Halloween Chills and Thrills - Dynasty Club


Transcript of Halloween Chills and Thrills - Dynasty Club


Halloween Chills and Thrills又驚又喜萬聖節

is the magazine of The Dynasty Club of Hong Kong and is distributed to Members in February, April, June, August, October and December each year.


3/F, Nam Wo Hong Building, 148 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.Tel: +852 2542 2993www.ren.com.hk

Editor Rhandell RubioArt Director Arion WongAccount Manager Chase Li


© All rights reserved 2020No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from The Dynasty Club.

All information, including but not limited to photos, perspective and computer graphics, is for reference only and shall not constitute or be construed as giving any expressed or implied offer, representation or warranty.

Johnny Lai 黎志華General Manager總經理Tel: 2829 [email protected]

Flora Leung 梁雪芬Membership & Communications Manager會籍及傳訊部經理Tel: 2829 [email protected]

Kelly Lam 林淑嫻Sports & Recreation Manager康體部經理Tel: 2829 7975 [email protected]


Club Bulletin會所快訊

Dining Adventure佳餚美饌

Banquet Idea宴會資訊

Leisure and Fitness健康人生

Golden Memories歡樂時光

Staff Activities員工訊息

At a Glance活動日誌


Ulia Fan 范玉玲Senior Catering Sales Manager資深餐飲銷售部經理Tel: 2829 [email protected]

Joanna Law 羅嘉恩Catering Sales Manager餐飲銷售部經理Tel: 2829 7931 [email protected]

Johnny Lai 黎志華General Manager 總經理


The final quarter of the year brings with it the cooler breezes of autumn and hints of the holiday season fast approaching on our doorstep. It promises to be a winter wonderland at the Nordic-style Christmas Eve Party before we all count down to a brighter year ahead in 2021. Stay tuned for further details on these exciting events in the near future. In the meantime, you can already begin making reservations for the Christmas Party Package to get your revelries started.

With the end of October coming up first, however, our young Members can brace themselves for hours of fun at the Halloween Party which they have always enjoyed attending in their colourful costumes. The action-packed autumn is filled with other events such as the swimming gala for children to showcase their speed in the water, as well as singles tennis tournaments for both men and ladies who will be lighting up the tennis courts. Members can then unwind by learning to create their own soothing aromatherapy oil or relax to a yoga and singing bowls sound therapy workshop.

Finally, the Club has always maintained the high quality of its food safety management system and this was once again underscored by its successful attainment of the latest ISO22000:2018 Certification. Rest assured we are committed to raising this standard even higher in the years to come.

On behalf of Club management and staff, I wish all our Members good health.

踏進最後一季,秋意漸濃,聖誕及元旦佳節也紛至沓來。今年的平安夜晚會 將打造成一個充滿北歐風情的繽紛冬日國度。緊接其後是倒數邁入2021年的除夕晚會,邀請您攜同摰愛家人親友一起來迎接美好新的一年。敬請留意 日後關於這些活動的消息公佈。與此同時,我們悉心準備了聖誕節派對套餐供會員預訂,現在開始為您的歡樂派對作準備吧!

10月底率先帶來小會員十分期待的萬聖節派對,齊齊扮鬼扮馬,一起盡情狂歡。秋高氣爽之際,最適合進行一連串緊張刺激的比賽活動,例如小會員 可以參加兒童水運會,比拼泳術與速度。愛好網球的會員萬勿錯過男子及女子 單打網球賽,把握在球場上一顯身手的機會。若想放鬆身心,不妨參加香薰 防蚊乳液工作坊或瑜伽頌缽治療工作坊,好好享受悠然愜意的時光。




There is perhaps no event that is more fascinating and animated than a Halloween Party, and the Club certainly knows how to host one over the years. It is all set to continue the amusing tradition this year which is set to take place right on Halloween on 31 October.

Whether you are dressed in the costume of your favourite Disney princess or the ever-popular Dracula outfit, the entire family can join us in their most creative costumes all in the spirit of good fun. Not to be missed is the Halloween Costume Contest where our junior Members can enjoy winning exciting prizes for dressing their best for the occasion. Adding to the hours of entertainment at the 7/F lobby will be Halloween-themed game booths as well as face-painting, balloon twisting and handicraft stations.

As always, Noble is serving up a sumptuous array of local and internal dishes in an impressive All-You-Can-Eat Dinner where Members will be spoilt for choice.


有哪一個節日可媲美萬聖節的怪誕詭魅? 我們多年來為會員籌備別出心裁,精彩又刺激的萬聖節派對。今年也不例外,歡迎各路鬼怪於10月31日傾巢出動,投入萬聖節的熱鬧氣氛之中!

無論您變成自己喜愛的迪士尼公主,還是以一身德古拉伯爵造型亮相,一家人都可以 盡情扮鬼扮馬,樂而忘返。小會員更可參加 萬聖節造型比賽,角逐最佳造型獎項,並獲得豐富獎品。在7樓大堂將設置萬聖節主題攤位遊戲、臉部彩繪、扭氣球及手工攤位,必定令大家滿載而歸。

Noble 將悉心炮製琳琅滿目的饕餮盛宴,本地及國際美食任您品嚐,色香味俱全,大飽口福。

A Spooktacular Spectacle搞鬼瘋玩萬聖節

31 OCT

NobleAll-You-Can-Eat menu

任意挑選 • 無限任意食餐譜Dinner 晚餐

Adult 成人$608; Child小童$408

2829 7990




The most wonderful time of the year is fast approaching and before you know it, Christmas shopping lists will be what everyone will be working on. Amidst the festive season rush, the Club will be making it easier for you and your loved ones to enjoy the holidays even more with its Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve parties.

In kicking off the festivities, the Club makes the magic happen with a cheer-filled Christmas Eve Party where the 7/F lobby will be transformed into a charming Nordic Christmas Village bedecked with the always loveable teddy bears that will evoke an enchanting white winter wonderland.

On the following week, Members can join us for another spectacular New Year’s Eve Party highlighted by the much-anticipated countdown to 2021 with wishes of good health and prosperity all around.

Do not miss out on all the fun as we all welcome a brighter year ahead!


一年中最令人期待的節日轉眼便來臨,相信很多人將開始準備聖誕節購物清單。我們亦密鑼緊鼓籌備平安夜派對及除夕晚會,讓會員與摯愛親朋好友聚首一堂,共度歡樂 佳節。




Season of Celebrations 慶祝佳節




The Club has always prioritised food safety to safeguard the health of its Members, and attesting to this commitment is its successful attainment of the latest ISO22000:2018 Certification.

The ISO22000 certification, which the Club has upheld since 2015, signifies the highest standard in the food and beverage industry covering the various processes involved in the food chain that contribute to the safety of the final product. Moreover, it outlines the requirements for developing, monitoring and sustaining an effective food safety management system as well as incorporating the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points which help minimise the risk of food safety hazards.

The latest version of the certification provides clearer guidelines for setting food safety goals. The Club meticulously observes the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) process to ensure that the food safety system is continuously enhanced.

The attainment of the certificate was made possible with the increased involvement of Club management in contributing to its food safety management system. The planning of its entire food management system is based on stringent risk assessment, complete with emergency preparation and response.

Maintaining the sustainability of the system and implementing continuous enhancements to food safety will certainly increase the satisfaction of our Members, staff and business partners.


本會向來以食物安全為重中之重,致力保障 會員健康及恪守在食物安全的承諾,因此 成功獲續發ISO22000:2018認證。


最新版本的ISO22000認證為設定食物 安全目標提供更明確的指引。本會嚴格遵守 PDC A運作模式,以確保食品安全體系為 一個持續改進的系統。

全賴管理層投放精神和時間維持有效 食 品安 全 管 理體 系,本 會 得以 成 功 獲 得 認證。我們以風險評估為主導地規劃整個 食品安全管理系統,並做好緊急事故的準備和應對工作。

維持食品安全系統的可持續性,並不斷改善相關措施加強食品安全,以確保會員、 員工和業務夥伴的滿意度。

Renewal of ISO22000:2018 Certification 獲續發ISO22000:2018認證



To safeguard the health of our Members and staff, the Club has installed an NDF Type C Air Sanitizer at the lobby and 8th floor. Members can conveniently disinfect their whole body prior to entering the Club by simply standing two feet away from the sanitizer, waving their hand and then turning around to complete the process in as short as seven seconds.

Used by numerous large-scale companies, the NDF Type C Air Sanitizer sprays the NDF-Bio 75 antimicrobial surface protectant - an effective, long-lasting and environmentally-friendly product that combats harmful micro-organisms. It can provide extensive protection on clothing for more than 30 days, as well as on the skin for up to 24 hours.

In addition to using antimicrobial products at its premises, the Club reminds Members and their families to take appropriate preventive measures to continue the fight against Covid-19.

為了保障會員及員工的健康,本會已於地下 大堂及八樓安裝NDF C型消毒抗菌噴霧機。會員進入會所時,請站在消毒噴霧機前兩呎處,揮一揮手,然後轉身,便完成全身消毒, 整個過程只需短短7秒。

NDF C型消毒抗菌噴霧機已在多間大型 公司使用,噴灑的NDF-Bio 75抗菌液在物件上 形成抗菌保護層,能夠有效 對 抗有害的微生物,效力持久及環保,可在衣物上提供長達30天的保護,用於皮膚上可長效24 小時。


NDF Air Sanitizer NDF消毒抗菌噴霧機






As diners increasingly prioritise improving their health during these unprecedented times, it can be comforting to frequent a restaurant that offers a flavourful and nutritious menu. Imperial City certainly qualifies as its chefs have meticulously crafted a menu using only the freshest vegetables that can boost one’s health.

This month, take your dose of nutrient-rich specialties such as Sautéed Beef Tenderloin Strips with Five Kinds Vegetable, served on Crispy Taro Net; and Sautéed Ice Plant with Pork and Preserved Vegetables that will be good for your health which is of primary importance these days.


面對現時史無前例的大流行, 人們越來越重視健康。因此,在 一間提供美味營養兼備菜式的 餐廳品嚐美食,是一件賞心樂事。御苑絕對是 您的選擇,我們的 廚師以新鮮蔬菜入饌,精心設計有助增強身體免疫力的菜式。

這個月,御苑呈獻多款創意 健康菜,包括雀巢五蔬牛柳條和梅菜豚肉水晶冰菜,助您體魄更強健。

Healthy Greens健康五彩蔬Imperial City 御苑

Reservation 訂座:

October 10月

2829 7980

Chinese Executive Chef Jack Law

中餐行政總廚 羅頌良師傅




The dining experience at Imperial City is set to heat up as the restaurant welcomes the return of your winter favourites just in time as the city gradually makes its transition into the cooler months. Get ready to warm up to a delicious menu that will leave you coming back for more throughout November.

Start the month off right by bundling up and tucking into comforting fare including Herbal Boiled Ginger Duck Soup with Rice Wine; and Braised Fish Head with Black Soy Bean and Tianma.

Warmer Winters 冬日進補篇


隨著 秋 意 漸 涼,御 苑 精 心 推出多款補身益 氣的時令 菜式,呈獻無限暖意窩心。 11月蒞臨御苑細意品嚐, 全身瞬間被注入暖流,幸福感悠然而生。

一 道 道 暖 身又 暖 心 的 佳餚包括藥膳薑母鴨和烏豆天麻煮魚雲。

Imperial City 御苑Reservation 訂座:

November 11月

2829 7980

Chinese Executive Chef Jack Law

中餐行政總廚 羅頌良師傅




The French oyster is renowned for being among the best in the world, tracing all the way back to Roman times where the coast of France has been the place of choice where prime oysters can be found. France controls more than 2,000 miles of coastline, featuring some of the finest oyster beds that play a key role in cultivating the seafood’s easy, fresh and sprightly flavours.

Throughout October, Noble will be whetting your appetite with French oyster-inspired dishes that will melt in your mouth such as French Oyster Fourways (Vodka & Tonic, Kilpatrick, XO Sauce, Ginger Yuzu); and Oyster Chowder with Potato.

Finest French Oyster法國蠔情


在眾多生蠔品種中,法國的生蠔堪稱首屈一指。早在羅馬時代,法國海岸已是出產頂級生蠔的著名地區。法國海岸線 延綿約2,0 0 0米,涵蓋部分出產優質 生蠔的海床帶,產自這裡的生蠔 肉質緊實馥郁,味道吃出層次感。

10月,Noble 呈獻一系列極 具創意法國蠔的佳餚,法國四式 蠔和周打蠔肉湯,為 饕 客締造 無限味覺驚喜。

NobleReservation 訂座:

October 10月

2829 7990

Western Executive Chef Leung Kar Chee西餐行政總廚 梁嘉志師傅




Ingredients do not come any more exquisite than the highly prized white truffles, which has earned a reputation for its rarity akin to a diamond. Its exceptionally subtle flavour and deep musky aroma can transform any dish into a gourmet experience. November is the ideal month to enjoy the white truffles as they are only available during a few months in the year and sourced almost exclusively in Northern Italy.

Treat yourself to this most remarkable ingredient by selecting from aromatic specialties that offer interesting takes on the exquisite white truffle such as Hokkaido Scallop Carpaccio and Sea Urchin Sashimi, Truffle Mayonnaise with Alba’s White Truffle; and Scrambled Italian Egg with Alba’s White Truffle.


白 松 露 是 眾 食 材 中 的 天 之 驕 子,被 冠 以「餐 桌 上 的白 鑽石」之美譽。它具有獨特優雅的芳香,能把食物的味道 昇華至更高層次。11月是品嚐白松露的最佳時候,一年中,白松露當造期只有數個月,幾乎全部來自意大利北部。

把握這難得機會盡情品嚐餐桌上鑽石的極致奢華,為您 準 備 的 時 令 珍 饈 菜 式包 括 北海道帶子薄片及海膽刺身配松露蛋黃醬、阿爾巴白松露及阿爾巴白松露炒意大利蛋。

Tempting White Truffles白松露饗宴 Noble

Reservation 訂座:

November 11月

2829 7990

Western Executive Chef Leung Kar Chee西餐行政總廚 梁嘉志師傅




Who simply does not love pasta? Enjoyed by both the East and West, pasta’s renowned versatility featuring a wide variety of shapes, textures and flavours make it the perfect staple food for all kinds of meals that can be served at sophisticated parties as well as simple dinners at the comfort of their own home.

Explore the different forms of pasta that will satisfy your cravings in an enticing menu prepared by Dynasty Café featuring Sicilian Seafood Broth with Pasta; and Stir-fried Egg Noodles Malaysian Style.

Passionate for Pasta環球麵食



蒞臨Dynasty Café 品嚐由大廚匠心製作的創意麵食, 包括西西里海鮮湯意大利麵和馬來西亞炒麵,定能給您一個大滿足。

Dynasty CaféReservation 訂座:

October 10月

2829 7930

Dynasty Café Executive Chef Ken Chung

Dynasty Café 行政總廚 鍾偉建師傅




Throughout history, it can seem like rice and Asia have gone hand in hand as a main ingredient in a variety of the region’s entrées, including Hong Kong. One of the more popular ways that rice is prepared is baking, attested by the local classic Baked Pork Chop with Rice that locks in all the flavours under a blanket of melted cheese. As such, this cooking method showcases the absorbent characteristic of rice when the dish is topped off with savoury sauces.

Here at Dynasty Café, there are more flavours to unlock with this staple food of the Asian region in dishes baked to perfection such as Roasted Pork Belly Baked Rice in Wasabi Flavour; and Baked Seafood Rice in Black Truffle Cream Sauce.

Richness of Baked Rice香濃焗飯



Dynasty Café 將創意演繹多款焗飯,為味覺帶來新鮮感,包括焗日本芥末火腩飯和焗黑松露白汁海鮮飯。

Dynasty CaféReservation 訂座:

November 11月

2829 7930

Dynasty Café Executive Chef Ken Chung

Dynasty Café 行政總廚 鍾偉建師傅




Weddings are unforgettable celebrations of a couple’s enduring love for each other, and a wonderful time to create everlasting moments in the company of your loved ones and friends. With this in mind, the Club is pulling out all the stops to help newlyweds prepare for this elegant occasion with an attention to detail that comes from our hearts.

The Dynasty Club Wedding Packages have been specially prepared to commemorate the celebration which will take place at the expansive Dynasty I, II and III ballrooms. The couple can treat their guests to a sumptuous meal by selecting from three menu options featuring centrepiece delicacies such as Barbecued Whole Suckling Pig, Steamed Grouper, Braised Whole Abalone in Oyster Sauce, Deep-fried Crispy Chicken and more. The delicious fare will be delightfully complemented by a three-hour offering of free-flowing soft drinks, orange juice and beer.

Members who reserve a Dynasty Club Wedding Package of 12 or more tables are entitled to fabulous privileges such as glamourous wedding and floral decorations at the venue and exclusive discounts. Their guests will be entertained throughout with the free use of mahjong equipment which can be enjoyed alongside Chinese tea and condiments. It also comes with free corkage for one bottle of self-bought wine or hard liquor per table, as well as a wedding cake replica for the cake-cutting ceremony. Meanwhile, an audio-visual display of the bride and groom can be viewed by the attendees on a digital TV, DVD player and LCD projector.

To make the day even more special, two of the packages offer a one-night accommodation in a deluxe hotel room inclusive of breakfast and a three-hour chauffeured limousine service to cap off a romantic day.

The packages start from $14,388 per table of 10 to 12 persons. Please note that the banquet may be affected and will depend on the prevailing social distancing/anti-epidemic measures in place.

For enqu ir ies and reser vat ions, please contact t he Cater ing Department on 2829 7931/7937.



預訂皇朝會婚禮套餐,新人可在氣派不凡的婚宴廳如皇朝廳 I、II及III舉行完美婚宴。我們精心設計三款婚宴菜譜可供選擇,主菜包括乳豬全體、清蒸石斑、蠔皇鮑魚和脆皮炸子雞等。此外,席間三小時免費提供汽水、橙汁和啤酒,讓所有賓客都能盡興而回。

凡預訂12席或以上,敬贈新人更多尊尚禮遇,包括雅緻場地佈置及鮮花擺設,並可享折扣優惠。我們提供免費麻將耍樂 設施,以及中式茗茶和精緻美點招待,讓賓客盡情歡樂。每席免收一瓶自攜洋酒或 烈酒的開瓶費,以及免費提供結婚蛋糕模型供切餅儀式及拍照之用。同時免費提供數碼電視、DVD播放機及液晶體投影機,用以播放新人成長片段及婚禮花絮。



如欲預訂或查詢,請致電2829 7931/ 7937與宴會部聯絡。

The Dynasty Club Wedding Packages 皇朝會婚宴套餐




Looking forward to a delightful ending to an eventful and challenging year? In the Club’s spacious ballrooms, Members can host a memorable party befitting of the truly delightful season with the Christmas Party Package.

This year, we have put together a special festival set menu replete with a full range of complimentary privileges to help you organise the perfect Christmas party and create merry moments with your beloved family, friends and colleagues.

It's time to invite your fellow revellers when you select from either the lunch set menu at $690 or $720 per person; or the dinner set menu at $780 or $830 per person. By booking a Christmas Party Package at a minimum of one table of 12 persons, you will be entitled to the following exclusive privileges: two hours unlimited beverage package, fresh floral decorations, party favour, and one free two-hour parking voucher per banquet table.

Please note that the banquet may be affected and will depend on the prevailing social distancing/anti-epidemic measures in place.


年末將至,將要為這一年畫上圓滿的句號並 期待迎來嶄新的一年。在本會寬敞的宴會廳 舉行令人難忘的派對,是您的不二之選。我們誠意推出聖誕派對套餐,定能迎合您的需要,令您的派對歡欣滿載。


普世歡騰的佳節將至,當然要與親朋摯友 歡聚一堂,並以美食共度美好時光。會員可選擇午餐套餐每位$690或$720;或晚餐套餐每位$780或$830。預訂聖誕派對套餐由一席12位起,並可專享以下精選禮遇:提供兩小時無限暢飲、敬送席上精緻鮮花擺設和派對小玩意、以及每席提供一張兩小時免費泊車券。

請注意,宴會的舉行或會受到當時的社交 距離限制/防疫措施影響。

Cheerful Christmas Party Package 聖誕派對套餐




Why practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness helps us become more aware of our emotions. In addition to cultivating positive emotions, it also helps us manage our negative emotions and allows not to be affected by various stress factors. The ideal state is to integrate mindfulness into your life.

Change your brain structure to affect neural activity Practicing mindfulness gives you more than simply "feeling good about yourself". Many studies have proven that mindfulness can cause changes in our brain structure, neural activity and functional networks, which can all help spur changes in regulating our emotions and behaviour. Mindfulness is a form of mental training as our mind has a tendency to wander. As you practise mindfulness, you become more aware of your flow of thoughts, pay attention to but not criticise your experience; or better focus your attention on a particular thing (such as breathing or an image). This training will help establish a mental experience in which our brain will change for the better.

Establish rational thinking without being dominated by emotions Our brain involves a complex network of billions of brain cells. People develop a particular habit because the neural network responsible for the habit has "opened up", evolving into an automatic response. Good habits can make a person feel great about themselves, while bad habits such as losing control of emotions or being accustomed to reacting irrationally will leave you exhausted.

According to Mindfulness Treatment reports written by clinical psychologists and psychiatrists, when we encounter threats, the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for emotions, will

Mindfulness is a concept derived from Buddhism, but it has nothing to do with religious beliefs in the field of Western psychotherapy.

Work-Life balance is a broad concept that involves the recurring sequence of work (career and aspirations) and life (family and leisure). According to the Work/Family Border Theory postulated by Sue Campbell Clark, work-life balance is defined as “satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home with a minimum of role conflict”.

Of course, you may not find the perfect balance in your life all at once or right away. On the long journey of life, you have to take a break as you go through the inevitable hustle and bustle of life. Practicing mindfulness can be an effective tool for achieving such harmony.

Mindfulness 靜觀



當然大家未必一下子找到完美平衡,漫長人生 中要讓自己於急促生活內找到停下來的時間。 學習靜觀是一個不錯的選擇。



改變腦結構 影響神經活動靜觀練習,得着不止「自我感覺良好」而已。 許多研究證明,透過靜觀,可以引起腦部結構 以及腦神經活動和功能網路的轉變,帶來情緒調節和行為上的改變。靜觀是一種心性鍛煉,我們的心思通常會四處遊移,在靜觀過程中,覺察當前狀態下思想的流動,加以注意但不 批判;或者將注意力集中到某一特定的事物(比如呼吸或圖像),此訓練過程會建立一個心靈體驗,而大腦會隨着這種經驗而出現改變。

建立理性網絡 不受情緒主宰腦袋是由千億個腦細胞建立而成的網絡。人會養成某種習慣,是因為負責該習慣的神經網絡已「打通」,演變成自動產生的反應。若是對自己有益的習慣固然好,但若是一些壞習慣,例如情緒失控,習慣做出許多不理性的行為,會令自己飽受困擾。

據臨床心理 學 家 及 精神科專科醫生撰寫的「靜觀



trigger an alarm and record the experience as a memory, while the prefrontal cortex located in the most anterior section of the frontal lobe is responsible for rational thinking and problem solving. When practicing mindfulness, we observe the current state of mind and body without being critical of ourselves or over-reacting, allowing the prefrontal cortex to communicate clearly with the amygdala. When this neural network is established, our behaviour is no longer dominated by emotions.

How to practice mindfulness? In a nutshell, mindfulness is the practice of paying purposeful attention to the present. You can also practice mindfulness while eating, sipping a drink, walking, taking a rest, or even playing the piano or doing exercises. Sitting meditation is the easiest way to practice mindfulness by focusing on your breath coming in and out of your body.

Through mindfulness, we can boost our concentration, enabling us to be engaged in the present moment and observe our body, emotions and thoughts calmly and truthfully.

治療」資料指出,當我們遇到威脅時,腦內負責 情緒的杏仁核會發出警號,並將經歷儲存下來 成為記憶;而腦內外層前端的前額葉,則負責理性邏輯思維、解決困難。靜觀練習時,我們細心觀察當下的身心狀態,不加批判、不過度反應,藉此讓前額葉與杏仁核好好溝通。當建立起這神經網絡後,能使我們的行為不再被情緒主宰。

靜觀好處• 提升專注力、理解能力及記憶力。• 讓人放鬆,練習時血壓、心跳率、呼吸頻率和 氧氣消耗量降低。• 更易入睡,改善睡眠質素。• 減輕抑鬱症徵狀,以及痛楚引起的不快情緒。• 對減壓、減低負面及焦慮情緒效果顯著。• 幫助人在不同社交場合表達自己,亦有助加強 同理心。

Benefits of mindfulness• Improves concentration, comprehension and memory.

• Relaxes and decreases one’s blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate and oxygen consumption during practice.

• Makes it easier to fall asleep; improves sleep quality.• Relieves symptoms of depression and unpleasant emotions caused by pain.• Significantly effective in reducing stress, negative

thoughts and anxiety.• Helps strengthen our ability to express ourselves in different social situations and increases empathy.

7 steps to mindfulness體驗靜觀7部曲

1. Find a quiet place to sit down, such as at the park or at home (patients can practice in their wheelchairs).

在公園或家中找一寧靜處坐下(病人坐在輪椅上也可練習)。2. Turn off your mobile phone or put on silent mode. 將手機調校至靜音或關掉。3. Relax your body and shoulders, while keeping your back straight and face looking forward. 放鬆身體和肩膊,保持背部挺直,面向前方。4. Close your eyes or leave them half-open. Focus on your breathing, feeling each inhale and exhale. 眼晴半垂或閉上,注意力放在呼吸處,注意每一下的吸氣和呼氣。5. Just be consciously aware of the present moment and feeling without judging or comparing

your experience to others. 呼吸練習時,毋須作出任何評價或比較,只要讓自己覺察和體會當中的經驗便可。6. When distracting thoughts appear, focus on your breathing again.

當出現雜念時,重新把注意力集中到呼吸處7. Try starting with sitting for a few minutes. It is best to practice in the morning or before

going to sleep. Daily practice can help improve your physical and mental health. 由坐數分鐘開始嘗試,選擇早上或睡前練習。這種方法可作為日常身心健康保養的鍛練。Note: For those experiencing mental stress or other emotional problems, please take formal courses.註:如果有精神緊張或其他情緒問題,建議報讀正規的課程





Echo GanEcho is a certified and registered Yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance and the International Yoga Academy. Currently, she is pursuing her Master’s Degree of Science in Yoga Therapy.

In learning her craft, Echo was trained and mentored by India’s leading Yoga teacher Guruji Andiappan and Ashram. She also teaches Yoga to assist in the treatment of breast cancer.

甘志莉甘志莉(Echo)為「瑜伽聯盟」和國際瑜伽學院的認可及註冊瑜伽導師。 目前,她正在修讀瑜伽療法理學碩士學位。

Ec ho曾拜師印度頂尖瑜伽導師Gu r uji A nd i appa n和 A shra m 學藝。她亦教授瑜伽以輔助治療乳癌。

Enhance your wellness or boost your self-defense skills at the Club under the guidance of our seasoned Yoga and Chinese martial arts instructors who make each discipline easy and enjoyable to learn.

Meet our Coaches認識我們的教練

本會資深瑜伽教練及中國武術教練,以輕鬆易學的形式,悉心指導會員 掌握瑜伽及自衛術技巧,讓您既可 投入運動的樂趣又可達至強身健體之效。

Amy LamAmy has extensive experience in coaching yoga, particularly Hatha Yoga and Bikram Yoga. She has also accumulated years of experience and knowledge in singing bowl yoga, helping participants to have a deeper understanding of the discipline to help them achieve their long-term health and fitness goals.

During her lessons, Amy focuses on a balanced teaching approach in guiding her students step by step starting from performing basic yoga postures correctly. This helps them to be inspired and enjoy practising yoga.

林倚彤林倚 彤(A my)有豐富瑜伽 教學經 驗,尤其在 H at h a 瑜伽及Bikram瑜伽教學方面。對於頌鉢加上瑜伽教學多年心得及知識,令學員對學習瑜伽有更深入了解,同時達到對長期健康的幫助和 健身的目標。




Qi Gong Master Tian Xiao PingQi Gong Master Tian Xiao Ping is proficient in Ba Duan Jin and Yi Jin Jing

attested by the numerous awards she has won throughout her career, including the Yi Jin Jing Gold Award in the 10th International Health Qigong Invitational Competition organised by Beijing Sports University.

When practicing Qi Gong, Master Tian has learnt the importance of self-discipline as well as correctly adjusting her breathing and physical

movements. In her lessons, she emphasises observing the ethics of Martial Arts, which is a long-term, intensive and immersive way to help students

develop their moral character through Qi Gong.

氣功導師 田小平氣功導師田小平師傅,精通八段錦和易筋經,獲得無數的獎項,其中包括在北京體育大學第10屆國際健身 氣功邀請賽易筋經金獎。

田師傅從練習氣功中除了學到正確地調整呼吸及身體動作外,更明白到自律的重要性。田師傅著重以 武德為上,德育修養是日積月累、耳濡目染地令學員得以學氣功,並同時修身。

Tai Chi Master Chow Ping CheungTai Chi Master Chow Ping Cheung has been fond of Chinese Martial Arts since his childhood days. In the 1970s, he took up Seven-Star Mantis Boxing under the guidance of Master Chiu Chi Man, an apprentice of Grandmaster Lo Kwang Yu from the Chin Woo Association. In the 1990s, he studied Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan under the mentorship of So King Lai, an apprentice of Gu Liuxin from the Hong Kong Tai Chi Academy. In 2001, Master Chow followed Master Mak Wing Chong to practice Wu-style Tai Chi Chuan, Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan and Northern Mantis Boxing. Four years later, he returned to Mainland China to learn the ancestral Chen-style Tai Chi Chuan I and II under the tutelage of Master Chen Yu, son of Master Chen Zhaokui.

太極導師 周秉璋太極導師周秉璋師傅自幼熱愛武術。70年代他投師精武會趙志民老師(羅光玉宗師授徒)門下修習七星螳螂拳;90年代隨香港太極學院蘇經禮老師(顧留馨老師學生)學習陳式太極拳;於2001年隨麥永聰老師修習吳式太極拳、陳式太極拳和北螳螂拳;而於2005年返內地隨陳瑜老師(陳照奎宗師獨子)學習家傳陳氏太極拳一、二路。

Wing Chun Master Raymond ChiuWing Chun Master Raymond Chiu followed in the footsteps of his

grandfather by learning Chinese Martial Arts at the age of six when his family lived in the countryside. His family later migrated to Hong Kong when he was eight years old and began to take up Wing Chun.

Master Chiu has more than 40 years’ experience in teaching Wing Chun. His students come from all walks of life, including celebrities and foreigners

in the city. His Wing Chun courses are non-traditional in its approach, focusing on practical Wing Chun and effective self-defense techniques.

詠春導師 趙崇德詠春導師趙崇德師傅於六歲便開始於鄉間跟隨祖父習武,於八歲時移居香港,因而學習詠春。




18 Oct (Sun)9am – 1pmIndoor Swimming Pool$150 per childEnrolment deadline: 11 Oct (Sun)Prizes: Medals for Champion, first and second runners-up and trophy for overall Champion

10月18日(星期日)上午9時至下午1時室內游泳池每人$150截止報名日期: 10月11日(星期日)獎品:每項賽事的冠、亞、季軍獎牌, 及全場總冠軍獎盃

Swimming Gala水運會

The hottest competition of the season is on the horizon where our junior swimmers can showcase their swimming prowess at the indoor swimming pool while making friends along the way. Parents can proudly cheer on their children as they compete for the title of champion and relish the chance to win impressive trophies and medals for their outstanding achievements.

秋季將上演令人期待的熾熱比賽,小會員可在本會的室內游泳池大顯泳術,同時增進友誼。游泳小健將奮力游向終點線,父母 們能在旁為他們打氣加油。優勝選手將獲頒獎杯和獎牌,以 嘉許他們的卓越表現。



Aromatherapy Workshop香薰精油工作坊Members will learn to prepare soothing natural massage oils by blending organic plant-based oils, natural aromatherapy essential oils and vitamin E. The products are easily absorbed by the skin and do not clog pores. Blending your own massage oil is suitable for busy urbanites, sports lovers, and people seeking natural health care, as it can effectively relieve mental fatigue, stiffness and pain, as well as improve blood circulation.

The workshop will introduce natural essential oils that can help alleviate the aforementioned problems and Members can discover for themselves the secrets of the massage oils. The instructor will explain the most suitable, safe and effective blending ratio to the participants who can create their own 50ml massage oil based on the aromas and efficacies they prefer. The session will also expound on the organic base oils that are ideal for massaging and skin nourishing through a shoulder and neck massage demonstration.* Aromatherapy essential oil is a pure natural plant oil without chemical fragrance and is 100% non-additive.* Imported British brand Fleur & Oshadhi and other organic essential oils will be provided in the workshop.

會員將學習運用有機植物底油、天然香薰 精油、維他命E製作療癒級天然按摩油,容易被皮膚吸收且不會堵塞毛孔。調配天然按摩油適合繁忙都市人、熱愛運動者、喜愛天然養生人士,因為它能有效地舒緩精神疲乏、 肌肉繃緊和痛楚、並改善血液循環。

工作坊將介紹天然按摩油,讓會員親自發掘按摩油的秘密。講師將講解最合適、安全、有效的按摩油比例,讓會員可根據 適合自己的香氣及功效來調配專屬的50ml按摩油。工作坊亦會講解有機植物底油,並示範如何使用有機植物底油來按摩肩頸和 滋養皮膚。* 香薰精油是純天然的植物精油。絕不是 化學香精,百分百無添加* 工作坊只選香薰精油為英國品牌Fleur & Oshadhi或其他有機植物油,均由外國 進口。

31 Oct (Sat) 3pm – 4:30pm16 years old and above*7/F Function RoomM$360 G$390Enrolment deadline: 24 Oct (Sat)Quota: maximum 6 personsAdvanced booking is required

10月31日(星期六)下午3時至下午4時30分16歲或以上*7樓宴會廳會員$360 賓客$390截止報名日期: 10月24日(星期六)名額:最多6人敬請預約



6 Nov (Fri)6pm - 10pm16 years old and aboveTennis CourtM$250 G$280Enrolment deadline: 1 Nov (Sun)Prizes: Trophies for Champion and 1st runner-up

11月6日(星期五)下午6時至下午10時16歲或以上網球場會員$250 賓客$280截止報名日期: 11月1日(星期日)獎品:冠、亞軍獎盃

Men’s Singles Tennis男子單打網球賽

There is nothing quite like testing your proficient serving and forehand skills against elite players which make for an action-packed tournament at the Club. The annual event is fast approaching in the first week of November and if you are confident that you have what it takes to take home the crown as champion, then sign up and get set for a day of top competition and camaraderie. Following the event, our deserving champion and first runner-up will be receiving trophies.

本會一年一度的男子單打網球賽即將在11月第一周舉行, 一眾酷愛網球的男會員萬勿錯過這個難得的機會,在網球場上展現你的精湛球技,測試自己實力之餘更可結識志趣相投的 朋友。經過一輪激烈比賽後,我們將向冠軍和亞軍得獎選手 頒授獎項。



Ladies’ Singles Tennis 女子單打網球賽Competition will be at a fever pitch when our dynamic lady tennis players meet head-to-head in a thrilling tournament. Playing their favourite sport not only enables them to experience the various health benefits such as increasing their aerobic capacities and muscle tone, but also provides an enjoyable social environment comp e t i n g a g a i n s t fe l lo w Me mb e r s . Gr a b you r tennis racket and head off to the Club’s tennis court in November!

誠邀各位充滿幹勁的女子網球愛好者踴躍參加女子單打網球賽,一方面享受自己喜愛的運動,又能感受運動帶來的種種 好處,例如增強有氧運動能力和肌肉張力,同時以球會友切磋交流。11月,在會所的網球場一決高下!

20 Nov (Fri)6pm – 10pm16 years old and aboveTennis CourtM$250 G$280Enrolment deadline: 13 Nov (Fri)Prizes: Trophies for Champion and 1st runner-up

11月20日(星期五)下午6時至下午10時16歲或以上網球場會員$250 賓客$280截止報名日期: 11月13日(星期五)獎品:冠、亞軍獎盃



28 Nov (Sat) 3pm - 4pm 16 years old and above 8/F Aerobics StudioM$220 G$240Enrolment deadline: Nov 21 (Sat)Quota: Maximum 6 personsAdvanced booking is required

11月28日(星期六)下午3時至下午4時16歲或以上8樓跳舞室會員$220 賓客$240截止報名日期: 11月21日(星期六)名額:最多6人敬請預約

Yoga and Singing Bowls Sound Therapy Workshop瑜伽頌缽治療工作坊The sound vibrations created by the singing bowls can help to reduce stress, by harmonising the cells and balancing the body’s energy system. The human body is comprised of 75% water which is a great conductor for sound vibration. The vibrations that travel through the body promotes circulation, energy flow and rejuvenation.

Experience the therapeutic benefits of singing bowls first-hand during this session that will work wonders in enhancing your well-being.

頌缽產生的聲音振動有助協調細胞,平衡人體 能量系統,幫助減壓。人體有75%由水組成,而水是聲音振動的主要導體。頌缽聲頻能讓身體感到較強烈的共振,加速血液循環、體內能量流動及 恢復活力。

參加者可以親身體驗頌缽聲療的治療好處, 重新活化體內各器官,讓身體煥然一新。



7月11日香薰治療師Chloe Chan與會員分享 了花 水和植物萃 取物的護 膚功效。工作 坊 裡 大家體驗各種天然香氣的樂趣,希望將來有 不同元素的香薰工作坊再共聚。

Beauty Essence Workshop美肌精華工作坊On 11 July, aromatherapy therapist Chloe Chan shared with Members the skin care benefits of floral water and plant extracts. During the workshop, participants enjoyed the fun of experimenting with various natural aromas. We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming aroma workshops in the near future!

From right: Joanne Hon(韓祖恩)& her friend, Chloe Chan(陳凱玲導師), Lo Naga Na (羅雅娜), William Chan(陳志威)



To ensure the highest standards in food safety and hygiene, the Club recently held eight food hygiene training courses for staff in July and August. A total of 105 employees from the Catering Department attended the relevant courses to elevate their food safety standards when preparing food at the Club.

Food Hygiene Audit and Staff Training Courses食物衛生審查及員工培訓課程




31 (Sat 六)

Aromatherapy Workshop香薰精油工作坊7/F Function Room 7樓宴會廳

Oct Nov

6 (Fri 五)

Men’s Singles Tennis男子單打網球賽Tennis Court 網球場

20 (Fri 五)

Ladies’ Singles Tennis女子單打網球賽Tennis Court 網球場

28 (Sat 六)

Yoga and Singing Bowls Sound Therapy Workshop瑜伽頌缽治療工作坊8/F Aerobics Studio 8樓跳舞室

18 (Sun 日)

Swimming Gala水運會Indoor Swimming Pool 室內游泳池

31 (Sat 六)

A Spooktacular Spectacle搞鬼瘋玩萬聖節

1 — 30Dynasty Club Wedding Packages 皇朝會婚宴套餐

1 — 30Tempting White Truffles白松露饗宴Noble

1 — 30Warmer Winters 冬日進補篇Imperial City 御苑

1 — 31Passionate for Pasta環球麵食Dynasty Café

1 — 31Dynasty Club Wedding Packages 皇朝會婚宴套餐

1 — 31Healthy Greens健康五彩蔬Imperial City 御苑

1 — 31Finest French Oyster法國蠔情Noble

1 — 30Richness of Baked Rice香濃焗飯Dynasty Café