "COUNTER DAMEs.' ¿tend hl,.ty play. p.ramv,nL 15 T ItS $20.60 ' The small compact AIM of-Ro1D is, said c AM .'" "-..sl0O-óO Ra%7'RN.'.. 20.20 to offer an addition -at advantage for lo..

:0.00 I»III.,v,ri uceN n.R 41,10 cation owned a'flI heretofore hale not LONDON. N'cir. 10, -Robert White r. 70,60 'Pg.-.7 P.ct.. ns-- - - - 17.50' been able to take. in etO1Aitet gamee be. lied a COIDt

' 70.50 ,5r_w Rub 2 'al Oeeltori. 1ni°wing I.

r0.eo =- ' cause of lack ot'apnce. at Brewe:x' E=yLOl,ltiob._ ,bowing at I. Clnar. oNaee a ...50 as.eº cue aria zaao ° lionatrnctien off'Ralo. htmlt sturdy Royal :1gHattlttttet Hslt. London. Otto

nasal. ,,,, 00.00 And slmpie, will eliminate many seMOe, bar 2D to November b. Exhibitor Weal. R.a Tlrs ..... r.. 60.1.0 MITI. Q. T- eePIa7. 0=.50 sod repair problems for the_ operator.. bored eleven but only two showed tabh

RECONDITIONED -="5.111 NEW. It fa.satd. flu Frio OreJMs y1,00 Tune Mar.? 3!23.00 Word .er1.1 5160-0o F Or Mg 70o.; .maker of Ramp,, a very 1dióarent state of a,Ssis

50.00 ask Rte 01-00 HIM r.,Il 4º.50. the gameelatpv it,'hna been toecld to- Fa._rri ......... '11.00 limy it S º0óA Add to Its -force to. saki care of Rolm.

Rag ' O.S0 1r W , .. _

_ 21.00 PMONOaltAPIN.. -

E 00.00 Zaprle xw Sofa-0fa RbtM1I'

'1 -

i 7 y I ! t I ------ - -


- I PROFITS Aro what aI operaior. drei *beet! atea

'I ICs NOT Too over A year now salart *ref ten halo Late., WRrrlt Ann .,=lidos Oh:. afr.d', Segal profit,

.o.1lrEgrALSStyPot. ,

NOW for full .with "lasi41laI1,' Mt s f^ Delatlll OM. trpoa of . octane. ha -ea 'scant a.i

í71e Lee+flan [one! Writ* Nowt


Ról'o's Action A Hit With Op8

(Now Counter Cane)

N=* YORIt[ ró11. 1D =Role, new 0AW- pricadcounter gimp that ,hooto pennies from a gun. Is reported to be ILmSelnq veteran 'ow.atOra with Ito fasetnattag and thrilling action, deep,te the aim- ptteity_of its ploy Limean&

Strongly .*rambling the old-tAahloned halt.gum game in s $t31ktng streamlined

I cabinet, /lobe. It IS claimed, hoe Talked up ,good profits wheáever tt his been tried the Cib)tet of the Rims Is to drop a penny into the gun, atln'Iiesgun ut the odds detlred. andlf-the playri's elm la true the penny roll, daftly -Into the slot for a tritium The game la atm- pilcity 'ltaotf. requiring no explanation eltbtr to location owner ¿r player. And - It demapds real ek113.,sotnething-that players ire nlweaya inttrESted In. demon- stratlnd_

WIN .e. ~r. Fair "rrr~oct Zip K.kO .




5. 4; 2 OR 1 BALL PLAY


al 1 rI3Ig,' \y

o , -'la rU


^t »2i S. ;: R

it w+t7 ' f)r1.o0 K.ary/ IN* .. o,00 1t1na .

20 111%.00

PM A» 3A10 at*a Plahh 21-60 WOIht1r p.í0 '4040

UNITED AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 341E-18 Main SI.; Kansit City, Kisteuri


1.h."brt Supply Dreg De, R L .. 70.50 UM Up .. 20.00 W,rlitur r400 .. 54-50

R.see li53.,lfE 70.00 Tows 311111 1650 WWltttar CIA .... 1.e.5o //aa ¡¡aa"+

J.N.M.. 'W.RI ear pekoe_ We 1.1.1111 Noe 6. UndwWla I ír0(3 LL1. L+s }141r1, - Pacer

LARGE STOCK Oi NEW 'PACE. NIILte AND .I[NN1NDa nLOTA ¡Y ALL TIMES. -OVEN.' ,NtTC,a_ ELIVER1V. 1',5' Dee -,l 1N144se WIN at Ore" <Now Can --e)

NEW YORE. Nov. 19. -/carry RoPpe recently invited New York jobbers and distributors to view Exhibit's new nov- etty .gam.: Plight. lirrrca:I Budin and

' Rohe 2SMLDvOS% Dude= distributors 1fotr F:hibtt, were on band tre,hedp demon-

' strata the karat.- Hoppe Is E atera and torten factory repre5eotttttoe for the nlanutacttinr. IT'S A .,

Wa have> t Z7ae gust*} Werº'entcrtnlbcd at- a buf- fet dlhnur »r]pervlue.d by tb-s. Hopp - On band to, explain meet ninA]. details

You Need i t Sin ?ferry Williamsila. St3tlbti5S Idol. en -

glitter. Alnang t110 vlsttonj alt.ending the prevtex wore A. W. Adickes. and Mr.

a Scott, of Sant-Adlcl:ce.-LoedOD. and M Sllbdrateln. Be ttlnri.

Badln sod lflinvra, of ¡ludin Sietal- ties and Mike Munves,Corp.. respectively.

Si9.$0 FOB' VALDOSTA 'Acre pnthtlatstio over the orders they e1ó 11114 ar ochlblt's Bounty. ,

Southern Novelty Company /11tho thet Eamles started off fairly

Mills Jest Pocket Be

VALDOSTA. CA. wear Sloths Ebdlrl_ -'ihe -boys bore `found that. the -players on locations "are

- goir.g for the' 'In a bog way. WI are therefore 'getting , many orders

IE I "BEAN 'lea"/ -A Popular, -legal Skill Game`! E.Wt%edr 1.7e,ul. tees) e.1 operated o.M. MOW «len. nMm:,7..e.d wax"). lee. ~rd. *per IM domad Iatrle.rll..

only as NAT rie.e gee0rr:+0 n -aneetlHe.0.171.l:0 .IP

V n Iy s zo.uc .nr._ Itnre.sase M11.W7, Mlrna: b rare_

RISTAUCRAT MFG. CO., Kaukauna, Wis.

from operators and jobbers who were a Little slow /a piecing their ordeaa,dtie to tlld price of<°the Onto. -However, the ploy more than Fahee up Tor the email

sdlfiKrit4e In cost.' ¡j "We expect to be 'doing some excep-

lJOSaa`buslr eeU.- soyel'allirmis, ''now that Exhibit has followed up wfth,a new -low - price game, Plight, With bothrmel on hand 9í1e enD bike errº of the CSIWISrtlla Ot every type lobatwn.`


to the old day» of Shia ihiiw. The were Selvoot.'ANtOmatiC. Utd.,, 2C -d RRtI. A11ca Miami -UM Coo both 'of L nisi - All the tabby :._'ore used rr'gcndI ' 'I

,age etmfm._ Reliance id ío showed Oat*. lsebb Three -Wray Grip. SIrdite, of Irn, don. disphiyrrti Bota. BrltLh.mae'd erpy

btoneCs Zeta. action N t4Ion iatl WI cablr_Iota bats ¿rusted Oniah. 'Tiro exbIt item featured American 'ovin-Otxr*Mt phmoleogrnphn. Under name of Rock.9Ra Carp. of ~ca. brother, (fluffy tram North Wake showed Rock-Oln,b ate At J. Oubey. or Rhyl, showed 1 models Rrurltrer tcc' which no la Bonin agent. Other displays confined to-AUti mu lte'vandors anti electric 5oottnpd32ts

M. J. Oubey plans visiting Chlrade to

December. hooka,', forward cc-. n.eei American mnilnfaotirats, RL Ba.ti EM.


Goddard Novelty Co., Ltd_ has to c e

over tanitnera'Cd Direct Novelties. MI - faddy now London }ebbing action -Kt 74 - ley o2 tale firm w5a'satllDg Of fruit' eta

cranes, second hand. at very keen'PYo ,

' Goddard' announce" that policy will rag

be altered.

Auto atechtnea. at London. has N.

celvecl bis order for í'ifiéty Oaf r from Indo Chinn. Dave Buckman. ~tor of this Akio. hopes to VW% Altxí` lea during New 'York Woridri Pair.

- Meer a loin Watt. ~curd Yoee1I litü introduced to British market naxml4. Trench. upright bmbper once --- which , won 'grand' prize it Paris macbine-expoaltion last May.

"Sir' Arthur Burrows niaktni rood: -cry from 'effeetu Or recent r05á I

cident. le now allaxacd by doctor to up and exercilo his legs.

JYorcniLer 26. 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES That 13r711x>rra-rl 143




' StS\ .1

r: -^* .... l_, 1/....151-a:.-1.111,--1.1-- .R=tl tl 7 :l

é [L_R111A tc I


- - wa , r 6

;,:- 2,0 *


-auauauau auauau a- au aural srus_i at umwit sartCsté

Mimosa aisai taauau MMMMMM Imam amau a-sai



Tu. _- .-

> .5- ?- TICK ETS 1




` now wmr r 'w t

TT ai.

-T' T_ - 1

il gua1nii tauaallaaa lae`ra.t.


Oa sr MI tut

ai1-a.- Á ~was au r a: a11 auau

aua--auCaauói au

r-a-lal --- -I- aLW.iJrr.

600 TICKETS 630 TICKETS ....r-

I IEET US AT THE SHOWS DWI' misa tM-, Big Uatrenal Dhpl+ra > eh. eomhla

UNIVERSAL IANUFACTURING CO. Ceara Machin* Saa'rrs an Ch.<ago Srerem Hetel¡ BoorAs IIS=116. Decamerr 12.13..1.] -1St Sherenm Kobel

-tOR Motto

OUT s 1N ÁR '17-btA/3-15i uNlttRSAL" iO4iEAST 8th ST fet OEPT.'B. B.14, I(IWSA&CITY, MO. E

%LillII '1 d' 171 _ : , C




816 *PTA - TICKETS <=

I lli

ITHE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF PAD IDEALS EVER MANUFACTURED ,.- NOW READY 'FOR DELIVERY ! Hue's 'what you've been waiting for! Nero's, the ambler to every epe,aton' preblemn. A dcat of every size .. . A deal ófatiery description A deal for every location! In 210, 560, 600. 630. 760 indr 816 ticket i,aºs. Profits over 10 rinses WO -iinvesawilet, The famous `' New Reels" in 630 ticketarthe famous 'Rod, White. (Blue" in 600 tickets, and the fanso.Fa `Tahc-a-Tip" in '560 tickets aro available either with or -wither, jack' pot card. No jar or holder is necessary. All -of' the' tickets are attached fe rho c -ad. Easel' on the 7bsck

I of lack pot,card to held Card rptixht, The investment la'small I -turn -over Is fast -and profile are BIC! Write today for con-

ploro doscrrptivo Iftcratúic and. lowest- factory peleas. Don't bc:theatcd.--dotnsnd the gcnvine Original IUniyersal Products!



Unloosen toll~OM" Int 6 e. an tM Orle. Mar atInr'as s. o.r melt WIslu.ams ITO1º_.. ..I tt Jar das- Mom Um ~MN." ce the hsev.oryl fret Rant] a nw d..l, h,. an raturvvl,}' *0W lden ,hit oar nerodo.MMaº Se sum lar retry be*risrr M* It St Orr been ,. You otro be o.minoeº Maktalh sr mea 4,-át.02, 401.teee aM 10On M1M tira tut ario e Id- In Lase eaauda-er i.,. 13r -.s1


BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE COUNTIES COVERED BY UNIVERSAL DISTRIBUTORS: Menti.omory Casarly. Alabama. tooth ,Country. arhuset . t I3 tit(e`Ceunty, New Mexico. MACRO Counlri Tom -ease. Pelaakl Yc.raty, Askanasa. Winston County, Teau.rasce. Lee Anonios County: Catltornla. San torso Couívly,' CaMornla. I,rom,Coarnty, Caaraanla. U hap County,C.torado.

Adams County, Cai.rade. M.etuen hers Coon ry. N.`.Careibaa, Norfolk Craaty. Ylrgin4,

IEalIImerre, Maryland .CharldMon, Waal Ylrstats. Dodo 'Grundy. Florida_ PlnaSe, County. Fla.ida. Cook County, lEi-sis. Taosaa, Waahlnctpn.

DETROIT, NOV. 10. -Preel illchardeon. -D has been an operator In the amttaec fs: fGtd to Deleon, for n number of

1_m..; t9q rinaine fºfthftd to -Bumocaa 114' Hy -Do -No. Btdtardson states that ewing- the poet few 'necks Ihero has eats o co.:War:obis pick-up is biSuuatoe.

.tlbert 80hltalloger °ta , toXlfl over -a PP of vcnd1ng tnnehtnts to be oper- ated this winter at Northville; nvaubtub K hotfoot.

t:ltarirn o, HtIR, a' VAMP atYtet etde IOp- Gtc.x, to etartanEl In the bttátóela with 'a t.yate.-of WurAttee phonegreapl.a.

!a Olpraale.tnanager of the Phone - ."')td :0,, taw bred" earleualy I1l`ln the

It :.' No has now rrcoregea and- te worrámoing at Hlktedele, :31(jt.

H*rry Sharma" manager -of the Vein a,chlne Jock dlr*atlon of Independent Oa. ta thia'tcerrltory. mmto in Heaton

eat lee«.

ienaka, Ili strstnglt (Mich.) 144ratar. edited new Wurlttier Dhono- tiphs to his route recently. 8 H._ SMeeel Id OrgROtrllig the, Asao. -

11011s1 -COW MbChlitc Exchange to aalc- 'ute formar Xnatle Amttoernesit Ma-

guoe co. on Joy road.

All Corotlss,M WIstontln. Warnock Country. ledtany Grant County,.. faadlsna. Delaware Casty, Indiana. Rack Inland, flllnsis_ Obonpava Iowa.. Keokuk, tema. All Counties hr Nebraska. Doltish Colu rbta. Camada. Alberta, Cenada. Aassrs orMounry. Kansan_

Joseph Rcieh..owner of the Retch Cott isfaehtñc Ixcbange. and Wear Reich cele- brator! their fourth weddin enedvcreary reorntly with a,. private doge' at the Hotel Metter. followed by an' -at harrtñ- In the wane(,'.

Ben J. Marrhall. ~It coin macfo!De dlatrfbutCr, was ashy to Olcvetaisd on a bttalneio trip rovwntty.

The S lldtlgan Vending _ ScrelAc. na.. ttonal dlatributro of the Tracing. Pont. ftsi,Dufaettlred by Late Hamra Toot and Machine Co.. la Doing reorgerhaind as the Standard Vending Service In ardor to avoid coldulteil with. soother colnpnm- wtsore name le atmltar to the former (tame of Stood/ult.

Ctareoce .1. toothard. Detroit coin ma. retitle operator and distributor. is using the nano of the Modern Olatrtbittlng.Co; to the dtstrlbudan natfortally of n, nest c'midllag machine to h,n_dle various types of hygiene apectaUUta for wathtooina And atinllar_locatloma.

Sato Rasenthal..locAl ptsi dome opera- tor, who recently _Olnpraard OX isla large intone rñachln', rotifer. Fiala another side- line noel -a &tinginc Bennie Goldberg. Raoenthnl derlarni OolQla*rg la a lend. In- contender for thn world 'bantatu= tascight chnmptonentp.,

Melt bchuhb, vetcran Detroit operator.

Server County, Teases., Nero York County. Never Yak. 'Buncombe County, N. Car011na. Jafhrson County, Louisiana. white County. Now York. Kalamazoo County. Miebtsan, 1[amaoy County, Minnesota. FaKbaulr County,'M lnora»ta. La Crow.. County, WNconeln:, Yuba County. Oklahoma

itea shoved frnmWabb svenuerto.Citiengo boulevard.

Ralph ltndtanr, partner to the. Michi- gan Vending. Service.. is working on nda sertlenlg material for the Trading Peat. now model, which wilt Ito On too market shortly. -

Ifenry J._ fiarse. dletrlet representative of `b wh lllts .elty Go.. reposta buteknt-s na being Rdod In both muere and- d5nret lince. Two aaleamen. EhawyTtyreak and N. Pox.' were recently added to ,the staff to ha.Itdle lmcrea.Gd buslneaa.

Lobby Is Ready rTo Oppose 1939 Bills

MIAMI. Pin. Nov. lab -At en. analtai Church conNntioit hers recently. the lender of the Florida Antf-Stet Machine Organization appealed to too .,delegate* So,prepast to oppono new.1:111sato kTaI- lo. -belts rand other Cola machines in the Ian Staty Lcr,,lalatu e.

'The whole; slot mttehitc.d'tttsttoa will Come up In the ~lure again neat April.- the Seeder satd.

Yt oars 'this retórrlt oefisnlaatlon that Lobbied'alaleant the Fiotada dot ñttsehrrc tieerne law at the ra noo tltlte ?nettle and batit.a lettereetn Ware slap !Obbytni against- the law. The thí'eo lothien se. Cured tloe repeal o1 the law,

STO.CK ROOMS AT; Chk,.ro, 1111na1a. Fond Dr lac. Wbeansln. - New York. PI we York. W.iekoeeta, Ohio. liens City. Iowa. .Los Ansdre,`Colitonda. Pit taburgh, annsyhaela. lattioaro. Marvtard. North ratte..Nebraska Lendso, engl ad.

A NEW WINNE F,nryw.tiase to ü..SRA.

Be the lint M year htrrilery 'and' dean up ss.1M, fIr`s new tour" hit that pays out with srnashr-e card. trick -your Tie hid pay WWtmrs under seal. 1c to 2k. No Weber. fvrsyhody (else. Curry packed 12 tseautl- fat assorted new 'i attains irk talloraxds Draw Tskra in $2J0. 1 sample Owl pow d. S13á. e a rnore or+s. SEAS fact, Write todrr, 9 S.& K SALES,,Inc.

D 100 N. Eras SP..Louis, Mo.


iiSHliNco WITHOUT Conn Far PIRCLNTAOc orIR..TIC4 te ay. ser able -,te. omath sMirfastery refry - ancas

0O% No. 311 Blliboaed, Ch kap..

M rear eaarr'rapor.asree is .e,araean a4 moo. 0111044Tau allta.erd:

144 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES Novern Lar 26, 19.38


i i



A NSW ÉXCLUSIYI tah1iet (Lame Now tatme locate.*, by

MT S-tsalb-- T 1 to 6 ter i ;pet CAMS -t le 7-1' to ái--1 to 9 records adaINOo21 Pu, Games -AHD WHIN, 1 1e 10 h retarded en flash Lke.up Pearl -ALL LITt$' o4 fl.o table blase e9---Att OUT - II AILS aulloormitieiFy drop far er. plaT Cad. norther his with Loehr.' bads record. 2 FALL GAMES. The S IC CLIMAX AWARD-butlt ap wen . tar órrr,balh teem* uillmnid.'

o Att. felt PLAYS recorded - 40 Lamy 211..21^ CLOCK

DIAL LITE-pPl3ANEL. VALE PLAY redeem eyt. ton under tebinpi. Redecela Free Plays 3111

14[TIRO. drily TYPE LICHT UP p /hid -with tee um*I Echdril freable-fros leethanlaa. A11N0(Itb c Ai I N L T 142e121 wMh c M chute ea .dent.







'G I

To -DA Y! r'


, I


Will Trade Now Carnes for Your Old Once. What have you? Seed us, ImaTcjiatais. a lift of all your' equipment)


.51:25 PER DIU

I .

OCT i PeáKÑl. Imo TrellNa' a40Txa.0

. at eayp.a0

r q,iO3.00 A>..IiWe-k7 Ar..--Ni00

idlu alaat, ñYee. 114:500 Ar'Pars56

Aar ay. sst.oOAr.Psnº±1g r2íÓVill15 rf71í1w

S+yo" T1OLMa

A 1114.00 0

as5a.00 a i! 14.00 ü ,.......1114.00 An, t,r. Ai. Par. _ 7a,13 010 Í

6 Pay

Av. PM. I A., PrL i ar, M -lesAO71 540.110 ___IMfi ºe F

IRoo Ii(jlVl Vaa4-at.ra'ere in M a dea' rNal ear 05amnia lnt}d. Ylrrur, IacY- r

ebt Orel A Jar t.tSr`, Arum 2510aºeR: 55. 25e ~IL M,1. 61,70 1 w, J..1 IA

ahua.e tau. *-Ni+ drab a.3 -as :rM ~pled* .r 15" fur oil thrK ~ninon_ ~0 T1t2.1 Lrti2.-411.1a M. r-"7+ rbe.s bd. v,egillle. Jan LtN e«a sl.,.ar 26f Our _

Onr- u~,.i3s25r :rrWM.d a7.aN, áeesl r 5730 Mr ?'t25 uta« re Mead sdr 2(e ow owl. 1/y 4"rANi with «4w. 4a4eza. rr dN1aNr. _ .

xa1ú enl.a 1200'. - .. rra 00

544 Y,-. s1e. ow. I 7528'1..e1e,00 0d.

u/.; 41 '1444n41.


aa07 OnMITndC Aws., 011113505. ItL

Gumatic Promises Big Show Surprise

f1T. LOMB, Nov, 19. -What promisee to bq ano or the big aurprteen An the

coin machine lnduatry will be Unveiled nt the fertb00ming NACOMrM Colin Ms - chine Elbow, at the Scams Hotel next month. Trio Qtrmntle at;nutnutWIna Co.. of which-Rt doiph'QIS*abaum and Writ. tar Oumlaerobehner. of PFplaatte p01i.

Bank Bowling, Texas Game

(New Cornet FORT WORTH, Tex, New. IL -P the

eeWitrfe first Hank »celttig spOta Bate hce-n opened In, Pert Worth by I. b. (Duck) Beaty. who Lnvoated the new amusement game_ nndJay Trooper.. Tee new lraine oorltbinew Forte. or bowling.

I okee ball and marble tibiea. It is imitable for e,>ortinnds. parks, board - Walks.' is wsii la downtown loa.tlons each as are 'being Laid here states a

company eomlitunientlon. The main aBry and ólaop are located at

104 Houston start In Port Worth- while the emnlier alleys are at 911 Houston stmt and MO Watt hl gaotla street:

-After trio 60 -day teats lust ,C0tniii to.t la the spots bore. ha -Which the- gamy Proved Highly successful tbn originators rice launched ,a national¡'dutrtbtitlon

maim les for the, genie e. The plant la located ibOe-Or fop main spot at 7O4 Houston Street; and. the new models, to be andlrectlT lighted' and of' ntoGril detian will be out tit' about 30 days, This gaste me be played by wertncutl end children. na hall M men. 52 *moll or duck bells are used.' ocat&nued the com- munication..

Dank bowling Is played',on alien 10 feet long. Belle .roll down alley. striking the buffer dr bank. Which ti at Ii.41 degree angle to the a11e1T. Tho ball. after tt71k1al the bank, rebounds at fight 'angler SrOda lief ferrear Course npd ststkes the pies. The 'player bee mien bars on the bank which corTcalimad to the pins end MOW 'bin What pins wilt b,,knooked down if bIa bail atrtker that designated polar

"The marble board angle le noted, In the,,Earge electric soOre board aborts ceca allay which l sops vinyls p6N4d ,ss, to which puss -are down. hell pinyet foI]s until be fouls. Twenty -roar pm. oro' Mod In Bank Bowling. With each pin vaunting One point. If all four pin, are knocked down' on, any coo row with one bolt the play la doubird and the player to allowrn ;our Satre points First player to receive 300 points b,winikicr. Other Bank Bowling spats are to be opened in 1?allis and.other Texas cities."

eoan machine :near, are the ~cutler*. will eyeing the inn -prim, At the present Um.. this piant,of this faro le a ;beehive of 'setiYlty, as pzodUeti0n of its now product b well under way. when The Billboard re7preientaUvee 'went card Na Want this :week be nos snared at the amount of machine* being turnei one. He was honor-bonmd by'Ortenbaum and OumnnerthOlmer not,to divulge.tllo our. wise.

According -to these tseO mca, no one will haste an tnkltii,, Of wétnt th,ey.ex 11012 prodUelag _WOW, the unvelling at the Coln Machine hbow. Incldentaliy. 575

far nit We osa -Stern; It will be tile' and time In the history of the Coin Ma- chine Show That -deliveries of A new product will be made right ea the ahoy. Arrangements have been completed 'to ñnte_a large number of the .few me,- cbin54 -right. In Chicago só that opera- tors; emu 1f they order 100 iaachihea, can rlait Immediate delivery.

I 1

. I

0 1


WE. NEED SPACE CONSOLES *low. oerNn« .... a/54.a0

1 e,en N _ ..A awu./ enar earo1e. -

T .r R r/! tNd.vas a1RA0 reuhll.-f

iracti 11Roa

12 sow Twee d" a7 2 zany Sid.* Chirpy"ºL, 5.0

a nap. 11-0. TretU .Kr+et^e7

aM ,D Óti piel 1alt NOVELTY GAMES

1i salf. At 4wee atte.r wean . 510.77 t irr,er ai a-50

1 nenl't.wt. Straw i a.rdr nuitY aevr e/« .,....ilaio ~le .f1 00.7i t ial.nil 3 nrl. g P.1.s.sº7.OD OM. " i3250'

p ae.a+K*e/aa. á 13.11K....534.70 eaY 51450


6 ap,lleia

.4:14..111.130 0 PmTle77il,..4f1130

r Oraue.aa aaw., i,C.hDI. taltl (Wow wFale.ti0 Drain 5113.50f

ier.) 510141..5450 O

5~1'51 1

$511....54,' e

Ñ.00 4 S ó.510.50 000,1e0.14.I .57.24


ff Yee «ae-.' S:1.50

4riv áóó i<i. e'

dal . .637,70 'iSOe elay., 42.70

Mille nfu. 1fMl 1.2 0.111.' e10. BOc 'Sº.Se Caaur.t>.sa

O 0 Mel MERCHANDISE VENDERS ts"tear. ai.rwt-M:OW- Neu r Oyu,

aR.Mle.a ,' . - .. - Louts7a.DDY Mel 1 f dlt serail 11 ..

e..e new) .i1 a.r.0 weft

lÍbe.e woo mee. ae ..Ca1Ne.t ovff;kn lad pter aer eteraLf:1

Townie °004.U,ir4 0 lt wfla Or1O. 7 -Dry 110.03,114411 (1431,411111.

STAR SAT FS CO. 10e W. loll A«., VaLO0aTi. ea.

20 1441.1.0 r a . f Oeamy. tlRtq moeela' ..110.T5



Boons a,0t11

11 Rao OLas 0O1.LECTt01ac roe ALL me ALA..

Orltln.l hre 5110.4'cwaadne rrperó D,t. +t!

to in 1 OM,1 'N C.qúv a.m.

OHAaatEi 115115914MAnn,

BALTIMORE'SALÉSBOOK CO. I Z20 Wrist, 42rd avae4 *Mu York et}.

atar..ere «1.e ILO ab e4,Ot.rrae«a: 1


Each hl 20 Daily Re -torees '(Latelt5

30.1:0Models) ..... _

10 Bally Thiel 42.50 101 Dally Arcades . - 30.00

5 Bally Palos Sprints 4500 I Exhibit Play Ball.., 30,00 2 Moaic Ragan.

I Low, 1 High 100.00 4 De Luxe Mutoseepes 75.

Gentilich Distributing Corp, 900 North Rampart -St.,




" D EAen LSeir A .aa)uan about new saáesoOlfd

Ideas, dears arv! . personalities.

in tfto

Wholesale Mcrchand¡so Departmdnt




tfftefN£APOLI3 OPERATOR. bon Letup, rends a "coupler eJ hie' acrrsCc mera 50 peek lop cantee Jcnnlnya PAeºaarrr roes diatribe/or lana aur9a0n`a toas- hOW0 crock.



The Billboard 145 Jtioct[rmher 26, 1938

~Ta. amen-TT

COUNTER GAMES REBUFFED AND RECONDITIONED ALL WtN' (1aZ3a - f º-ap 9KILL TAR6 t1Dt 1o.0a AOTw6) ILL TARDBT (.h,Ítá 1L60 AnaaalTMlatTlii:7;-taé> _~ _ .ao

ALLY aAT (1e) __- - 0.00 ppRAT IT 41.254) R1.yºa)-. 41;115 peen ST tt. (1e_1.76NMI. stator eK0111~-0.1131(

(101 7.00 ceITA-PACK DlL1ÍX[ (1a) CMIeCÁOÓtCLun h. (ie T.iC

2.4 _-- e.76 CAnDII(ÁL octet(1e)- *AO ÓVÁL ÓÓA a'141-1117 D outt oros 134, DAILYRACRe (sea-- loo D IXIR 0011NOta. (cae1_ e,60. O c11Ct0 WILD f1a2Ay)-^.:- 12,00 a LRCTRIO 111400112// t101 D.Q GRaM00YA .11 ND,e 1101.0-0dí.; 17.1,0 ,OIr10iR neat. a..11.1 (tcl.. 14 DO

S140/1701111111 JAaX 8.50 11.t*. - - - i130

ORIPrcRR yy YLÑ IeW4. 1a) .tt0 `aRIPPtR SI/141Lt (0at111ea)

011VPrR= i WíY t@nilbbr (lc) O RPP[R -11101"7 jWi neli


R1a O 14tfrtÓw7R711 `0 NARNOY ;sett I1. MCMÍ0 'HION' T{MenoN 1iO4.1. ARO DRAW (1c-Zbe1 na.00 N0111LLNott 1._.01 (/e.Z64-= A.ta L IÑL* rIROHAH ('6 T a) (416

4.110 rlLWleílJ lí4) at: [w Dt.tiB ltt-tee)r(pélú) VROHCTTC P1/110-2541 T acid. 'JItBx Ir19 rulttreat vitiDRl1I0..l{01 54D P DnrrAN ViNptR, JaAlIPOT rc MY Ie.ÓKr. rrc 7,eo R0C6e 194.41/.!teasal 7 60 R áss) RAGiI / Waat=M/ [10-

3.7a II RILL ii-tilt.a16l) _ 6,00

Rtt`L` SPOT (14o-eód).- 't 60 RELIAMCYR 1Síi2aT, 6.00

toned. iDl..l .-_ 17.110 mutt MIT 1 "RR (¡ny171Í: 12.50 (M1T1{T M13Dt6 tpNaDc-) - - - eFD ÓR TL

SALLY I -r-..-- 0.00 11 1PeRas. ac 1143. aula_)F} 1T5e TRAOK RrlLa, 1a-*tS1)

lrÁOÓNPAIKIilíOccá <1e/ -

<e0 cis errs Ñ i 0ü áiie.i. ewe rOrOi Iua

we.wñ á rda , r.,..0.t CA.caa mum

etno °OR 01171 13OMrL1Tt new ;swot Liar, cony -ammo sBNA 710/111L RAeeRO A I N5 IN AIrTOaI11It

fibT alAOHIRr6,e[TC ON00RAPJye.

Oab't/ aes,.h. -Id..lee' ro7sc nARPIItLD 0072.

IDEAL'NgVkiT1 "" Ir-t^A.'


/i1 its toit HOTIBTON: 'Tex D7On. I -L S, op-

erator*, jotsbars and tocetton owners are happy oser the recent eleCttoo of ~es Holcombe ne melee' of the any' of Hairs- ton_ Holcombe has proved' hit !nand.. ship for the operators In the past and they Were for him 100 ,per coat during the lost campaign. Holcomb bes served sax perilous terma as Mayor end reused from polities In 1034, then Mine bock end, was overwhelmingly -elected lnat election.

' Operators Sam Ayo and Lester Hearn. of Houltoli. and Dill Tlñlln, of Beau- fanne. have purchased jointly an 8 MIL

II motion :McVay',camera and pmjcetor. 11 111 rumored that Thine will now offer Boma. substantiall.beoking _for the, bong tales he brttlp back arum hunttfag trip to Newlltlrnco.

111l4S DALLAS. Nov. 10.-A. C. Itugh6*. ca-

ll:Ore or the 1Deetro.Ban co., n e_, 4 rreturn d from Ltrtpato low Orlean& ttttre be Inset t'emend delta Visiting the 1t11Wans dtt.rttltttor for beeburg photior ;Ipbs, $.711: Oent:ilea. of the ,Dcxle rule Co.

Among out-ot.torn orators seen ^On kin tnaebtne {1W this week were Jta O.

end Me .--2aoeiats. J.- L. onrtOt. 1< YY.6r. T. They were adding new i,L-1~apba to Cher Tyler Igc81IOtls.

The regular tnQgthly stag Iulti1leon $h+a by Electrosnatil -Co_ for Dallas ~mars was held recently et -the cam-

eract3ttee o0tees. .j. goodly' worn- ' local_ cps were present to "enjoy

La feud and 011 reported Immures as roltntl_

tAnte or the beet known operators. of

ut T'a#sa tealtory. Rudsrd Mendfee. of 'r e Ted(., rya chopping In Dallas bat ask foe merchnndu.s.-' He purchawd p o lirapta. He wee' k000)tt-

Cont by ~Ines* aaeaeiate. Mr.

Charley T11oe_ one oC;fie'outstenditlg OperotOrs. of Central Tema paid

'=+a 9alkY market e visit last week_

[+et )IAlomes. Of the F rAeler TfoTtlt7 16, Pt. Worth. won Oyer one day 13...".

lnre): inn and bluets. Caikd_on his, friend, A. C. RttfItee. took time out to talk over plans kcal 00.177 machine oñan na 'A 'eo-

114en_ which he thinks ahotlld tale or - 'Cited et once.

IOOcrdint to Arthur might*. the new `brIlrrtt8 bloOels In phonogrnptts are IrillerleS Use music opcacóra' btMZr.

Tcry 4ubritentla, Rey. Ile has just =Nnied a survey of phone, lwoattols

110 ways tint 1v tend- the r_aó- ruminated machines rsturn1t mt3eit l those which attract attention' thatr lights. -

Antler home movie addtet.Ss Edwin HL matt recent venture. In that lino la lemlly atbt7nu to 00101". Lear has 170718 shots of most entry ope-afo: 1st eolith Tteras_orranged (D 11 m.On o strip o1 More then a half hour's ahow'eng Which -he often oho nt to lbterostedl group. of operators. His pro 11~a. etc.. are act up in a bast room of the ªtec ro 8a1í BulldLna,

Operator I. -D /.Sadden. Of El Campo, WAa In »eiripm3 recently Ind purchased Aix new phO710 TAph.. rdeo a alipply of rec0_de and Ctber FccreaC)[ll,.h

Joseph Spadafoaa, ,oelce manager for local Decea _dIssitbuto ship. spent the pastweek-end In New Orleans TIlttng Eta parenta.

Tbe Music :Operators' Association. o! Rouaton. now almost two yesíre Old, got Ito ú111 rr r.-tnt" when Automatic" narro Coq ociad 2.10'1100t at the ~Aar 'Ito- ncmbor- social meettag. Rarbecuo std. beer; followed by a three -reel montostd.. fo own -only. made the ese htg"s 7.3ó5t on- joyabié one. 'AA previo(as atilat most- Ings, regardless 01 when, held,. hace been a 011

the .XPosee Of the aasoctstton_' I -3 I

oleo ts manger of the record depart - meet of Autarnat'0° Oslee and his eon- pany boye the entere expense -of the 14are125ber party. even to tipping the wattera

QSGu'y P?J, 77. A$$IJRY PARK. N. J., Nov. td Yvan"

1030 Oallppfig Datnlnoc M DtaktQ? a arm - mooned eppearande along the Jersey idiom. One At Long Branch la extremely papule:.

B ~ors areecrreet, the Coast Clco- ret Bcrflc* 1411: 50021 add, a ñumbºI of meadows. The -Unlit u t la p and gamic and etweye Ott the watch for -new and novel Ideas 1a 2obaccD Venders. Thi.shore . I

pance'aiao hag' a subaidte.Ty at Carta-

Petoa Citiatterbax. justoutslde of iced Dank' in Middletown. WAS entered the Other night by vandals. They robbed the coin games. mac a Wm:1ogrsph and dnnz.a,;od another to gob the receipts... A 1,

eigaret vender was aliatobed from the I

d1 and antatbod. jn sddttlon to tbase btu.'" the. Chatterbox mlased' 601330 .3341- 1/01w. algare atiel clgarete.

Monmouth County óper*tarn are r`- joelr:g over the good newt> recently com- Lng front, ~hold. oounty seat. 'Judge J_ Edward°° Knight -gave beery penalties to' two men -silo were courtCWd of:rot bang cold gadget/Y. in ells toelgbborhood. Thle may 'end this _emirs of pin. game sntgalting, byvondats.

Rabee Leman, of the J. dt iI 31 use Co.. is batty setting hie record dtitribut:on bra In shape for tbn bag scawmA which wens Memnottot7 Day, '

Iierinnn'Ruben and bithSa tadlo welcomed- 17=.. `- -- the txr.>tonable weather. It- brought 1

_ TlnrlcsJ Gap?tc Co.," 'eeós-eijlLbda hie contends. He mya = -C Duek'c7r Chicken after the way the weather man treated -'- ML - rte conCor-'doner61 thl" post avrcmnr ho ought to make amend now.

LIMM« Rooney Ilya that Art *.gar'. II

policy of keeping the Casino Aentbserthettt Co,'a gamni.oren In the Oastno b011dIng I

every tight 511 winter ion; Is a good One. People go to the atones and then Wa1X_dotrn t0 the shore. T7>re Is never I

any doubt as to whether the concesaaon ' C w01 be open or.Coe d-lt'e Alata)



_ I


I 'i


_ - r _



3 BIG- JACK 'POTS The Diamond Jack 'Pot le_'not a dummy to fool the pine" they really ern win the contents of the Diamond Pot when. tbº 3 ProlPer symbol{ line 15p on the reels. lent an ºKtre reward' fee. rho player fe /berm at, in other word: hó knows he can Wii1 the Disarrond jack Pot or one o4 the relish; j*ck Pots. 2 Jack Pots nha public can ,really win has long been the dream of the smart opérater, It is ensippad with All thD good fcarvrcs of oor famous Cheery Ben and Rol -A -Top _combined. Belt 'In the following,,payouts7

3-10-14-18-20 AND THE 'JACK POT 3-5-10-14-18-20 AND THE JACK POT

Please advise what payout you Went When ordering. The Diamond lack Pot holds -Approximately $7.00, Suitt in is -5c -104-25e and -50e 'Play. Hull in thei",Stiaight hall, at herewith sltewli, and is olio bust in rise Front Vender Model.



WAILING MANUFACTURING CO. 4640-4660 W, Fulton St:, CE,icago, IIII.

Est. 1889 -Tel,. Columbia 2170. Cable Atfdrets, "WATLINGITE~. Chicago

W WILL 11700/647 ORtT




rrsv 144~ 13.111 /C1.Hna. Mlllry JUMBO TURKEY BOARDS A 11W Ptah th.t Royal"., *1.00,103. tle4 »sus. on N1.4ºen 0.. Ins

81(1 106.tt1 1- AND J1DLLn 1 Tu.I.7, t 04.0. 1 Cut! art 2 ChleYcdl

P*ICÉ i3.oa pro.,

820,00 pro 100 wr.,t.. ate. ei.,r-l+ri .11", (.0 0.00.7 4 o. D..

ARTH1)R WOÓO t C et 9 Y1N>rt St.. a, .

146 The Billboard

-'úRIDEd; ALLOWANCE We s.$lt' tl.r you Land allowance an -any wonted game. aka wake. In any ~Man an any of 1 .. Par aran, N'aw Maeaüaa flown Dolor. What taw yaw to trade

a _sst i .. rB{

BALLY BABY RESERVE Indamianawhlo lc and Se Reel,. $50 Toe Resent Paf. Mee $1440..

VEST POCIICET BELL Nat .by Mch. ~Jett A.lomatic Slot 1A.chln. In the World.- "doe 51lt.SD,


-rL./ _

BALLY BABY CIGARETTE S.alleat taurrtee' tamale* M14., O.IT $12.75.


GINGER TOKEN PAYOUT Payout prof -New, Mechanical*, ptettet, le er,So our. adecify whkh Prier $27.10. Teems: t J>t Depoatt. Bat. C. o. b..

MONARCH COIN MIACI4INÉ CO. 1731 Belmont -a-r C}ieogO







t} I OUT20At1,iRETURN 1r SHIFTING 1.000 L1CNT$


te IIACKBOAdb 23,7 1141GH

e I.i t Tenn MOST T1Ul LUNG AC11014. /INEST



3 119OCEZS Model A

oest.leaven. - NM down Plod

Owens ,j11_00 :0 62.^61.

Model Nleh *wee

Nlµodel C

.v,tn Free reay anna.



r l


N000 o*' Wire Quick!!



JOHN A. PllZOJBUO4S; Prerednit



2+17-919 ELIZABETH tSTivRETih,. UTICA, N. Y. is' 622 WORTH EUT ' ST./ BALTIMORE, MD.



. - .. Not t:' Slogan - a FACT!

Nejrér Lber 26, 1938

Develop Your Selling: Personality

By DAVID S. 'BOND, President Trrmouni' Coin Machine Co.., Bolton

Whether a man is denoting ,hie !!rant to calling denelte-Itrena, as is onlfrockd upon ter aeil lllmeelf. he InWt emu+-'' one thing In developing hill lnalta.ttp, That pano factor la perheige the most tom. I

ptrNnt one In our Rtes today-not oat, In setting, but to amtIntOOntadt. Od every deocrtl Olt. PBnzorinLTrY memo est:ty, thing to the modern man who la any. tleue and desirous of making a leave ere his cwñ life. The intricate /octal aTatem found In thia covertly today puts open She alt,ou(dere of the buah'..,ees man a lyurdon wlntxh ean.hnly bee.carrttd by l ' ho boa dc70LOPed till pet OliRtity to extent that it le a definite ofd atd'i tool wanes wilt net as a fever in pryer tit-el/ad -otruseeece.

I`htive noted. In my stwxfy,cf Peruse.

=uychodogbte sort- business expert. hats antic- that rnany of over Ütllotapdia

ildevoted much opaet. to etraelog tilt derelOprnent Of'peraanellty. One of !Aeon' men Is Dr. Paul II. Nystrom of ecttamtls Unlvanlfy_ b . -Nystrom In Ma Iwoy, óieseeata o1 Rrtau serif ell. nod mote. quoit !articles ,appOsrt- In acadtrhawq journals. L at nmphaalxed tba elrnraetr. Jour ors good salting p'or.onitlUo., fk itt<Lttdta anwtag. tbOUt (1) hormalgy ft, Becht Renatieni, (2) Neoraatty or An. Mo t i% ¿114 Moderate kenos -cried Quell. tree, r(u) Abidlty To Talk. (41 Recxptanal' by Other . People. (51 shinty To Or 'Along With People, id). OptInehm ai el> Healthy Peraocal Atttttºdc*,

The " first chsracteraailc needs es further explatiattoh: Certainly It b G4 to eco that a person mutt net and 'etc like A bo.-tnal. aveme human being in cedar tó be nece cd In hOatnesa AM' social olrcke. The ~id quell/leap WbIle ec:tmdtñg quite complrested, b really tribe aimplo. It merely swam .that, the budneiae mrtn musk be -friendly' end wride-awrrke:.- he' must not be tro overbearing and ohoUld attune be ter''

sympathy ,tr:tb.cuatomor rercttont, The De!ay. "gtbdhhnnd boy^ has teal place tti modern soiling. Be lerward nod alert, yea --but refrain :rem puahtng Alsuntir Into the Uses of others. Dr. Mamas c vf.1 fo the ability to talk-I eon/Mier this to be, oak of the mtrt :St portent Items. on hta flat. To be tat to talk convineengty' and totoctuny' n essential to (laeaastamnrt, acatunv the dtnalatte nftoeta are not nolaory-a3 that -,n man need/ is a eseildent.'pteaang lone. n knowledge Of his awebjecr ..,e a

great deal of enthuwL-sctm, The fear'` Item mentions ncorp:ance by oI.-J people. Thin, Of Pourer. L brats ti t about by the ability to "rnlx" and the Renal: of tanking_Irbade by he1plta..c' guiding tbÓat. Tbo ability to;get a:", with people is closely rtleted to the r eedJ1g cheiticterlatto.. A feeling "

activities mutt be d,ea'eboptd; Abe b ~Ix man must make hlmtyli coley lad tstderatnnd other a ettvlties than. the

one In which he !a spe<tattalgg. W,>:t

frith other P" /. aooept their aessludS. ho willing to tleten to their ̀ Idea sad

rutall] scone nod (b four t*Jlasnt? m mart ttitereating aalb}teete to star Optimte and -god atktudé, W>r .

bu.InCaa m aid' wasn h .r Il:l

arU-deveSoped penon*lity. A eleeerfd 'eiglle.a. kind word. A bright reply. sit: on the back. n cord ºf thtttit veto ctle4T.

oseconipltah wonders in reselelye$ a aaerso of a btidneer day:

All th:tee factors kid to but trertg--a trelt.toturi lntl. lul;pill ant.0 toward cite to general. The man - r

hole friends and the man who 11Yrs

work Is the roan who larcally b Arid .l5 fofarzr, of iteermlty, that ] ¡

Man le a more efbcinBt male. aa6 mere rebelled minis a silcocealni tat- ''

I3emetnlNr-whe-ther yon are busy áb1 lag on o protect to lmpeoao, yvta'10Cs-' !Montt Or whether -you are_ aperient; t

w eek-end with" frtauaal.loo more et 1' U1. WAta tetivs. mare frteodly.

.t f nal wóret Of wacnlitg-tot ̀ 1d the pntaoni.tlty approach. A

Ity and menninglea- etude lncere ¿bout the matter. in 10

the more cheerful side Of the 1, -- don't, be a falter. It's the man e

on the 10101 that la eppteclsx d L7

/aoalatae, not the grinning. :,+i

tool who daeen't pause- to ti rier

thing in terrewa of vlalueble C0

rrta- dellp. land success.

Itibrr'nther .,'l6; 1938




POUND CHOCOLATES Choice of en any altraiQive and fla,.grovt alchemy Over 5.000 sold t in 30 dare in Dallas Territory.

NOTHING ILIKE 11TME Your profit $1.00 per boa.

Operstot making $15 to 530 a day. World ón 12 MOW le to. 39e Punt Cord. Full parttruharw and confiders- WlJ Ptielt on request. Writs noárcat dike shown below.

KIDDI SALES CO. 2201 S. Harwood. 'Dana's. -Tex.

FÓLSOM BROWN CO.. 2206 S. Hanwóéd, Dallai. Test,

KIDD SALES CO.. III S. Walker. Oklahoma Ctty; Okla.

EASTBURN SALES CO., 1 362' D.,uphin, Mohilc. Ms_


Flip -A -Kopper New Penny Game

The 1Tillbaurd 147

(New Cited KANSAS CITY. Mo.., Nov. 16t'Sotno-

tt9ttng radically different .1n the whiz operatedagone 11tIPvlll make an appear- aneeón We national. Market next week when-,the_ Great States JdnavfacturtnR Co. releases the first Ftlp-Jt-KO apt t penny-gneno," ocording to A. S_ Saud - haw, enterprising °rent State; owe*. tire. The new Flip-A-Koppte will em- body a number of Mahone featutet ehteh are original ith ilia' concern. awarding to repeat*.

"rive game to betake hatted oh loca. atone now.' owlet- Sandhaus. -and It. pTOTIOR a real winner. It o,Lgbod1ce the ok1 game of pitching pennies to a line. with all Its lure._ yet tilt a strictly mechanical' outfit, 100 pr. Dent ^Gega1. neat In appearance and eombhatag nü the best features of neversl.Orealt States tccn 01 the past plus a :toot Of near

Ones. "TWe player. It his -penny fir Nipped

Soto one of three Small tanks inside the cabinet. may win- one, two or even. three pecan of cigarette.. OIltelnls of the company. _busy thla week preparing ad- Tertleine layouts amounting the rood. ration, rice entbuetai tie and believe the Pllp-A-aoppor wilt prove the ou11tmtd- 1ag hit, of the kite 1938 Call and winter ae ea

Western Reserves Display Booths

CFIO.100. Nov. 10 --Don Anderson. soles manager of Western Products. 1ne.. has annountedl that the:flrío ~erred a section of display booths tor theCMMA Cott Machine Elbow. Match "will be h&c/ at the, Hotel Sherman beginnllag T.ouary 16.


^Tho booths to be oomuihd by Western are numbered nn 101101rs. 138. 139, 140 and 167. 158. and 1607advIred-Ard'ºewan. "We're going ,to, have aome mighty Im- portant atupYras for operators. and I know that none of theta will Isaac coo '8llow Within-a'Show.""

France W-11 Drop óinnwn Hal National Lottery influx of Money PAnmm, Nov, 10.-The trend Ot_ ávente :iris/ YORK, Nor. 19,-The DmOclal fits ream to fee] that the huge

mount o: money hair In, circulation le ray pttrs]trt -b1tt operators of coin me- an". have always.snu ffned that MOTS Wm"' In ereubatton meanr,fmorc' Cotltn Ed their way'4ntp coda-ópeaitcd =a- loes.

A few clays ago et was, reportcd,that ti total volume at mosey in Cretlle- Ialt,+caa ?.qtly $7,000.000_000_ Thle la itl Wee the largest total over reported' *UFA ter the two weeks of the bank tdidy back.tsy 1633, In the bootn year C lamo the total, money 'n circulation '

n, at.4 than $5,Oó0.0301000. The tact that the money czperts are

started in a good hint ,that times has* and that a lot Of e0 -operation




lit Prance tnay be .pLc.ácd' by the fact thatn the French national lottery will come to an end on Deeember,.81, after qro years in operation.

The Preach tottery, including. 150,000 tleSeta of which 10 per ;Cent were_Wln,. ,t

non. had grown Coi ho a feature ót ?tench, Inc. as Indicated by. the keen dtsappotntmerit or the people thin the F.iiropian antis C$Uaed the poetpon mean,

e- mea of drawing acheduled for ̀ Oc- tober 4.'IC to said that many people did not' ;callaó bow aertoui the oriels was until they mimed the lottery drawing_

"Otll be required to 111 -Id a way,out. Mean= I

while. ~ratan, Coln mncbtisre like to see ooilllans 'of small coins 111 circa - Wien.








fir )4



Incorporates a fasck naling play idc Bowl action Combined with holes and kicker. Fa RI

land thrilling. -1 Flashy",:'i11ttrninated

hack pane! wilh race I Ii horse symbols.

Full payóut,control. Motor driyen selector

and payóut Wilt, Precision built

throughout. Ticket. cash ol=oheck

models -available, Z.ip;to town with


aijwe St" UR'0'RA lit LI'163,115

I Lbw a.r..

54 tim

37 90 II 44. II

16 BINGO 26 13 45

63 21, . 78 1 5c.

33 55.00 99

Nip 1



47 n...

77 19

20 Cxettas _

I' '."=.-...,.- ...... -_ - .....::-..------i '-9:.:27:x.. ... ....

w,..,..I-si. «:_ - .. . z,.....MYw ^ _ ... ..--..w+f"PIr',r,,_ n}`.,r. .

-_'-.-''e .

THE FASTEST SEWN°SALES BOARD EVER INTRODUCED-THiE,Is'DIFFERENT_ a a.atuat aleo. 0~ omlaee rereee. n.enles Fecal. P$,.AN he T. Win UP As ate.1t0 ter Tae 0.11 Mr AD a, t`a ttM-t That will roan R_par.t.. t tae 5tn5 .r ti NIL, We . [teerr}} Tdtes OI.ja Ya mauve Wi.....,, A5$YRlwe a, setl_our._ Tiede

1sOL[ EAIaY ` THE BOR SALES CO. 1 art 424 Nalwn{ty. Búedinc. $ 90 aaantu PraR , .. e : s . , LterY3 tt,,o. te, N. Y. [aid


SMILES Or APPf1OV;4L tpht rive lace.* of.eyta,ntei rte they thew Loa. eoliptb: p'Yarntnf n of Datwl'a'Spfnner, latest .pawtc by rite rankers of -Ta127 a d Odd tieVL alto 1tre-morre took ptoec at Georpe Ponser'a-Near York thÓta-

m). A. S. Dottylia rOoalds to the left of Spinner.


148 The Billborrrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES Norernber 26. 1938






ON A NEW Groétchen

1 TO KEN, PAYOUT CIGARETTE GAME "C suer wasnfsa Nrº+sh' Ileltrat rd. Micea. e..ya1

t c or tc s5 fAr wd...

Régtrlar S ca Price I `, ,.... LcIS sS ALLOWI)fIfCE



USED COUNTER GAMES I We elf. $S allowance on any came-ie'i .eike- fe bade Grocers. We pay lydpatl (Nei Stable ter cow.ess.1 No Waking let yaer mew Sincere send b10 eV lading me itkpancne fe es.. He lllalt iloW 11.000--wachlni fey' ms. china Cath let Take advantage of this IIDeroi

Hear ,KOWI

w Itirxu_ SWIM NO E'L


Rarnamb,r! A G. &O. Endaraarrícnt is anGonidne Guarantee of SirtfsfActlonyoi Your Monemy'Refundodl

GERBER & GLASS 'DISTRIBUTING CO. al -Vetivers*); Boulevard Chicago. Illinois

Becker Introduces Stable Mate Game

(New Game) oRICAoó. NOV. - l0.* eInii oak:

rap -taker for J. K. 3Cttafet'd. Co..' said Ray Rocker. *eke manager, I know that tipping our hand"on our new mulct -ploy tres replay award ggame will garner Ins another Grade- A rube

"Xee ey'a. stable Mate, the name,. of thla pow same, la too good tuo me to eery under 'cover. it's got more new posies than a wortd'n fair. It, yell!~ e ;sod many Of the tlrne.teated features e ltY3e ea the play" board used In I've, Races.

'7t dl4n't take to long ,to ace from locet.OD teats that We hap I. hit game lñ S table Mate. We immediately put then, e large reletue,for the tint run which la seheduted t0 go on the production lines shortly,

Cernnoryting on their current, game. S tepper -tipper. T. R. 1teinvy sate_ 'On my desk are orders from all palette of the compile' for our new -payout table. Steppe! -Upper. In addition to our regu- tar outlets, we aro getting orders froi La lot of point* heretofore thumbs - down on payout tablet,

-Supper-tapper Is a one -ball payout table. If them player fills to secure a winner on 'the first game be can Itultrr a second coin and the odds will be dolt - Mid for the second game. Arid If bui loses on the firs* tfco games he can then

ct Maori a third nick -and odds, will be tripled for the third "game:;

Winner Offers Game Trade -1n

OlifOA00, I cet. ID:-"Winner Salta 0o. Is a000unoing 'ai serusattimal offer of an allowance on say tImId counter ~chins !n trade"cn cower its popular new'103p all.etectric Crpsta2 Oraer,DIce Machin." stated a Wiener cpoktelhan.

-Tins liberal trade-in deal Se being made to acquaint open tars with ate óut,Rtonding mossy -making appeal of this rheilr rnachlne- The offer Is a'dtae opportunity for opalliate- to turn In old used machines and thus repluce playedout' machines with- Ma- new

numbers, 'The all-etectibi Crystal Glazer to

~oily, five mech nes in one- It ern - bodies five different .payout net -upo tLet permit nporntión'in all torritoelrai." hs concluded.

!lent time. The wel were prñtteti by almaet everyone: who saw Our Job, ~lee x, -,o n bit smell. lint once the yeargot started Calm .began to Doom -and have bean going

nest top speed ever since., in

tact, at last we can build them. v v frabtNOaAM. Ma.. Nov. 19.-24:a and Able record witch Iniptrtala have Harry Rurslch. known to many in the.:eetslatirtted in almost every good operat-

You 'Ever Bu A Used ' coin mhoe dadttttry ea the (loiDdtist lug territory hit begun to bring to a Ttrilsr, lenders of the Illtmingliftut Vend- great d e w nnl or buatna. We k -nn that

Game --From Us: Can't ii ií artcl mannlaetnrera.os ttis _ire- m duo t: ale meet and maro.a5ierntora

Tell Them From New pedal, ootn-otaerated billiard tnble,'re. would ewtken .to t IS -'Important foci part that they sao proud of taw IsCoret =that the Iatporial win go*On-for years

Raft Cab:.s1s RePlnl.hed -- , which -thee, tables hate made. and years when all other equipment Mecaanlam Comi-ldely Ovaaheeled States Stn= ñterftch, At the last con- which tl'-.'aoyy have purchased will have

Whitton I Showed the Imperial for the been forgottOn:'

ftnnlnet 1915 Pettey haces and Pkktm; Just sae new. $94.50

5 1937 Domines ., . 59.50 3 Bally favorites; fast like niad. 34,50 5 lei s T.aalt. 45.00 T lac Idyy Truk Odd. 1937...- 79.56 7 Track Time.: black :M 5940 5 611A Wes' 145.00

20 Cotrllsa-oucitad with Clark.. High Cond.. etc. '.. .. , 15.00

iS gaily Pecaknou and Resent cacetlent condition 22.50

S WeNerni'ad27at ........: 39.50 5 1-2-3 Reheat . 5440 55 le Original

.,.......... Mcltipka.., 12.50

lO Laity Bfotblerb . 12.50 25 Rally Chamanec.s and Bel=

moire 1250

National Scale Co., 1415 With. Ave, Se..;Mfmw tootle, M ime.

1(3 Depend


MfRC Kamp asE SECTION fell Hs.


Hurviches Report Sales Increases



DAPifi C. .1100X01.4, prod raft of kack.Oiia !dip, Corp. (reyath Dud leek ~too.. Merv-prrefdrile. leek Orer.plcua far Rook-Gta'e 1330 expansion proirman ankh WWI *Carted last ?seek.


THAN THE FONT! **Take tu'o feet. Wdti !limit cU orrr town fee,. -}mg for pod! May -chines, and what hep- perta7 ,The feet eel .1 crefctly tired and the a

dyyato find


`1 espy to rite uliat Volt went, 'Rttt take two eyes. Let them took eery the games Jfstat berets.,' Note the loads Ire witl6' pow. You're attre t4-)tnd t11.e prior. Yost ,tent ref the puce you want LO per -to lest trawl thee it takes to tell."

George l'o,udi. Ch icot ft!a





STEPPER UPPER - Clow out en Brand.Now eeriem

C+aeast Wine foe Soil Osa11e N Hewaek' Otltse! Addren Uit-ed; i eierel



91.15 Eaet'Rwiyon 51.,'11LWAf11C. N. 4

1435 Redford Reg. BROOKLYN. N. Y

900 Horn, fr ask' le; PHILADILIHf11,PA.



1240 Tlckats...541A01 Avetaps Payout; -401;10, 51'2 aNiGi o urt. II


Acetate Palita. 3íC0' greet. tira/,

CeTepleie ....7.3 Saeple R.ittl ..., 230

TAKES IN 2250 Tickets 511400 Average Payout 75.00

Average Profit. 1903' Sample bed.

Complete . ..53.11 5'-spli `Refill ..., 300

TAMS IN 2120 Average Payout 15/30

herrare Profit. 5140 Sample Deal,

Complete . .. 4.00 Simple Rant . 3-21

1 enae rtf patm wt tielo u lair -A gWe r}om aW°tó+ú:4Y inrti ,

{MlaiY l. 30 sn rn^ A11 rnaaa C.QL. Lwllnut'Sitl

LOUISVILLE NOVELTY MFD, CO. 550e0.1.54.000, et crudity -is. 0,11t.+

330 ,Rats. nneal+vaw at-. (.oulave C, KY.

,Sateslmenl Wanted ! tr yea R^» ear. a e. 1.411.11

7Mr I{Onl Keiei1700 1 dl'


MinWn D,li

D. ROBBINS & Co. 1150.5 De ICtoA,., 131'113w. M. r



Nolrerrrbnr 267 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboerrti 149


CHECK Voter 'Own





PROVE TO -YOURSELF that Seaboard has given you eight good. Steady money- makers in a row!

PROVE TO YOURSELF that you can ALWAYS°'dépeiñd on Seaboard to give 'you real money matters- every tirne--notva 'hit one timo and.a flop the next!

R'et'ch for STOP AND GO

By Gambol

BOARD í71U an. arr41; Ms QA 7:lrss



ER STS Ems app in stock

500' Slot Machlñel at ;Rock Bottom' relicts.

SAM'- MAY '& COMPANY, 1511.13 1Marylarad Ave.

Preview of Novelty Gaines at Show



riewers. Plan leer Campaign CIIICAOO, Nov. .10...:St.e`co:n machine ninny .eouMi do well tó tear a; page n of the httlrtian; lv.dtldtnl "text- ret -zrHitlr la an asp Yt tteattae on 1 1k rT:tttana, Paver -WW1 public oplaiton

slspTii 10 be dealrrd As th Lb:~ of tee national advtvtty- kPrniq United. Hrrarera' Indttatltal

áttlSrt. Neu York. plane to ernplew- ye tser.r net aa "anNdra to be defended."

.a thine to giro pleasure," a .+taan iftllnftd out at 11.110 rotinda.

51y recent annual- rezoning In Kew i- The ,neTrnpaper and rnagaalfle i , 'LI n a1t1 be expended.

a± belttz+ advertlaement,s -peen be

e =. Una "emecutlir 'MIA. "bat --trill xi milllüld of people Who teday lrt r0 ptetttdl_+r Myhre for or agArrrt

xhe hove too little Satail3odty _la lase.

CKICJtOO, sae. 10. -Officials o4 the Chlcago Coln Macpine haft. Co. '2-115/0000 that arranusrnenta hart been completed Toe, exhibit' booth.. at the CAd118 Coin. Machine Show st he Sherman . Hotel. JEnittT' 10 to 19, 19fí0.'

Id Mr_ olli,.rg, "M _boa been Our cuinotn to past yearn we plan an exhth:t Lour current game* along -with a show. tag of models to be t'cbeeeed,imrnedlately after the abate. Operator* have told us that our preview alioWings ,of garnca .t the annual exhibition* have been of greatvalue to Uteri in delve -alining pen, chime at that timed Co -official óam Gunzberg adelaed that hirec:hip my plan* to reveal atisenr Outataladmg develop- mental In the novelty grime -field. Sited ho urges that all game operators make It a point to not only attend the show but to visit the Chicago Coln display in partkziler.

tt tÍotfh 1'r. WORTH,. Tex.. Nov. 10.-rt. worth

Operators are enjoying only fats bustnhss at aura writing. City. county' end State tez payments now due and payable be. fore KOvettlb4r JO no, doubttaittU- mental In slowing down play to *once extent. Music spotsere holding up'váll but cigaiet 'locations are off., Counter gansra,laro tinning .ottly Hair. with sates. braids pkcking up, due. of ~nee, to the 'fluidtkegliring boards that now predarnl- nate.. Tbia opa are looking forward to a big salasboard tnulneser until after .7anTlary 1- a.t least, it 7a predlated In coin machine carelee here tone business an ail tnectihore 411 take a sharp up- turn not lifer than December -4S. Dual new shqutd Continue good until into spilOg bemuse around Meech 5 the hig Southwestern Lire -Stock -Soot, opens up and runs far 12 days. The stock show always charges up the coin machine Minlnows to a high pitch,

Pt. Worth operators are beooming diulded regarding which }coin machine shpW tile7 aright ntWnf. Some Seem to think that the holding of two whore will weaken both and they are uncle.

>tided whether or not they will, attend Other show., Regard:Ms- of bow good each show will be. the attendance will be, wpm two, ease, womb coin to the December affair and others to the Janu- ary meeting.

A number of lt. I.Voettiootnmrvt-have been attending the 'National Roller Herby meet In Donee the pact, week. Every day Pt. Worth , ops ere spotted along the' Dada* coin machine raw.

Tiara á,171e o _r prsoee.apertal train and de -legs -non to the ,821111/41A January chin Mncbl,DO Show, as well ter a Urdu and delegation to the December NrtOo*.LM alga. The The delegation will travel over the Texhi eY Pacific. 741r- sourtPrtalflc Line rind the Alton. The Tnitread* for thee January 'medal train 'hue not yet bon decided, but, will b' shortly. ., large 'crowd in -expected on each trip. -

Porwt Park continual to opernte, end coin mnehmel, manly reside -M. that *re loet.ted Oil' the Yarl u5 *bads In the park are doing a :1TÑy business. partial - tarty on week-ends.- The park will re- main -open until colder weight: foreall Its Cloning. Mande will then open- up on week-ends only.

Dad Johuunti.ilaan of all Texas, opera. tors, la still doing bsralness a{ the Old inaed.o'n Writ Ilelunap street, this city. DxdZ, firm -la known as this Ideal Novelty Co. anal the errpint.-atic: keeps a nice ~ big of equipment going,

Mlle Tern 1936 peanut crop is n0.v meo tag In ,end_ Operators of peanut !.ender., are teedlr_c choir cueler:ar s fresh peanuta right from the field; alter being deficiency mast«. of oast,.: ltusIn.. s On the little striders Is brisk..

roosernment 'lit.11tiy project's which are tinder way in a number of rural . c Iona near the yt. WOtth territory will open up thousand* of now locations for coin - operated equipment: requiring electricity, Many profitable ph.mogrspe, locations Till be 1n evidence. as soon as the power Lines are completed. Thew' clect.Ticet power projects wtillll serve many small towns as well as rural aeEttmat and tom- 'muRlUMir-plats that hare u -ser before had electric crate*: of any kind.






' 1

! lrraawer ~if Trdr enrairta.t....11 rears u s, u t...., ar r...**b rmor.-..+1. Tr.4V..r1...r --'.r..--r...s.e~.v-,r..l, tu it



tlr-Odltesal "ry Ones item Winn. Really


- Ta 4r' GId. In with the Lain. Proven AC a n s y Meters. We11s - Wi,f '

1oRCC1M9I- ' s s - NATION COU-

, - a- PON1. 7570 ce- ptv

- Ss Tans .

Óvt .51.2610:00":1 ` AWrat P rof11 . ~1.




1939 HIT Gel ~vv. IF:,T

Wien Carded 51. 1939 HIT

760 Carded. -? IsTake: In .....$15.00

Arer.PaYe 20.00

Ae._P rant _518.00 ev.yei atk. COY.



onoeR slow


°I-1111/ Mug.

I 'llaNe

`r -_i 1i

' LISTErN - OPERATIOR ' Here's Something You/ II Be Thankful Foi OUR Irt AKN1iA6

THAIIKSGIvIING SALE - Nov. 21 to Dec.. 1 LOOK AT THESE PRICES - THEN WIRE YOUR ORDER cardal asRaarRJi ROYAL ROL Off.- .-.. o.[t PIK(1 P Ait ' net

R1r.t RrCt_ - a-a.7d I eALLY rui.ili<4.= pp T4N OaMP_ 7iTa 4LaY. OcnsYe. sa5 DOILY RAorS _ 0 Matar RLI(RVrx ºap ToP°'MOYtt ' r..l; DI RSY DAY "MI 1tt-a R/jL'R.1D.r_ tbe SNAPPY -- - ._ 4. a Din' .aA6M. Oqp¢ PAIAarlo4Mos -.. 40.50 litW ex AL 0a.S mu; AiASRICa....- QM 1211/10 LES Mr - /o1r0 /tNtaM_--.- 11as ICtTaa _ t .t.lip T[R=aTRtlt_ a- aoltraC F 1iA .ostRor DaTí_- -7aA0 /LrOetaR1 __. sl.6 out no .-.-__- id ii TRACK T1MI. Grtr NW aAMDrS ZR L/TL4A1R _. _ inca

' oouttá.t MtiDcef- e6 aRaaD ,`RrZr II" TIaQp1(111a___ aC.1ti0 TALL 'r,N . 7.a5 as>;[e rIIMIHT Raatth 5730 niter a^ ..-«. wen COLD en WNrr1.--_59'4.76 /AMORITt .. ia.10 Daeuv'ittr awe ' [15 .- xia10 OaMa RO'ns=___ !17 P'uRORAN iN.Mt. oats OALlY tyrT11Y_._ 30,50 -SKILL PIeLD--_- 4.5 num:a.uTC lboa . R1D _MACE _-, s , Rr/rT(yCKYcCl4en_ tO7 A '1 aa We,a..t ttwoc s.` Asa 41.40 1,0,i:1441 -c~

MODERN AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE 2618 Clarnegtc Ave. Clerelnead, O.


Ge!nnco Releases_




MYSTERY SELECTION & ODDS yrr.eee P.,v.n a1`1ºla et 91

NI! Y:Icu S ItM/ú] 1 aL h pl lanlnal I ir -sits 11 "thtb tace.Ma ar.l TI11' .IWJ.ut,)'qu sla V-1.14111:1

-.:.cstra 01~001 t4s t - l,rrrrr . .. wlli uaar Q AKdaa epº` at4oa as tY " rhh n a '

Odé, ñ.t m 211.,1.ata.w WAY taeeiree ~dumbest <rn- Wa

4sd I.t.é Y v srai rhd



.I I 1 J4

1 - Iles tu.fla. Hwi *lf's

f r4..L1.y_ at 4ru; etreAeI~ÑñM

Oaewss aiWss -

sat, ttY. .ut7a .0 ~Ida ar ~Ur. I

COMBINAT6ON $0 4,:i /¡ lc to, 25c SLOT


D. GOTTLIEB &.CO. .L..,:..1.:-.:._ : 2736-sº'NL'Pauliria se.,;. CHICAGO


$1895° in



Gires You Double, Profits !


i 1



on Thkk an Seml-Thick ^Boards

Write for Quoretlíonir

CHAS. II: BREWER & SONS The Laertit HOafd and Card itd:sitee In [hey World

6320 ' Harvard'- Ave., Chieage. UL 57. A.

'lt_.---ra ' 4 t i .,e ttaar á



ft WINNERS Fad Moving Deal' Quien Turnover Deal A Sc "Salesboard 36 WINNERS 24 WINNERS

43 owe at Nsa Or.d Ches. A 110NaN talwhavd. Ewer Puede west .O se Oo.- 1 1. Ne~asse_a4n foam 1' te 30. inn R:e .1 OhvbMalM. i110h1Lb awry Pmeus heel... a 94*

7 Jana of A»'Irlas 0.411,f NIpTa,e.da 06/~~e. 14 Run Preen 1 t 1e, Wet sea CorpsN Obsitiltty Nun* nest seal f.,.1 .4- 04 161.15.11.... W etmeeleAm.

far Last P tia, dtlaasal ate. ohacot.I M A 2.4-)021-t411474/4. A 300.,4 7 4...." /91~211 ow.

'towns YOU ü.tA'towns

YOU ELOOS COSTS YOU .1060. 'AIMS IN $14.00. TAKER Ili 512-00. TAMPA IN 54ÁO.


$40. asa 4! A.--» z -u. O...f .N t14O.ada as are í+.e 4O co~ res..., sO.w yi D: gtplii.t., In p. -o.4 -T.' 1 Lb. nn Poded k Cute e-. 7 oC salle Pes.- ~mete. 1 {5Qc

~as Osa lo Oallcn. IsPew

Pre 1140 pay. 14 Obres_ tier is,.. Ow. MS Orp:,lt With Oede, Iteldwe 0.O. D. tasad for Rine 013111 1~ et AUs.MI Des Gees. -


C'fICAGO METAL STAND'S Wend New --An Original 'Cartoet. Suitable for JII' types --

of Slot Mad,lncs. Regular Price 518.10, , Our Special 56.95.

1; 3 Deposit With Order.

B. J. MARSHALL. INC. 3757 Woodward Ava., 'Denali; Miel.. J. 511

Notremh.:r 26, 1938

Stop and ,yo '(New Camel

01(10,000, Nov: 19.--OiEe`sLe of 000004 Iac., hay* anBowiced tae relsasó or stop and 10o. arunTelty'game. They `rtq,oct It is ny*Unble in,Etr.L ht novelty play and Ina free -grime model. -High snore piny, fu11 rnetcrtag. Last tive-bell Action o1 the,playing field and -other foe teen tore. are 4u1 part ,of the attrocttton of the game. sold an :mlBOlM,

nave rienabrls. exec at `tae' oompeny. *sated. -Slop and 00 is s game that has aireody attracted unusual' loestton tntcr- eAt duo to natlanwlde publicity and at- tent;ton .cetltnit 'to hams regulations_ P1,1ysto are .Immediately caught ,by the appeal projected thru the: brills nl p ylttg field and backboard Which hove street soenee and tratac light' as -part of the dcaign.

"'The staple play. fain -Colon bumper scr1941' Clod the !Luling of green and rod tights an the backboard hold the lntel.et_ Ot the player. Thrills Ire in- jected by the scoring system widen 00= nblee the player to^ make a tbonrand points "at a Ripe by 'ludiclotns shooting of the belle Skill lanes at the bottom o: the sold lamp play alive all the way down the board. -

"An edited attraction to the dxthla ball which 1n released'for play when n certain high score Ls it-bet:nth- The same play prod playing thrills are Inoorporeted in the' tree game medal which featured the 04010 pr'ared and tested' _free game unit."

Knelt,- Ocneo free game. continue. In high popalstit, thruout the natito. ao ooratns to Oonaborg.

Games. Flmince Youth's Education



OKLAHOMA CITY. NOT. r10. -Appear tog recently In'?rte Oklahoma City Dan". Tlme3 was an article headed -Pkrr Pere 'Cent Youth Reccly s Educstlan- at state tIráversIty.^-It told 'of so enter- prLeing EIoilige youth who in Order to finance bas educatiOB opeetted re groinp at cola-Opórnted'iºachtña_ The article follows:

11O1t1KAY. Okln.--(Elpectsl).-It1i the tittle things In 'life that count aceo_'din& to Ben MCConfcll. or Okmut. who 4s Waking his array thou College by run- ntag:b-omit coin -operated dericoe.

Optead'from.07cmuig r to Normnn.,llen has 15 electric eye rifles. grip teeters. e10. and with all of them manatee 'to eke out enough- to pay that inevitable houec bill and to keep till echoes out of Isla wardrobe ciOeet.

or cowrie. this hi an tlnusuitl I bums for á student to- bit In, but lien explains It lbw:

wI 11Ñ. pretty Well "acquainted with the tnventor of brash of thew novelty machines ,and baturslly. became Lnter- roted' In 'theta. When her got them on the market' I bongbt several and they Cutnod out 10 be pretty :Perot: re. so I dust got a string of them."

A senior In the electrical englneerina sehool,.Den eervtees his machines htdt- aelL Which Isn't betas done these days 'ay' just any repasts moo. A look-tn at the myriads of wires in one oC his'etec- trio risa' lutlohlnci makes tbla pretty Chylous-

%1t the reerent Ben ,u decking On a little 'Invention of ilir, own which he expiate to patent-Ln the weal few weeks. It 12 a moving ptetato upper:Am: sIGlllar to ones which yowl land in rho penny treader. but` this Otto will be 1nataA0d with' tslkttls..

I -5

SAIai. TOBfdtO,v. Meyer for No- tional Nosettp Co.. Merrlek, L. It., N: Y tries scut one of tk4 sew trocla purchased by Cher Jiras 10 tpeed detroeriea.

N é410NLL',3 BARGAIN COLUMN PAYOUTS 'WITH TICKET UNIT Pr..dn.n_..33.00 Cites+ ....32wa

G1taa .22-10 w1lR -Paiiói.ºr Of LKsa.i.l. .20::0 Repl R.Ia.r0p,I IPM/1114 P10.110 0.5

20 ti Racas tJ/.

e eta 'esott .00,00

et» (17..215.00 Dtyat ta o0

Mllrygt. /n4- ; ieÁÓ P.a P1ue1..311A0

PAYOUTS Psr'Oround,.0lt.n 0 asN)n' ise naa 7.00 Pleet.xd ..88.00 Rev. $1,4...1000 Pewsr.

bó_ tab01 P111111. 740

Drrnr O0411-.Qo.e, Má7. l o0 wblrwt ..J:0_67

NOVELTIES a;1N - ' ' OAr Wets 20.06 Tcpt _ 30.00 ~to "0' Mraab - 10.00 t. nv ríWll.ta30 Miss tNrer.lO.Op Sally Ou-Ke. 71ta

S LOtS i

100 YMaapell.. 6- Plat 6..11441 seer 425.000 48.01

a4.nlry. Ii.lrar Caw. .. 514441..:

- 41.59 Male 1.a ?mg. a1rN Jrca. ~Um ove. 400.0001 Sc. --Abed MISS 51./r 3ro1 0e -.sae Jua t e. ,. 4041 T ó Slaw Q. trW 14 460,10.00011-

it Ae let a, á.r serl' erne 1s3A4Or 6e odd tae . . . .. r- 10a

z1Á0 ar .e c.par 2,55 pee. x11-tar' CeeaM. 109 . a450 woo P 0 K C.e.I15.01LOr. be ' 1Os 111nr GN-4.Ta6. 16u. MOH, over

*the .Bi

. , _1i.W

ta,OIUNTER GAMES AMaM 10..17,00 t OsesÍlteell ciao


M: Jr. . .10.00 Neel 024... 400 rf TuTir1.. , 5:50 talle kutee4. 6.00

15.1 s rry- _ zoo 1111~ ley cell 0114e.. 7.60 Mish.... 6.00

CONSOLES p.teffr fea, ¿0.1 efes. ~I 4000_new "MIne lbe.t7De 71t11

W Luse 1141 011 Ilse" tam

PHONOGRAPHS 1.11hP1ltarr'41O.A 14.141 ,

N'erIlub tat .0 114.97 111helc-071a 1e511 4=-04

WE wlt 125'1017


JAIk16-19 .

reams:" 1/3 ~WI. RS!a.-o.' 00.0.. e,O.R'Chk.ap.

rlr.t WAS' lbw 'Lifi.t , N. *ern. 0.5 Tout. N.rra 0; Our M41110. Ll.l

NalionaICoin'Machire Exchange

Ito? 'OIVENSEY otea.. ÁN10403.

WANTED TO BUY' 4.00 MALLS 021200 TRIPLA, PLa7 WITN raga earners -QJIL,LY R7:N R rat Prues'- aALLT, ILcaT -... aaat: etas'-- OADET NEVIEIW sego aE0oNO1TOONED NDVaLTV OASttI Nem08tMeh.5.7.50 1111sa1 seee.:t A1~ 0~5.. 740 TwrnemM+t , I% AaarW , .60 ,Lena 0each.. 4>e Nan A Neu -4 Tract r,..i..

Din 1. Jr. . 12.e0 EzüLlt N1Ma11 40.60 stutoM 11_

114611r11Verve",t1r oa00jq, a0.a0 Verve", 1R.areA 11,11-1.

4pagd. rase Rr_. 5e,.1,. will ras .R.S. .90.00 CI Tow MMru. Poe* - Aeowr. T4a 6A1 LISMnIO i .

eaM 'N1__. 0Tier 111~4 Ma aV Th.eR SW... 1034 Stall., Up AihU dal et* 1.e0 ELLblr run Ciw Es- O?e,.r 1i1.,K: Y. mess . 10.50 Pawn S Wes I, ~Ind . 14,a0 Turf K .:

a e.11í'7 c. naAe M 4 a Ae.'.. nave 14.E0 burnt ..... 110 0~02 Will Oud.t. 5ata0ee 0.0. 0.


li 302 0 ST.. N. W wae5I..oTOn:, 0- et


FU -R C0 AT ,

1.elslt aq11,y t.e-rt hfcet- aaal Qyrlrn. iVr ras' Pve4 Prlr. L114

cols, swon, AM re" ONA0. ` err dñ OIaAiacaOryaed r n

Norémber 26, 193$ = AMUSEMENT' MACHINES The Sfllbuard 151

r i IPER.i . U C V T EM FROM 1'

MILLS VEST POCKET BELL [Fee the.e'Q T. I.sel bel

SQUARE BELL CONSOLE tree xoeuree, et Crewe) ) HI -BOY PAY TABLE

(A t4.iO a i.. rat, :wet. MNkw liooa1Nn.-e ors nr.nywroM) MILLS BROWN FRONT BILL to 1144 w,aeb.rr NO,swy 1144 le.etl.n>

MILLS FRUIT KING AND WILD DEUCES [Tim An ire. In .treats+ pwle-Or 5IMrdrrrul till. n.aobrf.I)


{r <Mee one c[

THISTL[DOWN Mswt 4~11e.rWne.b Wrier se .1.. pM.rt


(Rite bon pewlnr lure se . web** ',esrrw> SUSFENSE

tAnttaer .r n.or.1Q rue b teb> - DAVAL rn ODD BALL to eves Nod le ~Or rotary eln, a,ii wets ~Ws Wo rrry)

TALLY IA ~VW. sesebles rem unMrn.e)




scuss Plans for is January Show

CHIC/LOO. Nov. IO -itod tape Mf0 bp ' - And ewrgpt away.-' declared JIM

1.: -Mee, secretary of the Coin M zltino - err -Wren.' Aasootntlon. dl.citasing

rev for the Coln tifliesttle Show at the 2eteas 80001, Cbleaso January 16-I0.

'No operator, Jobber or dlatnbutpr will 1.expelled to pay ~bey to 'get LotO Tkt1 u after pll; lib .,liter. 'Nor are we kznndlttg than .buayy operstars take time 1, to s1Rn np Inhtlea foe.; The r_fnlB

11tt 4 to conic nod err what a raynl. lk.ytRht.t;l web:cane 701,VU só[1. Natu- t7..adruleaLou to the exhibition will,be. Intel to :noonherw of the cOln frAlOF. 7 and their friends, but no bona fide table. Jobber or distributor need Y .boot arrtttog to te. pro thin groat - nay of ooln machines of. nil kinds

emoted under one reef. 'And *hen I say all'kttídir' 11mn ' 417 that- Every branch of (be tndtte-

will, be rtpTeeant d-muale, netuilInel It *worriment. we sell as the.merchan

and t?Aife stinTulatoc tritds-. bin» /Ix plazas now. If i°u wish. write inc - CIZIA Headquarters. Suite 022-E24. ~lab Hotel., Chlc:,go, regarding teann .lrtMtlonª, And be there with belts (in

the tome chow; mame hotel. Same ` Sherman Hotel, January 10.10, r'b--Cl'Jcago* rpoente t4 Vie 00óa tus.

IadUstry. Hone-Corntng Week' tel át 1, ewrrywbrr(.

efferson Nickel lakes Its Debut

rC,.0O, NNÓT_ 10^C,binmon opening lash bolus of shed.- mneh)n!a will !lbw

Myer that Thomas Jefferson and' I>ia miceli0 horse Mvi rent -red the old

L-=1.,. pie 14tifTalo neid the Indian. 1Zie 8. Govirtsruent lUtntis merest coin. J on made ade Its debilt to

gi nation an Notitknter 115, '1008. amidst t excite ieht'Of Chin LwtleolOre rand

ti" Setker., *sshia>itern rushed smog°. 'worth --

1,800,000 Of .the ehtoy coins-for dlgt t- buteati to FYntern .States on, the day of the nicker* debut. Not Manse found their way into general etmutation since most of them rent grrabbod tip to be thorn to fnrattloe, friend., rind, the 11kc.

At any rate. the buffalo -Indian head la ¿0 the wayout after a quarter century of noble 'service In. subway titrnstire, slot O.arlJnc* . bibles.' bloke. rending mac:ltaea,_crnp games, telephones, pin_ ball games and what -have -yon.

The mint estimates that there are 1io00,000,000,o1d nickels in San. Eventu- ally' most of them wilt be. retired from aertico and Jefferson will be v:2'14024 out the American trouser .pocket, flea the third person pictured on aregtrlar U. S. bolo: Lincoln -and Washington were the others.

la twee etiteee 1880. follos'letg expert- menL with two and three -cent pieces. the pack« came Into enormovn roms. nonMu In the ln`t decode with the riseóf ootn-oarrnted tnxattiune I fact, ,pnxluc- Hon had to be boosted from 400 d.000 to 140,000,000 ntekels rtrual!y-in the Inge 10 yrar*1,,

Jennings To Show New Pay Console,

CHICAGO,. Nov: 19.-0.'D. Je:llltlty r<t:

Co. n.nttouneor rtser*ntLon of Wage in!. hlblt apace et the etACO]tl.t annual CM= Machine Show held he.e at. the Stevens 1Sotal. brLlnning 17tcctntrrr 12.

"Several new maclalnea. In addition to the- arrr numbers recently rrlcat,:d by Jennings. wIlt be disppla.yc1 at the Steve= hotel. it la statd. Sotncthtl4 dts- tlnetiTely different. in n de luxe payout console ~and a (aucinailns new nov- elty grow_ ate to be Photon. Merchandise medians O Ocxtnq ...Wilber -Own an, agree.

- able surprise wren n nom rrtral'dit mor- chaDdW lending ia.Y.011re- will be re- Ieneed by- Jennlnan at the December Coin Machine -Show.

'M loud, O. D. Jennings R Co. will 'hold open house at the plant during tho week of the show, Operators [now that. .tine uaeenns plenty of good halms to eat and drink; and a good time Will be lied by ill.

GALLOPING EVANS'- 1939 éltrwE 1V111:1 -





JAN. 6-19




z e

, _

:rl ónw. °..d^ ar

a7 va


EVAN'S' KITS ri.eelratts Rolictto Ir. _lene.o.ed Klaleol, Spoelal


EQUIPPED WITH EVANS' HEW 7 -COIN HEAD -Ir A.kaawledgad' by Wgliese **- Zretar. e. Ills" pretest cor bead eed.ante In the 'ls$ sleyt Prethtly ellrwlrytba erertap-

ping' r ol iarrei1l[ el sor.. -Steps ¡phi' flew ekl.ic, eelne5, .iugy. rem. .feel curs, eellule and Ober trkkr=ot Hie rye Mike. Lail

in ebuae risible Me dierenie. Pererri,ead wan. ulatlured .elefy by want - aralla-ae only oet Evans' renege -Or crn-


IDEAL -FOR; RESTRICTED TERRITORY Again This "KING Or CONLOtii- !eorst atop lilt! Hey" lagetro el' Legalizing 'Sklil AMj.hwent wltk r Cold Award . _ . now rams et sever natural" skill gfaamein are aequtr.dt

,Ovens' 'NEW 7 -Coln Head pro - iris you. 2grotelit New SeeeI ks- nar revers tampalne with seeekanh,n, clew -snest.action

1chiMsrn, giant pavegr.pak. a - - Sari of -a w tk p ne 19111t.tNy.t l If1,at1rí0.' preelthr. ,eAgk.erdne rear ebb servo orbololWy oomph* able Ile awe ether Kai re-

Ssta a Nevi Staneasd M Arnweniewt' rater of etabn.t Ported pea. Iwmanc. uncondielenetty -reran. teed! At yew lob).r,.o, wake wine ophone Naynwlet 7410. r ` , I

H_ C. EVA'NS'& CO. 1520'1530 W. ADAMS ST CHIe1lG0-


Ip,. ¡Mlle ne



©(==1C1~Gi~c=1O~-®I® BAR, BELL & FRUIT a

JAR DEAL TICKETS Ttekers.are printed in dolor* using aTot- machine eharnctcrs.eo designate tike PI ¡Y. pus

TICKETS TO DEALS 2544 - 2592 - 2664 Sc or 10c Play Allydeali alike except the winner* varyln number. Write for description and -prier.. SOLD ONLY to JOBBERS

. Wheeling Novelty Co., Inc. ..»w,t_ .. rr.

Crs 1 7 fi=r EWE 11=7J e) I MiD C=I

'6 1


_= t..1 -p L' # ',



No: 2402 2400-. Hoke Takes in , , ..5120.00 P.iya Out (Arera;º! .. _ 69.62 Profit (Avciuol




AJAX MFG. CORP. ' Philraaa,lpn ..



7 -^ 11.4


1 *nano or

0000C a le e oaeel

1Y t'CI17C/iES 12'WINNTR4 1, gER1. hoaeTe Or 12P4114011JOaI rRlrsm MOUNTED

I pP4114011

oN i DraarLAr cAarn, Ano r, 114101.t PuaMQARO. - TAKEO ON 04.00. $2.25

Reefs ,ra4.

fiend ter Ctrpatsa eer. .n o


.-I.DerOa a tBro rARKR EAT..L SALES, Inc. lout"



152 rho fail/hoard AMUSEMENT MACHINES

Evans To Reveal New Creations lOIWFST 1°iR/CEP 7- Cd"/N CONSOlF


'1111111r- COD.1-1 '

featuring IaI LTI-MASTER , - IIIEC;NAÑUM ANO 1;00% 113





FULLY GUARAPTEEG See Yeuf JObbe iá WrrircvDreet

EST ERN PRODUCTS INC. 9'25 W. North Avenue Chicago, Illinois


ill! fig i0f r;n:..- ! :: =:

Ill' IIY WI I 11 tH_ .Ji;1:=r :.


wt WILt SWIM' 0,111tY


[ JAP1.16-19,



GOAL POST - No. 2402 2400 'Holes Takes in ..........$120.00 Average Payout ..., . 53.79 Avorag9 Cirois Profit , ......,.... $ 66.21


$4.94 EACH

Beard Filled With Popular Tip Combiaafióo Tickets. LOW PRICES ON THICK ,AND SEMI=THICK BOARDS

HARLICH MFG. CO., 1413 W. Jackson Itrvd.. cl,Ka34. Ill nob.

LOOK OVE'R'TFUSE 'LOW PR,kOES AND SAVE SSSSS.., ALL 81(CONDa71ONED READY 712 o1['t 1/a.0RaH VYIT11 ORDER. n.tLAnDe Mnel-t.e 11.37 at+del oto HMTrtA21Y1111.101r nine l4 ... ... 41.e4

114130 RxeA14 1037 rin,Wn ~au. 14.. eo.r.e ' Rsak-Ora 1937 114,1140 ~ma. t... 111.8

aeaaOl4 1.217 Rnru,m E1:4 sit.... Re.a.Osa 10)0 R1yvW 1:... t++... 14.9

0.+4.0119.4 4114 ~CO A,_ 21110 41914. Oa ele MI. .0-.0 :r 'Isere Oe LYee ea..a. Moto 80.00 fiC.e 1aYs-eW1t1AOAMY Oa ;mu _14.80

Uro.1 Pry- twain R1.ore4 AR UW 0.001MMe. P«, 100. 7Z.110 WN1e Ir Osr Now urt Latins Owe- ata /4001.e4.111141.1411.1111.11%

Mu.tl4ar 1937 1aae11 e.111, 81e040

brW1114M 1lt7 ra. J 71°... Wr ruar 1030 Mc -5-1 412 Vver (UN 10;e MI *12 p.,p raiMae 141. 1,... --rl' O M.1°

2040 nt:30'ra Wr111. BAD ER NOVELTY CO. ~Via URCr. WM00119119

CLOSE..OUT IN PUSHCARDS 50 Rah Woe. aractR.r.yfuctr,n-Dt.cvt 00.1.

° I $1l.50 per 100 - $10.00 per 1000 el Q ..D eFy;O. Dac,.oé,.o ; t~`r3¡ i º o ij fee.ari e'R otra

**weal Yee Pal. I. O. 0. OtYRaslhm Errrnr Omee.


e.r*ái, Omareautram C 1 ye, 100 lea.


cIIICAQo. Nov. i9. -4 ---ail be bung to prole flit, enalplrte bur ;preparations for the big stow at the Shªrman )hotel; enact Dick Hoo& oratdont at H. C. s`rpns .b Go. mg be lett on n short trip to Mar - Ms. 111.5 trip. tsóeordlng-tó rumors., will result In some genuine surprlrra for the industry. t,o'br,slsetn st this E1ans ex- hibits. '`Can't explain -details: now,' he ',rent on io`.ay. "but T sin grcitly pleased that a above will ar rite be bead In Jnnta dry and at thl Sherman. Hotel- 41 tts11a1. I bailer* the entails industry Mould lee mueh If we falkd to start the New tear slth the splendid pepping-ttp.thnt the convention ellsaya has Siren. Tidal ye -sr the eo.operation of everyone In the low duttry trill ntaure the filturn .veecea And I:rcurpemtty of the entitrnacilno btu7ne _, Preparations have been under for porno 11R]c 8.0 allow every new develop- tfien.t In coin rasehlnly snd=tsos'eltiee, as ..teal am for the tnterebnnp of Men. said cooperative efforts one largor.Ws than ever dlirfe4 thin convention.

"'Our -company 'Wu made conelderable prrparatlm,a nod hill reveal a nñmbór of epoeio-rrinktág «cottons that have only recently been devlzlepod end ttutyti be raeady fn time for our exhibit. I con- fidently ezp-01 the etaenetobee at the isherenan to break all propene -rewords and Idol tot'aard to grrrtIng' all my old friends there.- Hood affirmed.

Cohen, of Asco, Finds Biz Better

NEWARK. I4..1. Nov..Io,-Ali Cohen. of Asco Vending Machine Exchange.. coon. ritenttng on 'vomit sales,;aiatod. -In the poet =atµ' woke we have ahlp,^ied' ma- 'ohi nes to operator* in, Texas. Arhtona and Caafºrnts an well as to other dtatsn$ Slates.

"'E'very' order has resulted to repeat orders. Their reason. they say, U that I

they nppreelatº end' want more .of the tbieemt recooditlemed :Machine that they have era reeelved. There. In their words. Is tbo rense3n -Our btlalriess Is In. *repair;, -

"'6vcry mnebtne we ahlp to In perfect eonttitloru OS good. If not -better. than It was when new, With ~amiable prices mad ~led operator. see know the* our Madness can do naught but continuo to attrerse.~

British Players Like Two Games

LONDON. Nov. 1Q., Clatengo Auto- awtto lapply Co., a SrlWah distributing llrm, reports that t71'o .yrnédeerl Lehi* mute are at the preaent-tlme aboslr3g, excapttoraLly good earning*. R. Horwitz. head of the firm. nays that the Odd Ita11 game made in Cn)rago I. the malting frame In public approval.. It la making- btg headway in the arcades,, hº-eys..snd that prayers Were learned torlook foe ft W'Itonevar they enter an am:moment lo- eattnn. .

)lprwLts says he could sett 100of.t)Ie games it day If It acre pOS*lb10 to get them that east front the factory.

The -table game. Button. aleq made la CMiosgo. Le malted s.! second to pope= larlty among players by Mr. liorv714n.

ul 11111- :"1

1tBRCULCS gXONANnE. fRQ,, Safari orer complete build/op °t 1276 )(road sfrcl5. iPettara, N. J.

November 26, 1938




Side by side with inferior copies. Tally shines with in. Crisºd brilliance! Mcúnting safe`s prove _fiat no fmilallon can compare with Tally's par. loot mechanical operation. sturdy all-nwtal cóeltructIoa, glowing boát.fy and money. making appeal!


RESERVE JACKPOT starts with 51.700 and tennis to Sflsooi

Inlerin'I diate Cigarette Awards kgrp.plalrers, glued to thexame't Cdiii Divider and Two Sepaiaté, Cash Boxes eliminate all mitasndeni.hñdanos 0etweén 010-lir1toy ªndo.locatisn own.,'1



ria Tív $ 50 ' /.0.14,teCat7



OPERATORS! You cannot afford' to be ,withelt our latest e.itateg of mo.oyrnak. log, premium deals. Weir* todii for"your copy. 2130 for big ITV of close-out cub and step -V7 boards.

H. G. PAYNE COMPÁN1' 312 Groadway, 'Nashviils. Tenn.

End ,eta correw.afenem 40 miMrb-1 Rr r Mellor The a::nurí

Fofrerttber 26., 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Thb R1Rhtprerd 153


Deneorad the Genuine

I'AR - BELL - fRU(T JAR DEALS The choke of SIP 'five -wire' Opeuleral

More, -Tickets 8.gger FdatSellrOvts 'Sc or 10e

Play 110 art berme,to...t dar De" et the t 'frets tl.... p.e4 W atw5w=2614 renal. ºSOW. et. Pa a TRh.tb-- .0*5 Dow IOcpt7. ~Sy ara at,

r rr,nw Ult , ear. am rea Plait a* ~ran.

s 24 praago Winners

e.G Creen y Winr.,n eft -TAWS L+-

e.rat Matt/ J UN taw.. rut Wa- rr-- M1a- In tae Ira, ran

", 1 trata [.2ueelL- ato DIY al L -t*. wall D...1 sera in (Otis j -et .. tt /taYlt Rytt r 4 t .eb tia 1....


STOP a GO JAR DEALS *1800 Total rbt

Tickets ; -

5,60 Rod' ti,. Winners d Scoeir




;Special Bargains 011 GUÁRANTEÉD

yyio.wn. 0: -100 T+.`Lf1 atae(Á 6.00 11.00

...whiten 15:00 Oe .. 10.00

7.50 s.Do

6A sr..les. t ñ.ó. aras . 0

.h cr¡rt..t

1di0 t7_s.a

17.10 1444 ; win 210 6

1115 -«i love

rs.aa<ña. . 0.00 ~014 A411 aM1- ¢,00 ara.ry . . . . , 5.00 Te Itw "" b;óó f. t 11 t. ) 00 TotYn. "' .. U. sliafi.. .00

10141pacs :. Zoo wtn.apn a.Nar O. *Inn. 'aJiO _one aJ.. .º0 O4nr4 anM./. ti.Aa 2ttit.1 eraser. 'Lae

calfy Pa. 4taA

15.00 .11-04 n.k2.1r1ep ]2Y_raeneer.M. órfOaD

K Depó.lt. a..t2aaa C. O. O., - A11,1n Osad YMertlns Order.


\ 3p- °F f,11 ;

Watch th c:Pé = 5 L _ oQrl Lo Ot _..9

1 Not a makesLlll:

Pka ó »olyyoome. ver drop

sDias éa sl,00ta Dorn., Accurate record of pay. outi_ G-h,tabl.-r koctt.Tdp7ruciq-errata

r errata l++pa a :¿;,(Y'

AMUSINGI ssmPea 53:43

Illee ' )t DH 4.1 C. O. a r17.y:, w tyr.wd


R giIFG_.8'`SALES CO. . WATNE - KANSAS (Ilr. 1M0.

NOV/1._ You can get . . . SetaIAL PRIMTrD


Ch.=u-lie McCarthy Ventroseer Tie-in

LOS ANCIELM ho,, le~nosabHng fee Charlie McCarthy In theater Webers, during Cana Of Me feur,lirtatc the seetrliogWet9 dummy. the Ventsac.err Is reported to barb done a be; beeline» with Interested patrons.

Tree machine consist, of n tapir,$ volt used tn' eeílneettett trit.h a *hoe lne) dummy. As -the dummy's pone:. melee. telling the patron's peat, present and 11ztUtd: the taachlne.'detivera the rend- 1ng from a mochenlant located to the lave part of the".box: The inachjne `is ilnlque In the iact,th-at_lt dole not re- peat the 'memo routines each. <time. It teen be obtained :tn.ctther a:loudapenkef model`or an earphone model It IS Cald`that a chain of Weal. Coen theaters will use the fortune.teilIng. talking rnaclllbca In the Lobbies of Cheer theaters to obplunet$on rrtth Olathe XteCarthy's neat . tarring sahlcic.

According to Kiaytan t'{Min. brad of the. Ventroara r Co., the machine let ,not only timely, but Ls outstandlO* because of the tact that flee bead. caettirnc- and vote. of any character that aria* later come. Into prominence Can be to aital)ed quietly tot the machine.

Tbuua, the operator' will have, .nn up- to=date character In ibc Yeatrco er. Ii eras been acted that West Coen opern- tora - are new ocsatbning the icnr as tame .Claus arsd- are pts.oing the mew chtbra, In .Ube toy seethalir of Eta -Dent and -large department atones.

Universal Mfg: Co. Growth .Continues

KAtyaAS CITY.. Mo., Nov. lP.- 'lever-esa '0f the IIatrersa! 1 inUSSetUr- fbg Co., oC Rnntai City., maker, of all types of jar dents. has lit most gratifyti1t.- autos Joseph Berkowitz. head of the Erm. "Our growth. In cane yeas of active production. )s samsthttrr clot we are eery proud of. a have recently' opened note OQIOts arid In- creased OUT -factory door apace to allow the installation of new ntnctrintd.

-Our eitZr .tom tin be , traced. Wittydl. etty to ,the splendid oo=opernttmt wro haw received daring -the 'past yeas from étszr many operator frtcnde nod ew- tonays_ Without thole loyal %nippoct, this 'ospine-on would tot -have been possible. Ws believe In the old adage then variety Is the spice -of We, Thetofdae. we have Instituted a ponoyof rodúable now ,Ideal and' new deals et Tawnier inI vel . This Palley. ~nod out sand the hennaing of thedruaineals. hoe re- sulted In a Wide randy of typos .and styles -or jar stases., tte now have, la Our large ateaeslott. deals to CO the teed of every kind of location, large or ernalL

-Mays° jet deals KIM be on display nt bath coin machine shows. We - aaeltie you that"They Will be oe greet -interest. We are looking forward' to meeting aid friends ands ocquo*atIilotir new ones with our fine stun at jar deals atiFe shown.








BE THERE! SEE! HEAR! LEARN! They'll e11 be kayo-the clever now pin game* and amusement devices . . the- latest manure, ?VOndinE' and weighing machines . , . 4.1 hottest sales boards and J*r deals ... the newest. premiums and rnoreitiest Radical idnar--statiing Enoovutións-sensationº! Croa- tioní that will insiro 1939- "your banner yawl Plan now ,!o attend.


JAN. 16 to 19, 1939



Howe of all the suacssful bofes machfr4 &inventions 'Tine to operators, Jobbers. ^dhilriboton and


HOME COMING WEEI(" for -the Coin Machine Industry!

!IMPORTANT NnTICE! A full liar of coahibltoei well be published in next week's i3illboafd_ It will bo, to your Interest to attend fhb Complete Show!


COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURERS' ASS'Aa Lee P*11+4 t1a- a ..f ante* Win v raw Naa. Ae'`.rt

*ALTIMOftE íALG 400K CO, tat87 4r; fT., hs4v YORK arty.

.. Mr. Chas

dL S._ DRV1MlS. Decal prYsy. end York distrtpafpr.

agree that ~rat* newest noretty ;wwar. Sptnner, u a sure tetnAn,


15! TIIB Billboard - I ' JIr

riP -r2?... 5f -h'4/ 2.0 $

ÍI-I,-~ .. . 1

Ii/213 _s23

=!j,Y lr'

MF. ;,, ,


,I !

Incted's complete saetera (or intennedi

1 etc oedGiondAworda



or. of THE 1~4345 a.vd..r the ....n. LUORY MICE Ii.Mtl..a 1501 t,lrl f1Y if the 0-1.d7re1>. 501B.rM.r M111Met N.n tul,t 1601e dbbrnew N 'a so ip}+w.aeMN6 es me TAMP r.nwll.eo.fd. Lien e.Mr.e Vfa.N w WfTa ~en tan-

Or.r wrpi P'bW$ Í tni.+d Ñinai.e.á ter iMo6Uie0a OM txl1- 1.511 plet% sute r FIELD QOAL. e>APETY. EXTRA POINT, al0. A te{pAed 2200-1.21e AWf. LIMEY KICK d11.-1 PR aTsrSP meet .r 114t.30. tp a.Pvbh t.7ervd evI1.W d.KrnfnP Kly. .setpeat PM ~do. and few eüL'tRfOR'a aCOOPe. q1W.f.a USAS aemR.





ht P7 -701770A717 band teeKDn 'h0

November 26, 1938

We woos twanaped with etden foe. St. Moritz. Some shipments wanhout tile. However, in- creased production' nevi allows R1 to offer immediate deliveries. s ñ.d ALMS our new FREÉ,CAIME, cannot bo inproductioe until about Doc. 1st. because of .t a St. Morita rush.

/-1 Chicago Coin's né'v'i triple action. 5 boll game with 20 new styTcdi,succrscnlitive bumpers. PLUS-the year's greatest iIrmo- vati,on for operators. Chicoin's new adjust- ment for complete setting af'ALL winning scores.






12 'Inches High;. Wt.. 2 Lbt wHh P'fsah-Coed; 1-10e, Takes In. $3.55.

Only $1.00 ,Each in Den. Lott. Sample 51.25.



All Pvlirror. Slue 'and White.. Filled With Finest Hoene -Made Chocolates..

Posh -Card Takes 1.'56.45. Only $2.00 Each in Lot* el ,6..

Sample $2.25.




WITH SCNtWS. $1. 0 0 fACH


Moloney predicts New Gaines Boom

CLUCADO, Nor. I9.--toatber.,nbot In 'tto.ann so pap tip the iaet*lry. 'acys Ray Moloney. pretedeest Of Bally 7.tfg. Co.. to de.crtbl%ig the byf possibilities Of The lees Paralnottnt Fame lull" Olio. duced.

-Remember, monitor/ ezcta.lmed, "bow 131tritpu biottgbt Lb* harmers 'back -to 11f0 'r; 1th a bong-Past Rbout this urns of Ivor. LOOT ~scriber bow Oilerntare 'got well' In a ntrry with /lolly Reserve? Well, Be.tly's PoTareount wt1L do the trICC agatn-only enure no, because Paramount hoe more-pin7.attrslotiag toalureo than you7b ftiui le soy 30 ordinary games. told Panemown4 Is available to throe model, far *very ope' tang reglatremont- Model A has 5, .621.75 top' remoras. plus plenty of high -.cote lute-nardiate awards. %Ton« IS 10 etgh-score ants,µ Modrl'C is also Itch ware oily but is oquipped 111th a bra -play coin -shalt..

'Altho we Are *Reedy &I day and night double shift. "order* -for Para- :,aount ore priing uP. RS operator» tlnrtll, south: east and .rest are ranting to climb

da,s of pumper are .here aót.lri-and all , tats can do le wk Operators to bo petlent.

se eraryt]Ling hamsnlr poetlbie .wilt bo done to rush,LhPtr Yaíscinunts to tricot' Moloney addled.

OD t

Chi Coin Mao L.nirl

New Game, Alps CHIOAOO.:fo7. i0. -glllcygo Coin Ms-

chino Mr utnotnrlhg Co. onnounon that It la planntr-g the retaso of a new tree

m, m gne es a Dopaaton" to its, current j beef seller.. SL, Morita- The floe genie' V model 4.111 he known an Alpo. -

tleid CPU Ooln .omeials., -With the re. tease of asir free game . model, Atps. on' December i we expect a sates M- cKee"not only from te:ritorles where this tyro Of I¢u:ae Iaperrnttted, but from D uey territartce already using the e t:might novelty game rn4del. The Lent `!Word" in Your Letter to Advertinera, "Billboard".

...L a Ariµ q.°Pv ulau-". $1.00 na.e,a,a..e.s $40591

in.'. White end 7 omen.. pet

IDEAL SALE$.,1liG., W ióvh`r a I

CHA6tM -1ÚW-.r"zK' Rat Yar n ~lux



- Iss.aratm! _e Uu. Fr... -%MORT11'i t.N q_i Ow tSd W

0.1e. A6a....., COIwMACRII;, It. Y.

MAIc MUNVES abG.WdeL 1a7 eL, _Nr Yort._M. G_

Ailantb Mcr.522.00 a9y F1e.l_. . 32.00 I1e1g,RY/eei 10.00 S ob, o 12.50 Cum* 22.50 eleMee ..: 1,0000

77,00 Yoa,.a 30 u'ntN Ub ,. eA0 F.ryroan IAA Outboari 7-0o Rem Mewl' 1a5 Ren..ry,zetñbsin N.and Ochs Lies 0e55,1

nwldwl f1 aim Garr. ilr...l 1I

letfuayyqq uíliy'A'1, d.Lrw Dnalh . G1eAM' ft.L


d i

rrmmrQan: ---_--% UOGE A D'15TbM,IION


Earterla Di.sJrfbsitarJ:





26th & Huntingdon Sts. PHILADELPHIA, PA.

MUNVES WEEKLY SPECIALS e /T)t^<seenlr's1 5. A

.Hi. Ne, ss- Mar. I. 1 New *- Silver FLa.h. _ .11.10 e.t,Nt id-


'Tot -ember 26. 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Thr1' Riff -board 155

N 7

-1 ` G _

c,O S




` / " EYt i .



_ I .

'491 1-3 O.aesii



owner. A.n.rnouO slot ~nine In 1M ~ i.a{.yruseiylsPSi.kt /M. w raa .a stir um* or*" at Ulw m.o. Yaw 14. 0--.-4a o.menitnUIr77 In et e aoa Oa M, mouth, C -101n WO:


XII ere dway, IRoekford,'111. s _

1L o vIlat _%o~-tlrlrrr.- 7wa/l,paaant so.eru ~ Petry ew.nU and

ts,I b.1 ~no. No 4144 to chow a-ry Mn. tr !An w wd for 11/4/1'tb:,.1 -dl.anr, .lt own. 12.50 .N. , nhy V/li TUaIa I. 1s,Os, psel 4 a.arm ooe 1.040. 60.p000 lob, tttqT0It1. ó0Tr7.uN.OQRMr.. 1 .4i,

,NSAS CITY'S Wf0 MACIflr[ [Xisense Vra bUlr ICLL AND 13011ANGC ley. We ara lot s. Stow what yea rant.

A 101117inn 5 U5511CNT 00. amity. Anua Orly. Ma.



Fully metered, 5 -ball nov- elty game. High store play.

Frdé games model. Player "plays, 6Ff" the. awards.

All bumpers count for 100 points. On. pie first S bits the red 'iite» aro lidded. On the neat 5 the green Wiwi arc on. If a ball passes ewer a red skill lane when the red tlrss`aro en, 1,000 poimt%

arc registered. When. -the green Rtes are on and the 1ball passes eye, a green skill 'lane. 1'.000 ,pó:_nts

aro added.' Arnbev ligtried skill lsne.reaistcn 1,000 points at aAh times. Skill lanes 441 )I c bettor+ of the bed 'keep the play alive to the end of play. When player reaches a certain. high, score an extra ball is released fosipiay.

Immediate Delivery!


574.40 $89.50

- SEL< E 44 slilpsT_A É ÉM ;

,as Ñ





'2621_ N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, HI. árh .o e0sR SALES, INC lasts., Feetae.airy ReeecaantiN.w..


CointAmrxmtat_3uppty, Ltd.., Londe., Les/and, Ilurowan Didelbulor.

Sroka New Envoy For Fitzgibbons

NEW YORK, Nov. 10.-JOtllt A.- MU- gibtxma has announced the appointment et I'hll' Srotce forma, operator. as his goof -Wilt ztnbeseaelcr foe the metropolis tarn New York area.

Pltzglbbone stated, 'Phil keruks MIS -SO dlrtri to, the operator. slid will help them with .eiU the pet: Winne which. eon - !tent the average operator 1a Una - loess In New -York today.

"Ho Mil''` IIiao make It Ws, ~Incas to surrey the enure mantel: for alla.ftran so that we will have a batter under- atending Of oil general) cenrititesu. In this realties w`o shall be, better able to work out 'plan which will bring snñic- thlno new .tn sauca to tiro ape ,and 0111 ~ara them' of better conditions In the future. .

-We bellare^.that- hL long experience hi the coin machine bw.lneas and his understanding of g.4orat conditions es to ea,lea end other matters important to the operators Will yid him."

Backe Says Game R- epairs Important

NEW YORK,. Nos'. 19.-Karte C. llScke. of the Natlaoai Novelty Co_. Merrick - Li I., reports, -We aro proud of the tired gamed that We sell. Wo take a great deal.Of trouble with welt gamic tO Melt, 1t as perfect w U humanly potlnible En Cry part b carefully rcl:nlred end checked. Ceti ttsir erei,elenned and re- pºinted to many claet. Scrut,6h said burn marks are removed and cowered 'rule _ tames are crated so Uhat they will net ,be Wart In ienn.porintton,

"We hare nov er yet had a ~none earns plaint retoi ting any rtooridtttoried ma- chine we have shipped, We'bellers tA4t this t4 d'lc to the feet. that ír0 err so careful with the m-elilne.,wr moo out to the nude. Wo 'Ain gontir mlryt with this acme policy and holieic that :it wilt c 05171154. to win friends for U. In the future Just as it has hi' the pe.e.' Bask,* deeLared,


/2 5a n.nus V.r.a


71.. Unteµ Sell In 211e wveaN Only s -.T".4... VWIf1. 1a1g., Ropplap ba,.4art PsINr1a. /.us .yn- b.t elle,- N. /.11 Nedt.. ec+r.Ma rltt, m(n'mute. CauD n.zds a ~dos nlcaala TYraa Oboe /adiar thandes 1 149" CAN M.vKrr rtINMEDIA'I-É ptjVtSRY

*wow loot rew nor eW er t. ,re- II.7r. Meec,el ~Won. 7 Aman Ihs a sl. (an. Own .Nwrih .ay WO* at *174 SO for 3 pwpt.s. Mew. ATTENTION! 11t ICED TO.9P_'

The rae- ^ralr Il.t! ~It ar. In ~Ow ldfdtU.n an* *Mead ~0~'eb P.1c. ~a. Pates Ore wxu./ Narr,-^.0o i taa 10AL4 PAYOUT PAOg>! RAO[1 A nave +3 6 52.50 o Mlltt 19 _í! -50 7naOKs

1d V'7IU eFñi_ 40.80 C.Oa150L1u 5 Paw boned.. coon p.p. 13 so M.Ye.4wN 2astlu Asaw+enla, tte. aa.War. eand naw .2..0 s5e iMt _ .- a7.f0 I sID40.00 T'sGÓaNr s,5 tO.fe 2 Wanly 107 's:tiYTln,a. DaeaA Rxwa.«-tM(t .r0. It .o elu, Rronta O, A. 105-00 YAeywn, Re. 300.000 i Kser.j Trntt Tirraw. btbory raaurll M enpp .l

- u. - a5.o0 1t77 --- bO.W Oeau. . C17.50 a0 Wet IOlrn/-fun ! ti.l.éª 9 biaí.'7p: Ta]f 1 Ps. Rawa. 41ub aa7. '

t.o0 1iAA0 6e rin.,a,rw it22 4. II O0 5ánai.ñet, Íqw 1 wnw bell.; b2ó, NK 11s.o0

- 0A0 303.4.

0 2 da7^a 7.arl fMlu eaM 1 M.l.-i 141' rva'Ye,OM.. iWo 1 g.hDÍi Ia0Ó4 1! -pin 4500 wM Par 4230 awry Had g0adyw.n. Mala .let ele 00 1 ~el n'alW. te .01a7 are ~ern =MAO aa I N.11rwpal,rlayMns ~Ai a.p. Ni. i71a R U. .

I aA0,000. elms. and Ills new. n:n. 00.00, , Or++awe .ew .r ,dlslr:eutor, sr baby,OwttIMO 0a.41, tlw,t..'tta0bÍó ¡M d, ,bOin°O Itadt4(! awryltStraNL Ws an. rags .iratn ela.wara All a/era ms.I Iv a.Wwo.nlN

ay 1¡a aed.erl In On Tern wr P. 0:., "Apron Nga.pb ea.oa7vda. WPM a5i w us t0 Nit jrnf .n on. tllr.t On.



ELEY VIENDING h1A'CHIIiNE EX. Inc.,mnc. Re6mdD_Vs.; ' _Day P'hoM .1;511 - Nlyht e, Pl.we S.WM



f`-, SP. UT.


AHwe .GeaT P

S I - -



9 .


' (l ,;r r I II4.


SPECIAL ;?..F, d# 1`.

' 1540 Henn - Von. a 16 Nw.s. '

y In

DOWN ,w,-_-






aTa-00. 1aO.a0. '_L--.-,.-

, l_ t _

Y 1 j~ ' 1 . ¢OrPYwt2i7M.Wd, -. '= -

'PniOt, Palº" ,

. 1023 Inns sl.P4111adripnu_ r ^--^ -J---i-ii, 'GLOBEPRINTING:CO.I,.E.- '''$2=34

$2.80 , 1.:, L N'a

156 The 'Rilllaf*nnl AMUSEMENT MACHINES


YbcuI pe.cui thea #ie ' _riwel4 9,aote


Noventbor 26, 1938

First Caré Odd Bail .... Now Comés SPINNER ... Odd Bap was a -"wow" 1 It re- rÍvcd the operating business for thousands of operators . , . they're Still rushing iandr for More! Noll contee SPiNNIER _ - , truly "the perfect companion lo Odd _Baps ... ihcorpor.tting a dazzling -air - ray ,of excitang features . , . all

sew ... all different ... provid- big-breathleae action and suspense which have Created, unreitraincd ennthosia.nt among all _rho have already seen it .

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. use can fully eipxet SPINNER to be widely copied. .4

game like SPINNER comes along once in a llfetirne,. and operators and Jobbers who were present at its preview F, rceeLr qgo went wild over it. "Its tremendous" "alive".. 'thrilling" .."tapP

. "a real' money maker" . , so they said when they sate it; We rem 'warned it "Ad surely be intitaterl. hat We smiled . at the thought ... Dat-al prefers to snake tracks eind let others follow high inferior ¿Oita. Read thescstsperb /calcites and you'll quickly see why operators fell in love With SPINNER eu fist sight:

Greatest Variety of Sim- ple and Non -Apparent Scoring Adjustments_ SPINNER is the only game which provides a rualti-t?cziblc variety of scaring adjuatmenti tnhcie1iy the.oporator may adapt awards to -,-soil particular loci. lions. This atnaring -award ad., juetriecnt'¡e a real Godsend to the operator for it, enables him to adapt Spinner 'lo fit the scoring ability of' ,any clads of -player. What fun for the playera! What profits for the operator! Sornc of the ways in which this may be' don`t, tire,:

Thrilling Captive Spinner Ball-

This mrrtifylni feªtere-tko great - .et play device ever seen or. an amum- mentzsam.--is...0,srtgfeet Dual Iw. reorient It .sirg llsc.iared,.ptowaered sad perfected le elm Dotal Lahore. series, and altheujh k may °be ind- uced by others, the vital_xcat and la., draeribabte ,eipeata of the' Dawal' device row ~sow be co1loQ, as you wikl readily agrgeavhen you e e-it! lets poritiinsly and; abeolottly i.nvationill ... and may dies quickly and '!ally, regulated re sent, any - when front 1000,ío :1100. peiata when it la activated by the proper kink shot,. one' as the top and the,other e t -the bottom of tie topboard.

piNew. Type Adjust- able Award Meter

tbenserir scores laad'to -be furr la rotation for the rrietér'to accurately record Of awards. Thus.'if the ant winning .core n is 11000. the next award was retesaarily earned 'by 12000, the neat ,by I 3000,aad soon up_ But iñ.;,SPZNNER, en aatonisiieg now manrwt of ~sin enable., She ob.rator co begin ',milli, at any score he chastes, paying any desired Bert. lag aimed, and afro allow., him 'be retain a hi h.topeaward-resardtni of frequency. requeme., or "alai of tbe interne-.fl.te.sward,. Thus. if the órst winning store le 11000. sha operator N- skip to 1)000. or 14000 or 11000 if he prefsrs, for die next winning, Knee. He can" ship Icere. wherever Í,t wishes.'awards any way be plea.ei, and .ill retain the alma high top -award he would h_ve if he kept the were], is, natation. The resuiNaa ;Wilts a.üuti tail( .1- 41.0341110 stem dtt--as esetsadda Des al lr ylorsarat_

Exciting Ektrty' gall Skill Shot

The -.,xtre Free ball skill abut (a 1etwaeru if thretevsr woe -one!). may be regulated to became operative at any desired toots. 7iacuraUy, ah. sac re the extra bag la made amide able to the- player during the gaaM the' -higher a woes he ¿mo rocke. Tie .adlastmtnt requires the mere, moving of a wire from opt numbered sacker in Cho backboard to anothet:-

Inimitable Action and, Appeal Never hat _rbrrv been a game with the swift. racy action and Oa* grand iripteetfoglIng appeal'of SPINNER. If yen Itnow what it mean, co be thrilled- to ,Your f(egertlp s . .. to iare,wljh bated bread' whifa ypu pt. perienee jitter after jitter é . , to be 1othraUed. excited, constantly as edge . _ you'll set a hint of SPINNER'S gripping appeal, V:. k,sew yweryl agree ., ieh es when we say that.the,ceaw drama created for the playerly she tandem spinner ball

. by the Many shill show ....,rnnlos In suspense the Like e# wh.ieh bas never been seta V any game ... sun. penal which brings hordes of ptayeri

end Aube prok_s


Prices are years for the asking! Write. wire or phone _ immediately!



Mills Vest Pocket( Bell-Automatic

Payoi Tee tinit,. Aeewrntls ata la y.. mold .an feyaurf alt.- L Only 1171$. with k. I

Golf 15 IN. east a Port Oa 1 well rant., tse Tau the sure ,ewer_ ea he tares Map .s le. n

*oit.tet n s s la Guil o la slits tilos ""1""1"

SICKING MFG. Co. Inc. 1052 PNtIMtsr Ave.. - CINOI ISNAT1.



"Sal es 111-utnming," Says Bert Lane

NEW aOnli. tor. It)r 'INaInGA Js blooming *dad no mm .1: Christmas is com- er -1,-411c L -main thu-sky I" any. tarot Bert Lon, hued of Bentsoard Balee.

aa>-. into. 'Tide has been the bil.Jcnt enoatb to our history with orders pour. assn to daft? from ell over the Eaatcrn saaboartt. Our new ancle'of direct fee- torr reprrrttatloa has artstnly c -aught on. gpereters h yo ltrttmeet Chet we can

.glde thorn ent.Oh'quieker'delivery. faster. more complete service said a real breax on pile le. ttolk riagié-tt'a faatory- to-you' butler' that does it_"

Cale Itit Breaks Sales Record

FATET1 :VILI.E, N. O., Nov. 19. -.loo CdIcVt,.Of Ibe Vehldut Mn6.11lne Co. le - Foil, that -hie form ettahltahod n now

it record a -s resin, of Ira fast naval-. ttaed halo, oars by." "at re toted In one or tits Sroethilt gasps of bullacaa that our firm 1ían eta espnrienced..

riettred o20cm from 21 States lbo name +Hex our ad -Appeared ° 80nrO tlor a ern Nary ?reel -wet Cabin orders from C . e foreign concertos. we -re ,going 'to ntnrw.h tltru with just ax greet a sale Tithtn n Lea- weel" xh:oh we Lope will la'- J over, title acnentlonal record and

tit br4ne etderu frern the Outer 27 Stott_ that we missed the tlrrO tizne.

"In Ott present snit tt wen radical 1m. ppcdblo to .attary o'.arybogy. The re-

spa.e tram too. gtw0. We eprdad order, .ag tat MA' we eantla. Results from.Cnnadn were gr.ttfylutg. Orders green 1ho do- aalnl.a are null coming In with every mall.

'Our guaranteo of delivery *.,[thin 3d hours od ~wing. the order still stand*. even tf we hsve _to extend our working day to 24 hours. Our salo tutu continuo right up to_ midnight the last day of NoVembtr. Those atul desiring to- take advantage cd,the mho are Urged to coin- munteste with VI.

'Ottt>ot_il oftbo tinware hard at weak m,ranglog for ttao 350xt saki. while our ttittte dorm la ,attU trying to ~Sete shipment Of mncnlneu on order now. It wan great Wren the ~poem. to our ad. I Waal" CO thank every operator who re- sponded. They may be awe that we am happy to lerrvs them and glee thane the best va.albslo burn."

Atlas Execs Plan Sales Campaign

CHICAGO. Nov. Sp. -Aunt Novelty Co. asuiou men that'll group of Its ontclallb movie Olnaliur*. Phlt aroónberg and Johan Kret::e. are coaxing a surrey of manic opttatana in Michigan, particdinrly to regard to thofoprratto of phorto- g raph_h They crt planning. it Is said, a. v.bte.plotawtton elan and get the opinion', of Orator before reach - WA., anal -eonelw.lon.

Bhould these operators nrp,ec-wtth their 1dre, stasis odlttals say titer iii1 shortly be ready' with a new, unique_ and "t- weets?* mica promotional capaign.








000 .1N~ 0,am - w'100o the/ ateo .n Oat- on *eh -

"For Relata6b Ptixd'ó.rls Thd't Bcd

alwsls See Iba MidatKt Atd ,Prnper With Rest!:

Q'ettltehls neser lea

an. se tgtt

trnds. Olw ss^ Rath. PleeAr,eed.. A tt0. 1. .1 . . .

110 Wylltap pl.eny. .4 WR11t111, P1s. r=1 019 - rap. R. lafrna.. ella rwt . - 100 Used Ne.t'ar mad arwntpW

=Whoa; tat up ta Careen, rikaw.. Osctfteh R-,_ . ~WT. ta Gat of 3 . ..1103.3 new am +-Jsenlnts P aro.

Mar. TMIW Dow..y. Oh O- ypfst tee Pr -Vt.-' New 9let.-41alnr!f. atn-t

aiaR1s ~ea al other Ddtft_..twt newzinc* et t Óta9e,,iÍs.ttWi

DaOa'^'G '+r1w 131'

-everythingan the Machine

1 nitatia at No. Pe+w"

11/09Oer.a. illala+ea. C.O.O.. p.O.a- al. peal




PNo'.Aonap.., ern *Wm, AM.. *tor; -as an.. aaCL


OtOAR.TTa an4 ytrNOtleO Orin aTOat fa/ a.N .1.11gtattst

COLLECTION BOOKS BAL7IMORÉ_ SALES BOOK 00. 11¢0 wear -sera sr.; wgw-'YORK on*.S'

Att.Mf.n eha.. Ij1 _ 4...y41

J5oratttbr 26, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The. Billboard 157



3_5 'Lai

.r ' Three

Fseep:rza With Qettetas ¡oe D. C. Or'Tra+oaformer for A. C.

BOLO actually ROLLS PROFITS INTO YOUR POCKET! Fascinating! Thrilling! Teasing! SUSPENSE ACTION! ROLO actually plays thel [ENNX NNself!` Cun is flexible e-nd eañ be carc- jluI yy and aermeately aimed. 'Player inserts Ipanny

to gars.. -aims -If odds he yians and lets le IF! If jparsñy rolls into slot limed at-ADDS

4IGHT UP showier Iñeatisñ ewner EXACT WIN- Wf i! Alta? award. fixation owner tarns handle 1e side of machine and light goes off. sooting yen (or "neat play! 'ROLO is DIFFERENT,-- "Wadi --$isnpiol = AREAL.'Better REA SKILL MAt'E1 Players keep at * boar after bout.! THERE'S METHING ABOUT ROLO YOU ,CANT REST!! Order ROLO Today! 'Play it YOURSELF! YouY% be lust as onnslrwiastie -61." ks sensational moncymakirgs thnl!=sctioa as tic are!

.3) ' S

k gip II I s



ROTA M BUILT TO LAST! Extra heavy gauge hoot steel cabinet. Heavy metal gun,. New type. perfect lights contacts. Heavy board sheeting pancIL Crystal ;Iasi corer! Cylinder lock! Hard; aerateh- proof. dankest finish. Set icrevwJ. And dozens of other, BETTER eonstrualen features!

i., r ;


ROLO is the PERFECT Counter Game! PERFECT Its SIZES --.Only 1151/4á Long - 6114" Wide.- II" High! PERFECT in Appearance-looks just Iite an oldlfashloncd'b.1il gums gun gamo!- PERFECT in Construction--beeaus.e it's built (or operators by an operator -backed by one el-,AmoaIca's great rydlo ongincerié; brgasiisations! PERFECT In Appeal because It gives the player EVERY AD. VANTAGE to demonstrate his SKILL!! PERFECT as a MONEYMAKER-beeaute Its_'LOW IN PRICE and yet it EARNS 'MONEY FASTER than any other courier' game 'ewer built! PERFECT 'for- OPERATORS-because Ws se simple, no structions necessary. and because It MAKES FRIIEINDS OF LOCATIONS by taking up wiry WA) speed on the counter and BRINGS RIG PROFITS! ROLO IS' THE PERFECT LOW PRICED MONEY=MAKER YOU'VE BEEN LOOK- ING FOR -- RUSH YOUR ORDER NOW! BE





158 The BiAbonrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES rYocrrrtlrrr 26, 1938

- r

o l0oeo R

2 - -2;1

,4r I


-44 in. by 22 in.

M- bxMboa.J

i - , t p4-Rh7ir1 l-U


-7.--=7k \A\. ar 7=

- -



Operators who have checked first PARAMOUNTS on location say PARAMOLNT is definitely greatc*t non -payout money-maker in pin -game hi:Story!. 9 ROLL-OV EIS .. .

8 LIGHT -UP RUBBER -TIRE B U MP E R S . and .á flock of SPIRAI. BUMPERS,kcep the ball ina panic and the báckbotrd flashing like Fourth of

julyy,! Amazing SPINNING BALL,.controlled.'by skill from 2 separate Roll-Overs; .scores -up to 2.400 on one shots Bum_ pers. worth 200

until player ups 'em to 1.000 by skill!' "SIIII'TIÑG." LIGHTS score 1.000 or a,goose-egg, depending on ,how you time your shot I., Actiolr,.sitspeit9e,Jcxcitement, skill, color . . . everything to guarantee biggest -novelty profits on record?



no, >




A merchandise machine in appearance and opera- tine. a bell in earning were Double Revolving Pencil Display- studded with pencils in 6 dif- ferent colors --is a legitimate animated advertis- ing device and al -.o packed with more sus-

' pense and. thrills than a console dial! Equal value vended rer each coin . . yet the hlcvc'r "Buy Back" plan-at merchant's d'sw cretion and de- pending on color of pencil -- in- sures the kintIof ' repeat p I a y" profit-: for,neily expected on l y from bells and on a-ia It o'Ca- RAINBOW puts-ALL,TER- I:'TOR Y back on thebig-money map .. be first and be glad!



4eC TS+ =y

Write for clescriptive fold c -r s on Bat I.LY BELL, I-IOT VENDOR, TIIISTLEDO\V ' S, FOUR HORSE"31 EN. SUSPENSE', EUREKA and manyother Bally provent profit producers.



$2,, 50



FACTORY SWAMP PER! 50 WIRE YOUR OiR-DER TODAY! Opnratora crerywhsrte have spotted PA RA MOUNT' as anakbor big 1bally boom game, . ,. and orders nro Out -- bag in faster than doable -*Litt prod». Con can All than! 'Why wait till tho %lather folio*" grab* the, *holes loeu. Gan with thin 1938-19 hill WFhro, or phoaa your jobber or the factory today!

WIT II RESERVE (4224,.,S TOP. PLUS $IO11SCOR_E AWARDS. 7*.00 iiOt moREcoRE MOD- EL WITH FREE. P. .Y COIJT:CH V, TIi. 8911.60, 11. O. B. CHI= CAGO.

qlw FREE PLAY Caine!

D D°31 I D ,,--111.

Halt torordor for free -play territory! All tbo play approl 1 of e terohondred.dotlar payout nt n POPULAR PRIM Bally's aev, ARROW- liF\D feature* CIiANtdiDiq- ()I)1)fa from 1

lto 7 D[YBTSR P SEI.FiCTIOAS each gamo. cSCTlifPLdCE 91fOW" AWARDS.. . .

site be operated anra OIiY.-$Eili" ur 6BitaLL GAME . slsa.wtth 2 or t balls. Fcntºrofi fnselantiag rrinalify" Idea . - Roll- over* to", ehai¡,o odds and ltlootieas by nkill * darns, new FT.E$ t3F.LHC- TION Wen that gone. patCly ,plenty of r+pont play! Witte for ,com- plot* dotatlá sod prices-

or seo your jobber.

'u' C", ,fa,ttl V

, _. 4g=1, s0

p - F

c Q r ti;.-.

5,4,2OR1 BALL PLAY -


RESEW E Eareon. Rally Rosorro,lrleat now to a flashy low price counter faros! RESERVE corer less tban $1.40. up, up. op to SSO.00 toll Plenty of LNTERMEDIA.TE AWARDS lnsairo coil= ingot repeat Extra tapes and 'card, for

IIELL.FRQLT and PF.t":IT- CIGARETTE play furnished FREE with each Tnsthine. COI` -DIVIDER oil 00U ME C.1e,llí.14Oa,etlnitaste nil nuisance of settling Up with monhnnt,, inures full prro a, to you. Order BMW RESRkVR today . . . sail tarn, every ennnter in your territory lato a big-neopoy spol"1





Pay Table Sire

i r