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MARKET f1 30Bflrujitg imt$ rtemirtrria















SECRETARY M100 NAMEDSecretary of Treasury



"Leak" Inquiry.of President Wilson,




aBstta9 Carranza Representatives) Convinced Mr. Wilson Will at





AmericanMexico City.

Troop and


ttttttWIkn. PEACEMOVE. Commission Adjourns Without Any Agreement for Adjust

SCHEME TO RAID MARKET BkLment of Questions PeraMhfj, but American Member

In Particular It Preclude Any An Decline to Admit Its Complete Failure.nouncement by Berlin of Con

Secretary Tumulty Also Mentioned as Being Among Those sBBBbV ÉtWWatsm diliont. Designed to Answer Associated prcas.

Advance Terms Set Forth in Answer to New York, Jan. It The Mexican Ameri-

canWho "Received His Bit" in Connection With commission er-

redJoint which railed toPresident Wilson's Note 01 TRKTAnO f'ONt EVTION TO

Information on President's Peace Note. an adjustment or the queeunn at Is-


between Mexico and Uie Cnltcd State By Associated pressForeign Minister Declares Door Is after e series tr conference that began Otieretaro. Jan. ir. The ConsJJuUonal as-

sembly.Statímínr Promritlv Denied bv Chairman Henry Are Not Finally Closed to Later Ef four months ago. was formally dissolved adopted articles today providing

Reiterated by Lawson, Who Tearfully Declares He Will forts Before One Side or Other litesecretary'

fodiy.Of Ihe Interior Lane and the

tila I Uie Mexican congress shall meet onStoptembcr I, and that its regular tesalnnsother members nr the American commis-

sion.Not Permit Himself to Be Made "Goat." SBatTBswea anj Hm Is Completely Crushed; H Dr. J. n. MoU and Judge nebrtra shall not extend beyond Deramber 31.

Faith in Teuton Troops. orsv. (Old the Mexicans that they had Another article makes a vote ofrecommended to President Wilson the dis-patch

Uie members or both houses of congres

Ht Associated Pre. knew Uie naiur by Ilie .Initial rtO. To to Mexico or Ambassador Fletcher necessary to override tne veto of Uie presi-dent.WuhlnrtoD. Jan. 15. --Thorn W. complete tlie sensation, ihv.-i.- went on to siic!sled Press. and the withdrawal or Uie Amerlran troops

haled before the houm- ruin com-

mitteecharge that Paul M. Warburg, or th fed-

eralHerlln. SutHUiy, Jan. It. Wireless Ui the rrom chihuahua. The delegates dereated an effort to piare

to tell what he knew or had heard reserve board, had knuwledge or the sorlsled Press via ssayvltle) Ir. Alfred Mexican Problem Reierts President. the i;n of Mexico under uie governmentsnout á stork market leak on iTrnident leak machinery; repeated a rumor that ajiPj WM .linmeriiian. Uie Herman foreign minister. Ii... Americans impressed upon ihe or a board or conumsHioners, instead or Use

Wilson's peace not? or he punt calmly Count von BeniaTorfr, I he Herman ambassa-dor,

InriirnM-rrtb- Associated Pn today lhat in Mexicans that with the dissolution nr the ayuntamiento, or free board or aldermen,declared today that tin- congressman w!m bad made two millions in tlie stock Ins upln oil Ibe .entente reply to President commission, the Mexican problem revert-

edwhich has governed the city since IsgL

told him a cabinet orrirer. a senator and market, and gave out a 111 ul known Wilson' peses note bsrs the possibility for to Presideni WITson They were rare-fil- l The assembly decided, arter considerablea banker were engaged m a stock iriambimg men whom he Uiought should be questioned. Ihe present or rurther tlemiMt steps to not to leave in the minds of the Mex-


debate, that its sessions must be conclud-edpool. wa none other lian Representative The committee promptly issued subpocnaes bring iboul pear's. In particular, he said. the conrlcuon thst president Wilson January SI. in accordance with the de- '

H. L. Henry, chairman or the committee. ror all or lliem. II precluded any direct announcement bywould sccept the recommendation thst an cree under which ll was convsmed. Many

Involve MoAdoo. Bit." iiennany or her eondiuons. In answer to delegates asserted during the discussionSecretary RrreiresSecretary Tumulty "Hps a. ei edited diplomat would be sent tohearers had time to re-

coverthe icrnts set loitli it Uie litest entente that. It wat Impossible to complete the la-

borThen heroic his Mr. l.awson said lio had b en told that Mexico and that tleneral Pershing's force

rrom the shock, Lawson sprung; one Malcolm McAdcxC tlie secretory' brother, levbe withdrawn, but Ihe IntlmaUon that he of Uie assembly by that dato.

sensation after another by declaring Uiat knew ..i the leak.' as did C. B. Barney and Dees Not Ktttally Cldse Door. would do so was conveyed.the cabinet officer rererred to wa Sec-

retarycompany and Stewart O, tilhboney. or new Dr. y.tmuiermuin assertod, howeveV, hit Look for Full Diplnniallr Relations, ' TRAIN SJKBYICK IN o

AfrAdoo, that the banker as H. York. A Mrs. Rntli Thomason VlnconU, or lmWKÍKrvr?BtC sj-v-r- l the answer or the entente to the president In ptte of the Americans' care, however,ii mu. nest Mini.

l llney Flake, or New York, and that he this city, lie aald, bad declared to him In did not finally and completely close the the Mexicans hail little dmibt tonight that Haauniption of terrina over the Mex-

icanthe presence or her attorney, that Secretary 1 ymmoQ i I door lo Islof errori ror peace before one full diplomatic relations between the two canlrai and Mexico Northwestern waTumulty "received his bit" ami that W. W. government soon would be ihe on island in feature or yesterday'sPrlcei one or the White House correspondí The foreign niliilator. In ihe course or a

..i that unlet unexpected compllcaUon la tin tllunlon m NortliainSTAGE IS SET FUR mu,' wa "the ge between ror Tumulty convertstlon with the Associated Pre gris. American troop would be withdrawn Mexico. A rreight arrived eelrrday after-noonand other." n Plin-- y Hu last nlglit. dmiareii, although over Uie Mexico NorthweftUrn, and

was the hanker he .reren ad id previously with reluctance, thai :t was lmposible for rrom Mexican territory within a few daystwo n eight trains and a passenger trainThe probability of such action was Inclmtdominating a rabluei ornear, and Arch-

ibaldCAMIIVETTF him to give a more derlnite tialement or over Uie Mexicirr centralas - DIOGS LIFE OF ADMIRAL ed in the report or the last meeting which arrived late last

INAUGURATION OF s. White, he said, had given him this the- - peace program ot tin- central powers was telegraphed to Oenenii carranre night or early this morning.information. Iban li.il Imllrited In the declarations of

i Otieretaro While there have been trains at Intervals,Lansing Confers, Willi Barueh. Dr. inn , Uie rlwneeiloi-- railroad traffic ha been blockedbecause the lierinan terms such Mrxlraaa Pleased Wfth Resulto. practicallywere dialRepresentative Henry was said by Lawson WHITE SLAVE GEORGE DEWEY the unsolicited prnriiulgitlon of. them In l.tils Cabrcr. chairman or the Mexican for Uie paat Uiree weeks on account of

to have told Itlm at lb: confeiepces Uii lark or eo Arrangement have been mtd.GOV. FERGUSON the r moderate details, arter what he char-a- i c.iiunilsslnn. and Ignacio Bonillas and AIin. leak investípreceded the opening or by which. the railroads have now secured'the hertn J. Ptnl. the oilieri lied as aspiring program of con members, said theygallon of reports connecting uie cabinet rod enough to haul trafficdeal and dlsmifUM-rmen- t outlined by the expected to leave within a week or ten rltys approachingofricer. banker add senator, and also hud normal.would he Tor Mexico ,Mr Cabrera and Mr. Bonillastheentonte, Interpreted by entokt biro of reports thai Secretary Lansing CONVICTIONS IS GRADUALLY A Jarsje number or peaxengrr rrom Ch-

ihuahuatente powers a a sign of waknos and will resume their plsee as member or lhad been' with Bernardseen confiirring JlmrnexCity. andState Capital Overflowing With of a desire for peai-- at any cot. Crrini' cabinet and Mr. Pant as di-

rectoradjacent towns

Baruch, the Wall street .operator said to were aboard Ih passenger traba, havingFrienda of Administration to have made a cleanup un the tailing market I'libllc-a- l Inn Would llrleal Purpose. general of the., government railways.

been forced to leave by condition whimVithwnhstandlng Uie dissolution nf Uiewhich accompanied Uie peace note. I'iiblirtiiui ur ihe pavee lerm or the they describe aa Intolerable. They reponUPHELD EBBING AWAY commission, tnemaelveiAttend Ceremonies. Lawaon declared Henry bad asked him cenital imwer therefore would dereel lis pleased withthey

the result,expressed

pointing nut thataa

villa must ring a large fares to tba moun-tainon patriotic grounds nut to prcas his rharg every piirpoe, said Dr. Zimmermsmi. The an west of Cblbuabus cuy for a newwith the withdrawal at the AmenAt no time, the Bo Ion financier lestlfleu foreign min ster expressed doubt whether troopcampaign on a large scale, and that Utathe mdn Object of Crrens In sendlnr themSpecial to the Momma; Times. did be ever ay be had direct inrorniallou after what be desrrlbed as the rebtirr to in. .mi leader. Is vowing vengeance

Austin. Tx., Jan. IS. The stain la set ror Heary líenles Broker's TeMToiony. In Divided Opinion Supreme General Breakdown Shatters Prerldenl Wilson's ia ce' effort given m here would be accomplished.(Continued Two)on PsseIhe of the Further niisrusslunreply entente, tin- president could ImprarUcahlr.

me inauguration or uovrrnor Ferguson andi halrman

When LawHenry




recital.sworn Court Construes Law to Pro-hib- it Vitality of Veteran Hero of take wiy fiiilher a. lion for the present, The last sesilon or the Joint commission

Lieutenant ooreruor Ifohby tomorrow rorthat at no time bad be mentioned to Transportation of Women Manila Bay, Who Lias at His adding that the entente nswer rxrludcd continued all afternoon. The American CORP. SCHUL iuTFi second lerm. Tlie ceremonies will be held Uie name the Inlander bruuglit out on tur lh present. ny possibility or peace. commissioners explained to til Mexican

in the hull- -- or representative and Austin Uie witness stand, that he had no intorma- for Any Immoral Purpose; In-

cludingHome in Con Expressing a profound conviction ibet Uie repreieiiutlvet thai they regarded further

- already overflowing- with triends or the i. .ii then and had none now or his own program of the entente powers neirr could discussion nr Impending qilesUona a Im-

practicable.administration who have oine ror the in knowledge; and denied generally and com Private Escapades. dition ; Wife and Son at he carried into erfect, lir. Zlmmcrmuin Twice Oeneral Garranha hadiTururtnuu and tlie ball tomorrow nlghL pletely all or Lawton's testimony relamía ii a rallure or the etitenhV refused tu ratify Ihe protocol signed St KILLED; ALLEGED

frijnwin Recelaos J 7 Votes. lo him. this yer. which he expected, might Ailtntlc 'ity. in which conditions ror tneA joint sjesslou or the two houses was Law vie Iteclarea lie Telia truth. By Reason of Decision Imprison-

mentAttending Physicians Declare again make it possible to approach Uie tub-le- d withdrawal or troops had been made, and

or peace on reasonable term and with lhat rerusal Ihe Americana construed aa inlicld today for the punióseelection.of canvassing

The When he had concluded. Lawson rose and Sentence and Fipes of Great Strength of Naval Of some prosperl of succeta. dlcaUve nr what might he expected If thecast at the recentHie vote selcmnly declared Uiat every word he ban rooferetir were continued. They were SLAYER GETS OFFloul vote cast for Governor Ferguson waa llered on Ihe sUud was the "truth, so help Appellants Will Become Effec-

tiveficer Has Been Sapped and End Nolnlaf rr ieratiay lo May.

told or in vi.it of Uie American to Presi-

dentround lo be M3..W3. or this numbe- -God. without varlaUon." To back It up "The entente powers gave out for thera-s-

Ferguson received setlST and R.meLawaon aald thai liiuticdlately after leavlns in Thirty Days; Ruling Af-

fectsIs Matter of Only Few Hours; in- - a big program,'' ld Dr. Zlmmer-n- .

theirWilsonre. oinmrndttlon

and the president'sUiat Uie commission

enrUon nr

or Brownsville, tnc nepuniirau ttiii. commenting on tba note to Presi-dent

crrsger, at their first oosference. be laid hliemdldste. received tv.ll. accordlnr to tlie InrormaUun

Heurybefore Joba u Haca Coagrive. Jack Johnson Case. Is in Eightieth Year. Wilson. "What mora I there ror be dissolved.

faiininlaslou Vn Longer NecasMry. Fight by Soldiers and Nttgrossareturn" rrom the romilie.- - reporting. Sev New York Worlu; Oermany lo say regarding II?"of tnceditorSunday It was out to Uie Mexican- - thateral counties railed to report the vote cast J. president or "Mow that Ihe allies have to s certain pointed Followed Hour Later by Killi-

ng-Lrman iiidgwa. Uie maintenance or ambataador In MexianBy Associated i'reea. By Associated Pre.ii. tin- secretary or stata. and honaiu Mcltouald. extent outlined their plana." tld the cor-

respondent,The legislature today transai ted littlemagasUie.

or Boston rinandaJ paper. Washington. Jan. 15. The federal whti Washington. Jan. 15.- - George lie way, ad "do you ta nk therb It tny co would remove cause for the eilitence of of Corporal.publisher a

rew minor hills were mtro lav law was construed by the aupreme possibility or (iermaiiy declaring in commission, since all International quabusiness. "Call these men," he demanded, "and miral or Uie navy and hero or Manila Bay tome If pending those maton or ariseboth houses Saul several commit court to prohibit Interstate transportation p. in or ntner it for a mightdurrd In program

favorably bill referred to they will bear me out In what I say."i.r women for any Immoral purpose, includ I on his oeatli bed. A g neral breekdown pece would then be handled through diplomatic Corporal Prank Nr hulls, aged about as

lees reported AInto i in tear at Hrnry's absolute de channel" It was explained to them Mat fears, of Company L. Thirty aacood in-

fantrythem. lug prime escapades a well as commer- accompanied by arterio sclerosis tut "No." the lultiltler replied, after aa in-

stantnial or ins tan mi ni- - aw mi shouted: riabxed vice. wlUi the dissolution or Uie commission Ui wa fatally shot in the neck ktatPros and Anil-- . Wrangle Ihe veteran's strength in bis eigrbUatt s rerlccUon. "I think we can"I'll Bute good here and I wpo'l go to ..presideni would he free to If I Independent ahjrlit si in i.'. clock it Second tod ''amp- -feature or the day was the meetinr or " Ii. three Bts! the In more. We cannot afford to give tlieThe cases court a divided and tonight he lie it his how herejail aa a goat year, ly In Ihe problem in ten by the pres I bel I streets lie died ten minuta rtrwasdw, committee on comtlltuliunal sntenil opinion affirmed convlcUou of r. Drew impress on lhat we are hat In- alfar near

NrAdoo and Tuasulty Ueaj l.barges. semi conscious wiin lire gradually epblng en. e In Mexico oro men ran military Jkn the. parol wagou when he a beingfhents wlurh was In session the greater CamineUl mil Usury I. Diet, or Sacra-

mento,t all costs After in entente allies have

pari or the arternoou. There was a rood s. retain - McAdoo aa'd rttmully and Mr. cal., and L. T. Hays, of Alva. Okla am ay. Ihe doctor y he may die in a few put out un- - highly atublUou program, an force. neo in me emergency nopnei. -Price at once Issued aUlcioenls deuytnic The Mexican expreawd reaaet that Ui oegro. wbo is she sed ui have shot Baa

ileal or wrangling lirtweeii the pro and Their imprisonment sentences and Tinea will hour. announcement or Use firm and moderanLawton's rrrejenrc to Ihent. The coniimtttr unfermirrs had bean brought to an nod. corporal, made in earep following theIlie antis over tlie resolution" providing for become efrerllve wiuun to day. '.cunan isrini or peace would, by contrast,ordered Mibpo necs for Rltlgway Stricken Lett Tkurstsy.be but they Phi admitted mat rurUitr dlsru shooting, acrordlag to Uie two comradestlie ailing or a roiiMilutlonal convention, interpreted by our alllea a weakueas."Price, Malcolm unci Divided lile le Tbray - lai slon en uls and effort have who with the

riu- roniiutllee Is sbout two to one In fa Coacrave. Warburg. Flake. The sdourai wa stricken Ihuisday Oeranaayja Tersa Mear rate. appeal no to war soldier. A right beMcAdoo, (ilbbuot-y- , Barney and company. The court divided rive to three In broadly Uiem prolonged wa mad. tween some soldiers sad saidde ataree i tovor of rrrnmuiendlng tur posase of the as be wat letvlng home lor the navy Dr. Zlmmeiinanu aald he could obvloualvMrs. Viscooti and J. n. HaUiom, editor oi Interpreting tin- law enacted In lato. Chief N MaairieaUea of have taken place st Seconal gad laregonthe se Use Mentiosduring rromresolution, bnl It developed where, as presideni or the gaa dvntaget one poinl or viewthe Pruvidencg Journal. who publlalieu Justice White and Justices McKaon sad partmeiit. streets about on hour before tbaNo direct reference shunting.hearing that the pro are planning to use in declaring liermany's i. un- - and letung was mad by the i

he constitutional convention a club to tome rucies boui "leaks." Clark, la a minority opUiiuu. held that con-gress

eral board, be has been at his desk almost me worm see oy cnntrasi with those which .e.aion to what Um attiiudc or the A (oldler loot a negro' bat. acrdmg to a

fore favorable action on submission. iuinully ncl McAdoo will ap intended to hai tlie law apply only dally during the past 16 of bts W year of Uw eiip-ut- power have roomnued Uasm mini sui. . would be in Ui event Iba policeman, who taw a nagru running at thatPros Prettier I Pilars AaUe. wltbuul subpoena. to actual "traffic" in women and not to serviré lu ihe navy. He collapsed and bad aelvoa to Uie real slate ot affair-- , bul saete-

adAmerican troop sr withdrawn and new tun.

thatMe arta t Adfuurned. perm. nal Immorallue. JuMlr McReynolds. lo be convinced that tuck advantages raids srrots the border by Mexicana ara Following the ahooung, Capt. charlea Kb y.II has been known for some lime to be carried In hi bed. When physicians

AsWiUi mat the committer adjourned until who was attorney general during proeca-tio- were not sufficient to ffrt Uie attitude made, but neither wa l bars any modín provust niarihal-- I ituteaaat Chuk, astisuatthis

..i k as- pari

stateor tlie

conventionpro program.

In Houstonrr tomorrow morning lo resume It hearing of namluelM and Dtggt, look no pari were called they ware tlanni u hut know of the entente powers or. to outweigh Uta rauon made n. the warnlns by Secretary provost uiarsha,. and capt L, I Hall, at the

the statement via- - made by leading Ito oi the most drastic charge or rrnd In Use case. ing tlie umirl't greii recuperative power ef feci un public opinion m enemy coun Lane thai eceompaaled Uw protocol to pollc, and 8rgt W. A. imp ton hurried tunr the state that the anils would be pun

Uie capital he aren in many years. Net i ihiii . Peart! aa le Astead Art. s.ui his keen averttoo to any suBaTettton of tries or in annnuniemeiu or tías term Metico Uiat tin govariuiieaL reserved the the acenn All or the sol.fieis in tne vli muy

Islied Tor falling to rile submissionToday's enaailonal proceedings disposed The majority opinion, given by JuaUee Belgium and Ibe others lu tula right te imllmilrd aad uiirasirtcted pur-

suitw lih Uie exrepnmi at Me wltnatse,

hi ratlin, they determined to make noor the elabórale ror holdingpreparation or bendita to tiiairIt wat reiterated Day. bald that while congress may have wsr. mi camptass'tlie Democratic platrorm. I won in contempt or Uie house for de law immediate announcement regarding hi n-ine,

To It aai inuanated to Ule Siesrrel Raidswhen tin- law maker- - gathered in Austin Intended Ih to prevent only traff n in Uie uuesliun as Ui wbeUiei he taw the Mftican that tollou.lor the lerieUtive session In the commit

fiance or Hm (ouiiiiiltre al Uie previous women for pecuniary sain. It plain term inquirer were told thai Uie admiral putsuyilny of oenneny making such a central Pertblnr troop woáld be taken Rvrry iletei live wis detailed iui the cuetec meMng today strong effort wa made

bearing. include InlerdirUon nf than-- tranpoi-lUui- had s cold. of her Inteutlou. should s ripauw out of Mexico whan It appeal tt evident thatby tlie anti to scene n unrornie re-


great crowd was packed into Use room "for any outer Unmoral purpose n it Ureal Strawftb sagaee. inquiry ba made rrom Ui netiirtl aide r bandit were not meo trinar ( the norUirrn

on the resolution, and Chairman Georg when Lawaonfor

arrived. Police cleared the wa not so Intended, the majority said, it But llss grail klrangtb or Use aged ofricer ejuwsple by Prealdent Wllaon, the mtniaier bordar of Cbtbuahua. the entil emidientrance biru.

H Terrell expressed the hope Uval Hie coin-1- wa oongrea' funruon, not the court', to had barn tappsS, and there wa no r replled .ill., ally lion in Uie protocol Carraña refused to

ni. would allow It to go to the novar. veta le atakg BUleateal amend the law. lunertlaon. llus morning his condtUoo had Kelmlc aegly lasulllag. 'si'iyRepresentative Tlllotson asked htm to With a et of l uuesuous before bini. Wiser aroae la Koleretaf La. SSSSH so isrtou last It wu derided to But will he make turb an loaulry aner Hark Met alnrt1 Satire i sskytrt

plain hi position. Mr. Terrell tried to prepared by Represenletivr Lenroot. Chair Wider scope in enforcing the lgw now It kiste the reel to Use public. Ller II Be-


Uie entente reply who b, in II imtiire it. Tba American coinmbaloner declaredm.Ii n. o tlie question, hut wtieii Ik- w man H nry began to question Lawson. open to Usr department of Justice which known Uiat Admiral liewey bad aa 111 we lay Inaulung they did not regal d Ihe work or Ule rompltue) to Hi wall, he Mid.' "So rr air I Whim lie had completed his first qufsUon cea landed for the broader loierpretoUon vera Ulnae more taao a rear ago sbout "Uo you think that titer en tntei val Ibera Maataai u . nam iHHrned I am for a constitutional roa- - I use name of the coagreaaman Tba ruling afreet many pending cases, in-

cludingwhim only his physlnuis and Intímate will be any potsibil ty or an o'fer of me- - .i.am or rn,.u rf. iir, k.,ii,

etntrdle of the rale ot aabmlt an., lewson ald told nun or cabinet of that of Jack Johnson, the negro knew, and that he never bad bera IB satee, disten for peai being aicepted by both .rieuenu latlava reached I

mu fuer. meu.er of rongre and a bapker ptirUi!. who u a fugitive from Jusuee. une ."í" ut""'u'r 'ke.i Hpj ttmr wxjrk axoujd o of eseclal adWant Favorable assart. ivortea lo Bate breo connected with the inn lw inste- - arcompllrc" or Mrs bew. y ano me suuniai mi. r". as, bo raptted. The ajeaire far peace i vmaL..H ., lh-- ....i.,.,. vs., i.

if the discussion In Use commute leak" and atoo their nam. 1 sua rose an uwolv ed in personal atrapado was Jr.. are with buu and have k-- loui tnai in o me pnopies pvupara. lllllii you I aAmed wdi - sime for him it wouldI to radicate, however. Uiat Use pros jui aald he desired as make a siatemem definite!, d by Uie eouit. but at ead la near. sty not govertuuriils l o strong thai serve a ground work far any ueguua-uo-

I am rom tu answer your uuesUons 'their tetliiuoti) against men Indicted wat after Bat antéate ba had auulher Uy iui be mis in lias to cuuSurl.

tuilonal convention resolution and that It he began significantly Phyaleiea'a Lete.1 Mattesaat a new offensive, after It ka seen lb rrult- -

LI lonlani Dr. PauaUarvy latued IBs laa or Use endeavor, to t ruth the m.lwould be held bee until after the nous Crowd l.aes lelasreaL in the teat cats. waa stalest red Itaiy strength of the reuul power. User The craanon of inlrruauonal roubaa voted on submission The erod, wkarh up to ihel u in had ta I months' unpritouweul and fined

"Adiaual Iiwy'v geiieisl londlllon has mey be better pnenibiiiiv of negotitiu.g etwmt for abe adjudleuton of proiA sub coiumill of tor commute tiavtn llous of l awaon being placed In toe i.am. Hi to two year ajad s fine, lightly unproved Puiee lia and letptrt s sUrsrlur and rratouabir pear losa incurred Mnee liar involution

in charge the submission resoluUon decidef ued of an officer on contempt rhej-ae-i and Hays to I month, iinprltujuueui tson U. The ureal 111 it aaier wd Ihe Porfirio Diss. Ih pi ote. le. or life

ed trmtght to recommend lie- - passageto with an oblou temporary fastjo far ieaecptetatie ef (Nklse lssna. ewdtowlng U aSatv sraan.Asrr to uot .las. property of foreigner, tad MM mssjy

lb resolution providing for the electieai" of tnlereei- - Although Use sopéense court bad previous-

ly ML dUikult so Usst MunsbjMt esa Be By Aassaltltrt Pre. condition lpg Iky borderI held on taje rourth Saturday " July toa laattotiat Mat be ft rat he upheld contutuliouaHly of Us Man readily nruesnea it nos DougU. Arts. Jan seven aixny tr serially In preventing' Ihe foetertug ui

intoir prohibition carries the law to to golake atalrmenl aaraiug lorth that It While slave tow, the quaeUiei of eiusim It atute o uurked He can be t roused front plane will ny frota Coltinbu. N N., to Amaiiran aide or revoiunrmarjyMMBI

ni rt March I. mmIs agtatsi hi wishes as give the nemes prompts mterrute traportaoo of women his nuul oai. like condittoa and for Use rsuugta last weak, .'boo slag lb first mom were (ubjeel ditrutaed today

Has genrrel ItegtresetiMi m Autlln newto tfallc. Chairman Heavy tuaiated. haw only tor runinicri-ieitin- vire oi ppues to pan nil njUMl it cienr nin ton gtg troen stmospiieric oudinmi- - ait good, talked oxr nui with Uie uta af eat

i'.i .ul,iiii.io:i is likely to be carried su) shuuld asustar tbn tnto arearoent but far a clearer uitoa law our are holding up without sttlaiBlsSlW, fVJks to dvices reeeixed líese today. anyuse house by smell inaigtn. but it la B to hint BBS B be would later siaiidtn of Uie opinions of aha aaaa ,wiput

kk i htt preeMi ondiuou Use y may b La- ii plain, wui larry an ajtaervur sadi.eied N WW meet u Waterloo in J Hons order that aoulUiued uo pg lvj ed at say laaa. ' üoauuu is report un

.v...aanBBkttei- - , .M


MEDIATION CONFERENCE lo Metiio says several man. amnnr them whether the Information came lo him aa Mawnant and sarioua matter and that hi issued a statement tat. today sartorpanlarda. were rtarnlen there after roo-ii- . "TIZ" FOR TIRED "rumor or goaalp." and brought a rellera orar a I was personally concern more shameless and wanton II rouM be RASH?

RESULTS IN TRIUMPH lion by a roan martial of being arenta IIm rrom Law arm that Representative Henry would Impose no reatrlrtion of conridenc.or Jose lnhl hohlea. who abandoned villa, had given him the Information in Henrys hut that if h had aay fact that he thought conceived" than the rumor that he bad neon

FOR MEXICANS received amnesty and then revolted from office in IM capital on January t. ne should rive In rnnndence, I would "at any time and In any mannerthe. government AND SORE FEET Aoawere Taire 0 sMsa. apect hla confidence. I asked him over In Block .peculation or had been SEE HOW QUICKLY

i "i.e.. Arredondo. Mailran ambeasador to Tha third question called attention to and over again to nam any man who might connected In any manner whatever with arronumied from rage one.) Washington, haa gone lo yiicrelero ror a l.aaon'a atatlements that he had been told have knowledge of Ihe subject 11. dm ncnmen who were killed m the recent cenferenre with Oeneral Carraña. He will by broker that a New York banker. name a single person and I did not name Irak

engagcn.rnia I Jinvnr and pilar dr Can i en, r. to the nal in a few days and ei Un "Ti" for ptxffed-xx- bxirnirqr, cabinet nfrirer and a senator, had a Joint on. Secretary Tumulty gav out this state POSLAM HEAESehos. pert then to go to Waahlnrton calloused fat stork brokerage account and directed that "Ran today. 1 declare that during nur men INo new. had been received In Chihuahua I, he tell the rommltlee the name of the man three houra' conversation I did not men-

tionilv i ni. tune the traína left renrdtnt estimi3 ;mKRainrr will and corna. who had given him that Information. the name or my csblnel officer he has "Afttr th complete and definltt state-mentthe Villa conference at 81. Andrea, il- - REI i me 1 son ana am t 4X1 x

"The man who mid ma that waa Archi-bald

mentioned her today." which I made in tne ntlet commit You apply a little Posiam on some arret tedkm. thai the FROM OH. AMI DIMM. I. AMIS tee last week It should hardly beih.oirh it ' n eon- -

White, notion, of the firm of White Makes Statement Breeder.necessary part ai night, in the morning, when you

feretine waa bemr held The I arranriita Ij ' II:.-- ' andfor me to ssy that mere la not a scintilla look, your own yeagrV erideaoe of ttlacompany."en..rtfcii, In i . chihuahua, CHy 'tlttrlei in city, Jan. la. It li c.timaied tnat Later Henry mad hla statement eran of truth In these new flimsy cnargss."Representative Harrison moved, and tha healing remedy's work, if It was a tllrhtha been uiiustisll. rfTei live of lap and lt.Mai.mi Tor mlulnr aftd oil land iaie for broader, declaring he did not mention the ferret ry McAdoo said:

it haa been ptaiiirau impossible fur anr the tji u t. r will bo paid lo Ihe Mexican gov committee approved that White be sub-poenaed.

name of any or the persona Lawson hau "fin man should be railed upon to noticetrouble an adolescent Pimple or Inflamed

Vllllata information t.. reach that city. ernment ihla month In Ameritan currency. declared he named. such detestable and Irresponsible goaalp spot the chances are that It hat rtlsap,a the government ha fixed the rale of in plying lo the next question aa to "f say to you now," he declared and slander, but since my name has been peared. IT a vlnilenl eruptlnnil trouble. It

w hether he had referreo- - In sistémenla thatMi ni.it i fitttxt li liiilim H ai a discount of ten per rent on great emjihaala, leaning over toward the mentioned wish to aay that no more should be subdued, ao much at that youWITH MUNI Ml V lf RM'tlRl. American money thin mean an added in members of congress had engaged in buy committer, "that I never mentioned the shameless and wanton He could be concel will want Poslam to keep right on.lag end selling slocks, l.awaon said h

Oeneral Francltro Murria, with tflot men eome of IIMi.ono if the government dire name or a banker, a senator or a govern-ment

ed than the rumor or stifgeaunn that I have Sold everywhere. For Tree wrlfecould not give their ñame aa he did not sampleM r'piirfil yesterday at Juaret ki be M u tranafer It to alio 1'iilted stale, to meet official to him. I have no fear of been Interested In any manner whatever to

r. In ll r i Irnm chihuahua City. "hllratlont llore. Merchants ilerlafe that know them. my reputation in thr house or In the conn with stork speculations or purchasesEmergency Laboratories, St Wett tn

11 foror i l Mulata brlnr- - will be the rate will raue a decrease In Import" Tumulty's Name Itraaaed In try, and what this gentleman saya Itere to stock In .lew York nr elesawhere, or tbalSL, New York City.

for American ft was In answering the neit question. day doesn't even disturb me." I have Be rarerul or th toaps yon lite on wrtu orí up) the wmlorj now h id by mm haul- - buylnr rood been connected In any manner what-everi. .rural I j. prrahing when ti. American money ran aeli for Medran rnrrenry at an aa 10 other persons who had riven Idm Refer to Lawson nmmunlraUnn with the alleged 'leak' about the skin. Potlam ,oap is safe, beneficial, de-

lightful.Iroor.t Ire withdrawn, It wan ttated Thp immediate rain of len per rent. evidence in substantiation of his various Henry then referred to a communication peace note. Adv.Murria troops will be tent over Ibe Mexico statements, that l.awson brought In the l.awson had sent tilm early In January ask "Tha putrid partisan politicians and theNorlhwi i in into IIm rii. lirandvt CAMINETTI - DICGS WHITE names of Secretary Tumulty and William lug that an Inquiry into the slock eichange putrid stock ramblers In New York and

it wan added. SLAVE CONVICTIONW. Price. While House correspondent of o inaugurated and that he be put Boston are giving th country a painful ex-

ampleNegro Boy Is Killed by

the Washington Star. He received letter charge or It. Lawson aaid In tbe letter or the methods to which they retortII TION Ot Ml VII IN lMMIS".ONMIS IS UPHELD from a Washington womart. Mrs. Huth thai he would like to hare charge "like In their erTorta to Injure the administra-

tion. Powerful Steam ShovelkWxmni until. ut i ittjiiii ii. Thomaa Vlsriintl. saying In part: Sam I'ntermyer did In the Pujo investigaIV Associated ITcm Wiv iro llmplna; around with achi-

na;,The Vrarontl Letter. tlon." tr he could not prodnr valuable

Mexico city Jan. I.'., lite ncw lliat Ihe (rontinuod from Pare Oataj puffed up feet feet ao tired, "My Pear Mr. l.awson: ctlrtmce, Lawaon's letter continued, For burros pnoue Loma Tira Ranch, . Herbert Foster, a negro boy. 4 years ojd,American remnatealonera to irw Mexican "If, the .name of the man who was thachafed, aoro nnd swollen you can would he willlrg 10 be 'Ignominoualy was Instantly killed yesterday afternoon stAmerican conrerence hail recommended the ha been dlapiitrd ever unre the law'a en. In the present leak and the fired.' "..After that Henry exclaimed dra WHAT TO DO FOR BAD COLOR.

'withdrawal of ileneral I'crthlng'a forre and ariment. hardly set your ahoea on or off? amount of the money he received Is of msKcsJty If von want a eonrh mado-ln- . that viva. 4:10 o'clock when he wax run over by a

111 sending of Anrtiaaeadur 1'lrt. her to Me l ower rederal courta and different ad Why don't you net a box of assistance to yon, can supply the name "He córnea and tells this house and the quirk and sure action In healing colds. powerful steam shovel In the rear or the

Ice Ulty, wai- recefred heir with rerieral ri mlnlatrallotia or Ihe department of Jutle( "Tlx" from the druR atore now and and the amount he received and give the country that he got Information rrom me." coughs or croup, r't rolrjrs Honey and Electric Railway company power plant at

MrtBt. have ilirrered ovar the law'a Interpretation name of al least one associate at the White Tar. It heals Inflamed or swollen mem Fourth and santa Pe streett. Tbe whlsOeneral fibrertn, minister of war. ha dl Vsrloui womott'i cluba and other orranlia gladden your tortured feet? House who participated In the haul.

Submits- Case to Country. branca In throat, chest or bronchia) tubas; or the shovel passed over the boy'a lenrwtrt (ieneral Murria la le prepared to oc tli.nn have arltaled for an Interpretation to "Tlx" make your feet kIow with "If you are Interested. will make an Then turning on Lawson, Henry shouted: breaks up tight coughs, loosens the phlegm. root and hla head was badly crashed.rupv the wiion now held h ir ! enrli all inunorallty. whether romrherilal comfort: take down awelllntTn and appointment to meet you at such a place as "Mr. Lawson, I could say more. I could makes breathing easier, stopa tickling In Coroner A. I. Hall took charge of thePerahlnr. In ufflrial ornea ihia In pointed or not. drawn the noreneaa nnd mleery right you may designate.' ' Uke another course, hut I have made my throat. W. P. Thomas, summervllle, Oa., body and alter an Inveallgation declaredIn as proof that the ' arrana roveriiiueui i., other important guetlon rained The letter rurther requested that Law-so- statement and submit it to Ihe house and wrllea: "Foley's Honey and Tar Is a most the boy had met detlh In an unavoidable arout .of feet that chafe, emart and to the country."were, whether women were aceoinplli e hold the efficient remedy for coughs, hoarteness.determined lo prevent the viniiia raiulnr Information In the strictest cldent. The grandfather of the child Isany advantage froui the uith.irawal of Ihe anil. lielliei men nil k lit he eolivlrled upon burn. "Tlx" Instantly Klope pain In confidence In case he did not proceed Lawson started to reply but was checked I have uaed It with excellent results." employed at the power plantAmertri.il expedition a woman'a utu orroboralod tratlmony. rnrnn, callouttea and bunloni. "Tlx" further In the matler. by Henrv. who asserted Ahat he did not A. E. Ryan. Owl Drug Stores Adv.

In nlorloua for tired, aching. aoro wish lo enter Into any colloquy with himI amlnetll lllgg- - I ar Price the The chairman then placed himself before ALLEN'S FOOT-EAS- E DOES ITHMjUKOm srANIAIIItH EXEC I IIP feet. No moro nhoe tightness no

While Mfffft and Camlneiil foluntartty more foot torture. Adv. Law son then testified he made an ap the committee and urged them to question BREVITIESAS ItftNTC KM ROM I I"I rave aome teatlniony, they reruaed aome pointment with Mrs. Vlsrontt who came to him "searcblngly." i Whatri our altea pínnh or tout orna lad bunion--

Mexico city. Jin la. report from Purr to that row ftf tirad all aaar. gat Alton's Poolfurther ietlmony, and the trial Judre apartment with an attorney, whose "Make It aa scathing a.i possible," he Baaa. Uvr aiillaaaUt-- powdar to ba alaJta tato tnthe Jury lo roiialdrr aurh reruaal ney General Wallace repre-enti- the name he could not recall. After a long added. "Let me assure you that nnthlnr Dr. Ebert. Dentist, rle-fi-s Mills Building. ahoaa and aartokto. In tha fnot bath It win ta

in reai hlnr their verdict. Ilr and caml-

neiiland It) finer Srnahir Bailey, of conference, he said Mrs. Vlarontl told him you may ask can embarrasa me. Proceed tha 1 tina out of rtwm and and Ova liiaMm

contended that violated RM OonatttU Texaa: Mar.liall Wooilwnrth. or San that Mr. Price "had a part In the leak af-fair with the Investigation, gentlemen." Try tbe new bar. Toe gal tne tatter to IVad. Aitilnc, rMidton. Tan dar faaC Ova

lloiial lauae etemptlnr persona from tetl- - Franrltro, and Harry O. ulaaaer, or Knlil, between Secretary Tumulty and No Actual Knowledge of "Leak." beat. T. F. Keith. Prop. lOO.aOO parfcaaaa ara bataf uaad by tha Oanaan ami

rniK arainal tbamaalraa. The Ninth federal "kin the defendant!!. thera." Asked by Representative Poll If he had Dr. Ansa Reum Women and children specalllada mat

trnopaaay .ubatttuta.

at tha front.M

told atatrwlwa, 1 5c. Daaj't

CttCnll court, however, held that, under No reference was made either bv Law- - any actual knowledge or any one beingvarinu precedenta. the Ulal court'i charre lawson hurls bomb into son or the committee to Ihe amount of connected with the "leak." Henryuaa juaUfled, the defendants P iilmii money rererred to In Mrs. VlaconU's let-

ter.replied that he never had any such knowl-edge,toluntarily, but only In part. camp of leak invest-

igators;The defendant contended that rnnrreaa Henry Gets In Again. "Yet," replied Mr. Henry, "and I wishneer Intended to include, wilh Olaailftea-ni- , declares The seventh question, asking to whom to state that I am retiring voluntarily and

aa rclontra, offenaea which are Henry told about Lawson referred by saying a member or that I could have been to theIn MM utatea. hut aimed the law congress had given him three names or per-

sonahouse rrom my district without tbe expen-ditureairalnat iieraona tranapoillnr women vic-

timastock gambling reported to have been Involved In th or a tingle cent."

in commercialized white alava Riffle. POOL deal for the third time, brought the reply: Lawson Hotly ReplicaWlekeraham'a Hilling. "Chairman Henry." The next question and At Mr.Henry left the witness stand. Law-tu-

Allhourh Attorney lienoral Wlckenham, the two following were virtually the same, leaped on his reet with his race riushedin ..Hire when ihe law war paaaed, ruled nntlnued from Pare One.) lavolvrs MrAdoo's Brother. and eyes hlailng and asserted that everyDial It did not apply lo peraonal escapadea, word or his testimony' was the. truth,Ihe aticreedlnr admmlalratlon held be riven an opportunity hi make any Lawson was then asked ir he had any "Fvery word I have uttered here todayho desired. other information In relation to bit Inti-

mationsI andThe serond, Seienth, lahth withoutthe me Ood, vawax truth, so helpDeaplle ihe declalon of Ihe chairman, that "another high olTlclal or theor havrmlh federal f li cull cotlrtl appeal riation," he fairly shouted.l.awaon Intlaled on niaklnr a and government hadwhile information regarding theMiilalneil Ihe broader inleriiretatlon, "This Is the most astounding thing Ipleadlnr for an opportunity, first to pre-

sentleak" and that a relative of a cabinet df- -No held for theNeed To Rub! iill.er rederal ppAtTU have only

bl Information In aerret. rtciat also had been mentioned. He re-plied

have seen In forty-si- years," Lawson concommercial ronatructlon. tinued. "I do not have to seek vindication

stiff tore muscles apply; mirra and i.'amlnettl Verc tried and flerloan Mailer for Admlnlatratlon. thatof


nrm or C. D. Barney and here. Oo on with the Investigation and Itcompany street; MalcolmFOR Liniment to the pain aeparately, Ihe Miner on Aiiruat 'At, "May I nm have Juet a word." he asked a brother or will not be 4t hours berore I will be vin-

dicatedtuts, and the latter on Heptember I, lid. In pleadlnr tone. "I will he short and to Secretary MrAdoo, and to the world. I have given youor ache, it quickly penetrates lieu Btaaa were ronaolldated anil orflruied the point. It aeema to me you'owe It to Stuart G. Olbboney or Ihe Firm of McAdoo names that shake tbe rafters. There Is noandmd soothes without rubbing. .March I. I8K. by the .Ninth circuit court. me to state things which think are abso-lutely Central

Glbboney,union and



at the man. bigger man In this country than Paul War-burg-Rhoumaiiam, (out, lumbalo, neuralgia, In Ihe supreme. court all three rates were neeeasary. I am rolnr to answer the men to whom he referred.

Broadway, were I gave you this name, investigatepraina and bruiaea aro quickly relieved by advanced, both aldea dealtinr early i your questions If forced In. but I want 10

Speaking with emphasis he added thathim. I am through.1'

of Ihe dlaputed quealloiia. and arrurd make one more appeal before I answer. e, Going to Be the Goatla uae. Cleaner and "the public man who knewmore promptly effec-iv- eloreilHT in .November, 1(16, Analbtaut Altor- stated before that my refusal to gire "of the leak Henry then asked Lawson If he bad notthan muaay plailera or ointmenia. It the answer was that the publication of machinery was Paul Warburg or the red-

eral stated that be bad received the best partloea not atain the akin or clo Ihe porea. names might lead to the destruction of the reserve hoard." of hla Information from him.

The family medicina cheat in thouaanda The Greatest evidence and that a memorandum of con Secretary Lansing Mentioned. "Nothing or the kind." l.awson retortedif hornet hat a place for Sloan 'a Liniment. Discovery areas had convinced me that tbe matter Chairman Henry took up a list or cabinet hotly. "1 merely got from you a common-

place,At all drujjut. 25c. 50c. Known Medicine. was serious to the nation and the admlalli officers and asked Lawson If he had "con-nected1

common-sens- statement and I cannotand $1.00. to fUtCh Of ttiain With lha la.lr ......nation. understand why ai ihla late day any roan

Tuberculosis Evidence Permitted I Rscspe"Ting to the name or Secretary lanslng, Law- - should deny It, particularly when It doesn'tBeing son sain ne had not made a suggestion amount to anything. I am loaded with ,

Cured Inhalation. hut I did give one name to In the affair In connection with the formation. I'll make good here and nutby Clark, that of charles n. Sabln. president names the congressmen had given biro as go to jail ax the goat"the Guaranty Trbtt company of New iieitig ríante to the "leak." "You have said you would make good;

llr lllaie. Hum Build- k. Mr. Sabln came before you and war "Do you refer to Secretary Lenalng In will you make good about Warburg?" askMTitTiTcTni mi. i.umj, aaa allowed to go away without giving any any connection?- - Mr. Henry asked. ed Mr. Henry. 'jm Anan, Oat., information or snowing nis hooks, sir. sa "Yes," Lawson replied. "I have given you the names," was Lawbln has left Hie and his evidencecountry l.awson Flares L'p. son'a terse reply. QiTIAROmARtwo muiiUu aa tlitl h. gone. "How can you make good?" Mr. HenryHenry men accused Lawson ofliad ilUoovaral ail draggingI am willing to give all the names, but

rauad fir lutwiai-- ine naine or Lansing Into the heating and asked. .jappeal lo Ihe committer to take all my

a 1 a (tx.imniU.Mi. Lawson flared up furiously. nreognitra iMiimiurr a niintirn.i Even tke word blendanswers In confidence. I hen If the com "Oh, can't bind me down here unlets"I have held the names of and youHOio. Iw mail, u.r rant Lansingmliiee determines that shall mtke themknown Uial il.wt. wa. inr uerman ambassador out of this. you send me to jail." aw son shouted de-

fiantlyNo Pain ranwlr for tulMnilml.public, I will repeal them In puhll said. "I have kept rmlet when I have been glaring at the chairman.don't want to quibble and I don't want to

h. lia. IOW44.J a lafra charred with withholding Information "Thla conunlttee things that it haa fullay tola new S f J A,

i. i.ii.u.r thiol .laearenite. which have nov-an- I have been libeled power to make this Investigation," Henry

Here thepaothod we ft CtS committeemen heir continued. "Are ready to proceed toyouotiej iiiwlnfl iiii..t. ine press or tne country as a result.whlapered rniivenallon anil Chairman43x5 pient In i. U.K. wr itil of paUil Irealed TwanU-n- ,announced thai the

Aa one of your own membera has said nn make good on your charget?"Henry witness shouldyour Im II inn aan Df. mat. mad. in. aiavno. tail nnt the

Uic floor. It was a mailer or dispute as to "I recognized the authority or this com-

mittee."W If answer questions publicly. l.awaon said. I a let-

terEach signal for Omar is signal"reMdeaa ! gavewhether you an ai.i .should be Inproaaiona n H until Ilia Ial )iwr nr to wa. h. lo nuattf n Flral Nenaatlon ot Heartna. Jail or a lunatic

Hi. ttomaeli In h. Uu. asylum. I will not have thla thrown a little while ago that I would ratherIba Bornlar Oniakaa 10a H waul amat-ol

l.awaon looked al the committee onsternlyNXaama me." have given lt.ooo.UDO than to disclose, but for delightful full ofaay dUTiaill lltfam Kuril. a Qnian. squared himself In his chair and- said In aroma aroma,would rather havemade doi.l ha bad In IKtl dUoofcnal o.,- ,.tn. thai r.u.e.1 voice scarcely audible.. Henry Asks RI Assistance. you meUi. diMtM. i fir lawaililna u.r ran. dlrwt intu ih. "Chairman Henry of your committee the l.awson then related In detail how he liad one of my fingers cut off." smoothness and aroma-thri- ll I

520 and you your luna ril. an.l tw li. lit.l fuund o.. rnuiaUi congressman who the names."rome lo Washington at the request or Chair-man

Adjournment TalenSET OF mr

terUi InWa


evendo a aanaai küaatad luto Ut. bl.l Thanka ta Dr. The room hummed


meeicltement. Mem Henry and had called on him at tila "Ob, let's adjourn and all take a rest,"

Ihla work fit any KiWi far th. yin nf Ui. tnia. I at carea bers or the rommltlee. although thny had orrice, how Henry had told him that he Representative Pou Interrupted, and thisTEETH in. oil), make a plata in. In th. in. luiuu tavat If a panati hraathwl Ui. heard rumors that aw son ndght connect wanted hit help lo run down the leak brought the turbulent proceedings or the

atlck lo SO Iba pull hua ataaM u.r ir nala in. luna uur naa Henry'a name wl'lh his charges, shifted In charges. day to an end.

$7.50 00 a olaoa of aleae limine atanatliliia rllraot Into Ua lima to Mil tluan. then chairs. "I told him that tbe only thing to be done Aa the crowd began to disperse the mmav alronr you can Arur jaan ' aJeaa ludy and Uui irwainunt of Henr I'liperturbrd. waa to get first hand Information and to gel mi iter, still in open session, decided to Aroma makes a cigarette they've

WaUaoattaoof atand oa them. Let t iwUanu Id ooncilu.l.i ba. pnwan currant. UWIM, silent and looked It from other people," said Lawson. "I Italic subpoeoaes.grave, straightut tbow you tbit Tli. aniiicaair kraaakaa rllnrt m la. air naUt. Imana ahead at the chairman. Mr. Henry, without asid that I would not give him hearsay In-

formation;told you that for years. And Omar is

Ni. mora th. pua. nauiui U.. luna tu clwr f id all ro.ua, a sign of perturbation, watted a moUMBl thai my principal reeaon was M'ADOO BRANDS LAWSON STATEMENT

Crowiuoat made Brtoue and $5.00 alM UMUatlna Ui. tmaa. Tli. luna rlrafa an.1 Iwaila ror tha hutting to subside and then dn that I did not want lo besmirch anyone un-

justly,AH BHAMELEfig AN'U WANTON LUC aroma. It is the perfect Turkish

No Uoa a ..... xrmtM lit. wauid tl.nr pauwlar llberatrly proceeded Ui read the next que hut declared that I could give him By Associated press

ail Work Gueraaieeit to Wrltlnaj for That mho u lldnt If th. airah la d. tlon formulated hy the committer. a formula for getting n the lnrormaUoii Washington. Jan. 5. -- Secretary McAdoo blend the triumph of rich Turk-ish,

Tau Veara. Unaad Ui. I1114 wlU Im.1 it I ...... Mjr luifl a It was merely an elaboration of the rir.l through a real Investigation.

NEW SYKIKM DRITTAIi Odne. and luw. I a anud plica U It. and tbal put In slightly different laguage, referruig Conteraalian uno Heary. and ripe accentuating leaves.FAKIOK8 u tli. ruadlil priawwliai dnalbl b. aabaatad In to me tact mat mane no dirforei "I asked him what the conunlttee had FREE XO

Uui naiada Midi nufT a. tli. bMlm 1L heard. He said the committee already hadCor CI Hod aod lúa Aotonlo Ma. Uu luua o uui iiMruml of all taai and iieai, thai secretary Lansing had gone to ASTHMA SUFFERERS Also Omaromar spells aroma. Evenover aartaaa Kaak aewly roaooatoa uu In tan iidnubw wiaild a wrnu ba am Iwttnr the HllUnore hotel in .tew York four times



duadaiaNat. Dank

l:MlildyU II.

HouraTwa lad)

I'll T ' Veal mv im aar No. Now. bjalail If a auiaaon lo meet Bernard Usrueii. Th chairman also A New Home Cur That Anyone Cea Le the words blend.caaiiMw lib wuuud of alt mallo .Iratritra all said that he believed Secretary Lansing bioanlak temu.otaoadaaHa, and Oaraaa Wigwam Without Discomfort or Lees of Time.

apokea Phnnr ad. b Id. nalUnt .iir.1! Hot h liwali II rroaa dar la soluiely inn, .rent of divulging any infor-mationdai vunll ncil and ki in. luna n aiaaa and he asked me what f thought We hue a New Mashed tbal cures Asth-

ma,warn, lb laildl.' to undvalaiut tula la no fake at)- about It 1 .aid i will auke my head and we want you to try It at ourFREE DENTISTRY nrtUinu-n- l a. In. ba. th. pnU. prnaf hen. In Uu TODAY ONLY on It that Secretary f analog did not no expense eo mailer whether your caaeAba..;. iii no rkarve wúalaoever anything la oi long aianaing or recent development,Anavl ibai ha u .M. to our. lurwaouloab rm. la wrong.' l also said thai thoughtfor thotr unable lo iay ror dental Sr. I whether It Is present as occasional orUi. Ia.t aur Anvun. daamnt furtnar taforaaalliM. retarj analog might have given infor-

mationwork Monday and Saturday en Ninti chronic Asinina, you mould send ror a rreeanly. o Uk.e ñu .all... wrtta lo tali oTnoa Han't rake Or. OUaa. that wa perfectly fair Tor any man HoThe of All trial of uur method. matter in what

wiad. wat tr baja ar .Ink tavwUeata tha nwnarh andSuper-Seri- al lo give. (Chairman Henry also told me tiist cllinale you live, no matler what your

ata fur ....... .r. ,i Serials there had conta to Ilia uonuuiltee a report or occupation, you are irouoirathat the lierman ainliaa.adoi' "had ororitrii ii asthma, our method should relievesy.uou.uuo. but he aaid he did nut think lucre you promptly.was any Iruia in li." We especially want to tend II to those

Ueary Ueasa'l Waal apparently hopeless caaes, where all forma"THE laweUgU0n.Reduced Round Trip Rates awM.n furihar declared thai Henry offume.,




preparations.hav failed.pleaded with him at the end of their sec-

ondWe want to show everyone at our own

conference lu cease urging an investi expense, that thla new method It designedPURPLE gation of ilia "leak" charge. It would be lo end all dirrtrult breathing, all wheedng,To the SOUTHEAST luua tlilug to ihe country. Lawson and all those terrible paroxyama al onceuuotcii Henry as saylug. "to have an and for all unit.qulry at this lime." It mighl lie posallile, Thla Tree offer It too Important to nog IVIA however. Law ton aaid Henrv nolnlad i,t let i a alngle day. Write now and then mt CIGARETTESMASK" begin the method at once. Send no money,o inaugural a wide inquiry Into the simply mall coupon below. Do It Todaytoca mantel alluatiun In the coursethirty days or so. At thai point Law son "Smoke Omar for AromaSUNSHINESPECIAL Begin at Any Time leib'iated hla alainmeiit thai ba never told FREE ASTHMA COUPON,Henry nor bad Its told anyone thai lie had

SHORT LINE THROUGH MEMPHIS A concise synopsis talla all oii.ct uironnsuuii rrganiiur a "leak." FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room 1I44A.ueury lake. Wllare Maaa. Niagara and Hudson sta.. Buffalo, N. Y.

AugtuU, Gav $74.35 Penaacola, FU $63.60 that the first chap ten con-tained.

In Ihe midst of I aw. mi remarks. Chair Send free trial or your method lo:man Henry roa from hla seal in the rentar tV ...Thomaa villa, Ga., (Via Atlanta) $70.80 ui im- columnata labia and ataried around t cr venta sr x

Charleaton, S. C $78.65 toward Utr wtuieae chair, 1.11m, LswaonSavannah, Gjl $74.35 See GRACE CUNARD thai he would b axcusvd leniporarlly. Map

Limit Ma 31at Stopovers i'uu assuuMd tar chairman'sAs seal, and Henry, taking the aland, beganArtist's Model aCome in and Ask Ut uPhone No. 7 'tai, 01001 ne rtrai reviewed loa miro

durUou uf the "leak" reaolutlou byThis episode is callad "Fac Wood, or Indiana, laid or seeingin Death" and it ia filled to Lawtun'a rhargee ut th newspapers thai

there waa a "leak." and gradually 14 r GARDENUndersell overflowing with thrill. Ui lawoo's visit w Wsattlngton lo' nun re rLevy Grocery Company All Otherswith him.

laaaerikse Vi llar LawaaVa.


cala. TONIGHTSow al our r l.txailen S ata a Aaleala afreet. Oaaoallr III, Hall

TOMOKKOYY '.ATAÑA." Henry, leading up lu Uastr confsraaceuor of Haa Vampira of Pari" of j ai, u.i t, aaid:NEW GOODS NO BURNED STUFF "The MeaWttW of Dtctft"atiirtt, iOaxir4e lu laree roraa. I tuld Mr. Lawaoa that sau was aIt aa. Best Uama asar i sa i.ii .., uu, ... vary Two Ara Unta yHr Ca (.Id acata i.Me Peaekes tar swill las Milk "Í!a ae aaeea) awailaa Haeeaplf 2 Ihirkaaa Lyes, sttrim, IP,,, -

WKONaCKOAV nw artutkTa Badal Tkast Dee Nal A fleet Uaa kUa "Swe-xd- y, Ut Jtvhtotf" n isnxxma wr

( ktoauUr m é laaaartta Hallaud Harria ; J üecauae r tu loair and laxativa an act. laxCaj tatra iniaJli trtuauiali 44I Uae week: Marranot

Uve Bruiuo nuiuine can ba lakes fey anyueWit.

Treat With laI rrv



atoar rre (to-ll

Kl ai litar aa a boy In without anting aervouta i or ringing in 'Tkat EhttaTra Lneoxy" asa a eiasa arMurjtrii of Usa Nava." tke heed. Thar is ouiy una n.wy .ta u awe Atat. M. mu. a. w unini n



- that thha

drainingbeen firm





one onranal,



takenA mus erne nts

up with Secretary Lane., of the epartnvnl Advertise man t



of Uveformarlir


on Jensaryacted

la personallyaa



In tareaacra-;tar-y





HitI H





Wm Í. Hart scored a little more than tilsIn tho, matter. He hopea thai the govern-ment "muí bit hit yesterday at the Grecianwill at onre put dredging machine

theater when he appeared In hat latest an.i One of Manreb of America Itat towork. assure protection against seepFormer Las Crucen Operator and aire Tor thla jraar'a crops. trratett play. "TniUirul Tulllver." The Vitalitas Being Minad ANGELO TUESDAYhitaudlrnre waa with him from rirs' ap

RaaJ Eatatc Man Are Hera Colonel ollera says that tne beet grow-m- iIterance on the arreen and they were ror in TIndustry It developing ratt and that In

Looking for Site. ii" pant three month 7.000 arre. have bean him stronrer than ever at th conclusion if

Hie And hit new little leadlnrpicture.placed imitar rontrart. their proilurt to be The and of Vltall-taeMf, Alma Heubsnt. scored hit. loo. She mining handling Continuance Granted on Accountdelivered the beet mill whichto turar will la now an Important Industry Inwill certainly be a bit favorite berore lont

J Ittnrork. nour mill niwvramr. of la Io" b""t Crur" bv HM II'nllke moat heroea of munna town dra Texaa and one that la at tract Int at of of Impor-

tantCrura I'' entlon of h of the world for theand (Lionel M. C n'Hare. a La n.a. Truthrul Tulliver" it not one nun Wrtneaaea.f.ruce real enlate dealer, are In I Paso Hie boys. ' traveling Journal!.! whu P"?" ,h ,rt.nVf " "oss-ein.,

uto talert the alte for a flour mill whlrh u, mLe Hole- - and nroceds to and atrenirth to who arewill be erected by Mr Hancock and hi Record Poll Tax Day; give ihe evil little Uwn a newapaprr whlrh iiiipnn. special to the Tfmesórlate. Mr. Hanrork. after IHIHI SUM Is more eelebrated for Ha rranknr. Ihan '"J"" U f"u"d ,nr n,:mill i 197 Issued Yesterday proditct In San Angelo. Texas. Jan is The trial ofin aa Cruces for three year. ha told rM IU diploma.,, sn Insult to the girlit and mil build ni new plant In K i.... hi r. ...i.. to elaan nn tne latence. After being; mined the Harry I. Spsnell of Alpine, charged nt onre. lorreaalnt produrt'vene of the. eatwday is? poll tat recelpta ware If piare, whlrh he does with characterise '""J mineral paaaea throufh rape-,,,,- , ,,, of Ife and colonel M THEN itrl paan and Mesilla valley make him he. m,l"ri'ru Biiuisiiiiin "no iirr comes to tobaccobeset hv th" '.'.ml t.n. from He Is Puller the Isued by r:onnty Tax Collector Iel Rirhey. ' " of nlted State army, whichneve tre mot renter montha- time liquid Vltalltae Ia promising for the lawlea. element in the rami, and the duel v

iniiiint bulne. Thl Is the rerord for any alore day't feaitt- -Ii iween the power of darkness anil Imhi produced. Thla remarkable blend of t tat for today, was rnntlniieii until to an' complexions, any im-

provementi:nonel i rilara tale that more farmer) since the olTIre waa flrat opened for ends in a sensational riimax inrotigu earth chemicals la different from any: morrow' owing to the of severalhave aettled in the La Crurea dtitrlrt dur payment of poll taxes. The total laatiad : oilier. wins pvirlHlin(t vlrtor by ti orÍ.ahéii

" ,Tr7tttirl':T trnikpnnd' '


i.u iriMrinl wltiwip on feature ain'ting Uie pant three year than In any niiiert date Is Ijfl The last opportunity SrJT,;.' wal ilM 'mm Natura, the chenrleal rh- - ff 'htt morning annonnred litthree years of :ts hlatory. Mot only In and ti any Improvement. Velvet isnumbers, but In ability, the newcomer are Tret a poll Tit receipt will be midnight

aailsfartory. Most of them are from Coin January SI. A the final time drawa near mlaundertandlnt with hl awrctheart .i "'J" ! 2 k"? w,mee will he on hand tomorrow in made Nature'sratio, kanaa and Oklahoma, brlnirint with there a noUreabk- - dally Increaee in th vMHi h rle.r-- d up again In another flaring qulrkly '""'T):"' j1'" ''n '"! time lor the trial to rommenre at the mornway.

them the bet atork and heavy number of voter who vlalt the courthouse M'loil. and we leave the mining ramp overcomeVltalltnt. In ahn of the courtchronic Ilia of lone;1'"maehlnery, and are provtnt themaelvet to ret. the "reTMiri whlrh entitle them to editor with lilt erstwhile proni

tanners "of a very' progressive- tort vote n the approarhlng city election. leader In his arma.Ktnndlna: Vltalltae la often qulrkly spectator Itearehed lar Weapnns

William Hart assumes the role of Ihi

editor and hero With hla usual rettralnei recommended for Indlreatlon. n wa" rrT,"led with spectators.in rgy ami Hie laconic grin whlrh make nervoua debility, r and w,',, 'tatloned at Uie root of theuiui a cryptic but deadly enemy and at kidney Ilia. Rtop In and aee the M,lrw,v no r,ntng to the secondh resistible lover. Alma Reubens as hp were searched forVltalltaa dlaplay and have a frep ,"'" weaponsgirnsn sweetnean pui a wunu iwiun ,mni. rtrlnic Kellv Pollard'! Spanrll appeared clam and anlv a rrwrsnre into the role with her eloquent dark drug; atore. Ala aold by Talber's persons in the mtirt room knew htm. Knleyes. drug; store. Laa Crucea; Columbus lowing adjournment for the day, the de

10, 1010. to dale, W.iino rire occurred n etr., W.iaiO, or iw. :i per rent, wareCASTORIA "Trnlbrul Tulllvjr" will be shown at II Texas. being mercantile risk w from un- -druf atore. Columbtia: Uourla teiiiiani slated that his greatest regret was 36,(111 nn and able, and 7,ms, or per cent,theater today and iBBBorrow li store. DoiiRlaa. and Blahee drug; alore Pi.hllelty the ease brought to hi. niiinr """: apartmgii m use ami known causes.

the last tuo times. Hemehiuci' yesterday " ' m''T"n"menee. .laughter. TheAdv. little girl nm attendingcfuwds and come early today. the trial herl"r P"and Spam-- said he had seen V" Pvenlablej-a- nd

For Infants and Children. hul once sinre hla arrest. ' or l"r ' READ THE WANT ADSWIItVAH "THE Pi HPI t MASK. causes, of S3. lap on apartmment houses,The motion for a continuance"The Purple Maak" will be at the Wigwam madeSANDS TRIAL GOES ,hy Judge nale. of Kl Paso, or rounseltoday. This of ror the dereiAe. Some or the best llgslThe Kind You Have houid have been shown yesterday, bul the

Mary Pirkl'ord cnaatrmcnt delayed Its ex-talent in the state has been retained for Ihe

roniinuaihlliilion until

ringing ofand.



theOVER TO APRIL 23 and

derense,Hale, I. ud

including.Williams or



mJudge How to solve your power troubles

Always Bought I'pton or san Angelo. Friends orIt.one In I. 'n must nan to .see spanell In Waco, where the derendant wisfoday's instalment Is rilled "raring rormrrly prominent as a member of theluath." It is probably the moxt thrilltup USE OUR SERVICEHll AVfPrrrmftoruV faculty of Raylor university, have aubacrlbuf th.' episodes shown thus far. There are Hearing in Cate of Man Charged M " ' '"'"hierabie sum toward the defense.HH s(jrjilatüigteRnrJaa1giii Bears the also some very linking Hnl ernes inwhlrh the beautiful Orare cunarri portray Withtffifl! ílngnK'SioraaitearjdÉajwefcflf Murder, Following Owen lhe stale Is represented by District A-

ttorneyan artist's model. "Tlie Purple Mask" ran J. A. Thomas, assisted by W. Vane started at any time it I. nol m Mi y Breme Death, Delayed - .ic or Alpine, waiter, onus or Pel niohave the flrat llir.'e liaiuen - a will better- .miSignature aim servew. A. night or 8au Angelo. youonrlte .nopsis la run on the sncen

Htt; bclorc the picture ataru, whlrh tells all tle Manger W Sands. ntrgrii withlerial venire or serenly-jtw- man lias

Promotes Diñto flwrM-B- - been summoned ror the flrat iue m. which and cost lessof lhat has hern shown in prciecdlng rliap murder In connection wlUi the death or panell Is charged with the killing or his

youi rssandrVsíIonüdnsofJfcr "The Purple Mask" Is a iruly k oi sergeant Owen Hieme on September lat srronu ease. Which Involves thewa Opiiini.Morphine MTMhaá priidurilon Us scenes range from lhe ""n üf Culone'was Butler. Is set for Thursgranted eonunuanrea whenhaunts "f tlie Apaches of Paris to lhe palsies the caseK3 Not Narcotic. nf the nnbllity. They are far muie elabo- ." u wi ii .rro;i-u- mociiiiig m , m i El Paso Electric Co.Railwayrale than those or many big tature produ uie district court. A mot.on TexasHons. The action Is very last and lie- Had 70,000 Firesror a continuance waa made by the derenseoriginal and tlinling.

lomorrow "Satanás," another or those on Ihe grounds or the absenoe or William From Dec, 19W, to Date Phone 2323 Electric Bldg.ompleie pictures In thn e reels which ire Walker, a wltneas. The motion waa ron

In Issued under the title "The Vampires or Muted by the , state. The special vtwire Times SpecialParis." which had been summoned ror the trial Correspondent.

was excused until t o'clock this mornlngsun, rexts, Jan. 15 From December

UN MK WARD AI.HMRR. Argu merits on the i on were then heardPetty Ui the Rescue." the resture at and Judge W. D. Howe granted It. The rase

for Conxfln Use the Alliambra Pidly only. Ftnnte Ward Is was then sat down ror trial on Anril nApwfrct Hnoedy which will be during theippllod with a theme fsr whlcn apec.ial term11 tlon . Sour Storoadi.DlafThoo adapted, and n'trtcfl, is unlike judge Howe announced Saturday he would

HHI Worrus.CorrvuUwnsiwi anything else In whlrh she ha ever ap noiu.

Hnf nesa aiad Loss or Sleep. For Over peared ror tlie Jesse I.. I.asky Feature Play For the trial yesterday t special venireoinpany. For in this prod ictl the ap- - ui nao men was ordered. The sheriffs de

HvatinK sttr It a romping, hoydeuish Pun partmem served all but 3& of that number.n v. with tousled kalr. bare tn fre-

quentlyconsidering the time the department had The Fiesta theclad in a dilapidated pair ot i. ver to mate tne service .1 a.s n record.

Years me cene or this Par.i'nniint tin ture Snrgeant Blerne was shot In Ihe ConeyThirty are laid in the wonderful ora.ige tad mining Biaiiu Muuon on norm Oregon street. Hi

districts of "Hi" cu Calirornis. had gone Into the saloon, according to witBetty's dying rather, who hsi invested gfl uestes, u look after some soldiers report

his money in a mine, leaves Iwr m Ihe eu to nave oeen engaged In a right.caie or torn" friends who mike her be argument Is said to have taken place andlieve she Is woallhy, until their orange, irop lunowwi uy uie reioimg. Mauds wasCASTORIA Is wiped out by a sudden rent. How Betty, released on a tlii.oun bond pending his trialrealizing this, takes the manartnt'itt Into The amount of bond was f!xed by toe court Event of the Yearher own hands and accidentally dlKrflvc ui rriiiiiuai ajipcais lo wmrn Ihe huleasthat her mine worth a fortune, and ,n Icorpus proceedings were taken following

Exact Copy of War ".peg. fMIMtrnwiMMMMT, mcmv VOUR OfTT. Into lhe arms of the man tie love, s de the ruling of Judge Dan M. Jackson, thenplcled in a thrilling and dellr'Hfully orgl presiumg in tne i district court.nal manner. reí using Dan.

The derense la being represented by Vic

MIAMI- - RI'SHMAN "HREAT SKÍRKT" tor Moore. W.' W. Brldgers, former district"The Ureal Secret," Metro's stiipemlou! attorney: c. L. Vowell, and the firm of

series. In a prologue and fifteen chapters iliidsprui. Hale and Harper. Hlatrlct the bor-der,

with Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Rayne l.elgh Clark, Assistant Ulstrlct At-torney

The Fiesta, now iitprogre acrossIn the stellar rules, has an unusually strong E. B. I. Her.-- , and tlie rirm of Jack. in the old town Juarez,cast. The first chapter of the magnificent faun, letarkx slid l.essiug are represenllnt war-scarfe- d

production will ! seen at lhe Unique ihea tne tvtu event of theis without doubt the gai9 en-

tireter today and tomorrow. Such a story or Fiestamystery and iwwer as "The Hreat Secret' UOHTH ATTENTION Of wdtikLN Southwest. One whbhas witnessedrequire player who can properly vlsuallt. When you reel too tired to work, whenIts and real:.e lo the full la gripping dark purrs appear under your eyas, whantype-- , Draws thisyou wake un weary, with backache or paint the nightly crowds now vismllg at- -force. Such players nave been engareri hy In sides and loins, when muscles and bonesWilliam i hrlaly :abanne. director or this at. !acne, when you suffer rheumatic twinges, thattractive oia town win sreaauynroduiition. file public may expect a most when lumbago puts you down, then you Crowdsexcellent picture In "The Hreat Secret." with Know uie ftiiuic are ueiiacueii or dlsor there is amusement worth while tlaurh a tlUnlr cast as It rOn taint. The ad ueren. Mrs. i. I. tiuexueii. nuuie 1, Hardy.mission will be 10 rents. Neb., writes: "I am recovering from an at

tack or lumbago, by the aid or Foley kidney This celebration means much of intereitPills. They 'surely have helped me." A.

At usualIII


bill todtyAT THE

It very111 UK

entertainMyan owi nrug stataa. aur. to the sightseer. One cannot fail to be in T.

Ing. Bessie Eyten "and Eugenie Betterer wtarsts sustau ttrosT. terested in the world-famou- s games nowwill be teen In a drama entitled "TwittedHalls," a remarkalile picture. I'AodluaiM Lbat veilM tt aim rtm which havein appealed to tour- -Helen utbsou will appear also today. Com-ing


m . Mwv-niii- iMaUoos lanaisbuut U UalUd ttaaa progress,

tomorrow The comedy Klnrt, "Charlie ists forChaplin," "Hurbie Mack" and "Frank Dan-iels."

years.V Resiliae until TONIGHT. Other places of amusement have the pop-

ular"The Mantle of Deceit," a t drama, Rims aun mra WU cabarets, good music and dancing,will be shown tonight. The rood romedy. or WBATtuta. :

aWeedy, tne Jtniinr, win v ture lo inak etc.NEW SPRING STETSONS all laugh. It't a dlmF. ' i IfEIGHT V SEVEN YEARS OLD. J ii tAre Now on Display Backache, tore muscles, stiff Joints, dark

puffs under eyet and bladder dlaorders aresymptoms of dlteaaed kidneys. H. H. Adaina, Good will and good fellowship are evi-

dentMay We Show Them to You? Springfield. Mo., wrltet: "I had - vary se-

vere atttek or kidney tronóle I am getting everywhere, the friendship betweenold. seven. I tried dlrferent Goodeighty treatR. C. Lightbody Co: merits, but none did me to much rood aa St It 14 U the two opposite border cities having re-

turned.Fuley kidney Pills. I consider it the beat."Foley Kidney PHI are tonic in action, and Fellowship The crossing of the boundaryquick lo tlve good results a. t. Ryau. owl MOuai

310-31- 2 San Antonio St Drug Slorea. Adv. Jlo and line, leaving the Stars and Stripes behind,Hanan Shoes Benjamin Suit. Expect Gen. Funston

UUtNaaliiUUiUrn Áligmám

Bont I has no fear for the American now. TheJl Ne Ortati . M. It Protection- mj nr J, a;, i . ÑasOnak military authorities and civil authoritiesnere i uesaay itgnt

Oeneral Frederick riinstoii, commander or aaetilHoUi

uiv extend every courtesy to law abidingthe toutbom department who is Inspecting laSithe troopt on tne border, win arrive at Kl visitors.Paan on Tuesday night, if the schedule5? staj . St I a 'li. which bat bean arranged Is carried out. A auu r.H. littler, general agent ror the Southern Si Hlliwaison s groceries are famous ror uuauty Parirle and Arttona taatern mo; who baa Wuklitufibeen aaalgnid to personally condui'T Oes WVtilu

eral funetun ovar in. lines of lag . The hundreds of people now visitingwat in Uie city yealerday. The de-

partmentBUCKWHEAT FLOUR cianmaiider It to Inapect the troops Tourists Juarez, by night and by day, verifies theat Hemiiig on Tuesday and will come to 11 If Stomach HurtsPure, York State Buckwheat; not the Msg mat nignv above statement. Tourists are making

self rising kind; makes perfect hot cakes. Of" days,Ha rxprrtt

long enoughto remain

"to Inspectliars two



Uw Drink Hot Witer Grasp much of the opportunity of seeing this in-

terestingThree pounds for , . . axsvC i' and aiupt at no- pobit.old adobe town andCanaembert Cheese American in tin 50c Opportunity express

Perfect American Cheese, in tin 40c jC A uto Catches Fire W henA Pkyalctas's A vice their delight at the varied entertainment

New York State Sage Cheese, pound, at 40c If dyapepUet, turrerart rroot gat, wiad offered throughout the city.Mechanic Is Under It or riatulenra, akiniacuaciuuy or anuriiraa.Bismarck Herring, in glass 50c tattrlr rstarrh, tjaartborn, tic., would lataBismarck Herring, in glass, small 20c a a spoonful of pure klMtratad m nu tie lu

gar""' An automobile owned by the Montana hall a tlaaa or hot waur mnii...nai. ij afterNorwegian Anchovies, in plats 20c 3 A'llci Servir roiutiauy i authl lira y, uu eating, the v..uld lur(at Pie ware No who is armed is permitted to enterDainty French Anchovies, in butter, par (in 35c am day atteruoon at tat o'cloik wblie a . ever .runted with u!oiii Uouble, aud oneclianlc v workiiif ulular tlie j,, a. Ii.no docbiis ".id have kj leik .i."ii"re for

PilUbury's Beat FlowFemdelJ Cotfee---Me- rt Butter which wat standing in Irani or Ml Myrtle psiieiii. ' In npiaiialloii or iheMi words t any amusement hall.avenue The car waa badly datoaged. The wrn anowii i. i " t'"i' c'i miitjr uei.l runna of abma h trouble ara dua topt top was burned and u- cai badi ,,',i,U,iWatson's Grocery aumarl aildUy and reriatatlatioii of in.before taa arrivaJ of rire Company v. t rood conlenta il die iioinaca i ..lol.u., d wila

fJJg front ei.u ai atsUutt. The blase ata twl an lnsiirrtriMii blood uppl to the sbaw-a-210-21-2 Taxa St from a abort straalH near the gaaolln. (auk.

Miin Hoi watar


In.ianllythe IMood

luiiiicabio.auiyply Street Cars Till 2:30 Every Morning

Phones 5151, 5152. 5153, 5154, 5155 2--

anal t fire tu Uia laid clothttig. nM MJtt

u o aMod by Mxa. JaaaSMi Ur


submarine which, after making certain and the Spaartt sow wm aardlr

METHODISTS AGREE that the cargo waa steel and iron for lb away. A niQ guarantee was given for theItalian command ami donned for lleno, rescue of the ere."took posse-i- ..., of it atnee it Was impos The .leaner Trip!, Um nt IMS. I""Ihle to bring the atethnrr Into a Herman Balttmoee Oi We t, tot Genoa A t

under eilstlnr cln unwianeea the ter dlanatrh reeeleed In London NovemON UNITY ISSUES alttp waa u her it. last Mad that SSa saMir han

this the ere v allowed to leave the been nnk by German tuhmarhv and herTANLAC teamer. The weatlie vary favorsble rew .avd.

Fall Report on Proceedings atBaltimore Declare Work WE HAVE MOVED

Began Auspiciously. to oar now stopfc, 306 South El Paao street, almost oppositeGrecian Theater.

Tlw Joint nn lh imWratinn "LA IDEAL' Spanish BookstoreTHE MASTER MEDICINE of ttir thmtlt l rhiirrh and th SCHOOL SUPPLIES STATIONERYMrthodint Epltrnpal rhiirrti, mnth. whlrhwaan li. .ri.ion vw'i e In Haiti- Engliah-Spania- h Book of All Kinds

mori, h srtjoiimprt until Iwrwm. 117. Th PHONE 2744 P. O. BOX 38rnnnm report hi. bwn rrtn In ElCOMES TO EL PASO rwma .

"Upon our cnmlnr torMhw In tl pity orBaltimore V hid hrorr un the report ofMw Joint rommlton ailopU-- at ' hattanooa In Win. Ihr report adoptad by thetrniTal ronferenre of the Mothodlal F.plsro

ANLACj, the new medicine, which has been accomplish-ing


rhurrh,the report

south,of the

at nklahomageneral ronferenre

rity In 1SH

ofthe MethodUl Rplpropal church at SantosT such remarkable results in all parts of the country,in






as follow!and

(I) The general conference and It power ALL SIZES ALL, THE TIMÍC.

will now be sold in El Paso. number(t) The


their poner;conferences,

l; The statustheir

of Leak -- Proof Rings Western Motor Supply Co.the colorad membership of the Methodist New Pboaea 747 and 741Episcopal church In the reorganlied church. SIS Ban Francisco St

Dlarusaloos Erank and BroUwHjn.

Everybody has heard of Tanlac and the wonders it has has"We





tlie SpiritIn



ha Man Intímale ami n rrcshlnir. Our dis

in has also heard of how hundreds cussions have been frank and brotherly. Wewrought cures. Everybody have been of one mind and one heart In our Ratepurpose to advanre the kingdom of our Specialof thousands of suffering men and women have been restored LordIt was



IfChrist.agreement should

bo reached touching the three items mentioned above, with time and patience, and ACCOUNTto health and happiness by its with the help of the Holy Spirit, the detailsuse, of a .plan ror the unification of Methodismcould be worked out. National Western Stock Show at Denver,We arc happy to be able to report that

From coast to coast and from the gulf to the Great Lakes However,concerning







general agreementInvolved.of these Cobrado, January 20th-27t- h, 1917

questions It was manifestly Impossible for

Tanlac is known and honored. Millions have taken it and us toconsideration,

reach generaltherefore,




ther re-

ferred FARE $34.60these subjects to a strong committee

have pronounced it the greatest medicine of all time. No portwith


a session ofto


Joint commissiona detailed re

to TICKETS ON SALE JANUARY 19th, 20th, and 21stbe held June 87 at a place to be designated. RETURN LIMIT JANUARY 31st, 1917

where Tanlac is household word and it is Continued Prayer t'rged.matter you go, a is our fervent hope that the spirit of MAKE PULLMAN RESERVATIONS EARLYbrotherly love and Christian fellowship so

now unquestionably the most widely-talke- d of medicine in ofevidently

the Jointmanifest

rommlsslanIn all the


prevail 1throughout our churches, and we earnestlycall upon all our people to continue con-

stantCITY TICKET MILLSthe world today. In prayer fur the guidance and bless-

ing of Cud on the work so auspiciously OFFICE BUILDINGbegun."The commission met In the First Meth

odist Episcopal church, lineal successor tothe Lovely Lane Meeting House, where theMi'iiKxiist Episcopal church In America wasorgan' t the historic (.hrlstnias confer

in lint. All sessions of the commisSeven Million Bottles sion were executive, with the exraptlon ofits devotional meeUnga. An outstandingfeature of thr se was a watch meeting neJilin rnnily Nid&odiii Brtscopal cburab. An Absolute Assurance of Safety

Mtn He rust half or the uieetlug watsided over by Ulsliop Hamilton, or lbs

M. E. churili; the aefond ball fc) bizlyyMurrah, of the M. E. church, aoutb. A savings account at this bank means an

In theConciliatoryclosing love


Evidentof the commls--urn- .Sold in Two Years a'Unlted States district attorney from earning capacity for your money, no matter

the far south and membor of the commis-sion,husband




statementniece of


he wasJames

the how small the amount, and a safe one, too.o. Andrew, whose ownership of alavés oc-

casioned the withdrawal of the M. E. church $1.00 STARTS AN ACCOUNTIn ist that his marriage had been solemn- -

lied by Bishop Andrew's only aon, and that

Although placed on the market but two years ago, overtosundered



a panparts




bis su-preme


American Trust & Savings BankThe conciliatory spirit of the M. E. church

seven and a quarter million bottles have been sold and its tees.was evidenced

Moil of theIn the




three "Everybody's Bank"of the four committees were accorded the

record as a seller has probably never been equalled in the representativesTbese committees


of thewere




Bishop William B. Murrab, Memphishistory of this country. Trini Hev. Erank M; Thomas, pastor,Louisville, ky.; Itev. A. l. Lamar, publish-ing agent, .Nashville, Tenn.; Hon. W. L.

Walton. Judge. Woodstock, Vati Hon. E. C.

In six southern Reeves, attorney, Johnson City, Tonn.states alone, Tennessee, Missis-sippi

Georgia, Florida, Alabama, bishop 11. J. Cooke, Helena, Mont.; Kev.

and Arkansas, Tanlac is now selling at the phenomenal rate of over a city;David

Hev.ii. Downey,

ClaudiusbookB. Spencer,

editor,editorNew York


tral Christian Advocate; Hon. Charles W ar-

reemillion i Kt ties and the demand is Fairbanks, president of theper year constantly increasing. Through United iate, Hon. Irs E. Robinson, chief

the Atlanta offiee over EIGHTY CARLOADS (four entire trainloads) have JusticeMembershipsupreme court.



Bishop E. E. Hott, Muskogee, ella Rev

been solcj and distributed within the twelve months. Horace M. Du Rose, editor ouarterlypast Nashville, Tenn.; Rev. E. B. Cbappell Are You Preparing?Sunday school editor, Nashville, Tenn. HonTl.oinas D. stamlord. United States district

This is the record of the truly marvelous medicine which will now be attorney,liver. Southwestern

upelika, Alauniversity,

PresidentDallasR. H Are



may beahead






placed within the reach of everyone in this city and section and in only a fewTexas;D. C; Itev


W. F.Blake,


Washingtonboard of sickness, accident or old age may call for ready

Sunday schools, Chicago; Rev. J. r. fund)weeks ime it will be placed on sale in practically every large city, town, lege,




OoucberJr., attor

col-- ,Novy ia juajjhe time to prepare for auch times.

nay, Philadelphia; Abram W. Harris, secre-tary

Now is the time to start an account with ua.village and hamlet throughout the southwest. bard of education. New York city,colored Membership. 4 Per Cant Interest Paid on Savings AccountsI Bishop Collins 'Denny, Richmond, Vs..

To use the words of L. T.Cooper, noted health expert and millionaire Rev. JohnNashville,

M Moore,Tenn.;

secretaryRav. W.



sions, The First National Bankpastor. Mar on. Oa.: Prof. W. I.

manufacturei of ..Tanlac, there is only one explanation of this nation-wid- eOa.;Young.


H. H.School



Alexandria,Atlanta, EL PASO, TEXAS

popularity and record breaking demand, and that is very simple. The inherent ville,La., lion


PreaidentB. Maddln,


N. Snyder,.Nash

Wufford college, Spartanburg, S. c. Biatlon

purity and wholesomness of the medicine has confirmed it in the minds of Earl Cranston, Washington, D. C, Hev.Robert E. Jones, editor Southwestern Chrla-Ua-

the people and made it a household word throughout America, Tanlac un-doubtedly


W. Van Cleve.New


commissionLa, Rav. I I

n liuaiue. Chicago. , Hev. J. J Wallace,has merit and extraordinary power as a medicine. That, and that editor Pittsburgh Christian Advocate, PlUa- - GOLDEN1. in km. Pa.; Secretary I. Garland Pann,

alone, i the secret of the marvelous expansion of the Tanlac business. IluuIn em,


WadAid society,

Hog". UnitedCincinnati,



cuit STATEcourt, .New York city; George W airenown. Esq., St. Louia, alo.

Mr. Cooper's unique theories on heajth and right living and thinking have editorBishop

Deri. W.


Apologek,Albert J.

FrankNasi. LIMITED

attracted attention all over the country and have been the cause of consider-able

.Nelf.k nine


E M.


""pastor;Hula, editor,

c. V

Rolla V Watt, insurance, Bishop Warren A.

scientific discussion. It is conceded by all well-inform- ed persons that he oil..ji.uiei

ChristianBishop C.

Advocate.d Mouaon,

A. rT.

. wauuis.N. Ivajr, SHORT LINE

is a man of extraordinary ability and wonderful insight into the hn it.Mlliaaps college.



, From El PasoH. E ni. Swell, president RauUulph-Maco-

fundamental principles of physical hygiene. This new preparation which dentcollege,


college,Va; I.

Conway,H Reynolds,


promises to mark a new era in medical science was perfected only after years NOT1UL. TOBorder National Bank of El Paao

of study and experimenting in the Cooper laboratories. (irgasOamg.) Kansas City 29 bra. 15 milt nilduuj.


office, MB

IS.Elral National Bank St. Louis 41 " 35 44

A. J. - HIT M uChicago 44 20The leading drag firms of El Paso are enthusiastic over the prospects of Adv. T. U QUEHDEAt X

Baltimore 65 " 10 44

the. coming of Tanlac and they have already given a large order which will Berlin Admits Sinking Pittsburgh 56 44 55 44

44 44

be received in the next few days. Norwegian Ship TripelPhiladelphiaWashington



3324 44

By Aaaoriaatd Praaa. 44 44New York 67 26Berlin Jan. 14 (by Wire lee to Tunerloa). Tita On man gvvernaant baa Van-- - ' Boston 70 44 00 44

uütted b Jamea W Oward. the Americau

Tanlac Will Be Placed Sale Tomorrow anit.asdor,lug of the Norwtn

a not cooceniingstcaaaaer Trip

uu amby aon Otriuau aubnvaiuic. The over area News CITY TICKET OFFICE, Roberts-Bann- er Bldg. AAgency gives out tbc follow lug portion o'

MM BOU Phones 594 or 5851.at Kelly and Pollard's "Aa a ta tea by IM ornau naval auihonIMS, uir Nor'au atsaniv Iripal on No

veatbM to. IMA, wat atumped by úau uaai.

EL PASO MORNING TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16. 1917.C preme court weald hand Down an opinion dneed Mil creatine the ornee of elty

50VERN0RSHIP OF this owrnlnr on the Hunt Campbell manna clerk, marañal and etutmeer m town wheremu re, but there wea no tneetmg of the no provision la made for aurh orftrlala.rnun ana no inumaxtnn w c-- Prealdent (landre brought In a bill rorto when a derialon would be rendare. the better protection of bird and animal

ináMl mwi hull Introduced In aaeh trier than braat of prey In tai gaitwARIZONA NOT YET I mil a today, nne by Mr. We ay, of Co preaerTM. After a aion of an hour eachtblae county, rues a mlnimnro win Par touaa adjourned to 10 o'clock tomorrow

,.men at all a weak. A Mil by Mr Ed morninr-want, of Turn, adopt a the lUt Dar

SETTLED BY COURT or Anion tne flat of ta batueehip....,,,,Antona. A mu y mr. me. legisTatímofmakea the leaalni Of premia ror aa.lgnilion or prostitution a mladamaanor and pro-

vide for proceed tnrt against such place WhatHo Ratine in MamUmaa Broach t bi inamr.non. Another bill by Mr Line kind of a. it,, nnuni law for the election new mexico now cigaretteby Campbell; Legislature May ot member it to county board of super




Situation. store!In the


WHATMr. Kinney,

18of Ollfc Intro

fully organized would YOU call sensible?rimonu. Mil Jan. II. TIM letrltltttir

fl the beginning of th- - second week of MM

IMIrsterl mat II wouM proceed In(Krcaard or Um gubernatorial altuatlon un LAX-FO-S All Committees Announced and Check tip and see how nearly this comesII It reached a point at which the appro'I oT atsapproval of legislation wouM Many Bilk Introduced; Fric-

tionessentltl It wit staled by president to fitting in with your own ideas:Casoara in "Dry" Fight.larnit" dt tM tenate and that view a UX-FO- S is an improvBalonrurfM In by Uie leader of Hie house pleasant to taknhat. members should proceed with the in

(atoaie-lutitf- i)

i Improved by Special to the Morninr Time. A SENSIBLE cigarette must of the balance of theirmdiictlnn of hills. It riprrtM that by In LAX FOB the Cacara Santa l. N, M.. Jan. 15. Another dry causehr time they reach the Mate or third reari-ng the addition of certain bartule chem-- i resolution wa Introducen today In the sen-

ateXX taste good. It must be cool Turkish blend. The milder to-

baccosthe atatua of Hunt or Campbell will i. .!... inMa the efficiency of the by Mr. Clara, of Ran Miguel, a propoarrf

thetare been at least temporarily determined, Cascar, tasking it batter tbsn ordinary amendment which doea not prohibit the and smooth to your throat and in this blend are in suchof the salaries of th member !( to takeCascara. LAX-PO- pleasant importation or liquor for personal ute andtndtnthlnr

attachesran be

t andone


tning. but la and doe not gripe nor dlaturb stomach. ruet January t. ito. aa the date, en which tongue. It must be properly perfect balance with the richer,It, their pay to children aa well a adults. the lid la to be put on New MexicoKill tiav to accumulate. Adoptad mild mild that2' a hcllff ihat ihc Just try one bottle for con atipation.QSOc. enough to fuller-flavore- d leaves as to en-

tirelyTheFrictionrirat real


FreWSIUMin the

Rule.prohibition you'll feel all right even though off-s- et that uncomfortable,

flrht appeared thla afternoon In- the houae, smoke thanyou more usual. heaviness" found inwhen J. E. Pardue. Democratic floor leader, may "oily soGet It At McMickle's failed In an attempt to amend t houae rule

reported by the committee, of which K. P. In short, it must be comfort-able.

many other cigarettes.Barne. of Albuquerque, la chairman.

claims the rule la destined to prevent If it isn't, it can't be You'll notice the difference asEverything for the Table amendment of the dry resolution arter it

lutlonalla reported

amendments.by the committer

PardUe's motionon const!

wassensible. soon as you try Fatimas.

tabled inderinltrly.Clark Watches finances Fatimas are comfortable be--

Chairman Clarke, or the senate, financeTHE BEST committee, introduced In the senate a billFRUIT CAKE lb. 35cQUALITY designed to establish a check on the pur-chase or legislative printing- tnd supplies

BREAD WHOLESOME 3 for 10cand to prevent


"or o muchThe

thereofbjll ap-

propriates tsLOAF may be necesasry" to pay for legislative

print ns, supplies and postatea, and pro-vides EATIMAupon requisitions.

that minis shall be disbursed only

BAKERY DEPARTMENT ALL HOME MADE GOODS To Tax Rai helnrsRepresentative Bryan, of Union county,

Layer Cakes, eacb 25c Cream Puffs, dos 25c father of fourteen children, seven or whomare with him in Santa F. has drawnGold Cake, each 15c Cream Rolls, dos 25c bill providing ror payment or an additional

Cookies, Vanilla, 2 dos. .15c school tax by all bachelors and "bachelorCakes, dos. 15c A SensibleCup maids." The extra tax Is fixed at flu yearlyCookies, Chocolate, 2 CigaretteDoughnuts, dos. 10c ror bachelors and So a year ror unmarrieddos 15c women. .

Jelly Roll, 3 cuts 25c Cinnamon Rolls, dos. . . 15c A bll to prevent usury, which providethat no rate or interest In excess of s per

Jelly Turnovers, 2 for. . . 5c Coffee Cake, 3 cuts. . . .25c cent shall be legal. ws Introduced In thGinger Bread, 3 cuts. . . .25c Cakes, 3 layers, each . . . 30c senate this afternoon by Bryant, or Boose-ver-

The rirst real grist of billa made Its appearance in the sánate this afternoon. These

Pica, Apple, each 10c Pies, Berry, each 12c Included one to appoint a committee to The Original Turkish Blendthe best each 15c select and secure silver service ror the jSAngel Food, quality, battleship New Mexico; one by Relnburg,

xr Dona Ana, to exempt ail new sugar factories rrom taxation ror alx yeara, being 'i

I 3sasfc JeWTdesigned to help secure the Holly ll.oon.ooou

MEAT DEPARTMENT factory in Las crucea, and a bill by Skeen,providing;- - for a modiried form of the Aus-tralian ballot.

Shoulder Beef Roast, K. C. quality, pound 10c The house committees were announcedthis afternoon and both houses are now

Beef Stew, lb 9c Veal Stew, lb 12V.C ompletely organised and ready for busi

Shoulder Steak, lb. 12V,c Veal Shoulder, lb 15c ness. II. F. Boyktn, whose death occurred at a charge In connection wllb Ute death or death or their rather. The suit is broughtHamburger Steak, lb 12Vac

The contest by W. H. Chrlstman, Repub Boykin Children Sue Sierra Blanca In January, Itls, are asking; Roykln. was convicted by a Jury on a by Jamas Boyktn. their uncle, in the cspse-u-

Round Steak, lb 18c lican, for the seat or Senator Barth. Demo ror Judgment or lat.ooo against the Morris charge or manslaughter and aaaeased a pun-ishment

of next friend.H. M. Sausage, lb 10c crat, or Bernalillo county, wss Introduced Robertson's Employer Land and Cattle company in a ult filed hi of five year. He ha appealed his

Lean Steak, lb 20c Boiled Ham, lb 40c today and referred to committee the roily first district court yesterday. H. cate. The trajiedy occurred In th shipping William Kindeii rormer shertfr or sierraRib lb. 16c

State Institutions will ask a total or awo.- - Kntic viola, Henry PBote, Eollle and l.. Roberaon, who was a one time in lb pent at sierra Blanc. Th minor children county, M. M., IS rn th city at Hotel Shel-

don.Roast, Mutton Chops and Leg, 000 In additional appropriation. Including. employ or the defendant company, tried on are iutw seeking to recover damages for thRossle Bo.vkir., Iving minor children ofSso.OOO ror the Insane asylum, and moneyRump Roast, lb. 17V2c lb. 2Qc for additions to the penitentiary.

Bacon, iice and lean, sliced, machine sliced, lb 25c School superintendents from twenty-on-

counties and heada or higher educationalOysters, nice and fresh, pint, 20c; quart 40c Institutions are here attending; a conferenceDressed Hens, nice and fat, lb 22c called by the department or education on

legislative matters.The arrangements committee on th

augural ball today recommended to theexecutive committee that no liquors be The RepresentativeSugar 18 lbs. $1.00(Cane) gH"í served al me Dan. he executive riiiiun I

tee Is expected to endorso the recommenda-tion.COFFEE (JB8SH8 ) jEU?l, 32c and its Representative RepresentativesArmy of 144 Mexicans

Eggs, absolutely fresh, guaranteed, dos 50c March to Station With - Merit a'ttracti merit success attracts the successful. No beverage ever before has,Butter (Meadow Gold), lb 43c Detectives as Escorts in so short a time, attracted to its standard such a fine army of representativeOleomargarine (Marigold), lb 28c Une hundred and forty four Mexicans hasmen and concerns aswere arrested in two raids made In half

an hour yesterday afternoon on South uPipes, reg. 50c seller, special, each 5c Paso street by Detective Sergeant Joe Boyd

and Detectives Tom Avant. 1. C. Zlbley,Juan Pranco, Martin Guerrero and J

Paper Towels, reg. 35c sellar, large roll, each. 10c Jon

r. X. L Enchiladas and Tamales, reg. 15c seller, can. ... 5c Mexicans were inarched down El Pasor street to Overland street and eaat on over

land street tu the police station, where theyFLOUR (SMiWIilllFT

(.1 tHtSiTKKllSaUN'D ) 24 lbs. $1.29 were bonked on a charge or vagrancy SMMMMW ata.us.ssT. on, S

The Mexicans resembled t "l.irransaaims' as they strutted down the street.

Newlife Polish, reg. 50c seller, bottle, only 19c Many people believed there had beenbattle near the riier. as the prisoners WereGeo. Washington Coffee, 30c seller, only 15creg.

from that direction. andbrought Man DrinksParrot Metal Polish, reg. 25c seller, only . ., 8c women rollowed the army toward the police A Real Creation in SoftVienna Sausage, 20c sise 10c, reg. 35c seller, only. . . . 15c station to rue what the excitement waa

about, and If Villa had made at attack onSydmore's Baby Soap, reg. 10c seller, only 2gc Juarez. The Mexicans were rounded up In Less than a year ago Bcvo waa a new creation quality of Bevo to you and your friends butBales Sauce, reg. 26c seller , only 10c imuseinent retorts on Ooutu El Paso

Creole Dinner, reg. 10c seller 5c, dos 60c atreel. The rirst place e.itered was a pool today it is as firmly established as a part of the big men of Tezaa joined together to intro-

duceroom in the noo block on South El I'aaostreet the beverage life of Texans aa if it had been on the beverage to you.

Washing Powder, reg. 5c seller, 2 for 5c the market for years. It pure deliciousneas andWoman-Trie- s to Shoot; wholesome nutritiveness have introduced the They are the elementa in Bevo's surcaas,

Soap (same as Lara), rag. 10c seller 5c, or 7 for ,25cIntruder Grins; Husband

Milk, all kmdtall cans 10c, dos $1.20 Returns; Arrest Follows Read these names they are representativeMilk, all lands, small cans 5c. dos 60c A Mexican atteumied to gain entrance to in Texas all representatives of Bevo

the residence or Mrs. A. S. VrKlnney. fritTobacco, Bull Durham, special, dos 45c siameua avenue, last nigm at a:su o riocg DEALER CITYCITYPrince Albert Tobacco, 2 10c cans 15c, dos 90c .ad fono i hi hum ir looking down the barret DEALER CITY DEALERof a Co Weather ord Pecos Mercantile Co....... PacosC. D. HardtnettChewing Tobacco, Star and Horseshoe, lb 25c Mrs. MrKmn-- y Kid the nlttol In her ham! I. S. Anosrson Carslcan

Co. the Beaumont Pecos Mercantile CaA NorvellUnion Leader Tobacco, 2 10c pkgs 15c, Lunch Pails 35c (go.

land orderej,




to go.Um-


did notor



A loasCo

-,- MTsaasEl Pato

CityHei.igHeialg ft Norvall Co. lac.. .Port Arthur Pasjt ft Co . . f. Sherman

Tooth Paste, Colgate's, rag. 25c seller, 2 for 25c the pistol and grinned and laughed at Bahrcns Drug Ca....... i,W.,co Howell ft Co Bryan Sandsrs Bros. .. . Taaarkanaiiioi gu ne nail just oecti told a i uiiii story HowaU ft Co Calvart Sendera Bros. Mi unt Pleasant

Colgate's Shaving Powder, reg. 26c sailer, 2 for 25-- Mrs. vti k nine, pulled Hie lust' aeveial Belton Ice Electric Ca B.HonHidnhaimer-Strasburge- r Co Elgin Sanders Broa Jaffetaon

Corn Flakes, 9 10c pkgs 50c, case 36 pkgs $1.95 ninesThen



uní meI in





Orocery Co . ..BonhsmAntonio A. A. Jackson Co Dsllss Southern Drug Co ... . . . Houston

Log Cabin Syrup, pint 16c, quart 30c, , gal 60c and teiepiin ii i irrinri. a business CollinsA. A. Jackson Co Danlaon Schuhmachar Co. Houston

lian tt Alameda avenue and Steven, girasL Collins Co - JJvslda Oslne.vlll Schuhmachsr Co . Smith villaSyrup, Karo, 15c sise 10c, y, gal. only 20c Her husbtud burrlod i.oiie and round the Collins Co. . iW If, Kahn ft Bro

Houston . . 7. VictoriaM. ii. to uniting In 'i ml or bit house He Klrby Lumbar Co........ aaunmscaer vo.Ic Co Sulphur SpringSyrup, Valva, small, 2 cans 15c, quarts only 15c truck turn over tne head with blackjack, Cryul

Co . OrsanvllU Lockhart Grocery Co Lockhart ScAuhtaaeli ssr ve. KaaU LakaPeas, reg. 15c seller 13c, dos $1.60 the


to the ooll e, am' then railed CrystalCrrsUl lea

IceCo Mount Moors Orocery Co Tyler SshuhmsctSe. Co

...McAUan. . . Navaeota

Corn, Avondaje, 2 cans 18c, dos 86c the police lined Use n.n Mexican into Caffaralli Bio. Brownsvil It Moors Orocery Co Pittsburg ftthe an i.l tutOK'oltil and u ok him to the Moors Oroc.ry Co P.leatin.Soup, tall can 6c, all flavors, dos 65c emergency hospital live tiliche wre P. Praamsn

Dublin Moors Orocary Co . . . . Loogviaw Sahuh machar Cotal 10c, dos liken In t gash on top or i!w Mexican' F. C. FWwaUan ........ ay CitySalmon, Avondala, can $1.20 Co. acaunavaensx vv. mhead by Poll ra Surgaon tt. B. Cain an The O. L Oragory Vinegar Co Pari Mayásld CoSardinas, Imported, rag. 15c sise 7Vsc, dos 90c being


refutedI'jr Investigation

to aiv.i hit name and It O. L. Oragory Vinegar Co. . . CUrfcavill MsyAsld Co.if lasols

San Augustine Orocsry. Stía Autmatlaa

Sardines in Mustard, 2 cans 15c, dos 90c O. I Or (gory Vinegar Co CooperOrov


Co.Co. . Jacksonville San August Orocsry Co . . . Xanter

Buck, Galvanised, each 18c, 20c and 25c OBITUARY Bonham OroceryGoldimith


HoneyKsasdy MayisM Co. ... Oilrner T.-- T' Pn ....... Wilt

Rope Clothes Lina, reg. 10c sise 8c, dos 60c I.GugtnhaimHldnblmr Straaaburar Co Austin Mayfield Co. TsmU Taylor. Hanna-Iaaa- e Co. HiUaboro

raatwsl af I. Walttx Ifayfteld Co . . Henderson Co. .... Tampla.Port Worth a

Soap ( ívv.íí.) 15 bars, 50c; case .s. $3.28 whoTea


imtMIof J. J


Sundayft yert

morningold, Hsrkriasr-Ksith-Cook- a

Haikrider-Keit- h CookeCoCo. CVsburna Meadows Orocary Co. Coraaach L.. - a- - - r tVUh. Walk

at i.at o clock when be fu from bata HarkruUr-Keit- h Couka Co. . . . . . ... .Austin Kh Ty.7JV.cipi,cCS5room window on lb third floor of lb atlnaral Walls wit is to eat we have it at 40 to SO per cent flat hotel, aMVk North Oregon tlrtat. to Hairiaiaaith-Cooh- s Ca. JhurWr WsaaWj. Wslhar Smith Ca. aVewawoad

below. wUI be beld McCord ft Co.lb pavement frota . . P. toCo. Walaar asatta sttHesaving on your table expenses. lb Churrb of Immaculate Goacapltoa tbts jm acogdoch.1 Orocary C. . lltsáosdoáks Wslhar Smith Ca.ftemooa t t:H o'clock Burial will k la Nacogdoches Orocary i tiAeveUkoU plot of (.oorordl cemetery. Orocsry WaiLr SmithHatogdocho Co .McMICKLE'S Puatrtl s Mr. Bay Noblss Bros. Walker Smith Co..

The fun ill of Mr. Millie V Hay. who Nobles Broa. Wslhar CoSled Sunday afternuuu al t o'rtork. will be Nobis Bras. ........ Wshatar ft Co CttcoUld froaa Ike ctutp! or Hie Peak tinder Nobles Bros.

ORIGINATORS. NOT IMITATORS. taking uuuianj this looming al I o'clock Noble. Bros. Wail ImaCo.

Antonio Sc East of Court House. buna! will b ta uttrordli cemetery Noble Bros. PanraD Wanamnann-BeUhar-

You can always do better at McMickle s iwmccol o

aaiiaoaaC, 9. K

MKN.B r.

aS S L F a t W be Mis M k P. hallI p m. January


f1 a?0 2B omina tfimfjíof



called attentionduringof Belshazzar'

theto the



haveof a

student!certain Daily Short Stary ... , m in Songs of Sunshine

MWM Kimi Iu In ft class of Americans, and pointed out that the richer si Tív iiVriir .T THE RKNTf TOWN BARD

a nation grows the more Indolent It becomes and the iroLOKR HrklNSEV.)max mwKiw. niini j miN,, Barreta inajsiMal, 11. ar o skosf Hi ,iiaii sjvaule. m inn i of Its position In the assembly of worldF1UKK H J SIlttKex J. r "' of the sriMH IslHNh.state. The subject Is handled In a recent IssuertrWmr w n urn', ' " . ""i".L,s

y. inV

vis oe,,i iavl ";n22f I Manufacturers' Record, the article, among other thing, Dorothea's Career. i mar. railed Mm aplndleshankldeclaring that "while this country ha been charged, Ruhcsus yer that way whan

mi. ti.. urncr. Tiurs hiiliiimi ioIL1STiMKH.

SOtTHr:. PAP1,


Tand we are afraid Justly no. with 'being drunk with un-

earnedSy OttVI RtiRKHTs in in Yer lags Is like broom handles.

gajuiNTATlVB prosperity.' it Is certainly true that fior.iihe ilptietl open the nrnrll looking And yer arms ez IMn agon.BioUUt some nf the people who ought to be aotier appear to be cm. lop and ran her rye rapidly over th And yer cheeks ain't filled out gtowhrlatimos, hopelessly drunk and even sodden In their stupidity." rMMIIH ofton aijsWi the letter and then si the nlsre Llke Ben Simpson's is for he

Mi H C lor i iri Continuing, the article amjrs: . l Ihe enclosed check filled in 16 Ule

mllWRIITION BATK TARI.F IN AllVANCl! "Thla has been striking illustrated In a number of anmuni or tiioii.and dollar.. Somebody Weighed rirty pounds and ovarILIUM WITHI

Cajrlarl foolishly expensive baneueta and of wildly dissipated had died, no milter mho. and. her shir of When he win only three.affairs which have been given recently In various parta the decesssd relstlon'. eaute now lay in

Mil) and Bonrtai. li avail. of the country. her Hand to do with she would. uld splndleshsnks. old 8pndlehwiltB--Al'- apaMPally ud


.ta Ihraarw avaBOl

laasife"We do not know whether the story Is true that was The sute or riornttiea'a feeling may be Sysdlesle. KBlered si "U""'" "all.l.es what thy allui say

j ill. Mail Oobl more readily understmid log, right. Hit, by ike MeClure Newspsper me streetIf th walkln' downrecently sent sai from Kt. Iuls, that at one social oc-

casionperhaps tea. All rlgbts reserird. Including rights of translates Puhllrsllon of thla art en, When he is

Tb Manda) Tuaia, nr I ,imi reader be Informed of theRPAMR1I VlilTlos the guests were dressed as Infants and were fed bees

things that had IS whole r is part I expressly prohibited eirrpt by specisl arrsagemeal wits Er comes with us tor play;iippermn.t in her mind all ft heBy Mall " I'atrln. day.

whiskeys and wines through nursing bottle. If It be hod been hi htgIBS sacvinrv nawaaaarr Bjaaaaasna, And. law, hli sMm Is like a knlfB,

Italrr ami Bótala, ana W m ar samn her triumph ofDalit and Simdaj all rnaalha íf: true, the degree ot Intelligence and decency thus Indi-

catedthe nlrht her.ire. when. a. alar perrnrmer they had risen to Ihe occasion. There ar And Mw siy a he need more

. ajmubaiHjIly and




nvwn - was far less than that of the youngest baby born at the dedication or the new library, ah A Question to Be Settled. very rew women whose domestic Instinct" Com hresd and gravy In his litHi Mall i mill ( j, of the poorest negro In the south. Por the sake of hart won laurel, far beyond her rreate.t are not dominant and who would not pre o'er.... ' , Tin hi. pins IIItta Muiidar Tiroes, ana laal ...';' grow-in-

Olea pnamrTVa amir la "ill lnrlu.K..a "nunll i2Jltatd íátta.dfaat we hope that the report la not true. dream of siicism. nf SOtiro every one A group of us St dinner Is.t night Phi rcr. like ooldllorks. to sit, upon a cushion

lam .in-'I- n, ,,.. Bm.lt I.) mnai arda, dfafi n, "But events almost, as disreputable and extravagant knew he could pUy: In fact, moat or tb up the ulijrrt or woman's suffrage and and sen a run seam.His bones sticks out like they was Mat,

Phaa, .,5 nrlaala arañe afilia, "VV""J"'" '--4. Ild nanm and banquet almost us foolish are being given where bei ramlllr. in town .nl their youngsters' argued It pm ami con for a lively hair I railed upon a friend not long ago

Taflaroami and kVMSM Iba falhra- to her to take i course In .harps gnd flat hour, having both supporters end oppo-

nentwhose poems have become household sx Ind hnobs re on his knees,

nd , Bunilai the cost haa from $26 1100 The peopleto plate.run a and to learn RW proper fmrVrtnir of th among us. loms snd quotations, snd round br bending And you unid think he'd blow awayMM X. .(tanaral Manetar who gave these banquet have boasted of their cost In-

stead.rale.; and she played the nrran Sunday. over ner eight weeks old baby In the ineasa:nan, "Woman's plsre Is In the home." a man When he-- compelled terand BpnrtKBtnrtal nn. of bowing their heád In shame that In this day nd rtgured rnn.plrnoii.lv on the program. bathtub. She would rslse Its tiny hands

S..I.O and IVaniiailna Insisted, the table to emphasize clotheAdirrtlalna and I'll, alalia Isnpt of Europe's awful misery, with millions of people dying, In II the loral concert, mu no one In pounding

for and them bring them down in the water And when be's In his Sundaybis "Kqnal rights womenargument.Mallín inn pani,n of starvation and"of other minimis fn the tortures of the l'rsnn.hurr had ever heard her sing be-- ,bah!" with a splash that dimpled the little fel He itke t broomstick 'at

lost through gaping wounds on the battleflelda, they gave fore. Not even Mr. pre.. In, who lived low's glowing cheeks. Yuh've sent down street ter Sunday srhooil,a .lan.llna I" little and In the other half or the house, enretd per-

hapsOur little Ingenue wintered him In scorn. She turned to me In elation. Wir shoes on and a list...!,, ,,.. so consideration to human suffering sorrow,,., i,..., .,n. mal avprar In Uia roloBow ' IIHI hiimmln when .he wa. hur-

rying"A thresdharr lde!" she scoffed. "Haven't "I would rather perform the smalle

atsgb rnrmrleln' and poverty aa to be guilty of such wilful, wasteful ex-

travagance. through with her dishes to go to the men better and less bitter argument'" service for my baby thai to write the most Tellers call htm Splnrtleshanki,JOTICt TO IMI UBLIC. ,. Indeed, It la worse than extravagance; It movie, wllh Charley. An older woman, thoughtfully and Im-

personally,Immortal poem In the world." Rut he don't care at all;

OBrÍMaBBja TTi, la rottenness. It Indicates a rottenness of heart which suggested. "Woman" place Is I envied--

her. Hli shadder la too thin gome daysn liaS .Itnad I M ..Ma, n, Dorothea, therefore, wa.. surprised aararirad iif llaiil, rnr pal (UMPAVT endangers civilisation, for It arouses the Intenses! e anybody when on the day herore th library wherever .ha ran do the most rood, he It "What Inspired your first versesl To show where It may fall;

nr rr Ihl Kl. PAHO TIMVH bitterness of the poor and the1 suffering In this concert she had discovered something. the home or the world of rommerce. All asked, as I bent over to watch the drying Hut still he says he'll come along

"Onp Country! In her wun for-

eigncountry who lack for foodstuffs and clothes to keep soul She hod round the soprano', pert or the women arc not ruled ror the same ca-

reer."process. hile the king or llapplne.s poked When he's slopped growln' high,

nations, may alie always h Klit. but and body together. It la also an affront to Europe, whose offertory for Snnrtv lying on top of her The little Ingenue eagerly snatched thehis chubby fist Into my race and gurgled And starts to widen out Ilk Ben,

Decatur. plsnn after the ,holr had sone home rrom noi.Hv. An' eat a lot of pie.nlM?n should look with and sympathywrong." misery we sorrowour miintr), right or upon golden ball or conversation and tossed It ..vy were very poor." she told me. "withprartlre. She glanced over the notes, firstand whose Buffering we should seek to alleviate by gifts across the table In the direction of the nnlv the bare necessities or life. At schoolhumming the tune, then rmnnlnr It. and Be a believer in sunshine.In proportion to the blessings e enjoy. rtnally opening- her mouth and letting out condemnatory one my little poems hsd been praised by the And so it's good by to the gloom.An Important Election. "Many Americans, In their pity of the suffering In the rull round notes with an abandon that "Yes. Indeed." she argued, "look l teachers, and one Christmas, when I wis With aver a song In the shadows.

In some way almost n Important the Europe and their desire to alleviate as much of It as sent Tip. the poodle, under the sofa and she ha. succeeded In public lire and arrald there would be no Santa Clans ror And ever a heart mil of bloom.Important, how much good she hts dene there." sent roolwell darned stockings. I mytheelection of tho possible, are giving themselves aa nurses, and In many Major, the canary, into a spasm of fright Inin April, U the annual "No argument al sil f from toe Un-

believer.of ihe magaIty election Ish collection or poems to onehi Rrsvsly starts the littlecases men are volunteering as soldiers, hoping thereby eaire. year,

haml.cr of Commerce which will b hold this yearto ahow their desire, even at the risk of fe, to serve Erstnry took hold of hr. She had never zines. A wee one wss arrepled: Eyei front mrrhlng In the Ifne

him. the romrdlan who tiidies be derinedIgnoringchosen known what a Joy It to .Ing. and giv-ing

So though woman's piare may With a mad contempt for rear.will be wasdirectors Ood. Be-

sidewhlrh IR and in humanity to serveand at humanity, servingn January 31. sociology contributed. "Jnst at present bv rnnvention and law. logic and pntlosoway 10 the npw delight the frenry grew And Its heart with cbeer asblne.such heroes as these extravagance and the wild women re trying in work both in the phy, you may be sure you will alwiys findi mrt durinjr in. ennuinx wwrnv. until .he felt that herl aoul w.. drifting All Is llghfhesrt It go,

waste of rottenness of these great banquets and social home and outside; something must suf-

fer."her wherever the Interests of her lovedofTrie Chamber of Commerce la without a ahadow a straight m heaven nn the wngs or song Fresh and sweet and big with chanca,

material de- - occasions must awaken the contempt of even the devil She WOUM surprise Par.nnbur" and Mnr at one3 may take her. Like a springtime hill of rose,force for id In th'- "It Isn't her work that suffers," theoiibt the areateat himself. the library Instead or playing th aerenade Where tb birds and berries dance.

Hopment and uphulldlnr of Rl laao, and the year Juat "Europeans are In prison, and as a people we have from r.tianiinade that .he had intended. older womsn said. "II Is the woman her-seir.

tXSWfCltft TO CORRKSPOXnr.NTS. Rrivo! little child of fate,She Is carrying too great burden C Some t follow youra E. A. day may

eJoMaa haa been. In every way, the moat aucceaarui in, visited them not; thev are in want, and aa a people we And so riornthea had stood upon theand soon abe will break under It." suggestions for the sel or articles. Pleue Strength ror hardship as you swing

tinto In the auditorium of Wie new library Forward where the shadow wait,have not ministered them. "Or she will become arfUstomed and thinks for Interest indthe hlatory of the organ"0"- and had sting, and not the least or her tri-


accept my your Still a conqueror and a king."We have gone our way rejoicing in that prosperity adapted lo It," derended the little Ingenue. good wishes.in larlte meaaure the look or surpriseChamber of Corrtmerce In ilm wa perplexed ontheTo which ha from the of Europe's "Women are builders, not destroyers andplosnpmed very gravea theCharley TnUPii's face. "It ema," ald To lay a rose at laughter's feet.the credit for the bringing here of the Nationa.1 Uveatock soldiers, a prosperity which has been watered by the look, "that the little sparrow I have been they are desirous or bringing everything H. F. 0. Mirguerlte Clark Is not mirrled To try the tears In trouble' eyesaaaoclatlon. the International Irrigation congreas. the blood of millions pf the flower of European civilization, lounlntr ha. turned into nightingale, and worth while Into their live Instead or You cin sridress her rire the Fimous Piiy Ah, that would make a whole year sweet,

and expoaltlon and the vart-ou- a and yet we have lived within ourselves and for ourselves, who am I to be so presuming?" the boundaries or Uinr capability to era' studio. New York City. And nil with sunshine all Its skies!nuilnnal Kami congreaa howeverhalf of lire, worthy it may be."dared that brother's keeper. Dorothea was silent nn the way home.notuqd to we are ourorganiiatlona which met here during the sayI .turned away, leaving them still In the Dorothy Temple I do not know whenother great The applause and the compliment, were MEI.TIV."Individuals and nations have done similar things In tangled mesh or their discussion, to ask ileraldlne Fwrsr's litest picture. "Joan Ihe

and all of which were Hucceaaful even be-

yond.till rliigln in l.er ears. Life, whiah Pe-rore

Everything ts meltln' Just the sama as Inpart year, the past and then have had to pay a fearful penalty Into myself, "ARK women carrying too great a Woman." will ippear In your local Iheitnrthat .Iny wa rarrylnir her straight the spring.the hopea of tholr moat enthuaiaatlc promotera. therefor. Hurely we ahall not eacape a similar penalty hearth and home burden?" but vou might write l.isky company. This

with Charley'smatrimony, The roadways and the medders where rob-

inThat thla good work may continue II la neceaaary. that unless we awaken to our responsibility, and unless the aa a port, had suddenly turned In it course I was not certain in my own mind feature has Just been released In New Yorkused to sing.

aeleóted and on decent men and women of this country ostracize, socially nd was heading ror the harbor of Career. whether U would break them, a ronpnd-ed- ,The hills nd sunny valleys and the littlethe baat men be to take up carry would rise ubove Rut produced in Callvery or they It. the r. w. "Ramona" wasand in every possible way, those who disgrace the country Already grand oner was looming large, and babblln' stream- s-

five of whom, under burden ror women truly great. I rotula by the dune Producing company. Imanythe work of the retiring director, and humanity Itself In the wilfulness of their riotous she had visions or herseir as Brunnhllde Just as if the summer had come backhave a rriend who says, is I have written Ws directed by Mr. Donald Crisp.the provlalona of the conatltutlon. are Ineligible to re-

election.living, of which many evidences are conatantly coming to and caruso as Siegfried wooing her with

before, that women bear roost or the Buf again in dreams

thua retire are amoiig the Uveal the publica attention, and doubtless there are hundreds the sort notes of his wonderful tenor.all the the traveling tnd earth ws turnln' over from her win-

terThe men who when the rherk for thou. and fering and ot sorrow or the world. H. R. The company pgysAnd chillso, to seeof cases of which the public never hears." Faces of many professional women passed expenses even of the extra people when itof their placea thewirea In the organlaatlon. and the filling dropped out or the rlntids to lighten How ever'thlng was doln', from the vulture

In Dorothea's before my mind, and they are women whose Is necessary to seno mem oui or town, wethe beat thought way, there wag no doubt to the bee.la a taak which demanda and deaervea

mind that It was all . heaveh sent. She lives are overcrowded between their pub-lic

do not call them "supes" in pictures;of the bualneaa and profeaalonal intereata of El Paao. To Revivify Bolivar. and their home duUes. On the one hand'phoned to Charley. Yesterday where tkatin' was as fin as everthey have attained eminence In some ait-

ónT. F. D. I am. glad you reel that my ad

The preaent directorate of the Chamber of Commerce The keeper of the elephant and fhe moose are In "I'm leaving In the morning for New known.the other tliey are successfully devoted vice Is good and his helped your daughterla rounding out the year'a excellent work by the col-

lectionWashington holding an Inquest over the remains of their York." she sum. "I wish you'd com

tell wives and mothers. I would not advise anyone to laxe i ror It's like a breath of April o'er the frozen

of a $76,000 budget fund In order that the ne pets. Bolivar la one matter which will have the atten-tion

around tonight. I've something toThen I thought or one of the scrub wom rcspondence course In acting. ponds had blown;

administration may be well provided with the ainewa of the d advocates of you.Hut when Charley saw his dream of hap- - en at the studio, who tells she has seven Everything

theIs meltln' Just the same as hi

of war for the coming year'a campaign for a greater the n "interests," who, since the "ideas of plneas rxdUig and the girl he adored slip-


hlldren, the youngest three years old. andAnd paths

spring,are sort and squshy. and the

and a better El Paao. The work of collection la In the November," have been sulking in their tents, prostrated away rorever he voiced a protest.. an tnvalld husband whom she supports. Iruts are deep with mire.

handa of a number of committee of patriotic El Paaoana over An- perverseness of the voters of this great Ameri-can

"There Isn't much in that game, girlie. recalled many women In the humbler walkaAnd yuh see the sunbeams tremble, snd yer

representing almoat every intereat In the city, and an republic. That this d relic of a de-cadent

You've got a ratghly fine voire, hut It ofwho



I havesimilarmet through

responsibilities.thr years,

hesrt begins to slug.energetically have they entered upon their taak that parry may once more be pushed Into the lists, fakes year of hard work, and then some,

Wis It from choicer No! It was because And lomethln' starts to bumln' In yer soulalready more than half of the required amount haa been panopllod for another Joust In which the smile of Miss to gel anywhere, and not always then. And

fate had thrust the need upon them and like April fire.

The remainder of the fund should be In the It lakes mint of money, too. Resides,raised. Wall street is the Incentive and a frenzied grip on the Dolly. I was Just going to tell you. I've Is meltln' let's all our bateEverything jes'Chamber of Commerce before the endhanda of the national treasury la the beckoning trophy, an effort will good news myself, and I wasof the preaent month, and thoae who have not received the last moments of the Bull Moose.

had some melt, too,be made to ease big toUi ask ir you could get readygoing you LIBBEVS nd our grouches and our madness. Jes'

a call from one of the committees should be prepared Somniferous potions in the hape of recognizing former be married next month, t'nele Ned's writ-ten

JEAN at If we'd put 'em through,to respond promptly In order that there may be no de-

layProgressives on the executive committee of the e ror me to come on and he's going to nd we had no need to keep 'em, and we

In the collection of the money V) vitally needed for organization Is one consideration, already made give me a dandy position in his bank, You didn't want to seethe upbuilding of the city. known to us. Other dlognoaticians will offer ther ex-

pertcan still live In New York and you won't y Talks OnHexrt Topics A gloomy race no longer, and we didn't

In the colleotlon of have lo work so hard as you will at your want to beThua far the committees engaged' opinion In star chamber session. The world mustmusic. can't give you up, Dolly." Like shadder of the winter when beneaththe budget fund have found those . called upon ready not be Informed of the manner of putting the patient door hod shown Doro-

theaHut the magical N. fault lovers' talk or married the heaven's wingICoprrlsht. 11. br Uia Madura In gettingand willing to subscribe liberally and everywhere Is into a state of coma now, with the hope that It may de-

velopvisions she could not forget. There Lovers ought to see one another more than Everything ts meltln' Just the sama as In

manifested the true El Paao spirit of for Into complete dissolution prior to the opening of were the stage door Johnnie three deep, KIHM4. Hon I ASK HIM HOW MI CH UK onre In six months. I ve always been the spring.the heat Interests of the ciy. the next campaign. with arms full of American Beaut loa; there EARNS. good straight man. Ought I to worry over

It is noted that Oscar S. Braus, once a trusted attend-ant

was Caruso .Insing opposite, niul Schu her?" Chance is busy shaping men

This Matter of Eating. in the Bull Moose camp, has been consulted. If the mann llntnk railing her Holly and Homer L, , eiM ,nrt , ., bjth Write or (sk If yqn meet for a heirt-to- - Who should be shaping chance Instead,

"preliminary conferences" with this e friend of an,i (Hurle and Kreiler ami .miniiitM nuvAnd have spirits light as air; heirt talk. Mention how you both seem io give command, lo utter when,

In this day of aclentlfic Investigation, when whatever Theodore's 91 U hobby were as satisfactory as the re-

portsIng her to Utile parties, to say nothing of

More than wisdom, more than wealth to worry. Avoid sid parting by being good with vaster visions In their ken.her feet, buy-

ingthe great American public at

A heart that laugns hi care friends and plighting troth, ir ft ii a servile thing to kneelhas been propoaed by one set of thinkers as being tile would have us believe, no doubt a treatment haa for seven dollr apiece merry your you

her record Doth hsve true sJTertion ror the other To dull dumb lurk and whin that wevery beet thing for the human race I no more than been decided upon which will ease the panting fragment ror their musir boxea. We won't say that it Isn't natural for the re only what the times reveal,

a vogue until another schonf rises majestically of "the bone marytr" Into final aleep. If Mr. St runs "I'm sorry. Charley, but I reel tht I ran girl who Its a beau that has coinrnrnced to And echoes of our destiny,and points out the diingera lurking In such a procedure, were all of It. the remedy might suffice; but aa he is Dot waste my life being merely domestic. call siesdliy to wonder what his prospects Feollshl.v She Trusts a Stranger with mr Oh, crawling warms,one la at a bias t" know Just what to do, or whether not, the rugged old Moose may not be allowed to wander I think It's Bay duty to go ahead and moke are. No matter how vital the sunjert miy Hooey. To fade like that herore the lightthe game of life In worth the worry. Hecently the ques-tion

off into Its happy hunting ground, there to browse on the most or my tslant. Not every one. yoube to her. It Isn't wise for i girl to take It Disheartened L. R. writes: "I hive been if all that to our souls affirms

of getting HOinellitng tu eat, no w hatter what It waa, the sprigs of memory. Ills cull may again be heard, to know, has s voire, and the rewwdrid

who have upon herseir lo try to pry into his arfairs going with an elderly, nlrc appearing nun lur privilege nf the burning height!should use them to make the happy. the of rirty five for a I am thirty-fiv- Fie on the rhsnce for whlrh we wslt.bun u problem fur a good niany of our people, while the discomfort of his prehensile friends and the thin-

ningwhen of this nature until he hss popped year.

He.ide.. It looks like rale aA man considers that up to that I loirned to rire for his nice wiys. And bravo to the souls that flingquestion.added i" thla luí been the warning from .varlmia parts ranks of adherents who meri h behind him. Hie skies like this..lollars drops from time it's none of the girl's affair. If a girl told me be loved me; wanted to marry me Their challenge at the feel of fat

of the countr) iii become more economical and thus re-

duceWe will be considerably interested to know whether I hope you'll beNo It's all ovrr. Charley. Is forward enough to ask thai question Less than a year, I gave him. a stringer And learn themselves to spread broad whig

the high coat of living. After allowing these Ideas or not the erstwhile Justice nf the supreme court, who very happy and get along splendidly In yourmsny s msn Is not abashed, answering money lo save for me. Two weeks ago, In fearless flight, in noble Joy

sufficient time in soak in, and. In some Instances, to rode old Bolivar In a losing race a few month.- - ago, will business, . now. I must prk." jocularly "What do you want to know asked for it. needing II btdly. He laughed To piece the unknown depth and height.become a part of the dally routine of the people, along be preaent with advice. And Hiram, of California will .nasi slonr. hood, lodging and le

for?" This la as much to say it is his own Gave me an envelope. Oponed It. round ni And breast "the sea and reme at lastcome the gentlemen who scientifically theorise over the he have a bit of eloquence to salve over the wounds? at ten dollars tplere hail played ducks business, nor hers. money, but a blank paper, said he lost it into tbelr own through HgM.

food problem and declare to ua thai we had better be a This conference of the Republican national commlttoe un.i itrakea Willi Dorothea's rortunc MillIt generilly Jars all the love out of a In real estale. Can I trust him and ever get

aulmtltute for the foods grand o.era wllh Caruso ind ,, heirt to discover tint the girl he It? Lost all my lore roc him as well Away rrom ourselves far little while,little careful In what we wo will be a mild diversion al thla time, when a number of public were a far awayal Mnsrlran has liked well enough to come a rung Please aid." Awav from ourselves to soother's rsre.have been eating They warn against the possible dan-gers

serious question are fori in; themselves upon us. as a. ever. There were live years in namhas merrenarv motives Instesd of b lidding You were Mind lo trust a stranger, with Ami we soon take heart and we learn to

to be Invited by the use of less nutritioua foods or will any future meetings of the participants. But we work ahead, years In whlrh mure mon' irrerttnii III her heirt ror him out good reason, wllh your money. A good smilethose lacking in certain essential elements In place of really need amusement, and a touch of opera houffe, m.iiM he needed, and years, too. at the end

A good looking young womin. who holr Uwyer might lid you in gelling It rerunded At Hie very little we have to bear.those to which we have been accustomed. with a O. . P. setting, ought to be a scream. .,r whlrh nothing was certain, she had dis-

covered i good p.islUon In s department store, said If lie has not spent or hidden It. Away rrom ourselves, and our idea grow.New York

"If these Is uny joy In economy," saya the Detroit Free a thing or two also-t- hai

students Willi aa to me one rtav. "1 im afraid I shall never And wo know more things than wenail thousands or musical tike well at first sight Men Absent Lotrr Derrlved hile thought we should know.FaiuVuLPress, "some scientist would surely take II away." Chances of the Pros. volees than she had. Also marry.guild or letter Usually are attracted toward me. anxious to " And we are able to understand"Experiment In living on limited which have llirolt. susceptible to Away.jputna, (Krom the San llutl Ihe lift 1 weik be Introduced and io call. ..But somehow Able to understand, in the end

been coiitlnuéd for a few weeks only,' do not give suf-ficient Just how remote are the chances


Lightthe national



hartfe tt the weither. or lite her leach-er-

their first or second visit ends their H. J. 8. writes: "I've been escorting s That the prison of seir is bad.data for exact knowledge of permanent results," hid shaken their hearts. ni me Ynt i irv to ss entertain girl ror two years. I went away ror And the farther away from ourselves wa

nntlnues that paper. "A change of diet may pique to realise their amhltlona, and how unjust The money went. There was nothing lert i... .a ......nú- - In taIMn over Uie situs month's stay I left, she promised lo wendappetite and Induce added weight without power to it would be to the majority of the people of the United but 10 go bach lo teaching music In

lion It finally leaked out thai on his first! he true to me I returned. She admits The quicker llfcmafces us alad.maintain the gain or providing material for bone and ' States If this remote possibility should msterlslize, are or to rind work In New York, r aeensrt villi ails BBS SUre IO 1SK eBf II has been out with another I do not

muscle. Here flesh is often a detriment. The students questions thai anawer themselves when one takes a she would rsther hive died thin to ownlook

upaller how long he hart I employed, care for. I love the girl devotedly. Am i Dash and go and daring,she i

of Berea college, Kentucky, said tu be la nee at "facts and figure" recently circulated by the to defMtt In her own town, sohow much he earned a year and whether luss what to do. Please rtvlse." So life makes It start,are thriving answeredon and finallyagitator. These "facts and figures" were public prop-

erty,iii,e in steiiogriphy or not he had relatives lo support, Tslk wltii her In an earnest, determined A gladness In the faring.

rnifMls. Accustomed to plain and not always long before the I'rohlbitionlsts began their recent an d - "1 believe in not wasting time with i way as to what her intentions are. ir you A bubble in thr heart;hygicnii luod in their mountain homes, they find their of are not engaged, she I not bound torour sheoutset.'njf ZErLmtl Dndlii out at the And whether death or danger,campaign for a "dry" nation, but since so much is being In "'"frugal fare superior; besides, they cut out coffee, tea the lug mahogany JU t htUmf ,.f ,,,, prospect to with you only. This will bring about true And whether loss or gain.d educad from them have takentheyand butter. The menus of the famous Vhlcago on a dggree of sig-

nificance mai.i. him in marry what would be the use love In both your heart. If thla does not The swift heart lakes Its rhancrsi KPerimerM proved to be about the equivalent of the ordi-na-

which they lacked before. saw who il w. bul he wss on his feel andof encouraging Mm?" exist resse visiting anil you will each have And ruts a rose gl pain.

mans diet; besides the cost of preparation and the The Prohibitionists claim 25 slate in the "dry" col-umn.

had her hand tight in both of his.Doubtless abe meant Weil enough, but her a chunco to runt annllier

he looked,vaiue of fuel consumed were 'unconsidered trifles.' No flne cares to dispute the claim, tftough states she saw how tired and worn

Her heart method was dlshrtnlng to a snd tomorrow to bava this policy changedhave been known to tire of prohibition and how much sillier and dearer ardor. II Is generslly ihe man who What effect will tbis rtasro have on tits"Now cullies the health commissioner of New York she looked "kle gulllllv The Case of the Reservist.all "prohibition'' Is liut in order to secure contracted a commences at the fool of the ladder who young rellows we are getting today? WillPHtf, advocating a return to the boiled dinner, girt she had been loonue roollshratification of an amendment to the United States con-stitution,

Whel a silly, ia tlap tu ave. I and strongest lo work up. He lb) not look at the proposition to (be samethe piece de resistance of tile New England diet and evefe If such an amendment should be merer t will o the wisp career! v i. ..hu,s a small amount when he Kditor El Paso Morning Ttmei way that we do? Win ihey be so mildas lypicul of the región as the codfish on the weather the Prohibitionists wuuld have to win

sub-mitted, Tell me it's II ever. Dolly. "d you're

meets s girl, but love and the hope of a Dear Sir: Having been rilled in from Ihe to respond when oa the reserve, fiar seevane of the stale house once was of its chief industry, II addi-

tional going to marry me." .,..,!. marrta will snur s man on is reseñe and been here rive monttu in how we are being treated? Will ihlb.- iHilled dinner, for whose maiklng no self respecting states between now and the time of submission, "You won t want me when you know I ve

nothing else In this world could do. It are beginning to reel that we are t.em4 , rrt lbeU- rinsJe ami sy. "Oood bye amiit requires s of all the states to ratify any ron mane nuu a iin.o-- m ..j ..n,uiu ar, irain 'modern cookbook vouchsafes Isn't mostly what a man never againa recipe; was a hodge-

podge.Tailed"? And be drew

of vegetables cabbage, amendment to the federal constitution, and s Thank Heaven!" slKiidC be thinking of. bul whether ed men, De hem in service, while certain So. after stating our case to our crudetaplleu with of

turnips, potatoes, carrots of 41 would be It. l.er tu linn aud kinani tier. or not alie loves Mm well enough to rsat units or th national guard are being way, we ash in use or me columnsa piece ham or corned beef. Primitive Of the ZS "wet" ststes. 12 ure regarded as lot tor lire with him. to worn shoui seni oi.rorT n is s snown nn uisi a lare your paper as a listan for us to gam ouiin its simpililty and born, probably, of a poverty of cook-i- They are New Vork. Illinois. Pennsylvania. det lo shoulder with him In his struggle ler ceni or inese men neaer saw a ririe freedom and take up our crvti status againuteuslls umung pioneer housekeepers, the people Ohio. Texas. Missouri, California, New Jersey, Wiscon-sin,

to cheer Mm and be Ihe minlsterui en uistU six month, ago We ask you to be our sponsor In this amifinally acquired the 'we like it that way' habit, proving Indiana. Kentucky and Massachusetts Incidental-

ly,Glimpses of the Past gel or his existence. Love should be th We were all ou mil status, nod nasi sai isle ror us through your paper Pin

man may aucustom himself to anything, even If it kills these It Mates are the largest; purpose or courtship and or marriage, fn irnos that promised advancement and some our rase before the public. It Is our onlmore Important istlsn. honorable young man It not asking a girt got married une uttvrs or u were pre-paring chanca The uailuM guard has lobbyist

andthe fact that t sir combined population Is far lit"A prominent representative of New England culture

excess to link her future with hi unless be to rommit ourselves. poUtiriooa to pull ror them and tof the cumblned population of the remaining If states ti years ago rooAV. of supporting her and After completing threeonce at tributed the decadence of the section to I he Twevn-ro- t knows be It rphle years' service, we reeult it that they are being prdared bom.

of boiled dinner, which led tovogue which the Probililiinuisi might possibly use to ratify Ilia good prospect! had done our duty, such u every able We have nothing or ao one to look oui ro-

basiudigestioii. Inertia and a prohibition amendment. The bucket brigade at DeaDing, I. M.. bodied man should do, and we wars one aud Interests But we should bar ah suidespair Hi an era oi inoie refined menus the boiled If only one of the II states which (he Prohibitionists railed to brtog WM lMntroi (NbHlhS TO an reaay io luiiiu me rriualnla nan or port of the press and thoae of the peopn-wh-dinner became in worse odor than Its own smell while sre hoping to gain should stand with the II stales men-

tioned,wuid caused th nre to spread (Correct name and address must be given our contract should the necessity artas a have the I meroil or the amy at bean

' .king, and is now regarded as an evidence of plebeian the amendment would be defeated. The chain tl , resideuc to U Heeler and king to Insure atvmcton. not to runt t'se mk. is shown In our alacrity to responding. Thinking you to advance, and hoping t':tastes to which, few dare confess Thus the commission-er's

are mure than even that any gitvu number of thr u properties The damage was sliu.,tsd at Write short letters, only on one side r The eon Iran roads Ihgl we ware subject will take ua seriously to lal matteradvice la a step backward, gustatorially and hygienl-caily- . states would refuse to go over Into the dry" column. about ttOaWO - paper Address Miss LUkhey. M President Ml an un iwr.ttr imiy Ul event Of lag Bgl We are your thankfully and stocerely.

After Culture has pronounced a thing Rtreet. BrooMyu. V Y ) sued or actual hosUUOes Are we at wart Reservists. Thirty fourth United Stales loprovoreulve The . ha of the Prohibitionists to win theu es entire 11 iuo, aVBtotor Brlce t repreaeou-uv- Are bsaimaothroiienlngTAt Luna. Has there osan faatry.of decadence, how dare UTwar approve are so slim aa to be unworthy f serious consideration. received letter from toe senator tell PtlsM Troth. U They Make l at any tune to the past four mouths"It may be that In a multitude of counselors there But suppose. Juat for the sake of the supposition, thai ins turn to rtisirUiui to the poor 0. S. writes 'l loved a girt a year I dngvr of war? And lastlv ir uaar. msB Paso.


cotton, Kl Paao. Texas.is safely.' but I'orpiesily siso Halts upon them." the Prohibitionists should gain all of the St states, ex-

clusivetons of rtour end one hundred too can never forget her. 'We fell out three ganger of these Uuuga coating to pus, are

January is, jm

of the II "wet" states uiealloeea. Then we of coal. tune. Know she tova not Think as na laaoiKi cnm( a square deal?liut 14 days remain tu which to pay your poll lax. should have a peculiar situation the tyranny of the di.ssu.ried Won't see bb lest I say ff The true raj reeling amuogst us la mat By Usortatod Press

A I IS ad to tout little mailer today- Important matters minority. Less than half of the people of the, I'mted I HUH U N AU itJUAV gull bv uo trouble lu getting along there will be amall chance of our gemua Stoui City. Iowa. Jan. It. -- Hoy Annoar.lunve before the electorate of El paao. both city H Lates would be dictating to more than half of the

toward Addtok. former granger of uto with other good gtrl. but I cannot love stun again, unless there is an actual of Hubbard. Nob., left tonight for gouia t .law couipauj. was sued for know I ran tore IMS girl. Yet alar declarationState ofIbeui war Audsad county, this year, a tut oituweas will find H extremely people. That would piesute the ProhJbltiokiist


who would blutf N. M.. to talk csavrga to Iba body of bigim-

mensely,at t'MladelpMs a. It was raatTged lells storlsa of By wish to see bar. Claim, us. who too v. a th ran of thedisagreeable to be in the nkum with Chinese. Idiota, a. fvr it Is directly la lias with their philosophy uy Revolver laeorg w iierauu inai uat to love in. It's not rt tu to let a gtrl ma a cage? brother. Liyd D. Armour wMeo wa- - teuuH

ooavlcds and paupers when election day roils around of Ufa. was secured by illegal me am. fun of ons who truly loves her. See mo II I to tb 'jitoresi of th erany of todaylasBPiwaTOlurtetta. il.


aerers toree asttos t of


COMEDY AT TEXASDon't say "BreaK- -


'Shreddedfast Food

Wheat" for The Confessions of RoxaneOT7 GRAND 18 SCREAM while yon no doubt mean By FRAlfCM WALTER.

SaaTStJdad VlflbMt, you may TUB TtXKFMONK GIRL to i as. Uta. at ata afecta

get one of those mushy ir I was t telephone girl I'd knowI Have a Message From Ar-

thur,and will not arrive when be had Intended."

Convulainjrly Lttdicroos Sfaasvtiotu Every young lady who had t new beau. "Oh I" The exclamation appetred to sa-rapeBY JULIA LEE BROWN TELEPHONE 6924 pmiidyaa that are a poor Every old fellow, with dreamt In his breast But the Mystery bar, despite the close watch which aha

in "Fair and WaW' had kept on herself She seemed to realisesubstitute for the crisp, de-

liciousEvery dear bean where young lov built

national colora, the centerpiece belnf Deepens. that she had betrayed an Interest she was

basket or American beauties, tied with na Fare Comedy. shreds of baked her neti. not expected to thow and her mtnner be-cameThe affairs of the people, their gladness so confused that she turned toSOCIAL CALENDAR souvenir were the awayIHorn! color. Painty was about to question the nurse for

place rants. Mr. Wrlgtit left for Michigan How a husband, who was too kind to hi whole wheat that supply and woe ther when the telephone In Uie parlor rang hideMil

it.Whatre mystery did It ill mean?last nlrtat and the certain will leave with ir I was i telephone girl I'd know. and she hurried to answer tt. She did not

for Detroit wife and was abrttobejjdliio-e- be-

causeall the nutriment for a half Why should I be hedged about with i III IBBMichiganThlrtv secondMr. P. B. Homtn will entertain with tin- return Immediately and I was left to my

luncheon bridge it her horn on Orsndvlew Thursday. or hi InebtlltyTcTbToniel, and how day's work. Two Biscuits ir I was a telephone girl I'd hear own thoirfht. stances which were so unusual and unnatral aa to smack or the Could Ithe mend became uncannywire or hit bast Statementsstreet. She w.'ll be ilslcd Djr ner iwo Every voting lover tend others good cheer. Mar had been made ao lim-

ply really be in own rooms in the hoMLsisters. Mr. T. V Jone, or Tyler. Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Blusa Kslerlaln. In bar rather gay husband la with milk or cream make a and with such a straightforward man-ner

my orAnd back with the anewsr tweet voire had I been carried twty i ctptlve with thlaand Mlsi Betty Alexander. Mr. aid Mr. Horace W. Blum entertained told In one of the cleverest farces that ever that It wat Impossible to question their gentle looking creature is any jdlerT If Iwith a dinner party last nigni rompnmrn appeared on the American star This was rxmrahing meal at a cost would ring Until, yet It seemed to me that there waa really wis recovering from Illness ind wisMm. Henry Jarrell will entertain the Jolly tarv to Dr. and Mr. George Hudspeth. With all the true beauty or laughter and snmehtng beneath the turrare or my ilTilr

Mrs. Arthur "Fair and Warmer." which played to a full of a few cents. In my own home, why should a simple thingThe Mr. and beenv iihbors club. meats were which had not yet retched by myFruthaler. Mlas Ruby May Fuller. Miss house at the Texts Grand theater last night. spring.

questioning. Arthur's sudden departure ror like a telegram cause her so much aston-

ishment?Mn. J. Marcus end Mr. Julia Linde will Gladys Mueller, Oeorge Blefer. Oeorge Fru-

thalerKeglnninr with a somewhat llrht xeuhyr, And ill sorts or business would pass New York; my unaccountable illness: the resolved to get to Ihe bottom

or theentertain at cards In the Colonial tee room and ihe honor guests. Following the the pity ended In t whirlwind, completely through my ken fact that no letter only telegrams hid mystery.

on Montane street. dinner, bridge waa played. Others presentsweeping the tudlenre off their feet In the The secrets or women, the romance or men. come from Arthur; the absence or Mr. Gor-

don"Miss Thompson," I asid resolutely as I

were Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Young-- . Mr. anaIn the and Mitt Howard my failure lo see the could, "what Is the meaning or all Oils' Is

Mrs. j. L. Ely will entertain the Trinity Mrs. Hugo Mueller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank r cxrrurlatlngast art the house



preaented.convutsea ir I wat t telephone girl ill day physician, although Mlas Thompson assert there something siran re going on here that

bridge Hub. whl-- lately has organlted. and Mr. and Mr. C. R-- Brownlle.have been ed they railed repeatedly these and the am not acquainted with? Is something be-

ingwith laughter, and certainly there I'd lit at my board while the wires sangwhole atmosphere surrounding recent hidden from me? la there a serret

few other farces with to many laughablePioneer Bridge Club Meets. away. event teemed to suggest mystery. Yet I connected wlUi my affairs which should

stage presentations.And tell me or trouble and tell me could not indicate Incident which wit know and which you ire determined to keep

Mrs. H. E. Stevenson wat bostee to the they'd tnyPERSONALS The humor or the play centers mosuySOCIAL rrom me? ir to. I beg of you to tell mePioneer Brldre rlub. whlrb met at her home about 'Billy Bartltlt, which role was ad-

mirablyor strire. not susceptible or Intelligent explanation.

Mads W. Y. It waa quite possible that all thai Mils everything 1 am strong enough to heirafternoon The at Nxssjsra Falla,on Oregon street yesterday Raymond.Williamassumed by ofAnd tell me of til the young beauty whatever It fs my lot lo hear."lni was won by Mr. John Dono-hu- or cos Angeles, Thompson atld might be true.prlta Mrs. Claude MacKentle. Billy' is the husband who Is too kind to life. She to side and tookcame swiftly my myI still loll In when theThe olhwr prises were won by Mr. is the house truest or Miss Pauline norman his wire. The role opposite him is taken Its sins and Its blessings. Its plans and Its was thoughthand.Will llxson end Mrs. D. Knlbbs. A apartments. nurse resumed her sen betide my bed. Inat her home in tlie Aragón by Ml Ctherlne Leicow who takes me si hemes. is she detheredear, mystery,"her hand she held which "My not yellow envelope,luncheon wis served by the host-

ess.prt or nianny' Wheeler, the deluded wife About El Pasoam Its ups and its downs and Its songs and Its dared hurriedly. "What makes you thinkI knew Acontained mother telegram. waveThe guests, besides the members, Beber, of La Cruces.W. ft.Mr.Mr. and The role or Btrtlett'i wire Is taken ny dreamt.were Mrs. will Hlxon. Mrs. E. M. Hurd. N are the parent or a bby girl horn katherine Klrby Laura Bertlett, and of apprehension swept over me whan I taw tuch a thing? Everything Is perfectly nat-

ural.and Visitors in the City It I knew thai It contained bid news. I Yon have merely been III and areMrs.. E. M. Hurd, Reberwen- - .Mrs. Will Hlxson, to ihem on January 7. Mrs. W. R. Jack Wheeler la assumed by Donald Call. ir I was t telephone gtrl I'd go It la Imagination onlyMrs. D. C. reached ror II and the nurse reluctantly let recovering- yourMrs. Fred 1. Mulberry, end Mlat Edna Van Patten,was rormtrly Laura and Jack, however, are not hot house, At night to my room with the things that which makes thing appear abnormal "kniubs. It was not derided whether there El Paso girl, daughter or Mrs. W. K plants like their better hairs, and they like I

me have It.know.Mon-- , William Royall, of Whitewater. Grant "Perhaps had better rest a little be-

fore"I am confuted." I persisted. "F.very-thtn-

club next youof the Mrswould ho a meeting- Van ratten, or 717 Wyoming street. to the and "loot em fitgo out In evenings And build in my ranry ion romance to seems jumbled I go out walkingup.day beceusc or the Illness or a number Van Patten returned to F.l Paso Sunday, af county. N. M., one of the largest cattle you read It," she remonstrated. "Wenewcreateand aup. 'Billy' 'Blanny My own lire or listening made up of me and It la two weeks before know anythingbave been talking so much that I fearor the members. week-en- visit to her grandchild and youter a Wool worth' cocktail, become intoxicated owners and ranchmen or New Mexico la at wit. hive become nervous " more. Then I am Informed thai my MM

Musical Program Postponed.family. and are In 'compromising' circumstances Hotel Paso del Norte. The quarreling, the ribbing, the spooning "fio," I told bar, "I will open It now." band Is t.OOQ mllet away I appear to have

when the ray pair return from their sepa I hear been deserted by every one. Only a nurseot D. A. Richardson or Douglas, Arlt., I tore open the envelope and read thewhich to hare Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clyde Van VTeck, JudgeThe musical program was rate carousels. So much for the crux or Etch day with that Instrument up to my Is left to watch over m. I haven't evenbeen presented Thursday evening at Toledo. 0.. who have been visiting Mr. and the action, which ends m a clever and one or the directors or the Santa Rita ear. metiage. It was brier and the word! them-

selves seen physician, although you tell me thatThereo'clock by the mus e department of the Mrs. J. R. Enlow, on Upson avenue, left startling climax. Development Copper company, and H. M. The Rentalown Bird. contained no hint or mentce.I have been receiving medical attention DoA-

rthurthe brier statement signed bywas onlyWoman's club In the bulldlnc has been yesterday for Coronado Beach, Cal., where Mr. Raymond with his screamingly laugh I there Iswonder that insist a mysterygeneral or the same com-

pany,telling that he had been detained youLoorala, manager meIntlennitcly postponed on account or many they will remain during the winter, sir. able antics, and u a dull husband kept Do Not Think of t Friend. But Co and Bee somewhere?"or the participants belnr 111. Van Vlerk Is the sister or Mrs. Enlow, and the audience In ontlnuous laughter. Miss who have bean tt Hotel Paso del Him.

In New York longer than he expected, andThe nurse stroked my forehead t rwNew Orleans theof Inthat Instead arrivingduring- - her stay in El Paso was the recipient Lcxcow, dainty, beautiful and with a most Norte ror the past two dayt left last even "Enter often In the houtt of thy mend, next day his departure had been indefinitely moments without replying. That peculiar

For Mrs. Amesbury. or many delightful social courtesies winning smile sometimes waa too sweet to ing over the El Paso and Southwestern for lest an unusued pith choke up with weeds" postponed. sixth sense which every woman rails inttit-the cordial remember to In the character or an Some forming little rrtendly sorll hsd bedsgirls sMrs. Fred Dougherty was keep the Uon. told me that Miss Thompsondire-


fell from hand tomeeting or the As the paper myfastest at a luncheon given in honor or Mrs. Charles Rader returned Sunday from Intoxicated girl but the audlonre liked her Douglas to attend t dab have rhoaen theae word ror their coverlid I breathed a alh or reller. I waa taken o IT her gutrd ind did not know howMr. William Amesbury, recently or Los Oklahoma City, Okla., where she attended the better for It. and tt It expected Important matters motto, and such t nice, wise, little motto disappointed .fcto be sure, but even then 't to reply to my questions. She had not ex-

pectedAngele, at her home yesterday. The a family reunion. Despite the rather risque situation In will be made public after the meeting. It It. we mrinltely better than I had expected. me to sense anything unusual. Shetable was spread with a cluny lace piece, which the characters are placed, Ihe pity A. R. Downa, or Downs tod Son, Inter-

estedIn commercial trftlra everywhere those

The calamity which reared had not yet be had relied upon my neinsr too in to snowcentered with a rut glial vase rilled with Mr. M. 0. sunt has as her guest Miss is altogether wholesome and leaves one In some gold properties In the who are rcngnlted as leaders appreciate the any curiosity. She thought that would bedouble pink carnations and plumona. The Mlnner Hecker, or Atlanta, Ge with a taste or clean and clsvtr comedy. district, Yavapai county, Arts., Is at necesalty of personal intercourse if any re-


fallenThe nurse

me.reached Tor the paper; folded like most persons when III. wining to ac

ravora were blue marine "Fair and Warmer" will be presented at Hotel Sheldon. accrue. The successful man Is he who It In the envelope. cept any explanauon that was orrered. Shearenes, the work or the hostess. Mrs. John R. Webb has as her guests H. H. the Texas Grand theater all the week. W. B. Duvtll, general manager of the goes bodly and frequently to his patrons to It


movementsand replaced

were gentle ind her whole had counted upon treating me nae snecards also were hand painted with attrac-tive

Marshall and 1. a. MeKlnney, of Car Arttone Mayflowsr Copper company. Uitt solicit custom. He must make mends be-

foreattitude devoid ot curiosity, although I would a child, and upon my accepting her

girl heads. Other ravor were Japan thage, Tex. owns i large group of copper properties In he commands business, rer well he the mutt have been eager to know statements with the simple f10i of child.se larky dogs. A luncheon TO ERECT EITHER Copper mountain, 15 relies north of Dun-

can,knows (he moat promising enterprise ctn She had not counted upon that sixth semewhat the was.

was served. Following the luncheon Mlas Mr. and Mrs. James I. Van h'euren and Arts., Is tt Hotel Paso del Norte. He be killed as soon as launched If there are only amessage

little delay," I told her. "My of mine.E. Stewart sang several vocal solos, and son, or Lansing. Mich., are the guests or haa been purchasing machinery for the no personal reWttont between buyer and husband has been detained In New York,, (To Be Continued)Miss Helen Muselwhlte also sang- and r. and Mrs. O. A. Graham mines and leaves for Darning this morning, teller. Business men assume the virtue orplayed a number or piano selections. The where he will purchaso a Cameron pump to friendliness, even ir they have It not, andtruest were: Mrs. W. C. Smith. Mr. G. A. Mrs. florlne Tyler has as her guest her HOTEL OR THEATER Install In the mine. He reports that a large rultlvtte It in the only way It can be cul-

tivatedthat even the daughters of the F.ngllsh royal

Worrells, lis Vera Anita. Miss C. Stewart. sister. Miss Pearl Llveland, of Oklahoma body or copper ore bat been developed In by becoming something of a factor ramlly were taught to master the art or innMis Helen Musselwhlle. , and the honor City, Okla. the mine. in Ihe affairs of those with whom they de-

lirelaundry as part or their education. Per-

hapsguest. E. S. Dtvls, manager of the Pecos Mining builnesi ataoclatlon. II is a mailer or mental attitude to-

wardWord haa been received In El Paso that company, whose properties are 18 mile That Is one reason men or strong person-ality

thla Tuesday's taak. ir we could per-

suade, i..eL i ii, i ueei LSiev. and Mrs. Herman u. roner are me Galveston Man Leases El Paso northwest or Van Horn, Texas, hat been In are Invited to take hold of .big enterprises

ourselves that Ironing was an inter-esting.The Fancy Work club will meet wfthfP,nts or a baby daughter, born In Mo- -

Site; Present Plan b $150,-00- 0the city ror a couple or tttyt, purchasing They are spoken or as having "In-


task we might get no

Mrs. Alveide Mead at her home In thejl"", cel., January o nev. sr. renwim- - supplies ror the mine. The property be-

longsand Influence, when probed to the ir enjoy ironing that mean that yod end ot ittlartctlon from It.

Hoeinnt .nanment I r'rtav afternoon edeincnv was pmm.i ui rc ma, -- cw.v.... Hotel. to Judge Canonn and James Robin-son,

foundational stone, means knowing people youdo ll II should be done, ir Ironing la a

a o'clock I hurcn In this city- who have letted and bondad It to the well enough and pleaaantly enough to In-


as VOFICKA AWAITS 1NSTRI CTIONS.perrert bugtjetr In your house tt means thatpresent operators, who are composed or them to do you t ravor ir they can,

haven't taken mrflrlent time to work Berlin. Jan. It (via London). The Ameri-

cioIlanre by Drill Teas). L. Soudder, or Oalveston, yesterday wealthy Pennsylvania capitalista, a party or or having tuch sympathy with your inter outyou

the right plan or attack. For In reality minister lo Rumania. Charlea J.A dance was given at the Odd Fellows' CHURCH NOTES leased from Capt. Juan Hart property at El whom have Juat visited the property. A est as to promote them so fir as lies In ironing can be made a very interesting wltose withdrawal from Bucharest

hall last night by the Bowman Guard drill Paso and Overland on which he will erect pump has been Installed on the mam shaft their power. Such men have a way or get-

tingwas ordered by the German government, It

talk.team. Woodman circle, willow Grove No. either t hotel to coat 1150 .000 or a theater and eitenslve work Is In The vein down to the hearts of people, and noTo begirt with see that the light li ar-


remtog to Berlin to await instructions rrom

. with Mrs. John Bowman In charge. The Woman's Mlsslonsry society or the to cost g30,ooo. Tba property fronts 8 feet haa widened out to 18 inches at a depth one can reach hearts over a telephone. properly. It should be bright and It the state depart ment at Washington re-

spectingPunch was served during the evening, with First Presbyterian church will meet In the on El Pato street and IM real on Overland or 100 feet showing high grade chalcoprlte The same way in friendship. It may not his future course., "k . should come from tne len line, men you

Mrs. Wowers and Mrs. L. 0. o'clock. street. The rental will and oxide or A shipment will beGeorge church parlora this afternoon at be t,000 the first copper. iwaye De posaime avaw w should never begin Ironing until Ihe kitchensorvlng. More than (00 guests were Mrs. Bessie Ollchrlst, vice president, wilt year, to Increase tgoo a year. The property made shortly. In the same district the larre circle or friends, but It Is worth strlv or laundry It to apple pie order. Therepresent. preside. Mrs. Charles L. Over street win Is now occupied by the Lyric theater and famous Hatel mine, now owned by Dallas mg to have some dote, little coterie to the

be or and there shouldIhould plenty roomreview the Fourth chapter of the study puna bar. people. It It rumored that they hive struck members of which oat Is bound by list of

be no toned dishes lo Interfere with the Dry, Hoarse or PainfulMnreabceej,' Meeting boos. "Old- Spain In New America," and the The contract under which Mr. Sr udder t bonsnxa ore shoot, the ore running k.OOO i oil Intimacy friend meeung so rreqtieni

work. Next look to the board. It should Coughs QuicklyThe Woman's Benefit association of the subject will be "Cuba." Mrt. E. W. Parker, leased the property give him t ounces sliver per ton. About six miles west hr thai am absence rrom the circle la quick

be covered with s clean cloth an old abeet EndedMaccabees, Review No. will hold Its and Mrs. W. L. Crockett will apeak or mis-

siontenure in case ne erects the hotel, a SO of Van Horn there It considerable atlr In ly noted and It reason Investigated I.Ives

will do which should be drawn tight overregular meeting this afternoon at S.so work In the southwest. Ihe Bible study year tenure In case be erecta the theater. mining. The Lantén property hat Just been are ao ocruo'clock in the Odd Fellow' ball. The will be conducted by Mrs. H. B. Durkee It it bit present plan to build the hotel aold for g,ooo cash and extensive work bent on Hasae-Ma- Remedy that Save.monthly dance of the association will be The hostesses ror the afternoon will be Mrs It win be eight stories, of reinforced con has begun. The Old Hatel copper mine ten that the calling friend apt

the side, which can be readjutled Tats M P.sa the Workheld In the hall tomorrow evening. H. Hayes Watson and Mrs. J. B. Hopper. crete and win contain son rooms. Each mllet northwest of Van Horn Is being work-

edacquaintance sought unlets they are Intl on wrong

loosen. Thorouably.the board coverroom win bave a bath. Hates will be mod by Oeorge E. Brlggs or Bars Vow, Text, mtte enough to know one another"! honra asandThe irons should be as olean aa wax

Give Farewell Dinner. Christian Endeavor to F.nlrrtaln erate. and Judge T. R. Owen of Van Horn. They and dutlea. It It a good thing for those them. And til theseknife ran makea sharpMr. and Mrs. J. O. Lunsden entertained at A party will bo given by the Christian J. F. Quald, manager of the Stewart Title are sinking a abaft on a dike south of the who bold fslt their mends to let tilde ahould he taken before you betheir home last at a rtrowell dinner Kndeavor society of the First Presbyterian uuaranty company, acted for Mr. Bcudder old workings and have struck some high some little portion or the dty, or even or precautions

gin the taak or Ironing. They take but The prompt and positive action of taiparty In honor I their brother and slater, church Friday evening in the church par m toe transaction. Captain Hart being rep-

resentedgride copper at a shallow depth the week, when they may be round few minutes and they go to make the task limpie, inexpentive e remedy in

Captain and Mrt R. L. Wright, covers being lors. by Jsmes J. Watts. Arthur Leonard Flagg, manager and con home or tt leisure, for t comfortable villi quickly healing the inflamad or swollenlani for ten. The decoration were In the sulting engineer of the Great Ray Copper Is tn ImiMjrtant factor in promoting cordial or Ironing a pleasure membrane of the throat, cheat or bron-

chialThere It not the slightest reason why"At Heme" far Mr. Jackson. IT IS NECESSARY TO KNOW company at pay. Aria., Is al Hotel Sheldon, and elote lotlmsclei. one cannot visit a tubes and breaking up tight

should not be seated during the IroningSATISf ACTION uf J. the financial seem ever on the you cough, has caused it to be used in moreCircle No. of the First Methodist church TO BE SURE. as a guest J. Hurlbert, bouts whote Inmates Inor the lighter pieces. ract one can alt

will entertain from 4 until o'clock this When It Is Drugs It Is necessary to know agent or the company, and while here It wing. It takes guest as well a hostess, homes than any other cough remedy.In the k when rar more than most womenHEALTHFUL WAY afternoon complimentary to Mrs. John and a satisfaction lo be ture that tb Drugs purchasing some mining machinery tod and pernios women would stay at homedo. For this n It nice to have t swivel Snder its healing, soothing influence,

Jackson, wife of Rev. Mr. Jackson, pastur lequirea are or tne lesi possible, quality. equipment for the property. The roada lo more than Is the raihlon In these days trchitr without arms One Ilka the

soreness goes, phlegm loosen,or the First Methodist church, at the home Thla certainty and security it always pro the sites selected for churn drilling opers Mends more often dropped In to break the stools would be

breathing becomes easier, tickling intoned bookkeepers sp

TO RESTORE or Mrs. Volney Brown on Williams street vlded when you bring your Prescriptions Hons have been completed and everything monotony or an uninterrupted afternoon or throat (tops and you get a good niglit'iproprlete. Tba usual throat andto either one or our three stores. For yetrt la ready to install Uie new drill Just pur evening. restful sleep.

Here Ii a good rule for in 24cold red by itCircle 2 lo Meet. we bave given that sort or Service which chased upon Its arrival at Uie property. The Frlendi cannot be kept by mere kindly cheat are conquecleaning irons, and It Is aa good as any you hourt lesa. Nothing better for

Circle 9 or Ihe First Methodist church will builds Public conridence and wlnt Ihe per-manent

drill Is a No. tt T. Starr churn drill with reeling, nor even by thinking about them ran devise. Take a large board t smoothor

whoopingGRAY HAIR meet Thursday afternoon at the home or ravor or (archil people. When your capacity lo reach a depth or 1,400 feet. The rrom rar off, so cultivate the liablt or picking box rover will answer and strew cough, bronchialhoarseness,


or winterprescription Is filled here can be rive tunnels driven the often and cheerily Into their houaei.Mrs. S T. Croas. UK) Wyoming street. The you sure being Into moun over It t prorutlon of line land. Now rub cough.election or officers or the circle will take or the quality and equally sure that, quality tain on the company's ground, tayt Mr. In a world or Indifference It meant much

the Irons over this, snd tfterwird rub them To make this splendid cough syrup,considered, the price la right. Flagg. sra til in ort mostly carbonates to pause at a door where your knock Itplace. centsoff of rinexeach Iron (50with warm beeswax, wiping pour 24 ouncesBring Back Natural Color Scott White B Co., and sulphides, running rrom four to alx per Joyfully heard and answered, your pret-ence

very carefully to be aura that none uf the worth , into a pint bottle and till theMissionary Meeting. "Safety First" Druggists. cent copper. These tunnels art penetrating warmly welcomed snd where mutual bottle with granulatedWithout Dyes Satisfaction wax remalna. plain sugar tvrupMills Bid-- .

r Bldg. the cupriferous schists snd are In primary interests and afrautlons arc the basts of You thensnd shake thoroughly. haveThe monthly missionary meeting or the And or course you should always have atGuaranteed Money Re-funded.

Depot Plitrmtcy. Adv. ores. A considerable force or men are pleasure. These Interests can only lie kept full pint family supply of a muchor First Baptist church will be held. In ma your hand a small bowl of water with a a aworking. There Is no overburden above alive by personal Intercourse, so do mil by better cough thanjrou could buyafternoon I o'clock. W svnipchurch parlora this at Furs Remodeled, SO Buckler clean 'loth with which lo dampen dryB'dg., over Elite the ore deposita, Mr. long absences let weeds of forgetfuuirsi,asya Flagg, and In ready-mad- for Keeps perfectlyThe topic ror tb afternoon win be "Plan pitees In Ihe sprinkled clothes Then, too,that respect we have an advantage over most or alien Interest, or Indifference choke up and children love its pleasant taste.conducted Mrt. V.ning ror 1M7," by w hen voii Iron In t wrinkle lb damp cluth

You ran have glossy, rich and luxuriant Ware. Impressive Funeral of the Anions poryhyry copper. Ths com-pany

the path leading to a real mend's door. caji be used to take out Ihe crsstt. rinex it a ipeclal and highly concen-tratedhair or I sort, oven shade Instead or gray or haa platted t towntlte. ctlied Miter often Into not only the house or thy

Perhsps one reiaun wby women ut the old compound of genuine Norwaylifeless. Tided hair or hair streaked with Ceremony Held for and developed a water tupply and mend, but Into his Interest toil Joys and dlys enjoyed Ironing more than they do to pine extract, combined with guaiacolgray. It'a very easy and simple, very la laying pipe lines thereto. The spring tor rows. and Is known the world over for itshealthful, sarc aad hi perferl taste which The Lsdlea or the Calvary Houston Square Lieutenant G. Hale makes Its gallons of rine Water par day Is because Ironing well was at one promptness, ease and certainty in over-

comingdye are not Baptist church have planned an interesting time considered an accomplishment, not too stubborn andminute. The cough chest corns.imply apply Hair Color Restorer program with a number or musical selecnew town It only throe- Precinct 5 Democrats humille lor the most gently reared women To avoid disappointment ask yourrourths or t mile rrom the Giltwould shaintioo. It Is nay valleya tous yon ready us, to wish lo master, ctrerul mammas usedlions ror Ihe missionary meeting, which With of Plnex" withimpressive military eeremonv the druggist for "Stt ounce!railroad. Mr.harmless liquid, sold under the makers Flagg was formerly operat-

ingmil guarantee or "your" money bark II not takes place this afternoon at I o'clock In iuuer.1 oi i.ieui. unison Hilt, or MuiTty mines in the state or Duran go. Mexico, to Have Rally Tonight to tee that Ihelr daughter could Iron a full directions, and dont accept any-thingsatisfied Us of wjrj bring bark the church rooms. ay., who was accidentally killed on statur. In the Tupia, San Dims and other shirt bosom and fine table linen as rise. Guaranteed to give absolute

a natural, soft. even, pleasing color, full ol day evening, was held Monday afternoonmining

Milters relating to the of polla they saw to tt that they could aatlafaction or moav proaiptlv refunded.payment

beauty, and lustrous and Huffy as a girl's col. Jouscicampa speak French or play the piano, and they The I'inrx Co., Ft. Wayne, ind.Henry, commanderGuardsmen This or the Third L. Worcealer. mining engineer and tax and other things or Uilereat to Demo-

craticluir. .No one ran tell you have applied in ore used lo point out the fact, in tie.se dayi.ii ii.ii. because It doesn't Work look un-natural

Kentucky mranlry and acting commander buyer, orricing in the Mills building, ha votert will be discussed tt t rtllyas a dye does. You will be delight District, Keeping or the Kentucky brigade, and manv other just relumed from an extended trip touigbt it Uie Hlghlind Park fire station

ed with your air of youth and vitality, and officers or tba Thud regiment attended the through New Mexico ami Anton. He r Demócrata of precinct It having been calledyour hair will have real health, only Joe a Down All Smugglers ceremonies, including Captain king, who porta a heavy rail or enow in Grant county. to meat than by Robert tiolilday. Henry M.le itt -



good drugDrug



writeft Pol-

lard, antea.wat present when lieutenant Hale was T. B. Johnson, mining broker, leaves to-

dayWalker. A. H. Webb and Barney fcarly. Ryan's School of DancingDrug Co., Memphis, Terni.. men-

tioningfor Miami and Globe, Arlsoiia, and while

the druggist's name. Illustrated in orrirlal advice hart bean received from Lieutenant Sory. Crump, Linton. Coin. there will vlail the Inaplratlon Needlea andteresting BOOST, "Hair culture sent rree dcur u, c in the employ or the United irs taa Logan acted at pallbearers while other properties In that ramuua, dliutcl. He Instant Hair Stain Bet-

terTrv O Ran Hair Tonic. O Ban l.luuld Sham Slates army that smuggling bas practically the remains were being conveyed through may tito villi May and Superior districts. Oregon and Overland Streetsmm O Ban Toilet ftoap-al- O Han Ji.niie been stopped, ror the tints' being, In the mi. atrasa rrotu the undertaking establish J. A. Smith, president of tba El Peso Val-

ley Than Slow "Re-

storers"torv (odorleaa) for removing auperriuoua 100 miles of border under General Bell 'a ment to the passenger station. The real Water Uteri' association, was in Laihair. Adv. supervision. While arm and ammunition mental band played a funeral march and Cruces yesterday, where he want to set as

Nil go across, at times. In until quantities, company L, of the Third Kentucky, acted a lumortry pallbearer at the funeral of Orn-ara! Noticerrectlve policing or the Has hat slopped a guard or honor. Tbouaanda of soldiers iljorn

STAR DRUG CO. the greater part or It, thla being truer in and civilians lined the t urnings and stood Ponder S. oner, s local (Homey, who Sen rotasthe El raso district than in any other. witn narsa needs while the procession has been confined to hi bom for several

High water hat tided recently toward una peseta ai ta passenger station the Mur week on account or illness. It reported to kaOt Man sag Owing to the increase in attendance at our evening claaaea,Quick Service result, making the rurdt lea frequent and ray company stood tl attention, farina Baa be improving. we have been obliged to change our classes to the following

222 Mesa Ph. 1283 easier lo guard. barren Slerraa of old Mexico whUe the nightsOne of the main factura, however, It the caaket was being carried Uj the train Pie Davis Home Enteredseal with which the militiamen bate entered ally Me strains of laps." the Midler's for - UI iswc taInto the queat lor the smuggtar. The mill US lt goodby, echoed Mom the interior of list Third Time in Year B I te rer. Beginners Advancedmau It always on the lookout Jut aoiueUUiig ou. company t and uu band than Mtumtmt ar fastthat tastes of rati warfer. He hasn't ac iJi.-- awiy to their camp on u out- 2 9 u. mum atan Mondays and Thursdays Wednesdays and Fridays

THE MAIL ORDER HOUSE quired tb nunc balance of the regular in skirt or la city. Sergeant William Hal. For tat third alms la a year, tb resi Jr la a N aaak 7;30 P. M. 7:30 P. MOF EL PASO things warlike. Therefore, the militiamen broUier or the dead lieutenant, left tur Uie dence or K. C. Davit, rTTv Oram ivtuua.go after taa sesuggtsr la t spirit or ast tonight in chtrgw of tba tomaina. was entered by Ulle.es Sunday night, en

venture, and putt all bit energy into the Captain King, of Company K, or owena l am e heios edectril through t window on Special Terms 10 Class Lessons $5.00 'new taut. Army officers have aponen very boro, who an handling t Utile shotgun t the slasplug porra The intruder securedLet at have your want highly of in guardsmen In tlu respect few momenta prior lo the aerldtalal shoot s wsirb and chain and about lis in cash all All classes will be taught the latest New York creations

lag of l ieutenant Hal, was fully trnttar of wblcb waa ou s table. A new silver Special course in Classical. Ballet .Toe and Fancy DancingGovernor of South tad by a board or officert which waa prt- - dim snd t purse containing banknotes en under the direction of Miss West.aioao our ay i.api i erry tb. sauie table, was Jail untouched by lbs twm ass saasser,

lie Warner Drag Co. Carolina Will Be; j tnieve areataa How Fat Actress lasatslwe Ike hum a aataat Private Instructions Daily by Appointment

Visitor El "ai aissi" It. taw asd sets se aasajPasoat Medical Society HearsOrndorff Hotel Block taei ike saitar, t eases mm eses assWas Made Slim utawaaa PHONE 2610El Paeo, l axas. officer of a att aetata taaaaasasJ Two Interesting Taifa mJL'm'mZL TlGuard who are manned at CI Paso bar. lar steetl Maw. I I

beau advised tats (torernor T. W. Mirkau y tg psopl asm ling mmmri Mejor c C. Harold, of Use Georgia militia mmuiwiii aariimii itwieat for re-ducingluí boutii Carolina, will visit this city tsasta- - sao controlling tat data stover envere a talk oa Uie Whitman method frtiaui) ner toe Mrnitoauoa or tba tut. tout that tb. resacad two to lour srssraisni or rrscturs of lb hip, end or

legislature, which Is now la I tat loa. Taa pouuda a wet b uali lilla new form W L. Brown read series of no lei on Use ,Sf,-s,-- u "VaSsPIANOS sovwnor will be arentapan led by Adjutant BarMsrmota'Vtileu'svej aT laproy problem Ui lb Hawaiian leluide Gunter HotelBtjtatral Hoyter, or South Carolina aad ivy Isstag uiueataaBold on easy terina year, keep bar weight just right All drug a listing last nigbi of to El Paso Medicaltwo official win inpeii the army iihs.ii oetaty mm.tSeViQllua, Maiartnttns. Callara. ties e." asniKii, i iiiiuii issiiei SI tub. mvmutKjuia real for a Urge cast Or you cau gal Tat pratial a tb meelag ere a bra, BBJi ajrrojrio.

DUNN'S MUSIC STORE U in by sending price direct to lbs Marinóla W. L Brown. C P. Brown. E. B. Carpenter, gesta at ts t Bases A Hotel BttJtt fear taa ''"trHHaa Antotttu at. bat raw sBarr. Co SH Woodwsrd Ave Ixtroll, Mich If I bueh. Paul OeJiagbsr, f. p. Oarreu. h I

Cleanest cafeteria, boat tWktJtag. pot u you have sal tried lham do so. They arc WIU Kogert, ). w. Tsjypaa aso JttuTXrmmmw'AI lar pnces. V. W. C a lira, rasas si adv., IuuiuHm aod ettetut adv. Vasas,


LIVtSTOCK BASKtTS. asswn IT Mst.l apaaj. U ttT t; rsstrtn. ttttfn i d Amur, ic niDonii SAOS w.f7!WHEAT PRICEiniuiMi lo ii.tnniin I I ttT M: W ICarfiM, ManninK A Co.. 'Tiloaan. ni Jaa. II laa Pfewatwta t.ttt ajtMartas attasa. ta alan. Sllmna aaaraaa frurr

I I 1 tlt taait.ap; lipat 110 latría rt adiad. II f(Vammlajrlon Ntot-- Rrrvkem. itea:REGARDLESS ON STOCK EXCHANGE I CVtnaspofWletlta of Iaxtu a I ON REPORT OF SNOW sajaI aula



flt.aII.M:54 aaa Marta!



N altor The bestin


or tbe itiim.ir

teajrsiv bestst-bal- l

I HBryan, members nt the Mew nataa. IT.rteil.M: ira aaa asaan. IT Mplt.at. tesann win tie player! si the V. M. C A.

H Torh ftrwk l.nlianee. H atiwkara. v:Vat row. apa hatfara. 14 ISajla aaTha AfUEOXA RAY (JUfPIM MmriJtY own. with ao PtSaap Rarwtpta, ll.ttt Mirtrl firm Wrlhon. tr.rsi ,r i between trim from the -

ajralnat them. twalva mlnlnii clalma al Ray, Arlsorsa. I PRIVATE TiKAMRD WTRK fl MSteiara; lamia, til aiaaH.lt.rollete snrl tips Arme fire. The wile

M ahnw br til mt In thMr pnwpwtu Price Tend Moderately Upward WW TO AM, MARKBTB. Prejilminary Ad-an- ce Ghre. Way At Kaaaaa CU. rt rtorettrd Isntti tta? Irme Sfifl tnr sniI Citrtiss, Manidnt A Co., I Kanaaa ruj Mo Jaa II Haja twapa. II dot the rolles tloor and tbe ons

DTP ADIM PCC rh' I'ompsnj struck ora runnlnit bol Tumor Is Small and to Drop When News of South-

westMartas ataads Bait. lltlteitTt. partan an1 S...M, ...... S....V ill, allhla Tha true rtlti

KLU Kt.UL.tLjJ , Mfh I II par cant npner In Conveys No Significance. Phnnea 18 and ST. Moisture Comes. lalUa- - fcaoana.lltlMUttt;


Marta!Ill NfltS.rlradr Prima fon of tbe bnyt will be flrlermlnad st

it firm drill hole at a depth of 410 KheMon Motel, n Paao, Tes. asaan. sia Tr.aal i tt; wwaarn asaan. II NII. Ihla mstrli l.sti yesr they won use rsnwSTAa'1 oí" M"n- tteil tt: ataraan. Mexlm ttsts rhttnplimshlp SMIlIrsIy tnn

DTP A DHI CCC Th' Pompill In their rcond Bt ammumi Pea. Ir Hlaap Br.a4iaa. 11. PM. Marta! ataftr. lasajas ik.1. - - - ,.rfn,o.n, aaom In laid t"

'drill hole have apparently eoppar n Tart. Jar l PMna MM ntraiamat, up. ll teellll. saartlraja, tll.MaBIIM: washan It Ra tlie heller inat they are eren stronfar thsnIn lha inllart Bla- b- il.ll.l. .uppi, ara a mi ion: awaa. aa oaar. a. rk. wrlSS noihihlr Ursa IID

rained, a Indicated hy the followlhK wire: nrt traía, tout trarrtat aaa pirns an.i Ik tara tha prvr of whaai loria, lha laartil artarward aorar .i san una htrm aaa aa aaaall aa to lima darwaat a aaa aaint la .aaaa a of aar Laeataal n At SL Losa as MaaMrS (llereFoi rtrrli. nclteri,

a t TAL MASKtTS. aaporl hustraj and hananaa of wajiaasa enow la f St Iraats. II,.. Jan. 11 Hoaa RaraSpla. M.tSrt. cot; eiisrnt. nenicas anssHunWe; renter,rtiopnla. Aria.. Jan. t, J1T. m artaal stsmsrVarsaa Mm m aaatlr IkalUd amnhwH Mr ran .tatdr llrht in 4SlyT pan. tteteilt;W. L,. Wllaon Of in antaMla Iwrta. santa raits, artsh, am dull Al Mea Tart. Oinaalliai. rtad haarr. Utr nat kwrar la a Uad and marran, fit MIP.V: j5 aaan. Ill H Ularkwrll. l lrlrllsr. (ill

tjnitai Mia Me aspUn famt.hart iwi laraa lit Aaanrt.tol Paja. ranra. with Hp at II 41 to 1 la ano Joist KM irltnrl; miller. Briprr". stisrna. irrnn au"Loa Anirelea, Calif. Wear Tea. Jan l i w firm KlalretrOr. flriL tl list oro flnlahad unonajipad lo a sha.lr hltta I asila Baratpsa. I .M. Martas ataadr. Ñau ra baaf Th. wamoa aS III. hiah f IXH .1 OP.Inst rsoeU-a- word from Kay. Drill No. 2 In ora. larrassiata lo saa day' antoH .arrawl an t third quartar. JJ IM1I1M. OaU ap Vt tn 14 ,r and prorMnm ranina m asaan IT tiltil M; roartrn Mran and haSfara, M M

141.1. m a (map war nnn to atnaat. hMnc aaav Iran laecb N" XarUaan. til Mlt at St rana, nWUna lo a raw i t nana. 11. ama. 1.1 - in tin, and fíwdara. In to rnda.v will be as rollOTU: llith trhool v.F. M DtillHKI lalnail 14 hiahar qunlasliaii, for mHnel - in lia TV arrant NM Ili aSII H f om waa Hrm irmwarhoal tha dar larwatr aa a I lia prima aosnham barf ataan. MMtM.W: haaf :srtu, simI Bsnli Mnenon i'tyne.

!H4i" In Wil anil anaitar. KVaoa lana transan rait of domand from Osa .aa hoard Thai row. and hatfan. IIB; ; prima r ranina .low.... 'i far istajsasr. rssnsitiif loto .lita aavatd auarla. Aatfir nmp llamara ra and hotfan. IT Met at. natlaa utraa. la atl IP nsss.ts,rasa aiil to Ta añilar najatlauAi 'r aat.l nal. hardanad with aarn. Trada iTST WHIP tvaratpu I.Mt. Martat .Irosia tauara. i.faurweli Be etrsru. or r.nr

JV G4XXJNDPLAN ? DaaaÉ Baatátls m lit. tat aapaall lit rary lirteiirt; na Mtteftt: raartlrav. III. ote rherkt. Idse st LoosweB'a Tat --Ar.t.f.aM- - slliamiail. na" mini fstr matlni rnr. At tsaaaarlas of lard and rila II. tt.sN. MnzONA MY COPPER Oft á mia rnaarful asitlra,.il Tta arl.Irüw. Mr Aawiriale Praav

tha arUl.tlrni war tsxltralail h, . laaKV.i, Jan nap. Spm fl.aj; .at It Jair. H At.11,1 aaatiif 4 .tnrllnsT aji'l Itaavlnraa In ralaa (a. fit. Tom Mas. Mita: Jnl, tj'ltr. Mr. Jan. 1', l., llowna. KMBallln and Vlassia. "7ili It!' ",T " irans Mar. .7; J arr ..spa. Martat daadr. Top, HOTS; bulk. (It Will 7

Waal railway tarsntnab, rri.alial l.rpar lonnaaa Laid t it: Mar. t t. Raoalpta. I.1M Markwl ataalr lo Ilk- btphIn iiiainiM rtf lha llflliif amhargnaa. StatWi. ill lta. laird January, ti W: Ka, lift ar. Saaart. it tteil M roa. and hatfan. tt.tSSr Britton Davie C Smithflnur,. In liilamatjrwial la.ua mrilrlhulAil to lha Rlha Jiniiarr 114 71; Mar. tll.lt. It.tO; carras, l7.ttS)lt.lItaslar lana f Uia band snaraaL. Tnstl Mia., par CI Paia &ai altar duatallaaa. Rliaop Bardps. ft. IalM. lr.iT9.aot. Italtad mata knoila rra im Br Aaanrlatad Kama. Crtr rala. rustáis: aa

Bar rllrr III A Htrmnn aunlaUoal. 74tr B A.", talad mat Davis & Smithiin'rf.i.i,.i. Uundun i. tat its K.lu.4 fitr. Mi Whaat- -t

t.'H K nnitl Vajpar "pour bar, taH II 51 ti; Ka Kl.tl: Mr73, vT. tt L. and N ins Julf. IH5V i:, i. in. na.wsii. l.i STOCK BROKERSar and Ki.nl 111 Mai lnHruni MÍ Na 7 rallad. RtVPtHa: a i amita, atuar Mirto, a'tradr II raf .Iror. 10 rows andl. tttttlat ita Mlatal Iceaa t.ia.. v. r vaiiow Pí.uarHr Mar. MttetMu. 7I and l 7Salfar.. It It: faadan,

Slaatl anil Hal IMS U K and ,f . At Naw Tart. Julr. ta: rstrswa. la.w. 230 Mesa At.Hutai limnlna 1IIH M P Ilr Awmrl.i-- il Pn. i miian. nauta SoHoasr- - nooalnt. 11. OM Martat hilar. Tta.AM. Tal ami TW IJ.'m Mraitana I'lSItt Phone. 7940 and 7941.

Naw Tort. Jaa. It. Spot anuí guHe. Ml'lillln. 110.03 InUt. II lie 10.Am. and S. It Natlaml laa.l ral i Han da. 17 Mr, a. la. ae iiAnamnda I nvvar MH aa.la Citipar ,lad .lna.li 17 7.Í;Januars. .lie. Man. Inn. IllOOoall SPECIALTYAutilpuai Inl'A N Y antral If.tfc; Mar, IT. Jai;.te; ttTuIt. MrIlaklaln V T N II and U. tt

atff if. and W. Arizona Copper StocksAt LlnrpaeL, At fart Wort.and Sua. I nc 41 V Nirjitn PaHn Br Aaa .HhM Praaa. READ THE WANT ADS (By 7 Ilota)Btl&aat HtaSv IJmp..T. Knpland. Jan. Ift iiAliat apnt aaa. fvr. w.wtJi Taiaa. SZ IS lm Rtr-tA- . COM.Tal and TM. tillIU4 0M mlildllna. II lid. middling. I0td: low ml. $10 tS.laathar OS alias, It rid: aalat. i.tm iwla. axila u.wm. asa canao i nan i i

and P ta Baadlntr Hi m Ban,

llllna l appar M Mliallm Aril. IVa.cata TVI and Imn Ittt amilnarn I'artfli-Gara I'n.lunu Raf SI Southm Hailnw

I'll. Slaal .... US Mtudahatar OB. . ,1lllaUllar', SamrtUaa tflW Taiaa l iaupanr Your Last Chance GetRrta 32 H I nlnn Paririr tollraa-iJanaral


ITa. St nlnri Phi. Mlj

(Iraal Nnrth ora rUt. :iM t 'üiilsfiMili..,). iaH i pfdAltl'.ONA RAY OOPPER Int. I'nnanl. 13

PoMI'XNY la spanning: not lean Int.Inaplrallrm


IN ON Athiiri IBOOO per mouth for payroll and development expense, IiilK C Snutham .... Mand ilimiiK the month of January will apend 14000 for addi-

tionalTKal ulaa fnr ilia att. lat.MKI aharia.


DrriaDIM CCC Th I Itl.l IN it, y coi'i'kk ENGLAND MAY TAKEbought and paid

for thrcp chum drill; have 'equipped two of thetn, which are GROUND FLOOR PROPOSITIONrunning three ahlfta each; the third one I being equippednow at an expense of 12.100 and will aoon be In operation. MUCH OFOURCOPPFRDCi ADHI CCC Tn Company was reportad onKCiOVIVLLrCaOO firm by Fred K. Young, miningengineer who bought and paid for In cash $4000 worth of Prevalent

PRE-ORGAN- IZ ATION STOCK INBritThatXKJZONA RAY stork, after the striking of the ore In the first Report Nowdrill hole.- - ish Will Be Big Buyer in Red

K. Turner, another reputable Metal Within Short Time.REGARDLESS cnKlneer of highest standing absolutely O. K'd the property for a ayndloata of Los Angelas man. Jerome-Butt- e Copper Co.Ry Curtlin. Manninc Co HtUti, Kl Puo,

Wires received tod:iy as to 'Mr. Turner's ability and ex-

perience read as follows: Althnufti tf iratiinf Ui j.Urla inului wuttmiwrAtlvrh lilit li Ké.vr pt iiirii''n.lPiuTP In lha crunrtaTttnUt tUlm. The quncatínn U

Colorado Rprlngs, Colo., Jan. ft. HIT. (ho OBMMg imMOHM AitaiinulttUrtn ff mmr wmMtd aalltitf orden ajkI reaptaularl with a lltil ttfCThere Is no question about engineer's ability; he kJ linc inttn naiumiy rinwif wvmi uiti

has had very wide experience. wllttic Uiilraltlv jiI illMPliyotl a nrni

(Signed) v."JAR F. BURNS." twyitifafter tha


In Mflffi mlnuUx

mil aitratáiiiuoni



ntfjlawitg OtHr Hum moOnaJWj f4tnM itrfnnuai ai'tf.

"New York, N. Y., Jan. ft, HIT. iridtrf tirtt ic Miiimi muí a mif 11m unflllml uxinac of thi

"Believe J. K. Turner reliable and able. Know him m4oua. Tha ran ilnra ara al the lilgi

mainly In connection with Jumbo TCxtenslon. INTO MORE AX ANY PRICE!(Signad) "ISAAC t 'STERM B Y BR."tha iMiUT aubalda tha aanlng will itATt to tn

The signers of these wires need no Introduction to miningmen and the Investing public. id



ha a





IS atALL THAT THE NAME SIGNIFIES The company owns and controls 48 claims, 30 of which lie in Yeager Canyon

RAY OOPPKR Ariauaa Hay 5 ID directly between the Green Monster and Copper Chief Copper Companies of Jerome, Ariz.; stock in tha former sellingCOMPANY Is In financial

condition. It has loday In It treasury cash, draftsgood

apd accept - ' aluniH aHi a 19 ti around $3.00 per share, and in die latter at $5.00. A great body of high-grad- e copper ore has been recently uncoveredable notes approximately $80,000. ' mia


ami Jraroia IBS


in the Copper Chief and it has produced high-grad- e gold ore several years. The company also has control of the Slocum1H Copper Company, consisting of 18 claims, lying 21 miles west of Phoenix, in Cave Creek district. This has been a pro

"systematic drilling of the property HI. t It ducing mine for 30 and much has been fromand of the blocking out of tha values. The results of ay. years, high-grad- e ore shipped same.

"Ittematlc drilling will be made known to the public and will de-


i, ia ."the valuation of the property and will give strength 7Sla ,Sto the market. InaudrmUuil NaarÚaa S

.aroma Vento In ft H

nrpICVaIVlLI1.00A DIM CCC That Jealousy exists because of theUlaJll)



phenomenal succeaa of the Ari-

zonaHooautr Chlaf s mi II

mining industry, development of that industry nt III con-tinuas.



Bulla17 Upon notifying the business men of Phoenix that the the Company, and will take charge of the operations. He





onMTI ,3

4?Jerome-Butt-er had acquired the Slocum Copper Company, states that the property of the Jerome Butte is one of the

'this property to halp develop It they immediately wanted a price on the first allotment of best in the state of Arizona.Into one of Arlsona's paying mines. There is tha best chance 8 treasury stock. The price for 100,000 shares, which wethat we know of to make a mine of this property, which facts Already trucks have been ordered to carry the ore toare backed up by the engineers' reports, which may be had PSOOUCI MARKETS. shall ask permission to sell, was placed at 25c per share. the smelter, and men are at Work excavating for puttingupon application. They immediately reserved share and that is all theevery the machinery. The smelter will be operating full-bla- stinildiaan. III Jai, U. BuUar love. Oauaarr.prp inni FCC Kvery week we take one or more lltSHi stock which will be sold at present, as we only need fundsIILxILLE.30 people or send partios to per- - Kaa hlaliat. UanaUHA. a, 70 oaaaa. tlrau. llllHtr. in the course of a few weeks. Only 1 00,000 shares

inllnarr flr.tr, BMflSa al mart oaaar lnciuila.1. ma. the of and theto start shipment to in machineryssonaJly Inspect the property, and we never have had a man ore put of stock is offered for sale at price,turn It down or criticise the methods under which the Patalnaa Ranal MA, 4ft harm itUaul Wlaoanaa and will for allany

prop-erty MlatiUtt aMtaa. l loot Wi ldahn. Colnradn. Ora net returns pay development. Thirty years

Is operated. ion and IVaahliubm ahlua, tl.toar and the entire allotment must be placed in ten days.Poultry -- AUra hltliar Piarla, ltc. aprluta. lte. ago, ore was sacked and hauled by wagon sixty miles to

H ' Pvaam.At Sama. City. Maricopa, shipped to the nearest smelter at El Paso, Texap, The Company will be capitalized for two million shares,

W. L. Wilson & Co. nrau. SHUI'B,

aeuida.ha, ate,

3THcla- -

partint. and made it pay big returns. Then copper was worth the par value of $1.00 per share; one million shares ofPaulu

ksa- - rntia.Hani.

u.ae rondara, lltta; mrtm. IK about ten cents per pound and mining was much more which will be placed in the treasury, the balance being

115 N. PIRHT AVKM'E, PHOENIX, ARIZONA. stock.METAL MANKEIt. expensive than today. promotionLocal Representatives At Na Yark.

otaey H l4iiard Co.. 40T Nat. Bk. Bhtg.. n Iao, Tex. Naa Tart, JamPraaA

it MarauUla papar Ml.a par Today, copper is selling for more than three times that , !

J. i. Keogfa. SI I Flre Nat. lik. lUdg., Kl Paao, Tea. billa. price at that time, and we have leased a forty-to- n smelter APPLICATION AND RECEIPTHay BlrdwHic, 101 PttMaeer Plata, El Paao, Tex. lauika. 14 n V

I 'mi II. atolinaon, bobby Hold Kheldon, Kl Para. Tex.tdUa.


llHi.aic--daniand. It.ltV only six miles from the property and will start work at


dollar.. WSataad; once. We have sampled about one hundred tons of . ..1917.

Kallruad uoadt firm.Tima aran, aaalar; LtLr daj. It3 nrtant, nlnaLy sulphide ore on the dump and get an average assay of 7.6tea par 'ant; au mcaiua. .av.lt par mil find $. fox sharesEnclosed . .laaot nam. na i 4 rutin rala.

., rludna- bl.1. IW, nffarad II per cent copper and more than $10 in gold. The driftsCOTTON UNTIRa have many times that amount, which will give the same re of stock Jerome Butte Copper Company

M'iahlnauo. l I '.. Jan. OaSaa asonad ra cá sults. At a low figure, our engineer estimates the net pro at 10 cents per share.luiur. nai.uaaal duruit uanauibar amounlad u ft:,..BEE HIVE GOLD CO. tit rannuii lauaa ana fits of more than $50 per ton, and as we have blocked out

lili .11.. . 100 shares can be purchased now for $ 10.00Weaver than 4,000,000 tons of that will 6Mining District, Yavapai Co., Arizona. more ore average per be purchased for 25.00250 shares now$1,000,000.00 PRODUCE MARKET cent copper, feel that we have one of the biggest proposi 500 shares can

canbe purchased now for 50.00

Fully Paid and Non Assessable tions in the copper world. 1,000 shares can be purchased now for 100.001,000.000 Share 5,000 shares can be purchased now for. . . .'. . 500.00

HAVE YOU SECURED YOUR Alfalfa, faarr. ataaaaala. par ton alt in, George A. Bethune, StateSHARE OF THE Atfalfa, tauia. raiall. par halt at Engineer formerly Engineer 10,000 shares can be purchased now for 1,000.00100,000 SHARES OF TREASURY STOCK Alfalfa

Alfa Na.Na I.

alwIaaalaTsarratall. par bala

Ian lifttt of Arizona, has been engaged as consulting engineer for

Taia. lad ctliaaal uala. atínjanla ignow offered at raiaa let ui lie it aau, ratall i tt

25 cents per Share? OUoaa.Ctuea.







owl, tt

M,,. REMEMBER, only 100,000 shares are offered at 10 cents per share. It will be subscribed for in a few days place

Bran, ratall. order will be lata. This ia the investing opportunity ever offered WHY? BecauseKfc.AU THE FOLLOWING riiViáaa taai. walHli. par ear. your at once, or you too greatesttldrkan faad raiall carl

This property is not a prospect. 3000 feet of work al MMtsalal arlaaa. rataaaaaaPOIUTBTpar

at Tata. Pr this stock will be pooled only a few days after the permit is granted, as the tirst allotment ot treasury stock is subscribedready done. 105 of Turtan. Has. Ma: atailil ttc: ban. 11. with Arizona State Commission.aerea patented ground bought ttr rv ara na. aac. itraaaaa. it,-- liu. for. Wa comply in every way the Corporationand Daid for. No defcita aaaimi ik. nrnw. raaaad.

Money Needed for machinery to handle the10.000 tona of ore now on the dumna tasa. apa. par 4aaaa. ate: par HOW TO BUY900,000 torn of ore now in sight.

This will be the only offer at 25c per Place your order with your Broker, or with your Bank, and have them order for you, or wire uahare. Direct. Buy Now!Tatar adtaalaar al M salara tala allot

asset la aM wld Me kearaMj ballrtrlUt atura will reash par va at lar lair I a aJtarra hsuLk Motara Puillaad Itaauar; I. it IS i in Lasn tt tear easaas is atase r f v jt tr-- M sbaras Ceaaatrri tal Na, uual Hseats atsaa. Baas. JEROME-BUTT-E COPPER CO.sasy oiT'i HM aharea aaauril Trust A Mat- -tHiMt far t at MM tats- X A V tv .' ' 'tjrlS H Ibu ttaut

paay'a afllca. aturra Me L. ran da tallr aaaawfj A Trital Cm. Hf tt aWea Taiaa Merlar Ce ARIZONAtt aasrea in, Uurlaaa; (At.

DAVIS & SMITH Thi it your last opportunity to buy Arizona Copper Stock in a producing mine at anywhereWt Maae Air. rsaaea I I fSaBVtt iriso piitc.

tJL PASO MORNING TIMES. TUESDAY. JANUARY 16, 111.Third State nn capital alack, wai Incorporal! by Mra try, the labor unions end ail todies end VITAL RECORD WIIJ.IAM S 1. William. i7íBank fa Mary C. Lamtwrt. Mra. Maud J. Vanra. Mrs. other orranlsatlons an observo Washington M




.. etareal. Murtal

on h t....ll

asMessa. n i

Carrizozo, New Mtnerlnv Chandler. Kit Ruby Bmiirh. Mra. birthday. February n, as a day of protest IUIjST3aliai.lmrrtla rath, - nmwMoer

Méx., Lucy n i mi.cn and Mra. Ractla croeka. aratnst the deportation of Balarla workmen a Mr. awl Mr Jeaa M at sat NMh.n (Htaon mis. M rssreId, kStal MttMldlt h .Inn- - ram

Gets Ready for Business TV ihctiff Mtnlnt company or La copy or the resolution will be sent to tito and Mm awo tuna hü na at IM km aIaVü at Mvs- - iM' Mn. Oar HCftnsfc lion.ooo stock, with sir. president, members of ronero, cbnrrbes Tilarv .am SSS ., Kama, Mr IM arrlitatitaltr Si

was Incorporated by Ian M. Jack-son,

and organisations, and to King Albert and AIWSCA tais noU) atoo" lernl rl l km. ru at lWor.ll. arVVorm. o im rr1rv, rtH1 at mmpwlal I" lli Vnrnln Timo. rrad C. OnxJorTT, Peyton 1. Edwanla. Cardinal Merrier, of Jtolglum. 1

1. H klrkpatrlrk. J. D. Mrwtnn, J. I. Murphyand J. M. Daarrr, or El Paso, and John ALABAMA ci tin. INSTKCTKIt.l.omoti. of Las i i urea.

The U. 8. Copper company of Hanovrr forties, Ajia.. Jan. If. Csaapi or the Ala

in rapttal atorar. a.Yi,onn. n. rilad an amendment tarreaains; Ita capital bam National tiuardamen were InspectedK P. Warrtra. In Wetmnre. B. ll. stock from tBon.onu to fi.ton.npo. hy Oovernor Charles Henderson, who ar TEXAS GRANDsprulll. Ony Wanton. Ir. T. W. Walaon. rived here today. The Alabama executive,M n Ma and (allaahrr Rrotltera. II. K. TO PWOTIWT WT.POItTTlNS accompanied by Mra. Henderson and Got.p. Wanton I proirtAnt. Dr. Wilson la vire Hew York. Jan ll The Hew York church v iv screws, acting aide, kjweted to o.e Week,

and n. It. Sprnill I rasblar. meat's association today adopted a reaolu remain several days. There are 4,900 Ala-bama

stirtiig SUNDAY NIGHT, Jan. 21Tim r.imarmn aarlallin, wild tlrni calllna upon the churches of the ctwn troops stationed In this district







BEINGI (SlfcH aaWr4V I Wm' ",,rtly rabanne'a Master Production of Itnmance, Ixvc. My- - I OF ITS BEFOREm l4nLfc HbH Wm9En r and Wrtttem bj DOWNFALL YOUR EYES.rZm that Fainooa Author, Fred EMTHRILLS MYSTERY NIGHTS 25c, 50c, $1.00, $2.00

I ImB ROMANCE ADVENTURE MATINEES 25c, 50c. $1.00Love Is the Master Key ) ABSOLUTELY MR. GRIFFITH'S ONLY PRODUCTION SINCE THE BIRTH OF A NATIONSeat Sale open at Crawford Theater, Friday, January 1 9, 1 p. m. Mail orders now. Phone

i Theijreatbecrei nHi nrr--i and after Hart jumps on a fast-goin-g trainB Tlic story in the (rrcatt over written for a picture of lilla Llnd. It oP D A A CH D Rbaa love, mystery, ncalth and plotting by mtiHt-- r minds. 0 l M jf U 1 U from his horse while going at a terrific speedIt has the crowned king and queen of mellón pictures aa the suirs. tK(B0P Afl Final Week of VaudevilleM The plot Is eboek-ful- l of UuillH, but nothing cheap, tawdry or im- - "X? M 4 Knsting Kaya 4 and gets his man he says to the conductorI 'j0rb 'fc V OTHER ACTS S

It was thontoM aiuv?swrul of minlern Him-- i p. anlOcoo So "now back up the train 'til you get to my horse!"


!f lf 8 'Today


"Tmthful TomorrowAND IF YOU TALK TO



Eugenie Besserer II H i i SENSATIONAL



'Twisted Rails' THRILLING AndA remarkable picture HE IS V Little Mi.rus 1 m PICTURESQUE Alma Reuben

-T- OMORROW-The BUT ABOVE ALL got her share oftill I HHÜiComedy Kings HE IS HUMAN! praise yesterday!Charlie ChaplinHug-hi- Mack -- And Everybody Loves Him! 'Keep Your Eye on the Grecian"Frank Daniels


TonightSpecial prize

and Thursdayfeatures

M l. Tin Wl I K given byJESSE L. L ASK Y PRESENTSPopular MaliBrr TomorrouHUT Mi VIS fl.M

M l 1VS (.11.1. OK (.1111 II FANNIE WARD Ryan'sFair and Warmer

Bf AVKHV mint (tun IN A GRIPPING CALIFORNIA STORY DancingI'rliTs Mfthls. Ur lo tl.U; Mala,

Mr ta im 44 To The Rescue"Adtanrrd Hala .mu runt Tbralci iiiriK inrrpn rorr iro mtw "Xtatíiím Betty AqademyA PLAY OF ROMANCE AND INTEREST

I MaaaMMUllltiB2T Van Sur dam a BanjoI ADMISSION 10c, 15c, 25c11 Saxophone OrchestraREAD THE WANT ADS

Í 1 ' Tickets 50c Ladies Freen aBMBB-aaa- -l-. .g 1.



Jockey Club JuarezSix: High-Clas-s Races I

PARI -MUTUEL JtSfcj 1 1 liNfjc I

Ladies' Days, Tuesdays and Fridays Admission Race CourseJUAREZ, MEXICO1 S1.00Music by Mexican Military Band Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand


TI fit OA mill O llO Vor rlr ere ""r te Millón itHirt. rom

rl KAWH IIl',,r"rt 'n " i"'1 "rw biuion a yesrlyL i niiu u11111 un i u ar r the tat doe. included In the totai AT THE WHITE HOUSEil made new hit record during November

for any month and 14 center- - eiceavlsdtheir prwrtoiin htati marta for loanarOUTLOOK FOR TRADE The Member toul of cleartnr l nearlyone hilllon dolían greater titan dnnn etober of tnla yar, the preytan hlrh mart


Bfitet.y'.a husmea

Failurerallnre n Inspection Day'tevrnlr with liabilities of It million dnl

lar compared with I. tat failure m tovenvher or laal year, when liabilities were lamillion rlnllara. A the conreen ranina m

Reasonable Degree of Prosperity November had ae1 or rive million dotlar compared with not rute nine minion

Aarared Whether War Con-

tinuedoliat In nvetnlicr. lets, net lisbllltle ar

or Not withrerated


milliona year


a lUSBUSrsd Featuring' The New Styles For Springware Mnae In Ureulatlnn"Money in circulation In the United SUte

A tabulation r Hie tinitnrlvlwr biilnr made a alight nm dnrinr tnrember orar 'irntidttinne today bring en nearly repeti-tion

Ha previ, ij hlrh mart or November t Jj MiaffHW ll"1iaáaáalaai- -of the rrpnri Ihe 'sal tr month! landlnr at l.4 million dollar nn leeam THe Newwould mind proay were II nd M Hi' fact her t. compared with 4.S4I million dollara Suits, Coats,that material rhana-- r srr tskln plací, aaya on lorrmber I. and i. million dollara nn

a rcneeel letter ,.n trade rrmdttlone which rieremher I, lets. The clrrulatlnn per capitaba barn Issued b- the rtr-- t Natl, mat bank 71 Perember 1.alao lncreaed. heinr Ml. onor Rl raen. T1i letter, which i a valuable compared with S4I.I. on November I. and Dresses And Skirtstintine Torrean, declare thai "all bitl-n-

Man on pacembrr I. Iffl.mnvc r ennscipicn"- mutt he iwf ilro earnlnra of Mi rallroad

al un Km wllh a du regard rnr what tober totaled mini, n dollar., comparedenngrea at thl aesalns anil what with :I1I minion dolíais In iirtotier of la tUAnssssVsOnM9j arlsM THE NEWtrfrrT. ySSVy'r SPRINGI nropa will do with the pending peace year, an Increase of II per nent An in BBBt - JBBB SUITS Plain, fancy and mannishproposal nffwrM hy the rcutial power crease or f tier cent In operating epene models in every size for misses and women. Made of KhakiFnrtunaialy .our nntlerlying inditlnn ar reduced the rain In ncl earnlnra. the arrre KooJ Silks, Rajahs,an sound that, whether we have a ruiithv rale ror iictoher belntf 111 million donara, Pongees, Taffetas. Novelty Silks. Frenchnailon of the war or a MrfDM iiwafaWaOoai compared lili net earnlnra of 110 million Serges, Gabardines. Sport Flannels, Wool Jerseys, etc. Theof nceee. a rtBBOtlBhls degree or ennttntic.i dollars in uctoiier a year aro. an Increase new colors include mustard, leaf bronze,prosperity l da." The balr re. new greens, tans,

of in per cent. The rain in net earnlnra.port which rollona may b- prnrttablj ireimallv ..peeking, can be attributed sulphur, burnt onion, faded rose, new blues and black. Theled and compared with


Hade;iafttaTU on railroads or the wnat and south, as sonic prices are $15. OO To $125-0- 0the ame underlying of the large eastern roads report

r:port lncreae1 lircatlv. urease In m i earnings when compared wtmTiporta or merchandise durinr iictoher a year aro. Ornas csrnlng of :i7 railroads

totnlrd KM million dollar, compared with ftovasiber were ai million dollars, mm THE NEW SPRING COATS Striking plaids and new solidis minion doiii in iiriober of i vear. pared with 77 nilllloris lii November. I01.and imnoHs amounted to I7r. million dol a (rain of per rent. As in iictoher, the colors make this the moat noteworthy stock of Coats we havelar, compared with 14 million dollars In movement of cotton In the south In No ever shown. The large plaids in green, combined with otherOctober a year aro, maklnr a ravorabl vemN'r wa larrcr. and Ihc tern irratntrade balance of Jll million dollars, com-

paredmovement ivas .mall' r than Govern pretty colors are causing a positive sensation. The new solid

wllh 17 million dollars In iictoher, her. Ifrla. colors, such as beet, apple green, mustard and Copenhagen,WV and compared with the record balance "There were RK.iMp rrelrht cars ordered In

in Spring models indeed. Thejaunty are captivating pricesor million dollars in eptemiier or Una November, compared with VI..W4 In fictolieryaar. and 14.700 In November a vear am. while $9.95 To $50.00"Bank clearlnrs durinr Movamhci at lJ paenrer cars ordered numbered KM, com-

cities totaled nearly ?7 billion dollars, com narwd ih IIS In octoher and Ml In tovemoared with billion d.dlars In Novcin'icr. her. Ittir,. November rail oi .lei Majad IPIMI rmher clearlnrs nutaldc or ew liioiisan.1 pins, comparen vvnn ,j inoiisanu THE SPRING DRESSES Every express brings more beau-

tifullona la iictoher. ami ü.Vi thousand tons invn. iiihcr last year. Novamtioi loromotlyej Spring dresses that appear more charming than those

KEEP A JAR OF oniered niunliereil 344. compared wllh W7 received before. The materials include Georgette Crepes,In ncpiber and Ml m NovcimIkt lal year.

"Uttsttafl operatlom at M rlttel In Xo Khaki Kool Silks. Pongees in Sport models portraying strik-ingHANDY veruber tiiuled 71 million dolíais, comparad color effects. A vast variety of attractive models in allMuSTEROLE


increaaew million

or 3dollar,

per Mtltin November,

imildinr costaimr. the wonderful Spring shades. These styles for misses and

have rBrraaaed considerably over n year ar women must be seen to be appreciated. The prices rangeIt Loosers andQuickly Up Coughs ami il poaalbU that In spile or Increased fromColds in Throat or Chest rvpendlliiie., Iiiillillnr opciBlloii. In $15.00 To $105.00wen of len volume than in the

Just a little Mustcrole rubbed on your same month last, J9tt''lore, tight chest before you go to bed THE NEW SPRING SKIRTS Never have misses' and wom-




congestionand coughs.

and break upARMY DEATH RATE Skirts been so out of the ordinary in style, design and

Mustcrole is a clean white ointment color. The most bewitching plaids, stripes and two-ton- e

made with oil of mustard. Simply rub effects ever created. The color combinations are a revela-tionmustard

it on. Noplaster


necessary.doea not


than FOR EL PASO LOW' to all who see them. Shown in Novelty Silks, Khaki

Thousands who use Mustcrole will tell Kool Silks and all the desirable wool materials. Styleswhat relief ft trives from sore throat, striking new notes in design are features of this remarkablebronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, display. NPrite. $4-9- 5 To $40.00asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, 4.25 Per Thousand Men Is Recpleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, andaches of the back joints,

pains ord for 1916, Regulars andor sprains, soremuscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet Militia Included. f An Exceptional Value Today!and colds (it often prevents pneumonia) Captivating Just In!Statistics romplled by the army medical

anilioi Ules rnr I9tr. and inciuduir the mem New Spring K Obers or the national iruki'd as .well as the Spring'rerular soldlera. prove conclusively, what Spring'Il reDCraDy known over the country, thaiO PSSD Is a healthy place. NotwlthsUnd- -

iik- tie' severe weather which prevailed Blousesdurinr December, which broueiii a number Hatsor cases or pneumonia In the army camp,the death rate amontr the aoldlers last year THE WHITE HOUSE has been noted for many years most wonderful rm

Smoked Cigarettes wa. rmmldciahlo leas than UM anny doath le coming. Through WHILE THE we have everthatrate durinr limes of peare. SPRING window occa-


of its wonderful Suit Values we feel justified in saying await your inspec-tionThis rate Is US deaths per annum for this of new FRENCH SERGE SUITS just overshadows all previous today. Showp in wash-ablethere comee a groupeach Loon men. Last year there tvere four deFor 22 Years ih nUis for each I.OtW rerulur soldier sla warm breas oa aoft an a June values. The jackets aré box pleated and trimmed with smoked and plain efepe,

crepeetc.. trimmed


GeorgetteKhakitinned at Kl Paso. To he ciact. there were xephyr It Just a gentle re-

minderand waist line effect Kool, Mikado and Koolle Silks.13 deaths amour the rerular and there pearl buttons. Skirts portray the new yoke high

Habit Was Ruining Him, But Ha were approximately .S000 sialloneii tort that Spring In this n Big sport collars and fancyConquered It in Throe couliiiiioiislv durinr the year. The death Southweat la near. It has colors include navy, tan, grey and mustard. The design and workman-

shipsleeves. Wonderful colors and

Days, Easily. rate fro ra disease alone was s.i per thous-and

never been poselblo for any of these suits are of the highest order. We are sure this model can-


combinations amen Tlie rale Horn suicide and Hum at 17.60 to. . npLzy.KJVJatore locally to offer such a

Oftef or viólem e was a per thous-and,

be duplicated elsewhere under $25.00 éfáfVThe below i. alOaf'iportrait Is that at Mr. I', fotniakuir the total rule four per thoiia- complete Millinery exhibit NEW KID GbOVES $2.00I'Piaitarav. a well known citien or i.iv.nrs- XVeVsf KJand early in the xeaaon At The White House Today Theton. Nlontaim. who knew tint hi. lire wa- - rtprlng uo new gold and champagnet.eiiik mined throurh He pernicious halill Mllllla ttalr Ihr svainr. hh we offer NOW. Weeks ago colora with contrasting nnd selfof cirarcttc siiiokinr. yd could mil rind Mn. ihe national ruardatneii, accord-In- embroidered backs.nii.vihinr lo stop n and solace Um ssrrotia .iik before even the makers were Beautifulrrartni umii rol ihi n nuikaWo book SO ri . orda compiled lietwren July I and aMirii of the Htylcs to be Gloves to wear with Springthat can now be obtained tine. rjeosmbcr 31, the death rate rrom dlreaae Good Form In Good Bootsalone was 1.36 pur thoii.snd ipen. houblc we began preparations for this sfts $2.00IhlS rale lo Include Ihe entire year and add magnificent liinpluy. Every au-

thenticthe, Hthn due p. .un ide and violence and source of style Informa-tion


mousthe MM rate amour Ihe militiamen would was pougiht much investi-gating the fact that and Kayeer Silk Glovee, into newnesssecurejtial aim hi equal Ihe death rale amona Hie ' wuh done by our New DESPITE pearl gold, tan, cham-



it. also, would be lower than Vork office and Foreign Repre-sentatives

style in Women's Footwear is quite a taskgrey,

black, white and samehe army physicians have practically

--und wi were able towe are showing a wonderful new stock of latest Spring in combination. Beautiful em

the true trndencleei ofelliuliuinaled Ihe rreal camp ti..u. serrnTr, broidered backs and wrist trimUn- i idled laics army. Konnerly army the Millinery Modes for Spring. models that is a positive revelation to our customers. mings.camps were swept with Uphold and dysen-tery,

The approved etylce sre readyThese new Boots are true to the principles that define Prices 60c to.. $1.00but typhoid has disappeared rrttin - see them.0 the hospital i , ,r,i . a wonderrtil achieve "correct boot designing." We describe a late arrival FANCY SUM. HOSIERY The

ft 'BxSmMHm inept when Ihr hiiiidreds or deaths wblrli advance Spring atylea In fancyoccuried rrooi that disease aa late at IStS are belrtanemtered, Dysenlery has not been colored silk Hosiery portray a

conquered, but the tieaunent haa A Series NEW BUTTON BOOTS AT Sft.OO Sea ml ees vamps wide range of striking coloraaaasLsaaH'aBsaaaiBaaaattw Itupruveil to aurlr an extent that a rew rordslnaUona. Pencil stripe

Mm in an svildler now die with II. made of the finest patent kid and tops pf dark grey and plaids in endless profusion.Pnruraunla a Surprise. Of Hat French kid. . Light turn soles and full Louts XV nee.is. .New drop stitch Ideas. Prices

On the Oliver hand pneumonia proved no. .in. Ihlni of a surprise lo the army , Ideal for srfternoon wear. $9.00 and $1.50ISCSJ in. u. Itav. M Ilóas, Uaytou. ohlu, Mtdlroi arte are in rharre or the medical Sales Soon Price

i.iiru thai arnr hai 'llir been a ..lave to work on Ihe bolder. On Use entire border NOVEJry PA HA HOLS Raini. dial en 44 ear, be sol rid or tie' habit there have beam less tban 50 deaths rrominiireiy In a fuw daj's, sreatly Impiuvuu pneumonia and Una Is tlie

and sunproof Parasols forlat'tcst Dumber of "Wonder" Hathi. iMtalth. Spring ara' here. Shown In(I I IT rosatrn, . xinki ss LHS. of death caused by any apeclln dlseaae AIKR1E8 Friday. The light sad dark color tones andiwivbody In Mantrum. nkla.. la lJkiiif tin severe winiery weather la blamed, luil will overshadow

about the bis cbanae In Al hecvi he put some ol (lu anoj pliyalclank declare they AVi llsjsl.MlHi pretty combinations Newou ia) lb. In Iveallhs riesh since relflnr rid are atuvrlaed thai even nrty deaths have previous efforta. Only the new-ca- 1 Phone types to be seen for the flretut tnbario tebit llirourh H Inrortiiallon i.. lined anions lio ,000 nun a the aoldjrra, atylea will ever be placed on Littleaained in the rnr book which yuu niaj alau nilh plenty or rreall air, exercise and sai. Welch the newspapers for' 45SO ;S-..$4-

.95 Upaally olnaln Plazathat lie eoild niarte le some rood, thvy say, ateuld be font-rie- further particulars.

MniMiah. Pearl atraiual nm mof i p lo tin prcMini tune there baa not been S-a- Bfc Store of Servicebut atlei tetuna ihe book, he learned how sink" case of typhus rever anions UicII' halm could t conquered In three days, soidni. who an- tatloned here, which

or " i - mal lie ia i.i ice rioni peak, well of Ule personal rleanluiea of Soon. Watch For ItEvent Is Coming'Coatla illcravinsI.

and Is lu touch improved o,, A SpecialBOOK lilt EN rRKJt. , Z -

A vaiiiii i. lut.iestins book stat bow to V anier FineI .2'ioven oiin the tobacco halut (In any r.,cin, ' IS Oil ls Q vvsUw. Mase 4W. Marta aaa.. gerar, he bad the quirk blood or the southSaa been wntteti l.y Kdw. I. Woods. UM t ., C; ,1 A...li 1 l.--j had no right to enter s prtvsle realdenee. county. Until brsurhes of the Anions leg-


ofic Sas&q. lumrv ha1 bsen nuuuuoned for tbe trial i.. iv. adopted a resolution saktug rsrkisa. sui van Bialwais. ton France is hh. rrlns sod wat romanar inM free to anvoii who writes aaklmy r.ir II. of iii. case, but it was tleftdcd to waive a Uiat Uie rraervaUmi be abolished sa ra cawMntsi .iww u Ema a Tie, apeech and art. His wide brimmed fan bst,Ik ha 11. ea IS. M It. Smiwi Halahu. anHdas Is very ai! Uietee perore court.and try csae

for lobaco, snurr.f. cH''crmn s. II. Vaster, tried yealrrday jury nuca. SMU hia saUung black lorki and sgsresslvesave llamaelvesl"""' 'udse t. av. MuCIMIock. of the rouu Naval Salvagers Give Up A F: sWbU-- 3 JU-- mSi-tSS- Bssdaa. SSS Nana Orasxa. CSaaSlw bristling ioouetar.be were familiar pi errry

lid laauiurly. i out on an asai avev d aaivaull charre Moeur to Washington til iiin. ti.au a habitue of the boulevard rae, nearlywas found sullty of simple aaeaull and Hope of Saving Cruiser everyip, in., m. un. iv unproved, nie,i .', and coata. The dufenx' save no Present Arizona's 11 aa4 SS. Uert Wa, and tío ÍSfl. It. 14 one of wnirn sad si some time or othersi


AdVnuiiieruua other betefltr e that a tuolluu for a new trial would to Milwaukee; Crew Is Safe Its.

St. bio SSVt toa lasa, ,atiSsl, S3. nn.nu, resounded with Ms discourses. OOMrortlalaas.filed. Sttl-- fe: Jad as. si. rard fH or proclamations. He aaa ofoae theIndian Reservation Case J T liSaisal u M M BawSaaa. Si I II. bias

in complaint iteaci Uiei the aaaeult was .1V...1 lasS: aitSsUaa. SI. saa "if' Ssaaaii' AUss a ait. San Bass. Jaafty figures of Parts that ware pointed out toaajsji aJT 1 effective In iiimin. ú on lieeendMT 17. laal. ou Jose. By Associated Pre. a via, lu S K u-- aim I. a is rlslUng pi.ivits.iaiaQiTWafl M " "ral dlfataatfeai Lula and iiuiiietindo Carreen Lais Eureka. Cal.. Jan. IS. Tlie atramlen aul If Maak asta m ua. ceavmaraaaa. M .asa. tie wss not himselfallaap Valaea.ra potaoatá ii at ho bad oven to a dance cud had Tunea special irretpoivSenl rruleer Milwaukee, whose crew was taken T,r,iii ni. u a 11. ais asj. aj. "fifrvr-- y.

saws, m wllhs psiAlcalarty sxpert

man a sword, but hisbeen slabbed and was in bed at the Unta tte Pliuenlv rli.. Jan. or tlie uni.e orr aarely last nlgbt waa washed further k ( 1. mnssasaii anla A often made for

uopstuo... i,oiricers entered hie hoin. wttueaaes anneai 111a the errsaary or Uie toward ,borr near here UiilaV as her hull Miur- - lata u MSBae auiasaai oaa ap lack of skill and nrer.

Pareal ra4ui.tif

ssv uatt btiitrs lust Vaster tuur lulu the room, tav- Ulterior lu lasoair or tlie atate or Aruona'i ixiuUnuad to nil with water, hope of Veteran 100 Duelswhelmed bis adversary at the outsetu, at a aeulaa 49 1. veaael fadadS Naval abasen. aea. a aj. r tar - of At the outbreak of the Wr be enhaisd saitlS a pi 1.1 at iii baud, and i,i lo hate tile Hai'tsu rsaervatiou vaniiis the

tat IsVaiSf GtlmíuCALQ..CSJaCVSMATI. 4 beck, you - uta aald that no nun count) abulia bed ur reduced. W A. jit waa announred have sbarubuied efforta SJSS.

Halisni pan at Salt and Relic of Cyranoa machine runoer m the aviation coma and

V. ,11.1 mil uaut Ui. iilllter lu look si Mo.ui lau land rnniiniti-louer- . Is en Ui aava me aubiuaiiue II J vvnn inr Mil Smsi aaaskssrsttss. a coatrar led lo the san (re the i linees rroiawound but eater euraed turn jertwd Uie route 10 Washington I'rgent rejueat Uiat wsukee wss trying to pull off the beach Days Dies at Paris

wtjtcfe be Sled.

otaer uf and kaoaad si Uie wound. Ouutav Moeur mine to Washington and appear lu when the big ah IP was swept ashore,rtiuki drrWrv-- Uisl VealtK euranU luau sud behair ol the atalc waa received by the stats Tas patawasler of the Milwaukee returned auToaosiLf Licsssts

wtmsvnn unit iianiMnw. I1U11 ail in s riii land deparuneul rrom Corif retenían ilarl to ana ship Ibis utoruuis end brourhl ofr By Associated freeslentltletl tlial llr rnl Ui live

. who will siso be In allendaore Sló,0un Personal effects of lb ulficera ''sJm-UI- m '4 aassuv 14SS Bsat Paria. Jan. Is. --Tits only r renchuisn who NUXATED IRONupon pie bearing STB men atas were removed today. ssaK "". or Uta yeari bad kept sliis oa Uta BottleII jBsWPajfl II ' ftiiaai si. ass Pasalir. tsss naa sai... "''r'"n.,t Otsr three million ariv, of land in Pttna. P",,r4UTf T varda or Pant aotu of toe ti edition of the

Bst 5ts Asa. fcuadw.y. II u r Pi,l siut Mai n op. ,ouut.e, .... tu.iii.g m.ifua Lasjlgais!. WlUtSW J"- -' tST ltrt 1. ur.v Wssua aaS StaasOS. SasS aaa- - epoch or d Ariagaau sod Cyrsoo da mrsessss strsagth ofiVsBsrssl Meáis Csssttai Jl or lue ritual land ihe stale, waa wim v..ui..u . i.uvj, Soulier rorriarea. IS oae of the iTiTil a.vvu propia kI 3W ROOMS WITH BATHS, if dealad tlutl be drawu b) eiecutlve order ror tlw benefu ;

lug lUpSUleS.sisi n J.

Ill"', b' iilrd war. latest victims "Tas Last Musketeer," caaa m tea dayspar

mubudy. He ad of the Hapss,, Indiana roll,. wing a UII ss be was often celled, had participated tn maoy Msssniii HelOaaMan la. Dissiw. SUW Tvat sua Ssav' more duels IBaa any sata of his tuua, awl ifrfut u it talla aa peg

ssta-r- T. A11 awns, asm Btaaaa. rara perliapa be Bald the world 'a record. Me lull rjplautUoj. ,,J

I d&tstó I Iought lor ids uwa at cotas I ssore tasa a 'srge artille aeon V. sssialtni ,,auly sqaarsty in two. and p event the cos- Mean ore of tunes sad directed aa second more appeal tn Bats pepr.jf

mu Urn su ol rices, wm ef s read beta aan Tu.aoe and and B btkl at a P. ball li an s hundred nr., untar aaa year asesor orWart Paper uf sassa sort. Ajo. s sew copper cUaP la western rsasais p. at can 4s. assas

I ike both J Artas M so saa Cyrsuo df; SJar- hrau alasja arriesdeuasiai

it in storkabout


A g.




in Few Days.Three National League Chiba Go Representative Have Measure Sv BSATVD HOI Even Pacific Coast Circuit Bosses

lo New Quarters ; Five to Framed for Preaentation Quoted in Favor Baby By SHAKES.

Lewtslature. nn of the toughest, mot! rasptng assign The dope is that Johnny Nrwvm and KidCome to Texas. to that Mill rnmitrv has ever produced Organization.meoy 'BHD Bailey ire going to furnish the nextIs that of being a hem.' to tit rounds or boxing rorpersonal or tor soldierNrtt that we etclalm rrom in y

the By dated Pre. By Assorltti-- d press.Itew York. Jin. I. AreonJInt to experience Par from It. But the racts tnd cm nan tins or this nelghbot hood.i Assorts)! Pre. San Franrlico. Jan. '.V The Golden title speak eloquently ror ihemsctv. San Francisco. Jin is.. pew winter s Thit Is, the much looked for bout Is go

ifnuiiTrtv tnnonnred plans of the major Thoroughbred taaocntinn already l pre You may rectll the hero height- thai Mr. piss m cilirornla without th recur-ring

Ing to be staged unless somebody t kslgor baseball rlub more tnan seventy tnd whtt his root In the spokes and tlie wheelreicbed putsto lt pired to present It bin lo the state letta- Rlrhmond Peirson Hnbson agitation concerning the organizationpar eaM of th imito will return hippened subsequently out or commission.

vetr'a runtM for tM spring trsining pre lature by which u hopes n revive horseYou may also reran the rise or Admiral of citirorni sute leíame, and the present Newton end Billey. with their managers,

Itmtnarv to th ISO pennant rsrei. But raring In Caliromm. Thrwe meet rtlve InGeorge Dewey. season is no exreptlnn to the rule. Rtsehill will be on the job tt Hotel MrCo Thiirs

work the of Ih bill the roliowtngwill interests srele"i"one rlub In the American And or the lite amateur uprising, or what-

everenthualists or several Ctlirornlt rities again diy night pi drrmitoly mike arrangement

nrrirert of the Charles W.Tlie tatoolttlon.'the muarto kink on a new rtold.out rare tn nil it. has in the miln for the right and to sign rtarie ir ever)National l eme teams enow a more rest- - Clark, president, ton or the dbpper king;


trounrt Mir Uiree greatest sporting ire seriously discussing the dvishlMty or th:ng goes olT as expected the Georgtlets iplrtt, three of the elrht club hiving Daniel c. Jarkltng. vice president, mflllon-alre- .

heroes America has pmdilred making up I circuit wsHterwright king and the wnlte, Humpd.uterl that their pinyer wiu prepare ior and State senator James NeatonI Jim Thorpe, rooqueror at the last Among tlie clues Interested ire: , or the rmy will rurnlsh a slamming eatThe Mil call for sixty dy or rsclnSthe fllunonit battle under tnrrerant test about January tt

neat Mirrh. very year thirty day In the spring ind "ivnii'i. games. Stockton. Fresno and Han Jose. Theor Virdon The articles will probably rail ror thI. Francis oulmet. ronqueror

The Chi raro National will train t Pasa-

dena,thirty In tbe fill with ii inntuet betting. ventore has been started on several occa boys to weigh in at ttn pounds tb day

Cal., tbi spring In piare or Tampa. li provides for the spiiohilment by the andt. Mltltire

Rty.Mrl.oughlfk. ronqueror of slons In the past, but for one reafon or an or the right. Tins end or It wis verbally

Fia., Plttstturtrn ha planned, to shirt rrom governor of t raring commission of three,and Nnrni Rrookes. other ft never has proved to be rinenritlly green to last night without cither boy

Hot Springs, Ark., to Columba, o., while which stall hive the power to tllnt periods wilding siiccesBfnl. tnak ng prolett. They win hive noAtBrooklyn Is expected to desert Dayton. rot the holding of rice mee tings among the The ruling powr in the Pacific Cott trouble to make that poundage. And rorFls., for the diamond left vacan by Pitts-burgh

several countlsc.nf the state. THE HARD LL'CK OF IT league are not opposed to such minor features ror weight and appearance will beat Hot springs. In the American Another provlglon Is that no meeting hall Leaving out the ethlrs or the situation. league, whlrh would be either In th D or posted with the sporting editors of the 1.1

league, Clark onmth will take the he given where Is allowed, nor It I at least more than unfortunate that C rlass As a matter or fact. It his been Paso newspapers une hundred cold ironteam to Augusta. O., Instead or shall my person, association or corpora-

tionAmericaa three greatest International heroes slid that Uie larger organisation would wel-

comemen Is the forfeiture.

returning to Charlotteavllle, Va., where the rurnlsh to pool rooms or their agento should have had shdows cast icross their the lesser ror the reason that It would Now then, romes the one Utile hitchamonáis tuve trained for several seasons. my Inrnrmitlnn in regard to rirlfig. amateur conduct. tend to dexelop new players, of whlrh the Uie mstter to be straightened out peroreAll toe other junior league clubs will The tste fair socltioo Is permitted to Thia mav he taken as proof that our Ptetrtc coast league Is badly in need. the battlers put their signatures to the

their old The hill llt hold a race meeting for not more than amateur laws, lusllv. re bove II pees"" articles. Ne"jotrrney to ramp- tn toe past his been to the effect thit uter boy Is quite decided aaof the National and American league train-ing

twelve days at Srrtmento. alltles or persons. Then igiln It may be the coast circuit his tended too much Pi whether he wauls to box is. rounds withquarter for the coming spring are as Nv agrlriillural society or county rur taken that shining mirk mikes in eisler to warn attempting to rejuvenate Uie cast only two weeks' notice. Between now tndto which state or lid Is riven shallrolkrwc enmity target. off or the major orginltittons Insten! or Thursday night Uie righters and their

hold a rice meeting for more thin six days. has ill been an unfortuItNational League. In any event. developing younger talent on It own managers win hive their heads togetherAny issorlglhm or corporation conduct-

ingnito turn to rigure out the proposition and thoseClub. Camp. C. M. JOHNSON, JOCKEY T. HUNT UP. horse races In Cilirornla. the meisnre This Is especially so In the rise or Mc cliff Blankrnthlp. rnrmer Salt lake mini managers sure 'nur do rigure. Anyway,Chicago Pasadena, cal. Brown Grading (4) by Bowling Dotto. proposes, shall take out the commissions oughiln and oulmet Between them In willMarlln. Tel. ager. now resident or san Franrlaro, ad-

mitsthe boxing public likely know nnNew York

0.on combination pools not over g per rent defensive vr they bet bck Virdon. RU thst fans or the Alienor cities should whit will be done about the length orPittsburgh Columbus, or which shall be ptld to the wilding tnd Brookes-ro- ur of the greatest hive been with the right.La discussing the project him, -in ti Shreveport, rsrlng commission for the exclusive benefit ntenders that the British Empire, or an

ltd he thlnki there should be dirrirultySt Petersburg. Fl. noPhiladelphia of the state school fund. Into competition.other sentempire, ever In nrgtnltlng the league and making It selfBrooklyn Hot Springs, Ark. It Is made a Mony to bribe any Jockey One nut American rolf on the Internat, Louis San Antonio, Tei. owner or groom connected with iny of the llonkl th other put American tennis luitalBJas. Boxing NotesBoston Miami, Fl. JUST SPORT FOR JUJST SPORT staMes. the penalty nn ccnvlctlon being there.

map; i eigne- - without the drawing populationthis league would hive, pliy out thenAmerican League. not less than three years nor more than This Is not stilTtrlent to put either shove Hy ilLAKF.í.schedules successfully In or the

Club. camp. ten years In the penitentiary. all rules or above any nil. But the nam every part This welter or Ule oblo rimp. Johnny(I. It I expected that there will be strenuout hick nirt or It Is that both entered rer country," he aild. Kolopus. Is bound to be right on top some.Washington Augusta. npposiuon to the proposed bill. cloud, while these "On this proposed cilirornla circuit we

lay. lie may never be a rhimpioti, butunderArk. tain Hues, now tBoston Hot Springs, ACROSS THE BOARD AMB BACK would have Sacramento with 7n,nno or moreChicago Mineral Springs, Tex. lines were ISgtltied by their associations this same boy works In earnest. He fought

Fresno and Stockton with SS,ti or moreat tji at l.abelle Sundsy and la nnw training to goNew York Macon, Oa... eirh and Sin Jose with more than 40,000. theSt. Louis ... Palestine, Tex. BJJ BY SCHNEIDER OVEItSIIADOWNO 111 i s abort

in w ih Battling Culltnsvln"Jumps would be romparatlvrlyJ Race Entries r Uie next card. They haven't beenuare tennisDetroit Waxahachle, Tex. It his been maintained by leading Player could be developed as they ire dePhiladelphia Jacksonville. is. OTHER RACE MEETINGS ARC luí and ihc latter at San Antonio. From and golf, solont that the achievements or ilgned yet. but It's a hunch thy will put

WHILE veloped In minor leigues all ner the connCleveland New Orleans, troubles with bitter hilter-m- me Am u án league tbe Chicago White Mcl.oughlln and Oulmet nive onsrureo ano try tnd sold to the major and eliss AA

.ip Uto srrip just before the big go.

At least rour eastern universities will en war and generally unftror-ibl- e Sox camp at Mineral Wells, the SL Louis JOCKEY CU B Jl ARE., 8. A. overshadowed the vilue or the legislation thisleagues, and deficit could be metdeavor to secure the . privilege or holding weather and track conditions, the Browns at Palestine and the Detroit Juarex, Mexico. sought

any Newton Is working Into shape at his train-ingthe forty secxind annual championship track meeting at Juarex is progressing In Tigers at Waxabacbl. All last summer WINTER MKETING, IV16 ID17. There Is something In this. It has been

way. quartets n the uhlo camp, at Persh-ing."I would favor schedule of

and field games of the Intercollegiate mot brilliant style. The horses are Dr. T. J. MeCamant worked on the line luirles for Thirty ninth Day, Ttiedy, hard tn nrtt th mental picture or a cer a six games The army welterweight champ lookweak rive months'

Association or Amateur Athletes or Ameri-

ca,going right up to the top notch of form as representative booster In an effort Pi January IS. win September day. 1013. when oulmet tnd i playing setson. ror a ttrong battle rrom Bailey. Kolopus

And I'd want to about one veteranscheduled to be held Friday and Sat-

urdayand the favorites are coming home with makr i.l Paso a spring training cimp coolly went to his task or betting the two see only l his sparring mate.

club. I'd like toMay Í8-- . Harvard, Pennsylvania, such regularity that it Is almost start-

ling.for a major league rlub. The doctorbu'

first rack SeHIng: ami ereit Fnirllshmen without help; or to erase on snv Personally, see

Cornell and Princeton are all experted to The Sunday program opened un-

derbun manager once hod a tight grip upward Seven furlongs. the mental photo or 1 certain August day, such a league organized, and I'd he willing Now thai Dirk Brenton has decided to

ski later (it!) J.M.h IIM1RI8I1N tu help if the nns or the different towns rule horses at Tía Juana. II looks like meextend Invitations to the association at the dreary s. but the day on the lew tajad Indian management 10 tfHi. when Mrl.oughlln took on Brookes

ravorablc for thoroughbred 01) MISS MKLLH showed Uie proper interest." boxing rans won't get a Hue on how Mannual meeting set for early In March. For proved most through Tils Speaker, but the Feldmtn V mil Wilding In turn-an- dropped themseveral the meet has alternated be-

tweenpistlmer. Rain, which threatened tem bo received no assistance and ;VS tllV INNOirENCE IllT both. nil Handsome Young Br tt. or the Georgia


and Harvard, but the through the hours or Ihc rorcnoon, El .Paso lust a rip- - chance to Induce BKI ANDREW JOHNSTON This Is merely humin nature the re PUEBLO LINED UP TO unit stark up. But little. BrtU is so busy

rivalry Is likely to be keener from this time railed to Keep the attendance down Manager ohl to bring his team to El 1511 SPANOLtUDCCHKMS membranrr or such. But. is suggested retting things ready tor kid Bailey that he

on as both Princeton and Cornell have com-


probably for the reason that the best Pao. It is a fact thil. at the MRU Mr. Jikj COLOfUB. ASIIMKADE l It has been unrortunito ill around. GET TOPEKA PASTIME hasn't given the matter much thought.excellent track Inside their football sprinters In the west we're to go In McCimint wis pulllug the training-cam- rt BERT L M At at M'vhuw. Hint's heart has to get In shape.

stadiums and are eager to stage the I. C. A. feature scramble at three and wires, toe Indlsn chief wis unde-cided

II RLACEHHKEP BEYOND T1IF. I.AHT TRENCH.A. A. A. game. furlong. In coming out or. the rice as to Just what southern city I0 MARY E8TELI.E 1 Here l the felt)! thtt ptsseth under-

standing!"Ry Associated Pres. These boxing contest are unnnerttir a

winner, Utelus. H. Webb's brown riyer, would be bis lot? training camp ground. S13 PANELLA Omaha. Jan. 15. John Savage, present lot or army scrappers who would he topCornell Is already sounding sentiment the for them ail to trim, niirhers ir were given a chance.appears as one The rest that each has walled through the xvner of the Topekl hisehill club ot the tlky

among the various colleges and Institutions race n'Toole has rommunlrtllons fromshould Shelly aSecretary stage rornrnyANDEHSON AND LARRYANDY SECOND RACE Solid) gl Three-yea- olds years; Western league, will hi- allowed lo namewill orfer excellentor the association and later In the at four and who are anxious to knowseason are already ringering Hie Five rurkuigs. No more grim ciptalns of the strife com-

mandinghe elly thit slull receive the rriuchlse Cetmay promoters

inducements In the way or a fast track and furlongs The trick record at ttjti dis-

tancelluglng liber.-- of their right wings, vhsu be will get home. They are convinced

IVi BELLE C illicit Is to lene Topek. This witrield for the competitors, perfect accommo-dation

Tor this track lack much or be-ing

or Is better Uuui be ever was. andanxious for the ru st try at things base-ball

906 DORE Worn host to chrge the bittletnent by club owners meeting here this Tommyfor the spectators and up to date the world record. Should down a bouse In thenear a y In the Commercial league. tears; he has pulled manyI4 CRANKIE srternoon. According to Preslde.it F. c.training quarter for toe athlete during I'telus level his speed guns st the world Neither RIM Dr. endeivor. middle west.Attorney pclphrey nor SMILING ANNIE ... No more the betrtoche or t red Zehrung, Mr. Sivige Is now consulting withtheir stay at Ithaca. mark of :W it would be almost cer-

tainMrCsnisnt. stiii hustler i ol the Into the storm or hitler battle drawn;177 WATSEKA bothIn Pueblo. Colo., and HutobtnThe athletic raclUUes at Sclioellkopr field personsto crumble. Six selling races will goods doorhboy circuit rills the night where winds rom Newsy Rernhtrd Is Uie hard tuck guy

are ntd to be equal to any in the country, rill the program rpr thl irternoon. In last season, have had much to say, is194 EDEN PARK in Deep

whispering "Never,son, Rah., with the privilege sentlineul or iliem all. Some time ago somebody stole"

the quarter-mi- l track being thirty feet the rields sre named many frequent yst, but it l cinch that the ran Never another diwn."bearing thit Pueblo will secure the .

h - clothes, and now this Juaret bull ringwide on the straight away with vsultlng, winners at the meeting with the sprint-

ersbreexei will oon br rilling me base-ball

Tlllhl) RACE Selling: and DtaeutsJon of the pliynrs' Hiltry scrip has bien pnstpolild ira more. Butjumping and weight pit well situated on the call all through the upwara. nve runoiig. limit wis token up it 4 o'clock, owing l" UiroiSgSte schedulegetting talis era many daps. The race aii.e another dawn, where, to eves weary. ' t eveepthlug go perthe Infield. Many xtose followers of col-

lageladies' show. cell BH) FORCE no the delay In storting the meeting of the will make a showday the red blood out to the course The light steals upon the sleeper1 ror next Sunday, Newiy

athletics are of the opinion that a !8 ALLANAS1Agray msgmtes will continue the deliberationsoccasionally these spring-lik- days and 107 with Silva, the Mexico city boy.

change or scene for the 1. C. A. A. A. A. whenever l7 RLAHNEY 107nst; until lite tonight with possibilities or iCORDOVA. CLASSY two .of them get together The tramp or reetthe rail or bugle

would benertt the sport and hope to sue BENNY scrapper, of Albuquerque and It's bts:bell talk mixed In with the :'ll PRINCE EUGENE 107 drirysession tomorrow.

POSTPONED BOUT TOCornell or Princeton awarded the IM7 meet, OKLAHOMA IRISHEl I'aso, lost in his ngnt at tnc smal-ler

thoroughbred gossip. Both Doyle and lot To end the dream or stir the dreimer'ifrom Australia show the strict NOTICE RAILROAD MEN.Reports

fternoon. But Benny Anderson have been mentioned is mini l CLARA JAMES tot SUNDAYcensorship that prevails over all rorni or arena Sundayill WAY T t breast; Meeting or O. It. C. B. R. T., B BE PUT ON

has a and even more, agerlal timber Tor chibs the coming sea-son,

Never another dtwn with Strife's To mor-

rowmall matter. Recently a well known sport-ing

Just many, ltd B. L. F. A E. to be held it kas he had he-

roone ror an old organisation andfriends In El Paso todayauthority desired to send a letter to S'.p. in Jinniry Is. Adv.

boxer Les Dercy, now In this country, and re the end of the 10- round fray when the other ror a firm that wlihes to FOUUTI1 RACE .Selling.- The diy Is done the list lone coughHeverse weather condtUons stopped the

Befere Billy Smith shoved Tommy break into the league with a club. tnd upwird. set en rui iongs: twiltt bullat tbe JuarexIntrusted the communication to a mend WESTERN CRACKS TO SHOOT. scheduled prise rightO'Toole's gloved right hand skyward In 2Sl LONE STAR Here at the road's end or all strlf tnd Pete andMexicanabout to sail for the tatos. The letter was Pacirir const learns ire well represented ring Sunday betweenvictorious clutch. Benny knew before LOCAL K AGI E I. E Í16 MEAL TICKET torro w IAustralian ghtround In his possession Just before the ship WHATEVER In the annual Intor-ctt- tournament of the Tommy rjaartpeey, the

lert the dock. A result he was fined the close or the rtnal paragraph of the to be. hoped that they tog MILTON HOBLEE 1 Sire through the Twilight Oatos. lintcd states Revolver association in which wight Bul the pair or huskies will suipthe writer gins, after tht he was dispense with morning ART HICK I a a a round at th bull ring next Sun-

day,sao and hearing logtral , team are competing Th far western orr 90or the gong baseball. It does not It Freddie Fulton mty not be "tbebeaten and at the sound pay. Is darned tit ALDA the, ngbl side orwhich caused the bearer or the letter to lose but being e sins arc as follows Minito PUtol and ir old Sol keeps on

waved O'Toule to the center or the ring Inconvenient, tnd I might say. slightly 178 RALPH contender" against Jess Wlllatd, will work herdth which sailed- Tbe heavieshi on ship, while Hirie the rence.rlub,passage Uie stable, Spokane, wash Olympic club,toward the referee and tolcslly walked unbecoming to good deimrtinent for ths GENERAL I He best ample at pre tent m Mexicohe was explaining bow the 'note came Into week to get In trim. Silva, orC lift the bartirsde and let Uie Stn Pranriaco, ca! Portland Hevolvrr club, thisto his own comer. reason that aome or the players have to BOBOLINK y:, why not tockle Newy Ber-

nardbe deck tohis possession. will onPortland, Ore.; SeitUe Rifle and Revolver City,sJongTmake early sneaks rriaii the parental mingling proceis move bout, the curtoln-rslse- rm Uie ltgtilwe'glrtocitlon, scatne Wash.; Spokane Rifleroof with a psalm book under one arm


nd a baseball bat under the other. The FIFTH RACE SeUtng: and It would seem that In naming Mr. Thomas nd Revolver club. Spokme, Wish.wiik

BarreCordova, stamp the Five rutlong- -

two will never mix. Four good clubs upward. Cowier. Ule Impetu rimed th operatorJuarez Raso Stasctiont boxer a real fighter. Freddie

should b enough. The Commercial had rsTi LOVEY JOHNNY IW at least three letter too rar to express UieCalifornia and Detnlng, N. KBorAnderson, UIFFINbetter baaeball last year than ever be-

fore.full racts In the case. Rheumatism Insidious Disease;M., I now on the artilleryman's trail. There is room for Improvement St FP.HHONA .' It an

JOCKEY CLUB Jl ARE., 8. A. Promoter Brown has not yet made an-

nouncement Tbe beit way to reach for said im-provement

183 LADY TENDI 104 BLTTF. SPORTS LIVELY.Juarez, Mexlr. to what be Intends to

Is to boil the tat LA BELLE RROCADE 101 There it trin ity in practically vry line Painsdo about Anderson' bid through F. E. ' Begins With InsignificantWINTER MEETING, I it6 11?. the showman or Denting, who down to a league. WHITE LILLY ' or sport In Butte, Mont., tnd atbletos look

porter, ttl ROSE GARDEN tl forward to one of the best sporting yrs.selections tsr Thirty ala Ik Day, Tuesday, ha Freddie under hi managerial wing. treaimen. aon record during tb prsaant year boxing Real Tortore Bound Follow Hheurnutlstn. I'romptto IfJanuary Is. Outside toe mam event In the Brown RITING TO ART WIAHJs AND BILL SIXTH RACE Selling and bu.w I aald to be meeting with unprecedented hlghly importa....

show, the soldier boy showed much in Crawford rrom Santa Hita, Tommy upward. Five and one hair furlongs. urce, and there Is unususl Interest In the the First Warnings Are Not ment to the only kind that will doCHICAGO DAILY RACING KORM Pete Clark. terest In the Torrenee-Burk- bout. By Smith, leader or tbe mine town ta BALLIE O'DAY lo tor next season s baaeball Heeded. you any good. Have you eear knewnplansshowed a little more team, suggests someihlug really sensi-

bled lin-

iment,I. LADY INNOCENCE, PANEI.I.A, MARY winning Torrance IW SHADOW tte of RheumatUm being j ure by

ESTELLK. elaaa than he exhibited In the Camp in the line or baseball when he tig HASTENA t4 or other esternal application T

t. CRANKIK, BELLE C SMIL1NO ANNIE. Cotton opening bout but summer when spurs the two local fn on to things1M II y '0 FAVORITE 103 Anyone afflicted with the pang of At net certainly not. Do noL there-

fore,I. CLARA JAMES, OKLAHOMA IRIBH be mat Joe Potts, the wi Ideal from the big in o. K.lng tbe suggestion In these Btt VIOLET !H niieurnN.iirn will tell you that the make the mistake that manyPRINCE EUGENE. U. S. signal corpa. At that, Torrance columns a few weeks gu snsni fU SMILING MAGUI E tS flrnt pain were hardly noticeable. have, but bear IB miad tbat external

a whole lot In poundage to league. Torumy says that Hurley, Slight at cannot reach4. ART RICK. LONE STAR, MILTON ROBIJiE. gave away17 TEHPY DUNCAN flret. In fact too Insignif-

icantremodle positively

LA BELLE BROCADE, FERRONA, LOVEY the rugged boy from the Twentieth in Santa Rita. Silver City, Tyrant San other to b heeded, pains Increasing; Rhcumattom It cannot be rubbedJOHNNY. rentry machine gun company. And to New Mexico nunc camp clue are strong

Five pouodi ipprenUc illowwca cltunad. very gradually, the dlaease had them out of the blood, ft 8. fl. can be re-

liedthink that Tormo wa rated a welter for the promoted circuit If II Pao can firmly in Us graap before they reel-lae- d to cleanse th blood andA. AI. I. IE O'DAY, ORAY'S VIO-

LET.uponFAVORITE, weight only three month ago. While and will declare In on th deal. Accord-

ing CHI NCM LEAGUE BASKETBALL. Bourbon li that they ware It victim. has been giving; relief from Rheums-tto-

a return match between Burke and Tor to report by the mine town captain, orrtotal returns rrom Church league Kentucky Those who hay been trying lini-ment for mor than fifty years, and

NEW YORK EVENING WORL- D-. Miller. renca would not call lato play all the the copper ritlet are all et for a grsst basketball game at the Y flv end other external applice-tlo- n some of the moat evere oaeee haveelevar In th world. 11 seems as baseball season. There are a number wins by tbe First Presbyterlant over the will find that they have not yielded to It. Wrlta today and ive

I. PANEI.I.A, MISS LADY Bottled in BondWILLS, INNO-CENCE. though such I ray would prove more or Pariric coast pliyeri berthed by th. First CbiisUaus, Trinltuian over the reached the cause of the trouble, and full Information about your oase.

than interesting because It would to a twe Clitno leaguer or last year HuriejMexlran Methodltat and the Flrtt Baptists that their Rheumatism U back with and our medlcaJ adviser will alve ypu

CRANKIE. BELLE C, EDEN PARK. and Saau. Rite and others of the New them medl- -"grudge" scrap. And "grudge" scrips the calvartana. Team atandlng fol again. Increasing In severity aa advice without coat. AddressJ. PRINCE EUGENE. CLARA JAMES. OKLA-

HOMA tie usually more than Interesting. Mexico teams haw lin ocl for PclNc low;over ONCE YOU TRY the day se by. ui department Hwift Specific Co., II

IRISH. uniform polisher In event In Copper Don't overlook Atlanta, Oa. Adv.the flret signs at Jwlft LAboretnry.Woo. Lost. Pet.4 RALPH B, ART RICK. OENEDAL PICKETT. toagus nuterlilnes with El Paso a start filsiiding or IT. YOU'LL AL-


LOVKY JOHNNY. EL baseball ran are once, more First MeUtodlst ' I AIS BUY IT.A VIOLET. SAL LIE O'DAY. HASTEN caught sleet at th switch nd me t n st Presbytorltnt t Mt 1

big gu bosses nave designated spring M St. ALE, ARRANGING HIS Mulutl Imp. Atn. ' .tot The Cured WithoutNEW YORK I f.l EGRArU-Da- vU LaSfhtea training camp ground for th year JT. for the season's road trip First Chrlitltni 4 f .Ml OperationMISS without mentioning El Paso. Thar Is of tu crack Arlsuaa University ;lvry Houton 4 S SJ8 Standard

I. LADY INNOCENCE, WELLS, to the announcement luakeUiell invites El t H 17I it. CHESS. nothing startling team, any Paso Mexican Metliodlst DuüUifigJ BELLE C, CRANKIE epEN PARK. that the skipper or th big tun base manager to arrange a gatiw with bit Company Using my famous INFILTRATION CURE,

ball eran have dalguled which camp boy wbse tbe y go on tbe road next names ror Saturday, Jon .8t CalvaryI. OKLAHOMA IRISH, CLARA JAMES, BLAR-

NEY.I have with failure intheir players hall Be thatnselve to month A eonleil could be bill ad for vs. First Presbytetiui t to First Christian yet to meet a single

1 GENERAL PICKETT, RALPH S, LONE with the earning of early sprint be li Pate aa Maadsy, February I. New, V. First hepust v oo First MrUiodlsU VI. Controllers the treatment of Piles. I have and stillcause tbat it an annual announcement IB rtrst quint who write J. F. Mcktlr. Mexican MethodlM. 1 80 Trinity MathodlsU


BELLE BROCADE. LOVEY JOHNNY.with the jf of the several major toar director sthietlci, Arttoni Univeralty. V. Mulutl I Dtp. At P. Cincinnati, offer $100 REWARD for any case of Pilescrew. But it la surtiwg to leant that Tucson, ami get the game.

FERRONA each spring mere are hundreds of th NIMRtMM Ml MEtVOI 8. Ohio. I cannot cure with my system, or 1 willHASTENA, SALI. IF O'DAY, SHADOW. local booster who overlook oas rat According to an Umte given by Warden

C-- A tling good bet annually in falling to land RB. DAVID, OF THE COLORADOP. M. Brown, of Portland, approximately gladly refer anyone to every patient who

CINCINNATI ENflL'iaUUl on club to take up training quarters In sad wbo writ things in lto,ooo ducks, gee, ran and coot were mm has been treated by to substantiateI I ADY INNOCENCE. MISS WELLS, PA-- II Paso. vert really worth while. Is laid upkilled during the opea season of lttt by tb me

NELLA. j in tas bes hospital t Fort Bus. hunters of tour counties namely. Mullas above, and I have treated FIVE HUNDREDI. HANKIE. BELLI C, WATSEKA. OTHER CITY CAN OFFER SO right arm It free, though, and be

mah. Columbia. Clguop and Tillamook overI. OKLAHOMA IRISH, CLARA JAMES, WHAT in the way or diversified continue to reel off btl eorpuxle. lisnflll There were approximately 7 not is PATIENTS right here.

FORCE. Mas Ira attraction ss El Pawr daiv inspiring ttuff with tbe eme ragshooting in MulUiomih county, l.tso ta

i ART RICA, LONE STAR. RALPH S. What other ctty could you uain blessed ulertty tbat featured hi work won.columbi. IJXV la Ctttsop tnd too to Tilla-

mook,t LA BELLE BIAOCADI. LOVEY JONNNY with better climatic condition than El "aa the funis line" of tbe border ps making a total of 10.700 gunwletdaet. W so not solicit nT ship orders rrom dry I also treat succeaafiilly without an open operation,LADY TKNDI. Fo for the proper development of the trot. liUs erttlltryman write on sub Mm tons in vioiaiK w

MASTKRA. ORAY'S FAVORITE, SALL1B modem diamond tbiele early In the tests varying rrom those most humble Rupture, Varicocele, Hydrocele and Obstructions.O'DAY. year? All elob trainers take their boys to tbe heart to the hardpan affair of

soul fcs seareh of the warming ray of tbe world. But a It, always interest ARIZONA "IT QUINT OR. KEELEY Embraced in my apecialty asa also NERVOUS DEBILITY,El. raso times ay Old Sea. and certainly li Page is tb log because what be write always bears BLOOD POISON AND AILMENTS of the BLADDER AND

I. PANILLA, BLACEBUEkP JACK MAR- place lo wans bey she aid fee Intro evidence of class PLANS ROAD TRIP pti-- Idure. It I te fee expected tbat wise toil, tat ser. reveat caeaglto KIDNEYS and under my direct method a CURE

LB C, SMI11N0 AN NIC. CRANKIE men will overtook a goad set occaaion-all- A LONG TIMI THE FIGHT GAME ttee tad altor efleeto. ttatsaU can be effected in almost every case.1. ALLAN ASIA, CLARA JJjJaKS. RAY T. Bel M I not to be expected mat V as eaaductad la Juarai bull ring The faiteóle I s Ut keaAettell toar; la beak eaUt eased.. RALPH S. MEAL TICKET, ART Rick kl raeuea asxeutd tfrfiailly overtook feat aeee mor of a my ih leasee to be pbu'S by to I ratty f Reeet 1, Hr Lajee titktag Ca. CONSULTATION FREEk i A BELLE BROCADE. LOVEY JOHNNY, tats msater of making of tats city Now UN mere mention of i tarta right Art-e-n ue their let Osrtieg tsaatry Center R. e, Aaleat. é rgg.

LADY 'TENDI. spring ueietag cask tee on of te the buu rmg or auy oaner sate at Office Hottra m. m. to 7 p tn. Sttndaya. lOaJ to 1 p. at.6 MAhTENA. VIOLET, SALUE O'DAY big league atete. Th Climber of "l a

tiakss rag ceald do asaca la the way of lute. For two week atrMgei there featcajamasci) er keen a prise right blued for Uto buH

I. LADY invm.erce. PANILLA, MIM com sera Best year. Ta ten to get ring Each aicUoii' tailed to uie DR. KETCHERSIDWILLS. way t new Rlgast sear I terullte Through true deparuueni M UtaViULBWwrrMK VraaTr" "ICRANKIE. C SMIMNO ANNIE V ttkrtlu. said to be ingsr of Urn THE INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIST

1 OK1.AHOMA IRJIM. CLARA J AMIS, BPNINO TVB TBAMS U1ME TO Ti villi to Juan protuuted tb Kl Paae V0sV ft pmmdl eSie'sieisa inaaiai a Rprjrjci luaeu. THIS tat to take up quarter In and Jusrat right latu tbat fee would "" (FatehHtttart U Yetara.)

. RALPH 8, ART RICA, OHNEslAL rn.ke.fl teaw iih u uuuiui rausy. iku state t prise right Ui the bell ring oil Uuug ii.ii' slartto U trlkiugl jBHHKxl sew' R 1LA HEI.I.E MOCADI. COVET JOHNnv. tu esaas, ta nw York the o Suadeys li rati Neither right At rtoht luipreMTto wbu leap "aSflitaait 1, 2, 3 BtjcJuor Mttca, 206 Mesa Ave., El Paso, TsI ADV TKNDI Bt Leant CaMitati. rasa ratue off aod, to dale. Martju be taTTv to prntuiM to th pulriic. MarUa I

A ttASltJxA. BALL IE O'DAY , VIOLE I to Teas Tfee rtrst aamid trata at Mas- - ip!uttou. A an nuouueei of just a atrtkkugly tkcenastoat



" 1

.3 pap s,o enrn. turMiTT MP. MUTT w)TTiVMt tUHN M SATtVrtSt wrr4 ru J I I YOU (tjp 1 UPI'M IN LOCK t A.VT6ot' ., .. . ,M:PPt:tiN. had

A Mpi i etnkta f i i roa . "jr: .a n ijrr-zn- . i . Vn jl. a. iW JC IN A tXJCTom ,ALL t 60TTA tVl ft 7b

Your hcart lucerne' i or vou-l- l cjldaRiOlNt fVt,t rvier -r vi.'JnHiT Tp LUNCH CVMO


new 70c u iou crfi W.GPWLTOUrVY. i tat. w)M.r id fa,Wl - VH n i Mir s, r b v m. i win izg-A-

, "ww r

.i. i

ADVERTISING HATE CARD Roominj Houm for SaIw 8 Roomint Hoimm for Sak 8 Furniture for Sale 14 Stores and Offices 28 Real Estate and Fire Insurance. Real Estate and City Property 48daAMLTlED BAN ANTONIO ST. STORE tor laaaa: flaa window: ROADDUS A LE BARÓN.) rent per worn earn ,iutr new ruriNiTuns exchansed.

H certu per nM mi tlunju. far old Will buy .!. nan iooda. Tow tora lll'ikll'i: boat Irrcatlaa la El Pao. Addroaa Bail M. Newman Investment Co.I mu par word Mdi si roña. I'hnne ll anil ante money. HOME FUR-

NITURE0. Jan. em Tiraaa. ' COLES A BSOS-- y Baal aputa and Ineprantai"

II .M par Una per inunUi CO.. Ill N. Staataa M. FOR RENT Stare and Uriel room; laltable tor Atorrhn-.u-a Block Phone lid RIAL ESTATE. INBURANCE. BONOS.114.01 RM. MEX. TEN. 7', fill tete, rentalAll rleealfled rutrertleln tocatlen.TEXAS FURNITURE 00 will ouy. aoll or pood

ml lirri to tare ward. now furniture for old. 1 E X AH FURNITURE CO.. Phpaagl.'NaNo


run fur anf r

UtdaflnitalM íiao U canta BRAND NEW FIFTY-ROO- M HOTEL 4SÍ s Ki Paoo SL Phone HIT. FOR RENT. iirlra bulldln. 121 fm neat m DOUGLAS C. CROWELL.

meat. kal. ault

rrar Iha Inaphiala Ordar U Maaa. Real Cateto and Irreurant-- 124 Milla Bltta 12.000 rali, kal. ppltanal U mada id wriuix Entertainments and Dances 15 Ú. A. KINNE CO. Baal Ketate and lneruram M.oaa RM. Moocau Muata amao h hi

far oiairud ada Positively Nothing Like It In El Paso P. W Wll.l.UMB. mauaaar Inauram Dept. 1.000 cash. kal. Bull. 790 below value.rtlaa. Not raapunalMa far atllRfllA CMTIHTAIMtrtfi Oreheetro. f China Palana Co.

now eapmioxi at Hatsaiaari. apon ror w. t'i '.r:.; ICHARD H. TH0RNE. 409 Mill. Bid. plated al. porch, real bargain. 500 aaak. 41 perrniii Ai.va.ltllAI.Ml daira. Phona 4790. Jnalrta cHjarrreee anq waronoqtnr orrrarmip. mp Including Internet.


ANCEWanted Miscellaneous 19 aaah, kal. epTL

Opan Mat rat nal ara. par !. "Ida, FIVE Rflnkf HOUSE. 40 River Blrrrat. 13.000 i RM. BUNG.. I tar. tete. froH troop, fitaadi ItiaarUon. Tftd. DM PER MONTH. WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT ( ROOMS aaporarl and paper furnlthad, 14 and aa, oh col. US par medth. Phillip Hajmnott in ohloko yarda, small S ra. with al. poroh ktaig I

ajua, Muridarr. lnaarUan. tac. tintad 13 and up. Phenc 1011. S07 Pint National Bank Byock. the near. MM earn, 30 par tna.tandliK .llapiar ada. par :i. h par moni III 2.0505 RM. OOrr.. eeer Lanar anhaai. 150

Cantnrta far Uraa ai.iaurjta af d tapiar Ml apaaa at FOR RENT New brick bunpalaw. I reM cah. Ill par mp.Real EsUte and 48and City PropertyEducation Instruction 22 Jaaktan inauire there arraadart aubKt dlacoual. See ROSEBOROUQH A DYER Ave., pear Country $2,3794 RM. BUNG., new. Mod leoattoe,MEAIUNCI NOTIiT. MUSiC PUPILS WANTED. Raaaan akla tarme. Mor

l porpft awpm. St.. 300 caah. IM par ., laaladia latereet.Tura raadtni mattar airtt lntn:nn. par Una. laa 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, unfurnlehed, I ll.fJSS- -4 RM. COBBLE STONE AND BRICKtnrala. par Una. aaati tnaarttan. lie. 305 Mills oad of Manhattan ear Haa: 127.10. Phai BUNG.. 1 S treat Ml, pood ImUen. SSM caah. kal.Building Phone 930 Autos and Accessories 23 FOR RENT Part ar hauae. upatAlra rear Own Your Home' ult.

furnltpro tor aala. Call 711 Aeon atrppt MM ( RM. FRAME, alp. pah.. 15 ft. trt.. Ft.

E VOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A Boulevard. Mod buy. any roen g alky terms, email aaakTIMES BRANCH OPTK AUTOMOBILE AUCTION SALE at W. Overland and MODERATELY PRICED HOME.

X PABO TIMM COHTAWT. Uurama Ste. each guturday al 1 p. at. Will tell Furnished Houses for Rent 30 W are bulldln s PtftPtry "Superler SM PER ACRE IM ACRES, good 9 ra. Mat).,all klndi af cart te hiahoet biddan. Home.'' on 40 foot eouth front, adlaconl M earnant nr., II aarae eaaarwd. email old erohard. 40

Pwhllalvara El I'lT.s 'We pot tha Buyart and Sellu-- t tooothor.'' par line aad paving That 4. room bunpalaw, aaroa alfalfa, all tensed, roads oa I si dea, pártala

tha Tlmaa AUTOMOBILE AUCTION BARNS. bath and pteapjpl poroh. we ar. offering for aala Take Pare MBPtJnw gayrt pay. will divide.Por Iba rot, ran Ian aa of Ita patraña

fallunlnt plaora J. 0. Byarr. Mar. furnished for 160 ear month. If vou or Ml kpy the the smell prioo ral 2.790. wltk enly 1190 a Small caah payment, any tarare te eult.aii:tialn hrant ofriaaa at lla

Phone 1171. Offleo with Malar Co. nituro will real bovee at 137.90. Price of furnltur. fltot payment. Amate terms on trip balanco. 7.000 FINE 37 ACRE FARM near Clint tpBranch - IM Taia atiat. $421. H e obea at tha prtoo aad will law far Itaen far El Pm MrrTtr).Ilraoch II (UaHcu I --tornar larrond and B Situatiotu Wanted Female 4 Lost and Found 10 W. A. Wllllarae. Auctioneer. la optl In rant. A HOME IN THE BEST ADVERTISED


rnaaU.land !" i, B'dil;; . INTELLI8ENT WIDOW. II. culturad. Irania!. LOST Laron whlta doo: haa brawn and whlta Auto Bargain Sap Goodman at DISTRICT IN THE CITY. Newman Investment Co.un CASI IDV A NEEL. Phone MO.KI Taao l)ru Slua. 111 Alaioaoa rtraat. ircaJaat hourafc aa par araaal:a oaraaanlaa. wauld tarar. and. aJaa larca brown root aa rliht ilda and p addltlaa ta thla. aobanl taollltlaa, pave-

ments, Phone 550. IIS Stat Antonia SLIlnulaiard Irruí Km Humaran and Plorana a a aoaltlaa ta car fur tna tlaa. particularly adapt- ena on hlaa. Return tar roward. MIO Ora itraat. One 1915 Oldimoklle; juet Ma Pvor 3 R0CM HOUSE. RIVERA ST. etroot par and lltaa tarvlaae are at

la laatruet ohlldran la primary warl: aaad aiatran; Prte I7SI, baulad. la Al MndttJao. A baraaln far aulok aala. Furnrehrd, pood nalphborTia. .Iy- their awry boat. Wa m .hewing a beautifulall pbiaotlaa la taw Addrcaa W. MB. RIAL SssmIi i aa eatrooaat ornea, akoalutaiyand adrarualrn auuaptad at laaalng a. am LOST Eaplhin WEST TEXAS MOTOR CO.. FISK.RAMMramal, dark brincia puliría, undar.

Ave. Phone 4249. rudera, far 3. M0. We III lake 300 downapad aad poach . lopfod I whlta aya: whlla an 42 Myrtle aa rula aad vary anraetjya men...iy pay- -

broaat. Phona 4414. Reward. 1229 CHALMERS 10 1225.LOST Sua bunt pearl brooch with diamond ia In perfect condition. F. B. HADL0CK REALTY CO. draaa 2900. caro Just Completedala itraat. Rln. Maa. Only105 Texaa Street. Alat. Return ta Hatal Shelter for reward.

ATI0N aiprrlanord FOR SALE Ford delivery truck, good condition. In I rooms, koth.LOST Arrdale puppy, femala. twa menlhe aid. Ra One Leftraphar. aavd parmananl paaltlan. Adlraat ward If returnee ta 20(10 Tularota etroot ulro Evrrypcdy'a Department ore. trúrtet.l.OST Handcarxrd elltror rlna let with laron rod WANTED Roadelor. Muot bo In fl aandl- lea! kltnhan eaklnat aad mrervthlno elle do- - 4R00M YELLOW PRESSED

etoae. Reward. Phaaa ISI4. ilea. Drive It la Modal Bar. Unfurnished Apartments mandad In a modern heme. Taras. 1900 BRICK SOU YH FRONT.kBlrntat M arranged te 12,400. pa eerry tarprt, kvyv, Milaaak: (13.150) eaaH For Sale Miscellaneous 11 Special Notices 25 for Rent 32 your rrapjtefaetloB. heme. Oak from la I rooms; fencePolitical Announcements. ataaapraphla paaHlaa hy aapatlancad aad shed and electric flxtura. 0.ttoi.alraphrr. Adlraai W ill, am Tlmai. FOR SALE Rrfrleeraler. ml aa WE PAY "THE HIGHEST PRICES for all Mini. HE AND FOUR roam apta. In the New

A STRIKING HOME.pear,'We da Karakr anaaurica auraalraa aa aantlldalaa tar

POSITION tan aúllenla far prooory. cheap it aotd al eoooad baad ooodt aad theae. Phaaa 4904. a ar Court, corner AtamMa and Taaaa atraen. Wa are .hewing a homo la Metí Quality,aa bsakliaapor. yaarr' praaUcal anea.tap afrit, rat apaatlta eur aamaa, rubiaot la tha aa Every modero oon vea lonco, under lappa, izo aap Mr May field Bldg. & Imp. Co.neighbor-hoodaatulu ally Damaarattc arlmarla. Addraat em Tirara. Call raarplppj. 111! limn aeenua. oarner Bluja. WIÓ MAKERS. N. 4 H. Ca. ill N. Kaiiaa. Heat 19.location, workmanship, deolpa Ml

tica al the aro unaaualad la El Pane. Thla hemeCHARLES OAVIS ;jS?I DESK ROOM lar ptiktle ataaaarapnli wark. Allrata DAVIS BROS t far below market price. Ownare do pat RAI.J. P. O'COAtNO

ATlroa IM Tax pa Btroat. want thla arree publicly euetod. If auek a PHONE


Jarraan WIDOW, raimad, culturad. II yaara. home would appoal ta you. III five priceR. a

C.siMMONtSEMPLE Jarraaa cara tiraaa. Furnished Apartments for Rent 33 And terms upon applloatlea.

W. P 6. MoSAIN Clly T AaaatA.. lagat WUHK BV DAY. white waraan. Phaaa lahr M. r4 nderson-Fille- rBusinesi Opportunities 7 Furnished Apts. 117 TEXAS ST. PHONE AMI. For Kern Place Property

mono aiHSa or can i our oTTlooMale Help Wanted 302 Mm Ami.Meat Little Restauranti DAVIS BROS $1,950, Nettie M. Van EppsNew BungalowsFor Sale Let the IM Taaaa etrorrt Phnnp III.

EMPLOYERS' CLEARIN HOUSE. On aaomuat al rtakaoaa. thla llttla pulpa la aa . SMALL FURNIBNED apartment In tha Arruten lower $100 Cashlaa to aa raid pi p panrinaa. Flaa location. Good t.owf MO. App.y apartmant la, TRO nrapn. pip a.Iraatlaapar. IM. Mty. pairo apa. api nakja atoaay. Mual pa aold Hii 1rande.Phrnp IIM. SALANOS $21 PER MONTH. INCLUDING INTER-

ESTWaraan wlthla1100. Artiaai two dayi. . Times furnhhrd TAKES THIS MODERN BUNGA-

LOW. Stock Menlancaraphar. Want Ads LARGE. HANDSOME, partly apwrtmeatLOCATED IN THE ALTA

Laay tlanamphar, 171. aKy. NETTIE M. VAN EPPS. (Sola AtMaL) Btoam heal. Vlralnla apartmanti. Phone 7M5. CONVENIENTLY

Hi Maaa Awpu. Pfw. mt VISTA DISTRICT. I km 129 aaroa flaa alfalfa pactum far font Wll

m MILLS PHONE 1104. niríALs: --

OneLIGHT FRONT apartment. Phone Ml. rue 20C bead far the Parct S maathe and give team alBiyiO. P-A- -R K

.' Opta) i fa SaialaJI. of the Do It for You HoiwakeSepiniT Rooms for Rent 34Largest Ml I. MAIS ST, PHONE M Bailey Land Co.FURNISHED apartment, rrerrpvo, rrononotre. an parCafeterias wook. 119 N. El Pm treat-- ran 2M. SM Mate At.




araath. aUji aarplar. krldaar"" m, lafalrpnasa.

tha art.ota.,


partkHitanour offtoo. 102

pa toMaaa


laoatlan. to you glance at the Times venlenoca. 1.0. PhoneII: tiMpara. 12. U) day: in arriad rain tar ml lapav.

NETTIE M. VAN EPPS. want ads. R0UM& FOR LIGHT HO USE K I PI N 0 IMS Mp, Trade IN SXOHANSS FOR VMANTLOTS OR COTTAGEand Artraaa. maa ar117.10 waaL otaaaar ptaaiar. pemn. Phaaa 440.paran. Ill war, at. am bar maid. Naw Naakaa. M ta Twenty aarae aixty pal laa from Carpen Chrletl.Malla. rrallrraU Fine HOUSEKEEPING rnaapap; ale : me N. Stanton. Wa mateh up any arty prtSartl. eeer

Naw canIW, raw aad board, waitraaa. Opportunities Lots of a Aatooia. neo ara oeltoao. Pans, Cat.US manta, board aad room. FALL a, people want to exchange some-

thingPhono MIS. Have clients wltk pood hau.es and , 11 ppplj krlek. BeBBemer. Colo.

MITCHELL. IIS Sava Fraaihaa St. POOL HALL, ClUAttS, ETC.. BUSINESS: BIST they have for something you have. HOUSEKEEPING R00M8. "ill Lap St PWe talet.

120.000.to trade. Wllfaesurae I9.0M


orchardMen aotaa


Y s Iota.rattan.,

Imaravrrdbata ar

Ianland. ua.

That's easily done through the Times want ads. HOUSEKEEPING room and MdrPPMa. 71 M. EwtPta Broaddus t Le Baron Milt dawn the valloy.TenPO

WANTED A aipptai dark. Apply III Duran pa at. CLkANINO. PRESSINU. ETC.. BUSINESS. NEAR Fa St. Camera to stroot. at bar sain Biralam arara.Caady company. P. 0.: MOO. ar north pf Ml frank.. k oteaa la eoBrown Craakar.arrd GROCERY, LIVIN0 ROOMS. 7 housekeeping eteaa I,. Ml Mata. PkoaeBLOCKS OF P. 5., UNDER INVENTORY, ABOUT Don't you think you ought to buy a home? 4MI.

room.,I. IOS. U.lrOO. TRANSIENT HOTEL. TERMfr. 12. 0M.

ME K H,, III MAlil. Real good buys in the Times ads M8(!áar4aaBÍAN OF NEAT MIIPT. onad laHar. le eri realty every Furnished Rooms for Rent 35 Brda. W. N. 0ARL.VMth pprpaor pneropranrter rneniap oniioraar

tame at bauaea Call Cerera apt barare II a. p. day.rter 4 p. m.. 701 Tarar rlrrrpt. Apt. I. $2,625, $250 Cash

WANTED Eruaannaoad man far MepV aVult. padUeulara addrraa B Sania fa St., block rrcaapn of Pay old BALANCE 29 MONTHLY. THIS IS AN EXCEP-

TIONALLYaarp Tlmaa.outflttja. mual knew tl.eroulbly tbla Sea. and raorta, lira. B. Tor Bmltb. WELL BUILT BUNGALOW. IT MAS a

Eaaltah and Spanua laauapa: uaaiaae la aall Few DesirableÁalaaa lefareaeee pood alary Apply III ÍT. CLAIR ROOM; Very nyue., euneoau-i- a ecsariag PORCh.

Beatk SI Pm treat. Í0R SALt A moaoy maklnp sateM. ep rpaarteatha

Nkroty furnrshod3 S.

maderaEl Pa

room a. Traanlaat ar ky


IENT FRONT PORCH. SHINGLE ROOF. THEARM Y COOK lar Iraap C. Ohio eeralry mtn pray aad laaaa; ekaap rvat. and the keel of mpiiBl for IOST APPROVED BUILT-I- FPATHkr uaan

Par array pay: can acaamoaay troop tp 0M far alllai. Addroaa E. 41. em Tiraaa. K ATHHYNE HOTEL F niehrrd ootaldo rao tna. a Theae prim, far a tow lap paly. WOOD FLOORS, CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEARrapalar apt ar mualer aul nam. Addraae Cáptala FOR BALE Taj tar ska dc.na feaod kuaitHMI k ptt, M weak aa Steam toaL 10 V. Sarutk Corapr K ansas and FrankUn. borden CAR LINE ANO SCHOOL. BUILT OF RED TAP.Mltahal. Pheoe ItM :t. pear purvoy reatauraaL ataafc. StOjMp. ... . ESTRY SRICK. OTHERS ASK 2 .M0 TO H 000BARBAR TRADE UüJni .; Taaaa IVaJlrar low tlpuro. Call at 5M frmaa rtraat. sleTpínq ROOM prilM peptjimaa

2 ,GSZ lS:a. FOR A H0USC OF THIS KINO.world'e realaat: p.lUon wbpn uraranptaPM. 6ÓOD ne lak rotatee coa ruchanpad. PO Mart 'a. a. MyrtJpHAVE SUolNEB. want la kranM rkai la For Sals MistlUiixus 11 Special Notice. 25 Myrtle aad Do. em. M.P0O. -K

froe ralal.nji.a eiplalr.U.i n.llae or Pi Wrrrtt fi tarOOT Bra front, affer anal Internet te party wMJt LOVELY ROOM, eoanaaUai bath; lot anlllailralad catelague aaplalae haw wa IMS. Addreeo, Bon AM. em Tieaen. fin SALtVampkypy pypwor pni. tkraa - tor. utoaop-i- eieopip pama, ait IIS S. MAIN ST. PHONE SM.tepph the it ada luiakty: mailed roa. Majar FOR SALE Convaloaoont homo doiep a Pd Dual. returp lu teller knilors. oaa . p. Cerlbta rapt... FOR RENT One room kltekonatui. OmarBarker Oollapa, Ft Worth. Teiaa. aeaa: maaar tenvlap. aaruiflae. 471. am TJmaB. MM 100 h p. Hoe pes neniar, pap leather katt tar In parch. Hawaii anta.. 114 W. Career Besteaprnn All ptpjai te make plant oomplote. Sail aj Notice Very Buy of theIE SOLDI RESTAURANT, data pood kualneee. eaalraJly ley. karpnlo Oaa IM-- . Corliss origin, pan NEWLY FURNISHED rooms. 1 pad l Piar ara Comer

naar-- telllapTtaaa.

aur oated. raaapnatily prleod. Phone Mil. . Iroot maaatad ualt. :w vol la dlroat purr eat The annual moatlaa ol the El Pm Bool ma Mpornpuc. rua's a eat u von ana. W. F Payne Seasonam WlU. BUY PBtrMlakM pplnp kutleate rTprMpptNl u W. Saartlo, Oradarff hotel. El Pm. Eetete Serard. far tea elerrttaa af ofnoera tar BUNNY FRONT BEDROOM, la:WANTED Three flrat.eiaaa ante neajpa. kjltf 4J. tea III M tteld al Chamber 120 Nartk Santa F. and Iteuraaaa.pop. Poaicrrflao Baa El Ppan. FOR SALE One No. 4 Keystone 000 loot well PPMPPf ypar. the paatlsrapa. Heal Eetrato

raany tor work al Imperial larra. Ill MIIU at Cemmmna Tkprtday. January Id, at 7 JO Ml Mat Avenara. Pka ItM. bUjck tnm Qnwmtm mu ttlii est tfmmt mli II IM uFOR SALE E Pm Dallaakarpaa. 207 Mill. Btroet. drill, teañlkgr Hk ñapan eampl.g putflt, pll tank .. All NICELY FURNISHE0 ROOM tr 1 tamm M oam.p. pkarpxWANTED An oaporleaeed MrraJeaa My fw Plain klnla. mrraakrrrs era urond te MBu baronía lar aaah oaly. at nil II H. P. anenrlee ..gin.. This rig le

rraom work. 10 Novada. la ftret claae mdlUen pad III aoil enea pr gayan, ED0AR 0. PARK. room, te slagle penen. IllLEARN actual auio irnalmu I. M. i A. Lava tillott Garrett Co.. 100 W. Son A a tea le St. Phaaa

aaVaat. lrwrp froo Rooming Houavas for Sale 8 aÍT u 904 NTAILOR WANTED to take aliar at the, lltd 20.00- 1U" pipo. IDo; 15,000 J" 00 oaalaa. pood JOIN ONE af elaaam

Alomada. Rooming House Snap t new. V iiav.frvo' otkor slim. I" te 11". tiar In-mediata

aur Mrmaaalum aawshipment. Taaaa Supply Co.. Beaumont, Tan. ready lar tka eartep term koatenlaa .Kaki, tar 1 eatlemeo. .1. In 11

WANTE D 4 koy with antral. Ill N. Stentea treat I R00MI BLOCK FROM CITY HALL Physical Ulrsctar. Ml. Y. W. C. A. Physical DoptCLEAN BED 107 South Kaaaaa tropt. 111 A MONTH. TERMS. MM.

LUMBERpriora on

ctyn aiTurlumber for



aiuaordlnary" tiTfig EGGS kGGo EOGS Uulvere te El Paae for lit. HUuut a tct'lNG room pad New 5 -- Room Bungalow Mayfield Bldg. & Imp. Co.

late of II Pom ar aero. Guaran CM frank. H.1 NEW TRANSIENT R00MINU HOUSE LIST. Miappnr tropartraaaiL. matip one. L. Oavls. Beerae. Tsm. wl" bolid a horn, lor yao la any

Female Help Wanted H2 INGS. BIG MONEY. MAKEHS. M ROI IS. 1 WANTED TO DO creeperf end emkroldory Prnrk;LARGE loom aad leorni.e parak. Ml A Urea a. part pf the

kuelonas.oily. We dp p poanrol

luck r PofTorrics. and FURNISHED rooma lor root. 4IP N. El Pm aootronueg and ould k.aearaateop artaaa Ittappaiilp Misa Car Id FlaaDOCTOR AUER. "Ti te fltura. LOW RENTS; Tin., liad op yor plana. PtraaaFemale dp) Wmpppb d Phone . fUHNIr-HE- heel room. Call M11R.Ckrwaaa proBoa bp pa. for ájemete. ooLLEASES. M R M; TERMS. U ROOMS. caraca.tL M.SM;Sai. amaren! R. R wauh and chai., will Blbra Prtrn may

penoa 504 AM Twa Rapoklloa Bid. Phaeee 4441 1140 IM. TERMS. FURNISHEU ROOMS. Pttaaa MM.H trmd. Whet km ywut L. 0. altee I Cat.WANTED tagUait tpooAlat womaa la eaa aad da Personals Mayfield Bldg. Almp. Co.penoral kamaowmk. mual kriaf rrrtarrtaaaa. 27M 2 BLOCKS OF P. 0.; NEW LIITIN0. FIMI v Rrtunrvrl maorl Brurm Ortrae-avr- ! 37Wair"aiap.M. idañarBrant Ave. Pkeae SIM H 100. ON TERMS. fu.r.--teLf i Ill FIRST MAT. bANK BLDG,

Pknaa It. Aak forWANTED A eeruaa pari te take em pf email Ma. iva pnrueolm 4M. am uu.r.Litnia-rniie- rs pram Comlortaarra PHONE M0.pal troll roaommoaaed aad M toad of call "BOOM ROOMING HOUSE. N. STANTON ST.. alnelai porcn vrttk varm dinsalnt room aa

ana. Pkeae IS72 VERY DESIRABLE STEAM. H IM. TERMS pu.nl at.onUon. w par ppk. SMI Capa. Ptraort 17.HAIR peed I meaulaeturer. H. 4 H. R Bungalow BargainsWANTED Whlta lady for hrroankrnper. mantlpn St ROOM ROOMING HOUSS; TRANSIENT; CHIROPRACTOR Repepaatal peard am te tna ekHdra. Apply III p. BUSINESS CENTER. CUT TO U.lrM. TERMS. rt, povtvarae aad rone. Ceil MM. room, hot pad ooJd arater.' paapllppt meak,' IroJood rana. Maataaa at. vrttk antpi, lleerpta pera.Laea atraed. EW nakepnay aaykjaat eewlap manklara. Coll POO aui so 2431 lien.oai. Hkjaland Pm ear. Pkene MM M.SM; roaeeeMIe tarara.

WANTED-A- round kaakaofor ler.ll, with CP ROON ROOMINU HOUSE. NEAR PASO DEL potan. Stores and Offices 28 ROOMS ANO BOARD ateam ktnl; ra, urTk-".rt- alt wtSV5SmSíJmK!t1 mora rake Yaleta. Can 2711 Maataaa. NORTE. MM SWINGS THIS. GOOD BUY. elm otar la mo room. Mr. O. F. Leery. Ill W.

WANTED COLOREO woman te aoerk an la da ppa AMB MANY OTHER BARGAINS.WattjaJ to Iky MisStia-s-w 12 aaputl treoi and rear na rare koene. M.1M; i I Ml em.

mat lueoaowork la email family. Phaaa USE-

COMPETI NT Amorto, amen tor eeoeroj Iibbi See P-ar--k -s. l.at mean. Reeeeaakre ra.ee. Pkoae built. le ram

Old False Teeth" " T ' m. araara- -f--tmual M Amortare pirl. A parly

IIS MAIN T. CRAWFORD THEATER. PHONE Pal. Will Build to Suit Tenant I rnmi, fcWKInray Ato., kardaead froara. kalrt-l-

fMtaty Partir jut Hmala Bia Na pat II te M Mr apt. treat orñttor LUNVALEktl MEN aante piaam parpa, rraom neat atpiry roaete. trrtk atop14 Room, $1,400 tall te tala Trata fi.. la W. Karkat Lania. a. a kenrd ertvaaa t.emn Pkoaa Mil. tar M.7M. romoaktaWANT! L All Beeie.epw "sWnfamHy t Ilia. Ky. Maaay ml ky redora mall. FOB RENT le IM ktook aa Tarn St.. aa on Close --in CornerpkltProa Apply 1712 Maataaa. TRAaaSJINT. I P. I YEABS' LEASE. NICkL .fTurnlnaed layrM jnart rraom. wtak leyayrrj. iM Tkb b aam kaaeel LataWANTED IXXAN. WUITS KAUO wux PATU STBONfi aman te note re kttakaa Apply mri. JÍÍm " kl.llT'n.apaavaPt - Iwapt, krtekV V' Mesa AIV Nevada.

GOOD ONE 17 TRAMSOIENT. ut'ai Ñausa ora jes kit ht na NICELYamked.

tvraUkMPhooe 437.

toom. M on ve. ami:l.WJate alta madera raw

Miran ato. Flare faanay laakar. II. IM aaak knl.ee. WANTED urntery munnar No I or t. moot M " 4íé. FIRE INSURANCE. MSTASY WORK.la toed mefttee. Addreao W. 0. Maalpy. lull Em. ROOM ANO BOARD S7.M WSmít SWaapS)

I pontea ruar. Par potaran- -

Sihialifpns Wan tad Male 3 It ROOMS. BENT Ml, I BLOCKS P. 0. WANTED tp kuy laotlah rtdl.s ead CONVALESCENT Weak IS J. H. Smith A Sons N. Q. Suchos á Co.dkv Trm C. Okao Cawrtn-- ptraaa IBM.

WANTED PrtaAtap ky tnrakly raporkeaad MM-- WAN TEO-- katy t apeparToraad anypl trteprp. pvt. UvesrtoclcPktoai ryli. PttSME 777. SHELDON HOTEL BLDS

BMPaMMljplfÑlMI POIKHEn. droaa W. IM. em Tirana.NaraS laralakad artk parr pipa I are Itera. A kar- - ITampS; mtnouend ar Mapas. "rS-a- 1. bmVL

Ttetni" pwaa a; para, apar prrav. kptelSea ua frrot We km U

YOUNG m.WÁNTE0 TO BUY 4 layad) ayas tan. W PaM

SiilMn. kWM rameal t Creel Realty Co. $3,750Pat rrraoa

'To F.xrhaMage MlfaCLUeOlM 13 Will Build to Suit PrnltWl 41 Step Right In

PkmuMS kaTa 2? ml 'XSJLSS. jpaaaa:nmSmWTTm& Wtty a anlktr - near wka try eochan. Tenant ICH CIA. TOY BUST0SS tug "a--f.prvrtaMeypa mmt aall. lv Wa alnay. am a ao party a korad aM) oaa fajaeat Apply alte. p m III MayarrS.

Alkay. raaraer Myrtre anvonue, onAIS. ra cao Mal deal rar yon. roana. Seery drr ror at kraal II. SM. All lav M.Md, torso.

frS SSX BOOMING HOUSE ler aM. ii pmÍmmpÍ fl Coro, teyltek, Taaaa arwar. 7blM. r.d and p. aa lafyplMted. Wa are tkarZmTjSumT?: en - i litT. - tm mTJSmm L ram mm w a,7,JínmTt-.--LA-Cnoat. Tenas IMalMS. 11.. Bina. atroa. 4mI tnulimnti'SIS leal. altek. Tracao PIrVArt. MnIMf idip"! firaTi FWaoJtaavfa fOT SstlW 14 All of arteypp eeoeo

SuSUBSAN.te. 40


ia Atreved

k FSBAvoou. 5 $2,000 May field Bldg & Imp. Co.

Wmiiil P!at SírTKSm, aaíí' aap trata af I wk'ul. Sf?T!!i' A ' M- -AdaVaee liTSÁ. aaTaiT ',MrNiii ta""mm StJB rajBMTjAr. BBBMIN korn tea opto, atekt mom. tar. m, Sea T. I. NaM. aya r katt I', kteeaa tram rar Una. ePOTOOrn .las lurelturo. eooaa la 7M Nyrtki AM aaad. aanraaart and eaaur termo aa

WUNG MAN -W r.'i & S? ljlmmS"iLm''m Ramey Bros.in L"HrTT!aaí ,Ts: MMt MlnSa J MS Fleet tub Pknaa l7SBS rprat Mppkinl arana B.ualep. 1

'.-' Li SL0BEDrwfaranaea

atanOra SMI.

uta lao oa rAaraSp,, IT TOll KAVfc A fTtuj YUL WAN. SIS Stete. Z"" - w riCTHER IT A A m e M. .0B. lUm mrttLZ us.- -jfo RSftT IT Can s( oiiiOaUfSIENCED .Miiaaii wky. Mat atarpapn rant IHAUNO AN Alt IN IMS cXAdMltLSU OUL EltÁNtJÍMl! READ THE WANT ADS

Mattaa V or ñus papsjl Kavte-'4-k' lUW avatern corn af rarrvka b roo m taoap tálm airi



n T . IroiaTiucTiy , i r ' J JM I am So 'Bolo)

r' I TtMÜK ,5c

líe Moa. ffta a;kho pari5iT

0V ÍTJ? í .ersl nos

LJbILnum m I,

Real Estate wad City Property 48 step gingerly from the swaying freight teeth sre drswn snd whose rsngs have

CITY OFFERS SITE $62,707 Judgment for DEMAND INCREASES TO CONTRACT FOR ears, from the rsrs Isden wlHi cosl and lost their venom.

All San Roberto Company with coke, rrom the nttllng trucks sndIWM ira lene. ofheatlo slant, brealratt aad tironee rrom the shrieking jotirnsls. The sounds Thieves Enter Home as

Tlia bednnMreo delleatety

la tutbiOiM,

A Judgment amounting to M.10T was or discord spelled the one word, "denser!"Rat: hu hart FOR FARM COURSE FOR 1917 ALMANAC ALL SUGAR BEETS Woman Goes to Storebuntt

built-i-window loam, oh

Inrludlad books rite red yesterday In fsvor of the San no Yet, today we who guard bridges and in

monto airmen erto Mining company, suing the American mímela, we who protect the way or HM The residence or Mrs. Msrls Arlss, tíwhlto Moot dio. UdatoaJIy flat otoabloal letal company for jatf.ast for slleget) tourist snd or live Pullman, do not ahrtnk South Kansas street, was entered yesterday

box rxr. We afternoon when Mrs. Arias lef the house toriom Ihe rattle of the rackedatn


ofaaldbull taco,


briol,atoad Ornea

tldoernfeaoar Moa.

la. aarodatar Declines to Donate Part of Park, breach or contract. The suit, filed by Handy Volume of 100,000 Facts Representative of Company do not shiver at the screech of the hested go to a grocery, store for a few minutes.

of Alt Vkta totoM and jltno. Jonas, Jones and Kardle, was tried in the cash, two shirts andbox at the axle's end. The thieves took $43 InVirrua want a nal Maja, yaa'll My tula whoa you but Offers Six Acres Else, Would Prove Indispensable Which Will Build Las Cruces gainedforty-firs- t district court. WO sleep under the edge or tho rnsdbed. some other clothing. Entrance was

$1.000 Oa.li.PRICE


Menttil,. where for the Purpose. The plaintiff company, or which 0. A. in Daily Life. Mill Arrives in El Paso. under the shsdow or Ihe ties. An npltRed with a pass key.car BUY. hand would touch ihe. steps or the Pull-

manMrs. N. Bsylor. 709 Pallas street, reported

Four reama and titeo, leo aoroa. boeeoieat aad stBentley is president, alleged that a con-

tractcar. ir a Irelght car sheds a Iooe the then of her pockethook. containing Bin





alees Boaiorarn Pltn to hsva an Sfrlcultural coumo sdd-- was entered Into between It and the Demand is Increasing rapidly for the 1017 A csnvsss or too Rto Orsnde valley below door, ir a Pullman casis s worn shoe--It In rssh. front tier home yesterdsy srtemoon.M ota CREEL REALTY to the Hlrh crhool are betn? workad derendant company on March 7. IMS handy Almanac, Knryclopoedla and Year El Paso for the purpose or getting contraéis hsppens sometlmei - or ir s whole gondola

Tlmí. Mr SUgar beets tO be delivered to a mill or flat or caboose should fly the track, CAJT. (REKT RKTTRN SOON.whereby the latter agreed to handle 10,- - rlnnlr nrWorl tr. rr.arl.ra fronarrvlout by riaeriuierx of the arhool board. K a little outpost, a rossack post, Would Captain W. 1. Hreet. county clerk. Is gel- -


SCHOOL.NEAR NEW M. WhltakiT. presldpnt of the school board ooo ton$ or Its sine ore. The mines or the at

xfigreat cost, this Is a volume or 410 pages,

made at""'


C. A. Turney. represent twist lueir rrom the red bl or lire lo ting lienor suit will return to Fl PBro fromInches In slxe, containing over one

Six roan,, furaaoo beat; now and madera and Charles 0. Stevens, a member, railed plalntirr are located at Eacatecas, Mexico. hundred tnoussnd facts or great value and ing the Holly Beet Sugkr company, which Ihe blsck Ink or the army i record. Angelei. ral., in ine next iwo vieran.raeaoot: rtal oarfain aad ban buy The plalntirr averred that seven cars or ore will build the ni II. arrived In El Paso yes-

terday.The first night out. when we were called according to a letter received by l apum

la city. frío tS.frOO: tend tara. on the city rounrll yesterday and aaked the well worth knowing. A copy or this workCREEL REALTY CO. under the contract worst delivered and after-

wardsAcconipanled by A. o. Graham, lo protect Ihe bridge we jumped to our Tom Armstrong, al Ihe police slat on yes

should be In borne. Its vest amount076. . 304 atea. city to donate a tract or land In Waihlnr the derendant refused to receive the everycounty farm demonstrator, he will visit reet when wo heard the rattling freight terday morning. He wis seriously injuredor statistics and other information consti-

tuteston Park Tor the agricultural station. The balance. every farmer and land owner In the next train thunder onto the trestle. when lie fell down an t levator shaft In theIt In thea book quito indispensable slept under Ihe steel Sheldon last September while aidingwhilerew days. i.skI m in we Hotcity's rathers. while heartily in favor or the daily lire or everyone, and as a great pubMotel A nat rale or It tho trains crashed snd rslllcil snd In the rescue or sn elevstor boy who hidton orreredFamily a was pros-

pective,girdersnew course tov the lichirlt school, want to Gen. Funston Reaches Institution, it will assist every, rsinuv and thesnd wo slept ana been between the elevatorhosds caughtbeet when awsved ourNcrth lido, two blocki of Carnéale library. Now make a real part out of Washington Park to share in the benefits received from Its growers the Industry over

bulldloff, 41 rooms, oonnactlay bath. Itoaia haat. and decided was first suggested to farmers under the we dreamed our sweet dreams or homo. second floor.Prlee. lo lattlt our ee.ale. reduced from S40.000 to so aralmt agricultural El Valle; Columbus to use.

Elephant Butte project, and a number of I'nder tho Iron rule or the army we are133.000, laaludlnd fornitura. Foraltoro oan bo oafd belnr carried on there. How-

ever, Moderate Price.at $6.500 aad bulldlai can bo loaded at $350 a month. the school board, was orfered six contracts were closed st that figure. A learning. It may lake weeks, It msy tuteQrsaa Inoomo about 1.000 areata ly. Big Income the Have Review Thursday Accordingly, in spite of the enormous ex-

pensesliding scale Is now offered, which will months: but ir It should run Into the yesrsacres city owns southeast of the lake InPitare it. We tola aféate.you art

See Mr. Mullíala. the park and near the wireless towers. By Associated Press.' or preparation and production, It Is give too producer an Incentive to grow we are learning the lesson thst s heartDOUGLAS 0. CR0WELL AGENCY. This N. offered Tor Sou, which practically represents beets of high quality. The new scale pro lilled with red blood has nothing to resr.

land Is considered Ideal ror the pur-poses

Columbus, M., Jan. 15. General Fun121 Milla BJdjh Panne 71.for which ston, Oeneral Its coat to us. we seek no prollt, above the vides IS a ton for all beets averaging It to Whan the order comes flown tho line,

the school wants It. If accompanied by Pershing,new Bungalow.the school board, decides to take this land reached El Valle, the southdrmoit camp of actual cost or handling, but in order that 14 per cent pure sugar; 15.18 I I ror 14 to "protect your post!" there will be no whys

$250 Cash Monthly It will be allowed to use It without any the American punitive expedition In Mexico, regular readers may be Identified, tbe con 14 IS.SS ror 14 to IS, and 13 cents nor whererores tho post will be protected.

BMutnii rmm mmwn Mini charge. today, and Inspected the military detach-ments

pon printed elsewhere In the paper must be a ton additional for every increase of - We have lost the thrill or the child's resrpresented with the t6c. If the Almanac Is cent thereafter. Farmers who or the night; we hsvo gained Hie pride

A. O. there, according to authenticOrahatn, re-portsbuffrt. Bnm( mnwmé far furnut htt. county agricultural demon-

strator, received here to be sent out or town, 6c should be added have held bsck under the old contract era of the man who laughs In the face or thecited dota la, la Baaivtt Udltlon. Larga lat. Tha accompanied the members or the tonight. this cried "danger." but whosefor postage. expected to rind one to their liking. tilings that onceprice ft only iz ko. school board on their call on the city coun- -

This absurdly low price places the book "Tile Holly company must have all the.til THIS AND nVKii is that the CKvrS!prooanie in event the-k within the reach of overybody no one la heel that may bo grown In these valleys,"agricultural class Is started, It will be under DON'T MISS THIS. Cut thlaIll E. Mala St Phne out Slip, en too poor to afford It, no one too rich to; am Mr. Turney, "In order to provide,IllsThV

supervision. close rive cents to Foley Co., MM feel its No one Is so lesrned thst he ample material ror- - tho mill. The rarmer HONE AUTO SERVICEWish You Would Lopk scQool board is scheduled to hold a Ave., CMrsgo, 111., writing your name could not use Its Information; no one is should take a personal interest In the suc-cessmeeting tonight at which action will prob-

ablyand address clearly. You will receive In re TOM SMITH, nr.

buafalow. half as well posted as this little book or the movement, as It will furnish IIbe taken on the offer made by the city turn a trial package containing Foley's him a good profit rrom tba outset, andA National Handbook.arito $6.000;


agriculturalplans will be

course.rormulated for launching Honey and Tar Compound, ror bronchial This Almanac wss rttst published five make his farm Increasingly valuable." Phone 1500coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney pills,

IN lor pain in sides and back, rheumatism, years ago snd each annual edition sinceAll New Car II.M to 08 per hour,

backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and then hss been bigger snd better man ine Dangers Even Lurk, flame Old Bland, 82a Mesa Ave.tanUally heutt, eott $3.400 hi Cathartic previous one, proving its popularity In a

Mi art worth $3.000. Will tall at $5,250; Foley Tablets, a wholesome snd of theeffective As evidence700 Dtoca. of that oaaoat. moat otartínate. abnormr Iraaea n 1 tol thoroughly cleansing cathartic, especially moat manner. in Soldiers' Tents nin.vi BURT A BIT.

great demand. It will Interest our readerswnStoJU! romrortlng to stout persons. A. E. Ryan,BRING YOUR MONEY WITH V0U. to know that the paper used In prlrttlng IMcot'too. two full lata, olote ta hleti aebaal Iff. MS. Owl Drug Stores. Adv.

117 edition act lly weighed over seventy at Railroad Bridge MKIIS II HIM. AND PICOT EDGIM.oaly $4.500: one iMrd oath, balance taay or would We arc the originatorstrade for eraer houtt. tons, and tr placed In one long band. M DONE In the best msnner on all

0ABSIDY A NEEL. MP- Inches wide, would extend from New York By FRANK CHAKilK. kinds of material at moderate pricesetnt to Honolulu. A man may learn anything. He may think snd work gdsranloed. of Modern Painless

This remarkable demonstration of the pop-

ularitythat lie can spell "dangsr!" Yet, wlien tho SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.

Wanted Real Estate 50to Buy CLASSIFIED or our Almanac Is not only the 20$ South n Paso. Plume.days are counted and he rare the Utile

Á of Its merit but siso because it is a things thai happen through the hours ha Dentistry in El PasoQuick buyer genuinely good Investment, giving its full begins to realise that the cry of "wolf!Wd ban avtiemer far tiaialj If you Business, Telephone and Professional moneys worth of satisfaction. wolf!" carries no conviction. There Is no BUSINESS GETTERS HsavsnUMr, ws doa'l cistm to have aiobam a aarfajn.Sat Head, will. Answer Everyone's Questions. woir. pateoied Mlbodt thai others do nol or

This handy reference book Is the flrslj There are very raw old men In the world. Personal letter go right straight cannot usa. These belong to the quaraRaw Bros. and have all who playa upon the ignorance of theiry aid to the forgetful snd the nnsl authority The aged ones still call themselves young. home. We know howThst sonmBIREC regarding daougtry.tSS Flnt Nadaaal Bank Bulldlai. TORY facilities. Toll us what you want; patients

on all Its subjects. The thousand and one iiehlnil them all, despite th years, lies of orflces last a certain length or tun,facts we have known and rorgotten aro to the time or lire when the darkness we will no i lie rest, uive ua a trial loan depart for new rields or sell out.be found here, completely indexed Tor quick its multitude or resrs. PHONE 1717. We have been in Ei Paso ihr yeareAUTO STAGE LINES Hang This Up In tour Horn or Office for Quick Reference It Will Save reference, and many unfamiliar rarts and The rustle of the wind In the corn; tho Public Stenographic Exchange and are building our business on saf

EL P CRUCES AUTO LINE.Tou Time. If Tou Want Tour Bualneaa Listed Here Can MM statistics can be ascertained with equal sigh or tbe north wind through the pines; lit Mill nolldlnc- - aroun




whole soulWe


en' and Aak for tba Advertising dlsDsteh. the swinging or the oak theMORNING TIMES DELIVERY. Department. limb, across ihe good will and beat word of our fail

Be dor' I oar loaaa nanear Plaea, Rami of Hotel During the twelve months to come, the shingled roor the crashing or the low beluga, and Btsan to have Itbalaca daily and Buuday at 6 SO a. Be. handy Almanac. Encyclopoedla and Year rock down the railroad cut; tbe cry-

inglbs price hat of dental work pubilsoeu

rarasi ti rata u CaaaUUo. 16c: ABUuaut. U N; Accountants ' Moving Kook for IM7 will bo consulted more fre-quently

of the crossed limbs in the sycamores Use Tut tl V Here with can 0 absolutely relied upon,



$t 00.Maaaulla. I1.M; Maulla lera. $1.7.

P0Ü80M BROS, a CO Ma Phi MDWVIliai. SÍ CHlom TrtMer . than the dictionary and its infor in the moonlit cemetery. IMPERIAL. PAINT i testified to by lb very best clieuislaUoiuruiod auto Untóte E. T. lobu New, sued. it wraaaa. e

mation may be accepted ss positively aa If They all cried "wolf!" And there was G uavrantoetlIn El Paso. Th prloea are the lowest

for riue, accural work.Laa Cruvat. p. in. Pbooa Its. Musical nrocured from the fcnrycioponaia orinan no wolf. possibleSmall tatarata jarlraiat oarriad at hwhii,oj raioa. Accountants Certified nica. Indeed, It is Its dependability and There was only the warm aouth wind THE TUTTLE PAINT A Gold Orowaa, U karat. to $.00

Uaka raaorvaUou. Uta ulybt baton at Timet affloa. 'a. allots.. reaw tasaT authenticity that marks this volume smong and tba grsat full moon and the rest of CLASS COMPANY Urldae Work. 4 to SS.UO..PH0BOQ:aPH BtCOBÓ Itc.i.t, reference books. Its contents, first and the world aa It passed under the noon Rubber Pial ....... and up

uuatsux CaJItUlUCO MAtt UJÜ. roe a, r tare aaa. .71. Berta S taatea. Pbaaoalaat, ara tba complete, impartial truth. tide, sun. Gold OTIitnaa Si and up

ruuao, Adding Machines New and SdMad-Hataa-ai r. I-- WISe Illvrrsltv of gubeets. Among sll tbe men or the world above Silver FUUnas M aad up

o. aun autva. i api tai. and t: atUM Bias. thousand distinct sub the creeping age there lives the rearWuia ateaa a UuoUfb daUl 0U8HS aodla aaadUaae. rear fad furniture Ida There sre ovar s Patuleas Mcaareiod oaob way botoraan aoaaratl dad U l ean, bALfOfl ur aeeaa laaa aw ataar


We, íf tacts in this book snd only s few csn be power and or weight. Every day we race

30 muiiuoe lor luucti la farflanao. K. If. It In the the with than Ita mentioned Per necenuy-man- innnrai ano mighty engines and long trains No dentist lasa ysars axB. W. traía a loare all Faao at l:M l a. Auto at T. aa. Thurnton O. M. Glider in our ornea. All work ibsori,ee itoaoeU ID a. at. S. P. A B. W. traía f Assayers sute taws, astronomical calculations, sport-

ingthai pass us by the roadway. perlenco

ariiva ai Paao M p. at. Only a twain boar trie JosHamdtwJtawe ' records, rules governing the grsnllng In the daya or our Palm Beach suits lutely guaranteed, lady attendant. Sonoffices 10 Kl Paao. Call and le-

apedrtaoao. &.. tatanaaallau púlate er par aaUa. or psssportt, various weights and raeasuras, the months when we wore the clothing of CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS sanitaryLoam

carried up to 17$ puuada $0 puund free, otto agrlcultursl snd household hints, snd postal our own buying, we used to bsck and sideNational Bank Bull dina.

SWELL aiTO OOMPAJfT. Auto Service regulstloos will Illustrate the diversity of CityQamare aaU Otrortlma. Faaaal II Tmnr. Pavementa subjects. Phone SSSS El Paao, Texas New York PainlessPaXU 4. UTO UJOL other interesting chaplera are on woman

Ihe greal war, rainpflre girls, the KINKYsuffrage,Boyad trip aailr (taaaat auaja.), aao St, - Waa tftMHiUaatTtutkay. SdaBarbecued MeaU Tm aaa. Hsgue Tribunal, South America, foreigntask sniiuasa aiuar acinic tbip.Globe to Pho old ffla Uouoerolt Um. dLpaXHS Il PaaO Mam - atuU añ commerce, boy scouts. Rockefeller founda-

tion,DentistsPlumbera United sutes government, army and Custom ASSAY Office

Suae Co. Off loa. Uouilaloa HotaL Oloua, aria. rev THi c,tv plusibinb etc.Chininey Sweeps navy, rHITCH ETT FERGUSON BUCKXJBRPnooe im lLWLÓdaUP, Tables, earefully complied, give such im-

portant HAIR BVDOMO6OLL0N nAliiLIIMi a AUTOaOBILS Cbemlata, MelallurglataHSBJUPttLTtilP. Sit .iíKíT data aa the progress or the United Aaaayers,

OVER ELITE CONFECTIONER TSedes RabatVn.Uaib Paaaaoaer tarrto. ta aod frota all pata la ta events In tbe world's history, 'Ropreaan tail ras for Ore shippers.greetBUtea,tvaon Slfror Clu aad BUrar caja 10 Han Pran-lae- Si.on ameai or aauia F.TraZ Ma SIT. " Ovil Engineers SOALS. StPA.,?U. ,ns a k..,. , . a, distances between cities or tba United Htralgtit, NEW LOCATION.

El Paao, Texas.a. re-- up Lrroeot flutes, population or cities and countries, taoft, Cliy.WTt. aiOtS. Ii Ut" n.- - raaai 47S. SsCattlMóáiiou alirtor "iraaotl ff, Qw.tte l snd explorations and discoveries. IcturrbyllBLngiCleaners and Pressers

a U UNIOS MAI a TA1LOBIMS CO. ata City Jailers Nowbiacaaa si a ""r- rwmf HEROLIN UK. SHir.Ml NT OF

rare one waj. $6 00 t lona uuo, JAP CLkAa.nU W0BKS. Ill aan Ja.laia t. SflL tmrmüwiíiírZi Have Three Shiftsill. aato tut aaa monea bids mi sjj Baseball and Tennis Goodst. umosbwooo a oseas justicü Pra-- Dentista HrUR 1)111 ,SSI N i

The city jailers will have three shifts of Mattatoofc orC ununyos. A. t. aoB, o.utnu, e stuia asas.eight hours each. Tba new system started oiu UM. OF 'BPORTI.NtJ OOD8 IS THE BESTTransfaraaxd St Jas apata a little H droll a

KA1LKOAU TIME TAELE ON. aaUOMIMV MS Ullla BnSa rara ore. last Sight when Pablo Delgado, former court aa aaa tee tba blata You will always find our aux-- of fl reevnaar complete and up toaneauee Man 1. ISIe. I rail Ddjtective Agencies Heei ra

Oarafalail tr aad

ere.le, Alee MéllZ m Ir.terpreter, was SPPOUttsd lo Ihe poaltloii of aalr tlrnl eaten ant. UIM HENl'EK tXX REMINGTONCI Paaa a aaataaeatars ASC

atdaa Jailor by Chisr B. I. taornxie na asPrank

mea EeliTrelraée etralfSt. aateatb.ak..

aMSa.balf U O. Ssnlth asad Parker Shotauita. Rlxlea of all txvnkea. BuaUns

a iisat C. STANkaL OllanllVt Tawdarinists" his posllloo ss night Jailer last night, Oraaeladrruui ut nona aaa o atI aaaaajt Cue Helta and SU arweaaofiaa hunters raquira.ta,I California M.LILLAB BSOb aasiah. day Jailor, win wont rrom a a draft aad lesbia at Uie enil aad fallía)

m rmm. uotfl I in. Jack Miller, will work fromp.

I liaalad crsT-- Typewriters r mmp. ML until to p. m. Delgado win work ""See tsTietaeree

Sold on aat

teat a) for a

eoaraatee.Ms aaa af SHELT0N-PAYN- E ARMS CO.Uoideu ktata4 from 10 at until s a. mlaii p. HtSOLIbJ áSOICIMI CO.. Aresela (ia.I coaaer cue - an THI kit aiuitat BITtCTIVI Al

a . ubi Mona ana km LHaaaal oauaauoa avada, of otett anal irtiliiil a M ill ft. rOR If TEXAS UT.1 Caltflwrata ..,...,..,... Jjaoaai adde- - aayaaaaar tan. SSS AfENTS WANTEDs frrtit1 anata lainiiT-- ryot nanean Mans anna Body Found Mangled TERMSí Soaaaaart So laao Laaal Tanksa too M, añal dea in Quarry Machinet CdSSMi Cttr awoolal L. . u .,

gaaaa taa Kaña and "W--. .11 da'aat! The body of Mateo Perilled, 40 years old.

!fi tt"n2-- tSSLi .. daip. ia to Rent was round mangled In the machinery of a r Mgas Mat kadl apaíll aiUMOV Heiaak rnrat Pb. SJaV B. aaiarrv slain at the Dudley 4t Orr qitsrry MBBBaad taéiat t swiTOMta ano pusraSIS aVsaaaa CMS ilia as Liatsr Mouot r ranklln Saturday mornlug at I

r LLfniture Packing and Repair tail ocurra. Ai ' "i mil aw t!""1Iiaasaa lata11.11 PACAian, aiuaian aaa ...... Transiera calvad a fracturad ahull. His head wss

S l'oami IS aa a uv badly cut. He Is believed to have bdnsn

aaVnla" killed Instantly after being esagbt In tba 11U anneal I lulledKaBBBBBBBBBW $ ataaaaa adatan machinery. He lived st lilt Call flan Ants aWneot aaaaraat tdddaaa Hairdreesing

PAS S TBANSPfB Pa.a. "jjfj tonio streot

lSa::::::::::::::::::7 hAIBSBaMokdl Smrntm aan ibar$aBs IW reieniwy ourg airrca mar vmu ditch goal.Vina ataavasaaaa, atoooaie Maaine auaa.

By ASS ratlaaSd Press.leoaaar DdVatafaTS nautariaiiaa. Jan. is. Taw

Dutch nav has begun damarlaiaaili la topaso isoa Aao atiAi. m-t- IW.lata in antea) ana. maaer. aaaaMr.

m use of Iniuir uiiiirii coal, in hithertooU. mono ISSd bean regarded as unsuitable, for bunker

fcias ssfTts alF TiflUt Sé. asrsar df Lmm Burptafas. The seal is iwnd to tba pro-vine

I v IKK a old coin, Cuacad repraaaou Nattue't best, I M JH I d fjg BsJof lluaburg. whirr Lb field a hav I ueaUd ta luf a l laaaaaaaaae, eunSad ta perfcalWu. aSauif.4 Hafl M aaaWBHIl. ti Baal XL PASO lis been greatly davalopad alnr Mm war hogan, I aaitll taa aaaWi nad aánalttoa t h staaSarS the waarld H ttJIlajM IIanil II will SO tanta Hi n iori 01 untas pMi

Wagon Yards for aavv us. Th sal of bout nUiiod cual OoaaVaada' ho Ofaf OoaM lkml HJtBWMBBtMui Holland list risen from uk.uuu lona la ISlt IfSVUXSti!. raaaat lo letaaVSOS nuns In tin. I OSO A. DtCSJU. k Co. DitiUmr MdVWVtUUB, TBMM. W , J H'


Tíaaaf fTfjg RMS) CoHV C. L. PARMER, Stat Agent, Waco. TaaasT17 Hwím tj Mmtfg We do not Boliolt nor akip ardáis from dry territories ta violation of Teas



he roitld not apeak He could only nod to el than some of the other doertmnt Vrtala persons were iatktad lo Iba onnrcHW Gets First $5 Request for Sanatoria for Mas SWs.WANT EL PASO TO the questions aaked him try the county at-

torney.many of UM txanka betnt slewed away hi oman ton.

After the statement ra written ( nhhy hole on the fourth floor. Tubercular Prisoners !Jiyi,i rnYXhi .malar alarird Manuel Santa I.Ionia Prize for Recruiting aiaaaiaat LiecMaaa.

and viruei ha r who are hetn held in nprtunrntTower of Babel Drama C. WaaxMT. Blt,. IltrlrrrnniifTtloti with the raae. were present Atlanta, la., Jan. 18. Ta remimno t rapDON GALA ATTIRE when itonaalet aimed the statement, which Idly ontirtpp'nr laar maactilln rivals In By Associated Presa.

at Trial ofra. military arrair, a a tu Install aa. Ilka Stockholm. Sweden. Jan. II A special"t am a police officer. I wan on duty B"d cross committee representing Sweden,Joan of Arc, lead in the lure of Ihe fltrtrl-in- r

mrtn before laet and on the momln of Obtcent Letter Charge man. In the activtuea of the po tm aster Oermany. Austria Hunrar y Rnaata and BankJanuary II About If II in the mornlnr campaign for recruits ror the United states Penmark. which has been mtttnr her nn State Nationallighting "J Decoration to Out of January 14, In the alley between Planum I'nttrd atate Commissioner Samuel kelly-- marine corps, the rirst person to recelen tier ihe charmanahlp of M. I.arerherra, for-merand Pan Jacinto and between rlxth and " the reward ror the securing of a recruit SxredHh minister of fore'gn afalr.mtrip Anything in Paat, for offlre resembled the couruslcm thatenth 9ireei, I met two Man. I aoe the men

lh construction of Ihe Tower of for the 'soldier of ihe sea" waa a wom ha recommended lo Ihe governments ol Established April, 1881Belief. now: I are theme two defendants I am Oermany, y and Bussia thatStockmen' heyi Meet, i he 1 erterday afternoon At the trial an. Mia Mary Rodihll handler of Ihe malls

i.itive these two defendant are the men. In Oa enlisted Hlrhard l,ew: ixtriel sanatotis he fsuhllshen in thesewhoof Adrian i.'Babrler on a chartr of denoit Forsyth.I rcrotrnlie their fare pnsltl val.v I nahd mr an ohaeene letter In the mall there fonder of that place, according to rim countries for the treatment of consumptive Capital, Surplus and Profits i. .$200,000.00

Tti several rommltlr naniea lo ffarrv rrrv flaah llrht In their face and aw ihem sergeant F.rnc.t It nlway. or the toral prlaoner. of war. II aurresled that medwa one witness who was French, but'l I wa dressed In a police uniform leal eonim sslons he appointed In each Interest raid AccountsSavingstmt ttia lana of the i liarnher of commerce dldn"l mind testir.tiaa In Spanish, the coitrt matine corps recruiting station onattempted to put lhee tn defendants Thar mav he notninr m a name. ehnntry. each commission to he composed

for th animal mnrentinn r,f the Panhanrtlr under "arreal and thla defendant muted Oalway. hut he waa toe rirat, and of one neutral physician, one military phy- - C R. MORRHEAD. Preeldent JOflBPH IIAOOfTIN, Vice rras.Butwln HMÜUM I assnriatlnn III 'lotos, ahot me :wlce. once in the fare and that make one poner." slrlal. and one Red Cross repreaentatlpe C. N. BAWBTT. OBORQB D. FltORT, Caahlar.

couldho was Franeh and speak Spanish.meet at tftr Chamber of i omnre r - rmea in the len hand and both of them The would receive and m- U J. OILCHRT8T, AaxM Caahler.bul preferred In italk French because heftiirnivin m o'rlix k I" onipirr note anil rtn Only one of them had a pistol that I testrate all eotoplalnts from prisoners.waa'more ure of himself talklnr thatIn arrsmrr .Irtart- - not already attrnrtert I I did not nave my platol out at the Schoolboy Injured at villi prison ramp, and sea that tuberru- -

tonrtie. and hare a French interpreter warTV nrna-ra- and t.alae have been ar- - tinrnr"1 for and the pnnliitty wll in' needed.

With Comradeshaul, hut thrr are manr reataras of thi-


The fnvernmenl'a charm was lhal Adrian Playwhlrh must ! taken I Addition Planned for Cbabrter mailed to one Jeanne Tottrre.convention up BANKING BY MAIL By hrliurlnfr or arndlnjr the? coupon printed be-

lowOIK: then-hir- the mertlnr of this wife of a chihuahua city merchant, a lat-

ter Lulan. while playing with everal toanrther with Stc. yon cam make 11 7II I hoped thnt In the matter of Arizona Stale House; settlnr fonlh thai the writer would ichool matea at the Alamo school yeater-da- 1917 your banner year, becauee you will then poav

street and pnhlir Imlldlna decoration llirr" certain mailer lo her husband If .afternoon at o'clock, fell down and Compound eeaat a cony of oar HANDY ALMANAC, i swill N murh mor done thla rear than ever to Have Domed Lobby he did not nd a certain named perron received a fracture of the left leg ahora 4 CYCIjOPEDIA and yf.ar book.MB. The woman lestined lie received thehas t wi attempted by w in tlmaa Ihe knee. He alan sustained a had thnuaeput. The same U ITUC r t an:l m. letter, which was not slimed, but did not on the back. It I said that several of his Interestknow who had written It. except that th It aetlle roar arrtunenta, nnirvrem your qnnsUctna, aid yosar mem-

oryinr Illumination at nlirtil while Um rnnvm-to- By Time arterial rorrertondent. playmate fell on himI in Reunion. I'hoenli, Arlf.. Jan. 15 An additional arcuaed called for Ihe anaw-e- r al the MMV The Injured boy wa hrougnt to wa and nivea you a vast amount of valuable Information 1 00, one

rmmr In the fari that tlie amusement) wlna-- . parallel to tlie preent capítol build rrrtoc here and he drew conclusion there-from.

emerrency hospital and attended by PoJsjV RKQPK8T for our nw facta In dIS paajea.

hetnr prepared for the flatter at thla con-

ventioninr, ant feet lonrer than the rtlsllnr Accused teatlfled he was aaked hy lice surreon n. n cajnan. l ater he was ial free booklet, "Banklna;(ttmctiire will be erected In the rear nl Ihe person named to call at 1he El Paao toy M4I," carrlax with Itare on a tamil inoro elaborate arale taken to his lyorne, tot South Virginia atreat,

than ever attempted hy Fl Papo befnnr.t the tale home. If a bill In tin Hitofflc3 for anv mall thai mlrht ba ad-

dressed in the patrol waron. wsjen the noapiiat am no obllg-atlo- to open an ac DO NOT DKIY OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED19 hellevrd that the croxvrt whlrh will Te ttate aenate by Henatnr Rntherrord, of Ya-

vapaihim, and that witness knew noth-In- r balance failed to arrive at the station, after count, and all we aak 1 an op-

portunityattracted to the nty on that nrcaalon will rtounly. become a law. Plana for the of the letter to the woman or the ex the boy had been tn the emergency hospital to explain clearly whythe thronra which flocked In new addition were prepared by i.enher and I acted answer, performing only a faVor for an hour.eieeed eren over your amvinga ahould earn 4 per U CUP THIS COUPON TODAY.kibhey. Phitenli archltecta, two yeara ar. for a ftiand. whom he had known al Ch-

ihuahuahere last nrfciher to sec the oll rrodu City. The arreal or the arcuaed. cent, and why your money willFor that reason the committers and are now on file with the board or conexposition.

Ml It leeim, had followed hi calling for the be abeolutely aafe If At by mall IHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimilllllentertain the hope that there will !e a veryreneral disposition on the part or orrnjiant The new addition wonld be connected nwe the woman havlnr turned over DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS lo thle lnatltutloiv You may

of the I. ml, lin whlrh line the downtown with lh. btilldlnr by a wide, he letter with the demand lo the federal ud CANDIES have occaalon toenhank us forstreets to decorate and illuminate more lobby, urmoiinted by I larre dnn authorities and clerk In Hie postorrice be SHERBETS th'la BURKcatlon. Hetewith find 35r. for one copy of the HANDY

the pace in Mil part of the Inhhy would Inr on the lookout for anyone who would ALMANAC FOR 1917. If Almanac la be aeradfreely than they hate dime In the paat Write today, and aak for our to mailed, cwhich he Phonaw 347 .nd 348he ttaed tnt--n exhibition hall, for the call for the anawer. aent onIt m the hope of in. ommltlee havlnr In Now Booklet. I extra to pay poatage.of the authorities.of hiatortr and Tor mem-

orialdiplay obJecl9,rharire the work of stairiiiir the Rln

feature or the week's enter tablet. In the new wmr prnrlalnn At the conclusion of the testimony Wa delirar "RIGHT NOW Iftalnment

aportathat a liberal appropriation may i made for the atiprenie court. IB 9 attornev kolly bound the man over t.. wanted or PROMPTLY at nay EL PASO BANK I I Herewith find $4.20 for a man the' auheicriplion 3

he made for publicity purpoaea. With reneral and the tale llhrarv. TlMM would Jury In the sum or tl.ton. incident-ally, given tima bsHwean T a. am. and to the Times, Including a free copy of the HANDY AL-- I

I floor. The Cttabner I a veterair- - of Ihe MTVthe econdave quarter onproper advertising It lx iieved that not Up.. : MAN AO FOR 117. AU obararaa prepaid.only contestants for the luv prlzea offered, Irrigative chamberí are to be located on r.tniiiiH al Verdun and enjoya a nominal AND TRUST CO.

Hie third floor and Hie rallerlna and alore pension from Ihe French royeninient.hut hundred" of spectators from Kansas Phone U Your Orderikt, iimalia. lalliafo and other dl9tant room on the third floor. The rrnund floor A Guaranty Fund Bank

would be rlvpn over to the late enrlneer.rltlai will be attracted to F.I Piso durlnirlh" adjutant rcnrral and a number of

convention week. TheElittCoiftctioneryCo. El Paao, Texainiall offlcei.If erected the new addition would pro Auto Transit Co. 5 1 For Almanac only, put crema (X) tn upper square andOfficer Gonzalez, in vule enouaii room in the evittnr btilldlnr crvrlcuse SS cent. By mall II centa.n. acionunodate the ripMly p'nwinr tale

Hospital, Indicates land departtiH'nt. the poitWfwUoa rnmml E a For air months' subaciiptlon to the Times antl AlmanacShortion and Ihe tale tat rommlloii. til or Trip Free, pat cross (X) in lower sanare and enclose S4.30.Alleged Assailants ll.ee departnienl are rrow1ed at present

rid in the ease or Ihe land departmenl have L.U1VIF COAL. HiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiTl en obllred to place desks in the, lobby 25cThe tatemenl of Policeman Vidro 10 provide a place ror clerk to work. Thewho wa lint twice early Sunday late enrlneer. the superintendent of pub PROMPT DELIVERY An excellent New Year's Gift. Secure a copy for yourself and

mornlnr, was Uken yesterday al the local Mr: Inatriirllon and the mine Inspector ha'i send coplea to your friends, or lot us mail them for you.hoaptUI where he a pallrnt, by luMM heen ohlired lo rive up their office to Hi. No Fords New CarsJante M. Deaver and Co nty Attorney w. H. Rlalalurr - they did two years aro, ano Address: EL PASO MORNING TIMES, EL PASO, TEXAS.Fryer. One or the hilllel look erreet In the the adjutant yeoeral will also hav M (tm Phone 1890. 412 Mill St. Or call at BRANCH in.--

, Texas Street.orfieer's left Jaw and Hie ..Hut In hi left up in Qtianari adJoloJnf tin- house chain--

wrlat of the wound in the Jaw l.i r. The tale library Is even more eniwd--






-- wnssga &íx.--FORENOON A



over, break-

fast VIA THISthings cleared away NOON A HURRYand the house in order, UP DINNERthe Home-Buy- er turns The Home-Buy- er is serv-

ingwM U :tfvvlr AFTER SUPPER. I

to her companion, the a nourishing though ROUTEmorning paper, and hurried dinner for the fam-

ily.through its advertising She has in raind a :30 BEGINS HER I jv pi icolumns is informed of shopping tour for this after SHOP DUTYcurrent values. noon. As the biggest part of the THEN COME CALLERS

Home - Buyer's "help --

meet" partnership is toeconomize, she hastens toThese take advantage of the M. BUYING

values she saw advertised DONE STARTSin this Morning's Paper. HOME TEN - RM.

The Home - Buyer has TIRED OUT-(JO- ES

made her purchases and is TOIllustrations on her way home. Arrivinghome she is occupied with AFTER SUPPERthe preparation of the even-


Prove Conclusivelv the meal. TO BEDAfter the supper hour the

dishes are cleared away,and the Home - Buyer THEN COME

Value of the Morning Paoer bathes the children and CALLERSas tucks them in bed. The Home-Buy- er fresh-

ens herself up a bit, and

an Advertising Medium, as the Woman pleasanthavewelcomes






Does Eighty Per Cent of the World's Buying andThe


Home-Buy- er

JOhave gone

istired out with the day's

Talk Over That Advertising Campaign You Have in Mind With a Times Ad-Ma- n. activities and preparesA PHONE CALL TO 5050 WILL BRING ONE to retire for the night.