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THE METAL MARKET A re u rontrmplat- - j

' V TOTftlfP I)fl fuga Sfiommfl 9tnu hllalnr" vtvVltKmhaw

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LEAKJNOUIRY General Ochoa and Dommfruex WASHINGTON SENATEPromise to Respect Rights of

Native and Foreigner.Representative of New York Allied Diplomatic Circles Think No Mention of Exclusión of

Papan Summoned to Appear Letter From Samalayuca Declares It WBl Follow Generally Japanese to Be Asked, Thus

Before Committee and Bring Only Quarrel of Rebels Is Pos Answer to Germany, but May Leaving Gentleman's Agree, DEMANDSTheir Record With Them; ible With Garran cist as. Make More Clear Position on ment Regarding Oriental Labor-- 1

Breach of Confidence Hinted Further Negotiations. ers as Same Now Exists. .

ht troops operating under Generals

Secretariesm ...iansing anai "

i umuity1. Brampedwauuri uraufl

st ssmsisyurs,ana r. iKiuungurz.


milesConference of Premiers in Rome Prompt Action on Measure Ex Withdrawal of General Pershing '

u p l.-- i south of Juarez, may altark Juarez In the Considered by Some as of Im-

mensepected This Week in Both Troops and Lifting of Embargownu ucl. ", Colore inH lht llio lr.vmn fnr,-.- .

f'nnlrnveriv. Wi Make btatei. accord absolute referí lo the live. importance to Subject Branches of Congress; Literacy on Arms Among Developments. J and property of natives and foreigners, is Lately Laid Before Their Gov-

ernmentsTest Sponsors Pledging Votes Looked for by Optimistic Rep-

resentativements on cnioiect; l eiegrapna the purport of a communication received in

Companies to Be Questioned. npe.seEl PSSO


generals.night by an acquaintance nf by United States. to Nullify Probable Veto, of First Chief.

The letter, whic h was brought to theBy Associated Press. border by a courier and la std to be the By Associated Prest. Hi 'ssoriated Press. Senor Zambrano. de Facto Gov-

ernmentfirst communication received In El Paso Washington, D. C. Jan. a indication, in-


Washlna-to- P. C, Jan s -- Senate andWashington, Jan. 6 (Jongresslenaj lnves house conrerees on the immigration h:Mfrom a Vlll officer since January. 1M1 In allied diplomatic circle hero Treasurer, Highly

ligation of allegations or s "leak" or ad reads, translated, as follows: vtruially agreed arter a conference withvanee informthm to Wall street on Presl

today that the allied reply to President Berretary Lansing today to accept the Pleased With Reception inRevolutionary Hsiilquai ters Samalajura. Wilson's peace note, while roilowiiig In measure in Umi form that It passed thedent Wilson's note, look s broader range ;hih.. Jan.. 1817. tbe main tin- reply lo the central powers, senate without mention or Japanese among Washington and Results of In-

terviewstoday and the best Investigators expect to 'As It Is verv Mkrtv thai one nr more lhan win have some additional reature persons tn be excluded. That would leavelay a more Jennlte foundation ror Uair one party of armed men operating under us to make ll more near whether a the present gentlemen s agreement, regard With Commissioners.work Monday, when a core or man men-

tionedmsy approach the international boundary eeDtlnitance or the negotlstlnns Is desired, tng the entrance or Japan sr laborers Into

In connection with the Inquiry ap-

pearand that under pretext the Carranrtsla. ir the allied governments are detrrminnd the United sutes unchanged.

before the house imles committee. who are now impotent to fight us, but so press the war to a military solution. Views or Japanese and llallaas. By Associated Presa.

Leasing aad Tumulty . la Testify, who are very unscrupulous In the matter It is exprrMd that they will leave no The secretary was asknd to make clear Washington, o. C, Jan. Miceforo

secretary Landing, whose department baa of accepting outside help, even when tMs rtoulil that furtlier ezrhsnges a this timo lo tlie conrerern particularly tlie views or treasurer or the Mexican da facto

been drawn Indirectly Into the Investigation, conies ntom foreigners, would try to make will not be welcomed: ir not, the reply the Japanese and Italian governments, no government, recently sent to Washington

by suggestions that It Ustgbt have been the the American authorities believe that such - expected in leave Urn door open ror ad-

ditionalla understood pi have explained that the by General larranza as his personal rep-

resentativenun-r- or the leak" regarding the dis-

patchparlies come, with the purpose of inflicting correspondence. r Italian government believes some pmvls and who came here today.

of the note, and 1. P. Tumulty, see-r- harm on the residents or that neighboring M retina In Rome Important lone regarding Inspections nu immigrant Issued a sistemen m which be predictedtery to the president, whose name wss iiinliv. we herihv make known to natives The meeUng or the alllod premier in ships are in contravention'

or treaty and an early settlement nr border difficultiesmentioned yesterdsy, by Representative and foreigners alike that all men who op Rom. today was regarded here as of great thsl the Japanese embassy reels some or He baaed bis belief, he said, on the fact matWood, Instigator of tbe Inveatl gallon, no-

tifiedarate and right under our command have importance because the entente govern-

mentsthe phraseology relailng to oriental ex-


me American government Is consideringthe rules committee today that they no intention like thsl. as we have ordered were expected to take the opportu-

nityla not entirely tlie same as that or seriously lifting at an early date, for the

wish to appear and make statements on tbe them to respect absolutely the inhabitants to dlsruss their whole fundam mtal at-

titudetbe bill as agreed upon at the last session henent or the Carranza government, the

subject, were Issued for sev-

eralof both sides of th International lino, toward peare and particularly or congress. They are said, however, lo embargo placed by President Wilson on

newspaper men representing In Wash-ington

la their lives and their property. America's prt In securing pease. The be no more than differences or wording, shtpment or suns Into Mexico: the recallthe wall Street Journal, Financial Any man who makes trouble on decision reached is rfpected here to he snd members or the eomuilUee expressed nf inici al Pershing's expedition, and the

America, Central News of America and the American side and who may try to shield final so long st tne military situation re-


"ni ideo, e tonight that the bill as en sending to Mexico or Ambassador Fletcher.

New York evening Sun, and they were or-

deredhlmseir under our fiar, wm fall In his unchanged lered would entirely sstlr.v both govern Received st White House.

to bring their records with them. tempts to do this, ss we will he the first menu. Mr. Zamhrino said he bad called on Ssr- -

In pursuinir Uirm and punishing them for Reply Expected Boon. Veto Loaned f or. retary Lsoe and Judge George Gray ofTelegraph Companies hiiminiinrd their crime. Whether the entente reply to the Ameri-

canThe bill probably alii be reported early the American cemmlaston. with whom he

Also under subpoena to appear Monday ara "Our purpose Is only to fight against the note will be forwarded lo the cen-

tralnext week and prompt action Is experted discussed the Mexican situation He let

Tilomas W. Liiwson, the Boston nnaneter; ",arrnza regime until we can acrnmpHsh powers It an open question. Tbe re in hothe lioutes. Confident that President understood also that he was reUernard Bsruch of New York; Charlas II

Its annihilation, and we earnestly wish to sly la expected by tbe end or next week, Wilson will veto It en account of thr in ceived by President Wilson and Secretary11 presideut ur in.- Guaranty Trust com-

pany, avoid say more difficulties to our country. reports lo both the state department and erary test provision, sponsors of that sec I suslng. As the result of his visit toand th managers of the two tele as It now lias plenty. tlie allied fmbastles being Indefinite as to Uon are making every erfort to Washington. Mr. Zambra nn said he hadgraph rotnpauua. who wlH be asked about (signed. -- aE. ma'sei. oohua. fjte exact time, but indicating Us immi votos to the rinal draft to pass it reported to General Carranza thai pros-

pectsmessages Massing over their wires on- the (Slgnen - "8(1. F. DOWTMiUEK " nence. oi er a veto. Representative Burnett, rbaic for an early adjustment of existingjafflMKSthe note was given Indale peaceaaln's Unfavorable Auitude. man of th house Immigration committee, differences ere very brtgtifto newspaper correspondents. OFFICIAL RM'lin OF I IF KM There has been no Indication whether believes this can be acoompllshed. Pleased With tillen lew.

i. a h via said la Rave usee stake. OF VILLA VFtR JIMKMCZ. .ipain's unfavorable reply to the presi-dent's

Chief dirrnrenres between the house and I am highly pleased with the saiisfac-Mr. .aw lio iia jnade, sensational That Villa was defeated, bis own com note saving Urn present moment Is Semite bills afre, ling the Jspanese would tory results of a moat cordial interview I

charges of a 'leak,'' was declared toilay by ruand be'lng dislodged, he had Saltear being deemed Inopportune for peace efforts, will be the probable effect ir the gentleman's had tn Washington last Thursday withItepiesenUtlvi' Unppei'ltild or Massachu-setts,

pursued twenly seven miles as they r he made public by the state department. were to be abrogated. Tlie hnuae Secretary lane and Judge Gary or thea liepubllcsn leader, lo have been treated th an automobile, is set forth In an It wat received hare shortly arter Its pub-

licationbill would exclude all persons wlm could American commission," said Nr. Zambrano.

the principal beneficiary of the railing mar-

ketofficial report of the battle of Jimenez re-

ceivedIn Madrid, ufriclals say tlie leu not become naturalized tftUMil, except "I vent to Washington on December

that fallowed pubilrallon of lite note. yesterday by carranza consul Eduar-do

is substantially tfie asme as that con-

tainedthose protected by treaties or agreements. K on I special mission mr General Ca-

rraña,He said i- transaction aggregated Soriano Bravo. in cabled press reports. Tbe senate measure would designate by with the e,p.cii purpose or seek-ing,ii.si on Ihai market. The dispatch, dated "Military headquar geographical lines what persons might not an Interview with both Secretary Lane

HcpraaenlsMvr Gardner ur Msssachuaelts ters. Cblh.. Jan. i." reads In translation asKSiTEVnc MIMsmCKM REMAIN enter the country, and the lines would not and Judge Gray, hut on account or the

toiu lite rxiniHdtlee be (ad no ntdence Jiiat follows el reel Japanese, but would exclude cer-tain

holidays the Interview was delayed,aould involve an j one in official life, but "My advance guards came in contact with IN ALMOST (i)MIM.lM s KKBHIO.V Hindoos, Mslsys snd others. If by (iralerul for flood Will af D. B.

convinced there had been a "leak." those of the enemy and a general engage By Associated Press. any chance Hie gentlemen ., agreement were "The conversation began by an exchangelie prpUuced cotu of dispatch sent over mem followed, covering a field of more Parts, Jan. . The oouncil tit entenui abrogated, there would be nothing tn bar of views on the International situation.tfre Tov Jdiien k company ticker on lie Than eight kilometers. The enemy divided ministers, attended by Prune Minlsui" Japanese under the senab' plan, but un This gave nin an opportunity to express..ion. f roiecastlng a peace note lei into three columns and started tne attack Lloyd ceorge, Hrland and Hoselll was In der similar circumstance ih y would au mn gTstitude nr the Mexican governmentlion- - before the note was published with Its left flank, consisting or about one almost continuous session today, according tomatically be barred under the house ror the good will maintained by th United

will be before thousand men. Becailse or the rapidity of to a Havas dlsDStch from Home. Premier measure. toward(Jardner represented again niales Mexico during her strugglethis movement, in command of Colonel Sa-

linas,Boselllt presided at tie meeting vuinnwho will subin' committee by counsel, Secretary Lane assured me that with that

the and my opposing column being great-ly

wss the rirst or a number at which Ibe voi ii MIMIC NATIONAL PRKorn an analysis or premature announce snd in i lew niey are working vary Sarareduced In numbers, I sent staff to general mistión mil he discussed by repmy Or ARANII CANTON Of COLORADO,uenl on the market estly to errert a eenlement of the dlfflattack tbe enemy's right flank. resenutives or Orest Britain. I ranee, italy Uy Associated I'russ cullies. .Breach or Confidence Hinted At. "this movement enabled us to establish and Husslt. Washington, !. C.,' Jan. Conversion ofsubpoenas ror the seven newspaper cor a firing base and also served to check the m honor or the event lis-- I Lallan gov tbe (trend Canyon of Colorado into a na-


To Raise Embargn on Munition.cspondents were Issued after Representa enemy long enough lo permit colonel Sa-

linas'umment declared the day a holiday. park was argued at today's session

r believe mat the causes ror opatnltinuve Harrison, Democrat, had declared he cavalry to be reinforced by the CONSOLIDATION OF BUFFALO BILL IS IN or the national Parks' ron rerennr by

are the contemplated withdrawal of Prthing's forces, the sending of Athltsasadorbelieved ad vanea information on Uta note Fourth "brigade, under tne command of speaker nho declared thousands or tour-

istswas sent lo Wall street papers In breach General Pablo (Ion tales and tbe cavalry last year lert that great natural won Pletcher to hla post and tbe raising of theor inúndeme. He also criticised Rep i asen forces of General Carlos usuna and colonel War Summary der disgusted with conditions which rob

embargo on the exportation or munitiontatlve Wood for giving out s memorándum ElpldlO Rodrigue We compelled the TWO BANKS IN CITY CRITICAL CONDITION Eiiropetn visitor or enjoying IU baauatea.

nr war to tbe Mexican govenunant lo theend said government shall be infrom "A. Curtis" ef New York, who gsve enemy to retreat after a severe encounter, Ouldea and livery solicitors continually a posiHon to thepaetryno address and woo has not yet been lo to retire to Its base on the mesa, where bsrrass (he tourist and ngbis among these country and Is eomhsi

rated, without making an effort to Inquire villa forces were driven off by th Klgbth Along s hundrrd-nill- Iron Ir south-eastern

men place isitora in danger, according InIU enemies successfully. partícula.1

ii. t.. the genuineness or Ms Informant. Sec corps. Moldavia the troops of the ras-tra!

L, c. Vcc. or tlie forest service. He de-clared

(he bandits, who are the natural resultrrlkry Tumulty's statement denying an as Beat Traces Led By Villa la Person. Commercial National and Secur Frontier Hero Returns to Denver powers are alowly pressing the re-

treatingI he rorest service, which baa jur-


an upheaval.

serltou in the memorandum that he and "The pursuit of the enemy was then Russian, sad Rumanian upon over the ijrand Canyon, la not per-mitted

Twa Dsmeeratto executives.Mr. Baruch conferred In New York prior lo taken up by the cavalry. While this phase ity Merged; to Raise Capital in Company With Physician, the llae bark ef the Bereth river. The by law lo regnlaP' personal

I have never doubled thai the dimpublication of ibe nota was put Into the or the battle was In progress, the enemy. Herein has bee reached by the traoaw cullies between Memo and th United

Sister and Nurse.lerord and a motion was adopted calling with more than fifteen hundred mas , to $200,000. His af rield Marshal vea Meefceaaea at two RapraaentsMve Foas or Ohio asid II was States could be settled through dlploupon Hi Mew ran and Chicago stock charged with great force against the In-

finitypolo is belweea rokshaal sad nelatz, the an outrage Hist the national government malic channels and with a aatst amtahle

hanges to preserve all their brokerage lines located along the railroad lln last Rumanian port an the Danube aad had not taken steps (u make th grand nd moil conciliatory spirit, and I baseConsolidation of the Security Trust A By Associated Press.

Mips rrom neremcer in until the. 3d This movement was directed In person byi colonel which I repartes under the fire of a canyon more easily accessible to the pao mis opinion upon tbe humanitarian methFrancisco Villa. We repulsed lb Vlll Savings Rank with the Commercial National Glen wood Springs, Coso., Jin. guaa. pie and declared he would urge improve ods this nation has followed slnre ih

volumn and the attacks of their cavalry bank was announced yesterday by John W. P. Cody. (Buffalo BUD nit baretram the laul valley le UalaU, the ments. It was pointed out that ltsi.uuo beginning of the European war wtthnut

Gen. Funslon Peases were overcome and tne csvalry driven T. Mulr.wwtW will be president or the night' for Denver. Hfs physician said the have Been ureesrul at people viatled the in and i anyun In lets. worrying ilseir ss lo the causes, withoutback. colonel's condition was critical and several aad have remaelled the That was tjgxi more than visited the three lightaajt traca of partiality and on

Here; Will Be Bach Yaejul Indians' Hark Praised merged tnavsetion. Tbe national bankdoubtful. Accompanying him Ruseiaaa

sale'saad RuatalaiaBa ta retire be-

farelai gesl national parks the net that the governments of Mattco

"Tbe Yauui Indians from weraf charter will rJtglropped by (ha console ovary was and die United Bute ar now presidedAt 'a thetheir aUaeks. petaloneAbout 15th Month on Ma return lo Denver, which be left nvar by man of such rtamociattrdle-- f prin-

ciplesof command,then sent villa's ownagainst datad r manen itinitlons and a state l i valley the Ruagsaa were victorious TrainArmy Hospitalbutlodging them and pursuing them villa re faw days ago, are Ms sister pnysi as Woedrow Wilson and vcnusiianuI batUe lor the us ilea or height.charter will be taken out unoer the name a pan iMajor General Frederick turned lo charge our lert Hank, but was re clan and a nurse. Csrraiua."Funslon arrived la la the loaHeavy flghtiag reported r eg Passes Hereand Villa WW of the Security Bank k Trust company. Colonel 73 oM Reduced Throughasl night on s special car attached to the pulsed by l Perez Cody Is years ar Bátela la lie Buebtlra talle, about

- .'it in n rcinc passenger train number forced to retire Jn this retreat. Martin Under me state charter, deposit will be M fortunes through the loss or Ms Wild frontier, VILLA JUNTA KNTAaLIKHKIS miles Inside, the Moldavian A hospital tram nf twelie cars, from tort

line p. .in ni Antonio, en route lo Yuma Lopez, One of villa's leaders, was ktiiea Weal show he has been planum, st vsrlout UK ADQU ARTKnB IN NEW YORK.guaranteed. v sum h of the Tretus valley the am Houston, pasiu-- uirougn g,i raso ye . ,..Mi.t. nwhere he will begin Ms Inspection or and another officer of Villa's command time since Ms illness began to organlt1 the fNnenia.

(a their latest advaarr have of dsv en route to Morales. Arts. The train ,'

ve bordar troops in ota district. whose name Is not known Villa and Bala, Upon ruirilMDfJV legal require a large number or nortes. Indians and cow ew York. Jan. After an abseertlie borderlakes SSt prtaaaer. I picking up soldiers along and'encial Fuualon was accompanied i, Mi, zar fled in an auloanobil with bit eblrs (ha capital slock or lb new com boys to repeal the triumphs of hn earlier Ibe

m than a year, representatives of Fran-ciscola aaulheni Mldl Held Marshal 111 transport n.rin.to army and uty

urislnn and their two rMldrrn who will go who Included Marguerite Salinas, the Murga pany win be increased to ISOO.UOU and there life. van ttarkroae followed up his rapture general hospital at Hot Mprtiigs, Ark the villa again have estsbii. bed headand others. of Villa's Colons I cody's physician announced (purlers hers sod madela Sen Franciaco. Mrs. Funatoo brothers Fitly men antsounreinent wisexpects lo will be an auxiliary company to be known af Brails Hlth the ereupetleo af fits of the military being lo give car-

.isit Oakland, bar old home. staff were killed during this pursuit day. following a never breakdown taat today by John Nawas. who In charge,laws south of the He ret aao getweea n medical eases a change or locality loii was announced by uenersl Funslon Ilea LsUmated at a sa (ha Security Castle Loan Mortgage night, that the rronller hero could not live. that event, have now Miaped thegisalvesPakahaai ah UalaU. North of Bella. i in then eMiperallon

iii4l he woijlj not go into Mexico to Inspect Many elements ware capluied from the company, with a capital stork of (lou.uuo Glen wood Soruui climate and the treat so ttigl "fraqusnl and reliable report oradmita that the Russian andTb dead estimated at NO. ment he might receive here presan ted Iha Petrograd villa's movement could beme p oops under Oaneral Persnlng, and mm- was manager for (ha lanar concern at yet fill a astir- - have retired arras the be-

rets.given lo th

tjJFtlt slop several days at El Paso on Ms re with sou wounded and many prisoners, who last hope of the sged man, a rciauve saia P antic."be selected.nt i rom vunis. He is expectea so ss MPS war executed. The Hal of de ferio dead lo It Is said the colonel's kMatya are af A statement waa git en out by Mi Hawes

eluded Lieutenant Colonel Jesus Valdez. R The new bank win eoattnue In ntiHoaas fected badly. Severa flghtiag baa takea place around Japanese Will Arm which had betm uued by HtBOllto VBi alas at Use aerthera aad of the laagBrigadier General George Bell. Jr.. v tallad l.lruleiiant Juan Guerra, commanding the at ilia corner of Mills street ud Mess r brother or Predi loco, fretu an Antonio

machine gun regiment and fifteen other of rYLUM. Ml CM (nTTTYJI AS Mat estar Irma!, tieraaaa ternes, MrHa Its Merchant Ships TSL, whei he lives in evil In tb(a the building Ibanow orcupkvd by sa. were tu rnyageweiilsa brief conference during tee fleers. Tbe wounded Included Colonel I'ABSF.S THBOII.M LKAUVILLk ale toman l. Villa appealed to Ibe "aaute ofat CI Paso. K rue tie Agauam, Lieutenant colonel Piimi Corasisrclsl National hank. The name of B Snclateil Press. ' south af Rig aad afar Una rtvrr Aa, With Six-Inc- h Guns justice and fair play or Uw American

uve oaoiaias and so others. Th deaths (his Building bencaforlh will be known Leadvtlle (Mlo Jan .oioiiki i uay apturlag ss prisoners aad sevsrst pani'ia" In behalf or bis brother whom ttMs at s v. m Ha Rails attack fartherthrough clay p. sua.paaaaii

Minr-i- ON MI'MHCN CHASCt among the government troops were est! the haiku instead of Use declared Inuoceol or ll charges Out haeSecurityas sg reel Tokio Jan 4. Owing to tie activitymatad at TO Villa also was sitting up at the ttme and was south alaag the Ovia liter faded. Rus-sia

Many flags wereAssociated press Been hroitfht agauisl ruin, and woo "soonof submsrbies it is understood thai liaCtaasMffilil National Bank build in. ing much better troops, says Petrograd. were surspturea, as wall as wagons saddle nnea Mill thsirknile. Mo.. Jan Ann srbuls hvrrrtiantnieti r Hxtabllsh btuuveir ui dmtralisML Officers of (he new bank and nf uie H recalled that nasa year ago aao eaui la a hat weal af Riga, taking navy win arm Japanese "arreated fcMlsy a alia walked from tbe bound for the Atlantic ocean and the of lbs sshot aworldNi mi f advlile and a monu 271 prtaaaar aad aa battery. ThereTab Laet ta Parral. cattle company are John '1. Mittr. prai- tilla, st cording tn Mr Haw, has wllwith l ttu hvilla Bsa at giit traía Parral contain nirul which isr liad pSotml ai hit uwS ra baa hsea ilttst aetltity alaag th mat ef Mediterranean sea guns.

s'llliorilKs in counecUun with tbe at. c. Henderson, vie prwssdani and The arming or tisrrrhsntnicn will begin equiptwd army or between IIJMO and IS.O0B

loo fruta Torrean I ptauss to Ms old scoatuig parlor r. John the cutera frwel ieepl la the i arpaing andlast eeptarnoer or bar luisbaad. Psul am proceeding chairman of in hoard. W. L. Oalsai. vice (nabtaaSrs ("Tais Jack"i, who is burked tasas, where a Ruaelan attack la the with the steams r Sawu Marti, which man and as anly ewgiirag mr wtabdrswal. at NlkW city, Moat tarüaa- - in tbe gainst Parral totaorrow (Jan. .) to arg-- of Oaaaral Pershuig a expedition "tont and manager. B 1. Farrar, nr l.eie. rsgss ef hahala waa repulsed. aatls for London on January IB.

villa while hi column la disorganized Our his ability tu reitor enfar (pietldani; J. H Handaraon. caahlei Minamata bound ror the Atlantic oceanNorth f the titer asare, h) aarthsralarcas sow Jlnteaet "sceapy as s seas, eseformerly an employe of Srasatt Miles Mexicowas arrested 08 asforsaation grvast

atU I have naso r explnratka trip in s lata Vaaagaat B Pas Beak. Bubble Forced Into raaa. BrUlah traaos la a alghl at by way af




gusa.it it un-

derstood,asoMve for 14 kilometer oa Use Parral fine. The Treat 4 Savings bans lark aaUred orrsaaa advaassed trcaeh.uy Mn hrhul. wao tbs police Becartly was AS USA ul AaAJtfJINRtsay. Japan nod Mad th American at deust today the young! nnancisl insntoUon la Kl Circulatory System of SarVhrnt of Verdun, a tjerasea raidvaiilauiiirtiani killed Mimli tsrtuuinl. according to a dispatch from AOAJNKT 1 in IN (BBStat greash Mas,aa asade tb tunPaso and (he present consona uou Willi slast Dagla. Art.. Jan.

uatuWashington tuaaday. or bar lateataasuauniAB Krt. r lb Cozuinarrial hank really marks step Girl Causes Death ter raaaaeweau are taklag akser attioii pi ann her merchant ship of IB i res eMail

wins oMe roe Asusy pom illa re rixa pajusax- - growth of (ha Security It wa ether got la oa this treatWeak)

Press Aa attack by slroag aVStash lr-- ry. j n Japanese astjahasy atorganised about three and on half yassrs By Associated Pesas. requested laforaBaMiulogvm towaan Jan a. B Aaraojnuag ( hiinaagia Ctty. Maateu, Jan a iiusougt ago and it has grown c instantly aa (ha Diary. Isa. t -g- lisapesh aateuils Titrklah (saaisai aaar laaasv. hoUiai any special rula at

aaPrtce eminiy nusens today Votad üaairal Murgula is asesad to reach Parral ea tsa TVgrts mat aa ra- -and cooftdaac of m ofasman paoas forced into (jartt'x nrdied sir thai was made by th united Shah I Par t aa- I ... . !isruasrre of ttwjm bonds lonigtn military aotlwntPt here pulcd Bh I aaataallsaplrto beanper say (bey otdeiculatnry system, la lb opsulsa Of Ur ef si tetas n IB northdoubt whether villa will the Belli ah t thatr g snip so trass throughmake isaaata. aad retiredappro nissisu ssv- - ,uu,d the MH..J lo. ..I ooi a(J a Frank J Weyrr of lb olney ssattariuia anaína .anal Monday

there lo protect his r toot, owing of (a Barurity rompan) and (hay will Hie latter MaUried today at the trial Of Bey Irssrhca. kaaJ al faa Mi renda raer air no anal regutM siisau Iva Meiloa - loudy. Mauass. Tlie apprvuriauoii aireadv to the dlaecv sal of Ms foveas. the lark trawlaed Ruaaaaaa attajtfound in lb lutwr wiui Its kaatgad ktinleiiar ui couoai uuti aviui the dbsth last soarial restrictions ganeraUy ra ls tsm- -

approval of lb war drpsrlsasni aad It was learned tuaigbi u.i the wu k. It is (he concausus of opuuuu (hat July af l girl who wa Hiutar tar's gWMt alth severs casualties. Vai hwkkli, lb tog(mad drntltel.

upua veaaeapproval of ta togtalalw wiii be fted villa general I wind among U axiaadingly .uoikg orgaolsaMoa has ... n ur. I B Martin, rormer csraaar of Ruaalaa attack ala wa asshsd by th I Artaoaa Buaday and (totVMkf BsajjMliu uk govenxaHOBt. i''ieisra raja Two.) I bajas lyst lav latí kM vBsa (Us "tott1 MlsVataa, hUhUtBl tviiUÜ. BJW4 otish ls. MMa' Tuts. ill ii HI


Scene in Shipping Room of Bush Terminal, Brooklyn Most Eminent Medical 'M"Old Sol" Makes ll "Sol I" Will Keep I " lw9l aaVrawnHot for You m the You Hot During the Authorities Endorse ItSummertime Wintertime

Or. Kbsrta and Dr. BrtMrtraHawall as Dr. Bimoa all dlstiagmahadatrtbor agra that whatsrsr may bethe dstatus, she orine saMota fait in

lsCPKHBBBaBBaaBl KXI u í '"aasal I ' furnishing a with a OnM to she prinoJ-pl-

upon whk U is to bt toasted,

BUT PLENTY MORE LEFT and seen rats knowledge oonssrarog UtaDatare of disease oan Oros be obtained.If carteáis., seaJdbag ariae or freqon

"A COLD WAVE COMING urination botbsr or distress yon, or uorto aoM in aba blood has cansad

gout or sciatica or too suspect

It Is on the Way kidn', or bladder trouble hist writs Dr.Pierce at the BsrgieaJ IastHate. Baílalo.

A Sol Berg Prediction N.Y.j seod a sample of urine and describe iiiiitiasias. You will rsoatve fres

Come down early tomorrow and prepare yourself for the Cold tVave that is medic adrice after Dr.Pterce't chemisthas examinad the orine this will bo

coming and for the balance of the Winter for that matter. We have jut re-


carefully dona witboat charge, and yonwill be andar no obligation. Dr. Piaros

a bis shipment of dnrfog many rear of exporbaentationhas discovered which boa new remedy

SHEEPSKIN LINED COATS fiada I thlily saisu time more powerful man masa in removing one acta

These are the Coats that set the standard in El Paso from the system. If yon an sufferingfrom backache one pains of rhenms- -

and which can not be duplicated elsewhere in El Paso tism, go to your best druggist and askfor a box ot "Jiiimrtt" put np

at anything like the price we charge considering by Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce's FavoritePrescription for weak women and Dr.quality. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery forthe blood hare been favorably known

OTHER COLD WEATHER ITEMS for the past forty yean and mora. Theyan standard remedies y as wellSsBP55HBBP" flfl Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for, aAdditional Overcoat have been received which give us now the liver and bowel. Yon oan got a

the biggest and beat stock of Overcoat shown locally. Swea-ter,

lane trial package for 10c. of any oneCap. Glove. Woolen Sock and warm Underwear for H of these remedie by writing Dr.PWoe.

Winter wear are other item that you can select here to yourentire satisfaction. Doctor Pierce's Pellet are UBetTUJed

Thl great ahlpplng center, consisting of more than BO law buildings. Is situated in such Droxlmlty to the H t Liver PHI. One tasty, flama wfaJSPECIAL SALE OF 500 SUITS waterways surrounding New York city that It has become the country's greaUst shipping point Many of the Print a Dot. Onre Hick Headache,

largest manufacturing concerns of the great nltle have located the iarger part of their establishments there In order Bilious Headaohe, Diixineas, Constipa-tion,We will have on aale this morning 500 Suit. Thee repre-

sentto facilitate distribution of their wares. The photo shows a great profusion of outgoing-- manufactures and It ! an all deran




the best value in Winter Suit it is poaaible to find. evidence .f the country's present prosperity. gemente liter,These are odd and ends but have been selected from ourregular stock. You can now buy at a Low Price the "Finest CARRANZA ENVOY PRE Oror.ro, his chler of stiff, were siso killedof Clothing Ready to Wear." It make no difference what DICTS EARLY END OF during the Torreón occupation, accordingyour build is, you will find in this special collection a Suit that to the same Informant, who added thatwill fit you. As thi special lot of Suit represent every grade BORDER DISPUTE Villa It now In the neighborhood A Showing ofit i impossible to quote any one certain price. We simply

(Continued From I'sgrortls.

want you to come and see for yourself the unequalled values me.)state health minorities hive Issued an More Newwe orter. order requiring every Immigrant enteringtne port of Nogales to be vaccinated or Gained 32 Pounds

show certificates of recent vscrlnatlon.UNIFORMS MADE TO ORDER SpringIlalln.ail ticket agents st Nogales, Sonora.

We make Uniform to order. Only the best material are ued and Fit and Color guar-anteed

lunvarcttiatedtuve hern instructed





ticketsthe order

to And Splendid Figureto be U. S. Army regulation. We also emphasize the fact that our price are at reached Mere today. " " STETSONSleast one-thir- d lower than elaewhere in America. The epidemic wss said to be virulent in MwVUmL J

form and causing many fatalities, chieflybecause of the poor physical condition of MF aatthe people, caused by lack of proper foodsnd eiposure resulting from revolution-ary There Is the RightATTENTION ATTENTION troubles In the state for several yr.gr.


We have just received a big Spiral or wrapped Leggin noNVRNKM AT ill IIMo-- li n Manshipment of Military Hat. are shown at a special price. By Associated Press.

These come in the Light and Instead of $9.50 and $4.00, Douglas. Arli., Jan. The Sonora con our immense stock of hatsgress or workmen held Its opening sei- - Spring, 1917. Over oneO. D. color. our price is $2.50.Hon In Hermostllo, at II o'clock s. in.. hundred styles. Just

206-1- 0 San Antonio. January I, in the capital building, accord received.ing to arrivals here today. oensrsJ P.Rilas Callas and other military and civildignitaries attended. STETSON FEA TURES

The qualification of delegates to sit in. . . . . . the rongrasi were passed on by a rom-

illtftSnOp tlOWden to L.Onfirm'm,n Ptlntd by the labor unions of If. Dr. Wfcl7i-s- ' warat will do for you wtuft ItTHE TOWN TOPIC, FAIRFAX, CHALLENGE, THE

II " ""' " which ested sil except one Am for thnusaads rt WHIP, NEWFIELD ANDtío ass athar womsn It tu aira PEERLESS.It) bringing or sending the Tiixn prlntwl lCfZS3 07 I O at (church OT msmbsr, Rlcsro Hoyos, representing the Tea as siumCtc nsunx ruU round bwt and rhspelytogcllMT Willi muí ii o make 1017 III ' miners of Pilares, whose election, they1917 viiur banner year, becuuse you will then pos-- a St. Clement Here Sunday ssld, had been Irregulartirata.

Mm B. W. Abbott, ronnarh. f Boxen, nosr ofThe popular new shades and Pea Green, Marine, Ivy, Seal,

oopy of nur HANDY ALMANAC, KN-- t Graystone, Pearls and Glen Gray.Margarlto 0. Rtos or cananea, known 73 ntghUi snow. No York (ttj, writes us: "IATIXII'KDIA AND VKAR HOOK. Right Ry, Irodertck n llowden, bishop throughout Honors aa a radical, was chosen was very Uiln whrn I lesniod of your troatmont four,f New Mexlrn and Texas weit of tbe Pr-os.

president or the assembly ysan sao. By following your joourso I rained HI Priced at $4 and $5It your argumeiilit, niMwers your iior.ii(iiiN. nlds your niom-r- y WHI preach at the Church or St. OMR The .'..Hiriese will be tn session tor SO uuuntl and sUll knp Uie wstgtit. am the p.

and gircH yon a vast amount or valuable Information inn. non ni plseopal, Sunday evening at 7:30 dsys. on side ring leglslstlon at reeling of baaltti"

wtUl rnay etuaSoi. Jast as wkaa I

N - In 418 pagos. r.'iock and will confirm a class of 8 per- - labor. StrlTbe bwuty rt this trvatraant to that you ean hasiinsniirii uy ir. nciir.v taster, rec

luí'. a nva llhoral trial sM tn a plain wrBepcr andCAVALRY HKNT TO HKAII Or f HAT a CLOTHING CO. 4last t vounalr tn Um of hnans. Ttiapnracg your ownIllshop llowden will from Alhu-I t NOT III.I.AV OMl rUIMM.Y IK M Ii arrivequeraue salnrday ariemoon. Sunday morn- - MEXICAN KMU0r.l.!N4; PARTY. trial traaunent Sloba In mans aajss has addari Cv.lug he preach for Cbapliln Willi. un Ry Aisorialed Press. pnusda. You will omUum thai a saw day haa dawmsdBY, lirander uie r .goui .aair, at lort Laredo. Tex.. Jan. Acllnr on renorts for thtu propia anil that no one nsad go through

CLIP THIS COUPON TODAY. Hills, In the in... unit Corner San Antonio, Mesa and Myrtle.that a rillbusterlng party, or smugglers, Ufa huniltutad by a tfttn. uoaavaaUro figura or

were altemntlns in cross the hlo Orande rolortraa nwuuuadan

HIIIIUHHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIUMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllll VILLISTAS SERVE l""i Mexico at some iHilut between Laredo was oaui of Uie aaaat dkbjatlwMd won on that

and Minerva, n miles west or here. Troop Mswd hjFforr taklm Dr. Wnitnav. Narra FlashE i NOTICE OF EARLY k Pi.urieenth t'nlled states cavalry, was Builder Mi 5 rox. 1 Inoxaa tall and walghlni

hurriedly to that section tonight 10S pounds. Now I weigh nearly lea pounds."CD llcrcwltli rind Ho, for one oopy of ttte itANDY ATTArkT I"1RI IIIADI77 Mrs. Now ten. of Kansas Mr Nloab. of .B" nlMllltsry suthorltles declined to discuss 11 ALMANAC I "le I 1 7. If Almanac la to be mallori. send 6c. Virginia, say "I g&lneo 45 pounds, bust snlarged sHie matter rurtbsr Uian to admit thatB (Continued from I'sjre one.) llwSva. It did nor than you said II wauld "ealrs to pay pontage either smugglers or flllbutters ware re-portedrter Hie jti. tenet right was Jose noiirignej Wa wtU gladly asad you tka Mai and hookactive In the vicinity of Minervarite loss or Hodrlguet snd Martin Lopai will loraaaiaoB. from IntWUgant paopia awarrwharw. Tibs

ill rind $4.90 for a 6 months' suberrlption seriously weaken Villa's org aiiitatiuu It Is trial will prase that you mar hare as aUraeUro

U. the Times. Including a free copy or the HANDY AIj-- II Mid. at they were among hit most trusted BORDER ARRIVAL CONTIRMts figure as any oca. ruling exit Uss hwUow plaoss, gain PianosRLPORT Or LONHl I. 's DEATH phuap. parfseX araa. nook aad Ibjsbs and by apwelalAN AC I OH 1017. Ml charge prriNiltl.'i.i.icio. ... iiai.ii.-r.-

, woo recovereo tnt - No. I lnors sis the bust aasasurwmeiH InioiThai M Bar sad lot, Frsncb eoniul atChihuahua scity IikiI in me tight near I to tntia.

Name Herrero lut week. Is at ftalevn. readv to was killed by villa soldiers during If you WU1 drop a Una right airar to C L Jonashead rr Villa's retreat In that direction, sc. Hit cupati.ni or Torreón, Is asserted s., M A rrland HI. la Baaura, N. T.. anoloalniordlng to prtvsl reports received here. positively by man who arrived trout the it eenui u neo pay C" '"f ana poeuge ru re

Interior of Mexico yesterday, despite t in swu you win raaelre a run ne naga irTing the proof that rmj oolor and bsUer haaltli Built for El Pasov aldington dlipalch yesterdayAre Your Sewers stating ia fisura ean be youn.(Jogged?For Almanac only, put cross (X) In upper square and to Uis stats depsrunent denied lb nrrearlngThe I. mm eis sre the aewersge lyttem ..fsaltase esstta. Hy nutfl 81 cent. report of M. H. Bernsdlnl's death.the btuly. You can well Imagine Uis result or No. 1 t.aj Mi bust ekxie

2 tor air mouths' subscription U the Times mil Mnutnac-I'nf-. when they sre stopped up ts In the esse In oensral Luis Herrera and Generalorderput croMH (X) In lower square and enclose $4.80. snsMpsajan. As a purgative you will rind Special designed especially for this

chaudierlaln's Tablets excellent. They are climate. As to sounding boards, feltsIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllilllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllhil nuid and gentle tn tneir action. They al action,Improve lbs dlgeauon. Adv. A Title Guaranty Means - and even case design and finish all adapted to

Aa cxcrllrnt New Ynifi Gift. Hoousn a oopy for yourself brevíttes"ajad tuples to uur frteiids, or let us mail Ihoni fur you. Absolute Protection to You this particular altitude and dryness.Address: I.I. CAM) MORNING TIM KM, h'.li PANO, TI) XAS. Always demand titlea InOr. Ebert, DanUst, lift-ti- t Mills Building. guatnuU) your tare

-- IT is BKTTKR TO BE MM. THAN SOHKT.'Try tas usw Mat. Yon gst tne Beautiful FumedBest- T. F. Kalib. Prop. Stewart Title Guaranty Co. Oaks

Levy Grocery Company )ffoL t!LjsJajiw--Wonie- n slid rtHdfJÉ ipe CJapital as00,000.00.in high grade andOf flocas: rVurUi Ptttor, Two Itopublic pianos players at astonish-inglyNow Ready for Business at r NO PAIN Paso, Texas. Fbone low prices.

nj uie new svt.i of lieiiuitry thereOur New Location aliaolulelv NO PAIN In any wuii uuhhUie teeth. We use NO COCAINg or any SPECIAL TERMSt iu producw in any form. PAINLESS DENTISTRY418-42-0 SAN ANTONIO ST. Nervous and weak-hearte- d people can have their teeth treated,

It is. no longer necessary to make a large cashpallad, bridgework and teeth applied without darurer or pain. payment to secure a musical instrument.

n patients can have work completed m 00a day

13 lbs. SUGAR . . $1.00 For $5.00 Cashcien.I.slsst sud

a pistabest


a ru.itin bental

Mrh tC Á $5 cash will deliver to your home any of theseArUwkU's CM, par 20c,1 can 25c





beautifulor speerli

If beautiful instruments with two or three years onsi a bunt can be tissue tu oaa day. ob aialiied ueiLt Mtrjgg r the balance. Call and investigate.AJX H ttU CI ARAVTEM. I VKA8HFsaar flsjsjs OC- - Two cans Aapauajjua rail Sets St Teels gf au25c Trutsa sa artSas Work, ser loath lastTc á)s. Tip. Silver sa tiaM f Uitutia lis eg

Trade with m amé avat rnooayy. Phone SOS and 806. New System Dentists LOWEST PRICES418-42- 0 SAN ANTONIO ST. MS rtrst NsltoaaJ Sauk Bias Gold Crown, 22-- $4 00 Set of Teatth $8.00 Jenkins Piano Co.mar ti Fes aa Baa Astéelo Mi BridNywork, 4.00Arroa. the Mr eel Iroau lar KeaUsare si

h Teeth Clsoissjd 1.00Opposite City Hall. Uve Motel Itel Nerle Vltite Crown 4.00 Silver Fillinjja 1.00sai fiarawa afssfcaa.MirsuCK


MM. BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS 211-21- 3 Texas St Phone 2958U You Want Result Use Times Want Axis Every Day

ABsosjrbtly du elrgsK wtasUoew lor an Asatonio and Orssjon, over State Nattoskal BankSoaisjr aJitufiyaad atswaígstaig. SE HAMLA ESPAÑOLa a


Afros?. Schumann-Hcin- k Is Sincere -- gjOSs" ffil

"B A VJv Ilir Boston Store's Sonn-Annu- al S Jv

Clean Up Sale$40,000 Worth of High-Grád- e Shoes

Must Go At Phenomenal ReductionsTOMORROW

MORNING AT. EIGHT-THIRT- begin, the also made reductions on every pair of Educator Shoes for boyssemi-annu- Queen Quality Clean Up Sale and girls and Emerson Shoes for men. $40,000 of shoes that

an event that is of greatest importance to the women of are worth from a fourth to a third more this very day at reduc-tionsEl Paso especially in these days of rising prices. Every pair of that are one-thir- d and less than their regular prices. Be on

Queen Quality shoes in our entire stock has been included, ab-

solutelyhand when the doors open at 8:30. Shoe Department Main

no reservations. To make this sale inclusive we have Floor.

$2.50 and $3.00 Boston Favorite and Every $3.50 Pair of Queen Quality Shoes Every $4.00 Pair of Queen Quality ShoesQueen Quality Shoes for women for women in our entire stock to go at for women in our entire stock to go at

Mm. ctnimnn-H"tm- wtio will be obtained a line role in Rayreiith for a youngheard in concert it the Tova GrUKl thea-r- soprano." she recently said. "While she

possessed the artistic requirements, she PER PER PERon Saturday nltrnt. January 13. never soon showed undue conceit, demurred at $2.69mrrera from the maAiriy poteiie(l by moat rehearssls at wearing clothes that had been $1.98 $2.98PAIR PAIRortit, "artistic temperanient." When re-cently

worn by others, which ended with her be-ing

PAIRAsked the source of her great pop-

ularity,dismissed, she was only one or the

he nairt: -- íílnrerlty la one of the many with an exaggerated ego.ilrtnc of lire; when I alnr I do It "A contralto I was Interested In possess-

edwith my whole heart and try to give my the same disease. I took her rrom herebearer the message or every gone. It Is to Europe, eft her in my home there to Every $4.50 Pair of Queen Quality Shoes Every $5.00 Pair of Queen Quality Shoes

f Important ror an artist to be honest and Study while went on a short tour on theslnrere with lier hearers as U la to be rifled Continent, and on my return she told me she for women in our entire stock to go at for women in our entire stock to go atWith a remarkable volee. I never disap-point

was a rinlshed artist, had nothing to learn. EDUCATOR SHOESby failure to appear. This laxity has I noticed her body always swayed whenrest many a promising artist a great ca-reer.

she sang, and her arms waved like a wind-mill.

PER PERMy success on the concert static Is Tins, she told me, was a new school

due to managers In this country. An a. method. Unfortunately, I was not In need $3.49 PAIR For Boys and Girls H Of f $3.98 PAIRlist td succeed must fulfill their engage-ments;

of swimming lessons, so our acquaintancethe greatest asset an artist ran have soon came to an end."

to start out on a farcer with Is absolute Or her drawing power, she said: "l longreliability, to appear prepared to sing any-where

realized that there must always be a curMme.


are booked, ondoes

the datenot

set."think singer,

rent ofandsympathy

I havebetweenestablished

listenertie- custom

and Every $8.00 Pair of Queen Quality Shoes Every $10.00 Pair of Queen Quality Every $12.00 Pair of Queen Qualityher field Is becoming crowded, she la al-

waysor singing songs that

trying to assist aspiring artist. "I listeners like to. hear. for women in our stock to go at Shoes for women in our stock to go at Shoes for women in our stock to go atually have: produced very high grade PER PER PERNEW MEXICO COPPER Similar ropper deposits are roundin the Panhandle, north or .Sweetwater $5.85 $6.85 $7.85Texas, in the pnrmian rurmaiion. and prob PAIR PÁIR PAIRamy are oí similar origin.I'osl Cretaceous Copper Deposits' Profitable

The pnst-- rctareous or" or copper areCOVERS VAST AREA, Ihosc. that contribuir the greater portion orthe output of New Mexico. These occur illveins and contact fissures; In limestone EMERSON SHOES FOR MEN REDUCED TO' aulle. thai hav become rilled Willi millcral malh'r due to the Influence or igneouASSERTS-- GEOLOGIST dikes, and in purptii run- masse wnere m .r ilSeejeSjSmetallic compound Is disseminated through Net less than two advances since last September have the Emerson Shoe C had to make on thtie rock constituent, principally as a sulphide, says the same author. prices of their shoes, but with the market soaring we have made this sale include this magnificent offer 33 1- -3 OffIn the amalle veins and Assures or of any $5.00 to $6.00 Emerson Shoe in stock for, pairDistribution of G pounds Has per ores there arc usually other kinds ormineral aggregations associated with the

Wide Range " Territory, oeposlt. such as minerals ol lead, sllveizinc, mangan se and Iron, with varying

Says Prof 1 Z. r Jones. quantities or goiu. ClearanceThe Sale of White Ready-to-We- arIn the larger porphyrltlc deposits as at 1917Santa Hits and the Burro Mountalna, the

(fly L. H. DAVIS.) ores carry only ropper values. The ore Continues with wonderful despite Yesterday's Times ad proved that theThe geographical distribution or in the Burro Mountain district particularly success of El Paso theycopper women are buying as neverai i yrone Leopold, are tow grade nissem the other sales of white in town fresh,compounds In New Mexico covers a wider mated copp?r sulphides. Lately a miirl did before from the finest assortments andrange of territory, excepting that of gold, higher grade copper lone has been opened new assortments have been added for tomor-

rowtran any one or the other commercially up uiree nines i rone m tor Austin week. best values that we have offered in ourthe of theand rest Comparevaluable base ores, says Prof. Fayette, Amazon properties, which promises to hf Come down Mondayhistory.president or the School of Mines at So of great Importance and contains olidos our great values I OVERLAND AND STANTON ITf . morningcorro. In his excellent work on the Mineral and sulphides as well as native cornier.Tftesources or New Mexico. Copper not only In the Fierro Hanover and Santa Bita are

'occurs In the schists and lound both low grade disseminated ronpetlater tertiary rocks, but Is round in the sulphides and also high grade rartxmatesintermediate series, which comprise the and mciaine copper, in tne Pinos sum

and jura in as for-mations.

and Bear Creek mountalna Important copper deposita have recently been round, car

I Wliile generally speaking, the rylng silver In commercial quantities.mineral deposits do not appear so In the Lordaburg the copper ores anlini"rtanl from a commercial point of round In sliicious matrix and consistlew as those formed at a later period, yet of ozldcs, rhalroprttee, chalrorites and No mail orm several cupriferous deposits In the pre-- i The greatestsome native, all carrying more or less phone orders'Cambrian schists have much In tbelr favor, gold and silver. The l.ordaburg shoe sale ofworked deposits,5 and will doubtless be profitably No C. O.I ir these the lining to in- vein cías. in igneous countryin the near ruture. one or roost

rock. the year I Seef valuable are the deposits In the D. or ap-- Pinn granite mountains in the northern end la Contact Mrtamorpalr Depeetl. the Stanton

ol the San Andres range. In the organ mountains north of ki Paso window r o v a laHcsides the or later cop-

perthe copper occurs In contact nirtamorplUr St. Prices that4Teposlla, them la a class or bedded deposits between altered sedimentarles and displaysldeposit! occurring In the "red beds" forms-lio- granite and monzonltc. The orea are rhrys- should star-

tlewhich deserve mention on account of acola, oxide and carbonate. Every shoethen- uní.- distribution. These In the Jarllla mounuins ropper Is round included I

the wholesedimentary cupriferous beds have b?en in contact mriemurpliir deposit and In frac city.piiiHprrted in variouslocalities where they lured uuartz monzanlie dlk s in the formexist and many attempts at milling and of sulphides, carbonates and oxides. lamilling ores have been made with doubtful the Portrlllo mountains real or El Pasosucrcas. copper deposits are being opened up In

"Bed Bed" l.opper DcaoaH. fiona Ana county.The most Important of these deposits lie lie cmuiey mine in the Morollou

In the Nariemriito district. Sandoval count) mountains high grade chaleopyrite, bonillo-an-

the hisck mesa district. t:nion county, chaJcocite ore carrying gold and sli-ver,recalóla, near I.aa Vegas, and along Uie la found in fissures in rtiyollle forma

base r Hie sail Andres, Sierra oscura. Man Hon.no and san Die ranges. Also extensive The region gouts or Steins Is favorable

are round In Pintado canyon, south ror large deposits in dikes and contact de-posits.or Santa Rosa. Guadalupe county, and at

JMiolly, on the Santa . east or In the Black range. Caballo. Red River and the mill al BU lie) dandlingamount of all are found In comsnerrial metboda, huffHelen. The two last named are being Haldy mountains ropp-- r ore It round, andworked profitably at present, the Pintado In the San Pedro dlstrin, In Santa r"e quantities in tin limestone formation. approximately nine thousand urn- - or lowores by leaching and the Sliolly by shipment county. The San Pedro deposits occur In niaaaaalnaum low. ana es si eulnhldee trade or dally. Second In importanceto smelter. low grade garnetlferous ropper ore In lime are found In the nilaroaa district, which the Burro Mountain Copper ui..m

i he pina oi tue ore in inese interesting stone In commercial quality and quantity. have been aurneaatuUy treated y eoaosn- - Ireatltur aeveral thouaand tona or hl inbedded deposits exists as a carbonate, al-

thoughImportant ropper deposits are m the San trauon. The copper la moUy ehtlooetle. low rrade oanlplitdr ore dally in iu f.WO insome very high grade copper glance Cristobal mountains; Socorro count) In the Twin Peak and St PM flock dla Son mill. Th muir al Ixirda

and other forms or copper ores are qulti In the If achila district low grade game Irtela Immsnae rouaer deposita hav re burr It ahtpplnt between throe and rnnr It's All a Good Whiskeycommon, i lie copper nan in many instance tlfrrous ropper ore la worked profitably cently been opened tip in the Artaoaa May hundred lona of ore per day. It ia believedreplaced nrwanlr substances, preserving in In the Capper Dick mine. In toe Apse I flower camp, twenty ntiee norm or nun thai durtnff the preaent year other copperthe tnlnuiesl deUII the texture or the plant mountains, south or Hacblta station, depog can. Theae orear f, fractured ouartr properttat, each aa tboae of the tuno del Should Be'se rreaas m metasomatism, most us it. or low grade copper ore carrying a small monionlte in the fo f onde, sulphide Soria eompeoy. si Hanover, the sania Hita

and native copper. Development company at anta Mile, theSaata sua Distent Auitin Amazon, near Tyrone, and Mw Ari-

zonait I At the preaanl tear Uie moat of Iba cop Mayriowr, the Hanover Hrttlmer. I

Fierro and one or two otltrrn will heroin,:per mined la Raw Meilco la la Ortal larra producen In Ureal county In bonaounty To CkSas Copper company opei An county, the r Intonate Sfe Old'Witwa'i Creceriet Hit Fiaom far Qjilit, ilea oa s atupeadoua cale, by daaM

pedo. Mriupliif.eileoaive



She Torrnp

above mssaoda, Use moat of Ibe Off Mea. whit Drontee aoon In become twby concentration aim rioggr (treated portent produren or copi!

BUCKWHEAT FLOURPure, York State Buckwheat not the L Whiskeyg kind; makes perfect hot cakes.Three pounds for 25c I Chonn Pmilor 1Camembert Cheese American in tin 80c s2TPerfect American Ctysfis, irr tin 40c - I Our REDUCED RATES make ELECTRIC 1 5 Gold MedalsNew York State SageCKfcese. pound, at 40c IJ POWER a gssetai economy than ever before.Bismarck iaHerring, glass. 50cBismarck Herring, in glass, small.... 20c r Bring your pewer problem to our Engineers 4 Qts. $5.00 Delivered to YouNorwegian Anchovies, in glass 20c and have than work out the bast solutionDainty French Anchovies, in butter, per tin 3c m for you. 1

Order from Your Nearest DealerPill.bury'. Best Flosjr FerndeU CoffeeMerit Butter IYours for Service

Watson's Grocery I not aolictt nor anlp order from dry iiiftuila la violarles et Tssaa Mtw.í Fl Paso Electric Railway Co.210-21-2 Texas St.

lair ITtersrtc Beta. Pteoee SSMPhones 0181, 5182, 8182, 5184, 8185 ITimes1 Want Ads Bring Results


ORION MINING CO. A nklo lTirA TUo'i ThpPHÍ1PFRTY IS Sill 11. w wNEW CO. IS FORMED Semi-Arii-ai Clean

85 Extension Copper Mining andDevelopment Co. to Take

Over 20 Claims.


rtlrertursM rerrnl

of litmeetlnr

" imnvt itrsrkhol

coanpsnyiters end

' UR SEMI-ANNUA- L Clean-Swee- p Sale will prove to be the biggest Bargain Festival of the New Year. Alll.wt.tHjr.

r nsloit wis.,i M..



ewrH. V.


ssn O Winter Ready-to-Wea- r, Millinery, Accessories and discontinued lines of Footwear will be swept out regardlessOetirlel, ' W F RIHer, A. J. Irtfrrrlerten of the sacarifice. In making the prices in this advertisement, profits were forgotten and costs received scant con-

sideration.nil A. W. Momlfirtr or l.nnMiwnt. P lllllpl)

Vmff armen!, the mrmil trsnsYer nr Our main object is to sweep out thousands of dollars' worth of Winter Merchandise in exactly SIXthewas







sink therompan

mln days. This Sale positively closes next Saturday night. See our Spenial Window displays and make your plans to be hereshertlateral



different90 Tool leeel



to early Monday morning. Doors open at 8:30 be in line. )

ros' Imi.rnvrmrnu. ronslstln of new


for employe. 'null fmlly hotel, Up to $12.95 $-7-- 98 Up to 17.50 $rv98 Uptol5.00 $Q.98slli...u

Tliere l


of thedemand for the

rlllrrtlo erade

at Stilts At Dresses Coats at . .the vroii copper smelters of the south

ALL regular $12.50 and $12.95 Tail-ored

A N absolute Clean Sweep of Silk A SPECIAL LOT of Winter Coats inest

ne minio rompan recently or Suite in this sale. The col-

lectionDresses in regular $12.50. $15.00 sizes for misses and women. Most-

lymnire.l in UN Lordsbiira district rallr.1 Hie include those made of gabardines, and $17.50 values. Made of dependable black plushes, mixtures, plaids andW Kttension Copper Minlnr and oeelop

,.,-- , whin, orris and novelties in such silks and satins in all the desirable Winter stripes in the most favored styles of thenenl 'IIIPin (SI.'ISI "'.

" ArU' eood colors as brown, navy, green and colors. We mention the shades of green, season. In this collection are beautiful Coatsof ininm ople ' n",b and There will be rush for and fancy trimmed models. Upto lake over and operate ihout V rieims black. Shown in plain Virnwn. new. etc. a in Dlain

near ni adjoitiltiir ttte St. Mlninr rompen models. Clean Sweep these dresses. Clean to $15.00 values. Clean $9.98pmperlt.Mark. Meynol.lv

owned h.Trlmhle.


rarn..roiia;iiI uller Sale Price $7.98 Sweep Sale Price. . . . $9.98 Sweep Sale Price

berry, peter--o-iiutrttlnson.(





i)i- trttOManil others.

iieople wasThe


D. mr- A Clean Sweep A Clean Sweep A Clean Sweep,. ,. ..r miiimi Aru. The properties re To $25 $1 98..i.i i., he verv valuable prosperts. The fV Tailored Suits Silk Dresses Winter Coatsneu .omnani intends lo iln extensive Dresses. .The Westers Mlnlnic snd

fcaa taken over the Bonney irronp values in misses' and women'si, POSITIVE Clean of Silk Dresses marked for quick SUPREMESweep EveryThe presldlstrlri.ot mine!, in the same a limited collection of regular A ALL made of plaid zibelines, mixtures,dent of the emnpkny - lavid I. I vini JUST Winter Suit in our stocks. The ma-

terialsNo winter styles reserved.

vire sltslSeal. v. T Mcf;ekey. end J. I" knd $25.00 Serge Dresses ininclude gabardines, serges, broad-

cloths,'All the most desirable silks, styles and colors plushes, velours, novelties, etc., in the most de-

sirablelimlMi i KMMnltm rnaiiieer. brown and black. Shown in models.navy, green,j N Well.. npcratlni the Mollle's tiream velvets, whipcords and mixtures, represented.

mine also known as the "Weldon strike ' fur and d models. Als in plain and styles. Up to $25.00 anaili installed a .i' noisi at mesouthshipped

orrarloed of oie

The property li plain styles. Clean $10.98 $22.50 to $27.50 tí 1 O C Q. $20.00 to $25.00 tí 1 O C Winter Coats pl.OQSale Price . Silk Dresses $le4.VOVlrlnrln thief opprr Mine Bnuaht h Sweep Tailored Suits tplOe T Up To $35.00 a asr

i Peeo People. $27.50 to $35.00 ft 1 C Q. Winter Coats 5I.VOThe runou- - irüirio chirr Cupper rronp $30.00 to $40.00 tí 1 O G Qol mine. I, miles weal .f Cutter. V M.. Tailored Suits 5)l0sUV Silk Dresses pIOsVOend tew mile. "iitli 'if tlepluuil Hntie Up To $40.00 tíOQl Q CChafkM

Il.te l.rHunt, hnrueil Kiy


ClilOlinlHalph A Clean Sweep $45.00 to $50.00 tí O Z' T C $40.00 to $50.00 &29 98 Winter Cou OsO)

tf imt '.r li v lly, ami ttie new nwni-- hae Tailored Suits POa $ Silktaken inn ihe propert aii'l lirirtiii workinglie Mime with lu iween rimi mi men. i neyhaie i.hn.i.e.1 a larire ni int of .lipidie Winter Hats A Clean Sweeplid páavMKMII ui the camp and a nrloailol hav and vriln for the host of teain that A Clean A Clean Sweepare haullnir ore from Ihe mine Ui the ita SweepUon at cutter. Trw piopertv ha lieen Kimono Stockspmriublt wurked by I li. Hnillh diiritif Winter and n Hats forlast vear and a nmstant shipper until ALL Winter Shirts Even'g' Gownsturned nver in the lie iiwnere. Koriiier Misses and Children will beUuvrmor neorire ciniy neiniliateil the iaJe EXTRA A special lot of pretty cotton crepeuf the property. found in our "Economy" Basement stocks. and voile Kimonos in regular $3.50 and $3.95

in Mile Wide Copper Company. All must move out. EXTRA A special lot of regular $7.95, D AINTY filmy creations made of g

values. Clean SweepThe Mile wide copper company Is $8.95 and $9.95 Wool Skirts this silks and laces in $2.89in sale. eveninga Ur are rronp uf to lt M elalnu sit-uated

Up to $3.98 Has 19c Slae Priceabout I'.i mil' - uest uf lurson. An. All new winter styles in variety of colors. shad All beautifully trimmed.

in Tucmb nountaint. The president of the Up to $10.00 Hats $1.98 Silkrompanv i ' liarle- - V Helnei, and U. Clean Sweep j r Up to $15.00 tís.4T rvo $4.95 Kimonos, gSWi.ll Hie l kimwn irUtitiicr enrtnrri Up to $15.00 Hats $2.98 Sale Price 3590 Evening Dresses now. 4o9Kl 1'ai.o. i ui.ei uitendeiil. Mr. Wolf Py.TOHotel Sheldon and will return In a rnuple $10.00 Fur Caps $3.98of days to the property. The pmperty, in Fur Up to $6.75 Wool tí r Up to $25.00 rj a $6.75 Silk Kimonos, A$12.00 ihis opinion, Is one of mew promise and la Cap. .$4.98 Now J59;Skirts, Clean Sweep tJ)u.Ov Evening Dresses 3ílc3er Oin the same locality as Ihe celebrated Oould Up to $5.00 Shapes 96cmines, which are to be started up strain.1 he Mile wide property Is developed by $4.50 Jockey Hats ......... ... 9fic Up to $15.00 4 O LA Up to $27.50 1: fQ $7.95 and $8.95 ev qHue. iliafl- - kk feel. 7:. and 900 feet, Silk Now.reapectlvely. and by drltta friim 70 lo Ilk) 19c Boudoir Caps 3c Skirts, Clean Sweep J)O.OV Evening Dresses tplO.70 Kimonos, J. 70eel in lenirlh In Hie soft font level. Theores occur as rep lareatenla in limestone, 25 Boudoir Caps 19c $12.50 and $15.00 gfr s TV A OHir.iiiKh which run asirles of fissure veins.While then nine ropper arbonatc In the 50c Boudoir Caps 39c Silk Kimonos, Now iUiOsurface umklnas. the moi-- l of the ore lasulphide Ihe piop. nv Is equipped with a 69c Boudoir Caps 49cnunM !) small rompreaaor, bul at the pres.111 tune a Is si fool compressor and a Children's $3.98 Hats 49c A Clean Sweepdislllstr ciialne are belna: installed When rompleted tlie work ni be Children's $5.00 Hats 98cpushed ilh a Israel rorce of men At mm mm ! BMpresent Ibe lompany worklnr men. It e Store Furs .CoatsIs planned tu tari loiiay tunnel to bedm en clear ilumiah ucaoii mountain, A Clean Sweep O" ServiceUt tx sail feet luna--, whichcrosscut eerl kiionti veins. About :si Fur Stocks and Fur Coats at .sweepingIons of copper ore has DtietOlON hen ALLhipped ll.- het ore runs luarri A) Women's Footwear in price. This sale includesper cent upper and Ihe ore bodies are eiienslv.e. the world famous "Revillon Freres" and White

hoiilhland I upper I ninpunv In Install House Guaranteed furs in separate pieces, setsA Clean of Coat StocksMachinery discontinued lines of Women's Sweep and Coats.There seems I" he question, says (llla ONLYValley tanner, but what there be a are included in this sale. All de-sirable

bia minina activity on the Southland Cop $2.95 Furs $1.98per company's properly. A W. Welly, and the most favored Winter styles. $1.98, $4 89, $5.98, $7.98, $9.95 $12.95eupei nibmachinery,nucid, went hi

coiiaistina-Kl I'aso and

oflajKiuer No exchanges, no approvals and no returns $5.95 Furs $3.98

tkalsl. an cuiupressor drills and oilier ma-chinery

for credit. All sales final. Unprecedented iri $6.75 Fursnecessary for Ibe work now savings for those who appreciate the highest V VAST assemblage of Winter Coats sport, medium and full length models. Shown $4.55

planted tun compartment shaft will be $9.95 Fursunk mi lie in. bir quail veins to a quality. in all the dependable materials, fashionable styles and favored colors. Sweeping - $6.63depth ..i y. reelThe property Is situated about ; miles reductions for quick disposal. $15.00 Furs $9.98LOT 1 Discontinued lines of buck-

skinaouii of runa. Hraiiain county, Art!., genuinein lie ' lark nun, in.- dtstrlrl. II is a (Old boots made by "Pincus & Tobias." $20.00 Furs $13.35and - v propusllion al the surface, with $3.95 Coate $1.98 $12.50 Coats $7.98Indlrai - that Willi depth inq.oclani caje Shuwn in yellow, grey, brown and combina $25.00 Furs $16.67per veh will come In the vein la wide $7.95 Coate $14.50 Coatstions of colored kid with buck Regula $4.98 $9.95and traceable .uup along the surrace. tops. $35.00 FursII It sanl In be .laces u reel wide. 3IU.UU and $1 .00 $9.95 Coate $5.96 $17.50 Coats $23.35Hla-- rol assays haw ne.-- made of quartt $8.95 $12.95 $50.00 Furstluea .from thir venid, ..in w, gold per ton $33.35It Is believed that when developed It IIInot only yield plciitj ,,r minina ore, but $75.00 Furs $49.75also luali made eluppuur ore. aW tiuuierotii LOT 2 Broken lines of brown and greyperassays

too.run from two In four ounces ful J boots, black and grey and black and ivory. UP TO $10 SUITS $4.96 A special lot of EVENING DRESSES AT $6.98 Beauti-

ful$100.00 Furs $65.75

The Aravaipa Mine Produrlna Lead Very smart looking. Regular $9.00 and Tailored Suits made of solid color and nov gowris made of chiffon over silk mull. $150.00 Furs $98.75arbuoalr 310.00 values. Clean Sweep elty check materials. Up to $10.00 Val Up to $12.50 values. A clean Sweep ofmountains,

The Aravaipaami in

mineihe etireme

m the santawestern

Teresapart Sale Price 5t7.45 Kkec,." .Wp every dress in $175.00 Furs $117.50

Of Orabain miiniv. am which is belna $4.98 stock at $6.98 $225.00 Furs... $149.5 Oworked under lease l, n. Mini, and


that Isprudtn


hqi-,- ic..ii.t,er4bie

1,. unelu--luah grade

TheLOT 3150 pairs of tan Russia calf boots UP TO $4.95 SKIRTS $2.49 All wool SERGE DRESSES AT $4.95 A large col-

lectionALL COAT PRICES REDUCEDwith laceore mined Is lead aibonale avera-iu- wi

tops, light welt soles and cov-ered

skirts made of serges, whipcords, poplins of smart serge dresses in straightcent lead, they are shipping about Louis XV heels.pertons per mouth, uhnii k. .qi, the ii.qiht

aj Nearly every size. and novelties in checks, stripes, plaids and line pleated models. Up to $7.50 values.watrous




011ted ;i leet. $10.00 valuta. SWf C C solid colors. Up to $4.95 tí O A Good colors. Clean f a rpechad burros, and them, Clean Sweep Price

hauled b. Wllleot in 1. ,ubi trucks, hw f values, Clean Sweep A.alivl Sweep Sale t4-9- l $2.95 Bathton capacity each rtiei also han sume $22tuppei onMlaes

Hi.ul lilnystoa, N.


pot ket- - LOT 4. Several hundred pairs of button SKIRTS AT 99c One big lot of black, SILK DRESSES AT $3.96 One lot of taf-feta, Robes at'.ousiuerahle work - stun on in Middle boots in either kid or patent leather with kid navy, plum, tan and grey Winter Skirts, silk poplin and messaiine dresses in .

Perrha Creek, on lie MncUi-- t and a or cloth tops, Cuban or low heels. All de-sirable

wide flaring styles. Worth afáT good colors and black. dt t O BIG GROUP of Beacon BlanketUuilly an. up l mine.. m, Uie hull, mi Bathluiuiel Hint ore ha been en. uunttrad, ibe shoes. $3.50 and $4.00 values. Clean double. Clean Sweep at vlQ Up to $7.50 Values 5Jl3.9ü Aore streak, being large. A tunnel is beuuj Sweep Sale Robes in all the best colors and com-


ridriven on the Sqirrlui min. rapidly a $2.95 $2.50 House Dresses 98c 95c Crape KimonosPricepossible, and the croaacul m Ui tunnel 69c Shown in floral, figured andguiiig eaal Is being rushed in aw I'll $1.25 Wash Blouses 50c Flannelette Kimonos , .giilili Use Noidsor Mining luiiq ai,) is de Q9C 39c Bwl J ! S.W 1 1

veloplng He riño Hlonn and oilier prop-e- l LOT 5 One lot of bljfk velvet boots ruavajo designs. waist coras ana pipings.ties under leao. and le nd 50c Middy Blouses &3c Children's $1.50 Khaki Coats 29c values.Regular $2.95Aellie Isrielupasral e Msguia hlel Mine either lace or button styles. $5.00 valueThree atliru oí uen have I, eeii nit Clean Sweep 50c Sateen Petticoats 39c $1.95 Bath Robas . $1.49 Clean Sweep Sale Price $2.39Mink suiting Ihe shall al the Magma hi.

mine a mile le.i 10 lu., and Sale Price $3.45 $1.00 Wash Blouse. 69c Children's $2.95 Coats $1.79atUaraul to Une famous Magma proi.eilvatluns for War be mei hanK al plant

t, be lu tailed at an earl) dale are in,oul. and bids ou equlpin.1,1 an- being ci.,i

mpany He new ism willUHlltde a ,..uipre.oi Hoist and drUll h Conditions of Sale.lienWetlei

is beingHi.e

sunk al a sitewho


b Or est t3FmYMm3mwikB mt IcflKfBI SJasaaTjain Mail Orders Filledamuevoiaoaus at





BECAUSE of the limited lots and low priesa no llilViillli91IK1H H ALL Mail Orders from out of town patronsI uurtr's-- l wet tela ul ti., (.uiii limad la be filled in order received

Oslu.au tsiaertrl Little will be sent C. O. D., on ap-proval

as long as theexchanged. Patrons in Iota last. Each order will beor must givenA II root vein or gold ore. running; U come person careful and

a ton. baa bean diclus.d bi a caae-l- on Pintes in order to take advantage of these bargains. No prompt attention by 'Betty-Th- e Shooper" adHie Mou ruot level of the Uuld ore uiiue al

Ould Hoed, ii'tr uaUuan. Aru. A slo4 bed phone 01 deai filiad. All sales final. shipped same day received if possible. &nd Yourbeen epeead to eaarera via-- ore rnuu a lar ge "The House of Courtesy" Orders to Betty.rem. and had tseae carried west for Mtfeat beai a break we diectveied and theHrfc dtM uuliuueii A fe d ao wfc

men 1. . icd the drirt awl ware selprnuMi to see that a but ur In lied laaau OUR ARCADE WINDOWS TELL A STORYplace,ales lo

leiaalingUte ortglual

a 4


bodjr.vein at 111.1 an OF


ite House Monday Morning at 8:30 Newy

YorkBUR 1 1 PAOB.


It seems almost an anritattoa to writ'"Sir" hernrc the name of the minor r'Peter Pn" for t combination that torand January White Sale atergoen hold In peculiar affection A (Mlp somewhat the seme cniamte that mad

"Peter Pan" 10 treat a Joy are to be foundin the new play "A Ki for indeeelta"

t w j w at the Fmptre theater

A 0


Cinderellaforma thai



it dirrtniuinBig' Climax of Previous Value EffortsGiving' to Imagine a saw ptut or thr rvrr delight

nil ftnry. narrte han brought to hi versiona rreehneaa and a rharm that no other dra-

matistTHINK OF $20,000 worth of fresh, crisp Undermuslins in one big Salé. Never have such stocks been brought to ronM bring, standing an he Msg

El Paso. Months made plans for this which is destined be the Whitewearaa the dramatist or way nrranx ratlinago w e interesting event to greatest than the rnnatnirtor t paltled realities.

Sale ever held in the Southwest. Some of the noteworthy features of our January White Sale are the vast variety Barrle ha. woven an odil combination ntfantasy and fart, dream rralltle. and real

of garments in latest styles, the feature of the famous "Wolf Head" make of gowns and petticoats and the display V dreamt In "A Ki- - for Cinderella." 1 ihi

of genuine hand embroidered Filipino Undermuslins from the Philippine Islands. In addition we offer remarkable values odd






jm women s crepe de chine undergarments, Lingerie and Silk Blouses pealing, wistful quality which ha won heran true a piare in popular affection.

$3.50 Silk $Q.49 Up to $2.95 $1.95 Up to $4-9- 5 $Q.49 needleWith lhl

to aayIntroduction

that theitstory

seemsof "A


m" I fnr Cinderella" onr iltrflrull to tell InMiddies Blouses at Blouses at. . . . . any other rorm than that unfolded hy the

a REMARKABLE value in misses' and play. How ran anyone put Into roldBIG collection of novelty wash creations mad of pussyA BEAUTIFUL phraae the dream sayings or mot drlirhtwomen's white silk Middy Blouses. Blouses made of pretty white voiles crepe de chines, Georgette nil momenta? Hut tin much may be aald:

Made of soft washable tub silk with pretty in embroidered, tucked and lace trimmed crepe, lacea and combinations. Embroid The "fanry" j even the programmodels. Latest style collar and cuffs. Won-derful

label It II In three art. The nribraid trimmed ered, beaded, hemstitched and lace trim-med

collars. Lace in front styles. filled with the tragedle and hope nr a

Here variety from which to make selec styles...

Some with just a dainty touch lavey "alavay" you know. the Fngllahare middies of quality at a very low r a t r a r, rtion. Keguiar .?u and values. color. 9.vo, ana m.t? values. way of aaylnr "servant girl" who rtrrnmprice. Regular $3.50 values lreir In the second act Into the montJanuary Sale SaleJanuary glare hall It ha eeer been my for-

tuneJanuary Sale Price. . $2.49 Price $1.95 Price $2.49 to ee. Tlien. In the third art. r.lnderrlla wake In a hospital where herPrince charming mmn to visit, her he la

Petticoats Muslin Muslinwear a policeman. Perhaps you may gain ornewear A5 or the flavor --the reminiscent navor of Bar-

rle49c VC n Silk Env. .89 at hta beat In "Peter Pan" from whatSaleSpecial at . Price . Sale Price . $2 Cinderella aay when the proposal Im-

minent. She makea her lover promle to

cambric muslin Petticoats with MATCHLESS values in envelope chem I T NPRECEDENTED va jes in gowns. Chemise . propose twlre, "For." she say. "I ant

WOMEN'S you to let me nave the satisfaction of re-

fusingand embroidered acallooed edffe ise, petticoats, corset covers, gowns corset covers, petticoats, envelope yon onra."

or tucked ruffles. January and drawers. January chemise, combinations and drawers. A SPECIAL assortment of fine crepe In aome part of this romantic, rantastlr.

49c Sale Price 95c January Sale de chine envelope chemise in tail-


and altogether dellghtrul play one reelsSale Price. $1.45 like pinching himself to assure hi brainPrice ! and lace trimmed models. Exquis-

itelythat hi body Is awake The odd way thatfact and fantasy appear meet and resotvs

trimmed with fine French Val laces, themaetvaa bark into their own parts again

Muslinwear .25 Muslinwear organdie medallions, etc. Up to $3.95 Is at times almost dlsronrertlng ometlinea

CorsetCovers $1 you cannot quite piare your mental stead-

iervalues. January upon which Is which. This Is partic-ularlySpecial at . 49c Sale Price. . Sale Price . Sale Price $2.89 trua In the hall rene For

I "AINTY gowns, petticoats, envelope undergarment of Lord Times approaches the klnr. who Ig

BEAUTIFUL rare lot and "i.es talk."talking quite a sayA SPECIAL assortment of carefully selected chemise, drawers, combinations, short The lot consists of gowns, Meekly the king replies "Certainly" andcorset covers made of fine nainsook. All petticoats and corset rs. Beautifully combinations, corset petticoats, Salé Crepe de Chine subsides. We on this side or the orean.covers, en-

velopewho know unía about the power or thenicely trimmed with lace and em-

broidery.trimmed. January chemise and draw- - g& a e"- m London Tlmea, perhaps reel that uch s

January Sale Price. . . 49c Sale Price $1.25 era January Sale Price. . . DlT3' moment adds a rurther Usk ror the perUndersarm'ts plexed mind to reconcile. In the expressive words of the English, we may reel attimes "taken In." More than anything else.

Muslinw'r probably, theae rwirt rhanges or moodFilipino Quality Muslinw'r make one reel an ine mure me onnnens 01

Night Gowns 59c $1.95 to $15.00 $2 50 to $4.95 A crepeREMARKABLE

de chine undergarmentsshowing of

includingbeautiful the



Is living,and method.

thinking andrt reaming war there is no better evidenceSpecial at . . A REVELATION in hand embroidered GOWNS, petticoats, .envelope chemise gowns, Teddy Bears, petticoats, camisoles and than the undercurrent In "A kiss ror Cin-

derella."made of sheer bloomers. Exceptional values at the following For while the drama persoft Night Gowns made of sheer thin ma- -

haps the nrst of art. to accept and toFINE in slip-ov- styles. Beautifully embroidered by hand by native Filipino terials and exquisitely trimmed. New, orig prices: embodyand woof


new.a nation

It la onlybecome



the warp

trimmed with fine narrow lace and pretty Swiss women. American ioyai society aesigns. inal ideas in style and trimmings. with dttsrmtnatlon that a dramatist of

January Sale January Sale Prices CAMISOLES 95c to $1.95 Barrle- qualities accepts It as an unavoid-able

embroidery. jCT" $1.95 start at $2.50 part of a play. With Its scene laid In

January Sale Price ! T3eC Prices start at NIGHT GOWNS. . . . $3.95 to $5.95 London. It Is pechsp not even passingstrange that this "rancy." itseJr. cannot en

TEDDY BEARS $2.95 to $595 tirely eacape the undercurrent of tragedyPettic'ts SL Gowns nor wholly Ignore the whirr of the Zep- -Extra Size Muslin-wear

PETTICOATS $3.95 to $5.95 pellni.Vet not Willi war. nor won nv.jEnv. Chemise $5.95 to $9.95 or policemen, nor yet with dreams only thatlQr 59c to $3.50 BLOOMERS $1.95 to $4.95 Klai for cinoereiia- - aeai. iur ey- -

"EXCLUSIVE Undergarments of the bet- -note of thla charming fancy aspiration.Special at . . w S? GOWNS, petticoats, corset covers and JL-- r- tcr sort. Beautiful petticoats and t's overtones are love. It would w inigniy

drawers in extra sizes. Cut full and made of finest longcloth and nain-sook.

dirflcult to find a love srene a appealinggowns the hospital to which comasSPECIAL of novelty envelope chem-

ise Sale as la tost InA groupwell made. tmbroidery and lace trim Wonderful trimmings. January January the policeman with a pair of slipper In

made of fine soft materials in latest med. January Sale Sale Pric place of an engagement ring.styles. Handsomely trimmed with French Val 59c $5.95 ru é nu te everyone ni mr vimhuwj

Prices start at start at Women's Blouses selected cut la vary good, each in hla orlace and Swiss embroidery. Cut full and wide. her own part, Norman Trevor, aa the po-

liceman,January . iC lanext to Maude Adama, ofthe moat pteaalng member.eouraoSale Price . XJJC It aeems quit like "old tlmea" to ee a

Barría fancy played by Maude Adams un-

derof Spring Blouses have

THOUSANDS new "presented by Charlea Frohman" at thaour great January White Sale Empire theater.

beginning Monday. The new stocks includeThoae who took the long Journey fromMuslinwear laces, de chinea pussy Tlmea square to the Bronx the outer Mon-

day75c Georgette crepes, crepeaaw among the last survivor in the

Special at willows and a remarkable variety of sheer and upward bound coaches, the perplexed faces. of Charles Hopttna. Oeorge Vivian and Cdainty wash materials. Styles never were so

W Kelm, all or the Punch and Judy

ONE big assortment of corset covers, pretty. Study the unusual values below: When asked why they ware hieingInto unknown rechemise, petticoats, drawers and themeelves so bmhe1

In searchthey declared that they, weregowns made of fine cambric muslin and nainsook. WHITE SILK BLOUSES AT $1 .95 Attrac-


piratea. Now, when one remembererl

Exquisitely trimmed with Val lace and Swiss em-

broidery. Basement Muslinw'r Sale new styles made of tub silks, crepe de matgaged

thesefor more


gutlementwo years



A Main Floor attraction. y laland," the farilace and In "Treaaurechine and radium silk in embroidery, with piratesJanuary Sale Price C aeemed rather strange. In a litas while

39c, 49c. 59c. 69c. 79c. 89c and q5c hemstitched trimmed. piil CkJ3f waythe reason

out andfor



mat time.came

All neout

Sale PriceJanuary gentlemen were bent on ratrhlrta; a glunpse

AREGULAR sea of white will greet you Monday Morning in Our Economy Basement. or TheodoreTreaaure






Env. Chemise We offer vast assortments of gowns, petticoats, corset covers, chemise and drawers WASH BLOUSES AT 97c A big assortment weekvlaed

by the Elamere Stork eompam

95c in latest styles. All full cut, well made and beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery of new wash voiles and organdies beautifully Mr sayre muet have felttreated

very baiii.vby Robert


fair ux wsaSpecial at . . Also some dainty crepe gowns. Matchless values at 95c, 89c, 79c, 69c, 59c, 49c and 39c. trimmed with lacea, embroidery, medallions theLouis


thein the book, and even

and panels. January Q-S- ale more pained at the aUvlah way Julo hr.k

and envelope chemise in novelty styles NIGHT GOWNS AT 19c-Ju- st 100 dozen WOMEN'S DRAWERS AT 19c Made of Price en ooodinan. who draniallaedInthe


f""iPLAIN as Dupont, Redingote and other styles. full size night gowns made of soft sheer cambric muslin in open or closed styles..tep.ana Judy

forversionIn Mr. Hayree

had followedvereton their ts a

muslin in slip-ov- styles. Limit two. Wide hemstitched and tucked ruffles. love. It wouin orAU sorts of attractive new styles trimmed with WASH BLOUSES AT $1.45 Beautiful new ,...nti,.n and lota of

the details nl tinpretty lace and embroidery. Made of fine batiste January f g January Sale Voile and Organdie Blouse with tucked, em-




repeat"ireuiini ,..

and nainsook. January r Sale Price. 1VC Price 19C and lace trimmed styles. New col-

larsmay g ao rar as to aay m.


Sale Price SJ)C 25c CORSET COVERS 19c Women's NIGHT GOWNS AT 39c A vast array of and sleeves. January JÍ A J i.m.iu


vonBen. the


a nana""-'-en to

cambric and muslin corset covers trimmed fancy trimmed night gowns made of cam-bric

Sale Price PT7 He,ihadon




Jin. Hawkinsall out. lor

with pretty Val lace and Swiss embroidery. and muslin in every wanted style and or course My ' lrl"1 ong Job

MISSES' and WOMEN'S MIDDY BLOUSES talMBS Jim and Bessie end promtvalues.25c January trimmings. January tUp to $4 95 S095 Sale Price 19c Sale Price cJVC A vast collection of Middy Blouses empha-



askedto them

if then- eras am .,h.,.iivour usual variety and quality. All the netweeii the two playa. Mr. Vivian -

The-- i"

Muslinwear dm NIGHT GOWNS AT 29c Pretty Gowns ENVELOPE CHEMISE AT 39c Made of ed to have asid "Ortet gun. yci..n.- "rand belted effects u,latest styles in plain asme:" But

made of nainsook and cambric. Cut full fine soft nainsook and cambric. Beautifully very KMuiiographere

are theand lawyers wImi r,,r,,'f? J

size. I rimmed wun lace ana emoroiaery. finished and trimmed with lace and em-

broidery.represented. New collar, pocket and sleeve rntourag. or tw - wA SPECIAL group of gowns, petticoats, January January C g trimmings. Note closely the exceptional re-



chemise, etc. Just one and two of a Sale Price 29c Sale Price CJTC below: ......1 .o iiniiiiciion i. other Mks

kind of the season's best sellers. Some getja ao lajiunrUon aaam-- i him

slightly soiled. All beautifully trimmed. Up CORSET COVERS 25c Hundreds of WHITE PETTICOATS AT 49c Extra 95c Middy Blouses 89c What will happen anr tor v

dainty corset covers made of cambric and quality petticoats for the money. Made ofvalues. January Blouses 95 C$4.95 $2.95 nainsook. Pretty trimmings. January cambric muslin and trimmed with lace and $1.25 Middy repríro::rLcrSale Price Sale embroidery. January jk 1.45 Middy Blouse. $1.29 .am to own tl nt... right, to Uh

Price 25c Sale Price sVC $1,95 Middy Blouses Si.45 notTkey



producedt"e aseoaa




There la a l','',l"V,lyVkrl-i- iithis one. In thebe pemiltled to tak- - '

No Phone Orders Conditions of Sale ofto sdd

s greatother



tolel reeling "t thetheÍ ..r ttw.- (.mblr..,. ! art ana

BECAUSE of the low prices prevailing and the iiaviiiMiamiiMa BECAUSE of the limited lots and low price no Sm Wat raig'y "

17 that will crowd our aisles Mon-day,

will be sent C. O. D.. en Ap-

proval Phone time

no phone orders will be filled. It will be abso-lutely

or exchanged. Patrons must come in personimpossible in such a rush to accord our pat-

ronsin order to take advantage of these bargain. No 4360

the usual Phone Order Service. phone order filled. All sale final. pliM'xesitiojia tbcaii

on.'niThe Store of Service" daughters

low son' what

MlTCHLESS values to women of EL PASO be11

.urprtwa.anil rnot

fI fnpo JH o rni n g tfimf.á Songs From the Scriptures 1 Folk We Tbuch in Passing Chandler SONGSot mr.



1... It 0 Ter e

tL ro TiMM eoars.sv iFOMKll Mr.' ItSt VBard. DIFFERENCEnumc row i aMaa j r. wit MVI- - By the Bmtztown THE

m.i vntvt... I fKKN II. J SIMMON. ' r OHM (Folger McKIOjOeVt) Nnsvuic bitty in hi. tfTIofriood wm

each of the.. Th p. clean lea The flirt Piardrriank r '''In a lam! foreign to The steam-- r wa. squaring ocrotinU at closingto heMrve In the asrrwtr of lowr at flm sight. Her port screw umroped all .night

mi and listened to his scratching pen

THE OIVBR Aftor a no. nib of beautiful Uw went their (Wtiarntc Her bilge wis very ripe and raak.And wondered If he balanceo

wove, he lo his own coantry to find her amimnlatetl message of o pea-f- ee But In the morning light t. . .... .nd,

srrRtv.str.NTATivr.Trihue.. HsII.IIm rrow th. end of the . ..mnundment M rhr-It- faith. Shed swung In lret Wleortrtto.

Week And If he squared account.torthemTrikMM RalMIM. out of pure heart, nd of i good con She mil that la the story! And there the gloomagioliten -

cisme, nd of flth iinf limed I. Tlmolhy Lay in the winter sunand Fleeton.

.... a in his asset, all he'd known

MoClure Syndicate.) We d flopped it Tim'sof laughter and of sunlight nd of bloom

rÍABI.r. IN APVAMT (Copyright, 11. b; th Newspaper whistle blew. Amen!lie And the In ill Us- seed, or error ne mm -f.1.1. H nilTIOM Beedvlllethere we were

Mall at turner. This giver leo glveth Ood They met on foretm oll. every rty. .Honielltne. two leiiers went And gln'sunrise and snirsel. Al In .torthitmber1nd finds trs squerinto htm between endAnd this make all the giving aeern The strsnser hs1 been msndetin long The year'sthat helps the clod. from home and wa restless and dft avs there gushed from the tender nean

of fishermen. with things. JclodNot the mere wayof her the new bom love Utat surh Oh here . the town

And counMng lo. and proflt a. they hrca'"V Hut the inviolable glea'm. .tutted when one rtrtlsnt winter usirn-IB-

beautiful, trusting thin. turdv bean, ann imr, theft we nd grther pf. 'a Ud piy..111 he lifted M uvri The twrl. where wey mwmmcoin eyi factoriesTil and meat and golden here theTh Ht. N,,i I, tend She poured out her every thought to The And kings, .t hese alone Arterwsrd. when he hd achieved n In-

troduction,Menhaden oil mam. end weCase from the giver stranger she drew p" pictures or toe tnd vet how little In the now.

well give chaff hs lingered over their first ... nd here the loved virgins rcounts with U. howAnd one might Just a home together which, in tnetr momo For. le.t we squirefli nieth. and blue.Dim "i in in the beggar's hand a stone. eomptnlonshlp. they had planned, end fler bright all

"When yon raroe into the room. I was And lliey make you reei """ f ngure lngoverllll) Sa.i.l. n nut.Ui each letter had gone rorth Ui hltn a great This petty groveling(Br MF ..nielan, of II even before saw you.

contentment and peace rilled her von want to rome as loss this record md Wit bill,ofTh. "unite. Till The giver also glveth light. nd when I linked into your eye. tn in-


and when, at last, the time came You want to touch their reamy nsnu.And seldom figuring our gomen u....-hearts ...... .......(tira " !' - " And the groat glory that Is one sense of recognition flwidert my wild .win .Ions but gives ua awn. in-

deed.she was much,stem mjiwiim Hian. a . when The Olrl should go home paths Lire asks M- pleasantIn

rk'w Vs prlill !" .i.h insUnaMMgl With the pure heart that walks Ita way enseit. It w If some beiitlful thing

with Impatience. To old amenities of life

of right. for uní. a I had been walling all my llf of song. counts as old yerw burning peaks icthe wCoder when iquareEDO?. 'XzrS. Tv .i lAi raruen. ."--i "His dear letters: Ah. want them so. AndW .iidrlenlT riven lo me."Not clothing aaked, or food, or coin, her iry,.111IvlHirl.n-- Oawr.1 M.nwer

and aetlefle like this The Olrl give Tlie trnrr her rpt he cried. A lively town Is Beedvllle. oh. besideAh credit her with more than dilly need

'entres ttentlon. HI words were reveution to And she hastened her going mr the sake singing hoc The nnrorgolten beauty of the sky,flood conscience and a faith unfeigned

her. for the tone in which they were spoken of them. Where vessels come sno veneneThe love or friends, the rilth or womn

.. IV MaIIUV i"! IMOt. And the great brotherhood of bliss. rwir sincere. from parental em .......... i ,i.,.n. ..hide.1. - "...ra ?5rár.SC,-T,,S!,- " such Sertoli, rlup this Wiggling impatiently

t Ihe here the weet Virginia ilr Is In the love..u

'He .Mined brace. The Olrl Hung orr her wraps And The tanderne or children, and the gim, ..,iA;;"m..

i-' '"rwkrii

i.""'"' . uwiim. jfaj ,7, , fBp The giver also glveth cheer, dear stranger Mm who luut no mysteriously very portal or her home. heirt. that belt or trength of soul for Heaven thit hlne

etrnett In purpoe; MM reel yourseir -fli.hed Into her lire; so To makeest. ml PI that leap. It to meMv rtrm "t mctrf.Uon f ,h. And comfort and Ihe song "My gnsll." .he begged, "give bore,world seem .weei.hlrii In his Ideal. make tlieo of life's prtn.souls drear And ill the lovely lessonsthe dusk of grownofOut gulrkly." and tne n.n. i u.o-n-NOTICE TO THÍ rUO'lC. "Tea." he answered her repeated ques The And with the oyster,retched.., TIM High as the utmost star that gweepe "there hive been other women in u..h iirori.ed the mother and the tree..

The singing space, of the sky tioning,my life two of thembut It wasn't the Otrl' letters. With trembling fingers she

My heirt I down In Beedvllle where .the Somewhere a dresmhill ind

or spring.braeginnlm

hU lutnorrlunr.

iMMfnr II" ("MM. n.!"i ra. -" In that rapt choiring which Is borne real thing in either re. The relationship pan


wisthem.no message from The Stringer sunbeams ais. me u."". The


onnutter or wing

Prom sphere to stately sphere of night both tunes was too superficial to endure May.of theOur tountry! In hV Inter, oursr with ii

Unto the porche of the morn. There I. Just one miracle of love lo. a man's In all the park'the evidence of tier eyes, The The steamer wis "PUnkim.'"


popples and long sleep.site always lire and that work. It. wonders r.irrver. Doubting She allied hick In the nltrhl. ofech salt lire.nailon- -, may igllnand But the stingingOlrl went over them again north.Bo It earoe bout that in less Uian : The wind wis west. bit by

our country, right or wrong. -- n"". The giver alo glveth lov,month or almost runstsnt companionship lime more shortly than perore.

We rolled a dreldTtil sight; Out of our hrouds leap

Self in that love and all known will v,.a mti.n st last It was borne In upon ' mouth To strife.The Stran-ger.

PotomacThe nirl plighted her troth to The current offTo bear the dropt burden of the wogk " het that in three weeks or absence. The seas, forsooth. He is not hurled lontr

Made choppyEl Paso Beautiful. III. had not written a single line, the By weather or by gloomMake And lift the cant burden of the "Time," he argued, 'is nothing, when Htranger But. oh, to old Virginia ring the songwhose spirit

tof the Inauguration of a cam- - The giver also glveth Ufe, there Is recognition between two souU wild, happy, pulsating ctpeciaHunreceive his We'd gained once more our youth; Within

of the bloom,Ir hag OHM had sped turn. It And rumort whirh sheThe I life beyond the mark When finds hi. other ego he knows From Blirkweir wharf ind then iwayram City the mon For Iqve a man un- -signed ,. the multitude or messages In rned Into in behind. For, ever a on we goln the Houth Of any other Joy to light it instantly." With Beedvllle far shadows and through night

It ,Jlr f""" liT'iaperoua " "It familiar doubt. the broad blue bay. Throughtlful. a. "Yes. answered The Olrl cesudlrrily, We churned along.j - in ihn j.ntlre has natural od- - The unlllumlnahle dark. The room swam suddenly before her eye.

Meedvllle still In mind. The grass lies green beneith the snowIs a miracle." her mind, as dll With spring' blue eyes burn bright- value, herame mixed In Andaeeil ""'y tic niiiTi-- n. The Stranger)il. h "Ood'a- miracle." answeredant age. n...- - The giver alo glveth peace-P- art she removed her liat. and to the eagerniir.ru edlyIta muniT'iHi reverently, as he gathered her gently Into The unesraplng yir, would not cirerifling I

ithorltle . .irr ñoliiK ii hrrolr work In of the gift and more than parthla arms and kissed her. questioning or ner mouu-- imut rhev own us. one by one, If I ware a woman

city lull enethe mankmnrlrta thi citj claan, t.m a nwm m.i.r Is the glad abbath of content "And," questioned The Olrl, "you will went plat with They gither u In hope, md reír

Becauierig Tor

there are things that he ha to beirwhen day by dayAnd done.That panaeth unto heart from heart, runic bark tu me soon? to whom With I reckoning never life's truth with lie..mi word rrom The stranger Or who meeta

Thus giving, In Its utmost range "Before the May riowera are In bloom. ntroth. Ihe Exacting ill w owe. mutt venture todiy the imeher precious Far a man

with th pare, hut If w- - will take Of charity the giver bear dear love of mine," he promised earnestly she hut plightedwhich snr had given her They take ua as they will,

As he did when knight were bold.It m hnr1 to ktP UP In her faith, be heaiitirul faith In midly as we goOlrl. uaAnd The perfect Molding the world iaround U. In our varloun nc.Khhorhooda Ood to the subjects of his gift i... .v.. tr.nsfnrmed Into a bitterness anil ind 111. And men must bear through

loo lleved that It would be o. Betwixt lire's goodI" of little thin, which may he All beautiful and unawares. distrust toward all mankind that vvmilil ríameiiurti'- -r that they should partawill aaa When time came old.atrivlng all the year, thi-

stleor the glory that's neverbe throughhould

0..n.- r..r the . of beuty we The Olrl and The Stranger they were both afreet her vitallylive. In spite of the shadows or gray

And men who whine it the bruiseverv sad. should To lift our soula to the light

his own land, tne strange, Are not real men at lit,InIn"".'!. un.ry ha- - more deeirab.e home. "It lia been a perrect month," she told Arrivinghis club. He was so entirely t'nsklrtlng berore the fray

Nor worth their salt tor woman to knoworty In th ...untry ran him. went first to nd tireless to gain our height not crawl.to fly,chiva; learnedbr beautiful the Constitution. relation mat ne icit Till they'vemora of ramlly

houiie. or bitter imveinent. or Attacking "There .hall he a year of such perrect devoid Thus re we men or the time.,., batter buidneaa saeklnr his apartment.,,f hul. in"a Htl7.enH. yet there In the senate of the United months." lie comforted her. to to And why should we cringe at things

hold the key.U corp. M There now pending when, it last, he decided go Tomorrow, M.r But even hi. promise, did not stay her And Wearing our rings and little rhymelittle tomorrow's morrow,aiw many thlnn whick ..re beln overlooked Ktates a bill deigned to eliminare iiuin i.n Ihe rooms he called home, he ran leisurely dreaming or would-b- kings? And then

be eliminated containing any tears. thit was handed And To set the lordly fmcy treeHhOUld Uh.r or other publication through a picket i.r lettersWhichIhln-- H ... b nrl newspaper, pamphlet "The separation will be si.rtened by your For ever beyond ill this, sorrow..ind greator ImKalled for the purpoee of kln our city more advertisement of Intoxicating liquors. The senator from messages," she told him netween sobs, him smiling over Ihe rrequent repetition

Though the struggle be mighty ind long From anguishbuilt; we knowron.tant flow of vlaltora. Bankhead. I the author and pon-..- .r berore ..t an individual WTltitltr to rind in 1 womin ( Todiy I

aMale t" ouraatvea and our Alabama. .lohn Hollls rimming the day. that must elapsethe mall that wi of There Is something If fashion ind Its style,

wire- -, which . now amendment to our portal law rrotu lila rar country could booking rirst overThe burriruj Of the .....merdal for thl. prospective his flrat letter The stranger rinally op kiss. And so toward tomorrow's glow

Hiram Kandall tn which she was business Import. thit ire living ong.Representative Charlea reach her In her own, And her eyes smilehnu.e, In race andlielnu pii.hr-- in the the letter. The Olrl had written We set ourof the We have no enedappeafuiioe and ( aafety Introduced a similar bill. going.wonderfully t ta of California has number, reading them one world.what But when he had kled away her tears auch generous How ire vou miking yourthe part proposingThl. tr la i n met I'ommelidabl n crow to pick with these gontlemen for by one in the order or their postmarks. the wiy? Prepare these hours thit pisicity. she could find no shapingand rrom her. And how ire you

of the romi proHecutlnff th f there tu they do We are Interested, however, In whit might gonefrom the unutterable desolation that And when he hid come quite to the end

It ill depends on your spirit's will In this sweet lease or time

nv Hd..uitairc In It to them, the people will r Kr..r... follow Ihe pasmge of such bills a are above referred to.lay like leaden weight upon her heart. or the succe.sion or exquisitely trusting

And your courage imld the fray. For mnlc blowing o'er the grailthe dlaappearanco of the advocate of pro-

hibitionhe red Ihe p.a .et to the names world And many lUer rhyme

to know It h thev will appreciate Certainly, It is the privilege But after a little. In planning her own messig.s, For our Is a world In roiebud !

of the poleo and wire, when the change U to do everything In their power to put the home going, be'r pulse quickened with the upon his hearthstone, ejaculating:write. Thit iroe midly miking Its own To welcome 1


about to climbfinally niiulc All the.c l.i.iov.illona the.e modern and liquor business In the nethermost depths of Umbo, pro-

videdassurance that upon her arrival she should Jove' Slut really expected



surprise p.cgirdles. of whether we cnwl In the dustTheThe new


floating chime!.,.,.,. ,,... IniprowmenlM make a city more to be de- -

they do not let their enthusiasm blind them to find her accumulated letters. And there wis in Or rise to a conquered throng.

MMd ud cltiaeury more w.ti.fied with the ohvoe Um the right of other people and other Unes of business In the interim, .he wrote to The Stranger In hi. voice.

should of revelation or patriotism ind artisnctheir noine ana "u"' suffer In no small meaaure om.hav ni.-- lo ndi.pt an which will

considered. In regard strength. In the death of Cleopatra, theHon. their propositions be erlously ifnicUon or the actress

Hh.iuld I"- d Lra with. the Morning Times has noth-

ingt T T . pathetic physical

.....ki.., ik.i i. i.t.tflluhtlv to the merits of prohibition was too apparent, immediatecj mm re-

curredWbii I timo minus are. each . Ittaen can decide without to oay at this time, and It Is not for the purpose of nistorirltacteiiis to mind the Arabian mghts' tale or

anv irrc.ii tro M the mu' pertain, to hi. particu commenting on this phase of the subject that we have the prince, imprisoned in i disertad e

lar nel,thboih.M..I. And with the Idea In view that our referred to the proposed legislation now pending InTURO H THE STOgM. and powerless to move, whose body,

..nd ought to be a. beautiful u. It I progre.- -What we are Interested in 1. the attempt to UWEKT through the spell or encnanunent, was

CltS can of ... n,,..,h the storm oh let me be transformed to marble below the knees,hard t" get together on i. campaign the freedom of the pres. in contravention,.y( Wn .bridge Sweet through the storm, thit when the while remaining throbbUif flesh ind bloodeffect., once Htates.which will have the moo) the constitution of the United ''y J above them.

we become Imbued with the dealre to eliminate from It is not what the mil. .ay, u is no- ".""f" smiles down again m light ind glee But In "From th Theater to the Field or

our roioil onythln whl. h will mar our municipal which we feel Justified in antagonizing It Is possiblebe I ihill lift up md go my wiy. Honor" disabling wound In the goldler'

thut new.i.aper. In me country would notI ahill lirt up is flowers thit bend leg explained logically ht iniMllty to re-

movel I "' .. . , ,r .....i. l luwi amended The Battle of the Keqs wind and riln, fallen,Lt ita commence ,, u. beiiullfy specially naiiaicapptM. o ou. ,.v... - - Berore the swaying rrom the spot wTwre he bad

bi the passage of these measures, provided no other raltliful nd tender to the end. in thl brief episode of war. the actress

The Arizona Muddle. ciass of advertising were ever attacked In a .Imllar What might hive turned out to be most tlbllliy ..r rafl. for the ."Infernal" Sure or the golden peice igiln. who his reflected a thousand emotionsInhe a premature attempt the did not feel so skillfully il to rend the

Arizona'.. I'ncle Kani'a newest . to. ie Ju.t now In manner.to . ih.r. ii, .h the great danger m wVrMU mrie1 in every" V.spen waí V' IhU Unc. The Joke wis on both parties sweet through the storm, or ir It rige heirt or others, reels herseir the pitrfot-ta-

row o the governorship. would say that rrc'lr.l MM the ' of the Keg, concerned, hut Ihe British took H UttOVM i ...ui.uviit or enduring gloom; that .thrilled the dying soldier's mind.unaeemly ofof prohibitionthroe, an commotion. round methe set In thitwis the trial the dramaUT.uigl. ind Intensity orthe face of the sweet The poetryIfn,.. ii. .11 ,,r Y.it.HI. elected .11 JtafStfra be by the nespape during citne floittng wigc to all thit 1a poetic and patriotic Inofficlul return hihI granleil me- - oeriiinnic they are to circulate through the mail. To that ex- -

nughlyc " n et ' JJ' "r",nn the ,'.lty ,,r ,.huadel- - along frmn the upper Delaware, where Tlielr battle with the spirits oioom garah Bernhardt', soul, and to put from

tlon li Ihi oreutry of .tute ra purotto I juWi .. h.n the freedom of the pre., ha been abridgedm.i. roliowini Brandvwlne, hivlug chosen they hid been Hunched, the brive .inillsli t),r,J)rh ti,e morttl dread. the drimitlr stage or France through the

ha. been de ihc ofrice i. y i.overnoi ..e...B.- 'law ha been enacted which declare, that a certain ,hl,' Anieri.n port on account ot It. repu 'begin blowing horns, neiting uiun.a a..u tenua'st ot the hate ind .irire, medium or thit war tragedy will more than

Hunt who Jiilm. n recount of the vote and an Inapeo-tlo- n

Hue of advertising shall not be nanaieo. t ne mart nr hiuiint triirtinets. cilllng every one to so thit the diwn inmnd me spreid ever endear the irtreis to her countrymenof the b.illoui will prove hi. right to hold on to

made Ihe wedge has been entered; the path is cut out iJZcZmmnSt. ind1I... ind many an Americanolberwtse


no once more the risen nope o. n.. nd to the world. Ta hear the falteringViTuJ Uwii thedoubl su.od .longthe office loi ..Mother two year, at lea.t. Of other cauaes to declare that i, the city

while tone of that "voice or gold" which, de-

spiteadvocate. Internally,for other hi .cripple, thoroughfares grinning on let tne keep,alnoe W.te t.r Philadelphia Sweet tlic.iigli the storm passing years, still retains i cer-

tainevor them shall gin nraiQovernoi Hunt, who ha. li,een governor advertising which does not appeal to ..., nrlilsh eavalrv and infantry of every bliat.the ragingFather or child-lik- Innocence in IU qtullty,

i... .tmu.Ni ,.f hi. .tute to the union five year ago.he dropped by the newspapers If they expect to enjoy n" .n""'n.. L.fi:'. . ,T,h. ..n,rti.. r.re descrlntlon dashed to ind fro In greit Dear

thit link, to sleep voice In the wholeof 111. defeat e ha. not to re.li.iiui.i. rr . sweet aa a child to heir the Incomparablejust cannot realize the poaavblUty tiilvllege of our mans uv ,.r the other titles, w tien .tie ......

On i u.ved bosom warmly clispt. . wild world.,,, ,,v..rin.i ..I the Mate of Ai Irania ever .Itic there one after another they will he looped offadvertise- - yUike'r found that To the river ".nl ruitoed the eutiresweet through Ihe anger and the rear, "Somewhere in France." the reality or

. catering' ...el fiXS TEo! the ..Id .he B.IU. or the Kegs"Br.li.hw- - .talc of AMEi.na lo nave a meiit. for tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, turn ine .nw r. men .rmy.appegred, noued in nndvlng faith and trust, thit war episode Is being datly. yea hourly,

preMHienl ill. i .invention which framed tnc eiin.iuu-l- iform advócate will not permit Ihc short klrt and the .W" ""o A,,',''e m.ld ... i I until' Thit Thou hast Heiven. still hlnlng cleir throughout the long drawn bit

tlon 'i" I. .tale and doubtle.s believe, there I

fong boot to have their pralsoa sung; thoII punrtured Into in unshapely miss.

.- -a o. i, i,,., ni urvive the dut. tie line or F.urope. In the oldler' pas-

sionwis Bud.here In that romiirkable .! ument mention of attractive films In equilly -- The BenWtown or patriotism, In hl vision of victoryeoiix hliii:. ...mew movie critic will Insist that no The entire episode resembled anw hi. proMib he .hall .eive until he gutneroa m

shall be publicly made; the druggists muat not tell the liumorous wiy, bou yulxi.te' hUtorlc and peace, even the personality or her

will wake up. ArUona the line, until the hirmleiis windmill. VIVK LA rilANCK! whom men hive called "divine," teemed P.hl I her.. Hul the governor of their temedlea; and so on down uponpeople thit cene and In Uiatr stead iros In immortal

her youthful follle.. not the lea.t or of the newspaper Is to all In-

tentsThe bain.- an entirely blood les one II was m unrorgetible picture r.u.MUgrowliiK columnsthe advartiaiag recently. A bit of Conquering France,uotwiin- - ,. .Ktiiiii. .i for iveveril days, or until i. resented upon the stige beiuty the toul

Hi, who ni'Mi wm,i a lemi.ciiii and the principal sourcei. ..i eliminated greitund pnrposesthe patriot, had run out or keg., inn u.c glade In a tore.i o.i "'" " through the medium of her

Democraticatandli - bit he ha forced himself on the of revenue of the institution has been destroyed. ..... le einendnd bv Ute . u rr.mtler and Sarah Beni est drimitP- irni. a. e. u.ticket in every tat election since the ratification of

Htich bills as the ones now pending in congress would nntuh unoii these harmless roe would ' ,r(U neraonitlng wounded soldier or

III!' OOP""1 H""" seek revenge on a certain clasa of people by crippling no doubt .land them In good stead if ,r(, who clasped the beloved rug or

While raN.mal.lt' In expel í a mananother, and a perfectly Innocent, class. In the present. siarkcd today along the battle front of ,,mtry t0 his bent ind with expiring

.lit.. the certificate of election breath cried "Vive II France' ere he fellof the Hum ie.pi-- .

case. It is not so to... .. ...-.- - - lbgofnm. Glimpses of the Putlawfully giaiiinl in.-- ..ppoiu-ii- and to turn over the of-

fice,which would surfer. It Is the newspaper. When the The British no doubt well remembered k dMj

voice fromtermination of lite conteat be. the Uie experience of Braddock to Amerl S1)s, uooder an ln4ilonedawait inn in followed aa it is very likely to jis up,principle not will or... ami were that pitiiotlc cryHniie ItiMili liiui.elf. there I. reason to be ...nor lio of buslnvsa attacked in this roundabout and cm methods


Thay vsaaed to bt tuMtmft ecbfdappliuse attended the

lli, the euprein. oiirt will .hortly straighten out theunfair buahwhacklug. would feel the pressure very little

llevelug to


own eye to meWeilrucliv ei11(

w , 0f the drop curum. It wii a THKVrv rOt'R VEAgg AOO rOf.AV

matter ami thai Hi. erstwhile governor will find hlm- -as compared to the newspapers. nM or the keg. and were only atiiried w,rf aw in mt. yet lo on woo

or uutalile i h. in eaM work.. t least temporarilyThe prohibitionist! have their rights they have the thit they hul ubdued a death destroy lug ,,e great French actress In many The Mexican government, through the ef

The recount . vote. It U irge, may .lu.vv ihal privilege of all American cltlaen to fight openly and enemy when they had the river entirely yrcm th Theiter to the Field ororforts



or NuevoBernardo



positiveHunt was rea II Btd t'. the office, hul the nfurglii fairly Tor their cause; but they are certainly not Justi-


Our Hi si ijamniJ elesred of Ihem u, written by Frenrh officer stevidence Implicating ton persona, who hid

with the huge pluralltlea It wis the etorls thst were bronglil ' . ', , nttlng con.lu.lon to Bar all President Pormmlfelow, 0 sJ .man impartid In riding ruthlessly over Innocent people in their nr,.,-- h orricer.. they flt MWnUUtA .uscepllble British that , ,uuiurtal role.. issued i againstil. .win. a in the past, as to Sun.leh the buck of ad firio nlaa. .by knife Into the.lr erolled up endeavor lo slip md began wultugi . cauaed Uiein u. become ao Irriuted when latetvrewT of unlv.rial

convincing Ait that Aruona la recovering from herv ersal y. Nor haa congreaa any ou.tness consiuering sue. ,,- - ,.r the tiewspiper for m noii.oej.

h would ipper. for. un s.r.h Bernherdt poMewM. to od- - a hull rirht wa. aturad al Juarez In orderhyetenu and but urdctiv ailmtnlatrallou by a sensible ......... ...! leirlHlsllon messures which are to re'.ae money to build a new Jail. SixTmesisjra hot ggt ggecuttve i. in he expected In the not di-

nar.oui.oae.1 to the provisions of the fundamental la rofX ?s ;s ,h.,..ouof w,.nZ tojudS irr maldapt presided at Judge of the contest

which la almost as ialld- - , . . . . . .. in sir ...... .When Arlxona. sua wnicn we, ... e. r Kn.vo. ih.i were e rcuiaieu ......n or her own VIVIOtan i land la which we live ......... ... (leoree HV ketchum of Toledo. Ohio, puty Democratic a Texa i.m en closi lo electing a doing our best to maintain and uphold. nut ... uib ,h. .....o west were. linen wun arinod . TT...,". ..o....nv rt la as though cbaked thif trotter, Roben McOregur, withate

Republican governor It i. pi ptvsltlve of aomethlngThis much for the newspaper business, in which w. " I""1"" .... .r."Z.r...,dish withTh.h rebel, and these report. Uiey a lowed to eon of a record or 4 17. The horse wis sold three

the Uetitocratlr ticket. work o. u..,r V - 5G yesrs previous u Lexington, ky f..ilH. klng In Hi. candidal ate vitally interested; but th menace does not stop m - as til MO

than if such a law Is passed, there I nothing to pre-

ventTtiut the appruut lung n.v . ainpalgn la not to be with-

outgUaOg laws being enacted which will ataike at the It was rumored In Silver My. M

I le.ve iiinnil ...r... - i .1 .1.. ... - -'- - that Mo ADarhe Indiana hid left the situcluUUlWould ll Mof the looal th merchant, the profeaalonal mi..''il b the efforts farmer,comic ldc i ind.. business of the Oreek member of berowu1U 111 uitereat on Uie part oi uir ineu Uirqiiei Usinili. arios agency, southwxt of naming, and.Iilican organ tu hull in .A. the business of selecting ,,,.,o in fact, every one a the organic principle of

.a aviutd what ulilinaujly turned out to ruuipany thsl the PirrsuuT arpen ftrt were heading tor ase aeiiran une on a

the Democratic candtduie. for city offloe. Our staid and our nation re laughed at by the freak who aeekbe the firclcil "Battle ot the kegi." ,',,.. to the tinted stales. Her American rampage

conaervulive albeit red heded n. uhlan is nevel little tranaienl uotorlely at the apena of their While Commander Howe atta nit aii trlunipba began wllh the preaenutlon ofwm at and the... Tit highest tempiralurs.......

(unn when he attempts to be aertoua, and BOtskMH anu bid filially aune to Hiy .usplrtoo tdrienne i.eroin ro.ir,-- -

toweii of degree.atienipu to dictate candidate, to a Democratic prtaagr) Thru f "i. from the alandpotut of settled rule of regarding Ui mr mey were not inani." as "li Toaca," aa "Olanaoada. even

,,f the iuiuiieat thing" ei.e doe Hul why a action- - an undeniable right and a fundamental priv-

ilegeure of the tusn. md, it t td. became so down U hei i otnpiralivei) re. ent preaeu-Ulto-

TMIOTKCH VKABS ACA TOD AtIhe latter thst they or "Jeui Mirle," thai heart breakingregarding

at all" Our evening neighbor, but a abort time of a democracy we can oee oo good In the pro-


u.pniouwith one eye cotnianUy open or tb Breton Coast, and la

ago was vigorously preaching th doctrine that no Dem-

ocratamendment to our portal law a outlined In the



of soaie treachery. Al the leastruuiaupe

rai miracle ploy of "(Hater The lughandtebool




strengthened car-nivalshould consider hlm.elf bound t.. accept the result bills now pending lo congress. And If the gentlemen movement they would become tlarUed end ' Tlte .. tress who I the glory of gums

of a primary ..t OWMsONtlM of hie part) bul should bolt who compose that august body see fit lo commit them-selves

.1 was but natural. vt.U. auch otate Of France, baa given bar aigbest artisticthe ticket irhOOOVOl ii fulleé to meet hia individual p- - to the principle therein involved, hey will have nerve, thrt when the announcemsnt wis a. hirveuienli and In Ihe little impassioned "A Mgiu on Broadwar" wa plaved it

themaelvee to be anything but stateamen any-

thing...... through the quiet rlly tttn U rivet tragedy of the trenches and tlie battle's the Myar operi houas. Mia Kittle Berk

tw shownbut tru repreeentatlvee of the American people. waa alive wlUi saw form or tui edsr ahe roa again upon Ua oaruOg played the lead.

I........ , in .naos of keg. lb enure of amotton to the inspiredDuokloas Ariaooa leglalature 1 to have two govern-- ,

Otrtr arma and then wave pautotir mi. Mine, at Brett, president at thetoa.iuu. rore look ijiiu or her former power. gouthera lane Ipendan Tlnptuueraaa to it on th opening ds. Who can of n.npanyI'r.-- e. utor of Cochlea county. Arlaona. to lo Isaue for-

malthe water front, in intlrlpattoa The remaining features of the dramatic riled a petition lu bankruptcy in the federal

kWnx. the harrtod for then de iston complaint against four barrels of whisky with dir. disaster that ws aboat o.oriak program faded away In mpirloa to Wa court The. llibilitlea ware atW.wa.gg andoperations until the . rul war is overt ihe asseta I11M0guapead court order. Heretofore comdeetructloa byto Ita rtoatingview Lmm kegs csmekarmles. .directed .ai,,.. ttteaaal te Dclrey lo.elshave been Urgely

from Mlaoouri. but nvrthaia he plaints agaluat whlakydown toe lielawire wbtoh w Ju.t then or th brave (?) Ortttsh r(sad The laurhe.l temperstur wan ui and thCarraña is not It. quality. nd. In thta section, are usually mad pe-i-, the rlUH aur Ana even wore man that, may quite fell exeruoo toweal m degreea.agsinat the tm.on being shown the backs of th American properttee indestruruvebefore he va conaidars th to the barheep. u,i.dCroup, leaded northward eir copión. ad svea Imagtnsd tkst

of any protocolloiifl.olli.n . tour weak reátala In which 10 pa you.rT-- ,mJ, bola, wao wr .or. to jpout ot How. Washington, ft.bung The lb proud.. af Uie warana svota tne twin i device layin eariy ingeotouaBatxar get by somalb

Henamr Dewl agrees with Becretary 1 .analog aute-loeu- t ....ii t Zmm da.tru. U Iktuor tuto "rally hla offleers easily to be fore Uir li.leratatelection, which would be Okie to and Oxtjglned.volee in the next olty prom -- LíJW Vaakees. Uiey.....id hve a Webbof America eeooinlng la-- , mm,. SS tor uiea.nr. tothat there i. danger ten uhanualvas uo to and upon uie wuwi ut - parían seubliatuueuiIf th secretin didni u II. lav to be holly coalestrd ... crlsd b Amen, an uf Jotnl.ven redi..d la the wa. SdllMl . fWM of lb. color of tke wasrsas. and then start arianuns agen

aireeu by Ute newibuye la rotitauuug........... iha only thing that oavn prevent an krly wilh- -

mack ar- - greet wss Uis tcitaaueut caused by granel Hopkimtua t aiuu.tug travesty on ben H Montague of New Yurk, oa Uks aaaales.asTti ouiuAsaMtoaa tnuop from Meaka. auulhci Aiurricana wee. Dar da o .rami Mpecls ul toe Uwurtaut point, which ; drawal ef the abo kanulesa urn kegx. mot th uwovi ta greet' that they be taken u

.La Im insincere. demand from Carraña,


El Paso's Skyline five Years Aao. Taken From the Roof of El Paso & Southwestern Building

iáiiyiTiJhBBBBMfcJÉÉM. .. ..

gfltattastt rMtfr liteMfMi.'aMM iMM&fi '

IHSmiUHBHHIil IIIIBICSSSSPCSmi''Skyline Taken from Same Spot Yesterday, Showing Addition of Numerous Business Blocks

Tor the various apparatus In the labora Patterson, who have leased the site for a to do the thing that Is and mean ence between Justice and injustice, be-tween

poor he was' He ulked to the tmys

TO LET torlaa. number or years. About 86,000 Is being It Is well, nay downright necessary, that kindness and bruUllly. and not than an hour, and he dldnt seem toINC., The dormitory will contain two stories spent on the Improvements. we should put ourselves In touch with the only so, you must love Justice and kind-ness think there was kind of success but, and a l basement, the accommoda-

tionndet OS. Sales. facts or history and the wonders ol science and hate injustice and unklndnesa.


to be about 8u student. An experi-mental

The Anderson-Fille- r Investment company ni' all the past of our earth and the best To be a Man you must know how to that which ran he expressed In dollars andmine will be located on the side reports the Hollowing salea: For 0. M. thoughts or the most girted minds; but II la draw the line between that which Is clean rents, (if course, one may lie a stlGCOt

CONTRACT FOR FIRST W FINE bill. Lyman to H. M. Adams, the house even more essential that we should become and true and honorable, and that which is and be rtrli; but many of the most luoeaaaThe general style of architecture will be at 4(07 North Campbell street for 87.&00; the acquainted with the m an tag or the words total and unmanly: and m addition must be ful men or whom we have any knowledge

Bhutanese, a type used In northern India Anderson Filler Investment company to C or the great Kant, who one day declared-Th- able heartily to love the one and detest the lived and died poor.and resembling that adopted In Thibet. M. Lyman, a bungalow at 1195 two subllmeat things In the universe other. The successful mart is be who has health,

TO BUILD 24 IN ALL The first group of buildings will be ready Calirornla street for 88.500. and iota 4s, 47 are tie "starry heavens above" and theeducator to atten-

tionwisdom, honor, love and hope; and theBUNGALOWS; Every ought moreabout la and the for "moral law payOctober I, It expected, and 48. block 86. Manhattan Heights, within." to Shakespeare's last and greatest play. "richest man In the world" la he who has

described above, will be bull! 50.second group, 81, The man who has stood rare to face with The the most or these blessed possessions.next fall or early next year, It Is expected. Bales made by the Anderson-Fille- r In-

vestmentthe soul or things, who lias heard great Take

TempeaL""Caliban" and "Prospero," Ibacompany during the year 1816 fol-

low:.Nature's Jl'DCK THOMAei' MOTHER OH --

WordOprn New Cafe Soon. heart-bea- and who becauae or great broad shouldered Brute, slid the ManApproximately $90,000 Will Be Expended in Block 298, The Manhattan Cafe will be ready for oc-

cupancysad experience Is forever haunted by tne with lordly brain, great, brave, tender was rece'ved here Friday after

about February 1. It will be Purchaser Property Consld. dream or a life that Is moro than meat and heart, and souj pure and dean as the noon by Judge Thomas or the death orPierce Finley Addition; Cliff Street Cut Vivian Orane Rooming house 8 iw drink and money and the shallolg applauseBeing Through located tt. lot South El Paso, where the snow on the unsealed mountain top. or hoCleveland. and lert forO, F. Stapletoo Tenement . 83.VO" or the thoughtless multitude, Is all the in Tenn.,

was formerly operated. Ex-

tensivecourse, the mighty dramatist makesand Other Improvement Are to Follow Shortly. improvements, including the Instal-


H. V. Duden Bungalow 84.400 stronger for the fight that everyone mutt aerve Proapero, to have reversed that city a rew hours alterward. During

or an Ice plant and a bakery, are Btinaalow .. 85,500 make In this old world. things and made Prospero the sinve or Ca-

libanhis absence, Sergeant Charles Pollock will

C. W. O rl am House fa .Dotunder way. The new cafe will be operated It Is this higher education that should would have been an outrage. be on the corporation court bench. Ser-

geantThe erection of it modern bungalows on of he construction. The structure will be by S. Paormonls, Pete Mitchell and LouisII.H,




Ranch . 87,00186.500 dominate every Institution of learning In the To be Prospero, splendid in physique, Jack Miller, who has been working

block m. addition, the im-provements

a seven-roo- bungalow, with the most world, from tbe public school up to the uni-versity.

cultivated In mind, and honorable and trueMrs. Anna Depeder l.nt- - .... 81,500 will be n:ght sergeant and Mounteddaya,to cost approximately 880.000. Is modern Improvements. The site adjoins the St heart that la the Uilug which the "Wholethe plan or the Home Builders, recently In-

corporated.residence of Maury Kemp.





8S.il To mske men that should b the rinal creation moves." orrtrer Otis Yarbro will be acting day deskThe bungalows will cost be-

tweenA cause of every form or education. To realize this Is to be "educated;" to Be sergeant.The holiday extending Into the early part PUT CREAM IN NOSE h a. Nooks Apartment 8.80'l18,000 and 81,000 each. Bids are being To he an Intellectual giant Is not nec-

essarilythia Is to have reached the very

oi imp pass wees, mere was nine activity W. M. l.aughlln Lota 810.0(1(1received and will be opened on or about In real estate, as rar as concluded deals AND STOP CATARRH

A. c. Rhodes Bungalow .... ....... .88,650to be a Man. The Intellectual gisnt of "Success.

Tuesday for the first two, one a are concerned, but real estate men nearly K. Knickmeyer Bungalow ... 8S.7:jOmay he a cold blooded monater, human Mm long ago I heard a great "Captain or

and the other a structure, to be only In shape, míe in the trend of his Industry" lecture to a body or young men. Lflooc-ssf- slnnl hlr"( rpMld. SlrTasSMeoSHall report that they hav many sale in the Tells How To Nos-trils

v a. salle Bungalow 83.80Í1built along the um-- modern lines. The weekOpen Clogged thought ami purpose he may be little bet-

terand lie gave tlieiu to understand that suc-

cessoi OMI oospat, most obtinsu. sbnonns iim n S lolimiklng 10 that the beginning Monday and End Head-Cold- H. A. Bhedd Lots 8 500 No harm, psln or ntsrf srmos with worm. Msicontracts for other .bungalows for this will ntajg a record. than a beast. mesnt money making. I felt sorry ror iTlCiPoubi. strwipi. moo ssasutran. wrtu too..

sonare will follow shortly after that to be. P. Trachi Bungalow rv I To be a man you ntun no, the differ the men. With all his wealth how very Ba.tfcrr8Tas atacar ce. m msi lastat citi. mirs nungai w t.v.V MvAWtn. aitilet next week, tt la reported. mm You feel fine in a few momenta, the Powers -- Lota 3.300

Gibson & Robertson have completed a Ynur nnld In hflrl or will he w A. Johnson Bungalow warnIs passing In El Paso, the Home Builders tentative sketch of the four new buildings Your clogged nostrils willgone. Mrs. W. H. Foster Rooming house .I. Souwill erect these bungalows for sale on rea-sonable

to be built for tbe Texss School of Mines The air of head. open. passages your J. Mark Williams Bungajow 84.7tKiterms. The group will cost In tbe neighborhood of will clear and you can breathe freely. A W. orcop Lota : s,sooIn the same section, the Lee Moor Con-

tracting80,000, according to present estimates, and No more dullness, headache; no W. ft Mercer Bungalow gs.oun

is Cliff will be located north or Mundy Height.company cutting out street, hawking;. snuffling;, mucous dis-charges

J. W. Vance Lotafrom to Tor the The main will have two floors orAnge Octavia, city. This tutldlng or dryness; no struggling for D. E. Howell Bungalow 8.100work will consume two or three months yet. about 8,000 square feet each, and will con-tain

breath at night. C F. Knoblauch Apartment house ...f 18.000At one T'oint a hill about 40 feet In height Is lecture rooms, ofnees, science labora-

tories Tell druggist you want a small C. F. McKay VaUey Ranch 81 4.000being cut away. The opening of this street and otber features, the edifice to be your 'Couíd Ionly havebottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply A T. Samworth Apartment house ...f 7,500will be followed by vast building operations go constructed as to allow construction or a little of this fragrant, antiseptic M. A. Warner Bungalow 89,000In that section, real estate men acquainted additions when such are needed. cream In your nostrils, let it pene-

trateM. A. Chltwood House 8 1,400 music on my ownwith the situation expect.

The chemistry building will have two through every air passage of C. S. Plckrell House f 8,700Burk Building Home. floors with an aggregate floor space of! the head; soothe and. heal the awol- - Ernest Wright Lots fHÚMO terms, . . . when-

everK. H. Burk, who purchased the lot at Í7 4,000 square reet, and will contain lecture j len, Inflamed mucous, membrane, and W. B. Latta Apartment flSOOO

rooms and laboratories, besides an assay relief comes instantly, C 8. Plckrell Lots 8i:,ooo i wished."Hum ago for 81,100. Is having a rine real department In the basement. The power it is Just what everW cold and O, V. Nare House and lots 810,000

dance erected tkereon, the cost to be about will contain a goxio foot boiler room tarrh sufferer needsf Don't stay 9. Curtis Lot f EMERSON8l.roo, Leavell at Sherman being in charge ano macmnery tor mrnisiiing motive power stuffed-u- p and miserable. Adv. H. Huffman Bungalow 6,000

W. A. Mrkee Bungalow 8 6,000

W. A. McKee Lots 8 8.000O V. Oerner Bungalow 8 8,750

J. W. f S.soo

i A. Wright Bui talow f 5,600

W. A. HurtHouse ..gF. W. Patton Bungalow f 4,750

Hill (loss Bungalow f 8,650 If Emerson Lived TodayE. M. Whltaker Bungalow 8 4,500

Luis E. Alvarez Bungalow 8 8,500

C. 8. Plckrell House 814,0001 r. MeKensle House 8,000 Emerson lived today he could sit in his study at Concord andD W. Wolfe Houaes t 4,000 IFi. A. I 1.800 realize his wish to have music on his own terms whenever theaura E. Moran Bungalow f 8,4000 C. Wilson Bungalow gl0.o spirit moved him.R C. Wade-L- ou 8 r.inoiElla Morgan Bungalow 8 8,780 One cannot imagine Emerson sitting in his study listening toF. A. Spence Apartment bouae 810,500

a talking machine, but one can readily believe that Emerson wouldTotal 8888,781)

have listened with delight to Edison's new invention, which theNew York Globe refers to as "the phonograph with a soul."

Education and Success

ServiceWV By THOMAS H OHEOOHY.Laundiy EDISON.Success Is 00 one thing mat we are anafter. Ambition la the fly wheel of lift, orto be more exact, Uie fire that makes theflywheel and all the other Wheels, go round. "The Phonograph with a Sour

Being sambltlous of success we are allPhone 687 ofhustling

the idea,for


with goodWe

reason,hee got

too,holdthat THIS new invention marks the with Kdison's o) their work.

If we would make our mark In the world by Thomas A- Edison of his More than 200,000 music lovers andwe mual nave our faculties trsined and ambition to produce an instrument which the music critics of more than 200 of


advantageso that

In thethey

strugglemay be



cíathe would all forms of music so America's leading newspapers have heard

And we will send for your laundry at once. As soon eted prigs. To be aure, some men without perfectly rhat the could not and seen these astounding tests, and oneeducation achieve more or Iras aucceaa, but allbe detected from the living artist's voice and concede without reservation that

as we get it, we put it in work. When you get it again greatthose



alougif educated,

toe waywouldof suceese.

do aor instrumental performance. the New Kdison's of at

It la well, therefore, to laaist upon edu-cation.

Great artists have appeared in public and artist's work positively cannot be detectoit will be You'll Instead of squandering their time have sung or played in direct comparison from the artist's actual performance.and money 1st the young people see to it

like do thai both are husbanded and devoted to thethe way we the work. proper training of the uilnd.But It la

"time to ask a question, "What It Will there be real musiceducation ?

shouldII II a



mistake aboutquestion,


answer.there in your home at Christmas?Try Our Rough Dry, 7c Lb., Plus 10 fold

And hereIn essence

Is the answer.flrat mental,




moral, first the training of the intellect, ATALK1NG machine cannot give you and every other day of the year the literallyaim then the training of the character. It gives you only a hollow art of the world' t greatest artists.It is upon tbe latter form or education

We Ihat tan grand amputan should be laid imitation. We want you to hear this wonderfulgive exact change in pennies. Hit eduction of tbe Usesele r The New Edison is not a talking new invention in our store at your earliestIt It character that wins llfe'i great sate machine. The New York Tribune says oritMirtunitvtease. Without character one win the

cheap success, but Ins noblermay

success of it that "Edison has snared the soul of There is no obligation to buy. Wenever. music." merely want you to hear "the phoitograjib

It is said that hIiku In in. nii lair thenon nan inane ins uieai aiei t.jisra sway. It will bring into your home today with a aottlhe jackal sneaks up to we carcasa andel what the king of boast did not care

lor. El Paso Phonograph Co.Sanitary Laundry It is only the Jackal sun of luesaas thatla won by the ekaraeurlea. man. lit kingly I. W. rOarTaEH, Mgr.prlaea being reserved tor moss wbo havethe high manhood Uta anana all scouu North Oregon autd Boularvard Stroota.dielly subterfuges

A.W. The least eapllai thai a g Hi an canCleaver, Mgr. 703-70- 8 Texas Street begin Ufe with la li ueat) lunissty of deue setd purpose, the etesi eyed, clean

banded iinnhood waucb ufua abeuUifely,


wot . rar. but no our rn tell what tbr feels llkr It,' The. Aanertcan not used Seventh Infantry WillMAJOR BERNARD RUPPE fotnrr max have fn store for o. In discipline and lo be '1iosad." Be By Associate Pre.I har - en or, th-- border May It mi. w, if to Mm ealltne: he therefore re Haoe Musical Program r BunierrortlSlew v.." Jan. a JosephThe aerrn n. mips tlujt we have had under

the IBairurtlun of (Un ofrVers or the regnl I hope tlx puMinu of this aun Ir III of Ihla rlty waa elected president or themil "list The aiidltnrhigi of the Menem mrantry at Watch Tower Bible and Tract sorietv. nrr army arr tewing in "ir cgi n an it, r iiruiin

mnil. We here been well treated, wn led, ever ruay nwult ran lint tor inr- I I Fort BUM will be hr .pif Of religión reading toe lale Rev. rjiarlea T. Busgell.

and If (I tune, ae feel somewhat over Interest of oar aerH ' pjnight a aperlal program or MH who was widely known- - - Pa..t Bus

worked, it t amady exercising the mhm hating bern arranged by Band l.egtfer sett. Mr. n.nhrrf.ird formerly waa alnr of cet X.neilegn I" Sick 'nn he Shoots Self lawyer.Sergeant Arthur 8. Hamea.

Following I Pi program:Leg AccidentallySaliitod' Ammir," by Klgar. Face FashionsWouldn't You While Pulling Pistol "Intermeaio." from Cavelterla Buatiraaa.

Like to Get Rid by Maaragnl. This Yearof the cret-ii- .rrreanl l.loyd V. iirton. oí mnpany V TM Hearena are Telling

Thirty tMrd Mlrbigan mrantry. w ar in by Hawdn.of That Catarrh? rlilentally bol in Hie lert leg a he milled Bolo, aelerted. Mlaa riretU it an Demand That the Complex low He

Mia .411 caliber pltol rrofn hla pocket at Made Clear and Oan and Noth-Io- evmnn by f baplln L. Orirfea. vrentht. i n. and Pera Ireeta laat nlgbt at IO:ioiliick. rnllowlnr an argument with mm' rnlteal átate infantry. Aids the) Skin lakeMrtiram. whirh wan Interrupted when Mew alnring bookn bar bean rerehed V fltnart'e Oatcfnin Whfrw.Mmintd Pnllre Ofricer Hul MM p and there will he congregational alnglng.prgird on me aeenr. led by an F.I paenan. ti i. or dress tMs year make "

Kregeant i irtim and orportl t'tan The first reel of the "movlea" will be al nerraaary that rvery woman remove plmría aim Involrrd m a quarrel with aev r V and other will follow the aervlce. nil's. Wotihea, etc. Thla condition l

eral Meilran who were drlnklrur rroni a brniighl ahobt bt reason or the ract thatthe colon and atjle or half dreJug. The Mevii an- - aald Ihe aoldlera' guna Appropriation Bill for thniw thr raí e ;n a pnaHion or prominencewera not loaded and that thev aroofd throw that will make pimples, ajar., very hideous

lh Jug at them Rivers and Harbors Nou) If they existMountrd orrirer Benaon. who Uvea al

7ia lera atn'rt. a preparing to go tn SumCarries BigReady;ltd poUoa lUlinii wii-- he heard a MMSaw the crowd and malte. ÓTr I"

He rniuiil the t" oldlrra with By Associated Presa.their piapda and covered them. Corporal ""Washington. Jan. a The rlver and har

anei- - fakai Iml in platol i" the officer,whi ii lare- - Hi. crgeanl made no at bors appmprteiton bill, carrying Binri.onntempt to hand over hla plalol. for continuing projects already aiitbnrif,ed

Tla1 Injured aergeant wa taken to the ami lo.(v.nno a linmedlale apprnprlatlonac ti ti' innc Hospital anil alt"inled by Pu for new project whose total roal "ill l

liré surgeon i. B. ralnan. The bullet ctU ti- - íinrjoaa, virtually Has beenan arer.v. nnon wa removed completed and will be reported to the noiiaela ll' bae hoapltal. Ilt Injury may reatilt next week,.arnoualy. The ntw project approved In committee

Captain L. U Hall mvratl gated the inm Include tnUO.000 tor Fast Rivet Hid Hetlble. Tríe Metlrann were rcleaaed. Gate, ew ork harbor, with aulhorlrallonJntKUsymrW immmmmfoffimw'Jk' 3r 1 sjr " IiwJi7r i t KjrQCvRjE of an eventual appropriation AT n.aiiAini

Band Will Lead Seroice and aMKi.ono aa an Immediate etiiendltureWell, here I sour opportunity. I am of l1Juo,onu designed to improve the Hud-

sonSnlnfl In olir away, iliirlnn ihr nrtl Ira for 20th Infantry Tonight in upper New York. In which there l.two pooitnt1 pm knii or lauiH Cam now only faet of water, though the city Take m Adxlee and l r Slurt 4'alrlum

lilaril Trraiairnl In Mnnr uhn aren II. aait ocean afer- - IT Y no Want a PrrUy SUnIt mt a til rrllrr. viq ihr rnupnn at lae la building piers to acrommoriaU'(mil nl this Batiré, anil thr tree parhaqr will The Twentieth Infantry band la to lead

liners, several New York Items may be The ImpurlUrs arising In the hody arebe rnruartlri! In nu at naer h parerN the ..ng aervlce at the tabernacle or that added by the committee later. tlninwi otr in four way. thtongh the pore,pout. nr tin km. Ihe limns, the kidneys ,,,.

regiment Cata evening, Jiaplaln SamuelI want to prove lo ton that Giiim ' "in J. Smith of the Klghth Held artillery la to FIRE loss (II.VOOO.

Stuart s calcium Wafers will make ihfhlned treatment uj rrllee your raurrh. ibe trie speaker and Chaplain Joseph Cle-

mensBy Associated Preas. hl.i.Ml clean. 1 bey will thiaw open

Tlte metnod efflWIve II Itrikel win conduct Hie devotional, chap-lain

Marquette. Mich. Jan. a. Fire which pores and In only a shnrt time you win riuIt the riHit or the troublr and riven J. T. Anton or the Twentieth will threatened the entire business dlstrlri or Ihe entire system free from marks or bino

rrllrr by removing the eau.r. TUH ibe combined impurity.city today wa- - checked by theMisa Anna Axlnn la to sing "JnatU the oral norrVI way lo treat catarrh erfurla of the departments of Marquetle tie nesn. reo, rosv nite m ne mo.anil ir von want quick ami Urtlnr u n for Today." riowing rrecly close to Ihe skin will gle

eiirt at iinre for iIm' free package. III mil Following Is Ihe program ror the ser-vice:

lahepemlng and Negeunee, after six atores you the complexion you desire,un cmiinn i'iw aim package win lie cení and two business blocks had burned with iiliiain i box from any druggist anywhereto you by reinrn mall. Voluntary "Winter cold." Bosenkrans. an estimated loss of ftlli.OOD. Price, SO rente.

Twentieth infantry band. MX PRE8WENT Ml si.s"REE I ijaxology Hand and congregation.. By Preaa. rInvocation chaplain Alton. Rano. Nev.. Jan. . Th! resignation of Free Trial CouponThi rnupoii goial Tor a package of

OAI 88 ' OMBIMF.O Altllll I HIHjrnjt "Lavs Divine," .undel. Archer Y Hendnrk aa prasldrnt or the F. A. Mitari Co., Ma siuaii Bldg., war

Ml:.M. arm tire py mall, simply nil Srrlptnre chaplain Clcmena. .Nevada atate University was presented c shall. Mich. Send me al ottre. by returnin yoar nanx and addreaa on dotted Selecllnn The Vnlcc of I.OVe," SCbU- - the board or regents late this afternoon and mail, a rree trial package or Stuart -

line, below, and mm lo :. K. OAl'BS, mann: Twentieth Infantry band. accspted by a vote of 3 lo t. It Is effec-tive

Calclum Warers.TO Main St., Marshall, Mlcb. Prayer chaplain Clemens. Jmtni'd lately. At an executive session NameHymn "Am I a Soldier," Arne. tit the board of regents held earlles In

sermon Chaplain Sniltb. the day it was ordered that President Hen treetPostlude "Hymn, Song of Praise," Pleyel, dricks' resignation be denaanded. Hen

twentieth Infantry band. dricks has been president of the Nevada Cllj SUteHenrdlcllon Chaplain Aston. institution a little over two yeara.

g3S? &Í9 m J; xsils e??fflJi vimm

P- -' 19

XvHBHfckkj- 'akB

IT MTriMrwSttMajor Ruppe, who la the senior major of the Hirst New Mexico Infantry now. on duty at the Columbus base Mii i "f the punitive expedition, has been u member of the New Mexico national guard for a I yean,

having i led In Xlbuquerquo In lux. At n line the thrifty government of the then territory of New Mexicorequired the guardamen to pay for their own uniforma and each man waa uaaeaaed monthly duna to meet the ex- - Wi5WW HaSSallMIHsaflBbLnpeneee of tl rganlaattnn The rnt It lu pay hill had mil yet been Invented and the cltlxen aoldlrra were armedwlih a ,4 a Springfield rifle OÍ pi Vi) xmr vlniiio- Private l'uppe In a few yeara roae to the rank of corporal BfwLmmmmm mmjTJ ÁmmIn 113 hr wan appointed captain of i'onip.in tl .mil In 1U07 promoted to hln preaent rank. During hla upare mm W

while not biixIhk xxllh the militia, Major Ruppa found time to eatulillah and attend to a large and flour-ishing WWdrutt hundirás, to repi cm-t- his dtatrict in the legliilature and to aerve aa chief of the Albuquerque fire de-- 1

1,) ,i mi ml. nl thr Mute I. ii. nil of phnrnuiey and In varloua and aundry official and ca-p-n W hWmmWmmmmmmWL .l f Bx sadjtHule Hi - .i Iiiikuim Bi mafkad ability, pntwcaHiiig u knowledge of Hnanlah equal to that of any native of Castile

or t'ualhulinn hie, bealdaa ajiaaaJoa fierman and several other languagea aa well aa that of the I'nited State, whichhe learned In Hrooklyn where he waa born d3 yeara ago,

Tlte. present term or enltslug'iit la three SsjilMlMCgJiin llyears- service with the colors and PnirHow to Recruit the Regular Army yeara' Knhstiug at Ul yeara ofthe soldier at time or vlage. discharge Isll xi .i i. o It. ItupiM I ie- -i Ncii Mekkto liifaiitry. He Mi. ii starta tn tor blmeelf, settles doxvu

in .nil lire, marries and a family resulla,xil nil time he has rour years' reserve

,i Jixer inn ihr nalioiial guaijjLor Ihe var "Ihei ralio klunild d" ihe prepaiingi To suspended like a sword hanging over Isla

ou- - cm - "a- - called out ror service on this. I say NO, head. He la to lie called only lu case of9toa leu del. I pondered and wondered why xx. ara, ..i murae, busy anuinulaung EMKROBrll

rcci i h ii .t i..i tla oinlng and uhrtlier wealth, hut wliru It otatoM Pi Ihe scratch, But apparently thr emergency do.- - nilthe in. th. limed stale wire devoid we are II la eds only In educate the now exiat. ao all the reserve have beenof pal i. or thai other ieaon existed people to Ihe tact, called Ui. Thfs would Im prcvililed by a

yearthat Buenj laVis railura in enii-- i round ' I. That It takes , year lo make a enllslinenl and I year reserve.tat. X" mini, diste or apparent reason and xve need tlinii. I'or the national guard.-

existed I"' 'mu t" tili- mil of abaci Thai by being prepared, we arc pro fine yrai' enlistment and I to years' re-serve,He ci 4 jied I.. I., no liiilncd leeting ourselxea from wai with not less than tx" mouths'cu. dam.. 3. Thai nitidiUiHi Bf unpre CAMP INSTTH i Tiny Xill YKAR.

V Ml, Tint nil- .- alio un; LI have eflllsPd prrdnc-- s aliould boxx Ihe rallacy or suchthough Uie pay ror the soldier, which atsaw then m jeopai'dKed a condition.

in ..I 4. Thai Mexico may be a tuinoi alixe ee. present la acini per month, besides cloth

led. SOUK' ll.li Pi fiunilifi. but mcliind mem. ami Hun Ircatie and duililiies are ing, rations, hoapltal. denliat'a aervlce etctu juta, ati ' pinion nut ibair tarn. useless arrapa ai paper Una la MOT enough the ajaTllMHiej pay

Ilka, needed litem ii v Iban I ttatr aAuniry That xe hate cot a I in lid In the wild, I1011I4 lie as rollowa:a no si. t wide vvolld. We haxr arcuiuulalrd . in, ..1 ttan.tio

4th. That uln ne rr aiixlmii. should i.i or the world' wealth, tuixr Ma money Privalaa, I at class li.uothe1 won!. I ir.Mihu i.. imaunie their market or the xxorid. and by the ininlnr coriwral gU

Man oi dui lunes ol otlM'ia. we liaie been PROSPIR aergeant aO.(m

Mb. Thai tlir pay i.i waa not ill s and bl I'F.Ai K. ITrst Serge anl ?,mU

enough. Thai - rait, wort this creates Jealousy Maltona ara like (Has always beiui underpaid ror Ibeu ul .and ti" ' .i. i no one lililí i. lulls Trade jealousy exials between tiitx and M'spunstbililx he has.)

., did mak. ai "i uI hem.

Inchntlng Hulease for re enlistment andextra for NAhkSMA.V sHAHPsihiiiTli.il andHave all tin i. Juat Hut tina to remedy the shortage or sol J.XPKHTaimtily been l"i Ihi pm dlei ihai ir the question MY it t mi IR

our anana n rami ol n SIHIHTI II K.XI IsTMCM AP BKTTKh PAY. Ihe goveminenl. aa all kjkfW, lias gumextensively Inki the adrrtialng bualnesaand you eanitoi expert thai ibe recruitingorrnera will xolunterr any toforaagkuiior give anything bul tic ruay aide. Tinpiriiirea are lieautirul. tin iwuvhat gér turengrand, and, on the whoh tin ) han coneup to the rerruir iineginalitMi lo wim ii 9Goodyear thry appeal. After some time in Ibe sellae, the discipline rommcnoes k grind

aaaoei onio ami al last, depressed, he thinks lie l

x rouged, diseris or la punished, and thruni Ibe army and the m.e

and Now, With short enbauneni and goodnay as outlined, a young uian Mill appithrough sheer luUNollsui and a desirr todo amiss service fur hla coiiutr.x and wli.11finished hr will animau others ui Maea good word to say lor Ha- service aimKcl ly-5pnn-

ficl J Unait still

rointsrlybring a betlrr class lo tne colors

Ikwr baarda Mat Br darallird aad Pail-

itas I II. Ml,.. I.i atole polirr or naialabulary jai do

your shertfr duty and only thr napianaiguard aa a last resort lor such kind oiTires duly

Very raw or ibe praaeo t enllsAiitent are Miss HuDmobile sods:fr.au patriotic motives I du uui rare to waoalyar in. mataer. The paj. iwust aaturrd-ly-

is lad attractive, uor stfcciplim- alluring "There U nothing about this power plant that worries roe.Poya al U years ul age luuat recrivrlutlltaiy ui.U ui en, so at U tbey arr r.,n.kJ.. L 1 sL- - . ui a I ..Boss Rubber Co. ready for the iiatii uai guard. 4gad ai Mie

i-- " YLxjjy iiiuwi iimi a 1 tuijp motor never gives trouble.close of ;i yeara baxv ftnuhca llieit gulltory servio, ir Pais plan, ur oue sutulaiI mil asloitcid nBI ICXTuhX m ion Th Sign ofDistributora. mi st be resorsrd 10, a we arr all AUMt.t ! TOLTELK MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. Service Station

1 lupanobilc32? Texau St. Phone 274 GoodyearJScsrVHM Phone 5488 Toltec Club Bldg. El Pmo Tires




HOE SALEBack From a Vacation andReady to Aid Times Readers Starts Monday MorningWith All Their Problems--Let

Her Shop for You, Free January 8thof Charge. Address Peggy See theTimes, El Paso, Texas. Raus- -

I. Warren Kerrigan deserve 4 thins electrical devices which the ÜI Paso Elec-

tricami winter garments at a!

more man to be known ta the ''astndsonstsl Railway company have In slock. most cost, and this I a splendid opportunity sMit-'E- mman" In the movías. I visited an Hour with They will move from the old bulldlnr for Von to buy a coat, suit or dress andhim when he was here In t week and vary shortly to the blr new nulidmg, where one that you'll he able to wear for earlydiscovered some very amiable qinillllcs the sales department will have sufficient spring. All separate skirts snd petticoatwmcn nils manar r had forgotten in men space to display and demonstrate some of will be Included In this sale WindowHon. the new devices. I was murb interested If you could only ee the lovely crepe

I hail eie-ir- to meet a man who was at In a little motor I saw there. It can be de chine undergarments that will be placedleast partly conscious or his popularity and used to operate a aewinr machine and It on sale clingy night dresses and Teddyimportance, but each detnortatraUon or it has attachments that make H possible to Bears embellished with dainty lace and Displaysthe applause when he made his speeches turn It into a grinding marhlne- -a buffer or ribbons. In the muslin department theytne letters and messare he received from an electric ran. Any honsswlra would wel-

comehave made blr reductions and undergar

admirers all seemed to rill bit with won-

derment.It in the kitchen and It would aave ment- - ran be purchaaed ror as little a sum

lots of time and ruerry. as 19 cents. I'll be glad to purchase anythe articles see advertised dunHe has no Interest In Uie frivolities or lire also have an electric washing ma-


of youThey the ale, and I do hope you take advantage HIS RA USMIT'EM SHOE SALE will eclipse shoe salehe couldn't describe the Interior i.r Una with an atuclied wringer operated

of It any you, Jof the rales In Los Anieles, but he knows by power which takes all the hard work

the color or his brother's baby' eyas and out of wash day. Mowrdays, with the h!i Home newspaperA vice Plaee



Thursday ever attended. In this sale we offer, among others, the finestlie discovered lona; aro that his mother price or laundry work, there are probablythat they expected to be In Kl Paso today

made the best chum. a rreat many people plannlnr on dolnrtheir own washlnr, and the electrical wash-lnr

and asked me to reserve rooms for them. It selection of Women's New Fall Shoes in two-ton- e and solid colorasked dim several questions about other Is almost impossible to get a place to livemachine Is the logical answer to themovlnr picture stars, and he hail nothluK now and I 'thought I had a tremendous task

but praise and rood words for them. In difficulty. when my landlord advised me to go t French kids, also Sport Shoes with buck tops at valúes so low that,fart, he appeared to be In real life the So when you build your new home re-

memberSaiuy hotel.

same type or character we have so often that you will need all thee con-

veniences,I'm awfully glad I did. I found sin li big

seen hltn Impersonate on the screen. and ao make provision for them. airy, comfortable rooms for my mends, and considering the rapidly rising market of leather, we doubt whether you will ever buy shoes at these pricesAnd Just to allow you how human he Is Some of the army officers who are Uvlnr even If I couldn't have gotten them It would

I must tell you bow he dreaded to ret up in the Held and have their tenia wired have have been worth the trip Juat to meet Mr again. We cannot repeat too often that every pair of these sale shoes is taken from our regular stock, hasberorc his audiences and make those Httle told me the little combination electrical Strickland she Is the proprietor and


I wouldHehave.

felt as bad about It ta youandstoves

especiallyhave been

havea great

theycomfortfound the

towaterthem, dear,

couldmotherlytell your



the kind you the Guarantee label, and that these shoes were not bought for sale purposes, as is so often done by un-

scrupulousJack Kerrigan has riven me a different heaters Invaluable. she showed me through the hotel and I merchants.and better Idea or movlnr picture stars. Une ran cook erra and fry bacon on the learned she had one hundred room- - all fur ,

New Landmark for Jen el .Shop. electric stovea as well as make milk tout nlshed in good taste and withcouldn't Unarlne what they were going and other breakrast dainties. These ap-

plianceshot and cold water In each room

to do with the Mr clock in front of Ihc are very reasonable and the sales-men

centrally located II south s union ThereJewel Shop and when-- came downtown at the El I'aao Electric Railway com are telephones In all the rooms and youone mnrnlnr I found It moved to one side pany will be glad to demonstrate them for have every convenience you would find at a As usual this sale will only last a limited time and theand a rreat bioelectric slrn extending from you. place where the rates are higher.the door across the sidewalk If You Want Mexican Food. If you don't like the place you are living

You will never be able to say you can't Ever since I've been In 1 Paso I've been In, I would advise you to see Mrs. Strick-land'sfind A. D. luster's now because M looms wanderlnr around trying to rind a place hotel before you decide to move sooner you come the better the selectionup as far as you can see and Is quite an where I could fret a real Meilcan dinner. You will like her and you'll like the Savoy

adornment. Nearly everyone Mho cornea to the border hotel.The words "Jewel shop 'riash on and off wants to at least try one meal, and if It la of and sizeswhen Hie current is turned on and the de properly prepared Mexican dishes become I'm home now and I'll look after your styles

signs at either side flicker with colored a habit orders very carefully from now on.lights, i.ook at It the nest timo you arc I want Into the QHrlnal Mexican restau-


down that way. Just the other day and had such a fluenave you noticed how many run are dinner that knew you would all want to

wearing diamond lings' .No, It doesn't rt kuow about Its location. It was opened $1 1.00 Shoes $10.00 Dress and Sport $9.00 Shoes $8.50 and $8.00 Shoesactly mean they are engaged some of them In August and the Mexican dishes are aohave taken advantage of the "Jitney plan" well made that it baa become a very popu-

lar Reduced to Shoes Reduced to Reduced to Reduced tóat the Jewel jbop. jhoy Have selected eating, puce.rlnr. paid te cenas, down and doubled It The regular dinner Includes enchiladas,every week until they had u paid lor chill con acne, ti lióles, tortillas and a Mex- -

i way to get any bit of Jeweir Jinan salad, ana .on--- .east any other kindHurt you want, and If you haven't tried the of a Mexican dish you might wish. Youi 74Jitney plan you are probably going with find the original Mexican restaurant at B S"lit some cherished adornment because you 407 Mesa, and I hope you'U like the roodhaven't frit you could afford to spend ink you get there as well a I did.money all at one time. Hale at U'hMe House.

for the New Home I want all or my readera toI read not long ago Unit Hire million dul take advantage of the hlgsile the White

ler will be spent In El 1'aso during IW7 House will inaugurate Monday. wentin erecting new buildings. That gave me an through all the departments yesterday to




buildingthis money




andsee for

l canmyself

unqualifiedlywhat they

recommendwould offer


asarticles arc mentioned In'my $7.50 and $7 Dress and $6.50 Shoes $6.00 Shoes $5.50 and $5.00 Shoes

andif these

I want to call tobuilders

tne attention of some s place or real bargains. pistes where they are for sale, such refer Sport Shoes Reduced to Reduced to Reduced to Reduced toprospective to some of the They are going to offer all the late fall enrc is advertising

ts peculiar, moat complex and apparently I ring." The trouble started when It wasPROSPECTS OF ONE funiculi to manage eaoecla! v for suastari that some or the ...risome man any mat has arisen from the dldates of two years ago be lined up on a I5 5 3mu. i mi oeu oui io meet ticket and others lert off. There was an

we overiauo stage to tne present time or Immediate cry of disloyalty. "We foughtTICKET ELECTION El Paso's acknowledged importance as an bled and went to victory with you, there

industrial and commercial center. fore why the dlsrrlmtnetlonT" stked theIn passing, the fact might be stated that neglected ones.

the political pot has gone far beyond the I'll In ii s Brewing Merrily.simmering stage It Is boiling over, poli Things have been brewing In politicalIN CITY GROW DIN ticians and near politicians have their ears clrrlea, and If there hsd been sny hope ofto the ground, and every report and minor s compromise it could have only beep held $4.50 and $4.00 Shoes $3.50 Shoes $3.00 Shoes

greedily selxed and discussed. by s few, for the reason that the majority,No Ureal Hope of Holding Eight or those who thought themselves major-

ity,Reduced to Reduced to

Candidates and Near Candidate The hope that this city alectlou would hsd no part in the conferenrea.The Jdea that actuatedcome and go without a factional fight has recogulscd political

Batty and Shortage of been almost if not entirely, abandonedleaders-t- effect a possible compromise was

such a thing did happen it would establish to haw one city election at least whichOffices Is Felt. would be devoid of s bitter controversy.precedent In local political annals $25There are three main factors In the This plan was recognised by practically all 3municipal political arena today, one la the as being a laudable one, and might have

Proposition to Run Charles Davis so called old -- anti ting crowd and the ao been worked out but for the fact that therewere several candidates who wanted to runcalled old "ring" crowd. The latter lafor Mayor With Present Alder-

menmade up of the "old ring men and many for the asme office, snd each of these ap-

pearMay Be Solution of Tangle recruits from the The. third to have las own particular following.

important factor is the mass of voters who " promise 'ticket Never Completed.believe In a good husmeas aduiiiilsiraUoii There have been talks of a compromise

By A. 0. CHAPMAN. and politicians not at all. The last county ticket, but somehow It was never CefluitHy $2.00, $1.75 and $1.50 $3.00, $2.50 and $2.25that demonstrated, with some settled. Three of the present aldermen. W.The prediction made some time ago elertlon excep-uun-

tl'ere would be at least two ticket In the that the rtlixens want man who are 0. Jolly, J. W. Fisher and J. p. O'Connor, Shoes Reduced to Shoes Reduced tofield for city orfliers In the Democratic qualified for the different offlcea sad cars have announced their candidacy for reiirimaty next month seems likely to be nothing about the success of political fac election, Snap Alderman Jolly haa been men-

tionedjustified, though there is still auine hope tional fights. with h. C. Sample. Prank rJtuunonathat rival ambitions may be satisfied and Bola raeUoas Divided. and Alderman J. P. o Connor as prospective $1.85the people of El Paso spared the bitterness ninuiug matea fur Ouules-liavla- candidateIn both or the so called political factionsor factional strife and a heated campaign. for mayor. This later talked of Uneuo lert Mlthere Is a imiblon. The leaders on both ioffThis hope la based upon a conference held sides want the privilege or naming candi-


Alderman H. a. Sírvaos and Aldermanwhich three or theat presentyesterday, ..o a city ticket .lone of tie in ran,

alderman agreed to stand together with arres, that la. one leader will know the Three Aldernes la Stand Together.or the candidates for minor offices and candidate he wants, but the others want Out of all the turmoil then seems to $5.00, $4.50, $4.00 and $3.50 Shoes

to put the proposition up to Charlea Darla, some one slss. The main trouble seems to: nave been only one derinlle development to $2.45ramlltate for mayor, or running on tne be thst there are not enough offices to go date. This was not only s development, but Reduced tolicked inthus mi around Ukewjse s decision, and resultad from thePeculiar. Prom a Mirlit-s- standpoint, the worst meeting netd at the city hall yesterday

Ml in all. the present political situation split seems lo PS In the ranks or the 'anil Hiuiumg. rne Development Is thst Aldermmmm mmmm- men O'Connor, Jolly and Fisher stand united.uieauiniuisireuoo

proposition orin

representinguie. next cily


ores- - 6REATER EL PASO' 5GET RID OF YOUR PAT elídalewas

lorurged and



it.to C TneSGREATST shoe STORE t

Join tbein. but refused Not only did theThousands of others have rid of thearsKotten WITHOUT DIETING aioei men swesr allegiance to each oUierOR EXERCISING often at Use rate of ovar a pound a day but lo w P B. Mcsain for ruy tax anasiiu Each SaleNoand collector, and to Police sergnut Charles PositivelyWITHOUT PAYMENT until reduction haa taken plaee. Pollock, lor judge of the lorporatlon court.

I am a llcanaad prsuitlatn physiolar and personally The latter two also awore allegiance lo lbselect the treatment (or saeta individual case, thus en-

abling;siaermen rne derision Uien came lo sub Exchanges Absolutely

ma to ohooee raras flaw that will produce not mu tie i.i,. op lo sjr. Davis, which wasonly a loga of weigrkit harmlessly, but which will also done, and lie hi unul Wednesday to decide

whether or not bs Will head this ticket Refunds 203 Mesa Ave. Finalrelieve you of all the troublesome symptoms of orhaeMany expressed the lu selves as beingsuch as short n sea of breath, palpitation. In-

digestion,In favor or the areseot board of aldermenrhsumatlam, gout, asthma, kidney trout. la bring re elected sod this, U is believed,

and various other afflictions which often accompany would slave off a p.. 111., a fight This sort dato la succeed Uinssjr. snd this would whether or not hs will run again Juan lal. However, property owners can nowoverst outness of a ticket, beaded by Mr. Uevts, It Is be-

lieved,than Disks the ticket rompíate o. un is being talked of for the poaiuuu. Just pay Uielr poll us and leave the oilier sMeflas'

ssartllssMlllllasill Ii.

aty treatment will relieve that depressed, tired, sleepy would not encounter any serious Tee Mass I aa SI alas Isr Haass. tosdasaday May TsU Tsje. go for a tun, should ths neglect lo psyopposition With three of gas alder their poll in before Kebruary I, In thatpresentfeeling, giving you renovad energy and vigor, a result man ll would, or louree. be necessary to

Summing the matter up, one of tie s Juat what ths outcome of II Sil will lie. month they vmi nsve lo psy It whan assyfat. that to I iu the of g will not known until nextof the loas of your superfluous select fourth candidate. This selection, aeeina way pruaahJy us pa) their property lax. Ths receipt will pot

couaprocniss ticket Is Wis fsct thst there Wadnaaday Many helisvs that Uis urns IsYou ara not required to changa la Uta siigjhieet from 11 Is figured, can be msde with such help ibetu. for II will not be the proper oneara savers! candíase who aol to run short and announcements of s

your regular anode of living There Is no dialing or finesse as sdd strength to the Bcket, growing for tos coming city ejection h) arder to

exercising It Is simple, eeey and pleasant to take. erau If all parties were not entirely sslisr..i lhe .ame orYSM, ami katl daftnitf nature should hs made he useful the poll tax receipt gsust b i mu M eltVKN kkUsto ata

nam. wun the etrruuitiaaee of being se wan poll tax paying has not been brisk ! IMs mouth, and volar srs being ascaai i.. rüi asuscist ,jtm 'Jftggz ttTo ail who ara overstout I will aand Fit KB a trial reala eat and aJao cny eral who want to specify randieatos far ras it is expected to pick up lip to lets astur urged to gat them. nuffs under des sad kledtfar sllam .

plan whereby I am to be PAID ONLY AFTER HBOUCTION baa taken different positions day aftorBuon only to cOsxena had paid their yuiptoiu olplaee. If you ao asara. la Use event Mr. Dsns does not deride to Deve.giiltlvsa has SSSkouoted for city isx poll isa. bringing lbs total up to i.ias This pl Ulgli'-li- Mu wines na

lead the proposed ticket, many things. II Is asUrtor and assessor so ha ssUy Me doe sot include Bsa eassnptlopa. win. n will REALTY TRANSFERS are sitsrkDo not sit down right new and write your name and addresspostpone, said wight happen one suggestion is that sare for re election aldsrinea Joilg. rather total something ilka as. Ths last oppor olu. elgbly-clearly, asad It to me by first mall, aad so start oa the roas) ta recovery Alderman WCosioor ought bs persuaded lo and have gaaoiinred far ly V I'sg PO" tases will bs January 11. ..aw, mciilt lu none did me ta niuch good Seof your former health and f tature run for assy or. with the presaai three nao. vasta srs many wno want a kgami an ludflstion. point lo toe fact liters will AM VZttZJ4 Foley kidney rala. I

twiii mm mDR. R. NEWMAN, ! . aldermen oa his ticket, along milk Mr M-

etalaSteven returned to office iraisjaj ful be poliUca splsuly sod poll lax receipts will jsu writ éé ti aa! Aa kjLae jjg mlmkit Kuiey fcldiwy Pul ari

and aergeanl Pollock C. A. kuuie. iocs wants toe police judge. scans to handy All property owners pay lug8M Fsfda Aveassaa, New York, N. Y., Daak E--2 city treasur Judag real TtasSBtw hat asa gaaniirirsd their property tax hsva to pay their poll


Balfour. Belle Bruce, g.late Balfour. Thnanas today J and 44 p m 7 atl are! comUsed Duffy's in Pneumonia v nik rawMi raHuitiM ... wamm There wtll to no tarréese ra prices for tfetsthe nnifiiial iirtcntal actor; rred B. Mantón. eltrsmdlnsry bin

D. H. Armstrong, ttrickmt Charle Bipley, Dorothy Hay!. TammanyTouag. F1ard Lawrence. William Butler AIS AND WAJtlwith pneumonia an fait i, rred Heraog. Walter P. Lewi and Will lam

take Daffy's on doctora ad-vice

rVhnun nt east 1 supplemented byst




tn apartner who

nniiiual character artora, who appearand raeoveri. many rHan a terrible ra asesa snd wake tn findin only fe renca.a tnameelve the victim of It. make the run

I have uaed Duffy Pure The great serial was produced under the of "Fair snd Warmer. ' Avery Hopwnod,Malt Whiskey for the past 14 personal upen mm of W. rgrlalv a

farce of Temperament snd Temperaturehanne. who recognised sa one of the

and which Selsryn and company will presentyears aa a Stimulant tonic refly great director Ut motion pictures. at the Texas Grand theatre ror one wees.I was 'first adviaed to take it Mr. OSbanne, who ii associated with P ta rung Sunday, fgnuary 1. after t yesr

ot if nth for number of as efetefW. a yearsby family physician, recov-ering

of cnntmuoii. unahaiad nreess in Newmy of atafr. give to the screen drama a realism York has made It the most popularfrom pneumonia, con-tracted

sad accuracy of elthir that no one ha everHon of the current reason.

been able to .lunllegle If s cene of thewhen in charge of the "Fair and Warmer marre nrh a p

electrical construction work of underworld to be staged Mr i.abenne nreess and such a Mr one mat It took thegoes In the underworld snd flnd ht actusl record from "Within themoney making

the Mutual Life Co.'s building, place In "The crestcharacter. In one Law." which, till then, had held tt alongN. Y. City. For the three Secret"' ten well known prise nghlers are Broadway Selwvn and company's return

hrt.nstii together to make the action shso to the Eltlnge theatre with "lair andyears I was Business Agent for Intsly real. In stKdheY, forty poUeemen Warmer." after they hast christened thethe International Brotherhood are used and .abarme Insisted that all be theatre and themelve with "Within the

of Electrical Workers, No. 3, men who had een actusl ervie. a Law" four years before, resulted In t deThe psrt played by Frsmi V Hiishmsn approached twicegree of sneers not oftenN. Y. City. I had no colds, gires this popular actor greater opportunity in one generation.

which I had formerly been to eer,-l- hi talent than he has. ever had Mr. Hopwood struck twelve with "Fairtn any orevton play. "The tlreat Secret' and Warmer." making auch a c4aete for

Sbject to when not taking mill male It Initial howtnr st the Unique farce as the earlier nlay had for melodramaas directed." D. H. theater January It, It and 17. Selwyn and company will present It bare

Armstrong. 6 E. 8th St, with an excellent east.FAMWKLL tM Of THE St HI STES


Milton anil his dsnrtnir rhorua This week the Wigwam again come toDuffy's Pure Malt Whiskey beiin the last lap of their very sucreasfu the front with a whole week of attractivesis weeks' engagement at the Trsss Orand offerings lodav Hiere will be the ever- -

with the matinee oerformam e st ikSO tbl thatIt Is so newhelps keep the body In (ro.nl general health because It Is s beneficial tons? welcome Mutual Weeklyarternoon. and bring to s close their present the nrodticer have not had time to lsuestimulant and food requiring little effort of the digestive organs; palatable

and of pleasing odor, it Is acceptable u the most delicate stomach when run .on neat I rldsy nighthave made

a press sheet telling Its content. EtbcjlsodMr. Schuster company .other foods are rejected. Taken as directed. It aids digestion, helps repair itranain. uie popuiat young sw w

the of endúranos. That's msnv friend among Kl Paso's theatergoing seen In "Indiscretion," a .society play ofwasted tissues of the. .body, and udds to power and volunnubile, including the regulsrwhy It Invarlshly gives the system power to throw off and resist severe today.

cuughs, colds, grip, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troublea leer, who will doubtless turn out In force JSondJiy-Thlr- d efilKOde In "The Purpleduring the final week to bid them an revolr. Maik" series, tn wlilrh are featured ilrace Read Our Double Page Adv"Get Duffy's and Keep We I" The closing hill Is said to be one of the fjtmard and I rsncls Ford.brightest and snappiest musical farces that Another of the thrillingBold In 8KALEI' BOTTMSB ONLY. Beware of Imitations. Wednesda- y-

N. Y. the company has put on during their stay "Vampires or Paris."The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester.hers. "A Modern Cinderella' Is a good Thursday and FrtdtyA chance to coca On Pages 6 and . 7 Todaybill of tuneful music, has the same Mlnter withnet nttfry frsai nr local IHpior dealer or play, pare the work of Mary Must

licenced drniiqli, Si nn per bottle. If fee pretty girls. Is well mounted s enlcally and Mary PlckTord. who will be seen here satNOTE cannot eipil yea, nrlte 11. Send for use-ful

will increase jmur laughing average several urday. Mis M Inter will appear In a most IVEIRYONE should read our Double Page Advertisement on Pagesheuwholit hno1lrt free. per cent ch'tnilng picture. "The Innocence of

The Ditrglo will offer some new classic 6 and 7 today announcing Our "SEMI-ANNUA- L CLEAN SWEEPdances, the Lyric four will be on hand Saturday- - Mary Pirkrord In her latest pro-

duction, EBert Jt Co.. In. Wholesale AND JANUARY WHITE SALE" which begins Tomorrow Mora-'- IRamsay Distributora, Kl Paav, Texas. with plenty or harmony and BlUle House, "The pride of tbe Clan." This UWe do not solicit nor ship orders from dry territories In violation of Texas law. the power comedlatiT will he seen the aecond of the Artrraft pictures. intr at 8:30. This Double Sale Event is destined to be El Pago's

at his bestUp convincing flnlth. Wlllsrd Mack, who kindly remember, there will be only eight MMK. FETROVA TODAY. Greatest Bargain Festival. Read particulars and prices on pages 6 and 7wrote the atnry, has done more than give more performances or this company, six "The Black Btitterriy." featuring the cele-

brated be in line when the doorsthen plan to open.A tu- - several players vehicle. nights snd two matinees, one this afternoon Mme. I'etrova. will be shown at thentsmuse me and the regular popular price matineeAlice Brady seen In the role or the wife. Unique today ror the last time

Wednesday afternoon. In "The Black Butterfly" the beaiitirulAdvert!ement.) fll'l' excellent performance. 1. one of lis-dnmineUng noten of the picture. Hrady Metro star plays tno important leading

CRAWFORD THEATRE 01 1.11s FINE In one she Is cast as Soma smlrnov,perlwp csn (iirrer" better titan ny ac parts.ALICE BRADY IN i.n the creen. Here he mjppreaae VALW.VILLE. an opera singer of the Follies )ergere, of

her emotions to s nicety; does not let them Manager Msxwall of the r.rawford theatre Farlt. a brilliant, talented woman or thebecome pronounces that she will meet Is highly pleased with his vaudeville line up world, and In the other she plays the partthe accusation of overplaying. Her perform-ance

for the week opening wltli the 3 o'clock of Marin, the convent girl. Her work In Little Phone'A WOMAN ALONE' here la the heat that ahe has matinee today, fly special arrangement he both or these greatly separated roles Is at 4580to the aereen,, and that la aaytng a ha secured as his big nature Alareon's fine as any that she ever hat done. Plazca

irreal deal. Fennui Spanish Troiibadors. a company of An intrreMing feature of the productionartists wis. have toured Kurope and other Is tüat Mine I'etrova. playing the double CWtf Store of Service

KRWUS St 'HUMAN AND niiiun iittvt land as weiyuf the orpheum circuit of thea-tres

role or a inotln and daughter, slowly

A Strong Story by Wfllard Mack in this country In their offering "A rosse the room and standing with herresting on the bark of a chair, talks torfeese Popular Star to Appear In Msgalfl-ren- t Might In old Madrid." ann

question of the hour. It's warm, Ita't fine. the Grecian today only. Take heed, Key-

stoneTO WHOM IT MAY 'CONCERN:at the Alhambra Today Señorita Rosa AISTron heads the remark-

ableherself a the mother, ensconced In Its re- -

rant attend today or be sorry.He rial Drama at the liilque Noon. company and is supported by a numbon esses. This unusual double exposure I It't a dime. Notice Is hereby given that the firm orOnly. I rancla X. Ruahman and Beverly Hayne or talented artists Including the youthrui a unique achievement In. the history or a

AT THE GARDEN. The attractions at the BUou today are copartnership heretofore existing underare 10 appear In a Mg motion picture serial prodigy "Alfreda Alarcon. the eccentric, dan-

cermotion picture, and It Is a di t met triumph NEW KEYSTONE

very good. "Lillian Draw" will be teen Inor a new type, and the Metro rirturea cor-poration

"A Might tn Old Madrid" It a novel Pi Cameraman Barlatler. Safety First Ambrose," the new keystone (a Black Cat feature) a picture complete In tbtarm name and style or the "K. and R.The Alhambra If today preaenung an ab-

sorbingannounce Its name aa "The Oreat musical program Including tongs In span which will be shown at the Grecian today Itself. "No serial." "Henry Mordoek." the Shops," has this day been dissolved by

play, written bv Wtllard Mack, Secret.". Ilk, English and Italian. Mandolins. , THE t.AIUH sonly. Is one of those rare good films that funny man. In a good comedy, and mutual consent. H. n.- Hannah, retiringcalled "K Woman Alone.' In which the Work on thla aerial, the amateat ever guilt's and piano are played by mem-

bersThere I always something special at the Helen Gibson In one or her thrillingIfmiiiful Alice Hrady appear aa the alar. for tickle the risibles unmercifully and contains from the firm and L. A. Kanntpel contin-

uingataged motion picture, was begun by of the company. Señorita Lita Alarrnn (larden on Sunday for the benefit or the releases, complete the bill. Don't miss this

The familial' triangle tepreaented by Mr. Buahman and Niaa Hayne aoon after It both a skilled musician and dancer and large attendance on that day. We have ar-

rangedseme of the biggest thrills ever staged by program today. said business. All bills dug to said

UflajrmpsUietlc husband, a justly bored wife they hail rinlahed the Metro production of was applauded by King Alfonso of Spain. to show "The Better Man," a drama the Keyslon- - Fun Factory. It Is saying a firm shall be paid to said L. A. Kannapeland a relentlesn villain who purauaa her la "Momeo and Juliet." More than 00 people Aside from this Mg reature there will be In two parts a dramatlr story of a diamond

that the Keystone com-


New Orleans. La., Jan. 6. Henry Baldwin, and all bills due by said firm shall beorrerert here In 1 aeuing or originality and took part In the scenes beetdex a strong two other acts of high quality. The Van tn the rough tad a. woman's right to forget good deal to aayone or the best known railroad

presented unii eVara imuaually pleaalnv caat of well known artora. sickle Trio win have t very laughable with Jack Holt and l.ucile lounge. "The has outdone us past effort In the man In the southwest, snot and killed him-


paid by said L. A. Kannapel. Witness ourrharartrrltaUuna. The picture hsa been Supporting Mr. Huahman and Mtaa Bayne comedy skIL fflrkerson tt s clever ma-

gicianBurglar." a s comedy of mixed thrill" line In this new comedy, but from bero this afternoon. He had been In' bands, this tbe 4th day or January, A. D.

given a fine production from every angle. are Adelfa Barker, who attricted so much and all round stage trickster. Identities and stars; one In all reports It must be so. for those who poor health ror sometime. Mr. Baldwin for IW7.There la never m nl atrtkea an un-

realisticattention by her splendid acting aa The Pathe travelogue snd comedy films whlcb lore, hate and laughter lurks In somotlmr was in charge here of the Illinois

note, the or OM win la the recent Metro production of are always popular and received wltb great every scene. "The Injustice of Justice" IS have teen It tag the tiirin are positively Central, and Yasdo and Mississippi valley (Signed) U A. KA1TNAPKL,

ipala doe mucn to carrj ii.c rene through ' humeo and Juliet Helen lumbar. Hue favor. Pour Sunday performances s usual a big human drams based on the vital marvelous. This picture will be sbown at railroads. ' H. I). HANNAH. Adv.


Grow Grow

IS AN INVESTMENT; NOT AN EXTRAVAGANCEFor Your Own Good; $75,000 Needed for 1917 How 1915-1- 6 Budget Was Spent If You Like El PasoNot For Charity For advertising $22,500.00 Publicity Bureau $ 5.500.00 Stand Up for Her

For Traffic bureau 9,100.00 Salary, farm demonatrator. our proportion 833.30

Your contribution to the Budgvl fund la For payment School of Mines 8,600.00 Budget fund expenses 20Í.53Any town worth living In la worth support-

ing.Dona Ana County fair 150.00 Support El Paso by subscribios: to thefor the of tnoraaalng ownpurpose your For Panhandle & S. W. Stockmen a association 6,000.00make It in that spirit, Soil Products exposition 16.500.00 fund which will he spent to make It one of

f Ton are a busy business man: so are the For apecial federal census, balance 1,350.00 I 34.80 the beat towns In the Southwest, In point ofEntertainment of guests. i in resources and In standing InBnember or the committee, lave your time population,

and theirs by subscribing quickly, willingly For Recreation hall, Fort BUaS 3,500.00 Texas Presa association a annual convention. . . 2,265.07 the sisterhood of American cities.

and liberally. For Bankers' convention 2,500.00 Horse ahow . . 150.00 El Paso has been given so muah adveras

When you me ai,k'd to subscribe to the advertising sfnes the setting in of the revolu-

tionaryFor Spanish War Veterans' convention 500.00 American National Livestock association 3,305.1 1

Budget Kttnd of I he Chamber of Cpmmerce. ara In Mexico that everything posa) hi a

remember you re not being asked to For promotion federal improvements 3,000.00 Texas State School of Mines. . . . ." 6.600.00 must be doné to make the world aware of theto a Charity, but to a fund for the Southwest Medical association 50.00 true conditions. This will require money, and

at your own luialness. For promoting new industries, securing convention, etc. 5,000.00 Texas Adclub convention . 100.00 the time to spend It Is now when there is aBvery dollar spent In advertising to the e prospect of peace and consequent renewedFor 8,500.00entertaining guests... 1,000.00 Irrigation

world the advantages and opportunitiescongress trade activity through thla gateway, tn which,

of lire Id Kl Me., is a dollar spent for the For salary and expense farm demonatrator 1,500.00 Panhandle S. W. Stockmen a convention 323.25 the world abould be Invited to participate.bringing of more people and inore capital. Texas tick eradication 5 00. Of) Kl Paao needs more smokestacks mora fac-

toriesLietUng the "other fellow" do It la not lalf For office expenses, budget fund 500.00 Taking of census yf.... 841.46 She can gat them If sha will go afterto him. to yourself, nor to the city In which For Y aleta Summer normal 100.00 Yaleta Normal school 100 00 team. To go after them means that ahe muat

advertise her advantages to those who haveyou inatke your living.For promotion of enterprises for CIVIC and industrial Preparednees parade 100.00 the money to build and equip them. Are you

of KlThe !ty Pausi is growing aa It never 50.00 willing to do your share ?grew before. There are evidences of that faot improvements 7,350.00 Securing conventions No matter what your line of business mayOD every hand. The advert taing done last year Traffic department 601.45 be you can not but be benefited by any movesnd the year before, und the year before that, For permanent mining exhibit 500.00 Audit of booka 6250 which has for Its object the bringing of moredid It. residents business. Thator more applies to

We atw bringing the people, now we must For furtherance of good roads 2,000.00 Items exposition and congress expense 1,476.54 the worklngmaa aa wall as to the merchant.bring capital The advertising muat go for-ward

More people means more houses, for Instance,ou a more liberal stale than ever. Put sad more houses mean more work at good

up your abaca. Total $75,000.00 Total $48.385.39

El Paso Chamber of CommerceCommittees Will Call Upon You Tomorrow or Next Day

EL PASO MORNING Tí MES, SUNDAY. JANUARY 7, 1917. rrdays tt o'clock and Ttmrwiayt ' LITTLE MISS MILDRED WOODWARD. EI Paso Bargain HomeAs Mia Bnrk is an authority no her tubject, the V. W. C. management reelfortunate in procuring her ervlres. Will Open on Monday

The gymnagtwa rant for El Pununa ano society girls wMch is held onl uesday mornings has been growing an The El Pmo nárrale Hmis wlB openrapidly ihat the claas will be enlargci r Monday l tag EaM Overland street with atrr January it io two lasses a "e in line of dry good, men's rnrnlalvng, lhaaaatead of one. There will he a class onTuesday and Thursday morning at 10 and women ' f ready to wear Dally baro'ctoeji. gain tales will he eondneted

A gymnssinm rimplgn is under way W t.ou L. Ronbrg. prnpnetne. rortrwrlyhy the girls' gvmnatxim class rnr more .dsfl jPatwitW

was connected with the recular Dry modmembers Thar are two teams working.and the nam of the Bed and the White stripFlephanu bar hn leed. The rampaiga will ro on until January IT. are Jl nL.tt4jf fcHeerfleeu ta, mole and al fanalBP then the losing learn will rntitin the win blemishes removed. Features entree led.PHONE 6924 nlng team with a "big frolic" at which ev Mta Orar A. Benton. Far pcial'i MlPC eryon can attend. Buekler it' icrnr the business BtBstWThe gymnasium class lBIItTMISS CARTER RUDY, girls will he continued on Tucvteys aoj EAT THE BT.sfT.i Fridays t T.m lito Uaanest csfeleria. home eocdrmg. popu-

larA meeting or the board will take piar pnce. Y. W C. A.. Iltsa Tetas SI Adv.Thursday. January II. In the

J; rooms on Texas street. I nrs riemndeled, .m Buckler BMg over KIIK

DAILY CALENDAR TO LsMTVBK ON HF.M.TH PNH svMr. E. M. afernei re or Minnr.,j,. 5l5ÉfllSÍ'''i4t itSbt' sfeMinn., will give uiks to mothers and damn sttHf

Hendí. si .aasssssssssssssssssssssssl stBiBr lars on health, with illustrated inatombalRaoerra Sloddert . htoter. D. A. n charu every Tuesday arte moon at i:S0,

Ko. MM Herald building Tie lectures arehold meeting in their chanter mom inWoman's rluh hnllrilng at 1 o'clock. rrea.

tmueflK VtOMtNs ma TO M ft i Itdmeer rhib will dim wttfc Mr, John The College woman's i.lub will me in tdWa khELfe,imnohue. un Wft Franklin street. the drawlngroom- - of the woman's i.luh

neit Saturday. An Interesting nretramrott circle lid edtling III take place ha been arranged. Mrs. R. J. Tiglie will

al 8 o rlork In the morning In tho clinrrl give a talk on the lire and works or titearof the Immaculate Conception, followed hy ssssl Wilde. Mrs. D lennessy will gne aa wedduid tireakfast at the home of the BK reading rrom Wilde, 'The Selfish Otanl."mm. Ith the musical semnr by Lira Lhmann.

Frank Cheek will sing a solo. Miss JuliaPool will he the piano accompanist for theMm F J. Rartholomae win hold a rerpafternoon. A social hour will rollow thetlon from ( until II o'clock In the evening

Mrs. Van c. Wilson Is chairmanto recen the rnen.ls or Mr. and Mr programfor the afternoon(eorfe Scott

EQUAL FBAM HIísT. LEAUl : MEETINGHumane society win hold a meeting In The nrat meeting slhre ihe election of of-

ficerstbe office of the president, nr. T. A. Bray. or the Equal Franrhlan League willin the Lar.Hu hnlldint. at 3 o'rlork. b held Thursday arterhoon at 9 o'rlork In

the chamber of Commerce rooms It willMeeting or the It Federation of be derided then whether the rlub will Ukn

Women's clubs In Hie Chamber of Com sMMBPn up the hahy educational work again this Little Mian Mildred Woodward In the beautiful little daughter of Mrmerce at 3 o'clork. winter. It was reported at Ihe meet n and Mra. O. G. Woodward. Who wa one of the moat intereetlng featureyesterday afternoon thai Moo ts on hand to

of Ihe Clwrlty hall FYlday night, at which ahe made her debut aa anbegin the work on. which the league real-


front the Raby sanltorlum at Cloud pretty little dancer.Mrs w J. Quigly will enterUIn with a croft last summer. At the meeting next

luncheon at the Hotel Paso del Norte, com resolution formthere will ho a toThursdaypllmentary to Mr. mil Clyde Van Vleck ion-- v ill at tbe home of her mother, Mrs. Vsugtui, have spent the past few days downa branch of suffrage work In wardof Toledo, Ohio. In Ihe city.

everyEarl Phillips, on La Luz street. Is recover-ing

the valley visiting with relatlie.nicely.

The Tuesday Bridge rfub will meet with Ill II AM snCIKTV TO MEET. Isidore ilrnasblatt. son or Mrs. FsiherMrs. Will T. Owen. The election or orricnrs of the Humane Mrs. Edmund Ray ton I. achman lert Wed nrossblatt, who underwent an operation at

Society will take place Monday in the office nesday arternoon ror Louisville. Ky., to be lb" Hotel Dleu reeently, la improving raoThe Bowman Guard drill. team will enter or the resident, nr. T. A. Bray, capias gone serení months In the hope of re-


tain with a dance at the odd tallows' hall. building, at 3 o'clock. her health.

EdWtn aobuu. ton or Mra. stni Srhute. GuitarsMrs. William Scott Wood or nogales.Mr. E. M. Laferrlerra, of Minneapolis, D. A. R. MECTINn. Ariz., is visiting Oenerti and Mr, lleorge who I m with typhoid fever at localto lerture on "Health " at 906 Herald build It to heAn entertaining program has been -

Hell at Ihe Paso del Norte hotel. Mrs. hospital. reported improving.ni?, at l.W p. m. ranged by Mrs. 1. W. Lorentar.n for the Wood It the daughter of Oenerti and Mrs. Ukulelesmeeting or the Rebecca Stoddert Chapter. Bell. r Captain J. A. McDonald, formerly of theWednesday. p. A. R. meeting which will be held to tailed sutes army, and Mrs. McDonald .and

Mrs. I. R. Enlow will entertain with morrow afternoon In the chapter room orMrs. Virginia Spillnian left Friday ror her irs. i. uasaeu oí ajo, anz are at Hotel

luncheon, complimentary to her sister. Mrs. the Woman's Reading Club. L. I.. Robin-son home in Plano, Tetas, after spending tbe aso del Norte, and tn company with Mr. MandolinsI.outs Clyde Van Vleck. of Toledo, Ohio. will talk, on 'Our National Disregard or

holidays with her sitters and brother , Mr. rlnce.nt Fortune or the same place, arel.aw." which I the ubjeet for tbe after-noon.

pending the holidays and attending theGeorge 0. Peary, Mrt. I. M. Woodward,Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Blum will enter-

tainMrs. D. V. Feqnesgy will play a

and A. D. Hudson toe in Juarez. CapUln McDonald waa an Violinswith a dinner party, complimentary to violin solo, and Miss Julia Pool will de-liver

smear tn the tarty 80s and was in Tomb-Dr. and Mrs. oeorge Hudspeth. Misa Carter Rudy la the atiractlv f Dr. and Mra. K. I. a plano soto. Mn. H. H. Stark will Misses Deila and Ruth Porter, who hare tttone tn the early days.

IUmey. sing, and Mra. C. 0. Rncker will read. Mr, teen visiting mends hi the city, have toft 'The Jolly Wives' club will meet with Mrs. win T. Owen also will sing a solo. for Tularosa to spend a abort time. Mrt. rilarle Aahton McAlpine, who un- -

J. C. Long, on Copper street. Tbe meeting win be called by Mr. L. L. dtrwent an operation Thurtdty at Hotelnightly dance at tbe Toltec rlub and the by PToressor A. G. Alexander and Basil Robinson, president, and tbe buslneaa part Mn. George Dennis or Lag Cruce U vis-

itingDteu, It doing well.

The Kensington club meets with Mrs. weekly dance at the Country rlub, the week Ryan. win be carried through, after which win with relatives and mend In the city, DUNiVSMayfleld, on Tularosa street. promises to be a rather enjoyable une follow the program. on her way home to Globe, Ariz. Mr. tad

socially. THE AYIUE8 EISTEBTAfN. Mrt. Dennis lived In El Ptao before goingThe regular weekly dance will be held at Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Ayer entertained the MUSIC DEPARTMENT MEETTMO POhTPONKJI to Las Cruce and bare many mends hare A Skooanim Indian doll- head made of

the Post Hop club, at Kurt Blias. Danre at Country Club. boys or the senior age of the Trinity The music departments or the Woman's who wish them tucoes In their new home. dried apple for tbe baby, 7te. Beach's Art 404 San Antonio St.A most enjoyable dance was given last Method-s- church at dinner on Thursday Club, which waa lo meet Wednesday after Shop, City National Bank Bldg.

The Stat Flower club will meet with Mrs. night at the country rlub. Several dinner evening at tbelr home. The table waa noon In the club building, baa postponed Her. J. E. Puller haa returned to hiprettily rentcred with red roses and fern. Its meeting to a Inter date In tbe week, be-

causeW. C. Smltb, on Estrella street. parlies were .given preceding the danre. home I Lordsburg. N. M., alter (pending

Mrs. Lillian Hassan was entertained by After the dinner, the. boy organised a of the Illness of some of the partici-pants. rtw day in the cfty.

Thursday Major and Mrs. J. M. Troutt. Tbe oilier Wesley Bible class, with the followUlg or-

neéis:The meeting probably will be held

Dinner dunce at Toller cha. guests at Major Troutrs table wen-- : Mf. president.. UwAter Vv right; vice some evening Instead or afternoon during Mr, ateohen Praaar. who lata been fU Suits at Radical ReductionsIt. president. Carroll Huff; scorelary and treas-urer,

the weak, and will be announced later.and Mr. W. James, captain and Mrs. for the past six weeks, It now convalescentMrs. J. R. Knlow will entertain with a Ambrose Oalnes, Major c. rt. BrtUaford, willard Brown. Tho teacher of this at her home m the Lakou flats

luncheon In honor or Mrs. Van claai Is W. F. Flan lken. The boyi ara en-thusiastic

INSTALLATION Of OFFIORSLouis Clyde Mrs. Max Webber, Lieut. William B. Ward, Women'sVleck. orcr their organisation and In-

tendThe installation of oUlcers of tbe Divi Suits, Coats, DressesMisa Murry and W, H.Austln. Mrs. Hassan, Mrt. Tbomaa Davis, who Iras (pent thehaving an young men or this age sion 138, 0. I. A. to the B. or L. E. tookthe honor gueat, will leave Tuesday evening available in this claas. A committee waa place Friday afternoon In the K. of P. ball. past month with relatives and friends In andMrs. Frank s. Alnaa will entertain with for Mexico City to rejoin her husband, and Millinerythe city, win return to her home in hutappointed to draft resolutions and select Tbe recently elected offloen Installed werethe second of a series of luncheons at her the party was In tbe form of a farewell if. M., this week mucha name for the class. Mrs. Mary Bowman, preeldent; Mr. Bell ley,

itome, on Mesa avenue. dinner.Brltton Davis had as his guests Mrs.

on Saturday the girls of this age met Walker, vice president; Mrs. Benny Cun-ningham,

health. The moat important Garment Sale ever Held in this city.Willi the tame hostess at 1 o'clock luncheon Insurance secretary; Mr. DodleDance at West Ysleta Country club. Luclle Matin. Miss Elisabeth Cauffield and and organized a Junior Phllathea class Prothrn, secretary; Mrs. Margaret Knight, Jame R. Chapley or Denver, Colo., spentBrltton Cranflll. Their officers are: President, Miss llaiel treasurer; Mr. Elisabeth Oivler, chaplain; Saturday In lha city, en route to Turna, Strict high-grad- e Suits grouped into three lotsSempre Fell club will meet with Mrs At another table were Mrs, W. M. Laugh- - Vaughn; vice president. Hasel Cao ron; se Mrs. Julia Hobeln, guide; Mr. Petri Davis, Arla,

A. N. O'Hear. lln, Mrs. Graves andSidney Captain and cretary. Miss Beatrice Margraff; treasurer, sentinel; Mrs. Matilda Bnrrough, musician; $10.50Mra. 1. W. Wagner. Miss Margaret Meers; chairman of tbe mem-bership

Mr. Minnie Rader, Mrs. Mae Hathaway, Mr. and Mra, L. D. HuUum now are re $16.75 $18.50Meeting of the board or directors of the A large crowd or El Paso and army peo committee. Miss Alice Jonas; chair-man

marshslla; Mra. Msudc Harris, Mrs. Helen siding In tbe Robinson apartmenU ror tbeV. W. ;. A. In the association rooms, on pie attended the danre. of the sor is I committee, Ml de Courcey, Mrs. Laura Oeddli, Mr. Jessie winter They returned recently rrom Bay-

ard,Texas street Merer; chairman of the devotional Young, pillars. Texas. COATS Street DrsssssParties for Mra. Van Vleck. committee. Miss Lena Merle Palmer. AfterMoat wonderful

Mrs. t. Sanders and Mrs. Kd Wlsbrun Mra. Louts Clyde Van Vleck, of Toledo, the business, the girls enjoyed a pleasant METTTMO OP CITY FEDERATION. Mlts Florence Durkee will leave Monday Formerly $30.00, Dinner Dretac val net in season-

ablewill entertain with a bridge party, compli Oblo, who Is tbe attractive house guest or social time. There will be a meeting or the City Fed-


ror New York, where she will reside. 8hr Calling Dreaactmentary to Mrs. B. H. oppenheimar, of St will be greatly missed In Y. W. C. A. and now at $18.00 Hatther sister, Mrs. J. R. Enlow, on Upson ave of Women's Clubs In the Chamber re-

ducedJoseph, Mo., at tbe Colonial .tea rooms. nue, will be tbe recipient or a number of BIRTHDAY PAlgTV. of Commerce tomorrow afternoon at I chareto, circles. Dancing Frock

delightful social courtesies during the com Louisa Irwin entertained five of her girl o'clock. At the meeting there will take Mrt. William Vaughn and daughter, HazelFormerly $16.78, Reduced to to lass than

Tbe Luncheon-Bridg- club will meet with big week. Mra. "Enlow is planning two patea the election of officers. Since lastrrtntuls with s celebration or bar birthday now at $10.80 $16.75 & $19.75 HALF PRICEMrs. Arthur I .Mcknight. I unc boons In her honor, and Mra. W. J. yesterday afternoon at tho home of bar fall a campaign baa been under way toWRY NOT.Qulgly also will entertain with a luncheon parents. Mr. and Nrs. W. W. Irwin, on more members for the organization,

Tbe Pan Méllenle club will meet at 3.30 at the Hotel Paso del Norte for her Montana street. The cake and each woman's club in tbe federation Bee the new quilted slippers hand em-

broideredo dock In the Woman's club building. and Mrs. J. O. Crockett will entertain, com-plimentary

prettily embossed and trimmedbirthday

with lightedwas

haa been working lndefallgably In pro-curing Art Shop. City

andNationalrur trimmed.

Bank Bldg.II TS. Beach's We want to terra you. An opportunity no woman can afford

to Mr. and Mrs. Van Vleck at caudles. Uamea were played during the a many good members a possible. miss. Oar lowto prices less.Meeting of tbe Equal Franchise league tbe dinner-danc- at the Toltec olub Thurs afternoon. The guest were Adelaide Uver-- t A first prize wag offered to the organiza capenses ourwill be held at the Chamber of Commerce day evening. Covers will be laid for four treed, Helen lioblnsun, Madge Wade, Tiny tlon bringing In the most members, and I

at 3 o'clock. teen at tbelr table. Mrs. D. B. Gillies will Wade, and Sarab Rardle. second prize also offered At the meetingbe hostess at a delightful luncheon for Mrs. tomorrow the reports will be read, and tbe

Mrs. B. E. Black will nteruin Iba Oesfre-in- nhufcw tine of Aelc for H. A H. Green The Mttle Shopprlaevan Vlerk the latter part or the week. Mrs. OEN. am. Mrs CU. lrnini presentad.crochet rlub. E. H. Booth and Mrs. Clemens Jungk were During inn gear many individual number at SI .SB, Trmdinc Staatpa.

leu. and Mrs. floor ge Bell entertained a Willi ntty ttyleaafternoon nave come uno ine ciun, according to theJoint hostesses on Friday at an number of rnends Sl.tS. SS.SS.Friday attractively appointed bridge party in honor Hllmier at the ValleyFridayInn. Tbe

even:ng with a president, Mrs. 8. J. Fennel). Woman's and low pehaa.Die Friday Luncheon Bridge dub will or Mrs. Van Vleck.

guests were The work or the city Federation li chief Toggerylieu, and Mrs.meet with Mra. Frank Mure bison, on Cin-


Roger Wtiltsni, MaJ. and ly on civic line, aui hat done a great deal Gboice line ofMr, s. orant. Mr. andstreet. Mr, w. H. in that way In the city. Little Take elevator.MlaS. SOL I. SUXJIU ENTUaT AIM) Burgea, air, and Mn. u. B. Stewart, Mr. and Capias BMg.Mra. William s. Wood, and Mra. J tines L Over Victor Hat Co.The Friday Bridge club will meet witu One of tbe moat elabórale partí of last Have money.

Mrs. F. E. Hunter, on Mesa avenue. week was that given by Mrs. hoi 1. Berg, collbie.MUSIC NOTEStot Eaat Rio Uiande street, Friday after

noon 411101 1:10 to i o'clock. Mure than JMCTA BETAS MJtrr.The. Dan enters of Erin will hold Installa-tion

Mr. H. P. Vaughn was hostsot theceremonies for new officers. seventy ladle attended. to EI Pane uualc lovert have a real troalThe house was beautifully decorated, lieu heiaa yesterday afternoon at bar borne dials take pitos In El Pato i brury t

white and being the color scheme. on Brown street. Tbe afternoon waa plett Storeyellow The.Saturday. and at th Woman' rlub. Havlloak Is aDanre at Country club. Several musical selection were enjoyed. nnily spent la sewing and playing car. Russian vioUultt or national repute, bar-

ing Extraordinary ShoeIlefreahnienui were nerved. The club BargainsAfter bridge and bunco were played willMrs. f. B. Qilllea will entertain with a meet neat with Miss Msdge Steelplayed with the Boston Symphony

bea'jtlfully appointed three course luncheon on Brownluncheon, complimentary to Mra. Louis and given concert In one hundredwaa served. The first prise at brtdgu wa treat.

and twenty American elttee. Hla acocan San-Te- x LaxativeClyde Van Vleck, at her home. IM Host tt Dttewan by Mra. li. hebwartt, second by Mrs. panlst la Ml Malvina Kbrllrb, one of Ok Up Styletbimou kotuaky, and tiurd by Mrs. ft. La Mat AMD MR. BLUM TO KNTEB1 AI.N nd most tahtntad trtlau ofMeeting of the Collage Woman's club In youngetipowskl. The bunco prise were won by Mr. and Mra. Horace W. Blum are planning Cold Tablets Savethe drawing rooms of the Woman's club to antarlaln with dinner Anttrtca. with Mtvllcek it Paul Parks, yoorself money by buyina;Mrs. sunily or Cleveland, first Mrs party at their baritone, who, ailhoiigi. very hatyoung,building. boma, complimentary to Dr. and Mrs. at the new Sample Shoe StoreWldUaa, second, and Mra. Merger, mother iieorga made a great Impression with bis The prltK-lpt- for dsn prnajaror Mrs. Harry benett, third. Hudapetb. WMaeaday evening. Dr. and for onlyvote. The II tv lock recital will be womenSchumann willMine. Hetnk aire a Mrs, Hudspeth were marriedAmong shoe pi stent were: Mesdainoa M Thanksgiving ngiven under the auspices or the Wad Women'sat the Taxaa Orend theater. Gun Metal Laceeweulng al a very pretty wedding Mr,Preudeuslelu, E. AAMiandrU, Harris, Hampton Chapter, U. D. C. attav-t- i of Ian Grlppo Is tomolaroff. ilarauu) Lvweiibarg, Harry Bar lludipelb formerly wa Ml Mry Meub Boot;' extra high top withUaa faver auad to tatatr--The Jolly Eight club win meet with. MUa neiL war. aJiay

Gertrude Pillar.Victor carfto, M. tletonka. Hayiuua leather Louis heel. RecularKrupp, Heiu-- Ivaud, iHIo I'arkius, Lppen

I set war, of 81. Jltepb. Mo.. ft. keoulug to kMVHIAIN JAN. M. SOCIAL PERSONALS. Uta ot tbe akin In $4 00 value A AppineDance In honor of Miss Theresa Herako-wtt- i balotar of Loa Atarle i Barger of .Mew Mr. Man-- and Mrs. iu.de wtH enter opttnfor .Qa)and January graduating class, si Tem-

pleMffV J. zeuiin, K. haundars, p. I. lain ai the colonial Team Hoeca. Taetdav to cat IB

Mount BlneL erhwaru. luri uirea, B. Turk. A. Jan. l. Ml ucorgte Adlne Bradford of Ptu say peral na at tete ej teaa ta Woman's High Top BronzeS baUhey. Abe f iluiueiitli!. A. H. Jacob.. bluff. Ark.. I UM guest or bar ceusbu, wsjahtttg orttar. Ttta Lace Boot with leatherow that the holidays, with tneir Men SwaU, L. ll.rv.iu M Ooldori, 8. Ko rutt XJEI.ONKAM TO VIMT IN EAST. Mr.

fata!and Mra Will T. Owen. LouisN rather maddening rush. It over, east i"v, Paul Heat Uoldoft. Joseph aUiam liabbl Maruu iUatonka of Tentjil Moual aaaaiar ttta noM It aMacel. heel. A beauty

h i stiruliiut II lunlx and berg, Lou Lualtlg Boeeuberg, carl Good miiii leu tcrd foi A, j. no where Mr. Georg W. Left or Pttv Hlurr, Ark.. Stte saw aaustly taw tsaM osa can't be duplicated foriM4jpraUng from I fa heightened dote of K. r, I. Zork, M. J. Copo, L. will deliver an Mtdre lo III student of Is vlstUng her slsur, Mra. Joe michni. ka fehea ' up attd Iheuwn "3 00. Special forsocial activities, the women clubs of the Ilairi, s . N. Lapowakl. we cmvrio or reja. Mr, fitloon on Bin lrat. atff. stavTaa Uksuttgva OaMoily will reaume activities during the coin-

ingharán Ulten, H. 8. Win will leave Wndneaday and win jola Babbi Tabla an isjfail of a

week. The numerous social laneheoo-bfldg- nar, ft. 8ch M. Adkm, Mlaa Leak Zlalouka in Auclm Togelher they will Mlt Rv Htm of Pin Biurr, Ark la Buscáis tfaai. la attatMl ta $3.95club, many of which temporarily i.aroMky, of it Irma Prsndauberg, vieu new Torn city. Baltimore, and Cm. vining Mr. T. M. PHIChard oa DougUs strsanh kya a ejM ismijdisbanded for the holidays will begin their Hum norwi by i or Cbtcagu. Ma traei. SHeClAL Women's Two Tone Lace Boots; black and white,

earregu tal

who have bcuonee

elected Ui a niuatreioff!



r. A..

Bilhetattig,P. MertkowlU.

8. UargH.

i. ivi i i oh MUM Utleu I eui fhilllpt, who bat poree of tita stdat, and with leather Lout heals. These are beautiful 0 JPtbe woman's orgaaitatma will lake their man. Mla atdgBles l. W ddaa, H. luvitalioi.i lias been ltd for dance lite bowel aaatiy values and ahouldn'asbe overlooked. For sF34e)anemona at the Imad of their alub. and JarkMii, 0 Wolf. F W. Browu. 8. g van by Mr and Mrs. 8. Herkowiu. In end rrssety TTasty are verytan ihe gavel tv wortrJai for Ihe year of iiullaud. t.ieil Wolfe, Mata itoou ui tneir daughter. Tanas, and the of La

MIT.' A Alúa. Carrie Fraa Jaousn gtduung cla or tan. a use Have Your Spring Drew Cristol's Sample Shoe StoreCoaxunily ball or ! tupir, A number of delightful luncheons and rMbwartt. Harry Uyaaao. Mount satai. hy caaMa statt taaettr. TWRswuraay. it.names have plauitw during 1 week to. ' an ii a pern mix January Made, for aatlrsa of tho taawatt la a4-a-ar tutor, an) together with Um fart tul Prtudonberg.

V. Mf. C A. Nuit.e bf wavaa artanta, sstcAi ae aoe Mi AvenueMi Ad Huik. teacher or Hrannk in fat $7.50 hast Isaatostasta, ear-.- , ifkwtaTt aa Women's - " 'I Ml saw III 19 miKt. High school will leach a ar inter of eteatt lilliitl otatta.

mm iiKJi of coanittsrriai Bpaulali at liar Y. W. C. A , at We Refund Money If Shoes Aye Not What You Wantmug at will have Mail Order Given Prompt Attentionprogram, under the di trac) ftsUurday atatiimg rltu for botaI MardiUiaM. Mia bsglantr tad adiaoeed pum wsacb a ill Tñe Style Shopla the Effie fcd ta- liooo, i ui iia.Iv. ui mi. li., a - J1LJL.. V ...!.

las- - graduaiiog ar . Im' lor nr butuieas gut will kw Hi tVsaa IR.. I. ... ttrsutdU a parl.M. Munda al 1 ocivtfc iu lie tveoiua UK ofttidg. riiuaa) iaai LADIESwiiilaiul rtuirtty at l.W o'rlucfc In rwrtt

tt win fwaioua tat Men i c, , iwat. i, i w. Hit a,

Ws Should LiVetotel25MDr. Eugene Lyman Fiske Shows That the Human Machine ,iL roth "ad

Really Is Built to Run Vastly Longer Than It Does yim --'' sQf nl Period

Run Under Present Habits of Living, and Dr.Depew Says King David Was All Wrong About V Nr wf ygg1 Botono

K IS I Should

"Three Scoreand Ten."

By Abner Casscil.

arc saving children and

WE lowering th average ofthe death rate. But th. total

length of life In the United State Lnot proportionately increasing. Itactually la growing abortar. . Rr

Just why. In the great question.Selene refuses to reat until H find

out, and until It find a way of In

creasing instead ot decreasing tn.pan of life.Chauncey Depew said the other

dar that the 80th psalm of David hadkilled ten times more people beforetbelr real "time" than have been Fourthkilled in the present war. "Threescore and tan," according to Dr. De-

pew,Period of

and according to tbe scientists.Life,Is a fallacy.

It la not surprising, therefore, to in WhichAnd great movements like the LifeExtension institute, of which former Man IsPresident Tart la the bead, with of-

fices In New York. RepresentedIt will probably be a surprlae to the

average man to learn that In the asAmerican nation there are annually Science Now Likens the Human Body to a Machine Which904,000 deatha which are classed aa s i? ""

jgjjj ReachingjanItsRung as Long as All of Parts Are Properlypremature nearly a million lives lost 100 Tears.Preserved and Lubricated.In a single year because of needless

sickness ending in deaths whichla, Ufe insurance records show that of tbe insurance companies, fixed

might be postponed from a ahort pe-

riod there Is a certain definite span of many yeara ago and assuming that " rjjit1 --V I"

to several These untime-ly

years.life) there la. In fact, no law of mor-

tality85 years Is the ultimate span ot hu-

mandeaths arise from which Ifmuses except that created by tbe con-

ditionslife, have been borne out by ex-

periencediscovered and treated in time could that surround civilized man. among Insured Uvea, it haa -be uprooted and overcome and the It Ilea within his power to change been found that annuitants have alife


Informationfor its normal course. these conditions so that his Ufe can much longer span of life, and the Diagram Showing the Bate ofdevelops be Indefinitely prolonged. average company, in aplte of ita ef-

fortthe algnlflcant fact that in Increase in Organic Diseases ina very "What the limitations of Ufe may to allow for known greater lon-

gevitylarge percentage of caaea Impalr-ment-be we do not know, because we can-

notamong tb. annuitants, loses the United States and in Eng-

landof health often aerloualy ad-

vancednow measure th. possible ad-

vancesmoney on these contráete and Wales.

Impalrmenta are quite un-

known,of science. We know that ÍA Thirdeven unsuspected, by the many

We knowdiseases



eliminated.defects The Extension of Protected Old Age Bmsjmbw B Period of

That Americana are the victims ora national unpreparednesa In the mat-ter

"The span or life or the annuitant from disillusionment, sorrows, be-

lleslm raWM Life

of recognizing and combating dis-ease

somewhat between 110 and 120 r.avem.nta and the psychic shocks ffl XHMl CarryingIs reveBled by tbe morinllty Diagram of the Nervous System years. This is ascribed to the type or that have their reaction on th. body gaBgaC- -.records which Bhow a marked daclln. the Individual who takea an annuity, and make lire less worth living. ManIn the power of American workers to Which so Often Is Strained He la conservative and thrifty; he "The Life Extension Institute lawithstand the (train of modern life. by Strenuous American Living. Is protected in his old age from want- not particularly Interested in the HI BeyondDuring the past 23 years there has and Is relieved from th. burden of mere prolongation of human life. It

Increea. of 40 per cent. In or these organic dlaeaaea upon earlier financial car. that is a rector in the must be obvloua that the things we 1HJ Hff David'ss death rate of 10,000 In the United periods. Actually these are maladies breaking down or ao many Uves. do and the things w. advocate ror W WlSUtes "Th. eaalest task that lies before human life "Threeregistration area from chronic belonging to 60 yeara and ov.r. but prolonging muat make Itdegenerative dlaeaaea. These are ,v reaching down Into middle science Is the ascertaining ot theae more worth while and more livable, VB Wi Scorediseases affecting the heart, kidneys. )lfe and below, apparently attacking physical defects, of physical lnsuf- - "It would he rash to predict thatlungs and blood vesaala, whlcb are Bt .,, ages. flclency, or the existence or Infec- - the span or human life will actually yH WJ and Ten."considered maladies of maturity and Tne question arlaes why should tlona, dietetic errors, or errors in ac- - be Increased to 116 yeara, but thereold age. The alarming featute In Americans wear .ut. grov old and tlvity and mental and personal hygl- - is no scientific inconsistency in preour national Ufa Is th. encroachment ,,,, prematurely. ene, and In protecting tbe body from dieting the possibility of such prolon-

guen adrarse influences. The most gallon if the full resources or aelencedifficult task In the art of prolong- - are utilized and if tbe people Dr. WhoReasons for Shortened Eugene Lyman Fiske,Lives Ufe Is to protect tbe organism erate with science in seeking that Says We Ought to Live Farfrom thoae grl.fs and mental strains, end.Dr. Eugene Lyman Flake states tbe starvation, strain, accident. Most Beyond the Century Mark.

situation as seen by the Life Exten-sion

people look upon these changes asmovement in highly Interesting moro or less necessary. W. apeak Great Danger of Present Day theae organisms seem, to hav. been

terms, and Indicates why we hav. a of the condition of a tnan'a arteries eliminated, simply bv th. formula ofnatural right to live to 116 years as "normal for bis age," whereas any "On the face or such statements, that in other organisms the duration protection from bacterial attack, poi- -

"First: The changas which w. change from a soft and resilient ar-tery

whlch to many may aeem optimistic, of life seems to be determined by a Hn starvation, strain and Injury,note In the average Individual and is, In rati, a pathological or dis-

easedIt may be thought discouraging that certain formula that la, five times and maintaining proper nutrition,

which we ascribe to time are not due condition, due to some poison the present trend Is ejpactly In the the duration or Urn. required for "Theae celia are merely a group Secondto time, but to various adverse forcea or some unheallhrul Influence. opposite direction. W. are not at foil maturity. In man this la bald 0f calla. They are not organised oror ractora that Impinge upon th. In-

dividual,"Second: Notwithstanding the fact present moving toward the 126 to take place at about 80 years of differentiated. There are no organs Period

such aS Infection, poison, of an apnaranl law or mortality (that mark, but rather trim 86 toward 76, age with th. full ossification of th. n this new creature, or whatever Itat least In thla country, where there humerus fa bone tn the arm), which may be called, that la living, relieved of

Small's Famous Painting of David Beceivlng Bad News. la no evidence (hat the span ot Ufe would bring us up to an equality 0f all responsibility to time. There Life,Ohauncey Depew Says That David's Doctrine of "Three Score is lengthening, but, on tbe contrary, with the turtles as regards longevity, are countless billions ot cells in the

' ' much evidence that tt Is decreasing "Carrel, who la now doing wonder-- human organism, greatly different! Doublingand Ten Has Killed Ten Times MenMany the War.as as "Th. tall In the general death rate ful surgical work in France, demon- - ated, interdependent and difficulthaa misled many into assuming that atrated that cells taken from the equally to protect and nourish, hence themore people ar. living to great age, heart or a chicken embryo, where the problem la more complex and dlt- -

but thla fall is due wholly to the aav- - they wer. abaolutelyprotected from ficult of relieving the human body of Firsting ot Uvea in the younger age bacterial attack, placed In sterile nu-- responsibility to time and keeping it Period ofgroups. There la an increasing mor- - trlent media and subsequently perl- - In a state of eternal usefulness,lallty in the degenerative affections odlcally washed, had kept on grow- - though the only limitation la human Maturity.and chronic organic disease charac ing, showing none of the usual eigne knowledge and th. facilities ot acl- -Diagram of the Human Arterial terlstic ot advanced life. of aging. The Influence of time on anca.

System Upon the Health of 'The recant Ufa tables of tbeWhich Length of Life so Great United States census, tbe first Ufa

ly Depends. Arrows Show Di-

rectionstables for a considerable section or Bearing of "Simple Daily Actstbe country that have ever been pre-pared,of Blood Flow from show that In Mas sach uset taaii d

tbe Heart. "But thla doea not mean that man cal examinations or the entire bodytheNew Jereey, where In 1880 deathrate at every age period was lower must be planed In a laboratory and aa a common Pracfloe.

can i absolutely corrected. We know than In England and Wales, there surrounded by complicated andthat th. word "disease" really ought la now Mvhor dwath rate than ..... -- f .i.i , There ever. department ot man's onanismto be eliminated (rom our vocabu-lary.

in England and Wales; ana, wnueThe word "dlaeaae ' at the period, there First SBimplies a younger age 0 or aT0)aed wU, suggestion.

mysterious condition to which tbe "JZT?iU toWrd enblln th hun or's dhc.eTand hap'y mod. Years ofIndividual Ltvat and laterhaa been condemned-Brig- ht', rMch oaJ ot 1M y0M Thoe , , t suitable to thTlay

dlaaaae, Mage's dlz.es.. Life, WhichOrarae's disease, .u; AH thee, ao pentatlón or lire or from ont to two ln MUvlty. or th. teet-h-diet. car. nd monthly health letter, and thecalled diseases era .imply conditions which r.ffecta a decided Scienceyears, jrerj m the underfact, meaaurea grouped verdicts or perlodlo examinations reaof infection, of strain, starvation, poi-

sonincrease in tb. death per thou- - tne CBBpwmUTw .w science or dered by eVpert dfagno.Utian. and Baysor Injury, and are not In sand at thee. agea.any personal hygiene, or how to live." counselled by a board ot hygieneseas, progreestv., necessary changas "To aummarlse: Death, disease The officers of th. Ufe Extension composed ot specialists in their Should Bethat hav. to go on when one. initi-

ated,flM age are not mysterious en-- Institute, as well aa ISO othera .pective linee, there is no reason why "

aa we formerly supposed. titles, but definite physical change, prominent In professional and buai- - thla "toboggan elide to senility-- aa Multiplied"All of this means that while we du. to definite physical osases, whkñ oees Ufe, forming; tee hygienic ret- - Dr. Fiske calls It. aliould not be sum-ar- Wve Timen.cannot definitely state the poaalbl. to a considerable degree control- - erence board, donate their service ma rlly checked In ita menacing en-

labie,duration or span of human life, w. hence tbe duration of human as a contribution to the welfare ot rear. Thla Periodcan slat, that It Is possible greatly to Ufe Is not fixed and the field Is open humanity. Balariea are paid only toprolong- - human life, and that we must to aelence utterly to change the pre the administrative officers, and th. '' Is VariouslyBat aee.pt th. Ufe tablea as control ent trend et mortality. moderate chartos tor the service ar. Nails growing info the flesh at theHag human mortality. They ar. "Already much haa been acoom- - levied ao that the organisation may point, or sides are said to Indicate

Estimatedsee rely an expression of what haa pushed in Sweden, Norway, Dan- - be operated oa a hsxarious tasteshappened It is only human. egotlam mark. Pruasla and other countries basis, any surplus going to further

up toand neglect that haa allowed an to where the death rate has been lew- - extend the public aeope. SO Year- -.drtft into lata modulo where w. red at each age period. In order tofacUltate tbe early die- The normal temperature of horses,aoo.pt tne deterioration ot th. body "A turtle Uvea lad yeara, while the rovery of dlaeaaea both thoae hav asen and tigers la about the ease,which w. call "aging" as a necessary apea of life of tee lord ot creation la Ing their origin In germinal sources That ot chickens is in degrees fan-on- Jprocess. and in organic affection. th. public reuhelt. and thai ot mlv"While It la tree that te. Ufe tantee to aetedaav. ta urged to have theae portadlo ahyal T4.


Hallando.A twllax, 131

M(kUlrorata muring. I.. M. UNITED STATES El Paso Autoists, Beware! ASnXl To Flgti for Rittman

Raker, totl Prospect, mating. H A. Or w"' "vr" mw ,nplopf). M Texaa street, tourtnr ems On Lar I nieces Are Numerous ,Lp'm Process in Californiaenedo. norma Eoek Smltk Fratt cornGAS ROW petty, at Bast Overland, truck; Fred R-oman LEADS IN AUTOS Lock yvur automobile or ynnr t ar is tpt Harroun Automobile n ran gamm into what Is reported tn beluTaaa,; n v. Mgelosa, tot North to vanish, not of its own accord, but by

s statewide motenawit on the part of cer-

taini.ampbell. runabout. Ida It Rnfer. AM clever means beat known to motor ear Has New Devicemnrtaa: city Service rompany. tour thieves Police officials, automobile dealers Steering powerful oil Interests In prevent ahatat; w A. Qrlam, 'lint tonrin. Ben and insurance officials are about! ng this Rittman procese for making gaaollne at lowRamsay set south tireeon street, coat rrom gaining a foothold in sltrorntaa or thk ra. rtw ai i r.ntrrNv ins the week fot the sal of Veils ears.

company, advice. Advance reporta which have come fromTltts C Has Mor Motortruck. Franelero Pal asila, runabout. R. H. otart try has been launched by aeanrtated motorA. N. Ktntole reports thai rar of Bu H L. Flckett is the agent. Their warning la well rounded, for tt per Detroit regarding the Harroun rar make It

Rita. tt East Overland, tour int. R. Ruff vehicle, civic and tmatnees bostlea of LoaIrks u unloaded Friday, aleo thu their H o. Bursum of Socorro, late Republl

man. tot Meet avenue, muring 0. FraM Vehicle Tham Eittfcw Oat-aid- e rent or the automobiles stolen In El Paao. certain that this newcomer to Ihe rield will angeles. Among the bodies represented InI ulrk deliveries were marte thla wwli and can candidate fer tnvemor of Hew Mexico, E. More for inatanre. are taken as a result or rare of the national movement down the ofMl attrri atreat, toarbtf: A. World. be a ctttter great Interest at anr tn kaap pricefour mor deliveries III be made Monday baa purchased his aecond Velle. being well lessneas on toe part of owners. It It eat)tirad, aw East San Antonto. touiint: Mil gasoline are the Resit, board. Ad club.New Yorkhowa at and Chicago.MWl TlKSdaV pleased with the performance of hta first mated that the total value of Mm cars stolenlard fierre, 171 Wyoming street totirlnt Motor car Dealerr aeaootaainn. Motor Truckcar. In this the twalve montha while much or thla intereat la undottbtcity duringA etr of Rwi If expected In a few days. r.tghth Infantry post cachante, truck. M steal official reaiatranon of total num-

berpeat club. Oarage and Repairmen'! aaeoclatlon.

including l, of the IWI seven passengerthe



(jim is fa Mofla. III., vliltlng c. Keer, ttno Mountain avenue, totirlnt of automobiles In various countries lala more than 1100 ona edly doe in Ray Harrottn't fame aa a de-

signermembers of the council anil city officials

lie MM on Of We three marina ton lieutenant W. nulltnn. Tweitfth infantrv sa follows: In a auteiitetit a traffic nrflrer said: or racing and tonrmr cara the new It ia claimed by the proponents of thespeed rn'- trurks MCWS OF THE STAR MOTOR to ort Bllsa, tout-ta- W. B. Richmond. M I ntted "Carelessness on the part or the automobile Harronn tn presenting many novelletalla proeeaa that, despite the ract that the fed-

eralManager Kunmini Is mil in Wlrhlts Mills Rldt runabout city of El raso tweet Rrttaln owners Is the chief contributing cause of bureau of minea baa determined theSalea for the current week were made of deMgn which have greatly Intereated theFalls. Teca, on a combined business and Icalth department, runabout. Franriaro Franca fa ,tot tne remaraablc Increase m automobile Hltfman proeeaa la an aeaaired success andby the l.one star Motor aa rollnwa who hare been to aee It.compact permittedpleasure trip. I ribe, 9M Val Verde avenue, truck: T Oermany 71.4H thefts, livery car al Id be kirked when-

everexperts that It has been round, according to the

Rrethern Meter l tne of theae novelties theItodgr ar Is steeringPowell. MM Haatlnra street, tourtnr Canada IMS It la left ror a moment. People pro-tect

latest federal reporta that California wasteStlJca OF MPAN

Stanley Ooode, a touiint. U. Bllimgi, sedan; T. B. Cooke, Sierra Ruasla 11 M0 their homes against burglars, but they wheel which. Instead nr being rigid. Is oil, worth t cents a rallón, ran be madeVan A. Pollock. Tyrone. M. M.. lonrlnf mounted flat laminated Whileon springsKl Studrhakcr Blanca, two tourings. E. J. Clancey, 109 Auatrla Il.lefl leave their rara standing around like o Into gasoline at a cost of A cents a gallon,William Wagner. Paao, W. watklna. Iteming. R. 1., muring this construction stirrly transmita turnO. I. Carroll, liwti murh anyTexas street, totirlnt: Italy 11.000 junk." oil- officials declare that the proeeaa baarnur and Studebaker ilx. Dr. Charles D. Dunphy. Mlrhlran field Rivers street, touring. Colonel Colston Japan IJSt ing force. It absorba all road shocks, greatly proved a commercial failure.J. A Perms. Mesilla Park, H. ., Stode artillery, muring the comfort or the driveriiirreaalngrat Kentucky Infantry tonrtnt: H. Car There are today over Jt.tat.oftfi motor rv El Paso Tire Man The claim la made that the eetabllahraent

l.akee n Taiiey Brown, touiint. Wheels of a generally similar type haveventea, sot street, touiint: AWyoming hlclea In the United Atatea. representtnt a of Rittman plants In California would forreDr. Leonard Tabor. Silver City, 1. at. Lloyd Leedom, tourtnr W. Hams. Sit Texas touiint: R been used by several of Ihe race d rivera,atreet, total valuation of more than two billion Gives Sound down the price ,,r to It or te canta

. Alfred W. Arnold, touring. Advice The Harroun la the rint louring rar to In-

corporanne too truck. A. whltlock. ISM Anions atreet, touring dollara. a gallon retail, and aava uteri of theorders have been sent to Dodge Brothers' ItJote Airare, SI Pao, Studebaker four farUiry for carload shipments to Dodge

D. O. Keefer. IMS Faat Mlasouti street, This waa the tabulation made up to and million! or dollara annually. There-fore,station ear. Itrnthera' aeeofttalr dealers at Alamognrdo. oaring. Inrludlnt December t, lite. It waa com In these daya when the manufacture or it is readily seen bow daairout It Is to

sergeant Desatnger. stiidebskrr fou' as Cruces, N. M., Alpine, Tetaa. Sliverr. n j Kirkpattick, prraldent and gen piled by the Rational Automobile Chamber automobile area baa been elevated to an Brace Compares Motor the gatullne baroni to fttemp out the Ritt-

maneral manager of the Tii State Motor com of Cottamerce. almost exact arlence. the proper runrtlon proeeaa.touringTwo

car.sues and two four, tourtnr 11

City. N.cars



N. M.

Hudson to J. C panj. made a flying nip to the Ford Mo-

torAccording to these figures every seventh or the Inner tube It rrequenlly lost sight or. With the Human Heart According to government reporta, Rittman

company's branch at San Antonio. Texas, family In the I'nlted States nwna a motor commenting upon this ract. H. H. Rwee planta are lucceaafuUy atseries, and one all coup to the Pecos Roaa, art en passenger, and A. Martin, sevTexas.

to especially urge upon them the Import oar. ney. proprietor of the American Atttn III., littaburrh, i.oraopnlls. Pa..The Klliott


Perot,company has secured A chandle car waa da

ance of getting Fords to El Paso and aa a The United Stales owns more aummoMlea company, aaya "It la really the air "The most important part of a motor rar Oil City and Casper. Wyo. One of the rineatreault of Ma trip the Motor com than the total of the entire world. contained in the inner tube that Burton or the Standard OUplantsa rrcatly Increased sales territory for the Prered to A. If. Horn. supports is the engine." aaya Jack Brace or the In-



studebaker. which Includes all of southern From a telerraphlc communication re pany la receiving about ten carloads o Whtlr theae figures are staggering, they the weight oT the ear. cnnaequently. there Auto company, distributora ot adjoins the Rittman plant at carper andArttona, southern Mew Meilro and weal cslved by the Lone star Motor company Forda a weak. do not represent the true production or li a great deal demanded of the, tube. It both are producing gaaollne at a minimumTexas. rrcslaVnt E. 0. Perry and family spent

Mr. Cralt, of the Ocean to Ocean tarare automohtlea In thla country During IMA should be elaatlr. yet poaeeaalng durability the Chevrolet "If the motor that makes coat There la aald to be very tittle differenrrWednesday and Thursday of this week In lord ag-- at Magdalena. V M.. spent I over tl.Ofto automobiles were exported from rar beyond that demanded of rubber uaed the wheels go round." he continued. "What in the expense or operation and volume

hales or Tine ci. paso f.hi ti uto Washington. D. C, starlit serlnt. en ro"utcouple of days at the Motor com the United States, represen ting in value ror other purpoaaa. would the motor rar be without the motor? r gaaollne produced.

COMPANY. to the Rew York automobile show.peny purchasing a atock of automobile MyaSMHt "Mototiiti can affect a material saving In And the endurance and power of the en-

gineA. J. Hall. El Paso. Overland country supplies. While the production of motor cars has their tire bills by riving more study to the has the tame relation to the life or an Henry Ford Ridesclub roadster. NF WS FROM MOTOR CO. reached enormous ngures. the demand Is election and care Of tbeir tubes. Whenever automobile that the human heart has to the

T. E. Beecher, Kl Paso, Overland country The Motor company has dellv F.ALER Or THE WEST TEXAS MOTOR CO. by no means sufficiently met. One popular a tire la removed rrom the rim for any lira or the body, ir there It a strong bean in Franklin Carclub roadster. ered the rollowlng Fords durlnr the week The West Texaa Motor company report factory alone la too OS0 cars behind In or-

dersrauae whatsoever It would be well to take tn a weak body, the body props give way a

H. M. Mr.Kellar, road salesman for the Troy Laundry, I MO Texas street, truck; the following ales: Haynes five paaeengcr already on file for this year, while a small amount of talc upon a cloth and and the heart cranes to function, becauseEl Paso Overland Auto company, left Thurs-day

H. Allen. SISO Montana, tomín, AtlgfU tourings to R. R. Blair and W. R. Sbuli; other manufacturera report their inability rub It thoroughly Into the Inside of the there la no frame to inpport Ita action. And I Aienry Ford, automobile manufacturer of

for an extended trip through West do. 7n South El Paso, touring; I. C. By Hayan aeveo passenger touiint to Dr. R. to keep pace with the public a demand. caaing. that-- the same way with the motor. It ftetrolt, Mich., laat week planed hla orderTexas to visit the overland dealers In that ra. two tourlngt; Dr. r. R. Outlaw, lilt titidger and C. A. Hoakln; Haynes "ligiu "One ihould be careful to remove aand heads a strong frame to support It and ItUTor a Franklin Sedan. Tote oar is tor ra

territory. North Ochoa. muring. Thomas Keller, 117 19" touting to Charles DeOroff. Modern Business Now and other partirle rrom the rasing when needa a llgbt frame to rive tt power.' Ford's personal use.West Missouri, tourfnr; D. J. Farnswortb. O. Bottorff, manager of the Weal Texas

NEWS OF VKLIE MOTOR SALES CO. IK1 Dakota street, touring: Rhrht Way Moler ompany. received dtinnt the week Demands Auto CaA new agency was placed in Tucson dtir-- laundry, tit Texaa street, tourfnr; A. C. a targe shipment of the ten model Haynes,Inrludlnt the powerful light twelve. Ithorse power touting, the The automobile baa aaaumad tuebllfht six chummy roadster and the seven- - politlón among the necessities of life thatpaasenter ilghtjlx touting Its marketing baa to be considered further The Franklin CarThey are clasay looking boats, specially than the mere business success or the matt

Let Us Half Sole painted and those who have seen them ufacturer," aaya F. M. Rannell. manager orgive them mire than a "once over." the El Paao Overland Auto company.

1 "To restrict Its purchase by Ihe limit orcredit means not only the curtailment ofmotor cars, but today meant the restriction you go then he always comes back again.Your Worn Tires of bualneaa In general.Local Auto Notes WHEREVER- "In other worda. there has been placed hear men talk-

ingOur records show this.

on the aboulders or the utomoblle mam iterThe Automobile Tire company will open Hirer a responsibility equalled to that of a motor cars, you will What holds these men? What

Many of our customers get as high a 3,000 for business next week on West San Antonio public utility.itreet. Therefore, the time has come when the find that one man has just bought the makes them talk Franklins? Why

miles and more from them you should do the automobile manufacturar must consider

crescent gasolina, sold by the Oreet West every man that- needs a motor car In his make of car the other has just has the demand for Franklin Carssame. Bring us worn tires; we can save and he has to and deviseyour you ern oil company, is proving a popular seller bualneaa, plan

wars and means so that every one that ab abandoned. doubled, and doubled, and then dou-

bledIn Kl Paso. It Is said to average the highest

as high as 60 PER CENT. Our method is to take percentage of any gaaollne on the local solutely needs a motor car In business shall

two old tires and make one good one a tire that market. be supplied." This means that most buyers are again within the last two years?

will stand up 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Seoeral El Paso Men Will Maxwell Makes El Paso still groping for real standards by Perhaps it is because these men

Attend Chicago Auto Show in Record Breaking Trip which to judge motor car efficiency. know some things that the average

New Tires Have Increased Across the Continent motorist does not know Aung aboutNew old workSeveral well known automobile dealers cars come out, cars

of El Paso have annuunded Inelr intention comfort and safety, gasoline economy,of attending the Chicago automobile show. Two visitors at the El Paao Maxwell head up new features and "talking points"

Willie there Is no excursion rale In effeet

tpi artera a few daya ago were P. 0. Scull tire saving, effortless control, a newin Prices from the souUrwesl, It la possible and G. W. Tutblll, of Newark. N. I. They and so the trade shifts.to get cheaper rates If ten or more left Newark on November It In a Maxwell mastery of road and traffic conditions.

go from E) Paso. An errort la Mlug and made tne run across the continent to

But remember, through our method we can made by L. M. C retor, or the southern .os Angeles in 10 dayi and 16 bou ra. Tola Watching all this is thesolid group The man who has driven a Franklinfurnish you a tire that will average 3,000 to 5,000 start


company,tblt city.

to tat a club of Mai toIBcroaa

a probablytne uaitea


intimean auiomontie.

aver made of Franklin owners, who do not and any other make of car, knows thatmiles approximately one-thi-rd the cost of a new Among those who have announced tbeir lThey are now on their way noma and change. he drive his Franklin farther,Intention of making the trip are L. M. stopped over in at raeo to vían onn i.. aoa can ontire.



E.Buquor,0. Perry

Adolphof the

Buqoor,Lone Star

W. AdDuring


or theentire



company.have not These men and their families know longer trips, with less fatigue, with



In the!

Chicagonow In



his wayand chanted

Theira spark



gaaollnemade any


ments. exactly what they have in the. Franklin Car less trouble and. at less cost than anyWe Buy and Sell Mail Orders Solicit-ed.

home. V tl miles to a gallon, and oil 1M mllea to the

Second-Han- d Tires. Write for Prices. quart.While coming through the mountains or

and stick to it. It is the rarest excep-tion

other car he ever owned.Every one




Chamberlain's Artxona they bucked many drifts or snow for one of them to change and Phone today for a demonstration.rrom one to two feat deep, while underneathcough Remedy after having used It. Mrs.

George Lewis, litlsfleld. N. Y., baa this to waa a soft layer of red mud. The return

Universal Tire Specialty Co. lay regarding it: "Latí winter my littleOrleanstrip II being

and Chicago.made through Houston, New ' FVartlclirt Motor Car Companyboy, rive years old. was tick with a cold

or three weeks. I doctored blm and Phone 2309 LEO J. TROST, Owner El Paso, TexasPhone 3181 40Myrtle Ave. uaed various couth medicines, but nothing Teach Youth Necessity

did him much good Until 1 began usingChamberlain Cough Remedy. He then im of "Safety First'proved rapidly and in a few days was overins cold. Adv. " 'Safety First' Is a popular slogan to

day." aava M. A. Compton. of the ToltelkMotor company. ,

"Thousands upon thousands or dollaraare being spent educating the public to thenecessity of ft rat considering the safety ofA Conservative Investment every act

"While tna many organisations that areIn force, spreading the gospel sf 'SafetyFirst' are to be commended and wntie tnesebodies undoubtedly live hundreds of livesAnd Ever Onean Satisfactory yet their work under the preaent planonly or small benefit

:.V9-- .. , t i "To make a 'Safety First campaign Matlog. tne education should begin with thechildren. Now that tna automobile li theaccepted motor conveyance, and that theswiftness of its travel baa Inrreaeed thedentara on and mgiiways, tnechildren should be tne .first to be educatedto the value of 'Safety First'

"It abold start with the kindergarten. ...ana nnisn wim mm



I See the new features; streamline hood; large radiator and enclosed fan; crown Explains Tube Useiders both front and rear; all black finish nickel trimmings; a motor car of up-- Many motorlaM In reviewing tire mileage You WS Feel Safe In Your Vefie Became It Has

I toda teness, and every inch a true Ford. And you are asked to buy the Ford car fonnaoeerecords often

to tner.fedlt


tosatisfactorythe exchtalon

perof Timken Axles Front and Rearor overlooking tne reelI simply on the records of service and economy given by more than fifteen hundred Iba

tbattobe,If toe

forgettingtube bad not acted its part faith

thousand Ford cars in use along every line of demand The success of the car tofully



record.could not bare eelabilahcü 1

ts MiWiiimt. a bit grmd tmtam. Better can

is your assurance of satisfaction. Every owner of a Ford car is certain of prompt, aIfOta


cealntla very

it right,simple.

of course,It does


workbava H

THJBbe obtained at may price. An trratUnoe of Vclae

ta withstand pre atura and wear. It Quality tU throofh. Special Verle OonthaSgstsI motor,courteous service the country over, for travel where you will there's a Ford agent only to hold air and kaap an holding air. Mitijiiatlsi: afttataon; long, anderatong pringa; deop tufted"This is why so many motorists thinknear at hand. Touring car $360, Runabout $345, Couplet $505, Town Car, tube la a lube' and let It ao at that," ex rfcnuxne Vcasthor end curled haur uphctiajtaa-- y, seating mirror

J&595, Sedan $645 f. o. b. Detroit. plainsBoat Rubber

I, 7.

company-HUtrnparra, manater of the tkxWx; esrtnrythtng in and on. Eight body tttyWa iuckad--

aVABH-- B taK set tao, coupe, town ear, roradaseera. Baa karav


FORD NEED. After Careful Study forjara TRAVIS BAUsCY, Looal AgentMontana St.Telephone Mat !

Expert Mechanics jSqmplete Stock gf Parts Right Accessories at Right Prices "star taaatlteaaare aaaal

nrtaaaalli lítala


ill earnanta

Da- -ana bu - VatLOC jaxs III asjaa CXXKPOStA TIOM

Va x Location. pany. distributors of Uta Republic H . ITkey are fully cognisant of all Uta pótala á ata W

lo be cuaa litaren tu se purchase of a truck a -ai thav muet ttataxtoea not oely be aatti . I 1tlaxlffl atataata aáaSaaaa

from the time you place your otiHkef

fear until you trade it on a new one. x. -- i lla5o jtJffzL WsmBsttmTri-Sta- te otor Co., Inc. r v a. a., i l sBBxaBxaMaBaaHHBaBaBaBBi

SuesHtW aSlaWl Datarte Mill tlPbagaei 42UO

ytgaTjftwy I uaa of .' tstit. i:. Waten or uta (akJanci jM JLW WMim aPanBaliW. &J&MuSK&. I "To foot brake ahoula be kept ao ad H! llWBElH aaPHaaSas

J. M. Kirkpaurick, Geni Mgr.Ut Datvkt, Mgr. Ford IVsle

a ii J saver be uaee tabee M la not tsatiaraliva u, - A. --ataaaaaaa JaWlsssW WaW-ia- ---a-t--a aBfJgg uat tV"


here are narrow and when rara are stick-m- r

Pari A utomobiles out almost uraight fmhi tl- curb onHIS RIVAL x By Will Nies Parallel to the Curb both sidesror two

rf the.u

street,to i

u laanoshiiost

ir alowin-Ub-

near happen alona the Whole treei be-

comeWould Relieoc Congestion umfMed.Which of Thee Three Would YOU Rather Be?

"Wtiv don't people in El rue psrt tneli Charles D. Carl Goes Withcer tkg the mi. ts lthln inn turbeor It, lite they sre compelled to do In Elliott-Garre- tt Companyother rllles." ttked sn eastern visitor theother di. "Tie ttreett are too nm erarle l i'arl or OMahpnia c;ltj ha!) bevr rar stir king straight out from tin

Elliott Otrrett companyorthe slatTjoinedi.urb. It would relieve the congested trs the wholesalerand will have chaireflc a treat deal to park the rsrs parallel aotonioWIeor thisthe curb." cmne.ted will.leenMr .arl haHere If Home good sdvlr. In Hoinlon concern rr len yearswhere the streets are wider than In Kl UM Stiidebaker corporallon

au-rao It la a fine t park an antomohll'' and It considered one of Hie bed poated

lke It l done In Kl Paao. The stn-r- tollmblll' TIK'll III II" "I'll""'

. I


More Standard artsMore PowerMore Speed

On less fuel for less money than any

other motor car built

Hyatt Roller Bearings Four-Do- Body

Two-Un- it Auto-Lit- e Willard Battery

Starting and Lighting Connecticut Ignition

Honeycomb Radiator Valve-in-Hea- d Motor

Streamline Type

NCR ihe note Intercut, the elimlo love, the ONLY delight of the. One He Boat, to them, It'a HOME, for


HER love la big enough to bold both of THEM. Besides, while Baby

O poor hap. It 18 hard to be sopplanted! Prom PIR8T place to be relegated to SECOND may be hie rival and HER son, tic's HIS son too but he never thinks that In a measureplac- e- who "WOULDN'T feel'put out? Baby's also HER rival. $565Here be la and there HE ta THIS life nnw to both. Rut, eomehow, strange aa It aeema Ah. well rival ar no. neither of them would have It DIFFERENT!

or the tmnlness district, with Tosas uro. '.onion, a fid son. who wa 1 ted to compete, The nttie Cbetrol iEl Paso Has 9hrce kansa sírcete a lot center, and H1 otbai v illi hli rather, ntrered lirnkeu bark and NEW AUTO CONCERN leached the hlgnetl point on the inclinr-nn-

Distinct Automobile Rows In tin vicinity or Montana ami Mi ,i Harold, ton, n broken arm. won the prize ofrerrd by the ralr oravenue. The three occupants or the mr were round riclsit."

soon aflor Hie accident, picked up, rushed brace says he will put the Chevrolet "We've Got 'EmThe Ruquor Motor company ha moved to eamaoaO and placed In the ora hor- against any otlT car In El Paso havingInvi their beairttrul new building on Mens Auto Crushes Three as pltaL Portion lint xpeeled to recover. OPEN FOR BUSINESS the same kind of gears, on aaveniif. they ar distributors or Hie lap contest. Mrsce ha? discovered a windingfery and Maxwell car The automobile It Turns Over; Father I. II. Ill AHSIICIVnoN KUHVIKII road, mostly rocks and ttnd. In Hi- - Toot anddistrict serins In I' spreading rtli ot Pacific lulls or ML franklin which Is slid to bethe track Manv aiitn rnni ems are now and Two Sons feWü? I). Ilio

about M gra as ait. that be scalo reg-

ularlyKlertrirlocated on Mea ami Montana. A few yean Ught Motor Co., to with his to "tno"" them., pmsppetsU) the miceipec!el ,n i. u.i rormetl here tonight by or You Can't Break 'Em"bark auto row rnnalied or a te blocks Oarrlxoio. N. M.. Jan. . Dr. K. H. I'lne. ricial or the in Jur is or the electric light Sell Liberty Six and Utility ihe hill climbing qualities or the sturdyalona reía street little Chevrolet.veterinarian or till ritv, ulTered a brokeu and power cnuipaulea In the state or

At the peasant lima then- arc uiree dn hone and other minor injurie, about rorula. Arliooa. Nevada and New Mexico. Trailer. "ir sny or these other boats think theytill' I automobile districts in i.l Paao. una o'clock lhi afternoon when Ms autoiitu i. capital laveatment or r7ii.om) ,. rcpre-hil- ran rollow me. send tliem around." aaldU on Ihe wct aide, Ioiik an Antonio and turned turtle, while ascending Uie o snied by the rompan lea taking mamoar- - Hrare. "They'll get a run for tbelr money,ban francisco, another la on tn ret aids n II. about iv miles ioullMat or Crrl- - hli. The Payne llakestraw Motor ompany lsll can tell you that."

t lie latent automobile concern to Invade theKl Paso Held. They will open a beaulirul Southern Motor Company.how room In the Toiler club building, onMagnfftn venue, durlnr the week. Will Soon Move International Auto CoThe Payne Hskestmvv Motor company will

Motorist Needs handle Ihe new Liberty Six, made In lie. The Southern Motor company will soonEvery a Hull, and the popular Utility Trailer, maun move from Myrtle avenue to locationractured by the Loa angelen Trailer mm-- i

north or the tracks build-ing

Phone 1921. 601-60- 5 Texas St.as soon as a newpny. The Liberty RU It made by theIberty Motor Car company, a big concern ran be erected. Ihe company baa out-

grownthat linn had remarkable nurres during- - Its Its present quarters snd rinda thstS. & M. SPOTLIGHT iikiiiiiis ut existence. Imring this time more room Is necessary to conduct tbelrtin y hava nold IIO.UOU.UOO wortli of carl. rspldly Inrresslng business.

The Liberty Six Is a car in the thoujand- -R. W. Pa ton, rormerly tiles manager or

dollar with new and distinctmany the El Paso Auto Sales roinpany. has joinedreatures. Thote who have ridden In It nay the Southern slarr In the capacity or salesH - perm tluu Itself when It comes to sort manager ror the cranl.anil tas y riding. It has pretty Hoes and la

Spotlights are indispensable for motor travel during the Winter a remarkably graceful car. There la a I.. M.will





the com-pany,Inriueme noticeable In Ustl g foreign

months. When you are traveling over roads with many turns, you long, log lines, and although it Is a carwillthow



upon histhat

return.some big


courseor moderate site wheel base- - itsneed a good Spotlight. Mounted on the windshield a Spotlight will general tppearauce of stability and power Ihe Republic

said Mr.truck

cregor.will be





tores,"Is that usually associated only with veryshow you your road as its rays can be sent in any direction. much larger ears. something to announce upon my return."

America's Greatest "Light 5íat"The Motor company willdistribute the Liberty In west Texai. Mew II ni ii ill n i EXPLOSION.

You Get the Benefit of 98 of the Light Rays Mexli a and Ari.oua By Associated rtvs. America's Greatest "Light Twelve"Hiniiiughaii, Ala Jan. 6. Three wrsons

With the S. & N. ere kilh-,- and soveral Injured by an exSpotlights Powerful Light TwelveAUTO NOTES plosion mi the gas tank on a sleeping caron the southern Hallway 's Southern special.,

The Boaa Hubbrr company reports a good near Woodlawn. tonight. The explosion 70 H. P. TOURINGAU Reflectors Are True Parábolos, trade on Goodyear tires, the agency ofv hich ihey have Just taken. They also tin- raslest hi iwi en Hii iinngham and New can now be seen on our salesfloor,report t brick trade in Kelly Springfield rk, was approaching the latter city wtieCarefully Polished in Silver tires, having received ten carloada of them the accident occurred. J together with the newdining Ihe week. Three .cars were receivedweek before last.

For All Cars For Ford Cars II. H sweeiity. or the American Auto supR

ply company announces that be has plsced Six Roadstertwo service ears st Hie disposal of the pub Light ChummyS. & M. Spotlight fit any windshield and The S. & M. Ford Special Spotlight is built Hi A new "Steam Vulcsiiixlng sod Hiecan be operated at angle. The big Hepair" sign has been painted at the frontany especially for Ford car. Current it taken of the store. the most beautiful and most commodiouslight, selling at $10.50, will throw a PURE direct from the magneto and a special bulb brought El Paso.WHITE light for 2,400 feet. We have G. C tslreeler. of the I nlvertal Tire car ever toother she throwing their ray from 800 it lifted. Every Ford owner need one of Spei iitly company styt that buameas is

to 1,500 feet and selling them from these S. A M. Spotlight. It i an ideal theimiiii

holidays peoplesince the


bpying tire"During

Slid We also show the$7.00 up. gift. The price is $7.00. stopped geUtng them rvpslred." aald

Mreetei "Hut nnw Hiey are doing wuiie SEVEN-PASSENGE- Rthing else beside buying Christmas pies

All Live Dealers Carry S. & H. Spotlights Mill."

Suffer Light Six TouringManager Cliapln, or the lortl branch or the




aboutcompany,the in to



for All these cars are specially painted. They compriseTri-Sta- te Motor Co. From Pilesor western inch mtnagers.the prettiest shipment of Automobile's evr seen here.

1 lie nited slates military authorities no matter how Ion- - or how bad tTOthe Mexican bonier rarentl) put the various to your druaalst today and set a to

Largest and Most Complete Line of makes or solid truck lire to sn unusually centIt will





a single BE SURE TO SEE THEMsevere lest, and I nlled sute Solid Trurk box often cure. A trial packageTire were Ihe only nr. - to come Ui rough mailed free In plain It youAuto Accessories in the Southwest. wrapperwith s perfect acore send us coupon below. Our salesroom will be open Sunday until 12:30 p.m.D c L lj "jn SAMPLE COUPONnrace jays nevroiei ty FREE

Phone 4200. I'YITAMID DRt'O COMPAKT.Is Some Hill Climber MP Pyramid Ul.lt.. Marshall. Mleb. WEST TEXAS MOTOR CO.Kindly send me Free sample ot

.laPpMIPII.Tr.iaml, Piala wrapperWest San Antonio and Leon Streets "A mile stock muuvi imr Mlaejflr i

won a unique staged at Walla NamaWalla. Waalk, recently." aald Jack Brace, Strati Phone 4243 402 Myrtle Ave.nr the lutarnttlooal Auto euntpaii) "A

ler .oí' in' me vv a ereriad aud tuto city State..uwtttle dealeia oi Walla Wall were iu

Valve in Head El Paso Buick Co.

Motors Insure FOURS, $738, $750 SIXES, $1125, $1155 P. W RAMMING. MBfl

1 N. ELMORE ASST. MGR.Delivered Delivered'JJF rower md Operating tconoray606 M SA urn mi


TEN MEN RISE TO HONOR OF Mexico's Fateful Presidential Chair and a Few of the Men Who Have Occupied It



Five, Occupants Are in Exile, Two Die in Foreign Countries,and One Now Enjoys Privilege of Coveted Throne,

Which He Carries With Him on Trips Over Mexico.

MexicanIn on?



ormmhe rlrhly


f.i. smnujt,d.rorateil

a threehallsJR.



Six Cabinets Which mwinii'iii'ii i"p i mi 1 1 ii II i Hitvc i, ,ii

historym it where

of it own,everythtna-

there l

haan ample

a Figure in Mexico's r ian cumforUbla . hair- - the golilfn drragn Eventful Historyor every ambit ..... Mexican warrior. It I

a rhalr upholetetrd in red plush, a oft l franci-c- i. l.arns Chatsro, provlSnrt otnrnrlHhJ'' piece of furniture, guard lonal president under villa. IgnacioVI by a luiré rnlrten aagle. which ha lt Borrego and Federico Orvantea. now ofWings open and Imlda the symbolic- serpent Kl Paso, are at hi right Jose OtievednIn Its rlaas. and Otilio Montano. lapa ta s secretary,

Out or the turmoil of revolution", eleven to hi leftmen have grísea who have attained the (tan. Fulaho iiullerrei. To thehonor or sitting in that chair. Of them, one right. I uno Rlanio, oeneral i. Isabelwa inioliy assassinatari. rive are In el-ite,

Hebfig, Valentin (lama and J. R. abotwo died In rorrlgn muñirle and one Id the left. Modrlgo uomea, F. Vlllarreal,

Is still enjoying the privilege of Uie covet-ed

M. Palarnx and J. ortlt Rodriguez.chair, which he rarrle with him on his 3 First chief carranza. To his right.

numerous pilgrimage over Uie country. Kltaeo Arredondo, i. Fabela, F. PalaOonersl Pnrrmio max was lite rirt man vlrlnl and I. Bonilla. To his ten. F.

to awaken In Midden and tiaalr manner Vlllarreal. F. Escudero y Verdugo. Ro-quefrom hi dream i.r might and power. The F.atrada and General J. R. Trevino

Did warrior, win. rnrghl against the I'rench 4. Oeneral Vlrtorlano Huerta. To hisinvaders and shutter M in piece tile throne right, F. ftamboa. R. Reyes. Manuelor the iiinndc youtt fptrof ., WilmlUnrw Oarza Aldape, Knrique (lorostleta. ToiTHapsbourg. wai inmpelled to quit that his left, Dr. I'rnitla, I, M. Lozano. D. dechair which was hl rur 3S year, and Nee la Fuente and General Aurellanothe country In a nlirlit of terror and trag-edy. 5. Oeneral Porrino Max.

I'ranclMo le I. a Rarra l Xrt. New Year's celebration held byAfter Uie old itutator had abandoned In iTesirteni Madero.

Country rorever. bti mlniter or foreign a-rfan.

7. Kraitolsi-- de la Barra. To hisFratvctacO SOD d'- la Barra, reached right. Rafael Hernandez, Manuel Bonilla

the historic i hair Mi- which o much blond ami General li. Rasroti. To his left.lias I. ecu and I. hclng pllled In the land Manuel Calero. Ernesto Madero and V.

of Mañana. Salado Alvarez.Mi' shining swortl and ihe brilliant dec

jhratlons of the aged dictator were icplacedI the everc blax-- civilian dress or de la fan Hernandet and Victoriano Salado M

Barra. With the new president, new men varez, formed the new goyenim--

came Into prominence. The Vazquez Go-

mez,Ncvi Comes Madero.

brother. Manuel Calero, noted dlplo lie la Rarra perhaps the only man whomat who attempted to solve the Chamtxal has ever surrendered thl high office In a --jbatAMi ill bhi unrimrrnntroversy. wlmli so deeply arrects Kl peaceful and gentlemanly way. He waPaso; F.rnesto Madero. Manuel Bonilla, na- succeeded by ranetsrn i. Madero, the con-

stitutional president who wa elected bythe people after the triumph of lite revo-

lution. .No guns were rireil on this occasion oor any other rightrul element muchThe In vogue In our neighboring country rur theaccomplishment or the "will or the people.

Madero flllrd the kingly chambers of in

Want national palace with the tragic legend or hisdeath and martyrdom. A a friend or the marine al Vera Cruz, and Federico tiajii-- , Ihe other chair, because Carrania had the.poor, and as a preacher or new doctrine bo, a well known diplomat and novelist.

'real one Hut. nevertheless, they continued lienverbeen hi InmakingAd HMD unknown to the Mexicans. Madero oc-

cupiedllieii foreign nilulater. tent his ramoui note the lighting Tor those left. ror the three He hepast years. saysLerdothe chair or Juarez and to of protest to President Wllaun. And after Oullerrnt, Gonzale Hurta audi that Pa.io has a great future bedieaiii a gigantic dream or Justice, kindness Lago i haza to see r it trueCarranza entered the national palare by ro. came wa Tore II. and think li will he the largestand liberty that Uie old first chief had grabbed thePhone Dies Former Friend's Prlnenrr. the ron e or arms, and the riral thing he automobll and truck distributing point

throne. They were not deceived, ror they KM iniitliweit berore long.seized wa the presidential chair. Hot lt inlie also awoke in the midst of a noisy round It to be absolutely true. So theybattle, and with his rrleiul. the vice presi-dent.

was hot the one wlilrli at Ihe Hall ul Am thought It better to keep out. and you rani Mr. Steinm says lie is expecting anothertiassailois. nor the one in the dining room. carload of Infrnatlonal trucks tomorrow.is Jose M. Pino Saurez. he died a prison

rrrind them living in exlla, sitting on theHe chose the best- or them all. The oneof the man whom he had raised and hon-

ored,common benches or the public plazaa, or In1

wlili li .in. o. used, and which IHaz and Ma-staining with bis red bloud the riariiy the luiiirtoua seats ur the moat exclusive!laro inherited. As he a Socialist. Carran-- i5050 or a winter morn. ho tela. Ford Wins in Appeals

President for 15 Mlaulr. L7 jSB TBimBIw'' wwtmmfWllKtKSiitKKi iwl conricated it ror his own' beneril.

Pedro Lasrursln, Madero's foreign mln- - Pul Furniture in Prívale Car. Stamm, Sales Manager in Dodge Brothers Suitftb, I'en Villa drove him out or the capi

at, carranza took with him the preciousMatos or rut mm re. ami he had It fixed In his of Truck Department The supreme court or Michigan denied the

private car. since thai lime, the presi-dential

the petition of John F. and Horace PodgeAuto Sales Co.hair could he ailed very properly Oaklandfor the further extension of the Injunctionme pnaiii hair." It goes, like the Jew

of MM Id lale. from one point to anotheri llaytnoud H. ttamm. formerly fartory agalnut the expenditure by liemy Ford oftraveling constantly. It has been In Verá the accumulated cash dividend, ami grant-

edrepresentative of the International truck,saltillo, in Torreón, hi Oueretarp Mr. Ford'a petition asking that he be

and In ei ery railroad atatlon or Meziro. as accepted the position or aales managerpermitted to continue the execution or the

wnen gUMUlo iiullerrei and his cabinel truck department or the Oaklandcontracta ror the River Rouge smelting plant

arrived in Mexico, escorted bv Villa's sol Auto galea company, and will move butBB diera, iiinl their dream to be Impoa-l- i rnnillv to F.i Paso as soon aa he can ob on condition that he rile a bond protecting

aaaMBlaMBi lutlerrez had lo pick some one tain suitable quarters. I Mr. atanun has the Dodges rrom possible losa.

THE MEN BEHIND"The Gold Standard of Values"

The New 1917 Model Is the Acme of Perfection

Prices: Roadsters-Touring- s Mast be considered when you buy an Automobile

S960 Delivered these days. You must consider the factory organi-zationti.. ram to the pr II. and the ft ighteiied men enter Ihe gli al hall and also the dealer, for it is the dealer on

Why Not Let Us Demonstrate the Value of This Car? lasted but :. minutes, ror oeneral Victoriano where the president had hi office, andHuerta was anxious' to take the place. A throw themselves at the reel or the heart whom must rely for service.Huerta barked hi demands with a large leas Indian, whose reign was ror Uie coun younumber of gun and a considerable amount try a nightman- or horror andl'agedy.EL PASO REO CO. of shells. Mr. Lascufaln agreed lo turn over I rrulia. a physician of renown, tiarza A-

ldapeI he Studebaker Corporation is the strongest concern building automobiles in the

the post and he abandoned Ihe palace or the and Blanquet levlved the obscure In-

triguesSSS MKSA 4VK, IMIONK 4068HuertaSpanish

onviceroysthe throne.

under guard, leavingLoula XI.

and the terrible deed or Ihe old world. It has assets of One Hundred Million Dollars.II. YV. HAMMING, Mgr. A. H. I i.MDlil HHU MT.

Bloody Page or Hlotory Follow. I'l .ill si to I li lie, sl.les The Elliott-Garre- tt Studebaker distributors in the has beensouthwest,With Huerta. Mexico witnessed Uie most The revolution headed by the present nrst Company,bloody and niuiderou scenes or her his chief ended the rularme or Huerta, duringlori 'me could see Uja weeping women which the United tttates landed a force of selling Studebakers for seven years. That means something!

Phone Ask Any Studebaker Owner

mSee the New Studebaker Series 18859 The Car oí Maximum Structural Integrity.

Ford Running Board For Our No bella ta wtxasda, autle orValrea all water Jaostoted, eucSoaad. uolarlon.Etotitrtc Waffnor.xy alean,

oulaldr. no naga on fly wneet.Braces "Hurry Up"ry alerter cstalu aad aprooket, lu IrouLAixmstlaV: 100 pgr rait perfora.

your I i.nl mt quiet an I Jea trU-- ajad as rtarld aa a Truck Service Car la aaaoleletr roomy.(ur Heavy Duty . Vim dear! bege So "load 'am with a ahoa born."

4'aaartlona oastsdsle paaal laatber.la na seeally htarn.

We'd Com at Once--The gmaotine consumption it unusually low.

Our Vulcanizing PlantWill Save Yesj From 10 to 28 Per Cantim ii.ii liar allow lector aud bacfclr aa you aiefi on runnlngr board SO H. P. 40 H. P.

now hulld line alum lem rig-i-d Marker and Yuagr ALL WORK GUARANTEED Elliott Co., Ltd.braiMvea are guárante-- ! lo stuske It-- -- Garrett"Sá" 7aPass. 'TourPRICE $2.50 INSTALLED American Auto Supply Co. HTI'UBBAJUEK DI8TMBOTOM

$1180 Wast Taaaa. Naajr laoxtno aad Artigas $940

MARKER & YONGE Succaaaora to Ei Paso Auto Supply Co. S. SOO Sao Wast Matt Anuíalo tu.H H. SWEENEY, Proprietor TEXASf o. b, Kl Pase EL PABO,

620-2- 2 Tanas St. Ei Pa 312 Tantas St


THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Second Ohio Infantry Brigade, Less Eighth Regiment, at Camp Pershing


rrr v Mt,foi?6Ei it r . . . aair J n a ,sarjijejr a .r.Jiak j - - - - V-

DIM v ( - BaBBasaBkMaBaaBkn MBaT m JkaaassBk aW.se. I'jiss - J QPL ' J" 1 sjs eJfeeas,

The accompanying cut sbowi the Second brigade has not been ordered home, but cer-


mflttls troops on the border. Many of Its many of the line ofricers are veterans or the serving In sll subordlnste grades. Colonel

members are dcarendanw of men who war. Practically all of trtwerd Volrath or the Klghth. ColonelOhio Infantry brigade on review before Its proceedings have transpired which lead

fought under the Mar and tripes during the ofricers came up Cn ,n'' tanks and of the Fifth and Colonel B. L r

oinmsnder. Brigadier oeneral John C. the men and ofricera of the brigade toIn most instance were many yeera reach-

ingThe formed In the Fourth, each have more thanthe civil war. brigadr was orapeak s The phoU graph was taken a few think they will be included In the next their present gradeé1.

IMW and urlng the 17 years of Its existence of service to their rredit. snd alsodays ago on the occasion or what probably "homeward bound'' order from the war de-


yearsprobably has seen more service In connec General Speaks, brigade commander.

the Intercame up from Uie ranks. Ntllngwas the final review and Inspection of the Hon with riots snd domestic disturbances just finishing his thirty-nint- year of con-

tinuousmediate poslUons.

brlgsde prior to Its departure from the Composed of the f ourth. Fifth and i.ighth than any organisation or Its site In the service In the Ohio national guard.

The Eighth Ohio Inlsntry la not Includedborder for Ohio, where It will be mustered regiments of Ohio Infantry, the brigade Is country. Brigade xml regimentsl command He was msde s brigadier general In 1,out of the federal serviré. Up to date the regarded ss one of the licit annum the art. nearly all of the field officer- - and when the brigade was rormed, and alter in the rnregnlng picture.

JlieillMntllMfllllllllllMIIIIIIMItlllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilUlllllllllllllIllllltUllllllllltlMIII .l.ll.llllllltWI.IIWIIIIa


ICM ..van avenue. San Idean, f.sl Mr.

OUTSIDERS HELP ToWnsend mi owner or M Pmo properlyami mnM one HM lnultr.-- fund system offinancing Hie activities of the ( handier of CONSOLIDATIONlommcier ha beeu in vogue lia been aronsl Stent contributor. His contribution has

TO MEET BUDGET always been mi. In his letter or transmittal he aid that he believed the nmny'wellInvested and that he wauled to do all In

IH power to make Mat ton budget fund aslull an. complete as possible at tile outset,

Chamber of Commerce Receives i that the chamber of bommeree wouldknow what money would le svallable furFour Check Fromthe carrying out of Us plans

With Property Here. The canvass of the city will be begunMonday morning, and CMlHIIln John M. OF BANKSWyalt. of the budget fund conuinticc. has

Contributions are 7coiultig In llir I', aslicd nil member Of sub committees tobudget fund nf the Chamber or (nmtnert meet him al the Hotel Bbjridnn as soon afterlr, .in i. sourer In gratifying number o'clock that morning s possible. In orderfuui hating rtlri'f1y Qems lit from nwrir. U.at they may he im their respaettve:of I Paso property win. have never hefnr Itala and take KM rield promptly St S

iroMi rap ra seated in tin- badffsi hied list. ('nock.Amour Hm cuolrlputloni rernved yeatei "I am sure that we are going to he well

iisy w a ant of sri trout tiianc Townseo received by tin loudness man and the prop



subscriptionsof ll I'ssn



".'..niwe will

we The Security Trust and Savings Bank and Thewill need. said Mi Wyalt lasl night. "I

"Cure Your am encouraged to nay that by the MCI thata number or the heaviest contributors topast lindar! muds have assured me that Commercial National Bank have consolidatedLike ll.cv would give murh more to the II7Rupture fund. I also am encouraged to think wewill succeed In getting the rull amount

keel for by lbs promises we are geniusI Cured Mine" rom me who have not conirtbuied In the

past. under the name of The Security Bank, and will"It Is beginning to dawn upon many bud-nf- f

"e n. nod lime pai ticulai ly upon own-ii- .Old Sea Cáptala Cured His Own or real estate, that the Chamber of

Rupture After Doctors Said bommeree must have runds with which to" Operate or Death."


bringinga campaign

of factorieswhich


rrsullell) slid

In open for business in the "Security Building in thesettlers or the right kind la the valley lands,

Bis Remedy and Rook Bent Pree. and they are going In do their part in theCaptain Coiling sailed the swae for v,a oí furnishing their aliare of the money

flsany years; then he auatalned a bad needed . Idoublenot only





hhnto "I nope ever) man named Id get fttoscrtp offices fdrmerly occupied by The Commercial

bedridden for reara )f tried doctor funis will be on hand at the Mieldon asafter doctor and trun after truss. No .hi arter a o'clock as possible net Mon

n suits' rinally. he was aeeured that d) morning to gel Ills list or possiblehe must either fuI.m.ü to a dangerous fund. If we work raltlifiillyamiaeameri

abhorrentne tun--


orluaveeu.die. fie did believe


thecan finish the canvass in two National Bank, Monday Morning, January 8th.


mi ii

Patrons and friends of both banks are cordiallyoioriihi. I'ha. Hi Moflufs Nns.psiior Brujl

ot everyriiKgood cake

h r inmaker

toen.Is a ood Ing requested to call. There will be no interruptionHMLBA milker, thoush as a inaltei m fact the cake

is muí h hauler to make than Uie Icingthat goes atop It.

he simplest w ay to make irlng by the in the business. Commercial National Bankni onl'ectionei siikhp and ir you are cus-

tomersnut an expert in making a bulled IcingIII i si attempt it without practice. Insteadmake a i ontcrtiotiers' sugar mixture. The

"fallow M.n and Won.., You Don't Hasrre'e

of lhi all dependsbefore

onstartinghaving the

to will be much homeTa BoTa

CutBo Tortured

Up. and YouBr Traaaaa."

Don't Ha imarmake II. Nasi


lumpsImportance Is to add the just as at as ever.

siigaf gradually' so as to be sura nut toide a atudy of make the mixture too atllf.

To make a white nlng heat the white ofwbII. une ess wiih u haM teaspnonl'til of vanilla Commercial National Bank checks will be paid thestrong, vigorous ami liuppy man. and Juat a uspirloinr a pinch of sslt ThenAnyone can uae the aama met hod I

It's simple, easy, gafe and Inexpensive, begin a. Muís lb eoiireeiioiiers" sugar Slid

vary ruptured parson In the world k ..ii adding till the Hosting Is of theho-- have the Cupluln Colling, book, right consistency. If you wish to make

tailing all about how he cured hlmealf. .i tioi'oUtr nr frosting from this, Bank checks.aad how anyone may follow the sum Security Trust and SavingsIraalmcnt In their own home without un it a hall squsre nf rhocolate In s double same asany trouble, me lajnk ami ineiticlne are uullei with a tablespoourul 01 grsniilatedFKEK. They will Is' Si ut unpaid to iis.il and when iiior.iimiilv uieiiio amiany rupture sufferer who will Oil out mi ved Id a little si s tune to the eon feethe below coupon. But send it right

Ii - siigai mi win i. healing In thorawur aw-bet- ore you put down thla Bank balances will bepapar. uughly In this way you ran make Uie Commercial National trans-


Hosting - i irb s you i inioae of ehneo

FREE HUflURE BOOK AMD ale by .. nns more or lea or the chocoREMEDY OOUPOm. late mutiirr. "

Cant. W. A. Pollings (In. ) in make orange or lemon lctn( with conBox isSAWal. rtown. N. Y. fectutfieis sugar, in sm with a tablesision to The Security Trust and Savings Bank books,Please aend ma your F'HKB Ruptura ml ul the juici and s serj little grated rind

Remedy and Honk without any obli-gation

ol the fruit With the urange Jotre add aon toy part whatever. kef UMa lemon june le sldet to give fls

Mama .. Miv ami Hen add the yolk of an

eaf and then begin to add the ennfertjonAddrras sai till

.the rrnstun la of the de and all business will continue without interruption.

i. In bo.nf oourae. boiled ulna is smoother sod

slat - nsonil longer Ulan Uve ronracUonert'gHIUHtSTtR S PILLS gai s. u i and II is rsM of Ho Ihliiga thai

BaaMM or later yr ight to learn In make.Mart is how io go about II. Measure very

fin. o. i Hiatal) s cupfuj ol grantMsted sugar Security Trust and Savings Bankwith s third or s cup uf water mm 4 perTu H clean saucepan This ahould beboiled will. 1. stirring, but from time In

w.U'.sslkii.ba.ii. Mkasu. tun. a mile ol tii. sirup should be raisedsotDBYtfmGKTsrvtimmtRf ..11 in. lines of a on a i. nrn It threads

quickly it should he taken from lbs riread postrad alawt) on the

wbm of an egg the intaturV should bekeatea as the urrue poured until it turns

U sit wV Tel iiitn a stiH muí Turn u should be sea-sonedWMNM stnalera with a little ftawiriiig etlracl. orkelleve. u. lUtdaya by adding mailed chocolate. Care should

huesl PwiirdesSrsd-rri- os II. or I astUasMW. is us o not to le tlie mixture after Itrrenarea sy readies Hie sirlugina atase, as after thst

MB BVAM CMelaUtAl. CO.. CWCahMATt. the sugar will gi anuíate

ÜAfa u&s Art caz? ?&z&.


they roar the j.olltlral erfrrl of a forced SiMded ronefe on hl hands lhl vrai tnbeirltanres Plenty Of

DEMOCRATIC PARTY ion r tv n mnayae exi rrir ta asotild ml lx Irani play wlitrh marked Dnr tlolay In arorartifopportunity

up thisl

egi to take oer the house anS aatume Doctor lei is how to Strengthen.imn.ci At hta itin thy retorna aNtx thr nr four yeara or hta administration latlnn poiiaihiuiv for last I'rtnncrtt'r mlalaki

trie honnTrm- - and Reptibllrana tied wtih and that thr ronfualon whlrh wottM enaite There will be much caiicnsslng and en 50 Per Cent Oneinfor a whllr artet the elertlon Eyesighttli member in, apiece In the nt' r n would drive lila party onto the rorka andUie Hepabll-ran- ferrlng within the next few weeks and Ihla

rnnirreaa and five rndependrrits who ran wrarh Ita hopr ror many yasrs of ron t Inn were very anxious to aid in ronm looking rorwarit to thr formation of thrLEADERS MAY FACE throw tor orranltatton or thr hoti.ee of ona control of thr natlon'a affatra. art ettra araalon. believing Ihry woifld next rnngre may under fhr snrfarr be on Week's Time in Many Instances

lo ruber party Arlantvtn art la arrlrr.easily slop into the control of ihr ho and of the vcrv things fiat will delay Important

Thr bemorrata lyllrvr they will br Me thus be in a position to play aoartr cficiiy leglslalkin' anil make more apparent thanThla rxlra araalon talk la &aed largely potlllra in anllcipaiion of thr rontreaainnal now appears ihr stiong probability of an

AN EXTRA SESSION mlttce.lo rlrrt thr





romUxn Ihr dirrirnlty ronrrrae, la rlerlon two years bencr. attlca riuaalr Hard extra session helm ailed h President I'm- lrrm rlptlnn VTo n lliixt


expensrces so


errto be


glasses,the trotiMS


rondlUona whlrh prevail they wutikl prefer In remita started on thr neresearv nrr haa stepped om Into the ,,irn h do Wilson soon arhr bl inauguration on I'llloil mill Israi Home. lr,.uh!" or mam di arripH"ii may bewnir washing of Republican I l under.tood Ihr PrraWrnt thriit in,... Marrh It by Pd'ovmgm drrrr thr test ,,r atrrnrtli until next railroad Irrlalalion to thrrtpinplrtr Wort this eagerness haa Ihr but those Here li thr rlptlon "Ki triprerepiabiy dlmrhlatied. hopea to avoid special reasloti. Phtladclpi nit rulra. prea.IwrmhrT. orWhen think extraIhry an hegitn vrith thr Adamaon etrhl honr at I It of di store and get a bottle ornow appeara to be a rertain as anyihin acquainted with lii perxijlgf duality an a' tnr ng

Few b Exprettaed for Political extraaraalon

araalonnet aprln


h rresldenlvividly retail


In toThrrr

the legislationalo marked



ralar therlath

reve in política can be that James n. Mann, ...uragr ay re would not heattatr a (So weakneaaea? ir eo, you til lie glad lo Hon


a r.atrthAablets.

..r aDrop

gin-- "onr

..r water andtab-

let alpresent minority leader, would be defeated nierh to do II If h" fell that tin- preerni know thai lo Dr. Ir is thrrr isof 1111 M nart hla '.'anadian m ipi orlt lejía, ,i.s,,le Mlli llns liquid bath theEffect of Forced Meeting enue to take rare of the larr IrTaatiry d I, ,xx lorot- aprakrr and yet It Is believed he M.nld cotiarnas or Itarir or h teason or Inriu real for shouldlatlftn. That art waa thr r.. omir our in ''on estímate! for the neat riscal hope you. Many tuse eyr We ra n IWo lo rour limes dally VonNew Congress. thr risnmrallzitlon and ultimate defeat of fanatical agitation of tl nrohlhllloti

year havr a sufrirhant rollnwlng u m -i lally CiO' es working upon It from Ihr outside bad railing say ihry have had thru ryea 'iiidlcr v.. in eye. clear up pre eptlbly tightquea entbarrass an,- other randldate. n, far irfVatflrd considering and trie and inflammation will milcS-I-

the It vnl.lfi an party. Thr llrmorrata took tlon. astii with the imrposcli milt atomd through the principle nl una won tartipared toytnr ornan ur- Rrpreaentatlre l.enroot. Wlaronsin I' be det Tul priéscripllon dlsaiipear. ir, xour eyes are botberlna;Pro. rnariuig Hit" la sin h Irgialatlun frrp "ttr niun aays.ronttol or the and thr tarirr Iralala-tlo-By Tirara ."pretal Correapondeiit. hoiiar rrage movement and tlie usual delaya Ihil lake to sae thrfngrrseivr. and Rrpremlatlve Mha llevr lo Ira Imperattvr. artrr Hying II "I aa almost blind, eoiehi you vil 11111.' lepa6. thry proposed In conjunction with thr drnt t" rasslng the annual appropriation not how heroic it is 10,1 lab-- Many hopelesslyWashington. C, Jan. ofOhK). T. rl.'s ..'. in la. Iiac hren aer lo trad al all. , o can Kail

party Iradrra In conrrrwa are berinnin to r rtrri.rlty mraaiire an greatly envbarraased billa are the matters which are clogging the Ihe only Republicans everything without any glasses and tnj eyes blind ninth! have been saved If UJ haalsuSfeated as

Uiroatftntna; for thr Rrpuhllran party Uiat It has not re wheels of congrega. do not water any 'nun M night they cared loi their eyes m unir.the anproiprrlsworry over iiorrid to thla day. Thr Itemocrata are randldaira. Ad. would pain drenitrniiv, now the) reel rino NiSc Another ISusWdan to wbni therxlra araalon. Not that thry are parllmlai There la a well defined ronvlrtlon In " alwo itiMr ess submitted, seld kitVnnld Rlrrt all the lime, ll like mirarlerearful least rrealdrnt Wilson Vtlh a Easdly nark. was a lo tnr are aajtlly rteslri.ua of a nine month"' vai atlon. hut Waahlnrlon that the Iradrra or organized A lady win ,tsrxi n "fhr nttnophera varv mnaraaldr reninlt Its ronsiltoentssaya el.lclTir thla In i" etHu iu oelall-ls andsplit continues thrlabor have deliberately art alKiut t.. blork Republican srrinetl haty with or without' giisscs, but r Uiein T t.iai.urasurrs guarantee tn

any additional legislation which haa for Ita rank in congrass it wnnld ba s onP, for alter using' this prrsn li'tlon rm iiftrm Isuriigdti. nclglil l nit In me srveat's lime an

tlays thing seems clear. ran even manv hisiaitiv-- i is refutnl the ni.awy. It can lapurposr ihr prevention or etrtkes aa well rverythr 10 re elect Speaker t lark ts one of 'tie veryprmoerata fruí su ge.,1 .Iniaglst andaa 1Vkoiita. It la said Prraldrnt Wilson read rine print without glasses." It Is be-lieved i r, . hs- t ror

has brcomr ronvlnrrd that tlir rotir rail and organise the houae. rrarlng thrlr In The thai tirovi sands who wear grasara can InsguKr iff te alaaosl r family ' It sets tnability to get tnirether aome of the Repuh now discard them In a reasonable lime and KI Pass, I., hellj a Pollard an.l sahrr itnunjlaaa

road brotherhoods were not alnrerr in thnr liti.llltildes more will he nlUe to stieiirtlirnllrana are looking for a way out by Issuing Adsrecent ronrerenre with the tallroad opera-tor t in incuts In which they are llsayingIn 'rw York relative to reachlnr an

would be politics for the Republicanspoor Selectionagreement tourhlnr upon the application olthe terms of the elrht hour law and thaiheStone


heromethe other


thai l.reIradei

anda TENDER THROATS Shorthand Make of Machineon Anyare merely manrtivriihar to kill lime go as of a good bank aa the de-

positoryM prevent action hy this congress, rutherthan have thla proa-ra- sut ieril. thrrr la readily yield to the healing of your funds isa minor to the elTert thai the leadersparly

influence of ProfOMSor Wallrr Norton, B. A., F. R. O. S.. la now In KI raso,IiVsT!? mWyíffifáÚKffl In ronffres have been asked to push the important.adheelve purpoaalr to prevent OPENInWT aa Ihe lOngllah delesme to Introrlure a now A. B. O.railroad legislation at the expense or all

(Ihn ipiestlona now before coiiaTras and You make a wise choice Quick notes on unv make of typewriting tnnrhlnc la more rellublethen IT an extra session heroines nrrrssary IhHti the pencil, but not quite so rnplci.

r ISej a nature Intended eo the Ruptura CAN'T aaSKUM Sraaal ÜI I It will hake to handle only such stlSIMM scons in the Rio Grande Valley A pencil shortlinnd writer loses hla head, milker, yj' rtrokes foraa Is not rinlshed by March 4. down stroketi, thickens a letter when It nhould be thin, placea

Do Away With Steel and Rubber Bands That Chafe and Pinch Bond Iscxur I SuaflcMrd. Bank 6t Trust Company. strokes In wrong position, that In read, or muer read, and a hun-dredA bontl Issue would almpllfy thr revenue fulllnirs that cause errors In ttansci Ipllon.

Yon know by year awn experience that the traaa la a mere makeshift a falte prop against largea collapsing wall and that It la undermining roar health. Why. then, continué to wear Itr qiieiion ami would doubtless arouse leas Checking accounts, Short hand, or short longhand, direct on a machine avoids the

STUART'S ri.araO-raD- are entirely different being medicine applicators mada sél-


general oposltlon Hun any method thai ran EMULSION pltfHlls i nosed with a pencil. All diet lona rica give a long list ofeat n purpoeely la prerent aupplng aad to hold the distended muaclee aecurely la place. be devised at this time to put cash In ihe or small, are solicited. abbreviations for n words, und there mny lie used dtrea-'- t

No atrapa, bacldee or aprtngr attached. No " digging m " or grinding pressure, am ae (Mtsral tieasury. The Republicans can be on any machino, ami form good shorthand. 'Conttnuoaa day and night treatment at home.vJvt Fiasteis leay la Aepty leasesaaslve. counted on to raise a partisan t ry about aNo delay frum work. Hand reda of people, old and young, hare gone before an officer qualified

"lieniocratir It soothes the inflamed The A. B. ". system gives a course, of shorthand and typewrit-ingdeficit and theeared their Ruptures - soma of them customary mem-

branesthat theand sworeoattie, forto acknowledge for $1. or a single lesson $1.

moat aggravated aaaaa and of loaf standing. MneOSTStlC bond Issue" but considerable and makes richer blood Rio Grande Valleydoubt Is expressed as to ILs errertlveness Demonstrations I the lriterniitionnl Hook and Stationary store,

Send Today For FREE PLAPAO-r- lo Charge for ow or Ever as campaign material In mis. ir the bond to repair the affected tissues next Herald entrance, or by arrajifrcuirnt at pupila' homes, orlaaue is tinned down, the ways and means by mall are quite euccessful.






addreaaon Rupture.




advertisementor oyer.


absolutelyto be committee or thr house ts going; to have to help prevent tonsilitis 4U Bank & Trust Comuch difficulty In rnarhlna an agreement or laryngitis. SCOTTSupon a revenue producing' bill. leader

Mil inn Is oppoaed to a tat on tea, coffee b worth insisting jttf EL PASO, TEX. jand tobacco while a Dttanber or otiiera areupon. TIMES WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS TRY THEMtJikScott S Boopposed to hlfrher taxing or Incomes and woe, Bloomneld, M. J,









WILLAnd The Coupon To Be Found REALIZEOn Another Page Of ThisIncreasing



ularity Paper. If Mailed Out Of Town THE GREATNew Edition Six Cents Must Be .Added To

Pay Postage. VALUE OF




The Handy Almanac, Encyclopedia and Year .Book for 1917Contains a vast amount of useful information needed ever day by every one of our readers.


MORNING TIMES SPORTS : RACING : BOXING .FOOTBALL: BOWLINGDSSSSffiWELL-KNOW- WESTERN CAMPAIGNER RACING AT JUAREZ Baachall Fan Have Nothing toMeelick in Three EventsYoungsters Figure Stay Since Australian

r Mit mm . . ft Made Landing.

Sybil and Honeycut Win-M- ab Lands in Place (By IACK OfVRTION.)

Aew Y'ork, Jan. Lea Darcy has absorbed o much of the spotlight since his

McLEMORE FILLY TAKES Morning Times Juarez Form X3hart recruitinghistoric and


of therare



baseball gossip dare not stick Its BeadSIXTH PURSE AT MEET nmpllfKl hv IV Ink of the Hill I rum Hail) M. insII AW.Z Mk. -- aturda. January A. IM7. list day. XX.utlni I loud above ihe reliar door lest II frenar to

nrcivogci, it. inum jungrri, aar - latter. death In the dreadrnl. descried dark.1A1 "v'l furlongs r'OUl trar olds and itpwaitlMark Garner Again Annexes Half wa II isa'i fair, eiihrr. for never has hasn- -i". mtiiw, n 'i. uiird

Program; Carroll a Pair; Ilnlri llnl-- e l ..wne 3 StC Pin jorge., Mi't'.Mds ball rurnlahcit a fine an onvortunix)- rr74 Belle nn a s I' ! Müarm i winter There's a scandal atThirt Firat hy Noae. I7i iinlnr.,11 jnd. a ..iir. ii; v m ' Mlllll ti.w i m9kMMV af' ÉMMWbW t t rv in ner, ripe and to he pirgeil.ItU l.ltUf Hrr.1i. a i' II 3' H T M in n.ll .i' am Pariharliaiii. A IM..H H III? I i Ml 4 II tullen 4.101 If only some kimllynnc would throw tn

t;i faw(i Right-- , a iTSPsrher) IM .. si :.'i 4 i Warrrn 00 1 light that wat In t t tub ha its owníñ 131 JcHcrsun, Hmawri low t .. 41 li in i n -tWINNM Ji Mil ni Major Hell, a v... iiworth Hon) 104 4 .. 7! - Tl 7 n " ii J3- -i liille gossip iicadlincr one hat a ur

I, ff iw Bird im. canur, Ml ii: Rlaekshorp, a WMnranii Km 7 .. 9 j I I ooy fli.ao I baseball player who cither la or I i iI. Hoorvrul id Harper, n gi M port :i iiiiimli .iff al t tt Time IS 47 I 0U pi something aenaattonal.Ing unwrapi. Elba E. 'J. Howard '. miiiii. - i. am hciii' Mini, straight w.no. piare 3.no, show nj.jn an- -

4. Sybil (A. Carroll) I Hiihhon iitil. pine wi. show 14.4o l.illle Hlrdlc, show CJ.ftffl. ether has a manager who hat left. Is leav-

ing,liAiiiw-- rh n By Thicket "día of Harftibu rg. Trained by A..MIkel.s. Thirrt (M. mrwr) in or coming back, clubs arc chang-

ing'ni p lart good, won in a raster, second and Ihird raay.

. circulate lA. Otoñar) t.to--1 4 and others look as IfWinner entered for law. o bid. hands they wereBelle Mini printed lo the frutil Willi a flat rnk and won in a ranter HoMeon fnd going to change owners. There la a sink

b in i hykikkh. i' I in fin .ni. little Birdie ia-- onlMAyed I'anhaeliapl In the IomiihRerr trark. Juan Me v.. Jan. Though trun Jiifi well up all Hie way. threatened by tire players. The coun

II haa been an eral reara sine- - the greti 1BO si'uMi iim.i live ami a Imlf riirlnna" Heíllna Thiee yeai .1.1. and up tl.er are or arc not going to put the klbo.hslake horse Mcrdirk Han In ' ii meter col ni. I. ei vhIiii lo iiiiiii KK,, eeonil 'M, third in organlred baseball this winter, in ri n

r. Ix- it t doing he.i limn lu liiai In, I. Mn drrtng a vrnllrt In the suit brought byin Inakmr Uirl InalQl Kaneyeat. 4 (JWO'Maafl II i f'4 9 Mi.ll in i .401 I. all mote editáis.

And Meehrk l a 'Triaa Ian, Hr l UWIWW Mar.nal Tilrhnian. a 'TABry ua ii tt 1 roie wao iby 0. L. Blaekfprll at Mkoa tMaqiaud -- 'le am. a (HiMaatOO) im T ., a 41 - ,1" ii.ro i

Front that rollecUon or tópica rmihi h,n.breedln faun tH- - Hit stand'. Mi ii' k rhirnrttl III 4 3' 4r WW .bo i been amassed cnougb material to

it b I'lannde- - lliUiyia. talail. i IHValker II 4 .. 5 THonry is.no i Hot stovers Into building a bonrn-- in"ni' lleaoh. 4 ikspenn 101 7 . I1 S l.unaford Mfl.UO I der lo acoinmodalr the overflow cmwdin addina lUnatrtoiti paratriptM in tin i Jiurnioiin III I .. 7 7 in ii o ít Ml - Iml rex Iin kartl came huttllng mi i p,,.'trj of TurMnm." Meelli k enl lo At po.-- l ' ule, orí l :W. Tim W lamiscape with Carpmltar MaVttartt Ul uno

innet 17) tlie pml In rari IMa aTWr M mtliuala paid lloneyrnt. Ii !.!. pi"r'- - !". "Mew W.D. band and the real Karcy in UN uUier paw. .inHin i ant ami lit He ImrVnl Marshal Tilahinaii. pla'rfi ao.no. ahow I4.au. swede Mam snow I3.sn. leaving baseball e walling In tin- uaof no"- to imkP thru, when Wall Winner rh m Mi in k kallirine i.onnor. TrainriV by T. polk. b the garden gate.hatifr'a Thlr-- i iiefialid Mali In In? fifth rrnti in ii. I. aiiy Tliiiininel.race, iioni't nt and syfMI .rrc tlw m Manitiiiv lai I. iriMui, won eailv. eeond ind third, drlvlnff. . Those' new baseball conn-act- han ,.i,e

nera that rrpreeenl tln winner mi red foi Mn No bid. nut now, the players have given Hi in thrlila winner of the daj raaM

limn nt in io-- e attendance In the pace, went to the lead In Ine Mrrtrh Whan, ready oner nver, the down, and Ihe rami won HUB uimont raar. Mm Hal Tilahinan made the early riuinhiir and raced and west, there ha- - been Urg 00 1tomtitartttl Un l li lnn of Wmlr MlT.eniol ti.ntit unir Bam naht up with thi' firl nirln. ulllo weakened In tlM lam rew

nark nDj .thll wlm h hotted a w leel stride-- . gnashing ol molars, and hissing olclmehed n nth with the pi.n, ,.

híüh' 'm "neHlni.,l1iui,M'.iW"ei,i,,MV'ai 1 83 ' ' -- HlitiK a and upward rrabrnlty still emitting Ha veiled lhiv,i!fin- and one. half mrkawa. ' ' " ""' " ' - of a strike unless those dot um nts are

Monrh rniiiiK maii"d the ilni-m- of tin- - luilev. Hon and UWIiei á K 4 lr. Tin Jorkey Sir I Odda Ira tl with a greater degree or eqult.trare llrliliv. .ind for tin ine the lew .1) Jlli. waul f.SO I! K I iMMonalian 107 1 Getting the players to strike willarda held Jockey i. Ilude Hunt reaponatbl. Bullet n. In ll Wni mall. (MHovli loa i more of a task lhan appears at rtrsi

Cei ll. IM Lady renill. a HVI M glance, constant comp litioii hasn't senAa a result a Piilinar him for n3.10 I IM 'Idol star. 4 (CBBeiihronkijy bi knit Ihe men of clubs inio4 upposingnye day? was made. isWillie :t i" IW taari Jame, j (Mevenaaw

l.iriit rtar, IIS Brata, one tninl Hid MI..1HIII i no A7 nnbl Urand, l ilinti STICIiIiA O RA INK (BAY MARK. ).BY FIWGRAJJíK-OSE- close compaBtonshlp and fellowship as

one aeeoiid. ii the way Svlill' reconl fin 'Han lormerly a Idle. tar Which rock under Moore A ftlngletcm colors and which has yearly proved a good winner at the 'local Mexican might cxi. between itw members m ime preaeni iiieeiiiiir now nil- - mak - t po-- l inlnule. off at 3 18. Time , 4H J.R. I :( 4d. rm e coiirw. union wliose verlona chapters ara nother winner of jn-- l one moic race Hum a;i miiliieln palil Ulia I... nlralahl 17 .on. place 13.110. ehow 13.40 in ke 'ii, exciting contrata the jcarJoe rnienaeller'fi crack filly. Irippmd. a Wa mall, plact r..sn. I.adv Ten. Ii, how .m. round. Gelling a player who 'la urun i,flreume purne lakei without a defeat Win r hlk m by Mm rank Ilintloo .meen. Trained by T. J Slroii (r. OHIO BASKETBALL Ihe salat t lie w ants to strike to lielpHARDY BOOSTER FOR GORDON SAYS JESSlure una ho non. itched, .iittota. other plater Ik' dnesn I like lo gel u

from the Haft Wan iiKtre war round Off StniitliiiirMinier inte.retl

tan. Wonfm


tai. omuílint.

ami third, drlvlnr. ' TEXAS LEAGUE BALL TOO FAT FOR CLASS TEAM BEATS GEORGIA In want.--, lull not be the íásloat Jul.the world by several.leader ol theaa Hie tlint went lo the po-- l ntt i weliht. Tilia V... 3.

in the hahdlcai' and. - the lis I.lltn wat kept m"i up mi the pace, roi(red to Ihe tioni In Hie nil etch and won with There Is. however, a likelihood orand one half Iniloiia m T In pfoe eaue Waveinall eahin front Ihe icni with a atrnti lu-- li l.ail.t Temll went to the Thinks Champion May Be the hold out stars than ever before in

Kiln Hardy, manager or tie peimaut i Hv tin- score of 4A to 17. the sceulid OhioMM a bit tot far fm Ha- Weber flyer. po-- t (pille lame forced Hie pace anil raced Moutlv. Idol .star showed apeed hut history or tin- game. It would be snipTurium '"' ).'! wamnorc lunin w iilt. i a ni June- - in Mom) minii'i. m tire tieteh nble i .rand nhul orf early, matte Wut" team of the Texas B'ajrue. Is lu Goods but Will Have to Be Basketball learn the rivr or the Ing lo it' ihe season start with numlule auat rapltll ami then it wu- - tytill i nl nflei pnterllic for home, bfll unit to notliliiir. El Pato on Bcroum or ttw illness bare of Shown Real Soon. (icorirta reallietlt at the Second Ohio camp twelve tn twenty of Ihe star players ln,M

aMernoon at 1:30. It the III thl. mother. He will crmllnue lu the illy yesterday wasihal loomed up a- - i luill' iim i nurate 184 iif .mil a initr ruñonri, Sellln Handicap. Three " several da.t rame of thr. .Army basketball

Ing mil fm better contracts thait v lie MOM on ami hi linliinoi Me tmin-- i :mn, second ni, third ISJ. the clubs weaken and eompniiin

Ulacusslna i Paaft as a baseball renter, New vork, Jan. 4. As rhliiBs stark up at iheiiuin and was rraturrd by a lack or theahr tood olí Hie In It Hli hanl Ihniuu't gu'toddi mi aiiliinHi nuil iw tier. Joekea Mr. that It win md funis ami the star playing or theHardy aid Saturdaytu- l mal He' nit' will u down 7n tin beftmitne or the new year, the riarht ran As ror managerial change-- . Ihe twoMjrMb. i.SO lpío vMI WMi ti v ACtrrolleinore la- loiiir In ri o this city can be taken title hi Buckeye to or..

in hlftnr)' as nut le'lii entirely irnl run iw. sir Hlelianl .:ilark Miiarne'r ifin- -l Willi n o. liara- a mnftleil Hint Eroiii jm lean dubs about whom there n.n' iin rexi - Ii Ill spile or the IIihk Jump start pi finish Ibe Ohio lurwardslor Hie reason Uiai Warcuiyrt. in aettliik l4 k mura Jt lern-- - 31 Mi.li wolth 7.301

ii i, in i, neirnal Other town- - of the Peenj outlook, ami Ibe one who can delect ecHieti unable to miss the baskets. Inder. mosl inb'resi .uní speculation, tin-

andaa fittni 9tr port, erowdcii oyer otiin I'W W clin n t' WJWiTi t, IIW J .. V .'ii 4.001 Hie Red Sox. have annul aMtiedIP lesaTue. ''Whenever El Pi an irlve a tUPOUgh Ihe siiioke and clouds any Iri irlil I'ohlmuii. ami l.dtlie threw baskets at will.n kttit Itealhai ill'arkei 103 I .. i in ySybil, wfileh In lorn slanmied sir Hiehanl gooil aim nil lit' personnel ur their lettiti

lo tin Tin laflei wan Wit aloweal t po- :i unit ulf hi :i H rime J3 , :47 s :., siiriiclrni huh antee, say kl.ouo. fur a serles pni- in iin- hortson la entifiad to at leastII.hair


substituted for McKlluy tbc last ship for the routing season. Fred Mucin II,renter and- Salt Lake :ity die-s- it will be worth during this turn- addedlo i"ex)vt. He raced on lourUi Boll ; tntttuebi paid SyWt tralfltl m.w. piare, isnn. ..loiiel's rank In Hie .sunshine Priirail, limit.- Woegliam't new leading mail, is goim i,,

sir HO hard, place w in. intra MM. Kamira. h..w while fin learns to loaf a day cmnlnir and point- - to lite "hli. score. Hill anillion i" i'e final quartet MftM akU laj Winner rh f In Mn in k m ile iiankln. Trained b Miinfitiii. frolna"." In the division It Is rfTlN Palmer at the guard positions were the gin- the Cuba the biggest shaking uplift neaie-- t the pan- let h Vaninoi have had" nice tin days or Cham ii-- i.unliuv larl Komi "on ftr-- t three drlvlmr. means or keeping the fartlevas leaatie iteetl- - nne more tnnií Ihal Wlllard will be drawn into a couple or Georgia outrit

Hi Hie atretch It wan a tun hor-- e race will present a new catcher, a new Inrieltiw furentareo MM. Ho bid.- ( town to ctimplele Un in mi, Mr. Hardy front, running up a high score. Harrison.hjbil aiwi su- Richard met the bip - o w iifht, kakura I. Vi

encounters. Put these are certain to be B lodge It, and Murdock starred for Oeorgla ci. a new outricldcr and at least two m

Bylill, batolg in flout when w arciuoie re -- thii raced pul near Waremor ami draw to the fennt in the ticii ii. it nut at saymore u1tereatui( rrotn the cotiunerclaJ hut the team work or the Ohio boys was ptlrhrrs in his regular line up. im. ,,;

iireil. held liar advahiiuf in pile of sir Hie rod. sir Richard ji Intorfarad with r(irhl after UV break ami In turn forced Kit-i- tunbeatable. the new pHchars will probably be pithan the la toostandpoint puRlllstlc. JeasheaUuun in iak. Sir lUcbard forced at uml In the atarelchwit alrain tp sometin hard putting up a nei- -t I' I'Tuiili'Ml el up

. '. mal,, or Hi PhtlUes' Uurilng atari, nlm"ml wu- - nrobahly beat kaaura in rloae pur-i- tluniigh'tiii. Ware re null badly. fat to put up a classy exhibition. Then' Is lumpfort. Save lor early nrrerfen-nef- . hir Rlrh knit TiiiAthaiu h.- ill i - horll after thr 5lart: Juarez Race Selections no opponent In eight who ran whip htm, ftecond oblo Firth Georgia

- Kheduled lo be traiisrerrvd lo Chicagoaril would hate hei-- loer lo lh win rten limn tii tie is slowed down with K. PohJman R. F Harrison In a trade involving luivcndar aui auiuener'a In ail al Hmi wire than three parl-or

185 ITI'TII II M l l it m, a half rurionra. Selltni Three Net valuewelahl. And besldoa that, a Eddie - r Blodgett raali.

a IriiKth bark. The arUHMt wan til iiiiiii awi. itiirn, tj:,. JOCKEY CtVUfi fUAMtZ, 8. A. ii. m between heavyweta;hta la a MrElroy .L Murdurk Another iiiterc.-tin- H ade being nti'liolce to mi Birhard, aoiuit in the l.nler Index llorar anil I'm Jockey -- It'liiiliP tu. in Mrylro. low ami usually an Indecisive, unsatlsfac-tor- y Hill R- G Wetterston involves Ihe .cruces uf Jlliiin,at Better than 1. fba t:iaik lairar wan a IM Ton-i- 'Wallh. Müarner 1.40-- WI.NTI.il Mil IIMi. melee. Palmer U a Huckatav cher, whom llH-- hope lo trade to lire

lilt lu ll, i' tluui 3 I. nr. Mab (hWcaiiii too '.' Atarroll SrlrrUons ror TWrt.t srrond Day, iibatitiiUons H. Pohlman ror Kodgera ror nipi Miller, catcher, ami1T0 iieekhaml (Wlistevens) ftO 3 .. 31 Jtlowaid .301 Kiinday, .'anuary 7. As for thr other heavies, there are PoltoB, McElrAy;

twlrlcr.II, ni. .ml Mail- - II, .Ink lilt i7it Htik i: (intoenrei t n THUOt' t0.6í I Welnert. :owler, larl Morrla, fliinbuatRider ror Eddie Lela ror Palmer, Bass (or Applcton.

MjO-a- Harrison. nr equal Interest to Ibe player-ant- l m.ni"., ITIenn44Elitaneth flioinii-o- n no(pearce) J Smith, Moran, named whoNew York Telcijraph llailü Eelghloo. a cliap l.aitue,.Vcillik a repreM'iiiil 11X11 t'Ul tlliitt' Baskets: K. Is that involving theAt post lmiiiii. off at I It. l inn' S3 47 TlB 3 , sil HtiMK. OOOOETY. OLDeMUBILES lias made a reputation on the Pacific coast, oh:o) Pohlman, Eddie. 3; piojIwr ruiiah more luve lhan in. oHhtb ninlii-- pahl Tim t. atraiirlit 44. o. place li.ro. allow M.in. BOBOLINK, iiM.MK.MiAlptN, I.AI'Y ami then there Is (jetiries who

MrKIroy. i; II Pohlman. Rider. 3. To. sale or rranrblses In several majorol the tOtad bill I, limit uhrii alie look Hah, pin, R.BO. hoy. li.pt. lieikhniid, Vhow 11.10. WORTHIflOTON.

t.arpenUcr, tal iS. Score 48. citiet.the rirat rare leiUrttM. Mat). Winner In r by '.arr llernuaii lluiiirer. Trained by F. Wallhauarr. M1MPM. JI.M. LA BELLE llRIi:AI)K. may iret away Horn his riylua" machine in Baskets: (Georgia) Harrison. 3: Blodgett Although Squire Kbbeto la still askingUKiuirh, ioiur In It .V color, lainliint .i., nonti, won driving, aecniid easily, third drlvhiK. E.10IJHH I.AHY. Prance l.no cuoiiaii to show his wares tu Murdock. Huckauy, I. Total 8. Scon! it labiiloii- - price ror his rraVchlae, stuilniin.raihtl by Jii- a lioat lo malta il three win, Wmiior mi it rut .".i. No bid BtiACK FnOST. BO0AHT, LOME STAB. thr American followers or tile gluve frame Foul by Blodgett. and v. iin. mil league liiainptonshlpfor .Meelick'- - proviu lfn TMrat ,wn. rhlrsl w.i 'lUlfooted m the enrlt tanca, came in the strep-- under ktronf liantlluiir ITIHI.E. SIS MAI.I.OHV. JEEFKHSOM. Pulton has dodfrrd out of so many battle Referee, Mai Gamble Tima ii. lalk till paraláis thai sale willHid won Mult flown In Hie 1,1 pi le. Mab wu under restraint until well 0ENEMAI PP kl r, CAT4TO, Alt! RICK. with second raters. In the hope be oouH keener aAnd. aeciirdmi to nwnei raim-- v eial it Musgrave and llwitiisitminaP'd,Irairhlriinl iwuv In Ihe atrelrb. where he took the lead, but fallernl lu ihe la- and Capl. Kick. Scurers. Leal It la not unlikelyuilglit have been He liona Dial lu ll rati.

meal Wlllard, thai little unrnli-- r i. and Blalock. purchaser will b' James E. Garrney, rutHide Pecki iln-e- iriiniel Hell.' Imwcit irreal early speed. Put urea. I liiiinnutl Knqnlrrr P.. A. h. nunMali. There pemK a lot ol aioed In Ihe ni isp ipil.l.. I'HIUHT, SAFE HOMI

placed In him people don't ireiwise inm-l- m president or ihe Braves.rare, Joeke) A un.ll kepi oil the early 186 IIMT .i. ii ru'rlonri fliinir Three" anil ti.w:in valm lniHi.lk. JAt.k HMllllsiiN, COM- - faith In a wim hasn't much faith In A FRIENDLY The Pittsburgh club likewise Is aam nparr and ante on wre n tin In Id lilt the

w timer ..:. tiniiiil rai, third las. Ml MiATI'iN ftlmiair. It la said now mat he will raall QUARREL, be up ror sale, with Barakey Kreyfuss, .!

le ad of tin trcteh. lude. Hoi e and nwnar, ', 1. sir. fla." Jockey Sirtnml- - MINERA!. JIM. ENOLSBH LADY, LA rutin Moran In Havana in February, thr asking a nrlce alf. out nlThe in, eopjllHten tt. amp on tltc- . - rA3 Cirrulate (TvviearaHrosi iñi t i i ! I ACarroli 1:30- -1 HI U Hilt" IH word hat ma bea n passed down to Mm that WILL SCRAP IN RING ror in- - holding-- . hi- - niillioii and a unlni - (APHiekeyl in? 7 T T S ' THeltry T.tki I ill. At k ITPiSI. M. JOHNSON, LONE Hie champion couldn't consider himUl ll'lll When Belle riirlt pan lllllkt as an lion and dollar lalk. n

IM w. w. i laik. a (ValMtAmay nr. í ! fl v"i 3' i 3 Ouy a w- -i sun. opponent itt he went tint and lickedretired, aiul Ihiral ranir up with a thai PCI Vaia, I ikSiencei tin 3 t 3 3' 4 41 :Hlllll UV I .'Hi 1EI I iN - HIT! .11 Ml Out In the Thirdmostly tor ncwspapei P

it tiki lint to In danlert il irh the lln.tl 170 Mert I... a (I Burlinakme) nr. I 4k 3 7 V i' I'coney con I All RICK, ni NI II M PH kl II INTO somebody. I nless he whips Mm am desome of the soldiers

North Carolina camp low Willi a million bucks or real dnua-'-

einhUi Muck Oiroer was mi the - inline. im, ii PHI ii'1 A If tv A Warren anso I cislvely, ti. ai is, by a knockout, Pulton can have'

their quarreli ready Pi hand over, wouldn't have any Ho:and it waa with a dp thai be lit tt If pert mem a (WW ewlt) It' a k s 8 S 7' Bloom OS..'- I

inrk Etrnii World E. 1not add In his claim pi championship call without

Huí tou might term rrlnidiy qniin-i- acquiring a busi'ball club in the nuit alter the IllUe uauctilrr' M M" In k 130 Dr. keiittall. A irjohiiioni ii i r s .iiiiilililns I I. CI that overhanging enmity sllatiind jura.sMILIM. MAOIilE. ' i lo themar'.. al. waa llllllilliii llni to Hie ral will, vt p.. i i minute, off at t it rim., .'i :t s. i i i, t it s v i I.H.I nuipohiliiia the rlunisy, lumpy iiti- - soldier

controversies Just like am other 0. H. Watheo, pri sKicnt of tin-riilial on Uie outside. rite pall t. il It mullirla paid en. nl ip stralahl a:, no. place 1310. show S5.au BOUOUNK, JACk IIABIU-t- t.ilM burgher is about Uie "easiest" thing tliat

camp puaaeaaes. But the Carolina die club, hi til.- Alucinan Asaornilioii amiunder ir- wnc like a pur of harneimed Mo- - Wi place rr. so, linw 3.S0. W. W Clark, show M.o. MENUATION. iiiiperuis are doing these days.

camp has two Tactions who claim BMley genuine -sportsmaii, rs Pi hhhi'lioraea uml I till at vtaa winnci by win- - Winner rh - by llaiibridke iP ima s. TraineH Pt t P. r Meara. Ml hAl JIM. LA BELLE BROCADE, cook or the hand Is a better man with the Ml

seratchrd. Fnduraiire. Jack ni. ui who hasn't enough heef .vl padipHl s Hrillon to put aIl NOLIfW AOY. gloves tilall 1. c. Muellor or Co. Ir. wia liuae inn tilel mi croud awall tandtnr "tart eo'ttl. won tintina, aeeoiid same, third raally. Ill At k liitisl. I.ONI si H. r M. JOHN- - the hoof t.. he classed as a heavy, showed or vire versa, so they're going to scrati

tion on fur St. Luule National leagiif club.ed ihe niririal hunibci liefoie Winner MIIBiad r.n M o bid SON. the way to Welnert. and that estimable It ouL Mr. W alhelí 'a U'am won the pciinanl inebarbUUJ up, ntutuel in km- - liai klmml ln ilate was rustled in ihe it. ml ami kent their, which won for hlin. Visa Wells JI IT KIlMtV i'I.i sir- - MAI nili glove tapper Is eliminated as a eontcmlor American Association, and be has s atrongwa- - the one in drop ni the shnWYoj wh. cli. .nl with a drtei mined ml nub W W, riark weakened Ihe last sltternth. Yara III k NAM UK NEPAL PICKETT, ART ror the title. Turn

The Muelhr action and the Cook follow-ers Punch that Bill clyim-i-- his manager, rtmliiCowirr and Car) Morris.In- Iml llttl uppoailion Bell liad IbBf waa taken hick and was shut off, when maklnr bar run In the atretch. UK ktwo of Uie who struck the rancy

are going to camp In the smelter Arena lo Just as w. ll hi Hit ing ..how. He ttuuiinice In im to rill away and KttBJkbcttl "

on January 14 to she the two Carolina boys ie piOf "Gentleman Jim n inemlier him? have acquire u Pirates.iTiomi-o- tin- only oilier lurter. wan nuil i Baring liirm Prlr ii.uk tnt It ror a quartet or rounds to decideall the way. Panhachapl ofreced conten-

tionbiith proved "hums" rut oir the same car-cass.

Would-b- purcliasers ur clubs' are gomuí n lift in II.. pin k or Hie I rat . III I, PRIMA Ptll.NT. OOO-

OETY.which li Ihe belter man. The two are el ing slowto I ml, Hit di.' ror the rhow but Ihe Gunboat smith has been dulng i right now, pending ibe t

Juarez Baca Entries fin., ami nave nan some t .tMrat'a Maar kail Run. hitter pniv.d the aarnrr , tn, rinlahlnt BOB) l INk. itMMI.AHA lln.N. LAKY '.o.' ton k. hut the distance rrunt where lit In th boxing Uog. But Uie beat part oril, in, hi or the suit against srgaalseil banan nrougnt Hip HalUlnure I. tl.it--WilllTHIMiTOA nywas to where Willard la, will

I, tlfflrlal Ilute lor the Tlural radr wa liel oil proreai or the apectt duel, jeffi non INi,ll-l- l tHl, LA BELLE HIUH.AKL.measure tl is there's a big hie bet up oh the scrap and they would like lo know, berure putabout one thousand miles further than theJ4M.KEV i I H JI ABK. B. A Promoter Jimtar b.t a ruth ol a i ihan that or tin went irotal enouirh lo promise tin owiiera MINI HAL JIM Brown has agreed Pi let Hllg up lio m. lut, uhul Will resultMetleo. iinnner t an hope to travel. His most reeem HieI 4uare, Soiiihei'inars go Tourhandicap. In wiunini. Jot ki Bat k rtat round as an thethat he will be a touirh hoiai- lo beat' Pi WINTKIt MiF,TIN0 . exploit was shading Muran In a on the nit It.

ap-petiser threat ur a playera' stnke.mi waa toned In lului Ihe ilaokhU'r of Arena card. Then

llernuaii Mfrtli I tilín- - for Thirty arroae Hat MAG, OI M Ii M u Biooklyn. His blows lacked the old will follow the, Labelletiarry Hunaer up from lal place koloput go and the M lha end of Lea Dairy's rn-- i riKunitay, January 7. tune ateam. and the that makespep the.allei Hie fo ld had half and mumat, ne a uiHe. Then. events. in America lie gathered all hi- - I'll.nir.M nl I Hiihiiiai) Kam feet go and the arm mole the Instant the up

itiptmali tin i. h aheiri fair!) on to . H K Selliuir. Ii Paso Ion-- in Nchurldrr. hi am gives thr signal, was aadlygrams, seised a pencil and a pad or pal" 'v. in. te in a aforioioly (rano fin Inilowei.- - ol fortu and Mack . upward, five and one hair MOLL BR, I PHI'. Hi aOOOKTV. from lila rtock in trade.


BennytheCordova will arrive here mhiic time and did some rapid nguting. He muni

kkh. aim back in Ihe second with a ra-pa

1T MOl.l.KIt uMHI it IpiN AMY iMHIIHINi, day and will oin up bis trsin that all or the oliers ror rights mal. himft Tbtnt'i victory aaan to a la nap her aa a victory ihriiurh Uie luccoaa at J. W. 17k ItKiiHIlTV pfiN. lu tin il INk I. aline has been quite a sensation on the big at the central cafe on Monday arp r tin ring those seveti days rru.ifritKi lo ai

III. I., - Hir. ,. ,,. ,,, u n.M'al'r Meelick I Illy lloie.t rut, with Mar-at

130 nl III Hit"' MO MINI IIAI JIM. I'acinc roast, but they do say that be noon at .a, o'clock. A ii,ii,i,tii,.i,,. .. .... proiUaeeeli iijioii. ,i,,.- ajorda, f

track wlan the tiiiravi ol ho dlviaion are all TilK'iman ernnd and Swede Main 173 I KH M WUNT JttllN III VIlln.N He ii iM. wqirh la a good use fur a r Reiiny P) the rime- - spurt desk rated all of them, and ihe promot'lint over a unite or mnuiitl she it tail i'ii ii, winm waa a twolo flv abut, (110) im. on BLACK FBObT, IHi'.Mtl,

MHIV pinn.-iii-p contender, stands tv feet one inch Wis to 111" crrcrl that tlM Hule wiry Meu eamt through wiUi ail their plcdgt s, '

JKIH RHON, ' IRI SIS M.l niind luoe aim m ,npla i,.ihiih for SAI II. .Ml ami weiriis .'to He le can :t primed Im the event withma i pounds. en O'Toole woulitmay a..ml. - ihourh turner had Uir fiutr litiith MEA VP kl .1 ..LM.liM PH kill make a quailer or a million doUariIOS11111111111 over tint iiaoeiuiki - in Ihe markiii down pat. made It thai diatance




t. IE f.ANTi Í tallón - and so might have been Carl Morris The whole tribe of scranorr. w h.. .. ... wlUch it) aoiue money, ir snybody ahouilli cp it in hoi mulnr rare t anil Tom about whom nix 'Mn on the cgrd tor the si.,..n.. -promt ri luir. Tin- une as kr did on Belle Mini id 163 MA IV KS1 I.I.I K Gowter, Just a.-- little propound a query on that point

be i lit III up Darle when nut aJoui at Hie previous ra.nical. Marshall lilytnuan s l mist - at Oi'innni wu. known when they made their eaataab on Jan li will wot out at the central Care It muat be reuHiiibered that Darcy ham la n up dlalaiii i proved in ina inns'- uf tire fray by ac-

tumMPiONIi HA' I scIIihk lour year ultl and nl HSMlipil l s'M I HOME, Muí ii dehut ui ii raoaa and hia apanina struck a blow in this country. A m i.n

iorkC) Mil k lilt III Ollllllutd pi k.'l p lie pace mo rtref half mib but ihe upuanl nne mile IHiBnlJAk iiMMI .NKAIHl.N. IMH II la Pile to speculate on Carpenllrr. Hepartner.- - will Uf orr a few at 3 ago Uie right lana or America knew harn'r

.ttridc with tu- - an il in. in di- lat.-.- ,.( tut reason Mataltall waa In Ha; palhrindcr IM el t HIV! Ill WnRTHiN.i.iN mat COM over here and he may nut. HrIhe righting Frembaman-Oe- nc l.abelle!-ui-

nl niiiig about huh He Isn't a t hami nMl Nl HAL JIM IV III Bllnl API Jnlinn.tIak b) repcaliiii In- - mil of oh waa llttl i .ii hi t never let the fato-- t IM lll.MMKMHriii P"7

UUH IMti unit , be aide pi up" w tllard a hundred k..l.,pu. Ja,.k Burk(, , J" He will (vt the kale because tin- i"tat ndiua half lie m i - of in. mM o il.. wu until inakiua for Hk- in n IUIAK




BLACK Iin Bt ".Mi " tl - tli pounds and still will- - but it la hardly likely. over here believe be la a real righlet nTie' i. lit. ,t ill, litti tliampUMi bei.m Mm' an a Ihlinah aire could have aouc 'I'M JI HH4IN, il "Ii) in uiav lie just as good a. In- wu- - hut twn honosi scrapper who goes in to wln '"'

ii.i nat In winuini on Belle i. Un in, ni ui ant hum' some Hut Ii in. lit il INk IM M.l HP k t v It A I'll kill HI ' k years, and no fights, certainly won't show SOCCER TEAMS WILL ci'iiibihea airenglh with ability, andSard ror tin thai tui.i. m u fu! ra. uní mili wi n- pnuuiUHUl fai lor- - in tin N ML. any tmprnvcnieol m hi- - ring abiuty to swap ability isn't ail in Uie ankletWeil lie mi'- lo tin- wf un Uunejrrul early pan with the runner dmpplui out TIIIHH list k -- rllini. thiee year old and he- - with thr lug fellow BATTLE HERE TODAY ir Darry had cuuie over when Pack'i. ml mane in. iimj im Hie d b limlinii Hi. leal linn nulu kun on H" loluo-.- Hpwaidk lite Ions- llttl M MIMtUS III III IIN there not only It hardlv a chance for any ui uml and Mike Oibbotit were it r

With Thlirl in m n mil. BjrHl hack of MhttM ,.ui. lie IV Mill, Blpii MiK , no I'ht.i. ui Intccioi I. Holm or tin. rural one now in light hi whip willard. but the In si and were dolus Uielr heat luHainrr liad unniut- - m in.- racer makfun wliicti wa- - third Jl HI N III K t M i - aeodlug oua us rail-- p, milt discouraging and ilisronceiliug rea-

lm-United Empírea Will have bad two Ideal matches. Now. H - '

ateten ueiuulr on Hi, itt., u. ,, wlinli 171 HI VI HM JIM PIS all llevalhlon ui nieles laksl end pi t. or tie whole ilnatiiiii I. tim in,,, Start Sea moil likely lie will mert Muke. Dillon ''Maf BNkt t. tt aveaiail Lady leadl. Tt. Hi-- l liAHUrM lot rte- I will be helil in Febril- ContestKMilinW MI aren't two heavies in Hie whole ibMaUMI in With the Rege leviiisky, with a possibility thaini un- leadii like liar piayerj were in lor a 177 lAt.l Isll AtV M ary tt ol Man h as tu- i"- - n who. matched against earh other, would be extend ai bjHi r i tiain in George cliip.

l Hllle Ihr e i ma win in. in . at Mines nnitwit i,,loiikh Job m liiiiiinj on a "vupd" uorai litre a duel worth while whom be derralcd In nine routida m tuIII that the ..i i".t- will have tu I Bate puiTH ri) rtiiiiinatrd from II - list tralla. Parkefor fat, ,i,i' ni ihe third race ful ihjii win wouU Hk to horn it

' omina iumi im lively hustliug pi gl into shape by I t hru all Ihe In. Ml von i,imi il Hi in.itilijr, bul He t mad Hi InM - (iibuui... Inn Tag Hickard ,iumaiuK ii it'ii riaiil 173 III ai i Prtcttce is being held on Monday and tin bat i .porl rovers m ml"., i fu. L Hi".V Umv distinction ,,l bcnir Uir Hunk the publu hasrrterliufl l.lba 1. waa iu.ti sufTtclteal conbrothi ra im ium;amt i hut. .lit etrntngs. as a perl uf tin ragxi light heavies bnlrtng with class There V," ' ""' Hie country which tltal eitner Mike MrUn ra i mul on. ibe black fin wa only or Karl and wouldo 31 main t p.

ink'lat class chntulr no Tuesday al If. all arr many ol ,. snd Ibey arc m - -'TL through" huneaUy.a anu inorUe barl alt waa lavunp UV rvonja are given is . laf alttgilimi Ihe clever,m t i. . Bini manV mnai aa ato o As I have .am before, I do not brlH""n i,i i - alien ppuiv ..I limeib II I nili Him ii O- n od .i.P I. 11.11 ! a. I. .1 Hi

t aiTH'iilicr r .Ue'T.' hare is a rennP- t liarsre of i.rpeuii. 'Itt new proap. .1- - Hut. dlsrotcml Uireiuig Karcy. y.vru If Georges shmi'4

n hi. field thai b.- wS'Tu T -- .i Í li. " ' Ml"'' cuuie out hen on a rurtougb grani"' '"re fliore in Ma r,'uiai anuv mSimeSl his goveruiiBiil, surely bi wouidoi ' ,,M'

Ui meet a d set rriini' a nation righnn'and ye., ia.ni is urn- - n, Tlite giiis. ""i n. , are old Uiuei. side b.v ni. wiui hia own-A-

i i n In ner ifuui any of u, ,,,,.,,,. . ibe rxpiaaasttau M aba world ""'atorung around the vkn, iin n.uk. a urn, i f ,e, uarcy. He tur

HIMmbi pi I nienll Hr o Hilly a u,iulmuiaiUHi of plana ror a bip Uirui all in loe ring, he may am"'

Til HA i I. selhiuj of the moda a InrtOni' and lhan give n away ' "rd t'ni and Hie d aeeka na-- oh rniin tu league larievl .."i in in. own land, but tlwyil mMr A I inkkl ttll-- Boli Muí aiiBNig i. ii m,. n luoniiineiil m les Darcy lu AustinBilk VMI ano Jwk lull .n i ii H Brass bandaHI III i. arc asyaa, brunula kvyeiiala, Kyaa. H' rtnal

wen t going to greomot i 'ii,i Moore, vcician weaicnjlii .1 vi i. vl pp si Hi wad bj tqwui w ana. Uu.i bi.I Wia4 ama for

Hut other uotablc. Freddy Welshtr bo hat been pupli.tuiuj uaal (I M.l l.i. a wicvi.jr clima r Muflías e Bwum. a Ulie Hie) trip nark hume agaiair ussy 'BtMMi ' baaveiraj) tierr fur iiiaitjl1' 'Hdaiu of usa i be re are avu aUckars la Ms tun

i i tor card b.t I'lrkiui ail u k í IU. llii-i une here or elaowhara notSara - a Murió. aVi klMMtU Ot,.. OkS.M. 'l mam- - O ,lli, s thousandIm rights with paxdded mtt'

Mer Poll f.B aatelt wlBu UkH vuVIUIlluwiug. tut tueu-ic- al aaetyl



lert an' he" iteyln' poker w c'n gft him The Toonerville Trolley Which Meet All Trains VITAL RECORDin the back room II It's did proper

Jim Water" Is a p'feastnnal gambler We MMIItl UCIIIItLQUALITY BROUGHT INTO THE uns all knows what he deal raro up to ittli II, t ,,, n,,vh Hoens sagRock, an' ' oo' s me other two Is ltkwithe Mm. It'a ag'n the law fo a pTeatlonal Y kans ftHEGANE AT OLD NAN GREENLAW'S to tie anywheres, mo' Special Ml Arkansas gnu M WaM and TStStGlty. an' the thing to do Is fo' yo' all to put avenen

'am In the ralabooee. Basset, afo' tbey glta sirtpwTE30 that train ro' LlM Bock. Yo e'n retch SBAMK To Mi and Mr. A I. tanta, ISM

em to co t a'ter we una la done got th r.at vi, .. troai. a a.BY IlAVItl A. rfBTIS got some monstrous fine old peach an runnel's wd. They'll be c'nsld'able profit rAtIMArir Te Mr and Mrs rmtandn Ptln- -

honey Inside, an' I'd be If KsaosL sea Mead Part rtreojL a giftThey aw ip some iiiwtrmf uneer might) proud m that, too. lloljrrriN Tv, M and Hra Otln Hokdetn. fit

vo- all 'd step In an' try a little or It Yo all mustn't bo Nnne lantfai atonía, t garlthings about th quality." said nlrt man "But above things, theyof hit won't find no better liquor nowhere in the did II fond th runnel's hob ah.nreenlaw aa he stood in th doorway notion w hat SgATtrsT

hull toulb. an I'd Ilk to have 'pininolittle aliKin In Arkansas iltv and a yo' Quality haa to b handled dirfrent. Yo'all II MtaimiK. nanKs Apealóle Marrlpan. II (fgentleman of distinguished appearance, erne n." is th best on to tackle him. Jal. Deln't a' M. ,lld from a ganahnt 'wound rnrHe.) nnxr Stentlooked to he somewhat older than he Mm ''I thank yo'. suh." slid the stranger rtv den rom fm a old rambly yo' own Pie,! at a I. si h, ills, nrlsl al

naif was. coming alowly alonar th sidewalk again, very politely but even more dim self, ah' niaisdell 'd beet go along, beta' 'atoward lila piar. nedly than before, " but I nevsh dunk." he'a done played with quality mo or leas

"V ain't notorty pmt mo' ragpeek fo' "em And this time he did pea on. an knows aotneptn' o' their way. They eld died at PartFor a single moment th old man gased needn't be nothln' aald about driakhv a

n what I haa," he continuad In a tone hBtniiri,'T taanSsiafter Urn with, a blank expression, then long ' he tooken the stand he has agin' ,nthat carried conviction of tila absolute hurtol at t on, Tdla l attnt

he suggered Inside the saloon and sank liquor an' that'll save 'xpense, too.eerlry. "but that ain't to nay what I rant into rbslr as ir stricken helpless. After "Thing to do Is to tell ham what theresine how he orne waypicor they a little, however, he recovered hlmseir game In the hark room Is strictly privatereckon old Cunnel Mllaknm 'd be Just a

surriclently to reach for hi rest pocket among gem" men on'y, pTestlonals beln' onr.1su.xisN Junr, n uratoeheau, St jsvan oM,proud an' hotty s he al'ays waa If he ills t frrai, tunaeeiilrdv at : ID Mnwdda "tree erialand take a cigar therefrom barred, an' tell htm they ain't no limit ii. Thadn't had nothln' to eat fo' a week, what al in.

Placing It between hla teeth, he bit It on'y the sky! ir that don't retch hint he lilUKI Or. Parnla I. nl.i brake TS rsin otrt.I wottldn't be t'prlsed If he Mintnoways

' squarely 1n two. and mechanically begin am i no sleh man 'a he naed to was."fo' ' fur rr'm home, Behim beln'on'y '' casing to smaller end or It. It waa plain "h. don't know," aald Mr. Own Pep-

per,'Pears like he must rotla right now. that he did not relalie what he was doing, but be atood a little to one side and tnantoh Troubles,I'm somr'res or somebodymoneyhis fare.

for be allowed no relish for the mors aald to hlmseir, so the others paid no ir yon have trouble with your stomachpay even after be (wallowed It. bat as If still attention to him. hut Immediately set you should try Chamberlain's Tablet. Sowhat orne'I reckon mebbe It bemought dated be rumbled In another pocket for a themselves to the undertaking or the cam-

paignmany haw boon restored to health by thmo' of hs kin niotighl done died an" lef

him othera

fo' him beni'l 'amatch, and having round one be lighted the the old man had so ably sketched use of these tablets and Ihelr cost Is 0a rotuno, on'y

sober 'a lie 'pears to be. I never seen him other part of the cigar and began smoking oat, little, to cents, thsl It is worth while to giveIt. Pearsall accompanied Bassett on the Ihcm s trial. Adv.right sober afo not when he had money,

A row momenta later he became partly chance or aeelng something amusing, andbut then again be ain't at sober 'a he looks. conscious and began muttering. They lis-

tenedBlaladell and Winter-botto- went out to-

gether,"Yo' ran't tell 'bout man likeal'ajra a to him carefully and presently dis-covered

leaving the old i and Mr. Ppprhim, not 'ih.. utcn yo' tits clos't up id him. that he was trying to ask tome alone In the saloon. After they had gonean' then can't He'a done beenyo' al'ays. question. Then ho succeeded in asking It. the old man set 'em up and greatly sur-

prisedthat away fo' mo'n fo'ty year now to my "Did be say that he nevah drlnked?" he Mr. Pepper by alto giving him aknowledge." murmured doubtfully. cigar."Th' ain't nothln' queer about that." said "Sho' did." aald Jake , and "I reckon yo' all la 'ntltled to somepln'

Jake who, with two or three the old man relapsed. After a brier Inter-val,

fo' yo' 'nfo'mstlon," be aald by way ofothers, was standing near old man oreenlaw however, he came to again. cuslng hlmseir, but Mr. Pepper said, "Oh,enjoying- the rresh air or a mild winter day "I waa reck'nln' what they mutt a' been I don't know. I reckon It' wo'th a com-

mission"I've knowed roustabouts waaIn Arkansas. somepln' wrong with my ears," he said on the game." and a business dis-

cussionthataway." reebly, "but ir he really said. It u' em'l arose between them which was ar-gued there WAS A TIME"Well, I ain't what they 'a on'y one way o' 'xplatnln' or It. The runnel so stubbornly on both slds that tbey i mp'tlr'lar queer about havln' a Jag la done got religion. had railed to reach an agreement when

what can't be reco'nlxed rr'm a distance," " 'Tain t noways rees'nable. but they Wlnterbottom and Blalsdell came back Ij WHEN THE SKIPPERretored the latter. "What I done said waa couldn't nothln' elae keep him rr'm peach bringing the colonel with them.what quality waa dawggone queer 'bout an' honey. He wouldn't no mo' quit drlnkln' The latter seemed well aaUsfled at thesome tilings. O' co'se they's human like 'n a mule 'd leave bla barley ir he hadn't prospect he certainly bad or ridding him CMMB DOWNeverybody elae. an' they does things hu-

manlike,went up to the mo'ners' bench some're an' aelr speedily or the latest or the nine dir- -

's rur 'a cyarryln' tfilr liquor goea, done round peace. Provea what I done said. rerent mrtunes he had Inherited rrom vabut thev's a heap o' things what they does Quality abo' It almighty queer. Hons Hllnkoms and when Bassett and Pear TOP OF THEdirfrent. an' some on 'em sho 's queer." "They couldn't nobody but his own ten sail relumed soon afterward arrangements

"At what?" demanded Sam Pearsall, as make me b'lleye what Cunnel Bllnkom were speedily made to facilitate htm in tin

one desirous of getting at the root of the done got religion, an' he couldn't 'a' did It accomplishment of that end. Some inter WITHOUT Amatter. Ho was not always tolerant of IT he hadn't proved It conclusive. I mought eating details of what ensued remain fo begeneral statements. a reckoned what he'd done lose his reason told herearter. ieAPDEK BUT"Well," said the old man. somewhat n'y he didn't never have none to lose hottaken aback, "I dunno'a I c'n tell 'xtetly. enough, that Is, ro' to keep him rr'm beln FAMED POUGHKEEPSIEnot so, 'a't yo' uns c'n onderstand It rightly. queer. THAT WASProb'ly they wouldn't nobody onderstand sTays waa tbataway, like I done MAY LOSE BIG MEETSIt. not "thouten he was a good Jedge o' aald, but be wa'n't never queer enough rohuman natur'. but they sho' be queer." to do nothln' o' that kylnd. l reckon his Years ago . AMERICA"They's others," said Joe Bassett pro-

foundly.pa must 'a'turned ovah In his grave aro Royal Battles of the Waters Took

"Moat ev'rybody's queer, mo' 'r now, long o' the cunnel havln' tooken up Place at City onless, 'Jtceptln' we uns, an' they Is times" wltli them modern Idees.Here he broke off abruptly and shook his was kylnd o' rack'nln' what yo Hudson. FINESThead as If to Say that he could specify If was some queer yo' own selr," said Joehe felt disposed, but regarded It as su-

perfluousBassett. "I never seen yo all slop nobndx By SOL Ml Ii,! H

to do so. on the sweet afo' an' aat 'em In ro' to have Coach Washington Jr. Jerrerson lii a crew which turned the sur sanction this spring, which meant the Saloons atof"Well, s'poaln' they be." retorted the old a drink at yo' 'xpense. 'Peered like some Football Team. prise or the day, when It rowed aecond breaking dp of the regatta if Columbia Closing WHISKEYman with some signs or exasperation. "That pin' must 'a' busted loose In yo' hald. Pouglikei to Cornell, sans rorm. sana method, sans abandons rowing, as predicted. It was a 6 Move Startedain't to say what quality ain't. They'a other "No," said the old man apologetically and ie mo scene everything but good old American guts. conrilct of thla kind last spring which p. m.tthings what's white b'sldes cotton, but they very earnestly. "I reiJioned It this

or in, annual boat races, And there was Richard olendon. the Navr came near winding up things at Hiut timewayain't no law agin' sayln' what cotton 'a knowed the runnel wouldn't be 's fur's he

Is about to lose It Job, ir we believe the r oach, whose shell In 1907 fell berore tin so raj- as Cornell waa ronromed. And by "Pros" in Austinwhite. I reckon I c'n say what the qual-

ity'sIs fr'm bum not 'thouten he had money ro

handwriting on the wall, since lfWf every smoother crews of tbe liver. Cor,- Is little doubt but Pennsylvania Is

queer, like they abo' be. 'thouten trav'lin'college crew in the land, excepting Gall Kvery kind and manner or rowing, rig-

gingworried over 'lis rowing outlook. It wouldth'an' he'xpenses, on'y way was special lo lb Tim.fornla, has lost at ibisracss regatta. In and stylo Anierlren. English, nol bo the ImiKitslbllltles to havebeln' called on To' to go Into no arglment amongliable ro' to have that ro 'blm failwas to need, Poughkeepale has been both Gor AuatlD. Texas, Jan. Aside rrom the ar-

rivala and Canadian hat fought out Its the Quakers get out.To' to uphold a gen'l proposition." into a other fortune. The Bllnkoma la al'aya noil Olbraltar as well as a Courtney Aus unending argument over the l oughkoepsie or legislators and an Increased"Mebbe so," said Jim Blalsdell, who a dyln' an' leavln' him money. I've knowed With Columbia out and tne Quakers no many

terlilz and Waterloun, rolled Into one. 01seemed to as keenly as the others did course. Bowing biatory at Poughkeepale than In the race would orenjoy him to be rich fo' a spell seven or eight Its historic stronger past years art vlty about tbe headquarters variouswaters and one must use biathe prospect of rousing the old man a tern times. Is ripe with record and romanes. Mow It bo a dual between Gomel) and syracuaecandidates for speaker or the house, thereton, m describing the Hudson there wa,sper to the point at which he would throw seems that circumstances are to deal this Now aurh s happening Is not poeelblr."Whenever he gets thataway long made some twenty years the never- - or Interest In legislative channelsago place a mighty blow. these was littleoff restraint. "Meblic so, but 'pears like There Is not one Iota of love betweenmoney bein' lert to him be sets to right forgotten reply or Or. Wheeler. MS.th' ain't no call ro' to keep on a sayln There Is no one particular reason ror two. Indeed, the recent strength or Syra here today. New arrivals sr.- increasing'ndustrlous tryin' to gtt rid of It. An' be of Cornell, to the Yale representative who this; rather it la the There Ismany.It all day. cute In rowing, which ahould hold ror two fun strength. LIQUID SUNSHINEdoes It rapid. sought to explain the twenty minutes' de-

layabove all elae the objection to at leaat. Is a good, reason rorsb'd whatbe I more"S'posln' they queer. say "My Idee was to git o'ne or two of hla crew In reaching the starting racing and an evident dealre to reduce the thinking

yearsthe regatta la over. It was voiced today there was every pot' LION GROCERY CO.,It'd all foanswer praclic'l pupposes drinks Into him an' fo' yo' uns to start a Une. "Gdrnell," said the. noted educator, thererace to tero rallos. Were this ttone sibil. ly of a bill being Introduced in themention the rack an' let It at that of thisgo What the result of the wind-u- Distributor El Pasogame into the back room, ir thal'd a been 'has waited twenty years ror this oppor would be no nrsd or going to Poughkeep-

ale'Stead o' which yo' all 'pears to be hell bent win be no ons can foretell. It nest session thai would close saloon al ndid successrul they couldn't nobody 'a tunity: a mere matter or twenty more for all the colleges Involved ran orreron sayln' or It over an over. kept the cunnel out o' th game with gunii minutes makes no dlfferencs." Twenty the shorter course. This objection Is based probably would load lo mom two mile o'clock, in lieu or 9M p. m. Thlt will be

"I don't give a hoot my own selr how But no. He wouldn't 'a' went by like he minutes later Cornell had won. on the stand of coaches like Courtney, of raring during (he rolleglab- - season on col introduced as a compromise nvnr the sub-queer tney be. They don t trouble me none, done ir he hadn't a got religion, an' ir be's When one goes adventuring Into Inter Cornell, and Spaeth, of Princeton, against lege waters. Whether It would mean tlic in Its on proposition whlrh It seems cannotnor I don't never have nothln' to do with abandonment or the Id a of a big regatta bo carried, berauae It larks ma-

jority,did that sufficient ro' to quit drlnkln' 'tain'l (olleg-iat- rowing history he must needs longer race because or the strain on

none on 'em not 'thouten they sets Into on the order arter rinal other proposals or prohibition men) HERE'Sno ways likely what he'll set Into no game. dip Into th- - walera of the historic Hud- - the contestant. II is runner sustained bygame, what I've know'd 'em to do rrequent ainlnailons Is a mailer or conjecture. I hers sin an enactment or the Allison liquor"It's like what the Good Book taya, ton at Poughkeepale. Here, most or It the lad Ibal Pennsylvania haa no home

n the boats, 'pears like they ain't stch a Whoa is me. How Is the mighty fell I' Fo1 has been made, and now tbal the very ex waters on which to train ror a Ing Is a big expense and a good deal or law with constitutional objections dim HEALTHliellova lot o' dirrrence betwut them an It la boinc by very loyal graduates. At listed, placing social clubs under the samethe runnel sho' was one good loser at poker istence or tills regatta seems threatened race and thai Princeton Is In Hie same fixnobody else when it comes to playln wnen no was nitaeir." one's memory Ukes him back to the Although Prut-clo- (loot not now low at Columbia theae have slnken the lou-

den.classiricallon as saloons, and making brew Bond V Lillard iIt would not bo a surprise to soo erlet subject to the same restrictionpoker." It was plain1 tbal the old man was mourn Ellis Ward, the Pennsylvania coach, oughkeepsie there Is no reason wny n a High Quality WhiekeytheWhen Mr. Blalsdell began this sperrb. ing as one without hope, and his mends, ruled aa supreme as any kaiser. Tbtre was would not Join In tbe luterrolleglat Row-


anything happen. Last yesr rowing retail dealer. mane in tnefour .colleges wore appalling ssaja-a- e'which was rather longer than lie was ac now that they understood what he bad been Courtney, or Cornell, who longest Mid association ir the race ware cut down figuresIn looking

tlthem over that at AUTOtJOSILS LICgNSIS. ajHD gosal old fash- - rJ?J

psicustomed to make, he being somewhat lad aiming at, nodded sympathetically, it was sway and who still ha a lew years left. to two miles. And Princeton would b a IKHarvard they had an amateur coach and tMS-- H. tona, mil. building gor.1 tin Hatm ionedway. Vtui ii by habit, the old man was undoubtedly as luird for aa It was fur blm to tee 11 rumor to the contrary notwithstanding. splendid addition. at Yale. It la aald, the coat of coaching nava.angry. Being devilled by bis associates waa such a possibility fade Into nothingness. Then, luo, there comes heroic one Nsd One reason why tornen nas noi inugiii was borne 'in part by graduates, so the SSI Jankli llano nunpany. 211 Tetas. Indianno new experience to him, but lie never Mr, Owen Pepper, however, spoke Hanlon, the muter oar or them all. Hla to move the regatta to Ithaca, even ror

roll amount expended duos not showbecame sufficiently used to It to uk albeit his speech was tomewbat doubtful, Columbia eight or nn was the fastest racing, where condition ire tbe following figures: tu Joule WalUn. Val Venia UdlUeti. gw.l

calmly, and the others looked rorward wltb as was his custom. He was In the party crew which ever rowed that ruurte. yel even bettor thtn on the Hudson, has bsenone which fell before Cornell In ilumina owna Its University Hrepla Exp. l.uas IS A. M. iimuu. rai kOatststi FontPleasurable anticipation to an outbreak or though not. strictly speaking, or IV a memor-able

duo to the fact ilia! aaasjatsome sort. "uh, I don't know," he said. "Mebbe the 'our mile race he training quarters and Imat, house at Harvard I fiJo737 l,tf,iUt gtl.WU.Id SI4S C 1. HiaMI. Kan MIIm. bullan mourrxns I I H ft 1il kaaarAs the rambled cause it had been "rowed out" In too Poughkeepale. Such a change would be a Yale .J0v.tlt ly.vis.vi su gYUt hsftjui iloanp C,tai. Kc. . tacaaiaspeaker along, however, cunnel Is done got religion, like yo' all ail', K H. OU. lili Nanii Ortiga, ford rinpu IlkJ'ay "" "from one point to another, the old man ap reckons he haa; but he ain't got It bad

many time trials. We ee the Jovial Wal big loss to Columbia Hut now tbal Co Princeton I.M70.WI Ü.KU.O0

peared to be collecting hlmseir rur the de rnougli fo' to keep him r'm playlir poker. ter Peel, oarsman, coach and expert, whose lumbia la about on its last logs In rowing, Penn .... S.7M II) V.TM.IO KM Kl Paau Traufar anmuix. to atalivery of some retort that should be crush He was setun' Into a game on the boat last olumbla crew or 'St Captain Hamilton and It is rreely predict j this will be It ajar


i a.tonar,una,- moot,


auarunaula. (Mtrlaud We do not soli, it nor shin orders from diIng In rorce and surriclently apt to silence night. Thay was ro' on 'em In the game, Fish won the first regatta. To Pough last year In the game, Cornell la In a posi-

tionTotals lll.SIA.SA MJIW.7T tr.Wl

us keepslo came Jim Hie with his uniformly to go after things. Pi un ion whipped in Ihree rrewstormentéis, maintaining an ominous si an' r'm the way things waa gwlne I reckon rtsadar. nu toffuM IHalene meanwhile. But when Mr. Bltiadell they'd 'a' been playln' yet, on'y the other

plendlrt Columbia crews; Andy O'dea, Hie Tbe rrgstt date has been s metier or In the above Hsi there is ralrly good proofmeandered discursively around to the Australian, who tutored the Wisconsin sc much conn m ei ay between railroad and ror any doubting Thomas that rowing la iuT.Tl'r mm nvaixli Virginia, iharlaadthree was gwlne th'oo to Little Hock, an' eights, even the one of berry crab- - fame; isgalta commlttaaa, th former refusing to coating loo much In olhor words theJect or dcS.w poker the old man's attitude the cunnel done got orren the boat with ISM North Kanaaa. lordchanged. Nod Ten Kyek, roach or the same crew. i.old It late In June or etrly In July, be-

causeTiger on about the expenditure ataxigvcs within a isavs

it the'em." lid Harry Vail, lis present leather of the travel Incident to the Fourth r of Harvard notrd them out In rattling V'sESI iras tirar. Okajsaaet1 aana- - All uanaiM,.i ana mucawt lideio Mwas whichone thing fie was always "Did be lose bis wad?" ask Oil the old usrtali tahman, l Jim Ten would beat suit the colleges Psoo and Mi Traat t aackaa

most ong year- - ago K.vrk appeared Ihe time it good rare, incidentally minimusready to discuss. He seemed about dr excitement. W M,llr l:il Montana. Indian idoUj.showing sigua groatto with his Syracuse crews, present chain concerned Pectus of examinations that a Yale U) other brusbrt during tbe teuton. H O, 0 I. r hao:.M h'hi Asa jsay something pertinent to the subject. "Oh. I don't know." said Mr. Pepper. "He pious, and sett to ornen, the most con-

sistentstand win have to b made by one tidenut at the moment the distinguished look done lose r'usid'aiile, but he II 00 .1 ual Ita ar Prasad'peared to Prefer Gkataiberlaia'a.urg gentleman berore mentioned arrived winners. There was Murray oi the other, very likely this year, which f) A. Mauatard. Kurt UUaa. liudobatar nr. MB attaru ax ct in teraiamuhave mo' In bis peans." and Pat Ierapy.or Oeorgetown; will wind up the regatta, owing to the "In the court of a conversation with

Hitliln speaking distance and old man "Who waa setun' in" demanded the old Nlckafla, brother or. Ouy, the Yale date or the rai ?s It has bien necessary hamberlain Medlehi Go.'s represéntalo SIM On., II tM OsarUUid Kuriloreenlaw

"Howturned toward him. man next. Tbey could see that despite bis oach famous uvford oarsj, who came for the collegea participating to have the today, wo had ocraslou lo dlai na In s gen

txtf W. i. suujaiar. tail (ka. runt nva paad'ye. Gunnel unnkoin." lie said, excitement he had not lost hit head. and went from Henn, t tud all, oaraiuen take special final examination at eral way the merits of their different prepadorring hie hat. "I's right glad to see yo' I don't know," said Mr. pepper. and who wat succeeded by Joe Wright, their, Poughkeepale training quarter a. To rations At Ills suggestion take pleasure in tot Nafta niaj.ua, OR. KEELEYall lookiu' as pearl 's yo' be." "Jim Waters was one on em, but I never famous Argonaut oar and coach, and a to Inle racuity permission has lo be ob-

tainexpressing my estimation of chamberlain's I.KMIH I HINAHY AND 8IUN"I thank yo'. sub," said the stranger with teen the other two afo'." stickler f,u- the much derided KhglHh sd and rarulty permistión ror tiirb a cough Remedy. I have a ramliy or an ni- -l Isl U'U.11 IN ONE WCUmuch dignity, pausing a Ituie aa be spoke Ootid:" exclaimed the old man delighted thok pm trigging. radical step It not easy. While such s children and have uaed thla remedy In my Prevenía i umpllcatiuna tad attar

and touching his own hat courteously. "My ly. "This yer case c'n be handled tuce-fu- Ooodwln, Columbia's graduate roach, condition ha existed for many years at homo ror yeara. I consider it the only UepeaA yeur aay la bankhealth is right' good, suh." And he would but It'll have to b did diplomatic. came and want. Cocnlbesr, the Washing-

tonthe r roggttas several college faculties see rough remedy on I lie market, as I have READ THE WANT ADS until cured.

have passed on, but the old man spoke Mebbe it'll give the cuiumI a kyind or a Jolt. tutor, rail before lb tklll of lb last objecting to ibis iu connection wltli lin n tried nearly all kinds. Fall Host, Pub-


RoomI laten

1. rulesUethlag

Rlock.Ce.again. but they mustn't b nothln' did what n aa did Frank Ouerena. the stripling, who crews at Poughksepslo. In fact, it la very Hamilton County Republican News.

"Beg pahdnn, Gunnel," he said, "but I's mought lake ro' a Insult If he's got wad brought bit college tight from Stanrord doubtful If Cornell will Pa given faculty Syrecus. Kan Adv


Jockey Club ijuarezSix: HigH-Cla- ss Races

PARI -MUTUELLadies' Days, Tuesdays and Fridays Adnrxissiori JUAREZ, MEIXICOS1.00Music by Mexican Military Band Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand



Overstocked Specials from Western Furniture Co.Compare Our Prices With Any Store in the City

A Urge order for Leather Rockersplaced by us for holiday trade was de-

layed in shipment, arriving yesterday, Four Poster Wood Beds, in ma-hogany,Our assortment of Fibre Rockers in old too late for holiday trade, so we have oak. Circassian, walnut,

ivory in the- largest in the city; every decided to mark them at a price that white enamel and old ivory; allstyle and upholstering d $7.50 should move them all this week. All sizes and designs. Specially pricedsired Priced up from. . genuine (No. I Spanish leather; I)

Specialpatterns to select from. $1675 from . . $18.75

Worth doubl


Parlor Sets in tapestry, valour and genuine fannnWv tr. .

leather, full overstuffed and upholstered seats,Our Rug department is very com-plete;

loose cushions and solid seats, 0T CA vEvjRKsmRHElembraces all designs and ranging in price up from fl DU Full two-inc- h post Brass Beds, SPECIAL $12.50

patterns.ten heavy fillers in head and

Beautiful designed shade.Matting Rugs, 6x9 $3.25 Shade, Japanese

fan tudor mahogany, dullMatting Rugs, . $3.50 Western Furniture Co. foot large mounts, either fin-



rubbed.Matting Rugs, 9x12 $4.00 satin or d O Of silk braid trimmed,

$9.75 Washable Bath Rugs; fASpecial . . worth $1.25. Special DUC 118-12- 0 S. Stanton St. bright. Special . P 1 . a--0 mahogany base.


I'rair nar, .'!. M B87.il MKRXn J. K SI'AJJII.Ml TraiU firm Infantry.i .lamían. l". lie, tlrt n rtrat Unitarian! RAYMOND C BAÍIU) Thirty flfOlSHARP ADVANCE IN Jei.tier, III 41. Mar. Ili a COPPER SHARES ARMED MEN FAIL







infanlrrThird BANKING BY MAIL

NIW VOSK HNANCIAl. Curtías, Manning & Co., Ueuteoaat Colonel HARRY BANPHOLTZ. In'i'il rraaa. nuitrjr, deUnhnd orYliwra llal draallnd aa InapaotorNa Yre. Jan MterwtUla ( Vimmlarion Ntorfc Broker. nartraial auara Italian New lor nr.. nrat l.trai


( of Ixnui 4 ON PEACE BASIS IN ATTEMPT TO uvcStetS ofYlraww llal. irere exlendad nnrjl FWrraarr 4 Compoundiai.lr . 7 Iranian drenan. ft. raptaln JIHt I'. rl J. I. lll-- Madlnal rorra.Bran, mcaihera of Uie Now harina iaeilata.1 d uu for whlrh ha waa outer wd InterestYork sum u exrhsngts. to waatUnalon. 1). t .. will ratnm to hla jraia

taUon. Flnl Lteutmant RtTlOIJ-- J. ORTMANN,PRIVATE TiKARKD WIRE JR.. rtaoond inranlry. rtourji ivoona Naunnaj

Saw Vara Ceeer. SEIZE PRISONER auarrt. Ial eatanditl tea dam I'atJtaln JAktBH REQUEST for our newKaiser's Message That War It. TO MARKETS. General Feeling in Wall Street Is H. RRYBON Quartflnnaater rnw. rwllawM detail A free booklet, "Banking

Would Continue Responsible rtnaadSaw

uriaattiadTort. Jan

durtna6, The




hualnan.nun Curtí SS, Manning & Co., That Red Metal. Will by Mall." carries with It

Tlia tarara aaarn heart tail obligation to anfor Rise of Several Points. a lha market and hara rtaliire.1 llinlr eating Phones llt nnrl 8Tt. Hold Quotations.

no openand all aak Isprtoa a arrrund 188 Sn t.. we an op-

portunityntlrrly luminal Rmellrritiuaflar. n'hlnrt Nhcll4n Hotel, fít Paao, Tex. Sheriff at Clovis Wanted of Ap Por burros pnone Loma Tira Ranch, 8T1--

to explain clearly whyfiTp. naartiy rrnuper at rurtbarHi V. mol Prat i. anaína arraimi I'll!. Ml proach Transfers Man Held in your savings should earn 4 per

lu Jen. 8. . ee rumrend i. and why willcent,i.,.- skas m.i arellelrla your moneyaa low crtrt Aftflr thla burln Donrar mnl U fam Connection With Tragedy.I" III, tmnel hi tlr war iM aa rate th muKH iltar1rnlM Into dull mUd lUUrmA Mart be absolutely safe If aent by mall4 the tnaJij ra I, l.H, U.al framed a .birr of at ufíhÚT and' ranraVtod In Ihla oommimm for to thla Institution. TouCI Paaa Applications Grazing mayKmaltar Ou ola tree.. the dmm al tsM rnarlir without mrorriLng.hallo Ilia prire- of wbaeL Aftar all Mírame rlae untilllVarartad tlallr tuir l iavrijrn In qiuilnn fisr th da,v. Kvwt Sper.lal lo tbs Tlmaa. have occasion to thank us forniartnt hut tt r rna- eUWe, In llar allvar fUandr A llarmrai riuouiloni), 7tae. DULL AND NARROW Permita.tlalai iii h iiaWt sravj a In favor of tha laSS aideV nal hlftirr. with Mai al tl.KTIt In II .V, ann this suggestion.K. Jan. . tbeJuli I. u 81 31V "trier lia. erareil alora. it waa reportad that I rrajdnnl WUeon Clona, M., FoUowlnr

.titntai.Ual ato-ra- n IV t" Ir. Mia to Ba latida it) aand po new peaiw pmpnaal nUlklllinf of John Dsvls, s young rarmer In Write today, and ask for ourfrran the allirenil p, .M - II tr It .i rfnrn the hadnullK the rcwthPiWDUia

Inés, illfpletral m.talrlj .iriaifth. laahlara la S00U0I MASKtTS. Texlco, Georg-- Mobrb. atea about NOTICE 1 hereby given that all New Booklet.arlllm twain lavara anil the TRADE ON 'CHANGE aide nT atona whlrh ennUnued applications for permita to srraae cat- -

r. It. i rr .1,. av pnainuiu-e- thai the tana 60, waa arreated and brouiitt to C lóala.In ralUM. tnatrTtel Al Chinese. lie, horsea, hogs, sheep and goatsmat im. .aipmtlhai iiatll In eVtaatwaWe and UJaar- - Sharirr Mora recelawaj notirtestljin Tburs-ds- y EL PASO BANKa la,t hour imflt latina anil wank ana awnUia up ""HN ruinora. within the CllIIUOAHUA futd CORitiniI ns ssaaj iTTIel TwMnsni mw Wftn IOVMS

iwalail In a raeialiWItCOlDta. ...i.,. r.lrsrs were ill fill ta brlnting ainaut a raid nlvbt that "v Mtorn" from Texlln O NADO NATIONAL FOREBTB durBiaaajVa til laii'hanand aassvartitiaT thai Lha mavlu adnuic rrun Insjnbarg AND TRUST CO.mlirht in, and ranted the toriiultrr AH.o finn. firnla prmaa laXaWI waa IDLBI aiong inn rapidly. TTir rmaUtm como prisoner ing; tha aeajton of 191 7 must be filed

Hh eUenbUai al.. w fireala


atatonianlatrite ajiipl

u.i No Feature of Interest on Wall SXm tn riamlthj to atoriu. sivaAlnj noswell that night. Friday morning two in my office at Tucson, Arlsona, onin rail- - ai. ka nutat anmlnavtlna aton loaa A Guaranty Fund BankJtiaiul .1,11. í. .in.

retain, MUainra-ln- f . Street Except Market's Rela-

tivelyautomobiles rilled with armed men arrived or before February 16, 1Í17.

aa Ulal has In from Texilne, to find the Full Information In regard to theOwn aairni uurianaai. Undertone. farrilntr in Wall atrwat only prisoner oat El Paao, TexasStrongh latirá ' palia in Ikxi and '.Mini on a raw haila. of their reach. grazing fees to be charged and blankIlia li.ijoin.1 ruru Arkanaaa A Artatna li as forms to be used In making appllca-tloai- s

i'.-- lml tha .isanfflh or rfhnr rwawal. UharaJ Auaitn ra ar iia Dsns waa 86 years old, slid is survivedlairi'haalltr for ilia .aal. aril !iaI.I bi Ufl tha luartit lu y.. itis- prm. Itar It is by s wife and small child. He was killed will be furnished upon request.

Adtaiirtlia niaitaljiai. i.i law, aliil araln na.) MM fan. Jaji. I,- JCiartii ror It rolaUiFeJr atrnng Bit Ladga J8 DON P. JOHNSTON,iarA.''.'.':.';::::":L'"'" Supervisor.KANSAS CITY GRAIN. iru1rrirrii. i.eti.t - dull and narrow markit alumant A with a knife, seven cuts being found on hislha fail Uial wSum Kauaaa Jan 6 No haul. n feaxujx InLaroit Hwarl uf body, any one of which would have been (Adv.)

. WMW1; Nat 1 rad. SI .0 X.00 Ua.IMalHMl obl i mn n.n wTa.OOl) tlMTtat hlie( timlna ijuiN,

a raar aai UK Julr. ltrtwhli I.

lakiiitaMfre latM

rr.Hiif.nrriti-- i

rmrtlarwulttiid 'raiaolt datad Ariantia sufficient to cause death. M08S and Dsvls

liaat Ma), II HI',. Jul, tl dkfa Km I Mitad. ,s., J whlla. tr; ilii' i.h.g isf Lrattasm" t'oppar Hanga quarrelled. It Is said, over land matters,liar. Mar. '. Jul). Van Vn t raUnw. Htta; Mar. HM'a : Julr. St Lbe rtnasr waa liuar I rundan Arlsona Dsvls having been s tenant of Mobs.IllSr. Jul;. MSr ptNti hullila.v patina and pumir Kaat Huttfl Custom ASSAY Officeítala- - Sit tl whlla. 67o: Ka mUrni. Ml alar i.U nttawl Htataa Html sui.l haTnma I'onpar

iitUruisul mnre than half to Itnñatar awjar a mis ami hie ClOtTS! CRITCHETT FERGUSONIrialtTilrftmiil tota4 Urula also um iiliaUii nun ' majar f Asaayers, Chemists, Metallurgists.

Hall) IraUar. rut ralla war aapsvihstt.r Totavl aaiaa Mima ttraiDd flats r4 DOIVT miss this, cut out this slip, en-

closeSunday Services in EJ Paso Churches for OreNaadlaa RcprcHcntatiiraf at4Sa St.(Wi tlafttm liwlrallnnI rive rents to Foley Co., 9888 Shef-


es Shippers.Kt4jjti arfaJre tnukail HUla Intoreat aaldo from tha lama Verde aiO Saw Francisco Si,9 I1 Ave.. 111., Britton Davis C. SmithBJin .unoaM.mil of Uinthar Unj M uiiprrrtaUlon for Maaioa líüaf 4f Chicago, writing your name

asTiMUtl r Día Brillan fovftranariL Kiian on Miami tiauarlldatad 88 48 and address clearly. You will receive In re-turn

Ea Paso, Testas.tmikm u flra. hut ralaa an Parta. Barita and Uooater rhtaf 8) H s trial packsge containing Foley's II endue Uta. i ILalttly limialii txavd raparla tu llnmrlla Davis & Smithditatad a rtlgtu halt In niaraanUla Unai Trsa mr North ttuue 3 Honey and Tar Compound, for bronchial

SUNDAY atiisTtaafa 'XMiUnuaai to wortf to toa dH.rtnMit of ataal Old llraulnlon tJaaaar f SMI cougha. colds and croup; Foley Kidney Fills,SCHOOL

mUU and aJllrl toduatrtralural oiasarlitjj liotias hanaj for Hajr

rutaburahHamulaa ror pain In sides and back, rheumatism, STOCKBROKERS

rf fmr raiaaiitmi taj rnorr Santa Blu bsckai-be- , kidney and bladder alimenta; and

J 1 bUPEKJNT'DTa. rulad bi with an Shanoraiiillml Vanla BatataaOB astil 88 Foley Cslhartlr Tablets, s wholesome and 230 Mesa Ave. Iid ftc HouUicm KaJIway arnml fottn

? 3 si a full point net gain. liitrarna4liNial Uaid ala tarda CianMnallnn He LSI tuorodigbJy cleansing cathartic, especially Phones 7940 and 7941 letter aa lisfct stralabtileuiitaii a IssUar lngulr. Total aaiaa of banda, comforting to stout persons. A. E. Ryan. home. We know bow and have all

BACTIST alúa. U.Rfta.OOa. COTTON MASKtTS. Owl Drug Stores. Adv. raruitles. Tell ua what you wast;i aim lioutlou t.irmirtietiit burnla wane aUtrbtty more artira SPECIALTY me will do las rest Give it a trial.j Sqaare u b M 11:00 7:tt a V. Rat. tha Wfkak. I tahad Kutaa S avtlvaniiJaf a aLlgh Al Na Yarn, Phone 1717.S91 Moouiit trecL iaoUon whlla Pao iajuartcatt 'a ytaloatl a point n, Amnraalad Praaa B Arizona Copper Stotrkahat El Paso. I M It 00 7jS0 Ht'Ory kidwell Cl. Balita aUsrt. ai New Yen. Jan. 8 raturaa oiaaad a AJUMY ORDERS PUBLIC STOSOtnatAPHR KM HAM.K.

.I.li. AluurdA. aw Ttat Huaar HH Int. f H. irfd. otfi januerr. 11.18o: ataroh, IB Me. alar. lS.SSn: .211 atltla Buildingftrst J. r. WlUltnu J4. 7:10 Atoar. fn 4 K C (outlni 25 lh.aao; oranaar. ir.aan npot aerear;

hoi Mu. 'frni airuur Atoar. Car a. rdy. IvtiMavu (Vnpar u ta tk atornilla Turan.Amar. IasMoai'tlv .. 7 laiutorlllo Naah..U3 ir. ti. jan. a. aval laetilenanlHlsfUnd Psrs .....!. n. 46 im Aroar. rluatt Haf m Mai Pwlruiauo. ...IM Uta. naralrv. Añ Paño, film diña.

DakCU Slid bold. Amar migar Hrf in atlaaat (aw "S tiatllilli atuft CKA1U.' caaaarr. atlSM ornoeraMulCAll B. C Psru la A. Rsusa. A mat Tri A TwJ. IM Af. K AT pfd It Hat. report l itkalalil atan al Uta ana for duu oon

701 oUIHOD. mar SrnA U A 8. J6- Pavotflii II LIVSSTOOK MASKCTS. neerte wua día teaerae afanara akU añapa and

oralta I. SapUll MlaalOU S 1 Haliowtf 1 cm MatTBitU ropisar XIV Nathmal Lead M reuajaja' aralntaa raerse Captain BtW&T O VAN7 SO It at. UaauaauL. At Chloeee. BoaX. kafaasn. ankaaked orneen. Ski. resaa-- t dltUU slid Mrlst. latent tanieraj k ataar. PATRONIZEl 0.1 raaarva fflaara Iraaetaa oapj

CATHULIC. Mm enltatad raaarva com and i tltaail' tninlna rain.Iiuiiiai:ullr i.oiii nttjii ,. JO nimftan PaiiV t'apuln AbrKKI) W. BJomNaTAO. tit

IIS .V UMI. v tanked aSBaara Uat. rruad HaraarS nlaantl. ral.allll M J.aallaj. na.. w muutani sarnmi er aaa arau aetr at10.30 ratUa. 8tj!lTa: waatara era IttSlt 8; ""aIraniaainaye.uo ainaaara. ft..Itai.ee; nwa aaa hauara. M.aaaie.aa HOME INDUSTRY7:00 A a P MÍ rlaaillia; if, lenatM,. l caataia SI)WIN - SBXSntAM. Stn.ll oars,

.ao I ttaia.at detail that anus laatonad In SawerrahaanU.

;! iii. aa.. it. LAP. P.I ai.Ulu.-- Aria n AXaVtaSD f. rSj&TOH. atauaJHnutlinni Partrtr. t a em aa lea. Matta-- MAT7I8W a kTI 10 HouUrern Kallwu SI2 " lata. lie.. Jan. B. Hi VXUM. laartanaatr aavs. rata

01 lxti ruduala ttaf 2. 'a Hludehaaer tie. áarket hlaher Bali. II0.018.; heaar 8184881 cuna aaalanad in B1eeilti Infanlrr.1000 Jrtiulbta Steal UU Taaaa o aft. nackaVa and btuohara. III. MS 14 BB: UaZ ha 8 pUntna t anaaln CHlSISW A.'

aaaaaaaft rrtariiMa 7:1 maullar--,

HaoartOae. ttH '.. ii arttk TnnlaaU,lili Biiieti 18. alar 4aarty. Pitea fas an dnlr arlUi 99s.ai Uanarai Sleotrir lean, lit ItZll Ml. a. larri atan. 8r.88ll.8 karanln Banaaat Tin II I jSDWA BD

S.'H 'itwat NorUi Hfd. llau D cara. BSBBttT: Ware. 8 ai 88: T I. mi ii tli. ii saliik tafea i aa Waller PremiumI.HHlbrUM wal Kerth ora otra icti V. m Hual ltd i.tsat ra: Maja, ta aear (Jeueral HtaMI. C Qagail. tmjtT T DAW-J. ajnaaa Jaaaaara al artel atetar. I tratnAuatln Park B. Alian ii so iiitiuAt rantrai IM I'tah Uasar nona,SKH MlliUJla. I0:at n.ua mem tnrp lDa nanaan trd. aarva, aaUttixi arliiei. Sen lasa. Cávetela B8X.WVK

KITSt P. Kite t at 11.00 I SO at , nreaurn Lnlen D SaOTlt. mntnJmymt tar rtairSil eSBoart Hat

too N. orearon If WaaUlifhraiaa ti. Gañíala BOUaa aalr renamed

SCHNCl luaal aatea fur lha tea. M&.tfH aliaraa. andCHHIHTIA! a J 7. SO

tual i. hurrtt Mrs. t. T. Broma LONDON WOOL. raatrr. tanmanarr data bl iieiiliHin wttli awardMoount and Siuluo. rlrst alen al uUllan Uataias aatatte hlch I at nil Caalein

UlN0HtlATIOAL-Y- U Hr 4 en rilled PraaaMUSS HaiiaoD 0 0 11:00 eilinll at el tjm "Sü&LXsr el.!? ü! Southern BadWUIIsou sad Rio UratMts. srasLHVhCH oy CIIH18- T- pMrraahe bal la

MuuUvua and Itayimr J. w. Ouuuri'lsi.i.iM

bl cleiiatiil r.aster St tllLSH l I tVliJt M Nhl iHirch trf Hour) il to Will Buy theCaaautrall and Muutsaa H aacx latoti I'raaa.I'TIIEHAV 80:80 Mrs. Liiititoii. Jan. &. l.loj-rl'- annuujtrra Uiato. Latrsas bottles, doa.Lrauvelli'Sl 1 ulhei ui A. K'JjIihiliK iiuuedtre. iba Brlt:ah Uanter ilarlyl and that Uia par ....

Inorara, fiSbT.SB; ll 18 and randera. 8t ! 88.if Aiiloiuu08 Han -- u.tiiali u auwr .Nsabtusii have been auiik. Following Small bottles, par doa $1.00UiSliah luUrrau A l llarrubi. Paul's Banatta.HajeTtte crewt ware asawl 88 alanaat 18a htaknr Tn

ni ti huí, lit íaaio Bt of andBa keretpu 18 Market etead) Intaat. Upon return rears buttles a re-bateaatjuij'

IBIS Huaro,.. C. k !H.. PRODUCE MARKET II 888)11. 1, ewea. W 18488 Stocks: oí 50c on ttae large siae and 2 Vc on

laaat BU Paao.... t. C Collioa II HO W. ii LavAt g w the arnail stÍOsb ie allowed. Tabeo

MOT hut era. First National Bank


alMull tans


II uu Husk T. mi CcrrrtrnercialBank

National This Is What It Coat.anal aiiu trasoía USO J.au C. SJ. .katí"Sreta. Ni UNANOIAL BCVItWAUaila. WttKLVM. I

Silltllll. Per oat Kaar Tara. Jan fraratre.Ur ta aaaaa Wlaaea Security Trust tV Savings DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME.BSB 0 JO i tS.at 7 SO I. J. Aara. Gaat. retail, ear awt m ti Uval inMil tu ata mi rejan lo ta final waefct alil at a .M. It Uuiruaau Taaaa red laja itl aera. leai rear ware erfaraaae thu weak Uaoaatk k Bank Ojm DoassnIk. i 10 JO ) n.uu 740 One DawBYTkltlA.N Tiirikt'ifr-"- - ' ' aatf traSn oaattaarl ta kV


D.30 11.00 7 SU 5?tnrk,nHÍ32 Rio Grande Valley Bank $1.00 75crTl 1'C L. Oaaraarvalbtiutetard 88 It iSTMeaale artaaa namtahad ea Taaaa. Hailaaa 01 rwawra ahila war akara, aa i laat t'aail a and Trust Co. stockW. i laOO. Taekara J la. drataad. Bao llana. Sea. 11c; I ai ara al i le akara taaaaa ta Uve anal PHONE 4J00uaaaad Stc traer, dra Itr. drenad. Sk. beca, ljana4 American Trust and Sav-

ingsM 10 ta j lili. 18SALVATIU-- AHMV Bank stock

Ui Oras(jo Alii iusrvanin uai ti umim til 88. atam I watrao la ale ail ll Uva bead nanrtnt ralla ta

WtHiaaUfl am WatlanliMlSsr ... at t,,,,r U8.li axa Ike nvratemta nvewtm Sraaa anal DAVIS & SMITHNiiitcei haiuiuejr T TVJraaeBnéili eanrtvLá aaaShaaSSaVa aMkX)l-- i:Ht h H UP THE AZAht E - to .SO 11.00 peana inajaaaaueaa ana aaa 230 Maaa El Paso Brewing Assn.71 8 Orasua i I). AUiaua na rareftn lar. WCHUBCH OP JcslJB CHHlfl IS 410 tta RLAÜ THE WAJM1 AXtó Phones 7940-794- 1

CAt Lsstsr Nay I alais). atiaaSat e.ruioa a ata t8taf tkatisa r ras shiri at a o o. r. Haft ) M S I 88





C. A. will torran a proderer and nrrrntmi mm npereav at ' rtppt Creek, from the Commercial mine, owned by th probably become regularly product ire theYAVAPAI payer the current year. Charlea it in char- - orCO., ARIZ., tor property Phelps rmdife interest, mention or which current year ere: The Copper HUI, con-trolled

M. MMns nn.1 i in- Lewimbat are heavy ' TPcr IX lr will Mp made ta the dispatches of last week by R-- I Clark and John J. Jack Gunter Hotelowners or calnmt Jerome abare TtM Copper rtyke property III atari olT cio ertaff production, the I otna rrfeta nttae son. of Presentí the Mclulty McBrlde holdtara;A two-ro- rem. mrrymr fU laches of the current veer wroi carload ahiptncni is this theat time most attractive mining the lucky lire company's holding

MAKES RECORD FOR Iron and copper sntphidr snowing ht Ol high grade rapper or about Janttarv p ropo anion there. tbe Schnber group and the Bttrkwn start Air AMTUMtU. TEIAI. tfROMBaJrropynt and bonjite. ha- - pccn. opened In I Tbs'screeee la located In tor Hit Ana The recentlvproperty was equipped with group. Several shipment were made from A Hotel Boklt for the Climatethe ina-c- tunnel on tbe I of thepropel district and l nn or a number of prom-i-m- new and powerful mine machinery. A hociv the copper mil last year. Early next aprtnaInltrd Verde :nnnltdalrd company at minfo proposition "hm by Krt ol chalcnpyrlt ore was opened at a depth a shipment of aproa imetely TOO inn or i i nrr ttmibu otficwai PtaaJiaartata T. P. a. a 1. a.Jerome. am recently taken gar a Block, or Pre ir.it. and associate It la of 7 reet early last year. It prevails In copper ore will he made reran the MclnltyMINING ACTIVITIES return of per cent copper, Iff ounce bing worked under teara by ir(pn minina the workings to a depth of Its feet present V. bride holding" Ore I now being brokenetUr and M told Hi th" Ion. Other assay? iikii depth of shaft carries aa hlfh as It per and sorted with that object in new.save return or II and lk.lt per mil ndr tbe financial snirance or II I uckv cent coppec to the ton. and presenta Vrerycopper to the ton The company's limed Strike Mining company, the old Stem cop indication ..r pcrmenenr u la decidedly The foregoing, while bv no mean a cnerde Junior group, in the south of tb per holding near Klrkland. entered the INt probable lite l oma Prieta will become a plete resume or the copper mlnlnr activity State National BankYear Just Cloved Especially b I nlted Verde companj "a property, and fia or active properties the latter part or 191. regular shipper within the next alt months that prevails throughout Tevapal noonty at

Notable for Amount of New vshnrtn group in Copper Canytm. are in rormer rears the group Was opened Other tapper ftkwwnqn. the ontset or the current year, will at leastiwlntr explored with diamond drill. The to a maximum depth of Its reet and a very terve to demonstrate Its grope and value Established April, 1881Development two groups are to be equipped with BO.aoo promising- body of copper gtild ore dis-

covered.worm or mine machinery berorr May I High grade gold copper orea are

(By WILLIAM P.'De YVOI.r.) Tw-- f aaageay riant. being regularly ahtpped from the Vesuvius Jig Capital, Sarplus an Profits $200,000.00and Mc.Mahon mines, adjoining the stein.frewoU, Alia., Ittl. 1 Yavapai IkkMI Farty this year the RMplant or ordered ror I ene Ptoe trine .macMaery tnerounded, out lart year and entered on tiv Interest Paid Savings AccountsonJoint use or the venture Hill and Verde Another old time mine at which operacurrent year with more atine operating Apex Copper companies will he In com-mission.

lions were recently resumed It the I .one C R. IHOnKHRAD. President.olth more mill. running, with more mm JOBBPH MAflOFTTN. Vlee-Pra- aIt Is betnr established at the Pine, located about a mile east or Huron. C. N. BASSBTT.. rra working and llh general hiilne... OF.OROK D rtiORT, Cashier.two compartment shaft that Is belnr sunk 1 he quickening or the property was brought AllTOMOfflllJ CiDRtlo a morn flourishing condition than ever U J. ;i wnn ikt. Asst. Caehier.on the endita or the Socrates claim or about through the agency of M. It.before. The year Jint rloei was rapec-ll- l

work the Venture Hill company and the suleltn a practical mining man. who hasnotable rnr the amount .if nw or the Black Horse claim or, the Verde ror mam years been Identiried with theror number or old timestarted and tne Apex comparo i opper sulphide ore was mining lndustr or Yavapai county. In AM, Mil's M l Till I M I

IhrouynoUl ttM county at large,- producer!- encountered near this shaft In the latter making an examination of the old workings Leak Western Motorat which minina operations were resumed. -- Proof Rings Supply Co.thousand dollars worth part or IMA. It Is not unlikely the joint Mr. Andrews discovered an ore body carry

Several hundrederected development program now under way will ing exceptionally high copper and gnld con tirm Mkhmm 747 and 7Mor mlnr and mill machinery was

result in the discovery or shipping ore I tent. Native Conner and rhalconvrlte ore SIS Sen Francisco M.durin wtf. the mlnlnr oamps or the coun-

ty before the ciase or ttn. vail throughout the deposit In seams orwere connected with each other and

The estate or the Verde central Mines, varying width and present indications orwith the main center or trade at Prrseott Inc., Is to be tbe scene or extensive mm- baking Into a solid body or ore at a com LEE TIRES BORDERLAND AUTOby means or Rood roads, and the romjnun-It-

tng operations the rurrent year, and to paratlvely nominal depth.as a whole placed In a position to en-

joySUPPLY CO.H at end It is to be equipped In a short Two copper mine or recognized value.to the. full the mnuna and general wuaiR. Ajm-aa.- tr

ror ttlT. tune with from tM.oao to Ian. 000 worth or rrom which shipments ero regularly made, ,Bd rrmorrmm moor.scheduledbusiness proierlty mine machinery-- Tbe aereare sidelines are the Blue Bell and De Soto, located In s CORNER MYRT1.K and KANSAS.March of Prosperity. with the property or the Verde Apex com the vicinity of Mayer. Each produced amine devel-opment

The real era qr quickenedlatter pany, and, like the Verde Apex, has been large tonnage or copper ore during leíadid not materialise until the favorably patted upon by Dr Walter Har arid may be depended upon to Increasewhen did material-

isebut itof last year;part vey Weed and other noted gsologiats. W. lis output the current year. The Blue Belltbe county DIRECTORYorIt spread to all portions Nell and De worked the Con-

solidated ABCHumbert. Bailey, Charles T. JnslUl. Soto are belnr bywith a persistency that has not been P. Stanton and other Arizona Smelttnr ownermlnlnr men or company,

the miningsince tbe "rush" todistrictsequaled

or Southern. Nevada a decade aro. prominence are Identiried with the corpo-ration.

or the Humboldt smelter. The Btnghamp-to- Are You Preparing?mine, near Mayer, Is also producing aThe limitation or space willntwspaper

not permit the corana or the forerouic A Roster of Live Ones.productconsiderable

is treatedtonnage

at theof copper


mill.The Of Business and Professional Are you looking ahead and preparing for the timedistrictVerde,Other in thecompaniesmatters In detail to the present article;

but the roll.. wine- summary or the status aside from those mentioned in my Copper Basin Artlvlty. when cash may be needed quickly the time whenMen of El Pasoor Ihe allied industries of mlnlnr and mlll-In- r of last week covering the yearly The Copper Basin country, locatedthe'

about ickneat. accident or old age may call for readyeight mile from Prescolt. wa cenewill mineral production of Yavapai oounty,at the outset or the current year fundabcrve to demonstrate the importance and upon whose acreages development work ni


good vorkmining

rt rotfttaufaoperations


year. Hang TH1 Up F"or Ready Referenceextent or the work under way or planned: now progressing, are: Verde CopperP. place thai section to the fore the current Now is just the time to prepare for such times.

Million Dollar Power Mast ricvelnnment eomnanv Jerome TUilsy.iduocr ore. Aside Now is the time with

A contract lias been awarded and grad- - Verde Combination. Oreen Monster. Boston J. in copper to start an account us.

inr lor an auxiliary electrical plant ror A Jerome. Michigan Verde. Jerome Super ri Odom's Transfer Co 4 Per Cant Interest Paid on Savings Accountsthe Arizona Power company, 10 cost ai lor, Jerome Verde. Pittsburgh Jeronc QñfcHAfcrproximately ll.imo.mxi. The plant will have Verde Monster. Dundee A Jerome. hej i vjd t. a unuunuLin.au. horse power rapacity and win copper, Mowle Copper. Jerome , moving Phone 707 TheJirst Nationalconnected with the lines radlatlnr Iron Jerome Copper Mining and otn. ra, BUSINESS COLLEGE Bankthe rompany'a Fossil creek works, turn-ti- AH or these properties are either already

consolidating- and Increasing the elec equipped or will he equipped lili mine taurmi, aartra ELtrie power ssrvire to the mines, mills and machinery this year. The aggregate roct Waco, Texea CLEANERS Wriht's cleaning PASO, TEXAStonus of Yavapai county. The or this machinery will run Into the hun-

dredsRookkMolnfl. PinnLlnff PREERRsSand

the new olant Is on the Vonlo river abou or thousands or dollar, concur-rently

Sliorthend.Typewritins.three miles above ciarkdale. with its installation many addlllontl Penmanship and worksAcademic Departments 415Another Important project now under miners will be employed to 1b financial E. Overland St. Phone 34way la the United Verde Extension com benertt of tbe county as a whole and or The High Grade 8eb o olpany's smelter. It will occupy a site on the Verde district In psrtlculsr. For High (ir.de KturienU

tl.e Hopkins ranch near the erde rtvi Shannon r.nlers Field. talon Any Time

und will be erected at a cost or several Notable among the mining corporations WE TEACH BY MAI DRUGGISTS LJJ.1"!..million dollars. The company will build from outatde point that acquired holding: . Save and Learna railway ror ore traoaportlnr purpoaea In this county last year is the Shannon jaaajffiffHH ookkoepln. Short-and- . aaw "Vi HI uiniiiun on eoibetween the mine end smaller ana to Copper company, or citrion In early Oc Waal Touch Typewrit-iff- .connect with a branch or Urn Santa tober the company mentioned took over PnrnnnihlD. Busiat Ciarkdale. Railway and smelter are the old rearer copper mine and entered arate van ness Arithmetic. Liitf- -

to be in opersilon within two years at once upon develop mem worn. me rwrt w w llishWrit

and Biismn Let DRUGGISTS mmm- - PUT YOUR SAVINGS IN OUR CARENew Plant far victor. property Is located between Present! and ter Ins.lortv thousand dollars worth or noisiing Jerome and In past years was a producer

rtrllllng and puinplnr machinery has been or high gTade copper ore largely bornllo Phone 791 and 792ordered by the Jerome Victor Extension The deal Included mine and mill machinlorni anv ror Its snarl adjoining me pro ery having a value or about tioo.ooo. So that you may have funds on hand in the new yeardurtlve area or the United Verde mine at The Cypress copper holdings also againJerome. The new equipment Is en route became operative In the closing days FURNITURE AND HA"0WRE (cheap) to grasp business opportunity when it comes your way.and will be erected and In operation wiui last year. They are located on Big Bur w ase prompt relWT Iin rour months. The Jerome Victor Ex creek In the vicinity or the llenrletw anil arMbeat sneetnrealeaca, I KuJW. Phon 2158. 21S S. Stanton $1.00 STARTS AN ACCOUNTn Is one or a number or properttea Butternut mines. The old workings aro r.ATlQDU ofThein the Verde district where an ore dis belnr unwatered preparatory to the re-

sumptionAlldrugglat. BLADDER

ci. very or Importance apeara to be near or development work In the cop For Information and Advertising Rates in the American Trust &at hand. per ore bodies from which a considerable Savings BankA like satisfactory condition attaches to tonnate was mined In rormer years, vthe nearhv Arkansas k Arizona property

levolBurns, or Boston, Mass.. formerly a URINARY Above ABC Directory, Phone 5050 and AskThe west croascul on toe .bb ana Everybody' Bankbas of late Intersected several stringers DISCHARGES

m stilnhldi- ore Uie richest or tne 101 uc FOR THROAT AND LUNGS MslklFifeeV BSUKVBD TJTiiujliaJldvfirtUing lartroent

mar heavy with copper and Heoked withpeacock copper. The cast crosscut on the íeKeTsf.lJleeelsame level la passing out or the oxidized Eckman's 24 HOURSzone and appears to be entermt an area

KachCap- XV:where copper sulphides will De rounn Alterative aula bearabalOYjnrohable the A. A A., like tbe Victor

will be developed Into a producer early lheaamca-- :STUBBORN ( ill (ills AM) OOIA8 Bakeeortr ayunJrrfexit "ITthe current year. SHOULD CONVINCE ALL"Calumet A Jerome Plant. Sold By AH DruKKiate ALL DBCOOlsTft

Tbe work or installing the new powerplan l at the Calumet It Jerome shaft, Justacross Deception 10 io nuum DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS I will pay one one hundred dollars cash for the ofanyJeinrrie. la oractlcallv completed. It will name any A Few of the Tes-

timonialsbe established at a total cost or approxl SHERBETS and CANDIES man or woman who required an operation for Pile after the PAIN-

LESSmatelv ajn.000. and includes a 112 horse Send ikatch and dairripliolpower hoist and a rot) r Delael PtkotatM 347 and 348 lor adioauto probable




tionedby ut areexciter. The rtengine, generator

at- the.and

Wo detrvor -- right NOW" if ratcnla andcharle.

1Srad lor tl and hundreds of people right here in El Paso have been

shaft la being constructed olwanted or promptly at any treated in my office.

Iffxlff timbers and will be 40 reel hlgt Tram. KWteie Sanrtce."

two oil tanki bave bean set gtvwa ttaao between T a. at. and Although I have letters from many, I will be pleased to furnish any11 a. av.ur ror the company Just weet or tne ratiway station at Ciarkdale. It Is probable 'sufferer with the names of two well known men in particular, one an (lIU.rAJ. CAN BE HEKN AY ANY TTafK

PakOeM Ua Your OrcWa old time Texas 6t Pacific engineer who was operated upon twice by two of theAY MY orncE)


The Btt Coif wtion Co. best Surgeons in the Texas & Pacific service, another a well known Choir Lead-er

In Whom It Kay Concern:try This i to oertlfy that hare been a r

and Assistant Pastor of the biggest Church in the Southern Baptist Conven-tion,

Itodi a rery annoylntr case or Piles rnryears and had been operated on in ittn in

Btt. 5th Ave. who was operated upon in 1 9 0 by one of the leading Surgeons of Texar-kan- ,ndrexarkana,

was examinedTexas, and

In lrailedtu. In


retWnrthre Her.

both of whom took the Painless Cure and have had no symptoms of their by one of tbe leading physicians who wasT. A. Til Ul Sil C M G rider rarouunended. and I was treated by the m.

former trouble since. temaSnnal .penalista (and after ten daysI wa completely cured. I then went m the

CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ame physician who rormerly examined mc

I. CartaMY PAINLESS CURE not only eliminates the present trouble, but makes a relapse and was and pronounced well.

City National Bank Buxldin-- . atb toa BooE-Tjr- next to impossible. IF YOU DESIRE FURTHER PROOF JUST ASK ME FOR IT. I

Pttoas JU)4 Kl Paso, Texas ey, r. mfcaaXT. pro NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION, and a visit will obligate you in no waywhatever, and what you save in hospital fees and by not being detained from your work,more than fee.paya my lit:-

iienMetataI CURE UNCOMPLICATED CASES OF I want to express my appreciation to you

t rnr your treatment r my caae. I bad beesRUPTURE) In from one to three treatment, without opaxrauon, pain or danrer, and no detenUon a aiirrerer rrom Pile ror about ten yeari.from your buelneae. and since you have treated me, feel as I

did bernre I ever had Pile warn soMDfVr neat air. Specialists in DIRECT VARIQCKUS In thirty minutes, with (rot dolnr an opto operation, with little If any. pain and no tiria treatment to all aurrerera rrom--BY -- MAIL Advertising detention from your business, lirrtal trouble.dib..u-2- 2 wtueri mb AniTSJtlu nr. PHOlfK 97S. HYDROCELE In thirty minutes wlthoat pain or open operation.Weartthi originators

of Modern Painlf st BLOOD POISONAttar ha Tins tried out moA Investigated every known treatment for Blond Polaon, I am In a posi-

tion to say that the "BRITISH CURD" la the ABflOLITTE and OITLY CURB for Blood Poison In to whom It May Concernin ElDentistry Paso GOLDEN all it forms. I thoroughly Investigated the much talked of "tC" treatment for Blood Poison and This la to rertlfy that I waa treated by tiuproved to my enUre satisfaction that It would not cure In fact, tt does severe damage in orne Internatlniial (peclallta rnr a very bad esse

nam ibar we don't dalas to have any cases. Therefore r reverted efforts to the of of rile that were amollen and rery soremy perfection tbe already celebrated "BRITTSIIpatented i Ihnm that ouaara do not ox and whan he began tc. treat me they werecannot us Tbtae belong to Iba aaaak STATE CURE" and after years Of actual demonstration In some of the worst cases of BlXiOD POISON, 1 mil and could not lie pul back They wouldwho playa upon Uie umoraoce ol uteu make the statemsnt that the BRITISH CURE aa practiced by me In a department oapeclally fit-

ted..me nut after each action or the bowela

paueou reaartUug deaUstry- Tbea aort for that purpoae. is the "S pacific" for Blood Polaon. anil bad beeu no ror year. I wa cured Inof ofiicea Iaat a aarMkt atattb 1 Mapa. LIMITED two weeks sad rrlt like t new man erarUtan depart tor new lieu or aau out. arana. I want to recommend that PatauWe nava boas to kl Paao three years NERVOUS DEBILITY treatment tc all who aurrer rrom flat awTtrland are building our buslnaaa oa aafa painful troublearouBlideavor take



whole soulWe


aa- -

SHORT LINE I pride myself in the remits obtained la this common condition and attribute my an mess to thefact that I DIAOM08B CORRECTLY tbe CAUSEgood Dai wora oi our i find and remove it,

low beilutThe price list or donui work pubiuheaherewith can be absolutely reded usoa, CHRONIC DISEASESFrom El Pasoto the boat rtlazTieiateatirted by verylaas

Kl Paao- The jprleea ate Ike lowest My ofllca Is better equipped for the treatment of Chronic Plasteas than any ether In the South-westpossible tor tine, accural work. and with my unlimited experience ha these condlttona a core can be effected In almost every

Cold Oowna. U aval H to pa oe ease. ass of Piles apd taWttkap Work U to (Ml ---TO I CURE AU, CARES Or THE SHORT EST POSSIBLE TYKE AJfO ATTHB IiWIB8T COST CON-


yearrrom tbe


urnrI wotttajWITH GOOD TREATMENT. l waa treated by taking

Goad ruilaca . 1 auad aa Kauvaaa City 29 hr. 15 min, stent sad after aaooad tretawitnt" " trHd and II got omaplete relief and waakalver ruUzura SlUmm 41 35 CONSULTATION FREE cured I want to recommend tata weal

PI - tn ut to sa aun arare rrom nice.Chicago 44 20" " office Hours, t a. 1 p. m Sunday. 10 to oetly.

portel Baltimore 65 10luaaty guaraní! Lady attuadaat. Meal " "ry offices tu kU Pate Call aud la Pittsburgh 55 55pací uieam- - " 44Wmahington 66 . 33

New York Painless PrMladzprua 65 " 24 'New York 67 4 28 44


OVER EL.1TS CdNPICTIONCRT Phones 594 or 5861.Rooms 1( 2, 3, Block 209 Mass Avs. El



lune Tit comfort her aunt and promtaea the powarmi natural dlrtatat of her heart

Captivating Viola Dana as Darya, the Dancer, help. 'The Female of the Species," Unique Vampire Story With Dorothy Dallon, Itelion.



largelyi uperb

ponaa a ornan


Pan it itni'ri by aarlea of mmat the Grecian Next Wednesday '!' Li Imffi.-- - i. luí- k. IU Enid Marfyey and Howard Hickman, at the Grecian Tomorrow ofimmoral,

aironr naturalhut permlllo--


neither valnnorrreeitum

i a ram ummanrd 'called boneof trtlon aa an arUat or aoTM- vparhaa admlrr trie thief eaj.lnlt. tntan" Uw.lenrlea ahe eny.) t a maarultna

and It v to torate bar fnrtheir rMff. liberty of ai turn and permita her love Tor a

Pal, thrnuati tut to help the poor man of wealth and eOciel attndlnr o comfcn1 w.y ano lo keep her prumlee to bar plefely dominate be? conductuní. paeeea throurh malty adventnrra. Enid Markev it equally food In the dim

bet outwitting k. ni nr helping them out cult role or a tin who tnbmll In nriainf tia-i- hol. Pat roeer a yonnr rontbar uaatre. who. on that very account, win- - tjiemil her baby h U fottowln the rather aame mm In marriage We prefemof i'ii- i hlld and in new bride, wealthy woman be cm true! to the one who thowteoriety lrl The tlrl tlli bar atory to that aba i an not trail hervir, though ahaPat, who balpn bar by taking (be wira'a. l rapante or perilunate arfettlon. and depearla and making tb.. huahanr) buy thrm votaoloyalty Though more Intente, inorehark for her fur len tBnuaand dollar, which deeply In love, abe l dlacirded ror tinI f lurna over to tha young mother toward ake or a girl who It leneHi ' of bar child. demonatrallve oeiauae or tn' reatrlll

In her new Itome" In Amerha Pat tari I aocial ruatom. Through an accident, which

i.Ht with a naw ayatem. that or helping caueee temporary loa of memory and kHJit. malea by alcalina Irnm Ihr rlrh. r4' Mty. the man It thrown completely Into Hie

letn wmild hava Involved other who handa of he "other woman." and prome innocent, ao the alwaya lert the pur-

pleclaimed in another part or the world at her

inank after each theft or adventure ao huiband.tin- police would know that It wa dune by Aalde from the dramatic element in Uila

i.rie peraon. picture. Thomaa H. luce baa ataged rail

road wreck thai la laid to be one or theI'at later tegalnt the largral part of her tbownmoat thrilling trenes of It kind ever

euM'a fortune and retiirnlnit bar trainIn motion plrturea. A paasengerun repent and cant anide her nightwith a rrelrht In the dead ur

"ayalem." "The Purple Maak" eirect on theand the rollition and the aftera nonentity and the highly rcaperiahle Mra. two tralnt are tbown with ylrld reallam.I I lllip kelly takei her place. The Female of the Bptvlaa" wUl.be hown

at the oreclan theater two day a, .


Phone 1500 THE GARDENThe Saunet Vriwi trotrwn

'THE BETTER MAN"Tw6 Part Drama



THE TUTTLE PAINT aft THE SHOW WORTH WHILKGLASS COMPANY A DIMEIn wrltlnr "The Kemale or the Speele." i deeper than a character contraat aa tbown .the bounds of aortal usare, the n'thrr dar-h- ITS

l Mart aiaataa. Pkeaei nt.lt. author, fttuaeil B. Bmltb, hat jrunflhy two women, one keeping-- safely within lnir to tlep over the line In obedience to

.jfyB" Tin: QMDOIAK has contracted for some ofTHE MOST IMIORTANT I 11. Ms NOW ON THEYour the Grecian! MARKET EVERY WEEK FROM NOW ON WILL

Viola liana. I tin hint-ea- little ttar on urenea In the n ..i tlieatera of London, Keep Eye onaa dannlna Pan. and l vividly ijortrayed, FIND NEW AND BIG M Hl'llists ON THE GRE-CIANHroaii o." Mt a

aj well at the let brilliant but equally SCREEN YOC Wnjj NOT WANT TO MI88 Aaaiiliraltn before the Edltoa rnanakemenl .Maniato lire In the pea.anl CoÑtfM and KINGIiE ONE OF THEM, SO AGAIN WE SAYkerauaded liar lo deert the finitlia-ii- for Uoiaact cauqit "KEEl VOI R EYE ON THE GRECIAN"the cámara. Tim training alenda luir in apttvatiiik Utile mía Uaná It van ntvpood irui in tin- - latest Dim atteceaa, at pretalve In the powarful lanolioiiul roM hathe 'ule an arlc.-t- ot la railed upon to I in tin- - picture, and

who rould the rnoat (Ian. are nutrvi-l- ol lieautyaaootlonal power dance varonía -

dirriruii hutaiaa nyurei, in thin picture anil K''iih or terpaliliorean art. This n TODAY ONLY! TOMORROW and TUESDAYMit halla playa Hie pari or a peasant girl it hated on Jame ipeiihi iiii rele-b- i COMMENCINGVUo becomet the favorite dancer of the Had itory, The Coaaark Whip" and will VyV VOAfainou "Bullel Huate," the riar'l troupe be .limvii at the oreiian three days i

OUR FRlfcND KIPLING SAID "THE FEMALEol lmpei l.il culi 1. un. ilc tile Wadnaaday. Brand New WednesdayOF THE SPECIES IS MORE DEADLY THAN THE

Harold Lockwood and May Allison in "The River KEYSTONE MALE."

And So Tomorrow We DAof Romance" at the Unique Next Thursday

Will All Go to See"SAFETYFIRST" "The Female HERE













IN THIS O.NM In thin picture HireA THOS. H. INCE PRODUCTION. doen a toe dance Uaat


LAUGHTER FOR A DIME mirror dance that lanot only a dlatinet nov-elty,And but Is literally the

the ITS THE OLD. OLD STORY THAT 18 EVER NEW THE poetry or motion and an artta- - x tempestuousSTORY OF LOVK THE LOVE OF A GOOD WOMAN AND Uc accomplishment ofThrills A BAD A PL'RE LOVE AND ONE THAT IS IMMODEST beauty .... sloryofalife

Thrown A MTORY OF ONE MAN AND TWO WOMEN AND Alan her part calls for heavy lhatHOW VIRTI E TRH'MI'HN OVER VICE PRESENTED emotional work and she 1 equal msin IN THE I Sl'AIi HIGHLY AIM IKI It AND INTERESTING to every whim abe la called r VIMWithout MANNER THAT IS EVIDENCED IN ALL TRIANGLE upon to portray

L WtWMW,....' IMCTCHES. NOTE: llepurt from rxbttiitors theExtra rountry ovrr Inillrate that Nlaa arijhtFulDana'a popularity Li nrmdliig that nl

lUkoLb lut k n uou jut aivKu or kouAM Charge all wall koowa Tavorltrs or the gin reiribulionMm darlna of two ueh fearlet playera aa tie aei.

rHI- HIM II ol HOMtM K" k I an. MN .Milton PIUIit by

Wl MM t hill alia-- .M" I jiiki uatert me followed byHMii 'I l.i ii. rriint drownmv and aeiitatlonal

Hernial. Hilan i l.caier Mimn ,,.,, ,. vi'l Uiromh Ihe fabrli of beautyHenri havldton L WtC ailieiiliire wi.n-- the scarlet or aaWpiien W Hhai he I

dellfhlful love tlory.powerriil andlire hi n Will erinMra Maiml.le III Ululare In Hie HniT ..I llomillice" the heM, Wll- -

Wlll.-rb- l.tnian ""l'1'' " Mam iiain iH'ir to nun. ..ii- - atarfiÍOlll Witherhee Phil Matl'ni 1. make tome money on hit own ae-

Utlel dan i.ii wHa Hat aid of a decrepit

WAI IM ' HM Ml i aUIKtN ALHAMBRA TODAY ONLY!uer u. i .r ho lilt iialriui-i- lamuaiii orgVKOpaia hit IdrntH call him 'aui While mal

tcra are in Hilt thape, to the rerlon of the

"The llnei nt lioioam - win un.loulitedlv m Lawrence and lie- Ihousauit Islandprove Hie rootl iKaiular photoplay that the i onu s dalnlv Hosallnd i lulim i s, a widelyawo delirhtfnl iai, Harold lorkwooil and arnl from v VoftJ

Hay Mhsoii. I. an ol made -r the Milm; he .lelnrhle.l ullli (ag thouatl THE ACCOMPLISHED ARTISTEproritm II '.I'mIiii i d h Un ilk- i, m o u n - t.tin et in.r to think he la a

BfporajloD and provldaa a wealth or ad- - burfrlar. Mow the. an expert on tnyMMd,

vantuie for lliet truly adveuluroui tiara, Ui lilt rnaeue. whan hit one cyliuderWith much I riifhl. clean humor well nil down and tavet mm rnini the

The Thousand lalandt, In the HI l.awmiu e runllre of hit purtilaraj ho both narrowlytiter, the iieanii or North America, cti ape drowtunif. and how he finally i arrie-- .

furni-hr- s many aloruuia aettlnr for this her away in Hue rave man style before dl

aaraeii iiiasicii.n which it uinnalied in tuliniiK hl Idtntliy, ai unir r the

IM acenic beauty. The swiftly nun iur itory dei. Mili Ii uutka "f "TIN Hlirr ur IN A TENSE, TRUE-TO-LIF- E STORYit full of incidrnlt that absolutely ilemajul ma 'M a atury ur -

General Synopsis of "The Purple Mask," "A Woman Alone". a Serial, Showing at the W igwam

Written by tbe Celebrated Playrigbt Wlllard MackOver 1.UU0 ra ilrllrlitad aw who ban anuhbrd bar at in, u intrudurtlon.

wlmb H)in( ! hrr pooaj arter Hie liall toaar a day wiMi "Tb I'urplo Maak."

aa anuvu at tlu Wirwam It I probably atieakluvher aunt'a



iiotirnOn enterlnr

tlai butlerher PRESENTING THAT WHICH MIGHT OCCUR TO ANY WOMANme ruuuuaal ad niuat iiiantarular riMiui I'at diarovera tbat tbr Jf m i have

taai luu yet bi'i-- produoad Tba aubaa teaa really atolen and ampcrun Uu- Lutlar, abe beraell atrlaa a or thaiquina i i 'I all ba pracadad by aalum and roUowl nun to Uie Latin guartar. ALICE BRADY, WHO TAKES THE PART OF THE UNHAPPY YOUNG WIFE WHO LEARNS HER LESSON BY PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE,

ajruupala ao thoaa who rr uurorhiMla Pail CUM kelly. hired by Mra. Van n r, HAS A PART TO WHICH SHE IS SUITED IN EVERY RESPECT. SHE IS IN EVIDENT SYMPATHY WITH THE VARYING MOODS OF THEsoouab to mlaa ttw opnnina noca can read and kuuuina nuilunr or rat a part In Hie '

CHARACTER INCIDENTALLY SHE WEARS VERY BECOMING FROCKSrulliiwa butlrrJrwel tkefl. (lie to tbatoe a.My uudcratand alory.Aparhr .ion. Pat, iin her aunt'a Jewalt,

fea abuwa at tna Wlrwa-- avary Motuiay. raeovered, bumpa into In in dropptuf toa!aVtariy told th alory vt "Tna Purple Maak' jwel.i at ma laat.toll - ' The mil luoruioir kelly i. turna Mra. Van Admission i Twenty-fiv-e CentsfairIrla Moa lea, aociaty Hrl and niaee Nuya' Jewela and mreunr I'al. raiuarka onof Mm aaltby Urauor Van Muya, taáea bar llkeoeaa lo Jtte aparbe tlrl. Sogaaifear aunt'a Jewela u fool IieiarUve krlly. tirnr later Mra Van uya loaea bar for-- i

Mme. Petrova in The Black Butterfly-Uniqu- eTODAY



r murknlilY rmumur. Hit ti n reaping a re warn of anmefnlng like I htin- -

Valetta Surratt Plays Heartless Woman, Who Scruples at Nothing The Wigwam Offers Comparison Between Two invivid


Uwhe wltl



InlTlnrtlw iiriiro

rw. eireii and aeventy five thnnaanrt dollar a

to Gain Her Own Ends, at the Alhamhra Friday and Saturday Popular Actresses Mary M. M inter and Mary Pickfordinil. juM h m it h.




the newa

yearbiMe-h- 1

lite girtedago



With the New Year the annually troublewith enial wartnth totalling mora

aorne report or r.harlte i'haplln'a nalarythan a million dollar. i:n this be true -

rlw in bother im all onre more. Willi hanrtuSB mm SI on heart- - hid frtenii. arnim that he I now aowlne graeionm

ELaaV aaavJaawiaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEJS


WIGWAM TODAY ONLYWl 9 IHea hi 1 Mutual Weekly No. 105

iff Hp5 It ia ao new that the Mutual haa not had time to get out preaamatter, but we know it is good and ab do you.

ETHEL GRANDINin "Indiscretion 99

A multiple reel production based on a timely topic.


The Wigwam this week has another spletr mem implied to the detriment or her own Third episode of the best serial ever issueddid lot of bookings. It olTera a comparison haracter.between two popular actresses. Mary Miles c. being confronted with l. irrite'Mlnter and Mary Plekfnrd. The latter statement, sees a chance for blackmail, and "The Purple Mask"accredited with being the moni dfnttl unit what he says is true, offergreatly beloved and most popular creen lug to marry the child for a large sumncir. ss In the world, hut Mary Miles M-oler

pW low- Just as ranre had agreed U

has many rrlends Mist declare she - paj Mm the e lo ae Mtelte's repu Featuring the popular starsdainty and clever as utile Mary,' lallon. the real motion or the baby np

ir not more so. Thursday and Friday Mary peered on the scene, filled with remorseA woman without hurt or emotions. wtu Through Rudolph Paricms. a young man to Carney, and she tells hün or her Miles Mlnter wtH be seen in "The and demanding return of her child. Grace Cunard and Francis Fordwrerkx the Urn or two mm, mil Drlnrs who lives by hit wits, she tries lo lure Intention. or Lfcette," while Mary Mdtford relic's fight to retain the baby turns

un happiness Into tier own boms, is toe rhr-arte- r Agnes away from her husband. She pre-

vailsCarney Martw HI. Speculations. will appear in the big Artcrait production. liirflcult situation into a hearty laugh and

wblrh Valeaka S u rait portrays In ber on the wire to go out with her one Carney, overjojed at the Up, begins buy-ing

"Tbe pride of the clan." The manage sustain the reputation of Mary Miles A good comedy will also be this bill.new William Fox photoplay. "Jealousy." night, while Carney I away. Parsons Is in B. II. R. til Martin has learned that ment or the Wigwam urges Its patrons to Mlnter as an artiste par excellence onAt the begtnntng or toe story Anne mar-

riesthe machine '.vltb them, and .Anne arranges his wire knew about the scheme and see. bo til or these charming young women "The Pride or the Clan.-- as Its title In

Peter Martin (Walter Law.) She does that the party be forced to pirt up rur the changes tactics. The result Is that Carney and make a comparison. Urates. Is a Scotch story and It is sghinot love Martín, but she marries him be-cause

night at a Parsons signs on U ruined completely. In ails rage, he"The Innocence of l.lzette" Is faarlnat in "Little Mary" never appeared to bet

she can thus sare ber rather the register, "R. Parsons and wife." thinks that Anne has purposely tricked him, alet- advantage than she doea In her kilt! WEDNESDAY ONLY

Ing story with big scenes in u.many(Oeorgw Adams) front ram. and because the When Carney returns, Anne tells him or and he goes to her, IttHbUS. While he 11

synopsis olio - with her beautiful hdone hair loose overman she really lores. Roland Carney (Curtis the register. He verifies ber Inrorinatlon there. Anne sees MarUn returning. her shoulders. Like "Less Than tbe Dust,'Benton) would be unable to support ber In She thinks she sees a change lor revenge. Ashby Kerne, one time famous actor, died, the production Is a Mg one. There areand starts home in a rage. He rinds ar-

son.- "The That Hold"the luxury to which she has been an us wlthla wire. Wben tbe younger man She tears ber clothing and lets down her having a little daughter, Llwtle. to Ma super!) natural scenes taken at rock Mar Eyestcaned. hair: then she turns out the lights and care or Granny Page, an old retainer of ine withmvs thai the husband has returned, lie bichead. Mass., scenes at sea a stormscreams. Martin enters. Anne shrieks Keene family.

Carney, disappointed, turns ror comfort to leaps to a balcony outside Agnes' window. raging and wonderful sets and Interiorsanother irlrl, Agnes Maynard. He soon finds The sudden burden ron es tbe supports lo

loudly thatmerely

Carney had been attacking her. Itetle remained a member of the Page The cast which aiippurts Miss i'lckford Is This is one of the most sensational episodes in the whole seriesturn be is in love u Ajroes. and be mar-ries

give way, and Parsons rails to tbe ground, Martin smiles, produces the B. H. household, brought up lu an atmosphere or or more than ordinary tnterest Tbe leadber. Meanwhile Unne has tired of ber a ul wood piercing his side. He,

H. memorandum, and tells Anne that he lai purity, until taken a fancy to by Ing man Is none other than Matt Moore of complete stories issued under the head ofknows ail about ber scheme. Then he turnsmock married life, and lias steadily pur-sued

has Just time to breathe' a confession of 1 Henri Faure, millionaire philanthropist and Mary's own . The ramouia pollry or overlooking her husband. Agnes' innocence to Carney, when be dies.

to Carney. widower, who. desiring lo adopt Hie child. stage star. Kathryii Ijruwne Decker, whMartin is Infuriated at ber treatment, but "Voii have been puulahed enough," be decides to make her his heiress. has also been a big hit In pictures, bas a

Foiled In this attempt to lure Carney i) - "1 have ruined you. That Is my re-venge. "The of Paris"he Is powerless. I.isetle, returning to the Fail re home after splendid society part In the picture, other Vampiresaway. Anne now tries new tactics. She Go."

Jealousy Beg Ian Its work. a visit to (iraimy Page, appears with a bahy In the cast are Warren Cook, who made aknows that he has been steadily losing on Carney returns to bis bonie, to begin the

In her arms, which she bas found on the name for himself on the stage In "WayWhen, later, Anne finds that Carney is tbe stock exchange, through Martin's at-tempts

long struggle all over.Faure but which she insists la io ii Kasl." and who has been in the sup-

portliving happily with bis wire and baby, she to ruin the man lie knows in- - wife Then MarUn packs his clothes, bids bis doorstep,

Iter that if she she of Pauline Fredericks In many or hergrows jealous, and decides to win the man loves. Anne rinds a memorandum on her wile good night, and tells her he Is going .own. rearing saysround it she will not be in it. screen successes; Edward Hoseiuan. whotack to ber. Her first scheme is an attempt husband's desk: "Corner B. H. It. Stock." to leave her rorever. Anne falls senseless permuted keep THURSDAY AND FRIDAY

Faure Is bonified at the situation and supported Mrs. Leslie Carter In IMVtMla make him suspicious or bis wire. Sbe knows this inrorinatlon will be belprul to the Hour.demands to know the name of the child's versh f "Ini Harry; Joel nay.father, Lltette declaring that Dan rrye, a his portrayal of President Lincoln, and The most charming little lady on the screenflashy man about town, who had attracted many others or equal note.her attention, was tbe rather or tbe child, see the two Marys and see how their work

Alarcon Spanish Troubadours Co., Theater but having no realisation what her state - compares.At Garden Soon i

Appears at the Crawford Theater This Week. ' MaryMiles MinterNews of the Plays and Players

In that delightfully naive comedy dramaat the Bijou Theater Weekly

r' aaflbkv Jaaaata.7 V 1 I ll'aaaMaüiÍ! Within the past week, k'alemites working the "Orant" company working, lays that "The Innocence of Lizette"kin - slum- - nring out sucn large crowoein Uien studio at oienoalofCalirornla, were

aaaaaaaaaaaaB-feb-- , 8aj; 9 tjjjfflajj jPB ÍaTWJaiSBi that special police protection Is ttecesaaryeame first arnased, then by the to keep the camera "lane" clear of, people.antics or an wildcat that Fhis is one of the very best pictures in which Miss Minter haacame down from is mountain retreat to To have been a resident or San Fran-

ciscoIemH3m forage for rood. Apparently the animal during the earthquake and rire thai appeared and the Wigwam management urges all of her adkaaaaaavl'fifl ekVV JaaaaamsaaaaaaaPa v 'JamMi aaas sjaeuat raawi was made hold by Its ravenous hunger ror laid the low a few veins ago- is goingÍÍ aaaaV aalaaaaaammaaaamri ' saaaaaaaaaawVaaaV,aaaaav7 aW TaaVi R JwKkH Iaaaafsaaaar9HSaaaa?V JaarsS It paid not the slightest attention to tbe to be rjulte a help to in r Jollies W mirers and those of Mary Pickford to see it and compare her Ipeople In and around the outdoor stages, Home, of Kalem. Home Is working on anuntil us green eyes angnieu upon i ricas, episode or "The Girl From Frisco" that calls and her work with that of Miss Pickford,Marin Sals' pet Cog. for art earthquake. It la reasonable to sup-

poseA crouch, a swish or its furry tall, and ih.it tbe effect- - he will secure will he who appears Saturday.poor Tricks was bo more. With a sob,HHIÉÉI MUs Sals (the lilri from Frisco, called milHh Í,"""JSBkfJjasa..' aiataaVaB from her point or vanlage stop a "property" clothes press ror some brave hero toavenge her loss, bat Curses! not one or SATURDAYthe studio guns or revolvers were loadedwith anything more death dealing than CRAWFORDblank cartridges, and so. not a man thereIn sight or the recent tragedy moved todo her bidding.

Hut the morrow was another day. Armed NARY PICKFORDwtlh regulation steel 'straps and rairly THEATERweighted down with loaded rirearms. Marinand Ronald Bradbury hiked rives mile- - intothe mountain- - back of the studio ami be WEEK JAN. 7lleve It or not to date they have raptured1 "America's Sweetheart," in her latest Artcraft offering,

' rive cats. Two were so vicious that Starting Today Matliioe. 3 P. M.KEAI) THE WANT A US killed Ihem. The other three are nowon exhibition In a cage at the kaleui initioand Miss Sals has promised to rnrward a ALARCON'Spicture of II tin to bear mil her hunting

1 ' eaa.aaWexejBssssajaaaaaaaaaam story. SPANISH "The Pride of the Clan"George larkln, who has been christened TROUBADORS

by motion fans llie iMuiileman uafraid." wants his admirer- - to know that WITH SK.VORIT AI the thrills he creates In kah-- pictures are The sweetest story of her entire screen careerf ! Texas Grand 1 O strictly

It la comparativelyon the level.

easy pi "fake" a thrill ROSA ALARCONbv substituting dummies or In showing The FnniouM Mpan!nh Hoauty Come the Matineeonly th lieginnliig Mid the ending or par toticular sones, uui uus pracuce 19 lanoocu HINGING, PTjAVINC. DANCINGSATURDAY NIGHT, JAN. b lie dtrerlor or "Oram, Police Reporter. ' Knuti, Hpantflh, Italianthe aeries ror which Larklus regularlyrisks HU life. "A NIGHT IN OLDA communication rrom Jacksonville where

MADAME MADRID" SPECIAL NOTE Do not fail to see both Mary

2 Other One "A" Acto Miles Minter and Mary Pickford and compare their

Management TT1IW1 DATUC Comedy "id work- - We consider them equally good. Do you?SCHUMANN Woifsohn MusicalBureau rH I nC Travelogue

No Increase in PricesSHOWS 'Foil tA Star S and 180 P. M.. l(i and JOoTHE WORLD'S 7 :S0 and P. M 10c, Sc and

FOREMOST CONTRALTO -- HEINK TODAY He. Phone TEXAS GRANDLillian DrewPRICES Boxc' 3 00 Entire Lower Floor and Firat Four Rowa of Balcony, $2.50. 6 NIGHTS AND 3 MATINEES

Laat Five Row. $1 .00Balcony, $2.00. Cilery,t WO) be seen in a Black Cat STARTING TODAY MATINEE, 2iS0 P. ML

Mall Orotera Aisxjmpeniesl by Check aad Ktaunped Keiurn Kavetope Will Be Takea fare .of la Order aReceived After tbe Rearular Meaeon Kenerv-aUoo- Have Been Made. Feature. A pichare com-

plete FAREWELL WEEKin rtaetf. "No Serial."Sale of Saats will be opaaiad to tbe public Thursday, January 11, at 1 P. M., at the Box OF '

Office of tbe Crawford Theater. Phone 3966."Henry Mordock," tbe fun-n- y Nilton Schuster and His

comedian, in a good com-edy, and ChorusDancing


Charlie Chaplin "A Modem Cinderella"Gale in one of her thriUktcSelwyns of Laughter MABEL NORM AND


Fair and "Geitieaeii of Nerve" A CARNIVAL OF FUNWarmer Don't Miss This PATHE"CHRISTIE"


i weghint,25c TO


of All

Comedy Popsalar Prioa latatbaee Wedaeaday, 2,30 P. M

Program Today Maaa Mate at (aaavfurtl Taiiar laua U(NrftiaaM Me.Times' Want Ads Bring Results MUTT AND JEFF


Hope Almost AbandonedWhen She Found Remedy

frí-SM-e Society Dr. CtüdwdTa Syn PMn Rawrm Ckramjc Ctn of

After a long; period of BufferingffMI.1 rtRti. L M. report on Jniiry 3rd. Mr. OuescnberrT i am Biatlon, Pmr. I.urher t otter Ruthin Bhé win return to her tchool alt ployed in Roswell for aeveral motitha, la with liver and bowel trouble thai

mu recently pd the eiminuon nd ra at idscuaaion. Emerson after the holidays. spendlnr the holidays with the borne folks. brought on plica, during which eheK. C. Brewster cme rmni Hurley Sunday the appolntcment leccind lleutcn on The Ran re Cow and Her rutare Mlaa Irene Williamson haa rone to Bit! rmfestor and Mra. O. ft. Oable entertained triad remedie without obtainta spend the day with mend. Ha waa anl In the U. I, army and he. with num Dean W. L carlyle. spnnr to vleit frlenda and rrlatlvet. Ihe frethmen elaaa of the Harerman Hlrh

manyguest at the oilnani home wtitlr hará. her nf fitlwr sppotnteei. will receive pr 9 W Dltruaalon nean went to El Paao Monday on erhont. Thuttday eveninr Ing relief Mrs Mary J. Jewell, of

Mr. nr wstei i. an elumnlt nr Blata col-

lege,limlnary instruction ai thli school beror 4 0J Judrinr Bear Cattle. (Demonstratlno buslneat .sine were enj.ive.l s late hour. Barrían Rprinaa. Mich., heard of Dr.

rradiutln with the class of and Joining the oommand lo which he has been at Livestock Barns. Dean W. L. Car Fred Ruthin viaited bom rolk Ktl week. luncheon or fruit talad, cocoa and cake wit Caldwell' flyrup Papain and obtainedlast year wst an assistant In biology lililí Hit command l the Thirty-sev- lyle. i ' Pauline Williamson, who it attendlnr terved by the hostest a bottle from her druggist. Thla elm- -

Rev Hunter Lewi pent Saturday In nth lnfntry. Evenlnt arhool at nir fnrlnr. spent the Frank and Orne Lelion came In Monday pie. Inexpensive laxative compoundII Paw Prank Innn he returned home from El 7 30 The (llrl Who Can, Mrt. Neinc ked with her parenU. Mr. and Mrt. E. K. Wil-

liamson,from their ranch Cap nock to vltlt metida brought almoat immediate relief and

Mr. and Mr. W. F. Terbel arrived In Ma Pim where ha u railed on cconnt r tie Jonet, Arundele, Wisconsin, form at their ranch. Mr. and Mra. Pao! Hayden and children Mra. Jewell wrote to Dr. Caldwellnilla Park on Saturday and ara residing at lh serious Illness of his mother, who p- - er director or borne erooomict. i:ni Mr. and Mrt. neorre Nortworthy and ton left Friday for Arkanaaa. where they will about her oaae.the ciy houte recently arttc.t bv Mr. snd

' 0,1 WY soon, sfter he reseñen her de. veralty or Wlacontln. were rueU of Meed am et joe nardner and locate on a farm near Little Rock. Taw In her latter Mrs. Jewell say. "IMrr s. l. Taylor Tsrbell suereed Mrt. O M. Tntten, In company with Met- - Reception Oeorge Moseley during the holidaya Haydens have lived here for several years had tried eo many thing for the

T Weilrt, resigned, mstrurtnr In prar- dam Í. A. Rweat, C. W. (Oeb) flerher and Thursday. January ll. forenoon Waller Rushin spent aeveral daya here and htve made many friends, who will miss pile, without being helped at all, I

Hral meehenict at Stair collar. Rurnett, baa returned rmm Kerning where Peedlnr Wlrn Sheep and l amba. latt week with his family them from the neighborhood had about given tip hope of everMr i H Tollón scnmpanled Captain they were Joined by Captain Tntten and Dean W. L. carlyle. Mlaa Philomel Cox' pupils rave quite a linger niioti motored down rrom Dexter any better. I knew It waa the

Teuen aj far aa El Paso on wia way bark Burneii, and attended tba Mr Hew Year I0:lt Dtacuttlon. nice program Friday nlghl to raise money Monday. condition of my bowel that censed natural way, without griping, or oth-erramp in id NWIMt, afur spending t.beil 10 n How the Farm Loan Acu Will Pene to buy pictures for their tchool room. The The Mlaset Ditto, who htve heen spending them, and after I had taken a bottle pain or discomfort.

Marrv ChriUna i homi with his fam and Mrs. Elser, sr.. the parents of rit the Farmer. Prof. J. H. Vauirhn. following program wai given: the Christmas vacation with the hotels folks of your Syrup Pepsin I knew It waa Druggists everywhere sell Dr. CaldSr. W. I.. Klr of this place, have arrived 11 It Mediation. Chorua "Welcome Bong," by the glrla. near i.aae Armor, came in tonnay o juat the medicine I needed. I am well's Syrup Pepsin for fifty nente

It :S0 What the Collera I Dolnr ror the Reading Parker csrson school very grateful to you for sending me bottle. To .avoid imitations and in-

effectiveMitt Carman ciinam returns to El Paao from nailon. OMo, on visnt to their ton lhelr alndtee al the s. D. A.

Monday afternoon Ui resume re school and his family. Farmers, pret Id em neo. E. l.add. I Solo Mabel Love, Arthur Bmllh and Letter Cox, of Roiwett, the little book the advice and In substitutes be sure you getwork in that city, after ten delightful daya Fail Taylor was the iruaat of honor at Afternoon: heading Gladys Cammark. were Hajrerman viittort Saturday. struction It gives vsould teach any Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pevsln. Seeat lha home nf her psrentt, .r. and Mr. an elaborate dinner riven by Mlftes Mona 0 Swine Diseases ond Their Control, cowboy drill By the boy. School opened Monday morning after a one how to get well and how to keep that a facsimile of Dr. CaldwelVa sig-

natureW. S oniism and its Rlrkruon bernre his departure Dr. J. E. Olbeon, II, i. veterinarian, Reading Melba Rogers. week's vacation at the putllc acbool and well." and his portrait appear on theMian 7e imnakls'in ha- - returned from for Mannattan, Kanaaa. where he Is a stud-

entt at Dlacutainn. Piano solo Earllne Petrosa. also at the s. p. A. tchoot. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a yellow carton In which the bottle I

El Pao where he vlallad for several at the Kansas sítate Arrtculturai S on ilrowlnr and peedlnr Hor for Mar-

ket,Reading Elva Ruthin. Ml Rote Micbelet. who teachea on the combination of simple laxative herbs packed. A trial bottle, free of charge.

days. Dean W. L. Carlyle. Piano solo Wert Love. Jr. Zimmerman ranch, apant Christmas with the with pepsin, free from ophite or nar-cotic

can be obtained by writing to Dr. Wt:e Dleruaelon, led by neorre M. Clark, drugs, and is mild and gentle In Caldwell, 455 Wanhtngton St..and ReadingVirion Rlerkwrll h returned, from Mo-

gollónBert Parker, from Hachlta. Harry -- Pearl Cretep. home rolk.

where he apant tlx- holidays, and li siTiitn frotn Hir sprlnrs, Taiaa, have4:11

Mesilla,Hor Judrinr

N. M.Demonstration, at L1V4V

Solo Earllne Petroa. Miss Helen MeBrid. who it employed in Its action, bringing relief In an easy, Montlcello. Illinois.wain at home at Mrt. 'dinger to the Park In return their school

L.Reading Wet Love, Jr. the Lake Arthur ichool, spent the Christmasetoek bams. Dean W. rrlyl.MaxliK- Stevens haa returned from wvrk here after spendlnr the holidays at

Friday. January I, forenoon:Chorus "Negro Bong," by the boys. vacation with the home roiks, Mr. and Mra, Wedneadty evening a bridge party was day nlghl to see his son, Andrew, who was

Mrt. whrc she sprnt the ncllday with their respective hornet.0:30 Balalnr Hurar reeta in the

Mr. and Mrs. Mat strhneeman. or Rig Lake, L. W. McBlid. held, the following being present taken uddenly ill with pneumoniaktr parents, to continua thrnurnout tba Mr. Carrie Paden Phelpt and Mrs

Phil Vrirkton, aanrulturltt. have returned to Uiair home after a vlalt Mlaa Tola Devenport, who haa been III and Mr. Tom Taylor. Mr. Widdll and her here lately.actiool in thr I'ark arbooln, maklnr M. sirulh are at home tMa afternoon lo to bar brother. R. H. Perner. and familyyeai Holly Bufar Co. now it Improving sister. Mra. Moore, of St. Louts: Mra. K. L, Rueul Rrown ha been confined to hisbar noma with her arandmothar. number of lhelr frtend

io i: Dlteuaaton. and Nike Perner. A big New Yetr'i diner was held it the Fonlke, Mr. R. M. Hodgdon. Mr. and Mra bed this week on arount of slrknes.Frank I oran was rallad to El Paao Sun Mr. R. Anderaon came In Tuesday

10:30 The Advanures of Dalrylnr. CapUtn Miss Florence Penley. who hat been at-tending

Stokes ranrh. near cap Rock. A number of Cotton, Mr. and Mrs. Nordhaus, Mr. and Mr. J. T. Patrick has resumed her schoolafternoon to attend tha bciUtda of bli mornlnr from D I'ato and will be the gsiest tchool at Stanton, la herday Thoa. Franklin, manarer of the El visiting llegerman young people were in attend Mrs. Pollard, Dr. and Mra. Molr. Refresh work after an Illness.

mother. I rlrml- - and relative do not enter-tain

or Mrs. citcar Snow for tteveral dayt.. Paao Dairy. parents. Mr. and Mr. Joel Penh v ance. menta were served Raymond Jonet has been sick thla week

miii-- hone rnr bar raeovary. Mrs. Tom Intall and little ton, Tom Bill11:11 Discussion. Prof. W. H. Moore la on the lick list thla Mra. H. P, Burch. who has been lck for Mr. Emm R. Tyler returned rrom Chi-

cagoY. N. Edwards baa been Indisposed dur-

ingMlaaef re la KICBDlt and Hose Walker are here from Kerrvllla, Teta, to vltll at week.11:30 Farm Sanitation and Dltlnrectanta on the past week, I now Improving. tbi week, where she ha been (pend-ing

the week.ware th- rnaatl or Mr. ii C, Maehln and the home of her rather and motber, Mr. and nutsle Parker returned Tueaday from a Calvin Lake Arthur T. thethr Farm, Dr. J. E. nibaon. Graham, rrom near everl month visiting friend. J. Pi tunan, who has been sick ather litter. Mr kenneth hlley on a motor Mrs, o, it. neamea. vltlt to friends :nd Valentine.relative it1t:lt Diacutilon. was a Hagerman visitor Monday Zenu I8oo and A. D. Tyler apent New logging ramp, la improving.trip to I Paao sturday. Mrs. Riley I A social ratherlnr was held Thursdtv af-

ternoon,W. H. Moore viaited El Paao )at week.11:30 Noon. Tanner, who haa been quite sick Year in El Paao. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pender bar had the

here from Pelen, N M and the Wlp wan when Mr. Carrie Paden Phelpt clarence ofAfternoon. Ellison, Van Horn, apent tha for several days. Is now improving. Among those who attended the officer' la grippe this week.rindrr " on of and Mrs. M. M. smith entertained a num-

bernlade in her new arcount Blanco.holidays inÍ.00 By product or Ihe Dairy Industry, A Tine shower fell Saturday evening which New Year' ball at the Auditorium Mon-

daythe rernt rain, s little trouble was en-

counteredor Uielr rrlenda at the phelpt home. Mia Huggelt. or El Paao. haa returned to H AFFORD, ARIZ.I. has dustR. W. alta, tute arenl in dalrylnr considerably abated the nuisance night were Colonel Schrelner, Majorthe BUM near Hie Various and rheery conversationon way runet El Paso after spending the holiday witht:4S Dtacuttlon. Mr. and Mrs. Rjclj carter and children Coffin, A. W.Hoiiahion ranrh. where several car ware made the afternoon put all too quickly,

3.00 Dairy attic show and Judrthr her parents here. Rev. and Mrs. Iluggetl who have been visiting relatives in Carl Brock,captain



laaack.Tueaday afternoon, January t, Mrs. E. H.

found Up be already tied up on aeount of nerraehmenta were servad. Thoee who en-

joyedat Livestock Barna, In B. 0. Parker and family went to Valentine bad, have returned home.

Captain Larson entertained the Tueaday Bridgethe mini. Friend ranie 10 Ilia renene, how-ever,

these ladles' horpttallty were Lieutenant McSherry, Lieutenant and Mis. club it her home. thoseto spend Christmas with his motber and Among enjoyingcharre or Prof. June Meeks. Judret: Mr. and Mrs. E. Reed entertained a pies Earl Lieutenantand the difficulty wai soon over-

eóme.Vaufhn. Ilarerty, Bowen. Barnes, sisters

Clyde Ely, Holt, Lieutenant the occasion were Mr. H. J. Warner, Mrs.LaVW.''tut Thot. Franklin and n. nt Christmas party at their home on WashTarbel. EUer, ar., and Mr. W. Elser, Slmpaon. Mra. and Miss E. C. Abbott. Dr. Arthur Ferrln, Mr. W. R. Chambers, Misssid Nabors Rlanca visitorwas a during ington ranch. A delicious Christmaa dinnerThe rniieae inderii who remained In the Boat, t add. Meeka, Ooddard. Matneson, Frayser, Mra. Loving, Dr. Sinclair. Miss Alberta ColPon. Ml Katie Foster. Missfnr i wound with lhelr Beaumeitter, Walker, C. F.. Locke, Hitch-


Saturday. January is, rnrenonn: the holidays. was enjoyed by ihe following guests: Mr Marylou Swop and Mis Blair, Ul of co-

lumba.park BOUdtyi up Mary Tucker. Mrs. Kate Jennings. Mrs. R.:9n sociaitzinr nnrai i ire. riev. I. i., ai- Ml Ruth Pool nd W. L. Cars paid El and Mrs. Tommy Heed, Mr. and Mrs. Qulncywith danre at the "rytn" Nnrr and Rustell, and Mlttet Pearlmerry makinit a J Young. Mr. R. w. Flaher and Mrs.lance. La Crurea. Paso a Isli last w eek need, of nexter: Mr. and Mrs. J. S. WranoMiller. TlUsaell. Morsa and Donaldson. Mr. and Mra. C T. Child have a littleTueaday nir'it Alice Worden. Refreshment were served10:30 Conuigioua Abortion, Dr. J. E. Olfcv T. D. Love and sons. Prince and Judge,of left ror EI Paao Friday sky. Misses Annie, Winnie and Sylvia bom at the home or the9. E. Walker received newa yeaterday Hawet iiarrlt (on, Saturday and when cores were added it was roundaon. and others went lo Port Worth on1h death m iu rnutln. Mrs. Mary mornlnr ror a several dayf vint with 11:m Dlculon.


Sunday Wrsnosky, Henry Houdek. of Kansas, and mother's parents, Mr. and Mra Sim Hoi that Mrs H. J. Warner had the- - highestMuter Willie and Ernest Wranosky. TheFl rn-- old. Mrs. friendt. rteln.in asnear core ror the arternoon knd awardedwas1' Su Handllnr Calves and Raitlnr Heifer. II. H. iie.te, and family moved to their dinner was given In honor 'of Mr. and Mrshome la In Marra. Teias. and he Prank Frenger. a ttiiflem or state ct.neire Boston could not have done a finer act thr first prize. The next meeting of theCapL Tho. Franklin. ranrh near the river Tursda)was vUlliiip hei am In the Pasa City dur-In- r last year and for aeveral yean Crurlfer for Tommy Reed, who were married several or New Year's entertaining than .Homing club will be at the home of Mrs. H. J.12 ithe i In litmas holidays at the time of mi. Jamet' Boys' choir, has returned to Roa. Mrt. carter ha been quite sick, but l days berore Christmas. Mrs. Reed waa for exemplified last Monday afternoon. Warnsr Tueadiy arternoon, January 1.

her death. well, after a holiday visit home, where he Afternoon. better. merly Miss Mbel Wranosky. Major M. A. Nordhaus and Mra. Nord- - Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brosheais have beenAa the clock truck mldnlg-h- and tha is a student at the New Mexico Military in 1:00 DenionFtratlon of the Maklnr and Bart Parker returned Tueaday from Valen-

tine.Mr. and Mr. William Black have moved haua, as listed by Mrs. Richard Moore, of conrined to their home with a severe casoI'srs of concrete on the Farm, inMew Year wai heuia ushered In to the stitute. Into the Sanford house, in Weat Hagerman. 31. Louis; Mrs. L. O. Tucker. Mrs. fc. L. or grippe.

arromiianlnienl of many bella and whUtles, Nona lllcketton Is lufrerinr rrom charra or Pror. Arthur Barnes, dean Mr. and Mrt. T. D. cook have:moved Into Mr. and Mr. Roy Wotiey and ramlly have Foulke, Miss lone Hodgon and Miss Lur.llethe rectorj wa honored by Its first rallar. blood polaoDtnr In her arm. the result of of anaineerlng. their new home. moved rrom their home in the country to Holt, received the throngs of guests, both

George Blrdno left on the moming trainWeek. Tuesday ror Phoenix to assume his du-

ties,Mr. ami Mi Will t'oe and idiver Lehman, a badly rut flngtr. Mlaa Myrtle Hunter, of AUamore, it Wilt-ing

me Mitchell house, in West Hagerman civil end military, during the arternoonMonday, January 8, afternoon: slier spending the holidays with hiswith Hue. Paao. filenda. They were captain Herrén Is ennnned eg ms noma Mr. Judge Love. W.. N. Green, or Hope, made a bualness Wreaths of mistletoe and red carnationst.00 or Nutrition and Selection SarTord.lo I cruce to spend New Year's with an attack ot plueray. Principles Mr. and Mrs. l.eater Smith, or Vtlenllne, trip to Hagerman Tensday. Mr. Green Is formed the decorations. Coffee, eggnog andramlly in

or Food, Mrs. Nellie Keuzle Jones. were in Rlanc Tueiday and Wedneadty on Mr. Tom Richards was called to the bedday. Mr. H. D. Bowman, who haa been quilo well known in Hagernum, having formerly- cakes constituted the refreshmentsMis Oladys carronn It bark from Sunt III with qulnzjr all durlnr the hnlldayt, la Tueaday, January 9, forenoon: bualness ind visiting friendt. resided here Mahoney, president of the Cham aide or her mother Tueaday, having re-

ceivedFr and I. as Veiri where she has spent' much Improved. 0:30 Demonstration. Baklnr Powder Mi-xtures,

Mrt. c. R. Rogert and children apent scl A. Ruasell ind Uriah Sblrd. or Lake ter of Commerce, and Mra. Mahoney. assist word that she was ill. Mrs. Rich- -

the past week. utile Bammie Herrén, who hat been ill Miss Mildred Fulrhum. eral days In El Paio visiting friends. Arthur, were llHgerman visitors Tuesday ad by Mis Mtry Mahoney, Mr. Thurmond arda left on the Tuesday morning train.A tract nf land cornprlslnr MM ai res In ror aeveral weeka with typhoid, continué The heiectlon of Cookinr Utenslla. Mrs. Uoone Ullpbant, of Uvalde, Is a gueit Herman Sterrm came In from his ranch Mrs. Robert Thornton, Mrs. Henry Hall, Mis Grant Hobln or SoloraonvlUa I spending

Mesilla valley has been secured by C. A. quite tick, hia fever aa yet helnr unbiok-en- . ATternoon: of her father, J. P. English Tuesday she west of town Tuesday. There Clark, Mlaa Katherlne Wammel aud a row daya at the hot aprlngs. toand lecture TableS:00 leu. ittrstinnBurton, a cohmHer with offices InService .and Table Ml

waa Joined by her husband, who Is a ranger Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Young motored to Misa Helen Swope, received during the recuperate rrom a severe case or rheumon which he piirpoaas to settle 900 A rleiiarliCf til New Year't party waa rlvaai Etiquette, now stationed at Valentine. Hosweii Tuesday. tism.arternoon, California peppera and red car-

nationBoHUI families from Illinois and Wisconsin, at the home or Mr. and Mr. Hrancls E. Pearl C. Millar. Thoae registered at the Palace hotel are: Harry Cowan, who ha been quite rfck ror constituting the decorations. Mrs. i. E. Solomon entertained with tby May I The trat Is to be cut up In l.etterin, Metllla Park. The evenlur waa 3:30

NellieImportance of a clean Home, Mr. J A. Gilhtftt, El Paso. Charlie Bcall, Bosque severii aay. is now improving. Refrashmeals Were served. nmliy dinner New Year's sva at her borne

small pan el and made ready for cultiva-- tpent In playlnr old Enrllah fames, aueh Kedtle Jone. Bonn; George Boerstler, Oeear; C IC. The W. C. T. U. conducted their reguUr Amo W. Pollard and Mra. Pollard. asii- - In Soiumonvllle, and 1st In the afternoontlon berore llw farmers are atked to act at "Hunt the Slipper." "ron tne Trenrncr


Wednesday,no Demonstration


10, forenoon:Wtvi of Mak

Barnes. Roswell. N. M. B. F. Onrder, Malta, fifth Sunday exercises. Sunday evening st ed by Mrs. J. 0. Molr, Mrs. Alie stacker. the guests went to the home or Mrs. f.tie upon it. and only rarmera who are "Flshinr In a Jack Horner Pie" for ar-

ticles DishL. Cohen. San Franctaco, Col.; J. M. Noble, tne m. e, church. Special muic by the Ml Una Bedirheck and H. Jirvi Wil Freiidenlhal. where they spent the even-

ingIn. the Intensive cultivation or the that would tell the rate of each, play-

er. llltrhle..in Waahinr Easier, Mitt Oail Washington, D. C. C. C. Alhelí. Alpine; choir, talks and readings on the subject of liams, kept open house. The decorations In game and old- - tune chats, and in-

cidentallysoil arc to lie brnurht. and Uiosc who Thoae present were Mr. and Mr. Wil-

liamPinkney Parker. Bosque Bonita: Ben Brook, "Temperuice" were enjoyed. carnations and rote watching the old year out andconsisted ofht' n.etii In buy and Improve the land. H. Dunn and daurhter, Helen, and Mlaa 10 80 Demonatration Cookery for Invalida, Botque Bonita: Earl cop, Boaque Bonita

pinkthe new year In.

J Howard Waaner, stale superintendent Janice Mack or Kl Paao, Mr. and Mrs J. 0. Mat. Nellie Kcdxle Jonet. J. It Moffett, Baltimore, kHLj R. H. Morrett, Dl MlNl. N. M.Refreshment

The home ofwere


Martha B. Ament was Mrt. Moms Simon entertained her telaor schools, has appointed Mrs. Ruth r Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. DOOOaTO, ATternocB: Philadelphia, Pa: H. J. Buck, Jr., El Paao: Ilive New Year' evening with dinner at3:00 Librarle ror Farm Folk, Ml F'loy the scene of one of the open house recepMiller in Ihe ilae or state supervltor Winifred Crater, ineaMltset Ruth Day, Odón El Paao. S. L. Hard, United herCuida. home. APrlday mostFrench. evening at 8 so'clock, ai the home tion of the arternoon, Mr. Anient being enjoyable evening wisor industrial education. Mrs. Miller Is an Buvem. Meteré. I). E. Merrill. Fred auctter

I M Help In Home Millinery. Miss Helen sutes navy; Franklin T. Burt. .1 State or Mr. and Mrs D. o. Snodgress. took place assisted by Mr. and Mr. Sun wiikms, spent it the family reunion..aulmnus or the sute collere. havinr grad-

uatedand Donald Younr.Richard Buvent I. Thlssell. navy: Mr. and Mrs. Sllverlake aud daughter. ine double marriage of George P. Rosera Wil Bernard Freiidenlhal, who came to spendHudson and Mrs. Maymsthe clatt or IW6. She la well have re Mr. Marywith Mr. and Mrt. Joseph Rlmey

fitted ror her new position, not only by dellrhtrul holiday viail with 3:80 Lecture Dlvidlnr the Dollar; Mr. Atlanta. 08; E. W. Ellison, Ranch; J. M. or mis cuy, and Miss Allle Caudlll. of Lov- - liam. Polnsettlaa were used In the din-


the holiday with hi parent. Mr. and Mrt.turned from a Nellie keiir.ie Jones. and Frank Bean, Allamore; J. R. Love, ington. N. M., and Henry Henderson, of where the luncheon was served. P. left fbr Naco to Join hispn.r tralrinr. but alto by experience room,relatives In l.a Meaa. vi arfa John Rallan. an Horn: J. C. Crad- - Phoenix. onEveninr Arlx.. and Mlaa Freddie Rogers, of company Wednesday morning.Industrial director In the El The regular meeting or tne Wednesdayacquired a H. Bunn and daurh- -Mrt. WilliamMr. and dlck. Seattle, Wash.; G. E. Barton and wife, Hev. Walter Loult Preudeotbal or l.a cruces, N. mW. NelsonThe uemlng..7:30 nil I Who Can. Mr. Nellie Ked- - performed held arter-

noonPaso schools, aim in the i.at crurea schools, ler. Helen, and nelci. Mis Mack, have re Bridge club wia Wednesday

Denver, Colo L. I.. Raume. EI Paao, and tne ceremony. wis a holiday visitor with bit parents,whlrh last place the now holdt. El Pato after aeveral daya spent zle Jone. at the home of Mr. Martha B. Anient.lurned in A. B. Paschal, or Magdalena, N. M. Mr. Robers has Mr. and Mn. Freudentnal. while here Mr.lit 8:30 Reception. mde his home In DemlnsThe Park public school uted at the home or Mr. and ra. rrancu t Mra. Cotton ind Mra. captain PHlabury warenew heiilmr m.tial atnx for the rirst time " I - Thuraday, January II. forenoon: i... in- a number or young folks rrom van ror tne last two years. His bride has been among the guests. 1'reudentbal attended to the packing orTueaday al Ihe openlnr or the winter term -

d matMM ot ihe Park Presbsjter 9 30 Demonstration-Vario- us Uta of Horn attended the ball here Christmas nlghl. spending the winter her with her sister, Major StiiUlnger and wife win enter the extensivo library given to him by hisO'Connor la la Maria on aunt and uncle, Mr. andthis omrort WUM ae-- , White Sauce. Mies Lureen Hulbert. Lieut. Edwin sirs. Hani Love. Mrs. Msbblr, onBy mean rrater rh,irrri ,nei 0n Thuraday afternoon at tain with a dinner at the Harvey bouae on

cured ror the learhera and the pupila, and Duncan Matheion 11:00 Demonstration - The L'se of the Dresa business. Mr. Henderson Is In the employ of the Saturday evening next. tire occulon of hi twenty rust birthday.of Mrt.homewhich the Mr. S. J. Haw-- , after a pleasant visit with southern This library la considered one or the bestupon completion or ihe new bulldlnr, .Newt hat been received by mends In Ihe Form. Mist Carrie Reames. Pacific at Phoenix. Aru. Hit bride The O. E. 8. club will meet next Tues

Mra. J. W. Frailer, has relumed to her In the stale and has some rare treasurell promised in ihe neai fiiliirc. the crowdedPark or the arrival or the third baby rrl Afternoon: baa been employed by the Palace Drag day afternoon with Mra H. V. Whllehlll,

condition will he arratly relieved. t the home or Mr. and Mr. W. B. Alter Demonstration "Pies and Pudding, borne in Columbus, N. M. company ror tome months. Mr. and Mrs tw South slate avenue. The members or that cannot be duplicated in this age.Mae Hi. kelson returned to Ihe park Mr. Nellie Kedxle Jones. Lieut, carlyle H. Wash Is In Marfa on Henderson win make their home In Pboe this club are buay making different pieces .urs. c. carieton, mother or Mrs. E. H.

nninjj .... 3:30 The Growing or Hoses, G. A Martin buttnea. lUx. and Mr. and Mrs. Roach, arrived In Safio rd Saturday even-ing

Henderson willon mrui. j Ilarl ht. h,,- - - nevara! veari on the At be of fancy work, which (Bey sell, the pro-

ceedborne she ba been Mr. tryler' rather and mother, Mr. and and will remain here during the win-ter.

tie. at Plain ii motbar'l terbury-Barro- rai en. and Mr. Atterbury or El Paao. ai home to their many friends In Doming going to the purchase of the pianoa rueat durm Ihe i'hrlstmai holidays. Mr.

waa Mis Virrinta Dcorn or t.as i.ru 4:1ft The Growing of nanus. John I'v- Mr. H. A. Schrock. and Prother, Aubrey, Laat Saturday evening there was a de which was recently placed in the MasonicMra. Carte ton was with her daughter

Tuttle returneil lo El l'ao Tuetdty morn-lu- tl armera' week and Honeymakera' week er. Fl Paao. are spending the holidaya here. lightful dinner at the home, or Dr. and Mra. tempi.

In Naco, but on account of health itslmpltaneoutly at State Friday. January 1. forenoon Tom Beall spent the holidaya in EI Paso. Molr. The house waa decorated with red was necessary for her lo return to Saf- -

be observed Miss i n Hedlcneck wss notes i nurs-i.e. nre Hun Inns was a dinner ruetl at the next 0:30 Demonstran. in I jn. v Hreads, Mr Bert Koen baa been visiting his mother. carnations and red tulle. The ford.the week berUuilnrcollera durum dy evening at the cpllnla to a charming

home of Oovemor and Mr. John dvant onMondtv. January i. A. C. Cooley. director Nellie kedtle Jones. Mrs. Jep Koen. dinner was served to those enjoying the dinner parly, her guests including Major

une of the most attractive affairs of theSlew Year's eveninf of the 0 P. IMipariroent of Arrtrulture, will Afternoon: Leslie Porter Is a Blanca vlMtor. hoipiiallty of the host and hostess, who and Mrs. Frederick G. StrlUlnger, Mr. and

season was the dance and card party givenMr. W. C. Bradley entertained Mr.

astlst In the I armera' weea ooservanre. a 8:00 Demonstration selection, Milling and Mr. John Pool, of valentine, is visiting were Mr. and Mr. Pollard, Mr. and Mra. W. Pollard nd deughler. Wind.at Layton hall Thursday evening, December

dlinrer at dinner Monday.number or U I'asoani are on Ihe prnrram Dreaalng Poultry for Table Uae, R. B. her uter, Mr. J. W. Froter. Sherman, Miss Bedirheck, Mr. Sleeker, Mlaa


Mr. Molr, Mr. Thurmond, Mrt.a, by Mr. G. M. Ruff. Mrs. f. L. Glnier

Mtaaes Nona aud F.lta Rlcketion entertain Thompson smith, or Marra, are and Mrs. c. F. Brandt. The hallror both meetutt. The followlnr I a com-

pleteMr. ami Mra. Riley Mary Mahoney, M. A. Nordhaus and wife. Alie Sterker and H. arvi Williams. was very

ad a number or ruei ai an elaborate din-

ner3:30 Demonstration -- some Meat Substi-

tutes,siting Mr. and Mra Hogan. 8am Watkint and wife, Major Strlttiuger the

attractively decorated with ferns, holly,prorraui. iof Fierro, to cityllrrndon,on New Utr'i cienint Fjrmrrs' Week. Mrs. Nellie kedtle Jones. A nice New Year' dance waa enjoyed by ana wue, ana tne nev. v. C. vim em. evergreens and mistletoe and muilr forM. B. Stevens ami little son. Frank. aino st unta v, January 13, rorenoon: Blanca' people Each Ihl week.guett receivedforenoon Christmas8, favor.Monday, January last weekfrom l.a Mea iuesday mornln to 9 30 Maat Mrs. lied Mitchell returneddown Cutting demonstration. Mrs. I.enora Brown and daughter. Mis In which hi future was foretold therein.bit little daurhter. Mtxine, bark m ""2 Round Tabla. from her christmaa visit with relatives alktrinr M.aoWe tu Farmer. Director A C. Dtnnie May, of Marfa, ara nailing Mr. and Bridge was played, Mrs. Nordhaus captur-UJt-

the home of his r i.dmotii!- -. where the Midland. Tax.Mra. Ed Marehail, al Laaca. the oris. ShouldMr. and Mra W. 0. Hobbs, from otge. EveryoneMRUs,. .sa-sT- - Mai SIERRA BLANCA Mr. and Mra. Ed Marsh til and children, At the home of Mrs. VIUIm Rutherford are shopping In the city.

L Hl1ei' f"""1 accompanied by Mra. Lenora Brown andcollerer lastJrT

year, ha ron to Fort Le.ven- -

HI Dlrutlon Ml Myrtl Hunter, of Allamore, and Ml daughter. Ml Dannie May, apent Christina L. Foulke has ueen sic ror a lew Drink Hot Waterworn,, wh.ie m wm otdeiei)(jW BuW up , pioek Evt Hunter, of Van Horn, were rueata of in Blanca MEAT WHEN day.QUIT tna nerMlt Winnie Shepaid motuer,

of Ponlu-- (detnonatratlon in aelcct- - Miss Philomel con during the holidaya. A. B. Paschal, of Magdalena, N. M apeniInr layer and caponliwn. H. . Mlaa Annie Rushin u spending the boil- - aeveral days in Blanc leal week on Mr. Wheat, have gone to EJ Paao. in the MorningFEW FOLKS HAVE R. B. Thompson, assistant poultry-ma- days with lier parenit. Mr. and Mrs. Walter

i in i mil M. SL

MAGMMAN, N. H. HEDNEYS BOTHERAfternoon: "Look Pa, How Misa Vada liedic returned to El Psso Sat Wah II the1:00 Market Milk. E. V. Ellinrton. bureau urday lo resume her work as Usee tier In theaway stomach, liver,

I'. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy I. Lockheed and Roy, and bowelGRAY HAIR NOW of animal industry. Departmentschools there after spending everl days poisons before

or Ar nr nliure 'Gets-I- t' Works!" Jr came in Friday rrom Tamil. Texas,during the holidays with her pareula, Mr. breakfastt 4 Dltcuasion. when- they bad been spending ihe ChrlaV Take a glass of Salts before breauV- - end Mra A- Redlc.

a on our Humus and Nitrogen Problem. Otat holidays with relativesR. 8. .Trumbull, atrrlrultural stent Mrs. P. c. Barb it tick this week. f tut if your Back hurt or Wednesday from near cloud-- To rour ' in and day

kKWl drvntax El Paao and Bouibweatem Line Yoar Coma Klgfit Off. Alwuogordoy in. Home Mltston society of the M. r. Bladder is troubling yon. troll where they had been living several out, to feel clean inside; no sour bilela tuina; e mlpc of U Dteruattco. Never i mi. church met ai the church Wednesday after-noon

hoi no Need and nenaritt of Dralutnr A. for the purpose or holding the annual tooths. t coat your tongue and sicken yourSaute Tew and Sulphur Hart, senior drainer enrineer, office "Ever in your Ufa see a com come out

eierUon of officer, bul owing to the un-


' No man or woman who eats meat A. J. well attended the eutaaUeiotr breath or dull your head; gor public road and rural enrineer-int- . like that? Look it the true akin under in Aleuiugurdo this week. LT T Jamount or mckne among the mem regularly can make a mistake by nation i ill u

Hair that loara He color and luatre, I I. Department or Arncullur. neath sin olh at the palm of your hand ber aad their ramllle there r no' 'flushing ,h kidney, i v xuitcnr of Weed was in ciomii n.ncolds,

..cauumrheumatism4 4j Dltruulon. occasionally. or y. acidor when it r4ea. turne (Tay, dull and Weanedy.

llfeleea. la by a lack of Tueiday, January t. forenoon end the elscuoo of officer wat poatpuiied " known authority. Meat Harry Lucaa was here Wednesday tf. stom h, you ntusl bathe on the in- -9.X Pteiiarati i. of tna need hc.i and Cul-

tivation unui the next reguUr meeting dale, Jnury form uric acid which excite the Luru, who live at Pronl In Lincoln tide like ygu bathe yourself This taIn the kutii. Our rramdmot bar oT thr Com Crop. Prof. R. L.tu Is kidneys, they become county it viwung hit rather. Lapt J. U. vastly more Important, becau.eBtawart atrrcwomlil. themade up a mixture of Hare Tea and m Mr. and Mr. John Swarieubeugto. or Big from the strain, get sluggish and failM il Diacutstati. - --atulpbur tu keep tier locks dark aTnd 10.30 A Crop Rotation ror ihe Parmer Of Si t ing. Tf spent the turaUuss va to filter the waste and unisona from iKrrsJB end baby leit

-beautiful and tbouaanda of women the Moulhweit Johnson, Moa wiin Mrs. swrenbush t parents. Mr. the blood, then we get sick. Nearly Saturday for a short visit Wltb ner father ,nU tne yood. while the bowel pores

and men Who value that even color, and iBduatiiai aem. Santa and Mra. Jsroea Willi anuon, on the Kclli ail rheumatism. headaches. Uver sud sisters lu El Paso. do. saya a physician.i ' ayttetu i such. t rouble, nervousness, dlsalneas. sleep-

lessness There was an tsdosmal dance i saru To keep theee poisons and toxinsthai beautiful dark ttutda of hair There war ne p retching sei vicrt In the and urinary disorder comeHrtl Dlaruaalun Brown's Mooday night. A large rowu'well flushed from the stomach, liverwin. h te aw attractive, uae only thla Ihtt the riftb Sunday, whichwa fromevening, a sluggish kidneys.it 30 Dramar Dlitrlrt nerlamauon, R late hour. Helreinuieuu kidney aud bowels. drink beforeold lime recipe.Hart la devoted te W. C T. U. work. The moment you feel a dull ache In were served. breakfast each day, a glass of hotNrwadaa v.. get thla tamoua nUx-t- Mu, Blanche McIm-kI- . who trachea the kidneys hurtaback Ifor your or19:11 Duruttlon C. E. Baas returned mis week rrom water with a teaapoouful ofImiuutud by the) addition of oth-

erBos. N. M . is peiutlng tba chruuuaFarm. the urine bt cloudy, offensive, full ofAfternoon at Morti. ultuiai business trip to Tulareoa phoephate In It. Thla willInaradicnu by aaklu ai any druaj

00 Truck Crop for Ihe i ommerrlal Mar-

ket,vaiauou with ner perrina, hi ai ara i. sediment, irregular of passage or at Mra. Martha Bees ts tinting relame In cleanse, purify and freshen the entireboUleatore for a of "Wyeth'a Mich irk tended by a sensation of scalding.Direriur Fabtan (iarrla. Fayette UJs. Ark alimentary tract, before puttingTaj-- and Sulphur Compound." which t.l ti. union Mrs. a. f oehmaii, who ha 'm very ui, mmw rsuiig insvai wnu ei tuuui lour Benson spent the holiday ia cali food tato the stomach.

moradarkens tha hen ao naturally, eo uu Spraiin Method! and Malcríala is improving slowly. ounces of Jad Malls from any phar-

macy: fornia Get a uuarter poundasramly. that nobody can poaaihly tell Itaaltaiaraatoeii, Prof. 0 E Marrtll. Mr. aae Mr, reed Bush and child reo. of lake a tableepoonfol In a glaae k E Slough was la town Tueaday phosphate from your pharmacistlimeetone

M haa bean applied. You juat daaapaai Blraey. hnwU, spent New Year Day vuiUeg of water before breakfast and in a W. E. Jergas mad bualaase in pto ts inexpensive na aimo,t ita aponaT or aotk bruah with It and Hagerman frleods few days your kidneys will act fin Tularoaa last week except a eourleh twingedraw thia thrwutfh your hair, laklna; Wedneaday January M, forenoon The earth U bleated with Ihe one. auuple. A. r. aauih. of Huiwell. spent the week Thla famoua salta la made frotn the Edgar Williamson returned umla finm unpleasant shich is notama aaraall at rajad tu a Uma. By fBial M Para Aeeouirunr. v Klaer, penile ts, 11.1. 11, III HHkc esal i HagersasB. add of grapes and lemon julcr com Arteila ebere he spent the holidaya with water every pirated hot

Idlata Uta array hair djaapaaara; bat leader ta rano man a remen' milium if .ixn H.ler.-- people napp) abd Tba Ladies' AM aotiesy of the Baptist bined wilh lithla. and haa been used reiatlvre sud frisar tern or theyour d

lrtet daiitthu. tha iadlea with Wyeth'a e:ft plat laaalmi thai t "GETS-I- Appl ll in I terono. It church met Tuesday al the Boss of Mra for gsnerstiona to flush and stimu-late

Or. (1. W. h eeollb waa Wednesday also to pre toxina;aid Huiphur CoxnpoauBd. Ml thai. ttm Deary banks aiaetloa, E v

ve aad retoca-wr- their Brock for an te Moa The ladies the kidneya also to neutralise rrom u.s logging camps to tall on several To feel like young folks arris, uu.baautlfuUr AarkwnuaeT tha hairiui uaiKtage or soca apcul Uir day quiliieg A drilrtoue iuactawo the acids In urine so It ne longer hare who have bare sick. Dr. suiUh stored you felt before your blood,aaeMaatlfav ft nervesfew aiao ,,.ia It 48 red aud raw with salve was aeried at oooa. causes Irritation, thus ending bladder to lb logging ratup suet liase ago aud rsux'las became satursisd iu,hack tha adata aund luattra tutd Mat Cara and taaproveinent of I Unlock like' this with "GETS IT." Your Raw aad Mrt D C Barb will leave Thuia- 'weakness Dr. V. F Musitar haa brru Ml ti Peso ssver cumulation uf bodyM an appearanoe of abundancia, OB ft Parta, w. L aartyl. data aad cero Ipoaru you lift. It off. There's noth-

ingday for their new horn. Hev Mr. Serb hag; Jad Bails Is inexpensive and can al weeks very sleg. tu tbal Chuircroft ha this treatment and


beginaboveusa aa and ttuiphur coaa-- u Agricultural col tu prest ua the rum. or hurt Angelt b. en peslur of the baputi eltureb of llagvr-lua- not injure, makes a delightful after been wiitjvuI s doctor, gota Dr. Oilixrl As and

all ua deiurJufui toilet raejuiatt rouldii I tk for more Try 11 looight uu Tor srsl year, end will be greaUy vescent r drink which add Dr. Holioei haw made aeveral trip, up the

soap hot water act oncallussay corn, wail coo. ni,ear tvtMi a nuiuui mp circle of frisad. H will should take aad thoa weetenlng andwis it is om aud usted by large everyone new eenant. wso it utmg with bu purifyrsrpairasnded oy i limestoneaajawaeoa to tha hair. It la not tn- - ,u .,.!' everyaheie. at a trille .,i ! bate eharg of church ai La i and. to keep the kidney oleas and active tu !li I,... rre phophp, and

- - a aJ (or tata aaajBjt aadtiaraiioat ajr JStVS&f hdaate ataar ieedin on uu receipt of price by E. Lawrence 4 Co., 1iW.ii sud oltter point. and the blood pure, thereby aevading pes weat aiaaca oi pnsuluuiua stomabreakfsai acl on the

preveauoo of dkteaae ads. Bt Uaatt Crop tha Tntaaai ari Dry Uuiagu. ill. Adv. Misa laoay boye, wee bM beea eat- - serious kidney eos pUse tiene. Jv. sMasaru wee to aisntsgarqo Tbart- - I Adv

EL PASO MORNiNG TIMES, SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1917. 25w evening ti. fnmi'iVd hy On Harrord Mich.. Meaarktv by a telegram announcing Mr r T.orrhtre. Rann. Mr John lkryd Wajrge Marte Bool. Tásete Ranting. arda Hard merry crowd, wishing their host and hoDaring the nmmt delicious the serious line, of her iMet man and Mrs. Kiiintt Wag gee aa iVfhmirIng. Ravi and Joe MldklfT. tea a Hagspy IVew- Year, left for theirnm

IBpunen served Mr. aM vr a. J. (Meter, a Mogollón. Mra. Walter T. MarkweR entertelned the Mrs James A. Shannon ha. been quite III hume, much pleased with their evening'one PERUNA in Your Homecorner of the hull mi, if. were nho have been 'pending several weeks tn

prepared i ama vama (iiris at ner home last Saturday With pneumonia the paat week, bul Is Im irleitainmrotTor those not wishing " asatas California retomen tn their home the first efternoegi. The rooms wave beenafully proving now. The ladles of the Huh agavesr.rtAt the


was the futk of the evening. of MM week. d ere, --a ted m the holiday colors Bridge wa ON f the swellest public rfrs of he rneptlon al the resloenreHistory

of Mr. Tom A housewife must give tbe first aid in colds, ooujjbs andofsdrtea and It was found

the tameIoat Mr.



A. A. noddardhere Tuesday

and familyen route

of Alleento Burkhom.

Okie, playeddelirious

atrefreshmentfour table Mrs.

ThoseRUrkwell served season took piar last Friday evening, when Snyder, nellrlou rerreshments of alad other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often

was the lucky winner of the highest where they will make their Maw. Mea. M H. Porterfleld. Mr.preterit


W. ofthe


club roomsclub




friendsdoor were served throughout Hie evening to their saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led

Tuckercore, nrryini

won secondoff first



C. Mem-ro-

Msry Mr. ti n Miller and rhIMnw, of Buck Vrllacott. Mra. C. C. Royall. Mrs. Don W. at their annual reception s large number The lovely home of Mr. i Rohlnton was bar to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that aha shouldwon firM for the grntlevnnv

horn, who have been apeadlo the holidays I.Hak. Mra. C. W. Marriott and th vis.es of ladies and gentlemen were present tnrovMi open ,,r ir . day to receive have it on hand for the immediate treatment of coughs andThe fgvor dances with relative at Hamlin. Texas, returned to Ruth and Oram caMgtee. af ctcteagn; Sara about ot members and guis The orea her rrletMa) feOm J lo a in the atterncioliwere very pretty. Jap colds, and that it is always to bartheir home Tuesday. narria, of Oeaasttville, Tata: Belle and tonlantern wea the nrt, ladle' eboKe the wa one long to he remembered by The int.'i lor was Msterully decorated In red

Martha White. Roth Carter. Emllle and all. and everybody had a good time and and green. Chtistmss bells and mistletoeacontf ami Vimi Vam cepa tfe third, Tom onatlve. or Corofiaay h. I". M. N. 0..xmong ihnsc present were dr. and Mrs. came up from cnluaabu the rirt or the Addle Hagen. Elinor Ralrock. Mary Florence enjoyed the oevaslon to. the full client An Ice course with rake, was nerved UtW.tr The FamilyT. T. Swirt, tr. and Mr. J. M itrstton. week to spend a raw days with mends. Marriott, Mna Light, of Sansa nits, and Beautiful decorations suggestive or the sea NlaeX s I mm anil Anua Relie bunion. MrsMr. and Mrs. n. Aranalrong. Mr. end h E. tin. or Magdalena, was a vialtor In Marguerite I note son were In evldenre In all parts or the iiordnn Hysaw, Mr. ami Mr. W. W. Bogel, Iveasafí?sir, at. S. ran. Mr. and Mr. E. 1 the city the rtrtt of the week. The people at Fort n.,r.t ohaerved club rooms, and the decoration howrd Messrs Willie Murmon tames ksmten rana ta eat feaallijirr.- - Dr. end Mr. H. I. Werner. Dr Mtaa Louise l.atigtireo. or Deming. who chritma Day with a big turkey feast, band that the committee who looked after them dlek and Ben Arant Hended the Valentine nr a number

aod haveof Safeguard

and Mr w. E. McWhlrt, Mr. end Mr, o ha been visiting Miss Ann Harris here ror concerté, Chrlatma tree for the children knew their business program of enf-- i dance Moml Cnx. a perfsctlyD Williams. Mr. and Mr, 1. B. Jacob the pat week, returned to her home In and a program. The dy was brought to a lainmenl wa carried mil. verl duet and The beautiful bungalow or Dr. and Mi.

n. Mr. and Mr. P. Freudentbel. Mr and Deming Tnesdey i vening close by danctng. one being rendered by Mr. and Mr. J. Malum wa thrown open to their frlenda heeaarldatkeaye-te- The experience of oneMrs Amo cook. Mr. and Mr. C. C. Carr. M. H. Nurhanan transected business .la El Mrs i a. Stanley mother or Mr. 0. C. i'rgain M,ilr was furnished hv the Thurtday night, the occasion being inelr of a mid

of anyaod

trace woman, given herewith, itnr. and rs. s. crendall. Mr. ami Mrs. A-

lbertPaso the first or the week. Hlnman. who ha been seriously III with Sixth cavalry band, which added charm to tenth wedding anntvriaary. The large dou-

bleeeriotst eon typical of thousands of let-

tersTodd, Mr. end Mr, k W. Clayton, Lloyd Bradley, of an Francisco, errlved grippe at the home or her granddaughter the evening. About If o'rlork delicious room, ami reception hall were beauti-

fully I'LL!Mr. end Mr, Mrs. Henry Ratnei. at Deming. ror evera were served salads, sandwiches decorate. that reach the Pemnaa. B. Fcrrln. Mr. and Mrs. here Wednesday ror a abort visit with his with hoiiv, mistletoe andE. H. Larson. Mr. and Mr. R. W. l ih i. aunt, Mrs. t.. p. Crawford, and children weeks, we brought lo .Silver city the rirt and punch. The reception rommlltee i hriatme hell. Bowl and vaaea of rut I

aareatarrh.sultared with Company from grateful

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Solomon, or th week and her condition Is much Im or C. E. Pruett aa rhairman and an riower. palm and reinMr. and Mr. Mr. Bradley is an route to" France, where were placed here friends who have found theirO. M. tttbner, Mr. and Mrs. L. Samuel. he ha a position as ambulance) driver for proved. of the ladles of the ramilla or the mem-ber.

and there about the room, wblle softly but bad net tafeo aettnu untlreormíy!Mr. end Mr. Roe, Nr. and Mr. John r. the American Red Cross. Perry .raw mm transacted business The Stockmen's club ha grown to shaded lights added lo the ptettlness of the ta it ror pi na in my homes incomWohcr. Mr. and Mrs" C. J. Mrlnroy. Mr. Miss Jean Strain, who has been In the east Deming Wednesday evening. be one or the most important organization whole scene. The dining table was gor and my bead and 1 plete, and theirnd Mrs. J. c. Ellsworth. .Mr. and Mrs. A. for aeveral months, was called home the Mr. John Wiley and daughter, Misa Alice In Marte and Presidio rouinty. Tbey have gcou with It tare cloth. Its centerpiece, a pleaaed with rrsulu. and s hll ootn lnoe to family safety inE. Jacxbson. Mr. and Mr, z. d rrina. Mr. rirst or the week by the death of her rather. were visiting rrlends in nenimg weones elegant and comMi-tab- rooms, which are cornucopia of rrult, cut glas and uae It until I am entirely rid at eatarrh.

and Mrs. w. H. chambers. Mr. and Mr, Miss Esther Wright, or Burkhom, who ha day evening. well taken rare or. The orricer anil mem The decoiaiion about the table were "jhearttlyrsaaaimiaillaaaahauutaiiedldt danger withoutlianey, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Olney. Mrs. hern visiting her brother at Deming, re. Morris Abraham, who has been spending bers are tweys ready and willing to do ilggtlve of Christmas ami were sltra What It doe ear Mr It la ready to do for you. POttJNAliccr-ge- Mr. Will Dial, Mr. Kate Jonnlng. turnad to her home Wednesday. the past two months here with his parent anything ror ihe good or the eominuiuij lively carried out in the' ten course dinnerMrs. E. S. Maehblr. Mrs. Alice C. Wnrden. Mrs. Ben Cowden and sjlster, Mr. Claud Mr. and Mr. Abe Abraham, returned to San and the enter laminen or Ihelr member. Sliver vases Jilled with palnsettas were Colds and CatarrhMrs. w. D. French. Mr. M. Solomon, Mr, cow den. both or Midland, Tetas, arrived Ftanclco Wednesday evening. On Friday evening Palor Charles s. placed on the tssrle here and there. Four'd. Lehman, Misses Alberta i:olion, here Wednesday en route to the ranch home The New Year'a dance given by Mr. and Pierce was Invited by Homer Colquitt in silver candlesticks bearing ten lighted rn The great weight of testimony that has accumu-

latedErne Henley, Mary Turkor. Marie of their mother, Mrs R. D. MrAnelly, Dear Mr, ileorge Mccreary. Jr.. Ill the Elk take a ride out the sharter road to look at dies graced the table. At each guest's place in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on theJacobean, Mary Walker. Vcgtj Knox. here, ror a short visit. Opera House, on the arternoon of January some cattle. Mrs. Pierre was tatty si the lay a tiny bunch of holly, a simple card market prove it, beyond question, to bo the reliable family rem-edy,Nne Cosirrove and Messrs. F. I,, and Mrs. Charles knowiton are the was one or the most elaborate affairs ever nurrn helping decorate the i liiisttnas nee marking the places ror the guttata, cover ever ready to take, preventing the aeriona effects of colds,''.inter, c. f. Brandt, (i. M. Hnrr. v. Hold-

ing,proud parent of a son, born Sunday, De-

cemberheld in Sliver city. The hall was beautl on Ihelr return home they round thai a lot were laid tor Si? and alter partaking or thl roughs, grip and derangement of the digestive organ. ThlU T. Hostetlcr. Swsnson, Ellasnn. Hon rully decorated ror the occasion. theirSt. mends had invaded their home uniptiious repast the guests were invited

Bernard Freudenthal, Louis orrheMras furnished the mualc and proof Is published from time to time and many families havedaughter was born to Mr. and Mra. during their absence and niusd ihe pantrv Into the reception room, where several It.John Parham. Thursday, December t. made up of Silver City musician and part wtth a large and bounteous supply or Krtmes or forty-tw- were played. Those tl

profited byMlas Clara Freestone, fornirrlv of Morntngstar, or Lordaburg, trans o' the Thirteenth Cavalry band from Fori "good eat." The good pastor and wife lending tin grand arralr were: Mr. and Mrs Iiaiahrwy aals PERUNA la taUrt Im let sear imiala.ii, Carry a

ihatrher. wis appointed official Bafard. One or che ra was roncealed be iwaiaiiiailiikil iillii iraHiaat.acted legal business bere the first or the were urprleri and appreciated the girts hrlte, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pruettand eecrelary ror W. E. week. hind a bank or evergreens on the stage from the member of their church. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pruett. Mr. and Mrs. W The Parana Company, Columbti. OkieJone. and the other one occupied the orchestr

The Miss Beth Foster, or Lis Cruces, spent W. B. Mitchell returned home last Sat-urday,

H. Mitchell, Mr. and Mr, c. p. Mitchelllittle daughter or Homer shrewabury pit. which was alo decorated with everthe holidays here with her cousin, Mr. arter several day' visit on btiil Mr. and Mra. F. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrnr Pima died Thursday in it in. arier an fettle Ashenrelter.

green. As oon a one orchestra had rinne to Missouri. torn snyder, Mr. and Mr. J. orgaln llr.lotis ronr rotirse dinner was served B. B. club urprltoti Mrs. Des ami sor but a few day. The body ,u Miss Helen Chandler, or the formal isbed playing a piece the other would start and Mr, c. Y. Iioblnson, Mr. and Mr Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames in honor or her birthday. A number nrbrought to the home of Dr. w. Watt, family, has been quite III the past week one. making the t intermissions very snort Sergeant Joe M. Estes. Sergeant W. 0. Charle Railey. Mrs. Joyce. Mr. and Mr J. C Hunter, C. f. Hoolen. II. Durrlll, W girt were presented and artrr a deligtii

uncle or Mrs. Shrewsbury, and burled from with la grippe. between dances. Two kinds of punch were Kingsbury. Corporal Olive J. Houghton. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Colquitt D. nan-en- Misses Csrlanrl- Breeding. Velma Tul tniial hour rerreshmejlls were erverl.that piare, Interment at Thatcher remet-r- served during the entire tune, with Sergeant Rockinore. Prívale .W. cartnlrhsel Beuiah MlMiss Nina Light, who Is leaching school at Mr. and Mr. Jesse Pool, Mr. and Mrs Hiirnll, Kmnia Wade ami Lois Jack.-- , ,11. a teacher In theItcloiu salads and dainties of every descrlp and Sergeant Harry T. Ward, all of MrMllllan, Mensrs. OlennSanta Bite, was the bouse guest the past Huidos. l dgar Mhon and the host and hostess l.ury Waller. and schools, has returned rrom a visit to

mm hi cm, N. M tlcn. The dance darted at 4 in th evening were In Marra during Christmas. Mrs. Ella line Dnrrlll and Jerome Deet. m Austin. 'week or the Miase Entitle and Addle liaren. i. and Mr. J. c. Cllne leftPollock, postmaster at Tyrone, pur and lasted until the wee small hour ap n Saturday betorr Christinas a, few Wednesday for Valentine lo spend a few Mnnda.v.a party or young people n0tW4 Mia Ethel Jone has returned rrom a

The Mistes Ruth and Grace Chester chased a new Dodge touring car the past preoarhed. About 900 imitations were member or the Red Croa noriely or Marr weeks on the rancb or John Pool. to Valentino to aiteml thr annual New viftt to relatives in Temple.Chlcaitn, arrived here last Saturday to visit week rrom the Wttkins agency here. Issued, and those present enjoyed the no visiten me nospilal to add a Utile Christ Clay Holland visiting tu Marra tor Year dance of the Revnler rltib of that rlty. A masquerade party was given al thetheir mends, the Misses Belle and Martha Mr. and Mrs. n. B. Powell are enjoying a pltaltty or Mr. and Mrs. Mccreary ma cheer to the sick men by putting up few days, betorr leaving tor hi ranch in

Those who went ron a very enjoyable Lome or Mr. onfl Mrs. D. W. Kenley HonWhite. Miss Marina White was a rnrmer mensely. a rew resllve colors and den, rations. They New Mexico. time waa hd. Tbey were Misses Piirrill. day evening.visit rrom Mi. and Mrs. Don P. Johnston, oreolleire chum of the Misses Chester whet) Tucson. Aria, Miss Ava Wilson lert Wednesday evening had two little trees decorated to add Misses Lois Poer Pitts, Yerbo and Mr. Jarvl. Messrs. T. E. Mrs. I. W McR.ec returned sumlay rromMrs. Johnston Is a sister or and Pearl Bailey reshe attended Frances Shimmer college at Mr. Powell. fer Los Angele to resume her música a little more to the Christmas spirit, hoping lumen to Hrlte's ranch to resume then

Neill. iilenn and Wallace Durrlll. Hreedlng. a visit in relatives In Del Rio.Mount Carol, ill. The silver studies. She was accompanied as rar to give some joy and awaken bright school work this week

Orean, IMgman and Armstrong. Mrs. James Kerr and bahy left Mttttaycity public schools have con-tinuedF.. Chapman Smith, or Philadelphia Deming by her mother. Mrs. Percy Wilson lections or far distant home in the minds Malrnlm MrAlplne nr Toyah ua a vial for Sn Antonio to visit relatives.their vacation another week on ac-count ami Mrs. Wayne Marveagn wnson or tne nome-sie- lads. tor in Van Horn Tueaday.rived here In.- Saturday to visit his many of so much nines, among the pupils. VAN HORN. TKAe.'

rrienos. entertained at a dancing party and Welsh During the seven day previous u ciiitst Mlas Beuiah Durrlll rntururl 10 Fort HILL, n M.Mlsaes Mae Lsthum and Lillian Stephen-

son, rarebit last Friday evening st their home ma the Marr postofrire Mr Worth, where she attend the Tons Wom-an'sMiss Ames Holland, or Chicago, arrived who have been dispatched aw ami Mra. A. A. Stringer returiiethe

here last Saturday to visit her brother with Missspending holidays ror John converse, or Philadelphia. During sacks or mall and received MM) sacks, su rrom Deming. N. v lest Saturday, whet

college, arter enjoying the 1, inlays Mr. and Mrs. Jame K. Hoynes arrivedLaUiiim's at Lakeparents valley,

James Holland. the course of the evening Mr. Wilson read thousand packages were sent away from they have bivn Ihe guest or Mr, string villi har parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. DurtUI, home Sunday rrom an extended viit toreturned to Silver city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Letter smith ,r Valentine New Yorkon the terrible experl Marra. Over or worth city, where they visited theirMr. Maud 0 rah am several the an Interesting paper or stamps were er s parents Mr the holidaysspent days Miss Zetha DeBerrv and E. B. Muaett are visltora here amiwere Monday liieaday daughter. Mrs. Herman Wolter.Mrs. Mtua iiawa sold during the week. w p.enees encountered by Roberts and daughter, Merle, lertthen i or week at rejoins. spending a few days with Miss DÍBerry's

'iirrord Hlnman Sunday with rela Wright, wbo was a captive or Villa ror ten Sergeant John Williams nr the Sixth cav yaiui-ua- for Fort worthor this week. Will Mundy motored up from Las Unices

lives and friends Inspent


Tullorhin Deming.

days during his march on Columbus, and alry band very at the hospital with W. L. tarn and Frank Barrield of Fort Wallace nurrlll Tuesday for rtrown Tuesday, attending tn business matters.Bob left Tuesday evening ror I where be Is Inwere wood, a student Howard Judge W. H, Winter spent Sunday at hisThose pneumonia. Worthattack on same. present are business visitors In Van HornS. B. Mei. nil, or Mesilla Park, was here short vim wlili his parents at Beton, Truss arterand Mrs. E. S. Bullock. Mr. and Mra. R. T Smith motored to Fort Davi this this week, loklng arter ranching interests Payne college, spendiug the holidays ranch here, rettirnlng tn El Paso Monday.

last week, vlsltlnfr U. B. Metcair at his ranch F. w. V'ellacott left Wednesday evening with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. H DurrlllKellogg, Mayor and Mrs. Percy Wilson, Mr week on business. near hen Lieut. O. S. Wood, or camp Cotton, KInear Silver City. ror socorro on legal business. B. Price ur Sierra llltuii--H. uansactedand- Mrs. Hugh L. Hodge. Mr. John Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pruett or Alpine Wallace Merchant and wife are in rrom Paao, spent Sunday the guest or the Way-sideMr. Mrs. areand Ocorge Oorden spent several Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Roane and baby lert htislness In Vn Horn the rirst nr Ua- - week Inn.Waggeman. Mrs. Elliott Waggeman. Miss isltors in Marra this week. their ranch near Orange, IV. M., this Weekdays at the rirst ofleywnod the week Wednesday evening ror Deming, where they iisternia'rk wis a business visitor In

Judw W. H. Newcomb returned the first Ava W il.ou Miss Elinor Bullock, Miss Har Jeff Clalnch was a visitor In Marfa Sat visiting mends. Misses Marie Rleater and Mary Hill revxill make their future home. El Paso Monday.

rlett Griiwold, Mls Mary tlrlswold, Messrs urday. Mrs. John Rattan and daughter. Margar turned rrom El Paso Tuesday, after aor tur week rrom San Dtairo. where he spent Mrs. F. A. Ward and children, or the Joe Evans nn ramily or niickhnrn,Herndon Lehr ami Eddie ward. Oscar Wells left for the Rrlt rnch ette, lert for tbelr home in Oakland. Cal week's visit there, attending the variousChristmas with his sister. Cleveland mine, lert Wednesday evening M., arrived Thursday and will pend severalRev. Thomas A. Mitchell, or the Presby Tuesday. last Saturday, arter an extended visit with holiday resiiiitlea.Mike Downes arrived here the first of tli ror Tucson. Am., to spend a month with day bete as the guret or Mr. and Mri W. W. ofOard, Newark, uhlo. will arrivethe friends ami relative here.terlen church, orflclated at wedding Colonel and Mrs Has tonweek gave a receptionHum San Dlero on a short business relatives. They were accompanied Mrs. E. Bean.by Wednesday afternoon at the manse, or Miss lo their many rrlends New Year s dev. The Guy Darren went to El Paao laat Batur Wednertay ror an extended visit withtrip. Ward's mother, Mr. E. L. Martin, or Tur- - HI Huby Bean came in .Thursday fromRuth. C. Maloon, or Tyrone, and Ldgar w Sixth band day, where he will spend a few daya visitcgyalry rumlshedMrs. Helen S. Olds, or Salmon. Idah son. who has been visiting there for some music the r:v ranch near Valentine and will be Mra. B.Perk, also or Tyrone. The bride was ac throughout the ing menos, S. Hayne and Mrs. N. ". Hlesterrived here Monday on a surprise visit to Ume. evening. and the guest of Mr. and Mr. J. v.. Bean rorcompanied to silver city by her nunc Mra. sandwlche were served. There were about mis. Julia Padgett or Pecoa wa here motored to Las cruces Saturday.Chaplain and Mrs. Z. T. Vincent. s Mrs. Margaret Lehr entertained the Thurs aeveral days.Brockwell. The young couple lert after the 75 guest. laat week as tbe bou guest er her slater Lieut. Robert l.HUeiohn, Fort Bliss, Texas,was the organist in the Church or the Oood day Bridge club the paat week, in compli-

ment:. Stout or Dallas was a business vissir. ir Jackson was a guest at the Hill home on Tuesday.Santa una Thrwedding Mr a siiort visit in Maria boys gave a hop at the courtShepherd, which Mr. Vincent had charge of to miss Adelaide Lowe and Mr. Don itor here Wednesday.

will return to to lions.- Mr. and Bra. G. K. Jackson or Peco were Xea wnimms. a former resident here, butarter which they Tyrone Friday night. Ilat Salmon for three years before he was Johnston. For the highest score during was largely at-tended.

D. V Nlr.bola and wire or Winter. Tex,make their home. Van Horn visitor lad week as the gues's now living at Dona Ana, was a visitor heretransferred to Silver city. She lert Monday the afternoon Miss Lowe was awarded a were visitors here the first or tbe week.

Mr. O. B. Meirair and children, of Mo Mr. and Mr. or Mr. and Mrs. ira Jackson Wednesdayevening for Denting end Columbus to spend Ireaiitiful riower bowel. e hand Graves Bogel returned from H. M. neamlth or Bórralo flap was hnreMra. w. P. Roberts waa In rrom the Mr. and Mra. Walter sir wart, orSan organ.gollón, who have been visiting relatives at 'Antonio Sunday, where they bad or the Cei.tral hotel.several days with the Vincents. kerchiefs were the guests of honor prlies. spent Wednesday, guest

Lake Valley tor several weeks, returned to the Christmas holidays. ranch the rirst or the week as the guest W. M epent Wednesday vlaltlng Mr. J. w.Miss Marie Amspoker. who is teaching Those present were: Mrs. H. H. Belts. Mr. 01 mis. ira Jackson. Slew art.school at CuchHIo this whiter, was here ror J. CTTIrown. Mrt:E. A. their home Thursday. and Mrs. Edgar Mahon relumed u SAJS1ORM0K, TKXASDuncan, Mr. M. B. Bishop D. D. Howdrn. of Albuquerque the ranch Wednosday, after Miaa Eva Huntsr, who has been leaching Mrs. L. L. Hole went to Le cruces Satur-daya rew days' visit with mends the first or Powell. Mrs J. w. Plnkerton, Mr. Sam everal weeks at tne Tinnln ranch in ihe nnrtheaat to shop.came down Thursday to conduct the funeral visit in Marfa. partthe week. Agei, Mrs. T. L. Lowe and Mist Isabel Mr. and Mr. M. kepllnger and sons haveor tue county, naa resigned and will take Mr. and Mr. CharleMiss Edtth services over the remains of the late Robert Mr. and Mrs. James Walker came in Toe. Bruna, r LasUtter lert Monday evening Tor Erkles. returned to Uxelr home In Brackeiville

which held afternoon charge or the school and Ihe W, T. Med Cruce, motored here Monday, en route tnstrain, were Thursday day rrom their ranch tolos Angeles to attend the Marlborough Mr. Clayton, Ibe nurae, who is residing attend the funeral ley ranch arter spending Chrlitmaa al the borne orRincón. N. M.school the remainder of the winter. at Mogollón, is spending a few day in

from the family home. oi mr. walker's sitter. siinirr and Mra. O. L. Anderaon. Mr,Willie Heed smith or Sierra Blanca waa here Edward Hapnes was boat tn a few nr hisCharles Crow", of the Cottage sanatorium, anil George Beaklev were In fromMr. and Mrs. D. H. Tullorh and baby spent Silver City thia week. lad kcpllngor I tbe sister or Mr. Anderson.

a few days at Deming the rirst of the week. Mr. E. A. Duncan was liosiets last Saturwas host at a dinner party one evening Jlielr ranch to spend I lie holidays, returning Sunday

Hunter,vislling rrlends.

ot Miss Maggie kepllnger did not return with men frlenda on New Year's night at hisprincipal the Fabeni home here. Refreahments,week. After the hi week ronltinif orthe dinner,corpl. ft w. FUh, or the Fifth Ohio regi-

ment,day afternoon In honor or Mr. Don P.

during pastachool, returned to hie achool er parents, but win make a more ex

which served in the at tho Mr. and Mrs. Monday, ar-

tereggnog, rorree, cake and rrult weredining room ,.wa John lllahsmlth andnow stationed at El Paso, was In the Johnston, or Turton, Ant., and Mls Ade son the tended vlalt. Mr. and Mra. Kepllnger madospending holidays with his brothereity the first or the week visiting at the laide Lowe. Bridge waa played at three sanatorium, the gueits were Invited to the ki Maria visiting. They are the gue of Judge J. ft Hunter. the trip by automobile. served, concluding a dellgtitrul evenings

Lee Memorial, where they pent the re Mr. land Mrs. Robert entertainment.oreertwood.J. M. Km, home. table, ror which Mr. H. H. Beu won the Miss kattl Tlunin. who has been spend Bteklel nuebotiom l back rrom spend I. c. 'listmaimler or the evening In dancing. Those Jke Baldwin lert Mr Presidio u'siinsi. was a business visitor hereJ. H. Coleman was up from iteming the nrt prise, a pair or silk hose. Mr. E. T. i ing Ihe holidays with her parents, Mr. and ing the holidays with hit rather. Rev. K. rrom HI Paao on Thuraday.Invited to the dinner were- Misses Ava day.rirat ur the week visiting his ramify, who liinn was given the consolation. Besides Mrs Charlea Tlnnlii, returned to cbool Hurle. limn, at Knlpps.are spending the winter berc. the Vilon. Emllle Hagen, Harriett Orlgwold Mr. and Mrs. R. W. MeUee left f(lP their criarle L, Hill lert ror El Paso Thursday,honored guest those present were: Mrs. Mary Urlawold. Messrs Eddie Ward, Bob ranch Friday. Stanton last Monday T. A. Eldrldge tux returned tn hi home where he will remain for aeveral day. mRob Tulloch visited friends at Deming Margaret i.enr, Mrs. H. H. Belts. Mrs. J. C. Miss eva isriio was in rrraii her ranch in San Antonio after a abort vlalt to hi tending tn business mattera.Mitchell, Frank Bearinger and the boat. ll lillUv lllgllt MISs I. Vnnnirlllllseseveral days the first or the week. u.Brown, Mrs. E. A. Duncan. Mrs. R. B. home near tbe hot wells Monday, theaa daughter, Mra. ('.. I. Hankamer.Those who joined the dinner party for the hostess at a dinner nam. covers wore Mrs. Robert Jameson, nr El Paso. Is spendrotter wa called to Detroit. I'o Mrs Sam Agee, Mr. T. L. Low. guest or Mr. and Mr. J. E. Bean.vll':.

dance were: Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Bullock, laid tor tourteen. The nble was artisticMr. and Mr. John Kerr, or Albuquerque, Ing the week end with relatives here.

Mia katheiine Hcuu or IluswelL v M arrived Sunday lo n.it the forMr. and Mrs. Wayne MaeVeagh Wilson, Mr with decoration or red and white, and the Mesdames Nathaniel Taylor and charlesR. Mra. Elliott enler arrived Monday to spend a few day a mm" (liter. Mr. T. fl. kuykendall and E. Hale went lo Las Crucea on Friday toThe and Ms. T. keiiogg. Wagge-

man,wa decorated with a cut glaaa baDoctor's Advice tne guei or Mr. and Mr, J. E. Bean brother. Joe and Jinx Kerr. call rrlends.ket onMra. Etta Harmon, Mlea Elinor Bul or red carqatlom. ihe spacious din-

ing Mlas itutli l.uuthan, who .has been thelock and D. C. Imboden and E. p. Mxeon. room was artistically decorated withn. i roen' na. been sneiuiuiK ins noil A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Charleahoue guest or Mr. and Mri. J. 11. Oumn wllh relatives in INew Braunfela.dayaholly Hill, Mrs. blester, Ml Sletr, Miss MiryBy Dr, Lewis Bator and mistletoe, giving a beautiful ret tor me past three week, returned lo In r Miss i:rrlr stansell has returned tn IheMARFA, IT XAS uve appearance lo the loom. The Hill motored to Rincón. N. M Sunday andravor home in Valentine lal Sunday, arcoin rtdlege near MttTord arterThe Questions helnw to Ihe reabylfrlan formed a congenial group at breakfast atanswered are n guests were red minis and the red raided by Ml Emmaeral In character, the Van Slcklo Apline visitor (Jiilmi, who will holiday vlalt to home rolk. the Harvey llotiae Mtere.symptoms or diseases Judge of was a heme was carried out in Un- dinner. After make herare given and the answers will apply in any In Marra Thursday. partaking or a grand repat the hoste

an ext.ndrd visit. Will 1. nm. and ramily have H. I.. Davla, representing Held Brother,and Mr. Flint McGregor and little daughter, rrom a vlalt lo relative in Alpine.Mra, Fritx Redtord, after aeveral weeks' rued lert Mr the or El Paao, was a business visitor herehouseupera to ueita, or Lobo leu last Saturday tor Mra. F. W. Reeve hat returned rromThose wishing nuttier advice, free, may pleasure trip to El Paso, returned home this Hie big dance. Thone partirlnatlnga Tuesday, looking arter Uve alfalfa marketwere extended visit to relatives iii Houston" ' oawu. and several week' iay m San Antonio, wherecollege Blag week. Mra E. Arrlngton came rrum El Paaoand Ml. W. W. Hovel Jr. Mr ,ol oilier points in Kaat Traa. upstreet. ha TheDavton, Ohio en-

closingI r. Iteeve been under treatment.Del Rlrbey. tax collector or Ei Paao coun-

ty,Mrg. Grave to spend New Year with her nephew. PaulBogell. captain and .Mrs. Mlaa Bessiestamped envelope for . Clarlt, who has been peud many rrlendt or Ihe dortor are 0aaudreply. Full name and address must be spent a few days in Marra Un week. Mr. Jessie Hubbard. Miss Mta Young Ing the holiday With relative here, lert hear that he la improving Roach, rleurnlng to the fata city Monday

given, hut only Initials or fn tltions names Judge and Mrs. Sweeney or El Paao ar-

rivedMlas uuaale Black, Baldwin Lien. lor cailsh.nl Monday, where she it teach-

inghe of the Eastern Star and

evening.will be used in ni.v answers rne preterm In Marra Monday vening to attend tenant Hdromb, Lleuleiianl achool. Mr. J. II. Lomax Is apendlng a rev. dav'iovington their families celebrated New Year' withlion can be rilled at any drug the funeral of Mrs. Sweeney mother. Mrs. Lieutenant the guest of rrlends at KI Paao.Joyce and Mls LoUIe H. M. mstore. Any druggist can order or whole-saler.

Young. an and ramily paed through .rial Monday evmlng. After a musicalMary Humphries, who ttlad or pneumonia. miss Lienor Liickson of Kansas ciiv 1. In their car Monday, returning rrom a vlail progiani amies ware played and rerresh- John Lowe, ur Las Crucea, was her on

Mr. and Mra. Frank Olllett and daughter the gued or her aunt. Mr. L, C. Brlte to Mr. Means' lather near valentine moni, served.Wednesday,

Answer m all Uch raaea the aeetmlta-tlv- or Alpine were in Marra Tueaday. and Mr. Arthur Hum:. hire, or 11 J. L. Mills and H. I.. Rowland or Doylo At the home or Mra. B. M. Week laal "MiTll flfiN Al llll STATE sill If l tirunctkint have not kept nace with David Arriéndale returned to hi home in. Palo were in Marra, Tuaaday. City 1. .i. led at ihe Cunird lioiel Mondaj. Wednsdaj arternoon the members or Ihe PAflK TWENTY 8KVBN.waste run.Uinle

tion and a powerrul harmieas Stevenville. after spending the holiday no Deauiifill am h home or W. T. Jone c o. Flnley and (I. W. Flache were Val-entinetreatment Is needed. I Dnd three with his Mr. Tom BaUejw.grain cadomene tablets unetrelled (later, waa thrown open to a merrv t or visitors here Monday.

tonishmgi in such cateaandand ad

as Mr. R. H. Brown wa called to St. Loul rolk. Dancing and games wa ih mu.. In all of aterra Blanca wa a vis-itor fifivle them for you. Wednesday on account or the severe illness menl ror the evening. Atjtn early hour re- line Monday, registered al tbe Cen

or ner moioer irasmnenta were Mrved, arter whlcb the tral hotel."Laura" aaya- "Some time ago I con-

tractedand Mrs. John Pool. Jr.. returned lo Ed McHay or St. Loul was a builtjesia very severe cold and cough. 1 their ranch near valentine, after Deoding vldlor Im Monday. TIT FOR FEETnave tried many remedie, but tbey do not he ....IOI.. . l.h .hele Sound Kidneys J. A. Hratlshaw orseem lo help me at all. with you would Pggo was a business

advlte me what to do." ' Mr. Winnie Young, who ha been villi vldlor here Monday, gued ul in centralIng her aunt, Mrs. H. H. kilpatrirk, left tor i.olel.Answer What you need It a la 1 alive Savecough syrup, one thai wlU drive the ruld New Orleans to take a sit months' or afudy Suffering c. m. Richard or caibad, v w..

rrom your system The Following Judge Walter Otilia or Del hio. Taita, a liuslln - visitor here niifuigy.win check your cold id cough Oet waa in the city this week on butlneaa Th huatle and buatle of modern J. A. MaiUu. Jr.. of Toyah registered al

"Reduction" write: ) am seeking minta KVi oi package or concentrated eaaeooa There waa a Joint installation or officer life on. uae weak kidney. becauae the ,1,11.1 hotel here laat imdiy.

safe method to reduce my nesh. While mv menino a ene and make an old Af the tL'.u.Hm.n f h UO, rlH mnA Su overwork and worry invariably 1. liarles FOI bt, P H Hell ami A. J. layDame is large i am getting

''real rat, ai d ór every

I unionshour



or until Téó,.r liSi i. til? Woodmen Circle at toe Woodmen's ball create ooleon fatater than tho kismv. of - ii wan., alü vi.it.. 1. here this Instant Relief for Sore, Tired, Tender Feet; for Aching,courte it u einbarrait-ui- g can poaalfj! filter It from theter. This will relieve In few rrlday, for member only. blood. week. Tbey are motoring ihiongnyou a very

Answer: Por many year I have placad re-llane

days. Bora to Mr. and Mr. L F. niceolls Pain In the back, nervouanaaa, and Seaitir lo Washington. Calloused Feet andin the formula known as five grain inured morning, a baby boy. lack of ambition ara the firal warn Mr. and Mr Verbo Swollen, Corns'.undone tablets packed in sealed tube with M. J. B. ask. "Mv hair i too oily and mv Tom Tkaatoo returned Wednesday rrom ing that the kldneya are Inflamed liten ranch near not walla 1,1alull direction for home use. Somr have scaiti llchea with dandruff, and or late it I a trip to Mesilla Park, mere ana congealed, and for theae, condl- - in rrleud.educed much roily tnas at pound a fewweek treatment"'

mm out too much, what i a food cbnsünat with bis parent. iiojx vvarner e Bate rUdney and Liver Ml Cet ih- n.ter return d lo an HornAugustua Bogel and bride arrived in Marra rtwmedy should ba uaed for bene- - ' Monday, alter spending ihe Holidays wih.

c O. C. asks "I am constipated, tongue Answer: Obtain olaio yellow uunvul rrom on Monday TBey will leave ror their ranch ftclal action. Kor to yaara thla da-- I her párenla al ii Motualed. have headariie, dluy spells and In-

digestionyour druggid UM os. Jan and apply at per pendable medicine haadirections. Thl cleant, purine, cools and near Polvo lo a tew day. proved Itaalf Malcolm Mrfiregor of l oin, returned b)

sometimes Please advise T" nature' provialon for mankind i oaweil Moodav.inioiait ine nan and scalp, thus stop Mr. Minnie Harwell or san Antonio. wneiv i 1. .11,1 1,Answer: I advise that you begin using ping lite death of the hair, bandrurr and mace of Mra. Krltt Wilkin, arrived In Mar aaTalnat kidney dlaaase and Ita oftlmea tin New Mrxno Miliiai Hisiituia.

three grain sulpherb labtVU mot sulphur) terrible effect Here's tnslani-- . Fletcher fisher,n an rumien. ,1 v.,, 11,These tableta are I vail . act on the liver. SrSf Lr,.""ia " '!"' thon time with beiover Ibe of lie retnarkablakidney, and i.ovsei- - and leiul to keep iheluirly. country now uae It regu unci, alie brought Maata Blllle Du Plantía efficacy: bul now p siding in El Paw. la .peudoi

home with her. "Having bean afflicted with kid-- ! a raw day hen- a the guc.i of Mr andfunction, h.iier thould follow quleklr-- I

"Weeki-itee1- ' evrttee: "Have bee., dorler W. . Mitchell ha aerurad a rouge overnay and liver complaint for over 10 Mr. II. E carter, while ou hi way lo

imm ior siuiH-- double and now want you iba Maria National bank which he will ua Cara, I waa Induced to try Warner Uvtumonl p, visit relVeicraterul" aak "About a year ago I was Irequaiit desire Kidney and Uvar Keuiodv. and Misa lent. Fisher psiorn..i r,,..,,I followed by aa m offlr. a. U Ea Mr ilag baa ahto

alfinied with a bad rear of dandruir. burning pan, and am very lender and sure moved hi offlre tn Use aame room. aftr luting it for a time am now well norm Monday, w liare sha weni to wruaallow inlfljol and three inat ,,e. legion o I BBSBBSt. heekaehs. ftf

Mr. and Mra tVobarta and drone. I oan unqualifiedly lata Ibe holidays with ner oairnt'O ore .'sow, i wain io snow u ei iitr can hardly move whei enterteinad a nunc that this medicine without mm doubt In A. llugor ol luis, "SU and Stvvese my weight about go pound" i awaae in the morning. Writ need, too. per or their mena with a dinner party and aavad ray life and I can oik a bDsIn visitor hare thl week,their botoIbm.l forty two al Tuaaday nightI have advisedfrequently recommend It to others slnil-larl- iookiii alter lllllllug Ullcir!:..bloodies iicopie lo use Hirer Answer: I think if vou wih take balm R Evan or v dentin epant a law afflicted." 4'larsnca H While, Tin- of Humgirl Vannuiiane tablets at meal lime ww mm regularly for a few weeks ur hour in uní city Thuraday on buuttet gav a leap yrgr

tattle Creak, Mich., I H Atag the nntn kldney and bladder will becoiiie normal Mr. Lvaoa ha on read about MM bead or danta last saluiila avmlttg at the courtlive processes and give alrenath and II on u, it 'jriiiuiuang vatttBtx. Tnia 1. un yearlings.

warner Bar Kidney ami Uvar u,utr Al II 1... etrrsliiiient of sreilo suck popi. Several mouth, ireaiiiienl equalled tor such complaints in jmy n Itemed contain no harmful la. urbes ami

essential to produce results tttlion. I Y. A. Moukboute of fior nil. .peoi aev SraeJUnta and should be uaad whoa i, eu.rdeial day in Marra thl weak on jxuaiaxeea. xna Hianeya uaed attention. At all letbixwfui Pato" writes "For over a mouth "loung gitnan" writes, i ato taurh dit Tn Sider of aalnt Mary's aehooi all druggiaia n f.n. xn4 II 00 bottles.I have had awful paws in uall or back lurhed by ui internal reiarrnal rouditioi look a day off fburaday and viaited Fart Kre aample If you write Warner'sover uiiu aiau uava nearatgia on one side maxtxuea wg a aiscaarg What will ovei Davi in auto and went up the Lyanpla Safe iteiurdleae

ias e Cn ,,,i . e ni,e for tasa Co., Oept itb, Jrvi. A - Sean. I Itiil MenaM bad a good tithergnyoa generally N. Y AdsAnswer Aotiiv freelv unce ur rwxc daliv ARM A oourbe with an antiaeplo Father oeiiigt pilotad tne party W 1 Medio 1. ..Ionian, littbe part afferud Pin o latum. ThU lane power, which ta mildly Mirkaghii end j Coleman, Malcolm McUreaor, on burrill,Taw bote.new po.torflce at Teaaa, willriue oiuliiieni stops paiu, overcome rUt iiealina Breeding. UHberi McUregor. Keiii. W T.

Id. that are deep tawteil. relieved rkeu- la.uld be ued deity open for buatn with Pirn Ouyoa aa the Medley, Hun MrOrSflw. A. - Jack You're fooulvk! Tour fast feel trrandeei foot gladvtauei thets iieiu mtu usaru in many ways ... haa avsri knownTalou. I'btiiiau 'oseo, lev Wallace inn tired, puffed op, ckutad, acmany rears Ur MMf btU "The End or the Trail." played by the' stis. fransecretary write: "1 heve pain in my twen rer ovage no Oarar urahaui rumpany ua e tear's oa. ewealy, and they need "Tlx "

and frrallirtil headu-lt- in luck of lo ml mi tlxiwjpir 01 wa good. 1n played to a packed house... .dttubbaaa ha - Hall rashi "TTa nake faat raanarkablynervouwxew. ileetMaaangaa. loa ol liemq to stirs. al bott aarfotaaenc. TrlataXat ' ca I

individual tn ma aasvi Outta a nunilmr af the danetag crowd went laaeaa. 0av M. Kamtia In. .. (tio.if "Tie" ' takea thri. to VaiaaetiM to atlena thr uuu Naa ear a . UMsarva. g ow hatha seut t,m. T. . rlahl out of corns,

cd work uxd J.1.1. B sai I'CASU. ST.. BBWTOHhalgiav. Assoag the, attending arete kue id 1.1. un ns "Tta" la





HATIC CAHD Female Help Wanted H2 Business Opportunities 7 Wanted to Buy Micellaneojis 12 a Special Notice. 25 Unfurnished Apartment. Jfj Elate and City Property 43 ,)olCANlíEAS WANTEO Raierr W40 aar na aed WANTED LXAN, WaTTE aVAOS. BTU PAT WANTED Same lady poloe ts Saa antpalc ta aera

all aseensry aapaaaaa: band repaired. Reufhaa Beoyfc laVB IBIVTB I'ER POUNK. DKI.IVBFUCU AT far Itttta sin II yaara aid ea trtp with peed kp. MIMO SEVENTEEN APARTMENTS.Concern. Baa 737. frasee Cal. TIM KM HI'BINEBS OFTICE. HURT BE OJAK. hryte-- . Addraae E, pare navas. llirraat APARTMENTS. (tare roam, larpe parak fraa Hap all. feeoed yarda

H Mr lina pr ncnth. lewlne deaecheeate Be ra rearma. aedsMs aparto, oat. laatedlep heal aad far aaaa aavL. raerkal II2S ear meetk. laeambrasee.HAVING MONI ta layaal la whetasts tokooee aad EGOS EGOS EGG InSI.ISS Isalty cash.S4,SS. pasable perAil rUMiftari ifwtuinf rm rnrwi br rmtnet llene ene nielery. ' oeafecltenecy butleaoe aa take part la It. Teeth lata ef 12 desea er r By krone. Pes. FORTY ROOM MEXICAN

year.TENEMENT. S.Mil tH hariatl br uw word. Old FalseOpportunity tar seca sees! aaaltlaa. ref-

erenceCara Tlaiaa. L. DdaHS. jural. Taaaa

A peats. treat, rental SIRS par eteath. S eaak. bal-wealed. Apply Sestea alara, Monday FINE MORI Iraat far raat aa Seulh l raw atraat. I MAVI a prapaaltlao far Spanlah. alnple Irdy. aso 1ST Ta aaaa ta aulLmornlny In Mr. Baña la bhssaalL Berpele ta rlfht (arty. Baa Yin. rara Tltaaa. We pay II to u per pat. Dea l m attar it krakea. re ta aa years. Mass apeas t nsnan Addraaa J. A. 14,000 VERY FINE BUNOALOW. plared

Mall te Dlale Teeth Ce.. 2S2 W. Marte St. Leala- - raaam. Mas, ooi., crty. 1am BETH ÁPÁ rTm EN TS. alereeirarBh. Alls Ylata eSSBaa. tarpo bweo.ent.HAVING FROM 11.000 ta M 000 ta laaaat la pesd IS24 Uaaea Aye. Oaa atrtetty madera aavtlle. Meoey aaaf by ratera mail. Wl PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES far all bless fern la bed epartmaat. MP.LADIES, faaalaatlix hsmo buelnae tintina nsatrsrdi IVCÓOK STOVI Pbaae MM. PU.500 OUT TABS BUNGALOW. Newrn. si.esi nil a im aim. - " ekaap. liases basd pas JAMES L. M ARR Orlaena rsatrtetad diepintura, etc., aaara Hair lar pram. 45 aa 100. Na rtreet,i, aaIaI.. .. W. AllVIRTtMNll. earn.. ley aompka 10a. Particular, fraa. ARTINT.H ' awfaln ealy. , . WIS MAMH. a 4 Hrpa.. IIS a. Kosaaes, ftas bay. MM east, sis par

Laail ftdnrj mi al lesa ratea To EjtchanKe Miscellaneous 13 four room APARTMENT, path pad alaeplpi parek, 13.050 BUN 6 ALOW: lu.ee leoaint1ISI1.AT AD HPACTE. ina ony. aa. para iiiaaa. cleeo la. 135. parak. 2 full lata, ask flean, all knllt-l- feaataraa.

Open (lat rala, eesk dará, par rvelumn obla, tima 25eGOOD aarlnp baalaaaa. Wall 74. IF yaa heap ebeaaaraerb iiimli yaa are tlrwd ef wa Patronal 26 OASSiOY 4 NHL. , nrre buy. psoo eaah. pas par

Proof laaated. Timar.rrlllne pserssleea Wear haal aara with 50 BUNOALOW fftared Bleep

aartlna.will pay eaatr far them, ar will lalblllia portea a sepesooeery- Wrer Mill. oak fleers. bleak inm ehelee

maA'llna dupla r.la par In h par aaat Pa. Rooming Houses for Sale 8 ""' PHONOGRAPH RECORD EXCHANGE. Furnished Apartment s for Rent 33 BUFjSÍ a.Caatrax-- for Ursa of .Haaaar WANTED yeenp lady ta aaaairr tnlephenea pad 1100 N. Flaraaaa SL PThiss aatt-- LOW: Ideal, abra 1

da afflaa arar; mast aoaraiaaa eteneprapny ana A FURNISHED Apartment In the Arrvjan. asa. car' lac adisrnisa. aerara net rer anetnorhi vi. im. Moncira. typewrltlnf. Speed nal aaaaary. Sanllsry Laundry eT Apartment 14. Pbaae IMS. ash. Ml per meets pealadlas latereot

70S Taaal Furniture for gala 14 YOUR HAIR FALLING OFF THREE ROOMS, bath aad aleaatas POrak, HUllMdl II UTIFUL COBBLESTONETUT "XABEL." MUTT PAY hroatfaa. 701 N. El Psaa. AND BRICK BUNGALOW: 1 eeath free

rssklaa Manhattan H ease. ta aad etty. mBest Money Maker Wanted FOR RENT Nleely turelabad, pay. eat. taraea ta alt ..aparata typaarltar WILLIAM c. RAUCH. year .ipnatars la aasalid aa Apply 1024 MyrtJa.i 11.400 COTTAyBE : tara alaaveine

I IMI s mi M II OKFICX8Palaaa Ca.

DOCTOR AUEB. in City AO ktnda uaert boaaaaad fRat rami tara WLU pay Fartpatent


BM- -Sand

Ohlaajjs.addraai fe S. H. Oram. 1110 two reama, bath, ilpspl! parak. I2M E. earshPB. 70 feat freayt Pledree pSrapt. IMS. 125 per

fair ror roUabat sonde. Bee or pbene an M Phaaa Blrs-- Ji. pabo M mi ( niCPAKT. CPranla dlappan. Frmala dhvaaaaa. Narvaua dia reeeia. S bltpbaaa. S batha. prtrw

tlKT oiarrlnrl; larpe. Iiari.l .ururlj- liluatratad nralrtrnrrtilal

11,404 THREE ROOM COTTAGE; aleeplnt perrhPubllahen ft Paan af. renins Tlnyaa. aaaaa. Twa RnpuLIIra Bldp. Phaaaa tarada. A taam heat, bet and told water,

PIERCE FURNITURE CO.. nrnsarliir oaslldd PHKK H John. BL Paul. FUHNIBttED AFT. Ik arnpSara. SM ajMS Mi. ssad hreatlea. SSM crash. SIS par menth.F.l Paau. Taaa EARN 2S waawlr. aparr lima, wrltlat far aawapapan.

completely furnlahad. BrlnalnaThFa

la ISM Ill Taaaa BL Pooaae SSaS Moray 15.000200 ACRES OIL LAND, andar all leasemonth abavo thatba ermrenlenr. of Ha palrcaia tha Tlmaa rapt. baMaaai tss eear A hah a. Okie., eaebaape far tlrnr Eaaarlrnea r sera,datada peraiaaarlnaa. unnaeaaary: traa. Rooms for Rent 34nslntstnt hrsn.ti nfTI.aa al II. a frrilowtrid Planeo Praaa ayadlaata. 12 Bl. Laatl. Ma.elaaa la aad can bp bad aa tarma. NEW FURNITURB EXCHANGED. HAIR penda maaufaatorrer H. 4 H. Ca.. lis N. Kan. Housekeeping

!lreri.-f- 10 Taaaa eunas. Five year laaaa paaa with tba bualnaaa. far old Will bar pwda. Tarpy eradtt CHIROPRACTOR Ream SM Herald. PTaaas ASM.

Crrmrlr 10 llaexleanl --Tomar Baonad aid El WANTED I ngllah aanaalnl ornar. Da not taba aar time unleaa yaa maaa Id soorl. Phoao 12 and aaaa money. HOME FUR- THREE RÓ0ÍH0USB: erlth bath tar a email oelat Newman Investment Co.amoral Paaa aaara; aval bnnf rafa aa. 27 keel aaaa. NltURt CO.. Ill N. suata SL martsraa family. SM South Vlrplala rtreet

BllbJand Itrua Bmra. Hurtilapr; Park. Phann 9 fB Stores and Offices 28 DESIRABLE LARGE room sad kitchenette, aa Paewo 550. ISO Saa A aSee la.F.aal Kl Paa.. trrup Ml'irr. Vil Afamada atrnat WANTED Ta tkarauihly aaparlrnnad Irla. Mull Macon Realty Co. S2S N. Batata Fp.IVmilavard Itnig Btara llonlarird and flnranea apaak Enaflah. Apt Id. tlia Aradjaa, flla 41S Mill. Bld. Plane UTS ton H Kl TWO ROOMS FOR llpht heuaafcerplng. 407 S. El Bisbee Street

naptad at ailuraaaa. .. EXCHANGE NEW FURNITURI Pare. kuarsafcrey la the 3700 bleak.MATRON Kraaa atara rap a Iran tha aarrlapa af a mid for aorymrl Iran. Woo tarn furniture Co. a LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ream. 1007 N. El TM krtoh. lliihVl raet meatatraa. at amoa. Man IMS.Apply Btanlnn St. Phnnrday nl.. TWO rearare, r Hi IMS Myrtle Ara.

OAK ROLL TOP DESK and chair III today, first.ENGLISH SPEAKING arparan, whir, pr calarad ta Lake House elaaa oendltlea. Coat ISO. Tehapheae 3001.

oaaa. and da batraaaarki rataraaaaa. Pbaaa 41 WANTED Capable párase aa adñaaa apeef far Furnished Rooms fur Rent 35 StreetWANTED Yaaaa lady, aparuilat Spaatob and tap- SI W. MMeenirl atraat, 41 reama, eenaeettae I Ceaceri Compony. Addraaa 12. aera Tlmaa. Wyomingllab parfaally. IOS. Milla Hlda. Pbaaa AM. loam haat; ertae far furnlluro. SS.SSS. WNI HOTEL SMITH.

Ixitldlnp at ISM a menth. Greoa laeame oyer All asar olote Ida rorarja. with trata batea US ooutnrrreT jSOTWANTED COLORID WOMAN ta rara far ablld I monthly. We pre aebt apoorta Sea Mr. Mullíalo Entertainments and Dance 18 S. Santa T. SL. blank eonhji of au old Ratal Al-

berta,nlSS SI. MB Cask.yoan aid. Lira aa ptaaa. Pbaaa 17. 00U0LAS C. CROWELL AGENCY. hire B Tom Smith.

ENGLISH iaÁiof Maalaaa alrl far dlalap raara 114 Milla Bids. Phono GEORGIA ENTERTAINERS. KATHRYNE HOTEL Foralened eu tilda

Political AnnouncemenU. aad dlabaraahar. 10 Narrada. MOO parformara.. ssw oaaased al r nldbt: M week and up. Bliss StreetLADY DEMONSTRATOR SU'a apa. aypartaaoa and 2b are, rkutali far datas. Pbaaa 47M. Stan baa, ever I easy res tea rest.alary ox poo rw aa. ear Tlmaa, Iranelent trade: furnltara. Larte itervrM. Hh Imnpiiit earaar Frraream eettnpe. white brtek Is the

ta Iba Dam- WANTEDy-- ornan ta aaab miral la 17. 00 Price 12.IOO; II.400 eaak. kelanee eaay. Bm NICE LARGE furnlahad ream and vyaiza.ublaat itay alpbta. j i OffttMU itraati. SullaWt for tare yewes mea. Call at 1210 Northwratlff primary Mrctlnn. Inanlro IIS N rrlh KPaaaa. el roeeeni far wlahlai to aell. Pbaae owner. 7IS7. Wanted Miscellaneous Jf THREE reama and bath III. TheCHA. OAVIS. WANTED Set! lad dear ESSEX ROOMING HOUSE, saireaattU bMlMM. Haal ra aaaa-a warn an far pan ara keuee- - my

THE SALVATION ARMY will call tar cool err . furniture far eahr Tar pes. 1401 westaavadldata far n!daraa work. Pkppp SM4. ir aple ea aaeaaat af lllaaaa by ewear. 110' . S

' tarharaky

tba alt,aaaaaaaa

af ElaryanlfPaaa. aupjaot

ala fbn actio., nf tba Orraee. Phene 204. Aaaa D. Helmea. I uro Itere, masulnea. papara Pbaae 4Ma. FOR RENT N leafy fa rehired froSirPir5i Arizona St. Bungalow

DaaaocrathJ primary. J P. O'CONNOR. Male and Female Help TWENTY. ROOM rasmias WANTED TO RENT A OOOD PIANO. WILL PAY or two penttemen. PhoCOMPLETELY FURNISHED.

pi up aaaaare. M MONTH. PHONE SOD. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM ...com heat, elaaa to. EMrt royases, twa I rase Bayaratl.aala.

Male Help Wanted 1 Wanted H3 Jas Jo WattsMEN WOMEN. I o005 E R le Giande. Pheea 4404.eddreatr. Na aai setalef MB par aeeth.EMPLOYERS CIEABINS MOUSE Balllmpre. Ml TWO ROOMS' bath, reappeskts. walklni

Traa Wo aaaa. alartrta. .aparlaaaad aa praaaa and private hear. Péyaap2jTrSB.lacaaiatlaaa

Man atanaarapxorIU alplit


Arlraaa. Situation. Wanted Male 3 NEAR Fort Bibs, ream In private tsmlty

Maa ataaaarapbar. 470. city. W. F. PayneEi.aHab hpanM. ionoir aabar. aa aratarapaa pa apOM aato far pvyatlassaA, IBS Manato.

aelleoallty. IIOU. Arieee. Ml Maa AreCemklnetton printer rom take charpa neyrapaper

Addreaa X.. gore Tlmi Board and Room Offered 37Opes a. m. bar ad ay.

ILLS In in. PH0N1 1504. YOUNG MAN la fallías health doalrea eltuatlea an SAN ELIZARIO SANATORIUM AND REST RANCH.renerr er term eeeneh te pas eaeeeai will 7k EFFICIENCY week. latíale laksrsslsr rarume Sad

flotrnt rr munrratlen Addrrar 0 f isedlcsl atleetlen. Hot sad esld rásalas asta. etc.or rirr r.tfMH anirna mirn. city 170 .earth Texas StreetPheea El Pass 1450 er Clldl III. CornerSM; aaady SITUATION foremen af afternoonkeeaar. city. tlOO. trnepri aliar, city. aa er dallydale. Ill week caafc order. Artreaa. M Metropolitan aaeerteace. Can furnlah beet nlnj SUNNY CREST SANATORIUM.

...in raror.nl. New Mralea. Ml arjsb. New Addraaa XTS. ears Timer. AND SERVICE bunay perehea. hesite roe... bat. asad wster. at. Near Business Centerrailroad meal.. Iraleed paras.. 2411 Trames!. HhyhteedcalientMO mouth waltrrea. New Mealoa. (,0ilN0AL1 paad ohrf aaata pasHhra la er eat Park car. Phase 4407. aSalJS. as Ideal Isvaattsa tor enadsreei town rneae om ar ante j. ears Tlmaa. terra ease kulldlep erttk reama ekerre. We

A MITCHELL. ROOMS AND BOARD, first slaas: atea, karst, ras. See teya we base dalre.li tss sal tar rkrssWANTED Llpht eel ef beeka te keep al alpbta. Ad2M Si FOR RENT la IS Mask ss Tsaas SC. aa nlss wster la sssb room. Mrs. C. F. Leery. 314 1 reara af rssma. and all atare reama wealdRAILROADS WANT FOR TRAFFIC laaeeebare Times classified ads are the means of bringing Wat MbaaarL raat readily at paad fl puree. If a es fe

law erretu ALTURA CO ALESCf NTMOME. Lorlphtfrrl percha. sad prefltabla leveelmeel la Sap bnalneaerr'oJr. bis pair; l.eji. tiro tranaoertetlen together buyer and seller, tenant and property Ideal totalled. BStlaklS far real catate er eaeeiiaat mealB. nssaaaaate rue. rnene district Is desired, title will hppssl Is




far freeSituations Wanted Female 4 ovvne-r- , finder of lost articles and the loser. CONVALESCENT BOARD, well heated rada, rOar price

withb aa IpSppsriipi. See

brekerapa office, srwead riser. Far Islarma-- tas Per eh. ear Booties katk. PtassrN

WANTED By oaperleaeed lady taaoeher. aealtaaa la In fact they are giving service to thousands Staaa heat: Irelned Ramey BrothersBARBAR TRADEr.l LfLk SkaS. jffJBfLM ja tc h day in one way and another. They per-

formUea phena MM aad ask far S. L. Day hi.

ByjMdaai rene 7U2-with beard. 1525 MS FIRST NATISNAL SANK BLOG.

rrea ilnlnp in .. or M W.tl. Try JJJJ B,J1 20'l"k"n'' ( NICELY FURNISHED larpe raraWANTED PHI duties that can be performed in no other Upsss Ave. ps.ee mi.

la the aeldli LukaTld ohaatar I4tb yerie 'Do WANTED A oealtiaa aa beraaakeeaaar. dlatltlataa FRONT ROOM Stsaa Mat.private acrheel er IrraUtuUen and they cost little, too.aa 1. B. Darla Brunawlek. Ga. way so MMaean ass uava nrwas.ed Boated, refined wemaa. Parana

WANTED YOUNG AMERICAN man te make Mm PORCH, rasa i.ad beard tor caaraleseayaM. r4fa Vista Bargainaell pen Pkeae pats.

ape. elari neaa Wemaa. .are Tlmaa. READ TIMES WANT ADS FOR PROFIT. ROOM AND BOARD-- 47 M per h. Pheee 47M. 4 ROOM NEW BUNGALOW.

BE A DETECTIVE laluaallap nark, traeei. heat HOUSEKEEPER, heme hotel. Anawer PAY BOARDERS, resaye seer 0 Pkaae SSITW. $2, 100repreeeatstlvao anted everywhere. er WMÉTHIR IT IS A Me OR SM JOB.paid prwteoalaa. Gead eeamalreaa. 4M. Tlmsa. TIMES WANT ADS FOR PROFIT. MS II ll.ears USEHartley Detective Apeaiy. St. leeeph. MP. you will Ml H ii.mi Lractta. atajar. HOUSTON in Hsa samen! treat psrak orttk idbHalakl ssloaaa.MEN Our llluetrated atalaiire eaplplM he we WANTED Piala parlap. 711 N. TRANSFER AND STORAfiC CO.. Uve uryjliietora of M Notad rapa, díalas rosa, bed rasa, kites on

teaeh the barker trade aulefcly mailed free. Mater tba loar rjaat of atoeliaf. . laya ara fross bflaptrarl. Livestock 39 pi Salad p rasa sad aeraeaed la parak ud park reea.Barber Cellnee Fl. Worth Taae.. Agents 6 rraeta Sat. Artbtb brick maatat. be lit e Seek eaea. Be It el

IIS Muff brrce. khyeh fraa Bile, itreet. lltrea.YOUNG M I N Krone atara reaalres the eerrtooa al RA Y haraa far asís. Aracur 4 Cs. eee blank irem esr Haw. asar Alta Vbta aehael. Thh

aevaral yeaap mea wltn aemc mcraaetile eaeertonce. WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, furalahln. Houses for Rent 29 heaae bee Juet bee. iiapliMd aad will be ready farApply el erftoo Meaday meralaa ihlap.




110 la 4200Candy

weeklyF eater!

eperat-l-aa Board and Room Wanted 38 easupaaey Tuaday. The bappat párpala ee the

Made Wn terra Mall Order FOR RENT UNFURNISMIO. market.4M Weakly in, ramea Heme emailar ream anywhere, my ssaeaaalap. Op- - Fire plupd eh host, la ssssllral MONTHLYpprtunlty lltrllma. Bow lot fres. RAGSOALl CO.rearma per isrspe. IMS CASH: 127.40 INCLOOING

Guide Co. soar emehoe Teaa. rondltKa. By Kess. SM. INTEREST.Four ream., katk Add Would like to la erentloellpa

CLERK WANTED with ea la haadllai type WE PAY MS ssthry aalary aad furo ta a rte sad lee very IS. MO momear sf fsally. AdSrSM care iimoa. Phillips Realty Co.eyrttar. Blaady eerltion caseaaee la ae saarsataed pealtry aad aleak Nine resma slsaa la. lataAddrraa W ill, aere Ilea eewdere. BIGLER COMPANV X SM. Bprtppfyaia. laaaa asysy. paV SMI DOLÉ AGED MAN Phssa I42J 307 First NaSaaal Saak Bids.EXPERIENCED DRY GOOOb MAN ta m awl III nata Lost and Found 10 DiesiuniiiiiM 21 Feur reama fpll pr pert tar asalariabas piaee

faally pre! errad SAW, orar Traape.Shoe Blare.Pheae SM. Apply Sample AGENTS New sama far olear ataree rkr. ANDBeolh Slaataa tren Easy, arid teller. Particular, free. United LOST Oaa bay peldlni ase I yeara wetsht 000 WANTED OrsaamsAIss: say kind t ISH Taaas aayaat. Pkaae M BOARD ANO ROBAN wen ed by retraed couple Is

EVE MS BARBER COLLEGE Wapr. ahila reáralas. rd Co.. Tree too, N. I. ssasde. helpht II asada I laen. rreee mars no. reeaenakly. Phase . DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT, err.au. la. II, Call M24talaloja mailed traa. Ill I. 15th. Fart Worth. E7M. Reward If returned ta ensply etfleer. First llll Erie. 7 resane, par aae, For SalePeeeA eevairy Camp Stewart. Teas. Education and Instruction 22 AJabeaia. 4 reaae: 25 Pat Stock 41FIREMEN. SRAKEMEN. kaplaaer paid Ilia IIB0 Business Opportunities 7 PER FRONT FOOT.msalhly. aa atrtka. Railway, rare Tlmaa LOST Star aad white óptala, asa year eld. leal 4200 Cllftoa. 4 reaae. (ame). MO. '

SPSS aeldlara euU.akila sa way Is Fart BUaa kNIbH LESSONS, loetlleh. Spaalah. with FURNI8HE0 HISH CLASS TOY BOSTONS la sato at. all llaa. fiara eaa, 52.12LtAHN ertual an... aun,., I M II 4.. La mllltery ee.p. BalurdaiTfter aeon. Reward. H. H. enelntlea. Bead 21 eee ta far asm pie ieeeee. MSI Tatarees. 4 reaasa. (asdera). MA. Wa always heve a aappey ee head sed eaa sets bata I leak U.

Ajaaaoee t'etalrrpue fraa. Fret, 1401 Sitae atrae!. Pheae 4IU. Pass. Teaaa IAMES L. MARR 4 COT yaa tBa beet deal fa your money. Every de repb--

WANTED Eaparleaesa welter Apply Hotel Lledaa. M4 Saa Anlerle SI. Pheae 441 aa re presea ted. We are theLOST er tel. o by ..take at Massale Temple. Fri-

dayWANTED Sever al primary pesik. apaalal otteetlee NEW I ROOM BUNGALO W.

DINING ROOM bey sad dkkwether. HIS Nevada. Open Your Business aftereeaa. haw B.arsBal eeatalslsp sierres, auf- sad resareaee plvea Mtl Msalsss. Phene 4444. HOUSES FOR RENT. """SeuthTanTkennels. Maehe.tss Haphta. Head as pisalflee sad sedar braak. 110 reward It retarded M M. S. 1144 Saa Aatsale atrae, fear raer sed etespi

GRACE. ELOCUTION. DRAMA pekyllc waaled Lew MIS AbrbsTt Atohbo. e. Danto Tpaks.

Salesmen Wanted 2 Here Stewart, oars Arañar 4 Ca. teram. EelertalesaeaM el ye a Pheae SIM-- OAVIS BROS. EXCEPTIONAL'aIRDALE PUPPIES. Ph.MFCSIbe. ra; helaaee brad Oaa!LOST er taken by mkataka st Me.ee!. Temple. F.l SPANISH LESSONS by pradnaled rasas lady. Ill IM Taaas Street. Peal I IImaf-tool esatalelai Itaaras.

kALkbM Cor. Montana lie.dey


order fcsak.ame


reword If rstarasd ta H. S. N. El Paae .treat III pa aaaU. Fear ream atase henee aria aleeplae Poultry and Eggt 42 Nabte: B Mk With hla ad Ca. All aedara eeeveelesea eneept pea 2S27StiwArl. rare Armsar 4 pareh. teras. rauaafltl.a elae lo and Piedras Accessories hhnaka fraa ear Ilea. Pkaae 241. beae tsr Pbaaefc. buya peaclla. ae ho oeuld uee tham LOST Cblid'a far aeerf betweee Staatee aad Orasen Autos and 23 Lssblsss elresL tare FANCYyaaaS white Uphll a aaaa.

fcleaeeM a aatvarllalai aaeelty. aa dee reed ea Saa Aaksaby .treed Return te Crawford theatre. COTTAGE fear rasas, knath, loria a bsSb. tara Streetevaatda't year thlak yau had a real Ilea Streets elaaa eelreoee aad lessees reward Automobiles for Sale Wake fraa InvesUnenU 43 CampbellEery aalaa bla lemrmleaeeae artta teday. FEDERAL New atara reama lest MMsMakd aad LOST Saturday betweee Saa Anteólo aad Milla ea NEEL. Financial and tealheal aerea. MalM aa CaaRkallPENCIL COMPAN v 109 Breedway. New York City ready la lease, lew raat. nía la Baja a far Mesa eveane. e parse eontojnlod a earn at mseep. ta. adiar 4 paseana, reredsl

WE HAVE A BOOB COPPER MINE la Ike Sltaer Btre. . tli 000 rsteay torasSALESMEN WANTED at aaaa la sell aar paaraa- meal say Uee af hwalBeee. Se sari saa Reword Phono . Nayas I plea ae per. Furnished Houses for Rent 30 Hlll Obtrhyt. will aell a a aarpale. Far par.

taps watebea direct te www ea eaay re far Bsaraall. Apply 2122 Mentaae. art LOST Oee peld head oblen, pie with elparty Hoyara teenies. Uanlare. Pheae Usner . Broaddus & Le Baronlaetallmaal saymeela el ealy 12 00 meettrly retail phora aaaa nr. orflee 111. a elctura. Finder plaeee ret rara te Ne. i Flak

are MB earl te NIQrf LY apwpybed RpMSlWl 4arara aatramely aaeeeaklB. Wa pay atralplrt aalary Arm. aad ipyplie rew era Chalmers l aksaavlsa erarab. Basar Fart BUaa 4."sseday MtHHf to Loan 44 tst' Mb .tesal Saak sidp.IM msalk. all aapaaaaa aad ktp aaUa eemmlaaeaet Ha nicy Bros. Ch radiar Mr. Hera si Pepalar errara a Pheea

FITTING ROOM. ler breach ILOST IN Peen. paidMSr's aevstract. Caa aae aerar aj mas In dlffrraet WILL RENT Five rssae aad elllplBB reres fa- U BVSMEY TOReward tratara ts 711 N. Elaaatlaaa. Addraaa THE POPE CO.. Leerreeew Taaaa MS First Ral Baas Bids erarla earns! ahapa." Onartaad a will aell lurslture. pheea .PW Orwhsed msSW.S:WANTED Baieamee te cany ear Use ef traake. Baapa.LOST IN SHELDON CAFE. New Year'. abthL CkBBealBl FIVE rtOOMS aad fcalh SM Per aeartk. ItM Bays

Bart aaaaa. aad teem, aevattoaa a aids Hoe aa Tbsea aad ether seed says aaia.ro Tiaaas II tears diamond rte aad realty bes Pheae 2414. manya Isa par eeat oe. .ware a baala. eettlt cenaltt ef Ancrtiwsarnd Sale 46

aytkasias Pad order beak aaaf but huattera aad LOST Bnssb el keys osstalalap aae awry small key

oaperleaeed eaJeamee need apply PETERSBURG ML Malum U 411 N. Orersaa atrsst Reward. LBPPBL Wanted to Rent 31 AUCTION t ALE 1 II llialll U. a Aray srwaartyI HAITI I INI. UtOS CO.. PUar.hu. t Vs. Wa are la the heart ef tble field aad le coeee LOST Ose tarso horas, aeaafclaf sheet I. MS iJ.'ZrJ.'t'LL. AMstai--

y"let. .QWANTED - Fraa Fekruery let eetll April Bungalow HeadquartersSALESMAN taeonaaeed any Ilea ler y a. acelled taarb with rvery plepa ef lar dnalap.eat If yaa panada Cealee beta? 2IS Saa ioelel. atraat Aséasela aerea. Pheae UPS. aaall .al fwesbaksd sat a Baowasal n bay Itaaoo la praaaa ar aaaraven korrlssry.NEW iPBdlllty prapearliee to peaeral trade. LOST POCKETBOOK Jle. oe.ee kreaaM. Resay. heepiee rseaaaSPLENDID oeoarrlatraa aaatraet ler Traea Vaaeary tor. drttHal hyadlealaa sa liberal era., roa reo areola AámnmT ofS.ward Pheae 1 117. haUthy sad paad pan bskse erf samaboy all write Oarer prerdueteaa.lekraoVy I. SSI. rrreealy ler eaeeaam Cerrlleoot.i ae. prapmlUeaa raspaJewelry Co 2Í2I CeetlaeelaJ tlldi Cleveland 0 Ire. Oee H jadiad u aliara la Flea Million Oaiior. ell klada ef pars Ida..RlfSMEN Ralph Oseeeopmeal Le 171 Maya Bids Tulaa. Okie For Sale MuceJlaneous 11 "wa bb tka aad EeSbaea

BARNSbaeatha." WAMtBO By Jsaasry IÍ tass aw apalpa aEaeelleet aer.aoint epaltlaa. apea AUTOMOBILE RUCTION y.'Tg'r.iJaaaary II. Cavsakle aalei.aa la Taaaa. Stasia COMPLETE ROTARY Drtllloi Rips eask er rdia.1


WISELYfar pavaeral

ADVANCS.retail trae.


IDE M - FSB SALI Usad, ootaklahsd kaslaaoa. pay sash payenrata. Aba pipe sad M to 12 lees WANTED STEAM Off toe Pkaae 41; Baatiaa MMWILLIAMS SLOG DETROIT

IKularale I7M

.ddrraaper .path,


II tl..Paae For par as.


Seaa.ealei y sssrkaalad. A


if ppa2471


FOR SALI The tamer, rive reel THE atar. M M aaarlpp. asreel eaad Maid Oje Tl

wfT. laekeetreae moke N easy to adraey Yaa eaea sr.saw Aeirraer.yr c..laelae uan.rer-- t lee 1117. Mi GREAT


toOr NE

Seuepsm aad 104 top free S 4 H Tep Ca. 4SI Meet be hmmiMi ASdroe. Le Clair Na S"weekly far aapon... Mltea F. Blaler Co Ml A M.i.l. ratoal and aetel.Uakerl lururufa. rutina TrÍ.t asas,V rehala su Gets ess ss aareee raene eras. yLMS. iijss --.r-

' "rllir "SeeMi to Ha ' Hotaves for Sale 47BBhaSAaCpeMa Bids.. I Dure AUTOMOBILE WANTS. WANTED to reel a bay I raaa hewaotarerut. reTAoo and .ill FOR SALS Assise, meal el leedSALSSMAM Will rsMaeJatsd la Baakee aeS Si! saps lu .Saw oeaMal in imiarr ana fur lonlrr repeater, haidhap hhp desk. Aba Small toarlas aar waatod a asyrt esmal pe i mníT, i" Art teíTír Cs. N. Q. BucboM á Co.Peyjaree aaaa, nee arrta raepom lasa arad al la Irirsiheri f..r rouraptr A.loraea Ulurto Apply City Graaery. MS N Ksabrari aar Bier made pre pea Bleu It.: . sruli An l'kl.vajyu. 1U sartkalkd eaa. eeelpud lartm a a BbneeJ asmmlllllB. A I. Prajereea Sea LUMBER ran aflal la (See rear idlummMMI rSPP 7M N OréeseletJ fcuh... Arte v WOULD VOU GAMBLE 111 ha ea eneerrUeael Obldr pTt.ee as first iros iraatrer for raek - laasTwhosers. "Sai a' 'lürür'Jnj&ik'ía z Pheee

heeae ON eeaeBolthia if yaa eevatd end tañare dealt I.U...U.. llavarUaraael Plaosve SMStVLNfy FIVi p Oas Haadrad Sellara weakly tar We aaal red Maaated null Write SCULLY OIL tar 117 Poeee Smhth III) a all OJ 414 Has Real Estesie and Fire hmamm.lave liBBB.aa oetNap jarse Maa af Ante Olla. Pelele. DEVELOPMENT CO.. kaa Bids Oee Ceyhr. PLATE GLASS eksa asee al a arársete. Aba paadSyeTesra sad ekkar aamientea. Dea l be aaii.nas

ver yeaap aeree brake to week er ride US Apply at WITH artysaaa"sr-rT- hL

M kHOAUUUk A LE BASON. Fine Farms, ExchangeOpt aar presoroiUeo F partea BpBdlM Ca.. Clareleed WILL SUILD tar reliable parties. Blare Bed beaemael Bp a.. MS Te.ee .tree! refined eeeei Sail MS.ea Beats El Paae treat MelM ar sill divide It aeys) hREMINGTON TYPEWRITES, ble. Ml MapM araWPTasataS.jyi El Pasolate twa Btmea. Alee 22 peed rsaesa Basteare. A.WAMTES BeNaeri esa-- pr rare) eheiak .or, Sera klelereft Pheea .144 till Bill. . tes blase IVrrere nil

day ar Mesetas metalase, M Poet MM 4 see. Skep FOR SALl Mew Sweper Miela TreareR Call ar sd- SESSSE w CBUTCNIB SBIt siSSñssop'i'avast le Ca "AT Thirty taarth loto.tr Camp CptSaarMONEY t. prove, a aaanyes reeavar. uerrkad aeasa N Floréala eajs. Pkeae lm UnehHistvsd Apartrnwih Bavaa 4. ilnreeVrsah kVnonk rVame MS

TO MAM Mat aae merle eaad aa Baoaamne Is aell I Wail atraat Mew Vark City FOR SALE kreavaasess teSy . --tor. hat Oee, III fofRast 32 Ui C éaWksQr M ACRES sear IjiiiSjli tobaal. sil toNrsHk sai kaeddeet I as era a as. sets a esas te aell III', W Oeertaad 244 M... Ban.Old Lisa Lit. leaerseee t rklmW Ctmmayai. MAKE SM Is 444 par dap In email Imeea sad ale mgss

ley aaaaa A PTatllklSSI aaMae pialara maabbaa FF1ESH STONE aIN tars Bseysl al Cea bel Market A K.NMS OO Mfat SaTSSSp PBaP MairBIBIaad leve ratea, tar aaaa al ea... 2U Tmst SuUdhai Stall 14. SksdkciwJ Nobc

uk. . . ..... .- . .. . rs 827 ACRES sear kadata.d ream rhee a. atCAPS. ISST a Ssyata I

BY TtSSIC-r- V- """"a J .STeBy,.-- Ad. Mmj, Sld.Bll SAVrVS BROS ffss! "r,"'"U- -(XASafiririj col a.. ... . . .. . . wants prsr spaa eaak. SnysyrdSaSM ssayats. ays r "LJ.'J. P' an YajLadL IN Taaas kerwet PkBSI IS M aw steraana aai neraaui. assy lerssB. lByayp a M.s.,ee edaSa. " aroayrrarsyr. sen r to

lake., i. IS. dlM eerh. sed I aaarkk, ppajiis eñtsea toasters aesAlea SMaaWa 7Ss PLEASANT "to paraR." 'm' Utyl. ' a?raeBML Newman laa i i lip a. Ueaas STL a Bsssa. Prvap.aasss reea SkT Mrkp aae) S-- F. HAMMETT 4 SON vestmeat Cof wtsa a has aesv. SSI N. El raps atrsav alauaVtolRrsa. mmmm




S BtM 7 kifinm I I ' I - - . ..vea ..nenaan, I 1 II 1 " a AT i4 7T- - I LL8C k4r DV I


Re-a- l Estate and City Property 48 Red Estate St City Property. 48 Real Estate and City Property 48 Bnudretul rnotored H Alpine during the Hargrave. the president; reidlng. Mrs.i liebrsllim. iitarieiH'. Mrs. Wood Hrownlnr. Jr.,

Read This Carefully A ileal Fine Bungalow Tr 'State Society Mrv Mallard, of MaiTa, Is the iruesi or her Miss Warren rlolllngt, Mr. Ralph Williamslister, Mrs riirtls, ami Mrs, Haitrave; nailing, Hitarles Hef-

ner:i n naa nana m uiitt atraat. reepu all pallarMontana St. Home AaarMi'to "tañía.

VyfiaJt-- ,, n - noun, lana aland liaaalaa porch Halt had Ilka Mrs. J. II. Harvey, or t;arlsliad, M Is debate, resolved. That esrly marriages

alVTlal. Sy renei. fall aaa.maal, foráneo, torva att' room, fr Ihe guest of her slsler, Mrs. Jim Walker. are best, Mrs. Voe representing the arrtrms-tlve- ,raam. atara raa. tara laundry taba, taltal, all

ALTA VISTA. kaaaanat, laundry tbaot tpeetal tit. maatla. w aaata i in lit Mol N. M. MARATHON. TKXArt. Mr. mil Mrs. Roy Htlllwell md diughter md Mrs. I.. Y. Casey, the negative.raar mat, abaja M'M, oak naai i. MaMMt anu anreotm Mlll-l- raa tu rot. wry ara. pantry, visited rrletttla In Atptttl this week. This interesting discussion rinsed the ,

n tar heat tt ft. front, 3,000. tan tara. fin. kltohea. aria, tar abart tinta $4,00: Hall oat. Mra. Will HUllwaU, Mis. Pavis and daugh liter which the hostess served a

MANHATTAN DISTRICT.ppmant, Miaaaa la aalt pereaaeer. Jnliii snmiirrtxs wrnl to Altmororlo Mlttet Mat ion ind toulini Htittrlll. F.ddle ler tpent Mtimlay here. luncheon. This organlnatlon has been In

Nln the IIm af aiannt right Mhn Finfaban fajara, bulft-l- taa Newman Investment Co. Thtirsdty. Mie Todd and Pit l.lndsey inotrtrtKl to A-


Mlasea Mary and Nem Cox anil Maml tlslenre only alont three weeks and fromeMfaatartat muni an Uncut- - If targn.

tar rat.aad ina tauth tant. $3.50

Phono U0. 100 tan Antonio. Jsnros H. Kills Thursdt.v rrotu Wednesday to attend i dtnee. nrmonkle. of' Henderson, spent the holldiyem orlginil membership or seven his grownwaat a real Imuml. bu tha I $t.lso. FOR Hat r he: e. to be one or the strongesl In the entirecm raa mm rty

Tba Rent, matt aakri aad Mai laaatad Duele Hondo, whi le he spent tlae holldcys with Preston Cltrk, of Sinderton, It visiting ominunliy.t.niite a numb or folks rrom Al-

anAnirtmeet la tba ally: lor atad la Maady Malar,, lat young

NEAR TOLTIO CLUB friends. rounrll or theTheVaaaat Thla will to "One of Fifty Seven" Mal faat. Fin. aaraM. laundry room, batamant. rrlends here. pine motored d Monday to sttrntt the Woman's Missionary

w. A mm ImrtHM. Better Imriliw. aoaTtai food lataraat en eaount aakad. Prlaa tvpoptv I", olden returned Thtirsdty from MISi Uesrit Mrlnlyre returned Tiietdlx fp lilir dauee. elhi'llst rhurcti'i annual week or prayerHOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. $11 egan Saturday arternorm wllh the JuniorUN hoi whore tic bts been Mita Norman Adams spent I tew days onCO. springs, tpcntl she will her studiesNEW BUNGALOW. ÍALTY Auttln, whero resume Hsttonary In chirge or the prognm for

On Í I Hill. ThU ill. rtnrh, a guest or her brother.mg h vtrttloD. Hundiy morning st ttIn srhool.i a t Mrs. John md rhtlIt ta at all onh ta buy thlt, but amaaat tt Marshallma In Walker ditrtisfed l.atluMfM. Step Right 'I lw new lKitrd or county roinmlsslun Vtlentlne, l.Norton Cheek, oreteeplet aeroti prlM Mly $3.250. Snail Mr. snd Mrs. are vlaltlng relatives in sierra Planea.America. at the Younreveningayneet. hum ers hit been In session m Alimorrdo thlv with her mother.

Sundaynelelery lur.l.had: fornitura worth re spending a rew days rVraple'i Missionary society will hive

Anderson-Fille- r aii far k A. J. SewPtl, D. E. MrKlnley md J. Mrs. Ed Dcrte. HOnt. N. M. marge or the services. Monday and Tuea-da-

est mm bit, pnoao u. 1. Hinders rompuse the boird Iht. look Jim Hancock, or Alpine, spent aevenl afternoons at 3 o'clock It the church,107 Tu ttreet AHer tpendlng the holidays wllh Iwme

FOR SALE Ihe dayt here. the Woman's Missionary society will hiveotth or orrice this week. Altyert" Clo- - rolks. Howell, Chirles ami Parker OatreSt'.iUO Coroar tooth at Montana atraat on Stanton l.onls Newton wis In rrom the rtnrh Tor charge.' ast Tuesday afternoon at theAIM Unlit near Mantua M Stantan. Bath food mm hit been sworn In ss ittettnr md have returned to Hoswell where they arethe holidays. or theehiireli business meetingparlors, a

Home Beautiful Nettie M. Van Epps Stan baa.Call at anaa M ear aart ara pott! a f team, an Dtve Alklnton Is irtlng it his ttslsttnl. Mr. md Mrs. Arrhlr Miller hive returned attending srhool. The young men were ar council was held ami the new officers

I ROOMS FURNACE HEATED, Fhsae 24. MartaANnPRanu.rii

W. Harlow,i mwith tdwird Wsylmd ttmk rhirg or the trets- - rrom Atherton. where they hive been visit-

ing (luge.impauled try their moltier, Mrs. H. M.

Títere will he s socltl tea thelit f buff tepntry ark M aaata frt Ma: 17 Taaaa threat. ' Phoaa tot tirers omee, keeping "Did relnun ts her mother, Mn. nivenport. fourth Tuesday In January.p. etreet aMMallii. Mat mldenUal dlttrict. Mar Bargain SIX LOTS ON BOULEVARD. his isslatmt. John Snyder assumed Tom 'Moore was i Minthon visitor tills Pror. Li gtanley Jones relumed rrom Like The Twentieth Century club members metMl laraeAlt. Vbta mm, oar Um and iltneyt. Arthur ifier spending sevenl dtys limkitig

raa rat. breebfaat raaai. bat am ant. Hardwood flaan. A Haw madarn r benpnlew with flatted aad On ar. Mvoo. arlM M0 par lat. or the sherirr't omoe md ipiHilnl?d Jimes week. arter his business Interest at lhat plaee. It the library last Wednesday afternoon hut.allí In living and dining mam flnlihad In Tiffany aaraaa parch, all built-i- f natural, hardwood flaan, LEAVELL A SHERMAN. l.iitliniu ss Jallnr: J. I. Ttylor, Clarenee Mr. md Mrs. Ous Jones were in rrom Ihe owing to the rush of work during the holi-

days,all Mint. HM bullt-l- boaacatai. built-i- wndaw ueeentat ana Mean plant. Mar blab aabaal that ami Mrs. C. o. Merririeid have re- -Hunter and Charles Met:iure as depullca. ranrh Tor the holidays. the regular study md program had

aalt. innove buff at. lana kitchen cabinet, bita a ara offering undar vaina and an tarmt. Prloe iitiied rrom carlsliad after .pending theblank til. drarebeard and bank af elaa. Bath room Real Estate, Farms, Ranchea 40 ii' Slnimt went In at tupeiintttndent or Albert (lluunbera and Ucorge Miller spent not been prepared. A business andholidays with Iheir diughter. Mrs. Dockbat tl lad flaar aft larga Unan locker. Thlt torn la

FOR schools and J. E. Kdlngton It surveyor, several days In El Pato. meeting wis held. The club meetstama. Lat ua aba yati fram SALE Semi land near Vilote. Chr.p for rath Vest.anally vttb $4,750! May $2.80 to tlO.OM that wo will Malta tarmt an ta

at ton. tun yati. Ma ar ia Baa M, Ytrata. Tata, chirles Thomia Is holding down luí old Mr. tnd Mrt. W. I.. Ilyman md son, next week with Mrs. J. W. Pirker.Hubert Koberts madr a business trip toN. G. TUPFIR. WITH Job is clerk, hiving been Honre, Mlttet Marie Simpson md l.ula Mrs. II. c. Robeson entertilned with a

Exclvange Reaü Eataate 51 Imxter. N. M.. Tuestlay. bridge luncheon it her suburban home laitMacon Realty Co. ee llniwnlle ami N, Childress, two ofFOR SALE OR af hearth. Wednesday, only the club members were4M MIUo BKa. Phone Km move. One aubomotrile. talue lite high arhonl bnys. are ill with measles. present. The lunrheon wis served at two

oe and lot. value $1,200: lott. l.dwanl Seoggln has heen very 111Of BOULEVARD AND o'clock and for Ihe remainder of Hie.000; V. L. neíat. $1,300. All la Peed Sooth wllh pneumonia, but Is recovering and IsANTON. town. Write what au have ta attar. C. A. Hatkl the raaetnatltig game or auction

30x120. RIm far buolaooe building. Will M CLASSIFIEDS.nay PreoMat Ata.,l city. ntltsg unproved. The ladlesbridge was enjoyed. comprli-- .returat with tultable bulldlaf. Mr. tnd Mrt. Oeorge Wood spent the holi-daysFOR SALE BUSINESS CORNER. lug the membership of this club ire Mrt.13 Acres Near Ysleta In town with relillves. John llowird, Mrs. Weyer, Mrs. Wilson,c. I). Altman la attending court In El PtaoTa trade far cl Paaa property ar would toll Business, Telephone and Professional this week. Mrs. Dr. Moore. Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Sny-

der, Miss Letts Rritirhamp and Mrt. HubertBOULEVARD VRAIN CORNER. l.ee RltottlSi from the Saeramentoes. spent

CLOSE IN ON BOULEVARD. 0 $200 por month: M 120.104. Seme trade. Christmas with bit famllv.son.

Na lar oon.truotJon thlt boautlful bunfalow CASSIDY A NEEL, Phen. 020. tat ACREB MCBA LAMB. DIRECTOR Y Miss Jewel Cowtn give t New Yeifa psr-t-baa 4 . roomt ana ptaoa room, torean paren BaaiaiMt Reaorta-B- ear Blda. Seed level land about to Mita eartheat af El Miss Ella Hardin, governeta In the W. H. at her home Monday evening. Quite slarva ce nent front porch Tañere: ount-i- trMo tar ElThhja property, ar what Crockett home it Rear Sprlnga, la here on

and kitchen cabinet. tarta both CLOSE IN ON ARIONA. boa watt PaadadTtaa. Bwa 4s7. II Naa, Taaaa. visit to her crowd or voting people were Invited mdI parents.Nine ram hoote. modern, art ok aaraaa aad rerreihmvntt wete lerved.raen. Lat 37",xl20. prloe $7, so! food taran. FOR EXCHANGE La Mf le. .ubdlvUI.e atrro Hang This Up IB Tour Homa or Offloa for Quick Reference It Will dava Mr. and Mra. Robert Ware have returned".' nao property; alto reeldonoe on tltt ttreet. Mm flra Pruett wn hostess to s merryla tba utty ted ay. PrlM $3.300. $300 aaab. 700 BLOCK ARIZONA. rrom severtl weeks' visit to rrlendt inYou Tims. U Tou Want Tour Business Usted Hsrs Call COM a"utlx room aattaaa. ateeplaf pan, amia, tant i.b tr.xrT&jr pirty or young people list Fr'diy evening.Creel Realty Co. pavlnf pabd: prion $3.400; $1.000 raoh. balance oaay. and Ask for the Advertising Department. Las Crucrjt. Rerreihments were served ind a gtnerii

CLOSE la ON BAN ANTONIO tt. Andy Teel tnd Ernest Cirson returned'toapt Meta. Tea room boato, haatlnp plant medarn and wall MM Ma. PhaM good time was enjoyed.

sehtHd it Metlllt Park Wednetdsy. Onbuilt: M ttxIM: alee bulldlaf la rear: wall rentrd; ansuMTAMTB. The Liilerpean club held its firit meetartoe $14.500: tarmt. - acrouat or broken John Beckett witaaay Legal Notices 5E arm. afternoontug since Hie holidays SaturdayORCHARD PARK. aostoa SS nol able to return with the other hoys.

SIX room bean and II Ma. $4.300: oaty I till. NOTIOC Oí ITOOKMOLhpaa' .MrrriLa p.Rot. al the home or Mrs. Max Krauskorr. HenL. ooo baratar five, bal Uta fl 2(11 lltlll Robert Trimble wis In El Piso Wedneg- -

SaeioT a. nwn, annual moating i n 7 , Koven's open, Robin Hood, wis the sub-jectAOOouMTAaTa ocsTinga. ror the arternoon ttudy and Mrs.

front: will tell tar live daye tTTrrTi0riY6ff-e- . U. étnoll.. rta-- n ittt. !r ! Mr- n(t E- Dlrk tni dsugliter.Tuoadar, ImwiI, 1117, at $ p. m.. far the Krauskorr was leader. Following is theCtty Natlonel Bank Bleat. 'S? AMrBo? U.5h,Ta'ra,,rÜtfMiUl ' Ml" norothes. ire moving to cnrlbbid. program: A pltno telectlon rrom the opera,


RECORD EXCHANGE. Here iney etrieri to resine, tit. iuck iiov- Mrt. Levy: vocil tolo, "Come in toVary oteoe la. can bo utiltied m retail iÜRROUSm oddlna atacausaa. ttt im Wsa Rhfloa 4444.W. ing .,,, his drug business to Mr. Rlekhe Rrlght," Mrs Fan Colllngi. An InteresUtHrtore at the tara, tina: (ar ta dayt will In City ynaMaaayaT NIW AND KCONO HAN0 at Roswell. who, with his rsmlly. his Uieit-e-AUTO STAGE LINES aaattaj lit Saa OOODI.all below taa market prloe; InrettJtate OALTON raaaauena. talk on the history tr the composer ind

t tl to 31 roomt. I kltobeni. t bathe, I aerase; IX0NANSIÍ your aid furaiknre fn nan opT II tills plsce. hit works, by Mrs. J. W. Drooki; volee solo,ttoam bat and ASSAYBRS. at or. (or your food, than any oihra flra in Uto Miss NorniH Me, trail thehtat: aaM water, eewpoaaalj It PASO LAS CRUCES spent holiday!AUTO LINt. ra aiPTALLUlalSTS. cut. 11 tí a tunton. Waatara "O Promise Me," by Miss Nannie Mae Col- -rurnKura ck.fural.hod: brlnpng In $$00 oath abovepar m it home with her Mlaa Metliair laMORNINU TIMES parent.the rent. Thla builntM la arpea la Hi asa ta DCLIVCRV. Crttohert A F'reout.n, raprn.ntatl.et far aro thla- - Pkaae un, llmra.; vocil duet, "Ye Rlrds In Autre

barpalr. at $4.200. " Tt" yr " Mao with tt ast ear taaa Pluaaor Plaaa. fraul of Hotel para ta CI Pe t metier Umpire and rontroi wrrr. a teaching at Rear Springs, N. M. Winging," Mrt. Bhermeshorn and Mrs.hntlaaat Sheldon dally ana 8un4ey at t:tt a. ra. APatyOM n aaat. wanr. en. oi ' , ' PAVlatNTa. Arter a vltlt to home rnlks, Miss Kvi

TENEMENT PROPERTY. Do not taba ear tint unlet, you mean bull- no: Cl Paao u CanuUUo, Tan: AntHony. II. 00 White hts returned to bunrin, N. m whereMoore.

Pay lap 14 ta 19 par cant en tba tM. a. tl.tt; neoaulu. II. $t: Mnillt Park. $., KicWHAsr Assay otVioL ttr aaaif The Haptl.t I. ames' aid was entertained Inbrand new balMIUfa; tee ma about rtT-- t Km Fitm WtuJoaa she Is telchlPg.

Uaae. Macon Co. s most pleasant manner Istt Tuesday arter- s. Arta, with Realty UelurnUui auto learn E. T. Jaku' Newt Bland, auTO itnvict. PLUMBCHa noon al Ihe home or Mra. John Ie Hacey,

426 ailM leu Cruua. 1 p. m. Pbooa 14$. mom, tkxah.REALTY CO. Bld$. Phone U7t.Broail narrlad PASA0ENA HOTEL AUTO ICRVICC. llSva b. TRY Trig CITY PLUMBINS CO. Betlar HubIHm who was so ably aaalsted by Mrt. Sid Cow-a-

aavtwn patauvfn atLobby Treat BUI. PbMe 17$. ooourjal ratea foralabe latanallmt the Utbt before uveriaad. rneeo are. lora Ilion. $104 tit ft. CamiibaU BL tine or the main tenures or the urterat IUbm etTUa. J iiilvti stat ley la In Kurt Worth on a tQaU tailinsa teat. Bartita saake lui-- j aAsacouas a SI OALL SgRhHQg kLUWatTnVtaTnwita'Pb. I4Í7 trip. noon wat the discussion or education by

nuswKix rassisoso majo. uní. EL eAOO BARNECUE. ..u atua st. PIAMOS Mrs. Heulsh J. Wilson returned last Mon Rev. 0, i. key. There were several muit-ra- l

$X PASii riAtio' houootu " CIdty ifternooii rrom I Paso where she bail selections, among them. S volee tolo by

Switch Property ákdhk írtaBhó!TVart Stututí' CLuT'anri CHIMA PAINTINU10n.

'otnivsy and Wabwt pianola ulano. South tide.spent the holldayi the gtteit or Mr. aim ,,,, Marlon Walker or Rsrstow, md tiste

LCttOMt nnns Uuatun auudlo. ktaMj$tt.Nopal. The ebon antauan ajara a Inrouab daUf Mti. "lia ".undren spent the holldayi atCor. West of Virginia aarvtoo each way bt warn HoowoU and El Taau, al- - CHIMNEY SWCEPS , ICALgS REPA N Fair Vley rirm as the guest or Mrs. ft. H. Mra. E. L.

MM Will Build to Suit Tenant 8.lowuia

W. trainM oanutao

a Inrnfor

LIluncuI'aao at

uj cuniuau.tt a.JL P,

IIMOM VICSCAk. eh Ik SCAlib REPAIRED. 10$ t. lenta F. SI . - Ihui md Mrs. Ham Meana. Later In the ifarty faat an o witch. 7 feat an tie. PhaM Its L 414 b. staatoa St. "oat

atraat, tome ImprevemenU.a. a F, a I pad pp. MSLTBS. Mes II H i.,iie. Ulss Ilnrlaae anrt lli.vt 'entoon me Hostess arrven a sweet court"

for $40 per month, whlob oouldnow


Ian on Close-i- n Corner CIVIL CMSINElRh. DETROIT AUTOMATIC SCALES. ap5" Jonas, with Mn. R. Johnson, motored to lonsititmg or eike md charlotte rinse.tUndlnf. alkawlaf aatpla room far aew PhMa 471. Mpr.i.g.r. sol North Kaaaaa. Pnoru Those atleiiding this affair were: Mra.

W. L. RIDER, 0 Herald Btdf. Mm Angelo Wednesdiy of Chrlstmis weekwarebetite. Thk a a food buy. tee on Maam Ave. aajn) reurTed up to ITS pound. at pound fra, Jolmion Mrs. John in Mrs. AlMEAD. Witt e. to oe pouna. CLtANERb AND pgtbBCRS. IT0V1 RCPAisika The Jones went u, tpend s few diys with W,""J'

riSC INIURAHOC. NOTARY WORK BOSWPHONES STOVE REPAIRIN. New porta uieda and (orrled Mr. Jone-- , bose business wis so rrsnasd f,í?r' "i. CTí."! LRamey Brothers Oemen end Oawgmtora. Hi. key. Mrs. John Hudson, Mrs. Ben Capo.-- '"I n J. Paete. with u. a that be eoiildn't come tp per,,, md Mrs.tot URtT NATIONAL BAN K BLOS. J. H. Smith t Sons UONAÜAAB OatnO fAÍÍM ALTO UNat Ties a iflam oocsar S. ritlh ant a gToreooe Baa. Mrt. Otorga) mom an. Mr. Holler lllrhBtW Johnson vltlted with Mra. A. K. Bot ind Mr.. sm Mra J. w. Moral,hury. Memi,PH0NC 41. trip dally leaoapt Sunday). faVnlly. Mrs. Johnson md .Mrs. Bo were

TAKC ARIZONA'S M0tBCCNIC " UNION MAT A TAIL0RINU CO. Hale cleaned danTRANSFER ANO oTONALE Mrt. T. Y. Csspy. Mrs. E. Colllngs, MrsTRIP. oil k tkeoloo. Phona UJá. neighbors thirly years ago

Pttooola rla fraaafor nordtn Imogen Miss Marlon Walker orto BooppyaU iÑun. Lyaa'oAJ'ACátB IAP citANINO WORKS. $1$ Han Jadíalo. Pb. tfJL tea Maraat. Fbnr taaot tar llus When, tiopbew of Mi- - R. I.. John- -TtLAIL route, biabe reeenaUoaa at M'iia It nal I n--n Csralal mpvlat. Alee man buUdlara. Rirstow. Mrs. II. H. Johnson, Mrt. Sid

a Co. orrtoa. Donlnlfei Hotel, otoño. Arta.' DENTISTS. ton. Is a gust at the Orient. "wan mo Mrs. De Rsrey.$150 Cash 060LL0M a AUT0M0BILC DR. A I BROWN, dtntlel. $M blil BnW-- TAXIOCRaiSTg. and Mrt. Hiymond v. Wlialen were The Merry wives club met with MM.

tU par month, loeledaa labaraat new STACyLINCR BA CHERT. Mill. Bids. 1'hoot Ut7. MaLtLLAN BROb pneaa 700. lot Fríen. the gueatt of Mr. sod Mra. Hrhermtihone I.. W. Anderton lilt Wednesday arternoon.

buasalow. hardwood ftaora. bullt-l- hhtly MnMflwr aervlco la aad froto all potnla ha- - Tttesdsy ind Wednssdty or list week. Roil rail waa announced with quotation"Meaa DETECTIVE AUENCIES. TYPCWRIllHt.IpawaHu. tenoo. outbuild lata, M.aM. Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Moaroe Hlsrk motored to rrom t.dgar Allen Poe. Southern wrilrrsThat baa until Ml front eoraer af Itdaltt a. n Car. to all potou amaed suw Dhty. Leweoi JEbtC 0. STAMttL DCTICTIVt ASCNCY. TTflWaiTiatokaaiaa

abMhrlely rebullí by fertor, the rtnrh home or Mr. md Mrt. John Bumfata. iwaaae of arwro.ya. wnonaow Stuaplta all aoabra af rormed ihe atudy for "tat sfternoon wlntooth af Ríe Oreada ttreet and taa bp double la ralM$200 Cash rma enaglMim --Jfn poor aarotaa. ladlvtdua any elan at loaltlmate lanoutatne. Mill Trpewrllar Co.. IM Mat Pbooa last Sunday They returned lo Perns thatWa attention Thewlthia ate aieatha. boat aa eotbee ee it tor bei.i.eii hlobor yaaalt F0 pirllrulir riven In foe nest-ingBalaaae Ilka real: aew 3 rweai huapeJew. It I JaS. Mm win ao ug at $40.Mf if aet aaM tfaaa4 tanja

ocatiaanaroCtrl Md eaago nanoiea

1141. Nightay eagti

PhaM talo. fANki arternoon. rioted with a reading, "The Raven," byI. t aad I yean. "

RAILROAD TIME TABLE$14 Coamorolal Nolle. ej Stat Bld$. TANKA. CUtVERTb. Uyltalnt Mrt. H. P. Johiiioo returned to Perol yeg-i- - Mra. Anderaon. The 'lid will meet net

tilt 'BIN"WILLIAMI BCTCOTIVl! ASCtMV la- - au. An for iialgUasn' Pkaa i.i.i, arternoon rrom Man Angelo where Wednesday with Mra. Jim CimpBOUSLASe. CROvítLL AOENCV. cnoaUvo May 7, I tie. ua)l A Wblio Co.a. m. and ortainal 1 alftrlvll orara.oftatutaUuu load, they had bad a moil deiigluiul visit withv ana at rttee latotutuln Standard Tuncts. )10 New tataOnes tl Paw 4 boutnwnlara tyaten. gnu NoUooal keub Biup. i'hoaa ftuMfksa Mrt. A. C, Bo$ md runlly. roT navifl, mm..

Tea new 4 aad b nana baaaalewt. all wall INAPtIra, la

SNAPSreed r lew

SNAPS.addlllea. fataMhpd Pron tba Norm ana last am.. 2"" o rus at u act, r PoaCROY'S tL PASO TRÁNIFta Mn. eon Bill is In rrom Ihe run li

acotad thoto hornet T7TT.are loot helaa aoalMad I Cejajoraie lite n "stiN S. Or.goo. Su etc baataae ant aaujklálate, ttll: tara. uaio to uajjg- her mother, Mrs, W. IT. Hundion.aad ara earn far your iMpaetlaa. Far tale .. t lloldeu state Untiled , a, p 7 C. A. Smith spent the hotldiyi nitingoeoy aaymenu. prated hrUh Ittall. newly palatal aad f tVMMnart-l- Peeo Inpau l og Ll tit Taaaa. Cur. Sleulok 1'boue Mr. snd Mrs. Brawley tuna ire In rromloo. tlaaojea boat - ,M L. PASHabed aaewh ' a Hf 0 TRAMSPCR PhaM W7I - . rnemla here.Macon Co. rlanutp ttroet M boo Wore fully e tot groa (bp Weal auniM Pltoura oo. M Ml. their ram h home md ara the gueita in iinRealty Lltt your reetej aad fa.- teje property' with aw tOoldon aluue leeojud Ut a iti,t "wiqs TO atar home or Mr. Md Mrt. urs Ueaiicbainp. II B. Mel'.ul. lieon ..ml fiinily or I Impla

Ctty raunlal iHr VtAUNSaa LiaiuU i ftl lt$. Pieaagl42 Mill. Bide Pkaaay M7I. a. a. Lvoat. itt Ttt aawtt Jfap On Mortal and a t""t"Hide




Purdreerabi A baby girl W burn U Ur. md Mia ttei e 1. HOI. thlt week

$ CeLinule A4t. ut. RCXALL ORUS ITORt Brym Tueidiy tfterntxiu. Uecetnbtr ti, ind A in rry tttna wa enjoyed by the prtVery Best of ihe Uoolau Buue Unliad 1 Up in. I Verla t llrua Slate. AawiU fur Ultkup water aad VCTESiharv ausaanMáIN EXCHANGE FOR VACANT LOTt OR COTTAGE Buy f ' 1'uuua Itl or is rilled Josephine Ophelia.aounoartU Paao tracal .Jta. ie. laraa lik .it a. San Anuario. OR. 0 r. PROPER, miry grilles TburMsy ifternooii it theIN CL PASO. lur.ntn to Dr. B A nala. Mrs. T. II. Jtrksoii ur Furl Worth Ii henTwenty aorat al.ty mlloa from Carpo. CbrtatJ. aaar Season gao una Wan

1..taaatlAJ far horaaa aad ante ttlf Taaaa. Hnaol i Mine ,,f their H airier. Mill Miry Cariaos,

taa Aaaanlo. Real alee eottaaw, Paeaaaa. Cat. OttaatB keen Uauutd ' tDUCATIONAl tltlting tut diughter, Mil. JuutiS king.Elfhl roer. braab. taatfar, Colo. Moo

Uoadfroea OoearaotMt

bouae onB1U





mo "eta MUNOV H.ipau Prt.ae glaaonartee. Ph. MS7.R. MAX AtCR. uva tu 1ST INI M. p. t.udsiy it in town this week md at 'ames wne i.iayed sad relreahuianu erradVMapr-- i bap aalai far aatlaao, Ma ar lead. lo Uie hippy crowd ft yoiingtlert." lemliMg court st Baratoflea orchard aear Volata. Imprevaa) tali, aavoo ami. ' PCCD AMD fUCL. WELUINU

"Hat dewa the vajley. Msrk kyle left Istt aftaUsi ror Pallaa Mines n.i lb Joint um Killlli Mtiiith SBf Mel tea. Phoao HIAVY MACHINE and auUoooolUContort ea Ta at ttreat, at batfaJa. DaalaaM aera. aa l aw Paawaan WALTtR a CLAV TON. aba Md loKnd t' ilalned then rrlendt wllh a party tl tile

m north ai the traaht hovto. otaa la ao SS SALt faor. P.... m ta tart faat. ani tap end prala. oatly. Buonauan Watdlat e. where he Is attending gefbaol thla aeaslon Jone.' ranrb Uaniea mlnlay night.Cweh.il otraat tar aattaaa. aeroa, la an Cata aad Ü SieftriC Prompt aeenary. CL PASO WgLDINu CO. All wart auoreebted lie had been hume sptudineT the Imildayahoot, cloae la ea CI Paao atraat ear lotah tarataba alt Uukaeo gaol ataU Jtieí. AMP ICPAIBIBS. dmelng were n,. am u armen i. offered, fjg.

pAUKINk win, in- - Nr.FURMITURt WASOM VASOS. parents. lad Mra Md Kyle.too Pont rrriltroenu werj otrved and s Jolly svse-in-Utero IKjaaoat Bata. W. a. CARL. Pheaaa M aaay aorawola. oo at $st ear aotn. patrlat at Freak tat aaatl - Arrtn ItPAigiNk. PACICIMU.


furuiUtaa.AM0 bNieMkb

Pura an MANIAS WAOON VASO Unen fn aaia adl and Mra. aid Kyle have tththt to the spent by Ihe young people." pe ttaa, rukta aaw blre: homo hoarded g,,.i .,, Saaaae I'b 42o ranrli lor an uideriiille .laySemi-Busine- ss

Call IÍ1I Wyeetloa ttroet. Me. paaaa. tf. m.l aaaii II. uaiioklned Ulta u a uruu. Minee J a Illa Pruett aad I. enure JofttMata at. Ypu WÜÍ pa puabtfld k. L benlol bualuaba Mat WIN00W AND HOUSC CLCANCSS Mr. sod Mrs. Rubs Htld of fyott ire i hunda. Ml Ttatllsluutureu to Alpine

A ay Mat) at a bedId hap will pa felá retara, The Reason Why ttolHno realeo. rt.o 'Lot taa CI Pate Henee eod Wladew Clnalag ta HlMnr Mr. and Mrs. kyla st Uioir hun h tilllell returning with ibnu for a ahoilalatld m Ma tMIM ft. bat leal ooreh af tea ta your wledow ast boaagp OOMatal. wall papar tleaa- - lujIIbOtl. C. A. bulldlap aa tt. Or.oa. t treat. That u taw Wo aaualt year bar. I a eat whaa ye ara ta the ataran laa. fleer nhee, wulM. laraMdjt tl tba ataot raa- nm,thrapa.at Fraaar Brea alte at ttreet. Price $i2,att. ar vauay leed h thai we ooo pat you jet .hal ""STm-- n. tit a. ataataa. raoee aaM. Mia Biaetnan. who lisa Ueu tha hose Kirs cook wis t visitor duruig the

gilvtt uf her bnilhern, D, W md Ittyiuoiulcrowcll. HAStacy.pa ntfW? Phooe CM. Bklf:::::::::::::::::::Jl MIDCS AMD WOO eouu- - lima. t Ittt week for her hoots Mil Kv bumble a s vltMor to lb

I iMtliMtum t.ttti' VINNSVUAis KalOWbi CO BUdUk. t Mn. lana. SI Wtt o Prude ranch UNi week.out gl Paao. Ta. . Aluseiuoiue.,.!taMn i": ::J3ft Aru : fnoault. Arts : Tuaaua, i bswáasaa Mitt '.oliii Prutlte Ins returned to tha Ttvy auulur christian fcudeavur rrttar

r rffff-,,-, tm ffoff Ay, nun. o, Penal. heaBUnx BARGAIN TEXAS uiiueraiiy where the la i student for una MIimnI iheir friend ' i.u.i alghi al taair1018 Montana St. lei AMO ruiLr átaññane. Jl nail Muslr snd gators ware oasjuyed UD

Iw ttmim. rer ctm is, mémm. 1 tart fsbWta taataajo tfw.llt a.. Payhod .tng. LaBANU Mb H ll. 141. STREET CORNER Ml.. ollla llfaaytl, ell. apelidlng Hie Ul I tits hourtatm taatam mkta imm m4 rtntiin. Tub I "I.o raaai aaoaaa aii aeot aw ear ever $4 SIS Puro Dug ford i. in rtoui the laii. li i.l UgMl.Pelee nal be aT.ñt. Soak tor $$$ t .1,1, Xi 1...1 holl.Ua Mill. Mr ktrai. Hid Ml- - M.

1044 SIVSHA STSSSI. htiioper tt INaaná. NR MoniUy lur Abi relaliVea

itt. asiu" uy.WMM rad brkai, btabat Mr njtt SoM uwgiav acPAisiNtCloatj in. 78 by 20 f eat lana wbarr aim la a BsatsMsr latrher lo the Mr. tod Mra araiaik aad daugiaer via

. M lata, atraat. mJM&T- wm. I. I éimm aia: raals atrtaaM tMi sasfiat trackage in the rear. crdUge at tiwt pleca. le. Alpluv HtUirdsy.Morn, (tall.m tta-- Ray lhVtnik and VVH- - Jet at Plilwr and John '.row aMattiit m

Mi.. Mildred 'dun mrt Muudt ilktrrtuunIf sold this week. $300.00truaily hoyar froei tea uiuiéneaint Sat- -llsiu (UbUU are eugsgtul In irbera a r Auii'i r p. reautue her eludiet. Mill$50 Down. $20 Reduced from $6, 500Monthly Ing far produruon Use lax or tin - uiualb t IUMK tasitah par front foot; terms. "iota ipeut um noitdsya Mere with fear par urdayalias ajarv Calillan iMlaflabaail (aaf 'to $5,000 airoi uuiir play tu bs catied Tiae Wsa-de-

ASIla tato

at IuoawAL us.,


aaaear.Sai Cornet this side held at and Mra. f. i. CSMy, and f i... i,.f will. "'' BtUirdiy eveelng


raooo lou. taf i lita cast It said to tail for filiy. Pkeka UM $650.00-fron- t foot. Call a .mi Mrs. ..in Mlaa osuullt Wtlaun apeat tan inUoaVePtiat Baaattl Bojjt Ikagg Mrs. Vsrlpuruugli la SI her ur mIUK ou oaraar of Laurel poal duly ai lias pi uue rweu. n iuraiug m0WMCR WMLNatSH

SAeilflCCr MUMS,

MANHATTAN F?21!e five piUMipai One tuwi It rtportad to at office. Do not phone. tin laayfa aclruul Here iMtl iuttlug enjoyedSnaiMfal aa J rat bpa.thni . eaaaat two l, audi ed and fifty paremia oa JUáÍK Oa. ttat kakS tba botadsyt with liar piroiil., Mr and Mrt. Mil W. s. al liter KMI vary araaaa baoaaa.t1. Vary taBMa

in itt e st out titus. Ttva WsnSirar" N. G. BUCHOZ .Hamper, al Moaan. with Iter iiiutfjew, Mia tnpey, t Kl rato.aa. ZZlI" Mid H. M. JiaaSt, Wllh Mill IhjriaM sadwill be boa or tat biggest luroouciiout ever Ru. Miller ta a vltitor suadayixln i Traaatn Oa- CO.. iluyt, raturaed Motadiy gftrntuiMi run.. taVstr Ret i.sutphrli prearajravj to a guoot atltll-tu una luuatry. 11 ftrttroopM Pkooo Owaor el 77tt tr mtm--

stuuipied ust pro iMdidsy tmit tu Mr. J usee h tin aiisUo. enia tl tha MtJaud,,i ctLttrtb Sundayini pjxj CTfWsa $ Uucad by Nau Hciulitrdl ut Rerilii. it It Sola Ayenta. The aaeuttarrt of the btptitt Voting Peo-l- i. vs u Bloy viatMel VaLantnt. prachkaoatalaaj a eotma. ao port paaonat. prxaSMcayd tatrs M ra tba tfew aojtry ut tba r union gttr t Lovely rutorltnuiuaid uul IM lie I. aulMle.

Hotel Sheldon Building ktiorday eveniug si t ii il Joiuu J our a ur bandy. Tea, u vltUor.n no. ...nn W . tw. N .Me a ttaatt tt an a aa ana ManlllUta UJrs tautiae, lor Vaatcai Mr. oral ir.ui.ine uf Mr. sad Mra u. o. Key, TasWLAD THE WANT AÜS lolluwiuf ouu tau.iiig piutmi. wat ft MllalrtcsJ We uf Rtw Tot.- trung, by trie itMiuiatri, viiúe n Mi baprovliig tlaa




STOP paying rent y

IN THE SOUTHWESTLOOK at one of our new modem homes.

We Will Save You MoneyLISTEN to our easy payment pian of purchasing one of them and

Yean of experience, beat of material, high grade work-


you will soon have your own home. If you are going to build. It will pay you to see usfirst.

that s why our Tents and Awnings stand the

Co. We have more houses under construction than anytest of time. Phoenix-E- l Paso Building other builder in the city.

"SUPERIOR HOMES" See us about our easy payment plan.PORCH, LAWN and 107 TEXAS STREET PHONE 4061CAMP FURNITURE Macon Realty Co.

Largest and most com-


426 Mils Bldg. Phoue 6579

stock in El Paso

and at the lowest. IT 77

possible prices.; Largest Lime Hydrating Plant

in the SouthwestBrick, Lime, Cement, Roofing, Fire Brick and

El Paso Tent and Awning Co. Fire day, Coal, Wood, Grain and Hay

314 SAN FRANCISCO ST. PHONE 2044 MT. FRANKLIN FUEL ANDChamber of Commerce Next Door H. J. Collins Mgr. FEED CO.

Wholesale and RetailEL PASO, TEXAS

Otaee and YardsOar. Piedra and G. H. 6 S. A. Tracks. Phones 186, 5144

;üsw9 Wr IH mm I

Electrical Goods Lil mJP Ma mm Sfffl Real KitchenComfort Means An

WmIt's to Your Interest to Visit "All-Ga- s" Kitchen



Flash A "Superior Home," bnBt by PttoenU-K- l Paso Bulldto; Co., 107 Tern St.

Lights $35,000.00 WORTH SssBmHlIbi Jl Bs '

Of building now under construction. These figures are more convincing than words. ill' ' '1M wommThe largest and most com-plete stock in the city. We are equipped to do your rush jobs.

f--f t r ''i .'''SISaialSaSHrStolSsMARNOLD VIBRATORS ELECTRIC COOKING Plans and Estimates Free.







Co. RAME Y BROS. The economy does not always mean lowest first cost

CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS and lowest actual cost of fuel, it means something more.19 NORTH STANTON PHONE 1 120

609 First Nat 'I Bank Bldg. PHONE 613Where Quality and Price Count We Win. It means good appliances operating at a reasonable 1

cost and accomplishing the best work with the least Zlabor and in the shortest time.

Our Trunks Never Plead "Hard LuckToo many trunks break down before their time. In the "All-Ga- s Kitchen You

10 Discount On Their trouble is weak construction.All Sweaters Have This CombinationAll the present Discount you will find unusual values. Wa Oar Transa la. They are made of the very beet nnscrlski and by sklllr.lhandle the celebrated "Marinette" brand of Sweaters. Sea mentíanlos. AU our baaxage Is Jianrtsrue to look as and sturdy la service.window display. taSJ and see the wide line of transa sad bags we ara bow display loo;. We

have a large assortment of the well known Wardrobe Trunk. EL PASO GAS CO.Lowest Rates on Stores- -


We accommodate customers by issuing N. M. Hunters' License, Ue I toil sir and KscA license aacured for PHONE 1054 PHONE 1064now is good the whole of 1917. Nest to Crawford Trisa Ire.Special Note Lots of time to hunt Duck Season does notclose until Jan. 31. HomeWE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR HUNTERS Austin TerraceHare will be found a full line of Winchester, 'Fox. Remington, THE EXCLUSIVE HOME SECTION OF EL PASOL G South, and Parker Shot Guns all and the Shellsgauges, Where the restrictions protect against all undesirable features. Today's Real Estate Columnsthat go with the gun. Also Rifle of all makes and caliber. youWe are also showing a moat completa lina of Hunting Coats, Paved streets leading to the eenter of the business section of the oh,Basts and all accessories Huntara require. Correspond or call. Standard sewer, water and pis throughout the addition. offer many attractive home-sit- e

TERMS AND PRICES LIBERAL bargains, ' Look throughShelton-Payn- e Anns Co. AQsSNTS the classified pages today.

AfM Tanta, andW. H. AUSTIN J. L. MOORE & CO. You may find Just the oppor-

tunityNOW AT 117 TEXAS ST. 105 Oregon St Phone 4718 904 San Antonio St 4350 you are seeking.mwm


Hlorning SiimegSunday, Jan. 7, 1917

Polly Ah 'fhere, Pa! Goo'bye!A MUCH. I

AUÍ7, M40 Mo ExriTñAifeAiT

rlwk 0&YVs fe Lost Mis OH VfoU KlOlfH Egif 1 lH"g MT HÉ4RO .4BoutL

" S ',


. iHE4RO or3rt 4 MUIHI MRUS

vi ü i ni ffl rvIHIi

Th man who won't AnybodjTcan got athrough to the fin-- h teady Irritif out of

C haa finished at tho steady effort. Thestart. If ho hn't ame clock that tickspluck enough to hang off twenty-fou- r hourson, he must hang for one man can'tback. che his neighbor.

I The Favorites of Time Pen the Hogs!the fight against high prices; keep it

PRESSBy HERBERT KAUFMAN they'll come down. Most of the in-

creases in commodity costs are sheer impu-dence.The last pain is the only one that hurts; present hunger is sharpest. The well known "Mr. Good Thing" is

The grief through which you're passing is more poignant than any othtr misfortune. being exploited to the quick.Ask a dozen merchants for the truth and

Previous troubles seem mild compared with today9 s worries. ten of them will acknowledge a manipulatedThere has not been a period which did not insist that its burdens were the heaviest. market. Retailers are in the same boat with

No matter how many improvements are made in living, working and social conditions consumers; they're also being held up and arepassing the buck to without profiting by

despite the scope of healing and humane arts about the same number of malcontents express the transaction.you

their pessimism, as when the whole earth was vassal to tyranny and ignorance. The question óf shortage doesn't enter the

Even if war is handing civilization the lustiest drubbing in her blacked-and-blue- d experience, average advance. Except in isolated instances,supply denies a legitimate basis for indiscrim-inatethe wounds are but superficial. rises. I

Progress cannot be thwarted by vandal hours. Ten times as many cannon may not hold Don't delude yourself that there will be

the road against reason. an appreciable change before public opinion' lays down the law and the ofMan at his worst is never the equal of man at his best . corrective legislation.

secures passage

Whatever the misfortune of the moment, we continue to be far and away the favorites Remain enraged until State and Nationalof Time. officials understand that this time you mean

business.We are housed, clothed, fed, protected as no set of ancestors. We've so frequently blustered and blownScience has a strangle hold on blights which once slaughtered populations and gulped food and orated reprisal that the strong-armeeleme- nt

and constituted alike feelauthority quite suresupplies at their sweet will. you'll lose interest in the situation and perrnitThere aren't ten hopeless diseases left on a list that formerly totaled hundreds. the Artful Dodgers to go on picking pockets at

heart's content.Much blindness and insanity now yield to treatment where short yesterdays ago, all Nothing short of a few spectacular prison

demented and sightless folks were held irreparably maimed and mad. sentences will convince the penny-clutche- rs thatthe people of the United States do not intend to

Street-sweepe- rs luxuriate in conveniences and sanitations beyond the imagination, much tolerate further extortion.less the ducats, of erstwhile sovereigns. Pen the hogs !

Unskilled labor draws a bigger wage than master-cra- ft once received.The Bigness of TriflesGrant you, Justice still goes awry but not so very long ago entire classes were practically

immune from retribution no matter how outrageously they violated the laws and IFyou can't be the Big Wheel in a great ma-

chine, at least be a good screw.Commandments. Every responsibility is important. Each

The enslavement of whites, as well as negroes, existed within a hundred years. bolt in the bridge bears a part of the strain. Aloose nut here, a1 snapped rivet there and the

Felons were flogged and tortured; boys indentured and girls bound out in your own whole structure is exposed to collapse.father's day. Details cease to be trifling the moment

they threaten the main works. Tiny errors dis-

ruptQuit your grumbling and be rich! titanic plans. Being a messenger boyEverything isn't right but so many things are better and so few worse that it's flying in the doesn't appear to involve ability but if a vital

face of Providence to think only of lacks when the horn of plenty is emptying at your feet. letter failsof



at thebungler


hour, the care-lessness dis-

countsHold your horses! Millennium is coming as fast as electricity, steam and gasoline can drive. the efficiency of an entire organization.Just recall that this earth started in business without a penny, a word or a tool to its name. There are two very scarce types of men those who

can lead and those who can heed. Both contribute sig-

nallyWe're doing our human best to make it the peerless spot among the stars. to the prosperity of every concern.

Three hundred million dollars voluntarily divided by capital with labor in a single year The strength that commands may not be yours but

speech between the hemispheres pure food statutes the promise of guaranteed peace among exactitudeA reputation

is beyondfor


capacity.is almost as valu-

ablethe nations are rainbows which only a chronic kicker will refuse to view. as a name for originality.

These are great days and it's a wonderful privilege to share them. First-clas- s second-clas- s men need never worryabout the future it's the second class first-cla- ss work-ersIf you're not an optimist, you're an ass! who are usually out of jobs and at elbows.

These Are the Truly Poor Our Infant Industriesis the direst form of poverty. Discontent is a cut-pur- se course you noticed that Santa Claus was on hand

GRHED stealing the joy from possession. The dollar still to be got-

tenOF ueual this Christmas with a filled gift bag. We

is the only one with a value to rapacity. Money madness, like a" grown-up- s were abíe to note the changes in hiscommon fprm of indigestion, is a gnawing hunger which continues to contraptions but the children didn't realize how many

ALTHOUGHdone.you failed you

elude satisfaction. Cash in any quantity is trash, if it does not purchaseold stand-by- s were absent. Three years ago local toyfacilities were ridiculously inadequate but when Nurem-bur- g

Another race will toon be ma. happiness. Millions are meaningless without a satisfying purpose to and the Black Forest abandoned their ancientWhat hat been loft may yet be which they can be put. The man who never has enough, has nothing. craft and turned from Noah's arks and dolls to muni-

tionswon and surgical supplies, necessity located enoughAgain. The hill down which yea Freak Roosters and Dwarf Trees home talent to fill the bill and the hanging stocking.

fell, Since we're on this particular subject, haven'tbreed roosters with ten foot tails and mature cedars hand youRemember, can be climbed as Japanese grow a wondered where the color supply has been

wtU. THE At first thought such stunts seem profitless but reflection senses a definite comingfroml We're shy of good blues and out of a few tintsBack to the scratch and value in feats wmcn engage njptience and persistence. They re exercises for and shades but domestic dye works are lust infantsThe door that opens out swings vaster tasks. and threaten to offer the returning invader a stiffla--Yea tightIt is short from novelties tou step producing extraordinary inventing re-

markablecan return where yea haveutilities.

when Germany seeks to recover her former trade here.bean. The apothecary is contriving to piece out his stocks

The still knew Faculties trained to carry through unusual performances, regardless of theirpath's there, yea with acceptable substitutes for drugs oncethe route character, inay be easily diverted to more practical fields, once necessity calls them exclusively

produced abroad. Most of the china on saleAnd are experienced, to boot. into action. is American born.

nowadaysIt waa't be half as bard this It doesn't matter why the hone is used; all that counts is that the tool shall We have a habit of coming through, underbe sharpened against emergency.Ualaw tkty've dawned yoo for When the hour did arrive for Japan's entry into the contest of nations, the

pressure.Why didn't you capitalize one or two

eniie- - result of experiments with freak roosters and dwarf trees played a decided part in opportunitiesiÜtíS when a thousand were suddenly presented by the inter-ruption to international commerce f

T unNcwanalntcrcstiridRctsfrtm GCandLíTC


ana urtnimuSIGNALS Reveal LETTERS

might have hesitated, had he eyes to

What YOU ARE eee."The woman who frantically

eearchee for her railroad ticket orwho gets her luggage together longbefore It Is necessary. Is not the wom-

an who Is going to meet a crisis with

iy ble the world would be pared generosity foolish generosity at courage.if aala ala ra..14 UU tlM. - .tla.aaa..! fnr MflMflnMPM "Be cautious of the sdvice of the

who at the cellingman gases upBote of the thousand and one charac- - a headstrong temperament, but, with thanBetterwhen weighing matters.ter signals that every Individual al, a very lovable nature. him Is the man who looks down stshows!" Is an exclamation heard "The person who sharpens a pencil the floor. Hut. best of all. Is the msnevery day. carefully and evenly, at a medium who looks you straight la the eye

"If I had seen the way my husband distance from the top. has a - without any unnecessary tapping of

sharpened a pencil 1 would never anced temperament; he looks before fingers or feet"The way In which a man amokea

have married him," declared one he leaps. Is a sticker for detail, a also Is a great indication of charac-ter.

disappointed wife. reliable worker and a cool and calm "The Woman Who Searches "One Business Man Hat His Desk at the End of a Long Room "The Woman Who Carefully"In that most everyday occurrence thinker. Frantically for a Lost Article That He Can Observe the Method of Approach Used by Opens a Letter Cannot Be "A man who puffs away erraticallytho sharpening of a pencil lies "Hotel keepers say that If you would with so ofCannot Meet a Crisis Quelled by Any Amount Is apt to err on that score; he does

one of the truest tests of Those Who Rare Dealings with Him."tempera- - know people watch them eat. Courage." Bullying." things In a hurry, for which he la sor-r-

ment," says a student of human na-- "The man who eats aulcklv thinks afterward. Extravagance, fickle- -

ture who records herewith some of quickly, too. The slow, methodical meats, but that a deal of coarseness toe to bis shoes. Pointed toes be- - the character of the individual. Much. ,ng ntn Qn th hfr nni tbe nesa and disregard for the feelings ofms ooservauons: eater betrays his temperament; he is and cunning lurks In that quarter, long to the aanay, ana mat mosi also, can be discovered rrom me ., lh(wi,-p- (. ..-...- un others Is tvplfied by the man who

"The man or woman who puts a placid, takes a lot of rousing, but I The Individual who plays with his abominable of all human beings, a manner In which a shoe Is laced. " -


t . .. --,. tt a cigarette.little Jagged, stumpy point to a pen- - generally very reliable. food Is inclined to bo finicky, argu- - vain man. "The man with a love of neatness denotes a man with more orlgl:

t fl 'w asideell Is of a mean nature, obstinate. "Be wary of the man who wets his mentative and difficult to please, "A boot with a lot of ornamenta- - carefully tucks away the end of his nallty In his make-up- .

No nee(J o )y a man who slowlynarrow-minde- conventional and mouth when eating, for this Is said many a waiter will tell you tlon is a sign of a love of display, laces, and his love of detail Is shown "The man who coughs when he en- - enjoys the fragrant weed, smokes Itunmu, uu uu uui uihi iui uir not omy 10 oeirsy me iapi mat ne "no man Wltn a love of freedom and not a little vulgarity. " f ". mr uraiaiun nui uiuu .... wm9 m room nas a good streak of nerv- - event v and carefully he Is quite com-piest mates for business or marriage, la not the most refined of tempera- - and the open air chooses a pointed well-cu- t boot or shoe says a deal for are laced. ríes annojuiK i .... pusness under an assumutlon of in. nat.m to take care of hlmse f and

, - nerones, others. But do have pity for tb In"One business magnate makes It a dividual who smokes his weed to the

rule to have his desk at the end of a bitter end, placing It on a tooth pickCURING CRIMINALS by TEACHING Them HOW to COOK long room. Those who have deal- - to finish It. Thla Is the creature whoinga with him have to walk the wants to know where the housekeep-length of the room before reachlns Ins monev roes!

f V most crimes aro the result of that they should have turned to crim- - ern penitentiary. In Philadelphia, re-- for various crimes against the com- - plate of soup, a generous helping of him. It Is during this small parade "Few women open a letter carefulI empty stomachs or of improperly 'nal wnys in order to keep them- - cently arranged for a cooking expert munlty. beef stew, and a quarter of a raisin ne sums them up, and he rarely errs. ly. Being more Impulsive than men,

cooked food, then the kind of selves alive. to come to the prison and give a num- - "As the final touches" were given pie, with bread and butter, at a cost Juick, hurried footsteps show lack they nearly always tear open the'nr an..,-a- Ik. hul a.atka.1 nr I . ,w. - - . ... a nranlal I. ha ra lain nía lA WiimUIl W KH - ..... Ik. I... . ....k a loft. Of Hi in II (I II I'O S a h H kan ...... .... .. fhrnn, II ,,,, fl... Ann,.

prison education, criminologists movng. thl. cauBe of crme is to see demonstration of proper methods of heard to murmur pathetically: 'Oee, eon ln cooklng la obvious." 0rB and measured tread are a mark "When you find the woman who Insay, that has been undertaken by the that every girl Is taught the house- - preparing a number of simple dishes. I'd never landed here if I'd been only 0M woman was prevented of ,eIflmportanee, and show an In-- serts a paper knife Into the flap olPennsylvania eastern penitentiary Is hold arta in the elementary schools. "Several months before this a plan taught those things when I was a from H)taln lending against the law sratiating temperament, but the man the envelope and carefully opens It.

truly of the right sort. In this penal This Is being done at the present had been introduced into this peni- - girl!' And her remsrk was typicalthrotl.h such lessons the work would

who walks w,tn v,n Pce-nea- well you tiave met someone whom no

institution an Interesting and appar-- in practically every school In tentlary by which the women con- - of the thoughts In the mind, of every held . straight ahead. Is taken amount of bullying will quell. Shethe country. The nest step is to pro- - vlcts were allowed to prepare and woman ln the group. ' hU own hown walks her own path, has a love of or-

ently successful experiment has been TWe taclllUea for lnetruetlng grown cook their own meals. The plan "The meal which waa prepared be- - Prtlos interested feel OWXam tnai "Many a man who wonders how he der and promptitude. If you are latemade ln an attempt to cure criminal- - women in cooking, and the next is to worked admirably. The women took fore these women was Intended for niany women will be enawea tnrougn ehta(l to marry a worry- womHn for your appointment twice you lose. '

ity by instruction in cooking. There teach the women who are already up the work with enthusiasm, and It a family of four adults, and the ma- - me ffentle art of cookery some day ,is a familiar savins- that a areat deal navw th. r,nitv to- - thai- - ni.. . ia. .., ,h . r i.h.i. tnr it. nranaration cost only to take their places as uselul mem- -

of crime Is due to badly cooked food, deeds. ing the women inmatea was consld- - 45 cents. When you consider that hers of society Instead of slipping

alnce. it is pointed out, Improperly "For many years it has been the erably reduced and a better reeling such a meal means that each mem- - back Into the same life of crime and Strange FROGS That Have HAIRprepared and unappetising food custom of prison authorities to teach and spirit of among ber of the family would get a largedrives many a man to drink, and the men convicts some useful trade them made manifest The plan had (

r"IN&R than frog hair" has long males showed trace of thedrink makes .him a criminal and or occupation, and lately there has Its drawbacks, however, inasmuch as no appen-r-

eventually lands him in prison. been a widespread attempt to do like- - there was no expert to teach the been a slang method of express- - dages, while In the two males they"Without doubt there la a lot of wise for the women. women the tetter methods of doing Getting "DRUNK" Without Drinking Ing the annarlatfva itaorreA were fully developed. The specimens

truth in this statement," says Mr. "Ho organized effort, however, has things culinary. Doubtless one ever gave It swere evidently obtained dniina; the

J. B. Harrington, a writer in The yet been made to teach the women "Here Is where the appointment of r,.Arn. M.nHOSE who have tried the ex-

perimentthought whether frogs have hair or .Forecast magazine, and probably convicts the elements of cookery, but a cooking expert came In. The first Me.nraat Dr, H. Oadow had

even more truth in the assertion there seems no reason to doubt the thing she 'did was to give a demon- T say that the same not. Probably no one ever realised made a microscopical examinationthat women find themselves behind assertion that if every woman con- - stration before the women convicts, sensations, minus the slcohol, they did until Prof. 0. A. Boulenger 0f the halr-llli- structures, and re-

discoveredprison bars because they do not know vlct left the penitentiaries when her "Bverj move she made ln prepar- - experienced by an intoxicated per- - In the German Kongo ported (hut he was unable to And anyhow to cook. It Is a fact that the term was up with a thorough knowl- - fna the toeat and vegetables for the mn nhn la lirii,n In Walk in B

frogs that had growing upon their nerves In them, although he madelarger percentage pt women convicto edge of the methods of preparing soup and the stow, every motion In .id- -. bodies either hair or a very good 1ml- - out some Insignificantare women who were entirely un. n..r.hin. ,hni. -- a .1. .u- - Ii. .k. aii. straight line or on a narrow tation of It. It has since developed nnd lymph spsces. .lie concludedtralned In any of the household arts. Ing foods, not nearly so many of roll, was watched with the closest waIk which Is only 30 feet wide, can that anatomically It Is not hair, ln that these appendages could npt beThey knew nothing of buying or them would find their way back to attention, and it was not long before be had by any one who takes the the sense in which thst term applies considered a Bensory apparatus, andcooking food, they knew nothing the prisons after a few months of the prisoners were laughing and talk- - trouble to draw a straight line on the to mammals. Our own hair is akin to agreed with Boulenger that theirabout the management of a home, liberty. Ing and asking questions lp Just the floor and tn(m look at the line finger nails; It Is a horny growth, function was a mystery,and when such women were, for one "In order to see Just what effect a same manner as If they were young . aiaasea In a whereas the "hair" on the African "There the case remained untilreason oranother, thrown upon their lesson in. cooking would havé upon girls ln a boarding school Instead of 'b1"0"" a Palr 01 0Dera frogs Is an abnormal development of w. Kukenthal. working ln the Mu-

tileown resources. It Is quite natural women convicts, officials of the east- - women who were serving sentences reversed position. tubercles that appear on the skin seum of Comparative Zoology at lisr-o- f

After the glasses are focused try the ordinary frog. The ordinary vard College, reviewed It by theto walk on the line as shown In the person, however, who places appear- - study of 11 specimens from Krlbe.illustration at the right. You will find ance above origin, will doubtless Kamerun. He established that the

Just How BOOKS ii Impossible to follow it closely. The call It "hair." halr-tlk- e appendages were presentMay SPREAD DISEASE line will look like an ink scratch on "Were the mammals to lose one of only ln the malea, and altogethera surface miles away and the closer their distinguishing characteristics," wanting in the females. This con

and school authorl- - on the Inside of books remained alive lamination books do not offer a you look and try to follow the line asks a writer In the Journal of He-- firms Boulenger second report;I1BRARIK9 that suddIv ehll- - and virulent for months, and also on vorable ground for the lodgment and the more vexed your Vision becomes "through Its extension to the dently his first one was an error,

Oren with books from a com- - th u,ade of books when they were growth of bacteria, yet ln view of and as a rejult your feet wander frogs? Prof. Boulenger admitted "it was further found 'that theseln tne aark- Eposed to diffuse the fact that typhoid and diphtheria from side to side, getting farther that he did not know much about it, appendages do not attain the same

mon siocs, as weii as tnose wno uso but said that these 'vlllose dermal degree of development In all maledmyllghtf baclliu, typhosus aad bacll- - germs have been found alive and away from the line all the time. Int,uch books, should be Interested In . dlphtheriae survived not more virulent after the lapse of months Even with the naked eye It is dlffl- - papillae' were not a nuptial attribute dlvlduals, and that even In

a recent laboratory Investigation of than 12 days, while direct sunlight under the conditions mentioned, it cult for some people to "walk the of the males, but were rather more males there are very conspicuous

books as possible vehicles of dis- - killed within a few hours. would be safest If books handled by chalk" for any distance without strongly developed In the female differences in this regard.'

ease." says a medical authority. "In "From this it Is concluded that patients were thoroughly dlshv growing uiczy ana staggering than the mate. Ha suspected them "He believes, although data areln the course of natural eon- - fected." picloualy. of being a seasonal appendage. few, that the hair like covering Is

this Investigation three approaches "In 1901 he published another most highly developed during thewere made to the subject: (1) An in-

vestigationshort papar on the subject descrlb- - breeding season, and that It is to be

of T6 soiled and torn Ing seven more specimens of the considered a secondary sexual char-sam-

library books that for several years Where ISLANDS Are Actually BUILT to ORDER species. In this case the fe- - acteristlc."had been paaslng through the bandsof children who were living under N the Bismarck Archipelago are built for themselves an Island of ref- - by a relief ship sent In search ofmost undesirable sanitary condi-tions;

two small islands that the Ger- - uge after this fashion. In 18H4 the mem.(t) a search for diphtheria Queensland schooner In Southwest bay, Malekula, one SURGERY Now Done in COLORSwith characteristicbacilli on 1(0 books that were known mans, resource- -

a. . a at the New Hebrides eroun. la sitio have been handled by porsons III fulness, built up for themselves ln a .JL a?Ll-T-

." usted a tiny sugarloaf-shape- Island.,h you have your appen- - were more restful to the eye; he hadwith diphtheria, and (3) a study of sea where formerly no land was.

V b . , . , ,Ubmerged and wn,CB waa entlrelJ' ret,ljt some years WILL operation done in pink. Io painted his walls green and oovbook, artificially contaminated with Thts ' not qulta M d. " gj Wan 00 miles rrom b' ot Bllaa , . . . .. , ered the floor with green material.bacillus ooll, B. typhosua. and B. - "... . at the request of a native chief, or Ttatoncuu " " aounaa one nual naT' lM ""I b!tod land. sugestión was copied by somedlphtheriae. xt, orlglM, j, was selected by be a more cheerful tone, encouraging Am,r)can journai,.

"In the case of the 75 library foundation, of course a coral reef The plight of her crew seemed the ommander of an English induces tranquil- -optimism, but green "in a later number of the samethe only organism found sug- - for preference. Given this, snd also hopeless. But instead of giving way ,h)p M k )MDy object for target sufficiently publication Dr. Mllllgandoubtless haa a expresses

gealive of danger was the colon bacll. an unlimited supply of native labor. 10 de,palr- - to work manu-- practice. It waa practically blown Try to Follow a Straight Una itty aadhimself as being in favor of such aonly. ,aclur aB ,alaad w,d ,,ved 00 H tot The chief of Letnean ouaUty, when dominatinglus, in two instances U pieces. Malekulad DUilaln ln ra Without Staggering While scheme, but Dr. Whlteford Is much

"The search for diphtheria bacilli ,l,,aJll MVar Bontha.subsistlng on clsms objected, and the captain of the walls and celling of Uhe operating Bor ..ujaauo. Illshandled m,,jr calm aBd tldeleee watera be- - and sea flab dried ln the sun. antll Looking Through Reversed operating

dlph- -byon the 1(0 .books was ordered to make room, to enable you to forget the bill rooa ne oat tastefully ln lightiberia patients failed to disclose the ornes almost as easily possible as tbey were finally found and rescued god the damage done by bis guns, Opera Glasses. thst awaits your recovery. The point French blue, the surgeons areorganism In a single Instance. does bous building elsewhere.

Is that phyalclana and surgeons are dressed la white, the nurses in blue.I.UUOI.I1KI..,. Tne golomon islanders, for la nd tbe onlookers In red. A Dr. Jeanstne results oí a onei uin beginning to believe the psycholo- -

adds ,ute u btastudy of

tuberculosisbooks open to


tamination "tho art.stance,


tne population of any MEASURING the Human VOICE with a TAPELINE gists, who say that oolor affects our mUug roomu m bu tWa yeMr An(JWith meeds, ana aiso mat our u so me caromsno catrurgenn m

result of a mora extensive investi-gation

for conftort they Just set to work and T H oralarr "owing room Upe- - for future service. In thst length ot sons tested in Minneapolis. Ths lung termine to some extent the success tribute IMr Impressionistic Ideas ofby Profs. Kenwood and Dove,

build another one aad the surplus I Promises to bring about a the voices of 12,000 singers capacity of tbe individual has little or failure of medical and eurglcal operating rooms.quoting them aa follows: There is f.mtnaa ai.-ai- a '

i u .mi .an i. .mall revolution tha a.uaja.1 have been measured, many of them to do with the power and range of experiments with our Interior econ "i0 time, let us hope, we shall havenaJMu aa n. a furia risk lavahjan ÍM aaami ui me piuuuueii ituu mc voice, aa our irnucuii; ueaia a OSS- luv pFwsftwb iwiiiui uuwiimi laija'the reissue ot books recently read aown ". world as the reault of the discoveries opera companies of New York city deep bass voice from an unJerslsed "A eaff-o- a tie makes us Isagaesv clan; he will bewilder us huhr consumptives, uniese tne books " ' m cnoose a corai mAÚt by a Minneapolis musician nd Chicago. Estertor measure- - man, while a large man will be the ous while a purple une Inspires as losucn displsy as tiit. Tbe anestheticara i.t.rinualv aoiUH ulc OJUSl uOl be SUpmergM hailavaa ha haa fauna an Infallt meats of the resonating cavities of possessor of a high tenor voice. noble deeds." eays a writer ta tha room will be ln rainbow oolor. ala

"The books artificially contaminated m"r u,aB tA" m four feet. A raft bt means of determining the true the head will give a true Index of the The deceptive qualltlee ot the hu-- Medical Review. "Oreen produces 4 airylng hope, tbe operating room willby rubbing tnem. insiae ana ouisiae, -- a iuuii- -j ww qualities and peaMMUliee Of tne bit- - kind snd quality of the voice pos-- man voice are being ganged so acou- - state ot tranquillity, while blue do- - be to red. meaning danger, the newwith cotton swabe aeturated with centre of the reef, . where the mMM By measuring the reaon by the subject. It is claimed. ratoly by the use of the upellne, ac ureases us. Aad so uu. But now assistant will be green, the patient'sbroth suspension of the organisms watr shallowest. To this, coral, tina cavities of the singer or would By this means It cea be determined cording to a writer ln the IcieaUnc the chromatic scheme of things en-- relatives will look Mae. and the fastudied, were held at room tempera- - torn from the outer fringe of the reef, be singer be says that has been able whether the voice has bena da-- American, that It is possible to tell tire has lavaded the operating room, ture will appear blackture under various conditions: dry is brought and plied ap pyramid faab to answer with precision many of veloped or trained to Its proper whether the Individual has a tenor, that hitherto domain of the strictly "rjerloualy.howevar.lt la time thatIn diffuse daylight and moist in dif- ion to urm ine nucleus of the island the questions which perples the ranga contralto, baaao. or baritone voice practical. some such restful shade to the eyesfuse daylight, dry In darkness and Lastly, earth la carried to canoes alnr in msay of the tests It was found without hearing the soaad of the "Dr. Berkeley Moynlhan wrote to aa light green should supplant themoist la darkness; at low tempera- - from the nearest land and apread Four years have been apent to that persons who had no idea of be- - voice. If a person has bees over- - Th-- Lancet slating that tor two and glaring while of many hoe pítala, thsture, ana exponen to oveci suniigm. over uve 01, eoooanm trees are working out tbe theory that the fen tag singara bad volees of unusual trained, the tapellae will mnhe the a half years ha had bean using green dassltog eneretlng room, the cheer.n waa ivuuu uiai uan.ua. y a.. m.wimm. man voice ena no nsssjseres ana prep range ana power. Tares sues ais- - secret known long before it la appar sheets ana towels msisan or wane leas corriaors. aaw 11lus typhosus and bacillus diphtherias Shipwrecked British sailors once erty catalogued aa to Us poealMUttos cover lea were made among 100 pas) eat ln the singer's voice. ones In tbe operating room, ea they patients' reosas"


4 W 7tw Br JIT x

1CAM OJO. n--f nMyrrj. it

o a . o ir ' a..? .


Here's Eddie Loomis!OcfTrtlgfc 117. by Nwtppr r Ur BcttIm. Or I BrIUfr RfftU Mmi.

f NOW-BOVv- 5 IT IS FRIDAY- - I HAVE CALLED ) I A 1 Akin t itti B" fwV 7. L


Boys r UANn't fírtTA Pl.F ASURE JjONcLiT LONu Mv- 5h BOT, "ibu BETTCTl) T UflVN TGflTA JOV -- 7 rw MYibur1 1 HAV KrT (jOT A&NGUt TRlÑgL T.TO nAKC DC LAUGH ORvWIILC

But vhat6u'r going t&GET RIGHT Nov WILL,mold Yoo For awn ad


AT NtlUR. CONDUCT,NOJ BEVlUlUONt there is no JoVor úladhess. ? jul ur



lg)U SAID lJ

iONTk To E ACA OTMUfc,-YOoR- i





clY ' 2



i Thank You foR YóuR KinP Awful world. HoWnaRaYadcc ,WiTic CUFFT RYNIlMTAnDAY ATTEMTÍ0N, KEMAIN kt hmMAM' huh IF UF DiD A:&rr liku iu aitvflN I AM HERE To SAY IT 15 f (lOOD YOURS TRULY, rVríCH WMo W0ÜUD lCfiR VITH WN HE50 DONT MO (jUVGETGAt) EDPltLOOniJ,RrVruui

JDbCAMt W OLUHRH. 11 W0ULU 81 f 5CTTCR7w v JCLU ir i ww- - uwncn ireicu 10 HOKtL UllH

1 1 wovLwivur Ht old fitn YouNom IüFlPM B6V5T. tVERY oOPy AGREED JhoLIyjomltw otufipd With his pw.k Kin Mam

'WOULD HAVeTHlQHLYWlFL ANDUVE WTHtOHiYun incuNLTóiKw.1 in vie only Town.

Op to Wr'K Ai i tATUFiFn wiTw mío aiJU

